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Steve 9696
05-12-20, 22:47
Don't believe I've previously posted this. I assume we could all use some actual sex stories in this lean time. Field report on my first use of SA in London. Second was even better. Oh and this is where I left $2000 on the table by accident and they didn't touch it.


For my final night I've decided even tho I love going dancing with Paula and having sex with an escort before or after, I really want the full package where the dancing LEADS TO the bedroom. So I start hitting Seeking Arrangement hard, actually starting in the Uber after I leave Paula. Right after I arrive at my hotel that night I hit upon a Colombian hottie but I don't hear back till she texts me back around 3 am.

I know this is a super risky move going to SA since it's hit or miss, and it could be a fail at the dinner table or in the room but I want to take the risk to have the reward of a blowout final night. And (spoiler alert!) a blowout it is.

So I explore all the options (limited) but manage to engage Tana (the Colombiana) in a dialogue that leads to pay dirt. She agrees to see me for 350 for 4-5 hrs of unrushed fun. Dinner dancing and room time. This seems high based on my SA experience to date, but my alternative had been Noleta at straight up Diva pricing of 450 for what would have to be a rushed 3 hours (or 600 for 4 hours yikes!) so I am Ok with her price.

Well the price turns out to be 1/2 off because she says it's her friends birthday and can she come too? At first I think she is trying to upsell me to 700 but she confirms no price change. A two for one deal. Two girls for four hours for 350 . Now THATS a deal (in London) OK baby, it's on!

And I would say we have a top 5 "full experience" kind of night. They both show up at VietFood (where I am repeating) and Tana is clearly a solid 9+. She's a little slim for me, but her face and hair are boner-producing perfection. OMG way prettier than her pics. And Liliana not as much. A 7 without her glasses and a six with them. But what a lovely sweet girl and she loves to dance. And way more affectionate than Tana holding hands and snuggling up against me at various points. They are a great team Tana brings the optics and Liliana brings the GFE. LOL.

We have a nice intro dinner where I teach them how to use chopsticks and they do quite well. I am a pretty good dinner companion and we fall into it effortlessly. Just three old friends having dinner. Great fun and great food. Honestly the best I've eaten in ten years.

We have a grand time at Bar Soho and GAY. I mean who doesnt love being the guy dancing with two of the hottest chicks in the club. And I admit I like just spoiling them a bit dropping cash for dinner and drinks. But we are now 2. 5 hours in and Tana suggests we go to the room, which is a good idea because we'll be 3 hours in by the time we reach the hotel. Possibly the highlight of the whole thing is the pedal cab ride home! (They have these bicycle powered rickshaws throughout Soho). We have cracked a bottle of wine and are drinking it from the bottle and they are cranking the Colombian tunes and singing along. Me as the creamy filling between the two hotties. OMG the funnest thing.

The sex is great but in a funny way. We're cuddling on the bed, Tana in just her thong (wow!) and Liliana fully clothed. I don't think much about this till later but that was odd for Liliana to stay clothed. She's got a slight baby pooch so she may not want to be naked with Tana the slim goddess right beside her.

Well we get me naked and Tana goes for the condom for the BJ. I wave her off and say that’s not gonna work. Well rather than arguing about it, she talks with Liliana the GFE friend in Spanish and next thing u know Liliana is giving me a spectacular BBBJ. Totally works for me cuz Liliana is the BBBJ specialist (fully clothed) as Tana is the optics dancing now fully naked above me.

Eventually Tana fully engages for the sex part and it's quite great. She is soooo fucking beautiful and if you like slim, her body is a perfect ten. Looking at her eyes and smile while you fuck her in mish is legendary. And rare excellent pussy feel in all three positions did lazy dog rather than traditional. Oh and she added in some RCG and ACG for variety. In the end a BJHJ combo finish with Liliana strong on BLS (first of the week!) and Tana alternately kissing me deeply and just looking at me super sexy, enjoying me enjoying Lilianas excellent BBBJ (OWO). OMG did I say Tana was beautiful? That girl is dynamite.

A good 20 minute cuddle in a Liliana, Steve, Tana sandwich after climax. Sweet girls and 4 hours in total. I was completely and deeply satisfied.

Big Boss Man
05-12-20, 23:14
Two of the woman have sent me background check apps. Anybody have experience with these things. It is probably just a way that they can get a commission right?

Steve 9696
05-12-20, 23:25
Two of the woman have sent me background check apps. Anybody have experience with these things. It is probably just a way that they can get a commission right?I don't know what your search criteria is or how you are finding these women but I have NEVER had such a thing suggested. A scam perhaps? Real girls are too naive for that and pros to seasoned to care. I think it's got to be scammers. Message me with the city and their profile name and I would be happy to look and see what I think.

Big Boss Man
05-12-20, 23:39
I don't know what your search criteria is or how you are finding these women but I have NEVER had such a thing suggested. A scam perhaps? Real girls are too naive for that and pros to seasoned to care. I think it's got to be scammers. Message me with the city and their profile name and I would be happy to look and see what I think.https://optimumscreening.com/SA?oid=977&pid=5140716&memberid=5140716

You get a badge on your profile if pay for this screening.

The Cane
05-12-20, 23:59
Well, it is perfectly your prerogative to use sugar babe sites or not use them. You can reject them without trying out even once, nothing wrong with that. It does not mean you should treat them as WG or disrespect them. But always keep that in mind. If a waitress at a restaurant or a cashier at a store does not provide the best service, or talks to you less than politely, you will never say I will boycott all restaurants or grocery stores. At worst, you might boycott that specific joint. Why form an opinion about all sugar babes based on what we hear about some girls behaving in a certain way with certain guys? Personally, I think that's an over reaction based on prior naive expectations.Dear Pessimist,

Thank you for letting me know that it is my prerogative. I did not realize that until you so astutely pointed it out. Now that you have, I will act accordingly. Thank you for enlightening me. But who said anything about treating them like a tute? Certainly I did not (I actually treat the tutes quite well mind you). I'm already savvy enough to know we're not talking about in your face prostitution here. Or, eh are we? No, what I'm talking about is not being treated like a simp and disrespected by them, which is exactly what they're doing by thinking I'm supposed to pay them some money just for showing up for a first meet and greet, on top of being a gentleman and paying 100% for drinks, dinner and whatever else that would contribute to a pleasant evening of getting to know one another. I'm not doing that for anybody, be it a tute, a sugar baby, or a "regular" girl. Pay them just to show up to eat the food and down the drinks I also paid for. And by the looks of it, it would seem that some of the men here who do partake in the sugar babes see it as I do.

And lastly, sometimes it's OK to live and learn vicariously you know. You don't have to go out and engage in everything every single time to understand with informed knowledge (as opposed to naivete) that it's not for you. For your own enlightenment, please know that I've researched the sugar baby scene very, very well (for several years my friend) and have viewed (documentaries and programs) and read (all over the internet including here) enough about it (from both the perspectives of the sugar daddies and the sugar babies) to know that it's not for me. Hey how about some props for knowing me for me better than anybody else possibly could? I'm well-educated, I'm well-traveled, and I tend not to shoot from the hip, especially when it comes to how I'm going to spend (or not spend) my money on the ladies. But even if I did shoot from the hip and acted with uninformed naivete, as you say. It would be my prerogative. We understand each other on this. Thank you for shopping!

The Cane
05-13-20, 00:09
Two of the woman have sent me background check apps. Anybody have experience with these things. It is probably just a way that they can get a commission right?There was one "jurisdiction" I used to work where the girls regularly asked for "references". WTF is this? A job search? Now, I know why they were doing it, and it could be the same reason for why you're being asked this. Law enforcement knows that so much of the sugar baby scene is nothing more than a cover for prostitution, and it would not surprise me one bit if some of these girls have gotten stung, or they know somebody who has been stung. Or, they're just plain paranoid. As I indicated in a previous post, I have studied this whole scene quite well (really), and I've been waiting for the stories to start coming out. LE begins to target sugar baby sites and starts taking people down. Like they eventually did Craig's List. Sugar babies and sugar daddies. These women could be legit and fear that you are LE. I know one thing. I wouldn't be sending them a damn thing! For real! Out of their f'in minds to ask. Be careful out there men!

Steve 9696
05-13-20, 00:52

You get a badge on your profile if pay for this screening.Wow. Definitely do NOT do this. You are trying to stay anonymous. The last thing you need is a background screening. I have no photo and no validation whatsoever. Never had a girl ask for more than a pic of what I look like. Even though I've only had 20 ish dates I've surely exchanged chat with hundreds and pics with over a hundred and never ever been asked for more than pics.

05-13-20, 01:20
Yes, video chat is a must!

Video chats either via FaceTime or Google Meet or Duo. No silly shit like Snapchat or Skype.

Asking them to video chat will weed out lots of scammers (like fake profiles of women who are not actually the women in the photos), but it still doesn't guarantee you aren't dealing with a scammer or someone working with robbing crews (see my long story a few pages back).

My information and advise is USA specific. Seems most guys here are having much better luck with SA in places other than the US where prostitution is legal.

05-13-20, 01:20
LOL! Background screening. Ha ha ha. No ways I'm going to do.

Wow. Definitely do NOT do this. You are trying to stay anonymous. The last thing you need is a background screening. I have no photo and no validation whatsoever. Never had a girl ask for more than a pic of what I look like. Even though I've only had 20 ish dates I've surely exchanged chat with hundreds and pics with over a hundred and never ever been asked for more than pics.

05-13-20, 01:22
I usually give a small gift like a perfume for meet and greet. Nothing too fancy.

If she asks this question she just told you the answer she does not want to have sex with you. She wants you to pay to meet her. Blech! Don't do it.

I have offered to pay a bit but it's an either or proposition. I explain how the date should go and for a complete date I would give $300 or whatever allowance. But if we don't vibe we can part no foul and I will pay your Uber or whatever. Indirectly this has set up in her mind if I bail I get $25 and if I go to the room I get $300. So far always gone with the $300 option.

Even had a Colombian hottie in London I had to go to $100 if she decides to bail. But her friend and me and her had a blast at dinner and had a four hour complete date instead. It was pretty great. Worth every penny. Not saying Id recommend this practice but it worked out well here. Got the girl, got her friend thrown in and had a great time.

05-13-20, 01:24
Wow. Definitely do NOT do this. You are trying to stay anonymous. The last thing you need is a background screening. I have no photo and no validation whatsoever. Never had a girl ask for more than a pic of what I look like. Even though I've only had 20 ish dates I've surely exchanged chat with hundreds and pics with over a hundred and never ever been asked for more than pics.I totally agree with Steve. Do not agree to a background check. Don't even bother explaining why you won't do it. It's a convo that is just a waste of your time. Just move along to the next gal.

05-13-20, 01:39
I am just the opposite of Midwestern. Never a coffee date. Always dinner or drinks and straight to room. Generally 2-4 hours total. Unless she stays the night. Which always warms my heart.Just a clarification. I *always* use Steve's method when I *already* have a hotel room. For example, if I am on a business trip. I have to admit, it's more hit than miss. Especially if we are meeting for drinks, which relaxes inhibitions. So, if you already have a room, then I totally agree that Steve's approach is the way to go. Otherwise, a coffee date is a waste of time, especially if she does not insist on it or suggests it.

BUT, when I am at home, then I *always* do a coffee date first. Otherwise, what can I do? Book a hotel room and then hope that we will have naughty fun on the first date? Nope. Too many no-shows and sometimes when they do show, the chemistry just wasn't there. So, I paid for a room for nothing. Or, if first date does go well, then book a room on an app and head to the room? Nope. I need to show up at the front desk to go through the whole process of checking in, and this likely entails my losing my anonymity.

Please correct me if I am doing it wrong.

05-13-20, 01:49
I paid for a meet and greet a few times. It never led to anything. They continued to want to get paid for platonic dates. At first, I thought it might be worth it because maybe it will be a fun date. But then I realized that the kind of gals that want $100 just for a platonic date are not the kind of girls that are going to be fun to begin with. So I totally stopped doing it.

The funny thing is that if you question them about it, then they will say that they have been scammed so many times and so now they need proof that we are really rich and have sincere intentions for an arrangement, and they will often say "if you are really rich, then why do you care about a measly $100?" I have to admit, this is a compelling line, but just move to the next gal.

Besides, it's all about setting expectations. If you want to be generous, then do it later, after you feel like it is genuinely merited and worth it.

The Cane
05-13-20, 02:06
The funny thing is that if you question them about it, then they will say that they have been scammed so many times and so now they need proof that we are really rich and have sincere intentions for an arrangement, and they will often say "if you are really rich, then why do you care about a measly $100?" I have to admit, this is a compelling line, but just move to the next gal.Not to me it isn't, and the question is beside the point as far as I'm concerned. You don't get rich by doling out your money for little or nothing in return. Too many people simply don't have the right level of appreciation for this, especially people who have never had any money. Now, if she intends to put out, then why does she need a "measely" $100 just for showing up when she could have a much more generous gift back in the room? Pray tell girlie LOL!

05-13-20, 02:43
Dear Pessimist,

Thank you for letting me know that it is my prerogative. I did not realize that until you so astutely pointed it out. Now that you have, I will act accordingly. Thank you for enlightening me. But who said anything about treating them like a tute? Certainly I did not (I actually treat the tutes quite well mind you). I'm already savvy enough to know we're not talking about in your face prostitution here. Or, eh are we? No, what I'm talking about is not being treated like a simp and disrespected by them, which is exactly what they're doing by thinking I'm supposed to pay them some money just for showing up for a first meet and greet, on top of being a gentleman and paying 100% for drinks, dinner and whatever else that would contribute to a pleasant evening of getting to know one another. I'm not doing that for anybody, be it a tute, a sugar baby, or a "regular" girl. Pay them just to show up to eat the food and down the drinks I also paid for. And by the looks of it, it would seem that some of the men here who do partake in the sugar babes see it as I do.

And lastly, sometimes it's OK to live and learn vicariously you know. You don't have to go out and engage in everything every single time to understand with informed knowledge (as opposed to naivete) that it's not for you. For your own enlightenment, please know that I've researched the sugar baby scene very, very well (for several years my friend) and have viewed (documentaries and programs) and read (all over the internet including here) enough about it (from both the perspectives of the sugar daddies and the sugar babies) to know that it's not for me. Hey how about some props for knowing me for me better than anybody else possibly could? I'm well-educated, I'm well-traveled, and I tend not to shoot from the hip, especially when it comes to how I'm going to spend (or not spend) my money on the ladies. But even if I did shoot from the hip and acted with uninformed naivete, as you say. It would be my prerogative. We understand each other on this. Thank you for shopping!Wow. You seem to be excessively sensitive. A lot of wasted sarcasm. Good that you have studied sugar babe sites. If you have never used the sites though, studying is just studying. It is as if a virgin said "I studied a lot of sex, even watched a lot of tapes". However, even in this post you talk as if money for the meet and greet is mandatory. I just said there are no rules when it comes to sugar babe sites and indeed no rules for the whole sugar babe scene. By implying that there is anything like a set rule or mandatory gift giving ("being treated like a simp and disrespected by them, which is exactly what they're doing by thinking I'm supposed to pay them some money just for showing up for a first meet and greet" you are already showing that your "studies" were still incomplete. Hopefully, this particular thread is helpful in furthering your studies. Good luck and congratulations for being well traveled and well educated my friend! Always a rare pleasure to meet such people in forums like this.

05-13-20, 02:59
I paid for a meet and greet a few times. It never led to anything. They continued to want to get paid for platonic dates. At first, I thought it might be worth it because maybe it will be a fun date. But then I realized that the kind of gals that want $100 just for a platonic date are not the kind of girls that are going to be fun to begin with. So I totally stopped doing it.

The funny thing is that if you question them about it, then they will say that they have been scammed so many times and so now they need proof that we are really rich and have sincere intentions for an arrangement, and they will often say "if you are really rich, then why do you care about a measly $100?" I have to admit, this is a compelling line, but just move to the next gal.

Besides, it's all about setting expectations. If you want to be generous, then do it later, after you feel like it is genuinely merited and worth it.I am afraid I need to disagree with you on your second paragraph MW. Again, this is strictly my take. You are an experienced sugar daddy, whatever works for you works for you. But those type of arguments from a girl "prove to me you are real, prove to me you are rich" are a huge turnoff and I tend to block them when I receive such replies. First, we need to prove nothing, least of all to girls who are ready to fuck for money. Secondly, throwing $100 does not prove one is rich. Even if I had $100 M, I would not pay $20 for a stick of chewing gum for example. You pay what something is worth, and I have a very strict principle that I will pay nothing for a meet and greet. I am paying for the drink or lunch, and that is enough.

Some girls say they don't have a car and ride and ask for Uber money. That is a legitimate request as it is indeed true that some of them have no money and no car. I offer them that I can pick them wherever they want to be picked, and we can drive to a restaurant near their house. Some object and say they cannot get into a car with a person they have not met yet. I tell them there is little I can do. If they cannot risk getting into a car with someone they do not know, I am not going to give money to a person I do not know yet.

I think giving money for a first time meet and greet is a slippery slope. But then again, this is my personal view.

Elvis 2008
05-13-20, 03:02
Please correct me if I am doing it wrong.That is how I do it. If I have a hotel room, I just pretend that I am lousy with directions and meet the girl in the hotel bar or restaurant.

05-13-20, 06:39
I paid for a meet and greet a few times. It never led to anything. They continued to want to get paid for platonic dates. There are many girls on SA that are offering this on their profile. I really doubt they are getting too much business. Most men who are hitting the SD sites have successful lives filled with powerful and intelligent women, we have no shortage of platonic dates.

That being said, their are some stunners whom if they are accompanying us to a function or event then they should get payment for that as a service.

For hotel in my home town I have a couple of pre-approved hotel destinations that I have already researched. They are cool with me arriving early for my requirements, so that gives me the use of the room during the day, usually I can access a room from 10 am.

This week when I met a girl for the first time for a coffee date I already had two hotels researched in the immediate area. As soon as I saw that beautiful slender woman in heels I knew I would be exercising my hotel option. We turned up at the hotel, I checked in and paid cash. Yes, I give my real name on checkin. Paying cash keeps it off any bank statements.


Steve 9696
05-13-20, 12:22
There are many girls on SA that are offering this on their profile. I really doubt they are getting too much business. Most men who are hitting the SD sites have successful lives filled with powerful and intelligent women, we have no shortage of platonic dates.

That being said, their are some stunners whom if they are accompanying us to a function or event then they should get payment for that as a service.

For hotel in my home town I have a couple of pre-approved hotel destinations that I have already researched. They are cool with me arriving early for my requirements, so that gives me the use of the room during the day, usually I can access a room from 10 am.

This week when I met a girl for the first time for a coffee date I already had two hotels researched in the immediate area. As soon as I saw that beautiful slender woman in heels I knew I would be exercising my hotel option. We turned up at the hotel, I checked in and paid cash. Yes, I give my real name on checkin. Paying cash keeps it off any bank statements.

PP.So yeah agree the local hotel that I am paying for is the most complex part. Easy when traveling. Fortunately a girl I am seeing from time to time invited me to her place after two hotel visits. But I am trying out a new girl and the hotel situation presents itself again.

I am curious about how you discussed your 10 AM arrival for your requirements with the hotel? I would think most chains would not be down with "I need a room for a couple hours of fucking at 10 AM". So how did you phrase this and get such an early checkin?

Ps Great to see this thread active and flourishing! For the first couple months felt like me and Midwestern talking into the void. Great to see it gaining momentum and good information exchange. BTW my Miami $1000 shot off the bow girl seems to be going to accept $400. Although I have a couple girls who didn’t irk me in that way that I like better at this point. We’ll see.

05-13-20, 14:05
There are many girls on SA that are offering this on their profile. I really doubt they are getting too much business. Most men who are hitting the SD sites have successful lives filled with powerful and intelligent women, we have no shortage of platonic dates.

That being said, their are some stunners whom if they are accompanying us to a function or event then they should get payment for that as a service.

For hotel in my home town I have a couple of pre-approved hotel destinations that I have already researched. They are cool with me arriving early for my requirements, so that gives me the use of the room during the day, usually I can access a room from 10 am.

This week when I met a girl for the first time for a coffee date I already had two hotels researched in the immediate area. As soon as I saw that beautiful slender woman in heels I knew I would be exercising my hotel option. We turned up at the hotel, I checked in and paid cash. Yes, I give my real name on checkin. Paying cash keeps it off any bank statements.

PP.Sugar dates are a different matter. Yes, some guys like to show off by going to a party with an attractive young date. The girl expects to get paid for it. That is one of the sub segments of sugar babes, not all of them can pull it off. You want someone who is attractive, articulate, will not make a fool of herself and by extension you at the party, will not blurt out that you paid for her in front of your boss and colleagues and so on. I see it as a risky gambit for the guy, but for the girl it can be a good situation.

That is however, a different situation from what we were talking about, which is about paying the girl for that first meet, just to meet. That to me is a no no. I am fine if a guy and girl meet, decide to have a strictly platonic arrangement. After all, in FKKs, many guys go to the rooms with girls just to chat, listen to music, look at photos, play cards or what have you. That is their prerogative. But I will not pay to meet a girl where we discuss the terms of the arrangement. Never. Drinks and food yes, but no money or gifts just to meet.

Some hotels and motels do allow early check in and w / o extra payment. Depends on how full they are. Personally, I book in the afternoons or late evenings, 10 AM sex is too early for me.

Elvis 2008
05-13-20, 17:30
There are many girls on SA that are offering this on their profile. I really doubt they are getting too much business. Most men who are hitting the SD sites have successful lives filled with powerful and intelligent women, we have no shortage of platonic dates.
PP, a lot of the women who put down platonic are not. They just want to keep the creeps away. When SA listed allowance, one lady put down $20,000 a month just to keep the creeps away. I paid her $300 PPM.

I can get a feel from the profile if platonic means platonic, and I bet you could too. This is in contrast to WYP. I thought WYP would be a place where women could know I was a man of means, but no, it means crazy bitches who really expected me to dole out $100+ just to meet with them for dinner. Out of 11 dates from what's your price, I sealed the deal with one woman, granted she was hot as shit but the yield from WYP was God awful.

Elvis 2008
05-13-20, 17:40
I am curious about how you discussed your 10 AM arrival for your requirements with the hotel? I would think most chains would not be down with "I need a room for a couple hours of fucking at 10 AM". So how did you phrase this and get such an early checkin?
You would be surprised, Steve. I am nothing with Marriott like a silver whatever but I ask for and always get early and late checkin just by asking.

I have one friend who is like Ambassador type level at Starwoods and that means if the hotel is full, they will kick out someone with a reservation to accommodate him. I never heard of that before.

On a similar note, I was really frustrated with American Airlines and their AAdvantage plan. It is really getting to be a pain in the ass and an expense to use miles. Anyway, a friend of mine was bragging about getting to gold status with them as it gets your bags to fly free. I am going to focus on that now.

With you (and I) flying to South America so much, it does not take much to get to a higher level status, and it may be worth the few extra $$ to fly direct on a better airline than say Spirit and rack up the status points.

I was at a Bogota Marriott where you get access to their free food and snack bar and it was great. I paid $50 for two nights to eat all the meals there, and the food was good, and it gave us a lot more time to spend together in the bedroom.

Bottom line is you should check out the perks of these reward plans. Long term being loyal to one hotel chain and airline may pay off in other ways than immediate cash savings.

05-13-20, 18:39
This is perfect.

Just a clarification. I *always* use Steve's method when I *already* have a hotel room. For example, if I am on a business trip. I have to admit, it's more hit than miss. Especially if we are meeting for drinks, which relaxes inhibitions. So, if you already have a room, then I totally agree that Steve's approach is the way to go. Otherwise, a coffee date is a waste of time, especially if she does not insist on it or suggests it.

BUT, when I am at home, then I *always* do a coffee date first. Otherwise, what can I do? Book a hotel room and then hope that we will have naughty fun on the first date? Nope. Too many no-shows and sometimes when they do show, the chemistry just wasn't there. So, I paid for a room for nothing. Or, if first date does go well, then book a room on an app and head to the room? Nope. I need to show up at the front desk to go through the whole process of checking in, and this likely entails my losing my anonymity.

Please correct me if I am doing it wrong.

The Cane
05-13-20, 20:28
Wow. You seem to be excessively sensitive. A lot of wasted sarcasm.You suggested that my reaction was based on nothing but pure naivete. You were not correct, as the reactions of plenty of others on the matter who do in fact have lots of experience with the sugar babies shall attest. People can choose to agree or disagree over the issue, but somebody who sees it differently than you do isn't necessarily being naive. As a worldly man, I may be many things, but naive is not one of them.

05-14-20, 01:55
For me, the cost of hotels for meetups started to add up. So, eventually, I primarily dated SBs based on whether or not they had their own place for our meetups. Granted, most of these gals did not have their own place because they were too poor, or they had roommates. But if you can find these gals, it saves a lot on costs.

05-14-20, 02:01
I am afraid I need to disagree with you on your second paragraph MW. Again, this is strictly my take. You are an experienced sugar daddy, whatever works for you works for you. But those type of arguments from a girl "prove to me you are real, prove to me you are rich" are a huge turnoff and I tend to block them when I receive such replies. First, we need to prove nothing, least of all to girls who are ready to fuck for money. Secondly, throwing $100 does not prove one is rich. Even if I had $100 M, I would not pay $20 for a stick of chewing gum for example. You pay what something is worth, and I have a very strict principle that I will pay nothing for a meet and greet. I am paying for the drink or lunch, and that is enough.

Some girls say they don't have a car and ride and ask for Uber money. That is a legitimate request as it is indeed true that some of them have no money and no car. I offer them that I can pick them wherever they want to be picked, and we can drive to a restaurant near their house. Some object and say they cannot get into a car with a person they have not met yet. I tell them there is little I can do. If they cannot risk getting into a car with someone they do not know, I am not going to give money to a person I do not know yet.

I think giving money for a first time meet and greet is a slippery slope. But then again, this is my personal view.I agree with you on every point. I was just saying that they (in their minds) may have a legit reason for asking to get paid at the meet and greet, but that it did not matter to me. I now *never* pay for a meet and greet. Like I said, I tried it a few times, but never again. And yes, I too have been asked about paying for their uber, but if they are that poor then I will either pick them up or I will let them suggest a very public meeting spot within their walking distance.

Steve 9696
05-14-20, 03:08
I agree with you on every point. I was just saying that they (in their minds) may have a legit reason for asking to get paid at the meet and greet, but that it did not matter to me. I now *never* pay for a meet and greet. Like I said, I tried it a few times, but never again. And yes, I too have been asked about paying for their uber, but if they are that poor then I will either pick them up or I will let them suggest a very public meeting spot within their walking distance.I actually love sending an Uber for the girl. Sure it adds $50 roundtrip or something but it feels badass to send a car. Plus since it's on your Uber (I have a separate Uber acct for this) you can track her arrival. None of this "I am half way there" BS. And you can meet her at the curb when she pulls up. It's just kinda awesome. And being the sappy guy I am I track them till they are home safe. Just feels awesome all around IMO.

05-14-20, 03:21
I actually love sending an Uber for the girl. Sure it adds $50 roundtrip or something but it feels badass to send a car. Plus since it's on your Uber (I have a separate Uber acct for this) you can track her arrival. None of this "I am half way there" BS. And you can meet her at the curb when she pulls up. It's just kinda awesome. And being the sappy guy I am I track them till they are home safe. Just feels awesome all around IMO.Good point, I usually offer to pay half, but I do not fight over UBER anymore.

05-14-20, 03:28
I actually love sending an Uber for the girl. Sure it adds $50 roundtrip or something but it feels badass to send a car. Plus since it's on your Uber (I have a separate Uber acct for this) you can track her arrival. None of this "I am half way there" BS. And you can meet her at the curb when she pulls up. It's just kinda awesome. And being the sappy guy I am I track them till they are home safe. Just feels awesome all around IMO.For this to work, don't you have to give her your name? Even if you don't, the driver knows your name, and so she could just ask for it from him.

05-14-20, 03:45
For this to work, don't you have to give her your name? Even if you don't, the driver knows your name, and so she could just ask for it from him.You can actually enter another person's name when you order an uber ride. With that said, I would have other more important concerns about letting someone into my house if I do not even trust her with my first name.

Steve 9696
05-14-20, 04:14
For this to work, don't you have to give her your name? Even if you don't, the driver knows your name, and so she could just ask for it from him.The account is set up under my Steve aliás. So yeah when I get in they say "are you Steve" and I go huh? Oh yeah. Steve. That's me!

They have a thing now where you can put peoples names and addresses in. So when I send an Uber for Krystal I assume they ask for Krystal tho I never checked.

It can be a bit of a pain on pick-up because the driver goes to the wrong building or whatever and there is drama hooking them up. But that's only sometimes. I still like it on balance.

When I first call it I screen cap the driver and route page and text it to her. And then give her arrival updates as I sip my G&T.

P.S. Obviously I have a real credit card with my real name asssocisted with paying the Uber bill so some guys may not like that part. I decided I like the tradeoff. I originally made the account for myself since Uber tracks all your trips and you cannot delete history. Only later started using it for pickups.

05-14-20, 04:25
The account is set up under my Steve alis. So yeah when I get in they say "are you Steve" and I go huh? Oh yeah. Steve. That's me!

They have a thing now where you can put peoples names and addresses in. So when I send an Uber for Krystal I assume they ask for Krystal tho I never checked.

It can be a bit of a pain on pick-up because the driver goes to the wrong building or whatever and there is drama hooking them up. But that's only sometimes. I still like it on balance.

When I first call it I screen cap the driver and route page and text it to her. And then give her arrival updates as I sip my G&T.

P.S. Obviously I have a real credit card with my real name asssocisted with paying the Uber bill so some guys may not like that part. I decided I like the tradeoff. I originally made the account for myself since Uber tracks all your trips and you cannot delete history. Only later started using it for pickups.You guys and trying to stay anonymous. SA is not secure at all. A lot of these girls are desperate and crazy. I think being overly cautious about your identity can trigger a girl to do some research. I thing you should be as honest as possible, try not to give off any red flags. I would say any decent PI could figure your identity out for couple hundred bucks, probably less from an SA profile and phone number.

I am not talking about you Steve, your know what you are doing, but some of these other guys take it too another level.

05-14-20, 20:55
You guys and trying to stay anonymous. SA is not secure at all. A lot of these girls are desperate and crazy. I think being overly cautious about your identity can trigger a girl to do some research. I thing you should be as honest as possible, try not to give off any red flags. I would say any decent PI could figure your identity out for couple hundred bucks, probably less from an SA profile and phone number.

I am not talking about you Steve, your know what you are doing, but some of these other guys take it too another level.I have been on SA and other sugar babe sites for four years, have had several dozens of arrangements, both in my home city and on the road and have never had anyone either tell me, email me, text or phone me to intimate that they know my real identity.

How many arrangements have you had, how long have you been on SA or other such sites, and how many times has your identity been blown? How many girls employed PIs to pursue you?

It would be helpful to know some real numbers. I have presented my numbers. You implied it is easy to have identity blown. Was it guess work or did it actually happen to you?

Also, what exactly do you mean by "be as honest as possible"? Are you saying that you should tell her your real name, home address and and whatever else because she could figure them out anyway? I tell them very honestly that the nickname I use is not my real name, that she can never hope to have any relationship with me and it is strictly monetary and any other info about me is not her real business. That is as honest as I can ever be.

05-14-20, 21:17
I am curious about how you discussed your 10 AM arrival for your requirements with the hotel? I would think most chains would not be down with "I need a room for a couple hours of fucking at 10 AM". So how did you phrase this and get such an early checkin?
.I am glad I found this thread having been in ISG for a few years and SA for the past 1. 5 years.

My hotel conversation goes like this:

ME: Hi, do you have a room for tonight?

THEM: Let me check. Yes, we have a queen room for two for a promotion rate of $xx. Would you like to book that?

ME: Yes that sounds good. Is there any chance the room will be available early? I need to freshen up before a few meetings later.


ME: I'm in the area now, any chance I can get access to the room this morning.

If the hotel has less than full occupancy the previous night it is more likely. Earlier in the week is also more likely to be successful, especially Monday mornings.

My current SA status is that I'm in the interview period for a new girl to carry me through the next few months. Genuine girls do get snapped up quickly or they get burned off by the idiots. So it's important to move fast. This week I've trialled two SB candidates and next week it looks like two others. I pay them for the trial fuck of course. I will settle on one for ongoing weekly meets at her place.

Steve 9696
05-14-20, 22:53
I am glad I found this thread having been in ISG for a few years and SA for the past 1. 5 years.

My hotel conversation goes like this:

ME: Hi, do you have a room for tonight?

THEM: Let me check. Yes, we have a queen room for two for a promotion rate of $xx. Would you like to book that?

ME: Yes that sounds good. Is there any chance the room will be available early? I need to freshen up before a few meetings later.


ME: I'm in the area now, any chance I can get access to the room this morning.

If the hotel has less than full occupancy the previous night it is more likely. Earlier in the week is also more likely to be successful, especially Monday mornings.

My current SA status is that I'm in the interview period for a new girl to carry me through the next few months. Genuine girls do get snapped up quickly or they get burned off by the idiots. So it's important to move fast. This week I've trialled two SB candidates and next week it looks like two others. I pay them for the trial fuck of course. I will settle on one for ongoing weekly meets at her place.Good tips. Yeah I am thrilled to see this thread so active. Thanks to Midwestern for starting it. I go to ISG everyday to read the latest. Used to go to German FKK Chat but it's all Corona virus now. Bangkok there is a little still happening. Medellin thread is still killing with a couple guys banging chicks right and left. But it's great to see this thread with vibrant and useful activity.

That reminds me — tip of the day. We all know SA girls can be selective — I always want to look my best. Secret weapon is Lumify eye drops. Viagra makes my eyes super red which makes me look the part of dirty old man where I prefer "seasoned suitor"! Anyhow one drop in each eye and literally in two minutes your eyes are bright white. It's amazing.

05-15-20, 00:45
I have been on SA and other sugar babe sites for four years, have had several dozens of arrangements, both in my home city and on the road and have never had anyone either tell me, email me, text or phone me to intimate that they know my real identity.

How many arrangements have you had, how long have you been on SA or other such sites, and how many times has your identity been blown? How many girls employed PIs to pursue you?

It would be helpful to know some real numbers. I have presented my numbers. You implied it is easy to have identity blown. Was it guess work or did it actually happen to you?

Also, what exactly do you mean by "be as honest as possible"? Are you saying that you should tell her your real name, home address and and whatever else because she could figure them out anyway? I tell them very honestly that the nickname I use is not my real name, that she can never hope to have any relationship with me and it is strictly monetary and any other info about me is not her real business. That is as honest as I can ever be.Off and on for about 5 years. Usually I get pissed off and quit. I get tired of the lies and b. S. I have probably met 40-60 girls, with some good success.

Honestly, I real do lot like messing with American girls, they just do not measure up to Latins and Euros. The more I avoid American Chicks the happier I am. I am not sure I will get back on in the states. I do use in Mexico, with some great success. I am meet a much higher quality person and much less b. S.

Yes, just give them your first name and if there is something you do no want to talk about just tell them that. I know that several girls have looked me up on Social Media, I am not active on Social Media so no big deal. Again, be as honest as you can, it will prevent headaches down the road. If you are real that paranoid about your identity, then I would not us SA, as I said it is just not secure. Arrangements are a huge paper trail. Get an Escort, go to Tijuana or Germany.

05-15-20, 02:54
I have been on SA and other sugar babe sites for four years, have had several dozens of arrangements, both in my home city and on the road and have never had anyone either tell me, email me, text or phone me to intimate that they know my real identity.

How many arrangements have you had, how long have you been on SA or other such sites, and how many times has your identity been blown? How many girls employed PIs to pursue you?

It would be helpful to know some real numbers. I have presented my numbers. You implied it is easy to have identity blown. Was it guess work or did it actually happen to you?

