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04-28-22, 04:49
But I stop. I pull myself out of it sharply. Why? I know what I am. I'd never be in front of them without my passport, bank account, and desire for 20 year old chicks. This is a brief fantasy we play out but it has no foundation. It's a brief charade. It's an escape. It's like going on vacation and thinking you should buy a time share, which you definitely should not. It's like going to a great restaurant and buying the cookbook you'll never use. There's wisdom in knowing that a great meal is just that. A great meal, and not a pivotal moment in your life.How true. I often have the same thoughts myself, but then I snap back to reality, no matter how great a time I had with a SB.

04-28-22, 13:37
I banged a lawyer, agreed to pay her $300 for 2 or 3 days, and she fell so hard for me, she wanted to give the money back and date me.

But I agree: pay them nothing and see what happens. I bet you will be surprised how many do not want to leave. If you can show a woman a fun time, that is often much better than money.I'm not calling BS here. I believe what you're saying. But please be open to a counterpoint. There is a context to your travails. Your lawyer baby who fell so hard for you she wanted to give you your money back exists in a social context. Your attractiveness is based in that context, in large part, on the strength of your passport and the denomination of the currency you get paid in. Let's say you're graded on a curve and the curve benefits you greatly. There's a reason this sort of thing happens at all in developing countries but my guess is female lawyers in the United States (or wherever you're from) are not prone to unpaid sugar arrangements at quite the same rate. It's possible you're not just a great guy and a great lay, but in addition you're someone who represents the possibility of an alternate future and reality and that's baked into your attractiveness.

I don't know you so I'm not trying to be presumptuous. You might actually be that rock solid Casanova who travels the world gathering free sugar babies. More power to you. Wish I were you.

But I also see myself. I'm actually a quite good looking guy. And quite well off and generous with it. And I speak 3 languages. Apart from the fact I'm married, which I lie about to babies, I appear to be quite a good catch. But I still have to present myself with the ultimate litmus test: if I were not an American with deep pockets, is there any chance in hell this young thing would look twice at me? I'm humble enough to know myself. I'm a good catch but no, they would not. They'd be banging hot guys their own age and enjoying it.

04-28-22, 14:19
Married guys should keep it as P4P; I have no respect for the guys who are not honest in this regard.

Again with the under confidence? There are so many guys who cannot get it up, go limp, or cum in seconds. The average sex act is 9 minutes long, and 30% are done in less than 3 minutes. Anything longer than 9 minutes and you are top 50%.

If you can show a woman a fun time, that is often much better than money.Try the Magic Potion for 30-60 days with the discipline as guided and I bet you or anyone will be top 50% such are the effects of natural herbs.



04-28-22, 15:48
I know there's 50% here that say to negotiate before the meet and other 50 that says during the meet, but I only have 5 days in CDMX so I try to get that out the way but If a girl quotes you a price that's above what your wiling to pay PPM, do you just say " That's a little above my budget, maybe another time" or try and negotiate down?

I'm not a big fan of negotiating as I suck at it, but some of these girls in CDMX are throwing out higher numbers (6 k) then Twitter LOL. How would you guys go about asking for a lower PPM?

04-28-22, 16:50
I give you some quid, you give me some quo.

What? No I respect you. Of course you ain't a WG.

You're like my GF, and I'm your beaux.

Except at the end, I give you some dough.

But that don't mean I think you're a pro.

Huh? No. I don't have time to take it slow.

No, I don't think you understand this though.

I pay you, and you participate in my fantasy so.

If you can't get with the program yo.

Sorry ho. I got to go..If you lay down a beat to those words, I think you might have something there.

04-28-22, 16:51
Looking for some guidance here.

What is the on-going rate that you would offer for PPM and weekly / monthly allowance for the different tier cities (Tier-1, Tier-2 or maybe Tier-3?

I would see Tier-1 like NYC, San Francisco and equivalent, Tier-2 would be anywhere below the first tier where cost of living is lower, and of course Tier-3 will be in a much smaller cities or towns.

Hoping to get some info from those who have played this game in the US.We had quite a few discussions on this over the years in these threads. Bottomline is that there is no consensus. I personally paid 300 or less in tier 2 and 350 to 400 in tier 1. Tier 1 being Boston, never San Fran nor NYC. But then again, mongers even recently said they are paying 500 to 1000 in Florida etc. Which in my view are not expensive places. (Miami is but not Tampa etc.)

What I gathered is that 400 is the new 300. Even in smaller places, for pretty white girls, 400 is a min. That can be significantly higher in tier 1 cities.

Prices can be lower for older girls, not in great shape or for other ethnicities but sometimes those girls overvalue themselves and quote high prices too.

Net net, there is no pricing standard. This is not an FKK with a specified price dictated by the theke.

04-28-22, 19:18
I give you some quid, you give me some quo.

What? No I respect you. Of course you ain't a WG.

You're like my GF, and I'm your beaux.

Except at the end, I give you some dough.

But that don't mean I think you're a pro.

Huh? No. I don't have time to take it slow.

No, I don't think you understand this though.

I pay you, and you participate in my fantasy so.

If you can't get with the program yo.

Sorry ho. I got to go.

AmericanPi. 2022.

Because ISG should be a place for high culture. Obviously.LOL, very poetic, almost like a Haiku.

04-28-22, 19:30
I know there's 50% here that say to negotiate before the meet and other 50 that says during the meet, but I only have 5 days in CDMX so I try to get that out the way but If a girl quotes you a price that's above what your wiling to pay PPM, do you just say " That's a little above my budget, maybe another time" or try and negotiate down?

I'm not a big fan of negotiating as I suck at it, but some of these girls in CDMX are throwing out higher numbers (6 k) then Twitter LOL. How would you guys go about asking for a lower PPM?Nope, if you are there only there a short time, if there prices are reasonable then stick with there offer. They get offended easily. $200-300 is the normal rate there, but you can negotiate for over night or several sessions.

Elvis 2008
04-28-22, 20:43
I'm not calling BS here. I believe what you're saying. But please be open to a counterpoint. There is a context to your travails. Your lawyer baby who fell so hard for you she wanted to give you your money back exists in a social context. Your attractiveness is based in that context, in large part, on the strength of your passport and the denomination of the currency you get paid in. Let's say you're graded on a curve and the curve benefits you greatly. It's possible you're not just a great guy and a great lay, but in addition you're someone who represents the possibility of an alternate future and reality and that's baked into your attractiveness.If you are married, I would forget about making these women your GF. Keep variety and do not get attached.

I totally get where you are coming from, and I would have said the same thing 10 years ago. Don Carlos told me something that was funny. You could have the smartest man in the world giving another guy advice about women but a man will listen only to another woman no matter what the woman's intelligence. The point is I doubt I can convince you of anything. The women will have to.

With the lawyer, she offered the $300 back to me because she wanted to date me. I insisted she take it because I did not want to date her. I flew her to Bogota from a smaller town and I felt like the reason she was interested in me was because the prospects in her smaller town were terrible. I never thought it was because I was a stud. I guess I looked around and saw what these women have to date and was not impressed.

But I still have to present myself with the ultimate litmus test: if I were not an American with deep pockets, is there any chance in hell this young thing would look twice at me? I'm humble enough to know myself. I'm a good catch but no, they would not. They'd be banging hot guys their own age and enjoying it.But you are asking yourself that and not the women. Ask the women. When I asked my Venezuelan ex-fiance why she was with me, she said she dated the Latin guys and they were macho bullshit artists.

Another had been beaten by her EX who abused drugs and like what happens so often in Latin countries, nothing was done to him, and it is common: https://euroculturer.eu/2020/11/03/perucountryofrapists-exposing-a-countrys-rape-culture/.

Furthermore, child support is not as strenuously enforced and the last three women I dated had half-siblings because of their fathers fucking around. There is not the stigma like here, and it was not hidden. The women saw their mothers go through hell, and they have said they do not want that.

My current gal is not interested in American citizenship for years because of her kid. And my ex proudly showed me all the American men interested in dating and marrying her on her IG page.

Ask the women why they are not out with handsome men their own age and open yourself up to the fact that they may not be lying to you. I should warn you that it may change your life.

Seeing sugar babies led to my divorce. It was not because I was seeing other women but I was dumping SBs for bullshit that I was letting my wife get away with.

I considered why I was seeing and paying for SBs, and my answer was simple, "I want them to make me feel good. ", and the ex was constantly shaming me and making me try to feel badly.

My marriage license was like a license of abuse, and one of the things that opened up my eyes was my asking a 23 year old American sugar baby of mine if she would date me if I got a divorce. Her answer shocked me. She said yes if I gave up all the other women. I was mid 40's at the time, and her friends called her Angie Everhart because she looked so much like that supermodel.

I did not take her up on the offer though because at the time I did not want one woman, even one who looked like her.

04-28-22, 21:42
but I only have 5 days in CDMX so I try to get that out the way I think from a negotiation POV this mind set could be an issue for you. You are the only person that knows you only have 5 days which sounds awesome BTW.

You will find girls! So that is not an issue.

Even if a girl agrees to drop her asking prices in pre-arrival chat, she will easily dump you for a higher price on the day. You don't want these girls in your schedule which will cause you more pain than what you are negotiating down.

I would be spending my pre-arrival time displaying the caring, respectful, reliable guy that you are. Then on the day your higher priced girl is more likely to dump the other 'price critical guy' for you.

04-28-22, 22:36
Your attractiveness is based in that context, in large part, on the strength of your passport and the denomination of the currency you get paid in.............. It's possible you're not just a great guy and a great lay, but in addition you're someone who represents the possibility of an alternate future and reality and that's baked into your attractiveness.I hope your point gets taken in the right way. It's been discussed many times here and other country forums. I think everyone here is realistic.

I have had friends travel to Brazil, Colombia, Eastern Europe, etc. And they kind of get lost in the fantasy that much younger women are immediately more attracted to them. Some have even gone the marriage route. Like any marriage, sometimes it works out. Sometimes it doesn't. First and foremost in all cases, money and a green card appear to be the glue of the relationship.

I know of one instance where a friend's business abruptly went south and the young foreign wife immediately left green card in tow. He was devastated. No money, no big house, no love.

04-29-22, 00:29
For the long term sanity of participant like us "I had no true emotional connection" this is the only way to go. I had a SB, maybe my first, 25 years younger than me. It was an intense time and she would drop around to my corporate office. OMG the things that happened after hours. But as soon as her BF came back to town she cuts all contact. I was just a fling for her. It hurt at the time. But when I realized what she was investing emotionally (nothing) I learned to do the same.

Interestingly we are still FB friends and chat. Go figure.Yes, friendship is fine. Yes, we do have emotional connection with male friends as well. But as you know, the emotional connection that may develop with someone you fuck regularly is of a different kind than the bond with a drinking buddy or with a normal friend. I Have fond feelings for even the girls I fucked in FKKs once or twice. We may have shared a tender moment or some other connection briefly. But the emotional connection with a spouse or a long time GF is of a completely different type, at a much higher level of intensity. You feel much happier when they are happy, even the fights hurt so much more with a spouse than a fight with a sugar babe or some random girl you fucked once or twice.

That sort of intense feeling is something I will never develop with any working girl or sugar babe. Not just because I am carefully guarding myself from developing such feelings although subconsciously that may be a reason. But when you go into these sugar dates knowing you want only sex and nothing much more, and especially where I am in my life at the moment with a career, family, a million other things, these sugar babies are on mind only briefly. Whatever they say or do typically means almost nothing to me at a deep personal level.

I don't know if what I said makes any sense to anyone but my guess is, married guys who still love their spouse but cheating at the same time probably understand it. I doubt that I am the only one of such stripes but perhaps others are not writing here.

04-29-22, 02:14
We had quite a few discussions on this over the years in these threads. Bottomline is that there is no consensus. I personally paid 300 or less in tier 2 and 350 to 400 in tier 1. Tier 1 being Boston, never San Fran nor NYC. But then again, mongers even recently said they are paying 500 to 1000 in Florida etc. Which in my view are not expensive places. (Miami is but not Tampa etc.)

What I gathered is that 400 is the new 300. Even in smaller places, for pretty white girls, 400 is a min. That can be significantly higher in tier 1 cities.

Prices can be lower for older girls, not in great shape or for other ethnicities but sometimes those girls overvalue themselves and quote high prices too.

Net net, there is no pricing standard. This is not an FKK with a specified price dictated by the theke.Greatly appreciate this information. It allows me to establish a range on what a right price ought to be based on the different parameters. Kind of like google flight telling me if the price is within a typical range.

04-29-22, 02:16
And they kind of get lost in the fantasy that much younger women are immediately more attracted to them..This is my point. Realistically, having citizenship from a western country and having western compensation is like a woman having large breasts and beautiful hair. They don't replace a personality and other traits, but they sure as hell tip the scales. But what happens when the breasts sag and the hair goes gray? A romantic would say it depends on the girl inside but I'm not a romantic. The girl becomes invisible. What happens to a penniless western man in a developing country? How much google translate will a girl be willing to tolerate if there's no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? My guess is not much.

I take Elvis's point tho. Many of the men in these Latin counties are macho idiots. That plays into this also. Just not being an asshole is an asset. Unfortunately I'm an asshole. Fortunately I hide it well with my babies. They don't know till I tell them it's time to call a cab because I need some sleep.

Elvis 2008
04-29-22, 02:22
I hope your point gets taken in the right way. It's been discussed many times here and other country forums. I think everyone here is realistic.
First and foremost in all cases, money and a green card appear to be the glue of the relationship.

I know of one instance where a friend's business abruptly went south and the young foreign wife immediately left green card in tow. He was devastated. No money, no big house, no love.Yeah, I should point out that the women I was talking about are not typical. Most women I saw were the hos types. I just weeded them out and moved on.

Steve 9696
04-29-22, 03:31
Well I'm going to go contrarian here and say it's good to fall a bit in love. For me, being smitten with a girl is half the allure. I can pay any pro for great sex. What I can't buy is the feeling that she's my girl that she truly enjoys being with me and can't wait to see me again and fuck me for all she's worth.

I am absolutely this was with Shayla now. I'm calling best girlfriend ever. Yes I drop her $$ loosely coordinated with our visits. But damn it feels more real than any relationship I've ever had. Including my marriage. LOL.

There are so many "we adore each other" signs and moments that I just can't enumerate. It feels like a million bucks to be with her and I miss her when we are apart. At some point will this lead to crushing defeat when we inevitably part ways? Yep. I'll probably ball my eyes out. But that's what I love. It's real. It's human. And I'm down for the whole ride.

04-29-22, 05:31
Well I'm going to go contrarian here and say it's good to fall a bit in love. For me, being smitten with a girl is half the allure. I can pay any pro for great sex. What I can't buy is the feeling that she's my girl that she truly enjoys being with me and can't wait to see me again and fuck me for all she's worth.

I am absolutely this was with Shayla now. I'm calling best girlfriend ever. Yes I drop her $$ loosely coordinated with our visits. But damn it feels more real than any relationship I've ever had. Including my marriage. LOL.

There are so many "we adore each other" signs and moments that I just can't enumerate. It feels like a million bucks to be with her and I miss her when we are apart. At some point will this lead to crushing defeat when we inevitably part ways? Yep. I'll probably ball my eyes out. But that's what I love. It's real. It's human. And I'm down for the whole ride.Totally with you Steve. For me the difference between SA girls and the rest is the added dimension of an emotional connection. Where I live in the middle east, you can walk into any bar and walk out with a woman to spend an hour or a night with. Easy peasy. So getting laid is not the allure- it's two other things. First, it's meeting someone who wouldn't be caught dead in such a bar. And I guess, rightfully so, we all rank that at the top of the list. But for me right up there with it is the opportunity for an emotional connection (though I must admit there have been a few bar encounters that have become regular over the years which is kind of fun. Guess I'm a creature of habit and once I like something / somebody that really works for me, I kinda can't be arsed to go through the pain of finding it / them again). Surprisingly I hit a bit of jackpot on my first two SA encounters and one of them is in the same vein as your Shayla. Loads of "I really like you" moments that put an added spring in my steps. Great acting by her. Maybe? Who cares as long as it feels semi-real for me while it lasts. This is why I haven't been back to the clubs / bars for over three months. SA girls are proving to meet both my physical and emotional needs for the moment.

04-29-22, 07:35
Well I'm going to go contrarian here and say it's good to fall a bit in love. For me, being smitten with a girl is half the allure. I can pay any pro for great sex. What I can't buy is the feeling that she's my girl that she truly enjoys being with me and can't wait to see me again and fuck me for all she's worth.

I am absolutely this was with Shayla now. I'm calling best girlfriend ever. Yes I drop her $$ loosely coordinated with our visits. But damn it feels more real than any relationship I've ever had. Including my marriage. LOL.

There are so many "we adore each other" signs and moments that I just can't enumerate. It feels like a million bucks to be with her and I miss her when we are apart. At some point will this lead to crushing defeat when we inevitably part ways? Yep. I'll probably ball my eyes out. But that's what I love. It's real. It's human. And I'm down for the whole ride.Cheers mate and enjoy the ride.

Its indeed beautiful.


04-29-22, 14:51
Well I'm going to go contrarian here and say it's good to fall a bit in love. For me, being smitten with a girl is half the allure. I can pay any pro for great sex. What I can't buy is the feeling that she's my girl that she truly enjoys being with me and can't wait to see me again and fuck me for all she's worth.

I am absolutely this was with Shayla now. I'm calling best girlfriend ever. Yes I drop her $$ loosely coordinated with our visits. But damn it feels more real than any relationship I've ever had. Including my marriage. LOL.

There are so many "we adore each other" signs and moments that I just can't enumerate. It feels like a million bucks to be with her and I miss her when we are apart. At some point will this lead to crushing defeat when we inevitably part ways? Yep. I'll probably ball my eyes out. But that's what I love. It's real. It's human. And I'm down for the whole ride.Tbh, we are saying the same thing. Yes, some amount of allure, good feelings, playfulness and good vibes make sex more pleasurable. Even hard core mongers love more than just slam wham banging. But that is not love. At least not my definition of love. Anyone who has been in loving relationships with anyone. Your parents, children, spouses, long term GF, others. Know how deep and intense that is, how caring for each other works, how you give them more than possible and want to keep giving w / o expecting quid pro quo.

In a sugar relationship I want only quid pro quo. I don't necessarily Want free stuff and I will not give when I don't receive. Any relationship that has that quid pro quo expectation is not love.

It is possible to have expectations of allure, wanting more than just physical sex, in a sugar dating. That is like in FKKs, some guys want the girls they just fucked to wave to them in the lounge and smile, perhaps sit down for lunch once in a while, just be pleasant. Those are the things which lead to repeat sales for the girls, just like the allure and playfulness etc lead more repeat business for the sugarbabe.

But is that love? Not in my book.

04-29-22, 15:22
Greatly appreciate this information. It allows me to establish a range on what a right price ought to be based on the different parameters. Kind of like google flight telling me if the price is within a typical range.You are welcome although I don't think I added any useful info. One of my key interests in joining this forum initially was to understand pricing. Naturally you'd want to know if you are paying too much. Or if you are losing out on girls because you are offering too little. Unlike in an FKK, there is no reliable way to find pricing for sugar dating as you don't know the other SDs.

Unfortunately, it's kinda difficult to find pricing because many guys don't follow any local rules on pricing. One gentleman from Tampa recently posted he willingly gives $1 K per session to a girl. To me that is an excess payment but of course who am I to say so and what if the girl is a supermodel quality?

If you do most of your sugar dating in a single city, you can get a sense of prices over time because you will see the responses from the girls to your offers.

If you are city hopping, it is tough to know what is the local price. You just have to go with your instinct.

One of the things I have seen post Covid is that the number of girls who demand upfront payment has increased massively. Prior to Covid, you could meet girls for a drink or lunch and get to know and if liking each other, schedule a sex date. Now, they want gas money or some other money and of course they can just take the money and block you and you never got to even meet them. So, how are you supposed to meet girls in a new city if you are there for just 2 or 3 days? In your own city you can stay patient and wait for a real, genuine person.

This is one of the unfortunate changes that happened on SA. For sure, the number of scam artists has skyrocketed.

04-29-22, 16:51
You don't want these girls in your schedule which will cause you more pain than what you are negotiating down.Yea that would suck big time, that's why I won't bother at. I have no issue paying their price but if the date goes bad or worse no sex, your out a good amount:

So my other question would be then, do you think its better for the guy to ask her rate, something more along the line of "I'd want to give you a gift what do you have in mind?

Many girls seem to have the guy throw the number at her, if they bring it up, but I feel like that's not good because if I say 4000, says going to counter with something higher most likely.

The Cane
04-29-22, 17:45
Many girls seem to have the guy throw the number at her, if they bring it up, but I feel like that's not good because if I say 4000, says going to counter with something higher most likely.When I was on the site, I wouldn't put a money offer out first. Girls would try to get me to, but I wouldn't. I would usually just reply with, "What would make you happy"? That tended to work in getting the girl to name a figure first. Only one time did a chick get mad and decided to stop talking to me. I didn't give a damn! Could have been undercover for all I know trying to set me up for "solicitation."

Steve 9696
04-29-22, 17:50
Tbh, we are saying the same thing. Yes, some amount of allure, good feelings, playfulness and good vibes make sex more pleasurable. Even hard core mongers love more than just slam wham banging. But that is not love. At least not my definition of love. Anyone who has been in loving relationships with anyone. Your parents, children, spouses, long term GF, others. Know how deep and intense that is, how caring for each other works, how you give them more than possible and want to keep giving w / o expecting quid pro quo.

In a sugar relationship I want only quid pro quo. I don't necessarily Want free stuff and I will not give when I don't receive. Any relationship that has that quid pro quo expectation is not love.

It is possible to have expectations of allure, wanting more than just physical sex, in a sugar dating. That is like in FKKs, some guys want the girls they just fucked to wave to them in the lounge and smile, perhaps sit down for lunch once in a while, just be pleasant. Those are the things which lead to repeat sales for the girls, just like the allure and playfulness etc lead more repeat business for the sugarbabe.

But is that love? Not in my book.Super funny you should mention this because Shayla and I were just talking about how fucked up Western concepts of Love are and that it comes down to being an overloaded word. The Greeks had 7 words to express the different types. Makes waaaay more sense. Fwiw Shayla and I have Eros, Philia, and Ludus. But not Storge and Pragma which is what you are talking about primarily above.

04-29-22, 18:36
Unfortunately, it's kinda difficult to find pricing because many guys don't follow any local rules on pricing. One gentleman from Tampa recently posted he willingly gives $1 K per session to a girl. To me that is an excess payment but of course who am I to say so and what if the girl is a supermodel quality?

Ironically, I know more about markets in other countries but not in my backyard. Plus being able to be speak four languages do help get me around and make my interactions with the girls overseas more enjoyable. Anyway, hopping to pick up on my fifth one should I get to travel to South America more often. Learning a language through immersion is always the fastest way for me and what better way than through sex, LOL.

In my backyard, I tend to go with the agency route. Straight forward with clear cut expectation. However, it feels rushed and I no longer enjoy it as much. Now that I have started using SA, I might as well find out what is possible in my backyard. However, I am also finding it to be so exhausting in many aspects. I don't really know how to explain it yet, but that feeling of freedom and excitement are simply absent. Instead, I have to worry about the logistics. I will give it another month to see how everything goes for me with SA.

And yeah, I am also always weary and on the look for the scam artists.

04-29-22, 20:47
You are welcome although I don't think I added any useful info. One of my key interests in joining this forum initially was to understand pricing. Naturally you'd want to know if you are paying too much. Or if you are losing out on girls because you are offering too little. Unlike in an FKK, there is no reliable way to find pricing for sugar dating as you don't know the other SDs.

Unfortunately, it's kinda difficult to find pricing because many guys don't follow any local rules on pricing. One gentleman from Tampa recently posted he willingly gives $1 K per session to a girl. To me that is an excess payment but of course who am I to say so and what if the girl is a supermodel quality?

If you do most of your sugar dating in a single city, you can get a sense of prices over time because you will see the responses from the girls to your offers.

If you are city hopping, it is tough to know what is the local price. You just have to go with your instinct.

One of the things I have seen post Covid is that the number of girls who demand upfront payment has increased massively. Prior to Covid, you could meet girls for a drink or lunch and get to know and if liking each other, schedule a sex date. Now, they want gas money or some other money and of course they can just take the money and block you and you never got to even meet them. So, how are you supposed to meet girls in a new city if you are there for just 2 or 3 days?.Never be desperate. I always take the I can leave it approach. The excessively priced girls tend to be worse since they can have a princess attitude. If you are visiting short time or have no experience, you just have to pay more. You find out the real price soon.

04-30-22, 19:26
My marriage license was like a license of abuse, and one of the things that opened up my eyes was my asking a 23 year old American sugar baby of mine if she would date me if I got a divorce. Her answer shocked me. She said yes if I gave up all the other women. I was mid 40's at the time, and her friends called her Angie Everhart because she looked so much like that supermodel.Actually, a mid-40's guy dating a 23 year old is not unusual particularly in Latin America. At that age, I would routinely walk into a young Latin American club with friends and colleagues and meet English-speaking babes. I never felt out of place with a twentysomething at the club or elsewhere.

I don't know your foreign language skills, but I have one general view on foreign girls who speak English well. They have worked hard to learn English knowing it could be their ticket to a better life. When I was in my thirties and forties, the Latin girls who knew some English would perk up when they heard me talking to my amigos.

So I guess I'm saying that there are several factors that make that age differential work well abroad.

05-01-22, 16:58
Interesting historical background on Seeking.

What is your take on "No Strings Attached" and "Discretion"? These Seeking descriptors seem sexually provocative. Obviously, FWB spells it out clearly.

There also the many attractive, young women posing in skimpy bikinis. That certainly confuses a few newbies, but these girls have to distinguish themselves one way or another. Attractive girls have to flaunt it particularly if they want a long-term sugar daddy.Sorry, missed your post.

I think NSA and discretion are ok, no? They don't connote sex in anyway. NSA simply is an equivalent of at will employment? That neither the dude nor the girl are exclusive to each other, nor obligated into any long term arrangement? Discretion is just wanting to keep it quiet, I. E. No movie dates, or at highly visible restaurants etc.

The thing is, the above are my interpretations of the law, but I am not a lawyer. And when it comes to SA, what is provable in a court of law is important but we don't want to even get to that level. So, I am with you that it is prudent to cut out any words and phrases that smack of paid sex.

05-01-22, 17:02
Actually, a mid-40's guy dating a 23 year old is not unusual particularly in Latin America. At that age, I would routinely walk into a young Latin American club with friends and colleagues and meet English-speaking babes. I never felt out of place with a twentysomething at the club or elsewhere.

I don't know your foreign language skills, but I have one general view on foreign girls who speak English well. They have worked hard to learn English knowing it could be their ticket to a better life. When I was in my thirties and forties, the Latin girls who knew some English would perk up when they heard me talking to my amigos.

So I guess I'm saying that there are several factors that make that age differential work well abroad.That is my impression as well, that in LatAm and E European countries, older men with power and money are actually attractive dates for hot, young babes. Don't know if I got this "wisdom" from watching too many cheesy Hollywood movies, LOL.

Yes, foreign babes who know a smattering of English may want to date or hook up with English speaking white dudes, especially if you dress well and act gentlemanly. I can see that easily.

J Janni
05-01-22, 19:34
Had another meeting with my total unicorn of an utterly wild, crazy SB. We did some things and pushed some limits that left us feeling a little. Dazed and me very guilty.

It's hard not to overstep in the moment because she is so submissive and we've agreed in future to set limits with unclouded minds. She isn't upset we did what we did, she just doesn't feel she can cope with it emotionally regularly and I've felt like a total prick for pushing things that far. Still, she feels like what happened was a mutual thing. We egg each other on.

Very very fond of this girl. But we've both agreed we're bad for each other at this current moment in time. I've told her I'm leaving the UK (hopefully in the next few days) for a month or so.

If she's still around when I return (I've told her I seriously would like to hear she's found the dream sugar daddy she needs or preferably sorts her life out and gets out of this), I want try and meet her in a more sustainable way for both of us.

She also knows I'm not going to be the sugar daddy all the girls want and that future meetings will be far more sporadic. She still seems totally enamoured with me and the sex we have. And happy to meet on whatever terms I set, as infrequently as I want / will be able to in future.

I'm still not sure if we will ever be able to limit ourselves and I worry about her stability long term. She has a lid on things at the moment, but I can see things going south quickly.

