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i like to see more pics and to find more info of the girl in yellow from Habana. I will visit soon Cuba.
11-17-02, 01:15
Anyone going to be in Varadero between Dec 7-21??
Let's meet up and check out what there is available
A friend of mine and I (americans) are travelling to Cuba Dec 27th to Jan 5th from Montreal. We are staying in Vaderas. I would appreciate any advice as far as where to go at night and what to see during the day.
Thanks in Advance,
07-10-03, 00:22
first sorry for my poor english, but english is not my first language.
in cuba is important to speak spanish. most of girls can not speack english.
places to avoid: varadero. and all just-for-tourists hotels where cubans can not enter. you will found lots of fat european girls, with them kids and families.. the only cubans works in the hotel. perhaps you will peek one but mostly not.
i was in almost every town in cuba and is always the same scene.
walk on the street. remember cubans should not speak with you, they can have problems with the police. so if you like a girl talk with her. be polite and certainly you will not regret. if she says no, try another you have 50% chances to a positive answer. do not offer money ! let her understand that you will be generous, but do not talk of money. react with her like with a girlfriend. she will find a place to sleep all the night with you. ask her if she wants some gift. about. us 50 - 100 is much reasonable. if she do not want the gift excuse you and say that you would like to buy her some thing, but as you are in a hurry - to get another girl ;) - gave her the money .
many man will try to sell you everything. do not be rude. they will introduce and you do the same. when they ask were you are from said the true, then they will ask you how long you have been in cuba. and the correct answer is" "i'm in cuba for 1 year. i leave and work in mirarmar, havana". they will leave you alone and they will pass the word. miramar is the place in havana were strangers lives.
plan b: if the guy is really a pusher tell him you are from your local communist party and you are in a convention in a city near. he will run away from you
all cubans must carry a id card, so if you are not sure about the girls age ask her for the carnet de identidad.
Member #4366
07-12-03, 21:27
JoaoCarlos, are you Cuban? I've been to Cuba many times, but even for Havana, a 'gift' of $50-100 for one night is outrageous. Why give them 3-5 monthly salaries as a present? I suppose that you speak Spanish? Never heard them laughing about 'stupid' tourists that pay a fortune for something that any Cuban guy gets for free? I did. By the way, I fully agree with the rest of your comments. You really seem to know the country. That is why I'm surprised about the 'gift' you mentioned.
If you are visiting Cuba for mongering. Varadero is the last place you want to be. This resort is for Canadians and a few Italians. It is oriented for couples, [read: you bring a wife/girlfriend with]or families.
Varadero has been sanitized for mongering. Believe the posts on WSG regarding this place and busts that took place in in 1999. They are accurate.
True, Varadero is probably not the place for hobbying. I hear it has some of the best stretches of beaches in Cuba though. I plan to hit it at least one night. Not to hobby but enjoy the beaches. Still...this is Cuba. It would be hard to believe you can't find any action in this city. I'll see what happens. Stay tuned....
First time post. I have been to Cuba many times. Try a Kareoke bar called "Composita" off the main strip. It has a live band downstairs and kareoke upstairs. It's $10.00 to get in, all you can drink. The crowd is split with Cuban and tourists however the Cuban women are gorgeous. My friend just came back last week and had 3 girls after him. He brought 2 back with him at a private house he rented for several hours. It was his first trip to Cuba, and I think he is still recovering.
El Cubanito
12-04-03, 00:30
Varadero has zero action, and I mean zero. The Cuban goverment at one point was even trying to take the local people off the Island. There are better beaches in Cuba than Varadero.
The beaches of Guardalavaca in Holguin are just as good or better than Varadero. Plus one more thing that is better in Guardalavaca is that you can bring whatever Cuban chick you have to the Guardalavaca Beach.
I hopes this helps. I am trying to get my Visa so I can go in Late Decemeber.
El Cubanito
Dont bother with the tourist bars in Varadero, like International, La Rumba, and the Pirate Cave. Just take a cab over to Santa Matta at a place called Artistica. This place is a honey hole and you will get your super star status when you arrive. Its allmost like your Joe Millionaire. Give yourself a half an hour and pic out the hottest chick and smooth sailing from there. $2 cover charge and $1 for drinks. The girls will know of a Casa Particular in the area to go to for $10. I kicked the damn local out of his own bed for $10. Never say Varadero is dryed out, you just dont know where to go..the list goes on and on for me. Cardenas is another good one.
Just when you say there is no Casa's in Varadero, wrong. I can get them there too. You have to know the loop holes.
02-15-04, 17:32
Another place to pick up girls is the open air bar on Calle 62 or, after midnight, the Havana Club disco in the same street. But I really prefer Havana and Santiago, both for Cuban atmosphere and the girls.
02-17-04, 13:20
I totally agree with you: Havana and Santiago are the places to be.
Varadero is a dead-mans arse as far as regular chicas are concerned. For me its more of a place to take your wife and children than a serious hobby place. OK, for unwinding, enjoying then sun and general holiday amenities it wins hand down… but that’s all.
Regards, Havanaman
John Dough
02-20-04, 19:23
I couldn't find a Santa Matta. Do you mean Santa Marta?
Yes your right, it is Santa Marta. The bar is called Artistica.
The cabs know where it is. Just stay away from the Blond Girl there that works the streets in the area. Shes seen more shaft than an elevator!
Sorry for the late post on Cuba. I am an American who went to Cuba via Mexico City in January 2004. (I heard that Mexico had problems a few weeks ago with Fidel Castro and put an embargo in place like that of the U.S.A. I guess that Canada is now our only portal to the "Big Island.") I stayed at one of the high-end hotels in Varadero and can confirm that there were no available girls in that area. There was a checkpoint at the entrance to the Península de Hicacos (aka Varadero Peninsula). No locals lived on or were allowed to enter the peninsula unless they worked there. Our hotel--and I heard that all of the others were the same--had security everywhere enforcing the no-girls rules.
Read Cubanito's posts for nearby girls.
It is getting late. I will post more of my Cuban experience later.
may be so in january but in may i had 2 encounters for 7 days while staying in all inclusive joint in varadero. could have more if wanted. first, got chica while leaving mambo club. nice african cuban (7-8/10 + gfe) left the club and was standing at the main road. i think it was autopista sur. i noticed her before at the club-she was in the club dancing. it was 3 am i didn't bargain much-gave her $20 and ride home to cardenas (15-20 min away from varedero) on my moped. she jumped on and we spoke in sign language and her broken english. it's ok since they are close to the oldest language known on earth--deep lust. while riding she later asked to try herself. we changed seats but i kept my hands above hers on the handles letting her to have fun and controlled speed and breaks at the same time. we started kissing and i begun fondling her big firm breasts using one hand and kissing her neck during our journey on autopista sur. she responded well. we had joy ride:) at the check point she was behind me and i'm a big boy so nobody stopped us. police doesn't stop turists a lot. she knocked her friend family out of the house for my $10 and we had good session. the accomodation wasn't hilton like (for westerners it would be poor) but i was ok. who cares that it was unpainted and no hot water (i had shower back in my room). i needed only a bed. cbj, missionary and doggy style. i gave her tip $5 on departure and came back to hotel about 5.30 am.
second, it was 9 pm. i had my moped's tank filled at the gas station at 54 street and autopista sur and slim tall african cuban girl 9/10 approached and i showed her sign of the fuck. we settled on $10 for outdoor quiekie. she showed me a place further down autopista 2 min away. she gave me bbj and i had her doggy style standing on my feet with a condom while she was holding fence of some kind of sport establishement with baseball field. before the fuck i checked her id for dob because she looked young.
so as you can see varadero is alive and breathing as probably everywhere in cuba. what to add? it said a lot on this forum about cubas and cuban women in particular. cuban women are soft, beatiful, sensual and hot. i don't know about you but i can see in females eyes when they want sex especially in cubans since it's easiest among all of them i guess. believe me, they will find a way how handle situation with police, check points etc. just let them.