Also, what exactly do you mean by "be as honest as possible"? Are you saying that you should tell her your real name, home address and and whatever else because she could figure them out anyway? I tell them very honestly that the nickname I use is not my real name, that she can never hope to have any relationship with me and it is strictly monetary and any other info about me is not her real business. That is as honest as I can ever be.I know I chimed on this issue a few times already, but I'll chime in again. Sorry.

Here are my stats. I have had 23-25 arrangements. I would say that about one-quarter discovered my real identity *on their own*. Here's how I know. First, several of them viewed me on LinkedIn. If you have LinkedIn, you know when someone views your profile. Second, a couple of them added me or contacted me on their chat apps, like WhatsApp or something similar to that. Apps can "talk" to each other and share contact lists.

So, I was found, even though I tried hard to be anonymous. I never use my own car, I always use cash, I never bring any cards with my name on it, and I use Hushed, which allows me to chat and call anonymously. I guess if I had a burner phone, then the second way they discovered my identity could have been prevented.

But I honestly think that if any gal wants to figure out who I really am, then they can. But I guess this depends on your web presence and how much you use social media. For example, if you use LinkedIn or Facebook or Twitter whatever, then you are easy to find. And, if you have a significant web presence, then you are easy to find. I am a nobody, but there maybe dozens of websites that have my name on it, and many with my picture on it. In fact, I specifically asked one gal, who found my LinkedIn after a brief meet and greet, how she discovered my true identity, and she just said, "it was pretty easy. ".

So, all that said, I think the key is to not lie unnecessarily. Do not lie about your marital status, do not make false promises, and do not lie about what you're looking for. For example, don't lead them on into thinking this might lead to marriage, for example. This way, they will have no reason to hunt you down later. But do lie about your name.

Finally, you might eventually think that some of the gals are trustworthy and you may eventually voluntarily reveal your real identity, thinking that it's okay. This is a mistake. I did voluntarily tell a few of them my real name. Here's what happened. Three later went psycho on me (bad outcome). One became a pretty good friend (good outcome). Two eventually disappeared from my life (good outcome). So, 3 out 6 had a bad outcome. I honestly think these are representative and typical odds. So, given these odds, then is it worth it? I don't think so. Keep in mind that the gals on SA are not the most emotionally and mentally stable gals, on average. So, it is in our best interest to remain anonymous. Also, keep in mind that because most of these gals are not pros, some of them will eventually develop real feelings for you. These are the gals that will bring drama to you later. So best to stay anonymous.

The Cane
05-15-20, 03:59
Finally, you might eventually think that some of the gals are trustworthy and you may eventually voluntarily reveal your real identity, thinking that it's okay. This is a mistake. I did voluntarily tell a few of them my real name. Here's what happened. Three later went psycho on me (bad outcome).Wondering what that means? Are you able to elaborate? It would be interesting to know what happened.

05-15-20, 05:09
I know I chimed on this issue a few times already, but I'll chime in again. Sorry.

Here are my stats. I have had 23-25 arrangements. I would say that about one-quarter discovered my real identity *on their own*. Here's how I know. First, several of them viewed me on LinkedIn. If you have LinkedIn, you know when someone views your profile. Second, a couple of them added me or contacted me on their chat apps, like WhatsApp or something similar to that. Apps can "talk" to each other and share contact lists.

So, I was found, even though I tried hard to be anonymous. I never use my own car, I always use cash, I never bring any cards with my name on it, and I use Hushed, which allows me to chat and call anonymously. I guess if I had a burner phone, then the second way they discovered my identity could have been prevented.

But I honestly think that if any gal wants to figure out who I really am, then they can. But I guess this depends on your web presence and how much you use social media. For example, if you use LinkedIn or Facebook or Twitter whatever, then you are easy to find. And, if you have a significant web presence, then you are easy to find. I am a nobody, but there maybe dozens of websites that have my name on it, and many with my picture on it. In fact, I specifically asked one gal, who found my LinkedIn after a brief meet and greet, how she discovered my true identity, and she just said, "it was pretty easy. ".

So, all that said, I think the key is to not lie unnecessarily. Do not lie about your marital status, do not make false promises, and do not lie about what you're looking for. For example, don't lead them on into thinking this might lead to marriage, for example. This way, they will have no reason to hunt you down later. But do lie about your name..Lots of great information here. How do you end an allowance or a longer term ppm without a girl getting jealous? After all, she has gotten used to a nice lifestyle.

05-15-20, 17:50
I know I chimed on this issue a few times already, but I'll chime in again. Sorry.

Here are my stats. I have had 23-25 arrangements. I would say that about one-quarter discovered my real identity *on their own*. Here's how I know. First, several of them viewed me on LinkedIn. If you have LinkedIn, you know when someone views your profile. Second, a couple of them added me or contacted me on their chat apps, like WhatsApp or something similar to that. Apps can "talk" to each other and share contact lists.

So, I was found, even though I tried hard to be anonymous. I never use my own car, I always use cash, I never bring any cards with my name on it, and I use Hushed, which allows me to chat and call anonymously. I guess if I had a burner phone, then the second way they discovered my identity could have been prevented.

But I honestly think that if any gal wants to figure out who I really am, then they can. But I guess this depends on your web presence and how much you use social media. For example, if you use LinkedIn or Facebook or Twitter whatever, then you are easy to find. And, if you have a significant web presence, then you are easy to find. I am a nobody, but there maybe dozens of websites that have my name on it, and many with my picture on it. In fact, I specifically asked one gal, who found my LinkedIn after a brief meet and greet, how she discovered my true identity, and she just said, "it was pretty easy. ".

So, all that said, I think the key is to not lie unnecessarily. Do not lie about your marital status, do not make false promises, and do not lie about what you're looking for. For example, don't lead them on into thinking this might lead to marriage, for example. This way, they will have no reason to hunt you down later. But do lie about your name.

Finally, you might eventually think that some of the gals are trustworthy and you may eventually voluntarily reveal your real identity, thinking that it's okay. This is a mistake. I did voluntarily tell a few of them my real name. Here's what happened. Three later went psycho on me (bad outcome). One became a pretty good friend (good outcome). Two eventually disappeared from my life (good outcome). So, 3 out 6 had a bad outcome. I honestly think these are representative and typical odds. So, given these odds, then is it worth it? I don't think so. Keep in mind that the gals on SA are not the most emotionally and mentally stable gals, on average. So, it is in our best interest to remain anonymous. Also, keep in mind that because most of these gals are not pros, some of them will eventually develop real feelings for you. These are the gals that will bring drama to you later. So best to stay anonymous.I use fake name, gmail, under the same fake name, burner phone and refillable virtual gift card and cash. In my experience SB / SD relationship will eventually ends and SB's, will miss the $$ when it ends (it might be about me but they get upset at the loss of income). Nothing bad ever happened to me but I know a friend who was blackmailed by his SB.

Having said all that, if they really want to find me they can take my pic and google search face recognition might catch it. Or they can dig through your wallet while you are sleeping if you have them overnight in hotel (I have done it but rarely). Do your best to be careful that is all.

05-15-20, 18:34
Burner phone is a must if you want to hide your identity. Also, please go to Truecaller website and get your number removed from the list there. Try your best to hide your identity as much as possible.

I've had no issues if people figured out my identity. But my first choice would be to be anonymous.

I use fake name, gmail, under the same fake name, burner phone and refillable virtual gift card and cash. In my experience SB / SD relationship will eventually ends and SB's, will miss the $$ when it ends (it might be about me but they get upset at the loss of income). Nothing bad ever happened to me but I know a friend who was blackmailed by his SB.

Having said all that, if they really want to find me they can take my pic and google search face recognition might catch it. Or they can dig through your wallet while you are sleeping if you have them overnight in hotel (I have done it but rarely). Do your best to be careful that is all.

05-15-20, 19:18
An interesting discussion. I've had a SB who found out my real identity (not that I hid anything from her) and tried to blackmail! Luckily, I called her bluff!

05-15-20, 21:28
I have hushed on my burner / second phone. I rarely use WhatsApp, and hushed is a text app. I do have LinkedIn and FB but no one looked me up on LinkedIn and I have no idea who is searching for me on FB. How can you tell? I do have my privacy settings for my FB as searchable only for friends of friends (my own page is visible only to friends).

I also never had any arrangement ever become that intense or long lasting. It always was physical and somewhat emotionally detached. Perhaps if I was to get attached to a girl that might eventually change her behavior, but on their own, no one ever did. And I am married, and this is strictly a physical thing for me, and while I like their company and some small chit chat, I am not really interested in any of them beyond the sex.

If someone was malicious and wanted to blackmail me then they could try it, I don't deny it. But most of these girls are not that sophisticated or that connected, don't even have that much money to pay for PIs etc. On their own, it is difficult to carry out such things. If they were already a part of a mafioso type gang, yes but then I would have to have the misfortune of picking them. Since it is always me approaching the girl on SA and not the other way, my luck would have to be terrible to run into such girls. There might be some such girls, but majority of them are just normal broke girl types, in it for some quick money and not looking to do blackmail etc per my own experience.

05-15-20, 21:32
An interesting discussion. I've had a SB who found out my real identity (not that I hid anything from her) and tried to blackmail! Luckily, I called her bluff!What was the nature of the blackmail? I can see someone like me is under a higher amount of pressure due to marital status. If you are single, what can she do or say to blackmail? To embarrass you in front of family or work place colleagues? Then they would have to track you down not just individually but also know who is your family and where they are, if such a disclosure in front of family really embarrasses you and so on. I mean, what if you are not close to your family. If you are a 55 year old guy and some girl claims in front of everyone that she had sex with you, you might wear it as a badge of pride for all she knows.

05-15-20, 22:26
I have hushed on my burner / second phone. I rarely use WhatsApp, and hushed is a text app. I do have LinkedIn and FB but no one looked me up on LinkedIn and I have no idea who is searching for me on FB. How can you tell? I do have my privacy settings for my FB as searchable only for friends of friends (my own page is visible only to friends).

I also never had any arrangement ever become that intense or long lasting. It always was physical and somewhat emotionally detached. Perhaps if I was to get attached to a girl that might eventually change her behavior, but on their own, no one ever did. And I am married, and this is strictly a physical thing for me, and while I like their company and some small chit chat, I am not really interested in any of them beyond the sex.

If someone was malicious and wanted to blackmail me then they could try it, I don't deny it. But most of these girls are not that sophisticated or that connected, don't even have that much money to pay for PIs etc. On their own, it is difficult to carry out such things. If they were already a part of a mafioso type gang, yes but then I would have to have the misfortune of picking them. Since it is always me approaching the girl on SA and not the other way, my luck would have to be terrible to run into such girls. There might be some such girls, but majority of them are just normal broke girl types, in it for some quick money and not looking to do blackmail etc per my own experience.I agree 99% of girls on SA just want $$ (excluding the scammers) and if you have short term gigs here and there PPM, you can avoid the drama. As for facial recognition on FB will identify the people on facebook and attempt to tag them or recommend their name for you to tag them (if the SB is savvy she can do it but I doubt they would), if you just take picture of random people on the street and attempt to post them on FB My friend was blackmailed, he had a short term arrangement which ended, like I said sometimes it is not even emotional connection, they just want money. She knew he worked for the city government employee in a manager position and he was married, she threaten to send pictures they took to his wife / coworkers unless he gives her $$ Another blackmailing they use is I am pregnant pay for abortion. In my case it has nothing to do with attachment emotions, I had few long term arrangement and they get dependent on the income stream and they feel entitled when that income stops abruptly.

These are extreme cases, the average SD / SB relationship can be drama free but if you are seeing multiple girls all over the place like I do, then it is best to prepare for the worse.

05-15-20, 23:09
Until this thread I had done my best to disengage the SB-SD from the transactional sex for cash preferring to pay them once per week on a Monday, regardless of when during the week we had met. In hindsight I can now see tat this has led to some problems as the girl (and I'm thinking of one specific diva) lost the relationship of what she had to do in order to be paid. My idea of paying on a regular day is that she can be confident she gets paid and is not questioning or hassling me.

If there is any consolation in this, because we ended with me having paid for the week of fun ahead (and she was so much fun) in my mind and her mind she still owes me a week of sex. Consequently she doesn't message or blackmail me.

I have a new girl getting into the cycle this week, she's asking for regular payment on a Monday, I'll only being giving the allowance after we meet. I'm sure I'll be getting her catch-up requests from 9:05 am Mondays.

I think SA is really a lot like Uber.

Uber put under-utilized cars into the market.

SA puts under-utlized pussy into the market. The pussy that has been sitting at home while hubby is at work.


05-16-20, 00:55
I agree 99% of girls on SA just want $$ (excluding the scammers) and if you have short term gigs here and there PPM, you can avoid the drama. As for facial recognition on FB will identify the people on facebook and attempt to tag them or recommend their name for you to tag them (if the SB is savvy she can do it but I doubt they would), if you just take picture of random people on the street and attempt to post them on FB My friend was blackmailed, he had a short term arrangement which ended, like I said sometimes it is not even emotional connection, they just want money. She knew he worked for the city government employee in a manager position and he was married, she threaten to send pictures they took to his wife / coworkers unless he gives her $$ Another blackmailing they use is I am pregnant pay for abortion. In my case it has nothing to do with attachment emotions, I had few long term arrangement and they get dependent on the income stream and they feel entitled when that income stops abruptly.

These are extreme cases, the average SD / SB relationship can be drama free but if you are seeing multiple girls all over the place like I do, then it is best to prepare for the worse.What happens if your friend had claimed to his own workers he was the subject of extortion using a photoshopped image (a lie of course, but he controls that message) and goes to cops and lodges a complaint that he is being blackmailed. I think blackmail is still a crime, and she or her partners would do serious prior on term, no? A simple threat that he would go to the cops would at least make them reconsider that threat.

Most sugar babes have no money as well and a sugar daddy has more money and can afford legal counsel.

I agree all of this would be highly taxing, emotionally, potentially financially also. OTOH once you start giving into blackmail, there is no telling how long it could last and when it would start.

For married folk, this would be a lot more painful as suspicions and accusations would be enough to sink marriage.

Steve 9696
05-16-20, 02:49
I agree 99% of girls on SA just want $$ (excluding the scammers) and if you have short term gigs here and there PPM, you can avoid the drama. As for facial recognition on FB will identify the people on facebook and attempt to tag them or recommend their name for you to tag them (if the SB is savvy she can do it but I doubt they would), if you just take picture of random people on the street and attempt to post them on FB My friend was blackmailed, he had a short term arrangement which ended, like I said sometimes it is not even emotional connection, they just want money. She knew he worked for the city government employee in a manager position and he was married, she threaten to send pictures they took to his wife / coworkers unless he gives her $$ Another blackmailing they use is I am pregnant pay for abortion. In my case it has nothing to do with attachment emotions, I had few long term arrangement and they get dependent on the income stream and they feel entitled when that income stops abruptly.

These are extreme cases, the average SD / SB relationship can be drama free but if you are seeing multiple girls all over the place like I do, then it is best to prepare for the worse.I will admit I got burned once by a girl I truly liked and flew to London (having spent 21 hrs together over three days) only to have her ditch me. But blackmail seems so far fetched with the girls I've been with. They are nice college or early career girls. They aren't evil. They are too busy having lives to think about doing anything else. I am sure there is a wide variance across SA but I pick girls who have real lives and blackmail would be so far out of their zone.

I will say I don't like to play next to the poverty line. I had one girl who started to hit me up for diapers and formula money. I knew going in she was pretty low brow but that was insta block. I think your best off with girls that have a job or go to college or have some family support. You want to be the icing on the cake not the flour.

05-16-20, 10:08
We need to do a lot of due diligence before having a girl for LTR. That's time consuming but we have no choice.


Until this thread I had done my best to disengage the SB-SD from the transactional sex for cash preferring to pay them once per week on a Monday, regardless of when during the week we had met. In hindsight I can now see tat this has led to some problems as the girl (and I'm thinking of one specific diva) lost the relationship of what she had to do in order to be paid. My idea of paying on a regular day is that she can be confident she gets paid and is not questioning or hassling me.

If there is any consolation in this, because we ended with me having paid for the week of fun ahead (and she was so much fun) in my mind and her mind she still owes me a week of sex. Consequently she doesn't message or blackmail me.

I have a new girl getting into the cycle this week, she's asking for regular payment on a Monday, I'll only being giving the allowance after we meet. I'm sure I'll be getting her catch-up requests from 9:05 am Mondays.

I think SA is really a lot like Uber.

Uber put under-utilized cars into the market.

SA puts under-utlized pussy into the market. The pussy that has been sitting at home while hubby is at work.


05-16-20, 10:10
My experience with students has been the best. Models are too greedy and they keep milking you.

I will admit I got burned once by a girl I truly liked and flew to London (having spent 21 hrs together over three days) only to have her ditch me. But blackmail seems so far fetched with the girls I've been with. They are nice college or early career girls. They aren't evil. They are too busy having lives to think about doing anything else. I am sure there is a wide variance across SA but I pick girls who have real lives and blackmail would be so far out of their zone.

I will say I don't like to play next to the poverty line. I had one girl who started to hit me up for diapers and formula money. I knew going in she was pretty low brow but that was insta block. I think your best off with girls that have a job or go to college or have some family support. You want to be the icing on the cake not the flour.

05-16-20, 13:26
What was the nature of the blackmail? I can see someone like me is under a higher amount of pressure due to marital status. If you are single, what can she do or say to blackmail? To embarrass you in front of family or work place colleagues? Then they would have to track you down not just individually but also know who is your family and where they are, if such a disclosure in front of family really embarrasses you and so on. I mean, what if you are not close to your family. If you are a 55 year old guy and some girl claims in front of everyone that she had sex with you, you might wear it as a badge of pride for all she knows.We took some intimate pictures together and she threatened to send them to my boss at work unless I paid her $$ I called her bluff and told her to go ahead. She didn't but I blocked her after that.

05-16-20, 13:27
My experience with students has been the best. Models are too greedy and they keep milking you.Yes exactly, the difference being models tend to be already working or making a bit of money, I would say not so much but a little to sustain themselves, but students are altogether new and they don't have any source of income. Another factor could be models are from their profession already knowing about selling their body for making money and they know how to handle their clients and making money, but students are completely novice and max they have any sexual experiences would be with their BF. I see it in that way.

05-16-20, 13:33
We need to do a lot of due diligence before having a girl for LTR. That's time consuming but we have no choice.

Cheers!LTR is only preferable if you have built a rapport with a girl and she has not been influenced by other mongers or SD who may intentionally or not may have tried to spoil her attitude or rates. I find LTR should be only done when a new profile comes up. It's not so fun with already existing old profiles.

05-16-20, 14:40
LTR is only preferable if you have built a rapport with a girl and she has not been influenced by other mongers or SD who may intentionally or not may have tried to spoil her attitude or rates. I find LTR should be only done when a new profile comes up. It's not so fun with already existing old profiles.The noobs on SA are often the best catches. I used to sometimes just check for first-day noobs to SA. I remember one 24 year super hottie who just joined the site and I immediately chatted her up and we exchanged contact info and eventually agreed to a date. Later that day, her profile disappeared. When we had our date, I asked her why her profile disappeared and she said she got an avalanche of guys, including a lot of creeps, contacting her and it overwhelmed her so she shut her profile down. She and I dated for a couple of months. She never asked for a dime. I just paid for all our dates. Eventually the relationship just fizzled out. Last I heard from her, she was in law school.

05-16-20, 17:12
I will admit I got burned once by a girl I truly liked and flew to London (having spent 21 hrs together over three days) only to have her ditch me. But blackmail seems so far fetched with the girls I've been with. They are nice college or early career girls. They aren't evil. They are too busy having lives to think about doing anything else. I am sure there is a wide variance across SA but I pick girls who have real lives and blackmail would be so far out of their zone.

I will say I don't like to play next to the poverty line. I had one girl who started to hit me up for diapers and formula money. I knew going in she was pretty low brow but that was insta block. I think your best off with girls that have a job or go to college or have some family support. You want to be the icing on the cake not the flour.Thanks for all the good advice sir!

05-16-20, 18:56
Good thoughts!

LTR is only preferable if you have built a rapport with a girl and she has not been influenced by other mongers or SD who may intentionally or not may have tried to spoil her attitude or rates. I find LTR should be only done when a new profile comes up. It's not so fun with already existing old profiles.

05-16-20, 19:18
Some girls are really in it because the prefer older men. I met this girl in Barcelona, Latina from Argentina. Amazing experience. She felt that guys her age don't appeal to her for various realms. She is not a greedy girl at all. I'm waiting to go back to Bcn and she is waiting for me too.

Yes exactly, the difference being models tend to be already working or making a bit of money, I would say not so much but a little to sustain themselves, but students are altogether new and they don't have any source of income. Another factor could be models are from their profession already knowing about selling their body for making money and they know how to handle their clients and making money, but students are completely novice and max they have any sexual experiences would be with their BF. I see it in that way.

05-16-20, 20:56
Issue with long term or any allowance for that matter is that you are expected to give money on a weekly or monthly basis (or pay her monthly rent and some other expenses, whatever help you are providing) regardless of how many times a month you are meeting her. So, say you agree you $250 a week with one meet per week. Then immediately the girl will be wanting that $250 a week. Say, you are on business travel for a couple of weeks. The girl is back in your home town and still expects to receive $500 for those two weeks. You might feel that you didn't get any value for your money. If she gives you a few more meets to make up, it will be a different matter but she might say "I am busy, I have school work, I can't meet more than once this week".

05-17-20, 02:30
Some girls are really in it because the prefer older men. I met this girl in Barcelona, Latina from Argentina. Amazing experience. She felt that guys her age don't appeal to her for various realms. She is not a greedy girl at all. I'm waiting to go back to Bcn and she is waiting for me too.How old was she?

05-17-20, 02:35
Issue with long term or any allowance for that matter is that you are expected to give money on a weekly or monthly basis (or pay her monthly rent and some other expenses, whatever help you are providing) regardless of how many times a month you are meeting her. So, say you agree you $250 a week with one meet per week. Then immediately the girl will be wanting that $250 a week. Say, you are on business travel for a couple of weeks. The girl is back in your home town and still expects to receive $500 for those two weeks. You might feel that you didn't get any value for your money. If she gives you a few more meets to make up, it will be a different matter but she might say "I am busy, I have school work, I can't meet more than once this week".For the very same reason we have to be really smart to adjust our compensation according to our capacity in the very first conversation only, and we can better negotiate well with the newer profiles, not with the older ones.

05-17-20, 02:59
We took some intimate pictures together and she threatened to send them to my boss at work unless I paid her $$ I called her bluff and told her to go ahead. She didn't but I blocked her after that.You could have brought up the fact that this is extortion. And with your proof from her messages, she could go to jail for several years. But this may escalate things even further. Not sure. But in any event, I would save the messages, in case you need them later as a counter threat.

05-17-20, 10:25
She is 21.

How old was she?

05-17-20, 10:29
It takes a lot of time, trials and errors to find a girl for LTR. You got to be willing to accept that it won't be a hit every time. Once I found a wonderful girl with all the right qualities required to be a good LTR but I got a feeling that she could get emotionally attached. I cut it short as soon as I got that feeling.

Issue with long term or any allowance for that matter is that you are expected to give money on a weekly or monthly basis (or pay her monthly rent and some other expenses, whatever help you are providing) regardless of how many times a month you are meeting her. So, say you agree you $250 a week with one meet per week. Then immediately the girl will be wanting that $250 a week. Say, you are on business travel for a couple of weeks. The girl is back in your home town and still expects to receive $500 for those two weeks. You might feel that you didn't get any value for your money. If she gives you a few more meets to make up, it will be a different matter but she might say "I am busy, I have school work, I can't meet more than once this week".

Steve 9696
05-17-20, 14:03
She is 21.I read an article in Wired about women and older men. They have studied this some and found that about 50-60% of girls will not date much older men. About 35-40% are indifferent to age. And about 10-15% prefer men significantly older than themselves. This sounds about right to me actually. I've fairly often had the conversation with girls about how men in their 20's are totally selfish and immature. And I can't help but agree having been one.

I’ve also seen a huge difference in maturity between 19-21 year old girls and 23-24 year old. Maybe this should not be surprising. But the 21 year olds are 10x more likely to flake than a 23 year old. There is a crucial maturing that somehow occurs in those couple of years.

05-17-20, 14:30
Ive also seen a huge difference in maturity between 19-21 year old girls and 23-24 year old. Maybe this should not be surprising. But the 21 year olds are 10x more likely to flake than a 23 year old. There is a crucial maturing that somehow occurs in those couple of years.For most 21 year olds, almost all of their friends are around their age. So, they are still immature. But for most 23 year olds, most of their friends are NOT around their age. This is because they are finally out of college and working, and so they will have colleagues (and thus friends) of all different ages, or if they are in grad school, then they will have classmates who are NOT straight out of undergrad. This is why 24 is the minimum age person that I will date. I tried dating college gals, but they are just barely more mature than high school gals, and so I couldn't take it any more. A 21 year old is still being taken care of my mom and dad. But for many 24 year olds, they are now making money and paying rent and taxes, etc.

05-17-20, 18:16
I've had my own cases of girls flaking out. But I got better with time in filtering. I'm in my late 30's.

I read an article in Wired about women and older men. They have studied this some and found that about 50-60% of girls will not date much older men. About 35-40% are indifferent to age. And about 10-15% prefer men significantly older than themselves. This sounds about right to me actually. I've fairly often had the conversation with girls about how men in their 20's are totally selfish and immature. And I can't help but agree having been one.

Ive also seen a huge difference in maturity between 19-21 year old girls and 23-24 year old. Maybe this should not be surprising. But the 21 year olds are 10x more likely to flake than a 23 year old. There is a crucial maturing that somehow occurs in those couple of years.

05-17-20, 18:18
Good tips. I tend to pick students who are usually from a different country and who are in need. Less restrictions and better strike rate.

For most 21 year olds, almost all of their friends are around their age. So, they are still immature. But for most 23 year olds, most of their friends are NOT around their age. This is because they are finally out of college and working, and so they will have colleagues (and thus friends) of all different ages, or if they are in grad school, then they will have classmates who are NOT straight out of undergrad. This is why 24 is the minimum age person that I will date. I tried dating college gals, but they are just barely more mature than high school gals, and so I couldn't take it any more. A 21 year old is still being taken care of my mom and dad. But for many 24 year olds, they are now making money and paying rent and taxes, etc.

05-19-20, 20:35
Thread ended?

For most 21 year olds, almost all of their friends are around their age. So, they are still immature. But for most 23 year olds, most of their friends are NOT around their age. This is because they are finally out of college and working, and so they will have colleagues (and thus friends) of all different ages, or if they are in grad school, then they will have classmates who are NOT straight out of undergrad. This is why 24 is the minimum age person that I will date. I tried dating college gals, but they are just barely more mature than high school gals, and so I couldn't take it any more. A 21 year old is still being taken care of my mom and dad. But for many 24 year olds, they are now making money and paying rent and taxes, etc.

05-20-20, 01:51
I started a new thread to discuss mongering in the age of COVID19. I hope you will contribute to it. I am hoping it will provide good intel. Thanks.


Steve 9696
05-20-20, 12:18
While I can't say this has turned into a meeting yet don't be afraid to approach girls who seem "off target". Sometimes girls will say they are looking for something long term or with just one guy. If she looks worth it I will often throw a line in. Something like I know she's looking for long term and totally respect that but I'm going to be in town and if she'the like to have a couple nights of awesome fun then hit me up.

I probably get an 80% uptake on conversation. Right now I am talking with an AMAZING girl where I just popped in and said I know we aren't really a match because I am just passing thru but just had to say how dazzling you are. Didn't expect a response. Really just wanted to complement her. And she fired back. She's a super interesting girl and we are chatting nightly and planning a meetup in the future. So you never know. Just go for it.

05-20-20, 12:34
Issue with long term or any allowance for that matter is that you are expected to give money on a weekly or monthly basis (or pay her monthly rent and some other expenses, whatever help you are providing) regardless of how many times a month you are meeting her. So, say you agree you $250 a week with one meet per week. Then immediately the girl will be wanting that $250 a week. Say, you are on business travel for a couple of weeks. The girl is back in your home town and still expects to receive $500 for those two weeks. You might feel that you didn't get any value for your money. If she gives you a few more meets to make up, it will be a different matter but she might say "I am busy, I have school work, I can't meet more than once this week".Allowance is a sucker's game. And for the exact reasons you have lined out. When you start talking allowance they are expecting money upfront.

And for the other scenario you mentioned, you don't even have to be on business travel. Once she has your money, she has those excuses at the ready ("it's that time of the month", "my dog is sick", etc).

Pay Per Meetup (PPM) is the best way to go always.

And $250 per week for one meetup per week? Those are straight up escort pricing. You might as well save yourself some time and use a website like P411.

05-20-20, 12:40
Looks like Seeking is going to introduce video chat right into their website. Should save you a lot of time from dealing with fake profiles and having to try to move women over to Google Duo or FaceTime (which would require you to give out your personal number).

See attached.

05-20-20, 13:00
I notice on the SA website that there is a large number of girls that will be on the site for just a few days.

Maybe they get a guy and go offline.

Maybe they get offended by all the idiots that send dick-pics.

Maybe they realise they have to work for the cash.

Maybe they don't like sex with strangers for the money on offer.

Maybe they are just investigating and decide it's not for them.

When I am looking I do prefer girls to have been on the site for a few days already.

It would be interesting to know how many girls actually succeed.

05-20-20, 13:12
I read an article in Wired about women and older men. They have studied this some and found that about 50-60% of girls will not date much older men. About 35-40% are indifferent to age. And about 10-15% prefer men significantly older than themselves. This sounds about right to me actually. I've fairly often had the conversation with girls about how men in their 20's are totally selfish and immature. And I can't help but agree having been one.Isn't Wired a feminist rag? I would not listen to any studies done by old cat ladies who have slammed hard into "The Wall". Dido for male feminist.

On the one hand, this may apply to apply to regular traditional boyfriend girlfriend "regular folk" dating situations for people looking to get married and start a family.

But since we are on a forum talking about P4P and dealing with women looking to level up or at least supplement their current economic situation, this does not apply.

Just remember back in your early 20's: most guys are broke as fuck at this stage in their life until their late 20's to early 30's. There was nothing you could offer a chick at that time other than hard dick and bubble gum.

Most men are at their financial Apex around 45 years old. In terms of security, these are the men women most desire.

Don't believe me? Take a look at most of the female profiles on Seeking. A lot of them have their age filters set to 30+.

This tells us that most younger women (18-28) view the men in their age range or younger to be broke.

Try it yourself: throw up a profile on Seeking as a 21 yr old "Entrepreneur" (LOL) and see how well you fair. Because of the age range you will probably be filtered out by 90% of the women on the app.

Do younger women prefer to sleep with men their own age or slightly older (or younger)? Sure!

But don't tell me she wouldn't miss the chance to trade up to the 48 yr Exec with the Lambo and private jet who tells her that she can quit her job tomorrow and travel the world with him for the next 3-6 months.

Long story short:

Are you an older guy that wants to fuck young hotties? Just have money!

Since most the guys here are playing the SB game, it is assumed that you have a good amount of (disposable income). Carry on as per usual.

05-20-20, 13:33
I notice on the SA website that there is a large number of girls that will be on the site for just a few days.

Maybe they get a guy and go offline.

Maybe they get offended by all the idiots that send dick-pics.

Maybe they realise they have to work for the cash.

Maybe they don't like sex with strangers for the money on offer.

Maybe they are just investigating and decide it's not for them.

When I am looking I do prefer girls to have been on the site for a few days already.

It would be interesting to know how many girls actually succeed.Who knows they are! Could be anyone. Could be scammers, could even be guys who picked up a few photos off the internet and posing as girls to siphon some easy money from unsuspecting guys. Could be girls who heard about this site, thought they could make some dough and giving it a shot. Could be genuine sugar babes seeking some real connections.

My rule of thumb is that until you meet a girl face to face for even a brief meet and greet, the girl in cyberspace is not that different from an AI bot.

05-20-20, 21:38
Isn't Wired a feminist rag? I would not listen to any studies done by old cat ladies who have slammed hard into "The Wall". Dido for male feminist.

On the one hand, this may apply to apply to regular traditional boyfriend girlfriend "regular folk" dating situations for people looking to get married and start a family.

But since we are on a forum talking about P4P and dealing with women looking to level up or at least supplement their current economic situation, this does not apply.

Just remember back in your early 20's: most guys are broke as fuck at this stage in their life until their late 20's to early 30's. There was nothing you could offer a chick at that time other than hard dick and bubble gum.

Most men are at their financial Apex around 45 years old. In terms of security, these are the men women most desire..Funny story: I think I said this before here, I falsified almost all my personal data on SA. I reduced both my age, my net worth and annual income, and some of the other details as well. Anyway, this one girl that I was interested in said to me that I am too young and not rich enough and hence she is not interested in talking to me and then blocked me. Funnily enough, a few days prior to that, another girl demanded to know how I made this much money at a young age, and said I was lying about my networth and also blocked me.


Can't please them all.

But yes, you are right, many girls do not want with too young sugar daddies although a few girls DO say they donot want any guy above 30 or 35. Ideal age is 40, you are not going to be rejected by anyone.

05-21-20, 01:50
Looks like Seeking is going to introduce video chat right into their website. Should save you a lot of time from dealing with fake profiles and having to try to move women over to Google Duo or FaceTime (which would require you to give out your personal number).

See attached.I am not sure if this is good news, there are some serious privacy issues. I am not as paranoid as some on this thread, but I am careful. I probably will avoid this service.

05-21-20, 13:09
I am not sure if this is good news, there are some serious privacy issues. I am not as paranoid as some on this thread, but I am careful. I probably will avoid this service.Agree. It is a serious nuisance. It keeps flashing right at the top. If you are on a phone and screen is slow due to a bad connection or what and accidentally touch the video chat, you might be on with someone you didn't want to be talking to at that moment.

I am wondering if they are gong to include some sort of payment service, like a Venmo in the service soon. It is a logical addition to video chat. Many girls ask for payment for video chats already and SA might be wanting to capture the economics of it. That will suck. Girls will be pestering for money and the site will attract even more fakes.

05-21-20, 18:57
We took some intimate pictures together and she threatened to send them to my boss at work unless I paid her $$ I called her bluff and told her to go ahead. She didn't but I blocked her after that.Sebastiane / Fellow Monger.

I hate hearing about someone getting blackmailed, especially a fellow monger! Not sure what info you gave her, but whatever it was, it was too much:

I, like you, am a fan of pictures and videos with my girls. I have a little library of pics (not all intimate, some just having fun) and videos that I keep for memories.

None of us should be put in a position where our lives are compromised. We should never be at the mercy of one of these girls that decides to be crazy and get more involved in our life than we would like or allow (interaction iwth kids / wife / job / parents / boss, etc). To each his own, but I've been burned and now I follow a few rules when stepping into the SA world, mainly because we don't know how stable these girls are, or what they are capable of after you bang them out.

Again, these are rules that I follow that work for me. They enable me to guard my ID and sever ties seamlessly if necessary. In the end, you should do whatever works for you.

When doing SA or escorting (don't do this often) here are my monger tools:

1. Old Phone (yes, I use a different phone for ALL things monger related) - keeps all your apps: whatsapp, telegram, gvoice, gmail, uber, airbnb, skype.

1 a. Yes, whatsapp, telegram, etc should all be related to your monger gmail / gvoice accounts. All tied together, easy to cut. Again. New accounts for all that stuff, reuse nothing from personal.

1 b. Take all your pics and vids with this phone too and secure the hell out of it. Distinct pw, etc.

1 c. It's a pet peeve of mine, but turn off all notifications, especially notifications to a locked screen. You don't want anyone that finds your monger phone seeing compromising messages from your favorite girl in Prague.

