View Full Version : Seeking Arrangements
01-05-23, 14:43
By a lot of effort I mean I have to send a lot more messages to get a response, and once I get a response the likelihood of closing a deal is still lower. So it's just more work all around.
I always take a girl to a nice dinner. Don't know why. Guess because I want it to feel more like a date and know the girl a bit before I plow her. Also on a few rare occasions I've backed out when I realized at dinner I didn't like the girl. The last time was when the girl showed up like 30 pounds more than her photos. I tried to drink the problem away and find something to like but she was also stupid and kind of annoying. Told her I felt guilty and wanted to let her go even tho that was a lie.
Regarding BBFS, no. That's just stupid and reckless. I imagine you already have herpes and warts if you're asking that. Or you will soon. I do not and do not plan on getting them. I love a raw dog but no I never do that with a random girl I'm paying to sleep with me. It's not a moral issue. It's because I don't want the aforementioned things attached to my penis.
Can you elaborate on a lot of effort?
Do you mean you have to dine and wine them before the $400 session?
If so, you had other girls just went out with you for the free meal and then did not come through?
Did you get BBFS with the two $400 girls?
Question for you. How do I ask this delicately? Did you f**k the nostrils? With or without lube?Especially if she is on top, a person would be looking up her nostrils. No, I am not making this up. Would you fuck her nostrils? Stupid question and waste of band width for a Senior Member.
Maha Siddha
01-05-23, 19:12
300-400 for a black girl in the Midwest sounds right, even if she's under 25 and in great shape.
600+ for a cute white or Asian girl in SF or NYC.600+ and you get BBFS??
With the plane tickets to CDMX and Airbnb it might end up with similar cost.
Last trip l stayed for 6 weeks in CDMX and on average 2 girls per week.
Airbnb ends up like 4 k+ usd.
01-05-23, 23:42
Especially if she is on top, a person would be looking up her nostrils. No, I am not making this up. Would you fuck her nostrils? Stupid question and waste of band width for a Senior Member.Come on now. It was a joke. I didn't think anyone was actually fornicating with nasal orifices. Somehow things are more amusing when you're 3 deep in your Macallan.
But thanks for recognizing my senior status. I've earned it and I intend to lead with it in future posts.
Maha Siddha
01-06-23, 01:54
SA banned me three times.
I used prepaid debit card which l did for my last run.
I have not bought the membership since April 2022.
Any brothers here use prepaid debit card for that and which one?
Last time l use green dot and it worked fine.
I am really concerned SA again change their rules??
Thanks for all the help.
I have arrangements in Nor Cal and So Cal (San Diego) there are many more women in San Diego by far. The price range is $200 - $600. I had a French Au Pair (I'll find her pics) that was 450 and she was the only one who wouldn't do BBFS. She did swallow me but her visa expired so she's back in France. You might have to get an UBER as most of the girls don't have cars.
I don't do dinner dates or drinks it's not for me. I always meet in public place during the day so that I can see them clearly. My experience is that BBFS is almost automatic. I always ask what things they are not comfortable with. If they want things covered they will say this.
I have noticed that most of the black girls (I am a black guy) will not do BBFS. I think in the USA you have to more discreet about how you approach women than say Mexico. Many will feel conflicted if they perceive an arrangement as purely sex for money. That's essentially what it is but I try to make it feel differently.
I think someone earlier had asked about SA in Tijuana. I don't think it's necessary since you can go to the clubs and pick the girl you want. The hottest girls work Saturday nights and I think they go to the highest bidder and regulars. When I went to Tijuana and this was over 10 years ago it was $60 for the girl and $15 for the room. The street girls $20 but the service is very basic. For the most part service in Tijuana is covered unless you can strike a deal.
01-06-23, 05:58
Man what did you do to get banned 3 times? 3?
I buy green dots. They are not easy to find. There's a Walgreens near my house and I buy them there. They are behind the counter and it's always kind of odd when the cashier wonders (I imagine he's wondering) why I'm so picky about the Visa card I want. "No not that one it has to be that one. In the middle row at the bottom. That one."
SA banned me three times.
I used prepaid debit card which l did for my last run.
I have not bought the membership since April 2022.
Any brothers here use prepaid debit card for that and which one?
Last time l use green dot and it worked fine.
I am really concerned SA again change their rules??
Thanks for all the help.
600+ and you get BBFS??
With the plane tickets to CDMX and Airbnb it might end up with similar cost.
Last trip l stayed for 6 weeks in CDMX and on average 2 girls per week.
Airbnb ends up like 4 k+ usd.BBFS is a touchy subject: some guys like it and some don't. Some girls like it and some don't. Among amateur SA girls, I've never found one that tried charging extra for it.
01-06-23, 14:45
. I imagine you already have herpes and warts if you're asking that. Or you will soon. I wonder if he seriously doesn't see the irony in specifically calling out the things a condom can't protect you from.
01-06-23, 16:18
I wonder if he seriously doesn't see the irony in specifically calling out the things a condom can't protect you from.He does.
He has read the literature.
And he understands that something not being 100 percent prophylactic is not the same as being 0 percent prophylactic. And that for the herp in particular a condom is quite prophylactic for the areas covered.
And he understands that his caution has worked throughout his life despite his, and because of his, skeezy ways and he encourages others who engage in sexual acts with a rotating cast of strangers to consider exercising the same care for their own safety, because they love love love doing this. So much. And they like me want to do it as long as humanly possible.
SA banned me three times.
I used prepaid debit card which l did for my last run.
I have not bought the membership since April 2022.
Any brothers here use prepaid debit card for that and which one?
Last time l use green dot and it worked fine.
I am really concerned SA again change their rules??
Thanks for all the help.When you sign up on SA you need 1. A new email account to give them- gmail or yahoo will set it up, 2. A new phone number to give them-google voice will set it up, 3. Then when you input your credit or debit card on their pay page you use a different first name (like your middle name), 4. A new street number that is not the same, like 2 numbers off, but the same street name, same city and zip code so it will go thru. Your bank will let it thru. SA does not track the IP address. Worked for me.
My experience with SA in USA is not so good. Girls have GPS with high expectations and bad service. (I am also in 40's and prefer girls in 25 age range with slim body).
I did get some good vibes with black girls, but these girls are too much drama and not in good shape, but willing to provide BBFS.
Specially had lot of girls available a week before Christmas as they were looking for quick money for holidays.
Yes, we all want 25 year old girls. They are in better shape, more fun and less critical, and have a good sex drive and are more mature than the 18-21 year olds who expect free money without fucking. And I have also noticed much better response rates with the black girls, one of whom said in her profile, as a black woman, she did not want AA (African) men. And they are more willing to perform for less, around $200 for starters seems to be accepted for me. The white girls seem to want 400-500. Many want meetup fees, or try to add extras. Its about supply and demand, no? In reality the white women, age 25, seem to be in higher demand and can command more money than the black women.
Elvis 2008
01-06-23, 18:22
I wonder if he seriously doesn't see the irony in specifically calling out the things a condom can't protect you from.LOL. Yeah, that was my sentiments exactly. I wish we could ban the STD talk especially people who are so definitive on what is safe and what is not. People should talk to their doctor, read the facts, and make up their own minds on what to do. We are all adults here.
Elvis 2008
01-06-23, 18:32
But I hear some guys get 300 so I figure I'll float that out there. 300. She says "300 is your offer including intimacy?" I guess she must have forgot the incredulous emoji because I texted back and she's ghosted me. 300 was clearly a stone cold insult to her GPS. Oh well. Next!Yeah, it was ridiculous. I was talking to some strippers and they were like prepandemic, if we left the club with $500 we were happy, but now it is $1000 per night. That was a sign to me to short the market because when the economy gets shut down, we should not see strippers doubling their incomes. And I looked at escort prices, and there was no one I was interested in for less than $500 an hour for a while.
But I looked at the escort market last week just for grins and I was seeing what IMO are doable women going for $300 an hour now, so Steve, maybe the gal you hit up has not get the new memo on prices.
And on the supply side, I was at a store in a very rural Texas town and heard two somewhat attractive women talking, and one said, "Maybe I will just get a sugar daddy and get a trip to the Bahamas then. " So it looks like the supply side may be fine.
I am just shaking my head at how open the sugar market is now and in the Bible belt of Texas no less.
Blue Swede
01-06-23, 21:52
I get an error message when trying to log on:
"Sorry, we experienced an issue loading this content. Click here to retry. ".
Any idea what that is?
And on the supply side, I was at a store in a very rural Texas town and heard two somewhat attractive women talking, and one said, "Maybe I will just get a sugar daddy and get a trip to the Bahamas then. " So it looks like the supply side may be fine.
I am just shaking my head at how open the sugar market is now and in the Bible belt of Texas no less.That's an understatement.
Blue Swede
01-06-23, 22:21
I get an error message when trying to log on:
"Sorry, we experienced an issue loading this content. Click here to retry. ".
Any idea what that is?Can add: It was only using Chrome on the PC that didn't work, so it was not that bad.
Maha Siddha
01-07-23, 00:57
When you sign up on SA you need 1. A new email account to give them- gmail or yahoo will set it up, 2. A new phone number to give them-google voice will set it up, 3. Then when you input your credit or debit card on their pay page you use a different first name (like your middle name), 4. A new street number that is not the same, like 2 numbers off, but the same street name, same city and zip code so it will go thru. Your bank will let it thru. SA does not track the IP address. Worked for me.It works!! Thanks for the guidance bro.
Can I DM you?
You are right. I am living the time of my life right now. But no it's not exactly a flexible don't ask don't tell relationship. A couple things here that other marrieds might cobsider:
1. At first I was paralyzed that she might find out. But the more I thought about it I realized I'the be happier single than married at this stage. I want to keep things together "for the kids" for a couple more years. And she NEEDS me. She's very dependent on me. If things went south she's be waaaaay more fucked than I would. So it's kinda funny. I keep it private for HER sake not for mine. She's a smart girl tho. She prob knows something is up and too smart to push to hard because she knows she needs me more than I need her.
2. I work very hard to ensure all details are covered. If I say I am going out to dinner I make sure that place is open. I know the menu and "what I had". It's all made up. But she asks sometimes. Likewise I recently went in a trip and didn't actually go where she thinks I did. I took Shayla to Miami instead. But I had itinerary and hotel reservations for my pseudo location. Texted take off and landing at appropriate time zone adjusted times etc. It was a fuck load of work and very dicey at times! But totally worth the meticulous planning.
I guess those are my two key points to other married guys:
1. Consider how bad it would be if it all went south. Is it really that bad? Set your risk tolerance around this.
2. Engineer your opportunities and plan your cover story meticulously.
Or maybe I'm just fucking lucky. LOL.
Mush Elvii
01-08-23, 02:05
Anyone used SA in BOG (recently)? I got alot of leads in just past few days and wondering if anyone used SA (including 3 some options) and if I can match my notes with them? This'll help me weed off some of possible clunkers.
Appreciate your input!
Stay horny ya' all!
Steve 9696
01-08-23, 04:36
Can I DM you?I don't know if you can as a regular member. Just give it a go. Just make sure your logged in because it doesn't present the option when you aren't.
Elvis 2008
01-08-23, 21:35
Anyone used SA in BOG (recently)? I got alot of leads in just past few days and wondering if anyone used SA (including 3 some options) and if I can match my notes with them? This'll help me weed off some of possible clunkers.
Appreciate your input!
Stay horny ya' all!Mush, the women cycle through very quickly, and the best women do not stay on the site for long. They either get scared and leave or are snatched up.
On top of that, like one in 10 of the women I corresponded with actually was available to me when I was there.
But even with all that, it was the best seeking destination I had been to. Medellin, Monterrey, and Mexico City were also up there and it may have just been my timing, but I had more luck in Bogota than anywhere else.
01-09-23, 00:58
Mush, the women cycle through very quickly, and the best women do not stay on the site for long. They either get scared and leave or are snatched up.
On top of that, like one in 10 of the women I corresponded with actually was available to me when I was there.
But even with all that, it was the best seeking destination I had been to. Medellin, Monterrey, and Mexico City were also up there and it may have just been my timing, but I had more luck in Bogota than anywhere else.Yep Seeking in America is tough. I probably put in 3 times as more work as I do in Mexico and I get nowhere near the good results I have in Mexico. I will give SA a few more weeks in America, but I am not sure the time is worth it.
Mush Elvii
01-09-23, 01:05
Mush, the women cycle through very quickly, and the best women do not stay on the site for long. They either get scared and leave or are snatched up.
On top of that, like one in 10 of the women I corresponded with actually was available to me when I was there.
But even with all that, it was the best seeking destination I had been to. Medellin, Monterrey, and Mexico City were also up there and it may have just been my timing, but I had more luck in Bogota than anywhere else.Elvis.
Thanks for input, yeah! I am factoring ghosting, late and non responsive, so I double booked every one (one 9. And one 6/7).
I have used SA in mty why cdmx so lets see if they get blown out.
I do see clear difference of messaging frequency, personalization and 'warmness' which mexican girls don't show. Hard to judge if they truly faking or that's the way they are.
Couple gals are playing totally non chalant and meeting for first date (I know how that goes and how often her mouth is wrapped on tool after initial meeting start. LOL).
Hi Everyone,
I am from India active on SA therre!! I will be taking a 20 day long road trip to California this year!! Solo. I am looking for maybe a partner or multiple across the 20-25 days I am in the states.
How should I go about the distancing guidelines here since each area is vast and different!!
LA or San Fran?? Or should I go smaller cities??
Please guide.
I have seen many women have a "click bait" photo for their profile, then when I see the other photos I see a fatty. Or a fuglie. Some even have photos of other women for their main profile. Or a professional photo for their primary. Often they turn to the side, or 45 degrees in their photos, which means their hips are very large and they are trying to hide their ass size.
I notice they have a button for "verified" photos, which means many photos are of someone else.
I finally "borrowed" a friends photo, for my primary photo. Somewhat for privacy, also I want to get more clicks and messages. Many of the same old girls who rejected me now are interested in this "new" guy. My regular photos are from a distance or slightly blurred, so the women cannot tell the difference. Only 2 have noticed the difference in my photos, and I delete their messages.
Also, I gave my profile a great headline, "Tom Selleck in a Ferrari" and have seen my messages go up in number drastically. Am getting fucked now as much as I want, at reasonable prices.
Wonder if any of you other guys are using fake photos for your primary SA photo? And a fake Headline? It Really has increased women's interest in my profile, and when I meet the women in person, no body has complained. They mainly want the money anyway, and what I look like is not a big deal.
Complete belt of GPS girls. Good luck to you. Try and find a Latina from Brazil or so.
Hi Everyone,
I am from India active on SA therre!! I will be taking a 20 day long road trip to California this year!! Solo. I am looking for maybe a partner or multiple across the 20-25 days I am in the states.
How should I go about the distancing guidelines here since each area is vast and different!!
LA or San Fran?? Or should I go smaller cities??
Please guide.
Maha Siddha
01-09-23, 21:58
I use fake photo because their AI face recognition would trigger if you got blacklisted once. They have the photos on file.
I used a photo of mine with different background after my first ban. I got banned the 2nd time like 1 hour after I paid my fee.
I emailed support and that's exactly what they told me. If your face is blurry enough it will not matter.
I have seen many women have a "click bait" photo for their profile, then when I see the other photos I see a fatty. Or a fuglie. Some even have photos of other women for their main profile. Or a professional photo for their primary. Often they turn to the side, or 45 degrees in their photos, which means their hips are very large and they are trying to hide their ass size.
I notice they have a button for "verified" photos, which means many photos are of someone else.
I finally "borrowed" a friends photo, for my primary photo. Somewhat for privacy, also I want to get more clicks and messages. Many of the same old girls who rejected me now are interested in this "new" guy. My regular photos are from a distance or slightly blurred, so the women cannot tell the difference. Only 2 have noticed the difference in my photos, and I delete their messages.
Also, I gave my profile a great headline, "Tom Selleck in a Ferrari" and have seen my messages go up in number drastically. Am getting fucked now as much as I want, at reasonable prices.
Wonder if any of you other guys are using fake photos for your primary SA photo? And a fake Headline? It Really has increased women's interest in my profile, and when I meet the women in person, no body has complained. They mainly want the money anyway, and what I look like is not a big deal.
Maha Siddha
01-09-23, 22:03
Any message that has number and implies that there is money involved.
BLOCK the girl immediately.
Too many messages in one day.
This one I am not sure exactly how it works. I sent out 50 identical messages in a time period of 3 hours. I got SPAM error and could not spend out any messages for 48 hours.
Please chip in you have observed any other triggers.
Any message that has number and implies that there is money involved.
BLOCK the girl immediately.Have you been able to get the girl kicked off and banned if she mentions "PPM" in her online messages? Women who talk ppm are usually just prostitutes, not looking for anything exclusive, and are usually old pros. I would like to get these hoor off the site. They ask for evidence.
01-10-23, 16:52
Have you been able to get the girl kicked off and banned if she mentions "PPM" in her online messages? Women who talk ppm are usually just prostitutes, not looking for anything exclusive, and are usually old pros. I would like to get these hoor off the site. They ask for evidence.Just block them. I do think SA is getting much stricter with scams. I am noticing much less scams, then a few years back.
I do report girls if they do something crazy or are Blatantly lying. If they want to talk about money I politely say, it is against the rules and we can discuss on Instant Message. If they are in Mexico we use WhatsApp.
01-11-23, 02:25
Hello guys,
Please put your morals aside and help me answer if this could be a trans? The thunder thighs and face in some pics is concerning. I might just be paranoid having read that there are a lot of trans in Brazil, if that's your thing, then all the best to you but not for me, I'd also hope that it would clearly be mentioned in their profile but there are definitely others who do not make it obvious in their tinder profiles for example. Thank you for helping a brother out.
Steve 9696
01-11-23, 03:56
So yeah I love the chase. I'm planning some trips and I'm enjoying vetting the girls chat and I know I will love that first date mystery and seduction dance. But at the same time it's super comforting to have a go to girl in a given city.
Traveling to one of my standard haunts soon and going to hook up with a girl I first met in early 2020. So like fully three years ago. We started as quick motel fuck and sucks but became much more dinner and drinks partners later in the relationship and I grew to like her badass party girl vibe. Then about six months ago she grew a boyfriend and was "exiting the lifestyle". Of course that didn't last too long and we are back on for fucking whenever I visit.
And I love the comfort. I'm arriving late and said we could either go straight to room or just wait till next nights and have dinner. And she's like let's take some drinks and head to the room. I've missed you!
It's just so great to have a girl waiting and wanting to see me right when I land. Is it the $$ or my over powering charisma? Guess we'll never know. Tho I will say that girls who truly enjoy sex really do like being with a guy that can just marathon the fuck out of them. And thanks to my advanced age and modern science, that's me! Have big plans for a fuckathon coming up soon!
I have seen many women have a "click bait" photo for their profile, then when I see the other photos I see a fatty. Or a fuglie. Some even have photos of other women for their main profile. Or a professional photo for their primary. Often they turn to the side, or 45 degrees in their photos, which means their hips are very large and they are trying to hide their ass size.
I notice they have a button for "verified" photos, which means many photos are of someone else.
I finally "borrowed" a friends photo, for my primary photo. Somewhat for privacy, also I want to get more clicks and messages. Many of the same old girls who rejected me now are interested in this "new" guy. My regular photos are from a distance or slightly blurred, so the women cannot tell the difference. Only 2 have noticed the difference in my photos, and I delete their messages.
Also, I gave my profile a great headline, "Tom Selleck in a Ferrari" and have seen my messages go up in number drastically. Am getting fucked now as much as I want, at reasonable prices..I just use a photo that I took in Buenos Aires, Argentina of a pose with a Tango Dancer. Women like men who dance even though I don't. LOL.
01-11-23, 13:41
One of my the girls I met on SA in Bogota became a friend last year. We've exchanged stories from our perspectives in the sugar dating world and it's been quite useful to understand how the other side thinks and what their options are in terms of men.
Things get more complicated because she was stopped by Customs while entering the US a couple times, and detained for hours. She also unlocked her phone where all of our fun conversations were. She indicated the govt employees were very interested in me, not sure why.
While I'm pretty sure I haven't broken any laws, especially given that I haven't touched US soil in months, I'm wondering if it makes sense to prep a lawyer in case I'm detained for a few annoying hours while visiting the US next week. I'm leaning towards that it's not worth the $500 consultation fee because the chance is low and I'm a US citizen, but I'm wondering if anyone had similar experiences or other thoughts they'the want to share.
P.S. I've started using a timer on my WhatsApp messages so they're deleted automatically after 7 days. When a relationship becomes more stable, I'll move it to 90. What a hassle.
01-11-23, 15:22
Holy crap that's sucky. I'm no lawyer but since you're asking for advice on an open forum.
I would ask her exactly what did they ask her about you. Exactly. To try to get at what they might be thinking you did.
And yes I would hire a lawyer. It probably won't be 500 dollars besides once they start making calls fees add up. But this would leave me scared to ever travel and I wouldn't want it hanging over me personally. You know it's coming, or you suspect it, so better the conversation be on your terms, and your timing. Not when you have an emergency situation.
One of my the girls I met on SA in Bogota became a friend last year. We've exchanged stories from our perspectives in the sugar dating world and it's been quite useful to understand how the other side thinks and what their options are in terms of men.
Things get more complicated because she was stopped by Customs while entering the US a couple times, and detained for hours. She also unlocked her phone where all of our fun conversations were. She indicated the govt employees were very interested in me, not sure why.
While I'm pretty sure I haven't broken any laws, especially given that I haven't touched US soil in months, I'm wondering if it makes sense to prep a lawyer in case I'm detained for a few annoying hours while visiting the US next week. I'm leaning towards that it's not worth the $500 consultation fee because the chance is low and I'm a US citizen, but I'm wondering if anyone had similar experiences or other thoughts they'the want to share..
01-11-23, 15:24
Doing a little seeking today. Came across a few profiles like this:
I'm seeking an online and platonic connection where both can benefit from each other.
Who exactly is this for? Who is reaching out and saying they want to give a girl money in exchange for an online platonic friendship?
Holy crap that's sucky. I'm no lawyer but since you're asking for advice on an open forum. I would ask her exactly what did they ask her about you. Exactly. To try to get at what they might be thinking you did. And yes I would hire a lawyer.I disagree and don't believe that this is the time to hire a lawyer. He doesn't have anything to talk to a lawyer about yet. Not unless there's something to this he isn't telling us. As he said, the fact of the matter is that it's highly unlikely that he will be stopped and asked anything. And if he is, then that's the time to listen (and not say much) because then he will have something to talk to a lawyer about afterwards. If stopped and questioned, at that point he should ask what it's all about and listen, and if he is being accused of something (they probably will be coy). And whether they say he is or he isn't being accused of something, he should just keep cool and keep his mouth shut and say nothing until he's had a chance to consult with a lawyer. I wouldn't even admit to knowing the girl. They won't be able to hold him as they have no grounds to do that. Again, that's assuming there isn't something about this we aren't being told. Going to a lawyer now would be a waste of time and money, even if the lawyer tries to rope him in with a "free" consultation. Those tend not to be worth s damn! Definitely one of those things where you get what you pay for. This is one of those situations where you get roped into somebody else's bullshit merely by association. It sucks, but not a time to panic and start paying legal fees when it's not clear he even has a legal problem yet, and based on what we know, not foreseeable that he will have one.
Going to a lawyer now would be a waste of time and money, even if the lawyer tries to rope him in with a "free" consultation. Those tend not to be worth s damn! Definitely one of those things where you get what you pay for. Those kind of lawyers are only for Car Accidents, personal injury. They try to get money from the other person's insurance company.
01-12-23, 01:57
One of my the girls I met on SA in Bogota became a friend last year. We've exchanged stories from our perspectives in the sugar dating world and it's been quite useful to understand how the other side thinks and what their options are in terms of men.
Things get more complicated because she was stopped by Customs while entering the US a couple times, and detained for hours. She also unlocked her phone where all of our fun conversations were. She indicated the govt employees were very interested in me, not sure why.
While I'm pretty sure I haven't broken any laws, especially given that I haven't touched US soil in months, I'm wondering if it makes sense to prep a lawyer in case I'm detained for a few annoying hours while visiting the US next week. I'm leaning towards that it's not worth the $500 consultation fee because the chance is low and I'm a US citizen, but I'm wondering if anyone had similar experiences or other thoughts they'the want to share.
P.S. I've started using a timer on my WhatsApp messages so they're deleted automatically after 7 days. When a relationship becomes more stable, I'll move it to 90. What a hassle.May I ask which port of entry, I. E. Which airport, did your girl got detained and questioned by the immigration officers. I have heard that they will not usually do that in port of entry like Miami, especially with the large number of travelers from South America going through there. Places like San Francisco is a totally different story though.
01-12-23, 02:24
Maybe you should ask a friend who is a lawyer and get some free advice or suggestions. Otherwise, contacting a lawyer in a formal way is a hassle and rarely helpful since they are all looking for big payouts, even small shops.
But my 2 cents is that as long as you were not explict in your messages about exchanging sex for money with her, then you should be okay. For the stories that you told her about your sugar dating experience, just tell the authorities that you made that all up for her entertainment.
One of my the girls I met on SA in Bogota became a friend last year. We've exchanged stories from our perspectives in the sugar dating world and it's been quite useful to understand how the other side thinks and what their options are in terms of men.
Things get more complicated because she was stopped by Customs while entering the US a couple times, and detained for hours. She also unlocked her phone where all of our fun conversations were. She indicated the govt employees were very interested in me, not sure why.
While I'm pretty sure I haven't broken any laws, especially given that I haven't touched US soil in months, I'm wondering if it makes sense to prep a lawyer in case I'm detained for a few annoying hours while visiting the US next week. I'm leaning towards that it's not worth the $500 consultation fee because the chance is low and I'm a US citizen, but I'm wondering if anyone had similar experiences or other thoughts they'the want to share.
P.S. I've started using a timer on my WhatsApp messages so they're deleted automatically after 7 days. When a relationship becomes more stable, I'll move it to 90. What a hassle..
01-12-23, 02:48
That's a good point. You're prob right.
Still, OP will be sweating next time he crosses a border:
I disagree and don't believe that this is the time to hire a lawyer. He doesn't have anything to talk to a lawyer about yet. Not unless there's something to this he isn't telling us. As he said, the fact of the matter is that it's highly unlikely that he will be stopped and asked anything. And if he is, then that's the time to listen (and not say much) because then he will have something to talk to a lawyer about afterwards. If stopped and questioned, at that point he should ask what it's all about and listen, and if he is being accused of something (they probably will be coy). And whether they say he is or he isn't being accused of something, he should just keep cool and keep his mouth shut and say nothing until he's had a chance to consult with a lawyer. I wouldn't even admit to knowing the girl. They won't be able to hold him as they have no grounds to do that. Again, that's assuming there isn't something about this we aren't being told. Going to a lawyer now would be a waste of time and money, even if the lawyer tries to rope him in with a "free" consultation. Those tend not to be worth s damn! Definitely one of those things where you get what you pay for. This is one of those situations where you get roped into somebody else's bullshit merely by association. It sucks, but not a time to panic and start paying legal fees when it's not clear he even has a legal problem yet, and based on what we know, not foreseeable that he will have one.
Steve 9696
01-12-23, 03:56
One of my the girls I met on SA in Bogota became a friend last year. We've exchanged stories from our perspectives in the sugar dating world and it's been quite useful to understand how the other side thinks and what their options are in terms of men.
Things get more complicated because she was stopped by Customs while entering the US a couple times, and detained for hours. She also unlocked her phone where all of our fun conversations were. She indicated the govt employees were very interested in me, not sure why.
While I'm pretty sure I haven't broken any laws, especially given that I haven't touched US soil in months, I'm wondering if it makes sense to prep a lawyer in case I'm detained for a few annoying hours while visiting the US next week. I'm leaning towards that it's not worth the $500 consultation fee because the chance is low and I'm a US citizen, but I'm wondering if anyone had similar experiences or other thoughts they'the want to share.
P.S. I've started using a timer on my WhatsApp messages so they're deleted automatically after 7 days. When a relationship becomes more stable, I'll move it to 90. What a hassle.I guess what's not clear to me is how they would even link you to her. They were looking at "some guys messages" on the phone. Did they take down the number? (Seems unlikely). Or note the contact name (I would hope your not using your real name when doing girl enthusiast stuff). Even if it was your real name you would just say it must be some other Ted Ferguson. You have never met the girl.
Clearly scary but seems a very tenuous thread from her to you. And they have real criminals to catch and no time for ticky tacky bullshit. So fwiw I think you are fine. And if you did use your real name stop doing that!
Elvis 2008
01-12-23, 04:01
She also unlocked her phone where all of our fun conversations were. She indicated the govt employees were very interested in me, not sure why.I am. They are pursuing a human trafficking angle and want to fleece you. The Feds can take any assets associated with suspected trafficking without a warrant. I heard a well known sex worker say she knew thousands of sex workers and she did not know one who was trafficked which sounds right to me. I would not hire a lawyer but I would steer the hell away of helping any women move between the states and definitely not move any women between countries. This is the Feds at work:
Customs are looking thus for a Mann Act Violation:
While I'm pretty sure I haven't broken any laws, especially given that I haven't touched US soil in months, I'm wondering if it makes sense to prep a lawyer in case I'm detained for a few annoying hours while visiting the US next week. I'm leaning towards that it's not worth the $500 consultation fee because the chance is low and I'm a US citizen, but I'm wondering if anyone had similar experiences or other thoughts they'the want to share.Yeah, I met a lawyer off seeking in Mexico and flew here into the USA, and customs harassed the shit out of her probably because of the way she dresses. From what I understand, these customs agents are rewarded with raises if they make a bust on what is being emphasized, and the government has a hard on for trafficking now. They asked Who bought the ticket? How long have you been dating? Where did you meet? She was in tears when I finally met her.
It is kind of funny though about the laws they do not emphasize. When I got Global Entry, they went through this long list of stuff about how global entry could be revoked but the big one was bringing in booze without paying the taxes due on it.
I would not hire a lawyer, and I doubt they will detain you but if they do, know what the Mann Act is and understand they are going to try to trip you up into admitting you violated that law.
Steve 9696
01-12-23, 16:22
I know this has been discussed before but I feel like a public service announcement is due as my goal here is to maximize everyone's experience with the ladies.
First. Why do it?
1. Because it will increase your odds of BLS by at least 5 X. And not just with SA girls but with pros also. A clean sack is the single most important inducement to ball sucking heaven.
2. The girls enjoy it way more. This is a win win. You make her happy AND she spends way more than just s quick tongue flick down there.
3. It FEELS better. I estimate 3 X better feel with slippery clean balls vs hairy.
Second. How to do it.
1. Do NOT use hair remover. Stings like fuck. And will make your sack s red mess no one is sucking for at least a week.
2. You are only going to do the main part of the sack and a bit up the shaft. Do NOT do between your sack and legs.
3. By far easiest to do when you have a hard on for two reasons. One. Your sack tightens up and is not all flopping around. Two. Easier to control the shaft and shave the lower part.
4. Use a Venus ladies razor. Amazing.
5. Only put cream on with your dominant hand and then use that hand for shaving. Keep your other hand clean to grab the shaft which helps manipulate the whole affair.
6. Shave both sides independently. Take care near the middle seam.
And voila. Only takes me about 2 minutes now and always on point.
P.S. For those married dudes, if your wife is BJing you she can't help but notice so that might be a problem. But for us in sexless marriages you cannot SEE any visual diffference from just walking around naked. Which is sweet.
I know this has been discussed before but I feel like a public service announcement is due as my goal here is to maximize everyone's experience with the ladies. First. Why do it? Because it will increase your odds of BLS by at least 5 X. And not just with SA girls but with pros also. A clean sack is the single most important inducement to ball sucking heaven. How to do it. Do NOT use hair remover. Stings like fuck. Use a Venus ladies razor. Amazing. Only takes me about 2 minutes now and always on point.Oh man I love getting my nuts sucked! Thing is, I never knew I did until I became a monger and started going to Costa Rica where the Colombianas would suckle on these here nuts! Haha! Then I started going to Brazil and noticed how the Brasilieras were even more into taking a nose dive for them nuts! And another "weird" thing I noticed in Europe was that it was the Polish girls who liked to suckle at my nuts more than any other nationality over there LOL! I've always been one to use hair removers because it was quick and easy. But like you say, it can burn like hell. Ouch!
So usually what I would do is use the hair remover just a couple of days before departure on my trip as the discomfort typically lasts only a couple of days. Applying some soothing lotion always helps, and by the day it's time to fly, I'm good to go! I've never thought about using a ladies razor. In fact, I have never seriously considered using any kind of razor down there. I say again. Ouch! Do the ladies use a Venus razor on their cootchies like that? I guess if it's safe for them to do that then it should be safe for these here nuts too! Ha! I'll give it a try. But if I cut my scrotum bro? You got a cursing out a coming! Hahaha!