Forgot to say.
I went to Artistica club in Santa Marta on Friday night. It changed. Cover charge $3 plus mixed drinks $3 each. Most important I saw only couple gender mixed turist companies and 2-3 barracudas inside. I tried to negotiated with blond one (maybe who was mentioned by somebody on this thread) but she asked for $100 and I decided to stop bargaining and left. Hard to say. Maybe it was a bad day since every day is different. Waiters BTW weren't surprised seing me there and treated not even close to the way of treating a king as it was descrbed before.
08-15-04, 16:46
I was over last April. I did all my mongering in a place called Matanzas City, which is pretty close to Varadero. From what I heard the heat is definately on in Varedero but not so in Matanzas. I stayed in an apartment which was cool. Can't remember the exact cost but it had like all the facilities you could want at about 20/25 US.
The mongering scene was strictly local. For those of you who like the thrill of spilling big bucks on hard core professionals this probably aint for you, these girls were strictly economic necessity babies. I'm not saying you necessarily get anything special from them, hey some women know what to do with what they got between their legs and some just lie there.
Part of any trip for me is getting on down into the local community warts an all and you can certainly do that here. Having an apartment in Cuba is certainly the way to go but like everything in that country nothing is simple. With the CDR (Committee for the defence of the revolution) very much in evidence, spying on people they all have to be very careful. Basically you just hang out and the pussy comes to you. The house, whatever house it is will usually have a girl. Give her whatever you feel like. Then they will bring others.
Towards the end I discovered the thing to do is start refusing them. Then an hour later another tap on the door and a better looking girl. I still have details of the place if anyone wants to PM me.
Happy mongering.
I dont know what happened...but i made the Artistica club my home base as there were alot of women to choose from...
Im going back in October and i will give you guys the run down...i will also be going into Cardenas and Matanzas to some low key clubs.
SO stay tuned..also check out my Venezuela Margarita Island pics in Feb...all you Cuba Junkies might want to consider this place. I think of it as the same as Cuba but allowed to be with the girls all day! Ill be back there in Feb for Carnival.
Member #2410
09-08-04, 04:26
I'm heading to the Palma Real in Varadero at the end of Sept/04.
Are the nearest hotspots truly Cardenas and Matanzas? Is
Artistica still worth checking? Thanks a lot.
I also stayed at the Palma Real one time.
Not a bad resort. At night ask a cabie to take you to Artistica in Santa Marta. Havnt been there in a while and you dont have much options in Varadero so i suggest you give it a shot.
Hello FrankenHausen. What the name of the place. Cant wait to go there and try out the pussy? How much do they cost in Varadero? I've heard pussy is quite expensive there.
Any one had anal experience?
Alpha Male
09-24-04, 01:48
I am going back to Varadero in January. As I've reported before, Santa Marta is completely dead. Matanzas is happening, etc. You need to get out of the city to the small towns with no tourists for the night to 'pick up'.
The perfect location for your "cheap pussy" plan might be Gonaives, Haiti. Maybe, even for as little as the cost of a bottled water and ham sandwich. Imagine the options with orange flavored Perrier.
Alpha Male
11-25-04, 05:09
I'll be there this upcoming January 22-29th. Any other mongers planning to be there around this time?
03-22-05, 06:57
I was wondering if girls that work at some of these hotels are available. Last year, I was in Varadero, but I was with some company that forced me to not monger.
In any case, our particular hotel (Playa De Oro) had about 4 BABES that worked with the animation team (ie: they did pool activities, games on the beach, merengue lessons, animation show at night, etc.).
They all lived within the hotel (I think they were spread out in 2 rooms).
Thgey were young and hot. They would dress very seductively, and at night, when the MALE staff were at the local nightclubs, NONE of these girls were around.
This made me wonder if they were up to something no good after 11pm (in our case GOOD!).
Any experiences?
Are these girls available to atleast be offered to come up to your room, or is that a big no-no in Varadero?
Also, there was this 10/10 that worked at the local shopping plaza in Varadero (forgot the name, Plazas de Americas or something like that). Anyways, she worked at the grocery store in that shopping cenetr and seemed like she was some kind of manager. Anyways, she was dressed so fukkin sexy for work: mini mini mini-skirt, black fishnet stockings, make up to a tee. Looked like the dark-haired version of Pamela Anderson. I went bananas when I saw her. Bananas! She smiled at me quite a bit. I justr wish I was alone, I would have definitely approached her. Guys she is so hot (this was about 10 months ago, she's probably still there). I would recommend that any of u going to Varadero go and see if this chick is still there. And if so, see if she can give you services.
Her description:
About 5'10 (with her extremely high heels, work!)
Between 23 and 29 years old
Brown hair (but may have possibly changed colors)
There was nobody there at the time that looked even remotely sexy. She was the only mucho babe.
Let us know boys.
Member #3200
03-22-05, 19:19
I stayed there last may i know exactly who you are talking about,I would love to give you the good news that these hotties r in play,but they r NOT-1/2 of them r married and/or with kids,but as we know boys that doesnt make much of a difference in cuba,but working in a resort like this is compared to winning the lottery or working a gov't job here in Canada-it's the best & easiest job they will ever get-they will not risk losing their jobs for a $50 fling--Good luck,it is always worth a shot.Report back if it works.
The mall (Plaza de America), the hottie in the store(s) there, be aggressive-go for it-you'll never know without trying.
Overall-Veradero is NOT the place to go for mongerring. It is for couples/families & the kind of company u went to on your last trip.
If you do go to Playa De Oro-PM me, I want you to do me a small favour & say hi to someone down there for me.
Good Luck. You're going to need it
I once stayed at the Villa Cuba and the day i arrived the bell man that took my luggage to my room told me that there was a dancer available for $40usd. He told me i could see her at 7pm at the nightly show. Didnt go for it as i wanted to stick to $20 hoes. Another time, almost everyday outside the palma real, a mother would call me over to offer her daughter. They would sit on the curb and call tourists over. Last situation was at the Artistica Bar in Santa Matta. Lots of girls. Maybey it was just the time i went. Also dont forget about Matanzas. About 25 min away, lots of street action. So many people believe Varadero is dried out. I dont. I guess, because im 29, dont have any problems meeting women, Varadero was a piece of cake for me. Busy every night of the week. No where near the amount of Chica Havana has, but i like best of both worlds, Beaches and putas. Havanas beaches are too far.
Willie Large
04-24-05, 15:30
I once stayed at the Villa Cuba and the day i arrived the bell man that took my luggage to my room told me that there was a dancer available for $40usd. He told me i could see her at 7pm at the nightly show. Didnt go for it as i wanted to stick to $20 hoes. Another time, almost everyday outside the palma real, a mother would call me over to offer her daughter. They would sit on the curb and call tourists over. Last situation was at the Artistica Bar in Santa Matta. Lots of girls. Maybey it was just the time i went. Also dont forget about Matanzas. About 25 min away, lots of street action. So many people believe Varadero is dried out. I dont. I guess, because im 29, dont have any problems meeting women, Varadero was a piece of cake for me. Busy every night of the week. No where near the amount of Chica Havana has, but i like best of both worlds, Beaches and putas. Havanas beaches are too far.Where is Santa Matta? Is it near Varadero?
Santa Matta is just outside of Varadero, about 15min by cab. Its a small Village where most of the hotel workers in Varadero live. I believe there is only one bar there called Artistica. Ask a few locals when is a good time to go and even better have one guide you there.
Not sure how it is lately.
