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03-21-22, 23:56
I've been on the site about 2 1/2 months now, and I had my absolute greatest success within the first two weeks. After that, nothing has come close. In fact, I'm so sick and tired of Seeking that I can't wait for my membership to be over. Will address more in my third and final monthly report.They give your profile a blast the first day you join. Then the day your subscription is over, they give your profile another blast so you will get a lot of messages and renew to open the messages.

In between you get all the foreign woman trying to sell you photos online and local women trying to scam you and get you to pay them for a first meet and greet.

03-22-22, 00:00
I've been on the site about 2 1/2 months now, and I had my absolute greatest success within the first two weeks. After that, nothing has come close.Try posting new photos a few weeks in or changing your headline and profile significantly. When one searches the new profiles and those who are recently active can be searched. The new women are less likely to be seasonsed pros and more likely to be first timers. Maybe the women think the same about us men. Some women have had their profiles up there for years, you can see the year they joined, unless it is hidden, they can see your date joined too, unless hidden.

03-22-22, 05:09
They give your profile a blast the first day you join. Then the day your subscription is over, they give your profile another blast so you will get a lot of messages and renew to open the messages.

In between you get all the foreign woman trying to sell you photos online and local women trying to scam you and get you to pay them for a first meet and greet.For a while I noticed a hack where you g into settings to Deactivate or Delete your account. As I mouse over the link, I receive an offer of a 5 day free boost. I would then accept the offer and activate the boost.

The Cane
03-22-22, 11:49
They give your profile a blast the first day you join. Then the day your subscription is over, they give your profile another blast so you will get a lot of messages and renew to open the messages.

In between you get all the foreign woman trying to sell you photos online and local women trying to scam you and get you to pay them for a first meet and greet.I'm aware of all of the tricks these dating sites use to keep suckers on the hook. Not going to work with me as I'm tired of all of the bullshit on Seeking. It's just like you say. Foreign "women" (maybe) filling up your "favorited me" queue, scammers trying to get at your money, and greedy, lazy, arrogant women who think they're going to eat and drink on your dime and get paid to do it too, all in exchange for nothing but their "valuable time". Well fuck that! Once my three-month membership expires I'm done! If I hadn't met Abby in the early weeks, I might have just thrown in the towel much, much earlier.

03-22-22, 18:27
Thanks for the info. Seems like I got you beat. One chick wants 400 just to go to lunch.

I was there a month ago.

I found my best and she did not ask anything at all. I paid her 300 E for overnight. And, she told me next day that I paid her more. Very sweet girl and for her attitude, I don't mind paying that much.

On the other hand, there were some I dropped and did not meet. One asked for 500. Another asked for 200 for meet and greet. Obviously, I told them to fuck off.

Start about a week early. Pick those that seem nice, talk to them and take it from there.

Good luck.

03-22-22, 18:44
Just my experience but I don't mind that my profile isn't blasted. If someone reaches out to me I'm suspicious. I do the initiating with the ones I'm interested in.

Honestly, I don't even have a picture up. (Discretion due to career). Girls who are serious I will upload a pic to in chat. This has been a problem for some of them, but not most of them.

I'm aware of all of the tricks these dating sites use to keep suckers on the hook. Not going to work with me as I'm tired of all of the bullshit on Seeking. It's just like you say. Foreign "women" (maybe) filling up your "favorited me" queue, scammers trying to get at your money, and greedy, lazy, arrogant women who think they're going to eat and drink on your dime and get paid to do it too, all in exchange for nothing but their "valuable time". Well fuck that! Once my three-month membership expires I'm done! If I hadn't met Abby in the early weeks, I might have just thrown in the towel much, much earlier.

Steve 9696
03-22-22, 19:43
You've probably answered this elsewhere but how much time are you putting into it? Are you on daily? Weekly?

I felt more optimistic last week when the girl I met up with was ready to come back with me within an hour of meeting me hah. If they were all that easy it'd be amazing but seems like I got lucky.I don't understand any of this discussion about profile boosts etc. I have no interest in women finding my profile. I totally ignore all women who favorite me. Fuck I don't even have a picture. I just browse by most recently active and mostly interact only with those currently on line.

If I am traveling to a new city I might spend an hour a day poking around till I find some active girls. Probably get active chat with ten and narrow down to one or two. And then just light text every night or two.

The girl I met last night in Buenos Aires we texted for 6 weeks. She was super sweet. Looked like a solid 8 in pics. Was a TEN in person. Holy fuck I about dropped dead on the spot. Okay 9. 5 with clothes off. Ten face and hair. OMG. So all this shit pays off.

As regards you spent an hour and went to the room. Did you get lucky? Nope. That is the way it works? Dinner or drinks and hit the room! My fastest ever was probably 15 minutes. She was late and I didn't have much time. We had a quick drink and I said "want to get out of here?" she said "wow your really confident aren't you?" And I said "yep let's go" and boom we are fucking 10 minutes later. She's a reg now. Hahaha. But you should PLAN on spending one to two hours max and get on to fucking!

And my advice remains skip the coffee date and go for the SNL (single night lay). Coffee date may work for some — believe Cane did a platonic meet and greet with his gem before getting down to business. But this never worked for me. Just have an amazing dinner or drinks make them laugh sweep them off the feet and hit the hotel!

03-23-22, 05:04
I will be traveling to Toronto for work. How is the SA scene in Toronto? What is the typical cost per meeting for petite girls under 25.

Thanks in advance.

03-23-22, 05:14
I was there at cdmx early this month. This is my 1st SA experience. I went to GDL from there. I was sticking to slim girls under 25. I paid between 1500 to 4000 peso. Almost all girls except couple of them were good. Most of them seems to be semi pro.

Overall I am satisfied with the type of girls I found on SA Mexico. I will be going again to cdmx in April 1st week.

I don't know Spanish. Knowing Spanish would definitely makes this more enjoyable.

It may be hard to move from SA to typical escort scene as I started enjoying the experience not just sex.

Please let me know if you have any other suggested cities in Mexico with good SA selection.

03-23-22, 17:00
I will be traveling to Toronto for work. How is the SA scene in Toronto? What is the typical cost per meeting for petite girls under 25.

Thanks in advance.I'm curious about Toronto as well. The great thing about TO is if a SA girl flakes the P4P scene is robust. It has an abundance of Plan be options.

03-24-22, 02:23
I will be traveling to Toronto for work. How is the SA scene in Toronto? What is the typical cost per meeting for petite girls under 25.

Thanks in advance.

I'm curious about Toronto as well. The great thing about TO is if a SA girl flakes the P4P scene is robust. It has an abundance of Plan be options.A few years ago, I spent two months in the Toronto area and used SA extensively. It seemed like most of the Toronto SBs on the SA site were former Toronto escorts whose best years were behind them. That did not excite me. But then, I discovered that the SA scene in Niagara Falls (Canada side) was very good, which is only an hour drive from Toronto. At first, I was really surprised. But then I learned that the reason why SA is great in Niagara Falls is because so many people there work in the tourism industry, like casino workers, waitresses, hotel maids, etc. , and they are looking for extra income, especially when tourism is down (I was there during the frigid months of January, February, and March, and so almost no tourists in Niagara Falls, and hotels, bars, restaurants were pretty empty). 300 Canadian dollars was about the going rate, but that was a few years ago. So anyway, my suggestion is to look at the Niagara Falls scene too. I think you will find it to be better than the Toronto scene.

03-24-22, 03:35
I was there at cdmx early this month. This is my 1st SA experience. I went to GDL from there. I was sticking to slim girls under 25. I paid between 1500 to 4000 peso. Almost all girls except couple of them were good. Most of them seems to be semi pro.

Overall I am satisfied with the type of girls I found on SA Mexico. I will be going again to cdmx in April 1st week.

I don't know Spanish. Knowing Spanish would definitely makes this more enjoyable.

It may be hard to move from SA to typical escort scene as I started enjoying the experience not just sex.

Please let me know if you have any other suggested cities in Mexico with good SA selection.M.

I am having great success with SA in MTY and M. City. Unfortunately it did not work that well for me in GDL. I love GDL, but was a little disappointed with the quality of the Chicas. I met some really hot girls in Tijuana from GDL, but when I arrived in GDL it was a was a let down. Great food and weather there, but for girls there are better destinations in Mxico.

03-24-22, 07:18
As regards you spent an hour and went to the room. Did you get lucky? Nope. That is the way it works? Dinner or drinks and hit the room! My fastest ever was probably 15 minutes. She was late and I didn't have much time. We had a quick drink and I said "want to get out of here?" she said "wow your really confident aren't you?" And I said "yep let's go" and boom we are fucking 10 minutes later. She's a reg now. Hahaha. But you should PLAN on spending one to two hours max and get on to fucking!

And my advice remains skip the coffee date and go for the SNL (single night lay). Coffee date may work for some believe Cane did a platonic meet and greet with his gem before getting down to business. But this never worked for me. Just have an amazing dinner or drinks make them laugh sweep them off the feet and hit the hotel!The first girl I met in person said she only did coffee dates first. I also saw it suggested on the reddit sugar forum. Theoretically it seems good because you don't have to sit through any awkward dinners and aren't on the hook for much besides a coffee but I also see your momentum argument. Have you had any bad dinner experiences?

I also wanted to ask how you guys filter out pros / semi pros. The first girl I did ppm with, which didn't go well, turned out to be a semi pro in that she was relying on seeking to pay her bills. She came prepared and had condoms and even lube when we got to the room. The second girl, even though she came back with me the same day, was doing seeking while going to school. While we were driving back to my place she mentioned she hadn't traveled much so she'the be much easier to impress as well while the first girl told me about a sd who took her on a private plane. I'the obviously prefer the latter but I don't see any way to determine that from chatting.

03-24-22, 16:20
Honestly, I've found that money talks.

I don't want the BS of a girl figuring out if she's down to play after coffee. That would ruin my precious night and I don't have many to spare.

So I offer a very generous arrangement. Usually 250-300 dollars in developing countries and 400-450 in developed countries. But it's for drinks / dinner and a trip back to the hotel. All or nothing. If you do drinks but no hotel I'll cover the drinks but nothing else.

I've never had to cover only the drinks.

I also weed out girls that are clearly looking for a serious benefactor. If I see pictures in front of luxury stores and posing by fancy pools with expensive sunglasses. Next.

The first girl I met in person said she only did coffee dates first. I also saw it suggested on the reddit sugar forum. Theoretically it seems good because you don't have to sit through any awkward dinners and aren't on the hook for much besides a coffee but I also see your momentum argument. Have you had any bad dinner experiences?

I also wanted to ask how you guys filter out pros / semi pros. The first girl I did ppm with, which didn't go well, turned out to be a semi pro in that she was relying on seeking to pay her bills. She came prepared and had condoms and even lube when we got to the room. The second girl, even though she came back with me the same day, was doing seeking while going to school. While we were driving back to my place she mentioned she hadn't traveled much so she'the be much easier to impress as well while the first girl told me about a sd who took her on a private plane. I'the obviously prefer the latter but I don't see any way to determine that from chatting.

03-24-22, 16:37
The first girl I met in person said she only did coffee dates first. Theoretically it seems good because you don't have to sit through any awkward dinners and aren't on the hook for much besides a coffee but I also see your momentum argument. Have you had any bad dinner experiences?

I also wanted to ask how you guys filter out pros / semi pros.Usually some red flags are: they want to control the process by telling you how things will occur, like the girl saying she only did coffee dates first. This means she has a lot of experience on the site and wants things done her way, and she is not flexible to do things YOUR way, its a bad start. Another red flag is when you pick a restaurant to meet at and they want a more expensive restaurant. Probably NO, I tell them I pick the restaurant if I am going to pay and maybe a more expensive restaurant on a later date. Or they want money to meet, because their time is valuable or they want to know if you are serious. NO. These are methods they learn from their girlfriends of taking advantage of you. Another red flag is if they have no car and want to get in your car immediately, or want to uber to your house and you pay for uber. I tell them to pick a restaurant close to their house, and I can reimburse them for their uber fee, I do not get the uber for them, or they can have a friend drop them off or bike to the restaurant near their house. Beware, a lot of women's photos are older, slimmer, and of other people. 50% of the women on SA do not have accurate photos, or they are trying to get money from you before you meet them, and they will not show up at the restaurant at all. I used to require a phone conversation first, but few women will do that, they all want to text and swap a couple more photos, then meet in person.

03-24-22, 17:21
Yes, GDL definitely has lot less availability on SA.

Thanks for your note MTY. I will check that city.

Let's meet in cdmx if we happen to be at CDmX at same time.

I stayed at NH collection in Centro last time. Mostly I will stick to the same unless I find any other better options.


I am having great success with SA in MTY and M. City. Unfortunately it did not work that well for me in GDL. I love GDL, but was a little disappointed with the quality of the Chicas. I met some really hot girls in Tijuana from GDL, but when I arrived in GDL it was a was a let down. Great food and weather there, but for girls there are better destinations in Mxico.

03-24-22, 19:29
Honestly, I've found that money talks.

I don't want the BS of a girl figuring out if she's down to play after coffee. That would ruin my precious night and I don't have many to spare.

So I offer a very generous arrangement. Usually 250-300 dollars in developing countries and 400-450 in developed countries. But it's for drinks / dinner and a trip back to the hotel. All or nothing. If you do drinks but no hotel I'll cover the drinks but nothing else.

I've never had to cover only the drinks.

I also weed out girls that are clearly looking for a serious benefactor. If I see pictures in front of luxury stores and posing by fancy pools with expensive sunglasses. Next.I get that. You've never left after drinks though? The second girl I met up with didn't have great photos so I wasn't sure how good she looked. Wasn't my type in person and I thought her personality was kind of off. Wouldn't have wanted to waste dinner / hotel on someone I wasn't into.

03-24-22, 22:02
I get that. You've never left after drinks though? The second girl I met up with didn't have great photos so I wasn't sure how good she looked. Wasn't my type in person and I thought her personality was kind of off. Wouldn't have wanted to waste dinner / hotel on someone I wasn't into.No I have. But I've been a gentleman about it. In those cases I've given a generous half of the agreed upon arrangement. I've said this isn't going to work, our chemistry is not aligned, but I know you made the time for me so I'll still be happy to give you 200 dollars for your time and thank you for trying. And even then it's not all gentleman-ness. Part of it is defensive. I never want someone to complain in anger that they were harassed or something as retribution, and this is just the cost of ending things cleanly.

The Cane
03-24-22, 22:25
No I have. But I've been a gentleman about it. In those cases I've given a generous half of the agreed upon arrangement. I've said this isn't going to work, our chemistry is not aligned, but I know you made the time for me so I'll still be happy to give you 200 dollars for your time and thank you for trying. And even then it's not all gentleman-ness. Part of it is defensive. I never want someone to complain in anger that they were harassed or something as retribution, and this is just the cost of ending things cleanly.Nope! I wouldn't even do that much. I mean, I'm very clear up front that it's about drinks or dinner or whatever with no prior commitments on anybody's part (hers or mine) to do anything beyond that. I mean, what about the time you took to be there? And you're paying for whatever you drank or ate. As far as I'm concerned, that's gentlemanly enough. That pussy isn't platinum, and to be frank, my time is worth far more than hers!

03-24-22, 22:41
What is the typical price range you pay in MTY for girl under 25?

Yes, GDL definitely has lot less availability on SA.

Thanks for your note MTY. I will check that city.

Let's meet in cdmx if we happen to be at CDmX at same time.

I stayed at NH collection in Centro last time. Mostly I will stick to the same unless I find any other better options.

03-24-22, 23:48
I'the obviously prefer the latter but I don't see any way to determine that from chatting.I think you need more filtering questions. And as you can see from some of the other replies, it is something you will learn.

One of my favourite questions is "how is the site working out for you, tell me about the last guy you met from this site? It's a cheeky assumption that they meet others. Possible replies:

Oh, I haven't met anyone yet. (but her profiles is three years on the site). Hmm.

How dare you think I'm a prosti. (too aggressive and denial).

He was great, took me on private plane.

He was shit.

It can also be somewhat about what they don't say. Things they omit that you later realize are genuine concerns.

Would a girl that is a genuine newbie commit through Chat to meeting a stranger for dinner, sex and cash?

03-25-22, 02:14
Nope! I wouldn't even do that much. I mean, I'm very clear up front that it's about drinks or dinner or whatever with no prior commitments on anybody's part (hers or mine) to do anything beyond that. I mean, what about the time you took to be there? And you're paying for whatever you drank or ate. As far as I'm concerned, that's gentlemanly enough. That pussy isn't platinum, and to be frank, my time is worth far more than hers!That's all true and I like the approach of saying that I'm only committing to dinner or drinks and whatever happens after is fair game. But I'd be concerned that she ends it there, and I usually enter these arrangements wanting to be in total control for no other reason than my time is usually pretty limited. I don't want to waste any days. And if I decide I don't want to proceed, I have too much to lose if some off the rail girl does some crazy shit in retribution like accuse me of something.

To me this is just the price of entry for the game. I'm not really that bothered paying it so long as it's my choice.

J Janni
03-25-22, 12:46
I feel like the girls, or a lot of them, will adjust their responses according to your approach.

This time around, I've messaged girls who I messaged past time. While playing the proper sugar daddy routine. With an approach of 'I'm looking for a serious long term arrangement, with sex just being part of it' they were looking to be wined and dined. This time around, a lot of the same girls were happy at 150/200 ppm, skip the bullshit and straight to a hotel or their place.

It's like when you're on Thai Friendly or a Pina Love. All the girls are after serious relationship. But a vast majority are also up for 'St, 1500 baht / pesos, no condom and cum inside your pussy OK?

You set the tone of the communication and the girls follow your lead.

03-25-22, 20:52
Visting Barcelona in May. Anybody able to shed light on what to expect in terms of ppm there?

I'd like to meet for lunch, possibly do some sight seeing then go back to her place (or maybe a short stay hotel, I'm staying at an Airbnb w / a no guest policy)..I have been in Barcelona a few times and used Seeking. The no show rate is very high so you need to do a bit of extra work and stack fall back dates. The P4 P scene is pretty much legal and the rates are super low. Like 100 or less for an hour. As a result you get quiet a varied mix on Seeking:

- Students.

- Pro's looking to get more than agency pay.

- Golden pussy.

If you are local they are generally looking for 100 - 300 ppm. For tourists PPM is typically 200 - 300 but YMMV. I chatted with a wide variety and met some at 200,300 and more. Overnight is pretty common in this rate.

When negotiating just remember a pro typically only gets 50 - 80 for an appointment so that is something you may be compared against. Many students supplemented income by working as an escort but COVID and lack of tourists stopped this. Many though meet tourists so are looking for higher rates.

Steve 9696
03-26-22, 19:42
Hit up Medellin and São Paulo also but didn't use seeking. If you want to see those exploits just check those forums soon.

Buenos Aires.

Buenos Aires is pretty well known to be not great for P4 P. Last time I was there I was exclusively with a Seeking Girl named Valentina and it was marvelous. So I went purely the Seeking route this time as well.

It actually can be a bit tricky the way I play it because I'm not the kinda guy who sets up redundant dates and such. I really try to be honest with the girls, including that I am only in town a couple days (usually break this news later) and so the logistics can be hard to ensure you don't end up with a date with Mr Hand. (Never have fwiw).

I started 6 weeks out. Not because that is a good idea but just because I always get excited and start browsing and one thing leads to another. I had probably 5-6 girls on pretty active chat up until about two weeks before, but let some of those fade as I focused in on two girls Becca and Lucia.

Both of these girls have GREAT English and both really fun to chat with. In the end Lucia edged out Becca by just being a bit more engaged. I think I stopped being active with Becca a few days before the trip and she was not actively courting me.

Once in town, Lucia was a bit tough to pin down on date time that evening. Got a bit worried and in fact pinged Becca that first day thinking Lucia was bagging. Becca was really nice about me springing a same day date on her but said she couldn't that first night but she could night two, so I kept this warm. I wasn't in a panic, having just banged 7 girls in Colombia (see Medellin thread soon) but I would lament an empty night nonetheless.

In the end, Lucia came through and turned out to be an amazing pick. From her pictures you could see that she was very pretty and she'the sent some unfiltered shots. Like a solid 8. But when we met at the restaurant I about dropped a load on the floor. A 10 face for me no lie. And her bod turned out to be a 9 for sure. Home run in the optics dept.

Dinner and a walk around Puerto Madero were amazing. So easy and comfortable. Two hours completely flew by! Some light kissing as the Uber arrives. Back in the room it was an OK experience but nothing to write home about. She is super beautiful but either awkward or pro trying to get straight to fucking with no BJ and really not too much effort when I went soft. 10 face 9 body and 5 in the bed. Boo a little disappointed in the end because otherwise this girl is a rockstar. But overall had a great night despite the lame sex!

We planned to meetup again the next night but I was a bit lukewarm. And she was pretty difficult about staying in touch. It wasn't clear whether we were on or off. And this was a bit of a theme with her once in town.

So about 2 Pm or so I ping Becca because Lucia is unsure. But Becca says family matters came up and she can't. At four I send Lucia a message that I want to meet her no matter what time and I can tell she's read it. No response so now onto plan see! Can't wait forever.

I start spamming all the girls I had moved to WhatApp chat but let fizzle. Probably 5-7 girls. Plus I start hitting new Seeking girls with "I going out to a nice dinner tonight. Join me?" (I've used this before with success) and get 3 or 4 convos started.

But as luck would have it one of my WhatsApp girls comes back and says she'the love too. She was like number five on my list so clearly keeping a deep bench is a key strategic move. So now it's on with Meli. Woo hoo! Really quite a coup to get an 8 o'clock date at 4 o'clock! Wow. Stoked.

It turns out Meli could use a new photographer. Because she's a solid 8 with amazing natural firm the or DD cups. Beautiful face and bubbly and fun at dinner.

I feel a little bad but I use the exact same playbook as the prior night, because making reservations over the phone in Spanish is not my forte. So same restaurant leading to same walk and same Uber pickup. Dinner is quite different though because she doesn't speak a lick of English. We laugh a ton using Google translate. And her trying to say English words is nothing short of comedic. She is sooooo bad. Just literally cannot pronounce the English sounds. So fun. So much laughter and clear chemistry.

(Lucia hits me up midway through but I say I am out with colleagues.).

In the bedroom it's night and day. This girl loves to kiss, great BJ and no pillow-princess. She is very ready to rumble, submissive, and passionate.

The highlight is that I am hard to finish.

How could that be a highlight? Well after a ton of fucking I have to go pee. And when I return (pretty soft) she says "so what do you want to do". I think this is her saying "you tired me out and you didn't cum so maybe I should just go?" I have seen this once or twice. But I just say "um continuar?

Apparently that wasn't what she was saying at all! She was just asking what's my pleasure! So she gets me going and mounts up BAREBACK. Wow. She feels fucking amazing and seems to enjoy it as much as I do.

So we do some amazing fucking. LOL. Doggie, the Steve, and mish in pretty short order. Making out in mish is as usual the ticket (not all girls like this) and I pull out to shoot a few shots on her tummy which she smiles a giant smile at. Wow. That was pretty epic.

Side note: Another Seeking bareback girl!

So Buenos Aires had several great lessons to be learned. Or perhaps just reinforced:

Seeking still rocks in countries where P4 P is poor.

Starting 6 weeks out, while not recommended, has worked great several times so maybe it's not bad.

Aggressive last minute opener "I'm going out you coming" def has super high engagement rate.

Always keep the girls warm without being disingenuous. You may need them!

Girls will def see you even if they know it's only a night or two.

An 8 with a 9 performance beats a 10 with a 5 performance any day.

All in all a great time for just a two day quickie.

03-27-22, 00:13
Do you guys who bb use prep?

Steve 9696
03-27-22, 12:29
Having experienced Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil, here is the summary of my dates and thoughts on the venues. Of course the summary is: if you have the coin you can get awesome girls in any of the three countries -- so long as you pick the right format for that country.

Medellin -- Primarily Facebook and Referrals.

Bella and Alejandra Duo -- Picked up at a local small club, these girls were four hours of fun and partying. The sex was just altogether OK, but having a more senior girl help coach up her younger protege on the finer points of BJ was fun. But mostly just tons of rum shots and tussi (them not me) and grinding and dancing and just having fun.

Julia -- Referral from a friend this girl is fresh and cute and built and bubbly and has the finest pussy to finger on planet earth. Her BJ is lame, but she's a nice girl and I would have repeated if I had the time.

Karen. Damn this girl has an amazing face (and good bod). She wears lots of makeup but it's working because I could look at her all day. A bit bizness-like in the bedroom, but damn she's fine. Came in Mish, which doesn't happen so often, but looking at that face. Whoa.

Kerry. Referral from a friend. Had dinner together and we just clicked chemically from the get go and I couldn't get enough. Her smile and laugh will melt you. We had amazing foreplay in the jacuzzi and the sex was just so passionate. Went touristing the next day and she helped guide me by the hand through the worst part of El Centro. Several quite nasty blocks of piss and fish smell and yikes. Plaza Botero itself is nice and feels like any city. Had an amazing pasta lunch, more amazing sex (damn the way she looks in my eyes slays me) and a mega afternoon spoon nap. I would def repeat with this girl.

Vennie Spinner. I don't even remember her name. Grabbed outside of Park Lleras. Seems so innocent but quite the little shark. Ended up haggling over condom for BJ, and other things. Basically some pretty darn good sex and a lot of arguing. Super amazing be cups on the tiniest frame you can imagine. Only bad experience in Medellin (and not completely awful on balance. She was lots of fun when we weren't arguing LOL).

Andrea. Believe another poster mentioned her. I am not usually one for sharing girls names, but if you care to dig she is a real gem. Tattooed head to toe, so if you don't like that, definite non-starter. I think they are super bad ass. And she's got a very solid woman's build -- think her ass is fake actually. So if you want a flaca look elsewhere. But if you want one of the top BJs on planet earth she's your gal. And she's sweet and passionate also. I took the upcharge and blasted twice inside 40 minutes -- and that after all the girls above in just two days. So I think that speaks to her BJ prowess.

Buenos Aries -- Seeking Arrangements Only.

Lucia. Wow this girl looks amazing. A 10 face no lie. A 9 body. Perfect English, fun to be with at dinner and walking. Just a great date. Sex pretty darn mediocre. I'd still see her again just to have that doll out with me.

Melia. We were in close chat for several weeks, but I semi-ghosted her 2 weeks out as I settled on other girls. Failed second date with Lucia (she contacted me later but it was too late) and Meli came through with 4 hours notice! Great fun date despite the language barrier. Amazing sex including swap to BBFS midway. Totally would repeat.

Sao Paulo -- Clubs.

Natalie. Scandallo. Scandallo remains amazing, but Natalie too pro for my taste. Rushed and fake. Made a mistake taking her. Guess it goes to show, the experience only works if you follow the rules. I broke several and paid the price. Still managed to squirt one out, but def not the highlight of my trip.

Maria. Damn, another keeper like Kerry. Found her at Lotus -- only four girls there, but I guess you only need one, because chemistry was off the charts from the first minute. We basically wifed up for the next two days. Amazing dinner, walks, drinks, sex. Really the whole GFE package from top to bottom.


So what's my take on the three countries? This is all just my opinion based on quite a limited sample. YMMV.

I still think Brazil is number one if you like the face to face club scene and lots of options. Scandallo remains more pretty girls per square meter than anywhere on the planet. In comparison La Isla was distinctly lame with plastic girls and inflated prices.

Argentina is only worth a visit if you know how to navigate the Seeking Arrangements scene and enjoy the whole date experience. Top shelf girls if this is your thing and Buenos Aires is a lovely city. Very European. The Italian at Marcelo and walk after in Puerto Madero is worth the trip.

I was surprised how short and lame the BJs were in Colombia (with exception of Andrea). I found the Romanian pro girls in London and the amateur Seeking girls in the US to be decidedly better. Not sure why but it was noticeable and stood out to me.

You can find amazing real life GFE wherever you go. But it takes a bit of luck and numbers. Out of 11 girls across the three countries I found 2 girls I was happy to wife up with and another 2 who gave the in bedroom GFE we all seek. Another 5 that I was happy to have spent time with and only 2 I wished I hadn't.

03-27-22, 15:34
What is the typical price range you pay in MTY for girl under 25?MTY $150-250, but you can negotiate for multiple sessions or overnight. No clock watching.

Mexico City $200-300.

Both places are awesome, but take some work.

03-27-22, 18:13
Having experienced Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil, here is the summary of my dates and thoughts on the venues. Of course the summary is: if you have the coin you can get awesome girls in any of the three countries -- so long as you pick the right format for that country.

Medellin -- Primarily Facebook and Referrals.

Bella and Alejandra Duo -- Picked up at a local small club, these girls were four hours of fun and partying. The sex was just altogether OK, but having a more senior girl help coach up her younger protege on the finer points of BJ was fun. But mostly just tons of rum shots and tussi (them not me) and grinding and dancing and just having fun.Awesome summary and lot of useful information. Thanks.

03-28-22, 08:13
You can find amazing real life GFE wherever you go. But it takes a bit of luck and numbers. Out of 11 girls across the three countries I found 2 girls I was happy to wife up with and another 2 who gave the in bedroom GFE we all seek. Another 5 that I was happy to have spent time with and only 2 I wished I hadn't.This is an interesting rating system. There really are girls that we get so comfortable with so quickly. Is that a feature of them or us?

03-28-22, 10:00
So, you all remember Miss the with whom I had great meeting while traveling.

We had been in touch and she says she can travel to me for 3 days. What are your thoughts spending 3 days with a babe?

The problem for me is that sometimes I like to be left alone. The max I have done thus far is overnight. That too only twice. Once with Miss the. The next morning, after another round of sex, I am usually thinking "ok, when are you leaving?" LOL.

03-28-22, 10:43
So, you all remember Miss the with whom I had great meeting while traveling.

We had been in touch and she says she can travel to me for 3 days. What are your thoughts spending 3 days with a babe?

The problem for me is that sometimes I like to be left alone. The max I have done thus far is overnight. That too only twice. Once with Miss the. The next morning, after another round of sex, I am usually thinking "ok, when are you leaving?" LOL.I have done it in the past and worked really well. You and her need to have some common interested to chat about. You will be spending quite a bit of time chilling out or being out and about so need to be comfortable with that. Also you can also have separate chill time. The key factors to make the decision are:

- Can you spend a few hours together chatting and still be comfortable with each other.

- Where will you go. Picking a city makes it easier to mix up things to do and also get time alone.

