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06-11-20, 22:37
Love this modified line. LOL. So apt.

I pay American women to leave but Latin women to stay.

Hey I have noticed something lately happening enough that I'the call it a trend. I'the say it happens more with pros or near pros. But when you chat a bit and then go to text messaging, they block you on SA. You are still having a fine conversation on regular text but SA is blocked. I have some theories on why they do this. Anyone else seeing this? Only happened once last year and now like 3 times in the last week. Like they all read an article on how to manage guys on SA. LOL. Anyone else seeing this?I have seen the same from the more professional operators, including myself. One can say "Oh I have deleted / deactivated my account so I can concentrate on you. ".

I keep a separate document of the girl's name, profile name with URL, cell number and kik. Sometimes even if they have deactivated or hidden their account you can still see activity via the direct URL link.

The direct URL will have various states, depending upon the status in the database:

Will return.

The not found page showing "This member's profile can no longer be found. The member might have deactivated their account, been suspended, blocked you, or been blocked by you."

Their profile without picture but updated access times.

Their profile with pic and location but not returned in search.

Their profile with pic and new location (active elsewhere).

The 2 & 3 status I think might just be gaps in the SA security infrastructure.

As others have said, it is worth having a second account. I do not complete the profile or have pic. This means SA doesn't show this account in searches or show this profile as a viewer of the girls' profiles.

It is worth noting that girls and we are not entering into exclusive arrangements.


Steve 9696
06-11-20, 23:42
I also block the girls after moving to texting. What I also do is that I have a fake I'the with a different location to check the online activity of the girl. Just in case they say they are exclusive and still remain active.Ooh. That's a great idea since it's free to browse. I don't obsess over it but it would be nice to check up if I want.

06-12-20, 05:23
I also block the girls after moving to texting. What I also do is that I have a fake I'the with a different location to check the online activity of the girl. Just in case they say they are exclusive and still remain active.I've had a few SBs tell me that they quit SA for me. But a couple of months later, I see their profile back up on SA. Sometimes using a different profile. At first, it hurt, but now I just expect it. And besides, when I was active on SA, I rarely had fewer than 3 regular SBs myself, so who am I to complain?

06-12-20, 19:21
Agree with you but if they claim to be exclusive I'll know their bluff.

I've had a few SBs tell me that they quit SA for me. But a couple of months later, I see their profile back up on SA. Sometimes using a different profile. At first, it hurt, but now I just expect it. And besides, when I was active on SA, I rarely had fewer than 3 regular SBs myself, so who am I to complain?

06-13-20, 01:14
Agree with you but if they claim to be exclusive I'll know their bluff.Q: How do you know when a pro or an SB is lying?

A: When their lips are moving. LOL.

Steve 9696
06-13-20, 01:40
Agree with you but if they claim to be exclusive I'll know their bluff.I know it's hard for non-SD dudes to understand but you develop feelings for someone you are not just fucking and kicking out the door. The more you spend time together the stronger the bond. And that leaves you in a position to be hurt.

I learned the hard way with Valentina and to some extent Thifany to take a don't ask don't tell don't stalk policy. It really doesn't matter if she is exclusive and perhaps naive to expect. But I don't want to KNOW if she's not. So don't ask don't tell. What you don't know won't hurt you. At least this is my approach.

And Thifany taught me the don't stalk addition. What I mean by that is don't follow them on social media. Guess what. They have a life and are having a great time without you! Of course Thif was getting married and it was hard to see how happy she was with her guy. Now I don't stalk. I got suggested by Facebook to follow Valentina and her Facebook pic is her with her studly new beau. Fuck that hurt even 9 months later. So don't ask don't tell and don't stalk is my policy. FWIW.

06-13-20, 03:15
I know it's hard for non-SD dudes to understand but you develop feelings for someone you are not just fucking and kicking out the door. The more you spend time together the stronger the bond. And that leaves you in a position to be hurt.

I learned the hard way with Valentina and to some extent Thifany to take a don't ask don't tell don't stalk policy. It really doesn't matter if she is exclusive and perhaps naive to expect. But I don't want to KNOW if she's not. So don't ask don't tell. What you don't know won't hurt you. At least this is my approach.

And Thifany taught me the don't stalk addition. What I mean by that is don't follow them on social media. Guess what. They have a life and are having a great time without you! Of course Thif was getting married and it was hard to see how happy she was with her guy. Now I don't stalk. I got suggested by Facebook to follow Valentina and her Facebook pic is her with her studly new beau. Fuck that hurt even 9 months later. So don't ask don't tell and don't stalk is my policy. FWIW.Great advice, I practice the same plan. The hot girl I am with in MTY is kind of hinting she wants more. Thinking about it, but I am not sure I want a relationship, I am just having too much fun. Great advice to to follow them on social media, not hard for me since I follow no one. I only use if for work purposes.

06-13-20, 09:43
It really doesn't matter if she is exclusive and perhaps naive to expect. But I don't want to KNOW if she's not.The reason it does matter for me is if I can move to a bareback sex with her. As log as I'm confident she's only bareback me each week then I am happier with that. If she wants to continue seeing other guys then she should continue to insist on protection.

It's always a risk I know and why would she tell me anyways.


Steve 9696
06-13-20, 15:04
The reason it does matter for me is if I can move to a bareback sex with her. As log as I'm confident she's only bareback me each week then I am happier with that. If she wants to continue seeing other guys then she should continue to insist on protection.

It's always a risk I know and why would she tell me anyways.

PP.Of course bareback is awesome. I don't really worry the disease part much but what about pregnancy? That would be an awful mess with an SB. Do you have a vasectomy or something that gives you confidence on this aspect?

06-13-20, 17:20
Of course bareback is awesome. I don't really worry the disease part much but what about pregnancy? That would be an awful mess with an SB. Do you have a vasectomy or something that gives you confidence on this aspect?I have a vasectomy and make sure you go back to the 6 month followup and have your sperm checked for swimmers. If there are no swimmers at this point, then your doctor is paying your child support thru malpractice insurance.

06-14-20, 01:41
Of course bareback is awesome. I don't really worry the disease part much but what about pregnancy? That would be an awful mess with an SB. Do you have a vasectomy or something that gives you confidence on this aspect?One of the main reasons why I joined SA 5 or 6 years ago is because I missed barebacking so much.

I was in SF a lot, and that's a place where AMPS everywhere. I was doing CFS about 3 x per week, but eventually that got boring. First time with an SB, the bareback felt incredible. I got hooked.

But like I said, I quit SA after almost 2 years on it, because it was so time consuming. And so I resume covered action with pros.

But a year later, I was with a retired pro (she now owns a few small businesses and has a BF), and in the heat of the action, she begged that we do it raw, and we did, and it felt amazing. I've been barebacking this retired pro ever since. But she lives in another city, so we only see each other a few times a year.

About a year ago, I was seeing one of my regular incalls, and in the heat of the moment, we start raw dawging and again it was heaven. I started barebacking her on a regular basis, but how fucking stupid is that? To raw dog an active pro? But I couldn't help it, as it felt incredible. But I eventually quit seeing her, because if she is barebacking a disgusting old man like me, then she's probably barebacking a lot of other guys too.

And now, covered action just feels so fucking lame now. On most days, I would rather get a handjob instead of CFS.

This is why I started trying to hook up with with married migrant workers. I started doing this last year. I got the idea from a housekeeper. I heard her on her cell phone talking about her local boyfriend, even though she's married with kids back home. This made me realize that there must be tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of horny migrant workers in my city, doing the minimum wage jobs such as waitress, security guard, janitor, etc. I started flirting with so many of them. Sure, most of them laugh at me, but a good portion are flattered by the attention. I've got some good stories on this, but I digress.

I didn't get the snip snip, and so I have swimmers, so I am really, really, really fucking stupid. But what can I do? I cannot live without whoring and drinking, and the whoring part is a hundred times better uncovered. Maybe the coronavirus saved my life, LOL, since I cannot engage in uncovered whoring these days.

06-14-20, 05:41
With the 2nd wave hitting the USA, and even with Beijing (which may be the strictest place on earth) getting another localized outbreak over the weekend, we may not be able to monger like we used to for a couple of more years. Maybe SBs and mistresses are the only way to go for now. I might have to reopen my SA account.

06-14-20, 05:51
When you guys did bb with your SBs, did you normally end with CIP or withdraw the last few seconds as they do in porn? I'm curious if you regularly reminded your SBs if they're on birth ctrl? I can only assume you guys did bb when you've already done CFS with your SBs few times first. Right? Otherwise, I can't fathom any SB would allow you to do bb upon the first meet, nor would any SD be crazy enough to do bb without knowing little bit sexual histories of his SB.

06-14-20, 15:50
I did bareback after a few meets and after making sure of that the baby is on a pill. It takes a lot of due diligence and trust to go bareback.

When you guys did bb with your SBs, did you normally end with CIP or withdraw the last few seconds as they do in porn? I'm curious if you regularly reminded your SBs if they're on birth ctrl? I can only assume you guys did bb when you've already done CFS with your SBs few times first. Right? Otherwise, I can't fathom any SB would allow you to do bb upon the first meet, nor would any SD be crazy enough to do bb without knowing little bit sexual histories of his SB.

Big Boss Man
06-14-20, 15:52
Holly Golightly broke two dates with me this week. She told me that $500 a week does not really change things for her. She still has to work in other words. I also think that the relationship was too close to being a prostitute for her. Since all the restaurants and entertainment venues are closed, it was just her coming over to my house and having sex. I think she was uncomfortable with the idea of it. She imagines it to be more a girlfriend-type arrangement. For me, I am not ready to take that step with her. There is a 46-year age difference. I didn't want to be seen in public places with her around my town. As Mick Jagger sang, "Don't want you out in my world, just be my backstreet girl. ".

It was the my first go at this type of thing. I overpaid but nothing that were really hurts. She was the type that I would enjoy a regular relationship. She was an attractive nerd. Given that she is turning down a reliable $2000 a month, she might have better offers. I have an issue with an alcoholic brother who I support so I have a budget limitations.

She did talk about wanting to travel. She mentioned weekend trips to various venues. She is an Instagram model with 16000 followers. Much of her Instagram is filled with pictures of her trips wearing new clothes. I might keep texting her every three days or so just to keep the irons hot and if I get an idea for a weekend trip as things open up, I might propose one to her. She was the one that brought vacationing together up in the conversation. The sex was good. Like I previously commented, it was equivalent to an hour room at FKK Sharks.

I am glad I did it. It took a bunch of time and money to get her in bed. But in the age of Covid-19, I have time and money.

Elvis 2008
06-14-20, 18:36
When you guys did bb with your SBs, did you normally end with CIP or withdraw the last few seconds as they do in porn? I'm curious if you regularly reminded your SBs if they're on birth ctrl? I can only assume you guys did bb when you've already done CFS with your SBs few times first. Right? Otherwise, I can't fathom any SB would allow you to do bb upon the first meet, nor would any SD be crazy enough to do bb without knowing little bit sexual histories of his SB.
I didn't get the snip snip, and so I have swimmers, so I am really, really, really fucking stupid. But what can I do? I cannot live without whoring and drinking, and the whoring part is a hundred times better uncovered. Maybe the coronavirus saved my life, LOL, since I cannot engage in uncovered whoring these days.MS, these two posts are both negative towards men. Any guy not checking a STD history is crazy, and any guy whoring around is stupid. We are trained to think that way, and when I was running around at first, I felt the same way. All I know is that getting pussy is the one thing that really made me happy, that made the anger within me be quiet for a while. Then I read the Bible or rather what Jesus is reportedly to have really said, scientific studies, and studied brain chemistry to figure out why I was the way I was. I was really conflicted. I felt like I was an asshole but in my heart, I knew I was not. What I learned was that I was normal and society was crazy.

Look at 1950's TV. The father was hard working, smart, wise. Today, with the exception of government workers who are portrayed as heroes, almost every guy on TV is some knockoff of Homer Simpson. Homer has the job but he just eats donuts and sleeps at his job while the wife, the angel, without a job is busting her ass at home. I worked damned hard to get where I was and I resent it when other people come along and imply that I did not.

Did you know in 1900 cocaine, heroin, and prostitution were all legal in the United States? What changed all that? Women got to vote.

From 1200 to 1400, the Roman Catholic Church ran brothels. The popes and preachers would make us mongers look like pikers. One in seven or 30,000 women were registered prostitutes with the church or one in every seven women in Rome. Monogamy was not born out of the bible but born out of syphilis coming from the new world to the old. Italy saw its first case in 1494, two years after Columbus. In 1550, the Anglican church put in the phrase "forsaking all others" and monogamy was THE way to have state approved sex.

Monogamy is not a big deal in other parts of the world. A man can have four wives in the Arabic world, and men are a lot more free to be men in the Far East.

Then there is brain chemistry. There was this little rat called the prairie vole. Scientists believed it was one of the only monogamous mammals there was. What scientists found is that the chemical reward for these voles was greater with their wives than with a new partner. Think about that for a second. If God is all powerful, why didn't he do that with us? Why are we constantly searching for new pussy and are chemically rewarded for dong so? Because God wants us too!! And it is not just us. Every male species gets tired of old pussy. It turns out there are no monogamous mammals!

So after all this money is spent on what makes this little rat monogamous, scientists did DNA testing on the offspring. It turns out that 25% of the baby rats were illegitimate. Whoops!

When scientists allowed monkeys to use coins for fruit, the monkeys soon learned to engage in prostitution. In fact, and this is the part that cracked me up, scientists demonized and punished monkeys for that behavior.

So you are one of society's planners and you have to get approval from the women, who make up 53% of the votes, right? What do you do? You demonize men right? You would be crucified if you told them men fucking as many and as much new pussy as possible is normal. So you elevate STDs for fear right? To scare them to do what you want? What makes a disease sexual in nature versus another disease? Most of that is politics. I swear I got strep throat from kissing a girl so why are warts a STD but strep is not? Because children get strep throat right? STDs are man made distinctions.

You won't hear about the fact that people who have sex live longer than those who do not. You will not hear that when you expose yourself to another person you are exposing yourself to new antigens and making your immune system smarter. That is what they used to do with measles. Prior to the measles vaccine, Children were told to expose themselves to measles earlier in life so they didn't get later when it was more dangerous.

Meanwhile, condoms, which never were meant for STDs but to prevent pregnancy, were elevated into having safe sex. You do not hear the dangers of latex allergies and condom use though do you? Condom use was said to be safe sex. Is it really if you look at the evidence?

And while it is "well known" that condoms prevent STDs, when you get specific about diseases and percentages, that conventional wisdom about condoms and STDs falls apart. There were studies done on the effectiveness on condoms and STDs. In fact, there was one huge one that changed my mind about condom use, but it was buried because it did not fit the political narrative. So what diseases do condoms prevent and what is the evidence that they do? I am not going to argue about it or try to convince you. Look at up yourself. Maybe I am wrong.

In fact, the whole STD thing gives government power. If someone infects you, then the government can step in. If we accept responsibility for the infection and take care of it on our own, then we do not need the government right?

So what really happened when women got power? It was supposed to be about female empowerment, but it really was not. It was about giving women the ability to deflect responsibility.

It kind of cracks me up about the testing part. Why would you test for HIV and not strep throat when you do testing on women? You know a ton of people who have had strep throat but you don't know anyone who got HIV from heterosexual sex do you?

I am sorry but I do not accept that I am an irresponsible, crazy asshole. I lived with that shame for a long time, and I am done with it.

What you are really saying MS is that you would like to engage in bareback sex but are afraid to do so. I get it. If you educate yourself and get to the bottom of things yourself, you probably won't be. Maybe you feel guilt with seeing working girls. I don't. It is normal. This society is the one that is fucked up.

06-14-20, 18:43
Hi guys. I've been thinking about trying out SA for a few years now but was mongering on trips to Cuba and Columbia and day trips to Tijuana and the Hong Kong Club (I live very close to Mexico). I am going to register and take a look at the girls now that those activities have been shut down. I have read most of this forum. How important is it to set up a separate email account? I am single and self employed so not concerned with keeping my ID secret. Also in light of the covid, is this a good or bad time for finding SB's. Thanks in advance for any info.

06-14-20, 18:46
How badly do you need it? Better to bang known chics after making sure that they are safe. Means that you should have known them and had a clear sense of their health.

Hi guys. I've been thinking about trying out SA for a few years now but was mongering on trips to Cuba and Columbia and day trips to Tijuana and the Hong Kong Club (I live very close to Mexico). I am going to register and take a look at the girls now that those activities have been shut down. I have read most of this forum. How important is it to set up a separate email account? I am single and self employed so not concerned with keeping my ID secret. Also in light of the covid, is this a good or bad time for finding SB's. Thanks in advance for any info.

06-14-20, 20:54
MS, t

So you are one of society's planners and you have to get approval from the women, who make up 53% of the votes, right? What do you do? You demonize men right? You would be crucified if you told them men fucking as many and as much new pussy as possible is normal. So you elevate STDs for fear right? To scare them to do what you want? What makes a disease sexual in nature versus another disease? Most of that is politics. I swear I got strep throat from kissing a girl so why are warts a STD but strep is not? Because children get strep throat right? STDs are man made distinctions.

You won't hear about the fact that people who have sex live longer than those who do not. You will not hear that when you expose yourself to another person you are exposing yourself to new antigens and making your immune system smarter. That is what they used to do with measles. Prior to the measles vaccine, Children were told to expose themselves to measles earlier in life so they didn't get later when it was more dangerous.

Meanwhile, condoms, which never were meant for STDs but to prevent pregnancy, were elevated into having safe sex. You do not hear the dangers of latex allergies and condom use though do you? Condom use was said to be safe sex. Is it really if you look at the evidence?

And while it is "well known" that condoms prevent STDs, when you get specific about diseases and percentages, that conventional wisdom about condoms and STDs falls apart. There were studies done on the effectiveness on condoms and STDs. In fact, there was one huge one that changed my mind about condom use, but it was buried because it did not fit the political narrative. So what diseases do condoms prevent and what is the evidence that they do? I am not going to argue about it or try to convince you. Look at up yourself. Maybe I am wrong..The feminazi is a bit of a myth that is blamed for everything. Ever wonder why Trump still got all those women votes in 2016 even with his reputation with women? While some women are against prostitution, the ones with good looks knows what they have. They understand the perks that come when you are attractive. These include promotions and preferential treatment by successful men. So, while they are against prostitution on the outside, they do not really oppose it because it benefits them. Sugar babies knows this concept. They just pretend they are not doing for the money.

06-14-20, 20:58
Holly Golightly broke two dates with me this week. She told me that $500 a week does not really change things for her. She still has to work in other words. I also think that the relationship was too close to being a prostitute for her. Since all the restaurants and entertainment venues are closed, it was just her coming over to my house and having sex. I think she was uncomfortable with the idea of it. She imagines it to be more a girlfriend-type arrangement. For me, I am not ready to take that step with her. There is a 46-year age difference. I didn't want to be seen in public places with her around my town. As Mick Jagger sang, "Don't want you out in my world, just be my backstreet girl. ".

It was the my first go at this type of thing. I overpaid but nothing that were really hurts. She was the type that I would enjoy a regular relationship. She was an attractive nerd. Given that she is turning down a reliable $2000 a month, she might have better offers. I have an issue with an alcoholic brother who I support so I have a budget limitations.

She did talk about wanting to travel. She mentioned weekend trips to various venues. She is an Instagram model with 16000 followers. Much of her Instagram is filled with pictures of her trips wearing new clothes. I might keep texting her every three days or so just to keep the irons hot and if I get an idea for a weekend trip as things open up, I might propose one to her. She was the one that brought vacationing together up in the conversation. The sex was good. Like I previously commented, it was equivalent to an hour room at FKK Sharks.

I am glad I did it. It took a bunch of time and money to get her in bed. But in the age of Covid-19, I have time and money.You are reading the tea leaves wrong. She knows exactly what she is geting into. With 16000 followers, you are not the only person she is seeking. You need to up your game. Instead of 2000 a month, try 3000-3500. Unfortunately, these prima donnas are high maintenance. She is what you call a well-kept woman.

Steve 9696
06-14-20, 21:09
Hi guys. I've been thinking about trying out SA for a few years now but was mongering on trips to Cuba and Columbia and day trips to Tijuana and the Hong Kong Club (I live very close to Mexico). I am going to register and take a look at the girls now that those activities have been shut down. I have read most of this forum. How important is it to set up a separate email account? I am single and self employed so not concerned with keeping my ID secret. Also in light of the covid, is this a good or bad time for finding SB's. Thanks in advance for any info.Truly better to try to stay anonymous. Sure she's fine now. But what if your SB turns south and stalks you or tries to make difficulty? No sense inviting trouble. Girls are used to fake names and contacts. They do the same. So yes set up a "girls" account and pick a name you will go by consistently.

06-14-20, 21:34
This is why I started trying to hook up with with married migrant workers. I started doing this last year. I got the idea from a housekeeper. I heard her on her cell phone talking about her local boyfriend, even though she's married with kids back home. This made me realize that there must be tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of horny migrant workers in my city, doing the minimum wage jobs such as waitress, security guard, janitor, etc. I started flirting with so many of them. Sure, most of them laugh at me, but a good portion are flattered by the attention. I've got some good stories on this, but I digress.

Would you share some of the stories? I'm curious to see how this has been working for you.

Big Boss Man
06-14-20, 21:44
Holly Golightly broke two dates with me this week. She told me that $500 a week does not really change things for her. She still has to work in other words. I also think that the relationship was too close to being a prostitute for her. Since all the restaurants and entertainment venues are closed, it was just her coming over to my house and having sex. I think she was uncomfortable with the idea of it. She imagines it to be more a girlfriend-type arrangement. For me, I am not ready to take that step with her. There is a 46-year age difference. I didn't want to be seen in public places with her around my town. As Mick Jagger sang, "Don't want you out in my world, just be my backstreet girl. ".

It was the my first go at this type of thing. I overpaid but nothing that were really hurts. She was the type that I would enjoy a regular relationship. She was an attractive nerd. Given that she is turning down a reliable $2000 a month, she might have better offers. I have an issue with an alcoholic brother who I support so I have a budget limitations.

She did talk about wanting to travel. She mentioned weekend trips to various venues. She is an Instagram model with 16000 followers. Much of her Instagram is filled with pictures of her trips wearing new clothes. I might keep texting her every three days or so just to keep the irons hot and if I get an idea for a weekend trip as things open up, I might propose one to her. She was the one that brought vacationing together up in the conversation. The sex was good. Like I previously commented, it was equivalent to an hour room at FKK Sharks.

I am glad I did it. It took a bunch of time and money to get her in bed. But in the age of Covid-19, I have time and money.After being stood twice, she calls me this morning saying she can be there in a 30 minutes. I have no plans. Sundays are like every other day under Covid-19. I say okay. So I guess the $500 is enticing enough for her. She asked me if it was okay to hang out at my house while she does her homework. I am thinking it might be okay. One girl during Covid-19 is enough risk. This one is not perfect but she is fun enough. I am willing to keep it going.

06-15-20, 00:44
I felt like I was an asshole but in my heart, I knew I was not. What I learned was that I was normal and society was crazy.

What you are really saying MS is that you would like to engage in bareback sex but are afraid to do so. I get it. If you educate yourself and get to the bottom of things yourself, you probably won't be. Maybe you feel guilt with seeing working girls. I don't. It is normal. This society is the one that is fucked up.This is one of the best written screeds on this forum that I've ever read. I usually skim long posts, but I read every single word of yours. So, you bareback pros all the time? Because of you, I may go back to barebacking that pro that I used to bareback regularly.

06-15-20, 00:52
Hi guys. I've been thinking about trying out SA for a few years now but was mongering on trips to Cuba and Columbia and day trips to Tijuana and the Hong Kong Club (I live very close to Mexico). I am going to register and take a look at the girls now that those activities have been shut down. I have read most of this forum. How important is it to set up a separate email account? I am single and self employed so not concerned with keeping my ID secret.For a site like SA, you should definitely use an anonymous email account. Think about the Ashley Madison fiasco. Some hacker uncovered tens of thousands (or was it milllions?) of registered users' email accounts, and threatened to make them all public. Remember that?

Recently, there's this scam: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/blog/2020/04/scam-emails-demand-bitcoin-threaten-blackmail.

I was ALSO a target of the above scam. I got an email to my anonymous email account saying that my password is XYZ (which was correct!) and they said they know that I am a registered user of a sex site. Unless I gave them bitcoins, they were going to send an email to all of my contacts to let them know about my indiscretions.

So, any time you do something that you don't want people to know about, use an anonymous email and a unique password for it.

06-15-20, 01:36
Would you share some of the stories? I'm curious to see how this has been working for you.I am an expat in Shanghai. China only has a few first tier cities, such as Shanghai and Beijing. Over a hundred million Chinese people migrate from their shitty rural hometowns to work in Shanghai or Beijing or Shenzhen or Guangzhou. Most married couples work separately, especially given the fact that one of them might have a decent job at home or is needed at home.

A few years ago, I overheard my house keeper (she's from another town) telling her friend on the phone that she had a local boyfriend, even though she was married with a husband and kids back home. This made me realize that many of these migrant workers must be hungry for attention and affection. So, I started hitting on them, such as waitresses, department store attendants, janitors, security guards, etc. They are generally quite receptive! They are even surprised that a foreigner would be interested in them. I guess it's not that surprising, as they probably have really low self esteem.

I've had a couple of affairs with them, and it's free as long as you have a place to meet. These gals aren't lookers of course. And we are talking about gals in their 30's and 40's. But they are horny as hell. I am currently working on a few right now. One already says she likes me. She has a husband and 3 kids back home. She actually gave me a peck on the cheek the last time I saw her. Another says she likes me too, but she is a little freaked out because she's never had a foreigner like her before.

My MO usually goes like this. There are women that I see almost every day, such as the security guards at the subway station, or the store assistant that works at the fruit store, or the waitress of the restaurant that I eat at a few times per week. I just smile at them. Or exchange an extended greeting. In China, we text each other using WeChat. Once I am familiar with someone, I will just ask for their WeChat. It's no big deal to anyone. And so, I will start texting them. I can't speak Chinese for shit, but WeChat has a translation function. Anyway, I just text bland shit, like "where are you from?" or "it is so hot today" and etc. Then, after a few weeks of this, I will just text them to say that I like them. They are always astonished. And then I start flirting with them.

Here's a story from last year. I was texting with someone for a few months. And then I told her that I liked her. She just laughed it off. But I kept telling her that I liked her. The next time I saw her, we chatted, and then I said I had to run, but before I did, I gave her a quick friendly hug. That night, I told her again that I liked her. And to my surprise, she said she liked me too. The next time I saw her, we kissed when no one was looking. That night, I said I liked her. She again said she liked me too. I said "what should we do?" She replied, "maybe meet a a hotel?" BAM!! Just like that. I couldn't believe it. Anyway, over the course of the next 6 months, we met up for about once per week. The sex was so passionate. Basically, I would just stick it in, and we would make out for a couple of hours. She's in her mid-40's, been married for OVER 20 years, and didn't have sex in 6 years. Right now, she's stuck in her hometown, but I am hoping she will return this summer.

Once I discovered this source of sex, I started collecting WeChats from migrant workers like crazy. I basically repeat what I did above. I am now even more brazen sometimes. I just text them and ask if we can meet for sex. It's amazing how often the women are interested. I would say 1 out 4 are interested. Like I said above, they are bored and lonely and hungry for attention and affection, and they are super flattered by my interest, especially because a lot of them probably have low self esteem. They probably get yelled at every day by their bosses. I bet my MO would work in a lot of places that have migrant workers. I know that in Singapore, the Filipino maids are often looking for hookups, just to give another example city.

My only problem right now is that I have a few women that are in play, but I don't have a place to meet them for the rendezvous, especially given how strict the hotels and apartment complexes are, due to COVID.

Anyway, hope this helps. And to everyone else, sorry to go off topic.

06-15-20, 09:24
I am an expat in Shanghai. China only has a few first tier cities, such as Shanghai and Beijing. Over a hundred million Chinese people migrate from their shitty rural hometowns to work in Shanghai or Beijing or Shenzhen or Guangzhou. Most married couples work separately, especially given the fact that one of them might have a decent job at home or is needed at home.This is similar with filipna foreign workers. I us ea similar strategy but I like ot keep distance from my regular haunts. Even here in my home town I will not flirt with waitresses on my regular haunts and instead find new haunts based on this objective.

06-16-20, 00:30
That's hot. When you originally wrote "migrant worker", I thought you were talking about Mexicans in the United States! That changes the context a lot! So are you worried you might get one of these milfs pregnant though? Or are you snipped? Feel free to PM if you got more details. I want to retire in Asia and do this and more.

I am an expat in Shanghai. China only has a few first tier cities, such as Shanghai and Beijing. Over a hundred million Chinese people migrate from their shitty rural hometowns to work in Shanghai or Beijing or Shenzhen or Guangzhou. Most married couples work separately, especially given the fact that one of them might have a decent job at home or is needed at home.

A few years ago, I overheard my house keeper (she's from another town) telling her friend on the phone that she had a local boyfriend, even though she was married with a husband and kids back home. This made me realize that many of these migrant workers must be hungry for attention and affection. So, I started hitting on them, such as waitresses, department store attendants, janitors, security guards, etc. They are generally quite receptive! They are even surprised that a foreigner would be interested in them. I guess it's not that surprising, as they probably have really low self esteem.

I've had a couple of affairs with them, and it's free as long as you have a place to meet. These gals aren't lookers of course. And we are talking about gals in their 30's and 40's. But they are horny as hell. I am currently working on a few right now. One already says she likes me. She has a husband and 3 kids back home. She actually gave me a peck on the cheek the last time I saw her. Another says she likes me too, but she is a little freaked out because she's never had a foreigner like her before.

My MO usually goes like this. There are women that I see almost every day, such as the security guards at the subway station, or the store assistant that works at the fruit store, or the waitress of the restaurant that I eat at a few times per week. I just smile at them. Or exchange an extended greeting. In China, we text each other using WeChat. Once I am familiar with someone, I will just ask for their WeChat. It's no big deal to anyone. And so, I will start texting them. I can't speak Chinese for shit, but WeChat has a translation function. Anyway, I just text bland shit, like "where are you from?" or "it is so hot today" and etc. Then, after a few weeks of this, I will just text them to say that I like them. They are always astonished. And then I start flirting with them.

Here's a story from last year. I was texting with someone for a few months. And then I told her that I liked her. She just laughed it off. But I kept telling her that I liked her. The next time I saw her, we chatted, and then I said I had to run, but before I did, I gave her a quick friendly hug. That night, I told her again that I liked her. And to my surprise, she said she liked me too. The next time I saw her, we kissed when no one was looking. That night, I said I liked her. She again said she liked me too. I said "what should we do?" She replied, "maybe meet a a hotel?" BAM!! Just like that. I couldn't believe it. Anyway, over the course of the next 6 months, we met up for about once per week. The sex was so passionate. Basically, I would just stick it in, and we would make out for a couple of hours. She's in her mid-40's, been married for OVER 20 years, and didn't have sex in 6 years. Right now, she's stuck in her hometown, but I am hoping she will return this summer.

Once I discovered this source of sex, I started collecting WeChats from migrant workers like crazy. I basically repeat what I did above. I am now even more brazen sometimes. I just text them and ask if we can meet for sex. It's amazing how often the women are interested. I would say 1 out 4 are interested. Like I said above, they are bored and lonely and hungry for attention and affection, and they are super flattered by my interest, especially because a lot of them probably have low self esteem. They probably get yelled at every day by their bosses. I bet my MO would work in a lot of places that have migrant workers. I know that in Singapore, the Filipino maids are often looking for hookups, just to give another example city.

My only problem right now is that I have a few women that are in play, but I don't have a place to meet them for the rendezvous, especially given how strict the hotels and apartment complexes are, due to COVID.

Anyway, hope this helps. And to everyone else, sorry to go off topic.

06-16-20, 08:45
So are you worried you might get one of these milfs pregnant though? Or are you snipped?.I'm mid 50's, so I'm either too old to cum easily or I have it under control. I don't know which it is. But to make sure I don't cum accidentally, I'll usually drink a half a can of beer before I do the deed. The alcohol is enough to numb my dick. I use Viagra to make sure it's hard. With this combo, I almost never cum, which is fine with me. I prefer fucking, not cumming.

06-16-20, 16:32
I am an expat in Shanghai. China only has a few first tier cities, such as Shanghai and Beijing. Over a hundred million Chinese people migrate from their shitty rural hometowns to work in Shanghai or Beijing or Shenzhen or Guangzhou. Most married couples work separately, especially given the fact that one of them might have a decent job at home or is needed at home.

A few years ago, I overheard my house keeper (she's from another town) telling her friend on the phone that she had a local boyfriend, even though she was married with a husband and kids back home. This made me realize that many of these migrant workers must be hungry for attention and affection. So, I started hitting on them, such as waitresses, department store attendants, janitors, security guards, etc. They are generally quite receptive! They are even surprised that a foreigner would be interested in them. I guess it's not that surprising, as they probably have really low self esteem.

I've had a couple of affairs with them, and it's free as long as you have a place to meet. These gals aren't lookers of course. And we are talking about gals in their 30's and 40's. But they are horny as hell. I am currently working on a few right now. One already says she likes me. She has a husband and 3 kids back home. She actually gave me a peck on the cheek the last time I saw her. Another says she likes me too, but she is a little freaked out because she's never had a foreigner like her before..Great post, MW! Well done, mate. No, you are much on topic. Thank you, enjoyed reading it.

How do you converse w / these women, given you speak no Mandarin as you said and most likely they don't speak English, not being in the higher strata and all? Text translate?

Why are more of your conquests in the MILF type? Is it because the migrant labor are more in the MILF category? Did you try to hit upon hotter chicks in the barristas, higher end restaurants and other such places?

06-16-20, 18:01
A few years ago, I overheard my house keeper (she's from another town) telling her friend on the phone that she had a local boyfriend, even though she was married with a husband and kids back home. This made me realize that many of these migrant workers must be hungry for attention and affection. So, I started hitting on them, such as waitresses, department store attendants, janitors, security guards, etc. They are generally quite receptive! They are even surprised that a foreigner would be interested in them. I guess it's not that surprising, as they probably have really low self esteem.
.Wow, that is an amazing tactic, and some serious out-of-box thinking. I'm impressed!

06-16-20, 20:06
I think Sugar Baby season is in full bloom now with college / university exams all done. I'm getting Favorited 3 x more often now than before. Big increase starting last week.

One SB messaged me, "If I send you nudes will you send me money?

06-17-20, 01:11
How do you converse w / these women, given you speak no Mandarin as you said and most likely they don't speak English, not being in the higher strata and all? Text translate?

Why are more of your conquests in the MILF type? Is it because the migrant labor are more in the MILF category? Did you try to hit upon hotter chicks in the barristas, higher end restaurants and other such places?I took a one month crash course in Mandarin, so I have a vocabulary of about 500 highly-used words. I can mix and match them well enough to make small talk. That's it, but it's enough. My conversations with them are never more than a few sentences, and it mostly just involves a transaction for something, like groceries, or just to exchange a friendly Hello, etc. After seeing them regularly for about a few weeks, I can tell who sort of likes me, because they will smile when they see me. So, I would eventually just ask for their WeChat. It's not the same thing as asking for a phone number. In China, people exchange WeChats all the time. So, most of the time, they will think nothing of it. But some ask why I want their WeChat, and I simply reply that I like them. Once I have their WeChat, we can have a deeper convo, because WeChat has text translate, but I've never had a deep convo with any of them. It's all bland shit, like, "how are you?" or "did you eat lunch?" or some basic shit like that. After a week of chatting, I move it to flirting. And then after a week of flirting, and I ramp up my game and see where it goes from there.

