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06-17-22, 00:45
IMO it's all about confidence and charisma. When I was in my thirties I looked better but probably had about 25% of the confidence and charisma I have now later in life. And it develops more and more with each date. I think back to my early first 10-20 dates and how I was much more unsure. And while the dates generally went well I couldn't sweep a girl off her feet like I can now. I can think of five dates offhand that would have gone totally differently if the current me was on those dates.

A couple other thoughts. Just let it flow and don't give one fuck about what others think. Like dancing. I used to be intimidated to be at a club with a ton of twenty somethings and dancing with my girl. Thifany changed my life. Now I dance like a madman with no fucks to give and girls love being a part of that confidence. Just go for it and don't look back.

Second I highly recommend Nanpa (Japanese pick up game) to increase your confidence. Just search "Attraction Japan Playbook". I learned so much about how women think and how to flow a date and stuff that now is second nature. And honestly it's not like some set of slick moves where you are tricking a girl or something. It's just adjusting your style in a way that women find very attractive.

Hope this helps some.

P.S. for all: No more OT STD talk please? Let's focus on those amazing SBs!Thanks, I'll look into nanpa. I'll be in london the next few weeks and have been hitting up girls but it's a lot of work. May just use diva instead since you've recommended so many steve.

06-22-22, 21:09
I keep getting girls from SA who would proclaim that they were either robbed, drained of funds, etc etc at a statistically high frequency. A ploy to try play into your pity with the hope of soliciting help. Yeah right.

In any case, this is the time when I would have my spidey sense up and either ignore them completely or block their sorry ass.

Elvis 2008
06-23-22, 02:27
So was in SFO and Sonoma this week and tried SA. Got some decent leads and a few wanted to meet. They made it very clear it was $800-1 K per meet. The lowest was at $500 and she was so DTF. The high priced girls were hot 8. 5-9. 0 but didn't want to chance it.LOL. Yeah, and I am getting shit in the Colombia forms because I spend $1200 total on my gal in Colombia for a month. And I know my girl is better looking and better in bed then anyone I would meet from the site in California. When I hear a girl is from California, I almost marked her off my list mentally because I assumed the amount she would want would be sky high.

The one good thing about California though is that it is close to Mexico. One other plus in the past was it used to be the capital of desirable porn stars but now like three in four porn stars are fat and asking for $2000. Occasionally you will see a porn star on SA, but I cannot imagine how much they would want now.

Elvis 2008
06-23-22, 02:31
I keep getting girls from SA who would proclaim that they were either robbed, drained of funds, etc etc at a statistically high frequency. A ploy to try play into your pity with the hope of soliciting help. Yeah right.

In any case, this is the time when I would have my spidey sense up and either ignore them completely or block their sorry ass.I know that there are times in the USA that I would get so few hits that helping one of these women was something I considered. It is always a bad idea. You may as well flush your money down the toilet. IMO if they ask for money up front, you block them and move on to the next. If things are not going well for you in the USA, try fishing in a different pond. Not only did I get great leads in Mexico, I was talking with some hotties in Canada. That country might be worth looking at more now that the Covid hysteria is down.

06-23-22, 13:12
If things are not going well for you in the USA, try fishing in a different pond. Not only did I get great leads in Mexico, I was talking with some hotties in Canada. That country might be worth looking at more now that the Covid hysteria is down.I have given up on the US. I have pretty good experiences in Colombia and having a blast with all these college girls now that many of them are on their break. Tempted to check out CDMX next time since there are some positive postings from some members. Canada is interesting. Which cities would you suggest, though I reckon their ppm will not come cheap.

The Cane
06-23-22, 15:05
I have given up on the US.Me too. Although, I have only used it in the US LOL! And traveling overseas, I doubt I would use Seeking in favor of other things I already know that I like, and that work for me. But, with respect to this, never say never!

06-23-22, 19:06
I have given up on the US. I have pretty good experiences in Colombia and having a blast with all these college girls now that many of them are on their break. Tempted to check out CDMX next time since there are some positive postings from some members. Canada is interesting. Which cities would you suggest, though I reckon their ppm will not come cheap.M.

CDMX is the best, but more long term game. Just got from 4 days of so much fun. Heading back Saturday.

06-23-22, 22:45
LOL. Yeah, and I am getting shit in the Colombia forms because I spend $1200 total on my gal in Colombia for a month. And I know my girl is better looking and better in bed then anyone I would meet from the site in California. When I hear a girl is from California, I almost marked her off my list mentally because I assumed the amount she would want would be sky high.

The one good thing about California though is that it is close to Mexico. One other plus in the past was it used to be the capital of desirable porn stars but now like three in four porn stars are fat and asking for $2000. Occasionally you will see a porn star on SA, but I cannot imagine how much they would want now.I would not listen to most of the guys on the Colombian page, most are very cheap and just angry dudes, in fact I would probably do the opposite. Same with some of the guys on CDMX, they are just jealous because you are not using there girls, and having more fun, but they claim they get no compensation. Do what makes you happy, do not listen to the haters.

Elvis 2008
06-23-22, 23:36
Canada is interesting. Which cities would you suggest, though I reckon their ppm will not come cheap.Canada has weird prostitution laws. From what I gather, it is illegal to buy sex but not illegal to sell it. https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/c36faq/.

The net effect though is that you have all these websites with women listing prices unlike the USA. Because of their weird law, there is not the stigma with selling yourself that the USA has. Still, I have to wonder how much enforcement of this law is going on. I doubt there is too much of it.

Thing is that you have USA prices in British Colombia but they go down the further you head East. I would not bother with anywhere but Toronto or Montreal then. Where I was getting the hits though was Montreal. Thing is they are escort agencies like Vogue, EscortsXO, and Euporia girls where you have stunningly beautiful women going for like $160 to $180 USA for an hour. Given that rate and there not being as much negative stigma with selling yourself for sex, I had several responses when I sent PMs to women in Montreal even very attractive ones. Thing is I was doing so well with the escorts I did not invest the time into SA at that point. It was not just the quality but when you go these agencies, you see dozens of stunning women, so the quantity is there as well.

Also, and this is just my opinion and you can take it for what it is worth, the women of Quebec are mostly of French origin and Catholic, and I saw more of that traditional female role in the women there which makes for a better sugar baby IMO. The women in Toronto are a melting pot from all over the world but the native Canadian women were cut from the same feminist thread as most American women. And this is women of protestant origin I guess. I felt a sense of tension with these women like they hated themselves for being escorts of sugar babies whereas the women of Quebec were pretty much always upbeat.

It is funny when you look at it that way. All the best mongering countries I have been to (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia) are mostly Catholic. It looks like the only country and religion that can compete is Thailand and Buddhism. I never asked about religion when interviewing a SB. Maybe I should have. He he.

The Cane
06-24-22, 01:13
It is funny when you look at it that way. All the best mongering countries I have been to (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia) are mostly Catholic. It looks like the only country and religion that can compete is Thailand and Buddhism. I never asked about religion when interviewing a SB. Maybe I should have. He he.Brazil (Catholic) is my number one, but Germany (Protestant) is my number two. That said, the majority of the girls working in Germany are from eastern Europe bringing a mix of catholicism, protestantism, and eastern orthodoxy. I've even had Muslim poon tang over there! So, I guess you can get some of everything in Germany hehehe! By the way, my number two destination in Europe for a long time was Spain (solid Catholic). You're definitely on to it!

06-24-22, 01:37
So was in SFO and Sonoma this week and tried SA. Got some decent leads and a few wanted to meet. They made it very clear it was $800-1 K per meet. The lowest was at $500 and she was so DTF. The high priced girls were hot 8. 5-9. 0 but didn't want to chance it.

The $500 girl was a 6. 5-7 in real life. I was not attracted to her, but she made me horny with our conversation and drinking. So I brought her back to the room. 2 rounds, CIP both and face fuck between. She wanted to stay the whole night but I asked her to leave after 3 hrs. She was 40 yr, listed at 28, looked 40 in real life. She told me she was recently laid off and divorced, who knows. I believe it, because was intelligent and well dressed.

Didn't have time for more because of work. I think a hot escort would have been better.I was most active on SA while I was living and working in SF. And yeah, there are lots of divorced women on there. They are struggling to pay their crazy high rent in the SF Bay area. I actually liked most of them. It was a nice change of pace. I found most divorced women to provde good GFE.

But SF is a craxy scene for SA. When I finally got to meet some of the SBs on there, they always told me that they get hundreds of messages a day on SA, and I believed them, given how active SA is in SF. The SDs don't have much of the upper hand.

I am curious if the AMP scene and the red light district scene are still active. I used to go to the AMPS about 3 times per week. Quality was really good.

06-24-22, 01:46
Canada is interesting. Which cities would you suggest, though I reckon their ppm will not come cheap.Try Niagara Falls and surrounding area. I was surprised at how active SA is there. Lots of hourly workers there, working in the tourism industry, and always looking for ways to make some extra cash.

06-24-22, 14:18
I would not listen to most of the guys on the Colombian page, most are very cheap and just angry dudes, in fact I would probably do the opposite.

Do what makes you happy, do not listen to the haters.This actually turns out to be better. They stick to their own playground and I stay in my own play area without the need of any extra competition I guess. That's why I never want to discuss pricing in that forum since there are many egos at play. I do what I like that makes me happy.

Currently enjoying all these SA girls in Bogota. Time and energy are probably something that I might not have enough of.

Elvis 2008
06-24-22, 15:20
I would not listen to most of the guys on the Colombian page, most are very cheap and just angry dudes, in fact I would probably do the opposite. Same with some of the guys on CDMX, they are just jealous because you are not using there girls, and having more fun, but they claim they get no compensation. Do what makes you happy, do not listen to the haters.The CDMX and Medellin forums are probably the worst. I like to keep abreast of what is going on in Colombia so I read them, but at one point, I got frustrated and made this post.

There is a culture on the Medellin forum, and you are asking for consistency in the results. And here is what the rules are:

1. All women are working girls.

2. The only thing women want us for is money.

3. Anyone sending any money to a Colombian woman for any reason is a sucker.

4. They want to spend time with their novios (boyfriends) not you.

5. The women in centro are as fine as anywhere else.

6. All Colombian women are scammers. A Colombian lawyer or doctor is just as likely to use scopolamine on you as a street girl.

7. Because the women really want to be with their novios, dress like a Colombian. You get better prices that way.

8. Anything over $15 or 60,000 COP and you massively overpaid.

9. All women are in equal demand.

10. All women in Medellin are equally beautiful and good in bed so paying more for one makes no sense.

One thing I can assure you of is that if you follow these rules you will be hugely disappointed and be fucking fat and ugly women which I guess is the point. The guys who cement this culture do not want anyone doing better than them.

Maybe it is because of the drug trade in the past, but Medellin certainly has more of a ho culture than other Colombian cities. That said, I met women there who knew about the ho culture and went out of their way to prove they were not part of it.

But anyone who wants a great time and to fuck truly beautiful and great performing women, you had best throw those 10 rules in the trash.


Funny thing is this is from one one of the guys I was talking about.

Elvis had a list of straw men going and you took up the mantle. There's really no basis for pride in paying hookers, though hopefully one enjoys themselves. What I do is find casa and Centro strip club girls, enjoy them there, then ones I especially like I invite to a nice love motel in Laureles. And I'll say for the 1001st time, the Centro casa and strip club girls are from the same handful of lower tier neighborhoods as your "higher end" providers. It's all perception, maybe some nicer clothes for the latter but at the end of the day they are all the same. As to the bragging, I mostly see that from the guys paying more who think they have game, think they have a girlfriend, think it's smart to send Western Unions, think their girls are seeing fewer guys than most, whatever. It's your fantasy. Enjoy it.This is typical writing on the Medellin forum. A guy trashes me and then agrees with much of what I wrote. LOL.

One weird / nice thing about Colombia is that the cities are rated on their wealth, and the rich ones pay higher taxes. And if you are looking for an arrangement, IMO it makes sense to focus on the women from nicer neighborhoods where long term means years not tomorrow.

All the "experts" on the Medellin forum are chasing women from an American neighborhood like Watts, Harlem, or the South side of Chicago. Not only do the guys on the forum not believe such women are available from the nicer places in Colombia, they call anyone a liar who believes they exist. Admitting that would knock them from their pedestal of being Colombia experts. That is why it is best to just shrug them off and ignore them if you are using seeking.

06-24-22, 16:11
This actually turns out to be better. They stick to their own playground and I stay in my own play area without the need of any extra competition I guess. That's why I never want to discuss pricing in that forum since there are many egos at play. I do what I like that makes me happy.This made me laugh because it's so true.

Without mentioning any specific city, there are a few guys spread across ISG who try to gaslight other members into thinking their vastly overpaying. We're not going to the right venues where the "locals" or frequent visitors know to go. Or we don't know how to negotiate.

I've literally seen newer members get intimidated and stop posting. One situation was a thoughtful new member actually "rode shotgun" with a local in-country. He posted that he was a bit underwhelmed with the talent he found elsewhere in the city. Needless to say, this guy unfortunately became a target for abuse.

I might be a stupid gringo, but I think "cream rises to the top". The hotter girls even in less developed countries charge more and / or wind up in venues where there's a premium.

06-24-22, 16:18
Thing is that you have USA prices in British Colombia but they go down the further you head East. I would not bother with anywhere but Toronto or Montreal then. Where I was getting the hits though was Montreal. Thing is they are escort agencies like Vogue, EscortsXO, and Euporia girls where you have stunningly beautiful women going for like $160 to $180 USA for an hour. Given that rate and there not being as much negative stigma with selling yourself for sex, I had several responses when I sent PMs to women in Montreal even very attractive ones. Thing is I was doing so well with the escorts I did not invest the time into SA at that point. It was not just the quality but when you go these agencies, you see dozens of stunning women, so the quantity is there as well.

Would these be incall or outcall rates? In any case, these are not too bad and it will be much better if it is priced in CAD. It is definitely an option especially if they provide the GF experience. Of course, the only thing that could potentially separate out professional escorts and SA girls are the BB treatment. I would be too chicken to ever do BB with the pros.

Elvis 2008
06-24-22, 18:19
Would these be incall or outcall rates? In any case, these are not too bad and it will be much better if it is priced in CAD. It is definitely an option especially if they provide the GF experience. Of course, the only thing that could potentially separate out professional escorts and SA girls are the BB treatment. I would be too chicken to ever do BB with the pros.Canadian rate is 200 to 250 but looks like most now are charging the higher end.




Incall and outcall are available but it depends on the agency and the girl.

Agency girls were pretty stuck on protection as you can imagine.

06-24-22, 20:05
Thing is that you have USA prices in British Colombia but they go down the further you head East. I would not bother with anywhere but Toronto or Montreal then. Where I was getting the hits though was Montreal. Thing is they are escort agencies like Vogue, EscortsXO, and Euporia girls where you have stunningly beautiful women going for like $160 to $180 USA for an hour. Given that rate and there not being as much negative stigma with selling yourself for sex, I had several responses when I sent PMs to women in Montreal even very attractive ones. Thing is I was doing so well with the escorts I did not invest the time into SA at that point. It was not just the quality but when you go these agencies, you see dozens of stunning women, so the quantity is there as well.

Also, and this is just my opinion and you can take it for what it is worth, the women of Quebec are mostly of French origin and Catholic, and I saw more of that traditional female role in the women there which makes for a better sugar baby IMO. The women in Toronto are a melting pot from all over the world but the native Canadian women were cut from the same feminist thread as most American women. And this is women of protestant origin I guess. I felt a sense of tension with these women like they hated themselves for being escorts of sugar babies whereas the women of Quebec were pretty much always upbeat.

It is funny when you look at it that way. All the best mongering countries I have been to (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia) are mostly Catholic. It looks like the only country and religion that can compete is Thailand and Buddhism. I never asked about religion when interviewing a SB. Maybe I should have. He he.The Canadian mongering scene is quite robust, but venues like massage parlors are still subtle about what's on offer. I've met some beautiful white Canadian escorts who were good performers. I really have no preference in seeking white women. I've done my tours of Asia and Latin America. It just seemed right for me to seek out a different type of woman. Anyway, you can find any type of women in Canada particularly Toronto. Toronto also has some very fine black providers. Several who seem to have Caribbean roots.

As far as escort prices, Montreal has inched up a bit since COVID so that range might be more USA dollars 185-200. Toronto is more expensive with some of the top agency girls topping out at USA dollars 230. The top independents can push into an even higher level.

If we use Steve's benchmark of sugar babies pricing out at about what an escort costs, Canadian dollars 300 should be a good place to start in Montreal. I don't know for sure if that price works. You probably will get some push back in Toronto. As it so happens on ISG, some of the Seeking posts spill into the city forums. An ISG gent recently tried Seeking in Montreal. He had a great long date, but he got a distinct "pro" vibe. That can happen. In the end, he seemed to simply be happy with the Montreal "pro" scene.

You make an interesting point about mongering and Catholic cultures. It might be due to the relative income levels in Latin America. And yes, I've heard that French-Canadian women assume a more traditional role. Having been to Canada several times, in my opinion the mongering scene and its acceptance resembles Northern Europe. Montreal might have more liberal attitudes when it comes to sex, but I have met escorts originating from all over Canada. As you move into the Western provinces, you start to see that frontier libertarianism.

As far as Quebecois sexual attitudes, I will make a historical observation that most everyone will understand. Both Quebec and Brazil were initially colonized by French and Portuguese men respectively without European women.

06-24-22, 22:28
This made me laugh because it's so true.

Without mentioning any specific city, there are a few guys spread across ISG who try to gaslight other members into thinking their vastly overpaying. We're not going to the right venues where the "locals" or frequent visitors know to go. Or we don't know how to negotiate.

I've literally seen newer members get intimidated and stop posting. One situation was a thoughtful new member actually "rode shotgun" with a local in-country. He posted that he was a bit underwhelmed with the talent he found elsewhere in the city. Needless to say, this guy unfortunately became a target for abuse.

I might be a stupid gringo, but I think "cream rises to the top". The hotter girls even in less developed countries charge more and / or wind up in venues where there's a premium.So true. These guys get upset if you do choose there girls or do not listen to their ridiculous advise. Also, they are the first to ask for your girls contact information, why would I do this for someone I have never met. I work hard at building rapport with these girls and many I would consider are close friends. This is the last thing I would do. Also, the minute you disagree or call them out, they cry foul and complain.

Additionally, Some of these guys get off posting pictures of girls, again I would never do this. At a minimum they should black out there faces, but they are trying to look cool to there friends that do the same dumb thing. I would never ask any of these guys for help or advice.

06-25-22, 02:15
As far as Quebecois sexual attitudes, I will make a historical observation that most everyone will understand. Both Quebec and Brazil were initially colonized by French and Portuguese men respectively without European women.I remember AltoBomGusto (may God rest his soul) one night in São Paulo giving me a long history lesson about sex in Brazil with a similar rationale. Catholicism also has the sacrament of confession, where you can be absolved of your sins but Protestants have to carry that shit around for eternity. Catholics have a history twice as long too, so they have more practical experience with sins of the flesh (food and drink too). Protestants equate temperance, one of the ancient virtues with abstinence.


06-25-22, 02:48
The CDMX and Medellin forums are probably the worst. I like to keep abreast of what is going on in Colombia so I read them, but at one point, I got frustrated and made this post.

There is a culture on the Medellin forum, and you are asking for consistency in the results. And here is what the rules are:

1. All women are working girls.

2. The only thing women want us for is money.

3. Anyone sending any money to a Colombian woman for any reason is a sucker.

4. They want to spend time with their novios (boyfriends) not you.

5. The women in centro are as fine as anywhere else.

6. All Colombian women are scammers. A Colombian lawyer or doctor is just as likely to use scopolamine on you as a street girl.

7. Because the women really want to be with their novios, dress like a Colombian. You get better prices that way.

8. Anything over $15 or 60,000 COP and you massively overpaid.

9. All women are in equal demand.

10. All women in Medellin are equally beautiful and good in bed so paying more for one makes no sense.

One thing I can assure you of is that if you follow these rules you will be hugely disappointed and be fucking fat and ugly women which I guess is the point. The guys who cement this culture do not want anyone doing better than them.

Maybe it is because of the drug trade in the past, but Medellin certainly has more of a ho culture than other Colombian cities. That said, I met women there who knew about the ho culture and went out of their way to prove they were not part of it.

But anyone who wants a great time and to fuck truly beautiful and great performing women, you had best throw those 10 rules in the trash.


Funny thing is this is from one one of the guys I was talking about.

This is typical writing on the Medellin forum. A guy trashes me and then agrees with much of what I wrote. LOL.

One weird / nice thing about Colombia is that the cities are rated on their wealth, and the rich ones pay higher taxes. And if you are looking for an arrangement, IMO it makes sense to focus on the women from nicer neighborhoods where long term means years not tomorrow.

All the "experts" on the Medellin forum are chasing women from an American neighborhood like Watts, Harlem, or the South side of Chicago. Not only do the guys on the forum not believe such women are available from the nicer places in Colombia, they call anyone a liar who believes they exist. Admitting that would knock them from their pedestal of being Colombia experts. That is why it is best to just shrug them off and ignore them if you are using seeking.Great post, as I said, I usually do the opposite of most of the guys on the MDE or CDMX page. Especially the guys on MDE page, they are just completely wrong. Along with your list, they brush over the drug issues and violence, like it is not an problem.

I would never go back to MDE the place is horrible, but I do believe you and couple of guys that I respect that Bogota is a much better option. I am having so much fun in CDMX and meeting quality / beautiful girls, no reason to change. I am heading back tomorrow. At the end I was basically meeting 6/7's in MTY. At the beginning of Covid I had met sone 8-9's, but that was not the case at the end.

CDMX has so many opportunities and so much fun. Also, where I stay I can walk almost everywhere, another plus. Most of the girls I meet are college educated and can speak basic English. I guarantee you will not get this with street girls.

06-25-22, 06:00
So true. These guys get upset if you do choose there girls or do not listen to their ridiculous advise. Also, they are the first to ask for your girls contact information, why would I do this for someone I have never met. I work hard at building rapport with these girls and many I would consider are close friends. This is the last thing I would do. Also, the minute you disagree or call them out, they cry foul and complain.

Additionally, Some of these guys get off posting pictures of girls, again I would never do this. At a minimum they should black out there faces, but they are trying to look cool to there friends that do the same dumb thing. I would never ask any of these guys for help or advice.I call those folks Cheap Charlies. They exist in most forums. Mongering is not cheap, but if you are successful, you can afford it. It may cost you plenty if you get caught. The cheap folks settle for what they can get. Free is always good for them. They waste days thinking their guile gets them the girl. I find that quality costs, but it is worth it. The question is if you can afford it. If you are a rich guy, wouldn't you want the girl to have a good time? She will surely show her appreciation. It is the working girl that worries about being paid. However, there is no need to pay stupid prices. A certain percentage will be duds, but the magical encounters are worth it. I always remember the ones I wish I had one more time with.

Elvis 2008
06-25-22, 06:04
Great post, as I said, I usually do the opposite of most of the guys on the MDE or CDMX page. Especially the guys on MDE page, they are just completely wrong. Along with your list, they brush over the drug issues and violence, like it is not an problem.In both cities, the guys promoting the women are hanging in the slums and paying small $ for women, and they are convinced no one is doing better than them and are threatened if anyone suggests they are.

I would never go back to MDE the place is horrible, but I do believe you and couple of guys that I respect that Bogota is a much better option. I am having so much fun in CDMX and meeting quality / beautiful girls, no reason to change. I am heading back tomorrow. At the end I was basically meeting 6/7's in MTY. At the beginning of Covid I had met sone 8-9's, but that was not the case at the end.CDMX has Bogota beat when it comes to fun, food, and climate. The reason to go to Bogota is the average woman is better looking than CDMX but there are hotties in CDMX. The reason I focused on Colombia was the response rate to PMs was so much higher. I had 3 X the responses, and it did not hurt that the women were happy with less. If you are a working guy though, it is much harder time commitment wise.

As I have gotten to know my gal, I fell first for the looks, then the sex, then the personality, and finally the character. She got pregnant in her early 20's, turns out the father was a complete violent druggie, and she got a restraining order on him. She tried dating and thinks all Colombian men are the same macho pigs she first dealt with. Her father cheated on her mother, and her brother has children by two different women.

Her mother tried to take her kid so she cut herself off from her family and paid for everything herself. She told me her day consisted of exercising in the morning, dropping her kid off at school, going to work, and then exercising at night. This was her life for 12 years. We joke about some women being super women but she really was. And you saw what she looked like, DF, if she wanted to sell herself she could get top $. I asked her what she did for sex because she likes it so much and she said that she had her toys.

Thing is Covid happens, and her kid no longer is in school. She cannot work out at the gym, and she has paid leave from work. So she is lonely and rethinks having a man in her life. One of her friends went on seeking and married a Spaniard, so she was hopeful that she would get a guy she could date, have as a BF, and marry from seeking. She was never about the money and has only asked me twice for money in a year and a half.

Fortunately for me, I met her right after the travel ban and stupid me never even thought it was possible that a girl that hot could be on seeking would want a BF and not money. It took me a while to accept that this woman really liked me for me. But once I had reeled her in, I knew she would be loyal. It turns out she never really had a BF outside of the violent baby daddy, and she had never been in love.

So there are women out there on seeking who are looking for more than money, but the asshole "experts" on forums like Medellin do not get that. They call all the seeking women hos. Now I know that is just because they do not want anyone to be doing better than them, but it is important that guys here disregard them.

I recall seeing two other 10 types like my gal when I was in South America. I met a Bolivian banker who was stunning, smart, and sweet but taken and a Colombian financial secretary who was Victoria Secret dimensions and who could not have been nicer, so they are there. When my female friend said my gal is too good for me, she had a point, but what I would tell her is that I did the work to find somebody like my gal. I went on 100's of dates, and I was also kind of tired of the chase.

The chase was not paying off. When you get a big rolodex, it is hard to beat what you have in hand already. The other part was the chase was lonely. There were too many times when I had great sex and the girl then slumped off like a stranger. I hated that. On the other hand, I have learned to love the times when my gal texts me Hello, or good morning or is waiting for me in the airport and gives me that huge hug and kiss and special smile when she sees me. I have been asking myself which feels better, that hug and kiss or sex with a new stranger? I think that look, hug, and kiss are way under rated.

And I guess if I am being honest, I can say that I knew for certain that it was not possible that I was not going to do better than her.

So I think my gal is the top 1% of the top 1%, and I think DF you want that too. The problem with Mexico is that the top, top end is ruled by Mexicans, and the rich Mexicans have a ton of money. I went to a high end strip club in Monterrey and there were oil guys just forking out the dough, and the women, who were as hot as they come, would not even look at me. My point is if you are just wanting to meet women and have fun then for sure CDMX has got it going on, but if you want to meet the top, top women, I don't think you are going to find it there. Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil by and large have men with less money and poor attitudes and IMO you have a chance at the top, top women there. Of course, you have to got to do the work and go out on a lot of dates to find that unicorn. I know you will spend the money and do the work, but it is not easy finding a gal like I have, and luck is involved too. Hell without Covid, we never would have met.

Steve 9696
06-25-22, 21:51
Don't want to digress into STD discusd again but closing the loop. I did self test thru Mail at Let's Get Checked. The process was easy tho gathering a full vial of blood from your ring finger is a pain. Anyhow. Tested negative for the big 5. So that's just a nice reassurance.

06-25-22, 23:45
Don't want to digress into STD discusd again but closing the loop. I did self test thru Mail at Let's Get Checked. The process was easy tho gathering a full vial of blood from your ring finger is a pain. Anyhow. Tested negative for the big 5. So that's just a nice reassurance.Same here. Clean bill of health. Except that I did it in one of the lab in Bogota. I am doing it to reassure the girls that I am clean.

Their process are more thorough though and actually will not release the result until you get a Teleconsultation with one of their medical professional online. May have to do with their stricter privacy law perhaps. They even provided an English speaking medical professional to talk to you for the consultation.

06-26-22, 01:01
I was busted but not in a way that you would think. In fact, I was busted by my girl who is accompanying me to this CTG trip. I had a tendency to write up my report while the memories are still fresh. I was writing this Cartagena report on the sofa while she was sitting next to me. Even though she does not speak English but she was actually able to read them. One smart cookie and I believe she was also aware of this platform. I was careless and overlooked this aspects of things and now all my anonymity is lost, at least to her. Here is the report.


Anyway, she was cool with the whole thing and told me that she was only interested in what I wrote. No judgement there. She did ask if I had ever written anything about her and I told her I did once when we were in Bogota. This was the report.


It was funny that I was trying to think on my feet if I had written anything bad. I am pretty sure she is going to read this part of the report as well. Anyway, I did show her the Bogota's report and it was funny how close the events were, and she laughed when she came to the part where she lit up like a kid in a candy store when she was in Fiebre, a rather popular strip club in Santa Fe Bogota. This girl was really cool.

Anyway, I have always tried to maintain the anonymity of me and all the girls that I had ever interacted with. So at least, I am out of the wood on this front. There are a few more things that I could write but now I think I need to think a bit harder before putting this down here on the board.

Here is to posterity. Cheers.

Steve 9696
06-26-22, 17:56
Remember a few weeks back I said how even with a girl in every port I am looking for something new? I've swayed back the other direction after a long weekend with Shayla.

We rented a cabin on a lake in the mountains and fuck we had fun just total BFGF in all senses. I taught her to kayak and how to swim (with life jacket) and she taught me all the fine points of cannibalizing cigar wrappers and rolling blunts! And we def smoked a few.

The first night just smoking and drinking and watching the stars which are amazing with no light pollution. And after a couple hours she comes and gets on my lap straddling me facing me and we make out like demons. I LOVE to kiss her. So passionate and tongues everywhere. Sucking licking just full on. Then the grinding starts because her tongue is connected to her pussy like no other. I pull her shirt up and spend time on the most amazing nipples on the planet no lie and we both can't hold it any longer.

Pants and panties come off and she mounts up Asian cowgirl in the chair. Never done this before require a petite girl with stamina (we bought her some booty shorts later and found she is a size 0.) OMG her pussy was amazing and she just rode and rode while we made out. Some of the best sex I've ever had.

Had equally good more traditional sex in the bed the next couple nights, including some epic BJ in Steve 2 position (fingering her pussy is to die for). Also had a nice tub soak that led to conjoined grinding and making out. With the bedroom not far behind. She's literally become my favorite girl in the bedroom and we've been together about six months.

There was just something special about a few days of uninterrupted time. No work. No family. No distractions. Just do whatever the fuck we want and fuck like bunnies every night. Damn I dig her and thank SA for bringing us together.

However don’t mistake this for monogamy. I’m gonna see Sylvia for a few nights straight in a couple weeks. LOL.

06-26-22, 23:17
In both cities, the guys promoting the women are hanging in the slums and paying small $ for women, and they are convinced no one is doing better than them and are threatened if anyone suggests they are.

CDMX has Bogota beat when it comes to fun, food, and climate. The reason to go to Bogota is the average woman is better looking than CDMX but there are hotties in CDMX. The reason I focused on Colombia was the response rate to PMs was so much higher. I had 3 X the responses, and it did not hurt that the women were happy with less. If you are a working guy though, it is much harder time commitment wise.

As I have gotten to know my gal, I fell first for the looks, then the sex, then the personality, and finally the character. She got pregnant in her early 20's, turns out the father was a complete violent druggie, and she got a restraining order on him. She tried dating and thinks all Colombian men are the same macho pigs she first dealt with. Her father cheated on her mother, and her brother has children by two different women.

Her mother tried to take her kid so she cut herself off from her family and paid for everything herself. She told me her day consisted of exercising in the morning, dropping her kid off at school, going to work, and then exercising at night. This was her life for 12 years. We joke about some women being super women but she really was. And you saw what she looked like, DF, if she wanted to sell herself she could get top $. I asked her what she did for sex because she likes it so much and she said that she had her toys

Funny, how you were talking about, meeting hot girls during Covid. I was with the best looking girls in my life at the beginning of Covid in MTY, but then I was topping out at 6-7's. Nothing wrong with that. I think the economy is going to change things dramatically and a lot of rich guys are in big trouble if they have not prepared themselves or diversified. I just hope my money holds out, but I have no bills, all my business are paid for, so I will be ok. We are small lien, efficient and diversified. I am not rooting for the economy to collapse, but it is not looking good. I think the rich guys were a major issue in MTY, but not as much in CDMX. There really is not a lot of competition here, and I imagine there will be even fewer guys here in the next couple of years. Yes, CDMX is expensive, but it is really cheap to fly here and I will probably get an apartment here, so that will also cut down on expenses.

I am having so much fun in CDMX I will worry about a relationship, later or if it happens naturally. You are correct there is no middle ground here, either 7's and above, or bust. Unlike, the MTY girls, that I was pretty much just attracted to them physically, most the girls I meet in CDMX have goals and are really trying to better themselves, I find that super attractive.