Willie Large
04-26-05, 11:40
Santa Matta is just outside of Varadero, about 15min by cab. Its a small Village where most of the hotel workers in Varadero live. I believe there is only one bar there called Artistica. Ask a few locals when is a good time to go and even better have one guide you there.
Not sure how it is lately.Thanks,
It does not seem to be on the map, but apparently (according to travel brochure) there is a free bus service twice a day from my hotel to Varadero (and hopefully Santa Matta!) which is also used for hotel staff, so maybe I'll try acquainting myself with members of staff returning home. Hopefully returning to my hotel in the morning!
John Dough
05-03-05, 02:16
Santa Marta is just across the bridge from Varadero as you leave the peninsula. Instead of turning right to Matanzas, Havana or the airport, go straight on the road to Cardenas.
Willie Large
05-27-05, 09:51
Just back from Varadero, no problem whatsoever finding chicas, the most I paid was $21.00 incl room in 'safe house!! The chicas were either a 6 or 7! One was a real stunner!
I was at a bar and the landlady asked if I was looking for chicas and asked what type I liked, she then pointed out chicas passing-by and when I found one I liked she'd call her over for a beer, the rest is history!
She had a few chicas there waiting every day!
Hi Willie,
Thanks for the report. Can I ask, how much was the casa and what was the name of the bar you frequented?
Willie Large
06-13-05, 11:12
Well all I carried on me was about $25.00 and I'd buy a beer and hang around, if there was a chica I liked I'd buy her a beer, all I'd do then was make a possible arrangement to maybe meet later that night because all I had was about $20.00, none of them will let you walk away so they'd do it in a safe house nearby for whatever I had on me. So house/jin would be $20.00 total!
There are no casas in Varadero,
Willie Large
06-13-05, 11:24
I don't know how much the chica kept, or how much she paid for the room.
I only know how much I handed over!! No paperwork, no questions, discreet.
07-11-05, 06:13
What was the name of the nightclub where these chicas were available? Also, what is the difference between a casa and a safe house?
Also can anyone report on any hotel staff activity. A lot of these hotels have smoking hot entertainment staff and even pretty cute maids. Can you go right up to these girls and propostion them?
Member #3200
07-11-05, 21:31
The odds of scoring with one of the entertainment staff hotties or a maid is a possibility as I have done a maid or 2 during my trips to Cuba. The entertainment staff will ask for 2-4X the going rate as their jobs are in jeopardy if they get caught, they will be fired & blackballed from working at any other resort. Resort jobs are our equivalent of working for the government or Canada Post: If you dont fuck it up, you are set for life.
Willie Large
07-11-05, 23:32
Never mentioned anything about a night club!!
A safe house is one that the locals use for "entertaining", obviously they can't keep using the same house!
A casa is a place where they rent out a room to a tourist but ALL people staying there have to register!
All I did was mention to the lady running the bar that it was very hard to find chicas and she did the rest. She passed the word around that I liked chicas 18-20, tall, slim with nice tits etc etc and when I arrived next day they'd walk by until I picked one I liked and if they asked for more than $20 I'd tell them to forget it and go with the chica I met yesterday!!!! Worked every time! I reckon there were at least 20 chicas patrolling the block each day.
Trader Vic
08-31-05, 08:58
I will be staying in Varadero at an AI hotel (mostly for the golf). I was interested in going to Havana for the day and finding some chickas there. Where do you recommend me to take them once I have made contact? Can you rent a casa for just a few hours or should I rent a hotel room for short time?
Willie, which bar in Varadero did you go to when you arranged for your chicka?
Thanks for your help.
Trader Vic
08-31-05, 09:17
I will be staying in Varadero at an AI (mainly for the golf) but I would like to meet some Cuban chicas as well. I was thinking of goining to Havana for the day and meeting some chicas there. My question is, where can one take them? Can you rent a casa short time or a hotel room short time or what?
Willie, what was the name of the bar you went to when you met your chicas? Is it in Varadero or in Santa Marta?
If you just want to get laid for an hour or so you can rent a casa room in Havana but not a hotel room. The girls should know where to find one. One thing though because it is short notice it isn't cheap. Probably around $20 to 25 CUC for an hour. You can maybe try and negotiate for longer. That's around the same price as if you rent a room for the whole day. It is a ripoff but I think we all had to do it one time or another out of necessity. I have to say some of my most interesting experiences were when I needed to find a casa short notice. Always an adventure going into these strange neighborhoods and weird homes seeing how the real Cubans live.
Willie Large
08-31-05, 23:22
The woman running the bar asked me not to post her address on the Internet, and as she was so good organising things for me I will have to keep my promise. Just like I would keep it if you gave me information and asked me not to reveal it.
We have been in contact since and hope to get back next year, she will organise a Casa for me and provide all the chicas I want of the type I like.
There are a few bars along the beach in Varadero and these are the best places to go, do not go to the trendy Tourist bars (Hint!!), use the ones locals use, $1 - $1.50 for a beer, $3 for same beer at Tourist bars, so just ask how much the beer is, then you'll know it's a bar for locals.
When a girl passes by, just say to the person behind the bar that "that girl is very nice!" They know the score and as there should be a few dollars to be made they will do the rest.
The girls use a 'safe house' and this means that they move around from one house to another every day and avoid hassle by cops!
It is a complete waste of time going all the way to Havana as there is plenty of chicas in Varadero but they cannot be seen by the cops. I was followed around the same block 3 times by a cop until he realised I was taking him 'for a walk'!!
You can get the girl onto the beach just after the Old Gates on the Hotel Strip, you will see the road down by the side of Gran Caribe and if you bring your hotel beach towel for her to wear and do not use the main entrances into the hotel you should be able to sneak them in. There is usually a flight of stairs at each end of the hotel which most tourists do not use!!
If you are going to find chicas in Varadero then only bring about $20.00 plus beer money to spare, they will do it for that!! If they know you've got more than this then they will play hard-ball for more!!
If the person behind the bar organises a chica for you then tell him you want another one like her for the next day at a certain time, give him a few dollars and tell him you will be back tomorrow and if he looks after you give him a couple of dollars and then you'll get all the chicas you want!!
There are only a couple of bars like this along the beach so you should be able to locate one!!
The cops in Cuba monitor this site so I'm sorry I cannot say exact location but I'm sure you understand. The bars are located between C45 and C52!!
I will be staying in Varadero at an AI (mainly for the golf) but I would like to meet some Cuban chicas as well. I was thinking of goining to Havana for the day and meeting some chicas there. My question is, where can one take them? Can you rent a casa short time or a hotel room short time or what?
Willie, what was the name of the bar you went to when you met your chicas? Is it in Varadero or in Santa Marta?
Willie Large
08-31-05, 23:34
These places are absolutely dog rough, absolutely falling apart, the people are extremely "paranoid" about being seen talking to tourists, the bar opposite the Cathedral was the only place I visited.
There were taxies there but none of them would take me back to Varadero as they could be arrested at "Checkpoint Charlie" at entry point to Varadero. Eventually got a local guy to drive me back for $20.00 but had to hide on the floor in the back at the checkpoint.
Once inside Varadero he could drive me around all day without any problems, but outside of Varadero he could be thrown in jail for 20 weeks!!!
If you are going into Varadero from the Hotel Strip you will come to a T-junction about 200 meters past Don Quixote restaurant, around 5pm there are plenty of potential chicas looking for lifts, use your charm and ask them if they want to join you for a drink in a local restaurant/bar!!
Santa Marta is just across the bridge from Varadero as you leave the peninsula. Instead of turning right to Matanzas, Havana or the airport, go straight on the road to Cardenas.
Trader Vic
09-02-05, 10:16
You guys are a lot of help. Thank you for your tips and info. I have been to Varadero three times in the past but never thought of pooning the local chicas. I did have an incredible experience with this beautiful black lady from Russia though. You might call her a Black Russian, ha ha. She was travelling with her Russian baby and her Russian mother-in-law. Momma looked after the kid all the time while she partied the night away. Man, was she hot. Just a killer body, and that sweet booty of hers. Still makes me think of the hot Cuban nights.