I am. They are pursuing a human trafficking angle and want to fleece you. The Feds can take any assets associated with suspected trafficking without a warrant. I heard a well known sex worker say she knew thousands of sex workers and she did not know one who was trafficked which sounds right to me. I would not hire a lawyer but I would steer the hell away of helping any women move between the states and definitely not move any women between countries. This is the Feds at work:
Customs are looking thus for a Mann Act Violation:
Yeah, I met a lawyer off seeking in Mexico and flew here into the USA, and customs harassed the shit out of her probably because of the way she dresses. From what I understand, these customs agents are rewarded with raises if they make a bust on what is being emphasized, and the government has a hard on for trafficking now. They asked Who bought the ticket? How long have you been dating? Where did you meet? She was in tears when I finally met her.
It is kind of funny though about the laws they do not emphasize. When I got Global Entry, they went through this long list of stuff about how global entry could be revoked but the big one was bringing in booze without paying the taxes due on it.
I would not hire a lawyer, and I doubt they will detain you but if they do, know what the Mann Act is and understand they are going to try to trip you up into admitting you violated that law.Interesting Elvis. I already knew it's a bad idea to invite a hooker to cross state lines or visit the USA because of the Mann Act and FOSTA. But the thought that it could affect sugar babies too never crossed my mind.
You provided a link to a description of the Mann Act above. Here's relevant language from FOSTA.
"Whoever, using a facility or means of interstate or foreign commerce...with the intent to promote or facilitate the prostitution of another person shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both."
A little off the topic, in Texas, as you probably know, it's now a state jail felony to see any prostitute.
Good links, thanks. It's crazy the government can just take your money without proving anything.
I know this has been discussed before but I feel like a public service announcement is due as my goal here is to maximize everyone's experience with the ladies.
First. Why do it?
1. Because it will increase your odds of BLS by at least 5 X. And not just with SA girls but with pros also. A clean sack is the single most important inducement to ball sucking heaven.
2. The girls enjoy it way more. This is a win win. You make her happy AND she spends way more than just s quick tongue flick down there.
3. It FEELS better. I estimate 3 X better feel with slippery clean balls vs hairy.
Second. How to do it.
1. Do NOT use hair remover. Stings like fuck. And will make your sack s red mess no one is sucking for at least a week..Yes, I shave and clean myself downstairs before the deed. It goes along way to getting those nuts sucked on. I use the Manscaped shaver and works fast no nics. They also toss in a deodorant for nuts that smells nice.
John Clayton
01-13-23, 05:46
I'm leaving next week for a solo moto tour of Mexico and, after reading about all the successes here, I had it in mind to try and hook up with someone 1/4th my age on SA. I'm hesitating because of the fear of getting outed somehow. On Tinder, I felt somewhat protected because I could limit who saw my photo to a defined distance, say five miles. I don't see that option on SA. It seems unlikely, but my wife does have younger, single friends. Question is, who can see my photo on SA? Should I wait until I actually get deep into Mexico before I set up the account, or is there someway to limit who can see you?
I'm leaving next week for a solo moto tour of Mexico and, after reading about all the successes here, I had it in mind to try and hook up with someone 1/4th my age on SA. I'm hesitating because of the fear of getting outed somehow. On Tinder, I felt somewhat protected because I could limit who saw my photo to a defined distance, say five miles. I don't see that option on SA. It seems unlikely, but my wife does have younger, single friends. Question is, who can see my photo on SA? Should I wait until I actually get deep into Mexico before I set up the account, or is there someway to limit who can see you?Unless you are a famous person it's almost impossible for someone you know to see you on SA. At your age I mean come on. LOL.
I'm leaving next week for a solo moto tour of Mexico and, after reading about all the successes here, I had it in mind to try and hook up with someone 1/4th my age on SA. I'm hesitating because of the fear of getting outed somehow. On Tinder, I felt somewhat protected because I could limit who saw my photo to a defined distance, say five miles. I don't see that option on SA. It seems unlikely, but my wife does have younger, single friends. Question is, who can see my photo on SA? Should I wait until I actually get deep into Mexico before I set up the account, or is there someway to limit who can see you?You can post private photos that no one can see unless you give them permission. In your situation it might also be wise to use a different location than where you actually live. Scammers have been known to pose as female members, hijack photos, and put them on the internet. You pay them some money and they take them down. These sites are organized by city though, so if you say you live in Duluth but you're really in New Orleans it's very unlikely friends or family would see the photos.
I wasnt able to set up a SA account when traveling in Europe. I think it was because I was using a U.S. credit card as I believe I tried using a VPN, and tried indicating I lived in Europe. You might have a similar problem if you try to sign up in Mexico.
01-13-23, 15:06
A 79 year old man who is going to bang girls 1/4 his age and who needs to keep this secret from his wife.
I only have 2 things to say.
1. I want to be you when I'm 79.
2. I want to get a beer with you.
I'm leaving next week for a solo moto tour of Mexico and, after reading about all the successes here, I had it in mind to try and hook up with someone 1/4th my age on SA. I'm hesitating because of the fear of getting outed somehow. On Tinder, I felt somewhat protected because I could limit who saw my photo to a defined distance, say five miles. I don't see that option on SA. It seems unlikely, but my wife does have younger, single friends. Question is, who can see my photo on SA? Should I wait until I actually get deep into Mexico before I set up the account, or is there someway to limit who can see you?
Steve 9696
01-13-23, 15:57
You can post private photos that no one can see unless you give them permission. In your situation it might also be wise to use a different location than where you actually live. Scammers have been known to pose as female members, hijack photos, and put them on the internet. You pay them some money and they take them down. These sites are organized by city though, so if you say you live in Duluth but you're really in New Orleans it's very unlikely friends or family would see the photos.
I wasnt able to set up a SA account when traveling in Europe. I think it was because I was using a U.S. credit card as I believe I tried using a VPN, and tried indicating I lived in Europe. You might have a similar problem if you try to sign up in Mexico.Better yet don't post any photos in your profile. No lead photo. No hidden photos. I have been doing this wildly successfully for four years now and have NO photos posted on the site at all. No chance of being outted that way. I do cover this in my profile saying that I am an executive and have to be discreet so no photos on site but glad to send.
And then depending how conservative you want to be you can either send a girl a photo thru the site as part of a message or you can say you aren't comfortable posting photos on the site and move them to WhatsApp. Not a problem for s girl worth her salt.
And yes you can def put your city as elsewhere. I am moving my city around all the time depending where I am headed next.
John Clayton
01-13-23, 17:24
...I do cover this in my profile saying that I am an executive and have to be discreet so no photos on site but glad to send...I am moving my city around all the time depending where I am headed next.Thanks for all the superb advice, which I've come to expect from (90%) of this forum. I'm kind of tempted just to tell the truth -- I've been married for forty years and, while I haven't had sex with my wife in almost twenty years, I don't want to embarass her.
I will report back with the results.
Steve 9696
01-13-23, 18:28
Thanks for all the superb advice, which I've come to expect from (90%) of this forum. I'm kind of tempted just to tell the truth -- I've been married for forty years and, while I haven't had sex with my wife in almost twenty years, I don't want to embarass her.
I will report back with the results.We are in very similar situations. Me no wife sex for 25+ years. For "status" I used Open Relationship, as there is no real good fit. I am not "Married but Looking" (I'm not planning to change my marriage sitch) nor am I single.
I have some girls ask if I'm married and I explain yes but it's sexless. Generally they are appalled and did not know such things exist! And quite sympathetic. So it's usually positive when disclosed.
01-14-23, 04:10
Plenty of talk about the potential for chat bots to ruin the world. Here is the profile that ChatGPT suggests for me.
I suggested: write a sugar dating profile for a white male adventurous guy.
Occupation: Adventure Tour Guide
About Me:
I am a white, adventurous guy who loves to explore new places and try new things. I am outgoing, confident, and always up for a good time. Whether it's hiking a mountain, bungee jumping, or trying a new type of food, I am always down for an adventure. I am also a very ambitious person and am always working towards achieving my goals. I am looking for a sugar baby who is fun-loving, adventurous, and enjoys trying new things. I am willing to be your sponsor, in exchange for your company and companionship on my adventures.
What I Offer:
Exclusive and luxurious travel experiences
A financially stable and generous sponsor
A fun-loving and adventurous companion
A chance to experience new and exciting things
What I'm Looking For:
A sugar baby who is fun-loving, adventurous, and enjoys trying new things
Someone who is open-minded and ready for new experiences
A sugar baby who is looking for a financially stable and generous sponsor
Someone who is willing to join me on my adventures and make new memories togetherThen being more specific: write a sugar dating profile for a male adventurous guy that prefers Asian girls.
About me: I'm a thrill-seeking, adventurous guy who loves to explore new places and try new things. I'm always up for a challenge and am always looking for new ways to push my limits. I'm also a huge fan of Asian culture, and I love to travel to different parts of Asia to experience new cultures and meet new people.
What I'm looking for: I'm looking for a fun-loving, adventurous girl who is open to new experiences and is willing to join me on my travels. I'm particularly interested in meeting Asian girls, as I find their culture and beauty to be incredibly captivating. I'm looking for someone who is open-minded, outgoing, and confident, and who is not afraid to take risks and try new things.
My ideal sugar baby: My ideal sugar baby is a confident and adventurous Asian girl who is open to new experiences and is not afraid to take risks. She should be open-minded, outgoing, and confident, and should be willing to join me on my adventures and explore new places with me. She should also be able to hold a conversation and be able to engage in a variety of activities.
What I can offer: I can offer my sugar baby an exciting and adventurous lifestyle, with the opportunity to travel to new places and experience new cultures. I can also offer my sugar baby financial support and help her to achieve her goals and aspirations. I'm also a great listener and can offer my sugar baby a listening ear and a supportive shoulder when she needs it.
If you're a fun-loving, adventurous Asian girl who is looking for a thrill-seeking guy to join you on your adventures, then I'm the guy for you! Let's explore new places together and make unforgettable memories!
Me no wife sex for 25+ years. For "status" I used Open Relationship, as there is no real good fit. I am not "Married but Looking" (I'm not planning to change my marriage sitch) nor am I single.
I always tell women I am a widower. My ex-wife died a few years ago. I get more sympathy and understanding from the women.
If they ask more I say "I cut the brake lines of her car" and look at the expression on their faces change.
Elvis 2008
01-14-23, 17:10
I'm leaving next week for a solo moto tour of Mexico and, after reading about all the successes here, I had it in mind to try and hook up with someone 1/4th my age on SA.
JC, I was in Mexico when the Covid restrictions hit. When American gyms and restaurants were closed in March 2020, Mexican ones were open and then they closed too. I remember thinking they even got Mexico, Mexico which has laughed and profited off the USA's "moral" stand with regards to drugs, prostitution, and gambling.
But the border never closed and when an American border town mandated wearing masks and none were too be found in the USA, I was able to buy several in Mexico.
Mexico reopened faster than everyone else and never required Covid vaccination to enter their country. When Colombia closed down, Dramafree suggested I look at Mexico, and the Mexican women literally kept me sane in this world that had gone totally mad. I traveled to Cancun when air fares were dirt cheap and stayed at resorts for next to nothing and went to amusement parks that were empty. Quite frankly, while the world was mad, I was having the time of my life.
And a month after Colombia reopened is when I met my woman, which would not have happened without the lockdown and travel ban, so you may think I am upset at someone like you but honestly people like you gave me the biggest gift of a lifetime. And what I mean by people like you is this:
Republican-voting suckers actually caught and died from Covid-19 after refusing to wear a mask for fear that they would be taken for a "Democrat"/"lib" for doing so.
Kind of wishing it was a little more deadly.
This is not about you, it's about the health of all humans.
1) If you're not vaccinated, you will get it (unless the disease is first eradicated through the efforts of others).
2) The longer the disease circulates, the more it mutates. The delta mutation is apparently 100X more contagious than previous mutations. It exists in the US because you didn't get vaccinated.Like I said, personally, I should hug and thank a guy like you because my life was never better than during the pandemic. But I do have to ask if you have any regrets about what you posted. And do you find it at all hypocritical that you are traveling and asking advice for guys like me about Mexico, the one country that gave guys like you the middle finger?
As for your question, I never showed a photo on seeking and did not have any problem getting women. Best cities were Monterrey and CDMX for seeking. Best cities for P4 P were MTY and Tijuana. I would be careful going to or near Jalisco or Sinaloa. Sinaloa cartel, which tried to keep a lid on violence, has been overtaken by the Jalisco cartel who are killing people everywhere including the beaches of Cancun and Tulum. Sinaloa has been in turmoil since one of El Chapo's sons was arrested. Guadalajara is a great town and may have the best weather of all the major cities in Mexico and best P4P scene but I would hesitate going there now unless I got reassurance from those who have been recently. Seeking women in MTY want less than CDMX but MTY gets old after a while. In general, outside of the tourist areas like Cancun / Tulum, in general, the further South you go in Mexico, the less attractive the women are. If you find a babe in CDMX and want to spend a weekend away somewhere warmer and sunnier, Cuernavaca is a great place and only a cheap 90 minute bus ride from CDMX. Hope that helps.
Last time I looked, SA still does the auto-renew right?
So any of you guys use pre-paid? Does SA ban you on the 2nd month once they figure that same pre-paid Visa has no more fund in it?
01-16-23, 02:10
JC, I was in Mexico when the Covid restrictions hit. When American gyms and restaurants were closed in March 2020, Mexican ones were open and then they closed too. I remember thinking they even got Mexico, Mexico which has laughed and profited off the USA's "moral" stand with regards to drugs, prostitution, and gambling.
But the border never closed and when an American border town mandated wearing masks and none were too be found in the USA, I was able to buy several in Mexico.
Mexico reopened faster than everyone else and never required Covid vaccination to enter their country. When Colombia closed down, Dramafree suggested I look at Mexico, and the Mexican women literally kept me sane in this world that had gone totally mad. I traveled to Cancun when air fares were dirt cheap and stayed at resorts for next to nothing and went to amusement parks that were empty. Quite frankly, while the world was mad, I was having the time of my life.
And a month after Colombia reopened is when I met my woman, which would not have happened without the lockdown and travel ban, so you may think I am upset at someone like you but honestly people like you gave me the biggest gift of a lifetime. And what I mean by people like you is this:
Like I said, personally, I should hug and thank a guy like you because my life was never better than during the pandemic. But I do have to ask if you have any regrets about what you posted. And do you find it at all hypocritical that you are traveling and asking advice for guys like me about Mexico, the one country that gave guys like you the middle finger?
As for your question, I never showed a photo on seeking and did not have any problem getting women. Best cities were Monterrey and CDMX for seeking. Best cities for P4 P were MTY and Tijuana. I would be careful going to or near Jalisco or Sinaloa. Sinaloa cartel, which tried to keep a lid on violence, has been overtaken by the Jalisco cartel who are killing people everywhere including the beaches of Cancun and Tulum. Sinaloa has been in turmoil since one of El Chapo's sons was arrested. Guadalajara is a great town and may have the best weather of all the major cities in Mexico and best P4P scene but I would hesitate going there now unless I got reassurance from those who have been recently. Seeking women in MTY want less than CDMX but MTY gets old after a while. In general, outside of the tourist areas like Cancun / Tulum, in general, the further South you go in Mexico, the less attractive the women are. If you find a babe in CDMX and want to spend a weekend away somewhere warmer and sunnier, Cuernavaca is a great place and only a cheap 90 minute bus ride from CDMX. Hope that helps.So true about the lockdown. I had 3 of the most beautiful girls in my life during lockdown. I would have never had a chance with them if it was not for Covid. 2 of the 3 now have boyfriends in Europe. I lost contact with the other girl.
I have been working a lot, so I have not been able to go to CDMX as much, not to mention flights were crazy expensive over the Holidays. I am back hanging out in MTY. Much cheaper and the girls are sexually freaks here, but it does get boring quickly.
I have a dark lit backside photo of me just to show how tall I am (I like tall women. Average sex with a tall chick, for me, is more satisfying than great sex with a short girl).
I do have face pics on "Private" mode which I share only if I am going to meet the girl, and remove access later.
Following some seniors' advice. Have a well buttoned up story / alibi. My face pics are those found by a mere google search of my name. So, that's my story if ever busted "some scammer used my public photo".
My phone, credit cards are in no way connected to SA profile. Granted an investigation will show my location / IP address but wifey will not "investigate" and I fully intend to not get in to any situation that truggers an investigation.
Be careful out there, use your best judgement, and have fun.
Better yet don't post any photos in your profile. No lead photo. No hidden photos. I have been doing this wildly successfully for four years now and have NO photos posted on the site at all. No chance of being outted that way. I do cover this in my profile saying that I am an executive and have to be discreet so no photos on site but glad to send.
And then depending how conservative you want to be you can either send a girl a photo thru the site as part of a message or you can say you aren't comfortable posting photos on the site and move them to WhatsApp. Not a problem for s girl worth her salt.
And yes you can def put your city as elsewhere. I am moving my city around all the time depending where I am headed next.
Steve 9696
01-17-23, 03:49
So Liz is a reg in a city I visit. Met three years ago and just did motel quickies but when I've moved away fro the area and come back to visit we have much more relaxed times. Turns out I really enjoy her company. She's def a wild child with lots of tats and a fuck May care vibe to match. So she's a ton of fun. First night was a bust because she wasn't feeling well but she said she'the make it up to me. So second night I played a bit of hooky and we started about 3:30 PM.
Had a couple warmup drinks at the hotel bar and then round 1 was on. We really went at it. I've found the Steve 2 to be an amazing position that girls love equally. We did a ton of this (her on her back. Kneel near her head. Dick in mouth. Fingers in pussy.) You can really drive her crazy with clit and gspot work while she sucks you off. Liz loves to suck cock and gives the boys equal treatment so it was heaven. All the usually positions. Told her to look at me while I hammered out a big load CIP. Wow. amazing to look into her eyes while blasting. (She's on the pill).
Then some cuddles and off to a spectacular dinner. Four or so drinks in back at the room with some Red Bull vodka acquired on the way. Round two was quite a hoot. In the car on the way back we got to talking about porn and Japanese porn and bukkake daddy daughter and you name it. She says she loves role play and I told her I had done a filthy daddy daughter role play with a girl in vegas. So it's on.
We decide to do the innocent school girl and old man role play. She gets right into it on the way from the elevator. She's wearing these amazing high spike fuck-me boots and says "I borrowed these from my mom!" Oooh so on point. Liking the role play.
So we continue in the room with her pretending she's never seen a dick before and me showing her that it goes in her mouth and pussy. Well you get the idea. Great fun and shockingly hornifying! The crowning achievement in the role play is when I'm fucking her hard in mish and close to finishing. And she says "oh ohh. I feel something. What. Oh my god!" Like she's having her first ever orgasm. OMG. She was so great to hit that note. I shot a hard load immediately after. What fun.
This is SA at its finest. When you get to another level of comfort with a girl and both just let loose.
Last time I looked, SA still does the auto-renew right?
So any of you guys use pre-paid? Does SA ban you on the 2nd month once they figure that same pre-paid Visa has no more fund in it?My membership doesn't auto renew.
A question for gentlemen who use Seeking in Colombia and Mexico. Do you have safety concerns, with respect to using the site? It seems like you'd be a sitting target, advertising or exaggerating your income and net worth in countries where kidnappings, murders and theft aren't as uncommon as they are here. I've used Seeking in other countries, but not Latin America.
JC, I was in Mexico when the Covid restrictions hit. When American gyms and restaurants were closed in March 2020, Mexican ones were open and then they closed too. I remember thinking they even got Mexico, Mexico which has laughed and profited off the USA's "moral" stand with regards to drugs, prostitution, and gambling.
But the border never closed and when an American border town mandated wearing masks and none were too be found in the USA, I was able to buy several in Mexico.
Mexico reopened faster than everyone else and never required Covid vaccination to enter their country. When Colombia closed down, Dramafree suggested I look at Mexico, and the Mexican women literally kept me sane in this world that had gone totally mad. I traveled to Cancun when air fares were dirt cheap and stayed at resorts for next to nothing and went to amusement parks that were empty. Quite frankly, while the world was mad, I was having the time of my life.
And a month after Colombia reopened is when I met my woman, which would not have happened without the lockdown and travel ban, so you may think I am upset at someone like you but honestly people like you gave me the biggest gift of a lifetime. And what I mean by people like you is this:
Like I said, personally, I should hug and thank a guy like you because my life was never better than during the pandemic. But I do have to ask if you have any regrets about what you posted. And do you find it at all hypocritical that you are traveling and asking advice for guys like me about Mexico, the one country that gave guys like you the middle finger?Elvis, I too enjoyed traveling to Mexico during that period. It was a mixed bag though. The restrictions in Mexico, like the USA, depended a lot on what state and city you were in. A woman from Jalisco I was dating at the time loved coming to my city in the USA, because we were wide open compared to where she lived. You universally had to get your temperature checked when you entered places and wear masks in the malls. I remember in Cabo San Lucas about 3/4's of the stores in the main shopping mall were closed, not because of lockdowns, but because there were no tourists. Leaving Los Cabos once it was impossible to get into the airport club or get food unless you were willing to wait at least half an hour because of staff shortages. On the other hand, it was nice to be there when there weren't crowds. I only went to Cancun once, and it did seem more open than Baja California del Sur or Jalisco, although I remember having problems getting into the hotel gym because you had to make a reservation and they'd only allow 5 people in it at one time.
I would be careful going to or near Jalisco or Sinaloa. Sinaloa cartel, which tried to keep a lid on violence, has been overtaken by the Jalisco cartel who are killing people everywhere including the beaches of Cancun and Tulum. Sinaloa has been in turmoil since one of El Chapo's sons was arrested. Guadalajara is a great town and may have the best weather of all the major cities in Mexico and best P4P scene but I would hesitate going there now unless I got reassurance from those who have been recently.I've been traveling to Guadalajara and don't have safety concerns. But then I visited Medellin in the mid 1990's and Juarez during 2000-2010, when murders were off the charts. Anyway, I figured you were full of shit about GDL, that it's not that dangerous. Well, after reading up on it a little, I've definitively determined you're not full of shit. It's gotten worse since the last time I looked at the statistics. The homicide rate is comparable to Honduras. A group of local police were busted recently for running a kidnapping ring. And immigration supposedly has been kidnapping expatriates as well, both busting into their homes and setting up checkpoints. They keep them maybe a couple of days, treat them roughly, and then release them when money is paid. I'll definitely be keeping a copy of my passport and entrance stamp with me at all times when I'm there in the future.
I will still continue to go there. But I'm not seeing women from Seeking or escorts in notels. And I don't go anywhere at night except to restaurants, in a car.
As to Sinaloa, I agree. What kind of an idiot would be scouting out sugar babies in Culiacan anyway? I could just see myself dating a Narco's girlfriend and getting whacked. Mazatlan's safer, but I understand air traffic was stopped there for a while, because the Sinaloa cartel was expressing its wrath throughout the state at the capture of El Chapo's son.
01-17-23, 05:15
So any of you guys use pre-paid? Does SA ban you on the 2nd month once they figure that same pre-paid Visa has no more fund in it?There is an auto-renew option. Whatever you payment method if your subscription expires and you haven't paid then you are lapsed. You can see but cannot message. You cannot even read your previous messages. So if you plan to expire, you need to have extracted any contact details.
But for me, I always delete the profile once it has expired. Messages keep coming and the desire to repay and read new messages is too tempting.
01-17-23, 13:05
A question for gentlemen who use Seeking in Colombia and Mexico. Do you have safety concerns, with respect to using the site? It seems like you'd be a sitting target, advertising or exaggerating your income and net worth in countries where kidnappings, murders and theft aren't as uncommon as they are here. I've used Seeking in other countries, but not Latin America.
My SA experience in Bogota has been great so far. I have met more than 10 regular chicas just last year alone. Most of them are still in college. For one, it is not Medellin and hence less gringos jejeje. Two, Bogota has a lot of colleges and hence the bigger pools of available girls that I prefer. I think as long as one practice some safety measure, the risk is manageable.
For example, I would try to meet with them first over a drink or dinner before bringing them back over to my apartment. I would also stay in apartment where there are front desk security. One time, before one of my girl left the following morning, the security actually called me on the apartment phone to verify that I am ok and she was who she said she was before allowing her to leave.
Also, I was offered a threesome session the first time by one girl. I told her that I needed to have a session with her first before I can do a threesome the next time, in which she understood and agreed to.
Another thing, never leave your drink unattended in the bar or anywhere outside and don't drink from anything that is offered by any girl. Getting drugged may be more common there. If I am to go clubbing, I would usually include a wingman to keep an eye out for one another.
Just my 2 cents.
01-17-23, 13:42
A question for gentlemen who use Seeking in Colombia and Mexico. Do you have safety concerns, with respect to using the site? It seems like you'd be a sitting target, advertising or exaggerating your income and net worth in countries where kidnappings, murders and theft aren't as uncommon as they are here. I've used Seeking in other countries, but not Latin America.
Elvis, I too enjoyed traveling to Mexico during that period. It was a mixed bag though. The restrictions in Mexico, like the USA, depended a lot on what state and city you were in. A woman from Jalisco I was dating at the time loved coming to my city in the USA, because we were wide open compared to where she lived. You universally had to get your temperature checked when you entered places and wear masks in the malls. I remember in Cabo San Lucas about 3/4's of the stores in the main shopping mall were closed, not because of lockdowns, but because there were no tourists. Leaving Los Cabos once it was impossible to get into the airport club or get food unless you were willing to wait at least half an hour because of staff shortages. On the other hand, it was nice to be there when there weren't crowds. I only went to Cancun once, and it did seem more open than Baja California del Sur or Jalisco, although I remember having problems getting into the hotel gym because you had to make a reservation and they'd only allow 5 people in it at one time.
I've been traveling to Guadalajara and don't have safety concerns. But then I visited Medellin in the mid 1990's and Juarez during 2000-2010, when murders were off the charts. Anyway, I figured you were full of shit about GDL, that it's not that dangerous. Well, after reading up on it a little, I've definitively determined you're not full of shit. It's gotten worse since the last time I looked at the statistics. The homicide rate is comparable to Honduras. A group of local police were busted recently for running a kidnapping ring. And immigration supposedly has been kidnapping expatriates as well, both busting into their homes and setting up checkpoints. They keep them maybe a couple of days, treat them roughly, and then release them when money is paid. I'll definitely be keeping a copy of my passport and entrance stamp with me at all times when I'm there in the future.
I will still continue to go there. But I'm not seeing women from Seeking or escorts in notels. And I don't go anywhere at night except to restaurants, in a car.
As to Sinaloa, I agree. What kind of an idiot would be scouting out sugar babies in Culiacan anyway? I could just see myself dating a Narco's girlfriend and getting whacked. Mazatlan's safer, but I understand air traffic was stopped there for a while, because the Sinaloa cartel was expressing its wrath throughout the state at the capture of El Chapo's son.I have never had any issues with being a target on SA. I never talk about money and I always meet in public the first meeting. Now I also require Video Chats. This eliminates 90% of the problems. I did have a meeting in Austin and broke my rule. She was about 50 pounds bigger then her pictures. I need to stick to my rules. I look back at all my bad dates, if I would have Video Chatted prior I would have saved a lot of time and money. Also if you tell a girl that you must video chat before you meet this will also help eliminate the scammers.
For the most part the girls in Mexico never bring up Money. Same with violence I have never had any issues in either MTY or CDMX. I did see a little in Tijuana, but it usually involved drugs.
I must say since I got back on SA 3 weeks ago there are much fewer scammers in the states now. I think SA is cracking down, there still there, but they are fairly easy to spot. In Mexico we always use WhatsApp and in the states instant messaging. I do not use any other forms of Social Media. If a girl suggest other forms it is usually a huge waste of time or a scam. Another red flag, if they say they are out of town for a few weeks, this usually some sort of scam. Use Video Chatting, you will have a much better experience.
SA is still tough in the states, but you can still have a great time and meet some greet girls.
01-17-23, 16:01
Gents, we tend to circle around the same cities in these discussions. Yes Mexico is great.
What are the other excellent cities are rich, teeming with sugar babies?
Often I find myself in some part of the world and I look to see what cities are close by and how many girls are in my target age on Seeking. So far very few cities have hundreds (which means probably a few dozen active).
What amazing cities with lots of action have you conquered?
I'll go first.
Barcelona was surprisingly strong. Not as strong as Cdmx but I had zero problem lining up dates.
My SA experience in Bogota has been great so far.
I have never had any issues with being a target on SA. Many thanks gentlemen. Great practical suggestions Ggekko.
01-17-23, 21:00
Gents, we tend to circle around the same cities in these discussions. Yes Mexico is great.
What are the other excellent cities are rich, teeming with sugar babies?
Often I find myself in some part of the world and I look to see what cities are close by and how many girls are in my target age on Seeking. So far very few cities have hundreds (which means probably a few dozen active).
What amazing cities with lots of action have you conquered?
I'll go first.
Barcelona was surprisingly strong. Not as strong as Cdmx but I had zero problem lining up dates.I was just in SEA recently and tried to use SA in both Manila and Jakarta. Manila is a dud and not a good option. I have slightly better luck in Jakarta. However, I only manage to meet two girls since a few were so flaky with their schedules. I had a great time with one of them, which I wish to repeat but she simply did not have the time since she was deluged with work during that time of the year, while the other one was just ok, but I would probably not repeat.
Elvis 2008
01-17-23, 21:15
A question for gentlemen who use Seeking in Colombia and Mexico. Do you have safety concerns, with respect to using the site? It seems like you'd be a sitting target, advertising or exaggerating your income and net worth in countries where kidnappings, murders and theft aren't as uncommon as they are here. I've used Seeking in other countries, but not Latin America.
A question for gentlemen who use Seeking in Colombia and Mexico. Do you have safety concerns, with respect to using the site? It seems like you'd be a sitting target, advertising or exaggerating your income and net worth in countries where kidnappings, murders and theft aren't as uncommon as they are here. I've used Seeking in other countries, but not Latin America.Tiny, first time I went to Bogota, I was in Hotel Ibis. Lobby is like Best Western, and rooms are like Motel 6. Neighborhood was okay, and I never had any issues, but women were not impressed and wanted money up front.
Then I upped my game, and I went to upscale hotels, wore a suit, and met the women there. With that atmosphere, it was kind of gauche to mention price, and in Mexico or Colombia, it was never meet and greet and then sex the second meet like in the USA. It was let's get it on now. So I would be banging these women within a hour of a meet.
And when you meet them in the nice hotel, you have cameras everywhere and probably better security than USA hotels. Still, there were issues but not the kind you mentioned but with women and they had to deal with what American men fear.
One Mexican woman was saying while we were having sex, "You know I can have you arrested" as if I was raping her. So I stopped, got my wallet, opened my hotel room door, and threw the money we agreed upon on the public hall floor where I assume there were cameras and shut the door behind her when she went for that money. Good luck with that arrest now honey.
But I had known that Mexican police do not take these dumb comments seriously from a previous incident. I saw a girl who is 22 but looks young. We get it on, and she goes home, and she claims her "cousin" stole her phone. The "cousin" pretended to be her mother, and texted me that her "daughter" was underage, and she is going to the cops unless she gets payment. I ignored the texts. Girl comes back on a few hours later, apologizes, and now asks for more money because "cousin" stole her money too.
Truth is age of consent where this happened is 18 in CDMX but other parts of Mexico, the legal age is 13. What I learned is that it is unless men trick or wrongly coerce these young girls and there is an irate parent then maybe the Mexican police will react, but most times they could care less. My take was that if you met a woman on seeking the police would laugh it off unless there was objective evidence something really bad happened.
So Tiny in that way, these countries may be safer. With the Kobe Bryant case, a woman consenting to sex but regretting it the next morning was considered rape and the police went full press on him, and it would not surprise me to see some American police departments send a SWAT team after me with just the allegation of having sex with someone under aged. So you can imagine these scams may work on some American guys then, but all in all, I think you are actually safer where P4 P activity is legal / tolerated.
All that said, I think it is best to get used to one hotel and operate out of it. It also helps to get to know and tip the staff. They are your first line of defense and something you will not see here is security literally bringing a woman to your room. That happened to me once in Colombia and once in Mexico, and I have to admit that I kind of thought that was cool. "Here is the pizza you ordered sir and here is the red head for desert". Now that was some good room service.
01-18-23, 01:49
I was just in SEA recently and tried to use SA in both Manila and Jakarta. Manila is a dud and not a good option. I have slightly better luck in Jakarta. However, I only manage to meet two girls since a few were so flaky with their schedules. I had a great time with one of them, which I wish to repeat but she simply did not have the time since she was deluged with work during that time of the year, while the other one was just ok, but I would probably not repeat.There is absolutely no reason to use Seeking in Manila.
Filipina are so easy to meet and fuck that you don't need Seeking. Just use DateInAsia or Filipina Cupid or Tinder etc. You will have a girl within an hour of setting up a free account.
Also, an overnight freelancer girl expect to tip P2,000-P4000 per night, that's USD45-90/ night not the crazy Seeking girl asking prices.
Voodoo Jones
01-18-23, 03:02
I was just in SEA recently and tried to use SA in both Manila and Jakarta. Manila is a dud and not a good option.Damn, that sucks. I saw other people not recommend Manila: not enough candidates and they ask for way too much. I'm going there again with friends and was hoping to spend a few days by myself, but looks like I'll change it up.
So true about the lockdown. I had 3 of the most beautiful girls in my life during lockdown. I would have never had a chance with them if it was not for Covid. 2 of the 3 now have boyfriends in Europe."Boyfriends"? Sugar daddies, sure, but not boyfriends. These women are still having sex with other men while getting their rent paid by someone they see maybe every few months.
