View Full Version : Tinder
10-03-20, 02:18
Let's use this thread to discuss and share Tinder experiences, tips, advice, etc.
Whenever I use tinder here in my home town I get disappointed. So many overweight women my own age. I always migrate back to paying some $$ which improves my quality.
I used Tinder in Philippines and ad good success.
My experience was pretty similar for US. Most of the women look / sound pretty bad. I did find a few profiles that seemed like pros. But responses are hard to get.
One time I set looking for Male / Female and my like box was upto 100 in minutes. Realized my mistake really fast as I knew there's no way 100 women would like me in 25 minutes.
Whenever I use tinder here in my home town I get disappointed. So many overweight women my own age. I always migrate back to paying some $$ which improves my quality.
I used Tinder in Philippines and ad good success.
I tried Tinder for Medellin. Most of the younger chicks you find there are pro's. In about 4 days, I don't think I hit a single non-pro. The situation may change as you get in the older demographic. Curious if anyone else has a perspective.
10-06-20, 20:33
I tried Tinder for Medellin. Most of the younger chicks you find there are pro's. In about 4 days, I don't think I hit a single non-pro. The situation may change as you get in the older demographic. Curious if anyone else has a perspective.Maybe its because they can tell I'm not physically in Colombia but I have not had many matches in Medellin. Also I have noticed that the vast majority of the profiles are just advertisement for their Instagram accounts. Is this a new thing? I don't remember this being such a hassle when I was in Bogota 3 years ago and used Tinder when I was there. Are you currently in Medellin?
I agree with everything you are saying, Tinder matches have been hard for Medellin. I am not physically there either. I have not tried connecting through instagram. Seems such a hassle.
Maybe its because they can tell I'm not physically in Colombia but I have not had many matches in Medellin. Also I have noticed that the vast majority of the profiles are just advertisement for their Instagram accounts. Is this a new thing? I don't remember this being such a hassle when I was in Bogota 3 years ago and used Tinder when I was there. Are you currently in Medellin?
12-21-20, 11:58
I like dating sites. But most of all I love to visit the chat. These sites can help you save time. I only have time to make a schedule of dates, a lot of acquaintances.
01-27-21, 15:46
I like dating sites. But most of all I love to visit the chat. These sites can help you save time. I only have time to make a schedule of dates, a lot of acquaintances.The main desire and goal. I once went to the site and forgot what boredom and melancholy are. Thanks to webcams, you can find a girl for every taste. Yes, and even chat live. What could be better? This is how I met my current girlfriend.
02-08-21, 14:01
I matched with this girl on Tinder, thought we were connecting really well but she was quite far from me. So we made plans to play a game together (she said her favorite then I bought it to play it with her), then she flaked on me- she was online, I asked if she was up to play and joined a game then messaged her hey, no reply. Nothing- this alone was weird because throughout our convo that week she was mentioning when we'd play, saying to just tell her when I wanted to and we would do it, making a show of downloading the game to her new laptop just so we could play, then the time comes and she's ghost. Then she replied a day later saying sorry she had been really busy with work, didn't really explain why she just randomly didn't play but I assumed she fell asleep so no big deal. Then it's just weird, we talked all week prior to that night and were connecting really well I thought, but after that night it's like we hit a wall. She messages me much more slowly or leaves me on read all the time for hours before replying (about a day). But she hasn't unmatched with me, and she also follows me on insta and views my story whenever I post something to it, and she seems enthusiastic whenever she does eventually reply. I was really liking her from what limited interaction we had, but I don't get what happened. Should I give up on it? Maybe I was actually the one talking a lot and she was just being polite last week? It doesn't seem like it because she was giving me lengthy replies and everything.
But she hasn't unmatched with me, and she also follows me on insta and views my story whenever I post something to it, and she seems enthusiastic whenever she does eventually reply. I was really liking her from what limited interaction we had, but I don't get what happened. Should I give up on it? Maybe I was actually the one talking a lot and she was just being polite last week? It doesn't seem like it because she was giving me lengthy replies and everything.Arrrrrrrr. I am so frustrated and angry from this behavior from girls on tinder.
At first I thought the problem was about me because most of the girls just disappear or not interested out of the blue.
Then I found out that this is the case with the most.
Maybe because of high male to female ratio on it in my middle east region which makes girls distracted by many guys at the same time or not 100% committed to online dating experience.
I mean most of the time they want to chat or get to know how attractive she is.