03-28-22, 10:47
Do you guys who bb use prep?I was talking to a SB this week and she said that she takes it. To be honest I typically avoid Bare unless it is someone I know and am aware they are not seeing other people.

That being said you can never be sure. So I have been thinking it is likely a very good idea. Just depends on how easy it is to source. Taking it seem pretty simple and only need to take a for a few days after fun and the few days before.

03-28-22, 15:19
So, you all remember Miss the with whom I had great meeting while traveling.

We had been in touch and she says she can travel to me for 3 days. What are your thoughts spending 3 days with a babe?

The problem for me is that sometimes I like to be left alone. The max I have done thus far is overnight. That too only twice. Once with Miss the. The next morning, after another round of sex, I am usually thinking "ok, when are you leaving?" LOL.It all depends on whether there is chemistry. But even so, I tend to find it could be very taxing at times, since I like my own time, pace and space. However, one factor that I look for which could be very difficult to apply in many cases, are that the girl needs to be open to threesome and a bisexual as an added bonus. I have exactly such a girl in my last trip in Bogota where she is a bisexual and in fact we look for other girls together. If the girl is unwilling to do threesome and is jealous, I would not do it. I am there to have relax and have fun and not tend to their needs.

This time in Bogota, while I do had one SA girl who is open to a threesome and in fact made a recommendation of her acquaintance, she somehow no longer mentioned it nor are eager about it once she started spending the weekend with me. I am probably going to stick to a short term ppm with her instead in the future.

Steve 9696
03-28-22, 19:26
For those who think Seeking is too much work I'the recomend the strong opener. I crafted it using Nampa principles — have a plan, lead the girl, tell don't ask. It should work for a same night date or next day or two:

"I'm going out for a nice dinner and drinks with some amazing girl tonight. Maybe that's you? Join me. ".

1. She knows your not going to just try to take her straight to room.

2. She has to self qualify — "yes I am amazing".

3. You are going regardless.

4. You might decide if you like a period or a question mark after "join me". They feel very different. I think I prefer the command vs the question.

This definitely works and is a lot less trouble than all the long term schmoozing. Prob slightly different type of girl but worth a go if you don't want to invest a lot of time.

03-28-22, 22:29
We had been in touch and she says she can travel to me for 3 days. What are your thoughts spending 3 days with a babe?I travelled with a SB for two weeks. Prior to the trip we discussed how to resolve our differences if / when they arose. Because I was working during the day time, she was free to look around. My requirement on her was that she had to be available to have evening meals and bed time together.

In my mind budget I was prepared to pay her a separate room or flight home if needed. She did push to that point one day but she retreated when she realized how shit her life was at home compared to swanning around in 5 star hotels.

J Janni
03-28-22, 23:01
For those who think Seeking is too much work I'the recomend the strong opener. I crafted it using Nampa principles have a plan, lead the girl, tell don't ask. It should work for a same night date or next day or two:

"I'm going out for a nice dinner and drinks with some amazing girl tonight. Maybe that's you? Join me. ".

1. She knows your not going to just try to take her straight to room.

2. She has to self qualify "yes I am amazing".

3. You are going regardless.

4. You might decide if you like a period or a question mark after "join me". They feel very different. I think I prefer the command vs the question.

This definitely works and is a lot less trouble than all the long term schmoozing. Prob slightly different type of girl but worth a go if you don't want to invest a lot of time.Independently discovered a similar technique, but one that filters out the girls that want wining and dining first. Not interested in that.

Much higher hit rate with a direct approach and a definite, soon timescale to the first meet.

Plus it also filters out the girls who are going to ask for a last minute deposit, taxi fare or childcare upfront. Because if they're going to do it, they'll do it straight away when they think they're meeting you in a couple of hours.

Get the agreement to meet you in a hotel in a couple of hours time, cancel straight away with some excuse that varies depending on the bullshit you've peddled.

Reschedule at a later date when you're ready to see them.

03-28-22, 23:16
For those who think Seeking is too much work I'the recomend the strong opener. I crafted it using Nampa principles have a plan, lead the girl, tell don't ask. It should work for a same night date or next day or two:

"I'm going out for a nice dinner and drinks with some amazing girl tonight. Maybe that's you? Join me. ".

1. She knows your not going to just try to take her straight to room.

2. She has to self qualify "yes I am amazing".

3. You are going regardless.

4. You might decide if you like a period or a question mark after "join me". They feel very different. I think I prefer the command vs the question.

This definitely works and is a lot less trouble than all the long term schmoozing. Prob slightly different type of girl but worth a go if you don't want to invest a lot of time.I have used your recommended approach to pose a question since that will always get a reply from the girls. Anyway, here in Bogota now, and after a month of SA use, I have collected more than 100+ contacts on WhatsApp. So much so that I had to spend time to weed them out, and now it all feels like so natural to see if I want to move forward with the girl after a few conversation once it is moved from SA to WhatsApp. Girls that appear in Bogota are mostly eager to meet you and have the arrangement with the right economic benefit. I will post a more detailed report later on.

So here's my flow. Almost everything written is in Spanish, but here is the English Equivalent.

On SA:

Me: Hi, how are you?

Girl: Hi, I am good, how are you?

Me: Good, do you live in Bogota?

Girl: Yes.

Me: Which part of Bogota do you live?

Girl: I live in ABC or XYZ Zone area. (I have to ask this since I would get a feel to how long will the girl need to take to come to my place. Fluff rate is high if this girl lives far away).

Me: I live in XYZ. I would like to meet you. (Or if you want to go straight to the point, I would like to make an arrangement with you).

Girl: Sure, I would love to.

Me: Do you have WhatsApp? I can chat with you better there. I am not always on this SA app.

Girl: Sure, my number is.

On WhatsApp:

(Repeat above in various fashion, then straight to the point).

Me: I would like to discuss an arrangement with you.

Girl: Sure, what are you looking for?

Me: I would like to meet you, maybe have dinner, and follow with sexual intimacy.

Girl: (Either she would say she is not that kind of girl, or follow by more question. At this point, you know that you have the girl interested in further negotiation, especially amount etc).

Me: (I would indicate what I want at that point, but would always let the girl initiate their price. I prefer not to give them my initial price, which I learn they get offended pretty easily if it is not their expectation. Anyway, my idea is to allow the girls be satisfied with what they are expecting, and I can either move forward or not. If no, I would just play along for a bit more and ghost them. In any case, I can just be as fluff. If it is within my price range, then I would as for something extra, like maybe a longer time from them or demanding certain service like BB. In any case, that is my approach and YMMV).

03-29-22, 00:56
Independently discovered a similar technique, but one that filters out the girls that want wining and dining first. Not interested in that.

Much higher hit rate with a direct approach and a definite, soon timescale to the first meet.

Plus it also filters out the girls who are going to ask for a last minute deposit, taxi fare or childcare upfront. Because if they're going to do it, they'll do it straight away when they think they're meeting you in a couple of hours.

Get the agreement to meet you in a hotel in a couple of hours time, cancel straight away with some excuse that varies depending on the bullshit you've peddled.

Reschedule at a later date when you're ready to see them.Care to share more about your approach? I don't understand the cancel and reschedule bit though.

J Janni
03-29-22, 01:17
Care to share more about your approach? I don't understand the cancel and reschedule bit though.I'm not even in the UK currently. I've been targeting girls in a nearby city to my UK location with basically, 'I live close so something long term is possible, however I'm actually staying over tomorrow night to get to an early meeting. Looking for someone great to keep me company at the hotel, something more long term if we click. '.

If they're going to ask for money upfront or try and sell content (I've actually met girls that sell content, so it's a red flag but not always) they usually will at that point, as the meet is so close.

My approach also weeds out the sugar babies who want to go on fifteen shopping trips before maybe fucking you. Is there anyone out there cuckold enough to be paying a girl who isn't fucking them? It also weeds out the girls I feel are too pro, who when we move to WhatsApp are straight in with the ppm and the escorty list of 'I don't like kissing, anal or bareback. '.

I feel like the immediate nature of the meet gets a high response rate. The girls get lots of messages from vague people (just like me) considering making plans to go fuck them, maybe in the next couple of weeks.

Once we've moved to WhatsApp, settled on a ppm, established what I want (namely, cumming inside then a couple of times), etc. I give it a little while and manufacture a plausible reason to cancel, usually within an hour or two of everything being settled.

So now I have a list of girls in the city of interest, vetted somewhat, with services and payment settled. When I finally decide on the girl I want most, I'll reschedule the meet, warm up a few of the other girls as backups, then actually make travel and accommodation plans.

03-29-22, 03:43
You can hide your profile so it is not visible for people searching. Stops the spam, also good for discretion. They'll never see your profile unless you initiate contact with a message or a favorite.

I'm aware of all of the tricks these dating sites use to keep suckers on the hook. Not going to work with me as I'm tired of all of the bullshit on Seeking. It's just like you say. Foreign "women" (maybe) filling up your "favorited me" queue, scammers trying to get at your money, and greedy, lazy, arrogant women who think they're going to eat and drink on your dime and get paid to do it too, all in exchange for nothing but their "valuable time". Well fuck that! Once my three-month membership expires I'm done! If I hadn't met Abby in the early weeks, I might have just thrown in the towel much, much earlier.

03-29-22, 05:34

You are a professional and I tip my hat to you.

Also, about the girls who want 15 shopping trips before they'll maybe possibly f** you, does that work? Some suckers must be down for that because there are enuf of these dumb broads leading with that.

I'm not even in the UK currently. I've been targeting girls in a nearby city to my UK location with basically, 'I live close so something long term is possible, however I'm actually staying over tomorrow night to get to an early meeting. Looking for someone great to keep me company at the hotel, something more long term if we click. '.

If they're going to ask for money upfront or try and sell content (I've actually met girls that sell content, so it's a red flag but not always) they usually will at that point, as the meet is so close.

My approach also weeds out the sugar babies who want to go on fifteen shopping trips before maybe fucking you. Is there anyone out there cuckold enough to be paying a girl who isn't fucking them? It also weeds out the girls I feel are too pro, who when we move to WhatsApp are straight in with the ppm and the escorty list of 'I don't like kissing, anal or bareback.

03-29-22, 05:36
Damn. I thought I was special but your approach mirrors mine to a T. I'm a cliche.

I have used your recommended approach to pose a question since that will always get a reply from the girls. Anyway, here in Bogota now, and after a month of SA use, I have collected more than 100+ contacts on WhatsApp. So much so that I had to spend time to weed them out, and now it all feels like so natural to see if I want to move forward with the girl after a few conversation once it is moved from SA to WhatsApp. Girls that appear in Bogota are mostly eager to meet you and have the arrangement with the right economic benefit. I will post a more detailed report later on.

So here's my flow. Almost everything written is in Spanish, but here is the English Equivalent.

On SA:

Me: Hi, how are you?

Girl: Hi, I am good, how are you?

Me: Good, do you live in Bogota?

Girl: Yes..

The Cane
03-29-22, 09:32
Me: (I would indicate what I want at that point, but would always let the girl initiate their price. I prefer not to give them my initial price, which I learn they get offended pretty easily if it is not their expectation. Anyway, my idea is to allow the girls be satisfied with what they are expecting, and I can either move forward or not. If no, I would just play along for a bit more and ghost them. In any case, I can just be as fluff. If it is within my price range, then I would as for something extra, like maybe a longer time from them or demanding certain service like BB. In any case, that is my approach and YMMV).You said that the Colombian girls often will take offense if you offer a price that doesn't meet their expectations. What kind of reaction do you typically get when you bring up bareback sex? That most certainly would offend many an American woman.

Steve 9696
03-29-22, 16:31
I treat my SBs very well as it's just my nature. But damn I love some of the longer term relationships you can build and having a deep Rolodex pays off.

I originally went to Vegas in 2019. Met up wit Alexa, Krystal, and one other girl. Both A and K twice. Krystal was my fave but Alexa a nice girl and a smoking 9 in my book. But the chemistry with Krystal was amazing.

So in mid pandemic 2020 I wanted to fly Krystal to Miami but she was a little hard to pin down and kinda soft ghosted me. She's moved to NYC since we met. So I pinged Alexa who was down and we had the best time. Fully one year after our brief encounter in 2019.

Now here we are in 2022 and I will be visiting Vegas. Alexa has moved too far from town but Krystal is back in Vegas. So I ping her fully expecting no response. But instead I get a let's meet up baby response. Over two years after our meetup.

I totally dig this girl — one of my ATFs. Just goes to show — treat 'them right, never officially break it off, and you can fire things up right where you left off. So both my Vegas girls pay off way after the fact. Super stoked.

03-29-22, 17:35
You said that the Colombian girls often will take offense if you offer a price that doesn't meet their expectations. What kind of reaction do you typically get when you bring up bareback sex? That most certainly would offend many an American woman.Colombian girls take offense to a lot of things, they are so jealous. They actually make me appreciate American girls and that is hard to do.

03-29-22, 18:48
I have been in Barcelona a few times and used Seeking. The no show rate is very high so you need to do a bit of extra work and stack fall back dates. The P4 P scene is pretty much legal and the rates are super low. Like 100 or less for an hour. As a result you get quiet a varied mix on Seeking:.Thanks for the intel. I'm not too worried about no shows I've got the professionals as backup LOL.

I'm curious about Tinder. I'm not good looking enough to land the kind of chicks I'd want for free but maybe if they know I'm earning in USD and can buy them a nice dinner or some shit that would be enough.

Do you put something in your profile that vaguely suggests P4P is on the table. Obviously you can't come right out and say it. (Wondering in general not for a particular location).

I have seen some chicks will break their phone number up and put it in their profile I assume that's a give away your dealing with a pro.

03-29-22, 20:11
Hey Steve,

I know you love Moscow and Brazil. I loved Moscow, so we have that in common, I was planning on making one last trip to Russia, but now that is definitely off the table. I think my visa is running out soon and I will not renew, but I had already made that decision before the war started. Rio was not for me, I would like to try Sao Paulo, but honestly I am meeting so many great girls in MTY and CDMX, no need to change.

What are your thoughts on MDE? As you know I did not like anything about the place and would never go back. I value your opinions and look forward to your report.

03-29-22, 20:56
Colombian girls take offense to a lot of things, they are so jealous. They actually make me appreciate American girls and that is hard to do.I don't know if it is just me. The type of girls in Colombia who will hit me up look young and desirable in their profiles. The type of women from the US who would hit me up are big fuglies. Even for those that look decent are looking for a long term relationship. I am thinking, ladies, you are on the damn wrong platform. I would still go with with non-American ones at anytime.

The Cane
03-29-22, 21:28
Colombian girls take offense to a lot of things, they are so jealous. They actually make me appreciate American girls and that is hard to do.I've dealt with tons and tons of Colombian girls, all in the P4P scene, and never, ever had a lot of problems. I would take a Colombiana over a gringa any time! I have no experience dealing with them in the sugaring setting though, that's why I was asking. But in the P4P scene, I was always able to bargain no problems with nobody getting bent out of shape. Them nor me.

03-29-22, 21:30
You said that the Colombian girls often will take offense if you offer a price that doesn't meet their expectations. What kind of reaction do you typically get when you bring up bareback sex? That most certainly would offend many an American woman.I met 5 SA girls in person in Bogota. All of them are just regular civvies.

The first one works in IT consulting manager. She probably thinks she can find a wealthy SD on the platform. Anyway, her SA profile is no longer active. We did have a good dinner and that is how I know. I did not go anywhere beyond dinner with her because I was tired that night and had a long day the next morning.

The second one was a college student in her 2nd year. Has a boyfriend but just need the extra financial help. She was on SA for only a month and I was her first ppm.

The third one workes as an office administrator and in her last year of college. Also looking for extra financial help. Also been on SA for a month or so and I was her first ppm too.

The fourth one just graduated and worked as waitress. Again, even though she might have been on it for less than a year, I was her only SD.

The fifth one have been on SA the longest. Been there for more than a year or two, and even at that point, she only had two SDs during that time period. And she works at a regular company.

One is more likely to encounter girls of that sort at least in Bogota. The cost of living has gone up for them and they need to get by with little extra cash. They don't look at themselves as prepagos or prepaid which means working girls in Colombia.

When they do this, they have a certain amount in mind to help them get through the month. So you do not want to make them feel like hookers because in their mind they are not. As such, I would just get them to offer the amount they can live with and I can justify. I would only negotiate with them for non monetary add-ONS like extra time or extra services like BB. I also note that these girls don't like to do BJ though they are more open to BB. Go figure.

Anyway, the psychology behind this is for them to be happy with what they are expecting and I can wring extra concessions as a result by indicating with I want. Again, YMMV. For BB, if they are not willing to do it, they would just say no and actually I don't feel they get offended.

03-29-22, 21:55
I don't know if it is just me. The type of girls in Colombia who will hit me up look young and desirable in their profiles. The type of women from the US who would hit me up are big fuglies. Even for those that look decent are looking for a long term relationship. I am thinking, ladies, you are on the damn wrong platform. I would still go with with non-American ones at anytime.Correct, but for me I am not attracted to the girls in MDE at all. Mostly there attitudes, laziness and jealousy. This includes the Colombian girls I met in the states or Mexico, they usually have a bad attitude as well. I am sure the girls in Bogota are better. Love Latinos and Euros, just not Colombian.

03-29-22, 23:26
Hi all,

I wasn't aware of this thread, but it is a gold mine of information. I would like to contribute to this thread and share my experiences.

I signed up at the beginning of this year and had 6 arrangements, both in the USA and international. Admittedly, I've screwed up a bit so far, but I have learned a lot from reading here.

First girl that I met I gave way to much 600, we did bb I think it was implied with the amount I paid her. She hit me with the price and I didn't negotiate for whatever reason grrr. I probably ended up spending close to 700 since I ordered her uber there and back. Next day I went out to dinner with an onlyfans chick mid-late 20's who I clicked great with. Spent about 200 on a shit ton of drinks, F me. She didn't ask me for anything, but I gave her 500 since I clicked so well with her. I probably could gave her less, but whatever she was enjoyable and I will hit her up in the future. Third girl I gave 500, she is extremely hot Italian 7/10 some of you guys might of give her an 8, but I'm jaded in ratings. She is over 1000 miles away, I probably won't see her again. I'm certain she gave me a fake name, plus she even told me she used some kind of burner phone number service. I still see her on seeking, but who knows for how long a lot of girls come and go. All of these meets were not in my local area, so I can't see them on a consistent basis. I messaged them about 3-4 weeks prior to traveling to the area. I probably messaged about 60-80 girls, maybe more I have to count, to get to these 3 and it truly is so much work it eats up a lot of time.

One thing I'm starting to realize is I think these girls probably would have agreed to less. I was just frustrated messaging so many girls and wanted to meet. After reading this thread, it seems like most of the guys are older on Seeking. I'm in my early 30's and in good shape, not fat, but I am ugly so I'm not sure it affects the price I offer being young, but I'm going to start now offering $200 to girls and see if they will go for it.

I used Seeking with some success in Mexico. I ended giving one girl an obscene amount that I'm not proud of, she manipulated me quite a bit which I don't care to get into details here. Seeking in Mexico City is much easier than in Guadalajara. I found that a lot of girls list their location as Guadalajara, but are not actually from there they may live in a small town a few hours away. If that's the case, only money is going to motivate them to meet up with you so find this out early if they really do live there or not. If I did this over again, I would go straight to compensation part. I found it's best to message girls about 2-3 weeks prior to your trip, don't do it any earlier I think it's a waste of time.

Next girl I saw in my home state. She messaged me first. I spent about 100 on dinner, however, I got cat fished to fkn hell. She was a good 250 pounder. I bit the lip and downed the drinks and said screw it, no ones ugly after 2 am. Finally got a freebie, but not the kind of freebie I'm proud of. I'm in a large liberal area and haven't had much success since I signed up, so that's why I agreed to it and she seemed interested in meeting.

I'm traveling to a new area in 2 weeks and got 4 girls #s who claim they want to meet me. I haven't discussed compensation with any them yet, none of them brought it up. The only thing different this time is I added some great photos to my profile so maybe it's working in my favor now. I previously was doing all this without any photos.

I messaged about 50 girls in my area and got some numbers, so I'm trying to set something up before my membership expires in the next few days. You have to be real careful what you say to these girls and do not be pushy by any means or they will ghost or block you. I send one or at most 2 messages each time and then give them a few days to powder their nose or whatever the f they're doing to reply back. Around 10 messages in you should start considering asking for the number if the conversation is going good. I've had a few girls decline and say "let's keep chatting on here" or something along those lines. Avoid them and stop talking immediately, they won't be on that site for long. Also, I recently screwed this up, but once you have the number they will inevitably ask you the 'What kind of arrangement are you looking for question?' Whenever a girl brings this up, I recommend saying something like, 'we'll I should be asking you that question. ' If you start saying you want sex on a consistent basis or something she doesn't want that's a surefire way to get ghosted, especially if they are new and only recently signed up. Make sure you know what they are looking for and don't bring up sex or compensation unless they do. I like to push for dinner and or drinks, but sometimes they don't even want that so it's a mixed bag. Also, if you do get ghosted after you offer an amount. I've had some girls that have come back from the dead if you reply back with a larger number.

Steve 9696
03-30-22, 00:57
Hey Steve,

I know you love Moscow and Brazil. I loved Moscow, so we have that in common, I was planning on making one last trip to Russia, but now that is definitely off the table. I think my visa is running out soon and I will not renew, but I had already made that decision before the war started. Rio was not for me, I would like to try Sao Paulo, but honestly I am meeting so many great girls in MTY and CDMX, no need to change.

What are your thoughts on MDE? As you know I did not like anything about the place and would never go back. I value your opinions and look forward to your report.My overall comparison of MDE, SP, and BA is down the page a ways. My take on MDE is that it's inexpensive and the girls are pretty but the service is not great nor the overall experience. I prefer my time with girls in this order:

Clubs. Incall. Outcall.

The best scene in MDE is Facebook outcall, so not my fave to begin with. And the service quite mediocre in my opinion. A poster below notes his SA Bogots girls don't love to BJ and I found same. Like 5 minutes is long for them.

That said you can find a gem anywhere. I was happy to shack up with Kerry as long as she'the have me. The way she looks at me. The way she's my girlfriend. Amazing. But alas. Next next.

03-30-22, 02:26
My overall comparison of MDE, SP, and BA is down the page a ways. My take on MDE is that it's inexpensive and the girls are pretty but the service is not great nor the overall experience. I prefer my time with girls in this order:

Clubs. Incall. Outcall.

The best scene in MDE is Facebook outcall, so not my fave to begin with. And the service quite mediocre in my opinion. A poster below notes his SA Bogots girls don't love to BJ and I found same. Like 5 minutes is long for them.

That said you can find a gem anywhere. I was happy to shack up with Kerry as long as she'the have me. The way she looks at me. The way she's my girlfriend. Amazing. But alas. Next next.Thanks, I appreciate your feedback. By far the worst food and service I had in my life.

For me I honestly do not feel MDE is that cheaper then Mexico. You can get a direct flight to most destinations in Mexico. Also you can negotiate cheaper rates with hotels or apartments. For example I am now paying $65 a night for a suite in San Pedro, MTY. This includes a breakfast buffet. Plus they let check out super late. Life is good.

03-30-22, 08:48
Also, I recently screwed this up, but once you have the number they will inevitably ask you the 'What kind of arrangement are you looking for question?' Whenever a girl brings this up, I recommend saying something like, 'we'll I should be asking you that question.Thank you for sharing your experience. This is a very good reply.

03-30-22, 10:56

When you meet these girls after long, do you go BB?

One of my SBs I met months ago is coming to town. I am most likely not going to BB considering she would have met other men. I don't ask her because we had a great equation when we were regular. Don't want to offend her. On the other hand, when I wrap my tool, she is probably going to roll her eyes as historically we have been BB and fucked like dogs. LOL.

I treat my SBs very well as it's just my nature. But damn I love some of the longer term relationships you can build and having a deep Rolodex pays off.

I originally went to Vegas in 2019. Met up wit Alexa, Krystal, and one other girl. Both A and K twice. Krystal was my fave but Alexa a nice girl and a smoking 9 in my book. But the chemistry with Krystal was amazing.

So in mid pandemic 2020 I wanted to fly Krystal to Miami but she was a little hard to pin down and kinda soft ghosted me. She's moved to NYC since we met. So I pinged Alexa who was down and we had the best time. Fully one year after our brief encounter in 2019.

Now here we are in 2022 and I will be visiting Vegas. Alexa has moved too far from town but Krystal is back in Vegas. So I ping her fully expecting no response. But instead I get a let's meet up baby response. Over two years after our meetup.

I totally dig this girl one of my ATFs. Just goes to show treat 'them right, never officially break it off, and you can fire things up right where you left off. So both my Vegas girls pay off way after the fact. Super stoked.

03-30-22, 11:04
Rule #1 - Walk away without any regrets if the girl doesn't meet standards in both attitude and price point. If you don't want to follow this, you will lose time and money. Go to rule #2.

Rule #2 - Follow Rule #1. LOL.

Jokes aside. Fellow 30 plus here. I hear your feelings and why some of those girls manipulated you. I have learned hard way. It takes a bit of seasoning to walk away with no regrets. So what if I don't get laid one of the nights? We live for another night.

That change in approach brought me more quality girls and some 8's who don't even want any money from me. They just want me to pay their flights.

Hi all,

I wasn't aware of this thread, but it is a gold mine of information. I would like to contribute to this thread and share my experiences.

I signed up at the beginning of this year and had 6 arrangements, both in the USA and international. Admittedly, I've screwed up a bit so far, but I have learned a lot from reading here.

First girl that I met I gave way to much 600, we did bb I think it was implied with the amount I paid her. She hit me with the price and I didn't negotiate for whatever reason grrr. I probably ended up spending close to 700 since I ordered her uber there and back. Next day I went out to dinner with an onlyfans chick mid-late 20's who I clicked great with. Spent about 200 on a shit ton of drinks, F me. She didn't ask me for anything, but I gave her 500 since I clicked so well with her. I probably could gave her less, but whatever she was enjoyable and I will hit her up in the future. Third girl I gave 500, she is extremely hot Italian 7/10 some of you guys might of give her an 8, but I'm jaded in ratings. She is over 1000 miles away, I probably won't see her again. I'm certain she gave me a fake name, plus she even told me she used some kind of burner phone number service. I still see her on seeking, but who knows for how long a lot of girls come and go. All of these meets were not in my local area, so I can't see them on a consistent basis. I messaged them about 3-4 weeks prior to traveling to the area. I probably messaged about 60-80 girls, maybe more I have to count, to get to these 3 and it truly is so much work it eats up a lot of time.

One thing I'm starting to realize is I think these girls probably would have agreed to less. I was just frustrated messaging so many girls and wanted to meet. After reading this thread, it seems like most of the guys are older on Seeking. I'm in my early 30's and in good shape, not fat, but I am ugly so I'm not sure it affects the price I offer being young, but I'm going to start now offering $200 to girls and see if they will go for it.

I used Seeking with some success in Mexico. I ended giving one girl an obscene amount that I'm not proud of, she manipulated me quite a bit which I don't care to get into details here. Seeking in Mexico City is much easier than in Guadalajara. I found that a lot of girls list their location as Guadalajara, but are not actually from there they may live in a small town a few hours away. If that's the case, only money is going to motivate them to meet up with you so find this out early if they really do live there or not. If I did this over again, I would go straight to compensation part. I found it's best to message girls about 2-3 weeks prior to your trip, don't do it any earlier I think it's a waste of time.

Next girl I saw in my home state. She messaged me first. I spent about 100 on dinner, however, I got cat fished to fkn hell. She was a good 250 pounder. I bit the lip and downed the drinks and said screw it, no ones ugly after 2 am. Finally got a freebie, but not the kind of freebie I'm proud of. I'm in a large liberal area and haven't had much success since I signed up, so that's why I agreed to it and she seemed interested in meeting.

I'm traveling to a new area in 2 weeks and got 4 girls #s who claim they want to meet me. I haven't discussed compensation with any them yet, none of them brought it up. The only thing different this time is I added some great photos to my profile so maybe it's working in my favor now. I previously was doing all this without any photos.

I messaged about 50 girls in my area and got some numbers, so I'm trying to set something up before my membership expires in the next few days. You have to be real careful what you say to these girls and do not be pushy by any means or they will ghost or block you. I send one or at most 2 messages each time and then give them a few days to powder their nose or whatever the f they're doing to reply back. Around 10 messages in you should start considering asking for the number if the conversation is going good. I've had a few girls decline and say "let's keep chatting on here" or something along those lines. Avoid them and stop talking immediately, they won't be on that site for long. Also, I recently screwed this up, but once you have the number they will inevitably ask you the 'What kind of arrangement are you looking for question?' Whenever a girl brings this up, I recommend saying something like, 'we'll I should be asking you that question. ' If you start saying you want sex on a consistent basis or something she doesn't want that's a surefire way to get ghosted, especially if they are new and only recently signed up. Make sure you know what they are looking for and don't bring up sex or compensation unless they do. I like to push for dinner and or drinks, but sometimes they don't even want that so it's a mixed bag. Also, if you do get ghosted after you offer an amount. I've had some girls that have come back from the dead if you reply back with a larger number.

The Cane
03-30-22, 13:01
Rule #1 - Walk away without any regrets if the girl doesn't meet standards in both attitude and price point. If you don't want to follow this, you will lose time and money. Go to rule #2.

Rule #2 - Follow Rule #1. LOL.

Jokes aside. Fellow 30 plus here. I hear your feelings and why some of those girls manipulated you. I have learned hard way. It takes a bit of seasoning to walk away with no regrets. So what if I don't get laid one of the nights? We live for another night.

That change in approach brought me more quality girls and some 8's who don't even want any money from me. They just want me to pay their flights.I am older than you chaps, and thus learned a long time ago the value (and the pleasure) of walking away from a hot girl and telling her to go fuck herself. The ones who aren't used to getting rejected are just stunned by it LOL! I remember the time I kicked a really hot girlfriend to the curb. The kind lots of guys be jerking off over. Blonde and blue and just fucking smoking hot! Chick was shocked and literally told me nobody had ever dumped her before in her life ever hahaha! Got sick and tired of her bullshit! That pussy isn't platinum! There's always another piece of hot ass coming onto the scene. Somewhere. Get out there and find it men. And then fuck it! LOL! The more hot pussy you've had the pleasure of dicking down? The easier it is to walk away from some with a bad, "diva" attitude. Believe this. Oh, and then get this part. She comes back to me several months later lying about how "I got her pregnant", and I knew she was lying too as I was careful to never nut inside of her, always pulling out. And why do girls do shit like that? Because they can! Girl was just manipulative and conniving. I did well to dump her beautiful but scheming ass! I'm not that baby's daddy! So get out of my life! Hahaha!