BCN and Madrid rock. You get a good set of chicks at a reasonable cost.
Gents, we tend to circle around the same cities in these discussions. Yes Mexico is great.
What are the other excellent cities are rich, teeming with sugar babies?
Often I find myself in some part of the world and I look to see what cities are close by and how many girls are in my target age on Seeking. So far very few cities have hundreds (which means probably a few dozen active).
What amazing cities with lots of action have you conquered?
I'll go first.
Barcelona was surprisingly strong. Not as strong as Cdmx but I had zero problem lining up dates.
Voodoo Jones
01-19-23, 00:13
BCN and Madrid rock. You get a good set of chicks at a reasonable cost.What's the average rate? I don't look for women who charge by the hour and I prefer the first meeting to be a few hours at least.
01-19-23, 01:37
What's the average rate? I don't look for women who charge by the hour and I prefer the first meeting to be a few hours at least.I always go about 25 pct higher than what's needed because I need for things to be locked in firm. It's a catastrophe if a girl changes her mind and I lose one of my precious Days.
I was going for 20-25 year old girls that were 8+ and finding that offering 400 euros was very well received. So my sense is 250-300 would be good.
Question for the membership -- Do you use burner phones when dating sugar babies outside the USA?
Tiny, first time I went to Bogota, I was in Hotel Ibis. Lobby is like Best Western, and rooms are like Motel 6. Neighborhood was okay, and I never had any issues, but women were not impressed and wanted money up front.
Then I upped my game, and I went to upscale hotels, wore a suit, and met the women there. With that atmosphere, it was kind of gauche to mention price, and in Mexico or Colombia, it was never meet and greet and then sex the second meet like in the USA. It was let's get it on now. So I would be banging these women within a hour of a meet.
And when you meet them in the nice hotel, you have cameras everywhere and probably better security than USA hotels. Still, there were issues but not the kind you mentioned but with women and they had to deal with what American men fear.
One Mexican woman was saying while we were having sex, "You know I can have you arrested" as if I was raping her. So I stopped, got my wallet, opened my hotel room door, and threw the money we agreed upon on the public hall floor where I assume there were cameras and shut the door behind her when she went for that money. Good luck with that arrest now honey.
But I had known that Mexican police do not take these dumb comments seriously from a previous incident. I saw a girl who is 22 but looks young. We get it on, and she goes home, and she claims her "cousin" stole her phone. The "cousin" pretended to be her mother, and texted me that her "daughter" was underage, and she is going to the cops unless she gets payment. I ignored the texts. Girl comes back on a few hours later, apologizes, and now asks for more money because "cousin" stole her money too.
Truth is age of consent where this happened is 18 in CDMX but other parts of Mexico, the legal age is 13. What I learned is that it is unless men trick or wrongly coerce these young girls and there is an irate parent then maybe the Mexican police will react, but most times they could care less. My take was that if you met a woman on seeking the police would laugh it off unless there was objective evidence something really bad happened.
So Tiny in that way, these countries may be safer. With the Kobe Bryant case, a woman consenting to sex but regretting it the next morning was considered rape and the police went full press on him, and it would not surprise me to see some American police departments send a SWAT team after me with just the allegation of having sex with someone under aged. So you can imagine these scams may work on some American guys then, but all in all, I think you are actually safer where P4 P activity is legal / tolerated.
All that said, I think it is best to get used to one hotel and operate out of it. It also helps to get to know and tip the staff. They are your first line of defense and something you will not see here is security literally bringing a woman to your room. That happened to me once in Colombia and once in Mexico, and I have to admit that I kind of thought that was cool. "Here is the pizza you ordered sir and here is the red head for desert". Now that was some good room service.Great post Elvis. Ggekko2009 and DramaFree had some good pointers, and you tie it all together. Like I said in another post, you have good common sense and an ability to think out of the box. I never would have thought to throw money in the hallway, where the woman would show up on cameras picking it up.
My life was seriously screwed up for several years as a result of dating sugar babies in the USA. I won't go through the whole sad story as I might out myself if someone who knows me read this. I did end up thinking for about 6 months that I might have a child, who turned out to be imaginary.
Your point is well taken. The risks in the USA must be greater than outside the country.
There is an auto-renew option. Whatever you payment method if your subscription expires and you haven't paid then you are lapsed. You can see but cannot message. You cannot even read your previous messages. So if you plan to expire, you need to have extracted any contact details.
But for me, I always delete the profile once it has expired. Messages keep coming and the desire to repay and read new messages is too tempting.Thanks.
Maybe that's why, you removed your profile completely. I already turned autorenew off but only disabled not remove my profile, thinking in case I want to re activate it later; then SA recharge my card after 1-2 months, really pissed me off since I am already in relation with a girl at that time.
Other than that SA is fine.
01-19-23, 18:50
Outside us I use Telegram or Whatapp, both linked to phone numbers that aren't my real number.
Inside US I use one of the many burner fone number apps you can get on Apple Store.
Question for the membership -- Do you use burner phones when dating sugar babies outside the USA?
Great post Elvis. Ggekko2009 and DramaFree had some good pointers, and you tie it all together. Like I said in another post, you have good common sense and an ability to think out of the box. I never would have thought to throw money in the hallway, where the woman would show up on cameras picking it up.
My life was seriously screwed up for several years as a result of dating sugar babies in the USA. I won't go through the whole sad story as I might out myself if someone who knows me read this. I did end up thinking for about 6 months that I might have a child, who turned out to be imaginary.
Your point is well taken. The risks in the USA must be greater than outside the country.
Elvis 2008
01-20-23, 01:11
Question for the membership -- Do you use burner phones when dating sugar babies outside the USA?
No, and part of the reason is because everyone outside the USA uses whatsapp. Telegram has gotten a little more popular because it is supposed to be harder to break than whatsapp.
Whatsapp is encrypted, but I would be surprised if the USA government has not been given the keys to break it by Facebook / Meta. My guess is that few other countries have the keys. If someone else knows otherwise, please enlighten us.
BCN is where I met one of my all time favorite SBs. Paid 250. She was more about how I treated her (respectful) than how much I paid. She explicitly said that.
Dinner at a nice place (cost me 100), then drinks at a bar (about 40). Making out in cab on the way, fucking like dogs in room (I think we fucked thrice), then some wine in room. Went for a shower together and we fucked again in shower this time finishing CIM, and cuddled all night to sleep. Woke up next morning with a hard on and we fucked again even before brushing. Took her for breakfast, back to room and one last fuck. Gave her 250 and she was super happy.
With inflation now, maybe 300.
What's the average rate? I don't look for women who charge by the hour and I prefer the first meeting to be a few hours at least.
Steve 9696
01-20-23, 03:55
So I know I write on here about all my homeruns. Including recent epic date with reg Liz. But the remainder of the week was crash and burn in a Midwest city.
Day 1 I had a date planned with a girl from two weeks back. Great convo leading up to it. All the usual girlfriendy signs. A couple days before she says she's going to get her nails and brows done because she wants to look nice. Clearly an indirect money ask which I ignore. We keep talking. Day before the date she says she feels like shopping to look nice for me. Again ignore. Day of date I go to confirm. Silence. Two more texts later in day. Ghosted.
I hadn't thought much of it at the time when she did the money asks but in retrospect having been ghosted, she was looking for a sucker to send some cash. Well avoided that bullet but no date. Boo.
So next night I start poking around and get three girls on the hook. One I really dig her face and things go well and we book a date for that night. She shows up and is a pretty girl and well built but I'm not that attracted. Still no question I will fuck her. I mean I'm not going to send a pretty girl home. Really interesting girl. Tattoo artist. Competitive swimmer. Personal trainer. I mean what's not to like. But I don't feel the vibe.
Nonetheless we go to the room. Kinda awkward interactions. Kissing but not tongue. It just feels off. At some point she moves to the bed and we try to get it going but it just feels off. I kiss her neck work her pussy a bit but it's kinda starfish. So I roll on my back to at least get BJ and she starts HJ. And is there about 6 inches away but just HJ. Fortunately as an experienced guy I put the cards on the table and say hey. I can feel there's no chemistry here it can happen. And she's kinda like what do I mean? And I say well you know blowjob and sex. I can do a handjob myself.
She says she was surprised how hairy my dick is (it's not, relatively speaking) and that put her off. Then she says but it really sucks that I called out tonight because it's usually a good night (indicating she needs the money). So I say well do you want to try and do BJ and sex or just call it a night. She says no let's try. So she gives s credible BJ. We do some Steve 2 and she's at least slightly wet. Eventually doggie cowgirl and mish. The sad truth is I came pretty fast because she wasn't super wet and it was high friction. Sad. I asked her if she was ok at one point and she said yes but serious starfish fuck. No more than ten minutes max.
And then having shot on her tummy (surprised she went at it bareback with condoms literally on the nightstand) we called it a night. So I got a shot off but it was weird and awkward. Am I glad I did it versus skipping a night? Dunno. Kinda a toss up.
Anyhow point is it's not all sunshine and roses. This week I was 2 for 3. Going to give Liz a 1. 5 because it was epic. Middle girl ghosting zero. And last girl a. 5. It's tough out there fellas. (Depending on geography).
PS. This just in. I asked for some constructive feedback and she replied. I thought it was a physical thing but actually not. She said she felt I wasnt listening to her at dinner. And I said the neighborhood wasnt too good and she was really insulted cuz its way better than where she comes from. So she felt a bit disrespected. Ouch. Made me feel kinda bad but I am glad she was honest. I can def improve knowing this.
Anyhow point is it's not all sunshine and roses. This week I was 2 for 3. Going to give Liz a 1. 5 because it was epic. Middle girl ghosting zero. And last girl a. 5. It's tough out there fellas. (Depending on geography).That's a crash and burn? I'd call it a good week, with 1 great fuck, 1 ghost, and 1 hot starfish BBFS.
What were the prices you paid, and what ages and races were the girls?
And yeah, since you ignored the girl's 2 texts (asks for money), I'd expect that she'd ghost you. She probably got lots of other guys pre-paying her, and odds are she never showed up for those dates.
She says she was surprised how hairy my dick is (it's not, relatively speaking) and that put her off.WTF? After all of that talk about how to keep your scrotum smooth you have a hairy dick? Sounds like you need to use that Venus razor (or something) on your pecker too! Hahahaha!
Steve 9696
01-20-23, 13:50
That's a crash and burn? I'd call it a good week, with 1 great fuck, 1 ghost, and 1 hot starfish BBFS.
What were the prices you paid, and what ages and races were the girls?
And yeah, since you ignored the girl's 2 texts (asks for money), I'd expect that she'd ghost you. She probably got lots of other guys pre-paying her, and odds are she never showed up for those dates.Liz is a white white girl. Not my usual type but I've come to dig her. She reluctantly agreed 300 back in 2020 but I moved her to 400 when we started barebacking later. Ghost girl was black and we never settled a figure. (That is not a sign. I've done that before.) was planning 400 which I had done with another girl same city a year ago and never discussed. Final girl was super light black mix with green eyes. 400. I might coulda got her for less but didn't try.
01-20-23, 19:46
Wondering how you guys give money. It's always awkward for me.
At the end of the date, I usually clumsily put the money in her purse and say something like I left the gift I promised you in your purse.
I always call it a gift. And I don't literally hand it to her so it feels less transactional.
But it still feels a little awkward. Anyone have a better way?
There is absolutely no reason to use Seeking in Manila.
Filipina are so easy to meet and fuck that you don't need Seeking. Just use DateInAsia or Filipina Cupid or Tinder etc. You will have a girl within an hour of setting up a free account.
Also, an overnight freelancer girl expect to tip P2,000-P4000 per night, that's USD45-90/ night not the crazy Seeking girl asking prices.Yes, I agree with this too. I think Phillpines is the one place where Seeking is not useful. In Manila there are several freelance bars and you would be better served Pinaylove or anothersite like that.
When you meet civvies there is no p4 p. You can take them to Jollibees or McDonalds and that should suffice. When I meet civvies I bring chocolates and things like that. Some women refuse things like paying for their transportation.
Mush Elvii
01-20-23, 23:02
BCN is where I met one of my all time favorite SBs. Paid 250. She was more about how I treated her (respectful) than how much I paid. She explicitly said that.
Dinner at a nice place (cost me 100), then drinks at a bar (about 40). Making out in cab on the way, fucking like dogs in room (I think we fucked thrice), then some wine in room. Went for a shower together and we fucked again in shower this time finishing CIM, and cuddled all night to sleep. Woke up next morning with a hard on and we fucked again even before brushing. Took her for breakfast, back to room and one last fuck. Gave her 250 and she was super happy.
With inflation now, maybe 300.Thankyou for sharing numbers. I'm heading to bcn shortly (first time in Spain) and trying to find reference points to pivot off as needed, but it was all over the place. Some gal asking 1 K euro straight off in chat (which is surprising as anyone been member in SA for sometime know that it brings the ban quick), and some playing really coy.
I'm not able to read the SA vibe in this city yet (and I consider myself experienced user of app but all in South American continent), I am going to explore few more days to see if I get some reasonable leads or else I have to jump to prepago / casa game. Ugh!!
It depends, but the least I paid was 200 for a night. The highest I paid was 400 for spending almost 24 hours. I got lucky once and the girl didn't take anything. The spend on food, drinks etc was 200 odd. All the best!
What's the average rate? I don't look for women who charge by the hour and I prefer the first meeting to be a few hours at least.
WTF? After all of that talk about how to keep your scrotum smooth you have a hairy dick? Sounds like you need to use that Venus razor (or something) on your pecker too! Hahahaha!God put hair there so you do not get friction when you fuck, cross your legs, wear pants, and masturbate. The hair is to slide you dick into her moist juicy pussy. Like underarms. You need hair there. If you shave your balls and dick you will get rubbed and red from the friction and start to chafe. Then your dick and balls will get sick and shrink into the cold recesses of your body. Yes, I am a doctor.
Elvis 2008
01-21-23, 02:49
PS. This just in. I asked for some constructive feedback and she replied. I thought it was a physical thing but actually not. She said she felt I wasnt listening to her at dinner. And I said the neighborhood wasnt too good and she was really insulted cuz its way better than where she comes from. So she felt a bit disrespected. Ouch. Made me feel kinda bad but I am glad she was honest. I can def improve knowing this.I was married to a woman like this, someone I called a serial offender. You could say "you look nice today, honey", and if she was in the wrong mood, she would say, "Are you saying I looked like shit yesterday? God, you are such an asshole. ".
Thing is the government is actually rewarding this kind of behavior. The Babylon Bee did this bit on Twitter workers laid off:
Then I had to take a job related course on human trafficking which used to be sexual in nature but has morphed into people calling it slavery. Yes, you can be trafficked without your even knowing it and what we used to call work is now called trafficking / slavery.
The point is you are not going to get a lot of help from society with those who are the serially offended "victims". They seem to know to get offended just enough so you do not dump them, but it might not even be you that sets off the trigger. With my ex, it would be lack of food or caffeine and she would go into witch mode.
I know the USA market is tough, and people should do what they want, but with a serial offender, they never stop. Their being offended is their power, and you are supposed to apologize to them no matter what you have done. And yes, that dick line was one my ex used as well when she did not want to give head. "It tastes funny. " In the end, you are walking on egg shells, and you are the one spending the money.
And that is why I prefer the Latin world. The female equivalent of machismo is marianismo.
And this quote sticks with me: "don't be unhappy with your man, no matter what he does to you; don't ask for help outside of your husband; don't discuss your personal problems outside the house. ".
Compare that to Oprah Winfrey's show which was a non-stop * fest about men.
And of course, she was boring. If you are constantly restraining yourself with PC talk that does not offend, you can practically end their sentences because they just repeat what is known to be non-offensive. So yeah, these women may fulfill their traditional roles well but I cannot believe I stuck it out as long as I did with someone whose personality had two modes: boring or offended, and it is so sad that this is what we have created in our country. I swear a woman like this is what the new ideal is.
God put hair there so you do not get friction when you fuck, cross your legs, wear pants, and masturbate. The hair is to slide you dick into her moist juicy pussy. Like underarms. You need hair there. If you shave your balls and dick you will get rubbed and red from the friction and start to chafe. Then your dick and balls will get sick and shrink into the cold recesses of your body. Yes, I am a doctor.I wish God had thought about how I could encourage women to suck my nuts then! For this reason, besides the hair on our genitals, I'm glad he also gave us free will. Yes, I too am a doctor. Of philosophy.
01-21-23, 17:36
God put hair there so you do not get friction when you fuck, cross your legs, wear pants, and masturbate. The hair is to slide you dick into her moist juicy pussy. Like underarms. You need hair there. If you shave your balls and dick you will get rubbed and red from the friction and start to chafe. Then your dick and balls will get sick and shrink into the cold recesses of your body. Yes, I am a doctor.You sound quite intelligent, and yes I have enjoyed reading your posts. What is your specialty, Doctor? Dick and Balls? LOL.
01-21-23, 17:38
They think they will give you a lot of interest on the day before your membership expires. Then you will sucker into renewing. Have had enough of the mooches, tired old sluts, and overvalued hoes and need a rest. Thankfully it will expire today!
They think they will give you a lot of interest on the day before your membership expires. Then you will sucker into renewing. Have had enough of the mooches, tired old sluts, and overvalued hoes and need a rest. Thankfully it will expire today!I see you have arrived to the place where I have been for some time now. Sweet mercy of God let it end! LOL!
01-22-23, 15:28
Hi all. I am not getting a lot of responses on SA any advice on what the opener should be? Should it be direct on what am I looking for or should it be more of tinder like opener?
I am bit confused if I should directly opening with asking them what arrangement they're looking for / what I am looking for kr be more flirtatious?
I am going for vacation to Paris and want to use SA. Any advice or experiences?
Thanks for your help.
Best luck. BCN is a big market. Start early. Which you have.
Some girls ask exorbitant. I had a few asking me 500 EUR for a dinner only. Ghosted them. Then, some spoke about per hour. Pros. Let them slide away.
Eventually, you find gems.
Also, pay attention to local age of consent. I had a 20 why. O when she showed up, I politely asked to verify her ID. Only then took her to my place.
She has had sex with her BF only few times before she met me. She thought sex lasts only few minutes. When we went at it for 20/30 minutes of pounding, she had many orgasms. And at some point started to beg me for more. She told me she never thought sex can be so good.
Bottomline: there are gems in Europe. Find them. Keep them.
Unlike US, which has more crazy women than I expected, Europe is much better.
Thankyou for sharing numbers. I'm heading to bcn shortly (first time in Spain) and trying to find reference points to pivot off as needed, but it was all over the place. Some gal asking 1 K euro straight off in chat (which is surprising as anyone been member in SA for sometime know that it brings the ban quick), and some playing really coy.
I'm not able to read the SA vibe in this city yet (and I consider myself experienced user of app but all in South American continent), I am going to explore few more days to see if I get some reasonable leads or else I have to jump to prepago / casa game. Ugh!!
01-22-23, 23:58
She has had sex with her BF only few times before she met me... She told me she never thought sex can be so good.
When you ask a woman how many sex partners she has had, you can add a 0 to the number, and that gives you a true number. With men, take away a 0 at the end, they are usually braggards and exaggerate the number of women they have bedded.
Steve 9696
01-23-23, 01:32
Hi all. I am not getting a lot of responses on SA any advice on what the opener should be? Should it be direct on what am I looking for or should it be more of tinder like opener?
I am bit confused if I should directly opening with asking them what arrangement they're looking for / what I am looking for kr be more flirtatious?
I am going for vacation to Paris and want to use SA. Any advice or experiences?
Thanks for your help.I wrote a guide a couple years back. I might tweak a thing here or there now. But I think it's 95% right. Hopefully this will help you and other SA newbies with openers and more.
So how do you do it properly? I suppose this could vary widely depending on what you are after. But I am after a girl who FEELS like a girlfriend. She's affectionate, appreciates an evening above her usual stature in life, and is able to actually enjoy herself with you. She views the allowance / gift (I. E. Money!) as a bonus. Not the only thing she is after. Any girl where I feel money is the primary motivation and she will go with anyone for a high enough price, gets kicked straight to the curb. She's got to be a girlfriend first, and any "benefits" come second.
Knowing that this is the kind of girl I want to attract (and other guys I have talked to also find this persona the most attractive), there is a set of rules you have to play by. Understand that SA is NOT AT ALL like picking up hookers. It is much more like meeting a girl in a bar and seducing her to leave with you. It's just an online bar. Sure you need money, but you also need some texting game and you need to treat her with respect. If you do, you have a chance of closing the deal. However, the moment you disrespect her, she will be gone.
The most important rule when vibing with a girl and getting a meeting set up is: never discuss sex or money. These things will be implied and they will be done offline. Never discuss sex or money on the Seeking Arrangements platform and really never discuss sex at all. As soon as you are that explicit, the kind of girl you are after will feel disrespected and ghost you in no time flat. Plus, it can get you booted from SA for life if you are reported. Don't worry, there are ways to have this conversation properly, explained below.
Start your engagement with a girl with some light chat and flirt. Your opener should be something specific to her that you read in her profile -- not something generic. And ALWAYS end every message with a question. This prompts her to respond. If you don't ask a question, she will not take the initiative and the conversation will just die. You have to drive it; and you drive with questions. Get her to tell you a few things about herself: what she likes to eat, her favorite wine, dog or cat person. It doesn't really matter what you discuss; just something that will get her to engage a bit.
At some point you will establish that you like each other reasonably well and one or the other will suggest taking the conversation off of SA and over to text. If she goes there in the first few exchanges, she is probably a hooker. If she doesn't ask for a pic pretty early on, she is probably a hooker. Often, I am the one to suggest going over to private phone text. You can keep it pretty innocuous, saying you notice she is not on often and it might be easier to connect up by text. But don't do it too early this spooks the nice girls. Have a conversation over a few days and then take it off SA to texting.
Once you are texting, pick up the thread you had going and continue a little friendly chat. At some point, you will suggest that you think you vibe well and should meet up. Most often she will agree and now its time to establish that you will have sex (without saying it!) and how much is the agreed price (without saying it's a price! Some guys cover the price discussion in person, but I find that awkward and always set it ahead of time.
Once she's said "yeah, lets meetup" I say I want to describe our date to her (this is how I introduce the sex topic without getting explicit.) I usually say something about going out for dinner or drinks and having an epic time, laughing a lot and if the chemistry is right spending some private time (or intimate time or adult time -- insert your favorite euphemism -- but never say SEX!) or on the off chance we don't vibe, we can part after dinner no harm no foul. And ask if that sounds about right to them. Most often, if they are the kind of girl you are after, they will be down with this description and say, sure that sounds good.
This opens the door for the pricing discussion. I usually say something like "Of course I'the want to give you a gift / allowance. Did you have something in mind?" and the negotiation is underway. Never ever say "what's your price" or "how much do you charge for PPM". Always use the approach above, that you want to give them something. Sometimes, she will say she doesn't know and get you to give the first figure (good negotiating tactic on her part, but often they are in fact new). I am OK with this and say "well, what I've done before is 300. I hope that works for you. " (note no $ sign).
As far as what you should pay, I've found a strong correlation between what a pretty hooker charges for an hour (in a given city) to be what an SA girl will take for an evening. I'the say (pre-pandemic) most big US cities $400 is reasonable for a pretty girl (lots will ask more I just kick them to the curb) with SF and NYC more like $500. In second tier cities, $300 should do it and I've found a few gems at $200 (though more in the 6-7 category). During the pandemic, I've found a lot of these girls are struggling, so if they ask 500, when 400 is more correct, I usually don't push them on it and just go with what they asked.
Once you have the "we are going to have sex, right" -- without saying it -- and money discussion out of the way, you should be good to go. Just keep on with the flirty texts without being too frequent, clingy or annoying and then meet up at the appointed day and time. More often than not, if you are not terribly objectionable looking, have a little bit of charm, and follow the "let's get out of here" model you might use with a regular pickup, you will end up in the room with your girl and have a rocking time.
Having done this alot (more than 30 times in many different cities), I've found that having sex on the first date is super important. The few times I've had a platonic date (especially a non-alcoholic one) to be followed by sex on the second date it never happens. You have to take the momentum on that first date and take it all the way to the bedroom. Remember girls are submissive and will largely follow your lead even if that lead is to the hotel room.
Finally, I should note that how much time you spend with her is largely up to her and how well you vibe. It's not something you negotiate, like you would with a hooker. Most times it will probably be 3-4 hours including dinner and sex, after which she might say she needs to get home. But, in my experience, about 50% of girls sleep over. It's not something you discuss. It just happens. You cuddle after sex and next thing you know she's taking off her necklace to the bedside table. Bingo!
Seeking is absolutely the best, if you take the time to find the gems amongst the bullshit and follow the above guide.
01-23-23, 02:24
I wrote a guide a couple years back. I might tweak a thing here or there now. But I think it's 95% right. Hopefully this will help you and other SA newbies with openers and more.
So how do you do it properly? I suppose this could vary widely depending on what you are after. But I am after a girl who FEELS like a girlfriend. She's affectionate, appreciates an evening above her usual stature in life, and is able to actually enjoy herself with you. She views the allowance / gift (I. E. Money!) as a bonus. Not the only thing she is after. Any girl where I feel money is the primary motivation and she will go with anyone for a high enough price, gets kicked straight to the curb. She's got to be a girlfriend first, and any "benefits" come second.
Knowing that this is the kind of girl I want to attract (and other guys I have talked to also find this persona the most attractive), there is a set of rules you have to play by. Understand that SA is NOT AT ALL like picking up hookers. It is much more like meeting a girl in a bar and seducing her to leave with you. It's just an online bar. Sure you need money, but you also need some texting game and you need to treat her with respect. If you do, you have a chance of closing the deal. However, the moment you disrespect her, she will be gone.
The most important rule when vibing with a girl and getting a meeting set up is: never discuss sex or money. These things will be implied and they will be done offline. Never discuss sex or money on the Seeking Arrangements platform and really never discuss sex at all. As soon as you are that explicit, the kind of girl you are after will feel disrespected and ghost you in no time flat. Plus, it can get you booted from SA for life if you are reported. Don't worry, there are ways to have this conversation properly, explained below.
Start your engagement with a girl with some light chat and flirt. Your opener should be something specific to her that you read in her profile -- not something generic. And ALWAYS end every message with a question. This prompts her to respond. If you don't ask a question, she will not take the initiative and the conversation will just die. You have to drive it; and you drive with questions. Get her to tell you a few things about herself: what she likes to eat, her favorite wine, dog or cat person. It doesn't really matter what you discuss; just something that will get her to engage a bit.
At some point you will establish that you like each other reasonably well and one or the other will suggest taking the conversation off of SA and over to text. If she goes there in the first few exchanges, she is probably a hooker. If she doesn't ask for a pic pretty early on, she is probably a hooker. Often, I am the one to suggest going over to private phone text. You can keep it pretty innocuous, saying you notice she is not on often and it might be easier to connect up by text. But don't do it too early this spooks the nice girls. Have a conversation over a few days and then take it off SA to texting.
Once you are texting, pick up the thread you had going and continue a little friendly chat. At some point, you will suggest that you think you vibe well and should meet up. Most often she will agree and now its time to establish that you will have sex (without saying it!) and how much is the agreed price (without saying it's a price! Some guys cover the price discussion in person, but I find that awkward and always set it ahead of time.
Once she's said "yeah, lets meetup" I say I want to describe our date to her (this is how I introduce the sex topic without getting explicit.) I usually say something about going out for dinner or drinks and having an epic time, laughing a lot and if the chemistry is right spending some private time (or intimate time or adult time -- insert your favorite euphemism -- but never say SEX!) or on the off chance we don't vibe, we can part after dinner no harm no foul. And ask if that sounds about right to them. Most often, if they are the kind of girl you are after, they will be down with this description and say, sure that sounds good.
This opens the door for the pricing discussion. I usually say something like "Of course I'the want to give you a gift / allowance. Did you have something in mind?" and the negotiation is underway. Never ever say "what's your price" or "how much do you charge for PPM". Always use the approach above, that you want to give them something. Sometimes, she will say she doesn't know and get you to give the first figure (good negotiating tactic on her part, but often they are in fact new). I am OK with this and say "well, what I've done before is 300. I hope that works for you. " (note no $ sign).
As far as what you should pay, I've found a strong correlation between what a pretty hooker charges for an hour (in a given city) to be what an SA girl will take for an evening. I'the say (pre-pandemic) most big US cities $400 is reasonable for a pretty girl (lots will ask more I just kick them to the curb) with SF and NYC more like $500. In second tier cities, $300 should do it and I've found a few gems at $200 (though more in the 6-7 category). During the pandemic, I've found a lot of these girls are struggling, so if they ask 500, when 400 is more correct, I usually don't push them on it and just go with what they asked.
Once you have the "we are going to have sex, right" -- without saying it -- and money discussion out of the way, you should be good to go. Just keep on with the flirty texts without being too frequent, clingy or annoying and then meet up at the appointed day and time. More often than not, if you are not terribly objectionable looking, have a little bit of charm, and follow the "let's get out of here" model you might use with a regular pickup, you will end up in the room with your girl and have a rocking time.
Having done this alot (more than 30 times in many different cities), I've found that having sex on the first date is super important. The few times I've had a platonic date (especially a non-alcoholic one) to be followed by sex on the second date it never happens. You have to take the momentum on that first date and take it all the way to the bedroom. Remember girls are submissive and will largely follow your lead even if that lead is to the hotel room.
Finally, I should note that how much time you spend with her is largely up to her and how well you vibe. It's not something you negotiate, like you would with a hooker. Most times it will probably be 3-4 hours including dinner and sex, after which she might say she needs to get home. But, in my experience, about 50% of girls sleep over. It's not something you discuss. It just happens. You cuddle after sex and next thing you know she's taking off her necklace to the bedside table. Bingo!
Seeking is absolutely the best, if you take the time to find the gems amongst the bullshit and follow the above guide.Awesome report. I think the days of $300, are pretty much gone. You can get some great girls $400-500 range.
A couple of observations for my month back on on SA in the states. As I said before scans do not seem to be as big as issue as they were a couple of years ago. There are plenty of desperate girls out there, probably way more then before Covid as the recession drags on. Most of the girls drink way too much or smoke way too much dope. It surprises me the number of girls that have no plans to have sex or want a relationship. I just do not believe there is a lot of guys out there that just pay for companionship, without sex, maybe I am wrong?
Girls seem to find a way to make themselves look 20-30 pounds lighter then in reality. They are terrible with there money and just have idea how to budget there funds.
On the brighter side I have connected with 2 girls that I am seeing regularly. Both pot heads, but love sex and like to have fun. So overall a great experience. Way too much work at first, but when you get some regulars it can be an amazing.
As Elvis said SA is so much better in Latin America and Europe, but when I combine Latin America, with a couple of girls in the states, I have the best of both worlds.
Steve 9696
01-24-23, 04:09
As I posted my guide earlier this week, I realized I have a somewhat encyclopedic knowledge of the Seeking Game and have truly enjoyed it over the past 4 years. I know some guys come here thinking "what's all this about and is it worth it", so I thought I'd post my best week ever -- just in sheer volume of experiences -- Dec 2019. Its a long read and much longer than the forum posts allow so going to break into two sections about the three different girls I saw in Vegas over a 5 day period.
Welcome to Las Vegas -- Best Sugar Baby Week of My Life (at the time!)
I started looking for girls back three months in advance -- just for something to do. And I snagged Jesse back then. I was texting her pictures of London when I wasn't fucking RoGirls. LOL. Then found Alexa shortly thereafter and Krystal after that. All three were great about staying connected the entire time. We sorted pricing about a month before my visit. So it was just BFGF texting after that.
Remember, SA girls are not hookers -- at least the ones I want to be with. There is a certain amount of game required -- both text game and in-person game. And, since I've had a couple civvy (unpaid) dates that were sex-fails, using my 30 year old pickup game (LOL), I've been reading up on Nampa -- Japanese Street Pickup Game. And I've learned some good stuff which I ended up using particularly with Jesse. Here are some terms you need to know:
Escalating/Kino - Light touching and kissing during the date to establish how receptive she is. I do this naturally anyhow.
Bounce - Take the girl from one location to another, particularly one where u can be close together. And when u bounce to the hotel don't make a big deal about it. Don't discuss. Don't ask. Just go there.
Push and Pull -- When u go for a kiss or a feel and she resists. Just brush it off. Change the subject. Try again in a bit. It will go farther. Eventually u can get her worked up and do the deed.
Persistence -- Don't be deterred if u get shot down. Just take a detour and try again. This concept was so foreign to me. You'd be amazed at the guys that go for a kiss, get shot down three times and end up fucking a half hour later after repeated push pull! WTF? Really. Yep.
LMR - Last minute resistance. Despite a girl going to your room she may get cold feet at the last minute. Push and pull and persistence are key to dealing with this.
Anti-Sl*t Defense (ASD) - No girl wants to feel like a ****. They need to rationalize in their heads that u are special and fucking u on the first date is Ok. U have to help them see this. That is also why in street pickup, you have to isolate her from her friends on an initial open and bounce somewhere else (so she can later go to the hotel privately and not look slutty).
Some guys push it all too far, IMO, but most of the principles are sound. This will be important later particularly with Jesse.