I should say that most of my successes have been with milfs, but they are not my targets per se. I hit on almost everyone. However, the younger ones are more coy. I mentioned that I am working on a couple of prospects right now, but now that I think of it, I am actually working on at least a half dozen prospects. For example, there's a young very hot girl that works at a convenience store. I get coffee there. I have no idea what she says to me, and so it makes her giggle. I got her WeChat, under the guise that it would help with our future transactions. But I started flirting with her on WeChat. After a couple of weeks, I just asked her if we could meet for sex. She said, "let's get to know each other first. " That was about 2 weeks ago. Last night, I asked her again, and she said, "haha" and then she said, "we can, but let's get to know each other first. " I have no idea how we can know each other first. Does she mean to date? But with older women, they are just shocked that I would be interested in them. They probably have not gotten a man's attention in years. So, they are much easier to seal the deal with. Like I mentioned before, I have a couple a milfs already yqueued up, ready to meet for sex, but given the strictness at hotels these days, I am nervous about moving forward with it for now. But in general, I always find that average looking milfs are so horny in the sack anyway, so I am happy if all I can get are milfs.

At SonicBoom:

I did not invent this MO. I said that I discovered it, but that was just for myself. A lot of mongers have done this in China. When I first moved to China, there was a monger in the Beijing forum that always bragged about banging women for free, and these women were almost all minimum wage employees from other cities, like the gals that I am hitting on. I just didn't realize how easy it was until recently.

I am sure this can be done in other cities that have migrant workers. My friend in Singapore slept with a lot of Filipina maids during their days off. They were not pretty, and they were old. But he said they were horny and free. It is only now that I understand the wisdom of his ways, LOL.

But like I said before, most of the time, when I tell these girls that I like them or want to have sex with them, it goes nowhere. Like I said before, only about 1 out of 4 give me a positive reaction to my flirting, but I consider that a good percentage. I also have become narrower in my targeting. For example, I now realize that I cannot hit on girls that are close by. For example, I hit on a girl that works at my favorite fruit store. She didn't take to it well. And now I can't go there because it's a little awkward, because everyone there gives me the cold shoulder, probably because she told them. Unfortunately, a MILF that works at the front desk of my apartment complex is always giving me a big smile and fuck me eyes. She's thin and tall, and pretty attractive. Damn, I wish I can get with her, but given that she works in my building, that's too close. Oh well.

06-17-20, 01:16
I took a one month crash course in Mandarin, so I have a vocabulary of about 500 highly-used words. I can mix and match them well enough to make small talk. That's it, but it's enough. My conversations with them are never more than a few sentences, and it mostly just involves a transaction for something, like groceries, or just to exchange a friendly Hello, etc. After seeing them regularly for about a few weeks, I can tell who sort of likes me, because they will smile when they see me. So, I would eventually just ask for their WeChat. It's not the same thing as asking for a phone number. In China, people exchange WeChats all the time. So, most of the time, they will think nothing of it. But some ask why I want their WeChat, and I simply reply that I like them. Once I have their WeChat, we can have a deeper convo, because WeChat has text translate, but I've never had a deep convo with any of them. It's all bland shit, like, "how are you?" or "did you eat lunch?" or some basic shit like that. After a week of chatting, I move it to flirting. And then after a week of flirting, and I ramp up my game and see where it goes from there..Wow, so cool. Good for you, my friend. Best of luck with that young hot chick! I'm sure it will work out.

06-17-20, 01:19
One SB messaged me, "If I send you nudes will you send me money?I hope that you will reply, "I can see nudes for free on the internet. " Does she know what the purpose of SA is? There are other sites for what she wants to do. Happy hunting, bro. Looking forward to reading your juicy reports of your successes.

Intl Playboy
06-17-20, 07:03
I recently joined SA and its been very entertaining in these times. I need to spend more time setting up my profile, but so far it has provided some good prospects.

I wonder what is an optimal value to use for net worth and income? I would think too low and you will get ignored by some. Too high, and you'll be expected to pay above market value.

I was chatting with a cute college girl tonight, but she claims to be away for the summer not to return until September, and wants to be paid to continue online chatting, LOL. I am not sure who would take her up on this offer.

06-17-20, 07:24
I took a one month crash course in Mandarin, so I have a vocabulary of about 500 highly-used words. I can mix and match them well enough to make small talk. That's it, but it's enough. My conversations with them are never more than a few sentences, and it mostly just involves a transaction for something, like groceries, or just to exchange a friendly Hello, etc. After seeing them regularly for about a few weeks, I can tell who sort of likes me, because they will smile when they see me. So, I would eventually just ask for their WeChat. It's not the same thing as asking for a phone number. In China, people exchange WeChats all the time. So, most of the time, they will think nothing of it. But some ask why I want their WeChat, and I simply reply that I like them. Once I have their WeChat, we can have a deeper convo, because WeChat has text translate, but I've never had a deep convo with any of them. It's all bland shit, like, "how are you?" or "did you eat lunch?" or some basic shit like that. After a week of chatting, I move it to flirting. And then after a week of flirting, and I ramp up my game and see where it goes from there..Propose an event or the equivalent of a date. Ask her where she wants to eat and you pay. Suggest some place nice and discreet. She may not want to be seen with you in public or want her family and friends to know. Make up an excuse such as helping you learn Mandarin. Pretend to be helpless. Her instinct will be to help you. Gain her trust and you get what you want. It may take a little time.

06-17-20, 19:12
I hope that you will reply, "I can see nudes for free on the internet. " Does she know what the purpose of SA is? There are other sites for what she wants to do. Happy hunting, bro. Looking forward to reading your juicy reports of your successes.Hehe, that could've been a funny conversation! But her body didn't appear to be something I was even interested in seeing! LOL. Because I'm usually jacking off to bikini or fashion models and then fucking slender petite k-girls weekly.

06-17-20, 22:28
I wonder what is an optimal value to use for net worth and income? I would think too low and you will get ignored by some. Too high, and you'll be expected to pay above market value.
You are maybe putting too much thought into the value of that part of you profile. A) It's not a fact check. B) most people lie on that report anyway. C) your price negotiations are done on kik or another chat app, well past the initial meeting on SA.

In my experience no one pays attention to it.

I was chatting with a cute college girl tonight, but she claims to be away for the summer not to return until September, and wants to be paid to continue online chatting, LOL. I am not sure who would take her up on this offer.I would not take her up on the offer. That's great that she is cute and nice but no honey no money. There are thousands of cute girls you can chat for free.

Just my thoughts and experience.


06-18-20, 00:15
You are maybe putting too much thought into the value of that part of you profile. A) It's not a fact check. B) most people lie on that report anyway. C) your price negotiations are done on kik or another chat app, well past the initial meeting on SA.

In my experience no one pays attention to it.

Just my thoughts and experience.

PP.Good points, PP. But some girls might screen on income and net worth. Also, I had two occasions where I low balled the gal, and she said "you make $xxxx a year, why can't you give me more?" So maybe I inflated my income or worth too much and she felt I was being super cheap. But again, PP is right. FWIW, I put $400,000 as my annual income and 5 million as my net worth. This puts me in the low end of the 1%. I didn't want SBs to think I was super rich. I would probably use these numbers again if I rejoined SA.

06-18-20, 00:53
Propose an event or the equivalent of a date. Ask her where she wants to eat and you pay. Suggest some place nice and discreet. She may not want to be seen with you in public or want her family and friends to know. Make up an excuse such as helping you learn Mandarin. Pretend to be helpless. Her instinct will be to help you. Gain her trust and you get what you want. It may take a little time.Thanks for the helpful suggestions, but I'm not going to lift a finger. I play a numbers game. I actually learned this on SA. You young guys probably do this on Tinder. I just try to get with hundreds of gals, and see with few gals give me the easiest in, and I just proceed with those. That's all. On SA, I used to contact dozens per day and then just wait, and then zero in on the one that gives me the most positive response with the least hassle. Same thing with the 141 scene in HK. Just go with the one that's ready to go, LOL.

06-18-20, 01:18
I had two occasions where I low balled the gal, and she said "you make $xxxx a year, why can't you give me more?" So maybe I inflated my income or worth too much and she felt I was being super cheap. But again, PP is right. FWIW, I put $400,000 as my annual income and 5 million as my net worth. I think that is a lot for them. I change it to very low numbers and I don't think it matters for my purpose. Only Premium account can search by income or net worth. I registered to find sugar mommy to see what the sugar baby see. And reported about my observation not long ago.

Intl Playboy
06-18-20, 05:16
You are maybe putting too much thought into the value of that part of you profile. A) It's not a fact check. B) most people lie on that report anyway. C) your price negotiations are done on kik or another chat app, well past the initial meeting on SA.

In my experience no one pays attention to it.I wouldn't tell my actual net worth to anyone, let alone advertise it on a website. Its substantial, but that doesn't mean I want to overpay for anything. But I also don't want to underreport too much and possibly get ignored by what I am looking for.

So far I have arranged a couple meets with what seem to be semi-pro's. Those conversations move quickly to text and the ppm number is all they seem to care about.

But ideally what I want to find is a cute young wholesome type college girl for an ongoing relationship, and I think the profile info would come into play more in that search.

06-18-20, 05:55
I think that is a lot for them. I change it to very low numbers and I don't think it matters for my purpose. Only Premium account can search by income or net worth. I registered to find sugar mommy to see what the sugar baby see. And reported about my observation not long ago.At the end of the day the gal can only get what she can get relative to the market price for pussy. If the prostitute price for pussy is $xxx then it's up to the SB to provide the value add to justify her value. The reason we have the net worth is because we don't overpay!

06-18-20, 17:22
I think that is a lot for them. I change it to very low numbers and I don't think it matters for my purpose. Only Premium account can search by income or net worth. I registered to find sugar mommy to see what the sugar baby see. And reported about my observation not long ago.I personally don't worry much about income numbers. There are probably some girls that look at it, but I haven't come across anyone that has mentioned it. I keep my numbers kinda low as well, to show that you have ample disposable income (850 worth /250 year). In the end, I've seen that they make their judgement more by the conversation in Seeking / whatsapp and the frequency of your contact. From there, if they decide to meet in person, the final judgement is more than likely (with a nonpro) your personality and level of awkwardness (it should be low LOL), or their level of desperation or rather need for the agreed upon amount. All dynamic factors, not based on static values in SA.

With premium profiles, I stay away. Every SB that I have banged has had a standard profile. Whenever I have chatted with premiums, they seem to be more professional, which turns me off.


06-18-20, 17:27

I know this thread is based on Seeking, but are there any other SB sites out there that you guys have had success with?

I've seen Seeking is usually at the top, but I'm curious if there are other sites out there that one should consider.

06-18-20, 19:35
With premium profiles, I stay away. Every SB that I have banged has had a standard profile. Whenever I have chatted with premiums, they seem to be more professional, which turns me off.
I guess you don't know Premium profile is free for college student with a college email address. If you see someone is also college verified then she most likely is a student.

06-18-20, 19:49
I guess you don't know Premium profile is free for college student with a college email address. If you see someone is also college verified then she most likely is a student.See, that's why I love this forum and the info exchange.

Not ashamed to admit it sir. I did not know that! This may require a change in logic (obv trust but verify). Before now my thinking was, premium = stay away. Hell I'd be happy to change it to, if (premium + college verified), then she is fair game AND she might be your next balls deep experience. Hahaha.

I appreciate the good info Nounce.


06-18-20, 21:15
I appreciate the good info Nounce.

I am glad that it is helpful. That is why we post. Another thing I notice is that sugar baby won't know you read the message until after she has read the message. I plan to get one sugar baby to confirm it.

06-18-20, 22:10
I've seen Seeking is usually at the top, but I'm curious if there are other sites out there that one should consider.I tried another site, now can't remember the name. Had lots of profiles which I soon learned were fakes or bots. Wasted my money on that one, don't remember the name sugrdaddy something.

What I do know with SA, pay my money and within a few days have a full card of girls to meet and fuck.


06-19-20, 16:19

I know this thread is based on Seeking, but are there any other SB sites out there that you guys have had success with?

I've seen Seeking is usually at the top, but I'm curious if there are other sites out there that one should consider.I tried Secret Benefits and Sugardadymeet. Stayed for short periods and drifted away. I went back to secretbenefits a couple of times but never stayed for too long. I like the monthly pricing of SA and unlimited messaging. I also think SA has the largest selection of girls, at least in my area and it is known to be the site w / most subscribers globally. I found majority of girls on the other sites were ones I had seen on SA.

Typically I went to these other sites when there was a hiatus on SA renewal. Normally, I renew as soon as my subscription expires but occasionally I have waited for a week or two, and a few times waited even a month. It was during such times I tried out the other sites.

Try Tinder as well. I had some success on the site, some semi professionals.

06-21-20, 00:51
Typically I went to these other sites when there was a hiatus on SA renewal. Normally, I renew as soon as my subscription expires but occasionally I have waited for a week or two, and a few times waited even a month. It was during such times I tried out the other sites.
What is the benefit of having an ongoing subscription to SA?

My purpose on SA is usually for a specific event or travel requirement. For me, I find that when I start a new subscription most of the talent will become obvious within a week or at most two weeks. Those leads give me enough to work through for the next few months. My last subscription I gifted the remaining subscription login to another ISG member. The SBs that meet my qualifications will stay engaged with me for a year or so.

Each time I have a requirement I start a new profile.

I'm willing to learn the benefits of having a longer profile and subscription.


06-21-20, 02:44
What is the benefit of having an ongoing subscription to SA?

My purpose on SA is usually for a specific event or travel requirement. For me, I find that when I start a new subscription most of the talent will become obvious within a week or at most two weeks. Those leads give me enough to work through for the next few months. My last subscription I gifted the remaining subscription login to another ISG member. The SBs that meet my qualifications will stay engaged with me for a year or so.

Each time I have a requirement I start a new profile.

I'm willing to learn the benefits of having a longer profile and subscription.

PP.When I was active on SA, I had an ongoing subscription because I was using it to find local action. I was on it continuously for about 20 months. Most of my SB relationships didn't last for very long, so I had to maintain an ongoing subscription to make sure that I always had a decent size stable. I usually liked having about 3 active relationships at time, while also trying to maintain a deep bench.

Intl Playboy
06-21-20, 15:41
What's the best burner app for fake#, with texting, and video calling?

The one I'm using doesn't support video calling, which has caused some issues.

06-22-20, 00:13
OK boys I got the new exclusive email, the unlimited Hushed app (only $5/ month for in the US) and a 3 month membership to SA. Been on for 2 days now. I threw out about 20 messages and got 2 replies so far. One I think was a scammer just after my phone number. The other one texted me a pick and she didn't look nearly as good as her one pic on SA so she's out. I've been favorited by like 200 girls from all over the world. I'm getting my $2 day worth just from checking out all these crazy bitches. Don't worry I won't be sending any money out electronically. I got enough headaches with that from my chicas in Cuba and Columbia. I'm wondering if I should send a message or just ask for their private pics first? Thanks for all the helpful tips.

06-22-20, 00:50
What's the best burner app for fake#, with texting, and video calling?

The one I'm using doesn't support video calling, which has caused some issues.I use Whatsapp for Business. This allows me to have my normal life Whatsapp on my phone plus WA for Business with my burner number.

Steve 9696
06-22-20, 14:17
I use Whatsapp for Business. This allows me to have my normal life Whatsapp on my phone plus WA for Business with my burner number.Aha. That explains why some girls whatsapp says "business acct" which I always found confusing. I am going to guess the more pro girls do this double phone thing. I am going to check and see if I see a correlation.

Steve 9696
06-22-20, 14:20
OK boys I got the new exclusive email, the unlimited Hushed app (only $5/ month for in the US) and a 3 month membership to SA. Been on for 2 days now. I threw out about 20 messages and got 2 replies so far. One I think was a scammer just after my phone number. The other one texted me a pick and she didn't look nearly as good as her one pic on SA so she's out. I've been favorited by like 200 girls from all over the world. I'm getting my $2 day worth just from checking out all these crazy bitches. Don't worry I won't be sending any money out electronically. I got enough headaches with that from my chicas in Cuba and Columbia. I'm wondering if I should send a message or just ask for their private pics first? Thanks for all the helpful tips.Personally I rarely engage with someone that favorites me. These are obviously pros at work. And why bother with someone out of the country? All they can offer is photos for cash. Blech! I just ignore all the Russians Veni and Filipinas who favorite me everyday.

06-22-20, 15:39
OK boys I got the new exclusive email, the unlimited Hushed app (only $5/ month for in the US) and a 3 month membership to SA. Been on for 2 days now. I threw out about 20 messages and got 2 replies so far. One I think was a scammer just after my phone number. The other one texted me a pick and she didn't look nearly as good as her one pic on SA so she's out. I've been favorited by like 200 girls from all over the world. I'm getting my $2 day worth just from checking out all these crazy bitches. Don't worry I won't be sending any money out electronically. I got enough headaches with that from my chicas in Cuba and Columbia. I'm wondering if I should send a message or just ask for their private pics first? Thanks for all the helpful tips.I rarely get favorited, if ever. And hardly any girl ever favorited me before I did to her. I wonder what it is that you do differently than I do. You say you are on SA for just a couple of days and have been favorited by 200 girls! That is amazing to me, because I have been on it for 4+ years and have had several dozens of real arrangements that included sex, and yet the total number of girls that favorited me in 4 years+ might not exceed 200.

Perhaps I inadvertently clicked on something in my profile settings that is preventing girls from favoriting me. A few weeks ago, when there was a discussion about whether girls who favorite you are automatically scammers, I was dismissive of that view point. But now I realize after reading your post that it can be a real problem if you receive so many favorite tags from so many girls. I just did not experience it and hence I did not imagine it could be a problem.

Wow, 200 favorites in 2 days. I wonder how it looks from a girl's pov. If she is reasonably attractive, she must be receiving 200 favorite tags in 2 hours, based on what you said. No wonder some of them take so much time to get back to you.

06-22-20, 18:52
Personally I rarely engage with someone that favorites me. These are obviously pros at work. And why bother with someone out of the country? All they can offer is photos for cash. Blech! I just ignore all the Russians Veni and Filipinas who favorite me everyday.Most definitely. I am not contacting them. I have my search zone set at 10 miles. I just find some of their pages entertaining. Had one Brazilian who lives locally that I messaged ask for my phone number. After a couple of small talk texts she lays it all out. Says she lost a SD 2 months ago and wants $800 ppm "sex only with protection" and a $3,000 month allowance. She's hot and all but just a 9/10. I didn't reply and I'm not going to. Not looking for a pro, just a semi-pro.

06-23-20, 02:19
Perhaps I inadvertently clicked on something in my profile settings that is preventing girls from favoriting me.

Wow, 200 favorites in 2 days. From what I recall, when you go to the SA website, you will see featured profiles. Who gets featured changes up. Sometimes, premium members are featured. Sometimes nearby members are featured. Sometimes *new* members are featured. Etc. Perhaps when this guy joined for the first time, his profile got featured, and then many SBs just favorited him. It looks like almost everyone is playing the numbers game now.

But as it has been said already, I don't pay any attention to whether or not I get favorited. I did think it meant something at one point, but when I contacted them, it was just a waste of time. Ironically, if I were to get favorited now, I would use it as a signal to simply avoid those gals.

06-23-20, 04:51
Looking at it again it was only about 150 favorites in the first 2 days but now its over 250. And no I don't contact them unless they are HOT and live relatively close. Got a lunch date set up for Wed with a cute 23 year old. I guess it doesn't hurt to be handsome even if you are old.

Steve 9696
06-23-20, 12:26
I thought I was a pro at this but the latest girl I am pursuing has me puzzled. I am having a helluva time finding someone to my liking in a rather small US city. Found a girl who is very pretty (body don't know) like model level face. I don't think a pro would work this city. And in fact P411 offers only three pros and all are past their prime. So unlikely a pro by that measure.

But we went straight to text at her request. And she has a business WhatsApp. Said she is looking for long term fun with intimacy. And it's rare for a girl to make a first mention of sex like that. (But equally rare for a pro to mention long term. Her bio is very chaste like she is looking for a long term boyfriend) She's quite short in her responses also. But she sent another pic which looks legit.

I guess I can go for a meetup and see, but any other advice from others on figuring out if she is real or something is up?

06-23-20, 16:43
Looking at it again it was only about 150 favorites in the first 2 days but now its over 250. And no I don't contact them unless they are HOT and live relatively close. Got a lunch date set up for Wed with a cute 23 year old. I guess it doesn't hurt to be handsome even if you are old.When I'm on SA, I receive the crazy out of country favs, and the response favorites. The only favorites that I pay attention to is if the girl has viewed my profile, is in my country (I change my country to the place I'm going. It's helps with not getting branded as a tourist) or is favoriting me after I viewed hers and favorited her. I've found that usually when she replies with a favorite, she actually has read my profile. I say very specific things in my profile concerning expectations, etc. The girls that view and favorite me tend to already be self-vetted and at that point, it's just moving over to whatsapp and continue on if she's not weird.

Frequency. It's interesting to hear that some of you guys are on for months at a time. I have never used it like that. Whenever I travel (about 2 times a quarter pre-covid) I just grab a 30 day membership about 2 weeks before I land, get a few local girls (I'm 90% in europe) and then end the membership (within the 30 days) until I need it again, usually a few months later. For me, it's strictly based on need. I disable my account when I'm not traveling, and renew about 3-4 times a year. I made the mistake of talking to new girls after my travel was over because my membership was still active. We would chat, like each other, move over to whatsapp, then I seem like a time wasting asshole because I'm not going to be back in her country for another 6 -8 weeks. LOL. I had to learn the hard way to avoid the temptation of chatting when you can't physically meet. All that being said, I would probably change my tune if I used SA locally, as I would constantly be dipping my foot in the pool.


06-23-20, 17:08
I thought I was a pro at this but the latest girl I am pursuing has me puzzled. I am having a helluva time finding someone to my liking in a rather small US city. Found a girl who is very pretty (body don't know) like model level face. I don't think a pro would work this city. And in fact P411 offers only three pros and all are past their prime. So unlikely a pro by that measure.

But we went straight to text at her request. And she has a business WhatsApp. Said she is looking for long term fun with intimacy. And it's rare for a girl to make a first mention of sex like that. (But equally rare for a pro to mention long term. Her bio is very chaste like she is looking for a long term boyfriend) She's quite short in her responses also. But she sent another pic which looks legit.

I guess I can go for a meetup and see, but any other advice from others on figuring out if she is real or something is up?Here are three possibilities:

(1) She is super desperate for money, and given that you guys are in a small city with limited opportunities, she grabs any opportunity that presents itself.

(2) IF she was willing to meet right away, without even vetting you that much, then it's a trap of some kind, such as LE or her friends will beat you up and rob you.

(3) This is just her MO.

I might guess it's (1), but be safe in case it's (2).

06-23-20, 17:15
I thought I was a pro at this but the latest girl I am pursuing has me puzzled. I am having a helluva time finding someone to my liking in a rather small US city. Found a girl who is very pretty (body don't know) like model level face. I don't think a pro would work this city. And in fact P411 offers only three pros and all are past their prime. So unlikely a pro by that measure.

But we went straight to text at her request. And she has a business WhatsApp. Said she is looking for long term fun with intimacy. And it's rare for a girl to make a first mention of sex like that. (But equally rare for a pro to mention long term. Her bio is very chaste like she is looking for a long term boyfriend) She's quite short in her responses also. But she sent another pic which looks legit.

I guess I can go for a meetup and see, but any other advice from others on figuring out if she is real or something is up?Steve 9696,

I'd be curious to see how this turns out. Dude, you are a pro! So if this one has you perplexed, I'd like to know where her end game lands. She may be genuine or she may know the buzz words to use. I know that I use certain buzz words with SBs and they include "long term", "travel with me", "NO ONS", "No beautiful idiots", etc and they eat it up.

The short responses, changing comms fast. She knows the process. She might be tired of a bunch of short term SDs and just want something more stable, or this might be rinse and repeat for her (pro).

I think you are on track. I would do the same. See what happens at the meetup and test the waters. You will easily see if she is a pro during the vetting process. I prefer to bang a SB on the first night, but I have had fun times with an SB for 1-2 nights without banging her (no cash exchange). If she's a pro, it would be unlikely that she would want to chill without being paid, but someone looking for a long term arrangement usually wouldn't have a problem with it.

Again man. Be safe. Keep your wallet. And let us know how it works out.


06-23-20, 17:23
What's the best burner app for fake#, with texting, and video calling?

The one I'm using doesn't support video calling, which has caused some issues.Text Now and 2nd line are good.

Gentleman Travel
06-23-20, 21:13
For me I know that SA provides me with better 'bang' for my mongering buck. My current girl sticks around for 4 hours of sexual activity for $300 whereas a similar professional would be asking $2,000. On my business trips where I have take a SB for a set weekly fee of $700 and had a sexual companion for 7 nights.I have RTFF back about 10 pages but haven't been able to get a good handle on pricing in the American (actually Canadian) market.

Pilot Paul's costing sounds about right to me, based on my SB experience outside of SA.

In the past (3 - 10 years ago) I used to run personals on CL or Backpage "Daddy seeks Baby Girl for fun" or something of that nature.

I had very good success in recruiting college girls for a long term relationship (6 to 12 months) for $200 - $300 per meeting.

These were non-pro girls who did not place ads or profiles of their own, they just lurked in the Personals looking for a guy like me.

More recently I have been travelling / living in countries where I can just put profiles on Cupid or Tinder and have as many dates / GFs as I like for very small outlays.

I can't use normal dating websites when in my home market for reasons of discretion. Besides, Tinder works well for an old guy like me in Latin America, but I doubt it would in America.

Having been grounded back in Canada by the covid crisis, I am now struggling to find the right forum to recruit a new SB. I was assuming SA was mostly pro or semi-pro, and I am certainly not prepared to pay a monthly allowance of $X,000!

But what Pilot Paul and a few others are saying suggests that there are some of the same types of girls I used to attract hanging out on that site, in North American cities.

What's the view of the experts here?

BTW I usually had just one intro date with any prospect before our second meeting was at a hotel. And sometimes we decided to skip the intro meeting and go straight to bed!

Some liked to be wined and dined and some didn't really want to be seen in public with me, which was okay. Saved time and money.

Some were very money motivated, but usually relaxed over time, and some seemed to be doing it mostly for fun or the experience (although money was still part of the package).

Some of these girls simply disappeared once they didn't need the support any more (or they got a better offer) and some stayed in touch for months or years after they moved on.

Steve 9696
06-23-20, 21:38
I have RTFF back about 10 pages but haven't been able to get a good handle on pricing in the American (actually Canadian) market.

Pilot Paul's costing sounds about right to me, based on my SB experience outside of SA.

In the past (3 - 10 years ago) I used to run personals on CL or Backpage "Daddy seeks Baby Girl for fun" or something of that nature.

I had very good success in recruiting college girls for a long term relationship (6 to 12 months) for $200 - $300 per meeting.

These were non-pro girls who did not place ads or profiles of their own, they just lurked in the Personals looking for a guy like me.

More recently I have been travelling / living in countries where I can just put profiles on Cupid or Tinder and have as many dates / GFs as I like for very small outlays.

I can't use normal dating websites when in my home market for reasons of discretion. Besides, Tinder works well for an old guy like me in Latin America, but I doubt it would in America.

Having been grounded back in Canada by the covid crisis, I am now struggling to find the right forum to recruit a new SB. I was assuming SA was mostly pro or semi-pro, and I am certainly not prepared to pay a monthly allowance of $X,000!

But what Pilot Paul and a few others are saying suggests that there are some of the same types of girls I used to attract hanging out on that site, in North American cities.

What's the view of the experts here?

BTW I usually had just one intro date with any prospect before our second meeting was at a hotel. And sometimes we decided to skip the intro meeting and go straight to bed!

Some liked to be wined and dined and some didn't really want to be seen in public with me, which was okay. Saved time and money.

Some were very money motivated, but usually relaxed over time, and some seemed to be doing it mostly for fun or the experience (although money was still part of the package).

Some of these girls simply disappeared once they didn't need the support any more (or they got a better offer) and some stayed in touch for months or years after they moved on.Welcome!

Your last few paragraphs describe SA girls pretty precisely. Just like what you already have experience in. And it's a ton of work to separate the wheat from the chaff but you know this if you were doing backpage.

Some people on here have described what I consider very low prices 150-200 and I don't know of any girl I want who would go for that. But the common wisdom which I agree with is $400 for a pretty college or early career girl in most major cities. Adjust up $100 for NYC and San Francisco (possibly others) and adjust down $100 for second tier cities. So 3-5 bills will get you what you are looking for depending on city and your energy level for the search.

06-23-20, 22:08
Some liked to be wined and dined and some didn't really want to be seen in public with me, which was okay. Saved time and money.

Some were very money motivated, but usually relaxed over time, and some seemed to be doing it mostly for fun or the experience (although money was still part of the package).

Some of these girls simply disappeared once they didn't need the support any more (or they got a better offer) and some stayed in touch for months or years after they moved on.Sounds like you have the right MO. You will just pply your traditional methods to the local market where you are operating.

In my hometown I use a similar picture to myself but interestingly never had any success with Tinder. Money in the transaction can cover a lot of inaccuracies.


06-24-20, 13:05
I have RTFF back about 10 pages but haven't been able to get a good handle on pricing in the American (actually Canadian) market.

Pilot Paul's costing sounds about right to me, based on my SB experience outside of SA.

In the past (3 - 10 years ago) I used to run personals on CL or Backpage "Daddy seeks Baby Girl for fun" or something of that nature.

I had very good success in recruiting college girls for a long term relationship (6 to 12 months) for $200 - $300 per meeting.

These were non-pro girls who did not place ads or profiles of their own, they just lurked in the Personals looking for a guy like me.Hello,

Pricing depends on where you live. If you are in Omaha, NE or Baton Rouge, LA, pricing will be less than in San Fran and NYC and Boston. In smaller cities, you can get away with 200 per meet on average, and occasionally even less.

Also, if you get comfortable with a girl and she likes you as well, you can make a longer term deal such as twice a week, $1200 a month. That would average to $150 a meet. The girl might still take it. In a smaller, inexpensive city $1200 would cover her rent and car payment. Not a bad deal.

Another very important variable is the age and type of the girl. Are you looking for model type, 20-25, white girl? Are you OK with Latina, perhaps other races, 30+, slightly plump girls as well? I go for the former, and occasionally Latina girls but of the slim, pretty type. So, my costs are higher. If you relax on your demand specs, you can get more bang for the buck.

SA provides you a place where you can connect to the girls. 70-80% of the people you make an initial intro will flake out. Cast a wide net, be patient, stay disciplined. You will get a good deal eventually.

Steve 9696
06-25-20, 01:36
Since things are a bit slow right now I thought you might enjoy the back story of how I ended up being such a Sugar Baby enthusiast. It all started NOT on SA at all but in a Boate in Campinas with a girl from Rio. For those not familiar with a Boate it's an amazing thing. A nightclub where all the girls are on offer and there are onsite rooms. Often the girls are semi-pros as was the case with Thifany. She would fly from Rio to work the Boate when she needed a cash infusion. Strangely 2 girls I've had sex with at a Boate got engaged within a month or two of my visit. So definitely not pros.

This is a long and amazing story (at least that I was part of it!) so I am going to break it into two parts. The first part is meeting at the Boate and having a whale of a time. The second part is when I flew her to London. It is here that I got my taste if enjoying a girl thoroughly not just in the bedroom. And my lust for an SB relationship was kindled.

Since I wrote the below, she got engaged. Then told me it didn't matter we could still see each other and he does P4 P also and likes guys! LOL. But then she bailed on our Buenos Aires trip and I met the new love of my life, Valentina. And now Valentina has bailed and onto the next one!

Remember this was more than year ago -- August and Sept 2018. I had never flown a girl anywhere or done anything but basic escort paid sex. I found that I completely love having a girlfriend, so thus SA (and the fact that it skirts US prostitution laws) has become a staple for me.

Summary I meet a unicorn a true 10. We kiss like high schoolers. We have passionate sex once alone and once with her friend. We stay in touch and I invite her to join me on a London business trip (what are you crazy?) and she accepts (what is she crazy? We party like rockstars in love. Can never be equaled.

I had been in Brazil since Saturday night and done girls at Scandalo, Casarao, Tangara, my hotel, and Moustache. (5 girls at 5 different venues in less than 24 hours upon landing. WTF was I thinking! I don't know but it was spectacular!) I'the read about Fazendinha and was itching to try. It's out in the country about a half hour from Campinas.

I read online that they have a limo service and will pick up in Campinas. So I got in touch with them on Whatsapp and arranged pickup. I set the pickup at the nearby Radisson Red hotel so as to not run into colleagues in the lobby. Easy walk and had a drink at the bar while I waited.

Sure enough a van driver shows up and we head for Fazendinha. This is around 10:30 Pm. When we arrive he says he can pick me up at 2 or 3:30 AM. At first I say 2 but then reconsider to 3:30. Glad I did!

Upon arrival I pay the entry fee of around $50 which is all consumable (credited against drinks until exceeded) and see a gorgeous girl in a super short black skirt checking in. I think if this is the talent level here (a solid 9 from a distance) then I am going to have fun!

Very solicitous service from their staff. The waiters / hosts are dressed kind of like butlers in maroon vests. Very classy. My man takes me to a table and I survey the scene. There is a small dance floor and small stage. Only two of three other tables occupied (early on a Tuesday) maybe ten guys total. Probably 30-40 girls milling about. So a target rich environment.

I order the usual Jack and Coke and survey all the girls. The format here which I learned at Moustache is the girls aren't allowed to approach. You have to wave them over. Most of the girls are just standing around. I see the girl I saw originally out front and she is still the prettiest. She is kind of self dancing to the beat so I like that too. About 20 minutes in I decide she is the best and wave her over.

Wow and I mean wow! Up close she is a TEN no lie. Gorgeous face and a smile that will rock your world. She is so bubbly and enthusiastic as we start to chat. She speaks very little English and I speak only a little Portuguese (I learned for this specific purpose that is how dedicated to the sport I am! I am totally captivated by just looking at her. Pure perfection.

We fall into a very comfortable relationship from the getgo. Light touching comes naturally to both of us so I lean in and softly kiss her. A little tongue foray to see how she reacts and she opens her mouth and starts to softly engage tongues. OMG it is perfection. We somehow sense exactly what the other likes and just kiss blissfully for about five minutes. I eventually pull back and we resume chatting. (I realize later that I was always the one who broke the lip lock, never her. I think she honestly loves kissing me!

I get her a drink she only wants coconut water and we continue to have a great time just giggling like teenagers. - my broken Portuguese and her broken English. It is truly a blast, plus there is a ton more kissing.

At some point I must have mentioned I'the been to Scandalo which is the most expensive club in Brazil. The girls there charge 800 are ($200/ HR) which is considered absolute highway robbery in Brazil. I had paid my girl there 700 are and was very happy. Because when I ask Thifany "Quanta costa?" She says 500 (I know from the owner that 300 is what most girls charge). I lightly protest "Muito carro" (very expensive!) but she counters "well, you went to Scandalo!" Clever girl. I like her style!

So we agree the 500 are ($125) and head to the room. There is a little cashier procedure to pay for the room and her fee and we are off hand in hand strolling the hundred or so yards on the grounds to the room. It is very affectionate walking there. Her taking my arm and leaning into me like a real girlfriend who adores you would.

So much of what I love about Thifany is that she either adores me or is a great actress. It feels like a million bucks to have this 22 year old fawning all over you and expressing undying adoration in her actions.

So in the room it is sort of the standard undress and shower like any good brothel. Of course we mix in kissing and undressing each other as part of the game. The only crowning disappointment is the lighting is either full on fluorescent or off. We end up with OFF which I later regret because I lack visual images of the in-room time (of course I got plenty of visuals later!