03-30-22, 23:07

When you meet these girls after long, do you go BB?

One of my SBs I met months ago is coming to town. I am most likely not going to BB considering she would have met other men. I don't ask her because we had a great equation when we were regular. Don't want to offend her. On the other hand, when I wrap my tool, she is probably going to roll her eyes as historically we have been BB and fucked like dogs. LOL.It's a tricky question. Local SB that I see regularly I always take a box of condoms to her place but always find myself deep inside of BB, condoms unopened on the side table. I always tell my self that I will use condom with her but she also knows it feels better. She takes contraception so she is not worried about CIP. I see she is active on seeking.com again so I am staying away. I do know though that she feels so good so good. It's really hard to describe or replace that feeling wearing a condom.

For me, a new girl I will use condom. But for regulars hard to break old habits.

03-31-22, 01:49
So like most things that start in SA there is and probably should be a clear end. I believe I just got to the end with my Nicaraguan SA girl. We spent one last weekend together in Nicaragua in my trip last week. We ended up having an entire colonial house in Granada to ourselves for 2 nights and days including a pool. I only paid for one room in the house but such is Nicaragua right now. I brought her some nice brand clothing from the states that I have access to for really low prices. I left the original full price tags on if course. She loved them and the thought behind them even though I messed up one of the sizes because I just forgot how tiny her waist is.

It was a great weekend. We pretty much swam and made out in the pool, tried out some great restaurants, talked and shagged all weekend. 6 sessions in all. We are comfortable with each other, maybe a little too comfortable which why as much as I like her I am kind of glad we have hit the natural end. By the time I return to Nicaragua she is likely to have moved back to Switzerland and the probability we are in the same city or near enough to see each other again is small. We both know this and have exchanged WhatsApps wishing each other well and grateful for the times we were able to spend together. I will remember her fondly. Willing to out up with my bad but improving Spanish. Not needy. Respectful of my personal life and discretion. Passionate and genuine sex that I will remember fondly for a long time. I am fairly certain she feels the same way. If we do happen to cross in Nicaragua or Europe again I expect we will spend a wonderful night together for old times sake. For me this is the model for what SA should be and can be. Now I will need to hunt for another Nicaraguan and hope I get as lucky.

Elvis 2008
03-31-22, 02:44
When they do this, they have a certain amount in mind to help them get through the month. So you do not want to make them feel like hookers because in their mind they are not. As such, I would just get them to offer the amount they can live with and I can justify. I would only negotiate with them for non monetary add-ONS like extra time or extra services like BB. I also note that these girls don't like to do BJ though they are more open to BB. Go figure.

Anyway, the psychology behind this is for them to be happy with what they are expecting and I can wring extra concessions as a result by indicating with I want. Again, YMMV. For BB, if they are not willing to do it, they would just say no and actually I don't feel they get offended.Funny how you and Steve say the same thing. I have not found that to be true, but I will say that sometimes women place more value on things they consider intimate. I know women who would fuck other guys but only kiss their significant other. I agree Colombians are not as good as Brazilians with oral (who is?) But I was thinking about the Colombian women I dated and was very close to, and they loved giving oral. So to me, what may be going on is that BJs are for them with intimacy what for other women would be kissing.

I could be wrong, but it is just a thought.

Also, I think the coastal women (costenas) do much better with oral than those in Bogota or Medellin.

03-31-22, 04:51
For me this is the model for what SA should be and can be. Now I will need to hunt for another Nicaraguan and hope I get as lucky.Thanks for the valuable reminder on why we use SB. As much work goes into a successful start as a successful completion. I usually include a discussion on how things 'end' in the first coffee chat with a SB.

03-31-22, 16:47
How do you guys bring up bb / cip without spooking them? Multiple posts have advised not to bring up sex or compensation. Is bb something you only do with regular sb?

Steve 9696
04-01-22, 10:30
How do you guys bring up bb / cip without spooking them? Multiple posts have advised not to bring up sex or compensation. Is bb something you only do with regular sb?I don't ever discuss any sexual details. I just let it flow. If she tries to give me a covered BJ we going to be done. But only had 1 out of 30+ Seeking girls try that. As far as BBFS it just happens. And more often than I would have expected. Actually two times it happened because it was period sex and then we just kept at it after that. I never CIP unless it's period sex.

Of the three Seeking girls I've seen in last two weeks, one was covered, one changed to bareback after a mid session restroom break, and one went straight in bareback on first mount up. So YMMV. But it's been a lot ever since I became open to it. Oh and these three were all brand new. Initial dinner date and fuck after.

Steve 9696
04-01-22, 11:05
Well once again the last ditch effort paid off. I was traveling in a mid-tier city and not really planning to do anything but last minute thought why not. Spammed 8-10 girls with the strong opener and got three bites. Literally my first message went out and was responded to at 4 PM and we were having dinner at 7 and fucking at 10. Really hot slim girl with firm and lovely see cups. Really sweet and personable at dinner and a bar bounce. But then a wild woman in bed and dying to fuck bareback from minute 1. Really nice time.

Once again will say if you don't like all the cat and mouse of Seeking, just say your going out and they should join you. Hasn't failed me yet. Scored same day lays each time.

04-01-22, 14:53
Well once again the last ditch effort paid off. I was traveling in a mid-tier city and not really planning to do anything but last minute thought why not. Spammed 8-10 girls with the strong opener and got three bites. Literally my first message went out and was responded to at 4 PM and we were having dinner at 7 and fucking at 10. Really hot slim girl with firm and lovely see cups. Really sweet and personable at dinner and a bar bounce. But then a wild woman in bed and dying to fuck bareback from minute 1. Really nice time.

Once again will say if you don't like all the cat and mouse of Seeking, just say your going out and they should join you. Hasn't failed me yet. Scored same day lays each time.Interesting approach Steve. How do you screen for a girl that is up for sex that first night? That seemed to be a key part of your process (off-line of course). You had discreet ways of bringing up that you were looking for intimacy.

04-01-22, 15:01
Suspecting this to be a scam, since each time anyone initiated a contact and carry on a conversation, she would always dive into what I do and then follow with her mentioning that she is into cryptocurrency investment. Trying to get me interested and in most cases I would just mention I don't know much and not interested in such activities, and the conversation will slowly die away.

Anyone encountering this type of contacts from women in the US?

J Janni
04-01-22, 15:26
My arrival in the UK is imminent. I've managed to narrow it down to two girls I have a primary interest in.

Girl A is a chavvy single mum. 20.5'2 with a pleasantly large add. What we'd term in the UK a benefits queen. Get knocked up young, get a house off of the government. Have videochatted, lied to her that I was on the way to meet her in an hour. Nothing, no content, no childcare etc etc. I think she's genuine. She's agreed to 100 ppm, at her place, no time limit. BBFSCIP. She's into slow and sensual sex, nothing degrading.

She's on my doorstep too. Probably see her a couple of times.

Girl be. A chavvy / alty 19 year old, tiny brunette uni girl. Likes her soft drugs. Into hard and degrading sex. Has sent me videos of her getting gagged on a dick, pissing, stripping, getting fingered hard and deep. I've had it confirmed from other mongering sources that she's real and does meet. She's a little more experienced than girl A and in it for money and enjoyment of degrading sex.

Not on my doorstep. 30 40 minutes away. Can't host. Confirmed to be a little flakey so I'll have backup options. 150 ppm no time limit. BBFSCIP.

So, as you can see, I continue to use Seeking vary differently from you guys. I'm not after the sugar babe experience, wining and dining. I just want raunchy sex with chavvy, slutty girls.

I think I'm onto a winner with these two.

04-01-22, 15:49
I just got banned for "soliciting prostitution" on their website. Then I got an email that said they banned me from their sister websites and "reserved the right" to turn me in to local authorities. Has anyone ever been turned in or had bad action other than being banned?

04-01-22, 15:56
Decided to spend a bit of time away working remotely while checking out life in Bogota. My other objective was to experience personally what some of these regular girls can offer primarily through SA. This is my second trip to Bogota.

There is definitely a lot of work that needs to be done on SA, and for me, it is a learning process. Many have reported that it is just too much work on SA without the sight of quick return. I would agree especially if the preferred method is to bang as many girls with least minimal effort.

It will be very difficult to meet and get the girl that one want and willing to have sex with on a short notice on SA. However, if one is of the type who prefer companionship with sexual intimacy, SA could be a potential avenue to explore.

A month prior to my trip, I had started to collect the girls contact info. So much so, I have more girls willing to meet than I have time for them. Naturally, I will prioritize girls who are showing more interest in me than simply ignoring me beyond a simple greeting. Probably in hindsight, it is not the best approach, but without much prior experience, I work with with what I have.

These were the girls that I met in person.

SA Girl #1

Got a message from this SA girl on my first evening in Bogota. I was surprised that she kept tab of when I would be in Bogota based on my last conversation almost a month back and with whom I had never chatted since.

I gave this girl a wider berth since she seemed to be fluent in English, and as I did not feel like eating dinner alone. She happened to be in the area on a medical visit when she chatted with me and I invited her over for a dinner. We had a pretty good dinner date and did not do anything beyond that since I was tired and would have a important meeting that I need to prepare for the next day. So we parted after dinner but kept the option of seeing each again open over the weekend.

SA Girl #2

She is probably one of the most enthusiastic lot given how she would check in on me regularly even prior to reaching Bogota. She is in her early 20's and looked cute in the picture that she sent me and I imagined that she has a nice pair of boobs underneath.

I had a few hours to spare during daytime after lunch and scheduled a time for her to come. I met her in a coffeeshop near my apartment before heading back together.

I made a noobie mistake of not clarifying on the service that I wanted before our meeting. So when she asked for protection while we were making out, I did not want to insist on BB on her. Anyway, her tits were simply boobalicious. Also, this was the first time I was with any girl who can really squirt. I was taken back when her pussy juice were spraying all over my bed and I had to scramble for a towel to contain this mess.

I asked if she has sex with many other people afterwards but said she only have sex with her boyfriend. I had seen her boyfriend in her WhatsApp post in the past. She wanted to see me again, I told her only if she is willing to go BB the next time which she agreed. She was a college student and was on SA for only a month and I was her first encounter.

Alas, I did not have the time for the second meet, since I had so many other girls that I want to try out with my somewhat limited time.

SA Girl #3

I had this Girl #3 the next day who is in her mid-20's. She was almost as enthusiastic as Girl #2. This time I learned from the earlier mistake, and told her that I wanted BB before agreeing for her to come by in the evening, and she agreed.

I asked her to send me her photo to be taken at that moment and unfiltered, which she did shortly. She did not look that great in that photo but was not too bad either. So I told her to come over to my apartment after her restaurant shift in the evening.

When she arrived, she looked much cuter in person than in her photo. I was attracted by her smile and that almost innocent girl next door look. Before the deed, we showered together because I wanted to go down on her and also expecting reciprocity. She was one of the only SA girl where I received a BJ and a decent one too. The sex was only okay.

I asked her how long she had done this and she mentioned that I was her first SD with an expected meet up with another SD the following month.

Anyway, after sex, I was hungry and we walked to Zona T where there were plenty of good restaurants. During dinner, I asked if she has friends and she hinted if I was interested in a threesome and I mentioned I would like it only if she is comfortable with it.

Then she showed me a photo of this girl (SA Girl #5) whom I recognize from one of the SA girls that I had communicated earlier. At that moment, I was thinking maybe I can have her spend the weekend with me while giving me the option of exploring other girls while she was with me. I offered her the arrangement for her to stay with me over the weekend and she agreed. On hindsight, it was probably a mistake as I was hoping to replicate the fun times that I used to have with this Colombian bisexual girl in my previous trip.

At that moment, I forgot that I have already a meet with SA Girl #4 that evening for a dinner and sex. I did not want to cancel of that girl since she looked so pretty in that picture that she sent me and a really nice pair of rack. Plus she had also agreed to BB. So, I reshuffled our meet to noon the next day.

Girl #3 showed up on my apartment the next evening after work, and we had a quickie before heading over to the Irish pub in Zona T to meet up with a new ISG member and a friend who happened to be in Bogota at that time. After a few drinks there, my friends and us headed over to the Lio bar and had a wild night partying in that club. I was completely wasted that night and the girl and I both woke up with a huge hangover the following day.

Anyway, without dragging out the boring details, the longer this girl stayed with me the less that I like her. That initial infatuation that I felt for her wore off. Many small details added up to big ones that would prevent me from ever wanting her to stay any longer than a meet in the future.

SA Girl #4

She is only 19 but, oh boy, she was the best screw among all the SA girls. I say SA girls, since I actually had better sessions with the escort agency girls, which I will write up below.

Anyway, I rescheduled our meet to noon that Saturday since I have asked Girl #3 to come that evening to accompany me that night through the weekend.

This girl wanted me to send her an Uber which I did. For a 10-mile ride, the total trip took an hour on a weekend. This gives you an idea of how bad Bogota's traffic is.

I met her in front of the building and we headed for lunch together to a restaurant nearby since I was hungry. She was shy and almost quiet during this whole encounter. When she took off her mask, I was actually disappointed that she was not as attractive as her photo. Still attractive but not as good.

After lunch, we headed back to my apartment and we were in the apartment, this girl transformed into a wild one in bed. She would kiss me passionately and as soon as our clothes were off, she would dry hump me as I fondled and sucked on her big natural tits and my dick got super hard real fast. Just as soon, she took off of her underwear, climbed on top of me and slid my dick into her pussy. She would gyrate her hips and those internal friction made me came before long. As I came into her pussy and she would continue to gyrate non-stop until I have to eventually stop her as I can't take it any longer.

We chatted for a while and 10 minutes in, and my dick would get hard again. She would grab it and started to ride me. Coming twice in a single day is somewhat of a rarity for me these days. Making me come twice in a span of an hour requires a real skillset from that girl. I came into her again but at that point, it was probably just blanks. Let's hope that she does not claim to be pregnant in a few months.

SA Girl #5

This girl was on SA the longest and told me she had two SD before me with the platform. Turned out that she was a Venezuelan. I conducted the same protocol with this girl, unfiltered photo and if she is okay with BB. One thing that struck me was she said that even though she took great care of herself, she was willing to do it with me. We agreed to meet and have her come to my apartment that evening. Anyway, this girl turned out to be a real disaster in bed, which I would explain later.

At this time, I had not yet has a chance to use the service of my go-to escort agency eroticasbogota, and I wanted to sample their girls again while in Bogota.

So I texted them and picked Diana who was able to do CIM as an extra service. She showed up at my apartment in the afternoon, and she was this cute spinner with a beautiful balanced sets of body and tits. Very passionate and GFE and I told her that I wanted to CIM before I screw her and she obliged.

I did not get a chance to do a CIM so far, and that was the best come that I had so far in this trip. For a minute or so as she sucked them all up, I thought that she might swallow it until she gestured for a permission to go to the bathroom to spit them out. We continued with more banging afterwards. Overall, it was a good session and the girls from eroticasbogota rarely disappoint.

I got a few hours to recuperate before my next meet with SA Girl #5.

I told this girl to be at my apartment at 6 pm and given that she lives at Chapinero, I thought it would not take too much time. 30 minutes in, she said she was still on her way and she showed me a screen shot of where she was and how much more time it would take to reach my apartment.

To my surprise, her screen shot was showing it to be still 50 minutes away and what is worse, it was showing how long it would be to walk to my place. WTF. I told her to grab an Uber and I will pay for it which she immediately did.

When she got to my apartment, we spent a good time chatting and she was a pretty upbeat girl. I was not ready to dive straight into sex since I had already done so a few hours earlier with Diana.

My friend texted me then and asked me if I would like to grab dinner or a drink since I will be flying back the next day. I said yes and told him that I will be bringing along this girl. By the time we wrapped up our dinner, it was 9 pm. The girl mentioned to me earlier that she need a hard stop at 11 PM. I offered her extra if she can stay later or until the next morning, and she was adamant that she can't and had to leave no latter than 11 PM as previously agreed with me.

Since I wanted to know how it was like to bang this girl, I had to cut the meeting with my friend short and hurried back to my apartment on taxi. I really didn't like the rush. Anyway, when we got to my apartment, we stripped and she asked me what I would like. I said let's start with a BBJ and then a BB. She resisted with the BB initially until I showed her our previous text on WhatsApp. Alas, it was for nothing, since after I poked my dick into her pussy, I smelled something was not right, and I meant that literally. Her pussy had this unbearable stench, and I just dipped my dick into that stench.

I stopped all activities and went to the bathroom to wash it off with a wet towel. Still that stench remained, and I had to take a shower and probably used my body wash three times to get rid of that smell. I have to say that a stinky pussy is like a kryptonite.

Given it was my last night, I did not want to end my trip with this stench. I texted eroticasbogota to see if they can still send a girl over to me at this hours, and they said yes and one can arrive in 30 minutes. After that, I stepped out of the bathroom and while the girl was still wondering what was going on, I paid her and gave her taxi money and told her that I need her to leave in 5 minutes. She did but was still wondering what was going on. Anyway, that will be the last time I will be seeing her.

About 30 minutes later, Hanna from the agency came. The front desk called me if it is ok to let her up and I said yes. Hanna was just as adorable as Diana and her service was just as good.

I was glad that I was able to leave Bogota with a still favorable experience and had these agency girls come to the "rescue" when needed.

Anyway, this is my first experience with SA girls and I thought of sharing this with everyone.

The Cane
04-01-22, 17:51
Suspecting this to be a scam, since each time anyone initiated a contact and carry on a conversation, she would always dive into what I do and then follow with her mentioning that she is into cryptocurrency investment. Trying to get me interested and in most cases I would just mention I don't know much and not interested in such activities, and the conversation will slowly die away.

Anyone encountering this type of contacts from women in the US?All the time. Nothing but a pure scam! I mean, how many 20+ year-olds do you know who are financial gurus who got rich investing in cryptocurrencies and such? If it was that easy, don't you know everybody would be doing it? No, what most hot girls do it look for a man to take care of their asses. Things got to the point that if anybody mentioned that to me, or said something about that in their profile, it was an immediate block!

04-01-22, 22:29
I just got banned for "soliciting prostitution" on their website. Then I got an email that said they banned me from their sister websites and "reserved the right" to turn me in to local authorities. Has anyone ever been turned in or had bad action other than being banned?Many including myself have been banned. I once also received a requirement to sit through 10 minutes of good behaviour videos before I could login again. I have seen the "reserved the right" message but maybe I didn't bother reading it in enough detail.

04-01-22, 22:57
I am sharing some of the red flags that I had encountered in SA and transition to WhatsApp.

- Pay special attention to initiation of contact from the girl who would then want to transition to WhatsApp, and then finding that message thread disappear from your message list the next day.

- On WhatsApp, she would appear to so caring to be the point of being annoying, questions like "How's your day? Did you have a good rest? Have you eaten yet? Etc etc. " Maybe if she claimed to be an Asian, that could fit into the profile, but to say that she is an European who happened to be living in the US, yeah right. Anyway, even for Asian girl, I would still look at it with suspicion.

- Saying that she is into cryptography or XYZ investment, that is another red flag to hook you in.

So a girl in the US initiated a chat with me last night on SA and we moved to WhatsApp last night and this girl claimed to be a Dutch who happened to living with her relatives now in the US. The next day, she chatted with me again, except this time, I tried to check up on her contact info in WhatsApp. I guessed she (or maybe even a he) failed to remove the "About Me" section and there were Chinese text that said 线 上 which means online. I probed her by trying to chat up with her in Dutch (courtesy of translate app) and she began to question me on my insincerity yadiyada. She never replied to me in Dutch and she said she did not know any Chinese. I checked back the message section on SA, that message thread was gone. Anyway, I blocked her ass on my WhatsApp.

I had also encountered other instances where the girl would say she is from HongKong or some other Asian countries and then after a few idle chat, asked me what I do and then said she is into cryptocurrency or other BS investment etc. Anyway, I always put them on my ignore list.

Feels like a scam that they want to reel you in initially. I could be a cynics, but has anyone ever encountered this before?

04-02-22, 02:25
Feels like a scam that they want to reel you in initially. I could be a cynics, but has anyone ever encountered this before?The crypto scam Asians have been all over the place since more than 12 months (SA, Tinder) some of them play a pretty long game with a lot of chatting but all their personal stories are made up.

04-02-22, 02:26
Encountered many like this. Exact modus operandi as you explained.

One example: a 20 something Chinese girl based in Hongkong makes a million / year selling wine.

Wanted me to invest into some stock trading platform (meta trader). I asked her send a video message saying my name. End of story. LOL.

I even came accross very similar scammers on Tinder as well.

I am sharing some of the red flags that I had encountered in SA and transition to WhatsApp.

- Pay special attention to initiation of contact from the girl who would then want to transition to WhatsApp, and then finding that message thread disappear from your message list the next day.

- On WhatsApp, she would appear to so caring to be the point of being annoying, questions like "How's your day? Did you have a good rest? Have you eaten yet? Etc etc. " Maybe if she claimed to be an Asian, that could fit into the profile, but to say that she is an European who happened to be living in the US, yeah right. Anyway, even for Asian girl, I would still look at it with suspicion.

Steve 9696
04-02-22, 14:51
I think I mentioned before my fave position I call The Steve just because I've never seen a name for it. It is absolutely the best but most girls are unfamiliar with it. It is amazing because:

It's like mish but you don't get tired.

You can def fuck forever like this.

You can watch the slide in and out action.

You can optionally lean over and make out.

You can do the dick to clit massage thing so easy.

Girls love it.

I am surprised how when I stand up, grab my girls ankles and haul her to the edge of the bed they are always surprised. Like they have never done it before. Even fairly pro girls. It is the most under rated position on the planet.

Technique. Stand at edge of bed. Have girl roll on her back. Grab her ankles and pull her down till pussy is at edge of bed. Feet in air spread wide. Spread your legs till you lower enough to line up pussy with dick. And voila in you go. Lean over from time to time to make out. Pull out and dick clit massage from time to time and plunge deep again.

I promise you will love this position if you have not done it before. Let us know how it goes!

The Cane
04-02-22, 14:58
I think I mentioned before my fave position I call The Steve just because I've never seen a name for it. It is absolutely the best but most girls are unfamiliar with it. It is amazing because:

It's like mish but you don't get tired.

You can def fuck forever like this.

You can watch the slide in and out action.

You can optionally lean over and make out.

You can do the dick to clit massage thing so easy.

Girls love it.

I am surprised how when I stand up, grab my girls ankles and haul her to the edge of the bed they are always surprised. Like they have never done it before. Even fairly pro girls. It is the most under rated position on the planet.That's seen in porn all the time. Don't know why any girl would act like it's something novel. It's not. Maybe they haven't watched a lot of porn? LOL! I like to do something similar, only I like them on all fours "perro-style" at the edge of the bed. The Cane? LOL!

04-02-22, 17:05
I think I mentioned before my fave position I call The Steve just because I've never seen a name for it. It is absolutely the best but most girls are unfamiliar with it. It is amazing because:

It's like mish but you don't get tired.

You can def fuck forever like this.

You can watch the slide in and out action.

You can optionally lean over and make out.

You can do the dick to clit massage thing so easy.

Girls love it.

I am surprised how when I stand up, grab my girls ankles and haul her to the edge of the bed they are always surprised. Like they have never done it before. Even fairly pro girls. It is the most under rated position on the planet.Hey Steve,

That is also a position of choice for me although if the bed is low I do get a crap after a while and need to reposition. Oddly enough I always kinda thought of it as modified Missionary.

But henceforth I shall refer to it by its proper name The Steve.

Steve 9696
04-02-22, 18:49
Hey Steve,

That is also a position of choice for me although if the bed is low I do get a crap after a while and need to reposition. Oddly enough I always kinda thought of it as modified Missionary.

But henceforth I shall refer to it by its proper name The Steve.So Cane's comment that it's super common made me poke around. Definitely no consensus on name. Some say table top. Some say Edge of Bed. And it appears Butterfly might be the most elegant term. I'm going to continue to go with The Steve since I guess I am not sex educated enough and just made it up one time. Anyhow. Butterfly or The Steve. It's the BEST by any other name.

04-02-22, 22:56
The crypto scam Asians have been all over the place since more than 12 months (SA, Tinder) some of them play a pretty long game with a lot of chatting but all their personal stories are made up.To add legitimacy they will be using legitimate pics and stories from real girls so they a have a daily feed of new pics.

04-03-22, 06:36
So Cane's comment that it's super common made me poke around. Definitely no consensus on name. Some say table top. Some say Edge of Bed. And it appears Butterfly might be the most elegant term. I'm going to continue to go with The Steve since I guess I am not sex educated enough and just made it up one time. Anyhow. Butterfly or The Steve. It's the BEST by any other name.I did this position with the first girl I had sex with kind of on accident. Pushed her backwards on to the bed and did it. Finding a bed the right height is the hardest part though LOL. It's the only way I like miss.

04-03-22, 12:09
I was in a smaller city this weekend and planned to meet up with two girls. I did not discuss price with them prior. The first girl is 26 said she is a student. We planned on meeting up at a cafe, but only communicated with her by text which was my mistake so I got stood up. I should have called her a day prior before meeting. Fast forward to later that night, went out with girl #2 24 years old. She was with me at dinner for about 2 hours we were having a good time. Went back to the hotel and I started to kiss her on the neck and boobs. She didn't want to make out with me because it's not her thing, OKI get it you don't want to make out with me. I had her top off when she asked me about money. This girl was expecting me to give her $1000 wtf. She said her last arrangement was giving her 1500 per meet. Who is out here paying girls 1500 for sex? She left after I offered her a few hundred and sounded insulted saying crap like a guy who makes X could afford it. My subscription on seeking expired and I'm not renewing. It just doesn't seem worth it in the US. Other countries works great, but there is too much golden pussy syndrome in the US.

04-03-22, 14:35

When you meet these girls after long, do you go BB?

One of my SBs I met months ago is coming to town. I am most likely not going to BB considering she would have met other men. I don't ask her because we had a great equation when we were regular. Don't want to offend her. On the other hand, when I wrap my tool, she is probably going to roll her eyes as historically we have been BB and fucked like dogs. LOL.Had one who hinted after our first time of sex it wasn't necessary. She was seeing 1-2 other guys. Then after a few meets said she was taking the pill, dropping it as a hint. By that time I was her only one (she said). Never had a meet to try it out.

Then there one which let to BB one the first meet with sex. She was one top and just slid it in, and I didn't ask / protest. After sex she wsaid she was on the pill and there was nothing to worry. She was seeing two other guys but not frequent.

How do you guys bring up bb / cip without spooking them? Multiple posts have advised not to bring up sex or compensation. Is bb something you only do with regular sb?

I don't, I leave it to the lady to let it know when she feels comfortable doing it. And if it does come up it has to be somebody I'm planning to see frequent.

04-03-22, 21:47
Finally had a solid SA experience. Had a first date with a girl last week. Cute, early 20's with a nice behind. Had met for coffee the previous week and had gone fine. A few hours before she texts to confirm ppm and asks if I'the been tested. Said I had in Feb, she had as well. When clothes started coming off she said she was ok with bb and said she was on the pill so I cip. I was a little surprised at how comfortable she was with it. Afterwards I asked her if she was seeing anyone else and she said not at the moment, same for me. Told her I didn't mind if she did but I'the want to know and use protection if she was. I'm still a little worried she could be lying about the pill so pull out next time. Planning on seeing her next weekend, hoping it could be regular.

I know initial coffee platonic date isn't recommended but it makes planning much easier for me. Got a reservation at a nice place, hotel 5 minutes away. The ambiguity and logistics stress me out on first meets when I'm not sure what they're down for.

This was also the first time I took v. It definitely helped but I'm a little sad I needed it even with bb barely over 30. Does it affect your sensation at all? I wasn't really sure. Are you guys able to have sex without it? I don't want it to be a crutch either.

04-03-22, 23:14
I had her top off when she asked me about money. This girl was expecting me to give her $1000 wtf. She said her last arrangement was giving her 1500 per meet. Who is out here paying girls 1500 for sex? She left after I offered her a few hundred and sounded insulted saying crap like a guy who makes X could afford it..There is some history in this forum of wanting to address the money issue well before the bedroom scene. Males are terrible at negotiating when they have a raging hard cock. It's a fine line though between discussing too early and sounding like a punter.

Maha Siddha
04-04-22, 08:22
How far advanced I should get the pay membership and having line up?

I plan a trip to Mexico City and Panama city in Late April / Early May.

It seems promising using SA to get bbfscip with semi-pro or civi girl while having overseas trip.

So I should say upfront what I want so no confusion correct?

Thanks for the help.

Dickus Maximus
04-04-22, 09:11
To add legitimacy they will be using legitimate pics and stories from real girls so they a have a daily feed of new pics.Although I love Chinese girls, I won't even talk to them now on these apps. All are BS, not willing to wade through the amount of BS to find one that might be real.

Blood Red
04-04-22, 09:37
I am sharing some of the red flags that I had encountered in SA and transition to WhatsApp.

- Pay special attention to initiation of contact from the girl who would then want to transition to WhatsApp, and then finding that message thread disappear from your message list the next day.

- On WhatsApp, she would appear to so caring to be the point of being annoying, questions like "How's your day? Did you have a good rest? Have you eaten yet? Etc etc. " Maybe if she claimed to be an Asian, that could fit into the profile, but to say that she is an European who happened to be living in the US, yeah right. Anyway, even for Asian girl, I would still look at it with suspicion.

-Here's my story and I can totally relate to what you just posted above, with the annoying, fake caring like questions:

Here's the SA profile of the fraudster, con artist that scammed me, she changes it every month or so after scamming a bunch of people, BEWARE.


So I met this lady from Seeking Arrangement Dubai last night, my first SA Dxb experience, and it was a fucking nightmare. I'll keep it brief and will then throw in a question for you guys in order to get some sage advice:

So met the lady, a pushy, middle aged French Woman, decent looking at best. Met her for dinner, she asked for 1500 'allowance' and claims to have a regular job and not to be an escort (yeah right). She was much less attractive in person compared to her pics, but still fuckable, although not by much. So we had dinner, she was decent company. We had agreed that if we like each other somewhat, we'd proceed after dinner to my apartment for some 'intimate time' (got to love the SA euphemisms). So off we went to my apartment, and she quickly changed to get into bed. This is where it gets fucked up.

