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Notice some seeking profiles have verified photos / links to their instagram / Facebook page.
From your experience are they more legit and worth pursuing.
What's the red flags for catfish type profiles?
05-15-24, 05:20
Howdy folks. First off, I would like to say that the SA forum here is great. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the posts going back 6 months. Kudos for writing good reports and being generally helpful to one another.
I'll be contributing soon as I will be traveling to Bogota at the end of the month and expect to pop my SA cherry. I signed up for SA last week and started getting used to the app. My oh my are there some beautiful girls on here! And for the most part, they're very responsive. I get favorited on the regular, and not going to lie, it feels good to be wanted!
So I had questions about a few things.
1) As I understand it, once you have established a rapport with the girl, the goal is to get the whatsapp number, so you can discuss dates + agreements. Strangely enough, I've had several girls stop chatting with me entirely once I asked for their whatsapp. One of the girls I was chatting with every day last week, so it came as a complete surprise. What am I missing here?
2) So on seeking there are 2 icons: a pin icon and a house icon. The pin is your current location and the house is your home location. For me, the pin icon reflects as the United States and the house icon is Bogota. I've had several girls with US pins and Bogota houses reach out to me. Are these scammers? I don't quite understand why a girl in the US would be looking for a sugar daddy in Bogota. Or maybe they're on VPN?
Hi Gents,
Would love to gain some insights about SA in Germany- specifically Dusseldorf or Frankfurt. Will be in those cities end of this month. Can someone who has had any dates in Germany specifically guide me further.
I have been active on SA in India, Dubai and London.
05-18-24, 17:11
I scored a really nice girl a couple years ago in Frankfurt. It was the most I ever paid but we had amazing chemistry and it was worth it at the time. It was a lot of work for not a lot of responses and time wasters. I like SA in Germany because the pros mostly stay off it and the girls I made contact with were genuinely the stereotypical sugar baby types but not a lot of girls use it. I also met an attractive girl in Munich but it was a lot of work. There's no secret here. Make contact, seize on any chemistry and meet them ASAP.
Hi Gents,
Would love to gain some insights about SA in Germany- specifically Dusseldorf or Frankfurt. Will be in those cities end of this month. Can someone who has had any dates in Germany specifically guide me further.
I have been active on SA in India, Dubai and London.
Steve 9696
05-19-24, 03:57
Well I guess the sand to the beach guy is at it again. But I just love spending a few days with a girl you like. I don't talk about the bedtime spooning and sleeping intertwined below but man that's a highlight. I looooove sleeping with young hotties. Oh and she's pretty much naked any time we are in the room. Argghhh! I already miss her! Anyhow here's how it went down.
I'the met Lila about a month ago in a large city I visit. See my report from mid April. Had two other Seeking girls before her and they were OK but Lila was a home run. Just amazing chemistry and conversation from minute one and mind blowing sex. I kinda threw a flyer out there about maybe traveling her and she was open.
So a month later we put together a little trip. We could only work in a few days together because she has a real job but boy did we have fun. I think I've mentioned before how I like the entire "having a girlfriend" experience and this was top notch in that respect.
She landed about 2:30 and Ubered to the hotel I was already staying at. We bop up to the room and of course it's on instantly. She says she'the like to shower and after a bit I join her.
Pretty vanilla shower but we get to kissing and a little hands on and we are ready to towel off and get down to it. The sex was urgent and passionate. Started with the Steve 2 with her blowing me while I finger her.
Last time I was able to orgasm her by fingering but she doesn't quite get there. So I pull out my DATY toolkit and go to work. She's got a fleshy pussy so her clits a bit buried but it's hard and easy enough to find. After some time I work a finger in (she starts quite tight) and start doing gspot circles as I remember last time this was the ticket.
She is cooing and rolling her hips appreciatively but not quite getting there. But I keep on and eventually get a build but it fades. And another that fades. But then ow wow! After about 20 minutes she has a crashing O. Clamping my head between her thighs and bucking like a bronco. Sooooo fun.
She gives me a little thumbs up sign and a big smile but I don't let her rest long before I slide in. Of course now we've loosened up to accommodate me and she is wet as a fountain. It feels fucking amazing.
We fuck good for several minutes but it's not long before she has another O. It feels so good inside her when she climaxes but I am not yet there. We do the Steve for a while but eventually I flop on my back and she blows me.
At one point she is licking my balls and kinda keeps going down the middle like she's eating pussy. Does this for a long time and I wonder if she's bi. She is! And has a girlfriend. Lots of interesting stories the next day.
Even though the BJ is good I want to fuck her bad and tell her so. So she mounts up cowgirl and it's fucking heavenly. I don't usually love CG or cum in CG but she rides me to a crashing O where I pull out and shoot a ten inch shot on my tummy. Super nice.
I have a work event I need to show my face at so I leave for that and let her freshen up for dinner. After that we head to an amazing dinner where the seafood risotto is the best I've ever had.
We have a minor detour to the hotel to fix her eyelash but then head to the gay club to find some dancing. Turns out it's a gay bar and not too many folks there. But they have a pool table and it's great fun teaching her to play. She's a natural and has an amazing time.
Back in the room we have great drunk sex. So great I don't remember it much. In the end I can't cum and I probably push on a bit long. We are both tired. But I wanted that nut. Oh well.
Next day we sleep till 11 and then spend all day at the pool. Before going down she models all three bikinis she brought and let's me choose. Fuck that's great. King of the world and this is what complete GFE is all about.
She looks hot as fuck in the bikini of choice and I want to fuck her all day. But we just chat amiably while lounging in the shallow end. A couple margaritas in hand and life is good. We are sooooo compatible and just get along effortlessly which belies our 35 year age gap.
After the pool we go back to the room and get naked for a bit. I do the Steve 2 which I generally adore. I give her a crashing by finger O but I don't cum. I am thinking of fucking her but her body language says she's done. I think I learned that she's a girl where you need to save her O because she loses interest a bit afterwards. Still it was fun and we get dressed for an evening out.
We have a great time just window shopping and strolling hand in hand for a couple hours before dinner. She's totally low maintenance and never makes any "buy me that" overtures. In fact when she gets a small souvenir for her mom and later some makeup removers she immediately gets out her card and pays. (Most girls kinda expect the SD to pick up incidentals).
Dinner is spectacular at an Asian Fusion place. But the highlight of the night is still ahead. But it's not what comes next!
Earlier in the day she confessed she started going to sex clubs w her girlfriend and they like to have guys jerk off to them. Much more a wildcat than I thought! So we make plans to go to the sex club together and have high hopes. The best rated one is only open weekends so we settle for number two.
We pay our $40 and walk in and OMG. There are three couples. All north of 60 years old and a couple geriatric single guys. Soooo disappointing. And honestly I think she was looking forward to it more than me! But we going to raincheck that!
We make the most of it and play a few rounds of pool where she shows off her newfound skill. Had we been drunk as fuck we mighta put on a little show for the seniors. But it's BYOB and we have no B. So no sex for you!
We sit in the porno room and agree that no one really likes the sex they always show. Rabbit fast fucking and BJ and just really not sexy at all. But it's there and we let it wash over us while we find a Latin club.
We find a 4. 0 rated club that is very bipolar. Love it or hate it. Well we fucking loved it! We got some drinks and hit the floor and absolutely lit it up. She is just so joyful. She knows the words to EVERY latin song and we just dance like maniacs. I took some great videos that I will prob watch 80 times.
Because I dance with hotties all over the world I am def not doing the grandpa shuffle. She tells me if she didn't know any better she'the think I was Puerto Rican. Awww. Warms my heart. And I have several people high fiving me through out the night. Had this happen before and not sure if it's:
Look at that white dude go!
Look at that old guy go!
Man that old guy has the hottest chick in the club! Go old white dude go. Fuck her for me!
Prob a combination of all the above! In any case it feels good that there is an electric vibe and we are a part of it. Reminds me of Thifany in London in 2019. And she has such a ridiculously good time. Feeding off young girl energy is just electric. We dance for FOUR hours and crash like big dogs.
We wake about 11 and have some nice brunch before our flight. We are flying back to her city because she has work the next day. From here it's a bit of a wind down. After landing we have a nice dinner and some sex with a super blast CIM which she swallows with gusto. What a babe!
My god I don't think I could have had more fun. The sex was solid mid 7 stuff. Def had better. But the entire package of compatibly, chemistry, epic food, cuddling and clubs. It just can't be beat. Will repeat.
05-21-24, 07:43
Notice some seeking profiles have verified photos / links to their instagram / Facebook page.
From your experience are they more legit and worth pursuing.
What's the red flags for catfish type profiles?The biggest green flag you can look for is the length of time the profile has been established. If someone is scamming people, they know 1 of 2 things will happen. Either Seeking will ban their profile, or if the victims are not reporting the profile to Seeking, the scammer will take it down anyhow because the victims can still share the link with other people to bad rap the profile, or try to snag the scammer. Most scammers will not leave up profiles they have used to cheat people because they know either the victims or cops will try to use any info they can from it to catch the fucker, even if the pictures and info are fake, there's no reason why anyone other than the scammer or group of scammers would be operating behind that particular profile.
On the other hand, photos can always be altered using software, and people can create smurf social media accounts. So, if you see a profile that is active and Seeking shows that it was created 2 or 3 years ago, that's a much better indication than a profile that was only created 1 week or month ago.
Let's say the only thing the "scammer" is guilty of is using outdated or heavily modified photos. Still, that's why there are sites like these where people can post reviews. They still would not be incentivized to use a profile that has a bad reputation in the guys community for having catfish photos. Anyone who is doing their research or paying attention won't want to contact that person, and she won't be getting much business from Seeking.
That being said, if the profile happens to have the other verification badges, then that's great. But I would not rely on them. Unless maybe the profile had ALL of them. FB, IG, LinkedIn, photo verified, ID verified, AND background check all together, then maybe yes, even if it was less than a month old. But to this very day I think I have yet to see a profile like that.
Case in point: I very recently met up with a girl who I was exceptionally satisfied with. But her profile had no verifications. When was it created? "Member Since: April 2019" And what are we now? May 2024.
Everything vanessasclient has said is true and spot on.
Here is the other pov you will learn to optimize.
My best experiences have been with girls who have gotten recently on seeking. They are excited, they are nervous, they are curious. Most importantly, they are not corrupted yet. So, catching then young is a big win.
However. You need to optimize for what VC has said below.
Engage slowly and gradually, don't show desperation (scammers generally don't have lot of time).
I like the newer girls. So, I am. Willing to take the risk of evading scammers (my intuition is generally right). If you aren't willing to take the risk, VC advise below is perfect recipe for you.
The biggest green flag you ca look for is the length of time the profile has been established. If someone is scamming people, they know 1 of 2 things will happen. Either Seeking will ban their profile, or if the victims are not reporting the profile to Seeking, the scammer will take it down anyhow because the victims can still share the link with other people to bad rap the profile, or try to snag the scammer. Most scammers will not leave up profiles they have used to cheat people because they know either the victims or cops will try to use any info they can from it to catch the fucker, even if the pictures and info are fake, there's no reason why anyone other than the scammer or group of scammers would be operating behind that particular profile.
On the other hand, photos can always be altered using software, and people can create smurf social media accounts. So, if you see a profile that is active and Seeking shows that it was created 2 or 3 years ago, that's a much better indication than a profile that was only created 1 week or month ago.
Let's say the only thing the "scammer" is guilty of is using outdated or heavily modified photos. Still, that's why there are sites like these where people can post reviews. They still would not be incentivized to use a profile that has a bad reputation in the guys community for having catfish photos. Anyone who is doing their research or paying attention won't want to contact that person, and she won't be getting much business from Seeking.
That being said, if the profile happens to have the other verification badges, then that's great. But I would not rely on them. Unless maybe the profile had ALL of them. FB, IG, LinkedIn, photo verified, ID verified, AND background check all together, then maybe yes, even if it was less than a month old. But to this very day I think I have yet to see a profile like that.
Case in point: I very recently met up with a girl who I was exceptionally satisfied with. But her profile had no verifications. When was it created? "Member Since: April 2019" And what are we now? May 2024.
Steve 9696
05-21-24, 15:45
Everything vanessasclient has said is true and spot on.
Here is the other pov you will learn to optimize.
My best experiences have been with girls who have gotten recently on seeking. They are excited, they are nervous, they are curious. Most importantly, they are not corrupted yet. So, catching then young is a big win.
However. You need to optimize for what VC has said below.
Engage slowly and gradually, don't show desperation (scammers generally don't have lot of time).
I like the newer girls. So, I am. Willing to take the risk of evading scammers (my intuition is generally right). If you aren't willing to take the risk, VC advise below is perfect recipe for you.I'm generally with GFE on this. Yes. Longtime girls are prob not scammers. But they are probably pros and / or hardened. My faves are almost always new to the game. My new local Mexicana joined Apr 11 and we went out early May. And one hot prospect I had that fizzled due to my married status (yes some girls are still naive enough to care) joined in Jan. Generally a new girl with a real job is a home run. But you do risk the scam or cold feet. Totally worth it to me.
Steve 9696
05-24-24, 22:08
Had a solid Seeking date yesterday with F. And it reinforced so many Seeking lessons I've learned over the years. Like the gems are the real girls with real jobs. And you can have some very long term conversations that eventually lead to pay dirt much later. Chatty girls make for an effortless date. Etc.
I looked back and now see that I started chatting with F back in September last year. We had twice planned to meetup but were thwarted. She remained responsive and bubbly every time we chatted, and just rolled with the setbacks, so I was pretty sure I had a winner.
We met up and had a nice Thai dinner. She was definitely just like her pics but a shade prettier. Beautiful eyes and a great smile despite no make up at all that I could tell. Just naturally pretty. She's quite a bit older than I usually date. She's over 30 but she could def pass for younger.
We have a lovely chat and really chat effortlessly throughout dinner. She's a real girl with a real life — has a beautiful daughter and is an admin assistant. These real girls getting a bit on the side are really the core of Seeking success. Funniest part is she is from a small town and it's where my wife grew up. I am 90% sure my wife would know her mom and dad! Bwahaha. That makes it even better!
We both have martinis and get a little looser but for some reason I'm nervous to pop the question. But when I say want to get out of here she is ready to roll. She doesn't have a car and hops right in mine to head to the hotel. I take a second to book something last minute and off we go!
At the hotel it's super easy and comfortable. Clearly she has done this before tho she has no pro vibe at all. Experienced but in a good way. When I return from peeing she is down to a see thru red bra and panties and positioned tantalizingly on the bed. She could prob lose 10 pounds and it wouldn't hurt but generally very well built with a banging set of Cee / Dee cups.
I'm not a shy one, esp if they aren't, so I crawl on the bed and start kissing her. Really nice passionate DFK both ways. Not long before I get her bra off and start sucking those perfect nipples. I am down to my skivvies now and she's stroking my cock and balls appreciatively as she coos and moans a bit as I suck on.
Getting fully naked I flip on my back to let her work her BBBJ magic and she is very good. Plenty of licking and ball sucking. She def knows her way around a dick. Not much doe eyes to start but as she grows comfortable with me there is more of that. She is a super submissive girl and takes it nice and slow when I ask her to.
After a bit I want to feel that wet pussy so I roll her over and position near her head so she can take me in her mouth. She catches on right away and continues great BJ while I finger her now very wet pussy. I glance at my watch and see we do about 20 minutes BJ / Steve2 which is super nice. I def feel the build a couple times she is so good at her craft. Really nice to do harmonica and balls from this position. And she is one of the few girls to figure this out on her own.
Time to fuck and I see she's set out some Skyns. Smart girl. I've been barebacking a huge amount lately but decide on the cover for this encounter. We start in mish which is super fine. Her pussy feels great and she loves to kiss as much as me so we make out a lot while fucking.
Swap to the Steve at the end of the bed for a while. Still remains a fave position where I can enjoy looking down at her, fuck forever, and go for a kiss when I'm feeling it. Good long time at this. Then doggie just doesn't feel nearly as good.
What about cowgirl you say? Ok that's up next. She rides well and it's lots of fun to work those massive firm tits and watch them ride the wave. Still no threat of cumming so I put her back on BJ. I love how submissive she is saying "whatever you like" or "how do you want me". Ok. Suck my dick nice and slow baby. Lots of licking, play and ball work. Yessir.
Def coulda shot a load right then but take her through another round of mish for a while and back to BJ for the finish. She is very very good with tongue and mouth and hands so that it's one single symphony of BJ. And I start to writhe around and shoot a monster load in her mouth. She swallows every drop appreciatively like a good girl would and keeps pumping to the very end. Nice!
Of course some quick wind down and cuddles. She's just a really nice genuine person. With a real life and a real job and real emotions. The way Seeking should be. Two souls who would never cross paths in regular life share an evening and it's just great. What a wonderful thing.
Hello Guys, So its a plan to visit poland now. I have been with conversation with few polish seeking babes and weirly few of them asking 400 euro for full day and night experince. Looks very good. SO just wondering are they real prices for polish girls or scammer?
05-25-24, 09:03
Hello Guys, So its a plan to visit poland now. I have been with conversation with few polish seeking babes and weirly few of them asking 400 euro for full day and night experince. Looks very good. SO just wondering are they real prices for polish girls or scammer?Scammers (Nigerian prince) will ask for advance payment. There are other scams like fake pics but that shouldn't be a problem if you casually meet for a coffee or drinks first. Poland rates are usually less than rest of EU so it could be worth trying out.
Hello Guys, So its a plan to visit poland now. I have been with conversation with few polish seeking babes and weirly few of them asking 400 euro for full day and night experince. Looks very good. SO just wondering are they real prices for polish girls or scammer?Been there last year, good experience. Many of the locals are a little sceptical to meet you in public. Some Ukrainian girls could scam. Choose with some logic, you should be fine. I had a good time.
Berlin is amazing, Frankfurt is fine as well. Didn't try in other cities.
Hi Gents,
Would love to gain some insights about SA in Germany- specifically Dusseldorf or Frankfurt. Will be in those cities end of this month. Can someone who has had any dates in Germany specifically guide me further.
I have been active on SA in India, Dubai and London.
Been there last year, good experience. Many of the locals are a little sceptical to meet you in public. Some Ukrainian girls could scam. Choose with some logic, you should be fine. I had a good time.Completed graduation and working now. Work is flexible and need money for master. Same pattern for few girls. Does that mean they are all professional or genuine. Also what's you paid during your time to sb's for ppm, hourly or full day / overnight stuff?
Scammers (Nigerian prince) will ask for advance payment. There are other scams like fake pics but that shouldn't be a problem if you casually meet for a coffee or drinks first. Poland rates are usually less than rest of EU so it could be worth trying out.According to your experience what's you paid during your time to sb's for ppm, hourly or full day / overnight stuff?
05-26-24, 17:43
Howdy folks. It finally happened. I went on my first Seeking date.
For context, I'm in Bogota, Colombia. I'm staying at an AirBnB in Chapinero south of Zona T.
Prior to arriving, I had messaged multiple girls and the one that I had most fun chatting with ended up being my first date. She was also the most civilian of the bunch so double win. She works at a hospital as a nurse assistant. She was super easy to chat with despite my poor Spanish and we really hit it off.
So Saturday night, she comes over to my apartment and we walk to a nearby restaurant. She looks great in her skirt and crop top. Civilian points for showing up in sneakers and not 5 inch heels. She's 27, about 5' 2", medium length black hair and looks like your typical attractive Colombian girl. Over the course of the dinner, I find out we have quite a bit in common. She loves being independent, doesn't like crowded places, doesn't want any kids or a husband, and doesn't believe in God. I'm not sure they make many of these types of girls in Colombia.
Once back at my apartment, we opened the wine that we had picked up along the way. My apartment has a nice living room area with a couch and a soft rug, perfect for receiving blowjobs. I put on some music and we got comfortable. Soon enough we're making out and off come her clothes. Then she takes my shirt and jeans off, gets on her knees and proceeds to get start sucking my cock. Her blowjob is wet and she sucks my cock along its full length, no shallow sucking here. She could do a better job with the teeth, but I'm too aroused and happy to care. I recline into the couch and she sucks me off some more. Now its my turn. I start kissing and fingering her through her thong. Then do the good ol' suck one tit, squeeze the other tit, and fingering move. Once she got wet enough to slide my dick in; I decided I wanted to get my cock raging hard. And nothing gets me harder than straddling a girl's shoulder and having her take me into her mouth. Ayeeeeeee! After that, condom on and we missionary. I last a full minute. Peak stamina. That's okay though, cause it was a glorious nut. She did this interesting thing, where after I nutted, she kept on grinding on my cock. She grinded post nut longer than the actual sex.
Afterwards, we hung out on the couch and watched music videos. I took her up to the rooftop terrace of my apartment and we took in the cityscape together. Then back to the apartment for round 2. She really loves the whole post nut grinding thing.
We hang out some and then I give her 400 K COP. She looks at me a bit funny and she says you can give me that tomorrow morning. Apparently she thought she was staying the night. I told her that the AirBnB doesn't allow overnight stays for guests. By this time, we had already been together for 4 hours and I was ready to pass out. She calls a taxi and I see her off in the lobby.
What a great first experience. I think I got incredibly lucky with this girl. Between the chemistry, her civilianess, and her price. All in all, an 8/10 experience!
05-27-24, 04:18
Read my review a few pages back. Only downside is it's pricey and there are even more time wasters than seeking but you can't deny the results. I wouldn't get anything less than gold.
Hello Guys, So its a plan to visit poland now. I have been with conversation with few polish seeking babes and weirly few of them asking 400 euro for full day and night experince. Looks very good. SO just wondering are they real prices for polish girls or scammer?
Steve 9696
05-27-24, 19:31
Love the new feature of Seeking where it tells you where they currently are! Currently searching Milano and so many girls who are there. But not really there! They want you to fly them there. Hahaha. But you can spot them easy because the NOW location tells you they are really in Romania or Argentina. Very cool.
Also noticing a Telegram epidemic in Milan. This was always a tell in other countries they were pros. Not sure in Milano. Too soon to tell but every girl wants to go to telegram. Think I may have trouble finding an amateur which is my fave. But I will keep mining and let you know if I find a gem!
Steve 9696
05-27-24, 19:49
Ah Chancesome. You have won the Seeking lottery. A real girl with a real job or real studies who is down for some fun with a nice guy with some cash on the backend. Perfect! It takes a fuckton of work to find them and it sounds like you read her just right in chat and got the payoff. Great job!
Love the new feature of Seeking where it tells you where they currently are! Currently searching Milano and so many girls who are there. But not really there! They want you to fly them there. Hahaha. But you can spot them easy because the NOW location tells you they are really in Romania or Argentina. Very cool.This has always been a feature of Seeking, at least as long as I've been on it. It's the first place I look to catch a scammer. I've caught quite a few people claiming to be in my city, but Seeking says they were last on from Morocco or something LOL. The site allows you to hide this information, but apparently they weren't smart enough to figure that out.
05-28-24, 00:49
I always thought telegram was an Eastern Europe thing. I first learned about it on travels there. Came home to my professional life and found almost everyone I deal with from Eastern Europe has an account there.
Love the new feature of Seeking where it tells you where they currently are! Currently searching Milano and so many girls who are there. But not really there! They want you to fly them there. Hahaha. But you can spot them easy because the NOW location tells you they are really in Romania or Argentina. Very cool.
Also noticing a Telegram epidemic in Milan. This was always a tell in other countries they were pros. Not sure in Milano. Too soon to tell but every girl wants to go to telegram. Think I may have trouble finding an amateur which is my fave. But I will keep mining and let you know if I find a gem!
05-28-24, 05:10
I always thought telegram was an Eastern Europe thing. I first learned about it on travels there. Came home to my professional life and found almost everyone I deal with from Eastern Europe has an account there.I am starting to run into the same issue in Mexico. So far I have avoided Telegram. A few girls sometimes refuse, to give out there WhatsApp number and want to use Telegram. I have always said no, I just do not want to use another form of communication, not mention most of the girls using Telegram are either total professional or scammers.
Gentlemen, SA banned me 2-3 years back and would appreciate advice how to re-subscribe.
I understand they may check the Internet provider ID numbers, not sure how these could be changed on my PC? Using a mobile phone worked once, any advice? Seems they have good software that checks my credit card also. Perhaps there is some way to obtain a debit card that would not reveal my name, zip code, etc? I think I put in a fake name for my credit card and it went through once before on my mobile phone. The banks have better security now, so I am sure SA is able to pull a lot of information from my credit card, regardless.
Despite all the fake profiles and scam women on SA, I was able to pull a few decent ones.
Recommendations for those who were banned before?
05-28-24, 23:26
Met a German, Spaniard, Pole, & several Ukraininans. All but 1 were SB material, 1 was a Ukrainian pro. Met all from other sites and / or in person and migrated to telegram because it's as easy as whatsapp to use and that's what they had. I have no less than 4 chat apps on my phone (not including sms) depending on where I am in the world.
not mention most of the girls using Telegram are either total professional or scammers.
Any tips on how much work it takes to find a non-pro in Istanbul within the search results (or at a bar or club, LOL)? Someone down to spend the day together and come back to hotel for the night. And how much they might expect for such a rendezvous. $300 got it done for me in Dubai, although she was a WG I met at a club, easily 8/10. $300 won't even get me 2 hours with her in NY.
Any help is much appreciated.
05-29-24, 03:58
Gentlemen, SA banned me 2-3 years back and would appreciate advice how to re-subscribe.
I understand they may check the Internet provider ID numbers, not sure how these could be changed on my PC? Using a mobile phone worked once, any advice? Seems they have good software that checks my credit card also. Perhaps there is some way to obtain a debit card that would not reveal my name, zip code, etc? I think I put in a fake name for my credit card and it went through once before on my mobile phone. The banks have better security now, so I am sure SA is able to pull a lot of information from my credit card, regardless.
Despite all the fake profiles and scam women on SA, I was able to pull a few decent ones.
Recommendations for those who were banned before?Yep, SA is getting stricter especially if someone reports you. I got reported for not Respectful and had to watch to Video being Politically Correct, total be. S. Girls have all the power.
The crazy thing is I almost have no conversation on SA, I go straight to WhatsApp.
05-29-24, 06:37
This has always been a feature of Seeking, at least as long as I've been on it. It's the first place I look to catch a scammer. I've caught quite a few people claiming to be in my city, but Seeking says they were last on from Morocco or something LOL. The site allows you to hide this information, but apparently they weren't smart enough to figure that out.It shows on their profile page, but, depending on "how much" the potential scammer is willing to invest, this can be possibly circumvented by a VPN, or similar means. If someone is willing to front $500 to scam people with an Eros ad, then it is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility that someone is willing to fork over $7 a month for a VPN. But I too have seen idiots posting that they are in Colombia and their connection page shows the USA.
05-29-24, 06:42
Any tips on how much work it takes to find a non-pro in Istanbul within the search results (or at a bar or club, LOL)? Someone down to spend the day together and come back to hotel for the night. And how much they might expect for such a rendezvous. $300 got it done for me in Dubai, although she was a WG I met at a club, easily 8/10. $300 won't even get me 2 hours with her in NY.
Any help is much appreciated.I have close friends in Turkey. It's in total shambles right now. Their economy was already FUBAR thanks to Erdoğan, then they got hit with a huge influx of Arabian refugees due to the war in Syria. My guess is you can easily find a nice girl for $100 USD equivalent in Liras for the whole evening. I'd be careful over there though. If you don't know anyone, it can potentially be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. Most of Turkey is not a hardline Islamic state, but there are certain elements over there that you want to avoid. It's also the same for petty crime. Certainly not the most dangerous country in the region, but you need to be on your toes if you are not familiar with the culture.
05-29-24, 06:50
Gentlemen, SA banned me 2-3 years back and would appreciate advice how to re-subscribe.
I understand they may check the Internet provider ID numbers, not sure how these could be changed on my PC? Using a mobile phone worked once, any advice? Seems they have good software that checks my credit card also. Perhaps there is some way to obtain a debit card that would not reveal my name, zip code, etc? I think I put in a fake name for my credit card and it went through once before on my mobile phone. The banks have better security now, so I am sure SA is able to pull a lot of information from my credit card, regardless.
Despite all the fake profiles and scam women on SA, I was able to pull a few decent ones.
Recommendations for those who were banned before?Anyone can create smurf accounts, as long as you are willing to invest the time and the money. You can get a different connection by logging in from a different location, such as your local Starbucks, purchasing a burner phone, or VPN. If you use the same device, your MAC address may remain the same, even if the IP is not. You can create burner debit cards at If that does not work for you, you can buy prepaid gift cards and register them with fictitious info, but I don't know if these function with Seeking.
Keep in mind, if you want verifications on Seeking, then you need additional smurf accounts to match, then things become increasingly complicated. If somehow you get caught by Seeking, then you'll be in even more hot water than the initial ban; and possibly out of money on a multi month subscription. If a date catches wind of this, they may resort to black listing. But, I'm sure people have done it before, and still continue to do it.
I'd be careful over there though. If you don't know anyone, it can potentially be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. Most of Turkey is not a hardline Islamic state, but there are certain elements over there that you want to avoid ... but you need to be on your toes if you are not familiar with the culture.Can you please give examples of the kinds of elements you're suggesting to avoid or be careful of?
I have had scammers on whatsapp, telegram, seeking and SMS alike.
I have had gems on whatsapp, telegram, seeking and sms alike.
Hard to pin down with just one variable.
App chosen by the girl (assuming a normal seeking girl) is vastly dependent on wht advise they received while entering the game. I have all these apps on my scratch phone.
Please don't worry about telgram but certainly have your guard up until proven to be legit.
Met a German, Spaniard, Pole, & several Ukraininans. All but 1 were SB material, 1 was a Ukrainian pro. Met all from other sites and / or in person and migrated to telegram because it's as easy as whatsapp to use and that's what they had. I have no less than 4 chat apps on my phone (not including sms) depending on where I am in the world.
you can buy prepaid gift cards and register them with fictitious info, but I don't know if these function with Seeking.
Keep in mind, if you want verifications on Seeking, then you need additional smurf accounts to match, My experience is that pre-paid VISA (joker) works & burner social media accounts that are verified on Seeking. But note, I haven't been banned as of yet.
Hey guys,
Thanks for the inputs.
So I have 2 gals willing to travel from Munich to Frankfurt at their own cost. Expecting to be reimbursed on arrival. One is a 29 year old the other a 22 year old.
Both expecting an allowance for 500 euro for an arrangement. Have made it clear they would stay without clock watching and so on.
Just confused if I should spend that kind of money one gal or visit an FKK and meet multiple?
Just really confused.
Please guide.
05-29-24, 21:07
1) Only you can answer this question. Do you want a GFE and / or do stuff outside of sex with her or do you want to get serviced by a bunch of different women?
2) I don't believe for a second either would show. There is no shortage of guys willing to pay moderately attractive women 500 e for sex (especially in a big city like Munich), why would they waste a bunch of time and their own money for some guy they've never met and can't count on? You can flake just as easy as they can. The concern goes both ways.
Hey guys,
Thanks for the inputs.
So I have 2 gals willing to travel from Munich to Frankfurt at their own cost. Expecting to be reimbursed on arrival. One is a 29 year old the other a 22 year old.
Both expecting an allowance for 500 euro for an arrangement. Have made it clear they would stay without clock watching and so on.
Just confused if I should spend that kind of money one gal or visit an FKK and meet multiple?
Just really confused.
Please guide.
05-29-24, 21:22
Hey guys,
Thanks for the inputs.
So I have 2 gals willing to travel from Munich to Frankfurt at their own cost. Expecting to be reimbursed on arrival. One is a 29 year old the other a 22 year old.
Both expecting an allowance for 500 euro for an arrangement. Have made it clear they would stay without clock watching and so on.
Just confused if I should spend that kind of money one gal or visit an FKK and meet multiple?
Just really confused.
Please guide.Suuuuuuch different experiences. Not even comparable.
Personally I love seeking. It's my speed. Slow dates, multiple bangs, etc.
But if I were in Frankfurt I'the skip seeking entirely. Go to sharks one day and oase the other. It's just so unlike anything else out there. You can always seek anywhere. But FKK is truly unique to a few cities.
05-29-24, 21:26
Yep, SA is getting stricter especially if someone reports you. I got reported for not Respectful and had to watch to Video being Politically Correct, total be. S. Girls have all the power.
The crazy thing is I almost have no conversation on SA, I go straight to WhatsApp.If I had a nickel for every time I said this here. Do not try to win arguments with stupid or unreasonable women, either on seeking or on a date. The risk is too high they can do something malicious. Women can be vengeful. Not worth it. Be the bigger person. My inbox on seeking is a clinic on de-escalation and graceful exits. For example a girl calls you a cheap John for offering less than she wants? You tell her you're sure she's worth every penny, and some guy will be truly lucky to have her, but it's just not in your budget right now, and you wish it were because then you'the get to meet girls like her. Total lie. But it ends things amicably.
I have close friends in Turkey. It's in total shambles right now. Their economy was already FUBAR thanks to Erdoğan, then they got hit with a huge influx of Arabian refugees due to the war in Syria. My guess is you can easily find a nice girl for $100 USD equivalent in Liras for the whole evening. I'd be careful over there though. If you don't know anyone, it can potentially be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. Most of Turkey is not a hardline Islamic state, but there are certain elements over there that you want to avoid. It's also the same for petty crime. Certainly not the most dangerous country in the region, but you need to be on your toes if you are not familiar with the culture.And don't forget the horrific earthquake they had, made worse by builders being able to skirt the law requiring buildings to be built to standard.
Steve 9696
05-29-24, 23:42
Hey guys,
Thanks for the inputs.
So I have 2 gals willing to travel from Munich to Frankfurt at their own cost. Expecting to be reimbursed on arrival. One is a 29 year old the other a 22 year old.
Both expecting an allowance for 500 euro for an arrangement. Have made it clear they would stay without clock watching and so on.
Just confused if I should spend that kind of money one gal or visit an FKK and meet multiple?
Just really confused.
Please guide.First obv be cautious of traveling a girl you have never met. Good that it's on their dime. But could also be a scam like "oooh baby I just don't have it. Can I spot me ahead of time. " And it's last minute and leaves you dick in hand. So approach with caution.
That said 500 is quite high. So maybe they are willing to take a chance.
As to your question. Have you done seeking before? Seeking is just a totally different experience from FKK. Like having a real date. With a real girl. And a sleepover. Cuddling. The works.
FKK is for fucking. Great king of the world being able to choose. Take your time and take s couple. Great experience. Maybe great sex. But bears no relationship to feeling like having s girlfriend. Even if they bring girlfriend sex (very few do) an hour in a club is totally different from 12 hours overnight. There can be real affection involved done right.
So yeah. Just completely different. I try to do both!
My recent play which I highly recommend is three days in the clubs followed by three days with a true GF style girl u know well. This is a great balance of both worlds.
Well I've had the video calls and verified they're legit. Shared their insta profiles too to vet them out further.
Yes I've have used seeking extensively and can agree with the 12 hour experience you mentioned.
FKK's never been honestly but I know what you means.
Between the last post and now have another girl who is from Berlin and will be in Frankfurt day after willing to meet up too. When I asked for a sexy picture she ended up sending a nude video.
So I'm just confused as to if she's a hooker or a legit sb. She's just expecting 450 and no time bar again.
First obv be cautious of traveling a girl you have never met. Good that it's on their dime. But could also be a scam like "oooh baby I just don't have it. Can I spot me ahead of time. " And it's last minute and leaves you dick in hand. So approach with caution.
That said 500 is quite high. So maybe they are willing to take a chance.
As to your question. Have you done seeking before? Seeking is just a totally different experience from FKK. Like having a real date. With a real girl. And a sleepover. Cuddling. The works.
FKK is for fucking. Great king of the world being able to choose. Take your time and take s couple. Great experience. Maybe great sex. But bears no relationship to feeling like having s girlfriend. Even if they bring girlfriend sex (very few do) an hour in a club is totally different from 12 hours overnight. There can be real affection involved done right.
So yeah. Just completely different. I try to do both!
My recent play which I highly recommend is three days in the clubs followed by three days with a true GF style girl u know well. This is a great balance of both worlds.
