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01-22-03, 01:09
Hi, fellow hunters

with a little luck you might find some nice fotos in the WSG gallery soon, which I sent away to the admin recently.

enjoy and let me know your experiences, too..


01-22-03, 04:30
Originally posted by Catire
re- emails etc.
If you're an a mass IP like aol or msn.com - all I can say is good luck tracking down that IP address to any person.
Again, I hate to post off topic, but someone with technical skills can find out quite a bit:

This is from a website statistics log:

Jan 21 19:32:36
MSIE 6.x
Win 98

Okay, so I have this visitor's IP address, I know that they use US West as their ISP, they live in albequerque, new mexico and they are using Windows 98, that they bothered to download the most recent version of IE and their monitor resolution is set at 800x600, and therefore is most likely to be a laptop.

AOL makes similar identification in the statistics logs. Also don't forget the Earthlink and AOL both cooperated with the FBI for their Carnivore technology (which was going to be used to capture email of people - if the FBI had a search warrant).

No one on this forum is really advocating illegal activities, but still don't be naive about anonymity. If AOL or MSN can manage to bill your credit card every month, trust me, they can track down which customer was assigned a particular IP address.

I am not going to post anymore about this in the Havana forum. I will be glad to continue this discussion in the internet security forum, or via email: diablo_mactavish(at)hot mail(dot)com.

regards -


01-22-03, 05:06
and the only way to have a truly anonymous e-mail account is to go to an internet cafe and use one of the "free" accounts. There is a "little" problem, though - I suspect that my MSN PW was "captured" by a "stroke reader" program and I only found out about it when some messages "bounced". Upon checking the headers, I found they originated in MX (Mexico) and lo and behold, I had frequented an internet provider some 3 weeks ago in TJ. So watch out

01-25-03, 03:17
I have a huuuuuge favour to ask anyone who is in or soon will be in Havana.

I am trying to locate a very good friend named Miguel Rozas from Santiago de Chile. I met him in Havana about 3 years ago.

I have been trying to find him since I will be travelling to South America for the next 5 months. He had a good friend called Chino in Casa de Cultura. Don't know his full name, he went by the name "Chino" - a cuban, but he obviously looked chinese to cubans.

If anyone stumble upon Casa de Cultura and ask Chino if he know how to get in contact with Miguel Rozas, I will buy you the best garota in Havana.

I will be in Havana in the second half of April to honor the offer or I could transfer the money to anyone who could be bothered to swing by and ask Chino. This is very important to me.

I know it is a loooooooong shot, but I have to try :)

Contact me on tobeppe@yahoo.no

Contact me on

01-25-03, 05:12

Are you fucking retarded or what???

02-06-03, 08:48
Can anyone recomend a place to visit besides Havana? I have 2 weeks in Cuba coming up, my first time there. Thanks guys.

02-08-03, 16:19
just go and check into Hotel Colina for the first day and it's only $50 (for 2 people). The hotel has a single public computer for internet access ($6/hr

$50 a night? That's incredibly expensive isn't it? Am I to expect that of most hotels in Cuba? I'm use to travelling in countries where $5 a night is more common. And $6/hr for Internet also seems very overpriced.

Anyway how hard is it to score with a local chick (non-pro)? Are they open to date gringos? Or is it just too much competition from other gringos to make us all non-exotic?

And how about violence? Is Cuba as violent as Brazil? Do you have to watch your back all the time and not walk around alone outside after 10 pm?

02-12-03, 23:12
50$ for a Hotel in Cuba is Ok. If you want cheaper, go to a casa particular (bed & breakfast) that should be around 25$ or 20$ in February in La Havanna.

As long as the police is away, you will always find chicas looking for contact. In La havanna Vieja, chicas are more professionnal.

Beside Havanna, my favorite Town is Cienfuegos, as it is not so big and you can't do anything wrong by hanging around the Malecon. The action is always there !

If you have time to go to Santiago, I liked this town a lot. A lot of action around Parque Cespedes and Hotel Casa Grande.

See you,

02-13-03, 23:14
Latrell> Even $ 20 would be outrageously expensive for a room, especially outside of Havanna. In Romania I found places for $ 10, and in Ukraine it wasn't too hard to find places for $ 4 a night. I heard Cuba is really poor and that Cubans hardly make any money, so how can Cuba be so expensive?

And no I'm not talking about hoes. I'm talking about normal chicas who would date you to get nice nights out or marry you for a Western passport.

02-14-03, 00:42
yes it is possible to get rooms in romania etc cheap, however any respectable casa owner will be registered with the government as a business and will be taxed heavily for the right to have a private buisness. remember communism right. any illegal casa is at risk from the government as far as fines and right up to confirep001ion of the home, furnishings, etc. with risk comes expense. also it should be noted that the expense of fitting a room to western standards is considerable and thus any casa owner needs a return on their investment. also with supply and demand goes cost and you may indeed be able to find a cockroach infested lice ridden mattress or couch somewhere for 5 bucks but good luck. and you had better speak spanish for such a deal. cubans may be poor but they are proud. they will turn you down and hope someone with a little more money will show up. prices for a casa in havana will be 20-25 bucks per room per night. for this you can stay 1 star or 5 star but the price will probably be the same within 5 bucks. outside of havana expect 15 bucks per night minimum. budget accordingly, read the reviews and see for yourself what these things cost. a review of my recent trip to havana to follow.

02-14-03, 00:55
our havana trip

we departed for havana on feb 2nd flying skyservice from toronto to veradero, cuba arriving at 925 am. this was booked last minute through sun holiday’s vacations in toronto and cost 550 tax included. this airfare was a little higher than we had hoped for but we booked a little early to ensure a seat on the early departing flight ensuing a full initial day and evening in havana. our arrival and time at the airport in to was uneventful, no problem due to our being severely overweight on the baggage restrictions which i’ll admit i was a little worried about. we arrived a little early in veradero and went through the regular routine consisting of a long wait in line for immigration followed by a scan of hand luggage by xray and examination, very thorough, of any electronics. everything went fine until our luggage was scanned by xray in the back and one bag came out with an alarm tag attached to set off the alarm at the gate for customs. we had brought a car cd player for our friend and driver and a scan of the luggage quickly determined this. this led to a very thorough check of all of the luggage and resulted in a duty of 52 us for all of the presents found. our friend was right on time waiting for us and we drove straight on to havana, a 1.5 hr drive. it should be noted that we put the name of superclub puntarena on our tourist cards (provided with our airfare). a tactic which avoids any unwanted questions.

we had booked a casa which we had discovered on a previous visit and enjoyed. we did this simply by emailing our friend and he went and reserved it. this is a private apartment in centro havana on the fourth floor of an apartment building. it has two separate bedrooms on either side of an adjoining bath, ac in the rooms, fans in every room, two fridges, a fully equipped kitchen and a main living space consisting of a living room/dining room combined with a tv, small stereo tape player and an electronic wall safe. the building had a full time elevator operator and a locked lobby with doorman in the evening. the bedrooms are nicely fitted with double beds, dressers, and full closets. the bathroom was also fully equipped and had an electric pump to supply plenty of hot water and water pressure. the building has a grocery store in the main floor and a bank. this casa cost 25 dollars per room per night and included a cleaning lady that would come as often as you wished. for breakfast we simply brought some instant coffee and a jar of peanut butter from canada, simple and sufficient, easy to prepare.

we spent the full seven days in havana mostly partying and sightseeing and spending time with our novias. venues visited were:

casa de la musica: a large cabaret type setup, stage, bar, seating areas and dance floor. the band was great and the crowd really was into it. we went to the matinee which starts admitting people at 400 pm.
we arrived at 530 and found seats right next to the stage. the show starts at 600pm. the tickets were purchased by our friend/driver before he picked us up and i’m not sure if for pesos or for dollars. he wouldn’t let us reimburse him. drinks were reasonably priced at a buck a beer. the show was great and ended around 800pm with the evening show starting at 900 and followed by a disco. i met one chica who said she worked the bar at night. the night show is 10$ admission and the crowd is therefore less cuban and more tourists and rich folk. i was advise to avoid it at night. right next door in the same building is the america theatre, check the bills to see what the action is.

la maison, the house of fashion: a huge renovated estate consisting of a large stately home containing a piano bar a very high end gift shop and a restaurant. out back in the garden is a large cement stage and runway for the fashion show surrounded by a bar and seating for the guests. the show starts at 10pm but dinner is served if you want it before hand. dinner was three options starting at 15$ and going up to 25$ per person for lobster. the show consisted of pre and post fashion show dance routines by a small cabaret style dance troupe. the fashion show was right out of fashion tv with model types strutting the runway showing off the height of cuban fashion, nothing to write home about. the models were hot and the band following the show was good and got the crowd involved. drinks were about double normal but after the show ended at midnight there was the option of an additional 10$ for all you could drink and dancing at the outdoor poorer section of the complex which also had a pool. all in all nothing special unless your into tall good looking women and didn’t mind paying over 100$ for the privilege.

various bars and discos were open but some of the usual were closed. chevrier which is an outdoor bar with a show and pool and all you can drink for 10$ was closed. this is a cuban hang out and usually a good time. in this case it was closed, no reason given. the rio club was a big let down. dead and overpriced this bar which has always been a good time in the past was nearly empty and only the most hardened of professional chicas were in evidence. 10$ to get in you have to take a girl in with you and the talent was lacking. there were a very few top ten women but only a handful and with expensive tastes and aside from them the quality drooped through the floor. our friends told us that this is due to the current well-advertised crack down ongoing. any girls found there with an id card from outside havana had best have a good reason for being there or its off to the slammer for questioning. in addition the practice is to write down names of cubans in attendance and this could lead to further harassment. there was a terrible rock band butchering the english language and bon jovi tunes playing too loud for entertainment and the dj sucked. as i said not the same place as it was just in july.
rosalia de castro, a disco in the building of the society of the same name is a low rent dive not for the faint of heart in habana veija. the clientele consisted almost entirely of old italian men and the girls which they favor. definitely not up to the havana norm for the quality of the ladies the dj was good. the tables and chairs were cast iron uncomfortable and dirty nearly one on top of the other and they wanted more money for you to sit down. 10$ was far too much to pay for this dump. the disco to the left of the hotel inglaterra was in full swing and jumping. the tunes could be heard pounding from outside and it looked interesting. havana club is still closed. turquino club is on the 25th floor of the hotel habana libre. entrance is 15$ american and i’m not sure of the quality as i refuse to pay that much for a night out. café cantante in the basement of the teatro habana is a salsa show with a live band, 10$ entrance with an open bar, and some food included.

prado and the malecon: dead at this time of year, even on the weekend. the prado had a swarm of police rousting everyone in evidence on the one night we walked it.

nightlife was definitely not up to usual standards this time down, whether this is due to the downswing in the economy or the current crackdowns you would think that in the colder months the bars would be busier not less. the entertainment value was certainly harder to come by this trip.

meal wise we have simple tastes and with the exception of one huge meal in china town we stuck to the usual ham and cheese sandwiches, and ham and cheese pizza. groceries were readily available and the stores seemed well stocked. times seemed tougher this time around, whether i’m just getting more attuned to the looks of desperation in peoples eyes or things really are more difficult i’m not sure. we didn’t hit the beach as we spent nearly our entire trip in july there, however it is a great option and we always took a mixed group of friends and girls and were never hassled. the foods at the beach are cheap but don’t expect to see many cubans there at this time of year. i’ve only been to the touristy beach at sierra del mar and would love some feedback as to the areas at each end.

music and drinking wise i recommend the café monserrat as my favorite bar in old havana. jump in a cab and ask them to take you there and sit and enjoy the nice ambiance and usually the best bands playing that day. from there take a right out the door and a few doors down you’ll find the flordita. take a picture and skip the over priced drinks and hang a right turn down obispo. spend the money you just saved stopping in each bar along the street and having a beer and listening to the great bands. when you hit the café paris you’ve reached my second favorite. sit in this little bar have a drink and listen, they also always have a great band. take a left here from obispo and the next block over is o’reilly, on this corner you have an open air bar under a big tree or 20 feet to your left the café oreilly itself. sit upstairs on the balcony and watch the street traffic. keep going straight and you hit the cathedral and adjoining square with café, bands, overpriced stores etc. the cathedral was even open! hang a right and you’ll pass one of the old forts on your way to the malecon and the best and by far the largest open-air market with the best selection of worthless tourist trinkets. buy you souvenirs here. now get in one of the many cabs and go back to your casa to sleep off your drunken state.

the departure was uneventful due to good planning but time consuming. arrive 3 hours early in case of problems at the airport. the usual lineups were very long. if you have an abundance of cigars be aware that only two boxes are permitted per person and that the bags will be x-rayed and 3 boxes will get you called down to the customs for some explaining. you had better have an authentic government receipt for them or they will confirep001e all but two boxes and fine you 50 bucks us. take two in your carry on and two in your checked luggage to avoid this problem, and if traveling in a group make sure all luggage containing cigars is not checked under a single name. at this point canada customs is your only problem.
the departure tax has gone up to 25$ and you line up to pay it. then line up again to exit immigration, again to have your hand luggage checked for fingernail clippers, and again to board the plane. be careful as the plane boarding is not announced and the boarding pass times can be very wrong.

we have the advantage of a friend in cuba with a car and email who is willing to do some legwork for us when we are coming and book our accommodations. also pick us up and drop us off for only the price of gas in veradero, which gives us much more flight options. hiring a driver is the only way to go, cheaper and safer then renting a car and you don’t have to drive, worry about parking etc. find one who speaks english and he can double as a guide and save you all kinds of time and money. 20-40 dollars per day depending on usage is not unfair and when compared to multiple cab rides a very convenient option.

as for the chicas, it was good times, as i have said a lack of enthusiasm on the part of the ladies to discuss buisness in daylight. all in all between me and my buddy we had 11 ladies over the course of the week from novias prepped on our last trip to the hard core pro’s, and everything in between. all 9’s-10’s.
i found all things were available as usual just much more circumspect. i highly recommend packing an extra 50-100 bills and hitting the house of fashion first. pick a model and play your cards right and you could be in heaven for your entire stay in havana.

all in all we had a great time mostly due to the great cuban people we met and talked to. don’t be to cheap to buy someone a beer and you can learn more in a half hour conversation then you can by 5 hours reading some guide book. there is something to do every night, and by the end of the trip i needed to come home to get some rest.

any questions just ask.

02-16-03, 16:34

I'm planing a trip to Havana for the first week of March. It's gonna be my first time, and learned a lot from the reports and tips of all of you guys, thanks!!

I saw some bothering messages though, that current times are not that good for chica hunters...

Can somebody been there recently ell if this true? Is it true that chicks are affraid more then ever to been seen with non cubans, and get arrested? I'm intersted in non-pros...

I heared also that the government is going harder and harder on casas P. owners.

I really want to go there, but having some second thoughts after hearing this, so will appriciate any news from all of you cuba experts!

Thanks a lot,


02-17-03, 02:03
In response to your specific questions about chicas in Havana let me say that the situation is very fluid right now. The crackdown is in full force in the smaller towns but it is more difficult to check on casas in Havana. There are many more casas around and I believe that the government is still wary of putting off the tourists too much. There are many fewer chicas from out of the city from what I saw. The normal bars were mostly open but the girls were not there in the usual numbers. Also this time of year school is in full swing and it will be more difficult to find the non pros which you seek during the day. The bars are frequented by pros and semi pros and I found the normal girls very hesitant to speak to tourists in the daytime. The definition of a pro in Havana is not what it is here. All girls are going to want something and your initial contact is going to be monetary. It is then up to you to find a way to break through the barriers and develop the relationship into something else. This is helped immensly by speaking a little spanish. The pro in Havana is the bar girl who does nothing else but work the bar, no school, no job etc. These are very prevalent in any area which a tourist is likely to visit. The good girls are more difficult to find and the Semi pro one or two night a week bars girls are almost indistinguishable from the hard core ones at first meeting. It should also be noted that they all lie through their teeth. Take your trip but if your hopeing to find a nice girl not interested in you for your money you'd better speak good spanish and have some good friends in Havana. As to the girls being more afraid to be seen with the tourists the problem is not in the bars or night spots but in the daytime walking around. It is possible to take a girl out in a taxi or car or meet a girl in a bar but much more difficult to meet a girl and spend time together during the day. I have taken many girls to the beach during the summer but as I said that is much less likely with school in full swing and the colder weather. Be discreet and bring lots of cash and you will have all the girls you could want. If you are with a girl protect her from the police and take taxis and you shouldn't have any problems like arrests. Note that the crackdown is still in its initial stages and that things could change any time. Avoid drugs or drugs users at all costs.

02-19-03, 03:58
Thanks bluedrinker!

Well, I got my trip sorted out, and will post report soon as return.

By the way, I'm over in HAV on March 1st to 8th. If somebody is there, give me a buzzzz.


02-28-03, 21:52

I will be in Havana fom 3/7 to 3/10
How do I contact you?

This is my first time in Cuba and would appreciate any advice.
In particular, I am looking for a guide (chica) who can show me around the city during the day and accompany me to the Salsa clubs at night. I speak Spanish fluently and can dance pretty well.
Can one find such a guide in local travel agencies or hotels?? I will be staying at the Habana Libre hotel....a little expensive, but a real convenient location and close to all the action.

Thanks in advance for all your suggestions. Based on what I have heard from this board, I am really looking forward to exploring la Habana. Of course, I will report back on my experiences as soon as I return.


03-03-03, 05:24
Hey Guys -

I've traveled all over Central America, Dominican Republic and hae always used my Wells Fargo Debit Card, Master Card, and Visa. I'm headed to Cuba this summer and have heard that U.S. cards are not accepted due to the travel ban. Is this true? Can I use my cards?


03-03-03, 21:05
clod-US cards of anykind don't work, because of the embargo. You could open a Canadian bank account, and withdraw funds with a debit card, or just use US cash. I think travelers checks are problematic as well. thor

03-04-03, 21:55
Well I'm making my first trip to CUBA on the 21st of May. I booked the flight before coming on this site and reading up on all your posts. I'm regreting this trip already!! Everybody is talking about the girls scene not being any good right now and to be honest, thats the only reason I'm going. I'm 20 years old and speak perfect Spanish, I had heard that speaking Spanish would guarantee me tons of pussy! I was really excited until I read all the recent posts. I was hoping someone who has been there with in the past months can tell me where is the best place right now for girls. I am traveling with a cousin and we plan on renting a car so, I would apreciate directions to the "hot Spos" if they even exsist!!!

Also, do girls get in trouble for simply talking to a tourists??
And is it possible to pick up on girls from their colleges?

Thanks in advance for you help!

03-05-03, 23:43
Hey there YaYa,

Even if the police crackdown got worse than it is now you will still be able to get all the pussy you can handle. You must realize that the reports you are reading are from guys who have been going to Cuba for years and it has changed in the last years, a lot. With all that said let me re-state that if you stay in Havana you will see, and sample many chicas. Your spanish will make a huge difference for you, as you can talk details, and chicas will trust you more.

I will be there April 1st if you want to talk over a beer or some lunch.

Let me know.

03-06-03, 03:06
Thanks for the motivating reply!!! Unfortunately I will only be staying in Cuba until the 29th of March. If you’re there at the time I would love to meet up somewhere so you can share your knowledge on the whole Cubana scene with me.

What city do you usually visit?
Where is it better for girls?

Thanks Again.

I promise to bring back pictures and video of my adventures over there to share with you all!!!

03-06-03, 04:50
last 4 trips to Cuba I got sick with a virus/bacteria infection starting with a sore throat. I probably got it from the girl I was with. Had to take antibiotics when I got home.

Wondering if anyone else has had this experience.

Maybe its from the ice cubes, brushing teeth, etc.

Just Me
03-08-03, 00:39
Hey npaul,

What kind of anti biotics did they give you for your sore throat?

03-08-03, 09:37
Hi there NPAUL,

Nope never got URI while I was there in Cuba, but new flora and fauna will require you immune system to have to adapt.

Ya Ya;

I'll be on la Isla before the 1st so unless you are planning to visit la Isla we'll miss eachother. Maybe another time.


03-09-03, 00:03
Frequent Cuba travelers,

When flying to Mexico from CUBA are they really strict with the amount of stuff you bring from CUBA (t-shirts, posters, CIGARS ETC)? I'm from the US but will be flying into Mexico from CUBA and driving back through the border but I need to know whether customs at the Mexican Airport are strict on all the souveniers from CUBA. Thnx!!

03-12-03, 09:29
Maybe Mister NYC should better learn the facts.

All Cuba travellers going thru Mexico, or coming to are specifically asked if they are bringing cigars.
You are allowed TWO BOXES only!

if you say yes, they will take your boxes and then hand deliver them back to you when you board your flight leaving Mexico (for those transit passengers)

If you managed to bring back a full suitcase you got lucky.
But know the law.

03-13-03, 23:19
I have been in Havana 3 times for last year.
I have very good friend there
He usually rent a private car from his friends and drive me everywhere.
For half price of the government rental car I had car+
personal driver and personal guide.
Although he is religious he don’t mind
help me to hunting for the girls. He know good places where
to pick up pros and non-pros. He talk to girl and
after that can tell you how much you can trust this girl.
He also helpful and could be trustful practically in everything.
Finding casa particular, checking if cigars you buying is good quality or not,
driving you to beaches, finding good and chip restaurant.
Even in organizing the small business if you wish.
If you need details: vmist10@yahoo.ca

Doc Bill
03-16-03, 08:01
Hola Cubaphiles!

I have only posted once here a few months ago about my last trip to Cuba in October of 2002. Now I need some help/advice.

I'm planning to return in April, but I am very concerned about travelling due to the Bush crackdown as well as the impending war with iraq. I used to go through Mexico City, and last time I actually went "legally" from Miami with a bought license, but that trip is a bit more expensive.

Can anyone tell me how safe it is to travel now without getting busted? Should I just buck up and pay the extra for legal travel?
Any favorite routes/methods of getting there? I'm in San Francisco, California.

One more question. Is there any truth to the rumor that it is now illegal for Cubans to stay in a casa with foreigners unless they are married?

Thanks in advance, brothers, for your input. I'll be sure to give a good post upon my return.

03-23-03, 16:22
In8 and Ya Ya

I too was getting put off by the reports I have been reading. It has been an ambition of mine to go to Cuba for some time. I was concerned about the decreasing amount of "entertainment" and was about to choose another destination or to go back to Brazil or Argentina. How does Cuba compare to South America ?

Should I not cross Cuba off my list ?


Doc Bill
03-24-03, 08:51
Hey, Jack D,

If I were you I'd stick to South America or Costa Rica. The action in Cuba is near dead and hardly worth all the hassle with the police. It's gotten worse month by month. I've been there 8 times, and im only going back to see a girlfriend, and even that will be a hassle. As for hobbying, there are a lot better places to go right now.

BTW, I would still appreciate if anyone could give me some advice about travelling there now (see my post below)


03-25-03, 08:02
Well I'll give you more than advice, I'll put my money where my mouth is. I am gone in three days...Cuba-bound. Police crackdown in full effect, I still say that there are no other places like Cuba for GFE. My last trip was in December.

I have one favorite Cubana that I'll visit, but I plan to tear up La Isla four days before settling into Havana. Haven't been there (La Isla) yet, but I hear that no police pressure there, or at least comparatively little pressure anyway. We'll see, and the worst is that I stay with my favorite Cubanita all week and fuck like crazy. This girl gets me off four times a day, and it's like the first time every time. Only in CUBA.

Report when I return.

Not sure about places in S.A. other than Cali Colombia. I was there in Oct 1999.

Colombia vs. Cuba???
Cuba wins, hands down, and definately the better of the two. I would not visit Costa Rica as it is over utilized by tourists.

I hear D.R. is good, just not as good as Cuba. my $.02


03-29-03, 05:39
On site report.

I am just back - spent a long week-end - Thursday to Tuesday.

Things are pretty depressed.
Still some good action is available if you have good contacts.
People are VERY worried.
In 8 years of travel to Cuba I never saw the Cuban like this.

It geting very hard to find a Casa that will accept guest.
The bad thing is that they will not tell you up-front.
They will wait until you bring company to advise you.
This happend to a couple of guys I met on this trip.

Cienfuegos area is now a place where its almost impossible to bring back guests.

I met an Italian who spent 6 week and he told me Camaguay and Trinidad are like that also.

One of my friend who came back yesterday from Santiago told me he had to find a house outside of the city because people are so afraid.

After Cienfuegos, I headed for Havana.
I was lucky to have an open minded casa owner.

These are difficult times.
I even saw police operativos, where they stoping rented cars with Cubans on board.

Over the years, I have learn that after a few weeks it will relax again. Hope it will be soon.

This was certainly the worst trip in many years.

Lets there reports roll in so we may know when it will go back as it was.


Doc Bill
03-30-03, 05:41
hola, cubaphiles!

I am going to be in Havana from April 18 to the 25 and I need a casa particular in Vedado where i can stay with my cuban girlfriend. I hear that the authorities aren't permitting that anymore in many places, but I'm not sure about Havana.

I would greatly appreciate any info and/or recommendations, and will give a full report when I return.


03-31-03, 04:43

I used http://cubabudgettravel.com/ many times in Havana.

I was always satisfied with their services.
They charge the street prices and are reliable.



El Colorado
03-31-03, 08:00
docbill449 - try Marta Vitorte. Beautiful, spacious 4 bedroom apartment for $35 per night per bedroom. All have private baths. Shared living, dining rooms and full kitchen. Large balcony on 14 fl of highrise overlooking Vedado and the city/ocean. On Ave de los Presidentes. Very secure. Marta speaks fluent English. She can be reached at 53-7-32-64-75 or e-mail at martavitorte@hotmail.com. I've stayed there for the last seven years. Very chica friendly. She has an enclosed garage or can set you up with a driver if you need one.

Doc Bill
04-01-03, 09:59
Thank you so much guys! I will check out your recommendations and report upon return.

Many thanks!!!

04-06-03, 03:02
I went to Cuba for the first time during the Spring Break. I am going to share my experience in the next few days.

I speak no Spanish at all. Only know a few words. It was a great experience. I don’t know what Cuba likes before. It was great for me. There are many cops on the street. But, it did not slow me down. I only wish I could speak Spanish. I am sure that I am overpaid and overcharged everywhere I went. I am going to learn Spanish and go back to Cuba again.

I prefer young (18-28) white (or light skin) girls. Your idea of hot chicks may be different than mine. I can easily mix in with the college student, even though I am out of school for years. Keep this in mind when you read my Cuba adventure.

I spent a few days in Havana and a few days in Isla de la Juventud. My experience in the Isla de la Juventud will be in Other Areas section.

I flied to Cuba through Cancun, so I can easily mix in the Spring Breaker crowd when I came back to US.

Havana Airport:
When I was at Havana airport, I was asked where I would stay. I showed my casa particular address. No problem there. I got a taxi for Vedado for $15.

My Casa Particular:
It was $30 per day, with its bathroom and entrance. The air condition is very noisy. Since this was in Cuba, I did not complain. It would be hard for me to find another Casa with my language problem. The owner speaks English. He did not ask for my passport or ID. I did not discuss with the owner if I can bring Cuba guests to my room. I just did it. No sure if owner knew or not.

04-06-03, 03:05
Private Driver:
When I arrived at my Casa, I asked owner to find me a driver. What a mistake. He found a driver who doesn’t speak English. I should reject the guys right away, but I was nice to keep him. It costs me $35 per day. I only kept him for two days. It was not worth it. He took me to all of tourist traps and I spent more money than I should.

First of all, he took me a restaurant. This place is weird. It is in a residential area. There is a small sign indicating it is a commercial place. I forgot the name of the place. You have to buzz to get in. There are only 3 tables. The food is expensive for Cuba standard. It costs me over $30 for 2 persons. When we were ready to leave, the driver went to the kitchen to get his kickback. This was not cool at all. I should fire him.

Anyway, somehow I let the driver know I was looking for girls for the night. He drove around and found 3 girls he knew. I sat in the car and girls coming over to shake my hands. I let the driver know that I do like one of girls. So, two girls (one was for the driver) hopped in the car and we were on our way to Marina Hemingway. It was about 11:30PM. I saw many hot chicks on the street to wait for people to pick them up when we were on our way to Marina Hemingway. I wish I could speak Spanish to ask to the driver to pick up some more girls.

We arrived at Marina Hemingway and I paid $10 per person for all you can drink. This is a government owned place. So, my driver did not get his kickback here. The chick I picked was pretty hot. At least C or D cup. She is 24 and a student. When she saw me to look at her chest, she would shake them. I could not wait to get my mouth on these puppies. However, when I danced with her, I was disappointed. Her skin was very rough. A big turn-off (I am picky). She was a 9 when I just met her. She was a 6 after the dance.

When I was at Marina Hemingway, there were quite few girls eyeing at me. About 1:30AM, I was ready to go home. In the car, with hand and a few words, we started to negotiate a price. She wanted $100, I said no, She then said $60 and mentioned she has a baby. Another major turn-off for me. I reply with $40. She was a bit pissed and insisted on $60. That’s fine with me. I told the driver to drop them off and went home to sleep. Got to teach these girls a lesson.

The next day, the driver continued to rip me off. Took me a comedy club (I did not understand a word they said) and took commission on the drinks. At 12PM, I asked the driver take me home and told him the service was not needed anymore. By this time, I already knew my way around Havana.

The Cuba foods are very bad. Even I paid for the tourist price, I did not get any decent food. The first of things I did when I came back was getting some decent steak at Ruth’s Chris Steak house.

Eventually, I set for the fried chick ($1 a piece) and pizza ($1.20) everyday at El Rapido (Linea street between L and M street at Vedado). This joint is for Cuba and there are very few tourists there. A bottle of water is $0.40. Other Tourist places will charge a dollar for a bottle of water.

04-06-03, 04:04
how i got laid without speaking any spanish:

i was cruising on the 23 street near hotel nacional(la rampa). met a cuba guy who speaks excellent english. he was one of these street hustlers. what sets him apart with others is that he is very smart. anyway. i brought him a few drinks and became friend with him and other street hustlers in that area for the next few days. i told them what kind of girls i like or i pointed to them the girls i saw on the street. they would talk to the girl and negotiate. i paid $50 for girls. one of girls i paid only $30 (i was running low on the cash). these guys would escort the girl to my casa particular to avoid trouble from the police. for their service, i will give them $10 or buy drinks. i think it is great deal for me. i select the girls i like and they will do all of works for me.
there were two tall hot blondes (absolute 9) i saw on the 23 street on the friday night. i immediately asked if they were available. when the cuban confirmed they were working girls and i could probably get them for $30 each if he negotiate. according to the cuban, these two girls cannot talk but their hearings are fine. that’s perfect for me since i speak no spanish. i sent my guy to negotiate with their pimp (a medium height skinny black guy). however, i was late. apparently, other tourists already entered negotiation stage with the pimp. i wanted to do these two girls very bad. had anyone on this board encounter these two blondes with speech disability? i would love to know how they were in the bed.

the cuban’s name is freyred. he is white, 22 years old and about 5’5’’. his phone number is 053-07-530598. he speaks about 5 languages. you should be about to reach him in the morning. in the afternoon, he is taking computer class. anything you need, he can get for you(a driver, casa particular or girls). around 9pm, he always hung out around the cafeteria sofia (on the 23 street near hotel nacional, next to the jazz club) with several black guys. he knows all of cops in that area. at night, there is a white guy wearing a strange hat to direct car parking on that street (he pays cuban government tax). you can ask him where freyred is. he should be able to tell you. i think the guy can provide a valuable service to tourist. however, you should state clearly what you are willing to spend to avoid hassle later on.

i did see freyred helping 2 americans (both wearing reddish shirts) to get casa particular and girls the last night i was in havana. i saw freyred getting a private car with these 2 americans (he told me they are american). it was getting later. i did not stick around for the scope. if you guys with reddish shirts are on this board, let heard your experience with freyred.