Can you recommend any hot nightclubs to play in?
Thanks again,
Trader Vic
09-02-05, 20:46
Hi Willie,
What exactly are you tlking about when you say C45 and C52?
"The bars are located between C45 and C52!!
Willie Large
09-02-05, 23:42
The only nightclubs I could find were in the Hotels, plenty of women gagging for it too!! but if you take off your hotel ID bracelet and walk down the beach you can walk into any of the hotels provided you just walk in as if you belong there. I spent many a good night going from one hotel to the next, drinking at the bars, and yes you can find some of the staff walking along the beach. If you use your head you can get them into your hotel!
I got one absolutely gorgeous chick working in another hotel into my room and out without any problems the next morning, very very nice freebie!! She thought it fantastic to spend a night in a hotel. She had a Hot bath, with shampoo, perfume etc and was extremely grateful.
We made a bed up on our balcony and chilled out with a few rum and cokes and any noise we made was drowned out by the music at the pool.
Just have a look for the paths least used by guests/workers!! Most hotels are very very poorly lit due to shortage of electricity!! You will not be able to get them in the front door, and if you try to get into another hotel alone you might not be let in by security, just look at all the weak links available from the beach!
You guys are a lot of help. Thank you for your tips and info. I have been to Varadero three times in the past but never thought of pooning the local chicas. I did have an incredible experience with this beautiful black lady from Russia though. You might call her a Black Russian, ha ha. She was travelling with her Russian baby and her Russian mother-in-law. Momma looked after the kid all the time while she partied the night away. Man, was she hot. Just a killer body, and that sweet booty of hers. Still makes me think of the hot Cuban nights.
Can you recommend any hot nightclubs to play in?
Thanks again,
Trader Vic
10-17-05, 05:16
Hi guys,
Will be heading off to Varaderos, next month. Any action down there to speak of? I will try and check out the local bars as suggested by Willie Large earlier.
Willie Large
10-25-05, 22:28
Unfortunately I cannot nor will not post the exact location of the bar as this site and other sites are ' monitored' by Cuban authorities and I promised the owner I wouldn't post the exact location and anyway there are only a couple of bars in this area that can be frequented by locals! Just be seen admiring the women passing by and the person at the bar will see an opportunity of making a few dollars tips!
There are a few guys who will 'fix' a guy up with a chica but most of these are waiting nearby for when you're finished and harass you to buy some things for them, (watches, shoes etc) and will be watching for you to reappear next day for more!!
Do not buy cigars from them either!
Hi guys,
Will be heading off to Varaderos, next month. Any action down there to speak of? I will try and check out the local bars as suggested by Willie Large earlier.
Thaj Todad
11-19-05, 02:32
I must say I cant agree with you more. They walk up to you and TELL you which one you want, and then they sell cigars made out of bannana leaves.
Be careful , I was walking with my two cousins, and the undercovers harrased the crap out of them thinking that they were "pingueros"(male prostitutes). Many women dress like SW but are really undercover cops. If you are stern (not cocky!) with them and show that you are not scared they will appologize and leave you alone. Since this is a tourist town dont expect to find much talent in the nightclubs as usually only tourists can get in. If you walk the streets and look like you own the place the SW's will find you!
Unfortunately I cannot nor will not post the exact location of the bar as this site and other sites are ' monitored' by Cuban authorities and I promised the owner I wouldn't post the exact location and anyway there are only a couple of bars in this area that can be frequented by locals! Just be seen admiring the women passing by and the person at the bar will see an opportunity of making a few dollars tips!
There are a few guys who will 'fix' a guy up with a chica but most of these are waiting nearby for when you're finished and harass you to buy some things for them, (watches, shoes etc) and will be watching for you to reappear next day for more!!
Do not buy cigars from them either!
Willie Large
11-20-05, 23:58
These guys make their living from it, thats why it's best to drink at a bar where you see a few locals at then if anyone hassles you the person behind the bar will get rid of them for you, hoping you'll stay for another beer at least, then just let them see you looking at any suitable chica that walks by, they'll fix you up with a chica then if you return the next day they'll ask if you want another chica, that way you'll tip them too. The chica will probably give them something too so they both make and you get fixed up!!
I must say I cant agree with you more. They walk up to you and TELL you which one you want, and then they sell cigars made out of bannana leaves.
Be careful , I was walking with my two cousins, and the undercovers harrased the crap out of them thinking that they were "pingueros"(male prostitutes). Many women dress like SW but are really undercover cops. If you are stern (not cocky!) with them and show that you are not scared they will appologize and leave you alone. Since this is a tourist town dont expect to find much talent in the nightclubs as usually only tourists can get in. If you walk the streets and look like you own the place the SW's will find you!
Maxima Man
02-04-06, 17:47
I just arrived from a trip to Varadero. Oh man, pussy is all over the place. All you have to do the first day or two is to lay low and pay attention to details around you. Three things fellow mongers should do for a successful hunt:
1. Rent a car: this will do your dick good as hundreds of girls (some are pro and many are not) line up the streets waiting for transportation to get back home from work. These mid-day hitchhikers are potential hunts. Make sure you strike up a conversation with the girl you pick up early in the game as they tend to travel short distances. Cuban women are so friendly and sensual and sex lovers. I rented a car for 5 days at a cost of 70 Pesos/day (around $US90).
2. Rent a private room (casa): I rented a casa for 25 Pesos a day on top of my all-inclusive hotel room that I shared with my girl friend. You will need a place to release your humming birds peacefully and with minimal interruptions. I befriended one of the men at the car rental agencies who hooked me up with the owner of a remarkably clean and spacious room with a full bathroom and kitchen. I ended up fucking the lady owner, but that's a different story.
3. be selective: I started banging 6-7/10 at first to realize later on that I could have scouted a little bit better for 10s all the way. On average, I found darker skinned Cubanas to be a lot easier to shag with. Most of them lived in nearby Cardenas which was about a twenty-minute drive from Veradero. This is a truly rough area with thousands of girls roaming the battered streets. A boy on a bike stopped me to offer a good deal on cigars, and when I declined he said:”do u want fookie fookie?". It was apparent to me that there was a primitive sex industry in these rough towns.
Finally, I have a couple numbers of two hot Cubanas in the Varadero area should someone wish to PM me.
Willie Large
02-06-06, 00:28
This place is a real eye opener, falling apart, and there's tons of pussy available but be very very careful as there are a lot of undercover cops about.
Don't loiter around on the streets but if you see a nice chica walking down the street then make some eye contact and smile at her, stroll down the street very slowly and stop about 20 yds down the street, 'innocently' looking around generally and if she's interested she will walk back down the street past you and smile at you, let her walk on slowly and follow her, she will be able to find someone she knows nearby to let her use a room for an hour or two, if she gives you the "all clear" to come in, don't hang around on the street!!
I just arrived from a trip to Varadero. Oh man, pussy is all over the place. All you have to do the first day or two is to lay low and pay attention to details around you. Three things fellow mongers should do for a successful hunt:
1. Rent a car: this will do your dick good as hundreds of girls (some are pro and many are not) line up the streets waiting for transportation to get back home from work. These mid-day hitchhikers are potential hunts. Make sure you strike up a conversation with the girl you pick up early in the game as they tend to travel short distances. Cuban women are so friendly and sensual and sex lovers. I rented a car for 5 days at a cost of 70 Pesos/day (around $US90).