First up is Alexa as my most girlfriendy find. All my girls say Italian is their favorite, so it's three days straight of high-end Italian for me. First up is Il Mulino. Alexa is a bit late but keeps me up to date.
She is REALLY pretty. So petite. A 4-11 intoxicating mix of Black, Filipina and Italian with a wild cascade of soft curly hair. Shes wearing a green tight fitting sweater dress. It shows a nice cleavage -- maybe more than she likes, cuz she adjusts her tits about 20 times during dinner. Works for me! She is really completely unaware of how gorgeous she is.
The dinner is a little weird and awkward but not to the point of being uncomfortable -- it's one of those super fancy places where they keep showing up and grating cheese and doing this and that. It's really a bit much for both of us.
So we bounce to the hotel which of course has lots of bars too. So we could go to either my room or the bar. In the Uber I escalate and take her hand. She takes it with both of hers and rests them on her lap. OK we are golden to go straight to room.
At dinner she didn't hardly touch her Chardonnay but I got a nice sweet Rose and in the room she starts drinking at a high pace. I think she's trying to get up her nerve. Which is good cuz it's a bit of a warm up -- she's definitely new to this. Some really nice kissing at the window looking at the view. She kisses pretty well, but she really likes sucking on my lips and tongue which is unusual but pretty sexy.
We roll about on the bed some and make out (I like the leadup) and realize I forgot to take my Viagra. Damn. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom (and take it.) When I come back, she's taken off her dress and is in a bra and tiny panties (she's a bit shy despite having a perfect body). Nice!
So I know we'll go slow. I start by getting on top of her (fully clothed) and kiss her strongly and work my way down. Lovely B-cup tits and she loves having them sucked. And then I start eating her through her panties and then slide them to the side and dive in. A lovely sweet young girl pussy and she is really enjoying it. I have to laugh though when I start to use a finger and she says "don't put that in there!" It was kinda funny. These are girls not pros and that is a large part of the fun.
It's even funnier when I stand up to take off my pants and she slides over to where I am standing by the bed and says "I'm supposed to do that to you now right?" Hahahaha! Yep babe u are. These babes in the woods!
Actually her BJ is not half bad. I have to show her how to lick and suck and not just jam it in and out and she takes to it well including BLS with no complaints.
So round 1 we have some truly great sex. Mish with lots of kissing. Doggie. Cowgirl. RCG. There is no question she is into it; not just acting. I like this part with the nonpros also.
Despite great sex I don't cum after quite some time. We eventually pull out and she gets back on the BBBJ and I shoot a hot load in her mouth which she takes like a champ. And trots her picture perfect ass to the bathroom to spit. I don't even mind her spitting, cuz the view of her ass heading to the bathroom is spectacular.
So we cuddle for a while. And I really can't recall how we got wound up again. But surely we had been drinking. We nearly killed the whole bottle of wine. And I guess our judgment went out the window. I had taken only a small dose of Viagra and wasn't rock hard. As we are switching to RCG and it's not a perfect slide in she says fuck it and rips off the condom and chucks it and mounts up raw!
Damn. Bareback is unwise, but holy fuck there was no resisting. And it was spectacular. We did a bunch of positions again. Wasn't sure I could cum even with the bareback. When I pulled out of doggie -- BTW her ass is a complete work of art - maybe second finest ass in the world (Fortune can never be beat). And then jacked off some with my thumb in her pussy from behind (guess the wine got her a bit more permissive). So nice. But nope. No jizz.
So she mounts up RCG and really starts fucking me aggressively and it feels great. I can feel the build. I pull out at the last minute and shoot a strong load. Ahhhhhh finally.
And then she sleeps over! This is not a hooker. This is a sweet girl who makes her own decisions and how nice to have her sleeping next to me. In the morning, she asks for an extra hundred since we went farther than planned and she stayed over. I don't have a problem with this. Haven't done bareback in literally 25 years.
She wanted to see me again and I was a little noncommittal which seemed to disappoint her. But I wanted to see my other girls and decide who to repeat. After seeing Jesse, (see below) I decided to repeat with Alexa on Wednesday night and she was stoked. And honestly the more I think back to the optics, I am too!
OK. So day 2 is Jesse day. Jesse is my 20 year old Viet Korean Mexican hottie. From the pics, she was kinda my fave. In person she is pretty, but via lots of make up and eyelashes and hair extensions (she confessed). Alexa is more naturally pretty. But Jesse is still a very pretty girl.
I changed reservations to go to Lago instead of Carbone, which sounded too much like Il Mulino. Lago is spectacular. The view of the Bellagio fountains is amazing and the food is wonderful. It's Italian tapas so we had five plates we shared.
We had a really nice dinner and she is a much more engaging conversationalist than Alexa. And she really appreciates the setting and the food. She gets carded by the waiter, but she can't produce it and they deny her a glass of wine. Kind of a bummer; but I guess an occupational hazard of dating a twenty year old! Hahaha
So with Jesse more so than the others, I start to sense her youngness and perhaps she's not as sophisticated and sexy as she tries to imply. I decide to walk straight to the hotel without really saying where we are going, but surely she knows. I escalate with an arm around from time to time and it's not a cold response but not warm either.
As we enter the hotel I tell her I have a couple wines to choose from in my room and she says OK, so we just rock on up there. It's pretty comfortable but u can tell she is shy -- which is in complete contrast to how she dresses, as she is the sluttiest dresser of the three.
In the room, we admire the view and I can just feel the flow is not right. We start drinking and that probably helps. At one point she sits on the bed, which I take as a good sign and join her. But we really just chat a bit awkwardly. At some point I think fuck it and just go in for a kiss. She responds nicely and is a pretty good kisser. So we do that for a minute or two then stop.
The push and pull (remember Nanpa?) is now ringing in the back of my mind so I initiate again and pull her down to a lying position. And we make out a bit more but it's just not feeling there to move beyond that. But again, in retrospect, this was one more pull in a push pull sequence I was unconsciously executing.
I think we have some more wine but you can feel this awkward feeling that she is not DTF (down to fuck) and so I just meet it head on and say it seems she doesn't have chemistry towards me and it's cool. Sometimes it happens. She is all shy about it and says I cant have sex with a guy I just met! (LMR! ASD!). I say I understand.
At some point I tell her all girls are different and I met a girl in Buenos Aires who took me to a sex club on our second date -- just to let her know that girls her age can be highly sexual. Plus, I am thinking it's not happening, so whatever.
She says "pour me another drink". I think she's getting up her courage. And I say I have a great idea. Let's just make out like high schoolers and we'll do what high schoolers do -- up to but no sex.
And she says OK. In retrospect I see I was subconsciously using push pull and a lot of persistence.
So I pull her up fully on the bed and we are both fully clothed and I start letting her feel my masculine dominance. I am on top and kissing her hard and passionately and grinding my pelvis into hers. I do go really slow like a first timer. I start pulling her shirt up and her bra down and sucking her tits. She LOVES that. Shes starting to grind back. Good sign...
At some point I put her hand on my hard dick through my jeans (also learned this move from the Nampa dudes!). And I feel her pussy thru her jeans and start thinking about getting them off. I am distracted with some more tit work and when I look down again, her jeans are unbuttoned and the zipper down. Looks like an invitation to me!
At some point we turned out one of the other lights and she is down to bra and panties and I am still working her pussy from the outside when she suddenly says "OK we can fuck now. Just turn out the lights."
WTF? Thank you baby Jesus!
I promise this was not all part of an evil plan -- I really did plan to stop short and jack off later. But I realize I subconsciously executed some rocking Nampa moves without knowing it! I always read in disbelief as some guy escalates from a blocked kiss to an SNL (single night lay) and how the girls defenses crumble as she gets horny. And goddamn if I didn't just do it!
She is TRULY inexperienced. No BJ. No DATY. Modest attempt to get me hard by hand. But nice sex in all positions. Marked by her checking her phone from time to time as her mother texts. Bwahahaha. She lets me know she only has a half hour. So I am a little concerned especially with no BBBJ warmup. But her pussy feels great (using Trojan Bareskin Magnums which I like) and I pound out a nice shot in Mish shortly after she says "cum for me baby". Woohoo!
Definitely not the best sex ever and not a repeat. But the whole experience was totally fascinating and I am glad I had it. Seeking just remains soooo interesting.
I walk her to her Uber and off she goes. I know she is feeling a little slutty and so I help her ASD a bit by texting her how I appreciate that she can see I am different from other guys and such. Just helps her feel like she made an exception. Seems to work, as I get some thanks and heart emojis back. And she texts me the next day. Just nice touch base stuff. I am sure she'd go again, but there are too many better options.
And now the lovely Krystal. About a week in advance of our date, she sent me a looking forward to seeing you message, complete with a video of her fucking herself with a dildo. So I am not expecting the same shrinking violet as Jesse. And sure enough Krystal is a confident wildcat of a girl. OMFG she rocked my world.
So since Krystal was forward enough to send me pictures of her fucking herself, I am not gonna bother with dinner across town and some charade like the room is optional. So I change dinner to the Italian restaurant in my hotel. Shes a bit late but she's in my Uber so I know when she arrives and meet her at the hotel lobby.
Wow. Super pretty girl. Shes straightened her hair and it looks great that way. Tall girl -- 5-6 or better and spike heels. Displaying a ton of chest. Clearly solid C cups. And on the way walking to the restaurant she is chatty and bubbly --- like she knows she's the prettiest girl in the place (and she is!). I pretty much love her from minute one!
We have a really great dinner. Alexa was a bit awkward. Jesse was solid. And Krystal is just absolutely great to hang with. There is no lag in the conversation. We talk about everything including her hot sisters. She doesn't try to put on airs or try to keep things private. Just a chatty bubbly open book.
After dinner we walk back into the main bar and casino area and I offer if she wants to get a drink somewhere or go to the room and she says up to me. So let's go to the room baby! Off we go.
There is no pretense at all with Krystal. It's clear she is DTF from minute one. I pour us some wine (man I am going through the Rose!) and we sit on the edge of the bed. Pretty soon we are both
leaning in and making out. And then she puts her hand on my dick which is hard by now through my jeans and says "I really like your dick". This is a bit of a theme -- She likes to talk dirty which is not really my thing, but it amuses me and she seems to like to do it. And Krystal has the best DFK of the three by far. She's a little hard to figure out, because she definitely has a ton of pro moves about her, but she really is a waitress and trains others and has a real job. Either way its great.
So I go take a leak and when I come back she asks if she can too -- sure no problem. And out she comes from the bathroom in a black teddy! Fuck! Well it doesn't take us long to get down to business. Shes got a great set of C cups, kisses wonderfully, and has a sweet and juicy pussy. She does a pretty big amount of what would appear fake moaning and later screaming, but she is super sloppy, so some of it might be real, who knows. She has a tiny clit and she says so. Haha, she is not shy.
After a bit of DATY I stand up and she slides to the edge of the bed and then onto her knees and says "can I suck your cock?" Of course I say NO. Hahaha kidding. She can suck cock for sure. Not as much BLS and licking as I like but she deep throats and is plenty sloppy and vocal -- pretty PSE. At some point she says "will you fuck me baby, I want you to fuck me". While not yet a fan, the dirty talk is growing on me! So I say sure and suit up.
She is soooo sexy when she gets on her back -- those big doe eyes saying fuck me baby and kinda squirming around like she can't get your dick inside her soon enough. I think I'd had a few drinks (and several girls) cuz I don't remember it all. The mish is really good. Lots of DFK and serious pounding and her being very vocal. "oh my god baby just like that. Go slow and deeper. oh my god".
And a screeching build to apparent O. We move to cowgirl at some point and she fucks me really hard and heavy. Back to mish. We go for like 30 minutes plus.
After I cum, we are laying side by side and I go to take the condom off and its not there! WTF? I go uh oh baby I seem to have lost something. She doesn't panic at all. She hops up, goes to the bathroom, and comes back bubbly as can be: "Yep, it was just inside. Theres cum in it so we should be good. But if you want I'll get a morning after pill, they cost like $40 if you don't mind paying -- I'll send you a pic of the receipt". And all this in just the bubbliest happy girl voice. Yeah, not too many amateurs fish a condom out of their pussy and quote you the price of Plan B. Hahaha! Who cares I kinda love her!!!
So we just relax comfortably for quite some time, her head on my chest, intertwined. I think we both doze for a bit. At some point, she awakens and her lips are about a foot from my cock and I start getting hard again. And kinda pull her up into DFK and she starts jacking me and we are off to the races again. Some truly great sloppy BJ to start. Some fabulous mish. Doggie. RCG. Loose the condom and do fingering deep while she is on her back and I am mouth fucking her. We get another condom and go for a while. I mean shit it was probably an hour or more of this. And I feel guilty and while she is on her back looking sooooo sexy I say "sorry babe, but sometimes I am hard to finish" and she says "thats OK baby you can fuck me all night if you want!" OMFG and with that look in her eyes. WTF. a fucking goddess.
So we fuck some more and then go for BBBJ in several positions -- finally end with her between my legs and a great climax that she swallows without a second thought. This girl is hot chick dynamite.
We talk about her staying but I have a 7 AM call and she has to get up early to go to work also. So we shower and part ways but make plans to go again.
As it turns out I've already booked a repeat with Alexa for tonight and she is sooooo sweet I hate to cancel, so I book Krystal for Thursday and she is cool with that. So I get to sample a second date with both ladies. But in Krystal, I've found someone I really vibe with to the point that I would fly her to see me on some travel gig. I hate to waste London on her with so much going on there. But maybe if I travel here in the US I'll see if she'll join me. Anyhow, nice to meet someone I dig that much.
So, Seeking has delivered once again! And what a box of life experiences -- ranging from Jesse, where I literally had to seduce her and get her horny to get her to break out the pussy -- to Krystal who is a full on rockstar pornstar sex bunny -- and Alexa right in between, barebacking me in the heat of the moment.
OMG What a bunch of fun sampling three girls in three days! But its not over yet
stay tuned for part 2!
Steve 9696
01-24-23, 04:16
So after seeing all three girls, Krystal was the clear winner by a mile. Unfortunately I had already booked Alexa again for Wed and I didn't want to cancel on her. I mean this is a bunch of coin for these girls. So I went ahead with that date. It was OK but nothing to write home about -- so I won't.
But my Thursday date with Krystal is one of my all time favorites. She's a keeper. I've only had two girls before who I would fly to London and skip my RoGirls. Thifany and Valentina. Krystal is the first stateside girl I would do that with. Plus I could fly her to lame venues like Detroit. I think she'd be down.
We had agreed $400 as allowance a month or so ago. But I had just received my yearly bonus. So I wrote her about exactly how I wanted the date to go (room time, dinner / party time, room time) and no rush and I want to give her $600. She is totally worth more than that for the amount of time we spend together. And of course she was down with that. And OMFG it was so great. No clock watching. No money discussion. Just great.
So we start by meeting at my hotel and head straight to the room. She was actually about 30 minutes late which offered me a new experience. As I am sipping my Gin and Tonic in the lounge, a middle aged dude approaches and starts chatting me up. We chat amicably for a few minutes, but I start to wonder what his game is. Then he says that I am a handsome and sensitive man and asks for my number! Hahaha! That's a fucking first! LOL.
So Krystal arrives and she's even prettier than I remember. She just breezes in and lights up the place with her bubbly confidence. She has on a super short skirt, so short that it doesn't even come past her jacket. And a "diamond" choker. She is devastating. She is the best looking girl in the hotel and casino by a country mile.
Honestly, just walking to the room I feel like a million bucks. She's my girl and everyone else can just stand and drool!
So we head to the room and pour some Rose. Just get on the bed together and drink and chat. So comfortable. Eventually there is soft kissing, turning to passionate DFK and my hand down between her thighs, where I discover her bad-girl black lace panties have a large hole and provide some nice pussy access.
Down I go for some DATY with some nice neck sucking (she loves this) and titty sucking (her nipples get nicely erect) on the way. Then DATY, at first through the hole, but shortly we lose her panties and I give her some rip roaring DATY including Gspot fingering of course!
Her pussy is super wet and juicy. Her being a non-pro, it's not excessively washed clean of all smell. It has that perfect young girl pussy smell and when I drive my tongue fully inside there is even more awesome sauce!
We swap it up and she starts some very good BJ. She doesn't really lick as much as I like, but I hesitate to direct her as her in and out is great and sloppy and her lips have just enough black girl in her to make them a joy to watch! Reminds me of Thifany actually. Watching the BJ is a highlight.
She is not shy and she likes to talk dirty. "Do you want to fuck me baby? I want that big dick inside me. " She does this pixie cartoon type of voice. I am not usually a fan of this showmanship but she pulls it off. And yes baby I will now fuck you. Thank you for asking!
We start in cowgirl and boy is she ready to ride. She does all variety of grinding and in and out and chest to chest and fully upright. It's really good but I have enormous stamina given the "hard" week. I do like sometimes to just make it really hard, push as deep as it will go and let her use me as her fuck buddy.
This apparently works as she cums two times spaced about 5 minutes apart. She's super vocal - "oh fuck baby. Shit shit shit. Fuck fuck oh my God I am cumming". It seems a bit made up, but she is dripping wet and the second one I felt a couple light pussy clamps so she's definitely having a good time. And fuck she looks great up there riding, perfect see cups bouncing, when I am not kneading the fuck out of them.
We swap over to Mish with Plenty of DFK and neck sucking while I fuck her deep. She's left on her heels and diamond choker which just adds to it all. And she is holding her heels with her hands on either side of my head. Super deep. Getting a boner writing this!
At some point I am exhausted and we call it and I ask her to finish me by mouth. "Of course baby!" And she launches into some epic BBBJ with CIM and swallow. I love it when they swallow with a smile. Like it's yummy. I did drink my pineapple juice so maybe it was!
We rest a bit in each other's arms. Actually I think we both fell asleep for a bit. This is the unrushed part and I love it. We shower together and get dressed and head off for dinner and nightlife. I had told her earlier that I had a surprise for her but she doesn't know what.
As we are exiting the hotel, I detour her into the Swarovski crystal shop. I had scoped it out beforehand and knew virtually everything was under $300 and honestly having just gotten a very large bonus and being with this goddess I was super happy to play Real Sugar Daddy and OMG she was over the moon. We jointly picked out an amazing "diamond" necklace with matching earrings. Cost: $249. Result: Priceless!
So we bounce to our Uber, Krystal wearing her new bling, and head to dinner. We are headed to a vibey place called Sake Rok. But when we arrive they say they closed at 10. Boo. But we find another sushi place inside the NYNY hotel and it is super good. Just having dinner with her is a dream. Fuck I could look at her all day.
After dinner, we bounce to Skyfall, a rooftop bar on the 64th floor of the Delano. It's 11:15 and they close at midnight but what the heck. Highly recommended. A view to die for. We go out on the heated patio and just snuggle and drink. All of Vegas spread at the king's feet. LOL. (we find out later it's a private area we were supposed to pay for but hey we got it free!
As midnight arrives we make it back to the hotel and pretty much crash -- fully clothed on the bed in each other's arms.
We are both fucking wiped out from alot of food and drink and we doze off. At various times I wake up or she stirs too and I have these very conflicted thoughts:
I am fucking wiped. It would feel so good to just sleep. I probably can't cum anyhow. I should just call it a night and let sleep take me.
Dude you fucking pansy. You have one more chance to fuck the hottest girl in Vegas. What the fuck are you thinking!
And these go back and forth in my head as I variously sleep and wake for another hour or so.
Finally, reason prevails and I lean over and kiss her lightly on the cheeks. She stirs but clearly is also super sleepy and considering whether to do it again or not. Well awesome girlfriend that she is, she also makes the right decision and swings her leg over me and gets on top and then rises up to fully clothed cowgirl and starts grinding away. I oblige by pushing my now mostly hard dick firmly against her pussy. OK it's on!
Round two is much like round one. But this time after I DATY for a while, she wants me to fuck her, but I can tell I am not hard enough even tho she's working me by hand. In fact you know when your ball sack is like super droopy and you know you are miles away from cumming? That was me. Mr Floppy Ballsack. So I was super worried.
I think she would have preferred to skip the BJ but I tell her I need a little help by mouth and she cheerfully obliges. Fuck she's good at that and I get good and hard. But Mr Floppy Sack persists and I remain worried about completion (which as you know is a self fulfilling prophecy!
So she rides cowgirl a long time and gets off again -- she always finishes in cowgirl -- then I mount up in Mish and start some rhythmic pounding. I actually try out the Andy move and put a pillow under her butt and fuck on my knees leaning back. I do it waaaay better this time than I did with Alexa and I must say the visual of me driving my dick in and out of this goddess is compelling! Thanks Andy! Plus she is strumming her clit good and enjoying being on the bottom.
Eventually though I feel like I might get soft so I move back into traditional Mish and start a very rhythmic pounding again. She starts doing a lot of dirty talk which I usually find off putting. But instead it's really distracting and sexy in a good way and I start to feel the slow build. WTF?
During all the stream of dirty talk -- "oooh fuck me baby. Just like that. Fuck my tight pussy with your big dick" - she throws in "Fuck me Daddy!" OMG I just about laughed out loud but I love her zest for making an experience authentic!
Again strangely the dirty talk is working and I am using my trick of not focusing on my dick. I'm looking at her lips. And her slight bunny teeth. That tendon in her neck that is straining sexily. And.
Wham. We get it done! I am more surprised than anyone! She's a fucking magician and I tell her so.
Now we snuggle back together all naked and exhausted and start dosing again. No rush! And at some point I feel her rouse and she's taking off her necklaces to the bedside table. She's sleeping over!
And sure enough we cuddle and spoon and sleep till my alarm hits at 6 AM. She just sleeps on.
As I leave, she rouses a bit when I give her a kiss or two and we say goodbye. Wow! What a girl and what a night! To be repeated for sure. It's just a question of when and where.
P.S. Even though I end this report planning to repeat with Krystal after some back and forth she is in the wind. But a year later, I was going to Miami and hit up Alexa "want to spend the weekend in Miami" thinking I'd get a sure WTF? But she was down. Still one of the best weekends of my life. And then I saw her last year in Vegas for three epics nights and 6 bottles of wine! And any time I want I can see her in Vegas -- we are solid. And she's an amazing human to boot. I think the world of her. So Seeking can deliver on so many levels.
Mush Elvii
01-24-23, 07:18
Best luck. BCN is a big market. Start early. Which you have.
Some girls ask exorbitant. I had a few asking me 500 EUR for a dinner only. Ghosted them. Then, some spoke about per hour. Pros. Let them slide away.
Eventually, you find gems.
Also, pay attention to local age of consent. I had a 20 why. O when she showed up, I politely asked to verify her ID. Only then took her to my place.
She has had sex with her BF only few times before she met me. She thought sex lasts only few minutes. When we went at it for 20/30 minutes of pounding, she had many orgasms. And at some point started to beg me for more. She told me she never thought sex can be so good.
Bottomline: there are gems in Europe. Find them. Keep them.
Unlike US, which has more crazy women than I expected, Europe is much better.Thanks for input. I've worked on about dozens for 8 day period (some double booked to cover for ghosting situation), but I'm just ticked off with all this telegram shit every other girl pulling off.
Those who play in European market, is telegram really first mode of contact method rather than Whatsapp?
I never "repeat: never" hooked up with anyone using telegram as it's always crypto shit, hooker, or buy my photo / video B.S. Whenever conversation went to teleg, and I stopped using it for atleast 2+ years ago, but every other girl in BCN want to talk on telegram.
For about 16-18 contacts I mined using Whatsapp, I had to put my foot down with at least 10 of them for not using telegram. One even admitted that her BF checks Whatsapp msgs so she wanted to keep SA separate (LOL. Which tells me she is only willing to come to hotel and I usually don't do SA for direct in-call).
The other prevailing group I came across is Russians. I'm 50-50 on weather it's pro or non-pro and will vet them over tapas / drinks in person.
Looking forward for Spanish SA exploration as next month after that is Germany SA (where I also never used SA before)!
01-24-23, 07:39
Thanks for input. I've worked on about dozens for 8 day period (some double booked to cover for ghosting situation), but I'm just ticked off with all this telegram shit every other girl pulling off.
Those who play in European market, is telegram really first mode of contact method rather than Whatsapp?Different cities and countries develop trends.
In 2019 I had a great SB hookup in Rome. Girl only ever used Telegram and she was 100% legit, well except for her DD size enhanced boobs. She met me as planned after her work on the Friday, stayed until I saw her off to work Monday morning. Just had to search her profile again and reminisce. She's still active in Rome, lucky people.
I think for your methodology you need some better questions up front. Look for genuine considered questions that are in the context of your discussion. I find Scammer and crypto go down a standard path.
Unfortunately it's like hunting for gems. You have to shift some dirt to find the gems. Just get better at that sifting.
01-24-23, 14:33
Yes. When I was in Spain a lot of people used Telegram. The same way nobody in the states uses WhatsApp but everyone in Latin America does, telegram is pretty big in Spain.
Thanks for input. I've worked on about dozens for 8 day period (some double booked to cover for ghosting situation), but I'm just ticked off with all this telegram shit every other girl pulling off.
Those who play in European market, is telegram really first mode of contact method rather than Whatsapp?
I never "repeat: never" hooked up with anyone using telegram as it's always crypto shit, hooker, or buy my photo / video B.S. Whenever conversation went to teleg, and I stopped using it for atleast 2+ years ago, but every other girl in BCN want to talk on telegram.
For about 16-18 contacts I mined using Whatsapp, I had to put my foot down with at least 10 of them for not using telegram. One even admitted that her BF checks Whatsapp msgs so she wanted to keep SA separate (LOL. Which tells me she is only willing to come to hotel and I usually don't do SA for direct in-call).
The other prevailing group I came across is Russians. I'm 50-50 on weather it's pro or non-pro and will vet them over tapas / drinks in person.
Looking forward for Spanish SA exploration as next month after that is Germany SA (where I also never used SA before)!
Steve 9696
01-24-23, 16:38
Yes. When I was in Spain a lot of people used Telegram. The same way nobody in the states uses WhatsApp but everyone in Latin America does, telegram is pretty big in Spain.Yeah I confirm same. My London girl Sue was a first time SB. She wouldn't give me her phone number but suggested Telegram. And she was just a regular girl.
Telegram, by itself, is not a problem in Europe.
4 out of 8 SB girls of mine used Telegram to communicate. They all turned out to be legit girls.
Thanks for input. I've worked on about dozens for 8 day period (some double booked to cover for ghosting situation), but I'm just ticked off with all this telegram shit every other girl pulling off.
Those who play in European market, is telegram really first mode of contact method rather than Whatsapp?
I never "repeat: never" hooked up with anyone using telegram as it's always crypto shit, hooker, or buy my photo / video B.S. Whenever conversation went to teleg, and I stopped using it for atleast 2+ years ago, but every other girl in BCN want to talk on telegram.
For about 16-18 contacts I mined using Whatsapp, I had to put my foot down with at least 10 of them for not using telegram. One even admitted that her BF checks Whatsapp msgs so she wanted to keep SA separate (LOL. Which tells me she is only willing to come to hotel and I usually don't do SA for direct in-call).
The other prevailing group I came across is Russians. I'm 50-50 on weather it's pro or non-pro and will vet them over tapas / drinks in person.
Looking forward for Spanish SA exploration as next month after that is Germany SA (where I also never used SA before)!
LOL. True that.
But this one had a certain surprising look when I made some sex moves. Well, maybe she faked that.
But the way her pussy felt around my dick (Bareback) for over 20/30 minutes. She can't fake that. Relatively fresh hole.
When you ask a woman how many sex partners she has had, you can add a 0 to the number, and that gives you a true number. With men, take away a 0 at the end, they are usually braggards and exaggerate the number of women they have bedded.
01-24-23, 23:25
Telegram, by itself, is not a problem in Europe.
4 out of 8 SB girls of mine used Telegram to communicate. They all turned out to be legit girls.I have had girls ask me Mexico and the states to use Telegram. A definite Hell no, not debatable.
I simply tell the girls, I have no time for any other Social Media. If they are real and they are interested, they will contact me either Instant Messenger or WhatsApp, in Mexico.
01-25-23, 00:33
LOL. True that.
But this one had a certain surprising look when I made some sex moves. Well, maybe she faked that.
But the way her pussy felt around my dick (Bareback) for over 20/30 minutes. She can't fake that. Relatively fresh hole.Another thing I have noticed is how comfortable they are handling a cock. I recently acquired a new dating site girl uni girl. She said she has had 4 partners, she is 26. There is something about the way she moves my cock that tell me she really isn't experienced. She's never sure exactly how to touch it. Compare that to our experienced SBs, university dropouts and Asian massage ladies. They can all make things very effectively.
When you ask a woman how many sex partners she has had, you can add a 0 to the number, and that gives you a true number. With men, take away a 0 at the end, they are usually braggards and exaggerate the number of women they have bedded.That if you're talking to a monger, especially some of them on this board, then they're probably telling the truth LOL! A very long time ago I used to keep count, but then I stopped as I felt that was just plain silly. So just suffice it to say so many that I don't even know how many hahaha! Maybe even add a 0 like for a women LOLOLOL! I do know this much. I've fucked more hot girls in the ass than most men will get even pussy. And I'm talking about over the course of their entire lifetimes! Now that's the honest to goodness truth!
Steve 9696
01-25-23, 04:30
Another thing I have noticed is how comfortable they are handling a cock. I recently acquired a new dating site girl uni girl. She said she has had 4 partners, she is 26. There is something about the way she moves my cock that tell me she really isn't experienced. She's never sure exactly how to touch it. Compare that to our experienced SBs, university dropouts and Asian massage ladies. They can all make things very effectively.It's so fun when you find a fresher. Even if her BJ isn't great there is something about being with them as they discover more of their sexuality. I had a Viet coed in NYC a couple years ago. Total babe I'm the woods. Had had s serious boyfriend for like five years (she was 23) and only two other guys. The best part was when I ate her pussy and she really got off over s twenty minute period or so (I was enjoying her enjoying) she said and I quote:
Wow. I guess I've never had that done properly before. That was really something!
THAT is truly satisfying. Plus they often coach up really fast. I've def shown many a girl how to suck balls or do harmonica on the first date and damn their BJ was 1000% better in no time.
I used SA in London, Barcelona and France mostly successfully. A few times I met with a girl for dinner and intimacy just flowed. No talk of price I just took them on trips or helped with rent. One girl was a regular thing. Great girl 300 GBP for 4 hours drinking etc. Over months. I met a girl who was just on there for experiences not money. Far too gorgeous for words. Ended up living together for 15 months. She went insane but that's besides the point. Since its been very money orientated. A few in Barcelona beautiful, but straight up swx workers. But ask for 250 to 300 euros vs 500 plus pounds in London. Met a few for dinner, maybe 4, who didn't look like their pictures so politely said we shall meet up again perhaps. Was scammed at the beginning for gas money, visas etc. And learned my lesson. A lot are very to the point younger ones can be a bit beguiled an unsure what they want. Some flexible. Be very polite or they can easily get you permanently banned. Expect to send out 100 messages and get 20 to 30 responses at nost since they get so many messages. It's quick to decipher who is pleasant and not and quickly switch to WhatsApp. Telegram as mentioned is mostly for girls who rope you in and then only want to sell pics etc. I've had some really good experiences mostly. Just beware of the ones asking for money ranging from 150 to 500 just for a coffee or dinner. This is a new tact. I expect they take it and never intend to see you again. Likewise there are many girls who ask you to send them money or suchlike to see "if you are real" because rhey have had so many bad experiences with time wasters etx. Lots of scammers. Some genuine SBs looking for a 3 k a month allowance and to be treated like a princess, some undecided thrillseekers, and many working girls. Its addictive and exciting for sure. Even am friends with a few. One thing I did notice is that in Barcelona a large proportion are very real, very beautiful girls offering straight up sex services in comparison to London where the girls can choose for thousands of men offering them the world.
You can tell alot from a bio. The biggest hurdle is getting a response, and can tell if they haven't read your first, so I tend to follow up and then finally do get a response.
I tried secret benefits, but much fewer SBs an extortionate price structure and mostly bots. Got a refund even.
Anyway. My experiences.
I used SA in London and Barcelona znd France successfully. A few times I met with a girl for dinner and intimacy just flowed. No talk of price I just took them on trips or helped with rent. One girl was a regular thing. Great girl 300 GBP for 4 hours drinking etc. Over months. I met a girl who was just on there for experiences not money. Far too gorgeous for words. Ended up living together for 15 months. She went insane but that's besides the point. Since its been very money orientated. A few in Barcelona beautiful, but straight up swx workers. But ask for 250 to 300 euros vs 500 plus pounds in London. Met a few for dinner, maybe 4, who didn't look like their pictures so politely said we shall meet up again perhaps. Was scammed at the beginning for gas money, visas etc. And learned my lesson. A lot are very to the point younger ones can be a bit beguiled an unsure what they want. Some flexible. Be very polite or they can easily get you permanently banned. Expect to send out 100 messages and get 20 to 30 responses since they get so many messages. It's quick to decipher who is pleasant and not and quickly switch to WhatsApp. Telegram as mentioned is mostly for girls who rope you in and then only want to sell pics etc. I've had some really good experiences mostly. Just beware of the ones asking for money ranging from 150 to 500 just for a coffee or dinner. I expect they take it and never intend to see you again. Likewise there are many girls who ask you to send them money or suchlike to see "if you are real". Lots of scammers. Lots of genuine SBs looking for a 2 k a month allowance and to be treated like a princess, alot of undecided thrillseekers, and many working girls. Its addictive and exciting for sure. One thing I did notice is that in Barcelona a large proportion are very real, very beautiful girls offering straight up sex services in comparison to London where the girls can choose for thousands of men offering them the world.