Steve 9696
05-30-24, 13:09
Well I've had the video calls and verified they're legit. Shared their insta profiles too to vet them out further.
Yes I've have used seeking extensively and can agree with the 12 hour experience you mentioned.
FKK's never been honestly but I know what you means.
Between the last post and now have another girl who is from Berlin and will be in Frankfurt day after willing to meet up too. When I asked for a sexy picture she ended up sending a nude video.
So I'm just confused as to if she's a hooker or a legit sb. She's just expecting 450 and no time bar again.Now that we know you haven't been to FKK I am with AmericanPi on this. You must do FKK it's a life experience. King of the world as I say. And he mentions the two best. When are you there. PM me if you like but we may overlap.
P.S. Once you have done FKK then go to Brazil and finto Scandallo. FKK seems a little lame in comparison once you have been so do FKK first. They are both wonderful. Just one is more wonderful (if you like Latinas).
Now that we know you haven't been to FKK I am with AmericanPi on this. You must do FKK it's a life experience. King of the world as I say. And he mentions the two best. When are you there. PM me if you like but we may overlap.
P.S. Once you have done FKK then go to Brazil and finto Scandallo. FKK seems a little lame in comparison once you have been so do FKK first. They are both wonderful. Just one is more wonderful (if you like Latinas).Tried to send the PM but your inbox seems full.
Still have a day to decide on the final bit of the FKK versus seeking so keeping all options open.
05-30-24, 16:10
Monday night I arranged for a meeting with Jenna from Seeking. We chatted a bit a few days leading up to the meeting. Mainly just introduction and figuring out logistics. Sex came up pretty quickly in the conversation, so I figured she's probably a semi-pro at the very least.
Jenna is 22, a physiology student and lives with grandmother and 7 dogs. Her mom works in Spain and she doesn't know her father. Her looks are uncommon for a Colombian girl in that she looks like a white girl with freckles on her chest, has light brunette hair, and beautiful blue / grey eyes. I love how seeking girls feel so real.
Jenna showed up in sneakers and normal casual wear. I love it when girls don't look like a complete hooker. She has an attractive face and those blue eyes! I began the night staring into those blues and ended the night that way too! We went up to my apartment and I poured her a glass of wine. She was sitting on the couch looking really shy and apprehensive. Maybe she wasn't the semi-pro I thought she was. I sat on the opposite side of the couch, as far away as possible to help with her apprehension. And we just chatted. She's quite logical and we have a similar way of thinking. As she got more comfortable, I inched closer and closer to her. Then, we went up to the rooftop terrace where I began to initiate some touching. I got to say, its an interesting dynamic in that I'm approaching the physical escalation exactly like I would with a normal girl, but its not like she's going to say no if I grabbed a tit. We had already agreed to sex pre meetup.
Its quite chilly on the rooftop so we didn't stay long. Back on the couch, we chat some more and now I'm inches away from her. I go in for kiss and boy oh boy was it a long and slow kissing session. We kiss a lot before the clothes come off. Soon enough, she's on her knees, cock in hand, mouth on cock. Fantastic! Her blowjob is gentle, wet and soft. It was a very pleasant blowjob. Then, I get her on the couch and off come the panties. She's like we're going to have sex on the couch? And I'm like, of course, why not? I begin prepping her body to take me with the ol' suck one tit, grab the other tit, and finger her technique. Then, I penetrate her. The sex is slow, intimate, and with intention. I bust a glorious nut after 2 minutes. Look at me lasting longer. And this must be a Bogota girl thing, but she also did the whole post-nut grinding thing. They must love ensuring that they milked you completely. Post nut, she is curled up on the couch naked, almost as if she's trying to cover herself. This girl really is quite shy and reserved. We chat quite a bit afterwards and I don't have enough chemistry with this girl to go to a second round. In truth, she is very compliant which is nice, but I like my girls with more femininity and volition. I pay her 650 K COP and we get dressed. I see her off in the lobby.
The following day, she texts me and asks when she can see me again. =). I tell her I enjoyed the experience, but thought that we were a bit too similar. I told her we are both very logical, but I like girls that are different than me. I like girls that wear their emotions on their sleeves. So I wouldn't be seeing her again.
Overall, a 6/10 experience.
Steve 9696
05-31-24, 01:56
Tried to send the PM but your inbox seems full.
Still have a day to decide on the final bit of the FKK versus seeking so keeping all options open.All good pm away!
Steve 9696
05-31-24, 02:01
Monday night I arranged for a meeting with Jenna from Seeking. We chatted a bit a few days leading up to the meeting. Mainly just introduction and figuring out logistics. Sex came up pretty quickly in the conversation, so I figured she's probably a semi-pro at the very least.
Jenna is 22, a physiology student and lives with grandmother and 7 dogs. Her mom works in Spain and she doesn't know her father. Her looks are uncommon for a Colombian girl in that she looks like a white girl with freckles on her chest, has light brunette hair, and beautiful blue / grey eyes. I love how seeking girls feel so real.
Jenna showed up in sneakers and normal casual wear. I love it when girls don't look like a complete hooker. She has an attractive face and those blue eyes! I began the night staring into those blues and ended the night that way too! We went up to my apartment and I poured her a glass of wine. She was sitting on the couch looking really shy and apprehensive. Maybe she wasn't the semi-pro I thought she was. I sat on the opposite side of the couch, as far away as possible to help with her apprehension. And we just chatted. She's quite logical and we have a similar way of thinking. As she got more comfortable, I inched closer and closer to her. Then, we went up to the rooftop terrace where I began to initiate some touching. I got to say, its an interesting dynamic in that I'm approaching the physical escalation exactly like I would with a normal girl, but its not like she's going to say no if I grabbed a tit. We had already agreed to sex pre meetup.
Its quite chilly on the rooftop so we didn't stay long. Back on the couch, we chat some more and now I'm inches away from her. I go in for kiss and boy oh boy was it a long and slow kissing session. We kiss a lot before the clothes come off. Soon enough, she's on her knees, cock in hand, mouth on cock. Fantastic! Her blowjob is gentle, wet and soft. It was a very pleasant blowjob. Then, I get her on the couch and off come the panties. She's like we're going to have sex on the couch? And I'm like, of course, why not? I begin prepping her body to take me with the ol' suck one tit, grab the other tit, and finger her technique. Then, I penetrate her. The sex is slow, intimate, and with intention. I bust a glorious nut after 2 minutes. Look at me lasting longer. And this must be a Bogota girl thing, but she also did the whole post-nut grinding thing. They must love ensuring that they milked you completely. Post nut, she is curled up on the couch naked, almost as if she's trying to cover herself. This girl really is quite shy and reserved. We chat quite a bit afterwards and I don't have enough chemistry with this girl to go to a second round. In truth, she is very compliant which is nice, but I like my girls with more femininity and volition. I pay her 650 K COP and we get dressed. I see her off in the lobby.
The following day, she texts me and asks when she can see me again. =). I tell her I enjoyed the experience, but thought that we were a bit too similar. I told her we are both very logical, but I like girls that are different than me. I like girls that wear their emotions on their sleeves. So I wouldn't be seeing her again.
Overall, a 6/10 experience.Sounds great. Another good read. I am going to assume you are A LOT younger than most of us. I take about 45 minutes to cum. 30 on a good day. If u are cumming in two minutes the reason they are grinding on is because they haven't gotten off and it feels really good. If you went longer they would go longer with you. Some day u too will take 45 minutes to cum! It simply comes with the territory.
05-31-24, 05:02
Wait, when did cumming fast for a guy become a thing? I subscribe to the Fast Times scene, Doug takes longer than Damone because he's no high school boy and Linda and Stacy are both lying through their teeth. If I finished in two minutes I wouldn't advertise that.
Sounds great. Another good read. I am going to assume you are A LOT younger than most of us. I take about 45 minutes to cum. 30 on a good day. If u are cumming in two minutes the reason they are grinding on is because they haven't gotten off and it feels really good. If you went longer they would go longer with you. Some day u too will take 45 minutes to cum! It simply comes with the territory.
Steve 9696
05-31-24, 16:31
All good pm away!Haha Ruch. Now yours is full.
06-01-24, 03:46
Sounds great. Another good read. I am going to assume you are A LOT younger than most of us. I take about 45 minutes to cum. 30 on a good day. If u are cumming in two minutes the reason they are grinding on is because they haven't gotten off and it feels really good. If you went longer they would go longer with you. Some day u too will take 45 minutes to cum! It simply comes with the territory.Yea, I'll be turning 39 soon.
Your theory might be right! I've been with Colombian escorts and casa girls previously and they never did this. Its only happened with the seeking girls. Given the chemistry, they're trying to feel as good as possible for as long as possible. I only last long if I'm diligent about pacing myself and force the girl to go at my pace for the first 5 minutes and then, there's a pleasure tolerance threshold and I can go longer at a normal pace. This doesn't always work.
06-01-24, 03:50
So Wed night, I arranged for Mia from Seeking to come over. She's definitely a pro. I'm running the entire seeking spectrum. Won't spend too much time writing about her. I will say, she has the most fantastic ass I had all year. She's thiccc; a little bit more and it would be too much. And she does the best deepthroat. I suppose that comes with the territory. This beautiful girl was in tears during the latter half of the deepthroat! And then we smashed. 2 minute king.
Anyways, moving on. Before Mia came over I got quite the interesting proposition. This Venezuelan girl hits me up on Seeking and we chat some. We'll call her Vana. She asked me if I wanted to come to Caracas but I told her it was too dangerous. She then proposed that I fly her to Bogota because she loved the city and we could spend the weekend together. I like ohhhhhh, this could be really good! But I don't know her and of course, she could be scamming me for a free flight. BTW, a 1 way ticket from Caracas to Bogota is around 180 USD. I tell her there are lots of scammers on Seeking and that I could reimburse her once we met in Bogota. She said what if I don't show up and I was like fair point. She says she understands my hesitation and would be down to video chat and shared her instagram. I video chat her later in the night after Mia leaves. On her seeking profile, she posted that she was a lawyer. So I ask her to show me her diploma, and sure enough, she shows me a legit diploma over video chat. So at this point, I have her IG and her diploma and confirmed she's a real person. I feel good about it and decide why not, this could be a hell of an experience! Unfortunately, Venezuelan airlines are a pain in the ass. I finished all the paperwork and I can't even buy the ticket on the website. I have to contact them via Whatsapp. I do and they don't respond and at this point I'm frustrated because I just did a whole bunch of paperwork in a language I am not proficient in, so I don't proceed. I have the ability to send her a digital credit card for $200 bucks so she can do it, but doubt had creeped in at that point, so I don't send her the digital credit card. Additionally, my first seeking date (civilian nurse girl) can only see me on the weekends due to work, so I would have to find a way to juggle both girls. Anyways, its Friday now and Vana is still chatting with me regularly, so next weekend could be an option. What do you guys think? I popped my seeking cherry on Monday and already I'm trying to fly girls out! Got to love all the options you get on seeking! I'm hooked!
06-01-24, 17:23
After over a year in Latin America, I spent the last 4 months in Barcelona and wanted to share my experiences there. The overall conclusion is that it's much harder to find a suitable sugar baby and much more expensive too (double the price of Medellin, 50% more than São Paulo and roughly the same price as Buenos Aires, perhaps due to Argentine arrogance: D). But the girls are smarter, more punctual and I experienced something I haven't felt in a long time, intellectual attraction to a woman.
The first girl I tried in Barcelona was from an escort agency, BlueVelvetBCN, which I met with the specific intention of seeing if I could convert her to a sugar relationship. Unfortunately, and as might be expected, the sex was mechanical and devoid of feeling. The pictures were photoshopped and the girl's nationality wasn't what was listed on the site. Apparently the guy who runs that site is a real pimp, because the girls only keep 50% of what they make (sad). I had some experiences with them in Madrid and the overall theme of photoshopped, not-so-great face and poor value, was present there too.
A few weeks into my experience, I met a girl on Seeking who previously worked for an agency. She was in her early 20's, cute, smart and sadly still too mechanical for my liking. I would bet some agency girls are students looking for extra cash and would be more amenable to a sugar relationship than continuing their agency job. She told me about how she lasted 2 weeks in her job before she met a guy in his mid 50's, and she lived with him during the work week for over a year (way more contact than I need). She still had the vibe of her previous relationship as I felt she wasn't organic in her communication, but rather was doing it to make me happy. Anyhow, she was Catalan and through two other experiences, I found that I don't really like Catalan girls. They seem smart, but they have this standoffishness about them which I don't find appealing. And in terms of actually getting results from their intelligence, not so much (more talk than actually meeting and having a good time). All of them seem to spend the weekends outside the city in some village somewhere (take that as you will). Were I to revisit with the intention of pursuing a longer-term sugar relationship, I'the try to hit up the higher end escort agencies first, with the goal of negotiating a lower price for the girl on repeat dates.
I spent the bulk of my search on Seeking, and the scene is quite different from LatAm. Given the amount of tourism Barcelona gets, I felt a lot of the girls were more transactional, matching the fact that most of the guys are there for a few days to a week. There were multiple girls I didn't meet because they had this vibe. One girl had Russian parents but grew up there, and while she really wanted a long-term relationship, she kissed like a professional (in other words, not much). I had a girlfriend from the Russified part of Romania that also didn't like kissing so I didn't interpret this as her having pro experience, rather just a personal preference.
My first success was a relationship lasting about a month with a girl from Argentina. She was 24, with an average and natural body. Smart, could really hold a conversation but ultimately lacked warmth. I feel I've described the Argentine female generically there: the. When she would arrive, I would think, damn, what an average girl with an average body. But as we talked, and she showed genuine interest in the things I liked, she became more attractive and I wanted to bang her more. The sex was always good, but not much pillow talk afterwards and she left fairly quickly (not ideal).
My second success, which I feel some regret about leaving behind, was a girl from Cali, Colombia. She just turned 21, had a bit of a darker skin tone which I like, and perhaps most importantly, she had sex like a Colombian. Meaning, putting on music beforehand is a must and she really got into it. I would still put her at a 7, but being young helped. She was smart too, we agreed about a lot of things we talked about. I respected her ambition for leaving her country (my parents were immigrants too). She is a Chaturbate model, which she told me impacted her sex drive (and she did indeed have a vibe of not wanting to initiate sex), but once we started it wasn't a problem and she never said no. As would be expected, she was very warm, both as a person and during sex. I was always satisfied and would have continued to see her had I remained in Barcelona.
I'm off to Bucharest now to try the sugar scene there, hoping to find things a bit cheaper and hopefully a greater concentration of above-average looks. Initial contact on sugar dating websites indicates this is so, but we'll see if it proves out to be true. Barcelona is a great city, but pretty weak for the sugar dating scene compared to LatAm.
Wait, when did cumming fast for a guy become a thing? I subscribe to the Fast Times scene, Doug takes longer than Damone because he's no high school boy and Linda and Stacy are both lying through their teeth. If I finished in two minutes I wouldn't advertise that.Gives new meaning to Fast Times at Ridgemont High! Aahahaha! I've never been a fast finisher. But never took a long time either unless I wanted to. Been lucky to have control to "nut" when I'm ready to. It's all about will power and mind control. Hope I don't lose that power anytime soon! The only times when I'm not in control is if a girl is really, really good at what she does and I just can't hold out. Her talents take hold, like with a super good BBBJ, and I simply have no choice but to uncontrollably explode in her mouth! But otherwise, I'm in control.
Steve 9696
06-01-24, 23:46
Ted man. Glad to see you. I recall when you were just starting your Brazil journey and now you are the seasoned pro jet setting all over. Great and useful report. My question tho is how do you set up these several month apartments. Clearly Airbnb would be too expensive because it's priced for weekly. How do you get an apt in a given city for 3-4 months?
06-02-24, 08:22
My SB likes that I take a while but honestly it's not really by choice. As I've gotten older it's taking longer and the nuts haven't been anywhere near as intense. Cialis is a given these days and that might have something to do with it as well as a mealy prostrate (Dr's words not mine). Don't even know what that means.
Gives new meaning to Fast Times at Ridgemont High! Aahahaha! I've never been a fast finisher. But never took a long time either unless I wanted to. Been lucky to have control to "nut" when I'm ready to. It's all about will power and mind control. Hope I don't lose that power anytime soon! The only times when I'm not in control is if a girl is really, really good at what she does and I just can't hold out. Her talents take hold, like with a super good BBBJ, and I simply have no choice but to uncontrollably explode in her mouth! But otherwise, I'm in control.
Yea, I'll be turning 39 soon.
Your theory might be right! I've been with Colombian escorts and casa girls previously and they never did this. Its only happened with the seeking girls. Given the chemistry, they're trying to feel as good as possible for as long as possible. I only last long if I'm diligent about pacing myself and force the girl to go at my pace for the first 5 minutes and then, there's a pleasure tolerance threshold and I can go longer at a normal pace. This doesn't always work.Did you use condom?
Ted man. Glad to see you. I recall when you were just starting your Brazil journey and now you are the seasoned pro jet setting all over. Great and useful report. My question tho is how do you set up these several month apartments. Clearly Airbnb would be too expensive because it's priced for weekly. How do you get an apt in a given city for 3-4 months?You can get it from Airbnb, or negotiate with the Airbnb owner for longer term and better price.
06-03-24, 09:19
You can get it from Airbnb, or negotiate with the Airbnb owner for longer term and better price.This is exactly right, I've always found my apartments on Airbnb and by negotiating with the owner.
When I arrive in a city, I usually get a place for 2 weeks. If there's no weekly discount applied or if it's small, I message the owner ahead of time asking for a longer-term stay discount (even for just 2 weeks). Since I have decent reviews, they oblige most of the time.
In about one week, I know if I like the city and want to stay longer, so in the second week I try to find longer-term apartments. If I like where I am, I'll stay there and negotiate with the owner directly. If I don't, I'll look for monthly apartments on Airbnb. Monthly stays are often discounted steeply on the platform itself, and in Barcelona technically short-term stay apartments are debatably illegal (only rooms within existing apartments maybe). The apartment I stayed in only showed up if I looked for 32+ day stays on Airbnb. I got in contact with the owner, asked if I could see the apartment and everything went smoothly from there.
There was even a visit from the local government inspector to confirm I was staying for more than a month, they asked to see my contract and fill in some paperwork. Barcelona is a bit over the top with their anti-Airbnb position. Apparently my whole building was zoned for month-long rentals. I had French, Brazilian and Spanish-speaking downstairs neighbors during that time.
06-03-24, 17:09
So Wed night, I arranged for Mia from Seeking to come over. She's definitely a pro. I'm running the entire seeking spectrum. Won't spend too much time writing about her. I will say, she has the most fantastic ass I had all year. She's thiccc; a little bit more and it would be too much. And she does the best deepthroat. I suppose that comes with the territory. This beautiful girl was in tears during the latter half of the deepthroat! And then we smashed. 2 minute king.
Anyways, moving on. Before Mia came over I got quite the interesting proposition. This Venezuelan girl hits me up on Seeking and we chat some. We'll call her Vana. She asked me if I wanted to come to Caracas but I told her it was too dangerous. She then proposed that I fly her to Bogota because she loved the city and we could spend the weekend together. I like ohhhhhh, this could be really good! But I don't know her and of course, she could be scamming me for a free flight. BTW, a 1 way ticket from Caracas to Bogota is around 180 USD. I tell her there are lots of scammers on Seeking and that I could reimburse her once we met in Bogota. She said what if I don't show up and I was like fair point. She says she understands my hesitation and would be down to video chat and shared her instagram. I video chat her later in the night after Mia leaves. On her seeking profile, she posted that she was a lawyer. So I ask her to show me her diploma, and sure enough, she shows me a legit diploma over video chat. So at this point, I have her IG and her diploma and confirmed she's a real person. I feel good about it and decide why not, this could be a hell of an experience! Unfortunately, Venezuelan airlines are a pain in the ass. I finished all the paperwork and I can't even buy the ticket on the website. I have to contact them via Whatsapp. I do and they don't respond and at this point I'm frustrated because I just did a whole bunch of paperwork in a language I am not proficient in, so I don't proceed. I have the ability to send her a digital credit card for $200 bucks so she can do it, but doubt had creeped in at that point, so I don't send her the digital credit card. Additionally, my first seeking date (civilian nurse girl) can only see me on the weekends due to work, so I would have to find a way to juggle both girls. Anyways, its Friday now and Vana is still chatting with me regularly, so next weekend could be an option. What do you guys think? I popped my seeking cherry on Monday and already I'm trying to fly girls out! Got to love all the options you get on seeking! I'm hooked!Think of it the same way you would a high risk investment, like crypto currency. If you are willing to lose $200, then send it over to her. If not, don't take the risk. No guarantee of loss, but the odds are not in your favor. The lawyers get put in the same bucket as the Venezuelan engineers and bankers; despite their impressive education and skill, they can't find a conventional way to make money. Why not try a different airline maybe? Or is there only one that is offering flights?
Elvis 2008
06-03-24, 20:28
Anyways, moving on. Before Mia came over I got quite the interesting proposition. This Venezuelan girl hits me up on Seeking and we chat some. We'll call her Vana. She asked me if I wanted to come to Caracas but I told her it was too dangerous. She then proposed that I fly her to Bogota because she loved the city and we could spend the weekend together. I like ohhhhhh, this could be really good! But I don't know her and of course, she could be scamming me for a free flight. BTW, a 1 way ticket from Caracas to Bogota is around 180 USD. I tell her there are lots of scammers on Seeking and that I could reimburse her once we met in Bogota. She said what if I don't show up and I was like fair point. She says she understands my hesitation and would be down to video chat and shared her instagram. I video chat her later in the night after Mia leaves. On her seeking profile, she posted that she was a lawyer. So I ask her to show me her diploma, and sure enough, she shows me a legit diploma over video chat. So at this point, I have her IG and her diploma and confirmed she's a real person. I feel good about it and decide why not, this could be a hell of an experience! Unfortunately, Venezuelan airlines are a pain in the ass. I finished all the paperwork and I can't even buy the ticket on the website. I have to contact them via Whatsapp. I do and they don't respond and at this point I'm frustrated because I just did a whole bunch of paperwork in a language I am not proficient in, so I don't proceed. I have the ability to send her a digital credit card for $200 bucks so she can do it, but doubt had creeped in at that point, so I don't send her the digital credit card. Additionally, my first seeking date (civilian nurse girl) can only see me on the weekends due to work, so I would have to find a way to juggle both girls. Anyways, its Friday now and Vana is still chatting with me regularly, so next weekend could be an option. What do you guys think? I popped my seeking cherry on Monday and already I'm trying to fly girls out! Got to love all the options you get on seeking! I'm hooked!You can use Wingo or Copa to fly her to Bogota or to Panama City. You do not need to use a Venezuelan airline. I would suggest using a third party agent like Kiwi, very restrictive, or Expedia to buy the ticket. Unlike using the airline then, she will not get any flight credits if she does not show up.
It sound like you have made sure she is real. I am not sure if Venezuela is part of Mercosur. If so, traveling to Colombia for her is like traveling between the states in the USA, and you do not have to buy a round trip ticket. If they are not, then she probably is going to need a return ticket and address of a place to stay.
On Venezuelan lawyers, I have met two. One was an attorney off seeking, and the other was a stripper. A Venezuelan law degree is useless outside of Venezuela (and I am not sure how valuable it is in Venezuela) so do not mistake it with the value of a law degree in other countries. On the other hand, I know petrochemical engineers that had their degrees from Venezuela and were able to secure high paying jobs outside of Venezuela. So if she is a lawyer, she is not stupid but her training is not like those in other countries like the USA.
It sounds like you have made sure she is real and know what she looks like. Make sure she knows that sex is involved with the trip without using sexual words. I was told by one girl that she would give me quite the cardio workout. Feel free to use the same language.
Back in 2017, I flew a Venezuelan to Aruba and had a great time with her. There was another one I felt comfortable doing so with as well but did not pull the trigger on. I have also been scammed by Venezuelan women for a nominal amount like $20. I strongly suggest you do not send her money or even allow her to get an airline credit.
There are plenty of Venezuelans in Bogota, and the only reason to do this is if the seeking girl is an absolute knockout. The girl I flew to Aruba had one of the best bodies I have ever seen as did the other I was considering seeing.
I would offer one more word of caution. I never thought I would see such obvious change in economic conditions as when I flew between the old USSR and Finland, but I did again, and it was when I flew between the ultra poor Caracas and rich by comparison Colombia and this was in 2007. The difference now much be even more staggering.
I get that personal character trumps all but Venezuela is a nation where lying and stealing were rewarded and hard work was not. Venezuela has more oil than Saudi Arabia and fewer people. If not for the culture of theft, it would be richer than Saudi Arabia.
So for a short get together, the women in Venezuela are great. They are beautiful, usually intelligent, and I have not had a below average one in the sack. Thing is with time that crazy culture and the female egos of the women, which can be huge, may pop up. I would screen really, really hard if you wanted anything more than a fling. Good luck!
You can get it from Airbnb, or negotiate with the Airbnb owner for longer term and better price.You also save on taxes and Airbnb fees, which in some locations can be very steep. On the downside, a security deposit may be required if you negotiate a deal outside of Airbnb.
Sounds great. Another good read. I am going to assume you are A LOT younger than most of us. I take about 45 minutes to cum. 30 on a good day. If u are cumming in two minutes the reason they are grinding on is because they haven't gotten off and it feels really good. If you went longer they would go longer with you. Some day u too will take 45 minutes to cum! It simply comes with the territory.It also depends on whether you are circumcised or not. I'm not, and I have always been a sprinter. It doesn't get longer to climax as I age. I have even tried some antidepressants that I ordered online (the side effect of which is basically prolonging ejaculation) but they didn't help.
Trip report.
Hi gents, this is long overdue, I returned from Barcelona a little over 3. 5 weeks ago, but thought I'd share my experience. I was supposed to have a female friend fly in for the first 3-4 days, but that unfortunately fell through so had to make due with the local talent. Not an issue, so many choices. Started the first evening (Thursday) off with 2 ladies from the now (just saw this a few days ago) closed agency OK escorts. Two separate bookings, Alicia and Savana. Also engaged this agency several days later and saw Mila. All have been reviewed before, but just to reiterate, all three were rock stars. Absolutely perfect dates. Charming women, open and responsive. It's a shame this agency is closing, particularly given the circumstances described on their Telegram page. They were so easy to deal with and all the girls were great.
I've previously dipped into the pool and went there again for Friday night. I'd been chatting to this Latina lady and we hit it off. Offered her 300 for a dinner date and time back at my hotel. She countered with 400 and I agreed. She picked a restaurant she wanted to try. Met her at the restaurant and instantly I went Wow. Absolutely stunning, Colombian, 32 years old and speaks perfect English. Restaurant was ok, frankly I would have chosen something even more upscale so had the impression she wasn't trying to take advantage per se. In any event, we ended back at my hotel, had a drink in the rooftop bar and she ended up spending the night. Great find.
Busy all day Sat, but had another seeking date with this women whose pics were gorgeous. We agreed on 300, but my rookie move was not to solidify the complete arrangement. About an hour before dinner I thought about this and texted her asking if she wanted red or white wine in my room after. Well, the level of indignation that I received was off the charts. How dare I assume she was coming back to my room for 300. There was a bit of banter back and forth, but needless to say, the date ended there. I take responsibility for not being clearer for sure, but really, did she think I was giving her 300 euros so I could stare at her from across the table. Live and learn. I canceled the reservation and contacted an ad I saw on Sexomercadobcn. Sorry, I don't recall the specific ad at the moment and will edit if I find it. Anyway, made arrangements to see this girl and agreed to meet her in the lobby. (key card required for elevator). Received a text from her saying she was 2 min out and sat in the lobby. Oh No, not a chance. The girl that arrived didn't remotely resemble the girl portrayed in the pics. The girl in the pics was 5'9" tall, slim, long brunette hair. What arrived was 5'1", chubby with short black hair. As a rule I do not tolerate blatant bait and switch. I texted her, explained my reasoning and said I was canceling. And no I don't compensate for such tomfoolery. Decided just to have a few drinks and call it a night.
Sunday evening is when I saw Mila as mentioned above.
Monday I was going to the Barce FC game that evening, but contacted Paula Wild for a late afternoon tryst. She said she could be at my hotel in 20 min so ok. Again, great lady, very talkative and responsive. Wasn't my absolute favorite, although I could see why lots of guys would love her. That said, I'd see her again with no hesitation. Didn't enquire about anal, but everything else on the menu and very economic. (
Tuesday full of meetings again. Wanted to try yoursecret. Es agency just to contribute to the data pool, but by the time I got back to the hotel after dinner, I had consumed far too much wine to be of much use and headed to bed.
Wed night, I was planning on trying said agency mentioned above and then perhaps one of the commercial brothels to round up the trip, when I received a message from seeking girl #1. She wanted to know if I was free that evening and would I like to see her. I was all over that. Then she asked what I thought about her friend joining us. Well, yes I would like that but I wanted to know what her friend looked like, etc etc. She sent a half dozen pics and wow. She told me her friend is not on seeking but was thinking of joining. Then reality hit home and I told her I wasn't going to lay out 800 euros for the evening and dinner. We bantered back and forth and then told her I was limited to 500 euros because the PIN of my CC had been compromised and I couldn't get any more money out of the bank until I went home. Very plausible to her because during our first dinner, I screwed up the PIN three times on my CC (brand new card and confused the numbers), the bank blocked it and I had to use another card to pay for dinner. She didn't need to know that the blocked card has nothing to do with my primary bank She and her friend agreed on 500. I arranged for a nice dinner at a restaurant not far from my hotel and the girls met me there. I thought something had to go wrong, both were stunning, how could this possibly go off without a hitch. Great dinner, great wine and both girls chatty and flirty. After dinner we went straight back to my room, opened another bottle and all of us headed into the shower. I'm 61 years old and somehow I managed to stay alive over the next 3-4 hours. Honestly, probably a top ten in experiences I've had. They left about 4 am. Just as well, I had a flight at noon and needed to get a little rest. I'be been in contact since with seeking #1. She has inactivated her account, at least I can't see it anymore, but wants to know when I'm coming back. Had no plans to do so in the near future, but now actively looking for an excuse.
In closing, Barcelona has so many opportunities and I didn't even scratch the surface. Can't wait to return again.
06-05-24, 08:00
In closing, Barcelona has so many opportunities and I didn't even scratch the surface. Can't wait to return again.
Stirling.Very nice. 300+ sounds like EU pricing. In Lat Am and the Caribbean I always paid below 180 USD in native currency for the whole evening or half day. And the Euro trades slightly higher than the dollar. I guess this is something I'll have to keep in mind if I visit Spain. Expect to pay more in Europe.
06-06-24, 06:57
Alright boys, it finally happened! The session that makes the trip. And you won't believe where I found this girl. It was on photoprepagos out of all places!
So its Wednesday afternoon, and my plans that evening with this Venezuelan girl didn't pan out. She shared her IG with me and I couldn't find a single picture that wasn't filtered, so I had to pass on her. I was a bit heartbroken, because she had my favorite eye color. Amber.
I reached out to my favorite agency, Encounters Vip, but they only had 3 girls available and none really stood out to me.
Next I checked out photoprepagos. I've only lurked on this website and have actually never met up with a girl on it. For context, its website where mostly independent girls advertise their services. YMMW will vary greatly from what I've read. I find this girl for 200 K and I'm like no way. She responds quickly and agrees to a whatsapp chat with me so I can confirm. Her internet was terrible so the video call quality was poor. But I was able to confirm she was at the very least a 6. That's good enough.
As she is on her way over, I start getting serious doubts! I was like getting a girl off of photoprepagos is super sketchy. And what if she has funny looking teeth? I reassure myself that I can just pay for her taxi and send her off in the worst case scenario.
She arrives and wow. She's my type. 5'3, tan skin, great ass, small tits, and a pretty face. She is affectionate from the start and I can already tell I'm going to love this girl. I welcome her into my apartment and offer her a glass of wine. She says she needs to call her mom, so I'm like sure, that's fine. It made her feel more real. The phone call ends and she straddles me. We make out and I already know I'm going to pay for multiple hours with this girl. After she arouses me, and then she says she'll go put on some lingerie which ends up being a see-through negligee. We kiss passionate when she comes back and soon enough, she's on her knees giving me a glorious BJ. She hit me with the eye contact while sucking my cock! Wow, my knees got weak everytime she looked up. I'm 1000% smitten with this girl! She comes up for a kiss and I get her on the couch on her back. She asks me I want her to blow me some more and I'm like of course, its my favorite thing! I end up throat fucking her. Then we smashed. Finished with the good ol' her legs up on my shoulder position. Epic.
Then the real fun begins. She puts on a song and we literally dance for 30 minutes, alternating between out favorite songs. I tell her we can go to the club later. And she tells me she's actually not from Bogota, she's only visiting. I ask her when she's leaving and she say tomorrow. I'm crushed. Apparently she's visiting her aunt and all her luggage is at her aunt's place so she can't go clubbing with me. There are things that are beautiful because they're ephemeral. So I take it in stride, and ask her to go check out the terrace with me. We get up to the terrace and climb an additional set of ladder to get to the highest point. We dance on the rooftop =) singing "terraza, terraza, terraza!" We're pretty exposes on the terrace but I find a little nook and she gives me another blowjob. We get back to the apartment for more blowjobs and smash again. Then I take her downstairs and we run around the street trying to hail a taxi for 20 minutes.
Okay, so she's flying to Cali at 4:20 in the morning. She really wants me to come and visit her before I leave. I don't make any definitive plans while I was with her. But I might as well make this a trip to remember, so I brought one way tickets to Cali on the same flight. Its currently 2:00 now, and I'm going to go to the airport to surprise her. This has got to be one of the craziest things I've ever done and it might end up being disastrous, but I'll report back either way!
Sorry this post wasn't so crisp. I'm literally about to go to the airport.
06-06-24, 14:07
Homie I'm glad you had such a good time. That sounds like an amazing night. But as someone who's been around the block more than once, I have to clarify a few things.
She is an escort. That's why she's on prepagados.
She did not call her mom on arrival. She called her booker / pimp.
She is not just visiting from Bogota. This was a work trip. Many girls don't work close to home. They are afraid of being seen. So they do work trips.
Her luggage was not at her aunt's place. It was at a rented flat with other girls doing the same, most likely.
Also regular girls (since this is a seeking forum) don't casually carry lingerie in their purse when they go out and meet a guy.
Still, an awesome experience. But not exactly a civvy there.
Alright boys, it finally happened! The session that makes the trip. And you won't believe where I found this girl. It was on photoprepagos out of all places!
So its Wednesday afternoon, and my plans that evening with this Venezuelan girl didn't pan out. She shared her IG with me and I couldn't find a single picture that wasn't filtered, so I had to pass on her. I was a bit heartbroken, because she had my favorite eye color. Amber.
I reached out to my favorite agency, Encounters Vip, but they only had 3 girls available and none really stood out to me.
Next I checked out photoprepagos. I've only lurked on this website and have actually never met up with a girl on it. For context, its website where mostly independent girls advertise their services. YMMW will vary greatly from what I've read. I find this girl for 200 K and I'm like no way. She responds quickly and agrees to a whatsapp chat with me so I can confirm. Her internet was terrible so the video call quality was poor. But I was able to confirm she was at the very least a 6. That's good enough.
As she is on her way over, I start getting serious doubts! I was like getting a girl off of photoprepagos is super sketchy. And what if she has funny looking teeth? I reassure myself that I can just pay for her taxi and send her off in the worst case scenario.
She arrives and wow. She's my type. 5'3, tan skin, great ass, small tits, and a pretty face. She is affectionate from the start and I can already tell I'm going to love this girl. I welcome her into my apartment and offer her a glass of wine. She says she needs to call her mom, so I'm like sure, that's fine. It made her feel more real. The phone call ends and she straddles me. We make out and I already know I'm going to pay for multiple hours with this girl. After she arouses me, and then she says she'll go put on some lingerie which ends up being a see-through negligee. We kiss passionate when she comes back and soon enough, she's on her knees giving me a glorious BJ. She hit me with the eye contact while sucking my cock! Wow, my knees got weak everytime she looked up. I'm 1000% smitten with this girl! She comes up for a kiss and I get her on the couch on her back. She asks me I want her to blow me some more and I'm like of course, its my favorite thing! I end up throat fucking her. Then we smashed. Finished with the good ol' her legs up on my shoulder position. Epic.