04-07-03, 07:06
Meet normal Cuba girls
It is possible to meet normal Cuba girls anywhere. One place not mentioned on this board is the Saturday night concert. Every Saturday night, there is a free concert right in front of American Interesting Building at Vedado. The location of concert is not coincident. There are plenty of political messages in this concert. It starts 7-8PM and ends around 11PM. Cuban government uses bus to load university students to attend this concert. When I was there, there are plenty girls making eye contact with me the tourist. Too bad I don’t speak Spanish.

04-08-03, 03:08
Senior Citizen Needs Your Advice

Although I like variety, I think that I will be looking for a steady novia (girlfriend) when I travel to Havana next month. I am not looking for 24x7 together-ness, but I would like to fall asleep every night and wake up every morning with an affectionate cicha in my arms.

Where I need you advice is that, believe it or not, I don't want someone too young. I fear that someone too young will just be bored to death with me. I am not about to go out dancing until 4 o'clock in the morning every night. If fact, not even one night! Not even to 1 o'clock in the morning! My ideal evening would be dinner, and then some easy jazz played at a volume which does not hinder conversation, and then between the sheets and between her legs no later than midnight.

The idea is not to find a girl who can put up with my ideal evening, but to find one which wouldn't mind or might even enjoy such an evening.

I am guessing that a young girl found at one of the disco type places would not be what I am looking for. (Not to mention the fact that I'd probably feel really out of place in such a place.)

So ... any advice on where I can find a girl who I won't bore to death? Needless to say I am not looking for an abuela (grandmother). But 27 or 28 would be just fine.

Thanks, Bob

04-08-03, 23:05

Give Freyred a call. He is white, 22 years old and about 5’5’’. His phone number is 053-07-530598. Tell him exactly you wrote on this board. He can introduce ladies to you if you don't know anyone in Havana.

04-09-03, 07:19
For some reason, I dragged my sad donkey butt down to Havana Cuba. Not a great place to be unhappy. One fine day I was walking into a shop in Viejo (old town) and spotted a tall, slender, dark-skinned woman who slowed at my advance. I followed her in, exited behind her and did a triple-take. She was ravishing. I quickly snapped her photo walked off into a crowd, when she began to question me in Spanish.

My Spanish is not as good as you might expect, actually it is not
good at all. It was unclear to me if she was asking what I did,
if she was threatening to turn me in to the authorities, or if she
was propositioning me. As it turned out, I think that all three were
going on, but the outcome was surprisingly pleasant.

She suggested that we take a tour of the Capitol. We wandered around and I listened to her describe things in ways that I did not understand. I found out her name was "Marilyn" and she told me her last name was not "Monroe." Of course, the trip had been filled with JFK references, and I did not need one more. After the better part of an hour was spent trying to understand the Cuban experiments with US-style democracy, and why they failed, we went to the outdoor restaurant. I bought her lunch and some sodas, took out my notepad and Spanish-English dictionary, and exchanged notes. This turned out to be the best way to communicate. The obvious downside was that our communications could be intercepted and used as evidence, so we destroyed them almost as soon as we made them.

I told her that she was 'muy linda.' We continued to flirt and seduce one another as the day warmed and ripened.

She asked how much i wanted to pay,
and put lines next to the following:






Not wanting to be either stingy or extravagant, I checked the $40.
she wrote "OK" next to it without hesitation, then grabbed the note and tore it. After finishing our sodas, we went down several grand flights of stairs and back into Viejo.

Through the streets she went, looking for a friend who had a 'casa particular' that was available. We were together, yet apart, constantly looking toward one another and ignoring one another in case the authorities questioned. Eventually, she found one in Pobre Peña, that added another $20 for an hour alone.

After going into the wrong building, she whistled me out, and put me in the right one. Then we paid the $20 for the room, $1 for the 'preservativo' (condom) and went upstairs, where I gave her US$40 and she gave me a sweaty, nasty good time.

We spun out on the street, and she helped to guide me back to the bus.

¡Cuba Libre!

04-14-03, 23:59
Originally posted by AllIWantisLove
Senior Citizen Needs Your Advice

My ideal evening would be dinner, and then some easy jazz played at a volume which does not hinder conversation, and then between the sheets and between her legs no later than midnight.

The idea is not to find a girl who can put up with my ideal evening, but to find one which wouldn't mind or might even enjoy such an evening.

Well at least there are nice places for music (Jazz being played live in the Galeria Paseo, topmost floor, right opposite to the Melia Cohiba). If you are more for the slow, intellectual stuff, visit El gato tuerto, downstairs from the Ncional Hotel.

You will find your novia anyway. She will adapt to your needs, rest assured.

How come that more often than not tourists like being a laugh at a loud place where about everybody can see what´s behind the grey haired and the young beauty, trying to make him dance ...

Nevertheless, even whithout grey hair one can easily be spotted and that is distasteful, anyway.

For a good dinner try El Gringo Viejo, the only restaurant (paladar) actually serving interesting food apart from the usual. If she still wants pollo frito, it´s on the menu as well...

Have fun!


Doc Bill
05-03-03, 09:16
Just back from Habana and here's my report as promised.

First of all, ditto to the guy who recommended El Gringo Viejo, that and El Alhibe are my favorite restaurants in Cuba. Excellent food by any standards!

This was my 8th trip to Cuba and I've spent a total of about four months there, both east and west. Since this board is about sex I'll simply invite anyone to contact me if they want general information. Geez, I'm getting recognized by people on the streets already!

Ok, let's talk about sex. If that is the primary purpose of your trip GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. Believe me!, it ain't what it used to be. Yes, there are still girls around, far fewer, way far fewer, but it is such an incredible hassle. Their families, the laws, the police (who are now detaining johns as well as the girls, and they don't care if you consider her your "novia.") no arrests for the guys, though the girls can and do get two years in a rehabilitation camp. This is especially prevalent with interracial couples where the Cuban is mulatta or black. Then there's the getting of rooms, paying people off, blah, blah, blah. I only went because I already have a girlfriend there, so I didn't have to deal with most of that shit.

Also, more and more casa particulares are being prohibited from allowing chicas in the casa, at all! We had to look for several days before we could find one. The casa's get punished by forced closure.

So, as I said, there are many reasons to see Cuba, and I highly recommend it for learning, experience and vacation, but definitely not for mongering unless you have no choice, the money you THINK you're saving is well offset by the hassle and risk.


05-10-03, 19:05
DocBill is right!

I have been in Havana few weeks ago, and this is defenetly not the first place of choice, if sex is what you have in mind.

Girls are around, no problem; You can get girls in the street, in bars, in cafes, anywhere, but they are all hard pros, and those you can find in any other place.

It seems that the GFE type and novias all around days are gone, or at least in deep suspension.

I had no problem though, to bring chicas to my casa, as I had a separate entrance with my own key, and ususally brought the girls late at night when the casa owner was a sleep. You just need to find such a casa and then no problem to bring over chicas.

I had good time in Cuba. But if sex is the purpose of your trip go elsewhere. Brazil and Colmobia in LA are much better, so are Thiland and the Philipns in Asia and Germany (Best FKK clubs in the world!) and east Europe.


05-17-03, 17:57
Havana is not the place it used to be. Nightlife has diminished to the point that there is less going on than in a typical European city. Most of the discotheques outside tourist hotels have been closed. The only exception I know of is the Rosalia de Castro.

The bars are also being attacked and many formerly lively places are almost empty. There are a few foreign males wondering where the girls have gone !

Girls are still allowed in your room in Havana, but it is now very hard to find a nice girl. Most seem to be hardnosed professionals who will ask for $50-100 and not be worth $10.

Police are now fully prepared to hassle girls who are with tourists on the street, often just whisking them off to the police station. This is even happening to tourists who have long term girlfriends, unconnected with prostitution.

D M Konrad
05-26-03, 06:20
Have some questions on Cuba.

1. Is it true that Cuban girls are very hairy and do not shave? Who of them are the hairiest: black, mulatto, creol?

2. What are the places in Havana where mainly black girls go?

3. Is 1830 still open? If yes, what is the current situation there?

4. Has anyone stayed at Villa los Pinos (circa Santa Maria del Mar)? Is it possible to bring in girls there (with a bribe to security etc)?

Thanks in advance for any info available.

05-26-03, 20:30
Yep, all of Cuba girls I encountered are hairy by US standard. One light-skin Mulatto are less hairy. All of others are white.

El Colorado
06-02-03, 05:32
Just got back from a two-week trip in Cuba. I spent the first week in Nueva Gerona on Isla Juventud and the second week in La Habana.
Nueva Gerona is like an armed camp. Since the two highjackings there, the military and police are all over the place. The repression is in full force. You cannot be seen on the street with a chica unless in a large group either day or night. Cabs must be taken everywhere. At the disco, police watch your every move both inside and outside.
Fortunately, I had a girlfriend cultivated from my last visit in January when things were much more laid back. I had the whole second floor of my casa particular and hosted several private parties there. I also went to the Hotel Gaviota pool where things were OK.
Havana was the opposite. Since the arrest of the dissidents, the police now feel that all is under control and there were very few police on the street. We still took cabs at night, but were unmolested. A friend who came along has a girlfriend in Havana. He purchased one of the $100 letters from the Cuban Department of Justice (is that an oxymoron!) and the few times he was challenged walking with his chica, the cops backed off after seeing the letter. I had taken my Isla chica to Havana, but she was terrified to go out much. We did go to dinner most nights and a few nightclubs. She got in some shopping.
However, the government has cancelled the annual festival normally held around this time of year. They’re afraid of too many drunken Cubans assembling on the street.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to check out Johnny’s (Rio), Rodeo or any of the usual haunts for working girls.
The Cubans as a whole seem more depressed than I have ever seen them in the last eight years. There was very little tourism.

06-28-03, 00:10
Hello all,

Since I'm so grateful to all of you for all the info that I've been able to obtain here, I felt that the least I can do is write a report on my last trip to Cuba (Habana), the last week of May 2003. I know it's been a long time, but I hadn't had time.

Overall, I concur with many of the other members, these days Cuba, at least Habana, is too much of a hassle and the girls are all about money. They all ask for ridiculous amounts (70 to 80 dollars at least, for a 2 hour session), and the service they give, is not the best, let's just call it that.

I'm not saying that you can't have a good experience, but the prevailing attitude, so to speak, makes you feel unconfortable.

So, let's get to the point. I found my girls at the hotel where I stayed. I had to stay there, since I was there on business and the company was paying for it, not because I did not know about the casas particulares.

1.- Hotel Copacabana (Miramar, just by the side of the Ocean). If you get to the lobby / bar at, say around 8 PM, you'll find several lonely girls, some good looking ( 7s 8s), some others not so good looking. They'll always ask for 2 or 3 drinks, and then they'll ask you to go to their "casa", for which they'll try to charge 30 USD, just for 2 hours! plus 50 to 60 USD as a service charge. Of course this is a rip-off, and you'd have to be stupid to accept, so you can negociate, and get them to charge 50 - 60 for the whole deal.

Beware of two girls:

Lidmay and Flora:

I did Lidmay, cause she's a good looking 21 year old brunette, nice ass, little but nice tits. On the other hand, Flora is fat, brown hair, round face and looks like she is in her late 20s, not very attractive. They wanted me to do them both, but Flora being so unattractive I decided to do Lidmay. Her fat friend just wouldn't leave us alone when we were trying to do our thing, she was a real pain in the ass. Tried to send her packing but she decided to stay anyway. When I was done, they tried to charge me twice the amount we had agreed on. I said "no fuckin way, I only did one of them, if the other one stayed it was because she wanted to." They didn't get off my case till I got in a cab and left them yelling at me.

It doesn't end there. Everytime I got out of my room I would find them there, waiting for me, and they would want me to buy them lunch, give them money, buy them things. They wouldn't let me go looking for other girls. In the end I just had to be rude to them and tell them to fuck off or I would call the police.

2.- "La Maison" There's a show there every night (stand up comedians and shit), and at the bar you can find many lonely ladies looking for action. I had a couple of girls from that joint, same price as before.

I have to go now.

(To be continued)

06-29-03, 23:47
Earlier on, there was action of SWs off Quinta av. Last time I was there: nothing except a girl challenged in the tooth-section, that was really pityful, yet I refrained from accepting her offer. Some Transvestites, which I left out, of course. What about today?


06-30-03, 06:18
It is nice to see a recent report. I will be going in August. So I am eager to read the rest of your report. Alexdude keep up the details, they are appreciated.

07-03-03, 15:46
Ok, here we go again (this is the continuation of my previous post)......

Where was I? oh... yes, "La Maison". This is a bar where you can have a beer, and see the show (not very amusing, since it's all local Cuban jokes, hard to understand to anyone but Cubans). There are many good looking ladies, but on Saturdays you need to arrive early, or you'll never get a table, cause the place will be packed. It's always convenient to have a table, because it's easier to invite a lady to have a beer with you, or a drink, and they somehow seem to be more interested in men sitting down, rather than the ones at the bar. Many of the best looking working girls seem to hit that bar at night, say around 10 PM, (I noticed a couple that during the day used to hang out at my hotel's pool. Yes, they give the doorman a tip to let them work, and pay the fee to eat lunch and the right to use the pool, although it's almost impossible to take one of them to your room for the reasons already discussed in the forum). One more thing, at "La Maison", you have to be a really good negotiatior or they will, and I mean they will rip you off. Many of the good looking girls (8s, 9s) will ask for 100 USD. There is where your bargaining skills have to kick in. Buy them a shot of rum, if they're having a beer, start flattering her, tell her that you're not rich but like her so much, and how she's worth much more than that , but you don't have that kind of money on you, bla bla bla. For me it worked 80 % of the time, and I was able to have the girl for say 45-50 bucks plus the "casa" fee (never pay more than 15 bucks for this). If everything works, you can bang a great looking woman for two or three hours for 60-70 USD.

3.- There's also the "restaurant" or "cafeteria" action. If the locals see that you're a lonely foreigner having dinner, they will almost certainly approach you (men or women, men offering to introduce you to a female "friend" interested in meeting extranjeros, or the women themselves asking you to buy them something). This works too, and is a lot cheaper. One night I was having a beer and a pizza in a cafeteria right around the corner from the National Aquarium, (the place where you can see the dolphins), I don't remember the name, but it's a small place, the kind that has the chairs and tables bolted to the floor, not very expensive, out in the open air. Well, that night, this dude approached me, and asked if I was interested in " female company". I said yes, we had a few cold ones, and took off with one of his friends in an old Russian car. Then we arrived at his amiga's place, bought like 30 beers and started drinking (the 3 of us, in her house). We talked for a while (I'm fluent in Spanish). This girl was good looking, in her late 20's, great ass, blond hair, nice tits, tanned skin. When we were done drinking, she asked if I wanted to come with to her room, to watch TV. She said that after that, she expected a "regalito" (little present), a perfume, t-shirt, tennis shoes, or money, but she never mentioned a price. So, we did our thing in her room, and she was pretty good. The BBBJ was excellent, not rushed at all, she let me play with her all I wanted (put my dick between her tits while sucking it). We did doggie style, she rode me like a cowgirl and asked me to go down on her. She seemed to be enjoying it, and so was I! I used the 3 condoms I was carrying in my wallet cause we did it another 2 times. It was unbelievable, really. I gave her 50 bucks when we were done. After that , they called me a cab and I went to sleep to my hotel.

This happened on my last day in Cuba. It made the whole experience worthwhile. Had it not been for this, it wouldn't have been so nice. The weird thing is that it happened when I wasn't looking for it, I was just having my beer and pizza.

In conclusion, you can still have fun in Cuba, but you need to know where to look and have a bit of luck, because the police is such a pain in the ass, and most of the girls are money-oriented plus they want to rip you off. So I guess this time I just got lucky, considering this was my first trip to Cuba.

In this trip, I also went to Costa Rica. Hopefully I'll post the report soon in the Costa Rica forum.

Have fun and avoid rip offs.

07-28-03, 09:51
Thanks for the really great reports on La Habana alexdude!

So what's your conclusion now: Don't go to Cuba for mongering purposes or just forget certain places in the capital?

You said you would leave for Costa Rica. I personally don't like the szene in San Jose too much but tastes differ I guess, reading the posts on the CR/SJO board...

What do you think: How does CR compare to Cuba?

08-01-03, 23:03
Hey Charly and all of of you guys interested in Cuba,

To answer to your questions,

You can still have a good time in Cuba, but as you said, there are certain places to forget if you're looking for the GFE. The big, well known places, like discos and places like la maison, are full of girls who want to rip you off (who are well aware of the fact that you're a foreigner and that your wallet contains greenbacks). It can still be good (if you don't overpay and follow some of the general guidelines that in my humble opinion work), but will be strictly business (unless the girls actually likes you for some reason). But there's also the downside of having to deal with the police.

So, having that in mind I can answer your second question, how does CR compare? Well, you can also find good quality there, get a good deal, and do it freely (the girl can come with you to your hotel, you can be in out in the street with her no problem no one gets jailed !.... etc.). So, if you are more of a negotiatior and an experienced or not so experienced monger, shoot for Costa Rica!

On the other hand, if you speak at least some Spanish, and are looking for more personal treatment (plus you're willing to go through all the hassle, spend more time looking for the GFE), then Cuba is still an option, and you can have unbelievable experiences (like the one I told you about, I still can't believe it myself).

You also have to consider that going to Cuba is a whole new experience all by itself (whole different world), it can be interesting from the tourist's point of view, and it can be very annoying at the same time (you realize that Cubans are not free, you see all the hardship that they have to go through, and you can't use your credit cards! Don't bother to leave home with your Amex card, or with any card issued by an American bank, won't work so bring lots of cash or another non American card).

To wrap this up: Cuba's appeal as a sexual destination is disappearing, although being smart and with a bit of luck you might still find something really unique. If you just want to spend money and get laid, go somewhere else, Cuba won't be worth all the trouble.

Hope this helps.

08-05-03, 19:36

I see prices quoted in the last postings that are way too high and are surely going to raise the price-level for next mongers to come.

Just for comparison, I had one nice girl for a night in Santiago. We never talked about money and I just gave her 10 US$ + shampoo in the morning. I admit I had some remorse afterward and I think I should have given her 20$.

Just keep in mind that the average wage is about 223 pesos (US$10) per month, which includes teachers, engineers and carpenters. Doctors are slightly higher at US$15.


08-06-03, 17:15

Well, when did you last go? I have news for you: Price levels have ALREADY been raised. I agree with what you say about wages, but these girls seem to have noticed that they can charge what has been discussed. Believe me, I tried to negotiatie, and at least in Havana, there was no way they would do it for 10 + shampoo! At least not at the places I visited.

But maybe you got lucky and this girl you talk about wasn't a pro, and that is entirely possible like I've repeatedly pointed out. And there, it is 100 % up to you what you give the girl. From my personal point of view, I would have felt misserable if I had given the girl I told you about 10 bucks (and like you say, we never discussed price, and she never rushed me, could have stayed with her longer). But again, this is my personal opinion (I think she earned her 50 bucks, plus I took into account that these people are really poor and don't have many choices to make money, plus I was really grateful and happy).

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions for capitalization and punctuation. To avoid future delays, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no caps or punctuation. Thanks!

Doc Bill
08-11-03, 18:53
I just want to totally concur with alexdude's assessment of the situation in Cuba and comparitively with Costa Rica. A couple of years ago I would've gone to Cuba hands down, but now there is no comparison, I would easily choose Costa Rica for mongering. The only advantage Cuba ever had was price, and as some have indicated that is going up. Add to that all the hassle and bs (see my post below) and this is not a difficult decision. The glory days of mongering in Cuba are over. Yes, you can and will have adventure there, but strictly speaking of sex it ain't happening any more.

08-11-03, 20:34

I was in Santiago in January 2003 and the girl was a non-pro (I think). I must recognise I paid 25$ in Havanna for a girl from the "Emperador" bar (in Vedado) but that was the most expensive I ever paid in Cuba. The havanna pros are definetily good at bargaining but that does not mean you should accept their prices.

My feeling is that 50$ is way too high anyway. If the girl was a pro, the pimp got most of it anyway and probably had a good time with the money in some disco with his friends... They will try probably to get 70$ out of the next "Yuma" (Stranger) the next time....


08-12-03, 11:04
Made it back from my first trip to Havana. There is nothing like Cuba in this part of the world! I had no reservations for flights from Cancun to Havana or for a place to stay before I left. No problems, I wrote down on the immigration form that I was staying at the National. Once in the cab, I asked the driver to find me a casa - which he did. I went by myself and I do not speak spanish.

Within three hours of being in Havana, a guy whom I was talking to for about 15 minutes was taken away by the police. When the officer asked for my papers and I told him I forgot my passport in my casa, he didn't make a big deal out of it, he just escorted this guy to a car with three other cops, two of which got in the car with him and drove away.

Things are exactly the way people on this board have described the situation in Havana.

I did have a great time - although I ran out of money. Five days before my return flight to Cancun, I realized I was VERY low on funds. Too many ladies, too many dinner guests at the resturant, and too many "drinks on me" at the bars really took it's toll. Prices for the girls was always $70 a night. I knew there was no way to have money wired to be, like Western Union or using an ATM, so I told my "live-in" girlfriend that I would be leaving the next day to come home - no money. She suggested that I have the money wired Western Union to her, and that way it would work - So, I get my hopes up that I'll be able to get some more money and I can stay longer. I email my brother in the States and tell him what to send the money and email a conformation number back to me. Of course it didn't work. The only way to send money to Cuba from the States is to the military on Guan. Bay. After reading his email, I head back to my casa, pack my stuff up within a few mintutes - taxi is waiting for me - I ask the landlord for the $ back for the days I had already paid for, and leave for the airport. I didn't realize just how close I came to getting myself in a VERY ugly mess! When all was said and done, I left Cuba with only a few dollars! I had just enough money to pay for the taxi, the 25$ depature fee, and the $25 fee to Areocarib for leaving a few days early.

Although I have many funny stories about my adventure, there is really nothing I can contribute to the board as far as any new info.

Thanks for all the replies to my questions I had before I left. Now, if I would just have followed all the great advice on the board my trip would have been all that more enjoyable.


08-13-03, 22:04
Report from Havanna

goodness gracious, what are people doing wrong in Havanna? This place is buzzing with all the action you want right now.

If you don´t get laid right in your first night, it´s only because you´re pissed with too many mojitos.

Actually, nobody can walk for more than a few steps without getting "the eye" or something more substantial in terms of offers right now.

Pick up the "autostop" girls on 5ta avenida or just walk the Malecon will get you the most beautiful chicas you can imagine - as long as you´re not looking for blonde, white Farrah Fawcett Majors type girls (I never got the hang of it anyway, white american beauty fails me totally).

I had the most rewarding GFE there ever, and I travel frequently to the place. Cost me nothing apart from inviting her and her family to my casa, where I cooked oriental-style cuisine with flavours they´ve never experienced before (brought the stuff from home, and used imported beef/pork for the barbecue from the mercados diplomaticos).

In turn I was rewarded with flavours of the most beautiful, tight pussy you can lay hand (or anything else) on.

My advice is: get a car in the airport (and a good map) and be free to savour on the beauties. Sit in any of the national diners (pollo, pollo, pollo...) and pick the nicest lady to accompany you. Don´t be shy, lots of them aren´t either.

Still the love-life of cubans, and the mulatas and african-cubans in particular is really more relaxed than ours.

If you´re with a non-pro, a bbbj is something special and can´t be automatically expected. But with luck, some spanish (get the "hot spanish" phrase-book, if you can find it or bl**dy well learn the d*rn language) you´ll end up with the best sex you had for years. It´s so wonderful to hear and understand the words "te quiero", "quisiera sentirte como h()mbre ahora", "damelo duro". If I recall them right from the memory. I actually was concentrating on other things than language at the moment.

But hey, if you do it like I did (met this girl in an internet partnersearch-site), you might ending up married to her.

We had a lot of encounters and something happened to me I hadn´t known for 20 years: 4 to 6 hours of uninterrupted pleasure with few pauses and her having at least two (real, I swear) orgasms every night. Several were fake for my pleasure, I don´t mind.

She wanted to watch TV in my room (she said) and there was nothing else than a bed to make oneself comfortable on. Guess what....


Why do women watch porn films right to the end? They wanna know if the girls going to be married to the guy in the end....

yours truly.

08-14-03, 09:07
Well It's time for another little trip to Havana, leaving the 23rd through Veradero. We always are met by our local buddy/driver and we stay at the same private 2bedroom apt for the week in Centro Habana at the Super Cake. No Family hassles, secure, no bribing sec guards, etc what a pain that must be. In Feb when we last went the Johny was already dead. There was plenty of action to be found at the Society of Rosalia de Castro, Hit the disco or just have a sandwich upstairs at the bar. Still plenty of street action, but the real beauties are running scared in the daylight. As always in such situations its always hit or miss, sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you can't find anything. Try the Casa de la Musica at night, or simply strike up a conversation with some gentleman who speaks english at one of the Malecon bars and let him do the work. If you want nice girls you are going to need a guide. Simply allow one to find you, walk the streets near the National, or over near the Hotel Habana Libre, or in Old Havana, be dicreet and find a guide for a couple of days. Be selective, you don't want some young punk. Most can save you days off your trip and hours of worry as to where to party and where to go. If your in a group get a driver for the week and save a fortune on taxis or a rental car. On our first trip we found a spanish classy looking gentleman who spoke some english and he found us our casa, driver friend with whom we still meet every trip. A guide will know tons of girls, dozens, hundreds, simply tell them your looking for a nice novia for the week and take a drive. Before you know it you'll be whistling at some girls door or picking one off the street. Don't let anyone push you around, stay away from the hard pros at the bar if you can, an average girl will be happy with a much smaller present a night as they haven't paid ten bucks to get in a bar, taxis, bribes bouncers, cops, they won't be sporting a cell phone, and they won't have the dirty little tricks.

The odds of meeting such a girl on your own is slim, unless you speak some spanish and get lucky. I've never had any luck on the Malecon at all at any time, nor on the prada, La Maison is full of Cubans having fun just like any 10 dollar all you can haul place, good luck finding girls there as they don't go there as there aren't any tourists, the swimming at night is nice though and its a good place to take your novia. If you want to high roll, hit the big Cabaret on the weekend and wait till the disco after, you'll see the hotties then, or hit the house of fashion and find a model after the show. Just wait outside right after the fashion show. I don't know if club impanema is still open, and there is a disco in the hotel accross from the Wakamba restaurant I'm not sure what nights. There is always lots to do in Havana, there is a lot less action now but you would have to be broken not to get laid twice or three times a day. It'll take 6 trips just to do everything once. Its important to be discreet, a car and driver really saves time and money let me tell you, and helps with transporting the ladies and yourselves. It will only take one three taxi trip around looking for an open club on a weeknight to see the value of your own driver. If your gonna pay a couple of grand on a trip whats an extra hundred for a driver/guide to make your trip a ten. Always ask to see ID, If she doesn't have one shes under 16 and your placing your freedom in her hands. Don't do drugs you'd have to be crazy, might as well play russian roulette. Any smart girl you meet will simply follow you back to your casa on the other side of the street or in a taxi or a block behind, get used to it its the way of life in Cuba. But if this is all to much hassle by all means go to Costa Rica or Brazil, more fun for me. I'll report back when I get back.

08-15-03, 07:42
Just one more comment on immigration/import:

If you intend to bring one of the most wanted articles in Cuba to your GF, don´t bother. VCR sets are forbidden to take into the country. In the webpage of the aduana it says the regulation only applies to VCRs from USA or travellers coming in from the USA, but this is definitely not true: coming oin from Mexico, non-american passport, VCR produced in Corea got me a to be called violador and, of course the VCR being taken away.

Bet on it, it´s going to be sold on the street for at least 200 US$. Cost me in Walmart, D.F. well under 100 US$. Anyway, the laptop I brought for my sweetheart waqs not criticised, even while I was carrying another laptop for my own use.

yours, truly

08-22-03, 23:23
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
A three part series on my two week trip to Havana
8/5/to 8/15/2003

Part 1# The Good

In my mongering travels to Costa Rica, Mexico and Cuba....the Cuban women were the most beautiful and passionate I have met. Hands down. The countryside is beautiful as well. True enough; the buildings in the city are in desperate repair. The everyday common people were very friendly and deeply sincere. Albeit much panhandling and scamming, but these folks are trying to survive. I imagine anyone with the balls to travel from the US to Cuba has enough street sense to handle this.

Also, thank you to Jackson and WSG as it was the most valuable resource I found. I even cut and pasted my favorite articles from the WSG Cuba site, printed them out and brought them with me. Lastly, if you are thinking about traveling there, the one book I would recommend is "Cuba" by Christopher Baker. Also, the most helpful thing I carried with me while in Cuba was a small spiral notebook and pen. I found myself using this all the time. Plus I wrote many notes. phones numbers, addresses and such.


During my 15 day stay I spent intimate time with about 12 chicas. Ages 18 to 23. I am very, very choosy, I scout for 9's and 10's but will settle for an 8. I paid $30 to $40 for one hour get-to-together in my casa. So keep that in mind as you read.

1: Pan De La Paris...this little bakeshop is next to the Hotel Inglaterra and across the street from Parquee Central. I pulled five girls from here. You don't need to know Spanish or have an interpreter. Just USD's and a friendly smile. Just sit at one of the tables on the sidewalk cafe and they will start to walk by giving you the eye.

2: La Rumpa [aka Calle 23] between Presidente Ave and the Malecon. Even if you have a driver, walk this street at night around 11pm to 2am. With a driver I found it difficult to see the girls clearly as the street lights are not very bright. I pulled four girls from here.

3: Calle 5, Miramar: This is the main thoroughfare in Miramar, the most fashionable location in Havana. During the daytime there are many beautiful chicas waiting by the side of the road. They tend to want more money than the locations above. The police seem to have a hands off order regarding Miramar and the chicas. As I saw them standing near police without concern. Don't bother at night as this becomes the transvestite location.