You can tell alot from a bio. The biggest hurdle is getting a response, so I tend to follow up and then finally do.
I tried secret benefits, but much fewer SBs an extortionate price structure and mostly bots.
Have any of you had bad experiences with girls who stay overnight? I've been scammed before and am paranoid a girl would take my watch, computer, phone, passport, etc when I was sleeping. I had a good date with a girl in Paris who then stayed overnight but I was worried she'the run off with my bag or something.
Voodoo Jones
01-27-23, 22:13
Have any of you had bad experiences with girls who stay overnight? I've been scammed before and am paranoid a girl would take my watch, computer, phone, passport, etc when I was sleeping. I had a good date with a girl in Paris who then stayed overnight but I was worried she'the run off with my bag or something.I spent a weekend with a SA woman and her friend at a hotel and then a AirBnB outside of the city. I had seen her once alone and 2 times with her friend before on an earlier trip. My advice is don't spend a night with someone you haven't seen at least twice and even then, I would be very careful with who I choose and make sure you get a good vibe. The smart women will realize they have much more to gain in the long term than a quick robbery. Keep your valuables in a safe. If there's none, at least hide your passport.
During that weekend, I made all the reservations, set up the transportation, and got copies of their IDs.
I'm actually going on another getaway weekend in February with someone I met last month. I already have all her info.
01-28-23, 15:06
I actually specifically try to get girls to sleep over in order to get more bang for my buck (pun very intended).
But I always mind the valuables.
In a hotel I use the safe. If there is no safe I always find a hiding place for cash and passport and electronics that is not the obvious ones (nightstand, etc). I often place it in high up places where even I need to drag a chair over to get to it. Think on top of the tallest furniture in the room.
I spent a weekend with a SA woman and her friend at a hotel and then a AirBnB outside of the city. I had seen her once alone and 2 times with her friend before on an earlier trip. My advice is don't spend a night with someone you haven't seen at least twice and even then, I would be very careful with who I choose and make sure you get a good vibe. The smart women will realize they have much more to gain in the long term than a quick robbery. Keep your valuables in a safe. If there's none, at least hide your passport.
During that weekend, I made all the reservations, set up the transportation, and got copies of their IDs.
I'm actually going on another getaway weekend in February with someone I met last month. I already have all her info.
Elvis 2008
01-28-23, 16:08
She has had sex with her BF only few times before she met me. She thought sex lasts only few minutes. When we went at it for 20/30 minutes of pounding, she had many orgasms. And at some point started to beg me for more. She told me she never thought sex can be so good.
One of the issues with seeing strippers and hookers is when you hear a woman say something like this, the instant reaction is that they are saying this to get more money. With this GFEfan, I have to say that I was with a married SB whose husband would get off in under a minute and she hated having sex with him. As I have gotten older, I can control when I cum so yeah, she would get on top and ride and ride. The married SB also had been recently raped and was fearful of being with anyone other than me and hubby. One time before we met, she told me that she had a dream about my dick. I was skeptical but then I asked myself, "Why would she lie? It is not like I am going to pay her more. ".
There were many times in a strip club a woman would claim to cum when she gave me a lap dance. Again, I was skeptical. Thing is they had that certain smell when they cum and with some women, it would have been an Academy Award performance if they had not. Still, what convinced me it was true was when the women refused to cum (I don't want to squirt) or got scared if I said I wanted to meet them outside of the club. They had fear was succumbing to having sex for money or with a customer which was against the stripper code.
Still, with regards to seeking unlike with hookers or strippers, I cannot recall ever having a woman exaggerate her sexual pleasure. Maybe it happened once, and I do not remember it, but I cannot recall a woman faking it or even thinking she was faking it.
Thing is if you are with someone long term you are going to figure it out. She will make getting money more the priority and pleasing you less. Looking back on things, I think I way underestimated how much pleasure the women were getting with sex and if your girl is faking it, and I doubt she is, then you will see it over time.
BTW, the average sex act is 9 minutes long, and 30% of the time guys have sex, they finish in under 3 minutes so what your gal said definitely could be true.
01-28-23, 21:37
Every day I get like 5 favorites or reach outs from girls in Venezuela, and also quite a bit from Colombia.
Anyone know what the deal is? Is phishing American men like a cottage industry there? There's literally nothing in my profile that suggests I'm interested in meeting anyone from Venezuela.
Every day I get like 5 favorites or reach outs from girls in Venezuela, and also quite a bit from Colombia.
Anyone know what the deal is? Is phishing American men like a cottage industry there? There's literally nothing in my profile that suggests I'm interested in meeting anyone from Venezuela.I have a feeling those Venezuelan girls are bot scammers.
Always be careful when girls fave you first.
Elvis 2008
01-29-23, 02:34
Every day I get like 5 favorites or reach outs from girls in Venezuela, and also quite a bit from Colombia.
Anyone know what the deal is? Is phishing American men like a cottage industry there? There's literally nothing in my profile that suggests I'm interested in meeting anyone from Venezuela.They are looking for you to send them money for nothing. Period. An American cannot go last I checked and even if you did, you would see prices are higher than they are for the Vennies in Colombia. If you are interested in Vennies, then head there. And Mexico and Panama have quite a few as well but they cost more. For whatever reason, the best looking Vennies I have ever seen did not live in Venezuela. I know guys are thinking prices are cheap there, but they are not. Even if you find one you liked and flew her out, airline ticket prices to and from Venezuela are ridiculous.
Every day I get like 5 favorites or reach outs from girls in Venezuela, and also quite a bit from Colombia.
Anyone know what the deal is? Is phishing American men like a cottage industry there? There's literally nothing in my profile that suggests I'm interested in meeting anyone from Venezuela.In my experience, if your location is not the same as theirs, I would classify it as SPAM and ignore. I have had SBs reach out to me and initiate the conversation, but each time that has happened, we have shared the same location. And the conversation starter is a bit on the shy side like you would expect from a non pro approaching a strange guy on a site that some chicks consider seedy at times. Just saying.
I'm actually about to gear up for a trip in the next couple weeks, so I'll be back in the Seeking world. I have a girl from Venezuela that I chatted with in Madrid and she literally just reached out like 2 days ago. I didn't keep the oven warm with her because I didn't know when I would be in Madrid again (and I hate to be considered a bullshitter). In the case of this chick, she hit me on Whatsapp, which I wouldn't consider SPAM, even though we have never met in person. We have chatted quite a bit, but last time I was in Madrid, Maria sucked up all my time (not a complaint), so I couldn't experience other SBs. This time around, I only told her about 2 days that I'll be in town, in order to have a bit of space. She is hot AF and intoxicating in the sheets, but I have more exploration to do (call me greedy). If not, I would suffer the same fate as before and not be able to sample the buffet.
Trying seeking in bcn but thinking about sticking with pros. As someone else said, girls seem flaky or are straight to business. After I asked one about getting a drink she told me romantic or sexual dates were ok too LOL. One I had plans with cancelled, another asked if I was into any drugs. I blocked a promising looking one who seemed too eager to meet, asking what hotel I was at and her seeking profile is now deactivated. Felt like a scam.
02-01-23, 15:31
Every day I get like 5 favorites or reach outs from girls in Venezuela, and also quite a bit from Colombia.
Anyone know what the deal is? Is phishing American men like a cottage industry there? There's literally nothing in my profile that suggests I'm interested in meeting anyone from Venezuela.Yes. That is why I am taking a break from SA. Its not worth the aggravation. I have already built up my stable of available women who like to fuk.
02-01-23, 15:38
Just wondering the best thing to say to a woman from SA when you want a break. Really to try some other pussy because the sex is no good, boring, or some other problem they would not want to hear.
Sometimes I text them that I am short of money at the time. But expecting a big check to come in the next week. Or that I owe money in taxes and have to get that paid off immediately.
Other times I am more truthful and tell them I don't like it that they are aggressive about money, and I will get back to them when I am ready and interested.
Other ideas how to put them off temporarily and possibly start again after a few weeks?
Steve 9696
02-01-23, 17:55
Just wondering the best thing to say to a woman from SA when you want a break. Really to try some other pussy because the sex is no good, boring, or some other problem they would not want to hear.
Sometimes I text them that I am short of money at the time. But expecting a big check to come in the next week. Or that I owe money in taxes and have to get that paid off immediately.
Other times I am more truthful and tell them I don't like it that they are aggressive about money, and I will get back to them when I am ready and interested.
Other ideas how to put them off temporarily and possibly start again after a few weeks?Just don't say anything. Real girls are much too busy to pester you. If she texts you don't answer. And they are millennials or gen z so they will never double text. Then text them when you are ready and if they need cash or like you they will forget you never answered.
I always smile when I see an SA girl advertising for a SD in his 20's or 30's. I mean, it's almost comical because us seasoned OGs know that most men in their 20's and 30's haven't achieved the kind of financial success where they can "spoil" (throw money at) girls. I would say it takes most men until they get into their 40's to 50's before they can really establish themselves financially (if in fact they ever get there). So when these babies do this (seek young daddies), they are setting themselves up for a lot of disappoint and failure (with lots of fakes, flakes, and wannabes) right off the bat by not being realistic in their. Now, that's not to say that there aren't any men in their 20's and 30's who are ready for real sugaring, but they would be the exception rather than the rule. Indeed, I've looked at a few studies on this, and the typical successful SD is in his 50's. Older men are the ones who have the money and disposable income. Not the younger men in their 20's and 30's.
02-01-23, 18:29
Just don't say anything. Real girls are much too busy to pester you. If she texts you don't answer. And they are millennials or gen z so they will never double text. Then text them when you are ready and if they need cash or like you they will forget you never answered.Women usually say they lost their phone and had to get a new one, or they dropped their phone in the toilet and needed a new one, when they have left their current flame and he flamed out, and they need money!
I always smile when I see an SA girl advertising for a SD in his 20's or 30's. I mean, it's almost comical because us seasoned OGs know that most men in their 20's and 30's haven't achieved the kind of financial success where they can "spoil" (throw money at) girls. I would say it takes most men until they get into their 40's to 50's before they can really establish themselves financially (if in fact they ever get there). So when these babies do this (seek young daddies), they are setting themselves up for a lot of disappoint and failure (with lots of fakes, flakes, and wannabes) right off the bat by not being realistic in their. Now, that's not to say that there aren't any men in their 20's and 30's who are ready for real sugaring, but they would be the exception rather than the rule. Indeed, I've looked at a few studies on this, and the typical successful SD is in his 50's. Older men are the ones who have the money and disposable income. Not the younger men in their 20's and 30's.Let's face it a younger guy who has money (set-up by his family wealth and / or family connections) will have plenty of opportunities to have relationships with young girls. He's not going to need Seeking. There are plenty of attractive girls who will be able to smell money and make a play for a guy like this.
Have any of you had bad experiences with girls who stay overnight? I've been scammed before and am paranoid a girl would take my watch, computer, phone, passport, etc when I was sleeping. I had a good date with a girl in Paris who then stayed overnight but I was worried she'the run off with my bag or something.Not a bad experience with her staying over, but with the girl herself. I had her for two nights at my hotel and left multiple times for 2+ hours. She could clean me out if she wanted, but I didn't get the vibe that she would do that. This girl is a prude and the worst arrangement I had thus far. Always make sure you use the hotel safe and position yourself that she does not see the code you enter even though that doesn't fully stop anything because they can always call over Brad to take the whole safe. A few times I would turn around and she would be looking in my direction as I was locking the safe LOL.
Just wondering the best thing to say to a woman from SA when you want a break. Really to try some other pussy because the sex is no good, boring, or some other problem they would not want to hear.
Sometimes I text them that I am short of money at the time. But expecting a big check to come in the next week. Or that I owe money in taxes and have to get that paid off immediately.
Other times I am more truthful and tell them I don't like it that they are aggressive about money, and I will get back to them when I am ready and interested.
Other ideas how to put them off temporarily and possibly start again after a few weeks?You don't tell the girls money is tight, that's a lame excuse and unattractive. They are going to think you are homeless and can't pay for the service, its amazing they continue to text you after this you might be the only client. I advise to string them along with a different excuse besides being broke such as sorry out of town for the next 6 months until however long you want make up a better excuse. Who cares if you lie, girls lie all the time. Distance yourself and message them whenever you want, they'll be waiting for that money whenever you're ready. Do you have some kind of recurring agreement that you don't want? In that case they're expecting that income so you made a bad deal. If they drop you, then find a different provider there's more of them than there are of us.
Haha, exactly my opinion.
If they want a "daddy" they need to look for older guys not younger.
Guys in 20's and 30's will be sugar bros, not sugar daddy's.
I always smile when I see an SA girl advertising for a SD in his 20's or 30's. I mean, it's almost comical because us seasoned OGs know that most men in their 20's and 30's haven't achieved the kind of financial success where they can "spoil" (throw money at) girls. I would say it takes most men until they get into their 40's to 50's before they can really establish themselves financially (if in fact they ever get there). So when these babies do this (seek young daddies), they are setting themselves up for a lot of disappoint and failure (with lots of fakes, flakes, and wannabes) right off the bat by not being realistic in their. Now, that's not to say that there aren't any men in their 20's and 30's who are ready for real sugaring, but they would be the exception rather than the rule. Indeed, I've looked at a few studies on this, and the typical successful SD is in his 50's. Older men are the ones who have the money and disposable income. Not the younger men in their 20's and 30's.
02-02-23, 08:48
sorry out of town for the next 6 months until however long you want make up a better excuse. Who cares if you lie, girls lie all the time. Distance yourself and message them whenever you want, they'll be waiting for that money whenever you're ready. I use this one regularly. If I'm cutting them off then after a few weeks new talent is migrated to the new new number and my old number gets disconnected.
I use a combination of whatsapp & whatsapp business to have the two numbers on the go during the cross over period.
Haha, exactly my opinion. If they want a "daddy" they need to look for older guys not younger. Guys in 20's and 30's will be sugar bros, not sugar daddy's."Sugar brothers"! That made me literally LOL! LMAO!
02-02-23, 22:49
"Sugar brothers"! That made me literally LOL! LMAO!When I had to tell a SB that her allowance was finishing she called me a "salt daddy". Ouch.
02-03-23, 14:20
Who cares if you lie, girls lie all the time. Distance yourself and message them whenever you want, they'll be waiting for that money whenever you're ready. Do you have some kind of recurring agreement that you don't want? In that case they're expecting that income so you made a bad deal. If they drop you, then find a different provider there's more of them than there are of us.Thats the SA way! Lie, lie, lie. Thats why I am not using their site for a few months.
Nobody is real anymore! No real phone numbers, they all are google voice or text messages. And nobody answers their phone anymore except the newbies. No real names, my name is Tom Cruise on that site, and my primary photo is of someone else, my photos are not verified.
I always do P4 P. Why would I give them a monthly stipend? They know how to drop / shortchange me after they get their monthly salary.
Last time I paid a monthly fuck salary the woman started being rude to me after she got her money for the month and would not want me taking a shower and using her towel after a fuck.
02-03-23, 15:09
I use this one regularly. If I'm cutting them off then after a few weeks new talent is migrated to the new new number and my old number gets disconnected.
I use a combination of whatsapp & whatsapp business to have the two numbers on the go during the cross over period.Can I ask how you reset your number so frequently in WhatsApp? For me to do that with WhatsApp business, which by the way is a great way to have a second number, I had to buy an actual literal second phone.
Thats the SA way! Lie, lie, lie. Thats why I am not using their site for a few months.
Nobody is real anymore! No real phone numbers, they all are google voice or text messages. And nobody answers their phone anymore except the newbies. No real names, my name is Tom Cruise on that site, and my primary photo is of someone else, my photos are not verified.
I always do P4 P. Why would I give them a monthly stipend? They know how to drop / shortchange me after they get their monthly salary.
Last time I paid a monthly fuck salary the woman started being rude to me after she got her money for the month and would not want me taking a shower and using her towel after a fuck.I'll never give one of those "soft-core" SA tutes (or any kind of tute) a monthly "allowance". It's either pay-per-meet or gets to steppin'! LOL! Pay an allowance upfront and get dissed and dumped afterwards? I don't think so! I'm not desperate. No, it's more like to my favor. That would be "pump and dump" (mutual is fine) on a PPM basis exclusively. That way, we both have a shot at benefiting from the bargain. And if we both want to strike up a subsequent one fine. And if not, then that's fine too. But I'm not about to "keep" one of these unfaithful, money grubbing hoors. And in my opinion that's exactly what the overwhelming majority of them are too. P4 P (essentially what PPM is) rules!
02-04-23, 05:33
One of the biggest mistakes that I made was rent an apartment for an SB. I know some guys that do this for their mistresses. But I now realize that it's too much of a committment for me. I was locked into a one-year lease. At first, I thought I got lucky with a great find. She was good looking and had a good body. She let me do whatever I wanted with her. She seemed to genuinely like me and liked doing the deed. It was great for about a month. But then, things soured. And getting out of that arrangement was a bit stressful. Never again.
I'll never give one of those "soft-core" SA tutes (or any kind of tute) a monthly "allowance". It's either pay-per-meet or gets to steppin'! LOL! Pay an allowance upfront and get dissed and dumped afterwards? I don't think so! I'm not desperate. No, it's more like to my favor. That would be "pump and dump" (mutual is fine) on a PPM basis exclusively. That way, we both have a shot at benefiting from the bargain. And if we both want to strike up a subsequent one fine. And if not, then that's fine too. But I'm not about to "keep" one of these unfaithful, money grubbing hoors. And in my opinion that's exactly what the overwhelming majority of them are too. P4 P (essentially what PPM is) rules!
02-04-23, 19:30
Haven't been here in forever.
I've had lots of positive experiences on SA.
I was considering buying a small vibrator and butt plug to see if girls wanted to mess with it.
Has anyone ever brought toys out and had the girls successfully enjoy them?
Thought it could be fun in between rounds:).
02-04-23, 20:30
One of the biggest mistakes that I made was rent an apartment for an SB. I know some guys that do this for their mistresses. But I now realize that it's too much of a committment for me. I was locked into a one-year lease. At first, I thought I got lucky with a great find. She was good looking and had a good body. She let me do whatever I wanted with her. She seemed to genuinely like me and liked doing the deed. It was great for about a month. But then, things soured. And getting out of that arrangement was a bit stressful. Never again.I hope your name was not on the lease. Hope you had a key. Have heard of q woman calling the cops when the men try to have sex with her while they are living in his house, and the men go to jail!
(of course, that was her version.).
Only answer is to help a woman once a month with some of the rent, and make sure you are getting a mutually beneficial return out of it!
Women can be sneaky, conniving, little shits. And often the men are the ones who go to jail, never do the women! Most cops are women sensitive and believe their side of the facts, and do not like a man who pays for sex, the cops have envy, jealously, etc. Because cops get paid so little.
02-04-23, 22:44
Can I ask how you reset your number so frequently in WhatsApp? For me to do that with WhatsApp business, which by the way is a great way to have a second number, I had to buy an actual literal second phone.For me I have an unlocked phone. I buy a prepaid sim starter pack from my local supermarket in Australia. Cost $5. I register the sim.
For Whatsapp I delete the old account which allows the app to accept a new number.
If I want to keep the old whatsapp number, I delete the app without deleting the number. Reinstall the app and then register the app to the new number. Now I am using the new number.
The SIM I buy gives me $5 365 credit for using it. I will use that booking massages shop visits.
As a reminder for everyone, always use a burner number with SA.
02-04-23, 23:42
Haven't been here in forever.
I've had lots of positive experiences on SA.
I was considering buying a small vibrator and butt plug to see if girls wanted to mess with it.
Has anyone ever brought toys out and had the girls successfully enjoy them?
Thought it could be fun in between rounds:).Yes, highly recommended. I have used a small vibrator on my girl as I pumped her and placed it on her clitoris where her g-spot happens to be, it drove her literally crazy. It brings our sexual experience to the next level. She will be down to any kind of fantasy that you desire at this point. I have never tried the butt plug though. But my girl is definitely into blindfold and (light) spanking on the butt. She never realized that she enjoyed them a lot until she tried. More like 50 shades of gray stuff. Go figure, LOL.
Stay away from EnchantingGurl.
Unable to share the profile link as she blocked me.
Asking for 5 k advance for shopping before meet.
Tg user: at lmaodivya.
Perhaps biased view here.
US SA is not great. Too many too weed out. More money-money-money minded, transactional, sense of entitled women here than in Europe. Not saying all those girls are that way but just the frequency of those entitled sluts in US is annoying.
I had much much better life in EU. Why the F did I move!
02-08-23, 15:04
Perhaps biased view here.
US SA is not great. Too many too weed out. More money-money-money minded, transactional, sense of entitled women here than in Europe. Not saying all those girls are that way but just the frequency of those entitled sluts in US is annoying.
I had much much better life in EU. Why the F did I move!Totally. I game hard in Europe. Every day stacked with a new girl. In LA, nada. It's hard to close deals.
02-09-23, 03:41
I'll never give one of those "soft-core" SA tutes (or any kind of tute) a monthly "allowance". It's either pay-per-meet or gets to steppin'! LOL! Pay an allowance upfront and get dissed and dumped afterwards? I don't think so! I'm not desperate. No, it's more like to my favor. That would be "pump and dump" (mutual is fine) on a PPM basis exclusively. That way, we both have a shot at benefiting from the bargain. And if we both want to strike up a subsequent one fine. And if not, then that's fine too. But I'm not about to "keep" one of these unfaithful, money grubbing hoors. And in my opinion that's exactly what the overwhelming majority of them are too. P4 P (essentially what PPM is) rules!Yep, stick with the PPM in the states. Maybe, after several months and no there is no drama or substance abuse.
02-13-23, 00:39
I left Medellin about 3 weeks ago, with two sugar babies with allowances, one for her entire expenses and another just for her rent. This allowance model seems to be what the girls here want, namely stability and the opportunity for a better life. The girl I give a full allowance to used it to move to a new apartment, closer to her university and out of her grandparents' house. I love it because she responds to my messages immediately and is available to talk whenever, and similarly available to travel. The monthly cost for a 23 year old former beauty pageant contestant? About $1400.
I've been in Sγo Paulo for about 3 weeks, and have found a super fit 25 year old who just moved to the city from the Northeast of Brazil 2 weeks ago. As much as I enjoy my Colombianas, the optics on the Brazilians are incredible and girls from the north of the country are very affectionate. (The southerners seem to be more into rougher sex, which is not my thing, almost like a continuum with Buenos Aires being the roughest end of that spectrum.) Great optics and high affection is a deadly combo for me, so I'll likely provide her either with rent or a full allowance to keep her locked down for when I'm back to Brazil from Medellin in 4 weeks.
Regarding the earlier sugar daddy vs sugar bro discussion, I'm in my mid 30's, and I know I'll have too much money to spend before I die if I keep working so I'd rather start spending it now on girls who know how to return the affection back. I'm not into fancy apartments, clothes, cars or other luxury goods. When I die, I genuinely think I'll be happy I spent my money helping others I care about live better lives.
One nagging thought is whether I'd like Rio more than Sγo Paulo, because it should be more relaxed. Found some girls with decent optics there so I think I'll have to confirm my theory that they will be on the more affectionate end of the spectrum. I think I'll have to at least spend 1 long weekend there on my trip back to Brazil.
Regarding the earlier sugar daddy vs sugar bro discussion, I'm in my mid 30's, and I know I'll have too much money to spend before I die if I keep working so I'd rather start spending it now on girls who know how to return the affection back. I'm not into fancy apartments, clothes, cars or other luxury goods. When I die, I genuinely think I'll be happy I spent my money helping others I care about live better lives.I hope it's all good while it all lasts bro. You sound like a buddy of mine. I Ted Ferguson, being of sound mind and body, spent every last penny I had! LOL!
I left Medellin about 3 weeks ago, with two sugar babies with allowances, one for her entire expenses and another just for her rent. This allowance model seems to be what the girls here want, namely stability and the opportunity for a better life. The girl I give a full allowance to used it to move to a new apartment, closer to her university and out of her grandparents' house. I love it because she responds to my messages immediately and is available to talk whenever, and similarly available to travel. The monthly cost for a 23 year old former beauty pageant contestant? About $1400.
I've been in So Paulo for about 3 weeks, and have found a super fit 25 year old who just moved to the city from the Northeast of Brazil 2 weeks ago. As much as I enjoy my Colombianas, the optics on the Brazilians are incredible and girls from the north of the country are very affectionate. (The southerners seem to be more into rougher sex, which is not my thing, almost like a continuum with Buenos Aires being the roughest end of that spectrum.) Great optics and high affection is a deadly combo for me, so I'll likely provide her either with rent or a full allowance to keep her locked down for when I'm back to Brazil from Medellin in 4 weeks.
Regarding the earlier sugar daddy vs sugar bro discussion, I'm in my mid 30's, and I know I'll have too much money to spend before I die if I keep working so I'd rather start spending it now on girls who know how to return the affection back. I'm not into fancy apartments, clothes, cars or other luxury goods. When I die, I genuinely think I'll be happy I spent my money helping others I care about live better lives.
One nagging thought is whether I'd like Rio more than So Paulo, because it should be more relaxed. Found some girls with decent optics there so I think I'll have to confirm my theory that they will be on the more affectionate end of the spectrum. I think I'll have to at least spend 1 long weekend there on my trip back to Brazil.I provide a similar allowance to a Thai girl. I'm going on month no. 6 now. A couple of questions:
1) Did you and the girls agree to a term, I. E. , allowance will be provided for 1 year?
2) Since endung the allowance would be a significant impact to their personal lives, how would you end their allowance?
Steve 9696
02-13-23, 19:47
I hope it's all good while it all lasts bro. You sound like a buddy of mine. I Ted Ferguson, being of sound mind and body, spent every last penny I had! LOL!Funny you should mention that. If I can find a way to do it there are at least two girls I've been very close with on Seeking and would easily give them $10,000 upon my demise. They are just quality humans and I feel fortunate to have crossed paths with them, let alone in such an intimate way! Sorta independent of when even. Like 10 or 20 years from now. But prob tough to execute both in terms of will and staying in touch. But it says something about the quality of the girls you can find. Yes I am talking about only 4% of the girls I've dated. But still it says something I think. I'm not leaving a dime to any pro girl nor the other 96% (well another borderline one).
Elvis 2008
02-13-23, 21:13
Funny you should mention that. If I can find a way to do it there are at least two girls I've been very close with on Seeking and would easily give them $10,000 upon my demise. They are just quality humans and I feel fortunate to have crossed paths with them, let alone in such an intimate way! Sorta independent of when even. Like 10 or 20 years from now. But prob tough to execute both in terms of will and staying in touch. But it says something about the quality of the girls you can find. Yes I am talking about only 4% of the girls I've dated. But still it says something I think. I'm not leaving a dime to any pro girl nor the other 96% (well another borderline one).Yeah, I am tired of this. There have been a few women I saw too that were totally trustworthy. 96% is not the same as 100%.
On the borderline part, I got fooled a lot in the past. The main thing guys need to know is when they argue about something completely absurd. One borderline was convinced that her baby's autism was due to the father. When I said the cause of autism is unknown, she got mad and crazy. She screamed, "It is his fault he is autistic. What is wrong with you?" The instinct is to run from crazy which means the borderline feels even worse as you are abandoning them. What I know now is challenging borderlines on facts like what causes autism is totally wrong. When you have a woman like this, you say nothing and leave. Arguing with them works to their advantage. Their goal is to show the world they are not crazy, and you are.
And leaving is what most often makes them crazy. I had one woman, a super hot Mexican lawyer, go down to a bar late at night alone. I said I did not feel like going but she was free to go on her own. An hour later, she returns and says frantically, "You left me at the bar!" Borderlines are freaked out about abandonment. If you have a woman freak out about that, then just leave. A friend of mine said she thought the Mexican lawyer was borderline, and I realized she was right. As soon as I realized that, I axed that women from my life and never saw her again.
FWIW, I think borderlines are above average attractive and above average in bed. They also can swoon over your words and put you on a pedestal and because of all this, they can be very attractive to us men and suck us into their crazy.
Mush Elvii
02-14-23, 01:26
Funny you should mention that. If I can find a way to do it there are at least two girls I've been very close with on Seeking and would easily give them $10,000 upon my demise. They are just quality humans and I feel fortunate to have crossed paths with them, let alone in such an intimate way! Sorta independent of when even. Like 10 or 20 years from now. But prob tough to execute both in terms of will and staying in touch. But it says something about the quality of the girls you can find. Yes I am talking about only 4% of the girls I've dated. But still it says something I think. I'm not leaving a dime to any pro girl nor the other 96% (well another borderline one).Just make sure you don't tell those quality individuals who you think should get 10 K upon your demise or they might develop some 'crazy' idea to earn it before it's due time. JK.
...Like 10 or 20 years from now. ....Something to think about, why wait?
02-15-23, 06:30
Logged into my burner email for old time sake. Also peeked to see if SA was doing their usually % off re-subbing sales for V-Day. Unlike past years, their push instead was bonus starter pack by cloning your account into their other brand WhatsYourPrice.
Never heard of it before these emails, did some research (some).
Exact same company anyone know if they're merging the two monikers and phasing out the SA name?
Logged into my burner email for old time sake. Also peeked to see if SA was doing their usually % off re-subbing sales for V-Day. Unlike past years, their push instead was bonus starter pack by cloning your account into their other brand WhatsYourPrice.
Never heard of it before these emails, did some research (some).
Exact same company anyone know if they're merging the two monikers and phasing out the SA name?On Valentines Day SA offered me 33% off on a 90-day premium package. I declined. They routinely offer me 20% to 25% off.
Steve 9696
02-15-23, 15:39
Logged into my burner email for old time sake. Also peeked to see if SA was doing their usually % off re-subbing sales for V-Day. Unlike past years, their push instead was bonus starter pack by cloning your account into their other brand WhatsYourPrice.
Never heard of it before these emails, did some research (some).
Exact same company anyone know if they're merging the two monikers and phasing out the SA name?No. What's your price has been around for a while. I tried it but didn't really get very far. Seeking is way more successful so I don't see them messing w that.
Yeah, I am tired of this. There have been a few women I saw too that were totally trustworthy. 96% is not the same as 100%.
On the borderline part, I got fooled a lot in the past. The main thing guys need to know is when they argue about something completely absurd. One borderline was convinced that her baby's autism was due to the father. When I said the cause of autism is unknown, she got mad and crazy. She screamed, "It is his fault he is autistic. What is wrong with you?" The instinct is to run from crazy which means the borderline feels even worse as you are abandoning them. What I know now is challenging borderlines on facts like what causes autism is totally wrong. When you have a woman like this, you say nothing and leave. Arguing with them works to their advantage. Their goal is to show the world they are not crazy, and you are.
And leaving is what most often makes them crazy. I had one woman, a super hot Mexican lawyer, go down to a bar late at night alone. I said I did not feel like going but she was free to go on her own. An hour later, she returns and says frantically, "You left me at the bar!" Borderlines are freaked out about abandonment. If you have a woman freak out about that, then just leave. A friend of mine said she thought the Mexican lawyer was borderline, and I realized she was right. As soon as I realized that, I axed that women from my life and never saw her again.
FWIW, I think borderlines are above average attractive and above average in bed. They also can swoon over your words and put you on a pedestal and because of all this, they can be very attractive to us men and suck us into their crazy.I haven't met a woman yet who took any responsibility for their past relationships going bad. It was always the man's fault. But then I go out with them for just two weeks and see all kinds of things they do wrong to ruin a relationship and drive men away! "Borderlines" is right. I found something much better. Combining my love of international travel with tapping foreign ass abroad! Yes sir!
So my membership expired 2 days back and now suddenly I have 10+ messages from girls around me and SA wants me to Upgrade.
Why SA thinks we are stupid to Upgrade by seeing 10 messages.
Reminds me of a old flame (2013) back when I did not know SA.
Dated this American girl for three months. Above average looks, excellent in bed, gets wet within minutes of whenever I had a hardon. We even fucked on a beach (I think public sex is demeanor). All goes well.
She keeps saying she is an independent woman, wants to bring things to the table blah. Blah.
I see signs of gold digging but I go along given the amazing sex and other swooning over me (like my dusky appearance, loves my sports involvement).
I had two tickets for a concert but was traveling. Gave it to my client (relationship building).
She calls me when I was in another town, asks for tickets to go with her "friend". I say I gave it to my client. She starts yelling at me as if I hurt a child.
I quietly hang up, return to town few days later, dropped off her stuff at her front door with a note "You say you are an independent woman. You shouldn't need me to buy tickets for concerts". Boom. Another round of yelling on phone. A week later, tries to patch up but I stayed away.
Looking back, I did the right thing for myself. But, I admit, every once a while I think I should have broken up softer and kept her as a bootycall. The sex was amazing. Beach, shower, kitchen counter, parks, lake, parking lot, laundry. Name a place. We have fucked there most likely. All CIP. As she was on control. I do miss that sex but not the craziness.