2. Rent a private room (casa): I rented a casa for 25 Pesos a day on top of my all-inclusive hotel room that I shared with my girl friend. You will need a place to release your humming birds peacefully and with minimal interruptions. I befriended one of the men at the car rental agencies who hooked me up with the owner of a remarkably clean and spacious room with a full bathroom and kitchen. I ended up fucking the lady owner, but that's a different story.
3. be selective: I started banging 6-7/10 at first to realize later on that I could have scouted a little bit better for 10s all the way. On average, I found darker skinned Cubanas to be a lot easier to shag with. Most of them lived in nearby Cardenas which was about a twenty-minute drive from Veradero. This is a truly rough area with thousands of girls roaming the battered streets. A boy on a bike stopped me to offer a good deal on cigars, and when I declined he said:”do u want fookie fookie?". It was apparent to me that there was a primitive sex industry in these rough towns.
Finally, I have a couple numbers of two hot Cubanas in the Varadero area should someone wish to PM me.
Hello Willie Large, I Went to Varadero last year but was accompanied and couldent go fishing.
I want to go back this spring and would like to try and walk out and find some action! You are talking about bars on the beach between c45 and c52 do you really mean the beach or the main road going throug Varadero?
I don't recall any beachfront bars and when I go down I probably wont have much time to search.
How early can you start shopping? I probably have more chance of getting away during a tanning session.
I was at playa de Oro myself and I know exacly witch girls you guy are talking about (I still have dreams)
Also has anyone ever tried the massages? any teasing available? I never even saw who did the massages and never asked.
Willie Large
02-15-06, 00:40
Well if you've been to Varadero before you'll know that there are very very few bars that locals can drink at, so go to any of these bars that locals use.
The main street is very well patrolled by u/cover cops and can be very awkward moving on from there as you have to let chica go ahead while you follow discreetly but you may be followed too!
I picked up a gorgeous chica (9/10, white, blonde, 22) at a bar on main street but was followed by a cop, so I had to walk around the block 3 times (cos I thought he needed a bit of exercise,) then returned to bar for another beer!
He seemed a bit pissed off but so was I cos I lost out on action. Luckily I spotted her on the beach a few hours later and the woman that owned the bar let me use her back room!!
Anyway these bars are not on beachfront but along beach road!! Use the bars locals drink at and you'll have no problem picking up, if you turn one chica away you'll probably be asked why, so if she's too old, fat etc just say so, you'll be fixed up with whatever type you like!!
If you've only 10 or 15 dollars, they'll definitely do it for that, incl room!! They won't turn down money!!
ANY time of day or night is good once bars are open!!
Hello Willie Large, I Went to Varadero last year but was accompanied and couldent go fishing.
I want to go back this spring and would like to try and walk out and find some action! You are talking about bars on the beach between c45 and c52 do you really mean the beach or the main road going throug Varadero?
I don't recall any beachfront bars and when I go down I probably wont have much time to search.
How early can you start shopping? I probably have more chance of getting away during a tanning session.
I was at playa de Oro myself and I know exacly witch girls you guy are talking about (I still have dreams)
Also has anyone ever tried the massages? any teasing available? I never even saw who did the massages and never asked.
Thank you very much for the extra information, I hope I can do a good report when I come back!
One last thing, How do you spot the under cover policia? any tricks?
Can I get in trouble or do they give a slap on the wrist an let you go.
Willie Large
02-16-06, 02:16
u get slap on wrist, chica gets slapped into jail for 20 weeks unless you buy her out!!!
u/c cops u should be able to spot, arrogant bastards, chica will know them and take necessary actions, she might just disappear into a house nearby, don't follow her in until she give u the signal, then go in quickly, don't hang around outside. If things go pear shape she will be back when it's all clear. There is a great bush telegraph system in operation!!!!
Thank you very much for the extra information, I hope I can do a good report when I come back!
One last thing, How do you spot the under cover policia? any tricks?
Can I get in trouble or do they give a slap on the wrist an let you go.
Spent a month in Varadero last year and it was 100% dead then. Glad to see it's improved a little bit.
Then I tried to motivate all kinds of tourism workers to pimp for me, hung out in the bars noted here, Varadero, Sta Marta, Cardenas, but no luck. One response from a local I'll never forget:
"Putas son feas y caras aqui!" = Hookers are ugly and expensive here.
Finally I got serviced by the first aid doctor, a real MD, for US$10.- (a 7 for looks and service), I told her to come back every day but she never showed up again (maybe got arrested?). Paranoia everywhere. Police and military all over. Not a good mongering scene by my tastes, I rather stay in the legal FKK-bordellos of Germany. Not more $$ if you add up all the costs either.
u get slap on wrist, chica gets slapped into jail for 20 weeks unless you buy her out!!!
u/c cops u should be able to spot, arrogant bastards, chica will know them and take necessary actions, s....
Hi guy's,
I will be leaving for varadero next week, i will be staying in an all inclusive hotel.
Has anyone tried the massages offered at these hotel's?
Are they given by guy's or chicas?
If Chicas, do they give a special finish or even better: FS at a reasonable price?
I remember hearing on the news last winter that a male masseur got in a fight for tuching a guy's girlfriend, I am hoping that they have chicas with liberal hands also.
in Varadero there is an evening I am not going to forget.
We were walking on the main street along the beach with my french friends in late afternoon. I profited of this occasion to make some "marketing", as the girls look at you easier when you are in group as when you walk alone. Not logical at all, but that's the way it is in Cuba.
Within one hour I had plenty of options. One girl who looked very good, a mulata, said she knew a casa particular not far and we could make love for 3 to 4 hours for like 60 bucks cost of casa particular included. I said I will think about it as I was with my friends for the moment. Moments later, as we approched our hotel (quatro palmas), we spotted another mulata staring at us! I went to talk to her and within two minutes she proposed me to fuck on the beach she wanted 40 I managed to negociate at 35. She was a guard in uniform working for some state company apparently! She even had a tie
Anyways we arranged a meeting for later in the night and after a long apperitive with my friends I went to see her again.
She told me she was not even waiting for me anymore as I was late, obviously when in vacation you don't really look at your watch! After some speaking with another guard, while she disappeared somewhere, we finally got into business. We went to the beach, she was very cautious and nervous about someone who might see us. We sat near some wooden tables and coconut trees. We kissed each other. Then she immediately took my dick out of my pants and started sucking it dry! Belive me at this very moment I was completly in paradise, you could hear the waves and see the ocean under coconut trees in a completly desert beach. She knew how to do it and I didn't expect at all such fast action; and above all sucking without condom, wich since that day is becoming normal for me. One has to admit that it is really better, though a litlle bit risky for the disease. Anyway.
I got completly excited and wanted her to suck me again and again, it was so good. When she tried to get into sex action I kept taking her head and put it on my dick while telling her I wanted more. I got her pants and panties down, she already had quit the upper part of her uniform.
After this unbelivable and long blow-job she started riding my cock, and after a short time I took her on the table. She was really hot and liked it. Then I got my dick sucked again, put another condom and fucked her doggy style on the table. She had a great body, slim, the face was less beautiful but still very correct. At this moment I understood why people are telling cuban mulatas are unbelivably hot. After I cummed she said she is very content and I trusted her 100%. That was a great fuck! I gave her the money in the dark she didn't even count I could have given her 5 bucks or even ran away but what's the point? She deserved her money. She started kissing me again but I didn't want to and that seem to make her little bit angry. I told her this is for my wife (even if I don't have one). She seemed little bit pissed off and went away but told me taht she will be out working on Sunday. Never saw her again, I had what I wanted and would be more like into finding another one. Probably I should have seen her once again.
I never had such luck afterwards during my week in Varadero then during my next week to Habana. So while in Varadero when you get an opportunity, a good one, don't miss it! Because maybe there will not be another one.