Then the real fun begins. She puts on a song and we literally dance for 30 minutes, alternating between out favorite songs. I tell her we can go to the club later. And she tells me she's actually not from Bogota, she's only visiting. I ask her when she's leaving and she say tomorrow. I'm crushed. Apparently she's visiting her aunt and all her luggage is at her aunt's place so she can't go clubbing with me. There are things that are beautiful because they're ephemeral. So I take it in stride, and ask her to go check out the terrace with me. We get up to the terrace and climb an additional set of ladder to get to the highest point. We dance on the rooftop =) singing "terraza, terraza, terraza!" We're pretty exposes on the terrace but I find a little nook and she gives me another blowjob. We get back to the apartment for more blowjobs and smash again. Then I take her downstairs and we run around the street trying to hail a taxi for 20 minutes.
Okay, so she's flying to Cali at 4:20 in the morning. She really wants me to come and visit her before I leave. I don't make any definitive plans while I was with her. But I might as well make this a trip to remember, so I brought one way tickets to Cali on the same flight. Its currently 2:00 now, and I'm going to go to the airport to surprise her. This has got to be one of the craziest things I've ever done and it might end up being disastrous, but I'll report back either way!
Sorry this post wasn't so crisp. I'm literally about to go to the airport.
06-06-24, 16:53
Lmfao, there you go making all kinds of sense.
Homie I'm glad you had such a good time. That sounds like an amazing night. But as someone who's been around the block more than once, I have to clarify a few things.
She is an escort. That's why she's on prepagados.
She did not call her mom on arrival. She called her booker / pimp.
She is not just visiting from Bogota. This was a work trip. Many girls don't work close to home. They are afraid of being seen. So they do work trips.
Her luggage was not at her aunt's place. It was at a rented flat with other girls doing the same, most likely.
Also regular girls (since this is a seeking forum) don't casually carry lingerie in their purse when they go out and meet a guy.
Still, an awesome experience. But not exactly a civvy there.
Of late, I am coming across girls who go silent after a while.
We meet. Great chemistry. We fuck. We met again. We fuck. The cycle goes until one fine day they go off the radar.
Nothing wrong. No indication. No fights. No arguments.
I am not sad they go. But would rather like to keep in touch for about cal anytime but goes silent. While this isn't new (nature of seeking is just that) I think the frequency of this is increasing. Anyone feel the same way?
BTW US statement. My EU chicks are still in touch after two years of me moving out and only visitng.
06-07-24, 07:56
I was also smitten with Colombians when I first experienced them, and it's easy to because they're really good at sex in my opinion (they truly try to enjoy it). Cali girls especially are super warm and lack the arrogance of Medellin girls. The less pleasant aspects of the culture come out later, namely that the main moral values Colombians have are politeness and family. What that means in practice is they'll be very polite and pleasant with you, but they have no problem lying. They even lie to themselves to make their lives seem more pleasant. I've seen this in Colombian friends who grew up in the US, it's a form of enjoyable delusion. If you ask them what integrity is, you'll get blank stares and they'll probably think you're arrogant.
So enjoy the sex, the music, the food, the weather but understand the culture is really optimized for short-term interactions.
06-07-24, 08:38
Lmfao, there you go making all kinds of sense.FWIW I debated not saying anything. Like let the man have this memory. But then I thought this is also an educational resource.
06-07-24, 18:44
It's almost impossible to answer this question. Some girls do it a few times, decide it doesn't work for them and move on. Some want a real relationship. Some are pros that chase the highest figure they can get. And some still just don't get a good vibe from you. Not your fault, just chemistry.
I had, what I thought to be, really good chemistry with one that dumped me like yesterday's trash. This was after seeing her weekly or more for 2 months. Saw another for 9 mo and she dumped me with some emotion. I saw 2 others a handful of times and it never went anywhere because I didn't feel the chemistry despite getting the sex I wanted and I'm the one that quit calling. All were under 25, white, & really attractive.
I have one I'm really happy with now, she doesn't have time for a real relationship, wants sex and figures she may as well get compensated for it. I've been with her weekly for a year and she contacts me about twice as often as I contact her but I think we're both really happy. You can't fake that kind of chemistry.
I have a paid account now just to fish for girls on my travels. Only thing I notice is quality going down and definitely more pros in my expensive west coast city. I reported a girl yesterday for sending me her onlyfans.
Of late, I am coming across girls who go silent after a while.
We meet. Great chemistry. We fuck. We met again. We fuck. The cycle goes until one fine day they go off the radar.
Nothing wrong. No indication. No fights. No arguments.
I am not sad they go. But would rather like to keep in touch for about cal anytime but goes silent. While this isn't new (nature of seeking is just that) I think the frequency of this is increasing. Anyone feel the same way?
BTW US statement. My EU chicks are still in touch after two years of me moving out and only visitng.
06-07-24, 21:13
Of late, I am coming across girls who go silent after a while.
We meet. Great chemistry. We fuck. We met again. We fuck. The cycle goes until one fine day they go off the radar.
Nothing wrong. No indication. No fights. No arguments.
I am not sad they go. But would rather like to keep in touch for about cal anytime but goes silent. While this isn't new (nature of seeking is just that) I think the frequency of this is increasing. Anyone feel the same way?
BTW US statement. My EU chicks are still in touch after two years of me moving out and only visitng.They might have gotten out of the industry and chose not to reveal it. I know some girls like to break all ties when they do this. But. On that note, I think Seeking in the United States is tantamount to attempting to cool an active volcano with an ice cube.
Steve 9696
06-07-24, 22:58
FWIW I debated not saying anything. Like let the man have this memory. But then I thought this is also an educational resource.Geez Pi you really shat on that parade. We all do this for the illusion. The better the illusion the better the experience. My motto is "don't fuck with the illusion" meaning I am personally careful to not get so close or find out about their other daddies or clients. It just fucks the illusion. Let the man (and the rest of us) hang on to our illusions, no matter how transparent or obvious they may be.
06-08-24, 00:06
Geez Pi you really shat on that parade. We all do this for the illusion. The better the illusion the better the experience. My motto is "don't fuck with the illusion" meaning I am personally careful to not get so close or find out about their other daddies or clients. It just fucks the illusion. Let the man (and the rest of us) hang on to our illusions, no matter how transparent or obvious they may be.I get that. I probably shouldn't have said anything.
But wouldn't you want to know? I mean scoring true civilian girls on seeking is totally possible. Wouldn't you want to know if the shoes were on the other feet? I feel like I would want somebody to point that out.
Steve 9696
06-08-24, 00:44
Of late, I am coming across girls who go silent after a while.
We meet. Great chemistry. We fuck. We met again. We fuck. The cycle goes until one fine day they go off the radar.
Nothing wrong. No indication. No fights. No arguments.
I am not sad they go. But would rather like to keep in touch for about cal anytime but goes silent. While this isn't new (nature of seeking is just that) I think the frequency of this is increasing. Anyone feel the same way?
BTW US statement. My EU chicks are still in touch after two years of me moving out and only visitng.As someone else said could be many reasons. New daddy or boyfriend. Got tired of feeling like she's taking money for sex, doesn't like that you bang her for a full hour, you got lazy on the BF part and just take her to the hotel. Lots of reasons. Point is these twenty somethings operate differently from us. Rather than having a discussion and sorting thing they just disappear.
I've come to learn that ghosting is really a kindness in some way and have in fact used in on occasion since it's the millennial thing to do. My first thought that it's a kindness happened when I was just getting started. I sent a newbie my pics and she said — I shit you not — I don't think I could get with someone as old as you!
Well hot damn. That stung a bit. I'the rather she just ghosted me. Ghosting would have been a kindness.
I actually did the same with Sue at one point. Rather than saying "hey I don't really want to see you anymore because you have gotten kinda lazy on our dates and the sex is pretty mediocre". Instead I just ghosted her. Honestly it does seem for the best in many situations. Too much honesty is not always helpful.
06-08-24, 02:27
As someone else said could be many reasons. New daddy or boyfriend. Got tired of feeling like she's taking money for sex, doesn't like that you bang her for a full hour, you got lazy on the BF part and just take her to the hotel. Lots of reasons. Point is these twenty somethings operate differently from us. Rather than having a discussion and sorting thing they just disappear.
I've come to learn that ghosting is really a kindness in some way and have in fact used in on occasion since it's the millennial thing to do. My first thought that it's a kindness happened when I was just getting started. I sent a newbie my pics and she said I shit you not I don't think I could get with someone as old as you!
Well hot damn. That stung a bit. I'the rather she just ghosted me. Ghosting would have been a kindness.
I actually did the same with Sue at one point. Rather than saying "hey I don't really want to see you anymore because you have gotten kinda lazy on our dates and the sex is pretty mediocre". Instead I just ghosted her. Honestly it does seem for the best in many situations. Too much honesty is not always helpful.I second this.
Call me, old-fashioned, but I still think that ghosting was in poor taste. Then I started balancing multiple girls on seeking and just realized you can't do the "our time is coming to an end" conversation over and over. It's too much emotional rigor for such a vapid series of relationships. It's easier and better for me and them to just recede. All these shallow relationships weave in and out of the seeking fabric seamlessly if you just lose the genX formality.
06-08-24, 03:55
As someone else said could be many reasons. New daddy or boyfriend. Got tired of feeling like she's taking money for sex, doesn't like that you bang her for a full hour, you got lazy on the BF part and just take her to the hotel. Lots of reasons. Point is these twenty somethings operate differently from us. Rather than having a discussion and sorting thing they just disappear.
I've come to learn that ghosting is really a kindness in some way and have in fact used in on occasion since it's the millennial thing to do. My first thought that it's a kindness happened when I was just getting started. I sent a newbie my pics and she said I shit you not I don't think I could get with someone as old as you!
Well hot damn. That stung a bit. I'the rather she just ghosted me. Ghosting would have been a kindness.
I actually did the same with Sue at one point. Rather than saying "hey I don't really want to see you anymore because you have gotten kinda lazy on our dates and the sex is pretty mediocre". Instead I just ghosted her. Honestly it does seem for the best in many situations. Too much honesty is not always helpful.I think that is more specifically an American girl problem, slightly less a global girl problem, and lastly a human problem (including men). It's "easier" just to block somebody. If you are trying to avoid conflict, the better thing to do is be excessively vague and brief. Such as "I don't want to get into the reasons why, but we have to end things right now. " Or "I'm done with this lifestyle; wishing you the best of luck. " Or "Sorry, but we are just not a match. " Now, if a girl has 100 clients in her address book, do you think she's going to say goodbye to each one individually? She could send out a mass chain message.
But also remember, there's an asymmetrical divide when it comes to one gender being stalked. Yes, guys do get harassed and are occasionally the victim of violence from women, but by comparison this is quite rare. I think some girls do this as a defense mechanism, to stop things from escalating. Excessive texts don't turn into doxing, doxing doesn't turn into surveillance, and surveillance doesn't turn into pounding on someone's door demanding they speak with you. I think some people try to stop the process before it starts, even if the guy would not do something like that, they have no way of knowing, or maybe had bad experience in the past with some other guy.
It's easy for them to let go. If they were getting attached to their clients, they would marry one of the first dozen, and never survive in the industry. I might be going through the same thing in the near future. You don't want any sort of strings to draw you back. Think about a recovering alcoholic on his way home who approaches an intersection. If route A is 5 minutes faster, but passes by a liquor store, and route be neither passes a liquor store nor bar, then the intelligent person is going to spend the extra 5 minutes on the road choosing route be. But, most girls aren't addicted to the job itself, they are just addicted to the money. But, the smart ones might realize the risk of not being able to let go, and being pulled back by anchors, and they may choose to vanish all together.
Luckily for me things pretty much always spoiled with every good one I had. Could be anything. Good service went bad, started restricting the menu (no more kissing or BBBJ, etc.), excessive rate increases, declining hygiene, or they simply grew uglier or fatter over multiple years. There may have been 1 or 2 that dropped out that I might want to see again. But, on second thought, it's hard to imagine someone who was 35 back in 2017, is going to be as pretty as she was now that it's 2024. I even pulled one back that I really liked. She quit for good in April of 2020 after Covid started. All her ads and reviews, EVERYTHING went dark. Even her phone number, but I managed to coax her back more than 2 years later because I found her on Venmo and chimed in for her birthday 3 times in a row, which she really appreciated. But, when I saw her, she had gained a bit of weight, wanted a bit more money than our previous arrangement, and the service was not up to her previous standards. The price to service ratio just didn't add up anymore. Nice to see her, but I learned a lesson.
If you want someone who will "last", I think your best bet is to find a 21 or 25 year old. This would definitely work if you are 70+, because high probability you will be dead by the time her beauty starts to fade. But, you have to find a way to stand out from other guys, and convince her that you are worth seeing indefinitely.
06-08-24, 04:36
I am absolutely convinced that one of the best life lessons I've learned (in all facets of life) is that there are questions one doesn't want to know the answer to and it is therefore best not to ask. This has saved me from heartache, kept me from going nuclear level pissed off, and has all around made me a happier person. Conspicuous ignorance or selective engagement in any number of things. I own a small company when I'm away I know the mice play but I don't install cameras to watch them or make them "clock in" as long as the work is getting done I really don't want to know what they're up to.
That said, I'm glad you wrote it. Gave me a good laugh and reminds us all to keep it in perspective.
I get that. I probably shouldn't have said anything.
But wouldn't you want to know? I mean scoring true civilian girls on seeking is totally possible. Wouldn't you want to know if the shoes were on the other feet? I feel like I would want somebody to point that out.
06-08-24, 04:45
Agree, that ghosting is in poor taste, even juvenile. That's how young people are raised these days you get 30 seconds on ticktok to keep their attention or it's on to the next stupid video.
The one thing I will say is that I had two seeking relationships that both ended on her terms and both times she pulled me aside, looked me straight in the eye and said, "this is it. " Or something to that effect. Hurt at the time because they were unexpected but it took balls in my eyes. They could have done it over text, ghost, voice call, whatever, but looking back I saw it as a sign of respect and that's how I chose to remember them.
I second this.
Call me, old-fashioned, but I still think that ghosting was in poor taste. Then I started balancing multiple girls on seeking and just realized you can't do the "our time is coming to an end" conversation over and over. It's too much emotional rigor for such a vapid series of relationships. It's easier and better for me and them to just recede. All these shallow relationships weave in and out of the seeking fabric seamlessly if you just lose the genX formality.
06-08-24, 16:50
This is a continuation of my previous post regarding Cali girl.
So, her flight to Cali was set to leave at 4:20 AM. And here I was at the gate at 4:00 and she was nowhere in sight. Needless to say, all the doubts I had regarding this spontaneous decision were swirling in my head. Perhaps Americanpi was right, she's just a hoe. There was no luggage, no aunt, and she really wasn't flying back to Cali. Luckily, my feelings were buoyed by the great night we had together just a few hours prior. I had only lost $47 for the flight and some sleep. Regardless of things not panning out, it would have been worthwhile to surprise her with such a grand gesture, and it would have been a great opportunity to deepen the budding relationship. It's 4:20 now and all hope is lost. I circle around the gate one last time and finally give up as I leave the gate.
I exit through the security area and lo and behold, it's her! She has beads of sweat on her face. Its 60 degrees outside and she's damp with sweat. I forgot to tell you all this in the previous post, but she's a person whose core, basal temperature runs hot. The perfect person to snuggle up with in the cool weather of Bogota. She's in a panic because she's very late for her flight. It is not real to her yet that her flight is gone. She's surprised to see me but her priority at the moment is to catch her flight. "The gate to your flight is closed, baby," I had to tell multiple times for it to register completely.
Once her emotions have descended from their heightened state; she finally realized that I was there with her. She asked me why I was there. I told her "sorpresa! Vamos a Cali juntos. " I told her I made an uncharacteristic, last minute decision to book the same flight as her. She is happy and relieved that I am there. I asked her why she was late and she said she went to the wrong terminal. Domestic flights in BOG sometimes leave out Terminal 2 instead of the main one and the terminals are not connected. She is also late because she's a complete airhead. I love it. This is a character trait that I adore. This would be annoying to deal with 2 years into a relationship, but I'm still very much in the honeymoon period with her. So my infatuation only grows. I tell her we'll find a different flight to Cali.
So, we booked new flights. We explored all the nooks and crannies of the airport. We waited on each other to go to the bathroom. We did all the mundane things that couples do at the airport. And we ran out of things to talk about because we're just waiting at the airport for 3 hours and my Spanish is mainly limited to telling her what I like and don't like. For me this is perfect, because I have never flown with a girl. Only to them or them to me. This was the real GFE.
We actually almost missed our flight to Cali, despite being 3 hours early. I told you, she's an airhead. She misplaced her boarding pass, and they couldn't print her boarding pass at the gate. We had to run 10 gates down to the main area where they could, and then sprinted back to be the last people that boarded. 2 year relationship me would be annoyed for sure. Luckily, it's only been half a day with her. We snuggle on the plane.
I don't know what the word limit is for these posts, and I'm sure I've passed the attention span of some, so I'll wrap up. We spent 1.5 days in Cali together. We dined well, had amazing sex and visited some cool attractions. She told me all these sweet, loving things throughout the trip. They were half-truths and part of the illusion. She said them but they didn't carry much weight. But during our final dinner, these half-truths started to have some feeling behind them. I felt her falling for me. The illusion felt real for an hour. What a glorious conclusion. I will visit her again for sure when I return. And now, whenever I think upon Colombia, she'll be 1 of 2 girls that I remember very fondly. 1000% worth it. 9/10 experience.
06-08-24, 21:46
That is a good story. Would definitely drive me crazy as well outside of tthe honeymoon phase. When I was in Poland I met a girl on goldbikiniclub that I couldn't see in her city (because I had someone else lined up that I preferred) but told her she could meet me in warsaw for a few days. I told her I'd give her 1 k usd to hang out with me for three days and the only thing she asked for was gas money. Not up front, just gas money. Of course I said yes as I would have bet you any amount of money she wasn't going to show but sure enough she showed up on time after a 3. 5 HR drive from her city and stayed with me for three full days. We ended up having a really good time. Sometimes it just works against all conventional logic.
This is a continuation of my previous post regarding Cali girl.
So, her flight to Cali was set to leave at 4:20 AM. And here I was at the gate at 4:00 and she was nowhere in sight. Needless to say, all the doubts I had regarding this spontaneous decision were swirling in my head. Perhaps Americanpi was right, she's just a hoe. There was no luggage, no aunt, and she really wasn't flying back to Cali. Luckily, my feelings were buoyed by the great night we had together just a few hours prior. I had only lost $47 for the flight and some sleep. Regardless of things not panning out, it would have been worthwhile to surprise her with such a grand gesture, and it would have been a great opportunity to deepen the budding relationship. It's 4:20 now and all hope is lost. I circle around the gate one last time and finally give up as I leave the gate.
I exit through the security area and lo and behold, it's her! She has beads of sweat on her face. Its 60 degrees outside and she's damp with sweat. I forgot to tell you all this in the previous post, but she's a person whose core, basal temperature runs hot. The perfect person to snuggle up with in the cool weather of Bogota. She's in a panic because she's very late for her flight. It is not real to her yet that her flight is gone. She's surprised to see me but her priority at the moment is to catch her flight. "The gate to your flight is closed, baby," I had to tell multiple times for it to register completely.
Once her emotions have descended from their heightened state; she finally realized that I was there with her. She asked me why I was there. I told her "sorpresa! Vamos a Cali juntos. " I told her I made an uncharacteristic, last minute decision to book the same flight as her. She is happy and relieved that I am there. I asked her why she was late and she said she went to the wrong terminal. Domestic flights in BOG sometimes leave out Terminal 2 instead of the main one and the terminals are not connected. She is also late because she's a complete airhead. I love it. This is a character trait that I adore. This would be annoying to deal with 2 years into a relationship, but I'm still very much in the honeymoon period with her. So my infatuation only grows. I tell her we'll find a different flight to Cali.
So, we booked new flights. We explored all the nooks and crannies of the airport. We waited on each other to go to the bathroom. We did all the mundane things that couples do at the airport. And we ran out of things to talk about because we're just waiting at the airport for 3 hours and my Spanish is mainly limited to telling her what I like and don't like. For me this is perfect, because I have never flown with a girl. Only to them or them to me. This was the real GFE.
We actually almost missed our flight to Cali, despite being 3 hours early. I told you, she's an airhead. She misplaced her boarding pass, and they couldn't print her boarding pass at the gate. We had to run 10 gates down to the main area where they could, and then sprinted back to be the last people that boarded. 2 year relationship me would be annoyed for sure. Luckily, it's only been half a day with her. We snuggle on the plane.
I don't know what the word limit is for these posts, and I'm sure I've passed the attention span of some, so I'll wrap up. We spent 1.5 days in Cali together. We dined well, had amazing sex and visited some cool attractions. She told me all these sweet, loving things throughout the trip. They were half-truths and part of the illusion. She said them but they didn't carry much weight. But during our final dinner, these half-truths started to have some feeling behind them. I felt her falling for me. The illusion felt real for an hour. What a glorious conclusion. I will visit her again for sure when I return. And now, whenever I think upon Colombia, she'll be 1 of 2 girls that I remember very fondly. 1000% worth it. 9/10 experience.
Steve 9696
06-08-24, 21:52
This is a continuation of my previous post regarding Cali girl.
So, her flight to Cali was set to leave at 4:20 AM. And here I was at the gate at 4:00 and she was nowhere in sight. Needless to say, all the doubts I had regarding this spontaneous decision were swirling in my head. Perhaps Americanpi was right, she's just a hoe. There was no luggage, no aunt, and she really wasn't flying back to Cali. Luckily, my feelings were buoyed by the great night we had together just a few hours prior. I had only lost $47 for the flight and some sleep. Regardless of things not panning out, it would have been worthwhile to surprise her with such a grand gesture, and it would have been a great opportunity to deepen the budding relationship. It's 4:20 now and all hope is lost. I circle around the gate one last time and finally give up as I leave the gate.
I exit through the security area and lo and behold, it's her! She has beads of sweat on her face. Its 60 degrees outside and she's damp with sweat. I forgot to tell you all this in the previous post, but she's a person whose core, basal temperature runs hot. The perfect person to snuggle up with in the cool weather of Bogota. She's in a panic because she's very late for her flight. It is not real to her yet that her flight is gone. She's surprised to see me but her priority at the moment is to catch her flight. "The gate to your flight is closed, baby," I had to tell multiple times for it to register completely.
Once her emotions have descended from their heightened state; she finally realized that I was there with her. She asked me why I was there. I told her "sorpresa! Vamos a Cali juntos. " I told her I made an uncharacteristic, last minute decision to book the same flight as her. She is happy and relieved that I am there. I asked her why she was late and she said she went to the wrong terminal. Domestic flights in BOG sometimes leave out Terminal 2 instead of the main one and the terminals are not connected. She is also late because she's a complete airhead. I love it. This is a character trait that I adore. This would be annoying to deal with 2 years into a relationship, but I'm still very much in the honeymoon period with her. So my infatuation only grows. I tell her we'll find a different flight to Cali.
So, we booked new flights. We explored all the nooks and crannies of the airport. We waited on each other to go to the bathroom. We did all the mundane things that couples do at the airport. And we ran out of things to talk about because we're just waiting at the airport for 3 hours and my Spanish is mainly limited to telling her what I like and don't like. For me this is perfect, because I have never flown with a girl. Only to them or them to me. This was the real GFE.
We actually almost missed our flight to Cali, despite being 3 hours early. I told you, she's an airhead. She misplaced her boarding pass, and they couldn't print her boarding pass at the gate. We had to run 10 gates down to the main area where they could, and then sprinted back to be the last people that boarded. 2 year relationship me would be annoyed for sure. Luckily, it's only been half a day with her. We snuggle on the plane.
I don't know what the word limit is for these posts, and I'm sure I've passed the attention span of some, so I'll wrap up. We spent 1.5 days in Cali together. We dined well, had amazing sex and visited some cool attractions. She told me all these sweet, loving things throughout the trip. They were half-truths and part of the illusion. She said them but they didn't carry much weight. But during our final dinner, these half-truths started to have some feeling behind them. I felt her falling for me. The illusion felt real for an hour. What a glorious conclusion. I will visit her again for sure when I return. And now, whenever I think upon Colombia, she'll be 1 of 2 girls that I remember very fondly. 1000% worth it. 9/10 experience.I fucking love this post! You didn't act old and jaded. You acted like a smitten soul and were rewarded for your innocence. This is the way life should be. I am so glad you took a chance and got true GFE (complete with awkward silences and air head mistakes). I live for real world GFE. Nothing better. And sometimes you gotta leap to catch it!
06-09-24, 18:09
I was also smitten with Colombians when I first experienced them, and it's easy to because they're really good at sex in my opinion (they truly try to enjoy it). Cali girls especially are super warm and lack the arrogance of Medellin girls. The less pleasant aspects of the culture come out later, namely that the main moral values Colombians have are politeness and family. What that means in practice is they'll be very polite and pleasant with you, but they have no problem lying. They even lie to themselves to make their lives seem more pleasant. I've seen this in Colombian friends who grew up in the US, it's a form of enjoyable delusion. If you ask them what integrity is, you'll get blank stares and they'll probably think you're arrogant.
So enjoy the sex, the music, the food, the weather but understand the culture is really optimized for short-term interactions.If you love the Colombian, you should try Mexican girls. For me they are the best. If I had unlimited resources and time, I would spend my time be Mexico and parts of Eastern Europe, maybe mix in Spain. Colombia would definitely not be in the mix, for me.
06-09-24, 18:17
You also save on taxes and Airbnb fees, which in some locations can be very steep. On the downside, a security deposit may be required if you negotiate a deal outside of Airbnb.Airbnb use to be amazing, now they are getting super strict and expensive. Many now have a 4 pm check in, this just terrible especially on the weekends.
Airbnb is usually hit or miss with me, either a great experience or average to below.
My goal was to deal with owner directly and that use to be easy, now many use mgmt. Companies, there is zero customer service. I only use it in.
MTY, because a lot of the hotels AC is terrible and they do not have pools. CDMX you almost never deal with the owners. Customer service is zero, but you can get great locations for a decent price.
06-12-24, 22:18
Thank you all for your feedback over the past 2 weeks that I have been in Bogota. Here is my summary for others to reference if they decide to use Seeking in Bogota and to get an idea of prices.
I went on 4 seeking dates with 4 different girls. Note that I didn't haggle with the girls, I always accepted the price they offered.
First girl was the nursing girl. I went on 2 dates with her and she was the most civilian out of all my dates. Both dates involved dinner and lasted 3+ hours. Each date I gave her 400 K COP. She also gave the most mediocre blowjobs, so perhaps there is a correlation between civilianess and blowjob abilities. She was a 6. 5 in terms of looks and in retrospect, my overall experience with her was an 8.
Jenna. Semi-pro student with beautiful blue eyes. My date with her was 2 hours and I paid her 650 K. She was a 7. 5 in terms of looks and in retrospect, my overall experience with her was a 7. She was really shy, and I think we would have both benefited from a second date. She hit me up several different times later for a second date, but the timing never worked out.
Mia. Pro with the best ass, flat stomach, and most amazing blowjob skills. My date with her was 1 hour and I paid her 600 k. She was an 8 in terms of looks and in retrospect, my overall experience with her was a 7.
Emily. I didn't write a post about this girl, because we only went on a date, no sex. I enjoyed the date, but she needed more time before sex was possible. The most she let me do was touch her stomach and grab her ass a few times. I paid for her transportation, museum entry, and our meal together. In terms of looks, she was a 7.
Missed opportunities.
Nathalia. She was close to my perfect 10. She wanted 250 USD and I would've paid it too, but she got an attitude with me for rescheduling a date because she wasn't responsive for half a day. Her attitude left a bad taste in my mouth, so I hesitantly decided against a date with her.
Amber. Spoke great English and traveled between Colombia and the States frequently. She wanted 300 USD and offered a threesome with her friend, who was also 300 USD. Both were 8+ based on photos. We didn't really vibe over chat, so I did not pursue.
Amalia. Venezuelan girl with a voluptuous body, but all her photos were filtered, so I didn't go on a date with her. She wanted 500 k for 2 hours.
Also, if you're wondering why I went on dates with a bunch of 7's, this is my assessment of their looks in real life. Of course they looked better in photos on Seeking. That being said, I care more about a connection than looks as long as they're cute. Nursing girl scored the lowest on looks, but she was my highest overall experience score.
Lastly, I would like to thank everyone that posted in the last 6 months in this subforum. I read through all the posts before trying out seeking and applied the things that made sense to me. You made my first experiences with Seeking overwhelmingly positive!
Elvis 2008
06-13-24, 03:31
I don't know what the word limit is for these posts, and I'm sure I've passed the attention span of some, so I'll wrap up. We spent 1.5 days in Cali together. We dined well, had amazing sex and visited some cool attractions. She told me all these sweet, loving things throughout the trip. They were half-truths and part of the illusion. She said them but they didn't carry much weight. But during our final dinner, these half-truths started to have some feeling behind them. I felt her falling for me. The illusion felt real for an hour. What a glorious conclusion. I will visit her again for sure when I return. And now, whenever I think upon Colombia, she'll be 1 of 2 girls that I remember very fondly. 1000% worth it. 9/10 experience.If you are married and plan to stay that one, then by all means, think of it as an illusion. Before my current gal, there was another Colombian who was smitten with me. There was always something holding me back with her. She was cute, a 7 or 8 type, but she had a 10 personality. Still, something was not right. I think she was too young for a relationship. She had a good family, busted her ass, was a professional, had dreams of us being together. I just was not comfortable committing to her, but it was very real. She did anything sexually I wanted.
A 63 year old friend of mine who is average looking at best came down with me to Colombia once. After my gal has been so happy with me, a friend of my gal who is 31 and stunning seemed to want the same thing as my gal had and came onto him hard. I was shocked. She let him know flat out she was open being with him, and my friend is married. He was like, "I never expected this! And it surprised me too.
Upper class Colombian women have different priorities. It is easy to find a slick, handsome, good dancing, smooth talking man. It is hard to find one who is loyal, hard working, faithful, and flush with cash. So in some ways, it is opposite of the USA. Cheating, beating women, and treating women poorly is common behavior for Colombian men. Whatever you make in the USA, multiply it by 10 and that is equal to what you are making in Colombia. Also, look at how hot the other Colombian women are they have to fight against.
I am not so sure then it is an illusion.
06-14-24, 03:50
I am not so sure then it is an illusion.I've kept in touch with her so we'll find out! Her character will reveal itself in time. She's a semi-pro and this relationship was built with money and unless she's made that mental switch in her head, at some point she's going to find an excuse to ask for money.
As for me, I'm content to have her as my go-to, but not exclusive girl when I visit Colombia. Its only a matter of time before my Spanish is good enough to play in the civilian pool. I will definitely try Bumble in Colombia next time.
Elvis 2008
06-14-24, 15:56
I've kept in touch with her so we'll find out! Her character will reveal itself in time. She's a semi-pro and this relationship was built with money and unless she's made that mental switch in her head, at some point she's going to find an excuse to ask for money.Well, that is half of it. Yes, she is going to have like you for more than money, and you are going to have to like her for more than sex.
As for me, I'm content to have her as my go-to, but not exclusive girl when I visit Colombia.That is cool. I was always honest with a woman if I felt that way. Some guys think that they have to lie about that, but I did not. I found the sex was best if a woman had affection for me and wanted to please me. The notion that women put the sex into a higher gear when in love is something I have not found to be true. What I have found to be true though is women in love do want sex more often.
Steve 9696
06-14-24, 22:25
So technically this doesn't belong here because it's not Seeking but you guys are my buds and think you will enjoy this unlikely encounter. Slamming a 9 from bar pickup. First girl I ever picked up in a bar! Believe it or not. And soooo unlikely me in my late fifties and uncompensated fucking from a 23 year old nine! Read on.
So it wasn't on my agenda because so unlikely but I slammed a civvie 9 last night via bar pickup. I saw a shitty Russian escort earlier in the night and was nursing my wounds by drinking heavily and socializing. As I drink I lose my approach anxiety and will chat up strangers. Generally guys. Just friendly stuff. New friends everywhere.
After bouncing to different bars with different closing times I end up at this odd bar that closes late but has more an ice cream shop vibe — bright lighting and cafe tables. There are several groups of mixed guys and girls there. I chat with one guy but I think he thinks I'm trying to pick him up and it fades quickly. LOL.
Most of the groups are large which makes approach harder. So I am just nursing my G&T and figuring if I want to engage. There is a mega hottie sitting by herself just on her phone and apparently very unapproachable. Certainly off limits to a guy in his late fifties. So I just continue to hang out and enjoy the social observation.
But after hanging out for about a half an hour, I am looking over in this girls direction and she looks up from her phone and we lock eyes. Having drank quite a bit I'm very loose so instantly I slide over to her table and start chatting with her. Theres no chair, so I'm squatting down and just starting a great conversation.
She's from Guatemala and she is an interior design student studying for her masters degree. She speaks amazing English and we just get on like a House on fire. Honestly, I'm not even thinking about bedding her. She's just a sweet girl and we're having a great conversation.
After quite some time, it's about 215 or 220 in the morning and they are kicking us out because they close at two. I lightly mentioned maybe we should go to her place but she deflects that so we head to another bar that's open a little bit later and I can't even recall if we had more drinks or what we did, she's really lit to the point of almost stumbling and so really my mission at this point it's just taking care of her and make sure she gets home safe.
As the new bar is also now closing, I can't member if I suggest it or it's just her idea but she starts dragging me by the hand to her place. Like I say, she's really quite drunk and I'm really not sure she even knows where her place is. She's dragging me down all these streets, but eventually we arrive at a tall black gated apartment house.
We come into a very nice large lobby, and we take a right, and go into what is apparently her apartment. There are some stairs down at the marble entryway. This part is really comedic. We start to make out and generally disrobe, and it doesn't occur to me why but the lights keep going out automatically and I'm having to press the button on the wall to turn them back on, she's completely naked and I'm fingering her and eating her out. And that sounds like normal stuff but it turns out we're not actually in her apartment! We are actually in the foyer that has two or three other apartments coming off of it. So here we are 3 o'clock in the morning half to completely naked passionately getting it on in the foyer to the apartment building.
I only figure this out later, because it's really kind of difficult to fuck on the marble stairs, and so we moved to her apartment, and I suddenly realized that we've been in the public foyer the whole time. LOL.
Once inside, The sex is wild and bareback and passionate, and she is one horny beast. I couldn't cum to save my life. I'm so drunk so we had to be fucking for probably a solid two hours and she is not quitting. She's on her period so we make a fucking bloody mess on the bed, and eventually collapse and fall asleep.
Now, if the lobby fucking wasn't comedic enough, there's more to come. I have a meeting at 9 o'clock and I wake up at 6:30. Haven't gone to sleep at 5:30 I think holy fuck I need to get out of here and get to my meeting. Both my work phone and my home phone are dead in my pockets of my pants so I can't call an Uber. Adding more fun to the problem, as I go to exit, I find that the lobby door is in fact locked and I can't get out!
So I go back in and get her keys and unlock the lobby door so I can get out and return the keys to her apartment. She still sleeps on blissfully but as I exit I get the big black gate and it's locked! Also there is absolutely no way to open it. There's not a button or anything so I end up climbing over the gate and jumping down into the street nearly breaking an ankle.
After that, I wander about wondering what I'm going to do about no Uber but fortunately in two or three blocks, I find a cab and returned my hotel getting one hour more sleep, and making my 9 o'clock meeting on time!
I'm not sure I could've had a bigger adventure and who would've thought I picked up my first civvie date from bar pick up in my late 50's. What and unexpected turn of events and a fuck ton of fun.
Thank you all for your feedback over the past 2 weeks that I have been in Bogota. Here is my summary for others to reference if they decide to use Seeking in Bogota and to get an idea of prices.