There is a lot of kissing and touching and exploring, so much so that we forgot to fuck this first time! But the CIM BJ was plenty sufficient. After some kissing, I work down to DATY, and she seems to generally enjoy it. I work my way kissing back up her body till we are mouth to mouth again and I am kind of slowly dry fucking with my cock against her pussy area. Then she does something I've never experienced before or since. She starts sliding the bottoms of her feet up and down the backs of my thighs while we kiss and dry fuck. Felt soooo good all those sensations at once. I suddenly realize OMG she is kinda signaling bareback. Fortunately I was only a few drinks in and did not take the plunge.

Now it was her turn to get to work. We flip over me on my back and she works her way down to start one of the top 5 BBBJs ever. BBBJ is my thing since I can't do bareback and condoms kill the feel. So I am in heaven she is so good. I can't remember if I signal ball sucking and licking like I do with some girls or she just goes there, but man she can BLS like nobody's business. And then the real surprise. She dives under the hood and starts rimming my asshole. No discussion no upsell just starts right in with her tongue.

I've only had one rim job before and it's an odd sensation. Doesn't make me want to cum but I reflexively clinch my asshole and that makes me very hard with all the repeated clinching. So it's good, but odd.

About 5 minutes of this I gently grab her head to pull her up but no she wants more. She dives under harder and deeper. I think she really enjoys this! Another five minutes and she comes up to finish Mr Happy. He is hard as a brick now and with her amazing skill I squirt a big load in her mouth pretty quickly.

She's not a swallower but she also doesn't rush off. Gives me a nice smile and then goes and spits it in the bathroom. Then we just cuddle and enjoy each other till the phone rings 5 minute warning I guess.

She of course thinks we are done for the night. But I break out my best broken Portuguese and explain I want to go back to the club together but then do it again. She takes a second to process this and confirm it back to me. Then she is sooooo excited "yes yes yes yes!" And is kissing me and all smiles and just over the moon.

So back to the club we go and get a table a little farther back from the dance floor where we can just kiss and canoodle. Just having some drinks with my girlfriend! At one point I ask her in Portuguese if she has any friends at the club. I am just making small talk but she lights up and says "yes Maria is my best friend. She's right over there. Do you want to go to the room together?" That was not really my plan so I say maybe. She says let me go talk to her.

So she goes over and spends maybe 10 minutes with her friend. They are dancing together and doing that booty shaking thing that only Brazilian girls can really do. Wow. Soooooo sexy. She comes back and says her friend says OK, should she come over and I say sure. So they both come over and start Booty shaking dancing like 2 feet in front of me. "Do you want to go together?" I say sure but let's dance first.

So we go out on the dance floor together all three of us. This has to be the highlight of many king of the world experiences. We are all dancing and hip grinding. We literally do a three way DFK that is kind of amazing and truly a first. They are both grabbing my package and rubbing and DFKing me and acting sexy as hell. When I can take no more I say let's get a room. Thifany says it will be 400 each so 800 total a bargain! OK rock on!

At the room there is a huge round bed and a big shower area I guess we were upgraded for the duo. Geez I wish I could remember every detail. What I remember most fondly is Thifany had put on her music and there was a very slow song. Maria was on her back on the bed. Thifany has her face buried in Maria's pussy and Thifany's ass is up at the edge of the bed. I am standing behind her on the floor and doing doggy thrusts in time to the music. So slow and goes on forever. All this time, Maria has her index finger in her mouth. Sliding it in and out to my rhythm and looking at me with fuck-me doe eyes as I fuck Thifany from behind. Wowowow. Will remember that forever.

We swap around positions some and I am on my back with Thifany straddling my face and Maria in RCG riding me like she hasn't had sex in months! Eventually we end up with a joint BJ and HJ damn they had to work to finish me on my 8th fuck in three days, but troopers that they are they were rewarded with a solid cumshot.

So it's straight up 3 AM now but my ride is not till 3:30. I assume she will ditch me now and I will just wait it out. Nope. Instead she says "do you want to come to breakfast?" And I say sure. Well I didn't notice it when I arrived but there is a revolving door near the front of the club that leads to a small restaurant where they are serving breakfast buffet. Not for the guests, but for the girls!

There are 20 working girls there having breakfast and me and Thifany and Maria. I am the only guy in the room. This is totally surreal! Turns out they serve cake at breakfast in Brazil and Thifany has her favorite chocolate cake and chocolate milk. She is really like a teenager even though she is 22 and frankly I LOVE it!

So, sigh. I do eventually have to leave and I kiss her goodbye. But that is NOT the end of this story. Stay tuned for Part 2!

06-25-20, 02:58
Looking forward to Part 2.

06-25-20, 03:32
Looking forward to Part 2.Keep it coming. Hell of a picture. Now I'm thinking of checking out Brazil!

06-25-20, 06:11
What does it mean when they make you a premium SD? Does that get you anything extra?

06-25-20, 06:50
What does it mean when they make you a premium SD? Does that get you anything extra?What I know is it is something you pay for. The main benefit is you can send and read unlimited number of messages without picture.

Steve 9696
06-25-20, 14:41
Keep it coming. Hell of a picture. Now I'm thinking of checking out Brazil!Yes every serious girl-enthusiast must do São Paulo. Scandallo Boate on a Thurs / Fri will have 150+ girls all 7,8, and 9's. And all friendly and available. Plus it's very girlfriendy. First girl I ever met there we talked and danced and drank And kissed for two hours before I thought to get a room! Then she asked me to drive to the beach with her and a friend. (I had to decline). Then she got engaged a month later! Brasileiras are uniquely wonderful.

If I had a week to live I'the fly to Brazil and spend it at Scandallo. Scandallo should be on every mans bucket list.

Steve 9696
06-25-20, 17:42
Actually have to break into three parts! Sorry for the tease! This contains a lot of the angst around making it happen. U might wonder why bother when I have plenty of pros in London (Diva is great!) and of course the answer is I was after more than just an hour of sex. This is really enjoying a girl fully 24/7 and I was totally smitten with her.

So recall in Part 1 that we had just had cake for breakfast (common in SP!) at the hooker late night buffet and parted ways.

She gives me her number and we stay in touch on WhatsApp. All the Brazilian girls have WhatsApp so I had them send me pics and such. But somehow the interaction with Thifany is special. She's on my mind the whole trip and beyond. Back home she sends me a few professional pics (she is a model or at least trying to be one) and wow. I feel like the king having bedded that goddess.

Chatting starts pretty slow and I say I had such a great time with her. She writes back and says she had a great night too best night of her life. We'll surely that is BS but it feels great. A couple days into our chat, I say "I know this is kinda crazy but would you ever join me on a business trip" She says she'the love to! I say maybe London or Vegas. She says it doesn't matter as long as I'm with you. Again I know it's a bit of hyperbole, but damn it feels good!

So we start planning and I consult various experts on sugar baby dating for the watch outs there are plenty. The first experts tell me whatever you do don't send her money for her plane ticket. She will just grab and go. Others say no you should pay her cash for her ticket. If she takes the money and runs valuable lesson learned without getting emotionally engaged. Turns out I kinda did both.

I decide to send her the money. But she says she has never booked a ticket online before and can I do it for her. I say yeah but I will need to know your real name and your passport number and all that. She immediately texts me a photo of her passport page. What? She is so young and free and naive. Good thing I am a nice guy.

Earlier when chatting she says she will have her birthday with me in London and she is so excited. I figure this is a bunch of escort BS who the fuck wants to have their birthday with an old man they hardly know? Well I guess she does, because when I get her passport I see she is not joking. She will turn 23 on the Monday of our trip together! So I need to make sure it's special.

The couple weeks leading up to our rendezvous are quivering with excitement. I am sneaking out on various errands at night just to check my burner phone and see what she just texted me. I am like a fucking teenager but it feels good.

Then, the appointed day comes but holy crap the drama. I have arranged our flights to line up. So I am at the airport waiting for my outbound leg and she is at her connection city So Paulo. I should have figured something was up when she was texting me and should have boarded already.

Well I get to my connecting city and I have a WhatsApp of her bawling her eyes out and that she missed her connecting flight. My scam radar is on high alert but I can't think of anything that really could be going on. I tell her I will look into another flight. Geez this is dicey. I am sitting on the floor between connections and talking to the agent. For $1500 I can get her another flight. I obviously seriously consider just bagging it all that is a ton of money but she was so sad and I was pretty devastated too.

So I pull the trigger, but the drama does not end there. Since I am buying a ticket for someone else, they need a photo of my drivers license to prove I am who I say I am. I am REALLY careful about keeping all this private so doing that was really out of the question. But I did it anyhow! I was all in.

Ticket issued but she will arrive 5 hours later at London City airport coming from Porto Portugal. But the drama does not end there!

Our additional complication is that neither of us has a European data plan so we can only communicate on Wifi. At the hotel I am able to confirm she made her connection woohoo! But when I show up at LC their wifi does not work. I am waiting for her and trying to get it but no luck. People are coming out but not her. People are coming from her flight but not her. I check the counter. They won't tell me if she was on the flight private info.

I am sooooo frustrated. I think OMG after all this she is not coming. I think all I can do is leave and find a bar somewhere and get on WiFi and regroup. Just as I am leaving, there she is all smiles and hugs and OMG she looks AMAZING! I kid you not that she is a model.

So we get one of those big London cabs and are way in the back. We start a little touching and light kissing and next thing you know we are DFKing like teenagers again in the back of the cab! This is one of the things I love most about her. All the girlfriends I've ever had have that American inhibitions thing going on "not now honey, someone might see" Not Thifany. If she wants to make out we are going to make out doesn't matter where.

The other great thing in the cab is her 22 ness. She is like a school girl. "Oh my god, look at that. It is soooo beautiful. " Seeing London through her eyes is just intoxicating.

Sooo much to cover in London. I will just hit the highlights. The summary is it could have been an awkward weird mess staying with someone you've know a total of Five hours. But instead it is completely awesome.

So I have work out of town on Monday and won't be "home" until 11 PM so we decide to have her birthday dinner Sunday night just a few hours after she arrived. We hit a couple stores on Regent street briefly and then head to Chichettis for dinner. Great seafood tapas. Turns out scallops are both are favorites and we have some brilliant ones and all the other stuff was good too. I have the waiter bring a chocolate cupcake with a candle for her birthday. She is pretty stoked.

I think the waiter was very amused watching us with English Portuguese and Google Translate (and probably amusedly noting our 30 year age difference). It should have been awkward but it was awesome.

Little did I know when I suggested we might go dancing I had hit the hot button and the next four days would be non-stop dancing and drinking till 3 Am every night. With fab sex before or after. But that's all happening in Part 3! Stay tuned.

06-25-20, 18:23
.Never tried what you are doing. Most of my mongering is done in Hong Kong but I have moved away from the bars where it is easy to pick-up girls to making arrangements with DH's. There is no cost here, the ones I have met are desperate for just a bit of company and someone being kind to them and I treat them well.

However, your story is amazing! You lucky man! I am so envious. Good luck to you. Will be interested in the next chapter!

06-25-20, 19:13
What I know is it is something you pay for. The main benefit is you can send and read unlimited number of messages without picture.SA made me a premium member after 4 days on the site. I didn't pay or do anything to get it. Still wondering what the benefit is.

Gentleman Travel
06-25-20, 20:32
So we start planning and I consult various experts on sugar baby dating for the watch outs there are plenty. The first experts tell me whatever you do don't send her money for her plane ticket. She will just grab and go. Others say no you should pay her cash for her ticket. If she takes the money and runs valuable lesson learned without getting emotionally engaged. Turns out I kinda did both.

I decide to send her the money. But she says she has never booked a ticket online before and can I do it for her. I say yeah but I will need to know your real name and your passport number and all that. She immediately texts me a photo of her passport page. What? She is so young and free and naive. Good thing I am a nice guy.

Earlier when chatting she says she will have her birthday with me in London and she is so excited. I figure this is a bunch of escort BS who the fuck wants to have their birthday with an old man they hardly know? Well I guess she does, because when I get her passport I see she is not joking. She will turn 23 on the Monday of our trip together! So I need to make sure it's special.

The couple weeks leading up to our rendezvous are quivering with excitement. I am sneaking out on various errands at night just to check my burner phone and see what she just texted me. I am like a fucking teenager but it feels good.

Then, the appointed day comes but holy crap the drama. I have arranged our flights to line up. So I am at the airport waiting for my outbound leg and she is at her connection city So Paulo. I should have figured something was up when she was texting me and should have boarded already.

Well I get to my connecting city and I have a WhatsApp of her bawling her eyes out and that she missed her connecting flight. My scam radar is on high alert but I can't think of anything that really could be going on. I tell her I will look into another flight. Geez this is dicey. I am sitting on the floor between connections and talking to the agent. For $1500 I can get her another flight. I obviously seriously consider just bagging it all that is a ton of money but she was so sad and I was pretty devastated too...Yes, travelling with a GF / SB from another country can be nerve-wracking and trouble prone. I had one experience where my Colombian GF was to meet me in the Bogota airport for us to travel onward to an island vacation spot. I bought her ticket but somehow misunderstood the structure of her name and so the ticket was not honored at her origin point. She used all the $$ she had to get a flight to Bogota, for us to sort this out there. Plus she could not take her booked flight onward to our final destination because there was some kind of fee that had to be paid on departure. Then my flight got delay by a day, so she was stuck at the airport for 24 hours with no cash, no food or drink and no way to get home if I didn't show up, which I eventually did. So I ended up having to essentially pay twice for her travel.

Another time I arranged for a Ukrainian girl (whom I had never met) to join me for a few days in Paris and a tour of the champagne district. It mostly worked out well (including I sent her funds and she bought the ticket) but when we had to depart separately to go to Kyiv, she missed her flight because she didn't understand the trains to the airport (poor English and no French). Fortunately, she had the funds to book another flight, but I had to reimburse her for the replacement ticket. At least I got another night of sex out of her in Kyiv (didn't keep her on otherwise though, as my dance card was already full for Kyiv). You can't stiff these girls for that kind of money, even if they make a mistake. It's all the money they have.

But there was a lot of stress and expense in these experiences.

Which brings me to my real point, Steve, why bother to bring someone from so far away? I grant that Thiffany may be a 10 and something special, but there are lots of sexy girls in UK and Europe who can provide the same experience and involve less hassle and expense. You can get a lot of play time with a local SB for $1500! A wise man on ISG once told me, anywhere there is a college, there are plenty of sexy, smart girls who need money or fun. He was talking about the US, but I have found that in Canada also. The problem is how to find them. In Rio or Kyiv you can pull them off any dating website or out of many bars or just bump into them on the street. But in Western cities it is a lot more challenging, especially for older guys like us.

Which brings us to this specific sub-forum. I will be interested to discover if I can find the same kind of young, cute, non-pro coed sex toys through SA that I used to recruit out of CL or Backpage.

Haven't actually joined SA yet. Still checking our reviews and competitor sites, but will probably take the plunge shortly.

Gentleman Travel
06-25-20, 22:00
SA made me a premium member after 4 days on the site. I didn't pay or do anything to get it. Still wondering what the benefit is.Is it practical to NOT be a Premium member? I know they say you can belong for free, but I assume there are so many restrictions on what you can do as to make it not feasible.

Or am I wrong, and you can be successful on the site using just the standard membership?

Plus, will potential SBs look at your profile and decide if you are not paying Premium, then you are a cheap bastard and not worth considering?

Steve 9696
06-26-20, 01:37
Is it practical to NOT be a Premium member? I know they say you can belong for free, but I assume there are so many restrictions on what you can do as to make it not feasible.

Or am I wrong, and you can be successful on the site using just the standard membership?

Plus, will potential SBs look at your profile and decide if you are not paying Premium, then you are a cheap bastard and not worth considering?As long as you just browse it's free. When you want to contact a girl you have to be premium. I thinknthey changed to allow 10 free contacts but that is nothing. I browsed for nearly 6 months before I decided on a girl I couldn't resist. Of course then there was no forum like this to take the risk out. So I waited until I could wait no more.

I don't understand guys who don't join (pay premium). It's such a small fee in the scheme of what you are going to pay overall. But might as well browse for free till ready to pull the trigger and make contact.

Steve 9696
06-26-20, 01:43
OK so here is the final chapter. We stayed in touch after this but she soon got engaged and it was bittersweet to see her so happy with him (pro-tip following your girl on Instagram has the potential to break your heart! In the end I am super happy for her. I care for her and wish her the best. Strangely my first Scandallo girl, Karina, got engaged a month after we were together. So if you know any girls that want to get engaged they should hook up with me!

Anyhow here tis. Still my most magical experience to date. But it won't stay that way I am determined to exceed it!

Where we left off we just finished her birthday dinner at Chichettis and were looking to go dance.

Little did I know when I suggested we might go dancing I had hit the hot button. First we went walking. We just wandered hand-in-hand like a couple in love and found Chinatown and wandered the streets together. Eventually we found some street performers and I got the first glimpse of what a human whirlwind this girl is. Her English gets better when she drinks and suddenly she is engaging with the street performers and onlookers "That is amazing. You are so pretty. What's your name?" She is just so outgoing and engaging.

Eventually we ask about for a good dance club and end up at Bar Soho.

This is where I get the second but still reserved view of her goddess-like magnetism. As we are dancing in the club she is just so free and on fire. She is dancing mostly with me but suddenly she is dancing with another girl or maybe another guy it's quite crowded. She is really a highlight on the floor. I get a little jealous but I shrug it off. It is electric being with her.

When slow songs come on, we go in, hip to hip, and just swing and DFK. Sigh. The best. She is really on her good behavior when I suggest we pack it in around 1 AM and we head back.

Back in the room she literally pushes me on the bed and says I will do a strip tease for you. And sure enough she does the sexiest strip and then climbs on me and pushes me on my back. Of course the DFK is legendary -- I could kiss her 24 x7 and never get bored. We have lots of fun but what I remember most is her taking charge -- just pushing me down and blowing the fuck out of me. Then riding me like a blue-ribbon cowgirl. I can still visualize her biting her lip as she rides towards an O.

Had to move her to a different hotel the next day because I was, as far as my work knows, "staying" in a different city, so I was footing the bill for her room in London. Had a definite hiccup that day. She went to see a friend in London and when I got back to the hotel at 11 PM she wasn't there! I'the already paid the full allowance for the week and I thought OMG she ditched me!

After a bunch of angst, she finally got in contact and said she would be there soon. This was on Brasileira time (where being an hour late is being on time) and so about 12:15 she shows up. I had remembered earlier that this is just a Brazilian thing (Carolina was an hour late to our second date same thing) and decided to not make a big deal. Sure enough she bops out of the Uber all smiles and giggles like nothing is wrong and indeed nothing is in fact wrong. She is here and the world is right again.

Tiny little room. Barely room for a bed. We both get naked and do various things but what I remember best was this interesting modified mish. I was trying to do her in mish but a little too soft after a long day.(pr Viagra). Rather than traditional mish where I do all the work, she pushes me up on my knees and arches her back so her butt is in the air and she starts fucking the hell out of me. I don't really understand how she did it to this day but it was like a strong cowgirl riding from the bottom! She's a fucking wizard! And she had this smile the whole time as she rode me to a strong finish inside her.

Tuesday I came back late by train again and she was a good girl in apologetic mode -- she was in the room a half hour before I got there. I got there about 10:30 and suggested we go dancing. She was like "really?" And I said yes. Wow she lit up like fireworks. And off we went back to Bar Soho to start.

We danced there for a while, but when we were on a smoke break, there was one of those bicycle rickshaws waiting at the curb. We'the seen several of these but this one was decked out in pink fur with Drake and Kanye blasting out of a custom sound system. The driver is very cool and lets us take some pics and poses and then we go for a spin. He takes us all over and really this was close to a trip highlight. Zooming around London, my best girl on my arm. At one point we shoot a little music video of her dancing on the sidewalk to KIki Do you Luv Me. I probably watch it weekly. I am such a sap but it just makes me happy -- she's just such an amazing force of life and fuck she is beautiful.

After wrapping the video, we ask for a bigger, more happening club and he takes us to The Zoo. Wow. Great vibe. We dance upstairs for quite a while and then the upstairs closes and we move to the basement, where it turns out the party is even more off the hook. This is where Thifany becomes totally alive and I see the true party-girl goddess that she is.

We dance like maniacs and she finds a drink she likes Midori and Red Bull and it just gets crazier and crazier. She is the life of the party and by inference so am I. She brings people into our dance circle and it's girl on girl guy with guy, whatever goes. But, just like the night before, I start to feel that jealous pang -- why is she dancing with others?

I consider this quite seriously while dancing away and realize that I can sit here and stew or I can join the party. I mean what the fuck am I jealous about? Dance with my girl all you want, but she's going home with me! So I put the jealousy aside because I realize this-is-who-she-is and wow, it changes my whole perspective. Once I get past this I have the time of my life. I am even learning how to pull the wallflowers into our mosh pit. It is just electrifying. I remember distinctly thinking around 2 AM that this is the most fun I've had in my entire life!

It is so obvious she is the WOW girl that I get no less than three people commenting to me:

Guy: Dude she's with you? Goddamn you are lucky. She is so fucking hot!

Girl: Man you need to put a ring on that!

Guy: Did you come with your daughter?

Me: Ha. She's my girlfriend!

Guy: What? Man, you are the man. Mad props!

We party till they kick us out at 3:30 AM and head back home for another hot session but we are both pretty beat. Some nice 69 and finish with her spectacular BJ and me FIV.

Oh I am reminded we had another little rough spot that night. There is this African guy that bums smokes off us and come to find out he is selling ecstasy and she wants some. I say no way I don't like this guys vibe. She eventually agrees but gives me the cold shoulder for a half hour or so.

It is funny because we talk about this later and it turns out, it wasn't about the drugs. She was mad at me for giving away stuff so easily! I told the guy take 3 cigs. I tossed the bartender a 20 tip after quite a few rounds of excellent service in a busy club. She was mad at me for spending so freely! I guess she comes from a different economic situation!

So on Wednesday I was able to get off work around 3 and we were able to get back to our big comfy room at the business hotel across town. We went shopping for souvenirs and had another funny moment. She confessed she wasn't sleeping well because of my snoring so we were going to get earplugs while out shopping. At one point she says we need to remember to get "tampons" and I think OH SHIT of all times to get her period. But it turns out it was just a translation error! She means EARPLUGS! Whew!

She loves seafood, so for dinner we pick out a great seafood restaurant. Unfortunately they don't have scallops but they have crab and she says she loves it. She is going to order this big crab. I tell her it's super messy and are you sure. She says yes, I will have the crab.

When it comes, they of course bring a nutcracker. She says "for what?" and I patiently explain they are for cracking the legs. She says "don't need. " And she sticks a leg in her mouth, cracks it with her back teeth and sucks the meat out, slurping and all. OMG it is the sexiest thing on the planet. Her mouth is her finest feature and watching it in action for a half hour is breathtaking.

At one point I comment it's very sexy and she says "not sexy" in her incredibly sexy Portuguese accent which is very sexy itself!. And this becomes a little joke back and forth. So sexy. Not sexy. So sexy. Not sexy. God she is beautiful.

That night, we plan to head straight to the basement of The Zoo. As we approach the club there is a huge line. But the bouncer sees us and waves us to the front. Obviously they were paying attention! They open the VIP rope and send us right in. (Still pay the cover) Wow. King of the world -- and you know I love that!

I have really gotten the hang of being the center of attention and making the party happen. We have our own little mosh pit of admirers going. I am even dancing with other guys if the flow goes there and suddenly it is no big deal. She's even cured my touch of homophobia!

In addition to further spectacular dancing till the wee hours, we get fish and chips from across the street at 1:30 AM and feed it to each other outside the club on the steps. It's memories like this that stick with you.

With her spectacular magnetism, we gather a group of new friends and go looking for an after party at 3:30 AM. But with nothing open, some guys go for a beer run and we end up just partying on the street till 5 AM. I really can't describe what a force of nature this girl is -- the party just happens wherever she is. .

Thursday is our last day and we do touristy London stuff like shop and go to the big Ferris Wheel called the London Eye. It is so fun to just kick around with this doll on my arm. I buy her a couple little birthday gifts but frankly she is pretty low maintenance putting stuff back as way too expensive.

She has this amazing model-like capability of changing her look. She is sort of Latina with some black mixed in somewhere maybe way back. She bought some track pants with zirconia down the legs and some big glasses. She teams this up with a wife beater T-shirt (no bra hasn't worn one the whole trip. She has a perfect firm be cup) and a backwards ball cap and she is a girl from the hood. She totally rocks this look Thursday night.

We are headed to The Zoo again and I get another glimpse that she is not so young and naive. One of the guys we met the night before, can also supply X and I tell her it would be OK but she should not buy any to take back on the plane. She says why not? I explain about drug sniffing dogs and all, feeling I've made an important lesson. She says "it's no problem. I will put it in my pussy and my pussy smells way more than drugs!" LOL I about fell off the bed. Not so naive after all. Fortunately that doesn't pan out.

Before going to The Zoo, we are walking down the street and she says (I shit you not). "I've had such a good time. If you want to do this again I won't charge you anything. " I could never let her do that but wow the way it makes me feel.

Tonight we go to Zoo and not only do they wave through the VIP they comp our entry and wave us all the way in! True royalty. We have another great night, then go to an after party club till 4:30 Friday morning. We end up leaving because she says she was throwing up. But trooper she is, when we get back, we still have some epic sex and a CIM finish. Now that is a girl dedicated to your happiness. Barf up one minute and take a load of CIM the next.

Unfortunately we are winding it down from here. We have to get up at 9:30 and are still pretty hungover. We know we want to get one more quickie in, so we get some coffee and croissants from a nearby cafe and come back to the room for a final session. Honestly, it's not the best as I am worrying about missing our flights and I struggle to keep the focus. I do like the part where she is slowly slurping my dick and says "hmmm like an ice cream cone. " Watching her suck cock with those gorgeous lips will be forever etched in memory. Despite the flight worries, somehow I bless her with a hot load in her mouth. I am such a nice guy.

Parting at the airport is epically hard and on the plane I literally shed tears (she says she did too). It is like heroin withdrawal the high is so high coming down is tragically hard. Took me a couple weeks to even get my head back in the game. And thus ends the Thifany saga And the beginning of my addiction to having a girlfriend! And by inference SA is now my best friend. 😋

06-26-20, 03:12
I am not a big fan of FRs, but your story was pretty amazing. It would take me a couple of years to get over someone like that.

Taking an SB on a trip is risky. I've done it twice. Both times, I had a great date or two with the gal, and thought it would be worth the gamble on flying them to where I was going. One time from USA West coast to the east coast, and one time to Beijing. It worked out amazing one time, and horribly the other time. Won't go into details, especially given that Steven's story is a tough act to follow, haha.

06-26-20, 03:27
It worked out amazing one time, and horribly the other time. Won't go into details, especially given that Steven's story is a tough act to follow, haha.I'm curious what made it go horrible the next time? Was it that she got too greedy, or was it that your privacy was compromised, or something else?

06-26-20, 03:45
Taking an SB on a trip is risky. I've done it twice.I've twice taken a SB from my home city. Was both times for me an excellent trip. I factored the cost as being more convenient that having to find local hookers and the various risks that would entail. Was great to have a head-turning babe in the airline lounge before flight, on the flights and in all of the business hotels on the trip. Was nice to have consistent company and even got all of my ironing done in each hotel.

I don't party as much as Steve 9696 but even my SB want to buy legal drugs in California.


06-26-20, 03:49
I'm curious what made it go horrible the next time? Was it that she got too greedy, or was it that your privacy was compromised, or something else?It was something else. When we were together on that trip, 24/7, I finally got to know her really well, and I could not stand her. She was overbearing, a restless sleeper, picky eater, slow walker, boring conversationalist, argumentative, lazy, etc. I couldn't wait for that trip to end. Oh well.

06-26-20, 03:53
I've twice taken a SB from my home city. Was both times for me an excellent trip. I factored the cost as being more convenient that having to find local hookers and the various risks that would entail. Was great to have a head-turning babe in the airline lounge before flight, on the flights and in all of the business hotels on the trip. Was nice to have consistent company and even got all of my ironing done in each hotel.

I don't party as much as Steve 9696 but even my SB want to buy legal drugs in California.

PP.Yeah, I agree it's great when it works out. The trip with the first gal worked out great for me. I ended up taking her on other trips. All great trips. And very, very convenient to have a regular SB with me than having to hunt on the road.

06-26-20, 21:33
SA made me a premium member after 4 days on the site. I didn't pay or do anything to get it. Still wondering what the benefit is.You can go to setting payment to see if it says when the membership expires. Maybe they gift it to you because you are popular.

06-27-20, 00:25
You can go to setting payment to see if it says when the membership expires. Maybe they gift it to you because you are popular.I think I was mistaken. Now I think it just means that I paid the membership fee. But I did notice that few of the girls are premium members. Still getting about 40 favorites a day from all over. Lots of HOT South Americans. Its entertaining in the time of Covid. Got a date set up for Sunday.

06-27-20, 22:02
Does anyone know if in USA there's a specific brand single use credit / debit card that SA will accept?

06-28-20, 02:14
Does anyone know if in USA there's a specific brand single use credit / debit card that SA will accept?You will get your answer read this https://go.rapyd.net/accept-debit-cards-united-states?ads_adid=106930565448&ads_cmpid=10093024964&ads_creative=437750535355&ads_matchtype=b&ads_network=g&ads_targetid=kwd-911878545095&ttv=2&utm_campaign=Google%20Search%20-%20PPC&utm_medium=ppc&utm_source=adwords&utm_term=accept%20debit%20cards%20us.

06-28-20, 03:50
Does anyone know if in USA there's a specific brand single use credit / debit card that SA will accept?I'm not sure what SA accepts, but a few years ago I used prepaid visa cards from TD bank for an online site and it worked without issue.

I personally don't worry about SA being on my CC statement, but if I did, I would open a checking account with no minimum balance, configure online statements to my monger email, put 200 bucks in there, and use that account for all of my mongering needs (SA, Uber, hotels, airbnb, etc). If you are going to dip your foot in the pool, then be ready to dive in. Anything less could potentially cause issues. If you have prying eyes, I would make sure to not have a debit card sent to your house.

06-30-20, 06:47
Does anyone know if in USA there's a specific brand single use credit / debit card that SA will accept?BTW appears on your statements as w 8 tech.

06-30-20, 12:06
I tried to kiss a migrant worker a few weeks ago, and she rejected me. This is after 6 months of very active flirting (a little in person, but mostly on text). So then, I finally decided to get a Premium Membership on SA. I haven't been active on SA for several years, but I decided to go for it again. However, to my shock, my payment was rejected and my account became suspended!

So, feeling utterly frustrated, I decided to look up some of my old contacts. Had some okay success. Three of them are former pros that are now trying to make a new and legitimate life for themselves in the age of covid. Had a good time with 2 out of 3 (the other one just wasn't into it anymore and rushed me). I went to some MPs and was finally able to get FS from two of my regulars. This is the first time that these two in particular offered FS to me. MP gals have been desperate to make money to make up for lost time.

But the main reason for my post is because I finally made progress on another migrant worker. Later 20's. Not a stunner, but she's pretty. She's bubbly, which makes her even prettier to me. She works at the front desk of an office building. I get coffee in her building. She always smiles at me. I got her contact over a year ago, and have been flirting with her ever since (a little in person, but mostly on text). I have been quite forward with her, asking if we could meet at her place. She kept brushing it off politely. And I kept telling her that I loved her. And she'd always giggle at this.

Anyway, a couple of days ago, to my shock, she said we could meet at her place. Keep in mind that I've been hounding her for OVER a year, so I was really shocked. I tried hard to maintain my excitement, because we all know that these things often don't pan out. However, to my surprise, it worked out. We barebacked for 2 hours and it was blissful.

And then, as I was leaving, I had to make the big decision on whether or not to give her any money. I was really stuck. Didn't know what to do. But then she mentioned that she was meeting her friend for dinner, and so I gave her $200 and said it was for her dinner. She paused, so she wasn't expecting it, but then she took it and thanked me.

I'm hoping she will end up being a regular SB. Migrant workers make about $900-$1,200 per month. So, this should be a win-win for the both of us.

Hmmm, now that I think of it, maybe the reason she finally changed her mind is because she was sad recently. I asked her why and we texted back and forth, and I actually comforted her. Maybe because of this, she started seeing me in a different light. Anyway, I digress.

This entire post was slightly off topic, but thanks for reading.

06-30-20, 19:09
I tried to kiss a migrant worker a few weeks ago, and she rejected me. This is after 6 months of very active flirting (a little in person, but mostly on text). So then, I finally decided to get a Premium Membership on SA. I haven't been active on SA for several years, but I decided to go for it again. However, to my shock, my payment was rejected and my account became suspended!

So, feeling utterly frustrated, I decided to look up some of my old contacts. Had some okay success. Three of them are former pros that are now trying to make a new and legitimate life for themselves in the age of covid. Had a good time with 2 out of 3 (the other one just wasn't into it anymore and rushed me). I went to some MPs and was finally able to get FS from two of my regulars. This is the first time that these two in particular offered FS to me. MP gals have been desperate to make money to make up for lost time.

But the main reason for my post is because I finally made progress on another migrant worker. Later 20's. Not a stunner, but she's pretty. She's bubbly, which makes her even prettier to me. She works at the front desk of an office building. I get coffee in her building. She always smiles at me. I got her contact over a year ago, and have been flirting with her ever since (a little in person, but mostly on text). I have been quite forward with her, asking if we could meet at her place. She kept brushing it off politely. And I kept telling her that I loved her. And she'd always giggle at this.

Anyway, a couple of days ago, to my shock, she said we could meet at her place. Keep in mind that I've been hounding her for OVER a year, so I was really shocked. I tried hard to maintain my excitement, because we all know that these things often don't pan out. However, to my surprise, it worked out. We barebacked for 2 hours and it was blissful..Well done! You were a gentleman and got rewarded. Yeah, money is a tricky issue. In the past, in such tricky situations, I would ask "do you mind if I give a small gift, it will make me happy, I would be honored if you please accept it". That way, you make it a situation where she feels like she is making you happy by accepting the gift.

I might have given a smaller amount though. 200 is almost a weekly wage for her. I would have given a $100 in that situation. $200 for 2 hours is the allowance in even less expensive US cities, and is arguably a bit high for China. But then again, it is up to each of us how much to give in such situations.

06-30-20, 22:44
I tried to kiss a migrant worker a few weeks ago, and she rejected me. This is after 6 months of very active flirting (a little in person, but mostly on text). So then, I finally decided to get a Premium Membership on SA. I haven't been active on SA for several years, but I decided to go for it again. However, to my shock, my payment was rejected and my account became suspended!
Good work. It does show how you need a variety of "irons in the fire" in order to bring enough opportunities to fruition.

In keeping with the topic of this forum, why do you think your account was cancelled and before that your payment denied?

I do think they have increased their site security and maybe they have notched up their car fraud settings ie less willing to tolerate multiple denied payments. For sure I think they have my regular IP address flagged as I have created and cancelled so many accounts over time.

Without giving away any specific details, did you use your regular spending card? Was it a new account? Was it a new seeking account you were paying? Anything special about your chosen email domain? Do you think it was your card issuer that denied the payment to seeking OR seeking that didn't process?


07-01-20, 00:35
Well done! You were a gentleman and got rewarded. Yeah, money is a tricky issue. In the past, in such tricky situations, I would ask "do you mind if I give a small gift, it will make me happy, I would be honored if you please accept it". That way, you make it a situation where she feels like she is making you happy by accepting the gift.