06-27-22, 14:36
I would not listen to most of the guys on the Colombian page, most are very cheap and just angry dudes, in fact I would probably do the opposite. Same with some of the guys on CDMX, they are just jealous because you are not using there girls, and having more fun, but they claim they get no compensation. Do what makes you happy, do not listen to the haters.You are not sharing SA contacts don't be like them!!

06-27-22, 17:01
You are not sharing SA contacts don't be like them!!Sorry, that is not my thing. Happy to help any other way.

Steve 9696
06-28-22, 00:24
Sorry, that is not my thing. Happy to help any other way.Yeah no one who really does Seeking is sharing any names. These girls are not hookers we pass about. OP def in wrong newsgroup.

06-28-22, 01:20
Yeah no one who really does Seeking is sharing any names. These girls are not hookers we pass about. OP def in wrong newsgroup.Yep, it is not going to happen. I work too hard for my contacts, unlike others, I do not want to sell or benefit from there contact information. I had one guy ask for my login and password, Hell no! You have to come to CDMX. Heading to my 4th meeting of the day. It has been an epic Monday.

06-28-22, 02:58
Yeah no one who really does Seeking is sharing any names. These girls are not hookers we pass about. OP def in wrong newsgroup.Yeah, definitely annoyed by these people who think they don't need to do the ground week and think they can expect others to pass the contacts of these girls around.

06-28-22, 06:46
Yeah no one who really does Seeking is sharing any names. These girls are not hookers we pass about. OP def in wrong newsgroup.What if girls would like a referral to another SD? How you ever wonder what is that that girls want?

Would you be her SD forever? C'Mon., one night stand is what most of the guys are looking for here. How many SBs do you see regularly more than one time?

06-28-22, 06:50
Yeah, definitely annoyed by these people who think they don't need to do the ground week and think they can expect others to pass the contacts of these girls around.Ask your sugar babies. They have more that one SD for sure.

06-28-22, 09:50
My previous two / three subscriptions on SA were outstanding.

This last one wasnt that great. Subscription ending this week and not intending to renew. Will come back after few months.

Key difference: previously I was willing to travel. This time, for some reason, I am not in mood to travel.

Mesaaged quite a lot if them in and around my area. Some respinded online only. My foot. Blocked them. Some said platonic only. Ok. I respect you at that but I am not paying for platonic.

One 20 why. O was willing to travel to me. I covered her travel, other expenses + 200. Overnight with me.

Pretty (6), hot (5). Covered sex only but to my surprise I lasted much longer than I usually do with a condom.

Sent her off to a concert by herself as I had work to do. Picked her back up, grabbed some wine and dinner. Later that night, she gave me a blowjob to finish in mouth.

Thats about it. Slept and dropped her off at train station next morning.

It was ok considering nothing else materialized. Will I repeat? No. But she wants to.

06-28-22, 18:05
Yep, it is not going to happen. I work too hard for my contacts, unlike others, I do not want to sell or benefit from there contact information. I had one guy ask for my login and password, Hell no! You have to come to CDMX. Heading to my 4th meeting of the day. It has been an epic Monday.The audacity! LOL.

I see that you have a lot of fun there. Thinking of checking out that place next time.

06-28-22, 18:11
Currently in Montreal. I usually always use the excellent outcall agencies, Euphoria, Vogue, XO, etc. But since I started with seeking, I decided they will be my backup plan.

I started 2 weeks out with the messaging, as the younger ones take much longer 26 and below. Over 28 they really are aggressive and DTF.

This is a very target rich environment and they all know the deal. All are very happy with 5-600 CAD. So about 2 hrs of a top agency in MOntreal.

However, this is where the benefits are from my perspective. I arrived yesterday and had 2 meetings.

First showed up to my hotel with 2 bottles of wine. She was 30, she said she is a nympho and can fuck all day. Loves anal more than anything else. Loves it super rough. When she arrived told me whatever I want, just condom for penetration. We started and it was hardcore xxxx. I am not a GFE guy. I'm really PSE or nothing.

After I skull fucked her I turn her around and DATY etc. She takes my raw dick and puts in her ass. First cup, 2.

Cup etc.

$600 Cad she was there 3 hours said she wanted to stay over. I had plans already told her to leave please.

Keeps sending me videos of masturbating etc. Crazy chic.

Body-8. 5-9.



The 8 pm real estate agent. 24 yrs old. No Silicone. 5'3" of fucking beautiful, maybe 105-110 lbs, real slim, small see. Brunette.

Dinner and Drinks at Marcus (overpriced and over rated imo) but the woman love it.

She had driven to my hotel. So I was unsure how this was going to go. Never spoke about money. No porn pics, just real conversation with her over that past 2 weeks.

She orders 2 dozen oysters and eats them herself. Then salmon tartar, buratta, some cauliflower dish, and 4 martinis. I was like what the fuck, LOL.

Marcus closes I asked if she would come back and she said yes. We hang out, talk and the action starts. This girl is a GFE girl / very slight PSE but very open, 3 somes etc she claims.

Give her an orgasm. She gives me a good blow job, not great, but solid.

I go to fuck and she said not tonight. But, grinds the shit out me and orgasms again.

I'm annoyed, but don't show it.

She said tomorrow. I have 4 already lined up for her "tomorrow".

She wouldn't take money. I gave her "100".

For gas and parking and she gave it back. I gave her 50, she said no. Took only $20.


Dinner cost me $610 CAD. She is girlfriend / wifey material. But, not for me. I have been down that road and not now.

I may take her with me somewhere, because she is intelligent and sexy. Need to see if she can fuck though.


Face-8. 5-9.

Bbj-6. 5-7.

Sex- NA.

Will report on the rest when I leave here.

06-28-22, 18:17
Dinner cost me $610 CAD. She is girlfriend / wifey material. But, not for me. I have been down that road and not now.

I may take her with me somewhere, because she is intelligent and sexy. Need to see if she can fuck though.


Face-8. 5-9.

Bbj-6. 5-7.

Sex- NA.

Will report on the rest when I leave here.$610 for Blue Balls. Yes, that is what wives do. She played you well. Rubbed on you and she orgasmed, satisfied herself, but left you wondering what a fuck would be like. Wife material.

06-28-22, 18:33
Will report on the rest when I leave here.Great report, keep it coming. Looking forward to read your next one.

06-28-22, 18:46
What if girls would like a referral to another SD? How you ever wonder what is that that girls want?

Would you be her SD forever? C'Mon., one night stand is what most of the guys are looking for here. How many SBs do you see regularly more than one time?I do not care, nor do I ask. If I girl is hot, smart and fun, why not see her again. I was with the model for almost 2 years, it was awesome, up until the last few months. I would not change that time in my life for anything, it was during Covid, so it made it even better. None of the girls I have ever been with have asked me to share there contact information, too weird. I leave that for the losers that get off on Sharing contact information and posting pictures of girls not blacking out there faces.

06-28-22, 19:02
So as I have been in this seeking world, I have noticed a similar trait of the woman who I have brought back to my room and random bar / club pick ups.

I have been noticing that the woman who are really comfortable with me take their shoes off as soon as I bring them.

Into the room. It has been my tell if it was going to a good night.

The pros never do that.

Anyone notice the same, or have a different cue?

06-28-22, 20:23
So as I have been in this seeking world, I have noticed a similar trait of the woman who I have brought back to my room and random bar / club pick ups.

I have been noticing that the woman who are really comfortable with me take their shoes off as soon as I bring them.

Into the room. It has been my tell if it was going to a good night.

The pros never do that.

Anyone notice the same, or have a different cue?I have a shoe rack at my front door. Any woman that goes beyond the shoe rack and removes her shoes will also drop her panties later. Barefoot brings out the comfort with nudity in them.

06-28-22, 21:36
$610 for Blue Balls. Yes, that is what wives do. She played you well. Rubbed on you and she orgasmed, satisfied herself, but left you wondering what a fuck would be like. Wife material.I think you didn't read the bbj part she took CIM and swallowed. She got a $300 CAD dinner out of it. Which the other $300 was mine. My expense account can handle it. I'm not a bargain shopper. I prefer to fuck, so that was a let down.

The way I look at it is, I would have to buy myself dinner anyway. So I got BbJ, had a good dinner with a beautiful 24 yr woman, it was a good night for me. If I hadn’t fucked the first woman to almost death I would have been a little more salty probably, but still had a great time.

06-28-22, 22:30
I think you didn't read the bbj part she took CIM and swallowed. She got a $300 CAD dinner out of it. Which the other $300 was mine. My expense account can handle it. I'm not a bargain shopper. I prefer to fuck, so that was a let down.

The way I look at it is, I would have to buy myself dinner anyway. So I got BbJ, had a good dinner with a beautiful 24 yr woman, it was a good night for me. If I hadnt fucked the first woman to almost death I would have been a little more salty probably, but still had a great time.Wondering how much money and time total: you paid SA for your membership, $110? Airfare and hotel bill in Canada? How much time you spent on SA back and forth with her, trying to woo her to your restaurant date, how many hours you spent with her that night to get your BJ. And also her $300 CAD. Add it all up and she got 2 orgasms rubbing on your leg.

Sounds like a wife who can string you along, waste your time, money and energy, get a great $300 dinner, multiple orgasms for her and still leave you fuck-less!

I suggest an escort next time. Unless you prefer a typical conniving, deceiving, cock teasing wife.

06-28-22, 23:29
Wondering how much money and time total: you paid SA for your membership, $110? Airfare and hotel bill in Canada? How much time you spent on SA back and forth with her, trying to woo her to your restaurant date, how many hours you spent with her that night to get your BJ. And also her $300 CAD. Add it all up and she got 2 orgasms rubbing on your leg.

Sounds like a wife who can string you along, waste your time, money and energy, get a great $300 dinner, multiple orgasms for her and still leave you fuck-less!

I suggest an escort next time. Unless you prefer a typical conniving, deceiving, cock teasing wife.You are making assumptions that are not correct. I travel for work. The only cost I have is what I spend on the woman. Some of work on different budgets. It's clear we have a different perception of expense / value.

I regularly drop 5 figures at clubs with my buddies. We roll different.

I pay the woman to leave is my motto.

Steve 9696
06-29-22, 02:45
What if girls would like a referral to another SD? How you ever wonder what is that that girls want?

Would you be her SD forever? C'Mon., one night stand is what most of the guys are looking for here. How many SBs do you see regularly more than one time?It may be you’re just trolling us because you seem to know absolutely nothing about Seeking. But I'll take the bait. I won't speak for everyone but I count 17 Seeking girls I've fucked more than one night in the past two years. So slightly under 50%. And a few have been 5+ times. A couple 10+ times.

But even the ones I saw once I'm not going to pass around. Only 1 was a straight up hooker, and one or two disappointing but all the rest were super nice real world girls just enjoying being young and free and picking up some side cash. It's def more like a girlfriend relationship than an escort done right. And I'm not sharing my girlfriend with anyone.

I will even go so far as to say I have a lot of respect for many of these girls. At 23 they have already figured out that monogamy is a sham, sex is nothing sacred and to be revered, and it make no sense to fuck an immature shallow dude her own age for free when she can have dinner at the finest restaurant and enjoy more connected and caring sex at the end of the night and pay her rent at the the same time! Smart girls. At least many of the ones I date.

06-29-22, 03:01
I count 17 Seeking girls I've fucked more than one night in the past two years.Hope the 17 do not give / spread herpes, etc. Sounds like a sex addiction.

06-29-22, 03:02
I think there is nothing wrong with sharing SA contacts of ex-girlfriends, or someone you fucked in the past. And by contacts I mean SA profile link or a nickname. Under no circumstance would I share a phone number or private social media account, or post this kind of info on a public forum. I don't share SA profiles with random people, but if Steve, for example, asks me for some contacts (he probably would never ask), I would gladly help him out becuase I know he would treat them right. Also, sharing contacts of those who underperformed, flaked, stole something from you, would help others to avoid them.

06-29-22, 03:14
It may be youre just trolling us because you seem to know absolutely nothing about Seeking. But I'll take the bait. I won't speak for everyone but I count 17 Seeking girls I've fucked more than one night in the past two years. So slightly under 50%. And a few have been 5+ times. A couple 10+ times.

But even the ones I saw once I'm not going to pass around. Only 1 was a straight up hooker, and one or two disappointing but all the rest were super nice real world girls just enjoying being young and free and picking up some side cash. It's def more like a girlfriend relationship than an escort done right. And I'm not sharing my girlfriend with anyone.

I will even go so far as to say I have a lot of respect for many of these girls. At 23 they have already figured out that monogamy is a sham, sex is nothing sacred and to be revered, and it make no sense to fuck an immature shallow dude her own age for free when she can have dinner at the finest restaurant and enjoy more connected and caring sex at the end of the night and pay her rent at the the same time! Smart girls. At least many of the ones I date.I wish there was a like button for this post.

06-29-22, 04:03
I think there is nothing wrong with sharing SA contacts of ex-girlfriends, or someone you fucked in the past. And by contacts I mean SA profile link or a nickname. Under no circumstance would I share a phone number or private social media account, or post this kind of info on a public forum. I don't share SA profiles with random people, but if Steve, for example, asks me for some contacts (he probably would never ask), I would gladly help him out because I know he would treat them right. Also, sharing contacts of those who under performed, flaked, stole something from you, would help others to avoid them.Correct. There is a proper way to ask for help. Maybe meet in person and have a drink, develop sone rapport, but to randomly ask for contacts is kind is weird.

06-29-22, 12:18
I think there is nothing wrong with sharing SA contacts of ex-girlfriends, or someone you fucked in the past. And by contacts I mean SA profile link or a nickname. Under no circumstance would I share a phone number or private social media account, or post this kind of info on a public forum. I don't share SA profiles with random people, but if Steve, for example, asks me for some contacts (he probably would never ask), I would gladly help him out because I know he would treat them right. Also, sharing contacts of those who underperformed, flaked, stole something from you, would help others to avoid them.That's what I mean. Thanks!

06-29-22, 15:08
Correct. There is a proper way to ask for help. Maybe meet in person and have a drink, develop sone rapport, but to randomly ask for contacts is kind is weird.SA profile link or a nickname, that's it. Nothing more. That is what I mean men.

Any other data is sensitive and shouldn't be sharing.

Let's take a look of the SA in India.


Only nicknames. Maybe a reference, but That's it.

Elvis 2008
06-29-22, 17:31
Great report, keep it coming. Looking forward to read your next one.I agree. Great report. We talked about the potential Montreal had for SBs and am glad to see someone cash in on it.

Elvis 2008
06-29-22, 17:48
SA profile link or a nickname, that's it. Nothing more. That is what I mean men.

Any other data is sensitive and shouldn't be sharing.

Let's take a look of the SA in India.


Only nicknames. Maybe a reference, but That's it.It sounds like you are trying to skirt the monthly fee, use SA as a P4 P site which it is not, and ruin the site in the process. I hope no one helps you at all. Any guy who comes on here and says "most guys here want a one night stand" needs to leave. That is not what the site is about and it has had to ban good men because of guys with attitudes like yours.

06-29-22, 18:32
SA profile link or a nickname, that's it. Nothing more. That is what I mean men.

Any other data is sensitive and shouldn't be sharing.

Let's take a look of the SA in India.


Only nicknames. Maybe a reference, but That's it.Here is a link for you.


There, get an account, sign in, create a profile, post your picture there and then do your own legwork.

Do you know how creepy it is to specifically post the direct URL of these girls onto this public forum? How would you feel if you someone post your profile URL here?

06-29-22, 19:31
Here is a link for you.


There, get an account, sign in, create a profile, post your picture there and then do your own legwork.

Do you know how creepy it is to specifically post the direct URL of these girls onto this public forum? How would you feel if you someone post your profile URL here?Exactly, if any of the girls I hang out with regularly found out I did this, they would be pissed. The other losers on other pages thinks this is cool, it is not.

06-29-22, 21:12
So on my way back to NYC from a 4 wk business trip spanning EU, US, and Canada.

Had 3 meetings scheduled for my last 2 days.

1st one should be avoided- a pro, I was 90% sure but if we were going to click I would have went with it. She goes by "big blue eyes or something". Uber to my hotel I was not attracted to her she had an all business look. Gave her 100 and sent her away.

2nd was scheduled after a business dinner I was having. She was supposed to show up at 9:30 pm. We had been texting back and fourth for a couple days. 9:30 pm comes she texts and says she is out drinking with friends can she in an hour. I said sure. 1 HR later still no show. I start pulling up my backups who I know are DTF. Then she texts me and says 11:30 pm. I tell her if she shows up there may be another woman in the bed, she said she will come right away, LOL.

Stats-20 yr old, just turned 20 last month At university in Halifax.

Born and bred in Montreal.

Brunette-Brown eyes.

Tall-5'9"- 5-10".


Solid 8. 5.

Natural see-the cups.

She shows up, and now I'm ready to break the bed. I had been drinking. She had been drinking. Tells me I'm sexy AF, makes me feel good. She pulls out a bag and takes 2 bumps. I'm like wtf.

It's on like animal kingdom.

Girl was so uninhibited, nothing off limits. She said cum anywhere I want as long she orgasms before me. We went 3 rounds and sent her home 6 am. Because I had a 10 am arriving.

She wanted to take pics, I said no.

$500 CAD and Uber home. A keeper.

My 10 am today. I really didn't have the energy, but I put her off twice. And I found her very attractive because there was something natural about our conversations.

Stats-27 yr.

Blonde / Blue eyes.

Fake see cups.

No other silicone.

Good amount of tats.



Solid 8. 5.

We have building sexual tension for the last couple days. So.

I knew it was going to be good. It was another amazing experience, she was game for whatever I could throw at her.

10-3 pm.

Keeper-$600 CAD.

Observations- if you don't like tattoos, it will be hard in Montreal. I have larger tats, not visible in a suit, but these girls tend to have more then most.

The older woman know they are competing with the younger ones so they are more aggressive to meet. They respond fast. I mean above 28. A lot of pros, but you will notice them by their texts.

I would not pay more than $700.

All my encounters were 5-600.

I had one woman who was a 9. 5 for drinks yesterday and she wanted 2000. I paid for my drink and left her at the bar, LOL.

These woman were very open with me showing me all the seeking messages they get and showing me how they pick who to respond to. Some of the texts they get are truly disturbing.

I have a soft spot for woman who are Qubecois.

I have had so many great experiences with them.

You can't go wrong with SA or using an outcall service. Depends on your commitment level.

06-29-22, 23:25
Dead. Nuts. On. Steve.

I have more respect for the handful of girls I've actually met in person from SA than 90% of all the people I've met in the same time period. The place is a gold mine, isn't free or cheap but I see no possible way to have the experiences I've had without it. Now let's see how long it takes for some moron to F it up for all of us.


It may be you're just trolling us because you seem to know absolutely nothing about Seeking. But I'll take the bait. I won't speak for everyone but I count 17 Seeking girls I've fucked more than one night in the past two years. So slightly under 50%. And a few have been 5+ times. A couple 10+ times.

But even the ones I saw once I'm not going to pass around. Only 1 was a straight up hooker, and one or two disappointing but all the rest were super nice real world girls just enjoying being young and free and picking up some side cash. It's def more like a girlfriend relationship than an escort done right. And I'm not sharing my girlfriend with anyone.

I will even go so far as to say I have a lot of respect for many of these girls. At 23 they have already figured out that monogamy is a sham, sex is nothing sacred and to be revered, and it make no sense to fuck an immature shallow dude her own age for free when she can have dinner at the finest restaurant and enjoy more connected and caring sex at the end of the night and pay her rent at the the same time! Smart girls. At least many of the ones I date.

06-30-22, 20:37
Yep, it is not going to happen. I work too hard for my contacts, unlike others, I do not want to sell or benefit from there contact information. I had one guy ask for my login and password, Hell no! You have to come to CDMX. Heading to my 4th meeting of the day. It has been an epic Monday."call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye" Just wondering why the 100's of thousands of guys on SA do not also use ISG. / seeking. (thankfully) because here I see (sometimes) info like bust size, eye color, age, weight etc. Etc. Why? Some sort of hunter mentality? (ok guilty here) on OTHER SA related news groups it's different. Sex seldom mentioned. Which I think is also weird. Sex does not equal love but GFE is kinda a top priority. IMHO sex with a hooker is no longer much fun.

And agree. No more requests for "help" or contacts here. In fact if you even ask, I think these kind of people will bring more hookers to post on SA. Making it harder to find the type of people I would like to meet. Those girls drop off quickly when they have garbage in their inbox.

06-30-22, 20:57
"call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye" Just wondering why the 100's of thousands of guys on SA do not also use ISG. / seeking. (thankfully) because here I see (sometimes) info like bust size, eye color, age, weight etc. Etc. Why? Some sort of hunter mentality? (ok guilty here) on OTHER SA related news groups it's different. Sex seldom mentioned. Which I think is also weird. Sex does not equal love but GFE is kinda a top priority. IMHO sex with a hooker is no longer much fun.

And agree. No more requests for "help" or contacts here. In fact if you even ask, I think these kind of people will bring more hookers to post on SA. Making it harder to find the type of people I would like to meet. Those girls drop off quickly when they have garbage in their inbox.Not worried about it at all. CDMX takes some money and a little game. Some have one, but do not have the other. Competition will make me stronger! Not to mention I am already developing a lot of connections with the managers at my favorite restaurant and working on connecting with apartments.

Another plus, most guys are too cheap or stupid to use SA, this eliminates most of my competitors. Also, a lot of guys let there pride get in the way of using SA, which makes no sense. I have no pride, that was taken away after I bought my first business and quickly realized that everyone lies. Then, I was audited a couple of times, talk about a joke, but it made me grew up. The government is the biggest cons and liars in the world. Life is good and I love CDMX.

06-30-22, 21:57
So on my way back to NYC from a 4 wk business trip spanning EU, US, and Canada.

Had 3 meetings scheduled for my last 2 days.

The older woman know they are competing with the younger ones so they are more aggressive to meet. They respond fast. I mean above 28. A lot of pros, but you will notice them by their texts.

These woman were very open with me showing me all the seeking messages they get and showing me how they pick who to respond to. Some of the texts they get are truly disturbing.

I have a soft spot for woman who are Qubecois.

I have had so many great experiences with them.

You can't go wrong with SA or using an outcall service. Depends on your commitment level.As always, great report.

By the way, I can't remember the specific details of your Frankfurt experience. Is the ppm higher in Montreal or Frankfurt?

There are definitely a lot of weirdos in SA, since as you mentioned, one of the girls actually told me she had deactivated her account only after a few days because she was disturbed by all these messages. I asked her why then meet up with me, and she said I was the only decent ones, LOL.

I always find the older girls, I mean those above 25, are always better in sex than those younger ones who is between 19 and 21.

06-30-22, 22:13
These woman were very open with me showing me all the seeking messages they get and showing me how they pick who to respond to.Great report.

Can you share some intel or insight into the thoughts and messages girls are most likely to respond with?

06-30-22, 22:18
So as I have been in this seeking world, I have noticed a similar trait of the woman who I have brought back to my room and random bar / club pick ups.

I have been noticing that the woman who are really comfortable with me take their shoes off as soon as I bring them.
Agree with this. It's a reliable indicator.

It may have some racial bias particularly in Asia where all shoes get removed at the door and replaced with slippers for inside the house.

06-30-22, 23:24
As always, great report.

By the way, I can't remember the specific details of your Frankfurt experience. Is the ppm higher in Montreal or Frankfurt?

There are definitely a lot of weirdos in SA, since as you mentioned, one of the girls actually told me she had deactivated her account only after a few days because she was disturbed by all these messages. I asked her why then meet up with me, and she said I was the only decent ones, LOL.

I always find the older girls, I mean those above 25, are always better in sex than those younger ones who is between 19 and 21.So, Montreal is cheaper definitely because of the strong dollar. I also prefer French-Canadian women only because European woman are my favorite, but the québeécois are just so open about sex. Even in bars they are DTF. I have also heard many times they prefer US guys.

They only thing is the tattoo game is real strong in Montreal, and I have large tattoo but it can be overwhelming. Maybe I'm self-conscious when I take them out. I'm 48, but look mid 30's and if I'm coming from a business meeting I'm dressed conservative. If it's after hours then I'm in NYC bar / lounge attire and I'm more laid back.

I know Latam is many people favorite destination because of value, but I have a place so. Beach and I can bang the hottest ones for free just because I can get tables. So I'm not that smitten with them anymore.

I have a trip to Vancouver in July so not sure if I should try SA. Will also be in Seattle in July so trying.

To get my plan in place.

Also, remember I am a hardcover PSE guy, so my bias lends to places where I get that consistently. So far, for me it's always been Canada, Germany, US, and Switzerland. I will settle for GFE, but then I'm on my phone as soon as they leave trying to get my fix.

07-01-22, 02:51
This happened to me last night and didn't anything of it until now!

She was not Asian either.

Agree with this. It's a reliable indicator.

It may have some racial bias particularly in Asia where all shoes get removed at the door and replaced with slippers for inside the house.

The Cane
07-01-22, 13:23
My arrangement with Abby is done. We were an item for 6 months. And what happened? She moved. And, it's as simple as that. It's just as well. I mean, to be honest, I was getting bored with just one woman. I have monger mentality. Hell, I am a monger LOL! I want to be fucking different women. And so it goes.

07-01-22, 14:09
Great report.

Can you share some intel or insight into the thoughts and messages girls are most likely to respond with?So I asked the women why they chose to respond. I don't have a pic on my profile. But, I have private pics that I share if they request it. The normal women (non-pro) all said they block / delete just by the pictures first. Then they read the message, if it looks a form message they deleted / block. Then they read the profile, to long they move on.

Then they respond to those with pics they like and meet their criteria. So those of without profile pics are really after the initial weeding out when they have time. So it's up to our message and succinct profile to catch them.

I am sure if I added a profile pic, my hit rate would be even higher, but I'm not willing to take that risk.

Also, some the messages they get by text after they selected are truly crazy. Like this amount, x minutes of anal, see minutes of bbj, suck ass, pics of how it should be done. I was blown away.

07-01-22, 14:17
This happened to me last night and didn't anything of it until now!

She was not Asian either.Yeah, In the civilian world this was a strong indication for if I was going to fuck that night. Prior to Covid I was on the road 150-200 days a year.

So, spent a lot of time picking up women in bars, clubs, waitresses etc.

And since I am in and out of the cities, my patience is thin.

It was something I noticed, that they come in, take off their heels, then I know my dick will be in some part of their body shortly.

I only see Asians in AMPS so I don't have that experience.

Also, I will share contacts of scammers / pros on this forum that respond in the city I'm in to save you time.

07-02-22, 15:32
Got to London yesterday and spent about an hour sending messages. Got some replies but not having much luck moving forward. The girls who respond are either looking for a longer arrangement / won't do ppm for one date and the others are asking for 700-1000 pounds for ppm which is crazy. I was thinking 3-400 gbp for ppm but only one girl has been in that range. I've been messaging girls 19-28, mostly white if that matters. Since I don't have that much time here I'm probably going to call it and go back to Diva.

I also tried messaging girls a few weeks before I got here. Also got some numbers but the one I talked to the most is out of town when I'm here. Others haven't replied to texts.

I will admit I'm not very good at seeking or game in general. I tried to follow the template and tell girls I'm looking for a fun date and ask if they're interested. But when they ask what I have in mind I wasn't including intimacy so one said intimacy was more. But doesn't mutually beneficial imply intimacy? Others asked if I was only looking for a dinner date. The one who only does monthly would be fine with dinner and a show but that's it. The ambiguity on seeking is what makes it tricky for me. Does ppm include platonic meets or not? Etc etc.

After spending all the effort on seeking it made me wonder if guys like Steve or Fast with good game could do just as well trying to pick up girls at bars or where ever instead of doing it on sa.

07-02-22, 16:26
Got to London yesterday and spent about an hour sending messages. Got some replies but not having much luck moving forward. The girls who respond are either looking for a longer arrangement / won't do ppm for one date and the others are asking for 700-1000 pounds for ppm which is crazy. I was thinking 3-400 gbp for ppm but only one girl has been in that range. I've been messaging girls 19-28, mostly white if that matters. Since I don't have that much time here I'm probably going to call it and go back to Diva.

I also tried messaging girls a few weeks before I got here. Also got some numbers but the one I talked to the most is out of town when I'm here. Others haven't replied to texts.

I will admit I'm not very good at seeking or game in general. I tried to follow the template and tell girls I'm looking for a fun date and ask if they're interested. But when they ask what I have in mind I wasn't including intimacy so one said intimacy was more. But doesn't mutually beneficial imply intimacy? Others asked if I was only looking for a dinner date. The one who only does monthly would be fine with dinner and a show but that's it. The ambiguity on seeking is what makes it tricky for me. Does ppm include platonic meets or not? Etc etc.

After spending all the effort on seeking it made me wonder if guys like Steve or Fast with good game could do just as well trying to pick up girls at bars or where ever instead of doing it on sa.I am not familiar with the London scene but I can only reflect on my own experience, maybe it could be of some help.

1) You are in a Tier-1 city, and it is not surprising that the ppm would reflect that. $500 to $1000 is probably on par in cities like NYC and SFO as it is in London. Unless you are there on business trips, I will not specially go to these places for such experiences. I usually go to cheaper countries like Colombia where I would get a lot more bang for the buck literally, even after you factor in the wining and dining.

2). Girls are not always on the SA app. Response time can vary or not all all. Whenever possible, get their WhatsApp or any other chat app as soon as you can. They are always on these apps.

3) I find it easier to be upfront with the girls before meet. I mention that ppm will only be given if it leads to intimacy. I usually prefer to meet them over dinner and drink so that we can build the chemistry. Most of these SA girls understand what that means and how the games are played. If the girls profiles mention platonic in their SA profile, more often than not, they are not looking to have sex with you.

4) The girl's race and ethnicity could be a factor in their ppm rate. Caucasian girls are usually more expensive.

07-02-22, 16:54
Got to London yesterday and spent about an hour sending messages. Got some replies but not having much luck moving forward. The girls who respond are either looking for a longer arrangement / won't do ppm for one date and the others are asking for 700-1000 pounds for ppm which is crazy. I was thinking 3-400 gbp for ppm but only one girl has been in that range. I've been messaging girls 19-28, mostly white if that matters. Since I don't have that much time here I'm probably going to call it and go back to Diva.

I also tried messaging girls a few weeks before I got here. Also got some numbers but the one I talked to the most is out of town when I'm here. Others haven't replied to texts.

I will admit I'm not very good at seeking or game in general. I tried to follow the template and tell girls I'm looking for a fun date and ask if they're interested. But when they ask what I have in mind I wasn't including intimacy so one said intimacy was more. But doesn't mutually beneficial imply intimacy? Others asked if I was only looking for a dinner date. The one who only does monthly would be fine with dinner and a show but that's it. The ambiguity on seeking is what makes it tricky for me. Does ppm include platonic meets or not? Etc etc.

After spending all the effort on seeking it made me wonder if guys like Steve or Fast with good game could do just as well trying to pick up girls at bars or where ever instead of doing it on sa.Hey man, London was my trip right before Montreal and I thought I wrote an update, but just checked and I didn't.

London was hard for me also, expensive, and never got my full PSE experiences that I search for with SA.

I also had to resort to gorilla warfare which I hate to do.

Additionally, I think the base rate for London is not 3-400 gbp for 8+ white woman. I was paying 500-600 for the night plus the drinking / food.

I was there 6 days and only managed 3 woman / 4.

Encounters, but I had a busy work schedule in the evenings. A lot of pros in London, but I have a feeling prices are coming down.

I had one who was 25, blond / blue eyes, solid 8, fit as fuck. She was half Croatian or something, works at boutique on Bond st.

GFE+ BBBJ, CIM, BBFS, no cip, couldn't deep throat, couldn't take anal. It was a great night, and it seem she was way more happy than me. 600 gbp.

Another one was 33 yo brunette / brown eyes 7. 5-8 in real life, pics were a 9. From Moldova, has been living in London for 10 yrs. Said she was a lawyer, but can't work as a lawyer or something, they don't recognize her experience so basically some kind of assistant. She is looking for a rich husband bad. But, not hot or young enough to pull down the ballers she wants, imo.

She was GFE only, good fuck, no anal, no deep throat etc. Her body was solid, slim, fake tits, but here feet through me off. Kind of wide, but not big. 600 gbp.

Last one, 22 yo waitress from Spain, the hottest one. Solid 8. 5, tall, slim, real tits, tats. Just a hot girl. She was GFE++ BBFS, CIM, cip no anal, no deep throat. 500 gbp.

