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Steve 9696
02-06-22, 14:09
What happened to your relationship with her? Why and how did it end? Could be instructional for me.There are a variety of innocuous ways it can end like she gets a better paying job or she realizes she is uncomfortable with this lifestyle (realizing it's sex for money or realizing that being out with an older man gets her the death stare — both these have happened) but the single biggest thing I caution against is advancing money.
I of course know that paying ahead is a bad idea in P4 P but I am not talking about that here. What I am talking about is when you are fully engaged with a girl for a time you will grow to know her and like her deeply (despite her flaws) and yes, care about her. You will also grow closer to her personal life (if you don't specifically cordon this off). And as a result, when she gets in a money bind, you might advance her some funds. You are thinking "well we will meet up again and we'll even out". But this is not what happens. Instead it hurts the relationship. Not intentionally really but my experience is it's hard / impossible to get her out again if you advance her a PPM or two. It's not that she's a scammer. You know her better by that point — I think they just need money and that feeling of "seeing you for free" when they could see someone else for money. Well it's no contest.
Anyhow it's happened a couple times. Usually can be healed with more money. LOL. But the idea of an advance against future dates def tends to kill things off. Least that is my experience.
But the single biggest thing I caution against is advancing money.Already thought about this, and it's one thing that won't happen with me. I'm very, very firm about it. Been there and done that a long, long time ago with "regular" girlfriends who start feeling entitled. They "deserve" it they start telling themselves. Not going to happen. There will be no advances of funds. And if that causes things to end, then so be it. I'm a monger for crying out loud! Walking away from some pussy is damn easy for me. Because I know there's some new pussy to be had somewhere else. I said NSA (no strings attached). And I meant it too! And a deal's a deal. It's $250 per meet, about twice a month, and that's final! We're not rewriting the contract.
Elvis 2008
02-06-22, 17:01
What happened to your relationship with her? Why and how did it end? Could be instructional for me.Cane,
When I first started this, I was married. I had two women I would see once every 2 weeks. They were both gorgeous and given how enamored you are with your one, I would keep looking for a second one.
Early on, I thought it was amazing. Both women were stunning. Guys would whistle and stare at both of them. I was married, beaten down, and convinced that I could never have such women like that in my life when the truth is I could. I thought they were just interested in my money.
I get divorced and what I realize is that finding a hot woman without money is not hard. The hard part was actually getting them to realize I was not full of shit like everyone else. You would not believe how many women, even stunning ones, are dead ass broke.
I paid $400 a meet and saw the women every two weeks until I divorced. Then I was interested in others. I got more and got them for less. Eventually, I gave up on my two beauties.
I had a friend I saw in another state. Eventually, I would bring my women out to meet him. There was a married one and he said, "It is too bad she is married. She was the best one. " Later on, he told me that he thought one other girl might turn out okay but the rest were trash, and he was right. The one that "might be okay" was really the only one I missed a little. I did miss another girl I met a little, but I knew she was crazy.
And that is the secret of SA. You meet women who can do amazing things in bed and outside and look amazing, but in the USA, they are all fuck ups. There will always be something you can not put your finger on but it is there: drugs, booze, inability to handle stress, cannot manage money ETC, but it will be there. The only normal girl I had as a SB was not on SA and from another country where screwing for money was not the scarlet A it is in the USA.
If you are married, you will take your little sips of sex like a man wandering the desert finds an oasis. It will be enough. However, if you can see her a lot, eventually, you will want to try others. That amazing sex you just had will become routine. The women will typically give less and expect the same $$ or even more. They will have these money emergencies, and you help them out and a second later it is forgotten.
Right now, you remind me a little of the guy Jeff at the 9:49 mark in this video:
The reason I went abroad was that I found the same women who looked great and were great in bed, but at least some were not screwups.
The first two or three SBs were with condoms. Then it was like I do not accept anything but going bare and I did not even have to say it, the women somehow knew they just had to go bare.
Someone finally asked me why I only went out with beautiful women. He had a point, but my response was simple, "Because I can. " So yeah, congrats on hooking up with one and getting her bare ETC but you can find another like her. I know you can. I just want to make sure you know that you can. One woman who was a stunner herself said, "Those witches are not going anywhere."
...Anyhow it's happened a couple times. Usually can be healed with more money. LOL. But the idea of an advance against future dates def tends to kill things off. Least that is my experience.If you have the budget, just give it without expecting anything in return. My buddy recently told me how much money he gave to a girl. I don't want to mention the number here because it would sound ridiculous. It worked out well for him. I know about it for more than a year because I said I would chip in to help too. At that time, my only advice to him was don't try to find the truth and don't expect any thing in return. The girl now is back to her own country. She and her family are set for the rest of her life because the money she has received. It's a long story so this is the short version.
The reason I did not stop him was because he saw me did something similar in a smaller scale and that's what he told me. LOL.
SA is more expensive than Tinder or Cupid. Is there any other difference between them? Is SA better in anything?
My SA account is getting suspended whenever I try to buy subscription. Anyone have the same issue.Where are you located? I am in Canada. I tried to create an account and it didn't work.
My SA account is getting suspended whenever I try to buy subscription. Anyone have the same issue.Yes, I had the same thing happen. You need to call Customer Service and have them manually process the payment. Good luck getting anybody to answer the telephone!
I get divorced and what I realize is that finding a hot woman without money is not hard. The hard part was actually getting them to realize I was not full of shit like everyone else. You would not believe how many women, even stunning ones, are dead ass broke. And that is the secret of SA. You meet women who can do amazing things in bed and outside and look amazing, but in the USA, they are all fuck ups. There will always be something you can not put your finger on but it is there: drugs, booze, inability to handle stress, cannot manage money ETC, but it will be there. The reason I went abroad was that I found the same women who looked great and were great in bed, but at least some were not screw ups. Someone finally asked me why I only went out with beautiful women. He had a point, but my response was simple, "Because I can. " So yeah, congrats on hooking up with one and getting her bare ETC but you can find another like her. I know you can. I just want to make sure you know that you can. One woman who was a stunner herself said, "Those witches are not going anywhere."I get it. Totally! I'm old enough and dated long enough to know that broke, gorgeous girls are everywhere you look LOL! Also, I already know that the one that I'm with now is fucked up in some kind of way. Already drips and drabs have come out from her. Money management issues. Relationship issues. Depression over her circumstances. But, I don't care as I'm not interested in any kind of serious relationship with her. Never have been and never will be. And, she's not having my baby! So, that's that. And dude you don't have to tell me there's plenty of fish in the sea. I'm a monger remember? I just wish I'd had a man in my life when I was growing up who could really tell me what's what about dealing with women. Anyway, I'm working on setting up a meet and greet with another one this week. Younger, tighter, white, and blonde! Recent college grad. Yes Lord! My man Steve! LOLOLOL!
SA is more expensive than Tinder or Cupid. Is there any other difference between them? Is SA better in anything?SA is about relationships between older men and younger women. I have not been on Tinder, but I don't understand that to be the focus of Tinder at all. I'm sure it can and does happen, but if you want to maximize hooking up with much younger women, then I think sugar daddy sites would be the better way to go. If you can tolerate the knee-deep bullshit you have to wade through that is LOL! And, it definitely is expensive! I signed up for a three-month membership. At this point, I doubt that I will renew. I'm getting some numbers. Lots of numbers in fact. If I can build up a "practice" with a small stable of girls I'm fucking, that would be fine by me. No need to remain on SA.
There are a variety of innocuous ways it can end like she gets a better paying job or she realizes she is uncomfortable with this lifestyle (realizing it's sex for money or realizing that being out with an older man gets her the death stare both these have happened) but the single biggest thing I caution against is advancing money.
I of course know that paying ahead is a bad idea in P4 P but I am not talking about that here. What I am talking about is when you are fully engaged with a girl for a time you will grow to know her and like her deeply (despite her flaws) and yes, care about her. You will also grow closer to her personal life (if you don't specifically cordon this off). And as a result, when she gets in a money bind, you might advance her some funds. You are thinking "well we will meet up again and we'll even out". But this is not what happens. Instead it hurts the relationship. Not intentionally really but my experience is it's hard / impossible to get her out again if you advance her a PPM or two. It's not that she's a scammer. You know her better by that point I think they just need money and that feeling of "seeing you for free" when they could see someone else for money. Well it's no contest.
Anyhow it's happened a couple times. Usually can be healed with more money. LOL. But the idea of an advance against future dates def tends to kill things off. Least that is my experience.I feel like I have complete access to the Tao of Steve. (That's not sarcasm. That's a compliment.).
02-09-22, 18:02
What happened to your relationship with her? Why and how did it end? Could be instructional for me.
Due to COVID we weren't able to meet up as frequent near the end. Both had situations where we were just about to meet and had to quarantine.
Had the last few times we met she didn't even want to be paid so the subject never arose. I helped pay for something which wasn't even half of the PPM we had agreed one time.
Then she had some family issue come up and didn't hear from her again.
It was a bit odd because before we were regularly chatting.
Steve summed it up in a great way.
Had another who I only met 2-3 times and could see she didn't like the lifestyle with the association of sex and money so "openly".
02-09-22, 20:39
SA is about relationships between older men and younger women. I have not been on Tinder, but I don't understand that to be the focus of Tinder at all. I'm sure it can and does happen, but if you want to maximize hooking up with much younger women, then I think sugar daddy sites would be the better way to go. If you can tolerate the knee-deep bullshit you have to wade through that is LOL! And, it definitely is expensive! I signed up for a three-month membership. At this point, I doubt that I will renew. I'm getting some numbers. Lots of numbers in fact. If I can build up a "practice" with a small stable of girls I'm fucking, that would be fine by me. No need to remain on SA.I usually sign up for a month, get 4-6 girls to move to text then meet up with usually 2-4 of them for a lunch date. Out of those I will usually come to an arrangement with 75% of them usually $200 to $400 ppm. Currently I have 2 girls I meet up weekly with, one is a 23 year old spinner the other is a licensed CMT who does a 90 massage plus sex, which is $250 ppm. About every 3 months I will join up on SA & do tryouts to see if I want to replace the spinner with another one. The big benefits is all sex is bareback & no time watching, with the spinner it's basically a 3 hour date, she comes over for dinner, we have sex, smoke weed, goto the hot tub, come back in & have sex again.
02-09-22, 22:59
Surprised to find this forum as I have been looking for other people's experiences on
I have been a regular user of seeking on and off for the past three years. I always setup a new account, new payment and take a one month subscription. I know a month is enough for me in my local area.
In my area, Australia, conversation on the site has always had its fair share of PPM mentions, usually initiated by the girl. After about three weeks into my last subscription when I logged in I was promptly suspended due to discussing PPM. I thought it was unusual because even in the first week there would have been lots of PPM mentions. Anyway. I'll be back when I need to top up my prospect list.
The site is so addictive and consuming here. Within a day I was in bed with a legit former international beauty contestant.
Other exploits in this few weeks. Heaps of girls have had covid isolations which delayed a few meets. One girl I met it was her first day out of isolation. She just wanted to fucking anything, anybody and anywhere. That was a great experience.
Had one overnighter in a hotel. She had a couple of wines and was keen for anything. The condoms which she had requested stayed on the side table as she quickly declared she didn't like them anyway. Maybe the wine influenced that decision a little. Multiple pops over night and next morning. Paid her the agreed allowance and she left. She blocked me! OMG I felt used. I don't understand her generation (25 yo spinner). At least I always make some lame excuse and don't leave the girls hanging when I drop them.
Have another Asian mum whom catches up while the kids are at school.
Have another one of European descent, 28 yo single mum. Same deal, I need to be out before her son comes home from school.
I have found I need to be picky. I have wasted quite a lot of time on girls that are just never going to work out. I have learned to cull quickly. I need the girl to Host so I avoid the hotel fees and the restrictive check in / out timings. I also need girls that don't have a fulltime job. I know that rules out a lot of the talent but they are so hard to plan around. I also tried a few students at my local university but they invariably have share house and unable to host also.
In my profile description I chose not to put "Girl must host" as I think that would turn them off.
I'm enjoying reading of other people's experiences.
My SA account is getting suspended whenever I try to buy subscription. Anyone have the same issue.Emailing Customer Service helped me resolve this. I was trying to buy a UK membership (I am in the UK now) using my Indian credit card that triggered the suspension.
02-12-22, 05:54
So frustrating.
Created a SA account and tried to pay with prepaid Amex. Immediate account suspension. They said they don't take prepaid Amex and I could unfreeze it by submitting my ID. Uh. No.
Tried again with a prepaid Visa. Different account, different email. Immediate suspension.
Wtf! Anyone know what's going on here?
02-12-22, 05:54
Yes, I had the same thing happen. You need to call Customer Service and have them manually process the payment. Good luck getting anybody to answer the telephone!I could not find a phone number on their website.
I'm back in the UK in April. Unfortunately going to have to spend 18 days there before making my escape to the Phils or anywhere in South East Asia I can get to.
18 days. Conservatively, that's three girls I'm going to need to see to take the edge off.
So tempting to just pay the £100 for a seeking membership again and creampie some chavvy British teens.
Going rate for pro escorts is 100-150 per hour. Bad service, or not very hot girls.
Seeking girls are 150-200, plus 40-50 for a hotel. Multiple hours, no restrictions. Banged some British spinner teens last time, BBFSCIP.
Is it worth it for less than a month? Probably.
I could not find a phone number on their website.When I was suspended, I received an email that had their telephone number in it. Unfortunately, I no longer have that email to be able to share the number with you. I understand the frustration. Went through it myself. In the end it was worth it. Me and my hot sugar baby had bareback sex again last Friday night. Ate out her asshole for the first time. Nutted inside her pussy. Try a Google search.
02-13-22, 11:32
I'm back in the UK in April. Unfortunately going to have to spend 18 days there before making my escape to the Phils or anywhere in South East Asia I can get to.
18 days. Conservatively, that's three girls I'm going to need to see to take the edge off.
So tempting to just pay the 100 for a seeking membership again and creampie some chavvy British teens.
Going rate for pro escorts is 100-150 per hour. Bad service, or not very hot girls.
Seeking girls are 150-200, plus 40-50 for a hotel. Multiple hours, no restrictions. Banged some British spinner teens last time, BBFSCIP.
Is it worth it for less than a month? Probably.You would struggle to find any decent SA chicks for under 250 ppm in london.
You would struggle to find any decent SA chicks for under 250 ppm in london.Luckily I don't hang around London when I'm in the UK.
Besides which, 'decent' is a very subjective thing, which is why I refrain from all the talk of 6's and 7's and 9 and 10's that goes on here.
What I'm after from a seeking girl is not the glammed up Insta go style hottest girl in the nightclub, I want the pretty 18 year old supermarket checkout girl.
Steve 9696
02-13-22, 14:28
Had some pretty great BBFS the last few days. When I think about it, once I became more open to the idea of BBFS, I see that maybe it's been on offer all along. The last five Seeking girls I've had have all been BBFS no fuss no muss. I am realizing now that it was probably ME getting the condom that sent things that direction and had I just mounted up she'the be down. Because like I say the last five have been.
These last two dates are so interesting in their contrast. Liz is a former stripper and def knows the game. And Celia is a newbie with some apparently innocent misguided expectations as you will see. All good in the end.
So first up is Liz. This is the SA girl in a second tier city I visit who I saw for quick fucks a couple years back but now we are doing real complete dates. I like this so much better. She is a ton of fun.
I'the seen her end of 2021 and she knew I was coming back so 2 weeks ago she hit me up saying she needed to buy birth control. And I said Ok maybe I can do that if we plan to take advantage of it and she was down. I think it was clear she was saying she's down for BBFS and why not pick up $100 on the way. Win win.
We met up for dinner at a sushi place and had some pretty good sushi and some different fruit infused sakes. Then bounced to an interesting place with a liquor store in front and a chill club in the back. Killed another bottle of wine plus she chugged a beer. She likes her drinks and gets wild when drinking.
Back in the room it was epic sex for a very long time. I was too liquored up to cum quickly so we sucked and fucked in every position possible. Gave her some nice DATY and fingering early on and she was a hot wet mess. Finished while making out in mish with full BBFSCIP. It was heavenly. Worth every penny of that birth control ask.
Day two was very similar format but with a very nice dinner and no club. We drank too much the night before and kept it under control this night. It led to a very different but equally satisfying bedroom experience. Because I wasn't very lit it all felt amazing but also lasted a lot less. I almost came during her excellent BJ but held off. But fucking her raw in mish while kissing was too amazing. I had a slow build to shattering CIP probably 20 minutes total in the room vs over an hour the previous night. But both great in their own way.
Next night was Celia in a different city. We met on SA about three weeks ago and she was very girlfriendy and we agreed to meet. Originally we were supposed to meet as a prelude to meeting once a month but things changed and that was off. I was transparent that this was now likely a one time only thing but she still wanted to meetup.
This is where the notion of sunk cost can be important with girls. She'the spent alot of time on me. Like texting every morning and evening about my day. Very girlfriendy. So when she found out it might be a one night thing she was super sad but when I gave her the chance to opt out she said "No I def want to see the man I've been talking to all this time. ".
We met up for sushi and sake and had a real nice time. She's def heavier than expected and her face had been filtered a bit. Def not quite the type I like best but clearly a sweet girl and I've had some heavy girls of late. For the most part I find they try harder and that works for me.
After dinner we bounce to a bar down the street. Had a balcony overlooking the street so a really nice place to chill. We talk about going dancing but agree we are both too tired and to just go to the room. But she's in for a treat first. I arranged a pedicab (bicycle rickshaw) and it's waiting for us when we emerge from the bar.
I know the driver well and I've told him ahead where to drop us in the end but let's hit the liquor store and the town first. It's prob a mile to the store but we have a nice chat and I pull her face to mine for our first kisses. She enjoys real kissing and she's a good kisser. At the liquor store we get a white Zinfandel and open it onsite so we can drink from the bottle during the ride.
He takes us on a nice tour and we are pounding the wine. Here's where things go sideways a bit. At some point she says something that makes me respond "that would be great but I'm already taken". There is a bit of silence and she says "what do you mean your taken?" And I say "you know, married" not thinking a thing of it, and point out my wedding ring which has been in plain sight this whole evening.
Well clearly she is an inexperienced girl because it never occurred to her to look. And she is genuinely surprised. There is a bit of back and forth where she says I should have told her, which of course is a bit ridiculous and I say I've had the ring on all night. I'm not tying to hide it (been together close to three hours now I'the say).
Honestly I feel really bad for her. Believe it or not she was totally into me (and my wealth no doubt) and in her young mind plotting some future. Naively thinking she might find that on SA. She says she is going to cry and does shed a tear. Although clearly not my fault, I feel crushingly sorry for her naivety and I don't like hurting anyone.
Well the rest of the ride is a bit awkward but we continue to drink and I guess she's getting over it and thinking about a great one night stand. She had said at some point earlier "I haven't had any good dick in two months" and she was about to get that in spades!
We have finished the bottle of wine by the time we are home and I am thinking that's it for the drinking but there is a complementary bottle of red in the room and she cracks that and we start drinking that too. It's only seconds till we are making out and getting naked. This girl is def a horny beast.
Her blowjob is good but not great, but no hesitation to lick and suck my newly shaved balls when encouraged to do so. And man does she ride me bareback like a blue ribbon Cowgirl. Never any mention of condoms. We also do RCG, doggy, and The Steve for a long time. Amazing mish with urgent, needy making out DFK. But finally, knowing I can't CIP move to CIM for a big finish. Clearly it's a big load and after spitting she says damn she hadn't done that in a while.
We sleep the sleep of the dead or at least she does she snores super loud LOL and was asleep 30 seconds after spitting my cum. Musta fucked her good. But I sleep well also.
Pleasantly and I don't get this enough from SA girls she starts a nice wake-up BJ as the way to start the day. She wants the D bad though because she only BJs till I'm hard and mounts up Cowgirl within a minute. And man does she fuck the hell out of me. That aggressive Cowgirl where they lean over so the can really jam it in and out. She has two apparent medium Os as I just let her use me as her fuck toy.
Then it's my turn and we do doggy and of course my fave DFK mish. Man it was fine. I hold off cumming though and roll on my back for another CIM finish.
After cleanup showers we check out and have a nice brunch before ubering together to her place to drop her off and me to the airport. And so ends my three day two girl bareback adventure and a study in contrasts between SA girls. Spent and satisfied.
02-13-22, 15:37
Luckily I don't hang around London when I'm in the UK.
Besides which, 'decent' is a very subjective thing, which is why I refrain from all the talk of 6's and 7's and 9 and 10's that goes on here.
What I'm after from a seeking girl is not the glammed up Insta go style hottest girl in the nightclub, I want the pretty 18 year old supermarket checkout girl.Let me put it differently.
You would struggle to get anyone for under 250,300 and upwards is the norm.
Let me put it differently.
You would struggle to get anyone for under 250,300 and upwards is the norm.I don't doubt it. Have you seen the price of a pint in London?
Happily up North the girls are more my type and much more reasonable.
02-13-22, 19:48
Can I ask, do you recommend that guys use photos on SA or can I catch enough game without making my face available?
Also, what's the ratio for you? How many reach outs do you think you need to make to land one solid date? Trying to figure out if I just spray and pray, or go selective?
Can I ask, do you recommend that guys use photos on SA or can I catch enough game without making my face available?
Also, what's the ratio for you? How many reach outs do you think you need to make to land one solid date? Trying to figure out if I just spray and pray, or go selective?I have a pic that I keep private, and only show it to whoever I would like to versus everybody being able to see it.
Back in the room it was epic sex for a very long time. I was too liquored up to cum quickly so we sucked and fucked in every position possible. Gave her some nice DATY and fingering early on and she was a hot wet mess. Finished while making out in mish with full BBFSCIP. It was heavenly. Worth every penny of that birth control ask.
Pleasantly, and I don't get this enough from SA girls, she starts a nice wake-up BJ as the way to start the day. She wants the D bad though because she only BJs till I'm hard and mounts up Cowgirl within a minute. And man does she fuck the hell out of me. That aggressive Cowgirl where they lean over so the can really jam it in and out. She has two apparent medium Os as I just let her use me as her fuck toy.
And so ends my three day two girl bareback adventure and a study in contrasts between SA girls. Spent and satisfied.On the birth control, so long as they do indeed use it LOL! My girl has her tubes tied so. And on being used like a sex toy, that's how my girl did me the other night from reverse cowgirl. She was picking those cheeks up and setting them down with a rough "whack, whack, whack, whack, whack"! I let her get all that dick she wanted until she had a "feminine nut", then I blew. Me and Steve. We be bareback fucking SA girls and shit. And so went another nice saga of the SA legend known as "Steve" hahahaha!
Steve 9696
02-13-22, 22:03
Can I ask, do you recommend that guys use photos on SA or can I catch enough game without making my face available?
Also, what's the ratio for you? How many reach outs do you think you need to make to land one solid date? Trying to figure out if I just spray and pray, or go selective?You def don't need a pic in your profile but be prepared to send one. Pretty much any girl you want to fuck on SA (non or semi pro) wants to know what you look like. But you don't have to broadcast it to the world. Just wait till she asks. I don't have a pic and have banged about 35 SA girlfriends over last two years, including a reg and a newbie just this week.
As far as ratios there is the way I usually play it and the way I sometimes do for a quickie.
First. I am picky about my type. So as I scroll a major city maybe 1 in 20 or less I will engage with. And I will send an opener. I've gotten pretty good at openers and I prob get about a 25-50% response rate. Most of those die quickly tho — if a girl is not going to get on daily or every two days and engage in more than two words she's not going to work for me. Girls that engage in real-time conversation almost always being good.
Of the ones that respond to my open I'the guess about 1 in 10 makes it to a date. I am usually in a city for a few days and pick two girls to see and repeat with the best.
On occasion, I have spammed a lot of girls with "Going out to a nice dinner and drinks tonight. Join me?" And have been successful with that. Both were one night stands so far but both want to see me next time I'm in their town. So yeah that works too!
02-13-22, 22:39
. At some point she says something that makes me respond "that would be great but I'm already taken". There is a bit of silence and she says "what do you mean your taken?" And I say "you know, married" not thinking a thing of it, and point out my wedding ring which has been in plain sight this whole evening.In my mind I just assume that deep down the girl must know why guys are pay $xxx dollars to take them on a date.
02-13-22, 22:41
This is great input, thank you!
Can I ask a few more things.
Not to divulge your secret sauce but what kind of stuff should I have in my opener?
How direct do you have to be with expectations of sex? Like "I need to know if you're prepared to stay at my hotel. I'm not just looking to buy someone dinner?"
And what a generous but not over the top amount for date 1 in Mex City if you know? Would 150 bucks be good? 200? 300?
You def don't need a pic in your profile but be prepared to send one. Pretty much any girl you want to fuck on SA (non or semi pro) wants to know what you look like. But you don't have to broadcast it to the world. Just wait till she asks. I don't have a pic and have banged about 35 SA girlfriends over last two years, including a reg and a newbie just this week.
As far as ratios there is the way I usually play it and the way I sometimes do for a quickie.
First. I am picky about my type. So as I scroll a major city maybe 1 in 20 or less I will engage with. And I will send an opener. I've gotten pretty good at openers and I prob get about a 25-50% response rate. Most of those die quickly tho if a girl is not going to get on daily or every two days and engage in more than two words she's not going to work for me. Girls that engage in real-time conversation almost always being good.
Of the ones that respond to my open I'the guess about 1 in 10 makes it to a date. I am usually in a city for a few days and pick two girls to see and repeat with the best.
On occasion, I have spammed a lot of girls with "Going out to a nice dinner and drinks tonight. Join me?" And have been successful with that. Both were one night stands so far but both want to see me next time I'm in their town. So yeah that works too!
Steve 9696
02-14-22, 17:28
So someone on here is a Mexico City expert. Can't recall who. Hopefully he will chime in. My experience is mostly US but I still think it mostly applies.
Your opener should be clear it is not canned. Like use her name or something in her profile as part of your opener. And ALWAYS end every chat with a question or she will not respond. Strangely the question "what color are your eyes" which I sometimes ask when not clear gets a near 100% response rate!