2. Google voice number. Use this for whatsapp / telegram / instagram / uber / texting (US).

3. VPN. I already use this in my personal life, so it's not an added expense. Some girls don't like guys that only come to town once every 2 months for a day or two, some are okay with it. VPN allows you to "be in town" on SA whenever you like giving you access to all girls, even the ones that don't like the "only here for 2-3 days business guys" (like me). Once they meet you, they won't care once the $$ starts flowing.

4. SIM. This is mainly because I travel. It's cheap to buy a 10 g SIM or refresh your SIM for 6 eu. Can't beat that.

Rules I follow:

1. Names on your SA account, gmail, uber account (important; discussed further down), facebook, instagram, and whatsapp accounts should correspond.

2. Never use your real name! Never!

2 a. Never use your real name! . even after you have met her and like her and banged her 20 times. Don't do it. The more you bang her, the more of a connection (usually), and you don't want a stalker on your hands. This happened to me, but in the end, I was able to cut ties because of my setup.

3. Pics. I love them. I take them all the time, but with my phone. Always my phone, never hers! I've taken tons of pics, and can choose to share or not. Only one girl has actually asked for our video. There was no issue because only her face, pussy, and tits were in the video.

4. Uber. I uber alone, I send ubers for them, we take them together, etc. (Again, this is not my everyday uber acct). The uber app on my "monger phone", is tied to my monger number and uses my monger name (see the pattern). Sooo when you get in the car with your girl and the driver says, "Genghis Khan, right", you can confirm with an assuring nod, and at that point, your girl's confidence in your identity is cemented a bit more. Important for curious girls (that like to go digging) or potential stalkers (I've had both) and Yes, this has helped!

5. Facebook (use or don't) - Obv, use your monger name and email if you do (same for instagram). I was talking to girl for 30 minutes over whatsapp and she already hit my facebook profile snooping around.

6. SA profile pic shouldn't be overly visible. I'm wearing shades in mine.

7. Passport (I'm usually abroad) and credit cards should be in a safe place away from prying eyes. Not laying on the desk for her to take a quick peak while you are taking a piss and then look you up on Linkedin. This never happened to me, but I've heard stories. Careful with the wallet if she stays over. Put that somewhere safe too. Most will never look through your stuff (hasn't happened to me) but the ones that will have the potential to cause some serious issues in your life. Just saying.

8. Where you work? Tell her your industry, don't lie. Tell her about some of your customers, it's ok. Hell, even tell her that you are in town for work and that you are the best accountant (for example) in the world. But. Don't mention your company or leave anything company related in sight when she is at your place. If "sharing" starts to happen, then misdirection can be better than avoiding a topic. I want the girl to be comfortable and open. It will make sex so much better once we arrive at our destination. I've had those sessions smoking hookah with a girl, we are both drunk and getting more familiar with each other (opening up). She will start to tell you personal things about herself. Psychologically, this encourages you to do the same. That's fine. I share, but I mention big companies like Best Buy, or Walmart, or Microsoft all the time.

9. Many will disagree with me with this one. I Do Not Engage in the hobby in my city. This is easy for me because I travel alot. I only partake in the hobby away from my home city.

10. Never hit it raw. I know many guys here have had great experiences, but for me, it's not worth the risk.

Again, not making suggestions here, I'm just detailing my setup that's the result of bad experiences, prying eyes, snooping girls, stalkers, and greedy demanding bitches. I'm still learning the game, but I want to remain as flexible and safe as possible.

Safe mongering!

05-21-20, 19:19
Who knows they are! Could be anyone. Could be scammers, could even be guys who picked up a few photos off the internet and posing as girls to siphon some easy money from unsuspecting guys. Could be girls who heard about this site, thought they could make some dough and giving it a shot. Could be genuine sugar babes seeking some real connections.

My rule of thumb is that until you meet a girl face to face for even a brief meet and greet, the girl in cyberspace is not that different from an AI bot.I'm with you Pessimist.

Until I see a girl in person, she is not real. Simple.

I haven't had any meeting flakes luckily, but SBs turning someone down due to age or perceived richness is interesting. I think that's why it's good to find girls that are new to the scene or that have a reasonable perspective on arrangements. Someone mentioned to stay away from models. This is my rule too. They usually expect too much and want to give too little. I have found success at all ages, but 90% of my girls have been in some kind of school, either grad or undergrad. I had one HS girl contact me, but that's just too weird for me, so I turned her down. She was 18 and willing to travel, but no, it just didn't feel right.

I like to be sure of the girl and meet as soon as reasonably possible after we have decided on an arrangement. I've found that prolonged talk loses their attention, while requesting a meeting really soon stresses their comfort. There's a place in the middle that I've found takes a day or 2 after moving over to whatsapp (for me, it's always European SBs, so I only use whatsapp). If it takes too long after moving to whatsapp, I've seen them just ghost. It seems there are a lot of guys out there only collecting pics and numbers and the girls need to separate you from that group. As I write, I'm kinda in that group right now (damn). LOL. I have a girl in hamburg that I haven't met yet but she has sent me pics. I think she is probably tolerant bc she is new and knows that COVID messed up everything.

Just my $. 02.

05-21-20, 20:14
Sebastiane / Fellow Monger.

1. Old Phone (yes, I use a different phone for ALL things monger related) - keeps all your apps: whatsapp, telegram, gvoice, gmail, uber, airbnb, skype.

1 a. Yes, whatsapp, telegram, etc should all be related to your monger gmail / gvoice accounts. All tied together, easy to cut. Again. New accounts for all that stuff, reuse nothing from personal.

2. Google voice number. Use this for whatsapp / telegram / instagram / uber / texting (US).

3. VPN. I already use this in my personal life, so it's not an added expense. Some girls don't like guys that only come to town once every 2 months for a day or two, some are okay with it. VPN allows you to "be in town" on SA whenever you like giving you access to all girls, even the ones that don't like the "only here for 2-3 days business guys" (like me). Once they meet you, they won't care once the $$ starts flowing.Great tips and could save a lot of time and lawyers fees in the long run.

1 Question how do you pay for Uber? I presume the credit card linked to Uber is not the card with your 'Real'name. So how do you get a mongering one as most card providers want ID before issuing a card now.

05-21-20, 22:23
Great tips and could save a lot of time and lawyers fees in the long run.

1 Question how do you pay for Uber? I presume the credit card linked to Uber is not the card with your 'Real'name. So how do you get a mongering one as most card providers want ID before issuing a card now.Mackapaka,

That's a good question. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way around this one. Uber needs a card / phone number / email on file. I've never tried with a prepaid card, so I'm not sure if that would work.

Here is the change that I make. I use uber all over the world via my personal account. In the app, you can change your name. So for the 2nd uber account on the 2nd phone, you would configure it with your monger name. Most people never pay attention to this setting and simply go with their default government name (I would too if I weren't in the sugar world. This world requires more caution). The driver interaction with Uber never references your CC, only your configured name. So when I put "Genghis Khan" as my name, that is what the driver sees and asks for when I enter the car. For me, this is a reasonable risk. Nothing is ever 100% secure. On that same note, if you are really suspicious of the girl (and still decide to see her), use cabs. I've done this too, but mainly when it was faster to grab a cab than call an uber.

And a resounding Hell Yeah to no drama and no lawyer fees!

And guys, on another note. Unless you know her and have some degree of trust. Give them their $$ at the end of the date. Not while you are still out, not before your date, not once you get to your apartment. A girl mentioning that she doesn't do anything physical on the 1st meet after she has money in hand is a scam. This beckons the question of why didn't she say anything before receiving the cash. Not cool! After the deal has been sealed, then let the cash flow, not before. Too many girls are turning to scamming for a quick buck and we got to shut that down!

My $. 02.

Steve 9696
05-22-20, 03:13

That's a good question. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way around this one. Uber needs a card / phone number / email on file. I've never tried with a prepaid card, so I'm not sure if that would work.

Here is the change that I make. I use uber all over the world via my personal account. In the app, you can change your name. So for the 2nd uber account on the 2nd phone, you would configure it with your monger name. Most people never pay attention to this setting and simply go with their default government name (I would too if I weren't in the sugar world. This world requires more caution). The driver interaction with Uber never references your CC, only your configured name. So when I put "Genghis Khan" as my name, that is what the driver sees and asks for when I enter the car. For me, this is a reasonable risk. Nothing is ever 100% secure. On that same note, if you are really suspicious of the girl (and still decide to see her), use cabs. I've done this too, but mainly when it was faster to grab a cab than call an uber.

And a resounding Hell Yeah to no drama and no lawyer fees!

And guys, on another note. Unless you know her and have some degree of trust. Give them their $$ at the end of the date. Not while you are still out, not before your date, not once you get to your apartment. A girl mentioning that she doesn't do anything physical on the 1st meet after she has money in hand is a scam. This beckons the question of why didn't she say anything before receiving the cash. Not cool! After the deal has been sealed, then let the cash flow, not before. Too many girls are turning to scamming for a quick buck and we got to shut that down!

My $. 02.Pretty much exactly the same setup as Lshroom. Burner phone, 2nd Uber, consistent use of alias etc. As far as paying, as I mentioned before the girls I go with don't want to feel like hookers. So once we talk "gift" via text (days or weeks before meetup) we never discuss again. I always put the money in a card with a hand written note about what a nice time I had. This never comes out beforehand and is never discussed. I've never been asked. We just have sex and it's all good. At the end I will put it in view or near her purse when she's in the bathroom and that is that. Never before. And never discussed. And never given. That's my way.

P.S. I was once with an escort in New Zealand. And we had 2 sessions about a week apart. The second one was so passionate and comfortable that we both forgot about the money! It was two hours later she texted and said babe I think U forgot something! LOL.

05-22-20, 08:55
Here is the change that I make. I use uber all over the world via my personal account. In the app, you can change your name. So for the 2nd uber account on the 2nd phone, you would configure it with your monger name. Most people never pay attention to this setting and simply go with their default government name (I would too if I weren't in the sugar world. This world requires more caution). The driver interaction with Uber never references your CC, only your configured name. So when I put "Genghis Khan" as my name, that is what the driver sees and asks for when I enter the car. For me, this is a reasonable risk. Nothing is ever 100% secure. On that same note, if you are really suspicious of the girl (and still decide to see her), use cabs. I've done this too, but mainly when it was faster to grab a cab than call an uber.
Uber could be very compromising. I make a habit of changing my account on a regular basis. I request that they delete the old account which takes them 3 months to destroy the history.

As trendy as Uber is, I am also happy to catch taxis and pay cash.


05-22-20, 09:23
Good ideas on Uber account set up. In India, Uber allows you to pay by cash! You can escape the credit card bit as well.


That's a good question. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way around this one. Uber needs a card / phone number / email on file. I've never tried with a prepaid card, so I'm not sure if that would work.

Here is the change that I make. I use uber all over the world via my personal account. In the app, you can change your name. So for the 2nd uber account on the 2nd phone, you would configure it with your monger name. Most people never pay attention to this setting and simply go with their default government name (I would too if I weren't in the sugar world. This world requires more caution). The driver interaction with Uber never references your CC, only your configured name. So when I put "Genghis Khan" as my name, that is what the driver sees and asks for when I enter the car. For me, this is a reasonable risk. Nothing is ever 100% secure. On that same note, if you are really suspicious of the girl (and still decide to see her), use cabs. I've done this too, but mainly when it was faster to grab a cab than call an uber.

And a resounding Hell Yeah to no drama and no lawyer fees!

And guys, on another note. Unless you know her and have some degree of trust. Give them their $$ at the end of the date. Not while you are still out, not before your date, not once you get to your apartment. A girl mentioning that she doesn't do anything physical on the 1st meet after she has money in hand is a scam. This beckons the question of why didn't she say anything before receiving the cash. Not cool! After the deal has been sealed, then let the cash flow, not before. Too many girls are turning to scamming for a quick buck and we got to shut that down!

My $. 02.

05-22-20, 18:12
Many of you have suggested asking the SA ladies what they're open to before meeting up to avoid wasting time and money. Don't they already kind of provide some hints in their profiles "Seeking" section when they use tags like "Discretion" or "Friends with benefits" (FWB) which is a hint of sex. I've viewed many SA profiles and noticed that some specify FWB while others use the term 'Platonic' which to me is an indication that they're not opened to sex. Is that how you see it?

I have not seen that many 8's or above on SA. I've noticed a lot of female on SA feel a sense of entitlement. Some profile descriptions even explicitly stated that they want to set up some kind of virtual financial arrangement without ever meeting up face-to-face. That must be a joke or scam. They don't seem to understand the meaning of "mutually beneficial". Platonic relationship is not mutually beneficial and is a ripped off. Those SBs interested only in platonic or virtual arrangement are looking for a handout or are gold diggers. Do you guys usually filter out those profiles with the tag 'Platonic' or just don't bother to talk to them even though some of them look pretty hot? FWB is a good hint for you to contact them. Right? Some profiles show both FWB and platonic in their "Seeking". I assume in this case they're open to either way depending on the guys. Many profiles don't even specify what they're seeking at all. What do you all think?

Steve 9696
05-22-20, 18:59
Lots of great tips and discussion as it should be. Particularly for this underutilized USA gem known as SA. How about some actual sex tho? OK. Here you go!


Met Maria on SA a good two months ago. Most girls won't text this long. Probably 9 out of 10 start strong but then fade after 4 or 5 days. I've found the rare ones that hang with you for a long time are quite fun when you meet up because you feel close already.

Maria and I started plotting about a week back to finally meet up. This being a local meetup I had the hotel question that was recently discussed to contend with. Should I book ahead but what if it's a bust? I'm pretty confident we are going to the hotel but then if it's already booked will she see this as over confidence and feel a bit used. Don't want that either. Sigh.

Finally I think of the Covid excuse and decide it's worth a shot — I ask if we can meet at the hotel to be safe. And she says "if you are comfortable, why not just come to my place?" OK babe it's on! (And saved $125! Sweet!

Maria's apt is actually quite nice. Small but with nice amenities and reasonable furnishings. We have a small embrace and I feel inspired to give her a quick kiss — but I get the cheek. This is no escort. She's going to need a bit of a warmup.

We sit at the cafe table and crack open the bottle of Sangria I've brought. She is not drinking much and is pretty nervous but she's smiling and trying to be very attentive and attractive. I am doing most of the talking but she seems to be enjoying the conversation. I'm wishing she would drink more. LOL.

After maybe 20 minutes of Chit chat I am plotting how to get this party started and that requires closing the gap. So I ask her to put on some music, which she does. Somehow the conversation segues to dancing and I say let's dance and take her hand and pull her into a slow dance embrace. Looking into each other's eyes is the ticket. It just starts to feel natural and not forced.

A kiss. A little deeper kiss. Meeting eyes. A deep French kiss and it's on. My hands start to roam and there is no resistance. Hands on tits. Hand under her skirt feeling the edge of her panty line. Feeling her pussy over her panties. Well I guess I'm doing it right because she suggests we adjourn to the bedroom. Where did shy girl go? Heheheh.

We can still hear the music which provides a great beat for extra curricular activities. We start by just making out a ton. She's not a top 5 kisser (rarefied air that!) but very good. We are both getting more passionate by the minute as clothes are shed.

We start on BBBJ and it's solid if a bit vanilla. She does have great Latina lips to watch and she can take it all the way to the base. Impressive. Lots of in and out. We can (and do) add more variety later.

After maybe ten nice minutes of that we swap it up and I work on her. She's very appreciative as she moans and builds via clit work and some nice fingering and gspot. I can never quite get an earth shattering O but she seems to enjoy it plenty.

Back to BJ for a bit to get me plenty hard and I break out the BareSkin for the coming engagement. Mounting up cowgirl first (I almost always let them start) she rides a good long time and really enjoys herself. Sometimes riding high in the saddle tits bouncing and sometimes chest to chest so she can make out with me. I can feel the passion in her kisses.

Finally we swap over to mish which is very very nice. She's got her legs spread wide and is holding them with her hands so it's full and solid engagement. Some arms extended really driving home and some super nice chest to chest making out. I actually cum while kissing deeply which I don't do often but truly love.

Between rounds we sip Sangria and have a truly nice conversation about everything and nothing. Feels very real. After maybe a half hour I excuse myself to the bathroom and come back ready to rumble!

She is reclining on the pillows so I get right on top and start kissing her deeply. She returns my kiss passionately and it's on again. In this position naked junk to naked Lady parts I assume girls start thinking "is he going to try to bareback me" I never do but I like making them wonder. LOL.

Instead we swap up to more BBBJ. Me on my knees feeling her pussy while she takes it to the hilt in her mouth. I'the given her a bit of direction earlier and she's a good student. So yes a ton of in and out but she's starting to mix it up. Sideways lips up and down the underside. Some good solid BLS. Really quite good tho I am not near cumming.

She's a real trooper and keeps BJing for like 20 minutes no complaints. Honestly it feels great. Just hard to cum a second time. We finally switch to me on back and her between my legs. I like this position best I think and she continues to work. Finally I decide to help a bit and with her on BLS and me on handjob we crank out a nice one. Super slow build so pretty spectacular finish.

We cuddle and chat a bit more and then wrap things up. She's a bit heavier than ideal but what a pretty face. And a really nice girl. Likely repeat.

Steve 9696
05-22-20, 19:15
Many of you have suggested asking the SA ladies what they're open to before meeting up to avoid wasting time and money. Don't they already kind of provide some hints in their profiles "Seeking" section when they use tags like "Discretion" or "Friends with benefits" (FWB) which is a hint of sex. I've viewed many SA profiles and noticed that some specify FWB while others use the term 'Platonic' which to me is an indication that they're not opened to sex. Is that how you see it?

I have not seen that many 8's or above on SA. I've noticed a lot of female on SA feel a sense of entitlement. Some profile descriptions even explicitly stated that they want to set up some kind of virtual financial arrangement without ever meeting up face-to-face. That must be a joke or scam. They don't seem to understand the meaning of "mutually beneficial". Platonic relationship is not mutually beneficial and is a ripped off. Those SBs interested only in platonic or virtual arrangement are looking for a handout or are gold diggers. Do you guys usually filter out those profiles with the tag 'Platonic' or just don't bother to talk to them even though some of them look pretty hot? FWB is a good hint for you to contact them. Right? Some profiles show both FWB and platonic in their "Seeking". I assume in this case they're open to either way depending on the guys. Many profiles don't even specify what they're seeking at all. What do you all think?Yes absolutely FWB is your best hunting ground but you will also get the hookers there and might miss some gems if you are exclusively search FWB. My all time favorite who was absolutely a wildcat in bed and clearly down for sex from moment one did not list FWB. Some girls don't want to appear slutty so they don't. So Just understand it's a good clue but you might miss a gem if you are not careful.

I find platonic not worth pursuing. True they are not strictly platonic sometimes but it's a pretty good indicator it's going to be too hard a sell. Never closed the deal with a platonic tagged girl; but developed two rather close platonic penpal relationships that continue to this day (no pay) and I really enjoy these relationships.

There are plenty of 8's and up on SA but it depends on the city. Here are some stats for me:

Vegas: Two eights and a seven.

Miami: Eight.

Detroit: Five. LOL. I was undeterred. Nice girl.

NYC: Eight, seven, six.

Buenos Aires: Eight.

London: Two borderline eight nines.

Southeast USA: No eights in sight. Tons of big fat ugly 2's tho! OMG who dates these girls?

05-22-20, 19:54
Many of you have suggested asking the SA ladies what they're open to before meeting up to avoid wasting time and money. Don't they already kind of provide some hints in their profiles "Seeking" section when they use tags like "Discretion" or "Friends with benefits" (FWB) which is a hint of sex. I've viewed many SA profiles and noticed that some specify FWB while others use the term 'Platonic' which to me is an indication that they're not opened to sex. Is that how you see it?

I have not seen that many 8's or above on SA. I've noticed a lot of female on SA feel a sense of entitlement. Some profile descriptions even explicitly stated that they want to set up some kind of virtual financial arrangement without ever meeting up face-to-face. That must be a joke or scam. They don't seem to understand the meaning of "mutually beneficial". Platonic relationship is not mutually beneficial and is a ripped off. Those SBs interested only in platonic or virtual arrangement are looking for a handout or are gold diggers. Do you guys usually filter out those profiles with the tag 'Platonic' or just don't bother to talk to them even though some of them look pretty hot? FWB is a good hint for you to contact them. Right? Some profiles show both FWB and platonic in their "Seeking". I assume in this case they're open to either way depending on the guys. Many profiles don't even specify what they're seeking at all. What do you all think?Well, even FwB is not a definitive sign that the girl is open to sex. I have run into girls that do have FwB as one of their tags and then told me they are looking for strictly online arrangements. "Why did you say FwB in your profile?" Because, in her mind, sexy videos, pics also count as benefits. I don't mind all of these though. I do wade through tons of girls, and I assume that the conversion ratio (of girls I introduce myself to those that end up having sex with me) is a small percent. Also, you have to remember there are all kinds of men on SA, including those who want just dates, guys who are looking for fetishes such as feet stuff (but not sex), guys who are into S&M but again no sex, guys who just want pics and videos or even just a lot of chatting, and so on. I actually like that they exist and are active on SA. If SA were to be strictly a pay for sex site as Craigslist had become over time or backpage, it would be full of LE and would be shut down.

It is not a surprise that many men seek more than just sex. It even happens in FKKs. Quite a few guys go to the room and have just a covered BJ and no fucking, or do some kinky stuff but not sex, some have sex for 15 min and spend 3 hours playing cards or watching photos, etc. Many men have emotional needs and like to fulfill them either in FKks or with SA girls or wherever else. I am looking for just normal sexual activity with my SA girls or in FKKs, but I do recognize many men have other needs.

I do engage with girls who say they are seeking strictly platonic. I approach any girl whose pics and other specs are attractive to me. I assume what they say in their profile writeup and tags is just a initial marketing schpiel and everything is up for negotiation. If she sticks to the strictly platonic line even after some amount of back and forth, I slowly move away. However, I never ever tell a girl I am looking for sex in any msg but the girl will get the drift.

05-22-20, 22:38
Well, even FwB is not a definitive sign that the girl is open to sex. I have run into girls that do have FwB as one of their tags and then told me they are looking for strictly online arrangements. "Why did you say FwB in your profile?" Because, in her mind, sexy videos, pics also count as benefits. I don't mind all of these though. I do wade through tons of girls, and I assume that the conversion ratio (of girls I introduce myself to those that end up having sex with me) is a small percent. Also, you have to remember there are all kinds of men on SA, including those who want just dates, guys who are looking for fetishes such as feet stuff (but not sex), guys who are into S&M but again no sex, guys who just want pics and videos or even just a lot of chatting, and so on. I actually like that they exist and are active on SA. If SA were to be strictly a pay for sex site as Craigslist had become over time or backpage, it would be full of LE and would be shut down.

It is not a surprise that many men seek more than just sex. It even happens in FKKs. Quite a few guys go to the room and have just a covered BJ and no fucking, or do some kinky stuff but not sex, some have sex for 15 min and spend 3 hours playing cards or watching photos, etc. Many men have emotional needs and like to fulfill them either in FKks or with SA girls or wherever else. I am looking for just normal sexual activity with my SA girls or in FKKs, but I do recognize many men have other needs.

I do engage with girls who say they are seeking strictly platonic. I approach any girl whose pics and other specs are attractive to me. I assume what they say in their profile writeup and tags is just a initial marketing schpiel and everything is up for negotiation. If she sticks to the strictly platonic line even after some amount of back and forth, I slowly move away. However, I never ever tell a girl I am looking for sex in any msg but the girl will get the drift.Right on Pessimist!

I had a girl in London once. After we got to know each other, she sent me a few sexy pics wearing S&M lingerie. When I asked her about it, she mentioned that she had met a few guys that just wanted her to step on their balls or tie them up. Whenever we were together, it was a normal chill session with dinner, drinks, and banging her all night (normal stuff, maybe a bit rough. LOL) and then in the morning. My point is that you have some girls on SA that will suite the many taste of the men they meet.

Concerning platonic, I usually stray away from profiles that have platonic in them. If there is a mention of anything platonic in her profile or during our conversation, I cut her off that second. I know it can be considered harsh but the girls have similar practices. I've had a girl mention 600 eu per meet and when I suggested that that was a bit high, boom, she ghosted me. No responses. I had not considered what Money wrote concerning girls that have platonic and FWB in their profiles. I suppose a gem could be found in those profiles? In the end, I just look at the pics and hit up a girl that appeals to me. The girls I end up with are usually 7-9's. The 9 and 10's are not worth my time as they want too much for too little and they seem to have a sense of entitlement. My aim has been to rope up new girls that are cool to hang out with, and not greedy. There was one girl that I chatted with for some time that told me that she didn't expect for me to buy her stuff. LOL. Never had a chance to meet in person. She was a german 8 ish, which is probably a 7 elsewhere (Not dissing her. I say this as someone that likes german girls). It really comes down to how you hit if off with the girl, her intentions, her experience, and her comfort with experimentation.

I prefer girls that like to go to nice dinners, smoke hookah, hit a cognac / cigar bar (I don't' smoke cigars, but the environment is awesome for the first chat), hit the town, and just want to have a true financial based fwb relationship. To me, this doesn't mean I give you 400 eu every time I see you. This has worked out really well and with those kinds of requirements, the girls I find are usually really cool and not trying to get her hands on my wallet the moment we meet.

Keep the thread going guys, there is a lot of good info and questions being circulated.

My $. 02.

05-23-20, 08:05
Lots of the girls on SA seem happy with ghosting if the conversation is not going the way they like, easy come, easy go right? A bit like Tinder it's easy to break the link and everything stops. That's the beauty of using kik which doesn't have a link to you or even your burner phone number.

There is a certain amount of excitement for us males to just fuck some exotic beauty then decide she's not that exciting or her house is too far away, or the connection is just not right. I'm fine blocking girls before we meet but how to make a clean exit without making her feel like shit. I don't want her running me down if she sees me crossing the road one day.

A) Brisbane MILF, seen her twice but has logistical problems. Suggested I would not be seeing her again so copped a barrage of abuse.

B) Colombian student, nice, friendly, slack BBBJ. Still asking for $$ even I don't see her.

Anyone got a good method that doesn't turn them into crazy stalkers?


05-23-20, 09:30
Assume that these chics will try to stalk you online.

Have burner phone, little or no social media presence, not using your real name, registering your burner number on true caller with your fake name, getting your primary number removed from Truecaller, not installing any social app on your mobile. These are quite a few. It's a skill that you develop over years. Most importantly, be damn careful while selecting a chic. Use your filters.

Lots of the girls on SA seem happy with ghosting if the conversation is not going the way they like, easy come, easy go right? A bit like Tinder it's easy to break the link and everything stops. That's the beauty of using kik which doesn't have a link to you or even your burner phone number.

There is a certain amount of excitement for us males to just fuck some exotic beauty then decide she's not that exciting or her house is too far away, or the connection is just not right. I'm fine blocking girls before we meet but how to make a clean exit without making her feel like shit. I don't want her running me down if she sees me crossing the road one day.

A) Brisbane MILF, seen her twice but has logistical problems. Suggested I would not be seeing her again so copped a barrage of abuse.

B) Colombian student, nice, friendly, slack BBBJ. Still asking for $$ even I don't see her.

Anyone got a good method that doesn't turn them into crazy stalkers?


Steve 9696
05-23-20, 13:19
Lots of the girls on SA seem happy with ghosting if the conversation is not going the way they like, easy come, easy go right? A bit like Tinder it's easy to break the link and everything stops. That's the beauty of using kik which doesn't have a link to you or even your burner phone number.

There is a certain amount of excitement for us males to just fuck some exotic beauty then decide she's not that exciting or her house is too far away, or the connection is just not right. I'm fine blocking girls before we meet but how to make a clean exit without making her feel like shit. I don't want her running me down if she sees me crossing the road one day.

A) Brisbane MILF, seen her twice but has logistical problems. Suggested I would not be seeing her again so copped a barrage of abuse.

B) Colombian student, nice, friendly, slack BBBJ. Still asking for $$ even I don't see her.

Anyone got a good method that doesn't turn them into crazy stalkers?

PP.Actually I've learned that ghosting is a kindness and often the lesser of two evils. I first experienced this being on the receiving end of a non-ghosting. Fairly early on with a new girl (who I am penpal friends with still strangley) we exchanged pics. And rather than ghosting she said "I've thought about it and I don't think I could get with someone as old as you. " Ouch. Fuck me in the ass. That hurt! A good solid ghosting would have been much better. So even tho ghosting seems unwelcome it's really the kindest send off.

When a girl asks for $$ while we are apart I shut that down instantly. Not a lot of explanation just "No babe. I don't do long distance dollars. Only in person. " I guess it's may be local but same thing — "I only do gifts when we are together". That said, ghosting works here too. Ask for $ get ghosted. Seems she should get the message.

05-23-20, 19:01
Ghosting is a pain when they back off in the last minute. There is one girl who ghosted me once and I never gave her a second chance. She keeps sending whatsapp messages that we should meet etc but I told her that I ain't going to meet her.

Actually I've learned that ghosting is a kindness and often the lesser of two evils. I first experienced this being on the receiving end of a non-ghosting. Fairly early on with a new girl (who I am penpal friends with still strangley) we exchanged pics. And rather than ghosting she said "I've thought about it and I don't think I could get with someone as old as you. " Ouch. Fuck me in the ass. That hurt! A good solid ghosting would have been much better. So even tho ghosting seems unwelcome it's really the kindest send off.

When a girl asks for $$ while we are apart I shut that down instantly. Not a lot of explanation just "No babe. I don't do long distance dollars. Only in person. " I guess it's may be local but same thing "I only do gifts when we are together". That said, ghosting works here too. Ask for $ get ghosted. Seems she should get the message.

Steve 9696
05-23-20, 21:16
Ghosting is a pain when they back off in the last minute. There is one girl who ghosted me once and I never gave her a second chance. She keeps sending whatsapp messages that we should meet etc but I told her that I ain't going to meet her.Oh yeah. Clearly last minute ghosting is uncool. Any last minute tearup is uncool. Never had it with an SA girl but had an escort cancel literally last minute — uncle in an accident. Didn't buy that for two seconds. Was not happy. But only time it happened and she was an Indy. So you get what you pay for.

05-23-20, 23:36
Actually I've learned that ghosting is a kindness and often the lesser of two evils. I first experienced this being on the receiving end of a non-ghosting. Fairly early on with a new girl (who I am penpal friends with still strangley) we exchanged pics. And rather than ghosting she said "I've thought about it and I don't think I could get with someone as old as you. " Ouch. Fuck me in the ass. That hurt! A good solid ghosting would have been much better. So even tho ghosting seems unwelcome it's really the kindest send off.

When a girl asks for $$ while we are apart I shut that down instantly. Not a lot of explanation just "No babe. I don't do long distance dollars. Only in person. " I guess it's may be local but same thing "I only do gifts when we are together". That said, ghosting works here too. Ask for $ get ghosted. Seems she should get the message.This is a fair statement. I was told too old too, that's reality! But money can soothe many things.

In my instance though consider that the girl is still keen to see me, perhaps already planning how to spend this $$ Hell she might even think her BBBJ were great, which they wee not. Just want to finish with her still feeling good.


The Cane
05-24-20, 00:19
This is a fair statement. I was told too old too, that's reality! But money can soothe many things.

In my instance though consider that the girl is still keen to see me, perhaps already planning how to spend this $$ Hell she might even think her BBBJ were great, which they wee not. Just want to finish with her still feeling good.

PP.Don't these ladies realize that it's the older men who have the good, steady flow of money they need? Well the foreign ones around the world outside of the developed western countries do! Going to start getting picky and try to have it all LOL!

Steve 9696
05-24-20, 04:31
I continue to be amazed by how much opportunity there is on SA. I have two cities coming up on my travel schedule when the smoke clears. In city 1 I've had lots of great conversations. But they usually fade after a few days. But I have one smoking hot cutie who chats with me nearly nightly. Sometimes just hey and how ya doing but often more. We have been chatting about three weeks now. Hope we can hold it together.

But here's the thing if we don't there is always another! I was chatting recently with a girl in City 2 and wow she slays me. And the conversation was amazing. Chatty and flirty but a smart girl too. But then apparent ghosting or fade out. I asked her about it and she says thinks it's just not for her. Ok no harm no foul. Not an hour later I snag a new hottie and we are hitting it off great. Shows how persistence pays because she blew me off three weeks ago. But I reengaged and she's looking promising. But guess what? If she tanks there is one right behind her!

It's simply amazing. Of course I love the chase. If you just want to pay some money and fuck, then SA will drive you crazy! I love it tho.

05-24-20, 06:55
Yeah, chatting and chase are fun, but how often did you chat someone up real good and then only to find there's no chemistry when you finally meet in person? As soon as I get someone's attention that suits my tastes, I almost always say, "let's meet tonight. " If there's no chemistry at the meeting, then I feel like it saves me a lot of time.

I continue to be amazed by how much opportunity there is on SA. I have two cities coming up on my travel schedule when the smoke clears. In city 1 I've had lots of great conversations. But they usually fade after a few days. But I have one smoking hot cutie who chats with me nearly nightly. Sometimes just hey and how ya doing but often more. We have been chatting about three weeks now. Hope we can hold it together.

But here's the thing if we don't there is always another! I was chatting recently with a girl in City 2 and wow she slays me. And the conversation was amazing. Chatty and flirty but a smart girl too. But then apparent ghosting or fade out. I asked her about it and she says thinks it's just not for her. Ok no harm no foul. Not an hour later I snag a new hottie and we are hitting it off great. Shows how persistence pays because she blew me off three weeks ago. But I reengaged and she's looking promising. But guess what? If she tanks there is one right behind her!

It's simply amazing. Of course I love the chase. If you just want to pay some money and fuck, then SA will drive you crazy! I love it tho..

05-24-20, 06:58
Don't these ladies realize that it's the older men who have the good, steady flow of money they need? Well the foreign ones around the world outside of the developed western countries do! Going to start getting picky and try to have it all LOL!I think some gals just think that at a certain old age for us, it's just a little creepy. Some gals, not all. This is why I think saying that you're in your 40's is the sweet spot.

Speaking of which, I noticed that I cannot revise my age on SA. Is there a way to do it? I couldn't figure it out.

05-24-20, 07:02
Ghosting is a pain when they back off in the last minute. There is one girl who ghosted me once and I never gave her a second chance. She keeps sending whatsapp messages that we should meet etc but I told her that I ain't going to meet her.It is simply unbelievable to me how many gals just didn't show up for the date or the meet-and-greet. This is why I stopped making hotel reservations in advance.

The Cane
05-24-20, 15:38
It's simply amazing. Of course I love the chase. If you just want to pay some money and fuck, then SA will drive you crazy! I love it tho.This is what I gather. Reminds me of long, long ago when I used to be on sites like Match, eHarmony, etc, but I think it would be far worse on SA. All the wasted time, the ghosting, doctored photos, non-commitment to meet, last minute cancellations for bogus reasons, and then when you do meet, no chemistry. I find the whole sugar baby scene to be quite intriguing, but knowing how I am and what works best for me, I have refrained from dipping a toe into it. But, I was thinking last night. What if places like Brazil and Germany never return to what they were before the pandemic? Or what if all the FKKs and Termas and pick-up joints like Scandallo just close period? Now what are you going to do? Well, I don't know. I'll deal with that if and when it happens. But, I doubt my solution will be to turn to the sugar babes for "help" hehehe!

05-24-20, 17:16
That's so fucking true. I never book a hotel in advance when I'm meeting a girl for the first time.

It is simply unbelievable to me how many gals just didn't show up for the date or the meet-and-greet. This is why I stopped making hotel reservations in advance.

Steve 9696
05-24-20, 18:19
It is simply unbelievable to me how many gals just didn't show up for the date or the meet-and-greet. This is why I stopped making hotel reservations in advance.Hmmm. This is not been my experience. I have had two no shows out of 20 ish dates which doesn't seem high to me. Both were local. I've never had a "travel" no show. One that flaked was 19 and I was kinda nervous going that low. I find less than 22 to be flakier so no more of that. And the other was super late to the point that I just said forget it. But most girls have been really solid.