Not sure I'm cut out for this less. Commercial. Form of paid sex / relationship. I'm struggling to let her go even though I think that will probably be in both our interests. My only previous experience with a similar situation (my Gambian sweetheart) I also struggled to let go.

My head is in a total mess over all this. I'm not calling love because I genuinely believe it isn't, it's an infatuation with a totally amazing sexual connection with a totally enthralling and cool as fuck temptress.

Really really hope that my wish for her comes true because I'm not convinced I should see her again or that I will be able to resist it.

Elvis 2008
05-01-22, 20:55
Actually, a mid-40's guy dating a 23 year old is not unusual particularly in Latin America. At that age, I would routinely walk into a young Latin American club with friends and colleagues and meet English-speaking babes. I never felt out of place with a twentysomething at the club or elsewhere.
I agree Wyatt, but the girl I was referring to was in the USA. It was back a decade or so again when prices for SBs were still reasonable.

05-02-22, 05:04
Has anyone ever used sugardaddy dot com? Is it a good alternative to SA? They seem to rely on credit system instead of a hefty monthly fee like SA.

Looks like the locations are limited to USA only. I cannot seem to search for any cities outside the US. I would like to hear from anyone who has used this platform on their experiences with it.

05-02-22, 05:14
Has anyone ever used sugardaddy dot com? Is it a good alternative to SA? They seem to rely on credit system instead of a hefty monthly fee like SA.

Looks like the locations are limited to USA only. I cannot seem to search for any cities outside the US. I would like to hear from anyone who has used this platform on their experiences with it.I have and sites that use such credit systems are not worth it. Steve tried recently and came to the same conclusion. You can give it a shot to scratch the itch but in the end, I'm afraid you will probably agree with that view. Your Bill's run up too much too quickly, the long and short of it.

05-02-22, 14:58
On behalf of everyone on this totally anonymous forum where you're anonymous and everyone is and there's no need to be coy: when you say you overstepped and things went so crazy, what are we talking about here?

Had another meeting with my total unicorn of an utterly wild, crazy SB. We did some things and pushed some limits that left us feeling a little. Dazed and me very guilty.

It's hard not to overstep in the moment because she is so submissive and we've agreed in future to set limits with unclouded minds. She isn't upset we did what we did, she just doesn't feel she can cope with it emotionally regularly and I've felt like a total prick for pushing things that far. Still, she feels like what happened was a mutual thing. We egg each other on.

Very very fond of this girl. But we've both agreed we're bad for each other at this current moment in time. I've told her I'm leaving the UK (hopefully in the next few days) for a month or so.

If she's still around when I return (I've told her I seriously would like to hear she's found the dream sugar daddy she needs or preferably sorts her life out and gets out of this), I want try and meet her in a more sustainable way for both of us..

05-02-22, 15:19
Sorry, missed your post.

I think NSA and discretion are ok, no? They don't connote sex in anyway. NSA simply is an equivalent of at will employment? That neither the dude nor the girl are exclusive to each other, nor obligated into any long term arrangement? Discretion is just wanting to keep it quiet, I. E. No movie dates, or at highly visible restaurants etc.

The thing is, the above are my interpretations of the law, but I am not a lawyer. And when it comes to SA, what is provable in a court of law is important but we don't want to even get to that level. So, I am with you that it is prudent to cut out any words and phrases that smack of paid sex.I wasn't trying to make a point really. I just wanted your take and other's take on various Seeking descriptors. While NSA and Discretion don't connote sex, they do connote zero attachment in the relationship and something we have to keep secret respectively. If a girl was willing to provide transactional sex, that would be a good start. Some of the descriptors certainly seem to imply the opposite.

As I mentioned, some of the photo sets and the poses certainly seem provocative beyond a casual beach or boat shot.

Just curious to know if members here look for certain signals on a women's profile.

Steve 9696
05-02-22, 15:22
Has anyone ever used sugardaddy dot com? Is it a good alternative to SA? They seem to rely on credit system instead of a hefty monthly fee like SA.

Looks like the locations are limited to USA only. I cannot seem to search for any cities outside the US. I would like to hear from anyone who has used this platform on their experiences with it.It's more than just a waste of time and money. It's a scam. I have a close girl friend (not girlfriend) who is 24 and on the prowl for SDs. (We didn't work out) And what we found is that it's sending out her "interest" to various guys at random. Including me. Then the guy punches on her because she's interested (she's not!) and he pays $6. So every one of these "interested" girls is really just the system spamming you to get your $$ AVOID.

05-02-22, 15:33
It's more than just a waste of time and money. It's a scam. I have a close girl friend (not girlfriend) who is 24 and on the prowl for SDs. (We didn't work out) And what we found is that it's sending out her "interest" to various guys at random. Including me. Then the guy punches on her because she's interested (she's not!) and he pays $6. So every one of these "interested" girls is really just the system spamming you to get your $$ AVOID.I have stopped playing with SA now for 2 months and have been most happy. Only scammers, girls who want money before meeting, no shows, girls wanting to sell photos, onlyfan subscriptions, etc. Its worthless now.

05-03-22, 01:27
It's more than just a waste of time and money. It's a scam. I have a close girl friend (not girlfriend) who is 24 and on the prowl for SDs. (We didn't work out) And what we found is that it's sending out her "interest" to various guys at random. Including me. Then the guy punches on her because she's interested (she's not!) and he pays $6. So every one of these "interested" girls is really just the system spamming you to get your $$ AVOID.Thanks to you and Pessimist for this feedback. I was excited for a minute there, until I realized that they are probably operated by a bunch of amateurs. It does not have a few good features like the video verification and seems to have quite a list of SBs, but other than that, everything else is just meh.

Case in point:

- They only accept bitcoin to buy their credit. However there is no way to do so other than being told to contact their support team. Ok, how to contact their support team? That info is completely missing. If anyone wants to run any viable business, that is something they should pay attention to. I am surprised they are still kicking. Not even sure if they are on life-support.

- No SBs outside the US. WTF. I already dislike my experience trying to connect with all these SBs in the US. With no option to search for SBs outside the US, this service is definitely a no-no for me.

- Crap, they don't even have the option to delete my account. I am just going to remove as much information as possible and making it unsearchable in the meantime.

05-03-22, 02:18
Thanks to you and Pessimist for this feedback. I was excited for a minute there, until I realized that they are probably operated by a bunch of amateurs. It does not have a few good features like the video verification and seems to have quite a list of SBs, but other than that, everything else is just meh.

Case in point:

- They only accept bitcoin to buy their credit. However there is no way to do so other than being told to contact their support team. Ok, how to contact their support team? That info is completely missing. If anyone wants to run any viable business, that is something they should pay attention to. I am surprised they are still kicking. Not even sure if they are on life-support..That's because these sites are insanely profitable. Match group margins were nearly 30% and revenues stretching into 3+ billions and its margins would be much higher if it was not spending so much money on increasing its subscriber count. Seeking charges $90 a month while tinder charges less than 100 now for A year of Platinum. And unlike match which spends tons of money marketing on search engines and other places, seeking spends far far less. I would be shocked if seeking margins are Less than 50%. There are hardly any new features. Don't think they are paying a thousand developers to write code adding new features. It is a pure cash cow.

I am sure other sugar daddy sites have far fewer members but they probably have nice profitability as well. Costs are minimal once you get up to a certain scale.

So, they will keep going, make sure they are not shut down by authorities. This explains why SA is happily tolerating the umpteen number of obvious scammers posing as girls but shuts down a dude's account after he paid $240 for 3 months if he so much as mentioned the letters F, W, and be in the same sentence. Any whiff of paid sex might lead it to be shut down while the Feds will never shut it down even if it is crawling with a million scammers.

That is another peeve, that our government and law think scammers are an ok part of our society but a man paying for sex has to be silenced immediately.

05-03-22, 13:00
Last night I was logged out of SA. I tried to log back in, enter my google authentication and a screen pops up for one second saying my location or device changed and to reverify. This only appears for a second and I was able to click on the confirm button twice but the browser refreshes to the login screen with a message to say I was logged out.

I have tried a few times but happens on mobile and different desktop browsers.

Anyone have a similar experiences and suggestion for a fix?

05-03-22, 15:02
This explains why SA is happily tolerating the umpteen number of obvious scammers posing as girls but shuts down a dude's account after he paid $240 for 3 months if he so much as mentioned the letters F, W, and be in the same sentence. Any whiff of paid sex might lead it to be shut down while the Feds will never shut it down even if it is crawling with a million scammers.I must be getting old because I have no idea what W is.

05-03-22, 17:44
I must be getting old because I have no idea what W is.I think he meant to say, FWB, Friend with Benefits.

05-03-22, 18:06
I must be getting old because I have no idea what W is.Yes, FWB as Gekko said. I was being a bit dramatic, that not only FWB phrase is banned but even the individual letters f, w, and be are banned. But you get my gist.

P.S. For some reason, this site changes my be to be. Also S to yes. Autospell correct? Not due to my phone.

05-03-22, 19:59
Yes, FWB as Gekko said. I was being a bit dramatic, that not only FWB phrase is banned but even the individual letters f, w, and be are banned. But you get my gist.

P.S. For some reason, this site changes my be to be. Also S to yes. Autospell correct? Not due to my phone.Oh my bad. My eyes were locked in on F and b.

And for some reason, this site does have an awkward auto-editor. I think it will strangely auto-edit USA and other abbreviations.

05-03-22, 21:33
Anyone have a similar experiences and suggestion for a fix?A) clear your browser cache.

If pain persists.

B) clear your browser cookies.

Steve 9696
05-04-22, 03:37
Being with Shayla for a couple months now (off and on) I am concluding I've never been with a truly horny girl before. Yes been with girls that def enjoy sex. But never one who got turned on so quickly and just doesn't want to stop. I guess Jade was damn close with her "you can fuck me all night baby if you want" line. She was a hot mess also.

But damn Shayla is a beast. Like you start kissing and it's light stuff. Maybe LFK at best and you are wondering, does she really like to kiss? She starts off this way every time. Then you get her going by sucking her tits. She starts moaning and is wet as Niagara Falls in like 30 seconds flat. And starts kissing like she will eat your face. After we fuck she literally has juice running down her thighs. And the other night after fucking for like 30 minutes I am near the edge so I say "babe I want to cum in your mouth" and she says "ummmm just a few more strokes it feels so good" and continues on a bit before giving me a shattering CIM and swallow.

Never met anyone like her. Counting my blessings. Who's the horniest beast you have ever been with?

05-04-22, 16:41
Some places are definitely better for SA than others. I let loose the wins and the losses alike.

I was in Orlando for business for 4 days. In traditional fashion, I activated my membership and started messaging about 7 days before arrival. I started probably around noonish and after sending out quite a few messages I was surprised that an hour had gone by and I only got like one reply and it wasn't very good. Very little views and in general, it was far less than what I'm used to. After chekcing the site the next day, there were replies, but none were very interesting. It's like I was fighting an uphill battle with the girls resisting the whole way.

Conversations would start, then after 2 exchanges no answer, ghosted or blocked. It felt like the dynamic was such that the girls felt they were in control and wanted to maintain that power dynamic. Very different vibe than in other parts of the world. Of the many girls that I spoke to, I was able to pull 5 or so out of the water.

The madness:


She wanted to meet the first day that I messaged her, but I wasnt' in town. After I arrived, she wouldn't respond to any messages. Ghosted.


Brazilian girl that gave me her number in her first response. Her profile only showed her ass. When we moved over to texting, she asked me to send her some of my pics. I usually comply and don't have a problem with this. It's a fair trade. In this case, being as though you can see me on my profile (with glasses) yet on hers, you can only see her ass, I asked her to send me a pic so I can see her face. She refused and said "you first". After two rounds of this, I got a little irritated and stopped texting. SBs usually don't' behave like this, escorts do.


Had a great conversation and she was down. She want three see notes and the deal was set. She lived about 40 minutes from where I was staying which makes an hour and twenty minute round trip commute during rush hour. I had a team dinner with my Director that was around 8 ish. We were talking around 5 and I didn't want to risk being late, so I didn't' go and told her that the timing just doesn't work out and maybe we should try the next day. Initially she said okay. Then she wrote back an hour later and said that my dinner was "optional" (I never said that) and that she doesn't understand why it takes 3 hours to hookup. She said SA is a hookup site and I was wasting her time. Keep in mind that I offered to Uber her to me in order to save time and she said it was too far and that she wanted to chill with her cousins around 730/800; also that traffic was going to be pretty bad. This is def not the type of selfish girl I'm looking for and in my case, I'm not looking for just a hookup. I need the SB package.

Girl 4:

We spoke for a couple days and she seemed promising. She works three jobs but was going to make time for me one of the nights. I like the thin EU spinner type. Her body was thicker than I'm used to but, it was still acceptable in the pics, so I figured I'd give it a try. She asked me to come by her job to see her so I did and as soon as she walked up I could see that the pics lied. I mean they really lied. She had a big ass, sloppy tits and generally was fluffy. I don't want skin and bones, but I'm not into the fluff. Besides that, she was busy with work and told me that she wanted to hookup with her friends after work. I was kind of expecting to hang out together and then head back to my place. I left and went back to the hotel. She texted me several times since then, but my interest is gone. I don't want the mom body that hasn't spent a day in the gym. I take care of myself and I kinda expect the same.


Looks were a 5, but her body was a 7. 5 based on the pics. We moved to text after 3 exchanges and she was right to the point. She wanted 3 see notes and was very forward from the begnning. She told me that she does eat ass and doesn't like cum in her mouth or on her face. This was totally unsolicited as I never mentioned any of them. I was still trying to find out what she liked to do for fun. LOL. We met at a hookah lounge and as she walks up I am immediately disappointed. The face was busted, her thighs were thick (not in a good way), ass was flat, and generally had no sex appeal. I couldn't even bribe my dick to give it a shot. You know like, "Hey buddy, I know this one is really bad, but it you do this one, I'll give you that russian blonde from Madrid that you like. " LOL LOL. What made it worse was revealed when I sat next to her. She had really really bad breath. I have never smelled breath that bad on a girl before. It was disgusting. She then went on to tell me that she spends all day drinking and smoking and making money, but at the same time she was very excited to start a new job at Dunkin Donuts. She told me how crazy she is and that her legs sometimes go numb without warning. My first thought was how are you able to drive? I was scared as hell getting in the car with her. I had to end the night early, as it truly was that bad.

This was my experience over the weekend. Now in stark contrast, I browsed some profiles in Frankfurt and Madrid (just to check out the talent) as I will be there in the coming months. I didn't send any messages, and I already have more than 10 views and about 8 messages within about 2 hours. I haven't even tried yet! My experience keeps showing over and over that SA (for me) works waaaay better in EU than in the US. Just my experience, and it's definitely not a definitive statement.

Be safe out there guys and good luck.

05-04-22, 18:57
Some places are definitely better for SA than others. I let loose the wins and the losses alike.

I was in Orlando for business for 4 days. In traditional fashion, I activated my membership and started messaging about 7 days before arrival. I started probably around noonish and after sending out quite a few messages I was surprised that an hour had gone by and I only got like one reply and it wasn't very good. Very little views and in general, it was far less than what I'm used to. After chekcing the site the next day, there were replies, but none were very interesting. It's like I was fighting an uphill battle with the girls resisting the whole way.

Conversations would start, then after 2 exchanges no answer, ghosted or blocked. It felt like the dynamic was such that the girls felt they were in control and wanted to maintain that power dynamic. Very different vibe than in other parts of the world. Of the many girls that I spoke to, I was able to pull 5 or so out of the water.

The madness:.Hilarious and honest report. Enjoyed reading it. Thanks LOL.

I heard Orlando is terrible. Tbh, I had some good experiences in Miami area (expensive) and Tampa. Never tried Orlando, only go there to take kids to Disney LOL. But your report is consistent with my views of that city.

Hope better luck next time on your travel.

Thanks for sharing.

05-04-22, 19:04
Some places are definitely better for SA than others. I let loose the wins and the losses alike.

This was my experience over the weekend. Now in stark contrast, I browsed some profiles in Frankfurt and Madrid (just to check out the talent) as I will be there in the coming months. I didn't send any messages, and I already have more than 10 views and about 8 messages within about 2 hours. I haven't even tried yet! My experience keeps showing over and over that SA (for me) works waaaay better in EU than in the US. Just my experience, and it's definitely not a definitive statement.

Be safe out there guys and good luck.Your report is simply hilarious and I have enjoyed reading it. My impression of US based SBs are baked-in for the worse now that you have validated your experience. I am sorry that you had to go through this, but hey, it's life. We experienced through them and share our stories here. For me, some of these SBs have ghosted me after agreeing on a package and I have probably ghosted quite a few of them myself after more interactions over text. Just feel they are not worth the trouble.

Now I am just using it for my hunt in other countries like Colombia. It will be interesting to learn about your SB experiences in Frankfurt and other cities in Germany.

Steve 9696
05-04-22, 20:48
Your report is simply hilarious and I have enjoyed reading it. My impression of US based SBs are baked-in for the worse now that you have validated your experience. I am sorry that you had to go through this, but hey, it's life. We experienced through them and share our stories here. For me, some of these SBs have ghosted me after agreeing on a package and I have probably ghosted quite a few of them myself after more interactions over text. Just feel they are not worth the trouble.

Now I am just using it for my hunt in other countries like Colombia. It will be interesting to learn about your SB experiences in Frankfurt and other cities in Germany.+1 Shroomer. Great write up and great to see you back. I was just reflecting on the wide city variance as well. At home in a second tier city it's a handful of fat chicks And the usual suspects. I am soooo lucky to have scored Shayla. (She's actually from out of state). But now I am surfing Vegas and have the filter set to 22-24 year old slim or average Latinas and there is a shitload of options and different ones each day. Having to pare things down. Not going to be 3 see notes for sure. Hoping to keep it to 5. Will have to charm their pants off. Fortunately that's my thing. LOL.

05-04-22, 21:08
Some places are definitely better for SA than others. I let loose the wins and the losses alike.

I was in Orlando for business for 4 days. In traditional fashion, I activated my membership and started messaging about 7 days before arrival. I started probably around noonish and after sending out quite a few messages I was surprised that an hour had gone by and I only got like one reply and it wasn't very good. Very little views and in general, it was far less than what I'm used to. After chekcing the site the next day, there were replies, but none were very interesting. It's like I was fighting an uphill battle with the girls resisting the whole way.

Conversations would start, then after 2 exchanges no answer, ghosted or blocked. It felt like the dynamic was such that the girls felt they were in control and wanted to maintain that power dynamic. Very different vibe than in other parts of the world. Of the many girls that I spoke to, I was able to pull 5 or so out of the water.Thankyou for verifying why I am done with SA. Its not me or you. It them.

05-04-22, 21:22
+1 Shroomer. Great write up and great to see you back. I was just reflecting on the wide city variance as well. At home in a second tier city it's a handful of fat chicks And the usual suspects. I am soooo lucky to have scored Shayla. (She's actually from out of state). But now I am surfing Vegas and have the filter set to 22-24 year old slim or average Latinas and there is a shitload of options and different ones each day. Having to pare things down. Not going to be 3 see notes for sure. Hoping to keep it to 5. Will have to charm their pants off. Fortunately that's my thing. LOL.Vegas is probably one of the most expensive place to monger. If you are able to get one with just 5 Benjamins, that was a huge bargain. I remember spending on average a grand for a two hours package eight years ago through this agency, but at least for that I get GFE, CIM, anal experience with video production of our act for keepsake. I am definitely not a porn director material, but it's meant for own consumption anyway LOL. These days, I will be lucky if I can even get that kind of pricing in Vegas for such a package service.

05-05-22, 02:15
I'm wondering why SA is not popular in Brazil? Rio and Sao Paulo are huge cities with plenty of girls. I know the talent is there, but for some reason they don't utilize the platform. When I was in Rio last summer I was only able to score 1 date (good one, though), pickings were extra slim, Medellin for example, has 5-6 times more girls on SA using the same search criteria. Has anyone successfully used SA in Rio or SP? I'm sure SA could be a good alternative to Scandallo girls for someone who prefers GFE dates and would like to get a better deal. I have just did a quick search, and SP got twice as many girls 18-25 yo as Rio, however, not many stunners to choose from.

The Cane
05-05-22, 10:47
I'm wondering why SA is not popular in Brazil? Has anyone successfully used SA in Rio or SP?We don't need no stinking Seeking in Brazil! Too many other good options. Brazil even has several good escort agencies that I don't have to worry about bait and switch with. It's the only country I've mongered in where I can say that with confidence. There are plenty of avenues to get GFE in Brazil if that's what you want without needing SA. That's part of the beauty of Brazil. A multitude of options. What contributes to it being numero uno!

05-05-22, 11:56
Never met anyone like her. Counting my blessings. Who's the horniest beast you have ever been with?For me, this has to be Miss J. She lives about a couple of hours away from me. But never says no. If I feel like having a good fuck, and tell her to get her ass (well, pussy) to me, she does.

Once I told her at 3 PM and she was kissing me at my personal bar at 7 PM. I had not even started to fondle her, but when I slipped my fingers down there after a few kisses, she was soaking wet. Pulled it down, unzipped and I was inside her in like 30 secs. We went on to fuck 3 times just that night. And 3 more next morning before she left at 11 AM.

We would have a 45 min session in bed, I lay on her for few minutes and we go to shower with the idea of washing off. But, while in shower, things heat up and before we know, we are fucking in the shower.

There was another occasion I was visiting her town in work. Had booked this hotel with sauna and pools at the ground floor. We go to sauna (maybe, 10 other people there naked). She sits next to me. I pretend as if I am holding her waist. But soon, she is seated on my palm and my fingers are inside. She is wet again.

We exit sauna, go upstairs to my room and fuck.

She is so horny that she sometimes initiates sex before I do. I love that.

05-05-22, 14:50
+1 Shroomer. Great write up and great to see you back. I was just reflecting on the wide city variance as well. At home in a second tier city it's a handful of fat chicks And the usual suspects. I am soooo lucky to have scored Shayla. (She's actually from out of state). But now I am surfing Vegas and have the filter set to 22-24 year old slim or average Latinas and there is a shitload of options and different ones each day. Having to pare things down. Not going to be 3 see notes for sure. Hoping to keep it to 5. Will have to charm their pants off. Fortunately that's my thing. LOL.With travel picking up again for me, it's feels quite nice to be back in the mix. Even though Orlando was a shit show, the hunt was good. It actually very much validates my original interaction with Orlando some time ago. It is a wasteland for us. If you are not taking kids to Disney, there is nothing there IMHO.

You did bring up a point in passing that I'm curious about. I noticed in Orlando that there were many thirty something SBs on the site. Also, when browsing late twenties and early thirties in EU, the vibe in the profile is quite differernt from their younger counterparts.

So I'm wondering where is the sweet spot for you guys??

Are there some of you that like the aged scotch vs the fall beer?

Do some of you only go for the teens (18-20)?

Only go for Milfs?

Pros / Cons?

I usually look for 20 - 24, slim (don't like the extra meat), but will entertain a 19 yr old. My experience so far has been exclusively with SBs in that age range. When I have come across older SBs, they are usually on the tail end of a slew of bad life decisions and need some extra cash. Depending on the type of bad decisions, it could be cool, but it could also be an indication that she completely f*&Ki#g mental. Recent college grads getting hit by the real world, college girls, or young actresses (yes, thinking of Lili in Madrid) tend to be my sweet spot. Their bodies are usually in great shape, they are appreciative, and seem genuinely interested in the arrangement. I usually don't get hit with "text them" on the second message from a girl that I would say is "ideal", but I do get hit with that alot from the older SBs (prob escorts) or the really young SB. Just my experience.

What say you?

05-05-22, 14:54
Thankyou for verifying why I am done with SA. Its not me or you. It them.Hey NeilGeorge,

It is THEM! That was kinda my assertion in the original post.


Don't give up too fast! I think it really really depends on location. Steve9696 validated the same in his local geo.

Hit up Spain or London and the games go away (to a degree). I usually have too many responses to give attention to each one. I start copying and pasting responses because there are so many. Totally different experience overseas. Well worth the time. The experience is well worth it.

Just my. 02.

The Cane
05-05-22, 15:08
Hey NeilGeorge,

It is THEM! That was kinda my assertion in the original post.And thanks to you for verifying me. Seeking sucks and is mostly a waste of money (and a huge waste of time), at least in the United States it is, which is the only place I have ever used it. Although I'm no longer active, I didn't actually delete my account, and I still get expressions of interest from time to time. Keeping an account was actually a conscious decision to extend my "experiment". What happens when you're no longer active, but keep your account? Well for one thing, Seeking is trying hard to get me to come back, offering a 20% discount. Make it free, and then I'll think about it LOL!

05-05-22, 15:25
I'm wondering why SA is not popular in Brazil? Rio and Sao Paulo are huge cities with plenty of girls. I know the talent is there, but for some reason they don't utilize the platform. When I was in Rio last summer I was only able to score 1 date (good one, though), pickings were extra slim, Medellin for example, has 5-6 times more girls on SA using the same search criteria. Has anyone successfully used SA in Rio or SP? I'm sure SA could be a good alternative to Scandallo girls for someone who prefers GFE dates and would like to get a better deal. I have just did a quick search, and SP got twice as many girls 18-25 yo as Rio, however, not many stunners to choose from.This is been discussed before. I believe Steve and others have pointed out that countries with well-developed P4P scenes seem to not be great Seeking destinations. Of course, this is a generalization and doesn't hold true to form everywhere. Some guys here have had great success with SA in Colombia even with its robust P4P scene. While others have found Seeking advantageous in Argentina where P4P has been driven underground.

I would add that from my years of visiting Brazil for business and pleasure that Brazilians (and other South Americans) have had very strong sugar daddy cultures. The income disparity has always been very high. Actually, one of the highest particularly for a fairly industrialize country. And if you consider, the very low wages at the base of the Brazilian pyramid you start to get the picture.

Taking all of this into consideration, I have to wonder if young Brazilian women with limited incomes really ever needed Seeking. Brazil has P4P freelancer venues that are more like nightclubs than brothels. A working girl at a boate (club) picks her partner and price. Some working girls fall into regular arrangements. I also think sugar daddies and sugar babies have been finding each other for decades in Brazil. Perhaps through work, through word of mouth or even at night clubs. It was not unusual for a business colleague to ask an attractive waitress thirty years younger for her phone number. Many times she would give it to him.

Steve 9696
05-05-22, 16:00
With travel picking up again for me, it's feels quite nice to be back in the mix. Even though Orlando was a shit show, the hunt was good. It actually very much validates my original interaction with Orlando some time ago. It is a wasteland for us. If you are not taking kids to Disney, there is nothing there IMHO.

You did bring up a point in passing that I'm curious about. I noticed in Orlando that there were many thirty something SBs on the site. Also, when browsing late twenties and early thirties in EU, the vibe in the profile is quite differernt from their younger counterparts.

So I'm wondering where is the sweet spot for you guys??

Are there some of you that like the aged scotch vs the fall beer?

Do some of you only go for the teens (18-20)?

Only go for Milfs?

Pros / Cons?

I usually look for 20 - 24, slim (don't like the extra meat), but will entertain a 19 yr old. My experience so far has been exclusively with SBs in that age range. When I have come across older SBs, they are usually on the tail end of a slew of bad life decisions and need some extra cash. Depending on the type of bad decisions, it could be cool, but it could also be an indication that she completely f*&Ki#g mental. Recent college grads getting hit by the real world, college girls, or young actresses (yes, thinking of Lili in Madrid) tend to be my sweet spot. Their bodies are usually in great shape, they are appreciative, and seem genuinely interested in the arrangement. I usually don't get hit with "text them" on the second message from a girl that I would say is "ideal", but I do get hit with that alot from the older SBs (prob escorts) or the really young SB. Just my experience.

What say you?For me it's unfailingly 22-24 that are best. If she has a nose ring it's even more of a tell! Older than 24 I've had some sex fails (balk!) whereas under 25 have been unfailingly down to get down! I wouldn't mind 20 but they both seem flakier and they can't drink at dinner (had one carded and denied! So 22-24 is just the best. Think I've had about 30 girls in this sweet spot.

05-05-22, 17:10
This is been discussed before. I believe Steve and others have pointed out that countries with well-developed P4P scenes seem to not be great Seeking destinations. Of course, this is a generalization and doesn't hold true to form everywhere. Some guys here have had great success with SA in Colombia even with its robust P4P scene. While others have found Seeking advantageous in Argentina where P4P has been driven underground.

I would add that from my years of visiting Brazil for business and pleasure that Brazilians (and other South Americans) have had very strong sugar daddy cultures. The income disparity has always been very high. Actually, one of the highest particularly for a fairly industrialize country. And if you consider, the very low wages at the base of the Brazilian pyramid you start to get the picture.