What I mean by gorilla warfare: I did not negotiate. I had to change my message to this basically:" I'm in town from NYC visiting my London office which I do 2 x a month. Staying at the Four Seasons in Mayfair. I want a beautiful woman who can hold a conversation, use a fork and join me for dinner at Gordon Ramsay's Lucky Cat. You must be able to wear high heels and walk in them. Not a plutonic experience. If we click I will bring you to a private after hour club, and we finish with you taking off your heels in my company. ".

Now I switched dinner restaurants to "Coya" and "Madhus of Mayfair" for the woman. These are lively places, centrally located, so I could leave or she could leave.

You probably don't have access to the private after hour clubs, everything closes at 11 pm basically in London. So you have less time to work your game.

I discussed ppm day of meeting with all.

The Moldovan came back for me another night for free, but it cost me dinner to fuck her.

Hope that helps.

It was a lot of work. Next time I may stick with Diva. But, it's hard for me to get that real uninhibited PSE sex that I desire from a pro lately. There are a few, but it costs way more.

Good luck, don't be hard. And don't believe London is easy. There are still a lot of Arabs there throwing money around.

07-03-22, 00:21
I respect your experience but I don't think it's mine.

I thought I was done with the site because of all the work and wasted time but I went through a stable I populated late last year and I'm back because I'm hooked on early 20's white girls. Undeniably this has worked for me:

Lots of detail with humor sprinkled in (the first and second sections).

Real pics with nothing hidden.

Approaching them with a simple icebreaker; I'm Beav, I get lots of feedback from my profile if you think we might be a match I'd love to chat.

I will admit there are a fair amount who hide your profile before you even talk to them but you can tell this by seeing if your message is read. If it's been sitting there unread for a week and you know she's been on in that time then you're probably hidden.

The ones who reply with "I think we're a match" or something positive have been absolutely A+ and worth all the ass pain on the site. Again, my profile is long but they almost always comment on the humor and they read the whole thing. I stay away from ambiguous text as much as possible "fun, NSA, fwb" that's all garbage. Work the word intimacy in in the first couple texting sessions or in person meet. Everybody knows what that means. In fact my last two girls have been the ones to bring up intimacy before I even had to and it was at our first in person meeting. I didn't have sex with them the first time I met them but I did the second and every time after.

When I need to slow down the traffic I don't show any pics or show one with a mask and that's like flipping a switch, the messages stop fairly fast. I don't consider myself overly attractive but I'm fit and don't have a dad body and I'm generally still younger than their parents which I think is a mental hang up for some. My results on that site have been stellar but came at a fairly high cost, tangible and intangible.

So I asked the women why they chose to respond. I don't have a pic on my profile. But, I have private pics that I share if they request it. The normal women (non-pro) all said they block / delete just by the pictures first. Then they read the message, if it looks a form message they deleted / block. Then they read the profile, to long they move on.

Then they respond to those with pics they like and meet their criteria. So those of without profile pics are really after the initial weeding out when they have time. So it's up to our message and succinct profile to catch them.

I am sure if I added a profile pic, my hit rate would be even higher, but I'm not willing to take that risk.

Also, some the messages they get by text after they selected are truly crazy. Like this amount, x minutes of anal, see minutes of bbj, suck ass, pics of how it should be done. I was blown away.

07-03-22, 05:47
It may be youre just trolling us because you seem to know absolutely nothing about Seeking. But I'll take the bait. I won't speak for everyone but I count 17 Seeking girls I've fucked more than one night in the past two years. So slightly under 50%. And a few have been 5+ times. A couple 10+ times.

But even the ones I saw once I'm not going to pass around. Only 1 was a straight up hooker, and one or two disappointing but all the rest were super nice real world girls just enjoying being young and free and picking up some side cash. It's def more like a girlfriend relationship than an escort done right. And I'm not sharing my girlfriend with anyone.

I will even go so far as to say I have a lot of respect for many of these girls. At 23 they have already figured out that monogamy is a sham, sex is nothing sacred and to be revered, and it make no sense to fuck an immature shallow dude her own age for free when she can have dinner at the finest restaurant and enjoy more connected and caring sex at the end of the night and pay her rent at the the same time! Smart girls. At least many of the ones I date.Smart girls? Or Just undercover working girls?

Elvis 2008
07-03-22, 07:38
Smart girls? Or Just undercover working girls?Dude, are you a different dude or really luvMexicans?

When someone posted, it doesn't make someone a loser for using seeking. You posted this.

Really? I disagree LOL!Then there is this.

Yes this taxi I pain in Jan was 5400 COP. Now it's like 20,400. A 400% increase what the hell.If you are griping about a $5 cab ride, you really do not belong here.

You see you think you are all smart telling us how it is and that you know the women we are seeing are all WGs, and you have it all figured out. Why cannot you all see how smart I am and how foolish you are?

We are not stupid, naive fools who do not know many of the women on the site are WGs, but we also know you have not been on it because anyone who gripes about a $5 car ride is not on seeking, so you are not talking from a knowledgeable POV.

And with me, I met a seeking woman who was so hot, so good in bed, and so nice that I did the unthinkable, I did not think I would ever find better, and I committed to only her. Oh, I know brother, you think I am being played but how many times you met a WG's best friends and family and introduced them to yours? I cannot ever recall that happening with a WG, but it happened quite a bit with sugar babies. To be fair, it did not go as deep like with this gal but it happened a lot. You see when you have a good SB, and the women have a good SD, it is not something to be hidden but showed off.

07-03-22, 08:50
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was pointless, unproductive drama. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

07-03-22, 14:55
Back in CDMX for the 4th. I tried, 2 new restaurants, one was great, but crazy expensive and the other was average at best. Be careful here the waiters are not always on your side, you definitely have to look at the menu and ask prices.

A girl came in from another city last night. She informed me she was on her period, when I was on the plane. She kept apologizing, but she is hot and fun, so I did not care. We get back home and she is begging to have sex in the shower, I was exhausted and drunks. We went to the shower and we had a great session.

I have 3 meetings today, the first canceled. The other 2, I have seen before. First girl is average looking, but a total freak. Anal and rimming both included. 2nd girls is really hot and fun. Average in bed, but I am sure this will improve.

Monday is booked up abd I have already started booking up for next weekend. The hard work is paying off.

07-04-22, 00:46
Dude, are you a different dude or really luvMexicans?

When someone posted, it doesn't make someone a loser for using seeking. You posted this.

Then there is this.

If you are griping about a $5 cab ride, you really do not belong here.

You see you think you are all smart telling us how it is and that you know the women we are seeing are all WGs, and you have it all figured out. Why cannot you all see how smart I am and how foolish you are?

We are not stupid, naive fools who do not know many of the women on the site are WGs, but we also know you have not been on it because anyone who gripes about a $5 car ride is not on seeking, so you are not talking from a knowledgeable POV..Fist off are you stalking me? LOL! I pointed out the cab fair due to inflation not because it bothered me "Mr. I can finally pay to get with women that wouldn't even blink at me back home." You said a whole lot of nothing in your post. Hit dogs holler I guess. Sounds like you have some other deeper issues you need to attend to. Do not take it out on me look at the man in the mirror. The one your running from him.

07-04-22, 16:23
Back in CDMX for the 4th. I tried, 2 new restaurants, one was great, but crazy expensive and the other was average at best. Be careful here the waiters are not always on your side, you definitely have to look at the menu and ask prices.

A girl came in from another city last night. She informed me she was on her period, when I was on the plane. She kept apologizing, but she is hot and fun, so I did not care. We get back home and she is begging to have sex in the shower, I was exhausted and drunks. We went to the shower and we had a great session.

I have 3 meetings today, the first canceled. The other 2, I have seen before. First girl is average looking, but a total freak. Anal and rimming both included. 2nd girls is really hot and fun. Average in bed, but I am sure this will improve.

Monday is booked up abd I have already started booking up for next weekend. The hard work is paying off.Hey man, what area do you target in CDMX. I have only been there twice on business and Polanco was the only area that my company security detail would let me off leash. I was amazed by the quality of woman walking around and in the restaurants.

When I get on SA and put in CDMX with my filters there are so many options.

07-04-22, 17:05
Hey man, London was my trip right before Montreal and I thought I wrote an update, but just checked and I didn't.

London was hard for me also, expensive, and never got my full PSE experiences that I search for with SA.

I also had to resort to gorilla warfare which I hate to do.

Additionally, I think the base rate for London is not 3-400 gbp for 8+ white woman. I was paying 500-600 for the night plus the drinking / food.

I was there 6 days and only managed 3 woman / 4.

Encounters, but I had a busy work schedule in the evenings. A lot of pros in London, but I have a feeling prices are coming down.

I had one who was 25, blond / blue eyes, solid 8, fit as fuck. She was half Croatian or something, works at boutique on Bond st.

GFE+ BBBJ, CIM, BBFS, no cip, couldn't deep throat, couldn't take anal. It was a great night, and it seem she was way more happy than me. 600 gbp.

Another one was 33 yo brunette / brown eyes 7. 5-8 in real life, pics were a 9. From Moldova, has been living in London for 10 yrs. Said she was a lawyer, but can't work as a lawyer or something, they don't recognize her experience so basically some kind of assistant. She is looking for a rich husband bad. But, not hot or young enough to pull down the ballers she wants, imo.

She was GFE only, good fuck, no anal, no deep throat etc. Her body was solid, slim, fake tits, but here feet through me off. Kind of wide, but not big. 600 gbp.

Last one, 22 yo waitress from Spain, the hottest one. Solid 8. 5, tall, slim, real tits, tats. Just a hot girl. She was GFE++ BBFS, CIM, cip no anal, no deep throat. 500 gbp.

What I mean by gorilla warfare: I did not negotiate. I had to change my message to this basically:" I'm in town from NYC visiting my London office which I do 2 x a month. Staying at the Four Seasons in Mayfair. I want a beautiful woman who can hold a conversation, use a fork and join me for dinner at Gordon Ramsay's Lucky Cat. You must be able to wear high heels and walk in them. Not a plutonic experience. If we click I will bring you to a private after hour club, and we finish with you taking off your heels in my company. ".

Now I switched dinner restaurants to "Coya" and "Madhus of Mayfair" for the woman. These are lively places, centrally located, so I could leave or she could leave.

You probably don't have access to the private after hour clubs, everything closes at 11 pm basically in London. So you have less time to work your game.

I discussed ppm day of meeting with all.

The Moldovan came back for me another night for free, but it cost me dinner to fuck her.

Hope that helps.

It was a lot of work. Next time I may stick with Diva. But, it's hard for me to get that real uninhibited PSE sex that I desire from a pro lately. There are a few, but it costs way more.

Good luck, don't be hard. And don't believe London is easy. There are still a lot of Arabs there throwing money around.What full PSE are you looking for? Greek? Do you bring up CIM / BBFS before or just go with the flow?

Not to bring up STIs again but would you or steve or anyone else who does bb feel differently if you were younger?

07-04-22, 17:16
What full PSE are you looking for? Greek? Do you bring up CIM / BBFS before or just go with the flow?

Not to bring up STIs again but would you or steve or anyone else who does bb feel differently if you were younger?Hey for me PSE, is hair pulling, choking, face fucking, Greek, raw all, just all out. I never bring it up and I don't force it. I go with the flow, and use my game to tell them what I'm about to do when they are at their most excited. If they object, no problem. Just not for me and won't be any further unless it's free or I am bored.

Take a look at my user name. I'm pretty well versed on STIs. I judge the situation and will not go forward if I feel something is off. I never partake in fast houses, SE Asia, AMPS in any PSE action.

I also carry a small pharmacy with me, LOL.

07-04-22, 19:15
Hey man, what area do you target in CDMX. I have only been there twice on business and Polanco was the only area that my company security detail would let me off leash. I was amazed by the quality of woman walking around and in the restaurants.

When I get on SA and put in CDMX with my filters there are so many options.The girls will come to you in Polanco, it will not be an issue at all. I have only had one complain and she only wanted to go to one specific restaurant in her Area, I said, "no". Do an 80 Mike radius of CDMX.

07-04-22, 20:39
Hey man, what area do you target in CDMX. I have only been there twice on business and Polanco was the only area that my company security detail would let me off leash. I was amazed by the quality of woman walking around and in the restaurants.

When I get on SA and put in CDMX with my filters there are so many options.You are not kidding there is hot girls everywhere. No middle ground, but who cares.

Elvis 2008
07-05-22, 14:00
Hey man, what area do you target in CDMX. I have only been there twice on business and Polanco was the only area that my company security detail would let me off leash. I was amazed by the quality of woman walking around and in the restaurants.

When I get on SA and put in CDMX with my filters there are so many options.For the most part, you want to target Polanco, Roma, Condesa, and Reforma. Those are the safest and nicest areas. Women generally will not have issues come visiting you if your hotel is in one of those regions as they are generally safe.

That said, I do like to get out some. We went to the Merced market. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Merced_Market.

Everyone said it was dangerous but nothing happened to us. There were so many things for sale there at prices like 1/3 to 1/2 the USA.

07-05-22, 16:48
For the most part, you want to target Polanco, Roma, Condesa, and Reforma. Those are the safest and nicest areas. Women generally will not have issues come visiting you if your hotel is in one of those regions as they are generally safe.

That said, I do like to get out some. We went to the Merced market. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Merced_Market.

Everyone said it was dangerous but nothing happened to us. There were so many things for sale there at prices like 1/3 to 1/2 the USA.Correct, I normally stay in Polanco and love it. I did stay in Remora, one time and I really did not like that area at all, a lot of traffic, and very difficult to get Uber. Stick with Condessa or Polanco, you will love it.

07-06-22, 06:11
So I've had moderate success with Seeking in my country. Completely due to my own circumstances otherwise it could be way way better. But that's a story for another day. This report is a about a meeting I had last week in Europe.

I was on a work trip and reached out to a bunch of prospects. A ton of messages and honed in on a couple of girls (due to being there just two days) but particularly this one girl. Very cute 20 year old with photos and great comms. Turns out it will be difficult to meet due to scheduling difficulties. Ughh. But then she tells me she is going back to her country and that I should come. Normally I'the laugh at something like that but sure, why not see a new place for 24-36 hours especially if it's just a two hour flight! She was extremely reasonable with the benefits so that certainly helped. A lot more to the background story but don't want to bore you.

I arrive on a Saturday morning and go around town for a few hours. She tells me she'll be driving a couple hours now to meet me and let's meeting that evening. I'm a bit skeptical now but keep a game face. She did ask if she should plan on staying the night. Yes, baby! You definitely should! We end up meeting near a pre decided restaurant and she's stunning! Beautiful face, green eyes, long wavy hair, petite frame with very nice natural be's. I'm thinking jackpot! Both of us had chosen to not share photos besides our profile photos and kinda trusted each other's descriptions. It could have been a disaster but dodged the bullet I guess.

At the dinner, conversation flows extremely naturally. Alyssa tells me that I'm only her second meeting and that she was visiting a sick friend in the country we originally connected in. It becomes clear later that she's being truthful. She has a beautiful smile, is a tad shy and totally into me. And I her! Holding hands, touches, deep eye contact, everything. We stop for coffee and take a long walk back to the hotel.

In the room she's a little shy and is just sitting on the bed smiling while I change and get comfortable. At this point I'm thinking that it will take quite a bit of effort for her to warm up. Just to test the waters, I go in for a surprise kiss and she responds passionately! It's like a switch turned on and we are making out like crazy. Frequent use of tongue, little bites and just like long time BFGF. I pick her up and bring to my side of the bed and she's sitting in my lap facing me as we kiss each other like our lives depended on it. I pull down her bra and wowwww! A perfect pair of beautiful natural be's with amazing pink nipples. I start to lick, kiss and bite, and she's in heaven. Starts to grind on my dick while positioning herself to feed me those cute boobies. Now I've read about women whose boobs are connected to the pussy but had not experienced myself. Well that changed! She's moaning like crazy and there more I squeeze her nipples with my lips (not teeth), louder she gets with my hand working its magic down there which is becoming a sloppy mess. After ten or so minutes she can't take it any more and starts to get on top. As much as I want that, I want to slow it down and enjoy her as much as I can. Without saying anything I gently push her back onto the bed and put my dick her mouth. And without saying a word she takes it like a champ! Slow, hard and everything in between. Love this girl. Here's where reading all the Steve reports comes in handy haha. I position myself to her side and while she is blowing me, I start squeezing her boobs with one hand and the rubbing her clit with the other. She is uncontrollable and wants it more and more! Guys you have got to try this. It's unreal!

After a good while, I've been hard and don't want to blow just yet. So I suit up and we go in missionary. Wowww. This is one tight pussy and perfectly lubed naturally for me. I start slow while passionately kissing and biting each other's lips off. Before we know it I'm going hard at it and she is thoroughly enjoying it! This goes on for a while and both of us are feeling a massive build up. She says baby I want us to cum together! Yes we will. More hard banging while covering her mouth and I shoot a huge load in the bag just as I feel her walls shrinking and body shaking like I've never experienced before. So so satisfying. She wraps her arms around me and wants me to stay inside her. We just lay there forever kissing, nibbling, chatting before cleaning up ourselves. She told me her story which confirmed my initial thoughts about her in a good way. Said that doesn't have a lot of experience so want to try this. Man! Did I get lucky or what.

Following our chat I start to get hard again and want to try more positions but she wants to sleep because of a long week for catching up with school following her travels. So we cuddled until we did fall asleep naked in each other's arms. Sometime during the night junior got really excited and I tried to live out my fantasy of slow fucking during sleep but she kinda resisted and I backed off. That would have been that but when the junior is too excited, what do you do? Couldn't sleep well until we both woke up hungry and went down to get a quick breakfast.

Back in the room we literally have ten minutes and my mind is racing as to how to initiate, warm her up AND execute all within ten minutes. Told her (actually insisted haha) that I wanted to eat her out before she leaves and she agreed. With a couple minutes of cunnilingus, she seemed happy to be receiving. Eight more minutes! Got out of my shorts and put my dick in her mouth standing while she was still on her back. She seemed a tad surprised but complied. Three minutes of this and I'm hard as a rock! Decide to take charge and make the last five minutes count. Got on the bed and before she knew it entered her in missionary while kissing her passionately. That look on her face! I'll remember it for a very long time. Surprise, resistance, acceptance, kinda happy, everything! We looked at each other for a couple of seconds and both started laughing hysterically. Problem solved. Okay focus now to get it done. Well not a problem with a huge build up overnight, breakfast in our belly, and some amazing hard stokes. Less than 90 seconds before she had to leave, I remove the cover and my juices splashed all over her body including eyes. Wowzer! Never felt this drained and satisfied. Spend the last 45 seconds helping her clean up and she left in a hurry after a massive kiss and taking her envelope while I sat down to revisit what had just happened.

Definitely one of the more memorable experiences and I hope I can meet her again. We have exchanged a few messages but no plans yet. It's too soon. SA is a gold mine guys. But for those who are willing to put in some effort, show patience and respect, and have a bit of a game.

07-06-22, 12:21
For the most part, you want to target Polanco, Roma, Condesa, and Reforma. Those are the safest and nicest areas. Women generally will not have issues come visiting you if your hotel is in one of those regions as they are generally safe.

That said, I do like to get out some. We went to the Merced market. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Merced_Market.

Everyone said it was dangerous but nothing happened to us. There were so many things for sale there at prices like 1/3 to 1/2 the USA.Thanks Elvis.

Correct, I normally stay in Polanco and love it. I did stay in Remora, one time and I really did not like that area at all, a lot of traffic, and very difficult to get Uber. Stick with Condessa or Polanco, you will love it.I think for this trip I will stay with Polanco and then expand. Thanks man.

So I've had moderate success with Seeking in my country. Completely due to my own circumstances otherwise it could be way way better. But that's a story for another day. This report is a about a meeting I had last week in Europe.

I was on a work trip and reached out to a bunch of prospects. A ton of messages and honed in on a couple of girls (due to being there just two days) but particularly this one girl. Very cute 20 year old with photos and great comms. Turns out it will be difficult to meet due to scheduling difficulties. Ughh. But then she tells me she is going back to her country and that I should come. Normally I'the laugh at something like that but sure, why not see a new place for 24-36 hours especially if it's just a two hour flight! She was extremely reasonable with the benefits so that certainly helped. A lot more to the background story but don't want to bore you.

I arrive on a Saturday morning and go around town for a few hours. She tells me she'll be driving a couple hours now to meet me and let's meeting that evening. I'm a bit skeptical now but keep a game face. She did ask if she should plan on staying the night. Yes, baby! You definitely should! We end up meeting near a pre decided restaurant and she's stunning! Beautiful face, green eyes, long wavy hair, petite frame with very nice natural be's. I'm thinking jackpot! Both of us had chosen to not share photos besides our profile photos and kinda trusted each other's descriptions. It could have been a disaster but dodged the bullet I guess.

At the dinner, conversation flows extremely naturally. Alyssa tells me that I'm only her second meeting and that she was visiting a sick friend in the country we originally connected in. It becomes clear later that she's being truthful. She has a beautiful smile, is a tad shy and totally into me. And I her! Holding hands, touches, deep eye contact, everything. We stop for coffee and take a long walk back to the hotel.

In the room she's a little shy and is just sitting on the bed smiling while I change and get comfortable. At this point I'm thinking that it will take quite a bit of effort for her to warm up. Just to test the waters, I go in for a surprise kiss and she responds passionately! It's like a switch turned on and we are making out like crazy. Frequent use of tongue, little bites and just like long time BFGF. I pick her up and bring to my side of the bed and she's sitting in my lap facing me as we kiss each other like our lives depended on it. I pull down her bra and wowwww! A perfect pair of beautiful natural be's with amazing pink nipples. I start to lick, kiss and bite, and she's in heaven. Starts to grind on my dick while positioning herself to feed me those cute boobies. Now I've read about women whose boobs are connected to the pussy but had not experienced myself. Well that changed! She's moaning like crazy and there more I squeeze her nipples with my lips (not teeth), louder she gets with my hand working its magic down there which is becoming a sloppy mess. After ten or so minutes she can't take it any more and starts to get on top. As much as I want that, I want to slow it down and enjoy her as much as I can. Without saying anything I gently push her back onto the bed and put my dick her mouth. And without saying a word she takes it like a champ! Slow, hard and everything in between. Love this girl. Here's where reading all the Steve reports comes in handy haha. I position myself to her side and while she is blowing me, I start squeezing her boobs with one hand and the rubbing her clit with the other. She is uncontrollable and wants it more and more! Guys you have got to try this. It's unreal!

After a good while, I've been hard and don't want to blow just yet. So I suit up and we go in missionary. Wowww. This is one tight pussy and perfectly lubed naturally for me. I start slow while passionately kissing and biting each other's lips off. Before we know it I'm going hard at it and she is thoroughly enjoying it! This goes on for a while and both of us are feeling a massive build up. She says baby I want us to cum together! Yes we will. More hard banging while covering her mouth and I shoot a huge load in the bag just as I feel her walls shrinking and body shaking like I've never experienced before. So so satisfying. She wraps her arms around me and wants me to stay inside her. We just lay there forever kissing, nibbling, chatting before cleaning up ourselves. She told me her story which confirmed my initial thoughts about her in a good way. Said that doesn't have a lot of experience so want to try this. Man! Did I get lucky or what.

Following our chat I start to get hard again and want to try more positions but she wants to sleep because of a long week for catching up with school following her travels. So we cuddled until we did fall asleep naked in each other's arms. Sometime during the night junior got really excited and I tried to live out my fantasy of slow fucking during sleep but she kinda resisted and I backed off. That would have been that but when the junior is too excited, what do you do? Couldn't sleep well until we both woke up hungry and went down to get a quick breakfast.

Back in the room we literally have ten minutes and my mind is racing as to how to initiate, warm her up AND execute all within ten minutes. Told her (actually insisted haha) that I wanted to eat her out before she leaves and she agreed. With a couple minutes of cunnilingus, she seemed happy to be receiving. Eight more minutes! Got out of my shorts and put my dick in her mouth standing while she was still on her back. She seemed a tad surprised but complied. Three minutes of this and I'm hard as a rock! Decide to take charge and make the last five minutes count. Got on the bed and before she knew it entered her in missionary while kissing her passionately. That look on her face! I'll remember it for a very long time. Surprise, resistance, acceptance, kinda happy, everything! We looked at each other for a couple of seconds and both started laughing hysterically. Problem solved. Okay focus now to get it done. Well not a problem with a huge build up overnight, breakfast in our belly, and some amazing hard stokes. Less than 90 seconds before she had to leave, I remove the cover and my juices splashed all over her body including eyes. Wowzer! Never felt this drained and satisfied. Spend the last 45 seconds helping her clean up and she left in a hurry after a massive kiss and taking her envelope while I sat down to revisit what had just happened.

Definitely one of the more memorable experiences and I hope I can meet her again. We have exchanged a few messages but no plans yet. It's too soon. SA is a gold mine guys. But for those who are willing to put in some effort, show patience and respect, and have a bit of a game.Congrats man. Great report. I would have never traveled for someone I never met. Good for you!

Steve 9696
07-09-22, 18:18
You may recall a couple weeks ago I had an amazing few days with my home girl Shayla and it was truly one of the finest experiences of my life. Now I've kinda repeated with Sylvia about a week later. And damn it was fun also. There's something about Shayla that clicks better and the sex is five times better. But damn it's just great to be with any hot young thing who adores you. It just can't be beat. And I have some recent more transactional sex to compare it to. No comparison.

Okay back to my time with Sylvia. So it turns out I was able to swing a few more days vacay in Europe with Sylvia a week or so ago. This after I met her in London a couple months ago. I float this vacay idea with her, covering her flights and room but offering half our agreed PpM and she is all over it. Think she woulda for free but I surely don't mind dropping her bucks. Here's how it went down as written at the time.

Landed yesterday and spent most of the day and night with Sylvia. Really great girlfriend during the day and we had epic drunken sex last night.

I was actually mildly worried because the last time I saw her we had some difficulty getting sex working for both of us. She is super tight and hard to get in and if it starts to become a chore I start to sag and it's self fulfilling prophesy.

But we fire things up and the kissing is off the charts good. I give her some great DATY and fingering. And she is moaning like a wild woman. I do some Steve 2 which is fingering her during BJ (mentioned a couple posts back by another member). God I love that. Do that a while.

I figure we better let her start on top and ease in. But we need to get a condom. I was hopi g not but she asks and I say yes. As I fetch it she runs to go pee and I go soft. I ask her to BJ me back up but I never get back to where I was.

We are struggling to mount when I have a flash of brilliance and say "maybe we could start without the condom and then finish with it". (We'the been 100% covered sex so far) And she says "good idea". Fuck yeah it's on!

So she mounts up raw and it takes quite some maneuvering and oohing to get me in. Like Chloe. But we finally got it in and the sex is epic. Could never have happened covered.

She rides cow girl a long time but she's a grinder so no benefit to me but she has an O. I swap her to mish and pound away. Kissing also. OMG she feels great bareback.

We fuck a really long time and she is begging harder and faster. And cumming again. She obv wants me to enjoy finishing and suggests doggie. We do that for s while but as she is sagging I push her down to lazy dog and fuck that is fine. I am ramming for all I'm worth and she's squealing and moaning and asking for harder.

At some point I can't hold it and pull out and finish on her butt. She was s little worried I'the cum inside but I assured her I hadn't. I didn't tell her, but I had STD test last week and all negative so I feel good about that too. Oh and she says "good idea getting rid of the condom". LOL. About twenty minutes later she says she can feel her legs again. Now that's a good fucking!

Anyhow it's epic. And I love picking out her dresses for dinner. Just finished that up. And fucking later of course. Life is good!!


That's the only sex stuff I wrote down but the entire weekend of BFGF was just wonderful. There is absolutely nothing like having a real girlfriend — or two! LOL. More on that next post!

Steve 9696
07-09-22, 18:38
First things first. Epic post by Chola. Soooo glad you scored that grand slam. I agree with the other poster who said mega ballsy to travel to someone you don't know. So 90 Days! And yet it worked. Glass half full is a style that results in a few fails but some epic success. Congrats. And glad you tried the Steve 2. It's life changing. Nothing like it if you like BJ and fingering. Plus tits. Awesome.

So I guess I've been a bit over sexed but it's given me perspective. In the past few weeks I've had trips with Sylvia and Shayla, had a one night SA lay, and had two girls at the FKK. So two real GFs and three rather transactional meets. (The SA girl struck me as rather pro but not so good at it. LOL.).

And here's where I stand. Transactional sex is great. If you don't have the option of more meaningful date-night sex. Single night date-night sex is awesome. If you don't have the option of a multi-day vacation with a Hot GF. Hot GF weekends are fabulous. Unless you have the option of hot GF weekend with a girl you are smitten with and is a sex goddess. That's where I stand.

So sure. I loved the transactional sex. And I adored my days with Sylvia. Would repeat in a heartbeat. But I am not drawn to her the same as Shayla. And when the pussy sex and the BJ solid but not exceptional there is no comparison with Shayla, who absolutely slays in bed. (It took us a while to find out passion/rhythm actually the first few dates were OK. Its interesting to see how much better its become. )

I once wrote down a top five list. Top BJ. Top kissing. Top sex. Top whatever. And Shayla slays the sex categories. She's a top five in kissing, BJ, sex, passion and who knows what else. Oh. Smile. And just making you feel like a million bucks. When she runs up to you, throws her legs around you and smothers you in a million kisses. What a keeper. Just going to enjoy her as long as I can.

I have a friend who plays the game. And he once gave me the advice that when ur current girl winds down theres always a better one. u just have to keep going. And I wasnt sure I believed him. But he was right. I didn't think Thifany could be exceeded. Alexa finally dethroned her (and remains still a top 2 girl). But Shayla has topped even Alexa and slayed my dragon and I am her man as long as she'll have me. But u know what? Theres a better girl still ahead. Doesnt seem possible. But hey thats what I thought with Thif. Then Alexa. Shes out there somewhere

Steve 9696
07-09-22, 19:24
Just sitting here chatting with Sylvia about our time together. And was reminded of a great moment. Life is just a series of moments. And they are MADE. Make as many as you can.

We'the had an epic day on the water and decided to stay in for the night. Went for a bottle of wine and were drinking it on the balcony four stories above a very busy pedestrian area. We did comment before going out there that you can't see it from the street.

We had a glass or two just chatting. But after a while my proper lawyer girl comes and sits on my lap. We continue to chat and kiss a bit. But the próximity has us worked up. After a while I am squeezing her tits and eventually push up her bikini top for full access. She's quite the posh and proper girl and you could feel a boundary being stretched.

A few more minutes of tits and kissing and I start to pull the release string. She says "you're not taking my top off." and I say "yes I am" and proceed to do so. You can tell she loves that I've pushed her past that boundary. A good SD is more than just a guy that fucks you. You grow a bit together. We take it inside shortly thereafter and have some truly great drunk sex but damn that moment will stay with both of us forever.

07-09-22, 22:37
Hey man, London was my trip right before Montreal and I thought I wrote an update, but just checked and I didn't.

London was hard for me also, expensive, and never got my full PSE experiences that I search for with SA.

I also had to resort to gorilla warfare which I hate to do.

Additionally, I think the base rate for London is not 3-400 gbp for 8+ white woman. I was paying 500-600 for the night plus the drinking / food.

I was there 6 days and only managed 3 woman / 4.

Encounters, but I had a busy work schedule in the evenings. A lot of pros in London, but I have a feeling prices are coming down.

I had one who was 25, blond / blue eyes, solid 8, fit as fuck. She was half Croatian or something, works at boutique on Bond st.

GFE+ BBBJ, CIM, BBFS, no cip, couldn't deep throat, couldn't take anal. It was a great night, and it seem she was way more happy than me. 600 gbp.

Another one was 33 yo brunette / brown eyes 7. 5-8 in real life, pics were a 9. From Moldova, has been living in London for 10 yrs. Said she was a lawyer, but can't work as a lawyer or something, they don't recognize her experience so basically some kind of assistant. She is looking for a rich husband bad. But, not hot or young enough to pull down the ballers she wants, imo.

She was GFE only, good fuck, no anal, no deep throat etc. Her body was solid, slim, fake tits, but here feet through me off. Kind of wide, but not big. 600 gbp.

Last one, 22 yo waitress from Spain, the hottest one. Solid 8. 5, tall, slim, real tits, tats. Just a hot girl. She was GFE++ BBFS, CIM, cip no anal, no deep throat. 500 gbp.

What I mean by gorilla warfare: I did not negotiate. I had to change my message to this basically:" I'm in town from NYC visiting my London office which I do 2 x a month. Staying at the Four Seasons in Mayfair. I want a beautiful woman who can hold a conversation, use a fork and join me for dinner at Gordon Ramsay's Lucky Cat. You must be able to wear high heels and walk in them. Not a plutonic experience. If we click I will bring you to a private after hour club, and we finish with you taking off your heels in my company. ".