So once in bed and when I proceeded to join her, she gets hit by a headache and has low energy and isn't feeling well. She says she wants to take a nap for 15 to 30 minutes, sets her alarm clock to 15 min intervals to wake herself up. This goes on for about an hour and she is asleep, saying she doesn't feel well. Then she wakes up and asks for her 'allowance', which I like a dumb retard proceed to give her and she goes for another nap. At this time I can tell something is wrong and I am not going to see any action. I didn't want drama with her or a confrontation, although should have held my ground and decided to tell her that let's call it a night and she can go home as she does not well. So I lost 1500, an expensive dinner and didn't see any action. It was so fucking frustrating. I don't know if it was a scam and it could be entirely possible that she wasn't feeling well, but what pisses me off is that she still had the nerve to ask for her allowance when she knew she was not feeling well or whatever. So that was that. She never contacted me after that and neither did I, I knew I had scammed but rather than lash out at her, I decided to let karma sort her out.

The Cane
04-04-22, 11:16
Here's my story and I can totally relate to what you just posted above, with the annoying, fake caring like questions:

Here's the SA profile of the fraudster, con artist that scammed me, she changes it every month or so after scamming a bunch of people, BEWARE.

At least she had the "decency" to actually show up, unlike most scammers. But, I simply cannot believe you gave her the money. That's the kind of thing that makes it worth it for these crooks to do it again. Headache or not, I would have told her time to leave! Have a headache? That's your problem. Now get out! Unbelievable. The level of fraud on Seeking is just out of control, and definitely turned me off to the whole thing. When it's all said and done, I'm definitely not a convert Steve. It started out great in the first couple of weeks, but all downhill from there. Final thoughts to come later.

The Cane
04-04-22, 14:20
https://members.seeking.com/member/b7d441c9-e6c4-4199-90d5-51c9b6fe511eSo, I checked out the link that Blood Red shared with us and? This scam artist "favorited" me and then introduced herself as a French woman living in Dubai LOLOLOL! I blocked her ass hahaha! Well, at least she isn't lying about where she lives, like so many of these women do. But, she's been "outed", at least here on this site. Wish it happened more often and in wider circles to where these scam artists get exposed and their trade ruined.

Blood Red
04-04-22, 17:39
At least she had the "decency" to actually show up, unlike most scammers. But, I simply cannot believe you gave her the money. That's the kind of thing that makes it worth it for these crooks to do it again. Headache or not, I would have told her time to leave! Have a headache? That's your problem. Now get out! Unbelievable. The level of fraud on Seeking is just out of control, and definitely turned me off to the whole thing. When it's all said and done, I'm definitely not a convert Steve. It started out great in the first couple of weeks, but all downhill from there. Final thoughts to come later.You are correct Sir, I was a fucking retard that night. Lesson learned the hard way. Regarding her showing up, she showed up to get the money. No show, no money.

04-05-22, 03:37
I'm going to venture into Monterrey Mexico based on all the hype from the posters here. I'll plan for a week long trip the first week of July. I'm more of quality over quantity so a new girl every 1-2 days is good enough for me. When I solidify plans, my MO is dinner, drinks, and overnights. For those of you guys who have had experience, where is good upper end hotel to stay in that is girl friendly? I'm more fond of business type hotels (think NH Hotels) since it's easier to close the deal if I am staying at nice place.

04-05-22, 04:48
I'm going to venture into Monterrey Mexico based on all the hype from the posters here. I'll plan for a week long trip the first week of July. I'm more of quality over quantity so a new girl every 1-2 days is good enough for me. When I solidify plans, my MO is dinner, drinks, and overnights. For those of you guys who have had experience, where is good upper end hotel to stay in that is girl friendly? I'm more fond of business type hotels (think NH Hotels) since it's easier to close the deal if I am staying at nice place.Both Mexico City and MTY are great. Honestly, Mexico City is better and there the sky is the limit there. Definitely more expensive, but so much fun.

MYY is easier and girls are total freaks. Another plus is you can easily call escorts, in MTY. Escorts are much more expensive in.

M. City.

I stay at the NH and love it. Great location. I work out a deal with the manager and they give me a suite now super cheap. Another great thing is there is a separate entrance at the restaurant, so you can take girls up that way and you do not have to pass the front desk. They just reopened this entrance, so good.

Maha Siddha
04-05-22, 15:55
Both Mexico City and MTY are great. Honestly, Mexico City is better and there the sky is the limit there. Definitely more expensive, but so much fun.

MYY is easier and girls are total freaks. Another plus is you can easily call escorts, in MTY. Escorts are much more expensive in.

M. City.

I stay at the NH and love it. Great location. I work out a deal with the manager and they give me a suite now super cheap. Another great thing is there is a separate entrance at the restaurant, so you can take girls up that way and you do not have to pass the front desk. They just reopened this entrance, so good.What hotel is NH??

04-05-22, 16:56
What hotel is NH??San Pedro, you want to stay in San Pedro.

04-06-22, 04:01
Both Mexico City and MTY are great. Honestly, Mexico City is better and there the sky is the limit there. Definitely more expensive, but so much fun.

MYY is easier and girls are total freaks. Another plus is you can easily call escorts, in MTY. Escorts are much more expensive in.

M. City.

I stay at the NH and love it. Great location. I work out a deal with the manager and they give me a suite now super cheap. Another great thing is there is a separate entrance at the restaurant, so you can take girls up that way and you do not have to pass the front desk. They just reopened this entrance, so good.Thanks for the details DramaFree. Mexico City will be a future destination certainly, but I would like to test out an easier location when it comes to competition for attention. I've had some SA success in Tijuana, Ensenada, and Guadalajara so I'm working myself up to the big leagues.

I'll look into NH San Pedro, seems like the accommodation I am looking for. For the week my budget will be $5 k. Taking away flight and hotel expenses, my fun budget will be $4 k which roughly puts me at $500/ day. What would you do with that sort of budget to seal the deal with the best SA girls MTY has to offer, like where you would offer to take them for dinner etc. ? From some of the previous posts it seems I can get most girls for $150-300 an encounter.

04-06-22, 05:27
I concur on cdmx. I am going back on Thursday. I was staying at NH centro. Do you like NH reforma?

Both Mexico City and MTY are great. Honestly, Mexico City is better and there the sky is the limit there. Definitely more expensive, but so much fun.

MYY is easier and girls are total freaks. Another plus is you can easily call escorts, in MTY. Escorts are much more expensive in.

M. City.

I stay at the NH and love it. Great location. I work out a deal with the manager and they give me a suite now super cheap. Another great thing is there is a separate entrance at the restaurant, so you can take girls up that way and you do not have to pass the front desk. They just reopened this entrance, so good.

04-06-22, 05:35
Thanks for the details DramaFree. Mexico City will be a future destination certainly, but I would like to test out an easier location when it comes to competition for attention. I've had some SA success in Tijuana, Ensenada, and Guadalajara so I'm working myself up to the big leagues.

I'll look into NH San Pedro, seems like the accommodation I am looking for. For the week my budget will be $5 k. Taking away flight and hotel expenses, my fun budget will be $4 k which roughly puts me at $500/ day. What would you do with that sort of budget to seal the deal with the best SA girls MTY has to offer, like where you would offer to take them for dinner etc. ? From some of the previous posts it seems I can get most girls for $150-300 an encounter.1. Sonora Prime is great. Not the best food,(above average), but really fun and most of the time you get 2 for one drinks. The food in MTY is not as good as other cities you have visited in Mexico. Make sure you ask for a waiter that speaks English. Order there tacos way cheaper then the steaks and probably better.

I was there 4 nights last wee, with 4 different girls. I had an extended stay.

2. I would stick with $150-225, no need to go much higher then that.

I am little to busy at work, to be traveling to M. City at the moment, plus I want to see what happens with the economy. Unfortunately things are not looking good and I am afraid Biden is in way over his head. Mexico city I was spending $500-700 a day, but so much fun. I have more sex in MTY, but way more fun in M. City. Also, the girls are way more sophisticated and dates were way longer there.

04-06-22, 05:37
Thanks for tge suggestion. This seems to be in suburbs. Is it easy for girls to come there?

San Pedro, you want to stay in San Pedro.

Dickus Maximus
04-06-22, 06:03
Would a girl that is a genuine newbie commit through Chat to meeting a stranger for dinner, sex and cash?Best one I ever met was a genuine newbie in Tijuana. Had overnights with her about 4 times a month for about $600 per month until she left town.

04-06-22, 10:25
How far advanced I should get the pay membership and having line up?

I plan a trip to Mexico City and Panama city in Late April / Early May.

It seems promising using SA to get bbfscip with semi-pro or civi girl while having overseas trip.

So I should say upfront what I want so no confusion correct?

Thanks for the help.This is a pretty key topic. You need to start far enough in advance that you identify, contact and vet people but you don't want to do it too far in advance or things will get stale after a while. In my experience you need to have a high tempo intensity exchange before you meet to keep the attention and interest. This is especially so with the nicer, non pro SB's.

The research and initial messages always takes the longest and is the most frustrating. Messaging 80-100 ladies. I tried sending the same message to a load of people but usually this does not work well and its better to have a slight custom message instead. Once you have a few interested ladies replying there is the casual back and forth and then onto a separate chat app for more intense discussions to see what if they are DTF and what they are interested in. I leave the intimacy and $ questions until quite late. In my experience GPS and Pros will raise this pretty early whilst the more traditional SB are not as comfortable with these discussions. Leaving this till later also give you the chance to build a better rapport and interest form then so the $ typically drops if you have peaked their interest as well.

These ladies can get 100 messages a day so you need to keep the later, interesting conversations at a more regular high intensity level to maintain their interests. It can easily lose intensity if too far in advance and then both you and they can go cold and its almost impossible to recover from that.

So in my experiences:

Week 1 - research and intro messages.

Week 2 - Identify prospects and casual info.

Week 3 - High Intensity discussions with main candidates.

Week 3 or 4 - Meet.

You can do it in one or two weeks but the first step can take the most work and is the most unrewarding.

Interested to see what other people think.

Steve 9696
04-06-22, 17:25
This is a pretty key topic. You need to start far enough in advance that you identify, contact and vet people but you don't want to do it too far in advance or things will get stale after a while. In my experience you need to have a high tempo intensity exchange before you meet to keep the attention and interest. This is especially so with the nicer, non pro SB's.

The research and initial messages always takes the longest and is the most frustrating. Messaging 80-100 ladies. I tried sending the same message to a load of people but usually this does not work well and its better to have a slight custom message instead. Once you have a few interested ladies replying there is the casual back and forth and then onto a separate chat app for more intense discussions to see what if they are DTF and what they are interested in. I leave the intimacy and $ questions until quite late. In my experience GPS and Pros will raise this pretty early whilst the more traditional SB are not as comfortable with these discussions. Leaving this till later also give you the chance to build a better rapport and interest form then so the $ typically drops if you have peaked their interest as well.

These ladies can get 100 messages a day so you need to keep the later, interesting conversations at a more regular high intensity level to maintain their interests. It can easily lose intensity if too far in advance and then both you and they can go cold and its almost impossible to recover from that.

So in my experiences:

Week 1 - research and intro messages.

Week 2 - Identify prospects and casual info.

Week 3 - High Intensity discussions with main candidates.

Week 3 or 4 - Meet.

You can do it in one or two weeks but the first step can take the most work and is the most unrewarding.

Interested to see what other people think.I think this is spot on for best practice. But would point out major success I've had outside these lines.

Some of my very best SBs have been snagged 6-8 weeks out. This does take overall care and feeding during that period but in the end when you meet you are like old friends and the chemistry is fabulous. I can count 5-10 girls that fall in this category. I didn't start with them at 6-8 weeks because it's best practice — only that I browse when bored. But it's worked out spectacularly well.

At the other end of the spectrum I've had several dates where I literally hit them up day of or day before. I think these girls get bored of inaction and when you say you are going out and do they want to come some just say fuck it it's on! It's kinda great also. Happened just last week.

04-06-22, 22:24
So in my experiences:

Week 1 - research and intro messages.

Week 2 - Identify prospects and casual info.

Week 3 - High Intensity discussions with main candidates.

Week 3 or 4 - Meet.

You can do it in one or two weeks but the first step can take the most work and is the most unrewarding.

Interested to see what other people think.I have a 'pipeline' of opportunities. Not all girls will fit for 4 weeks, not all girls will fit 8 weeks, some will jump 1-2 days. Just remember don't burn anyone off for every one girl that is ready to meet 'now' too early there are other 'now' girls that haven't even joined the site yet.

So you need a few strategies which you need after determining which timing the girl is comfortable with.

The girls that are ready 'now' : For me I tell them I am going offline as I need to finish a project, I'll be back in contact xx / yy. This means I am not constantly delaying them everyday.

The longer term girls I like the concept of the final intensity period. They need a 'maintenance' set of messages each week or weekend.

Also, for actual calendar dates and timings, I always give a date that is beyond when I expect to arrive. It's easier to pull a date forward for one chosen girl than it is to push back dates for 10 girls. One time I even had an awkward experience of an Indonesian girl waiting at the airport on the off chance I would actually arrive and had lost her number. That was awkward when she called my name through the crowd.

Elvis 2008
04-06-22, 22:35
Thanks for tge suggestion. This seems to be in suburbs. Is it easy for girls to come there?SP, when DF goes to MTY, he usually has a car. Where he stays is the nicest part (or one of the nicest parts) of the city. At some point, I will get my shit together and get my paperwork in and drive as well. When I have gone, I fly and the hotel I stay at is the Sheraton Ambassador. I had no problems bringing guests in and it is in a part of the city where you can walk to a bunch of malls and restaurants. I have never had any issues in Centro but it does not feel as safe. The other hotel guys like is the Krystal.

My favorite hotel was the Fiesta Americana, which too is in the center of town, and it is nicer than the Sheraton but about double the price.

We have both used the escort agencies. I have used Alicia's doll house, and for the most part, have been underwhelmed compared to what I get on SA.

I used https://www.laboutique.vip/calendario.php in the past in Mexico City and had some good luck. I also used twitter in CDMX with great luck. When you are between SA sessions and want to try some strange, this may be a better and cheaper alternative. I was paying $125 an hour for laboutique girls and as low as $55 for Twitter girls.

I hope that helps. Make sure you give us a report back. Outside of CDMX, Monterrey was the best city I found for seeking, and I would have given up on it if not for DF.

04-07-22, 03:45
SP, when DF goes to MTY, he usually has a car. Where he stays is the nicest part (or one of the nicest parts) of the city. At some point, I will get my shit together and get my paperwork in and drive as well. When I have gone, I fly and the hotel I stay at is the Sheraton Ambassador. I had no problems bringing guests in and it is in a part of the city where you can walk to a bunch of malls and restaurants. I have never had any issues in Centro but it does not feel as safe. The other hotel guys like is the Krystal.

My favorite hotel was the Fiesta Americana, which too is in the center of town, and it is nicer than the Sheraton but about double the price.

We have both used the escort agencies. I have used Alicia's doll house, and for the most part, have been underwhelmed compared to what I get on SA.

I used https://www.laboutique.vip/calendario.php in the past in Mexico City and had some good luck. I also used twitter in CDMX with great luck. When you are between SA sessions and want to try some strange, this may be a better and cheaper alternative. I was paying $125 an hour for laboutique girls and as low as $55 for Twitter girls.

I hope that helps. Make sure you give us a report back. Outside of CDMX, Monterrey was the best city I found for seeking, and I would have given up on it if not for DF.Anywhere in San Pedro is great. Nice restaurants, no crime or drugs. I only drive to the hotel, then I walk or take Didi. I do not want to mislead anyone San Pedro is not cheap, but prices are fair. Most girls are happy with tacos abd a couple of drinks.

As I said, I was having way more fun in Mexico City, but spending way more money and getting laid less, but I was really attracted to the ladies there. Most of the girls I met there were professionals or highly educated. (Trust me you will not find those type of girls in MDE I do not care what those guys say), Also, you did not have to deal with the family issues that are a major issue in MTY. Long term I am sure I will end up in Mexico City, for now I need to stick with MTY, plus the model is there. We have been together almost 2 years. She does make my life better, but she does not want to get married. Life is good.

J Janni
04-07-22, 16:54
Messed up on my dates on arriving back in the UK, got in a day early. Slept and woke up with a major case of the horn. Blondey chav single mum who I've got lined up for tomorrow is giving me major flake vibes, I can't be bothered travelling further afield to see some of the raunchy teenagers I've got lined up.

So I spam messaged some local girls I already had on WhatsApp and hadn't really spoken to further. A fair few replies, nobody that fits the currently required bill (available NOW, can host.) One girl did. A 25 year old very petite brunette. Single mother. We'd had a few good chats, intellectually a cut above the rest of chavvy sluts I've been chasing.

She agreed to meet right now for a coffee and a chat at a cafe around from her place, on the explicit understanding that if I wasn't a weirdo we were going back to hers. 30 minutes later, I'm there and sat at a table is an ultra petite brunette, pretty girl, dressed casually in yoga pants, a tanktop that showed off her tummy (she's got abs, sucker for that). Lively conversation while we drink the coffee, before she says the magic words, "Shall we go back to mine?" Yes please ma'am.

Back at her house, we have a tea and more chat before I lean over and kiss her on the sofa. Tug off her top and she's braless, perfect little be cups. Get her in my lap and she's devouring my face, grinding into me and moaning. The rest of the encounter, over the new couple of hours, proceeded the same. Ultra passionate, ultra horny. Go down on her and she's already soaking wet, bends almost double while mashing my face into her perfect little pussy, almost suffocating me / drowning me. This is what Seeking is all about for me, casual paid sex with better looking girls than most escorts. Who are in to the sex, not phoning it in.

After she's recovered, I tug her over my lap and she hops on bareback in cowgirl. I almost cum about 2 minutes in, but lift her off (she's tiny) and think about Margaret Thatcher. Literally a breath of wind away from unloading all over her pussy and ass. Claw it back.

Run through all the positions (even try the Steve for a bit, but we're on a couch and the angle is wrong). After my earlier brush with the brink, I'm now taking ages to cum. We take it in turns to be the more active partner, taking several breaks (she swears she's cum four times so far) where we keep eachother on the edge with oral and hands, before I finally unload in her in missionary.

Shower afterwards, chat and smooch on the couch. I'm the first guy she's met from Seeking. I believe her. Her profile has only been on there a couple of months, was inactive for several weeks when I messaged her. She really likes me (I am a degenerate, but present as a polite reasonably young Englishman). She wants to see me regularly. (Well by her count I made her cum five times, so.) She offered to half her PPM. 200 down to 100. Next time will be an overnight at hers. Either go out for dinner or order in, watch a movie, drink some wine and take our time.

Considering it. 100 ppm on my doorstep is hard to turn down and she's good banter, with a lot of common interests. She knows I'm only around for the next three weeks or so.

Leave and she's already messaging me about plans for next week.

And just this minute. Blondey chav (see earlier pictures) is back in touch, sending me her address and confirming for tomorrow. 100 ppm at hers, as long as I want. BBFSCIP.

Two Seeking girls in less than 24 hours?

If Blondey turns out anywhere near as good as the brunette, I might just shelve the total hotties further afield (travel costs, higher ppm, hotel costs) and rotate between these two until I fuck off to the Philippines.

When girls like this are available in the UK, for much better sex for a lower hourly rate. Why does anyone bother with escorts in the UK?

04-07-22, 19:09
Hey guys,

I'm in Colombia and have a few options for a longer term SB / SD relationship where we've gone out for a few dates. What's fair price wise when taking it to the next level, like an overnight stay or flying out to vacation on the beach a few days?

- Should it happen organically where she just wants to stay overnight or go somewhere and I choose the extra tip?

- Should we agree on a 2-3 x the amount for a date for the overnight or the day?

What has worked for you guys?

Elvis 2008
04-07-22, 21:16
As I said, I was having way more fun in Mexico City, but spending way more money and getting laid less, but I was really attracted to the ladies there. Most of the girls I met there were professionals or highly educated. (Trust me you will not find those type of girls in MDE I do not care what those guys say), Also, you did not have to deal with the family issues that are a major issue in MTY. Long term I am sure I will end up in Mexico City, for now I need to stick with MTY, plus the model is there. We have been together almost 2 years. She does make my life better, but she does not want to get married. Life is good.Where do you stay in CDMX? For some reason, I always end up in Reforma.

Elvis 2008
04-08-22, 03:00
Hey guys,

I'm in Colombia and have a few options for a longer term SB / SD relationship where we've gone out for a few dates. What's fair price wise when taking it to the next level, like an overnight stay or flying out to vacation on the beach a few days? What has worked for you guys?All the girls I have been with were so psyched to go on a trip that I did not even bring up a price. I gave them like $100 to 200 afterwards as a gift but the whole concept of paying for it kind of would ruin the trip for me.

If you are considering taking them to Mexico, you will either have to give them $400 or so that they can have on hand or better yet, fly to Colombia and travel with them to Mexico the first time. Getting Colombian women into Mexico can be hit or miss. The form women have to fill out to fly to Mexico now is really long.

04-08-22, 03:09
I am at cdmx now. At an airbnb close to hilton reforma.

My Spanish is zero. So it is bit of struggle for me to find english speaking ones. I am mainly into slim 18 to 23 age girls.

If you have any recommendations, please PM the profile links of anyone that will for the above.

Thank you.

Also I am open to meet for drink if anyone is in town.

Anywhere in San Pedro is great. Nice restaurants, no crime or drugs. I only drive to the hotel, then I walk or take Didi. I do not want to mislead anyone San Pedro is not cheap, but prices are fair. Most girls are happy with tacos abd a couple of drinks.

As I said, I was having way more fun in Mexico City, but spending way more money and getting laid less, but I was really attracted to the ladies there. Most of the girls I met there were professionals or highly educated. (Trust me you will not find those type of girls in MDE I do not care what those guys say), Also, you did not have to deal with the family issues that are a major issue in MTY. Long term I am sure I will end up in Mexico City, for now I need to stick with MTY, plus the model is there. We have been together almost 2 years. She does make my life better, but she does not want to get married. Life is good.

04-08-22, 04:20
Messed up on my dates on arriving back in the UK, got in a day early.

When girls like this are available in the UK, for much better sex for a lower hourly rate. Why does anyone bother with escorts in the UK?Is the 100 PPM is that GBP?

Is your experience in a major city? Like London, Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester? Or different. No need to be too specific.

I have a pseudo work possibility for travelling to the midlands but last time I was there it was a dry baron sex area.

04-08-22, 05:10
Hey guys,

I'm in Colombia and have a few options for a longer term SB / SD relationship where we've gone out for a few dates. What's fair price wise when taking it to the next level, like an overnight stay or flying out to vacation on the beach a few days?

- Should it happen organically where she just wants to stay overnight or go somewhere and I choose the extra tip?

- Should we agree on a 2-3 x the amount for a date for the overnight or the day?

What has worked for you guys?SP,

I have only done Colombia (Cartagena) 1 x using SA. Since I prefer to have overnights right away, before the first meet I set that expectation up using SA messaging and I vet them using video chat via WhatsApp. I find this cost effective since I can get some action 3 x a day using this strategy. When doing my Cartagena vetting I vetted two girls who were responsive to overnights right away. I had both girls for two full days and I managed to get full days at 400 k COP / day one girl and 300 k COP / day another girl.

In Mexico I have had multiple overnights using the same strategy, setting the expectation up over SA messaging then vetting them using WhatsApp. The price range I've had success with are 200-300 USD / day with multiple sessions. I managed to take one girl to a one week long vacation and we did not even discuss money. I ended up giving her $500 (plus trip expenses) in all since it was a full week of BBFS and BBBJCIM. I find in Latin America you can transition most girls to overnight with a small increase in their typical rate E. G. If a usual date costs $150 then you can do an overnight at $200.

04-08-22, 10:20
Earlier today I had some idiot girl actually post to me. "What would you pay me for my virginity"? WTF is wrong with the world? She also starts asking what are you looking for on this app? I hate it when they do that. Now I'm guessing those are also SA trolls. I made a comment, "I don't think there are any virgins in Colombia" which probably was picked up as a interest in such. Who knows. It would be asinine to even consider. I admit putting a number on a girls profile which was a blatant mistake the girls seem to think it's ok. They do it all the time. (trolls agan?0 They suspended my account for "soliciting prostitution" and I guess I will try calling them but I don't need SA anyway since they let so many fakers, hookers, gold diggers and deviants on there. LOL It takes up too much time separating the sincere girls from all that. And I have already done my share of prospecting to last a long time without any new leads. STILL compared to what the girls constantly ask for (in exchange for their services.) . I am an Angel. YMMV and eventually I will do some kind of workaround. New phone number, new. Whatever. Who else has had this same result lately? Being banned?

04-08-22, 13:50
I am newbie to SA and I am on my 2nd trip to CDMX.

As you know we are SA to find semi pro and non pro. I am noticing lot of pro are also on SA. Sometimes I know / realize only after meet.

Any tips on on how to filter / identify the pro.

I generally ignore anyone long than 6 months but I notice, the girls keep creating new profiles. Also the type of photo they have sometimes gives me indication. Sometimes if the girl puts a $$ per meeting upfront, that is red flag for me but hard to know if they are pro or they are trying to filter generous v / s non generous folks.

Any suggestions or tips?

Thanks in advance.

04-08-22, 15:54
They suspended my account for "soliciting prostitution" and I guess I will try calling them but I don't need SA anyway since they let so many fakers, hookers, gold diggers and deviants on there. LOL It takes up too much time separating the sincere girls from all that. I use four different languages to communicate with girls from different countries. I always ignore blatant messages like these types and always move away from SA to another chat app when discussing any arrangement so as not to be flagged.

If you don't mind me asking, was the whole conversation in Spanish or English? The reason why I asked so that I can find out if this is monitored by a moderator who is a person or a backend automated process that detects this pattern regardless of the type of language used.

04-08-22, 16:15
Earlier today I had some idiot girl actually post to me. "What would you pay me for my virginity"? WTF is wrong with the world? She also starts asking what are you looking for on this app? I hate it when they do that. Now I'm guessing those are also SA trolls. I made a comment, "I don't think there are any virgins in Colombia" which probably was picked up as a interest in such. Who knows. It would be asinine to even consider. I admit putting a number on a girls profile which was a blatant mistake the girls seem to think it's ok. They do it all the time. (trolls agan?0 They suspended my account for "soliciting prostitution" and I guess I will try calling them but I don't need SA anyway since they let so many fakers, hookers, gold diggers and deviants on there. LOL It takes up too much time separating the sincere girls from all that. And I have already done my share of prospecting to last a long time without any new leads. STILL compared to what the girls constantly ask for (in exchange for their services.) . I am an Angel. YMMV and eventually I will do some kind of workaround. New phone number, new. Whatever. Who else has had this same result lately? Being banned?Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding your account status. Unfortunately, we have obtained and verified information that indicates you are soliciting sex in exchange for compensation. This is not only a violation of our Terms of Use, but also legally a criminal offense.

You are henceforth banned from Seeking and any of our sister sites. Please be advised: we maintain the right to inform the appropriate authorities of any criminal activity conducted through our site, and we rigidly comply with any and all law enforcement investigations / legal action concerning crimes conducted therein. Our decision is final and any future inquiries about this suspension will not receive a response.

Best regards,


Seeking Support.

https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/pxna4m/seeking_sent_me_a_threat/ Its the same threatening email they send everyone- so I would not worry about it.

04-08-22, 16:28
They suspended my account for "soliciting prostitution" and I guess I will try calling them but I don't need SA anyway since they let so many fakers, hookers, gold diggers and deviants on there. LOL It takes up too much time separating the sincere girls from all that. And I have already done my share of prospecting to last a long time without any new leads. STILL compared to what the girls constantly ask for (in exchange for their services.) . I am an Angel. YMMV and eventually I will do some kind of workaround. New phone number, new. Whatever. Who else has had this same result lately? Being banned?If you ever want to get back on Seeking, just set up another email account with a fake nickname and use a different credit card. You cannot use the same credit card as before because they track it. Good luck.

04-08-22, 18:42
I use four different languages to communicate with girls from different countries. I always ignore blatant messages like these types and always move away from SA to another chat app when discussing any arrangement so as not to be flagged.

If you don't mind me asking, was the whole conversation in Spanish or English? The reason why I asked so that I can find out if this is monitored by a moderator who is a person or a backend automated process that detects this pattern regardless of the type of language used.Spanish and English. I also noticed my app lost it's connection over the past 2-3 weeks. I had to reenter passcode to get back online. I type very fast and was using multiple browsers. I think it was a bot. I will do a workaround next week. I have far too many contacts anyway. Someone should tell them not to ask for money. LOL.

04-09-22, 02:59
Had another odd SA interaction and had to share.

Talking to a chick in Greece. Cute. Said I want an arrangement. She tells me she'd love to but I should know that she has a medical condition that makes her not able to physically interact with people so she wants only non-sexual arrangement.

Ummmmmm. No.

I was very polite but kind of wanted to tell her this site probably isn't going to work too well for her medical condition.

04-09-22, 08:25
I was very polite but kind of wanted to tell her this site probably isn't going to work too well for her medical condition.Met a nice lady once we had a nice dinner date, ended up back at mine, then on my bed. As I'm about to unbutton her shirt she tells me she has had a double mastectomy. Didn't slow me down and we had fun.

The greek lady sounds like a possible scam scene setting statement as to why you can't see or meet her, just send money.

J Janni
04-09-22, 10:24
So, I saw another seeking girl yesterday. Absolute cutie of a 20 year old blonde girl with Hazel eyes and freckles. Tight little body and a big, firm ass. 100 ppm at hers and she fucked me like an absolute pornstar.

Anyway. I've got like ten other girls I'm talking to, all within easy reach. All between 100 ppm and 200 ppm. All wild and kinky and sub 25.

My question is, how the fuck do you guys enjoy this in moderation? At this rate, I'm going to be broke by the time I leave the UK again.

04-09-22, 16:02
Planning a multi city trip through Europe.

Just made an offer to a girl in Rome. 400 euros to do dinner and night over. She wrote back "are you serious? I take that for an hour."

Is that about right? Am I off base here? Anyone know Rome?

04-09-22, 21:40
Planning a multi city trip through Europe.

Just made an offer to a girl in Rome. 400 euros to do dinner and night over. She wrote back "are you serious? I take that for an hour."

Is that about right? Am I off base here? Anyone know Rome?Don't know the rates for Rome, I'm afraid, but from the response she sent you it seems like you have reached a Pro who has a Seeking profile.

04-10-22, 02:26
Planning a multi city trip through Europe.