4: The Malecon: I really don't recommend the Malecon, as it is two miles long and most of it is dark at night. Driving by at night it's difficult to ascertain exactly how attractive a woman is. So walking is the best method I found. Too much work for this ******.

5: Les Jardines: A open air bar 2 miles west of Marina Hemingway in Miramar. I was advised to try this by one of Fidel Castro's body guards. A friend of my drivers. One night there were several beautiful young chicas, but the second visit yielded nothing. Worth a try.

Of the women I met, all but two gave me bbbj and two even swallowed. Sometimes I needed to sweeten the pot with another five bucks to help motivate them. I evaluated their performances and the final score was 3x 10's , 3 x 9's , 5 x 8's and 1 x 0. Not bad for twelve chicas.

Scuba Diving

I was so fortunate to have a world class dive master. Alberto Delgado speaks English, is very professional and courteous. He is PATI and IANTO certified. I received my PATI open water certification from him. Only $250. That's a great deal folks. We dove at many different locations around Havana and the outskirts. By the way, if you're American, your certification will read either France or Spain, as to avoid problems. The dives ranged from 50 to 110 feet. The coral, shipwrecks and marine life were excellent. Water clarity was 75 to 150 feet. In comparison, the best I have experienced was the Marietta Islands in Banderas Bay, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

I paid my driver $100 extra above the daily rate of $30 to drive me, Alberto and his girlfriend and my driver and his wife to the Bay of Pigs. The Playa Giron site. It's about 300 mile round trip. It was fascinating to see the Cuban country side and meet some of its people. Much more laid back then in the city. I enjoyed the trip, but really, as had been mentioned on this site before, the diving isn't any better than the sites in the Havana area. Alberto's email is aldel78@yahoo.com

The People

It quickly became apparent that the people of Cuba were the most beautiful aspect of my visit. The Cubans are a deeply sincere people and I found myself growing daily in admiration for their quiet, resilient attitude towards a life that is extremely difficult. The gentleman who set me up with my driver was a college professor of Physics at a University. His yearly income was $180. My dive masters' girlfriend is an English teacher at the high school level. Her yearly income was $120. My dive master told me he makes $70 a month. He is considered a very successful Cuban. True, you will meet your fair share of street hustlers and etc., but a "no gracias" generally does the trick.

08-22-03, 23:30
Part 2# The Bad [but manageable]

The Food

The food is rough. However, having taken many notes from this site and various books I managed ok. I lost 8 pounds during my stay. Also, avoid street food. I got the runs and a five day sore throat.

1: Tres Chinitos: in Viejo...excellent food, good service, total for shrimp creol, flam desert, a glass of white wine and a tip $13

2: La Palenque: in Miramar: excellent food, very fast service, their roast pork is world class, I ate here several times. Total cost with two beers and tip $12

3:El Ajibe: in Miramar: excellent food, service varies from average to poor, roast chicken is excellent. Total $12 . Watch all the 50, 60 and 70 year old touristas with their hot 20 year girlfriends. I would estimate it was 50% of the restaurant and this place seats about 250.

4: Gringo Viejo: in Vedado calle 21, very good food, excellent service. total $15

5: Pan.Com: in Miramar, good fast food sandwiches, service good, total $8

6: La Fountain: in Miramar, good food, really lousy service, way too expensive total $45. I would not go back here.

7: Mamy's: in Miramar, a privately owned paladare, excellent food, average service, too expensive as the top 5 restaurant s above provide the same at much lower cost.

My Driver

My driver did an very good job the first week. After the trip to Bay of Pigs I felt like I was a part of his family. Herein lies my mistake. The next day I paid him the rest of the money due him for the remainder of my trip. His service began to drop off each day after that. I found myself waiting on the sidewalk with a guest for 30 minutes. Apparently he thought, "I have your money...so watta ya gonna do?". I could have complained to the police, but it wasn't worth the hassle. After a few days of this I fired him, thus losing my money, but such is life. I would recommend paying daily or two days at a time.

Johnny's Rio Club in Miramar

My issue with Johnny's is this: all these girls have cell phones, push-up bras and are definitely professionals. I prefer college students, non-pro or semi non-pro girls. I visited Johnny's twice. I would estimate that 20% of the girls are 8's or higher and they all want $100, though I believe you could talk them down to $70 or so. I found equally beautiful women in the areas mentioned above for $30 to $40. Plus Johnny's charges a $10 cover....however, I would recommend visiting at least once just to see it.

08-22-03, 23:31
Part 3# The Ugly

The Police

I have traveled into the tundra of Canada where it snows in August, the jungles of Costa Rica where everything that swims has teeth. In fact, in the tundra we were so far north that we couldn't receive radio transmissions. As a result our float plane was three days late picking us up, and there we were not knowing what was going on.

However, the most disturbing foreign experience I have ever had was the dark and shadowy soul depleting police presence in Cuba. In a nut shell, it was the Latino version of the Third Reich. This is a Police State. No if's and's or but's.The two drivers I had during my stay were stopped a total of five times. They were given tickets on three occasions and talked to the other two times. From my vantage point, I honestly couldn't see any reason why these guys were stopped. According to my casa owner, the police stop the young people regularly . This is standard practice. Outright harassment. In each incident I offered to pay the ticket. The police are EVERYWHERE. They will not bother touristas, unless you date a chica under the age of 18. During my stay I was told of an Austrailian guy caught with a 16 year old girl. Off to jail ******. I advise you make a mental note of that.

I'm a pretty resilient guy, but after a week of this "Police State" it began to get to me. It's the hidden deep current that runs through the bottom of Cuban society. I decided before boarding the plane to leave, that I would not be coming back as long as the political situation remains the same. I imagine you WSG guys are allot like me, which is, "yeah, thanks for the advice......but I prefer to find out on my own". All in all, truly a wild and fascinating ride.

08-23-03, 08:30

Thank you! By far the most comprehensive and enjoyable WSG-report on Havana I have had the pleasure of reading to date.

I have been to Havana well over 10 times over the years. Recently my travels have taken me to Suramérica where the latin chicas you talk of and experienced are abundant.

In general its good to see that not everyone is taken-in by the “Cuba is lost to mongering” feel of recent threads. However, I do agree with your comments regarding the police: its been one of the facts of life in Cuba since Castro lost his shaving-kit. That aside, your choice is your choice: but will you not reconsider returning? I had exactly the same thoughts as I left Havana at my first visit. Within a few months of returning (Europe…) I wanted to go back. So I did; never regretted it: life’s too short for regrets.

More power to you Rickster, thanks again!



08-23-03, 21:30
Always wanted to share with you some pictures. Here´s my first (just to try this new feature).


08-23-03, 21:35
and another one....

08-25-03, 02:55
Here are some of the beautiful chicas I met during my two week stay in Havana.
I posted ten photos taken in my casa particular in the Cuba photo gallery.

08-26-03, 00:05
Originally posted by Rickster
Here are a few of the beautiful chicas I met during my two week stay in Havana.

Where? :-)

09-13-03, 20:36
Hey Rickster,

Wonderful report as previously stated, but where are your picks…? Really looking forward to seeing your chicas!



El Colorado
09-14-03, 03:24
Talosian - Talk about bringing sand to the beach!. Unless the woman you bring wants to share the bed with another chica, you'll miss the true flavor of Cuba. Why go?
The incidence of AIDS in Cuba is the lowest in this hemisphere according to the World Health Organization. It is seven times less than the US. All Cubans are required to have an annual physical to renew their carnet. This includes a blood test which is screened for HIV. If the result is positive, the Cuban disappears to a sanitarium (read camp).
If you're still not convinced, pick up one of those oral AIDS tests sold in Mexico that everyone on the other boards are talking about. Or walk your chica into the nearest hospital and wave a $10 bill in front of the nearest doctor. You'll have instant service.
Translating drivers are available anywhere and make great and cheap guides which cost less than a rental car.

09-14-03, 20:12
I have a report from the end of August. We went for 7 days to havana as is our normal routine. We had a blast as usual. The mongering is still good in Havana, I am not sure about the other cities but things are normal in Havana with the exception of a greater police presence. From what I could see without actually entering every bar the Johny was dead. The ladies were for the most part very afraid of the cops there. The disco at Rosalia de Castro was crazy with Italians and the women they like. Not my cup of tea, but there were many hotties there as well. They all wanted to leave before the police changed shifts at 1 am, as they were afraid of some officer. I have heard since I've been back that Rosalia has since been closed. Can Anyone confirm or deny this? The new hot spot we found this trip was Chorrera, the outdoor disco on the Malecon by the tunnel. This place was great, 5 bucks for entry and a buck a beer. We spent several nights there and could have done very well except our Novias were very protective. We did manage to arrange a few next day nooners. Don't get suckered into Delirio Habanero, this is a piano bar with no hotties, expensive, etc. It did have the best band I've ever seen however. The mongering on the Malecon seemed easy pickings which was suprisiing as I've never had much success there. This may have been due to the fact it was summer break for everyone so they had every night to sit out. There were numerous hotties on La Rampa with tons of cops as well. This made for a very frustrating experience as the chicas were no doubt available but very very wary. We had a private two bedroom casa, not as good as our normal spot but not the worst. 50 bucks a night for the whole place. The police have certainly put a damper on the whole experience. The Casas are still available in Havana but I've heard rumors that that might change as well. Prices were average with amateurs being from free to 30 bucks and pros from 40 to 60. The 10's still ask for 100 off the bat but they all go for 50 to 60 for the night. Each to his own, cheap entertainment is available but some of us like the princesses. No problems at the airport despite numerous bags, they are looking for the electronics not the normal goodies. It is still 25 bucks to get out of the country. If anyone has been to Diablo tun tun I would love a review and similarly the Casa de la Musica at night. Its still not the cheapest trip in the world but for the cost of an air only ticket its certainly the cheapest place with readily available beautiful Latin women. I scored 2 tens, 2 nines and a 7 in 7 nights and always had a beautiful woman on my arm day or night. All in all the trip cost 1300 american plus air and thats sparing no expense, personal driver, private casa, all the chicas you can eat, and wineing and dining the ladies and friends non stop day and night. Not bad for a three hour flight.

09-14-03, 20:34

Many of your questions should be answered by my trip report, but I'll be specific. You will have a very hard time getting rid of the girls so don't worry. They all subscribe to a bird in the hand .... . If you want simply go to a disco on your first night out, find a chica who tickles your fancy and watch out for the hard eyed ones. After a seccond of eye contact she will be sitting next to you. Go through the negotiation process and if she settles for 40 or 50 bucks for the whole night, "Hasta Manana", until tommorow, then you've scored. I give your chances 90% on the first try. Then simply try her out and see if she is what you are looking for. Many girls aren't too keen on Multiple go rounds, so if shes not what you are looking for get rid of her. If your happy simply tell her you are looking for a novia and keep her for the week. After the first night you can expect the price to drop considerably. Simply throw her 30 or 40 bucks every morning and avoid the negotiation. Remember though that now you are responsible for her getting home and back everyday or two for clothes, feeding her, cover and drinks at the bar, etc. Simply consider her your girlfriend and treat her accordingly. Also be aware that she will not go sightseeing with you because she will be deathly afraid of the cops. You could take her to the Pool or the beach. I highly reccomend the pool at Marina Hemmingway, zero cops and 12 bucks per person 10 of which goes towards food and drinks. Another good trick is to buy her something in the numerous stores there instead of giving her money. Make sure you are up front about this. A couple hours shopping is a nice diversion, but can be expensive. Another good trick is to bring clothes with you from home, ie Sally Ann. The hardest part will be not falling in love with her, or getting a night out without her for some variety. Trust me you can't go wrong.

09-15-03, 00:13

I agree with all of bluedrinker’s comments. Just go for it; you can’t go wrong. In fact you could prearrange your date, depending on when you want to go by using any one of the numerous pen pall sites. I have done this, admittedly with only very minor success from regular Cubans, as the cost for a local to use the net is prohibitive. However, if you want to aim a little younger than your sited age group: you will get a reasonable response via the university students. This method is tried and tested by a number of mongers in both Cuba, as well as other countries.

Ask and you will receive… that’s the key in Cuba. Simple. A friendly taxi driver (arranged by my casa owner) offered me a long stay GF once and so the potential must still exist. Just ask.



09-15-03, 00:35
Thanks for the great input guys. I looked at one site about staying in private homes and this seems the best, not just for price but to really get in with and meet the people. Will iI have problems having her stay with me all-night (I can pop a few extra $$s to the landlord if that helps)? I will stay at a licensed house only.

I'm getting the picture the Policia will really hassle a girl even if with me and I will "vouch" for her. Yes? Too bad because I want to see some of the outlying places also.

Another thing, and this comes to the "real World" side. How much $$ should I take as opposed to Thomas Cook Travelers Cheques? I don't want to wake one morning and find my $$ gone along with my "girlfriend." Suggestions here.

The reason I picked the age range I mentioned is because since I'm no spring chicken (though I don't yet need "V"), I don't want to look like just another DOM (Dirty Old Man), even if I am one. Where are the pen pal sites for maybe looking for a chica?

I'm figuring to get a car/driver for the week. What is a fair price for us both?

And when I know my travel dates, I'll post them and maybe some of you will be around then and I'm happy to meet buy a drink or three for you.

On bringing cloths, don't want the Immigration to think I'm going to be wearing them :) What size if I do bring some?

Thanks again.


09-15-03, 05:26
If you want to have a girl stay over night it is not a problem usually in Havana. I would however recomend booking a private casa with at least a separate entrance. If you are truly looking for an all week commitment do not expect any trouble from a casa owner. Every owner knows the score. You should have no problem finding an older available women. However you won't find one at the disco as they are rapidly replaced by the 18 year olds. I would suggest a search of chat sights etc, but few people have email access of any durration. Poor you, you may have to settle for a hottie of 18-22. I would simply find a chica and ask if she has an older sister/cousin/friend, it shouldn't be a problem. Also every tout you meet on the street could hook you up as these women will not be in demand. For a casa I have had zero success with getting responses from casas online for reservations. I would try to book several and hope to get a response. Simply try that and if unsuccessful let me know and I will introduce you to a friend who has internet and a new car and who is reliable. You can also simply ask the taxi driver at the airport to bring you to a casa. My first trip the man who was supposed to meet us at the airport didn't show and we had a casa in about an hour. We then found another nicer casa through one of the everpresent guides around the tourist areas the next day. After your first trip you will have plenty of connections if your not afraid to talk to locals and buy an occasional beer. As for money I have booked private casas which included a digital safe. This is handy. I have also simply carried a big wad around with me if I was worried about my casa. Many casas have steel gates requiring a key to exit, gives peace of mind. All you have to do is have the Name ID# address of the girl and you needn't worry, the penalties for stealing from a tourist are legendary. I would say don't even think on it but you never can tell. I have never had a chica, and I've known dozens, ever attempt to take a dime from me. In fact no cuban national, they can help you spend your money better than you can immagine and will try to sell you everything, but not one has tried to steal from me. They are far more law abiding than us. I recomend cash and more cash with travelers checks just for emergencys if you only have american credit cards. Fair price for a car/driver is about 30$ per day give or take depending on what you do. As for clothes I only bring extra smalls, size zero or one pants are even often too large. They love those low riders. Running shoes are a big hit Good luck and go for it. You can't go wrong in Cuba because there money really talks. Don't sweat it.

09-15-03, 06:37
Hey Bluedrinker -

So - a few questions - First, does this hold true for a guy in his late fifties?? I'm headed there in a couple months and would ove to "do it your way", but am in my late fifities!! Will the gals be receptive??

Second, are these "casas" comfortable - with air conditioning, and good beds?? I like the third world, but sure would like to enjoy the vacation with a few of the amenities.

Thanks for the great info.


09-15-03, 16:53
FYI: I found a site, www.acrosscuba.com which has a section on casas (private homes). I sent a question Saturday and the response was in my email box this morning. They have pictures of the rooms, prices (more than reasonable) and as you can see, responded very quickly. I'm still waiting for one reply from a lady here in California about going w/me. I'm assuming the chicas don't speak conversational English. I know, "who cares!" but sometimes it's nice. Also, I really want to do some sightseeing so having someone who can travel w/me around Cuba on day trips would be nice.

Living in the U.S., it's difficult to imagine a country where a citizen can not associate with whomever they want and travel within the country whereever they want. What is the "crime" for a Cuban woman simply to be with me for the day as a friend? Is this a stupid or just niave question?



09-15-03, 19:01
i have met several men in there 50's who party in cuba regularly. i have met several chicas who speak good if broken english. you can easily book a casa in vedado which would be considered 4 or 5 star. ac private bath, meals provided for an extra fee. any chica seen with a tourist is automatically labeled as a pro. they are afraid but it is a fear of what could happen to them, like a two year jail term. think of how you react when you see a cop on the highway. you are wary and slow down. but how often are you really likely to get caught speeding compared to how often do you speed? most cops in cuba will avoid conflict with tourists but the danger is there. how often would you speed if there was a cop on every onramp? in cuba there is a cop on every corner. talosian if you wish to bring a date i would recomend a resort, all inclusive, it will be much much cheaper and would make more sense if you want to do day trips, have a pool and beach handy, etc. resorts are actually quite reasonable and the only reason to stay in a casa is to allow cuban nationals. also in a resort you would save considerably on food and drink. clodbuster i can't allay all of your worries, few casas have what i would call amenities other than running hot water, ac and a refridgerator. these are amenities however in cuba. its funny when i hear people say they are suprised when people are not free in their own country. are prostitutes free to work in the us or canada, people are free to do what they want in cuba, but harrassing tourists and prostitution are illegal as they are seen as bad for the tourist industry and the countries morality. you only need to read the lonely planet site to see how people dilike being harrassed. any law abiding citizen of cuba will not hesitate to spend time with you or talk to you. everyone is simply aware of the harsh penaltys for breaking their laws and therefore they are careful. you will have a great time in cuba, but go there with eyes open to the reality of the situation and when you deal with people try and see it through their eyes not your own, you certainly wouldn't want to get someone in trouble.

09-15-03, 19:19
Bluedrinker: Thank you for the *excellent* and clearly well thought out response. I do see your points and will internalize them into my planning. I know a resort would be much less expensive but I really want to interact with the people. When I did Europe in 1971 (literally on $5.00 per day per person), my best experiences were when I stayed with the locals in their homes. I'm still courting a lady here who speaks fluent Spanish so maybe that will work out but if not, I'll go with my friend (much younger than me and he has different interests but I have known him since he was 7-years old). I'm sure I'll find some chica and will gladly opt for the few $$$s for a current HIV/VDRL test and have a week where I'm mentally and physically relaxed.

Another question: I know in some cultures, the women don't like a guy to go down on them. I love to do this for extended periods and one thing I know, younger woman (under 25) are usually very wet naturally. Any experiences here? Do the chicas like, dislike or couldn't care less about it?



09-15-03, 20:54
Maybe a silly question but, on a 1-10 scale, what are the chances of finding a chica who does not smoke, or at least will limit if for the "right price?"

Also, anyone know about this "$100 letter" which will allow you to (I guess) register one chica as your g/f and you won't get hassled by the Policia??



El Colorado
09-16-03, 01:16
Talosian - A friend of mine got one of the $100 letters from the Department of Justice for his girlfriend. They work. Most of the chicas know about them. Most pros won't be interested. If you are still looking for a licensed, beautiful casa, call Marta Vitorte at 53-7-326-475 or e-mail her at martavitorte@hotmail.com. She speaks English. The place is secure, with room safes on a high floor in the best section of Vedado. Check out my prior posts for details.
Most of us go for the younger women in Cuba because in my opinion, they seem to "wear out" at any early age. Age 25 is over the hill. They are under tremendous stress, don't have access to many cosmetics and generally smoke. Their nutrition is poor at best; most don't eat very often the second half of the month after their rations run out.
I'm in my mid-fifties and have no problems with the younger women there.
Sexually, they love everything. What will surprise you is how good they are at it and their desire for it. They are not sexually repressed like American women.
I agree with Bluedrinker, most casa particulars would be out of business if they weren't chica friendly. No additional tip should be necessary.
I go several times a year and have probably been with 300+ women over the last decade there. 3 or 4 didn't smoke, but many temporairly quit while I was there. Cigarettes cost $0.50 a pack. The average Cuban makes $8-10 per month. If you don't buy the cigarettes for the chicas, they frequently can't afford to smoke.
Four of my former "girlfriends" have been imprisoned in campos (hard labor, cutting cane for two years) for" talking" to tourists. No trial. They go in as innocent-looking teenagers and come out two years later looking 45 and talking like a sailor. It's a fact of life.
I've never had a security problem with a chica. One casa owner used to take their carnets (ID) and give them back in the morning if everything was OK. Getting caught without their ID is a major offense for Cubans.
A woman over 25 normally would be thrilled to be given a dinner. I doubt you'd need to pay her anything but cab fare. I stock up at the flea markets with small gifts that I fold into my luggage or take in in my carry-on. They love perfume, make-up and intimate clothing and most don't know anything about designer labels.
Relax. Have a good time and play things by ear. That's probably what you did in Europe 30 years ago.
Post us when you return.

09-16-03, 03:03
Good lord . . Talosian . just go, man . . quit worrying about details . . . so what if a gorgeous 22 year-old chica, of the type and age you could never attract wherevever you are in the Euro-American world, lights up a cigarette after a passionate, amorous, adventurous session of mind-blowing sex . . . and who could deny such a woman who has just given you the experience of your life the simple pleasure of tobacco? Cuba is a land for sensualists . . .

As for chicas and policia . . . there is no law agains Cubans and foreigners meeting, chatting, having dinner together, etc. Nor are there laws against Cubans having romantic or sexual relations with foreigners. There are laws against prostitution. Here's how it works. Many of the hardcore pros in Havana are from provincial towns (I'd say most). They are staying in Havana illegally. If they are checked out by the police for anything, this will be discovered and they will be punished. Jineteras are not subtle - - you will see many women/girls in tourist areas like Vedado or Habana Vieja or parts of Miramar who don't dress like other Cuban women/girls. Every Cuban knows a jinetera when they see one. The police know that jineteras in these tourists zones are basically pros. If they see a jinetera with you, the chances are 50/50 that she will be stopped and questioned. The chances are 50/50 that the cops will escort her to some less pleasant company.

The conclusions I have drawn from my experiences in Cuba are these:

- - ask the chica where she is from (not where she is living). If she says Las Tunas or Camaguey (and the women from Camaguey are muy caliente!), then she will be extremely paranoid about cops. You have to decide what level of hassle you're comfortable with. Personally, I get tired pretty quickly of illegal cabs, hide and go seek, etc. etc. This kind of behavior can be a red flag of things to come (hurried sex, hurry to get a cab, etc. etc.)

- - if you pick up a Habanera in a tourist zone, it is normally fine to walk with her etc. She will know how to operate with the policia. Again, if your assignation requires extreme covert ops, I grow impatient quickly. Generally, if she is a habanera and you are in a tourist zone, things will turn out just fine with a minimum of caution.

- - try not to rent a casa too close to the hearts of the tourist zones. This only increases the possible paranoia and increases the chances of patrolling policia on the corner etc. Renting a casa in Centro Habana or farther out in Vedado (away from La Rampa) always induces for me the most comfortable vibe.

- - imho, it's true there are going to be dozens of beautiful chicas who will be interested in your company, short and long-term, but I prefer a GFE . . .hooking up with one less than hardcore woman for most of my stay in Havana . . . it's just more enjoyable and less stressful that way . . .this brings with it a whole other set of things to think about but on the whole these are less cumbersome than serial mongering. Also, with a GF, there's nothing to stop you from sampling the occasional flower here and there.

My last trip, my novia and I walked wherever we wanted and didn't worry about anything. She's not a pro or a jinetera and so would see any cop interference as ridiculous. We were never hassled. But also, we probably didn't look like the typical 50 year-old sugar daddy plus 21 year-old jinetera style couple . . .for various reasons (including that I haven't broken 40 yet and she's in her mid 20s with a job etc.).

The important thing is this: Cuban women are out-of-this-world. The main danger will be that you don't lose your heart to some young, lithe, sweet little gold digger. Also, Cuba itself and the Cuban people are totally addictive.

Go . . . don't worry . . .focus on what's important . . .enjoy . .and tell us how things went .. ..



09-16-03, 04:15
To all who have responded to my posts:

Not to concern, I am going. Being the first (of possibly many trips), I want to have as much input from "been ther, done that" guys as I can. PlusI see so many different views here ranging from "Habana is where the chicas are overpriced and the cops everywhere and will hassle you to death" to the "You can find just about anything you want at a reasonable price and shouldn't get bugged by the cops much." And I know the first time is a learning experience for each of us. My big concern is going pretty much alone (with a friend who is 31 to my 64 and he will be doing his thing and I don't know if it will even include mongering). and not speaking the language but I do have time to maybe learn a few critical words and get a phrase book and note pad.

And if falling in love means more trips back to Cuba, well, I can handle that one :)

And I do appreciate all the input. I will also be taking photos of the lady (or ladies) and posting them along with a detailed account of my experience.

I absolutely would prefer the GFE and really liked the suggestion one monger gave that I should treat the girl as I would a girlfriend. I know I will feel much more comfortable with this approach rather than a 1-3 hour fun-fest with a pro or even a semi-pro. And I have no problem with a fair gift of $$ and/or clothing, etc.

And "yes," you're right about not fretting the little things like her taking occasional smoke (that's why tic-tacs were created).

So I'm going early December and will update on my experiences in getting advance casa reservation and other information.

Make it so.


09-16-03, 23:34
Ok folks,

I went Havana last month, yeh Havana is a real paradise, tons of young beautiful girls. You just go to beha havana (old Havana) ad while going there you will notice 1000s of them walking on the beach, you dont need to approach them, they will approach you, carefully select yourgirl friend talk to her, offer her a drink and negotiate, rate is 30-70 US, depending.

The only poblem is that hotel dont allow these girls to accompany you. The solution, there are specia casas 1-2 room apartments, on 20 USD, take her there and have a good time.

Cuban Kahuna
09-17-03, 17:53
Cuba: The Skinny (Trip Taken June-July 2003)

*The money amounts are in USD- the national Currency of Cuba.

Traveling (from The USA): You can go with Numerous Schools for Cultural Education (expensive). Or, the cheapest way: Go to a travel agency (most located in Miami) that gives Visas to Cuba (such as “mar azul” or “golden airlines”), and Claim that you have a relative that lives there (an Uncle, etc) that is sick. Provide a name and a faulty address, and claim it’s on your mother’s side of the family. Now, you have a “Tourist Visa” for about $45.

Flight (for USA): Will cost you from $279-$300 at the same place that you got your “Tourist Visa.” The Flight from Miami (FL) will take about 30-45 minutes. Before you depart there is a $50 tax.

Cuban Airport (for USA arrivals): Your made to wait in long lines at Immigration. Then if you bring allot of stuff it is taxed by the Cuban Government after it’s looked over. The taxes vary from $100-$299. Bringing in Electrical appliances is difficult. If you’re male, don’t bring Female clothes or you will be taxed. Also, travel light or prepare yourself to be taxed. The Government taxes those bringing in goods for the Cuban Population. So, only bring stuff that you have a reason to bring, and you can explain. On the way back from Cuba, they will tax you again $30 (departure tax).

TAXI: Always have the Taxi Driver turn on the meter before you get in the cab. If there is no meter, negotiate the price before getting in the cab. “Panataxi” is the cheapest meter taxi in La Habana. The only other cab that I would recommend is called “Coco Taxi”- an open cab that looks like a golf cart. Don’t pay anymore than $3.00 any which way. If you want to go to Varadero from La Habana, go to your local “Viazul” bus station it will get you there (for $15.00) and other places around Cuba from $3 (to the airport) to $65.00 to the other side of Cuba.

What to wear: You want to stand out as a tourist. If you blend in you won’t get any sex (skip out on the t-shirts and jeans). I recommend you use a Blazer or Sports coat, a polo shirt (tucked in), a pair of khaki pants, and a pair of casual shoes. Go as if you’re going to conduct casual business. If it gets too hot you can always throw the blazer (or sports coat) over your shoulder. Here’s an accessory to swing around: a water bottle.

Accommodations: Find a “casa particular”- There Hundreds of them all around the city. Do not pay over $25 anywhere in Cuba. If you choose a Hotel you will only spend twice as much money if you decide you want to conduct your business with some girl. Never pay the renter ahead of time (pay day by day).

Money: American credit cards and banks are void. So, if your American, bring Cash. Where to keep the money- if the place has a blue decal on the door it’s a registered “casa Particular” you can leave your money in the house. The “casa particular” owner is responsible for your valuables, if your stuff goes missing they can have their license revoked, be fined, and face a jail term. Here’s the catch- if you bring a girl into your room your responsible to keep your money and valuables well hidden from her. A good tip- is to take down her contact info (all Cubans carry identification by law) before letting her into your room. In case the girl you had sex with leaves with all your valuables, you can give the police a starting point.

Where and how To Find Girls (in La Havana)?- How about in a well air conditioned museum? I recommend- “el museo de bellas artes” (Cuban art museum not the European). Most women working in tourist areas will do anything for a dollar (ask them out to dinner, and take them back to your place). If that’s not to your liking, ask any “Coco- taxi driver” to help you find women, and they’ll drive you around the areas where the girls are most likely located, so that you can pick them out to your hearts content (ask him about the hourly rate it’s around $8-10). If you liked his service, have him come pick you up the next day at a certain time, and do it all over again.

The Girls: The majority of the females are Mulatto (black and white mix). If your not big on Black/ white mixed women you might want to try another country. 75% of the population is non-white. Allot of the Cuban-white community has fled Cuba and lives in exile (if you want white Cuban women, you might want to travel to Miami instead). The going rate in Cuba is around $30. If you befriend a female, wine and dine her, it is free of charge.

The Laws: The government prosecutes those who have sex with minors (including tourists). Prostitutes get 2 years if convicted. Pimps get 5 years if convicted.

Word of advice: Remember that you’re an Elitist! Everyone must work for your money. Don’t give your money away to people with their sad stories. You can’t save the world. Your rich, and they're poor- you can’t change that. However, if you let them rip you off, the Cubans will take the shirt off your back.

~the wonderful wizard of Cuba

The Cuban Kahuna

Lap Dancer
09-18-03, 00:30

Having been to Havana a few times myself, I think that Conor and El Colorado are giving you excellent advice. Havana is really a unique place and after a day or two you begin to slip into its rhythm.

I think it is important to note that Havana is not only famous for its chicas but for many other things as well. It is the mecca for the cigar smoker not only because of all the famous brands but it is a great place to smoke one (the climate and the feel of the place).