My success rate here could be affected by the fact that most girls I see I've been texting a long time with so we both have emotional investment. And I usually send an Uber, which cuts down logistical excuses significantly.

05-24-20, 18:46
And the other was super late to the point that I just said forget it. But most girls have been really solid.
Wondering how late was she? I usually gets super pissed if girl is late. It just kills my mood. Lately this chick who was supposed to see me at 2 pm came around 4 pm. This was a regular of mine, and after this I haven't seen her again and have no plans for future to see again either.

05-24-20, 18:48
Good inputs. Talking to a girl for longer time and building some chemistry helps. Sending an Uber is definitely a good idea.


Hmmm. This is not been my experience. I have had two no shows out of 20 ish dates which doesn't seem high to me. Both were local. I've never had a "travel" no show. One that flaked was 19 and I was kinda nervous going that low. I find less than 22 to be flakier so no more of that. And the other was super late to the point that I just said forget it. But most girls have been really solid.

My success rate here could be affected by the fact that most girls I see I've been texting a long time with so we both have emotional investment. And I usually send an Uber, which cuts down logistical excuses significantly.

Elvis 2008
05-24-20, 19:15
It is simply unbelievable to me how many gals just didn't show up for the date or the meet-and-greet. This is why I stopped making hotel reservations in advance.MW, I had that issue until I made the women text me on the day that they were supposed to arrive and before I do anything. If you even say on a Monday, say let us meet Tuesday, I had a ridiculously high no show rate.

I also have a plan be so if the woman does not show up, I will have a fun activity. I also prefer meeting over coffee to meeting over a meal. I know pretty quickly if a woman is sugar baby material or not.

Meeting over a meal just drags to me especially in the USA. Abroad, I meet the women at my hotel bar or restaurant. There is no cost there at all. Practically speaking, I have limited time abroad, the women know that, and I look to seal the deal more quickly.

Steve's idea with an Uber is a good one. Also, I prefer not to mention a set amount of money abroad. I prefer that women give themselves to me for non-monetary reasons and trust that I will take care of them. That would never work in the USA. I have never seen a woman on SA not agree to a price first, but I encourage men not to do pricing abroad especially where prostitution is legal or accepted. By doing so, you are often defining the woman as a prostitute.

05-25-20, 05:40
I found Europe to be very nice for finding SBs. I mentioned earlier that Barcelona was the best for me till date in terms of value for money. I did not try any SB through sa in USA and I'll keep it that way.

MW, I had that issue until I made the women text me on the day that they were supposed to arrive and before I do anything. If you even say on a Monday, say let us meet Tuesday, I had a ridiculously high no show rate.

I also have a plan be so if the woman does not show up, I will have a fun activity. I also prefer meeting over coffee to meeting over a meal. I know pretty quickly if a woman is sugar baby material or not.

Meeting over a meal just drags to me especially in the USA. Abroad, I meet the women at my hotel bar or restaurant. There is no cost there at all. Practically speaking, I have limited time abroad, the women know that, and I look to seal the deal more quickly.

Steve's idea with an Uber is a good one. Also, I prefer not to mention a set amount of money abroad. I prefer that women give themselves to me for non-monetary reasons and trust that I will take care of them. That would never work in the USA. I have never seen a woman on SA not agree to a price first, but I encourage men not to do pricing abroad especially where prostitution is legal or accepted. By doing so, you are often defining the woman as a prostitute.

05-25-20, 23:24
MW, I had that issue until I made the women text me on the day that they were supposed to arrive and before I do anything. If you even say on a Monday, say let us meet Tuesday, I had a ridiculously high no show rate..It comes down to investment. If the girl has only had to send you a few messages at a time that suits her, maybe she even just cut / pastes standard replies, then she has not 'invested' anything in you. She will happily burn you off for whomever is at the top of her queue. The risk is all on us to arrange hotel, turn up on time etc.

I always put it onto the girl to be the one to text me on the day. If she doesn't text then she probably wasn't worth it.

I always laugh when a SB profile says her "time is valuable". She is the one out of work and desperate for cash and yet it the is the SD who can generate free cash within a short time.

It has been a long time since I had a no show in the west.


05-26-20, 03:11
It comes down to investment. If the girl has only had to send you a few messages at a time that suits her, maybe she even just cut / pastes standard replies, then she has not 'invested' anything in you. She will happily burn you off for whomever is at the top of her queue. The risk is all on us to arrange hotel, turn up on time etc.I agree and disagree. You're right that if the girl invested some time into you, then she is more likely to show up for the first date. However, there is "a reason" why many of these girls are on SA. For many of them, that reason is because they are not capable people in general. Here are some reasons why some of the gals did not show up for our dates: (1) She accidentally got drunk and passed out. (2) She lost her pet chameleon and had to spend all day looking for it. (3) She got lost. (4) An emergency suddenly popped up. **BTW, reason (4) is a lie almost 100% of the time.

If she were a capable and smart person, then she would show up for our date. After all, it's a date with someone who finds her to be attractive and interesting, and it is with someone that she also presumably finds to attractive and interesting AND is also rich. Why would a competent girl, who needs money, NOT show up? It's because she is a flake. This is just part of the cost of being on SA and hooking up with SBs.

Like I've been saying, if you have time (lots of time), then SA is really, really awesome, but if you don't have time, then pros are more efficient.

05-26-20, 12:14
I agree and disagree. You're right that if the girl invested some time into you, then she is more likely to show up for the first date. However, there is "a reason" why many of these girls are on SA. For many of them, that reason is because they are not capable people in general. Here are some reasons why some of the gals did not show up for our dates: (1) She accidentally got drunk and passed out. (2) She lost her pet chameleon and had to spend all day looking for it. (3) She got lost. (4) An emergency suddenly popped up. **BTW, reason (4) is a lie almost 100% of the time.

If she were a capable and smart person, then she would show up for our date. After all, it's a date with someone who finds her to be attractive and interesting, and it is with someone that she also presumably finds to attractive and interesting AND is also rich. Why would a competent girl, who needs money, NOT show up? It's because she is a flake. This is just part of the cost of being on SA and hooking up with SBs.

Like I've been saying, if you have time (lots of time), then SA is really, really awesome, but if you don't have time, then pros are more efficient.According to the girls, there are many scamming men as well on the site. Guys who ask them to meet at a certain place for lunch or dinner but never show up; guys who promise <whatever goodie and never deliver; guys who cheat in other ways.

A while ago, I had sex with a lovely SA girl in a European. City. When I gave her the 200 E that we had agreed upon, she was so happy and said in two prior arrangement meets guys had fucked her and somehow cheated her out of her money. She was so happy, she kept texting me the next 2 days while I was still in the city requesting if we could meet again.

We always hear one sided stories on this site. Girls may have a different take. I hate ghosting as much as anyone else as it had happened to me more than I care for, but we need to take these into stride and remember that SA is just a meeting exchange and there are several thousands of questionable characters on both sides on that side.

Steve 9696
05-26-20, 22:56
According to the girls, there are many scamming men as well on the site. Guys who ask them to meet at a certain place for lunch or dinner but never show up; guys who promise <whatever goodie and never deliver; guys who cheat in other ways.

We always hear one sided stories on this site. Girls may have a different take. I hate ghosting as much as anyone else as it had happened to me more than I care for, but we need to take these into stride and remember that SA is just a meeting exchange and there are several thousands of questionable characters on both sides on that side.Yep 100% true. All the girls I talk with say they are overwhelmed with guys who are douches and scammers. I think I get 1000 brownie points for just not being a douche.

Early on in her SB adventures a girl I know very naive went on a date with a guy and didn't agree a price. They had dinner, she slept over and he pointed her to the subway in the morning. No gift. Not one penny. She was so shamed and flustered and didn't know how to confront him about the gift so she just left. Sure, her fault for not being clear. But she was new to it and just a trusting soul. And the dbag took advantage.

So yeah the girls endure their fair share of shit also maybe more.

05-26-20, 23:08
Hmmm. This is not been my experience. I have had two no shows out of 20 ish dates which doesn't seem high to me. Both were local. I've never had a "travel" no show. One that flaked was 19 and I was kinda nervous going that low. I find less than 22 to be flakier so no more of that. And the other was super late to the point that I just said forget it. But most girls have been really solid.

My success rate here could be affected by the fact that most girls I see I've been texting a long time with so we both have emotional investment. And I usually send an Uber, which cuts down logistical excuses significantly.Same here Steve 9696! I haven't experienced a no-show "yet". I'm sure it is bound to happen at some point. I'm a big fan of vetting the girl beforehand. I like certain types of girls personality wise and I'm picky as hell. If a girl doesn't fit the bill, or says or does something strange during our initial chats, I usually let that slide. But a repeat occurrence will probably lead to me ghosting her.

I only use SA when I'm traveling, so I have never had the hotel quandary. I have had some girls show up late, but this doesn't bother me, as I'm usually having a drink and in a nice vibe with an edible LOL. That being said, I do like to have a backup. I usually notify the 2nd girl that we should play it by ear in case I get out of work "late". This has helped significantly in the past. I met a not cool girl in Berlin, and was able to rebound after drinks with a much cooler number 2. All bc of the setup. If you don't call, no problem. You got caught up at work. If the first girl sucks, the backup is waiting (don't wait too long though. This has backfired on me too). The backup isn't always an SA girl. Sometimes, it may be an escort that I've built a rapport with (only 3 cities can I use this scenario). They know that you are busy and work late, so they don't get upset when you can't make it bc you are banging girl #1.

+1 again with Steve 9696. The girls that "pass my test" usually are the ones that like to chat and look forward to your digital flowers over whatsapp and your random pleasantries. This probably cuts down on the "weirdness" as they know your appearance, your personality, your motivation (I always make it clear that you need to be able to hang out. If we are going straight to the bed, then I'm not interested.) and there is some emotional investment built up before you actually meet.

Do you guys see a pattern of any kind regarding the typical no shows? Ex: Young, older, american girls, college girls, don't talk much over whatsapp. Anything.

05-27-20, 02:17
According to the girls, there are many scamming men as well on the site. Guys who ask them to meet at a certain place for lunch or dinner but never show up; guys who promise <whatever goodie and never deliver; guys who cheat in other ways.Yep, I know about this. If you are (1) a normal guy, (2) looking for normal fun, and (2) deliver on what you promise (e. G. , payment or whatever else you agreed to), then you are actually pretty rare on SA. So, because there are many douchebags on SA, the gals can get jaded and hardened pretty quickly, and so these douchebags just end up ruining it for guys like us. This is one reason why I like the noobs on SA. But for the seasoned SB on SA, many of them just play a numbers game. They may agree to a bunch of dates, but only finally show up to the ones that seem the most promising. So, I will revise my previous stance on this. Earlier, I said some SBs don't show because they are losers. To be more correct, I should have said that some SBs don't show because they are either losers or because they are savvy and experienced at playing the numbers game.

I should also add that my no-show problem mostly occurs in big cities. In smaller cities, the gals almost always show up for the date.

05-27-20, 02:43
I agree and disagree. You're right that if the girl invested some time into you, then she is more likely to show up for the first date. However, there is "a reason" why many of these girls are on SA. For many of them, that reason is because they are not capable people in general. Here are some reasons why some of the gals did not show up for our dates: (1) She accidentally got drunk and passed out. (2) She lost her pet chameleon and had to spend all day looking for it. (3) She got lost. (4) An emergency suddenly popped up. **BTW, reason (4) is a lie almost 100% of the time.
You are very right. Had one girl on Monday, supposed to message for an initial coffee, when I check with her on Tuesday it turns out she had some home catastrophe and never recovered. Who knows, maybe she was a bit hangover or had a better offer.

Some girls are harder work than others. He social ones I am sure do get laid more often. The hard work ones maybe give up or maybe stay with the one SD for longer.

Brooklyn Cyclone
05-27-20, 07:24
Anyone has any in call or outcall contact?

I am not single so don't have time or wine or dine the girl. Just need quick in-and-our service for a pre-agreed set price.

05-27-20, 12:05
Anyone has any in call or outcall contact?

I am not single so don't have time or wine or dine the girl. Just need quick in-and-our service for a pre-agreed set price.You are looking for an escort. Wrong forum buddy.

05-27-20, 16:12
Anyone has any in call or outcall contact?

I am not single so don't have time or wine or dine the girl. Just need quick in-and-our service for a pre-agreed set price.Sorry, this is a direct violation of SA letter and spirit.

1. If a current SA subscriber does accept your request and send the contact for a girl at a preset price, the girl is nothing more than a prostitute and that subscriber is a pimp. Yes, one does not have to receive monetary compensation to be called a pimp, prestige, a future favor owed, and other intangible motives can also be counted as compensation and yes the guy is still a pimp in my view.

2. SA site explicitly prohibits prostitution. I personally have never had any arrangements with girls who I knew to be prostitutes. We can debate all night long, but there is a finite amount of front end chat / discussion / meet / negotiation of terms / expectations of repeat meets etc before a girl and guy have sex. It is not "agree on price, a flat fixed price for all men, fuck and go, and no expectations of repeat meets". If SA were to be such a site, I would leave in a jiffy. There are other sites for those things and I have not subscribed to them. That is not to say I am against prostitution, I am clearly a patron of FKKs in DE for several years, but the key is legal.

3. Practically speaking, if any girl that I had personally had an arrangement with in the past or talking to now -- if I passed around her contact to friends and acquaintances and people I hardly know on the internet as if she was a prostitute for ready hiring, almost all of them would block me instantaneously, and likely report me to SA moderator and to any others they can think of. This is based on what I know of them personally.

Steve 9696
05-27-20, 16:46
Anyone has any in call or outcall contact?

I am not single so don't have time or wine or dine the girl. Just need quick in-and-our service for a pre-agreed set price.You should look into P411. Not sure if they are accepting new members. It's a little scary at first. You have to give them your drivers license details and they do a quick discreet employment check. Supposedly they don't keep any info other than a few keys to unique identify you.

Did this 5 years ago maybe and no issues after initial setup. Hey he great thing about is it's a vetted marketplace. The guys are known to be safe and non LE for the girls and the girls likewise vetted and not LE. There are no reviews. Just "okays" but it's very assuring to know the provider is legit. I have had some very nice experiences.

And I would Highly recommend ChristineGFE in Phoenix who has her own website. But she will need P411 or otherwise need to verify you before she invites you to her rather nice apartment.

05-27-20, 22:42
Anyone has any in call or outcall contact?

I am not single so don't have time or wine or dine the girl. Just need quick in-and-our service for a pre-agreed set price.Because our normal channels are closed at the moment, everyone is looking for the convenience of a known deal without having to do the leg work. The SA scene has exploded recently as a way to put men and (mostly) women together within the rules of the new normal.

Steve 9696
05-27-20, 23:36
Because our normal channels are closed at the moment, everyone is looking for the convenience of a known deal without having to do the leg work. The SA scene has exploded recently as a way to put men and (mostly) women together within the rules of the new normal.Oh I should have said SA works perfectly well for "no time to wine and dine". There are tons of girls on there that take $300 or $400 for An hour of standard hooker services. I just don't seek them out.

Search Friend with Benefits. Have some light convo. Take her offline to text. Ask her her Ppm. Simple.

05-28-20, 02:03
Oh I should have said SA works perfectly well for "no time to wine and dine". There are tons of girls on there that take $300 or $400 for An hour of standard hooker services. I just don't seek them out.

Search Friend with Benefits. Have some light convo. Take her offline to text. Ask her her Ppm. Simple.It is perfectly acceptable to do one's own search after purchasing SA subscription, talk to anyone you fancy and do a ppm one time meet and fuck or whatever.

From Brooklyn's post, I understood that he didn't have his own subscription to SA and merely wanting the contact of one or a few girls who were already vetted, provide ppm services and he was looking for the contact of such girls. I think it would be objectionable for any subscriber to pass on contacts in such a manner.

05-28-20, 03:04
Search Friend with Benefits. Have some light convo. Take her offline to text. Ask her her Ppm. Simple.Perhaps the OP was hoping not to pay the membership and thus does not have messaging.

05-28-20, 10:09
I agree with you. SA contacts are not for sharing. Will make us pimps in some form or the other.

Sorry, this is a direct violation of SA letter and spirit.

1. If a current SA subscriber does accept your request and send the contact for a girl at a preset price, the girl is nothing more than a prostitute and that subscriber is a pimp. Yes, one does not have to receive monetary compensation to be called a pimp, prestige, a future favor owed, and other intangible motives can also be counted as compensation and yes the guy is still a pimp in my view.

2. SA site explicitly prohibits prostitution. I personally have never had any arrangements with girls who I knew to be prostitutes. We can debate all night long, but there is a finite amount of front end chat / discussion / meet / negotiation of terms / expectations of repeat meets etc before a girl and guy have sex. It is not "agree on price, a flat fixed price for all men, fuck and go, and no expectations of repeat meets". If SA were to be such a site, I would leave in a jiffy. There are other sites for those things and I have not subscribed to them. That is not to say I am against prostitution, I am clearly a patron of FKKs in DE for several years, but the key is legal.

3. Practically speaking, if any girl that I had personally had an arrangement with in the past or talking to now -- if I passed around her contact to friends and acquaintances and people I hardly know on the internet as if she was a prostitute for ready hiring, almost all of them would block me instantaneously, and likely report me to SA moderator and to any others they can think of. This is based on what I know of them personally.

Steve 9696
05-28-20, 13:10
Perhaps the OP was hoping not to pay the membership and thus does not have messaging.Oops duh. If that was the point of the question all the other posts have covered this well. In brief, No. So wrong in so many ways.

05-28-20, 13:25
It takes a while to read this, but it is really good.

A female Canadian law student did her Master's Thesis on Sugaring, and she really asked good questions to the ladies and explored their thinking, which involves a mindset that they are on a higher caste than an escort. Being someone who loves escorts, I disagree with that conclusion, but being someone who repeats a lot with specific escorts, I understand the benefits of getting to know someone over time.


05-28-20, 20:22
It takes a while to read this, but it is really good.

A female Canadian law student did her Master's Thesis on Sugaring, and she really asked good questions to the ladies and explored their thinking, which involves a mindset that they are on a higher caste than an escort. Being someone who loves escorts, I disagree with that conclusion, but being someone who repeats a lot with specific escorts, I understand the benefits of getting to know someone over time.

https://curve.carleton.ca/system/files/etd/5186cf8e-fca9-4e98-8bc5-36239cf1cdf3/etd_pdf/6661a3fe8ba3152811f0f9272f783855/daly-sugarbabiesandsugardaddiesanexplorationof.pdfThank you. Will read through it, as you say it is a long enough book to read cover to cover. I am curious why you disagree that sugar babes are different from escorts (if it is the higher caste part you disagree with, then I am fine because I do not believe in any caste aspect to this). Not sure if you have actively use sugar babes and how those experiences were and did you think there was no difference whatsoever between hiring an escort and getting to be with a sugar babe? I have used both, and I think they are day and night apart. Not that one is better or more moral, etc, just very different. As someone who has used prostitutes extensively, I am not defensive about sugar babes nor do I "feel a need to defend their honor". Just that every thing feels very different. The amount of time it takes to snag one, the large amount of front end chat / discussion / meet and greet, the wooing, etc. The fact that I can be rejected, and I have been rejected tons of times. The fact that many sugar babes, especially the good ones have so many choices and can choose what they want, and reject all of the men if none suit their requirements. The fact that there is no preset pricing -- between sugar babes, by the same sugar with different men if she chose to be with more than one man, or even between the same sugar babe-SD combo which can change week to week. The fact that so many sugar babes do remain strictly online, or strictly platonic and still obtain a good amount of business. We can go on and on.

The Canadian sugar babe brings up the emotional side of the equation into discussion. That is a different beast altogether, but again sets SB-SD arrangement apart from a traditional escort / tute relationship. I have been strictly physical relationship type, but I know that many men engage with these girls for a variety of needs, and only a fraction of them involve sexual needs.

I would define SB-SD arrangement as one where they come together in a marketplace, and decide to form a loose contract that involves quid pro quo -- the exchanged goods and services that flow in either direction could be a variety of things, and cover a wide gamut. Each individual contract can be and usually is different.

05-28-20, 20:48
It takes a while to read this, but it is really good.

A female Canadian law student did her Master's Thesis on Sugaring, and she really asked good questions to the ladies and explored their thinking, which involves a mindset that they are on a higher caste than an escort. Being someone who loves escorts, I disagree with that conclusion, but being someone who repeats a lot with specific escorts, I understand the benefits of getting to know someone over time.

https://curve.carleton.ca/system/files/etd/5186cf8e-fca9-4e98-8bc5-36239cf1cdf3/etd_pdf/6661a3fe8ba3152811f0f9272f783855/daly-sugarbabiesandsugardaddiesanexplorationof.pdfBTW, this is a very good read. I have yet to finish the whole thing. He sections related to legality of sugar dating, how LE might view this, the views of some legal scholars and practical issues involved are all fascinating to read. Thank you for forwarding this very interesting work.

Big Boss Man
05-28-20, 21:04
I been playing with two women.

They are both educated and vegans. There is not an ounce of fat on either one. One is an Instagram influencer and a college student. I get off on her intellectually. The other is an actress who has IMDB credits.

The college student kept saying we can be friends. We can be friends until I found her number. I guaranteed her four sessions at $500 per session. She can pull out if she wants. So now it's FWB. In bed, she is inexperienced.

The actress told me she gets $600 per session from her last sugar daddy. But she also knows massage. So she comes over for $250 for two hours. She has been making out with me for the last part of the massage. She dresses sexy. She is around 30 so she just might let me fuck her one day just because she likes me. The making out became closer to heavy petting last time.

Both women are foreigners. The Eurogirl told me that she could bring Europe to me when I said that I was sad I couldn't travel to Europe this year.

So I am finding Southern California to be very expensive. But these women are quality. They can really hold a conversation. They would be interesting just to date. I think better than I found in the FKKs or in Spain. I don't get the impression that they are fucking a large multiple of guys. But they could be great actresses.

Anyway I am spending my vacation money on them. They took a while to find on Seeking. There are more than a few hookers on there at least in Southern California. I am a senior citizen so playing with young attractive intelligent women is fun.

05-28-20, 21:19
Forgot to say -- I found it interesting that there are 7,000 sugar mommies and 100,000 male sugar babes. In contrast, there are 509 K female sugar babes and 115 K male sugar daddies. Sugar mommies really do have their pick, don't they? A ratio of 14 to 1! For us male daddies, it is only 4. 4 babes to one daddy, hehe. Also, the ratio has become worse for us over time -- in 2012, per this report, there were 22 K daddies and 205 K babes, now it is 115 K daddies and 509 K babes. I guess word has gotten out and a lot of daddies have joined the site. That said, I am not sure if this woman Sarah Daly has counted only paying subscriber daddies or all daddies. Many men simply register on the site, ogle the photos and never have the messaging ability. I would not count them if it were up to me.

I have observed that in my 4+ years, the number of babes have increased in my home city. That gives me satisfaction because I feel like I have more choices. What I do not see though is how many other men are there on the site competing with me for attention from the same girls. This study makes it clear that in fact, the ratio of men / women has become worse for us men. This is assuming that the trends in USA mimic the trends in Canada which is the basis for this thesis.

Steve 9696
05-28-20, 23:00
If I recall it was just a few weeks back when you were dabbling and asking advice. And now you have engaged! Bravo! And welcome to the club. It's warm and wet inside. 😋.

05-28-20, 23:04
I wasn't being critical, I just view this entire industry as a game. Different people enjoy different aspects of the game, but I have observed over time (especially on other some other boards) that some guys seem to feel a superiority by having a successful Sugar Daddy relationship, in comparison to guys who see a tremendous number of traditional sex workers for short-time sessions. I just figure that we all enjoy different aspects of the experience and that we are all the same. No one being better than anyone else, so I can't accept that perception of superiority. A number of escorts have posted their amusement about this very topic. They have friends who are Sugar Babies who occasionally forget and make snide comments about how they don't have sex with just anyone.

I used to occasionally see a touring escort in Chicago who worked with a big agency there that offered incall and outcall. Our travel paths crossed from time to time. She was half Brazilian and half-Japanese. A cool girl and a great fuck. She lived in Las Vegas and flew to Chicago once every month or two. She was popular enough in Chicago that she saw enough guys to constitute Debbie Does Chicago. In Vegas, it was a different story. She didn't want to work too much since she had family, but she managed to get to know concierge folks at the most expensive hotels and clubs. She said she had become popular among the Japanese "whales" and she got an outrageous hourly rate when the concierge guys privately set her up for extended dates with the most select clientele. Pretty sure she didn't tell the whales that she re-enacts Debbie Does Chicago every month or two. She gave them the impression of Exclusivity that they wanted and paid for.

Limited Availability and Exclusivity are very good marketing tools. And for that matter, so is anticipation and hype. And so is the feeling of winning in a Game of Chance. I think Sugaring has all of that, and I am glad people enjoy it. We all find the aspects of The Game that gives each of us the most enjoyment. But I think it is all A Game.

Thank you. Will read through it, as you say it is a long enough book to read cover to cover. I am curious why you disagree that sugar babes are different from escorts (if it is the higher caste part you disagree with, then I am fine because I do not believe in any caste aspect to this). Not sure if you have actively use sugar babes and how those experiences were and did you think there was no difference whatsoever between hiring an escort and getting to be with a sugar babe? I have used both, and I think they are day and night apart. Not that one is better or more moral, etc, just very different. As someone who has used prostitutes extensively, I am not defensive about sugar babes nor do I "feel a need to defend their honor". Just that every thing feels very different. The amount of time it takes to snag one, the large amount of front end chat / discussion / meet and greet, the wooing, etc. The fact that I can be rejected, and I have been rejected tons of times. The fact that many sugar babes, especially the good ones have so many choices and can choose what they want, and reject all of the men if none suit their requirements. The fact that there is no preset pricing -- between sugar babes, by the same sugar with different men if she chose to be with more than one man, or even between the same sugar babe-SD combo which can change week to week. The fact that so many sugar babes do remain strictly online, or strictly platonic and still obtain a good amount of business. We can go on and on..

05-28-20, 23:22
I've been using SA off and on since August with mixed results. Lots of scammers. Don't ever send any money to somebody before you meet them. I drop anybody who asks for money ahead of time. Lately, lots of mediocre sex. If I wanted mediocre and unfulfilling sex there are easier venues to get it, cheaper as well. I have met one redhead who is really sweet and if she wasn't such a flake I might ask her if she wants to be a bit more. I've met another lady with a body that really turns me on, but she is really bad at sex. In fact I've been really disappointed in the quality of sex I've been finding lately.

Other things, there are a lot of Filipinas and Venezuelans who have been marking me as a favorite. Mostly they want to sell photos and videos. Not really my thing, but it's aggravating when they get all pissed off about it.

I've actually had some nice exchanges with other ladies even though we haven't gotten together. There's one in Kiev I plan to contact before my next trip there.

All in all, the quality of women seems to be going down, but the number who are getting hungry because of the shutdown has gone up. It's a bit of a tossup whether I want to meet some of them or just go to the Asian Massage place a few blocks away. I will say it looks like a good way to contact women before leaving on a trip, so overall it has been worth it.

05-29-20, 02:21
I've been on the SA as a premium member for 3 days and already ran into SA scams. I've heard of SA for some years now and after reading this group, I got the nerve to sign up.

Webcam Scam:

One hot looking chick favorited me. Profile says she wants online only during the COVID-19 crisis. I asked if she does webcams shows and she said she does. Negotiated $60 for 30 minutes including her using toys. She asked my donation be in the form of an Amazon gift card and I give half first. I told her let's just do the show and a few hours later we connected through Skype. She said she was getting ready on her end. Asked for me to send the Amazon gift card to her first. I stalled her asking her to start the came first. She insisted. But I replied, "No dude is going to send cash before seeing you on the camera". I waited 10+ minutes but all communications stopped. Then she deleted her SA profile. Waste of maybe 1 HR total of my time from initial chat to end of Skype chat.


Got like two or three Asian chicks favorite me. Conversation is cute and sweet. But eventually they ask for you to sign up on an Asian dating website www.gagahi.com. I'm pretty sure this is a scam and they get referral money for it.

General Suspicious Behavior:

Hot girls that just signed up to SA the same day or days prior add me to their favorites. They can be all over the world too. I won't even entertain them now having learned my lesson.

05-29-20, 02:24
Thanks so much for your report. You're a new SA Sugar Daddy and already getting all this hot action? Congrats. I've started 3 days and already bummed out. I'm up in and. Cal.

I would definitely give $600 PPM for this hot SB. Check out that ass!


I been playing with two women.

They are both educated and vegans. There is not an ounce of fat on either one. One is an Instagram influencer and a college student. I get off on her intellectually. The other is an actress who has IMDB credits.

The college student kept saying we can be friends. We can be friends until I found her number. I guaranteed her four sessions at $500 per session. She can pull out if she wants. So now it's FWB. In bed, she is inexperienced.

The actress told me she gets $600 per session from her last sugar daddy. But she also knows massage. So she comes over for $250 for two hours. She has been making out with me for the last part of the massage. She dresses sexy. She is around 30 so she just might let me fuck her one day just because she likes me. The making out became closer to heavy petting last time.

Both women are foreigners. The Eurogirl told me that she could bring Europe to me when I said that I was sad I couldn't travel to Europe this year.

So I am finding Southern California to be very expensive. But these women are quality. They can really hold a conversation. They would be interesting just to date. I think better than I found in the FKKs or in Spain. I don't get the impression that they are fucking a large multiple of guys. But they could be great actresses..

05-29-20, 02:41
Thanks for posting this. I like reading this stuff. I just finished skimming the whole thing. However, I was a bit disappointed with the thesis, but not because it wasn't a good thesis (I thought it was very good, but good from an academic criteria), but because I didn't learn that much from it. Most of it is academic, meaning that it presents a lot of statistics (some flawed, but I won't bother going into details on this) and the discussions were largely theoretical (I know this is typical for an academic thesis, but for self-serving reasons I was hoping to learn something practical and useful). As for the analyses, it is based on a textual analysis of the forums on SA and supplemented by interviews with 2 SBs. For anyone that does research, it is well known that interviewing only 2 people is too small a sample, which is obvious, BUT, more importantly, there is also a major self-selection bias problem (I. E. , we are only getting the insights from 2 SBs that would volunteer to be interviewed, and so we are not getting insights from a representative random population of SBs, which would obviously be more meaningful and insightful). So, for me, I actually learned more about SA on this ISG thread, and from my own discussions with the SBs that I met and am still friends with.

It takes a while to read this, but it is really good.

A female Canadian law student did her Master's Thesis on Sugaring, and she really asked good questions to the ladies and explored their thinking, which involves a mindset that they are on a higher caste than an escort. Being someone who loves escorts, I disagree with that conclusion, but being someone who repeats a lot with specific escorts, I understand the benefits of getting to know someone over time.


05-29-20, 14:02
I wasn't being critical, I just view this entire industry as a game. Different people enjoy different aspects of the game, but I have observed over time (especially on other some other boards) that some guys seem to feel a superiority by having a successful Sugar Daddy relationship, in comparison to guys who see a tremendous number of traditional sex workers for short-time sessions. I just figure that we all enjoy different aspects of the experience and that we are all the same. No one being better than anyone else, so I can't accept that perception of superiority. A number of escorts have posted their amusement about this very topic. They have friends who are Sugar Babies who occasionally forget and make snide comments about how they don't have sex with just anyone.

I used to occasionally see a touring escort in Chicago who worked with a big agency there that offered incall and outcall. Our travel paths crossed from time to time. She was half Brazilian and half-Japanese. A cool girl and a great fuck. She lived in Las Vegas and flew to Chicago once every month or two. She was popular enough in Chicago that she saw enough guys to constitute Debbie Does Chicago. In Vegas, it was a different story..Yes, I agree with pretty much all you said. If a girl can create a feeling of luxury and exclusivity, the price hike can be considerable. I have seen you post on German FKK threads, so you know this. Prices in Swiss clubs are nearly 2 to 3 times the prices in German clubs. A number of girls have a rotating door between Germany and SUI, and some guys patronize both sets of clubs. I can understand why you would pay 150 for the same girl in Swiss clubs if you could fuck her for 50 in DE. If it is that you just happened to be in SUI for a couple of days for business and don't care about excess price, then that is fine but we are talking about sex tourists who intentionally fly to Swiss clubs seeking out some specific girls who used t work in DE clubs. I find that irrational.

I have occasionally looked into escorting with porn stars. But I can't justify their price tags, which are 4 to 6 times what I pay to a normal sugar babe who is just as good looking. From the POV of a porn star, she went into porn precisely because she can get her name out and command a large premium. But I refuse to pay such a premium.

As for guys feeling superior about sugar babes vs escorts. That is something to be ignored. Human beings always have a need for self affirmation. Whatever it is that they do, they feel that is superior, better. I think we should cut people some slack and let them feel better about themselves if it causes no harm to anyone else.

Steve 9696
05-29-20, 15:49
I've been on the SA as a premium member for 3 days and already ran into SA scams. I've heard of SA for some years now and after reading this group, I got the nerve to sign up.

Webcam Scam:

One hot looking chick favorited me. Profile says she wants online only during the COVID-19 crisis. I asked if she does webcams shows and she said she does. Negotiated $60 for 30 minutes including her using toys. She asked my donation be in the form of an Amazon gift card and I give half first. I told her let's just do the show and a few hours later we connected through Skype. She said she was getting ready on her end. Asked for me to send the Amazon gift card to her first. I stalled her asking her to start the came first. She insisted. But I replied, "No dude is going to send cash before seeing you on the camera". I waited 10+ minutes but all communications stopped. Then she deleted her SA profile. Waste of maybe 1 HR total of my time from initial chat to end of Skype chat.


Got like two or three Asian chicks favorite me. Conversation is cute and sweet. But eventually they ask for you to sign up on an Asian dating website www.gagahi.com. I'm pretty sure this is a scam and they get referral money for it.

General Suspicious Behavior:

Hot girls that just signed up to SA the same day or days prior add me to their favorites. They can be all over the world too. I won't even entertain them now having learned my lesson.Simple rule. Ignore anyone who favorites you. Don't respond. Just delete the chat. Any girl worth being with will NOT be pursuing you. You make the first move and ignore all who come to you first.

Steve 9696
05-29-20, 15:54
Yes, I agree with pretty much all you said. If a girl can create a feeling of luxury and exclusivity, the price hike can be considerable. I have seen you post on German FKK threads, so you know this. Prices in Swiss clubs are nearly 2 to 3 times the prices in German clubs. A number of girls have a rotating door between Germany and SUI, and some guys patronize both sets of clubs. I can understand why you would pay 150 for the same girl in Swiss clubs if you could fuck her for 50 in DE. If it is that you just happened to be in SUI for a couple of days for business and don't care about excess price, then that is fine but we are talking about sex tourists who intentionally fly to Swiss clubs seeking out some specific girls who used t work in DE clubs. I find that irrational.

I have occasionally looked into escorting with porn stars. But I can't justify their price tags, which are 4 to 6 times what I pay to a normal sugar babe who is just as good looking. From the POV of a porn star, she went into porn precisely because she can get her name out and command a large premium. But I refuse to pay such a premium.

As for guys feeling superior about sugar babes vs escorts. That is something to be ignored. Human beings always have a need for self affirmation. Whatever it is that they do, they feel that is superior, better. I think we should cut people some slack and let them feel better about themselves if it causes no harm to anyone else.Haha there is even a level above this. Japanese Nanpa / POA. These guys have some amazing tips and techniques on how to close the deal. And I've found these useful on occasion— like the girl in Vegas who said "I can't sleep with a guy I just met" and yet we were fucking 20 minutes later. LOL. But I digress. Point is sometimes I participate in their forum because I find it interesting. But I invariably get looked down on because SB is cheating and real men never pay. LOL. Okay if that makes you feel better. Meanwhile I will use my $$ to every advantage I can!