I went on 4 seeking dates with 4 different girls. Note that I didn't haggle with the girls, I always accepted the price they offered.
First girl was the nursing girl. I went on 2 dates with her and she was the most civilian out of all my dates. Both dates involved dinner and lasted 3+ hours. Each date I gave her 400 K COP. She also gave the most mediocre blowjobs, so perhaps there is a correlation between civilianess and blowjob abilities. She was a 6. 5 in terms of looks and in retrospect, my overall experience with her was an 8.
Jenna. Semi-pro student with beautiful blue eyes. My date with her was 2 hours and I paid her 650 K. She was a 7. 5 in terms of looks and in retrospect, my overall experience with her was a 7. She was really shy, and I think we would have both benefited from a second date. She hit me up several different times later for a second date, but the timing never worked out.
Mia. Pro with the best ass, flat stomach, and most amazing blowjob skills. My date with her was 1 hour and I paid her 600 k. She was an 8 in terms of looks and in retrospect, my overall experience with her was a 7.
Emily. I didn't write a post about this girl, because we only went on a date, no sex. I enjoyed the date, but she needed more time before sex was possible. The most she let me do was touch her stomach and grab her ass a few times. I paid for her transportation, museum entry, and our meal together. In terms of looks, she was a 7.
Missed opportunities.
Nathalia. She was close to my perfect 10. She wanted 250 USD and I would've paid it too, but she got an attitude with me for rescheduling a date because she wasn't responsive for half a day. Her attitude left a bad taste in my mouth, so I hesitantly decided against a date with her.
Amber. Spoke great English and traveled between Colombia and the States frequently. She wanted 300 USD and offered a threesome with her friend, who was also 300 USD. Both were 8+ based on photos. We didn't really vibe over chat, so I did not pursue.
Amalia. Venezuelan girl with a voluptuous body, but all her photos were filtered, so I didn't go on a date with her. She wanted 500 k for 2 hours.
Also, if you're wondering why I went on dates with a bunch of 7's, this is my assessment of their looks in real life. Of course they looked better in photos on Seeking. That being said, I care more about a connection than looks as long as they're cute. Nursing girl scored the lowest on looks, but she was my highest overall experience score.
Lastly, I would like to thank everyone that posted in the last 6 months in this subforum. I read through all the posts before trying out seeking and applied the things that made sense to me. You made my first experiences with Seeking overwhelmingly positive!I'm hitting the seeking for Bogota this trip and got a few girls lined up. Would you mind sharing their profiles? Just to see if I'm lining up the same girls. Can't seem to pm you.
So technically this doesn't belong here because it's not Seeking but you guys are my buds and think you will enjoy this unlikely encounter. Slamming a 9 from bar pickup. First girl I ever picked up in a bar! Believe it or not. And soooo unlikely me in my late fifties and uncompensated fucking from a 23 year old nine! Read on.
So it wasn't on my agenda because so unlikely but I slammed a civvie 9 last night via bar pickup. I saw a shitty Russian escort earlier in the night and was nursing my wounds by drinking heavily and socializing. As I drink I lose my approach anxiety and will chat up strangers. Generally guys. Just friendly stuff. New friends everywhere.
After bouncing to different bars with different closing times I end up at this odd bar that closes late but has more an ice cream shop vibe bright lighting and cafe tables. There are several groups of mixed guys and girls there. I chat with one guy but I think he thinks I'm trying to pick him up and it fades quickly. LOL.
Most of the groups are large which makes approach harder. So I am just nursing my G&T and figuring if I want to engage. There is a mega hottie sitting by herself just on her phone and apparently very unapproachable. Certainly off limits to a guy in his late fifties. So I just continue to hang out and enjoy the social observation.
But after hanging out for about a half an hour, I am looking over in this girls direction and she looks up from her phone and we lock eyes. Having drank quite a bit I'm very loose so instantly I slide over to her table and start chatting with her. Theres no chair, so I'm squatting down and just starting a great conversation.
She's from Guatemala and she is an interior design student studying for her masters degree. She speaks amazing English and we just get on like a House on fire. Honestly, I'm not even thinking about bedding her. She's just a sweet girl and we're having a great conversation.
After quite some time, it's about 215 or 220 in the morning and they are kicking us out because they close at two. I lightly mentioned maybe we should go to her place but she deflects that so we head to another bar that's open a little bit later and I can't even recall if we had more drinks or what we did, she's really lit to the point of almost stumbling and so really my mission at this point it's just taking care of her and make sure she gets home safe.
As the new bar is also now closing, I can't member if I suggest it or it's just her idea but she starts dragging me by the hand to her place. Like I say, she's really quite drunk and I'm really not sure she even knows where her place is. She's dragging me down all these streets, but eventually we arrive at a tall black gated apartment house.
We come into a very nice large lobby, and we take a right, and go into what is apparently her apartment. There are some stairs down at the marble entryway. This part is really comedic. We start to make out and generally disrobe, and it doesn't occur to me why but the lights keep going out automatically and I'm having to press the button on the wall to turn them back on, she's completely naked and I'm fingering her and eating her out. And that sounds like normal stuff but it turns out we're not actually in her apartment! We are actually in the foyer that has two or three other apartments coming off of it. So here we are 3 o'clock in the morning half to completely naked passionately getting it on in the foyer to the apartment building.
I only figure this out later, because it's really kind of difficult to fuck on the marble stairs, and so we moved to her apartment, and I suddenly realized that we've been in the public foyer the whole time. LOL.
Once inside, The sex is wild and bareback and passionate, and she is one horny beast. I couldn't cum to save my life. I'm so drunk so we had to be fucking for probably a solid two hours and she is not quitting. She's on her period so we make a fucking bloody mess on the bed, and eventually collapse and fall asleep.
Now, if the lobby fucking wasn't comedic enough, there's more to come. I have a meeting at 9 o'clock and I wake up at 6:30. Haven't gone to sleep at 5:30 I think holy fuck I need to get out of here and get to my meeting. Both my work phone and my home phone are dead in my pockets of my pants so I can't call an Uber. Adding more fun to the problem, as I go to exit, I find that the lobby door is in fact locked and I can't get out!
So I go back in and get her keys and unlock the lobby door so I can get out and return the keys to her apartment. She still sleeps on blissfully but as I exit I get the big black gate and it's locked! Also there is absolutely no way to open it. There's not a button or anything so I end up climbing over the gate and jumping down into the street nearly breaking an ankle.
After that, I wander about wondering what I'm going to do about no Uber but fortunately in two or three blocks, I find a cab and returned my hotel getting one hour more sleep, and making my 9 o'clock meeting on time!
I'm not sure I could've had a bigger adventure and who would've thought I picked up my first civvie date from bar pick up in my late 50's. What and unexpected turn of events and a fuck ton of fun.These types of moments are what it's all about! The excitement, the uncertainty and how sometimes the stars just align, and you have an incredible encounter with a hottie that you never expected. This keeps us 50 somethings young, keeps us hungry, keeps us eager to enjoy it all. So happy to hear you turned your day from a dud experience with the escort to a homerun with the civvie. I hope in your drunken state, you at least got her number for possible further hookups.
06-15-24, 18:09
I'm not sure I could've had a bigger adventure and who would've thought I picked up my first civvie date from bar pick up in my late 50's. What and unexpected turn of events and a fuck ton of fun.The only civvies I've ever picked up at the bar have been 6's. A 9 is absolutely a dream come true.
Sounds like you had quite the night. I'm glad to know there's still many adventures to be had at 50+.
06-19-24, 13:41
Does anyone has any experience with Singapore SA? Is it good there? Or very difficult to score and expensive?
06-20-24, 01:13
Anybody else have trouble looking at profiles from outside your area from the app? For the last two days I haven't been able to enter any cities where the app would auto populate country and show me profiles. I can still do so from the website. Tried uninstalling app and it didn't help.
I have same problem.
Other cities won't even pop up as I type.
Anybody else have trouble looking at profiles from outside your area from the app? For the last two days I haven't been able to enter any cities where the app would auto populate country and show me profiles. I can still do so from the website. Tried uninstalling app and it didn't help.
So yesterday I witnessed a fraud go down on Seeking right before my eyes. You see, somebody favorited me about a month ago (I never responded). I was looking at profiles and this same person within the month changed the profile picture, changed the profile language and who "she" supposedly was, and changed the city where she purportedly lived. You would think that the person would unfavorite everybody first to increase their chances of hooking the next mark rather than let everybody see them put their fraud into action. Well, nobody accused every fraudster of being smart! What I have found is that if somebody on Seeking is going to try something like this, they will typically do it within 4 weeks or less. They don't sit by patiently (usually) waiting to fool the next sucker. They're on the hunt all over the place looking for an easy payday. People man. Can't stand them LOL!
Steve 9696
06-23-24, 14:09
Fellas I must be living right. Because I followed up that civvie pickup with the date below. This girl is a full on 9+ and smart and sweet and what the fuck can I say. I am smitten! And she perhaps likewise. She's currently booking train tickets to see me later in the week as I have moved on from her city. Can't wait! And yeah the hair is worth mentioning. You ever see one of those models with that soft flowing semi-Afro curls that you just want to dig your hands into? Her hair is all that and then some. A glorious thing to behold and feel in person. Here's how it went down!
Had one of my most perfect dates ever with Tamra. Just flowed from minute one. What a girl.
Found her on Seeking. Quite the amazing looking girl with a massive mane of blonde and brown loose semi-Afro curls. Beautiful full lips. Clearly a delicious mix of races African, Portuguese, and Italian it turns out.
Moved her to WhatsApp pretty quickly and it started a bit rough. She said my Whatsapp picture was weird (shows my abs not my face) and I explained why. We got past that but chatting at dinner she said with that pic and my Seeking profile she was concerned I was a big player and almost didn't follow thru!
She first asked 800 and I said 500 was my max expecting her to walk but she quickly agreed.
After this she became very girlfriendy. When I asked whether she wanted dinner or just drinks she said "It's up to you. You are my partner for the night so you may plan as you like. I want to please you. " Wow. Looooove that submissive vibe.
I sent her an Uber which was a whopping 80 as she lives quite far. She was perfectly on time (maybe first girl ever!) and was at the restaurant a half hour later. I had a warm up drink and met her at the curb (pro tip if you send an Uber you can track her right to the door and greet her . A real gentleman move).
She looks fucking amazing! Her signature hair is flowing in soft ringlets and she's wearing a lovely floral dress and spike heels. The dress has some complicated ruffles s doing a full body assessment is tough but damn she has some fine see cup tits showing cleavage throughout diner! And her face is to die for just absolutely perfect for my aesthetic. Dreamy brown eyes, soft petite nose, and amazing full lips. Spot on my dream girl.
Conversation flows effortlessly and it's clear she's a very smart girl. She speaks five languages two of which we have in common and her English is flawless, as is her Italian with the waiter. We are at a fish restaurant and she orders a mass of starters, not all of which are even on the menu. The bill is equally epic (for Italy which I find quite reasonable) but totally worth it.
In addition to my warmup drink we split a bottle of lovely red which she chooses. I love that she has the balls to order red with fish and tell her so. She is quite a sensible girl and says she does as she likes. She's wise beyond her 25 years as we discuss sexless marriages, the folly of monogamy and more. Just a sharp, articulate girl who happens to also be drop dead gorgeous.
Pretty much all my dates are good. I choose wisely and I'm a fun date so they flow well. But a handful are just effortless and you both are a bit smitten. I know non-seeking guys will question this but there is no question she was smitten in return. Women are a strange breed. Yes it helps to have some looks. But if you are funny, charming, kind and treating her above her usual lot in life she can be powerfully attracted to you. There is absolutely no doubt we both fell a little in love last night.
I suppose we spent about two hours at dinner I didn't check the clock. Several times we joined hands across the table. This is the sure sign that it's on tho it was obvious from other chemistry as well.
After dinner we mutually agreed to hit another bar. Even tho I had champagne in the room I wanted to extend the date a bit more. On the way there we stopped several times to share a kiss. Not just a little lips peck but some full on street DFK. Love it when girls are cool with or even encourage that. Me and my girl!
I found what looked a nice place but it was a bit divey. She was a good sport about it and they poured us both a super strong double Jack and coke. I love that she matched my order. This massive drink was prob a mistake because later I couldn't cum to save my life but it did lead to a massively long bedroom session.
After the bar we bounce to the hotel. I'the found it on Hotwire and got an amazing 120 four star hotel and they upgraded me to a luxe suite. Living right I guess. I'the stowed the champagne in the fridge earlier so I busted it out while she was in the bathroom getting ready.
Turns out she wasn't just showering. She had run a bubble bath and invited me in by the hand. We paused for an amazing kiss and then got in the tub together. Plenty of hands on tits which are a fucking work of art and feeling her pussy a bit while she grinds my dick with her hands or feet. Lean in for a kiss. Wow. I love foreplay (which is a new English word for her!
After a while we make it to the bedroom and oh my! Not just the sex which is beautiful and caring, but that body! Omfg. Her ass is equally a work of art. Perfect size and roundness. Absolutely epic to fuck in doggie and lazy dog.
We start with a very good BJ. Not top five or anything but very credible and plenty of BLS. Then I get to work on her. Putting my newly upgraded DATY skills to work I give her some amazing clit work while running circles on her gspot with one or two fingers. She's sloppy wet and moaning and eventually starts the thigh head clamp. Think she had a nice time!
I'm not really done with oral so I move to the Steve 2 so she can suck me while I feel her pussy. Adore that. She asks if I have a condom and I finally find mine. And plunge in mish. Have an epic few rounds of mish and The Steve and standing doggie.
At some point I pull out and have her BJ some more and suit up again for more of the same. I am perilously hard to finish. Somewhere in the middle of things where she is BJing she says she wants me and I am bare. So I position for entry and pause to no resistance and slide in bareback in mish. OMG. This is the way sex is supposed to be. (I think I mentioned before but in the 22-25 year age group bareback seems to have become the norm. Other than straight up hookers and FKK all my dates the past year have been bareback with pullout).
At one point we are resting a bit in a near spoon position and she reaches back for my dick and starts to pull me inside in spoon position. We fuck for a bit this way but I always find that awkward (am I the only one?) and move her to lazy dog. I put a pillow under her belly and slide in with that amazing ass right there and her ass cheeks stroking my dick with every thrust.
Despite best efforts and we are nearly two hours into it, the rabbit isn't cumming out of the hat. So we just rest in each others arms. She needs to be home by 1 AM so we start wrapping at 12:15.
She is all dressed and I am still naked thinking how can I get off. I feel a little bad but ask her if she can BJ just a little more while we wait for Uber (12 minutes this time of the morning). Ready to be shot down, but she says OK and goes to sit on the bed. She thinks better of it and goes into submissive kneeling position instead.
Great doe eyes BJ and I am quickly at attention from a limp start. Damn that feels good. But I know the finisher! So we go to the patented Steve sure finish of ball sucking while I Jack off.
It's a bit of a slow build but she's doing s great job and sure enough I am about to blow! I don't want to ruin her dress so I kinda force her to the side and shoot out a load onto the sheets. I am not 100% successful tho and some falls on her shoulder. She's a trooper and doesn't say anything but later walking her down I have my arm around her and she says can you feel the wet spot where you hit my shoulder? I think she finds it rather sexy and wears it proudly!
I drop her off in her Uber but not before making plans for her to take the train to the next city I am in. Even as I write this she is booking tickets for a 6 hour roundtrip for just 24 hrs together. So I guess that "smitten and a bit in love" does in fact go both directions! What a girl!
06-23-24, 14:22
Sounds like she was very intelligent!
Nothing like a bang up dinner to get them prepped. I've yet to meet a girl that wasn't all in after a really nice tasting menu. It adds to the cost of the night obviously but it gives you tons to talk about if convo is a little slow. Plus I actually enjoy them and generally can't enjoy them by myself.
We got past that but chatting at dinner she said with that pic and my Seeking profile she was concerned I was a big player and almost didn't follow thru!
06-23-24, 14:23
Anybody else have trouble looking at profiles from outside your area from the app? For the last two days I haven't been able to enter any cities where the app would auto populate country and show me profiles. I can still do so from the website. Tried uninstalling app and it didn't help.All around it seems like Seeking is getting harder and harder to use.
More complex login ritual (if you do web browser and VPN).
Sometimes I forget to turn on my VPN in a foreign country and my account is automatically blocked when I least want it to be.
More login changes.
06-23-24, 14:30
And getting more sophisticated. I was texting with one and having an otherwise normal and pleasant conversation until "she" asked me about crypto. It had to have been 30-40 min in. That's a new one on me. They don't usually have that much patience. Also have one that texts me once a day for the last 3 days asking for a place and time to meet and never responds. They must be working on some Ai bot or some other fucked up way to automate the scamming to increase throughput.
Quality just isn't there right now and the BS is increasing. Also, can't believe the number of trans profiles. This is no joke. I live in a large western coastal city and of the last 5 profiles I clicked for the first time, 3 were trans. The search filter completely ignores the trans options.
Kicking away soapbox. I'm starting to remember why I hate this site.
So yesterday I witnessed a fraud go down on Seeking right before my eyes. You see, somebody favorited me about a month ago (I never responded). I was looking at profiles and this same person within the month changed the profile picture, changed the profile language and who "she" supposedly was, and changed the city where she purportedly lived. You would think that the person would unfavorite everybody first to increase their chances of hooking the next mark rather than let everybody see them put their fraud into action. Well, nobody accused every fraudster of being smart! What I have found is that if somebody on Seeking is going to try something like this, they will typically do it within 4 weeks or less. They don't sit by patiently (usually) waiting to fool the next sucker. They're on the hunt all over the place looking for an easy payday. People man. Can't stand them LOL!
Steve 9696
06-23-24, 16:47
Sounds like she was very intelligent!
Nothing like a bang up dinner to get them prepped. I've yet to meet a girl that wasn't all in after a really nice tasting menu. It adds to the cost of the night obviously but it gives you tons to talk about if convo is a little slow. Plus I actually enjoy them and generally can't enjoy them by myself.Yeah actually she's really open minded about our "relationship" now that she knows me. As we were bouncing to the second bar she says she knows I have other sugar babies around the world and asked about the ones in Europe. (My Seeking profile is quite transparent in this regard). I tell her I don't have a European girlfriend right now (the truth) and maybe she wants to be it. She's all smiles and says yeah maybe so. Her coming to see me a few days hence will be a great start. I really look forward to spending 24 hrs with her.
Fwiw I don't consider myself a player at all. By my definition a player is more than just non monogamous. A player lies and deceives to get girls into bed. That's def not me. I am honest to a fault. I just happen to be non monogamous but never lie about it. And I am polyamorous as well. Because I can fall hard for multiple girls at same time. My US girl really has my heart at the moment but she may have to share it with Tamra. And Manu (Brazil) still has a chunk also.
And yeah Seekinf is the biggest pain in the ass. But still so worth it. All three of my crush girls were found on Seeking. And two in the last few months despite the BS.
Fellas I must be living right. Because I followed up that civvie pickup with the date below. This girl is a full on 9+ and smart and sweet and what the fuck can I say. I am smitten! And she perhaps likewise. She's currently booking train tickets to see me later in the week as I have moved on from her city. Can't wait! And yeah the hair is worth mentioning. You ever see one of those models with that soft flowing semi-Afro curls that you just want to dig your hands into? Her hair is all that and then some. A glorious thing to behold and feel in person. Here's how it went down!
I drop her off in her Uber but not before making plans for her to take the train to the next city I am in. Even as I write this she is booking tickets for a 6 hour roundtrip for just 24 hrs together. So I guess that "smitten and a bit in love" does in fact go both directions! What a girl!Great read I must admit. Which city did it happen?
Steve 9696
06-23-24, 18:49
Great read I must admit. Which city did it happen?Milan. Pretty tough here. Had one other doable hottie arranged at 400 that I had to punt in favor of this girl. I simply had to feel that hair!. But Milan is def a bit expensive and hard to navigate.
I have close friends in Turkey. It's in total shambles right now. Their economy was already FUBAR thanks to Erdoğan, then they got hit with a huge influx of Arabian refugees due to the war in Syria. My guess is you can easily find a nice girl for $100 USD equivalent in Liras for the whole evening. I'd be careful over there though. If you don't know anyone, it can potentially be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. Most of Turkey is not a hardline Islamic state, but there are certain elements over there that you want to avoid. It's also the same for petty crime. Certainly not the most dangerous country in the region, but you need to be on your toes if you are not familiar with the culture.Just an update. I didn't find anyone who'd have spent time for $100. Most wanted $250-500 for a few hours, some of them were pro's and semi-pro's. One girl wanted $700 to help with her cheek surgery. Only one asked for $200 for the overnight, she was a bisexual tomboy.
Unfortunately I couldn't meet anyone at all due to change of plans and time constraints, but girls in Istanbul definitely have high expectations, fwiw. FYI, I never tried to negotiate with any of them. These figures are what they asked for.
Milan. Pretty tough here. Had one other doable hottie arranged at 400 that I had to punt in favor of this girl. I simply had to feel that hair!. But Milan is def a bit expensive and hard to navigate.Wow great for a italian beauty. And how much you are expecting to spend on her if you keep her for 24 hrs?
Steve 9696
06-24-24, 10:02
Wow great for a italian beauty. And how much you are expecting to spend on her if you keep her for 24 hrs?I've probably traveled girls I know 8-10 times. Every time I've just done the same I give for an evening or overnight as a daily rate. So if our date was $400 I do $400/ day when traveling them. They seem to understand that I'm paying transport and hotel and of course I believe they are enjoying themselves as well. Tamra is a complete newbie (or so she says) so I hope we don't have a miscue there. But I am 100% convinced she really enjoys being with me as well.
Side note: I never ever negotiate time. That's treating a Seeking girl like a hooker (and some are, but not the ones I hope to land). We just set a meetup price without discussing timeline. Some girls it's 3-5 hours but prob about half just stay overnight. There's no upcharge. It's her decision. Which is part of what I love about rolling this way.
One thing I’ve gotten past in the last year or so is sweating the details like presents and shopping as part of the cost. I used to figure it in and then I’d be conservative about spending. More recently I figure the date $$ are for us to play BFGF and then I just treat her like my GF and if I’m inspired to buy her something it’s cuz I like her and I don’t factor it in to the date cost.
Steve 9696
06-26-24, 10:41
The doubters can think as they please, but I am 100% all in that Seeking is worth it's weight in gold — because when you find a gem it is worth months of BS. It is just the most spectacular thing in the world.
Tamra just left and I already miss her. We only spent 16 hours together but it felt like several days. In addition to having a banging body with perfect Cee cups, her face is a solid 9 when she rolls out of bed. And she is just a fabulous person. Witty, articulate, caring, grateful. Just the whole package. I totally already miss her. Absolute diamond at the bottom of the BS pile that is Seeking. And worth any BS and false starts along the way. Absolutely magical.
After being banned on SA for mentioning a price (I was suckered in by a woman wanting to discuss price) I have taken a rest.
Sugar Daddy Meet seems about the same and does not have as many rules. And costs less. Any comments on this site? I signed up for their 3 months and the cost was much less than SA and the women are about the same. A lot of out of town ladies that need to be deleted, and many wanting to know if I will give them ridiculously high amounts when I meet them, which I delete.
06-26-24, 22:03
Just after that rant I got three young blondes that are chatting me up. +1 on it's worth it.
The doubters can think as they please, but I am 100% all in that Seeking is worth it's weight in gold because when you find a gem it is worth months of BS. It is just the most spectacular thing in the world.
Tamra just left and I already miss her. We only spent 16 hours together but it felt like several days. In addition to having a banging body with perfect Cee cups, her face is a solid 9 when she rolls out of bed. And she is just a fabulous person. Witty, articulate, caring, grateful. Just the whole package. I totally already miss her. Absolute diamond at the bottom of the BS pile that is Seeking. And worth any BS and false starts along the way. Absolutely magical.
06-26-24, 22:06
Scroll waaay back I'm pretty sure I debunked this one. Total scam. Tue only game in the US (and most of the world) as far as I know is Seeking. I did have very good results in Poland on another site.
After being banned on SA for mentioning a price (I was suckered in by a woman wanting to discuss price) I have taken a rest.
Sugar Daddy Meet seems about the same and does not have as many rules. And costs less. Any comments on this site? I signed up for their 3 months and the cost was much less than SA and the women are about the same. A lot of out of town ladies that need to be deleted, and many wanting to know if I will give them ridiculously high amounts when I meet them, which I delete.
After being banned on SA for mentioning a price (I was suckered in by a woman wanting to discuss price) I have taken a rest.
Sugar Daddy Meet seems about the same and does not have as many rules. And costs less. Any comments on this site? I signed up for their 3 months and the cost was much less than SA and the women are about the same. A lot of out of town ladies that need to be deleted, and many wanting to know if I will give them ridiculously high amounts when I meet them, which I delete.What location are you referring to when you say women are about the same on both sites?
What location are you referring to when you say women are about the same on both sites?Cannot give my location or the feds would be at my door for something. PM might be more discreet.
I'm tired of visiting clubs, so I'm thinking of using seeking dot com to find sugar babies with GFE.
I know it would be more expensive. According to your input, it seems that each session would cost 400-600 euros in Spain, Portugal, or even in Eastern Europe, such as Warsaw and Budapest. In US or UK it would cost more.
As an IT professional in a big company in Silicon Valley, money has never been a big barrier, so I can still afford the cost to date SBs. However, as mid-aged man of South Asian descent, I'm not sure if I have the charisma to attract prime college-age Caucasian women. I have lots of experience in FKK clubs, but I'm new to seeking dot com.
07-01-24, 15:32
I'm tired of visiting clubs, so I'm thinking of using seeking dot com to find sugar babies with GFE.
I know it would be more expensive. According to your input, it seems that each session would cost 400-600 euros in Spain, Portugal, or even in Eastern Europe, such as Warsaw and Budapest. In US or UK it would cost more.
As an IT professional in a big company in Silicon Valley, money has never been a big barrier, so I can still afford the cost to date SBs. However, as mid-aged man of South Asian descent, I'm not sure if I have the charisma to attract prime college-age Caucasian women..You're anonymous in an anonymous forum so I hope OK to ask.
South Asian men do have a reputation for being particularly condescending, rough, borderline angry with girls.
I know not every one every time. Every person is unique and all of that.
But what's the deal? Why does that stereotype exist?
Steve 9696
07-01-24, 15:34
I'm tired of visiting clubs, so I'm thinking of using seeking dot com to find sugar babies with GFE.
I know it would be more expensive. According to your input, it seems that each session would cost 400-600 euros in Spain, Portugal, or even in Eastern Europe, such as Warsaw and Budapest. In US or UK it would cost more.
As an IT professional in a big company in Silicon Valley, money has never been a big barrier, so I can still afford the cost to date SBs. However, as mid-aged man of South Asian descent, I'm not sure if I have the charisma to attract prime college-age Caucasian women. I have lots of experience in FKK clubs, but I'm new to seeking dot com.Your numbers are about right. It's tough to get under $500 in any developed country these days. But Gems do exist. It's just a fuck ton of work. My amazing Brazilian SB is only $100. Yep. And I have one in US at $300 and one at $400. But these are rare gems and took a lot of work. Since $ don't Seem a problem $500 is Ok in US but do is all a favor and don't give a second thought to these $1000 and $800 girls. Just tell them your budget is $500 and walk if they won't budge. You might be surprised. One of the only 10's I have ever seen (and I dont consider any model or actress worldwide a ten) asked $1000. I said she is no doubt amazing but $400 is my max and good luck. And she said "ok but I can only stay a couple hours". She is a dime. And I ended up flying her to Athens for $500/ DAY. So don't accept the high dollars.
It takes a while to get the hang of it but it's all about chat game and charisma at the dinner table. See my recent post on my most recent date. Women are powerfully attracted in ways men aren't. Def go for it. You won't be sorry.
Steve 9696
07-01-24, 16:24
Realized I forgot to post this!
I met Tamra just a couple days ago on a Seeking date in Milan. We just clicked from the get go and had the most marvelous time. But alas she had to leave at 12:30 AM and I left the next day for another city.
I had lightly mentioned bringing her with me and she more or less said yes but it would have to be later in the week. So Monday I pinged her to see if she was just drunk or was serious about taking an 8 hour roundtrip to spend 16 hours together. Totally crazy. But she was down!
She arrived around 2 and we dropped her stuff at the hotel. She only had a small shoulder bag and was looking smoking in tight black leather pants and combat boots. Unfortunately this attire was totally inappropriate for the sweltering heat. We tried a bit of walking to see sites and it was clear she was just dying.
She was a good sport, but I suggested let's go get her a light dress so we could walk some more without her suffering. We took an Uber to Guess (her choice) but the prices were heartstopping. I didn't want to appear a Splenda daddy, LOL, but I'm not paying 300 for a dress! I raised the issue lightly and she was quite understanding and agreed the prices were shocking.
We bounced to a couple other stores and the afternoon turned more into a little shopping trip but I didn't mind. Strangely I like shopping for my girl. I suppose the fact that she's a stone cold hottie doesn't hurt. And as I said in a recent post, I want to treat a Seeking girl I am into like a real GF and not include gifts in cost per fuck. So I enjoyed spoiling my girl within reason. And we had a good reason!
Eventually we found something she liked, including skirt, top, and heals all in for less than 150. We had them cut off the tags and she changed in the dressing room. She rocked it braless with her perfect firm Cee cups sitting up high and proud. Fuck she's beautiful. And she's all mine!
After that we found a lovely indoor courtyard bar where we had some fabulous cocktails and a cooldown. They brought tapas free with our drinks which was a nice touch.
Earlier in the day she had something about me not being too particular about what I wear. Ouch! She didn't mean it meanly, but it stung a little bit and I thought why not let her fix this! So we went to a little progressive men's shop (kind of a surfer vibe) and we picked out a compromise shirt def outside my comfort zone but not so far as to say no. It was fun to give her that little bit of control and up my clothes game. Its definitely edgey for me, but she loved it and so I think my other girls will also. Plus, she seemed to really love doing it.
Rocking our new threads, we bounced to the river a bit before dinner. And then to one of the most epic dinners ever. I was familiar with the place and thought she'the really enjoy the true princess treatment. And she really did. It's one of those super fancy places, where they keep bringing you chef creations -- but not like just foam or something. Real food, but really good! We laughed so hard and had the best time as they served brilliant little bites one after the other as we shared another great bottle of Tuscan red.
At dinner it was interesting to see the money dynamic play out but not at all in a transactional way.
Maybe an hour or so into dinner we were talking about when we get back to the room and that she wants to shower. I say that could be fun perhaps I'll join you. And surprisingly she was quite firm that sharing a tub is great fun but shower time is her private time. I pressed a little but she seemed to be quite firm. Finallly she said maybe we could see when we get to the room. Ok.
But then towards the end of dinner she was lightly trying to bring up "you are going to pay me right" asking if I was going to reimburse her train ticket plus allowance. I told her I was going to do one better and give her extra because I know the eight hour round trip was a pain. She was so truuuuuly grateful. I think money really stresses her in real life and the extra was truly unexpected. And honestly when I help a real girl with her real world money issues it feels good.
On hearing of my generosity, she blurts out "OK you can definitely take a shower with me!" It was so funny. It wasn't at all like I was paying her to shower with her. But my gesture made her feel so grateful that she wanted to do something in return. It was kinda cute and really the way Seeking should be you do nice things for her and she for you.
We decide to walk the full 35 minutes back to the hotel but it flies by as we chat effortlessly about everything and anything. Of course then it's shower time and it is indeed sexy and playful. Me soaping those gorgeous tits. Her soaping my cock. Making out while she soaps my cock was truly lovely. She commented later how she was surprised but really loved showering together.
In bed it's wet and wild with truly connected meaningful sex. We have great chemistry and now for our second round we are completely comfortable. We start with her pushing me on my back and I ask her if she's going to dominate me. She gives me the biggest wettest kiss and we start grinding away. Every little bit I bring her tits up to my mouth to suck each in turn. Her nipples hard and ready, she fucking loooooves that and is cooing and sighing and I know she's getting wet downstairs.
She's wearing a tiny Hello, kitty thong but now she wants my dick bad. She stands over me and takes off those panties and OMG I have such a great mental visual of this. And then lowers back down to straddle me and kiss again. It's only seconds before she's reaching around to slide me in bareback. OMG. Heaven.
The sex is wonderful and mutually caring. It starts with her riding a lot for her own pleasure. She's doing cowgirl on knees and Asian cowgirl alternately. You can tell she's trying to take care of me with lots of in and out. But then it feels too good and she lapses back to grinding. You can see how as she rolls her hips she's getting a build.
It's heaven to watch as her face transforms from smiling to concentrating and then her head shaking back and forth and all the weird schrunchy faces as she has a true orgasm. She keeps riding more and I push my dick even deeper causing her to gasp and then moan.
I want to give her another one so I pull out and flip her on her back at the edge of the bed. I've always done DATY before as a warmup but decide to throw it in the middle here. I am doing a pretty great job if I may say. I find that sucking her clit while sliding my tongue over it in circles is what she likes best. But I mix in some long slow laps from her pussy opening up to her clit and this seems to add to the fun.
I love the fact that she's throwing her head side to side and clamping her thighs and we are holding hands at the same time. It's sooooo sexy and intimate. There is never the earthshaking bang but that's just as well because ima going to mount up!
Sliding in mish feels wonderful and I pound away, slowing only to make out with my goddess. It feels just great but after a bunch of drink I can just fuck and fuck and fuck some more. So I do!
Finally I call for a position change and it's time for BJ. (God I love bareback sex, not just because it feels great but you also don't lose the rhythm with all the condom on / off BS). At first she is positioning me standing by the bed but then she had me sit on the bed and her submissively on her knees in front of me.
This may be my new favorite BJ position because all the action is up close. She's giving me doe eyes and swirling her tongue around the head. She's doing soft and deep shaft in mouth. But best of all she's doing a long slow flat tongue lick from my balls, then up shaft and all the way to the tip for a swirl or a few mouth pumps.
It's really really good and I feel the build. I really want to fuck her again but she's hard at it and I think going for the finish. So I let her mix in a few more full ball to tip licks but when she gets mouth on shaft I let her pump away. And OMG it feels so good to shoot a hot load in her mouth. Swallow with a smile of course and then she sweetly kisses the tip of my dick. Awww. She's so fucking sweet.
Although it's wind down from her it goes to show how sweet she is. After swallowing my load she takes her fine ass to the bathroom and gestures to me and says "here let me wash you" and proceeds to give me a thorough soapy dick wash in the pedestal sink! What a girl!
After sleeping like rocks we have to catch trains the next morning early. We hit snooze and spoon a bit but it's too early for another sex fest. Oh well last night was epic enough. At the train station as I say goodbye and honestly it was a bit painful! I am truly truly going to miss this girl that I've spent less than 24 hours with in total! She def stole my heart. Def smitten and a little in love. Got to figure a plan to see her again. Seeking at its finest!
I met a girl from online on SDMeetup, like SA. Her photos showed slim with big boobs. The girl wanted $3 K a month which was within my budget, we had a couple phone conversations before meeting.
When I met her in person at the restaurant, I thought she was fat in the hips, not like her photo, but I thought she was pleasant so I continued to have a lunch with her to see how I felt. I offered her $375 for a one time and we went to the hotel and did the deed.
Then afterwards, driving home, I thought about her big mama bear ass and texted her that I did not want to pursue anything anymore because I preferred slim. She got nasty and demanded the rest of her $3 K for the month. I blocked her from the website. She googled my phone number and found my address and name, threatened to call my family. She may have seen my real name from the credit card I used to pay for lunch. She threatened to show up at my house. I blocked her from my phone. Not going to worry about her any more. If she shows up at my house I will not open the door.
Comments? Women psychos stalking us!
07-02-24, 00:36
To the OP, money will help you accomplish any task. It really comes down to how much you want it. I've posted my experiences and what I've heard from girls in Thailand a few times on ISG re s Asians. It's a recurring theme and you are obviously aware of the stigma.