My opener might be "Wow. Bree you are amazing looking but I also like your profile. Love that you love dogs. Think we might vibe well. What's your fave — beer or wine? Or maybe something stronger?" (May flavor by the vibe I get from the girl).
On discussing sex def don't ever discuss on SA and def be circumspect. After chatting some I take them to text or WhatsApp. At the appropriate time I might say "Hey seems like we rather like each other. I could see a date going like this: We have some amazing Italian and prob drink too much and laugh a ton. If we vibe like I think we will we'the take things private after dinner. On the off chance we don't vibe, we can part after dinner no harm no foul. That sound about right?
More often than not if you are getting along they will answer yes and you are good. I never discuss overnight or bareback. Those things just happen. And on a high percentage if you are non objectionable and charming. A lot of these girls just want a man to treat them right for a night! They are so used to penniless losers fucking them for free!
Good luck!
02-14-22, 18:58
This. Is. Gold.
Thank you once again!
So someone on here is a Mexico City expert. Can't recall who. Hopefully he will chime in. My experience is mostly US but I still think it mostly applies.
Your opener should be clear it is not canned. Like use her name or something in her profile as part of your opener. And ALWAYS end every chat with a question or she will not respond. Strangely the question "what color are your eyes" which I sometimes ask when not clear gets a near 100% response rate!
My opener might be "Wow. Bree you are amazing looking but I also like your profile. Love that you love dogs. Think we might vibe well. What's your fave beer or wine? Or maybe something stronger?" (May flavor by the vibe I get from the girl).
On discussing sex def don't ever discuss on SA and def be circumspect. After chatting some I take them to text or WhatsApp. At the appropriate time I might say "Hey seems like we rather like each other. I could see a date going like this: We have some amazing Italian and prob drink too much and laugh a ton. If we vibe like I think we will we'the take things private after dinner. On the off chance we don't vibe, we can part after dinner no harm no foul. That sound about right?
Elvis 2008
02-14-22, 20:43
This is great input, thank you!
And what a generous but not over the top amount for date 1 in Mex City if you know? Would 150 bucks be good? 200? 300?$400 to $500 for a true 10 type. $150 to $200 for a 9 in Mexico City. With a 8 or below, you can do $150 or less, and most gals were happy with $100.
I met some nice women in Mexico City on seeking, but if you are looking to get laid, I found the escorts to be better looking, better in bed, and a better value on average than seeking women.
The top gals for sure were on seeking, but with the 10 types, you had to pay what is big money in Mexico to get them.
A lot of these girls just want a man to treat them right for a night! They are so used to penniless losers fucking them for free!This much is definitely true. I mean, if you treat a girl well (not like a tute) and can afford to pay for nice things, even if it's just a good dinner, plus you give these girls some dick on top of it all and they're happy. I got my baby something nice for Valentines Day, and she was so happy and appreciative!
02-14-22, 22:46
Strangely the question "what color are your eyes" which I sometimes ask when not clear gets a near 100% response rate!One banal question that has been giving me good results is. "What star sign are you?" I have no belief in the Stars as such but the girls always answer. That gives rise to lots of remarks and discussions about why my sign is good for her and she fills in the blanks.
02-15-22, 06:50
Thank you.
I'll report back on how this all worked out.
I'm targeting 8's. Like hot enough to bang, but not so hot they think they're doing me a favor.
I'm also weeding out any obvious troublemakers, like girls who lead with their gift wish list, or say upfront they're great conversationalists but aren't looking for intimacy.
$400 to $500 for a true 10 type. $150 to $200 for a 9 in Mexico City. With a 8 or below, you can do $150 or less, and most gals were happy with $100.
I met some nice women in Mexico City on seeking, but if you are looking to get laid, I found the escorts to be better looking, better in bed, and a better value on average than seeking women.
The top gals for sure were on seeking, but with the 10 types, you had to pay what is big money in Mexico to get them.
Steve 9696
02-15-22, 13:02
One banal question that has been giving me good results is. "What star sign are you?" I have no belief in the Stars as such but the girls always answer. That gives rise to lots of remarks and discussions about why my sign is good for her and she fills in the blanks.Ooh. Ooh. This is really good. I can't tell you the percentage of girls in their early twenties who talk about that and believe in that. This seems like a fab conversation piece because you are catching their interest and expressing interest in something they have interest in. Plus most guys will never ask this so you stand out. This is a FAB tip. I'm going to use it right now!
Ooh. Ooh. This is really good. I can't tell you the percentage of girls in their early twenties who talk about that and believe in that. This seems like a fab conversation piece because you are catching their interest and expressing interest in something they have interest in. Plus most guys will never ask this so you stand out. This is a FAB tip. I'm going to use it right now!I'm totally into it man. Read mine every day. I need to leverage this too!
02-15-22, 15:48
Been out recovery from surgery, for the last 3-4 weeks. I could barely work let alone have sex. Finally starting to feel better, so I decide to make a trip to MTY, the model is off to Europe and I want to see her before she leaves and it was her Birthday. Also, it was V. Day, so we were going to have a nice party. She is worried about catching Covid, with her upcoming flight. I finally convince to go out. I set up a meeting with another girl prior to our meeting. She is a regular very hot and fun. We hang out for a couple of hours and have a nice session.
I am getting ready to meet the Model at S. Prime all good. She arrives looking stunning as always. We have not seen each other for a couple of weeks, but we talk daily. Everything is going great, until the first girl from the afternoon session shows up with a date. Holly Shit, stay calm. They are seated directly behind us. I was worried for a moment, but then I laughed and figured nothing would happen. I am pretty sure she was with her boyfriend and she was not going to cause a incident. All turns out well. Great night. Model gets her period early, so no sex, but we still had fun.
I'm totally into it man. Read mine every day. I need to leverage this too!They're talking about the thing with the Zodiac not Whoroscope.
Hey gents,
Since Argentine thread is rather dead than alive, I will ask here. Has anyone recently been to Buenos Aires? I have checked SA talent, and it looks promising. Almost 5000 girls 18-25 yo, compared to 8000 girls in Medellin using the same search criteria. I believe BA is not popular among gringos since it is not a p4 p destination, so the odds are in my favor. Exchange rate is awesome right now. I will definitely go there no matter what and check it out, but would like to know what the going rates are, or if there is anything I should be aware of prior to visiting. I will be using SA exclusively, I am not interested in casas/strip clubs, etc.
02-15-22, 19:38
Hey gents,
Since Argentine thread is rather dead than alive, I will ask here. Has anyone recently been to Buenos Aires? I have checked SA talent, and it looks promising. Almost 5000 girls 18-25 yo, compared to 8000 girls in Medellin using the same search criteria. I believe BA is not popular among gringos since it is not a p4 p destination, so the odds are in my favor. Exchange rate is awesome right now. I will definitely go there no matter what and check it out, but would like to know what the going rates are, or if there is anything I should be aware of prior to visiting. I will be using SA exclusively, I am not interested in casas/strip clubs, etc.
Thanks!You are always chasing and looking for a new angle. Pick a spot and put in the Hard Word.
Steve 9696
02-15-22, 20:17
As I prepare for an international trip and Miami Boys Buenos Aires query I am struck by how each country has a "best" venue for me. Yes they all have freelancers and all that. But here is my take on the very best thing that country has to offer if you have coin.
USA. Seeking arrangements.
London. Agency incall.
Germany / Swiss / Aus — FKK.
Spain. Lux brothel.
Tokyo. Tokyo Hentai Club. To love hotel.
Shanghai. Manhattan bar take out.
Taiwan. KTV (karaoke).
Moscow. FS Strip Clubs.
Brazil. Scandallo night club (Boate).
Argentina. Seeking Arrangement.
Medellin. Facebook.
Least that's my POV / experience.
02-15-22, 21:28
London agencies are world class. Divas in particular. You pay a premium but if you have the money it's worth it.
German FKKs are great life experiences. I never knew what to do in between sessions and then I just started taking naps on the lawn chairs! (Oase).
USA: for the love of all that is holy why is the AMP game so bad? So many customers want to part ways with their money and it's just such slim pickings.
Shanghai: loved Manhattan, but now that China is the State with the highest level of surveillance in the world, I'm not sure I want cameras watching me going in and out of that place anymore. I just feel like it's going to come back to me in 15 years.
As I prepare for an international trip and Miami Boys Buenos Aires query I am struck by how each country has a "best" venue for me. Yes they all have freelancers and all that. But here is my take on the very best thing that country has to offer if you have coin.
USA. Seeking arrangements.
London. Agency incall.
Germany / Swiss / Aus FKK.
Spain. Lux brothel.
Tokyo. Tokyo Hentai Club. To love hotel.
Shanghai. Manhattan bar take out..
Steve 9696
02-15-22, 23:16
London agencies are world class. Divas in particular. You pay a premium but if you have the money it's worth it.
German FKKs are great life experiences. I never knew what to do in between sessions and then I just started taking naps on the lawn chairs! (Oase).
USA: for the love of all that is holy why is the AMP game so bad? So many customers want to part ways with their money and it's just such slim pickings.
Shanghai: loved Manhattan, but now that China is the State with the highest level of surveillance in the world, I'm not sure I want cameras watching me going in and out of that place anymore. I just feel like it's going to come back to me in 15 years.Yep Shanghai is near shut tight. I saw on that board that Manhattan is open again but maybe at quarter capacity. And yeah the Chinese can get pretty militant when the want to. I have no desire to go to Chinese prison.
I also recommend against Taiwan unless you want an adventure. You have to find a Line broker and even then when you go in there are guards and walkers and muscle in case the cops arrive. It's pretty daunting for a little roll in the hay. I have a great Taiwan story I can drop here if any of you guys need a good read. Just let me know.
And oh forgot Thailand. I personally like the gogo bar scene and takeout. It's just off the charts and so many girls. Fortunately I am partial to south Asians so even most guys 5 is my 7. LOL.
You are always chasing and looking for a new angle. Pick a spot and put in the Hard Word.Why do you keep imposing your way of mongering upon me? I don't want to pick a spot, because it gets boring to return to the same place. Aside from mongering, I enjoy exploring new places and cities / countries. Never been to Argentina and it has always been on my bucket list. BA is beautiful, food is delicious, peso is weak, so why not? If you have nothing to say about BA, just move on, or better yet, put me on ignore list.
Hey gents,
Since Argentine thread is rather dead than alive, I will ask here. Has anyone recently been to Buenos Aires? I have checked SA talent, and it looks promising. Almost 5000 girls 18-25 yo, compared to 8000 girls in Medellin using the same search criteria. I believe BA is not popular among gringos since it is not a p4 p destination, so the odds are in my favor. Exchange rate is awesome right now. I will definitely go there no matter what and check it out, but would like to know what the going rates are, or if there is anything I should be aware of prior to visiting. I will be using SA exclusively, I am not interested in casas/strip clubs, etc.
Thanks!If you'll go Argentina, please report your experience.
Elvis 2008
02-16-22, 04:34
Never been to Argentina and it has always been on my bucket list. BA is beautiful, food is delicious, peso is weak, so why not? If you have nothing to say about BA, just move on, or better yet, put me on ignore list.This is what you are going to see time and again in BA: https://geisha.academwhy / belen /.
https://geisha.academwhy / rubi-escort /.
https://geisha.academwhy / fernanda /.
Tits are bigger than Colombia, and the asses may be a little smaller, but you do not see much variation in looks, and prices on Geisha are higher than Colombia.
I saw a gazillion 8's maybe a 9 once in a while but no 10's. If you talk to the ex-pats there, to a man, they say the women from Paraguay are the best hos in BA, and I concur. They perform a lot better in bed but have a different look to them.
On average, it is probably only second to Brazil for looks but for the 9 and 10 types. I would put Argentina at #5 behind Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and Paraguay.
And Argentine women are smart but they are not nearly as sweet as their Colombian counterparts. Argentina was once one of the richest countries in the world, and a lot of the women have kept up that attitude.
02-16-22, 06:31
I am sure most people know these but for the record.
After setting up a new account wait a couple of days before doing the subscription. After 3-4 days I always get some kind of discount offer, saving 20-30% off the advertised price. I only ever take one month subscription.
Once you are up and running with your paid subscription, go to Settings to 'Inactivate or delete" your account (don't worry there is a confirmation screen where you will abort the process just in case). When I mouse over the delete link, I get a popup offering me 5 x Free Boosts. I follow the link for the free boots and obviously this aborts the delete process. But I now have an extra 5 day of Boost. I do this process once per day which adds 5 days of free boost each time.
The problem with the Boost is that you need to activate the boost each day. Every bit helps.
I saw a gazillion 8's maybe a 9 once in a while but no 10's. If you talk to the ex-pats there, to a man, they say the women from Paraguay are the best hos in BA, and I concur. They perform a lot better in bed but have a different look to them. On average, it is probably only second to Brazil for looks but for the 9 and 10 types. I would put Argentina at #5 behind Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and Paraguay. And Argentine women are smart but they are not nearly as sweet as their Colombian counterparts. Argentina was once one of the richest countries in the world, and a lot of the women have kept up that attitude.Argentina used to be a good mongering destination, but it fell off years ago. A lot of places closed. I visited that country several times. Had some memorable experiences. Fucked a girl from Paraguay. Ate some good steaks LOL! Those were some days!
On average, it (Argentina) is probably only second to Brazil for looks but for the 9 and 10 types. I would put Argentina at #5 behind Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and Paraguay.
And Argentine women are smart but they are not nearly as sweet as their Colombian counterparts. Argentina was once one of the richest countries in the world, and a lot of the women have kept up that attitude.That BA attitude thing likely comes from good ol' racism. Historically, Argentina has basically whitewashed their country. They look down on Latin American cultures with large African and Native influences. Buenos Aires cultivated the image of the Paris of South America. You can certainly see the French influence in the old architecture, cafes, boulevards and the parks.
I think mongers go to BA thinking they're going to tap into a poor, European demographic. The problem is many Argentinian women have a lot of pride, arrogance and don't think of themselves as poor.
There are certainly beautiful Argentinian women. However when I had my youthful, white European looks, the women were a tough nut to crack. I don't know if this is as true as it was twenty years ago, but there was an obvious class system in place. I did run into a lot of English speaking women, but Americans didn't rate on their class scale. Interlopers were just viewed with amusement and even some disdain.
I would think SA helps sort out the receptive women so you don't have to deal with the infamous Argentine attitude as much.
Argentina used to be a good mongering destination, but it fell off years ago. A lot of places closed. I see it as a positive thing for mongers who are not interested in p4 p venues, because many girls are online now. FB, Tinder, SA. I am in Medellin now, and have been using SA exclusively for the past month, even though the city got so many p4 p options. So, I don't care how many places closed in BA, this won't affect me in any way. I set up BA as my 2nd location, and got more messages from local girls within the span of a few days than I have received from MDE girls over a few weeks. The supply is there, but not enough mongers / gringos. By the way, the country had been closed for 1. 5 years since March 2020, and the economy is in deep shit. Another good thing LOL.
The problem is many Argentinian women have a lot of pride, arrogance and don't think of themselves as poor.I found Venezuelan women, and Venezuelan people in general, to be the absolute worst in this regard after traveling extensively throughout Latin America. So, look at them now. There can be no doubt regarding their circumstances, can there? What goes around comes around.
... Fucked a girl from Paraguay. Ate some good steaks LOL! Those were some days!Do you remember what is cola. LOL.
I was in a club and the club required me to buy a drink to have a girl from Paraguay to sit with me. As soon as I bought the drink, she stood up and walked away.
... but not enough mongers / gringos...There are actually many expats but less mongers. English is a little more common than Colombia. Many think the same way you do. I bet there are more non mongering tourists in Argentina than in Colombia based on the reasons you mentioned. Many youtubers are in Argentina currently. The girl's asking price will likely keep up with currency depreciation. You probably won't find an AirBnb that take pesos for the same reason.
Elvis 2008
02-16-22, 20:10
That BA attitude thing likely comes from good ol' racism. Historically, Argentina has basically whitewashed their country. They look down on Latin American cultures with large African and Native influences. Buenos Aires cultivated the image of the Paris of South America. You can certainly see the French influence in the old architecture, cafes, boulevards and the parks.
I think mongers go to BA thinking they're going to tap into a poor, European demographic. The problem is many Argentinian women have a lot of pride, arrogance and don't think of themselves as poor.Yeah, the average Argentine is an Italian who speaks Spanish lives in a French style home and thinks of themselves as an Englishman.
02-16-22, 20:24
I like your thinking and I agree with you assuming of course your presumptions are still current. In fact Argentina showed up on my scanner like cuba, Moldova and Mada yrs ago when they suffered Econ crises. But I just chose cuba and Colombia and DR. for that hemisphere.
But If I go to Arg. I would hit the non p4 p like college campuses, malls. Etc just your everyday non assuming 18-22 yrs old.
I really wish you do go and report back. Maybe you hit a gold mine! And never mind the nay sayers! They don’t get the supply and demand and the derived price of goods and services. You apply that in ALL aspects of life just leave emotions out and you’ll make a good deal!!!
I see it as a positive thing for mongers who are not interested in p4 p venues, because many girls are online now. FB, Tinder, SA. I am in Medellin now, and have been using SA exclusively for the past month, even though the city got so many p4 p options. So, I don't care how many places closed in BA, this won't affect me in any way. I set up BA as my 2nd location, and got more messages from local girls within the span of a few days than I have received from MDE girls over a few weeks. The supply is there, but not enough mongers / gringos. By the way, the country had been closed for 1. 5 years since March 2020, and the economy is in deep shit. Another good thing LOL.
Elvis 2008
02-16-22, 20:30
I found Venezuelan women, and Venezuelan people in general, to be the absolute worst in this regard after traveling extensively throughout Latin America. So, look at them now. There can be no doubt regarding their circumstances, can there? What goes around comes around.I found the same thing Cane. I thought Hugo Chavez was really bad, but I later realized that he was a symptom of the attitudes of the Venezuelan people. Chavez would denounce the rich, yet he squirreled away billions in his daughter's name who lives in Miami now. People are pissed about that but not because the country was stolen from. No, they think that is their money that was stolen.
Like Argentines, Venezuelans think they are rich but they have been stolen from. What separates them is Venezuelans think it is okay to steal because they feel like they have been stolen from. Argentina does not have near the crime problem Venezuela does. OTOH they have this culturally thing where having money or caring about it is shameful.
I have had some stunning Venezuelan women, and they all have been not just good but great in the sack. It is outside of the bed where you have to deal with some of the most fucking crazy attitudes. Argentine women may be uptight and snobbish but Venezuelan women are like mentally ill. They are like the definition of the crazy ones are the best in bed.
The other weird thing is when I went to Caracas I did not see many attractive women. All the stunning Venezuelan women I have seen have been in other countries. It is like the beauties were smart enough to get the fuck out.
Elvis 2008
02-16-22, 20:52
I like your thinking and I agree with you assuming of course your presumptions are correct and current. If I go to Arg. I'the hit the non p4 p like college campuses, malls. Etc just your everyday non assuming 18-22 yrs old.
I really wish you do go and report back. Maybe you hit a gold mine! And never mind the nay sayers! Just try venturing to the provinces where it could be safer and the women less jaded and syndical.To a person, people told me how target rich the Iguazu region was (Asuncion, Paraguay, Northern Argentina, Southern Brazil) was.
That part of South America was settled by Europeans and these are the kind of women you can find there:
I almost want to go to Argentina just to try and bang that girl in Corrientes, Argentina. I have actually been there. I was looking at an investment in a timber farm and wish I would have done it. It is a small place but the women I saw there were really hot.
The problem with all these cities is that they all have just three figures of women on seeking versus thousands in BA. To be successful there, I think you would have to get off the website and hunt in the wild.
Steve 9696
02-16-22, 21:01
Whats your favorite music to fuck to?
I usually just tell a girl to play what she likes. Doing that I recently discovered Jhene Aiko via Kayla and it's my new fave by far. The other night midway fucking Celia I realized we didn't have any tunes on. So I put Jhene on and it played P*$$y Fairy (actual spelling) and she's like "omigod that's my favorite song"!
I like it for the slow fucking vibe but some of the lyrics to P*$$y Fairy are the best:
It starts with:
I know you love fuckin me.
I hypnotize you with this pussy.
That dick make my soul smile.
How can you not love that shit! What do you recommend as fuck tunes?
Whats your favorite music to fuck to?Although I love music, I don't like to fuck to it. I find it distracting. That said, if a girl wants to put some on, then fine. I'm like you. She can put on what she wants. But if left to me, the only music in the air would be that which happens when bodies start clapping. From doing the wild thing!
There are actually many expats but less mongers. English is a little more common than Colombia. Many think the same way you do. I bet there are more non mongering tourists in Argentina than in Colombia based on the reasons you mentioned. Many youtubers are in Argentina currently. The girl's asking price will likely keep up with currency depreciation. You probably won't find an AirBnb that take pesos for the same reason.Speaking of Airbnbs, they are all quoted in USD by default, and are significantly cheaper than in Medellin, Rio or CDMX. Nice modern apartment is about 700-900 USD / month, and there are plenty to choose from. The country is open, but I think it will take some time before the country gets back on track in terms of tourist flow.
Speaking of Airbnbs, they are all quoted in USD by default...That is because you have an US account. I am referring to the unique situation that most owners have US bank account to receive USD so they are not affected by exchange rate. Basically it's the poor that are screwed.
I'm finding single moms in their 20's to be particularly good prospects. Let's face it, those are the types who often have tight budgets, even if with just one child. The financial need is quite usually there. And this is about sugaring. So put it all together. But, it isn't all just about money though either. The other thing I'm finding is that a lot of these single moms are super horny! They haven't had any dick in awhile. They have a yearning to be filled up with some dong. So, between both the financial and sexual need, they're game! Come right out and say they want a sexual relationship, or want to be FWB (friends with benefits). And, I'm just the one to assist them in their time of need too hehehe!
Whats your favorite music to fuck to?
I usually just tell a girl to play what she likes. Doing that I recently discovered Jhene Aiko via Kayla and it's my new fave by far. The other night midway fucking Celia I realized we didn't have any tunes on. So I put Jhene on and it played P*$$y Fairy (actual spelling) and she's like "omigod that's my favorite song"!
I like it for the slow fucking vibe but some of the lyrics to P*$$y Fairy are the best:
It starts with:
I know you love fuckin me.
I hypnotize you with this pussy.
That dick make my soul smile.
How can you not love that shit! What do you recommend as fuck tunes?How about some older song by Berlin, like Pleasure Victim?
To a person, people told me how target rich the Iguazu region was (Asuncion, Paraguay, Northern Argentina, Southern Brazil) was.
That part of South America was settled by Europeans and these are the kind of women you can find there:
I almost want to go to Argentina just to try and bang that girl in Corrientes, Argentina. I have actually been there. I was looking at an investment in a timber farm and wish I would have done it. It is a small place but the women I saw there were really hot.
The problem with all these cities is that they all have just three figures of women on seeking versus thousands in BA. To be successful there, I think you would have to get off the website and hunt in the wild.It would seem like these Seeking links you posted have been shutdown. Not sure if Seeking picked up on your links here on ISG or the girls were noticing something was afoot.
The other weird thing is when I went to Caracas I did not see many attractive women. All the stunning Venezuelan women I have seen have been in other countries. It is like the beauties were smart enough to get the fuck out.Yes, the hot Venezolanas found a way out wherever they could. They're all over the Americas and Europe. Most of the time I see them they have already latched on to an affluent local in the country they landed.
When a country is falling into disarray, people take out gold and jewelry with them. Not to be crass, but the hot women have their golden pussies.
Elvis 2008
02-17-22, 07:05
It would seem like these Seeking links you posted have been shutdown. Not sure if Seeking picked up on your links here on ISG or the girls were noticing something was afoot.WE, they worked when I clicked on them. Maybe you have to be signed in to see them.
Elvis 2008
02-17-22, 07:11
It would seem like these Seeking links you posted have been shutdown. Not sure if Seeking picked up on your links here on ISG or the girls were noticing something was afoot.Corrientes and Asuncion are the best and here are their pics.
It would seem like these Seeking links you posted have been shutdown. Not sure if Seeking picked up on your links here on ISG or the girls were noticing something was afoot.They all worked for me. I have an active membership, and they all worked just fine.
Total agreement. I recently made a trip amd found some hotties. One of them. Single mom. Super hot 8/9. Amazing on bed.
First meet. With condom but yet passionate fuck. She must have found something good in the way we fucked. Next meeting she wanted to ditch the condom. Oh, man, she was super wet and I could feel the contours inside. She hasnt had sex in a year and we both made full use of her desire.
More detailed reports soon.
I'm finding single moms in their 20's to be particularly good prospects. Let's face it, those are the types who often have tight budgets, even if with just one child. The financial need is quite usually there. And this is about sugaring. So put it all together. But, it isn't all just about money though either. The other thing I'm finding is that a lot of these single moms are super horny! They haven't had any dick in awhile. They have a yearning to be filled up with some dong. So, between both the financial and sexual need, they're game! Come right out and say they want a sexual relationship, or want to be FWB (friends with benefits). And, I'm just the one to assist them in their time of need too hehehe!
Corrientes and Asuncion are the best and here are their pics.You know how to pick them. I think these are rare with the body type and face combination. I would remember if I saw any.
Elvis 2008
02-17-22, 23:42
You know how to pick them. I think these are rare with the body type and face combination. I would remember if I saw any.Funny thing is Nounce is I am not an active member and was just browsing and had women from Asuncion and Curitiba view and favorite me. That tells me those are good place to put in a line and try to reel them in.
Funny thing is Nounce is I am not an active member and was just browsing and had women from Asuncion and Curitiba view and favorite me. That tells me those are good place to put in a line and try to reel them in.One of the hottest Sao Paulo Scandallo tutes I have ever fucked in my life was from Curitiba. Just gorgeous! Would love to read a credible field report about that city from a monger's perspective. Besides, Anderson "The Spider" Silva is from there LOL!