Just made an offer to a girl in Rome. 400 euros to do dinner and night over. She wrote back "are you serious? I take that for an hour."

Is that about right? Am I off base here? Anyone know Rome?My 2019 Rome weekend was EUR400 per day. Lady stayed with me fulltime while we toured around the city. We also used her car at times.

Any SB quoting hourly rates is a pro.

Steve 9696
04-10-22, 03:07
Planning a multi city trip through Europe.

Just made an offer to a girl in Rome. 400 euros to do dinner and night over. She wrote back "are you serious? I take that for an hour."

Is that about right? Am I off base here? Anyone know Rome?Well it was handy for her to say "I am a hooker and you should ghost me immediately" because that is exactly what she said. But also if a hooker in Rome gets 400/ HR (doubt it check the escort sites) then yeah that's a good SA full date rate. I've found a strong correlation between hooker hourly rate and the SA full evening rate.

04-10-22, 04:40
You are henceforth banned from Seeking and any of our sister sites. Please be advised: we maintain the right to inform the appropriate authorities of any criminal activity conducted through our site, and we rigidly comply with any and all law enforcement investigations / legal action concerning crimes conducted therein. Our decision is final and any future inquiries about this suspension will not receive a response.
Same thing happened to me, moved to sugardaddymeet, can talk services and prices on the site instead of having a million kik conversations, similar number of girls. Saved a lot of time and effort (ie. Asking p4 p from 1st message) instead of half a dozen messages sounding them out.

04-10-22, 05:29
So, I saw another seeking girl yesterday. Absolute cutie of a 20 year old blonde girl with Hazel eyes and freckles. Tight little body and a big, firm ass. 100 ppm at hers and she fucked me like an absolute pornstar.

Anyway. I've got like ten other girls I'm talking to, all within easy reach. All between 100 ppm and 200 ppm. All wild and kinky and sub 25.

My question is, how the fuck do you guys enjoy this in moderation? At this rate, I'm going to be broke by the time I leave the UK again.You never regret what you pay for sex if it is good. Better to be broke than an incel.

Dickus Maximus
04-10-22, 07:21
Had another odd SA interaction and had to share.

Talking to a chick in Greece. Cute. Said I want an arrangement. She tells me she'd love to but I should know that she has a medical condition that makes her not able to physically interact with people so she wants only non-sexual arrangement.

Ummmmmm. No.

I was very polite but kind of wanted to tell her this site probably isn't going to work too well for her medical condition.Why bother. It's undoubtedly just a bullshit story made up to mess with your emotions. Block the account and move on.

04-10-22, 10:10
Yup. Sounds like a hooker. Stay away.

Not sure about Rome but generally in Europe I pay about 200 to 300 for overnight. Some girls spend 24 hours with me. One recent SB and I fucked 7 times in 24 hours. For 300.

Granted there are some that quote whatever ridiculous number. I block them and move on. Not worth it.

Well it was handy for her to say "I am a hooker and you should ghost me immediately" because that is exactly what she said. But also if a hooker in Rome gets 400/ HR (doubt it check the escort sites) then yeah that's a good SA full date rate. I've found a strong correlation between hooker hourly rate and the SA full evening rate.

04-10-22, 14:36
OK this is validating.

I'll admit I offered a few more girls 400 euros for the night since. This experience got me to bump up my offer. They all accepted. Now I think I overshot and went too high. But I can't really come back and negotiate down. Oh well. You can't get buried with it.

Yup. Sounds like a hooker. Stay away.

Not sure about Rome but generally in Europe I pay about 200 to 300 for overnight. Some girls spend 24 hours with me. One recent SB and I fucked 7 times in 24 hours. For 300.

Granted there are some that quote whatever ridiculous number. I block them and move on. Not worth it..

J Janni
04-11-22, 07:37
Blondie from close by hit me up for a loan of 20 gbp and send me a load of videos and pics to try and get it. I was at a loose end, she made me horny, so I went to see her.

As good or better as last time. This girl kisses like she means it and never gets tired of it, or turns away. She came twice from oral, twice when I was fucking her. Bedwetting, dick / finger clenching, eyes rolling into the back of her head (all I could see were whites), scream the house down orgasms. Ego boost or what?

So we're lying there after about an hour, chatting while I build up to round two and the front door downstairs opens. Her brother has come around to visit unannounced with his wife and kids. Her rather large brother.

Quick as a flash, she's up, wiggling in to a top and yoga pants with my jizz still dripping out of her, telling me she's so sorry, just hide up here blah-blah.

I was rather concerned to be honest!

About ten minutes later, she's got them settled in the kitchen. Comes back up, kisses me and whispers to me to sneak out, she'll make it up to me later.

Quietly down the stairs and out the open front door. Phew!

Kind of hot to be honest.

04-11-22, 09:26
I was going to write a longer report about tonight but don't want to include too many details. Bottom line is the girl I hooked up with tonight has issues and I feel bad about it. Early 20's white girl. First warning sign was her preferred drink was shots but I'the picked a brewery. While we're having a beer she mentions she's got siblings by different fathers. In between sex back in the room she mentions she used to bb a lot and needed an abortion. Also pretty much says she got raped by a guy on a dating app. As a result she doesn't like some BDSM anymore. Got into seeking because a friend does it but she admits friend has mental issues. First guy she met on seeking stiffed her ppm after she drunkenly agreed to meet him.

I'm probably forgetting other details but you get the gist. The sex was good even though I didn't finish, probably bc of the cover but I just feel bad for this girl. I've never been captain save a hoe but damn I just want to help her. I can understand why some guys are like that now and want to provide. I feel guilty, like I'm just using her too, which I am. I didn't stiff her ppm and the exchange was clear but I feel like I'm exacerbating the issues. She's doing seeking on the side, just like the other girls I've done ppm with, but I didn't walk away feeling guilty before. A previous girl also had a taste for hard drugs and partied a lot but nada. I know the conservative argument is that she made most of those decisions, including to be on seeking and that this could be applied to escorts too but I still feel exploitative.

04-11-22, 10:27
I just feel bad for this girl. I've never been captain save a hoe but damn I just want to help her. I can understand why some guys are like that now and want to provide. I feel guilty, like I'm just using her too, which I am. I feel you, bro. When I started to get to know the SBs, and when I get to know pros too, I end up feeling bad for many of them. I remember spending the weekend with a pro, and while we were on the beach on the second day, I noticed the slash mark scars all over her legs. I asked her about it. She told me about her crappy life and that she started to cut herself as a coping mechanism. She became a pro so she could buy a home for her poor parents and because she wanted to someday have money to start a family of her own. By the time the weekend was over, I ended up giving her double what I promised. She was so touched. I saw her a few more times, and each time she begged me to marry her and have a baby with her. That pretty much killed my desire to fuck her, because I felt so sorry for her and because I felt guilty for just using her, and so I stopped seeing her despite her phenomenal body.

We all know pros and SBs that are lazy and just hook on the side to pay for their drinking and partying. But many SBs and pros are in it to support their kid, or they have deadbeat or peasant parents, or they have a pyschological disorder, or whatever. And so I sometimes felt this was one of the downsides of SA. Many SBs are on there becuase they have some problem, just like many pros become pros because they have some problem. With pros, we can be blissfully ignorant about their problems. But with SBs, we often get to known them, as that is part of the arrangement usually.

Do I have any advice? Nope. Except that I eventually moved from arrangments and went back to pros so that I can be happily ignorant again. Does this mean I will swear off arrangements forever? Not really. I still have a few arrangements where the gals are pretty normal, and I purposely avoid in depth conversations with them about their lives.

Speaking of fucking, I have no idea when I will fuck again. I am in Shanghai and have not been allowed to step outside my apartment for the past two weeks, with no end in sight. Sigh. Oh well.

J Janni
04-11-22, 10:42
I was going to write a longer report about tonight but don't want to include too many details. Bottom line is the girl I hooked up with tonight has issues and I feel bad about it. Early 20's white girl. First warning sign was her preferred drink was shots but I'the picked a brewery. While we're having a beer she mentions she's got siblings by different fathers. In between sex back in the room she mentions she used to bb a lot and needed an abortion. Also pretty much says she got raped by a guy on a dating app. As a result she doesn't like some BDSM anymore. Got into seeking because a friend does it but she admits friend has mental issues. First guy she met on seeking stiffed her ppm after she drunkenly agreed to meet him.

I'm probably forgetting other details but you get the gist. The sex was good even though I didn't finish, probably bc of the cover but I just feel bad for this girl. I've never been captain save a hoe but damn I just want to help her. I can understand why some guys are like that now and want to provide. I feel guilty, like I'm just using her too, which I am. I didn't stiff her ppm and the exchange was clear but I feel like I'm exacerbating the issues. She's doing seeking on the side, just like the other girls I've done ppm with, but I didn't walk away feeling guilty before. A previous girl also had a taste for hard drugs and partied a lot but nada. I know the conservative argument is that she made most of those decisions, including to be on seeking and that this could be applied to escorts too but I still feel exploitative.The way I square it in my mind is that I am a nice guy, despite being a degenerate. I'm kind to the girls, pay what's agreed, even more, never make them feel threatened and unsafe, try my best to have them enjoy being with me.

You not seeing a girl is not going to get her out of the game. And she's going to see people who aren't as nice as you.

04-11-22, 16:51
The way I square it in my mind is that I am a nice guy, despite being a degenerate. I'm kind to the girls, pay what's agreed, even more, never make them feel threatened and unsafe, try my best to have them enjoy being with me.

You not seeing a girl is not going to get her out of the game. And she's going to see people who aren't as nice as you.Good points. She's already been with shitty guys from dating apps and seeking but still is on there.

04-11-22, 17:00
First warning sign was her preferred drink was shots but I'the picked a brewery. While we're having a beer she mentions she's got siblings by different fathers. In between sex back in the room she mentions she used to bb a lot and needed an abortion. Also pretty much says she got raped by a guy on a dating app. As a result she doesn't like some BDSM anymore. Got into seeking because a friend does it but she admits friend has mental issues. First guy she met on seeking stiffed her ppm after she drunkenly agreed to meet him.

I'm probably forgetting other details but you get the gist. The sex was good even though I didn't finish, probably bc of the cover but I just feel bad for this girl. I've never been captain save a hoe but damn I just want to help her. Sounds like you want to help her and be Captain Save-a-Hoe. You listened to her life story, felt sorry for her and did not nut. You just want to help her. And get verification from us other dudes because you posted about it. It has to be about Captain Happy Dick. Otherwise you lose.

The Cane
04-11-22, 17:29
Sounds like you want to help her and be Captain Save-a-Hoe. You listened to her life story, felt sorry for her and did not nut. You just want to help her. And get verification from us other dudes because you posted about it. It has to be about Captain Happy Dick. Otherwise you lose.If you want to "date", then date. But, if you want to "seek" dealing with semi-pros or "monger" dealing with pros, then play those games the way they are supposed to be played. That's the long and short of it. Otherwise, you're the one who's just getting played by these women!

Steve 9696
04-12-22, 19:12
So I have def found true GFE with my home girl Shayla. We had a nice little block of time but she wasn't feeling well. She still wanted to see me tho and suggested we just spend time relaxing. We ordered some door dash from the room. Napped and snuggled for a few hours. Had passionate animal sex and snuggled some more. Just falling asleep with her in the crook of my arm all nuzzled up in my armpit is like the best GFE ever. It's just so intimate and real. Sigh. I love the whole experience so much more than just the sex. I guess that's why we are here on SA fellas!

Counterpoint is that I love the first date and seduction. So soon I will see one of my all time faves Alexa. But the more I think about it I don't want to spend 5 nights with her. I want the chase. So I will spend 3 nights and then find someone (or more) for the other two nights. I want that first night date experience but I also want the GFE of a solid existing girlfriend. Going to split it into the Best of both worlds.

04-12-22, 23:29
ted. Now I think I overshot and went too high. But I can't really come back and negotiate down. Why do you say you can't go back and negotiate? Have you ever had a SB tell you she will be cutting out early? Turning up late? Cutting you short on time unannounced? Of course you can negotiate if price is your concern.

You could start negotiating with one girl at a time, so you can develop your strategy IE without burning off all your plans.

You can also stay on the money but maybe get some other benefit from her. Maybe she meets you at airport (saving you transport costs) and your sugar date starts immediately. Maybe she stays two nights instead of one for the same or 25% more. I am a fan of the airport greeting / sendoff.

Maybe she can also bring her car for you to get around.

Sun Devil
04-13-22, 02:06
What is the typical ppm in Mexico City? Girls are quoting me 6000 pesos and above, plus they want to be paid for a meet and greet saying they don't want to waste time, so they need to be compensated. Should I block these chicks or is that what is considered normal here.

04-13-22, 02:33
What is the typical ppm in Mexico City? Girls are quoting me 6000 pesos and above, plus they want to be paid for a meet and greet saying they don't want to waste time, so they need to be compensated. Should I block these chicks or is that what is considered normal here.I would say it ranges from 3000 to 4000 MXN. I mean I stayed with a woman in CDMX for 10 days for 30,000 MXN at the beginning she was quoting 3,500 MXN for just one day.

04-13-22, 02:43
What is the typical ppm in Mexico City? Girls are quoting me 6000 pesos and above, plus they want to be paid for a meet and greet saying they don't want to waste time, so they need to be compensated. Should I block these chicks or is that what is considered normal here.I have never paid to meet a girl in Mexico. $200-300 is the rate in Mexico City, but it for multiple hours.

04-13-22, 02:58
What is the typical ppm in Mexico City? Girls are quoting me 6000 pesos and above, plus they want to be paid for a meet and greet saying they don't want to waste time, so they need to be compensated. Should I block these chicks or is that what is considered normal here.TBH I offered 5000 and 6000 when I was there because my time was limited and I wanted the girls committed AF. It was clear 6000 was considered very generous. That's when chats on the platform went from how ya doing to can we meet now? 6000 would be considered very high but if your time is limited.

Elvis 2008
04-13-22, 07:10
What is the typical ppm in Mexico City? Girls are quoting me 6000 pesos and above, plus they want to be paid for a meet and greet saying they don't want to waste time, so they need to be compensated. Should I block these chicks or is that what is considered normal here.They better be a 9 or 10 for that much. Street girls go for like $20 and there are some decent looking ones. Higher than that you should be using twitter and laboutique.vip and look at blog de busti and get twitter names there. Put in #cdmx #scort in twitter and you should have some names pop up. Then follow the suggested women to follow once you get on Twitter.

With seeking, try to do the meet without discussing cash. There are so many women in Mexico City, just carpet bomb (copy and paste) all the hot ones or ones you like and see what they say. I would send out hundreds of messages. You should get dozens of responses, and I would steer to the ones who do not ask for cash. Offer to get them an uber if need be.

I am not throwing out $300 until I meet the woman. That is like 3 X the price of a Twitter girl and like 15 X the price of a street walker. I have paid seeking women $400 and $500 but it was for several hours, and the women were 9's and 10's. For $300, the woman should stop traffic.

Elvis 2008
04-13-22, 07:19
I've never been captain save a hoe but damn I just want to help her. I can understand why some guys are like that now and want to provide. I feel guilty, like I'm just using her too, which I am. I didn't stiff her ppm and the exchange was clear but I feel like I'm exacerbating the issues.I still do not think that guys really get what sugar babies are. They are an investment in a friendship, and you should care where the money you are giving her is going. That is the daddy part of the sugar daddy relationship, and I take it seriously.

But I am not going to invest in a girl who is going to put every dollar up her nose. If she is a WG, then fine. It is not my biz what she does was the money.

As far as helping her, she is probably hot right? Most of the hot women on SA / seeking in the states have mental issues or substance abuse problems, and the way you described this one, she sounds like her head is not on right. Keep her as a PPM ho and do not get into her personal life or let her go. You cannot do anything about her issues. Hell, medical professionals barely can.

Elvis 2008
04-13-22, 07:21
OK this is validating.

I'll admit I offered a few more girls 400 euros for the night since. This experience got me to bump up my offer. They all accepted. Now I think I overshot and went too high. But I can't really come back and negotiate down. Oh well. You can't get buried with it.Sure you can. You tell them money is tight and you can only do 300 Euros. I bet you half will accept. I did it all the time. A lot of the first time price is just women anxious to see you. Once they know you are okay, that anxiety goes away.

J Janni
04-13-22, 08:02
Going on my first proper sugar date tonight. I've met more than my fair share of girls from seeking. But they've strictly been meet at my hotel / her place, explicit understanding that knickers were coming off and I was cumming inside them.

This one is different. A 19 year old student. Tallish and gamine, pixie cut, facial piercings. Very much my cup of tea. We've had long chats about kinks etc, but no explicit we are going to do all this. She's kinkier than me. Into bondage, very rough sex, watersports (Inc. Pee in her mouth.) She likes to use recreational drugs to enhance her pleasure. Anyone ever heard of viagra making girls hornier and more sensitive?

We've had a couple of videochats and she's adorably shy and a little awkward, despite the kink. She says herself it takes a while for her to warm up and get comfortable.

Anyway, I'm meeting her at my hotel bar tonight. A few drinks, get to know eachother and then up to the room for at her a kink filled marathon session, with her probably staying the night.


04-13-22, 08:17
I had similar SBs but not all below rolled into one.

A 25 why. O cute shy girl into kink. Never got to experience due to distance but keeping in touch with her to make it work.

Not into peeing and stuff but she is kinky.

I have another SB who wants me to CIP but I always pull out. Always.

As far drugs. Me, personally, if any girl is into drugs. Even recreational. I stay away. One. I would hate to host someone who is in possession of drugs. Two. Drugs tend to cloud one's judgement. Who knows what she does under influence. She might have (or be) engaging in sex with dudes who carry diseses. I don't want to dip my dick into a pussy that has germs.

To each his own. Please stay careful.

Going on my first proper sugar date tonight. I've met more than my fair share of girls from seeking. But they've strictly been meet at my hotel / her place, explicit understanding that knickers were coming off and I was cumming inside them.

This one is different. A 19 year old student. Tallish and gamine, pixie cut, facial piercings. Very much my cup of tea. We've had long chats about kinks etc, but no explicit we are going to do all this. She's kinkier than me. Into bondage, very rough sex, watersports (Inc. Pee in her mouth.) She likes to use recreational drugs to enhance her pleasure. Anyone ever heard of viagra making girls hornier and more sensitive?

We've had a couple of videochats and she's adorably shy and a little awkward, despite the kink. She says herself it takes a while for her to warm up and get comfortable.

Anyway, I'm meeting her at my hotel bar tonight. A few drinks, get to know eachother and then up to the room for at her a kink filled marathon session, with her probably staying the night.


04-13-22, 08:20
Very good points from AsianPursuits here.

You might add "can she bring a friend along?

One of my SBs started as 200 ppm. She likes me so much that she refuses to take money these days. So, I started getting her stuff that she needs. (Example: she broke her phone. I got it fixed and got a spare phone for 250).

Now, she is telling me her friend is interested in joining us for FMF. I am excited.

Why do you say you can't go back and negotiate? Have you ever had a SB tell you she will be cutting out early? Turning up late? Cutting you short on time unannounced? Of course you can negotiate if price is your concern.

You could start negotiating with one girl at a time, so you can develop your strategy IE without burning off all your plans.

You can also stay on the money but maybe get some other benefit from her. Maybe she meets you at airport (saving you transport costs) and your sugar date starts immediately. Maybe she stays two nights instead of one for the same or 25% more. I am a fan of the airport greeting / sendoff.

Maybe she can also bring her car for you to get around.

04-13-22, 08:27
The CIP piece brings up a thought. What are your thoughts about vasectomy?

I would love to fuck and CIP without a care in the world.

I am late thirties but do not want kids. Certainly not with SBs.

I have another SB who wants me to CIP but I always pull out. Always.

J Janni
04-13-22, 09:44
I had similar SBs but not all below rolled into one.

A 25 why. O cute shy girl into kink. Never got to experience due to distance but keeping in touch with her to make it work.

Not into peeing and stuff but she is kinky.

I have another SB who wants me to CIP but I always pull out. Always.

As far drugs. Me, personally, if any girl is into drugs. Even recreational. I stay away. One. I would hate to host someone who is in possession of drugs. Two. Drugs tend to cloud one's judgement. Who knows what she does under influence. She might have (or be) engaging in sex with dudes who carry diseses. I don't want to dip my dick into a pussy that has germs.

To each his own. Please stay careful.Unless you're giving a girl an allowance of a couple grand a month.

She's been other guys and if she's going bareback with you she's going bareback with them.

We all have our own level of acceptable risk.

04-13-22, 22:45
What are your thoughts about vasectomy?.In hindsight I made a poor strategic decision and in my committed relationship. I was not the one to undergo the sterilization procedure.

At time I have considered secretly getting a vasectomy but that procedure and scaring can never been explained for a 55+ that the only reason could be he's spending his life screwing 20-40 year olds in a very determined way.

So my assumed virility encourages me to use condoms, protecting myself and others form diseases and pregnancies.

Of course I do wonder what would I be like if I didn't have to worry. I have certainly cum on so many SB boobs and faces.

04-14-22, 03:22
TBH I offered 5000 and 6000 when I was there because my time was limited and I wanted the girls committed AF. It was clear 6000 was considered very generous. That's when chats on the platform went from how ya doing to can we meet now? 6000 would be considered very high but if your time is limited.I did the same. Even at those prices, I had a lot of no shows. I do feel as money gets tighter and it will, as our economy continues to slow, Prices will probably go down in Latin America. We will see, but I am afraid things are going to go to shit, probably not in Texas and in the south, but every where else is in for a rude awakening, especially the liberal states.

04-14-22, 14:20
At time I have considered secretly getting a vasectomy but that procedure and scaring can never been explained for a 55+.Go to a fertility doctor and get a semen analysis. I had 2 women wanting to have a baby with me. My analysis was that my chances were less than 5% unless I had intrauterine injection. Now I go bareback and do not worry about getting a woman pregnant, I do not squirt that much and it does not swim. Age.

04-14-22, 17:47
I would say it ranges from 3000 to 4000 MXN. I mean I stayed with a woman in CDMX for 10 days for 30,000 MXN at the beginning she was quoting 3,500 MXN for just one day.When I stayed there in 2020 it was 2000 mxn to 3000 mxn the most for an over nighter. The women are hot sex was good but nothing beats Cancun and the amazing pussy there.



04-14-22, 20:50
What is the typical ppm in Mexico City? Girls are quoting me 6000 pesos and above, plus they want to be paid for a meet and greet saying they don't want to waste time, so they need to be compensated. Should I block these chicks or is that what is considered normal here.I have been to CDMX 7 times. Always use SA. Always pay between 1800 and 2500 for 4-6 hours. For overnight, I have paid 3000. You definitely don't need more than 3000 unless she is super hot.

04-14-22, 20:55
Just returned from Argentina. Heaven. Was there was 7 days, got 9 chicks off seeking.

Paid US $ 100 / date which lasted from 4 to 12 hours.

One girl became super close to me, almost like a girlfriend.

Venezuelana, 31, blonde, green eyes, fit body.

Saw her twice, went to bars, museums and parks with her.

On her last date I said, "darling I want to do something Kinky".

She said, "like what".

I said, "like maybe pee on you?

She said, "yes but only of you do it in my mouth, mi amor".

Did I mention Argentina is heaven?

Steve 9696
04-14-22, 22:28
Just returned from Argentina. Heaven. Was there was 7 days, got 9 chicks off seeking.

Paid US $ 100 / date which lasted from 4 to 12 hours.

One girl became super close to me, almost like a girlfriend.

Venezuelana, 31, blonde, green eyes, fit body.

Saw her twice, went to bars, museums and parks with her.

On her last date I said, "darling I want to do something Kinky".

She said, "like what".

I said, "like maybe pee on you?

She said, "yes but only of you do it in my mouth, mi amor".

Did I mention Argentina is heaven?I was only there two days and my chicas were more the 23 year old variety and a bit more expensive. But two days and two home runs. Baires def seems target rich.

The Cane
04-15-22, 00:27
Here you go guys. You do not be stupid! OK?


J Janni
04-15-22, 06:34
Best sexual experience of my life.

19 year old absolutely wild girl. Trim and tight, pretty and gamine. 14 (chemically assisted) hours in a hotel room. She went from a shy girl who I thought was going to bail after a drink in the bar. To an utterly submissive **** who egged me on to be rougher and kinkier, who never seemed to get tired of being my personal little plaything.

I can't stress enough the kink. Everything was on the table.

Seeing her again next week hopefully and there was talk of taking a short trip together.

Steve 9696
04-15-22, 13:38
Best sexual experience of my life.

19 year old absolutely wild girl. Trim and tight, pretty and gamine. 14 (chemically assisted) hours in a hotel room. She went from a shy girl who I thought was going to bail after a drink in the bar. To an utterly submissive **** who egged me on to be rougher and kinkier, who never seemed to get tired of being my personal little plaything.

I can't stress enough the kink. Everything was on the table.

Seeing her again next week hopefully and there was talk of taking a short trip together.Seeking is sooooo the best when it works. Just two horny people (likely with large age disparity!) able to find each other and each gets what they needed. Sigh it's so beautiful.

I’ve also had the best sexual experience of my rather extensive life via Seeking! Would never have guessed that.

J Janni
04-15-22, 15:07
Seeking is sooooo the best when it works. Just two horny people (likely with large age disparity!) able to find each other and each gets what they needed. Sigh it's so beautiful.

Ive also had the best sexual experience of my rather extensive life via Seeking! Would never have guessed that.Only 13 years.

I think it was just a perfect coming together of people. She's inexperienced with kink, as am I, but theoretically into it from porn. So much we tried was like, 'Hey, I watched some porn of this, seemed hot. Want to try it and see if we actually like it?

I'm pretty nonthreatening and made sure she felt respected and safe even when she was hogtied, gagged, blindfolded and being fisted.

That's the other thing. I am not or never going to be a proper sugardaddy. I am seeing her again next week, maybe again after that.

She's totally broke and will continue with Seeking. She's putting herself into a super, super vulnerable position. I worry about her in future.

04-15-22, 16:53
Just returned from Argentina. Heaven. Was there was 7 days, got 9 chicks off seeking.

Paid US $ 100 / date which lasted from 4 to 12 hours.

One girl became super close to me, almost like a girlfriend.

Venezuelana, 31, blonde, green eyes, fit body.

Saw her twice, went to bars, museums and parks with her.

On her last date I said, "darling I want to do something Kinky".I agree with you mate Argentinian women are hot, super hot and horny had some crazy ones in Cancun and now a few in Dubai.

All are leaking for sex and I miss Venezuelan chicas in Caracas nothing beats that pussy absolutely crazy it is there.


04-16-22, 00:09
Only 13 years.

I think it was just a perfect coming together of people. She's inexperienced with kink, as am I, but theoretically into it from porn. So much we tried was like, 'Hey, I watched some porn of this, seemed hot. Want to try it and see if we actually like it?

I'm pretty nonthreatening and made sure she felt respected and safe even when she was hogtied, gagged, blindfolded and being fisted.

That's the other thing. I am not or never going to be a proper sugardaddy. I am seeing her again next week, maybe again after that.

She's totally broke and will continue with Seeking. She's putting herself into a super, super vulnerable position. I worry about her in future.Did you just happen to bring the restraints and gag with you?

04-16-22, 00:48
Hey guys,

I've been curious about SB but I'm not really rich. But I've noticed some people having Price per meet as much as 1 HR with an escort.

Where can I find more information on this? I went thru this thread a bit but not sure how to even get started or even try. Please share your wisdom.

J Janni
04-16-22, 05:51
Did you just happen to bring the restraints and gag with you?She brought the rope, blindfold. The gag was improvised with her panties, after I'd stuffed them in her pussy.

If I was reading this stuff, I'd think I was making it up. Nothing was off of the table.

04-16-22, 21:47
Where can I find more information on this? I went thru this thread a bit but not sure how to even get started or even try. Please share your wisdom.Easy, start by making an account at seeking.com.

04-17-22, 13:20
Not sure what your $ situation is but I will say it's the kind of game that requires some discretionary income.

The membership alone is about 100/ month. Dates with the price of food and some action after should set you back 250-500, depending on how nice the meal and hot the chick. And if you like like doing this in other countries, well travel is pretty pricey too.

You'd not have as much fun low balling girls hoping to get lucky. It's much cheaper to just go the escort route if money is a big concern. This route is more for non-pro / semi-pro contact but you pay a premium for it. And it's not everyone's cup of tea. Some dudes like a girl to just be a pro and treat them.

Hey guys,

I've been curious about SB but I'm not really rich. But I've noticed some people having Price per meet as much as 1 HR with an escort.

Where can I find more information on this? I went thru this thread a bit but not sure how to even get started or even try. Please share your wisdom.

04-17-22, 18:56
Made the trip down in a rent car, not a good idea, but it worked. Luckily there there were no cops at the checkpoint, so no issues. I had 2 meetings lined up. First, girl is beautiful, but smokes too much weed and dresses horribly, so sad. Really nice, but no chemistry. I ended the session early.

The model is on. Mexican Lockdown, her parents are visiting. This is getting really old, but I love the time we have together. We will see. So, I had an 8:30 meeting lined up with a hot Venz. Doctor at S. Prime. She show up, very hot and beautifully dressed. Very smart and nice. We drink and eat a little, no more big meals for me if I going to have sex after dinner. The staff at the restaurant was in love with this girl, she kind of has big ass, but she is definitely hot.

We start making out at the restaurant, time to go. At this point I am drunk. We get home, she says she can not spend the night, but that changed. We had great sex throughout the night and in the morning. Great Night. I love SA.

I am starting to really miss CDMX, I finally back 90% after my surgery and work is going well, even with bad economy, so I might be heading back to CDMX. I love MTY, but there is no comparison, CDMX is so much better then MTY.

Elvis 2008
04-17-22, 22:14
I love SA.

I am starting to really miss CDMX, I finally back 90% after my surgery and work is going well, even with bad economy, so I might be heading back to CDMX. I love MTY, but there is no comparison, CDMX is so much better then MTY.Yeah, I just got back. I have been traveling so much that I got up to Titanium level on Marriott. So I stayed at the Marriott Reforma. I like the Barcelo more and it is cheaper but the location of the Marriott Reforma is IMO as close to as good as it gets. If you are platinum or higher, you can go the club on the 16th floor: great views and free food, and it was good food, 16 hours per day.

So we get up on the top floor of the hotel and look down and it is just stunning: perfect temp, no smog. The Marriott beds are great. The TV has a HDMI hookup and I connected my laptop and we watched a bunch of Netflix and fucked like bunnies.