Taking all of this into consideration, I have to wonder if young Brazilian women with limited incomes really ever needed Seeking. Brazil has P4P freelancer venues that are more like nightclubs than brothels. A working girl at a boate (club) picks her partner and price. Some working girls fall into regular arrangements. I also think sugar daddies and sugar babies have been finding each other for decades in Brazil. Perhaps through work, through word of mouth or even at night clubs. It was not unusual for a business colleague to ask an attractive waitress thirty years younger for her phone number. Many times she would give it to him.A well developed P6 should put men off the playing field. Or some men, many men, if not all men. Some should still be interested in the longer term, GFE type girls which in theory can be fulfilled by SBs. I agree that I have very little incentive to seek SBs when in Germany but do search SA actively when in other EU countries or UK. But then again, if I was a local in DE, would I feel different? I may not, personally, as a married person seeking just paid sex for a couple of hours here and there (I never seek girls wanting to sleep overnight for example, because I have to be home in the nights). But there was a gentleman on FKK forums who was using local German sugar sites much more than FKKs. His logic was that sugarbabes provided him sex at similar rates and he found them more satisfying.

The other part of this equation are the women. Not every SB is a tute. If you are a typical SB in the US, her choice is not just SB or being a tute. There are tons of women who seek a sugar relationship but will never contemplate being a tute. What is their choice in DE or Brazil just because those countries have thriving local prostitution? I suspect there is a marketplace to serve them. Perhaps SA is not doing a good job attracting such women onto their sites.

05-05-22, 20:21
It actually very much validates my original interaction with Orlando some time ago. It is a wasteland for us. If you are not taking kids to Disney, there is nothing there IMHO.

You did bring up a point in passing that I'm curious about. I noticed in Orlando that there were many thirty something SBs on the site. Also, when browsing late twenties and early thirties in EU, the vibe in the profile is quite differernt from their younger counterparts.

So I'm wondering where is the sweet spot for you guys??

Do some of you only go for the teens (18-20)?Never had luck with one under 21. They expected $$$ and thought they did not have to share intimacy to get paid for simply companionship, they wanted a one way street.

22-24 were the best, usually they are experimenting, have some experience, are confused, boyfriends their own age cannot support them financially, and are in the best physical shape.

Over 25 you usually get mamas with kids. Then they have to get baby sitters, juggle work, and family, friends. Eventually it is not worth it and you will let them go.

Usually the darker skinned, the more available. White women think they are special and their pussy is gold, usually want more $$ (My opinion, YMMV).

Over 35 they are not in shape, may be more on time to their appointments, but have a lot of mileage on them. They probably were titty dancers when they were young and now cannot get the men's attention. Have alot of old tattoos, are smokers and wrinkled up faces.

05-05-22, 20:45
We don't need no stinking Seeking in Brazil! Too many other good options. Brazil even has several good escort agencies that I don't have to worry about bait and switch with. It's the only country I've mongered in where I can say that with confidence. There are plenty of avenues to get GFE in Brazil if that's what you want without needing SA. That's part of the beauty of Brazil. A multitude of options. What contributes to it being numero uno!Multitude of options to get GFE? Like what?

I have never been a fan of escort agencies. I did a few barravip girls (supposed to be independent?) and all of them were mediocre both in the service and in the looks.

The point of SA is to arrange a normal date, go out, have fun, return to apartment / hotel for more fun, without a rush. Of course there are plenty of options to get laid, but very few ways to get true GFE.

The Cane
05-05-22, 21:11
Multitude of options to get GFE? Like what?

I have never been a fan of escort agencies. I did a few barravip girls (supposed to be independent?) and all of them were mediocre both in the service and in the looks.

The point of SA is to arrange a normal date, go out, have fun, return to apartment / hotel for more fun, without a rush. Of course there are plenty of options to get laid, but very few ways to get true GFE.If you say so then. But as WyattEarp points out, the game is different in Brazil. They were "sugaring" long before Seeking was even a "thing". In the meantime, I've still got SA girls texting me. Some of the same ones who ghosted me months ago. Must be broke. Too late now babies. The Cane is out!

Steve 9696
05-05-22, 22:20
So today a girl I met on Seeking got married. And I'm going to declare a victory. What? Let me explain.

I met her three years ago early in my Seeking adventure. Not quite my type (rail thin) but cute enough. She'the just joined and we struck up a conversation. We really vibes well and eventually went over to text. Honestly it very quickly became a "friends" conversation and we just became pen pals more or less. (I've done this with two other girls).

Well it isn't long before we are quite comfortable behind our screens and start chatting about our sex lives and girls. She confesses that she's actually a lesbian and is only on Seeking for some money. And we continue to share stories about girls we are seeing or whatever. She says she's only tried sex with guys a couple times and it hurt and she hated it and that's how she knows she's a lesbian.

Well one night when very drunk she's with an old high school boyfriend. And they are really into each other but an attempted sex is very painful. But she really likes him. I ask her if she started on top or he did? She says he did. I say well I know some petite girls and they always start on top and kinda ease in over a minute or two but once the fit happens it works and she should try that.

Next chat she says "OMG. I started on top and eased in and we had sex! And it was great. I think I might be bi!

We'll long story short she indeed loved sex with him and they dated for a year. Eventually moved in with another guy from high school who she really adored but had lost touch with. They lived together for two years And got married today!

Ignoring the fact that most of us don't believe in that venerable institution of marriage anymore I think this is AMAZING. Where else can an old dude meet a hot young thing, give her sexual and life advice and totally change the course of her life? What a great platform. Despite all its flaws.

P.S. I coached my other two Penpal's thru other complex life situations, edited resumes and Med school applications. Seeking Arrangement. It's not just for fucking anymore! LOL.

05-05-22, 22:39
After 2 years of so much fun,(Minus her Crazy Ass Mom), and probably my best friend, the model is AWOL. I get the occasional text, but not looking good at all. I thought we would remain friends, but who knows. Life goes on, that is why I always kept meeting other girls, I knew this would happen some day.

MTY is still great and having amazing sex with different girl every weekend, but I would have married her this one.

I met one of my regular girl last night and meeting another tonight. Also, the Venz, Doctor is coming to visit me in San Antonio next weekend. Life is good.

Looks like it is time to head back to CDMX, that is where I was so Happy. The girls on SA are just incredible in Mexico City.

Work had definitely slowed down, with the economy in the tank, so I am having to work a little harder, but no complaints, we are still killing it.

05-06-22, 05:28
Do you guys mainly do SA outside of your home areas? I was in a midwest college town last week and the selection was awful. Ended up getting catfished and should've walked away but was already in the hotel. Probably going to require public meet going forward.

Would you tell a sb she smells? I've met this girl twice, we get along ok but she's got a funky odor. First time it was a lot of doggy so def got some poo smells, maybe she didn't shower or wipe but it was ok. Second time there's definitely a distinct odor that's more like bo than pussy / ass smell, more sweat like. She wasn't as warm the second time so might not repeat anyways but wondering if I should ask for shower or say something.

I've found it's awkward to check out of hotels an hour or two after you checked in. Had an issue where the desk said I couldn't check out til morning, still haven't gotten the bill. Day use doesn't work for me since I work during the day. Curious if anyone's got ideas.

05-06-22, 07:17
Multitude of options to get GFE? Like what?


The point of SA is to arrange a normal date, go out, have fun, return to apartment / hotel for more fun, without a rush. Of course there are plenty of options to get laid, but very few ways to get true GFE.There are many reports in the Brazil forum having multiple days date, or trip out of town. What do you do differently that you get true GFE and they don't.

05-06-22, 07:41
I've found it's awkward to check out of hotels an hour or two after you checked in. Had an issue where the desk said I couldn't check out til morning, still haven't gotten the bill. Day use doesn't work for me since I work during the day. Curious if anyone's got ideas.In the states, there is no need to "check out" of a hotel. You just leave before checkout time. Do any hotel in the states still require a formal checkout? The only reason to formally check out is if you need a paid-in-full bill, in case you need it for reimbursement for work. I guess if you have never just walked out of the hotel before, without formally checking out, then it may feel weird the first time you do it. If you feel weird about it, then ask them when you check in whether or not you have to formally check out.

Steve 9696
05-06-22, 12:12
In the states, there is no need to "check out" of a hotel. You just leave before checkout time. Do any hotel in the states still require a formal checkout? The only reason to formally check out is if you need a paid-in-full bill, in case you need it for reimbursement for work. I guess if you have never just walked out of the hotel before, without formally checking out, then it may feel weird the first time you do it. If you feel weird about it, then ask them when you check in whether or not you have to formally check out.Yeah what he said. I haven't checked out of a hotel in the USA for the last several years. I just make sure to leave the key in the room if It was a girl date so it's not on my person when I get home.

One point I am slightly paranoid on is what if there is some discrepancy and they write to my home address. I think the chances of this are vanishingly small — no one sends paper and ink anymore — but nonetheless when I check in if they go to key in my address off my license I say it's not my current address. Some times they stop and say they don't need it and others I give them a false incomplete address. In any case I've generally been successful in keeping my address out of their system. Maybe overly paranoid but this tip might help if you are also.

P.S. On the stinky girl question that's a no win situation. I'the just move on.

05-06-22, 14:47
In the states, there is no need to "check out" of a hotel. You just leave before checkout time. Do any hotel in the states still require a formal checkout?The nicer hotels check the mini bar and add that to your bill at check out, get you to sign for that and any pay per view porno or other views, and do a general look see of the room to make sure nothing was broken.

The Cane
05-06-22, 17:26
The nicer hotels check the mini bar and add that to your bill at check out, get you to sign for that and any pay per view porno or other views, and do a general look see of the room to make sure nothing was broken.Also at the nicer hotels you can use your TV to review your charges before you leave and go through a checkout that way. Just do it using the in-room TV and leave. And as you say, if you used the mini-bar or watched a pay-per-view or broke or took something you should not have, then the cost will be added to your final bill. I like being able to see what I've been charged before I leave the property without having to go to the front desk if I don't have to. That way, if something shows up on my credit card bill afterwards that I know darn well shouldn't be there (mini-bar charges for example), then I can confidently contest that charge if I want to.

05-07-22, 01:46
The nicer hotels check the mini bar and add that to your bill at check out, get you to sign for that and any pay per view porno or other views, and do a general look see of the room to make sure nothing was broken.LOL, nope. If you used the mini bar, then you will see a charge for it a week or two later. Remember? You left your credit card information with the hotel so that they can charge you for incidentals. Seems like you still "voluntarily" do a formal face to face check out, when it is not necessary. Try just walking out next time. It works. Trust Steve and me. He and I, and millions of other Americans, do this in the states.

05-07-22, 06:05
So today a girl I met on Seeking got married. And I'm going to declare a victory. What? Let me explain.

I met her three years ago early in my Seeking adventure. Not quite my type (rail thin) but cute enough. She'the just joined and we struck up a conversation. We really vibes well and eventually went over to text. Honestly it very quickly became a "friends" conversation and we just became pen pals more or less. (I've done this with two other girls).

Well it isn't long before we are quite comfortable behind our screens and start chatting about our sex lives and girls. She confesses that she's actually a lesbian and is only on Seeking for some money. And we continue to share stories about girls we are seeing or whatever. She says she's only tried sex with guys a couple times and it hurt and she hated it and that's how she knows she's a lesbian.

Well one night when very drunk she's with an old high school boyfriend. And they are really into each other but an attempted sex is very painful. But she really likes him. I ask her if she started on top or he did? She says he did. I say well I know some petite girls and they always start on top and kinda ease in over a minute or two but once the fit happens it works and she should try that..I agree with you mate, its an amazing platform and not only for sex. You meet interesting girls, your contributions give the urge for me to start writing again.

Cheers and Peace.

Keep writing buddy.

05-07-22, 21:22
LOL, nope. If you used the mini bar, then you will see a charge for it a week or two later. Remember? You left your credit card information with the hotel so that they can charge you for incidentals. Seems like you still "voluntarily" do a formal face to face check out, when it is not necessary. Try just walking out next time. It works. Trust Steve and me. He and I, and millions of other Americans, do this in the states.I noticed I got charged for overnight parking once when I left the night before and dropped the key in the box. I figured it was the girl since she'd parked in the garage but when I asked her she said she paid for herself. Got the charge reversed but it was a pain to have to call them.

05-07-22, 21:52
After 2 years of so much fun,(Minus her Crazy Ass Mom), and probably my best friend, the model is AWOL. I get the occasional text, but not looking good at all. I thought we would remain friends, but who knows. Life goes on, that is why I always kept meeting other girls, I knew this would happen some day.

MTY is still great and having amazing sex with different girl every weekend, but I would have married her this one.

I met one of my regular girl last night and meeting another tonight. Also, the Venz, Doctor is coming to visit me in San Antonio next weekend. Life is good.

Looks like it is time to head back to CDMX, that is where I was so Happy. The girls on SA are just incredible in Mexico City.

Work had definitely slowed down, with the economy in the tank, so I am having to work a little harder, but no complaints, we are still killing it.CDMX.

A bilingual flight attendant I've been seeing likes the idea of a nice cabin in Colombia together. In July. THEN I read about CDMX and thinking should I consider bringing sand to the beach? And skip the cabin. Flights are easy. And I would like to see the city, museums etc.

DramaFree11 & JuanCarter seem to suggest there is a surplus of top girls available in CDMX. Mine would love the trip. And we like each other already. A lot, it's scary. We are so lucky to have these choices. Suggestions guys? Bring extra sand or no?

05-08-22, 05:01
Finally got scammed. Girl asked for the money when we got in the room, I obliged and she ran when I was in the bathroom. I felt it was coming so I tried to chase after her but she started yelling so I stopped. She was the only girl who asked for money before anything happened and I should've known better. We had met in public first for coffee so wasn't straight to the hotel. When I said I wanted to do apple pay she said she wanted cash so I went to an ATM. Should I have called the police? I saw the car she left in and followed for a little but figured it wasn't worth it. She could've taken phone wallet and keys but just took the cash so I'm lucky.

05-08-22, 05:11
Strong advice here. Do nothing. Walk away. Let it go.

Do you think if you got the police involved she'the say she stole your money and ran? There's a real risk here that she says you assaulted her, that she was running away from you for her safety. You're not dealing with a saint, clearly. You don't need this headache. Walk away and never look back. So far this has only cost you money.

Finally got scammed. Girl asked for the money when we got in the room, I obliged and she ran when I was in the bathroom. I felt it was coming so I tried to chase after her but she started yelling so I stopped. She was the only girl who asked for money before anything happened and I should've known better. We had met in public first for coffee so wasn't straight to the hotel. When I said I wanted to do apple pay she said she wanted cash so I went to an ATM. Should I have called the police? I saw the car she left in and followed for a little but figured it wasn't worth it. She could've taken phone wallet and keys but just took the cash so I'm lucky.

05-08-22, 09:01

A bilingual flight attendant I've been seeing likes the idea of a nice cabin in Colombia together. In July. THEN I read about CDMX and thinking should I consider bringing sand to the beach? And skip the cabin. Flights are easy. And I would like to see the city, museums etc.

DramaFree11 & JuanCarter seem to suggest there is a surplus of top girls available in CDMX. Mine would love the trip. And we like each other already. A lot, it's scary. We are so lucky to have these choices. Suggestions guys? Bring extra sand or no?CDMX is a heaven for pussy mate: just need to be active on SA a week - 10 days prior as many girls have jobs, students, live on the outskirts of the city but the variety is immense and crazy.

I miss my covid lockdown in CDMX it was crazy.


05-08-22, 16:50
Howdy folks,

I'm having a ball in Colombia with SA. It seems to work better here than any developed country I've tried. In that there's a big pool of attractive, college aged girls looking for financial support. I'm picking up Spanish quickly which helps.

The challenge is that I can't be here all year. I can safely spend 3 months max per country. I like what I'm seeing on SA in Brazil and Argentina. Question is what should country #4 be?

Easy answer would be Mexico but I have a hard time finding attractive girls there. Same with Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Peru and Ecuador.

I saw a few good options in Santiago, Chile. Uruguay and Paraguay also have the slim European types I like, but not too many of them seem to be on SA. What would you do?

05-08-22, 18:08
Strong advice here. Do nothing. Walk away. Let it go.

Do you think if you got the police involved she'the say she stole your money and ran? There's a real risk here that she says you assaulted her, that she was running away from you for her safety. You're not dealing with a saint, clearly. You don't need this headache. Walk away and never look back. So far this has only cost you money.I agree and you're right. I'm just pretty shook by it and worried it will happen again. Maybe it's a sign to get off seeking. I'd just be paranoid the next time I went to a hotel with a girl, even if we'd met before.

05-08-22, 18:25

A bilingual flight attendant I've been seeing likes the idea of a nice cabin in Colombia together. In July. THEN I read about CDMX and thinking should I consider bringing sand to the beach? And skip the cabin. Flights are easy. And I would like to see the city, museums etc.

DramaFree11 & JuanCarter seem to suggest there is a surplus of top girls available in CDMX. Mine would love the trip. And we like each other already. A lot, it's scary. We are so lucky to have these choices. Suggestions guys? Bring extra sand or no?You will love CDMX. By far my favorite destination.

Elvis 2008
05-08-22, 20:51

A bilingual flight attendant I've been seeing likes the idea of a nice cabin in Colombia together. In July. THEN I read about CDMX and thinking should I consider bringing sand to the beach? And skip the cabin. Flights are easy. And I would like to see the city, museums etc.

DramaFree11 & JuanCarter seem to suggest there is a surplus of top girls available in CDMX. Mine would love the trip. And we like each other already. A lot, it's scary. We are so lucky to have these choices. Suggestions guys? Bring extra sand or no?Don, CDMX before Covid was just okay. After Covid hit and all these hotties lost their jobs, it was unreal and if DF says it is still great, you can take that to the bank.

That said, I would do both. The Mexican women want more than their Colombian counterparts, and CDMX has a vibrant escort scene with Twitter, street walkers, and I have used la boutique VIP with success too: https://www.laboutique.vip/calendario.php.

From a bang for the buck value, the escorts actually beat seeking. Post Covid though I was able to find the 10 types but only had as high as an 8 before. It was when I got a roster of hot SBs in Mexico that seeking ruled.

And you definitely want to go see the museums and the castle. They are unfuckingbelievable.

So my suggestion is you play the field the first part of your trip and then have your honey come in. An established SB is almost always going to be better than playing the field but I get that the lust for new pussy is so strong.

Elvis 2008
05-08-22, 21:08
Howdy folks,

I'm having a ball in Colombia with SA. It seems to work better here than any developed country I've tried. In that there's a big pool of attractive, college aged girls looking for financial support. I'm picking up Spanish quickly which helps.

The challenge is that I can't be here all year. I can safely spend 3 months max per country. I like what I'm seeing on SA in Brazil and Argentina. Question is what should country #4 be?

Easy answer would be Mexico but I have a hard time finding attractive girls there. Same with Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Peru and Ecuador.

I saw a few good options in Santiago, Chile. Uruguay and Paraguay also have the slim European types I like, but not too many of them seem to be on SA. What would you do?Chile has ugly women. Uruguay is very close to Buenos Aires and the women in BA blow away what you see in Montevideo.

Most Argentina vets actually say the women in Paraguay are better than Argentines. One guy here said you fuck a Paraguayan and she then would clean your house. That rings true as so many maids for Argentines come from Paraguay and when I was there, they were paid $200 a month to be live in servants.

If you look at GDP per capita in South America, you see Paraguay is #3. Bolivia is #2 but again the women are not attractive there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_South_American_countries_by_GDP_(nominal) _per_capita.

So the women of Paraguay are often attractive, good in bed, and hard workers. The downside of going there is Asuncion and Paraguay are kind of boring.

As far as the numbers on seeking go, I would not let that slow you down. I would be surprised if there were much resistance to any working girl wanting to hang out with you. And there are so many young people there and so few elderly that I would go up to virtually any young girl and proposition her. In the grocery store, they used hot women as billboards as these hotties would be in the aisles on roller skates wearing t-shirts hawking things like Frosted Flakes. Of course, said women were bored out of their mind.

And it would be nothing for there to be 50 hot Heineken girls strolling into a bar promoting that brand.

Performance wise, the only women better than Paraguayans were Brazilians.

Honestly, a lot of people hawk Venezuela as a land of beauties but I did not see that much when I was there. Paraguay was much, much better.

Steve 9696
05-09-22, 00:03
OMG. I'm supposed to be relaxing with a sea of girls to choose from but I'm stressing out juggling them. Kinda my own fault I suppose. I've kinda fallen in love (long distance) with this one girl and we vibes so well. But she's been hard to get ahold of of late and sometimes I'm double texting. She's been kinda non commital so really I should just move on. But I don't want to. So I set up some side pieces. Now we are literally 4 hours from her coming over and I'm not 100% sure we are on. I've got 2-3 other girls ready to meetup and kind stringing along and it's stressing me out!

I know I got to just fish or cut bait but I'm caught in limbo. Pretty soon I got to pull the trigger or I'm going to end up with Mr Hand as my date! I feel like one of those guys on reality TV who put eggs in several baskets and fuck them all up. Hahaha. Focus Steve Focus.

05-09-22, 00:36
Howdy folks,

I'm having a ball in Colombia with SA. It seems to work better here than any developed country I've tried. In that there's a big pool of attractive, college aged girls looking for financial support. I'm picking up Spanish quickly which helps.

Agree with your assessment. I had a blast with the Colombian girls on SA the last time and there are a big pool of college girls. Heading to Colombia again next month with a fresh list of college girls to call up when I am there. With each visit, my Spanish improves ever slightly more.

05-09-22, 01:05
Finally got scammed. Girl asked for the money when we got in the room, I obliged and she ran when I was in the bathroom. I felt it was coming so I tried to chase after her but she started yelling so I stopped. She was the only girl who asked for money before anything happened and I should've known better. We had met in public first for coffee so wasn't straight to the hotel. When I said I wanted to do apple pay she said she wanted cash so I went to an ATM. Should I have called the police? I saw the car she left in and followed for a little but figured it wasn't worth it. She could've taken phone wallet and keys but just took the cash so I'm lucky.There is always risk meeting a WG. Just like there is risk for the girl. You should at best pay 1/2 or walk when they ask to be paid in advance. You can show the money and agree on the amount, but there is no reason to hand it over. Chasing after the girl is really stupid. Are you going to assault her to get it back? At best it is a he said, she said. The police will side with the girl since that is the easiest thing for them to do--particularly for a foreigner. On the other hand, she could have planned this scam with others and they will be there to beat you up. Your radar should have warned you when you first met.

05-09-22, 04:12
Don't blame the victim. We've all fallen prey to someone, somewhere. It happens.

The best thing to do is not let it over influence your experience in life. It happens. You sleep with dogs you sometimes get fleas.

Just move on. It's just money and a bad experience. There are so many good experiences that make it all worthwhile.

There is always risk meeting a WG. Just like there is risk for the girl. You should at best pay 1/2 or walk when they ask to be paid in advance. You can show the money and agree on the amount, but there is no reason to hand it over. Chasing after the girl is really stupid. Are you going to assault her to get it back? At best it is a he said, she said. The police will side with the girl since that is the easiest thing for them to do--particularly for a foreigner. On the other hand, she could have planned this scam with others and they will be there to beat you up. Your radar should have warned you when you first met.

05-11-22, 02:48
I agree and you're right. I'm just pretty shook by it and worried it will happen again. Maybe it's a sign to get off seeking. I'd just be paranoid the next time I went to a hotel with a girl, even if we'd met before.Her running off with your money, while you were in the bathroom, is quite brazen. I remember one guy that got ripped off on SA, he was so mad at her that he made sure everyone knew she was a scammer. He created a new profile as an SB, but the entire profile was him warning all the SDs to stay away from the scammer's profile. You could also report her profile to the SA admiinstrators.

My buddy got scammed by a craigslist gal many years ago. She came to his room, asked for money up front, and then said that her friend was downstairs and would love to do a threesome, no extra charge. And so my dumb friend said okay, and let the gal go get her friend. It took over an hour before he realized that he was never seeing that gal ever again. I guess my point is that SA is not scam-free, just lilke nothing in this hobby is scam-free. For SA, I primarily just used it for GFE, so that helped minimize getting scammed. If there were times when I just wanted a pro, I would not use SA.

The Cane
05-11-22, 10:06
I guess my point is that SA is not scam-free.That's got to be the biggest understatement ever written in this thread. SA is infested with fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers. That's what ultimately drove me away from it.

05-11-22, 14:29
The reality is in a situation like this, a girl running off is actually the best outcome. If she's showing up scheming to take your money, what's the better outcome? That you watch her like a hawk and she gives you a bad experience the whole time? Once it gets to that you end up writing a note on this forum saying you had an experience so bad you wish you had none at all.

These things happen. They suck, and they're part of life. Be thankful you're the one with the resources to be scammed, and you go back to your resource-filled life. The other party has to live with the fact her life is made up of creeping around bathrooms waiting to make a break for it. She didn't exactly get a free lunch here.

Her running off with your money, while you were in the bathroom, is quite brazen. I remember one guy that got ripped off on SA, he was so mad at her that he made sure everyone knew she was a scammer. He created a new profile as an SB, but the entire profile was him warning all the SDs to stay away from the scammer's profile. You could also report her profile to the SA admiinstrators.

My buddy got scammed by a craigslist gal many years ago. She came to his room, asked for money up front, and then said that her friend was downstairs and would love to do a threesome, no extra charge. And so my dumb friend said okay, and let the gal go get her friend. It took over an hour before he realized that he was never seeing that gal ever again. I guess my point is that SA is not scam-free, just lilke nothing in this hobby is scam-free. For SA, I primarily just used it for GFE, so that helped minimize getting scammed. If there were times when I just wanted a pro, I would not use SA.

Mush Elvii
05-11-22, 21:09
I'm posting SA related details here in relevant form as cdmx forum is mainly for escort (though SA is just another medium for same activities, but I guess semantics are different to many. LOL). I'll post my cdmx link here to cross connect both as both make up for one trip worth of experience for me.

for rest of report, access it at : http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?433-D.-F.-Street-Scene&p=2696059&viewfull=1#post2696059

SA encounters:

I had almost dozen contacts which I lined up but lost half of them as I couldn't visit in April. Girls tend to block or move on if you cannot close the deal quickly so be aware of that. The one who stayed in contact were my scores.


A 23 yr old med student, living with parents and a gym bound talent. We did not talk about deed nor price and our conversation for almost month revolved around gym work, studies and building anticipation to meet.

I ubered her one evening and met at Starbucks. We opted to eat first and broke ice during dinner. After that, we walked a bit, got ice cream as desert and I invited her to apt. Once there, we did couch talk acting like first date slowly increasing body touches and eventually started DFK. I slowly undressed her and saw the perfect gym toned body with a nice ass to grab to. She's about 5'3", 120 lbs and a be cup original. No crazy ink on body nor piercing.

I took her to bed and then we went on for about 3 hrs until mid night. I went to town on DATY which was well received. We were too charged up by end of it that I just put cover and went on. A true passionate GFE still round with ending inside her (in cover).

Then we continued DFK, talked about cdmx living, weather and continued cuddling. 2nd round started with BJ (which she wanted covered a bit downer surprise) but I let her do that and then cowgirl and doggie to finish in.

3rd round was even more intimate; so much that she was 'ready' to go bareback. I tested water but did'nt opt for it (I was tempted to remind her about her hesitancy to not even suck w / o cover 45 min ago but didn't rub it on 😊).

By end of 3rd round, we two were too exhausted that just stayed in bed for 10-15 more minutes laying still. I was building to keep her for night but her mother cockblocked and I had to call her Uber.

We decided to meet up again on Saturday but I was not able to fit her in schedule so she's a repeat for next month.

Total damage 2. 5 k plus food and uber cost. We are in touch for next month visit and she sent me bunch of picture trying out clothes which she bought with money I gave!


A 22 year old nursing student living with her mother; a true Flaca spinner body and we talked about meeting for lunch (no upfront pricing discussion). She's about 5'5", 110 lbs and a be cup w / pointy nipples.

I ubered her from her Uni directly to my apartment. We opted to ubereat sushi and talked about her studies and family etc. Since she has to go back in 3 hrs, I started w / DFK while waiting for food and strip her naked right away. Her nips were very sensitive so couldn't suck / manhandle them all (turned out to be lactating due to 2 yr baby. I wanted to go pvery mode and had her spray some on my chest but she was too embarrassed to do so) but made it up in DATY. A BBBJ was followed with partial CIM as she couldn't take all the load in mouth.