Elvis 2008
02-19-22, 04:02
One of the hottest Sao Paulo Scandallo tutes I have ever fucked in my life was from Curitiba. Just gorgeous! Would love to read a credible field report about that city from a monger's perspective. Besides, Anderson "The Spider" Silva is from there LOL!Cane,
Around the Austin, TX area, you find these towns that are extremely well run with these stunning women. A lot of them are of Czech origin, and you may know about how hot Czech women can be, but a lot are Northern European and you see a lot of tall stunning blonde types. The infamous Central Texas BBQ was brought over by these immigrants. So you have these towns like Taylor and Lockhart that have great BBQ, and they are run with the classic German efficiency.
I have said Sao Paulo has more 10's per square inch than any city in the world but IMO SP is a shit hole. There are a few nice places but all in all is crowded and butt ugly. Rio is beautiful but IMO the women are not as hot and when I was there, the crime was horrible.
Thing is Brazil is horribly run. It is corrupt as hell and the rich are ridiculously richer than the poor. I tried to open a bank account there and was immensely frustrated at the bureaucracy. I went to their stock market and it resembled more of a casino with video poker than the bowels of capitalism.
I had a great time in Brazil running into a Canadian who operated a restaurant. He told me that he fucked every waitress there as part of the interview process, did not make much money, and he had to constant yell at his staff to get them to do anything. He told me he was really just working for the pussy as he was not making that much money. He was a hoot.
Thing is he told me that relationships go 8 X faster in Brazil than here, and I think he is right.
An American worked for Embraer, the airplane manufacturer, and they would send in maids to care for them in their houses. They paid these women nothing like $200 a month. One day this hottie, was hired to clean his house and he said, "I think I want you for a GF" and they later married. I met her. She had a 10 body on her and I would put her as a 9 or 10.
That guy told me about Curitiba and when I asked cab drivers about it, they all said the same thing, "Many blondes. " I was told Curitiba was his favorite town and run with that characteristic German efficiency.
Toss in Steven's story and we now have three that go with the permissiveness of Brazilian women. Steve said, "I want you to come to London with me" to a Brazilian woman. This restaurant owner said "If you want to work for me, you have to fuck me", and you had the Embraer guy say "I want you to be my GF", and in all cases, the women said okay. If I had not been there, I am not sure I would have believed them.
I have been to two of the four cities (Corrientes and Asuncion) I mentioned, and it was a complete pain in the ass to get there and Asuncion had only a few foreigners. Corrientes had none. Thing is all these places are going to be at least 12 hours for Americans to get to.
I do not think I can do better than what I have now but I still would like to see if this is the Nirvana for women I have heard it to be. Can it really be as easy as saying, "I want you to be my sugar baby"?
Around the Austin, TX area, you find these towns that are extremely well run with these stunning women. A lot of them are of Czech origin, and you may know about how hot Czech women can be, but a lot are Northern European and you see a lot of tall stunning blonde types. The infamous Central Texas BBQ was brought over by these immigrants. So you have these towns like Taylor and Lockhart that have great BBQ, and they are run with the classic German efficiency.
I have been to two of the four cities (Corrientes and Asuncion) I mentioned, and it was a complete pain in the ass to get there and Asuncion had only a few foreigners. Corrientes had none. Thing is all these places are going to be at least 12 hours for Americans to get to.Oh, I'm well aware of the delights of Czech women. I first discovered them during my very first trip to Germany and the FKKs, and they immediately became some of my absolute favorites in Europe. In fact, the very first FKK girl I ever fucked was blue-eyed, blonde "Gina" from the Czech Republic. Being the first, she holds an unforgettable place in my heart. Later on, I took a trip to Prague itself (great tourist town) to enjoy plenty of more Czech cootchies on Czech territory itself. Maybe I should think about going to the heart of Texas LOL!
As for Paraguay (indeed a pain in the butt to get to), I have been there as well. I was not that impressed with Asuncion overall, although it had its nice parts and some good restaurants. But overall, I found the mongering scene to be pretty weak (I did manage to fuck though). You had a better chance of finding a hot Paraguayan girl in Buenos Aires I thought! Also, the poverty among the Native American population was shocking and sad and in your face around town, including teen single mothers on the streets. People walking around in the cold with no shoes on. An interesting border town was Ciudad del Este, which has a lot of German settlers there. It was strange to see so many white-skinned blondes in a relatively remote part of Latin America.
Yes, The Cane is a world traveler and monger. I have been around. I have seen and experienced much. And I hope I'm not finished yet.
WE, they worked when I clicked on them. Maybe you have to be signed in to see them.Yes, you have to be signed in.
Funny thing is Nounce is I am not an active member ...I am saying you have good taste similar to MB1. I am talking about my on the ground experience is different. Usually the girls will have some meat, but I don't mean fat. I have researched these places a few years ago too. Argentina is already in bad shape economically before pandemic. There are actually a surprising number of mongering options in BA but it is nothing like Colombia, and the better talent is asking Gusto price. Go there to enjoy the city and cheap food, P4 P mongering should be low on the todo list. I think MB1's thinking is sound but judging by how many youtubers are in the city, that tells me many others have thought about the same thing already. I think SA can be different but that is not the norm depending on what one is seeking.
...but IMO SP is a shit hole...SP has many more upscale bars and restaurants. The affluent area with park is quite nice too.
02-19-22, 22:30
Do you guys keep a list of your contacts outside of Seeking. I have been keeping a Word doc which lists the girl's seeking name, real name, number, a few key points and a pic. I've also started keeping a direct link to their seeking profile page.
Seems hard to keep track of them if they disable or delete their profile and I lost all contact.
I am saying you have good taste similar to MB1. I am talking about my on the ground experience is different. Usually the girls will have some meat, but I don't mean fat. I have researched these places a few years ago too. Argentina is already in bad shape economically before pandemic. There are actually a surprising number of mongering options in BA but it is nothing like Colombia, and the better talent is asking Gusto price. Go there to enjoy the city and cheap food, P4 P mongering should be low on the todo list. I think MB1's thinking is sound but judging by how many youtubers are in the city, that tells me many others have thought about the same thing already. I think SA can be different but that is not the norm depending on what one is seeking.We have just discussed the going rates with Steve, and he said $200 in BA is the norm, which is in line with what you are saying (Gusto price). I'm wondering why is it so pricey, when everything else seems to be relatively cheap (housing, food, taxi, etc. , the only major expense is airfare. Puta economy. Less business = higher rates? Or different mentality that has been discussed previously. Women don't consider themselves poor or in need, and therefore put a higher price tag on pussy?
I don't think youtubers affect the market in any way, since not all of them are mongers, and they are just a small fraction of tourists coming to BA, the number of which is still super low compared to pre-pandemic levels.
Elvis 2008
02-20-22, 01:50
SP has many more upscale bars and restaurants. The affluent area with park is quite nice too.Would you go back if the women there were all dogs though? I wouldn't. I would go to Rio again and Florianopolis but not there.
That said, it was a mistake not going there during the pandemic. I was talking to a few 10 types from SA there. A lot were on line because they were hurting financially.
When Medellin was in lockdown, I got from the airport to Poblado in like 15 minutes. With Mexico city, it was the same from Polanco to the airport. That is six miles and in rush hour, it is easily an hour or more.
I stayed in the Jardim area when I went, and it was 2 hours to get those 15 miles from the airport. I wonder if in the pandemic that would have been less than 30 minutes. I am kicking myself for not going there at least once during the pandemic. I could have explored a little more, but I was at the nicest parks and the restaurants I ate were great. I thought they were better than Rio. It is just such a pain when going five miles takes like an hour.
Elvis 2008
02-20-22, 03:09
We have just discussed the going rates with Steve, and he said $200 in BA is the norm, which is in line with what you are saying (Gusto price). I'm wondering why is it so pricey, when everything else seems to be relatively cheap (housing, food, taxi, etc. , the only major expense is airfare. Puta economy. Less business = higher rates? Or different mentality that has been discussed previously. Women don't consider themselves poor or in need, and therefore put a higher price tag on pussy?
I don't think youtubers affect the market in any way, since not all of them are mongers, and they are just a small fraction of tourists coming to BA, the number of which is still super low compared to pre-pandemic levels.There were 2 clubs in Argentina that were like the boates in Sao Paulo 10,15 years ago. Thing is when I went they were cheaper back then than Brazil. Madaho's and Black's had like a 100 women between them, an endless parade of 8's and a few 9's. Best looking woman I took from there was Brazilian and best performer was Paraguayan. I am kicking myself for passing on a Dominican there though. I remember paying $50 an hour or $100 for the night. The top women wanted $200 for the night. You had to take them back to a hotel but it was never an issue then.
The government cracked down on prostitution and shut these clubs down. Whenever they do that, and there is more risk, the price goes up.
But even the hotels are nuts. The hotel I stayed in back then in BA was $75 and it is now $180. In Mendoza, the price has gone from $75 to $440.
Thing about using currencies is that may not work in Argentina because it has become like a barter economy. Because the peso has been such toilet paper, people have been using other instruments to trade goods and services.
That said, Mendoza, Salta, the glacier, Iguazu are fucking stunning. And Bariloche and the whole Patagonia region (extends to Chile) may be the most beautiful place on earth.
If I was looking at doing a seeking trip and wanted bargains in Argentina, I would look at Cordoba. It is cheaper than BA and has tons of college students, but again, the numbers on SA are not what they are in BA.
But the cheap pussy is going to be in the other regions. I fucked an eighteen year old Caucasian 8 in Asuncion at a casa for $10. Yeah, there are places in Colombia and Mexico that cheap, but IMO the quality was not there like Asuncion.
You will pay more for pussy there than Colombia, and the women in general will not be as sweet, and I do not think they are as good in bed.
There was one Argentine I banged that was great. The rest were forgettable.
Well not quite. Fellas, I have one that I know you're going to want to hear, and I couldn't wait until my monthly report to tell you about it. So, I started communicating with somebody on SA about a week ago. Supposedly a late 20's white female, single mom, big round blue eyes how I like, and straight brown hair. Overall attractive. We moved from the site to text, and at some point I asked if "she" wanted to chat by phone. I say "she" because no telling who I was really talking to. But no response, but still not necessarily a red flag either because most of my communications with anybody I have contacted off of the site have been by text. Just like with my grand slam homeroom "Abby" who I already told you about. But, I took note.
So anyway, we set up a dinner date as a meet and greet. On the day of the dinner date, I texted her to confirm that we were still on, and she said yes. Cool! Just before I was on my way later on that day, I texted her again to say I was out the door and expected to be at the place in about 30 minutes. She said she was ready too, and just need to drop her child off at the sitter and buy some gas. My premonition? At some point, this person is going to ask me to pay for her sitter and gas! OK, so I get to the restaurant and send her a text saying that I have arrived. Then wouldn't you know it but "she" responds asking if I thought I could help her with the gas and her sitter! Here we go, here we go, here we go! I decided to play along to see where things ultimately were going to go.
So, I asked her (again all by text) how much "she" needed. I said that I didn't have any cash on me, but that I could probably find an ATM somewhere, and that perhaps maybe even the restaurant had an ATM on premises. And the response? The person asked for $200 for gas and the sitter! Not outrageously excessive (like $500), but pretty excessive nevertheless. So then comes, "Do you have a cash app"? So that I could transfer money directly via an app versus pulling cash out of an ATM and giving it to her upon arrival! At this point, I've seen enough, and it's time to call bullshit on some bullshit! I said "no", I do not have a cash app (true), and I asked, "Are you coming here, because this feels like a scam to me". Long pause then, "Well, I will have to sort this out before I can come". And then my last words before blocking this asshole? Nice try! The person had already deactivated their account on the site, so no need to block them there.
The knee-deep bullshit you have to wade through on SA to find a diamond! Can't believe I did in just my first month! Anyway, I was already at the restaurant, so I stayed and ordered up a nice dinner. That is, after I had a good LOL laughing out loud to myself about what had just transpired. People might have looked at me funny, I don't know. But, I just had to laugh at what had just happened. Had I been stupid enough to send $200, "she" would have just taken my money, then "ghosted" me. Nope! I got the last laugh! Literally. Carry on!
...I'm wondering why is it so pricey...The more attractive girls are expensive and the quantity is limited. I think they set their price in USD so exchange rate does not affect their price. The low end is under US $20 so there are cheap options but they are very unattractive. Colombia is far better at the same price point.
02-20-22, 07:54
Glad you did not fall for it. In general, I never transfer money to these gals, because it can be used as evidence. And, I also try to avoid dinner meet and greets. I usually meet for a quick coffee during the day, or a drink at night. This way, neither of us are that committed. If she needed money for a cab, then I would offer to give her cash upon her arrival, but to avoid this, I almost always suggested meeting some place that was very close to her. A lot of SA gals ask for cash transfer ahead of meeting. I always passed on it, even if it was only for $30, mostly to avoid there being any evidence of a transaction. Finally, that was awesome that you still enjoyed yourself. I always had a plan be, in case the gal does not show up, which was often.
Well not quite. Fellas, I have one that I know you're going to want to hear, and I couldn't wait until my monthly report to tell you about it. So, I started communicating with somebody on SA about a week ago. Supposedly a late 20's white female, single mom, big round blue eyes how I like, and straight brown hair. Overall attractive. We moved from the site to text, and at some point I asked if "she" wanted to chat by phone. I say "she" because no telling who I was really talking to. But no response, but still not necessarily a red flag either because most of my communications with anybody I have contacted off of the site have been by text. Just like with my grand slam homeroom "Abby" who I already told you about. But, I took note.
So anyway, we set up a dinner date as a meet and greet. On the day of the dinner date, I texted her to confirm that we were still on, and she said yes. Cool! Just before I was on my way later on that day, I texted her again to say I was out the door and expected to be at the place in about 30 minutes. She said she was ready too, and just need to drop her child off at the sitter and buy some gas. My premonition? At some point, this person is going to ask me to pay for her sitter and gas! OK, so I get to the restaurant and send her a text saying that I have arrived. Then wouldn't you know it but "she" responds asking if I thought I could help her with the gas and her sitter! Here we go, here we go, here we go! I decided to play along to see where things ultimately were going to go.
So, I asked her (again all by text) how much "she" needed. I said that I didn't have any cash on me, but that I could probably find an ATM somewhere, and that perhaps maybe even the restaurant had an ATM on premises. And the response? The person asked for $200 for gas and the sitter! Not outrageously excessive (like $500), but pretty excessive nevertheless. So then comes, "Do you have a cash app"? So that I could transfer money directly via an app versus pulling cash out of an ATM and giving it to her upon arrival! At this point, I've seen enough, and it's time to call bullshit on some bullshit! I said "no", I do not have a cash app (true), and I asked, "Are you coming here, because this feels like a scam to me". Long pause then, "Well, I will have to sort this out before I can come". And then my last words before blocking this asshole? Nice try! The person had already deactivated their account on the site, so no need to block them there.
The knee-deep bullshit you have to wade through on SA to find a diamond! Can't believe I did in just my first month! Anyway, I was already at the restaurant, so I stayed and ordered up a nice dinner. That is, after I had a good LOL laughing out loud to myself about what had just transpired. People might have looked at me funny, I don't know. But, I just had to laugh at what had just happened. Had I been stupid enough to send $200, "she" would have just taken my money, then "ghosted" me. Nope! I got the last laugh! Literally. Carry on!
Glad you did not fall for it. In general, I never transfer money to these gals, because it can be used as evidence. And, I also try to avoid dinner meet and greets. I usually meet for a quick coffee during the day, or a drink at night. This way, neither of us are that committed. If she needed money for a cab, then I would offer to give her cash upon her arrival, but to avoid this, I almost always suggested meeting some place that was very close to her. A lot of SA gals ask for cash transfer ahead of meeting. I always passed on it, even if it was only for $30, mostly to avoid there being any evidence of a transaction. Finally, that was awesome that you still enjoyed yourself. I always had a plan be, in case the gal does not show up, which was often.Yes, I never transfer money through those cash apps, and I never pay out any money to anybody before we meet. Those are two of my red lines that I won't cross. Also, I'm like you in that I try to meet in places that are close to where the girl lives. This tends to work out great, but what I have found is that a lot of girls lie about where they live too in order to throw anybody off (like any authorities). In this case, we were supposed to meet in the suburb where the person said "she" lived (very close to me), and "she" said she had a car. That's why I needed to pay for $200 worth of gas plus a sitter LMAO! It was easy for me to have a laugh about it all. I hadn't eaten much that day, so I had an appetite, plus I'm still barebacking Abby. Salute! LOL!
Hi. Just curious how much you guys are providing for SA's in Bogota or other places in Colombia. The one's that want to discuss the prices ask for 800 mil pesos or 1,325 mill pesos which I feel is very high but your get insights from members here.
Steve 9696
02-20-22, 16:21
Glad you did not fall for it. In general, I never transfer money to these gals, because it can be used as evidence. And, I also try to avoid dinner meet and greets. I usually meet for a quick coffee during the day, or a drink at night. This way, neither of us are that committed. If she needed money for a cab, then I would offer to give her cash upon her arrival, but to avoid this, I almost always suggested meeting some place that was very close to her. A lot of SA gals ask for cash transfer ahead of meeting. I always passed on it, even if it was only for $30, mostly to avoid there being any evidence of a transaction. Finally, that was awesome that you still enjoyed yourself. I always had a plan be, in case the gal does not show up, which was often.Def there are girls (?) who will be as elaborate as to chat for a while and set a meetup and then hit you up for gas money or something. However in my experience most scammers don't go to this level of effort and engagement. I had this happen twice back to back in 2020 but not since. I suppose I've meetup with about 40 ish (and sealed the deal with 35 ish). So I guess that's a 5% elaborate scam rate. So certainly not often. And zero percent in the last few years. And one of the two no way I would have driven anywhere now that I am better at this. But the one was darn thorough and persistent and may have gotten me out to this day (tho of course I didn't fall for sending money).
02-20-22, 17:44
I got a SA account for over a month now but only upgraded to a paid membership a week ago since they ran a promotion. Thanks to our Jedi Masters (Steve, Cane and the others) here in this forum, I was at least able to navigate around the minefields. Never mention about p4 p on the platform, talk to them outside on WhatsApp etc the first chance etc.
I am definitely still a Padawan here if I can even call myself that, hehehe. My intent is partly learn how to use this platform effectively and partly collect all the girls contacts from the different countries I plan to visit in the near future while at it.
I am hoping for any advice on leveraging this for the local scene, I. E in the US. Do you guys set a city location near where you live in SA or somewhere else? Do you initiate contact most of the time? I don't feel comfortable doing so with anyone under 21. I do hope SA does an age check that they are all above 18. Anyway, that is the demographics that tend to show up a lot in the search. What sort of icebreakers?
Anyway, sharing some of my experience that I had with SA so far.
- Almost all the girls outside the US are straight to the point as soon as they get to a chance. They would ask what kind of arrangement that you want to have the first chance they get. No patience for small talk to build up any connection. Sometimes, I would just pass. Somehow, I was just put off by this lack of patience. I would collect their info and may just contact them when the time comes.
- Girls in the US rarely use WhatsApp and usually their first or second chat statement will be, text me at this number etc. For girls outside the US, I would usually have to ask their WhatsApp for it. Some use Telegram.
- I even got a message from an agency who claimed that they have a connection of girls etc. I think after a short while, that account was summarily banned, since I can no longer see that message in my SA inbox.
Anyway, I am still learning and sharing back my experience at the same time. No ROI on the use of this platform yet.
Elvis 2008
02-20-22, 18:53
Hi. Just curious how much you guys are providing for SA's in Bogota or other places in Colombia. The one's that want to discuss the prices ask for 800 mil pesos or 1,325 mill pesos which I feel is very high but your get insights from members here.Way, way, way too much. Most I ever paid was $140 for 2 hours. Both gals were 9's who let me bareback them, and in hindsight I felt like I overpaid. I recommend you hang with gals that do not mention price. Most gals I gave $80 or $100. This was for multiple hours with rare condom usage.
Thing about Bogota for every 5 gals you are chatting with, 4 will disappear by the time you get there so I would not start chatting until like one or two weeks before you are ready to go.
02-21-22, 04:29
The person had already deactivated their account on the site, so no need to block them there.If it's just deactivated then they will be back to use that profile at another time in another place.
I think seeking could do a lot better to screen out the scammers. I can attest to at least 5 profiles in my local search which are all scammers. Surprising how many beautiful attractive girls can be bitcoin investment gurus. More surprising is the number of horny guys that still fall for them.
I got a SA account for over a month now but only upgraded to a paid membership a week ago since they ran a promotion. Thanks to our Jedi Masters (Steve, Cane and the others) here in this forum, I was at least able to navigate around the minefields. Never mention about p4 p on the platform, talk to them outside on WhatsApp etc the first chance etc.
I am definitely still a Padawan here if I can even call myself that, hehehe. My intent is partly learn how to use this platform effectively and partly collect all the girls contacts from the different countries I plan to visit in the near future while at it.
I am hoping for any advice on leveraging this for the local scene, I. E in the US. Do you guys set a city location near where you live in SA or somewhere else? Do you initiate contact most of the time? I don't feel comfortable doing so with anyone under 21. I do hope SA does an age check that they are all above 18. Anyway, that is the demographics that tend to show up a lot in the search. What sort of icebreakers?
Anyway, sharing some of my experience that I had with SA so far.
- Almost all the girls outside the US are straight to the point as soon as they get to a chance. They would ask what kind of arrangement that you want to have the first chance they get. No patience for small talk to build up any connection. Sometimes, I would just pass. Somehow, I was just put off by this lack of patience. I would collect their info and may just contact them when the time comes..If they don't want to chat, they are pros.
...I don't think youtubers affect the market in any way, since not all of them are mongers, and they are just a small fraction of tourists coming to BA...I made the comment independent of price. I am saying it is pretty well known already. Anyway, it is an amazing city to visit, very walkable and so easy to get a good dinner late, and nice cafes everywhere. Things are even cheaper outside of the capital. To me, the only things better in Medellin is girls, and perhaps the weather. Summer is hot in BA.
... I wonder if in the pandemic that would have been less than 30 minutes. ...Rush hour is still bad. Off peak will take less time but I think it will be more than 30 minutes. There is another domestic airport nearby.
There is a subway from the airport so that can be a reliabe way to avoid traffic. That is why I frequently take subway to avoid the traffic and have uber waiting for me at the stion when I exit.
There were 2 clubs in Argentina that were like the boates in Sao Paulo ...There are still a couple of clubs left. One is better but more expensive. The total number of girls probably is less than 40 when I visited.
...Thing about using currencies is that may not work in Argentina because it has become like a barter economy. Because the peso has been such toilet paper, people have been using other instruments to trade goods and services..Some Businesses have US credit card merchant accounts so they can keep US $ in their US accounts. I think the government does not see all the money from these transactions. I guess some real estate transactions is the same way. I was told the long term rental contract is made up of multiple short term contracts with depreciation priced in when paid in pesos.
Some Businesses have US credit card merchant accounts so they can keep US $ in their US accounts. I think the government does not see all the money from these transactions. I guess some real estate transactions is the same way. I was told the long term rental contract is made up of multiple short term contracts with depreciation priced in when paid in pesos.Unlike Brazil, I would say Argentina has basically a dollarized economy. In essence, people mentally peg prices to the dollar with their math. The rich Argentinians know how to protect their money.
The country had some success with maintaining the value of their currency when it was quasi-pegged to the Dollar in the 1990's. When the Peso was devalued significantly in 2002, there was a brief window in time where the country was very cheap for tourists. After an adjustment, I think the relative price of things has stayed tied to the Dollar. I think the higher-end escorts figured this currency math out very quickly. Probably because they are interested in luxury imports and are meeting foreign and local men of some affluence.
How long before do you guys set up dates / contact girls?
My current Middle Eastern locations are a literal and figurative desert.
I'm due to the UK in the middle of April and have pretty much decided to get back on Seeking for the couple of weeks I'm there.
My own thoughts are anything more than a couple of weeks before I can start meeting girls is pointless. On the other hand, I find being on Seeking to be extremely entertaining in the tabboo and vaguely self destructive way most really fun things are. Who doesn't love talking sex and getting racy pictures from 18-22 year old girls? For an international monger, the fact they're the same nationality of me is extra spice.
02-22-22, 11:09
How long before do you guys set up dates / contact girls?.I have set up three dates from out of town. I send a standard message to a heap of girls in the target city about two weeks before. Collect some numbers and small qualifying chat. Then I go quiet telling them I'll message when I'm there.
Any sex chat more than a week will just fail as the girl and you will find someone else.
Any further in advance and too many girls drop off the site, get pissed off with their local time wasters or a few actually find someone.
In any case, worst case is you need 1-5 days to get dates lined up.
Steve 9696
02-22-22, 13:51
How long before do you guys set up dates / contact girls?
My current Middle Eastern locations are a literal and figurative desert.
I'm due to the UK in the middle of April and have pretty much decided to get back on Seeking for the couple of weeks I'm there.
My own thoughts are anything more than a couple of weeks before I can start meeting girls is pointless. On the other hand, I find being on Seeking to be extremely entertaining in the tabboo and vaguely self destructive way most really fun things are. Who doesn't love talking sex and getting racy pictures from 18-22 year old girls? For an international monger, the fact they're the same nationality of me is extra spice.
Hmmm.You have the right idea — a week or two out is ideal. But I've also scored same day or day before wins. Sounds like you are like me and love the chase though. And I find myself browsing 2 months in advance. This actually seems to be ok. Yes a ton of these will fade out by visit time. But sometimes you latch onto a real keeper. I've had at least 5 girls where we linked up on text 6-8 weeks ahead. And these are some of my fave girls.
But even if all your six week out girls fade, there will be a new crop of 1-2 week girls when you get to that point. The magic of the SA merry go round!
I generally offer 200-300 mil pesos for a couple hours dinner / dessert. I'd say 50% hit ratio with about half of those interested / willing to repeat. Strong 7-8's. I speak decent Spanish and spend most of my time in the country and can discuss politics / trends / music etc. If so desired.
Hi. Just curious how much you guys are providing for SA's in Bogota or other places in Colombia. The one's that want to discuss the prices ask for 800 mil pesos or 1,325 mill pesos which I feel is very high but your get insights from members here.