And the beach thing with the mulata guard is something very special, you can find her in one street just next to quatro palmas, between the beach and the seaside road, near a parking lot. There is a little fence and a guard building, this is this building! If you don't see her ask another guard when she will be out. It seems to be their common business but by the time I was there they seemed really amateur and scared. This is really worth it. Then if you find her please in return report to the site.
Good luck!
in Varadero also I had a quick fuck in the bushes another day. That was again near quatro palmas. Some woman wanted to sell me cigars and in return I asked for chicas. As soon as I pronounced this word she called for a woman ahead of us, which I already spotted before.
It was 25 CUC.
But unlike the one in previous post that was not a good session, as it was a little bit rushed because people could see and it was a little bit stinky in this bushes, actually accross a shop there was enough to hide us but still not really safe. I thinked of the consequences if police finds me there and that even prevented me from cumming. The girl, a thin black, told (gently) that she can't miss the last bus as I was putting another new condom, that also was not very nice. After about 15 minutes or so I gave up.
What I can tell about the negative reports about Cuba (by the canadian guys) is that all that is written is true in my opinion also. Wich means if you stay passive you probably won't get anything, and that may be really disappointing if you get the idea that in Cuba girls are harrassing you all day long asking for your company everywhere you step, and you can pay them with soap! That was probably true 10 years ago but now it is OVER, cubans are used to tourists now and there is a different approach. Moreover, there was the incident with stupid George Bush stating that Castro is encouraging sex tourism and since that the police received the order to arrest any girl hanging around with a foreigner.
Things have definitly changed in Cuba. The time when one could stay all the week with a girl just buying her meals is now utopia. Now cubans understood time is money, and tourists are numerous. And in a way they despise monger tourists, which is normal given that the ones in the 90' had the time of their life there fucking like crazy while distributing some soap and little coupures, along with empty promises of a better living. I guess now they read in our game and they want more money for less time.
But if you make some efforts to socialize with the locals (spanish necessary though), or at least if you are proactive in your mongering (ask for chicas anytime you can), you will find a lot of opportunities. Also, not being alone is a plus. When alone it seems to be more difficult.
Hello all, this his my first post here.
I wan in varadero in october of last year, had tons of fun, and like all of you tried to find chicas. Didint have mutch luck, but near the end of the trip a cuban guy approched me asking if i wanted chicas.
That was on my way back from the La Rumba club at around 2am. I was with a friend and he said yes, 2 minutes later he came back with 2 nice girl. The guy didint talk mutch english same for the girls, and i dont speak any spanish so communication was not easy.
At first we tough we could sneak them in from the beach in our resort, but we soon realise thats not waht the girl had in mind, and they didint want to. They sneak us in the back of the bella costa (think thats the name ) hotel who was closed at the time, and we fucked them there. 30$ for a quick fuck, not the best deal on earth, but i was glad i had the chance to fuck a cuban girl in varadero seeing as many had failed in the past.
The next day we see the same guy again on our way to the rumba ( we were with girls from our resort so my firend didint stop, but i stayed beind ) He ask if we wanted chicas again tonight, it was my last night and didint had mutch money left so i said no, at that point i think he asked if i was going to the rumba again, and that there would be lost of cuban there and if i wanted any, just to come ask him. Wel there were lots of cuban girl that night, but they didint dance with any tourist, they were even a couple 9/10 10/10, i was really pissed i had no money left.
Anyway, im going back there again the first 2 week of november. Will try again.
Well if you wonna go to Cuba to monger just stay away from varadero or most of the tourist centers cause those places usually have a strong police presence and your chances to find chicas will be almost down to zero or limited.
Just go to the suburbs of havana and you will have the opportunity to meet almost as many girls as you want. Another advantage is the almost zero police persence there and you will get much better deals with the girls too.
During my last trip I usually paid for food and drinks and the sex was for free. In most discos in havana a beer is for 1 cuc and bottles of rum start at 3 cuc so there is not really the need to pay 30 cuc for an all nighter in Cuba.
I have to admit that the ability to speak spanish helps alot with the girls have fun.
I wan in Varadero in October of last year, had tons of fun, and like all of you tried to find chicas. Didint have mutch luck, but near the end of the trip a cuban guy approched me asking if I wanted chicas.
That was on my way back from the La Rumba club at around 2am. I was with a friend and he said yes, 2 minutes later he came back with 2 nice girl. The guy didint talk mutch english same for the girls, and I don't speak any spanish so communication was not easy.
At first we tough we could sneak them in from the beach in our resort, but we soon realise thats not waht the girl had in mind, and they didint want to. They sneak us in the back of the bella costa (think thats the name) hotel who was closed at the time, and we fucked them there. 30$ for a quick fuck, not the best deal on earth, but I was glad I had the chance to fuck a cuban girl in varadero seeing as many had failed in the past.
The next day we see the same guy again on our way to the rumba (we were with girls from our resort so my firend didint stop, but I stayed beind) He ask if we wanted chicas again tonight, it was my last night and didint had mutch money left so I said no, at that point I think he asked if I was going to the rumba again, and that there would be lost of cuban there and if I wanted any, just to come ask him. Wel there were lots of cuban girl that night, but they didint dance with any tourist, they were even a couple 9/10 10/10, I was really pissed I had no money left.
Anyway, I'm going back there again the first 2 week of November. Will try again. [/QUOTE]
That's a great reported expierence, the one you had under coconut trees! Can really empathize how good it was.
How far is this Varadero from Havana please !!!
Is Havana easy to get too ?
How far is this Varadero from Havana please !!!
Is Havana easy to get too ?140 Km (65.5 miles) east of Havana. 2-3 hours by car, depends on the driving, the street is very good though.
Any one has a recomendations of Casa Particular in Varadero on the beach.
Any one has a recomendations of Casa Particular in Varadero on the beach.Uh, there are essentially no legal casas in varadero - clostest ones are in matanzas, or cardenas - there is a beach in Matanzas, but it is nothing compared to Varadero.
Any one has a recomendations of Casa Particular in Varadero on the beach.Varadero isn't a first place monger destination. You have to pass a checkpoint to enter the penninsula. So there aren't many other People than tourists and the Cubans who work for the Allinclusive-Hotels. The country-chicas dont go there.
Can i get a confirmation .
Im going in Varadero on December 17th with a friend of mine . He asked me to arrange the ''details'' to meet girls .
Are there any cubans in varadero (on the streets and nightclubs) .
Member #3200
12-06-06, 09:30
good luck in Veradero,not a monger destination anymore,this is 2006 not 1996
It is confirmed im going to Varadero on the 15th of December . There isn't alot of information available so i guess i will have to share the info when i come back .
If any of you have last minute details , not only sp related but any good spots i would love to hear from you .
John Jr
December 23rd 2006 ,
Im back from Varadero and i agree with what has been said here that Varadero isnt what it used to be . Action is not mission imposible otherwise i would have changed my name to Tom Cruise .
I now undestand Cuba !
December 23rd 2006,
I'm back from Varadero and i agree with what has been said here that Varadero isn't what it used to be. Action is not mission imposible otherwise I would have changed my name to Tom Cruise .
I now undestand Cuba !Hello John Jr,
I have gone to Varadero twice without any luck; (of course I have to get away from the old ball and chain) witch limits my searching time.
Since you say it's not mission Impossible could you give some details please?
Did you find her in a bar hotel? I can’t leave the Hotel alone for very long.
I go back again next year; I’m hoping that the 3rd time might be the charm!
Hello John Jr,
I have gone to Varadero twice without any luck; (of course I have to get away from the old ball and chain) witch limits my searching time.
Since you say it's not mission Impossible could you give some details please?
Did you find her in a bar hotel? I can’t leave the Hotel alone for very long.
I go back again next year; I’m hoping that the 3rd time might be the charm!