Live music is everywhere and it is fantastic. A few of guys have mentioned Casa La Musica. There are actually two of them, one in Miramar (the exclusive suburb of Havana that contains the embassies) and a new one downtown. I have been to the one in Miramar. It can be a great place to pick someone up. Many chicas line up outside at about 10:00 to 11:00. Simply approach one that catches your eye, offer to pay her entrance fee and you have a companion for the evening. I found that the chicas who frequent the higher end clubs are generally classier and not necessarily pros - they may be there for the band (The Buena Vista Social Club played there regularily and many other of Cubas top groups) and happy to make a little extra money. Also around Miramar I found the casa particulars much better - and all the chicas know of them. Usually around these places you do not see many police in any at all. I have not been to the new one - I hear that it is the hottest club in town - but the one in Miramar is great.

Another spot is the disco at the top of the old Havana Hilton (I believe it is called Habana Libre). It is the tallest building in the city and it is located in Vedado. Same drill - lots of girls around the club who would love to go in. A chica cannot go into these clubs without an escort (the vast majority could not afford it anyway). It has a retractable roof and usually a great house band, singers, dancers etc.

The Tropicana is really for the tourists but there can be beautiful chicas there. The show is actually pretty good and worth seeing. You will find that the chicas would absolutely love to go with you. I think the show with a couple of drinks is about $60. I am told that it is possible to score one of the dancers in the show. For no other reason then to provide information to WSG my next trip I will make the attempt and provide the findings of my research. It will be a dirty job but someone has to do it.

There are also many hole in the wall bars outside. Just sit have a mojito (essentially for you Americans it is a mint julip with rum) and the locals will approach you. It will not take long for the news to get around in the area and some young lovelies will appear by magic. Wandering around the streets in Old Havana (few street lights and no neon) is a throwback to another time and surely it will change in the next few years.

If you are patient , stay in one place for a while and are well dressed they will find a way to find you. Especially if you are not in the obvious tourist haunts like the Malecon and the Prada.

The other thing about Havana is that almost anyone is available. Cuban women love to flirt. So play the game. It is amazing what a smile and a friendly laugh will get you. You can approach women - any women - in a way you could not in North America. They all love romance and their lives there are exceedingly boring. For an office worker or engineer or teacher you could be a great distraction. So do not think you have to limit yourself to the obvious pick up areas. A tour guide, a Banana Taxi driver (you will know what I mean when you get there), a museum attendant, a store clerk could all be possible. Maybe not 100% but very high percentage.

The fellas are right about the girls getting old fast on the island, but generally these girls are from the campo. The life in the city can be better.

Just some other thoughts - I hope they are useful.

One of the best "dates" with a chica is to take her for ice cream. Hotel Inglaterra is a good place - just off Park Central. They absolutely love it and it is really cheap. Good place to get to know someone and of course no police in your face.

Buy one of the very small Spanish English Dictionaires and a small notebook or pad. One that can fit in your pocket. Cubans write very well and it is a way for you to communicate. It is not the quickest way but if she is really hot - who is in a hurry? And you get huge points for making the effort.

One of the best gifts to give is a flashlight. There are constant brown outs in Cuba so it would be very useful and appreciated. Cubans also love music - all kinds - so CDs are very popular. You might also want to buy a couple of Spanish magazines to take with you (like Spanish People). They don't get much news and they love to hear about celebrities.

One very cool place that is off the beaten track is the old Havana Yacht Club - I think that it is called the Havana Club. It is beyond Miramar - get a driver from one of the major hotels, they will know - . It is actually a private club that many of the ex pats, embassy people, high end commies, belong to. It is possible to buy a day membership for you and your chica. There are a number of swimming pools, a gym, several bars, great shower facilities, massage - and a private beach. I am not a big one for the beach resorts but I don't mind a day or two. It is a great place - very classy - and not very busy.

If you are planning on travelling within Cuba your best bet is to go to one of the major hotels in Havana and use one of the local travel companies (like Cubanacan). They all have desks and they front desk will point you in the right direction. I tried to book a trip within Cuba (to Santiago) from Canada and it was a disaster.

It is possible to get frustrated in Cuba (and not everyone likes it). You have to leave the western idea of service at the airport. Go with the flow, be patient, smile and have fun. You will fall in love with the place.

09-19-03, 22:48
It is really good to see some action on this board. The disco in the hotel Habana Libre is the Turquino club, 15 bucks to get in plus drinks. This is a little pricey and I don't know about the chica situation there because of it. This may be another bring your own chica venue. Good points about chicas from other cities, Bayamo and Camaguey are two of the most likely. As for color, the chicas are every color from your average african features to white european with most somewhere in between. There are many beautiful latin women and mulattos. I also recomend a casa in Centro Habana as it will allow walking to the busy Malecon areas, China town, Old Havana, and the tourist area of Vedado. You might have to settle for something further down La Rampa which will allow less mingling with cubans as the distances are farther, and more for taxis as you will quickly get sick of the long walk. I am still looking for a review of the Casa de la Musica at night as far as the chicas go, also Diablo Tun Tun which is above the Casa de la Musica in Miramar, perhaps a good choice as it will give you options for both bars. Anyone been to either? I can personally recomend La Maison the house of Fashion, 10 bucks entry, Dinner or just drinks available, a fashion show by hot Model chicks followed by a band and cabaret type show. Models available, some usually sit outside after the show, price is probably 60 to 100 bucks. This is also out in Miramar. I've never been to the tropicana show but tried to get in the disco once after the show, lineup was impossible even for tourists. The Chicas were fantastic however. I'm definately going to try it next trip. By the way cheap airfare to Havana on Air Canada for the Month of December, 440 Canadian tax included, three flights a week.

09-20-03, 23:34
I am encouraged by the note from Lap Dancer that I may not be limited to the Disco/Bar scene to find some chica company. I know the young ladies are going to want the Disco/Bar scene until the wee hours but I would prefer something more like a dinner (show), a couple of drinks for her and then some R&R at the casa. Of course, whatever it takes will work. And I will as suggested, try to leave the idea of American service at the departure gate and not get uptight if everything doesn't flow perfectly.

I assume I should watch out for any more mature chica with a ring indicating she is married. Don't want those problems.

I am giving particular attention to the personal experiences I read here since a first-hand report is always the best.

Guess I'll stock up on size "small" thongs, flashlights, Advil, notebooks, etc. but I'll try not to spoil anyone for whoever comes after me.

Keep the info. coming.



09-21-03, 00:53
This is a duplicate post.

In 100 words or less (or more), how can I tell a chica from a hard-core pro? I read about "hard eyes" but I don't understand the term?

Merci Dudes.


09-23-03, 04:43
I would say that most younger ladies you will meet in Havana are available. Most that you will meet will be in a tourist area and will either be looking for a good time or specifically for a tourist. The dating of tourists is the passtime for every eligible chica in Havana. The difference between an amateur and pro is a very thin line. Most hard core chicas are as we've already stated are there specifically to date tourists and all will have a bar that they frequent or other spot where they meet tourists. This is a job for them and they are the breadwinners for their families as access to US dollars is what makes you a have or have not. What we would call the amateur is the Havana girl who has a home and life and family in the city and mostly does the chica thing when opportunity presents itself or part-time I guess. You can meet these girls but it will involve more time, more patience and spending time in non-tourist areas, walking hanging out, having a drink, etc. You have to remember that their lives are very boring and that tourist dating is a way for a young lady to enjoy experiences that she would never ever get to have as she could not afford it. Even an extra meal in a restaurant is something. These girls will still desire a present, to take home to mama, buy groceries, or something pretty, remember that food is rationed and extra food may be purchased but this requires dollars. The average Cuban cannot even afford a beer. I personally do not begrudge a girl money for her family in return for excellent companionship, never mind the obvious extra pleasures. Sex is a Cuban passtime don't forget. The hard eyed girls we speak of will be found in the tourist discos and you will know them as they are usually the best looking ones asking for 100 bucks and walking away if they don't get it. You will also usually pick them out from the sour look on their face. Avoid the best looking 10 percent, find the girl who is looking lost and lonely. You can also have good luck with girls found for you by a guide as they will be local girls who he knows. I have found girls by walking the streets of Centro Havana or by sitting in a Cafeteria frequented by Cubans. The bottom line is that all the girls you will meet will need your money. In other words they are all chicas but the difference is the attitude of the girl, is she looking for a one hour quicky and pay me, or for a good time usually the longer the better as she is concerned, and a present. Any girl alone or in a pack hanging around La Rampa, the Malecon, the Prado, Copelia, or simply walking the streets in Centro Habana or Habana Veija is a Chica and likely available. (If walking hand in hand or arm in arm it means they are not available.) They will be dressed in a pair of tight low cut jeans, and be hanging around for no obvious reason, and will make eye contact. Do not try and approach them in police presence.

09-23-03, 04:53
I forgot to mention, very few of what we call discos are get up and boogie hip-hop dance clubs. Most have a sit down cabaret type format with a comedian, band/dancers, etc. The dancing will start late after the show and will usually be salsa. Avoid Chorrera or Rosalia de Castro, Rio Club(the Johny) as these are true discos if what you seek is a quiet night, all others will probably suit you very well. You will enjoy Delirio Habanero, either Casa de la Musica, La Maison( the house of fashion), any Cabaret. You may want to bring your own chica to any of the above but that will fit well with you expressed plans anyways

Sean EZ
09-23-03, 06:25
Hi Cuban Kahuna,

Do you have some more info or website on "Numerous Schools for Cultural Education"? how much do these cost on average?

If I get visa at “mar azul” or “golden airlines” does it mean I can legally board a flight from Miami directly?


09-23-03, 18:23
To all the veterans:

I am going to Cuba for the first time in Late October. I will be staying at a casa particular. I would like to have girls sleeping with me overnight.

How do you keep your money and other belongings safe at a Casa.

Is there any incidence where the girl disappeared in the morning with all your belongings?



09-24-03, 02:56
Second and third to the advice to chat up any chica you find attractive . . . sure, you'll get rejected a couple of times but in general you'll do well. I was once in search of change to pay a taxi in the far reaches of Vedado . . . a cute young negrita was walking down the sidewalk . . .the taxi driver slowed down, I asked if she had change . . . she said no . . pause . .then indicated there was a gas station a couple of blocks away . . . I invited her in the car to show us where . . . and ba-boom . . .we were having dinner a couple of hours later . . . etc. The key is attitude - - to be curious and light-hearted and ready to joke around . .in my experience . . .

You can have chicas sleep over night. Just tell your casa owner that you want to make sure your novia can visit you.

I've only had one experience with theft in Cuba. It was really my stupidity and desperation to enjoy a cubanita my last night. I found a cute chica but harcore. At my casa, I showed her my mp3 player. The sexo was absolutely undistinguished. I took a shower. She left . .and lifted my mp3 player. Just put your money and/or other valuables somewhere out of the way - - under the bed, way back in a closet, etc. The penalties for prostitution in Cuba are severe - - for the chica. Theft is even more severe. Most girls just want the money you pay them; they don't want additional hassle, problems, and worries.

The visa you purchase from Marazul or elsewhere is a Cuban entry visa . . similar to visas you might need to visit other countries. You can buy one at the Air Cubana ticket counter if you're flying from Cancun/Nassau etc. The visa has nothing to do with the US Gov or Treasury Dept. It's only for the Cuban authorities. I.e. you can't travel to Cuba legally with a Cuban entrance visa.

Personally, I'd like to find out more about out of the way or local discos, bars, etc. If you have any names, locations, ratings, etc. . . please post them. Next time down, I'm looking to totally avoid the tourist zones (except maybe a couple of trips to my favorite Havana bar -- Monserrate.)

El Colorado
09-24-03, 21:17
To All - I'm leaving for two weeks in Havana and possibly Nueva Gerona on Saturday. If any WSG mongers are there at the same time, post here to let me know if you want to get together.

Doc Bill
10-05-03, 19:05
I have a favor to ask of my fellows here: If anyone is going to Havana, at any time, my girlfriend there has a few letters for me (which obviously can't be mailed here), and if you would be willing to get them for me I would be most grateful. I'd be willing to pay for your time and trouble as well. Thanks guys.

I can be reached at docbill449@mindspring.com

10-05-03, 21:13
You can mail letters from the USA to Cuba. No law against it. It is only going to or importing something from Cuba that is illegal. After a buddy and I went to Cuba in 2000 he carried on a correspondence with a girl for several years and had no problems.

Jose Marcia
10-06-03, 14:46

Sorry to tell you that you are misinformed.

A girl from Manati used to write me letters all the times. Also, it does not cost them much to mail a letter to the US.

10-06-03, 19:34

I mailed a few poster cards to friends when I was in Cuba (dropping off at regular poster office). They were very fast to reach US. As a matter of fact, they were faster than what I mailed from Europe.

Also, it is very cheap to send poster cards to US. I think that it is 0.65 Cuba Perso.

El Cubanito
10-06-03, 21:40

if you want to send letters to cuba here is a site that will let you send letters to people in cuba and have an electronic response also. the cosy is $1.00 per letter.

the site is: http://www.escriba.com/. the only negative is that you have to buy $ 20.00 worth of letters transfer in your initial tranrep001ion. i hope this helps.

el cubanito

Doc Bill
10-07-03, 17:01
I've had a lot of experience with this and am far from misinformed; Letters to Cuba from the US sometimes get through and often do not. They are often suspected of having money in them and opened by various personel before ever reaching their intended destination. When I had a girlfriend in Guantanamo she would write me and I got about half her letters, never less than three months after she wrote them. My girl in Havana has written numerous letters and sent them and I haven't gotten one. She has saved copies and hence my request below. If you know Cuba you know that everything is hit and miss and nothing is reliable.

10-08-03, 11:18

I have had all of the letter problems referred to here. You are all right to varying degrees: the actual answer really is “hit or miss”.

In my early days of exploring Cuba I even tried to make contact with a couple of airline people to help with postage… They took the letters out of Cuba, posted them from their hotels anywhere else. This worked to a degree (3 out of 10 letters got to me), however we all have our own priorities and the letter trail soon came to an end. My reply usually never arrived (confirmed by telephone...). As with everything in life: YMMV.

Finally I gave up on the idea, and now rely on the email system. Simple. Quick. No problems. The cost (by Cuban standards) for my 2 chica’s is admittedly high, but them I’m worth it! Seriously however, you can achieve a lot more by email than the traditional pen to paper…. By the way, I come form the pen-to-paper school of thought.

Regards, Havanaman

Ps. I’m thinking about going this November, probably in the third week. Hook-up anyone?

El Cubanito
10-08-03, 14:16

I will be in Havana, Cuba from November 8 to November 26. I will be all over the Isalnd though. I will be in Havana, Ciego De Avila, Holguin and Santiago. Let me know where will you be.

El Cubanito

10-09-03, 01:31

I'm planing to be there during Thanksgiving Weekend. You think you will be there it will be great to meet some one who has been to Cuba many times. This is my first time going to Cuba, so I'm gathering as much info as I could.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to capitalize the word "I". To avoid future delays, please refrain from using "i" instead of a capital "I" in future reports. Thanks!

Doc Bill
10-09-03, 07:02

I know of a great casa with three bedrooms and a great landlady, right off La Rampa in Vedado. Chicas are ok. E-mail me if you are still looking:


10-10-03, 18:45
Going to Cuba....read a weep
“CLEARLY, THE CASTRO regime will not change by its own choice,” Bush told a gathering at the White House Rose Garden. “But Cuba must change.”
The president said that too many Americans were bypassing the restriction against travel to Cuba. They are using humanitarian relief work as a cover to go on holiday or “carry cash into Cuba,” he said.
“The Department of Homeland Security will enforce the law,” he said, adding that Americans also will be prevented from traveling through third countries or by private vessel.
The administration had been signaling for weeks that new steps concerning Cuba were being planned. A small group of advisers, including Secretary of State Colin Powell, were asked to provide advice on hastening what the administration calls the “inevitable democratic transition in Cuba.”
Some of Cuban President Fidel Castro’s most ardent opponents have criticized the Bush administration for not doing more to bring about democratic change in Cuba.
Florida, a vote-rich swing state, is one of the states Bush has visited most since becoming president. The votes of Miami’s Cuban-American community could be crucial in the 2004 presidential election.
Bush’s relations with his backers in Miami hit a low point in July when Washington returned 15 migrants to Cuba after receiving assurances they would not be executed for hijacking a government-owned boat that was intercepted at sea by the Coast Guard.

10-11-03, 00:35
What is the current (October 2003) story?

I have been reading conflicting reports on Casa availabilities due to an alleged increase in the license/tax from $100 per room to something like $150. I was told many Casas have closed.

Does anyone here have any first-hand information which is reasonably current? Also, how about a recommend on a good Casa central to the action. I have sent notes thru some of the sites but no responses.

I never thought I would live to see the day when the American Government would not allow an American citizen to do what he/she wants outside of the country. I know we need to give up some individual "freedoms" for the betterment of our society but who is endangered by an American going to Cuba? Or are "we" right and every other country which does not resptric its citizens from free travel to Cuba wrong? Who is out of step and marching to a different drummer now?

George W. better take a lesson from California, it's not only a state governor which can be recalled in favor of someone who speaks straight and looks to help the "great unwashed masses."

OK, more than my 2-cents this time.


Cuban Kahuna
10-12-03, 19:24

(1). Web-site for cultural education: http://www.insightcuba.org/index.cfm
{For those of you wanting to Travel legally to Cuba from the USA, Get ready to pay around $2,500 (8 days/ 7 nights) for an educational program to get to Cuba. The program doesn’t include the price of the “casa particular”, the girls, food, etc.}

(2). Marazul: http://www.marazultravel.com/
{For those of you wanting to Travel illegally from the USA, you can request a visa from this company. Inform them that you have never been to Cuba, but that you have close family (on your Mother’s side/ your mom is Cuban) who is sick, and you would like to visit them. You will need to Provide an address, and about $40 to get a legal Visa to travel to Cuba from the USA.}

(3). Condoms: http://www.trojancondoms.com/
{Condoms are rare in Cuba, the quality is horrible (made in China), so stack up on them before you go. And, Trojan Condoms is giving you a couple of freebies. If you don’t like paying for condoms, go to your local health center and they will give them to you for free.}

(4). Girls: http://www.havanacubaconnection.com/age171.htm
{If your wondering what the girls in Cuba look like, visit this site. I wouldn’t recommend paying for any addresses. Like I said before if Mulattas and negras isn’t your thing, go to Argentina}.

The wonderful wizard of Cuba

The Cuban Kahuna

Fast Hand
10-12-03, 19:51
Just got back from Santa Clara, Cienfuegos, and Ciego de Avila Nov 10th had a good time but just not like it use to be forget these areas unless you have something special already. The license/tax have increased here for casa owners as well even measuring square footage for extra taxes now about 140 dollars + per room per month. Would like to try Havana very soon. Vedado sounds good any three bedroom casas chica friendly that anyone could suggest?Posts here excellant La Maison sounds great are models on stage everyday of the week, difficult to deal with, bad attitudes?

Any advice appreciated.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to add a space between sentences. To avoid future delays, please include one space between sentences in future reports. Thanks!

El Cubanito
10-13-03, 19:08
hi talosian,

now, regarding your question on the bush speech, if you want to call it a speech. it’s a joke, my friend. i watched the bush speech on our local news here in miami. i was laughing my friggin’ a-- off. listen, bush was doing one thing: telling a group of people what they want to hear – nothing more, nothing less. there will likely be no action behind the comments (this is how politics is played, and the reason i prefer to avoid it).

bush has a strong republican contingent in south florida unhappy recently with his lack of action on cuba, not fulfilling many of his promises prior to his election. there will still be no action, but with the "comments" he picks up a few votes again from many who may be thinking about voting for someone else.

the exiled cuban community in florida and their families create a very strong voting block that bush does not want to lose. my friend, if you want to become president (or our governor, or our senator, or our mayor), and you want to pick up the miami votes, all you have to do is come here like all the others have done and yell out:

"cuba si! castro no!"

and you get the vote – easy as that. of course, then you can sit back and not do a damn thing about it, just like all in the past have done.

this is why, in my opinion, politics is a joke. it’s a joke here, and it’s a joke in cuba (and most everywhere).

and that is why i in general i do not get into politics and you should not either. what you should be worrying is how to maximize this great vacation you are going to have with all of the chicas in cuba.

but please – please – don’t tell us about what came out of a politician’s mouth, instead tell me of some intering p***y you found in some corner of the world and how can i meet her. if you do not decide to marry her. strong pussies have been know to get guys marry.

el cubanito

Yossarian 99
10-15-03, 06:42

i agree with el cubanito's comments below regarding bush's speech. the purpose of his tough rhetoric is to placate the cuban lobby in florida.

i can't see how the us government can enforce the restrictions currently in place without you making a blatant cofession that you travelled to cuba without permission. how can they catch you?

there is no stamp on your passport. the cubans don't even use that weird bank stamp anymore. and i can't imagine us agents trolling foreign airports, say, mexico city airport, to see if they can catch americans "red-handed" returning from cuba.

if you think about it, his speech acutally benefits mongers tremendously. it will discourage and reduce the number of "casual" and/or "curious" travellers to the country. i noticed more of them last time i visited in august.

so, if you want peace of mind, take some small precautions (don't bring back 20 cohiba boxes, che t-shirts, hotel nacional receipts, etc.)

otherwise, i don't see bush's speech adversely affecting those members of this forum.

10-19-03, 22:09
Aloo94, El Cubanito,

Forgive my delay: it’s breast cancer awareness month and I have been busy! (Inside joke…).OK.

Got my bookings: I’m in Havana for 4 days only from 11 November. As always, busy in the day (business etc), but free in the nights.

Hook up more than possible even if it’s just to shoot the breeze, have some beers and compare notes for a couple of hours. Email me where you guys are staying and I will contact you when we are all in Havana: sedition2001@hotmail.com

Talosian, I forget the dates you are travelling: my dates link with yours?

Regards, Havanaman

10-19-03, 22:56
Any way for an American to make a living over there?

El Colorado
10-20-03, 04:26
Just got back from a few weeks in Havana. There are fewer police on foot, but they’re still out there in patrol cars. There are more chicas on the Malecon than I’ve seen in the past few years. Several mongers I know sought them out on foot and did well.
There is a good deal of activity in and outside of club 1830. Johnnies (El Rio), according to friends who went there either was closed on some nights or had less than 15 or so hard core women. Club Las Vegas was also empty. It appears that many of the girls from the other provinces have been sent home again as a result of yet another crackdown. However, I did rather well in Barrio China. There were several young lovelies to choose from every time I was there and I did partake of some. The Chinese have their neighborhood under control. I never saw a single uniformed policeman there. The girls would all ask for $80-$90 and settle for $60 for all night. Some persisted to ask for more in the morning.
My regular driver had also scouted out some talent in advance for me and had me set up upon arrival with a young and very beautiful chica who I spent several days with.
I tried to get down to La Isla, but the planes were filled up for nearly a week in advance. I sent for my girlfriend there and she took the long boat ride over to the main island to meet me. I spent the last week relaxing with her.
Tourism is down and the girls are getting fewer customers. I guess they feel the need to make more per customer. There were a handful of Italian tourists and three or four gringos that I kept seeing everywhere. So few people were booked on my Aerocaribe flight back to Cancun that they cancelled the flight and consolidated it with another flight leaving in the afternoon.
The evening Aerocaribe flight out of Cancun now stops in Cozumel on the way to Havana. I guess that gives us another gateway city.
I heard rumors that Ceinfuegos is opening up again from the Italians. I may try to hit some of the eastern provinces the next time I return.

Doc Bill
10-20-03, 06:02
I used to go through Mexico City, because I figured it was safer than Cancun, which US Customs is well-aware of. The Bushies are cracking down, and a lot more people are getting questioned at Mexico airports. They later get a notice of fine of $7500, but as of yet I don't know anyone who has paid it and there is no system in place (YET) to enforce it. I'm too scared to go illegally now so I do it legal, which is a hassle but gives me peace of mind (and don't ask, I'm sorry but I can't say how). Be careful out there!

10-20-03, 13:37
Hello El Colorado, neccessito information (just practicing my poor Spanish). Where is this 1830 club that you've mentioned? And where's the action in chinatown?

10-20-03, 15:24
Noticed the updates and have a few questioins and one comment.

I will be there early December for 7 nights. Being a little (lot?) paranoid I don't want to give specifics.

I know the story about when tourism is down prices are up but I'm wondering of the $25-$30 per (all) night for a chica is still valid. I'm going to guess if there is more competition for the tourises that something is better than maybe nothing. I actually invested $9 for an address of a lady in Habana who it seems does "introductions" to chicas. I got the address and then signed up for a mail service in Canada which foprwards my letter to Cuba via email/fax and then prints it out and mails it to the addressee with a return envelope to them and they then send the response to me (fax/email). They also translate both ways. Cost here $6. Worth the gamble, especially since I want something outside of the usual chica (age 35+). Will let you know if this works.

I saw the report from DocBill449 and am wondering if there is some deal in place now with Mexico. Who is doing the questioning at Coz? The Mexican authorities? A representative of the US-INS? Seems Mexican authorities wouldn't have to question since they have access to the passenger lists. And I think the day someone reported personally being "interviewed" by the Mexican/US authorities after returning to Mexico, that would be very bad for the Mexican travel industry.

I think it's important to remember, with U.S. authorities, you have the 5th. Amendement. If I'm asked, I will simply say, "Going to Cuba is illegal and I'm not into breaking laws, especially Federal laws." If it goes past that, I'll just say I resent being interrogated and so either let me get on my plane or go home or arrest me.

I also did some research on the "Wall of Lawyers" who will represent any American pro bono (free) who is harassed and/or "extorted" the the U.S. Government for alleged travel to Cuba. Remember, the burdon is on the Government to proce not only you went but spent $$ there (I know the presumption, but it can be rebutted.). Yes, "safe" is always better than "sorry" however when we start letting our governmen take away some of our very basic rights (not for National safety but for political reasons) we are on a very slippery slope to losing those and other rights. And besides that, we can't live in fear or we will become prisoners of that fear.

"If life so sweet or peace so dear to be purchased at the price of slavery? I know not what course others take, but as for me (you should know the last 7-words)."


El Colorado
10-21-03, 00:38
AlLostin Space13 - 1830 is on the far western side of the Malecon, just before the Miramar tunnel, but still in Havanna. It's on the ocean.
About a dozen restaurants in Barrio China back up onto a walkway closed to all but foot traffic. It's a great place to eat outside. The food is passable and cheap. The girls walk up and down this half-block long walkway, flirting with foreign diners. Take a table, order a drink and/or food and they will find you. There are also several chuchos (men who procure women) who work the strip. I once put an order in for a girl with one, describing exactly what I wanted. He went away and returned a half hour later with my take out order. She was not a street girl.

El Cubanito
10-21-03, 15:36
Hi El Colorado,

Thank you for the info on 1830 club. I know of the area that you are talking about, but I do not remember seeing this club. Is the club right after the swimming pool if you are driving toward Miramar? I am really interested since I will be there in a couple of weeks.

Talosian, I agree with you about rights and that what I beleieve that old Georgie W. Bush is trying to do. He is trying to scare everybody so much so that they do not see what they (Bush and his Goons are doing with the country).

10-21-03, 20:47

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it! Almight God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!


10-22-03, 07:34

Right, and I transposed words by accident.

Maybe one of these times we will hook up there since if things go nicely, I am not at all adverse to going back.


El Colorado
10-22-03, 17:16
El Cubanito - It is several blocks west of the pool on the ocean side of the Malecon. There's a pull-off to the right just before the tunnel. Take it and you can't miss the place. A huge sign says "1830".

10-22-03, 23:42
El Cubanito,

El Colorado is very right about the “huge sign”. It’s about 4 feet high, on front-top of the old small-fort (now converted to what we know and love… 1830..), glows neon-red / pink every evening that they are open. Missing it at night when it’s on is like missing the main advertising boards in NY.



El Cubanito
10-27-03, 04:58
Hi Guys,

I will be in Cuba soon and I would like to know if anybody has a better contact then my when it comes to Renting a Car in Havana. I do know how to get around Cuba by using the cabs at the Bus Terminal (ie. it cost me $ 10 USD to go from Havana to Santa Clara in a taxi cab).

But I am guy who likes to drive and see and experiement by himself. I really would like to rent a car, but not have to pay $ 70.00 USD for a Toyota Yaris or $ 100 USD for a Audi A4. My contact in Havana got me a Audi A4 for $85.00 USD a day, but I still think this is very steep.

Does anybody have a contact in CUba that can get me a car decent car rental for $40 to $60 USD a day? I need a good car since I will be going from Havana to Baracoa. For you people that do not know that is one end of the Island to the most Eastern point. CAn anybody help?

El Cubanito

10-27-03, 14:54
I also posted this in the mail forum but want it here specifically since this is where I'm going and most of us start.


I'm laying some groundwork to meet a lady (mature) in Haban. Believing "better safe than sorry," I would like to have her checked for HIV/VDRL. I read that there is only one hospital in Habana which does that. Anyone have any *first hand* information with details?

I saw the prior post about having a chica steal a money belt. I have two suggestions. Use a real money *belt* which is a regular looking belt with a zipper on the back side. Good enough to hold several bills. Also, use a "decoy" wallet. This is an old wallet with some old I.D. and put in a few pesos with a $5 on either side of the pesos. Usually someone who is going to lift a wallet will either take it and leave immediately or put it in a purse (assuming a chica) and then leave quickly before you find it's missing. Also, if the bathroom door has a lock, take you $$ w/you and if not, you can buy a portable door lock you can take w/you, they are cheap and simple.

Just my thoughts.


Doc Bill
10-29-03, 18:43
Sorry to be repetitive, but I still need someone to pick up some letters for me in Habana (Vedado). If anyone is going and can do this for me I'll be very grateful, and happy to reciprocate with info and resources on Cuba, having been there many time. Thanks!

10-29-03, 19:07
sex in cuba?

at a recent briefing, president bush announced he was cracking down on travel to cuba because of the government's "brutal oppression" and to thwart what he called a "rapidly growing illicit sex trade" that is " encouraged by the cuban government."

cogo was surprised to hear the latter. on a trip last spring, there was no evidence of an open sex trade, let alone anything like the markets in downtown bangkok. in fact, cubans complained to cogo that they had to have a date to go to the best clubs -- a rule they said was to keep sex hustlers from seeking partners at clubs that attract foreigners. plus, advocates of the u.s. travel ban have long complained that cubans are prohibited from hotels and beaches frequented by foreigners.

so what's the evidence? the state department's 2003 "trafficking in persons" report, said white house spokeswoman claire buchan. the report lists 80 countries as having a human exploitation problem. cuba is on the list, as is the host of next summer's olympics, greece.

cogo turned to the world wide web and found that while sex is for sale everywhere, including cuba, sex tour operators most frequently extoll thailand and brazil. in the **** category, brazil, india and thailand lead the pack; brazil alone has a half-million kids in the sex trade, according to the group ecpat, whose full name describes its mission: end child prostitution, child pornography and the trafficking of children. cuba, ecpat said, has fewer **** kids in the sex trade than any country in the region.

u.s.-cuban relations were already shaky. the response to the latest accusation: "it's incredible -- a big lie," said lazaro herrara, spokesman for the cuban interest section in d.c.