We cleaned up and food arrived right after so went thru it and then back to bed for round#1. She is petite and couldn't take full length so I had her ride instead and control the pace. I ended up in sideway position as it creates a good angle to hit her spot and make her moan uncontrollably. Ended in cover and took a breather / beer break while chatting more. I tried to talk her in to anal but was a no-go.

Round#2 was full on doggie pound, I could tell that it was bit too intense for her but I went on as she was keep flattening to her stomach with each thrust so I ended up riding her on her back and finish that way. Get her cleaned and got her uber for home back. I will keep her as back up for next trip based on overall experience. Total damage is 2 k+cost of food + uber.


She was highlight of my trip. A 25 yr old college grad, working in digital marketing for some freelance as well as part time modeling.

We were in touch for few weeks; causal chat with no mention of act or $$. She played just a date card till end and when clothes came off, a true gem came out.

She agreed to meet for dinner; was interested in knowing which restaurant I'm taking, and I could sense that she was looking to get wined / dined at $$ place. I met her at a seafood restaurant (good upscale location). She was about 5'6", flawless skin / body with a good see size on a slim waste with proportionate ass. She came in a crop top and tight jeans covered by a see-through cardigan.

We started talking and surprisingly she could speak decent English (& wanted to practice) so I switched to native tongue along with my Spanglish mode. We spent about 90 min in restaurant, she opted for top $$ mixed cocktail and food but I let her do that as she was fun company. After dinner, it started pouring and I made her walk so she was practically climbing on my back while we walked in Polanco. We went to Carajillo for drinks (her choice) but place was packfed so ended up in a ice cream parlor. We spent about 45 min there and her mother started to call. It was about 3 hrs being together by then and she was not sure about going to apt but I sweet talked her and we went to my apt.

In apt, we did some chit chat, still a lot of mixed flags so I didn't make the move. She got some msg about hand modeling gig so I helped her taking some pictures, some touchy feely act and got her comfortable so made my move and started DFK. She responded very well to it and off goes clothes. The body was near perfect. All original, no gym and yet toned like hell. I went on for DATY and got her huffin / puffin and warmed up to point where she just wanted to get on and ride. I tested water w / o cover but didn't push much (I am NOT into BB it so it was just a tease) so went on with cover and went hard and fast. I had to stop in between few times to pace myself and at times it was like I'm wrangling an alligator in bed as when she get close to edge with pounding, she withered like fish out of water where I'm trying to keep her locked under me so it was fun and watch her face go thru 50 shades of grey mode.

It went on about 20-25 min and finally finished in cover. I wanted to go for round 2 but it was around 11 p and her phone was being blown up by madre so had to get her uber. She is my number 1 repeat when I'm back again in city.

Total damage is about 2. 5 k+food+uber and well worth it.


This was my most 'unusual' encounter; A true 5 ft petite, be cup, less than 95 lbs chic who is semi-pro actor / singer / stage production worker. We chatted for weeks and I could tell she is new to act. I offered to meet at dinner and we went through several rescheduling but I got her finally Sat late afternoon for food / drinks. We met in Polanco (she was coming from a production she is working in); cute shorts, top and light jacket.

Surprisingly, she spoke near perfect English beside Spanish and very well aware of pretty much every topic we spoke on. We spent about 90 min in restaurant. She met few before me but no sex (which I really don't buy when a girl tells that).

It took me another 30 min to get her to apt and another 30 min to started DFK. As soon as it started, she was blushed beyond red cherry and nervous as hell. I pulled back and ask if she's ok! Again, according to her, she never had 1 night stand or casual encounter, always in committed relationship so she was going through mixed emotions. I continue to chat and got her mellowed down (even smoke a Cigg with her to calm her nerve down on balcony,. LOL).

We went back to sofa and she couldn't figure out what to do so I grabbed her hand and took her to bed, slowly stripped her and dived to DATY the a fully shaved and picture-perfect pussy. Took about 20 min to get her loosened and dripping. I was seriously contemplating if I should even try fu**in her as she felt soo tight and almost felt like borderline virgin. Her boobs were marvelous (small but absolutely amazing not a single stretch mark or tattoo on body).

I then came up for some more DFK and to work on rest of action but she got too anxious for going all the way in 'first meeting' and started having 2nd thoughts (mind it -she's full naked in my bed with me on top of her).

I opted not to go further and told her that we can continue doing it next month if she still wants to meet up. She stayed in bed with me for next 30 minutes; we talked about past sexual encounters, some light fun stuff, sexual fantasies, usual post sex chat etc.

She was very apologetic, didn't expected or asked a single $ and wanted to meet me next time so she can have some time to adjust to idea of having sb / sd lifestyle kinda thing.

I gave her some money (which she was very surprised to take but utterly thankful) and got her uber back. She messaged me several times during next few days sharing her daily life details, etc etc and I'll see her in next trip to experience how that tight P**why feels on my the**k!! Can't wait!

Total damage: 1 k+food+uber.

Overall, CDMX proven to be treasure cove and I reckon near endless supply to tap to in next many months! Thanks to all who shared their experience and insight as it helped lay the game plan for effective execution.

Till next time!! Adios.

Steve 9696
05-11-22, 23:29
Seeking remains an amazing series of highs and lows -- for me the highs massively outweighing the lows, but I experienced both recently.

Low -- Leya, who is the aspiring model / actress that I was having a tough time pinning down on a date, ends up being THREE HOURS late to our date. Fortunately I was pretty much napping the whole time and she was really determined to see me. She shows up at 11:45 PM!

High -- Leya is drop dead gorgeous and a bubbly chatty fountain of energy. She comes straight to my room and we end up chatting for two hours nonstop (well mostly her, LOL). We had planned to order room service but totally forgot! We nearly kill a 5th of vodka and it is lit and off the hook. The sex is hot and heavy and amazing. She wants to daddy daughter role play and its fucking filthy and fun as fuck! She stays for about 5 hours and two rounds and then Uber's home.

High -- Alexa who I met in 2019 and then flew to Miami in 2020 is up next. And what an amazing little latina pocket rocket. She actually an amazing person as well and we have a companionable dinner where I play the dad role and coach her on various aspects of her life. Back in the room, its no more dad and all BFGF. We truly adore each other (no role play here! End up killing two bottles of wine, multiple mini-cigars. Amazing sweet bareback sex for 3 hours (drunk as fuck and don’t cum until 3:30 AM!) with various short breaks for wine and cigars. Literally did 69 for over a half hour non-stop -- my tongue is still sore. Unbelieveable night and she sleeps over.

Low -- I advance Leya a pretty big chunk of money against our date the following day. I say never do this and the few times I have I am always burned. And here we are again. She gets called to LA and our meet is off. But she's already spent the money. And we get into a tiff and more or less part ways.

High. Alexa is coming over again tonight and cooking me dinner which she is bringing to the hotel. We will have dinner in the room and she'll stay over. Damn, try getting some hooker to cook you dinner! True BFGF.

High (maybe) -- I accidentally butt dial (no joke) Leya which results in reconnecting. She sends me videos of her getting her make up done and primping for the camera with a fellow actress. And I think -- damn I fucked the life out of that amazing goddess just the other night! The timestamps show definitely early this AM, presumably in LA. So its not all a big made up story. But the money asks seem like they may be infinite, so maybe this is a low afterall. LOL.

And more no doubt to come. Highs and lows. Def the highs are totally worth the lows. Like even if Im out the Leya cash advance our meetup was priceless. Totally would do it again!

05-12-22, 04:30
Hey Steve9696,

I just saw your post from 6 weeks ago about your Buenos Aires adventures. I decided to check out the Seeking line-up there and I was suitably impressed. Looks much more target rich than my local scene.

You may have found the answer to a question I have had for years: where did all those hot chicas from Black / Madahos go after those clubs shut down? They're on Seeking now! Makes perfect sense.

Interested to hear how you viewed the scene there compared to the US, how much time you had to invest and what you paid etc. I know the city reasonably well and love it but compared to Brasil or Colombia it is not what it once was for the foreign monger.

In fact, I would love to hear your opinion about the best non-US Seeking scene.

Thanks for all you contribute brother.


05-12-22, 08:16
So the damage you mentioned was all USD?

I'm posting SA related details here in relevant form as cdmx forum is mainly for escort (though SA is just

A 22 year old nursing student living with her mother; a true Flaca spinner body and we talked about meeting for lunch (no upfront pricing discussion). She's about 5'5", 110 lbs and a be cup w / pointy nipples.

I ubered her from her Uni directly to my apartment. We opted to ubereat sushi and talked about her studies and family etc. Since she has to go back in 3 hrs, I started w / DFK while waiting for food and strip her naked right away. Her nips were very sensitive so couldn't suck / manhandle them all (turned out to be lactating due to 2 yr baby. I wanted to go pvery mode and had her spray some on my chest but she was too embarrassed to do so) but made it up in DATY. A BBBJ was followed with partial CIM as she couldn't take all the load in mouth.

We cleaned up and food arrived right after so went thru it and then back to bed for round#1. She is petite and couldn't take full length so I had her ride instead and control the pace. I ended up in sideway position as it creates a good angle to hit her spot and make her moan uncontrollably. Ended in cover and took a breather / beer break while chatting more. I tried to talk her in to anal but was a no-go.

Round#2 was full on doggie pound, I could tell that it was bit too intense for her but I went on as she was keep flattening to her stomach with each thrust so I ended up riding her on her back and finish that way. Get her cleaned and got her uber for home back. I will keep her as back up for next trip based on overall experience. Total damage is 2 k+cost of food + uber...

05-12-22, 08:30
I'm posting SA related details here in relevant form as cdmx forum is mainly for escort (though SA is just another medium for same activities, but I guess semantics are different to many. LOL). I'll post my cdmx link here to cross connect both as both make up for one trip worth of experience for me.

Overall, CDMX proven to be treasure cove and I reckon near endless supply to tap to in next many months! Thanks to all who shared their experience and insight as it helped lay the game plan for effective execution.

Till next time!! Adios.Amazing write up mate, reminds me of my time in CDMX during Covid, I was at the Intercontinental Santa Fe and had a blast with SA girls. Absolutely Green Hotel with office lift at the ground floor so the girl comes up directly to the room no need to register at the reception.

Went to Polanco with a few of the repeat SA girls as they wanted to get wined and dined in the few restaurants and clubs that were open during Covid.

There was a Restaurant / Bar in Polanco which had a Club after party place in Santa Fe and we had fun during those covid lockdown nights.

CDMX is crazy SA heaven just you need to start preparing 10-15 days in advance for these working girls as they have jobs, classes and other family things.

Cheers Mate.

Keep writing makes me have amazing memories.



Mush Elvii
05-12-22, 18:36
So the damage you mentioned was all USD?F**k NO! Its all pesos mate!

05-12-22, 22:18
I am a long time user of SA and have had great success with it. I was recently suspended and subsequent accounts that I have created have all been suspended despite changing what I thought was key information.

Anyone know what criteria seeking is using to implement new suspensions? I am traveling to CDMX and know I'll need SA there. Please advise.

Steve 9696
05-13-22, 02:14
Hey Steve9696,

I just saw your post from 6 weeks ago about your Buenos Aires adventures. I decided to check out the Seeking line-up there and I was suitably impressed. Looks much more target rich than my local scene.

You may have found the answer to a question I have had for years: where did all those hot chicas from Black / Madahos go after those clubs shut down? They're on Seeking now! Makes perfect sense.

Interested to hear how you viewed the scene there compared to the US, how much time you had to invest and what you paid etc. I know the city reasonably well and love it but compared to Brasil or Colombia it is not what it once was for the foreign monger.

In fact, I would love to hear your opinion about the best non-US Seeking scene.

Thanks for all you contribute brother.

Hb.I can't comment too much on worldwide SA scene. Except to say I *think* it's most useful where prostitution is patently illegal like the US and Argentina. I would guess therefore it might be hot in China right now because they are cracking down hard on in person venues.

As far as Baires (noticed a couple girls use that shorthand) I did find it to be great based on a few datapoints. I prob had 6 girls in various states of text over a couple weeks. A couple spoke excellent English even. And I had two great dates with two different girls. $200 USD seems about right. And they want $$ not pesos it seems so make sure you have USD with you.

Another tip is the UBer in Baires is worst I've seen. They will text you after accepting the ride and if you refuse to pay in cash they will cancel you. I found it worth paying Uber black as they were more reliable. Or you could just pay cash I suppose. But it was frustrating si be prepared.

The Cane
05-13-22, 02:40
I can't comment too much on worldwide SA scene. Except to say I *think* it's most useful where prostitution is patently illegal like the US and Argentina.Where did you get that prostitution is "patently illegal" in Argentina? It is not. And if it was, then I never would have mongered there, as I indeed have: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-where-prostitution-is-legal.

05-13-22, 03:35
I am a long time user of SA and have had great success with it. I was recently suspended and subsequent accounts that I have created have all been suspended despite changing what I thought was key information.

Anyone know what criteria seeking is using to implement new suspensions? I am traveling to CDMX and know I'll need SA there. Please advise.Do you use a VPN?

Steve 9696
05-13-22, 04:22
Where did you get that prostitution is "patently illegal" in Argentina? It is not. And if it was, then I never would have mongered there, as I indeed have: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-where-prostitution-is-legal.It's not like I looked it up. Should have just said “I could not find good alternatives to SA in recent years”. And have had gems on SA in Baires.

05-13-22, 05:10
Amazing write up mate, reminds me of my time in CDMX during Covid, I was at the Intercontinental Santa Fe and had a blast with SA girls. Absolutely Green Hotel with office lift at the ground floor so the girl comes up directly to the room no need to register at the reception.

Went to Polanco with a few of the repeat SA girls as they wanted to get wined and dined in the few restaurants and clubs that were open during Covid.

There was a Restaurant / Bar in Polanco which had a Club after party place in Santa Fe and we had fun during those covid lockdown nights.

CDMX is crazy SA heaven just you need to start preparing 10-15 days in advance for these working girls as they have jobs, classes and other family things.I had the same experience in CDMX. Love the city, besides traffic there is really nothing to complain about. So much fun and beautiful girls everywhere, amazing food and even better service.

05-13-22, 07:03
Ah yes, the joys of the Argentine economy. You learn quickly to a US and Argentina. You quickly learn to avoid transacting, as much as possible, at the official tasa blanco. That means no cards or cash apps. The tasa azul rate you get on the street is about 75% better. My bet is 200 US is a lot of money even for more middle class girls. That's 40 k pesos at the blue rate. Crazy.

$200 USD seems about right. And they want $$ not pesos it seems so make sure you have USD with you..

05-13-22, 09:32
I am a long time user of SA and have had great success with it. I was recently suspended and subsequent accounts that I have created have all been suspended despite changing what I thought was key information.

Anyone know what criteria seeking is using to implement new suspensions? I am traveling to CDMX and know I'll need SA there. Please advise.They use your location filter (GPS) any IP address, computer, or phone #, any previous photos, any previous account names. Probably not all of that but they can. Change your messaging text also. Never mention $ or "friends with benefits" etc. They are being conservative so as not to be banned themselves. Good luck in cdmx. I will be there this summer.

05-13-22, 16:15
Ah yes, the joys of the Argentine economy. You learn quickly to a US and Argentina. You quickly learn to avoid transacting, as much as possible, at the official tasa blanco. That means no cards or cash apps. The tasa azul rate you get on the street is about 75% better. My bet is 200 US is a lot of money even for more middle class girls. That's 40 k pesos at the blue rate. Crazy..Exactly. They lose value the minute they accept Argentine Pesos at the official exchange rate.

I'm guessing it's also hard for everyday Argentines to accumulate dollars or euros. Dollars under the proverbial mattress are their hedge from a falling peso. SA girls meeting up with foreigners can likely accumulate a small nest egg.

05-14-22, 06:56
The reality is in a situation like this, a girl running off is actually the best outcome. If she's showing up scheming to take your money, what's the better outcome? That you watch her like a hawk and she gives you a bad experience the whole time? Once it gets to that you end up writing a note on this forum saying you had an experience so bad you wish you had none at all.

These things happen. They suck, and they're part of life. Be thankful you're the one with the resources to be scammed, and you go back to your resource-filled life. The other party has to live with the fact her life is made up of creeping around bathrooms waiting to make a break for it. She didn't exactly get a free lunch here.I agree with you and it could've been worse since she didn't take wallet / phone / keys. Think I'm going to take a break from SA for awhile though. Scammed last weekend then got stood up today for what was supposed to be a first date. Would you say most of you guys have pretty good game with women? Sounds like Steve does. Been wondering if that's my problem since my game sucks for the most part.

05-14-22, 16:30
Exactly. They lose value the minute they accept Argentine Pesos at the official exchange rate.

I'm guessing it's also hard for everyday Argentines to accumulate dollars or euros. Dollars under the proverbial mattress are their hedge from a falling peso. SA girls meeting up with foreigners can likely accumulate a small nest egg.It does not depreciate that much short term for a few months if there is no event. But the fluctuation daily can be up to 5% based on my experience. Most will accept pesos, and they even round up the number so it can be a few hundred pesos cheaper. It's just you have to carry a lot of bills with you.

I did not contact any SA girls there. The main reason is I only look at the new ones. There are some but not that many so I did not try it.

05-14-22, 17:08
Argentina is the only country I have been in where you need to discuss HOW a transaction will take place (pesos, how to handle import / export controls) before you discuss the WHAT (goods, quality, price). People complain about Brasil but it's a functional economy compared to Argentina.

Exactly. They lose value the minute they accept Argentine Pesos at the official exchange rate.

I'm guessing it's also hard for everyday Argentines to accumulate dollars or euros. Dollars under the proverbial mattress are their hedge from a falling peso. SA girls meeting up with foreigners can likely accumulate a small nest egg..

05-14-22, 18:20
Argentina is the only country I have been in where you need to discuss HOW a transaction will take place (pesos, how to handle import / export controls) before you discuss the WHAT (goods, quality, price). People complain about Brasil but it's a functional economy compared to Argentina..Brazil put on its big boy pants in the mid-90's and ridded themselves of hyperinflation. The funny thing was the Brazilians and their businesses were much adept at managing through hyperinflation than the Argentines ever were.

The Cane
05-14-22, 19:00
Brazil put on its big boy pants in the mid-90's and ridded themselves of hyperinflation. The funny thing was the Brazilians and their businesses were much adept at managing through hyperinflation than the Argentines ever were.I have a friend whose relatives lost their life savings (twice) due to devaluations of the real. So maybe the Brazilians put on their big boy pants to manage their economy. But, a lot of people got hurt and lost the shirts on their backs because of that too.

05-14-22, 19:52
Where did you stay? Did the girls give you their price and if so when or did you just give them what you wanted?

Steve 9696
05-14-22, 20:43
Even tho finding great girls is painful, it is totally worth it for me. Because once I get the date and we seal the deal and head to the room I've had very few girls I was unhappy with. At a minimum I'd repeat. Some Id repeat a lot. LOL. Here's a quick tally.

I think I've bedded 37 SA girls. Of these only 2 were truly disappointing. One was a straight up hooker easy to tell before the date but she was lazy in bed. Too tired to cowgirl. I mean WTF? One was ok / awkward on the first date and had to convince her to BJ no condom. Second date she showed up in sweats, hair not done, and insisted CBJ. Done. And then there was of course Valentina who jilted me in London after flying her there. So she was a home run win followed by a devastating loss. Gonna put her in the loss column for completeness but I'd do it all over again.

And that leaves 34 (92%!) that I'd repeat with! Of the 34,26 were one or two time wonders. Only circumstances (haven't been back or found someone better) prevent repeating. 5 I did 4+ times. And 3 are regs I've hit 10 or more times.

To me this is just AMAZING. Totally worth any logistical pain. I am not sure if I am more successful than most. Just this is what I've experienced.

05-15-22, 01:10
Same. I've had a few bad experiences. But mostly they were amazing. What was best was how they differ from escorts. With escorts it's clearly a transaction. They show up for an amount of time, and they are leaving at a specific time. It's a job. With sa, you are having dinner and a conversation. You are bedding someone who wasn't in bed with another guy 2 hours ago. You're kind of both getting away with something. This is her secret side hustle, and you're bedding a girl half your age who you'the otherwise never be able to do. This is win win.

Even tho finding great girls is painful, it is totally worth it for me. Because once I get the date and we seal the deal and head to the room I've had very few girls I was unhappy with. At a minimum I'd repeat. Some Id repeat a lot. LOL. Here's a quick tally.

I think I've bedded 37 SA girls. Of these only 2 were truly disappointing. One was a straight up hooker easy to tell before the date but she was lazy in bed. Too tired to cowgirl. I mean WTF? One was ok / awkward on the first date and had to convince her to BJ no condom. Second date she showed up in sweats, hair not done, and insisted CBJ. Done. And then there was of course Valentina who jilted me in London after flying her there. So she was a home run win followed by a devastating loss. Gonna put her in the loss column for completeness but I'd do it all over again.

And that leaves 34 (92%!) that I'd repeat with! Of the 34,26 were one or two time wonders. Only circumstances (haven't been back or found someone better) prevent repeating. 5 I did 4+ times. And 3 are regs I've hit 10 or more times.

To me this is just AMAZING. Totally worth any logistical pain. I am not sure if I am more successful than most. Just this is what I've experienced.

Mush Elvii
05-15-22, 06:36
Where did you stay? Did the girls give you their price and if so when or did you just give them what you wanted?I stayed in an airbnb in Polanco, near Liverpool dept store.

The SA I scored did not gave their prices nor any $ was discussed upfront. This is not usual though as more than 50% want to negotiate upfront in my experience.

Then, there were few which only wanted to meet up on dinner date and I usually play that way anyway to weed out obvious dudd's. The one I discussed price upfront flunked out few days before meeting and few were outrageous quoting 5 or 6 k pesos which I won't / don't pay.

I usually pay based on session length, quality and act as well as what I spend on their food, transportation etc so not a fixed amount formula!

05-15-22, 07:05
Same. I've had a few bad experiences. But mostly they were amazing. What was best was how they differ from escorts. With escorts it's clearly a transaction. They show up for an amount of time, and they are leaving at a specific time. It's a job. With sa, you are having dinner and a conversation. You are bedding someone who wasn't in bed with another guy 2 hours ago. You're kind of both getting away with something. This is her secret side hustle, and you're bedding a girl half your age who you'the otherwise never be able to do. This is win win.Do you guys always do dinner and hotel? I haven't been able to find a girl that wants to sugar date regularly, only ones that are more fwb. I thought I didn't mind but it feels too transactional. One girl stayed barely an hour and I felt the ppm wasn't worth it.

J Janni
05-15-22, 11:22
The trouble with Seeking is it can ruin other forms of commercial sex for you.

Getting on for two weeks now of drowning myself in Filipina pussy and all I can think about is my totally wild, crazy SB back in the UK.

If she had the capacity to deal with the travel (she's a totally sweet girl with bad anxiety issues), she'd totally be down to fly out here and join me. She knows exactly where I am and what I'm up to. And mostly, she's just jealous of the girls I'm getting and she's not.

We had a little chat the other day and she updated me on her adventures. She's still only seeing one other sugar daddy (supposedly exclusive, but she met me again after that arrangement.) Still exploring her kinky side with a group of very kinky friends. And still utterly lovely.

Absolute unicorn. I'll never find a girl like this again.

Hopefully I can see her a few times when I'm back from my travels. She is literally up for seeing me in any capacity I want.

I still see her crashing and burning, changing, not being the person I have such fond memories of. Maybe it will be different when I see her again.

Maybe not though.

Arrrgh! I wish I was the guy I pretend to be on Seeking. Loaded, living and working in the UK and with the finances and work situation just to chain her up in my place (she'd love it.).

Steve 9696
05-15-22, 18:14
Do you guys always do dinner and hotel? I haven't been able to find a girl that wants to sugar date regularly, only ones that are more fwb. I thought I didn't mind but it feels too transactional. One girl stayed barely an hour and I felt the ppm wasn't worth it.For me I found that always going to dinner is the ticket. I only tried a coffee date once and it was a fail. I tried several lunch dates that didn't work out early on. Other than one ice cream date that scored a regular (fairly pro girl) it's only dinner dates that work for me. You get a chance to become comfortable which is truly important for the non pros. I had two straight to room semi pros — but even they wanted to chat my ear off for two hours before getting down. Recently Leya even called me out for a quick watch check (1:30 AM!) saying too many guys just want to jump in the sack and she needs to be comfortable first.

So I think dinner definitely works to my advantage and always take dinner momentum to the bedroom.

Elvis 2008
05-15-22, 19:44
The trouble with Seeking is it can ruin other forms of commercial sex for you.

Getting on for two weeks now of drowning myself in Filipina pussy and all I can think about is my totally wild, crazy SB back in the UK.Yeah, it is funny. I told other guys that SB sex was better than ho sex, and the ones who have not gotten a SB all are like, "How do you know that? You are not in the room when I have sex. You are weird" but every guy who has done the SB thing knows good SB sex is way way better than good ho sex. If you find a loyal horny one who falls for you, it is even better still, but those are hard to come by.

But JJ, why not try using seeking in the Philippines? I see a lot of hotties on there, and the Asian girls with their long term focus seems to be what we are looking for.

05-15-22, 20:25
Do you guys always do dinner and hotel? I haven't been able to find a girl that wants to sugar date regularly, only ones that are more fwb. I thought I didn't mind but it feels too transactional. One girl stayed barely an hour and I felt the ppm wasn't worth it.Always. Though not because I must. Because I enjoy it more. The alternative is eating alone and waiting for the hour the escort shows up. More fun to have a companion. And I would guess it's better for the girl to not be treated like an escort. I always do really nice restaurants. The kind they prob can't afford. Because I assume it greases the skids.

05-16-22, 00:09
Always. Though not because I must. Because I enjoy it more. The alternative is eating alone and waiting for the hour the escort shows up. More fun to have a companion. And I would guess it's better for the girl to not be treated like an escort. I always do really nice restaurants. The kind they prob can't afford. Because I assume it greases the skids.That makes sense. Have you run into any girls that are just there for the expensive meal though? I was talking to one girl that expected fancy meals every date and I felt like she'd order the most expensive thing probably.

Do you avoid girls that want to meet at a hotel?

05-16-22, 01:47
That makes sense. Have you run into any girls that are just there for the expensive meal though? I was talking to one girl that expected fancy meals every date and I felt like she'd order the most expensive thing probably.

Do you avoid girls that want to meet at a hotel?I've only had a couple experiences in the US, many more in Colombia and Panama. For Colombia and Panama I would say 4/5's are straight up P4 P and it's not worth dinner unless you speak fluent Spanish or want practice. In lieu of dinner, I usually try to do at least a drink to loosen them up and start some chemistry as the sex tends to be better that way. Many girls will be open to coming straight to your hotel and in that case I usually have some drinks available and something for music (I. E. Bluetooth speaker, some reggaeton). Offer room service if she wants it. If I'm unsure of the girls looks I always try to do a video call before. I had this happen recently with a girl in Colombia where she had put on a legitimate 30 lbs since her photos were taken and the photos were heavily photo-shopped as well. The hilarious thing is that she kept asking me for real photos, and I was like, look at my profile (there are 8-9 real photos). And then of course her photos are the fake ones LOL.

05-16-22, 01:50
Yeah, it is funny. I told other guys that SB sex was better than ho sex, and the ones who have not gotten a SB all are like, "How do you know that? You are not in the room when I have sex. You are weird" but every guy who has done the SB thing knows good SB sex is way way better than good ho sex. If you find a loyal horny one who falls for you, it is even better still, but those are hard to come by.

But JJ, why not try using seeking in the Philippines? I see a lot of hotties on there, and the Asian girls with their long term focus seems to be what we are looking for.Agree with this. The SB sex has always been much more GFE and vast majority want to do BBFS, multiple pops, CIM, etc. The girls also seem much more turned on, or better at faking it. I guess it's the money they know we have? (LOL the best aphrodisiac for women! I usually do covered the first time with a girl and then decide from there.

05-16-22, 02:31
For me I found that always going to dinner is the ticket. I only tried a coffee date once and it was a fail. I tried several lunch dates that didn't work out early on. Other than one ice cream date that scored a regular (fairly pro girl) it's only dinner dates that work for me. You get a chance to become comfortable which is truly important for the non pros. I had two straight to room semi pros but even they wanted to chat my ear off for two hours before getting down. Recently Leya even called me out for a quick watch check (1:30 AM!) saying too many guys just want to jump in the sack and she needs to be comfortable first.