02-23-22, 04:33
I stumbled across this page and want to get feedback on how realistic are these PPM rates and I assume this article is intended for the US reader.
Here is the link:
For Tier-1 Cities:
Platonic date: four-hour to eight-hours, dinner, and stay together.
Lowest: $100.
Reasonable: $100-200.
Good: $200+.
A Standard Date: four-hour to six-hours, dinner, and have sex.
Lowest: $300.
Reasonable: $400-600.
Good: $800+.
For Smaller Cities:
Platonic date: four-hour to eight-hours, dinner, and stay together.
Lowest: $50.
Reasonable: $100.
Good: $200+.
A Standard Date: four-hour to six-hours, dinner, and have sex.
Lowest: $200.
Reasonable: $300-500.
Good: $500+.
Overnight Date: 12-hour, dinner, have sex, and spend the night.
Lowest: $300.
Reasonable: $400-700.
Good: $800+.
Overnight Date: 12-hour, dinner, have sex, and spend the night.
Lowest: $400.
Reasonable: $500-800.
Good: $1000+.
I signed up on Monday for premium. I'm in a large coastal US area.
1. Girls are more direct than I expected. Once a conversation gets going girls have asked me what I'm looking for and what I can contribute. I've been using Steve's excellent guide as a script and expected to have to finesse it more IE "gifts" and "help". I've been saying I'm looking for someone I can go out with and maybe get intimate with if we connect but one girl asked if that included financial help. It doesn't sound like you guys are leading with numbers but maybe my area is different?
2. Rates are all over. First girl I texted with wanted 600. I said I could do 4 and she balked. Second said she'd done 3-4 k / month in the past. No mention of ppm but it should start with ppm right? Third I said 400 and no objections but now asking for 5.
3. Pics. I wasn't using a pic and first two didn't ask for one which makes me a little suspicious. One girl blocked me after I sent a pic which stung. I'm not white so that was my first guess but what can I do.
4. Hotels? How do you bring up hotels? I'm not out of town so that won't work. I don't expect to bring them over on the first meet or expect them to have me over but is that what they expect? I haven't gotten that far but figured I'd say I got one in case I had to much to drink and couldn't drive home.
02-24-22, 13:43
4. Hotels? How do you bring up hotels? I'm not out of town so that won't work. I don't expect to bring them over on the first meet or expect them to have me over but is that what they expect? I haven't gotten that far but figured I'd say I got one in case I had to much to drink and couldn't drive home.Yeah, hotels are tricky if you are using SA in your own hometown. Here are my 2 cents.
(1) For first date, do not book a hotel before the date. A lot of first dates do not end up in bed. I made the mistake of booking a hotel for first dates many times, and the reason it was a mistake is because sometimes (maybe oftentimes) the gal stood me up or I could not close the deal, which meant that I wasted a lot of money on those hotels.
(2) If the date goes well, then you could check into a hotel together, but then that means she will find out your real name while you guys are at the reception desk checking in (I am assuming you want to remain anonymous, at least in the beginning). I guess you could tell her to wait in the hotel bar, but that may be a buzz kill, especially if checking in takes a while.
(3) You could download a hotel app so that you can book the room on your way to the hotel. I did this a few times. But I still had to pick up the keys, which still takes some time.
(4) Your idea of saying that you booked a hotel in case you got too drunk to drive home is not believable, since you can always call an Uber.
(5) Another thing about checking into a hotel room with the gal is that upon entering the room, many TVs will have an announcement saying, "Welcome to the Hilton, Mr. Mid Western. " One time, even the stereo system had my name on it. Of course, if you booked the room ahead of time you can enter the room alone, before the date, and do damage control by turning off the TV, etc. , but see (1) above.
So, here's what I ended up doing. I just asked the gal if she could host (if we hit it off). If she could not, and we had chemistry, then for subsequent dates I booked hotels ahead of time (but usually pretty cheap hotels). This way, I had the room ready to go, with the keys in my pocket before we met up. I also used AirBNBs.
Good luck.
Steve 9696
02-24-22, 13:51
I signed up on Monday for premium. I'm in a large coastal US area.
1. Girls are more direct than I expected. Once a conversation gets going girls have asked me what I'm looking for and what I can contribute. I've been using Steve's excellent guide as a script and expected to have to finesse it more IE "gifts" and "help". I've been saying I'm looking for someone I can go out with and maybe get intimate with if we connect but one girl asked if that included financial help. It doesn't sound like you guys are leading with numbers but maybe my area is different?
2. Rates are all over. First girl I texted with wanted 600. I said I could do 4 and she balked. Second said she'd done 3-4 k / month in the past. No mention of ppm but it should start with ppm right? Third I said 400 and no objections but now asking for 5.
3. Pics. I wasn't using a pic and first two didn't ask for one which makes me a little suspicious. One girl blocked me after I sent a pic which stung. I'm not white so that was my first guess but what can I do.
4. Hotels? How do you bring up hotels? I'm not out of town so that won't work. I don't expect to bring them over on the first meet or expect them to have me over but is that what they expect? I haven't gotten that far but figured I'd say I got one in case I had to much to drink and couldn't drive home.1. It remains a good idea to be indirect. But you would be surprised how many guys are looking for something free. The term "mutually beneficial" seems widely accepted as skirting the line. You can also just say things like "sure. I want you to be happy. " Or "sure. I always take care of my girl". And suggest you go to WhatsApp or text to discuss further.
2. Assume you are doing all this negotiation on text or What's not Seeking. BTW a nice feature of WhatsApp is that it's end to end encrypted. No one not even What's personnel can read your messages other than the receiving phone. Def stick to PPM. If she says monthly tell her that you have found PPM to be more fair all around (it's true! The numbers you are seeing are not surprising. I'the say $500 had become the norm for big city and girls see a big difference between 4 and 5 for some reason. Like a cartel. I did have some success with a girl saying that I can't keep doing 500 if we became regulars. But you could do 5 for the first meetup and if we liked each other do 4 after that.
3. I get blocked or ghosted on occasion after sending pics and damn it does sting. Doesn't actually even get better. But it's better than them saying it out loud. I had one girl say "I just don't think I could get with someone that old" ouch! Remember that even you have your types. Just because your not her type doesn't mean you aren't awesome. So fuck her. Next next.
4. I never bring up hotel explicitly even during the meet. At the right moment I just say "You want to get out of here" and if she says sure I excuse myself to the bathroom and book it on my phone. I know it sounds weird to just go to the hotel without saying that's where you are going but that's the way the Nanpa dudes do it and it def works. I've only had a handful of balks in the room and a couple of those I was able to close in the end.
It remains a good idea to be indirect. But you would be surprised how many guys are looking for something free. The term "mutually beneficial" seems widely accepted as skirting the line. You can also just say things like "sure". "I want you to be happy". I use a similar approach. In order to avoid "going first". For example, I had one girl ask "what was I offering". I replied, "What would make you happy"? Hahaha! The Cane knows how to negotiate with these tutes. Oh excuse me! These "sugar babies" LOLOLOL!
1. It remains a good idea to be indirect. But you would be surprised how many guys are looking for something free. The term "mutually beneficial" seems widely accepted as skirting the line. You can also just say things like "sure. I want you to be happy. " Or "sure. I always take care of my girl". And suggest you go to WhatsApp or text to discuss further.
2. Assume you are doing all this negotiation on text or What's not Seeking. BTW a nice feature of WhatsApp is that it's end to end encrypted. No one not even What's personnel can read your messages other than the receiving phone. Def stick to PPM. If she says monthly tell her that you have found PPM to be more fair all around (it's true! The numbers you are seeing are not surprising. I'the say $500 had become the norm for big city and girls see a big difference between 4 and 5 for some reason. Like a cartel. I did have some success with a girl saying that I can't keep doing 500 if we became regulars. But you could do 5 for the first meetup and if we liked each other do 4 after that.
3. I get blocked or ghosted on occasion after sending pics and damn it does sting. Doesn't actually even get better. But it's better than them saying it out loud. I had one girl say "I just don't think I could get with someone that old" ouch! Remember that even you have your types. Just because your not her type doesn't mean you aren't awesome. So fuck her. Next next.
4. I never bring up hotel explicitly even during the meet. At the right moment I just say "You want to get out of here" and if she says sure I excuse myself to the bathroom and book it on my phone. I know it sounds weird to just go to the hotel without saying that's where you are going but that's the way the Nanpa dudes do it and it def works. I've only had a handful of balks in the room and a couple of those I was able to close in the end.It's so strange to me that you can't discuss what seeking is ostensibly for on seeking. One girl came straight out and asked if I was interested in ppm then gave a price when I asked. 500 seems to be on the low side, I've had a couple ask for 6 now.
It sounds like you have a hotel in mind at least, something close to where you've planned the date.
Yeah, hotels are tricky if you are using SA in your own hometown. Here are my 2 cents.
(1) For first date, do not book a hotel before the date. A lot of first dates do not end up in bed. I made the mistake of booking a hotel for first dates many times, and the reason it was a mistake is because sometimes (maybe oftentimes) the gal stood me up or I could not close the deal, which meant that I wasted a lot of money on those hotels.
(2) If the date goes well, then you could check into a hotel together, but then that means she will find out your real name while you guys are at the reception desk checking in (I am assuming you want to remain anonymous, at least in the beginning). I guess you could tell her to wait in the hotel bar, but that may be a buzz kill, especially if checking in takes a while.
(3) You could download a hotel app so that you can book the room on your way to the hotel. I did this a few times. But I still had to pick up the keys, which still takes some time.
(4) Your idea of saying that you booked a hotel in case you got too drunk to drive home is not believable, since you can always call an Uber..Does asking them to host ever spook them? I'm also not sure if they live nearby which makes it trickier. Good to know I shouldn't expect much on first meets.
02-24-22, 19:07
It's so strange to me that you can't discuss what seeking is ostensibly for on seeking. One girl came straight out and asked if I was interested in ppm then gave a price when I asked. 500 seems to be on the low side, I've had a couple ask for 6 now.I tell them they must be on another planet when they start out that high.
I would rather play with myself for free.
It's so strange to me that you can't discuss what seeking is ostensibly for on seeking.I think Steve's insightful comment awhile back is always worth reposting. He wrote:
"That sucks that it went to hell so fast. Not that I should be giving advice but I think you have twice fucked up a good thing by treating girls like pros. This is the cardinal sin of SBSD (or really real life also). As soon as it feels transactional these crossover girls run for the hills. Remember the cow and meat analogy. No one wants to pay a guy to kill a cow in front of him. I want to buy the steak a long distance away from the killing. Keep the sex and the money as distant as possible."
When you recount experiences with women, it makes total sense. While many men will view Seeking as a P4 P site, many of the women will rationalize it is a little financial help for friendship, companionship, etc. If that's what makes them comfortable, that's what you have to present. Beyond the world of Seeking, I think you will also be surprised how many attractive women are offered things in order to be someone's companion for awhile. Some accept gifts or financial help feeling that it's okay if they like the guy. They never think of themselves as offering sex for money.
This might not be the best example, but it still exemplifies how one must relate to women. When you have a one night stand with a women, you rarely say "Hey, let's go back to my place to have sex." Sure, some women might react positive to directness. Most of if the time, though, you have to present it as "Do you want to go back to my place and have some wine? "We can relax at my place. " Part of the seduction is the indirect manner of communication.
Steve has many encounters where he literally has to seduce a Seeking girl. We've all been there at one point or another. The woman is at your place late at night. She looks like she doesn't want to leave. However, when you go to kiss her she balks. She feels things are moving too fast. You have to slowly make her think that it's just kissing before you move forward. It doesn't really make all that much sense to a logical mind.
I tell them they must be on another planet when they start out that high.
I would rather play with myself for free.I had one tell me she wanted $300 just for a meet and greet. I laughed at her (it was all by text on the site), then I blocked her ass LOL!
02-25-22, 01:19
1. It remains a good idea to be indirect. But you would be surprised how many guys are looking for something free. The term "mutually beneficial" seems widely accepted as skirting the line. You can also just say things like "sure. I want you to be happy. " Or "sure. I always take care of my girl". And suggest you go to WhatsApp or text to discuss further.
How do you usually handle that point of transactions with the girls? I assume cash only to avoid any digital trail? If so, how is that usually done and when? Before or after the deed? Curious to know how this is handled on your end?
02-25-22, 01:24
How do you usually handle that point of transactions with the girls? I assume cash only to avoid any digital trail? If so, how is that usually done and when? Before or after the deed? Curious to know how this is handled on your end?I've always paid after meeting up / the deed. And yes cash for the SB in an envelope.
I had one that wanted to be paid upfront. I didn't do it because she was being sketchy about the time we'd spend together.
And what would be expected of the evening.
I think Steve's insightful comment awhile back is always worth reposting. He wrote:
"That sucks that it went to hell so fast. Not that I should be giving advice but I think you have twice fucked up a good thing by treating girls like pros. This is the cardinal sin of SBSD (or really real life also). As soon as it feels transactional these crossover girls run for the hills. Remember the cow and meat analogy. No one wants to pay a guy to kill a cow in front of him. I want to buy the steak a long distance away from the killing. Keep the sex and the money as distant as possible."
When you recount experiences with women, it makes total sense. While many men will view Seeking as a P4 P site, many of the women will rationalize it is a little financial help for friendship, companionship, etc. If that's what makes them comfortable, that's what you have to present. Beyond the world of Seeking, I think you will also be surprised how many attractive women are offered things in order to be someone's companion for awhile. Some accept gifts or financial help feeling that it's okay if they like the guy. They never think of themselves as offering sex for money.
This might not be the best example, but it still exemplifies how one must relate to women. When you have a one night stand with a women, you rarely say "Hey, let's go back to my place to have sex." Sure, some women might react positive to directness. Most of if the time, though, you have to present it as "Do you want to go back to my place and have some wine? "We can relax at my place. " Part of the seduction is the indirect manner of communication..I agree with that. I must have loads of pros around then since I'm having girls offer ppm almost immediately.
Steve 9696
02-25-22, 03:13
How do you usually handle that point of transactions with the girls? I assume cash only to avoid any digital trail? If so, how is that usually done and when? Before or after the deed? Curious to know how this is handled on your end?What I did to make it feel less transactional is buy blank thank you cards. I write a quick note about what a nice time I had and put the money in the card. I put it in an envelope and under the ice bucket or something — like partially in view but not obvious. So if she's more pro she'll be looking for it and see it. And if not, then it's not super in your face.
Steve 9696
02-25-22, 03:21
It's so strange to me that you can't discuss what seeking is ostensibly for on seeking. One girl came straight out and asked if I was interested in ppm then gave a price when I asked. 500 seems to be on the low side, I've had a couple ask for 6 now.
It sounds like you have a hotel in mind at least, something close to where you've planned the date.We all know what's going on. But as soon as seeking doesn't actively police things that are blatant quid pro quo they will be shut down and we all lose. So we are doing ourselves a favor by keeping it clean. We are helping Seeking skirt the line and stay in business! And by the way. Avoid talking PPM on the site. That is too close to the line. They don't read your stuff as far as I know but if you pissed some girl off and she reported you they would have to investigate. And if you were discussing PPM you will get banned.
On hotels — yes. First rule of pickup is have a plan and bounce destination. Same here. Price out your hotel and make sure it's available. Make sure the sex location is close to the dinner / drinks. Walkable if possible is ideal.
What I did to make it feel less transactional is buy blank thank you cards. I write a quick note about what a nice time I had and put the money in the card. I put it in an envelope and under the ice bucket or something like partially in view but not obvious. So if she's more pro she'll be looking for it and see it. And if not, then it's not super in your face.This is a good practice that you suggested to me privately a few weeks ago Steve. I've been doing it, and it works great! Me and Abby fucked tonight too LOL!
We all know what's going on. But as soon as seeking doesn't actively police things that are blatant quid pro quo they will be shut down and we all lose. So we are doing ourselves a favor by keeping it clean. We are helping Seeking skirt the line and stay in business! And by the way. Avoid talking PPM on the site. That is too close to the line. They don't read your stuff as far as I know but if you pissed some girl off and she reported you they would have to investigate. And if you were discussing PPM you will get banned.I slipped up this week and mentioned PPM on the site. The asshole I was talking to had a really bad attitude to begin with (I can understand why actually given the nature of the site), and she came back at me with a message with a link to a page on the site that says that the site is not about PPM but relationships. I replied that I'm totally about having a relationship, as my profile indicates, told her we clearly weren't have a match (attitude was a turn off anyway), and then I blocked her. Then waited to see if I might get banned, but I wasn't. I totally don't see having a relationship and PPM as being mutually exclusive. Abby and I have had a two-month relationship now with a PPM arrangement providing the basis for that.
I know that a lot of guys who would be happy to just get laid by a straight up prostitute would be quite satisfied with PPM, but that's certainly not the only reason to have a PPM arrangement. These types of guys give PPM a bad name LOL! And speaking of them not reading your stuff, one of the girls had a profile headline that literally read "quid pro quo"! I mean, that just tells me that all of their stated opposition to PPM is just a bunch of bullshit! As you say, everybody knows what's going on. And, it seems that some can be quite open and blatant about it, and get away with doing that. Meanwhile, we guys so much as mention PPM, and we're under threat of being banned!
Steve 9696
02-25-22, 14:09
So Shayla is my home girl crush hottie. I met her about a month ago (see prior report) and we danced the SA dance and became SBSD. Out of the 35 girls I've seen on Seeking they have virtually all been nice girls who I would see again. But only a few have slain me and she slays me big time.
Our second sex date was amazing, with a great dinner and period sex (very clean actually) culminating in BBFSCIP. Glorious. But then she got hit with COVID and hit hard. Like flat on her back out of work for three weeks hard. And I really thought I lost her because her texts went to nil and I had a hard time keeping her engaged. Thankfully she has bounced back and is my girl again.
We met up tonight at the same restaurant. Amazing food and fell right back into our easy vibe. After way too much food and some nice sake we made our way to the hotel a few blocks away.
Here's the short story. I have moved Shayla up to favorite sex partner all time. Wtf — did I say that out loud? Ok there are girls that give a better BJ or position X feels better. But for shared animal passion and making love like we mean it, Man you can't beat this girl.
We start out at the edge of the bed softly kissing. And this is a shared passion so we really enjoy this making out part. I push her on her back and start dry fucking her (fully clothed) while kissing passionately and grinding into her. You can tell by her body language and kissing and bunny squeaks that she is getting pretty hot and bothered.
I roll to bottom and pull her down on top of me. More making out and grinding with her letting out little cries when I jam my dick hard up against her pussy. She has on a loose top and no bra so I get my hands under and eventually push it up and get her tits in my mouth. She looooves having them sucked and I just know she's turning into a sloppy mess downstairs.
Somehow we manage to get my clothes off and her pants off but as a try to take off her red lace panties she objects and shows me they are crotch less — ready for action. So I roll her over and dive in DATY. We had not Datyed yet before and she seemed quite down. She remains the wettest girl I've ever been with and her pussy is amazing to lick and finger. She's totally open sexually and not shy about rubbing her clit or spreading her pussy lips wide for me. And she has an amazing juicy pussy. OMG.
Eventually we work around to Steve 2 and I get my dick in her mouth. I continue fingering and it feels epic. Her BJ is solid if not amazing but I love fingering with BJ so together it's awesome. Pretty soon tho I really got to fuck her because I am super worked up.
Last time we barebacked but that was on her period. I'm down for a repeat but with pullout but don't want to pressure her. I realize the easy way to make it her decision is put her on top! So we roll me on my back and her grinding atop me and making out like teenagers. Well that dick to pussy proximity works it's magic and she mounts up raw and fuck she feels amazing.
We fuck this way a long time and she goes through two strong Os. I have to pull out at one point to not shoot a load. Felt great. More fucking in mish. Did the Steve, where she got off good again, strumming her clit strongly as I pounded away. Eventually pulled out and finished things out after maybe 40 minutes with a quality CIM. Well it was a CIM improv. Once she realized I was cumming she took a shot or two in her mouth but then pulled it out letting a shot kinda hit her upper lip and drool down. I though she was kinda cheating the CIM but she sucked the remaining cum off my dick and swallowed it.
Sweet girl she is, she brought the cleanup washcloth and we snuggled amiably for another 40 minutes. She fell asleep for most of it and I would just marvel at how beautiful she is. Wow. I have scored big time with this one. Def smitten.
I've been talking to one girl who's been very direct and seems like a pro or semi pro. Messaged me first, quick to switch to text and not a lot of conversation. After I didn't respond two days ago, she texted me twice yesterday and when I responded asked if I wanted to have dessert. Have any of you met up with girls like this? I'm tempted since it sounds pretty straightforward and no dinner needed but maybe that's the wrong head thinking.
02-25-22, 23:04
. Meanwhile, we guys so much as mention PPM, and we're under threat of being banned!I wonder how seeking detects that. Do they wait for 'reports' from SBs complaining via the Report link?
It would be so easy to have something search through the text messages for PPM. So I don't think they have it automated.
..t. Meanwhile, we guys so much as mention PPM, and we're under threat of being banned!I guess it is because it is considered as prostitution. They don't want to become the next backpage so it is not allowed.
I've been talking to one girl who's been very direct and seems like a pro or semi pro. Messaged me first, quick to switch to text and not a lot of conversation. After I didn't respond two days ago, she texted me twice yesterday and when I responded asked if I wanted to have dessert. Have any of you met up with girls like this? I'm tempted since it sounds pretty straightforward and no dinner needed but maybe that's the wrong head thinking.Totally a pro. But might not be anything wrong.
You guys ever see a profile from a girl who comes across as totally desperate? I avoid those types like the plague. I saw one last night where she's like "I lost my job and have two kids and I'm doing this because I need to feed my children. Please help"! I've seen a few like that. I'm on my last leg kind of stuff and please help me. If the person is for real, then I suppose like anything it could go good or it could go bad. But, my inclination is to stay away from anybody sounding too desperate. Where there's smoke there's fire, and a lot of problems I don't want to have introduced into my life.
So, I was checking with you all and asked tips earlier.
Here is my report. More to come.
I had a trip to Spain and chatted up some girls couple weeks ahead. One chick. Lets call her the. Had a great vibe. Couple other was ok.
I lined up the for a dinner appointment on a Saturday. Had another for Sunday but actually a backup. A 20 why. O for Monday. Planned to depart on Tuesday. So, one each day.
The and I had a good chemistry on chat itself. Met her on Saturday.
She guides me to restsurant and showed up 10 minutes late. Waited in the line with mask on. Good height and we chatted. Found a table. When she removed mask, gosh. I knew right there that she is the one. Super pretty. We have good food, chat about various things. Towards the end, I reach out to hold hands across table and she started stroking my palms in a way that I had a bulge in my pants. We then left the restaurant, walked to anotther bar. In the way, I casually out my arms around her waist and she responded in kind. We go to the bar have a few drinks and more slight touches, light kisses.
We got out of the bar and asked her what she wanted to do next. She said "maybe, go to your room? We took a cab and in the cab, she leans to kiss me gently. Once in room, I had some wine ready. We drink. And I just felt like freshening up. I excused myself. Came back and started kissing her. Gentle at first, and then gradually both our tongues intertwined. I was super hard. Pulled her tops off and dived right in on her nipples. She moaned and said "I want you inside me". I tease her more and she goes "do you have condoms? I said "do we need one?" And winked. She says she is clean and hope I am.
We made more. Kissing, licking and somehow, she ended on top of me and pulled my pants off. I was already hard and ready.
She climbs on top and takes me right inside. All way. Deeep inside. Super wet. Super smooth. We fucked like dogs for anotther 30 minutes. She in top, me on top, she on side. Eventually, she laid on her tummy and I entered from behind (not anal). While being inside, I nibble her ears, fuck her. She says go harder and deeper. It gets harder and deeper. . I pulled out and came all over her sweet ass.
I lay on top of her, make out, kisses and cuddles. We both then went for a shower. She washed me thoroughly while I washed her and played with her pussy and nipples. More fingering.
She knelt down, sucked me. A great blowjob. She kept at it and made me cum again in shower.
Then, we drank the rest of the wine, naked with each other. Hit the bed. She stayed overnight. At some point, she comes over to sleep on my chest.
Next AM, when we wake up both if us have a desire for each other. We start making out, and I have my morning wood. She slips her hand underneath. Plays with my dick while kissing me. Full on and back again. She goes on top and takes me all the way in. Somewhere during she says I love your dick. It makes me cum. We fucked for like 45 minutes. Shower again.
Then, we went for breakfast.
Unforgettable fucking. I intend to fly her to me in couple of weeks.
So, I was checking with you all and asked tips earlier.
Here is my report. More to come.
I had a trip to Spain and chatted up some girls couple weeks ahead. One chick. Lets call her the. Had a great vibe. Couple other was ok.
I lined up the for a dinner appointment on a Saturday. Had another for Sunday but actually a backup. A 20 why. O for Monday. Planned to depart on Tuesday. So, one each day.
The and I had a good chemistry on chat itself. Met her on Saturday.
She guides me to restsurant and showed up 10 minutes late. Waited in the line with mask on. Good height and we chatted. Found a table. When she removed mask, gosh. I knew right there that she is the one. Super pretty. We have good food, chat about various things. Towards the end, I reach out to hold hands across table and she started stroking my palms in a way that I had a bulge in my pants. We then left the restaurant, walked to anotther bar. In the way, I casually out my arms around her waist and she responded in kind. We go to the bar have a few drinks and more slight touches, light kisses.
We got out of the bar and asked her what she wanted to do next. She said "maybe, go to your room? We took a cab and in the cab, she leans to kiss me gently. Once in room, I had some wine ready. We drink. And I just felt like freshening up. I excused myself. Came back and started kissing her. Gentle at first, and then gradually both our tongues intertwined. I was super hard. Pulled her tops off and dived right in on her nipples. She moaned and said "I want you inside me". I tease her more and she goes "do you have condoms? I said "do we need one?" And winked. She says she is clean and hope I am..Well! Seems like you took all of the advice to heart and used it well. Your own grand slam home run! However, you did leave out some key data. What was the "damage"? How much of your wealth did you part with for the privilege and the honor?