:d :d :d

10-30-03, 00:07

OK, I can help you. I am going to be in Havana from 11 November for 4 days. I can bring your mail back with me and post them from Europe which is my “base continent” (I think Tio Otto’s post is setting off my paranoia!). I will be back home on 19 November (going to be in other European country up to 19: not home). Here are the rules:

1. Letter (s), as defined by the standard “legal size” envelope, only. That means NO parcels or anything bulky.
2. You can email me the details of your chica (telephone / address) and I will initiate contact. She needs to be informed of this....
3. No money changes hands. You owe nothing for this gesture, but a contribution to WSGCharities would be nice.
4. In your email you will need to forward an address, for me to forward your letters. I would rather you used a letter drop address than your own. I do not want to know your address.
5. Your letters will be safe and honestly forwarded. Our leader Jackson can give me a honourable reference.
6. TRUST. Nothing illegal.
7. My email address is sedition2001@hotmail.com

Regards, Havanaman

10-30-03, 00:23
OttoGraham, Gentlemen,

Do these right wing neowhatevers not realise that man can not live on bread alone?

Regards, Havanaman

10-30-03, 00:47

Actually I just found the private message system, lets use that for this thread...

Regards, Havanaman

10-30-03, 02:30
I love America and would not want to live in any other country (though I did live in the Caymans for the better part of 3-years).

With this said, the more I read what our government tells us, the more I'm inclined to believe less than nothing it says. The Iraq WMD fiasco told the whole story and this B.S. about "sex trade" in Cuba is pure B.S.

Hello! What about the sex trade in Nevada? And what the hell is "sex trade" anyway? First, prostitution is the oldest profession. So what we are delaing with here is legislated morality.

No wonder people don't believe or trust our Government. But I still wouldn't live anyplace else.


10-31-03, 17:08

I have been trying to contact the piano player you mentioned in your 10/20/2003 note to me. No luck.

You say you are going there in November and will be stopping in to say "Hello" to her. If you can get some more contact information I would love to communicate with her. She does sound "just up my street" as you commented.



11-01-03, 23:04
Talosian / Spock / David, (Please explain your names!)

As I said in my original post, I should be glad to help if I can. I will be there in just under 12 days, have patients my friend. I will do my bit as promised.

I don’t know the method you are using to establish contact with “The Piano Player”, but can I suggest you call: Inglaterra, Havana, Paseo del Prado No. 416, San Rafael y San Miguel, Havana, +53 (0) 7 338 593 (If calling from the States: use a public call box with a high credit phone card: NOT your CC, home phone, office phone etc).

Every member of staff at the Inglaterra is required to speak a minimum of 2 languages. From personal experience I can tell you that 95% speak very passable English. Call them. Tell them you met her the last time you dined at the hotel (December, 2002) and would love to meet her again: is she still there, which evening of the week? Etc… (Sorry, not trying to teach you to suck eggs..).

Regards, Havanaman

PS. Gentlemen, any Havanaphiles in Havana right now reading this: can you help Talosian with the above by asking at the front desk? A simple request for our fellow monger.

11-02-03, 01:53
Just spent a week in Havana, Cuba. I found a cheap 1-week all-inclusive Havana (Tropicoco) resort deal in Toronto. As soon as I arrived I took a $15 cab ride into Havana and checked into Marta's casa particular. Please note that a female American professor of some sort is legally in Havana and staying at the same casa for the next 9 months.
The Malecon is still the best place to window shop. Remember that you do not have to settle for second best. Keep looking until you find the one you like. The cops are everywhere, but if you are the one that initiates the conversation then it is okay. The Cubans people are not allowed to harrass tourists. Some still do, but if you make it clear that you don't want their company then they will retreat. This includes male hustlers or chicas. The most active section of the Malecon runs from the El Moro lighthouse for about 4-5 blocks. Then it gets quieter. I would suggest taking the chica to one of the roadside bars at the Malecon or to a club or disco to get to know her first. Or you could go directly to a casa.
I also visited the new Casa de la Musica in Vedado. It's actually located at the edge of Central Havana bordering Vedado. The neighborhood is horrible as Central Havana is full of run down buildings, although the Casa de la Musica itself is great. I believe it was converted from an old theatre because of the super high ceiling . Seats about 200. A huge stage and dance floor. Tons of girls to be had inside. But since they can afford the $15 entrance fee, they must be "working" girls. A bottle of water costs $2. It has a live band but the stage is quite far away and diminishes the live band feeling.
Might I recommend this place called Cafe Cantante. It's located at the Revolution Square. $10 entrance fee and great live band. This place is only a quarter of the size of casa musica but it's alive and the salsa music is great.
This was my 5th trip to Cuba but I didn't notice any increase in police presense. In downtown, there was 1 cop every 3 blocks (I counted while in a cab) but less and less once I get out of Vedado.
Oh! Almost forgot to mention. When coming out from Casa de la Musica and small crowd of Cubans surrounded us asking if we want taxis etc. and I felt a slight tug at my fanny pack. I looked and saw some kid trying to pick my pocket. I yelled at him but did not take further action because I was kinda drunk. Does anybody know how to say "pick pocket" in Spanish?
Also beware of illegal taxis. A friend of mine gave a $5 for a $3 ride but got a 10 peso note as change and the car took off!
Yes, there is at least one pimp at the Chinatown. If you want a quickie during the day, it's the perfect place.

El Cubanito
11-02-03, 02:14
Hi Talosian and Havanaman,

I am living for Havana next week. I will be in Havana and I will try to see if I can get a the phone number of the singer at Hotel Inglaterra. Guys, if I do see her, what do you want me to say to her.

Talosian, would you like for me to take a picture of her and post? or do you want to be suprise? Please let me know. I living on Wednesday.

El Cubanito

El Cubanito
11-02-03, 02:17

Did you rent a car? If you did, did you get any good deal on Price. I am trying to rent, but the cheapest I found is $88.00 a day with Insurance for a Mitsubishi Lancer. AlLostInSpace13, if you can help with any info I will appreciate.

El Cubanito

11-02-03, 10:48

Nice update. Its good to have an up to date like this. I wish more did the same. I get loads of emails asking me for information, I reply, then the monger does not post an update. Your report is thus very valuable. Thank you.

If I remember right, a pickpocket is: el carterista, but I am not 100% sure on this.

Do you know the best day / time frame for Cafe Cantante ? With a $10 entrance fee, I guess it will have mainly hardcore?.

Also, a little more detail about your China town experience / specific area?

Your advice about legal taxis is very good. I take about $150 in “ones” on every trip for just this reason. Carry 20 notes (along with other money) just for fares. In any negotiation of price for private taxis, I just flash 2 notes and the deal is done. I’m not a cheap-skate, I just don’t like to be taken for a ride (excuse the pun). The sight of the notes, in any situation, closes the deal.

Interesting about the poilce numbers. It would seem that they are thining out. I wonder why.

Thanks again,

Regards, Havanaman

11-02-03, 13:45
Havanaman, Cafe Cantante, like any other clubs/discos, starts at 11pm. It is worthwhile getting there earlier because there's usually a long lineup and some girls would come up and ask you to pay for her $10 entrance fee... It's a good place for shopping.
I can also suggest another disco more common for the locals. At the El Moro lighthouse, there's a disco which opens in the evening. Entrance fee is only $2. But the last time I was there, I did not see any single girls - all couples.
I went to Chinatown and was immediately greeted by this oriental guy who asked me if I was looking for chicas. I said I would be interested in a massage. After having lunch I went w/ him for 2 blocks and he introduced me to a chica. She claimed to be 19. The deal closed at $35.
This is interesting. On another occassion my chica and I were walking with another couple looking for a casa. We were stopped by policia across from the National Hotel. Of course, we claimed to be their novia, blah blah blah. In the end, the polica accepted a bribe of $10 to let us go. And we took off in a cab right away. I didn't think they take bribes!

No Life
11-03-03, 01:48
Hi all,

Just got back from a one week stay in Cuba with 4 friends on a stag do. I have to say it was the best holiday of my life!

Firstly I have to say cuban girls are the best looking I have seen anywhere in the world, whatever your taste ie white, asian, black, mixed race etc they are all there and all stunning!

The best place we went to was Marumba, every night it was busy, with loads of single girls. Basically they are all "semi pros" ie students who are out to make some money on the side, or more established pros (who usually have mobile phone)

If you sit at a table and order a bottle (not cheap at 50 to 70 us dollars!) they will just come up and chat to you. Very few however speak English. Take them to dance and if you like them ask to go somewhere more private. Most will ask for 100 US dollars, but you can negotiate particularly if its towards closing time. I paid us 50 to 60. In addition you will need 30 US dollars for the casa familiar (basically a room rented out for the night). We were staying at the National and basically you cannot take girls back to the hotels. The one exception may be to the Hotel Commodore in Mirimar, if you get one of the pool appartments as its quiet and the girl does not need to go past any security.

Well I slept with 2 girls, in fact the 2 most beautiful I have ever been with in my 32 years on this planet.

The first one was 18 yrs old and had just left school. She just had the most amazing body but her english was very poor. The second one was 22 and was in university. She had a fantastic face and spoke good English, had a long chat about why she was doing this. A very nice girl actually, just making money to cover life in university and rent

One thing it is important to make clear before you go is how many times you will fuck them for the money. The first girl I had fucked me 3 times for 50us, the second fucked me only 1 for 60 us, and wanted another 60 to go again!

I wonder if the regulars could clairfy if this normal?

The other thing we experienced was the "hijack!". Basically every night we went to marumba, are taxis would be cut off by another taxis carrying girls. The first time this happened we were quiet scared and didnt really know what was happening, but basically its girls trying to get into the car with you and then go into the club with you. As in cuba girls cant enter a club without a guy. If you do get "hijacked" you can dont necessarily have to pay for the girls entry, as they will have money, but if you fancy them it might be an idea.

Also went to Valadaro for the day, cost 125us dollars in a taxis, but its got nice beaches. If you hang out on the beach you will find a fair number of local girls (who wont approach you, but you can approach them without a problem).

I would be very interested if any regulars could answer the following:

1) How much it would cost to rent a nice a/c appartment in Central Havanah and any contact tel nos.

2) What the correct going rate for the night is?

3) How to negoitate to get a girl for the whole week to enjoy the girlfriend experience, and how much to pay for it.

4) A good place to rent a car and preferable also a driver and appropriate rates.

5) the best time to go, as I plan to go again.

Hope this post helps

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to correctly spell the words "you", "are" and "because". To avoid future delays, please refrain from using "u" instead of "you", "r" instead or "are", and "cuz" instead of "because" in future reports. Thanks!

11-03-03, 13:37
El Cubanito, no I did not rent a car. Sorry I can't help.
GenCuster, I was referring to Marta Vitorte (martavitorte@hotmail.com).
To All, I was told that the Sophia bar is a good pickup place after hours, when the policia is gone. But I was never there that late to confirm.
Also I went to bar Monserrate one night around 9pm. The doormen did a very good job in stopping any potential dates from enterring :-(

General Custer
11-04-03, 04:00

That's what I was afraid of. How were you able to take care of business with said professora in Marta's place? I had her place reserved later this month (2 of the bedrooms at least), but am resigned to looking elsewhere unless you have some encouraging words.



11-05-03, 03:34
Of the 3 days that I was there with said professor in the casa, I only saw her once on the day that she arrived. So just keep to yourselves and you'll be alright. Just don't volunteer any personal information. Email me at AlLostInSpace13@NOSPAMhotmail.com and I can tell you why you have nothing to worry.

11-05-03, 06:45
El Cubanito: Have a good trip.

I want to thank you for putting me in touch with Cesar. He gave me the email for a lady in Habana (I think that's is where she is) and we have been communicating in email, albeit neither of us speaks the language of the other. Still, her Father is a Professor of English at the university so that may help. Also, my friend here who is going w/me is helping translate our communication.

It will be interesting for me and I'm looking forward to it and to post a trip report but it may be very light on any mongering I do. Still, my freind is 33 and looking forward to meeting the chicas and I'm sure he will have some experiences to share and we both should have some photos.

So enjoy your trip and do let me/us hear about it.


11-06-03, 02:47
Body search on entering Cuba?

OK, I got your attention and now I have a question about entry into Cuba and would appreciate responses from anyone who has actually been there.

I have several small items (hand painted Cayman Islands coins with gold bezels) which I want to bring to Cuba. They look GREAT! and I'm sure will impress the panties off any chica.

I want to simply put them in my pants pocket when I enter. My question has anyone who has actually been there had to empty their pockets when going into Cuba? If so, why?

I posted this on Lonely Planet and got a lot of comments about wearing them myself to get the in but only one person said he had his luggage searched carefully but didn't say why.

So anyone who has been there, and I know a lot of readers here have, please give me your experience on this issue or non-issue.



11-07-03, 05:58
Don't bring too much with you. Cuban custom will tax you if you bring in a lot of luggage.
Why wouldn't you put gold coins in your wallet? But really you should consider bringing something more useful for the lady.

11-07-03, 07:33
AlLostinspace13: More useful as in? And I always thought women loved jewelry.


What's my best course for not getting ripped off in bars or such? I don't speak Spanish and have read that sometimes a guy will go into a bar, buy a couple of drinks for a chica and be presented with s US$75 bill and harassed into paying it. Any thoughts on this one?

No Life
11-07-03, 14:48

I have no say we had no problems at all. 2 flights arrived at the same time as us. We were all waved through by customs, bags were NOT searched.

So I guess it depends on your luck, how busy they are, etc.

11-07-03, 23:04
Anyone know if Cuba is good around the Christmas holidays? I assume not too much is different. I may be there the week before Christmas if anyone else will be there. I haven't read the board in weeks but will check this section to see if anyone will be in Havana.



P.S. Hey Havanaman. You gonna be in Cuba anytime soon? I hope you're doing well and having fun.

El Colorado
11-08-03, 03:53
Saint - Godless communists don't celebrate Christmas. Some of the black Cubanas are Santarian, but they seem to have their own separate holidays. Christmas is a great time to get down there. You might want to pack a few long-sleeved shirts and a light jacket or sweater. It will frequently be in the lower 60's at night and can fall into the fifties. One note - if it gets that cold, you won't see many chicas on the street.
Talosian - bring cheap perfume (I pick up small samplers at flea markets) and cosmetics. They're harder for the chicas to get and you'll get more mileage from less money.

11-08-03, 14:13
I would love to visit Cuba, but America has placed an embargo on Cuba since the 60th. The U.S customs at the air-port are not to friendly to those who have Cuba stamp on the American passport.

Van Dog
11-09-03, 06:08
Hi there,

I am a Canadian planning my first trip to Cuba and was wondering which resort would be best suited to my needs, i.e. lots of young Chicas as I probably would only have a week and want to make the most of it.

I have read some of these reviews and am getting conflicting reports and am hoping someone can please give me the best up to date information as I would like to go very soon.


Doc Bill
11-09-03, 06:12
Hey, Saint,

I'm going to be in Havana the same time you are. I arrive on the 23rd and stay through the 3rd. I think we've read each other's posts on the S. America boards, and you've been very helpful to me. I don't need help on Cuba, having been there 8 times, but I'd love to buy you a drink. Anyone else?

11-09-03, 10:31
(Saint, DocBill449), Talosian, Gentlemen,

Saint! Cómo esta mi amigo?

Privately, many Cubans are Catholic (actually, the cathedral, and some of the impressive churches are worth a visit). They have a x-mas tree, attend mass and generally do the usual Christmas family thing. Openly, its just another day, especially for the Afro-cubanos & communists.

Both in Christmas 1997 and 2002, I saw some of the clubs either closed or very thinly attended by chicas (however, please note there may not be aconnection here betweenChristmas and the closing). In fact the whole tourist issue takes a dive during the Christmas week. However, I have always enjoyed it due to having pre-existing contacts. I wish that I had read your (…and DocBill449’s) posts a month ago! I’m in Havana on the 11 November for a few days, then BA for a week in December. I could easily have reversed this agenda and joined you guys!! Such is life. Depending on my chica friend in BA, I may contact you for one of your BA apartments Saint.

I agree with El Colorado about the cold. Be prepared. I have had excellent experiences at the bars on the Malecon in the day and early evening during the Christmas period. If you stay for el año Nuevo, join one of the many parties at ALL the major hotels. My favourite has to be the Inglatera which also gives you good access to the Parada and immediate surrounds.

Saint, in terms of the comparison between BA & Havana: be prepared for going from a 1st world country to a 4th world. No offence is intended here for a country and peoples I love. Its just a fact. If I say take your own toilet paper, you will get the drift. Communism sucks!

Talosian: you remind me of me when I first went to BA. Saint posted some excellent advice to me at that time. He said: "just go and enjoy it". I went, and I did. Forget fancy gifts. The VERY best thing you can do is to take the basics we gentlemen take for granted. Cheap perfumes / sprays, face / body lotions, cheap stocking-tights, small make-up items. I spend the equivalent of $60 on such items from European chain-stores like Aldi, Lidle, or indeed from the open or outdoor markets. Very cheap goods (like the above) are usually very well packaged so look nice. The average Cuban chica will not know about designer-good. (Aside: I also always take a stack of magazines and newspapers in Spanish: IN MY SUIT CASE not had luggage) for the owner of the casa particular. This allows me not only freedom, but also gets me in the good books of the proprietor for future needs. If you do bring any such gift items, take a few paper / plastic bags with you. Chicas do not like to carry these around after you have given them. Remember unlike in the West, the cheap bag is not as important as the cheap item in it… It’s the thought that counts. Trust me when I say that 3 or 4 cheap gifts will get you more return on investment than a single designer item costing a larger percentage of your flight cost.

Lastly, I have never been searched at customs. I always have one average size hard suit case, one very small backpack. I would suggest that if you go fully loaded or with oversized luggage you are more likely to get stopped. In that case, when asked about the gifts, just say: éstos para mi novia. BUT be prepared to back that up. In the beginning I just had a fake name & address ready in the event I was asked where my novia lived. Now I give her correct address: she does not have a phone.

Saint, such bad fortune we can not meet in Havana. When you next in BA?

Regards, Havanaman

Doc Bill
11-09-03, 21:28
Good info, Havanaman. Too bad I'll miss you this time around! I want to second what you said about the difference between Buenos Aires and Cuba. The difference couldn't be more extreme. Cuba is very inconvenient, at least fourth world, and yes, bring your own toilet paper. Don't expect anything to go as planned or to happen on time, if at all. Everything is a hassle and the food really sucks. Fidel himself once joked that the three failures of the Revolution are breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Having said that the Cuban people are my favorite on earth. They make the hassle worthwhile. They are also the best actors on earth, so be careful and guard your trust. If you can do that and still have fun you've got it down.

If you're going just to monger you will be disappointed, especially if you've been to other places like BA, Rio, Costa Rica, Dominica, etc. The scene has changed and it's not a good hobby spot anymore. Way too much hassle. I am only going because I already have a girlfriend there, and it might get serious. Otherwise I wouldn't bother with Cuba. Having been there 8 times the novelty and mystery of it has long worn off.

I agree about the cheap gifts. They prefer the magazines, especially the tabloids and gossip rags (in spanish, of course). Remember that Cubans get no outside information, no newspapers or decent tv, so they crave this stuff. You also won't have to pay a tax on bringing magazines, as you do with gifts.

Any gifts you bring in, even for your own girlfriend, are to be taxed at %100 of their value upon entry. They rarely check luggage, but if they do and you have obvious gifts you'll get hit with the tax. If you bring lots of luggage and you're alone you are pretty suspect. I just take all tags and wrappers off of gifts of clothes etc and make them not noticeable as gifts. One time the customs guy found some intimate apparel that I brought in for my girlfriend and wanted to charge me the tax since it was obviously a gift. I told him with an embarrassed look that I have this problem: "Senor, por dia soyhombre, pero por noche soy mujer." He gave me the wierdest look but he either bought it or didn't want to deal with me so he let me go through without paying!

Cubans don't need jewelry, they need medicines, magazines, shavers, and plastic bags (yes, there is a bag shortage). Bring bags.

11-09-03, 22:22
DocBill; Havanaman and all:

I absolutely do intend to go and enjoy myself even though I am not near a card-carrying monger (per se).

I'm taking to heart about the "gifts" though the way I am, I enjoy giving special gifts to women, not specifically to "get laid" but simply I enjoy their smiles when they get something special.

I will also be on my guard to not be overtrusting but will give everyone there the benefit of the doubt. Remember, where I live, one doesn't make eye contact unless you know the person and here we assume when someone you don't know is even slightly friendly, that they want something from you. It's a sad state of affairs but the truth never the less.

I was told that I am allowed two checked bags on Aerocarib (20 kilos each) and one carry-on of 5 kilos. Can anyone confirm this?

I think I have connected with a lady of 35 years, single, no children, etc. Very attractive but I'm older than her Father but she doesn't seem to care. And not to worry, I am a realist and know she isn't a virgin and after I leave will not be waiting for my return. Still, if I can have the fantasy and return to it as a reality on another trip, I will enjoy it. And if things do feel good and it's a GFE, well, my position in life is such I can afford and feel good sending a little help now and then.

So I'll buy a lot of little goodies at my "99 Cent Only Store" and local swap meet and keep the receipts. I'm not going to sweat $50 in duty. I saw Midnight Express <smile>.

So I'm counting the days and will keep an eye on this Board as well as lonely planet which I do not consider in competition with this Board.

Oh yes, I'm also trying to learn at least some passible phrases in Spanish.


11-10-03, 08:45

As planned, I arrived to Havana, Oct, Sat 18, 6:30P for a very short stop of one night and half a day. I am of course armed with lots and lots of information from this site.

Last time I came to Havana was two years ago, but as things normally change, most of the persons I knew are no longer around, specially the girls.

Nevertheless, for my big surprise, I manage to contact a friend from Spain who basically lives in Havana. He stays 8 months in Havana and 4 in Spain during the year. Lets call my friend “J”.

To put it in mild words, J’s purpose in this life is to screw as much girls as he can, on a ratio of 2 per day.

Well, I told J, I was in town, and he immediately got me a place to stay. It was a nice apartment in Vedado, with a nice Sea View, very close to Galerias de Paseo (the shopping mall).

I checked in, took a bath and went out to meet J. Honestly the jet lag was taking a toll on me. But hey, I was to be only one night so I better make it worth.

I met J at the Jazz club in Galerias de Paseo, had a few beers, catch up a little bit. I started to review all the info I got from this site with him, and indeed, he confirmed to me that all the info was still valid.

Since I didn’t have much time to play the “catch me if you can” game with girls I asked him if he had some phones I could use. He was more than glad to call me a friend of his, Lili.

So after a couple of beers we went to meet Lili at the Casa Vasca (behind the Melia Cohiba hotel). 15 minutes later there she was, a young 19 years old hot Latina, just for me. She was 1.70 mts and about 50 kgs, more curves than the road to the Alps.

J droped us at my apartment and left, we started the chat, about what she does etc… It turns out that she is a dancer, in one of the Cabarets. I offered her some rum (Havana Club of course) and some chocolates I had.

It was getting late (11PM) and I was getting horny of just having this nice girl in my bed, so I started to undress and asked her to get more comfortable, so she did. Wow, what a knock-out.

We started to make out, and have some fun.

I think I will spare the sexual details.

I will just say that she was no shy in bed, very eager to please me, and I never got a “no” when I asked her to do this or that. We had sex, chat a little bit, had some more rum, had sex again, and again. Three times and she never told me to hurry up or that she had to go. She was enjoying it and so was I. It was a true GFE.

About 3 am, we finished, I asked her a taxi (Panatour, Tel 555-555) and send her home.

She never asked for money so I gave her a US $50 gift (regalito), plus US $5 for the taxi.

Back to bed and to sleep the Jet-Lag with a big bad wolf smile in my face.

I woke up next day 9 am, my head spinning and hungry like a Castaway.

I had two choices, either ask the owner of the apartment, who lives two apartments below for breakfast or go out and find a place.

I opted for the 2nd alternative. I ended up having breakfast at the Melia Cohiba.
A big breakfast, just what I needed to recharge batteries.

Then I called J, thank him for the nice girl he got me and asked him for more phones.

He gave me two numbers and told me that one was a Piel Canela (white with a very sun tanned skin) and the other was a Rubia (Blonde).

I opted for the Blonde and called her, I asked her to come to my place at 10:30 AM. Well, she was a no show.

So what would any respectable monger do in s situation like that? Call the other girl!

I asked her to come at 11:15 Am.

Her name is Yanislaidy, but people know her as La Gallega.

She arrived to my place just in time and with a very relaxed attitude. She was not shy but not pushy neither. She is 18 y/o, petit very thin body, with nice hips and breasts, about 1.60mts and 40kgs.

We started to chat a little bit and making jokes about her “credentials” given to me by J.

We went to bed and I asked her to get “comfortable” for me, which she did gladly. All clothes went off but the panties. Then I played some MP3’s from my laptop and asked her to dance for me. Men, this girl really knew how to move her body and shake her ass. That only made me very hot for her, so I “invite” her to bed and started kissing her, she corresponded, and as I started to fondle her breast she started to play with my best friend Mr. Happy. I took her panties off and, ups!.. for my big surprise, she had abundant pubic hair, with a big bold remark in the word abundant!. This is a very big turn off for me, and I told her so. This just made her more eager to please me, and oh yes…. She surely did. Here is where I stop and spare the sexual details.

All and all, it was a very good and satisfying experience. We had 2 rounds and, when I looked for my watch it was 1.30PM and I had to be at the airport at 2.30. Haven’t you noticed how amazingly fast time goes by when you are having fun?

I called her a taxi and one for myself, packed my stuffs and went straight to airport, with as smile like cat in front of a plate of milk.

She didn’t ask for money so I gave her a regalito US$ 50 and US$5 for the taxi.

Well guys, that is the end of this short stop in La Havana. Next month I am planning to spare one night in Venezuela/ Caracas. Wait for my report.

Mr. Chencho.

11-10-03, 17:31
Hey DocBill,

I got your PM but when I responded I don't know if it went through to you. Anyway, I don't check my PM's that often on WSG. I haven't had time to read the board that much the past month. I've been so busy. Email me in the future at saintofba (at)h-otmail.com If I'm in Cuba I'd definitely love to hook up with you. I'm not going solely to hobby. I've been in the mood lately to just travel and see more of the world.

Good to hear from you Havanaman. I've been doing well and staying busy. I'm not sure when I'll be in BA next. Maybe end of December or January. I'm going on a European vacation in less than 2 weeks with my girlfriend. If she is still at my house next month I'll vacation with her. If not, I'll go to Cuba or somewhere else. Still not sure. I might travel around Brazil. I have 3 weeks of planned vacation.

Besides taking your own toilet paper, anyone else have any useful good advice? How does everyone deal with the money situation? I assume you have to bring in a ton of cash. Feel safe with that much cash on you? Thanks in advance.

Doc Bill
11-10-03, 18:01

No, I didn't get your PM. I'll write to your e-mail address. If i get it wrong mine is docbill449@mindspring.com. Please let me know if you'll be in Havana anytime between 12/23 and 1/3.

If you're not going solely to hobby and it's your first time and you are at least a little adventurous you'll have a great time. It's a fascinating and exotic place, and the people are the greatest.

As for money, if you don't want to use all cash you have to get a Canadian credit card (if you still have time) or Canadian traveler's checks (though the latter can be a hassle to cash sometimes). OTherwise if you're American it's strictly cash & carry. I've been there eight times and never had a problem except once. I left the bulk of my cash with the owner of the casa I stayed at and that worked out fine. Last time I stayed at a different casa and I noticed some money missing from my suitcase. I was also pickpocketed of $100 on the street.

I would say if you're in a hotel use the safe. If you're in a casa you just have to be able to trust the proprietor, count your cash carefully and let him/her safeguard whatever you don't need at the time. Most Cubans are honest and trustworthy, and compared to other countries there is hardly any crime, but like anywhere else there are thieves too. Use money belts and keep cash in different places, and remember them! Obviously, if you lose it all you are totally hosed! Remember to save at least $25 for the exit fee at the airport. Finally, don't bring all hundreds, get a lot of small bills. Cashing large ones is a hassle in Havana, and Cuban banks charge a substantial fee for it.

One more thing: Bring a lot more than you think you'll need. Remember if anything unforseen happens you can't go to an ATM.

11-10-03, 20:52
I noticed the excellent trip report from Mr Chencho and the photos. I was remembering a post some time ago about how much is appropriate to give a chica to show appreciation for her time. As I recall, the post said US$20-30 was fair and that anything past that point might "spoil" it for the next guy.

It sounds as if the ladies who Mr Chencho interacted with may have been professionals and if so, would this account for the difference between the suggested gift and the $55 given by Mr Chencho?

I know it's very subjective and was just wondering what others here think.

Do Thomas Cook Travelers Cheques work in Cuba?


El Colorado
11-11-03, 05:24
Talosian - Aerocaribe allows one checked bag of 20 kilos. You are also allowed a carry-on which they may ask to weigh if they see it.
I always put all of the heavy stuff (and of course valuables) in the hand baggage. Before I go to the ticket counter, I either pass my hand baggage off to a friend or I check it in the rental lockers for $6. Since my hand baggage usually weighs around 50 lbs and the fine is around $1 lb, I save money.
Remember, all checked baggage gets x-rayed upon arrival in Cuba. If they spot anything interresting in there, you will be searched and taxed on any gifts. The hand baggage is run through a separate x-ray machine next to the metal detector, but they aren't looking for gifts. I frequently avoid searches and the 130% tax this way.

11-14-03, 07:55
Doc Bill

the crossdressing story with the customs guy could be one of the funniest customs stories every!

11-15-03, 21:19
Talosian, Gentlemen

Bad news my friend. The piano player is not playing at the Inglatera anymore. This information is from the reception staff. I did try! On entering the bar area, I heard the piano playing and thought of you! Only to be confronted with a bearded, balding chap on the old ivory. Sorry.

A fuller report when I get back, however the carnival seasons here and the whole of the malecon is closed to everything but the parades at night. If anyone is here right now, enjoy, but do take care. I was nearly pickpocketed whilst being broped by a chica. Nothing take, but I was left quite distraught.

More another time. I am here now up to Tuesday 18, so any mongers want to hook up can call me Havanan: 8739962
The experiment is going very well. I promise full details. Its been many years since I have had multiple GF´s at the same time. Exhilerating is not apprpriate enough a word...

Regards, Havanaman

11-19-03, 06:26
A social/cultural query:

Do Cubans get formal vacations as in other countries? How about sick days?

I'm also wondering, say someone want to go to Cuba and have a GFE which would require the chica to spend days as well as nights w/him, how might this work?

I figure if one of you Mongers wants company for the entire week or month, how can that be done?

Just curious as to thoughts/experiences.


11-20-03, 09:32
To Talosian:

Nothing simpler to do.

Just walk by around Havana and try to look foreigner (seems odd but it works).

Stay out of typical Turist Places since most of the pro's hang up there, and these girls are only for the money.