Now I switched dinner restaurants to "Coya" and "Madhus of Mayfair" for the woman. These are lively places, centrally located, so I could leave or she could leave.

You probably don't have access to the private after hour clubs, everything closes at 11 pm basically in London. So you have less time to work your game.

I discussed ppm day of meeting with all.

The Moldovan came back for me another night for free, but it cost me dinner to fuck her.

Hope that helps.

It was a lot of work. Next time I may stick with Diva. But, it's hard for me to get that real uninhibited PSE sex that I desire from a pro lately. There are a few, but it costs way more.

Good luck, don't be hard. And don't believe London is easy. There are still a lot of Arabs there throwing money around.I'm curious why the costs are so high. 600 pounds? That's $720 us dollars LOL. I would never pay that much.

If a man is in their 30's, decent looking, and with some level of game, I would think they could bag one of these british hoes for no more than 200 pounds.

Ideally I want to pay as little as possible.

07-10-22, 02:10
I'm curious why the costs are so high. 600 pounds? That's $720 us dollars LOL. I would never pay that much.

If a man is in their 30's, decent looking, and with some level of game, I would think they could bag one of these british hoes for no more than 200 pounds.

Ideally I want to pay as little as possible.I think maybe the wrong question is asked. The right question ought to be what is 600 pounds worth to me? Is it worth an hour of my time or maybe more or maybe not at all?

I think it is all a matter of perspective. Instead of asking how much is the girl worth, maybe a better question to ask is how much is my time worth? The typical profile of SD in SA are going to be different than the rest and will more likely to skew higher income and higher net worth.

Also, I guess if one has game, he does not even need to pay.

07-10-22, 03:08
This is a compound equation. Is she worth x? The answer is almost always absolutely not, if you just want sex with a pretty girl, go to an AMP or *****house; they're cheaper and there are a lot fewer flakes.

Given what I want (and more importantly, what's available at that given time) is dropping 700 to get something I want worth it to me? Only the buyer can answer that (for the record my answer has been yes twice in the last year but less than that with 4 or 5 other girls).

I honestly believe I've found the secret sauce on that site. I get a lot of positive feedback from my profile but I am also extremely picky. For every 20 girls who contact me unsolicited, I may be open to 1 of them. For every 10 girls I'm interested in (I've not run into 20 I was interested in on a one month subscription and I never go more than a month), I will get at least half that reply to me. From there, if there's chemistry in the texting we meet, if not I walk away. I won't try to bag them if they're just attractive, I want the chemistry and the mental connection too. I like the mentoring and helping them out. It costs me money and time but the amounts have no discernable effect on the rest of my life so I don't worry about it. I don't see how it makes any sense for a man twice, or more, her age to try to get her for as cheap as possible or free. In a situation like this there has to be something tangible that gets exchanged. There are some girls looking for real relationships and I've met a doctor before so the person is also going to dictate the price (Dr didn't want anything and I saw her twice). I've also heard of plenty of wealthy girls looking for their equals so they don't have to "date down" and SA seems like a reasonable place to do that so long as you have the patience to sift through the wannabes and fakers. I've met enough girls to know that there are a significant number of legitimately successful men there.

The numbers mean nothing, it's just a way to keep score in a game you're playing by yourself. What sense does that make?

I think maybe the wrong question is asked. The right question ought to be what is 600 pounds worth to me? Is it worth an hour of my time or maybe more or maybe not at all?

I think it is all a matter of perspective. Instead of asking how much is the girl worth, maybe a better question to ask is how much is my time worth? The typical profile of SD in SA are going to be different than the rest and will more likely to skew higher income and higher net worth.

Also, I guess if one has game, he does not even need to pay.

07-10-22, 05:47
I'm curious why the costs are so high. 600 pounds? That's $720 us dollars LOL. I would never pay that much.

If a man is in their 30's, decent looking, and with some level of game, I would think they could bag one of these british hoes for no more than 200 pounds.

Ideally I want to pay as little as possible.600 is nothing in certain areas. It's insignificant to me for what I'm looking for.

I don't want long term. I want 1 night, few weeks, maybe a few months with the right one.

I am paying lifetime alimony at $285K USD a year to my ex-wife.

I'm about quality. Columbia is the place for cheap pussy.

The performance of escorts are going down hill in London, imo.

I think maybe the wrong question is asked. The right question ought to be what is 600 pounds worth to me? Is it worth an hour of my time or maybe more or maybe not at all?

I think it is all a matter of perspective. Instead of asking how much is the girl worth, maybe a better question to ask is how much is my time worth? The typical profile of SD in SA are going to be different than the rest and will more likely to skew higher income and higher net worth.

Also, I guess if one has game, he does not even need to pay.I agree.

Also, it depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Easy to go out try for one night stands, but still paying the bar tab and a little tedious if you're alone in a foreign city.

07-10-22, 13:52
I've been talking to this girl in London, tried to meet last weekend but it fell through. Made plans to meet today but she's been checking to see if we're meeting since around 9 am, about 3 times so far. The last time I met a new girl on seeking and went straight to a hotel I got robbed and she was very eager to meet too. Called and texted multiple times to make sure I was coming. Probably going to trust my gut and bail but wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Also hasn't asked for my photo so might be a pro.

07-10-22, 14:11
I've been talking to this girl in London, tried to meet last weekend but it fell through. Made plans to meet today but she's been checking to see if we're meeting since around 9 am, about 3 times so far. The last time I met a new girl on seeking and went straight to a hotel I got robbed and she was very eager to meet too. Called and texted multiple times to make sure I was coming. Probably going to trust my gut and bail but wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Also hasn't asked for my photo so might be a pro.No photo- pro. Block her. Even the semi-pros ask for pics.

07-11-22, 13:09
No photo- pro. Block her. Even the semi-pros ask for pics.Agreed. Red flag for me too. Last month was proposing a girl and she accepted my arrangement without asking for my photos. Huge red flag. I politely told her I canceled my trip. It just smelled bad.

07-11-22, 17:29
Agreed. Red flag for me too. Last month was proposing a girl and she accepted my arrangement without asking for my photos. Huge red flag. I politely told her I canceled my trip. It just smelled bad.I have taken it a step further. First, I ask for pictures and then I take the conversation to WhatsApp. After we have a brief conversation on WhatsApp, I discuss what I am willing to pay for a meeting. I have a generic message, I just change what I am willing to pay depending on there looks. After we agree on a price, I say let's have a Video Chat and then we can set up a meeting. This has eliminated most of the scams and b. S.

Remember I am strictly dealing with girls in CDMX. If they like you or truly interested in meeting, none of this will be an issue. I was wasting a lot of time, the Video Chat, makes a huge difference. They can still hide a flaw, but much harder after a video chat.

Another thing, trust your gut, if you have doubts verify.

07-11-22, 18:58
I have taken it a step further. First, I ask for pictures and then I take the conversation to WhatsApp. After we have a brief conversation on WhatsApp, I discuss what I am willing to pay for a meeting. I have a generic message, I just change what I am willing to pay depending on there looks. After we agree on a price, I say let's have a Video Chat and then we can set up a meeting. This has eliminated most of the scams and b. S.

Remember I am strictly dealing with girls in CDMX. If they like you or truly interested in meeting, none of this will be an issue. I was wasting a lot of time, the Video Chat, makes a huge difference. They can still hide a flaw, but much harder after a video chat.

Another thing, trust your gut, if you have doubts verify.So my method is almost the same.

I switch to text or WhatsApp after I have any interest. The ones that are serious will do that no problem. After a few texts I ask for a video call for both our safety. If it's a no, then no further.

When it gets to arrangement. I mention ppm and my donation. For those that don't bring it up I wait till after dinner / drinks when I ask to go up to the room, depending on the mood.

Back in MOntreal next week and from there to Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, SFO. Have dates set up in all locations.

Will see how it goes. I know Montreal and Vancouver will be slam dunks because have had a few video chats and they have been already trying on outfits and lingerie during the video for our dates.

Elvis 2008
07-11-22, 21:28
I'm curious why the costs are so high. 600 pounds? That's $720 us dollars LOL. I would never pay that much.

If a man is in their 30's, decent looking, and with some level of game, I would think they could bag one of these British hoes for no more than 200 pounds.

Ideally I want to pay as little as possible.The game with seeking is finding the best possible women. What are the criteria a woman must meet for you to be only with her? Set your criteria as high as you want: a 10 in looks, 10 in bed, great chef, never depressed. Go on and on. The hunt and often the fun part is looking for and finding the best.

Thing is if you ever find a woman that meets those crazy high criteria, you are not going to give a shit how much she costs and if she cares about you, she will care much more about spending time with you than spending your money.

If you are just focused on getting laid on the cheap, stick with the WGs.

07-12-22, 00:08
I am paying lifetime alimony at $285K USD a year to my ex-wife.
The screwing you get for what little screwing you got!

07-12-22, 22:47
Back in MOntreal next week and from there to Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, SFO. Have dates set up in all locations.What is the general vibe for seeking & SBs in Canada particularly Vancouver?

Steve 9696
07-20-22, 16:31
Wow. So quiet in here. Surely someone is fucking some hottie somewhere? Do tell.

Personally still coming down off the high of mini vacations with Shayla and Sylvia, respectively. Saw Shayla again on my regular schedule and so great to see her after 3 weeks apart. She got out of her car and literally ran to me and showered me in kisses. You cannot buy that shit! Epic edge of bed (me standing. Her on her tummy) with doe eyes tilted up to me. Slow and sensual and deep with plenty of BLS. She knows how I like it. What a girl!

I am also reminded about how LAME SA is in some cities. Looking at a second tier city where I already have a hottie, I thought hey let me just see what's out there. Fat ugly girls. Pages of them. OMG I can't unsee that who in gods name would pay for sex with these fuglies. I hate to be judgmental. I really do. But damn that was fucking depressing. Counting my good fortune!

Steve 9696
07-20-22, 18:39
Wow. So quiet in here. Surely someone is fucking some hottie somewhere? Do tell.

Personally still coming down off the high of mini vacations with Shayla and Sylvia, respectively. Saw Shayla again on my regular schedule and so great to see her after 3 weeks apart. She got out of her car and literally ran to me and showered me in kisses. You cannot buy that shit! Epic edge of bed (me standing. Her on her tummy) with doe eyes tilted up to me. Slow and sensual and deep with plenty of BLS. She knows how I like it. What a girl!

I am also reminded about how LAME SA is in some cities. Looking at a second tier city where I already have a hottie, I thought hey let me just see what's out there. Fat ugly girls. Pages of them. OMG I can't unsee that who in gods name would pay for sex with these fuglies. I hate to be judgmental. I really do. But damn that was fucking depressing. Counting my good fortune!We'll soon as I wrote this I got some bad news. I was poking SA because I got a vibe from Liz that maybe she was not keen on a meetup. I went the direct route and sure enough she's got a BF and she's putting SA behind her. Not too surprising as she's hitting 25 and starting to think forward. We originally met when she was 22 or 23. And they do grow up and age out. LOL. Going to hold onto Alexa, Shayla, and Sylvia as long as I can. Alexa def could age out also having just turned 25. Boooooo!

Ok time to surf the fuglies looking for a diamond! 😂.

The Cane
07-20-22, 22:52
Wow. So quiet in here. Surely someone is fucking some hottie somewhere? Do tell.I'm still in touch with my now ex-sugar baby. Like I said, we really did establish a connection and a true friendship, but she moved about 6 hours away. So, we couldn't keep seeing each other like we had been doing. I have no doubt that we would resume bareback fucking if and when the opportunity presented itself. That's some tight "blondinka" pussy!

07-21-22, 02:04
I'm still in touch with my now ex-sugar baby. Like I said, we really did establish a connection and a true friendship, but she moved about 6 hours away. So, we couldn't keep seeing each other like we had been doing. I have no doubt that we would resume bareback fucking if and when the opportunity presented itself. That's some tight "blondinka" pussy!When the model dumped me I was not prepared. I knew it would happen one day, but I was not prepared, I was pretty upset and devastated. I never stopped seeing other girls, because she would not full commit. The arrangement was a great 2 years, the last few months were not as good.

The good things is this motivated me to move on from MTY to CDMX. I absolutely love it there. The girls I am meeting there are beautiful, fun and smart. CDMX has great energy food, music and so much fun. So guess getting dumped was a good thing. We still talk periodically, and who knows what the future will bring, but my days in MTY are over for now.

07-21-22, 05:12
Wow. So quiet in here. Surely someone is fucking some hottie somewhere? Do tell.

Personally still coming down off the high of mini vacations with Shayla and Sylvia, respectively. Saw Shayla again on my regular schedule and so great to see her after 3 weeks apart. She got out of her car and literally ran to me and showered me in kisses. You cannot buy that shit! Epic edge of bed (me standing. Her on her tummy) with doe eyes tilted up to me. Slow and sensual and deep with plenty of BLS. She knows how I like it. What a girl!

I am also reminded about how LAME SA is in some cities. Looking at a second tier city where I already have a hottie, I thought hey let me just see what's out there. Fat ugly girls. Pages of them. OMG I can't unsee that who in gods name would pay for sex with these fuglies. I hate to be judgmental. I really do. But damn that was fucking depressing. Counting my good fortune!Where's the sweet spot for seeking? Somewhere in between tier 1 cities that are super expensive and dead tier 2 cities? Or just south america LOL?

07-21-22, 05:38
Where's the sweet spot for seeking? Somewhere in between tier 1 cities that are super expensive and dead tier 2 cities? Or just south america LOL?I have had good success in Asia. Korea in particular where I had a Korea / British / South African / Mexican Sugar babies. Wasn't very expensive. An average of 300 dollars allowance whenever I see them.

Back home in state side, It is very expensive for sure but really there is no level of companionship even for large Wad of cash. They just see you as an ATM here.

Elvis 2008
07-21-22, 09:21
Where's the sweet spot for seeking? Somewhere in between tier 1 cities that are super expensive and dead tier 2 cities? Or just south america LOL?I am not sure you are going to get anywhere good in the USA unless you pay top $$, but you have Eastern Canada, parts of Europe, some cities in Mexico, and most / much of South America. The one place we have not heard from that has a lot of women on seeking is Lima, Peru. I wrote a lot of women there, got good responses, and have banged some P4P women there (not terribly attractive like Colombia but pretty sweet and skilled), but I did not follow through and go there. Given so much of P4P has dried up in Lima, I wonder what the deal is there. Anyone had any luck with Peru?

07-21-22, 16:16
I have had good success in Asia. Korea in particular where I had a Korea / British / South African / Mexican Sugar babies. Wasn't very expensive. An average of 300 dollars allowance whenever I see them.

Back home in state side, It is very expensive for sure but really there is no level of companionship even for large Wad of cash. They just see you as an ATM here.I still feel that Colombia provides the biggest bang for the buck at a third of the average cost that you just mentioned, and I am getting high quality SBs there.

I have not tried SB in Asia yet but will soon find out later in the year.

07-21-22, 17:40
I still feel that Colombia provides the biggest bang for the buck at a third of the average cost that you just mentioned, and I am getting high quality SBs there.

I have not tried SB in Asia yet but will soon find out later in the year.Colombia is the last place I would go. Cheap maybe, quality bad.

07-21-22, 18:47
I still feel that Colombia provides the biggest bang for the buck at a third of the average cost that you just mentioned, and I am getting high quality SBs there.

I have not tried SB in Asia yet but will soon find out later in the year.Ggekko BRo, understood with thanks. Haven't been to Columbia but maybe need to add it to my List. Any pointers?

07-22-22, 01:08
Ggekko BRo, understood with thanks. Haven't been to Columbia but maybe need to add it to my List. Any pointers?You are already on SA. Just bring the conversation off SA onto WhatsApp when you get the first chance. I usually prefer WhatsApp over Telegram for various reasons. I would usually say something generic that would not get you banned from the platform. Something along the line, I am looking for an arrangement with mutual benefits. We can chat on WhatsApp if you are interested. More likely than not, they will give you their WhatsApp number. Then you can bring up anything on WhatsApp. They know what kind of arrangement it is.

Let them initiate the price and see if it is the range that you are expecting. I don't usually negotiate on the price with them. I have tried to negotiate on the price a few times initially in the past, and many will just end the conversation on the spot. For some reason, I get the feeling that these girls feel insulted if you tried to do so. I would usually use a gentler approach like What is your financial expectation? After chatting with so many of them, I get a feel of what the market rate and range is. It's amazing how the economics of supply and demand work on pricing. I will either accept or not, but will try to negotiate for other non-monetary stuff if I am to move forward.

Use a translation app when chatting with them. If you are using Android, I like to use the SwiftKey keyboard from Microsoft. It has built in Translation in the keyboard, and it feels more natural when typing in English and have it translate in Spanish on the spot. I always tell them I am very fluent in Spanish only on WhatsApp, jejeje.

07-22-22, 01:19
You are already on SA. Just bring the conversation off SA onto WhatsApp when you get the first chance. I usually prefer WhatsApp over Telegram for various reasons. I would usually say something generic that would not get you banned from the platform. Something along the line, I am looking for an arrangement with mutual benefits. We can chat on WhatsApp if you are interested. More likely than not, they will give you their WhatsApp number. Then you can bring up anything on WhatsApp. They know what kind of arrangement it is.

Let them initiate the price and see if it is the range that you are expecting. I don't usually negotiate on the price with them. I have tried to negotiate on the price a few times initially in the past, and many will just end the conversation on the spot. For some reason, I get the feeling that these girls feel insulted if you tried to do so. I would usually use a gentler approach like What is your financial expectation? After chatting with so many of them, I get a feel of what the market rate and range is. It's amazing how the economics of supply and demand work on pricing. I will either accept or not, but will try to negotiate for other non-monetary stuff if I am to move forward.

Use a translation app when chatting with them. If you are using Android, I like to use the SwiftKey keyboard from Microsoft. It has built in Translation in the keyboard, and it feels more natural when typing in English and have it translate in Spanish on the spot. I always tell them I am very fluent in Spanish only on WhatsApp, jejeje.Thank you. Much Obliged.

Frank Lucas
07-22-22, 02:32
Colombia is the last place I would go. Cheap maybe, quality bad.Maybe you had a bad time there and can't get over it as every time someone posts about Colombia you have something negative to say. Colombia has some of the most beautiful women around. Hell, even their mannequins are fine, LOL.

I enjoy reading your posts and the information you provide but can you stop trolling Colombia in every thread that mentions it. You ain't changing no bodys mind about visiting the place.


07-22-22, 02:47
Maybe you had a bad time there and can't get over it as every time someone posts about Colombia you have something negative to say. Colombia has some of the most beautiful women around. Hell, even their mannequins are fine, LOL.

I enjoy reading your posts and the information you provide but can you stop trolling Colombia in every thread that mentions it. You ain't changing no bodys mind about visiting the place.

FrankTotally disagree, Colombian Girls and MDE both are totally over rated. I can not speak about other cites, but I have met lots of Colombian in Mexico and the states, way over rated. Instant block for me now. Mexican women and European girls blow them away. Probably Asia girls as well. I even like American girls better then Colombian. Sorry. MDE totally sucks. Call it what you want, trolling is fine with me.

07-22-22, 03:43
I arrived Sunday, because of a mix up in flights and a bad summer cold or Covid. Also, there was a mix and I did not get my regular apartment, all minor setbacks. Sunday, I met 2 regular girls. I met one during the day and one in the late afternoon.

That evening I met a Russian, crazy as hell and totally living fir the moment, typical Russian. We ended smoking Hookah and I was drinking at RosaNegra, until 1 am. Not a great idea if you have to work Monday. We closed the place down. She ended up spending the night, we had sex 3 times. We wake up and she leaves, I do some work. I meet another new girl, she took the bus, 90 minute ride. Very cute and smart girl. She was a total freak. Monday night I was suppose to go out luckily the girl canceled and we met Tuesday evening. I was exhausted. CDMX keeps getting better and better. I will be back Saturday.

07-22-22, 03:59
As I have talked about in the past, you can find girls from all over the world in CDMX. There are all kinds of Colombian girls in CDMX, if that is your thing then knock yourself out. You will probably be disappointed and you will overpay. If you want Colombian girls just go Colombia it will be way cheaper. Not to mention, the once I have met in Mexico have some high standards. They all claim to be models and the Mexican dudes love Colombian girls, so they totally spoil them.

There are also Venezuela, but not as many. You also have the Russian and Euro girls. These girls are going to be $250 plus, so be prepared, but they can be a lot of fun.

07-22-22, 09:45
Wow. So quiet in here. Surely someone is fucking some hottie somewhere? Do tell.
I read more than I post here but the info here is valuable.

07-22-22, 09:54
Maybe you had a bad time there and can't get over it as every time someone posts about Colombia you have something negative to say. Colombia has some of the most beautiful women around. Hell, even their mannequins are fine, LOL.

FrankHaving spent months there and a few trips, and met many girls. I can say there are lots of bad ones. If you pay 600 COP or more you will get the amazing ones. If you pay nothing it takes a lot more time. LOL If you are a "monger" and think it's a game. There are also the reverse of this in the female version that will accept your $. LOL beware. If you pay nothing there are some knockouts available also but they will figure out very quickly what games you play. I will be back this fall. MX next week.

Steve 9696
07-22-22, 15:24
Got to say I love the realness of my current engagement with Shayla. Conversation is effortless and the sex is to die for. But I really love being treated as her boyfriend not her daddy. We were chatting recently at dinner and she was recounting some story with her friends and telling them about her boyfriend like I was a guy same age as her. It just feels great to have that ego stroke. Not to mention she looked killer in her crop top, booty shorts, and heels. I'd say I wonder what the older couples at the restaurant think of us but that would be a lie. I totally don't give a fuck! 😂.

07-22-22, 15:46
As I have talked about in the past, you can find girls from all over the world in CDMX. There are all kinds of Colombian girls in CDMX, if that is your thing then knock yourself out. You will probably be disappointed and you will overpay. If you want Colombian girls just go Colombia it will be way cheaper. Not to mention, the once I have met in Mexico have some high standards. They all claim to be models and the Mexican dudes love Colombian girls, so they totally spoil them.

There are also Venezuela, but not as many. You also have the Russian and Euro girls. These girls are going to be $250 plus, so be prepared, but they can be a lot of fun.I can't speak for CDMX since I have not been there. My philosophy is that I will try to stick to local or nearby girls whenever possible.

I remember pre-covid, I met a Colombian girl in a bar in Singapore offering $800. I said thanks but no thanks. I don't fly halfway around the world to get a taste of that. I can easily fly to Colombia.

I would go for the Vietnamese girls when in Singapore because that's the place where the good ones go. For Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand, I would go for the local girls.

For Eastern European and German girls, Germany will be the destination. I probably have covered the whole Eastern Europe region just in Germany alone, LOL. For some reason, I just don't have a liking or interest for Russian girls.

07-22-22, 17:24
I can't speak for CDMX since I have not been there. My philosophy is that I will try to stick to local or nearby girls whenever possible.

I remember pre-covid, I met a Colombian girl in a bar in Singapore offering $800. I said thanks but no thanks. I don't fly halfway around the world to get a taste of that. I can easily fly to Colombia.

I would go for the Vietnamese girls when in Singapore because that's the place where the good ones go. For Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand, I would go for the local girls.

For Eastern European and German girls, Germany will be the destination. I probably have covered the whole Eastern Europe region just in Germany alone, LOL. For some reason, I just don't have a liking or interest for Russian girls.Physically I am attracted to Russian's, and most are intelligent, but they are just delusional. They hate work and love vacation, very bad combination. They are all about the moment, I do respect this, but not if it impacts your standard of living or you put yourself in danger. Colombian are just lazy and delusional.

I do not have many rules, But if your fat Asses is bigger then mine you are not a model!!

Elvis 2008
07-22-22, 22:00
Maybe you had a bad time there and can't get over it as every time someone posts about Colombia you have something negative to say. Colombia has some of the most beautiful women around. Hell, even their mannequins are fine, LOL.

I enjoy reading your posts and the information you provide but can you stop trolling Colombia in every thread that mentions it. You ain't changing no bodys mind about visiting the place.

FrankFrank, given how much Colombia is posted about on ISG, I think it is refreshing to have a negative POV on it. For all the talk about Santa Fe in Bogota, the women there are for the most part very unattractive. About half I would call flat out disgusting. Medellin has the drugs and women drugging you. Conning people is a way of life. The people in Cartagena bug the shit out of tourists.

DF said the Mexican guys love Colombian women, and I agree. Truth is my gal and I were in Mexico and a cabbie asked my gal if she were Colombian. She said yes and asked how he knew. Of course, I knew. The fact is the top looking women in Colombian and Venezuela are better looking than the top Mexicans but the top is hard to find and harder to land. Most of the time when I found a top looking Colombian woman she was cocky, selfish and an unending bottomless pit of need. That is not only what DF is warning about but what Don Carlos is as well.

DF did not use seeking when he was in Colombia and for the guys here that is how I recommend they do Colombia. To me, you have to go for the upper echelons of Colombian society to see the kind of civility you see from most women in Mexico. There is a lot of the stripper get every cent you can out of a a guy attitude that you do not see other places.

If you want to do Colombia IMO you go after the white collar working women or college students. Bang whomever you want, but I would not try to have any type of mutualistic sugar baby type relationship with anyone other than that and even then, I would be very selective.

07-22-22, 23:15
Unfortunately now in sex prison US.

Any idea how to get a burner SIM. Without having my name tied to it?

Of course can get a prepaid with identity tied but trying if I could get one without.


07-22-22, 23:54
Unfortunately now in sex prison US.

Any idea how to get a burner SIM. Without having my name tied to it?

Of course can get a prepaid with identity tied but trying if I could get one without.

Thanks.I thought sa is legal in US so no burner phone needed. Am I missing something?

07-23-22, 00:26
Unfortunately now in sex prison US.

Any idea how to get a burner SIM. Without having my name tied to it?

Of course can get a prepaid with identity tied but trying if I could get one without.

Here is another option without the need for a burner phone.

Sign up for a new Gmail account with any name. Then create a new Google Voice and tie it to any number when you need to get verified. Once done, unlink that number from your GV. You can install GV app on your smart phone. Any call and text to your GV can now be received on that app.

If you have a Samsung Galaxy phone, you can even activate the Secure Folder. It is another layer that allows me to run a separate app with separate profiles. I have Notes 20 Ultra, and I have two GV profiles running, including two separate Whatsapp profiles running simultaneously on a single phone.

I like to keep things separate and anonymous without any attribution back. So you get the idea.

07-23-22, 02:29
Here is another option without the need for a burner phone.

Sign up for a new Gmail account with any name. Then create a new Google Voice and tie it to any number when you need to get verified. Once done, unlink that number from your GV. You can install GV app on your smart phone. Any call and text to your GV can now be received on that app.

If you have a Samsung Galaxy phone, you can even activate the Secure Folder. It is another layer that allows me to run a separate app with separate profiles. I have Notes 20 Ultra, and I have two GV profiles running, including two separate Whatsapp profiles running simultaneously on a single phone.

I like to keep things separate and anonymous without any attribution back. So you get the idea.SA will still have your credit card information, unless you have another idea? Get a debit card in another name? Prepaid debit card? Ideas?

07-23-22, 03:17
As I have talked about in the past, you can find girls from all over the world in CDMX. There are all kinds of Colombian girls in CDMX, if that is your thing then knock yourself out. You will probably be disappointed and you will overpay. If you want Colombian girls just go Colombia it will be way cheaper. Not to mention, the once I have met in Mexico have some high standards. They all claim to be models and the Mexican dudes love Colombian girls, so they totally spoil them.

There are also Venezuela, but not as many. You also have the Russian and Euro girls. These girls are going to be $250 plus, so be prepared, but they can be a lot of fun.I agree, the best place to meet Colombian girls is Colombia. If one wants to fuck Russians, one needs to travel to Russia. Once girls from 3rd world or developing countries cross the border and find themselves in a rich / developed country or city, they quickly become spoiled. Some switch just turns on in their brains and most will never be back to normal. I once chatted with a seeking girl when I was in Bogota about a year ago, and she said she used to study in Seattle but because of the pandemic and visa issues had to come back to Colombia. She said IT guys in Seattle paid her up to $1000 per date. She became totally spoiled. I told her we were not in Seattle, and she replied, "yeah, I understand, that sucks, this is why for you my rate is $300", I just laughed at her and obviously passed. Those lucky Colombians that ever been to the US quickly start quoting prices in USD even after they get back to Colombia.

07-23-22, 03:54
I thought sa is legal in US so no burner phone needed. Am I missing something?SA does not even ask you for a phone number. Maybe it could be used for their Two Factor Authentication. I would just use MFA app for that instead of a phone text for authentication. More secure that way anyway. I assume the OP intention is to hide his identity when communicating with other SBs.

07-23-22, 04:09
Frank, given how much Colombia is posted about on ISG, I think it is refreshing to have a negative POV on it. For all the talk about Santa Fe in Bogota, the women there are for the most part very unattractive. About half I would call flat out disgusting. Medellin has the drugs and women drugging you. Conning people is a way of life. The people in Cartagena bug the shit out of tourists.


If you want to do Colombia IMO you go after the white collar working women or college students. Bang whomever you want, but I would not try to have any type of mutualistic sugar baby type relationship with anyone other than that and even then, I would be very selective.I am not really into girls in Santa Fe or casas. In my view, those are not SBs at all but just pure pros. My interactions with the Colombian SBs have always been with either college students or white collar girls in Bogota. Plus as others have mentioned, I tend to stay away from those who would quote me in dollars. It's the attitude and unrealistic expectations that may come with it that I am weary of.

07-23-22, 04:17
I agree, the best place to meet Colombian girls is Colombia. If one wants to fuck Russians, one needs to travel to Russia. Once girls from 3rd world or developing countries cross the border and find themselves in a rich / developed country or city, they quickly become spoiled. Some switch just turns on in their brains and most will never be back to normal. I once chatted with a seeking girl when I was in Bogota about a year ago, and she said she used to study in Seattle but because of the pandemic and visa issues had to come back to Colombia. She said IT guys in Seattle paid her up to $1000 per date. She became totally spoiled. I told her we were not in Seattle, and she replied, "yeah, I understand, that sucks, this is why for you my rate is $300", I just laughed at her and obviously passed. Those lucky Colombians that ever been to the US quickly start quoting prices in USD even after they get back to Colombia.So true. I have average Colombian girls asking for crazy numbers in CDMX. Once they tell me they are Colombian instant block now, it is just a waste of time and I am just not attracted to them at all.

I was out sick last week and was on SA way too much. I must of had 8-10 Colombian contact me. I only target CDMX, sone were pretending to be in CDMX, but most actually live in CDMX. There is so many Colombian Chicks in CDMX, crazy.

I Have found Russian girls to be a little more reasonable at first, but I do not put too much effort into Russian girls anymore, they just want travel the world, this is not the lifestyle I am looking for. It amazes me what they give up and the sacrifice they are will to make to travel.

07-23-22, 04:22
I am not really into girls in Santa Fe or casas. In my view, those are not SBs at all but just pure pros. My interactions with the Colombian SBs have always been with either college students or white collar girls in Bogota. Plus as others have mentioned, I tend to stay away from those who would quote me in dollars. It's the attitude and unrealistic expectations that may come with it that I am weary of.Finally, some good advice and an honest assessment of Colombia. Yes, there some hot girls, but it takes a lot of work, time and money. You are not going role in and hook up with a super hot girl, especially In MDE. I think the other cities are a much better option.

07-23-22, 04:31
Totally disagree, Colombian Girls and MDE both are totally over rated. I can not speak about other cites, but I have met lots of Colombian in Mexico and the states, way over rated. Instant block for me now. Mexican women and European girls blow them away. Probably Asia girls as well. I even like American girls better then Colombian. Sorry. MDE totally sucks. Call it what you want, trolling is fine with me.Again, you are comparing apples to oranges. Colombians in CDMX and USA are not the same as Colombians in Colombia. Speaking of mexican girls vs colombian girls, I think most of us would agree that an average Colombian is hotter than average Mexican. Top Colombian girls and top Mexican girls are probably on the same level in terms of attractiveness, however in Colombia the sheer quantity of top girls is bigger. CDMX girls are much more diverse compared to Bogota or Medellin, which is a good thing if you like them in different shapes and sizes, but if you see a hot girl on the street in CDMX, most likely she is not Mexican, but Colombian, European, etc. - so this comparison is not quite fair.

DF, you have much more experience in Mexico, but I'm more experienced in Colombia because I spend here the majority of my time off outside of USA. I really don't think Mexicans are in any way superior to Colombians. And speaking of attitude or performance in bed, both nationalities could be good or bad, that depends on each girl's personality and chemistry between the two. My experience with Seeking in MDE / BOG has always been a rollercoaster. A mix of awesome, okay and shitty dates, while in CDMX it has been steady good, but not exceptional. My best dates in Colombia beat my best dates in CDMX, that's for sure. Also, everyone would agree that average rates are higher in CDMX, and the city in general, is considerably more expensive than BOG / MDE. I noticed it had been said many times here that Mexican girls are more fun to be with, more outgoing, etc. I disagree, again, it depends on personality and chemistry. Both nationalities love to go out, eat, drink, dance, travel (who doesn't? I have had boring and super fun dates in both countries.