02-13-21, 19:40
The scam never spends any expensive money here either, just feel like you're making a big mistake I learned my lesson by finding another site. But don't be fooled by this.
The scam never spends any expensive money here either, just feel like you're making a big mistake I learned my lesson by finding another site. But don't be fooled by this.Could you tell me the name of the site for alternatives.
Could you tell me the name of the site for alternatives.There are a lots of dating sites like Tender here are some of them.
Facebook Dating.
Guardian Soulmates.
02-22-21, 14:45
I'm a wanderlust, I've always had opportunities to travel so, whenever I did, I'd buy Tinder gold a couple of days before my arrival so I could have some "work" done before getting there. It was April of 2019 and a friend of mine, let's call him Polo, told me if I wanted to go to London for a month, just to chill and party. Of course I said yes, a couple of weeks later we were there and I was already setting up dates but hadn't go on any. On our third or. Fourth day in London (we were staying in a hotel at King's cross) a beautiful 23 years old (I was 29 at the time) matched me and out of the blue told me if I wanted to go to the museum with her. And so I went there and met "Karina", half Palestinian / half Caucasian, we spent the day looking at art and laughing, it was a great day. As the night started to change our mood, we decided to go out to a party she had but we had to go to my hotel first so I could change and leave some things there. So we went, I left my stuff, she met Polo and we left for the party. Halfway through, she tells me that we should go to her place and invite Polo because her housemate, Mari, is there and we should all meet her.
So me and Karina go to her apartment and Mari received us very friendly. They were both interested in politics and socialism, and we south Americans thrive on talking about those subjects so we started chatting and having some wine. I would call Polo every five minutes: Dude you have to come, they're both hot and horny. Hurry. It didn't matter because they didn't understand a word of Spanish, let alone slang words. Hours passed and Polo never came (because he was tired. He regrets that decision to this day), so Mari left us all alone in the living room. Karina told me she had some poetry she wanted to show me, her notebook was in her room, and so we went there.
As I enter she tells me in a kind of shy way "I'm really trying here", so we started to kiss, you know, the usual. After some minutes she tells me she has to go to go to the bathroom, nothing weird there. She came back, took her top off, took mine off, and. There she was: Mari was staring at us from the door (Karina had left the door open). She walks towards Karina and they started to kiss as I watched. I had no words. I'm not going to lie, Karina was fine but Mari was out of my league. I couldn't believe it.
Karina grabs me from my hair and pulls me towards their faces, we were all kissing with each other. It was happening and I could believe it, my cock was as hard and big as it gets. We took off our clothes, I'd go down on one and the other would go down on me. I'd penetrate one and the other one would masturbate or leave her pussy to be eaten by any of the others. I honestly couldn't believe what was happening, was nervous and exited. We kept going for a long time after I was done, there's always so much you can do. Eventually we stopped and took a shower, Karina with me. I spent the night there and we fucked once again in the morning, after that we had breakfast with Mari and laugh nervously. I went back to the hotel, told Polo what happened and we laughed for hours. After that Karina and I spent most of the nights together, we all went to parties and spent beautiful moments in London.
We kept in touch for a bit but eventually we stopped talking.
Congrats! That's a story for the ages. Wow! Tinder is said to have the lowest hit and connect rate of all the dating services but perhaps that is just the US. I kind of do the same thing when I travel and pay for a monthly service with Tinder. Of course, if I am in Thailand, where I like to go, you generally get a lot of P4 P or LB's. I almost hooked up with an American black girl from NYC who was teaching in Vietnam and on vacation in a Bangkok. She was literally hooking on the side in Bangkok but we never could quite make the connection.
I'm a wanderlust, I've always had opportunities to travel so, whenever I did, I'd buy Tinder gold a couple of days before my arrival so I could have some "work" done before getting there. It was April of 2019 and a friend of mine, let's call him Polo, told me if I wanted to go to London for a month, just to chill and party. Of course I said yes, a couple of weeks later we were there and I was already setting up dates but hadn't go on any. On our third or. Fourth day in London (we were staying in a hotel at King's cross) a beautiful 23 years old (I was 29 at the time) matched me and out of the blue told me if I wanted to go to the museum with her. And so I went there and met "Karina", half Palestinian / half Caucasian, we spent the day looking at art and laughing, it was a great day. As the night started to change our mood, we decided to go out to a party she had but we had to go to my hotel first so I could change and leave some things there. So we went, I left my stuff, she met Polo and we left for the party. Halfway through, she tells me that we should go to her place and invite Polo because her housemate, Mari, is there and we should all meet her.