Go to normal places, like quick byte restaurants, to the beach, market, hang around the Havana University, etc, and if you like a girl, just tell her “Que bonita tu eres mami” (You are so beautiful, baby). She will smile at you guaranteed. Invite her for a beer or a byte. She won't refuse.

Remember that these girls have a very dull life, and dating you means having the fun they cannot pay for themselves.

If chemistry works, ask her to come to your place, plain and simple. No needs to go around the bushes. Voila! Have fun.

She will probably not asks for money, but a small "regalito" (gift) will be in order. Something between US$30 and US$50 will do the trick.

If you like her, tell her so, and ask her to be your date for the period you are going to be in the Island. Again, keep in mind that she will expect “regalitos”.

Cuban girls, like any other women in the world, likes small presents, so buying her things like a dress, shoes, or make up, will guarantee you a GFE during your stay.

Have fun, use condoms, and have a cold CRISTAL on moi!.

Mr. Chencho.

11-20-03, 23:35
Hey Mr Chencho,

Thanks for the suggestions and tips. I will keep in mind. Is there a possibilty that you might pass contact info on Lili, she seems really hot. I guess it will be good for first day there to know someone already. Please contact me via a private message using the WSG Forum's Private Message service.

11-22-03, 03:33

Returned and rested. OMG! Please stop writing emails to me reminding me that I owe a report. You know I’m good for it.
Here we go, my feedback.

This trip was never intended to be. As some of you will recall that last December I said goodbye to Cuba… and headed north to BA. However as you see I can not stay away. Some of the regulars will know why, so lets leave it at that.


An experiment to see how many GFE’s an ageing man of science was able to see, keep, entertain and generally have fun with, without “paying cold” cash to barracudas, for the total duration of stay n= 7 nights in Havana.


It was decided that the best way to make contact was to reply to 50 “profile” posts under the MSN People & Chat system, advanced search, by the country, namely Cuba:


As an example the “singles” page is:


Only recently posted profiles were replied to. Only chicas aged 20 – 29 were replied to. Total duration of trial set-up was 5 months of communication with the chicas who replied (see results for full stats). 4 chicas were counted in the trial data. There was 1 exclusion due to the age factor. Total chica expenditure was $180 in Havana for food and drinks (for me and the chicas). Total cost for gifts taken was $75. Success was had all round. This trial shows what can be done when good planning meets efficient logistics.


The club scene in Havana is now so riddled with very hard core prostitutes (some have mobile phones! In Cuba!!) that I have decided that this is not the scene for me in Havana any more. This decision is final, and only applies to Havana and no other country yet. This trial has become multi-national for 4 other Spanish speaking countries.

The ideal action is GFE, everyone must agree with this. So the intention was to gain now, set-up for the future and maintain as much GFE as possible. This was learned from a previous mini trial involving a simple hand given letter containing a small amount of money, to an excellent prospect (waitress at a bar). The note at that time read simply: “I like you. I have no time now, but here is my email and can I see you when I get back” (in my bad Spanish).

If age has taught me anything it is that I need to get back some youth. I recall having multi-girl relationships at college, and wanted to experience it again. The stress of it, the joy of it, the shear animal love of it…

Materials and methods:

Ticket from Europe, Apartment casa-particular (unfortunately one of you dogs got my old apartment and so I had to settle for second best!). Gifts (body spray {mini cans}, lip-sticks, nylons, cheap perfumes, eye-cosmetics, nail-cosmetics, assorted small teddy-bear toys {!!!}, magazines in Spanish, visa and FAKE place of stay document (see discussions, especially in reply to the recent email: you know who you are, I will not use your name here..), 36-pack condoms, 1 box medi-wipes {needle size}, 1 box lemon flavoured-alcohol wet tissues. Own cloths in hard case. Money, cost to $100 per day {excluding accommodation, which was $140 for 7 nights}. Gum, mints (I like to use mints with oral sex). Own brand of smokes (OK, OK, so I have 2 bad habits…). Toilet tissue x 4 {just trust me on this one}. About 10, cheap plastic carry bags.

A general letter emailed to each selected candidate was thought to be the most efficient method of initiating a contact. The premis being to learn Spanish. NO LIES OR MALITIOUS INTENT WAS INVOLVED. This needs to be repeated (so don’t flame me….). I told no lies: I am learning Spanish. I am single… I am looking for fun… etc.

It was understood, as part of the trial protocol, that if money was asked for, the chica was dropped from the trial (after a paid-for session off course!).


It was assumed that n=10 active prospects would be advisable. However, my age, my dislike of Seldinafil, tierdness, available time and general contentidness meant that n=4 - 6 chicas was sufficinet. In the end n=4 were entertained. All chicas were of mixed race. 1 mulata (B & W mix), 2 were (hispanic & white mix). 1 was white (european and Ukrain). The youngest was 27. The oldest was 30.

Of the 50 chicas emailed, 15 responded back to me more than once. 5 continued to respond for the duration of my trial. 1 was 19 (confirmed by ID card), and looked 12. She was dropped after the first date which was a quick snack from the stand next to the cinema. Way too risky, regardless of age. Also, to be honest a bit young for me at 19.

My initial reply to their profile post was warm and asked for help with Spanish (genuine reason), offered help with English (genuine reciprocation). Only profiles with photo’s were used, and mine was posted to show genuineness. A real learning experience was had by both sides as well as obviously establishing raport.

Each chica was contacted on arrival. I had managed to get their contact numbers by giving my mobile number to them. In the event any collateral-damage: them trying to call me would be prohibitively expensive. A date was arranged to meet. The best spot for this I found was the “tunnel area” immediately opposite and left of the Inglaterra and just outside the theatre. A public place and one where you will not be disturbed by police as lots of people come and go in and out of the theatre, shops and adjoining post-office / telephone area (check out the blonds selling telephone cards!!!).

Rotating the chicas was a hit and miss to begin with, as some worked, others studied. 50% gave-it-up on the night of the first date. This was attributed more to the previous numerous emailing sessions, than ones own ability with women (life is hard, but the truth remains the truth!). GFE all the way. Multiple sessions and everything one could hope for. And I do mean everything.

50% (n=2) gave-it-up on the night of the second date. This was found to be the case due to: a) Natures / womens “problems” with one, b) shyness with the other. All chicas were into oral in a big way (see discussions). Only 25% (n=1 was into anal). For the nights of no-GFE, I paid cash for night #1 ($30) and beers ($10, I think) for night #2.

The only excuse (lie!) used for not seeing the same chica more than 2 times (apart from the impossibility of it) was that I told them I had a business meeting at the Nacional or in Matanza. This seemed plausable, due to my previous set-up emails.

Different resturants were selected for each chica and never repeated for the same chica. By far the best of these was the Italian opposite the Telegraph hotel on the Prado. Excellent value and excellent European food (I live in Europe and so I have agood standard to comapre with. However try to stay away from the fryed foods… go roast…).

The trial was a success. Youth has reappeared in my life, even if it was only for 7 nights. I have made some excellent contacts for future visits and am still in contact with each chica.


In general I do not like to go down the line of dishonesty. However, I needed to get a quick way of confirming accommodation. I went to the Hotel Nacional website: filled in their reservation form, added the comments that I would be pleased to accept the deal if it was negotiable and that they provided free city tours (they do not haggle and tours will cost), in the comments box. I then sent this to them (no CC numbers are required at this stage). I printed off this sheet and used it to prove that I was intending to stay at the nacional. This is the only “lie” in the whole scenario. It works every time and for all the main hotels. If the proverbial you-know-what hits the fan, then I will stay at the hotel under the conditions I made in the comments box… (for the first night any way).

The experiment worked. I saved a bundle of money. Payed next to nothing for the GFE’s at multi-sessions through out the 7 nights. Wonderful.

The Carnival caused some interferience, but was used as part of the expereince. Indeed after droping one of the chicas off home (her fathers house), I walked back to my apartment via the Carnival. Minor incident with a pickpocket (nothing taken). However I did stop for a cool one at the bar opposite the statue of General Antonio, on the Malicon. I met a drunk lady who was a real laugh and fun to be with (not part of the trial). Paid for drinks for her and a couple of her friends (men). My generosity was repaid by a lovely BBBJ to completion, when she walked home with me. This was done in the open (we were both a little drunk), in the corner of the entrance of the hospital (dark alley, open both sides). This was a never to be repaeted experience due to the dangers involved. I do not recommend it. It was enjoyable, but not worth the risk and I’m still feeling the hairs on my kneck stand when I think about the risk involved.

A comment which I must make. After many years of mongering in Cuba, it has to be said that these chicas are experts when it comes to the BBBJ. I think this is due to not wanting to get pregnant or may be that latino men just prefer this mode. I'm not latin and I enjoy BBJ as much as the next man, however the incidence of BBBJ has always been the highest for me in Cuba, relative to any country I have been to (I have no experience of the far east). Your comment s fellow Cubaphiles?

I have to state for the record that I have decided to go back in December. That’s right, back in the next 4 weeks. As soon as I know my dates Talosian, I will PM you to hook up. Anyone else, Saint, DocBill449?

There are dangers to this trial. I was concerned that the infatuation factor can set in. What would I do if I return to my casa and a chica is sitting at the door and already have one on my arm? I took the risk. This was based on generating acceptance of my excuses of conducting business. Still a danger, but the thrill was enjoyable.


The police presence is very high indeed. I have personally seen the numbers go up almost exponentially. Also it should be noted that all the chicas pointed out to me that the majority of the police in Havana are not natives of Havana, but from other cities. They have less maners and are more forcefull appareneltly. I saw numerous men being stopped to have their ID’s checked: day and night.

I can not comment on the club scene. I did not use it.

I did not feel as asfe as I have in the past whiolst out very late at night. Maybe this is psychological due to the very heay police presence during the day.

More another time, gentlemen.

Regards, Havanaman

11-22-03, 21:52

I have recieved your PM and am ready for you answer. Thanks

11-25-03, 15:07
To Aloo94,

Amigo, I am sorry to say that my PDA is on the shop for repairments. I have the "black book" with the phones there, so if you can wait for 3 weeks, and with a little bit of luck, I will be able to pull the Lili's phone for you.

B. Regards

Mr. Chencho.

Rabo Verde
11-25-03, 22:37
Havanaman, LOL great report. Can I be on your dissertation committee? Last time I was in Cuba, the huge police presence was making things almost impossible. I have been thinking of renting a car and taking a small puptent with me next time...

11-26-03, 01:40

Thanks! Been there, done it. Now just an old man chasing tail, trying to recapture youth… I’m having difficulty getting tickets for December, but money talks with agents. In Europe I have come across situations of seats magically appearing…. (some poor “schmuck” gets his cancelled…), or indeed a last minute business class for the price of economy. I hate doing this, but it's in the interest of science!

It’s a forked-trail I blaze: BA frist, then Havana (or vice versa depending on the tickets). The trial is now truly multinational (randomised, double bind etc!). Mexico city & Columbia in June. Bolivia, Peru & Chile in December ’05. But Havana is always in my heart, so I’m negotiating time and money for a trip here and there. Concurred information about the police, and about the availability of el cuarto de baño… Did I mention toilet paper? LOL

Regards, Havanaman

One Great Man
11-26-03, 06:51

You have given your fellow mongers some fantastic advice for fun not only in Cuba but in all the Central and South American countries.

To quote the old line from "Pal Joey": Treat a w**** like a woman and a woman like a w****".

A basic friendship is essential to any heavy-duty coupling later. She isn't used to being treated like a queen, and she will show her appreciation later.

I am VERY bad with Spanish, but at least I try. They seem to be amused at my stumbling, and appear enjoyed to help me complete a sentence. There is much celebration when I actually do.

Unlike the French assholes (if you are considering trips to St. Bart's, Martinique or Guadeloupe), you aren't treated as a nobody if you don't speak their idiot language correctly. They are impressed that you are at least TRYING to learn their language, and they will be helpful.

I love the Spanish people, their friendliness and their sensuality, and I'm determined to keep that particular industry going and rewarding them well.

I have always been concerned with LE, which seems to relax south of the border, but I have read posts from guys in isolated spots where there seems to be a crackdown. Is this a normal bust, or are they singling out the monger?

11-26-03, 08:54

Thank you for your kind words sir. I agree with your every word about the Spanish speaking people (South American and to much a degree European Spain). I also think you have hit the nail on the head about the French.... Passionate, yes... bUT very arrogant too: I know, I face this at least 2 times a month... The e-pall method is sure fire dead loss in France...

I'm happy to answer your question ("I have always been concerned with LE, which seems to relax south of the border, but I have read posts from guys in isolated spots where there seems to be a crackdown. Is this a normal bust, or are they singling out the monger?"), however LE ?? please define.

Regards, Havanaman

11-27-03, 00:26
If I may, LE stands for Law Enforcement.

11-27-03, 01:42
AlLostInSpace13, This1GreatMan, Gentlemen,

Please refer to the >Cuba>General Info board...

Regards, Havanaman

Rocky Mtn Man
11-27-03, 03:39
This is my first trip to Cuba. I would like some pointers. I am going to stay in Old Havana for about a week to 10 days in March. I have an appartment that I have booked. Will it be there when I get there? They have not asked for a downpayment. I would like to find a woman (18 to 25) to spend the time with (not interested in the one night/one woman thing, at least not this time) I do not speak one word of spanish, I already know that is a problem. How about finding an english speaking woman? easy or hard? I live in Canada so getting to Cuba is not a problem for me. Would it be possible to find a woman from here before I go. I love old buildings and want to take my camera and tripod to shoot some of them. Will that be a problem? I am sure I will have more questions as I get closer to going.

Rocky Mtn Man

11-27-03, 20:22
You will not have any problem the girls are everywhere they will give you the look or walk right up to you and talk. Go to any disco in the capital at a major hotel around 11 pm and everything there is for sell. dont pay more than$50 for the whole night

11-27-03, 20:39
With all due respect, I'm really wondering how anyone can make the blanket statement that essentially every Cuban woman is "for sale." I know there are some women who think nothing is wriog with prostitution (or whatever label you want to put on a woman taking $$ or something else of value in exchange for her "time") but I don't feel it is right to make the general statement they are all availabe. I received a note from one man on another Board who has a Cuban wife and took well-founded exception when in Cuba some man came up and propositioned his wife.

I also am going there and meeting a 35-year old woman who has made it clear she is NOT a prostitute nor will she trade "time/sex" for $$, gifts or whatever. And while I know necessity is often a great motivator, in this instance I believe her.

My personal feeling is that without putting a % on it, there are many women who have no problem with a "time for $$" arrangement and I personally see nothing wrong with consenting adults making these deals. I do think it's wrong to paint every woman in Cuba as being in this group.

Just my feeling and maybe worth what you pay for it.


11-27-03, 23:46
Rocky Mtn Man,

Batman is off course very right, there are many clubs, bars, hotel-discos and SW's you can go with.

HOWEVER, may I take the liberty of suggesting my method, as reported below.... Just think about it. Real women, real GFE, little or no bull, and this will be from day 1.... You might be able to rotate say 2 chicas for the whole duration. I'm not suggesting anything difficult or a full exploration of 7 - 10 different chicas (although that would be fun!), but this method will see your needs filled and then some. You will also save a small fortune...

As for your spanish, you get a good level by just learning infinitves of the basic words... dog, cat, door, in, out, man, woman, etc... I learned the other day that the NY-times, on average has between 700 and 1000 different words in the average daily edition. From now until you get there, you could learn, very easily this number of words... Try the Michel Thomas 8 hour course. It is excellent and really helped me. I'm now starting to read online Spanish after just 6 months... Yes it really is that good a course.

Regards, Havanaman

Rocky Mtn Man
11-28-03, 00:52

i actually took your advice two days ago and have started the same search you did. i got about 14 pages of results and have worked my way down to the g's. i sent the same email to all. no response yet. i am sure it will take a bit of time.

i would like to find one or two, maybe 4 days with each. next time i will go on a different adventure.

if i do find one i would like to spend time with, is it possible to go out with them? i have heard it can be very difficult for the chica's to be seen with non-cubans. like out for dinner, museums, etc.

i went into the havancubanconnection, but i am not willing to spend $9.00 us (real money, not that chicken crap we call canadian $) on the offchance one may write me back. seems like wasted time to me.

i am going to rent both rooms at the casa, i like my privacy. a bit more money, but worth it in the end.

what do i need at the airport when i land? will the address of the casa (it is a legal one) be enough? they have agreed to meet me at the airport to pick me up.

that michal thomas course sounds good. i will look at it.

by the way, the average newspaper is written for someone with a grade 4 to 5 education. that would answer why only 700 to 1000 words. and heaven help the average reader if there where to ever see the word "existentialism". (damn, no speel chicher on my compu, comper, cumpert, er, keyboard)

there is a lot of great info at the cuba>general info site.

thanks to all that respond.

rocky mtn man

Doc Bill
11-28-03, 06:12
Rocky, to answer your questions: Yes, the apartment you reserved will probably be there but your reservation may not. In a desperate society it's first come first served, so there's a chance it will be "full" when you arrive. If this happens, however, it will take you about 5 minutes to find another place of equal or better quality, so don't fret.

Not knowing Spanish IS a problem in Cuba, as most Cubans do not know two words of English. I agree with Havanaman, take a course before you go. It will pay off it's weight in gold for you, and the Cubans (unlike the French) do indeed appreciate an effort made. Do NOT expect to understand them much, because they speak their own bastardized form of Spanish, with many syllables and letters omitted (They omit all their 's's' and save them for poor service in restaurants!). They also speak very rapidly, and if you ask them to slow down they will just speak louder.

Finding a woman won't be a problem. Finding an English speaking woman will be, although there are a few.

Taking pictures of anybody or anything is definitely not a problem. Cubans love having their picture taken. Just be courteous and ask first. And make sure you do not try to photograph police, military personel, some government buildings or any military or security facility. I also suggest that you do NOT have your film developed there.

I hope this helps.

I'll be there the two weeks of Xmas and New Years. Anyone else?

11-28-03, 10:06

Please check your PM for my Havana dates. Hook-up?

Regards, Havanaman

11-28-03, 20:27
To Mr Chencho,

Hi I have enjoyed very much your reports.

I plan 2 visit Cuba on January .

I will be happy to contact you on your private Email if you don't mind.

Thanks & regards


Please contact me via a private message using the WSG Forum's Private Message service.

12-01-03, 03:40

Sorry I'll just miss you. I've been having a great time on vacation in Europe (Switzerland and Italy) and I'm looking forward to going to Cuba in a few weeks. I'll be there at least two weeks so that should be plenty of time to have fun. I might travel around a bit. All those that are worried about going should just do their own thing. My friend that goes often just went and said he had the best time ever this past trip. He said he didn't notice any increased presence in Nassau. He had great sessions.

It's funny that most people that are warning me against going to Cuba have never even been there! I'm not worried and looking forward to my trip. I have all my tickets and will be arriving on December 19th in Havana.

I'm going to brush up on my Spanish the next few weeks too. I understand Cuban spanish is different but I think I'll manage fine. Sounds like there is NO shortage of beautiful women in Havana. Looking forward to yet another adventure.


Doc Bill
12-01-03, 10:02
Saint, be sure to PM me so we can find each other there. I arrive on the 23rd for two weeks. Havanaman, did you get my message?

El Cubanito
12-01-03, 16:10
Hello to All,

Well, I just came back from a wonderful three weeks in Cuba. Have alot to say, so please pay attention. I arrive in Cuba on November 5, 2003. I flew from Miami, Florida to Havana, Cuba. The flight took longer to go up and down than it took to cross the waters.

Once in Havana, I pay my duty to Cuban custom of $150.00 since I was bringing alot of stuff (Medicine, Ladies Thongs and some of other stuff) and I did not want any hassel with Cuban Custom officials. Even though I pay that sum, I was still search because of the size of my bag and they said they wanted to check the contents of my bag. When they open my Bag, the CUban custom official close it right away because they had seen what had come up in the x-ray machines. My hairdryer!! My hairdryer look like a gun in the x-ray machine or so they claim.

After custom went right to my car rental and they gave me a Hunday automatic for $ 73.00 a day. What a ripoff!!! I had just rented a large CHrysler in Miami for $ 29.95 a day.

I got into my car when I was no more than 5 minutes into the Havana road side when I was approach at a Stop light by a very good looking and sweet college Student. She told me she needed a ride to Havana Vieja. I took her to Havana Vieja, but she let me know right away by her conversation she did not want me to drop her off she wanted to be with me the rest of the day. Since she was really a stunner (a 9 on my book) I stay with her. I went to Miramar to this casa particular, that I know. As soon as we were in the room, the fun started. She was excellent!!!! We shower and then we went to Havana Vieja by the where the Ferry take people to Regla. We had dinner at a Restaurant and we talked about a lot of stuff. After, the restaurant we went for a walk on Malecon. After Malecon, we went back to my room in the casa particular in Miramar and had a Great evening of non stop sex. Finally took her home around 7:00 AM and gave her $ 50.00 so she could buy herself a pair of Jeans like she said she wanted. I told her we would hook up when I come back from the East Coast of Cuba. SHe wanted to tag along, but I told her some bullshit story that I needed to go alone.

Gentlemen, even though I had a very nice score with this Girl. When I was walking around I saw alot of hardcore pro. Havana is no longer what it used to be as there are a lot of girls who just seem very hard and cold. Not the sweet country girls who use to come to Havana to make some money and bring it back home. If you want girls like the one I just had I really recommend that you go to the other providence of Cuba. Places like Ciego de Avila or Las Tunas. At both of these Providence I had a Great time with the local girls.

I finally settle in Santiago to meet the girl that I always see when I go to Cuba. She is really special and she is the one that I bring all of these things that I pay for at custom. I have no illusion of marriage or anything with this girl. But beside being great in Bed, we also have great convesartion and she is not bad to look at. If anybody that is going down to Cuba has any question, please contact me via a private message using the WSG Forum's Private Message service.

These are the providence that I visted on this Trip:

1. Havana
2. Santa Clara
3. Ciego De Avila
4. Las Tunas
5. Santiago
6. Guantanamo
7. Baracoa

I hope this helps.

El Cubanito

12-01-03, 18:53

We'll definitely hook up at some point during our trips.


I emailed you back and I just got done reading your report. Man, that seems like too much work to me to meet girls. To each his own. I have a tough enough time with the infatuation syndrome with these working girls. I can't imagine how bad it would be for meeting girls the way you are. I don't fault you for going through all that trouble though. If you have the time to do it then all the power to you.

I like being able to tell a girl that I'm going to "butterfly" and sleep with many different girls. I don't like to be tied down or feel obligated to be with one girl and I know I'd have difficulty of that with your method. I've met normal girls off the internet and I can tell you they have a higher level of attachment and emotional involvement.

I don't think meeting hot girls in Havana is rocket science. Sounds like many guys overplan. I'm sure meeting a total hottie that is willing to spend time with you for money is as easy as finding in any other Latin American country.

It's all about having fun. As long as you're having fun that's what counts.


12-01-03, 23:06
Saint, DocBill, Gentlemen,

Got your emails / PM’s. That’s it I can’t take it anymore! I am going to join you & DocBill after my Buenos Aires trip! I have an over night in Mexico city (yes, the trial continues!). I can only be in Havana for a couple of days: running out of money, but it should be cool. I do not know where I will stay yet, but we can make arrangements to meet. LOL, beginnings of the HMA (Havana Mongers Association)? Please check your respective PM’s.

About my method: Saint, you will recall last year I had exceptional success with this method in BA, so much so you made the comment when we met, about me not doing many of the clubs! It works for me, and I have not been tied-down with the emotional baggage, so its cool. The beauty of it is that I get to enjoy the best of both worlds (pay & play / real GFE). You are right, it does have the drawback of serious time injection, but hey: no speculation no accumulation, right?

Thanks once again for your help in BA Saint.

Keep smiling everyone. Regards, Havanaman

General Custer
12-02-03, 06:19
Finally got back this week from my first trip to Havana. Whether it will also be my last remains to be seen, but overall I had a good time. If what I hear about Buenos Aires is true, I may hit there next, but I'm probably getting ahead of myself.

Went in through Cancun. No problem getting into Mexico with birth certificate and photo ID. The problem was in coming back there from Havana. Those bastards wanted $20 not to stamp the passport (they know that you couldn't have been to Cuba without one, so BC and ID is no good on the way back). Screw that. They can have their frickin' stamp. I showed BC and ID to U.S. immigration and sailed right through.

Got to Havana late at night. Cab ride to Vedado was $12. Saturday night, La Rampa was hopping with people, even at 3 in the morning. Plenty of women just sitting and walking around the streets waiting to be picked up. Took two cuties home for $50 total (for both for a couple of hours).

One thing I didn't know before going: you can have your pick from at least a few women sitting on the wall of the Malecon at any hour of the day or night (unless the sea is spilling over it). The later it gets, the more there are. Some of the best women I found were just hanging out, waiting to get pulled from there, and they sat anywhere from the stretch facing the Spanish embassy up through where the 1830 club is located. Had I known, I wouldn't have spent so much time, energy, and money at the various clubs recommended here (well, you do get a different calibre of woman, but more on that later).

All of the taxi drivers I met had no trouble cruising the Malecon for chicks, and several Cocotaxi drivers had women they knew (pulled 2 this way) whom they could set me up with. I can imagine how it must have been in the good old days - I'd never experienced such a phenomenon as starting from zero to being in a cab with a girl going home to get laid in a span of 5 minutes.

About the clubs: I don't know about the other clubs, but Macumba, Casa de La Musica (Miramar), and Johnnie's seemed to be chock-full of pros. Also, there are many pros hanging out in the Gallerias del Paseo/Jazz Cafe. Every woman in these places under the age of 25 was working. It blew my mind that these 8s and 9s (granted, they had cell phones and nice jewelry...that's the tip-off...in America, these would be girls just out to have fun at the club...I found no such thing in Cuba) were all there for the taking. The "taking" for these beauties ran from $50-100 for a single session, and forget all of you who say to haggle - these women walk if you won't budge (not just me, my two pals - decent looking all-American types - had the same experience), as they will find some Spaniard or other tipo to pay their way. Then after they're done with you, it's back to the club for the next victim. I nailed the two most beautiful women I've ever done to date who I found at Macumba but had WAAAAY more fun with the young playful Camagueyan chicas I got from El Malecon.

The downside: the cops started paying attention to our casa after the 3rd day, with several run-ins with chicas getting carded, which sucked. Also, some of the heart-to-hearts I would have with some of the ladies (hey, I'm not an animal) stirred a variety of emotions. Which brings me to my final view, which is that I have to agree with folks like DocBill and others that Cuba, for a variety of reasons, is just too much of a hassle if you're going there just as a monger. The people are surprisingly resilient, but it gets to you after a while, what they're going through. It was great to go once, and I've not had a vacation like it, but in all honesty, I don't see myself going back anytime soon.

A few tips for newbies going to Cuba:

1. Bring a lot more money than you think you'll need. Money flows like water through a sieve in Cuba, and unless you know exactly what you're doing, you WILL overspend, guaranteed.

2. There is probably no better gift for the ladies than those sample bottles of perfume you can get at flea markets. Wish I'd brought some with me. They LOOOOVE foreign perfumes.

3. If I had to do it again, I would have rented a car. The main areas you hit are really easy to navigate once you spend a day there, it's only tricky if you're going to clubs. Plus, that tourist plate is a magnet for the women.

4. Barrio Chino is the best neighborhood to eat on a budget for decent food. Chan Li Po is a worthwhile eatery there.

5. EVERYONE there told me it's much better to go during the summer, when the girls are out of school. Having toured the University, I can see why.

6. It's been suggested a couple of times, but do yourself a favor and bring popular magazines in Spanish (you can get them in Mexico) - People, Cosmo, anything with pictures of celebrities, fashion, etc. The girls eat it up (and will keep them from getting bored with your broken-ass-Spanish).

7. Confirm your outgoing flight from Havana several days prior and leave a full day before you need to be in the States. Aerocaribe (and I assume, Cubana) cannot be trusted to get it right, so the onus is on you to make sure things get done. You don't want to be stranded there on Sunday with work in the U.S.A. beginning on Monday morning.

Thanks for everyone's help, and I'll see you on the BA boards.


12-02-03, 23:31
Thanks for the report GenCuster. I'm looking forward to my first visit to Cuba in a few weeks. I'm sure it's like night and day to other places I've been in the past few years. Believe all the hype about Buenos Aires! I've hit that city over 10 times in the past year and a half and liked it so much I leased a few apartments there. It's a world class city full of beautiful girls.

I didn't rent a car yet and wasn't sure I wanted to rent a car my first trip. I'm staying in the Vedado area so I figured that is a pretty central part of town. How much did you spend on taxi's each day? Most car rentals are at least $50 a day with hassles of deposit, etc. Did you spend more than that in taxis? Seems unlikely. Yeah I'm going to hobby but I'm going to relax too. Two weeks is a hell of a long time to spend there I hear, but I'm really looking forward to it. The countdown begins.....


General Custer
12-03-03, 03:27

I figure we blew $20-$30 dollars a day on cab fare ($2-3 each way to get to restaurants or around town, $3-8 each way to get to clubs [Macumba is way the hell out there]). We tried all-day drivers ($25-$35) a few times, but while the guys were excellent resources (and had nice cars), we didn't drive around enough to make it worthwhile to us (our days were blurs of eating, screwing, and sleeping, with a few hours of sight-seeing / clubbing / listening to live music thrown in for good measure) and they were college students with day jobs and generally had better things to do, so it wasn't a great solution for anyone.

With your own car, though, you can pull mad poonage from the hitchhikers that are everywhere, come and go as you please, and attract attention from exactly the kind of chicas you want to meet.

As a veteran monger, you are almost certain to have a great time. You'll have to let us know how it measures up to the other places you've been.



Rocky Mtn Man
12-03-03, 04:43
Great report GenCuster.

Just a few basic questions to cover off.

Clothes. I am a real shorts, sandals, t-shirts and jeans kind of guy. What do I need for the night clubs? Can you swim in the ocean that time of year? Would you even want to?

I love to walk when I get into the big cities. Sometimes for hours a day. Is that practical in Old (or New) Havana? I know to stay out of the shadows at night.

Gifts. What should I take? Advice here would be towards things that will get me better sex. Also someone told me to take a bunch of Harley Davidson T-shirts. Yes or no.

I am going to get a hard sided suitcase and a short cable lock so I can attach it to something solid in the apartment. That should keep the honest people honest. And a small back pack for day trips.

Any point in taking my cell phone?

Personal items. What do I need that I just cannot find in Cuba at any price?


12-03-03, 10:35

I have been to Havana many times and never had the need to hire a car. I agree with GenCuster: there is definitely a chica-magnet advantage, but I must concur with Saint. The hire-cost, hassle factor and “unknowns” (accidents, break downs, theft etc…) make car hire very unattractive. I guess I would spend on average $15 on taxis per day in the city, with an absolute maximum of $30 per day for longer journeys.