Big Boss Man
05-29-20, 16:30
Thanks so much for your report. You're a new SA Sugar Daddy and already getting all this hot action? Congrats. I've started 3 days and already bummed out. I'm up in and. Cal.

I would definitely give $600 PPM for this hot SB. Check out that ass!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmh62d6XD7It took more than three days. The younger woman met me then we went back and forth for about three weeks. She just wanted to be friends. I did not want to be engaged in a bunch of tease. I recommend watching the movie "That Obscure Object of Desire" to show what tease can do to a man.

Then I found a number she was willing to do FWB. But even she then pushed for $600. I sense she is a little short of cash right now. We will see how the second meeting goes. Maybe the sex will get better as she becomes more comfortable. I am also using the technique of paying her on Monday morning so it doesn't feel as transactional. She could ghost me and keep the $500. I am trying to build trust and the friendship part which seems important to her.

The older one was not going to her page on Seeking but then she saw that I liked her after about three weeks. She seems a little more sensual.

It is almost unfortunate that two shook out at the same time because now I will be over budget for June. I might have to drop one in July. I have not perfected anything yet.

The Cane
05-29-20, 16:42
But I invariably get looked down on because SB is cheating and real men never pay. LOL.Real men have a glass of milk with their dinner if that's what they want to drink. And they pay for pussy, and will openly state that they do so in the appropriate forums. Society attempts to shame us and sexually enslave us, but we have found a way to be sexually free. Only phony men try to hide and deny what they do, while putting on a 100% front for society as a "family" man. I've fucked more pretty girls in the ass than these men will get even pussy. And I'm talking about over the course of their entire lifetimes! I was talking to a guy on another site, who was telling me about a swinger party that he attended with his wife and a male friend. He said that I should go, and how his friend had fucked 8 women in the ass, and how he was envious as he had not done that many women in the butt in his entire middle-aged life. Just looked at my screen and shook my head and laughed! Ha! I guess it's true that you become what your priorities are LOL! The bottom line is that we mongers don't let the sexual mores of society keep us down and sexually enslaved. There is a way to go about mongering that is safe, moral, sanitary and correct, and we can't let the uptight, stifled pinheads and blockheads of society tell us no, or try to make us feel bad about ourselves. Even marriage is a screwed up institution if you ask me. So, they can talk all they want to about "real men don't pay". But we're getting some "real sex". And a lot of it too LOL! I know that much. Well maybe not right at the moment, but you know what I mean. Carry on men! Be it SA or whatever. Keep getting it!

Max #01
05-29-20, 16:57
It takes a while to read this, but it is really good.

A female Canadian law student did her Master's Thesis on Sugaring, and she really asked good questions to the ladies and explored their thinking, which involves a mindset that they are on a higher caste than an escort. Being someone who loves escorts, I disagree with that conclusion, but being someone who repeats a lot with specific escorts, I understand the benefits of getting to know someone over time.

https://curve.carleton.ca/system/files/etd/5186cf8e-fca9-4e98-8bc5-36239cf1cdf3/etd_pdf/6661a3fe8ba3152811f0f9272f783855/daly-sugarbabiesandsugardaddiesanexplorationof.pdfI couldn't resist finding out more details about Ms Daley -- pretty impressive & a redhead to boot!: https://carleton-ca.academia.edu/SarahDaly.

Steve 9696
05-29-20, 17:59
Then I found a number she was willing to do FWB. But even she then pushed for $600. I sense she is a little short of cash right now. We will see how the second meeting goes. Maybe the sex will get better as she becomes more comfortable. I am also using the technique of paying her on Monday morning so it doesn't feel as transactional. She could ghost me and keep the $500. I am trying to build trust and the friendship part which seems important to her.
.It will definitely get better each time. Don't forget also — suppose you know this — that women and men are completely different. Once we cum we want to be left alone. But my experience with women is if you can make her cum she will do anything you want after that. So make sure to make her happy. And the rest will follow. And don't be afraid to direct a bit. These Newbie girls are generally quite submissive. I am pretty much 100% for having to say "can you lick and suck down here" indicating my balls. And 100% success for them diving in with gusto.

Good luck in your adventures.

05-29-20, 20:15
Simple rule. Ignore anyone who favorites you. Don't respond. Just delete the chat. Any girl worth being with will NOT be pursuing you. You make the first move and ignore all who come to you first.Good advice. Also, suspicious is their join date is the same day! Or just a few days prior. I think, even if reaching out to a girl, I would be apprehensive on such a short join date.

05-29-20, 20:30
I've been using SA off and on since August with mixed results. Lots of scammers. Don't ever send any money to somebody before you meet them. I drop anybody who asks for money ahead of time. Lately, lots of mediocre sex. If I wanted mediocre and unfulfilling sex there are easier venues to get it, cheaper as well. I have met one redhead who is really sweet and if she wasn't such a flake I might ask her if she wants to be a bit more. I've met another lady with a body that really turns me on, but she is really bad at sex. In fact I've been really disappointed in the quality of sex I've been finding lately.

Other things, there are a lot of Filipinas and Venezuelans who have been marking me as a favorite. Mostly they want to sell photos and videos. Not really my thing, but it's aggravating when they get all pissed off about it.

I've actually had some nice exchanges with other ladies even though we haven't gotten together. There's one in Kiev I plan to contact before my next trip there.

All in all, the quality of women seems to be going down, but the number who are getting hungry because of the shutdown has gone up. It's a bit of a tossup whether I want to meet some of them or just go to the Asian Massage place a few blocks away. I will say it looks like a good way to contact women before leaving on a trip, so overall it has been worth it.Thanks for your account of your SA experience. The number of flakes and scams is frightening.

Also the Covid crisis is having strange effects. On the one hand, girls may be apprehensive about meeting up physically. On the other hand, many girls in this age group have lost a lot of income and the crisis isn't even over yet. These could be ghetto girls to even quality educated girls like dental assistants. My last dental visit had a hot Filipino assistant I wanted to bang the first time I saw her.

I'm with you. I can get quality Asian (Korean "k-girl") pussy where I am that is consistently good and very often bareback too. I do that weekly. So not even sure why I'm on SA other than trying to arbitrage a unique world-wide environment and trying to get some quality white girl action.

My current strategy is to filter for FWB and NSA specifically. Filter *out* Platonic, Marriage Minded, etc. Get some flirting in the SA chat, then get her offline and ask for PPM pay per meet. I'm not just up for wham-bam but that would be nice. If there's compatibility, I'm more than willing to go to dinners and outings later -- that doesn't happen with the k-girls. For me, like most men, the physical side has to be there first so I want a girl that shows willingness with PPM.

05-29-20, 20:45
You should look into P411. Not sure if they are accepting new members. It's a little scary at first. You have to give them your drivers license details and they do a quick discreet employment check. Supposedly they don't keep any info other than a few keys to unique identify you.

Did this 5 years ago maybe and no issues after initial setup. Hey he great thing about is it's a vetted marketplace. The guys are known to be safe and non LE for the girls and the girls likewise vetted and not LE. There are no reviews. Just "okays" but it's very assuring to know the provider is legit. I have had some very nice experiences.

And I would Highly recommend ChristineGFE in Phoenix who has her own website. But she will need P411 or otherwise need to verify you before she invites you to her rather nice apartment.I looked in P411 yesterday. But I saw some very negative reviews about it. For starters, P411 doesn't even pretend that its *not* a prostitution site. In the US, prostitution is illegal yet the P411 takes you full details (name, address, DOB, income, employment.). If P411 gets raided and hit with a search warrant, then they have a treasure trove of personal information on Johns. P411 is registered and hosted in the USA so they are subject to searches if a court orders it. They should register outside of the USA to at least mitigate that part of it like a. Ch domain that many monger sites are starting to use.

Also, can you usea P411 verification on your SA profile so girls can easily check that?

What SA needs is an *income verification* in addition to their background check. The income verification is just like that would be done when applying for a mortgage or re-finance. Send them recent pay stubs along with all current bank & investment statements. That would give girls a better selection criteria. As any broke dude (decent or not) can claim a $2 M networth and multiple real estate properties.

05-29-20, 22:25
Thanks for posting this. I like reading this stuff. I just finished skimming the whole thing. However, I was a bit disappointed with the thesis, but not because it wasn't a good thesis (I thought it was very good, but good from an academic criteria), but because I didn't learn that much from it. Most of it is academic, meaning that it presents a lot of statistics (some flawed, but I won't bother going into details on this) and the discussions were largely theoretical (I know this is typical for an academic thesis, but for self-serving reasons I was hoping to learn something practical and useful). As for the analyses, it is based on a textual analysis of the forums on SA and supplemented by interviews with 2 SBs. For anyone that does research, it is well known that interviewing only 2 people is too small a sample, which is obvious, BUT, more importantly, there is also a major self-selection bias problem (I. E. , we are only getting the insights from 2 SBs that would volunteer to be interviewed, and so we are not getting insights from a representative random population of SBs, which would obviously be more meaningful and insightful). So, for me, I actually learned more about SA on this ISG thread, and from my own discussions with the SBs that I met and am still friends with.I think the portions of her thesis related to LE interest in SA were interesting. I also liked reading a moderately academic perspective on this topic. It was never to going give us practical tips, I mean she is a woman writing her Masters thesis. Not a guy using SA to fuck girls. Her focus was always going to be not in a direction aligned with ours, right? I agree it would have been better if she had talked to more sugar babes but then again my guess is, she did not receive replies from many sugar babes when she told them what she was looking for. I also don't know why she did and't attempt to speak to any guys and how her advisors thought her thesis was complete w / o getting any input from guys who are 50% of the transaction she is trying to understand.

Honestly if you have used the sugar babes sites for a few months and had real sexual relationships with a few girls, you know what to do, what works for you, what you like and don't. Not sure even tips from any other men will be helpful or needed. It is interesting to read about the experiences of other men, but as far as being helpful, not really. That's my view, anyway.

05-29-20, 23:29
Good advice. Also, suspicious is their join date is the same day! Or just a few days prior. I think, even if reaching out to a girl, I would be apprehensive on such a short join date.They could be legit though. Their old account was banned because they were talking price. I'd ask questions, I've been successful with "new accounts".

05-29-20, 23:56
They could be legit though. Their old account was banned because they were talking price. I'd ask questions, I've been successful with "new accounts".I see. But how would they get caught discussing this things? I guess SA monitors all private comminations on the website which is why we want to move to external chats right away?

05-30-20, 04:56
I read some of you said that there are tons of girls on SA during this quarantine time because many are desperate for some financial help. I'm not sure if I'the agree with that since many ladies have been on that sites for few years. Few new ones don't seem to fit my type. It seems to me that many of you don't seem to be very selective based on physical attributes. For me, my preference is generally white up to 25 yo with athletic build and at least 5'5" tall, and I haven't seem to find that many. Perhaps, I'm just too darn picky about my preference. My philosophy is that if you're going to pay for an arrangement, you might as well pay for the best you can get. I generally pursue the ones that are considered to be way out of my league in my normal life.

When you read SA profiles saying that they're open to traveling to you and with you as long as there is genuine connection, do they usually mean staying and sleeping together overnight? I read somewhere that many SBs insist on staying in separate rooms when traveling together. That would be a hell NO. Have you guys ever gone on trips with your SA ladies? If so, how much did they ask for? Do you usually stay away from those explicitly stating that they want emotional connection? I've seen many seeking tags like that.

You guys are rightfully suspicious about some profiles. I've noticed that sometimes my profile got favorited by female members who never viewed my profile. I find that very strange. How's that possible? That makes no sense to me. How could a member favorite you or send you message blindly without viewing your profile? That usually raises a red flag for me. Have you people noticed that? That seems very fishy. Is it possible SA website purposely create some dummy attractive profiles as baits to get more guys pay for the subscription? If true, that would be a very dishonest business practice. Last year, Match.com dating site got sued for sending robo messages from faked attractive members to lure new members to pay for premium membership. That's no good.

05-30-20, 05:15
I read some of you said that there are tons of girls on SA during this quarantine time because many are desperate for some financial help. I'm not sure if I'the agree with that since many ladies have been on that sites for few years. Few new ones don't seem to fit my type. It seems to me that many of you don't seem to be very selective based on physical attributes. For me, my preference is generally white up to 25 yo with athletic build and at least 5'5" tall, and I haven't seem to find that many. Perhaps, I'm just too darn picky about my preference. My philosophy is that if you're going to pay for an arrangement, you might as well pay for the best you can get. I generally pursue the ones that are considered to be way out of my league in my normal life.

When you read SA profiles saying that they're open to traveling to you and with you as long as there is genuine connection, do they usually mean staying and sleeping together overnight? I read somewhere that many SBs insist on staying in separate rooms when traveling together. That would be a hell NO. Have you guys ever gone on trips with your SA ladies? If so, how much did they ask for? Do you usually stay away from those explicitly stating that they want emotional connection? I've seen many seeking tags like that..With all due respect, you should not be making comments about people you do not know. " It seems to me that many of you don't seem to be very selective based on physical attributes". That is a highly inflammatory statement, about many men on this site you have no clue about. Furthermore, if you are not having success wherever you live, that is hardly the same situation all over the world. I have said many times that SA is not necessarily one global market but a collection of several regional and city markets. Each has its own characteristic and some markets are much better than others.

You have several questions. It is OK to ask questions if you had asked them in a respectful manner. But you begin your comment with how your standards are high and put down others on the site with you must not have high standards and then ask for how we are managing our affairs on SA. I have to say you have a curious way of asking for help.

"My philosophy is that if you're going to pay for an arrangement, you might as well pay for the best you can get. I generally pursue the ones that are considered to be way out of my league in my normal life. " Let me see. A hot super model type girl would be most certainly out of your league. If you sell your house, empty your retirement account and give everything to her, she might spend a night with you or a weekend.

05-30-20, 10:05
I read some of you said that there are tons of girls on SA during this quarantine time because many are desperate for some financial help. I'm not sure if I'the agree with that since many ladies have been on that sites for few years. Few new ones don't seem to fit my type. It seems to me that many of you don't seem to be very selective based on physical attributes. For me, my preference is generally white up to 25 yo with athletic build and at least 5'5" tall, and I haven't seem to find that many. Perhaps, I'm just too darn picky about my preference. My philosophy is that if you're going to pay for an arrangement, you might as well pay for the best you can get. I generally pursue the ones that are considered to be way out of my league in my normal life.

When you read SA profiles saying that they're open to traveling to you and with you as long as there is genuine connection, do they usually mean staying and sleeping together overnight? I read somewhere that many SBs insist on staying in separate rooms when traveling together. That would be a hell NO. Have you guys ever gone on trips with your SA ladies? If so, how much did they ask for? Do you usually stay away from those explicitly stating that they want emotional connection? I've seen many seeking tags like that..Yes, I've also noticed them favoriting without so much looking at my profile. I'm guessing they do a a filter search on SDs. When the list comes back, they just click on the "heart" icon on each and every SD that comes up in the list.

Been thinking about it and it does makes sense but just for them. Because the SB now shows up on the top of the SD's list, in his e-mail alerts, and SA website alerts for all for *free*! Otherwise they would have pay for the option of "boosting" their profile which puts them at the top of all SD's search results regardless of whether they fit into his filter. Boost costs:

* 1 Boost for 24 hrs ($9.99).

* 5 Boosts ($7.99/ ea).

* 10 bosts ($5.99/ ea).

05-30-20, 12:56
Let me see. A hot super model type girl would be most certainly out of your league. If you sell your house, empty your retirement account and give everything to her, she might spend a night with you or a weekend.A breathing woman with two arms and two legs is most likely out of his league.

05-30-20, 13:38
After the government took down backpage, P411 stopped accepting credit cards. It was necessary to send a bank check to Canada to join up. I think they now take US credit cards again, but their operations are not in the USA.

The real problem with them is that so many of their girls were way too high end for me. $300-$400 an HR is my limit.

I looked in P411 yesterday. But I saw some very negative reviews about it. For starters, P411 doesn't even pretend that its *not* a prostitution site. In the US, prostitution is illegal yet the P411 takes you full details (name, address, DOB, income, employment.). If P411 gets raided and hit with a search warrant, then they have a treasure trove of personal information on Johns. P411 is registered and hosted in the USA so they are subject to searches if a court orders it. They should register outside of the USA to at least mitigate that part of it like a. Ch domain that many monger sites are starting to use.

Also, can you usea P411 verification on your SA profile so girls can easily check that?

What SA needs is an *income verification* in addition to their background check. The income verification is just like that would be done when applying for a mortgage or re-finance. Send them recent pay stubs along with all current bank & investment statements. That would give girls a better selection criteria. As any broke dude (decent or not) can claim a $2 M networth and multiple real estate properties.

05-30-20, 15:38
Yes, I've also noticed them favoriting without so much looking at my profile. I'm guessing they do a a filter search on SDs. When the list comes back, they just click on the "heart" icon on each and every SD that comes up in the list.

Been thinking about it and it does makes sense but just for them. Because the SB now shows up on the top of the SD's list, in his e-mail alerts, and SA website alerts for all for *free*! Otherwise they would have pay for the option of "boosting" their profile which puts them at the top of all SD's search results regardless of whether they fit into his filter. Boost costs:

* 1 Boost for 24 hrs ($9.99).

* 5 Boosts ($7.99/ ea).

* 10 bosts ($5.99/ ea).In my opinion, it hardly matters whether a girl has favorited you or not, whether she had looked at your profile or not. I think I said this like 3 or 4 times so far: until you physically meet a girl face to face, spent a few minutes talking and getting to know her, a girl is just some electrons moving around in ether. She is not real until then. Could be a guy in China or Serbia, using a few photos to lure you into sending money on Venmo, for all we know. Could be an AI bot.

I think there is really no reason to become paranoid about one type of girls vs other. When you begin chatting, you will know gradually if they sound real or not. If eventually you meet them for a coffee or dinner or lunch or drink, then you will know for sure. Your biggest investment is your time. So, you should learn to enjoy this tete a tete with these girls, even if you know in your heart that some or many of them are scammers and not real. It is a back and forth flirtation. Just keep in mind that a very large percent of those interactions will fizzle out.

05-30-20, 19:40
In my opinion, it hardly matters whether a girl has favorited you or not, whether she had looked at your profile or not. I think I said this like 3 or 4 times so far: until you physically meet a girl face to face, spent a few minutes talking and getting to know her, a girl is just some electrons moving around in ether. She is not real until then. Could be a guy in China or Serbia, using a few photos to lure you into sending money on Venmo, for all we know. Could be an AI bot.

I think there is really no reason to become paranoid about one type of girls vs other. When you begin chatting, you will know gradually if they sound real or not. If eventually you meet them for a coffee or dinner or lunch or drink, then you will know for sure. Your biggest investment is your time. So, you should learn to enjoy this tete a tete with these girls, even if you know in your heart that some or many of them are scammers and not real. It is a back and forth flirtation. Just keep in mind that a very large percent of those interactions will fizzle out.True. But the chick should at least look at the SD's profile which a bot or scammer wouldn't do or care much about. In the end, I may go further. *Nothing* above even matters! Not until I see my bare dick splitting her lower lips open! LOL.

05-31-20, 10:43
I place zero emphasis on the profile. I know that my profile is fiction, so I assume the SB might be also. Things get resolved in the chats.

05-31-20, 11:17
In my opinion, it hardly matters whether a girl has favorited you or not, whether she had looked at your profile or not. I think I said this like 3 or 4 times so far: until you physically meet a girl face to face, spent a few minutes talking and getting to know her, a girl is just some electrons moving around in ether. She is not real until then. Could be a guy in China or Serbia, using a few photos to lure you into sending money on Venmo, for all we know. Could be an AI bot.Exactly. This is why I just say, "let's meet" almost immediately. I try to chat with them as little as possible. Chemistry is really established in person, not while chatting.

05-31-20, 18:58
I place zero emphasis on the profile. I know that my profile is fiction, so I assume the SB might be also. Things get resolved in the chats.Really?

So do you put in your SA profile that you're 6'6" corporate executive? Your profile photo and albums show you leaned against one of your Ferraris in front of your beach side villa or mega yacht?

But guys at that level probably don't need to be on SA. Or they hire a "Booker" or agent to get girls for them. That's what I'd do. So when I get back from work or that stressful business negotiation, there's already a fine ass bikini model ready for me to release my stresses in her preferably in all three holes. Time is so precious at that level of wealth!

Unfortunately, this is what most girls think that SD are isn't it?

05-31-20, 21:26

So do you put in your SA profile that you're 6'6" corporate executive? Your profile photo and albums show you leaned against one of your Ferraris in front of your beach side villa or mega yacht?

But guys at that level probably don't need to be on SA. Or they hire a "Booker" or agent to get girls for them. That's what I'd do. So when I get back from work or that stressful business negotiation, there's already a fine ass bikini model ready for me to release my stresses in her preferably in all three holes. Time is so precious at that level of wealth!

Unfortunately, this is what most girls think that SD are isn't it?My Profile is mostly correct. Also, I do not read there profiles, I will figure everything out in text messages and VideoChats. Made a mistake of not doing that in MTY this weekend, caused some issues. Moving forward no VideoChat no meeting. Time is money.

Steve 9696
05-31-20, 22:39

So do you put in your SA profile that you're 6'6" corporate executive? Your profile photo and albums show you leaned against one of your Ferraris in front of your beach side villa or mega yacht?

But guys at that level probably don't need to be on SA. Or they hire a "Booker" or agent to get girls for them. That's what I'd do. So when I get back from work or that stressful business negotiation, there's already a fine ass bikini model ready for me to release my stresses in her preferably in all three holes. Time is so precious at that level of wealth!

Unfortunately, this is what most girls think that SD are isn't it?I really think it's a mix. My profile is mostly real. I hedge my age and height down a bit as do my net worth. And the city is nearby fiction but for the most part it's pretty accurate. Saves unnecessary cycles. Most girls I've been with their profile is pretty accurate. But remember I like very real girls so there is probably a correlation there.

On this "she is not real till you meet her" and "meetups are everything" line of thinking I have to disagree. Since 90% of my meetups are one night in a distant town I have to KNOW going in that she is everything I believe her to be and that we are going to the room that night not some future night because I won't be there!

So far I believe I am 95% on target. Twice I've found a girl to be a bit heavier than I thought. But other than that all the personality have been spot on with the online vibe and the progression to the room natural and spectacular. To me the online vibe is the key to the whole affair. Again tho this could be because I need to date and close in a single night.

05-31-20, 23:06

So do you put in your SA profile that you're 6'6" corporate executive? Your profile photo and albums show you leaned against one of your Ferraris in front of your beach side villa or mega yacht?

But guys at that level probably don't need to be on SA. Or they hire a "Booker" or agent to get girls for them. That's what I'd do. So when I get back from work or that stressful business negotiation, there's already a fine ass bikini model ready for me to release my stresses in her preferably in all three holes. Time is so precious at that level of wealth!

Unfortunately, this is what most girls think that SD are isn't it?"This is what most girls think that SD are isn't it?

I don't think so.

It seems like that is what some men posting here on ISG think about the mindset of most girls on SA.

I think many girls on SA are reasonably realistic. I caveat this observation with the disclaimer that I personally had between 50 to 100 arrangements and physically met some more girls for drink / dinner etc but which did not progress to a real arrangement. Considering that SA has several million girls, I have not sampled even a very small fraction of 1%, and of course mine is also a biased sample with criteria that works for me (white girls, in the 20's, slim body / pretty face, in my locational vicinity).

Anyway, being realistic, they know many men lie. Many also know there are far fewer super rich people than claim to be. A few girls even have such lines in their profile as "I know most of you men are as broke as my 20 year old girl friends" (LOL). But it is also true they know your money is not their money, that you are not going to get married or anything, and they just want a guy who will show upon time, is not a crazy maniac who will assault them, is able to give them the $500 they agreed on, and they would much rather have a guy who will give $500 per meet than $200 (where I live) And the entire point of spending endless hours on SA is to see those hot pretty girls who will put out for 200 and not have to shell out 500. If I am willing to spend 500, I don't need to spend as much time sifting through profiles, chatting endlessly and so on.

06-01-20, 02:01
On this "she is not real till you meet her" and "meetups are everything" line of thinking I have to disagree. Since 90% of my meetups are one night in a distant town I have to KNOW going in that she is everything I believe her to be and that we are going to the room that night not some future night because I won't be there!Steve, man, you know I mean you no disrespect when I say this, as you and I go a long way back, but I have to say that SA is not worth it when looking for a one-nighter on the road.

First, finding a match on SA takes a very long time. Second, they flake on the first date often. This is just not worth it if I am on a business trip for a few nights. I previously tried this a lot on my trips to FL, MA, WA, Vegas, OR, MO, KS, MI, IL, NY, CO, GA, etc. And I only got lucky once (I almost got lucky twice, but when she figured out that it was a one-off, she bailed just before we were supposed to meet).

If you say that I need to spend more time on sealing the deal to ensure she shows up, then I won't argue against it, but then the extra prep time makes it even less worthwhile for me. Also, what kind of SA gals are agreeing to one-offs? They have to be semi-pros, man, and that's not what people are generally looking for on SA, as you know.

I just wanted to put this out there, for noobs to SA, so that they are not under the impression that SA is an easy place to find hookups when on the road. If you're looking for hookups on the road, then my go-to is rub maps. Is that still a thing in the USA, or did that get shut down?

Anyway, like I said at the beginning, I mean no offense, Steve. Just wanted to put a different opinion out there, for discussion.

06-01-20, 03:23
Steve, man, you know I mean you no disrespect when I say this, as you and I go a long way back, but I have to say that SA is not worth it when looking for a one-nighter on the road.

First, finding a match on SA takes a very long time. Second, they flake on the first date often. This is just not worth it if I am on a business trip for a few nights. I previously tried this a lot on my trips to FL, MA, WA, Vegas, OR, MO, KS, MI, IL, NY, CO, GA, etc. And I only got lucky once (I almost got lucky twice, but when she figured out that it was a one-off, she bailed just before we were supposed to meet).

If you say that I need to spend more time on sealing the deal to ensure she shows up, then I won't argue against it, but then the extra prep time makes it even less worthwhile for me. Also, what kind of SA gals are agreeing to one-offs? They have to be semi-pros, man, and that's not what people are generally looking for on SA, as you know.

I just wanted to put this out there, for noobs to SA, so that they are not under the impression that SA is an easy place to find hookups when on the road. If you're looking for hookups on the road, then my go-to is rub maps. Is that still a thing in the USA, or did that get shut down?

Anyway, like I said at the beginning, I mean no offense, Steve. Just wanted to put a different opinion out there, for discussion.Hi MW,

I have a slightly different take from you. As you said, I also mean no disrespect. You are the founder of this particular thread after all, and in general I have found you to be very respectful, experienced, genuine, overall nice person. Not a common set of traits on internet.

I agree with you that it takes a long time to close the deal with SA girls. So, in that sense, it is not an easy thing to find one nighter deals when on the road.

On the other hand, there are some puts and takes in this matter.

First, the hotel is paid for, if it is a business trip. I don't know about others, but being a married man, I most certainly don't meet my sugarbabes at my own home, ever. I meet them at a rented hotel room 80-90% of the time, and occasionally some sugar babes allowed me to fuck them on their own beds. This is in my home town. So, when on the road, a hotel room is already covered. Which means my budget is extended a bit more.

You can start talking to the girls in the city you will be visiting well before you get there. Ideally, one week prior to when you land is a good start. If you ping up a girl in the target city a month from now, and she says "Ok, I like you, do you want to meet tomorrow?" and you reply "well, no, I will be there in a month", she will say "why the fuck are you wasting my time so far in advance". A week is enough time, and if you hit up enough number of girls, you will have at least 5 to 7 good leads. Then it is a matter of settling details.

It also depends on how free are your nights in the target city. If say, you have a lot of business dinners, you will arrive in your hotel room late in the evening. Then the most you can hope for is just a fuck session, no "get to know each other meet and greet dinner first". If she is less good looking than I and her pictures, or something else does not check out well, you have less chance to back out. For me, a huge benefit of meet and greet dinner is to evaluate for myself if I want to go ahead with the girl or if I want to gracefully back out.

(Another reason I like meet and greets. It gives a sense of some thing more than a pure sex for money feel. I am always a bit leery of LE, and like to surround all my fuck sessions with something more than just sex. At least in my mind, if I meet once or twice before the sex for dinners and drinks or even a movie, then it can be argued that it is something of a normal life type. Anyway, I rationalize it as such, I could be wrong.).

Now, one thing that does work in your favor when on the road: you can come straight to the point and tell her that you are in town for just a couple of nights. The girl will know it is a serious deal, that you are not beating around the Bush. Remember, many girls say several guys flake out as well. I. e. Guys keep stringing them that they will meet but never meet, or if they meet they keep wanting endless meets before a sex session that leads to money payment to the girl. Secondly, your hotel room if you are in town for business is likely to be better than motel 6 and girls like that. It will feel much better to be meeting the girl at a Hilton or even a Marriott than road side motel. (That said, if it is my own dime and if it is a just a two hour sex session, I will not rent a Hilton just to impress the girl). So, the girls who are actually serious SBs and needing money quickly will agree to the terms and will meet you. Remember, if they flake out, you didnot lose much because the hotel room is already paid for, and not by you!

My problem is that I live in a relatively less expensive part of the country and when I travel for business I visit the bigger expensive cities like Boston, NYC, SF etc. Obviously sugar babes in my home town are less expensive than in these money pits. So, I am always a bit leery about "do I really want to shell out 100 to 200 more for the same quality girl"? I am normally disciplined, and if I find good deals I will take them otherwise it is a pass. But never in a desperation or hurry to fuck. One exception is when I travel on business to South East, particularly to Florida. I have found reasonably good deals in Miami, Ft Laud area, also Tampa. Yet to test Orlando and Jax. Atlanta was reasonably good also.

I also had better luck in Europe than in US. Not surprisingly European chicks cost less and give more (BLS, endless amounts of kissing, occasional bareback). However, in Germany I always use Fkks, especially in Frankfurt and NRW.

Still, I will say, 80% of my sugar babe hunting is in my home city, and I am lucky it is a big enough region and yet not too expensive. So, there are plenty of good looking sugar babes and their expectations are not too inflated.

06-01-20, 04:50

Likewise, and I respect your viewpoints as well, even when we disagree.

You're right that on the road you have a nice hotel already booked, and so this cuts down both direct and indirect costs. This, I admit, is a very good point.

You're tips on sealing the deal are good.

You're right that it depends on how free your nights are.

You're right that you can cut to the chase, since you are in town only for a few nights.

But for me, it's still not worth it. Someone on here suggested having a backup plan, in case the SA date doesn't work out. That's a good suggestion. And I do this when I am at my home base. But when I am on the road, I now just look for "another" plan, instead of a backup plan. Hell, sometimes I just bring an SB with me.

For me, (1) the time it takes to find a match, (2) the no-show rate, (3) given that the types of gals that agree to a one-off are not the types of gals that I am looking for anyway, and (4) the time wasted when they don't show, just doesn't make it worthwhile when on the road. At the home office, I have more time on my hands, and I can do the meet-and-greets to establish chemistry in person, and I can find someone who is nowhere near a semi-pro.

I just didn't want people to think that SA is an ideal place to find hookups on the road. YMMV, but I guess that always goes without saying.

Hi MW,

I have a slightly different take from you. As you said, I also mean no disrespect. You are the founder of this particular thread after all, and in general I have found you to be very respectful, experienced, genuine, overall nice person. Not a common set of traits on internet.

I agree with you that it takes a long time to close the deal with SA girls. So, in that sense, it is not an easy thing to find one nighter deals when on the road.

On the other hand, there are some puts and takes in this matter.

First, the hotel is paid for, if it is a business trip. I don't know about others, but being a married man, I most certainly don't meet my sugarbabes at my own home, ever. I meet them at a rented hotel room 80-90% of the time, and occasionally some sugar babes allowed me to fuck them on their own beds. This is in my home town. So, when on the road, a hotel room is already covered. Which means my budget is extended a bit more.

You can start talking to the girls in the city you will be visiting well before you get there. Ideally, one week prior to when you land is a good start. If you ping up a girl in the target city a month from now, and she says "Ok, I like you, do you want to meet tomorrow?" and you reply "well, no, I will be there in a month", she will say "why the fuck are you wasting my time so far in advance". A week is enough time, and if you hit up enough number of girls, you will have at least 5 to 7 good leads. Then it is a matter of settling details.

It also depends on how free are your nights in the target city. If say, you have a lot of business dinners, you will arrive in your hotel room late in the evening. Then the most you can hope for is just a fuck session, no "get to know each other meet and greet dinner first". If she is less good looking than I and her pictures, or something else does not check out well, you have less chance to back out. For me, a huge benefit of meet and greet dinner is to evaluate for myself if I want to go ahead with the girl or if I want to gracefully back out.

(Another reason I like meet and greets. It gives a sense of some thing more than a pure sex for money feel. I am always a bit leery of LE, and like to surround all my fuck sessions with something more than just sex. At least in my mind, if I meet once or twice before the sex for dinners and drinks or even a movie, then it can be argued that it is something of a normal life type. Anyway, I rationalize it as such, I could be wrong.).

Now, one thing that does work in your favor when on the road: you can come straight to the point and tell her that you are in town for just a couple of nights. The girl will know it is a serious deal, that you are not beating around the Bush. Remember, many girls say several guys flake out as well. I. e. Guys keep stringing them that they will meet but never meet, or if they meet they keep wanting endless meets before a sex session that leads to money payment to the girl. Secondly, your hotel room if you are in town for business is likely to be better than motel 6 and girls like that. It will feel much better to be meeting the girl at a Hilton or even a Marriott than road side motel. (That said, if it is my own dime and if it is a just a two hour sex session, I will not rent a Hilton just to impress the girl). So, the girls who are actually serious SBs and needing money quickly will agree to the terms and will meet you. Remember, if they flake out, you didnot lose much because the hotel room is already paid for, and not by you!

My problem is that I live in a relatively less expensive part of the country and when I travel for business I visit the bigger expensive cities like Boston, NYC, SF etc. Obviously sugar babes in my home town are less expensive than in these money pits. So, I am always a bit leery about "do I really want to shell out 100 to 200 more for the same quality girl"? I am normally disciplined, and if I find good deals I will take them otherwise it is a pass. But never in a desperation or hurry to fuck. One exception is when I travel on business to South East, particularly to Florida. I have found reasonably good deals in Miami, Ft Laud area, also Tampa. Yet to test Orlando and Jax. Atlanta was reasonably good also.

I also had better luck in Europe than in US. Not surprisingly European chicks cost less and give more (BLS, endless amounts of kissing, occasional bareback). However, in Germany I always use Fkks, especially in Frankfurt and NRW.

Still, I will say, 80% of my sugar babe hunting is in my home city, and I am lucky it is a big enough region and yet not too expensive. So, there are plenty of good looking sugar babes and their expectations are not too inflated.

06-01-20, 09:33
Steve, man, you know I mean you no disrespect when I say this, as you and I go a long way back, but I have to say that SA is not worth it when looking for a one-nighter on the road.

First, finding a match on SA takes a very long time. Second, they flake on the first date often. This is just not worth it if I am on a business trip for a few nights. I previously tried this a lot on my trips to FL, MA, WA, Vegas, OR, MO, KS, MI, IL, NY, CO, GA, etc. And I only got lucky once (I almost got lucky twice, but when she figured out that it was a one-off, she bailed just before we were supposed to meet).

If you say that I need to spend more time on sealing the deal to ensure she shows up, then I won't argue against it, but then the extra prep time makes it even less worthwhile for me. Also, what kind of SA gals are agreeing to one-offs? They have to be semi-pros, man, and that's not what people are generally looking for on SA, as you know.