So I think dinner definitely works to my advantage and always take dinner momentum to the bedroom.As usual you are correct. Avoid day dates, big waste of time and resources. Maybe on the weekends.

05-16-22, 05:10
There's a girl I'm going to see tomorrow that said she can't do dinner because she has an event but is happy to just come.

Over to my Airbnb instead. Honestly kind of turned me off. Made me see her as an escort.

That makes sense. Have you run into any girls that are just there for the expensive meal though? I was talking to one girl that expected fancy meals every date and I felt like she'd order the most expensive thing probably.

Do you avoid girls that want to meet at a hotel?

05-16-22, 07:20
I've only had a couple experiences in the US, many more in Colombia and Panama. For Colombia and Panama I would say 4/5's are straight up P4 P and it's not worth dinner unless you speak fluent Spanish or want practice. In lieu of dinner, I usually try to do at least a drink to loosen them up and start some chemistry as the sex tends to be better that way. Many girls will be open to coming straight to your hotel and in that case I usually have some drinks available and something for music (I. E. Bluetooth speaker, some reggaeton). Offer room service if she wants it. If I'm unsure of the girls looks I always try to do a video call before. I had this happen recently with a girl in Colombia where she had put on a legitimate 30 lbs since her photos were taken and the photos were heavily photo-shopped as well. The hilarious thing is that she kept asking me for real photos, and I was like, look at my profile (there are 8-9 real photos). And then of course her photos are the fake ones LOL.The last girl I met at a hotel for the first time was basically a catfish. Looked nothing like her pics and was straight up p4 p. Got dressed as soon as I was done. I'm not meeting at a hotel first anymore.

Steve 9696
05-16-22, 13:02
The last girl I met at a hotel for the first time was basically a catfish. Looked nothing like her pics and was straight up p4 p. Got dressed as soon as I was done. I'm not meeting at a hotel first anymore.But I bet you felt it in the text interaction and just hoped for the best. You can def feel the hooker vibe. Quick to PPM chat, not willing to chat deeply for a couple weeks, doesn't ask for pics.

Not that this is common but two of my best dates ever were "straight to room" but def not a hooker vibe at all. They were both relatively known in their town. Sorta party girl socialites. Both wanted to chat EXTENSIVELY before gettting down to business. (2 hrs of a 5 HR visit). And before someone says they were hookers. Puleez. No hooker with 9 looks is spending 5 hours with you for $400-500 all in.

05-16-22, 20:55
But I bet you felt it in the text interaction and just hoped for the best. You can def feel the hooker vibe. Quick to PPM chat, not willing to chat deeply for a couple weeks, doesn't ask for pics.

Not that this is common but two of my best dates ever were "straight to room" but def not a hooker vibe at all. They were both relatively known in their town. Sorta party girl socialites. Both wanted to chat EXTENSIVELY before gettting down to business. (2 hrs of a 5 HR visit). And before someone says they were hookers. Puleez. No hooker with 9 looks is spending 5 hours with you for $400-500 all in.You chat with them for a couple of weeks before a date? Maybe I'm doing it wrong then. I started out trying to follow your guide but would get asked what I was looking for and what my ppm was so I started asking earlier to screen out the ones that wanted a lot. I also noticed when I ask them about gifts they don't seem to get the hint and I've been asked for gift cards before on top of ppm.

I hit her up saying I was in town for the weekend and she was ok with ppm. She did ask for pics though. I met up with other girls when I was traveling before but met in public first. I also met a girl at a hotel close to home for the first meet and she looked like her photos. She was on onlyfans though so kind of half a sex worker.

Steve 9696
05-17-22, 00:41
You chat with them for a couple of weeks before a date? Maybe I'm doing it wrong then. I started out trying to follow your guide but would get asked what I was looking for and what my ppm was so I started asking earlier to screen out the ones that wanted a lot. I also noticed when I ask them about gifts they don't seem to get the hint and I've been asked for gift cards before on top of ppm.

I hit her up saying I was in town for the weekend and she was ok with ppm. She did ask for pics though. I met up with other girls when I was traveling before but met in public first. I also met a girl at a hotel close to home for the first meet and she looked like her photos. She was on onlyfans though so kind of half a sex worker.I don't know that it's for everyone but yes I like to chat a couple weeks before meetup. We usually first talk if they prefer red or white Italian or Asian. A real vibey chatty girl we'll chat about what we are binging on Netflix. I swear to god I never would have landed Leya if we hadn't clicked on the reality shows we both like. Another girl and I got hooked up about books because she said she like to read and I recommended something and she bought it on Amazon next day. I love this kinda "friends" before meetup thing (and often continue after). Alexa and I chatted about her small business or her new apt for like a year after meeting and really established the trust for her to fly 3000 miles to see me).

A couple weeks is about right but I've done as much as 8 weeks of chat with some of my best girls (and one memorable sex fail! I think it also helps screen. Because they are only going to chat deep if they like you and are not a pro. So that ends up being good.

I always try to establish the PPM before meetup but that is usually several days or a week into chat. And don't call it PPM! Unless she does first. I have a new patter that is working well because it sort of makes them self qualify and also makes clear I am not a local and sex is on the table. It Goes something like this:

I'm coming to town in a few weeks and looking for an amazing girl for awesome nights out (and in! Bubbly chatty affectionate. Any of that sound like you?

Notice the "and in" puts sex immediately on the table without being rude. You can sub your own attributes but I thought about girls I like best and other than "loves to kiss" those are the keys. And the "any of that sound like you" is both an open question that tends to get a response and they are qualifying for ur offer by saying "yes I am your type of girl". So win win there.

Hope this helps. What PPM are you offering in what geography roughly?
Ps. I know several only fans girls and would not really even call them half pros. Only fans is pretty chaste since it’s not real life.

05-17-22, 02:12
That makes sense. Have you run into any girls that are just there for the expensive meal though? I was talking to one girl that expected fancy meals every date and I felt like she'd order the most expensive thing probably.

Do you avoid girls that want to meet at a hotel?I dislike dinner as a first date or as a meet-and-greet. If there is no chemistry, then you are stuck at a restaurant with her for an hour. If it is a fancy restaurant, then it can last even longer. Plus, sometimes I am not horny after I eat.

I like meeting for a drink. Try that. Sometimes alcohol creates chemistry, hahaha.

05-17-22, 02:40
I dislike dinner as a first date or as a meet-and-greet. If there is no chemistry, then you are stuck at a restaurant with her for an hour. If it is a fancy restaurant, then it can last even longer. Plus, sometimes I am not horny after I eat.

I like meeting for a drink. Try that. Sometimes alcohol creates chemistry, hahaha.I always meet them in the bar at a restaurant. This way if things are going great, you can keep the evening going. If there is no chemistry or fake pictures, one drink and bail.

05-17-22, 02:48
The model is back. We met last weekend and again last night. She was all dressed up last night, and wow, just stunning. The issue is her crazy ass mom, when she is in town she will not let her leave the house. Mexican mom's are the worst controlling, sabotaging and jealous behavior.

Bad news is her mom is back in town, but I have been hooking up with the be team. As usual crazy sex in the MTY. Monday has been a wild day, and one more meeting to go.

Update on the Doctor, I dumped her she was texting my 15-25 times a day, just not what I am looking for, all the text messages we're driving me crazy.

05-17-22, 07:17
I dislike dinner as a first date or as a meet-and-greet. If there is no chemistry, then you are stuck at a restaurant with her for an hour. If it is a fancy restaurant, then it can last even longer. Plus, sometimes I am not horny after I eat.

I like meeting for a drink. Try that. Sometimes alcohol creates chemistry, hahaha.Drinks would be preferred but I find a good amount of girls that don't drink. Or claim to at least. That is my fear about restaurants too but it went ok the one time I did it.

05-17-22, 07:25
I don't know that it's for everyone but yes I like to chat a couple weeks before meetup. We usually first talk if they prefer red or white Italian or Asian. A real vibey chatty girl we'll chat about what we are binging on Netflix. I swear to god I never would have landed Leya if we hadn't clicked on the reality shows we both like. Another girl and I got hooked up about books because she said she like to read and I recommended something and she bought it on Amazon next day. I love this kinda "friends" before meetup thing (and often continue after). Alexa and I chatted about her small business or her new apt for like a year after meeting and really established the trust for her to fly 3000 miles to see me).

A couple weeks is about right but I've done as much as 8 weeks of chat with some of my best girls (and one memorable sex fail! I think it also helps screen. Because they are only going to chat deep if they like you and are not a pro. So that ends up being good.

I always try to establish the PPM before meetup but that is usually several days or a week into chat. And don't call it PPM! Unless she does first. I have a new patter that is working well because it sort of makes them self qualify and also makes clear I am not a local and sex is on the table. It Goes something like this:

I'm coming to town in a few weeks and looking for an amazing girl for awesome nights out (and in! Bubbly chatty affectionate. Any of that sound like you?

Notice the "and in" puts sex immediately on the table without being rude. You can sub your own attributes but I thought about girls I like best and other than "loves to kiss" those are the keys. And the "any of that sound like you" is both an open question that tends to get a response and they are qualifying for ur offer by saying "yes I am your type of girl". So win win there.

Hope this helps. What PPM are you offering in what geography roughly?
Ps. I know several only fans girls and would not really even call them half pros. Only fans is pretty chaste since its not real life.Sounds like your game is pretty good to keep them hooked for a couple of weeks. My text game sucks but I've done better in person so usually I want to meet ASAP.

I've been doing 500 in major CA cities. A decent number of girls ask for 6-800 and some 12-1500. To be fair the 1500 was a blonde 20 yo college student but a woman closer to 40 told me she gets more than double when I said I did 500 for ppm. Said her last sd told her not to accept anything less.

Interesting that you don't call it ppm. When I started the direct girls would say they did ppm or ask what mine was so I figured it was ok to use / ask. Either that or they ask me what mutually beneficial means to me. In my experience when I dropped hints about what gifts were expected they asked about gift cards. After seeing the wide spread of ppms my strategy has been to switch to text and see what ppm they're ok with so I don't waste my time on a girl who expects a lot. Maybe that's been my problem though and why I've found the girls I have.

05-17-22, 14:17
Sounds like your game is pretty good to keep them hooked for a couple of weeks. My text game sucks but I've done better in person so usually I want to meet ASAP.

I've been doing 500 in major CA cities. A decent number of girls ask for 6-800 and some 12-1500. To be fair the 1500 was a blonde 20 yo college student but a woman closer to 40 told me she gets more than double when I said I did 500 for ppm. Said her last sd told her not to accept anything less.

Interesting that you don't call it ppm. When I started the direct girls would say they did ppm or ask what mine was so I figured it was ok to use / ask. Either that or they ask me what mutually beneficial means to me. In my experience when I dropped hints about what gifts were expected they asked about gift cards. After seeing the wide spread of ppms my strategy has been to switch to text and see what ppm they're ok with so I don't waste my time on a girl who expects a lot. Maybe that's been my problem though and why I've found the girls I have.You hear about all these girls getting these crazy prices. There, might be a few, but it is not the normal. I just do not see a lot of guys shelling out $1500 for a date. They can say what they want, but it is definitely not the norm. Especially now, with the economy in decline, prices might even go down. During Covid everyone had time and money, this will be different.

05-17-22, 15:13
I've been doing 500 in major CA cities. A decent number of girls ask for 6-800 and some 12-1500. To be fair the 1500 was a blonde 20 yo college student but a woman closer to 40 told me she gets more than double when I said I did 500 for ppm.Asian massage parlors, with top notch girls are 200. Not sure why anyone would overpay for full service? And you really only are having sex with a latex condom. I had one who wanted 350 each time plus I had to take her out to a nice restaurant for dinner, which was another 75-100 including drinks, then she had a hard time getting a baby sitter, and I just got tired of her.

I enjoy more my rotating male vibrator, that cost me only $50 and it does not talk back, does not make excuses other than "recharge me", and is much easier to schedule; less aggravation than a woman!

05-17-22, 18:53

Going to Argentina later this year.

I haven't read that much here, some people reported paying between $100-200.

This seems high as Argentina economy is very bad right now and seeking has about 1,500 girls on it.

I wonder if people are paying $200 here because the are getting quoted in dollars and because you are foreign?

Has anyone every paid a girl off seeking in pesos?

Steve 9696
05-18-22, 02:35

Going to Argentina later this year.

I haven't read that much here, some people reported paying between $100-200.

This seems high as Argentina economy is very bad right now and seeking has about 1,500 girls on it.

I wonder if people are paying $200 here because the are getting quoted in dollars and because you are foreign?

Has anyone every paid a girl off seeking in pesos?Fact is if you don't know a market you have to guess. I always go with this rule of thumb: What a top escort gets in that market for an hour is what a Seeking girl might get for an evening". This is not always right but its often close enough.

So in Baires I found one escort service that looked good. Think it was Geisha. And girls were $200/ hour. So that was where I thought my seeking girls should be. Think it was pretty much on. Saw one 8 and one 9+. I am sure you can find lower priced girls. But not the ones I want.

05-18-22, 02:37
The last girl I met at a hotel for the first time was basically a catfish. Looked nothing like her pics and was straight up p4 p. Got dressed as soon as I was done. I'm not meeting at a hotel first anymore.If a gal does not look like her pictures I walk. You cannot trust anything she says. Better to cut your loss. It never works out.

Steve 9696
05-18-22, 22:34
Disclaimer: No representation is made that the services provided by this "girl-enthusiast" are better than those provided by other girl-enthusiasts!

I was just reflecting on some of the great experiences I've had and some of the classic things girls have said. Either because they were funny or warmed my heart. Here's a few.

Kendall, recognizing me from a year ago: "Oh I remember you. You like to fuck a lot. ".

Me (slightly embarrassed): "Oh well yeah I travel a lot and see girls wherever I go. ".

Kendall, laughing: "No no. I mean you like to fuck for a very long time!" 😂.

Emily, a babe in the woods. New to seeking. Limited sexual experience. After having done DATY for 20-30 minutes and given her an amazing time, she says "Damn. I musta never had that done right before. That was really something!" Heheheh.

Thifany. Our last night together in London: "Babe I've had so much fun if you want to do this again I won't charge you anything. " Wow.

Krystal, after I apologize for fucking her blind for over an hour and not cumming: "It's no problem babe. You can fuck me all night if you want!" Yes ma'am.

Jesse, quite new / young, in my room on my bed: "Oh I could never have sex with someone I just met". Followed by the 20 minute seduction of a lifetime. And "Ok we can fuck now. Just turn down the lights". Heheheh.

Liz on our very first date and my time is limited so I grab her hand and say “wanna get outta here”. She says “damn ur pretty confident aren’t u!” And I say “yep. Let’s go” and we are fucking 20 mins later.

Kendra a rather fat low end girl (after strip club blue balls I was desperate). We are face to face about to kiss and she says with conviction: "Damn your handsome. I usually have to fuck fat old dudes!" LOL.

I do put in the time to bank memories like this but damn I feel like I live a charmed life sometimes. And the fact that I am still alive after splitting 6.5 bottles of wine and a fifth of vodka last week at my age still amazes me! But I rock on!

05-18-22, 23:05

Going to Argentina later this year.

I haven't read that much here, some people reported paying between $100-200.

This seems high as Argentina economy is very bad right now and seeking has about 1,500 girls on it.

I wonder if people are paying $200 here because the are getting quoted in dollars and because you are foreign?

Has anyone every paid a girl off seeking in pesos?There are cheap ones like US $ 20 but that is not what you want so you have to pay for quality. I always paid girls in pesos even after they quoted in USD. It's easy for them to covert to USD without losing money.

J Janni
05-19-22, 03:57
So, the phrase might be bringing coal to Newcastle.

But I'm getting bored of fucking around in the Philippines.

Discussions are afoot with my wild SB for meeting somewhere like Berlin, Prague or Amsterdam.

We'd previously discussed doing a few days away and her response was 'Pay for everything, have amazing sex with me and we're good. '.


I can't get over this girl.

05-19-22, 10:16
Howdy folks,

I'm having a ball in Colombia with SA. It seems to work better here than any developed country I've tried. In that there's a big pool of attractive, college aged girls looking for financial support. I'm picking up Spanish quickly which helps.

The challenge is that I can't be here all year. I can safely spend 3 months max per country. I like what I'm seeing on SA in Brazil and Argentina. Question is what should country #4 be?

Easy answer would be Mexico but I have a hard time finding attractive girls there. Same with Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Peru and Ecuador.

I saw a few good options in Santiago, Chile. Uruguay and Paraguay also have the slim European types I like, but not too many of them seem to be on SA. What would you do?May I ask what is the going rate in Buenos Aires for a girl you hook with on SA? Headed there at the end of the year and certainly interested to meet a few of them.

05-19-22, 23:10
Kitty will rob you, and then try to extort and blackmail you for more.

05-19-22, 23:19
This girl is Seattle based, but supposedly a "traveling nurse's aid." Her "Toptierbently" screen name is false advertising. She should have picked: "Bottom of the Barrel Betty. " Her face is deceptively cute in photos, but average at best in person, and her body is extremely flabby. I didn't do it.

05-21-22, 03:23
So, the phrase might be bringing coal to Newcastle.

But I'm getting bored of fucking around in the Philippines.I've played with seeking in Manila but just can't bring myself to pay SB rates for essentially the same girls.

The one benefit I did see with the SB I was progressing was that she had a full glamour wardrobe of clothes. Obviously nice to have someone like that but she would also have an expectation of expensive gifts. Instead I took the rough diamond, spent P2 k on clothes and shoes, P500 at a beauty place and made my own stunner.

05-21-22, 15:16
Kitty will rob you, and then try to extort and blackmail you for more.Blackmail with what? There is nothing illegal about SA, and it's hard to tie it to your "real life" if you don't tell anyone your real name. What's there to blackmail about?

The Cane
05-21-22, 16:12
I've played with seeking in Manila but just can't bring myself to pay SB rates for essentially the same girls. The one benefit I did see with the SB I was progressing was that she had a full glamour wardrobe of clothes. Obviously nice to have someone like that but she would also have an expectation of expensive gifts. Instead I took the rough diamond, spent P2 k on clothes and shoes, P500 at a beauty place and made my own stunner.Now this is a man of initiative and action folks! I love it! LMAO! Said he created his own stunner! You go boy! LOL!

05-22-22, 04:07
I'm posting SA related details here in relevant form as cdmx forum is mainly for escort (though SA is just another medium for same activities, but I guess semantics are different to many. LOL). I'll post my cdmx link here to cross connect both as both make up for one trip worth of experience for me..Fantastic report! You paid the right amounts, and you had great experiences. I have been to CDMX 7 times, and this is how I would have done it as well.

05-22-22, 06:40
Just had an amazing night. I'm about to hit the sack, but as a offering to this community, I figured I would document my experience for the night.

Dateline: Mexico City. I arranged a date with a 19 year old. I'm mid 40's. She was very cute. Lives with parents and siblings, and snuck away for the night. Told her parents she was meeting friends.

I offered her 5000 pesos. She was very happy with that. Took her to a very nice meal, A place that cost another 1500 pesos. It was nice to have the company.

Then we headed back to my Airbnb. I got an Airbnb because I didn't want to deal with guest registration.

She stayed for three hours. In those three hours, we banged four times. I was only able to finish two of the times, but that's just because of age. She did her thing.

Here's the moral of the story. In what world does $350 buy you so much? I once had an escort in Mexico City. It was $120, it lasted an hour, and it was a transaction.

This arrangement comes with risk. Somebody could flake. Or it could be a scam. I'm not saying it's perfect. But damn. What $350 get you. It's magic.

05-25-22, 14:28
Just had an amazing night. I'm about to hit the sack, but as a offering to this community, I figured I would document my experience for the night.

Dateline: Mexico City. I arranged a date with a 19 year old. I'm mid 40's. She was very cute. Lives with parents and siblings, and snuck away for the night. Told her parents she was meeting friends.

I offered her 5000 pesos. She was very happy with that. Took her to a very nice meal, A place that cost another 1500 pesos. It was nice to have the company.

Then we headed back to my Airbnb. I got an Airbnb because I didn't want to deal with guest registration.

She stayed for three hours. In those three hours, we banged four times. I was only able to finish two of the times, but that's just because of age. She did her thing.

Here's the moral of the story. In what world does $350 buy you so much? I once had an escort in Mexico City. It was $120, it lasted an hour, and it was a transaction.

This arrangement comes with risk. Somebody could flake. Or it could be a scam. I'm not saying it's perfect. But damn. What $350 get you. It's magic.SA in Mexico City is Amazing. I tried also Guadalajara and Las Vegas and works fine but Mexico City is wonderful. New SG are always joining.

To the admins: Is it OK to share the username of the SA SGirls?

05-26-22, 02:26
I live in Shanghai and I have been locked down for two months now. When Shanghai reopens, our every movement will be tracked (for example, buildings, residential compounds, subways, etc will employ digital sentries). This being the case, this pretty much eliminates mongering for me. What should I do? Thinking about an affair maybe, but those are rarely NSA. There's a gal at my work that I like, but we all know that having relations with her is a recipe for disaster. Maybe I have to take "business trips. ".

05-26-22, 05:00
SA in Mexico City is Amazing. I tried also Guadalajara and Las Vegas and works fine but Mexico City is wonderful. New SG are always joining.

To the admins: Is it OK to share the username of the SA SGirls?Let's hear about GDL. How's you find the scene compared to CDMX?

05-26-22, 05:01
I live in Shanghai and I have been locked down for two months now. When Shanghai reopens, our every movement will be tracked (for example, buildings, residential compounds, subways, etc will employ digital sentries). This being the case, this pretty much eliminates mongering for me. What should I do? Thinking about an affair maybe, but those are rarely NSA. There's a gal at my work that I like, but we all know that having relations with her is a recipe for disaster. Maybe I have to take "business trips. ".Really? It's pretty obvious. Why are you considering staying in a country that wants to literally track your movements?

05-26-22, 17:54
Working my way thru a new city on seeking, and I've come across a phenomenon I see in every city. Some percentage of sugar babies say that they are not looking for a sexual relationship. That they are just looking for someone to be friends with. Sometimes they don't even want to meet in person. Often they say they are a great listener, as if to suggest that's what they bring to the table in exchange for hard currency.

I'm not piling on these girls. Honestly I appreciate their honesty. How much better to know than to find out on a date.

But my question is: exactly who is this for? Is there anyone that is ok with this sort of arrangement? If so, why? I'm not suggesting anything. I'm literally just curious.

05-28-22, 00:07
Working my way thru a new city on seeking, and I've come across a phenomenon I see in every city. Some percentage of sugar babies say that they are not looking for a sexual relationship. That they are just looking for someone to be friends with. Sometimes they don't even want to meet in person. Often they say they are a great listener, as if to suggest that's what they bring to the table in exchange for hard currency.There are all kinds of guys searching for sex and love. It gets delivered in all shapes and sizes also. Perhaps a guy with a disability would like more than a monthly incall BJ. He wants some daily chat and contact maybe.

There is also a large cohort of online girls that run multiple that aren't even in those cities. The serve up recycled and pirated content.

The Cane
05-28-22, 23:01
Right after I let my membership expire Seeking started offering me 20% off to come back. Then a month later it was 25% off. This is FYI for anybody who stopped using the site who might be thinking about going back. Wait a while for the best deal. If I get an even better offer with time, I will let the readership know. In the meantime, I'm still seeing the one jewel I found during my three-month "experiment", and it's still kind of fun to look at profiles. But, I'm not an active member and not seriously contemplating signing up for another membership at this time.

05-29-22, 22:39
It has been an eventful 10-14 days. MTY-Tijuana-MTY. Also, mixed in sone work. Now I am on the the way to CDMX. I was going to wait, to see what the economy was going to do, but I afraid things are only going to get worse.

Model's Mon. Is back,(she is killing me, Latin mom's suck at least in Mxico), and honestly I am bored with MTY. I got back in SA in CDMX and now I am boarding a plane. Just too much fun and the girls / food are the best.

I will write a detailed report later.

05-30-22, 07:09
Right after I let my membership expire Seeking started offering me 20% off to come back. Then a month later it was 25% off. This is FYI for anybody who stopped using the site who might be thinking about going back. Wait a while for the best deal. If I get an even better offer with time, I will let the readership know. In the meantime, I'm still seeing the one jewel I found during my three-month "experiment", and it's still kind of fun to look at profiles. But, I'm not an active member and not seriously contemplating signing up for another membership at this time.Thanks mate for the great update. I just renewed my Seeking membership but put it from Auto payment to manual update each time.

Will do the needful as you guided next time after the 90 day is complete.

Didn't see if they have a better offer for a yearly membership.



05-30-22, 19:08
I got one for 33% off.

Renewed and fired away messages to the 'favorites' I have added while off subscription. Hoping to find next SB. They say I sent too many messaages and have to wait for 24 hours now.

SA has spoiled all other sex for me. LOL.

Thanks mate for the great update. I just renewed my Seeking membership but put it from Auto payment to manual update each time.

Will do the needful as you guided next time after the 90 day is complete.

Didn't see if they have a better offer for a yearly membership.



05-31-22, 18:04
So I had 2 meetings early in the day, just amazing, these girls I had met in the past. I had a dinner meeting, I was really excited about. I get text she will be arriving late, no problem, I think nothing about it. I am getting ready and I get a message that she arriving early at the restaurant, not normal, but ok. I catch my Didi, it was not the best experience, the driver was jerk. So I arrive she is cute, but does not stand up. Dinner is going will, but she will not stand up or go to the bathroom. She is drinking like a fish and eating more then me, very odd for CDMX, most of the girls eat small portions. She is all over me, that was cool. I finally have to go to the bathroom. She will not go and starts telling me needs to go, obviously she is hiding something. I probably would not have cared, but she wanted to stay at the restaurant and eat more. Finally she gets up, wow, huge ass and short. Then I get pissed. She comes back from the bathroom and said your pictures are not even close. Basically she says nothing. I ordered Didi, for both of us, but at the last moment, I got her an Uber back to her place.

I am just not into fat asses, always Video Chat.

06-01-22, 01:16
The model called crying and called it off. We will always be friends, and we both thanked each other for an amazing 2 years.

There is nothing holding me back, time to take my game to another level. I will be focusing on CDMX now.

06-01-22, 06:21
So I had 2 meetings early in the day, just amazing, these girls I had met in the past. I had a dinner meeting, I was really excited about. I get text she will be arriving late, no problem, I think nothing about it. I am getting ready and I get a message that she arriving early at the restaurant, not normal, but ok. I catch my Didi, it was not the best experience, the driver was jerk. So I arrive she is cute, but does not stand up. Dinner is going will, but she will not stand up or go to the bathroom. She is drinking like a fish and eating more then me, very odd for CDMX, most of the girls eat small portions. She is all over me, that was cool. I finally have to go to the bathroom. She will not go and starts telling me needs to go, obviously she is hiding something. I probably would not have cared, but she wanted to stay at the restaurant and eat more. Finally she gets up, wow, huge ass and short. Then I get pissed. She comes back from the bathroom and said your pictures are not even close. Basically she says nothing. I ordered Didi, for both of us, but at the last moment, I got her an Uber back to her place.

I am just not into fat asses, always Video Chat.Just checked out the SA: CDMX page and there is so much chicas it makes me weak to come back again to this land even if it is a 17 hour flight from here.


Peace: have fun: if you need any CDMX chicas at TG, we are here to help:

Happy Hunting.

Steve 9696
06-01-22, 13:30
Another Seeking home run. This time in London. It's amazing how a first date can become a true 40 hour girlfriend experience of lovers and best friends. Read on.

First, the good, the bad and the ugly of Seeking. Good -- great actually is Sylvia -- what a gem. But I also had to sift through piles of dead leads and one beautiful girl who strung me on with great text game and a meetup plan and hit me up for travel funds a few days before (thank her for not being last minute). But this let me go to my number 2, Sylvia, who, having met up, I am 100% confident is better than the other girl.

I met Sylvia two weeks ago on Seeking. And what a wonderful case study of how razor thin fate and decisions are. We had lovely chat, but at one point we couldn't agree price and we both walked away. Fortunately she messaged a few moments later saying she changed her mind. This AMAZING experience might not have happened but for that minor little change of heart. And she is over the moon that we met -- I was her first SA and a total home run it was in both directions.

The other great thing about this date is that its living proof its not all a bunch of pros. Sylvia just finished law school and is fucking smart and articulate as fuck. She could run circles around most of us talking politics, anthropology or whatever else you might want to talk about.