Thanks!Just a suggestion- if you are short on hunting time, why not employ one of the many jinteros to find you a girl you like. I've done this many times even while solo with an abundance of girls in Havana. You tell them very firmly what you want and what you will pay for them to bring one to you. The trick is to be firm and to be in charge. Over the years I've had a lot of fun turning the tables on these guys having them run around finding girls, waiting for girls that were coming to my casa to tell them where to meet me, etc. I even had one several years ago trying to find me a can of peaches (what can I say, I had a taste for canned peaches that day). The point is you have all these guys trying so hard to make a buck, why not use the cheap labor to your advantage and employ them on your terms.
I'm going back to Varadero for my 3rd visit.
Never had any luck.
Has anyone gone lately?
Anything to report to help me out?
Anything would be appreciated!
I'm going back to Varadero for my 3rd visit.
Never had any luck.
Has anyone gone lately?
Anything to report to help me out?
Anything would be appreciated!
ThanksVaradero is HORRIBLE for trying to pick up girls. No legal casas and with only one bridge access into the city, it is too difficult for girls from outside of Varadero to try to sneak into Varadero to hunt tourists (easier for them to go to Havana). If you are going to Cuba with a GF or wife then Varadero is very nice and sanitary. If you are going to Cuba to relax and hopefully meet some available women then go to Havana and pass on Varadero and staying at a hotel, get a private house for $30/day. Hotels are bad for trying to take a Cuban girl to your room. You can check out photos of the casas before you go and get your reservation too. Myself and several friends use one of the agencies, Havana Rentals. There is another agency called Cuba Accomodations as well as several others. The links are at and each site is in English as well as Spanish. Haven't used Cuba Accomodations before but I like some of the links at their site. When you contact Havana Rentals be sure to let them know with your reservations inquiry that you intend to have overnight Cuban female guests. They will only offer you casas that fit your criteria. For looking for women I suggest finding a casa in Vedado as you can walk to many good locations as well as meeting women on the street.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here ( for more information.
05-06-07, 01:44
Unless you want to score to another tourist, as amocuba says, better to stay in havana, find a girl-friendly casa and have fun.
I have been in varadero with a cuban friend, is not impossible but is a pain in the a**, in the day all was fun, but then when the casa particular search begin, the problems begin itselfs, no cuban girls allowed! This casa is for cubans only! No tourist! Varadero fellas are too afraid to take girls in her tourist houses. In the 4th attempt to find a room in a hotel I was able to get my girl with me in a nice hotel room, (before a tip to one fella in the front desk). Again, if you are willing to stay with one girl (I am cool with that since I was with my best cuban girlfriend) varadero could be a nice trip, if you girl has a tourist kinda look its more easy. I enjoy marine sports with her and night hotel atractions as well. Cool trip but. If you ask, I will think twice to go. Too much assle.
I'm going back to Varadero for my 3rd visit.
Never had any luck.
Has anyone gone lately?
Anything to report to help me out?
Anything would be appreciated!
I was in Varadero in December , in 7 day's i got 2 girls . One in the all inclusive resort and one at Rumba club . The one i had in the club didnt want to come to my hotel even if i was cool with security . She was wise about it because she said but what about after when i leave your room ?
So we went on the beach . I had a freind of mine who staid arround for backup to make sure all was good . The cuban chika (never got her name) gave me the chef's treatment on the beach .... (she asked for 50 pesos i negociated to 30 and gave her an little something for her ride home because she was verry good with me) .
She was fom SANTA MARTA like many girls that work in Varadero .
My question is how is Matanzas , i was told there is a nice club there with alot of girls and casas .
John Jr
Hello John Jr,
I am leaving in a few days for Varadero.
Can you tell me more about the One in the all inclusive resort?
Was it an employee of the hotel or someone you sneeked in?
I am going with a GF so I can't go alone to dance clubs.
If I finaly get away and find somthing, I will report when I get back.
Hello John Jr,
I am leaving in a few days for Varadero.
Can you tell me more about the One in the all inclusive resort?
Was it an employee of the hotel or someone you sneeked in?
I am going with a GF so I can't go alone to dance clubs.
If I finaly get away and find somthing, I will report when I get back.
PoohVaradero with GF will make your odds difficult to overcome with regards to finding stray girls. Good advice for your plight will be spotty at best.
05-12-07, 22:20
Hello John Jr,
I am leaving in a few days for Varadero.
Can you tell me more about the One in the all inclusive resort?
Was it an employee of the hotel or someone you sneeked in?
I am going with a GF so I can't go alone to dance clubs.
If I finaly get away and find somthing, I will report when I get back.
PoohGood luck "the Pooh"!
I'm looking fordward to see your report.
Well you where all right!
My report is overdue.
Came back from 2 weeks in Varadero last Saturday
Nothing in Varadero.
Once I was walking along a side street and a guy approached me (cigars rhum.) when I said no thanks he looked at me and said how about chica?
I didn’t like to deal with this guy but since I had no luck on my own.
He offered me a chica for 40 + 20 for the room. I brought him down 10 and he said ok.
He leaves on his bike.comes back after 5 minutes to tell me no casas available (never saw the chica! )
A week later I rented a scooter and took a half hour ride to Cardenas.
I was barely of the shooter and I get a guy with the exact same line and offer for chicas, this time I don’t even ask for info, I tell him It’s hot, I want a beer and If I need something I will come back.
After a well needed cerveza a started to walk along and after barely 2 minutes, a pretty black lady offered herself to me (20 + 10 for the room) I jumped at the occasion and had a non rushed 45 min or so experience.
There where a lot of very nice girls walking around and I might of been able to do better but if you read my previous post you now I was on the clock! My felling was I could of had most of them.
Hola to all members of this distingiuhed Club: I have heard many stories of how difficult it is to find chicas in Varadero. I am going 3rd week of Nov. I will try and "research" Matanzas AND Cardenas. Also local areas. Will post as soon as I get back end of Nov. I speak spanish BUt I am not fluent.
11-08-07, 16:56
Hola to all members of this distingiuhed Club: I have heard many stories of how difficult it is to find chicas in Varadero. I am going 3rd week of Nov. I will try and "research" Matanzas AND Cardenas. Also local areas. Will post as soon as I get back end of Nov. I speak spanish BUt I am not fluent.
TranquilGreat Tranquil. Thanks for doing research for the team. I'm going there in April, and I'd like to have a little bit of hope. Perhaps you might be able to shine a light for us! Good luck!
12-10-07, 22:21
Hi All,
Has anyone tried picking up chicas in Matanzas? I don't know how far it is from Varadero, but since I'm in Varadero for about 5 days, and everyone describes it as vacant for action, it might be worth exploring any nearby cities. Any advice or experience with this?
I don't know how far it is from Varadero,
Matanzas is somewhat closer to Varadero than it is to Havana, but it's still a bit of a hike.
Viazul has 4 buses daily between Varadero and Havana. 8am, 12pm, 4pm, I think is what she said on the phone, and 6pm.
Motos are easy to rent in Varadero, but Viazul is more comfortable, and you don't have to pay for the toll road each way. The Matanzas bus station is in a central location, and there are casa rental reps, waiting for potential clients, when the buses arrive.
12-30-07, 19:51
Thanks Petrolero for the distance info. Do you know whether it is worthwhile to try to hang out in Matanzas to try to pick up some local chicas? From what I'm hearing, there will be no action in Varadero, so I'm wondering what my options are.
Thanks again!
Matanzas is somewhat closer to Varadero than it is to Havana, but it's still a bit of a hike.
Viazul has 4 buses daily between Varadero and Havana. 8am, 12pm, 4pm, I think is what she said on the phone, and 6pm.
Motos are easy to rent in Varadero, but Viazul is more comfortable, and you don't have to pay for the toll road each way. The Matanzas bus station is in a central location, and there are casa rental reps, waiting for potential clients, when the buses arrive.