Thing about Mexico City is that it has so many good American chain restaurants in addition to Mexico's finest. So we go to California Pizza Kitchen and she had the Waldorf salad which I think is as good as it gets for a salad.

We were in Tulum a few months ago. I got a burger and it came with an order of sweet potato fries. My gal tried one and was hooked. I guess there are not many sweet potatoes in Colombia but man does she love anything sweet potato.

I know it sounds like hyperbole but the best super market I have ever been to in the world is City Market in Mexico City. I figured they would have some sweet potato dishes and they did. I just cannot even describe this market. It just blows away your senses. The very notion you should visit a city for a supermarket sounds stupid, but check it out first and then call me stupid.

I had a ham sandwich, one of the best I haver ever had, best chocolate mint ice cream. Maybe you know Mason Kaiser a desert place for coffee and sweets in the airport and around the city. My gal loves macaroons and usually loads up there, but they had macaroons at City Market. The first one we tried was purple or grape flavored. OMG. My gal is screaming with the first bite it was so good. She loaded up a huge bag of goodies for her trip back to Colombia.

And finally we leave the hotel, there is this huge parade down Avenue Reforma. There are thousands of people marching, smiling, and a huge trailer with a band and group of singers rocking it out. I am actually starting to feel some tears. I do not want to leave. I have had a great place to stay, my gal, and this city which may be my most favorite in the world. As usual, my girl is crying. She told me the first time I left her she cried the whole next day. I am trying to see her every 2 weeks now. We were apart 3 weeks and she has constantly been telling me "no mas tres samanas."

The only reason I came to Mexico City at all was a layover, and the city just blew me away and I was there for a few short hours. I even remember stupidly calling a friend of mine asking if it was safe the first time I was there.

Every time I go now, I ask why the fuck is everyone in the USA not talking about this place? It is so amazing and so close. Even from a hobby POV, I think this city is the best value in North America.

If my gal did not have a daughter, I think we would get a place there and I would just come see her. She has friends there, one of whom is almost as pretty as she is.

For any guy looking to do a long term thing with a Latina SB, this is the fucking place: easy and frequent flights to the USA, usually no visa needed for her, and you get to be in a city with an energy level that can only be matched by NYC, London, and Paris at a third the price. Every time I go, I am blown away.

04-18-22, 01:58
Yeah, I just got back. I have been traveling so much that I got up to Titanium level on Marriott. So I stayed at the Marriott Reforma. I like the Barcelo more and it is cheaper but the location of the Marriott Reforma is IMO as close to as good as it gets. If you are platinum or higher, you can go the club on the 16th floor: great views and free food, and it was good food, 16 hours per day.

So we get up on the top floor of the hotel and look down and it is just stunning: perfect temp, no smog. The Marriott beds are great. The TV has a HDMI hookup and I connected my laptop and we watched a bunch of Netflix and fucked like bunnies.

Thing about Mexico City is that it has so many good American chain restaurants in addition to Mexico's finest. So we go to California Pizza Kitchen and she had the Waldorf salad which I think is as good as it gets for a salad.

We were in Tulum a few months ago. I got a burger and it came with an order of sweet potato fries. My gal tried one and was hooked. I guess there are not many sweet potatoes in Colombia but man does she love anything sweet potato.

I know it sounds like hyperbole but the best super market I have ever been to in the world is City Market in Mexico City. I figured they would have some sweet potato dishes and they did. I just cannot even describe this market. It just blows away your senses. The very notion you should visit a city for a supermarket sounds stupid, but check it out first and then call me stupid.

I had a ham sandwich, one of the best I haver ever had, best chocolate mint ice cream. Maybe you know Mason Kaiser a desert place for coffee and sweets in the airport and around the city. My gal loves macaroons and usually loads up there, but they had macaroons at City Market. The first one we tried was purple or grape flavored. OMG. My gal is screaming with the first bite it was so good. She loaded up a huge bag of goodies for her trip back to Colombia..Yes, M. City is amazing. I love how you can be at fancy restaurant, they hand out candles and the DJ will play a song. Everyone is the restaurant stops what they are doing and sings the song, just so much fun. I really miss it.

04-18-22, 06:26
When I stayed there in 2020 it was 2000 mxn to 3000 mxn the most for an over nighter. The women are hot sex was good but nothing beats Cancun and the amazing pussy there.


Peace.I love Cozumel, Cancun was a bit touristy 10 years ago. And I had GF.

04-18-22, 06:41
Returned from 10 weeks in Colombia. (a few weeks ago) had some travel business & photography planned. But the RAIN was so unpredictable, I switched to meeting (who knows how many) mostly Seeking and a a few other girls. LOL Before I left I booked a return for June 7. Summer in the SW USA can be unbearable. I will probably visit Colombia 2 times but only 2-3 weeks at a time the summer. I made a reservation for up in the mountains near Bogota with my favorite (new) SA girl. She doesn't even act like the rest. Punctual, Hot as F. Doesn't need much $. Maybe I could do an Elvis repeat and go exclusive. Yep. She will travel anywhere with me. Meet anywhere (well no papers yet) I could do worse but I don't think I can do much better. Yet I have all these numbers for girls I have not had time to meet. So sad. .

04-18-22, 09:04
I love Cozumel, Cancun was a bit touristy 10 years ago. And I had GF.So I was stuck in Cancun at the peak of Covid lockdown in 2020 April and May and the whole Hotel Zone was shut down with only 4-5 hotels open. I stayed in the hotel zone during April and then for May on the outskirts of cancun in another hotel on playa mujeres or something like that but I forgot the actual place.

With my work timings in night with the UAE and all day was free in Hotel which had offered me an interesting package all inclusive with 3 meals and alcohol for a crazy cheap price for 2 people.

I had not much knowledge of Spanish and SA was the only way to go as I had amazing experiences in Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama and Vnz on the website during January, February and March.

Took a car on rent from the hotel and it was a blast as city was shut down, zona hotelra is empty and isolated with police on both entry points and no one can go in beside the hotel residents and I used to bring food and drink packets for them and they knew me as a amigo. Beach was empty so used to invite SA girls by picking them up from the city to Zona Hotelra, they are happy with the day time outing and all inclusive lunch, swimming pool and free beach access with drinks. 2000 mxn was the usual allowance I gave to almost all the women quietly putting in her bag in the evening when had to drop her back to the city and many of them just stayed overnight on the next meeting as food and drinks were all free to them at the hotel.

Had some amazing women:







Bar Tender.


Then Colombian Women.



From Playa Del Carmen.

From Tulum.









Public Sex.



Just saw a video of Zona Hotelra a few days ago on YT and its crazy how its crowded these days and how it was then, when I was there. Looks unimaginable gosh it was beautiful.

May was even more crazier in other Hotel it was a time share hotel 1000 Rooms and only 7 Guests with 4 Rooms booked and mine was the 5th Room to be booked.

Imagine what all I did in that hotel.

Crazy it was and then June and July in CDMX was even more crazier.

Gosh I miss Mexico: wish I had the Magic Potion with me in Cancun, it would have been absolutely crazy.



Elvis 2008
04-18-22, 15:38
Punctual, Hot as F. Doesn't need much $. Maybe I could do an Elvis repeat and go exclusive. Yep. She will travel anywhere with me. Meet anywhere (well no papers yet) I could do worse but I don't think I can do much better. Yet I have all these numbers for girls I have not had time to meet. So sad..Don, of all the guys I have met from the site, I think you and Dramafree have the potential to do what I have done. I think part of the reason I have stayed in this world is that I do not want to obsess on her and be hurt if I lose her. I want to know that I could go back to my old life because it was not that bad, but part of me just cannot believe this is sustainable.

We have not had one fight. Usually the sexual desire dies down after three months. We have been out over a year and it has gotten better. I still have not looked at any woman anywhere and said "This girl is prettier than mine". She gives me mani / pedis, packs my suitcase, does my laundry, and when we were out, she carries everything and insists on it. She has crazy strength and stamina, and the only thing she asks for is more sex and more time with me. I think this is the only way I could be monogamous because anyone else would be a disappointment. I am so grateful for this, and I do not know if it can be achieved but I want everyone to have a relationship like I do. I really do. I just do not know if there are many more like her. It is fucking crazy.

You are going to have front your gal $400 or so in cash to fly her to Mexico City but you should do it when you can.

As for Cancun, there is a casa section and also the mileroticas site where you can get pussy at Mexican prices. Outside of that, the women on seeking and at the strip clubs want close to USA prices, $300 to $400 per hour but they are very hot. The SA / seeking women want USA rates as well, but they are stunning too.

But my take is that if you want a hot woman in Cancun at a reasonable price, you import them from Mexico City or Monterrey. Puerto Vallarta has a good scene at reasonable prices as does Acapulco and Mazatlan. Cabo like Cancun has inflated prices.

04-18-22, 16:08
Returned from 10 weeks in Colombia. (a few weeks ago) had some travel business & photography planned. But the RAIN was so unpredictable, I switched to meeting (who knows how many) mostly Seeking and a a few other girls. LOL Before I left I booked a return for June 7. Summer in the SW USA can be unbearable. I will probably visit Colombia 2 times but only 2-3 weeks at a time the summer. I made a reservation for up in the mountains near Bogota with my favorite (new) SA girl. She doesn't even act like the rest. Punctual, Hot as F. Doesn't need much $. Maybe I could do an Elvis repeat and go exclusive. Yep. She will travel anywhere with me. Meet anywhere (well no papers yet) I could do worse but I don't think I can do much better. Yet I have all these numbers for girls I have not had time to meet. So sad..Love your reports. If I was to go back to Colombia, I would be hanging out in Bogota, and the Mountains sound like a nice change from the Texas heat.

When I was in MDE it rained almost everyday for 1-3 hours in the afternoons, and it was Humid as Hell. I guess it was bad timing for me. The weather reminded me of Houston weather, without A. C.

The Cane
04-18-22, 23:49
Well, here is my final report on my experiences using Seeking.com. As you will recall, I signed up for a three-month premium membership, which actually ended a few weeks ago. And to be perfectly honest, I couldn't wait! A big thumbs down to Seeking.com from me! And the reason? Well, at least in the United States, the site is just infested with fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers. It's just overwhelming and totally ruins the experience. It all started out incredibly well for me. Unbelievably well! I Met somebody who fit the bill with barebacking and cumming inside. The whole enchilada. But, it went way downhill from there. So many fake profiles and / or time wasters. The old adage that "if it looks too good to be true it probably is" most certainly applied. I mean, it was so bad that one time when I was looking at new member profiles, there were two profiles side-by-side with the exact same picture, but with different names and totally different geographical locations! Hahaha!

Summing it all up, I ended up meeting three girls over my three month "experiment". I could have met at least a couple of more for sure, but I backed out due to distance. They were both like an hour and a half away each, and I just decided it wasn't worth the drive. One of those I'm sure was a straight up prostitute. I asked her about anal, and she said she would try (that means "no" and was just a weak attempt to keep somebody on the hook). Of the three I did meet, one we decided right off the bat to keep it platonic. Another I could have fucked, but although she was cute in her own way, I simply was not "stirred' by her sexually. So, I just never followed up after a nice dinner out with her. And of course, the other was my "grand slam home run" who I wrote about in my very first report. But in the end, simply too much work for too little return. Seeking is out of the question for me going forward, along with the other two "S's". That would be stripclubs and swinging.

Through it all, most people were pretty civil online. Rarely did I run into anybody who was just plain rude. There are a couple I remember though. One was like, "You can't afford me". I responded, "I don't need to" and blocked her. Then one girl I initiated contact with said, "Hard no". How about you "hard gnaw" on these here nuts? LOLOLOL! Then there was one who I just couldn't resist taking a shot at. Going on about her "snarky" self in her profile. I wrote, "Yes, snarky and broke"! LOL! I will say that at least in the American scene, there is a lot of "golden pussy syndrome" you have to put up with too. Women over-valuing the worth of their pussies and expecting you to explain why you're worth their (broke) time. Fuck that! I just have no time for it. What successful monger does? I don't. Stopped putting up with "normal dating" bullshit a very long time ago! One chick told me she liked a "dirty old man" (American attitude). I replied that I like "nasty young women". So it's a match! No seriously, I'm glad I gave Seeking a go. I definitely experienced the highs and the lows of it. But when it's all said and done, it's not for me. It's just too hard to consistently find that which I seek on the site, and I would gather within the sugaring world in general. For this reason, I am out! Congrats to those of you who have found success and love it. From here on out, I'll stick to more classic-style mongering thank you!

04-19-22, 01:18
I still do not think that guys really get what sugar babies are. They are an investment in a friendship, and you should care where the money you are giving her is going. That is the daddy part of the sugar daddy relationship, and I take it seriously.

Elvis. From an ISG point of view guys on ISG / SA / Seeking. Are probably NOT looking for platonic deals. If they are looking around S. America on SA. They know P4 P is very possible and can, might, should. (we hope) LOL end up with the whole package. Any "friends with benefits" statements will get you banned on Reddit. I would not last long there. Let's keep that a secret. I guess what I'm saying is very few guys in this subsection on ISG think like those in the USA do. We start out thinking about "friends with benefits" and test the relationship before flying her to the moon. then someone nice comes along.. we can't possibly meet in the USA sex prison. Well that's my current story, flight attendant, perfect English.. blonde, 35 years younger, sex is a natural phenomenon not some negotiating tactic. where do I sign?

04-19-22, 01:27
I find your posts helpful and information-rich. I've been sticking my toes in the water at SA but it's SOOO much work and, for the US at least, I just don't find that many visually appealing targets, maybe 5%. Of those maybe one in 10 is not going to have GPS or be a flake yadda yadda. So I'm at a hit rate of about 1 in 200 for even consider a meet up. Compare that to any venue in Brasil or Europe where I find my reject rate at closer to 50 %. It makes the flight worth it.

Strip clubs may be making a comeback. I was at a couple last month and was surprised how open most of the hot ones were to making arrangements outside the club for SA money.

04-19-22, 01:39
I find your posts helpful and information-rich. I've been sticking my toes in the water at SA but it's SOOO much work and, for the US at least, I just don't find that many visually appealing targets, maybe 5%. Of those maybe one in 10 is not going to have GPS or be a flake yadda yadda. So I'm at a hit rate of about 1 in 200 for even consider a meet up. Compare that to any venue in Brasil or Europe where I find my reject rate at closer to 50 %. It makes the flight worth it.

Strip clubs may be making a comeback. I was at a couple last month and was surprised how open most of the hot ones were to making arrangements outside the club for SA money.Last trip there (Medellin) the girls at La Isla were off the charts. & most were available. BUT 2 months earlier, all dogs. YMMV I hope someday to see Brazil.

04-19-22, 02:08
I signed up for a three-month premium membership, which actually ended a few weeks ago. And to be perfectly honest, I couldn't wait! A big thumbs down to Seeking.com from me! And the reason? Well, at least in the United States, the site is just infested with fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers. It's just overwhelming and totally ruins the experience.I think you have proven what has been well documented in this forum. Seeking is not a suitable platform for landing pussy in the USA. It does however work well in many other countries.

Steve 9696
04-19-22, 02:49
I think you have proven what has been well documented in this forum. Seeking is not a suitable platform for landing pussy in the USA. It does however work well in many other countries.Um no. I have to totally disagree with that statement. My POV is completely the opposite! In other countries there are tons of great venues for pussy FKK, Boate, fishbowl, blowjob bar! But for me in USA Seeking is by far the best way.

I think it's 29 girls I've banged on SA in the US. But honestly the number isn't the most important part. It's the quality. I'd say at least ten were amazing women I'd love to see again (and many I did). Best sex of my life is currently underway with a Seeking girl. Amazing bareback with some damn fine and intelligent women. Absolutely.

To each his own. But for me it's a god send.

P.S. Cane. What happened to your home run bareback CIP hottie?

04-19-22, 03:01
Well, here is my final report on my experiences using Seeking.com. As you will recall, I signed up for a three-month premium membership, which actually ended a few weeks ago. And to be perfectly honest, I couldn't wait! A big thumbs down to Seeking.com from me! And the reason? Well, at least in the United States, the site is just infested with fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers. It's just overwhelming and totally ruins the experience. It all started out incredibly well for me. Unbelievably well! I Met somebody who fit the bill with barebacking and cumming inside. The whole enchilada. But, it went way downhill from there. So many fake profiles and / or time wasters. The old adage that "if it looks too good to be true it probably is" most certainly applied. I mean, it was so bad that one time when I was looking at new member profiles, there were two profiles side-by-side with the exact same picture, but with different names and totally different geographical locations! Hahaha!
I totally hear you. I also signed up for a three-months membership. In the US, there are just too many fakes and scams as you said, especially those who initiated chats with me who claimed to be Asians. They are complete scams and I simply ignore them. For those that are not scams, they have what you said "golden pussies" syndrome. Also, many of them are simply obese with photos that are heavily filtered. Anyway, just a lot of low quality inventory in the US. Just my personal opinion, but others may feel differently.

I had much better success outside the US with my recent SA experience in Colombia. Would want to try out the SA girls in SEA in a few months next time. Maybe even try out Germany and Netherlands and do something different besides just touring FKK next time.

The Cane
04-19-22, 03:31
Um no. I have to totally disagree with that statement. My POV is completely the opposite! In other countries there are tons of great venues for pussy FKK, Boate, fishbowl, blowjob bar! But for me in USA Seeking is by far the best way.

I think it's 29 girls I've banged on SA in the US. But honestly the number isn't the most important part. It's the quality. I'd say at least ten were amazing women I'd love to see again (and many I did). Best sex of my life is currently underway with a Seeking girl. Amazing bareback with some damn fine and intelligent women. Absolutely.

To each his own. But for me it's a god send.

P.S. Cane. What happened to your home run bareback CIP hottie?Steve, um I'm sorry but I can't believe anybody who would assert that Seeking is the best way in the United States to get laid by the type the majority of the guys here like the most, which would be slim, attractive, white girls. These are the ones that carry the highest sexual market value for the most men. And the scammers know it. And for this reason, at least in the States, no way in hell is Seeking the best for that kind of hot piece of ass. If it's the hot white girls you seek, then what you're far more likely to find is a fake, flake, fraudster, or scammer. Now, I'm not here to invalidate your experience. But, I won't allow mine to be invalidated either. And as for my "grand slam homerun, bareback, CIP hottie"? We're still an item. Finding her was like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack!

Steve 9696
04-19-22, 04:11
I totally hear you. I also signed up for a three-months membership. In the US, there are just too many fakes and scams as you said, especially those who initiated chats with me who claimed to be Asians. They are complete scams and I simply ignore them. For those that are not scams, they have what you said "golden pussies" syndrome. Also, many of them are simply obese with photos that are heavily filtered. Anyway, just a lot of low quality inventory in the US. Just my personal opinion, but others may feel differently.

I had much better success outside the US with my recent SA experience in Colombia. Would want to try out the SA girls in SEA in a few months next time. Maybe even try out Germany and Netherlands and do something different besides just touring FKK next time.To be clear I'm not disagreeing that the vast majority of girls on SA are not worth your time. Absolutely true. But it's also the only place in the US where a 7 or 8 is going to bareback you and sleep over for a few hundred bucks. It just ain't happening any other way!

Would you spend a week mucking out horse shit if there was a 5 carat diamond hidden in there? Some would. Some wouldn't. I am down to muck through all the horseshit in the world to find my diamonds. Think I just found another BTW. We will see.

04-19-22, 04:18
I think you have proven what has been well documented in this forum. Seeking is not a suitable platform for landing pussy in the USA. It does however work well in many other countries.Works great for me in Mexico, I could not be happier. It does work in the states, but takes a lot of work and decent budget.

04-19-22, 13:41
To be clear I'm not disagreeing that the vast majority of girls on SA are not worth your time. Absolutely true. But it's also the only place in the US where a 7 or 8 is going to bareback you and sleep over for a few hundred bucks. It just ain't happening any other way!

Would you spend a week mucking out horse shit if there was a 5 carat diamond hidden in there? Some would. Some wouldn't. I am down to muck through all the horseshit in the world to find my diamonds. Think I just found another BTW. We will see.I have used SA exclusively in the US as well as outside the US. It is hard work to find something really good, but worth the effort in my opinion. I am in my 60's, still enjoy the sport, but find myself wanting more out of it. SA gives me that. I can find a woman who I enjoy spending time with, sexy as hell, can hold a conversation and can shag with the best of them. That holds true in the US and internationally. I have 3 right now I spend my time with, 21,v32 & 39. I have 2 international that we still chat on a regular basis, both still in their early 20's and its been a couple years since I saw them.

For all the SA haters out there, be willing to put in a little effort and it will pay dividends.

04-19-22, 17:28
I hope any of you with experience from London can give me some good advice?!

As intro; I'm on SA for 4 yrs, most arrangements are in south-east Europe, and occasionally I take women from SE Europe with me on my travels to western Europe. This time I'm thinking of arranging a date in London. So I did some pre-work (yeah, I've read many pages here; from the very first day on SA I practice only 30-days subscription, then I pause (even for 6+ months) since the filtering is a full-time job!) and one of possible dates "shocked me a bit".

She sent me one longer msg. Prt scr attached. And then we moved to Wapp.

So far I had two arrangements in LON, back in 2018 (both dates were very very good experience; Polish girls are / can be crazy)) !) and was 400/350. One was overnight until midday, followed by (after finally house keeping managed to "fix my room) daytime 3+ hrs tea in bar and amazing sex. That was funny stuff to handle the matter one out / another on-hold in bar while "begging" reception to do finally my room!

Out from what I read here, nowadays really are those prices in LON?

To me seems also this gal is pro. Not much texting on SA, she just sent Hi, and then that long text. On Wapp she just asked if I'm in LON, and then "OK see you then" and she sent me also 4 her pics.

One other, from UK around 35 year old, is looking for discreet arrangements but no any mention so far about gift for her. And then is another Australian (as above one), 36 yo with whom we chat in that real mode to get to know each other, before.

Thanks for any of your tips!

* now after I found this tread will try to post more, with some past SA experiences from several dates.

The Cane
04-19-22, 17:48
For all the SA haters out there, be willing to put in a little effort and it will pay dividends.I'm not a hater. I'm a realist. And as most people who claim to have gained much benefit from the site say, that hasn't come from "a little effort". Not even "a lot" if you ask me. We're talking a "herculean effort" to find a few diamonds buried in stinky shit (Steve's own words). I have better ways to use my time. Now, if one has the money, the time, and a passport then head for over the seas where "tuting" (as Mr. Ho puts it) is legal. Believe this. But don't talk to me about "effort". I worked like a dog at it for three months. Seeking.com won't reap another thin dime of my money to help support their fraud-filled site! No way, no how!

Elvis 2008
04-19-22, 18:34
Elvis. From an ISG point of view guys on ISG / SA / Seeking. Are probably NOT looking for platonic deals. If they are looking around S. America on SA. They know P4 P is very possible and can, might, should. (we hope) LOL end up with the whole package.I am not talking platonic. I just posted on another forum that you have to cast a wide net and have a short memory. I will never have a SB who is bad in the sack. I get them in the sack as quick as I can to see if they are SB material or not.

Well that's my current story, flight attendant, perfect English.. blonde, 35 years younger, sex is a natural phenomenon not some negotiating tactic. where do I sign?If you can find one that can satisfy you, that is the ultimate to me. You said that Seeking was way better than ho sex, and that is something I knew to be true as well. The girl cares about you for money but also likes you.

When you go exclusive, the sex you are having and the intimacy is at a whole new level. The sex I had at the SB level was great but when I went exclusive, it was the next level up. My woman gives me everything she has now, and it is the best sex I have ever had in my life.

Temptation flares a little when my gal is not around but when I am with her, I do not care to be with anyone else. If you feel like you are not missing out on anything when you are with your gal, then I would go for exclusivity. In marriage you are giving up seeing other women and getting nothing in return. With my gal and I suspect with yours, they are going to make sure you are rewarded.

Elvis 2008
04-19-22, 19:00
Summing it all up, I ended up meeting three girls over my three month "experiment". I could have met at least a couple of more for sure, but I backed out due to distance. They were both like an hour and a half away each, and I just decided it wasn't worth the drive. One of those I'm sure was a straight up prostitute. I asked her about anal, and she said she would try (that means "no" and was just a weak attempt to keep somebody on the hook). Of the three I did meet, one we decided right off the bat to keep it platonic. Another I could have fucked, but although she was cute in her own way, I simply was not "stirred' by her sexually. So, I just never followed up after a nice dinner out with her. And of course, the other was my "grand slam home run" who I wrote about in my very first report. But in the end, simply too much work for too little return. Seeking is out of the question for me going forward, along with the other two "S's". That would be stripclubs and swinging.!Sure, the yield getting sugar babies from strip clubs was higher than seeking, and I went bare with the strippers more often that not. The downside to them is you cannot get that intimate with them. They have been trained to milk as much as they can out of guys. The seeking women were harder to find but IMO of better character.

Thing is I would really get like one date a month from seeking in the USA, one a day in Mexico, and in Colombia, it was like three per day. So I get giving it up in the USA. The real value though IMO is abroad.

04-19-22, 23:21
This is the unfortunate result when desperate Newbs backed up after 2 years of quarantine flood SA and of course "girls" take advantage of them.

For instance, this poster was initially quite reluctant and skeptical about SA, when Covid just hit.

"The sugar baby thing isn't for me! Reminds me of tutes asking me to tip them just because they spent some of their invaluable time to chatting with me. " this was on 5/12/20.

But in.


"I've decided to look into SA starting in 2022. One thing I would like to know is this. Typically how many duds do you have to wade through before you find one girl that you vibe well enough with that you end up bedding her? I know this is something we all have to work at, but you seem to enjoy yourself, and you've been successful. So give me a rough number of how many encounters on average for you to find a gem who delivers the kind of experience you're looking for. Is it 10,15, or 20? More? Please keep it real."

OK, good, this was a realistic question.

Then the initial giddiness.


"After being on SA for just a short while, I have a few observations to make. First of all, I don't know about anywhere else, but in my town, there are some damn fine ass black girls on that site! I'm talking smoking! And I'm not even into black girls that much. Brother Steve, if this is what you been fucking, then man I can see why you are one happy man. I got to take my hat off to you. Just damn! Second, there is a plenty of what I like the most too. And that would be young, blonde, white, and tight! I haven't had a full membership for even a whole week yet, and already I have my first meet and greet set up with a real cutie! Wow! We've already exchanged photos, been on the phone, and everything! And she knows I'm not looking for just "platonic."

I mean, am I in a dream? I thought I could have some success with this thing, but not like this so fast! I mean, she's almost too good to be true! And you know what they say about that. I'm trying not to look a gift horse in the mouth here!

And then the inevitable comedown.


"As you will recall, I signed up for a three-month premium membership, which actually ended a few weeks ago. And to be perfectly honest, I couldn't wait! A big thumbs down to Seeking.com from me! And the reason? Well, at least in the United States, the site is just infested with fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers. It's just overwhelming and totally ruins the experience. Seeking is out of the question for me going forward, along with the other two "S's". That would be stripclubs and swinging."

Honestly, this is a textbook example of initial skepticism, to curiosity, then euphoria, then disappointment, and finally hatred.

I feel like the people who have used it for a while have actually given sound advice.

Steve said in one of the earliest posts in January 2020:


"I am a relative Newbie at it having just pulled my first girl in June. But I've pulled 15 girls since June and had some awesome experiences, many of which I can and will share here. IMO in the US it's the only way to fly tho I have had a good experience in London and Buenos Aires also.

The key point is it does in fact take a ton of time, which I don't mind. I typically start my search for the perfect girl about a month ahead of visiting a given city and am on SA every night. If you like chatting with girls and finding the gems in the pile of BS like I do (there is something viscerally satisfying about it) then it's not work but part of the fun."

I said the following in late January 2020:


"I have been with SA on and off for 4 years. Mostly on, and when I was off, I tried secret benefits and a couple of other sites but SA has been my best site for a while. The biggest problem is the sheer number of fakers, no sex girls, girls looking for online only arrangements, and many outright scammers. It is a lot of work. But I the end it is all rewarding if you get hold of some good girls. The good news is that over time you build your database. Now I have several dozen girls in my stable so to speak."

I know MW, Elvis, several others who are experienced SDs have provided sound advice too. All of it documented, easily searchable.

On Jan 2, 2022 I said this:


"I don't disagree there is a high amount of flakiness and if anything, it has increased massively since the pandemic.

That said, I don't disagree that SA is a lot of work. I used to think success rate is 5% to 10% at most, now it is probably 2%. I. E. If I send a "Hello, how are you?" message to 100 girls, the chance that I will actually fuck one of them is 2/100, AT the price point I want to. Even if I went up to $500 or more, the chance only increases to 10% to 20%. Nearly 50% or more of the "girls" on SA are absolute scammers, thieves."

In Jan'2022 I said the following.


"I would say, 30% or more are total scammers. I. E. They might be dudes sitting in some foreign country looking to scam some money off horny US gentlemen.

At least a third or more will not have sex whatsoever. Platonic only. Nearly 80% of 18-20 age group falls into this category. Most of them do not even want to meet. Some of these girls can be totally clueless.

I'd say, the remaining (may be a third) are open to meet, perhaps to sex. Since I don't outright ask for sex due to concern about sting operations, it is always somewhat implied, never stated. I typically ask to meet for a drink / coffee meet. Here, many discussions break down. Quite a few want upfront payment for the intro meet. "why should I meet you and spend time if I don't get compensated" is a common refrain.

The change I have seen is that prepandemic to now, the percent demanding upfront payment has spiked up a lot. Very puzzling because so many are broke and need money.

Some of them are full of themselves. "my time is of value" they arrogantly claim.

That leaves really 10-20% who are truly interested and will meet and have sex and all that; since I will always have a allowance negotiation prior to a intro coffee meet, and with my strict discipline, I lose quite a few there."

The problem is that if you are the Newb type who will spike the ball after scoring a first down but leave the game after your first fumble, SA is not your thing. Experienced SA'ers knew this all along and even repeated the advice multiple times. Patience gets rewarded. Enjoy the process. Take your time. Don't pay up, don't get emotional; when things are low, keep your chin up and when things are high, don't strut and dance. These are good things to keep in mind in life, and definitely true on SA.

04-20-22, 03:40
Had a amazing experience with an SB. Before my account expired I messaged some girls and got their numbers. I was up front, and most did not reply back except for one. We met up for dinner and drinks, then headed back to my place after. It was BBFSCIP. Had her lay belly down on the bed and fucked, damn her pussy was so tight. Pulled her legs close against me and went at it in doggy for a bit. I put her on top of me in cowgirl and had her ride me until she came. Then switched to missionary and half came inside her pussy then pulled out and finished the rest on her body. She told me she is on BC so crisis adverted.