As a result of being brand new to the game and having a bright future ahead, she was super paranoid about sending photos and stuff. She'd send expiring photos on a short timeline. At first I thought she might be a scammer and didn't' want to be documented but she is absolutely 100% the professional girl early in her career looking for some fun and cash is a side benefit. And fun we had.

We met up for dinner as per the usual playbook but man did it evolve to the amazing party evening after that. I know some guys just want to go back to the sack ASAP but I LOVE having a girlfriend out on the town and a really full evening (we spent 8 hrs this first night before crashing together in my room). After dinner we walked hand in hand through Hyde Park. It was getting dark and when we got to the other side, it was chained up and we had to jump the fence. What a trooper in a dress and heels!

I had to pee like the end of the world so we found the closest bar / club we could and it was in a toney part of town. Really amazing place, with hookah / shisha and a wonderful young high end vibe. There was a belly dancer and Sylvia was sorta dancing in her seat -- so I knew she was my kinda high energy girl and asked her if she wanted to go dancing. Damn, yes she did!

Well it turns out she is a wild party girl at the club and rivals the famous Thifany for being a true life spirit of energy. And I love her moxie. When we enter the club its packed body to body but she wants to get a table. I've been here before and know there are only like 2 booths and there is no way. Undeterred she takes me by the hand and wends her way to the back of the club. Theres a corner booth but it has glasses and bottle of champagne on it, but she plunks herself down anyhow. I join her and not much later someone comes and says they had poached the booth and hope it was OK and we admitted to being poachers also and all shared it. Tho we were 99% on the floor anyhow. She was just so confident poaching that booth. What attitude!

So we dance ourselves silly for a couple hours and it really brought me back to my time with Thifany. Thifany was a 9+ and Silvia is clearly an 8 but the same energy and sexy dancing vibe. We were mixing it up with others in the club. One big party.

Back in the room the sex was hot and heavy. She totally got off on DATY and fingering, with two fingers upping the intensity level significantly. As usual I was a beast to get off when mega drunk but with BJ and several rounds of fucking I finally came in mish, which I love.

I was worried because goddamn London and their tiny rooms with a single twin bed but we crashed at 3 AM as spoons and just spooned the whole night as the only practical method of sharing a twin. And it was nice. We both slept the sleep of the dead.

Breakfast the next morning was fun and comfortable but day two was even more interesting with the introduction of a work friend to the mix. (Never sexual). I thought after all the cloak and dagger she'the want to keep things private but when my friend checked in she was fine with meeting him.

This led to an amazing night of the three of us with no one feeling like a third wheel as she was equally engaging with both of us. I lost my jealousy hangup with Thifany because I woulda gone nuts otherwise but it served well here. Happy to share her all you like but I know who's fucking her tonight!

So we had an amazing dinner with vibrant conversation, some amazing drinks and then searched high and low for a club open past 11 on Sunday WTF. Literally wandered about for an hour before a pedi-cab guy said he could take us to a place open till 3 and I pay him what I feel. Sounds like a scam. But my glass half full personality paid off and he dropped us at a club and I gave him 20 which he was happy with.

This club far exceeded expectations and turned our plans completely 180. We planned to sit and talk in another quiet pub like atmosphere. But here there were no tables and the music way too loud to talk. So we adapted!

Sylvia and I joined a small handful on the dance floor and got the party started! As time went on the club filled and we were pulling wallflowers into the game, including my shy friend. Sylvia was so great. She would dance with him, even doing back grinding totally bringing him to the party. And I just loved that she's so open and free.

She was definitely the IT girl and several guys were engaging her to dance. I don't really mind but when they got too handsy I had to back them off a bit. I don't think they believed me when I said she was my girl. LOL. We kissed a couple times which I hope sent a message. On balance it was fine and non threatening tho one dude was pretty stalker like and I had to tell him to back off more than once. All in all It was another amazing night.

We left shortly after a small fight broke out at 2 AM and made our way home. Of course we were too pooped to fuck but fortunately had a BJ before dinner and didn't feel the need. Next morning we had lovely morning sex before I had to leave for the airport.

We spent less than 48 hours together but it felt like a week and was just one off the hook party. So smart. So sexy. So 24. So free. Only on Seeking baby!

06-01-22, 13:41
What a whirlwind. That's a great story. And why SA is so amazing.

Can I ask, what's a good gift size in UK? I've only done this in Latin America and I've always wondered how much more it is in first world countries.

Another Seeking home run. This time in London. It's amazing how a first date can become a true 40 hour girlfriend experience of lovers and best friends. Read on.

First, the good, the bad and the ugly of Seeking. Good -- great actually is Sylvia -- what a gem. But I also had to sift through piles of dead leads and one beautiful girl who strung me on with great text game and a meetup plan and hit me up for travel funds a few days before (thank her for not being last minute). But this let me go to my number 2, Sylvia, who, having met up, I am 100% confident is better than the other girl.

I met Sylvia two weeks ago on Seeking. And what a wonderful case study of how razor thin fate and decisions are. We had lovely chat, but at one point we couldn't agree price and we both walked away. Fortunately she messaged a few moments later saying she changed her mind. This AMAZING experience might not have happened but for that minor little change of heart. And she is over the moon that we met -- I was her first SA and a total home run it was in both directions.

06-01-22, 13:43
Man these things happen. You didn't get nothing. You got a great story you can tell for years.

So I had 2 meetings early in the day, just amazing, these girls I had met in the past. I had a dinner meeting, I was really excited about. I get text she will be arriving late, no problem, I think nothing about it. I am getting ready and I get a message that she arriving early at the restaurant, not normal, but ok. I catch my Didi, it was not the best experience, the driver was jerk. So I arrive she is cute, but does not stand up. Dinner is going will, but she will not stand up or go to the bathroom. She is drinking like a fish and eating more then me, very odd for CDMX, most of the girls eat small portions. She is all over me, that was cool. I finally have to go to the bathroom. She will not go and starts telling me needs to go, obviously she is hiding something. I probably would not have cared, but she wanted to stay at the restaurant and eat more. Finally she gets up, wow, huge ass and short. Then I get pissed. She comes back from the bathroom and said your pictures are not even close. Basically she says nothing..

06-01-22, 14:14

Just got my account blocked and banned.

Tried to open new account using different name and that too was deleted by SA.

Any advise please.


06-01-22, 17:22
Man these things happen. You didn't get nothing. You got a great story you can tell for years.Exactly! I am definitely Video Chatting now.

Steve 9696
06-01-22, 18:28
What a whirlwind. That's a great story. And why SA is so amazing.

Can I ask, what's a good gift size in UK? I've only done this in Latin America and I've always wondered how much more it is in first world countries.I didn't get too many girls down to specifics but 400 £ seems like what they are asking. Might be able to get 300 £ but "our type" girls aren't going below that.

06-02-22, 03:00
I didn't get too many girls down to specifics but 400 seems like what they are asking. Might be able to get 300 but "our type" girls aren't going below that.That sounds about right. It's like $200 normal in third world (I usually go higher) so 450-500 dollars usd is about right for first world.

06-04-22, 09:57
I didn't get too many girls down to specifics but 400 seems like what they are asking. Might be able to get 300 but "our type" girls aren't going below that.Thanks for this, it's helpful. But for how long or often? Is this for one meeting / outing? That seems too good to be true for a long date or overnight. And especially for something like the 2-day date you described. I get that sometimes it might just be a quick meeting, so maybe it evens out. But does a girl expect you to keep paying more, if your time lasts longer? Or is this a one-time thing each time you meet, and the date just goes for as long as you both like?

Steve 9696
06-04-22, 16:02
Thanks for this, it's helpful. But for how long or often? Is this for one meeting / outing? That seems too good to be true for a long date or overnight. And especially for something like the 2-day date you described. I get that sometimes it might just be a quick meeting, so maybe it evens out. But does a girl expect you to keep paying more, if your time lasts longer? Or is this a one-time thing each time you meet, and the date just goes for as long as you both like?This is seeking mate! It's up to you both, mostly her, how long she stays. It's considered fine if U don't vibe that you part after dinner for no cash. Hasn't happened to me often but does happen occasionally, esp if she is over 25. But if she likes you she will keep on and just let it flow. Sometimes that means go back to the room and fuck and she heads home. Maybe a 3-4 hour date. Sometimes u hit another bar or go out dancing. Sometimes she'll sleep over. There is no extra charge for this. She will only do it if she wants to. I'd say a bit over 50% of my girls do.

Sylvia and I agreed we'd do her 400 night 1 and my 300 night two if we repeated. Now that I know her I woulda easily done 400-500 both nights. So that meant it was 700 for our FORTY hours together. We were inseparable. But just like she likes me I like her. So we only stayed together for a quick overnight later in the week cuz of my plane but I gave her 400. Didn’t have to. But Better she have that extra hundred than me.

Treat it like a real date. Treat her with respect. Drink and make her laugh and you are good for an overnight if you have some game. Good luck!

06-04-22, 19:10
I actually do this a little bit differently. I set clear expectations before the date. Like I will explicitly say this date is until 1 am, or you will spend the night. I have never once had someone say they object to my being so clear. That doesn't mean they always agree. Often we will have a brief exchange on how long the girl is committed to stay. But I never assume we will just figure it out. I always lay out the expected time commitment.

This is seeking mate! It's up to you both, mostly her, how long she stays. It's considered fine if U don't vibe that you part after dinner for no cash. Hasn't happened to me often but does happen occasionally, esp if she is over 25. But if she likes you she will keep on and just let it flow. Sometimes that means go back to the room and fuck and she heads home. Maybe a 3-4 hour date. Sometimes u hit another bar or go out dancing. Sometimes she'll sleep over. There is no extra charge for this. She will only do it if she wants to. I'd say a bit over 50% of my girls do.

Sylvia and I agreed we'd do her 400 night 1 and my 300 night two if we repeated. Now that I know her I woulda easily done 400-500 both nights. So that meant it was 700 for our FORTY hours together. We were inseparable. But just like she likes me I like her. So we only stayed together for a quick overnight later in the week cuz of my plane but I gave her 400. Didnt have to. But Better she have that extra hundred than me.

Steve 9696
06-04-22, 19:36
I actually do this a little bit differently. I set clear expectations before the date. Like I will explicitly say this date is until 1 am, or you will spend the night. I have never once had someone say they object to my being so clear. That doesn't mean they always agree. Often we will have a brief exchange on how long the girl is committed to stay. But I never assume we will just figure it out. I always lay out the expected time commitment.Yeah I guess it works either way but for me half the fun is the ego boost of knowing she chose to stay for not a dime more. It's kinda part of the thrill of the chase. I would think a pre negotiated overnight would lead to higher prices as well but to be fair I have no experience to base that on.

To each his own on this one I guess!

06-05-22, 01:39
Maybe. But let me tell you my situation. I'm actually a fairly attractive guy and quite a good conversationalist. But my weakness is I like 20-25 year old women, and I'm mid 40's. I have to be honest with myself. No matter how good I am, they would rather be banging a 25 year old dude. So I can't just rely on my wit and looks to get a girl to elect to stay the night for free. If that's what I want I feel I need to make it clear that's the exchange I'm looking for. It works for me but it's unique to my situation. If I'm.

Hopefully doing this when I'm 65 I will probably need to up the ante even more.

Yeah I guess it works either way but for me half the fun is the ego boost of knowing she chose to stay for not a dime more. It's kinda part of the thrill of the chase. I would think a pre negotiated overnight would lead to higher prices as well but to be fair I have no experience to base that on.

To each his own on this one I guess!

06-05-22, 11:05
Is there any concrete theory on which attributes seeking uses when to disconitnue access.

In January I had a seeking account which was banned due to the generic solicitation reason.

Fast forward to now and I want to find a new set of SB as I've exhausted by previous list garnered in January.

Last week I set up a new account, perfected my profile and had a browse at some likely candidates.

Thursday I submitted credit card details for a monthly subscription. Immediately I am logged out. I try to login again and it just says account is suspended. I also received an email saying it's suspended.


A) Email address is new and not used previously.

B) Profile Picture is unique and not the same me.

C) Credit card new digits, card never used online before.


D) Card holder details, real name and address, same.

E) Browser & IP address the same as previous access.

Now I'm wondering will I try again with a new email and new card digits, or will I also need a VPN.

Any experience shares?

Steve 9696
06-05-22, 12:25
Maybe. But let me tell you my situation. I'm actually a fairly attractive guy and quite a good conversationalist. But my weakness is I like 20-25 year old women, and I'm mid 40's. I have to be honest with myself. No matter how good I am, they would rather be banging a 25 year old dude. So I can't just rely on my wit and looks to get a girl to elect to stay the night for free. If that's what I want I feel I need to make it clear that's the exchange I'm looking for. It works for me but it's unique to my situation. If I'm.

Hopefully doing this when I'm 65 I will probably need to up the ante even more.Dude. You are seriously underestimating yourself. I am SIXTY (look younger) and ALL the girls I see are 22-24. I don't even see 20 year olds can't drink. And 25 is bordering into the more inhibited late twenties zone. So I have a near 40 year age gap and it doesn't matter. If anything it helps do you know what it's like to be with a hot 25 year old guy?

Boring. Self centered. Immature. Cums too fast. Has no money. The list goes on. These girls (the gems) are on seeking because they can't stand the immaturity of a guy their age. They like being with a charming older man who isn't half bad looking. Why the fuck would lovely 24 year old law student Sylvia spend 40 hours with me for 700 and want to repeat if she didn't actually enjoy being with me.

It took me a couple years to figure out that these 22-24 year olds actually like me for me and enjoy hanging out with me. It's quite a revelation and only makes it better as your confidence grows. Dude you totally can pull the 20-25 crowd overnight for no extra cash and no negotiation. Youre a catch! And the more u realize it the more attractive u become.

PS. Ive also realized that just as I crave affection (not just sex) so do these girls. Not only do they want to cuddle and spoon and be held by a man. They often text me for weeks or months or even years afterwards just sweet nothings and pics of them or their lives here or there. They like feeling like someone out there cares about them for more than their looks. As I get up this morning I am looking forward to a sweet good morning text from Sylvia and maybe one from my home girl too. It always makes me smile.

06-05-22, 16:38
That's a interesting take. Thanks for sharing it.

When I'm in Latin America every girl I'm with talks about how fed up they are with machismo so I just play the opposite card: "oh, yeah. How great you went to that women's rights March.". And that always always gets them. How different from their machismo locals.

But separately, I can see that I am able to take these girls to nice dinners and keep a good conversation. I just wonder how much they see the age gap when we are undressed and my salt and pepper pubes are on display. I'm just being honest here. I look good for my age, but when it gets to naked the age difference becomes a lot clearer.

Good to hear your take.

Dude. You are seriously underestimating yourself. I am SIXTY (look younger) and ALL the girls I see are 22-24. I don't even see 20 year olds can't drink. And 25 is bordering into the more inhibited late twenties zone. So I have a near 40 year age gap and it doesn't matter. If anything it helps do you know what it's like to be with a hot 25 year old guy?

Boring. Self centered. Immature. Cums too fast. Has no money. The list goes on. These girls (the gems) are on seeking because they can't stand the immaturity of a guy their age. They like being with a charming older man who isn't half bad looking. Why the fuck would lovely 24 year old law student Sylvia spend 40 hours with me for 700 and want to repeat if she didn't actually enjoy being with me.

It took me a couple years to figure out that these 22-24 year olds actually like me for me and enjoy hanging out with me. It's quite a revelation and only makes it better as your confidence grows. Dude you totally can pull the 20-25 crowd overnight for no extra cash and no negotiation. Youre a catch! And the more u realize it the more attractive u become..

06-05-22, 18:02
Dude. You are seriously underestimating yourself. I am SIXTY (look younger) and ALL the girls I see are 22-24. I don't even see 20 year olds can't drink. And 25 is bordering into the more inhibited late twenties zone. So I have a near 40 year age gap and it doesn't matter. If anything it helps do you know what it's like to be with a hot 25 year old guy?

Boring. Self centered. Immature. Cums too fast. Has no money. The list goes on. These girls (the gems) are on seeking because they can't stand the immaturity of a guy their age. They like being with a charming older man who isn't half bad looking. Why the fuck would lovely 24 year old law student Sylvia spend 40 hours with me for 700 and want to repeat if she didn't actually enjoy being with me.

It took me a couple years to figure out that these 22-24 year olds actually like me for me and enjoy hanging out with me. It's quite a revelation and only makes it better as your confidence grows. Dude you totally can pull the 20-25 crowd overnight for no extra cash and no negotiation. Youre a catch! And the more u realize it the more attractive u become..Exactly, I am 52, soon to be 53 and killing it. It takes time and work, but this is the best time in my life. I am meeting girls in the there early 20's and they love being around me and I feel the same.

I am in CDMX now and just an amazing place and yes, you should use SA in CDMX and all other On-line platforms. The guys that complain about this are either jealous or just do not get it. There is single girls every where in CDMX. Kind of starting over from my initial trips and I was not planning on the Model breaking up with me, but time to move on. I have a feeling I will see her again, no sense burning bridges, I have learned that lesson the hard way.

Unfortunately, I had another bad date last night. My flight was late, I agreed to meet a girl at the same Restaurant that I gave the last girl I gave the boot. She definitely was not my type, but it was Saturday and late, so I decided to make the best of it. We had nice conversation, but I did not want to have sex with her. I told her I had to work in the morning and that did not work, also she wanted to go dancing. I was done. I told I would be back in a week and we could do, whatever she wanted, "Lie". She then wanted to be paid for her time, I said, "Hell No" She kept talking and told her she had to go. Finally she left. Today is a new day and I have 2 new girls lined up.

06-05-22, 21:58
Got banned on SA because some woman complained about my offer. Any advice? From time to time I might try it again. But they blocked my access and use of my credit card.

Probably would have been better not to be direct on the site, but wait until I got the phone number or met in person.

Steve 9696
06-05-22, 22:03
That's a interesting take. Thanks for sharing it.

but when it gets to naked the age difference becomes a lot clearer.

.Dude by the time she sees your pubes she's already decided you are worth fucking. She probably decided 15 minutes into dinner. Eat her out. Give her an O if you can. Fuck like a stallion and she's all urs. Girls are way less hung up on looks. Treat her well and she will be your girl. And once you have done it once you are good for years. I first fucked Alexa when she was 23 and again at 24 and now also at 25! Once a girl is comfy with you that doesn't go away. In fact it gets better. I went in bareback this time and zero discussion.

06-06-22, 01:29
Dude by the time she sees your pubes she's already decided you are worth fucking. She probably decided 15 minutes into dinner. Eat her out. Give her an O if you can. Fuck like a stallion and she's all urs. Girls are way less hung up on looks. Treat her well and she will be your girl. And once you have done it once you are good for years. I first fucked Alexa when she was 23 and again at 24 and now also at 25! Once a girl is comfy with you that doesn't go away. In fact it gets better. I went in bareback this time and zero discussion.I'm still in the infancy of my SA life, first few months, when even when I have an amazing experience I rarely repeat because I look at other hot things and wonder what if. The curse of the desire for new p*why.

Elvis 2008
06-06-22, 01:57
It took me a couple years to figure out that these 22-24 year olds actually like me for me and enjoy hanging out with me. It's quite a revelation and only makes it better as your confidence grows. Dude you totally can pull the 20-25 crowd overnight for no extra cash and no negotiation. Youre a catch! And the more u realize it the more attractive u become.It is too bad that that confidence is a feeling and not a fact. It is that feeling, that confidence that so many guys do not get. Sure, I am a nice and fun person but even though I am older and less attractive now, the confidence makes up for it.

It is funny how so many guys on here say, "Don't pay her and see how long she stays. " On my second date with my current gal, she fucked my brains out, and I paid her nothing, and she said nothing. I realized then that she may have been a rarer type of gal. We planned a trip to Cancun, went on it, and at the end of it, she was crying. She said, "Am I never going to see you again? And I promised her I would. After seeing her tears, I said to myself, "Holy shit, this woman is in love with me."

And she is not the only one. I have met at least 4 beautiful women in their 20's proclaim their love for me, and in each case, I think they meant it. Sure, there are a lot more women just out for a buck, but guys need to be open to the fact that there are hot women out there really interested in just being with us.

06-06-22, 02:37
Got banned on SA because some woman complained about my offer. Any advice? From time to time I might try it again. But they blocked my access and use of my credit card.

Probably would have been better not to be direct on the site, but wait until I got the phone number or met in person.You guys, need to read previous posts. You can not discuss money on SA, you will get banned. You have to get there number and text or use WhatsApp. Very easy.

06-06-22, 04:08
Exactly, I am 52, soon to be 53 and killing it. It takes time and work, but this is the best time in my life. I am meeting girls in the there early 20's and they love being around me and I feel the same.

I am in CDMX now and just an amazing place and yes, you should use SA in CDMX and all other On-line platforms. The guys that complain about this are either jealous or just do not get it. There is single girls every where in CDMX. Kind of starting over from my initial trips and I was not planning on the Model breaking up with me, but time to move on. I have a feeling I will see her again, no sense burning bridges, I have learned that lesson the hard way.

Unfortunately, I had another bad date last night. My flight was late, I agreed to meet a girl at the same Restaurant that I gave the last girl I gave the boot. She definitely was not my type, but it was Saturday and late, so I decided to make the best of it. We had nice conversation, but I did not want to have sex with her. I told her I had to work in the morning and that did not work, also she wanted to go dancing. I was done. I told I would be back in a week and we could do, whatever she wanted, "Lie". She then wanted to be paid for her time, I said, "Hell No" She kept talking and told her she had to go. Finally she left. Today is a new day and I have 2 new girls lined up.Thanks for sharing your negative experiences. Shit happens. Guys who are new to SA need to understand that SA is not rainbows and unicorns, and bad dates happen. CDMX is a great city, and the talent is so diverse, you can meet girls of all shapes, races and backgrounds, unlike in Colombia, for example. If you are into white European slim girls, CDMX got them too. Food is awesome, shit ton of things to see and to do, love it. Can't wait to go back some day.

06-06-22, 04:47
Thanks for sharing your negative experiences. Shit happens. Guys who are new to SA need to understand that SA is not rainbows and unicorns, and bad dates happen. CDMX is a great city, and the talent is so diverse, you can meet girls of all shapes, races and backgrounds, unlike in Colombia, for example. If you are into white European slim girls, CDMX got them too. Food is awesome, shit ton of things to see and to do, love it. Can't wait to go back some day.Yep, CDMX is amazing. The sky is the limit here. So many beautiful women and food, wow simply amazing.

06-06-22, 04:55
It is too bad that that confidence is a feeling and not a fact. It is that feeling, that confidence that so many guys do not get. Sure, I am a nice and fun person but even though I am older and less attractive now, the confidence makes up for it.

It is funny how so many guys on here say, "Don't pay her and see how long she stays. " On my second date with my current gal, she fucked my brains out, and I paid her nothing, and she said nothing. I realized then that she may have been a rarer type of gal. We planned a trip to Cancun, went on it, and at the end of it, she was crying. She said, "Am I never going to see you again? And I promised her I would. After seeing her tears, I said to myself, "Holy shit, this woman is in love with me."

And she is not the only one. I have met at least 4 beautiful women in their 20's proclaim their love for me, and in each case, I think they meant it. Sure, there are a lot more women just out for a buck, but guys need to be open to the fact that there are hot women out there really interested in just being with us.So true, I was with a super Hot chick in CDMX today. I started getting nervous, but I calmed down. I could have blown it, but she was totally into me.

Holly shit what a date, we had sex for 2 hours and then went to dinner. She could not thank me enough. Truly an amazing day. Now, I also had a no-show and cancellation, but banging a hot 23 year old more then makes up for it.

The combination of SA and CDMX is so good, anyone claiming differently is just dumb. They can say whatever they want and make all the excuse in the world, but there posts make no sense unless you are into banging ugly girls and paying them.

CDMX Rocks! MDE sucks! Bad advice even sucks more, especially when others cover up for there crappy advise.

06-06-22, 05:24
So, in the last 7 days, I have had 3 meeting set-up at my favorite Rest. , in CDMX. Unfortunately, 2 fat chicks, I could not have sex with them for free and now tonight a no-show, maybe it is time to move on. On the bright side, I spent the afternoon with a super hot 23 year old. Amazing sex and great company. More good then bad!

06-06-22, 21:10
So, in the last 7 days, I have had 3 meeting set-up at my favorite Rest. , in CDMX. Unfortunately, 2 fat chicks, I could not have sex with them for free and now tonight a no-show, maybe it is time to move on. On the bright side, I spent the afternoon with a super hot 23 year old. Amazing sex and great company. More good then bad!I love fat chicks. I like how they can handle long BJs. Could you please provide their usernames? Thanks!

06-07-22, 01:31
I love fat chicks. I like how they can handle long BJs. Could you please provide their usernames? Thanks!I do not normally share, but happy to provide there information.

06-07-22, 01:37
Monday I have a great afternoon session with this hot 21 year old, from, Senora. Very nice, but maybe a little to calm for me, but great afternoon. I had an late afternoon meeting, the girl she made reservations, for a nice restaurant. I show up on time. She is very late. She say's she is arriving, great. Then she, said her friend is with her, I responded with a, "Hell No! Reminded of my Kiev dayes this happened all the time. She called me, asking if it was okay after I said, no. I hung up. I have another meeting a 9 pm. Life is good. Take the good, with the bad.

06-07-22, 01:47
I had some successes and failure this trip, but one major step accomplished. My landlord on Airbnb has agreed to deal with me directly, so I cut out the middleman. This will save $100-200 each trip, so those that say I am reckless with my money, maybe you are wrong, just like most of your posts!

I am leaving tomorrow, and will be back Sunday. I wii go work my ass off and return to CDMX.

This place is amazing, you do need to be careful it can get expensive fast. Amazing how some leave this out of there reports.

DJ FourMoney
06-07-22, 19:32
I had some successes and failure this trip, but one major step accomplished. My landlord on Airbnb has agreed to deal with me directly, so I cut out the middleman. This will save $100-200 each trip, so those that say I am reckless with my money, maybe you are wrong, just like most of your posts!

I am leaving tomorrow, and will be back Sunday. I wii go work my ass off and return to CDMX.

This place is amazing, you do need to be careful it can get expensive fast. Amazing how some leave this out of there reports.Question:

Are you leveraging the differences in currency values and do the women in CDMX understand this nuance?

I was in CDMX back in January and I met somebody but she has physical ailments I am not willing to deal with, her one positive is that she speaks English very well.

Attractive women are all over CDMX not sure who speaks English (besides hotel and airport ticket desk employees).

Methinks I can narrow things down a bit with Seeking to get 7 or better on the classic scale, speaks English with minimal accent and under 30 (I'm 51) that may entertain a LTR if things go swimmingly.

I live in LOS Angeles making visits to Mexico very affordable, the conundrum has been speaking Spanish.


06-07-22, 23:12
Curious: what kind of physical ailment?

Regarding language, it's really worth taking the time to learn Spanish. It's a Category 1 language, which is the easiest to learn. As someone who learned it, trust me it's not that hard once you get past the initial push.


Are you leveraging the differences in currency values and do the women in CDMX understand this nuance?

I was in CDMX back in January and I met somebody but she has physical ailments I am not willing to deal with, her one positive is that she speaks English very well.

Attractive women are all over CDMX not sure who speaks English (besides hotel and airport ticket desk employees).

Methinks I can narrow things down a bit with Seeking to get 7 or better on the classic scale, speaks English with minimal accent and under 30 (I'm 51) that may entertain a LTR if things go swimmingly..

06-07-22, 23:53
I do not normally share, but happy to provide there information.Hey! Thank you! I just sent you a Private Message!

DJ FourMoney
06-08-22, 12:10
Curious: what kind of physical ailment?

Regarding language, it's really worth taking the time to learn Spanish. It's a Category 1 language, which is the easiest to learn. As someone who learned it, trust me it's not that hard once you get past the initial push.I am open to learning, god knows I have plenty of opportunities to practice.

As for her physical problems:

A) She explained an inoperable back issue. At least she was told to give her relief from back pain, surgery was risky.

She opted for pain killers, I didn't read the bottle and it was injected.

B) Loose abadnen skin and stretch marks indicating extreme weight loss.

She has no children, that leads to issue #3.

C) Eating disorder. As in she is concerned about how much she eats to the point of having a smallish meal once a day.

I know fasting as become more in vouge lately but I don't think that applies here.

The positives:

29, no children, never married, European decent, English speaker minimal errors writing or speaking.

I met her walking into the wrong hostel where she was working.

She instantly liked me and it was mutual.

06-08-22, 14:48
Yeah that's a lot to deal with.