07-23-22, 04:40
DF did not use seeking when he was in Colombia and for the guys here that is how I recommend they do Colombia. This makes a lot of sense now. His unpleasant experience is probably limited to hardcore pros / working girls, therefore, the hate.

07-23-22, 04:45
Again, you are comparing apples to oranges. Colombians in CDMX and USA are not the same as Colombians in Colombia. Speaking of mexican girls vs colombian girls, I think most of us would agree that an average Colombian is hotter than average Mexican. Top Colombian girls and top Mexican girls are probably on the same level in terms of attractiveness, however in Colombia the sheer quantity of top girls is bigger. CDMX girls are much more diverse compared to Bogota or Medellin, which is a good thing if you like them in different shapes and sizes, but if you see a hot girl on the street in CDMX, most likely she is not Mexican, but Colombian, European, etc. - so this comparison is not quite fair.

DF, you have much more experience in Mexico, but I'm more experienced in Colombia because I spend here the majority of my time off outside of USA. I really don't think Mexicans are in any way superior to Colombians. And speaking of attitude or performance in bed, both nationalities could be good or bad, that depends on each girl's personality and chemistry between the two. My experience with Seeking in MDE / BOG has always been a rollercoaster. A mix of awesome, okay and shitty dates, while in CDMX it has been steady good, but not exceptional. My best dates in Colombia beat my best dates in CDMX, that's for sure. Also, everyone would agree that average rates are higher in CDMX, and the city in general, is considerably more expensive than BOG / MDE. I noticed it had been said many times here that Mexican girls are more fun to be with, more outgoing, etc. I disagree, again, it depends on personality and chemistry. Both nationalities love to go out, eat, drink, dance, travel (who doesn't? I have had boring and super fun dates in both countries.Great post, but there are lots of super hot Mexican running around CDMX. I am sure I would like Bogota better then MDE, but no need to change I am killing it in CDMX.

07-23-22, 04:51
I like dates and dinners with my girls. Whenever I catch someone looking at us, I rub the side of my eye with my middle finger when I'm sure they're looking. The looks stop, the guy wishes he was me and the woman thinks I'm a pig with a working girl. Problem solved.

Got to say I love the realness of my current engagement with Shayla. Conversation is effortless and the sex is to die for. But I really love being treated as her boyfriend not her daddy. We were chatting recently at dinner and she was recounting some story with her friends and telling them about her boyfriend like I was a guy same age as her. It just feels great to have that ego stroke. Not to mention she looked killer in her crop top, booty shorts, and heels. I'd say I wonder what the older couples at the restaurant think of us but that would be a lie. I totally don't give a fuck!

07-23-22, 22:37
So just returned from Montreal and Vancouver.

My first trip to Vancouver. The forum here was useless as was perb. So I did the risky thing, just went with SA. As I always do I identify my targets about 10- 14 days out and message them. Got a lot of responses. There is a difference between Vancouver women and Montreal. More career women, way less tattoos, and seem to be looking for the whole experience- dinner and sex, LOL. You have a decent amount of pros on Vancouver SA, which I relegated to back ups.

I am getting a lot better at narrowing down who I think will be a good match via text / video etc. A lot more women in Vancouver use fake pics, because they have real jobs, my encounters- Realtor, Paralegal, Finance Person at auto dealer.

They all sent me their real pics via text and I had numerous Video calls.

I stayed at the Fairmont Pacific Rim which is great location, near all the bars / clubs, has its own big bars, with large lobby and a good restaurant.

Lately, I have not been bringing up donation unless they ask, it seems to be working in my favor. If they asked, I offered 500 CAD any they all had no problem with that. However, one pro wanted social time at 250, plus sex at 600. Quickly blocked her, and she then she kept blowing up my phone, she is a dancer at penthouse there.

The paralegal was 25-a solid 7 and great fuck. If you follow my reports- I'm a PSE guy, so raw everything is what I'm after and hardcore type sex. 500, and she stayed the whole night and I had trouble making her leave. Wanted to hang out the whole day.

But my schedule was tight so booted her.

Realtor- solid 9. 5, smart, funny we hit if off. 27 yrs old. Great dinner, conversations, a true vibe. We spent about 4-5 hrs between dinner and drinking. Back in the room, she was amazing. She was only on SA for a week. She said the real estate market has slowed down, guys in Vancouver are cheap, and she wanted something better, LOL.

She stayed the whole night and we ordered breakfast. I had to work, otherwise would have spent the day with her.

I offered her 800 CAD, she didn't know how much because I just pulled what was in my wallet and she got really offended. I was confused, because I knew she didn't know how much it was. But, she said she is not an escort. Even more confused now.

She told me to keep it. It was an amazing time and would like to see where this goes. So was a win.

Last one- 30 yr Finance mgr at auto dealer, another solid 9. 5, sexy as fuck, smart and we had been having very flirtatious video calls leading up to the meeting.

But, she was the one I thought would flake. It was almost too good to be true. Night of our meeting she asks me to push out the reservations 30 minutes, because her hair dryer broke. 5 mins before reservation she tells me she is at least 20 mins away. 30 mins past reservation I asked her where is she? I keep calling the Botanist (hotel restaurant and pushing the time).

Then I get a text that she is finally in the lobby. She looked at stunning. Dinner, drinks, and conversation great. Back in the room after the bar. I ordered another bottle of wine. We talk for 2 more hours and finally ask are we going to fuck, otherwise I'm going to bed. She said she was ready in the lobby, LOL.

Amazing night, did everything I wanted. Stayed til 6 am, because car was picking me up at 6:30. She wanted to drive me to the airport. Then I pulled the same 800 CAD out of my wallet from the night before and went to give it to her. She said no. She can't remember having sex and a connection that good. Another win. Not sure how much more I want to test my luck.

Vancouver is a great destination.

Montreal- saw the 20 yr from last trip, who is just a nympho. I believe she really likes me, because when I was looking at other women, she would quickly say let's go fuck. Great girl-500 CAD.

Next stop Seattle and Portland.

Be well.

07-23-22, 23:17
So just returned from Montreal and Vancouver.

My first trip to Vancouver. The forum here was useless as was perb. So I did the risky thing, just went with SA. As I always do I identify my targets about 10- 14 days out and message them. Got a lot of responses. There is a difference between Vancouver women and Montreal. More career women, way less tattoos, and seem to be looking for the whole experience- dinner and sex, LOL. You have a decent amount of pros on Vancouver SA, which I relegated to back ups.


A lot more women in Vancouver use fake pics, because they have real jobs, my encounters- Realtor, Paralegal, Finance Person at auto dealer.

They all sent me their real pics via text and I had numerous Video calls.

I stayed at the Fairmont Pacific Rim which is great location, near all the bars / clubs, has its own big bars, with large lobby and a good restaurant.


Vancouver is a great destination.


Next stop Seattle and Portland.

Be well.Your experiences kept getting better and better. As always, I enjoy your report and great info on Vancouver. Expect fake pics for Vancouver, Checked. More white collar SBs, Checked. Getting "lucky" not just once but twice on a single trip, Wow! Frankly, I can get to learn a thing or two here, LOL.

I suspect Seattle and Portland could be more challenging environment. Looking forward to your next report.

Elvis 2008
07-24-22, 01:27
Lately, I have not been bringing up donation unless they ask, it seems to be working in my favor. If they asked,

She stayed the whole night and we ordered breakfast. I had to work, otherwise would have spent the day with her.

I offered her 800 CAD, she didn't know how much because I just pulled what was in my wallet and she got really offended. I was confused, because I knew she didn't know how much it was. But, she said she is not an escort. Even more confused now.

She told me to keep it. It was an amazing time and would like to see where this goes. So was a win.

Then I pulled the same 800 CAD out of my wallet from the night before and went to give it to her. She said no. She can't remember having sex and a connection that good. Another win. Not sure how much more I want to test my luck.

Vancouver is a great destination.Great report! It is funny I was arguing with guys here about whether to include a dollar amount in the original offer. They said you should. I said you should not mention it until they do. A few times in Colombia, I found myself in bed with a girl and the amount was not even mentioned.

And my current girl did a similar thing as your girls did. When I offered her money, she was like, "What is that for?

And yeah, there are some stunning women and Vancouver. I never got why, but they are there.

I do not think you will get away with not mentioning $ in the USA. That is not a knock on you but American women.

It is funny how many guys think ALL the women on seeking are just WGs. Sure, some maybe even most are, but there are women just interested in meeting the right kind of guy.

Looking forward to your next report.

07-24-22, 07:23
Your experiences kept getting better and better. As always, I enjoy your report and great info on Vancouver. Expect fake pics for Vancouver, Checked. More white collar SBs, Checked. Getting "lucky" not just once but twice on a single trip, Wow! Frankly, I can get to learn a thing or two here, LOL.

I suspect Seattle and Portland could be more challenging environment. Looking forward to your next report.Super cool, I would have never guessed SA would be good in Vancouver. I was raised in Ferndale, WA and was in Canada 2-3 days week playing hockey. My mom is Canadian. We use to party in Canada when I was in High School, great times, at that time you only had to be 18 to drink and we all had fake ideas.

I left Washington, St, when I wax 18 and have not looked back, my parents are still in Ferndale. I love Ferndale for a couple of days, but a very long trip from Texas.

Thanks again, for the post. I might need to try SA out in Canada when I am visiting my parents, but there would be a lot of questions, why I am going to Canada.

Steve 9696
07-24-22, 13:28
Thanks FstMaster for the great report. I just love to read the true life stories on here (and share same). I def think you had a pretty unique situation with these girls and their jobs. I don't know any girl I've been with that would turn down cash even if I look like Brad Pitt. They all seem to be suffering financially these days.

That said — is cash in hand the right approach with an SA girl? It seems to cheapen the interaction and make her feel bad perhaps? I always write out a little note card and have the cash inside it in an envelope. I leave it in plain sight but usually tucked under the corner of the ice bucket or something.

One of three things happens then depending on timing or opportunity. With experienced girls it just disappears. Less experienced I may sneak it into her purse while she's cleaning up. Or last resort give her the envelope. Anyhow that is how I play it.

Did have a funny experience with Sylvia who is brand new to the game. After two days together I put the envelope quite in plain sight in her large purse. At some point the following day she was inquiring about allowance and I said I'the already put it in her purse and she was like what? We dug around and eventually found it on the bottom and had a good laugh. But in general I like disconnecting the $$ from the sex. Makes the girl feel less transactional.

07-24-22, 15:59
I will visit Europe for a work trip in Sep and was thinking about whether to re-new my SA membership. Have any of the guys here had any recent experiences there and can provide some advice?

I'll be in town for 1. 5 weeks which frankly may not be enough time, but I loved my SA time when I was in Australia & New Zealand (in 2020) and hope to replicate the experiences.

If you've seen my Barcelona post my preferences are 18-22 years old white girls who are petite / flat stomach. What sort of prices should I expect to pay for a meet-up with a few drinks at a bar & then back to the room for a few hours?

Will 350 EUR be reasonable for Paris? How about 250 EUR for Barcelona? Keep in mind I prefer the younger girls and have little interest in 26+ and zero interest in 30+.

For information in Sydney 2020 I paid 400 AUD ( 270 EUR) for white girls & 300 AUD ( 200 EUR) for Asians (with the exception of 1 honest to god 22 year old submissive Japanese nurse, who I spoiled beyond belief). In Auckland that same year I paid 400-600 ( 245 EUR to 370 EUR) NZD for white girls & 300 NZD ( 180 EUR) for Asians.

07-24-22, 16:02
Steve, that's a good tip. Never thought of that. The envelope would be easiest, but most hotels don't include the note pad and envelopes anymore, so I would have to pack them LOL. Definitely not buying thank you cards haha. Slipping into their purse is probably the better option.

Uber watch out for all: Usually, I walk them down to the lobby and put them in the car. The 25 yr old paralegal didn't drive to the hotel. The other women did. So I called her an Uber, but since she was so determined to stay in bed it was pushing my schedule I didn't have time to walk her down. Just showed her the car and driver on my phone.

I got a text yesterday and she knew my real name because the Uber driver told her when verifying the pickup. He thought it was such an interesting name, dumb fuck.

So just be careful.

Steve 9696
07-24-22, 17:34
Steve, that's a good tip. Never thought of that. The envelope would be easiest, but most hotels don't include the note pad and envelopes anymore, so I would have to pack them LOL. Definitely not buying thank you cards haha. Slipping into their purse is probably the better option.

Uber watch out for all: Usually, I walk them down to the lobby and put them in the car. The 25 yr old paralegal didn't drive to the hotel. The other women did. So I called her an Uber, but since she was so determined to stay in bed it was pushing my schedule I didn't have time to walk her down. Just showed her the car and driver on my phone.

I got a text yesterday and she knew my real name because the Uber driver told her when verifying the pickup. He thought it was such an interesting name, dumb fuck.

So just be careful.Maybe I am just overly into being a girl enthusiast (I hate the word hobby) but I am soooo well prepared these days. I always carry with me note cards and envelopes, Cialis and Viagra, a few thousand in maybe 6-8 different currrncies, several brand new toothbrushes and ear plugs (I snore) should a girl stay over spur of the moment. They are always so amazed and thankful when I produce a brand new toothbrush. LOL.

On Uber I have two different accounts. On my burner phone I have a Steve account. Of course it has my real credit card on the back end but has a Steve front end. And I send my girls Ubers fairly often from this account. It's great to track their arrival tho often pickup is a real hassle if they can't find each other.

07-25-22, 01:05
Looking for a burner phone to contact girls and get started on the game. Not for SA verification.

I thought sa is legal in US so no burner phone needed. Am I missing something?

07-25-22, 16:39
Looking for a burner phone to contact girls and get started on the game. Not for SA verification.If it's a long term burner, hop on offer up and look for a phone that's a couple gens back.

You can go cheap, but I personally opt for a "decent" burner (current is iphone X), as when I'm out of town, I pop in a SIM (local EU SIM) and it pretty much becomes my main phone during outings. Therefore, it needs to be fully functional (call / text / Internet / camera). Remember to have it erase have too many bad pw entries. If you are going to do it, do it right.

Good luck.


07-25-22, 17:05
So just returned from Montreal and Vancouver.

My first trip to Vancouver. The forum here was useless as was perb. So I did the risky thing, just went with SA. As I always do I identify my targets about 10- 14 days out and message them. Got a lot of responses. There is a difference between Vancouver women and Montreal. More career women, way less tattoos, and seem to be looking for the whole experience- dinner and sex, LOL. You have a decent amount of pros on Vancouver SA, which I relegated to back ups.


Vancouver is a great destination.

Montreal- saw the 20 yr from last trip, who is just a nympho. I believe she really likes me, because when I was looking at other women, she would quickly say let's go fuck. Great girl-500 CAD.

Next stop Seattle and Portland.

Be well.Great write up sir! I have never come across a girl that would turn down the cash, but I also haven't spent any time in Vancouver (adding it to my list). Good luck in Seattle / Portland. I don't have the greatest things to say about American girls on SA especially when compared to their EU counterparts. However, I am aware that some guys are winning constantly in the local arena, so good luck and post what you find.


Steve 9696
07-25-22, 18:09
If it's a long term burner, hop on offer up and look for a phone that's a couple gens back.

You can go cheap, but I personally opt for a "decent" burner (current is iphone X), as when I'm out of town, I pop in a SIM (local EU SIM) and it pretty much becomes my main phone during outings. Therefore, it needs to be fully functional (call / text / Internet / camera). Remember to have it erase have too many bad pw entries. If you are going to do it, do it right.

Good luck.

02.I've been in a mode of only having Wi-Fi when overseas because I didn't want to deal with sims and changing numbers and all that. But what a pain. Even with tethering to my work phone the connection times out or whatever. I just moved to Google Fi which promises full speed data in 200 countries. $65/ mo. Seems very promising and worth the extra (T-Mobile us only was 45). I'll keep you posted.

07-25-22, 18:51
I will visit Europe for a work trip in Sep and was thinking about whether to re-new my SA membership. Have any of the guys here had any recent experiences there and can provide some advice?

I'll be in town for 1. 5 weeks which frankly may not be enough time, but I loved my SA time when I was in Australia & New Zealand (in 2020) and hope to replicate the experiences.

If you've seen my Barcelona post my preferences are 18-22 years old white girls who are petite / flat stomach. What sort of prices should I expect to pay for a meet-up with a few drinks at a bar & then back to the room for a few hours?

Will 350 EUR be reasonable for Paris? How about 250 EUR for Barcelona? Keep in mind I prefer the younger girls and have little interest in 26+ and zero interest in 30+.

For information in Sydney 2020 I paid 400 AUD ( 270 EUR) for white girls & 300 AUD ( 200 EUR) for Asians (with the exception of 1 honest to god 22 year old submissive Japanese nurse, who I spoiled beyond belief). In Auckland that same year I paid 400-600 ( 245 EUR to 370 EUR) NZD for white girls & 300 NZD ( 180 EUR) for Asians.Yes, do SA in Spain! I was recently in Madrid and you will find too many girls that are happy with 200 EU (I personally can't keep up with the responses). Try to start your conversations about 3-5 days before. I noticed lately that the girls have been more aggressive and ready to meet a lot sooner which has made me start the contact process closer to my arrival date instead of about 10 days out. After 1-2 days of chatting, their attitude becomes like, "This guy is cool, what are we waiting for? When are we meeting?" The 200 eu will be for a complete outing, possibly with an overnight with the same type you mentioned above (slim, natural). 1 - 1. 5 weeks is plenty of time to easily have experiences with multiple girls. Some girls will 100% want to repeat. When they find a guy who's not an asshole, not arrogant, cool, and doesn't treat them like a prostitute, it's a no brainer to repeat the outing.

I'm not sure if Barcelona has the same vibe, but from what I've read, it's more touristy so you may have more WGs and / or higher prices.

Please report back on Paris. I have yet to have any french experiences.

A question comes up though. How do you guys normally hand over the $?

Steve just mentioned the envelop method and I must admit that I'm digging the lack of a transaction (going to try it next time). And the extra toothbrush. Yes!. Added to my toolbox.

I normally hand over the cash at the end of the night / morning and almost always say something like, "Hey, I want you go out and buy yourself something nice", or if we are meeting again soon, "here, I want you to buy something sexy for tonight / tomorrow".

On the uber / accounts / etc note: it's good to keep everything separate. Uber, email, whatsapp, etc should be separate accounts, not linked in any way to your real world.


Steve 9696
07-25-22, 18:52
I was just doing a rough tally and damn I do skew to the exotics. Here's a bit of accounting. This is Seeking only. Obv in Colombia saw a ton of Colombianas and London / Germany was all Ro-girls. Here's a rough SA tally:

Black 11 BlackMix 3 White 4 LatinaMix 2 Mexican 1 Colombian 4, Peruvian 2, Brazilian 3 Chinese 1 VietMix 1 Viet 1 Cambodian 1 MidEastern 2 Lao 1.

Blackish 14.

Latina 12.

Asian 4.

White 4.

Middle Eastern 2.

So 90% non-white.

College student Waitress Stripper Cust Service Yoga Instructor Office Manager Receptionist Care Giver Med Student Maid Law Student Gamer Chemist Actress.

Jack Miami
07-25-22, 23:31
I do not think you will get away with not mentioning $ in the USA. That is not a knock on you but American women.

It is funny how many guys think ALL the women on seeking are just WGs. Sure, some maybe even most are, but there are women just interested in meeting the right kind of guy.LOL.

"The right kind of guy" . On SA.

Damn, that was funny.

07-26-22, 00:46
Yes, do SA in Spain! I was recently in Madrid and you will find too many girls that are happy with 200 EU

Thanks for the response. How recently did you visit Madrid and got interest for 200 EUR? Which age group showed interest? Do you speak Spanish or English with them? I don't speak any Spanish (or French) so hopefully that won't be a problem.

As for money I usually hand it to them just before they head off, I found there was no awkwardness with this process but I usually make the ppm aspect very clear before we meet. Once or twice I did the envelope thing because the hotel had one available. And one time after the girl left I realized we both forgot about the money, ended up transferring the money online using our real names. She was very cool about it.

07-26-22, 02:10
So just returned from Montreal and Vancouver.

Vancouver is a great destination.

Be well.Thanks for the detailed field report.

07-26-22, 02:47
I was just doing a rough tally and damn I do skew to the exotics. Here's a bit of accounting. This is Seeking only. Obv in Colombia saw a ton of Colombianas and London / Germany was all Ro-girls. Here's a rough SA tally:

Black 11 BlackMix 3 White 4 LatinaMix 2 Mexican 1 Colombian 4, Peruvian 2, Brazilian 3 Chinese 1 VietMix 1 Viet 1 Cambodian 1 MidEastern 2 Lao 1.

Blackish 14.

Latina 12.

Asian 4.

White 4.

Middle Eastern 2.

So 90% non-white.

College student Waitress Stripper Cust Service Yoga Instructor Office Manager Receptionist Care Giver Med Student Maid Law Student Gamer Chemist Actress.Would you consider yourself a Sex Addict? You may need help!

Elvis 2008
07-26-22, 03:08

"The right kind of guy" . On SA.

Damn, that was funny.This is just so people know your history.

I said the women on these sites are worse than prostitutes because prostitutes are at least honest about who they are and what's happening.

If guys want to fool themselves into believing that they're seducing incredible women and that they're really only giving "gifts" instead of a fee, that's their (unfortunate and sad) business. But the rest of us are free to laugh at the absurdity of it.

As I said earlier, stop paying and see how long any of these "relationships" last.When I wrote the right of guy, it was in reference to these two encounters.

I offered her 800 CAD, she didn't know how much because I just pulled what was in my wallet and she got really offended. I was confused, because I knew she didn't know how much it was. But, she said she is not an escort. Even more confused now.

She told me to keep it. It was an amazing time and would like to see where this goes. So was a win.

Then I pulled the same 800 CAD out of my wallet from the night before and went to give it to her. She said no. She can't remember having sex and a connection that good. Another win. Not sure how much more I want to test my luck.So Jack, things like this have happened to me too. Most times I met a seeking girl there was a price, but there were times when money was not discussed and when I tried to give a woman money, it was either refused or questioned. So having had years of contemplation on the matter, let me spill it out because I like FastMDster was initially confused. When a woman refuses money from a guy on seeking, it means she likes you and wants to date you. She cares more about you than your money.

Thing is we have been trained to think these 9,10 types like FastMD describes do not want guys like us; they want their Ken Doll types. Unlike other women, these 9,10 types have had said men and dealt with their insecurity and have seen them get by through life on their looks and charm. Worse, if you go out with a Ken Doll, you have to share him. The good Ken Dolls have been snatched up, and the left over guys are often boring, insecure, lazy, drug using, video game playing losers who despite their looks are lousy in bed.

Maybe you cannot say this about yourself but there are so many ways I am better than in my 20's, and a lot of women care more about those things than having Ken Dolls. Sexually speaking in my 20's, I used to be thrilled if I could make a woman cum. Now I think there is something wrong with a woman if she does not. I did not believe it when so many women said I was good in bed, but I realize that if the women were fucking 20 year olds who fucked like I used to, maybe it is true. Without seeking, these women would not be able to meet the right kind of men: worldly, intelligent, successful, secure non-asshole types who rock their world in bed.

Holding on to the belief that you are not going to care for a woman is a protective mechanism when you are dealing with a WG. It is confusing then when a woman is offered money and turns you down. All that is left is that she likes you or the long con. After that, when you fuck them again and again for no money and your expenses are the same as if you had a GF, the whole long con concept fades away.

I think you and a lot of other guys suffer from cognitive dissonance on this matter.


The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. People tend to seek consistency in their attitudes and perceptions, so this conflict causes feelings of unease or discomfort.

Everyone experiences cognitive dissonance to some degree, but that doesn't mean that it is always easy to recognize.

So how do I know that I am not suffering from cognitive dissonance and you are? Because I have felt what you have felt and get why you are like you are. It is emotionally protective.

But for your POV to be right in this case, I have to be lying and there is no way you can know that and so does FastMD, and you have to somehow know the motivation of every woman on seeking. In short, you have no facts to back up your beliefs. Your contention that all the women on seeking are WGs and men who think otherwise are fools is not supported by anything other than your wanting it so. That is classic cognitive dissonance.

Guys should hold onto their belief that many if not most women on seeking are WGs, but they should be open to the fact that there are women out there that like them for more than their money. One thing women do that men need to copy is shit testing. Tell a woman that this hat / dress ETC would look great on you and see if she tries it on and wants you to buy it for her. My gal passed so many shit tests I do not bother with them anymore. A good productive gal will love to do things for you and prove her worth. A WG type will always be looking to take.

The reason I spent so much time on this is my gal is a 9,10 type, and I almost talked myself out of the possibility that she liked me for me. That is why Jack holding onto your belief can be incredibly destructive. Not all women want Ken Dolls.

07-26-22, 04:35
I was just doing a rough tally and damn I do skew to the exotics. Here's a bit of accounting. This is Seeking only. Obv in Colombia saw a ton of Colombianas and London / Germany was all Ro-girls. Here's a rough SA tally:

Black 11 BlackMix 3 White 4 LatinaMix 2 Mexican 1 Colombian 4, Peruvian 2, Brazilian 3 Chinese 1 VietMix 1 Viet 1 Cambodian 1 MidEastern 2 Lao 1.

Blackish 14.

Latina 12.

Asian 4.

White 4.

Middle Eastern 2.

So 90% non-white.

College student Waitress Stripper Cust Service Yoga Instructor Office Manager Receptionist Care Giver Med Student Maid Law Student Gamer Chemist Actress.Since we are sharing stats, here's mine from SA only, and thanks to this forum and information shared, I have been able to make some inroads. Granted, I only started using SA in March this year making two trips to Colombia (mainly Bogota and Cartagena). Naturally, all of them are Latinas. If I do my math correctly, I think I had 8. A few of them were repeats during my stay.

2 office manager or admin.

1 waitress.

1 teacher.

4 college students.

This platform has opened up possibilities.

07-26-22, 06:37
Would you consider yourself a Sex Addict? You may need help!How is this even a question? Based on your criteria, then everyone here on this forum is a sex addict.

A few years ago, I had sex with seven women over a span of 12 hours in Germany, not including the countless sessions prior during my week long trip. No one would say that I am a sex addict and I surely don't need help on this.

If anything, I would need help to get me back to form so that I can bang that many women again in a single day.

07-26-22, 12:15
This is just so people know your history.

When I wrote the right of guy, it was in reference to these two encounters.

So Jack, things like this have happened to me too. Most times I met a seeking girl there was a price, but there were times when money was not discussed and when I tried to give a woman money, it was either refused or questioned. So having had years of contemplation on the matter, let me spill it out because I like FastMDster was initially confused. When a woman refuses money from a guy on seeking, it means she likes you and wants to date you. She cares more about you than your money.

Thing is we have been trained to think these 9,10 types like FastMD describes do not want guys like us; they want their Ken Doll types. Unlike other women, these 9,10 types have had said men and dealt with their insecurity and have seen them get by through life on their looks and charm. Worse, if you go out with a Ken Doll, you have to share him. The good Ken Dolls have been snatched up, and the left over guys are often boring, insecure, lazy, drug using, video game playing losers who despite their looks are lousy in bed.

Maybe you cannot say this about yourself but there are so many ways I am better than in my 20's, and a lot of women care more about those things than having Ken Dolls. Sexually speaking in my 20's, I used to be thrilled if I could make a woman cum. Now I think there is something wrong with a woman if she does not. I did not believe it when so many women said I was good in bed, but I realize that if the women were fucking 20 year olds who fucked like I used to, maybe it is true. Without seeking, these women would not be able to meet the right kind of men: worldly, intelligent, successful, secure non-asshole types who rock their world in bed.

Holding on to the belief that you are not going to care for a woman is a protective mechanism when you are dealing with a WG. It is confusing then when a woman is offered money and turns you down. All that is left is that she likes you or the long con. After that, when you fuck them again and again for no money and your expenses are the same as if you had a GF, the whole long con concept fades away.

I think you and a lot of other guys suffer from cognitive dissonance on this matter.


The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. People tend to seek consistency in their attitudes and perceptions, so this conflict causes feelings of unease or discomfort.

Everyone experiences cognitive dissonance to some degree, but that doesn't mean that it is always easy to recognize.

So how do I know that I am not suffering from cognitive dissonance and you are? Because I have felt what you have felt and get why you are like you are. It is emotionally protective.

But for your POV to be right in this case, I have to be lying and there is no way you can know that and so does FastMD, and you have to somehow know the motivation of every woman on seeking. In short, you have no facts to back up your beliefs. Your contention that all the women on seeking are WGs and men who think otherwise are fools is not supported by anything other than your wanting it so. That is classic cognitive dissonance.

Guys should hold onto their belief that many if not most women on seeking are WGs, but they should be open to the fact that there are women out there that like them for more than their money. One thing women do that men need to copy is shit testing. Tell a woman that this hat / dress ETC would look great on you and see if she tries it on and wants you to buy it for her. My gal passed so many shit tests I do not bother with them anymore. A good productive gal will love to do things for you and prove her worth. A WG type will always be looking to take.

The reason I spent so much time on this is my gal is a 9,10 type, and I almost talked myself out of the possibility that she liked me for me. That is why Jack holding onto your belief can be incredibly destructive. Not all women want Ken Dolls.I concur with Elvis.

What my hypothesis is that some women are not asking for the money is that they are playing the long game. They are either physically attracted or find that we could be a suitable partner long or short term that can provide the physical / emotional and lifestyle they want.

I have no issue with those that want the money also. Because, I want the sex.

I'm 48, look about 35 and really have the lifestyle that they see on Instagram / tik tok. The 20 yo I'm fucking from Montreal has told me that I'm such a "flex" and her friends all commented when we met them at bar that my "BDE".

Was dripping on floor. I had no idea what that meant but had to google it when she left.

So even though SA is not a dating website, many women still want a secure, well spoken, real man.

From 2017 -2020 I was fucking 2 girls, one from Globe Club and the other from Aphrodesia for free while they were still working there. Actually, they both are still working, except now both are at Aphrodesia, LOL. There was no long courtship, just one night on one of my trips and exchanged numbers. They would fly to wherever I was in Europe, one even came to NYC. I would reimburse their flight and paid for all of our dinners etc. But, no other payments, I bought them birthday gifts and Christmas etc but no allowance, PPM etc. These were professional WGs at 2 of the most famous sex clubs in the world.

Ended up paying for an abortion, but that's a different story on what not to do, LOL.

07-26-22, 12:33
Since we are sharing stats, here's mine from SA only, and thanks to this forum and information shared, I have been able to make some inroads. Granted, I only started using SA in March this year making two trips to Colombia (mainly Bogota and Cartagena). Naturally, all of them are Latinas. If I do my math correctly, I think I had 8. A few of them were repeats during my stay.

2 office manager or admin.

1 waitress.

1 teacher.

4 college students.

This platform has opened up possibilities.I have lost count, but I have been on a major hot streak in the CDMX. I did get stood up Saturday night, at my favorite restaurant by one of my regular girls. Kind of sucked, I was the only person by myself at the restaurant, but I still had fun with the staff and I was busy texting new girls. I left a big tip, too make up for taking a table, everybody was happy.

I wax back Sunday with a new girl. Another great weekend, CDMX keeps exceeding my expectations.

Steve 9696
07-26-22, 15:07
I concur with Elvis.

What my hypothesis is that some women are not asking for the money is that they are playing the long game. They are either physically attracted or find that we could be a suitable partner long or short term that can provide the physical / emotional and lifestyle they want.

I have no issue with those that want the money also. Because, I want the sex.

I'm 48, look about 35 and really have the lifestyle that they see on Instagram / tik tok. The 20 yo I'm fucking from Montreal has told me that I'm such a "flex" and her friends all commented when we met them at bar that my "BDE".

Was dripping on floor. I had no idea what that meant but had to google it when she left.

So even though SA is not a dating website, many women still want a secure, well spoken, real man.

From 2017 -2020 I was fucking 2 girls, one from Globe Club and the other from Aphrodesia for free while they were still working there. Actually, they both are still working, except now both are at Aphrodesia, LOL. There was no long courtship, just one night on one of my trips and exchanged numbers. They would fly to wherever I was in Europe, one even came to NYC. I would reimburse their flight and paid for all of our dinners etc. But, no other payments, I bought them birthday gifts and Christmas etc but no allowance, PPM etc. These were professional WGs at 2 of the most famous sex clubs in the world.