The cost of car hire varies depending where you go. The most expensive I have come across (when I was interested in this…) was at the hotel Nacional ($155 per day). The cheapest was $85 at a rental place on the Prado (near the Arab league offices & Italian restaurant). You will get what you pay for... My heart wasn’t in it so I never bothered to pursue details. There will be cheaper options, and as always: negotiate. But ask yourself: is it worth it when you can get from one end of the city to the other for $5 in an open air coco-taxi, with no hassle, no risk? I would rather spend the same money on chicas…

GenCuster, your remarks about sorting out the return are very valuable. I have personally been caught out in this way. Now, the first thing I do when I am in my last few days is to confirm my return details. Because of my bad experience I now also get my agent (back in Europe) to ensure my return confirmation by FAX to Havana. This is a bit over the top, I agree, but you will understand about getting stuck / stranded… So GenCuster is absolutely right to bring up the issue.

Be aware of the “baby-milk” scam! I have received a number of emails recently (passively and actively mentioning this, from the perspective of charity or scam). Goes something like this: a women approaches you (with or without a baby in arms). Begs you to go and buy some powdered milk for the child, from a “$-only” shop. She may say she can not get into the shop. She becomes like a rash that just won’t go away. She will shout (for all to hear) that she does not want money, will not “fucky-fucky”: she just wants to feed the baby. The psychological issues here are very apparent, as are the social, with everyone looking at the loud farce unfolding on the streets. This is a scam. If you give-in she will just resell the milk back to the shop. Dry milk pack costs $5.25 in Havana. Enough said. This aside I love Havana, and will keep going back.

Happy days!

Regards, Havanaman

El Cubanito
12-03-03, 15:38

I have to agree with you and also disagree when it comes to renting a Car in Cuba. It all really depends on what you are trying to accomplish on your "Mongering" trip to Cuba.

If you are just staying in Havana, then yes not renting a Car and traveling by the mean of taxis, coco taxi, Private Taxis (The cheapest form of Transportation in Havana. You can go from Miramar to Havana Vieja for $ 2.00 USD.) or even the "Camel Bus". But if you are going to other cities like I did on this trip than renting a car is a must. Like GenCuster renting a Car in cuba is like a magnet for the Local Chicas. Your dick will get more pussy then it would know what to do with. Believe me that what happen to me in this last trip. One chica in Santiago came up to my car and said " What do I have to do to you so I can ride in that car with you." Mind you I was with my regular chica from Santiago. So do not throw out the advantage of a car. One Chica from the country side of Ciego De Avila was so happy for the ride I gave her from Town to her house, that she took care of me 5 minutes after I was in her house. I did not pay her a cent. That save me money right there from $20.00 to 60.00 dollar. Granted the girl was only a 6.5, but a score never the less. So do not throw out the advantage of a car.

El Cubanito

El Cubanito
12-03-03, 15:39

What were you trying to rent a BMW or an AUDI? Because the price range you are talking about those of the only cars in Cuba at that price range.

El Cubanito

12-03-03, 16:23
Everyone is giving good input. Rookies or veterans..doesn't really matter. The point of these boards is to share information to ensure a good trip. I'll definitely post my take on Havana and Cuba maybe after I get back. I'm toying with the idea of taking my laptop so I can type a daily "diary". I'm there a long time so that will also give me something to do.

I noted on my reservation form from Nash Travel Agency out of Canada --- http://nashtravel.com -- that it says you can only bring about 40 lbs. of stuff into Cuba. Each additional pound is $1 us. Seems like a very low limit compared to the 70 lbs. most airlines will allow you. I usually pack a lot of stuff and was just curious if other guys encountered problems with this?

I still might rent a car for one of the weeks I am there. I won't need it two weeks. Most of the veterans that I know that hit Cuba monthly for years are telling me that it's a surefire way to meet some unjaded girls and also to explore. I'm not the type that sits in my room...I'm always on the go so a rental might be a good option for part of my stay.

I'm bringing an old cellphone which I'm told can be activated there. Rates I'm told aren't cheap around 50 cents a minute but a cellphone is essential there. I plan on giving out the number to any/all cuties that I come across. My friend told me to bring those yellow sticky note type pads and give the number to girls and they are almost always calling him back because it's free for them to call back. I'll try that technique.

I also plan on traveling to Varadero a day or two for the pristine beaches. I know buses run there but it might be just as easy to drive. I'll see how it goes. I'm not going to overplan this trip....I'm just letting things happen. Thanks to all that have posted in the past.


12-03-03, 17:22
Havana is not Rio. There is no problem to walk around anywhere. As a tourist, you are the next best thing to God. Nobody will dare to rob you in open. However, do watch you pocket and backpack. Some thugs will pick your pocket or backpack without you notice. Don’t afraid to call cops if such things happen. You may not get your stuff back, but that guy would be locked up immediately. I saw it happened.

If you go to club, dress nicely.

Doc Bill
12-03-03, 19:02
Great report, GenCuster, and I'm really impressed with how much you grasped about Cuba on your first trip!

Regarding crime, it's virtually nonexistant. I walk alone all over Havana (even in the shadows) at all hours, with never a problem. The penalties for messing with tourists are just too great. Cuba is also not, unlike other latin countries, a violent culture. Women walk around all hours of the night with impunity.

Cars v. taxis: For me it's taxis hands down. I've rented cars there and it is, as previously mentioned, ridiculously expensive ($70+/day) and a great hassle with lots of scams. Taxis are cheap and the drivers very obliging. Havana is also a great walking city. I've spent hours and hours just walking in no particular direction. Adventures just come to you this way.

Cuban authorities prohibit bringing in some electronic equipment (vcr's, stereos, etc.) and discourage others (laptops). They will carefully inspect it and I've heard that they will capriciously hold onto it until you leave. At very least be prepared for a lot of questions at incoming customs.

Veradero is not Cuba. A couple of years ago a $2 toll was instituted to enter and the purpose was to keep Cubans out. I've never been, and I hear the beach is beautiful, but it's all tourists. You will not experience Cuba there. Nor will you find chicas, as they've had the biggest crackdown of all there several years ago after complaints of sex tourism.

I can't emphasize enough what Custer said about money. I always figure a high end of what I will need and then bring double that. I usually have very little left when I leave. Cuba ends up being very expensive, primarily because whenever you're out with other people you are expected to pay for it. I spent less in one month in Rio and Buenos Aires than I do in two weeks in Havana! If you're American, you're also totally screwed if you lose your money or get robbed, as there is no way to get any down there.

Lastly, I know I've said this before but it bears repeating: If you're new and thinking of a strictly mongering trip go somewhere else. If you'd like to experience a very unique and exciting culture with great people go for it. Hard pros are charging upwards of $50 because idiot tourists pay for it. I agree that it's a lot better to meet on the street, or a a cafe. You shouldn't pay more than $30 or $40 for all night.

Hasta La Victoria Siempre!

12-04-03, 10:12

Have read your informative post and now want to take the Cuba adventure. The problem: I can't determine the Nationality of the notorious mongers that have visited. Being an American, I know that it is against the rules, but want a taste of Havana Heaven.

So, can anyone provide some recommendations for Cuba travel to an apprehensive American? What are the current rules of engagement with respect to the passport stamps? Will the Cuban officials stamp or not stamp the passport. If they are inclined to stamp, will they take a monetary "reward" for neglecting to do so. How best to provide this "reward"? Have read some of the earlier post on the subject, but that was before the most recent crack-down!

I am told that the Canadian Authorities are working in concert with the American authorities to catch wayward Americans, is that true? Have established Canadian bank account, with ATM cards, specifically for this purpose. How well are Canadian dollars ( Travelers Checks, etc.) received there? Want to take digital camera, but not sure wether a camera full of "Eye - Candy" photos will past customs, any thoughts? Anyone knowledgeable of Internet Cafes in Havana?


Your post of 31 August has gotten well over 17k hits, and for good reason. Perhaps you can suggest how I can find her while there; that was in '98 (Guanabo), is she a pro/semi-pro. If you can add any more, I would forever be in your debt!

Any and all information would be appreciated.


El Cubanito
12-04-03, 21:45

There are many ways to go to Cuba for American. The most popular route is via Nassau if you live in the East Coast or Cancun if you live on the West Coast. When you get to either city you buy a visa for $15.00. Since you are American, the Cuban officials know not to Stamp your American passbook. My American passbook never gets stamp in Cuba. The Cuban officials always stamped the Visa.

Macgoo, I have been traveling to Cuba twice a year since 1999. I hope this help, if you have any questions drop me a line.

GenCuster, I do not know what happen in your case. Maybe they were trying to scare you and get money out of you, but they know that American Passport can not be stamp, even when the visit is a legal vist to Cuba like mine was. My Passport was not stamp.

El Cubanito

12-05-03, 09:28
To Mcgoo,

I am not an American but if you don't mind I will suggest you to change the route.

Go via Cancun Mexico.

That way you wont have the American Gvmt breathing over your neck.

Don't take CAD's with you, take US$.

Don't worry about the camera, they don't review the contents.

Mr. Chencho

General Custer
12-05-03, 17:26
I got a few e-mails about this, so just to make it clear, I was referring to an entrance stamp from Mexico when I came back from Havana. The Mexican immigration official would not accept my U.S. birth certificate or photo ID (since the Aerocaribe flight was one of the first flights into Cancun that morning, and he knew I had my passport on me, otherwise I couldn't have flown in from Havana) and wanted the bribe not to stamp my passport. I had zero problems from Cuban immigration. Why worry about a Mexican stamp? If push came to shove and I ended up having to show the U.S. my passport instead of my other documents, they would have seen a Mexican entrance stamp for the same day I entered the United States, which would show I was in a third country.


Doc Bill
12-05-03, 18:05
Your American passport can indeed be stamped by Cuba, and often is unless you specifically tell them not to. Many people have been detained and hassled for hours by US Customs upon return with that stamp, so be sure to ask them nicely not to stamp it. Of the many times I went only once was I asked for money from a Cuban officer to not stamp my passport ($5).

Also remember, to date not one single person has been convicted or forced to pay the fine for travel to Cuba. Payment is ultimately not enforced and I'm sure the US government would not want it tested at trial. So take it easy!

Ponce de Leon
12-05-03, 21:49

From what I read in all the guidebooks and from all the guys that go countless times they told me that Cuba passed a law not to stamp US passports. What you wrote conflicts with what is written in all the guidebooks and all the guys that have gone.

I really think people overreact or get overly worried about going to Cuba. Most of the people warning against going are guys that have never been there and probably will never set foot in Cuba. The biggest worry is probably running out of money, running into legal problems or even more so having a heart attack from having such a mind blowing session from a hot chica.

El Cubanito
12-06-03, 00:54
To All American Members,

To everybody here who is an American and goes to Cuba via Cancun, Nassau or Jamaica and one day might get caught by a custom official. DO NOT SWEAT IT!!! The Embargo law does not says that you can not go to Cuba. The Embargo law say that you can not spend money in Cuba without a written authorization from The US Department of Treasury. You can go to Cuba, but you just can not spend money in Cuba. So as long as they do not find a box of Cuban Cigars, Rum or Cuban Tee Shirt I would say that it would be pretty hard for them to prove that you did or did not spend money in Cuba.

Hell, you can have that chica that you might have ben shacking with say that she pay for your whole stay in Cuba.

But, let just say if they can have proove that you did spend money in Cuba. If you argue the summon and fines that the Custom official would wage against you. It would be pretty hard for the custom official to take to court and prove his case. You see in order for the Custom Department to take to court. The Custom Department has to take you to an Embargo court, with an Embargo Prosecutor. The only problem with all of this is that there is NO Embargo court or Embargo Prosecutor to prosecute you. The Whole Embargo Law is really a fiasco! The Treasury Department has not hire a Judge or Prosecutor to handle these cases. The Treasury Department has no budget for these types of cases.

I hope this help.

El Cubanito

12-06-03, 00:59
Ponce de Leon, Gentlemen,

I must disagree with you Ponce de Leon. As is the case with many a traveller, time / circumstances / situations / published advice change. This applies to immigration officers also. I have met many an American who told me about getting their passports stamped, and many more who said they breezed through.

As yet the American administration (of every flavour) has not seen the “light” and whilst it illegally imposes {see full constitution} a ban on the freedom of movement of its people, it’s people need to be vigilant. I should therefore suggest using Canada / Mexico / Cancun / South America as possible “jumping” stops. The stamp is better off on your tourist card than on your passport. This being the case, it does not hurt to be nice to the immigration officers and simply ask for the stamp not to be placed.

I have no such worries (being from Europe), but many of my USA friends say it could be a serious issue. I must agree with DocBill449, I have come across fellow mongers who have been detained and harassed by US Customs. I guess at the very least they will keep files on people… especially since you know when.

Gentlemen, I don’t need to tell you that being nice to people, having a smile and generally being sociable goes a long way (with chicas and authority alike). Is it so hard to be these 3 simple things and just ask the guy with the stamp not to use it? A joke / humour at this point, at the expense of an administration that “does not understand” will get the immigration officer on your side and you walk through with no stamp…. All the way to “freedom”.

Regards, Havanaman

Ps. I would actively encourage everyone to go to Cuba.

Doc Bill
12-06-03, 03:08
Ponce de Leon,

I too must respectfully disagree with you. I find guidebooks to be often very wrong. I particularly like Chris Baker's Moon Handbooks on Cuba, but even he gives wrong information, like telling you it's ok to drink the tap water in Cuba (it's not, as I discovered the hard way!). You may speak from your guide books but I speak only from my personal experience. I have had my passport stamped a couple of times when I didn't ask them not to. As a result I "lost" my passport and got a new one and I am careful to ask now that they do not stamp it, to which they are happy to oblige.

I would not discourage anybody from going to Cuba. It's a wonderful place in spite of it's government. And I don't encourage over-reacting, but it doesn't hurt to be careful. And in case you haven't read my history of posts, I have been there many many times and I know what I am talking about through direct experience.

Yossarian 99
12-06-03, 04:35

Stamp or no stamp, just make sure you bring your US birth certificate with you. US immigration will accept that as proof of citizenship. So, if you forget to tell tell the Cubans not to stamp your passport, or if you end up with a re-entry stamp upon returning to Mexico or to The Bahamas from Cuba, you can just put the passport away and use your B-certificate to get back to the US.

Also, unless you are caught red-handed with proof you were in Cuba (i.e., an official stamp from Cuba on your passport, etc.), you must firmly, but politely deny you were ever there. Feign ignorance at any "irregularity" in the dates your passport may have in it

The immigration officer will know you were on the Forbidden Island, it's no secret. But if you say nothing he is not obliged to take any action. And there's a line full of people behind you he has to process. If you're just regular Joe Blow citizen, he'll let you go.

I've seen this happen at least twice.

Go and jave fun. And remember to follow the advice given in this forum on how to behave down there (where to go, what to bring, how much to pay, etc.) so that we can continue to enjoy this great place for years to come.

(climbing off the soap box now)


Rocky Mtn Man
12-06-03, 06:29
It is getting to be more of a hassle for Canadian's to travel to the US. I will not get my passport stamped when I travel to Cuba just in case I need it for ID if I head State side. I dont need the grief of some customs agent asking me why I went to Cuba. As a Canadian, it is none of his buisiness, unless of course, he makes it his buisiness. Here is my idea. We get rid of Quebec (they dont want to be part of Canada anyway) and invite Cuba to become the 10 th province. Castro might be a dipshit, but no worse than any other leader that we have had in Quebec for the last 50 years. So we end up with a Province that is completly surounded by sand in the middle of the Caribiean, with lots of old cars that we can bring up here and use in parades and cruisin on Saturday night. Lots of underpaid and overworked professional's (Dr's, Dentists, etc) which we need because ours all heading the States for the big bucks. And lets not forget, Chica's, Chica's, Chica's. Or so I have heard from this board anyway. Best I go down and scope out the situation and bring back a full report to my fearless leaders in Ottawa. Oh Canada. Glorius and Free (or $50 for the night at least)


El Cubanito
12-06-03, 16:41
Hello to All American Members,

I would like to tell you on somebody that I met in Havana, Jose Marti Airport Last September 2002 when I was coming back to the United States from Cuba.

I met a guy by the name of Larry J., he was an American. You see Mr. J belongs to the Democratic Party and he belongs to a big Law Firm in Washington DC. Well, Mr. J goes to Cuba just about every six weeks and spends about two weeks in Cuba on the average. You see Mr. J does not go there just to meet the chica, but he goes there because he had a kid there with a local Cuban woman about 30 years ago. He found out about his son 3 years ago and now he is making up for lost time. Now, you must be saying why is this so important. Well, it is because everytime Mr. J comes back from Cuba he tells the Cuban Immigration officials to stamp his passport. The Cuban Immigration official tell him that his United State Passport does not have to be stamp. He forces the Cuban Immigration official to stamp his passport so that when he returns to the United States the United States Immigration official know where he has been, Cuba. I think that is what might be happening some our fellow American Mongers when they go to Cuba, specially you DocBill and others who have had their passport stamp.

One of the thing that Mr. J is trying to do is see if he is detained, so he can argue the Embargo Law. If anybosy is ever detained and needs the help of a Lawyer. Please call Mr. J. I will ask him if it ok for me to post his contact information on this site. I will have an answer shortly.

Jackson, Let me know if ok also by you to Post Mr. J information here on this site. He has said in the past to me that he would take these case at a low fee. He quoted me a $1.00, since he has some much personally to gained by the Embargo law being remove. Let me know Jackson what do you think.

El Cubanito

What you should do is post a message inviting anybody who is interested in Mr. J's services to contact you via a Private Message to obtain his contact info.



12-06-03, 22:58
Fellow Mongers,

Thx a bunch for the insights and response to questions posed recently. I am honored to get real “on-the-ground” advice from experts, verses that read in the garden-variety travel guide. I have been emboldened by your advice and encouragement; consequently, Havana will now be added to my travel itinerary. Finally, I can relax and concentrate on the original purpose for traveling to Cuba: Mongering!

Since I don’t need my passport to re-enter the US when transiting Canada/ Mexico, my conclusion is this: If the Cuban authorities stamp it, lets say on page number “13”, that page and a few others for good measure, will be extracted – my dog ate them. Don’t want to destroy the whole thing since the chicks are often impressed by the extent of global travel as reflected on my Passport (whatever works!). However, that Visa suggestion was solid!

Rocky Mtn Man,

Good point, spent enough time in Canada recently to know that crossing the border has worsened significantly since: 1) 11 September, 2) SARS, 3) Canada’s stance on Iraq war, and 4) Canada’s liberal stance on Marijuana use. Consequently, transiting Canada to Cuba is rapidly loosing its “sex-appeal”.

El Cubanito

You make a good argument about the Embargo, and the Department of Treasury’s (DoT) authority to enforce it. But, I certainly don’t want to be that Test case.

As an aside, for you that didn’t realize it, up until about 3 weeks ago, our Government was on track to make it legal to travel to Cuba. Unfortunately, at the 11th hour, this new bill was stricken in order to get other legislation passed. Damn!

George was recently quoted as saying that he will increase his vigilance in going after those that travel to Cuba. I wonder if he’s going after the Florida vote, or really “putting his foot down”?


Realistically, it seems many factors determine whether my passport is stamped or not, I have no control over that. But, I too have found that simple kindness and lighthearted bantering goes a long way. Point well taken.

Ponce de Leon

While there have been excellent, yet contrary views on the validity of “guidebooks” from some of our more experienced Cuba Mongering brethren, I would like to learn more about those “legal” issues that you mentioned.

Thanks again guys, this has definitely been informative!


Ponce de Leon
12-07-03, 00:06
Hey Havanaman and DocBill -

No disrespect to you guys. I've never been to Cuba yet. I just know tons of guys that have been there. None of them have ever had any issues with stamps. I'm headed down there soon and not worried about stamps, water or anything else. I know it will be a great time. Good luck fellas.


Doc Bill
12-07-03, 09:05
Don't forget the toilet paper.

12-07-03, 10:17


Enjoy! Laughing aside, it is an important issue.

Ponce de Leon, You are very welcome to join Saint, DocBill449 and I towards the end of December in Havana. You will love it. I do. In fact you will note from my posts that I am returning after my BA adventure... just for a couple of days.

Regards, Havanaman

Tough Guy
12-08-03, 18:02
I've been lurking for a couple of weeks and now it turns out I am headed to Havana for a few days in the next couple of weeks.

I'm quite sure it's going to be before Havanaman, Saint and DocBil449 go -- too bad.

I am a first time monger (hopefully) and pretty nervous. Not about travelling there because I'm Canadian (Others?) but I am worried about getting around the scene on my own.

Anyone got contacts or going to be around there over the next two weeks?

Sean 007
12-09-03, 22:36
Tough guy,

I've been to many places, mostly due to work related travels and I never been to a place as great as Cuba/Havana. For me, it's the only place that I can travel alone, such as you, and feel completely safe, excited and top of the world. Your gonna be surprised how easily it is to make friends there. Just a simple "hello" will get you, home made meals, private houses and of course mucho bonita women. Write back in the next couple of weeks and tell us about your adventure, you'll see that I am not far off here.

12-09-03, 23:23
Tough Guy

I'm going to be doing a couple of trips to Havana. PM me your dates. I will be in Havana from 12 December for a few days.

If we can communicate we can hook up.

Regards, Havanaman

12-10-03, 21:50
Extending airline tickets on Air Cubana?

I'm heading down soon. In just about every trip I take I almost inevitably extend my trip. Can anyone that has flown Air Cubana tell me if you can pay a fee to change or extend your ticket or is it like a charter ticket where once you miss your flight it's a lost ticket and you have to buy a new one. I've heard different answers and I assume with a little money maybe a ticket agent in Havana would change it for a fee? Inquiring minds want to know.



El Cubanito
12-10-03, 22:13
Hello Saint,

You can get your ticket extended at HavanaTur office in Miramar in the Sierra Maestra building on 1st avenue. If you take a taxi and tell them to take you to Sierra Maestra building in Miramar, they will know where the building is.

As far as the fee go, if you do a fee change 48 hours ahead of time there will be no fee charge to you. If you do a change less than 48 hours of your travel date there will be a $30.00 Fee. Also saint if you stay more than 21 days in Cuba you will have extend your Visa. Visa extension for Canadians and American is $25.00 for 14 day extension. You have up to 3 additional extension. I hope this helps. I constantly ask for an extension because I end up stay more than the time I plan for.

Saint one of the thing that might stop you from staying in Cuba longer is money. Saint and other going to Cuba, if you are American one of the worst feeling is being in Cuba and running out of money. That why I have a Transcard. Here is the website:


With these folks you can use your Credit or debit card to send money to you in CUba in less tahn 24 hours. If you visit Cuba this is the best way to go.

Here is the phone number for transcard in Havana:

862-9900 ask for extension 1000. Her name is Ana and she will take real good care of you as far as you getting the Transcard and money.

If you have any question ask.

El Cubanito

12-10-03, 23:08

I can not answer your question directly, but I can suggest an idea. I can not recall where the Air Canada office is, but I would recommend going to the travel centre in the Hotel Habana Libre. There are some really nice people there, they will point you in the right direction. A place like Havana, money really does talk: loud and clear.

I often make this hotel a base (even though I don’t stay here). It has excellent facilities (food, net access {bit expensive at $3 15 min, then 15 cents per min thereafter}, information, travel, tours etc.).

Sorry I can not be more helpful.

Regards, Havanaman

12-11-03, 01:23
Thanks Havanaman,

I asked my travel agent in Canada but I really want to talk to someone that has actually done this in Cuba. No biggie either way. Most one way flights back to Cancun are about $200 but no sense wasting money if you don't have to.

Thanks for the tip on the Hotel with internet access. Can you post the address of the Hotel? I'll definitely need to check emails at least a few times a week.

Is it possible for an American to open a Canadian bank account? What is involved with the process and how long does it take? If so, can you use that ATM card in Cuba or are there many ATM's?

Also, I hear from everyone and read about how the average Cuban makes only $20 - $40 US per month. Is this totally accurate? I wonder how much they make when you factor in tourism and the tips they receive in US$ and Euros. It's kind of hard to believe that most professionals and executives from USA and Europe make more in a few hours than a Cuban makes in an entire year.

Last question, I promise. "Jineterismo" sounds like a way of life there and most people don't seem phased too much by it. But what kind of resentment does the average local citizen have to working girls that are often times making more in a few hours than they do working hard all month? I'll post my thoughts on the local scene and my thoughts as usual after my trip but I'm curious to know this before arriving in Havana. Thanks in advance.


El Cubanito
12-11-03, 02:03
Hello Saint,

I hope you get this in time. I am still a Regular Member and my post take 24 to 48 hours to post.

Saint, I will tell you in refernce to my "girlfriend" in Santiago. Her neighbor try to make me believe that everybody in the neighborhood loves her. But she herself tells me. Everybody is being nice to me beause you are here and they do not want to be mean to me in front of you. There is a resentment for Cuban who have a way of getting the Tourist dollar. After going to Cuba now for the last 4 years at least 3 times a year every year. It is in this last trip (November 2003) when I am feeling that people are starting to open up a little bit with me. I also speak spanish very fluently.

There is a resentment, but I have not been able to get the level of it. Yet everybody want to have a Foreign "Novio" or "Novia".

El Cubanito

12-11-03, 10:50

I do not recall the full address of the Hotel Habana Libre, however, there is not a taxi dirver alive in Havana who will not know it. It’s that famous! The outside façade of the hotel is decorated by on of Cuba’s most revered modern-artists.. In fact if memory serves me, it is on the La Rampa, opposite Coppelia park and cinema. Actually, you may need to be on La Rampa, as 90% of the Airlines have offices on this main road (Malecon end {sea end}). If you are close to The Nacional, you can walk it in 4 minutes. Locality wise, it is between Vedado & Centro.

DO NOT RELY ON ATMS. I have only seen one ATM in Havana (I’m sure there must be more however), and that was in Mirimar. If you need funds, use a non-USA CC, take your passport (original, not a copy) with you: go to the Hotel Nacional. Upstairs, near the call centre they have banking facilities. Saint, in Cuba, cash is king. Tak plent of single $-bills (I take a minimum of 30 single bills for each day I’m staying: tips, taxis etc.).

A final thought on money. As I said, cash is the only way. I find that I spend quite heavily, but “mi gusta”. I budget for $150 a day, half the time, I come back with half this amount. As an emergency measure: make sure you leave $25 + food money in your passport for the exit-tax & airport refreshments. I can’t stress this enough. I have had difficulty with large bills, I have also had a young English-man borrow money from me at the airport for the TAX. For Westerners, our hearts bleed when we see a grown man with tears in his eyes because he does not have the TAX… The airport staff do not care. After all, we are rich are we not??

Your income estimates are OK, but a bit on the high side! I have a good friend in Havana and she is a consultant gynaecologist. She makes $22 a month… For absolute income, tips, private work etc: I would say she takes home no more than $30. Beggars belief doesn’t it? But it is nonetheless a fact for her. I know that non-professionals fall into 2 groups: the regular workers and the tourist-traps (including pay & play). The workers are very poor indeed. The tourist-trappers make relatively good money. There is jealousy. However, one thing I love about the Cuban people is that they have a high sense of tolerance. They firmly believe that each person has the right to do what they want to do. Everyone knows that the chicas who hang out outside the hotels and bars are there to make money on their backs, however people “turn a blind eye”. I have never seen any of the “clean-up” operations we see in Europe…

Happy days! T-1 for me. I’m on the plane at 0600 on Friday 12.

Regards, Havanaman

PS. Saint, go to the lonely planet guide website, and checkout the Thorn tree forum. Excellent! Some valuable information here:


El Cubanito
12-11-03, 13:03

Another thing most of the Cuban population makes in the $6.00 a month range which is the equivalent of $ 170.00 pesos. My novia in Santiago she is a Surgeon, one of the best in Santiago. She makes about $595.00 pesos a month. She is often sent to Costa Ricas, Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Argentina. Now what she makes in these trips she get to keep half of the money. But the last year and half since she is such a good surgeon the Cuban goverment has not sent her abroad because they know she is dating me and they are scare she might leave the country. What they are doing is having the customers come to Cuba she perform the operation in Cuba. Now because she perform the operation in Cuba she does not get any of the money that she would get abroad. That really sucks.

People in the tourist trade make a lot of money. My novia brother-in-law even get pay in dollar because he drives a bus for tourist. He makes about $20.00 a month plus another $60.00 in tips on the average.

I hope this gives you an indication of the salary system in Cuba

12-11-03, 17:37
Thanks to all you guys. This is what it's all about. I hope there is more and more information shared on Cuba. Eventually Cuba will open up. It might be a few years but I firmly believe Cuba will change drastically in the future. I want to visit it before it does. It will be no different than going to Miami once that happens.

It us utterly difficult to comprehend just how little they make. I keep hearing it over and over and reading it everywhere the wages there but I still can't comprehend it and probably won't be able to until I see it first hand.

Havanaman, no worries on bringing money as I intend to bring enough. Heck, your daily budget is my daily budget just for chicas alone so no worries. I'm sure I won't spend anywhere near what i'm budgeting as sessions are cheap there. Still, I know the model quality girls go for alot more than the other girls. I won't post any photos of the chicas though. With the spead of the internet in Cuba I would think it's damn dangerous for the girls if you post their picture and the government or police have a way of checking it. My friends know girls that went to jail for working so posting pictures of Cuban girls probably isn't the smartest and nicest thing to do. Just something to think about.

I'm happy to hear that although there is resentment towards the working girls it's not extremely evident. Just hearing some of what you writes make me feel damn lucky to be living in the USA. We can gripe all we want about the situation here but we live in the best country in the world.

P.S. I just found this website and it looks pretty reputable. It looks like a good option for Americans. I'd appreciate any input from those that have tried it.


12-11-03, 22:14
I'll be posting a trip report very soon but need some help now please.

I want to get a vaporizor to a lady friend who lives 5-minutes outside of Habana but of course I can't send it from "here." She has very bad asthma and the one she has can't be fixed and there is not another one to be bought that I or her family could find.

Any thoughts how I can get one shipped there?



El Cubanito
12-11-03, 22:23
Hi Saint,

Here is the phone number where BMW a rented in Havana. The only agency that has BMW to rent in Havana is Cubacar in the Marina Hemingway.

There phone is:

Tel: (53 7)-204-1707

Ask for Jose, he speaks English very well. If Jose is not available ask for anybody who will speak English. They ussually have somebody who speaks English, but Jose is a Good guy and he will get you a car real fast.

Saint, if you are planning to leave real soon give Jose a Call since BMW at this agency go real fast.

El Cubanito

12-12-03, 08:04
I posted a trip report on the LP Board omitting what I will post here. If you’re interested, please check on LP under the same user name (Talosian) for the report.

By way of background:

I have wanted to go to Cuba for many years but never made it, not even when I lived on Grand Cayman. Also, I’m not a real Monger. My first and last pro, until this trip to Cuba, was when I was 17-years old (I’m now 64) and in the Army and went to Juarez, Mexico and had my first sex for $5. A very poor start.