I just wanted to put this out there, for noobs to SA, so that they are not under the impression that SA is an easy place to find hookups when on the road. If you're looking for hookups on the road, then my go-to is rub maps. Is that still a thing in the USA, or did that get shut down?

Anyway, like I said at the beginning, I mean no offense, Steve. Just wanted to put a different opinion out there, for discussion.I have to agree, he does make SA out to be a little easier, then what it is. I also have a lot of respect for Steven and I have learned a lot from his reports SA works much better in Latin America, Europe and Russia, then the states. I am not sure I will even use it the states anymore, I just get pissed off and I end of losing out on work, because of the girls drama / b. S. SA can be a lot of work, but occasionally you hit the jackpot. I had a couple of no shows in MTY this weekend. And slight catfish, I sent her packing with taxi money, this weekend in MTY, from SA. Some of this was my fault for no Video Chat, I will not make that mistake again. Then I hit the Jackpot, Saturday at 8 pm 23 Grad Student shows up and the rest of the night was history. Told Porno Experience, we spent the night together, Anal Included, we had sex 5-6 times total including 2 times in the morning, all for $200. She was a sold 6.5-7.5, perfect body. The weekend before I hung out with a sold 8 for the weekend for $300, super nice and great girls both our keepers, not bad for hooking up during the Quarantine.

Steve 9696
06-01-20, 13:12
I think the advice here is clear. YMMV and it depends on what you are looking for and how much effort you put in. And it depends a bit on your definition of Semi-pro. If you mean a girl who has a regular job but sometimes has sex with a guy she likes moderately and gets money on the back end then every girl on SA but an SA virgin (had two of those) is a semi-pro. Those are my perfect girls.

For guys looking to have an SNL (Single Night Lay) here is what has worked for me:

I put in a ton of time. As in two hours a night every night. It's my hobby. I love chatting and flirting with pretty girls. You can keep that fucking game where you chase a white ball around.

Girls are ALWAYS in the 21-25 age bracket. Right now I have it set for 22-24 which is even better. The world has changed even in the last ten years. It is common for girls this age to go hookup in a bar and have sex that first night. It is considered normal and natural for a huge number of girls that age. And let's be honest the girls we are talking to are on SA!

I ALWAYS make it clear the first date involves sex. I don't say it out loud or on the site. But I have a patter that makes it clear we will be going on a complete date or no $$$ (just Uber). 95% of the time I agree allowance by text. The wording thru this part is super important.

I do leave the possibility of more out there. I am honest about it but I do leave the idea of future meetups and travel on the table. This is the honest truth because I will absolutely fly a girl that I am smitten with and have in the past.

Be charming at dinner or drinks. If you are fun and engaging you have won half the battle.

I take a very strong lead. You can learn a lot more about this on Attraction Japan which I found really helpful since prior to SA my last date was 35 years ago! When I suggested "let's get out of here" to one local girl (I was having to rush a bit) she said "wow your really confident aren't you!" And I said yep Let's Go. And off we went to the hotel.

I suppose there are two messages here and they are not in conflict. Midwestern is saying it's not easy and takes some game. I am saying yep absolute but it's totally possible. 19 for 21 this past year and the two fails were 27 and 32 years old early off-target dates.

Ps I am never looking to only see a girl one time. I am always looking for that girl I crush on and can’t be without. The next Thifany. So I am honest when I say it could lead to more. Even tho it rarely does I am always hopeful.

06-01-20, 14:20

Likewise, and I respect your viewpoints as well, even when we disagree.

You're right that on the road you have a nice hotel already booked, and so this cuts down both direct and indirect costs. This, I admit, is a very good point.

You're tips on sealing the deal are good.

You're right that it depends on how free your nights are.

You're right that you can cut to the chase, since you are in town only for a few nights.

But for me, it's still not worth it. Someone on here suggested having a backup plan, in case the SA date doesn't work out. That's a good suggestion. And I do this when I am at my home base. But when I am on the road, I now just look for "another" plan, instead of a backup plan. Hell, sometimes I just bring an SB with me..Yes, I agree with everything you said. The ROI so to speak is low. As you observe, it takes a lot of effort to snag a good SB. You are right to say that if a man is going to spend all that much effort and time to secure a good SB, why not do it with someone he is likely to keep seeing for multiple times rather than one single time. On the other hand, even just within FKKs, there are some guys who will not repeat with girls. They are in the clubs for a week and would much rather fuck 25 different girls than to fuck 5 good girls 5 times each. So, for guys who are wanting to sample as many new pussies as possible, have the thrill of saying "I fucked a couple of girls in all the major cities", or who are simply bored in the evenings and would rather occupy it with some fornication activity, SA provides a quick venue. If you focus on girls who have listed FWB in their profile and make them a good offer, you can get it done. But yes, it is much more satisfying to find a few good girls and keep repeating with them for a few months and then find new ones again.

06-01-20, 19:43

Likewise, and I respect your viewpoints as well, even when we disagree.

You're right that on the road you have a nice hotel already booked, and so this cuts down both direct and indirect costs. This, I admit, is a very good point.

You're tips on sealing the deal are good.

You're right that it depends on how free your nights are.

You're right that you can cut to the chase, since you are in town only for a few nights.

But for me, it's still not worth it. Someone on here suggested having a backup plan, in case the SA date doesn't work out. That's a good suggestion. And I do this when I am at my home base. But when I am on the road, I now just look for "another" plan, instead of a backup plan. Hell, sometimes I just bring an SB with me.

For me, (1) the time it takes to find a match, (2) the no-show rate, (3) given that the types of gals that agree to a one-off are not the types of gals that I am looking for anyway, and (4) the time wasted when they don't show, just doesn't make it worthwhile when on the road. At the home office, I have more time on my hands, and I can do the meet-and-greets to establish chemistry in person, and I can find someone who is nowhere near a semi-pro.

I just didn't want people to think that SA is an ideal place to find hookups on the road. YMMV, but I guess that always goes without saying.Very good points both ways.

I was introduced to SA in the Prague forum about 2 years ago. The person that wrote a quick indirect reference statement simply mentioned that it took a degree of effort to seal the deal. We all know this to be true. The chatting, ghosting, and picture trading is endless and you do have to find those girls that show heightened interest or ask why don't you write them often in order to increase your probability for success.

I travel for business often and usually to the same places, so even though I don't live there, the girls know that I won't be a single time deal. In terms of lodging, I haven't had this issue. I am usually traveling (business / personal) so I always have suite booked. When the girl thinks that she will see you fairly often, she usually doesn't care that you don't' live there. With that kind of presence, you are most likely not categorized as a traveler that they will only see once every 6 months. All of my SA experience has been in Europe except 2 trips which were both in the US. I found that the girls in the US are harder to actually meet with and it's quite difficult to nail down a schedule even with advanced notice. One girl even made me promise her that I wouldn't stand her up bc she was getting a baby sitter. I had to tell her that she was too late (I really wanted to bang this chick too. A skinny redhead). I was leaving the next day. With European girls, I have found the opposite. Sometimes I'll be at dinner or having a drink and one will hit me up to chill that very night. This has happened twice and both times were unexpected. I had been talking to both over whatsapp and they knew I was in town but we never made a meeting time official. Next thing you know I'm in a cab to pick her up.

I agree with Pessimist that if you have the time, the game, and you have made your intentions clear from the beginning, road SA meetings are not difficult at all. Actually I would recommend it, if you are going to Europe, and want a taste of the local vibe without dealing with escorts (escorts have pros and cons). As I suggested before, it's good to have a backup plan for those times when the SB is just not what you expected or she is weird during your meeting. The possibility to call an audible has to exist.

In my profile I make it clear that the girl needs to be reliable and flexible. This is something that I vet pretty heavily during our beginning conversations, especially after being burned in Denver (a whole week's worth of mismatched free time). So personally, I haven't experienced no-shows or lack of response. In terms of comms, if you start chatting with an SB 7-10 days before meeting, I've found this to be the sweet spot. There is enough time to vet your roster, start the whatsapp conversations, develop some degree of connection, and allow her to look forward to meeting you. I made the mistake of starting the chat with girls 3 weeks before I was supposed to be in town. They quickly lose interest and feel like you are wasting their time. They start asking if you are really coming or not!

I like to meet and greet too, but it needs to turn into me banging her that night. I like to use the meet and greet as a feeler. If we are both having a good time and we like our vibe, then let's seal the deal. If not, then let's end our association (backup needed). I don't really like to simply meet just to see if we click, and then attempt to seal the deal another day, though this does happen sometimes.

Just my respectful $. 02.

06-01-20, 19:55
Yes, I agree with everything you said. The ROI so to speak is low. As you observe, it takes a lot of effort to snag a good SB. You are right to say that if a man is going to spend all that much effort and time to secure a good SB, why not do it with someone he is likely to keep seeing for multiple times rather than one single time. On the other hand, even just within FKKs, there are some guys who will not repeat with girls. They are in the clubs for a week and would much rather fuck 25 different girls than to fuck 5 good girls 5 times each. So, for guys who are wanting to sample as many new pussies as possible, have the thrill of saying "I fucked a couple of girls in all the major cities", or who are simply bored in the evenings and would rather occupy it with some fornication activity, SA provides a quick venue. If you focus on girls who have listed FWB in their profile and make them a good offer, you can get it done. But yes, it is much more satisfying to find a few good girls and keep repeating with them for a few months and then find new ones again.IMHO, it's better to have a few go to girls in every city that you frequent. They get excited when you come to town because they know that you will take them out to the expensive places they can't afford or give them some WAM (walk around money). If you find a few good girls, it really does make the whole outing that much better. I had a special girl from Spain that I met in London. I would see her every time I was in town. She got upset one time bc I didn't tell her I was in town for a few days. She was a semi-pro, in University, living on campus, and wanted that expensive lifestyle that she sees in videos. Things were easy with her. We knew what each other liked, how we liked sex, what kind of drinks, etc. It really makes the whole experience more like a girlfriend that you can only see once or twice a month.

I can't wait for COVID to be over, so I can replenish my ranks and start the search all over again. I have some new cities that I want to add to my list.

06-01-20, 20:33
I have to agree, he does make SA out to be a little easier, then what it is. I also have a lot of respect for Steven and I have learned a lot from his reports SA works much better in Latin America, Europe and Russia, then the states. I am not sure I will even use it the states anymore, I just get pissed off and I end of losing out on work, because of the girls drama / b. S. SA can be a lot of work, but occasionally you hit the jackpot. I had a couple of no shows in MTY this weekend. And slight catfish, I sent her packing with taxi money, this weekend in MTY, from SA. Some of this was my fault for no Video Chat, I will not make that mistake again. Then I hit the Jackpot, Saturday at 8 pm 23 Grad Student shows up and the rest of the night was history. Told Porno Experience, we spent the night together, Anal Included, we had sex 5-6 times total including 2 times in the morning, all for $200. She was a sold 6.5-7.5, perfect body. The weekend before I hung out with a sold 8 for the weekend for $300, super nice and great girls both our keepers, not bad for hooking up during the Quarantine.I don't disagree with you but we have to keep things in perspective. It is tough (er) to purchase sex in USA and more expensive. It is also a country that generally has higher wages which means girls have other options. We don't have a lot of impoverished but pretty / white / young / slim Romanian girls flooding our country and offering to sell booty for an easy price (as is the case in many parts of Europe). And unfortunately, we have an obesity problem and many girls are out of shape even at a young age. I have not tried it yet but if I relaxed the criteria on young / slim / white / pretty, I can achieve a higher hit ratio and at a lower price, in my estimation. I have had a few Hispanic girls and they tended to be easier and less pricey. Yes, it is easier to snag girls in EU but then again when I am in Europe I have other options too and I am trying to make the most of the time I have in EU. What is a guy to do if he happens to live in US permanently? SA is one of the better options.

06-01-20, 23:38
I have to agree, he does make SA out to be a little easier, then what it is. I also have a lot of respect for Steven and I have learned a lot from his reports SA works much better in Latin America, Europe and Russia, then the states. I am not sure I will even use it the states anymore, I just get pissed off and I end of losing out on work, because of the girls drama / b. S. SA can be a lot of work, but occasionally you hit the jackpot. I had a couple of no shows in MTY this weekend. And slight catfish, I sent her packing with taxi money, this weekend in MTY, from SA. Some of this was my fault for no Video Chat, I will not make that mistake again. Then I hit the Jackpot, Saturday at 8 pm 23 Grad Student shows up and the rest of the night was history. Told Porno Experience, we spent the night together, Anal Included, we had sex 5-6 times total including 2 times in the morning, all for $200. She was a sold 6.5-7.5, perfect body. The weekend before I hung out with a sold 8 for the weekend for $300, super nice and great girls both our keepers, not bad for hooking up during the Quarantine.That's hot man. Congrats. MTY is in Monterrey Mexico? I just started with SA in California and its tiring. Covid crisis and now riots crisis not helping. I thought the college girls would be done wrapping up their final exams and be hungry for cash.

06-02-20, 00:56
I do leave the possibility of more out there. I am honest about it but I do leave the idea of future meetups and travel on the table. This is the honest truth because I will absolutely fly a girl that I am smitten with and have in the past.THIS is very good advice when trying to hook up on the road. Whenever I tried to meet SBs on the road, I always told them that I would be coming back regularly. This kept them interested. If I told them I was only in town for a few days, then I almost always got ignored immediately. Maybe this is one reason why you were successful, but I have no doubts that you also got game.

Yes, I agree with everything you said. The ROI so to speak is low. As you observe, it takes a lot of effort to snag a good SB. You are right to say that if a man is going to spend all that much effort and time to secure a good SB, why not do it with someone he is likely to keep seeing for multiple times rather than one single time.YES, this is exactly what I am trying to say, but I didn't say it as clearly as you did.

I found that the girls in the US are harder to actually meet with and it's quite difficult to nail down a schedule even with advanced notice. One girl even made me promise her that I wouldn't stand her up bc she was getting a baby sitter. I had to tell her that she was too late (I really wanted to bang this chick too. A skinny redhead). I was leaving the next day. With European girls, I have found the opposite. Sometimes I'll be at dinner or having a drink and one will hit me up to chill that very night. This has happened twice and both times were unexpected. I had been talking to both over whatsapp and they knew I was in town but we never made a meeting time official. Next thing you know I'm in a cab to pick her up.

I agree with Pessimist that if you have the time, the game, and you have made your intentions clear from the beginning, road SA meetings are not difficult at all. Actually I would recommend it, if you are going to Europe,.From what I have read in this thread, it appears that the US is one of the most difficult places to find SA hookups, so whatever I said about finding a single night lay on the road may only apply to the US.

IMHO, it's better to have a few go to girls in every city that you frequent. They get excited when you come to town because they know that you will take them out to the expensive places they can't afford or give them some WAM (walk around money). If you find a few good girls, it really does make the whole outing that much better. Definitely!

06-02-20, 01:08
I have to agree, he does make SA out to be a little easier, then what it is. I also have a lot of respect for Steven and I have learned a lot from his reports SA works much better in Latin America, Europe and Russia, then the states. I am not sure I will even use it the states anymore, I just get pissed off and I end of losing out on work, because of the girls drama / b. S. SA can be a lot of work, but occasionally you hit the jackpot. I had a couple of no shows in MTY this weekend. And slight catfish, I sent her packing with taxi money, this weekend in MTY, from SA. Some of this was my fault for no Video Chat, I will not make that mistake again. Then I hit the Jackpot, Saturday at 8 pm 23 Grad Student shows up and the rest of the night was history. Told Porno Experience, we spent the night together, Anal Included, we had sex 5-6 times total including 2 times in the morning, all for $200. She was a sold 6.5-7.5, perfect body. The weekend before I hung out with a sold 8 for the weekend for $300, super nice and great girls both our keepers, not bad for hooking up during the Quarantine.Yeah, finding good SBs is not easy, and it is very time consuming. So, if I am going to spend the time searching, then I am definitely looking for good ROI (return on investment) in or near my home turf rather than a SNL (single night lay) on the road. But like Steven says, if you enjoy the hunt and are good at it, then the SNL can be great and the memories can contribute to the ROI.

Like you, I too have hit the jackpot, and also like you I got burned and wasted a lot of time on SA too.

06-02-20, 09:47
I think the advice here is clear. YMMV and it depends on what you are looking for and how much effort you put in. And it depends a bit on your definition of Semi-pro. If you mean a girl who has a regular job but sometimes has sex with a guy she likes moderately and gets money on the back end then every girl on SA but an SA virgin (had two of those) is a semi-pro. Those are my perfect girls.

For guys looking to have an SNL (Single Night Lay) here is what has worked for me:

I put in a ton of time. As in two hours a night every night. It's my hobby. I love chatting and flirting with pretty girls. You can keep that fucking game where you chase a white ball around.

Girls are ALWAYS in the 21-25 age bracket. Right now I have it set for 22-24 which is even better. The world has changed even in the last ten years. It is common for girls this age to go hookup in a bar and have sex that first night. It is considered normal and natural for a huge number of girls that age. And let's be honest the girls we are talking to are on SA!.Hi guys,

I have been reading up on this forum for a while and have to say really great information out here. I am considering going the arrangement route for my future rather than endless dating and getting nowhere. I would like to get some advice on it.

First off, SA profiles, do you guys post your own photos on SA, if so, are they like hidden or with blurred faces? Also in profile, are you guys clear on what's sort of arrangement you are looking for?

Secondly arrangement, Steve, I think you sort of mentioned a bit here on this post, but how do you discuss what you are expecting from the date and the arrangement allowance? Typically, what would be a going rate in western US, is it like 500 or lower than that? There are so many different type of girls on SA, I would like to know how you discuss the allowance with the girl, right on the date itself or prior to meetup. I am planning to do this while I am in town and while traveling hoping to seal the deal during that night itself (which seems pretty common from most of the posters experience).


06-02-20, 12:22
That's hot man. Congrats. MTY is in Monterrey Mexico? I just started with SA in California and its tiring. Covid crisis and now riots crisis not helping. I thought the college girls would be done wrapping up their final exams and be hungry for cash.Yep, MTY is Monterrey. You are correct, all this Bull Shit the Virus / rioting is not helping anyone.

One observation guys are at a huge advantage if they are on the road and staying in Hotel in Great Location. Makes things much easier, and you can probably expense part of the adventure. SA works, but like everyone takes some work.

06-02-20, 12:51
Man, there are over 400 posts on here, with people selflessly sharing their experiences, and you can't take the time to RTFF? You're basically asking us to spoon feed you, but more importantly, you're asking us to REPEAT ourselves. Come on, man. Just spend a couple of hours and start from the very first post and get up to speed. We post all this shit for you, man. Your two questions have already been answered, in detail and in depth, and also debated. If you RTFF, then you're going to be SA expert in LESS than a day. That's big ROI. Trust me.

Hi guys,

I have been reading up on this forum for a while and have to say really great information out here. I am considering going the arrangement route for my future rather than endless dating and getting nowhere. I would like to get some advice on it.

First off, SA profiles, do you guys post your own photos on SA, if so, are they like hidden or with blurred faces? Also in profile, are you guys clear on what's sort of arrangement you are looking for?

Secondly arrangement, Steve, I think you sort of mentioned a bit here on this post, but how do you discuss what you are expecting from the date and the arrangement allowance? Typically, what would be a going rate in western US, is it like 500 or lower than that? There are so many different type of girls on SA, I would like to know how you discuss the allowance with the girl, right on the date itself or prior to meetup. I am planning to do this while I am in town and while traveling hoping to seal the deal during that night itself (which seems pretty common from most of the posters experience).


06-02-20, 13:28
Man, there are over 400 posts on here, with people selflessly sharing their experiences, and you can't take the time to RTFF? You're basically asking us to spoon feed you, but more importantly, you're asking us to REPEAT ourselves. Come on, man. Just spend a couple of hours and start from the very first post and get up to speed. We post all this shit for you, man. Your two questions have already been answered, in detail and in depth, and also debated. If you RTFF, then you're going to be SA expert in LESS than a day. That's big ROI. Trust me..Man, like I said, I respect what you guys have written here and shared the experience. I have already read through most of the forum posts since the beginning. I am not asking to be spoon feed either. There were basically two questions. One about your profile photos and the other bit about how you go about discussing the arrangement ppm. Anyway apologies if I asked too much. No worries.
I hope to share my experience soon as I go along this journey.

Big Boss Man
06-02-20, 16:15
It is looking like the 22-year old hustled me. She kept saying she was not a hooker. I tried to make the relationship non-transactional putting half the money into her account before we met. I also guaranteed her $2500 for June. I was going to put in $500 every Monday morning. On the next date she would have to get naked and perform oral sex. I tried to play the long game.

Blaming the curfew and that she was very upset and not sleeping, she canceled the meeting. She suggested facetiming instead and we can definitely meet when this is all over. Then she asked me if I could pay her rent this month. I just said "no' and that there was no more money until she became a "good girl" and started following instructions. She did not reply. She has also been silent on her social media. So it's her move now. She knows what she has to do. The rule of not paying until services are performed probably still holds even if you are trying to become friends. At least with hookers, I don't have any illusion about becoming their friend. Another live and learn moment. $600 to learn that Seeking is not that much different from finding hookers. I did get some entertainment value out of it. I stopped thinking about a married woman with whom I was interacting with as part of a regular Zoom meeting I am participating in. I am no longer trying to figure out how I can get into an affair with her. So there was value in pursuing a different woman. She did put in time trying to get to know me which a hooker would not do.

I think the thirty-year old actress massage girl might be the better bet. I knew I had to drop of one of them anyway. The 22-year old is a little more entertaining conversationally.

06-02-20, 17:29
It is looking like the 22-year old hustled me. She kept saying she was not a hooker. I tried to make the relationship non-transactional putting half the money into her account before we met. I also guaranteed her $2500 for June. I was going to put in $500 every Monday morning. On the next date she would have to get naked and perform oral sex. I tried to play the long game.

Blaming the curfew and that she was very upset and not sleeping, she canceled the meeting. She suggested facetiming instead and we can definitely meet when this is all over. Then she asked me if I could pay her rent this month. I just said "no' and that there was no more money until she became a "good girl" and started following instructions. She did not reply. She has also been silent on her social media. So it's her move now. She knows what she has to do. The rule of not paying until services are performed probably still holds even if you are trying to become friends. At least with hookers, I don't have any illusion about becoming their friend. Another live and learn moment. $600 to learn that Seeking is not that much different from finding hookers. I did get some entertainment value out of it. I stopped thinking about a married woman with whom I was interacting with as part of a regular Zoom meeting I am participating in..OMG! I feel sorry for you. But you have been reading the forum here. Why did you ever pay?! Rule#1 Until you meet her physically, she is not even a real girl, you may have given your money to a dude, or her pimp or whoever it may be but you will not know. Rule #2 Don't ever give any money until you are at least in the room and you had some foreplay and until she has taken off her clothes. Preferably wait to give money till after you had sex, but if she truly insists then say that you want to make out and see her naked then give her the money. If she refuses, tell her to leave the room.

A girl will take free money and run every single time, even if your deal was $10 grand a month and not $2500. As far as she cares, she already got some money. If she finds someone like you once every 2 days, she is making several thousand dollars a month w / o lifting her finger. And she has no clue what kind of person you are, if you would have given the rest of the 2500 as you promised. Why take a risk? She got the money, she runs away with it. Happens 100% of the time.

It was a costly lesson for you. I would not form a negative view about SA based on this one episode if I were in your situation. To be brutally honest, this is a rookie mistake but your mistake. From your # of posts, you are a senior monger. You will not make mistakes like this again.

Steve 9696
06-02-20, 18:56
It is looking like the 22-year old hustled me. She kept saying she was not a hooker. I tried to make the relationship non-transactional putting half the money into her account before we met. I also guaranteed her $2500 for June. I was going to put in $500 every Monday morning. On the next date she would have to get naked and perform oral sex. I tried to play the long game.

Blaming the curfew and that she was very upset and not sleeping, she canceled the meeting. She suggested facetiming instead and we can definitely meet when this is all over. Then she asked me if I could pay her rent this month. I just said "no' and that there was no more money until she became a "good girl" and started following instructions. She did not reply. She has also been silent on her social media. So it's her move now. She knows what she has to do. The rule of not paying until services are performed probably still holds even if you are trying to become friends. At least with hookers, I don't have any illusion about becoming their friend. Another live and learn moment. $600 to learn that Seeking is not that much different from finding hookers. I did get some entertainment value out of it. I stopped thinking about a married woman with whom I was interacting with as part of a regular Zoom meeting I am participating in. I am no longer trying to figure out how I can get into an affair with her. So there was value in pursuing a different woman. She did put in time trying to get to know me which a hooker would not do.

I think the thirty-year old actress massage girl might be the better bet. I knew I had to drop of one of them anyway. The 22-year old is a little more entertaining conversationally.So it's good that you went in eyes wide open and sounds like you can afford it. But yeah never ever ever ever money before. Ever. As soon as she expects a dime it's ghost time. Wrong girl. And you just never know — I had a girl in Medellin on chat. Every night for a week or two. So fun. So loving. Then comes the my mom lost her job. Can we do videos and you send me money? Nope sorry babe. Last I heard from her.

And don't try to set up something long term. Just start slow and evolve.

Final advice. Watch out for that 32 year old. That is the dead zone. Likely had kids. Often not down to fuck on the first date. If you are good looking enough and by that I mean non objectionable and have some text and date game stick with the under 26 crowd. BTW 28 is the new 38. All the over 30 girls are going with 28 these days (not 29 LOL).

And keep lots of irons hot. I am typically texting with five girls any given day. You never know which will pop and which will sputter. It's a numbers game.

06-02-20, 21:28
It is looking like the 22-year old hustled me. She kept saying she was not a hooker. I tried to make the relationship non-transactional putting half the money into her account before we met. I also guaranteed her $2500 for June. I was going to put in $500 every Monday morning. On the next date she would have to get naked and perform oral sex. I tried to play the long game.

Blaming the curfew and that she was very upset and not sleeping, she canceled the meeting. She suggested facetiming instead and we can definitely meet when this is all over. Then she asked me if I could pay her rent this month. I just said "no' and that there was no more money until she became a "good girl" and started following instructions. She did not reply. She has also been silent on her social media. So it's her move now. She knows what she has to do. The rule of not paying until services are performed probably still holds even if you are trying to become friends. At least with hookers, I don't have any illusion about becoming their friend. Another live and learn moment. $600 to learn that Seeking is not that much different from finding hookers. I did get some entertainment value out of it. I stopped thinking about a married woman with whom I was interacting with as part of a regular Zoom meeting I am participating in. I am no longer trying to figure out how I can get into an affair with her. So there was value in pursuing a different woman. She did put in time trying to get to know me which a hooker would not do.

I think the thirty-year old actress massage girl might be the better bet. I knew I had to drop of one of them anyway. The 22-year old is a little more entertaining conversationally.Big Boss Man.

Steve hit the nail on the head. Never ever ever pay before you penetrate one of their holes. Even more so if you are trying to become friends. Friends are free. Once I feel your juices, then the cash can flow, not before. Seriously though, there are a lot of bad girls out there looking to take advantage of guys looking for an SB / SD relationship. I've come across a few, but luckily kept my wits about me. There was one girl, in the suite with me, kissing on the bed and told me that she needs 500 euro (pre-bang) in order to know I'm serious. Guys, this is no-good! I almost paid her too, but as I look back, I'm glad that I didn't. All other girls that I have met were all cool with compensation afterwards and that has become the norm. Hell, even with escorts I try to follow the same pattern. I usually do 2-4 hour sessions and try to meet them outdoors at a bar or hookah lounge. I feel them out while we are out in the city and pay them once we get back to my hotel / apartment (if I don't ditch them beforehand). This method gives you the option to call an audible if the girl is strange, detached, doesn't smile (romanian girls), or seems disinterested. It's better to find out that there is no compatibility before paying rather than after. This applies to SA and escorts.

The Long Game. I'm sure you see by now that it has to just happen, so don't force it. SA is my goto for 75% of interactions. However, I have an escort that turned out to be very similar to an SA girl. I give her cash at the end, she calls me sometimes just to hang out (when I'm in town) and the per hour rate is probably close to about 50 euro (when I call her! Inverse is free). I had no idea this was going to happen when I met this Ukrainian MILF. Turned into something more than a quick session (love Ukrainian chicks!

Keep all of them! Keep a roster man, you are going to need it. Boil all of those messages with all those chick down to about 3-8 solid girls that you can actually meet. I do this whenever traveling and usually have about 4 girls that I have to find a way to meet during the time I'm in town. Deciding which girl to see, how many times, what to do with whom is part of the fun. Sometimes it's the most unexpected ones that blow your mind.


06-02-20, 21:50
Hi guys,

I have been reading up on this forum for a while and have to say really great information out here. I am considering going the arrangement route for my future rather than endless dating and getting nowhere. I would like to get some advice on it.

First off, SA profiles, do you guys post your own photos on SA, if so, are they like hidden or with blurred faces? Also in profile, are you guys clear on what's sort of arrangement you are looking for?

Secondly arrangement, Steve, I think you sort of mentioned a bit here on this post, but how do you discuss what you are expecting from the date and the arrangement allowance? Typically, what would be a going rate in western US, is it like 500 or lower than that? There are so many different type of girls on SA, I would like to know how you discuss the allowance with the girl, right on the date itself or prior to meetup. I am planning to do this while I am in town and while traveling hoping to seal the deal during that night itself (which seems pretty common from most of the posters experience).


Welcome to the party pal! (Bruce Willis voice. Movie reference) Seriously, once you have some experiences, be sure to share because as Midwestern mentioned, there is a benefit for all of us, regardless of experience level.

Though the words sound harsh, he's right, you got to RTFF!

There are a lot of mistakes to be made in the sugar world. RTFF. And see our mistakes, suggestions, opinions, and general know how. The questions you ask are expansive and require more than a single sentence to answer. Some guys use SA in their hometown, some don't (like me). Some guys will not show a pic on SA, some don't' care. Some mix it up and keep the clear face pics hidden, bc you are definitely going to show her your face before you meet. Basically what I'm saying is that there are a lot of pros and cons and opinions to every method and most of that is discussed here.

The only way I even know about SA is because I was RTFF in the Prague forum and came across 2 post that casually mentioned SA as sponsoring (is what the monger called it). From there, my experiences increased in quality and variety and my fun while traveling increased significantly.

So. Scroll back to the beginning, have a beer or cognac and RTFF.

I have a set of rules that I follow that might help you. Check out post #329.

Safe mongering man.

06-02-20, 22:15
It is looking like the 22-year old hustled me. She kept saying she was not a hooker. I tried to make the relationship non-transactional putting half the money into her account before we met. I also guaranteed her $2500 for June. I was going to put in $500 every Monday morning. On the next date she would have to get naked and perform oral sex. I tried to play the long game.While you think you were playing the long game, you were never in the game. She sounds like a lovely girl that gets guys to pay money for nothing. You were just one of the guys on HER roster. She was likely never going to be meeting you. Words are cheap. All the risk was on you.

I've seen similar on a few profiles and messages here. One girl I had moved from SA onto phone text. Here line was "It's so hard to meet this weekend with our busy schedules, let's do phone sex today for $300 and then your first session with me is free". What can be better than that? It's true we couldn't agree on a time and I would get her naked on video for maybe 30 minutes with her toys then free sex. All except she was never going to be providing anything after the cash hit her bank.

Yes, there are girls that will honour their promises after getting the cash BUT in the majority of cases any girl requiring money up front is either a professional, has been burnt before or is too untrusting to make the session worthwhile.

My local SB that I was with Monday, three hours in bed and she knows she will find an envelope in the side pocket of her handbag.

My alternate SB2 is on pause this week due to the above SB1. When I told SB2 I would not see her she still asked for allowance. I reversed the line "No money no honey" and asked "When I don't pay can I still have sex with you?" She quickly retreated.

Happy hunting.

06-03-20, 03:18
It is looking like the 22-year old hustled me. She kept saying she was not a hooker. I tried to make the relationship non-transactional putting half the money into her account before we met. I also guaranteed her $2500 for June. I was going to put in $500 every Monday morning. On the next date she would have to get naked and perform oral sex. I tried to play the long game.

$600 to learn that Seeking is not that much different from finding hookers.

I think the thirty-year old actress massage girl might be the better bet. I knew I had to drop of one of them anyway. The 22-year old is a little more entertaining conversationally.If you just want to bang a hot chick, then definitely find a hooker. But if you want a GF, then go with SA. You just help her out financially. If you ask out a regular girl, would she ever ask you for money before the first date? Of course not. All the money talk comes after you guys establish chemistry.

What's the difference between a regular GF, an SA GF, and a hooker? Well, you guys know what a regular GF is, and you guys know what a hooker is. So, I'll just explain what I consider to be an SA GF. An SA GF is someone that will spend 4 to 12 hours with you, per date, where the dates are fun and sex is always included. An SA GF genuinely likes you! But she doesn't know your real name, and she doesn't expect it to lead to marriage. In fact, she doesn't care if you are married. The only catch is that you have to help her out financially.

To make sure they are not scammers, I don't waste too much time chatting with them. I just say, "let's meet. " You cannot get a good feel for a person until you've met them and spent face to face time with them. When you are just chatting on the computer, it's easy for the gal to be the perfect girl for you and to fake the chemistry. I just meet them, and if the date goes well, then I will ask them what they want in terms of finances. I will usually not agree to a long term arrangement until after a couple of PPMs, and most of the time, I just stick to the PPMs even if I really like them.

But this said, I admit that it takes up a lot of time meeting them face-to-face, but I think it's worth it. This way, you will know right away when to cut bait.

Finally, another way to not get scammed is to look for genuine stories on SA profiles. If you just see a pretty face and good body, and her profile just says she wants to enjoy life or some similar frilly BS, then I usually take a pass. I look for stuff like, "I just started a new business and I need some help paying for my daily necessities. " A lot of my SA hookups were with gals just starting out in a new entry level job, or in between jobs, or just graduated, or just starting a new business, or just divorced, etc. , and they just needed some financial help.

06-03-20, 12:19
Hopefully you guys are not wasting your time on any profiles that only have one photo.

I'm not talking about one photo is visible and the rest are private: I'm talking about one photo and one photo only on the profile.

I wish SA would make it a requirement that all profiles have to have a minimum of 3 (different) photos in order to be shown.

Those 1 pic only accounts are just spam accounts. I don't take any female seriously who only has one damn photo on her profile. I treat them the same as I would on Tinder: Next!

06-03-20, 12:31
It is looking like the 22-year old hustled me. She kept saying she was not a hooker. I tried to make the relationship non-transactional putting half the money into her account before we met. I also guaranteed her $2500 for June. I was going to put in $500 every Monday morning. On the next date she would have to get naked and perform oral sex. I tried to play the long game.

$600 to learn that Seeking is not that much different from finding hookers.
Man, you are a scammers's wet dream! This guy is guaranteeing all kinds of big bucks without even getting a sniff of the panties!

This is why I tell you guys to never ever show your face on these SB sites. Now all the guys in Nigeria and Bangalore know that this one sends money to any hot piece of ass without requiring a meeting first!

If I ever lose my job I will supplement my income by just putting up profiles of hot 22 yr olds on SA to get goobers to send me money with nothing but a digital pinky-swear required of me.

06-03-20, 17:08
Hi guys,

Just got here yesterday. Flew in from Miami, the plane was 99% full, mostly with Mexicans returning back home. The temperature was taken upon arrival, I was also asked a few questions by the immigration officers in a separate room, took about 15-20 minutes and they let me in. The city is half empty, most businesses are shut down as I had expected. No surprise here. The weather is great and I am enjoying my walks around the city and parks. I assume the scene here is dead, but at the same time I know there are many working girls who can't wait to get back to business. I was wondering if there are any reputable escort agencies as well as individuals who are still in the biz and doing outcalls. Any suggestions? I'm not that desperate to get laid, in fact mongering is not the reason I'm here, but it would be great to find 1 or 2 working girls and just stick to them, have them come over every other day or occasional TLN. I do not trust websites like mileroticos. Too much bait and switch. I have tried Tinder but no success so far (is there a different app that girls use?