My advice to you is to spend money. Blow her mind with an amazing dinner at a place that's hard to get into, an experience rather than a meal. Ask her "permission" to make a reservation for the two of you and send her a link of the place (she'll say yes). It will cost you money but if she's what you want and you can afford it, why deny yourself? Even better if you've wanted to enjoy the experience bit never got around to it.
Whatever number she gives you, accept it, within reason. Again, if she's what you want, the extra 2,3,5 hundred will mean nothing by next paycheck. You're not going to get a million dollar house for less than a million, you're not going to get a Mercedes for less than the price of a Mercedes. You need to decide how bad you want the girl and only you can answer how far you're willing to go.
I own a business that almost everyone needs to utilize. It's not uncommon to barter a little or negotiate. There is an asshole that comes in and always pisses me off with his bartering and low balling so I thought I'd get rid of him by throwing out such a large number he'd have to be crazy to accept. Guess what? He accepted. Now he's one of my favorite customers as I happily overcharge him with a smile. The girl may not like you initially for any number of reasons but I guarantee she has a price if you swap more that a few sentences with her.
Your numbers are about right. It's tough to get under $500 in any developed country these days. But Gems do exist. It's just a fuck ton of work. My amazing Brazilian SB is only $100. Yep. And I have one in US at $300 and one at $400. But these are rare gems and took a lot of work. Since $ don't Seem a problem $500 is Ok in US but do is all a favor and don't give a second thought to these $1000 and $800 girls. Just tell them your budget is $500 and walk if they won't budge. You might be surprised. One of the only 10's I have ever seen (and I dont consider any model or actress worldwide a ten) asked $1000. I said she is no doubt amazing but $400 is my max and good luck. And she said "ok but I can only stay a couple hours". She is a dime. And I ended up flying her to Athens for $500/ DAY. So don't accept the high dollars.
It takes a while to get the hang of it but it's all about chat game and charisma at the dinner table. See my recent post on my most recent date. Women are powerfully attracted in ways men aren't. Def go for it. You won't be sorry.
This might come across as too direct but I disagree on both counts.
1. It is not 500 to 600 in Spain, Portugal etc. ,You get gems for 300. And you got to work for it. As Steve says, be prepared to walkout and you will see how dynamics change in an instant.
Your desperation is their weapon and women know it. What you need to know is there are plenty of fish in the pond and show those women that. You will be on driver seat.
2. I hear the Silicon Valley, money is not a constraint. But the doesn't mean we can cause unnecessary inflation. And, this is coming from a guy of near similar but not exact profile. That attitude. Money can be thrown as it isn't a constraint for ME. Is going to damage in the long run than your other concern being a south Asian man.
I have found that girls crave for a man who treats them respectfully irrespective of skin color. And, my Caucasian blue eyedblonde cuties definitely don't appreciate me talking about how much I make. Thy are happy with the 300 + dinner I give them with all respect.
I'm tired of visiting clubs, so I'm thinking of using seeking dot com to find sugar babies with GFE.
I know it would be more expensive. According to your input, it seems that each session would cost 400-600 euros in Spain, Portugal, or even in Eastern Europe, such as Warsaw and Budapest. In US or UK it would cost more.
As an IT professional in a big company in Silicon Valley, money has never been a big barrier, so I can still afford the cost to date SBs. However, as mid-aged man of South Asian descent, I'm not sure if I have the charisma to attract prime college-age Caucasian women. I have lots of experience in FKK clubs, but I'm new to seeking dot com.
South Asian man here. So, hopefully my comments are not taken out of context.
You are right. And, like you said. Not all. So, no stereotypes.
Few things.
Culturally, there's an element of male dominate in Asia. Western countries had it but they have mostly outgrown that tendency in today's world.
Also, men who have money in Asia tend to have that "others are here to serve me" attitude. Boys grow up with maids such that even a coffee cup is not taken back to the washing area, let alone wash it because they are used to "being served" by moms, sisters and maids.
And, finally, the IT boom. Has put money (sometimes a lot) into hands that really hasn't yet matured through hardwork. Early money in life is a result of there skills and hardwork. No doubt, but side effect is that condescending attitude that you refer to. We are relatively more successful at an younger age means we are doing something right. Others aren't, isn't it?!
But if you scratch the surface, you will see that our success has less to do with our attitude but more to do with being at the right place at the right time.
Most of us don't introspect that and we condescend.
You're anonymous in an anonymous forum so I hope OK to ask.
South Asian men do have a reputation for being particularly condescending, rough, borderline angry with girls.
I know not every one every time. Every person is unique and all of that.
But what's the deal? Why does that stereotype exist?
Your numbers are about right. It's tough to get under $500 in any developed country these days. But Gems do exist. It's just a fuck ton of work. My amazing Brazilian SB is only $100. Yep. And I have one in US at $300 and one at $400. But these are rare gems and took a lot of work. Since $ don't Seem a problem $500 is Ok in US but do is all a favor and don't give a second thought to these $1000 and $800 girls. Just tell them your budget is $500 and walk if they won't budge. You might be surprised. One of the only 10's I have ever seen (and I dont consider any model or actress worldwide a ten) asked $1000. I said she is no doubt amazing but $400 is my max and good luck. And she said "ok but I can only stay a couple hours". She is a dime. And I ended up flying her to Athens for $500/ DAY. So don't accept the high dollars.
It takes a while to get the hang of it but it's all about chat game and charisma at the dinner table. See my recent post on my most recent date. Women are powerfully attracted in ways men aren't. Def go for it. You won't be sorry.I really appreciate your informative posts. I just created an account and will start with a 30-day plan. I'll share my experience, whether it's a success or failure, in Madrid in late July.
Well, if 400 euros can solve the issue, why should I overpay 600 euros? It's human nature. Yes, I might give a girl an extra gift, for the same reason Steve mentionedonly because I like her. I won't factor that extra cost into the date cost either.
Even in club visits, I never consider overpaying girls. I always try to persuade them to accept 150/60, but I usually pay 200/60 or 250/60. I consider the extra as a gift to show my appreciation if they provide GFE.
For seeking, I plan to use a similar approach. I'll offer 300-500 euros per session and budget 600-800 euros in total. I expect sessions to last at least 3 hours, but I would prefer overnight if possible.
2. I hear the Silicon Valley, money is not a constraint. But the doesn't mean we can cause unnecessary inflation. And, this is coming from a guy of near similar but not exact profile. That attitude. Money can be thrown as it isn't a constraint for ME. Is going to damage in the long run than your other concern being a south Asian man.
I have found that girls crave for a man who treats them respectfully irrespective of skin color. And, my Caucasian blue eyedblonde cuties definitely don't appreciate me talking about how much I make. Thy are happy with the 300 + dinner I give them with all respect.
07-02-24, 15:28
Interesting. Thank you for sharing.
I once had an escort in Japan. She told me that Indian guys would sometimes grab them as soon as they walked in the hotel room, undress them, and start banging. Like no Hello, no nothing. Just like room service poon just showed up and it's a burger to eat so why bother talking to it.
I still obviously remember that story. It stuck with me.
South Asian man here. So, hopefully my comments are not taken out of context.
You are right. And, like you said. Not all. So, no stereotypes.
Few things.
Culturally, there's an element of male dominate in Asia. Western countries had it but they have mostly outgrown that tendency in today's world.
Also, men who have money in Asia tend to have that "others are here to serve me" attitude. Boys grow up with maids such that even a coffee cup is not taken back to the washing area, let alone wash it because they are used to "being served" by moms, sisters and maids.
And, finally, the IT boom. Has put money (sometimes a lot) into hands that really hasn't yet matured through hardwork. Early money in life is a result of there skills and hardwork. No doubt, but side effect is that condescending attitude that you refer to. We are relatively more successful at an younger age means we are doing something right. Others aren't, isn't it?!
But if you scratch the surface, you will see that our success has less to do with our attitude but more to do with being at the right place at the right time.
Most of us don't introspect that and we condescend.
Steve 9696
07-02-24, 18:30
I met a girl from online on SDMeetup, like SA. Her photos showed slim with big boobs. The girl wanted $3 K a month which was within my budget, we had a couple phone conversations before meeting.
When I met her in person at the restaurant, I thought she was fat in the hips, not like her photo, but I thought she was pleasant so I continued to have a lunch with her to see how I felt. I offered her $375 for a one time and we went to the hotel and did the deed.
Then afterwards, driving home, I thought about her big mama bear ass and texted her that I did not want to pursue anything anymore because I preferred slim. She got nasty and demanded the rest of her $3 K for the month. I blocked her from the website. She googled my phone number and found my address and name, threatened to call my family. She may have seen my real name from the credit card I used to pay for lunch. She threatened to show up at my house. I blocked her from my phone. Not going to worry about her any more. If she shows up at my house I will not open the door.
Comments? Women psychos stalking us!Dude. I am pretty sure you are trolling us. Really? You used that site after posters here legit said it was shit? And then you negotiated a monthly rate without meeting a girl? And then you told her she was fat and you don't want to see her again? WTF? I think you may be beyond our help. 😂.
Steve 9696
07-02-24, 22:01
I've posted this a couple times over the years but it seems we have a few newbies joining so I updated it and bumping here to top.
I got a taste of of the sugar daddy lifestyle with a girl named Thifany that I met in a Boate in São Paulo. After knowing her s total of five hours and fucking her once and her and her friend once I had the crazy idea to fly her to London. And did! And we had the best time. It was basically SBSD but I didn't know it at the time! I mean that is really what we were doing when I flew her to London. I paid her a very reasonable allowance for the week and we just played boyfriend and girlfriend. What fun.
I came to realize through the Thifany experience that I like more than just paid sex. And in fact I love having a girlfriend. I enjoy texting each other. I enjoy that someone cares about me (even if she's pretending -- just never tell me so!) and of course I love the complete experience of dinners and dancing and just acting like real lovers. Not transactional sex partners. And SB / SD is all about this same experience. When done properly.
So how do you do it properly? I suppose this could vary widely depending on what you are after. But I am after a girl who FEELS like a girlfriend. She's affectionate, appreciates an evening above her usual stature in life, and is able to actually enjoy herself with you. She views the allowance / gift (I. E. Money!) as a bonus. Not the only thing she is after. Any girl where I feel money is the primary motivation and she will go with anyone for a high enough price, gets kicked straight to the curb. She's got to be a girlfriend first, and any "benefits" come second.
Knowing that this is the kind of girl I want to attract (and other guys I have talked to also find this persona the most attractive), there is a set of rules you have to play by. Understand that SA is NOT AT ALL like picking up hookers. It is much more like meeting a girl in a bar and seducing her to leave with you. It's just an online bar. Sure you need money, but you also need some texting game and you need to treat her with respect. If you do, you have a chance of closing the deal. However, the moment you disrespect her, she will be gone.
The most important rule when vibing with a girl and getting a meeting set up is: never discuss sex or money. These things will be implied and they will be done offline. Never discuss sex or money on the Seeking Arrangements platform and really never discuss sex at all. As soon as you are that explicit, the kind of girl you are after will feel disrespected and ghost you in no time flat. Plus, it can get you booted from SA for life if you are reported. Don't worry, there are ways to have this conversation properly, explained below.
Start your engagement with a girl with some light chat and flirt. Your opener should be something specific to her that you read in her profile -- not something generic. And ALWAYS end every message with a question. This prompts her to respond. If you don't ask a question, she will not take the initiative and the conversation will just die. You have to drive it; and you drive with questions. Get her to tell you a few things about herself: what she likes to eat, her favorite wine, dog or cat person. It doesn't really matter what you discuss; just something that will get her to engage a bit.
At some point you will establish that you like each other reasonably well and one or the other will suggest taking the conversation off of SA and over to text. If tries to take you offline right away, she is probably a hooker. With the kind of girls I want, often I am the one to suggest going over to private phone text. You can keep it pretty innocuous, saying you notice she is not on often and it might be easier to connect up by text or WhatsApp. I usually do it after a day or two of chat but some guys pull the trigger sooner.
Once you are texting, pick up the thread you had going and continue a little friendly chat. At some point, you will suggest that you think you vibe well and should meet up. Most often she will agree and now it's time to establish that you will have sex (without saying it!) and how much is the agreed price (without saying it's a price! Some guys cover the price discussion in person, but I find that awkward and always set it ahead of time. I've done a few dates where we don't discuss it at all and I just pay her what I think fair; but this definitely runs a risk of disappointment, so I don't really do that anymore.
Once she's said "yeah, lets meetup" I say I want to describe our date to her (this is how I introduce the sex topic without getting explicit.) I usually say something about going out for dinner or drinks and having an epic time, laughing a lot and if the chemistry is right spending some private time (or intimate time or adult time -- insert your favorite euphemism -- but never say SEX!) or on the off chance we don't vibe, we can part after dinner no harm no foul. And ask if that sounds about right to them. Most often, if they are the kind of girl you are after, they will be down with this description and say, sure that sounds good.
This opens the door for the pricing discussion. I usually say something like "Of course I'the want to give you a gift / allowance. Did you have something in mind?" and the negotiation is underway. Never ever say "what's your price" or "how much do you charge for PPM". Always use the approach above, that you want to give them something. Sometimes, she will say she doesn't know and get you to give the first figure (good negotiating tactic on her part, but often they are in fact new). I am OK with this and say "well, what I've done before is 400. I hope that works for you. " (note no $ sign, and adjust for geography).
As far as what you should pay, I've found a strong correlation between what a pretty hooker charges for an hour (in a given city) to be what an SA girl will take for an evening. I'the say (pre-pandemic) most big US cities $400 was reasonable for a pretty girl, but it's definitely gone up since then. As of 2024, I'the say getting a US-based girl for $500 is par for the course, if you are good at this game, but with gems found for less than that. Many girls asking 800-1000, but I never pay more than $500 worldwide, with US and Europe being most likely to hit that number. But the gems are out there – I have a repeat girl in Brazil who is $100/ meet (yep!) and gem in the US that is $300/ meet. But most are higher in both geographies.
Once you have said "we are going to have sex, right" -- without saying it -- and money discussion out of the way, you should be good to go. Just keep on with the flirty texts without being too frequent, clingy or annoying and then meet up at the appointed day and time. More often than not, if you are not terribly objectionable looking, have a little bit of charm, and follow the "let's get out of here" model you might use with a regular pickup, you will end up in the room with your girl and have a rocking time.
Having done this alot (more than 50 times in many different cities), I've found that having sex on the first date is super important. The few times I've had a platonic date (especially a non-alcoholic one) to be followed by sex on the second date – it never happens. You have to take the momentum on that first date and take it all the way to the bedroom. Remember girls are submissive and will largely follow your lead – even if that lead is to the hotel room.
Finally, I should note that how much time you spend with her is largely up to her and how well you vibe. It's not something you negotiate, like you would with a hooker. I highly recommend you never discuss the amount of time because you want to treat her like a girlfriend, not a hooker. Most times it will probably be 3-4 hours including dinner and sex, after which she might say she needs to get home. But, in my experience, about 50% of girls sleep over. It's not something you discuss. It just happens. You cuddle after sex and next thing you know she's taking off her necklace to the bedside table. Bingo!
The other great thing about Seeking as you advance in the game is that some girls are true girlfriend material – not in the long term "I want to marry you" sense, but in the sense that you would spend a good chunk of time with them. These are the girls that I fly to be with me when I am on business. This is advanced Seeking game, but I highly recommend it. If you vibe really well with a girl (I crush pretty hard! Then they are sooooo down to fly to some fun city. Spending a few days with a girl playing true BFGF is just great fun. More than just the sex – cuddling, shopping, sightseeing – it's a full experience and "falling a little in love" without any strings attached is just the best. And of course you don't have to limit this to one girl. I tend to have at least one real crush-girl per continent and sometimes more.
Recently guys have been asking me about when I fly a girl to be with me in some other city and what I pay them. I have found that once you establish chemistry and you would like each other 24/7 they are fully satisfied with the PPM price covering a full day. Like when you first met, it was $400 for the date and maybe it was 3-5 hours. So then when you fly them somewhere nice, you can give them $400/ day and they are cool with that.
Seeking is absolutely the best, if you take the time to find the gems amongst the bullshit and follow the above guide.
Having done this alot (more than 50 times in many different cities)If your count is around 50, then you should not be a moderator, Steve. Get someone more experienced, so that you can hurl insults and call experienced members "trolls" like you do at experienced members. Really? You are fired as moderator.
Do girls on SA know that sex is more or less expected? Because it seems to me like many of them just want to make lots of money by having a coffee with a rich man and just making small talk about the weather before going back to their boyfriends and laughing about how they made money for doing nothing.
Steve 9696
07-06-24, 19:19
Do girls on SA know that sex is more or less expected? Because it seems to me like many of them just want to make lots of money by having a coffee with a rich man and just making small talk about the weather before going back to their boyfriends and laughing about how they made money for doing nothing.Yes there are some girls on seeking who think they can get money without sex. These are a few delusional girls you can ignore. 90+% know it's a sex for money deal in the end. You just never want to phrase it that way. Just two posts down I explain how to say "we are going to have sex" without saying it and get her to agree.
What I say about Seeking is to just keep the money as far from the transaction as possible. My analogy is eating a steak. Sure I love to eat steak. But I don't want to pay a guy to kill a cow. I want my $$ far from the act itself. Same thing with Seeking. Try to keep the money as non transactional as possible. My personal approach is to put the money in an envelope and keep it in my pocket. In the room I will set it out but maybe corner under the lamp or something making clear it's not just ready quite yet.
Ladies in the know will slip it in their purse while you are taking a pee after sex. Other times I put it in their purse myself when they are in the bathroom.
None of this is truly necessary but no girl likes to feel like a sl*t and why not help her out with that.
If your count is around 50, then you should not be a moderator, Steve. Get someone more experienced, so that you can hurl insults and call experienced members "trolls" like you do at experienced members. Really? You are fired as moderator.Wtf is your problem? Steve has contributed to this forum more than anyone else, he is well traveled and 50+ seeking girls is more than enough to be considered experienced. So STFU.
07-06-24, 21:40
Generally speaking any girl that brings up money first and / or talks about sex knows it. That doesn't mean they're prostitutes they're just making sure you're not a waste of time. I try to get to a first meet ASAP after making contact and specifics are generally discussed there. I've had the most success with platonic first meets without money changing hands for a classic sb. Obviously if you're travelling the first and next / meet are probably the same thing.
The ones that select platonic or state so explicitly in their profile are delusional. See post 2544 for other types of agendas on that site.
All that said, I've been seeing my current sb for over a year and we were naked within an HR of meeting each other for the first time. Chemistry makes exceptions of every "rule. " She did tell me she expects $500 (ppm) before our first meeting and there was no promise of anything short of arriving at my local Starbucks at the same time.
Do girls on SA know that sex is more or less expected? Because it seems to me like many of them just want to make lots of money by having a coffee with a rich man and just making small talk about the weather before going back to their boyfriends and laughing about how they made money for doing nothing.
Hi sorry for my ignorance I'm new to this I have been mongering for years but recently opened a SA account but have not contacted anyone. I have seen profiles where the girls say sex is not guaranteed or its strictly platonic and I am baffled by that. I never imagined that there are men who wanted sex, pay for dinner, the meet, gifts etc and the girl just says thanks for the money but no sex maybe next time which oh by the way you have to pay again? What am I missing here? Even if you are a man who can get sex if you want and you deal with a young sugar baby and its platonic I would find the fact that I'm paying her and she sets a no sex rule offensive. The option should be mine not hers. Right? I'm about to contact a few girls but from what I'm reading telling them upfront I expect sex may turn 50% away. I guess the SD lifestyle is not what I thought. I'm trying to understand the high income men who want sex paying and are being told no not on the first meet maybe next time. If you can enlighten me on why my thought process is wrong I would appreciate it.
Generally speaking any girl that brings up money first and / or talks about sex knows it. That doesn't mean they're prostitutes they're just making sure you're not a waste of time. I try to get to a first meet ASAP after making contact and specifics are generally discussed there. I've had the most success with platonic first meets without money changing hands for a classic sb. Obviously if you're travelling the first and next / meet are probably the same thing.
The ones that select platonic or state so explicitly in their profile are delusional. See post 2544 for other types of agendas on that site.
All that said, I've been seeing my current sb for over a year and we were naked within an HR of meeting each other for the first time. Chemistry makes exceptions of every "rule. " She did tell me she expects $500 (ppm) before our first meeting and there was no promise of anything short of arriving at my local Starbucks at the same time.
07-08-24, 02:56
Wtf is your problem? Steve has contributed to this forum more than anyone else, he is well traveled and 50+ seeking girls is more than enough to be considered experienced. So STFU.I second this. That was a snotty uncalled for comment.
07-08-24, 02:59
Yes there are some girls on seeking who think they can get money without sex. These are a few delusional girls you can ignore. 90+% know it's a sex for money deal in the end. You just never want to phrase it that way. Just two posts down I explain how to say "we are going to have sex" without saying it and get her to agree.
What I say about Seeking is to just keep the money as far from the transaction as possible. My analogy is eating a steak. Sure I love to eat steak. But I don't want to pay a guy to kill a cow. I want my $$ far from the act itself. Same thing with Seeking. Try to keep the money as non transactional as possible. My personal approach is to put the money in an envelope and keep it in my pocket. In the room I will set it out but maybe corner under the lamp or something making clear it's not just ready quite yet.
Ladies in the know will slip it in their purse while you are taking a pee after sex. Other times I put it in their purse myself when they are in the bathroom.
None of this is truly necessary but no girl likes to feel like a sl*t and why not help her out with that.I always leave it in the girls purse and say "I left a gift in your purse" knowing full well we both know that that means. Always works nice.
07-08-24, 06:01
There are plenty of delusional girls they're dumb enough to explicitly state sex isn't on the table and you move on. I think the new ones need to convince themselves it's not sex for money so you play a little game from first contact to first meet and you don't bring it up. If they're really attractive to me and hew to the site I love seeing how they cganfe theur profile text around when they figure out platonic will get them almost nothing but a really desperate 60 yr old who can't get it up anyway and just wants company. In my experience the girls who aren't new to this will let you know sex is on the table once you've discussed what the "gift" will be. I'm divorced so ending up at my house once initial contact is made at Starbucks or whatever and things go well is normal. Admittedly my house is a panty dropper and I like to play the game long enough to let them initiate. I bring them over so they know I've got the ability to be reliable and I was honest when I said I'm divorced. I've been asked if they can see my room, if I have any kinks, if I'm ok with condoms, had them put body parts on top of me when we sit on the couch, std testing, etc. All this stuff means the same thing, store's open. Even an idiot like me can't screw it up.
Seriously, read post 2544. I summarized the types of girls and their motivations.
Make no mistake though, seeking is a hell of a lot of work with tons if scammers and time wasters. Get over that before you start or you're in fir a lot of disappointment.
Hi sorry for my ignorance I'm new to this I have been mongering for years but recently opened a SA account but have not contacted anyone. I have seen profiles where the girls say sex is not guaranteed or its strictly platonic and I am baffled by that. I never imagined that there are men who wanted sex, pay for dinner, the meet, gifts etc and the girl just says thanks for the money but no sex maybe next time which oh by the way you have to pay again? What am I missing here? Even if you are a man who can get sex if you want and you deal with a young sugar baby and its platonic I would find the fact that I'm paying her and she sets a no sex rule offensive. The option should be mine not hers. Right? I'm about to contact a few girls but from what I'm reading telling them upfront I expect sex may turn 50% away. I guess the SD lifestyle is not what I thought. I'm trying to understand the high income men who want sex paying and are being told no not on the first meet maybe next time. If you can enlighten me on why my thought process is wrong I would appreciate it.
Not sure if you would consider this a red flag.
Had a few seeking babes that started out with normal conversation.
Then like to send photos of themselves which is okay.
Then some of them would start sending nudes or semi nudes unsolicited.
Eventually some will ask for money in exchange for video / photo.
I call them online strippers.
In your experience are they all scammers / time wasters or have you had legit SB experience with those types.
Yeah I can't tolerate that but the girls I see on seeking are amazing I guess I will just be blunt and say effectively I'm a nice guy but sex on the first date is mandatory or its not a match. My issue really is with the men. Don't understand why you would allow yourself to be manipulated like that when they are spending money all they have to do is say no and the market changes.
There are plenty of delusional girls they're dumb enough to explicitly state sex isn't on the table and you move on. I think the new ones need to convince themselves it's not sex for money so you play a little game from first contact to first meet and you don't bring it up. If they're really attractive to me and hew to the site I love seeing how they cganfe theur profile text around when they figure out platonic will get them almost nothing but a really desperate 60 yr old who can't get it up anyway and just wants company. In my experience the girls who aren't new to this will let you know sex is on the table once you've discussed what the "gift" will be. I'm divorced so ending up at my house once initial contact is made at Starbucks or whatever and things go well is normal. Admittedly my house is a panty dropper and I like to play the game long enough to let them initiate. I bring them over so they know I've got the ability to be reliable and I was honest when I said I'm divorced. I've been asked if they can see my room, if I have any kinks, if I'm ok with condoms, had them put body parts on top of me when we sit on the couch, std testing, etc. All this stuff means the same thing, store's open. Even an idiot like me can't screw it up..
07-08-24, 16:37
Not sure if you would consider this a red flag.
Had a few seeking babes that started out with normal conversation.
Then like to send photos of themselves which is okay.
Then some of them would start sending nudes or semi nudes unsolicited.
Eventually some will ask for money in exchange for video / photo.
I call them online strippers.
In your experience are they all scammers / time wasters or have you had legit SB experience with those types.I get this ask from time to time and I always make it the last contact with them. Because once you start thinking you can sell photos for money, that you can be like the OF girl you hears about who makes a living selling photos of her in lingerie, suddenly needing to be under an older guy for an evening seems like a second rate way to make money. Like they'll do it if they need to but they'll be unhappy to. It's just a bad fit.
07-08-24, 16:37
They're not scammers as they're obviously providing something to you but the fact that it's unsolicited probably means they're trying to use sa as an onlyfans. I had one girl send me her onlyfans on the site, I promptly reported her to sa and they shut her down.
I had an sb send me unsolicited nudes about 6 mo after we started seeing each other. I'm not a nude / porn person, I'd much rather have the real thing.
Not sure if you would consider this a red flag.
Had a few seeking babes that started out with normal conversation.
Then like to send photos of themselves which is okay.
Then some of them would start sending nudes or semi nudes unsolicited.
Eventually some will ask for money in exchange for video / photo.
I call them online strippers.
In your experience are they all scammers / time wasters or have you had legit SB experience with those types.
07-08-24, 23:49
The fact of the matter is girls will always have more options than the guys. Add that to the fact that I am extremely picky and my pull rate from there is probably less than 5% so I have a tolerance for giving in rather than moving on that some guys don't have. I never go into it thinking I'm paying so I'm the market. They have tons of markets available to them.
Yeah I can't tolerate that but the girls I see on seeking are amazing I guess I will just be blunt and say effectively I'm a nice guy but sex on the first date is mandatory or its not a match. My issue really is with the men. Don't understand why you would allow yourself to be manipulated like that when they are spending money all they have to do is say no and the market changes.
07-09-24, 13:06
Just to add to the discussion if it's worth it for the gems. I spend time regularly in Nicaragua. I have used seeking off and on to find an in country GF. I had one awesome one earlier but she left for Europe. Recently, I have found my replacement.
We are now in our second date, 3 day and two nights. Previously, we had done two dates of dinner and my hotel before returning her home. She is a dancer, as in just finished dancing in a big show in the country's national theater. So a sod 9 for me with an amazing athletic body.
She is a university student and not very experienced. However, I find this really fun. Many experiences are new for her and there is nothing like watching a girl 's delight at experiencing something that surprises her and blows her mind. Because I come back to the country a few times a year it means there is no hurry anyway. Bringing her along slowly is quite fun.
I picked her up yesterday this time at her house and we went off to lunch in Granada. My Spanish still sucks but we chatted in the drive and she shook out some of her nerves. We had a good lunch at a good Mediterranean restaurant and then decided to head to the hotel. The hotel is one of my special places built into the side of a volcano and it's runs right down to a geothermal heated lake. She is impressed. It's not the sort of place local girls from her strata go. She had a mojito at lunch and is clearly feeling the effects from one drink. She doesn't drink much clearly. A true good girl type. She showers and comes out in skin tight bootie shorts and sexy crop top showing off her strong supple dancer body. She cuddles into the bed. I join her. She is also just a bit shy I have learned. She likes to be coaxed. I start kissing her and she relaxes then her eyes go wide. She asks the date and tells me it's time for her monthly injection and we need to go to a pharmacy. Hmm. I tell her I have condoms of course but she insists which I understand. So we agree babies are to be avoided. Hah. Instead I tell her to lean back and don't worry no penetration until the pharmacy. Giving oral to a 22 year old hottie may be one of my most favorite activities in the world. I think she likes to see me due to my oral game. Guys, especially in May latin American macho countries guys often don't do this. I have been surprised by how many women this is new for at at least a treat especially if you know what you are doing. Anyway, I am in heaven and between some finger fucking and oral we are on the multiple orgasm train. She falls asleep.
Later she wakes up and immediately insists on the pharmacy because she wants to do more. When she is in getting her BC she comes out and tells me she saw some cute sandals. Can she buy them? They are like $15. Sure. She squeals like I gave her a diamond. She is so excited. She wants to get back. Back at the hotel she immediately opens the BC and it's done by injection. She asks me to help her. So here I am injecting BC into my SB. In some sense this is great. I can see the box, I know what it is. Clearly she does this every month. Then she drops the we need to wait 12 hours but let's do what we did before. Round 2. Only by the end she is begging me to pick her "just a little". Sure! We have a lot of fun playing around her edges. I ask if she has a vibrator. Her response, "No, I am good girl". That will be her next gift. Vibrators make good girls I tell her. Next morning we wake up and she is ready to go and we have slow, sweet morning sex she has been wanting for 24 hours now. It feels like being with college girl who is just starting to learn her sexual self. Deeply real. Deeply intimate. And now we are off to hike a volcano.
Hi I'm sorry pardon my ignorance what is this bc injection. Some type of birth control?
Just to add to the discussion if it's worth it for the gems. I spend time regularly in Nicaragua. I have used seeking off and on to find an in country GF. I had one awesome one earlier but she left for Europe. Recently, I have found my replacement.
We are now in our second date, 3 day and two nights. Previously, we had done two dates of dinner and my hotel before returning her home. She is a dancer, as in just finished dancing in a big show in the country's national theater. So a sod 9 for me with an amazing athletic body.
She is a university student and not very experienced. However, I find this really fun. Many experiences are new for her and there is nothing like watching a girl 's delight at experiencing something that surprises her and blows her mind. Because I come back to the country a few times a year it means there is no hurry anyway. Bringing her along slowly is quite fun.
I picked her up yesterday this time at her house and we went off to lunch in Granada. My Spanish still sucks but we chatted in the drive and she shook out some of her nerves. We had a good lunch at a good Mediterranean restaurant and then decided to head to the hotel. The hotel is one of my special places built into the side of a volcano and it's runs right down to a geothermal heated lake. She is impressed. It's not the sort of place local girls from her strata go. She had a mojito at lunch and is clearly feeling the effects from one drink. She doesn't drink much clearly. A true good girl type. She showers and comes out in skin tight bootie shorts and sexy crop top showing off her strong supple dancer body. She cuddles into the bed. I join her. She is also just a bit shy I have learned. She likes to be coaxed. I start kissing her and she relaxes then her eyes go wide. She asks the date and tells me it's time for her monthly injection and we need to go to a pharmacy. Hmm. I tell her I have condoms of course but she insists which I understand. So we agree babies are to be avoided. Hah. Instead I tell her to lean back and don't worry no penetration until the pharmacy. Giving oral to a 22 year old hottie may be one of my most favorite activities in the world. I think she likes to see me due to my oral game. Guys, especially in May latin American macho countries guys often don't do this. I have been surprised by how many women this is new for at at least a treat especially if you know what you are doing. Anyway, I am in heaven and between some finger fucking and oral we are on the multiple orgasm train. She falls asleep.
Later she wakes up and immediately insists on the pharmacy because she wants to do more. When she is in getting her BC she comes out and tells me she saw some cute sandals. Can she buy them? They are like $15. Sure. She squeals like I gave her a diamond. She is so excited. She wants to get back. Back at the hotel she immediately opens the BC and it's done by injection. She asks me to help her. So here I am injecting BC into my SB. In some sense this is great. I can see the box, I know what it is. Clearly she does this every month. Then she drops the we need to wait 12 hours but let's do what we did before. Round 2. Only by the end she is begging me to pick her "just a little". Sure! We have a lot of fun playing around her edges. I ask if she has a vibrator. Her response, "No, I am good girl". That will be her next gift. Vibrators make good girls I tell her. Next morning we wake up and she is ready to go and we have slow, sweet morning sex she has been wanting for 24 hours now. It feels like being with college girl who is just starting to learn her sexual self. Deeply real. Deeply intimate. And now we are off to hike a volcano.
Steve 9696
07-09-24, 16:15
Just to add to the discussion if it's worth it for the gems. I spend time regularly in Nicaragua. I have used seeking off and on to find an in country GF. I had one awesome one earlier but she left for Europe. Recently, I have found my replacement.
We are now in our second date, 3 day and two nights. Previously, we had done two dates of dinner and my hotel before returning her home. She is a dancer, as in just finished dancing in a big show in the country's national theater. So a sod 9 for me with an amazing athletic body.
She is a university student and not very experienced. However, I find this really fun. Many experiences are new for her and there is nothing like watching a girl 's delight at experiencing something that surprises her and blows her mind. Because I come back to the country a few times a year it means there is no hurry anyway. Bringing her along slowly is quite fun.
I picked her up yesterday this time at her house and we went off to lunch in Granada. My Spanish still sucks but we chatted in the drive and she shook out some of her nerves. We had a good lunch at a good Mediterranean restaurant and then decided to head to the hotel. The hotel is one of my special places built into the side of a volcano and it's runs right down to a geothermal heated lake. She is impressed. It's not the sort of place local girls from her strata go. She had a mojito at lunch and is clearly feeling the effects from one drink. She doesn't drink much clearly. A true good girl type. She showers and comes out in skin tight bootie shorts and sexy crop top showing off her strong supple dancer body. She cuddles into the bed. I join her. She is also just a bit shy I have learned. She likes to be coaxed. I start kissing her and she relaxes then her eyes go wide. She asks the date and tells me it's time for her monthly injection and we need to go to a pharmacy. Hmm. I tell her I have condoms of course but she insists which I understand. So we agree babies are to be avoided. Hah. Instead I tell her to lean back and don't worry no penetration until the pharmacy. Giving oral to a 22 year old hottie may be one of my most favorite activities in the world. I think she likes to see me due to my oral game. Guys, especially in May latin American macho countries guys often don't do this. I have been surprised by how many women this is new for at at least a treat especially if you know what you are doing. Anyway, I am in heaven and between some finger fucking and oral we are on the multiple orgasm train. She falls asleep.
Later she wakes up and immediately insists on the pharmacy because she wants to do more. When she is in getting her BC she comes out and tells me she saw some cute sandals. Can she buy them? They are like $15. Sure. She squeals like I gave her a diamond. She is so excited. She wants to get back. Back at the hotel she immediately opens the BC and it's done by injection. She asks me to help her. So here I am injecting BC into my SB. In some sense this is great. I can see the box, I know what it is. Clearly she does this every month. Then she drops the we need to wait 12 hours but let's do what we did before. Round 2. Only by the end she is begging me to pick her "just a little". Sure! We have a lot of fun playing around her edges. I ask if she has a vibrator. Her response, "No, I am good girl". That will be her next gift. Vibrators make good girls I tell her. Next morning we wake up and she is ready to go and we have slow, sweet morning sex she has been wanting for 24 hours now. It feels like being with college girl who is just starting to learn her sexual self. Deeply real. Deeply intimate. And now we are off to hike a volcano.So in love with this post. Yes what you give up on sexual skills you get back many fold in experiencing a young woman new to the world and sex with an older dude. Just the non sex experiences can be intoxicating. This is one of the reasons I like flying girls — they get to experience such new things. And it pays back in affection and honestly as you say experiencing the world thru their eyes.