Ended up paying for an abortion, but that's a different story on what not to do, LOL.Haha. BDE. I think us old guys just call it charisma. And it sounds like you have that in spades (haha another old guy reference!) plus maybe some looks or youth to go with. But yeah def charisma / BDE is 90% of winning in the Sugar game.

P.S. Hope folks don't need to look up DNFTT but that seems pretty relevant in this thread at the moment! Hahaha.

07-26-22, 15:17
How is this even a question? Based on your criteria, then everyone here on this forum is a sex addict.

A few years ago, I had sex with seven women over a span of 12 hours in Germany, not including the countless sessions prior during my week long trip. No one would say that I am a sex addict and I surely don't need help on this.

If anything, I would need help to get me back to form so that I can bang that many women again in a single day.Please read:


You are / may be a sex addict if you are:

Spending an excessive amount of time-consuming pornographic content or masturbating.

Paying for sex.

Cheating on partners.

Habitually visiting strip clubs.

Some of the most common indicators that you might have sex addiction include:

Being unable to stop yourself from engaging in certain sexual behaviors.

Becoming distressed when you are prevented from engaging in sexual activities and behaviors.

Neglecting essential aspects of your life, such as work and personal relationships, to engage in sexual activities and behaviors.

Engaging in risky sexual activities like having sex in public.

Continuing to engage in risky sexual behavior at the expense of your physical and mental health.

Masturbating compulsively and frequently.

The most common course of treatment for mental health conditions like sex addiction involves psychotherapy and medication. Do you need help?

07-26-22, 15:22
How is this even a question? Based on your criteria, then everyone here on this forum is a sex addict.

A few years ago, I had sex with seven women over a span of 12 hours in Germany, not including the countless sessions prior during my week long trip. No one would say that I am a sex addict and I surely don't need help on this.

If anything, I would need help to get me back to form so that I can bang that many women again in a single day.Who Is a Sex Addict?

Although sex addicts may act out sexually in many different ways, there are common elements that seem to characterize our addiction:

Powerlessness over addictive sexual behavior.

Resulting unmanageability of his / her life.

Feelings of shame, pain, and self-loathing.

Failed promises and attempts to stop acting out.

Preoccupation with sex leading to ritual.

Progressive worsening of negative consequences.

https://saa-recovery.org/am-i-a-sex-addict/ Find a meeting! You may need help!

07-26-22, 18:29
I have lost count, but I have been on a major hot streak in the CDMX. I did get stood up Saturday night, at my favorite restaurant by one of my regular girls. Kind of sucked, I was the only person by myself at the restaurant, but I still had fun with the staff and I was busy texting new girls. I left a big tip, too make up for taking a table, everybody was happy.

I wax back Sunday with a new girl. Another great weekend, CDMX keeps exceeding my expectations.Not everyone's jam but since we are doing show and tell on tips:

I actually keep a password-protected document on my computer. It logs.

- who I am in contact with.

- pictures of them (since they often come down and up).

- their contact info (since sometimes girls leave SA).

- what offer I made them (since sometimes I do diff amt).

- what I thought of them if we met and whether I would do again.

Because once you get past 5 or 6 experiences they start to blend together. The registry helps.

Lord I pray nobody ever sees it tho. It's pretty explicit. Eg "let me do an-l but wasn't happy about it."

07-26-22, 18:47
Thanks for the response. How recently did you visit Madrid and got interest for 200 EUR? Which age group showed interest? Do you speak Spanish or English with them? I don't speak any Spanish (or French) so hopefully that won't be a problem.

As for money I usually hand it to them just before they head off, I found there was no awkwardness with this process but I usually make the ppm aspect very clear before we meet. Once or twice I did the envelope thing because the hotel had one available. And one time after the girl left I realized we both forgot about the money, ended up transferring the money online using our real names. She was very cool about it.Last in Spain. About 4 months ago. I pulled about 7 girls over to whatapp and with a week's time, I wasn't able to see them all (I tried). 200 EU was the number for these girls. Again, there were literally too many girls responding to chat them all up, so I chose the most promising and executed.

Age group: 20 - 27.

Language: I speak english with them. Even if you see a profile that you like in spanish, send her a message. She might speak english. In full disclosure, I've had quite a few girls respond that they are interested, but do not speak english. Those are a no go for me. But I'm a f*ck#ng hypocrite because one of the girls that I didn't' meet last trip (no time) doesn't speak english really at all (besides basic greetings) and we have been texting heavy over the past 2 weeks and making plans. I'm addicted to experiences and I need to experience all the girls. LOL. So sometimes, things may not be ideal, but it may become a hell of an experience.


07-26-22, 19:28
Hi all, will be in the Dubai this weekend I've already started my scouting but finding it hard to weed out the wg's and the genuine sugar babes any clues or hints for Dubai?

07-26-22, 20:06
I have tried subscribing one month SA account but no matter how many times I try paying using hdfc credit card with enough credit balance in it. It logs me out and when I try to login again it says account suspended. Did anyone face it? Please help.

Jack Miami
07-26-22, 22:23
This is just so people know your history.

When I wrote the right of guy, it was in reference to these two encounters.

So Jack, things like this have happened to me too. Most times I met a seeking girl there was a price, but there were times when money was not discussed and when I tried to give a woman money, it was either refused or questioned. So having had years of contemplation on the matter, let me spill it out because I like FastMDster was initially confused. When a woman refuses money from a guy on seeking, it means she likes you and wants to date you. She cares more about you than your money.

Thing is we have been trained to think these 9,10 types like FastMD describes do not want guys like us; they want their Ken Doll types. Unlike other women, these 9,10 types have had said men and dealt with their insecurity and have seen them get by through life on their looks and charm. Worse, if you go out with a Ken Doll, you have to share him. The good Ken Dolls have been snatched up, and the left over guys are often boring, insecure, lazy, drug using, video game playing losers who despite their looks are lousy in bed.

Maybe you cannot say this about yourself but there are so many ways I am better than in my 20's, and a lot of women care more about those things than having Ken Dolls. Sexually speaking in my 20's, I used to be thrilled if I could make a woman cum. Now I think there is something wrong with a woman if she does not. I did not believe it when so many women said I was good in bed, but I realize that if the women were fucking 20 year olds who fucked like I used to, maybe it is true. Without seeking, these women would not be able to meet the right kind of men: worldly, intelligent, successful, secure non-asshole types who rock their world in bed.

Holding on to the belief that you are not going to care for a woman is a protective mechanism when you are dealing with a WG. It is confusing then when a woman is offered money and turns you down. All that is left is that she likes you or the long con. After that, when you fuck them again and again for no money and your expenses are the same as if you had a GF, the whole long con concept fades away.

I think you and a lot of other guys suffer from cognitive dissonance on this matter.


The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. People tend to seek consistency in their attitudes and perceptions, so this conflict causes feelings of unease or discomfort.

Everyone experiences cognitive dissonance to some degree, but that doesn't mean that it is always easy to recognize.

So how do I know that I am not suffering from cognitive dissonance and you are? Because I have felt what you have felt and get why you are like you are. It is emotionally protective.

But for your POV to be right in this case, I have to be lying and there is no way you can know that and so does FastMD, and you have to somehow know the motivation of every woman on seeking. In short, you have no facts to back up your beliefs. Your contention that all the women on seeking are WGs and men who think otherwise are fools is not supported by anything other than your wanting it so. That is classic cognitive dissonance.

Guys should hold onto their belief that many if not most women on seeking are WGs, but they should be open to the fact that there are women out there that like them for more than their money. One thing women do that men need to copy is shit testing. Tell a woman that this hat / dress ETC would look great on you and see if she tries it on and wants you to buy it for her. My gal passed so many shit tests I do not bother with them anymore. A good productive gal will love to do things for you and prove her worth. A WG type will always be looking to take.

The reason I spent so much time on this is my gal is a 9,10 type, and I almost talked myself out of the possibility that she liked me for me. That is why Jack holding onto your belief can be incredibly destructive. Not all women want Ken Dolls.Wow, guess I hit a nerve.

I didn't read all of the above wall of text, but one of the women to which you referred in your second paragraph specifically said she was on SA because "real estate has slowed down" and because "Vancouver guys are cheap," so I'm not buying the whole "I offered her $800 but she wouldn't take it" story.

The name of the site is Seeking Arrangement. The idea that nice girls are on there looking for nice guys is just utterly delusional.

As I said a year or two ago in my old posts you found, stop paying and see how long any of these really special relationships last.

07-26-22, 23:20
I have tried subscribing one month SA account but no matter how many times I try paying using hdfc credit card with enough credit balance in it. It logs me out and when I try to login again it says account suspended. Did anyone face it? Please help.Have you been previously suspended? They have their own database of emails, names and addresses which they check against before sending to your credit card for processing. The times I have hit this wall the card operator is not seeing any traffic. So, I think you have a black mark in their database. Here is what I would do:

A) get a different email address (free gmail).

B) get a different card number.

C) Use a different street address but same Town & Postcode as your card.

Last time I had problems signing up I tried changing each of the above individually and was unsuccessful until I had all three changed. You will get very good at signing up gmail accounts.

The Cane
07-26-22, 23:54
Wow, guess I hit a nerve. The name of the site is Seeking Arrangement. The idea that nice girls are on there looking for nice guys is just utterly delusional. As I said a year or two ago in my old posts you found, stop paying and see how long any of these really special relationships last.Oh that's just Elvis LOL! Let me clear this up. They're "nice girls" (soft-core to hard-core tutes) looking for "nice guys" with money. And the more money those "nice guys" hand over to them, the "nicer" those guys become! LOLOLOL!

07-27-22, 00:14
My definition of a working girl is a girl who makes living off selling pussy. A girl, whose only (or main) income comes from prostitution. You can call her a puta, a prostitute, a prepago, or whatever you want to call her. She could be a freelancer working the streets or online platforms, SA included, or employed at a brothel, strip club, terma, etc. Out of every 10 girls that I contact at least 3-4 are prepagos, another 2-3 are selling videos and shit, the rest are semi pros or non pros, which is my main audience. Semi pros are those who sell pussy part time to supplement their main income, single moms, college students, etc. They don't do it for living and are not employed at a casa, brothel, and the like where they get fucked daily. These girls are low volume and usually provide GFE, this is why I try to target them specifically. Some semi pros do it because they want to travel places, wine and dine, and have a good time. Non pros are hard to find on SA, these are usually new girls who just joined and have no clue what they are looking for, and no prior experience selling pussy. So, not all girls on SA are working girls, we can't just generalize, however, the majority, at least 9 out of 10, are looking for a mutual benefit. Let's not be delusional!

Elvis, please stop bragging about your 9-10 girlfriend, you mention her all the time. If she is really a perfect woman in every aspect and is into you for real, well, my congrats to you, you hit a jackpot. But your case is an exception due to combination of factors and luck, I had said this before, chances that an average monger from the US or any other country finds himself a 9 or 10 freebie (heck, even an 8! While traveling for a short period of time, are close to zero, let's be realistic here. And I'm sure while you are not paying her directly, you provide her a good quality lifestyle, take her to nice places, restaurants, buy her nice gifts, etc.

Jack Miami
07-27-22, 02:04
I concur with Elvis.


From 2017 -2020 I was fucking 2 girls, one from Globe Club and the other from Aphrodesia for free while they were still working there. Actually, they both are still working, except now both are at Aphrodesia, LOL. There was no long courtship, just one night on one of my trips and exchanged numbers. They would fly to wherever I was in Europe, one even came to NYC. I would reimburse their flight and paid for all of our dinners etc. But, no other payments, I bought them birthday gifts and Christmas etc but no allowance, PPM etc. These were professional WGs at 2 of the most famous sex clubs in the world.

Ended up paying for an abortion, but that's a different story on what not to do, LOL.Flying strippers to Europe and paying all related expenses is the exact opposite of "fucking for free," especially when legit 9's and 10's can be fucked in Europe for $200 or less. (Or literally for free, if you really have BDE.).

Elvis 2008
07-27-22, 03:28
Let's not be delusional!

Elvis, please stop bragging about your 9-10 girlfriend, you mention her all the time. If she is really a perfect woman in every aspect and is into you for real, well, my congrats to you, you hit a jackpot. But your case is an exception due to combination of factors and luck, I had said this before, chances that an average monger from the US or any other country finds himself a 9 or 10 freebie (heck, even an 8! While traveling for a short period of time, are close to zero, let's be realistic here. And I'm sure while you are not paying her directly, you provide her a good quality lifestyle, take her to nice places, restaurants, buy her nice gifts, etc.MB, I completely agree with you. That said, I do not think you get on what. You just called yourself an average monger and I completely agree.

My case was hardly luck, not a one time thing, and I have said what I did to up my game dozens of time, but you never learn. FastMD is playing the same game I did and having similar results. You are just doing the sour grapes thing and foolishly outted yourself an average monger. Maybe the problem is not realism but your lack of game.

If it was just my being lucky, which is the ultimate loser stance, why is someone else replicating what I did?

07-27-22, 03:37
Flying strippers to Europe and paying all related expenses is the exact opposite of "fucking for free," especially when legit 9's and 10's can be fucked in Europe for $200 or less. (Or literally for free, if you really have BDE.).You clearly have no experience in Europe and from your posts it stated, no experience with FKKs. I won't feed your troll posts.

But if you think paying for a flight and fucking 2-4 x a day for week and paying for eating is not free, I don't know what world you live in. You are not getting a 9/10 in Switzerland for $200 US.

I have no problem fucking for free, I want no attachments. True one night stands are rare. I could share the text messages and I from your post I know what type of person you are.

I will continue to post field reports for the benefit of guys traveling to the same places.

You can believe what you want.

07-27-22, 04:07
You clearly have no experience in Europe and from your posts it stated, no experience with FKKs. I won't feed your troll posts.

But if you think paying for a flight and fucking 2-4 x a day for week and paying for eating is not free, I don't know what world you live in. You are not getting a 9/10 in Switzerland for $200 US.

I have no problem fucking for free, I want no attachments. True one night stands are rare. I could share the text messages and I from your post I know what type of person you are.

I will continue to post field reports for the benefit of guys traveling to the same places.

You can believe what you want.Touche. Based on that guy's past posts, he has contributed nothing but just trolling, criticisms and solicitation of information.

Many of us have enjoyed reading your field reports.

07-27-22, 04:15
Who Is a Sex Addict?

Although sex addicts may act out sexually in many different ways, there are common elements that seem to characterize our addiction:

Powerlessness over addictive sexual behavior.

Resulting unmanageability of his / her life.

Feelings of shame, pain, and self-loathing.

Failed promises and attempts to stop acting out.

Preoccupation with sex leading to ritual.

Progressive worsening of negative consequences.

https://saa-recovery.org/am-i-a-sex-addict/ Find a meeting! You may need help!Nope, I have none of these diagnosis or symptoms. I just enjoy sex with women like many of the readers here.

07-27-22, 04:22
Wow, guess I hit a nerve.

I didn't read all of the above wall of text, but one of the women to which you referred in your second paragraph specifically said she was on SA because "real estate has slowed down" and because "Vancouver guys are cheap," so I'm not buying the whole "I offered her $800 but she wouldn't take it" story.

The name of the site is Seeking Arrangement. The idea that nice girls are on there looking for nice guys is just utterly delusional.

As I said a year or two ago in my old posts you found, stop paying and see how long any of these really special relationships last.Since your life sucks. I will leave this here:

Texts from realtor why all the guys reaching out are crazy and it's easy to see she is looking for a match to what she wants.

Texts from the finance mgr who I said was late to the botanist and thought would never show up.

Texts from the 20 yr old nympho that is in love with my dick.

Images in order of above if it works correctly.

Just because you can't accomplish it, doesn't mean others can't. As I said before I have no issue paying, but some of them have other intentions. Just part of the game.

Jack Miami
07-27-22, 05:18
You clearly have no experience in Europe and from your posts it stated, no experience with FKKs. I won't feed your troll posts.

...What the hell do FKKs have to do with this?

It seems I hit a nerve, so you're throwing everything at the wall.

Jack Miami
07-27-22, 05:21
Since your life sucks. I will leave this here:

Texts from realtor why all the guys reaching out are crazy and it's easy to see she is looking for a match to what she wants.

Texts from the finance mgr who I said was late to the botanist and thought would never show up.

Texts from the 20 yr old nympho that is in love with my dick.

Images in order of above if it works correctly.

Just because you can't accomplish it, doesn't mean others can't. As I said before I have no issue paying, but some of them have other intentions. Just part of the game."I'm not going to feed the troll," says the self-described "BDE," right before launching childish personal attacks and posting a dozen paragraphs and a bunch of screenshots in response to the "troll's" two-sentence comment.


Elvis 2008
07-27-22, 09:23
Touche. Based on that guy's past posts, he has contributed nothing but just trolling, criticisms and solicitation of information.

Many of us have enjoyed reading your field reports.Yeah, I agree. I have not been to Globe but I had strippers that I would meet up with outside the club. There was no comparison fucking them bare compared to the equally attractive WGs doing their fifth covered generic performance of the day.

The thing with a guy like Jack Miami is they make up this ideal that I have never seen. There must be this marvelous wonderland that he speaks of where the women do not care about money and the men do not care about looks. Perhaps he has a key to some kind of club with people like that. I am still waiting for the day a woman says, "I like that you are well to do but I cannot have sex with someone with such shallow views on Nietzsche. ".

07-27-22, 10:43
Not everyone's jam but since we are doing show and tell on tips:

I actually keep a password-protected document on my computer. It logs.

- who I am in contact with.

- pictures of them (since they often come down and up).

- their contact info (since sometimes girls leave SA).

- what offer I made them (since sometimes I do diff amt).

- what I thought of them if we met and whether I would do again.

Because once you get past 5 or 6 experiences they start to blend together. The registry helps.

Lord I pray nobody ever sees it tho. It's pretty explicit. Eg "let me do an-l but wasn't happy about it."Everyone has their own process I guess. I keep all my whatsapp and text communications and contacts on separate profiles in my phone. My Samsung phone allows me to do that which is a plus. This will prevent things from bleeding into my personal profile. That will also include any media that are meant for personal consumption only, hehehe.

07-27-22, 13:17
Not everyone's jam but since we are doing show and tell on tips:

I actually keep a password-protected document on my computer. It logs.

I use a different gmail account with a two-factor ID.

In addition to what you have listed I keep the seeking URL of their profile. This has helped me identify if they are offline or blocked me.

07-27-22, 15:21
I use a different gmail account with a two-factor ID.

In addition to what you have listed I keep the seeking URL of their profile. This has helped me identify if they are offline or blocked me.I thought if you can't see their pic they have blocked you or their membership is expired.

I know I didn't respond to some pros with ppm numbers in messages to me so I don't get suspended. And sometimes their pic is blocked.

07-27-22, 18:00
MB, I completely agree with you. That said, I do not think you get on what. You just called yourself an average monger and I completely agree.

My case was hardly luck, not a one time thing, and I have said what I did to up my game dozens of time, but you never learn. FastMD is playing the same game I did and having similar results. You are just doing the sour grapes thing and foolishly outted yourself an average monger. Maybe the problem is not realism but your lack of game.

If it was just my being lucky, which is the ultimate loser stance, why is someone else replicating what I did?Yeah, you can call me an average monger, I don't mind. I don't think I'm superior in any way to other folks. Don't get me wrong though, finding a perfect girlfriend requires a shit ton of work and time, but this is not enough. Other factors come into play, like language skills, social skills, the amount of time one is willing to spend in a foreign country and so on. And yes, luck is one of the factors, you have to be at the right place at the right time. This can't just be predicted. What can I and other posters learn from your posts other than "don't be a john", "don't offer money", "wear a suit"? I pay, DF pays, Steve pays, and we all have fun, why is this a problem for you? Key to having a great time is to weed out all the scam artists and hardcore pros, and find great semi pros or non pros with whom you have decent chemistry. We all pay one way or another.

07-27-22, 18:08
Yeah, you can call me an average monger, I don't mind. I don't think I'm superior in any way to other folks. Don't get me wrong though, finding a perfect girlfriend requires a shit ton of work and time, but this is not enough. Other factors come into play, like language skills, social skills, the amount of time one is willing to spend in a foreign country and so on. And yes, luck is one of the factors, you have to be at the right place at the right time. This can't just be predicted. What can I and other posters learn from your posts other than "don't be a john", "don't offer money", "wear a suit"? I pay, DF pays, Steve pays, and we all have fun, why is this a problem for you? Key to having a great time is to weed out all the scam artists and hardcore pros, and find great semi pros or non pros with whom you have decent chemistry. We all pay one way or another.We all pay. Elvis pays as well. Usually when guys say they do not pay, they actually pay way more. I do not care what anybody pays, totally their own decision.

Jack Miami
07-27-22, 22:22
The thing with a guy like Jack Miami is they make up this ideal that I have never seen. There must be this marvelous wonderland that he speaks of where the women do not care about money and the men do not care about looks. Perhaps he has a key to some kind of club with people like that. I am still waiting for the day a woman says, "I like that you are well to do but I cannot have sex with someone with such shallow views on Nietzsche. ".What are you talking about? Where did I say anything like that?

Elvis 2008
07-28-22, 00:11
Yeah, you can call me an average monger, I don't mind. I don't think I'm superior in any way to other folks.If you are an average monger, you are not getting anywhere. You give women money for sex and do not give a shit about how they feel afterwards. You are acting like Jack Miami's right, "They are all WGs. They are paid to a job. Who cares how they feel?

He is so closed off from a woman's feelings, he does not think it is possible that they care for anything outside of money. Just the fact that a woman is on seeking one time and goes on one date in his mind labels them as WGs out for a man's cash their whole life.

Being better means anticipating a woman's feelings before they do and mastering your own. So I fly a woman into Bogota and have her stay with me two days, which is a rookie move BTW. I think there is a time I even went out with another women and had her stay in the hotel while I was away. Anyway, we go at it quite a few times. She is good in bed, pretty enough like a 7, a year away from graduating law school, and I gave her $300, which is too much but what I agreed to, and she hands it back to me and says she cannot take it.

If you are Jack Miami, Mr. Average Monger, he thinks this is total bullshit. It cannot happen. His lizard brain cannot go beyond they are WG out for money. So would you agree that the reason she tried to give me back the money is she wanted a relationship with me? And the reason I insisted she take it is that I wanted that notion squashed?

If you can get that concept, you are ahead of the average monger. If you can sit and talk to her like a normal person and be a fun companion, you are better than an average monger. This was Covid times. All we did was eat, watch Netflix, have sex, and talk. And by refusing the money, she is saying, "I want this life with you". I picked out what we watched, and she loved it.

Stop with this "well other guys are giving money too" crap. Steve is married. Married guys should always be in paid arrangements for their own safety, and if DF wants to tell you his story, he can.

If I am out with a woman that I see no future with that I want to bang, yeah, I will lay out the cash for sex. If she just wants money for sex, the same applies. With this gal, I opened up with cash, and I am not saying do not do that. What I am saying is do not open with money if you do not have to. Leave yourself open to the possibility that a woman may not just want your money. Most will, but there are a few who will not.

07-28-22, 10:27
Hey guys,

Sometimes I feel like I'm coming from another planet and miss some of the basic stuff. Clearly, I need a manual for SA when I compare my terrible experience with yours, guys.

Just a recap, I'm a French guy of Middle Eastern origins, 35 yo, working in IT, average looking, tall and fit (1 m87/82 kg). I speak 3 languages + a little bit of Russian. I like petite white blonde EE girls (my ideal being Russians), slim with flat tummy, 19-24 yo.

I like Dubai clubs and FKK clubs, you go in, you see what you get, every girl is available if you're willing to match her price, and everyone is happy (more or less). But this is obviously only to fuck and get out.

I'm looking for a bit more, so I decided to check out SA. I could go for a long-term SD / SB arrangement with someone I like and if the arrangement was reasonable. And a travel arrangement for a SB to go to Dubai / Greece / Turkey where all expenses are on me.

I initially thought, from what I've read on SA in the USA, that there is non-paid M&G around coffee or dinner to see if there is any chemistry. And when I checked for PPM how much these guys are paying in Australia or US, I saw a lot of 400 USD / EUR, which I was generally ok with. Boy was I wrong.

Here is my beyond terrible experience so far:

- I've tried SA when I went to Poland. This was my first time, I didn't know what to expect, or how quick the girls would respond or the best way to go on with it. I didn't know if the girls would be willing to go on a dinner date first or directly PPM with more. Of the few girls I messages, only two responded with any kind of interest. The first turned out to be too busy so couldn't meet. The second one wanted me first to buy a picture of her face from her, at the very cheap price of 40€. Wtf? First experience, terrible, as are most first experiences.

- I've tried SA when I went to Belgrade. I messaged a few girls, some never read the messages despite being online, some did and never said anything, one was an e-girl who asked what I wanted to do and said later decided that she doesn't do PPM when everything in her profile was clearly saying the opposite. One girl asked 500€, which I thought was clearly too much (that's basically a whole salary over there and comparing to the prices girls. Supposedly - ask for in London and the Bay Area which are much more expensive). One looked like a model but said she was going on a photoshoot so suggested a friend, which I didn't fancy. Terrible experience again and starting to get pissed off with SA fo good.

While in Belgrade, I contacted some girls from Romania. One was in a town near the border. One agreed to viceocall, clearly not the girl from the pics. Others flaked when I said let's meet, I'm willing to come tomorow. Scam scam scam, everywhere.

- I've tried SA when I went to Helsinki / Tallinn (same trip). I started messaging a dozen girls one week before. Several saw my messages and never replied. Not the first time, not the second time two days before, not the third time when I was there. My messages were straight to the point, that I was coming back there for a week and would love to meet them over dinner. After that I even started talking about allowance to come to the platonic dinner, but apparently, for some fucking reasons I have yet to understand, these girls can't be bothered to just show up for a dinner / walk and get paid to do nothing for a first meet. So no answers at all mostly. One girl put Helsinki but she was actually from Estonia and not even the capital.

No girls from Tallinn replied, except for one that just said "Hey! And what kind of arrangement?" and then never bothered to come back online.

- I've tried SA in Paris where I live. It's mostly Arabic and black girls, which I have zero interest in. Some girls replied and are just escorts that I didn't even fancy all that much. New French girls get a thousand messages as soon as they register so it's basically impossible to get their attention. One girl I was interested in, from Ukraine, was initially up to meet PPM for 350-400€. Which I thought yay, finally. She was super tall, 1 m80 and very fit. But I was going on vacation. When I came back two weeks later, its small amount as guys are paying her 700-800€. I said hell nah. A few weeks later, she contacted me as clearly she needed some money. I said 400, she agreed on 450. I wanted to do the dinner date etc but she insisted on coming straight to have drinks at my place. She showed up at my place, 4 years older than what she stated and her face was definitely not as nice. But still she was tall, fit and dressed sexily. We spent some times on my balcony, just talking and then headed to my bed. But I actually wasn't that excited so I sent her home after thirty minutes. In total she stayed maybe 2 h. Believe it or not, that was bad but still probably the best experience I've had on this fucking website.

- I've tried SA in Dubai. Many girls don't answer at all, many have clearly stolen pictures from Instagram "models" but I initially thought that these models need to make money anyway so could be (but clearly not), many are agencies in Disguise, many girls are not from Dubai at all, just pretending. The few ones that responded and I was willing to meet asked 4000 AED (1000+ euros), which I wasn't willing to pay (I've set my limit to 500€). There was three that were OK with it. One turned out to be an ugly mom, which I discovered after paying her 100 AED taxi to come to JBR and which pissed me off by complaining the whole time. Another one was from Philippines and looked way worse than on her pics, so I gave her two reds for the 10 min I kept her and sent her back. Last one was the "best" but had way too much kilos compared to her pics so I didn't contact her again after that. This one was the only time a girl agreed to meet for coffee / shisha, and then see if we could meet.

Oh and there is this whole story with the two "Italian girls". So I get contacted or I contacted, don't remember, two Italians girls wanting to go on a vacation. We talk a little bit and the girl in the profile say they're interested in going to Santorini / Malaga / Dubai / Bali. So I say why not, she says let's continue on Telegram. I ask her if they're comfortable with another and she says they're both bi but prefer men. We agree for her to join me in Dubai / Abu Dhabi first, and then we'll see for both of them if we have some chemistry. So I ask her to send me video with her friend, which she says she can't do as her friend is currently on vacation. So I ask her for a video of just her and she says bla bla if I'm not comfortable, she doesn't want to push me. Big red flag but I just skip it, because I'm dumb. So I ask her to send me her information to buy her the tickets, but she says she is used to buy it herself and doesn't want to send her info. Second big red flag, but I'm still dumb at that point. We discuss timing and when we agree, I send her the price tickets, something like 900€, which is more than I paid for myself. As I'm still very dumb, I don't ask her to send me proof she bought them. Next day we discuss hotels, she says she is high class and can't say in a simple room, need a suite, even junior. And has a pool so she can stay there while I work and she doesn't want to go anywhere without me as she doesn't know Dubai. She says she is used to looking for hotels for businessmen, so she sent me a list of three hotels in Marina which are far from the highest end so they're reasonable prices. I book one and then I also book two nights in Abu Dhabi. We're both happy. Then as we get closer, she goes on vacation on Barcelona. Then two days before the trip, I tell her I'm waiting for her. And she doesn't reply anymore. And obviously never came. So it costs me something like 1500€ in total between flight tickets and hotels I wouldn't have booked and Abu Dhabi I wouldn't have gone to. Nice. To this day this baffles me as I'm used to scams and phishing. But the talk about hotels, after "she" got the money, and what she wanted to do, I don't understand. She could have just stopped at that moment. Anyway I wrote on Telegram, "she" saw my messages, blocked me and then blocked me on SA.

- I've tried contacting some girls in Russia. Some of them were just selling pics, one seemed genuine. Got her number, and on WhatsApp she turned out to be a suicidal crazy girl. Telling me how nobody likes her, that she was cutting herself to deal with the pain (showed me some pics), and whatnot. She didn't ask for money or anything. I tried to be nice and cheer her up because I'm still a decent person but when I suggested she need to find some help with a professional, she said nobody wants to help her, even me, putting the blame on her. That's when I said fuck it, I don't have time for this shit.

- I was contacted by some girls from Ukraine. Now I know the situation there but come on, you're putting scantily clad pics of you on SA, telling the world how cheerful you are and then they all talk about the war. Except for two girls, who said they'd like to travel to nice places but expected to be paid 500€/ day. Which I found mightily confusing, aren't you already paying her by buying plane tickets, hotels, restaurants, eventually a gift or two there? Is that a normal arrangement?

- I was contacted by a petite blonde from Edinburgh who was willing to make an arrangement for 300 pounds a week and she would fly to me when I needed her. I was like really, 300 pounds? And that was her offer. Compared to any other girl in Europe who asks straight 500€ for PPM, what a bargain.

So there you go, I'm probably the worst on this website haha. I've tried all the ways of messaging, with a quick joke to a more serious to straight to the point. Boy does it suck to feel rejected even when you're willing to pay for it haha. I don't know what to think about it, especially when I read that you guys go to Barcelona and pay 200€ for an overnight or Vancouver which is way more expensive than a shithole like Belgrade and pay 400 USD.

07-28-22, 10:30
Oh and I'm now in Riga. There are 5 girls I'm interested in. And again same shit, they see my messages, read it, sometimes check my profile (which obviously need work) and then never bother to reply.

And this baffles my mind, you live in a low income country, you are on SA and you don't even care to reply to a polite offer for a PAID platonic dinner date? What kind of world is this? 🙄.

Anyone got a suggestion? I'm starting to get really pissed off and I still have four days to kill here. Thanks for any soul having an idea how to get out of this whatever-zone I'm in on SA: the.

Ah yes, one replied with three words "Dinner date? -500". I'm sure she even just meant platonic. Platonic dinner date for 500€? Get the fuck out of here. And these girls are all like "don't just say Hi, or how are you, please talk to me first" and then they reply with maximum two words.

Thank god I'm flying back to Dubai next week, fuck all this shit.

The Cane
07-28-22, 11:45
Anyone got a suggestion? Thank god I'm flying back to Dubai next week, fuck all this shit.You answered your own question.

07-28-22, 13:14
Oh and I'm now in Riga. There are 5 girls I'm interested in. And again same shit, they see my messages, read it, sometimes check my profile (which obviously need work) and then never bother to reply..Hello,

I feel for you, so I will just share what's working for me, but on a side note most of the girls you contact in the Eastern Europeans countries are a ' handler ' a pimp essentially. That person you are chatting to knows a few girls that might be interested in Arrangement based vacations outside the country they are located. Eg. Serbian girls have no interest in meeting in Serbia, Latvian girls that have no interest in meeting in Latvia etc. If you notice the standard thread for these respective countries are also reporting they are more or less useless for mongering, so never expect anything different on SA. In these EE countries you really need to be connected to snatch these Instagram / model types. Even though these countries on the surface of things seem to be struggling economically, there is enough people with cash to keep these girls in regular SB / SD deals.