I once talked to a SA chick in CDMX who said in our initial chat that due to a physical condition sex is not a possibility but she's a great companion and would like a SA relationship based on that. I was super nice about it. But I just wanted to say I don't think you understand how much you're fishing in a desert with that approach, on this website.

I am open to learning, god knows I have plenty of opportunities to practice.

As for her physical problems:

A) She explained an inoperable back issue. At least she was told to give her relief from back pain, surgery was risky.

She opted for pain killers, I didn't read the bottle and it was injected.

B) Loose abadnen skin and stretch marks indicating extreme weight loss.

She has no children, that leads to issue #3.

C) Eating disorder. As in she is concerned about how much she eats to the point of having a smallish meal once a day.

I know fasting as become more in vouge lately but I don't think that applies here.

The positives:

29, no children, never married, European decent, English speaker minimal errors writing or speaking.

I met her walking into the wrong hostel where she was working.

She instantly liked me and it was mutual.

06-08-22, 16:47
Maybe. But let me tell you my situation. I'm actually a fairly attractive guy and quite a good conversationalist. But my weakness is I like 20-25 year old women, and I'm mid 40's. I have to be honest with myself. No matter how good I am, they would rather be banging a 25 year old dude. So I can't just rely on my wit and looks to get a girl to elect to stay the night for free. If that's what I want I feel I need to make it clear that's the exchange I'm looking for. It works for me but it's unique to my situation.If all this is true about yourself, you should be fine with 20-25 women. Many women in their twenties like mature men in their forties for many reasons. I don't think it's just about money, but also how a mature man carries himself and lays out the date. When I was in my forties, I even had young women comment about my decor. A young man might have a good job, but not know how to carry himself and have post-college tastes. I would also add that in my opinion a fortysomething male is still close to his peak appearance if he keeps himself in shape and hasn't lost too much hair.

That being said, I don't think walking into a bar and hitting on young women is going to go too well. There guard is up. They are likely with friends.

I found that I met them through business, the gym, the coffee shop, etc. Anywhere, I could have a one-on-one greet and flirt. That's my take. I live in a large city. My neighborhood has many young women so the chance to interact is a daily, regular thing.

When I was in my forties, I have had young women literally say "you're fun and we don't have to worry about where this goes".

06-08-22, 17:11
Not sure if you all are experiencing this. SA prospects have been relatively slow to materialize for me. Between Dec and Feb, I had met with 10 and fucked 6. Two were repeat. We fucked around a lot.

I got back on SA couple weeks ago. Yet to have even one turn to meet and greet. Wondering if it is to do with things opening up.

I am in Europe.

06-08-22, 22:14
That's good input. Thanks for taking the time.

I actually do well going up to girls in my city, even young ones, and chatting them. I think I assume SA will be different because I'm not playing the long game. If I don't get into bed, tonight, the date is a waste. I don't need female friends who love going out to eat. I've got plenty of those. So then I just think if I'm being honest, a 20 year old girl is going to want to bang a young guy, if all that's gong on is banging. We aren't talking about relationships here.

But I totally hear you. And I appreciate your point. And I will keep that in mind as I pursue these young mujeres.

If all this is true about yourself, you should be fine with 20-25 women. Many women in their twenties like mature men in their forties for many reasons. I don't think it's just about money, but also how a mature man carries himself and lays out the date. When I was in my forties, I even had young women comment about my decor. A young man might have a good job, but not know how to carry himself and have post-college tastes. I would also add that in my opinion a fortysomething male is still close to his peak appearance if he keeps himself in shape and hasn't lost too much hair.

That being said, I don't think walking into a bar and hitting on young women is going to go too well. There guard is up. They are likely with friends.

I found that I met them through business, the gym, the coffee shop, etc. Anywhere, I could have a one-on-one greet and flirt. That's my take. I live in a large city. My neighborhood has many young women so the chance to interact is a daily, regular thing.

When I was in my forties, I have had young women literally say "you're fun and we don't have to worry about where this goes".

06-09-22, 01:35
So after reading all about seeking on here. I had to give it a try for trip to Frankfurt this week.

I know a strange place, but I thought let me get the kinks worked out so I become more proficient.

Set up a profile, posted some hidden pics. And wrote 2 canned messages, 1 for Ex-US, and one for US.

Started making my favorite list last week, and started sending messages 4 days before my arrival on Tuesday this week.

Sent about 20-30 messages. Got 15 replies. Followed up with messages and they all wanted access to my pics.

Approved access to my pics. 2 didn't reply after that. 1 said she didn't believe my pics were real, looked way younger than my stated age of 48 and too attractive, LOL.

12 replied after pics and said they are interested in speaking more.

Sent them all my WhatsApp and switched conversations to WhatsApp. One said telegram. I deleted her.

Then then WhatsApp convos started. Was feeling really good. Was concentrating on the 4 hottest. Two 9. 5's, and two 8's.

Age range, 22, 23, 25, 33.

Set up meetings for lunch and dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tuesday 23 yr solid 8. Hit it off really well, but I was getting worried she was really thinking I would be more than a SD. Have been in that situation and didn't not end well. So after lunch, got her an Uber and sent her back. She was clearly disappointed. But has been texting me. She was a real German.

Tuesday 23 yr. Solid 9.5, she had initiated the arrangement topic. I did not initiate with any of them on purpose. She said after dinner if I'm as attractive as my picture she will stay the night of that was ok. But would like 400 and cover her taxi home in the morning. I said no problem.

But, then I started thinking how am I not going to go to an FKK. So I canceled last minute. She was cool and still texting.

Went to sharks. Report posted today in FKK thread. She was from some small town in France.

Wednesday 33 yr old. Solid 9. 5, probably 10. But this one caused me the most angst. Would not move to WhatsApp till today when she sent me her phone number at 7 am confirming our time.

We set for 2 pm and she then sent me text 2:20-2:30. I'm starting to think she will flake.

She pulled up to the JW Marriott and was stunning. Turned every head. But had a all business look. So angst again from me.

After 10 minutes the hair flips started, biting lip and blushing and body language completely opened up. Started telling me all kinds of personal things. She had said could only do 1 HR. I thought this was going to be a long courtship and told her I had a 8 pm dinner meeting and wanted to hit the gym and shower. So had concierge call her a Taxi.

As she gets in the Uber she asked again when I was leaving and I said 8 am.

20 minutes later she calls and said she coming back to finish what we started.

Full GFE, Bareback sex, leaves after 1.5 hrs. Called her another taxi and she was gone. She was from the Ukraine, been here 13 years. No other payment that 2 taxis.

Now I am running out of time. For my dinner meeting with the 25 year old. Solid 8. Her English is perfect. Went to school in Toronto. A lot of banter with her on texts.

Had 8 pm reservations at IWASE, best sushi in Germany. Real Deal. I get there at 8 pm. See missed 3 calls from her. I call her and she said can't get an UBer. JPmorgan marathon today in the rain fucked the traffic. She said she has been trying for 45 minutes.

I told her do what you need to do. I'm ordering and eating. They had Yamazaki so I was happy.

Calls me again and said ask them if they have parking. They said garage next door. She said she is driving to me.

Whatever. Don't believe her.

Halfway thru my sashimi course and excellent toro she calls and said come outside. Now I'm losing patience. I'm 48. Already blew one load.

I come outside and she is in a brand new Cayenne Turbo with Russian plates. Now I am worried.

She said I have to park the car because she will not maneuver it through the parking garage.

I get in and we park. I'm starting to think I have been set up. We go in she orders, we finish the bottle of Yamazaki and leave.

Now she says I have to drive her car back to her house? I'm stupid for pussy. I'm horny now with her big tits, red toes, so I do it like a dumbass. She lives in west end I think it's called near the city center. Pull up to her place, she opens gate and I park in the back and she said let's go drink in town. We find a bar, munchio? Or something. It's late now, I said let's get out of here. She said sure. She asked where, I told her I'm going to my hotel and she can join me. She played like she wasn't sure, we walked and talked right to the JW.

In the room, game over, just like I like, hardcore sex, bareback sex, bareback anal, choking whatever I wanted. Fucked her silly. She soaked my sheets. Thank you Yamazaki. She showered, then when I was showering she got dressed like a good girl.

Called her an Uber. She said let's do it again when I'm back. Total costs- Dinner and the drinks, plus 14 e Uber.

Now I see why you guys are so hot on seeking. I'm spoiled as fuck now.

Have a date set up with a 21 yr old in NJ who is texting me like crazy on Friday when I return.

Thanks to all of your tips.

FYI- I tried tinder also. Got a lot of matches, but I found it harder. So need to see how much effort I will put into tinder.

06-09-22, 05:12
Holy crap man. What a whirlwind. Congrats on that.

Honestly can't believe you did FKK instead of a sealed SA deal. But FKK is something every straight man has to experience in his short life. Just describing it people would think you're lying.

Well done.

So after reading all about seeking on here. I had to give it a try for trip to Frankfurt this week.

I know a strange place, but I thought let me get the kinks worked out so I become more proficient.

Set up a profile, posted some hidden pics. And wrote 2 canned messages, 1 for Ex-US, and one for US.

Started making my favorite list last week, and started sending messages 4 days before my arrival on Tuesday this week.

Sent about 20-30 messages. Got 15 replies. Followed up with messages and they all wanted access to my pics.

Approved access to my pics. 2 didn't reply after that. 1 said she didn't believe my pics were real, looked way younger than my stated age of 48 and too attractive, LOL.

12 replied after pics and said they are interested in speaking more.

Sent them all my WhatsApp and switched conversations to WhatsApp. One said telegram. I deleted her.

Then then WhatsApp convos started. Was feeling really good. Was concentrating on the 4 hottest. Two 9. 5's, and two 8's.

Age range, 22, 23, 25, 33.

Set up meetings for lunch and dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tuesday 23 yr solid 8. Hit it off really well, but I was getting worried she was really thinking I would be more than a SD. Have been in that situation and didn't not end well. So after lunch, got her an Uber and sent her back. She was clearly disappointed. But has been texting me. She was a real German.

Tuesday 23 yr. Solid 9.5, she had initiated the arrangement topic. I did not initiate with any of them on purpose. She said after dinner if I'm as attractive as my picture she will stay the night of that was ok. But would like 400 and cover her taxi home in the morning. I said no problem.

06-09-22, 11:40
Excellent report.

Please check your PM.

So after reading all about seeking on here. I had to give it a try for trip to Frankfurt this week.

I know a strange place, but I thought let me get the kinks worked out so I become more proficient.

Set up a profile, posted some hidden pics. And wrote 2 canned messages, 1 for Ex-US, and one for US.

Started making my favorite list last week, and started sending messages 4 days before my arrival on Tuesday this week.

Sent about 20-30 messages. Got 15 replies. Followed up with messages and they all wanted access to my pics.

Approved access to my pics. 2 didn't reply after that. 1 said she didn't believe my pics were real, looked way younger than my stated age of 48 and too attractive, LOL.

12 replied after pics and said they are interested in speaking more.

Sent them all my WhatsApp and switched conversations to WhatsApp. One said telegram. I deleted her.

Then then WhatsApp convos started. Was feeling really good. Was concentrating on the 4 hottest. Two 9. 5's, and two 8's.

Age range, 22, 23, 25, 33.

Set up meetings for lunch and dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tuesday 23 yr solid 8. Hit it off really well, but I was getting worried she was really thinking I would be more than a SD. Have been in that situation and didn't not end well. So after lunch, got her an Uber and sent her back. She was clearly disappointed. But has been texting me. She was a real German.

Tuesday 23 yr. Solid 9.5, she had initiated the arrangement topic. I did not initiate with any of them on purpose. She said after dinner if I'm as attractive as my picture she will stay the night of that was ok. But would like 400 and cover her taxi home in the morning. I said no problem.

But, then I started thinking how am I not going to go to an FKK. So I canceled last minute. She was cool and still texting.

Went to sharks. Report posted today in FKK thread. She was from some small town in France.

Wednesday 33 yr old. Solid 9. 5, probably 10. But this one caused me the most angst. Would not move to WhatsApp till today when she sent me her phone number at 7 am confirming our time.

We set for 2 pm and she then sent me text 2:20-2:30. I'm starting to think she will flake.

She pulled up to the JW Marriott and was stunning. Turned every head. But had a all business look. So angst again from me.

After 10 minutes the hair flips started, biting lip and blushing and body language completely opened up. Started telling me all kinds of personal things. She had said could only do 1 HR. I thought this was going to be a long courtship and told her I had a 8 pm dinner meeting and wanted to hit the gym and shower. So had concierge call her a Taxi.

As she gets in the Uber she asked again when I was leaving and I said 8 am.

20 minutes later she calls and said she coming back to finish what we started.

Full GFE, Bareback sex, leaves after 1.5 hrs. Called her another taxi and she was gone. She was from the Ukraine, been here 13 years. No other payment that 2 taxis.

Now I am running out of time. For my dinner meeting with the 25 year old. Solid 8. Her English is perfect. Went to school in Toronto. A lot of banter with her on texts.

Had 8 pm reservations at IWASE, best sushi in Germany. Real Deal. I get there at 8 pm. See missed 3 calls from her. I call her and she said can't get an UBer. JPmorgan marathon today in the rain fucked the traffic. She said she has been trying for 45 minutes.

I told her do what you need to do. I'm ordering and eating. They had Yamazaki so I was happy.

Calls me again and said ask them if they have parking. They said garage next door. She said she is driving to me.

Whatever. Don't believe her.

Halfway thru my sashimi course and excellent toro she calls and said come outside. Now I'm losing patience. I'm 48. Already blew one load.

I come outside and she is in a brand new Cayenne Turbo with Russian plates. Now I am worried.

She said I have to park the car because she will not maneuver it through the parking garage.

I get in and we park. I'm starting to think I have been set up. We go in she orders, we finish the bottle of Yamazaki and leave.

Now she says I have to drive her car back to her house? I'm stupid for pussy. I'm horny now with her big tits, red toes, so I do it like a dumbass. She lives in west end I think it's called near the city center. Pull up to her place, she opens gate and I park in the back and she said let's go drink in town. We find a bar, munchio? Or something. It's late now, I said let's get out of here. She said sure. She asked where, I told her I'm going to my hotel and she can join me. She played like she wasn't sure, we walked and talked right to the JW.

In the room, game over, just like I like, hardcore sex, bareback sex, bareback anal, choking whatever I wanted. Fucked her silly. She soaked my sheets. Thank you Yamazaki. She showered, then when I was showering she got dressed like a good girl.

Called her an Uber. She said let's do it again when I'm back. Total costs- Dinner and the drinks, plus 14 e Uber.

Now I see why you guys are so hot on seeking. I'm spoiled as fuck now.

Have a date set up with a 21 yr old in NJ who is texting me like crazy on Friday when I return.

Thanks to all of your tips.

FYI- I tried tinder also. Got a lot of matches, but I found it harder. So need to see how much effort I will put into tinder.

06-09-22, 19:24
Excellent report.

Please check your PM.Thank you. Will reply.

Holy crap man. What a whirlwind. Congrats on that.

Honestly can't believe you did FKK instead of a sealed SA deal. But FKK is something every straight man has to experience in his short life. Just describing it people would think you're lying.

Well done.Being from the US I love FKKs. Its like a drug addict in an all you can inject buffet right.


However, I wanted guaranteed nut busts and after the first meeting on Tuesday afternoon where I sent her home I was getting skeptical of seeking. If Wednesday meetings happened on Tuesday I would not have went to Sharks.

But, I have had good luck in FKKs, specifically with getting them out of the club. But their baggage is very very heavy. I had a globe superstar follow me to London and didn't know. Accosted me and a date in Nobu some years ago. So I am more apprehensive now.

06-09-22, 19:38
It seems because of the war a lot of the Russian ladies are not going out as much, at least that's what they communicating to me.

I know many don't like the Russian lady game, but from a sex perspective they have been on point for me as much Latin, Spanish, Polish, etc. They would always think they are better than the rest, but they have tuned it down.

So you may want to look at those opportunities again.

Steve 9696
06-10-22, 01:54
Ok so yeah. I love meeting new girls on Seeking and having a few days relationship maybe to be repeated. Yep love that. But what I REALLY love is that I've hooked a real deal girlfriend in Shayla.

We were apart for various reasons for six weeks and the the reunion was epic. As soon as the hotel room door closed she ran across the room and jumped up and threw her legs around me and covered me in kissses. Smiling ear to ear. Just eating me alive like I am the most amazing person on planet earth.

I adore her equally and the reunion sex was epic. She has a tit pussy connection like no other girl I've seen. Suck her tits and she starts moaning loudly. First couple times I thought it was fake. But literally her pussy is a sloppy mess after 15 seconds of tit work. Never seen anything like it. OMG. Just amazing sex. Amazing BJ. CIM swallow. 1000 watt smile. Kisses. Spooning. Affection off the charts.

I am over the moon with this girl. Best girlfriend ever, bar none. Thank you Seeking!

Steve 9696
06-10-22, 13:17
Speaking of amazing regs, cane I know you swore off SA but are you still seeing your $300 bareback hottie? That was quite a find!

The Cane
06-10-22, 22:13
Speaking of amazing regs, cane I know you swore off SA but are you still seeing your $300 bareback hottie? That was quite a find!We're still seeing each other. As a matter of fact, I have some gifts I've got waiting for her that I need to give to her. And to set the record straight, she's a $250 PPM bareback hottie LOL! It will be interesting to see if FastMdSter has the same success in the States that he did in Germany.

06-11-22, 00:56
We're still seeing each other. As a matter of fact, I have some gifts I've got waiting for her that I need to give to her. And to set the record straight, she's a $250 PPM bareback hottie LOL! It will be interesting to see if FastMdSter has the same success in the States that he did in Germany.Hey Cane, I'm wondering the same thing. Moved the meeting I had today with the 21 yr hottie from NJ to Monday afternoon. Then I fly out to SFO and have a meeting with 26 yr in Sonoma, (also have an office near Napa).

Working on some leads for Montreal, which my big head tells me is dumb because I feel Montreal is the best escort scene. Young Caucasian woman under 30 who are GFE for $200, and most of them will go bareback with a 2 HR appointment and alcohol because they love to party.

During F1 week they come out of the woodwork. Last race before Covid had my suite and an adjoining room just for escorts.

Then most of them would fuck for free because me and my buddies had a corporate suite. So inexpensive when you tally the shots per dollar.

However, this is like a full time job. I may need an admin for this part of my life. Will see how much energy I can devote. But, I'm hunter in the real world and it's the same adrenaline if I was big game hunting.

06-11-22, 01:24
I mean this question respectfully. It is honestly just a question of curiosity.

Those of you who seek out bareback with girls who get paid, either as escorts or SA, to bang you and other guys, aren't you afraid to bareback? Some of these diseases are easy to catch and last forever.

Serious question. How are you ok with this?

Hey Cane, I'm wondering the same thing. Moved the meeting I had today with the 21 yr hottie from NJ to Monday afternoon. Then I fly out to SFO and have a meeting with 26 yr in Sonoma, (also have an office near Napa).

Working on some leads for Montreal, which my big head tells me is dumb because I feel Montreal is the best escort scene. Young Caucasian woman under 30 who are GFE for $200, and most of them will go bareback with a 2 HR appointment and alcohol because they love to party.

During F1 week they come out of the woodwork. Last race before Covid had my suite and an adjoining room just for escorts.

Then most of them would fuck for free because me and my buddies had a corporate suite. So inexpensive when you tally the shots per dollar.

However, this is like a full time job. I may need an admin for this part of my life. Will see how much energy I can devote. But, I'm hunter in the real world and it's the same adrenaline if I was big game hunting.

06-11-22, 03:20
I mean this question respectfully. It is honestly just a question of curiosity.

Those of you who seek out bareback with girls who get paid, either as escorts or SA, to bang you and other guys, aren't you afraid to bareback? Some of these diseases are easy to catch and last forever.

Serious question. How are you ok with this?To me, it's all a matter of risk assessment. I would usually try to get to know about the girl as much as I can prior. Indirect questions like, do you have sex a lot, have many partners before me etc etc. I am not talking about the pros here, but some of these SA girls who are mainly college students or those with regular jobs.

For pros, they are not going to go bareback on you anyway, and even if they are willing, I will stay away from BB. Also regular testing helps.

The Cane
06-11-22, 03:33
I mean this question respectfully. It is honestly just a question of curiosity.

Those of you who seek out bareback with girls who get paid, either as escorts or SA, to bang you and other guys, aren't you afraid to bareback? Some of these diseases are easy to catch and last forever.

Serious question. How are you ok with this?It's rare, rare, rare that I'll go bareback with a working girl. It's happened, but definitely that's an extremely rare exception versus the rule. The blonde hottie I've been fucking isn't one of "those" girls. And even so, we showed each other "papers" to establish that we were clean. It's not that you can't ever get anything from a SB. You can. It's just as the man said. You need to be prepared and able to do some risk assessment and go from there. I know that everybody likes bareback. But everybody's tolerance for risk is different too. Assess the risk, then act according to your own individual risk tolerance.

06-11-22, 03:57
I dunno.

Regular testing helps? How? It only tells you if you have something. But some of these things. Herpes, hpv, warts. They stick around forever. Getting a test to confirm only tells you what you'the know at that point. Do you already have these things so it's just a matter of avoiding the biggies like aids?

And indirect questions? (BTW "how many guys before me" is not indirect). Trust me if a girl is on SA she's not a coquettish struggling college girl no matter what she says. She is unambiguously selling sex for money, and you are one a line of people that no doubt includes other guys probing to guess their risk level.

To each his own. Really. But to me this would not be worth it. And I love love love me some SA. And escorts when the fancy strikes.

To me, it's all a matter of risk assessment. I would usually try to get to know about the girl as much as I can prior. Indirect questions like, do you have sex a lot, have many partners before me etc etc. I am not talking about the pros here, but some of these SA girls who are mainly college students or those with regular jobs.

For pros, they are not going to go bareback on you anyway, and even if they are willing, I will stay away from BB. Also regular testing helps.

Elvis 2008
06-11-22, 05:03
Maybe. But let me tell you my situation. I'm actually a fairly attractive guy and quite a good conversationalist. But my weakness is I like 20-25 year old women, and I'm mid 40's. I have to be honest with myself. No matter how good I am, they would rather be banging a 25 year old dude. So I can't just rely on my wit and looks to get a girl to elect to stay the night for free. If that's what I want I feel I need to make it clear that's the exchange I'm looking for. It works for me but it's unique to my situation. If I'm.Who says that 20-25 year old women want to be banging 25 year old men? That is not what I have seen. The women I have talked to said that 25 year old men are insecure, have no money, want to get wasted or play video games, are controlling, lack social skills, and cum too quickly.

One reason I do not like American women is they are more about their friends and how hot / cute a guy is. They fuck a 25 year old for free, show the guy off to their friends, and then the women come to guys like me when they are broke. Latin women care about their families more than anything so if you help their family situation, they are nuts about you.

Keep in mind that so many of these women do not have a father figure in their life. They do not know what it is like to have a friendly and positive male role model in their life. This one girl was texting me asking me for help, and she was escort like in our first meet but she was hot so I gave her another chance. So we did a come to Jesus meeting. I told her my job as sugar daddy is fulfill her needs and to make her life better, and her job is to make me feel better with sex and companionship. It is not just money for sex.

Her #1 need was her mother who had horrible anxiety from sleep apnea. We did a test and treatment for her condition, and it was in Colombia which was much cheaper than the USA, and her mother who was having crippling monthly panic attacks now felt better than she had in decades.

Hell, after that, her mother was my #1 fan. "Do not lose this guy" she told her daughter. Of course, she fucked me bareback. Hell, she probably would have given me a kidney because her mother was all the family she had. Any 25 year old going to help a girl's family like that?

Elvis 2008
06-11-22, 05:15
Then then WhatsApp convos started. Was feeling really good. Was concentrating on the 4 hottest. Two 9. 5's, and two 8's.

Age range, 22, 23, 25, 33.Great report. Sounds like the adventures I have been on.

When you speak of the girl who turned everyone's head, the question is where do you meet these women? In a bar? Good luck with that. Do you really want to meet someone in a bar? How many of those types are alcoholics? You might be able to find them in escort agencies or strip clubs but the character of so many those women are crap.

The only place I was able to consistently meet the occasional 10 types is on seeking, and the amazing part is how some of them are not just drop dead gorgeous but are good people to boot.

06-11-22, 10:33
So after reading all about seeking on here. I had to give it a try for trip to Frankfurt this week.

FYI- I tried tinder also. Got a lot of matches, but I found it harder. So need to see how much effort I will put into tinder.You cannot compare seeking with tinder, its an altogether diff league.

You can find some amazing gems in Travel girls but even that is no comparison to Seeking.

Have heard some other websites more discreet and expensive but never tried that.


With the Magic Potion Elixir: seeking is a different ball game, absolutely sexy. You feel like a 18 year young boy with the libido, tst levels, stiffness and energy is just amazing.

I've left V, see and any kind of medication and its only MP and few of the fellow Dubai ISG'ians are enjoying like crazy. 100% Organic and only Natural herbs.

Your 18-25 year old SB just hangs on to your dick when she sees the power it has, she feels it is her enigma which is making you horny and hard.




06-11-22, 13:32
I mean this question respectfully. It is honestly just a question of curiosity.

Those of you who seek out bareback with girls who get paid, either as escorts or SA, to bang you and other guys, aren't you afraid to bareback? Some of these diseases are easy to catch and last forever.

Serious question. How are you ok with this?This whole thing we do is a constant risk assessment.

My experience is I go with the flow. My experience is that the younger woman and the woman who are really into you are the ones BB just seems to happen.

My seeking experience is going on 2 weeks and these girls basically looked at like a date, hence the BB no issue.

Then you have pros who's that's part of their client retention program, the pros who charge for it openly, and the pros who put it and pull it out and then say they don't do that and charge for it.

I will tell you in the civilian world, from my experience over last 2 years the girls never mention condoms. It seems they just want to go. I am also surprised by the change.

But 50% of my time is US, 40% Europe, and 10% ROW.

Steve 9696
06-11-22, 17:30
First. I'm surprised at your "they are all ho's" comment. Speaking from a position of considerable experience 80% of the girls I see are genuine, true to their profile, and not ho's in the common use of the term. They will def not just fuck anyone for money. And when it feels like fucking for money they will ghost you. Let's not rehash this discussion. You can think that but it won't make it true. The more time you spend with quality girls on SA I predict you will change your mind. If you are saying there are lots of fakes and posers I agree. I just don't date them.

On the STD one, as someone once said def not best forum for medical advice, but here is the way I see it. And my wife and I don't have sex so I don't have to worry that angle. Medically here is what I beleive but do your own research:

1. The odds of a man catching HIV from unprotected vaginal sex are vanishingly small.

2. Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and several others are treatable.

3. Herpes def seems a worry but only transmitted during a visible outbreak.

4. A couple billion people have HSV2 so it's likely you already have it or going to get it.

As far as girls, yes I believe my girls are very low mileage. I'm not naive. My girls might be fucking a small handful of other guys during our time together but they are not like pros having tons of guys. Several of my girls have only had a handful of guys in their lifetime. And yes I believe this to be fact. Unfortunately sometimes their bedroom skills show it. LOL.

That said I was surprised to tally up six bareback girls so far this year. I was trying so hard to keep it just to my three regs. So I ordered an STD kit to checkup. Thanks for the wake-up call.

06-11-22, 17:36
Recently moved to the UK and working in a Northern town with plenty of Uni students. Every single one of them, from seeking and civvies, have no problem doing BB. It's shocking actually. Condoms really don't seem to be a thing here.

06-11-22, 20:35
This is a thoughtful response, so thank you for that.

I agree this is not the right place to be trading medical advice. But really what is? This is a community of people who like this hobby. It's the best I know. So thanks for indulging the conversation.

I am actually not scared by aids. Because it's pretty remote possibility in my actions.

Herpes and warts scare me. Because they're so easily transmissible, even when you don't see them, and they last forever. I don't want to be 60 and still paying the price for fun in my forties. It's not true that you need an active case to transmit.

If your read on the situation is right, you get to have your cake and eat it too. That's amazing. And you win.

But if you're wrong just one time.

Again to each his own. I meant this as a discussion not an indictment and I appreciate your sharing your thinking. We all need to compare notes like this. Just to have a range of opinions.

First. I'm surprised at your "they are all ho's" comment. Speaking from a position of considerable experience 80% of the girls I see are genuine, true to their profile, and not ho's in the common use of the term. They will def not just fuck anyone for money. And when it feels like fucking for money they will ghost you. Let's not rehash this discussion. You can think that but it won't make it true. The more time you spend with quality girls on SA I predict you will change your mind. If you are saying there are lots of fakes and posers I agree. I just don't date them.