Anyway, I went this time to see Cuba and meet a lady who I had corresponded with for about 5-weeks. A very straight lady, divorced 10-years, no children and that was nice (no sex though for now).

OK, now for the “good stuff.”

After three days in Habana I figured I was going to have to apply to the Guinness Book of World Records as the only straight male to go to Cuba and not get laid. And although I am not into the Monger trip, I decided to try. Oh yes, I was with my Honorary Nephew who is 33 and I have known his since he was 7.

I chose the Hotel Inglaterra as my home base since it’s pretty central. The pros and pimps are there en-mass from about dusk until very early hours. You can’t miss the pros; gold jewelry, sexy clothing and some cell phones. They walk back and forth in front of the hotel since they are not allowed into it (even the outside bar/table areas) without a tourist guest.

I was approached half-dozen times within 10-minutes as I walked about half-block looking for an Internet connection. Some pimps were low-key which was OK but some of the girls were close to a 3-4 and clearly offered anything wanted. I opted out of them all since first, none had any appeal for me and second, I wanted someone who spoke some English other than “fucky, fucky” and “Blow job OK in Cuba.”

So I was standing around at the entrance and this very attractive WSW makes eye contact. Young (I found later she is 21), blond, about 5’4” and 40 kilos. Find out she speaks decent English and is pretty smart. So we talk for a few minutes, after I invite her into the outside area for a drink. She is a good communicator and very smart. I had passed a few words with her the night before and gave her a mint and she remembered that and my name. She knew psychology and how to build a rapport. We make a deal to hook up the next night and I agreed to overpay at (OK, I don’t want to hear it) $60 which is about double what she would go for there. Why not just go then? Chicken I guess.

Anyway, We ended up making the deal for the next night so I show up and my friend and I sneaked her into my Casa, which, had no private entrance. My friend asked if I wanted a videographer but I opted out on that one. He leaves, I give her $$ and she makes a comment she wouldn’t take it except she needs it. Whatever. So she gets undressed. Talk about a great body if you like skinny. Killer.

At 21, small and no children, she was tight as possible. Of course I then had a problem I hadn't thought about really (might as well admit it to make this an honest post). Since I had not worn a condom in over 40-years (no typo, 40-years). We went every which way and she was only fair, more cooperation than participation. I didn’t do well with the condom but that was a requirement so after a lot of fun/work, I gave up without finishing. Bummer. She seemed happy and said she had cum (she swore it was the truth but I don’t think so).

The bummer part continued when she said, contrary to our agreement, that she had to go home since she couldn’t sleep in a strange place. Now that wasn’t our deal, she said she would spend the night. We agreed to do it again but I stood her up for the next date since even though she is really pretty (names Janet if you want to check her out) and tight, she isn't my type really. Her intelligence and communicative ability attracted me first.

Next experience was the best and interesting.

Me and Spencer (the friend) figured to find someplace inside and lo and behold, two pimps come up to us and ask what we want. I say “An end to hunger, World peace and a lady who speaks English.”

So these guys say for us to follow them (walking). We go about 15-minutes and I think we’re going to get mugged or such but finally end up at a warehouse looking place. The pimps are searched on the way up to the third floor but not us. Third floor and the pimps say there is a $5 each cover. They take it and we figure later there was no cover, this was their “fee.”

Lots of people and music in the decibel range that cooks food. So we sit down. I forgot to mention, I have a digital camera w/me, which spits out Polaroid shot and that’s the hit of everyplace we go.

So these two ladies (black) sit down and the one next to me says something in English. Yes! There is a God in this communist country. So we talk, and being shy as I am, after about 5-10 minutes I ask Spender to ask the lady how much she wants. It's not I couldn't ask in English but I am shy. So he talks into her ear and looks at me and says “Nothing.” I can afford that. Oh yes, and she doesn’t smoke and I don’t either. Good match.

So now were on our own since Spencer decides to stay a while and then go on his own. So because of my casa, we have to go to her place.

She lives in this terrible walk-up which except for the fact it has a phone, looks like something you would find in Beirut. Concrete everything and it looks as if they are doing demolition. My heart goes out to her. She is a nice lady and a schoolteacher.

Had a great time and she was a true pleasure. I think she really enjoyed it. Finally I said I had to go and she said she would like me to spend the night. That got me. I would have liked to but I didn't feel that comfortable and I wanted to get back to my casa, but I asked her for her phone number and said I would call. I also left her $30 and gave her a present.

The next one was more than funny. Long story short.

Spencer and I end up w/two girls, probably both around 20. I’m now in a new casa (wanted more privacy) and we take them there. Spencer wasn’t thrilled with his for some reason but I liked her and I said it would be OK if we traded. He asked his but she said no and mine said no also. Whatever. We had settled at $25, each which is good money for them in Cuba. So Spencer is in the living room and I’m in the bedroom. Me and mine are getting down and dirty (69) and suddenly the door opens and everyone but me is speaking Spanish at breakneck pace. Seems Spender’s girl asks him if he likes her and he says “not especially.” That’s it, she says it’s over so mine has to go w/her g/f and so she just gets up, gets clothed and leaves (sans $$). Really pissy.

So it’s not too late and we go out again. Hit a bar and after a few minutes one chica comes in (about 30 and a little overweight, which is what I really like), plops down on my lap and gives me a VDFK (Very--). OK, that got my attention. Spencer isn’t interested but I’m ready so we make a $25 deal and go to my casa. She starts in the shower with me and we go from there. She is good and I keep forgetting I’m that old but it doesn’t seem to matter. After the shower we hit another round in the bed and that’s it for me. Time for her to go home but she says she will be back at 1500 (it’s now after 0100). That idea doesn’t thrill me but I say OK. Oh yes, she is in love with me. Ah, true romance. She also looks for anything loose and asks if she can have it so I give her a couple of small gifts. Remember, my trash is her treasures.

So for my last night there I have Spencer call the one from the disco (I had left a message the day before) and ask if she can make it the next night at 1900. She says “yes.” Cool. Oh yes, she is about 5’10” and I’m 5’8” in boots on a good day.

Next day, we are walking down a street and Spencer spots these two real cutie pies. Neither pros nor chicas. He starts talking w/them in Spanish and I just stand around playing with myself. So I take a pic and give it to the one he is talking to. She is 19, 5’2”, white w/long blond hair and skinny. I give her an 8-9. Turns out, they are ballerinas in the Cuba ballet company and were out for lunch. We get invited to their rehearsal studio, which is a five-floor walk-up. We go up, spend about a half-hour taking pictures and Spencer is trying to set up a date with the blond. She says he can pick her up after rehearsal and her friend (another ballerina, 18-years old, slim and pretty) wants to go out with me. BUT, I have a date for the same time with my tall schoolteacher and opt to keep it. I mean, give me a break, an 18-year old and some ice water and I would be dead. Oh yes, this is about 1500. So we decide to do some errands and go back to my casa. I make sure it’s well after 1500 since I’m sure the one from the night before will be waiting at 1500. So we get there at 1600 and no sign of her. We go in and Spencer goes to his top floor and I’m getting ready. Knock on the door at about 1630. Right! It’s the 1500 girl who had been waiting. I give her a song and dance about leaving and pack her off with $5 cab fare and whatever she can scrounge.

1900 and my teacher shows up looking really great. So I take her to dinner at some very nice place (357 Restaurant on the Malacon??). This restaurant in a hotel will match any Beverly Hills place and the prices were reasonable. We have a really romantic dinner (hand holding and everything) for an hour and it's a true GFE. Never a word for or about $$$. A cab back to my casa (and the cab ride is an entirely different story on the L.P. board). We get there and it’s a great pleasure. Now we are comfortable with each other and there is no limit. You know short guys usually go for the tall ones. We try to sleep but there is so much noise from outside that there is nothing to do but do it again.

At 0300 I have to get up and ready for an early flight out so that’s it. I give her all the presents I had left and an advance Christmas present ($100 bill) which literally made her cry. She never asked for a thing and that made her very appealing to me from the git go.

Anyway, that’s basically my story. First trip. I’m planning to return in latter February for 10-days to two-weeks. I really want to put something together with the original “straight” one and see my teacher again.

I took a lot of pictures of the ladies but don’t feel right about posting them. The Internet is getting popular there and I wouldn’t want any of the girls to have problems. Hope you don’t mind.

I learned a lot on this trip and even though it sounds as if I did a lot, and I probably did, I’m not really a monger. I much prefer the GFE and if needed, I’ll “hire” a g/f for the entire time I’m there in February if she will play the part.

I want to thank everyone on this Board for all the input I got. I did what I was told by many and just wend and enjoyed myself. I had no problems at all either getting into and out of Cuba and into the U.S. Slick as Slick Willis.

So who knows what will happen next time but if there is anything worth reporting, I’ll do it.


12-12-03, 15:36
trip report (december 3-10)

i’m going to post about my “fantasy trip” to cuba with names omitted to protect the innocent or maybe “guilty” due to legalities (if you get the drift). anyway, i’m going to break this down into categories since the trip was very bittersweet.

my routing was us (west coast) to mexico city, cancum to habana. the can/hab part was done through a canada t.a. routing was not the best but only thing available.

customs/immigration going into cuba: no problem w/immigrations. no stamp on any passport. customs: i went to the “something to declare” lady and told her i had about us$15-$20 in gifts. she smiled and waved me out the door. no inspection, no fee, no problem. only about 25 people on my plane and no others there.

habana: i had been emailing a cuban lady (35 anos, single, no ninos, living w/parents and works for the postal system) and she and her mother/father met me at the airport. her father spoke decent english, as he is a retired professor of history/english at the university. he was sort of out tour guide for my trip.

the first thing i noticed was the all-present strong smell of diesel fumes in the air. 99% of the vehicles pump out black smoke and i am amazed that everyone living in habana does not have lung cancer (or maybe the do and don't know it). with no access to spare parts for most vehicles and import problems, there is no answer to this and so be ready to breathe this stuff during any time in habana centro.

buildings/architecture: classic and beautiful for the most part but with a few exceptions, 40-years without any decent maintenance and the high cost of materials such as paint, etc. has left most of the buildings looking as if they belonged in beirut. this is a sin. there are some beautiful buildings including a large catholic church in habana centro, which dates from, i think the 15th. century.

getting around: if i had been given a car for free, i would not drive in habana centro. the safety “equipment” of choice for 90% of the drivers is the horn. my “friend” arranged for a car/driver for us$25 per day plus fuel which figure to run $15-$20 per day depending on where you want to go. a very good deal since the driver knows where most thing are and will wait for you or return whenever/wherever you want. this worked out ok until after one long day and a trip outside of habana, the driver said the $25 per day was for in habana and a longer trip was $50. i didn’t like this since i don’t go for changing rules in the middle of the game, much less at the end. but it wasn’t worth a fight so i paid and told him to take a hike. from that point forward i used taxis.

if you want the best deal, use the “55” taxis and make sure the meter is on. you can sometimes get a “particular” (private) taxi and anyplace in habana goes for $2 - $3. just hand the driver $2-3 and that’s it. don’t go for more.

the coco taxis (yellow and look like bananas) are cheap and fun. use them for local and longer trips.

one interesting experience of many. took a lady to dinner at a very, very nice restaurant in a place called (i think). the 357 hotel/bar/restaurant. the ambience and service was as good at the best hotels in beverly hills. food was excellent plus and a great dinner for two with 2 glasses of wine was about us$44. and they had beef, which cubans just don’t get.

so at the end of the meal, i ask the server to call me a 55 taxi. get outside and the “doorman” (in an evening suit) waives up an unmarked car. i said, “no 55 taxi?” and he says “particular” meaning “private. ok. get in and it’s just a 48 ford but the timing is totally off and it has the original shocks. the car lurches and backfires for the entire trip to my casa. honestly, it looked and sounded like something out of a keystone cops movie. it was so bad it was funny. so we arrive and i get out and give the driver us$3. my original trip in a 55 taxi was us$4.15. so my lady friend and i are walking toward my front door and the driver comes up and says $5. right! i looked at him, smiled and said “loco” (“crazy”) and we went inside. no problem and he would have been getting a real deal if i had given him $2.

accommodations: my lady friend had booked a casa particular (like a b&b) in advance for me and it was very nice. us$25 per night. i could have had food if i wanted and actually the landlady wanted to give me breakfast but i declined since i didn’t want to eat too much. a very good deal and i recommend a private casa over any of the major hotels if you want a better $$ deal and to interact with real cuban people.

even though i had the casa for the week, for the last two nights, i opted to change casas to be in the building where my buddy (33-year old male) was staying. i wanted privacy and in the new casa, i had a private entrance so i could have company. in many casas, it is a problem keeping company with a cuban lady friend, the law will check out any cuban walking with a tourist. of course this doesn’t always happen but it’s always in the mind of the cuban. also, the new casa is in a great location being right on the malacon (at the ocean).

socializing with cubans: you won’t meet many average cubans at the major hotels other than workers. your average cuban is not allowed into the hotels unless they work there. sometimes a cuban may come in with a guest to the bar or restaurant but only if accompanied by a guest or tourist and the “host” is advised that the guest (usually a lady) is not allowed in the room. the hotel staff will tell you this; you don’t have to ask.

i spent a lot of time with my cuban lady friend and her family. i ate at their very small apartment twice and it was real cuban cooking. i went to the market and bought food since they have so little $$ and have a ration book for food where the ration usually runs out about week 2-3. i learned about the cuban people (the real cuban people) with and through this family.

one night we went to a friend’s very small home and there was a santeria (sort of a religion) celebration. candles, food and at midnight, everyone lit a candle and made a silent personal wish for the new-year. many people just sat outside the door on chairs in the street, or the “sidewalk.”

eating out: even the better restaurants are reasonably priced (see the details of my dinner date above) and you can get a great dinner for under us$10. go for the sandwiches from the street vendors for anywhere from us$0.25 to us$1.00. the ice cream on the street is good and cheap. watch out for the frying though, even at a good restaurant, i could have lubed my car with the grease from the chicken “steak” (dark meat). i didn’t see one chicken breast meal when i was there but i mostly had meals with the family i mentioned and on the streets.

if you do want a big splurge, do look at the menu in advance since there are a few places where you can get ripped off on food prices. desserts are very costly and you can get the same or better at a bakery on the street for 25% of what the restaurant will charge.

misc. note:bring t.p. many public places do not have it and what is provided (even in casas) is so paper-thin it’s almost useless.

gifts for cubans : almost anything is a gift except rice. your trash is their treasures, including even a half-used tube of toothpaste, and i mean this literally. i went to the local “99 cent only store” and got cosmetics, flashlights, notebooks, whatever, they need it all and it’s all appreciated. don't give out things on the street, it encourages begging.

outside of habana: it’s still run down but you can see beautiful landscapes and sights. don’t miss some day trips. book a tour if you have to but do get outside of habana, it’s a world apart.

touts and pimps: all over habana, along with a lot of “ladies of the evening.” forget the cigars from the “friend” who works in the cigar factory; fake. as for the ladies, the pros dress like pros, have lots of (fake) jewelry and some have cell phones. forget it. the semi-pros and usually trying to make a few dollars for food and clothing and sometimes they simply appreciate that they can have a nice meal (maybe the first one in many months) and some ice cream. remember, “don’t judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes.”

internet access. buy a card and go to the library next to the capitolo. or go to the hotel inglatera or telegrafo (next to each other), $5 for one hour or $2.50 for half-hour. i got a good connection with almost dsl speed.

the u.s. embargo. it has worked if the intent was to hurt the cuban people and help ruin their cities and economy as well as their lives. fidel is not underfed, has good clothing, cars, gasoline, electricity, etc. the cuban people haven't thrown him out in the 40 years of the embargo which continues to today.

remember, if you are an american going to cuba illegally, you are "trading with the enemy," so make sure you look at the faces of your "enemy" when you are there and you may learn something and that will be he/she is not your enemy.

back into the u.s.: if you are going to cuba from the u.s. without a license, just strip yourself of anything which, says you were in there and return. bc/dl work if you are american. i was asked what i did in cancun and said i visited chichen itza which, is the archeological site. the inspector said that was in miridad and i said i took the day trip and relived my trip there of 1971 with the smithsonian tour (true). i said a little cancun goes a long way. i got a nod of agreement and passed through. no problems.

recommendations: read this board for the last 3-months. chances are 99 44/100th. % you will get answers to most of your monger questions. if you want overall general information, there are other boards more directed toward those things. you will get a lot of varied opinions on any board and they are all probably correct for who posted them. look at first person experiences, as they are the best. use guild books to find out about the land, sights, etc. but for the scoop from the trenches, this is the place. as i was told here many times, “just go and enjoy.” i did and i did.

thanks to all who helped me here. i plan a return in february to try to move forward with a very nice lady. so call me a dreamer.

most important: learn some spanish or it can be a disaster.


12-12-03, 20:31
thanks for the advice el cubanito. my travel agent did manage to get a car rental for one week but i have to return it after the first week. (i guess car rentals are extremely busy around christmas with all the tourists). i contacted that agency you listed but i'd rather go through a travel agent so i can at least put the rental on my credit card. rentals definitely are not cheap. a mitsubishi lancer is $70 a day plus $10 a day insurance. a bmw is $150 a day with insurance.

i'm doing a ton of research on cuba. from everything i'm going through i'm amazed how easy everything is. from the way some people talk they make it sound like cuba is a tough place to get to. very very easy. just make it to nassau or cancun and it's easy. from the us, you can easily book your airline ticket, rental car, and casa particular. lots of options.

fyi. i found out you can change your ticket on air cubana by paying a $50 change fee. i just changed my ticket and now i'm staying almost 3 weeks instead of 2. that should be enough time to get to know every square inch of havana. can't wait....


p.s. spock, i also read your report on lp. you mentioned nice restaurants were very cheap. i've heard the opposite from everyone that goes saying the nice restaurants are comparable to us prices. did you come across any nice restaurants that raped you on the prices?

12-12-03, 21:06

Thanks for the great trip report. It was worth the travel in the end eh! I read you report on Lonely Planet as well, excellent job. When are you ready to go back?

My question for you and any others: what was the "warehouse-like" building where you met your schoolteacher? Did anyone give it a name or can you remember the location?



12-15-03, 03:27
I carry my lap top on trips.
Can I get internet in the rooms in Havana?
Must use my lap top.

12-15-03, 14:45
you can get the internet in your room if the casa has a dial-up connection, otherwise you can get internet access at several of the hotels (inglatera or telegrafo to name just two) or at the library next to the capitol building.

i was very pleased with the speed at the telegrapho which to me seemed close to dsl.



Doc Bill
12-16-03, 08:36
You are allowed to bring in laptops but all luggage is inspected and they will "ask" you to declare your laptop upon entry. You MUST have it in order to leave the country. This is their way of ensuring that Cubans don't get computers.

Saint, Havanaman, how will I find you in Havana?!

Nyc Expat
12-16-03, 16:14
Greetings from Copenhagen.

I’ve wanted to visit Havana for several yrs. but being a US citizen, I thought it was impossible until I discovered your posts and your excellent suggestions via a third country f.eks. Bahamas or Mexico. Especially Spocks report being informative, sensitive, entertaining and whom I agree 100% with.

Since I’m living in Denmark, don’t you think I have that opportunity now with charter flights from here including hotel (I prefer a casa particular). As long as my passport is NOT stamped, I will have no problems entering the US at a later date, correct?. I will still need a visitors visa from the Cuban Embassy here, correct?.

Any reply is greatly appreciated. Havana sounds incredible. Not just the women, but the friendly faces, food, music, their culture, architecture, Malacon and so much more. The thought of giving so little (gifts) and it meaning so much.

Be glad to help any member visiting Copenhagen.
Have a good one. Have many.

12-16-03, 17:22

I arrive on Friday. I'm not sure when you're there. I'm meeting up with Havanaman on December 23rd. We can PM the location and time. You're welcome to meet up with us then. To be honest though...I'm probably going to be traveling around a bit for some beach time in Varadero. My good amigo arrives on December 24th for a few weeks. We'll figure something out.


12-16-03, 20:24
NYC EXPAT: It is a great place to visit but make sure you go see things outside of Habana proper. Hopefully you either speak Spanish or will have someone w/you who does. I lost so much w/o speaking the language but still, it was an experience and I'm going back for longer and making sure I have someone w/me who Speaks the language plus learning some on my own.



Nyc Expat
12-16-03, 21:11
Hi Spock

Unfortunately, I don't speak spanish. I plan on taking a course after New Years in preparation for my trip to Sosua for Easter and later on in 04 to Cuba. It's better than just a guide book under arm.

Happy holidays

12-16-03, 21:15
So coming to Havana with a lap top is a problem?

12-16-03, 22:27
No. A laptop is not on the list of things you can't bring in. No problems. Check out the website listed below for what you can and can't bring in.


Good luck.

12-17-03, 01:38
Off direct topic, however:

So there is a trial coming up on the travel ban enforcement.

While this is a travel forum, it's also a classic example of the"Town Hall" for people to gather and have an exchange of ideas about travle and bordering on issues peripheral to trave.

So the travel ban may now be enforced, though I think this is a scare tactic which will probably work to deter some potential violative American visitors to Cuba and further hurt the Cuban people.

Is Castro a good guy? No. But any worse than many others the U.S has dealt with and deals with today? No.

In the U.S. it is said "When the reason for the law no longer exists, the law need not to exist any more."

As of today, what useful purpose does the embargo serve? As of today, what detriment, other than alienation of the Miami Cuban vote, would removal of the embargo cause?

As I said in a reply, I would love to see a defense fund opened to lure a good Constitutional law attorney to overturn this oppressive and probably unconstitutional law/rule. I would like to see this case become a test of the rights of Americans to associate freely with whomever they choose. Let the public see the faces of the "enemy" we are trading with. Not Castro, but the school children and the old people. The U.S. is putting $80,000,000,000 into Iraq where the people are killing Americans at better than one a day and injuring them at the rate of at least 5 per day. The last American injury in cuba probably came from falling down after having too many beers. And unlike Iraq, the Cuban people actually act nice to Americans and are fascinated by our way of life. And believe it or not, there are some Cubans I spoke with who, although they live at what we consider below poverty level, who would not leave Cuba because it is their home.

Four decades of embargo and Castro is still in power. Does anyone think continuing the embargo will change that which has remained static for so long?

And no, after one week there, I don't know Cuba, I don't know the people, I don't know the government. I have not walked in a Cuban's shoes. But as I have said many times before, I have seen the face of what my Government tells me is my "enemy" and he/she is not my enemy. What I do know is as in all "wars" where there is an "enemy," it is usually the civiliam population which suffers and this is how it is in Cuba today. And to boot it all, this is a political "war" and nothing less.

OK, I ranted almost totally off-subject and I know it. I took some bandwith to vent and if I was really sorry, I would delete this but I feel strongly and sometimes things need to be said.


Spock (really out of character here)

12-17-03, 04:30

Excellent post. The WSG has really come a long way since it's inception into cyberspace. It has become a place for people to discuss all aspects of a new destination. Just look at the Buenos Aires section where you can find out the best restaurants, clubs, etc.

Of course we come to WSG for a reason but I've always believed we can share a lot of useful information here.

I thought your post was right on target. I find the travel ban ridiculous and the government has lied to keep up this travel ban on Americans. As an American I believe it's our right to travel to any country we want as long as we aren't doing anything that will jeopardize the USA or it's citizens. Obviously the government is using scare tactics into getting people to settle and go away quietly. I hope people have the courage to stand up for their rights and freedoms.

I still doubt that anyone that pursues this and stands up for their rights will be in jeopardy of any major fines. Sooner or later the day will come when Cuba opens up and changes drastically. For good or bad that day will come.

12-17-03, 05:18
A Casa recommendation and reply to Saint (in reverse order).

First, I must spell check my postings. Sorry about the typos.

Another Board member just referred me to a U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding the travel ban. A perfect example of justice v. Law with Law prevailing. OK, I won't repeat what I have said before.


I was asked in a PM for a casa recommendation. I will recommend where I was my last two nights in Habana. This was right on the Malacon. Now I was in the first floor apartment and I do NOT recomment that unless you are more deaf than I am. Too noisy.

On the other hand, my friend had the "penthouse" which is on the 8th./top floor. GREAT! view and a very large balcony. Private entrance, your own key and IMHO, a perfect place for a monger. The only downside may be that the elevator stops running at about 2200 or so since it's the old knid which is operated by a person. Of course this gives you the option of telling your chica that if it's after 2200, she has to spend the night since you're not going to go down 8 floors and up again at that hour.

You can contact claro_n@yahoo.com who takes the reservations. He speaks fine English and is a nice guy. You can tell him David, Spencer's friend referred you and maybe he will increase the price (just kidding).



Doc Bill
12-17-03, 05:47
RE: The Travel Ban: I agree with all that's been said about it. I think it's a ridiculous law only in place to please two Florida congresspersons. However, any defense on the grounds that it is unconstitutional will fail. While it might seem counterintuitive the ban is not unconstitutional. This has already been argued by constitutional scholars: There is no constitutional guarantee of the right to travel and nowhere in the constitution does it imply that.

12-19-03, 04:30
DocBill449: You are correct in part. The travel ban has been held constitutional on a couple of occasions but on limited grounds. That is not to say some other challenge will pass muster.

Also, in America, everything is legal unless made illegal. True, there is no reference in the Constitution for the specific right to travel but there is no prhoibition in it either. And what about "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?" That pursuit can be argued to include travel. To not allow Americans to travel is like keeping them in a prison, a nice one, but a prison none the less.

Some day (soon I think) the travel ban will be lifted and then god help the Cubans.


El Cubanito
12-19-03, 16:12
Ok Talosian, DocBill and Saint,

Here is my two cent on this subject: The Future of the Embargo

When the phrase Miami Cubans comes up, what images are put in your mind. The wild hysterical Cuban we all saw on TV dealing with the Elian Gonzales mess. Right? But let me tell you that image will be quickly changing about how Miami feels toward the Embargo. Bush and his advisers do not understand what is going on.

The Miami Herald conducted a study and ask if the Embargo should be remove and they broke down the data to Cubans that came before 1985 and Cubans who came after 1988. The Cubans who came after 1988 were either raise under Castro or at one time or another these Cubans sided with Castro. What they found in their Data was quite interesting to say the least. The Cuban who arrive to the United States before 1985, 88% said the Embargo should remain against Cuba as it stand. Now the Cubans that came after 1988, 92% of them said the Embargo should be lifted. The old guard wants the Embargo, the new Younger Generation wants the Emabrgo remove. If you examine things a little closer, there something very interesting happening in Miami. The old regime of Cubans, the one that came in the 1960's and 1970's are simply dying off and there kids have become Americanize and these kids do not give a rat a** as to what happens in Cuba. A perfect example of this Gorge Mas Casanova, son. Gorge Mas Casanova, header the Cuban National Foundation. When Gorge Mas Casanova die a couple of years ago, everybody in the foundation wanted his son to continue in his father footsteps. Junior simply told them, thank you, but no thank you. I am simply a real estate lawyer and I am very happy with what I am doing. He did not want to lead the Cuban American Foundation when his father die. He simply stated that it would take to much of his time and that he was simply a United State Lawyer and he had no interest in Cuba. Enough said. But the Cubans that came after 1990, they do care what happens because they have family and social ties to Cuba. Plus all of them or those that have been honest with me. They will tell you honestly when you get them talking that they DO NOT SEE Fidel as being Bad. They say that he has made alot fo mistake and he should give somebody else a turn at steering the car, but they do not fault him for what has happen to Cuba. On the contrary, they say he has liberated them, but that he is not a good economic policy maker. They see the Cubans of Miami as the one hurting the Cuban economy. So you see the Cuban people who are coming to the United State today are not coming to the United Sates beacuse they are against Castro Political belief. These Cubans are coming to the United States because they do not agree with Castros Economic Beleif. But as soon as they get a little bit of money they all go back home to help their families and their homes. Those of you in this board who have driven out of Havana have problably witness alot of construction going up. This construction is happening all over Cuba. Where do you think these people are getting the Money to build these homes. The Cuban Goeverment does not give anybody money to build these homes. These people are getting the money from people who are working here in the United States. You have to ask yourself how are these people getting the money to build all of these homes? A bag of cement cost $6.00 US DOllars. That is alot of money for people who live in Cuba. It take alot of money to build a house. Where are they getting it from? Do you know that Western Union states that over 1 billion dollar is being sent to Cuba since the US goverment let western Union open up shop. This is just wetern Union folks! This say nothing about Transcard, other Mexican or Canadian Money Agencies that sent Money to Cuba. So there is alot of money being sent home by the new Miami folks. The New folks guys! Because the old guard does not sent money to anybody in Cuba (a very small perecentage do, maybe about 5%). So waht will happen the new Cuban in Miami will one day very shortly replace the old guard. I am already seeing it when I go to Miami every year. Businesses that were own by the Old Cuban Guard are now own by the New Guard. Who do you think will have the money in a couple of years? That is right the new guys. Even Castro is getting into the act of helping these people. My Parenst have been visiting Cuba since 1988. Now for my folks to go to Cuba they would have to fill all kind of Paper work for the Cuban Goverment to go to Cuba. Fidel wanted to make sure any Cuban that he would let enter would not be a problem for him (terrorism, drugs, etc.).

Starting next year that will be changing. The Cuban goverment as of January 1, 2004 will allow Cubans who reside in the US to visit Cuba without having to pay $125.00 for their visas and wait 4 to 5 weeks before their visa would be process. Today, any other traveler who goes to Cuba only pays $20.00 for the visa and he or she gets the Visa at the Airport that the Travelers leaves from. Cubans Born travelers to Cuba pay $125 and have to wait 4 to 5 weeks. In order to combat the Embargo Fidel has drop this law. Why is Castro doing this you might be asking ? This is Castro way in fighting Bush with the Tightening of the Embargo or the possible removal of direct flights from Miami to Cuba.

I can go on and on but even this little info is quite long. If you guys want me to write more I can give you more info.

El Cubanito

Doc Bill
12-19-03, 17:44

Good points, especially the last one ("God help the Cubans")! Reminds me of "Be careful what you ask for, you might get it!"

I think the argument would be that the president sets foreign policy and can prohibit us from going anywhere. The "pursuit of liberty, etc." hasn't and won't hold muster, nor would the idea that we are in a "prison." Too much of a stretch.

I heard that recently (yesterday?) an American who was caught travelling to Cuba (he admitted it at customs) is going to take it to court and challenge it. Has anyone heard any details? Should be very interesting. The courts would be the only way to circumvent the two Florida congressmen who are keeping this ridiculousness in place (travel ban, embargo).

I'll arrive in Habana on Tuesay, can't wait!

El Cubanito
12-20-03, 00:52

Have a good trip. I was trying to see if I could meet you in Havana. But I have to much work and I could not get a cheap airfare. Everything is thru the roof. Enjoy your trip.

El Cubanito