Black Eyes
02-26-22, 22:32
Hi guys,
Need some help.
I was trying to pay for the seeking premium membership as and the payments were declined.
I don't want to pay using my credit card.
Is there any way to make the payment.
Cheers and regards.
Totally a pro. But might not be anything wrong.I figured. Just curious if that should be a red flag right away.
02-27-22, 06:08
You guys ever see a profile from a girl who comes across as totally desperate? I avoid those types like the plague. I saw one last night where she's like "I lost my job and have two kids and I'm doing this because I need to feed my children. Please help"! I've seen a few like that. I'm on my last leg kind of stuff and please help me. If the person is for real, then I suppose like anything it could go good or it could go bad. But, my inclination is to stay away from anybody sounding too desperate. Where there's smoke there's fire, and a lot of problems I don't want to have introduced into my life.Not the traits you wants in a SB and that's even if it's not a scam profile. For sure they will be asking for cash before you see her (or him).
Easier to just move on and put your savior traits where they belong.
Good point. Totally forgot that.
So, at the back of my mind, when I knew she was going to end up on my bed that night, I wanted to set "expectations" but somehow I also felt I did not want to lose the opportunity. Let things flow. Next day, after breakfast, when she was freshening up before leaving my hotel, I left 300 in an envelope beside her bag. I know she picked it up but did not check anything in frontof me (good sign).
We are still in touch (planning her trip to me). I asked her if she was happy with what I offered. She goes "I really like you. Whatever you offered is much more than what I wanted".
No talk about $. The way she said it, it looks like she is lookimg at me as total package while I am doing the same.
Honestly, for a quality girl like this, I would pay more.
This feeling of friends with benefits, no condom, texting each other. Escorts no longer appeal to me.
Well! Seems like you took all of the advice to heart and used it well. Your own grand slam home run! However, you did leave out some key data. What was the "damage"? How much of your wealth did you part with for the privilege and the honor?
02-27-22, 10:09
Hi guys,
Need some help.
I was trying to pay for the seeking premium membership as and the payments were declined.
I don't want to pay using my credit card.
Is there any way to make the payment.
Cheers and regards..The short answer is to use a prepaid Visa. I buy them at Kroger and get 2 x (or 4 x during promos) Fuel Points, plus miles on the card I use to buy the Visa.
Before you can reliably use them, you'll need to register the cards online, giving an address. The good news is that you don't need to register them with your real name or address, but you need to be consistent, using the name / address you register when paying for your membership. I just use my long deceased grandfather's name and address.
So, following up on my first report (more to come, as I had a week long fun).
After an amazing date with Miss the on Saturday evening, I had one on standby for Sunday. The idea was if things went south on Sat, I have Sunday for action. This lady seemed genuinely nice. Spoke little English but good enough for us both to communicate. However, Saturday evening the and I met at 9 PM, had dinner, then hung out at bar, then eventually, she and I were fucking each other till 2 AM. Then, we both fell asleep only to make love again at 8 AM. The left my hotel around 1030 AM.
Was pretty tired. I did some sight seeing, grabbed lunch and took a nap. Later in the evening, the backup lady was keen on meeting me but I knew it was not going to be a home run. She was more interested in knowing me. I was just so tired and did not have the energy for a dinner. Skipped it citing some excuses.
For Monday, I had a 20 why. O. Miss M. Lined up. She was going to college and was going to meet me for lunch at 2 PM. I had a nice restaurant booked. She said she was 20. I checked up age of consent in Spain and all good. I was also going to check her ID somehow before taking her to my room. While texting, she had told me that she has had sex only once in her life before (and that she was looking for a more mature man to "teach" her. How exciting!
We kept in touch, and once I reach the lunch place, her messages start reducing. I had a weird feeling but she did not show up. I still went ahead, had a nice lunch, few drinks, and went sight seeing. Well, what goes around comes around. I bailed out on the Sunday lady. Monday someone bailed out on me.
Later that evening, I was horny again. Tried to get in touch with the but she had work to do. Seemed genuine. So, decided to check out some swinger clubs. Tried two of those but for some reason, both the clubs I went to told me they were closed. Not sure why but anyway. I had a great night with the which made my trip.
There was another 23 why. O I was in touch with. She was DTF, super cute but was expecting an amount even for a meet and greet. Said something like "My time is so precious. Even for M&G, I do take gifts". Not my kinda girl. Told her right away - "OK. I see everything else to be a good fit but if you think your time is precious for M&G, the converse goes true as well. My money is too precious to pay you just for having lunch with me. I'm not that desperate".
Tuesday AM, I took my flight out to the next city.
So, after enjoying time with Miss the, and missing out on Miss M, I move to next city.
Landed on Tuesday late afternoon. Nice sunny day with beaches. Rented a car and go to my resort. A run by the beach and great dinner in the evening.
I had reached out to maybe 50/60 girls on SA but weeded out all those that were sure shot pros (nothing against them but if I wanted a pro, why invest so much time on SA? I might as well get it easily on other sites) and those that were purely transactional (give me $, I will give you time / sex). This left me with only a handful.
One lady. Miss K. Her pics were super hot. Like a 9. We moved from SA to text (all these started a couple weeks before reaching the city. Per veteran advices here. Thanks to you all). We had planned for Wednesday. She owns a spa and said she could meet only after 8 PM.
However, Wednesday AM, I get a text saying "Hey, I'm not sure I should be doing this. You are traveling here. So, this is likely a ONS. I'm not looking for ONS. Good luck with your search". My heart stopped for a minute but responded "Listen, I recognize I'm traveling but I never said that I won't be flying you out to me if we have the chemistry. I'd hate to end this even before it started but if that is your decision, I respect you at that. If I were you, I'd at least meet for dinner and see where it takes us. In the end, if you decide to walk away, you can. No questions asked". After 30/40 minutes of silence, she agreed. Game on.
I booked a nice restaurant 5 minutes walk from my hotel (thanks, Steve), and she had to drive 45 kms to get to me. She was a bit late but she did show up and apologized. Gosh. In person, I have this super tall model like figure, long legs, high cheeks, twinkling eyes, and a nice cleavage that was visible just enough to get my mind running wild. We start talking. She asks a lot of questions to get to know me. I'm careful not to divulge what I shouldn't but answered here genuinely. Maintained eye contact throughout without letting my eyes wander down to her cleavage (at least not when she is looking). She is originally from Russia, dated a British guy and ended up with a kid but not married. Runs her own business. Haven't had a man in a while but is also afraid to get involved seriously given her recent experience. Basically, she opened up gradually over the two hours of dinner (and drinks helped her open up, for sure) and I get the drift of it that she wants good sex, respect, but no commitment. Perfect.
I do that same trick. Once we spoke, and got to know each other. Once I know she is getting comfortable with me, I reach out and hold her hands from across the table. Same trick I used with Miss the. It worked with Miss K as well. I get the check, and we walk out. I ask her "So, what do you think? You want to walk away now as a friend or. ?" and winked. She blushes first, laughs, gathers herself and goes "I think I want to spend more time with you. Let's go to your room? Do you have some drinks in room? I had kept some wine ready. So, off we go. She even allows me to ride in her car, we park near my hotel. We walk up. With my arms around her waist. Holding her tight. She responds in kind. (Exact same thing as Miss D). Good signs.
We go to my room (has a balcony looking over the ocean). We grab wine, relax in the balcony on two separate chairs. At some point, I signaled her to come sit on my lap. She quickly moved over as if she had been waiting for me to make the first move. We sip more wine and I gradually stoke her hair. Put my hand behind her neck and pull her towards me for a kiss. It was gentle at first and she makes the first move of tongue digging deeper into mine. We kiss for a while and take a break. Sip more wine. Again, we started kissing. BY this time, I had finished my glass. Put it down and started using both my hands. One hand wandering freely on her back and another on her thighs. She places her wine aside and put both her hands around me and pulls me closer. Deeper kisses.
I'm now emboldened and slip my hand under her dress. Play with her boobs (I could feel them nice and firm, natural. Just the way I like it). As things start heating up, she moans and her kisses were becoming harder. She breathes heavier. I'm fully turned on. In one swift motion I pulled her dress and bra to one side fully exposing her left boob. I dived right in and started to suck on them. It started well but she quickly pulled back as it was too sensitive (she says it became sensitive after having a kid. I believe her). But, she says she still likes to be sucked there but not on nipples. And, she pulled my head back to her boobs. We keep making out this way for a while and then, I pulled off her right boob as well. Same exercise. No discrimination right vs. Left (She pulls my shirt off and runs over my chest. And I pulled her dress off. Here we are half naked, with her only in her bras, making out on a balcony facing the sea. She quickly kneels down between my knees, unzips me and pulls the guy out (already hard) and starts licking at first before taking the boy completely in. Boy. What a BBBJ. I pick up her wine, drink some, enjoy the sea breeze while having a hot chick sucking my dick.
Then, I lift her up, we both are still kissing and walking half naked from the balcony to the room. I push her on the bed and dived right in for a DATY. She moans, laughs, giggles and builds momentum. At some point she said. In exact words - "Baby, I want you inside me. I haven't felt a dick in a long while. Please put it inside". I'm about to oblige in raw but she stopped me. Bummer. She wants a condom. Luckily, I had some. Slip it on and we start fucking. The problem with me is. With condom, I tend to lose it. It is impossible to get it again. So, I fuck her hard and fast. But, that hard and fast lasted for a good 8/10 minutes. She came multiple times as her legs wrapped around me were shaking. I see our bodies wrapped in one in the huge mirror. I counted at least three times her coming. Each time, she would scratch my chest, or hold me tight (in mish and bury her nails on my back. Boy, heaven). I see her boobs move as I go deeper and harder. After a while, I shoot my load. We lay there cuddling each other.
The condom took a lot of fun off but still it was a great fuck. She then showered (I offered to join like I did with Miss the, but she refused). She came back out dressed. While she was in shower, I had her 250 (as agreed previously) in an envelop beside her bag (just the way I did with D). We hugged, embraced for a couple minutes. I could feel her check behind my back whether I have paid as agreed while I was hugging her. But I decide not to make a big deal out of it. Walked with her to the car. Another passionate kiss near the car and off she went.
She texted me once she reached home that she has reached safe.
Great accounts man. Great accounts! It's as if you attended the Steve Writing School for Mongers LOLOL! And you're doing great on the pricing too! Getting it good at favorable rates. Bravo! Bravo!
Steve 9696
02-27-22, 13:50
Wow GFEfan. Those are amazing stories. And welcome to the "spoiled forever" club. Once you have had it roll like this, paying to fuck an hour seems a shade (or more) less awesome. Not that I'll stop doing that!
And completely textbook awesome escalation and seduction. You the man! And I don't mean text book in a bad way because obviously it came naturally to you. Hands across the table is a classic. In one of my rare sex-fails (attempted civilian date) when I did the hands reach she didn't want to take them. I should have know right then we were done. Instead we played the charade another half hour only to part sexless. But all other times it’s been a nice moment leading to the bedroom.
I love your response to the ONS objection. I could not have written it better. Sometimes they need just a light push and some justification. And its on!
Love all the play by play but my fave is when you are getting a BJ on the balcony while sipping your wine and looking at the waves roll in. King of the world man! Best of luck with ur first girl, where the chemistry was magic, and all your yet to be discovered hotties.
Thanks, Steve. Don't think I would have hit 4 home runs in a week without your (and other seniors here) guidance. Much appreciated.
Apologies for the many typos on the FR with my first girl. It is Miss the. For some reason, it turns it all to THE. She and I have great chemistry, yes. I'm going to fly her to me or take her on a trip with me. Very sweet girl. The hottie (9) - Miss K. Who insisted on a condom on Wed came back to see me on Friday (she wanted to see me before I left). The second time, we ditched the condom. Even better sex. I also had one at my place last week. All those reports are coming soon.
Totally agreed. SA is lot of work. Time investment. Lot to weed through but once done, the quality of sex and chemistry is amazing. Cannot find this with pros. Spoiled. Yes.
Haven't done CIP barring my first SB. I kind of felt nervous after that for a while. So, decided no more CIP but enjoy the BBFS. Not 100% safe but yet better than CIP.
Wow GFEfan. Those are amazing stories. And welcome to the "spoiled forever" club. Once you have had it roll like this, paying to fuck an hour seems a shade (or more) less awesome. Not that I'll stop doing that!
And completely textbook awesome escalation and seduction. You the man! And I don't mean text book in a bad way because obviously it came naturally to you. Hands across the table is a classic. In one of my rare sex-fails (attempted civilian date) when I did the hands reach she didn't want to take them. I should have know right then we were done. Instead we played the charade another half hour only to part sexless. But all other times its been a nice moment leading to the bedroom.
I love your response to the ONS objection. I could not have written it better. Sometimes they need just a light push and some justification. And its on!
Love all the play by play but my fave is when you are getting a BJ on the balcony while sipping your wine and looking at the waves roll in. King of the world man! Best of luck with ur first girl, where the chemistry was magic, and all your yet to be discovered hotties.
Yet again it does that. It is Miss "the" - my favorite. And Miss K the hot 9 rated.
Thanks, Steve. Don't think I would have hit 4 home runs in a week without your (and other seniors here) guidance. Much appreciated.
Apologies for the many typos on the FR with my first girl. It is Miss the. For some reason, it turns it all to THE. She and I have great chemistry, yes. I'm going to fly her to me or take her on a trip with me. Very sweet girl. The hottie (9) - Miss K. Who insisted on a condom on Wed came back to see me on Friday (she wanted to see me before I left). The second time, we ditched the condom. Even better sex. I also had one at my place last week. All those reports are coming soon.
Totally agreed. SA is lot of work. Time investment. Lot to weed through but once done, the quality of sex and chemistry is amazing. Cannot find this with pros. Spoiled. Yes.
Haven't done CIP barring my first SB. I kind of felt nervous after that for a while. So, decided no more CIP but enjoy the BBFS. Not 100% safe but yet better than CIP.
02-27-22, 22:47
However, Wednesday AM, I get a text saying "Hey, I'm not sure I should be doing this. You are traveling here. So, this is likely a ONS. I'm not looking for ONS. Good luck with your search". My heart stopped for a minute but responded "Listen, I recognize I'm traveling but I never said that I won't be flying you out to me if we have the chemistry. I'd hate to end this even before it started but if that is your decision, I respect you at that. If I were you, I'd at least meet for dinner and see where it takes us. In the end, if you decide to walk away, you can. No questions asked". After 30/40 minutes of silence, she agreed. Game on.This is such a good line. I'm def using this.
Later in your FR you talked about giving her a choice as you left the restaurant. For me I would have made a little assumption that she was staying if she wasn't peeling off to her car.
Black Eyes
02-28-22, 22:15
The short answer is to use a prepaid Visa. I buy them at Kroger and get 2 x (or 4 x during promos) Fuel Points, plus miles on the card I use to buy the Visa.
Before you can reliably use them, you'll need to register the cards online, giving an address. The good news is that you don't need to register them with your real name or address, but you need to be consistent, using the name / address you register when paying for your membership. I just use my long deceased grandfather's name and address.Thanks for your response.
I did use a prepaid card. But tried the monthly subscription since I was trying it for one month to see how it goes.
Could it be the reason rather than selecting a one time option.
Steve 9696
03-01-22, 13:51
This is such a good line. I'm def using this.
Later in your FR you talked about giving her a choice as you left the restaurant. For me I would have made a little assumption that she was staying if she wasn't peeling off to her car.Totally agree. OP was spot on with that response and it worked! Agree w you as well. Once you say "want to get out of here" which is code for let's have sex you want to lead directly to hotel. But I will say I have had a deer in the highlights moment even just this past year with Mika where we were outside and I was like "um so what do you think?" I was just befuddled by her awesomeness! And she said said "I think I really like you" and kissed me full on the lips and said where is your hotel?
Just goes to show these girls are down and the deal is sealed pretty early in the date. Nonetheless the strong lead to hotel approach has also scored a handful of girls (including one long term) that I know I never would have bedded or seen again with a soft lead.
1. Do you guys avoid single moms? I was talking to one woman who was very direct, asked if I wanted to meet right away, ppm 800 which was the highest I'd seen at that point. Couldn't meet on the weekends bc of the kids but looked good, profile said she was kinky so I was tempted. Kept texting me to stay in contact too. Told her I'd think about it because of the high ppm and the kids, didn't want anything complicated and she blasted me accusing me of paying for sex LOL. I read a post awhile back about a single mom scam. Pay for the sitter, the car repair etc so should I just avoid them from now on?
2. Outrageous pricing. Good looking 19 yo told me her ppm was 1800. She wasn't a model and I'm sure some guys around here can swing that but if that's where things are going my time here is limited. Another ok looking 22 yo said she usually does 1 k and could only go to 800. I'm in awe of you guys getting 3-400.
Well I'm still out here grinding guys. Seeking on SA! And what a ride it's been. I'm still seeing Abby, the girl who I met back in January, and so far so good! We really enjoy the no drama time we spend together, both in and out of the sack. But already, I'm worried about things getting a little stale. Not that we're there yet, but I guess it's just the monger in me seeping in. I mean, I haven't been steady fucking the same woman in years and years and years! So, it's just all a little weird for me right now if you know what I mean. I keep looking for different ways to keep it interesting for the both of us. You know, mix it up some. Both sexually and non-sexually. Been working slow but steady to get into her pink butt hole LOLOLOL! As for new action, unfortunately I don't have anything interesting to report on that front.
It's not like I haven't had my chances. There was one hottie I was talking to who lives about an hour and a half away from me. Things were progressing really well, but then I stopped and asked myself. Why am I doing this? I mean, I live in a large metro area with plenty of prospects much, much closer to me. And I'm not desperate from some pussy. So, I'm not driving to some new pussy an hour and a half away! Blew it all off and moved on, and I actually met up with a young, white, 23 year-old, college grad. The meet and greet all went swimmingly well, and she was down. Hell, she out and out told me she was ready to suck my dick LOL! The thing is, although she was cute in her own way, there simply was no sexual attraction to her from my end. So, I ended up passing on the opportunity. We have texted back and forth a few times since, but I made no follow-up moves. After a while, a girl gets the message I'm sure. She is nice and cute and bubbly. But, no sexual desire in me to fuck her.
And then of course, there was that "scam event" that I told you all about. Set up a dinner date with "somebody" after communicating with them for a week, then they tried to pull the old "can you send me some money to cover gas and the sitter" LOLOLOL! Like I said, I just had to laugh out loud about it. It didn't cost me much but a little investment of my time, and a nice dinner that I enjoyed by myself. Which brings me to where I've been with this thing from the beginning. It's simply just too much work. The fakes, the flakes, the fraudsters, and the scammers. That's mostly what the site is. Abby and I keep telling each other that we absolutely cannot believe we found each other on "that bullshit site". One more month left of my membership. And then I'm out. At least for a very, very long while! Until my next and final report my friends!
Steve 9696
03-03-22, 16:57
1. Do you guys avoid single moms? I was talking to one woman who was very direct, asked if I wanted to meet right away, ppm 800 which was the highest I'd seen at that point. Couldn't meet on the weekends bc of the kids but looked good, profile said she was kinky so I was tempted. Kept texting me to stay in contact too. Told her I'd think about it because of the high ppm and the kids, didn't want anything complicated and she blasted me accusing me of paying for sex LOL. I read a post awhile back about a single mom scam. Pay for the sitter, the car repair etc so should I just avoid them from now on?
2. Outrageous pricing. Good looking 19 yo told me her ppm was 1800. She wasn't a model and I'm sure some guys around here can swing that but if that's where things are going my time here is limited. Another ok looking 22 yo said she usually does 1 k and could only go to 800. I'm in awe of you guys getting 3-400.I avoid single moms. Logistics are just too tough. And you can get the guilt trip bad. I had a girl (after we fucked once) asking for diaper and formula money. Fuck. I'm a nice guy but I don't need that shit. I sometimes say I want to be the frosting not the cake!
Anyone asking $800 and up just kick to curb. Keep at it. Your not going to get 3-4 in a major city these days but you going to get a winner at 500 if you just keep at it.
Steve 9696
03-03-22, 17:01
This is off topic for Seeking but you guys are my buds so I thought I'the share a small win this morning. Going to Medellin and have one Seeking girl but Facebook is where it's at in MDE. So I had this nice little ego stroke this AM:
So I have about 10 FB girls I am happy with and have agreed price. But continuing to build the roster because I know flakes are part of the game. One girl I am particularly smitten with I gave her my offer and she came back with "do you take care of yourself"? And I don't have a six pack but a bit of definition. So I sent her some pics. My corporate head shot and an abs shot. She came back and asked if I had any REAL pics! LOL. Nice. Made my day. Sent her a couple more pics including one I snapped right after getting out of bed this AM and got a big thumbs up. Made my day. LOL. Cannot WAIT to see these girls.
P.S. - you will get smoking hot girls in MDE for $50-65 for an hour or two. I shit you not. Direct flight from Miami is like $200. If you have flexibility to travel you should prob check it out.
03-03-22, 17:19
This is off topic for Seeking but you guys are my buds so I thought I'the share a small win this morning. Going to Medellin and have one Seeking girl but Facebook is where it's at in MDE. So I had this nice little ego stroke this AM:
So I have about 10 FB girls I am happy with and have agreed price. But continuing to build the roster because I know flakes are part of the game. One girl I am particularly smitten with I gave her my offer and she came back with "do you take care of yourself"? And I don't have a six pack but a bit of definition. So I sent her some pics. My corporate head shot and an abs shot. She came back and asked if I had any REAL pics! LOL. Nice. Made my day. Sent her a couple more pics including one I snapped right after getting out of bed this AM and got a big thumbs up. Made my day. LOL. Cannot WAIT to see these girls.
P.S. - you will get smoking hot girls in MDE for $50-65 for an hour or two. I shit you not. Direct flight from Miami is like $200. If you have flexibility to travel you should prob check it out.I am about to find out how it will be like with Bogota girls from SA in a few weeks. So far, I have been able to collect a list of contacts which I plan to re-establish chat again prior to leaving for Bogota. So far I have only mentioned that we will meet first and make an offer after we meet with all of them.
I avoid single moms. Logistics are just too tough. And you can get the guilt trip bad. I had a girl (after we fucked once) asking for diaper and formula money. Fuck. I'm a nice guy but I don't need that shit. I sometimes say I want to be the frosting not the cake!
Anyone asking $800 and up just kick to curb. Keep at it. Your not going to get 3-4 in a major city these days but you going to get a winner at 500 if you just keep at it.And I got lucky and hit the lottery by finding a winner in a Tier 1 market for $250 per meet! Damn! No luck since then though LOL!
Elvis 2008
03-03-22, 17:42
This is off topic for Seeking but you guys are my buds so I thought I'the share a small win this morning. Going to Medellin and have one Seeking girl but Facebook is where it's at in MDE. So I had this nice little ego stroke this AM:
So I have about 10 FB girls I am happy with and have agreed price. But continuing to build the roster because I know flakes are part of the game. One girl I am particularly smitten with I gave her my offer and she came back with "do you take care of yourself"? And I don't have a six pack but a bit of definition. So I sent her some pics. My corporate head shot and an abs shot. She came back and asked if I had any REAL pics! LOL. Nice. Made my day. Sent her a couple more pics including one I snapped right after getting out of bed this AM and got a big thumbs up. Made my day. LOL. Cannot WAIT to see these girls.
P.S. - you will get smoking hot girls in MDE for $50-65 for an hour or two. I shit you not. Direct flight from Miami is like $200. If you have flexibility to travel you should prob check it out.Steve, I have been dabbling with Facebook in Medellin for shits and giggles, and it seems like all the hotties have gone online in Medellin. FB is a good no cost alternative to seeking, but I just doubt that the quality is going to be the same. What you are saying is the women are ho like and you send them a price. There is nothing wrong with that if you just want to get some but I met seeking women time and again without a price.
I am really skeptical of the guys here who say that there is no one that hot on seeking there. Medellin was my #2 city, and I barebacked like crazy there. I tore it up and had woman after head turning woman. In Bogota, I was getting 2 dates in day and 3 in Medellin, and I last played there in April 2021. Al in all, I liked the women of Bogota more but Medellin had a slightly hotter portion of them.
From my POV, there is no comparison with what is on seeking and what is on Facebook. None.
BTW, you may want to PM Doncarlos in Medellin. He has a line on women that are up to my and his (and I think your) standards. Sure, there are some decent looking FB girls, but nothing and I mean nothing, like what I was seeing.
Steve 9696
03-03-22, 19:49
I am about to find out how it will be like with Bogota girls from SA in a few weeks. So far, I have been able to collect a list of contacts which I plan to re-establish chat again prior to leaving for Bogota. So far I have only mentioned that we will meet first and make an offer after we meet with all of them.I will be interested how it goes since you are doing SA and I am doing FB. I have one SA girl and she is a hot student. She's pretty girlfriendy and fun but not just a "must have" I'm considering whether I want to meet up with her when I have literally 12 and growing FB girls on my list for my few days there. Ah first world problems.
Some single moms (hot) simply did not work for me.
Also, not doing any of those asking high price.
The max I have done is 300 but the girl herself asked only 250.
Lets avoid inflation here.
I avoid single moms. Logistics are just too tough. And you can get the guilt trip bad. I had a girl (after we fucked once) asking for diaper and formula money. Fuck. I'm a nice guy but I don't need that shit. I sometimes say I want to be the frosting not the cake!
Anyone asking $800 and up just kick to curb. Keep at it. Your not going to get 3-4 in a major city these days but you going to get a winner at 500 if you just keep at it.
03-03-22, 20:09
I will be interested how it goes since you are doing SA and I am doing FB. I have one SA girl and she is a hot student. She's pretty girlfriendy and fun but not just a "must have" I'm considering whether I want to meet up with her when I have literally 12 and growing FB girls on my list for my few days there. Ah first world problems.Steve,
I will really be interested in your reports on MDE. Why did you choose MDE? I hated all parts MDE, besides the view. For me Mexico is so much better, honestly no comparison. I hope you have enjoy more then me.