I've also become a big fan of giving DATY orgasms esp to the younger gals. Takes quite a bit of work but when they start the schrunchy faces and put their arm over their eyes because they are embarrassed and then the thigh clamp or the swatting you away because they are electrified. It's all so great. Adore this part of the game.
Really enjoyed your post. Keep it up!
07-13-24, 16:17
I speak excellent Spanish though not the goofy Argentine type.
IDK why this antiquated forum has no stickys or has Argentina as private but if anyone want to trade contacts, intel, grab a beer I am down! Send me a PM.
Since this is not a typical mongering destination it should provide some difficulties and opportunities.
I will be using SA and Tinder.
07-14-24, 04:18
Idk where to put this on this goofy forum but.
After paying for global tinder to trying to get dates lined up I put in Spanish "looking to find my first sugar baby. ".
Then got requested to verify who I was with by doing odd poses then 2 days later got the ban.
"promoting sex work and transactional relationships".
Funny thing is I did used the same line before in another country no ban. Earlier this year.
"Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others".
Steve 9696
07-15-24, 01:36
This is such a first world problem. And I am really grateful to have her, but my new home girl is just too much a fuck buddy!
I love Seeking for the romance and dinners and laughter. And then some good truly affectionate and lasting sex. My problem is my new home girl just wants a quick fuck and go. And she's got a position that I've never done before that gets me off in like five minutes as opposed to fifty! She uses it like a weapon and makes me cum to get done quicker!
Feels pretty silly to say I am looking for a new girl because my current one just wants to be fuck buddies (and finish me fast) but I come to Seeking for the real GFE and not getting that from her.
Axel Heyst
07-15-24, 01:59
My problem is my new home girl just wants a quick fuck and go. And she's got a position that I've never done before that gets me off in like five minutes as opposed to fifty! She uses it like a weapon and makes me cum to get done quicker!
Hey Steve, don't leave us hanging. What is this super sex position? Inquiring minds want to know. KKK.
A. H.
Steve 9696
07-15-24, 14:42
Hey Steve, don't leave us hanging. What is this super sex position? Inquiring minds want to know. KKK.
A. H.I can fuck her forever in doggie and mish and the Steve etc. But the danger position is as follows:
Lays me on my back legs together. Lies on her BACK on top of me legs outside mine. And somehow slides me in and fucks me that way. It feels absolutely amazing plus I can feel her spectacular tits at same time. But it's def the way it makes full on contact of the under side of my dick right up against her slippery girl parts. Wowzers.
And be cause she's on top very hard for me to control the action.
Its not possible to "vet" some of these girls enough. And the women will not tell you all of the risks.
One I pulled off the internet dating site yesterday surprised me in the bedroom, at the last minute, when she pulled off her jeans and said she had to wear that because "she was sleeping in her car and got arrested for not having a drivers license" then was arrested again for the same offense. Am sure that was a sugar-coated lie, she probably was a serial killer or a several times convicted drug addict!
I went through the proper procedures, met her at a restaurant, she was a short spinner, and she seemed slightly trashy with tattoos and face piercings, but still doable. Said she had been "dropped off" at the restaurant, probably took the public bus to the restaurant because she said her "sister had surgery so she would have to arrive an hour late" am sure this was a lie. She never mentioned the ankle bracelet during the lunch, saved this surprise until the bedroom. Ankle bracelet would not be on her body unless she was on probation / community control for something serious or was on pre-trial release for something serious where she was not allowed to leave the county. If a first time offense she would be simply on probation without the monitoring device. I saw no signs of drug injections on her arms or body.
Other than her ankle bracelet flashing a light every 30 seconds, there was nothing else different about the session. I dropped her off afterwards at a Walmart. During the ride she mentioned that she had had a pill addiction that was resolved by switching to methadone, which she gradually got off of. I will not repeat.
Its not possible to "vet" some of these girls enough. And the women will not tell you all of the risks.
One I pulled off the internet dating site yesterday surprised me in the bedroom, at the last minute, when she pulled off her jeans and said she had to wear that because "she was sleeping in her car and got arrested for not having a drivers license" then was arrested again for the same offense. Am sure that was a sugar-coated lie, she probably was a serial killer or a several times convicted drug addict!
I went through the proper procedures, met her at a restaurant, she was a short spinner, and she seemed slightly trashy with tattoos and face piercings, but still doable. Said she had been "dropped off" at the restaurant, probably took the public bus to the restaurant because she said her "sister had surgery so she would have to arrive an hour late" am sure this was a lie. She never mentioned the ankle bracelet during the lunch, saved this surprise until the bedroom. Ankle bracelet would not be on her body unless she was on probation / community control for something serious or was on pre-trial release for something serious where she was not allowed to leave the county. If a first time offense she would be simply on probation without the monitoring device. I saw no signs of drug injections on her arms or body.
Other than her ankle bracelet flashing a light every 30 seconds, there was nothing else different about the session. I dropped her off afterwards at a Walmart. During the ride she mentioned that she had had a pill addiction that was resolved by switching to methadone, which she gradually got off of. I will not repeat.Every single time I think I've heard it all! To me this was funny LMAO! And she was obviously lying her ass off. Desperate times make for desperate men (and women)!
What's with all the chicks on Seeking with nose rings and ugly tattoos all over their bodies? And some with ugly face piercings as well? Ewww! Blocked!
Its not possible to "vet" some of these girls enough. And the women will not tell you all of the risks.
One I pulled off the internet dating site yesterday surprised me in the bedroom, at the last minute, when she pulled off her jeans and said she had to wear that because "she was sleeping in her car and got arrested for not having a drivers license" then was arrested again for the same offense. Am sure that was a sugar-coated lie, she probably was a serial killer or a several times convicted drug addict!
I went through the proper procedures, met her at a restaurant, she was a short spinner, and she seemed slightly trashy with tattoos and face piercings, but still doable. Said she had been "dropped off" at the restaurant, probably took the public bus to the restaurant because she said her "sister had surgery so she would have to arrive an hour late" am sure this was a lie. She never mentioned the ankle bracelet during the lunch, saved this surprise until the bedroom. Ankle bracelet would not be on her body unless she was on probation / community control for something serious or was on pre-trial release for something serious where she was not allowed to leave the county. If a first time offense she would be simply on probation without the monitoring device. I saw no signs of drug injections on her arms or body.
Other than her ankle bracelet flashing a light every 30 seconds, there was nothing else different about the session. I dropped her off afterwards at a Walmart. During the ride she mentioned that she had had a pill addiction that was resolved by switching to methadone, which she gradually got off of. I will not repeat.Methadone suggests a heroin addiction. Too high a risk for many reasons. I would have paid for an uber and sent her packing. Anyone who lies constantly and is in the criminal justice system is high risk. They can accuse you of many things in desperation. Not worth it. A druggie is not a sb.
Every single time I think I've heard it all! To me this was funny LMAO! And she was obviously lying her ass off. Funny thing was I found one of her diamond earrings in the bed afterwards and later stepped on the other one in the shower. They may be worth enough at a pawn shop to cover the cost of the session! Will not repeat or try to return the earrings. I am guessing she was a repeat arrestee for prostitution or pill addict. Am guessing the bracelet was to make sure she could be GPS tracked? And stay out of drug or prostitution hoods.
07-19-24, 15:08
What's with all the chicks on Seeking with nose rings and ugly tattoos all over their bodies? And some with ugly face piercings as well? Ewww! Blocked!It's all a matter of taste, and everybody has their flavor. But I agree with you. I see aggressive tattoos and piercings as a canary in the coal mine. I just assume it means I'm likely to encounter someone who is more likely to be crazy, off the rails, act irrationally, etc.
Is it 100 percent true? No. I know other business executives who are heavily tattooed and they are some of the most amazing people I know.
But nothing in life is 100%. This is about playing the odds. You make choices based on signals you read. We all do. You have to trust your gut and just accept sometimes your gut will be wrong but it'll be right more than it'll be wrong.
07-20-24, 02:33
Major turn off. In fact my profile regularly says no nose rings. Reminds me of the Borden cow for those of you old enough.
Seeking and maybe regular dating in general is analogous to poker. You need to ante to be in the game but it's no guarantee you're going to win or score. You can throw away tons of hands before you get a winner. You can hit three in a row and think you're a god until you go cold again.
It's all a matter of taste, and everybody has their flavor. But I agree with you. I see aggressive tattoos and piercings as a canary in the coal mine. I just assume it means I'm likely to encounter someone who is more likely to be crazy, off the rails, act irrationally, etc.
Is it 100 percent true? No. I know other business executives who are heavily tattooed and they are some of the most amazing people I know.
But nothing in life is 100%. This is about playing the odds. You make choices based on signals you read. We all do. You have to trust your gut and just accept sometimes your gut will be wrong but it'll be right more than it'll be wrong.
07-20-24, 07:33
Just finished dating a medical doctor from South America. Bad experience. I found her to be self righteous, untruthful, and reckless. Not found on Seeking. Profession is not a reflection of personal character. Maybe not all female doctors are like this, but this one was. Early '30's, no kids, bilingual.
Back to this side of the fence. Based on all my experience up until this point, I do not think there is anything inherently wrong in going long term with a courtesan. So long as 2 conditions are met. First is that sex work is not all she does. She either needs to be a full time student getting good grades and progressing towards her degree, or she has to have a conventional job, and only do sex work as secondary. Then number two, she has to have an exit strategy. She plans to do sex work only until she can pay off her student debt, or until she reaches a certain age and can buy a house, or some other similar goal, etc. Not one of these girls who doesn't know where they are going in life, and thinks they can do sex work until they are 80 then retire.
Oh well, dating the doctor was worth a shot; I suppose I will return to the drawing board. Maybe I'll have better luck back on Seeking.
07-20-24, 10:19
All one needs to be a medical doctor is money (or the ability to borrow it or get a scholarship) and a good memory. I wouldn't expect anymore than that and treat them as I would any other date; respectfully until they give me a reason not to.
I only see students and young professionals. The rest are either pros, have convinced themselves they're not pros, or don't have the ability to hold my attention outside of the bedroom and I like the social / dating aspect of seeking.
Just finished dating a medical doctor from South America. Bad experience. I found her to be self righteous, untruthful, and reckless. Not found on Seeking. Profession is not a reflection of personal character. Maybe not all female doctors are like this, but this one was. Early '30's, no kids, bilingual.
Back to this side of the fence. Based on all my experience up until this point, I do not think there is anything inherently wrong in going long term with a courtesan. So long as 2 conditions are met. First is that sex work is not all she does. She either needs to be a full time student getting good grades and progressing towards her degree, or she has to have a conventional job, and only do sex work as secondary. Then number two, she has to have an exit strategy. She plans to do sex work only until she can pay off her student debt, or until she reaches a certain age and can buy a house, or some other similar goal, etc. Not one of these girls who doesn't know where they are going in life, and thinks they can do sex work until they are 80 then retire.
Oh well, dating the doctor was worth a shot; I suppose I will return to the drawing board. Maybe I'll have better luck back on Seeking.
Elvis 2008
07-21-24, 14:16
Just finished dating a medical doctor from South America. Bad experience. I found her to be self righteous, untruthful, and reckless. Not found on Seeking. Profession is not a reflection of personal character. Maybe not all female doctors are like this, but this one was. Early '30's, no kids, bilingual.Of all the female doctors I know, and I know tons, the only ones I were interested in were taken. The numbers are closer now but male doctors dominated as did female nurses. If a female doctor is not attached in her 30's and is attractive, chances are there are serious personality / mental issues. The intriguing female doctors are the smart, compassionate, hard working types who do not look that good but really need love and companionship. If you hook up with one of them, they may be willing to supply the sugar, but you are going to have to forgo looks.
Back to this side of the fence. Based on all my experience up until this point, I do not think there is anything inherently wrong in going long term with a courtesan. So long as 2 conditions are met. First is that sex work is not all she does. She either needs to be a full time student getting good grades and progressing towards her degree, or she has to have a conventional job, and only do sex work as secondary. Then number two, she has to have an exit strategy. She plans to do sex work only until she can pay off her student debt, or until she reaches a certain age and can buy a house, or some other similar goal, etc. Not one of these girls who doesn't know where they are going in life, and thinks they can do sex work until they are 80 then retire.Yeah, Freddy the brothel owner said much the same thing in his youtube clip here: Thing with Freddy is that his deal was once a woman made big bucks in the hooker racket, she could not get out, so he forced his women to have an end game and work for no longer than one year. That is fine for being a hooker. I am not so sure it matters as much if you are a real sugar baby.
I recently paid guys to do a move who busted their ass and felt guilty that I gave them less than I used to give a hooker for a BJ in the club. One honest sex worker said, and I agree with it, that sex work is not really work.
But what she really said that got to me was a reporter was asking her what was wrong with prostitution and they were in a restaurant. She said, "Look around and imagine you HAD to have sex with everyone in here. How would that feel?" When you go into a typical restaurant, how many women are there you would really like to do?" One? Two? Five? And that is before you get to know them.
That is why I think the sugar game has more legs. Ideally, the women choose to fuck the men versus feeling forced to. Well, that is how it works if it does right. Also, a good sugar daddy is going to try to keep his SB comfortable but not immersed in luxury IMO.
So my goal was always to elevate the women. Have them appreciate me but not be overly dependent on me, but the reality is that was hard to find. Many times, the sugar game did feel downright transactional.
07-21-24, 23:27
The doctor is plenty pretty, but she's had cancer twice, and didn't have a good childhood. She let her challenges in life make her exceedingly bull headed, arrogant, and judgemental of others. A fact that I didn't realize until much later after the total length of time since meeting her. I guess when you are dating someone in the beginning, you don't always see these things. It didn't make things any easier with her working such long hours with her job, and having an unpredictable schedule.
What you echo are the famous last words of Ainara Ximenez. "Most women in this job; once they get started, they cannot stop. The money is too good, and the work is too easy. They cannot go to another job and replicate the deal they have now. Plus some of them have drug problems. " I don't remember exactly what she said word for word, but it was something extremely similar, as she was "coaching me" on my path forward as I was the last client she would ever see, before retiring and disappearing forever. So, before you turn 27 years old, you've had sex with well over 500 guys. What the flying fuck? 354 that she can prove, and host of other guys from sites like Eros and Silxa. Yet she paid off all of her student debt, and got a high paying job in the medical field, ironically enough, several months prior to covid striking the world. She's been dark ever since, apparently living up the good career and doing whatever else "normal" women do. I'm 100% sure if she returned to this line of work, not only would she have reached out to me, but I would have noticed her ads in the usual places as well. I took a snipet of her vouch before the site changed in case some situation like this ever came up, jaja.
For me, I don't see any difference between prostitution and azucar babies when it comes to trading sex for money. The main difference I see is that most of the girls on Seeking offer more than just sex, but they also want more in return. Not necessarily in the form of cash, but they might wish for guidance on improving their lives. And they are also not inherently standoffish about inviting you into their personal lives, or communicating without funds being exchanged. But at the end of the day, it's still prostitution, just an "enhanced" form of it. Though I will admit that the experiences does not "feel" the same at all. I think the only way it would ever feel 100% legit, is if the link to money was broken.
Of all the female doctors I know, and I know tons, the only ones I were interested in were taken. The numbers are closer now but male doctors dominated as did female nurses. If a female doctor is not attached in her 30's and is attractive, chances are there are serious personality / mental issues. The intriguing female doctors are the smart, compassionate, hard working types who do not look that good but really need love and companionship. If you hook up with one of them, they may be willing to supply the sugar, but you are going to have to forgo looks.
Yeah, Freddy the brothel owner said much the same thing in his youtube clip here: Thing with Freddy is that his deal was once a woman made big bucks in the hooker racket, she could not get out, so he forced his women to have an end game and work for no longer than one year. That is fine for being a hooker. I am not so sure it matters as much if you are a real sugar baby.
I recently paid guys to do a move who busted their ass and felt guilty that I gave them less than I used to give a hooker for a BJ in the club. One honest sex worker said, and I agree with it, that sex work is not really work.
But what she really said that got to me was a reporter was asking her what was wrong with prostitution and they were in a restaurant. She said, "Look around and imagine you HAD to have sex with everyone in here. How would that feel?" When you go into a typical restaurant, how many women are there you would really like to do?" One? Two? Five? And that is before you get to know them.
That is why I think the sugar game has more legs. Ideally, the women choose to fuck the men versus feeling forced to. Well, that is how it works if it does right. Also, a good sugar daddy is going to try to keep his SB comfortable but not immersed in luxury IMO.
So my goal was always to elevate the women. Have them appreciate me but not be overly dependent on me, but the reality is that was hard to find. Many times, the sugar game did feel downright transactional.
Elvis 2008
07-22-24, 02:21
For me, I don't see any difference between prostitution and azucar babies when it comes to trading sex for money. The main difference I see is that most of the girls on Seeking offer more than just sex, but they also want more in return. Not necessarily in the form of cash, but they might wish for guidance on improving their lives. And they are also not inherently standoffish about inviting you into their personal lives, or communicating without funds being exchanged. But at the end of the day, it's still prostitution, just an "enhanced" form of it. Though I will admit that the experiences does not "feel" the same at all. I think the only way it would ever feel 100% legit, is if the link to money was broken.If you are a married guy, you have to keep things transactional, and I think that is what women come to expect. The shocker for me was the young women I was seeing as SBs were interested in dating me after my divorce. In fact, I was so used to paying and the sex being transactional that the person getting in the way of things was me.
We have the frequent poster on here Mr. E who is always trying to say he gets laid for less than everyone else, but he challenged me once and it was helpful. He was like don't give the woman anything after an encounter and see if she stays with you. So I tried it, and she did. Then I looked back at things and wondered how many times the person who brought up payment was me. It happened a lot when I looked back on things. When I was married or not really that interested in the girl, I would pay her to make sure she understood it was transactional, but there were times I paid where I probably did not have to and should not have.
We are always questioning the women: would you fuck me if I did not pay you? But maybe, we need to ask ourselves, are you paying the women because you care about her and want her to be happy or is it just for sex?
So I get what you are saying, but how much of this is the women and how much of it is us? So yeah, you may say that it feels transactional in the sugar world, and it can be if we let it, but you have to ask yourself, if you hung out with your SB and did not have sex, how would you feel? With me and my favorite women, the sex was not the main course but just the cherry on top. With others, if there was no sex, I could care less if I saw them.
Same thing happened to me, moved to sugardaddymeet, can talk services and prices on the site instead of having a million kik conversations, similar number of girls. Saved a lot of time and effort (ie. Asking p4 p from 1st message) instead of half a dozen messages sounding them out.Agree with this, having used both Seeking and SDM, SDM does let you get right down to numbers and services without having to move the conversation off the site like Seeking's content rules make you have to.
07-22-24, 06:05
ONS aside, I've had three lengthy relationships from the site. All three were very clear they were looking for financial help. I have no issue with it so long as they are in school or have a job with a future. We always worked out the details on the first meet and never spoke about it again. I would never try to not pay someone if I told them I would, be it yesterday or last year. Never felt the need to renegotiate either. We all have things that work for us and, like you, sex is just the cherry for me. If they are engaging and have lots of energy and an attitude that complements mine that's really what I want. There's never an insistence of sex every time we see each other and I'm ok giving her the money whether we do or not so long as we have a great time.
If you are a married guy, you have to keep things transactional, and I think that is what women come to expect. The shocker for me was the young women I was seeing as SBs were interested in dating me after my divorce. In fact, I was so used to paying and the sex being transactional that the person getting in the way of things was me.
We have the frequent poster on here Mr. E who is always trying to say he gets laid for less than everyone else, but he challenged me once and it was helpful. He was like don't give the woman anything after an encounter and see if she stays with you. So I tried it, and she did. Then I looked back at things and wondered how many times the person who brought up payment was me. It happened a lot when I looked back on things. When I was married or not really that interested in the girl, I would pay her to make sure she understood it was transactional, but there were times I paid where I probably did not have to and should not have.
We are always questioning the women: would you fuck me if I did not pay you? But maybe, we need to ask ourselves, are you paying the women because you care about her and want her to be happy or is it just for sex?
So I get what you are saying, but how much of this is the women and how much of it is us? So yeah, you may say that it feels transactional in the sugar world, and it can be if we let it, but you have to ask yourself, if you hung out with your SB and did not have sex, how would you feel? With me and my favorite women, the sex was not the main course but just the cherry on top. With others, if there was no sex, I could care less if I saw them.
07-22-24, 06:11
I feel ya, but the premise is that it is Seeking. It's not eHarmony,, OKCupid, or Hinge. So why does a girl post on a "sugar dating" site instead of somewhere else? I guess I could give it a shot, and worse case scenario I get an angry response saying I have insulted her, and that's the end of it.
If you are a married guy, you have to keep things transactional, and I think that is what women come to expect. The shocker for me was the young women I was seeing as SBs were interested in dating me after my divorce. In fact, I was so used to paying and the sex being transactional that the person getting in the way of things was me.
We have the frequent poster on here Mr. E who is always trying to say he gets laid for less than everyone else, but he challenged me once and it was helpful. He was like don't give the woman anything after an encounter and see if she stays with you. So I tried it, and she did. Then I looked back at things and wondered how many times the person who brought up payment was me. It happened a lot when I looked back on things. When I was married or not really that interested in the girl, I would pay her to make sure she understood it was transactional, but there were times I paid where I probably did not have to and should not have.
We are always questioning the women: would you fuck me if I did not pay you? But maybe, we need to ask ourselves, are you paying the women because you care about her and want her to be happy or is it just for sex?
So I get what you are saying, but how much of this is the women and how much of it is us? So yeah, you may say that it feels transactional in the sugar world, and it can be if we let it, but you have to ask yourself, if you hung out with your SB and did not have sex, how would you feel? With me and my favorite women, the sex was not the main course but just the cherry on top. With others, if there was no sex, I could care less if I saw them.
07-22-24, 06:49
I once met a psychiatrist that didn't want a thing. I asked her why she's on a sugar site and she told me she's meets more interesting people there than other sites. I thought it was a brilliant answer and absolutely true. The girls half my age I meet there are engaging, mature, and way more interesting than than someone I'd find on another site.
I feel ya, but the premise is that it is Seeking. It's not eHarmony,, OKCupid, or Hinge. So why does a girl post on a "sugar dating" site instead of somewhere else? I guess I could give it a shot, and worse case scenario I get an angry response saying I have insulted her, and that's the end of it.
Elvis 2008
07-22-24, 07:51
I feel ya, but the premise is that it is Seeking. It's not eHarmony,, OKCupid, or Hinge. So why does a girl post on a "sugar dating" site instead of somewhere else? I guess I could give it a shot, and worse case scenario I get an angry response saying I have insulted her, and that's the end of it.Well, I would never bring that up when online. It is different when you meet them and they see you are real. As for not using those other sites, the reason not to is IMO because you are not going to find the best looking women on those sites. I pulled women off of seeking that were hotter than even the best strip clubs I went to.
Steve 9696
07-22-24, 18:38
Guess I have a few thoughts on the current topic:
First there is usually some guy who wants to argue all Seeking girls are prostitutes because they take money for sex. This is a specious argument because in fact ALL women take money for sex. It's just a matter of how indirect it is. News flash women get married for stability. Pretty sure Bill Gates wife didn't pick him as the handsomest guy on the block. And Jeff Besos cost per fuck is the highest in the entire world. It's all money for sex in the end. It's just wrapped up in prettier packages.
With Seeking you can do too much money and too little money.
I have a friend who (since reformed) used to throw a lot of money at his girls. They become complacent. And because they now view you as a beta they also lose interest. So don't throw too much money even if you can.
And I personally know the perils of trying it "free". I had a girl I was with quite a few times. Truly liked her. Paid her to spend time in the Mediterranean with me. Then flew her to LA. Only covered flights and she agreed to come for nothing. In the end after three days we had a great time but only got one BJ out of the whole thing! We had it out and broke up but basically she started acting like a girlfriend a couple years in "not tonight. Headache. Not in the mood" etc. If she had a big payday coming at the end she woulda been on her best behavior, including sex.
So in summary all sex is paid sex. Pay too much and you kill it. Pay too little and you kill it. I try to be Goldilocks and so far so good (when I follow my own rules!
First there is usually some guy who wants to argue all Seeking girls are prostitutes because they take money for sex. This is a specious argument because in fact ALL women take money for sex. It's just a matter of how indirect it is. News flash women get married for stability. Pretty sure Bill Gates wife didn't pick him as the handsomest guy on the block. And Jeff Besos cost per fuck is the highest in the entire world. It's all money for sex in the end. It's just wrapped up in prettier packages. So in summary all sex is paid sex.All men are paying for sex, one way or the other. As you say, it's just a matter of how direct it is and how it's "packaged". The only way a man isn't paying and a woman doesn't have a meter on it is if it's truly some recreational, sport fucking, hook-up or something. It happens, but that's hit or miss for the overwhelming majority of men. Most of us must pay in one form or another to have access to a steady supply of tits and ass, and each man must choose what works for him. For me the 5 F's suits my needs (find them, feel them, finger them, fuck them, forget them). Some men choose not to pay and mostly go without. I consider Seeking, if you're not dealing with a pro, to be a soft form or prostitution that has the potential to develop into something else. I mean, non-pros start developing feelings and dependency and stuff.
07-22-24, 20:32
Another thing that most people don't understand is money is only part of the equation. They need to have a connection for the both of you to have a good time. They have no shortage of choices. I know for a fact I wasn't giving a girl what she was used to but I was in the ballpark and she liked my company so we both won.
Guess I have a few thoughts on the current topic:
First there is usually some guy who wants to argue all Seeking girls are prostitutes because they take money for sex. This is a specious argument because in fact ALL women take money for sex. It's just a matter of how indirect it is. News flash women get married for stability. Pretty sure Bill Gates wife didn't pick him as the handsomest guy on the block. And Jeff Besos cost per fuck is the highest in the entire world. It's all money for sex in the end. It's just wrapped up in prettier packages.
With Seeking you can do too much money and too little money.
I have a friend who (since reformed) used to throw a lot of money at his girls. They become complacent. And because they now view you as a beta they also lose interest. So don't throw too much money even if you can.
And I personally know the perils of trying it "free". I had a girl I was with quite a few times. Truly liked her. Paid her to spend time in the Mediterranean with me. Then flew her to LA. Only covered flights and she agreed to come for nothing. In the end after three days we had a great time but only got one BJ out of the whole thing! We had it out and broke up but basically she started acting like a girlfriend a couple years in "not tonight. Headache. Not in the mood" etc. If she had a big payday coming at the end she woulda been on her best behavior, including sex.
So in summary all sex is paid sex. Pay too much and you kill it. Pay too little and you kill it. I try to be Goldilocks and so far so good (when I follow my own rules!
07-22-24, 22:33
I always wanted to make the assertion that most, but not all women are prostitutes in some way, shape, or form, but then women in general start getting all pissy. I think the number of women who only want to know a guy's educational background, religious values, status in the community, etc. And every other trait that "normal" women look for, but DO NOT want to know who is assets are income are, is well under 5%. Perhaps even under 2%, even if they lie about it and claim that money does not matter to them. There are some that do very well in their careers and make enough money on their own, but the ones that don't want even more money are few and far between.
Guess I have a few thoughts on the current topic:
First there is usually some guy who wants to argue all Seeking girls are prostitutes because they take money for sex. This is a specious argument because in fact ALL women take money for sex. It's just a matter of how indirect it is. News flash women get married for stability. Pretty sure Bill Gates wife didn't pick him as the handsomest guy on the block. And Jeff Besos cost per fuck is the highest in the entire world. It's all money for sex in the end. It's just wrapped up in prettier packages.
With Seeking you can do too much money and too little money.
I have a friend who (since reformed) used to throw a lot of money at his girls. They become complacent. And because they now view you as a beta they also lose interest. So don't throw too much money even if you can.
And I personally know the perils of trying it "free". I had a girl I was with quite a few times. Truly liked her. Paid her to spend time in the Mediterranean with me. Then flew her to LA. Only covered flights and she agreed to come for nothing. In the end after three days we had a great time but only got one BJ out of the whole thing! We had it out and broke up but basically she started acting like a girlfriend a couple years in "not tonight. Headache. Not in the mood" etc. If she had a big payday coming at the end she woulda been on her best behavior, including sex.
So in summary all sex is paid sex. Pay too much and you kill it. Pay too little and you kill it. I try to be Goldilocks and so far so good (when I follow my own rules!
I always wanted to make the assertion that most, but not all women are prostitutes in some way, shape, or form, but then women in general start getting all pissy. I think the number of women who only want to know a guy's educational background, religious values, status in the community, etc. And every other trait that "normal" women look for, but DO NOT want to know who is assets are income are, is well under 5%. Perhaps even under 2%, even if they lie about it and claim that money does not matter to them. There are some that do very well in their careers and make enough money on their own, but the ones that don't want even more money are few and far between.Women also lie when they say looks don't matter to them. They absolutely do! I will agree maybe not as much as for a man, but women do care about looks. If a man cares at least 90% of the time, then a woman cares at least 75% of the time, and that's significant. If looks don't matter what do they need pictures for then? I know security is a part of that but still. Looks do matter to women, and don't listen to any bullshit claims from women that they don't! Swiping left or right has everything to do with looks, and both men and women do it.
Elvis 2008
07-22-24, 23:58
I always wanted to make the assertion that most, but not all women are prostitutes in some way, shape, or form, but then women in general start getting all pissy. I think the number of women who only want to know a guy's educational background, religious values, status in the community, etc. And every other trait that "normal" women look for, but DO NOT want to know who is assets are income are, is well under 5%. Perhaps even under 2%, even if they lie about it and claim that money does not matter to them. There are some that do very well in their careers and make enough money on their own, but the ones that don't want even more money are few and far between.I agree, but do you think that what we men find attractive is baked into our DNA because of breeding purposes? I do.
Well, from the female POV, when women get pregnant, they become unattractive, asexual, and to some degree, helpless when pregnant. So they are looking for men who will not leave them if they do get pregnant and if you are a guy who cannot support them, they are not going to be interested in you. So there is a breeding reason why women find men without money unattractive.
Now when you start talking about women who cannot get pregnant or on birth control and have to have $1000 shoes, that is a different story.
Elvis 2008
07-23-24, 00:08
So in summary all sex is paid sex. Pay too much and you kill it. Pay too little and you kill it. I try to be Goldilocks and so far so good (when I follow my own rules!I agree, and it is a huge reason why the sugar game is different and requires more skill than the hooker game. The pricing varies from woman to woman and from locale to locale.
I finally got around to watching the Wolf on Wall Street and saw his take on hookers here:
$300 for the blue chips, top of the line model types? Gee, I wonder what happened. LOL.
Could use your guys advice on a situation. Been seeing a girl I met on sa for a few months now. She didn't want usual sugar / ppm but I take her to nicer restaurants and on trips. She made it clear early on she doesn't want a relationship and ended it with the last guy from sa because he wanted more. It was basically a fwb which was fine for me.
After a recent trip I found myself wanting something more serious though. The trip was great but it makes me sad to think these memories of it won't lead anywhere. I'm on the younger side and don't have experience with longer relationships so hoping some of you guys can provide some perspective. She's said she doesn't want a relationship and I'm not naive to try to change her mind. Is it possible to enjoy seeing her knowing it's short term or should I end things and look for something "real" off of sa?
07-26-24, 22:38
I agree, and it is a huge reason why the sugar game is different and requires more skill than the hooker game. The pricing varies from woman to woman and from locale to locale.
I finally got around to watching the Wolf on Wall Street and saw his take on hookers here:
$300 for the blue chips, top of the line model types? Gee, I wonder what happened. LOL.Yep, I laugh at yours and M. Boy attempt to explain this to the MDE Clowns. They will never get it.
If I wanted to write a book on how to be unsuccessful with girls or be unsuccessful in life, these guys would be my example. I usually do the opposite of what they say, so far I am have amazing trips and adventures, honestly with very little drama.
Heading back to CDMX Sunday.
Elvis 2008
07-26-24, 23:52
She's said she doesn't want a relationship and I'm not naive to try to change her mind. Is it possible to enjoy seeing her knowing it's short term or should I end things and look for something "real" off of sa?Why or and not and? For me, three sugar babies was about the right number, and I would see them once or twice a week, and the other nights I often was looking for upgrades. If she does not want anything serious, she cannot expect you to be loyal to just her.
She made it clear early on she doesn't want a relationship and ended it with the last guy from sa because he wanted more. It was basically a fwb which was fine for me.And you know that is bullshit right? If you had the looks of a Clooney and eight figures, she would be completely willing to commit to you. You have a woman who looked at you and said sugar daddy and nothing more. That is fine and enjoy it for what is is. You only want a woman who has burning desire for you who would fuck you if you did not give her a dime and who breaks the rules she set for herself for you. You may not be or look like Clooney but you want a woman who most women would treat like Clooney. If you do not have that, you do not commit. When you are younger, you settle or convince yourself that a woman has burning desire for you when she is about money or family or something else that is not you.
And every relationship you have causes growth if you are willing to learn and with me, I grew more with the ones that were painful than good. You have to date a lot to learn what you want and what are deal breakers. That little annoying habit the otherwise perfect woman has now will drive you bat shit crazy in 5 years if you stay together.
So I met the current gal I am with now, and she was and is a smoke show, the second best looking woman I met in Colombia. Now there were other women in Colombia whom I did not pay I met off seeking, the ones not as pretty. She never mentioned price, but I put money in her purse when we were done. If you polled a hundred people and asked them if this woman was interested in me only for money, I would be shocked if a 100 would not have said yes. Hell, I thought that is how it was.
So a guy on here criticizes me. Why pay her anything if she did not ask for it? I was kind of admitting the only way I would ever get a woman that hot is if she was a pro but then I looked at all the hot women I had been with, and sure initially they were interested in money but I realized in hindsight there were real connections there I did not appreciate. So I thought okay, maybe it is possible she likes me. I did not leave any money the time after that, and it did not matter to her, but I would not have had the confidence to even try that without all those previous relationships.
You are looking for a relationship, and when you do that, you are going to compromise and long term, that spells unhappiness. You need to let it happen versus actively look for it. Date women, stay active, learn but do not force it. The year I met my gal was 2021 during Covid. The amount of top shelf pussy due to women being laid off was astounding, and I was flying empty planes for dirt cheap prices and staying in resorts that cost 10% of what they do now. It was the best year of my life even before I met her.
I would have told anyone I did not want to get married then and then I meet her, and she checked my boxes and if she did not check everyone else's, I would question that person's sanity but instead of excitement with meeting this amazing woman, I was like, do I really want to leave my awesome happy amazing sugar daddy life even for her? And believe me, women can feel that.
If you give off the vibe to a woman that your happiness is dependent on them, they will use that and often crush you. If you meet them when you are happy and they know if they make you unhappy, you will return to that life, they will act a lot differently. Your happiness should not depend on a woman, and you are projecting even in your short post that you will not be happy and fulfilled until you meet someone special. You are focusing on the future, what you think will make you happen. Focus on the now. Learn what does make you happy, pursue that, and be patient. The right woman seems to always come along when you are not looking.
07-27-24, 00:25
Could use your guys advice on a situation. Been seeing a girl I met on sa for a few months now. She didn't want usual sugar / ppm but I take her to nicer restaurants and on trips. She made it clear early on she doesn't want a relationship and ended it with the last guy from sa because he wanted more. It was basically a fwb which was fine for me.
After a recent trip I found myself wanting something more serious though. The trip was great but it makes me sad to think these memories of it won't lead anywhere. I'm on the younger side and don't have experience with longer relationships so hoping some of you guys can provide some perspective. She's said she doesn't want a relationship and I'm not naive to try to change her mind. Is it possible to enjoy seeing her knowing it's short term or should I end things and look for something "real" off of sa?You have experienced the "John's Dilemma. " If you try to get too close to her, I guarantee you she will block you. This woman has a transactional mindset; you can view her as exploitive opportunist at best.
If you scroll down this forum, you will notice that some people claim nothing better is to be found off Seeking. I cannot say this with 100% certainty. However, the important question is, if you are looking for something "real", then why sign up on Seeking to begin with? If you have the looks and physical skills to play the dating game (maybe you are a semi professional athlete or mud runner), then stay away from the P4 P scene all together. If you take away money, anyone can develop charm, confidence, and communication talent. But this woman is American, and you are looking for American women, then you'd better be prepared to come with looks, physical prowess, and status.