Thanks!I'm glad to hear you got into Mexico without any problems. I am returning in August. Definitely ready to get away. I have been to GDL a few times and headed to Puebla this trip. Seeking Arrangements has been very good to me on these trips. Mostly students looking to pick up some extra money. The membership is high at $90 a month. Juan Carter is a wealth of knowledge as well. Good luck. I would be very interested in how your trip goes.

06-03-20, 21:02
Hopefully you guys are not wasting your time on any profiles that only have one photo.

I'm not talking about one photo is visible and the rest are private: I'm talking about one photo and one photo only on the profile.

I wish SA would make it a requirement that all profiles have to have a minimum of 3 (different) photos in order to be shown.

Those 1 pic only accounts are just spam accounts. I don't take any female seriously who only has one damn photo on her profile. I treat them the same as I would on Tinder: Next!You have a disrespectful and condescending tone, in this comment and the one above this.

And I need to call bull& on your idea that any girl that has just one photo is automatically a scammer? There are millions of guys and girls all across SA all across the globe. Have you sampled and tested ALL of them? I have personally had some good arrangements with girls who happened to have just one photo. And I have run into tons of scammers who have 10 glossy spreads. If anything, some one who has very glamorous, model looking, in gorgeous bikini, with a fabulous background, high quality camera photos is more likely to be a scammer or at least a professional who is doing this purely for commercial reasons. The slightly shy, first timer or semi hesitant student type girl stepping into the waters in a somewhat careful manner is likely to be covered up, not too many photos for privacy reasons and photo quality may not be good.

One of my best ever arrangements was with a European girl who had a single photo, was in my town for a few months, and photo quality was crappy. She did not look all that great in the photo and she did not want to meet me at all and I too was not particularly keen. When we finally met, she looked super gorgeous, the meet went so well and we had a torrid affair for nearly 2 months, one of the best sex ever; she was a few months short of 22, blonde, amazing bod and cute face and nice breath and tasty pussy, spoke good English but sexy foreign access and was just awesome in bed. I almost cried when she went back to her home country as I knew I would have huge difficulty finding someone equally good and so far I have and't. So, I would never have these silly rules like "all one photo girls are scammers" etc. And most importantly, to anyone wanting to try out SA or any other sugar babe sites for that matter, I would try them out on your own, form your own views, use your own brain, and enjoy the process. This thread and other mongers writing here are good for interesting anecdotes and entertainment, but their experiences will never be your experiences. Stop listening to anyone claiming to be experts and do what comes naturally, using your own brain.

06-04-20, 01:52
And I need to call bull& on your idea that any girl that has just one photo is automatically a scammer?.Where did I say anything about 1 pic profiles being "scammers"?

Those 1 pic only accounts are just spam accounts. I don't take any female seriously who only has one damn photo on her profile.At least get my quote correct!

And I stand by what I said. Again, my information is you S A specific. Any dating profile that you come across on Tinder, Bumble, SA, etc, where the female profile one and only one photo is either:

A) A spam account.

B) Someone trying to "Catfish".

C) Someone who doesn't give a shit enough to care about dating. So why would you waste your time on someone who doesn't even give a shit enough to upload more photos of themselves?

Sorry you didn't know this. I mean, you can even google the shit yourself and find people saying the exact same thing (only I am smart enough to know this stuff instinctively and didn't need anyone to tell me something so obvious:

How to Spot Fake Online Profiles

3. They only have one photo.

"Having only one photo can be a major red flag, especially if the person is extremely attractive in that one photo."


Big Boss Man
06-04-20, 02:07
Man, you are a scammers's wet dream! This guy is guaranteeing all kinds of big bucks without even getting a sniff of the panties!

This is why I tell you guys to never ever show your face on these SB sites. Now all the guys in Nigeria and Bangalore know that this one sends money to any hot piece of ass without requiring a meeting first!

If I ever lose my job I will supplement my income by just putting up profiles of hot 22 yr olds on SA to get goobers to send me money with nothing but a digital pinky-swear required of me.I played my hand and I lost. Big deal. I will treat them as prostitutes from now on. I thought there was a difference between an arrangement and an escort. I have met her in person. I thought she would be great to have as a sugar baby. This woman is a good-looking UC student. She kept saying she did not want to be a working girl. One report on ISG said that an UC Berkeley woman received $3000 a month. I was trying for $2000. I will not give her any more money but she is still texting me once a day. Right now she is at one of the local demonstrations. I am probably a fall back position for her now. Have fun with your $30 dollar tattooed hookers with a kid in Medellin if that is your thing. I will probably meet you down there one day.

06-04-20, 02:52
It took a degree of effort to seal the deal. We all know this to be true. The chatting, ghosting, and picture trading is endless and you do have to find those girls that show heightened interest or ask why don't you write them often in order to increase your probability for success.OK total respect to fellow mongers out there and whatever floats your boat is your thing and it's not for me to judge but good heavens there seem to be a lot of deluded fools on this thread (perhaps you aren't deluded but you actually enjoy the experience of being taken for a fool, if so I apologise).

I usually post on another specific forum, but bored with this WuFlu lockdown I started looking around to see how the rest of the world lives and I came upon this thread.

The more I read the farther my chin dropped toward the floor. I could barely believe the naivety that I was reading on a forum dedicated to having sex with prostitutes.

Look guys, these "SBs" of which you speak are prostitutes, very expensive prostitutes and prostitutes that play hard to get and take a lot of time and effort to have sex with, you know what that makes them? Very bad prostitutes.

I don't wish to single out one poster but this post summed it up for me, why on earth should you have to go to all that trouble to have sex with a woman whom you are paying to have sex with?

I used to go through all that effort as a young man desperately seeking to have sex with a woman I fancied, the dates, the dressing up, the trying to impress, the attempt to prove I have game, the spending money on expensive dinners in the sad hope that she might find me acceptable to her, the disappointment when she decided I didn't meet her high standards or that she actually had a better offer that night. But see, I wasn't paying these women money to have sex, I wanted sex at the end of it without payment.

Then I discovered prostitutes and my world became clearer. I want sex? I pay for it and I get it on my terms and she does my bidding. No more desperately trying to please, I have what she wants and if she wants it I better get what I want no questions asked, no begging, and as I am the customer I will set the terms of the deal.

See how simple that is guys?

What in the name of absolute fcuk are you putting yourselves through all these hoops for to get what everyone else here is getting with minimal effort?

Did you not suffer enough rejection in your lives as young adolescents? Are you desperately trying to recreate that teenage angst as older men?

Are you trying to prove something to yourselves about your alpha male status? Because I hate to break it to you, you're all coming across as pussy-whipped cukcs. You're putting up with all the shit of middle-class, middle-aged, married American guys desperate to have sex with hot young women and paying top dollar for all the aggravation.

Wake up guys, you clearly have money to burn, take the easy option and just pick an honest, professional wh () re instead of these woman who are treating you worse than your wives.

Do you feel good knowing that after you pay hundreds of dollars to fcuk them they go home and share the money with the sort of deadbeat, jock losers that used to bully you at school? Is this some sort of reverse revenge thing going on?

06-04-20, 03:07
I played my hand and I lost. Big deal. I will treat them as prostitutes from now on. I thought there was a difference between an arrangement and an escort. I have met her in person. I thought she would be great to have as a sugar baby. This woman is a good-looking UC student. She kept saying she did not want to be a working girl. One report on ISG said that an UC Berkeley woman received $3000 a month. I was trying for $2000. I will not give her any more money but she is still texting me once a day. Right now she is at one of the local demonstrations. I am probably a fall back position for her now. Have fun with your $30 dollar tattooed hookers with a kid in Medellin if that is your thing. I will probably meet you down there one day.Not my place to tell a grown man what to do with his money.

Anytime I see those kinds of numbers floated around, I then ask myself:

"What is it that one woman could do for me for that amount of money?

I know that:

- If I wanted to spend $3000 on sex, I could find 10 college babes who would be more than happy to take $300 per meet up. Or 2 chicks that I really dig who I can give $300 to 5 times each.

- I could spend $3000 on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook ads and make $30,000.

- Don't even get me started on Medellin. My last trip I banged 20 different women and only spent $1500 on the endeavor.

I could go on, but nothing leads me to the conclusion that any one woman would be worth $3000 for any reason whatsoever.

06-04-20, 03:12
OK total respect to fellow mongers out there and whatever floats your boat is your thing and it's not for me to judge but good heavens there seem to be a lot of deluded fools on this thread (perhaps you aren't deluded but you actually enjoy the experience of being taken for a fool, if so I apologise).

I usually post on another specific forum, but bored with this WuFlu lockdown I started looking around to see how the rest of the world lives and I came upon this thread.

The more I read the farther my chin dropped toward the floor. I could barely believe the naivety that I was reading on a forum dedicated to having sex with prostitutes.

Look guys, these "SBs" of which you speak are prostitutes, very expensive prostitutes and prostitutes that play hard to get and take a lot of time and effort to have sex with, you know what that makes them? Very bad prostitutes.

I don't wish to single out one poster but this post summed it up for me, why on earth should you have to go to all that trouble to have sex with a woman whom you are paying to have sex with?

I used to go through all that effort as a young man desperately seeking to have sex with a woman I fancied, the dates, the dressing up, the trying to impress, the attempt to prove I have game, the spending money on expensive dinners in the sad hope that she might find me acceptable to her, the disappointment when she decided I didn't meet her high standards or that she actually had a better offer that night. But see, I wasn't paying these women money to have sex, I wanted sex at the end of it without payment.Hey,

This guy gets it, LOL. One of the best posts that I've read in a long while.

I don't have anything further to add.

But in all fairness: professional wh () res have deadbeat, jock losers too, LOL.

Big Boss Man
06-04-20, 03:33
OK total respect to fellow mongers out there and whatever floats your boat is your thing and it's not for me to judge but good heavens there seem to be a lot of deluded fools on this thread (perhaps you aren't deluded but you actually enjoy the experience of being taken for a fool, if so I apologise). It is just another game and I am bored. I usually go to Europe in the summer and probably will not go this year. I get tired of prostitutes too. With Covid 19, it would be a little better if the girl is maybe only fucking one other guy. You can find straight out hookers in my town on Seeking.

06-04-20, 06:41
Do you feel good knowing that after you pay hundreds of dollars to fcuk them they go home and share the money with the sort of deadbeat, jock losers that used to bully you at school? Is this some sort of reverse revenge thing going on?For me I know that SA provides me with better 'bang' for my mongering buck. My current girl sticks around for 4 hours of sexual activity for $300 whereas a similar professional would be asking $2,000. On my business trips where I have take a SB for a set weekly fee of $700 and had a sexual companion for 7 nights.

06-04-20, 09:45
Look guys, these "SBs" of which you speak are prostitutes, very expensive prostitutes and prostitutes that play hard to get and take a lot of time and effort to have sex with, you know what that makes them? Very bad prostitutes.

Hilo, normally I wouldn't respond to a such a rant, but you put some thought into your screed, so I thought I'd reply.

On SA, there are gals that provide GF experiences that are much better than regular prostitutes, and some gals that provide hellish experiences much worse than regular prostitutes. In this thread, we are merely discussing on how to find the former. That's all.

I hooked up with 24-25 SBs, and this is out of about 50-60 meet-and-greets. None of them were prostitutes. Zero. No exaggeration. You might think I got fooled by some of them, but I didn't. Half of the 24-25 never even asked me for a dime. My SBs included a law student, an accountant, a restaurant owner, a Berkeley undergrad, a PhD student, a website designer, a stage hand, a recent divorcee, several people starting a new business, etc. They weren't lying. We talked about all this shit while we were shooting whisky or drinking wine. We all know there are young gals that are into older and successful guys. How else are we going to easily make the connection, other than via SA? Many of these SBs genuinely liked me. Again, I wasn't fooled. I can tell when a gal really likes me. But there definitely are prostitutes on SA and other undesirables, but we mostly try to avoid them. They are pretty easy to spot.

BTW, no one ever said we were giving up prostitutes to find SBs. While I was active on SA, I continued to sleep with prostitutes on a weekly basis.

06-04-20, 15:06

But in all fairness: professional wh () res have deadbeat, jock losers too, LOL.For sure, but as I am not paying upwards of a grand to sleep with her in between the free sex she's giving deadbeat jock it kinda doesn't bother me who else she's banging.

Furthermore as I haven't spent weeks desperately trying to convince her what a great guy I am so she will be nice to me and let me give her money, I actually don't care about the fact that she thinks more highly of the guy who doesn't give her money and expects her to screw him for free.

The fact that a wh () re thinks I am a first class asshole has never bothered me, but if I had spent weeks and hundreds of dollars to convince her I was a nice guy it might hurt a bit.

06-04-20, 15:33
Hilo, normally I wouldn't respond to a such a rant, but you put some thought into your screed, so I thought I'd reply.

On SA, there are gals that provide GF experiences that are much better than regular prostitutes, and some gals that provide hellish experiences much worse than regular prostitutes. In this thread, we are merely discussing on how to find the former. That's all.

I hooked up with 24-25 SBs, and this is out of about 50-60 meet-and-greets. None of them were prostitutes. Zero. No exaggeration. You might think I got fooled by some of them, but I didn't. Half of the 24-25 never even asked me for a dime. My SBs included a law student, an accountant, a restaurant owner, a Berkeley undergrad, a PhD student, a website designer, a stage hand, a recent divorcee, several people starting a new business, etc. They weren't lying. We talked about all this shit while we were shooting whisky or drinking wine. We all know there are young gals that are into older and successful guys. How else are we going to easily make the connection, other than via SA? Many of these SBs genuinely liked me. Again, I wasn't fooled. I can tell when a gal really likes me. But there definitely are prostitutes on SA and other undesirables, but we mostly try to avoid them. They are pretty easy to spot.

BTW, no one ever said we were giving up prostitutes to find SBs. While I was active on SA, I continued to sleep with prostitutes on a weekly basis.Fair enough, so you use it as a dating site to meet a better class of girlfriend, most of us would use Tinder for that and not expect to pay to screw the dates, but each to his own.

But at the end of the day you have not contradicted anything I have said, the SBs have made it clear by the very fact that they are on SA that they view the relationships they seek as transactional. They are looking for "older and successful" guys (you are one of these presumably) to have sex with and to get paid for doing so. Sure they are intelligent lasses, they know how to stroke "older and successful" guys' egos and will never say that outright, but the fact that they are on SA is a pretty big neon flashing sign.

I can tell that you are not so naive as to believe you are the only "older and successful" guy that these recent divorcees and Berkely undergrads are shooting wine and whiskey with. You are cool with that, you enjoy the GFE while having your ego stroked, that's nice. I enjoy it when I am in a brothel and the h**ker pretends like she is my girfriend for the hour, it's a bonus if it happens and she'll get a nice tip at the end of it.

The fact remains, however, that you are paying a hell of a lot of money and going through huge efforts to sleep with (ok, semi) prostitutes, and that just amazes me.

But like I say, each to their own.

06-04-20, 15:37
Hilo, normally I wouldn't respond to a such a rant, but you put some thought into your screed, so I thought I'd reply.

On SA, there are gals that provide GF experiences that are much better than regular prostitutes, and some gals that provide hellish experiences much worse than regular prostitutes. In this thread, we are merely discussing on how to find the former. That's all.

I hooked up with 24-25 SBs, and this is out of about 50-60 meet-and-greets. None of them were prostitutes. Zero. No exaggeration. You might think I got fooled by some of them, but I didn't. Half of the 24-25 never even asked me for a dime. My SBs included a law student, an accountant, a restaurant owner, a Berkeley undergrad, a PhD student, a website designer, a stage hand, a recent divorcee, several people starting a new business, etc. They weren't lying. We talked about all this shit while we were shooting whisky or drinking wine. We all know there are young gals that are into older and successful guys. How else are we going to easily make the connection, other than via SA? Many of these SBs genuinely liked me. Again, I wasn't fooled. I can tell when a gal really likes me. But there definitely are prostitutes on SA and other undesirables, but we mostly try to avoid them. They are pretty easy to spot.

BTW, no one ever said we were giving up prostitutes to find SBs. While I was active on SA, I continued to sleep with prostitutes on a weekly basis.Sorry, I have to disagree girls on SA are definitely prostitutes. They may be slightly higher classes. Remember most everyone on the site is lying in one form or another and it is definitely transactional.

Have to disagree with you on this one.

Big Boss Man
06-04-20, 17:34
For me, there is more to it than just the sex. I have been watching movies about artists and models. Specifically how a young woman can be a muse and reignite passions in an older man. The two movies that the 22-year old and I both had watched were "La Belle Noiseuse" and "Breakfast at Tiffany's". She understood her role. She was able to compare herself to Holly Golightly and tell me how she was different. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I have been taking a writing class. In fact, I wrote a short story about our first meeting. I submitted it for publication already. In the story, I compare her to a gypsy in one paragraph. So even the scammer part of her is intriguing to me. I recognized it immediately. For me, I have to feel like a fool to be able to write about it. How many guys here have been made a fool by a beautiful woman? Don't we all have a Bezukhov pursuing a Helene story in our lives?

Like I told her, it would have been easier to meet her in her own country where there are legal brothels. There I could go get my rocks off and then take her to dinner and have a conversation. Of course, she is not going to go to dinner with a man forty-five years her senior just because she enjoys it. At least, I don't think she would. On the other hand, I don't want to pay for her education without a sexual component. So we came to an impasse.

06-04-20, 19:02
For sure, but as I am not paying upwards of a grand to sleep with her in between the free sex she's giving deadbeat jock it kinda doesn't bother me who else she's banging.

Furthermore as I haven't spent weeks desperately trying to convince her what a great guy I am so she will be nice to me and let me give her money, I actually don't care about the fact that she thinks more highly of the guy who doesn't give her money and expects her to screw him for free.

The fact that a wh () re thinks I am a first class asshole has never bothered me, but if I had spent weeks and hundreds of dollars to convince her I was a nice guy it might hurt a bit.In an effort to avoid any bickering back and forth, distorting the goal of the forum, I'll try to keep my opinion (bc it is just my opinion) brief.

Hilo77, my fellow monger.

You came off strong, but I'll keep it respectful. We have a stark difference of opinion.

First, you are wrong that SA girls, as a whole, are prostitutes.

With that being said, I do realize that under the strict definition of prostitute (money for sex), then they would be considered as such. And I think that was your larger point. If you are paying, just like a prostitute, then why would you go through all this work with chatting, getting to know her, and drinking with her, just to do the same action that comes 10 x easier at a brothel. This is a good point, which has been discussed in this forum at least 100 times. If you RTFF, you would easily see that one of the purposes of this forum was to discuss another avenue that doesn't include the local brothel or FKK club. So I'm not sure why someone would go to a forum focused on eating carbs (for example) and start to deride the contributors for sharing pasta, cake and bread recipes!

Dude, RTFF. No one here is recommending to drop thousands for a good night out, or to pay these chicks before you meet or bang them, or to pay too much. We are saying the exact opposite. It's funny to me when people have opinions from something out of context, when all you have to do is RTFF. Recommendations have been to avoid chatting too long with a new SA girl before meeting, minimizing the effort pre-bang, so I'm not sure where you get your comment about spending weeks trying to convince. We have been suggesting to keep yourself safe, don't allow these chicks to scam you, guard your identity, get the most out of your experience (this is why all of us including you, are here) and avoid anyone that even resembles a pro. Midwestern made a good point. We are pointing out the techniques to find good performers for GFE.

It appears that you are viewing the hobby from a singular perspective (bust and go), while ridiculing those that behave counter to what you perceive as "the best way" to enjoy the hobby. If the guys here, including me, are having a fucking great time, for cheap (yes cheap. About 40/ hour, maybe less) and sometimes free, then the goal has been met. Not going to entertain your jock comments. Those were funny though. Not to beat the dead horse but before you go tell everyone they are doing it wrong, RTFF and get context.

Cost. Thousands? WTF are you talking about? Your opinion is misguided again. In EU, I'd be paying 150 and up per hour (maybe less for incall) for a regular escort (cold, mechanical, banged 10 guys that day). I don't' know about you but I want to bust 3 nuts at least, without being rushed. I'll easily chill with a SB for 6-8 hours for 300 eu (sometimes less or none). This is approximately 37 eu per hour. You can't get that cheap at an FKK. You may attempt to add in the cost of dinners, hookah lounges, skybars, and drinks, etc. I can't speak for the other guys, but I would be at these places anyway, with or without the girl, so it's not an added expense. For what many of us are looking for, we are probably paying less than you!

The experience. This the biggest deal for me. I'm all about GFE. Bust a nut and go doesn't appeal to me, doesn't float my boat, and I simply don't like it. I think I speak for many of the guys here, but I hated the cold encounters, scams, mechanical sex, clock watching, and the general aloofness that comes along when dealing with escorts / prostitutes. GFE is difficult to find consistently with prostitutes, if at all. There are some. I have a few escorts that I still use that provide great services, but this is not common and probably based somewhat on rapport. If you don't want GFE, then the sugar bowl probably isn't for you. SBs give those who want GFE on demand (when traveling, etc) a viable, more consistent option. Some may even bang without exchanging money, which again shits on your "they are all prostitutes" comment. The little bit of time that you take to get to know your SB (usually about a few days) before your outing will almost guarantee (there are exceptions) you a GFE session. Subsequent visits may be cheap, will be more relaxed, and from what I've seen, become more enjoyable. I personally have met girls on SA that I haven't paid at all and still banged. I implore you to show me a prostitute willing to do this.

Ignoring the other comments. Look dude. We all get sex from many venues. Home, on the road, wherever. Some paid. Some free. Some an exchange (I did IT work one time for a CIF BJ. LOL). Some people are into fetishes. Some are vanilla. Everyone swims in their own lane. I want GFE without a relationship (don't have time for that) and it needs to be somewhat real and consistent. That's what my search is for and this forum has been helpful in that regard. If I were a brothel guy, my aim would be different. I personally don't see how brothel guys bang a girl that just finished with another guy, and you see that guy walking away? But, it's not for me to judge. It's my preference. Let those guys have their fun. For me, SBs are a waaaay better use of my funds. 200 - 300 ensures a whole night full of fun, when I don't' have time to court a normal girl. So are SBs pretty much prostitutes? Yeah, some, kinda, not really, it's blurry. Would I group a regular SB together with an FKK girl or a regular escort? Hell no!


06-04-20, 19:53
Reading this thread with great fascination and respect for some of the titans of ISG contributing. I'm intrigued but wonder if I've aged out from using this option. If a guys is in his mid 60's (But could pass for 10 years younger) does this mean he's out of the running for many SBs? I've found on some of my mongering trips that sometimes the real young ones (18-22) turn me down. I assume that, while Dad is a fantasy, they just aren't down with blowing grandpa LOL. I have other good attributes. I've got a Dad bod but am not obese. I'm kind, intelligent, funny and most important generous if I get what I want. I'm also with Steve that the chase sounds fun. My home area is way overpriced but when I start traveling domestically I might give it a try.

Another thing, I'm finding early 20's chicas I don't really vibe with. Often more comfortable with 25-35 yo.

I get the feeling that a lot of you guys who are touting SA are 40-50's. What say you about this?

06-04-20, 20:28
Planning a trip to Mexico for late June, I want to try the SA route in Cancun to start. Another member recommended I meet girls on SA from CDMX and invite them to stay with me in Cancun for a few days. I speak horrible Spanish. Is this doable? If CDMX opens up, I also want to spend a few days there as well. Any thoughts on how easy or hard it is to pull from SA? Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.

06-04-20, 20:50
Reading this thread with great fascination and respect for some of the titans of ISG contributing. I'm intrigued but wonder if I've aged out from using this option. If a guys is in his mid 60's (But could pass for 10 years younger) does this mean he's out of the running for many SBs? I've found on some of my mongering trips that sometimes the real young ones (18-22) turn me down. I assume that, while Dad is a fantasy, they just aren't down with blowing grandpa LOL. I have other good attributes. I've got a Dad bod but am not obese. I'm kind, intelligent, funny and most important generous if I get what I want. I'm also with Steve that the chase sounds fun. My home area is way overpriced but when I start traveling domestically I might give it a try.

Another thing, I'm finding early 20's chicas I don't really vibe with. Often more comfortable with 25-35 yo.

I get the feeling that a lot of you guys who are touting SA are 40-50's. What say you about this?Hi HB,

I am younger than you. So, I can't speak with any certainty related to older men. I will say though that at least some girls will be open minded. You should give it a try. You are saying anyway that you are looking for 25-35 age group. By that age, especially 30+, many girls have taken some hard knocks in life, are realistic. Some may be single moms, some may be stuck in low end jobs like receptionists, etc. These past months have been tough for many girls. They are looking for help. As long as you are kind, intelligent, not too pushy / clingy, normal, you will have a good amount of success. You are old enough that you will not be cheated, you can spot the scammers, you will not get too emotionally attached. Be patient, don't be too conscious of your age. It is only in your head, the girl is likewise inwardly focused and wondering if she is attractive enough for you because she knows you may have other choices.

Being in a overpriced city is unfortunate. Decide beforehand what your budget range is and stay patient and disciplined.

And please do tune out the naysayers and nabobs of negativity from here. A couple of recent posters were rude, clueless and I doubt very much that they had any experience whatsoever with real arrangements to be posting any sensible comments. I have been doing this for 4+ years, have been in arrangements with several dozens of girls / women and by and large they were nice, positive and fulfilling and I am quite positive that they were not with prostitutes. I have only pity for fools who think they know anything about me, the girls I had been with, to be making blanket claims about all guys and girls on a site that has millions of members of both genders. Safely ignore them, give it a try, and stay disciplined most importantly.

06-04-20, 23:05
The discussions lately on this forum has been so good! Thanks gents!

But let us not forget that pussy is never free. Be it SA or Tinder. A man is always expected to pay usually monetarily and let's not forget cost of time.

To me, it is clear that SeekingArrangement specializes in pairing the older mature men with younger women. Older men have a lot of maturity and worldly knowledge that a younger woman could benefit from not just from his money. Both of these things can help set the young woman up on a proper trajectory in life. This is why the older man and younger woman is a more natural pairing since both have what each other needs. The opposite scenario of an older woman and younger man does *not* hold as true. The older women usually lack the physical attributes that (most) younger males could get on his own. Let's face it. Woman do *not* age typically as well as men physically. For one, the vagina takes a beating through its lifetime with childbirth being just one of the assaults a vagina endures!

Don't get me wrong. I'm on SA for pussy myself but I would offer lending hand to my young woman if she wants from my worldly and industry experience. Just as long as she satisfies my physical needs. That doesn't happen with the k-girls I see weekly. With k-girls, there are both language and cultural barriers. With k-girls its 1 HR and that's it.

06-04-20, 23:41
I get the feeling that a lot of you guys who are touting SA are 40-50's. What say you about this?I am 55+.

When I'm home here in my own country I set my filters at 30-40. I get tired of being lectured by starlets that have no idea of life. Early thirties the sex is the best, 40 has been classy when their body is in good shape.

When I'm overseas in Philippines I only date 20-25 year olds.

I generally will not be seeing any girl over 140 lbs, 70 kgs regardless of age.

As I age I will continue to use money to resolve any age differences.


06-05-20, 01:58
Reading this thread with great fascination and respect for some of the titans of ISG contributing. I'm intrigued but wonder if I've aged out from using this option. If a guys is in his mid 60's (But could pass for 10 years younger) does this mean he's out of the running for many SBs?

I get the feeling that a lot of you guys who are touting SA are 40-50's. What say you about this?I am in my 50's, but I pretend to be in my 40's on SA. I do this simply because it looks like many SBs filter out guys at 50 and above. But to pull this off, you really have to look like you're whatever age that you say you are.

FWIW, I filter out SBs below 24 years old. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time in the sheets with a 19 year old, but I absolutely hate hanging out and talking with a 19 year old, because we have almost nothing in common to talk about, and given that I consider these SBs to be GFs, I want them to be at least 24 so that we can have fun together outside of the bedroom. So, maybe if you filter out the younger gals, then this puts you less out of the running.

Some of my SBs told me that they had SDs in their 60's and even 70's. But from what they told me, these older guys were not cheap. They lavished the gals with gifts, trips, and shopping. I am not saying that you have to do the same thing. I am just sharing what I was told.

Steve 9696
06-05-20, 01:59
Reading this thread with great fascination and respect for some of the titans of ISG contributing. I'm intrigued but wonder if I've aged out from using this option. If a guys is in his mid 60's (But could pass for 10 years younger) does this mean he's out of the running for many SBs? I've found on some of my mongering trips that sometimes the real young ones (18-22) turn me down. I assume that, while Dad is a fantasy, they just aren't down with blowing grandpa LOL. I have other good attributes. I've got a Dad bod but am not obese. I'm kind, intelligent, funny and most important generous if I get what I want. I'm also with Steve that the chase sounds fun. My home area is way overpriced but when I start traveling domestically I might give it a try.

Another thing, I'm finding early 20's chicas I don't really vibe with. Often more comfortable with 25-35 yo.

I get the feeling that a lot of you guys who are touting SA are 40-50's. What say you about this?HB. Dude. So great to have you join the party. Ignore the recent trolls SA is the only worthy game in town in the USA. Especially if you like the game as I know you do. Age is manageable. 25-35% of girls age doesn't really matter much and 15% prefer significantly older. I do think hair color matters. You can be 75 and as long as your hair isn't full on gray or white they will overlook a lot of the rest. Gray hair seems to be a psychological barrier to some. Of course money overcomes many ills.

06-05-20, 02:52
In an effort to avoid any bickering back and forth, distorting the goal of the forum, I'll try to keep my opinion (bc it is just my opinion) brief.

Hilo77, my fellow monger.

You came off strong, but I'll keep it respectful. We have a stark difference of opinion.

First, you are wrong that SA girls, as a whole, are prostitutes.

So are SBs pretty much prostitutes? Yeah, some, kinda, not really, it's blurry. Would I group a regular SB together with an FKK girl or a regular escort? Hell no!

02.Thank you for the well-written reply, it's a bit too long for me to answer the points individually but I do take exception to your implication that I did not read the forum. It was reading the forum that had me so drop-jawed in amazement.

All the points I raised related to posts made in the past 10 or so pages. Go back through them and read them if you don't believe me, it's all there, guys blowing hundreds, even thousands of dollars, others proudly proclaiming how they spend weeks lining up their dates, others admitting that they get stood up on a regular basis etc.

The levels of misty-eyed sentimentality and gullibility on display here (do I even need to draw your attention to the post just below yours?) leaves one stunned at how some of these guys even manage a checking account never mind how they got to be the successful rich captains of industry that they paint themselves as.

Perhaps you are filtering out posts that don't suit the idea of sophisticated, older men playing mentor to young, but mature girls who are just seeking to be initiated and guided by a wise and beneficent man of the world. Look that's nice, if that's what your fantasy is, have at it and more power to your elbow.

But you will forgive me if I read a lot of sad old guys with more money than sense chasing after a bunch of semi-pros (we can call them courtesans, gentlemen's companions, high class escorts or part-time models, if that makes it sound better) and getting increasingly desperate as the Holly Golightly of their dreams appears to be holding off for an extra hundred bucks or she ain't going to show when they arrive in her home town on their much-anticipated monthly mid-week business trip.

Like I say, I am sorry if I sound like I am raining on anyone's parade, if this is the fantasy world you want to create please enjoy it but be aware of who and what you are dealing with here guys. They're prostitutes, sure they're not standing on a street corner in a red PVC skirt and thigh high boots or sitting bored in a bikini in an Amsterdam shop window but that is nonetheless what they are, no matter how much you try to convince yourselves otherwise.

You are paying way over the odds to have decent sex with the sort of women people in the rest of the world can screw without complication for fifty bucks and still have a fun time (just for reference sake for $500 I think I could book a suite at the Sheraton in my town and get four semi-pro students, secretaries or bank clerks aged 19-22 and have a great evening. They can buy their own dinner on the way home).

I guess that's America for you, it's grim but such is life in the Land of the Free.

06-05-20, 03:09
I've got a Dad bod but am not obese. I'm kind, intelligent, funny and most important generous if I get what I want. In the dating world, women are always talking about the "Prefect Trifecta" or the three 6's.

They all want a man who has the these 3 attributes:

- 6 feet tall (or taller).

- 6-pack (abs).

- 6 figures (money).

If you can manage 2 of the 3 then you should be good. But if you really want to have a competitive edge, drop the dad bod.

Look into the Ketogenic diet. It's damn near impossible to not lose weight on Keto unless you are not actually doing the Keto diet correctly.

Also, look up Gianluca Vacchi (the rich Italian guy always dancing with his younger girlfriend on Instagram).

He's 52 years old (looks much older actually) but he's gray all over.

He's 5'8, but he has two of the three 6's:

- 6-pack.

- 6-figures (actually 7-8 figures).

Model that guy and make it your own.

Hell, look at Jeff Bezos. Dude used to be a skinny pencil-neck but now is buff as fuck. He's 56 and the chick he left his wife for is a smoke show! (even at 50 yrs old).

Elvis 2008
06-05-20, 04:38
Planning a trip to Mexico for late June, I want to try the SA route in Cancun to start. Another member recommended I meet girls on SA from CDMX and invite them to stay with me in Cancun for a few days. I speak horrible Spanish. Is this doable? If CDMX opens up, I also want to spend a few days there as well. Any thoughts on how easy or hard it is to pull from SA? Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.Yes, you can travel from city to city just know the flights are few and far between and you can be easily bumped.

06-05-20, 06:21
Reading this thread with great fascination and respect for some of the titans of ISG contributing. I'm intrigued but wonder if I've aged out from using this option. If a guys is in his mid 60's (But could pass for 10 years younger) does this mean he's out of the running for many SBs? I've found on some of my mongering trips that sometimes the real young ones (18-22) turn me down. I assume that, while Dad is a fantasy, they just aren't down with blowing grandpa LOL. I have other good attributes. I've got a Dad bod but am not obese. I'm kind, intelligent, funny and most important generous if I get what I want. I'm also with Steve that the chase sounds fun. My home area is way overpriced but when I start traveling domestically I might give it a try.

Another thing, I'm finding early 20's chicas I don't really vibe with. Often more comfortable with 25-35 yo.

I get the feeling that a lot of you guys who are touting SA are 40-50's. What say you about this?If you haven't traveled, I think you will find the success you are looking for in Latin America (or possibly other regions in the world). For me (age 51), SA in Colombia is a goldmine of opportunity. Money doesn't talk there, it yells. In the US, SA where I am at (DC) is tough (in terms of effort) unless I reduce / change my preferences. I prefer the freshness of 18-19 year olds and with a bit of effort, I can get those much more easily in Colombia. I have also sponsored girls (mostly college students) in the 20-24 range in Medelland and they were great sexually and personality-wise. Latin women seem to have a built-in GFE-chip (by and large anyway) so SA is exactly the right tool in that environment. Sponsored sex is widespread culturally in that region so you are not fighting the uphill battle that you may get in feminist\ized countries.

Disclaimer: Being a nice guy has its merits in the right situations but I would not go to the third world unless you are capable of bringing out your inner caveman / asshole when needed.

Steve 9696
06-05-20, 10:56
Random thoughts for this AM:

1. Internet 101 - DNFTT.

2. Indonesia is not the USA.

06-05-20, 16:26
Planning a trip to Mexico for late June, I want to try the SA route in Cancun to start. Another member recommended I meet girls on SA from CDMX and invite them to stay with me in Cancun for a few days. I speak horrible Spanish. Is this doable? If CDMX opens up, I also want to spend a few days there as well. Any thoughts on how easy or hard it is to pull from SA? Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.I use SA all the time, here in the states and abroad. Its expensive at $90 a month membership. I typically get a 30 day membership get a few connections made, then let the membership got for a while. Here is my experience with SA. Typically I find university students wanting some extra money. These are usually normal girls with a life. They are beautiful and I haven't had any problems with bait and switch. You can pick girls that speak English if you want that too. I typically get a membership a few weeks before a planned trip, make contacts with the ones I like and weed down to a few before I go. I will get their whatsapp so we can text and exchange better photos. You can get a better feel of what the chica is like. I'm not usually shy with them, I am up front about what I like and I ask them the same. We come to an agreement and schedule time together. I have met some really nice girls this way. I still have some that I continue to text with in Mexico and in Columbia.