03-03-22, 21:46
This is off topic for Seeking but you guys are my buds so I thought I'the share a small win this morning. Going to Medellin and have one Seeking girl but Facebook is where it's at in MDE. So I had this nice little ego stroke this AM:
So I have about 10 FB girls I am happy with and have agreed price. But continuing to build the roster because I know flakes are part of the game. One girl I am particularly smitten with I gave her my offer and she came back with "do you take care of yourself"? And I don't have a six pack but a bit of definition. So I sent her some pics. My corporate head shot and an abs shot. She came back and asked if I had any REAL pics! LOL. Nice. Made my day. Sent her a couple more pics including one I snapped right after getting out of bed this AM and got a big thumbs up. Made my day. LOL. Cannot WAIT to see these girls.
P.S. - you will get smoking hot girls in MDE for $50-65 for an hour or two. I shit you not. Direct flight from Miami is like $200. If you have flexibility to travel you should prob check it out.How do you go about starting to find girls on FB in a particular city? What search words do you use to get started with that? I have used SA with success in Tijuana, Playa del Carmen and Cartagena but have not tried FB.
How do you go about starting to find girls on FB in a particular city?...It is Medellin. You can find info here.
Reports of Distinction
Steve 9696
03-03-22, 22:42
I will really be interested in your reports on MDE. Why did you choose MDE? I hated all parts MDE, besides the view. For me Mexico is so much better, honestly no comparison. I hope you have enjoy more then me.I have an inside man in MDE who swears by it. He goes often and knows all the girls. I can send him a Facebook girl and he can say: dead fish avoid. Or tight pussy but some acne. I mean honestly it's gold. That is why I am going there. But he's def a high volume of girls player and I do like Seeking girlfriend.
S. But I'm going to try it out. I have other venues in S America where I will do SA.
Super interested in Elvis comment tho and going to hit up Don Carlos.
Steve 9696
03-03-22, 22:50
Steve, I have been dabbling with Facebook in Medellin for shits and giggles, and it seems like all the hotties have gone online in Medellin. FB is a good no cost alternative to seeking, but I just doubt that the quality is going to be the same. What you are saying is the women are ho like and you send them a price. There is nothing wrong with that if you just want to get some but I met seeking women time and again without a price.
I am really skeptical of the guys here who say that there is no one that hot on seeking there. Medellin was my #2 city, and I barebacked like crazy there. I tore it up and had woman after head turning woman. In Bogota, I was getting 2 dates in day and 3 in Medellin, and I last played there in April 2021. Al in all, I liked the women of Bogota more but Medellin had a slightly hotter portion of them.
From my POV, there is no comparison with what is on seeking and what is on Facebook. None.
BTW, you may want to PM Doncarlos in Medellin. He has a line on women that are up to my and his (and I think your) standards. Sure, there are some decent looking FB girls, but nothing and I mean nothing, like what I was seeing.For some reason DC can't receive PMs. Elvis if you could have him contact me or you Pm me his info that would be great.
Good advice. Was hesitant to put own CC digits and questioned was it worth the risk? Good to know that prepaid cards work with matching address. Will try with a new account.
The short answer is to use a prepaid Visa. I buy them at Kroger and get 2 x (or 4 x during promos) Fuel Points, plus miles on the card I use to buy the Visa.
Before you can reliably use them, you'll need to register the cards online, giving an address. The good news is that you don't need to register them with your real name or address, but you need to be consistent, using the name / address you register when paying for your membership. I just use my long deceased grandfather's name and address.
03-04-22, 00:31
I will be interested how it goes since you are doing SA and I am doing FB. I have one SA girl and she is a hot student. She's pretty girlfriendy and fun but not just a "must have" I'm considering whether I want to meet up with her when I have literally 12 and growing FB girls on my list for my few days there. Ah first world problems.I am not sure how to operate yet with all these girls. I am thinking that I can meet the girls at the coffee shop like Starbucks or Juan Valdez in the buro (neighborhood) where I plan to stay. Not sure how willing they would be to meet me when the time comes.
I may appear very fluent on WhatsApp, but to have any meaningful conversation in Spanish will be a struggle for me. Could be tough establishing any kind of chemistry. Will report back after my trip.
Steve 9696
03-04-22, 04:03
I am not sure how to operate yet with all these girls. I am thinking that I can meet the girls at the coffee shop like Starbucks or Juan Valdez in the buro (neighborhood) where I plan to stay. Not sure how willing they would be to meet me when the time comes.
I may appear very fluent on WhatsApp, but to have any meaningful conversation in Spanish will be a struggle for me. Could be tough establishing any kind of chemistry. Will report back after my trip.So even in the US SA girls early 20's are down to fuck first date. Dont let the magic fade. Sweep to them off their feet at dinner and take them to the bedroom. Girls abroad are even less inhibited. No need for the coffee charade. Have dinner or drinks and hit it! You got this!
Steve 9696
03-04-22, 04:31
So I met up with my local SA hottie. An Asian wet dream. Going to skip the details because you guys prob get tired of them, but let me just say Seeking rules. If I wasn't older and wiser I'd say I'm in love. But being old and wise I will say I am smitten by the awesomeness of this 23 year old vixen. Sure she could be playing the long game and faking all this — I'm not naive. But it feels 100% real and passionate and wet and wild. (And a sloppy wet pussy don’t lie!) If I didn't know any better I'd say she adores fucking me. And I surely adore fucking her!
It's just off the charts best passion and sex of my overly advanced life! And only on Seeking can this happen. No way I am hooking up true BFGF with 35 year age gap any other way. Seeking rules!
03-04-22, 18:34
How do you go about starting to find girls on FB in a particular city? What search words do you use to get started with that? I have used SA with success in Tijuana, Playa del Carmen and Cartagena but have not tried FB.Did you ever hear back on this? I'm tying to find some chicas but not sure where to look on FB.
03-05-22, 06:10
Did you ever hear back on this? I'm tying to find some chicas but not sure where to look on FB.When I am growing my fake FB profile for a new area I join the local "city" for sale, local news groups. If you get one chic in the area I also hit up friend requests to her friends.
Look through the Likes on any posts & pics. If you use topics of interest for yourself that is good.
I also make posts on the groups I have joined. Not too pushy at first. Then at some point something like "Anyone know how a visitor would get from A b?
Also posting questions on your public news feed also when you have a few followers in your target city.
So, last week I posted about my best SB (Miss D) and then, a super model SB (Miss K) after a little bit of coaxing. I met "the" on Saturday night / Sunday, K on Wednesday.
For Thursday, I had lined up Miss M. She is a 19 why. O, student living about 150 kms from where I was visiting. Initially, she wanted me to come to her but then, I have to drive 150 kms, find a hotel and I was a bit not sure if it was worth it. Convinced her to take a train / bus to me and that I will cover her costs. She agreed but part of me was thinking that she wouldn't show up.
Wed night, until about 130/2 AM, I'm fucking Miss K. Although with condom, it was still a good fuck given the lead up to it was exciting (see previous report). Thu AM, Miss M was supposed to reach me at 1030 AM but part of me was thinking she wouldn't. However, around 8 AM, I get a text that Miss M is already on the way. I freshen up, still a bit tired but go to pick her from nearest train station. A bit of confusion as Googlemaps took me to a different place but eventually, I find her. Patiently waiting for me at the platform. Poor thing.
First look. Super hot, tall chick with flowing hair (just the way I like it). Cherubic face (Wait. Do I really want to fuck her? She has her jacket on, fully covered. So, couldn't assess rest.
Off we go. I park my car near hotel, and walk by the beach with her. We picked up a restaurant that has beach seating with lot of sunlight (to feel warmer). She goes "Wow. This is so nice. Blah. Blah". Trust me, it was not a luxury restaurant at all. For me, it was any other brunch place. But for her, it was something she doesn't get to do often. Some of these girls. The things they get excited about. I cannot fathom.
After a few minutes, she takes off her jacket. Man. Oh, man. I forget my tiredness, I forget my previous thought. Mind changed. Yes, I really want to fuck her. Such nice titties, not showing much but enough cleavage to keep me hooked. She also gets up to walk to the restroom. And I get a nice view of her behind.
We start eating, chatting. And at the back of my mind I want to make sure that she is of legal age. I would love to see her ID. Now, how do I go about it? We start off with ordering. I was thinking they would check her ID for drinks, and I could take a sneak peek. But they don't. Damn it.
I switch topics and ask about her ride. And mention to her that she could have rented a car. I'd have paid for it. She says she likes to drive but this is more convenient. I jokingly say - "I'm sure you are good driver but I'm also sure that police would stop you because they might think you are not old enough to have a license" and wink. She blushes and goes. "No. I got my license 3 years ago. ". I said "hmm. Interesting. 3 years ago, you would have looked even younger. I wonder how they gave you one". At this point, she goes, "here. I will show you" and pulls out her license and gives it to me. I was surprised that she would reveal her true identity but still grabbed it and checked her name / date of birth. A relief. She is of legal age of consent. Due diligence done. Now, let's get her out of here and into my room. I know I'm on the wrong side of 30 but getting 19 why. O pussy. That is something I did not get even when I was 19 .
We go to my room, have the wine remaining and sit at the same balcony. Similar trick. After a while, asked her to come to my lap. She does.
I unbutton her tops and slide my hand inside. She starts moaning right away. Little bit of coaching needed on how to kiss but she learns quick. Heats up gradually. And I took her tops off completely right at the balcony in broad daylight. This one does not flinch. She says "It is a bit exciting that someone could see us. I have never done this before". Great. Let's do it.
I move her bra aside and get enough of her pink nipples. Whatever nipple action I did not get last night, I'm compensating now. Lots of sucking, kissing. I gradually push her down and guide her to my pants. She unzips, pulls my boy out and goes to work. Decent BJ but lack of experience showed. A little bit of teeth but not hurt.
I decide it is better for me to put it inside her as the BJ was not that great.
We go into the room, and I slide it right in because I knew she is wet. I did my work in the balcony itself Its smooth entry as she is a wet mess but yet ight as expected of a 19 year old She is tall enough for me to eat up her boobs even when my dick is pumping her in and out. Her moans become louder and louder. I lock my lips with her and go faster and deeper. She bites me, hugs me tighter, and her whole body shakes. She has cum. It lasted a good 30/40 secs. Once recovered her face is pink. And she is sweating. I'm not done yet. I just had a good fuck barely 12 hours earlier. I'm going to take longer.
I continue pumping her and she goes "I love your moves. The boys I had sex with, they don't know what to do or how to do. You seem to know how to hit those spots".
I flip her over to doggie and start fucking her. Few minutes later, another uncontrollable orgasm for her. This time it is so hard that she falls flat on her tummy as she loses strength on her knees and I follow right after her ensuring that my dick is not pulled out. I don't stop. I keep going. That ass I noticed in restaurant when she went to restroom. I'm thinking of that and here I'm holding it in flesh and fucking her from behind. I put my arms under her, grab her boobs diagonally and hold her neck with other hand. I keep fucking while also nibbling her neck. She comes again. I'm not not done yet. After maybe like a total of 20 minutes, my momentum is building up. I flip her back over to mish, enter deeper and faster this time.
Maybe a minute or two. I pulled out and came all over her tummy. We lay on bed cuddling for a few minutes and then cleaned up.
Post clean up, I took a longer shower. By the time I come out, this one is already asleep on my bed curled up. While she slept, I grabbed some wine and book. Went back to the balcony. Read my book.
After couple of hours or so, she wakes up. Came in to the balcony completely naked. I was like "Wow". She sat next to me. We chatted for a while. Then, we go back in to my room. More fucking like the AM.
Post which, I drove her to the station, dropped her off. Gave her a kiss. Came back to hotel, grabbed some good dinner and slept.
I have a girl lined up for Friday afternoon about 100 kms away. I had a Marriott booked there but then later in the night, I decide to cancel it. Let the girl know. Cooked up some excuses. That girl had told me she will NOT do without condom. Miss O. So, I ditch her, and decide to get some rest. But, glad I did that.
Miss K got back in touch for a Friday evening rendezvous. More on that on next report.
I need to ask because I don't see where you addressed this before, but what is the race of these women? I think it's relevant because I think it's far easier to find what say Steve mainly goes for, let's say "women of color", and what others such as myself seek. That would be slimmer, attractive, younger, white females. At least in my area, compared to other types, there are relatively fewer "for real" white girls to choose from. I mean, it's mostly those fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers I've been talking about. Now, I'm not here to say one type is better than another type and all of that sort of thing. Everybody should go for what they seek (no pun intended). But, its been said before, and I'm here to confirm it. I think it's just harder to find for real, young, white, slim, attractive, American girls on SA who are for real sucking and fucking. In fact, most of the profiles I see are of "minority girls" as another monger here put it. I got extremely lucky finding Abby so soon! Whew!
03-05-22, 18:03
Did you ever hear back on this? I'm tying to find some chicas but not sure where to look on FB.No I got sent into RTFF hell and spent a couple of hours and found Kate Zuluaga who you can only follow with thousands of other people and La Isla Medellin strip club. I sent out several friend requests from their friends list and have not got a single reply back and I am not bad looking. It seems the mongers can not give even one good name to get you started because there are not enough chicas in Medellin for them.
All my chicks are White / Caucasians. I'm not white.
Miss the. Brazil (my bestest); Miss M. Spanish; Miss K. Russian; (yet to come reviews) Miss J. German; Miss S. Polish.
And, max I pay is 300 per date. Miss the does not care what I pay. Miss M - 200; Miss K - 300; Miss J - 200; Miss S - 250.
I need to ask because I don't see where you addressed this before, but what is the race of these women? I think it's relevant because I think it's far easier to find what say Steve mainly goes for, let's say "women of color", and what others such as myself seek. That would be slimmer, attractive, younger, white females. At least in my area, compared to other types, there are relatively fewer "for real" white girls to choose from. I mean, it's mostly those fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers I've been talking about. Now, I'm not here to say one type is better than another type and all of that sort of thing. Everybody should go for what they seek (no pun intended). But, its been said before, and I'm here to confirm it. I think it's just harder to find for real, young, white, slim, attractive, American girls on SA who are for real sucking and fucking. In fact, most of the profiles I see are of "minority girls" as another monger here put it. I got extremely lucky finding Abby so soon! Whew!
All my chicks are White / Caucasians. I'm not white.
Miss the. Brazil (my bestest); Miss M. Spanish; Miss K. Russian; (yet to come reviews) Miss J. German; Miss S. Polish.
And, max I pay is 300 per date. Miss the does not care what I pay. Miss M - 200; Miss K - 300; Miss J - 200; Miss S - 250.And what country? Or, did I miss that somewhere? I guess I did, but I don't think you're meeting all of these hotties in the USA are you? Especially not at those prices! I mean, I got damn lucky. When you communicate with a for real one around here, virtually everybody asks for something between $500 and $1,000 per meet, but are also usually willing to negotiate some. Then, you have those who think they're going to meet you and greet you and eat the food and down the drinks you pay for, and then get paid for it too, and I'm sure with no commitment whatsoever to fuck you. Those types need to go hang on a "regular" dating site then. Of course, they don't want to do that do they because they want somebody to pay them for going out and having an enjoyable time on somebody else's dime without having to put out. Grrrrr! A man wants some pussy, and she knows it! "Regular" dating. I'm never doing that again!
No I got sent into RTFF hell and spent a couple of hours and found Kate Zuluaga who you can only follow with thousands of other people and La Isla Medellin strip club. I sent out several friend requests from their friends list and have not got a single reply back and I am not bad looking. It seems the mongers can not give even one good name to get you started because there are not enough chicas in Medellin for them.You are practically being spoon fed. Go over to Medellin forum and ask for contacts via PM. You will get some.
I had my first ppm date last night and it wasn't great. Went back to a hotel after dinner but the little guy wasn't cooperating. I partly blame myself since she was older (early 30's) than I was looking for so she was at least my age if not older. When the clothes came off I wasn't that attracted to her body which probably killed it. Our conversations were fine but there wasn't any sexual tension, probably because I'm so out of practice and didn't have much game to begin with. After this experience I'm wondering if this is for me given the cost. I talked to a 21 yo today who wouldn't give me a firm number but wanted 1 k or more. I'm not sure what else I'll find for 5-600.
Do any of you do the platonic first meet? This girl said she only does platonic first meets so we met last week first. I had 2 more meetings for drinks last week, both went fine but I'd only consider one of the girls. I'm meeting another girl who seems promising for lunch on Thursday but after my experience I'm not as eager to keep trying.
Steve, I have been dabbling with Facebook in Medellin for shits and giggles, and it seems like all the hotties have gone online in Medellin. FB is a good no cost alternative to seeking, but I just doubt that the quality is going to be the same. What you are saying is the women are ho like and you send them a price. There is nothing wrong with that if you just want to get some but I met seeking women time and again without a price.
I am really skeptical of the guys here who say that there is no one that hot on seeking there. Medellin was my #2 city, and I barebacked like crazy there. I tore it up and had woman after head turning woman. In Bogota, I was getting 2 dates in day and 3 in Medellin, and I last played there in April 2021. Al in all, I liked the women of Bogota more but Medellin had a slightly hotter portion of them.
From my POV, there is no comparison with what is on seeking and what is on Facebook. None.
BTW, you may want to PM Doncarlos in Medellin. He has a line on women that are up to my and his (and I think your) standards. Sure, there are some decent looking FB girls, but nothing and I mean nothing, like what I was seeing.Your post about FB being no comparison to Seeking in Medellin got me wondering about whether I should stop accumulating FB girls and just use Seeking instead in Medellin. I used seeking in the US for a couple of years. I'm in one of the most expensive major cities in the US and it seems like a lot of really hot girls are asking for $1000+ nowadays. I was doing $400-$700 before and I thought that was a lot. Then I went to CDMX and got really hot very passionate girls for $150-$200 for a day or 5 hours. I wrote a report on it and a lot of people traded me Medellin FB contacts for my CDMX SB contacts. Got me started on a FB. $50 for a 2 hour date with them seemed like a deal. But is it worth it to pay I heard $100-$200 to actually date a girl in Medellin? Right now I'm thinking of trying both but just wanted to get an opinion of someone who has gone to Medellin.
LOL. USA. No way. US is such a waste in this. And, the girls there tend to think so exorbitantky high of themselves. Steve and few other masters like you are able to play there but mere mortals like me don't stand a chance.
My play area is Western Europe. Spain, Germany, Netherlands. There are scammers here (lot in France). There are "attitude" girls here. But with help from seniors like you / Steve, I have been able to unearth some gems. I guess being a nice gentleman goes a bit longer way here in Europe than in US.
I made the mistake of paying for 'meet and greet' once in France and learned my lesson. Completely cut it out.
I try to be nice, and the moment I sense a scam / attitude girl (aka pay for my time. I will meet you), I block them.
I once had this 9 model from Germany. She moved from 300 to 600 and then back to 500 in 24 hours of whatsapp chat. I point blank told her "listen, lets not waste each others time. If there are guys willing to pay you so much, I am happy for you. Leave me alone".
She said "Look at me. You think you will get a hot one like me? I said "what makes you think I am looking for hotness quotient? I am looking for attitude quotient. Hotness is bonus but you score zero on attitude. Goodbye". She was left stunned and speechless. I walked off. Period.
And what country? Or, did I miss that somewhere? I guess I did, but I don't think you're meeting all of these hotties in the USA are you? Especially not at those prices! I mean, I got damn lucky. When you communicate with a for real one around here, virtually everybody asks for something between $500 and $1,000 per meet, but are also usually willing to negotiate some. Then, you have those who think they're going to meet you and greet you and eat the food and down the drinks you pay for, and then get paid for it too, and I'm sure with no commitment whatsoever to fuck you. Those types need to go hang on a "regular" dating site then. Of course, they don't want to do that do they because they want somebody to pay them for going out and having an enjoyable time on somebody else's dime without having to put out. Grrrrr! A man wants some pussy, and she knows it! "Regular" dating. I'm never doing that again!
I had my first ppm date last night and it wasn't great. Went back to a hotel after dinner but the little guy wasn't cooperating. I partly blame myself since she was older (early 30's) than I was looking for so she was at least my age if not older. When the clothes came off I wasn't that attracted to her body which probably killed it. Our conversations were fine but there wasn't any sexual tension, probably because I'm so out of practice and didn't have much game to begin with. After this experience I'm wondering if this is for me given the cost. I talked to a 21 yo today who wouldn't give me a firm number but wanted 1 k or more. I'm not sure what else I'll find for 5-600.
Do any of you do the platonic first meet? This girl said she only does platonic first meets so we met last week first. I had 2 more meetings for drinks last week, both went fine but I'd only consider one of the girls. I'm meeting another girl who seems promising for lunch on Thursday but after my experience I'm not as eager to keep trying.I'm amazed of the costs of this. It has to be because the girls are in the dominant position, catering hundreds or thousands of men per one girl. If I may suggest, depending on where you live, try to find out what is the social media platform young adults use apart from the regular Facebook, Instagram etc. If there is an anonymous way to communicate with others, the better. Then you can spend some time to learn the ropes, how are people trying to get laid in there, and start your own game: if you are willing to spend 500 for a girl, that is a lot of money for anyone non-pro. Even a girl who hasn't done it before, but doesn't shy away from sex, would consider it. Depending on your personality and looks (if they aren't repulsive) I'd expect you could get a pretty "girl next door", who wouldn't have any of the negative qualities of those pro's and semi-pro's. Normally student girls can have a meeting at half the price of a semi-pro / pro, but if they are offered the normal price, they'll be very keen to do what you wish for. Since you aren't that old, even a dinner might not be off the table. I go only for the sex. (and thus I don't have use for Seeking Arrangements, because of all the hassle).
Do any of you do the platonic first meet? This girl said she only does platonic first meets so we met last week first. I had 2 more meetings for drinks last week, both went fine but I'd only consider one of the girls. I'm meeting another girl who seems promising for lunch on Thursday but after my experience I'm not as eager to keep trying.I do platonic meets and greets. They are extremely important to me, because I know that I'm extremely picky. I know what look that I like, and I'm the type where I can only be sure by seeing her "up close and personal". I've found that too often a girl just doesn't look like her pics in real life. It's like the young college grad who I mentioned in my last monthly report. I was sexually attracted to her based on her pics. But when we met in person, although I found her to be kind of "cute", there was no sexual "thrill" there for me. So, we enjoyed a nice dinner and time together at the restaurant, but after that I was done. So yes, I do platonic meets and greets, but I will only do that once per girl. And after that, we're either fucking or we aren't. And, other than for food and drink, absolutely do not pay for meets and greets! Any girl demands that, just kick her greedy, scamming ass to the curb and keep it moving! Also, before I do a meet and greet, I make it clear that it's no obligation on anybody's part to take it any further. That applies to me just as much as it does the girl.
LOL. USA. No way. US is such a waste in this. And, the girls there tend to think so exorbitantly high of themselves. Steve and few other masters like you are able to play there but mere mortals like me don't stand a chance.I'm hardly an SA master like Steve. Believe me. I've just been doing it for two months now remember? I've met three women in that time, and have started steady fucking one of them (turned down two others due to distance). Don't think that allows me to qualify as a "master". It's damn hard using the site in the USA. It's damn hard. One more month in my membership. And then I'm done! And I don't think that having a premium membership would make any difference. In fact, I think that would be a huge waste of money since I would still be dealing with the exact same fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers!
And I don't think that having a premium membership would make any difference. In fact, I think that would be a huge waste of money since I would still be dealing with the exact same fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers!I meant to say that I don't think having a Diamond membership is worth it. I have a Premium membership, and now that I think about it, I'm not convinced that makes a difference either. I mean, at least for finding the best girls it doesn't. My Abby has just a basic membership. SA is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get!
I have come to fully understand what Steve says "spoiled" forever.
I have an upcoming trip to Germany. Usually, I enjoyed FKK scene. The idea of being with 20/30 naked women, with me occasionally flashing my tool through the bathrobe. It was weirdly funny.
This week, I am. Going to be at a place hardly 20 km from one of the best FKK's but here I am setting up my plan with Miss J.
The fact that I don't need to look for a condom when I am ready to slide it in, the fact that I don't need to watch clock, the fact that I can fuck her bare as many times I can. Has knocked FKK out of my thoughts.
I have come to fully understand what Steve says "spoiled" forever.
I have an upcoming trip to Germany. Usually, I enjoyed FKK scene. The idea of being with 20/30 naked women, with me occasionally flashing my tool through the bathrobe. It was weirdly funny.
This week, I am. Going to be at a place hardly 20 km from one of the best FKK's but here I am setting up my plan with Miss J.
The fact that I don't need to look for a condom when I am ready to slide it in, the fact that I don't need to watch clock, the fact that I can fuck her bare as many times I can. Has knocked FKK out of my thoughts.Do you trade std tests first or anything? I've seen it discussed on the seeking forum on reddit but haven't seen any mention of it here. Does she agree to take the morning after pill the next day too? Between stds and fears she might entrapment me with a kid seems too risky.
03-08-22, 22:17
so she was at least my age if not older. When the clothes came off I wasn't that attracted to her body which probably killed it..You are still young and looking for attachment. A few more years in this game and you'll learn to get hard to fuck anything. Girls are all different, they all have something unique and one of the skills you will find is how to explore her and find what makes her excited.
As for the body, turn off the lights?
03-09-22, 05:37
My 1st trip to CDMX. I was there for a week. Signed up SA membership month before my trip. I really liked the SA girls. It is lot of work and many a times frustrating to deal with these girls.
On an average I met 2 girls a day. Some are outright pro. Most of them are semi pro.
I also met girls who didn't ask money and we spent good amount of time at nice restaurants but no sex too. Those are the ones very selective and / or looking for long term arrangements.
Girls who don't ask money upfront generally turned out to be better experience than the ones who ask money upfront. Also I paid more to the girls who didn't ask money upfront if their service is better or I liked them. If someone sets a $ upfront that is what they got.
Mostly GFE. Sex is just a small part of overall experience. I went out to walk, cafes, shopping etc with them.
It will be hard for me to go back to typical escorts or other transactional places like casas etc.