Yeah, I am tired of this. There have been a few women I saw too that were totally trustworthy. 96% is not the same as 100%.
On the borderline part, I got fooled a lot in the past. The main thing guys need to know is when they argue about something completely absurd. One borderline was convinced that her baby's autism was due to the father. When I said the cause of autism is unknown, she got mad and crazy. She screamed, "It is his fault he is autistic. What is wrong with you?" The instinct is to run from crazy which means the borderline feels even worse as you are abandoning them. What I know now is challenging borderlines on facts like what causes autism is totally wrong. When you have a woman like this, you say nothing and leave. Arguing with them works to their advantage. Their goal is to show the world they are not crazy, and you are.
And leaving is what most often makes them crazy. I had one woman, a super hot Mexican lawyer, go down to a bar late at night alone. I said I did not feel like going but she was free to go on her own. An hour later, she returns and says frantically, "You left me at the bar!" Borderlines are freaked out about abandonment. If you have a woman freak out about that, then just leave. A friend of mine said she thought the Mexican lawyer was borderline, and I realized she was right. As soon as I realized that, I axed that women from my life and never saw her again.
FWIW, I think borderlines are above average attractive and above average in bed. They also can swoon over your words and put you on a pedestal and because of all this, they can be very attractive to us men and suck us into their crazy.
I have two in Europe. One in Netherlands and another in Spain. I would do that for. Amazing humans. Lovely girls. Just that naivety and innate ability to truat and see the good side of the world. There are couple more nice ones but they are poor in money management that they would waste whatever I give them.
4% overall sounds about right. But, unfortunately, none yet in the US. Girls are so materialistic here. Well, who am I to complain while I am on SA being pussyalistic! What goes around, comes around.
Funny you should mention that. If I can find a way to do it there are at least two girls I've been very close with on Seeking and would easily give them $10,000 upon my demise. They are just quality humans and I feel fortunate to have crossed paths with them, let alone in such an intimate way! Sorta independent of when even. Like 10 or 20 years from now. But prob tough to execute both in terms of will and staying in touch. But it says something about the quality of the girls you can find. Yes I am talking about only 4% of the girls I've dated. But still it says something I think. I'm not leaving a dime to any pro girl nor the other 96% (well another borderline one).
Steve 9696
02-15-23, 20:14
I have two in Europe. One in Netherlands and another in Spain. I would do that for. Amazing humans. Lovely girls. Just that naivety and innate ability to truat and see the good side of the world. There are couple more nice ones but they are poor in money management that they would waste whatever I give them.
4% overall sounds about right. But, unfortunately, none yet in the US. Girls are so materialistic here. Well, who am I to complain while I am on SA being pussyalistic! What goes around, comes around.Both mine are US based surprisingly. Tho to be fair acquired some time ago. Alexa Las Vegas of all places from Dec 2019 she's in tech customer support and makes candles and soaps on Etsy. And Shayla my current girl from Jan 2022 and going strong. She's a chemist (no not meth!) and gaming enthusiast. Both these girls fit the "regular girl but with a spicy side" mold. Sue in London was brilliant while it lasted but she got boring and Kayla in Miami was same. They wouldn't quite make the cut but nice girls nonetheless.
P.S. I think DramaFree has been working the CDMX seeking game but now found some stateside. It's all right place right time. Nice girls don't stay on there long.
02-15-23, 20:51
Just told another "race horse" that she could either accept $400 a PPM or go back on the site for the $500 she thinks she is worth. She agreed to continue at $400 PPM. Women are constantly trying to re-negotiate their terms, thinking they are worth more than they are. I have 2 others that would take her place for less, although I did not tell her about my other girls in my stable.
02-19-23, 06:42
Just told another "race horse" that she could either accept $400 a PPM or go back on the site for the $500 she thinks she is worth. She agreed to continue at $400 PPM. Women are constantly trying to re-negotiate their terms, thinking they are worth more than they are. I have 2 others that would take her place for less, although I did not tell her about my other girls in my stable.After I have been with someone a bunch of times, I sometimes tell them that I lost my job and I cannot see them anymore or as much. Sometimes, the girl has become so comfortable with me that they continue seeing me for free (but on occasion, I may still help them out). Doesn't last that long though, because eventually they need the money. I only do this with gals that I am okay with never seeing again.
02-19-23, 06:47
Perhaps the greatest that I ever had was with a totally crazy pyscho *****. Wow she was fantastic in the sack. I wonder if there is a causality. I have been with other crazies that were also very good in the sack.
Yeah, I am tired of this. There have been a few women I saw too that were totally trustworthy. 96% is not the same as 100%.
On the borderline part, I got fooled a lot in the past. The main thing guys need to know is when they argue about something completely absurd. One borderline was convinced that her baby's autism was due to the father. When I said the cause of autism is unknown, she got mad and crazy. She screamed, "It is his fault he is autistic. What is wrong with you?" The instinct is to run from crazy which means the borderline feels even worse as you are abandoning them. What I know now is challenging borderlines on facts like what causes autism is totally wrong. When you have a woman like this, you say nothing and leave. Arguing with them works to their advantage. Their goal is to show the world they are not crazy, and you are.
And leaving is what most often makes them crazy. I had one woman, a super hot Mexican lawyer, go down to a bar late at night alone. I said I did not feel like going but she was free to go on her own. An hour later, she returns and says frantically, "You left me at the bar!" Borderlines are freaked out about abandonment. If you have a woman freak out about that, then just leave. A friend of mine said she thought the Mexican lawyer was borderline, and I realized she was right. As soon as I realized that, I axed that women from my life and never saw her again.
FWIW, I think borderlines are above average attractive and above average in bed. They also can swoon over your words and put you on a pedestal and because of all this, they can be very attractive to us men and suck us into their crazy..
02-19-23, 17:09
After I have been with someone a bunch of times, I sometimes tell them that I lost my job and I cannot see them anymore or as much. Sometimes, the girl has become so comfortable with me that they continue seeing me for free (but on occasion, I may still help them out). Doesn't last that long though, because eventually they need the money. I only do this with gals that I am okay with never seeing again.Holy crap that's diabolical and brilliant.
02-22-23, 04:53
Holy crap that's diabolical and brilliant.Funny, I have used that same exact strategy before. I was paying for the rent of this visiting South American student! Told her I was losing my job and couldn't afford that short stay luxury apartment I was paying for. So she offered to move in! Haha. She stayed for 5 more months before her visa expired and she returned home.
02-23-23, 14:44
Funny, I have used that same exact strategy before. I was paying for the rent of this visiting South American student! Told her I was losing my job and couldn't afford that short stay luxury apartment I was paying for. So she offered to move in! Haha. She stayed for 5 more months before her visa expired and she returned home.I was on Reddit the other day reading a thread among sugar babies.
One girl mentioned she was offered a situation where she moved in and does all the household Maintnenance. Pick up the kids, do the shopping, etc. Plus intimacy of course.
Guy offered her 80-100 k a year.
The thread totally shot that down. Sour sloots. Said things like those are each 75 k / year jobs so you should be getting 75 x5 k.
Besides the fact that's a stupid argument, I actually thought it was a pretty good deal.
02-23-23, 20:47
I was on Reddit the other day reading a thread among sugar babies.
One girl mentioned she was offered a situation where she moved in and does all the household Maintnenance. Pick up the kids, do the shopping, etc. Plus intimacy of course.
Guy offered her 80-100 k a year.
The thread totally shot that down. Sour sloots. Said things like those are each 75 k / year jobs so you should be getting 75 x5 k.
Besides the fact that's a stupid argument, I actually thought it was a pretty good deal.I actually met someone who claimed she had a friend enter into a similar agreement. She described her friend as getting scammed. Since there was no contract, she had nothing legally binding. While he did give her money, it wasn't even half that claimed. Meanwhile her friend was trapped, she had given up her own place of residence so was trapped there until she found the means to get out. She stayed with him for about 1 month before realizing it wasn't living up to her expectations.
I think 80 k - 100 k a year is a pretty good deal for the girl, especially if tax free. Even better deal for the guy tho!! At my peak I was paying out about 2 K a week anyway for a few months.
Here's some up-to-date guidance. Take it for what it's worth and use it (or not) as you see fit:
02-26-23, 03:28
Here's some up-to-date guidance. Take it for what it's worth and use it (or not) as you see fit: appreciate your sharing, but I'm suspicious about the contact on that site. Totally understand you're not the one who wrote it.
It says in LA typical monthly is 5500/ mo but PPM is more like 500-1000? Doesn't make sense. Monthly is an awful deal then.
Also rates the different sites and Seeking is not mentioned at all? Not at all? The 800 lb gorilla? This seems clearly written by a competitor of theirs.
I appreciate your sharing, but I'm suspicious about the contact on that site. Totally understand you're not the one who wrote it.
It says in LA typical monthly is 5500/ mo but PPM is more like 500-1000? Doesn't make sense. Monthly is an awful deal then.
Also rates the different sites and Seeking is not mentioned at all? Not at all? The 800 lb gorilla? This seems clearly written by a competitor of theirs.That's why I said take it for what it's worth and use it as you see fit. Just one measuring stick.
Elvis 2008
02-27-23, 07:43
Said things like those are each 75 k / year jobs so you should be getting 75 x5 k.
Besides the fact that's a stupid argument,I agree. The Golden pussy syndrome in the USA is out of control.
I was on Reddit the other day reading a thread among sugar babies.
One girl mentioned she was offered a situation where she moved in and does all the household Maintnenance. Pick up the kids, do the shopping, etc. Plus intimacy of course.
Guy offered her 80-100 k a year.
I actually thought it was a pretty good deal.Financially, I agree, but I have mixed business and pleasure, and it really does not work. Once a woman is fucking you, she honestly does not think that she is required to do anything else. Guys need to separate their sex life from their home life IMO.
I think you get a nanny / maid and a sugar baby and keep it separate.
But really the best deal is having a job where you can work remotely or travel abroad and have such a set up for 1/5 the price. Granted, you have to work out the kids issue so maybe a nanny here and SB abroad.
Here's some up-to-date guidance. Take it for what it's worth and use it (or not) as you see fit: for the link. Depends on if the fuck is any good. I have one now who is a dead fish and only wants me to satisfy her. Going to fail to respond to her.
Standard (4-6 hours).
All above mentioned.
Sexual interaction.
$400-$700 $250-$500.
02-28-23, 02:52
Here's some up-to-date guidance. Take it for what it's worth and use it (or not) as you see fit: as click bait to garner the attention of female readers.
There is no such thing as a standard or average price. It's just too variable to to what a girl will do.
I used SA in CDMX and it had great success.
I tried PMing you but your inbox is full and it says you need to delete messages to receive more. What rates were you paying in CDMX? I am going this month and have started messaging girls. I need an idea of what I should be paying.
Anybody know rates in CDMX?
What's up, fuckers?! LOL.
After spending 1. 5 months in Medellin, I travelled to Istanbul, Turkey to undergo 2 medical procedures, and also, to check out local SA scene. I have scored 3 girls, 2 from Belarus and 1 from Turkey, all 3 have been great, 2 of them were BBFS. The going rates here are all over the place, starting from 300 USD to over a grand. Tons of hot women (model types) from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, but it is a bit difficult to compete with rich Arabs who pay top dollar. Also, coming from Colombia, makes it difficult to accept those rates, but makes me appreciate Colombian pussy even more LOL. I was actually surprised to see so many decent looking local girls, as I always thought that Turkish women, along with Arabs, are not the best looking. Turkey, and Istanbul specifically, is a huge melting pot of cultures, races, etc and therefore you can find unique mixes here, like, Russian-Turkish, Ukrainian-Iranian, etc. I love the city, the food is great, lots of things to see and to do besides mongering, even though the weather is not the best this time of the year. Hope to fuck a couple more girls once I recover from the surgeries before heading back home.
Do not underestimate the Turkish women.
One of my SBs in Germany was Turkish but she gave the best head and more importantly, unsatiable sexual appetite. Always wet she moved back to Istanbul.
Enjoy them.
What's up, fuckers?! LOL.
After spending 1. 5 months in Medellin, I travelled to Istanbul, Turkey to undergo 2 medical procedures, and also, to check out local SA scene. I have scored 3 girls, 2 from Belarus and 1 from Turkey, all 3 have been great, 2 of them were BBFS. The going rates here are all over the place, starting from 300 USD to over a grand. Tons of hot women (model types) from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, but it is a bit difficult to compete with rich Arabs who pay top dollar. Also, coming from Colombia, makes it difficult to accept those rates, but makes me appreciate Colombian pussy even more LOL. I was actually surprised to see so many decent looking local girls, as I always thought that Turkish women, along with Arabs, are not the best looking. Turkey, and Istanbul specifically, is a huge melting pot of cultures, races, etc and therefore you can find unique mixes here, like, Russian-Turkish, Ukrainian-Iranian, etc. I love the city, the food is great, lots of things to see and to do besides mongering, even though the weather is not the best this time of the year. Hope to fuck a couple more girls once I recover from the surgeries before heading back home.
What's up, fuckers?! LOL.
After spending 1. 5 months in Medellin, I travelled to Istanbul, Turkey to undergo 2 medical procedures, and also, to check out local SA scene. I have scored 3 girls, 2 from Belarus and 1 from Turkey, all 3 have been great, 2 of them were BBFS. The going rates here are all over the place, starting from 300 USD to over a grand. Tons of hot women (model types) from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, but it is a bit difficult to compete with rich Arabs who pay top dollar. Also, coming from Colombia, makes it difficult to accept those rates, but makes me appreciate Colombian pussy even more LOL. I was actually surprised to see so many decent looking local girls, as I always thought that Turkish women, along with Arabs, are not the best looking. Turkey, and Istanbul specifically, is a huge melting pot of cultures, races, etc and therefore you can find unique mixes here, like, Russian-Turkish, Ukrainian-Iranian, etc. I love the city, the food is great, lots of things to see and to do besides mongering, even though the weather is not the best this time of the year. Hope to fuck a couple more girls once I recover from the surgeries before heading back home.Sexual medical tourism! Haha! I had a Belorussian girl at Oase in the Frankfurt, Germany area. Fucked her in her blonde, bright pink arsehole over two sessions, among other things. Had an interest in going to Minsk after that but know that's not a good idea. At least not now!
03-08-23, 07:28
What's up, fuckers?! LOL.
After spending 1. 5 months in Medellin, I travelled to Istanbul, Turkey to undergo 2 medical procedures, and also, to check out local SA scene. I have scored 3 girls, 2 from Belarus and 1 from Turkey, all 3 have been great, 2 of them were BBFS. The going rates here are all over the place, starting from 300 USD to over a grand. Tons of hot women (model types) from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, but it is a bit difficult to compete with rich Arabs who pay top dollar. Also, coming from Colombia, makes it difficult to accept those rates, but makes me appreciate Colombian pussy even more LOL. I was actually surprised to see so many decent looking local girls, as I always thought that Turkish women, along with Arabs, are not the best looking. Turkey, and Istanbul specifically, is a huge melting pot of cultures, races, etc and therefore you can find unique mixes here, like, Russian-Turkish, Ukrainian-Iranian, etc. I love the city, the food is great, lots of things to see and to do besides mongering, even though the weather is not the best this time of the year. Hope to fuck a couple more girls once I recover from the surgeries before heading back home.
Cheers!These prices are especially shocking when you think about how inexpensive Tόrkiye is in that $300 is easily enough to live on for a month or at least 2 to 3 weeks, and it's not like Colombia where to live on that budget you have to live in a dangerous or dodgy area.
03-08-23, 16:26
I tried PMing you but your inbox is full and it says you need to delete messages to receive more. What rates were you paying in CDMX? I am going this month and have started messaging girls. I need an idea of what I should be paying.
Anybody know rates in CDMX?5000 pesos give or take 1000 is considered generous. Like you can go lower and easily get away with it. But 5000 will be considered quite good for an evening together.
These prices are especially shocking when you think about how inexpensive Trkiye is in that $300 is easily enough to live on for a month or at least 2 to 3 weeks, and it's not like Colombia where to live on that budget you have to live in a dangerous or dodgy area.Exactly. And they won't even budge. An account in Turkey earns about 800 USD a month, an engineer. Around $1100, a waiter -$300. My understanding is that seeking girls cater to foreigners only. And there are plenty of foreigners with money down there. Also, even though prostitution is legal, p4 p options are extremely limited since it is a muslim country.
03-08-23, 23:47
Working on a cute 18 in LA. Girl says she's gotten burned before by showing up to a date and a guy not paying. So to make sure there's at least some money changing hands, she insists on sending cash via Cash app in exchange for photos and then wiling to meet.
This is obviously against my better judgment. I know the obvious answer is to not send anything before meeting. But it's only 50 bucks. My bigger concern is whether this is a front for some sort of insidious scam. Like this is the first part of a catphishing or something. I can lose the 50 bucks. But I don't want to end up on a newspaper.
Anyone know? Is this some common scam I'm about to fall for?
Working on a cute 18 in LA. Girl says she's gotten burned before by showing up to a date and a guy not paying. So to make sure there's at least some money changing hands, she insists on sending cash via Cash app in exchange for photos and then wiling to meet.
This is obviously against my better judgment. I know the obvious answer is to not send anything before meeting. But it's only 50 bucks. My bigger concern is whether this is a front for some sort of insidious scam. Like this is the first part of a catphishing or something. I can lose the 50 bucks. But I don't want to end up on a newspaper.
Anyone know? Is this some common scam I'm about to fall for?Just say no. Some want Zelle, then they get your banking information.
03-09-23, 03:58
Working on a cute 18 in LA. Girl says she's gotten burned before by showing up to a date and a guy not paying. So to make sure there's at least some money changing hands, she insists on sending cash via Cash app in exchange for photos and then wiling to meet.
This is obviously against my better judgment. I know the obvious answer is to not send anything before meeting. But it's only 50 bucks. My bigger concern is whether this is a front for some sort of insidious scam. Like this is the first part of a catphishing or something. I can lose the 50 bucks. But I don't want to end up on a newspaper.
Anyone know? Is this some common scam I'm about to fall for?Absolutely a scam. Do not do it.
Instead insist to her that you will provide her with cash upon meeting to cover her "uber cost" but only when meeting in person. And if you do meet, and you like her, immediately give her a crisp $50 bill to show you measure of good faith.
If she is reluctant to meet, it means her initial plan was to scam you anyway. But if you sense there is an opportunity to meet, talk to her on the phone or video and convince her you will pay for her uber only upon meeting up.
Cashapp is an absolute scam.
03-09-23, 04:22
Happened to me before, almost exact same story. I really don't care about the money ($100 in my case). I think of it as an ante. You need to put up to be in the game. Most hands are garbage and you fold before the end. The more antes you're in the better chance you'll score.
With that said, I have been very successful with what I want from SA and I prefer one high quality girl at a time rather than a stable and none of my long term girls never asked for anything upfront before a meet. None of them have ever asked to be paid for a first meet either. I should learn from my own experiences but the money is so small I don't care.
So yes it's a scam but no you won't end up a newspaper story. It's a hussle run by a teenager, not the mob.
Working on a cute 18 in LA. Girl says she's gotten burned before by showing up to a date and a guy not paying. So to make sure there's at least some money changing hands, she insists on sending cash via Cash app in exchange for photos and then wiling to meet.
This is obviously against my better judgment. I know the obvious answer is to not send anything before meeting. But it's only 50 bucks. My bigger concern is whether this is a front for some sort of insidious scam. Like this is the first part of a catphishing or something. I can lose the 50 bucks. But I don't want to end up on a newspaper.
Anyone know? Is this some common scam I'm about to fall for?
03-10-23, 01:22
Absolutely a scam. Do not do it.
Instead insist to her that you will provide her with cash upon meeting to cover her "uber cost" but only when meeting in person. And if you do meet, and you like her, immediately give her a crisp $50 bill to show you measure of good faith.
If she is reluctant to meet, it means her initial plan was to scam you anyway. But if you sense there is an opportunity to meet, talk to her on the phone or video and convince her you will pay for her uber only upon meeting up.
Cashapp is an absolute scam.Thanks to those of you who provided input. Really appreciate it.
Out of curiosity, why is Cash App a scam? Is there something about it that is distinct from other types of payment platforms that makes it more scammy?
03-13-23, 16:40
Thanks to those of you who provided input. Really appreciate it.
Out of curiosity, why is Cash App a scam? Is there something about it that is distinct from other types of payment platforms that makes it more scammy?No nothing specific to Cash App being a scam. From my understanding it is pretty legitimate. I have never used it myself though. But the one thing I have noticed is that most scammers have asked for upfront payment via Cashapp than any other platform. Never had anyone ask for upfront payment from Venmo for example.
Steve 9696
03-13-23, 21:59
Long time no see fellas. Been pretty locked up with my local girlfriend. But traveling in Brazil did 9 club girls and this amazing Seeking girl. Read on.
Normally I don't do Seeking in cities with a vibrant club scene. And given that we found Monte Carlo to be epic (see Rio thread) I wouldn't have done Seeking. BUT, since most everything in Rio is closed on Sunday I thought I'the poke around. I had some leads from a few weeks back but also started poking new girls at dinner Saturday night.
I actually had several girls interested but one slim 9. 5 hottie caught my attention and we quickly planned a date. I was a little concerned it was a scam because almost too good to be true and had my radar up till the last minute. She asked $100 USD which is maybe at market for a quality hottie in Rio but IMO a bargain for this girl.
We had a bit of difficulty with the restaurant as I had picked one and she was on her way (Uber) only to find it closed at 7 and our date was for 8. Damn! Fortunately I found an amazing place nearby. It's called Pergula and it's inside the ritzy Copacabana Palace hotel. Amazing luxe vibe and food was excellent.
She was 10 minutes late early for a Brasileira and we met in the lobby of the hotel. Wow. Exactly like her pictures which were stunning. She was wearing a tight black dress with lots of cutouts. Really sexy without being slutty. And cascades of wavy black hair down to her ass. Just perfection.
Air kisses and off we go to the restaurant. You can tell by her vivacious vibe that she is both thrilled with me and with the restaurant choice. I think we both know this will be epic from minute one.
We shared an excellent bottle of Chardonnay during dinner and had awesome chat. She speaks very little English but my dinner table Porto is quite good so long as we don't steer too far afield and she speaks slowly which she did. So we had no trouble understanding each other, the conversation flowed, and we laughed a lot.
It's still early when we finish dinner, maybe 9:15 or so so I want to extend things a bit rather than just go to the room. So we grab an Uber. In the car she holds my hand and then places it between both of hers on her lap. OK no question this is an affectionate girl and it's on!
We bounce to a rooftop bar near my hotel but it seems closed for renovations. So instead we walk to my place which also has a rooftop bar tho of modest size.
We go thru the revolving door and just blow past reception, no questions asked and head up to the rooftop. In the elevator she pulls me close and we DFK for most of the ride. I love this girl!
We have some drinks at the top and the view is epic even at night. They light up Copacabana beach at night and there are still couples and familys swimming or playing futbol. A little cuddling at the rail and another shared kiss.
At the rail I start softly massaging her neck with my right hand. She loves this. In fact she takes my other hand and puts it on her arm showing me she has goosebumps! I tell her I am happy to give her a massage. At ten the bar closes and this pushes us to the room not that I mind at this point. We both take our drinks with.
In the room, lovely DFK and when I go pee I return to find her only in her thong. She says "you promised me a massage" and that I did. Still in my shirt I lose my pants and socks so I can mount her back in my briefs. And what a back!
I straddle her amazing ass small for a Brasileira she is rail thin but with an amazing shape and the perfect meaty feel and start a quality legit massage. I give my GF at home massage all the time and I'm pretty good. She is cooing and moaning. I start a bit of grinding tempo with my hips and soon my cock is hard against her ass / pussy as I massage in time with the grind. She likes this and is definitively growing horny!
After a good bit of this I think let's get this party started and rise to my feet beside the bed. She takes the cue and comes and unbuttons my shirt and gets on her knees on the floor. I love that submissiveness!
Off come the briefs and she takes my cock in her mouth briefly. Then takes a pause to gather that mane of hers. She collects her copious wavy hair in a ponytail with both hands and then hands it to me to keep it orderly and control the action at the same time. Nice and submissive again! She gives a solid BBBJ with plenty of BLS though I have to slow her down several times.
After some great BJ get her up and push her on her back on the bed. I start with her tits which are man made but look really great on her and feel darn good for falsies.
I kiss and lick my way down with a little giggle when I hit ticklish spots but eventually reach the target.
She has quite meaty lips for a Brasileira and I have to pull back some flesh to get her clit more exposed. She's wet from the getgo so I slip a finger inside. Nice and sloppy I do some great gspot and clit work. She never has a crashing O, but I get a bit of push out a couple times that means I'm on the right track.
Eventually it's sexo time and we do it in all positions. I am quite spent after 9 girls in five days and never threaten to blow my stack no matter how good it is. She def fucks me hard in doggie and cowgirl. And I fuck her hard in mish. We even do prone bone with a couple pillows under her belly and her legs together. Feels great. We go quite some time but I know I am not going to blow in camasinha at this point and move to more BBBJ. Eventually I put her on balls and me on handjob and I drop a pretty earthshaking load on my tummy.
After that it's kiss and cuddle and she declines to spend the night but says she had a great time. She says she is sad she just met me and I have to leave. As am I. To be honest tho with a GF at home I prefer the club scene when traveling and so I am glad I didn't forfeit Monte Carlo (see Rio thread) for her.
I hope maybe I can travel her somewhere because she's gorgeous and a ton of fun. Will have to see. Damn 12 hours earlier I was just browsing Seeking. And then suddenly I have the perfect date with a 9. 5. WTF? I love my life and Seeking rules!
5000 pesos give or take 1000 is considered generous. Like you can go lower and easily get away with it. But 5000 will be considered quite good for an evening together.I was in CDMX for a week. I agree with the above. I'd start at 4, unless the girl is 11/10 hot.
I met one girl and said I could do - 4 -5. Ofcourse she wanted 5, but I think she'd have taken 4. Another agreed to 4, was extremely attractive, but she kept delaying day of and didn't end up seeing her.
One chick started at 8 and I told her it was too much, she said 7 and I didn't care to haggle further. I think she probably would've come down to 6 .
03-14-23, 01:13
I was in CDMX for a week. I agree with the above. I'd start at 4, unless the girl is 11/10 hot.
I met one girl and said I could do - 4 -5. Ofcourse she wanted 5, but I think she'd have taken 4. Another agreed to 4, was extremely attractive, but she kept delaying day of and didn't end up seeing her.
One chick started at 8 and I told her it was too much, she said 7 and I didn't care to haggle further. I think she probably would've come down to 6 .CDMX you can find lots of great girls $175-250. $300 would be my max, but she would need to be super hot.
03-14-23, 01:20
No nothing specific to Cash App being a scam. From my understanding it is pretty legitimate. I have never used it myself though. But the one thing I have noticed is that most scammers have asked for upfront payment via Cashapp than any other platform. Never had anyone ask for upfront payment from Venmo for example.You guys need to be very careful with Cash App's. Very track able, and it better be legit. The IRS is cracking down these, so be careful. You could in for a lot of explaining, from either the Government or a Significant other.
One or two times is no big deal, but if there is a pattern, you need to be very careful.
03-14-23, 13:25
You guys need to be very careful with Cash App's. Very track able, and it better be legit. The IRS is cracking down these, so be careful. You could in for a lot of explaining, from either the Government or a Significant other.
One or two times is no big deal, but if there is a pattern, you need to be very careful.Oh really? It's not possible to send money anonymously thru Cash app like with a prepaid card?
I was in CDMX for a week. I agree with the above. I'd start at 4, unless the girl is 11/10 hot.
I met one girl and said I could do - 4 -5. Ofcourse she wanted 5, but I think she'd have taken 4. Another agreed to 4, was extremely attractive, but she kept delaying day of and didn't end up seeing her.
One chick started at 8 and I told her it was too much, she said 7 and I didn't care to haggle further. I think she probably would've come down to 6 .I should add I didn't take her up on the 7. I didn't bother to respond after she sent that.
03-14-23, 16:04
Oh really? It's not possible to send money anonymously thru Cash app like with a prepaid card?Pre-paid cards are anonymous, but Cash App, leave a major paper trail. Cash App. 's work great, for small amounts, but you definitely do not want to do large amounts or consistent payments, if you are worried about privacy or the IRS.
I have never been to Latin America, let alone playing there.
Sounds like a fun place. Perhaps, as good as Europe.
Long time no see fellas. Been pretty locked up with my local girlfriend. But traveling in Brazil did 9 club girls and this amazing Seeking girl. Read on.
Normally I don't do Seeking in cities with a vibrant club scene. And given that we found Monte Carlo to be epic (see Rio thread) I wouldn't have done Seeking. BUT, since most everything in Rio is closed on Sunday I thought I'the poke around. I had some leads from a few weeks back but also started poking new girls at dinner Saturday night.
I actually had several girls interested but one slim 9. 5 hottie caught my attention and we quickly planned a date. I was a little concerned it was a scam because almost too good to be true and had my radar up till the last minute. She asked $100 USD which is maybe at market for a quality hottie in Rio but IMO a bargain for this girl.
We had a bit of difficulty with the restaurant as I had picked one and she was on her way (Uber) only to find it closed at 7 and our date was for 8. Damn! Fortunately I found an amazing place nearby. It's called Pergula and it's inside the ritzy Copacabana Palace hotel. Amazing luxe vibe and food was excellent.
She was 10 minutes late early for a Brasileira and we met in the lobby of the hotel. Wow. Exactly like her pictures which were stunning. She was wearing a tight black dress with lots of cutouts. Really sexy without being slutty. And cascades of wavy black hair down to her ass. Just perfection.
Air kisses and off we go to the restaurant. You can tell by her vivacious vibe that she is both thrilled with me and with the restaurant choice. I think we both know this will be epic from minute one.
We shared an excellent bottle of Chardonnay during dinner and had awesome chat. She speaks very little English but my dinner table Porto is quite good so long as we don't steer too far afield and she speaks slowly which she did. So we had no trouble understanding each other, the conversation flowed, and we laughed a lot.
It's still early when we finish dinner, maybe 9:15 or so so I want to extend things a bit rather than just go to the room. So we grab an Uber. In the car she holds my hand and then places it between both of hers on her lap. OK no question this is an affectionate girl and it's on!
We bounce to a rooftop bar near my hotel but it seems closed for renovations. So instead we walk to my place which also has a rooftop bar tho of modest size.
We go thru the revolving door and just blow past reception, no questions asked and head up to the rooftop. In the elevator she pulls me close and we DFK for most of the ride. I love this girl!
We have some drinks at the top and the view is epic even at night. They light up Copacabana beach at night and there are still couples and familys swimming or playing futbol. A little cuddling at the rail and another shared kiss.
At the rail I start softly massaging her neck with my right hand. She loves this. In fact she takes my other hand and puts it on her arm showing me she has goosebumps! I tell her I am happy to give her a massage. At ten the bar closes and this pushes us to the room not that I mind at this point. We both take our drinks with.
In the room, lovely DFK and when I go pee I return to find her only in her thong. She says "you promised me a massage" and that I did. Still in my shirt I lose my pants and socks so I can mount her back in my briefs. And what a back!
I straddle her amazing ass small for a Brasileira she is rail thin but with an amazing shape and the perfect meaty feel and start a quality legit massage. I give my GF at home massage all the time and I'm pretty good. She is cooing and moaning. I start a bit of grinding tempo with my hips and soon my cock is hard against her ass / pussy as I massage in time with the grind. She likes this and is definitively growing horny!
After a good bit of this I think let's get this party started and rise to my feet beside the bed. She takes the cue and comes and unbuttons my shirt and gets on her knees on the floor. I love that submissiveness!
Off come the briefs and she takes my cock in her mouth briefly. Then takes a pause to gather that mane of hers. She collects her copious wavy hair in a ponytail with both hands and then hands it to me to keep it orderly and control the action at the same time. Nice and submissive again! She gives a solid BBBJ with plenty of BLS though I have to slow her down several times.
After some great BJ get her up and push her on her back on the bed. I start with her tits which are man made but look really great on her and feel darn good for falsies.
I kiss and lick my way down with a little giggle when I hit ticklish spots but eventually reach the target.
She has quite meaty lips for a Brasileira and I have to pull back some flesh to get her clit more exposed. She's wet from the getgo so I slip a finger inside. Nice and sloppy I do some great gspot and clit work. She never has a crashing O, but I get a bit of push out a couple times that means I'm on the right track.
Eventually it's sexo time and we do it in all positions. I am quite spent after 9 girls in five days and never threaten to blow my stack no matter how good it is. She def fucks me hard in doggie and cowgirl. And I fuck her hard in mish. We even do prone bone with a couple pillows under her belly and her legs together. Feels great. We go quite some time but I know I am not going to blow in camasinha at this point and move to more BBBJ. Eventually I put her on balls and me on handjob and I drop a pretty earthshaking load on my tummy.
After that it's kiss and cuddle and she declines to spend the night but says she had a great time. She says she is sad she just met me and I have to leave. As am I. To be honest tho with a GF at home I prefer the club scene when traveling and so I am glad I didn't forfeit Monte Carlo (see Rio thread) for her.