On the STD one, as someone once said def not best forum for medical advice, but here is the way I see it. And my wife and I don't have sex so I don't have to worry that angle. Medically here is what I believe but do your own research:

1. The odds of a man catching HIV from unprotected vaginal sex are vanishingly small.

2. Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and several others are treatable.

3. Herpes def seems a worry but only transmitted during a visible outbreak.

4. A couple billion people have HSV2 so it's likely you already have it or going to get it.

As far as girls, yes I believe my girls are very low mileage. I'm not naive. My girls might be fucking a small handful of other guys during our time together but they are not like pros having tons of guys. Several of my girls have only had a handful of guys in their lifetime. And yes I believe this to be fact. Unfortunately sometimes their bedroom skills show it. LOL.

That said I was surprised to tally up six bareback girls so far this year. I was trying so hard to keep it just to my three regs. So I ordered an STD kit to checkup. Thanks for the wake-up call.

06-11-22, 20:40
I've had some pretty amazing experiences on SA too. I don't deny that most of these girls are not just escorts masquerading as sugar babies. All of the ones I've met have been true civilians. A factory worker. A student. A waitress. A stay at home girl helping her blind mom. An aspiring dancer. None of them escorts. All of them, well most of them, were great company.

As I've said before, most of them hate Mexican guys because they're boorish. No qualms from me there. I hear the same.

Who says that 20-25 year old women want to be banging 25 year old men? That is not what I have seen. The women I have talked to said that 25 year old men are insecure, have no money, want to get wasted or play video games, are controlling, lack social skills, and cum too quickly.

One reason I do not like American women is they are more about their friends and how hot / cute a guy is. They fuck a 25 year old for free, show the guy off to their friends, and then the women come to guys like me when they are broke. Latin women care about their families more than anything so if you help their family situation, they are nuts about you.

Keep in mind that so many of these women do not have a father figure in their life. They do not know what it is like to have a friendly and positive male role model in their life. This one girl was texting me asking me for help, and she was escort like in our first meet but she was hot so I gave her another chance. So we did a come to Jesus meeting. I told her my job as sugar daddy is fulfill her needs and to make her life better, and her job is to make me feel better with sex and companionship. It is not just money for sex.

Her #1 need was her mother who had horrible anxiety from sleep apnea. We did a test and treatment for her condition, and it was in Colombia which was much cheaper than the USA, and her mother who was having crippling monthly panic attacks now felt better than she had in decades.

Hell, after that, her mother was my #1 fan. "Do not lose this guy" she told her daughter. Of course, she fucked me bareback. Hell, she probably would have given me a kidney because her mother was all the family she had. Any 25 year old going to help a girl's family like that?

06-11-22, 22:50
Hey guys,

Just finishing up a trip to Bogota. Main takeaways are the the girls here are good conversationalists but not lookers. Heavily edited photos. Food is better than MDE and people are more professional / authentic. I'm getting out of here because I can't stand this rain anymore: the.

For those of you who've been to Mexico, what's your take on CDMX vs Guadalajara vs Cancun? It seems like CDMX is the best starting point with most variety but maybe the girls are more flaky than GDL? The girls in Cancun have some impressive optics but the selection is poor and I'm guessing prices are high. Is there anyone who would take GDL over CDMX?

06-11-22, 23:01
I dunno.

Regular testing helps? How? It only tells you if you have something. But some of these things. Herpes, hpv, warts. They stick around forever. Getting a test to confirm only tells you what you'the know at that point. Do you already have these things so it's just a matter of avoiding the biggies like aids?

And indirect questions? (BTW "how many guys before me" is not indirect). Trust me if a girl is on SA she's not a coquettish struggling college girl no matter what she says. She is unambiguously selling sex for money, and you are one a line of people that no doubt includes other guys probing to guess their risk level.

To each his own. Really. But to me this would not be worth it. And I love love love me some SA. And escorts when the fancy strikes.You asked an honest question and I am giving my honest opinion. This is my approach and I am not telling you that you have to accept my approach to do X or Z. Everyone has their own approach and reasoning.

To me, doing BB is a risk, and if it is a risk then there is a need for risk mitigation, and to me it is all about probabilities. Asking indirect questions allow me to establish the character of the girls and her behavior, and provides me more information to assess this risk. If one is not willing to take this risk, then use protection or better yet, not have sex at all. All the power to having safe sex. This whole discussion of BB is moot.

Also, regular testing is just the best way to take care of oneself if engaging often in such a hobby. Getting early treatment is always better than late or worse, no treatment at all.

06-12-22, 02:16
I see your point.

I also see we look at this very similarly. We just assign different probabilities and different weights to both positive and negative outcomes. Your assessment of risk potential is lower, with higher perceived upside (value of BB) and lower perceived downside (gunk junk).

Can't hate that. And can't deny you're prob having a magical journey along the way.

You asked an honest question and I am giving my honest opinion. This is my approach and I am not telling you that you have to accept my approach to do X or Z. Everyone has their own approach and reasoning.

To me, doing BB is a risk, and if it is a risk then there is a need for risk mitigation, and to me it is all about probabilities. Asking indirect questions allow me to establish the character of the girls and her behavior, and provides me more information to assess this risk. If one is not willing to take this risk, then use protection or better yet, not have sex at all. All the power to having safe sex. This whole discussion of BB is moot.

Also, regular testing is just the best way to take care of oneself if engaging often in such a hobby. Getting early treatment is always better than late or worse, no treatment at all.

06-13-22, 05:26
So after reading all about seeking on here. I had to give it a try for trip to Frankfurt this week. I had gone to Germany many times prior to covid, but mostly sticking to the FKK scenes. I had my fair share of fun experiences there. Sadly, having read all the negative reports coming out from the FKK threads these days, I find it difficult to justify a trip to Germany now.

Nonetheless, your report are inspiring me to give Germany a second look just for the SA experience.

A few questions about your Germany SA experience.

- Was your meeting with the girls in Frankfurt only or also in other German cities?

- How would you compare the German girls vs the non-German ones that you met there? If I read your report correctly, you had one Ukrainian, one German, and one Russian. I see a joke coming, LOL.

- What is the typical asking price from the SA girls there, assuming in Frankfurt?

06-13-22, 06:03
Is there any concrete theory on which attributes seeking uses when to disconitnue access.

E) Browser & IP address the same as previous access.

Now I'm wondering will I try again with a new email and new card digits, or will I also need a VPN.

Any experience shares?The IP could be the problem, since they may have already flagged it. Also clear your cookies and cache, and better yet if you are using Chrome browser, create a new profile from the App and create a new account with a clean slate without existing cookies and cache.

As soon as the account is created, set up your account with 2 FA, use the google mobile app for your 2 FA and stay away from using your cell phone for authentication.

My first account was suspended, because I had mistakenly created an account with my US IP address but was logging in subsequently with a German routed VPN. It got flagged.

Anyway, I sent a nasty email to their tech support, but they wanted verification by wanting me to send them a picture of my government issued ID. That was not going to happen.

So I just created a second account and move on from there.

06-13-22, 07:17
I had some successes and failure this trip, but one major step accomplished. My landlord on Airbnb has agreed to deal with me directly, so I cut out the middleman. This will save $100-200 each trip, so those that say I am reckless with my money, maybe you are wrong, just like most of your posts!

I am leaving tomorrow, and will be back Sunday. I wii go work my ass off and return to CDMX.

This place is amazing, you do need to be careful it can get expensive fast. Amazing how some leave this out of there reports.Hey Drama, I was making a plan to visit CDMX but the posts over on that board mostly about referrals for escorts seemed like much less fun than SA / Colombia. – no clubs, no SA postings, no places to hang out. I have SA girls waiting for me in BOG and Med. Fricken messaging me and would travel to meet. STILL cdmx sounds much better hearing about it from YOU. And it's ½ the distance and 1/3 the time on a plane with cooler weather than where I am. What's possible for airbnb or reasonable stays in cdmx? Anyone know? That is the other issue about cdmx. Colombia 5 star hotels (Dann Carlton) are $75 or less. I already have 3 weeks booked in Colombia. I could cancel. But those girls are hard to let go. LOL.

06-13-22, 10:04
Hey Guys.

I have been using sa for sometime now. My experience have been great however I'm looking for countries which have better arrangement options in relation to cost.


Blood Red
06-13-22, 10:55
1. The odds of a man catching HIV from unprotected vaginal sex are vanishingly small.

Sorry, I do not mean to turn this into a STD discussion, but am really curious and would love to get everyone's opinion on this (And yes I know we are not doctors), but anyway: what are the odds of getting HIV for a guy fucking a HIV confirmed woman without protection with vaginal sex?

Elvis 2008
06-13-22, 11:26
Sorry, I do not mean to turn this into a STD discussion, but am really curious and would love to get everyone's opinion on this (And yes I know we are not doctors), but anyway: what are the odds of getting HIV for a guy fucking a HIV confirmed woman without protection with vaginal sex?There are a lot of factors. Is she bleeding? Higher risk. Is she on medication for HIV? Several studies show no HIV transmission at all if people are on HIV therapy. The studies I have seen with unprotected sex show rates of transmission from zero to one in half a million per sex act. To me, heterosexual HIV transmission is so rare that it is hard to put a number on it, but seeing the studies I have, I would put it at one in thousands to tens of thousands if the woman is HIV +. Again, the amount of virus in someone's blood varies so the risk is theoretically higher in someone with higher HIV levels, and it is going to be a higher risk if you go at it harder such that you have skin abrasions in your penis or for longer due to prolonged virus exposure so it is not an easy thing to calculate. Hope that helps.

Elvis 2008
06-13-22, 11:47
For those of you who've been to Mexico, what's your take on CDMX vs Guadalajara vs Cancun? It seems like CDMX is the best starting point with most variety but maybe the girls are more flaky than GDL? The girls in Cancun have some impressive optics but the selection is poor and I'm guessing prices are high. Is there anyone who would take GDL over CDMX?

Hey Drama, I was making a plan to visit CDMX but the posts over on that board mostly about referrals for escorts seemed like much less fun than SA / Colombia. no clubs, no SA postings, no places to hang out. I have SA girls waiting for me in BOG and Med. Fricken messaging me and would travel to meet. STILL cdmx sounds much better hearing about it from YOU. And it's the distance and 1/3 the time on a plane with cooler weather than where I am. What's possible for airbnb or reasonable stays in cdmx? Anyone know? That is the other issue about cdmx. Colombia 5 star hotels (Dann Carlton) are $75 or less. I already have 3 weeks booked in Colombia. I could cancel. But those girls are hard to let go. LOL.TF, Cancun is more expensive than CDMX which is more expensive than Guadalajara. Cancun has hot women but outside of some studios and the website milerotics, it is USA prices for women. Guadalajara has better P4P options than CDMX, strip clubs, and cheaper hotel rooms. That said, I struck out on SA there. Also, Guadalajara has IMO the hottest women in Mexico but the hotties I saw at the malls and supermarkets did not seem to be available for P4P. I did not stay for long but it would have been an interesting city to network. Also, Puerto Vallarta, which has its own hot P4P scene, is like a 4 hour bus ride away. I had a suite at the FCH hotel for like $60 a night and it was no problem bringing women in.

DC, you are right. There are no strip clubs in Mexico City but there is one sex club with women. For P4P I used laboutiquevip, Twitter, and blog de Busti. As for hotels, you can get Bogota like prices and quality if you stay in Santa Fe, but a lot of women will not travel to you there. My favorite hotel is Barcelo in the Reforma area, and it is less than $100 a night. Look at Barcelo Reforma. IMO it is 5 star, but they have had a varied policy on guests. Precovid, it was no issue with guests. If you do a prolonged stay, maybe you can get a discount.

The real issue with CDMX are the costs of entertaining. Restaurants can be an arm and a leg, and a lot of Mexican men use seeking and have money so you are competing with them. The top women are going to want more and expect to be entertained at least at first. If you are not going for the 10 types though, you can find very attractive women at Bogota prices.

Steve 9696
06-13-22, 13:16
Sorry, I do not mean to turn this into a STD discussion, but am really curious and would love to get everyone's opinion on this (And yes I know we are not doctors), but anyway: what are the odds of getting HIV for a guy fucking a HIV confirmed woman without protection with vaginal sex?One study says 1 in 2500. That's if the woman has HIV. I think the likelihood of that amongst my girls is vanishingly low. But For the sake of argument say 1 in 1000. Then the odds are 1 in 2. 5 million.

This makes sense right. I think even 1 in 2500 is overstated. You can't get it from skin to skin contact. The likelihood of some fluid making its way all the way back up your urethra seems nearly impossible. So I think you would need an open wound or some such. That's just my layman's POV.

06-13-22, 14:55
One study says 1 in 2500. That's if the woman has HIV. I think the likelihood of that amongst my girls is vanishingly low. But For the sake of argument say 1 in 1000. Then the odds are 1 in 2. 5 million.

This makes sense right. I think even 1 in 2500 is overstated. You can't get it from skin to skin contact. The likelihood of some fluid making its way all the way back up your urethra seems nearly impossible. So I think you would need an open wound or some such. That's just my layman's POV.I believe your assessment of catching HIV from unprotected vaginal sex is accurate.

I haven't checked the CDC web page in awhile. As recently as a few years ago, they were considering it a common risk in order to scare people into using condoms. That's my opinion.

Studies have proven out that the risk is negligible.

06-13-22, 15:49
BloodRed don't apologize for being his topic. It's an occupational hazard in our line of work and we to share intel to minimize risk and maximize productivity. Heheh.

Yeah HIV is actually hard to get like Steve said. At the risk of being graphic it's more common among gays because there's more breaking of flesh in their line of work.

Your bigger risks are the ones that are bad but treatable, or not as bad but incurable. Those are the ones I personally put on the jimmy for. I want my Johnson coming home in the same condition I brought it on my little excursions. So far so good though I know there's always that chance. But we take whatever precautions we each deem prudent and practical, even if our opinions differ somewhat on what those precautions should be.

One study says 1 in 2500. That's if the woman has HIV. I think the likelihood of that amongst my girls is vanishingly low. But For the sake of argument say 1 in 1000. Then the odds are 1 in 2. 5 million.

This makes sense right. I think even 1 in 2500 is overstated. You can't get it from skin to skin contact. The likelihood of some fluid making its way all the way back up your urethra seems nearly impossible. So I think you would need an open wound or some such. That's just my layman's POV.

06-13-22, 16:52
TF, Cancun is more expensive than CDMX which is more expensive than Guadalajara. Cancun has hot women but outside of some studios and the website milerotics, it is USA prices for women. Guadalajara has better P4P options than CDMX, strip clubs, and cheaper hotel rooms. That said, I struck out on SA there. Also, Guadalajara has IMO the hottest women in Mexico but the hotties I saw at the malls and supermarkets did not seem to be available for P4P. I did not stay for long but it would have been an interesting city to network. Also, Puerto Vallarta, which has its own hot P4P scene, is like a 4 hour bus ride away. I had a suite at the FCH hotel for like $60 a night and it was no problem bringing women in.

DC, you are right. There are no strip clubs in Mexico City but there is one sex club with women. For P4P I used laboutiquevip, Twitter, and blog de Busti. As for hotels, you can get Bogota like prices and quality if you stay in Santa Fe, but a lot of women will not travel to you there. My favorite hotel is Barcelo in the Reforma area, and it is less than $100 a night. Look at Barcelo Reforma. IMO it is 5 star, but they have had a varied policy on guests. Precovid, it was no issue with guests. If you do a prolonged stay, maybe you can get a discount.

The real issue with CDMX are the costs of entertaining. Restaurants can be an arm and a leg, and a lot of Mexican men use seeking and have money so you are competing with them. The top women are going to want more and expect to be entertained at least at first. If you are not going for the 10 types though, you can find very attractive women at Bogota prices.Totally correct, I liked GDL, but I also totally struck out there. Strip Clubs are nice, but expensive, GDL is super cheap minus the flight. I think a lot of the High End single girls in GDL, travel to Beaches, CDMX and Tijuana frequently. Before Covid there was a lot of international money and tourist in GDL, so that might be a factor as well, but I had trouble meeting high head girls in GDL. I was just in Tijuana and met 2 super hot girls from GDL, but when I was traveling there frequently that was not the case, honestly it was kind of hard there. MTY, CDMX and Tijuana are better. For life maybe GDL, but it is a really slow pace of life there.

In CDMX I order soup at the Restaurants and drink at home before I go, to keep costs down, Hell I am even thinking about taking my own alcohol in. That being said just amazing experience, but I think a lot of the High Rollers funds will be drying up soon, with economies in decline, so things might get a little cheaper.

If I had the time, I might try the beach, but I prefer the cities, much less competition.

06-14-22, 10:36
Just googled it up and saw some studies supporting this.

I had always thought "I have unprotected sex with HIV +ve person, I get it. For sure".

How ignorant of me!

One study says 1 in 2500. That's if the woman has HIV. I think the likelihood of that amongst my girls is vanishingly low. But For the sake of argument say 1 in 1000. Then the odds are 1 in 2. 5 million.

This makes sense right. I think even 1 in 2500 is overstated. You can't get it from skin to skin contact. The likelihood of some fluid making its way all the way back up your urethra seems nearly impossible. So I think you would need an open wound or some such. That's just my layman's POV.

06-14-22, 11:35
Just googled it up and saw some studies supporting this.

I had always thought "I have unprotected sex with HIV +ve person, I get it. For sure".Your dick skin has pores, that means it is porous. HIV goes into skin pores and you get it. Enters thru scratches, cuts, nicks from shaving pubic hair.

06-14-22, 11:51
I've had some good success with seeking here in my home town in the past few weeks. Usually when I've joined seeking I send messages to everyone vaguely suitable in my area. This time I have sent limited messages just enough to have a good number of meet and greets and hookups. I have a few potentials on the hook and that is going well.

I got busy with a few girls and lost some focus on a few girls that seem nice. Conversation was good, we both just lost the connection. I got busy getting a morning BJ from my breakfast meet and greet. The other SB potentials are probably busy with my competing SDs.

Also to summarize a couple of good strategies that are working:

When she asks, what's on offer, PPM etc. Taking it off seeking to WhatsApp, and then not discussing until the meet and greet.

When she asks what Am I expected in an arrangement?. Turning it around and saying, its more polite if I ask you what you are expecting. I don't comment on it, then get them for a meet and greet.

What is a good come back line to re-open my stalled conversations? A way to let them know to message me when they have stopped fucking the other SDs.

06-14-22, 20:19
BloodRed don't apologize for being his topic. It's an occupational hazard in our line of work and we to share intel to minimize risk and maximize productivity. Heheh.

Yeah HIV is actually hard to get like Steve said. At the risk of being graphic it's more common among gays because there's more breaking of flesh in their line of work.

Your bigger risks are the ones that are bad but treatable, or not as bad but incurable. Those are the ones I personally put on the jimmy for. I want my Johnson coming home in the same condition I brought it on my little excursions. So far so good though I know there's always that chance. But we take whatever precautions we each deem prudent and practical, even if our opinions differ somewhat on what those precautions should be.While the risk of getting HIV from an HIV infected individual through unprotected vaginal sex is immensely low only if that person manages their HIV with medication and has an undetectable viral count, there are several conditions that will significantly increase the risk of HIV transmission from an HIV infected individual.

First and foremost, unprotected anal sex is the highest cause of HIV transmission. In other words the risk is immensely high (and I wouldn't personally partake in this).

In vaginal sex, however, if the female has HIV and either doesn't know it, and or doesn't manage it and has an immensely high viral load then the risk is 10 times higher.

In vaginal sex, if the women has a secondary STI, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia or other venereal disease, concomitant with HIV then the risk of HIV infection increases almost 100 fold (assuming she has a detectable viral load).

So there is a risk, and it does depend on the female as to whether or not she is aware she is HIV infected and if she is managing her viral load by adhering to medication. Also if she has multiple partners she BBFS, then there is a chance she might have a secondary infection which immensely increases the risk of transmission.

It all depends on your risk tolerance and risk mitigation.

06-14-22, 20:27
So this trip is going great and I will be back either Saturday or Sunday. I have been Video Chatting before all me meetings, makes a big difference. So I had a great morning session, with a girl I met from previous trips. Very good looking I had a lunch meeting, I was really excited about from her pictures, but I ran out of time to Video Chat, her pictures were amazing so I was not worried. I have a great apartment, but Uber has trouble finding it on the GPS, so I ask her to meet me at a nearby Grocery store, none of the other girls had a problem, but she did. She keeps texting me, and complaining, finally she agrees, but I am little frustrated. I show up, Holly Shit she is at least 6 months pregnant. Hell no, I say nice meeting you and Goodbye. It has been a great trip, so much fun and I am meeting great girls and having amazing sex.

As I thought, I did not Text the model for a week and I get a birthday message. Looks like we will meet again, but she is not top on my priority list, there are so many Hot Chicks in CDMX, but there is no middle ground. MTY I had an issue with the Parents especially the mom's here it is the stupid dogs. All the girls have dogs and it just creates more drama, but they do not realize this.

Steve 9696
06-14-22, 21:44
Your dick skin has pores, that means it is porous. HIV goes into skin pores and you get it. Enters thru scratches, cuts, nicks from shaving pubic hair.HIV cannot be transmitted thru unbroken skin. That pores stuff is utter nonsense. Look it up.

06-15-22, 05:10
Everyone has his own strategy. But I can't imagine not talking about what my expectations are before the meet up. I would not want to waste my time. You see how many girls on SA say they aren't looking for intimacy, or not right away? Hell naw. I say right up front that my expectation is dinner and a few hours at my place after. I think it's clear I don't mean Netflix. I've never once regretted being direct. It's always paid off. Even when the girl says she's looking for something else, great thanks for not wasting either of our time.

To that other dude who showed up to the girl who was 6 months pregnant, damn dawg. Sorry. That's bad on her. Not sure how she thought that was going to play out but whatever she thought she was dumb. Unless a dude had a pregnant chick fetish. Which I just do not understand and cannot relate to.

I've had some good success with seeking here in my home town in the past few weeks. Usually when I've joined seeking I send messages to everyone vaguely suitable in my area. This time I have sent limited messages just enough to have a good number of meet and greets and hookups. I have a few potentials on the hook and that is going well.

I got busy with a few girls and lost some focus on a few girls that seem nice. Conversation was good, we both just lost the connection. I got busy getting a morning BJ from my breakfast meet and greet. The other SB potentials are probably busy with my competing SDs.

Also to summarize a couple of good strategies that are working:

When she asks, what's on offer, PPM etc. Taking it off seeking to WhatsApp, and then not discussing until the meet and greet.

When she asks what Am I expected in an arrangement?. Turning it around and saying, its more polite if I ask you what you are expecting. I don't comment on it, then get them for a meet and greet.

What is a good come back line to re-open my stalled conversations? A way to let them know to message me when they have stopped fucking the other SDs.

06-15-22, 11:43
He might have a point, Steve. We all have an aperture.

If cum can go out, virus can get in.

Just a thought. Not trying to argue here as none of us are doctors.

HIV cannot be transmitted thru unbroken skin. That pores stuff is utter nonsense. Look it up.

Steve 9696
06-15-22, 15:41
It's funny because I thought once I had a set of girls in the various cities I visit I'the be super happy. But here I am with girls in at least 6 cities where I can meetup on a moments notice and it will be comfortable amazing girlfriend sex. But it's killed my daily life!

I used to spend a few hours a day researching and chatting up hotties. Now I am totally smitten with my home girl. No local research needed. And literally everywhere I might go at the moment also sown up. Even my upcoming trip I wasn't so thrilled with the selection and flying Sylvia in. But that's killed the daily browsing!

It's funny. I guess a guy is never satisfied. But I find myself a bit bored having a girl in every port. LOL.

06-16-22, 01:29
HIV cannot be transmitted thru unbroken skin. That pores stuff is utter nonsense. Look it up.That cannot be said for anything oral since gums can bleed. But saliva and stomach acid do protect against the virus.

06-16-22, 02:36
HIV cannot be transmitted thru unbroken skin. That pores stuff is utter nonsense. Look it up.I agree with you on the pores. The end of of penis is a mucous membrane and if vaginal fluid is allowed to seep into the mucous membrane for a long enough time, transmission can occur. This is why most heterosexual transmission to men occur among married men having unprotected sex with a wife. They often roll over and go to sleep. Any washing of the penis within a reasonable period of time eliminates the risk, which modt Johns and Sugar Daddies do. Countries with relatively higher circumcising rates and more frequent showering have lower HIV rates among heterosexual married men. The seeping in period reportedly takes a long time for a penis, much longer than the vagina or the anus.

06-16-22, 05:57
One thing I haven't seen mentioned is PreP, the pre exposure prophylactic. If I knew I was going to bb different women I'the get on it to reduce the risk of catching HIV. I'm pretty sure it's the same drugs they put HIV positive people on to keep the virus levels low enough where it's undetectable. You have to take it every day but small cost for some peace of mind. I took PeP, the post exposure drugs, for a month after bb'ing an escort. That freaked me out pretty good so I got the drugs just to put my mind at ease.

I've only bb one girl from SA out of 8. I was a little worried after about HIV but got a test 6 weeks later and was neg. I was more worried that she lied about the pill since she let me cip.

There were 2 others that offered but one had a drug habit and one looked pretty trashy so I put the rubber on. I try to do at least a urine test once a month for chlyamidia and gonorrhea.

Do you guys think being a younger guy, early 30's, looks mid / late 20's though is harder on SA? I've gotten comments I'm younger, some girls say it's a plus and filter out guys over 45 but I'm not having crazy experiences like you guy are describing.

06-16-22, 06:03
It's funny because I thought once I had a set of girls in the various cities I visit I'the be super happy. But here I am with girls in at least 6 cities where I can meetup on a moments notice and it will be comfortable amazing girlfriend sex. But it's killed my daily life!

I used to spend a few hours a day researching and chatting up hotties. Now I am totally smitten with my home girl. No local research needed. And literally everywhere I might go at the moment also sown up. Even my upcoming trip I wasn't so thrilled with the selection and flying Sylvia in. But that's killed the daily browsing!

It's funny. I guess a guy is never satisfied. But I find myself a bit bored having a girl in every port. LOL.We are Hunters mate: never stop hunting and meet the regulars only once a month maximum. Will keep them on the edge to meet you and be with you, see the passion they have.

New pussy is always interesting and intriguing so never stop that Quest.




I Miss the Chicas in Latin America: wish I come back:


Steve 9696
06-16-22, 12:09
Do you guys think being a younger guy, early 30's, looks mid / late 20's though is harder on SA? I've gotten comments I'm younger, some girls say it's a plus and filter out guys over 45 but I'm not having crazy experiences like you guy are describing.IMO it's all about confidence and charisma. When I was in my thirties I looked better but probably had about 25% of the confidence and charisma I have now later in life. And it develops more and more with each date. I think back to my early first 10-20 dates and how I was much more unsure. And while the dates generally went well I couldn't sweep a girl off her feet like I can now. I can think of five dates offhand that would have gone totally differently if the current me was on those dates.

A couple other thoughts. Just let it flow and don't give one fuck about what others think. Like dancing. I used to be intimidated to be at a club with a ton of twenty somethings and dancing with my girl. Thifany changed my life. Now I dance like a madman with no fucks to give and girls love being a part of that confidence. Just go for it and don't look back.

Second I highly recommend Nanpa (Japanese pick up game) to increase your confidence. Just search "Attraction Japan Playbook". I learned so much about how women think and how to flow a date and stuff that now is second nature. And honestly it's not like some set of slick moves where you are tricking a girl or something. It's just adjusting your style in a way that women find very attractive.

Hope this helps some.

P.S. for all: No more OT STD talk please? Let's focus on those amazing SBs!

06-16-22, 15:38
[Deleted by Admin]

06-16-22, 21:44
So was in SFO and Sonoma this week and tried SA. Got some decent leads and a few wanted to meet. They made it very clear it was $800-1 K per meet. The lowest was at $500 and she was so DTF. The high priced girls were hot 8. 5-9. 0 but didn't want to chance it.

The $500 girl was a 6. 5-7 in real life. I was not attracted to her, but she made me horny with our conversation and drinking. So I brought her back to the room. 2 rounds, CIP both and face fuck between. She wanted to stay the whole night but I asked her to leave after 3 hrs. She was 40 yr, listed at 28, looked 40 in real life. She told me she was recently laid off and divorced, who knows. I believe it, because was intelligent and well dressed.

Didn't have time for more because of work. I think a hot escort would have been better.