I have pretty much done away with the street scene, strip joints and massage polars (except if I'm in Bangkok or Pattaya.) I will do the occasional agency in GDL, but SA is my go to in Mexico. In Colombia, its Colombian Cupid. It works exactly the same way.

Now I do have to say you do have to put in some effort with SA. It takes time to qualify the chicas and some will flake out on you. That's why I start only 2 to 3 weeks out to give me time to establish a connection with the ones I like and keep them interested and cull the rest. Its a lot easier to order in from an agency or go to a strip club, but the effort is well worth it in my opinion.

Let me know how it goes.

06-05-20, 17:14
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

06-05-20, 17:33
Reading this thread with great fascination and respect for some of the titans of ISG contributing. I'm intrigued but wonder if I've aged out from using this option. If a guys is in his mid 60's (But could pass for 10 years younger) does this mean he's out of the running for many SBs? I've found on some of my mongering trips that sometimes the real young ones (18-22) turn me down. I assume that, while Dad is a fantasy, they just aren't down with blowing grandpa LOL. I have other good attributes. I've got a Dad bod but am not obese. I'm kind, intelligent, funny and most important generous if I get what I want. I'm also with Steve that the chase sounds fun. My home area is way overpriced but when I start traveling domestically I might give it a try.

Another thing, I'm finding early 20's chicas I don't really vibe with. Often more comfortable with 25-35 yo.

I get the feeling that a lot of you guys who are touting SA are 40-50's. What say you about this?I am almost 63 years old and very much overweight and I have used SA quite a bit. Quite a few girls will not want to go with you but plenty enough will, I have had plenty of good experiences with SA girls and a few bad ones too. I receive several private messages every week from new girls on SA and my profile states my age and my photos depict exactly who and what I am so I don't think you will have a problem sourcing girls.

Big Boss Man
06-06-20, 18:16
You are paying way over the odds to have decent sex with the sort of women people in the rest of the world can screw without complication for fifty bucks and still have a fun time (just for reference sake for $500 I think I could book a suite at the Sheraton in my town and get four semi-pro students, secretaries or bank clerks aged 19-22 and have a great evening. They can buy their own dinner on the way home).
So I priced business fare to Jakarta for July which would be $6000. Then I reviewed the Jakarta thread and Hilo77 recommends not going to Jakarta for at least three months. So apparently I can't rent a suite at the Jakarta Sheraton and invite 4 college students up for $500 right now.

So I choose to play where I live and try to find someone semi-exclusive. Hopefully she is only fucking two or three other guys. So I have $6000 in airfare with which to play for the next three months and then I can travel to Jakarta although I would probably go to Europe instead.

So I am choosing to play the fool and spend $2000 a month on Holly Golightly because I find her intriguing. If we could find a groove, I think she would be a good sugar baby.

So yesterday she made a date for this morning. I wrote a friend that I thought there was a good chance she is not going to make it. This morning she postponed it until tomorrow.

So we are playing a little control game right now. I keep telling her she needs to start being a good girl. Maybe a light spanking is in order if she makes it over tomorrow.

I will bail if she cancels tomorrow. But I only have one other in the mix right now. I guess the Korean apartment girls are the best and cheaper option in my town. I need a reference to get into that world.

06-06-20, 23:44
You might think I got fooled by some of them, but I didn't. Half of the 24-25 never even asked me for a dime. My SBs included a law student, an accountant, a restaurant owner, a Berkeley undergrad, a PhD student, a website designe.Just want to add that if the girl is a premiumn member and also is college verified, then she is likely still a student. They are easy to find.

06-07-20, 00:03
I sign on to look for sugar mommy. It's a different world but not for the better. These are what I found

*The featured members are always the same
*The new members and members online now are always the same.
*They put their numbers on their profile asking you to text them
*They are all rich. The net worth of the first few on my Recently Active are 5 million (45), 2 million(42, $300 everyday), 5 million (37, first 5 who text gets $500)
*It is fair to say most are older and fat
*In a span of one hour, I have at least 4 favorited me. All gave me numbers to text them or contact them via kik. Some offer money, the highest is 2000/wk.

*Sugar baby free account can't search by body type, ethnicity, relationship, income, net worth, profile text.
*The cost of sugar baby premium account is $19.95

06-07-20, 01:23
If you haven't traveled, I think you will find the success you are looking for in Latin America (or possibly other regions in the world). For me (age 51), SA in Colombia is a goldmine of opportunity. Money doesn't talk there, it yells. In the US, SA where I am at (DC) is tough (in terms of effort) unless I reduce / change my preferences. I prefer the freshness of 18-19 year olds and with a bit of effort, I can get those much more easily in Colombia. I have also sponsored girls (mostly college students) in the 20-24 range in Medelland and they were great sexually and personality-wise. Latin women seem to have a built-in GFE-chip (by and large anyway) so SA is exactly the right tool in that environment. Sponsored sex is widespread culturally in that region so you are not fighting the uphill battle that you may get in feminist\ized countries.

Disclaimer: Being a nice guy has its merits in the right situations but I would not go to the third world unless you are capable of bringing out your inner caveman / asshole when needed.Great Post. I was not a big fan of MDE and would not go back, but I understand why some guys real like it. I have found my Gold Mine in MTY. There is no middle ground here, but there are some Major Gems, that are totally down to earth, and not expensive compared to other parts of the world. It is so good here, I probably will not do SA in the states anymore, 6 hour drive, but well worth it. I am banging a super hot girl, 5.7', buck 105. Sweet, fun, and loves to party. I Also have a couple of total Porno Girls. I love the Skinny girls and destinations with no of Sex Tourist. There were just too many Sex Tourist in MDE and Kiev as well. At the end they were also very low end Sex Tourist, that made it even worse.

06-07-20, 01:28
I didn't realize that Hilo mostly mongers in Jakarta until you pointed it out. Now I understand his POV. I used to monger in Thailand, where young pros are plentiful and they are everywhere and so they are super easy to find, and they are super friendly, super willing, so eager to please, and offering plenty of GFE, and it can be all had for VERY cheap.

If I were still mongering in Thailand, then I might also think that SA is a waste of money, and I would definitely think that using SA in Thailand would be stupid. I've also been to Indonesia (Batam, Jakarta, Bali, etc.) and the mongering scene is similar in many ways.

But at some point, I would want something different. Even right now, I am looking for new experiences. I think Hilo hasn't gotten to that point yet, and perhaps he never will. I met a lot of mongers in SE Asia, and they are pretty happy being set in their ways.

As for the new experience that I've been seeking lately. Last year, I hooked up with a married lady in her 40's and we had a short affair. No money ever changed hands. She was just a neglected wife, and so she was HUNGRY for affection. Wow, we had some passionate love making. So now, I've been hitting on gals that are 40-something, to try to repeat that experience. I am sure Hilo would tell me that I am stupid because he is banging 20 year olds.

Random thoughts for this AM:

1. Internet 101 - DNFTT.

2. Indonesia is not the USA.

Juan Carter
06-07-20, 08:46
Planning a trip to Mexico for late June, I want to try the SA route in Cancun to start. Another member recommended I meet girls on SA from CDMX and invite them to stay with me in Cancun for a few days. I speak horrible Spanish. Is this doable? If CDMX opens up, I also want to spend a few days there as well. Any thoughts on how easy or hard it is to pull from SA? Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.A few ISG gringos have told me of great success with SA in CDMX. One guy says he typically offers them $2,000 for a date of a few hours that includes dinner and sex. Some, he says, spend the night. He hardly ever sees escorts anymore and I don't know if he even visits ISG. If so, maybe he will respond. Luna spent six days with me in February on the Yucatan peninsula, including Cancun, but we have a close relationship. I wouldn't want to spend a long time with any girl until I knew her to be a good companion. I suppose most girls would feel the same but money talks. I speak enough Spanish to get along but plenty of guys get by with Google translate. English speaking escorts are very rare.

Try not to miss CDMX, it is a great town. Check your mail, I will send you a direct message.

06-08-20, 06:43
I use SA all the time, here in the states and abroad. Its expensive at $90 a month membership. I typically get a 30 day membership get a few connections made, then let the membership got for a while. Here is my experience with SA. Typically I find university students wanting some extra money. These are usually normal girls with a life. They are beautiful and I haven't had any problems with bait and switch. You can pick girls that speak English if you want that too. I typically get a membership a few weeks before a planned trip, make contacts with the ones I like and weed down to a few before I go. I will get their whatsapp so we can text and exchange better photos. You can get a better feel of what the chica is like. I'm not usually shy with them, I am up front about what I like and I ask them the same. We come to an agreement and schedule time together. I have met some really nice girls this way. I still have some that I continue to text with in Mexico and in Columbia.

I have pretty much done away with the street scene, strip joints and massage polars (except if I'm in Bangkok or Pattaya.) I will do the occasional agency in GDL, but SA is my go to in Mexico. In Colombia, its Colombian Cupid. It works exactly the same way.

Now I do have to say you do have to put in some effort with SA. It takes time to qualify the chicas and some will flake out on you. That's why I start only 2 to 3 weeks out to give me time to establish a connection with the ones I like and keep them interested and cull the rest. Its a lot easier to order in from an agency or go to a strip club, but the effort is well worth it in my opinion.

Let me know how it goes.Just registered on SA, but haven't paid the premium yet. Expected to see many hot woman, but after I did the search, pretty much nothing that would caught my eye came up. Most of the girls are average in the looks department. Is it worth $90/ month? I don't know, but since there are no other options, I may give it a try. It looks like SA is for older guys, looking for a long-term mutually beneficial relationships. I'm in my mid 30's, and have only 2-3 weeks left in CDMX, and my mongering budget is limited.

Just had a terrible session with an independent girl from.

Mileroticos, bait and switch, never again. Never trusted this website, but again, because of Covid19 I could not find any other options. Still no success on Tinder, Badoo, FB.

Big Boss Man
06-08-20, 16:39
"God helps three kinds of people: fools, children, and drunkards".

Holly Golightly came over on Saturday night. On the messaging app, she told me she is very considerate of people's time. When she was 30 minutes late, she told me that she is always late. That will become an issue as time goes by. Another drawback is that she still lives with her parents. She moved back in during the Covid-19 crisis. She stayed at my place over 2 hours.

The sexual experience was the equilvalent to a one hour room at Sharks. French, FIV, toy play, BBBJ and covered sex. She is petite young woman so it was the tightest pussy I have felt in a long time.

I enjoy talking to her. She is an intelligent young woman.

I would have been more comfortable at the $400 level but I can go $500 a week for the rest of the year if I am not traveling. A good test will be if she considers it PPP or a weekly allowance. If she might come over twice in a week perhaps. Doubtful. She is quite busy. She has a job and she goes to school full time. She also has intermittent modeling gigs.

From what I gather from the conversation, she had previous sugar daddys. One lived in London while she lived in Central Europe. What would a London guy pay for a Eurogirl? She was probably only 18 at the time.

06-08-20, 17:54
I was curious so I posted a profile. It has only been up for two days but I am getting responses nonetheless.

Immediately it reminds me of the old Backpage / CL but with a $90 joiners fee and the guise of being an upscale website for professionals. The joke is many and I repeat many of the supposed sugar babies look like average civilian tramps barely worthy the $80 they used advertise for on BP or CL. Add to that hotel costs or risk having them in your home.

As far as the USA it is worthless to me since I live next door to Tijuana. However I can definitely see SA being a goldmine while traveling overseas. I will definitely do that the next time I go somewhere SA oriented.

Steve 9696
06-08-20, 19:19
"God helps three kinds of people: fools, children, and drunkards".

Holly Golightly came over on Saturday night. On the messaging app, she told me she is very considerate of people's time. When she was 30 minutes late, she told me that she is always late. That will become an issue as time goes by. Another drawback is that she still lives with her parents. She moved back in during the Covid-19 crisis. She stayed at my place over 2 hours.

The sexual experience was the equilvalent to a one hour room at Sharks. French, FIV, toy play, BBBJ and covered sex. She is petite young woman so it was the tightest pussy I have felt in a long time.

I enjoy talking to her. She is an intelligent young woman.

I would have been more comfortable at the $400 level but I can go $500 a week for the rest of the year if I am not traveling. A good test will be if she considers it PPP or a weekly allowance. If she might come over twice in a week perhaps. Doubtful. She is quite busy. She has a job and she goes to school full time. She also has intermittent modeling gigs.

From what I gather from the conversation, she had previous sugar daddys. One lived in London while she lived in Central Europe. What would a London guy pay for a Eurogirl? She was probably only 18 at the time.First SA score. Congrats! Yeah you probably could have done better on price but if you can afford it the extra $100 is no big deal especially as an SA virgin. Key will be for her to not be a clock watcher. I usually get 3-4 hours with a girl (not all sex of course) and some sleep over no extra charge. Might be fun to take her on a drinks or dinner date say and if she says that would be more that's a huge red flag.

06-09-20, 00:54
Another drawback is that she still lives with her parents. She moved back in during the Covid-19 crisis. She stayed at my place over 2 hours.

I would have been more comfortable at the $400 level but I can go $500 a week for the rest of the year if I am not traveling. A good test will be if she considers it PPP or a weekly allowance. If she might come over twice in a week perhaps. Doubtful. She is quite busy. She has a job and she goes to school full time. She also has intermittent modeling gigs.Her living at home can be an advantage. I had a 24 year old SB that lived at home, and so she always wanted to be out and was eager for meetups. She even liked staying overnights at a hotel so that she could get stay up late and get wasted, and then get to be hungover the next day in peace.

As for the weekly allowance, as long as you guys don't do the mental accounting, with you trying to make sure you get the average price per meet down while she tries to get the average price per meet up, then $500/ week is a very good price. But if she's busy, then you may have to revert to PPM. If you guys are not in a big USA City, then the price can be $300 PPM or even less. Maybe you mentioned it already, but can you say where you live?

Elvis 2008
06-09-20, 01:07
I was curious so I posted a profile. It has only been up for two days but I am getting responses nonetheless.

As far as the USA it is worthless to me since I live next door to Tijuana. However I can definitely see SA being a goldmine while traveling overseas. I will definitely do that the next time I go somewhere SA oriented.I can see why you would say it is worthless given how close you are to Tijuana, but the whole idea about being a SD is that it is not just about the pussy. Don't get me wrong. I am not paying for any girl who is bad in bed, but I am looking for one who makes me feel good out of the bedroom too.

I met one gal in Mexico City, and she is cute and sweet. I pay her $120 and go at it with her all night. I am not bare with her, but I have had BB with other women there. Unlike most of the stripper / hooker types in Tijuana, I enjoy hanging out with her.

Given how cheap airfares are within Mexico, you can go to Tijuana and fly wherever for cheap in Mexico. Given the economic problems with Covid, there are more high quality women than ever before on SA in Mexico and elsewhere.

My goal is to have a network of SBs in Mexico like I do in Colombia and fly them to wherever I want to be in Mexico.

I was just in Mexico and scored a Colombian there because I so miss my Colombian women. She had not had sex in months and I could tell. She needed a bit of educating on being a SB but once she understood it, she was all in. I may be taking her and her Colombian roommate to Puerto Vallarta for an unlimited 4 days of threesomes, but I am going to check out some SB prospects in Mexico City first.

And I have been using the time to fortify relationships with women in South America. When I do make it to Colombia, I have four new SB prospects waiting on me a stewardess, a virgin, a woman who won a Miss Colombia pageant in her city, and a woman who was going to go pro in rugby.

And in Brazil, I may have the best looking of them all, a woman sending me daily videos who IMO has the body of Jenna Jameson but is even better looking than she was. She sent me a picture of her dancing, and it reminded me of Shakira.

And in the USA, I have had SBs who won fitness competitions, whose friends compared them to super models, and a fitness nut who dated the richest guy in her state. Finding women like this takes time, and I do not care how much money you have, getting a woman like this to be your SB takes game.

A friend of mine could not believe what I was doing. He said, "How do you have so many beautiful women? They all know about each other, and they all still love you. " I told him that I was consistent in how often I saw them and what I paid them, treated them well when I was with them, and most importantly, was honest with them. Many guys think that they can trick these women, and the best looking women have had every line or trick run on them. They love it when someone is honest with them.

You are right about SA and Backpage. I have been on SA a long time, and the quality of the women in the USA has gone way downhill. That is one of the reasons I have started looking to find SBs elsewhere.

Elvis 2008
06-09-20, 01:26
As for the weekly allowance, as long as you guys don't do the mental accounting, with you trying to make sure you get the average price per meet down while she tries to get the average price per meet up, then $500/ week is a very good price. But if she's busy, then you may have to revert to PPM. If you guys are not in a big USA City, then the price can be $300 PPM or even less. Maybe you mentioned it already, but can you say where you live?MW, I was doing $400 a meet around where I live. Thing is that I have more time flexibility now and am single so I can travel.

Going to Mexico I am paying $200 for all day and $50 to $100 an hour.

I am seeing Brazilians and Peruvians wanting the same as Mexicans.

With Colombia, I am paying $100 for all day and $60 for an hour, and I could probably go even lower than that, but I do not want to.

In general, I am getting better for less in Latin America, and there is also something about an older guy and younger gal being more accepted in Latin America than here.

Mark Cuban said in any business that you have the innovators, imitators, and then the idiots. IMO Colombia and Brazil are at the innovator stage. Most of the women I have spoken to there have not been on SB-SD dates or just a handful. In Mexico, it is at the imitator stage. Most of the women have had one SD before and been on a handful of dates.

The USA Is at the idiot stage. The women in the USA Have typically gone out on a double digit number of dates and had several SBs, and the influx of idiots of both sexes has been unbearable.

In the escort arena, I remember paying a few hundred bucks and getting classy beauty queens. Now it is like the escort world is filled with overweight beasts who expect the same rates. When they do not get it, men talk them down using slimy techniques by giving them fake reviews or using pimp like techniques.

That is what got me into the SB world.

Big Boss Man
06-09-20, 01:55
Maybe you mentioned it already, but can you say where you live?I live in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim MSA.

06-09-20, 05:00
I live in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim MSA.$500 for PPM may be that price point in your area. $500 was the modal price for PPM where I lived, which was SF, but given that FS was widely available at AMPS in SF and North Bay for 50-60 house feel plus 120-140 tip, I almost couldn't justify the high PPM prices of SBs in SF. Especially since I had to also fork over $$ for the hotels when meeting the SBs. Anyway, good luck and keep us posted.

06-09-20, 05:07
Mark Cuban said in any business that you have the innovators, imitators, and then the idiots. IMO Colombia and Brazil are at the innovator stage. Most of the women I have spoken to there have not been on SB-SD dates or just a handful. In Mexico, it is at the imitator stage. Most of the women have had one SD before and been on a handful of dates.

The USA Is at the idiot stage. The women in the USA Have typically gone out on a double digit number of dates and had several SBs, and the influx of idiots of both sexes has been unbearable.LOL, well said. This is why I tried to find noobs on SA. When I was active on SA, I would search every day for gals that just joined the site on that very day and quickly zoom in for the grab. This way, I could mold them into what I was looking for. Eventually, it was too much work and I quit SA about 3. 5 years ago. Back then, SA was already starting to decline. Based on the info in this thread, it looks like it continued to decline. I am only speaking to the USA Market. I never tried SA anywhere else.

06-09-20, 05:11
I tried to send you a PM, but your inbox is full. I guess you're too popular on here. PM me when you see this and when you have time.

Steve 9696
06-09-20, 17:06
LOL, well said. This is why I tried to find noobs on SA. When I was active on SA, I would search every day for gals that just joined the site on that very day and quickly zoom in for the grab. This way, I could mold them into what I was looking for. Eventually, it was too much work and I quit SA about 3. 5 years ago. Back then, SA was already starting to decline. Based on the info in this thread, it looks like it continued to decline. I am only speaking to the USA Market. I never tried SA anywhere else.Agree the noobs are fun. While it is possible that SA used to be better, I wouldn't know as I've only used it for a year. But I would say the quality is still very good. My dates have all been quality 7's and 8's with an occasional 6 (or 5?) early on. Very good quality.

Steve 9696
06-09-20, 17:33
Just a feel for some of my highlights this past year. In roughly rank order.

Krystal - 23 Las Vegas. Ukrainian Black mix. Solid 8-8. 5. Wildcat in bed. Experienced girl but ooooh s playful and fun. First date was dinner and room time. Four hours. Second date was room time dinner room time and sleepover. 10 hours. Want to repeat. She's stayed in touch but quiet lately.

Emily - 23 NYC. Viet. Solid 8. Total newbie. Never had a high end dinner date. Never had proper DATY LOL. 4-5 hrs. Stayed in touch for months but now ghosted.

Cayla - 22-23 London. Viet. Solid 8. Met at my room but not an escort at all. Turned 23 during her visit. No lie. Drinks and chat for a couple hours. 4. 5 hrs total. Dying to repeat. And we plan to.

Tana and Lilliana - 22 and 25 London. Colombian. 9 and a 7. Duo. Dinner dancing and room time. 4 hours.

Alexa - 23 Vegas. Filipina Italian mix. 9. First date was Dinner and room time and sleepover. 12 hrs. Second date straight to room for drinks and more. 2. 5 hrs.

As you can see, from my POV there is no dearth of talent. And to those “everybody on SA is an escort” folks, try getting an 8 escort for 4 hrs for $400 all in. Or to sleepover for free. Good luck! These girls want to be there and make their own decisions not just coin operated. And the feeling I got when I heard Krystal taking off her necklace to the nightstand indicating a sleepover was worth every penny and way more.

06-09-20, 18:49
Got chatting with a few 23 to 27 year old via SA last month, as I got stuck in Ipanema Rio with the lockdown. Initially found I got stuck with progress when the inevitable "its lockdown. Can't go out" responses came it. I was so fucking bored and was therefore determined to get the right girl to visit me in my airbnb, bearing in mind it couldn't be a pro, with my own fear of catching the lurgy. Anyway, latched onto a gorgeous 23rd year old Morena university girl who lived in a place called Bon Successo. Chatted to her for what felt like forever. But it was about 7 days. Eventually got her to agree a visit over to me at 5 pm, with princess pick up by Uber Black etc, just to "get to know each other" for a couple of hours.

I always wonder how you guys get these girls into bed. Like do you have a fail safe routine? Like a 1-2-3 dribble LOL. Anyway, promised her a lovely meal and just some conversation. About 1.5 hours in, suggested we open a bottle of the Brazilian version of Moet Rose, which I had pre-kept in the freezer for the last 40 minutes to ensure a great chilled drink. About 40 minutes after that we were hugging on the sofa and joking around, I started kissing the back of her neck, and hugging her and putting her on top of me for bouncing around. I find light simulated sexual movements get them horny. As the bottle emptied, I laid her flat, and started kissing her all over and quickly managed to take off her loose fitting stretchy jeans, and go for DATY. That really fired her up, and we fucked until the moon rose that evening. Brazilian SA works great!

Elvis 2008
06-09-20, 20:02
Just a feel for some of my highlights this past year. In roughly rank order.

As you can see, from my POV there is no dearth of talent. And to those everybody on SA is an escort folks, try getting an 8 escort for 4 hrs for $400 all in. Or to sleepover for free. Good luck! These girls want to be there and make their own decisions not just coin operated.Yes, there is still talent to be had in the SB and escort market. Just for comparison's sake in 2008 when I first started, there was a woman whose friend compared her to a supermodel, and she was my second date. I also met a blonde on what's your price in 2011 that could stop traffic. These women were 10's across the board in terms of performance, looks, and personality.

With the covid crash, the responses I am getting in Latin America are stunning. I have a virgin, a beauty queen, a professional rugby player with no body fat, and a blonde Brazilian entrepreneur who has a Jenna Jameson body and moves like Shakira waiting on me once the travel ban is lifted.

Maybe there are women like that available in the USA but not that at the prices I like. Granted, if you are married or cannot travel, I get it, but if you can, I would forget about the USA sex prison.

Steve, I read about your story with the Brazilian 10 and loved it. It inspired me to go back and look at Sao Paulo. I haven't tried the SB market there and the girl I am chatting with there maybe the best looking yet.

Steve 9696
06-09-20, 22:00
Yes, there is still talent to be had in the SB and escort market. Just for comparison's sake in 2008 when I first started, there was a woman whose friend compared her to a supermodel, and she was my second date. I also met a blonde on what's your price in 2011 that could stop traffic. These women were 10's across the board in terms of performance, looks, and personality.

With the covid crash, the responses I am getting in Latin America are stunning. I have a virgin, a beauty queen, a professional rugby player with no body fat, and a blonde Brazilian entrepreneur who has a Jenna Jameson body and moves like Shakira waiting on me once the travel ban is lifted.

Maybe there are women like that available in the USA but not that at the prices I like. Granted, if you are married or cannot travel, I get it, but if you can, I would forget about the USA sex prison.

Steve, I read about your story with the Brazilian 10 and loved it. It inspired me to go back and look at Sao Paulo. I haven't tried the SB market there and the girl I am chatting with there maybe the best looking yet.Glad you liked the Thifany story. Still trying to repeat that. Came close with a girl from BA but she stomped my heart instead (we did spend 21 blissful hours together so I still consider it a win).

On São Paulo I am conflicted. I too saw some nice SA girls online. But Scandallo is sooooo good. I'the hate to tie up with an SB and forego Scandallo. Maybe just a date or two but keep remaining nights free. Or get a Scandallo girl and make her your SB for the week. I bet this is possible. Karina wanted me to drive to the beach with her and her friend but I was too tired. Whatever you do, don't skip the girl buffet. Sure order an entree but don't skip the buffet! LOL.

Steve 9696
06-09-20, 22:07
So I saw a hottie on SA in a city I am visiting. Looks great. Love her profile. Has a Friend with Benefits tag. Golden.

Then way at the bottom it says "I do not participate in prostitution. ".

So I think damn. But wait that's confusing. FWB but no pro. Thinking there is no harm in chatting I hit her up. I ask her her dream date. She says "doesn't matter as long as I get paid ". LOL. These girls!

Elvis 2008
06-10-20, 01:27
I always wonder how you guys get these girls into bed. Like do you have a fail safe routine? Like a 1-2-3 dribble LOL. Anyway, promised her a lovely meal and just some conversation. About 1.5 hours in, suggested we open a bottle of the Brazilian version of Moet Rose, which I had pre-kept in the freezer for the last 40 minutes to ensure a great chilled drink. About 40 minutes after that we were hugging on the sofa and joking around, I started kissing the back of her neck, and hugging her and putting her on top of me for bouncing around. I find light simulated sexual movements get them horny. As the bottle emptied, I laid her flat, and started kissing her all over and quickly managed to take off her loose fitting stretchy jeans, and go for DATY. That really fired her up, and we fucked until the moon rose that evening. Brazilian SA works great!Way to go Maluca! Yeah, I think the Covid is a double edged sword. There are more high quality women than ever, but the virus may be scaring some off from intimacy.

As for a fail safe routine, it is a good idea. Thing is that you make sure that they text you on the day of the meet, and if you get them an Uber, I have never had one back out.

But it was much more of a problem in the USA than in Latin America. Shit, I cannot remember a Latin American girl flaking out on me. Of all my trips, I had one time where the girl wanted to wait until the second date for sex and one time I had to wait because I was so exhausted.

In Mexico, honestly, from just a sex POV, the hookers were better values. In Colombia, outside of Santa Fe, the SA girls were better values than the hookers. In the USA, I am not counting on having sex the first time so I have a backup SB or will go to a club if I get stood up.

Elvis 2008
06-10-20, 01:33
I always wonder how you guys get these girls into bed. Like do you have a fail safe routine? Like a 1-2-3 dribble LOL. Anyway, promised her a lovely meal and just some conversation. About 1.5 hours in, suggested we open a bottle of the Brazilian version of Moet Rose, which I had pre-kept in the freezer for the last 40 minutes to ensure a great chilled drink. About 40 minutes after that we were hugging on the sofa and joking around, I started kissing the back of her neck, and hugging her and putting her on top of me for bouncing around. I find light simulated sexual movements get them horny. As the bottle emptied, I laid her flat, and started kissing her all over and quickly managed to take off her loose fitting stretchy jeans, and go for DATY. That really fired her up, and we fucked until the moon rose that evening. Brazilian SA works great!Way to go Maluca! Yeah, I think the Covid is a double edged sword. There are more high quality women than ever, but the virus may be scaring some off from intimacy.

As for a fail safe routine, it is a good idea. Thing is that you make sure that they text you on the day of the meet, and if you get them an Uber, I have never had one back out.

But it was much more of a problem in the USA than in Latin America. Shit, I cannot remember a Latin American girl flaking out on me. Of all my trips, I had one time where the girl wanted to wait until the second date for sex and one time I had to wait because I was so exhausted.

In Mexico, honestly, from just a sex POV, the hookers were better values. In Colombia, outside of Santa Fe, the SA girls were better values than the hookers. In the USA, I am not counting on having sex the first time so I have a backup SB or will go to a club if I get stood up.

Between this report and Steve's talking about Scandallo, I got to get back down to Brazil. Sao Paulo has more 10's than any other city on the planet.

Steve 9696
06-10-20, 02:56
Got chatting with a few 23 to 27 year old via SA last month, as I got stuck in Ipanema Rio with the lockdown. Initially found I got stuck with progress when the inevitable "its lockdown. Can't go out" responses came it. I was so fucking bored and was therefore determined to get the right girl to visit me in my airbnb, bearing in mind it couldn't be a pro, with my own fear of catching the lurgy. Anyway, latched onto a gorgeous 23rd year old Morena university girl who lived in a place called Bon Successo. Chatted to her for what felt like forever. But it was about 7 days. Eventually got her to agree a visit over to me at 5 pm, with princess pick up by Uber Black etc, just to "get to know each other" for a couple of hours.

I always wonder how you guys get these girls into bed. Like do you have a fail safe routine? Like a 1-2-3 dribble LOL. Anyway, promised her a lovely meal and just some conversation. About 1.5 hours in, suggested we open a bottle of the Brazilian version of Moet Rose, which I had pre-kept in the freezer for the last 40 minutes to ensure a great chilled drink. About 40 minutes after that we were hugging on the sofa and joking around, I started kissing the back of her neck, and hugging her and putting her on top of me for bouncing around. I find light simulated sexual movements get them horny. As the bottle emptied, I laid her flat, and started kissing her all over and quickly managed to take off her loose fitting stretchy jeans, and go for DATY. That really fired her up, and we fucked until the moon rose that evening. Brazilian SA works great!Dude you have the 1 2 3 down. Break out the wine. Close the gap with a kiss. Get handsy. Get some clothes off. Work tits down to pussy and DATY and there you go — Ur in! 1 2 3. Don't be shy to put her hand on your dick if you feel she needs a litttle encouragement. This works wonders too. Rinse repeat! Go get em Maluca!

06-10-20, 03:11
Dude you have the 1 2 3 down. Break out the wine. Close the gap with a kiss. Get handsy. Get some clothes off. Work tits down to pussy and DATY and there you go Ur in! 1 2 3. Don't be shy to put her hand on your dick if you feel she needs a litttle encouragement. This works wonders too. Rinse repeat! Go get em Maluca!I prefer not to waste any time or money on them. I usually tell them, "on the floor now, *****!" and they give it up for me!

Big Boss Man
06-10-20, 16:40
As for the weekly allowance, as long as you guys don't do the mental accounting, with you trying to make sure you get the average price per meet down while she tries to get the average price per meet up, then $500/ week is a very good price. But if she's busy, then you may have to revert to PPM. If you guys are not in a big USA City, then the price can be $300 PPM or even less. She is already trying to get the price up. She sent me a clothes catalogue with her favorites tagged. "Could you buy this for me?" I replied "No. " This is when the adage "You don't pay them to stay, you pay them to leave." comes into play. It helps me stick to the budget and stay in the reality that this relationship is temporary.

Elvis 2008
06-10-20, 17:59
She is already trying to get the price up. She sent me a clothes catalogue with her favorites tagged. "Could you buy this for me?" I replied "No. " This is when the adage "You don't pay them to stay, you pay them to leave." comes into play. It helps me stick to the budget and stay in the reality that this relationship is temporary.LOL. I get it. I felt like in the USA I was paying almost a bribe. It was legally and emotionally cheaper to pay for sex than deal with the bullshit that followed a "real" relationship. Anytime you buy an American girl something in that catalog like say shoes, she has at least 20 fucking pairs in the closet but nothing in her bank account. Buying gifts for American women was all cost and no benefit.

I will say that gift giving does pay off in countries where the people are not as rich. I have been giving out money, typically not very much, to people in poorer countries like Brazil, Peru, and Colombia, and the gifts have been very appreciated.

One of my Colombian gals was the only one working in her family. Her parents are not working because they are in nonessential jobs. Anyway, their washing machine went bad, and my gal found a good deal on a machine for $300 and asked if I could help. Her poor mother and she were having to wash all their clothes by hand, so I gave her $250. She put in the rest, got the machine, and she was sooo happy.

If you have dealt with American women, I could understand the guys here saying "You are such a sucker", but this gal is what a SB is supposed to be. When I offer to get her an Uber, she tells me the bus is cheaper and to save my money. When I am in town, she does my laundry, cooks me meals, insists on giving me a 30 minute back rub per day, and packs my suitcase when I leave. If she does not send me a weekly sex video, I am like, "Are you okay?" And sexually, the word no is not in her vocabulary. So in my world, I pay American women to leave but Latin women to stay. LOL.

The people, even though they are way poorer than the USA, for some reason are happier than we are. It is why I miss Colombia so much. I make my living here but I spend as much time in Colombia as I can. Not being able to travel there is killing me!!

06-10-20, 18:06
Some really interesting posts here. Thanks for some tips!

Steve 9696
06-10-20, 18:22
Love this modified line. LOL. So apt.

I pay American women to leave but Latin women to stay.

Hey I have noticed something lately happening enough that I'the call it a trend. I'the say it happens more with pros or near pros. But when you chat a bit and then go to text messaging, they block you on SA. You are still having a fine conversation on regular text but SA is blocked. I have some theories on why they do this. Anyone else seeing this? Only happened once last year and now like 3 times in the last week. Like they all read an article on how to manage guys on SA. LOL. Anyone else seeing this?

06-11-20, 03:15
Love this modified line. LOL. So apt.

I pay American women to leave but Latin women to stay.

Best Quote Ever, goes for European women as well.

Hey I have noticed something lately happening enough that I'the call it a trend. I'the say it happens more with pros or near pros. But when you chat a bit and then go to text messaging, they block you on SA. You are still having a fine conversation on regular text but SA is blocked. I have some theories on why they do this. Anyone else seeing this? Only happened once last year and now like 3 times in the last week. Like they all read an article on how to manage guys on SA. LOL. Anyone else seeing this?I am also having the same issue, they do not want you to see there online activity.

06-11-20, 20:01
I also block the girls after moving to texting. What I also do is that I have a fake I'the with a different location to check the online activity of the girl. Just in case they say they are exclusive and still remain active.

Love this modified line. LOL. So apt.

I pay American women to leave but Latin women to stay.

Hey I have noticed something lately happening enough that I'the call it a trend. I'the say it happens more with pros or near pros. But when you chat a bit and then go to text messaging, they block you on SA. You are still having a fine conversation on regular text but SA is blocked. I have some theories on why they do this. Anyone else seeing this? Only happened once last year and now like 3 times in the last week. Like they all read an article on how to manage guys on SA. LOL. Anyone else seeing this?