This was one if not the best arrangement I had so far and will probably meet her again. Even though this was a great experience and no golden pussy syndrome. I'm not renewing my membership until I travel outside the country. In the US I got with 4 girls in the past 3 months and like others said it was a ton of work and hours spent. Two of them were great and I will meet with again.

04-20-22, 04:23
I hope any of you with experience from London can give me some good advice?!

She sent me one longer msg. Prt scr attached. And then we moved to Wapp.My experience from years of receiving internet messages is that when the communication style changes it means the person is lying or scamming.

The Cane
04-20-22, 13:03
This is the unfortunate result when desperate Newbs backed up after 2 years of quarantine flood SA and of course "girls" take advantage of them.

For instance, this poster was initially quite reluctant and skeptical about SA, when Covid just hit.

"The sugar baby thing isn't for me! Reminds me of tutes asking me to tip them just because they spent some of their invaluable time to chatting with me. " this was on 5/12/20..Like I said, I experienced the highs and the lows. I went into it as kind of a three-month experiment, not as a "desperate newb" as you put it, so you know what you can do with that. If I liked it, I would continue with it, and if I didn't then I would stop it. I said that I would share my experiences with three field reports summing up my time as a member, and I did exactly that in a very open and honest and emotionally raw way, with the hope that it would give all reading one person's real world take on what it's like to use Seeking.com. I give thanks to you for zealously spending your time summarizing my posts as you did as that pulls the whole three months together quite nicely. I could not have done a better job myself. Mission accomplished!

But, I must say that there's nothing "unfortunate" about it or something to "hate". Don't be so dramatic. It's not that important to me in my life LOL! It is what it is, and now I'm happily moving on after three solid months of working it with 100's and 100's and 100's of contacts. That's hardly "spiking the ball" after the first score, then walking away after the first "fumble". I don't have those traits in me as a person, and that's not how I live my life. If I did, I never would have achieved the successes in life that I have. It takes "sticktoitiveness" to have success obtaining many things in life worth having. But, it also takes knowing when it's time to cut bait and follow another direction in order to achieve your goals. I know when and how to do that. So, this piece of what you wrote (essentially being a quitter) is nothing more than a mean-spirited mischaracterization of what I did. You actually know nothing of the hours I gave to this. Then too, it's a relatively expensive "dating" site where I think it behooves one to to do a cost-benefit analysis as to whether or not to turn off the spigot sooner rather than later. Three months of Seeking.com getting my money was enough time in my estimation. As wealthy people know, what you keep is as important as what you earn.

This is something that, like you say, I did out of curiosity. But curiosity didn't kill the cat! In your pointers about a tragic lesson, you totally left out the full epilogue. The fact that I did meet one great girl on Seeking.com who I'm still seeing today. She meets all of my physical criteria, we get along great, the sex is at the pinnacle of monger success (BBCIP), and all at a cut rate price too! And I can honestly say that we have become real friends, and I expect that we will remain that way for some time. So yes, I'm saying goodbye to Seeking.com. She did too by the way! But, we haven't said goodbye to each other. And we're both so, so grateful that through it all we found each other. We both know how hard it is to find somebody "real" on Seeking. And this gets to the true core of the lesson to be learned here, without a need for all of the lengthy analysis. Yes, you can have success on Seeking.com, but from my perspective you have to put in way too much work over way too long of a period of time, and all on a service platform that is quite expensive for its particular industry. Making the return on investment not worth it. At least not to me. But don't cry for me mongerdom! This isn't the play "Death of a Monger". When the time is right, I will be returning to doing what I do. No stripclubs, no swinging, no Seeking. No, I'm talking flying all around the world easily fucking pretty girls in the ass. I know who I am. And that's the kind of ROI I "seek".

The Cane
04-20-22, 13:27
So, do I have a certain disdain for Seeking.com? Oh you better believe I do! But hate? LOLOLOL! That's just silly and too strong a word. "Hate" is an all-consuming thing that only brings you down with it. I have more useful things to spend my time thinking about and moving me on to action versus draining my batteries hating Seeking.com. I'm actually glad that I spent that three months on the site though. I met a great girl out of it. And now I know, and no need to ever wonder "what if". For those of you who love it great! For those of you who hate it don't. It's not that important believe me. And for those of us who have total disdain for it? Let's just be moving it on.

04-20-22, 18:35
I'm not a hater. I'm a realist. And as most people who claim to have gained much benefit from the site say, that hasn't come from "a little effort". Not even "a lot" if you ask me. We're talking a "herculean effort" to find a few diamonds buried in stinky shit (Steve's own words). I have better ways to use my time. Now, if one has the money, the time, and a passport then head for over the seas where "tuting" (as Mr. Ho puts it) is legal. Believe this. But don't talk to me about "effort". I worked like a dog at it for three months. Seeking.com won't reap another thin dime of my money to help support their fraud-filled site! No way, no how!Yes, the site requires some hard work, that is a given. It is not cheap either. I usually get on a month and then back off for 3 months or so. It can be exhausting weeding thru all the ones on their. Honestly, I weed thru a lot of girls on SA. Fortunately, I can usually get a vibe of where it is going in the first few messages. If she won't give me her number to text in the first few messages, cull. If they ask for money up front, cull. If they are not interested in meeting in the next few days, cull. If they want to do SC or KIK, cull. It is true that only 10-20% on the site are legit prospects and it is time consuming trying to find them. I often get frustrated but quickly remind myself of the pot at the end of the rainbow. The few really good ones I have found have made it worth the effort for me.

04-20-22, 18:36
I appreciate the depth of your reports. And your transparency.

I have to say, I've had a totally different experience than you.

I normally use SA in somewhat poorer countries (Mexico, Greece, Bolivia, etc). And I'm pretty generous with my offers. Usually 300-350 dollars to join for dinner and action afterward. And I'm not too bad looking, though I'm middle aged.

But my experience is quite different. I hit up girls in the 18-25 range. Usually a canned paragraph- I'm coming to your city for work, looking for some cool company, etc. About 50 pct write back, and I suspect it's only that low because I don't have a profile picture up. Then I quickly try to get to offer time so nobody's wasting time. Of those I offer, about 25 pct bite. Those that don't either are expecting more, or want a long term deal, or want date 1 to be no sex, or whatever.

But still, the math on that is that 12.5 pct or so of the girls I reach out to will be a bed possibility for me.

The odds are quite good.

This is the unfortunate result when desperate Newbs backed up after 2 years of quarantine flood SA and of course "girls" take advantage of them.

For instance, this poster was initially quite reluctant and skeptical about SA, when Covid just hit.

"The sugar baby thing isn't for me! Reminds me of tutes asking me to tip them just because they spent some of their invaluable time to chatting with me. " this was on 5/12/20.

But in.


04-21-22, 00:00
Yes, the site requires some hard work, that is a given. It is not cheap either. I usually get on a month and then back off for 3 months or so. It can be exhausting weeding thru all the ones on their. Honestly, I weed thru a lot of girls on SA. Fortunately, I can usually get a vibe of where it is going in the first few messages..I wonder if this is the same looking from the SB side. I think there is a high burnout on girls that join hoping it will be easy money and then get bombarded with dick pics.

The Cane
04-21-22, 11:05
I wonder if this is the same looking from the SB side. I think there is a high burnout on girls that join hoping it will be easy money and then get bombarded with dick pics.Based on what I heard from the SBs I met and some others who I communicated with, yes it's the same, and believe it or not maybe even worse. Imagine that! The one who I have kept a relationship with told me that she was on the verge of quitting just at the point in time when I first messaged her. She's now "relieved" to be out of the "sugar bowl".

Steve 9696
04-21-22, 14:32
I wonder if this is the same looking from the SB side. I think there is a high burnout on girls that join hoping it will be easy money and then get bombarded with dick pics.Yeah definitely. The girls I've talked to say the guys are absolutely gross and come straight at them with pervy requests and scams and all the rest. It's equally exhausting for them. But the good news is all that shit makes guys like you and me stand out!

I would say the average "regular girl" seeking lifetime is 2-4 weeks. You have to be on top of it to catch the good ones.

04-21-22, 15:18
I wonder if this is the same looking from the SB side. I think there is a high burnout on girls that join hoping it will be easy money and then get bombarded with dick pics.Some do, some don't. Clearly they need some thick skin as well. I see many girls on the site for a long time, while some others churning quickly but coming back with different names and pics and profiles.

Generally, I'd say if a girl is such a wall flower and easily offended by sexual references and nasty pics, she may be shocked and disconnect ASAP or not likely to come to the site in the first place.

Many girls learn to block guys very quickly.

I think they also have tons of unopened messages. I think the ones with sexy pics and come hither profile attract hundreds of messages a day and they get to them slowly if at all.

Keep in mind, while some guys here think all girls on SA are tutes (there are many guys on ISG who think every woman in the world is a tute. I am sorry for such Neanderthals), most girls have regular jobs, school work and so on. Most of them are hoping to make a little side money from SA. As such, checking messages and replying instantly is not a priority.

I have received replies months after I first contacted them. Just last night I heard back from a girl on text. I first said Hello, to her in September, she replied back a few months later, we exchanged numbers and I sent my last text to her in January but she replied yesterday. Some guys might act haughty and feel self important and think she ignored him and hence deserves to be blocked. I have no such pretensions, I will be pleasant and see how far it goes. If ever we meet and go further, great. If it fizzles out, which is much more likely, also fine. The good news is, there are lots of girls on the site and in the world and I am patient.

04-21-22, 15:32
How do you guys handle the logistics like getting a place to do the deed if it is in your hometown? Do you get a hotel room, go the girl's place or bring her back to yours?

Also, would you drive to a neighboring city, perhaps two hours from your hometown, for a ppm? Curious to know how you guys go about arranging this.

04-21-22, 15:44
How do you guys handle the logistics like getting a place to do the deed if it is in your hometown? Do you get a hotel room, go the girl's place or bring her back to yours?

Also, would you drive to a neighboring city, perhaps two hours from your hometown, for a ppm? Curious to know how you guys go about arranging this.Always a hotel. Never, ever own home. Have been inside the girl's house a few times but I prefer the first time to be in a hotel. I am a bit paranoid.

Driving. Depends on your status. I am married. My biggest constraint is time and having to explain where I am. Making sure to cover money trail is a moderate concern but real because my spouse is informed, a professional and makes good money and all our accounts are joint accounts. So, withdrawing tens of thousands of dollars for the hobby has to be managed discretely. But really, the time aspect is far more critical for me. Having to come up with credible excuses where I am is not an easy thing especially given she knows a lot of my colleagues.

I assume this is a problem for other married folks here as well. Single guys have it easy.

04-21-22, 16:33
How do you guys handle the logistics like getting a place to do the deed if it is in your hometown? Do you get a hotel room, go the girl's place or bring her back to yours?
Also, would you drive to a neighboring city, perhaps two hours from your hometown, for a ppm? Curious to know how you guys go about arranging this.I live alone, so I would meet at a nearby restaurant and if all went well, bring them back to my apartment. Never had much problems if we felt good about each other and agreed on terms of an arrangement.

Rarely would drive to another city to meet, then you are on their turf, and would have to go back to their house. A few times it would work, but you have already obligated yourself with your time and gas.

Right now am taking a break. Too much crap on their site and scammers. They want money to meet now-I told them my time was worth more than theirs, if I would be supporting them financially in an arrangement. Often they would hang up the phone at that point, when they realized they could not scam me. They want money for babysitters, sitter for sick aunt they provide home care for, uber money, gas money, etc. If they do not have a car and play this routine, hang up on them! If would never get better than their first attempt to scam you and you could never trust them- its all about the money to most of them and not about sharing a long term arrangement where both people feel comfortable and can travel together and trust.

04-21-22, 17:44
To all SA experts.

I just joined SA for 3 months.

Always wondered if it is appropriate to be upfront and set expectations about the deed after meet in first message or wait to get contact info and start the conversation outside SA?

What you guys usually do and how the SA girls response in different approaches?


The Cane
04-21-22, 19:52
They want money for babysitters, sitter for sick aunt they provide home care for, uber money, gas money, etc. If they do not have a car and play this routine, hang up on them! If would never get better than their first attempt to scam you and you could never trust them- its all about the money to most of them and not about sharing a long term arrangement where both people feel comfortable and can travel together and trust.Even if they claim to have a car, it still might be advisable to hang up on them. For example, I got hit with the gas money / babysitter scam. I shared that in my second field report I believe it was. At the last minute, "she" (I say it like that because you really never know exactly who you're dealing with most of the time) she wanted me to send $200 for gas and a sitter, when just a few minutes ahead of that request, she had already allegedly left the house headed for the restaurant. Needless to say, I didn't fall for it. Nice try! Some of you may recall the one I told you about who said she could not entertain, but that she had a car and was happy to meet her clients around the metro area. Her fee was $125 per hour (huge red flag for being way below market), and to arrange for a date, all I had to do was send her half of the payment upfront. So for example, if I wanted 2 hours, that would be $250 with half to be paid upfront to to her cash app to "protect her". LOLOLOL! Yeah right! And then get ghosted in the end! I wonder how many suckers fall for that one?

And speaking of not knowing who you're dealing with, here's another one. So, I'm communicating with this attractive young "lady", and she wants to switch to WhatsApp. OK, well here we go! I had already read how this is a favorite tactic of some scammers. So anyway, I agreed to do that (switch to WhatsApp), and guess what? The fraudster forgot to change their WhatsApp photo to match what they were using on the site, and who do I see? A middle-aged white guy with a scruffy beard wearing a dirty, weathered baseball cap! At some point in my Seeking "journey", I decided to have some fun by "fucking with a fraudster". My favorite ones for this were the cryptocurrency crooks. So, what I would do is play along for a bit. Make them think they were slowly reeling me in. Then out of the blue I would say something like, "You understand that I know you're full of shit right? That you're just another scammer! So fuck off"! Dead "radio silence" hahaha! Then I would block them. Some of these fraudsters definitely wasted some of my time no doubt. A lot of it actually. But nary a one of them got even one red cent out of me. That's for darn sure! And I made sure to strike back on occasion by wasting some of their time too. Hehehe!

04-21-22, 21:25
Always wondered if it is appropriate to be upfront and set expectations about the deed after meet in first message or wait to get contact info and start the conversation outside SA?
I always tell the woman we would have to meet in person and see how we feel. If we feel comfortable, and like each other we could go back to my place afterwards. No pressure on either of us. That way they are more relaxed and if we come to terms in person, then we can go back to my place and do the deed.

I never throw out the amount money in my messages, nor respond to their requested amount. Talk about $$ is a sign that the woman is more concerned with money than she is with liking you. Its also rude, like a guy telling the girl what type of fetish he wants, or BBBJ, or anal. I always say, We need to meet in person and first see how we feel before it goes any further. No pressure on either of us. After all, its supposed to be about liking the other person. I don't go to bed with anyone, and if there is a connection then the financial support will work itself out. It also depends on how many times we would meet per week, once twice or more, as far as how much financial support they would earn. An allowance has to be earned by good behavior, its not free money. There has to be a connection.

04-21-22, 21:51
To all SA experts.

I just joined SA for 3 months.

Always wondered if it is appropriate to be upfront and set expectations about the deed after meet in first message or wait to get contact info and start the conversation outside SA?

What you guys usually do and how the SA girls response in different approaches?.I never discuss specifics on SA. I get their text number in the first few messages. Then I get right to the point in the first few text messages. Get expectations right away including money. Expectations from both parties on the table.

I start off by asking if they have a place I could come to or what about a hotel? What are their financial expectations. If we are still good, I ask about specifics such as bare, their likes or dislikes, my likes and dislikes.

If we are on the same page, we will set a time to meet. If we are not on the same page, we go our own way.

For me, its best to get to point quickly and not waste anyone's time. It takes time to work these SA contacts, so I try not to waste any more than I need to.

Elvis 2008
04-21-22, 22:05
Yes, the site requires some hard work, that is a given. It is not cheap either. I usually get on a month and then back off for 3 months or so. It can be exhausting weeding thru all the ones on their. Honestly, I weed thru a lot of girls on SA. Fortunately, I can usually get a vibe of where it is going in the first few messages. If she won't give me her number to text in the first few messages, cull. If they ask for money up front, cull. If they are not interested in meeting in the next few days, cull. If they want to do SC or KIK, cull. It is true that only 10-20% on the site are legit prospects and it is time consuming trying to find them. I often get frustrated but quickly remind myself of the pot at the end of the rainbow. The few really good ones I have found have made it worth the effort for me.Great post Bdb! It is better abroad but yes 10-20% is a fair number for the legit prospects in the USA in my experience too.

Elvis 2008
04-21-22, 22:06
I wonder if this is the same looking from the SB side. I think there is a high burnout on girls that join hoping it will be easy money and then get bombarded with dick pics.AP, I think it is worse. From what I saw once, the number of legit SDs was in the 2 to 5% range, and that was a while ago. My bet is that it is worse now.

Elvis 2008
04-21-22, 22:22
Always a hotel. Never, ever own home. Have been inside the girl's house a few times but I prefer the first time to be in a hotel. I am a bit paranoid.Yeah, when married, I had a hotel run by a Mr. Patel where he would take the cash and not enter me into a data base. You do not get that with the chains. I strayed from that and should not have. He knew what I was up to, but he took my money because I never caused anyone trouble.

I assume this is a problem for other married folks here as well. Single guys have it easy.Yeah, we do, and the stress of cheating takes more of a toll than most married men are willing to admit. I did not know how much weight was on my shoulders until after the divorce.

The best excuse I ever heard was going to the gym and leaving your phone in a locker and going with your burner after that. You can even take a shower after the deed.

But I think wives still know. I came home one time after showering and got all the glitter off. ("Honey, I was not a strip club. I tried making you a card with all that glitter but with that attitude, I am not giving it to you. ") and the ex-wife said you went to a strip club. I asked why she thought that, and she told me it was the only time I was happy.

Maybe some guys can pull it off, but apparently I could not with mine. I think most wives know but will themselves to believe it is not true.

If your wife is making it and bringing an equal or significant amount to the marriage, Pessimist, IMO she is the rare wife who is not a ho. A ho takes money for sex. A pro takes money for sex from many men. There are a lot of wives who are glorified hos, and a lot of SBs who are pros.

Elvis 2008
04-21-22, 22:24
To all SA experts.

I just joined SA for 3 months.

Always wondered if it is appropriate to be upfront and set expectations about the deed after meet in first message or wait to get contact info and start the conversation outside SA?

What you guys usually do and how the SA girls response in different approaches?.Outside SA for sure. If you mention $ for sex on the site, you will get banned. It is even better to go to WhatsApp or Telegram over simple texting because those sites are encrypted.

04-22-22, 00:35
To all SA experts.

I just joined SA for 3 months.

Always wondered if it is appropriate to be upfront and set expectations about the deed after meet in first message or wait to get contact info and start the conversation outside SA?

What you guys usually do and how the SA girls response in different approaches?.I never mention sex in my chats or messages. It is a huge No No. I do mention a range of allowance I am comfortable with. Some girls understand what is Involved and some others either don't, or pretend not to know, or just want more details. When they ask "what do I have to do for this allowance, or what will we do when we meet" I say let's meet up and figure out. If they still pretend not to understand, I keep quiet and some of them come back and ask to meet and others simply disappear. Either way, I am fine. But I will never put down in texting that sex is expected.

04-22-22, 02:55
To all SA experts.

I just joined SA for 3 months.

Always wondered if it is appropriate to be upfront and set expectations about the deed after meet in first message or wait to get contact info and start the conversation outside SA?

What you guys usually do and how the SA girls response in different approaches?

TIA.Some girls will ask you on SA. I prefer to do it over text, ask if they're ok with ppm then give an amount. I'd rather know sooner they're expecting $1500 for ppm before wasting my time meeting them. I was recently told by a 38 yo she gets over 1 k a meet. I couldn't believe that but I don't doubt her. She asked me what I had in mind for allowance before we switched to text.

04-22-22, 03:38
I appreciate the depth of your reports. And your transparency.

I have to say, I've had a totally different experience than you.

I normally use SA in somewhat poorer countries (Mexico, Greece, Bolivia, etc). And I'm pretty generous with my offers. Usually 300-350 dollars to join for dinner and action afterward. And I'm not too bad looking, though I'm middle aged.

But my experience is quite different. I hit up girls in the 18-25 range. Usually a canned paragraph- I'm coming to your city for work, looking for some cool company, etc. About 50 pct write back, and I suspect it's only that low because I don't have a profile picture up. Then I quickly try to get to offer time so nobody's wasting time. Of those I offer, about 25 pct bite. Those that don't either are expecting more, or want a long term deal, or want date 1 to be no sex, or whatever..Thank you! I am not surprised at your success. I even said the same when some European asked for advice in this thread a few months ago. I am convinced girls command the highest prices at comparable quality in the US, which is hardly shocking. Sex is expensive in the US, we all know. I have used SA in W EU (not in Germany where I prefer FKKs) and while I did not use profusely, I still got tremendous service from good looking girls at 200, or slightly more.

I'd say, 3 variables matter. Location, individual chemistry, luck. Like real estate, price / quality / quantity are considerably dependent on location. Individual chemistry is important. A girl might give something to a guy at some price that might not give another guy at the same or even higher price. SA is not prostitution with standardized rates. Finally, luck. Can never underestimate this. I have gotten lucky on SA sometimes, I also was unlucky, and sometimes I knew it while happening and other times, I realized it was luck or misfortune only in hindsight.

But I am quite with you. Especially in the poorer, E EU / see EU locations, I am quite convinced you can get good sex at low prices. SA might or might not be the best site. Language is an issue but there may be other sites through which one could find better deals. A gentleman called Bfsie, posting from Germany 3 years ago said he used a different site as far as I remember. He had been a long time user of sugarbabes and seemed to be having a ball and his prices were really on par with FKK at that time (100 EUro per hour) with quite a few goodies occasionally for free (BBFS, CIM, anal, etc). That was in Germany, so it may be even cheaper in E EU. But one has to know the local sites for that to happen.

04-22-22, 05:10
How do you guys handle the logistics like getting a place to do the deed if it is in your hometown? Do you get a hotel room, go the girl's place or bring her back to yours?

Also, would you drive to a neighboring city, perhaps two hours from your hometown, for a ppm? Curious to know how you guys go about arranging this.I eventually stopped using hotels in my hometown, because it was getting expensive, I got flaked on so many times and so ended up paying for hotel without using it many times, and using hotels do not make it easy to hide your identity from the gal.

I would never let an SB know where I live. So I would never host.

At first, I traveled to neighboring cities a lot to meet SBs, and that was hit or miss, but mostly miss, and a lot of time wasted.

Eventually, my main criteria for SBs in my hometown was if she could host. If not, then I passed. At first, it was a little scary to enter a stranger's home (what if she had guys there to beat me up and steal my money and take and post pictures of me? And so I would text someone her address just before I entered her place. I would always tell them straight up that I was doing this for my protection, and they all thought this was sensible. But one gal said that I should not worry becuase why would she let anything bad happen since I knew where she lived, and I thought that was a good point. But to be honest, it is rare to find an SB that can host or is willing to host.

04-22-22, 05:45
But to be honest, it is rare to find an SB that can host or is willing to host.In my town any girl under 30 has not hosted. They are either students or early stage workers in share accom. 30+ divorced or professional established career girls are more confident to host.

FYI on my profile I say that I will host but I never do (I can't). I find that this offer is enough to pass a girls 'sniff' test as to why I would be reluctant to host. So my ostensible offer to host unlocks hosting opportunities.

Maha Siddha
04-22-22, 06:21
I paid my premium two weeks ago and yesterday got permanently suspended. The only trigger l can recall is A girl says 5000 peso per appointment and l say something back. So you guys just block that girl in this scenario? Do you guys get the girl WhatsApp or telegram right off the bat and not even small chitchat? I created two unpaid account using random outlook account and both of them got banned within 3 minutes.

Any SA alternative recommend for country like Mexico, Colombia?

Thanks for the help.

The Cane
04-22-22, 11:56
Some girls will ask you on SA. I prefer to do it over text, ask if they're ok with ppm then give an amount. I'd rather know sooner they're expecting $1500 for ppm before wasting my time meeting them. I was recently told by a 38 yo she gets over 1 k a meet. I couldn't believe that but I don't doubt her. She asked me what I had in mind for allowance before we switched to text.One thing a lot of guys don't realize is that discussing PPM arrangements is against the actual written rules of the site. It's considered to be prima facie evidence of an intent to solicit prostitution. That said, lots of people get away with mentioning it on the site (I did for three months), and especially the SBs. But run into the wrong girl who wants to make life difficult for you, and she might try to get you busted and kicked off the site for talking about PPM. I ran into one where I thought that might happen. She was mad that I asked her about PPM, and responded by angrily sending me a message that included a cut and paste of the written site rule prohibiting any mention of PPM arrangements. I just told her that we obviously weren't seeking the same thing, blocked her, then waited to see if I would be banned. After a few days of waiting with nothing happening, I was confident I was in the clear. I would have been pissed if I had gotten banned since I still had a month left on the membership I paid for. So, based on my three-month experience, I would say that you're likely OK to mention PPM arrangements. But as others here have warned, don't go too far beyond that getting into specifics on the site, as that could get you banned. Move to text off of the site to go there.

04-22-22, 13:13
I paid my premium two weeks ago and yesterday got permanently suspended. The only trigger l can recall is A girl says 5000 peso per appointment and l say something back. So you guys just block that girl in this scenario? Do you guys get the girl WhatsApp or telegram right off the bat and not even small chitchat? I created two unpaid account using random outlook account and both of them got banned within 3 minutes.

Any SA alternative recommend for country like Mexico, Colombia?

Thanks for the help.Never discuss money or sex on SA. Always get their text number and take it offline. I have used Colombian cupid in the past in Colombia. It worked well, but that was several years ago.

04-22-22, 20:08
One thing a lot of guys don't realize is that discussing PPM arrangements is against the actual written rules of the site. It's considered to be prima facie evidence of an intent to solicit prostitution. That said, lots of people get away with mentioning it on the site (I did for three months), and especially the SBs. But run into the wrong girl who wants to make life difficult for you, and she might try to get you busted and kicked off the site for talking about PPM. I ran into one where I thought that might happen. She was mad that I asked her about PPM, and responded by angrily sending me a message that included a cut and paste of the written site rule prohibiting any mention of PPM arrangements. I just told her that we obviously weren't seeking the same thing, blocked her, then waited to see if I would be banned. After a few days of waiting with nothing happening, I was confident I was in the clear. I would have been pissed if I had gotten banned since I still had a month left on the membership I paid for. So, based on my three-month experience, I would say that you're likely OK to mention PPM arrangements. But as others here have warned, don't go too far beyond that getting into specifics on the site, as that could get you banned. Move to text off of the site to go there.This is accurate.

Definitely not advisable to use PPM in site messages or even offsite.

SA itself has changed. They used to have FWB as one of the "seeking" metrics. They removed it now and replaced with luxury, etc. 4 to 5 years ago, they even had dollar numbers attached to the brackets, such as "less than $2,000 a month, between 2 K to 5 K, more than 10 K etc."

They have become a lot more circumspect now. When they have a golden goose producing so much cashflow, they'd be stupid to jeopardize and risking a shutdown ala backpage etc.

And of course, FwB was synonymous with sex but they removed that also from their tags. You used to be search through girls lists with "white, slim, less than 25, tall, seeking FWB and at $2 K month"; those days are gone.

I was foolish enough to use FWB a few times early on. Then quickly I cut it out. Now I always say "let us meet and get to know each other and spend some no drama stress free time." Eventually they understand my intent. When and if any girl explicitly mentions sex in a message, on SA or off site texting, I normally block her or delete the message and cool it with her for a few weeks.

As for PPM, I get around it by saying "I give weekly allowance and prefer to meet once a week." Of course, if the first meet doesn't go well, there are no follow up meets. They understand that too.

Honestly, I was never concerned about SA kicking me out. Perhaps I was there for so long and became complacent. I am much more careful about LE. No point in saying things in writing that would not look good in a court. Keep it bland, and say whatever you have to say in person, one to one.

04-23-22, 02:21
One thing a lot of guys don't realize is that discussing PPM arrangements is against the actual written rules of the site. It's considered to be prima facie evidence of an intent to solicit prostitution. That said, lots of people get away with mentioning it on the site (I did for three months), and especially the SBs. ...Last night when chatting with this one girl, I told here in verbatim, Are you interested in an arrangement? We can discuss over text if you are.

She wrote back a whole bunch of text, and then finally mentioned 0 drama, 500 ppm and so on all in one sentence.

I thought for a while this could be a flagged because of the keyword. Not sure if the whole bunch of text that she wrote earlier masked the conversation that the bot had failed to pick that up. I decided to risk it and gave her my number and told her to connect. Anyway, so far so good.

I wonder if both parties could be flagged even though if I never mention anything about a ppm or a figure? I hope the word "arrangement" is not a problematic keyword, otherwise it will be so idiotic. In most cases, I would try to get our conversation off-site as soon as I can by either asking for her number or just giving her mine. My number is a disposable google number anyway.

J Janni
04-23-22, 13:35
Just had the SB I posted about earlier over for what turned out to be 43 hours (Thursday afternoon to Saturday morning) of utter debauchery (some, but not enough sleep).

In what world is it possible for me to spend that amount of time with a fit, athletic, beautiful, clever, enthralling combination of innocence and sluttiness, submissive and kinky as fuck 19 year old girl?

She's ruined normal sex for me. And presented me with a problem. I really want to spend the rest of my leave just seeing how far I can push her. And we've gone plenty fat already!

04-23-22, 20:38
I agree. SBs spoil us so much that normal sex with regular partners, particularly wife, is ruined.

Just had the SB I posted about earlier over for what turned out to be 43 hours (Thursday afternoon to Saturday morning) of utter debauchery (some, but not enough sleep).

In what world is it possible for me to spend that amount of time with a fit, athletic, beautiful, clever, enthralling combination of innocence and sluttiness, submissive and kinky as fuck 19 year old girl?

She's ruined normal sex for me. And presented me with a problem. I really want to spend the rest of my leave just seeing how far I can push her. And we've gone plenty fat already!

04-23-22, 23:06
Just had the SB I posted about earlier over for what turned out to be 43 hours (Thursday afternoon to Saturday morning) of utter debauchery (some, but not enough sleep).