I might have given a smaller amount though. 200 is almost a weekly wage for her. I would have given a $100 in that situation. $200 for 2 hours is the allowance in even less expensive US cities, and is arguably a bit high for China. But then again, it is up to each of us how much to give in such situations.This is going to sound a bit pathetic, but I actually feel a little sorry for her. Her dad got into an accident and died when she was a teenager, and her mom resents her for not being a boy (this is still a big deal in rural China, where she's from). And now, she works at least 60 hours a week and the best that she can do on the BF front is possibly me, a guy that cannot speak the language and is twice her age. I'm a sap for a sad story. Maybe we will fall hard for each other, and this will not end well. Oh well.

Steve 9696
07-01-20, 00:43
This is going to sound a bit pathetic, but I actually feel a little sorry for her. Her dad got into an accident and died when she was a teenager, and her mom resents her for not being a boy (this is still a big deal in rural China, where she's from). And now, she works at least 60 hours a week and the best that she can do on the BF front is possibly me, a guy that cannot speak the language and is twice her age. I'm a sap for a sad story. Maybe we will fall hard for each other, and this will not end well. Oh well.First of all so awesome to show this persistence and be rewarded. That is sooooo awesome. Congrats. Even tho the $200 is above market you care about her and wanted to do it. That's how SB is supposed to be! When I was seeing my local girl during Covid even tho we agreed $300, I kept leaving her $500 because she was out of work (hairdresser and stripper — neither a good Covid gig! It felt good. It's not transactional.

Suggest you put $ in a card with a little note. Or just a smiley face if you can't do the Chinese. It's a gift that way more than a transaction. Will just make her more comfortable.

07-01-20, 00:46
Without giving away any specific details, did you use your regular spending card? Was it a new account? Was it a new seeking account you were paying? Anything special about your chosen email domain? Do you think it was your card issuer that denied the payment to seeking OR seeking that didn't process?

PP.I haven't had a paid membership on SA in over 3 years. When I recently tried to pay for a membership, they still had my old credit card information, but the card had expired. So, I used a new credit card. Before I submitted my payment, one small odd thing that I noticed was that my payment was in RMB (Chinese currency). I live in China. Usually, when I make an online payment, the default currency is HK $, and this is because I use a VPN. Anyway, when I submitted my payment, I got a notification that my payment was refused and my account was suspended. I can't even browse the site for free anymore!!

So, why did I get rejected? Maybe because I originally signed up with SA in the USA, and now it's suspicious that I am renewing my premium membership from China. Or, maybe because I was using a new card. Or, maybe because my billing address had changed from one USA Address to another USA Address. Or, maybe it's because I am using VPN. I don't know. When I was informed that my account was suspended, they had a list of possible reasons for the suspension, and none of it applied to me.

Anyway, I was annoyed for a little while, but now I am over it.

07-01-20, 00:59
First of all so awesome to show this persistence and be rewarded. That is sooooo awesome. Congrats. Even tho the $200 is above market you care about her and wanted to do it. That's how SB is supposed to be! When I was seeing my local girl during Covid even tho we agreed $300, I kept leaving her $500 because she was out of work (hairdresser and stripper neither a good Covid gig! It felt good. It's not transactional.

Suggest you put $ in a card with a little note. Or just a smiley face if you can't do the Chinese. It's a gift that way more than a transaction. Will just make her more comfortable.Another reason why I paid above market price is because I think she genuinely likes me. I was at her place for 2. 5 hours, and the only reason why I was there that long is because she wouldn't let me leave. As you always say, Steve, one of the main reasons why SA can be great is because the gals often actually really like us. I'm willing to show my appreciation for that, and I want to incentivise her as much as possible for her to stay in this relationship or this arrangement. These days, I'm willing to sleep with a 6 that is crazy about me over a 9 that is just doing it for the money.

Plus, the fact that I don't have pay for a hotel, and that she lives only about 15 minutes away from me, makes her more valuable to me, haha.

07-01-20, 22:24
I haven't had a paid membership on SA in over 3 years. When I recently tried to pay for a membership, they still had my old credit card information, but the card had expired. So, I used a new credit card. Before I submitted my payment, one small odd thing that I noticed was that my payment was in RMB (Chinese currency). I live in China. Usually, when I make an online payment, the default currency is HK $, and this is because I use a VPN. Anyway, when I submitted my payment, I got a notification that my payment was refused and my account was suspended. I can't even browse the site for free anymore!!
Thanks for the intel. I can imagine that there are enough signals in there that SA don't want to risk charge backs.

07-02-20, 01:55
Warning: This post contains no useful info.

After our first "date," which was just us bare backing at her home for a couple of hours, here is what happened afterwards. The next night, I asked her when I can see her again. She then goes off on a tirade asking me how many GFs I have, and, do I always go to girl's homes. I could tell she was really mad. I guess I acted like going to her place for sex was normal, but now that I think about it, it's totally not normal. Since she is an office worker and not a pro, I should have asked her out on a real date. I have been whoring so much, I don't even know what normal is anymore. It's weird though, because she must have known what she was signing up for when she invited me into her home. I could lie to her, to keep this relationship going, but I don't want to do that, because that will definitely not end well. So, I may never see her again. Oh well. I have the memories at least. But damn, she was ideal. Anyway, sorry to waste people's times.

07-02-20, 04:04
Warning: This post contains no useful info.

After our first "date," which was just us bare backing at her home for a couple of hours, here is what happened afterwards. The next night, I asked her when I can see her again. She then goes off on a tirade asking me how many GFs I have, and, do I always go to girl's homes. I could tell she was really mad. I guess I acted like going to her place for sex was normal, but now that I think about it, it's totally not normal. Since she is an office worker and not a pro, I should have asked her out on a real date. I have been whoring so much, I don't even know what normal is anymore. It's weird though, because she must have known what she was signing up for when she invited me into her home. I could lie to her, to keep this relationship going, but I don't want to do that, because that will definitely not end well. So, I may never see her again. Oh well. I have the memories at least. But damn, she was ideal. Anyway, sorry to waste people's times.She is feeling guilty and now taking out her guilt and anger on you. Which is complete BS. You can't be responsible for others reactions when it was a free will choice. It's not like you engaged in prostitution or exploitation. You gave her $200 because you cared for her, not because you were paying her for sex (that was free as is often is in a regular date). However now that she has accepted money from you she feels crappy and it causes cognitive dissonance for her.

Give it time, be courteous and say Hello, but don't engage in texting. There is a small chance once she's back to normal she would text you and say sorry.

07-02-20, 06:11
Warning: This post contains no useful info.

After our first "date," which was just us bare backing at her home for a couple of hours, here is what happened afterwards. The next night, I asked her when I can see her again. She then goes off on a tirade asking me how many GFs I have, and, do I always go to girl's homes. I could tell she was really mad. I guess I acted like going to her place for sex was normal, but now that I think about it, it's totally not normal. Since she is an office worker and not a pro, I should have asked her out on a real date. I have been whoring so much, I don't even know what normal is anymore. It's weird though, because she must have known what she was signing up for when she invited me into her home. I could lie to her, to keep this relationship going, but I don't want to do that, because that will definitely not end well. So, I may never see her again. Oh well. I have the memories at least. But damn, she was ideal. Anyway, sorry to waste people's times.Good report, not time waster. I think perhaps you shouldn't give money to someone like her after sex in the future. You need to disassociate sex and money. Instead, give her money to help her out on other occasions, like holidays, or new year when it is common for people to receive bonus.

07-02-20, 16:28
Warning: This post contains no useful info.

After our first "date," which was just us bare backing at her home for a couple of hours, here is what happened afterwards. The next night, I asked her when I can see her again. She then goes off on a tirade asking me how many GFs I have, and, do I always go to girl's homes. I could tell she was really mad. I guess I acted like going to her place for sex was normal, but now that I think about it, it's totally not normal. Since she is an office worker and not a pro, I should have asked her out on a real date. I have been whoring so much, I don't even know what normal is anymore. It's weird though, because she must have known what she was signing up for when she invited me into her home. I could lie to her, to keep this relationship going, but I don't want to do that, because that will definitely not end well. So, I may never see her again. Oh well. I have the memories at least. But damn, she was ideal. Anyway, sorry to waste people's times.I am not surprised. I have a couple of suggestions. A) It is not a lost cause yet with her. She did have sex with you after all. If you like her enough, persist. Make some apologies, explain to her your true intent and feeling, explain to her that you like her. If you give up after she blew up once, it confirms her biased judgement in her own mind that you treated her like a tute. But if you persist, she will know that you do like her. After all, a monger does move onto the next tute, while a real lover will persist and pacify after a lover's spat. Obviously, you are not lovers yet, this is not YET a true relationship, but it can become one, not a romantic one as you may not want such but more of a fuck buddy relationship. But even a fuck buddy relationship is still an ongoing relationship and involves give and take, someone blowing up occasionally while the other pacifies. I mean, look. I had girls act jealous and refuse to go with me in FKKs but they come back, they always do.

B) next time on, give a real gift. Of course that requires some preparation, but worth the effort. Instead of giving cash in a situation like this, give a non cash gift. A nice perfume, a nice purse or sweater etc. Clothes are tricky because if they don't fit, girls become irrational and take it personal. If you give a smaller size item, she will think she is fat and blow up; if you give oversized, she will say "you think I am this fat? But anyway, cash gift definitely plants the seed that it is a monetary transaction and she is treated as a tute. Non monetary gift is very natural and indicates you are a gentleman. Also, try the lines I suggested before "please accept my gift speech" - she will feel like she is pleasing you by accepting the gift.

P.S.: All the nasty assholes who will riff on my comment and say that I am acting like a love sick puppy can take a hike. MW's situation is a real world; non-transactional situation, and requires more tact than what the typical monger is used to, which is handing cash and negotiating for sex like he would for a taxi ride in Bucharest.

Steve 9696
07-02-20, 21:24
Warning: This post contains no useful info.

After our first "date," which was just us bare backing at her home for a couple of hours, here is what happened afterwards. The next night, I asked her when I can see her again. She then goes off on a tirade asking me how many GFs I have, and, do I always go to girl's homes. I could tell she was really mad. I guess I acted like going to her place for sex was normal, but now that I think about it, it's totally not normal. Since she is an office worker and not a pro, I should have asked her out on a real date. I have been whoring so much, I don't even know what normal is anymore. It's weird though, because she must have known what she was signing up for when she invited me into her home. I could lie to her, to keep this relationship going, but I don't want to do that, because that will definitely not end well. So, I may never see her again. Oh well. I have the memories at least. But damn, she was ideal. Anyway, sorry to waste people's times.Agree with others. No time wasting here. We are all here to learn and give back. I think the responses are spot on. It felt good and right to give her cash. But it made her feel cheap like she just had sex for money. She probably needed it so she took it and now she is kicking herself and feeling ashamed.

In Nanpa they have a thing called ASD anti-sl*t-defense. Basically girls don't want to be seen as it think of themselves as sl*ts. So you have to help them here not make it worse.

Try to distance any gifts from the act. We all eat meat but we keep the transaction at a distance. Surely none of us wants to pay a guy to kill a cow in front of us. We want the paying as far from the killing as possible. Same applies here.

And I don't think she was expecting any money it was a true date! If that's what U want (with the ensuing drama as well) then surely you can get her back. Yes of course you have seen other girls in the past but right now she is the one you are interested in. She just wants to be assured she's not a sl*t.

07-03-20, 00:14
I have been whoring so much, I don't even know what normal is anymore.Good feedback and another experience to build your MO.

When I started writing some notes on how many different women I had slept with and different experiences I had my list was 300 different women. Maybe you are similar.

Many of these girl that we contact may be orders of magnitude less with some only having had a few 'serious' boyfriends. There are girls that we meet whom are also professional mongers in their own way but that's a different story.

I think in both cases this is a plausible deniability on her part. No need to get caught up in the game.

07-03-20, 01:19
Yeah, I'm not going to give up on her. She had sex with me because she likes me. That by itself makes her very valuable to me. Plus, she is young and pretty, she lives nearby, has her own place, and is willing to bareback.

Maybe I'll do some lunch dates and some cuddling before I try to get her back into the sack. Eventually, though, I want this to end up as an "arrangement. " I don't want her thinking that this could lead to marriage. And I think the main way to signal that is to give her cash. This will let her know that this is something in-between prostitution and a real relationship. Which is what we all want from an arrangement to begin with, right? BUT, the truth is, I really am giving her cash to help her out, not just for the sex. She mentioned to me once that she can barely make ends meet with her current job, and so she's been studying to become a florist (I have no idea how a florist makes more money than a receptionist). So, as suggested, whenever I give her cash, I will tell her it is to help her and that it makes me happy to help her.

I still cannot believe myself. I can't believe I just showed up at her door, took a shower, and started making out with her and then moved to DATY. She kept saying, "what are you doing?" But I just kept moving it along. With sex in multiple positions. I just replicated what I do when I visit an incall! And then, before I leave, I give her money. FLOL, man!! Wtf is wrong with me?! Just LOL, man. I must be really jaded. On her side, my inner Sigmund Freud is suggesting to me that because her dad died 10 years ago, when she was a teenager, she didn't want to disappoint me or say no, because maybe I am some sort of father figure to her or something.

Anyway, small update: I keep texting her. But she only replies with a smilely or a hug emoji. That's it. She's usually very chatty on text, because her job is incredibly boring. But now she is keeping it short. More than half the time, she just ignores my text. Yesterday, I offered to bring her lunch, and she just texted back with two words: "don't need. " And then I asked, "how about some fruit?" And she just texted back, "no. " But I will persist. I have nothing to lose now.

Thanks again for the encouragement and advice.

07-03-20, 02:19
Anyway, small update: I keep texting her. But she only replies with a smilely or a hug emoji. That's it. She's usually very chatty on text, because her job is incredibly boring. But now she is keeping it short. More than half the time, she just ignores my text. Yesterday, I offered to bring her lunch, and she just texted back with two words: "don't need. " And then I asked, "how about some fruit?" And she just texted back, "no. " But I will persist. I have nothing to lose now.
You have your 'opportunity cost' of not being free to put your attention to other hotties. If I'm getting those text replies then its time for me to move on. While it's true it's a low cost to send a few text messages, you could be putting that same cost into the next shinny object.

07-03-20, 03:25
Try to distance any gifts from the act. We all eat meat but we keep the transaction at a distance. Surely none of us wants to pay a guy to kill a cow in front of us. We want the paying as far from the killing as possible. Same applies here.

She just wants to be assured she's not a sl*t.Spot on. Great analogy. Applies to a certain situation I'm facing at work.

07-03-20, 03:28
You have your 'opportunity cost' of not being free to put your attention to other hotties. If I'm getting those text replies then its time for me to move on. While it's true it's a low cost to send a few text messages, you could be putting that same cost into the next shinny object.Agreed. Write it off Midwestern, and move on. Just my $0. 02.

07-03-20, 03:31
Warning: This post contains no useful info.

After our first "date," which was just us bare backing at her home for a couple of hours, here is what happened afterwards. The next night, I asked her when I can see her again. She then goes off on a tirade asking me how many GFs I have, and, do I always go to girl's homes. I could tell she was really mad. I guess I acted like going to her place for sex was normal, but now that I think about it, it's totally not normal. Since she is an office worker and not a pro, I should have asked her out on a real date. I have been whoring so much, I don't even know what normal is anymore. It's weird though, because she must have known what she was signing up for when she invited me into her home. I could lie to her, to keep this relationship going, but I don't want to do that, because that will definitely not end well. So, I may never see her again. Oh well. I have the memories at least. But damn, she was ideal. Anyway, sorry to waste people's times.I think she invited you to her place to get to know you and things went a bit further than expected. She did like you. She probably did not know when to say stop. You are a foreigner and that comes with a reputation of playing the field and leaving. Her friends may also influence her. Plus, there is potential embarrassment and loss of face for being used. You need to show your sincerity. Instead of offering, just send her a gift with an apology. It has to be right. Not cheap, but not so expensive that it looks like you are buying her. If you come up with a story of having a hard life when you were young and the money was to help her family because you have been there, that may go a long way. You should also expect a few meet ups before sex again and you will have to ask instead of assume.

07-03-20, 19:30
She mentioned to me once that she can barely make ends meet with her current job, and so she's been studying to become a florist (I have no idea how a florist makes more money than a receptionist). So, as suggested, whenever I give her cash, I will tell her it is to help her and that it makes me happy to help her.You know that sometimes people don't make good education investment decision. Maybe she is thinking about owning her own shop.

Cash is much more common than gift in that part of the world. Even in traditional marriage, male side will give female side a predetermined sum of money. You can check with your local friends to find out when bonus is given out. I think you just passed a significant one which is the dragon boat festival. Next possible one is the mid-autumn festival.

07-03-20, 19:34
You have your 'opportunity cost' of not being free to put your attention to other hotties. If I'm getting those text replies then its time for me to move on. While it's true it's a low cost to send a few text messages, you could be putting that same cost into the next shinny object.The 'opportunity cost' is still small compared to what he has invested. And the return is great based on what WM said. So I think it is far from the point that it is not worth it.

07-03-20, 22:17
The 'opportunity cost' is still small compared to what he has invested. And the return is great based on what WM said. So I think it is far from the point that it is not worth it.Opportunity cost has to include the frustration of dealing with a drama queen. Opportunity cost when you send a text is = sending text + time wasted on expecting a reply + time wasted on analyzing the response + time wasted on figuring out what to say next + time / peace of mind wasted in feeling bad about the whole thing. Wash rinse repeat. And pretty soon becomes a headache.

07-04-20, 03:11
Opportunity cost has to include the frustration of dealing with a drama queen. Opportunity cost when you send a text is = sending text + time wasted on expecting a reply + time wasted on analyzing the response + time wasted on figuring out what to say next + time / peace of mind wasted in feeling bad about the whole thing. Wash rinse repeat. And pretty soon becomes a headache.What may be true for the average may not be true for an individual case. Every day is not hot every summer.

07-06-20, 06:45
After a few dates or once you are in an arrangement, the topic of whether you're married is usually asked, usually in casual conversation.

What is the optimal answer?

My friend who is on SA says that it is best is to say that you're divorced with one kid. This way, we look like normal guys. This is for guys in their 40's and 50's.

I used to say that I was divorced and single, to incentivise GFE. In the short run, it does work, but now I think the best thing is to tell them that you're married. Maybe she'll be disappointed at first, but it's best for the long run arrangement. So that she knows it's just an arrangement, and there is no disappointment later.

However, I am still torn. Tell them you're married or tell them you are divorced and single? Obviously, it doesn't matter what the truth is.

Any other opinions?

This is obviously is moot for one-offs or someone that you only will see a few times. This only applies to long term.

07-06-20, 09:11
However, I am still torn. Tell them you're married or tell them you are divorced and single? Obviously, it doesn't matter what the truth is.
Any other opinions?
I am on the side of advising I am married as being the best strategy. Most girls in the SA business understand that the majority of guys on that site that can never host are most likely married. As are many of the women that don't host.

I have tried 'separated' with 'kid at home' which is a good cover for not hosting and not staying over at night. This makes the girl less cautious when out and about. I did juggle one girl for two years that I was 'separated' and it was stressful.

The girl that knows you are married will select restaurant tables that are obscured. She may even declare a her patch of town where she won't expect to find you and she won't venture into your 'patch'. The girl will also avoid calling you at family time or checking your phone or making too many enquires.

I have tried 'divorced' but I find that opens up discussions about what happened? The future, her story etc etc. Not a topic I like.

The girls that I am still rooting / friends / dinners with now I told from Day 1 that I was married. The girls that turn off at that point will have been a problem down the track.

The other thing is if the girl knows you are married and you then tell her you need to breakup so you can concentrate on your wife. The girl never comes back after that.

The secret of a +25 years of marriage is to choose wisely.

07-06-20, 12:20
I am on the side of advising I am married as being the best strategy..Yeah, I believe this is the best option too, but as soon as I say I'm married, then she starts to act like a pro. She treats dates as appointments, and she pretends to like me. And this defeats the purpose for being on SA, or having an arrangement, to begin with. When they think I'm single, it's like having a real GF, which is why I use SA to begin with. A lot of girls go onto SA to find rich and successful BFs. But don't get me wrong. I've gotten burned going the "single" route, which is why saying I am married is perhaps the best route in the long run, especially for making the inevitable exit down the road a smooth exit.

Another option is to just say "let's keep it a mystery. ".

07-06-20, 14:05
Yeah, I believe this is the best option too, but as soon as I say I'm married, then she starts to act like a pro. She treats dates as appointments, and she pretends to like me. And this defeats the purpose for being on SA, or having an arrangement, to begin with. When they think I'm single, it's like having a real GF, which is why I use SA to begin with. A lot of girls go onto SA to find rich and successful BFs. But don't get me wrong. I've gotten burned going the "single" route, which is why saying I am married is perhaps the best route in the long run, especially for making the inevitable exit down the road a smooth exit.

Another option is to just say "let's keep it a mystery. ".I have also tried "Unhappily married' and no sex on the home front. The mystery part stokes their inquisitive nous and I don't want that.

Another that worked for me in Philippines ie "Yes, I'm married in my home country and I'm single here". That usually got a laugh and the end of the topic.

Steve 9696
07-06-20, 15:50
I have also tried "Unhappily married' and no sex on the home front. The mystery part stokes their inquisitive nous and I don't want that.

Another that worked for me in Philippines ie "Yes, I'm married in my home country and I'm single here". That usually got a laugh and the end of the topic.Love the "married at home but single when traveling" line. I find it rather annoying that SA doesn't provide a reasonable selection list that includes "married but not dead". Oh well.

So on this topic I am always honest. In general I try to be honest with the girls. Seems to pay off in the long run because there are no surprises or missed expectations. Actually I always have sex with my wedding ring on. LOL. So no lack of transparency here!

My second SB date ever ended up a sex-fail as a result of my status. But that was only because I was a newbie. Could totally have closed the deal now that I have the basics of game. She knew going in that I was married and was Ok with it. But when we first kissed at the restaurant bar she looked pensive and when I asked what she was thinking she said "I just realized I've never kissed a married man before!" We still continued our date and later made out at the rooftop bar and at her car. She was totally worked up at that point nearly eating my face and grabbing my package. But duh being totally unskilled at the time I let the moment pass. Oh well live and learn. She's the one that got away.

The other funny one was a girl that knew full well I was married and we met up near my home town. She came in pants and a frumpy jacket and large glasses. Total cold fish while drinking and having some snacks. When she was at the bathroom I regrouped in my head. Met it head on and said it seemed she didn't have chemistry with me and she's like "no I really like you and think you are super handsome. I just didn't want to get you in trouble in public. Is it OK if I kiss you?" (Yes). "want to come back to my apartment?" (Yes). And she turns out to be a tatted up stripper with a banging body underneath all that. Just was being nice! LOL.

Never a dull moment in SA land.

Gentleman Travel
07-06-20, 17:14
. But when we first kissed at the restaurant bar she looked pensive and when I asked what she was thinking she said "I just realized I've never kissed a married man before!" We still continued our date and later made out at the rooftop bar and at her car. She was totally worked up at that point nearly eating my face and grabbing my package. But duh being totally unskilled at the time I let the moment pass. Oh well live and learn. She's the one that got away.She's probably kissed and fucked dozens of married (or partnered) guys before. Just they weren't honest with her.

Gentleman Travel
07-06-20, 17:19
Yeah, I'm not going to give up on her. She had sex with me because she likes me. That by itself makes her very valuable to me. Plus, she is young and pretty, she lives nearby, has her own place, and is willing to bareback.

Maybe I'll do some lunch dates and some cuddling before I try to get her back into the sack. Eventually, though, I want this to end up as an "arrangement. " I don't want her thinking that this could lead to marriage. And I think the main way to signal that is to give her cash. This will let her know that this is something in-between prostitution and a real relationship. Which is what we all want from an arrangement to begin with, right? BUT, the truth is, I really am giving her cash to help her out, not just for the sex. She mentioned to me once that she can barely make ends meet with her current job, and so she's been studying to become a florist (I have no idea how a florist makes more money than a receptionist). So, as suggested, whenever I give her cash, I will tell her it is to help her and that it makes me happy to help her.

I still cannot believe myself. I can't believe I just showed up at her door, took a shower, and started making out with her and then moved to DATY...Obviously you really like this girl and shouldn't give up on her, but equally you cannot let this misstep (if it was one) change the basic dynamic. DO NOT settle for non-sexual dates. That sets a terrible precedent and shifts the power to her. The one advantage mongers have is we have realized that we have power in these relationships and we discover that that works pretty well with a lot of women. It is fine to keep your foot on the gas when you are on a date with a girl. Make it clear that you expect to get to the finish line on the first (or worst-case, the second) date. I make it clear to my GFs (who are all some variation of SG) that I expect sex every date and they must plan for that. Like we can't go out partying until late then she decides she has to go home. That only happens once.

Steve 9696
07-06-20, 17:24
She's probably kissed and fucked dozens of married (or partnered) guys before. Just they weren't honest with her.Yeah no. This was her first SB date ever (and my second). She's a total civvie and just naive about the whole thing. And please don't tell me she was playing me. I can tell the difference.

Gentleman Travel
07-06-20, 20:43
Yeah no. This was her first SB date ever (and my second). She's a total civvie and just naive about the whole thing. And please don't tell me she was playing me. I can tell the difference.You misunderstand my meaning. I wasn't suggesting she is a pro or anything. I just mean, even in ordinary dating, she probably dated other guys who were in other relationships, without knowing it. You were more honest about it.

07-06-20, 22:28
You misunderstand my meaning. I wasn't suggesting she is a pro or anything. I just mean, even in ordinary dating, she probably dated other guys who were in other relationships, without knowing it. You were more honest about it.That's the way I read your initial comment also.

07-06-20, 22:46
Yeah, I believe this is the best option too, but as soon as I say I'm married, then she starts to act like a pro. She treats dates as appointments, and she pretends to like me. And this defeats the purpose for being on SA, or having an arrangement, to begin with. When they think I'm single, it's like having a real GF, which is why I use SA to begin with. A lot of girls go onto SA to find rich and successful BFs. But don't get me wrong. I've gotten burned going the "single" route, which is why saying I am married is perhaps the best route in the long run, especially for making the inevitable exit down the road a smooth exit.

Another option is to just say "let's keep it a mystery. ".Interesting perspectives.

These days, I personally create a persona that is 85% real and I don't break character. My persona is divorced with no kids, really busy with work and other activities, and needs to travel often for work and personal. Most of this is true, and it has to be in order to remain in character more easily. I haven't hit my 40's yet, so it is mostly believable that there is "still time" to settle down. As I have mentioned before, I guard my identity pretty closely and for good reason (and being in a certain industry for work makes me more paranoid, just saying) . It hasn't happened to me, but I have heard stories of SBs losing their minds and threatening to expose their SD to their families, etc. If a SB snapped on me, any identifying info she has about me is just not quite enough. It's like getting into an accident and only getting the first 10 digits of the other driver's 15 digit insurance number. You have some info, but if you call their insurance company, you don't have enough.

After chatting and spending time with her, she may know what my hobbies are, where I like to go, what I like to eat, where I'm from (in general), where I like to hang out in certain countries, and that is actually who I am. Yet, anything identifying is missing.

I have only had SBs out of town, but I have had consistency with them due to my high frequency of travel. To the married question, I usually say, "not anymore. I'm happy to be divorced, I happy to be rid of that kind of person in my life, I'm happy to not talk about or consider her anymore, and I'm even more happy to be here with you, around such positive energy". That shuts down the conversation pretty quickly and it's all true. Works every time.


Steve 9696
07-06-20, 23:46
So one of the things that USED TO really piss me off on SA was having to do the Recaptcha thing every time I logged in. OMG I am NOT a robot for the thousandth time.

A recent SA survey I mentioned this. And a week later it was gone. Coincidence? Were any of you having to do the I'm Not a Robot thing and it went away? Either way super happy it's gone.

07-07-20, 00:12
Yeah it was a major pain. It was particularly painful on my iPad; would keep me in the loop for 5 to 8 times even when I didn't make any mistakes. For some reason, it was a bit better on the smartphone and was always pretty clean on laptop. Anyway, yeah I noticed it stopped asking me that nonsense for a few days now. Was not aware of any survey though. Perhaps because I didn't renew my membership a few weeks ago. I will renew when covid is behind me and ready to meet new girls.

Steve 9696
07-08-20, 01:03
Since no one is having sex in Miami anytime soon thought you might enjoy this FR from last summer. It was pretty early in my journey but went very well. One of the few times I didn't agree a number going in. I found later that can lead to missed expectations. So I try to always settle on gift ahead of time now.

Started surfing SA several weeks in advanced. Unlike other girls Lucy was not up for much pre-meet text chatting. Pretty much just said she was willing to meet for drinks and dancing. We never discussed a price for the sex part tho obviously it's implied sex will likely occur. Since I was going to Brazil I was comfortable just playing it by ear. If the in-person price was too high I would just skip the sex and not pay that pricing level.

She sent some pics and she looked pretty hot but I had more chemistry with other girls. But Some other girls fizzled so I thought what the heck.

I got the impression she is a part timer and she is. She works as an office manager at a construction company. She has an undergrad in finance but went back to school for 2 years to get an electronic drafting degree. She's Colombian and has a smoking sexy accent.

So we text back and forth and agreed to meet in downtown Miami at 11 ish at a place I found called Blackbird. She lives a half hour away and I sent an Uber. (I have a Steve Uber acct). This is great because I could track her progress and see when she arrived.

When I saw her pull up I went outside to meet her. Wow. Waaaay prettier in person. She was wearing a crop top and hot pants and spike fuck-me heels. Really sexy. Wow. Hot hot girl with a dynamite smile and body. Perfect be cup tits I will later discover.

So Blackbird has a great vibe but is pretty empty on a Wednesday night. They have a free pool table so we played quite a bit. She is pretty horrible but it was fun and things got more and more cuddly as the night progressed. She is drinking Jack and Coke like me and matching me glass for glass (I got one head start while she was ubering).

She keeps breaking into sexy dancing at the pool table or the bar and I join her. But when I suggest we take it out on the sparsely populated dance floor she is embarrassed and says maybe if there are more people. So I ask if she knows somewhere and she does. So it's off to El Patio in Wynnwood -- a Latin club. Oh this is when it helps to have a local. When we are at blackbird we had just ordered a round when we decided to bail. I thought we'd have to cancel but she says we'll just get them to go. Sure enough they put our JandC in cups and we party in our Uber all the way to El Patio. Nice!

And we arrive El Patio. Holy holy fuck. She was so sweet to tolerate my lame choice because El Patio is off the hook. Easily 2-300 people packing a wild and vibrant dancefloor. Simply epic.

We make our way to the bar and order two Jack and Cokes and a Hookah. Sorta shocked by the $105 bill (But I am partying at the hottest club in Miami with the hottest girl in the club! (My Blackbird bill was $100. I think we had 4 rounds.).

El Patio is a ton of fun. We are dancing and smoking Hookah and she even has us do two shots in addition to the rest. This is obviously a mistake as it makes it super hard to cum later. But in the moment it is fun.

The dancing gets very latin and sexy where she will be booty shaking and turn around and back into me. And of course I reciprocate with conjoined hip thrusting and simulated sex on the floor. She surely felt my growing stiffy. 😋 Looking over her shoulder and smiling. Uau!

So we are ready to take it back to the room and I whisper that I will want to give her a gift and did she have something in mind. She says $400. Which honestly is reasonable for the market but I had hoped to get off for $300 originally (though I upped it to $400 when she entered blackbird).

So I used MMs line and said "that makes me sad because that is the I don't want to go with you price. I thought I liked me!" (This is a PRICELESS line. So perfect) She laughed and whispered back something that was either $200 or $300 and I was ok with either so I said let's go.

Back in the room it was a solid but not top experience. We started making out and she is a solid but not exceptional kisser and took it to the bed fully clothed. We lose her clothes pretty quickly and I get on top kissing her hard. I find she has perfect be cup tits which I start working by hand and then with mouth. She seems to like this as the smell of young pussy begins to fill the air. But when I go to go down on her she stops me and says she's very sweaty. I say it doesn't matter but still it's not happening and that's a bit disappointing.

So I work her a bit by hand. She is wet but not sloppy like you might expect from the wonderful fragrance filling the room. She rolls me on my back and only does very little BJ before wanting to move to cowgirl. I do think she's in a bit of a hurry as it's now 3 AM and she has an 830 flight. We struggle a bit with my Okamotos but eventually get me suited up.

She has a GREAT feeling pussy in all positions and we do Mish then doggie then Mish then legs closed doggie. I like the fact that she kisses in mish but she tends to break away before I am ready. It's taking me a long time so she says baby I think you have drank too much. This is disappointing to hear her say -- could have kept on trying. But she is right.

So I ask her to turn on the light and masturbate for me. Wow. This is pretty great. Even though she doesn't reach O She has a perfect pussy. Just a touch of lips but not too much. And unlike some Latinas where the pussy is more a gray shade due to some black heritage, hers is a perfect flesh pink. OMG. Beautiful.

So she starts working her clit in circles as I jack off kneeling on the bed. She is starting to writhe and really get into it so much so she starts to cover her face with her hand and then the pillow -. She's embarrassed how she looks. This is a real girl thing, not a pro so it's very sexy.

Takes a bit but watching her hand work that perfect pussy and that nearly perfect body writhing back and forth and I shoot some solid shots, blocking most of it with my hand -- feeling guilty about dropping a load on the perfect Hyatt bed spread! LOL. Wow. Glad to tug one out at that hour and drunkenness. It was a labor of love and actually felt great after all that lead up.

Of course we then part ways and she heads off in her Uber. I did drop some hints about her flying to me in another city and she was visibly excited. But she'd have to up her game in the bedroom to vault over Maria (unknown bedroom game but real passion) and Valentina (also unknown but will find out Saturday and since she tends more to the pro side I think it will be good). After Saturday if Lucy remains a top girl I will text her and let her know the areas she could improve if she wants to road trip with me.

It's funny because I can see the Seeking Arrangement spectrum in my three current hotties (at that time):

Maria -- Just a real world girl exploring. She really likes me but is completely new to this game. When we talked yesterday and I said I might like to fly her to NY she said "you'd do that for me?" Like she is genuinely surprised anyone would like her this much and want to spend money on her.

Lucy -- Real world girl but some experience in the game. Has a price. Minimizes BJ work. But has a real job and commitments. Likes to party and knows how to mix in getting paid to do so.

Valentina -- Even though we are playing the BFGF game I can tell she tends to the pro side and is just very good at all the surrounding storyline. This is fine with me. As long as it feels real. We will see in person on Saturday.

So that is the Lucy scoop. Glad I took the extra in Miami. Stunning girl, bubbly personality. Ton of fun in the club. And some things to work on in the sack. I will have to train her up! 😋.

Post note: When I was in Brazil she hit me up for rent money. A bit disappointing. I said no of course.

07-08-20, 06:47
The dancing gets very latin and sexy where she will be booty shaking and turn around and back into me. And of course I reciprocate with conjoined hip thrusting and simulated sex on the floor. She surely felt my growing stiffy. Looking over her shoulder and smiling.I think reasons why SA works so well for you is because you seem to be a good looking guy, a good dancer, and you got game.

When I joined SA 6 years ago, I had a lot of that going for me too. And so, I too got a lot out of SA.

The SBs on there told me that a lot of SDs don't care about their appearance, or are assholes, or they are not normal guys (whatever that means).

The moral is, if you try to look your best, try to have fun, try to act like a normal guy, and try to treat the gals well, then you should get a lot out of SA.

07-08-20, 22:58
The moral is, if you try to look your best, try to have fun, try to act like a normal guy, and try to treat the gals well, then you should get a lot out of SA.That's an interesting statement. So why pay money? As the old saying goes we don't pay money to get them into our bed, we pay them well so that they leave and have no recourse. .