So me and Karina go to her apartment and Mari received us very friendly. They were both interested in politics and socialism, and we south Americans thrive on talking about those subjects so we started chatting and having some wine. I would call Polo every five minutes: Dude you have to come, they're both hot and horny. Hurry. It didn't matter because they didn't understand a word of Spanish, let alone slang words. Hours passed and Polo never came (because he was tired. He regrets that decision to this day), so Mari left us all alone in the living room. Karina told me she had some poetry she wanted to show me, her notebook was in her room, and so we went there.
As I enter she tells me in a kind of shy way "I'm really trying here", so we started to kiss, you know, the usual. After some minutes she tells me she has to go to go to the bathroom, nothing weird there. She came back, took her top off, took mine off, and. There she was: Mari was staring at us from the door (Karina had left the door open). She walks towards Karina and they started to kiss as I watched. I had no words. I'm not going to lie, Karina was fine but Mari was out of my league. I couldn't believe it.
Karina grabs me from my hair and pulls me towards their faces, we were all kissing with each other. It was happening and I could believe it, my cock was as hard and big as it gets. We took off our clothes, I'd go down on one and the other would go down on me. I'd penetrate one and the other one would masturbate or leave her pussy to be eaten by any of the others. I honestly couldn't believe what was happening, was nervous and exited. We kept going for a long time after I was done, there's always so much you can do. Eventually we stopped and took a shower, Karina with me. I spent the night there and we fucked once again in the morning, after that we had breakfast with Mari and laugh nervously. I went back to the hotel, told Polo what happened and we laughed for hours. After that Karina and I spent most of the nights together, we all went to parties and spent beautiful moments in London.
We kept in touch for a bit but eventually we stopped talking.
05-22-22, 18:49
I have a story about a dating app. It's not tinder, but mamba. I am a Western man who is now traveling in different countries in eastern Europe. Meeting pros, semi pros, GFEs, freebies.
This scheme is an old one. Usually made by Russians, but other Slavic countries maybe also have these aferism elements.
If you have no interest in traveling to Eastern Europe in your future, no need to read this report.
Ok, here we go: I was looking for a local girlfriend in the destination, for that I used mamba.
The weather is becoming warm and girls are out from the Winter depression.
The "lets go to the karaoke bar with me and my friend"-season has officially started here, punctually for the Spring.
Their goal is to bring you somewhere, usually a karaoke bar (they know the owner and get their 'commission' later) where you will be overcharged and pretty much taken to the cleaners.
Your hope of a threesome? Forget it. Many guys tried, but at the end of the day (well night) you end up not fucking Any of the girls. Not even kissing them. And if they didn't put something in your drink, you are lucky if you get back to the hotel in possession of your bank cards.
PUAs call the second girl "Cockblocker" 9 when they are not intending to betray you), in my specific case I call them CRW or "Criminal Reverse Wing", because her action is criminal (overcharging you) and they do exactly the opposite of what a wing is supposed to do: A real wing man is there to help you get the woman you want. This specific "wing woman" does the contrary, her mission is to avoid that the main girl (which you arranged the date with) does not become weak and end up having intimacy with you.
This image is of a chat I had with a girl I met on mamba some weeks ago. When I saw the CRW on the set, I knew exactly how that "date night" would end, so I avoided it. This trick is old, there are some other newer and smarter finesses that Russians do, but I am not here to destroy the local "shadow economy" of the hustlers, let them survive. If somebody have to stop them, it has to be a local person not me.
05-24-22, 23:25
I have a story about a dating app. It's not tinder, but mamba. I am a Western man who is now traveling in different countries in eastern Europe. Meeting pros, semi pros, GFEs, freebies.It's probably not so much the App, it's just a means to an end, part of the business model to get as many prospects as possible. As much as we think we will find exceptions in this world, some things remain the same. Wherever I am travelling I always pic the meeting places, the dinner places, the hotels, the taxies.
It's not to say I haven't been scammed. I most certainly have had all the scams and cost me money on those.
Thanks for reporting your experiences and how you avoided this one.
05-28-22, 17:09
To meet civvies abroad:
Is Tinder / other apps viable in Mexico / Latin America?
Also for the older guy (I'm 36) did you have to fudge your age or nah? And would app's algorithms boot me for using terms like "buscar short, SB, prepago" etc? And yay or nay with travel cities / dates announcements in your profile description?
Or just stick with SA?
Ok, I already asked Tinder Help line, but their pre-written text (answers) did not answer my questions.