But for all I know she's not American. What country and or province / state does this woman live? Because if you want to replace her with someone like her, but off Seeking, you will probably face similar issues if the new woman you have yet to meet grew up in this country in an American household.
I will keep it short and simple.
If you want something more than "transaction", look for it off SA.
I have come across really sweet girls and been with them for over three years. Trust me, however sweet they are, deep down there are issues. The question you got to ask yourselves is. Have you given enough time for those issues to surface? And, are those issues something you are willing to put up with?
For me, I know I have issues. And that's precisely why I am on SA. I know I cannot put up with those girls issues in the long run from close quarters but they are nice enough to keep at arms length (or dick's length).
P. S: Every relation, real or otherwise, has "transaction" element. SA is explocitly so. Commitment, in my opinion, is not transacted on SA.
Could use your guys advice on a situation. Been seeing a girl I met on sa for a few months now. She didn't want usual sugar / ppm but I take her to nicer restaurants and on trips. She made it clear early on she doesn't want a relationship and ended it with the last guy from sa because he wanted more. It was basically a fwb which was fine for me.
After a recent trip I found myself wanting something more serious though. The trip was great but it makes me sad to think these memories of it won't lead anywhere. I'm on the younger side and don't have experience with longer relationships so hoping some of you guys can provide some perspective. She's said she doesn't want a relationship and I'm not naive to try to change her mind. Is it possible to enjoy seeing her knowing it's short term or should I end things and look for something "real" off of sa?
I will keep it short and simple.
If you want something more than "transaction", look for it off SA.
I have come across really sweet girls and been with them for over three years. Trust me, however sweet they are, deep down there are issues. The question you got to ask yourselves is. Have you given enough time for those issues to surface? And, are those issues something you are willing to put up with?
For me, I know I have issues. And that's precisely why I am on SA. I know I cannot put up with those girls issues in the long run from close quarters but they are nice enough to keep at arms length (or dick's length).
P. S: Every relation, real or otherwise, has "transaction" element. SA is explocitly so. Commitment, in my opinion, is not transacted on SA.Thanks for this. There are definitely issues and I have my own issues too. I'm not really sure what I'd do if she wanted to commit even. How are you able to keep them at arms length despite knowing them for years?
07-27-24, 23:12
There are as many motivations for being on that site as there are women in the world. You're there so I'm going to assume you are reasonably successful & can pay for it if you want. To be successful you need to reasonably intelligent unless you inherited it. I'm not about to tell you how to think but I have been on both sides of what you're talking about. A girl wanted more with me and when she let me know I broke it off because I didn't want to hurt her. Flip the coin and another got rid of me for the same reason. I was in a "committed" arrangement more so to makes us both feel at ease about going bare but we both admitted to feelings. Seeing one now for more than a year and it's getting serious. Started out very transactional, weekly without outside activities to where we now look forward to doing things together outside the house. It has progressed very naturally, though slower than a traditional relationship but I don't think either of us are thinking long term. She's got young kids and I'm a few years from early retirement. I regularly do things for her outside of the "arrangement" because I want to and she's been giving me more of herself because she's comfortable.
The only advice that makes any sense is to talk to her and figure it out with the understanding it may end earlier than you'd like because you're on different paths. Or play the long game and see what develops.
Could use your guys advice on a situation. Been seeing a girl I met on sa for a few months now. She didn't want usual sugar / ppm but I take her to nicer restaurants and on trips. She made it clear early on she doesn't want a relationship and ended it with the last guy from sa because he wanted more. It was basically a fwb which was fine for me.
After a recent trip I found myself wanting something more serious though. The trip was great but it makes me sad to think these memories of it won't lead anywhere. I'm on the younger side and don't have experience with longer relationships so hoping some of you guys can provide some perspective. She's said she doesn't want a relationship and I'm not naive to try to change her mind. Is it possible to enjoy seeing her knowing it's short term or should I end things and look for something "real" off of sa?
or should I end things and look for something "real" off of sa?I personally would continue to see her, but Elvis is right about looking elsewhere in parallel.
I think the expectation of a serious relationship from any of these p4 p or pseudo situations is probably going to end in heartache. And likely a high percentage.
Do I believe it's impossible? No. I have experienced it myself. One of my favorite people was working at an agency and she was a super sweetheart. Runway model physique, sexy accent, etc. I booked her once after talking to her on her professional socials and we hit it off. She told me to see her in between other clients, etc. It was an amazing time (approx 6 months), especially since I was hanging out with other pros (who doesn't like hanging out with sexy women who make heads turn?) off the clock. So my namesake is probably from this situation ("foolish" Out of the blue, I tell her I don't want anything serious. A month later, she disappears, apparently dating someone and stopped working. If I was in a different situ, I would have given it a real shot. Who knows what would have happened.
Anyhow, not sure if this helps, but I always wonder how she is doing, hoping for the best (she always struggled with supporting her family / but never let me give her $). I have also met the opposite, ones who play the long game and have scammed and emptied many a pocket. So there's definitely a bit of everything out there.
07-28-24, 05:50
Could use your guys advice on a situation. Been seeing a girl I met on sa for a few months now. She didn't want usual sugar / ppm but I take her to nicer restaurants and on trips. She made it clear early on she doesn't want a relationship and ended it with the last guy from sa because he wanted more. It was basically a fwb which was fine for me.
After a recent trip I found myself wanting something more serious though. The trip was great but it makes me sad to think these memories of it won't lead anywhere. I'm on the younger side and don't have experience with longer relationships so hoping some of you guys can provide some perspective. She's said she doesn't want a relationship and I'm not naive to try to change her mind. Is it possible to enjoy seeing her knowing it's short term or should I end things and look for something "real" off of sa?One other thing I should mention:
There are zounds of marriages that do not start off as traditional prostitution. 20 year old girl meets guy in calculus class, girl is not good with math, guy helps her with homework. A year later they have been going to restaurants, movies, and sports events together, and are fucking each other on a regular basis. Do you think he was paying her money every time they had sex? Of course not. Now, how many of those marriages do you think end in divorce between either partner turns 55? Look at the statistics. James Sexton also points out that some partners run off and abandon their spouse, while others get a legal separation. Depending on the state, these might not fall into the technical definition of divorce. Still more remain in a hostile marriage for the sake of their kids, church, and family approval. Marriages they would have dissolved a decade ago were it not for outside influences. So, do you really think the American divorce rate is around 50%? Or do you think the actual rate of "failed" marriages is more like 70 or 80% ?
So how many of those marriages do you think started off by a guy dating a sex worker? The point I'm trying to make is. Things can go wrong with a partner regardless of the circumstances. And I think adding a sex worker into the mix just presents one more complication on top of a situation that eventually, at some point, is 70% likely to dissolve. So this is potentially making a complicated situation even more complicated. This is even if you don't want an official marriage, and just want a long term committed partner, or common law wife to live with. All these things we guys do to begin with, have the risk of something going awry in the future. So if you decide to continue seeing this woman, you should at least prepare yourself, that down the road things will turn sour. Now, if they don't turn sour, then that's great, more power to you. But in that scenario, you spend maybe a few days and a few thousand dollars possibly researching attorneys, therapists, planning to dodge skip tracers, and maybe preparing yourself mentally for the emotional toll if this woman initially says "yes", then breaks your heart later on. Personally I'd rather spend a bit of time and money now, knowing it might not work, then charging ahead and expecting long term success. If you are prepared for the negative, it makes testing the waters a little easier if you want to try it out.
Steve 9696
07-28-24, 21:30
Could use your guys advice on a situation. Been seeing a girl I met on sa for a few months now. She didn't want usual sugar / ppm but I take her to nicer restaurants and on trips. She made it clear early on she doesn't want a relationship and ended it with the last guy from sa because he wanted more. It was basically a fwb which was fine for me.
After a recent trip I found myself wanting something more serious though. The trip was great but it makes me sad to think these memories of it won't lead anywhere. I'm on the younger side and don't have experience with longer relationships so hoping some of you guys can provide some perspective. She's said she doesn't want a relationship and I'm not naive to try to change her mind. Is it possible to enjoy seeing her knowing it's short term or should I end things and look for something "real" off of sa?Here is a dose of reality which will either depress you or free you. Right now you are having sex with a girl you like for no more than the price of dinner and with no expectations. This is the pinnacle — as good as it gets. Because after a few years either one of two things will happen and probably both. It will get routine and you will want someone new. Or she will get lazy and entitled and you will want to move on. This is inevitable and how it unfortunately works in life. Men are not built for monogamy and the vast majority of women tire of the type of sex we like and just don't put in the effort anymore.
That's why we are all here because in real life the ongoing sex with a beautiful woman who is affectionate and adores you lasts a few years at best. Yes there are exceptions and maybe Elvis is one. But for the rest of us the lustre fades. And if you can just move on and say next next (sure there will be tears) then you are a lucky man. Keep Rockin on with this girl. Don't try to make it more than it is. And be prepared that it's temporary. But you just repeat it. There are literally billions of women. Next next.
07-28-24, 23:02
Gents, I have an opportunity to go literally almost anywhere for a week. I want to go somewhere that Seeking rocks. Specifically where there is a large quantity of active girls. I have found that that's the key to having access to lots of hot girls. It's a numbers game.
I have already done, and loved, London, nyc, Barcelona, Madrid, and Mexico City. Great seeking game there.
I have not enjoyed Frankfurt, Budapest, Tijuana, Dublin. There just wast enough volume to make it work.
What are the other great cities for easy young civvy action? Asia is also ok for me.
07-28-24, 23:10
Been here too. My wife was a trophy wife by most people's definitions. She didn't come from a family of money but made plenty of her own, was gorgeous, adored me, and did all kinds of things others wouldn't for me. Never really understood or figured out how I got her. In my mind love and sex are two completely different things, unfortunately she didn't see things that way and we're not together anymore. I'm sure we had that conversation before we got married but it's not the kind of thing you keep rehashing so she inevitably found out and that was that. It didn't help that we were in the 7 year itch time frame and sex was stale. I read something once that pretty much sums up married sex. Put a quarter in a jar every time you have sex before and during your first year of marriage. Pull a quarter out of the jar every time you have sex after the first year and that jar will never be empty.
Like Steve says, there are exceptions but we're animals at the end of the day and we are programmed to procreate and they are programmed to nurture and care. I've got regrets about how my marriage ended but I'm convinced that getting to where I am now was inevitable.
That's why we are all here because in real life the ongoing sex with a beautiful woman who is affectionate and adores you lasts a few years at best.
After a recent trip I found myself wanting something more serious though.
Not sure if others have said it. You need to see more girls if this is the only one you are seeing now.
Steve 9696
07-29-24, 19:47
Gents, I have an opportunity to go literally almost anywhere for a week. I want to go somewhere that Seeking rocks. Specifically where there is a large quantity of active girls. I have found that that's the key to having access to lots of hot girls. It's a numbers game.
I have already done, and loved, London, nyc, Barcelona, Madrid, and Mexico City. Great seeking game there.
I have not enjoyed Frankfurt, Budapest, Tijuana, Dublin. There just wast enough volume to make it work.
What are the other great cities for easy young civvy action? Asia is also ok for me.Dude you have done some of the best seeking in the world — Madrid Mex City London. Going to be hard to improve on that. Sorry but I don't recall your background. Have you been to Brazil? It's known for the club and clinics scene but if you haven't had a Brazilian girl in Brazil you really haven't lived. Maybe go there and try the seeking scene and if you strikeout the clubs are fabulous. But possibly my best Seeking girl ever I scored in Rio. $100 usd ppm. And same per day when I travel her. Exceptional? Probably. But the economy is different there than Madrid and you can likely score a real keeper for not so much as elsewhere.
07-29-24, 20:20
Really a waste of time in Germany and most of Europe, Asia too. Do consider Poland if you like slavs but use gold bikini club. Lots of traffic there and every girl I met spoke good to excellent English.
Gents, I have an opportunity to go literally almost anywhere for a week. I want to go somewhere that Seeking rocks. Specifically where there is a large quantity of active girls. I have found that that's the key to having access to lots of hot girls. It's a numbers game.
I have already done, and loved, London, nyc, Barcelona, Madrid, and Mexico City. Great seeking game there.
I have not enjoyed Frankfurt, Budapest, Tijuana, Dublin. There just wast enough volume to make it work.
What are the other great cities for easy young civvy action? Asia is also ok for me.
07-29-24, 20:27
Gents, I have an opportunity to go literally almost anywhere for a week. I want to go somewhere that Seeking rocks. Specifically where there is a large quantity of active girls. I have found that that's the key to having access to lots of hot girls. It's a numbers game.
I have already done, and loved, London, nyc, Barcelona, Madrid, and Mexico City. Great seeking game there.
I have not enjoyed Frankfurt, Budapest, Tijuana, Dublin. There just wast enough volume to make it work.
What are the other great cities for easy young civvy action? Asia is also ok for me.Frankfurt, Budapest might have lots of professionals posing as Sugarbaby. Both cities are great for normal p4 p. I found cities where p4 p isn't that great comes with good amount of university girls venturing on seeking for extra money. Prague is best destination for p4 p in EU but seeking is crap here and mostly unnecessary. Helsinki was the best for me where I even had opportunity to score a former miss universe contestant and Krakow came close second.
Elvis 2008
07-29-24, 20:55
Here is a dose of reality which will either depress you or free you. Right now you are having sex with a girl you like for no more than the price of dinner and with no expectations. This is the pinnacle as good as it gets. Because after a few years either one of two things will happen and probably both. It will get routine and you will want someone new. Or she will get lazy and entitled and you will want to move on. This is inevitable and how it unfortunately works in life. Men are not built for monogamy and the vast majority of women tire of the type of sex we like and just don't put in the effort anymore.
That's why we are all here because in real life the ongoing sex with a beautiful woman who is affectionate and adores you lasts a few years at best. Yes there are exceptions and maybe Elvis is one. But for the rest of us the lustre fades.You have to understand Steve, I was a sap. I bought the bullshit society was selling us. My wedding to the ex was epic. People still talk about it. The girl was a beauty, a professional, a good lover. I was sure we were going to be in love forever and fuck like rabbits our whole life.
And the OP wants a legit woman like her, one not on seeking, the myth that the girl you are with loves you for you, and the reassurance it will stay like that. You think you do not need an arrangement. This is so wrong. The reality is if she is hot she probably already has been a sugar baby. And there is always an arrangement. You just pretend it does not exist.
The default arrangement is she gets half your income even if she is not fucking you and a huge chunk of your assets. The sweet sound of lifelong marriage vows is there so you do not get a prenup nor have an exit plan. I fell for it and God it was the biggest mistake of my life. Sure, being a SD was not as acceptable socially as being a husband but what matters more, society being happy or me?
And then one day, it happens. I told this to another poster here. All of a sudden my dick tastes funny and my ex refused to suck it. In hindsight, I should have covered it with the nastiest shit around and said suck it or we get divorced, but I was like if you do not want to suck it, I will find someone who does. We men give up sex to make peace. We are so dumb.
And if you think you will fare better in the marriage game, you won't not with the naive attitude I had that is so common. It is ingrained in you over decades. I guarantee you that my ex-wife was as good if not better than yours, and she was a virgin.
Steve, you are totally right in that the typical relationship goes downhill. For me it seemed to be three months of great sex and then the SB thinks she has you (and more like a year or two with a GF). Then her financial needs escalate and the sex is less often and worse, so you swap her out. I just thought this was the reality for me and all men and was content to be a SD forever.
And of course, that is when a woman pops up who is wife material, but I realized with her our relationship had to be an upgrade over a sugar one, or why bother?
I thought at some point, she too is going to not want to suck dick. All women get there, but I feel insecure I could lose my job if I do not perform. Why should wives and GFs be different? Instead of getting rid of the photos and phone numbers of all my other women, I kept them, so she knows those girls are a phone call away.
I want her secure in that if she performs we will be together but certain that I will take off if she literally and figuratively stops sucking dick. And just like with the ex-SBs, I want an easy exit plan there if I need it.
And Steve, I would have completely agreed with you about the need for strange, but have you ever known a guy who cheated who was being gotten off three times a day? Can a guy like that even think about another woman?
So do we really need strange or do we need to be sexually fulfilled? If you have a woman getting you off, is stunning, and is great at it, do you think most guys are going to risk losing her for someone less? Hell, maybe the reason guys really stray is the deal they currently have with a woman sucks, and they want a better one.
So we should not say guys are cheating unless they are refusing blow jobs and literally saying while getting sucked off, "Hey, I want her to suck it now not you. " That means 99+% of infidelity is on the women, and we have let them get away with it.
And how many guys would even have the balls to tell anyone their wife says their dick tastes funny? And if I told my male friends, you know most of them would tell me that I needed to clean my dick and say to themselves no one says my dick tastes funny. I had one guy in my life who said anything negative about wives and women. One! Even guys who had lousy wives put the female POV first.
But what happens if a hooker or SB encounters a dirty dick? Does she emasculate you and shame you and not perform? Fuck no. She would not get paid. She is going to clean you. So why would a wife not do that? Because it is not about a dirty dick. It is about power. It is about her saying she can do nothing and you have to live with it. Guys with the cleanest dicks in the world with cum that taste like honey have dirty dicks when women do not want to give head. I repeat, we men can be so stupid.
So yeah, I found an amazing woman but if it were thirty years ago and I made the same mistakes as I did before, I am not sure the ending with this gal would be any different than it was with my ex.
I have done it in Medellin and CDMX, by far my favorite is Medellin. There are litterally 1000 girls under 30 and I found a 40 yr old that has one of the best bodies I have seen AND she did not go to the gym. If I was smarter I would post a pic of the 40 yo in Cancun in a brazilian style bikini.
Gents, I have an opportunity to go literally almost anywhere for a week. I want to go somewhere that Seeking rocks. Specifically where there is a large quantity of active girls. I have found that that's the key to having access to lots of hot girls. It's a numbers game.
I have already done, and loved, London, nyc, Barcelona, Madrid, and Mexico City. Great seeking game there.
I have not enjoyed Frankfurt, Budapest, Tijuana, Dublin. There just wast enough volume to make it work.
What are the other great cities for easy young civvy action? Asia is also ok for me.
Steve 9696
07-29-24, 23:57
I have done it in Medellin and CDMX, by far my favorite is Medellin. There are litterally 1000 girls under 30 and I found a 40 yr old that has one of the best bodies I have seen AND she did not go to the gym. If I was smarter I would post a pic of the 40 yo in Cancun in a brazilian style bikini.Damn. I did all Facebook pros in MDE. Didn't know Seeking was so good. Going to have to get back there. Quick 3 hour flight from miami so pretty attractive!
I have done it in Medellin and CDMX, by far my favorite is Medellin. There are litterally 1000 girls under 30 and I found a 40 yr old that has one of the best bodies I have seen AND she did not go to the gym. If I was smarter I would post a pic of the 40 yo in Cancun in a brazilian style bikini.What are you smoking? Seeking sucks in Mde. It is full of pros, the response rate is shit and flake rate is through the roof. Good luck finding a decent girl these days. Not saying it is impossible, but extremely difficult. I guess you are into hardcore pros, this is why seeking works well for you, but most guys here, including Steve, are looking for a different kind of experience rather than wham bam thank you ma'am type.
Dude you have done some of the best seeking in the world Madrid Mex City London. Going to be hard to improve on that. Sorry but I don't recall your background. Have you been to Brazil? It's known for the club and clinics scene but if you haven't had a Brazilian girl in Brazil you really haven't lived. Maybe go there and try the seeking scene and if you strikeout the clubs are fabulous. But possibly my best Seeking girl ever I scored in Rio. $100 usd ppm. And same per day when I travel her. Exceptional? Probably. But the economy is different there than Madrid and you can likely score a real keeper for not so much as elsewhere.The best Seeking girl I have ever met was in Rio. She happened to be the only girl I met off Seeking there. I hit a jackpot, so to speak. But overall, Seeking is not really popular in Brazil, pickings are slim. There is a well developed p4 p scene, so I guess Seeking is not really necessary. I would look into Buenos Aires, it might be a hidden gem. Big cosmopolitan city, tons of college girls (from around the world) and much less developed p4 p scene. Perfect environment for Seeking to thrive.
Steve 9696
07-30-24, 03:24
The best Seeking girl I have ever met was in Rio. She happened to be the only girl I met off Seeking there. I hit a jackpot, so to speak. But overall, Seeking is not really popular in Brazil, pickings are slim. There is a well developed p4 p scene, so I guess Seeking is not really necessary. I would look into Buenos Aires, it might be a hidden gem. Big cosmopolitan city, tons of college girls (from around the world) and much less developed p4 p scene. Perfect environment for Seeking to thrive.The girls call it Baires. And Mb is spot on. I've had three smoking hot Seeking girls in Baires and it's a lovely city as well. Def recommend.
07-30-24, 12:35
The girls call it Baires. And Mb is spot on. I've had three smoking hot Seeking girls in Baires and it's a lovely city as well. Def recommend.Yes, I agree. I am an escort guy, not a Seeking guy. But they are somewhat similar, so it makes sense that Seeking would be good.
I also had very good experiences in Buenos Aires.
Just because a country doesn't want giant facilities and / or red light districts where people go to fuck doesn't mean it is undeveloped. Most western countries are moving toward more direct dealings between sex workers and Johns. Reduces trafficking and keeps the unwanted moralists from seeing and objecting.
There are very well done large advertising venues where the escorts advertise. You either have them come to your hotel where they show their ID to the front desk or you go to their private incall. That is one unfortunate difference between Argentina versus North America and Western Europe, where the ladies are free and equal and can travel throughout the hotel unmolested (until they get into your room with respect to the molesting).
But it is a civilized country with elegant, educated women. Many fine independent escorts and I am sure many fine Seeking ladies, also.
The only complaint I had was the lack of English by the taxi drivers, who made little effort to please. Perhaps smartphones and Google translate works now to improve things. It has certainly helped with communications with escorts.
07-30-24, 15:16
Really a waste of time in Germany and most of Europe, Asia too. Do consider Poland if you like slavs but use gold bikini club. Lots of traffic there and every girl I met spoke good to excellent English.Say more about gold bikini club. I almost went to krakow a few years ago and learned about this site. I have an account. But when testing the waters I didn't really get a lot of response so I went to Budapest instead. Not a good trip.
You had good experiences on gold bikini?
I don't know about Seeking in BA, but when it comes to mongering it's only a shell of its former self. For straight forward mongering you're much better off in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and other places around the world. And it's too bad because it used to be much better for P4 P with excellent steaks on the side.
07-31-24, 19:40
Wrote a review about it a few months back. Make no mistake, it is as much work as seeking but there are tons of girls there. I'm happy with my results. Krakow is better than Warsaw because it's a college town and a far more interesting city imo anyway. My advice is post a pic about 2 mo out and let them come to you and get the feel for it. 1 mo out, start contacting the ones you're interested in.
Say more about gold bikini club. I almost went to krakow a few years ago and learned about this site. I have an account. But when testing the waters I didn't really get a lot of response so I went to Budapest instead. Not a good trip.
You had good experiences on gold bikini?
Here is a dose of reality which will either depress you or free you. Right now you are having sex with a girl you like for no more than the price of dinner and with no expectations. This is the pinnacle as good as it gets. Because after a few years either one of two things will happen and probably both. It will get routine and you will want someone new. Or she will get lazy and entitled and you will want to move on. This is inevitable and how it unfortunately works in life. Men are not built for monogamy and the vast majority of women tire of the type of sex we like and just don't put in the effort anymore.
That's why we are all here because in real life the ongoing sex with a beautiful woman who is affectionate and adores you lasts a few years at best. Yes there are exceptions and maybe Elvis is one. But for the rest of us the lustre fades. And if you can just move on and say next next (sure there will be tears) then you are a lucky man. Keep Rockin on with this girl. Don't try to make it more than it is. And be prepared that it's temporary. But you just repeat it. There are literally billions of women. Next next.Thanks for the dose of reality. I guess I still have that disney programming about a happy ending but have to see through it.
Elvis' post was also helpful, but he's right. It's hard to think about other women if you're getting sex 2-3 x a day.
Steve 9696
08-01-24, 21:11
Thanks for the dose of reality. I guess I still have that disney programming about a happy ending but have to see through it.
Elvis' post was also helpful, but he's right. It's hard to think about other women if you're getting sex 2-3 x a day.Well I hope the dose of reality has two sides. One. Yes the fairytale rarely exists. That's the sobering truth. But two, you can be a serial monogamist! And it's awesome. If you don't tie urself legally to one woman then you can have fun and yet meaningful relationships with many women serially. Or semi serially like me — I am monagamous per city. I don't play multiple girls in one city once they are regs. But I do flit from city to city and enjoy micro monogamy with each of them! LOL.
Word of caution. Your current girl is optimal because she stated she doesn't want anything long term. But most girls are only going to sleep w you for free if they think they have a future with you. So don't lead those types on. Blue Moon on here gets his fair share of civvies but he's always clear it's just for fun and not long term. Just be upfront. Or pay for it like the rest of us. 😋.
Just caught somebody from Ghana pretending to be a very hot young blonde. It was easy because the person was too stupid to mask where they were logging in from. Love that feature on Seeking! You can use it to bust a fraudster right off the bat! Me personally I don't let it be known where I'm signing in from. I'm not trying to rip anybody off. I just don't want that info out there if I can help it. And a rip off artist shouldn't want that to be known either LOL!
08-04-24, 07:51
Just caught somebody from Ghana pretending to be a very hot young blonde. It was easy because the person was too stupid to mask where they were logging in from. Love that feature on Seeking! You can use it to bust a fraudster right off the bat! Me personally I don't let it be known where I'm signing in from. I'm not trying to rip anybody off. I just don't want that info out there if I can help it. And a rip off artist shouldn't want that to be known either LOL!There are plenty of such profiles but with proxy or VPN masking profile location. I use reverse image search on Google, yandex, Bing and tineye to report fakes.
Just caught somebody from Ghana pretending to be a very hot young blonde. It was easy because the person was too stupid to mask where they were logging in from. Love that feature on Seeking! You can use it to bust a fraudster right off the bat! Me personally I don't let it be known where I'm signing in from. I'm not trying to rip anybody off. I just don't want that info out there if I can help it. And a rip off artist shouldn't want that to be known either LOL!Agree, I'd want to know what the story is for a "hot young blonde" to happen to be living in Ghana. Maybe she works for the UN or the Russians? : the.
Personally, I just ignore anybody outside my geographic area, not going to drive 4 hours just to meet some girl But I agree about the VPN, it low hanging fruit that scammers should be aware of, but I think a lot of them are going for volume, catching the guys who just want to believe a hot girl in another country is eager to meet them.
Agree, I'd want to know what the story is for a "hot young blonde" to happen to be living in Ghana. Maybe she works for the UN or the Russians?It was worse than that. The con artist was purporting to be an All-American hottie from the United States, but I could see they were actually logged in from Ghana. "She" was supposed to be living in the United States in my city right now. Right! Blocked!
08-05-24, 07:13
Agree, I'd want to know what the story is for a "hot young blonde" to happen to be living in Ghana. Maybe she works for the UN or the Russians? : the.
Personally, I just ignore anybody outside my geographic area, not going to drive 4 hours just to meet some girl But I agree about the VPN, it low hanging fruit that scammers should be aware of, but I think a lot of them are going for volume, catching the guys who just want to believe a hot girl in another country is eager to meet them.Not too get too confrontational, but Seeking in the USA is a waste of time. Is this ISG. If you want to stay local, there are other forums.
[Deleted by Admin]
EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it was an attempt by the author to encourage members to CONTACT HIM on ANOTHER WEBSITE. In the future, please refrain from posting requests for forum members to contact you on another website. Thanks!
Steve 9696
08-05-24, 17:14
Not too get too confrontational, but Seeking in the USA is a waste of time. Is this ISG. If you want to stay local, there are other forums.Yes ISG is international but the US is a part of that. This thread was started by midwestern in China but yeah prob 70% of the talk here is USA which I appreciate since I do both and don't have to forum switch.
I disagree that SA USA is a waste of time. It's just hard and exhausting. It's absolutely amazing when you dig thru the shit and find your girl. I have had a TON of great USA experiences via seeking. Gets harder every day but it's still worth it for me.
08-05-24, 17:36
[Deleted by Admin] It's a fuck ton of work but not a waste of time. I've pulled some amazing girls off that site. We regularly discuss results in other parts of the world so it's not going anywhere.
Not too get too confrontational, but Seeking in the USA is a waste of time. Is this ISG. If you want to stay local, there are other forums.
Milan. Pretty tough here. Had one other doable hottie arranged at 400 that I had to punt in favor of this girl. I simply had to feel that hair!. But Milan is def a bit expensive and hard to navigate.How is Milan tough for sugar dating?
Steve 9696
08-06-24, 12:20
How is Milan tough for sugar dating?I guess my comment was on the sex scene there in general. Germany Spain Japan Brazil etc all have a way to play that's super easy. Milan not so much. I found an escort site and they were professional but the girl was the worst I've had in ten years. Truly didn't want to be there.
But seeking was pretty standard I guess. Lots of work but with high payoff. Flying my Milan Seeking girl w me next week.
I guess my comment was on the sex scene there in general. Germany Spain Japan Brazil etc all have a way to play that's super easy. Milan not so much. I found an escort site and they were professional but the girl was the worst I've had in ten years. Truly didn't want to be there.
But seeking was pretty standard I guess. Lots of work but with high payoff. Flying my Milan Seeking girl w me next week.The sex scene in Milan is better than you think, but like many places you have to know the right websites. I guess the lack of popularity in ISG makes it more difficult than more popular cities.
Steve 9696
08-13-24, 15:31
Just another shout out to how with the right match Seeking rules! Recall Tamra from Milan a few weeks back. Magical first date. Perfect chemistry and the perfect girl. And then she joined me via a long train ride to another Italian city and more of the same. Less than 24 hours but the spark was there. Now we are spending 5 days together elsewhere in Europe and only 24 hours in but it's epic.
It is the total GFE. Sleeping together. Breakfast together. Touring. Massage. Dinner. Watching her get ready. Putting on her makeup. Just the whole intimate experience of living together. I know it's not for everyone. But damn it's great for me. Plus she's a hot AF 9 or every 9. 5. This girl is hot chick dynamite and smart and funny. Damn she's the whole package. And somehow I got her to be my girl. Seeking totally rules.
08-14-24, 03:04
Just another shout out to how with the right match Seeking rules! Recall Tamra from Milan a few weeks back. Magical first date. Perfect chemistry and the perfect girl. And then she joined me via a long train ride to another Italian city and more of the same. Less than 24 hours but the spark was there. Now we are spending 5 days together elsewhere in Europe and only 24 hours in but it's epic.
It is the total GFE. Sleeping together. Breakfast together. Touring. Massage. Dinner. Watching her get ready. Putting on her makeup. Just the whole intimate experience of living together. I know it's not for everyone. But damn it's great for me. Plus she's a hot AF 9 or every 9. 5. This girl is hot chick dynamite and smart and funny. Damn she's the whole package. And somehow I got her to be my girl. Seeking totally rules.I think it would be very interesting to keep track of the long term results of these. I don't know if ISG site will be around 20 or 30 years from now, but I still think it would be interesting to keep track of the stats.
Just another shout out to how with the right match Seeking rules! Recall Tamra from Milan a few weeks back. Magical first date. Perfect chemistry and the perfect girl. And then she joined me via a long train ride to another Italian city and more of the same. Less than 24 hours but the spark was there. Now we are spending 5 days together elsewhere in Europe and only 24 hours in but it's epic.
It is the total GFE. Sleeping together. Breakfast together. Touring. Massage. Dinner. Watching her get ready. Putting on her makeup. Just the whole intimate experience of living together. I know it's not for everyone. But damn it's great for me. Plus she's a hot AF 9 or every 9. 5. This girl is hot chick dynamite and smart and funny. Damn she's the whole package. And somehow I got her to be my girl. Seeking totally rules.Your just a lucky guy steve. Just curious what's your per diem / ppm with her steve? Milan is expensive for seeking game. Like very expensive.
Steve 9696
08-16-24, 16:59
So my European vacation with Tamra has come to a close. And damn. What a girl. She is model gorgeous with mounds of soft curly blonde brown hair and a true 9. 5 face. Oh and finest tits on planet earth bar none. Seriously unbelievable that I had this girl all to myself for a week. It was legendary.
I won't recap all the detail because the days were largely the same. So this will be brief. For me. LOL.
We stayed at a really nice hotel close to old town so everything was walkable. Every day we would sightsee. And every night we would eat epic meals and drink like fish while sharing a cigarette or two. A couple nights we stumbled in too drunk to fuck but made up for it in the morning.
My favorite morning was when she was getting ready. I took the opportunity to slip out to get some of the allowance I would owe at the end. I came back and she was in her skirt but naked above the waist. And she pulled me into a hug. I said babe you look absolutely amazing without makeup. (And truly only the second girl who can smoke even top girls with zero makeup).
So she gave me a light kiss on the lips and said thank you baby. Then another more lingering kiss and next thing you know she has her hand on my cock. Well good morning gorgeous!
She literally drops to her knees right outside the bathroom and undoes my pants. Doesn't even get my briefs all the way down before she slides my now hard cock into her mouth. Truly nice BJ with some good BLS and shaft licking. What a great way to start the day! And I loooove that she would initiate that way. Very rare boldness amongst girls I have experienced.
My second favorite bedroom experience was our last night. She was having baby daddy drama all day and being a good sport. I bought her a little neck charm to cheer her up. And you could see she was seriously grateful in the look she gave me. I mean like real emotion. Not just a quick thank you. I don't know if it's related but damn that night was something else!
We started on the bed with her getting her top off pretty early on. Well her tits are spectacular and have not had enough attention. So I straddle her and start working them in big circles. This is mutually beneficial as she loves this and moans and she looks deep into my eyes. This is super intimate somehow and She is working my dick by hand in return and it feels great.
Having spent at least ten minutes on hands on tits (and they deserve it — I could do that 24/7) I start sucking them. She's very sensitive in a good way like they are connected to her pussy and I know she's getting wet.
We both strip down naked and I start a slow descent for some rocking DATY. I am really committed to rocking this sweethearts world so I am down there easy 20+ minutes with all the tricks of the trade. She never has that one final crashing O but I can feel contractions on my fingers. And she keeps head clamping me when she builds. No doubt she had an amazing time and tells me so.
Of course it's time to reciprocate and down she goes. Damn she did a fine job. I don't know if she learned what I like over the week or recalled. But it was far better than any earlier BJ that week. I mean super fine with BLS and shaft licking harmonica and of course lovely deep mouth pumps.
I don't cum but I come close and am ridiculously hard at this point and ready to fuck. I mount up in mish bareback and it is heavenly. She has what I call a 360 degree pussy. When fingering her every direction is soft and luscious and fuck she feels fine when you are inside.
In mish I give her a good solid fucking and you can feel her building again. It feels so good I have to stop and pullout three times to hold my load! Finally I pull her into the Steve position and really go to town. I'm a bit worried I backed too far away from the edge. But her pussy feels amazing and I build to an epic shot which I drop on her tummy. OMG. That was some quality sex with a stunning girl.
But the sex was just part of it. We had such a lovely time the whole visit. It was true BFGF bopping about and enjoying every minute. Both out on the town and really just the intimacy of staying together and getting ready together and all that. (FWIW I think 5 days is prob the max to spend on flying a seeking girl, even an awesome one. Prob 3 days is just as good.).
Amazing city. Awesome food and drink. Stunning girl on my arm 24/7. And quality, meaningful bareback sex. Truly the full package.
Steve 9696
08-16-24, 17:05
Your just a lucky guy steve. Just curious what's your per diem / ppm with her steve? Milan is expensive for seeking game. Like very expensive.Originally she came in hot at 800. I said my budget was 500 and assumed we were done. She said fine. And the rest is history. So yeah 500 is a lot and most I pay worldwide. But this girl is off the charts spectacular and not just in the looks department. As I mentioned before I usually do the Ppm rate as a daily rate and that has always worked. Same here. It was really give calendar days but three full days. So I gave her 1500. We never discussed it. But she thanked me profusely for everything and wants to meetup again so I presume we are good.