07-09-20, 00:41
That's an interesting statement. So why pay money? As the old saying goes we don't pay money to get them into our bed, we pay them well so that they leave and have no recourse. .

PP.With money, we own their vagina. Without money, they own their vagina.

Elvis 2008
07-09-20, 03:15
With money, we own their vagina. Without money, they own their vagina.I love it, MW!!

Elvis 2008
07-09-20, 03:19
The SBs on there told me that a lot of SDs don't care about their appearance, or are assholes, or they are not normal guys (whatever that means).I had one SB or really more like a selective hooker I saw who got on SA and showed me her responses. There were a ton of them, but we agreed on the two that were real. There were like a hundred bullshit artists on there trying to get laid for nothing.

The moral is, if you try to look your best, try to have fun, try to act like a normal guy, and try to treat the gals well, then you should get a lot out of SA.

I agree, and I would add that you have to screen well and be disciplined. If you let yourself get walked all over, then you are going to be taken advantage of and be bitter. I think you also have to have the discipline to walk away from a bad deal and say "next".

I remember something one surprisingly wise and intelligent stripper told me about strip clubs, "Stop hanging out at the strip clubs. Those women are second best, and you deserve better than that. If you ever want to settle for second best, those bitches are always going to be there."

The same thing is true with the hookers on SA. Those bitches are always going to be there. The hard part is finding one with character.

Elvis 2008
07-09-20, 06:04
One of the good fucked up parts of my life I do not understand is that I am like literally the only person I know doing better money wise in this Covid world, and it has had its ups and downs but mostly it has been up. I have joked that Covid has been berry, berry good to me.

Some thought that Covid would create a buyer's market for SDs, but in reality, the USA has been printing up so much money and handing out via unemployment that some are doing better now not working than working. This is not the case in other countries. I had focused on Colombia because I had loved the women there. Since Covid started, I underestimated the political influence with Covid and where countries and pols matched who can restrict their citizens the most meant that they cared the most. The irony about the International media which has been cheering on the restrictions seems to heap praise on countries that massively restrict and belittle countries that don't. Anyway, I had four SB prospects in Colombia, and two were more than SB prospects, but the third and fourth were on the fence pre-Covid. They have now signed off SA and even those two are begging me to play with her remote control vibrator. Then there are three others that I have not even physically met: one of whom has already confessed her love for me. All told I spend about $1000 on these seven women, and we text all the time. I know that I am going to have to pare them down, but I am going to have a hard time choosing. Of the four I have been with, three are gorgeous and the other may be the best lover I have had. The quality of women available post Covid has been unreal in Colombia.

I thought we Americans could go to Brazil so I started texting women there. I ran into one who spoke English and has an American visa. She may be the hottest of all. She too has fallen for me via texts. I am finding again and again women just desperate for support, someone to talk to, someone there for them. This one is crazy hot. She is another one with like no body fat, and she dances like a Laker Girl and seriously she could be one. I am going to be meeting her in Mexico (Thank God!) in 2 weeks, and I have not been this excited to meet someone in a long time.

Still, I was dying for some last month, and the week I had taken off for Colombia was upon me so I tried Mexico. Suffice it to say that unlike all the other cities in Mexico City, Mexico City delivered. I had a hard time finding hot women there before. This time, however, I had sex with seven different hot women, four of them I would call 10's. In my two previous trips, I had women who were no better than 8's in CDMX. It looks like two are keepers.

The downside to Covid is that everyone freaks out about it. My favorite Mexico City girl could not meet me in Cancun when I was there because she had a panic attack. I reached out to two other women last minute and both of them came. It didn't work out well because one of the women learned her family was hit by Covid, and the other one wanted a better deal if that girl was leaving. Sigh.

Still, the girl who was supposed to come has promised to make it up to me. I asked her if she would spend the night with me, something she was reluctant to do before and she excitedly said yes.

All four of the Mexican 10s had jobs and were not available pre-Covid. So yeah, the travel restrictions stink and the panic people have with traveling and a few have being intimate sucks too, but the quality of women out there is unreal.

Here are a few examples of what is out there. I have been with all these women save 2, and I think there are women just as high quality out there as these are.

07-09-20, 09:54
Anyway, I had four SB prospects in Colombia, and two were more than SB prospects, but the third and fourth were on the fence pre-Covid. They have now signed off SA and even those two are begging me to play with her remote control vibrator. Then there are three others that I have not even physically met: one of whom has already confessed her love for me. All told I spend about $1000 on these seven women, and we text all the time. I know that I am going to have to pare them down, but I am going to have a hard time choosing. Of the four I have been with, three are gorgeous and the other may be the best lover I have had. The quality of women available post Covid has been unreal in Colombia.
I am experiencing similar to you. I'm an American in Shanghai. In the past month, I had sex with 7 gals, and 5 were first timers. Several were MP gals that had previously only offered HJ or BBBJ, but now they are willing to do FS for the extra tip. The gals are all desperate to make up for 5 months of lost wages.

Another several were girls that were ex-pros and got real jobs, but because they couldn't work during the shutdown, they started contacting me again, asking if we could rekindle the old flames.

In fact, since our reopening, I have gotten contacted by so many pros and ex-pros, that I haven't had time to see them all yet.

The only drawback is that prices have also gone up, to make up for lost time. For example, pre-covid, the going tip rate for FS in an MP was anywhere from $75 to $120. Now, they are begging for a $150 tip. The incall gals are also asking if I could pay them more than the usual amount. So, for me, it's a buyers market, but a weird one, because while the supply is huge and willing, the price is also up. It counters basic economics! LOL. Has anyone else noticed that prices are rising in the age of Covid?

07-09-20, 16:27
The moral is, if you try to look your best, try to have fun, try to act like a normal guy, and try to treat the gals well, then you should get a lot out of SA.Agreed. The unique difference of dating v / s SA is that in dating even if you do all those things, there is no guarantee of success. In SA if you're a decent person. In looks and attitude. The world opens for you.

The Tall Man
07-09-20, 22:47
One of the good fucked up parts of my life I do not understand is that I am like literally the only person I know doing better money wise in this Covid world, and it has had its ups and downs but mostly it has been up. I have joked that Covid has been berry, berry good to me.

Some thought that Covid would create a buyer's market for SDs, but in reality, the USA has been printing up so much money and handing out via unemployment that some are doing better now not working than working. This is not the case in other countries. I had focused on Colombia because I had loved the women there. Since Covid started, I underestimated the political influence with Covid and where countries and pols matched who can restrict their citizens the most meant that they cared the most. The irony about the International media which has been cheering on the restrictions seems to heap praise on countries that massively restrict and belittle countries that don't. Anyway, I had four SB prospects in Colombia, and two were more than SB prospects, but the third and fourth were on the fence pre-Covid. They have now signed off SA and even those two are begging me to play with her remote control vibrator. Then there are three others that I have not even physically met: one of whom has already confessed her love for me. All told I spend about $1000 on these seven women, and we text all the time. I know that I am going to have to pare them down, but I am going to have a hard time choosing. Of the four I have been with, three are gorgeous and the other may be the best lover I have had. The quality of women available post Covid has been unreal in Colombia.

I thought we Americans could go to Brazil so I started texting women there. I ran into one who spoke English and has an American visa. She may be the hottest of all. She too has fallen for me via texts. I am finding again and again women just desperate for support, someone to talk to, someone there for them. This one is crazy hot. She is another one with like no body fat, and she dances like a Laker Girl and seriously she could be one. I am going to be meeting her in Mexico (Thank God!) in 2 weeks, and I have not been this excited to meet someone in a long time..Damn I need to re-up my subscription for SA.

Damn fine chicas!

The Tall Man.

Gentleman Travel
07-11-20, 16:22
With money, we own their vagina. Without money, they own their vagina.This is one of the fun lines I use with my SB's / GF's, as I am getting ready to fuck her:

"Who owns your pussy?

"Daddy owns my pussy!

It always gives me an added thrill!

07-12-20, 19:28
The SB asked me for extra allowance; I asked for extra time to be spent and they have all the time in the world now.

I am experiencing similar to you. I'm an American in Shanghai. In the past month, I had sex with 7 gals, and 5 were first timers. Several were MP gals that had previously only offered HJ or BBBJ, but now they are willing to do FS for the extra tip. The gals are all desperate to make up for 5 months of lost wages.

Another several were girls that were ex-pros and got real jobs, but because they couldn't work during the shutdown, they started contacting me again, asking if we could rekindle the old flames.

In fact, since our reopening, I have gotten contacted by so many pros and ex-pros, that I haven't had time to see them all yet.

The only drawback is that prices have also gone up, to make up for lost time. For example, pre-covid, the going tip rate for FS in an MP was anywhere from $75 to $120. Now, they are begging for a $150 tip. The incall gals are also asking if I could pay them more than the usual amount. So, for me, it's a buyers market, but a weird one, because while the supply is huge and willing, the price is also up. It counters basic economics! LOL. Has anyone else noticed that prices are rising in the age of Covid?

Steve 9696
07-12-20, 20:18
I thought I was a pro at this but the latest girl I am pursuing has me puzzled. I am having a helluva time finding someone to my liking in a rather small US city. Found a girl who is very pretty (body don't know) like model level face. I don't think a pro would work this city. And in fact P411 offers only three pros and all are past their prime. So unlikely a pro by that measure.

But we went straight to text at her request. And she has a business WhatsApp. Said she is looking for long term fun with intimacy. And it's rare for a girl to make a first mention of sex like that. (But equally rare for a pro to mention long term. Her bio is very chaste like she is looking for a long term boyfriend) She's quite short in her responses also. But she sent another pic which looks legit.

I guess I can go for a meetup and see, but any other advice from others on figuring out if she is real or something is up?So ultimately this was a bust but I still haven't figured out what her game is. First we are to meet up but I find out she is two hours away in another city. Then I happen to be traveling to her city and we arrange a meetup. She's been girlfriendy all along and sending little pics and how was your day. I get the dreaded "need money for gas". She thinks we are meeting in my home city. In which case she's already two hours late and has no gas money (sure!)

Then she says if you are in town just come to my place. Ok. Cautious here. She says she's babysitting her sisters kids but we can set up a game for them and have privacy in her room. WTF? Ok not happening.

On the one hand she's maybe just out for the gas money up front? But really you spend a month chatting a guy for $20? And why the come to my house? If she wants to lure me and mug me then don't tell me we are fucking in the next room from your sisters kids. Just weird all around. But fuck she was good looking.

As always just move on. There is always a next one.

07-13-20, 00:50
So ultimately this was a bust but I still haven't figured out what her game is.

On the one hand she's maybe just out for the gas money up front? But really you spend a month chatting a guy for $20? And why the come to my house? If she wants to lure me and mug me then don't tell me we are fucking in the next room from your sisters kids. Just weird all around. But fuck she was good looking.

As always just move on. There is always a next one.This reminds me of a girl that strung me along for about a month. Then, at the end, she just sends me message saying, "haha, gotcha. " And then she explains how all guys on SA are pigs and I got what I deserved.

In any case, I wouldn't go to her home without seeing her in a public place first. You're stuck in a small USA Town. Can you fly in one of your SBs?

07-13-20, 00:54
The SB asked me for extra allowance; I asked for extra time to be spent and they have all the time in the world now.Good move. For extra tip, I ask for bareback. Only one has agreed to it so far.

07-13-20, 03:03
Hi guys,

Mongers are some of the best stock pickers that I know. Maybe because we are all into thrill seeking. So I started a new thread on stocks and markets. Just another thread to occupy our idle time while many of us are mostly staying at home during the outbreak.


07-13-20, 03:10
Damn I need to re-up my subscription for SA.

Damn fine chicas!

The Tall Man.I am also having the same experience in MTY, (Mexico), so much better then the states. There is always drama when it comes to women, but nothing compared what I dealt with in the states, The girls are so nice, beautiful, fun and most are fairly well educated.

That is the good news is Mexico is getting stricter by the day. I have been able to drive in, but now the check points are going back up. We will see what happens.

Elvis 2008
07-13-20, 04:48
Hi guys,

Mongers are some of the best stock pickers that I know. Maybe because we are all into thrill seeking. So I started a new thread on stocks and markets. Just another thread to occupy our idle time while many of us are mostly staying at home during the outbreak.

http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?4173-USA-Stocks-and-markets&p=2466256#post2466256.That is a good idea MW, but I have to tell you that one of the ways to keep things from not being idle is Lovense remote control vibrators. I just got off the phone with a Colombian chica of mine. Wow, damn, that was hot! Not quite as good as being there, but I loved the moaning from a naked 23 year old and the "Te quiero" part at the end. Whew! I will talk stocks after I get a cigarette.

07-13-20, 18:27
You're brave to do a bareback. I don't do it unless I develop a lot of comfort and understand the sex habits of the girl.

Good move. For extra tip, I ask for bareback. Only one has agreed to it so far.

Gentleman Travel
07-13-20, 19:45
So ultimately this was a bust but I still haven't figured out what her game is. First we are to meet up but I find out she is two hours away in another city. Then I happen to be traveling to her city and we arrange a meetup. She's been girlfriendy all along and sending little pics and how was your day. I get the dreaded "need money for gas". She thinks we are meeting in my home city. In which case she's already two hours late and has no gas money (sure!)

Then she says if you are in town just come to my place. Ok. Cautious here. She says she's babysitting her sisters kids but we can set up a game for them and have privacy in her room. WTF? Ok not happening.

On the one hand she's maybe just out for the gas money up front? But really you spend a month chatting a guy for $20? And why the come to my house? If she wants to lure me and mug me then don't tell me we are fucking in the next room from your sisters kids. Just weird all around. But fuck she was good looking.

As always just move on. There is always a next one.Until you got to the part where she invited you to drive to her house I assumed it was just a money scam. I've seen a lot of that recently on various dating sites, like Tinder. Girl shows as being in your city, but then when you try to meet they are "temporarily" out of town. But they are also very reluctant to give out any details of their favourite restaurant or bar. A number claim to be from small, remote towns. I had one really sexy model like girl claiming to be from a remote village in the Arctic. Well, I've been there and there are no white girls there! A number of the girls doing this are Asian. They have specialized in boasting about their side business in trading Bitcoin or currency trading. I assume the scam is to lure you in as an investor, but I never stayed around long enough to find out.

The other girls I think are just doing a variation on the Russian dating site scams. After building up some rapport with you after weeks of texting, she needs a bill paid, or lost her phone, or wants a web cam, wants to visit you, .

Your situation sounds a bit different but maybe not. Maybe the $20 is just a starting point. Next her car breaks down or she needs an airline ticket. If you had agreed to come to her house, maybe she would find a reason to cancel at the last minute, because really she lives in Texas or Taiwan.

But some of the "scammers" on dating sites are really just phishing for emails or phone numbers, sometimes to try to hack your accounts. And many are just trying to get you to follow them on IG or Snapchat to build up their follower stats.

07-14-20, 04:05
A number of the girls doing this are Asian. They have specialized in boasting about their side business in trading Bitcoin or currency trading. I assume the scam is to lure you in as an investor, but I never stayed around long enough to find out.There are a few of those. One asked me for advice buying gift for her uncle who provided trading "tip". I suggested a 40 K Rolex, a few minutes later she sent me a picture of a 43 K Rolex she just bought for her uncle. Another one who I insisted on meeting to discuss trading or whatever. She disappeared. One I would not sent picture to badgering me for picture. She showed me she made half a million USD / month trading. I told her to send me a picture with two fingers on her lip as a condition for me to send my pictures. She wouldn't and finally gave up on me. Another one owns a Porsche stopped seducing me when I say I am going to visit her to have sex. She said she was looking for something that is non physical.

07-14-20, 20:01
There are a few of those. One asked me for advice buying gift for her uncle who provided trading "tip". I suggested a 40 K Rolex, a few minutes later she sent me a picture of a 43 K Rolex she just bought for her uncle. Another one who I insisted on meeting to discuss trading or whatever. She disappeared. One I would not sent picture to badgering me for picture. She showed me she made half a million USD / month trading. I told her to send me a picture with two fingers on her lip as a condition for me to send my pictures. She wouldn't and finally gave up on me. Another one owns a Porsche stopped seducing me when I say I am going to visit her to have sex. She said she was looking for something that is non physical.Nounce,

This sounds like something to be on the lookout for. Thanks for sharing! Mongers, using our guidelines that we have set forth numerous times, none of us on this thread should fall victim to this kind of scam. TBH, if a girl is making 43 k rolex money, and has the dough to buy a Porsche, then I'd be curious why she would be looking for an SD. It sounds like she is successful already, and simply has to continue doing what she is doing. Looking to bang a guy for a couple bucks (when she's not in need) doesn't fit the MO.

2 questions for you.

Were these all asian girls?

Were they east or west coast girls (I'm assuming they were in the US)?


07-14-20, 20:49
Were these all asian girls?

Were they east or west coast girls (I'm assuming they were in the US)?

I found some of them in small town on the west coast. I never confronted them directly but I did it indirectly like I mentioned. Their numbers all have Hong Kong country code so just avoid girls with 852 country code and who talk about trading. Another type I will avoid is the ones that talk about honesty and their profile will mention video chat verification. It is just a way to get you into some other paid sites.

07-15-20, 04:33
Just registered on SA, but haven't paid the premium yet. Expected to see many hot woman, but after I did the search, pretty much nothing that would caught my eye came up. Most of the girls are average in the looks department. Is it worth $90/ month? I don't know, but since there are no other options, I may give it a try. It looks like SA is for older guys, looking for a long-term mutually beneficial relationships. I'm in my mid 30's, and have only 2-3 weeks left in CDMX, and my mongering budget is limited.

Just had a terrible session with an independent girl from.

Mileroticos, bait and switch, never again. Never trusted this website, but again, because of Covid19 I could not find any other options. Still no success on Tinder, Badoo, FB.I have been now almost 3 months in Mexico with 2 months in Cancun and now a month in CDMX. Except 2 or 3 wrong or bad or greedy girls almost all of them have been amazing and I mean fucked about 100 of them so at an average of 1 each day it is a very good source. Just last week went to the first club in Cdmx which was open and saw 6 hookers for the first time in all these 3 months. SA pussy is absolutely amazing.

I do miss clubs but COVID has caused a great deal of mess.




Darth Coder
07-15-20, 15:50
Has anyone arranged daily (or every second day) meetings with a SB? If so, how much did it cost?

07-16-20, 01:41
As a reminder, I am seeking an arrangement with a receptionist. She was not on SA. She works at a front desk in a lobby of an office building, which is where I occasionally get my Starbucks. We've been flirting for over a year, then I finally had sex with her 16 days ago, at her place, and then I gave her $200, which she wasn't expecting. The next day, she went on a tirade. Here's an update.

So, I keep texting her, to reassure that I like her. She responds with one word replies or just an emoji. Given that she used to be chatting on text, she is still giving me the cold shoulder. I ask her when I can see her again, and she finally said I could visit her at her work on Saturday at 7 pm, which is when it's dead at the office building. So, I go visit her. Man, it was the most boring hour of my life. But, as suggested to me by you guys, I told her that I only gave her money because I wanted to help her and because it makes me happy to help her. This seemed to reassure her. She obviously doesn't want to feel like a pro. And she doesn't want to be with a mongerer.

So, on Sunday, I asked when I could see her again. She said, "I just saw you yesterday. " And I reply, "I want to see you at your home. " She replies, "Why?" I reply, "So we can have privacy. " I wait, and then she says we can meet on Tuesday morning, which is the day that she works the late shift. So, I thought my persistence prevailed.

Unfortunately, we had thunderstorm on Monday, and she caught a chill. I kept texting her all day Monday to see if we were still on for Tuesday, but she ignores all my texts. Finally, at 11 pm, she texts, "I am trying to sleep. Stop texting me. " But this doesn't tell me if we are meeting the next day. So, I decide to just eliminate the ambiguity and I text, "Okay, you rest, and we will not meet tomorrow. I hope you get well soon. ".

I then decide to stop texting her so much. Maybe I am being a pest. So, on Tuesday, I just text her once, "I hope you feel better today. " And that was it. She didn't reply. I didn't text here again until Friday, "Have a good weekend. I miss you. " She didn't reply.

Then, on Monday, this is 2 days ago, I used one of my old tricks. I sent this text, "I will see you tomorrow, at your home, at 10 am. " I wait. Then she replies, "ok. ".

As someone told me a long time ago, women don't like making decisions. So, you just have to make commands. So, for example, if you are hitting it off with a girl in a hotel bar, then instead of asking, "Can we go up to your room?" You instead say, "Let's go to your room. " It really works. Think about it. If you ask a girl, "Can we go up to your room? Then you are putting her on the spot to make the hookup decision.

So, anyway, I saw her yesterday, and we barebacked on and off for 3 hours. She didn't talk much. So, it was a little weird. As I left, I again gave her $200. She looked away as I was doing it, so I put the money on her nightstand. Later that day, I texted, "I miss you. " She replied with an smiley emoji.

Warning: This post contains no useful info.

After our first "date," which was just us bare backing at her home for a couple of hours, here is what happened afterwards. The next night, I asked her when I can see her again. She then goes off on a tirade asking me how many GFs I have, and, do I always go to girl's homes. I could tell she was really mad. I guess I acted like going to her place for sex was normal, but now that I think about it, it's totally not normal. Since she is an office worker and not a pro, I should have asked her out on a real date. I have been whoring so much, I don't even know what normal is anymore. It's weird though, because she must have known what she was signing up for when she invited me into her home. I could lie to her, to keep this relationship going, but I don't want to do that, because that will definitely not end well. So, I may never see her again. Oh well. I have the memories at least. But damn, she was ideal. Anyway, sorry to waste people's times.

Steve 9696
07-16-20, 01:54
As a reminder, I am seeking an arrangement with a receptionist. She was not on SA. She works at a front desk in a lobby of an office building, which is where I occasionally get my Starbucks. We've been flirting for over a year, then I finally had sex with her 16 days ago, at her place, and then I gave her $200, which she wasn't expecting. The next day, she went on a tirade. Here's an update.

So, I keep texting her, to reassure that I like her. She responds with one word replies or just an emoji. Given that she used to be chatting on text, she is still giving me the cold shoulder. I ask her when I can see her again, and she finally said I could visit her at her work on Saturday at 7 pm, which is when it's dead at the office building. So, I go visit her. Man, it was the most boring hour of my life. But, as suggested to me by you guys, I told her that I only gave her money because I wanted to help her and because it makes me happy to help her. This seemed to reassure her. She obviously doesn't want to feel like a pro. And she doesn't want to be with a mongerer.

So, on Sunday, I asked when I could see her again. She said, "I just saw you yesterday. " And I reply, "I want to see you at your home. " She replies, "Why?" I reply, "So we can have privacy. " I wait, and then she says we can meet on Tuesday morning, which is the day that she works the late shift. So, I thought my persistence prevailed.

Unfortunately, we had thunderstorm on Monday, and she caught a chill. I kept texting her all day Monday to see if we were still on for Tuesday, but she ignores all my texts. Finally, at 11 pm, she texts, "I am trying to sleep. Stop texting me. " But this doesn't tell me if we are meeting the next day. So, I decide to just eliminate the ambiguity and I text, "Okay, you rest, and we will not meet tomorrow. I hope you get well soon. ".

I then decide to stop texting her so much. Maybe I am being a pest. So, on Tuesday, I just text her once, "I hope you feel better today. " And that was it. She didn't reply. I didn't text here again until Friday, "Have a good weekend. I miss you. " She didn't reply.

Then, on Monday, this is 2 days ago, I used one of my old tricks. I sent this text, "I will see you tomorrow, at your home, at 10 am. " I wait. Then she replies, "ok. ".

As someone told me a long time ago, women don't like making decisions. So, you just have to make commands. So, for example, if you are hitting it off with a girl in a hotel bar, then instead of asking, "Can we go up to your room?" You instead say, "Let's go to your room. " It really works. Think about it. If you ask a girl, "Can we go up to your room? Then you are putting her on the spot to make the hookup decision.

So, anyway, I saw her yesterday, and we barebacked on and off for 3 hours. She didn't talk much. So, it was a little weird. As I left, I again gave her $200. She looked away as I was doing it, so I put the money on her nightstand. Later that day, I texted, "I miss you. " She replied with an smiley emoji.So clearly great job getting to the goal. And clearly the strong lead was key. If you want to keep her tho I suggest you go a bit less sex for money and take her out or something if she'll go. Make her feel a bit more special than just sex.

The strong frame clearly works. I think I mentioned it before but when I was in London with limited time once I engaged a girl the least bit on SA I'the say "I'm going dancing in Soho on Thursday. Come with me. " And I got like five girls saying yes. I was amazing by how the strong frame totally works. Ended up not dancing but meeting at my room instead. Not sure I posted it. Will take a peak and post if not.

Best of luck in your next date with her.

07-16-20, 02:21
I have been now almost 3 months in Mexico with 2 months in Cancun and now a month in CDMX. Except 2 or 3 wrong or bad or greedy girls almost all of them have been amazing and I mean fucked about 100 of them so at an average of 1 each day it is a very good source. Just last week went to the first club in Cdmx which was open and saw 6 hookers for the first time in all these 3 months. SA pussy is absolutely amazing.

I do miss clubs but COVID has caused a great deal of mess.



Alex.Love your report. I am having the same experience in MTY, just so much fun and meeting high quality and beautiful ladies. I have had a couple of issues with Fake or Doctored photos, but some of that was my own fault for being rushed and no doing my Homework.

In MTY you will not get high Quality for $100, but $150 works perfect. No criticism, just a different city maybe. I love Mexico, it so much better then Colombia, Rio, and Kiev. Not as good as Russia, but I just do not have the time to travel there now too much work, I am very lucky and fortunate. Also, I have decided to boycott the Airlines as much as possible, I just got sick of there b. S. I feel terrible for all the problems and hardship the Virus has caused-but I have zero compassion for the Airlines. I was 1 k and extremely loyal, now I will just buy the cheapest ticket. There service got so bad, it is just not fun for me to fly anymore.

Steve 9696
07-16-20, 02:24
This is from earlier this year, right as Covid was starting, but has some interesting stuff in it. Like even tho she is NOT a pro, her wanting to come to my room to avoid a public meetup. And even a pro like me is never quite sure with an SA girl if she is DTF. I mean yeah she's in your room but it still feels like a date. And the part where I pull down her pants but she puts her panties back on makes me think she was maybe reticent. But then persistence pays off. This was one of my best SA experiences and we were both smitten. We planned to travel together in Europe. It was a bit like Thifany I threw out the "I'm going to be in Europe again next month. Would you join me for a weekend in Paris?" And she's like absolutely. I can't wait to see you again. OMG I was over the moon. And then Covid hit. Fuck me! She's still on the hook tho if this shit ever clears. Anyhow hope you enjoy!


So even tho the pro scene in London is wonderful (see the London thread for recent adventures), the SA scene seems very solid and I hit a home run recently.

As previously described, I look for girls that have less experience on the site and are more about the experience than high $$. This way you get a "real girl" not a pro. I guess I started working London two weeks back and had some quality engagement. I had probably 6-8 girls who engaged on WhatsApp, which are very strong numbers.

I was taking a very aggressive opening like "I'm going dancing in Soho on Wednesday want to join me?" And the hook rate was much higher than normal. I know from Nanpa, that girls want a strong lead, but also maybe they are tired of endless SA chat and ready to rumble. In any case, I'the say I moved Suspects to Prospects at about 70-80% success rate, which is super high. So I might try this more in the future.

Had several girls signed up but eventually had to put them off when a late-comer I'the written off, suddenly appeared. Wowza! Super pretty Viet. And a really nice balanced chat. Each was prepared to walk away at various points and, as we discussed later, this confidence was alluring in both directions. We agreed a couple days in advance to meet up and I kept her warm with texts in the meantime.

It was quite an unusual meetup because she wanted to come straight to my room. But just for talk and wine and then see where it goes. This was odd because she's clearly not an escort even more clear now but she didn't want to be seen in public with a stranger. (Ok legit but unusual and pretty ballsy).

I send her an Uber and she comes straight to my place. So she shows at my door and she is drop dead fucking gorgeous. Her pictures do not do her justice. Skin-tight leather pants, spike heeled boots and a face that melts me. OMFG. So we sit on the edge of the bed (it's a tiny London room) and have some wine and just chat. She is super chatty and a London local.

Fuck if we didn't kill a whole bottle of Rose and TWO HOURS just chatting. It completely flew by! Obviously she's a chatty girl but I could just look at her face for hours. So I did!

So with that amount of chat, this is going to be one slow buildup still not sure if she is DTF (down to fuck) - but I am enjoying every second. All through chatting, I am doing light touch escalation, which comes naturally to me. But there is no obvious break where a kiss makes sense.

She had said it was her birthday, which I thought was likely BS, but her mom calls with the Happy Birthday call and she has to stop and take it. Actually this is a great opportunity. She's chatting a bit and I am a bit bored and had a few drinks so I start taking off one of her fuck-me boots. Unzip it and slide it off. And then she offers her other foot! When she wraps with her mom, we have a bathroom break each, and when she comes back I've moved cross-legged further up the bed and she joins me likewise. The boot taking off and moving up the bed were clearly key moves in escalating this. And at some point I transition it to laying down side by side, me on my back and her on her front.

We continue to chat, but the mechanics of our position-change now leave only about six inches between our faces. At some point I am inspired and close the gap and kiss her. Pretty light exploratory stuff. She continues chatting on after I break. (did I mention she's chatty?) But at some point she's inspired and leans in and kisses me! Well now I engage and open her mouth for full-on tongue mackin engagement which gets the party started.

I work her onto her back and start grinding on top of her while making out. I love this dominance and it seems to get girls equally worked up. She's got on a halter top with a bra under. Again going very slow, I start massaging her tits through the halter and then work my way down licking and biting her naked midriff and even exploring a bit below her waistband with my tongue. This must be the ticket, because she sits up and pulls off her bra and top.

So I work her fabulous firm be cups quite a bit. She likes squeezing and circles and nipple sucking. I again start on her tummy still not knowing if she is DTF or we are just going to play around on this first date. And I reach up to her waistband and start pulling down her tight leather pants. Well her panties come with but she puts them back on. I am not sure what to make of this; but I am undeterred and will work around this obstacle!

I start by just lick-sucking in that magical little hollow juncture of thigh and body to the left and right of her panties and she starts to grind. Still unsure if I am going to get a "halt" from her, I slide the panties gently to the side and start softly working her clit. OK now I have her going.

She starts to Coo and moan and eventually builds to a substantial O. But I am not done and neither is she, as she quickly starts another build. I tentatively slip a finger inside she's super tight but sopping wet. And some clit and gspot work is on. She is a hot wet mess and feels awesome and man does she love the combo tongue and finger work. She is a complete goner. She has at least 2 more Os. And these are not fake escort Os. This is the real deal with a real girl and this makes SA completely awesome!!

Honestly I would be satisfied to stop right here. I absolutely love to take a sorta shy real girl and get her worked into some crashing Os. Very much like SA virgin Emily in NYC. It's tough work but someone's got to do it!

So we cuddle side by side a bit as she recovers and she says "So should I suck you now?" God I love these fresh new girls. And the answer is absolutely, baby. So we get my boxers off and down she goes. She's quite good on mouth on shaft, but like many SAs I meet, needs some direction to do more licking and ball sucking. To her credit she dives right in and does a quite epic job.

After a good bit of that (I don't blow my stack because I was with a Diva escort just a few hours before) she comes up for air and we are side by side. Again, believe it or not, I am still questioning if she is DTF or we are going to stop short here. She asks me what I'm thinking and I say I'm thinking I want to do more other stuff (don't know why I am quite so circumspect LOL) and she says you mean have sex? And I say absolutely! So we suit up. Yea!

A lot of girls like to start on top to control first penetration. I'm a pretty thick guy and she is super tight so this would be a good idea. But instead she rolls on her back and we start in mish. I definitely have to go slow and less than full engagement till we get the fit going and then it's slippery slide time! Wow.

We do some great mish and cowgirl fuck she's a fine sight riding high! Doggie with me standing at edge of the bed. Pretty much everything. I show her the Andy pillow under the butt position and we get her legs up on my shoulders, me on my knees, and wow fuck she likes that. She goes through two more crashing Os. Honestly I think she would fuck forever, but I'm getting pretty tired!

Even tho she feels great, the condom isn't going to get it done and we go back to BBBJ which feels heavenly. Nonetheless I prove perilously hard to finish. She soldiers on, which I LOVE and we finish me hand-on-shaft and her on BLS. She's not afraid to dive quite a ways down there and it feels wonderful. Eventually I shoot a hard shot on my stomach. Wow!

So we pillow talk some more what a great girl. And at some point she asks the time she knows I have a dinner thing. I say it's coming up 7 and she is like OMG I thought it was like 5 pm! Seriously. She has been so taken with the whirlwind of our adventure that time has flown by and that makes me feel like a million bucks.

Indeed we continue chatting in a naked cuddle for another half hour, spending 4. 5 hours together in the room! And really she only leaves because she knows I have to go. I think she suspects another girl (yep!) but doesn't say. We wrap it up with a parting kiss and agree we MUST spend time together when I am back in London and likely even hit the town a bit now that I'm not a stranger! Wow what a girl!

SA fucking rules!

P.S. This makes two girls I've fucked in London on their 23rd birthdays (Thifany being the other) WTF? I must be doing something right! LOL.

07-16-20, 05:24
So clearly great job getting to the goal. And clearly the strong lead was key. If you want to keep her tho I suggest you go a bit less sex for money and take her out or something if she'll go. Make her feel a bit more special than just sex.
Thanks for your props, man. As for your suggestion, it's a good one, but if it takes that much effort, then I'm going to cut bait. If this doesn't work out, then I'm going back to screwing lonely old housewives. And, of course, also go back to explicit P4 P.

Elvis 2008
07-16-20, 17:01
I have been now almost 3 months in Mexico with 2 months in Cancun and now a month in CDMX. Except 2 or 3 wrong or bad or greedy girls almost all of them have been amazing and I mean fucked about 100 of them so at an average of 1 each day it is a very good source. Just last week went to the first club in Cdmx which was open and saw 6 hookers for the first time in all these 3 months. SA pussy is absolutely amazing.Good for you Alex. There is no doubt that Covid has been good for guys trying to score Mexican SBs (and also Colombian and Vennie SBs in Mexico). The problem with Cancun is that Mexican women wanted USA Rates. Was that an issue for you?

07-18-20, 07:01
I have been now almost 3 months in Mexico with 2 months in Cancun and now a month in CDMX. Except 2 or 3 wrong or bad or greedy girls almost all of them have been amazing and I mean fucked about 100 of them so at an average of 1 each day it is a very good source. Just last week went to the first club in Cdmx which was open and saw 6 hookers for the first time in all these 3 months. SA pussy is absolutely amazing.

I do miss clubs but COVID has caused a great deal of mess.



Alex.Hey Alex,

Thank for the reply. Quick update. I have paid the premium about a week ago, and so far I have totally forgotten about Twitter and escort websites. Now SA offers me way more girls when I do a search than before. I had a great date with a smoking hot 9/10 girl for 3500 MXN, you simply can't find a girl of that level of hotness on Twitter or elsewhere. What is the point of paying 1500-2000/ HR (+ hotel room and taxi sometimes) for an average looking twitter girl when you can get a really hot one for 2500-3500/ night? SA offers a way better value and a date with SA girl is totally different experience. I have one more SA date scheduled and also had 2 decent Tinder dates (both were repeat dates). Yes, you can find a working girl on Tinder too, but the selection is limited, I guess I just got lucky after almost a month of using it. What is the average nightly / multi-hour rate that you pay them? Out of 100 that you fucked, would you share a few that outperformed?