I pay about 15 EURO per month, because only as such a member (TinderPlus) I can adjust my location in advance, before travelling. Let's say I intend to visit Nairobi, so as a TinderPlus I can already find girls of this location before arriving there.
(However, meanwhile I am not convinced this is a good idea, because girls will see that I am still far away by distance which might discourage them to answer to me?)
So, as I never ever got an inquiry from a girl, I can not learn from this experience, I have to ask what happens when I give a like to a girl? And I assume most of the girls are basic members, they do not pay anything.
1 a) What happens at the girl side when I give a Superlike? I think it's the " star symbol. I can give it to max 5 persons a day. What will the girl see when I give a Superlike.
1 b) Sometimes it replies automatically as a MATCH, so why it shows up as a MATCH instantly, what's the reason, criteria for it. When a MATCH shows up, I see that I can write a message to the girl.
2) What will happen on the other side when I give a Like? I assume it's the "heart" symbol. What's the difference in giving a Superlike and a Like?
Anecdote: a friend in Mombasa she once let me look at her Tinder messages and some were like: "Hi, i am Peter, i am an airline pilot i will come to Mombasa tomorrow- can we meet?! Hey, very seducing- no wonder ordinary men are often behind...
06-05-22, 10:20
1 a) when she is browsing thru the matches she usually sees profile photos of the guys. But when she sees your profile photos, the background (the frame) will be blue, so this means that you gave her a superlike, but she is not obliged to like your profile just because you gave her a superlike.
1 b) when you like a girl and it shows up as a match it means that the girl liked your profile before you liked hers. Example: On Friday she was browsing thru the guys profiles and saw your profile and gave it a like. And you Today (Sunday) you saw her profile and liked her today.
1 c) If you like a girl with a 'normal' like, nothing will change on her side. It's impossible for her to know that you liked her (except if she has tinder gold, this kind of membership allow members to see who liked you even if you didn't like the specific girl or guy). And of course the superlike allows her to see that you superliked her because your profile will appear with a blue frame, and this is basically the main difference between a normal like and a superlike.
I myself paid for premium because it gives me the opportunity to put girls on the pipeline before traveling. As for superlikes and golden membership, I don't really need them.
Ok, I already asked Tinder Help line, but their pre-written text (answers) did not answer my questions.
I pay about 15 EURO per month, because only as such a member (TinderPlus) I can adjust my location in advance, before travelling. Let's say I intend to visit Nairobi, so as a TinderPlus I can already find girls of this location before arriving there.
(However, meanwhile I am not convinced this is a good idea, because girls will see that I am still far away by distance which might discourage them to answer to me?)
So, as I never ever got an inquiry from a girl, I can not learn from this experience, I have to ask what happens when I give a like to a girl? And I assume most of the girls are basic members, they do not pay anything.
1 a) What happens at the girl side when I give a Superlike? I think it's the " star symbol. I can give it to max 5 persons a day. What will the girl see when I give a Superlike.
1 b) Sometimes it replies automatically as a MATCH, so why it shows up as a MATCH instantly, what's the reason, criteria for it. When a MATCH shows up, I see that I can write a message to the girl.
2) What will happen on the other side when I give a Like? I assume it's the "heart" symbol. What's the difference in giving a Superlike and a Like?
Anecdote: a friend in Mombasa she once let me look at her Tinder messages and some were like: "Hi, i am Peter, i am an airline pilot i will come to Mombasa tomorrow- can we meet?! Hey, very seducing- no wonder ordinary men are often behind...
DJ FourMoney
06-07-22, 19:36
To meet civvies abroad:
Is Tinder / other apps viable in Mexico / Latin America?
Also for the older guy (I'm 36) did you have to fudge your age or nah? And would app's algorithms boot me for using terms like "buscar short, SB, prepago" etc? And yay or nay with travel cities / dates announcements in your profile description?
Or just stick with SA?36 is not old to women overseas in general, you can easily get women 18 and over, don't worry about that.
While there are prostitutes and the like on Tinder, not sure why you would need to search for them. They will just come up in a regular search as many will state that more or less in their profiles. They have to be careful with wording or their profile gets flagged.
11-28-23, 18:52
Has anyone used Tinder for DR?
01-21-24, 19:28
I didn't have any luck with Tinder for DR. Lots of girls don't check the app. And instead post their IG tags. But then don't check the IG messages. Other girls on there aren't pretty at all, or make it very clear they are only looking for a long term relationship. Maybe it works better in other countries, but I didn't have any luck with it.
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