I hope maybe I can travel her somewhere because she's gorgeous and a ton of fun. Will have to see. Damn 12 hours earlier I was just browsing Seeking. And then suddenly I have the perfect date with a 9. 5. WTF? I love my life and Seeking rules!
Just returned from Argentina. Heaven. Was there was 7 days, got 9 chicks off seeking.
Paid US $ 100 / date which lasted from 4 to 12 hours.
One girl became super close to me, almost like a girlfriend.
Venezuelana, 31, blonde, green eyes, fit body.
Saw her twice, went to bars, museums and parks with her.
On her last date I said, "darling I want to do something Kinky".
She said, "like what".
I said, "like maybe pee on you?
She said, "yes but only of you do it in my mouth, mi amor".
Did I mention Argentina is heaven?Hey Homie! Sent you a message on Argentina Private. Have an upcoming trip planned to Buenos Aires and would definitely love to pick your brain, especially on Seeking Arrangments game.
Steve 9696
03-18-23, 20:11
Impossible to exceed my Rio girl who was top notch GFE and. 9. 5 for $100. Wtf? Prob my best $ to looks / experience ratio ever. But I had a nice two dates in Mexico City with a fun and friendly 8. Cdmx is def more expensive at $220 plus Uber. Still no regrets. Just that I have a very high bar. LOL.
I had started browsing the CDMX scene a couple months back and fell into it hard with a great girl. But she was more a borderline 7 which is stretching it and so I continued to chat up 8's and above.
Found Nohemi a few weeks back and we had nice chat. Interestingly she became more and more girlfriendy as we went on chatting. Asking how my day was. That kinda thing. Her pics really aren't representative so I was a bit borderline but ended up moving her into number 1 position for first date night. I planned Ana in night 2 she was equal in many ways but Spanish speaking only. So Nohemi won the coveted day 1 spot.
I let her pick the spot and she choose the nicest restaurant in CDMX Cuerno. And wow it delivered. She was a half hour late Latinas (- but kept me posted. Met her at the front for a quick air kiss. She looked hot AF. Like waaay better than her pics.
Her English is shockingly good and that was super helpful to the vibe. Fairly early on she said she was a little scared meeting me but when she saw me she was very happy. That felt nice. Can't recall what we talked about but it was easy and lots of laughter.
Bounced to a rooftop bar that was lame and then to one that was epic. High recommend for Cityzen at the top of the Sofitel if you are in town. Wowzers. More laughter and drinks and we bounce to the room.
Details are a bit foggy a few days hence. I recall she got wet super easy and her BJ was decidedly mediocre. But very submissive pleaser so all good. It's funny because the sex was not as good as many girls this week but there was a vibe and chemistry that kinda canceled that out. (When I say the sex was not as good I really mean the BJ. The sex was great).
So we repeated next night. (Sorry Ana) She couldn't stay the night as she had class in the AM but we did cuddle and snooze for about an hour after fucking like animals. It was really nice.
Clearly on a pure value scale my $100 Rio girl absolutely slays my $220 CDMX girl. But I really had a wonderful time and would repeat anytime for the overall vibe and chemistry. Just goes to show you can't analyze this shit. It just is what it is.
Steve 9696
03-20-23, 02:59
Posting this because some guys have said they enjoy my detailed adventures and I have been remiss of late on details. I wrote this up right after so most of the detail is there. A second reason for posting is to let folks know that sex unicorns do exist. Some girls just love to fuck like nothing else on earth. Id never met one before, but now I have. They are real. I am also posting it because I want lurkers here to know that Seeking can deliver above and beyond expectations when played right. Literally this week I had a 9. 5 in Brazil and 8 in Cdmx and my legit sexy beast girlfriend found on Seeking about a year ago. Nirvana does exist!
Sex with my girlfriend Shayla is simply life changing. OMG. I hesitate to call it girlfriend sex. On the one hand it's super comfortable and meaningful and giving in both directions. So it is girlfriend sex in that sense. But the girl is a fucking beast in the sheets and it never gets routine. Never known anyone like her.
Saw her tonight after 10 days (and 11 girls) away. She was lying on the floor on the dog bed in just a crop top and lace panties when I arrived. Honestly I was ready to fuck her right then she looked so great. We started making out and it was sensual but she wasn't using tongue. That to me was a sign she wanted to hold up a bit and that was fine.
We had some Thai food but it wasn't long before things were on. She'the had a bong hit so she was on the right track. We started making out a bit but still no tongue. So I pulled up her shirt and started sucking her tits. These are directly connected to her mouth and pussy and in no time she is moaning and grabs my head and brings us mouth to mouth and eats my face. OMG she is the most passionate kisser once you flip the switch.
Rolling around on the floor I am feeling her tits and pussy and she has my pants around my ankles starting BJ. Only then does she realize the door is open because we hear her roommate playing video games in the living room. LOL. She pops up and closes it and gets completely naked. What a tiny minx she is!
Excellent BJ. Damn I missed her. Even with a couple good ones in Brasil hers is still tops. Before long she mounts up Cowgirl and it's ecstasy being bare back after all that condom fucking. OMG. Nothing like it.
She rides like a blue ribbon cowgirl for a long time. Then we do some amazing mish still there on the floor. At some point we get her big vibrator involved and move to the Steve on the bed. She is having an amazing time both with and without the vibrator.
We swap over to BJ for a while and actually swap mish and BJ a couple more times. At one point I am about to cum in BJ and she knows it and backs me off the edge. (She does this on purpose because she loves to fuck so much!) then mounts up cowgirl. She rides like her life depends on it and it's amazing but no dice. After getting to the edge and coming back it's very hard to get there again which she loves.
I fuck her hard in the Andy (pillow under butt, you on knees, spread wide) and her vibing herself. I def feel the build a couple times but it fades. At one point I am pushed up inside her and just resting and I can feel the vibrator thru her pussy walls. And she will clench a bit and then I will expand a bit in response. We both loved this. It was super cool and intimate. This goes on several times and I get rock hard again. I pump for all I am worth and it feels great but I eventually collapse a sweaty mess.
She says "that's ok babe you rest a bit. We can start again when your ready. I'm going to cum again in the meantime. " And continues to vibe but also gets out the dildo and starts fucking herself hard. Usually I'the watch but I am spent so I just stroke lightly and make out with her some.
At some point I get up and face fuck her a bit and it feels great. I tell her I want to fuck her again in the Steve and she gets this Cheshire Cat smile and we go at it again. Then more mish, more cowgirl and more BJ.
Not quite pulling a rabbit out of the hat I kneel beside her and stroke slowly while she continues to vibe. Every so often I put it in her mouth for a couple strokes. Then continue a slow build. Right at the point of cumming I put it in her mouth and start firing shots. One or two in her mouth. One on her cheek. One past her cheek on her shoulder and a few drops on her chest. Not bad for an old man who just fucked 11 chicks!
Totally spent I flop to the floor and start nibbling Thai again. She says she's going to try for one more and a squirt. So here I am sitting eating Thai, watching this horny gorgeous goddess fuck herself and go through all the faces of bliss, face scrunching O, and bliss again. Amazing. You can't make this shit up!
We're we so lost in each other we didn't keep track of time but back figuring it we went at it a solid 1. 5 hours straight. She commented how much she loves not only to have me back but to really fuck for that long. Ok doll, what baby wants, baby gets! Damn I love this girl!
03-21-23, 19:53
Last time I subbed in March 2021 payment went thru no issues.
Took me 2 years to get my finances back in order so back on the saddle. Right now there's a promo ends tonight am entering card info red blurb pops up saying "we do take some pre paid cards but other give is issues. Consider using an actual credit card".
Sure enough card declined all 3 times.
Last time I subbed in March 2021 payment went thru no issues.
Sure enough card declined all 3 times.
Ideas?I literally just took the plunge today with JokerVisa card. Used legit residential address in different city and it worked.
Hope it works out.
03-22-23, 13:31
Do you have a link to her Seeking profile? I am always curious to see what other people definition of 7/8 is.
Impossible to exceed my Rio girl who was top notch GFE and. 9. 5 for $100. Wtf? Prob my best $ to looks / experience ratio ever. But I had a nice two dates in Mexico City with a fun and friendly 8. Cdmx is def more expensive at $220 plus Uber. Still no regrets. Just that I have a very high bar. LOL.
I had started browsing the CDMX scene a couple months back and fell into it hard with a great girl. But she was more a borderline 7 which is stretching it and so I continued to chat up 8's and above.
Found Nohemi a few weeks back and we had nice chat. Interestingly she became more and more girlfriendy as we went on chatting. Asking how my day was. That kinda thing. Her pics really aren't representative so I was a bit borderline but ended up moving her into number 1 position for first date night. I planned Ana in night 2 she was equal in many ways but Spanish speaking only. So Nohemi won the coveted day 1 spot.
I let her pick the spot and she choose the nicest restaurant in CDMX Cuerno. And wow it delivered. She was a half hour late Latinas (- but kept me posted. Met her at the front for a quick air kiss. She looked hot AF. Like waaay better than her pics.
Steve 9696
03-22-23, 13:33
I literally just took the plunge today with JokerVisa card. Used legit residential address in different city and it worked.
Hope it works out.
F.Congrats on joining the club man! It's hard work and trial and error and having game. But when you put in the work and get the hang of it, nothing finer. Welcome welcome! Any tips needed just hmu.
03-23-23, 04:00
Last time I subbed in March 2021 payment went thru no issues.
Took me 2 years to get my finances back in order so back on the saddle. Right now there's a promo ends tonight am entering card info red blurb pops up saying "we do take some pre paid cards but other give is issues. Consider using an actual credit card".
Sure enough card declined all 3 times.
Ideas?Update: Vanilla Cards no longer willing to conduct business with Seeking.
One known prepaid brand still works: in USA, it is Blackhawk / MetaBank same company operates in Canada masquerading as Joker Card. Packaging should include Visa logo in front and orange BHN logo in back.
Problem: Loadable amount up to $500 recently revised to up to $200 so when your 90 day subscription is in $220 range you're practically SOL.
Back to drawing board.
I paused mine since I've found my SB, disabled my account and pause for 90-days. After 90-days all the sudden I've got charged and my subscription is back to active, WTF.
03-24-23, 14:14
I paused mine since I've found my SB, disabled my account and pause for 90-days. After 90-days all the sudden I've got charged and my subscription is back to active, WTF.Yes, they are terrible, with there Auto renew policy. The sane thing has happened to me.
Yes, they are terrible, with there Auto renew policy. The sane thing has happened to me.Yup, it's greedy part of SA, so I am going to boycott for now.
My take on business is, if a company is confident about it's product it'll sell without tricking people like that.
03-27-23, 01:21
Impossible to exceed my Rio girl who was top notch GFE and. 9. 5 for $100. Wtf? Prob my best $ to looks / experience ratio ever. But I had a nice two dates in Mexico City with a fun and friendly 8. Cdmx is def more expensive at $220 plus Uber. Still no regrets. Just that I have a very high bar. LOL.
I had started browsing the CDMX scene a couple months back and fell into it hard with a great girl. But she was more a borderline 7 which is stretching it and so I continued to chat up 8's and above.
Found Nohemi a few weeks back and we had nice chat. Interestingly she became more and more girlfriendy as we went on chatting. Asking how my day was. That kinda thing. Her pics really aren't representative so I was a bit borderline but ended up moving her into number 1 position for first date night. I planned Ana in night 2 she was equal in many ways but Spanish speaking only. So Nohemi won the coveted day 1 spot.
I let her pick the spot and she choose the nicest restaurant in CDMX Cuerno. And wow it delivered. She was a half hour late Latinas (- but kept me posted. Met her at the front for a quick air kiss. She looked hot AF. Like waaay better than her pics.
Her English is shockingly good and that was super helpful to the vibe. Fairly early on she said she was a little scared meeting me but when she saw me she was very happy. That felt nice. Can't recall what we talked about but it was easy and lots of laughter..Great report. We have the same taste in chicks and we have both bagged the same chick, maybe both. Keep up the reports. I miss CDMX, but just too expensive now and I miss too much work. MTY is great for sex, but does get a little boring.
My goal for the year is to focus more on work and save some money, I cannot do this traveling to CDMX every 10 days. I love both places, hopefully the recession will pass soon and flights will become more reasonable, but I have my doubts.
We are very lucky to live the life we do, some are jealous and others call us crazy, but we are probably having the best time of our lives.
Don Julio 70
03-27-23, 07:37
Hello Gents!
This is my first post on ISG. Please be kind. I have already RTFF regarding this question, but need accurate and recent information and help. I am looking for a prepaid card in the USA that will work on SA. Here is what I have compiled so far after RTFF.
Yes. Working:
-Green Dot Visa Card?
-Prepaid Visa Gift Card?
-Prepaid Mastercard Gift Card.
-Blackhawk / MetaBank, for upto $200.
No. Not Working:
-One Vanilla pre-paid VISA debit card.
-Prepaid American Express.
What is also important is to be able to buy and / or reload the prepaid card with cash for complete anonymity sake. No / Low purchase / reload / maintenance fees are a bonus.
Also important is being able to register (assuming necessary in order to use it online) the prepaid card using fake information.
Please feel free to correct my understanding if a card needs to move from working to non-working and vice versa.
It will be great if you can please share the name of the prepaid card you have been able to use successfully recently in the US.
Thanks in advance!
03-27-23, 13:50
All in (including hotels, travel, dining, presents, payment to gals, etc.), how much do you guys spend to monger per year? You can include a breakdown if you can/want.
I was looking at my expected mongering expenses for this year, and I think it will come out to over $40,000. Normally, I pay about 30 k / year, but for the upcoming year, I am trying to replace pros and MPs with SBs that are pay per date. I think for most of us, SBs are more expensive than pros, but we pay that premium because we think it is worth it. In addition, while I am reducing my mongering this year (I have been trying to go for quality over quantity), I decided to rent a love shack again, and that by itself if going to cost me almost 20 k per year.
Obviously, feel free to ignore this question if you think it's none of my business. But I just want know if others are also paying a crazy amount, to have this life of ours.
03-27-23, 14:02
All in (including hotels, travel, dining, presents, payment to gals, etc.), how much do you guys spend to monger per year? You can include a breakdown if you can/want.
I was looking at my expected mongering expenses for this year, and I think it will come out to over $40,000. Normally, I pay about 30 k / year, but for the upcoming year, I am trying to replace pros and MPs with SBs that are pay per date. I think for most of us, SBs are more expensive than pros, but we pay that premium because we think it is worth it. In addition, while I am reducing my mongering this year (I have been trying to go for quality over quantity), I decided to rent a love shack again, and that by itself if going to cost me almost 20 k per year.
Obviously, feel free to ignore this question if you think it's none of my business. But I just want know if others are also paying a crazy amount, to have this life of ours.Actually really appreciate the question and I'm interested too.
Counting hotels and meals I'the otherwise not have but for my trips I take to do this, I'm guessing 20000 US dollars a year.
It might only be that low because I don't seek at home due to my domestic situation. So I have no regular. I only do this when traveling. But I travel maybe 20-30 nights a year. About 400 per night in gift, then another 200-300 per night hotel and dinner.
So about 20 k. And worth every penny. I have to say this is one thing I always look forward to and plan around and remember.
Steve 9696
03-27-23, 16:58
All in (including hotels, travel, dining, presents, payment to gals, etc.), how much do you guys spend to monger per year? You can include a breakdown if you can/want.
I was looking at my expected mongering expenses for this year, and I think it will come out to over $40,000. Normally, I pay about 30 k / year, but for the upcoming year, I am trying to replace pros and MPs with SBs that are pay per date. I think for most of us, SBs are more expensive than pros, but we pay that premium because we think it is worth it. In addition, while I am reducing my mongering this year (I have been trying to go for quality over quantity), I decided to rent a love shack again, and that by itself if going to cost me almost 20 k per year.
Obviously, feel free to ignore this question if you think it's none of my business. But I just want know if others are also paying a crazy amount, to have this life of ours.Good darn question. Bet you get much higher figures in this group where it's $500/ encounter vs say the board in general. Lotsa guys out there can fuck for $100/ pop in other countries. China and US are going to require the biggest budgets. I started a few years ago at $5 K. Then $10 K. Then $20 k. I prob spend about $20 K on girls when I travel. But then I got my mistress. And prob $20 K on her with apt and dates weekly. So yeah $40 K would be unsurprising. Tagged 44 girls last year not including my GF (fortunately most in less expensive venues), so it adds up!
As AmericanPi said I live for this. I mean other than a bit of family and Netflix I spend every waking hour planning trips and chatting up hotties when I am not hanging out with my GF. Pretty much my whole world revolves around 20-25 year old hotties. And I am living the dream!
This intrugues me.
I just turned 40. While I make decent money, I am also wanting to be fiscally responsible (aka already started investing / planning for retirement etc. ,
Meaning, I don't spend more than 5 k a year on pussies (I exclude FKK visits. That's probably another 1 K a year). Well, I am leaving out the dinner / travel expenses as I anyway eat / travel (there is an incremental but that's ok).
So, curious to know (ignore if you are not comfortable) how you guys fund 8 x what I spend.
Good darn question. Bet you get much higher figures in this group where it's $500/ encounter vs say the board in general. Lotsa guys out there can fuck for $100/ pop in other countries. China and US are going to require the biggest budgets. I started a few years ago at $5 K. Then $10 K. Then $20 k. I prob spend about $20 K on girls when I travel. But then I got my mistress. And prob $20 K on her with apt and dates weekly. So yeah $40 K would be unsurprising. Tagged 44 girls last year not including my GF (fortunately most in less expensive venues), so it adds up!
As AmericanPi said I live for this. I mean other than a bit of family and Netflix I spend every waking hour planning trips and chatting up hotties when I am not hanging out with my GF. Pretty much my whole world revolves around 20-25 year old hotties. And I am living the dream!
Yes, they are terrible, with there Auto renew policy. The sane thing has happened to me.Using a disposable (one time use) card gets around this shit. 'Pause' on a lot of sites just waits long enough for you to forget then starts rebilling.
Revolut offer one time cards (but you need a premium account). For sure there'll be other providers.
SA Payment gets declined when SA can't rebill the card. Had no problems restarting the membership when it's time to go hunting again.
Finally I calculated my spend on mongering for 2022. For me it adds up to 27 K. Tried to break it down by country.
All amounts are in USD and are approximate but very close to actual spend. I mostly used Seeking, except when a seeking girl introduced her friend. Happened in India and Canada.
Travel. Includes only trips specific for hobby. I travel a lot for work and also do hobby while traveling for work. Since these travel cost covered by employer, I am excluding that from amounts below.
Airfare - $3000 (Not including tickets bought using points which is almost 50%.
Hotels - $4000 (Not including hotels booked using points which is almost 50%.
Food / Drinks with SBs - $1500.
Taxi / Uber / Parking - $900 (surprisingly it adds up fast).
Money spent on SBs for P4 P.
Canada - 2 trips of 4 days each in 2022 (Montreal and Toronto). Met total 8 girls for total cost $3500 (Average $400 CAD, got advantage of USD to CAD exchange rate).
USA. Only met 2 girls from escort agency xoc - $800.
Mexico - 3 trips of 4 days each in 2022 and most enjoyed in 2022 - Met total 10 girls (repeated some in all 3 trips who stay all night, 4 times tried 3 somes) for total cost of $4000.
Turkey - 2 trips to Istanbul (3 days and 5 days). Had really great experience, quality and service of girls. But it is a little more expensive than in Mexico. But variety is better in Istanbul (enjoyed Russian, Ukrainian, Lebanese, Turkish, Belarus, Irani, Indonesian and Uzbek girls) - (Repeated 1 Turkish and 1 Uzbek girl 2 times) - $4000.
India - 3 employer paid trips, so no cost for airfare and hotels (March, July, Oct) - Hobbying got more expensive in every trip, now I guess it is on par with Istanbul. (I mostly used Seeking and average cost is $250, 2 times tried 3 some with one Indian and 1 Uzbek girl) - Total $3500.
Singapore - 1 employer paid trips, so no cost for airfare and hotels (March) - Only met 2 viet girls. Total cost $500.
Thailand. Extended Singapore trip by 4 days to take a detour to Phuket. Most of time spent on really good body and foot massage (no sex). But had some good sessions with freelancers. Total cost $1300.
This adds up to around 27 K. This is expensive hobby 🙂.
Thank you TESLA stock for making this happened.
Already looking forward more hobbying in 2023. Already had 2 trips to Mexico with 2 3 somes and have planned multiple trips to Mexico, Montreal, Istanbul, India, Thailand, Dubai. Also want to try Brazil this year if possible.
All in (including hotels, travel, dining, presents, payment to gals, etc.), how much do you guys spend to monger per year? You can include a breakdown if you can/want.
I was looking at my expected mongering expenses for this year, and I think it will come out to over $40,000. Normally, I pay about 30 k / year, but for the upcoming year, I am trying to replace pros and MPs with SBs that are pay per date. I think for most of us, SBs are more expensive than pros, but we pay that premium because we think it is worth it. In addition, while I am reducing my mongering this year (I have been trying to go for quality over quantity), I decided to rent a love shack again, and that by itself if going to cost me almost 20 k per year.
Obviously, feel free to ignore this question if you think it's none of my business. But I just want know if others are also paying a crazy amount, to have this life of ours.
04-05-23, 01:58
I cannot speak for everyone that pays 5 to 8 times what you pay (per year) for mongering, but I think most of us (who are paying 5 - 8 times more than you) are in our 50's and so there are two things going for most of us: (1) we have some savings now, and (2) we are making more income now than what we made in our 40's. When I was 40, I still had credit card debt and mongering was a rare treat for me.
This intrugues me.
I just turned 40. While I make decent money, I am also wanting to be fiscally responsible (aka already started investing / planning for retirement etc. ,
Meaning, I don't spend more than 5 k a year on pussies (I exclude FKK visits. That's probably another 1 K a year). Well, I am leaving out the dinner / travel expenses as I anyway eat / travel (there is an incremental but that's ok).
So, curious to know (ignore if you are not comfortable) how you guys fund 8 x what I spend..
I have a few pics from women who are on seeking. I am having problems resizing the others.
Steve 9696
04-05-23, 12:32
I cannot speak for everyone that pays 5 to 8 times what you pay (per year) for mongering, but I think most of us (who are paying 5 - 8 times more than you) are in our 50's and so there are two things going for most of us: (1) we have some savings now, and (2) we are making more income now than what we made in our 40's. When I was 40, I still had credit card debt and mongering was a rare treat for me.
.Yeah I assume it's just different income levels. Spend about 10% of my income on my girls. Seems a healthy number for my number one interest in life!
I cannot speak for everyone that pays 5 to 8 times what you pay (per year) for mongering, but I think most of us (who are paying 5 - 8 times more than you) are in our 50's and so there are two things going for most of us: (1) we have some savings now, and (2) we are making more income now than what we made in our 40's. When I was 40, I still had credit card debt and mongering was a rare treat for me..Mongering is expensive. I know a few people who spend virtually all their money on this hobby when they were in their 40's. You have more resources when you are older. However, I sometimes regret opportunities that I passed on when I was younger. At some point you have more money than desire.
Mongering is expensive. I know a few people who spend virtually all their money on this hobby when they were in their 40's. You have more resources when you are older. However, I sometimes regret opportunities that I passed on when I was younger. At some point you have more money than desire.Yes, at age 67 I only feel like sex every 2-3 days. Even with Cialis. Have lots of money, but no libido.
Thanks for this call out.
I definitely don't want to regret later. Combining your point, and Steve's below-.
I spend 2.5% of my income (or 3.5% of post tax). Guess I am being to conservative in spend and worried more than I should about post retirement cash flow.
Mongering is expensive. I know a few people who spend virtually all their money on this hobby when they were in their 40's. You have more resources when you are older. However, I sometimes regret opportunities that I passed on when I was younger. At some point you have more money than desire.
Steve 9696
04-07-23, 14:15
Thanks for this call out.
I definitely don't want to regret later. Combining your point, and Steve's below-.
I spend 2.5% of my income (or 3.5% of post tax). Guess I am being to conservative in spend and worried more than I should about post retirement cash flow.Actually you may not be far off. When I was in my forties I was going a few times a year and binging. Spending maybe $3-5 K / year. And as you say saving for retirement. But as I came into my fifties I started to see the importance of doing what I love and was now making enough to spend more. It's a progression. It's prob not feasible / wise (depending if you are married or not) to spend 10% on girls and keep that up for 25 years. But as you see your future years with girls is going to be 5-10 years max (like me and several others) it makes sense to ramp it up.
Steve 9696
04-08-23, 14:16
Spent a couple great nights in Madrid. Two Seeking Arrangement girls and one Vive girl. All were great experiences in their own way. And a reminder of the wide variation in bedroom skills that can exist.
We start the trip with Smoke Show. That's what I call her because damn she is fine. She's a legit model doing new work everyday and posting on her WhatsApp as status updates. I mean world class looks face and body to die for. She's Venezuelan.
I was a bit worried setting up the date because she is so fine as to be unapproachable. And when we ended up discussing price she said 1000. And I wasn't surprised honestly. I told her politely that was way outside my budget of 400 and wished her luck. Surprisingly she came back with "OK we can do dinner and room time but I can't spend the night. " OK baby it's on.
I kept several other girls warm (including date 2 below) but Smoke Show was definitely my first priority for date 1. I was worried it might be bait and switch or something because it's all just model quality pics and she was quick to drop to 400. But nope she shows on time for dinner and is 100% as beautiful as her pics. She apologizes that she has her suitcase with her because she just finished a modeling job and sure enough I get fresh pics later that night.
Again, I am thinking with her looks she's going to be an aloof ***** or some other character flaw but she is just sweet as can be. Her English is marginal but we manage mostly without Google translate. If you are ever in Madrid I recommend Miss Sushi. Cute decor and vibe but mostly extremely inexpensive. I let her go wild like a kid in a candy store and we ate till stuffed and had leftovers. Including my sake, the bill came to 60! LOL. Def a bargain. And whoa. Those eyes and that smile. She'the fix them on me and I would melt. Damn I would ALMOST pay for a platonic date with this girl. Just mind boggling.
Back to the room with no pretense. Only downside was she doesn't really drink neither at dinner or the room and I love a party girl. But such a sweetheart. The sex was decidedly mediocre but not for what you think. I guess super pretty girls have a reputation for starfishing or purposefully slowing the action, but that was not the case here. She was really accommodating and tried really hard but just wasn't very experienced in the sack.
She did love having her tits massaged in circles and several times put her hands over mine to show the motion she likes. I gave her some rip roaring DATY and she was wet on arrival after the tit work tho not excessively so. Gave a credible but not great BJ and light kissing maybe I should have pushed this more because I had trouble staying hard.
Nonetheless we figured it out, fucked quite a bit, and I ended up finishing by hand, with her on balls (almost all finishes end of week were this way with so much fucking). Honestly tho looking at her eyes and smile as she softly works my balls, encouraging me towards a finish, is a visual I won't soon forget. What an amazing sweet spirit to have packaged in that face and body. Wow. Still amazed a girl with 10 looks can have such a sweet soul. Glad to have met her.
Had the sex been epic I def would have tried to repeat her night 2, but alas it was not and I pinged Valeria who I had been putting off. She was asking around 3 if we were meeting up and I was a bit on the fence. She's clearly a thick girl and I have the Vive option, so just really not sure. I decide to just go explicit what have I got to lose and text her that I want to be direct and does she LOVE to kiss and BBBJ because there is a big difference between girls that do and those that don't. She says she loves that and is a very passionate girl. Ok baby it's on!
Less pretext here. She suggests we just get some wine and meet at my room. After walking to two wine shops and the grocery and finding everything closed, I go to the bar downstairs. She sets me up with a bottle of sweet white, an ice bucket and two glasses for only 19. I love Spain prices! Why the fuck was you running all over town. LOL.
She shows more or less on time and is indeed a thick but well proportioned Colombiana. She speaks considerably less English than I thought since all our dialogue was in English. But this is fun and we laugh in mixed Spanglish and Engspanol as we drink wine together. Honestly a very comfortable vibe from the get go and I realize later we chatted and hour fifteen before getting down to business.
The business is very good, esp compared to Smoke Show. Her tits are fake but not offputting and with deep kissing (great!) and tit massage she is wet as fuck when I reach down and feel her pussy for the first time. I absolutely love when a girl is so hot for you and she wants that dick bad!
Very solid BJ and I love the kissing (only girl out of 9 this trip!) Quality fucking and some nice BJ to finish tho I do need to finish by hand again. Her licking balls which feels amazing. Great date. Amazing face, tier 2 body, and solid service. And another sweet soul. Would def repeat.
I suppose I could be satisfied with that but you know Steve the horndog. It's still early (930?) so I get some great Italian and try an experiment I don't recommend repeating. I've heard Whiskeria Estark is down a notch from Vive but why not just really troll the bottom and go to Whiskeria K2? I will tell you why! Because you can't unsee a couple of fat grammas hitting on you for drinks and sex. OMG. It was sooooo depressing wasn't sure I could get a boner again this decade! So I high tailed it to Vive where indeed I did get a boner again, albeit with a little help.
I do like Vive. High ceilings. Neon. Pretty girls. Not terribly busy at 1030 - maybe 25 ish girls spread about and 10-15 guys? I know better than to settle quickly so I cruised the room a bit. Didn't see too much that would light me up but one cute prospect all by herself. Maybe later. I settled in for a drink.
Well I learned my lesson from last time where I have a massive blank space in my memory. Still not sure if I got roofied, but decided this time to pay close attention to the pour. Glad I did. My Jack and Coke was served in a large bowl glass like you would have Sangria in. And he just kept pouring. Easily 3-4 shots in that one drink. Knowing this I nursed that baby for the next four hours and kept a nice buzz the whole time. A reasonable $20 for what you get.
Got hit on by several girls. A couple sorta cute but not lighting me up and a few no thank you not my type at all. I politely dismissed them all, including those angling for a drink. I wallflowered for quite some time just watching and drinking and deciding whether to make a tour again.
After some time I tour and the girl from earlier has moved to a new spot. She had short hair and is rather pale which is decidedly not my type but there is something about her. When I go to wallflower nearby she fixes me with a heartmelting dick hardening gaze that just slays me and I make the move over to her.
You know sometimes when there is just mad chemistry and it doesn't even make sense but you are just smitten? Yup. Within seconds I am liquid goo. She is half Italian and half Colombian and speaks Italian, Spanish, English, and French. And she is a magnetic party girl who travels the world having a good time. Only her third day here at Vive and moving on to Malta next month.
She convinces me to order her a $50 girls drink. I know the drill now and this does not surprise me. They are vanishingly small but the girl gets a cut so I don't begrudge her this this is part of Vive and I accept it going in. And the $50 drink comes with private time so it's not really just a drink. We retire to the curtained booth. Very private and they don't disturb you. Lots of sexy dancing and naked tits hands on. Damn fine. She has a huge set of DS that are soft and luscious and downright amazing. A few little cock strokes from her. Enough to get the party started.
Again, there is just something about her. Because when we talk room time she is adamant about condom for BJ and no kissing. And yet I want to go with her! Hahaha. And we have a grand time. She seems a fair girl offering a half at 125 and a full at 250. (Last girl went straight for 250 then sold me half's at 190!) We start with a half which is great because I can sample at low cost. We pay at the desk and off we go.
In the room she is juat as alluring and coquettish as she was in the bar. She's just a sexy minx and knows it. The BJ is shocking good for CBJ with a ton of spit dripping down my balls. She agreed to at least BLS for an extra 50 and glad I did that. That is heavenly.
Quite a lot of good fucking. Doggie (her fave), the Steve (my fave), regular mish, cowgirl. A nice buffet. She's not a clock watcher and pretty sure we run past our time. Unfortunately I don't finish but not for lack of trying. I say let's go back to the club and have a drink and come back for another half hour. She likes this idea.
So we go back up and get another lady drink and hang a bit at the bar. Then we do the curtained room again. In there for surely more than 20 minutes. She offers to just do our time there but I suggest I might need the room to finish unrushed. She is totally cool with that.
Back to the room for round two. A lot more of the same and again a tough finish. I decide maybe her on balls and me on hand but it's not working and I say I want to watch her touch herself. Most girls lie on their back for this and I can usually wank one out watching. But she goes in her purse for the vibrating butt plug and plugs that in her butt and gets in a low doggie twerking position.
Her pussy is aroused and mildly open and pulsating a bit as she twerks. Wow. Very sexy. I feel myself get super hard and sure enough, after a bit, I get off a stunning 8" shot (I usually sorta shoot just a bit or 3" on a good day at my age). All that workout was worth it. She seems VERY pleased to have satisfied her man this time.
We have again run over time but she seems non plussed. She gladly gives me her number and we joke about her becoming my European girlfriend. I could see it happening, even tho she is super pro she's a free spirit. She asks me to text when I am safely on my plane. How sweet. Really dug this girl. Truly a force of nature.
And THAT is my two days in Spain. An interesting mix of amazing looks, excellent and mediocre sex, and some magnetic and sweet souls. All in all a big win! Will be back!
I wasn't able to meet this one. She said on site she was near Medellin but was actually much farther away.
04-09-23, 01:19
I wasn't able to meet this one. She said on site she was near Medellin but was actually much farther away.Please take this picture down, it gives me PTSD from MDE? The Colombia dudes will probably find her attractive!
04-09-23, 04:57
Excellent FR! I read every word. I actually enjoy your writing. You write very well.