07-18-20, 23:16
Thanks for your props, man. As for your suggestion, it's a good one, but if it takes that much effort, then I'm going to cut bait. If this doesn't work out, then I'm going back to screwing lonely old housewives. And, of course, also go back to explicit P4 P.I think you know that you are in the part of the world where rich men can have many wives and families, even publicly. You need to figure out how that works and not accidentally Americanize them.

07-19-20, 06:28
I think you know that you are in the part of the world where rich men can have many wives and families, even publicly. You need to figure out how that works and not accidentally Americanize them.The funny thing is that last night she actually tossed the following idea to me: I give her enough money each month so that she can quit her job.

I am guessing that she was joking. She's a funny person.

However, if she were being serious, I actually know the market prices of mistresses in Shanghai. At the low end, they are looking for an apartment, that goes for about $600 per month, and a monthly allowance of about $900 per month.

I already spend at least $1500 per month on this hobby for most months. But I am hesitant to lock into a one-year contract with anyone. I say "one-year" because that's how long a typical lease runs. Sure, I could get out of the lease early, but then I'd lose the deposit, which is equivalent to 2 month's rent. And, I would have to see her at least twice per week to make this worth it financially, and I can't see myself remaining interested in anyone if I see them that frequently.

So, I am hoping that she will remain a PPM arrangement.

07-19-20, 12:06
So, I am hoping that she will remain a PPM arrangement.Please stay on PPM. Keep her keen and not let her get too comfortable. We all know the quality soon drops.

Steve 9696
07-19-20, 17:37
So I am finally getting a chance to see local girl Alexis later this week. She claims to be a newbie but she is 25 and I see her on SA often. So not completely sure. Three weeks ago I described what I was looking for (without being explicit of course) and after a couple days of what I thought might be ghosting she was back on (but no explicit acknowledgement of the discussion nor $$.

Since that time it's been great light chat — she checks in on me or me on her every other day or so. And we have been planning a lunchtime meetup.

As you guys know I am the king of the on-the-road single night SA hookup. But this is that dicey at home without corporate hotel situation. I am definitely NOT booking in advance. But should I go for the strong "end up at hotel" frame or the "let's just meetup" frame. I am inclined to the latter but have not done this often and the one time I did it I did not close the deal (partly due to other circumstances).

So looking for some thoughts on approach:

1. Chat ahead by text and agree particulars of $$.

2. Just meetup and go with the flow — if she is DTF book hotel last minute?

3. Just meetup with clear no sex frame?

And if 3 discuss room and allowance in person? (How do you broach this?) or just have a great time and take next steps like hotel and $$ by text?

All thoughts welcome. Thanks.

07-19-20, 18:34
So I am finally getting a chance to see local girl Alexis later this week. She claims to be a newbie but she is 25 and I see her on SA often. So not completely sure. Three weeks ago I described what I was looking for (without being explicit of course) and after a couple days of what I thought might be ghosting she was back on (but no explicit acknowledgement of the discussion nor $$.

Since that time it's been great light chat she checks in on me or me on her every other day or so. And we have been planning a lunchtime meetup.

As you guys know I am the king of the on-the-road single night SA hookup. But this is that dicey at home without corporate hotel situation. I am definitely NOT booking in advance. But should I go for the strong "end up at hotel" frame or the "let's just meetup" frame. I am inclined to the latter but have not done this often and the one time I did it I did not close the deal (partly due to other circumstances).

So looking for some thoughts on approach:

1. Chat ahead by text and agree particulars of $$.

2. Just meetup and go with the flow if she is DTF book hotel last minute?

3. Just meetup with clear no sex frame?

And if 3 discuss room and allowance in person? (How do you broach this?) or just have a great time and take next steps like hotel and $$ by text?

All thoughts welcome. Thanks.I would go with the flow. Sound like she is still unsure about the process. Booking a room at the last moment is usually no problem, but I would check around in advance. Pick a fun activity and ask if she would like to go to your hotel room later if the moment seems right. You are a pro, so you know how to flirt. If she says yes, you can slip out to the restroom and make the reservation. Ask to have to have paperwork ready or online check in. BTW, have you ever had a girl in a room who just decided she was not DTF? Unless there is an agreed to price, that is always a possibility. What do you normally talk about on a meetup? It seems like it can get awkward.

Gentleman Travel
07-19-20, 20:54

This sounds like something to be on the lookout for. Thanks for sharing! Mongers, using our guidelines that we have set forth numerous times, none of us on this thread should fall victim to this kind of scam. TBH, if a girl is making 43 k rolex money, and has the dough to buy a Porsche, then I'd be curious why she would be looking for an SD. It sounds like she is successful already, and simply has to continue doing what she is doing. Looking to bang a guy for a couple bucks (when she's not in need) doesn't fit the MO.

2 questions for you.

Were these all asian girls?
Were they east or west coast girls (I'm assuming they were in the US)?In my case, the girls were on Tinder, so not necessarily pretending to look for a SD. And it's interesting. Nounce mentions $40,000. Mine also said she had just made $40,000 currency trading that day. So I suggested she could pay for our lunch date, in Paris. Then she started mocking me about not being smart enough to do foreign exchange day trading, which I readily admit I am not. Nor are most people who try it! But clearly she was trying to goad me into manning up and investing with her.

It's not clear where these women are. Some are clearly working from an Asian base and might even admit to being in China, but they will be coming to (your city) soon. Others claim to live in your city, but are temporarily out of town, and for some reason cannot respond to questions about things in your city. So where they claim to be and where they are are two different things.

07-19-20, 22:41
In my case, the girls were on Tinder, so not necessarily pretending to look for a SD. And it's interesting. Nounce mentions $40,000. Mine also said she had just made $40,000 currency trading that day. So I suggested she could pay for our lunch date, in Paris. Then she started mocking me about not being smart enough to do foreign exchange day trading, which I readily admit I am not. Nor are most people who try it! But clearly she was trying to goad me into manning up and investing with her.

It's not clear where these women are. Some are clearly working from an Asian base and might even admit to being in China, but they will be coming to (your city) soon. Others claim to live in your city, but are temporarily out of town, and for some reason cannot respond to questions about things in your city. So where they claim to be and where they are are two different things.I had four or five of those contacts recently, took me a while to figure out what they are up to. Two had Asian numbers (claiming to be in Hongkong), two had UK numbers. One chat (going over four or five days) finally made obvious what she was up to: She said she is a crypto currency trader in London, working with BTCA. She seemed to be ready to take it slow, as we came to the subject quite patiently. Finally when she started to deflect all other topics she lost her temper, called me a "stupid stock market guy" and left the conversation. In the beginning she spoke about planning a trip to Rome and therefore checking out my profile. Same for the other girls: they are all coming to Europe, supposedly. Contact was made on SA.

07-20-20, 00:28
And if 3 discuss room and allowance in person? (How do you broach this?) or just have a great time and take next steps like hotel and $$ by text?

All thoughts welcome. Thanks.In my local area, hotel vacancy rates are extreme. It's easy to get walk-in bookings. Do your research for a hotel close to where you are meeting. I did this with a girl about 6 weeks ago. We met for coffee, had to sit in the car due to lock down, as we were nearing the end of our coffee and things were going well then I said let's go to a hotel. I did the hotel reception part while she waited in the car nursing the remaining drops of her coffee.

Maybe you could ask 'if she has any expectations for your hotel visit?

Another time I have send the girl a text message while I was out to the bathroom. Girls also find the money topic awkward, so the text gives her an easy way also.

Enjoy your adventure. It doesn't have to be too hard.


07-20-20, 00:45
1. Chat ahead by text and agree particulars of $$.

2. Just meetup and go with the flow if she is DTF book hotel last minute?

3. Just meetup with clear no sex frame?

And if 3 discuss room and allowance in person? (How do you broach this?) or just have a great time and take next steps like hotel and $$ by text?

All thoughts welcome. Thanks.When I was briefly based in the states, I lived in shared corporate housing, so I couldn't bring girls back to my place, so I had to make this decision every time I met a new SB. I learned from experience that booking the hotel ahead of time, my usage rate was only about 20% (this means I only ended up at the hotel with her 20% of the time, the other 80% I didn't use it either because she flaked on the date or because she was not DTF on the first date, and there was even one time where she was not anywhere near as pretty or bubbly in person as she was on the site, so I was not DTF, LOL). I realized that this was a huge waste of money, because hotels in my city are at least $200 per night.

I did have one date where chemistry was great and then we decided to go to a hotel. I used an app to book it, no problem. But when we arrived, I had to collect the keys at the front desk. This took 10 minutes, and it was awkward. Plus, the hotel manager kept saying my name out loud. Maybe if I were to do this again, I would tell the girl to go to the hotel bar and get us a couple of drinks and wait for me there while I got the keys.

But based on my experience, I would just do 3. I did this a lot. We meet, have a good time. And then toward the end of the date, I would just ask what she was hoping to find on SA. Sometimes we agreed on a deal on the spot. Sometimes I would say that I would have to think about it. I had many great arrangements from doing this. It just required a bit of patience. One bonus possibility from doing 3 is that she might have a place of her own that you guys can go back to. I hooked up with a few girls this way. It made me a little nervous though. So, I would always tell the girl that before I enter any place, I am going to text her exact address to my friend, in case she had thugs waiting to beat me up. I always said this with a smile, and she would laugh and say, "sure, go ahead, I totally understand."

Gentleman Travel
07-20-20, 17:35
I've been trying to see if I can meet recruit a SB without resorting to SA. Maybe it's just a prejudice or my imagination, but I am concerned that girls off SA will be too professional or expect too much $$ I am kind of a "Sugar Daddy Lite".

Anyway, I live in a mid-sized American city, with a couple of universities. In the past (3+ years ago), I just placed ads on Backpage or Craigslist and found it relatively easy to connect with an attractive coed for $200 - $300 per meeting. And these were real, "normal" girls, who for the most part, had not done this before. However, those days of using CL or BP are gone.

So I ended up trying Tinder and Bumble, based on the advice of one of my previous SBs (who unfortunately had to go back to her home country). I hadn't really considered Tinder because, while it works great for me in foreign (developing) countries, I assumed it would not be so good for a 50++ man in an American city. The dynamics are just completely different. Also, I didn't know you could put up a profile without using a face photo, but you can. Of course, this is of no value if you are looking for regular dates (who's going to click on a profile with no photo?) but I use a business avatar photo with the legend "Daddy Seeking Baby Girl".

This was permitted on Tinder, but on Bumble I still had to submit a face photo, which I cannot do in my home town. I tried to use a lookalike celebrity photo, to give the girls some clue how I looked, but that kept getting screened out. I guess they have bots that search those things. Eventually I found a suitable non-descript photo that was acceptable to Bumble's bot. In addition to the legend on the photo in my description I mentioned I was looking for a mutually beneficial relationship, but did not us words like "generous" or "$$$" I don't know how explicit you can be. But ex-SB said I should be more direct because these days some girls might read "mutually beneficial" same as "friends with benefits" meaning we both get sex out of it, but not necessarily a financial incentive.

In the two weeks or so of doing this I have had a handful of responses, some reasonably direct about compensation. Generally I have not been too aggressive or direct in my responses on the theory that these girls are not escorts and some may be shy talking about money. Ex-SB thinks I'm wrong and need to close the deal more quickly before the girls get swamped with other messages, as they tend to on Tinder.

At first I was getting almost no interest on Bumble, which you may know is different in that the girl has to make the first contact. So you're kind of helpless there. But then, after two weeks, I suddenly got a small crop of responses there and at least two excellent prospects. I have now met with those two prospects who are basically a 7 (okay cute, big tits but also not slender) and an 8 (pretty and slender but modest tits). I've had explicit discussions with them about expectations about prices and service (BBBJ) and we've agreed on $250 per meeting, which I think is a pretty good price and may eventually include them hosting. The 8 has had SDs before but the 7 has not.

I have not test-driven either of them yet, just had drinks on a patio, but should bag one later this week and the other early next week. So I will see how this all works out. And GOD, it's a relief from the boredom of lockdown!

Oh, and after I had connected with both these Bumble girls off-line, my profile on Bumble got tagged and taken down. Now I am shut out of that particular honey-pot. So it's a good thing I migrated off the site when I did!

Steve 9696
07-20-20, 19:13
I've been trying to see if I can meet recruit a SB without resorting to SA. Maybe it's just a prejudice or my imagination, but I am concerned that girls off SA will be too professional or expect too much $$ I am kind of a "Sugar Daddy Lite".

Anyway, I live in a mid-sized American city, with a couple of universities. In the past (3+ years ago), I just placed ads on Backpage or Craigslist and found it relatively easy to connect with an attractive coed for $200 - $300 per meeting. And these were real, "normal" girls, who for the most part, had not done this before. However, those days of using CL or BP are gone.

So I ended up trying Tinder and Bumble, based on the advice of one of my previous SBs (who unfortunately had to go back to her home country). I hadn't really considered Tinder because, while it works great for me in foreign (developing) countries, I assumed it would not be so good for a 50++ man in an American city. The dynamics are just completely different. Also, I didn't know you could put up a profile without using a face photo, but you can. Of course, this is of no value if you are looking for regular dates (who's going to click on a profile with no photo?) but I use a business avatar photo with the legend "Daddy Seeking Baby Girl".

This was permitted on Tinder, but on Bumble I still had to submit a face photo, which I cannot do in my home town. I tried to use a lookalike celebrity photo, to give the girls some clue how I looked, but that kept getting screened out. I guess they have bots that search those things. Eventually I found a suitable non-descript photo that was acceptable to Bumble's bot. In addition to the legend on the photo in my description I mentioned I was looking for a mutually beneficial relationship, but did not us words like "generous" or "$$$" I don't know how explicit you can be. But ex-SB said I should be more direct because these days some girls might read "mutually beneficial" same as "friends with benefits" meaning we both get sex out of it, but not necessarily a financial incentive.

In the two weeks or so of doing this I have had a handful of responses, some reasonably direct about compensation. Generally I have not been too aggressive or direct in my responses on the theory that these girls are not escorts and some may be shy talking about money. Ex-SB thinks I'm wrong and need to close the deal more quickly before the girls get swamped with other messages, as they tend to on Tinder.

At first I was getting almost no interest on Bumble, which you may know is different in that the girl has to make the first contact. So you're kind of helpless there. But then, after two weeks, I suddenly got a small crop of responses there and at least two excellent prospects. I have now met with those two prospects who are basically a 7 (okay cute, big tits but also not slender) and an 8 (pretty and slender but modest tits). I've had explicit discussions with them about expectations about prices and service (BBBJ) and we've agreed on $250 per meeting, which I think is a pretty good price and may eventually include them hosting. The 8 has had SDs before but the 7 has not.

I have not test-driven either of them yet, just had drinks on a patio, but should bag one later this week and the other early next week. So I will see how this all works out. And GOD, it's a relief from the boredom of lockdown!

Oh, and after I had connected with both these Bumble girls off-line, my profile on Bumble got tagged and taken down. Now I am shut out of that particular honey-pot. So it's a good thing I migrated off the site when I did!I tried Bumble for a bit but struggled with all the same things as you. Waste of time. Your perception of SA is WRONG tho. Yes plenty of pros on there. Easy to screen out. Also find SB virgins. And a lot in between. No shortage of non-pro and semi-pro girls. But thanks for the Insights. Very interesting.

Elvis 2008
07-20-20, 23:07
Mine also said she had just made $40,000 currency trading that day.Yeah, right before she lost $50,000.

But clearly she was trying to goad me into manning up and investing with her.This is right out of the Imarkets live hand book, an Amway type organization for trading currencies. They put up pictures of all their fabulous wealth and locations they have been to, and all these chicas have zero in their bank account. I do not care how hot a chick is if she is with that organization I will bail. They will spend all day hawking their shit. They will claim not to be hookers, but they are the worst hookers there are.

Multilevel marketing companies are a magnet for narcissists. If any chick mentions any MLM, my advice is run Forest run.

07-21-20, 18:22
I did bump into a Chinese girl on tinder who tried me to get into bullion trading. Very persistent. Didn't trade a penny.

Yeah, right before she lost $50,000.

This is right out of the Imarkets live hand book, an Amway type organization for trading currencies. They put up pictures of all their fabulous wealth and locations they have been to, and all these chicas have zero in their bank account. I do not care how hot a chick is if she is with that organization I will bail. They will spend all day hawking their shit. They will claim not to be hookers, but they are the worst hookers there are.

Multilevel marketing companies are a magnet for narcissists. If any chick mentions any MLM, my advice is run Forest run.

Gentleman Travel
07-22-20, 20:50
I had four or five of those contacts recently, took me a while to figure out what they are up to. Two had Asian numbers (claiming to be in Hongkong), two had UK numbers. One chat (going over four or five days) finally made obvious what she was up to: She said she is a crypto currency trader in London, working with BTCA. She seemed to be ready to take it slow, as we came to the subject quite patiently. Finally when she started to deflect all other topics she lost her temper, called me a "stupid stock market guy" and left the conversation. In the beginning she spoke about planning a trip to Rome and therefore checking out my profile. Same for the other girls: they are all coming to Europe, supposedly. Contact was made on SA.Yes, half of them have been talking crypto currency and the other half currency exchange rate trading. And yes, as Elvis says, they show profile photos of wealth, fashion and travel.

The sad part, is some people hear about this kind of trading and think it is real (which of course it can be, in rarefied circles) and think they can make money that way. My Jamaican GF#1 recently asked me to get her a notebook so she could start foreign exchange trading. I thought, but could not say - "Honey, if you need me to get the notebook, what are you going to use for risk capital? What do you, who have never left Jamaica, know about currency trading?" I mean, I have a degree in Economics, a background in accounting & finance, completed the securities course, and constantly translate four currencies back and forth in my head every day in the normal course of business, and I wouldn't dare to think I could make any money trying to out-guess the market. So I steered GF#1 back into a modest plan to import eyelash extensions. A business and a market she knows more about than I do, which is as it should be. But I've talked to several girls in Jamaica who think they can make money in some kind of day trading activity, which is absurd and heart-breaking.

07-22-20, 20:54
Covid is driving me crazy!

I haven't traveled domestically or internationally (preferrred) in months. My edibles are running low, and I haven't had a new face in my lap in a while. This is getting old, really fast! Not here to complain because we are all experiencing the same thing. Instead, I am considering the positive. Where to venture next? I have a german girl that has kept in touch over the last few months pretty intensely (didn't meet on SA), so Germany will definitely be one of my stops. I'm not an FKK guy, but I have been told to check it out. Not a fan of in the club sex, or a quick bust and go, hence the reason I, like you, chose the SB route. I do want to experience it though, and check it off the list.

The reason I'm writing. 2 separate questions below:

Where do you guys like to go for SB hunting? I personally like Berlin, Poland, and London. Lots of options and just my type (pretty faces. European vibe. Skinny - cool. Some don't want $$ Prague has a lot of options, but I've had to work harder in czechia than in some other places. I've personally had just as much fun with the escorts there and the price is about the same (if you know where to look).

I'm considering the West Coast (Seattle / Vancouver / Portland) for some exploration. I have some clients over there and I love the weather and the vibe. Anybody got experience in this region? Any patterns / scams noticed, etc?

I tried SA in Denver and I found a lot of interest, but the SBs want too much for too little. They had that privileged vibe that I haven't seen much of in my normal stomping grounds (europe).

Let me know what you guys think.

Elvis 2008
07-23-20, 01:15
Covid is driving me crazy!

Where do you guys like to go for SB hunting? I personally like Berlin, Poland, and London. Lots of options and just my type (pretty faces. European vibe. Skinny - cool. Some don't want $$ Prague has a lot of options, but I've had to work harder in czechia than in some other places. I've personally had just as much fun with the escorts there and the price is about the same (if you know where to look)..My taste in women is similar to yours. I go for a combination of two things. The first is a place with low living expenses, and the second are places where beautiful women flock.

I think Latinas fuck and treat men better than anywhere outside of Asia, and Asian women usually do not do much for me. The beauties in South America are in Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. My favorite is Colombia. The women are pretty, great in bed, not too demanding $$ wise, and treat men very well. The best looking and performing women are in Brazil, Sao Paulo in particular, but they in general are more shallow, not as loyal, and more money hungry than Colombian women.

As for now, you can hobby internationally in Mexico. I just got back from Cancun where I met the Mexican beauty below. The best place to find a SB in Mexico IMO is Mexico City, and I have hooked up with Colombian, Venezuelan, and Mexican women there.

I'm considering the West Coast (Seattle / Vancouver / Portland) for some exploration. I have some clients over there and I love the weather and the vibe. Anybody got experience in this region? Any patterns / scams noticed, etc?

I tried SA in Denver and I found a lot of interest, but the SBs want too much for too little. They had that privileged vibe that I haven't seen much of in my normal stomping grounds (europe).I think the best quality to value ratio is Southern central USA: Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia, Tennessee. Florida has hot women but they usually want too much. If you thought the women in Denver wanted too much, then forget about the West Coast. Women there want crazy money IMO. The states I listed have good looking women but living expenses are usually not that high.

There are pluses and minuses to Covid. I find four 10's in Mexico City on a trip there after pretty much striking out on my last two pre-Covid trips. All the 10's joined SA because they lost their jobs due to Covid. Also, flights, resorts are much more pleasant due to a lack of crowding due to traffic. Also in cities like Mexico City, you can get places in 15 minutes that used to take hours because of how much less traffic there is.

On the downside, not going to Colombia is killing me.

Steve 9696
07-23-20, 01:52
Covid is driving me crazy!

I haven't traveled domestically or internationally (preferrred) in months. My edibles are running low, and I haven't had a new face in my lap in a while. This is getting old, really fast! Not here to complain because we are all experiencing the same thing. Instead, I am considering the positive. Where to venture next? I have a german girl that has kept in touch over the last few months pretty intensely (didn't meet on SA), so Germany will definitely be one of my stops. I'm not an FKK guy, but I have been told to check it out. Not a fan of in the club sex, or a quick bust and go, hence the reason I, like you, chose the SB route. I do want to experience it though, and check it off the list.

The reason I'm writing. 2 separate questions below:

Where do you guys like to go for SB hunting? I personally like Berlin, Poland, and London. Lots of options and just my type (pretty faces. European vibe. Skinny - cool. Some don't want $$ Prague has a lot of options, but I've had to work harder in czechia than in some other places. I've personally had just as much fun with the escorts there and the price is about the same (if you know where to look).

I'm considering the West Coast (Seattle / Vancouver / Portland) for some exploration. I have some clients over there and I love the weather and the vibe. Anybody got experience in this region? Any patterns / scams noticed, etc?

I tried SA in Denver and I found a lot of interest, but the SBs want too much for too little. They had that privileged vibe that I haven't seen much of in my normal stomping grounds (europe).

Let me know what you guys think.I know this is not the FKK forum but to respond to your first comment above. I am totally a girlfriend type of guy. Love the dinner. Love the dancing. Love the flirting. It's the best. But FKK is unique and sooooo worth your time. It too is a complete experience in a different way. Just a complete lusty tour de force. Find a hottie and have an hour of pleasure. Eat at the buffet. Have another hottie. Drink some beers. Have a sauna. Have another hottie. Get a massage. Nap a little. Have another. My max is five but I am a lightweight compared to some guys. It's truly heavenly but in a different way from the "one girl complete evening" thing. Both are awesome. If you are over 45 bring the Viagra. You will be glad you did. FKK is a MUST do for every man.

On SA in the states — be prepared for expense compared to elsewhere because prostitution is illegal and the legality or not sets the price throughout the world. In big cities you should expect $300 is a good deal. $400 common. And $500 the norm in NYC and SF for example. Don't be too discouraged by your Denver experience. You have to be very persistent. When I started looking in my home town I was having very average girls quoting $800. WTF? I was mystified and depressed. In the end found four girls who would all regularly see me at $300 PPM. It's a number game. Keep plugging away.

Steve 9696
07-23-20, 02:03
I know this is not the FKK forum but to respond to your first comment above. I am totally a girlfriend type of guy. Love the dinner. Love the dancing. Love the flirting. It's the best. But FKK is unique and sooooo worth your time. It too is a complete experience in a different way. Just a complete lusty tour de force. Find a hottie and have an hour of pleasure. Eat at the buffet. Have another hottie. Drink some beers. Have a sauna. Have another hottie. Get a massage. Nap a little. Have another. My max is five but I am a lightweight compared to some guys. It's truly heavenly but in a different way from the "one girl complete evening" thing. Both are awesome. If you are over 45 bring the Viagra. You will be glad you did. FKK is a MUST do for every man.

On SA in the states be prepared for expense compared to elsewhere because prostitution is illegal and the legality or not sets the price throughout the world. In big cities you should expect $300 is a good deal. $400 common. And $500 the norm in NYC and SF for example. Don't be too discouraged by your Denver experience. You have to be very persistent. When I started looking in my home town I was having very average girls quoting $800. WTF? I was mystified and depressed. In the end found four girls who would all regularly see me at $300 PPM. It's a number game. Keep plugging away.German FKK is not open yet AFAIK. But Swiss is, including the legendary Globe. So is Aphrodisia not technically an FKK but a unique experience of its own. A small bar with 30+ hot girls and maybe 5-6 guys tops. Completely free - no cover and free drinks — including alcoholic drinks. WTF? They are betting that as you sip your free Scotch you will not be able to resist a hottie. So far they are right!

07-23-20, 02:05
I tried SA in Denver and I found a lot of interest, but the SBs want too much for too little. They had that privileged vibe that I haven't seen much of in my normal stomping grounds (europe).

Let me know what you guys think.Covid is changing the rules for all of us. The reality is that none of us will be travelling freely PLUS every country will have a distrust of overseas visitors. The EU has already banned USA.

The common aspect of your adventures is that you are more attractive when you are from out of town.

One concept I am considering here in my town is creating my SA profile as an 'out of town' visitor that is visiting my home town. So my SA profile will be based in another city with the story that I will be in this town for regular periods. I just feel it may appeal to different ladies and the ones that say they want 'serious ongoing' may be more willing to take on a ONS knowing that I won't be here for long.

Just my strategy.


07-23-20, 02:15
I'm considering the West Coast (Seattle / Vancouver / Portland) for some exploration. I have some clients over there and I love the weather and the vibe. Anybody got experience in this region? Any patterns / scams noticed, etc?

Let me know what you guys think.I tried SA in both Portland and Seattle. It was great in Portland, but I didn't have much luck in Seattle. In my experience, the bigger the city, the more chaotic is SA. So, I guess that's why Portland worked out better for me. In Portland, there are lots and lots of SBs, but not many rich guys. So, it's a buyers market. One time, when I suddenly found myself on a short one day business trip to Portland, I scanned SA during my lunch break and contacted a half dozen girls to see if any would be available that very night, and I actually got two girls that were ready and willing. I picked the cute skinny blonde. We had a great date, just shooting whisky and talking and laughing, and she stayed overnight and that was awesome, and then she even drove me to the airport the next day, haha. Sorry, I digress. Anyway, so yeah, SA in Portland is very good. I'm not basing this just on that one experience. I was in Portland somewhat regularly, and it was always pretty good. My typically price point was $300 PPM. Even that skinny blonde girl told me that she has so much competition with other SBs in Portland.

One caveat, my information is based on experience from a few years ago. The SA market in both of places may have changed.

And if you ever have to go to Seattle, you can hit the AMPS for FS. I use rubmaps to get intel on AMPS. But in general, even the AMPS in Seattle are not that good.

Finally, you also mentioned Vancouver. I don't have experience in Vancouver, but I do have experience in Niagara Falls, Canada. Wow, SA is fantastic in Niagara Falls. BUT you have to be willing to up the age a bit. Yes, there are 20-something SBs in Niagara Falls, but if you're willing to meet up with 30-somethings too, then you've hit the jackpot. So many SBs! I guess Niagara Falls is a place where almost everyone works in the tourism business, and they are all making low salaries, so a lot of them are on SA. My price point there was also $300 PPM, and this is in Canadian dollars. But again, you have to be willing to meet up with 30-somethings in Niagara Falls. There aren't many young gals there.

07-23-20, 06:18
Covid is changing the rules for all of us. The reality is that none of us will be travelling freely PLUS every country will have a distrust of overseas visitors. The EU has already banned USA.

The common aspect of your adventures is that you are more attractive when you are from out of town.

One concept I am considering here in my town is creating my SA profile as an 'out of town' visitor that is visiting my home town. So my SA profile will be based in another city with the story that I will be in this town for regular periods. I just feel it may appeal to different ladies and the ones that say they want 'serious ongoing' may be more willing to take on a ONS knowing that I won't be here for long.

Just my strategy.

PP.I appreciate the advice guys!

It sounds like 300 PPM is the going rate (approximately). That sounds about right. I would usually do 300 euro per meet so, this comes out cheaper after the exchange. Even though I don't speak very highly of Denver, it was actually a pretty decent meet and only cost me 200. I have my personal principles when it comes to paying 500. It's just not going to happen. I took that road early in my SA days. I wasn't thinking clearly at the time, but I'm glad I didn't pay her. She pretty much set the mood in my hotel room and them told me that I need to prove that I'm serious with 500 euro at that very moment. Again, that was my earlier, less experienced days.

Latinas. Love them. So I might have to try Mexico or South America. Your girl in the pics fit my type exactly!

As for the states you mentioned, you may be onto something. I'd be willing to try out Dallas or Baton Rouge. I just searched dallas in Seeking and the vibe of these girls already seems welcoming. I'm seeing more "let's hang out", and "whiskey drinker and intelligent", instead of "model looking for the perfect SD" or "Can you give the best" (Miami). LOL. A very different vibe that hopefully is reflected in the local prices.

FKK. Sounds amazing. Need to check it off the list definitely. I hadn't thought of being there for an extended amount of time to chill out. You mentioned 5 girls in a day, massages, chill, buffet. This sounds like a fucking amazing spa or something. Def going to give it a shot.

I've been to Aphrodisia. It's was an interesting experience. No cover, free drinks, etc. When I was there, it was only me (alone) and 2 other guys. There were probably about 10-12 girls hanging around. Definitely a new experience at the time. I wanted one girl, but there was a language gap. LOL. Most of the girls there were Romanian. I know a decent amount of romanian, so that made the experience a bit better. I don't' think I would go again (room rates felt high) but I would also recommend this place to anyone in town.

I have only had 2 meets in the states and both have been in Denver. I don't think international travel is in the cards anytime soon, so domestic SBs are now on the menu.

Out of town discussion. I'm always the OOT guy. It works for and against you. I usually try to bridge the gap by mentioning that I'm moving into the city, or that I'll be there very often (like once / twice a week) in order to cast the widest net and include the SB that don't like traveling guys. In your case, it's not a bad idea to play the travel game. Make sure your SB knows that you are always leaving, just came back, or about to leave (but keep in contact when you are "out of town". This is a major key in keeping her warm for your future visits) If you do this, she will fit more to your schedule because she understands "how busy you are" and there is a rapport because of your continued contact when you are so busy. She will magically understand (I'm serious. It's like they innately feel the need to relax you bc travel has been so rough for you) to keep you happy when you finally have a moment to rest from travel, and put your balls in her mouth, and why?. Because you're a great guy! LOL.

Steve 9696
07-23-20, 15:06
Yeah sorry forgot to mention for others that Aphrodisia is heart stoppingly expensive. USD $280/ HALF hour. (If you have coin it is worth the experience. But it can't compare in value to Globe just across town at $140/ half — guaranteed GFE service. Or Germany at $65/ half hour at the FKKs. Of course the FKKs have $80-100 entry fee só doing one girl isn't very practical or cost effective.

Almost always the differences in Dollars other than legality is the EXPERIENCE not the girl. In Brazil you can have a spectacular half hour with a 7-8 for $30 (no lie) but if you want an experience go to Scandallo for a few hours and have a girl for one of those hours. Will set you back $300 or 10 X. It's the experience not the girl.

And yeah, Lshroomer I am like you. I have this mental block at $500/ HR just can't do it. Will keep looking till I find $400 or less even if it takes months! It's a hard stop for me. LOL.

07-23-20, 17:20
Yeah sorry forgot to mention for others that Aphrodisia is heart stoppingly expensive. USD $280/ HALF hour. (If you have coin it is worth the experience. But it can't compare in value to Globe just across town at $140/ half guaranteed GFE service. Or Germany at $65/ half hour at the FKKs. Of course the FKKs have $80-100 entry fee s doing one girl isn't very practical or cost effective.

Almost always the differences in Dollars other than legality is the EXPERIENCE not the girl. In Brazil you can have a spectacular half hour with a 7-8 for $30 (no lie) but if you want an experience go to Scandallo for a few hours and have a girl for one of those hours. Will set you back $300 or 10 X. It's the experience not the girl.

And yeah, Lshroomer I am like you. I have this mental block at $500/ HR just can't do it. Will keep looking till I find $400 or less even if it takes months! It's a hard stop for me. LOL.I couldn't agree more. It's the experience 100%. For me, it's being in a new city (or new parts of a known city), having drinks, chilling in rooftop lounges, flirting, smoking shisha (hookah), and dining, all while thinking that I'll probably be balls deep in this girl by the end of the night. That is the "drug" that keeps me coming back.

I haven't been to Brazil before, but I've heard good things. And the picture that you painted of Brazil in your report sounds amazing. THis may be on my list when the world opens up as well. It looks like they want to start clinical trials for a COVID vaccine, so maybe early 2021 for international travel. Who knows?


07-23-20, 22:13
Hello bothers,

Can someone please guide me about how can the one week subscription taken on SA be stopped from auto renewal of one doesn't want to continue. Thanks.

07-24-20, 00:29
Yeah sorry forgot to mention for others that Aphrodisia is heart stoppingly expensive. USD $280/ HALF hour. (If you have coin it is worth the experience. But it can't compare in value to Globe just across town at $140/ half guaranteed GFE service. Or Germany at $65/ half hour at the FKKs. Of course the FKKs have $80-100 entry fee s doing one girl isn't very practical or cost effective.

Almost always the differences in Dollars other than legality is the EXPERIENCE not the girl. In Brazil you can have a spectacular half hour with a 7-8 for $30 (no lie) but if you want an experience go to Scandallo for a few hours and have a girl for one of those hours. Will set you back $300 or 10 X. It's the experience not the girl.

And yeah, Lshroomer I am like you. I have this mental block at $500/ HR just can't do it. Will keep looking till I find $400 or less even if it takes months! It's a hard stop for me. LOL.You are correct about the experience, but it is also about exclusivity. Who can gain access. The better girls don't want to deal with the tight spender, and the big spender do not want to wait. They want their €£¥ to get them to the front of the line.

Steve 9696
07-24-20, 00:52
I couldn't agree more. It's the experience 100%. For me, it's being in a new city (or new parts of a known city), having drinks, chilling in rooftop lounges, flirting, smoking shisha (hookah), and dining, all while thinking that I'll probably be balls deep in this girl by the end of the night. That is the "drug" that keeps me coming back.

I haven't been to Brazil before, but I've heard good things. And the picture that you painted of Brazil in your report sounds amazing. THis may be on my list when the world opens up as well. It looks like they want to start clinical trials for a COVID vaccine, so maybe early 2021 for international travel. Who knows?

02.I have quite a few Scandallo stories but this is the most recent, has some good color around the experience and is in fact the single best experience of my life considering the lead-up, a 9.5 in face and body, and a 9.5 in bed. It truly does not get better than Scandallo and Andressa. Those who like SA for the experience will enjoy Scandallo for the same reasons. And Brasileiras are unique worldwide in their GFE. It's never fake. They want to be there and totally commit for their time with you.

This was last summer.


So it's the very last night of my trip and where else would I choose to go but Scandallo? I was drag ass tired and considered not going. What a mistake that would have been. So, professional that I am, I powered thru.

I roll up around 11 PM and it's quite packed like one would expect. First I spend a bit of time on the patio. It's more relaxed out there, before the crush of the club. A few pretty girls that are maybes but no one lights me up.