I have had a quite a lot of success using this method. Keeping in mind I don't really do PPM unless in London / Dubai / or some other reasonable well off place. My current thing is weekend trips in different cities in Europe. Luckily I am based in Europe, so low cost flights are easy, and if it all goes to shit, I have only lost $100 on a flight, and I always have a plan be if they are a no show. So far 4 European vacations this year 1. Prague, Budapest, Stockholm and Venice. All with girls from SA, and all girls have been from Venezuela' living in Spain, Dutch, Serbia, and Kazakstan ' Studying in Milan.

So all girls based in Europe, all girls get offered the same deal. 1. Paid flights after we video call, 2.5 Star Hotel, 3.1500 Euro's expenses for their time for the 3 days trip. So 500 Euro a day for 3 days.

None of the girls live in the place we meet, which seems to help.

Luckily for me I am not married, so my profile have multiple picture's showing who I actually am. I contact them and tell them I love to travel and am looking for short 3 day European vacations with the right girl. If she reads my message and replies, I insist we move immediately across to WhatsApp. Once conversing through WhatsApp, I tell them my travel plans and tell them my offer above.

Once agreed, I ask for a video call to get to know each other. If the girls makes any excuse, or does not want to. I end contact immediately and move on to the next one. Once agreed video has been done, and I feel confident I I like the girl in question. I book the flights and send her the ticket. I never send travel expenses and I never send money for PCR testing or other nonsense. Like I said previously if the girl is no show, I would only have lost $100 on flights and I would immediately find another girl locally on SA or utilize escorts for my entertainment in the specific city I am in.

Done it 4 times in the last 4 months, and each time the girl has showed up and everything has went smoothly. Just back from Venice with a legitimate Serbian model, so its possible, but privacy with these girls is incredibly important.

Best of luck.

07-28-22, 13:30
Oh and I'm now in Riga. There are 5 girls I'm interested in. And again same shit, they see my messages, read it, sometimes check my profile (which obviously need work) and then never bother to reply.

And this baffles my mind, you live in a low income country, you are on SA and you don't even care to reply to a polite offer for a PAID platonic dinner date? What kind of world is this? 🙄.

Anyone got a suggestion? I'm starting to get really pissed off and I still have four days to kill here. Thanks for any soul having an idea how to get out of this whatever-zone I'm in on SA: the.

Ah yes, one replied with three words "Dinner date? -500". I'm sure she even just meant platonic. Platonic dinner date for 500? Get the fuck out of here. And these girls are all like "don't just say Hi, or how are you, please talk to me first" and then they reply with maximum two words.

Thank god I'm flying back to Dubai next week, fuck all this shit.First, as you know you but broke the rule that you should not be sending anyone money.

Second, do you have pictures on your profile? Doesn't have to be public, can be private. Also, maybe you post your profile statement here. Could you post some of your introductory messages?

SA is a lot of work. It's a game of numbers. For the non-pros it requires more game. For the pros-and professional SBs it requires no game. When a woman responds with let's meet, number right away with no pic request you know she is a pro.

If you have pics, what kind are they? Does it show that you are a professional, cool etc that would hit the democratic you are targeting? An example, I have pics that connect me to my profession (but can't tie to my actual company), at the beach, at nightclubs / bars etc that they can see if we have something in common. The sub 30 woman always comment on my fit sets which I know makes them more amenable to connecting.

Even the ugly girls get a ton of messages I'm sure. I have seen how many messages these 8+ woman get per day and it's amazing.

Also, some areas may not be good for SA and better to just go pro. I'm on my way to Seattle and have had a great response, but I'm not sure if these women are as attractive as other areas to warrant the time and money and may go pro. They sure seem DTF though and message very quickly.

Steve 9696
07-28-22, 13:54
Yeah obviously the sending money thing was a bonehead maneuver but you know this. Never ever ever do it. Even if it's $25.

I think you may be suffering from a few things. First, every country is different. So just because this works in the US or London doesn't mean it works well in Eastern Europe. A lot of the countries you mention would be new territory even for the experienced members of this team. No telling whether SA is good or not.

Second, I think what you call failure is based on unrealistic expectations. You haven't really had much / any in person failure. You have had a lot of texting fails wasting time hitting dead ends etc. This is ABSOLUTELY part of Seeking. You will waste a ton of time and effort finding the right girl. Hours. Days. Just yesterday thought I had found a cutie in a dry area of the country. Nice chat. Talk about meetup. Then "can you send $25 I'm hungry". Damn. Dead end. Do I weep? Nope. Next next. I WILL find my next hottie but it's a huge time sink.

IMO definitely skip the platonic meet and greet. Especially internationally. Girls in their early 20's are DTF. Have a nice dinner and go fuck. Don't waste either or yours time. And I think the $ for platonic May be backfiring. Nobody does that. So if I was a girl I'the think it a scam.

I suppose it's different everywhere, as I said. But I don't generally try to open with an offer of meetup. I usually pick something from their profile to start a conversation around and discuss mundane topics. If they won't engage in the convo then they are not for me.

07-28-22, 14:02
Yeah obviously the sending money thing was a bonehead maneuver but you know this. Never ever ever do it. Even if it's $25.

I think you may be suffering from a few things. First, every country is different. So just because this works in the US or London doesn't mean it works well in Eastern Europe. A lot of the countries you mention would be new territory even for the experienced members of this team. No telling whether SA is good or not.

Second, I think what you call failure is based on unrealistic expectations. You haven't really had much / any in person failure. You have had a lot of texting fails wasting time hitting dead ends etc. This is ABSOLUTELY part of Seeking. You will waste a ton of time and effort finding the right girl. Hours. Days. Just yesterday thought I had found a cutie in a dry area of the country. Nice chat. Talk about meetup. Then "can you send $25 I'm hungry". Damn. Dead end. Do I weep? Nope. Next next. I WILL find my next hottie but it's a huge time sink.

IMO definitely skip the platonic meet and greet. Especially internationally. Girls in their early 20's are DTF. Have a nice dinner and go fuck. Don't waste either or yours time. And I think the $ for platonic May be backfiring. Nobody does that. So if I was a girl I'the think it a scam..Always insightful comments online and even better in person.

When you coming back to Medellin Steve?

07-28-22, 15:01
Yeah obviously the sending money thing was a bonehead maneuver but you know this. Never ever ever do it. Even if it's $25.

I think you may be suffering from a few things. First, every country is different. So just because this works in the US or London doesn't mean it works well in Eastern Europe. A lot of the countries you mention would be new territory even for the experienced members of this team. No telling whether SA is good or not.

Second, I think what you call failure is based on unrealistic expectations. You haven't really had much / any in person failure. You have had a lot of texting fails wasting time hitting dead ends etc. This is ABSOLUTELY part of Seeking. You will waste a ton of time and effort finding the right girl. Hours. Days. Just yesterday thought I had found a cutie in a dry area of the country. Nice chat. Talk about meetup. Then "can you send $25 I'm hungry". Damn. Dead end. Do I weep? Nope. Next next. I WILL find my next hottie but it's a huge time sink.

IMO definitely skip the platonic meet and greet. Especially internationally. Girls in their early 20's are DTF. Have a nice dinner and go fuck. Don't waste either or yours time. And I think the $ for platonic May be backfiring. Nobody does that. So if I was a girl I'the think it a scam.

I suppose it's different everywhere, as I said. But I don't generally try to open with an offer of meetup. I usually pick something from their profile to start a conversation around and discuss mundane topics. If they won't engage in the convo then they are not for me.Great advice! I think the guys that are successful on SA, use failure as a motivator. If I get a bunch of, "no," it just means I need to work harder.

Also, when the model dumped me, I now use this a motivation to find something better. Additionally, I knew it was time for a change, so I moved on to CDMX and the rest is history.

Friday night when I got stood up at a fancy restaurant it was pretty embarrassing, but I ended up having a great time and got a couple of girls numbers on SA during that time.

Obviously never send money.

07-28-22, 18:18
Spain is the place in Europe!

Last in Spain. About 4 months ago. I pulled about 7 girls over to whatapp and with a week's time, I wasn't able to see them all (I tried). 200 EU was the number for these girls. Again, there were literally too many girls responding to chat them all up, so I chose the most promising and executed.

Age group: 20 - 27.

Language: I speak english with them. Even if you see a profile that you like in spanish, send her a message. She might speak english. In full disclosure, I've had quite a few girls respond that they are interested, but do not speak english. Those are a no go for me. But I'm a f*ck#ng hypocrite because one of the girls that I didn't' meet last trip (no time) doesn't speak english really at all (besides basic greetings) and we have been texting heavy over the past 2 weeks and making plans. I'm addicted to experiences and I need to experience all the girls. LOL. So sometimes, things may not be ideal, but it may become a hell of an experience.


Steve 9696
07-28-22, 18:57
Always insightful comments online and even better in person.

When you coming back to Medellin Steve?Hey man. Thanks for the props. But you are in fact the best wingman ever, leaving me with two hotties when there was def enough for us both. LOL.

May be tapped out on South America this year. But who knows. I did enjoy my time there.

Steve 9696
07-28-22, 19:04
Great advice! I think the guys that are successful on SA, use failure as a motivator. If I get a bunch of, "no," it just means I need to work harder.

Also, when the model dumped me, I now use this a motivation to find something better. Additionally, I knew it was time for a change, so I moved on to CDMX and the rest is history.

Friday night when I got stood up at a fancy restaurant it was pretty embarrassing, but I ended up having a great time and got a couple of girls numbers on SA during that time.

Obviously never send money.I know you know this DF but you def don't ever want to go to a restaurant and be sitting waiting for her. Although I am rarely if ever stood up lateness is de rigueur esp with South American girls where it's culturally accepted. I always confirm they are on their way (they often lie!) but then just go to the bar at the restaurant once she seems close. Beats that empty table feeling. Plus it’s def more gentlemanly to meet her at the front when she arrives.

07-28-22, 19:24
I know you know this DF but you def don't ever want to go to a restaurant and be sitting waiting for her. Although I am rarely if ever stood up lateness is de rigueur esp with South American girls where it's culturally accepted. I always confirm they are on their way (they often lie!) but then just go to the bar at the restaurant once she seems close. Beats that empty table feeling. Plus its def more gentlemanly to meet her at the front when she arrives.Yes, I do the same. I had confirmed, she said yes, earlier. The crazy part is we had met at least 5 times prior. Most of the restaurants in CDMX do not have bars, so it is not an option. Any way it was a good story.

07-28-22, 20:50
Spain is the place in Europe!How about Lisbon or Portugal in general? Any insights there?

07-28-22, 21:52
Hey guys,

Sometimes I feel like I'm coming from another planet and miss some of the basic stuff. Clearly, I need a manual for SA when I compare my terrible experience with yours, guys.

Just a recap, I'm a French guy of Middle Eastern origins, 35 yo, working in IT, average looking, tall and fit (1 m87/82 kg). I speak 3 languages + a little bit of Russian. I like petite white blonde EE girls (my ideal being Russians), slim with flat tummy, 19-24 yo..I really wonder how much of a factor the Middle Eastern look is to your experience. I also have a bit of an Arab / Indian look and I am beginning to wonder if there is an element of European girls not being very open to non-Caucasian males.

I also haven't had much luck in UK and Europe. In Istanbul (where there's clear racism and dislike towards Arabs) a girl came to meet me at my hotel bar. She wasn't open to sex, so she said just kissing and playing for like 30 minutes. I told her 200 Euro's (I know it's a stupid price but just wanted to experience it for the sake of it). She said no she wants 600 Euro's. I said no and she left. So she ended up with nothing when she could have bagged an easy 200 Euro's which is a lot of money for Turkey.

Hahaha Make it make sense?

07-28-22, 23:01
Hey man. Thanks for the props. But you are in fact the best wingman ever, leaving me with two hotties when there was def enough for us both. LOL.

May be tapped out on South America this year. But who knows. I did enjoy my time there.I second your comment about Max. Had the pleasure of him as a wingman in SP. Awesome guy.

BTW Steve, your mailbox is full. Can't reply to your pm.

Steve 9696
07-29-22, 00:24
I second your comment about Max. Had the pleasure of him as a wingman in SP. Awesome guy.

BTW Steve, your mailbox is full. Can't reply to your pm.What we want to hear from all our girls!128514;.

07-29-22, 01:34
I really wonder how much of a factor the Middle Eastern look is to your experience. I also have a bit of an Arab / Indian look and I am beginning to wonder if there is an element of European girls not being very open to non-Caucasian males.

I also haven't had much luck in UK and Europe. In Istanbul (where there's clear racism and dislike towards Arabs) a girl came to meet me at my hotel bar. She wasn't open to sex, so she said just kissing and playing for like 30 minutes. I told her 200 Euro's (I know it's a stupid price but just wanted to experience it for the sake of it). She said no she wants 600 Euro's. I said no and she left. So she ended up with nothing when she could have bagged an easy 200 Euro's which is a lot of money for Turkey.

Hahaha Make it make sense?I suspect that race may contribute to the OP's negative experience in SA in Europe. Racism is prevalent in Europe and I will not be surprised if it is more so in Eastern Europe.

Several years back, I was in Germany doing my FKK tour. These clubs at NRW like Golden Time, which had since been burned down, usually had these steel gates in front of their entrance that are closed. To enter, you need to be buzzed in after the bouncer get to see who you were first. There were like middle eastern looking guys that were consecutively denied entry, while I was just waved through the entrance. For reference, I am Asian. Later I learned such discriminations were common for middle eastern and black guys. Now this is Germany, a supposedly liberal European country. Imagine a less tolerant and less diverse Eastern European countries.

The Cane
07-29-22, 01:49
I suspect that race may contribute to the OP's negative experience in SA in Europe. Racism is more prevalent in Europe and I will not be surprised if it is more prevalent in Eastern Europe.

Several years back, I was in Germany doing my FKK tour. These clubs at NRW like Golden Time, which had since been burned down, usually had these steel gates in front of their entrance that are closed. To enter, you need to be buzzed in after the bouncer get to see who you were first. There were like middle eastern looking guys that were consecutively denied entry, while I was just waved through the entrance. For reference, I am Asian. Later I learned such discriminations were common for middle eastern and black guys. Now this is Germany, a supposedly liberal European country. Imagine a less tolerant and less diverse Eastern European countries.And your suspicions would be correct. Race and nationality both can factor in and have a lot to do with it. That's why it's best to be clear about that upfront on SA, and to have a picture you can share, even if you keep it hidden. That way no wasting anybody's time. And as to Golden Time? Good riddance! Karma is a *.

Steve 9696
07-29-22, 02:24
Beginning to wonder what prices are REALLY like in say Germany. Seems they should be low when you can fuck a girl in FKK for 100. But not seeing that. When poking around a few weeks back seemed like they wouldn't budge off 500. Got a bit of a fattie in Copenhagen for 300 last minute.

Had a good convo with a Munich girl off and on for few days. Seemed a pro but didn't bother me. We finally got to dollars and I offered 250 and she blocked me! Guessing like 400 Or 500 is required? Not going to be doing that with FKK down the street.

Can anyone with experience comment on pricing in the big German cities?

07-29-22, 03:17
Beginning to wonder what prices are REALLY like in say Germany. Seems they should be low when you can fuck a girl in FKK for 100. But not seeing that. When poking around a few weeks back seemed like they wouldn't budge off 500. Got a bit of a fattie in Copenhagen for 300 last minute.

Had a good convo with a Munich girl off and on for few days. Seemed a pro but didn't bother me. We finally got to dollars and I offered 250 and she blocked me! Guessing like 400 Or 500 is required? Not going to be doing that with FKK down the street.

Can anyone with experience comment on pricing in the big German cities?500 euros was average for Germany last month.

07-29-22, 03:34
Beginning to wonder what prices are REALLY like in say Germany. Seems they should be low when you can fuck a girl in FKK for 100. But not seeing that. When poking around a few weeks back seemed like they wouldn't budge off 500. Got a bit of a fattie in Copenhagen for 300 last minute.

Had a good convo with a Munich girl off and on for few days. Seemed a pro but didn't bother me. We finally got to dollars and I offered 250 and she blocked me! Guessing like 400 Or 500 is required? Not going to be doing that with FKK down the street.

Can anyone with experience comment on pricing in the big German cities?Steve, these days people are reporting 200 euros an hour for FKK in big cities like Frankfurt and maybe there might still be 100 euros in other areas like NRW. I will not be surprised if the base ppm is in the 500 range.

If I can get a good overnight experience with local German girl, I think it is still worth it. Just my 2 cents.

07-29-22, 05:43
I think it's very subjective. I don't look that different from OP but have had a lot of success in Western Europe. Mostly 200-300 Euro range and very GFE experiences. Personal chemistry, sense of humor, comfort level all play a role. I don't consider myself a player but have found myself increasingly comfortable with conversations and sealing the deal. It will probably take me a good bit of time to write but a few reports are definitely forthcoming.

I suspect that race may contribute to the OP's negative experience in SA in Europe. Racism is prevalent in Europe and I will not be surprised if it is more so in Eastern Europe.

07-29-22, 09:09
I suspect that race may contribute to the OP's negative experience in SA in Europe. Racism is prevalent in Europe and I will not be surprised if it is more so in Eastern Europe.

Several years back, I was in Germany doing my FKK tour. These clubs at NRW like Golden Time, which had since been burned down, usually had these steel gates in front of their entrance that are closed. To enter, you need to be buzzed in after the bouncer get to see who you were first. There were like middle eastern looking guys that were consecutively denied entry, while I was just waved through the entrance. For reference, I am Asian. Later I learned such discriminations were common for middle eastern and black guys. Now this is Germany, a supposedly liberal European country. Imagine a less tolerant and less diverse Eastern European countries.My opinion, and I am German. In the clubs I have been to evrybody could enter. It is different with who the girls accept. But there are reasons for that, and especially the popular ones coose who they go with. They often don't like the Turkish guys, Why?

They often come in groups, many are kind of there just for drinking. They invite girls to sit with them, touch them and most of the time don't go to a room afterwards.

There is a lot of price negotiation, even try to get prices lower than even € 50 for thirty minute.

Often the girls are not treated with respect by them.

Personal HYgiene. Don't get me wrong. I will not say that Turks or other peolple from the middle east are not clean. But I have seen many times that guys came back from the room and showered with their underpants still on. The girls know that too. So after sex and before going with another girl, what do you need to clean most. Your dick of course.

I have a female black Kenyan roommate. Most racism she experiences in Germany is form chinese or indian people.

07-29-22, 09:16
I think it's very subjective. I don't look that different from OP but have had a lot of success in Western Europe. Mostly 200-300 Euro range and very GFE experiences. Personal chemistry, sense of humor, comfort level all play a role. I don't consider myself a player but have found myself increasingly comfortable with conversations and sealing the deal. It will probably take me a good bit of time to write but a few reports are definitely forthcoming.Now you got me intrigued. Definitely want to know which western European countries, and the characteristics of the girls in those areas. I am still new to SA and so far has used it in one country which is in Colombia. So far, my experience there has been very positive.

I would definitely like to try it out in other countries. Understandably, SA may not work well everywhere. I speak some German, that is why I gravitated towards Germany. From the reports, it does sound like Spain might be a more favorable place for SA.

07-29-22, 16:32
I think it's very subjective. I don't look that different from OP but have had a lot of success in Western Europe. Mostly 200-300 Euro range and very GFE experiences. Personal chemistry, sense of humor, comfort level all play a role. I don't consider myself a player but have found myself increasingly comfortable with conversations and sealing the deal. It will probably take me a good bit of time to write but a few reports are definitely forthcoming.+1 on that. Very subjective. How do you carry yourself?. What is your energy? Is your personality charming and attractive?? All factors. I'm not white and have had tons of success all over Europe, including Czech Rep, Romania, Poland, etc. 0 race related issues with SA girls!

Out of about 30 experiences, I've had 2 race related issues in EU. First was a small skinny (not slim, skinny. Slim = good; skinny = bad) japanese girl in London that was willing to move forward, but tried to offer just a massage and HJ. Kicked her out.

The other was an escort in Prague. When she arrived, she didn't want to go forward. She said she doesn't see dark men, as they pack a bit too much meat. I replied, "what? You're racist? You got to be f#ck*ng kidding me! Lady, do you know what year it is? She explained that it was just her personal preference and that she didn't like the pain. Wasn't too upset or surprised (If you live in the world, you should know it). I continued on with my night, then unexpectedly, she wrote me like 10 minutes after that, apologized, reiterated that it just hurts too much, then she put me in touch with her friend that's apparently open to all (never made it happen). Right after that (maybe the next night), I met a Ukrainian girl that couldn't keep her hands off me. Of all the women that I have come across in EU, those were the only race related issues that I've run into (both escorts).

And I only target the thin, euro girls (all natural), so all those girls that Steve9696 passes on (pasty white), I'd be happy to take them. (tan them first though! LOL LOL. 😆 😂 haha.

There are uneducated, close minded people everywhere. Find the ones that aren't, and exist in that circle.

Editing the post: Just noticed your post about Germany vs other EU countries (maybe Spain). Check them all out...YMMV. I stayed away from Spain for long time and Berlin/London/Prague were my gotos...My mileage is waaay better in Spain, but I emphasize that it depends on so many factors.. Your game, your look; are you unexpected? are you cool AF? Are you interesting? I haven't been to Germany in a while, but when I was going often, the number was 250-350. I've never paid more than 200 in SPain, except I gave lili 250 one time just because I was in a good mood and she was cool AF, but 200 was the agreed upon amount. Experience everything, everywhere.


07-29-22, 17:21
I've heard only good things. On my bucket list.


How about Lisbon or Portugal in general? Any insights there?

07-29-22, 19:25
If you are an average monger, you are not getting anywhere. You give women money for sex and do not give a shit about how they feel afterwards. You are acting like Jack Miami's right, "They are all WGs. They are paid to a job. Who cares how they feel?

He is so closed off from a woman's feelings, he does not think it is possible that they care for anything outside of money. Just the fact that a woman is on seeking one time and goes on one date in his mind labels them as WGs out for a man's cash their whole life.

Being better means anticipating a woman's feelings before they do and mastering your own. So I fly a woman into Bogota and have her stay with me two days, which is a rookie move BTW. I think there is a time I even went out with another women and had her stay in the hotel while I was away. Anyway, we go at it quite a few times. She is good in bed, pretty enough like a 7, a year away from graduating law school, and I gave her $300, which is too much but what I agreed to, and she hands it back to me and says she cannot take it.

If you are Jack Miami, Mr. Average Monger, he thinks this is total bullshit. It cannot happen. His lizard brain cannot go beyond they are WG out for money. So would you agree that the reason she tried to give me back the money is she wanted a relationship with me? And the reason I insisted she take it is that I wanted that notion squashed?

If you can get that concept, you are ahead of the average monger. If you can sit and talk to her like a normal person and be a fun companion, you are better than an average monger. This was Covid times. All we did was eat, watch Netflix, have sex, and talk. And by refusing the money, she is saying, "I want this life with you". I picked out what we watched, and she loved it.

Stop with this "well other guys are giving money too" crap. Steve is married. Married guys should always be in paid arrangements for their own safety, and if DF wants to tell you his story, he can.

If I am out with a woman that I see no future with that I want to bang, yeah, I will lay out the cash for sex. If she just wants money for sex, the same applies. With this gal, I opened up with cash, and I am not saying do not do that. What I am saying is do not open with money if you do not have to. Leave yourself open to the possibility that a woman may not just want your money. Most will, but there are a few who will not.I never said they are all WG, read my recent post one more time, I explained who my target audience is.

Speaking of an average monger, I meant I'm not filthy rich, and I'm not Brad Pitt in his prime nor Prince Charming. I enjoy dining out with girls, and a good conversation over a glass of wine, if this makes me an above average monger, so be it.

Totally agree about not opening with money, however, if you are in a foreign country for a short period of time, it probably won't get you anywhere, because you need to get laid ASAP, and you want a guaranteed thing. And most girls will bring it up before you even say something about ppm / allowance. Now, if you live in a foreign country, have plenty of time and not desperate to get laid, not discussing money is the way to go.

07-30-22, 03:35
Have had quite a few arrangements in NRW.

One refused to take any money. The other two were roughly 200/250 EUR. No time limit. Day / two days. Didn't matter.

GFE, bareback, felt like girlfriend. 7/8 on looks.

Be nice, keep hunting. You will find these gems.

Best luck.

Steve, these days people are reporting 200 euros an hour for FKK in big cities like Frankfurt and maybe there might still be 100 euros in other areas like NRW. I will not be surprised if the base ppm is in the 500 range.

If I can get a good overnight experience with local German girl, I think it is still worth it. Just my 2 cents.

Steve 9696
07-30-22, 15:07
Have had quite a few arrangements in NRW.

One refused to take any money. The other two were roughly 200/250 EUR. No time limit. Day / two days. Didn't matter.

GFE, bareback, felt like girlfriend. 7/8 on looks.

Be nice, keep hunting. You will find these gems.

Best luck.Thanks for this reality based encouragement. It makes me think back to Miami. Girls were asking $800 and $1000 and I was like no fucking way. I persisted and found some great girls in the $400-500 range. And one became a long term keeper. So yes thanks for the reminder that it's persistence that matters!

07-30-22, 15:29
Thanks for this reality based encouragement. It makes me think back to Miami. Girls were asking $800 and $1000 and I was like no fucking way. I persisted and found some great girls in the $400-500 range. And one became a long term keeper. So yes thanks for the reminder that it's persistence that matters!I often wonder how many guys pays these rates, I bet it is very few. I had girls quote me $400-500 in CDMX, this never going to happen, I just laugh.

I think before Covid they might have been getting these prices, now I have my doubts.

Steve 9696
07-30-22, 21:00
You see those commercials on TV for Hims? Viagra etc. Keep that dick hard and ready at all times!

Now there is Hers also. Is it about prolonging the female orgasm? Or how to stay wet as you grow older? Nope. Pills for anxiety and depression is the main pitch.

So for men it's all about a good hard dick. And for women it's for managing depression because your husband is coming after you with a good hard dick and all you want to do is garden and sip wine. LOL.

Elvis 2008
07-31-22, 00:44
You see those commercials on TV for Hims? Viagra etc. Keep that dick hard and ready at all times!

Now there is Hers also. Is it about prolonging the female orgasm? Or how to stay wet as you grow older? Nope. Pills for anxiety and depression is the main pitch.Whole theory on depression, low serotonin, has come under fire lately. I took Prozac for weight loss one time, and it didn't do much good with weight but I had a hard time getting hard. Then I took fenfluramine for weight and could not cum. I could fuck for days and days. Both pills supposedly raise serotonin but the effects were as different as you could imagine.

The funny part is when a Colombiana stole one of my Viagra. When we fucked, she had an orgasm where she screamed so loud I think she broke glass. I am not sure if it was a placebo effect or not, but they do make pink viagra type pills in India. I cannot imagine the FDA approving a pill for enhanced orgasm but if they did, maybe women would not have to take so many pills for depression and anxiety.

Steve 9696
07-31-22, 02:20
I guess the good and the bad for me is no new dates or seductions or tips to report. Just enjoying my home girl immensely. And since not too much going on here in the forum, I hope you will indulge me posting my latest visit with her. I write these for myself anyhow so enjoy if blow by blow appeals. Frankly I enjoy Penthouse letters like stories but feel free to speak up if this is OT. I guess it's a good demonstration that the gems do exist and timing is everything. Such a narrow slice of time that Shayla and I crossed on Seeking.

Shayla and I have been dating about six months now and I have yet to get bored. I love dinner time with her and sex time and pretty much just everything. She's def the best girl I've ever been in bed with and I actually like her too! Yeah I'm a little in love (eyes wide open).

We met up for dinner the other night. She looks amazing in crop top, tiny blue Jean shorts and heels. We had a lovely dinner surrounded by mostly folks in the sixties with a few families thrown in. We aren't shy or apologetic about our relationship with strangers just the older man with his clearly "too young for him" hawt AF girlfriend. LOL.

In the hotel room it's so comfy and no rush. Just hugging and light kissing and cuddling. Just enjoying being physically close. This is a contrast to the urgency we have felt last couple times because I'the been away. The slow pace is nice.

Soon though a kiss lingers a bit long. Tongues engage and it's quickly on. As I've said before her mouth and pussy are directly connected so as we kiss she's starting to moan and I am grinding my hip into her pussy. I know from experience she is already soaking wet.

I swing her around to align with the bed and get on top the deep kissing and sucking and biting continuing. Up on my knees she undoes my belt and I pull her shirt up. And the party is on. I quickly strip and she gets her hot pants and panties off.

Normally I enjoy her excellent blowjob or maybe eat her out but I am remembering how awesome it was to fuck her last week so I dive straight in in missionary. She's always sopping wet so it's an easy slide in.

OMG her pussy feels great. Always does. It's not only the bareback, which I've done with maybe five girls this past year. She's just sooooo wet and slippery it just feels unbelievable. Way wetter than any girl I’ve ever been with. By a wide margin. Only girl ever that I might choose fucking over BJ. And her BJ is spectacular.

So we just fuck and fuck and fuck some more. All me in dominant mish. All while making out like demons. Sometimes a little slow. Sometimes fast. Sometimes just jammed to the hilt and savor. She is having multiple Os complete with the ugliest faces on the planet. LOL.

After maybe 20 straight minutes who knows I tire and move to switch her to the top. During the transition I am on my knees and she takes me in her mouth and starts the most amazing blowjob. Sloppy. Tons of shaft licking and Balls. Just to die for. So good that I can feel the build. Obviously I don't want it to be over but I figure we can go two rounds so I let it build.

Then the strangest sequence but it works out great. Just as I am about to cum she stops and takes it out of her mouth. I don't want to cum now but it's too late. I have dick in hand when a small shot emerges. I am thinking damn I have to stop so I can fuck more or I can Jack off but that's kinda lame. I guess she senses my dilemma because shortly after that first shot she dives under the hood and starts some epic ball and lower shaft work while I kinda work the top of shaft slowly. OMG it was the most staggering orgasm. Maybe because I had tried to hold back. But a couple more shots erupt and then some dry heaves after that that felt amazing even tho no more jizz. Wow. Started as a ruined orgasm and ended as one of the best ever. LOL.

After cleanup she's on top of me naked junk adjacent and we are kissing and I think she's just going to slide in for round two. But after a while we stop and just cuddle and enjoy hanging out. For quite some time I am on my back and she is between my legs stroking up and down them in a relaxing way. I don't know if she's looking for signs of life (super droopy now) but I am def thinking about round two even think am saggy. I know the Cialis will help when needed.

So after maybe a half hour I initiate. I lean forward and push her sideways onto her back and start a round of amazing sexual kissing. We are so good here. Nothing is off limits. I suck her tongue. She sucks my tongue. We tongue wrestle. We lip bite. It's just animalistic passion. And of course she's worked up for round two now grinding and moaning.

We start her on top since I did all the work last round. I start by putting her tits in my mouth one after the other. Those amazing world beating nipples and small enough tits to almost suck the whole thing in and lick the nipples at the same time. She goes into another world when I do this and I feel shivers wrack her body twice.

I am of course growing hard now and she takes advantage to slip it in and she rides and rides. She is absolutely breathtaking to watch ride with her slim waist and flat tummy and OMG I can still see a pic in my mind. She goes thru more Os and at some point after a very big one collapses on my chest and says "thank you!

But she's not a girl to let her man be left hanging. She swaps us to Steve position (she knows me well!) and we do modified Steve with her legs together up in the air to one side. Her pussy is even tighter this way and feels great. I've got one knee on the bed and pounding seriously. Nonetheless it's hard to cum again. I am super fine to just quit but she is determined and swaps to her tummy, head at edge of bed, to give me a standing BJ.

Def one of the best BJs ever. She knows how to really get hands going on balls and squeezing lightly and sliding and licking and OMFG it's to die for. I am leaning over and fingering her pussy in rhythm. Still can't cum. I tell her it's OK baby I don't want to wear you out. But she says no problem and keeps at it. Doe eyes and all.

At some point I say here let me Lie on my back. She sits back and rests while I reposition and I again think damn it's fine to quit. I've so enjoyed round two and don't need to finish (I wasn't like this a few years ago). But nope she takes a deep breath and dives in again. I think it's a fools errand but she is licking and sucking like her life depends on it. And WTF? I feel the build. I imagine her cowgirling as she sucks like there is no tomorrow and have a shattering orgasm. OMG. What a doll. I didn't think it was possible. She is a goddess and I tell her so.

More snuggling and plans for next week and maybe some sneaky mini vacation. Adore this girl. Can't wait till next week!