Spent a couple great nights in Madrid. Two Seeking Arrangement girls and one Vive girl. All were great experiences in their own way. And a reminder of the wide variation in bedroom skills that can exist.
Steve 9696
04-09-23, 12:54
Excellent FR! I read every word. I actually enjoy your writing. You write very well.
.Thanks M. I write my stories as a stream of consciousness right afterwards so they are fresh. I actually rather enjoy writing them and I just write them all top to bottom with a very few edits as I recall details I missed. I really do it for myself. I love going back and reading and reliving these. I've probably re-read just this one 10 times already and relived each moment. Some of my faves like my Vegas Seeking trifecta and the Thifany story I've prob read 50 times and each time I can relive the moments.
But I am glad there are a handful of guys here who also really enjoy them. I love that I can entertain and give back and it's all an important part of my journey. I've ended up compiling them into a book, along with tips for the scene in most industrialized geographies. I've formatted it for publication, and it tips the scales at over 250 pages now. Of course I will never publish it because we certainly don't want wives around the world to know about this secret world we share. Drop me a line if you (or other serious contributors) want a copy.
Best of luck out there in China. It sounds a real mess for girls at this time. Soldier on!
Elvis 2008
04-10-23, 23:27
Please take this picture down, it gives me PTSD from MDE? The Colombia dudes will probably find her attractive!Well, there is no doubt. Looks are subjective so in the eyes of some of the Medellin morons she has to be a 10. There are some decent dudes in the forums other than Medellin. The problem with using seeking in Medellin is not that the selection is not good.
Looks wise, it is better than Bogota, but the women tend to be way stuck up. Also if you share anything about how much you paid with the Medellin morons and it was anything more than $10, you are going to get skewered.
None of the Medellin morons has ever spent $100 a month on seeking but they know all about it. In fact, they tout the Colombia cupid and Facebook sites and swear they are as good. Sorry. Is any Colombian going to pay $100 a month to get on seeking? Very few, and that is usually who overwhelmingly is hitting up women for sex.
I know this isn't the help desk, but...... I'm reactivating my account after a 6 month absence and having a heck of a time with the 2-step verification they've put in place. At least if you're using a new device. My password is correct, but the verification code never shows up to my account. Has anyone else had similar issues? I tried using the app on my iPhone, but that no longer works (I think Apple removed) so I'm STUCK! I've written two help requests, but they just give me the boiler plate answer that the code must be in my junk or spam folder. The odd thing is that I was getting email notices and marketing emails from Seeking regularly up until mid March, then they stopped. I wonder if there's an issue with the site.
Appreciate any advice or a phone number if you can IM me... I leave for Rio this Thursday and was hoping to use Seeking!
04-13-23, 12:10
I no longer enjoy CBJ and CFS. I also do not like PSE anymore, where the gal is acting all slutty. Now, I only enjoy the BB experience, and it has to include passionate DFK and GFE. Anyone else in this boat?
This is why I liked SA, because I could occassionally find this on there. But I am now trying to find PPM arrangments with non-pros and semi-pros on my own, and man, it is a lot of work.
I no longer enjoy CBJ and CFS. I also do not like PSE anymore, where the gal is acting all slutty. Now, I only enjoy the BB experience, and it has to include passionate DFK and GFE. Anyone else in this boat?
This is why I liked SA, because I could occassionally find this on there. But I am now trying to find PPM arrangments with non-pros and semi-pros on my own, and man, it is a lot of work.Me too, I am too old for CFS and I hate obj. I love DATY so I expect obj.
Steve 9696
04-13-23, 18:01
I no longer enjoy CBJ and CFS. I also do not like PSE anymore, where the gal is acting all slutty. Now, I only enjoy the BB experience, and it has to include passionate DFK and GFE. Anyone else in this boat?
This is why I liked SA, because I could occassionally find this on there. But I am now trying to find PPM arrangments with non-pros and semi-pros on my own, and man, it is a lot of work.Yeah it's def a problem that you become jaded. I have such amazing sex and GFE w my home girl Shayla that I find FKK and all a bit disappointing now, where I used to think it was gods gift to man. Def get closer to GFE with Seeking and I've had good success with DFK and BBBJ and even quite a bit of bareback because properly chosen they are just fun horny girls and they are ready to rumble!
(Although you should be able to get BBBJ most venues worldwide IMO).
Absolutely on the same boat.
I used to spend time and money on tnaboard girls in the US earlier. Then, like Steve says, enjoyed FKK thinking it is a gift to man. Then, I really discovered SA (through this forum. Thank you, guys! And got spoiled. GFE, BBBJ, BBFS, DFK, makeout sessions are the only things I enjoy. Come to hate condoms.
Sadly, back in the US and women here kind of are offputting me. Hoping to return to Europe, and get the seeking game back on.
I no longer enjoy CBJ and CFS. I also do not like PSE anymore, where the gal is acting all slutty. Now, I only enjoy the BB experience, and it has to include passionate DFK and GFE. Anyone else in this boat?
This is why I liked SA, because I could occassionally find this on there. But I am now trying to find PPM arrangments with non-pros and semi-pros on my own, and man, it is a lot of work.
Steve 9696
04-14-23, 00:53
Well being jaded sucks. But it means we've tasted the high life! Thank god I get to fuck the likes of Smoke Show, my 9. 5 Rio goddess and my home girl Shayla. Doesn't seem possible. But it is! And it's magical. Thank you Seeking! 🙏127995;.
Absolutely agree with your feelings. I am in same boat. As I am reaching 45, my interests are changing. Now GFE, good connection and passion is more important than just couple hours of sex.
In my recent trip to Mexico city, on the last day when I met my favorite SA girl, we spent all night watching TV and drinking wine with lot of cuddling and kissing on the couch. There was no desire to have hard sex. We had sex only in the morning before she left and that was in shower.
Sounds strange but, I will be visiting Bangkok this summer and already started messaging SA girls, instead of looking for massage parlors and go-go bars.
Plan to take some "couple massages" with SA girls after meeting them and before going to hotel.
I no longer enjoy CBJ and CFS. I also do not like PSE anymore, where the gal is acting all slutty. Now, I only enjoy the BB experience, and it has to include passionate DFK and GFE. Anyone else in this boat?
This is why I liked SA, because I could occassionally find this on there. But I am now trying to find PPM arrangments with non-pros and semi-pros on my own, and man, it is a lot of work.
Absolutely agree with your feelings. I am in same boat. As I am reaching 45, my interests are changing. Now GFE, good connection and passion is more important than just couple hours of sex.Depends on who you ask. For guys who want the girlfriend experience it's easy to see why "sugaring" would be preferable over the FKKs. I mean let's call it what it is. It falls within this gray area of dating on the one hand and prostitution on the other. So a monger can go and have all of these "girlfriends" without having to really commit to any of them. What a perfect combination! But for guys like me who don't have a preference for the GFE? The FKKs (and Brazilian termas too) are still God's gift to mankind. Well maybe the FKKs not so much anymore with their current pricing structure.
Depends on who you ask. For guys who want the girlfriend experience it's easy to see why "sugaring" would be preferable over the FKKs. I mean let's call it what it is. It falls within this gray area of dating on the one hand and prostitution on the other. So a monger can go and have all of these "girlfriends" without having to really commit to any of them. What a perfect combination! But for guys like me who don't have a preference for the GFE? The FKKs (and Brazilian termas too) are still God's gift to mankind. Well maybe the FKKs not so much anymore with their current pricing structure.IMHO, there is no comparison. I've been in other threads where the guys are protective over subpar girls (UTR threads) and in certain areas, I'm actually surprised that the standard is so low (Orlando). The escorts are either drug addicted, fat, old, dirty, or just untouchable. Win to the SBs.
FKKs are fine. It's a good experience. However, when it comes to having a good night with a pretty girl, that's 99% not a bait and switch or scam, with the high probability that you will probably be banging her at the end of the night, there is little comparison. Of course, there is a caveat if you are not a pump and dump guy (One of the guys told me that he was a pump and dump guy and doesn't spend time with the girl). Then, QVs and def FKKs would be the way to go.
Massage parlors are good too, but I've been turned off recently by the quality and a lack of the massage experience. I'm not really looking to drop 200 for a hh session with a piss poor massage and "please cum fast so I can get to my next client" sex, or a bad CBJ. It seems that the AMPS are cutting to the chase these days. Again SBs win.
Another comparison would be US vs not US, as I've had GFE sessions with escorts in EU that were amazing. Some actually started to give me free sessions and send me digital Christmas cards LOL. Even still, it comes down to what's your pleasure. If you are GFE guy, SBs can't be beat. Even if you are an hour long escort guy, you get more bang for your buck with SBs (same price but more time).
Even if you are an hour long escort guy, you get more bang for your buck with SBs (same price but more time).Yeah but a lot of "pump & dump" guys also like some volume. You discounted or actually didn't address at all how hard it can be to find a quality sugar baby, especially for guys living in the States. Same price but more time is offset by having to spend a hell of a lot more time just finding a baby you click with. Even Steve acknowledges how much bullshit you have to wade through on a site like SA. With FKKs when you get there the table is set! And all you have to do is run through it! From club to club to club. Next thing you know you've fucked 20+ different girls in 10 days (if you're having a successful trip and I always do)! For hour-long (or even 30 minute) guys our time is valuable and we don't want to spend it wading through fakes, flakes, fraudsters, and scammers to find "the one". Then have to do it all over again when the relationship ends! No, we want to spend our time fucking hot girls, and not have to go through a lot of rigmarole to do it! To each his own.
04-14-23, 23:56
Wow, I did not realize that there are many others in the same boat as me, just wanting BBFS, BBBJ, DFK, and espeically GFE. But I guess that is why most of us are in this thread. From what I read, it seems like most of us got here in a similar way, we have already had our fill of HJs, pump and dump, experiences, PSE, and hard core pros.
For me, in the beginning, I just couldn't believe that I could pay someone to massage my little brother until I came, I couldn't believe I could pay someone to get naked with me in the sack, I couldn't believe I could pay someone to let me bang them. And many of these someones were either young or attractive, or both. It was amazing. I was probably addicted.
But now, that I have had my fill of many crazy experiences, fun times, lucky finds, and spoiled situations, I am looking for something more.
A couple of days ago, a young hottie from my past suddenly texted me, wanting to see me. I know the drill with her. I would go to her place, shower, and then a quick BBBJ and rushed CFS, without any kissing. And then she would later use that money to party with her friends. She actually introduced many of her friends to me, for the same drill, including her sister, and there were many threesomes too. But I decided to not see her this time, even though she has a solid 8 face and bod.
I recently went to an MP and the provider and I started making out and it was really intense. I would rather see her again, and she was a 6 at best, than go to an MP where I can get a FS quickie with an 8! I kind of cannot believe it.
Hell, I do not even mind if I am simply a favorite customer of a hard core pro. I like that too. After I see a pro a few times, they might even let me bareback them, with intense DFKing. Instead of dirty talk, they will call me their BF or they will tell me that they love me, and this turns me on. There's one pro, after I leave her place, she will yell out of her window to me that she loves me, and so I love seeing her.
I was supposed to go on a business trip and I tried to find someone to stay with me. Someone that I could grab a bite and drink with at the end of the day, and then have a nightcap in the room, followed by drunk bangage, and then falling asleep naked. But could not find someone this time, and so I canceled my trip, even though I know several gals that I could meet for incall, I know some agencies, I know of a few pickup bars that pros go to. I could easily get laid over a dozen times by a dozen different gals on that business trip, but I do not feel like doing it.
All of that said, there is still one BIG problem. I also love strange (new gals). And so, the search and work are harder, and the strike out rate is higher.
Elvis 2008
04-15-23, 22:13
I spend 2.5% of my income (or 3.5% of post tax). Guess I am being to conservative in spend and worried more than I should about post retirement cash flow.I admire the dedication and planning, GFE. Does your planning include dying of Covid, being hit by a truck, or nuclear war with Russia? How about a little closer to home, divorce? Or how about a criminal investigation? We are paying for sex which is illegal right? All the people who do financial planning have it all mapped out and give you words like responsible and pat you on your back for doing so. They talk about your average 11.22% return in the stock market and how to save ETC.
The European perspective is a little different having been through wars. Mark Faber is a Swiss economist who wrote the book Fool's Gold. What he described was that since the year 1000 if you had a 5% return on the equivalent of a penny, you would have more money than is in existence today. If you are living in the USA, what you are seeing is a level of growth and peace not known in the history of the world before. The notion that this is going to stay the same is crazy but the people selling you on "retirement" are doing just that.
And has Warren Buffett retired? Hell no. Why would you retire if you skip to work every day and love what you do like he does? People who retired die on average 3 years sooner than people who keep working. I do not plan on retiring. I plan on cutting back and doing the parts of my job I enjoy the most. If you are looking forward to retirement, then you probably hate your job.
And there is the notion of having $2 million in T bonds with a 5% return and getting $100,000 a year. Well, that is assuming the dollar does not go to shit and inflation is not horrific but even still, does that mean you die with $2 million in the bank? So other people are going to benefit from your hard earned work and not you? Is that what you want? I don't. I want to use my own hard earned money on myself.
When Stephen Pollan wrote the book, Die Broke, he thought it would sell a handful of copies, and it sold tons. The sequel Live Rich is worth reading too.
This is from Amazon: America's most trusted financial advisor comes a comprehensive guide to a new and utterly sane financial choice. In Die Broke, you'll learn that life is a game where the loser gives his money to Uncle Sam at the end. There are four steps to the process:
Quit Today.
No, don't tell your boss to shove it. At least not out loud. But in your head accept that from this day on you're a free agent whose number one workplace priority is your personal bottom line.
Pay Cash.
You should be as conscious of spending as you are of saving. Credit should be a rarely used tool for those few times (buying homes and cars) when paying cash is impossible.
Don't Retire.
Your work life should be a journey up and down hills, rather than a climb up a sheer cliff that ends with a jump into the abyss.
Die Broke.
It sounds terrifying, the one intolerable outcome to your financial life. And yet, in truth, dying broke might be your best option for a life without fear: fear of failure and privation now, fear of impoverishment in the long run.
End of link.
When you think of retirement, you put yourself into this mindset that today you are miserable but long term the sacrifice will be worth it because it will be nirvana later. That is bullshit. Yes, at times, I regret spending money on the hooker who is a loser and spending four figures at a strip club. That stuff is pleasurable in the moment but you often feel badly when you are done. And you could say the same about spending money on drugs. How do you feel when you are done? In contrast with the strippers and hookers, I enjoyed myself with the sugar babies sexually and just hanging out with them, and I have no regrets. They made me happy and vice versa.
To me, if I have enough to pay my expenses and my overall balance sheet is growing, that is all I care about. As long as that is happening, why not spend the rest on what makes me happy?
Elvis 2008
04-16-23, 03:51
For me, in the beginning, I just couldn't believe that I could pay someone to massage my little brother until I came, I couldn't believe I could pay someone to get naked with me in the sack, I couldn't believe I could pay someone to let me bang them. And many of these someones were either young or attractive, or both. It was amazing. I was probably addicted.Yeah, MW, we have been brain washed on that score probably because we were turned down by the hotties when we were younger. At that time the studly muscled men had all the women or said they did and did not want things to change, but things did change as women got older. I and I suspect we were slow to recognize the change.
I was reading this book, The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating by David Buss, and the author polled women to see what they wanted, and you know what they really wanted: someone who can provide them resources, has status / is educated, and is older.
There are some primitive impulses with age that have to be overcome. The ideal age for women is 3 to 10 years older per the survey, but I think if a woman felt like you had adequate resources that could change. Ideally a woman wants a guy who can help raise kids even if they do not come out and say it and if you are old but look young and healthy, I think you could get by.
And you know where looks ranked on the scale for what women want? #7. I have often thought that women may have wanted to not show an older man to their younger female friends but often once women got to know me that really was not an issue. Actually a lot of them liked what I had to say because it was not the usual immature BS they and their friends so often hear.
With men, yes looks and health are like #1 through 5 on the list but actually the reason we pick out the most attractive women has to do with health and bearing children. The two most notable qualities I remember are facial symmetry and the right waist to hip ratio, and that ratio was true among all men of all cultures and the symmetry was true for all age ranges.
Most of us probably started with strippers and WGs like I did and graduated to women / SBs who really wanted to hang around me after the deed was done. I was shocked when I mentioned being the BF with one of my SBs and she considered it. I thought she was so out of my league.
Another common mistake guys make is confusing SBs with WGs. Do you know those flings married women have with the Chippendale types? Well, it turns out they are not Chippendale types but women looking for a better deal, and the men they cheat with are men they are actually interested in dating / being married to. Interestingly, unlike men, the women have no guilt when looking for an upgrade BTW.
So maybe there are the P4 P women who are solely interested in money when meeting, but I think other guys underestimate how well we men sniff those types out. If you have been successful with money, you know those who are just looking at you as a paycheck.
A real SB is interested in your being their husband / BF no matter what they say. They will deny it especially if you are married but this guy's research shows something else. And that is why the sex is so much better. There is trust and genuine affection in the relationship.
If women are really interested in resources first, and they are, seeking allows for cutting out the BS. Where else am I going to meet a stunning woman for a 30 minute to 2 hour interview where I can see if she is compatible with me and what I want? Where else have I met beauty contestant winners, lawyers, doctors ETC who cause other men to cream in their pants when they see them?
One poster in the Medellin moron forum said that he thought men were saps using seeking / SA to find the woman of the dreams because he knew better. The seeking women are all P4 P WG types. He had never ponied up the $100 but somehow he knew all about the women on the site, and he felt the poster below really screwed up.
6. Mariana (23) $100 When I arrived to medellin and sent her a message. I did not offer any money and she did not ask for anything. We met and had dinner. She was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. She asked me for a one time payment of $100. I was obviously unsure but I wanted her so much that I accepted. We headed to my place and I was short the $ 100. I offered to pay later and she accepted. She offered GFE, BBBJ but no BBFS, I would have to wait for that until the 3rd date. She honored her word and I did not pay her any more money. We spent a whole week together and then another week, and again she did not mention any money. We eventually became so attached that I asked her to be my GF and she accepted. We deleted our SA profiles. We traveled to Cancun and Cartagena. We lived together, We dreamed of getting married and having kids. She met my parents and I met her whole family. 8 or so months later we broke up. It's ok if you mock me but I was so happy and it was so beautiful.Yes, another poster actually was sad for this guy Davv.
Once you accept what women really want and tune out all the fools, it is easy to believe that you can find these women. MW, you are a good provider of resources. Why wouldn't the women want you?
04-16-23, 15:51
I've been financially fortunate in my life. I make more than I ever thought I was going to, and when I run models on my investments it seems clear that I will retire early with more money than I can responsibly spend in my life.
Once I realized this years ago my perspective on this little hobby changed. And life. People save to retire so they can be free one day. But I realized that I have another cost in my life. The opportunity cost of time. Nobody rewards you for over saving. And you can't take it with you.
The biggest regret in life will surely be not doing the things you wanted to do. And I want to do this. So I do whenever I can.
The only thing that throttles me is being married. I have to keep the cash outflow to a below the radar level. Which is still quite high. But here's the interesting part. I don't wish my wife were out of the way. Actually I think the one thing standing between me and self destruction is having someone I need to be attentive to and responsible to. I'd otherwise just spend every 4 weeks in Thailand doing stupid shit and ruining my body.
I suspect others of you are in the same boat as me.
I admire the dedication and planning, GFE. Does your planning include dying of Covid, being hit by a truck, or nuclear war with Russia? How about a little closer to home, divorce? Or how about a criminal investigation? We are paying for sex which is illegal right? All the people who do financial planning have it all mapped out and give you words like responsible and pat you on your back for doing so. They talk about your average 11.22% return in the stock market and how to save ETC.
The European perspective is a little different having been through wars. Mark Faber is a Swiss economist who wrote the book Fool's Gold. What he described was that since the year 1000 if you had a 5% return on the equivalent of a penny, you would have more money than is in existence today. If you are living in the USA, what you are seeing is a level of growth and peace not known in the history of the world before. The notion that this is going to stay the same is crazy but the people selling you on "retirement" are doing just that.
And has Warren Buffett retired? Hell no. Why would you retire if you skip to work every day and love what you do like he does? People who retired die on average 3 years sooner than people who keep working. I do not plan on retiring.
I admire the dedication and planning, GFE. Does your planning include dying of Covid, being hit by a truck, or nuclear war with Russia? How about a little closer to home, divorce? Or how about a criminal investigation? We are paying for sex which is illegal right? All the people who do financial planning have it all mapped out and give you words like responsible and pat you on your back for doing so. They talk about your average 11.22% return in the stock market and how to save ETC.
The European perspective is a little different having been through wars. Mark Faber is a Swiss economist who wrote the book Fool's Gold. What he described was that since the year 1000 if you had a 5% return on the equivalent of a penny, you would have more money than is in existence today. If you are living in the USA, what you are seeing is a level of growth and peace not known in the history of the world before. The notion that this is going to stay the same is crazy but the people selling you on "retirement" are doing just that.
And has Warren Buffett retired? Hell no. Why would you retire if you skip to work every day and love what you do like he does? People who retired die on average 3 years sooner than people who keep working. I do not plan on retiring. I plan on cutting back and doing the parts of my job I enjoy the most. If you are looking forward to retirement, then you probably hate your job.
And there is the notion of having $2 million in T bonds with a 5% return and getting $100,000 a year. Well, that is assuming the dollar does not go to shit and inflation is not horrific but even still, does that mean you die with $2 million in the bank? So other people are going to benefit from your hard earned work and not you? Is that what you want? I don't. I want to use my own hard earned money on myself.
When Stephen Pollan wrote the book, Die Broke, he thought it would sell a handful of copies, and it sold tons. The sequel Live Rich is worth reading too.
This is from Amazon: America's most trusted financial advisor comes a comprehensive guide to a new and utterly sane financial choice. In Die Broke, you'll learn that life is a game where the loser gives his money to Uncle Sam at the end. There are four steps to the process:
Quit Today.
No, don't tell your boss to shove it. At least not out loud. But in your head accept that from this day on you're a free agent whose number one workplace priority is your personal bottom line.
Pay Cash.
You should be as conscious of spending as you are of saving. Credit should be a rarely used tool for those few times (buying homes and cars) when paying cash is impossible.
Don't Retire.
Your work life should be a journey up and down hills, rather than a climb up a sheer cliff that ends with a jump into the abyss.
Die Broke.
It sounds terrifying, the one intolerable outcome to your financial life. And yet, in truth, dying broke might be your best option for a life without fear: fear of failure and privation now, fear of impoverishment in the long run.
End of link.
When you think of retirement, you put yourself into this mindset that today you are miserable but long term the sacrifice will be worth it because it will be nirvana later. That is bullshit. Yes, at times, I regret spending money on the hooker who is a loser and spending four figures at a strip club. That stuff is pleasurable in the moment but you often feel badly when you are done. And you could say the same about spending money on drugs. How do you feel when you are done? In contrast with the strippers and hookers, I enjoyed myself with the sugar babies sexually and just hanging out with them, and I have no regrets. They made me happy and vice versa.
To me, if I have enough to pay my expenses and my overall balance sheet is growing, that is all I care about. As long as that is happening, why not spend the rest on what makes me happy?You can shoot to die broke only if you have no wife and children that you want to pass onto.
The other issue is that it is not an easy skating to the location of the puck. You don't know when you might die exactly. Spend too fast, you will go broke too soon and spend the last years of life as a hobo or worse yet forced to get back to work into a job not suited for your skills and at a pay much less than what you could make. Japan is already in this situation. A number of retirees are being forced to get back to work or partial work to pay for living expenses as they are living too long and their finances are broke.
If you are too conservative in your spending habits, you will die with money left in the bank as you stated astutely.
The last few years of your life are hard to model accurately. Your expenses and desire to spend do not scale linearly. By several calculations, healthcare spend rises very non linearly in the last years. Especially if you have serious diseases like cancer or need skilled home, nursing room, hospice care. Also, you may not have the same desire to fuck and splurge and gain the same enjoyment from other activities as you did when you were younger. Already in my mid 40's I enjoy alcohol much less than I used to, and work stress and other issues mean it also gives much more heartburn. Not worth it except an occasional drink with Co workers or at business events. I wonder if my sex drive slows down as well. Probably has already. The anticipation of fucking a new SB or walking into an FKK to bang a few is not the same as when I was in 30's.
Finally, even the money management is not an easy task. You can obtain 5% only on the short term bonds if you buy today. In 3 months you have to roll it again at whatever rates prevailing then. If you go out farther on the duration curve, you can lock in rates but at lower levels. If you get lucky and inflation is less than expected your long term bonds will appreciate but if you are unlucky and inflation is higher than expected, your holdings will lose value if you sell them. You can hold them till maturity and collect the guaranteed coupon but obviously since inflation is higher than expected in this scenario, the real value of your coupon is not what it was supposed to be. You can also of course buy stocks but they have a totally different risk profile altogether including being substantially less when you need to cash out.
I agree with trying to work as long as you can. It is good for health (assuming you are not a manual worker and your physical health impacted due to heavy lifting etc; I doubt too many Sugar daddies are in this category) and keeps you motivated in life for more than just money. The status you have in life, the satisfaction of keeping the brain sharp and competing with younger folks is not something you can understinate.
Do you guys send pictures to seeking girls before meeting? If yes, what if the girl expose you on of the are we dating the same guy FB group?
04-17-23, 13:46
Great post.
Spot on. It really underscores the tension between living in the present and preparing for the future. It's not a simple algorithm.
You can shoot to die broke only if you have no wife and children that you want to pass onto.
The other issue is that it is not an easy skating to the location of the puck. You don't know when you might die exactly. Spend too fast, you will go broke too soon and spend the last years of life as a hobo or worse yet forced to get back to work into a job not suited for your skills and at a pay much less than what you could make. Japan is already in this situation. A number of retirees are being forced to get back to work or partial work to pay for living expenses as they are living too long and their finances are broke.
If you are too conservative in your spending habits, you will die with money left in the bank as you stated astutely..
Remember girls are submissive and will largely follow your lead even if that lead is to the hotel room.Sure, but do not give her the gift / allowance before you are in the hotel room. Just in case.
SA is a pain in the ass trying find a good match and can take a while but when it happens it's amazing. Found a newbie and we met quickly which is key. During the meet and greet she seemed genuine and sincere and looked good. Thin with a nice ass for a MILF from Sinaloa.
However she had the flu so we didn't do anything and confirmed our chemistry and connection for a definite 2nd meet at a hotel.
A week later we met in centro on Revo and 4th at the baristi cafe, my ground zero for meetups, and I took her to the Pueblo Amigo hotel. For the next 2 hours we had the most decadent passionate sex I've had in months.
It was full on DFK, BBBJ, DATY, true GFE and PSE. She has the smoothest olive skin with hazel eyes, thin waist, and an amazing irresistible ass.
It's been harder and harder to find these gems in SA Tijuana to agree to my program for 2 hours X $200 but when it happens it's exquisite.
SA is a pain in the ass trying find a good match and can take a while but when it happens it's amazing. Found a newbie and we met quickly which is key. During the meet and greet she seemed genuine and sincere and looked good. Thin with a nice ass for a MILF from Sinaloa.
However she had the flu so we didn't do anything and confirmed our chemistry and connection for a definite 2nd meet at a hotel.
A week later we met in centro on Revo and 4th at the baristi cafe, my ground zero for meetups, and I took her to the Pueblo Amigo hotel. For the next 2 hours we had the most decadent passionate sex I've had in months.
It was full on DFK, BBBJ, DATY, true GFE and PSE. She has the smoothest olive skin with hazel eyes, thin waist, and an amazing irresistible ass.
It's been harder and harder to find these gems in SA Tijuana to agree to my program for 2 hours X $200 but when it happens it's exquisite.Forgot to add a pic of my recent trip report for the visuals.
04-19-23, 12:09
If women are really interested in resources first, and they are, seeking allows for cutting out the BS. Where else am I going to meet a stunning woman for a 30 minute to 2 hour interview where I can see if she is compatible with me and what I want? Where else have I met beauty contestant winners, lawyers, doctors ETC who cause other men to cream in their pants when they see them?
Once you accept what women really want and tune out all the fools, it is easy to believe that you can find these women. MW, you are a good provider of resources. Why wouldn't the women want you?Two of my current SBs are Maya and Tea Gal.
Maya is someone I met several years ago. Long story short, we flirted, we hooked up, and then I became her BF / SD. Gave her a monthly allowance of $1200 per month. I was in heaven. She was super hot, great bod, and very, very GFE both in and out of the bedroom. But one day she got mad at me about something silly and dumped me. A little over two years later, she starts texting me suddenly, saying how she remembers our good times together. But I know she is desperate for money because she's been in and out of a job for the past two years due to China's zero Covid policies. And right now, she is only working part time, doing nails and eye lashes at a beauty salon. Well, surprise, surprise, we are now back together. Gee, I wonder why. And every time we meet (and this time I am going with PPM, as I now think montly allowance is a horrible idea), the sessions are great, can last for as long as I want them too, and it is very, very GFE, like old times.
Tea Gal serves tea in a tea house, and I met her about three or four years ago. She giggled at all my jokes, and so I got her contact and chatted her up for a week or two and then asked her to be my GF. She asked me what that entailed, and I explicitly told her it is a PPM arrangement. Well, she absolutely scoffed at that. I kept begging, and eventually she deleted my contact. I keep sending her friend requests to re-add my contact, but she ignores them. About a year goes by, and one day she suddenly accepts my friend invitation and we are chat buddies again, but I soon start asking her to my GF again and and keeps scoffing at it. But then, she too is in and out of work during China's zero Covid policies. Then a few days ago, she texts me and asks me why I have not texted her lately. I simply asked if we can meet at my apartment (I am currently renting an apartment to take gals to), and, as usual, she says no, but after some back and forth, she finally agrees as long as I am gentle, nice, and kind. I said sure. Next day, we meet, and wow, it was worth the wait gentlemen. Mid-20's, pretty face, fun personality, and an amazing bod. And it was very, very GFE.
And now, I text back and forth with them all day, every day, just talking about stuff. I am planning / hoping that I can meet them about 3 times per month, each. That should be enough for me.
Am I lucky to have Maya and Tea Gal? Yes. But are they my GF / SB because I can provide for them? Yes to that too.
Not all women care about age. Most of them looking for good life and easy money.
Came across this video, where a 63 yr old guy found a 23 year old SB on Tinder and they are together for 3 months. The SB ID so hot and still she is very down to earth and have no issues with age of her SD.
Yeah, MW, we have been brain washed on that score probably because we were turned down by the hotties when we were younger. At that time the studly muscled men had all the women or said they did and did not want things to change, but things did change as women got older. I and I suspect we were slow to recognize the change.
I was reading this book, The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating by David Buss, and the author polled women to see what they wanted, and you know what they really wanted: someone who can provide them resources, has status / is educated, and is older.
There are some primitive impulses with age that have to be overcome. The ideal age for women is 3 to 10 years older per the survey, but I think if a woman felt like you had adequate resources that could change. Ideally a woman wants a guy who can help raise kids even if they do not come out and say it and if you are old but look young and healthy, I think you could get by.
And you know where looks ranked on the scale for what women want? #7. I have often thought that women may have wanted to not show an older man to their younger female friends but often once women got to know me that really was not an issue. Actually a lot of them liked what I had to say because it was not the usual immature BS they and their friends so often hear.
With men, yes looks and health are like #1 through 5 on the list but actually the reason we pick out the most attractive women has to do with health and bearing children. The two most notable qualities I remember are facial symmetry and the right waist to hip ratio, and that ratio was true among all men of all cultures and the symmetry was true for all age ranges.
Most of us probably started with strippers and WGs like I did and graduated to women / SBs who really wanted to hang around me after the deed was done. I was shocked when I mentioned being the BF with one of my SBs and she considered it. I thought she was so out of my league.
Another common mistake guys make is confusing SBs with WGs. Do you know those flings married women have with the Chippendale types? Well, it turns out they are not Chippendale types but women looking for a better deal, and the men they cheat with are men they are actually interested in dating / being married to. Interestingly, unlike men, the women have no guilt when looking for an upgrade BTW.
So maybe there are the P4 P women who are solely interested in money when meeting, but I think other guys underestimate how well we men sniff those types out. If you have been successful with money, you know those who are just looking at you as a paycheck.
A real SB is interested in your being their husband / BF no matter what they say. They will deny it especially if you are married but this guy's research shows something else. And that is why the sex is so much better. There is trust and genuine affection in the relationship.
If women are really interested in resources first, and they are, seeking allows for cutting out the BS. Where else am I going to meet a stunning woman for a 30 minute to 2 hour interview where I can see if she is compatible with me and what I want? Where else have I met beauty contestant winners, lawyers, doctors ETC who cause other men to cream in their pants when they see them?
One poster in the Medellin moron forum said that he thought men were saps using seeking / SA to find the woman of the dreams because he knew better. The seeking women are all P4 P WG types. He had never ponied up the $100 but somehow he knew all about the women on the site, and he felt the poster below really screwed up.
Yes, another poster actually was sad for this guy Davv.
Once you accept what women really want and tune out all the fools, it is easy to believe that you can find these women. MW, you are a good provider of resources. Why wouldn't the women want you?
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