I decide to wade into the thick of it, which is the main area with the band and grab my second drink. And it's packed. Pretty much have to turn sideways to wend your way thru the crowd. I can't really estimate but surely over 100 girls just in that part, maybe 150? It is a buffet that is unequalled worldwide in my opinion.

I have a certain type and it's a very narrow window. So out of the 150 I will probably find 5 or less that are up my alley even tho they are all pretty in their own way. At some point Julliana from last week appears. She is a sweet girl and pretty and I would repeat under other circumstances. But not with such a target rich environment. So I give her a kiss and move on (later I find out she was pissed. But hey.).

I find one of the very best places to do the girl-buffet is up near the stage to the right. You can stand on the little step there and for some reason a lot of the ladies have a loop that goes right by there. But bear in mind others never leave the back of the room so you need to work both.

While the ladies are on parade there are one or two who catch my eye and I file them for future reference. One particular beauty is wearing a floral print top and matching wrap-around skirt. She has lovely dark eyes and long black hair. Tawny skin. Just my type. We make brief but meaningful eye contact.

This reminds me, it is very interesting how the game is played:

1 Eye contact and quick eye aversion. One of the parties is not interested. Move on.

2 Brief eye contact - 2-3 seconds. Dig you let's talk later.

3 Strong sustained eye contact. Let's talk right now baby.

The irony with number 2 is if you are careful not to let it go to defcon 3 then you only get a brief look at your girl. My tropical girl gets eye contact level 2 - I need further confirmation and file her for later.

Later when I am surveying from the back of the room, I notice that tropical-girl is next to me. I do another quick meeting of the eyes and then drop after a couple seconds. As I turn away, it hits me she is the one. So I reengage and turn towards her and engage her in my broken Portugus. (In retrospect I realize that she is not next to me by accident. She had marked me also after the first gaze and sought me out. Well good for her because she got it right!)

Wow fuck this girl is a real doll. We chat briefly but it's very loud in the club. So we adjourn to the couches in the hall. I'd never really noticed that there are nice couches lining the hall between the restaurant and the club. What a great place to get to know each other. And we do. She's got an architectural degree and hopes to practice soon. She says she loves Scandallo because it's so classy and I agree.

God she is beautiful and I need to move this to the next level but don't want to do a room and be done. So I ask if she wants a drink and does she like dancing. Sim and sim! (All discussion is Portugus. She knows no English.).

So we head back to the main part of the club. She is very girlfriendy, leading me by the hand. We get her a drink and find a section in the middle where there are some tables that create sufficient dancing space. So we put our drinks here and start some dancing. Well not really. More like hips to hips swaying regardless of the beat. And some grinding and gyrating.

The dancing is very sexy and intimate. One of the things that melts my soul is when a girl looks deep into my eyes. Not enough of this so far this trip including my spectacular BA girlfriend. So when Andressa concentrates those liquid browns on mine it is delicious. We lean in and kiss a little. Light stuff at first. A little tongue mixed in as things progress. I honestly enjoy this as much as the room. I did it with Josy for an hour or so last week and loved it. With Andressa it is not the full on tongue tangled mackin like Josy, but very pleasant. And the balance will tip toward Andressa In the room, where she is a goddess.

After 20 minutes or it could be a half hour of dance-flirting I think we were both ready for the room. We do it via Google translate. She initiates with "What do you like to do during sex". Nice. I like the directness. "I like blowjob without condom. And kissing in missionary". Hoping just for an OK, I instead get a surprising "I love BJ without condom. " Which clearly is no lie we discover later.

The room is down the elevator and back up the stairs. R200 at the counter. Again led by the hand, we find our room.

Standing by the bed she faces me and does the full on liquid brown eyes and we kiss a bit. She then turns around and I untie her top. This BFGF part is very sexy and I love when girls do it. It's the first exposure to her tits and they are spectacular BeeCups. Super fine. We get her skirt off as well and then she undoes my buttons and belt. I love being undressed and she is very sexy doing it.

After showers she puts me on my back, straddles me, and sexily crawls up me till we are face to face and plants a strong kiss on me. Love kissing her. She lies fully on top of me, naked junk to lady parts. Gets me rather hard just moving our hips.

Then like a sexy cat she crawls back down and takes me in her mouth, never breaking eye contact. And she is VERY good downstairs. Top one or two of the trip. Lots of licking while giving the doe eyes. Plenty of BLS. A nice buffet of blowjob. Fortunately her being the tenth (ish) fuck of the trip I have plenty of stamina and don't threaten a stack-blowing despite her skills.

Now it's her turn as I turn her on her back. I start by just kissing her deeply but then work down to those spectacular tits. She doesn't get the mega hard nipples like Jana the prior night but she seems to respond in a basic way. Now it's time to move on down.

I take my time going there hoping to get her worked up. When I reach the goal I start some really good tongue work. Her clit is a bit covered so I push up the surrounding flesh to get better access (learned this recently). But despite this, the response is pretty demure. At five or so minutes in, I think she is bored and maybe I should stop. But I do something right and get a little breath intake and head grab. So I keep at it. Sure enough she is just a super slow build.

I spend quite some time working on her as she slow-builds. The magic ticket tho is when I work my index finger inside and curl it back to her Gspot. Using both tongue and fingers is getting her super hot and bothered. I start to feel a small wave and then a huge bucking wave of pussy clamps. Don't know that I've felt that strong a reaction inside a pussy ever before. Made me feel great that I could get her off like that.

Afterwards she just lies fully spent just staring up at me with something like admiration or gratitude. This was no act. She is like a limp wet fish so completely satisfied. But she wants to reciprocate so does a bit more BJ then she grabs the condom and starts riding cowgirl. What a sight! Perfect tits pressed together. Sometimes she'll throw her head back and put her arms back and lean back, just letting go. Fuck she is a stunner -- like a 9. 5.

She switches to RCG which I don't usually prefer but she does a great job. After a while I move her to her back and plunge into Mish. This is really really good. Lots of Mish kissing but she seems to like it best when she buried her face in my neck and wraps her legs strong around me. This is so fine I think I may cum in Mish which I love. But it fades.

In the end, we roll over and lose the condom and she works me by mouth. She has to use every trick in the book and is down at least another ten minutes maybe more. Spectacular climax with ten minutes left on the room.

So we shower, I get her number (ALWAYS do this with Brasileiras) and later get some model-level pics the next day via WhatsApp. Wow what a girl!

P.S. If anyone wants other Brazil Boate stories Scandallo, Bomboa, Casarao etc. Just hit me up with a message.

07-24-20, 02:55
Hello bothers,

Can someone please guide me about how can the one week subscription taken on SA be stopped from auto renewal of one doesn't want to continue. Thanks.Go to Setting, Payment to cancel but I don't know about weekly subscription.

07-24-20, 03:01
Hello bothers,

Can someone please guide me about how can the one week subscription taken on SA be stopped from auto renewal of one doesn't want to continue. Thanks.Which country are you that has a one week option? Here in Aust is a one month minimum.

07-24-20, 12:00
Which country are you that has a one week option? Here in Aust is a one month minimum.Hello brothers,

My apologies, it's one Month and not one week.

I did that faux pas.


What's the way out.

07-25-20, 01:27
Hello brothers,

My apologies, it's one Month and not one week.
No problem, I was just thinking I was missing out.

I have previously had a one week subscription from SA. Their signup process had made me a "sugarbabe" instead of a sugardaddy, My subscription price was USD20 for a month which I paid before realizing the problem. SA customer service switched my profile and rather than refund the $$ they gave me a 7 day subscription as a SD.

The way out of your subscription is to go into your Account settings / Subscription and just removed the autorenewal. I always suggest deleting or card details also.


07-25-20, 02:15
I joined SA about two mos ago. FYI, I am in the San Francisco area.

At first I received a lot of favorites and messages. Most were from my area. Some were from Venezuela, Phillipines, Europe and Africa.

So far I have met 9 women. The first mtgs were M&G over drinks where I offered $200 to show I was serious. Recap:

1. Eastern Euro. She appeared about 10 years older than pics. Was 30 min late to a bar that was 5 min from her place. Not seeing her again.

2. Early 20's Filipina. She changed the time by 3 hours while I was halfway to meeting. Made you turn and then I blocked.

3. Mainland Chinese. Late 20's. Hot bod. Boring. Wants $500 per mtg. I'm not interested. Bye!

4. 30 yr old Latina. Very good looking. Have hung out two more times. Platonic and I'm OK with that. A little too fussy and bossy. Probably done with her.

5. Viet. 23. Cute. Hung out twice. Too far to drive. I'm done.

6. Early 30's Colombian. Holy fuck. Hot! Wants $500 for two hours. I'm done.

7. 27 yr old Taiwanese. Cute. Drinks too much. A little psycho. I'm done.

8. 22 yr old in Guadalajara. Cute. Fatter in person. Nice girl. I'm done.

9. 23 yr old Filipina. Very cute. Enjoyed convo. Wants $500 per mtg. No time limit. Will see again because I am horny.So you would give a $200 allowance for the first M & G, without any actions? Wow, this is the USA. I am so used to the FKK scene in Europe. For $200, I could bang a hot chic at FKK Globe in Zurich a la public sex style.

With all the current EU travel bans against Americans, I now have no choice but to learn how to play in the USA.

07-25-20, 02:38
Best to just do it when traveling. Two big problems locally finding a place to meet up that is discreet and if you book the hotel it will have your name and probsbly address on it. Better to stick to traveling only. Might consider locally an advanced skill if at all.

If you are a girl enthusiast then having a burner phone is pretty much a must. Treat it like a live grenade tho. Never use your real name with a girl ever. At least that's my advise if you have something to lose.There is an alternative to a burner phone. I have used the KIK app to communicate with the girls. It's anonymous I think.

07-25-20, 03:20
There is an alternative to a burner phone. I have used the KIK app to communicate with the girls. It's anonymous I think.My experience is that most women in US want phone numbers so a messaging app is not useful.

07-25-20, 04:00
My experience is that most women in US want phone numbers so a messaging app is not useful.I use the Hushed app. It's a phone number. You can use it for calling or for texting. It used to be clunky, but now it's great. Girls call and text me on it all the time, and they think it's my real cell phone number.

07-25-20, 04:03
So you would give a $200 allowance for the first M & G, without any actions? Wow, this is the USA. I am so used to the FKK scene in Europe. For $200, I could bang a hot chic at FKK Globe in Zurich a la public sex style.

With all the current EU travel bans against Americans, I now have no choice but to learn how to play in the USA.You don't have to give $200 for the first M&G. Some gals ask for it, but just move to the next gal. Sometimes, I might say okay to $40, because maybe they have to pay for their Uber, but not often, since I tell them to suggest a meeting spot near them. If you pay $200 for M&G, then jeezus, what would they want for PPM?

07-25-20, 05:04
No problem, I was just thinking I was missing out.

I have previously had a one week subscription from SA. Their signup process had made me a "sugarbabe" instead of a sugardaddy, My subscription price was USD20 for a month which I paid before realizing the problem. SA customer service switched my profile and rather than refund the $$ they gave me a 7 day subscription as a SD.

The way out of your subscription is to go into your Account settings / Subscription and just removed the autorenewal. I always suggest deleting or card details also.

PP.Thanks brother.

Steve 9696
07-25-20, 11:51
You don't have to give $200 for the first M&G. Some gals ask for it, but just move to the next gal. Sometimes, I might say okay to $40, because maybe they have to pay for their Uber, but not often, since I tell them to suggest a meeting spot near them. If you pay $200 for M&G, then jeezus, what would they want for PPM?Agree with MW. Not sure what Vendelo was saying about giving $200 for a meet and greet. Definitely super bad practice and not advised, nor necessary. Any girl that wants money up front is a hard pass. If they ask for CashApp upfront that's an instablock.

As MW says you can offer to pay her Uber or better yet send her one (burner phone helps here too) but this is not expected or must do. Most girls when I've offered that have been pleasantly surprised.

Gentleman Travel
07-25-20, 17:10
I've been trying to see if I can meet recruit a SB without resorting to SA. Maybe it's just a prejudice or my imagination, but I am concerned that girls off SA will be too professional or expect too much $$ I am kind of a "Sugar Daddy Lite"....

In the two weeks or so of doing this I have had a handful of responses, some reasonably direct about compensation. Generally I have not been too aggressive or direct in my responses on the theory that these girls are not escorts and some may be shy talking about money. Ex-SB thinks I'm wrong and need to close the deal more quickly before the girls get swamped with other messages, as they tend to on Tinder.

At first I was getting almost no interest on Bumble, which you may know is different in that the girl has to make the first contact. So you're kind of helpless there. But then, after two weeks, I suddenly got a small crop of responses there and at least two excellent prospects. I have now met with those two prospects who are basically a 7 (okay cute, big tits but also not slender) and an 8 (pretty and slender but modest tits). I've had explicit discussions with them about expectations about prices and service (BBBJ) and we've agreed on $250 per meeting, which I think is a pretty good price and may eventually include them hosting. The 8 has had SDs before but the 7 has not.

I have not test-driven either of them yet, just had drinks on a patio, but should bag one later this week and the other early next week. So I will see how this all works out. And GOD, it's a relief from the boredom of lockdown!

Oh, and after I had connected with both these Bumble girls off-line, my profile on Bumble got tagged and taken down. Now I am shut out of that particular honey-pot. So it's a good thing I migrated off the site when I did!Just to follow up on my earlier report. I have now test-driven the 8 from Bumble and it was quite a good experience. She was even cuter than I remembered (so verging on a 9) and was eager to get down to business when we met.

Maybe even a little too eager. I like to take things slowly to let the excitement build. But she was keen to get naked and start blowing me, so who am I to complain? Originally we were going to have to postpone our date because she got her period, but after gently suggesting that I would be open to an all-oral encounter, she eagerly agreed! Some girl just feel awful during their period and some girls get extra horny. She is the latter.

So she blew me to completion (CIM) but I don't think she swallowed. I didn't insist, this time.

Then she decided that her period was not so serious at the time, so for the second round I fucked her and she blew me before and after. So that was nice.

All this for $250, so that was a pretty good deal.

All the same, it felt a little bit escorty, which took some of the romance out of it. But all the same, it was a pretty good GFE combined with her doing whatever I wanted, so again, who's to complain?

Bizarrely, she seems to have a good job, has a car, her own apartment, etc, so why she is fucking an old guy like me for a few hundred bucks every few weeks, is a bit of a mystery. She may have another SD or two, but cannot be doing this too often, because her job is pretty demanding. So she is not a real escort with clients every day. Just me and maybe another guy a couple of time a month.

Anyway, I've experienced this before, so I just accept it without understanding.

Banging Bumble#2 later this week. Will see how that goes.

07-25-20, 17:27
I use the Hushed app. It's a phone number. You can use it for calling or for texting. It used to be clunky, but now it's great. Girls call and text me on it all the time, and they think it's my real cell phone number.I didn't know about Hushed. That's a good option.

Another option to consider is Google Voice. I have used this in the US and just like MW, you have a real number, with an area code that you can choose (if you told the girl you are from a certain city, etc). I have been able to call / text just like normal and as I have stated before, it is linked to my monger email account that I can ghost at any moment. Keep your options open.


07-25-20, 18:01
Agree with MW. Not sure what Vendelo was saying about giving $200 for a meet and greet. Definitely super bad practice and not advised, nor necessary. Any girl that wants money up front is a hard pass. If they ask for CashApp upfront that's an instablock.

As MW says you can offer to pay her Uber or better yet send her one (burner phone helps here too) but this is not expected or must do. Most girls when I've offered that have been pleasantly surprised.Steve covered this already and his advice is spot on! But my gosh I have to be a second voice to seriously emphasize what we have been saying for a while now, that you should not be paying to meet the girl! Nothing! That is extremely bad practice. You can't put the girl in the driver's seat. She wants what's in your wallet and you want what's in her pants. Neither has a higher value (unless you assign a higher value to it). In all honesty, if she wants to compare how much time is worth, then in most cases they should be paying us. Comparing a professional's rate per hour to a college (or fresh out of college) girl's pay rate easily shows that our time is worth more (example: a consultant making 250/ HR compared to single mom / college girl making 20/ HR.). Just saying.

I personally don't allow much direction from the girl early on. I pick the initial venues for safety, etc. After I know her a bit, I don't mind going to places that she likes. I had one girl that I was getting along with great and we were supposed to meet for lunch. I probably would have been banging her that night. We were supposed to meet at 1 pm. She texted me, "Call me an uber at 1230". What? LOL. No request? Not "Can you call me an uber?" (I would have). I don't take kindly to demands. I probably suffer from having too many choices and attention on SA, but I cut her at that moment. No questions, no response, nothing. Move on to the next girl that I actually called an Uber for because she asked very nicely. LOL. My tolerance is almost nonexistent for demands, rudeness, greedy requests, or anything that's generally not nice. IMHO, we need to meet respectfully in the middle. After we decide to take the arrangement path, then we can have a great time as long as the benefits continue to flow freely in both directions. WIth that being said, I don't mind calling Uber to bring the girls to me. They usually like the gesture and it starts the communion on the right foot, but that is the most out of pocket that should be spent with an initial M&G IMHO.


07-26-20, 00:42
Steve covered this already and his advice is spot on! But my gosh I have to be a second voice to seriously emphasize what we have been saying for a while now, that you should not be paying to meet the girl! Nothing! That is extremely bad practice. You can't put the girl in the driver's seat. She wants what's in your wallet and you want what's in her pants. Neither has a higher value (unless you assign a higher value to it). In all honesty, if she wants to compare how much time is worth, then in most cases they should be paying us. Comparing a professional's rate per hour to a college (or fresh out of college) girl's pay rate easily shows that our time is worth more (example: a consultant making 250/ HR compared to single mom / college girl making 20/ HR.). Just saying.

I personally don't allow much direction from the girl early on. I pick the initial venues for safety, etc. After I know her a bit, I don't mind going to places that she likes. I had one girl that I was getting along with great and we were supposed to meet for lunch. I probably would have been banging her that night. We were supposed to meet at 1 pm. She texted me, "Call me an uber at 1230". What? LOL. No request? Not "Can you call me an uber?" (I would have). I don't take kindly to demands. I probably suffer from having too many choices and attention on SA, but I cut her at that moment. No questions, no response, nothing. Move on to the next girl that I actually called an Uber for because she asked very nicely. LOL. My tolerance is almost nonexistent for demands, rudeness, greedy requests, or anything that's generally not nice. IMHO, we need to meet respectfully in the middle. After we decide to take the arrangement path, then we can have a great time as long as the benefits continue to flow freely in both directions. WIth that being said, I don't mind calling Uber to bring the girls to me. They usually like the gesture and it starts the communion on the right foot, but that is the most out of pocket that should be spent with an initial M&G IMHO..I entirely second that. Any girl that is that demanding and disrespectful will be a handful. And you are unlikely to get a good experience. No matter how much you pay her, it will not be enough. We are not looking for high maintainace girls who behave like cheap hookers.

07-26-20, 22:37
I entirely second that. Any girl that is that demanding and disrespectful will be a handful. And you are unlikely to get a good experience. No matter how much you pay her, it will not be enough. We are not looking for high maintainace girls who behave like cheap hookers.It is amazing how many newbies there are on SA that fill this above profile. Girls join the site expecting that guys will be sending cash gifts there way just because they are girls. There may be the 0. 01% of SB that the stories / blogs get written about. These girls are stunners and performers I am sure.

For the majority of girls that join they need to accept that it's going to be cash for sex.

It would be interesting to know the SA stats on average life of a girl profile. So many seem to go dormant after 2-3 days and never come back.

Here's a SA protip. Did you know you can get a new profile with someone else's valid email address? If you think that a girl has blocked you, go to your incognito browser window, register a new account using the enquiry address of your local tyre shop or some other random but valid address ie elonm@tesla.com or sales@mytyreshop.co.uk . Then hit SKIP on all of the profile setup. You can now search profiles as needed. As long as you keep this incognito browser open, the login stays. Presumably the email will get the confirmation email into spam or ignore.


07-27-20, 03:27
I got the paid membership for the site couple of days back and it's been quiet an experience.

I get 10's of chicks from Venezuela and ever a few in US that want money for nude pics and videos. That's a pass, why would I pay money when so much is on the internet for free.

I haven't met anyone for lunch / dinner yet but looks like every one wants $500 per meeting one even wanted $1000 for each meeting and $5000 monthly, I'm not paying that kind of money.

There was one that wanted $200 to see me. She looked liked a hooker to begin with.

Then there was one that had the pictures of a beautiful blonde European girl but asked me to send gas money so she can come see me. Smelled like a scam from a mile away. Another one wanted me to send her $30 so she knows I'm serious. Waste of time. But that shows me there are guys falling for these scams.

Someone commented that average girl has a pretty short lifespan on SA, I agree with that.

07-27-20, 03:40
I haven't met anyone for lunch / dinner yet but looks like every one wants $500 per meeting one even wanted $1000 for each meeting and $5000 monthly, I'm not paying that kind of money.
Sounds like you are getting the entire gambit of claims. You can set filters on your messages which will ignore messages from girls more than Xx KMs away. That solves your Venezuelan problemo.

Think of the ridiculously high prices for virgin Japanese hillside wagyu beef hand raised by virgin heoibikuni as being on your favourite restaurant menu. It's reassuring to hear your 'venue' has high priced items but nobody is buying it. It simply serves to drag up the lower end prices.

Just remember it is the internet, be willing to block the obvious scams and put your mind the your defined target. Be sure to be specific about what you are seeking.


07-27-20, 04:00
I got the paid membership for the site couple of days back and it's been quiet an experience.

I get 10's of chicks from Venezuela and ever a few in US that want money for nude pics and videos. That's a pass, why would I pay money when so much is on the internet for free.

I haven't met anyone for lunch / dinner yet but looks like every one wants $500 per meeting one even wanted $1000 for each meeting and $5000 monthly, I'm not paying that kind of money.

There was one that wanted $200 to see me. She looked liked a hooker to begin with.

Then there was one that had the pictures of a beautiful blonde European girl but asked me to send gas money so she can come see me. Smelled like a scam from a mile away. Another one wanted me to send her $30 so she knows I'm serious. Waste of time. But that shows me there are guys falling for these scams.

Someone commented that average girl has a pretty short lifespan on SA, I agree with that.I contacted and chatted with hundreds of SBs over a 20 month period. Maybe I chatted with a 1000. I ended up only agreeing to meet 50-100, and then eventually hooked up with 23-25. That's not bad. That's hooking up with a non-pro hottie more than once per month. About half of them became regulars that lasted for a few months. Again, not bad. But it was like a full time job. I was on SA for hours every day to find these few gems. So, gems are out there, but it takes time.

I look for genuine stories on SA. Examples include the bored 23 year old recent college graduate who moved back in with her parents, or the nanny that needs extra income to pay her rent in a big city, or the graduate student who is tired on living on a limited budget, or the person who quit her job to start a new business. Stuff like that.

I also avoided SBs that were SA members for longer than a few months. Those SBs have become jaded and are pretty much pros now IMHO.

The profiles that just said, "SB wants to be spoiled by her SD" or "Just want to have fun" are ones that I just passed over. This is mostly because I was looking for semi-genuine GFE.

Good luck.

07-27-20, 20:51
Just wanted to thanks you guys for sharing your stories and experiences using SA.

I come from a small city in Canada so there is not a lot going on here in what I am looking for (Asian) on SA. At the present moment there are only 3 active Asian women in my city or within 100 miles and at my winter home in Mexico there are none! I did have a nice time with a young university student last year, I just love the way they take care of you.

That being said, I have been planning a trip to China but I guess I will put that on hold until this virus settles down. I have made contact with a few women in Hong Kong recently, lining up a few to visit while I am there. In our conversations most of them saying they enjoy making investments but none of them pushing me to invest which is strange. I have figured out almost all of them are living in mainland China but have a HK area code.

Thanks for sharing and I will contribute where and when I can.


Steve 9696
07-27-20, 23:43
Well I've been struggling a bit locally. Met one girl for lunch but she was a newbie and got cold feet the next day. Lesson: Stick to evening meetups and close the deal that night.

After struggling I widened my filter to wider age range and OK with kids. Much more active last couple days. Four girls looking quite likely (with age and kid downsides). But here's the funny thing — two are under 5 ft Latinas. One 4-9 and the other 4-10. Not kidding. WTF? A rush on tiny Latinas! They both seem DTF. One more a pro. One sorta new but not shy.

Oh and $400 keeps emerging as "the price". It's kinda funny actually like there is price fixing!

07-28-20, 00:36
That being said, I have been planning a trip to China but I guess I will put that on hold until this virus settles down. I have made contact with a few women in Hong Kong recently, lining up a few to visit while I am there. In our conversations most of them saying they enjoy making investments but none of them pushing me to invest which is strange. I have figured out almost all of them are living in mainland China but have a HK area code.
l.Sorry to suggest this, but all of the chinese women that purport to be 'investors' are out to scam you. It's easy to get phone numbers from anywhere and use whatsapp. If you consider that wechat is the mainland China communications app of choice why they using whatsapp? To avoid being monitored. The girls even say that hey don't have Whatsapp. Which is unlikely. Sadly these 'investment' girls are just playing the love scam for fraud.

That being said there are millions of beautiful asian and chinese girls who are worthy of pursuit. For me, I love the cute things they wear or the way they will tie their hair etc.

For the next year though, we have to find avenues closer to home. Can I suggest you broaden your search from "asian" to "mixed". Perhaps their are girls of mixed heritage that will still have those wonderful asian eyes.


07-28-20, 00:37
Well I've been struggling a bit locally. Met one girl for lunch but she was a newbie and got cold feet the next day. Lesson: Stick to evening meetups and close the deal that night.

After struggling I widened my filter to wider age range and OK with kids. Much more active last couple days. Four girls looking quite likely (with age and kid downsides). But here's the funny thing two are under 5 ft Latinas. One 4-9 and the other 4-10. Not kidding. WTF? A rush on tiny Latinas! They both seem DTF. One more a pro. One sorta new but not shy.

Oh and $400 keeps emerging as "the price". It's kinda funny actually like there is price fixing!Once one guy pays $400, girls will try to make $400 the going rate. These girls talk to each other, just like we do. Girls do equate their self worth w the amount they get. They also compete w each other. If one gets $350, her friend (and competitor) wants $400 for bragging rights and to establish her place in the female hierarchy. Keeping an SB is a lot of work. The increased drama comes w a lower, albeit regular and reliable allowance (if they treat their guy well).

In short, the increased rate is caused by other guys providing too much cash to these girls. Wait for the market to put things back in perspective. Giving in means you accept the change.

Steve 9696
07-28-20, 01:19
Well I've been struggling a bit locally. Met one girl for lunch but she was a newbie and got cold feet the next day. Lesson: Stick to evening meetups and close the deal that night.

After struggling I widened my filter to wider age range and OK with kids. Much more active last couple days. Four girls looking quite likely (with age and kid downsides). But here's the funny thing two are under 5 ft Latinas. One 4-9 and the other 4-10. Not kidding. WTF? A rush on tiny Latinas! They both seem DTF. One more a pro. One sorta new but not shy.

Oh and $400 keeps emerging as "the price". It's kinda funny actually like there is price fixing!Just got pinged by another 4-9 Latina. WTF? Am I on the digs tiny Latinas playlist? This is just too strange.

Good news is I am set to meet one of them at her place Wednesday. She's clearly fairly pro. And oh BTW, biggest tell if she is a pro is she calls you "hun" or "love". LOL. Seems consistent.

07-28-20, 03:21
Simple laws of supply and demand means there will be an equilibrium price. So, if everyone is quoting 400, then that's probably the equilibrium price where the market clears. It'll be hard to find lower prices, but they can be found. Sometimes though, you get what you pay for, if you know what I mean.

Steve, expanding your search to include older SBs isn't necessarily a bad thing. I met some that were in their 40's. I don't think I had any bad experiences. In fact, most were amazing in the sack, and most provided genuine GFE. But they are a bit less fun, that's all.

Yeah, I also noticed the short latinas when I was active on SA. But after having been with gals just shy of 5 feet, I set my filter to 5 feet 2.

07-28-20, 04:01
Once one guy pays $400, girls will try to make $400 the going rate. These girls talk to each other, just like we do. Girls do equate their self worth w the amount they get. They also compete w each other. If one gets $350, her friend (and competitor) wants $400 for bragging rights and to establish her place in the female hierarchy. Keeping an SB is a lot of work. The increased drama comes w a lower, albeit regular and reliable allowance (if they treat their guy well).

In short, the increased rate is caused by other guys providing too much cash to these girls. Wait for the market to put things back in perspective. Giving in means you accept the change.Girls talk to each other in FKKs or brothels. They talk to each other if they know other sugarbabes. If you are logging in as a sugar babe seeking sugar daddy, you are not able to see the profile of other sugar babes nor contact them. I don't know how you think all the sugar babes talk to each other, and how they come to know about the money you paid to another sugar babe. If they already happened to know each other, yes, then they would.

In the city I live, there are literally hundreds listed at any given time actively seeking, in the white, slim, 20-30 age category. They are scattered throughout the greater metro area and into the suburbs. I know for a fact that very few of them know each other.

And no, there is no market. One of the frustrating things about sugar babe business is precisely that many girls have no clear clue what is the market. Some real pretty girls ask relatively cheap amounts and some so so hags ask for 350 or 400. If they have another friend who has been a sugarbabe in the past, the new girl may have an idea what to expect. Otherwise, they are just randomly guessing. I also had sugar babes who asked for 300 or 350 but ended up accepting 200 to 250. If you are patient, nice but firm, and negotiate gently, you will get good deals.

07-28-20, 07:55
Just got pinged by another 4-9 Latina. WTF? Am I on the digs tiny Latinas playlist? This is just too strange.

Good news is I am set to meet one of them at her place Wednesday. She's clearly fairly pro. And oh BTW, biggest tell if she is a pro is she calls you "hun" or "love". LOL. Seems consistent.I've had a few small gals. On the one hand, you feel huge and awesome, not just dick size huge, but you feel like a massive person, so it's kind of a turn on. On the other hand, you feel like you're fucking a toy, LOL.

07-29-20, 20:01
I've had a few small gals. On the one hand, you feel huge and awesome, not just dick size huge, but you feel like a massive person, so it's kind of a turn on. On the other hand, you feel like you're fucking a toy, LOL.I think I like small girls. I say "think" because I have never had a less than 5' girl but I have had plenty of 5'2 or 5'3 girls and I love the difference in stature. As long as their ass fits right on my dick when I'm grinding on her from the back, then we are good to go. It's definitely a turn on.

Personally my sweet spot is 5'5 or 5'6 with nice tits and thin (not skinny) body. "Thin" in this case meaning athletic (jeans size 3 or 4. 2 can be a bit small, I need hips to grab), nice ass, normal abs, and taking care of yourself, not simply "not fat" because you are young and your bad habits haven't caught up with you.


07-29-20, 20:29
Simple laws of supply and demand means there will be an equilibrium price. So, if everyone is quoting 400, then that's probably the equilibrium price where the market clears. It'll be hard to find lower prices, but they can be found. Sometimes though, you get what you pay for, if you know what I mean.

Steve, expanding your search to include older SBs isn't necessarily a bad thing. I met some that were in their 40's. I don't think I had any bad experiences. In fact, most were amazing in the sack, and most provided genuine GFE. But they are a bit less fun, that's all.

Yeah, I also noticed the short latinas when I was active on SA. But after having been with gals just shy of 5 feet, I set my filter to 5 feet 2.I'm hoping 400 isn't the new norm. This sounds like it's creeping slowly towards $500 and I just have something against a half grand for a night of fun. I probably spend 500 in total, but that includes the food, drinks, cabs, etc, not cash directly to the girl.

That 300 number is my sweet spot personally or I try to work out something that's a bit non traditional. When I'm in a new city, I would tell the SB that I'll be in her city very often meaning weeks at a time, therefore I need a weekly price, don't hit me with this PPM shit. This approach has been a winner and it gets them out of the mentality of wanting cash every time we meet. I have had good deals that weren't fully cash based and they were great. Note: I have never been able to pull this off in the US.

Have any of you guys been able to work out trade or anything with an SB that wasn't simply cash for ass.


Gentleman Travel
07-29-20, 21:55
I'm hoping 400 isn't the new norm. This sounds like it's creeping slowly towards $500 and I just have something against a half grand for a night of fun. I probably spend 500 in total, but that includes the food, drinks, cabs, etc, not cash directly to the girl.

That 300 number is my sweet spot personally or I try to work out something that's a bit non traditional. When I'm in a new city, I would tell the SB that I'll be in her city very often meaning weeks at a time, therefore I need a weekly price, don't hit me with this PPM shit. This approach has been a winner and it gets them out of the mentality of wanting cash every time we meet. I have had good deals that weren't fully cash based and they were great. Note: I have never been able to pull this off in the US.

Have any of you guys been able to work out trade or anything with an SB that wasn't simply cash for ass.Certainly I have had girls travel with me. I brought an unknown Ukrainian girl to France (a success) and another to Turkey (disaster). The Colombian girl I dated (for the 2 weeks I was there) did not expect daily $$, but we had wild evenings out and I must have given her some kind of spending money. But later she joined me on a vacation in Colombia and I don't think I gave her any cash for that, just paid all the expenses and provided her with some adventures.

The Ukrainian girl I took to France. I guess I should say "lady" because she was 40 - was the oldest woman I've dated like this. Normally they are more like 20-25, with some up to 30. Certainly I didn't pay her anything but of course the trip was expensive. Despite her advanced years she was always the best looking woman (dressed very nicely, too, of course) in any restaurant or tour we were on. So my eyes were never wandering and we were perfectly comfortable walking arm in arm all the time, whereas sometimes it is a bit awkward with a really young girl.

One hometown (Canadian city) sugar baby I had come visit me in while I was on a business trip to Montreal. I must have paid her expenses, but I don't think she asked for a per meeting fee. She took the train for two hours, wearing only sexy lingerie underneath her trenchcoat, so she could unveil herself as soon as she entered my hotel room. She had been working herself up to a great state of horniness, being half-naked on the train. Then she insisted wearing something quite risque when we went out for dinner, and stopped to kiss often in the street and at the restaurant, so clearly she was getting as much out of the experience as I was! You meet all kinds.

Gentleman Travel
07-29-20, 22:04
I'm hoping 400 isn't the new norm. This sounds like it's creeping slowly towards $500 and I just have something against a half grand for a night of fun. I probably spend 500 in total, but that includes the food, drinks, cabs, etc, not cash directly to the girl.

That 300 number is my sweet spot personally or I try to work out something that's a bit non traditional. When I'm in a new city, I would tell the SB that I'll be in her city very often meaning weeks at a time, therefore I need a weekly price, don't hit me with this PPM shit. This approach has been a winner and it gets them out of the mentality of wanting cash every time we meet. I have had good deals that weren't fully cash based and they were great. Note: I have never been able to pull this off in the US.

Have any of you guys been able to work out trade or anything with an SB that wasn't simply cash for ass.Oh, and cellphones. If you are travelling to countries with heavy import duties or crappy marketplaces, lots of girls will want cellphones. Depending on the difference between prices in your country and hers, this can be quite a good deal. Pick up a refurbished iPhone and bring it along with you and it looks like you are giving her an $800 present, but probably cost you half that. Plus there may be a prestige factor for her, because that phone isn't available in her country. Plus she can show it off to her family and girlfriends "my new boyfriend gave this to me" - she can't really do that with the $400 you gave her instead. And now I recall, that was the deal with my Colombian girl in my preceding post. She asked me to bring her a cellphone, which I gave her after a few days of fucking, so I didn't get stuck giving a phone for a one-night stand. She was in heaven!