Language is a big barrier for me as I don't know Spanish. Now to make most out of this, I will learn Spanish.
Now SA is my new obsession.
03-09-22, 06:24
I just got this SA bug after my trips to Mexico (CDMX and GDL). I would plan my future trips to other countries. I wanted to know from the experts which cities has good number of young slim girls under 25 at decent price.
Any thoughts? List of cities and average prices / range etc.
Thanks in advance.
03-09-22, 15:24
Do you trade std tests first or anything? I've seen it discussed on the seeking forum on reddit but haven't seen any mention of it here. Does she agree to take the morning after pill the next day too? Between stds and fears she might entrapment me with a kid seems too risky.Totally.
My biggest fear is a text in a few months saying I'm pregnant and in my country you're in the hook for 18 years so if you ever pass thru this airport we'll be seeing each other. Said nicely of course. Ain't worth it. Bag it up.
I actually flush condoms down the toilet every time to make sure the semen is totally gone from the scene.
I even sometimes say I've had a vasectomy to basically say don't even think about it.
03-09-22, 23:55
My biggest fear is a text in a few months saying I'm pregnant and in my country you're in the hook for 18 years so if you ever pass thru this airport we'll be seeing each other. Said nicely of course. Ain't worth it. Bag it up.While I was traveling in Asia I met a regular girl via wechat. She was in town visiting her father whom had a new wife. Some family issues but she seemed genuine girl. We chatted via wechat then met for a drink one evening. Didn't get drunk but held her hand walking her safely back to her hotel, then room. I wasn't prepared as I thought it was just a friendly chat. So, no condoms, she revealed a super hot body and a certain eagerness. So a few rounds later I left at dawn. We chatted more but our schedules didn't align again. A month later I got her message about being pregnant. I chatted a little but had to cut the communication. I had a burner wechat which was her only connection to me. Was it a scam or was it real? I will never know. Some days I have distant thoughts to try track her down but I have chosen not to pursue her. I cannot see any good coming from it.
Anyway, point of my story, if you will BB girls in developing countries decide how you will deal with this issue. If I am not using contraception I will not cum inside.
... I once had this 9 model from Germany. She moved from 300 to 600 and then back to 500 in 24 hours of whatsapp chat. I point blank told her "listen, lets not waste each others time. If there are guys willing to pay you so much, I am happy for you. Leave me alone".
She said "Look at me. You think you will get a hot one like me? I said "what makes you think I am looking for hotness quotient? I am looking for attitude quotient. Hotness is bonus but you score zero on attitude. Goodbye". She was left stunned and speechless. I walked off. Period. You had me LMAO, at "...attitude score zero on attitude". I'll have to remember to use that one.
Yeah, a women's looks aren't even #2 on my list. Not looking to rehash the topic (as I'm sure it been discussed ad nauseam here), but for me it is as follows: 1. Attitude 2.Body 3. Looks/Face.
Europe. LOL. USA. No way. US is such a waste in this. ...I've yet to play in this dating space and may never do so, especially in the states. However, it is good to see/read from posts like this one and other contributing BMs to this thread, that there are fertile grounds, outside the US, in this dating space, for finding "what you want", at your price point.
To all, the knowledgeable info and the odd chuckle, is much appreciated. Cheers!
03-10-22, 03:08
Man. That's a scary story.
Not trying to judge at all. Just saying I would be living in fear of a phone call or knock on the door for a long time.
I actually use a burner phone and email account too. But then I always think, "could they get my contact info if she went to the hotel and asked who registered the room on April 21 in room 252?
Bottom line: bag it up. Always bag it up.
While I was traveling in Asia I met a regular girl via wechat. She was in town visiting her father whom had a new wife. Some family issues but she seemed genuine girl. We chatted via wechat then met for a drink one evening. Didn't get drunk but held her hand walking her safely back to her hotel, then room. I wasn't prepared as I thought it was just a friendly chat. So, no condoms, she revealed a super hot body and a certain eagerness. So a few rounds later I left at dawn. We chatted more but our schedules didn't align again. A month later I got her message about being pregnant. I chatted a little but had to cut the communication. I had a burner wechat which was her only connection to me. Was it a scam or was it real? I will never know. Some days I have distant thoughts to try track her down but I have chosen not to pursue her. I cannot see any good coming from it..
... Was it a scam or was it real?....I have seen two cases in the last few years. One is a working girl. The girl went back to her home town and only asked for US $ 350 / month for support. The kid's DNA matches the father's.
The second case is a regular girl but dated a married Korean man. She found out he was married after she was pregnant. She refused the man's money and went back to her home country to give birth. After birth, she contacted the father on Facebook to show him his kid but she refused the father's request to visit.
Both girls are in SEA.
There was actually another girl in Colombia did the same. She also refused the man's money. I know the girl but the information is second hand.
Since it was a regular girl, I would want to find out more if it were me and at least provide some support.
You have got game.
So, last week I posted about my best SB (Miss D) and then, a super model SB (Miss K) after a little bit of coaxing. I met "the" on Saturday night / Sunday, K on Wednesday.
For Thursday, I had lined up Miss M. She is a 19 why. O, student living about 150 kms from where I was visiting. Initially, she wanted me to come to her but then, I have to drive 150 kms, find a hotel and I was a bit not sure if it was worth it. Convinced her to take a train / bus to me and that I will cover her costs. She agreed but part of me was thinking that she wouldn't show up.
Wed night, until about 130/2 AM, I'm fucking Miss K. Although with condom, it was still a good fuck given the lead up to it was exciting (see previous report). Thu AM, Miss M was supposed to reach me at 1030 AM but part of me was thinking she wouldn't. However, around 8 AM, I get a text that Miss M is already on the way. I freshen up, still a bit tired but go to pick her from nearest train station. A bit of confusion as Googlemaps took me to a different place but eventually, I find her. Patiently waiting for me at the platform. Poor thing.
First look. Super hot, tall chick with flowing hair (just the way I like it). Cherubic face (Wait. Do I really want to fuck her? She has her jacket on, fully covered. So, couldn't assess rest...
There's no sadder tragedy in life than a child growing without a father (or mother).
I asked my regular how would she feel about bareback sessions with applying condom in the end. Since she has said she has a coil for contraception, I would only take the risk of semen entering her on the second round. Assuming, that she hadn't removed the coil without telling me, or that it would have been a lie from the start. Luckily, she said no. By rational mind it's still a totally unnecessary risk, but once that enters one's mind (after telling about the coil), it's hard to get it out. At least without asking for the possibility.
03-11-22, 05:20
But then I always think, "could they get my contact info if she went to the hotel and asked who registered the room on April 21 in room 252?.Pretty easy to get occupant details by paying the local hotel staff for the details of course.
In my case I was visiting her hotel room, so no track there.
Interesting the anecdotal stories that when the girl is genuinely pregnant she wants nothing from the guy.
Similar story with a ex-GF Filipina single mum pregnant at 17 years old. She and her family want nothing to do with the pinoy father. Certainly unfair on the guy as he is interested in the child, but hers is an all Filipino situation.
Steve 9696
03-11-22, 13:31
So I haven't been spamming you guys with Shayla stories, but a minor update is probably due. We've gone to twice a week at her urging. I don't know if this was a ploy to get more money but I guess not because I haven't given her more and she still wants to meetup twice a week. Got to say she seems totally into the fucking and is still going strong if it takes me 40 minutes to finish!
Just a couple highlights from this week. She brought a big ole vibrator last time and we put it to good use. She asked if she should bring it again and of course I said sure but we also talked about experimenting more which leaves the door wide open.
I guess the first highlight was clit rubbing with dick. I'the never done this before but got to thinking that a dick makes an awfully good clit massager. So after some great FIV and fucking I was in the Steve position and pulled out and started using my dick to slide it up and down and around on her clit. She really liked this. I'the slip in for a few strokes and come out again and do dick clit massage and back in. Really recommend this. When doing her clit it feels great but a bit of a tease. So when you slip back in it feels wonderful. Same for her. Alternating clit with full on reentry seemed to really get her going.
So far all our dates have been one long round of sex. I'd toyed with a round 2 but it never really materialized. We'the just cuddle a long time. Somewhere I vaguely recall mentioning two rounds but it was a nice surprise when on bed number 2 she pulled me down close after a half hour of fucking and whispered "you have time for two rounds tonight?" Why yes ma'am I do!
After round one we are snuggling under the covers and I am the big spoon. After maybe only ten minutes she takes my right hand down between her legs. Naughty girl. I discover she's been vibing herself as we snuggle and she's a hot wet mess! This girl is a horny beast. Well it's only about a minute of FIV before I'm hard again and sliding it in in spoon position. Don't usually do that but it was nice.
Final round I am tough to finish and she started me too soon without any rest but damn she feels amazing. Finally I ask her to do what she did the other night to finish which was amazing. I am standing at the side of the bed and she rolls on her back and dives under the hood. Amazing sloppy ball work. Not a couple licks but full on wet and wild ball worship. With my hand on shaft I shoot a nice pearl necklace in relatively short order. That is a GREAT position if you shave your balls and your girl is willing to do the under carriage with gusto. (These are correlated!)
Finally the other thing I love about Shayla is she's not one of those neat freaks and scared of a good cum dousing. Because as we cuddle cum is dripping down into her hair and on and into her ear and we just laugh about it and smear it about on her chest. Just totally at ease with sex and all that comes with it. Super nice!
03-12-22, 05:10
I have seen two cases in the last few years. One is a working girl. The girl went back to her home town and only asked for US $ 350 / month for support. The kid's DNA matches the father's.
When I used SA in the states, I met this one gal that said that her friend used SA and got pregnant from her SD, and so now her friend was set for life because the SD pays for child support. That story scared the crap out of me of course. Made me wonder if some of my SBs at the time might intentionally try to get knocked up by me.
Last year I had a great arrangement with a gal, but she kept trying to get me to CIP. I then later found out that she was trying to get pregnant before her recently married younger sister. That scared me and I started paying attention to her p-calendar, but eventually I stopped seeing her.
But then I always think, "could they get my contact info if she went to the hotel and asked who registered the room on April 21 in room 252?
.Yeah, I worry about this too. I bet if she does get preggers, then maybe she can call the police to force the hotel to reveal the identity of the booked guest. I guess it would depend on the country and its privacy laws.
I guess the first highlight was clit rubbing with dick. I'the never done this before but got to thinking that a dick makes an awfully good clit massager.
Ha, another great FR! Thanks, Steve. Just wanted to add my experience with clit rubbing with dick. Last year, I did it to a gal in an MP. At first, she was scared that I was trying to have sex with her, but after some DATY, she gave in to the clit rubbing with my dick, and she was going crazy horny, and so I then slipped it in, and she went even more crazy horny and just let me bareback her in the shop. Yeah, pretty stupid, but my little head had the better of me that day.
More recently, with an incall pro, after she gave me a great BBBJ, she was ready to do the deed, but she was not wet yet, and so while she was on top, she started rubbing her clit on my dick to get wet and horny, but she got so horny that she started raw dogging me. Again, my little head allowed it, but when I turned her around for missionary, she came to her senses and forced us to use a cover, which I was pretty relieved about.
Elvis 2008
03-12-22, 05:42
While I was traveling in Asia I met a regular girl via wechat. She was in town visiting her father whom had a new wife. Some family issues but she seemed genuine girl. We chatted via wechat then met for a drink one evening. Didn't get drunk but held her hand walking her safely back to her hotel, then room. I wasn't prepared as I thought it was just a friendly chat. So, no condoms, she revealed a super hot body and a certain eagerness. So a few rounds later I left at dawn. We chatted more but our schedules didn't align again. A month later I got her message about being pregnant. I chatted a little but had to cut the communication. I had a burner wechat which was her only connection to me. Was it a scam or was it real? I will never know. Some days I have distant thoughts to try track her down but I have chosen not to pursue her. I cannot see any good coming from it.You are right and are smart not to have reached out to her. My gut instinct is if you did not know her that well, she was probably running a scam. I think women who do this are like the biggest scum on earth. You probably gleaned a little more about her character that led you to cut her off. I think you were wise to trust your instincts.
Elvis 2008
03-12-22, 05:48
I also met girls who didn't ask money and we spent good amount of time at nice restaurants but no sex too. Those are the ones very selective and / or looking for long term arrangements.
Girls who don't ask money upfront generally turned out to be better experience than the ones who ask money upfront. Also I paid more to the girls who didn't ask money upfront if their service is better or I liked them. If someone sets a $ upfront that is what they got.It is funny how that works isn't it? The same thing always happens with me. I went for the sex sooner than you did in most cases, but the best women want to prove they are more than just a good time in bed.
When I used SA in the states....In US, probably, men are targeted for marriage too. The first girl only asked for money based on her living standard, not how much the father makes. The second girl and third girl fell in love with the men and wanted marriage, not money.
The second girl was able to use her saving to start a successful business in her home town but was hit by Covid. She ended up going into prostitution to support her family and her sister who is in college. It's a long story.
03-14-22, 00:25
I've seeing few gals here in my home town. I've found that their financial expectations decreases over time.
I started with $400-$500 per night but they now have a lower expectation.
Hopefully they feel it is less risky and I'm more reliable. OR I was always overpaying.
I prefer the first reason.
Do you guys find that the same girls will lower their financials needs as time passes.
03-14-22, 03:53
I've seeing few gals here in my home town. I've found that their financial expectations decreases over time.
I started with $400-$500 per night but they now have a lower expectation.
Hopefully they feel it is less risky and I'm more reliable. OR I was always overpaying.
I prefer the first reason.
Do you guys find that the same girls will lower their financials needs as time passes.For the first night, I was pretty price insensitive, and that is because I love strange. But after seeing them at least a half dozen times, I was ready to move on most of the time. However, instead of disappearing on them or breaking up with them, I would just say that my financial situation became tight and would not be able to see them as much, or not be able to see them at all in the near future. It was not a bluff. I really was ready to walk away. But pretty much all of them reduced their ask. For example, two gals said give me what you can. Most gals said it was okay not to give them anything, but maybe help them later if they needed it. Some even said that I did not have to give them anything anymore. I guess they became attached to me and did not want the relationship to end. But a couple of these gals started looking for other SBs on the side. But the major downside was that these gals then started thinking that we were in a real relationship, since it was less transactional based, and that opens up another can of worms.
03-15-22, 02:36
For the first night, I was pretty price insensitive, and that is because I love strange. But after seeing them at least a half dozen times, I was ready to move on most of the time. However, instead of disappearing on them or breaking up with them, I would just say that my financial situation became tight and would not be able to see them as much, or not be able to see them at all in the near future. It was not a bluff. I really was ready to walk away. But pretty much all of them reduced their ask. For example, two gals said give me what you can. Most gals said it was okay not to give them anything, but maybe help them later if they needed it. Some even said that I did not have to give them anything anymore. I guess they became attached to me and did not want the relationship to end. But a couple of these gals started looking for other SBs on the side. But the major downside was that these gals then started thinking that we were in a real relationship, since it was less transactional based, and that opens up another can of worms.Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I have one specific girl in my mind that I want to tame her expectations. My last few visits were 2 hours listening to her and resolving her life problems and 1 hour of great sex. But she still has financial needs so I haven't been back to see her. I guess I have nothing to lose as I won't continue with her current expectations.
Elvis 2008
03-15-22, 06:26
I've seeing few gals here in my home town. I've found that their financial expectations decreases over time.
I started with $400-$500 per night but they now have a lower expectation.
Hopefully they feel it is less risky and I'm more reliable. OR I was always overpaying.
I prefer the first reason.
Do you guys find that the same girls will lower their financials needs as time passes.AP, the hard part for women is seeing that you are real. There are so many scammers on the site looking for free sex. I do not know how they afford the fees. Maybe they steal passwords?
So yeah, once a girl knew I was safe, disease free, and had the ability to pay, I would make some excuse to pay less. I had so many women at one point that usually they would text me, and I would say yes but for a lower price. Many if not most of the women were broke and had no choice.
The women who come from money or have some socked away may say no, but I would say I was able to lower what I gave the women three out of four times.
And the ones who wanted the most $ were the ones I saw the least.
Steve 9696
03-15-22, 15:14
Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I have one specific girl in my mind that I want to tame her expectations. My last few visits were 2 hours listening to her and resolving her life problems and 1 hour of great sex. But she still has financial needs so I haven't been back to see her. I guess I have nothing to lose as I won't continue with her current expectations.Fair warning that women want you to LISTEN to their problems but NOT try to solve them. Watch "It's not about the nail" on YouTube. So true! I have found this soooooo true with my 22-24 year old babies. They get super worked up and resentful when you present solutions. Just listen and say "oh that must be tough" etc. Haha women!
03-15-22, 16:32
Has anyone been in contact with SA customer service? I made a ticket and it said 24-48 hours but it's been a week. Anyone who actually got a response?
03-15-22, 16:36
Fair warning that women want you to LISTEN to their problems but NOT try to solve them. Watch "It's not about the nail" on YouTube. So true! I have found this soooooo true with my 22-24 year old babies. They get super worked up and resentful when you present solutions. Just listen and say "oh that must be tough" etc. Haha women!So funny and yet so true. Wait till they start crying in front of you.
Fair warning that women want you to LISTEN to their problems but NOT try to solve them. Watch "It's not about the nail" on YouTube. So true! I have found this soooooo true with my 22-24 year old babies. They get super worked up and resentful when you present solutions. Just listen and say "oh that must be tough" etc. Haha women!Yeah, yeah then baby spread them butt cheeks wide LOLOLOL!
03-15-22, 23:58
Has anyone been in contact with SA customer service? I made a ticket and it said 24-48 hours but it's been a week. Anyone who actually got a response?I had an issue where I had accidentally created an account as a SB. I sent them a message and they switched the account to SD. Was all done within a day or so.
I had actually paid a subscription. I suspect they differentiate support calls to those that have active subscriptions and those on free accounts, if that helps.
03-16-22, 00:51
Fair warning that women want you to LISTEN to their problems but NOT try to solve them. Watch "It's not about the nail" on YouTube. So true! I have found this soooooo true with my 22-24 year old babies. They get super worked up and resentful when you present solutions. Just listen and say "oh that must be tough" etc. Haha women!You just summarized the entire book, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. " Many years ago, I read that book, and pretty much the main takeaway of the book's entire thesis can be summarized in your first sentence.
Incidentally, I discovered this last week with my SB even before I read this.
We had some nuce teasing foreplay in a sauna (more later) and she was so wet that she wanted to move to the room saying "I want you inside me. RIGHT NOW" and we went to the room.
More FIV and DATY. She is super wet. I took my dick and just before sliding it in, I teased her a little bit. She threw her head back and started moaning. Stopped for a brief two seconds and she goes "that was aqesome. Keep doing that". I go back to rubbing her clit with my now full hard dick. In just about 10 seconds, she exploded. Legs shaking, body curling, orgasm. It was amazing.
I guess the first highlight was clit rubbing with dick. I'the never done this before but got to thinking that a dick makes an awfully good clit massager. So after some great FIV and fucking I was in the Steve position and pulled out and started using my dick to slide it up and down and around on her clit. She really liked this. I'the slip in for a few strokes and come out again and do dick clit massage and back in. Really recommend this. When doing her clit it feels great but a bit of a tease. So when you slip back in it feels wonderful. Same for her.
So, recap. I had the best with Miss the in city 1. Miss K in city 2. Miss M in city 2. All these in a span of 4 days. Miss K is a model like figure.
Day 6 (last day of trip) I was supposed to meet Miss O traveling about 120 kms one way. Was a little edgy and canceled on her. Went out with the boys and spent the day at beach.
Glad I did that. Miss K knew I was leaving the next day. She texted me at around 8 pm and asked if we could meet AGAIN. I was like "yeah. Baby. Come to puppa".
I told her I had a great time with her, I would love to but it will be great if we could ditch the condom. She responded yes, we can. I have come to trust you. Game on.
She showed up at 10 PM. We had some drinks, casual chat, same balcony. Sea breeze. I like it when these babes initiate. She leaned over, gently kissed me and whispered "you know I haven't had a man in over a year and two days ago, you made it awesome. Now, you make me want more". I said "I am all yours. Do wahtever you want to".
She proceeds to kiss more, unbutton my shirt, lick my chest, bite me gently and proceeded down to give me a blowjob. Slow at first and then, wet and sloppy. At some point, I tell her "lets go inside". She shook her head and said, I want it right here. Proceeded to remove her panties, lift her skirt up and mounted me while I am sitting on the chair. No FIV, no DATY. She was already wet. She rides me like a wild horse rigut there in the balcony. We fucked there for maybe 10 minutes. I lifted her up, while still inside her (I am strong), pumped her standing for a few strokes. Then, carried her inside all the while inside her. Placed her ass in a table and fucked her while standing. This allowed for deeper penetration. Wow. I'm fucking a model on the table.
A few minutes later, we move to bed, completely undressed now. We fucked like wild dogs. At some point, I asked her where she wants my cum. Tummy or face. She goes, I want to taste it.
We flip, she cimbs on top. Few more strokes. She pulls off and proceeds to give me the same sloppy blowjob. I am building a crescendo. I warn her I'm about to cum. She kept going. No hands. Only tongue and lips. I shoot a load in her mouth. She takes it all and slowly let it flow back on my dick. She continued sucking me.
Then, she walked in the bathroom, brings a towel, wipes me clean and lies down on my chest. Wow!
We grab some more wine. Keep chatting. About 15 minutes later, I go clesn up, with lots of soap and rinse my dick.
Resdy for roubd 2. I come back out, she is sprawled on my bed. Those boobs, that model face, that flat tummy and toned legs. I tell her I like her fit body and toned legs. She gently spreads her legs and goes "you like my legs and I like you between my legs" and invites me.
Instant erection. I jump on her, kiss her, gently bite her neck and proceed down to her tummy (remember she doesn't want me to play with her nipples), and then DATY. She is still wet but I decide to do it anyway. Few minutes, she has a O.
I climb back up and slide my dick back inside again. Different positions, more intense fucking this round. She had come three or four times before I shoot my load on her tummy.
Amazing sex with a hot model.
I'm glad I did not go to see Miss O.
We are still in touch texting once a while. Will be back to City 2 in few months. I know where to go.
Steve 9696
03-16-22, 15:53
First things first. Anyone who says it doesn't matter has clearly never done it. It matters A LOT to the girls and honestly it improves the feel of BLS by about 2 X. Win win. But I thought it might help to share some about the mechanics and tips from the school of hard knocks (been doing about six months)
Do not skimp on razor and do not attempt with a mens double blade. Get a Venus five blade with the built in lube strips. Do not ignore this part. It is probably the single most important part.
Don't shave that small area between your balls and your leg. This is unnecessary to shave and causes problems with ball sticking to leg, jock itch development etc. Shaving the balls is sufficient for the benefit.
To do the actual shaving:
Get a slight chub on. You want to get the slack out of your sack. Particularly if you are old like me.
Apply cream with same hand as razor. Keep your left hand dry.
Use that dry left hand to pull your dick up and otherwise provide tension to the sack.
Avoid nicking the seam up the middle.
Make sure to go under a ways. Because some girls will go there.
Now that you are squeaky clean I guarantee a good BLS experience especially NOT with pros. I've only ever had a pro refuse (and that was pre shave). Never had a Seeking girl refuse. And some BLS virgins are quite good and get into it.
Final tip. The way I typically initiate is during BJ. I gently slip it out of her mouth and pull it up against my tummy and say "can you do down here" indicating my balls area. And down they go!
Have fun!
03-16-22, 22:53
In a chat with a SB this week, she made this comment:
I am not experienced, I don't know how to do this coz I'd never done this before. Am not a *****.What observations do you guys make from that statement?
In a chat with a SB this week, she made this comment:
What observations do you guys make from that statement?Give her an experience.
03-17-22, 01:37
In a chat with a SB this week, she made this comment:
What observations do you guys make from that statement?I actually got more than a few girls in the Bogota section who told me straight up that they have in fact never done this before, and therefore do not know how to approach this and how much to ask. They are in it hoping to get some financial assistance. They are regular girls who are mostly college students.
Elvis 2008
03-17-22, 02:01
In a chat with a SB this week, she made this comment:
What observations do you guys make from that statement?AP,
IMO 80% of women in general and on seeking are batshit crazy, and my goal is to get rid of the crazy ones. It is hard to wean out a lot of the ones online especially the ones who may be substituting being nave for being a scam artist.
Get their number. Text them and then move to the time of a meet. Schedule coffee. It is cheap and fast. Within 5 minutes, I know whether or not I wanted to pursue the woman.
80% of women through greed, stupidity, or lack of motivation do not even get to the meet. And how many am I going to cut out because when I meet them I do not like them or because sexually they are going to underperform? A bunch more.
I do not care if you have not been on a meet before. If you say you are going to meet me, you do not get a pass if you say, "It was my first time, and I was scared. " If you want to put up with that shit, have at it, but I never did.
I know the women are young, but I never regretted upholding my standards, and I regretted relaxing them time and again.
If you say you are going to show up, show up. If I am paying you to perform, perform. I know some of these women are young and want to use excuses, but I am not holding them to any standard I do not have to meet myself.
Beyond being patient and slow, one advice I learnt is that don't mess with razor on the day or 2-3 days before you are planning to meet someone. Any sign of cut, redness can become a big no for some girls.
First things first. Anyone who says it doesn't matter has clearly never done it. It matters A LOT to the girls and honestly it improves the feel of BLS by about 2 X. Win win. But I thought it might help to share some about the mechanics and tips from the school of hard knocks (been doing about six months)
Do not skimp on razor and do not attempt with a mens double blade. Get a Venus five blade with the built in lube strips. Do not ignore this part. It is probably the single most important part.
Don't shave that small area between your balls and your leg. This is unnecessary to shave and causes problems with ball sticking to leg, jock itch development etc. Shaving the balls is sufficient for the benefit.
To do the actual shaving:
Get a slight chub on. You want to get the slack out of your sack. Particularly if you are old like me.
Apply cream with same hand as razor. Keep your left hand dry.
Use that dry left hand to pull your dick up and otherwise provide tension to the sack.