Although it sounds like a lot I really don't think so. I paid a Brazilian girl 1000/ week back in 2019 and Brazilians are cheap. I feel like 1500 is fair all around. Honestly I think she would have been happy with less because she had an amazing vacation. But I WANTED to help her. That's when you know it's really working.
Steve 9696
08-20-24, 12:35
Dudes. I know you are out there slaying it. Someone give us an update!
08-20-24, 21:48
Dudes. I know you are out there slaying it. Someone give us an update!I've got a 1 week trip to a pacific island scheduled for next month. $0 cash to her to join me; I'm only paying for her flight and other travel related expenses, and she's very happy with that. Amazonian Brasileira from the Manaus area. I didn't meet her there though; she was in southern Brazil when we first met. If she says she wants to make us official after this, then I will probably drop out of the race, because she's young enough to stay with for a lifetime. I'm not the kind of guy who likes hoping around from girl to girl, and only did so in the past because I was not aware you could find legit girls on seeking. She has a regular job (50+ hours a week) and will likely return to school. I think it is possible, that if more and more American men go overseas, that it may become substantially more difficult to find girls like this. That also may spell doom for the US, which might already be fucked anyhow.
08-21-24, 06:26
This is probably the opposite but I just let a 3 mo subscription expire. Met one girl, was tried to be scammed by at least 10 (crypto and gas money scams mostly), and got laid 0 times. Been with my SB for well over a year now and my eye started to wander so I figured I'd go fishing. Complete waste of time and money. Actually made me appreciate my SB even more so I'm off the market at home and only use it when I travel which hasn't been much this year.
I hate to be one of those guys that complains about how things used to be but I'm convinced the quality of girls on that site has gone down markedly in the past couple years. I will say they are getting proactive at getting rid of the scammers though. By the time I figure out they're a scammer the profile is usually gone within a couple days. Someone (Americanpi?) Posted some useful guidelines to spot scammers a while back, add to that no profile text, bad grammar, model quality pics, and backgrounds that are obviously not in the US or show cars with right hand drive cars (unless that's status quo for where you're hunting).
Dudes. I know you are out there slaying it. Someone give us an update!
08-21-24, 10:22
Yes ISG is international but the US is a part of that. This thread was started by midwestern in China but yeah prob 70% of the talk here is USA which I appreciate since I do both and don't have to forum switch.
I disagree that SA USA is a waste of time. It's just hard and exhausting. It's absolutely amazing when you dig thru the shit and find your girl. I have had a TON of great USA experiences via seeking. Gets harder every day but it's still worth it for me.I definitely agree about the hard and exhausting part. Just giving my view of the San Francisco bay area scene. Almost a lot of new profiles that show up turn out to be fake or trying to peddle you photos / videos. What seems to work ok to a point is if you keep the search focused on ones with kids. However with those there are few challenges. Mom bods, meet schedule. It takes time to work through those to get going.
On the positive side. A lot of them seem to be ok with ppm.
08-21-24, 15:51
I definitely agree about the hard and exhausting part. Just giving my view of the San Francisco bay area scene. Almost a lot of new profiles that show up turn out to be fake or trying to peddle you photos / videos. What seems to work ok to a point is if you keep the search focused on ones with kids. However with those there are few challenges. Mom bods, meet schedule. It takes time to work through those to get going.
On the positive side. A lot of them seem to be ok with ppm.Seeking USA is just from my own personal experience; it appears that other people have had better experiences. But even back as early as 2021 it was shitty for me. Aside from the snobbish attitudes, I found it very difficult to verify the authenticity of the accounts, and what the girl's real intentions were. Whereas on traditional sites, there were ways to weed out questionable profiles, such as reviews, verification, references, etc.
On the other hand, outside of the USA I found many girls on Seeking had no objection to just chatting with you, and seeing where things went, if anywhere. They didn't want compensation to talk, or video chat. I could tell if the profile is bad, because the ones that are not are open, and do not want to rush things. The scammers tend to be very objective driven, where they are trying to find ways to lure you into something, and have very little patience. The real ones don't have the attitude of "give me some money before we do anything. " Or starting off the conversation with "Let's talk about my monthly allowance. ".
Honestly I think the bigger problem is with people in general, and has nothing to do with the Seeking as a site. I'm not sure that the mindset of women is deteriorating any more than that of men. It's just modern day culture.
08-21-24, 17:12
Seeking USA is just from my own personal experience; it appears that other people have had better experiences. But even back as early as 2021 it was shitty for me. Aside from the snobbish attitudes, I found it very difficult to verify the authenticity of the accounts, and what the girl's real intentions were. Whereas on traditional sites, there were ways to weed out questionable profiles, such as reviews, verification, references, etc.
On the other hand, outside of the USA I found many girls on Seeking had no objection to just chatting with you, and seeing where things went, if anywhere. They didn't want compensation to talk, or video chat. I could tell if the profile is bad, because the ones that are not are open, and do not want to rush things. The scammers tend to be very objective driven, where they are trying to find ways to lure you into something, and have very little patience. The real ones don't have the attitude of "give me some money before we do anything. " Or starting off the conversation with "Let's talk about my monthly allowance. ".
Honestly I think the bigger problem is with people in general, and has nothing to do with the Seeking as a site. I'm not sure that the mindset of women is deteriorating any more than that of men. It's just modern day culture.Outside of US best cities in order of my experience. Jakarta, Madrid, Lisbon, Porto, Barcelona, Singapore.
Seeking USA is just from my own personal experience; it appears that other people have had better experiences. But even back as early as 2021 it was shitty for me. Aside from the snobbish attitudes, I found it very difficult to verify the authenticity of the accounts, and what the girl's real intentions were. Whereas on traditional sites, there were ways to weed out questionable profiles, such as reviews, verification, references, etc.
The scammers tend to be very objective driven, where they are trying to find ways to lure you into something, and have very little patience. The real ones don't have the attitude of "give me some money before we do anything. " Or starting off the conversation with "Let's talk about my monthly allowance. ".
Honestly I think the bigger problem is with people in general, and has nothing to do with the Seeking as a site. I'm not sure that the mindset of women is deteriorating any more than that of men. It's just modern day culture.Having been banned from SA after several years, I have been on SDM which is about the same. I was banned on Seeking for discussing the $$ of PPM in response to a woman's question, and she reported me. However, you can discuss PPM on the SDM site without being banned. The problem is that Craigslist banned prostitutes several years ago, so now the scammers and hookers are on Seeking and SDM. Unless you want that activity you need to weed them out.
I have always found the women I want to be with by requiring a meeting in a restaurant. I do not discuss monthly allowance or amount of PPM until I meet in a restaurant. They I get prepared for an argument, like they want to be on the same page before they waste their time. These women are not interested in anything but money, so I say "bye. " I try to find out about their last arrangement and do the same, pay the same amount and usually they will tell me the amount. I do not make an offer until the end of dinner, and only if I genuinely like the woman. I am not interested in overweight, nor bossy ***** es. And I do not try to have sex with them that same meetup night for 2 reasons: first I want no pressure and want to give them time to decide if they genuinely like me and I really like them. Secondly, I am too tired from having sex with the roster I have of 5-6 women I am already having arrangements with, unknown to them. I have 2 who are happy with $200 a meeting and I have been seeing one for 5 years now, the other for 2. Recently I have increased my PPM to 400-500 for a weekly meeting with bedroom time, and have found this to be more appropriate for the top teer women, and they are more affectionate knowing they will be better taken care of.
08-21-24, 21:26
Ran across a profile the other day in London that has her last allowance of 6 k lbs / mo stated (proudly I might add) and the fact that he also gave her an apartment. I listed she'd take nothing less:-o.
Having been banned from SA after several years, I have been on SDM which is about the same. I was banned on Seeking for discussing the $$ of PPM in response to a woman's question, and she reported me. However, you can discuss PPM on the SDM site without being banned. The problem is that Craigslist banned prostitutes several years ago, so now the scammers and hookers are on Seeking and SDM. Unless you want that activity you need to weed them out.
I have always found the women I want to be with by requiring a meeting in a restaurant. I do not discuss monthly allowance or amount of PPM until I meet in a restaurant. They I get prepared for an argument, like they want to be on the same page before they waste their time. These women are not interested in anything but money, so I say "bye. " I try to find out about their last arrangement and do the same, pay the same amount and usually they will tell me the amount. I do not make an offer until the end of dinner, and only if I genuinely like the woman. I am not interested in overweight, nor bossy ***** es. And I do not try to have sex with them that same meetup night for 2 reasons: first I want no pressure and want to give them time to decide if they genuinely like me and I really like them. Secondly, I am too tired from having sex with the roster I have of 5-6 women I am already having arrangements with, unknown to them. I have 2 who are happy with $200 a meeting and I have been seeing one for 5 years now, the other for 2. Recently I have increased my PPM to 400-500 for a weekly meeting with bedroom time, and have found this to be more appropriate for the top teer women, and they are more affectionate knowing they will be better taken care of.
08-22-24, 06:22
Having been banned from SA after several years, I have been on SDM which is about the same. I was banned on Seeking for discussing the $$ of PPM in response to a woman's question, and she reported me. However, you can discuss PPM on the SDM site without being banned. The problem is that Craigslist banned prostitutes several years ago, so now the scammers and hookers are on Seeking and SDM. Unless you want that activity you need to weed them out.
I have always found the women I want to be with by requiring a meeting in a restaurant. I do not discuss monthly allowance or amount of PPM until I meet in a restaurant. They I get prepared for an argument, like they want to be on the same page before they waste their time. These women are not interested in anything but money, so I say "bye. " I try to find out about their last arrangement and do the same, pay the same amount and usually they will tell me the amount. I do not make an offer until the end of dinner, and only if I genuinely like the woman. I am not interested in overweight, nor bossy ***** es. And I do not try to have sex with them that same meetup night for 2 reasons: first I want no pressure and want to give them time to decide if they genuinely like me and I really like them. Secondly, I am too tired from having sex with the roster I have of 5-6 women I am already having arrangements with, unknown to them. I have 2 who are happy with $200 a meeting and I have been seeing one for 5 years now, the other for 2. Recently I have increased my PPM to 400-500 for a weekly meeting with bedroom time, and have found this to be more appropriate for the top teer women, and they are more affectionate knowing they will be better taken care of.I would have thought the more "street walker" types would have gone from Craigslist to sites like Skip the Games, Adult Search, and Hot. Those kinds of sites certainly have far more scammers than places like Eros or Slixa, I guess partly because the cost of placing an ad. Seeking takes time and effort to find someone you click with, and in the USA that amount of effort is magnified by 1000 x. I had a girl in the RD quote me $700 USD for an hour, and I responded by immediately blocking her. You get all different kinds of people on the site. I'm just wondering if in 2024, it's drawing much more of the "wrong crowd" than it was in say 2019. Of course I didn't even try to use it until 2021, so my history with the site does not go back 5 years. But I think it all comes down to what the girl wants, and what she expects in return. Admittedly, I've had much better results on Seeking than most other sites, but that is only based on recent experience.
Elvis 2008
08-22-24, 18:56
Ran across a profile the other day in London that has her last allowance of 6 k lbs / mo stated (proudly I might add) and the fact that he also gave her an apartment. I listed she'd take nothing less:-o.There is that slogan about men putting women on a pedestal and they do but what gets me is we have a society that teaches women to put themselves on a pedestal. Every time I have run into a woman who swears she is great at something or says they know what they were worth, they were average at best. The best women I have met do not brag or have a quiet confidence. I was always more interested in a woman who wanted to show me that she was good in bed than one who "knew" she was.
For the most part, the hard to get women were always a disappointment compared to the women who were "easier to get". The one exception was a woman who liked me but was a little afraid of how she might feel about herself being a sugar baby. I did not mind if the woman took some time to make herself comfortable.
I am sure we have all had jobs where we worked hard and got stiffed and other times where we put forth very little effort and were massively overpaid. With a few exceptions in my life, and usually when I was younger, men knew the market. I have met so many women who got the one time they were massively overpaid and they decided that it was what they were worth.
I always felt that giving a SB money was supposed to be a gift and not a wage. If a woman makes you feel like it is a wage, you run. That is a huge difference between a hooker and a SB.
08-23-24, 08:27
I have a lot of respect for girls that think outside of the box and decide being an sb might work for them. It's unconventional and they're getting two needs fed. I've met some real gems that were trophy wife material and the only regrets I've had are that they ended and it was mostly my fault for whatever reason. Anybody who starts talking about compensation before they get to know or meet you is a prostitute. That's never been the case with my best arrangements and I skip over the rest. I'm often asked by prospective sbs what I'm offering and I say nothing until I know I want to have an arrangement with you. It's durect and weeds out the pros. In some weird way it comforts the ones who aren't sure this will work for them. You can't fake chemistry and feelings and it's absolutely stellar when you've got a girl 20/30 yrs younger that you know wants to half with with you rather than has to. The money becomes irrelevant. I don't see any difference between seeing a young girl that needs a hand vs seeing someone my age that doesn't have her act together and needs a hand. The only difference I see is I like having sex more with the prior.
There is that slogan about men putting women on a pedestal and they do but what gets me is we have a society that teaches women to put themselves on a pedestal. Every time I have run into a woman who swears she is great at something or says they know what they were worth, they were average at best. The best women I have met do not brag or have a quiet confidence. I was always more interested in a woman who wanted to show me that she was good in bed than one who "knew" she was.
For the most part, the hard to get women were always a disappointment compared to the women who were "easier to get". The one exception was a woman who liked me but was a little afraid of how she might feel about herself being a sugar baby. I did not mind if the woman took some time to make herself comfortable.
I am sure we have all had jobs where we worked hard and got stiffed and other times where we put forth very little effort and were massively overpaid. With a few exceptions in my life, and usually when I was younger, men knew the market. I have met so many women who got the one time they were massively overpaid and they decided that it was what they were worth.
I always felt that giving a SB money was supposed to be a gift and not a wage. If a woman makes you feel like it is a wage, you run. That is a huge difference between a hooker and a SB.
Steve 9696
08-25-24, 00:19
Since it's so quiet in here date wise let me drop a mini report from a week or so ago. At home I'the been seeing my Mexican hottie. She started as just a quick fuck but we've grown closer over time. But nonetheless her BJ and kissing are perfunctory at best. So even tho she's a nine and fucks like a bunny she just feels off to me. Haven't kicked her to the curb but def exploring.
Found a nerdy girl. 29. Which is outside my age range. But she's a real free spirit and great fun to talk to. So I thought I'the give her a spin. She's def a 5-6 with her glasses which she wears 24/7 but could be a 7/8 made up and no glasses. She has the fundamentals to be pretty but makes zero effort. She's cute underneath tho and has a sexy voice.
We have a great dinner and I love me a chatty girl. And damn she chats a lot. Which is great on a first date. She has literally never done Seeking before but he two friends that do it. So she thought she'the give it a go. I am the only guy she engaged in convo on the site so I feel a little flattered. And here we are on our date. Since she's new and nervous as fuck I told her going in that I would be ok with a platonic first date (no $ of course) but she surprised me by saying she'the be down to go to the room if things went that way.
Well things do go that way because when I suggest getting a room she is all over it. In the room it feels a bit more FWB to me partly because I am just not dying to jump her bones. But we have some great passionate kissing and get naked and it's on. Credible BJ (which needs some train up) and pretty great fucking. Best part tho is this girl needs fucking BAD. She broke up from a ten year relationship 18 months ago and I think her sex life has been super light since then. Because just sucking her tits I think she's going to have an orgasm. And then fingering and a little DATY and she's bucking and flopping like a fish out of water. Gasping for air. Just thrashing about like a beast. LOL. Damn she needed this.
The mish with intense kissing is very good. Her Steve 2 needs serious work. The Steve goes well and she's strumming her clit ferociously. I don't quite get there and put her on extensive BJ again. She said she's a submissive girl and we can train this up more next time. But it's quite good and gets me near the edge. It's not however quite good enough to finish. I move her to doggie, me standing end of the bed and pump away feeling the build. After a solid pounding I pullout and let it fly on her butt / back. Wowzers that felt good.
Of course some kiss and cuddle and plans for further meetups. As I say the "rip her clothes off" passion isn't there for me. But what a sweet girl. And making her cum like the earth has moved is great fun. Will repeat.
Look at the photo this one put up LOL! Methinks a baby wants to get butt fucked LMAO! Way too much ink for my tastes.
Looking for some girls in MTL.
Seems decent but also trying to find some lovel motels to take them to with mirrors on the ceiling and stuff like that.
Can't seem to find that which is weird since it's a poontown.
Any experiences with MTL girls? I like the french vibe but some profiles want french fries only LOL.
08-29-24, 16:22
Hi, what was your experience like in Jakarta? What was a typical ppm for you?
For me my best location has been London. So much choice, and women from all over Europe and elsewhwere. Met an American here too.
Outside of US best cities in order of my experience. Jakarta, Madrid, Lisbon, Porto, Barcelona, Singapore.
08-31-24, 16:07
Odd turn of events here. I was in GDL for a week. One thing I've been doing is using non-seeking dating sites to find sugar babies. I use normal sites like Tinder. And I just reach out to 18-22 year old girls and do my pitch. I'm still a pretty good looking guy and quite fit so not impossible to pull this off. And I offer a lot of money.
The reason I do it is that frankly I like low mileage girls. The true GFE, or closer to it. The ones who are still so nervous they're doing this.
I'll start by saying I don't really recommend this unless you have a high tolerance. The ratio of girls who get cold feet at the last minute is quite high. Or ones who are just so nervous being on that date and are kind of wide eyed the whole time.
Anyways this past weekend. Got a girl who was really quite iffy. Told me she just turned 18 last month. Kept checking to make sure I was ok with that. Then when we met she told me she was in her last year of high school. But still 18. I thought this was hot for a while but she was so painfully uncomfortable with everything. Being in a nice restaurant, having anything to talk about, basic stuff.
But still going to bang. So we go to the room and bang. Then I take a viagra so I can go again. And I do. Then I wait an hour for a third bang. The third bang I'm just causally looking at her lips down below. And I part them. And what do I see? What looks like a piece of flesh sticking out, a little bloody at the end. Barf. And is that an STD? I have no idea. I used a condom both times. But I sent her on her way. And now I'm watching my dick to make sure nothing came home with me.
Sometimes you just think you've hit a grand slam and someone catches you at home plate.
09-02-24, 10:51
I've got goosebumps from reading that. I've only had unprotected sex once on a first date from a seeking girl and she told me she found out she had been exposed to an std about a week later. Set me straight and was the first time I ever asked my Dr to order me a battery of std tests.
Odd turn of events here. I was in GDL for a week. One thing I've been doing is using non-seeking dating sites to find sugar babies. I use normal sites like Tinder. And I just reach out to 18-22 year old girls and do my pitch. I'm still a pretty good looking guy and quite fit so not impossible to pull this off. And I offer a lot of money.
The reason I do it is that frankly I like low mileage girls. The true GFE, or closer to it. The ones who are still so nervous they're doing this.
I'll start by saying I don't really recommend this unless you have a high tolerance. The ratio of girls who get cold feet at the last minute is quite high. Or ones who are just so nervous being on that date and are kind of wide eyed the whole time.
Anyways this past weekend. Got a girl who was really quite iffy. Told me she just turned 18 last month. Kept checking to make sure I was ok with that. Then when we met she told me she was in her last year of high school. But still 18. I thought this was hot for a while but she was so painfully uncomfortable with everything. Being in a nice restaurant, having anything to talk about, basic stuff.
But still going to bang. So we go to the room and bang. Then I take a viagra so I can go again. And I do. Then I wait an hour for a third bang. The third bang I'm just causally looking at her lips down below. And I part them. And what do I see? What looks like a piece of flesh sticking out, a little bloody at the end. Barf. And is that an STD? I have no idea. I used a condom both times. But I sent her on her way. And now I'm watching my dick to make sure nothing came home with me.
Sometimes you just think you've hit a grand slam and someone catches you at home plate.
09-02-24, 11:01
Odd turn of events here. I was in GDL for a week. One thing I've been doing is using non-seeking dating sites to find sugar babies. I use normal sites like Tinder. And I just reach out to 18-22 year old girls and do my pitch. I'm still a pretty good looking guy and quite fit so not impossible to pull this off. And I offer a lot of money.
The reason I do it is that frankly I like low mileage girls. The true GFE, or closer to it. The ones who are still so nervous they're doing this.
I'll start by saying I don't really recommend this unless you have a high tolerance. The ratio of girls who get cold feet at the last minute is quite high. Or ones who are just so nervous being on that date and are kind of wide eyed the whole time.
Anyways this past weekend. Got a girl who was really quite iffy. Told me she just turned 18 last month. Kept checking to make sure I was ok with that. Then when we met she told me she was in her last year of high school. But still 18. I thought this was hot for a while but she was so painfully uncomfortable with everything. Being in a nice restaurant, having anything to talk about, basic stuff.
But still going to bang. So we go to the room and bang. Then I take a viagra so I can go again. And I do. Then I wait an hour for a third bang. The third bang I'm just causally looking at her lips down below. And I part them. And what do I see? What looks like a piece of flesh sticking out, a little bloody at the end. Barf. And is that an STD? I have no idea. I used a condom both times. But I sent her on her way. And now I'm watching my dick to make sure nothing came home with me.
Sometimes you just think you've hit a grand slam and someone catches you at home plate.I had to reread the "piece of flesh sticking out" What do you mean and why would that be an STD?
Are you in the US and how much are you offering them?
09-02-24, 11:02
Odd turn of events here. I was in GDL for a week. One thing I've been doing is using non-seeking dating sites to find sugar babies. I use normal sites like Tinder. And I just reach out to 18-22 year old girls and do my pitch. I'm still a pretty good looking guy and quite fit so not impossible to pull this off. And I offer a lot of money.
The reason I do it is that frankly I like low mileage girls. The true GFE, or closer to it. The ones who are still so nervous they're doing this.
I'll start by saying I don't really recommend this unless you have a high tolerance. The ratio of girls who get cold feet at the last minute is quite high. Or ones who are just so nervous being on that date and are kind of wide eyed the whole time.
Anyways this past weekend. Got a girl who was really quite iffy. Told me she just turned 18 last month. Kept checking to make sure I was ok with that. Then when we met she told me she was in her last year of high school. But still 18. I thought this was hot for a while but she was so painfully uncomfortable with everything. Being in a nice restaurant, having anything to talk about, basic stuff.
But still going to bang. So we go to the room and bang. Then I take a viagra so I can go again. And I do. Then I wait an hour for a third bang. The third bang I'm just causally looking at her lips down below. And I part them. And what do I see? What looks like a piece of flesh sticking out, a little bloody at the end. Barf. And is that an STD? I have no idea. I used a condom both times. But I sent her on her way. And now I'm watching my dick to make sure nothing came home with me.
Sometimes you just think you've hit a grand slam and someone catches you at home plate.I had to reread the "piece of flesh sticking out. " What do you mean and why would it be an STD?
Are you in the US? And how much money are you offering them?
09-02-24, 19:31
Honestly, it sounds like she was a virgin and that you broke her hymen, especially since she is just 18 and in high school.
"You likely will not know if your hymen is still intact. Signs of a broken hymen might be light spotting or bleeding, discomfort or visible skin around your vaginal opening. In most cases, your hymen wears down naturally over time. After it breaks, it sometimes will go back into your vagina or appear as a small flap of skin. ".
No chance of an STD (for you). Pregnancy is another issue, but hopefully you paid her well enough for a morning after pill and the start of her fund to pay for the graduation trip to Mexico or the Caribbean that is now so popular among hot American senior schoolgirls.
Maybe she can do a testimonial thanking Seeking for the senior trip and helping her get rid of that pesky virginity status.
Odd turn of events here. I was in GDL for a week. One thing I've been doing is using non-seeking dating sites to find sugar babies. I use normal sites like Tinder. And I just reach out to 18-22 year old girls and do my pitch. I'm still a pretty good looking guy and quite fit so not impossible to pull this off. And I offer a lot of money.
The reason I do it is that frankly I like low mileage girls. The true GFE, or closer to it. The ones who are still so nervous they're doing this.
I'll start by saying I don't really recommend this unless you have a high tolerance. The ratio of girls who get cold feet at the last minute is quite high. Or ones who are just so nervous being on that date and are kind of wide eyed the whole time.
Anyways this past weekend. Got a girl who was really quite iffy. Told me she just turned 18 last month. Kept checking to make sure I was ok with that. Then when we met she told me she was in her last year of high school. But still 18. I thought this was hot for a while but she was so painfully uncomfortable with everything. Being in a nice restaurant, having anything to talk about, basic stuff.
But still going to bang. So we go to the room and bang. Then I take a viagra so I can go again. And I do. Then I wait an hour for a third bang. The third bang I'm just causally looking at her lips down below. And I part them. And what do I see? What looks like a piece of flesh sticking out, a little bloody at the end. Barf. And is that an STD? I have no idea. I used a condom both times. But I sent her on her way. And now I'm watching my dick to make sure nothing came home with me.
Sometimes you just think you've hit a grand slam and someone catches you at home plate.
I'm just sharing this if you're looking for good times to join a sugar site. Right now, August / September, when students are moving to new cities to start school, seems to be when you start seeing some fresh faces on the sites (Seeking, SDM, WYP, etc.).
09-03-24, 14:15
Honestly, it sounds like she was a virgin and that you broke her hymen, especially since she is just 18 and in high school. she wasn't a virgin. We'd discussed her history in advance. She had 2 boyfriends before.
A few days on it appears my wang is in the clear. Relief. I mean I always wear condoms without fail but still nothing is 100 percent.
I think I might be done with the 18 year olds. On reflection it's never a great experience. The sweet spot seems to be around 22.
I'm even considering, and this is unprecedented for me, a 27 year old mom of 2. I don't usually do moms because I'm not fond of the stretch belly thing. But she just seems like such a good person that I'm betting the experience will be really enjoyable.
Odd turn of events here. I was in GDL for a week. One thing I've been doing is using non-seeking dating sites to find sugar babies. I use normal sites like Tinder. And I just reach out to 18-22 year old girls and do my pitch. I'm still a pretty good looking guy and quite fit so not impossible to pull this off. And I offer a lot of money...You're the second person I've heard here using Tinder as an alternative to Seeking / SDM / etc. I've tied it myself (I put the age range from 18-29), and find I do match up with a bunch of girls, but got to say I think some of these are either escorts or want me to join some other dating site.
Have you tried Hinge? Someone told me on another forum last week they've been using it for something like sugar dating. Not PPM but more like girls looking for shopping trips every now and then.
No she wasn't a virgin. We'd discussed her history in advance. She had 2 boyfriends before.
A few days on it appears my wang is in the clear. Relief. I mean I always wear condoms without fail but still nothing is 100 percent.
I think I might be done with the 18 year olds. On reflection it's never a great experience. The sweet spot seems to be around 22.
I'm even considering, and this is unprecedented for me, a 27 year old mom of 2. I don't usually do moms because I'm not fond of the stretch belly thing. But she just seems like such a good person that I'm betting the experience will be really enjoyable.I agree with you that the early 20's are the sweet spot. Much younger, and they tend to be a bit too immature. You have to be careful, too. There are some ladies on these sites who aren't using their real age. My best experiences have been with 20-26.
09-05-24, 15:26
You're the second person I've heard here using Tinder as an alternative to Seeking / SDM / etc. I've tied it myself (I put the age range from 18-29), and find I do match up with a bunch of girls, but got to say I think some of these are either escorts or want me to join some other dating site.
Have you tried Hinge? Someone told me on another forum last week they've been using it for something like sugar dating. Not PPM but more like girls looking for shopping trips every now and then.Great idea, I have been also thinking about using Tinder, but SA works so well, in Mexico. I have not had time for Tinder, but I think I will give a shot in CDMX and MTY.
Steve 9696
09-05-24, 17:55
I agree with you that the early 20's are the sweet spot. Much younger, and they tend to be a bit too immature. You have to be careful, too. There are some ladies on these sites who aren't using their real age. My best experiences have been with 20-26.I know some guys go older but I'm w you. I don't do 20 anymore in US because my date got carded at the dinner table and couldn't show ID. LOL. And 26 is borderline high. I set my filter on 21-24 and bump to 26 if I can't find anyone. My sweet spot is 23 with nose ring. Then you know you are in! LOL.
P.S. Anyone else seen the trend toward bareback? Damn if 100% of my Seeking dates last few years haven't been bareback. 90% on initial date and remainder after one or two dates. My fave was recently when a new girl asked if I had a condom and I said yep. But after some fingering and DATY she mounted up raw. Hahaha. Or my FL girl who in the first date said "sorry about the condom but maybe when I know you better" and we fucked w condom. Went to the strip club and another bar and came back late night and fucked bareback! Guess she knew me better!
I know some guys go older but I'm w you. I don't do 20 anymore in US because my date got carded at the dinner table and couldn't show ID. LOL. And 26 is borderline high. I set my filter on 21-24 and bump to 26 if I can't find anyone. My sweet spot is 23 with nose ring. Then you know you are in! LOL.I like 26 or 27. Old enough to have learned how to fuck but still young enough to be banging hot!
Tried seeking in MTL and didn't go as good as I would like it.
Set up a meet with redhead 1 and she bailed on the day I landed.
No warnings, we talked for a good amount beforehand setting up a reservation and getting it all lined up.
Redhead 2 hits me up at 3 am when I'm about to sleep as I landed late.
Decided to go and see her at her hotel with her friend because didn't think I would see her because redhead 1 didn't bail yet.
Friend was just ok redhead 2 was a bryce dallas howard look a like. Hot and fun.
Ended up leaving around 7 am and had a decent time.
No other girls on day 1.
Day 2 was hitting up a ton of MTL girls but no bite.
Day 3 I see redhead 2 alone and was pretty fun but late since she had to meet her sister all day.
Went to a crappy restaurant she picked.
Had fun at my hotel but she had to leave before midnight so kinda rush.
MTL girls don't seem to care or just lazy.
Not worth the trek.
Will be doing Brazil next and already getting good leads and confirmations.
Night and day difference and tons of redheads in SP so will see what happens.
A 24 year-old Brazilian branca on Seeking. At least this is what this person holds themselves out to be. In any event definitely my type for anal sex (the nose ring isn't too big or off putting)!
09-07-24, 01:21
Not familiar with all these codes. You mean Montréal?
Tried seeking in MTL and didn't go as good as I would like it.
Set up a meet with redhead 1 and she bailed on the day I landed.
No warnings, we talked for a good amount beforehand setting up a reservation and getting it all lined up.
Redhead 2 hits me up at 3 am when I'm about to sleep as I landed late.
Decided to go and see her at her hotel with her friend because didn't think I would see her because redhead 1 didn't bail yet.
Friend was just ok redhead 2 was a bryce dallas howard look a like. Hot and fun.
Ended up leaving around 7 am and had a decent time.
No other girls on day 1.
Day 2 was hitting up a ton of MTL girls but no bite.
Day 3 I see redhead 2 alone and was pretty fun but late since she had to meet her sister all day.
Went to a crappy restaurant she picked.
Had fun at my hotel but she had to leave before midnight so kinda rush.
MTL girls don't seem to care or just lazy.
Not worth the trek.
Will be doing Brazil next and already getting good leads and confirmations.
Night and day difference and tons of redheads in SP so will see what happens.
I don't do 20 anymore in US because my date got carded at the dinner table and couldn't show ID. LOL. And 26 is borderline high. I set my filter on 21-24 and bump to 26 if I can't find anyone. My sweet spot is 23 with nose ring. Then you know you are in! LOL.
P.S. Anyone else seen the trend toward bareback? Damn if 100% of my Seeking dates last few years haven't been bareback. 90% on initial date and remainder after one or two dates. My fave was recently when a new girl asked if I had a condom and I said yep. But after some fingering and DATY she mounted up raw. Hahaha. Or my FL girl who in the first date said "sorry about the condom but maybe when I know you better" and we fucked w condom. Went to the strip club and another bar and came back late night and fucked bareback! 19-20 and they try to pretend they get money and do not have to put out. Naive or stupid. They think they just get money for hanging around and not hooking up.
I always tell the women that I was just tested 10 days ago at my annual physical and have a low sperm count and they let me Bareback. One stopped in the bed and demanded a condom, so I sent her home then and there. Sometimes they want me to pull out at orgasm, no problem, I cum in their mouth instead after working their pussy for awhile.
I used Seeking in GDL in 2022. It was ok. Found a 22 yr old with a 6 month baby. Saw her monthly for 3-4 mos then ghosted her. The kid got in the way. Always have to find a baby sitter.
I started using Seeking again this year and have meet some very nice girls. I had so many girls that wanted to meet but couldn't fit them into my schedule, which is basically monthly trips for a long weekend.
I've also tried Tinder but have not met one Tapatia.
I like 18-28. Best is mid 20's and NO F-ING KIDS! Haha.
09-07-24, 16:12
19-20 and they try to pretend they get money and do not have to put out. Naive or stupid. They think they just get money for hanging around and not hooking up.
I always tell the women that I was just tested 10 days ago at my annual physical and have a low sperm count and they let me Bareback. One stopped in the bed and demanded a condom, so I sent her home then and there. Sometimes they want me to pull out at orgasm, no problem, I cum in their mouth instead after working their pussy for awhile.I can't begin to tell you how foolish it is to bareback with girls you're paying for sex. You almost certainly already have some lifelong diseases (herpes or hpv) and this is a great way to get them if not. Anybody you're paying to have sex is someone who's already demonstrated a willingness to engage in risky behavior. Like you. And me. And it doesn't matter what they say. They lie. Like you. You drop a line about just getting tested 10 days ago and they have their lies.
I know it's not the same with a condom. But it's like wanting to be a lifelong motorcycle rider and saying but I don't use a helmet.
19-20 and they try to pretend they get money and do not have to put out. Naive or stupid. They think they just get money for hanging around and not hooking up.
I always tell the women that I was just tested 10 days ago at my annual physical and have a low sperm count and they let me Bareback. One stopped in the bed and demanded a condom, so I sent her home then and there. Sometimes they want me to pull out at orgasm, no problem, I cum in their mouth instead after working their pussy for awhile.When using Seeking, I message back and forth and wait for the girl to ask about what I am proposing. I always reply: with intimacy or not? That sets the expectation that there will or will not be sex.
What's the sugar dating scene like in Oslo, Norway? I'm just curious.
09-08-24, 09:30
What's the sugar dating scene like in Oslo, Norway? I'm just curious.General rule of thumb: most women in Scandinavia either work decent jobs, are well educated, or in many cases, both. There hasn't been a significant income disparity in that part of Europe for a long time. The birth rate in Norway and the adjacent countries is quite low, so most of the women who are willing to get on their knees and work are those that dropped out of high school. So there is that scene there, but you won't have any many options as most other parts of the world.
General rule of thumb: most women in Scandinavia either work decent jobs, are well educated, or in many cases, both. There hasn't been a significant income disparity in that part of Europe for a long time. The birth rate in Norway and the adjacent countries is quite low, so most of the women who are willing to get on their knees and work are those that dropped out of high school. So there is that scene there, but you won't have any many options as most other parts of the world.That is mostly true, but I read from two users here that Stockholm has lot of sugar girls on SA and another website I can't remember despite the sex purchase ban.
Steve 9696
09-09-24, 02:19
So here at home I currently have two girls. One, who we will call Fuck Bunny is hot as fuck and fucks like a bunny but doesn't like to kiss or BJ. And the other who is new I call Nerdy Girl because well you can guess. And she needs fucking badly and is pretty good in the sack but it somehow feels less romantic.
Can't really complain but neither is ideal so I stay on the prowl. Scored a hottie over to text about a month ago but it's been tough to meetup. Finally met up tonight and damn she's going to vault right to first place. Slim girl with a pretty face. But most of all I love her attitude. She comes from dirt poor and she's just so humble and thankful to just not be treated like shit. We had a great time and some amazing tacos. Def top girl at home. Will repeat.
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