In what world is it possible for me to spend that amount of time with a fit, athletic, beautiful, clever, enthralling combination of innocence and sluttiness, submissive and kinky as fuck 19 year old girl?

She's ruined normal sex for me. And presented me with a problem. I really want to spend the rest of my leave just seeing how far I can push her. And we've gone plenty fat already!Tell us more! What kind of debauchery?

04-24-22, 06:28
SA itself has changed. They used to have FWB as one of the "seeking" metrics. They removed it now and replaced with luxury, etc. 4 to 5 years ago..........

And of course, FwB was synonymous with sex but they removed that also from their tags.Interesting historical background on Seeking.

What is your take on "No Strings Attached" and "Discretion"? These Seeking descriptors seem sexually provocative. Obviously, FWB spells it out clearly.

There also the many attractive, young women posing in skimpy bikinis. That certainly confuses a few newbies, but these girls have to distinguish themselves one way or another. Attractive girls have to flaunt it particularly if they want a long-term sugar daddy.

J Janni
04-24-22, 06:53
Tell us more! What kind of debauchery?She's heavily into bondage and pain. As it turns out, I am too with her.

She responds to it orgasmically. A total pleasure response, like a mini orgasm. She is a quite adorable and we'll spoken little teen that loves to be abused and degraded and treated like your little fuck toy.

Just far too much debauchery to go into a blow by blow. At one point, I had her dressed up in a little skirt, crotchless panties, a ballgag and blindfold, tied down. And she let me invite a friend over to walk in and fuck her.

I'm not even sure that's the kinkiest thing we've done.

If I saw someone else posting this, I would call bullshit. I wish it was. She's bad for me and I have to stop seeing her.

04-24-22, 08:05
She's heavily into bondage and pain. As it turns out, I am too with her.

She responds to it orgasmically. A total pleasure response, like a mini orgasm. She is a quite adorable and we'll spoken little teen that loves to be abused and degraded and treated like your little fuck toy.

Just far too much debauchery to go into a blow by blow. At one point, I had her dressed up in a little skirt, crotchless panties, a ballgag and blindfold, tied down. And she let me invite a friend over to walk in and fuck her.

I'm not even sure that's the kinkiest thing we've done.

If I saw someone else posting this, I would call bullshit. I wish it was. She's bad for me and I have to stop seeing her.Enjoy the ride mate, I can understand your situation.

Been thru, done that.



04-25-22, 08:17
My second month on seeking just expired so thought I'the share my experiences so far. My goal was to find a consistent arrangement but I haven't found it yet.

Girl 1: The semi pro. This was a mistake but I got suckered by her pictures because she had a huge rack. She was older than 30, messaged me first and was very direct ie what are you looking for, asked about allowance quickly. When we got to the room, she came prepared with condoms and lube. I didn't find her attractive without her clothes on and didn't fuck her. After this, I only looked for younger girls and avoided ones that messaged first.

Girl 2: The only girl I've seen more than once. She was going back to school so not a pro but liked to party and do drugs. I covered the first meet in http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?4144-Seeking-Arrangements&p=2675890&viewfull=1#post2675890. Second meet was lackluster. No DFK, she was basically a star fish but at least this time I fucked her.

Girl 3: I wanted this one to become consistent but she's flaked multiple times so pretty sure it's over. This was my first really good SA experience. http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?4144-Seeking-Arrangements&p=2681866#post2681866. We'the both been tested and she was ok with CIP. Really sexual too which I haven't found with other girls yet. In between 2 and 3, I got a rx for V which I took for the first time with 3. It definitely helped and is especially helpful for me with condoms.

Girl 4: Not a pro but probably a coke working girl. This one kind of fucked me up, you can find the post if you're interested. Agreed to meet same night for a drink before coming back to hotel. It was the first time I had period sex. Felt bad about fucking her after but recently got a text saying she'the been under the weather because she'the done too much drugs. Probably should've passed and glad I used a condom but sex was fun and enthusiastic.

Girl 5: This was kind of a desperation fuck since 2 cancelled on me again. Only girl I met at the hotel. Porn star looking photos and very escort-why sex. No DFK, straight to fucking, only one I didn't finger. Fake tits, but nicely done. Had an only fans too. Lesson from 1 and 5: if the photos look too good to be true, they probably are. Pornstar look isn't for me.

Girl 6: Nice and to the point. Met up for coffee then to the hotel. First time using day use and worked well. She asked before the meet if it was just coffee or intimacy as well which I appreciated. Think she'the be open to a regular arrangement but not sure I liked her that much. Really good head though.

I met 5 girls for platonic meets. Two of them I weren't really into, one had high expectations and one I'm hoping turns into something regular.

It is frustrating how much time it takes. I'll have what seems like a good conversation going, get a number then poof vs a girl who gives one word answers down to meet up. I haven't decided if I'll renew for another month but happened to get 3 messages the day it expired. Maybe if the one turns into something regular I'll forget all about seeking.

04-25-22, 12:14
So like most things that start in SA there is and probably should be a clear end. I believe I just got to the end with my Nicaraguan SA girl. We spent one last weekend together in Nicaragua in my trip last week. We ended up having an entire colonial house in Granada to ourselves for 2 nights and days including a pool. I only paid for one room in the house but such is Nicaragua right now. I brought her some nice brand clothing from the states that I have access to for really low prices. I left the original full price tags on if course. She loved them and the thought behind them even though I messed up one of the sizes because I just forgot how tiny her waist is.

It was a great weekend. We pretty much swam and made out in the pool, tried out some great restaurants, talked and shagged all weekend. 6 sessions in all. We are comfortable with each other, maybe a little too comfortable which why as much as I like her I am kind of glad we have hit the natural end. By the time I return to Nicaragua she is likely to have moved back to Switzerland and the probability we are in the same city or near enough to see each other again is small. We both know this and have exchanged WhatsApps wishing each other well and grateful for the times we were able to spend together. I will remember her fondly. Willing to out up with my bad but improving Spanish..Nicaragua is paradise, one of the best and easiest places for SA.



J Janni
04-26-22, 12:07
Enjoy the ride mate, I can understand your situation.

Been thru, done that.


Cheers.This girl is a train crash waiting to happen. But I just can't resist one more ride.

I've spent more on her than any seeking girl I ever thought I would, spent more time with her than I ever thought I would. And I like her more than I ever thought I would.

It isn't just the wild, crazy and unhinged sex. It's everything.

When we first met, she was so freaking shy and nervous despite all the kinky things she told me she was into. She almost bailed on the meeting. She hasn't seen anyone else on seeking (she showed me her seeking inbox, I'm one of the few she actually replied to. Also showed me her WhatsApp, a few conversations going nowhere.).

Super protective of her at this point. She put herself in an extremely vulnerable position with me and it could go so badly if she does the same with someone else. I've been talking to her, trying to help her stay safe. She knows I'm out of here by next week.

I'm just wishing I was a proper sugar daddy. Could take her exclusive and limit the worst excesses of her behaviour.

Kinda just hoping after our last time together, she finds that decent, kind pervert who'll respect her and pay her a huge allowance to spend two days a week chained up in his mansion (she'd love that).

Or even better, she sorts her life out, lives her dreams etc.

Sounds like I'm falling for the girl, but I'm not. I'm not like that. She's just super sweet (like how can a girl who likes getting whipped and begs you to cum in inside her be this adorable? Intelligent, funny (only a 13 year age gap and I'm a man child, so we're on the same wave length) and we've been having the wildest and kinkiest sex of my life that she is super into.

Either way, I'm out of here. She's not just bad for me despite all that, I'm bad for her too I think. She's the Sid to my Nancy or vice versa.

Seeing her one last time and then I'm putting 8000 miles between us for a couple of months.

Steve 9696
04-26-22, 13:01
This girl is a train crash waiting to happen. But I just can't resist one more ride.

I've spent more on her than any seeking girl I ever thought I would, spent more time with her than I ever thought I would. And I like her more than I ever thought I would.

It isn't just the wild, crazy and unhinged sex. It's everything.

When we first met, she was so freaking shy and nervous despite all the kinky things she told me she was into. She almost bailed on the meeting. She hasn't seen anyone else on seeking (she showed me her seeking inbox, I'm one of the few she actually replied to. Also showed me her WhatsApp, a few conversations going nowhere.).

Super protective of her at this point. She put herself in an extremely vulnerable position with me and it could go so badly if she does the same with someone else. I've been talking to her, trying to help her stay safe. She knows I'm out of here by next week.

I'm just wishing I was a proper sugar daddy. Could take her exclusive and limit the worst excesses of her behaviour.

Kinda just hoping after our last time together, she finds that decent, kind pervert who'll respect her and pay her a huge allowance to spend two days a week chained up in his mansion (she'd love that).

Or even better, she sorts her life out, lives her dreams etc.

Sounds like I'm falling for the girl, but I'm not. I'm not like that. She's just super sweet (like how can a girl who likes getting whipped and begs you to cum in inside her be this adorable? Intelligent, funny (only a 13 year age gap and I'm a man child, so we're on the same wave length) and we've been having the wildest and kinkiest sex of my life that she is super into.

Either way, I'm out of here. She's not just bad for me despite all that, I'm bad for her too I think. She's the Sid to my Nancy or vice versa.

Seeing her one last time and then I'm putting 8000 miles between us for a couple of months.Love to keep up on your adventure. Isn't it simply amazing the "relationship" you can build in such a short time with the right SA girl? Of course all the naysayers say too much work to find the gems. But when u find them it's amazing and worth all the time money and effort. And seriously where else can u find this dynamic — u will never have what u have with her with a hooker. No possible way. And it's such an interesting dynamic - sugar daddy isn't far off - because it's mostly boyfriend girlfriend but with definite paternal caring instincts invoked as well.

It is likely very good you have to part ways because despite what you say (not falling for her) there are def feelings involved both ways and she sounds like a bit of a train wreck that could suck you in to collateral damage. Keeping the right distance is a tough balance and fortunately circumstances are helping with that.

I'm finding myself with def feels with Shayla. It goes well beyond a paid arrangement in both directions and the time together is magical. Obv eyes wide open that it's not a permanent thing and surely the short time together helps to keep from seeing too many flaws and realities. But damn I adore her. Enjoying while it lasts.

04-26-22, 13:44
Just got back from a few days in Mexico City. Saw a girl I dug the first time around. Tiny, cute, 20 years younger.

There is a dynamic in the air that's unmistakable. Some SA girls are all business. But some you can tell are wondering what if. What would it be like with this guy. What if we made a life. It shows up in the conversation. Questions like what do you want in your life that take sideways paths and soon you're imagining bringing this chick home and wondering how long you'd enjoy having her there when you wake up.

It's clear there's a savior thing going on here. I'm an attractive, educated, financially secure guy. I know what I represent to some of these girls. I know that I look like an alternative life and they play out that fantasy with me in their heads also.

But I stop. I pull myself out of it sharply. Why? I know what I am. I'd never be in front of them without my passport, bank account, and desire for 20 year old chicks. This is a brief fantasy we play out but it has no foundation. It's a brief charade. It's an escape. It's like going on vacation and thinking you should buy a time share, which you definitely should not. It's like going to a great restaurant and buying the cookbook you'll never use. There's wisdom in knowing that a great meal is just that. A great meal, and not a pivotal moment in your life.

Love to keep up on your adventure. Isn't it simply amazing the "relationship" you can build in such a short time with the right SA girl? Of course all the naysayers say too much work to find the gems. But when u find them it's amazing and worth all the time money and effort. And seriously where else can u find this dynamic u will never have what u have with her with a hooker. No possible way. And it's such an interesting dynamic - sugar daddy isn't far off - because it's mostly boyfriend girlfriend but with definite paternal caring instincts invoked as well.

It is likely very good you have to part ways because despite what you say (not falling for her) there are def feelings involved both ways and she sounds like a bit of a train wreck that could suck you in to collateral damage. Keeping the right distance is a tough balance and fortunately circumstances are helping with that..

04-26-22, 15:07
Love to keep up on your adventure. Isn't it simply amazing the "relationship" you can build in such a short time with the right SA girl? Of course all the naysayers say too much work to find the gems. But when u find them it's amazing and worth all the time money and effort. And seriously where else can u find this dynamic u will never have what u have with her with a hooker. No possible way. And it's such an interesting dynamic - sugar daddy isn't far off - because it's mostly boyfriend girlfriend but with definite paternal caring instincts invoked as well.

It is likely very good you have to part ways because despite what you say (not falling for her) there are def feelings involved both ways and she sounds like a bit of a train wreck that could suck you in to collateral damage. Keeping the right distance is a tough balance and fortunately circumstances are helping with that.

I'm finding myself with def feels with Shayla. It goes well beyond a paid arrangement in both directions and the time together is magical. Obv eyes wide open that it's not a permanent thing and surely the short time together helps to keep from seeing too many flaws and realities. But damn I adore her. Enjoying while it lasts.So true, I have been with the model in MTY for over 2 years now. She is my best friend, but something is definitely up. She is on look down with her parents visiting, but she is becoming more distant. We will see.

I hooked up with the Venz. Doctor last night in MTY great night, she is a total freak as well and far more interesting then the model. Life is good. Hard work and a decent budget you can have a great time on SA, especially in other countries.

J Janni
04-26-22, 15:22
Love to keep up on your adventure. Isn't it simply amazing the "relationship" you can build in such a short time with the right SA girl? Of course all the naysayers say too much work to find the gems. But when u find them it's amazing and worth all the time money and effort. And seriously where else can u find this dynamic u will never have what u have with her with a hooker. No possible way. And it's such an interesting dynamic - sugar daddy isn't far off - because it's mostly boyfriend girlfriend but with definite paternal caring instincts invoked as well.

It is likely very good you have to part ways because despite what you say (not falling for her) there are def feelings involved both ways and she sounds like a bit of a train wreck that could suck you in to collateral damage. Keeping the right distance is a tough balance and fortunately circumstances are helping with that.

I'm finding myself with def feels with Shayla. It goes well beyond a paid arrangement in both directions and the time together is magical. Obv eyes wide open that it's not a permanent thing and surely the short time together helps to keep from seeing too many flaws and realities. But damn I adore her. Enjoying while it lasts.Over the last week or so, I had been toying with the idea of hanging around the UK to see what trouble I could get into with her. She is up for sex in any form and combination you can think of. When we were off our face, we made a profile together on a swinging website. And got absolutely flooded with offers from couples and women.

Having a 5'4, auburn haired, freckle faced, extremely beautiful (she took out the piercings and grew her hair, she'd be catwalk. I like her just how she is) in shape (she had abs) with a whole lotta ass bisexusl 19 year old who is 100 percent submissive and 100 percent kinky on your arm opens a lot of doors in that community.

The other option (she is up for both, being a broke unofficially dropped out student) is taking her with me out of the UK. I haven't floated the idea, but there's no doubt in my mind she'd be up for visiting sex tourist destinations and partaking.

Fortunately for me (and her), when I'm free of her beguiling influence for a few days, common sense prevails.

Both of those stories would end up with one / both of us dead or in prison.

She's messed me up and I think I've messed her up.

04-26-22, 23:18
But I stop. I pull myself out of it sharply. Why? I know what I am. I'd never be in front of them without my passport, bank account, and desire for 20 year old chicks. This is a brief fantasy we play out but it has no foundation. It's a brief charade. It's an escape. It's like going on vacation and thinking you should buy a time share, which you definitely should not. It's like going to a great restaurant and buying the cookbook you'll never use. There's wisdom in knowing that a great meal is just that. A great meal, and not a pivotal moment in your life.I love this paragraph. My SB whom I would travelled together. When at home we would see each other each week. Some weeks out and about visiting different venues other times she would cook dinner in at her house. She was an amazing, fashionable dresser and had style. Things I don't have. She was a great entertainer. Over time I started to see a life with her, expand my career with her in it. She could sure open doors while I did the business. Of course I was paying a reasonable weekly allowance but here I was with her considering leaving my own wonderful marriage for a woman 20 years my junior that already had two failed marriages.

She was just my weekly escape, my moments to myself.

As soon as I stopped the allowance she would not see me again.

The girls we meet as SD / SB are damaged, perhaps in the same way we ourselves are. A long term 'relationship' cannot work.

Elvis 2008
04-27-22, 04:56
Just got back from a few days in Mexico City. Saw a girl I dug the first time around. Tiny, cute, 20 years younger.

It's clear there's a savior thing going on here. I'm an attractive, educated, financially secure guy. I know what I represent to some of these girls. I know that I look like an alternative life and they play out that fantasy with me in their heads also.Dude, why would you accept that you are just a john?

But I stop. I pull myself out of it sharply. Why? I know what I am. I'd never be in front of them without my passport, bank account, and desire for 20 year old chicks. This is a brief fantasy we play out but it has no foundation. It's a brief charade. It's an escape. It's like going on vacation and thinking you should buy a time share, which you definitely should not. It's like going to a great restaurant and buying the cookbook you'll never use. There's wisdom in knowing that a great meal is just that. A great meal, and not a pivotal moment in your life.I am shaking my head at your under confidence. I get it. I was like that too. You use whatever you have to in order to attract a woman. Keeping her is different: that requires character and personality. Keeping a good woman really is not about money.

I have committed to a woman 25 years younger than me, and it has been the best relationship of my life to date, and my friends keep telling me I nabbed a 10.

I was in a relationship with a girl I met with seeking before this one. If that had not happened, I would not have gotten this one. I made all the mistakes with that one but after it, I knew I could get a 10 and have her fall for me.

I was grateful for the advice I got from the forum here: the women like you for your money and not for you. The girls really want their novios not you. They really want you for a green card.

I should say I was grateful because those fools really believed it, and I did not. Those are just excuses for not getting a hot woman and to avoid getting hurt.

The thing is that if a woman is not just hot but a really good woman, she has options galore. She does not have to hang around you. When my gal and I went to Coco Boingo in Cancun, I had no idea she could dance like she did. She moved her hips like a Hawaiian doing the Hulu. When the camera panned around looking for hot women, I thought she would be first on the screen, and she was second.

There was not a guy there who was not interested in her. When she went to a club in Mexico City, she was harassed so much, she had to dance between two security guys. She could have had anyone but she wants me, and I have the self-confidence to believe that.

You are literally saying you are not good enough. She cannot love you but only your money and status. I do not know how great she is, but if she is, she has other options besides you. The best women do not stay on the market for long.

It is fucked up that I had to go through a breakup to realize that a woman really loved me for me, but I am glad it happened. It boosted my confidence.

Instead of checking yourself out of the game, realize that your brain wants love even when it is not there and when it is not, you are going to get hurt. So get objective sources. Have a family member or female friend meet your gal and ask them what they think and listen. It is so obvious to others whether the girl is into you or not. Before getting too serious, I had her meet a female friend of mine who gave us a thumbs up.

Maybe you are right to check out or maybe you are making the biggest mistake of your life. How about getting another opinion outside of your own?

04-27-22, 09:21
I love this paragraph. My SB whom I would travelled together. When at home we would see each other each week. Some weeks out and about visiting different venues other times she would cook dinner in at her house. She was an amazing, fashionable dresser and had style. Things I don't have. She was a great entertainer. Over time I started to see a life with her, expand my career with her in it. She could sure open doors while I did the business. Of course I was paying a reasonable weekly allowance but here I was with her considering leaving my own wonderful marriage for a woman 20 years my junior that already had two failed marriages.

She was just my weekly escape, my moments to myself.

As soon as I stopped the allowance she would not see me again..SA is like eating good tasty food in a nice restaurant, but we cannot eat the same food again and again. Maximum we can eat that food is once a week for me that is once a month so I have a minimum of 3-4 SBs with me in UAE and the maximum time I see each SB is once in 10 days never more, she has to be hungry to see me and horny. I would choose my SB wisely someone who is a student or working 6 days a week so she has a busy life herself and even for her sex is a priority and the allowance is a big help plus my contacts in UAE for many works.

To each his own, I cannot pump the same girl all week long and everyday its not me, can't eat in the Burj Al Arab everyday for 7 day and night continuously, you need the road side shawarma and McDonalds also and Dubai is full of SA that you have so much variety to choose from.

Then I don't have time to take out these girls for dinner, drinks, clubs and beach clubs, I'm over that to me its only 2 hours we spend in a discreet hotel just us and I leave and she gets to use the beautiful hotel room for herself the whole day and next day with everything paid for her Instagram feeds or her friends to enjoy.


Now enjoying SA in different countries is even more better, miss my time in central America in SA wish I can come back.


04-27-22, 13:51
I appreciate your sharing that.

I think we sometimes forget how good of liars we are. I mean you have a great marriage but have this on the side- and don't realize sugar babies weren't born with a lack of capacity for equally good duplicity. Why would they be duplicitous? Well, for one we pay them to be. That's the whole point. A sugar baby who creates an emotional connection is just good at doing what she needs to do.

When I was in Mexico City I had a moment banging this young hottie after a few days. She was so into it. And I thought to myself, wait I'm not really that good in bed. I'm not even trying too hard. This is just me getting off. And then I realized oh she's just acting for my benefit and she's quite good at it with the lip biting and the arm pushed against the wall. It was an important reminder for me.

I see from time to time men here saying this girl is different. This relationship is special. And maybe it's true. Maybe. But I call your bluff. Stop paying and see.

There's nothing wrong with this pay for play. I love that we can do this. But it's important to know what's real and what's fantasy.

I love this paragraph. My SB whom I would travelled together. When at home we would see each other each week. Some weeks out and about visiting different venues other times she would cook dinner in at her house. She was an amazing, fashionable dresser and had style. Things I don't have. She was a great entertainer. Over time I started to see a life with her, expand my career with her in it. She could sure open doors while I did the business. Of course I was paying a reasonable weekly allowance but here I was with her considering leaving my own wonderful marriage for a woman 20 years my junior that already had two failed marriages.

She was just my weekly escape, my moments to myself.

As soon as I stopped the allowance she would not see me again.

The girls we meet as SD / SB are damaged, perhaps in the same way we ourselves are. A long term 'relationship' cannot work.

04-27-22, 15:32
I appreciate your sharing that.

I think we sometimes forget how good of liars we are. I mean you have a great marriage but have this on the side- and don't realize sugar babies weren't born with a lack of capacity for equally good duplicity. Why would they be duplicitous? Well, for one we pay them to be. That's the whole point. A sugar baby who creates an emotional connection is just good at doing what she needs to do.

When I was in Mexico City I had a moment banging this young hottie after a few days. She was so into it. And I thought to myself, wait I'm not really that good in bed. I'm not even trying too hard. This is just me getting off. And then I realized oh she's just acting for my benefit and she's quite good at it with the lip biting and the arm pushed against the wall. It was an important reminder for me.

I see from time to time men here saying this girl is different. This relationship is special. And maybe it's true. Maybe. But I call your bluff. Stop paying and see.

There's nothing wrong with this pay for play. I love that we can do this. But it's important to know what's real and what's fantasy.I agree with this view. I am not on seeking any sort of emotional connection. I have never had any strong emotional attachments to FKK girls either. Of course my situation is different because I am married and have a nice family, my spouse is highly educated and makes a ton of money on her own. I value that relationship more than anything else. SA and FKKs are strictly about physical release, something I cannot have in a marital relationship. I am very discrete for this reason as I can't Afford to lose what I have. It also happens that I work for a buttoned down partnership and my spouse knows most of my partners and family and loyalty are important here; I may not get fired if news of my cheating leaks out but would be severely damaging for sure. So I go to all kinds of lengths to keep my cheating under a shroud of secrecy and hope I don't get caught. Unfortunately most cheaters do get caught sooner or later and that is my biggest fear. That said, while I am a cheater, I don't have any illusions that seeking relationships are strictly monetary. Even when I am kissing the girl deeply while I am inside the girl, there is a clear detachment. I wish them well, like them as people but do I cry with deep grief if something terrible happens to them? No. Do I feel hurt if she sleeps with another dude that same evening? No. I don't have any expectations from these girls as soon as we leave the room and they better not have any expectations from me either. From time to time girls I had seen in the past hit me up asking for small amounts of money but I never obliged. It is a quid pro quo always, in my view. I give something.

When I get something and I don't expect something if I don't give something.

As for the compliments they give, the fake moans they do, they mean nothing to me. If a girl says my dick is so big, do I not know exactly my own size? If she says you are so smart, it means nothing. Ditto about things such as you are so nice or cute or whatnot. I smile and thank them but they pretty much mean nothing to me.

A few months ago, I was with a cute 22 year old girl who was somewhat depressed, had anxiety issues etc. I felt for her and sex was great when it happened but even her, I had no true emotional connection. In the end, it slowly petered out. I may still see her in the future for a one off here and there but that's about it. Another person I met in the journey of life and moved on.

04-27-22, 20:49
I agree with this view. I am not on seeking any sort of emotional connection.

It is a quid pro quo always, in my view. I give something.

When I get something and I don't expect something if I don't give something.
Very true indeed. I see it as paying for their time so that I can enjoy those time to fulfill my fantasy. It is a quid pro quo. As soon as there is no quid, there will also be no quo.

Elvis 2008
04-28-22, 00:10
I think we sometimes forget how good of liars we are. I mean you have a great marriage but have this on the sideMarried guys should keep it as P4P; I have no respect for the guys who are not honest in this regard.

Well, for one we pay them to be. That's the whole point. A sugar baby who creates an emotional connection is just good at doing what she needs to do.

When I was in Mexico City I had a moment banging this young hottie after a few days. She was so into it. And I thought to myself, wait I'm not really that good in bed. I'm not even trying too hard. This is just me getting off. And then I realized oh she's just acting for my benefit and she's quite good at it with the lip biting and the arm pushed against the wall. It was an important reminder for me.Again with the under confidence? There are so many guys who cannot get it up, go limp, or cum in seconds. The average sex act is 9 minutes long, and 30% are done in less than 3 minutes. Anything longer than 9 minutes and you are top 50%.

I see from time to time men here saying this girl is different. This relationship is special. And maybe it's true. Maybe. But I call your bluff. Stop paying and see.
Good point. I did not pay my current gal anything for 6 months after our first meet. With the girl before her, it was the same way. Hell, the first time I met her, she paid for dinner. I never gave her any cash.

In the USA finding a decent gal is really hard and I have never heard of any of them who would meet for nothing.

However, in Colombia and Mexico, costs are not as high, and the women have learned to get by with much less. I was meeting women in Colombia with no problem not talking cash on the first meet. Hell, we would have sex and paying them anything was almost an after thought.

I banged a lawyer, agreed to pay her $300 for 2 or 3 days, and she fell so hard for me, she wanted to give the money back and date me.

You will get more dates if you offer up cash up front, and some guys do that, however my best dates have always been when no cash has been mentioned prior to the meet. I will say Colombia is easier than Mexico in this regard.

But I agree: pay them nothing and see what happens. I bet you will be surprised how many do not want to leave. If you can show a woman a fun time, that is often much better than money.

04-28-22, 02:00
She was just my weekly escape, my moments to myself.

As soon as I stopped the allowance she would not see me again.

The girls we meet as SD / SB are damaged, perhaps in the same way we ourselves are. A long term 'relationship' cannot work.Maybe not about the $. But I have a plan. A Bogota camp out (well, it's a nice Airbnb) in the mountains. Girl is a 10, stewardess. Blonde, speaks English. Always polite, always replies, always appreciative. Wants to visit me outside of Colombia in Baja where I also stay. Only 2 things I worry about, that she is too easy to fall for, that this one is a long term gig, that she is not wild enough. Was that 3?

04-28-22, 02:16
I paid my premium two weeks ago and yesterday got permanently suspended. The only trigger l can recall is A girl says 5000 peso per appointment and l say something back. So you guys just block that girl in this scenario? Do you guys get the girl WhatsApp or telegram right off the bat and not even small chitchat? I created two unpaid account using random outlook account and both of them got banned within 3 minutes.

Any SA alternative recommend for country like Mexico, Colombia?

Thanks for the help.I admit there were plenty of warning signs. I must have said "fwb / Friends with benefits, intimacy, Travel companion. Even posted numbers when I wanted a girls attention. Maybe 10 or 20 times a day. Maybe more. This went on sporadically for many months. Girls would blatantly ask for $. They would always ask, "so what are you looking for on this site? I hated that so I would reply. With photos, gifs all kinds of non approved stuff. (No porno or dick pics) SA would turn off my account and have me log back in constantly. The bots of the world are to blame. So my message to you all. Don't do what I do. I have far too many numbers and should not sign back up. But I probably will. Someday. Do not use your home wifi. In 3 minutes? LOL Step right Up.


04-28-22, 02:40
Very true indeed. I see it as paying for their time so that I can enjoy those time to fulfill my fantasy. It is a quid pro quo. As soon as there is no quid, there will also be no quo.I give you some quid, you give me some quo.

What? No I respect you. Of course you ain't a WG.

You're like my GF, and I'm your beaux.

Except at the end, I give you some dough.

But that don't mean I think you're a pro.

Huh? No. I don't have time to take it slow.

No, I don't think you understand this though.

I pay you, and you participate in my fantasy so.

If you can't get with the program yo.

Sorry ho. I got to go.

AmericanPi. 2022.

Because ISG should be a place for high culture. Obviously.

04-28-22, 03:11
A few months ago, I was with a cute 22 year old girl who was somewhat depressed, had anxiety issues etc. I felt for her and sex was great when it happened but even her, I had no true emotional connection. In the end, it slowly petered out. I may still see her in the future for a one off here and there but that's about it. Another person I met in the journey of life and moved on.For the long term sanity of participant like us "I had no true emotional connection" this is the only way to go. I had a SB, maybe my first, 25 years younger than me. It was an intense time and she would drop around to my corporate office. OMG the things that happened after hours. But as soon as her BF came back to town she cuts all contact. I was just a fling for her. It hurt at the time. But when I realized what she was investing emotionally (nothing) I learned to do the same.

Interestingly we are still FB friends and chat. Go figure.

04-28-22, 03:27
I have far too many numbers and should not sign back up. But I probably will. Someday. Do not use your home wifi. In 3 minutes? LOL Step right Up.I can always find a way to sign up again after being banned. What they like is people paying subscriptions, let you play for a while then they ban. It's sporadic.

04-28-22, 04:13
Looking for some guidance here.

What is the on-going rate that you would offer for PPM and weekly / monthly allowance for the different tier cities (Tier-1, Tier-2 or maybe Tier-3?

I would see Tier-1 like NYC, San Francisco and equivalent, Tier-2 would be anywhere below the first tier where cost of living is lower, and of course Tier-3 will be in a much smaller cities or towns.

Hoping to get some info from those who have played this game in the US.