07-31-22, 14:48
Whole theory on depression, low serotonin, has come under fire lately. I took Prozac for weight loss one time, and it didn't do much good with weight but I had a hard time getting hard. Then I took fenfluramine for weight and could not cum. I could fuck for days and days. Both pills supposedly raise serotonin but the effects were as different as you could imagine.

The funny part is when a Colombiana stole one of my Viagra. When we fucked, she had an orgasm where she screamed so loud I think she broke glass. I am not sure if it was a placebo effect or not, but they do make pink viagra type pills in India. I cannot imagine the FDA approving a pill for enhanced orgasm but if they did, maybe women would not have to take so many pills for depression and anxiety.OK, you have to share links to this pink viagra!

07-31-22, 15:08
There has been talk about girls falling for their "john's". I feel sorry for these girls, for they have forgotten to keep in mind that the act they get from the man is fake. It's the same situation than when a guy falls for their paid girl, but he big difference is that the paying client. Who becomes a non-paying client. Is willing to take advantage of the situation and keep the act going, without compensation. Girls won't do it, they either will want to have the payment or they will be nice persons and cut it off.

It's no surprise that a girl can fall for a guy in paid situation, because people fall for each other all the time. Man can remind them of their father, their brother, their uncle, or their ex. Or the guy they never had, but wanted to have. Or the man represents the culturally adopted ideas that the girl fancies about a man. Or, the man is like a mirror image for the girl, being such a personality that they resemble each other or fit together as a hand and a glove. These are the seeds that will start to grow, when given the chance. And when the girl is promised to have money for spending time with a man, there comes the chance. It can't be pre-planned, it just happens if it happens. But as you know, the more years you spend with your regular, the more it becomes a possibility that you will start to have a place in her fantasy life. Surely, or at least hopefully, it's just a passing phase. For example, thinking about if she should choose you to be the father for her child. But since we are all so human, these things happen. Otherwise it would be just cold, robotic meetings with nothing but acting.

I have noticed that after the initial 'crush phase' fades out, the arrangement can get back to normal. To make this happen is to not change anything in the relationship. Not to feed the wishes and fantasies and hopes of the girl. Otherwise, it will become the doom of the relationship. Maybe some would like to have that brief time of being in a relationship with a young hot girl, rather than keep her as a regular for years to come or at least as long as she is available. Well, each to his own. I have found so few girls to be such that I will not get bored to have sex with them, that I hope selfishly that they'd stay available for five more years rather than go start a family.

Now, I don't use SeekingArrangements. I've preferred amateurs, who have had an ad somewhere, but not where the pro's advertise. However, it's interesting to read how people speak about one's "game", when they are actually having paid meetings with a girl! It's like going back 20 years in life and doing it all over again (or the first time? But now with much better chances of scoring. With the help of the money. I can understand why this is interesting and addictive to men at any age. But my question is, what are you really after? There is the sex. There is the young woman. There is the situation of being the older guy with the younger woman, which feels special. And then there is the company, the attention one gets from the young woman. All of these are reasons to do it and pay for it, but some of them could be filled with a non-paid woman, also.

And then there's the fact that this one, not-so-humble (and probably not so secure, as he claims to be) guy wrote: paying is a way to have a psychological defence against real emotional involment with the girl. Sure, one can like her and all, get all worked up how great she is. But with payment, it's different. It's so different from doing all the same without any word about possible payment, without any thought about it from either of the people involved. Money makes it safe and secure. For me, money is the key in these relationships: it makes them possible to stay as they are. Sex, and then nothing until the next time, when it's time to have sex again. I can fantasize about the girls meanwhile, I can think how lovely they are, but I won't go for it. They won't expect from me anything more, either (when the relationship is as it should be). This is what I pay for. What do you pay for?

Steve 9696
07-31-22, 18:04
There are several reasons why I pay an SB.

First and most obvious is because a hot young thing in her twenties is not going to give a mediocre looking guy in his fifties the time of day in some other setting. If she's on Seeking she has self qualified as willing to accept the age gap / flaws and doesn't find it creepy (at least the ones I date).

But I really do establish a deep connection with my favorite girls. And maybe I am delusional but they seem to truly enjoy the sex meaningful and long with attention to her needs and the affection and companionship all NSA and no drama. Would they still date me with no $$? I know at least a handful that would.

So at that point why pay? Because I care about these girls. Really do.

1. They need it way more than I do.

2. I don't want them seeking alternatives. If they can't pay the rent they might like me but they are going to get with a guy who helps them out.

3. They totally deserve to be paid! We all pay our wives and girlfriends with free housing and food and jewelry. And they don't do shit! The cost per fuck in my marriage was probably about $10K per for a lot of our marriage! WTF. How is that fair. These girls DESERVE our money. Goddamn bargain compared to being married! LOL

07-31-22, 18:11
There are several reasons why I pay an SB.

First and most obvious is because a hot young thing in her twenties is not going to give a mediocre looking guy in his fifties the time of day in some other setting. If she's on Seeking she has self qualified as willing to accept the age gap / flaws and doesn't find it creepy (at least the ones I date).

But I really do establish a deep connection with my favorite girls. And maybe I am delusional but they seem to truly enjoy the sex meaningful and long with attention to her needs and the affection and companionship all NSA and no drama. Would they still date me with no $$ I know at least a handful that would.

So at that point why pay? Because I care about these girls. Really do.

1. They need it way more than I do.

2. I don't want them seeking alternatives. If they can't pay the rent they might like me but they are going to get with a guy who helps them out.

3. They totally deserve to be paid! We all pay our wives and girlfriends with free housing and food and jewelry. And they don't do shit! The cost per fuck in my marriage was probably about $10K per for a lot of our marriage! WTF. How is that fair. These girls DESERVE our money. Goddamn bargain compared to being married! LOLHonestly I would rather pay, then I do not feel guilty for my lifestyle. If feelings change you can always change the relationship down the road.

I had one girl ask me to buy her gifts instead of money, I declined. Gifts have more emotional meaning for me vs. Money. Not to mention the time that would go into buying gifts every meeting, hell no.

The Cane
07-31-22, 18:57
Oh and I'm now in Riga. There are 5 girls I'm interested in. And again same shit, they see my messages, read it, sometimes check my profile (which obviously need work) and then never bother to reply. And this baffles my mind, you live in a low income country, you are on SA and you don't even care to reply to a polite offer for a PAID platonic dinner date? What kind of world is this? Ah yes, one replied with three words "Dinner date? -500". I'm sure she even just meant platonic. Platonic dinner date for 500? Get the fuck out of here. And these girls are all like "don't just say Hi, or how are you, please talk to me first" and then they reply with maximum two words.And how about the ones who demand read my profile first! So then you scroll down and see they didn't write virtually jack shit anything about themselves! What is there to read? You're not telling anybody anything about yourself! GTFOH LOL!

Elvis 2008
07-31-22, 22:19
OK, you have to share links to this pink viagra!I have used all day chemist without a problem in the past. They sell pink versions of my favorite generic Viagra, Kamagra.

Elvis 2008
07-31-22, 22:39
I feel sorry for these girls, for they have forgotten to keep in mind that the act they get from the man is fake. Now, I don't use SeekingArrangements. I've preferred amateurs, who have had an ad somewhere, but not where the pro's advertise.My current gal got on the site not because she knew what arrangement meant or the site headlines (not sure if they are even translated to Spanish). She got on the site because her friends told her to. One of her friends married a guy from seeking and lives in Spain and the other is a fianc of some Greek tycoon who owns a jet. And you feel sorry for them? I could be wrong but I do not think they need your sympathy.

And you have not used seeking but feel sorry for the women based on all men being fake and all the women being too stupid to know it? That is a very sexist POV IMO.

From what I have seen, the men get fleeced way more often than the women but the damage is much less harsh.

08-01-22, 13:17
There are several reasons why I pay an SB.

First and most obvious is because a hot young thing in her twenties is not going to give a mediocre looking guy in his fifties the time of day in some other setting. If she's on Seeking she has self qualified as willing to accept the age gap / flaws and doesn't find it creepy (at least the ones I date).

But I really do establish a deep connection with my favorite girls. And maybe I am delusional but they seem to truly enjoy the sex meaningful and long with attention to her needs and the affection and companionship all NSA and no drama. Would they still date me with no $$? I know at least a handful that would.

So at that point why pay? Because I care about these girls. Really do.

1. They need it way more than I do.

2. I don't want them seeking alternatives. If they can't pay the rent they might like me but they are going to get with a guy who helps them out.

3. They totally deserve to be paid! We all pay our wives and girlfriends with free housing and food and jewelry. And they don't do shit! The cost per fuck in my marriage was probably about $10K per for a lot of our marriage! WTF. How is that fair. These girls DESERVE our money. Goddamn bargain compared to being married! LOLI agree with what you have written. I know girls who are struggling specialy after Covid. Paying rent on time is a stress for some.

08-01-22, 18:15
My current gal got on the site not because she knew what arrangement meant or the site headlines (not sure if they are even translated to Spanish). She got on the site because her friends told her to. One of her friends married a guy from seeking and lives in Spain and the other is a fianc of some Greek tycoon who owns a jet. And you feel sorry for them? I could be wrong but I do not think they need your sympathy.So this girl got on the site because she was looking for a serious relationship with a rich guy? And when a rich guy offers her money for meeting with sex, she falls for the guy and let's him fuck her for free. All good as long as the guy doesn't get bored. When that happens, the girl understands what went wrong. The guy might not.

Yes, there are women who really do wish to fulfill their childhood / teenage dream of marrying a rich guy. And people who are all about money and material. If these individuals find each other and get married, it's all great. As long as the girl doesn't have to sign a prenuptial agreement.

Yet, I do feel sorry for the women who are attached to the idea of money as the answer, and the men who are their counterparts in these relationships. It's really a sad thing.

And you have not used seeking but feel sorry for the women based on all men being fake and all the women being too stupid to know it? That is a very sexist POV IMO.Now you are using ridiculous rhetoric, putting words to my mouth instead of talking about the issue behind the words I wrote. This exposes only your own way of thinking and the lack of capacity or interest for solid argumentation.

When a girl falls for a guy in paid relationship environmenet, and the guy is willing to use this situation to his own advantage by, for example, not telling to the girl that "sorry, but I'm not going to marry you and we'll be together only for the time I feel happy to hang out with you and have sex with you", I do feel sorry for the girl. Some guys are able to perceive their own thoughts, feelings and motives, and some are not. Same goes for the women. But a person who is able to see the situation and decides to not act honestly toward the other person, is putting the other person in position which I feel sorry about. Be it in paid environment, or non-paid.

Rookie women are also less likely to be accustomed to these situations which have money and / or power dynamic inside them, and which consist for the young woman with being with an older man, who is possibly near his father's age. This has psychological meanings to the girl, who might not be familiar with them if she hasn't had enough of these relationships previously to get accustomed to her own feelings, reactions and ways of acting in these relationship. To find out that she "always falls for this type". The man is then in the position of taking advantage of the girl. Like you wrote (was it you? That you think it's necessary to anticipate the woman's feelings before she knows them herself, and to master your own. This sounds to me as calculative, manipulative way of acting towards other people, if it isn't guided by a moral principle based on openness, honesty and the good of the other person.

And lastly, by being fake I pointed out that men act in these situations differently than how they would act when they are on an "even level" with the woman they are interacting with. Money and the dynamics of the arrangement makes it more easy to act in a way that charms the girl. A young woman might very likely be unable to recognize this subtle things, maybe not until they are more than 30 years old or until they've met enough Sugar Daddies to take notice how these men really are, compared to the act they present. It's all good when used with the payment the girl gets. But if there is no payment, then it's an elaborate con act. Anyone finds out about another person after couple of years of being with him or her. And our normal relationships are based hugely on this, that we act on our best and mostly ignore the signals that reveal from the other person something that they are trying to cover up in their good act. It's fair when it goes both ways. But when there is money involved, the money should stay involved. If it's dropped out and the motive is still the same, to fuck a young pretty girl as long as it's fun, it turns into a con act.

But anyway, good luck to you. Maybe you'll get married or stay together for years. It's always nice when two people find each other, be it whatever the route.

There are several reasons why I pay an SB.

First and most obvious is because a hot young thing in her twenties is not going to give a mediocre looking guy in his fifties the time of day in some other setting. If she's on Seeking she has self qualified as willing to accept the age gap / flaws and doesn't find it creepy (at least the ones I date).

But I really do establish a deep connection with my favorite girls. And maybe I am delusional but they seem to truly enjoy the sex meaningful and long with attention to her needs and the affection and companionship all NSA and no drama. Would they still date me with no $$? I know at least a handful that would.I can believe this. I link it to idea that even though they might not (or might as well?) consider you a potential boyfriend if you would pass them on a street or have a chat on any daily situation, now that they have learned to know you and there has been all the opportunities for the emotional attachment to happen, you have gained a meaning for them in their emotional life. Also, the age gap is really a different thing for women than men. At this historical point in time, media teaches (or preaches) that women should go for men who are of their own age. Whereas this kind of thinking was very different just a century ago, and from that, for several thousands of years in the history of mankind. Now, when a girl thinks she is not supposed to get interested in "older men", be that age gap only 12 or 15 years, it's confusing when that actually happens. If she let's herself go and goes for it, the age gap that was previously taught to her as a sociocultural, if not moral imperative, will lose it's meaning. Then it's about the limit of how far is she willing to go with it, and what does she want from him, and life.

Outside of paid arrangements, I was hugely amused when a 12 years younger girl literally dropped her jaw when she heard my answer to her question of how old am I, and very soon was hitting me so god damn erotically (at my work place, when we were alone) that I felt I have never felt such a heat in my life. 15 year younger student made it clear that if I would be willing to consider starting a family with her in the future, we could resume to have sexual encounters. And I ain't a guy many girls notice for looks.

I can believe this is the thing that makes the difference between having good, fulfilling relationships in older age with younger (paid or non-paid) girls:

Because I care about these girls. Really do.

08-01-22, 18:39

This is what I paid in June 2022. The one that refuses to take money. We first met Aug 2021. The other two. One I met in Jan and the other in Mar 2022.

I continue meeting them. Juggle them around. A bit boring to fuck the same but they are all super nice persons first and great fucks, second. So, just keeping them. But always looking for the fourth pussy.

I often wonder how many guys pays these rates, I bet it is very few. I had girls quote me $400-500 in CDMX, this never going to happen, I just laugh.

I think before Covid they might have been getting these prices, now I have my doubts.

Elvis 2008
08-02-22, 00:45
So this girl got on the site because she was looking for a serious relationship with a rich guy?LOL. Do you think the women see a guy's Amex card, spread their legs, and say "I love you"? Why would you think her being on the site was about money and not about her friends being happy, her being happy, and her daughter being happy?

And when a rich guy offers her money for meeting with sex, she falls for the guy and let's him fuck her for free. All good as long as the guy doesn't get bored.A woman cannot do anything for a man such that the man needs her? It is just sex? She is incapable of being interesting enough such that a man does not get bored? My God, you are a sexist. Your opinion of women is nauseating.

That you think it's necessary to anticipate the woman's feelings before she knows them herself, and to master your own. This sounds to me as calculative, manipulative way of acting towards other peopleAnd yet the women love it. Go figure. Maybe your problem with that is you are jealous that you did not think of it first.

Outside of paid arrangements, I was hugely amused when a 12 years younger girl literally dropped her jaw when she heard my answer to her question of how old am I, and very soon was hitting me so god damn erotically (at my work place, when we were alone) that I felt I have never felt such a heat in my life. If these individuals find each other and get married, it's all great. As long as the girl doesn't have to sign a prenuptial agreement.That is interesting. Did you speak with her about a prenuptial agreement? Or is that a second date thing?

Well, I had my fun. Desin, quit with all the pseudointellectual bullshit and moral dilemmas and get on the site and go on a few dates. You have strangled yourself with all these moral issues to compensate for your fear. The women are not as innocent as you think and the men are not as crude as you think. The truth is when you are on a date it is two people and you can set whatever rules you want to.

08-02-22, 02:43
I agree with what you have written. I know girls who are struggling specialy after Covid. Paying rent on time is a stress for some.If inflation continues to rise and money gets tighter, I think prices might drop.

08-02-22, 15:01
Anyone know if the Diamond upgrade in seeking is good for anything?

Far as I can tell it only serves to signal that you paid more for the same thing. But maybe I'm missing something.

Steve 9696
08-05-22, 17:22
I guess I knew this but was very struck recently kissing Shayla how different it is from kissing a pro even one who provides good DFK. With a Seeking girl (at least the ones I adore who I would not even class semi-pro) like Shayla, Alexa, and Sylvia (of late) it's a completely different passion and "set of moves".

What I mean by that is it's not just tongue tangling. There is playful licking and lip biting. Tongue sucking both directions. Just no rules. Wherever that animal passion takes you you go there. It's so amazing and such a joint "dance" if you will.

And because it's real, it's part of the sex. Shayla is definitely more connected mouth to pussy than most girls. But no pro is getting wet from DFK. She's probably even getting out the lube after you eat her pussy. LOL. Cuz there is nothing going on downstairs when u kiss. With a real connection that animal kissing is getting her wet just like it gets you hard. Amazing stuff and one of my favorite parts. And I guess I don’t mind the ego boost either — knowing that kissing me make Shayla’s juice drip down her thighs is def satisfying to the self esteem!

08-05-22, 20:41
So just returned from a week in Seattle and unexpected trip to Vancouver.

The normal SA leg work had started before the trip. Had a lot of responses from who I thought were attractive going on pics.

I target 8+ under 35, white women. After having multiple conversations and then video calls I was getting worried. They just didn't seem that attractive to me from what I have been used to lately.

The pros there are plentiful and also on SA. BBFS is out in the open in Seattle. After all the work set up 2 dates, one was decent 25 yr she was really into it, but for me no fire. 400. She wanted to stay the night, had dinner etc before but I told her I had an early call with NYC.

2nd, was just too enamored with my fit and accessories, was getting stalker vibes but pounded anyway. She is blowing up my phone still. She was 500. Both were my normal PSE experience, but not enough for me to continue further.

I just don't think the women are that attractive, now I'm a little different. I need their outfit, appearance, style, banter etc to match what I'm used too. I'm willing to upgrade the right one if they polish up, but even in the bars etc only saw a handful.

Bar pickups would be pretty easy there, from 2 experiences out during the night. Had two women who were dtf, but was with some business colleagues and didn't want to go full throttle.

Anyway, 2 of my previous hookups from Vancouver have been asking me return. The Finance mgr and realtor. Plus I have been texting with a real 9. 5 23 yr old law student (reminds of young Gal Gadot, with implants). So took the quick flight to Vancouver to hit the 3 of them. That was the best part of this business trip.

As was walking through the city with 23 yr old, she was telling me about her new apartment and dog. So bought her an espresso machine and stuff for her puppy. Totaled to about $550. After a full night of bed breaking sex and morning repeat I offered another 5, she said the presents were enough this trip. So $550.

Will be back in Seattle in 2 weeks, and MTL so report any updates.

Also, heading to Amsterdam at the end of the month and thinking of taking one of them. The sex is that good as is the connection in general.

Be well and good luck.

08-07-22, 22:57
Kind of an odd question and observation here.

I like seeking for the amateurs. The ones who really are just uni students trying to make rent. But who aren't pros.

Sometimes I being a girl home, like yesterday, and she's young and beautiful. 19 years old and cute.

And then we get to the bedroom, pants come down, and she's shaved bare.

And I like me a bare cooter. Love it really. But it always makes me suspicious. A bare cooter? Is she really all that innocent? I mean, to get to the point you shave bare you've had some life experience, you know? Maybe a lot of miles on the odometer. Like I prefer a shaved snatch but ID rather see some fuzz in these situations just to announce she's not a prostitute doing seeking on the side.

Am I overthinking this?

Steve 9696
08-08-22, 02:02
Kind of an odd question and observation here.

I like seeking for the amateurs. The ones who really are just uni students trying to make rent. But who aren't pros.

Sometimes I being a girl home, like yesterday, and she's young and beautiful. 19 years old and cute.

And then we get to the bedroom, pants come down, and she's shaved bare.

And I like me a bare cooter. Love it really. But it always makes me suspicious. A bare cooter? Is she really all that innocent? I mean, to get to the point you shave bare you've had some life experience, you know? Maybe a lot of miles on the odometer. Like I prefer a shaved snatch but ID rather see some fuzz in these situations just to announce she's not a prostitute doing seeking on the side.

Am I overthinking this?Def overthinking this! ALL girls in their twenties shave their pussies. I haven't seen a trace of Bush in the last ten years save some well trimmed patches in Asia where Bush is considered desirable. I have see lots of non pro SA girls. All clean shaven. Bush is just "out" except in parts Asia. I'm sure they do it as a matter of course when they shave their legs. Only adds another minute or two.

08-08-22, 08:58
So just returned from a week in Seattle and unexpected trip to Vancouver.

The normal SA leg work had started before the trip. Had a lot of responses from who I thought were attractive going on pics.

I target 8+ under 35, white women. After having multiple conversations and then video calls I was getting worried. They just didn't seem that attractive to me from what I have been used to lately.

The pros there are plentiful and also on SA. BBFS is out in the open in Seattle. After all the work set up 2 dates, one was decent 25 yr she was really into it, but for me no fire. 400. She wanted to stay the night, had dinner etc before but I told her I had an early call with NYC.

2nd, was just too enamored with my fit and accessories, was getting stalker vibes but pounded anyway. She is blowing up my phone still. She was 500. Both were my normal PSE experience, but not enough for me to continue further.

I just don't think the women are that attractive, now I'm a little different. I need their outfit, appearance, style, banter etc to match what I'm used too. I'm willing to upgrade the right one if they polish up, but even in the bars etc only saw a handful.

Bar pickups would be pretty easy there, from 2 experiences out during the night. Had two women who were dtf, but was with some business colleagues and didn't want to go full throttle.

Anyway, 2 of my previous hookups from Vancouver have been asking me return. The Finance mgr and realtor. Plus I have been texting with a real 9. 5 23 yr old law student (reminds of young Gal Gadot, with implants). So took the quick flight to Vancouver to hit the 3 of them. That was the best part of this business trip.

As was walking through the city with 23 yr old, she was telling me about her new apartment and dog. So bought her an espresso machine and stuff for her puppy. Totaled to about $550. After a full night of bed breaking sex and morning repeat I offered another 5, she said the presents were enough this trip. So $550.

Will be back in Seattle in 2 weeks, and MTL so report any updates.

Also, heading to Amsterdam at the end of the month and thinking of taking one of them. The sex is that good as is the connection in general.

Be well and good luck.Sir, be honest with us. You must be a pretty good looking guy. Nice reports!

08-08-22, 10:11
LOL. Do you think the women see a guy's Amex card, spread their legs, and say "I love you"?This was your thought, not mine. I would consider such a way of acting as not very elaborate one from the woman. Proclaiming love right on the start is such a male thing to do. But maybe that has happened too, for example in case of millionaires and celebrities. If the girl feels like she has only this one chance on the "man of his dreams". And maybe the woman has felt she is in love.

In Seeking, girls are offered money for meetings. Or, they are provided allowance. Or gifts. Or catered with dinners and certain kind of 'luxury experiences'. And of course there are the occasional Sugar Daddies and Sugar Girls who consider sex out of the question, enjoying the platonic side of the relationship. But basically the concept is, as I understood it was in your case too, that you had agreed to pay for the girl certain amount of money for a meeting, which included sex? This is the typical way. It's also a very convenient way for a woman, who is seeking a man with money, since the girl will get paid either way: she can take the money for the meeting, or if she finds a suitable man, she might try to establish a relationship with him. But if the girl is interested in marriage and the man is not, then I feel sorry for the man, for he is only playing with the girl if this is not made clear. (By the way, I hope that if your lawyer girl is looking for a marriage, you two will have a great future as a husband and wife! That is, of course, if you are interested in such a relationship as well.).

Why would you think her being on the site was about money and not about her friends being happy, her being happy, and her daughter being happy?Because it's Seeking. But a lot of people believe money will make them happy, so that's not anything new or unheard of.

By the way, there is no mention of "Sugar Girl" or "Sugar Daddy" in the profile making process on Seeking, instead there is the option to choose if one is looking someone who has the money, or the looks. I would consider an adult woman who does not see through this as someone who is probably better on Tinder than on Seeking.

A woman cannot do anything for a man such that the man needs her? It is just sex? She is incapable of being interesting enough such that a man does not get bored? My God, you are a sexist. Your opinion of women is nauseating.Hehee, you must be trolling for laughs. I can't believe you wouldn't be able to see how you are again projecting your own thoughts to the other person.

I do hope that any woman wouldn't have to be in the situation where she is looking for a man for serious relationship and possibly a marriage, but the man in question is just having his fun with the woman without having the discussion of his hopes for the future, if these hopes doesn't involve getting married or having a serious relationship. This would be using of another person as his instrument of enjoyment, in the case of the man.

But when both person are on the same page and it's clear for both of them, then it's a honest relationship which can be based on money as well as mutual interest and love.

And yet the women love it. Go figure. Maybe your problem with that is you are jealous that you did not think of it first.I do agree women love this kind of behaviour, since I'm very familiar with the mechanism of how narcissistic personalities make good impression on their "targets". It's not something I would be jealous about, since manipulativeness and using other people as objects is not my cup of tea. Sadly, the person who is the target of such behaviour is not aware of this. It will come out after a shorter or longer period of time.

That is interesting. Did you speak with her about a prenuptial agreement? Or is that a second date thing?I don't go for relationship with women who are interested for it to become more than I am willing to. This is a moral imperative. Then the woman in question can spend her time more wisely and look for the future father for her future kids.

Well, I had my fun. Desin, quit with all the pseudointellectual bullshit and moral dilemmas and get on the site and go on a few dates. You have strangled yourself with all these moral issues to compensate for your fear. The women are not as innocent as you think and the men are not as crude as you think. The truth is when you are on a date it is two people and you can set whatever rules you want to.I follow moral codes for the respect of other people. And for my own respect.

I disagree with your statement. The correct form is that the two people can set up their rules in the way they like, when they are doing it together. When they are playing only for themselves, they are using the other person as an instrument. It's how some. If not many. People act in regards to the other sex (men to women and women to men), but this does not mean it's the way to go when one grows up above the age of teenage and being young adult. Morality and proper way of acting towards other people is not a given thing, it is something each person either does or does not develop in himself or herself.

(I used the "you" form intentionally do make the point that it's not about you, Elvis 2008, but you and the girl. Even as you might have meant the two of you.).

The Cane
08-08-22, 10:55
LOL. Do you think the women see a guy's Amex card, spread their legs, and say "I love you?The kind of women I "date" do LOL! Only, I convince many to spread those butt cheeks open too hahahaha!

08-08-22, 12:34
I guess I knew this but was very struck recently kissing Shayla how different it is from kissing a pro even one who provides good DFK. With a Seeking girl (at least the ones I adore who I would not even class semi-pro) like Shayla, Alexa, and Sylvia (of late) it's a completely different passion and "set of moves".

What I mean by that is it's not just tongue tangling. There is playful licking and lip biting. Tongue sucking both directions. Just no rules. Wherever that animal passion takes you you go there. It's so amazing and such a joint "dance" if you will.

And because it's real, it's part of the sex. Shayla is definitely more connected mouth to pussy than most girls. But no pro is getting wet from DFK. She's probably even getting out the lube after you eat her pussy. LOL. Cuz there is nothing going on downstairs when u kiss. With a real connection that animal kissing is getting her wet just like it gets you hard. Amazing stuff and one of my favorite parts. And I guess I dont mind the ego boost either knowing that kissing me make Shaylas juice drip down her thighs is def satisfying to the self esteem!I agree 100%. You can feel the difference and it is BIG.

08-08-22, 13:42
Def overthinking this! ALL girls in their twenties shave their pussies. I haven't seen a trace of Bush in the last ten years save some well trimmed patches in Asia where Bush is considered desirable. I have see lots of non pro SA girls. All clean shaven. Bush is just "out" except in parts Asia. I'm sure they do it as a matter of course when they shave their legs. Only adds another minute or two.You would think, but 2 girls I am seeing in CDMX do not shave. Kind of a turn off, but they are both very hot.

08-08-22, 16:33
Def overthinking this! ALL girls in their twenties shave their pussies. I haven't seen a trace of Bush in the last ten years save some well trimmed patches in Asia where Bush is considered desirable. I have see lots of non pro SA girls. All clean shaven. Bush is just "out" except in parts Asia. I'm sure they do it as a matter of course when they shave their legs. Only adds another minute or two.Oh got it. I'm definitely showing my age here. When I was in my twenties, you never saw a bare hooch.

08-08-22, 16:37
You would think, but 2 girls I am seeing in CDMX do not shave. Kind of a turn off, but they are both very hot.What I really don't like, but see quite a bit of, is stubble. Like a girl shaved 2 weeks ago but not since then.

I never say anything because why? But I always think "you knew those pants were coming off tonight and you didn't think it worth your time to make your vag presentable?

Steve 9696
08-08-22, 17:43
What I really don't like, but see quite a bit of, is stubble. Like a girl shaved 2 weeks ago but not since then.

I never say anything because why? But I always think "you knew those pants were coming off tonight and you didn't think it worth your time to make your vag presentable?Agree. Seems kinda lazy. I haven't seen this with most girls. I did see it with Kayla some and I think it spoke to her being complacent. In the end she preferes to stay in and watch Netflix rather than go out to dinner and club. Eventually killed it off (don't get me wrong I'the still see her but the spark is gone). Think stubble was the first sign of the slippery slope to complacency.

But hey it goes both ways buddy! I shave my balls now day of the event for Shayla. As discussed way back I use a Venus and it's amazing. And I don't shave the hair between thighs and balls because it gets sticky and more prone to yeast infection. But the Venus rules. Squeaky clean and no nicks ever.

And Shayla even mentioned my day long stubble feeling agains her tits so I make sure to be clean there too. Nothing too good for my girl. Considering how she treat me in return.

08-08-22, 23:05
Just beginning to wade into the US waters of SA. Must admit I am still in knee high water. Yet to take a full plunge.

Initial observations are that. A) Girls are a tad more in front foot here than in Europe. Europe girls were waiting for me to make first move b) These girls are a lot clearer about what they want. Europe has a bit more of "not sure what I am looking for" aka leaving me the privilege of showing her how good it is to enjoy nice dinners and dicking while getting some money as well c) In US, girls seem more transactional. Right away asking "How much will you pay?" Is a mood killer.

Too early to jump to conclusions. Will keep posted how it evolves.

08-08-22, 23:11
Agree. Seems kinda lazy. I haven't seen this with most girls. I did see it with Kayla some and I think it spoke to her being complacent. In the end she preferes to stay in and watch Netflix rather than go out to dinner and club. Eventually killed it off (don't get me wrong I'the still see her but the spark is gone). Think stubble was the first sign of the slippery slope to complacency.

But hey it goes both ways buddy! I shave my balls now day of the event for Shayla. As discussed way back I use a Venus and it's amazing. And I don't shave the hair between thighs and balls because it gets sticky and more prone to yeast infection. But the Venus rules. Squeaky clean and no nicks ever.

And Shayla even mentioned my day long stubble feeling agains her tits so I make sure to be clean there too. Nothing too good for my girl. Considering how she treat me in return.Man if I shaved my junk my wife would know I'm up to no good.

Good thing I'm the one who brings money to the arrangements. I can expect things I don't plan to offer in return. Like shaved private areas.

08-09-22, 18:54
Man if I shaved my junk my wife would know I'm up to no good.

Good thing I'm the one who brings money to the arrangements. I can expect things I don't plan to offer in return. Like shaved private areas.That was pretty funny. I shave my balls etc. I feel it makes clean up and inspection easier. I know the woman always appreciate it.

I always make them suck my balls, so never any hesitation.

You can always tell the wife the urologist asked you to trim for the exam, LOL.

Funny story, I saw a girl shaving a man's balls etc in the shower at the Globe because she said it was too much hair for her to find his cock.

The Cane
08-09-22, 20:48
Funny story, I saw a girl shaving a man's balls etc in the shower at the Globe because she said it was too much hair for her to find his cock.A girl at an FKK told me that she tried to get this Chinese guy to cut his pubes down because there was so much hair she couldn't find his "dong" hahaha!

Steve 9696
08-09-22, 22:54
That was pretty funny. I shave my balls etc. I feel it makes clean up and inspection easier. I know the woman always appreciate it.

I always make them suck my balls, so never any hesitation.

You can always tell the wife the urologist asked you to trim for the exam, LOL.

Funny story, I saw a girl shaving a man's balls etc in the shower at the Globe because she said it was too much hair for her to find his cock.Yeah 100%. I wrote about this about a year ago. Shaving your balls makes a HUGE difference in how much ball licking and sucking you get. Girls dive right in no questions asked since shaving. And it feels way more intense. Win win win.