So, here's the latest Seeking scam I ran into. I'm texting with somebody on the site, and she says her rate is $125 per hour. There's the first huge red flag right there as that quote is well below market rate for my Tier 1 city (it's the "hook" in the scam). She goes on to say that she cannot entertain, but that she has a car and will go to see her clients anywhere in the metro area. No problem. Right? Until she says that she requires half of her fee up front! She says that's to protect her from loss. I laugh in her face and say no way no how am I doing that LOL! I remind her (as if she needed to be reminded) that the site is full of fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers and under no circumstances will I be sending any money for anything up front (gas, sitter, booking fees, etc.). She goes silent, and I block her. No interest on my part. Ever. So then guess what? I see the same photo popping up with the same name, but now supposedly based in different suburbs in the metro area or from nearby towns. Nope. Not touching that. This person is scamming and I know it! Get some sucker stupid enough to book for cheap and send half of the money up front to a cash app, only to get ghosted in the end! A good business if this crook can get enough desperate cheap Charlies to bite that hook!
First things first. Anyone who says it doesn't matter has clearly never done it. It matters A LOT to the girls and honestly it improves the feel of BLS by about 2 X. Win win. But I thought it might help to share some about the mechanics and tips from the school of hard knocks (been doing about six months)
Do not skimp on razor and do not attempt with a mens double blade. Get a Venus five blade with the built in lube strips. Do not ignore this part. It is probably the single most important part.
Don't shave that small area between your balls and your leg. This is unnecessary to shave and causes problems with ball sticking to leg, jock itch development etc. Shaving the balls is sufficient for the benefit.
To do the actual shaving:
Get a slight chub on. You want to get the slack out of your sack. Particularly if you are old like me.
Apply cream with same hand as razor. Keep your left hand dry.This is definitely a Report of Distinction. I might even go as far to say De-stink-tion.
03-17-22, 22:13
St to a cash app, only to get ghosted in the end! A good business if this crook can get enough desperate cheap Charlies to bite that hook!Sadly enough men will be falling for it. It is so obvious with the same pics being used. Even sadder is that seeking with all their righteousness doesn't stop it or block their pics or IPs.
03-17-22, 22:16
Give her an experience.Thanks for the feedback gentlemen. I had progressed the arrangement and she has just left this morning a very happy girl. For a nice dinner and a few rounds of sex overnight and this morning she earned a week of her minimum salary job. It will be interesting to see if she's back next week.
She had deleted her profile before the meet, so if she keeps it offline hopefully that means she's not searching another.
Elvis 2008
03-17-22, 23:17
She had deleted her profile before the meet, so if she keeps it offline hopefully that means she's not searching another.It is, but I had one woman go right back on line with a new profile once and block me. I did not give a damn as I was seeing multiple women, and she was hardly a keeper. But if you want to know for sure if she is off, you create another profile, and you do not have to pay for it, and keep updates on the newbies in your area.
But with most women, when they said they were off line, they really were.
03-18-22, 02:49
She had deleted her profile before the meet, so if she keeps it offline hopefully that means she's not searching another.My suggestiion is to not worry about it. When I lived in SF, I was very involved with an SB in another city. After we met, she deleted her profile on SA, but I was obsessed with making sure that she was not searching for other SDs. Eventually, I found her profile on another similar site. And then, I discovered that she had another profile on SA as well. It drove me crazy. But I eventually decided that it was better to not care if any of my SBs were seeking on the side. After all, I was seeking on the side too.
My suggestiion is to not worry about it. When I lived in SF, I was very involved with an SB in another city. After we met, she deleted her profile on SA, but I was obsessed with making sure that she was not searching for other SDs. Eventually, I found her profile on another similar site. And then, I discovered that she had another profile on SA as well. It drove me crazy. But I eventually decided that it was better to not care if any of my SBs were seeking on the side. After all, I was seeking on the side too.Unless you are paying enough to cover all her expenses, I expect them to see others on the side. It's about sex and not ego.
I met up with a girl yesterday for what I thought was a meet and greet but turned into more. After learning she was going out of town for the weekend I asked if she wanted to come back to my place and she agreed. PPM of 500 had already been agreed to on text but I had to get the money while she waited. Luckily there was an ATM where we met up LOL. This time was much better than my first time, she had a great body and I was much more attracted to her. Unfortunately little guy got spooked by the cover so sex didn't happen but I enjoyed fingering her a couple times. She was super tight and super wet, to the point where I asked her if it was ok since she was so tight. Had she been ok with bb I'm sure it wouldn't have been an issue but oh well. I thought I was ok with condoms after hobbying for a couple years and it not being an issue but maybe it's a difference between pros and regular girls. Funnily enough she asked if I had problems with condoms but of course I didn't want to tell her it'd been fine with escorts the last 2-3 years. I've also noticed the BJs from the 2 seeking girls don't do much for me but somehow the FKK girls last summer get it going when I'm shy. Curious if anyone else has noticed issues like this.
After this I see why you guys like seeking. I'd see this girl again if I were local but might be worth another visit. It was much better than the dark aamps I'm used to with women who are at least 10 years older with fake boobs. It was great feeling how wet she got and fingering her since I don't think I've ever done that with an escort. DFK was also much better obviously. I'm definitely motivated to keep trying on seeking and hopefully find something like this with a regular.
03-18-22, 21:33
My suggestiion is to not worry about it. When I lived in SF, I was very involved with an SB in another city. After we met, she deleted her profile on SA, but I was obsessed with making sure that she was not searching for other SDs. Eventually, I found her profile on another similar site. And then, I discovered that she had another profile on SA as well. It drove me crazy. But I eventually decided that it was better to not care if any of my SBs were seeking on the side. After all, I was seeking on the side too.You re right about the mental mind shift that we need to make. Probably I was thinking SBs would be exclusive but a few years down the track I know they are far from that.
03-19-22, 05:39
Unless you are paying enough to cover all her expenses, I expect them to see others on the side. It's about sex and not ego.For me, it was only 50% about ego. The other 50% was because I was barebacking her, and given that she let me bareback her so readily, I assumed that she would let any SD bareback her, and so I did not want to be barebacking someone that was barebacking a bunch of other guys too. If she were having covered sex with a bunch of other people, then I would not care that much probably.
03-19-22, 05:41
You re right about the mental mind shift that we need to make. Probably I was thinking SBs would be exclusive but a few years down the track I know they are far from that.I used to value exclusive arrangements a lot, but in hindsight, I realize that most of them did not end well.
03-19-22, 05:49
Unfortunately little guy got spooked by the cover so sex didn't happen but I enjoyed fingering her a couple times. She was super tight and super wet, to the point where I asked her if it was ok since she was so tight. Had she been ok with bb I'm sure it wouldn't have been an issue but oh well. I thought I was ok with condoms after hobbying for a couple years and it not being an issue but maybe it's a difference between pros and regular girls. Funnily enough she asked if I had problems with condoms but of course I didn't want to tell her it'd been fine with escorts the last 2-3 years. I've also noticed the BJs from the 2 seeking girls don't do much for me but somehow the FKK girls last summer get it going when I'm shy. Curious if anyone else has noticed issues like this.
.Pros know how to give great BJs, and they know how to get guys hard for covered sex. They have been doing it for years. For SBs, they will definitely be less adept at both.
For me, I always use V or see the first time I have sex with anyone that I am in to. If I were in your shoes, I would be kicking myself for not taking a V or see, and I would be looking at that 500 bucks as wasted money. But that said, you did learn some stuff about yourself and about SA, and you helped a poor gal out. So, it's all good.
Pros know how to give great BJs, and they know how to get guys hard for covered sex. They have been doing it for years. For SBs, they will definitely be less adept at both.
For me, I always use V or see the first time I have sex with anyone that I am in to. If I were in your shoes, I would be kicking myself for not taking a V or see, and I would be looking at that 500 bucks as wasted money. But that said, you did learn some stuff about yourself and about SA, and you helped a poor gal out. So, it's all good.I've never tried either since it hasn't been much of an issue lately. Do they work even if you're nervous? I have more nerves the first time with regular girls but have been OK with pros.
So, I've reupped with Seeking to kill the dead couple of weeks I'm going to have to hang around in the UK.
Chatting to lots of quality girls. My current exotic 'accessing from' location is playing into my favour. I'm spinning quite the story haha.
Some observations so far. It might just be me, my luck, British girls or a sign of the times. But I'm talking insta-ho level girls are agreeing to BBFSCIP readily.
I've got one potential freebie lined up on my UK doorstep. An in shape MILF who sent me some very interesting pictures.
And I'm back on touch with my chavvy teen dream from last year. The little spinner with a drum taut body, olive skin, black hair and doe eyes. 19 now. Fed her some cock and bull story to explain my ghosting.
She's still up for a ppm of 100 gbp. She's still as chavvy and lazy at replying as she was. And she's already tried to get money out of me before we meet, same as last time.
I'm thinking I just got lucky last time I met her and on any other day, she'd flake. She just needed money for a Friday night out, none of her scamming had paid off and I was sat in a hotel room three miles from her, offering 100 quid to fuck her.
I doubt it'd pay off again. Maybe I should leave it as a happy memory rather than chase it again. The same level of thrill wouldn't be there. The first time with a girl is always the best for me.
But man, I'm sorely tempted to throw caution to the wind again. I've fucked 18 and 19 year old girls in a few different countries, but the added thrill of it being a girl of the same nationality. How cute she is. How chavvy.
Who am I kidding, I'm giving it another shot haha.
03-19-22, 15:02
So, I've reupped with Seeking to kill the dead couple of weeks I'm going to have to hang around in the UK.
Chatting to lots of quality girls. My current exotic 'accessing from' location is playing into my favour. I'm spinning quite the story haha.
Some observations so far. It might just be me, my luck, British girls or a sign of the times. But I'm talking insta-ho level girls are agreeing to BBFSCIP readily.
I've got one potential freebie lined up on my UK doorstep. An in shape MILF who sent me some very interesting pictures.
And I'm back on touch with my chavvy teen dream from last year. The little spinner with a drum taut body, olive skin, black hair and doe eyes. 19 now. Fed her some cock and bull story to explain my ghosting.
She's still up for a ppm of 100 gbp. She's still as chavvy and lazy at replying as she was. And she's already tried to get money out of me before we meet, same as last time.
I'm thinking I just got lucky last time I met her and on any other day, she'd flake. She just needed money for a Friday night out, none of her scamming had paid off and I was sat in a hotel room three miles from her, offering 100 quid to fuck her.
I doubt it'd pay off again. Maybe I should leave it as a happy memory rather than chase it again. The same level of thrill wouldn't be there. The first time with a girl is always the best for me.
But man, I'm sorely tempted to throw caution to the wind again. I've fucked 18 and 19 year old girls in a few different countries, but the added thrill of it being a girl of the same nationality. How cute she is. How chavvy.
Who am I kidding, I'm giving it another shot haha.You're unlikely to score with anyone for £100 GBP. If you are charming you would be lucky to get the girls to agree £200 ppm in london which is where most of the action is. Usual asking is anywhere between 250-400.
03-19-22, 15:17
Unless you are paying enough to cover all her expenses, I expect them to see others on the side. It's about sex and not ego.We have all been there.
If you hit off with a SB, the excitment and the attraction blurs a few fundamental things, namely its a transactional relationship with consideration involved.
No matter how good it is, everyone is partial with the truth. I am pretty sure, if as a SD I found another 10/10 with whom I clicked, I'd wouln't pass the opportunity. Works.
Both ways.
And yes we all stalk in our own ways.
03-19-22, 15:53
Epic advice and detailed instructions! But there's an elephant in the room. How to explain your sudden desire in having a bald eagle to the missus? I have told many old and married doods to shave their cock, because pros, mistresses, GFs, SBs, like a shaved cock. But they always respond, "but my wife will think it is weird that my cock is suddenly clean shaven. ".
First things first. Anyone who says it doesn't matter has clearly never done it. It matters A LOT to the girls and honestly it improves the feel of BLS by about 2 X. Win win. But I thought it might help to share some about the mechanics and tips from the school of hard knocks (been doing about six months)
Do not skimp on razor and do not attempt with a mens double blade. Get a Venus five blade with the built in lube strips. Do not ignore this part. It is probably the single most important part.
Final tip. The way I typically initiate is during BJ. I gently slip it out of her mouth and pull it up against my tummy and say "can you do down here" indicating my balls area. And down they go!
Have fun!
03-19-22, 18:54
I used to value exclusive arrangements a lotI always tell the woman I am looking for an "exclusive arrangement. " Then they think they are the only one. All 5 of them. And they are more likely to go bareback if they think they are the only one.
I always tell the woman I am looking for an "exclusive arrangement. " Then they think they are the only one. All 5 of them. And they are more likely to go bareback if they think they are the only one.Ha! Funny! Now this made me laugh out loud. "All 5 of them" LOLOLOLOL!
Convince that you are feeling itchy and ask your mrs to help with the razor.
Epic advice and detailed instructions! But there's an elephant in the room. How to explain your sudden desire in having a bald eagle to the missus? I have told many old and married doods to shave their cock, because pros, mistresses, GFs, SBs, like a shaved cock. But they always respond, "but my wife will think it is weird that my cock is suddenly clean shaven. ".
For me, it was only 50% about ego. The other 50% was because I was barebacking her, and given that she let me bareback her so readily, I assumed that she would let any SD bareback her, and so I did not want to be barebacking someone that was barebacking a bunch of other guys too. If she were having covered sex with a bunch of other people, then I would not care that much probably.And damned if you don't! This is so typical of a monger LOL! The platinum standard is bareback sex. But then as soon as you get it, you worry that if she's barebacking you, then she's barebacking everybody else. So you don't want it anymore! Hahaha! I don't know. It kind of reminds me of that joke about not wanting to join any club that would have you as a member LOL! I'm just glad that I lucked into a girl who's "fixed" for one thing. And, I know she hasn't been on the site since she met me. Not unless she created another account. Which I seriously doubt.
03-20-22, 02:10
I always tell the woman I am looking for an "exclusive arrangement. " Then they think they are the only one. All 5 of them. And they are more likely to go bareback if they think they are the only one.Hahaha, me too! I was with a 29 year old SB when I was 48. She asked me if the age difference bothered me. The hilarious thing was that I was "dating" (barebacking) 4 SBs at the same time, and the 29 year old was the oldest one.
Looking for some advice. I've been on SA in England for a couple of months now, taking it relatively slowly with local girls but had some excellent experiences already. I'd never considered any online or foreign arrangement until I had a message from a 20 year old spinner in eastern Europe. She is incredible.
It could be months (if ever) until I could meet her but I really want to keep her attention until then and certainly willing to invest depending on the arrangement. Does anyone have any experiences with online arrangements? How much support would be expected for this kind of 'relationship' and what would you realistically do?
03-20-22, 14:00
I have told many old and married doods to shave their cock, because pros, mistresses, GFs, SBs, like a shaved cock. NO thanks for this advice. Next time I took a shower I experienced razor burn. My balls and dick were hurting from all the nicks!
Hair is there for a reason, dude! It lets your dick slide in to home plate without the friction. And if you shave you are not experiencing God's creation to the fullest. Sex is supposed to be for your pleasure, not for hers. Otherwise you could just lick her all day.
03-20-22, 14:03
Does anyone have any experiences with online arrangements? How much support would be expected for this kind of 'relationship' and what would you realistically do?My experience with online arrangements is to delete and block. They only want you to stupidly send them money and they will sell you some photos, which you can get for free on any porno website. Or they want you to subscribe to their onlyfans website, while you play with yourself. An arrangement is a two way street. Not them making money and you jacking off with your dick.
03-20-22, 16:00
I've been on SA in England for a couple of months now, taking it relatively slowly with local girls but had some excellent experiences already.You've had some excellent experiences already on SA. Do tell! Don't leave out any details. TIA.
03-20-22, 16:13
Looking for some advice. I've been on SA in England for a couple of months now, taking it relatively slowly with local girls but had some excellent experiences already. I'd never considered any online or foreign arrangement until I had a message from a 20 year old spinner in eastern Europe. She is incredible.
It could be months (if ever) until I could meet her but I really want to keep her attention until then and certainly willing to invest depending on the arrangement. Does anyone have any experiences with online arrangements? How much support would be expected for this kind of 'relationship' and what would you realistically do?Run for the hills. Save your your money. Focus your searches close to were you live.
You're unlikely to score with anyone for 100 GBP. If you are charming you would be lucky to get the girls to agree 200 ppm in london which is where most of the action is. Usual asking is anywhere between 250-400.I swear we've had this conversation before. Or one very similar.
I am not in a London. I have been on seeking before. And I have scored for 100 ppm.
Cheers for the advice. Even though you gave it without reading a single thing I have ever written in this thread.
03-21-22, 00:35
I have told many old and married doods to shave their cock, because pros, mistresses, GFs, SBs, like a shaved cock.I texted exclusive SB#2 that I had shaved my balls for her. She replied, why did you do that? I texted "So then you could lick my balls!" She replied, sadly, "Why would I want to do that! They are close to your butthole!
Then she came over for her weekly session and said, "Your balls are going to be itching now when the hair grows back in a few days!" I told her they will just need someone to scratch them!
She does not know I will probably be with exclusive SBs #4 and #3 later this week, it is their turns, and they can scratch my itch. LOL.
Going to let the hair grow out.
So I decided to write a little about my experience so far (thanks for the prompt Midwestern). This won't read like the standard reports though and only has a little sex (so far). I'm a very introverted, kinda shy guy in my early 40's. Women can often like me when we converse properly but my shyness has often stopped me meeting or approaching them in the very first place and so I've gone years without relationships here and intimacy is usually restricted to P4P on holiday in Asia. I've gone on tinder or other dating apps in the UK a couple of times in the past and always struck out completely. Thanks to COVID and no holidays for a while before that, let's just say it had been a while.
Anyway, I read about SA on a bbc online story in December and decided on a whim to sign up. I decided that I'd have a budget of around 1000 a month to play with and instead of ppm arrangements I was looking for more of a GFE arrangement and an emotional connection. I figure that if someone is making a big difference to my life then I should do the same for them and I'd be happy with paying rent and bills for the right person. I decided to take my time with it and had no idea what to expect.
I signed up as a premium member with private photos only. I live in a city of around 400 k people with a university and to give a little context I just looked and 40+ women within 20 miles have logged in within the last three hours on a Sunday night. There are hundreds more a little further afield and I'm only a few hours from London too.
The first few weeks were overwhelming. I got a LOT of messages from what sounded like genuine, friendly people. 50/50 local people vs university students from all over the UK. I had lots of stilted conversations until I had one message from someone simply asking me to take her for dinner. She's 21, an English lit student with bright pink hair and looks absolutely stunning. I never get to meet or chat with these types of people! Anyway, we met for a meal and it was awesome. She was educated, funny, open and really engaging company over dinner and further drinks. I don't think we're a match for anything more but we've met for dinner a few more times since. She's asked for nothing since we've met and seems to just genuinely enjoy going out for conversation and exploring different restaurants. In return (and for little cost to be honest) I get regular dinners with a beautiful, genuine woman who really seems to enjoy talking to me. I'm not used to this kind of thing.
This is taking me a while to type out so I'll do part 2 tomorrow. This is when I finally get laid.
Visting Barcelona in May. Anybody able to shed light on what to expect in terms of ppm there?
I'd like to meet for lunch, possibly do some sight seeing then go back to her place (or maybe a short stay hotel, I'm staying at an Airbnb w / a no guest policy).
03-21-22, 02:18
Use a hair removal cream, ie. Veet.
Put it on, wait 4 minutes (says 2 minutes but I wait 4) and just rub your hair off with a wet face cloth.
I used to shave, but this is a million times easier. If you haven't done it for a while / pretty hairy there, you might have to do it 2 days in a row, but it's perfect and no chances of cuts or anything.
First things first. Anyone who says it doesn't matter has clearly never done it. It matters A LOT to the girls and honestly it improves the feel of BLS by about 2 X. Win win. But I thought it might help to share some about the mechanics and tips from the school of hard knocks (been doing about six months)
Steve 9696
03-21-22, 02:41
Epic advice and detailed instructions! But there's an elephant in the room. How to explain your sudden desire in having a bald eagle to the missus? I have told many old and married doods to shave their cock, because pros, mistresses, GFs, SBs, like a shaved cock. But they always respond, "but my wife will think it is weird that my cock is suddenly clean shaven. ".Well it depends how often your wife is inspecting the boys? In my case never! Hahaha. So I only shave the boys. I don't shave the frontal hair. So it looks the same on the way to the shower. No concerns about inspecting the undercarriage in my world! LOL.
Steve 9696
03-21-22, 02:45
Use a hair removal cream, ie. Veet.
Put it on, wait 4 minutes (says 2 minutes but I wait 4) and just rub your hair off with a wet face cloth.
I used to shave, but this is a million times easier. If you haven't done it for a while / pretty hairy there, you might have to do it 2 days in a row, but it's perfect and no chances of cuts or anything.I tried Neet not Veet and it burned the fuck out of the boys. Never again. It literally takes me less than a minute with a Venus. No nicks.
03-21-22, 03:40
I mentioned this before, I use an electric razor for my cock. If I use a razor or a cream, then it itches and burns. A razor does not make it baby smooth, but it gets the job done for me.
Do you guys find your success on seeking ebbs and flows? I've only been on for a month but in the first 2 weeks I joined I got a lot of messages and replies and had 4 meet ups and 1 date. Last week I was out of town but I messaged girls before I got there. I only ended up meeting one but that turned into a same day encounter. Not sure what to call it LOL. I messaged other girls in the area I was visiting and my home area but didn't get any interest. I met up with one girl before I left but I think she might have found an arrangement already. It seems like most of the girls I'm seeing on SA I've seen before and either I wasn't interested or they didn't reply. It's starting to feel more like regular dating where I don't get much interest as a minority and I'm wondering if it's worth sticking out or if I'm wasting my time.
Do you guys find your success on seeking ebbs and flows? I've only been on for a month but in the first 2 weeks I joined I got a lot of messages and replies and had 4 meet ups and 1 date. Last week I was out of town but I messaged girls before I got there. I only ended up meeting one but that turned into a same day encounter. Not sure what to call it LOL. I messaged other girls in the area I was visiting and my home area but didn't get any interest. I met up with one girl before I left but I think she might have found an arrangement already. It seems like most of the girls I'm seeing on SA I've seen before and either I wasn't interested or they didn't reply. It's starting to feel more like regular dating where I don't get much interest as a minority and I'm wondering if it's worth sticking out or if I'm wasting my time.That's been exactly my experience. I've been on the site about 2 1/2 months now, and I had my absolute greatest success within the first two weeks. After that, nothing has come close. In fact, I'm so sick and tired of Seeking that I can't wait for my membership to be over. Will address more in my third and final monthly report.
I was there a month ago.
I found my best and she did not ask anything at all. I paid her 300 E for overnight. And, she told me next day that I paid her more. Very sweet girl and for her attitude, I don't mind paying that much.
On the other hand, there were some I dropped and did not meet. One asked for 500. Another asked for 200 for meet and greet. Obviously, I told them to fuck off.
Start about a week early. Pick those that seem nice, talk to them and take it from there.
Good luck.
Visting Barcelona in May. Anybody able to shed light on what to expect in terms of ppm there?
I'd like to meet for lunch, possibly do some sight seeing then go back to her place (or maybe a short stay hotel, I'm staying at an Airbnb w / a no guest policy).
I mentioned this before, I use an electric razor for my cock. If I use a razor or a cream, then it itches and burns. A razor does not make it baby smooth, but it gets the job done for me.No way am I taking any kind of razor to these nuts! Snagging hairs and shit! Nope, I use a creme the leaves the jewels baby smooth for months. Burns some and is uncomfortable for about a day, but worth it.
Steve 9696
03-21-22, 12:26
Do you guys find your success on seeking ebbs and flows? I've only been on for a month but in the first 2 weeks I joined I got a lot of messages and replies and had 4 meet ups and 1 date. Last week I was out of town but I messaged girls before I got there. I only ended up meeting one but that turned into a same day encounter. Not sure what to call it LOL. I messaged other girls in the area I was visiting and my home area but didn't get any interest. I met up with one girl before I left but I think she might have found an arrangement already. It seems like most of the girls I'm seeing on SA I've seen before and either I wasn't interested or they didn't reply. It's starting to feel more like regular dating where I don't get much interest as a minority and I'm wondering if it's worth sticking out or if I'm wasting my time.Can't really comment on the minority aspect. But def in a given city it stagnates, esp if smaller city. That said new girls pop on all the time. Not at a great rate but enough you can find something new. I'm my second tier city I have had 5 babies over the last two years and def made it work. And here I am two years later recently scoring Shayla who has already achieved top five girlfriends all time.
Maybe just lucky. But for me the constant scanning for new talent is worth it. Shayla only just recently magically appeared when she started commuting to my town to work. So you never know.
Does anyone have experience using SA in Lima Peru? In particular the arrangement terms.
I tried Neet not Veet and it burned the fuck out of the boys. Never again. It literally takes me less than a minute with a Venus. No has an electric razor designed for the job. They are pretty discreet about it.
Can't really comment on the minority aspect. But def in a given city it stagnates, esp if smaller city. That said new girls pop on all the time. Not at a great rate but enough you can find something new. I'm my second tier city I have had 5 babies over the last two years and def made it work. And here I am two years later recently scoring Shayla who has already achieved top five girlfriends all time.
Maybe just lucky. But for me the constant scanning for new talent is worth it. Shayla only just recently magically appeared when she started commuting to my town to work. So you never know.You've probably answered this elsewhere but how much time are you putting into it? Are you on daily? Weekly?
I felt more optimistic last week when the girl I met up with was ready to come back with me within an hour of meeting me hah. If they were all that easy it'd be amazing but seems like I got lucky.
That's been exactly my experience. I've been on the site about 2 1/2 months now, and I had my absolute greatest success within the first two weeks. After that, nothing has come close. In fact, I'm so sick and tired of Seeking that I can't wait for my membership to be over. Will address more in my third and final monthly report.Good to know I'm not alone. I'll probably let my membership lapse then once the month ends and see how I feel.
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