But generally, other stuff you give (Other than trips, which benefit you) are generally going to be more expensive than just giving cash. And I think it's stupid buying perfume in the airport duty free, although that's what many girls ask for. But cash is always more useful to a 3rd world girl. But it may be more pleasant for you and for her to simply have these presents instead of cold cash.

07-30-20, 04:39
I'm hoping 400 isn't the new norm. This sounds like it's creeping slowly towards $500 and I just have something against a half grand for a night of fun. I probably spend 500 in total, but that includes the food, drinks, cabs, etc, not cash directly to the girl.

That 300 number is my sweet spot personally or I try to work out something that's a bit non traditional. When I'm in a new city, I would tell the SB that I'll be in her city very often meaning weeks at a time, therefore I need a weekly price, don't hit me with this PPM shit. This approach has been a winner and it gets them out of the mentality of wanting cash every time we meet. I have had good deals that weren't fully cash based and they were great. Note: I have never been able to pull this off in the US.

Have any of you guys been able to work out trade or anything with an SB that wasn't simply cash for ass.

02.400 isn't the equilibrium price for the entire market. I am just saying that if every girl in a LOCAL market is quoting the same price, then that's probably the equilibrium price of the local market. In SF, the equilibrium price was 500 a few years ago when I was active in SF. Some girls quoted 400, but they were on the wrong side of being a 7. Some girls quoted higher than 500, but eventually, they couldn't get enough action and most came down to 500 or disappeared. In other cities, the equilibrium price will usually be lower. For example, in Portland, OR, it seemed like the equilibrium price was 300. In Las Vegas, the price was also 300 from what I recall.

Of the 23-25 SBs that I had, about half were NOT pay for play. For them, I just paid for everything, such as food, drinks, hotels, trips, etc. None of those gals ever asked for money. A couple of gals were PPM for the first time, but they had pretty fun time with me and so they said I didn't have to pay them anymore, but this only happened maybe 2-3 times. But I was a pretty easy going, relatively fit, and decent looking guy back then. In a matter of only a few years, my age has suddenly caught up with me (for example, half my hair is white now, but back then I didn't have any white hair, and I now suddenly have a ton of wrinkles), and so I doubt I could score a non-PPM gal on SA anymore.

07-30-20, 06:12
400 isn't the equilibrium price for the entire market. I am just saying that if every girl in a LOCAL market is quoting the same price, then that's probably the equilibrium price of the local market. In SF, the equilibrium price was 500 a few years ago when I was active in SF. Some girls quoted 400, but they were on the wrong side of being a 7. Some girls quoted higher than 500, but eventually, they couldn't get enough action and most came down to 500 or disappeared. In other cities, the equilibrium price will usually be lower. For example, in Portland, OR, it seemed like the equilibrium price was 300. In Las Vegas, the price was also 300 from what I recall.
.In my local market $500 is the quoted price but it's the inclusions for this that varies. Some girls will do overnight for $500, some all afternoon, some will be 2 hours for $500. I had one girls that would travel with me for $500 per week. Some will have zero flexibility with $500 others will totally accommodate for $500.

In considering the 'price' it means nothing without also consider the service. Within their peer groups, the girls may say they get $500 per week but maybe they are not so specific on what each of them does for $500.

In considering opening offers, $500 maybe the price point but you could always increase her performance requirements to sex twice per week etc.

It's the girls that say $500 per meet for two hours are the ones I avoid as there is no upside.


Steve 9696
07-31-20, 02:14
So I've gone from nearly batting 1000 to batting like a chump in the last two encounters. And they had a common thread. You may recall Courtney — very nice vibe. Real pics. Girlfriendy. Arrange a meetup. And when I show she says she needs CashApp to get there. Damn. An anomaly?

A couple days ago I found a girl. Nice enough but clearly a pro. Says she can host. We text a little. Agree to meetup. She gives me the road she lives on a day or so ahead and it's a pretty nice area. Slight alert there. Then we are to meetup today. I tell her I am on my way and she gives me the house number. Arrive but need a unit number. I now have a text — oh did we talk about how I need CashApp because I've been burned before? NO we did not fucking talk about that or I wouldn't have driven over here you be*tch!

WTF. Two very extensive catfishes with me driving to meetup. Feel like a total chump. Not quitting but damn that was discouraging. Just FYI it's not all roses. Even for a pro.

07-31-20, 04:54
That receptionist that I tried to make into "an arrangement" kept giving me the run-around. She kept making excuses to not meet. Eventually, I just told her that I won't bother her anymore. She replied something about how I'm selfish, or something like that. I didn't understand what she meant by that. I tried to be very accommodative regarding her schedule, and I even said that we could meet whenever she wanted, but she would let a week go by and never saying anything. So, I gave up. I guess you cannot make a girl into something that she didn't want to be in the first place. Also, I realize that I could have taken a different approach, but it needed to be an arrangement, because I did not want her to think this was a real relationship.

So I've gone from nearly batting 1000 to batting like a chump in the last two encounters. And they had a common thread. You may recall Courtney very nice vibe. Real pics. Girlfriendy. Arrange a meetup. And when I show she says she needs CashApp to get there. Damn. An anomaly?

A couple days ago I found a girl. Nice enough but clearly a pro. Says she can host. We text a little. Agree to meetup. She gives me the road she lives on a day or so ahead and it's a pretty nice area. Slight alert there. Then we are to meetup today. I tell her I am on my way and she gives me the house number. Arrive but need a unit number. I now have a text oh did we talk about how I need CashApp because I've been burned before? NO we did not fucking talk about that or I wouldn't have driven over here you be*tch!

WTF. Two very extensive catfishes with me driving to meetup. Feel like a total chump. Not quitting but damn that was discouraging. Just FYI it's not all roses. Even for a pro..

07-31-20, 07:03
So I've gone from nearly batting 1000 to batting like a chump in the last two encounters. And they had a common thread. You may recall Courtney very nice vibe. Real pics. Girlfriendy. Arrange a meetup. And when I show she says she needs CashApp to get there. Damn. An anomaly?

A couple days ago I found a girl. Nice enough but clearly a pro. Says she can host. We text a little. Agree to meetup. She gives me the road she lives on a day or so ahead and it's a pretty nice area. Slight alert there. Then we are to meetup today. I tell her I am on my way and she gives me the house number. Arrive but need a unit number. I now have a text oh did we talk about how I need CashApp because I've been burned before? NO we did not fucking talk about that or I wouldn't have driven over here you be*tch!

WTF. Two very extensive catfishes with me driving to meetup. Feel like a total chump. Not quitting but damn that was discouraging. Just FYI it's not all roses. Even for a pro.Probably bother scammers, probably not even there.

Elvis 2008
07-31-20, 13:54
WTF. Two very extensive catfishes with me driving to meetup. Feel like a total chump. Not quitting but damn that was discouraging. Just FYI it's not all roses. Even for a pro.Steve,

There are two kinds of people who use. Those who bat 1.000 and those like you who tell the truth. I am so glad to see that you are in the latter group.

I have a 10 in Brazil who is promising the world, and I cannot for the life of me tell if she is playing me or is a dream come true. Usually, I can put odds on this and say "There is a 90% chance she is full of it. " but with her, I am still at 50-50. If she comes through though, that is why we play the game. You do not hit home runs by playing it safe. To find the trifecta, a beautiful woman with a fun personality who is great in the sack takes a lot of time, energy, and money. There is no short cut, and that is why when you hit the trifecta, it is so great in this game. It is what guys who just pay for sex do not get.

07-31-20, 18:19
I think it's stories like this that keep me off of SA despite its allure. I've noticed this about me: a negative encounter has a stronger, longer lasting effect on me than a positive one. So something like this would knock me off the game for quite a while. I have a limit to how much aggravation and humiliation even I'm willing to endure for the sake of pussy. I used to see a legendary escort locally, centerfold quality looks and solid GFE / PSE service. She 'retired' but agreed to continue seeing me. When it was on it was as good as anything I had in Brazil. But I finally had to cut her loose because she would flake spectacularly every 4-5 encounters. Those flaky times, her way of staying in control, eventually blotted out the pleasure of the good times.

So I've gone from nearly batting 1000 to batting like a chump in the last two encounters. And they had a common thread. You may recall Courtney very nice vibe. Real pics. Girlfriendy. Arrange a meetup. And when I show she says she needs CashApp to get there. Damn. An anomaly?

A couple days ago I found a girl. Nice enough but clearly a pro. Says she can host. We text a little. Agree to meetup. She gives me the road she lives on a day or so ahead and it's a pretty nice area. Slight alert there. Then we are to meetup today. I tell her I am on my way and she gives me the house number. Arrive but need a unit number. I now have a text oh did we talk about how I need CashApp because I've been burned before? NO we did not fucking talk about that or I wouldn't have driven over here you be*tch!

WTF. Two very extensive catfishes with me driving to meetup. Feel like a total chump. Not quitting but damn that was discouraging. Just FYI it's not all roses. Even for a pro.

08-01-20, 03:48
So I've gone from nearly batting 1000 to batting like a chump in the last two encounters. And they had a common thread. You may recall Courtney very nice vibe. Real pics. Girlfriendy. Arrange a meetup. And when I show she says she needs CashApp to get there. Damn. An anomaly?

A couple days ago I found a girl. Nice enough but clearly a pro. Says she can host. We text a little. Agree to meetup. She gives me the road she lives on a day or so ahead and it's a pretty nice area. Slight alert there. Then we are to meetup today. I tell her I am on my way and she gives me the house number. Arrive but need a unit number. I now have a text oh did we talk about how I need CashApp because I've been burned before? NO we did not fucking talk about that or I wouldn't have driven over here you be*tch!

WTF. Two very extensive catfishes with me driving to meetup. Feel like a total chump. Not quitting but damn that was discouraging. Just FYI it's not all roses. Even for a pro.A scammer for sure Steve. Report her profile to SA. SA is very responsive. I think they try hard to weed out the scammers.

The chics who mention CashApp are all scammers. Heck, there may not be even a chic behind the profile.

08-01-20, 03:58
In my local market $500 is the quoted price but it's the inclusions for this that varies. Some girls will do overnight for $500, some all afternoon, some will be 2 hours for $500. I had one girls that would travel with me for $500 per week. Some will have zero flexibility with $500 others will totally accommodate for $500.

In considering the 'price' it means nothing without also consider the service. Within their peer groups, the girls may say they get $500 per week but maybe they are not so specific on what each of them does for $500.

In considering opening offers, $500 maybe the price point but you could always increase her performance requirements to sex twice per week etc.

It's the girls that say $500 per meet for two hours are the ones I avoid as there is no upside.

PP.Agreed. In my market, I have been quoted anywhere from $300 to $1,000 PPM. However, the number of hours included in a PPM varies from girl to girl. It's best to clarity the PPM's "number of hours" with your chic so there won't be any surprise. One chic told me for $300, she will spend 1-2 hours in the hotel. Another chic told me for $400, it's dinner and then about 1. 5 hours in hotel.

SA is so different from FKK Globe, which is my pre-COVID playground. Each chic on SA sets her own price and rules. I can't assume anything. I will have to clarify with each chic the specifics of the arrangement.

08-01-20, 11:51
Agreed. In my market, I have been quoted anywhere from $300 to $1,000 PPM. However, the number of hours included in a PPM varies from girl to girl. It's best to clarity the PPM's "number of hours" with your chic so there won't be any surprise. One chic told me for $300, she will spend 1-2 hours in the hotel. Another chic told me for $400, it's dinner and then about 1. 5 hours in hotel.

SA is so different from FKK Globe, which is my pre-COVID playground. Each chic on SA sets her own price and rules. I can't assume anything. I will have to clarify with each chic the specifics of the arrangement.The 300-1000 range that you shared has been my experience too. Connected with a girl that claims to be 20 year athlete and 1 K per meeting. Was way higher than what I was expecting!

08-01-20, 13:18
Agreed. In my market, I have been quoted anywhere from $300 to $1,000 PPM. However, the number of hours included in a PPM varies from girl to girl. It's best to clarity the PPM's "number of hours" with your chic so there won't be any surprise. One chic told me for $300, she will spend 1-2 hours in the hotel. Another chic told me for $400, it's dinner and then about 1. 5 hours in hotel.This discussion that services and number of hours can vary is odd to me. We are on SA to hire a GF, not a pro. And a GF should NOT specify services and number of hours per date.

If we agree on 400 or 500, then by default that means we should then stop talking about the money and just have a good time. This means bar hopping, gambling, drinking, dancing, holding hands, eating, site-seeing, etc. And then going back to the room for great sex and then passing out. Next morning, maybe get breakfast together. For her, the money should just be a bonus, and not the only reason why she dates me.

If a gal on SA told me that the date would be for 2 hours or 4 hours, then I would take a pass. I could find a real pro for that, and with little time and effort. This is why many of us spend so much time on SA, to hire a great GF, not to hire a pro. My arrangements always stayed until the date felt like it was naturally coming to an end, almost always the next day. Yes, I did have many girls tell me that the date would be for 4 hours, but I never agreed to meet any of them. I didn't use SA to find someone that only wanted to see me for money. I already hire pros for that.

08-01-20, 14:41
The 300-1000 range that you shared has been my experience too. Connected with a girl that claims to be 20 year athlete and 1 K per meeting. Was way higher than what I was expecting!Did you ask her for 1 k, how much time will she spend with you?

08-01-20, 14:42
This is why many of us spend so much time on SA, to hire a great GF, not to hire a pro. How much time / effort does it take to find these non-pros? Most of the ones I'm running into South Flordia are pros!

Steve 9696
08-01-20, 14:59
How much time / effort does it take to find these non-pros? Most of the ones I'm running into South Flordia are pros!It takes a lot of time, but I enjoy it. Like I browse and chat EVERY DAY sometimes for a couple hours. This is probably overkill but remember the non-pros come on and go off pretty quickly. There is constant churn. So you have to be on a lot to catch the window.

I browsed south Florida for several weeks and found 3-4 that would have been quality meetups. Had Covid not hit I would be with one of them for sure. I think I posted a FR a few weeks back of a Columbiana I found in Miami last year. Semi-pro in that she knew what she was doing but it never felt escortish. Great experience.

08-01-20, 17:35
Agree with Steve. When I was active on SA, I spent about 20 hours (sometimes more) per week on the site. Over a 20 month period, I had about two dozen great arrangements. You might think this is a huge waste of time, but when was the last time I had two dozen great GFs in less than 2 years? Answer: never.

A lot of skeptics may say it's not worth the time and effort, and say that I should just go with the pros. But here's the thing: being active on SA and being with pros is NOT mutually exclusive. During the 20 months while I was on SA, I still saw pros and went to FS AMPS, probably about twice (or more) per week.

But like Steve says, I enjoyed it while I was on it. If this doesn't sound enjoyable, then definitely don't do it. If someone were to say that this is a total waste of time, I probably would not argue with him that much.

It takes a lot of time, but I enjoy it. Like I browse and chat EVERY DAY sometimes for a couple hours. This is probably overkill but remember the non-pros come on and go off pretty quickly. There is constant churn. So you have to be on a lot to catch the window.

I browsed south Florida for several weeks and found 3-4 that would have been quality meetups. Had Covid not hit I would be with one of them for sure. I think I posted a FR a few weeks back of a Columbiana I found in Miami last year. Semi-pro in that she knew what she was doing but it never felt escortish. Great experience.

Steve 9696
08-01-20, 20:03
Agree with Steve. When I was active on SA, I spent about 20 hours (sometimes more) per week on the site. Over a 20 month period, I had about two dozen great arrangements. You might think this is a huge waste of time, but when was the last time I had two dozen great GFs in less than 2 years? Answer: never.

A lot of skeptics may say it's not worth the time and effort, and say that I should just go with the pros. But here's the thing: being active on SA and being with pros is NOT mutually exclusive. During the 20 months while I was on SA, I still saw pros and went to FS AMPS, probably about twice (or more) per week.

But like Steve says, I enjoyed it while I was on it. If this doesn't sound enjoyable, then definitely don't do it. If someone were to say that this is a total waste of time, I probably would not argue with him that much.Yeah depends on your city and country. In the US I don't care for the pro scene that much. Overpriced for mediocre looks and talent. When I was in Vegas I had three different SBs (8. 5, 8, 7. 5) across 5 nights, repeating with two of them. Yet in London where ro-girl escorts are spectacular on my one day layover had an Escort at 10 AM, SB from 3-7, and an escort later that night. Maximum impact! LOL.

08-02-20, 06:17
Yeah depends on your city and country. In the US I don't care for the pro scene that much. Overpriced for mediocre looks and talent. When I was in Vegas I had three different SBs (8. 5, 8, 7. 5) across 5 nights, repeating with two of them. Yet in London where ro-girl escorts are spectacular on my one day layover had an Escort at 10 AM, SB from 3-7, and an escort later that night. Maximum impact! LOL.I agree completely. There is no limit to good sex. Do not limit yourself to one option. Each has its advantages. But 3 in one day! I am impressed, both by the number and the duration. That's lining up the cherries on the slot machine. LOL. My favorite ladies are not the ones that let you come multiple times, but want to make you come multiple times until you are satisfied. That, to me, is combining the best of GFE and PSE.

Elvis 2008
08-02-20, 18:34
Yet in London where ro-girl escorts are spectacular on my one day layover had an Escort at 10 AM, SB from 3-7, and an escort later that night. Maximum impact! LOL.You are really making want to go to London, Steve! Did you do SA in Brazil? Anyone else here try it in Brazil? I was getting great responses before I realized we could not go to Brazil (although we can go now) and am going to fly a gal from SP to Mexico City next month.

Steve 9696
08-02-20, 22:19
You are really making want to go to London, Steve! Did you do SA in Brazil? Anyone else here try it in Brazil? I was getting great responses before I realized we could not go to Brazil (although we can go now) and am going to fly a gal from SP to Mexico City next month.I did not try SA in SP. I love the Boate scene so much I can't see doing anything else. I did engage a few SA girls and they were very nice and seemed promising but found myself kicking myself for possibly reducing my Boate time. In the end I am glad I didn't do any SA. I think every minute I am not at a Boate I will regret.

But if U find a girl u are into its no problem to see them outside the club. Most Brasileiras are really flexible and not clock watchers.

P.S. Remember these girls don't speak English mostly so dinner out might not be the same as dinner in London or US say.

PPS Remember that in Brasil being an hour late is being on time. I am NOT kidding. It is perfectly accepted that if she is an hour late to ur date time she is on time. LOL. Takes some getting used to! (And it happened to me with both Carolina and Thifany, both of whom I saw outside the club).

08-03-20, 17:11
This discussion that services and number of hours can vary is odd to me. We are on SA to hire a GF, not a pro. And a GF should NOT specify services and number of hours per date.

If we agree on 400 or 500, then by default that means we should then stop talking about the money and just have a good time. This means bar hopping, gambling, drinking, dancing, holding hands, eating, site-seeing, etc. And then going back to the room for great sex and then passing out. Next morning, maybe get breakfast together. For her, the money should just be a bonus, and not the only reason why she dates me.

If a gal on SA told me that the date would be for 2 hours or 4 hours, then I would take a pass. I could find a real pro for that, and with little time and effort. This is why many of us spend so much time on SA, to hire a great GF, not to hire a pro. My arrangements always stayed until the date felt like it was naturally coming to an end, almost always the next day. Yes, I did have many girls tell me that the date would be for 4 hours, but I never agreed to meet any of them. I didn't use SA to find someone that only wanted to see me for money. I already hire pros for that.I couldn't agree more. As I was reading the post that mentioned a specific number of hours for an outing or hotel time, I immediately thought exactly what you wrote MW. The whole purpose of SA is to have the GF experience. If a SB is quoting time and essentially breaking her time with you down to an amount per hour, then you should abandon ship.

I personally haven't come across an SB that tells me how long she expects the date to be. But if I did, it would be a pass 100%. Our time together needs to feel natural, no schedule (unless you make it known that you have other plans), and def not let's bang so I can get my money and go attitude. I make it very clear in my profile that if an SB is just an idiot with a pretty face that wants Chanel bags, then we will not click. I emphasize that I'm looking for someone to chill with, explore and have good times. Most SBs usually mention that in my profile when we talk, and they like it. Maybe this helps to weed out some of the pros when you make it clear that pussy isn't your only aim. It is, but I like to have fun first!

What I hate is the girl that changes the number mid date. She takes your kindness for a weakness and thinks she can get over on you. This has only happened to me once, but it made me much more harsh to the girls, essentially completely intolerant. I haven't' been on SA for a while now, bc of COVID, but I can see all the BS that I'll have to deal with when I come back. I'm hoping that they haven't become more like sharks bc of COVID.


08-03-20, 17:47
It takes a lot of time, but I enjoy it. Like I browse and chat EVERY DAY sometimes for a couple hours. This is probably overkill but remember the non-pros come on and go off pretty quickly. There is constant churn. So you have to be on a lot to catch the window.

I browsed south Florida for several weeks and found 3-4 that would have been quality meetups. Had Covid not hit I would be with one of them for sure. I think I posted a FR a few weeks back of a Columbiana I found in Miami last year. Semi-pro in that she knew what she was doing but it never felt escortish. Great experience.If you are going to take this road, you have to be prepared for the time investment. That is the first thing I was told about SA. This couldn't be more true. It is easy to get 50 responses, but then you have to weed out the pros / scammers / scared girls etc. When it all boils down, you'll have 5 dates lined up, of which only 3 materialize to a bang. If this is exciting to you, then you will love SA (it's my drug). If not, then you will spend a lot of money trying to find a solid pro that gives you an awesome experience. They are out there, but not easy to find, plus the factors that affect the quality of an interaction with a pro are many. Including but not limited to: is she bitter from years in the field? Did she just have a bad experience right before you? Is she normally a *****? Does she not like your race (black / asian / indian / white)? Does she think she can scam you? So much to consider.

For instance, I love the EU scene and I have had great times in London. I have had a few romanian girls and every experience has been shit, to the point that I avoid romanian girls now. This is coming from a guy that can speak some romanian too. I just don't like their vibe, attitude, willingness to participate, etc. When I have come across romanian strippers, we have a blast, and I get more for less (high mileage) !! They love that I can understand them and they don't ahve to speak english, but for some reason I don't jive with the escorts? I even had one of those karmatantric girls in London one evening and she was awesome (romanian / turkish) with no issue. I find that I get much better value from other girls, especially ukrainians and czechs.

So, keep your options open and use the quality avenues that bring you pleasure (escorts / strippers / massage parlors / fkks). I personally have a few escorts that I keep in whatsapp that already know me as a trusted monger, so I get priority. One of them even sends me holiday greetings LOL.


Steve 9696
08-03-20, 23:44
If you are going to take this road, you have to be prepared for the time investment. That is the first thing I was told about SA. This couldn't be more true. It is easy to get 50 responses, but then you have to weed out the pros / scammers / scared girls etc. When it all boils down, you'll have 5 dates lined up, of which only 3 materialize to a bang. If this is exciting to you, then you will love SA (it's my drug). If not, then you will spend a lot of money trying to find a solid pro that gives you an awesome experience. They are out there, but not easy to find, plus the factors that affect the quality of an interaction with a pro are many. Including but not limited to: is she bitter from years in the field? Did she just have a bad experience right before you? Is she normally a *****? Does she not like your race (black / asian / indian / white)? Does she think she can scam you? So much to consider.

For instance, I love the EU scene and I have had great times in London. I have had a few romanian girls and every experience has been shit, to the point that I avoid romanian girls now. This is coming from a guy that can speak some romanian too. I just don't like their vibe, attitude, willingness to participate, etc. When I have come across romanian strippers, we have a blast, and I get more for less (high mileage) !! They love that I can understand them and they don't ahve to speak english, but for some reason I don't jive with the escorts? I even had one of those karmatantric girls in London one evening and she was awesome (romanian / turkish) with no issue. I find that I get much better value from other girls, especially ukrainians and czechs.

So, keep your options open and use the quality avenues that bring you pleasure (escorts / strippers / massage parlors / fkks). I personally have a few escorts that I keep in whatsapp that already know me as a trusted monger, so I get priority. One of them even sends me holiday greetings LOL.

02.Lshoomer. It's true in general Romanian girls have a bad rep. But have you ever had a top girl at Diva in London? Melty, Fortune, Cambria, Rivetta, Noleta, Kendall? These are just some of the raven haired beauties I've enjoyed all Ro-girls and all with great attitude looks and service. I can't imagine you have had a top Diva girl. They will change your mind on Romanians. I am a fan now.

08-04-20, 21:48
Lshoomer. It's true in general Romanian girls have a bad rep. But have you ever had a top girl at Diva in London? Melty, Fortune, Cambria, Rivetta, Noleta, Kendall? These are just some of the raven haired beauties I've enjoyed all Ro-girls and all with great attitude looks and service. I can't imagine you have had a top Diva girl. They will change your mind on Romanians. I am a fan now.I've mentioned before that I'm pretty intolerant when it comes to girls in our hobby that aren't very nice or attempt to scam. That being said, I'm nice as hell to the honest girls that want a fair exchange and fun. I"ve had 2 bad experiences with Romanian girls in London. One barely wanted to perform and had the b*t@h face the entire time, while the other was okay with performing but was mechanical, rushed me, and was distant as hell. She even tried to put the condom on me while I was still soft. Now I don't have issues with getting the blood flowing, but my gosh, give me some encouragement. This made me write off Ro-escorts. I've found reg rogirls and ro-strippers that have been amazing. On the flip side of the coin, the KarmaTantric romanian girl was cool as hell, amazing, very sensual and we had a great time (she was half turkish). I know I have a small sample size, but for me, it was enough evidence to substantiate the bad reputation of rogirls that I had read about so many times.

That being said, I did not partake from Diva, which I have heard is a good agency with amazing girls. I must admit that I did kinda shoot for the lower costing girls when I tried the other 2 escorts. Maybe it's a case of you get what you pay for. This was earlier in my hobby when I was still trying to spend the least to get the most From what you say, it sounds like Diva is worth a visit. I just looked at the site and their girls are very easy on the eyes!

Steve 9696
08-05-20, 03:15
I've mentioned before that I'm pretty intolerant when it comes to girls in our hobby that aren't very nice or attempt to scam. That being said, I'm nice as hell to the honest girls that want a fair exchange and fun. I"ve had 2 bad experiences with Romanian girls in London. One barely wanted to perform and had the b*t@h face the entire time, while the other was okay with performing but was mechanical, rushed me, and was distant as hell. She even tried to put the condom on me while I was still soft. Now I don't have issues with getting the blood flowing, but my gosh, give me some encouragement. This made me write off Ro-escorts. I've found reg rogirls and ro-strippers that have been amazing. On the flip side of the coin, the KarmaTantric romanian girl was cool as hell, amazing, very sensual and we had a great time (she was half turkish). I know I have a small sample size, but for me, it was enough evidence to substantiate the bad reputation of rogirls that I had read about so many times.

That being said, I did not partake from Diva, which I have heard is a good agency with amazing girls. I must admit that I did kinda shoot for the lower costing girls when I tried the other 2 escorts. Maybe it's a case of you get what you pay for. This was earlier in my hobby when I was still trying to spend the least to get the most From what you say, it sounds like Diva is worth a visit. I just looked at the site and their girls are very easy on the eyes!Diva girls at 150 are excellent. No need to pay anymore than that. Many girls charge more but all the girls I listed are 150 or at at most 200 girls. More pounds only buys a nicer flat. If you can get to London see Melty. Best combo of looks and performance. But if you want to see the nicest ass on Planet earth see Fortune. It defies logic. Both are seeing guys right now.

Meanwhile back at home I am sucking ass on finding a local SB. Had a great date and a quick kiss at the meet and greet. But she says she’s been depressed a lot and etc. so it’s not progressing. Even digging into the escort scene. This reminds me that *** is back functioning at full speed. So maybe I can find something there.

08-05-20, 20:05
Diva girls at 150 are excellent. No need to pay anymore than that. Many girls charge more but all the girls I listed are 150 or at at most 200 girls. More pounds only buys a nicer flat. If you can get to London see Melty. Best combo of looks and performance. But if you want to see the nicest ass on Planet earth see Fortune. It defies logic. Both are seeing guys right now.

Meanwhile back at home I am sucking ass on finding a local SB. Had a great date and a quick kiss at the meet and greet. But she says shes been depressed a lot and etc. so its not progressing. Even digging into the escort scene. This reminds me that *** is back functioning at full speed. So maybe I can find something there.Just checked out Diva again and all this is doing is making me realize how F* at k#the up this COVID situation is. I don't think I'll be London any time soon, but I'm definitely planning to hit a few places when flights open up again.

In terms of the escort scene in the US. Thumbs down for me. The quality, looks, and performance just never add up to the price for me. So, instead I've been living vicariously through you guys until traveling becomes a thing. I'm personally already looking to check out Lisbon, a girl I know in Berlin, another one in Hamburg (she's kinda weird, and I haven't had the chance to bang her yet. She first mentioned 700/ night and I told her 300 is more reasonable. She changed her mind instantly. Not sure if I can still get that number from her post-covid) and some FKKs in Germany. Knock it all out in a 5 day trip.

Steve. Good luck on the local search man!! Keep us posted!!

Steve 9696
08-07-20, 12:12
As I currently struggle in my hometown, my best entertainment is to reflect on past successes. It occurred to me that SB nirvana is achieved when you truly WANT to help your girl out. At that point it's not a transaction because you have come to truly like and care about this person.

I guess I've only had one multi month SB because most of mine are short term traveling SBs. So it's closest to the real thing. It's funny because she is the SB I am least physically attracted to she's gorgeous. Just not my usual type. So I had three points of progression in SB nirvana:

1. After meeting at the hotel a couple times, she invited me to start coming to her place. Nice!

2. On my second or third visit I brought my tools and fixed her chairs because they had never been assembled right and her boyfriend is not handy. LOL. She was SUPER appreciative. Took all of 15 minutes.

3. I started gifting her $500 or $400 instead of the agreed $300 just because she needs it way more in Covid times than I do. It had nothing to do with a sex transaction. I WANTED to give my girl a hand.

Now I am sure I will be flamed for paying over "market" but that's the point. It's not a market once it's one on one. It's you and your girl and how you feel.

Another SB nirvana was with my girl Krystal in Las Vegas. Really my finest experience to date. We had agreed $400 and had a spectacular night one. Just off the charts (think I have posted it) but then on night two I gave her More than that and bought her a nice necklace at the Swarovski store. At no point did she ask for more. I WANTED to do it because fuck she is a rock star and deserves it and I was (and am) totally into her. Damn she's gorgeous and a blast.

So it's that "want to" that is the key to whether you have achieved true SB IMO. Even if it's short like Krystal (we are still in touch and hope to meetup post Covid).

Two other moments stand out as "getting it right" and beyond transactional. The first is with first-timer Emily in NYC. After having the most amazing date and passionate sex, we are lying in bed pillow-talking and we will literally stare into each other's eyes for 30 seconds or more. It's so intimate. Even girls I've been with several times we don't get here.

The second was again with Krystal. After having sex, dinner, drinks and sex again (5 hrs in at this point) and having crashed in the bed, I am roused by the sound of her taking off her (new) necklace to the nightstand. She's staying over! This is purely her decision based on how the night went. Sigh. What a great feeling. My goddess is sleeping over. SB nirvana baby!

What have been your SB nirvana moments?

08-08-20, 16:16
What have been your SB nirvana moments?This isn't exactly an SB moment, but I agree with your point about paying more when they deserve it, and don't ask for it. A few months ago, I was in an MP, and on the flip, she starts giving me a BBBJ. This was my first time to this place and I was shocked. No negotiation or discussion about the tip. Then she starts switching back and forth between DFKing and BBBJing me. At the end, I tipped more than usual. You guys might think that I stumbled upon a BBBJ shop (or in China, we call this a KB shop), and I too wondered about this, but this was not the case. This gal just decided to give me a good experience. And she was rewarded for it.

Another example is a mistress that I had. She was very poor, but she has never asked for a penny. But from our encounters, she seemed to really enjoy them and really love me. So, I always wanted to give her some money here and there. She always refused, but I insisted.

Am I being played? Maybe, but I doubt it. And besides, even if I am being played, they are poor, so WTF. I shouldn't be a dick just because I got lucky in life and they didn't.

Am I upping the price and ruining it for everyone else? No, I am tight when it comes to this hobby. I just make rare exceptions here and there.

Steve 9696
08-08-20, 19:47
This isn't exactly an SB moment, but I agree with your point about paying more when they deserve it, and don't ask for it. A few months ago, I was in an MP, and on the flip, she starts giving me a BBBJ. This was my first time to this place and I was shocked. No negotiation or discussion about the tip. Then she starts switching back and forth between DFKing and BBBJing me. At the end, I tipped more than usual. You guys might think that I stumbled upon a BBBJ shop (or in China, we call this a KB shop), and I too wondered about this, but this was not the case. This gal just decided to give me a good experience. And she was rewarded for it.

Another example is a mistress that I had. She was very poor, but she has never asked for a penny. But from our encounters, she seemed to really enjoy them and really love me. So, I always wanted to give her some money here and there. She always refused, but I insisted.

Am I being played? Maybe, but I doubt it. And besides, even if I am being played, they are poor, so WTF. I shouldn't be a dick just because I got lucky in life and they didn't.

Am I upping the price and ruining it for everyone else? No, I am tight when it comes to this hobby. I just make rare exceptions here and there.I almost always agree with you MW. But calling this a tip rubs me the wrong way. I tip a hooker for her extra service. I don't tip a girl I care about. I give her some $$ because I want to. Maybe it's splitting hairs but my original point was SB Nirvana is when it's past transactional. And a tip feels like a transaction. I guess we can both think about it as we like.

08-09-20, 01:38
I almost always agree with you MW. But calling this a tip rubs me the wrong way. I tip a hooker for her extra service. I don't tip a girl I care about. I give her some $$ because I want to. Maybe it's splitting hairs but my original point was SB Nirvana is when it's past transactional. And a tip feels like a transaction. I guess we can both think about it as we like.LOL, man, do you not know how jaded I am? When it comes to women, I now think it's all transactional. Sex after a good date is not free, as we had to spend $ on dinner and spend time on the date. Sex with wife was not free, because we later had to buy her a house. So, I do think of all sex as transactional. If that's not the case for some guys, then I can honestly say that is awesome for them, and I don't say this to be dismissive at all. I too once could really feel love (or nirvana) with women, but those days are now long gone. Maybe there were some women out there who really loved me too. But I still think they wanted something in return. Maybe it was just love, not money, but they wanted something. So, maybe when I read you post, you were talking about something that I never achieved simply because I am totally jaded now, and therefore I just didn't understand it, LOL.

BTW, it's totally cool to disagree about stuff. This is what makes a convo interesting. Otherwise, it would be boring to have a beer with you if we didn't disagree on some stuff.

Steve 9696
08-09-20, 11:00
LOL, man, do you not know how jaded I am? When it comes to women, I now think it's all transactional. Sex after a good date is not free, as we had to spend $ on dinner and spend time on the date. Sex with wife was not free, because we later had to buy her a house. So, I do think of all sex as transactional. If that's not the case for some guys, then I can honestly say that is awesome for them, and I don't say this to be dismissive at all. I too once could really feel love (or nirvana) with women, but those days are now long gone. Maybe there were some women out there who really loved me too. But I still think they wanted something in return. Maybe it was just love, not money, but they wanted something. So, maybe when I read you post, you were talking about something that I never achieved simply because I am totally jaded now, and therefore I just didn't understand it, LOL.

BTW, it's totally cool to disagree about stuff. This is what makes a convo interesting. Otherwise, it would be boring to have a beer with you if we didn't disagree on some stuff.Yeah I agree all sex is for money in the end. Like buying the wife a nice house. One time I was reflecting about how the sex in my marriage wounr down to a couple times a year at best. Now that's some golden pussy at $50 K a pop! LOL.