Member #4167
05-28-08, 18:13
I have not been to Varadero, recently but based on my conversations with the cubanas that live in Matanzas, the Varadero fears that "no chicas are available" is greatly overblown.
1. Any cubana is free to enter varadero. there are no restrictions.
2. Varadero is where the money is. It is the #1 tourist destination. There are plenty of relatively wealthy gringos who will pay $100 and more for sex.
3. A girl can take a bus for a day trip to varadero relatively cheaply from Matanzas, Cardenas or really anyplace in Provincia Matanzas.
4. Any cubana can register in any hotel in Varadero.
5. There are cuban cities in Varadero, and hence there are illegal casa particulars if she doesnt want to register.
06-22-08, 23:07
from another forum.....Cubans that had checked into a tourist hotel were later paid a visit by MININT, to find out where they got the money to stay in such a hotel.
I have seen chicas get into Varadero on the bus. They pay off the bus driver, the supervisor and it appeared the guard at the check point. How do I know ? I was on the bus returning to Varadero after some off the beach fun.
El Rey De Pollo
06-23-08, 23:47
5. There are cuban cities in Varadero, and hence there are illegal casa particulars if she doesnt want to register.
Varadero is a city, not a province. Hence there are no cuban cities in Varadero.
Illegal casas in Varadero? Never heard of it. Then again, Varadero doesn't interest me the slightest.
Member #4167
06-24-08, 14:38
Varadero is a city, not a province. Hence there are no cuban cities in Varadero.Varadero is a peninsula. I looked at a map. There are little cuban villages on the varadero peninsula.
I agree with you, the discussion is meaningless. I would never go to Varadero for mongering. From what I have read on the forum, selection there is spotty.
I haven't visited Varadero recently, and all I have reported is second hand information on the P4P scene, which, coming from a Cubana, is probably outdated/incorrect.
You can get P4P anywhere in Cuba, if you are willing to pay a high enough price. In a place like Varadero, and indeed, other tourist resorts, your selection will be limited to 2-3 providers. Most of the time, your selection will be limited to the older, uglier ones.
El Rey De Pollo
06-25-08, 17:22
Well, you may be technically right, and I appologize then. But the two times I have been there it sure looked like one big city to me. Spread out on the peninsula... Anyway, not important to me as I will never be going there again, but others may like to know the facts, so good of you to correct me.
06-25-08, 18:39
The province is Matanzas.
Technically, Varadero is the name of the beach area lying on the north, ocean facing side of a 18.6 km long peninsula called Punta Hicacos, which encloses Cardenas Bay and is separated fromt the mainland by a hairline inlet, the Laguna de Paso Malo.
The resort of Varadero did grow to encompass the existing village (pop. 15,000)
Canned Heat
07-16-08, 14:11
Will be heading to Varadero in a few days. never been before. Seems there are not too much action out there, but any tips on locations would be appreciated.
Hasta luego
El Cubanito
07-16-08, 22:56
If you are having problem with regular girls in Havana. DO NOT BOTHER WITH VARADERO. If you are looking some regular and want to get out of Havana go to Remedios. It is close by Varadero and you will find plenty of girls.
If you need a casa here is an address:
Calle Brigadier Gonzalez 4 altos (between Pi y Margall and Independencia) just off the main square (phone number 39 5398). The owner name is: Gladys Aponte. She is a very, very nice lady. There are alot of talent in this small town. Good Luck amigo.
El Cubanito
Canned Heat
07-18-08, 14:11
Thanks Amigo. Maybe Ill skip Varadero. Then again the girls cant be more scarred there than in Havana. Don't know where to go. Got 10 more days on my hands here in Cuba.
Anyway, thanks for the warning
If you are having problem with regular girls in Havana. DO NOT BOTHER WITH VARADERO. If you are looking some regular and want to get out of Havana go to Remedios. It is close by Varadero and you will find plenty of girls.
If you need a casa here is an address:
Calle Brigadier Gonzalez 4 altos (between Pi y Margall and Independencia) just off the main square (phone number 39 5398). The owner name is: Gladys Aponte. She is a very, very nice lady. There are alot of talent in this small town. Good Luck amigo.
El Cubanito
El Cubanito
07-18-08, 19:08
Thanks Amigo. Maybe Ill skip Varadero. Then again the girls cant be more scarred there than in Havana. Don't know where to go. Got 10 more days on my hands here in Cuba.
Anyway, thanks for the warning
I wish I was down there with you. It sound like you are not having a good time. Listern, do u have a phone number or email address where I can send you send some info on a buddy of my who will be able to help you out. He is a good guy. Just a thought if you need help. He lives in Havana Vieja and he knows everything that moves there. He can help you out, but I will upfront you will have to pay him. Let me know if you wan this option.
Go to San Miguel, yoiu will do right there. Man, if you do not score in San Miguel then there is something wrong with your game.
El Cubanito
Hi El Cubanito,
Can you please provide me that guy's contact info. I'm planning to visit Havana next month and this is my first time there. Also I don't speak Spanish
Please let me know if he can speak english and will be able to find me a chica friendly casa and some girls. Also how much should I offer to him?
Thanks in advance.
El Cubanito
10-15-08, 00:50
Hi El Cubanito,
Can you please provide me that guy's contact info. I'm planning to visit Havana next month and this is my first time there. Also I don't speak Spanish
Please let me know if he can speak english and will be able to find me a chica friendly casa and some girls. Also how much should I offer to him?
Thanks in advance.
I will do better. I will get you his phone number and PM it to you.
Freddy Mz1
01-14-10, 23:47
Can any one help me with some tips.
I am not going to an all inclusive resort.
1. Where to stay in Varadero or San Miguel (Chica friendly Casa or Hotel)?
2. Where can I find non pro Chicas?
3. Can I purchase a vehicle there or I am not eligible?
4. Where are some good places to eat?
Please help me with a recent report. If anyone has contact info of any kind that I can use it would be great
Thanks in advance.
01-15-10, 23:31
very funny!
07-14-10, 06:54
I have been to Cuba many times (about 8) and recently spent a week in Varadero. Since there is not much info on the subject I would like to do my best to elaborate based on my observations.
Cubans can go to Varadero as they wish.
There are no casa particulars in Varadero. Tourists must stay at the hotels, almost always with wrist bracelet. If you have a girlfriend in Havana and invite her to Varadero, you both have wrist bracelets, no problem.
As anywhere in Cuba, if you go to a disco you can find a girl but you can not bring her to the resort. She will know an illegal casa. It will be expensive due to the risk involved.
Tourist with wristband and cubana without wristband walking on the street will be harassed by police immediately.
Varadero is a great place to vacation with family or friends or your GF from home or if you have a relationship with a Cuban girl. Beautiful beaches, the food isn't nearly as bad as websites will lead you to believe. There is great scuba, lots of activities, etc...
But if you are planning on coming alone for this hobby, just forget about it. Of course you can have your needs met but no easier here then in Orlando.
My humble observations.
It helps if you spell it right.
I'd like to add my 2 cents on the action scene in Veradero Beach. I was there 10 years ago with 3 buddies. We stayed at a govt-run hotelon the beach. Can't remember the name. It was $20 a nite.
Yes, there are chicas there, mostly walking around. But one time we were at the hotel bar and there was a black chica I took in the bushes for a blowjob. Some of the chicas lived on Veradero, some came in to 'work' and others had some sort of pass.
All we had to do was walk down the main drag, can't remember the name, at night. They know places in peoples homes that have rooms for rent for a 1/2-one hr. Time period. And yes, there are security people all over the place, so you got to be careful.
One time I was at a cafe having breakfast when an older chica approached me for some sexo. We walked to her house a few blocks away and did our business.
Have fun in Veradero.
07-03-11, 11:21
This writer, named the Cuban Charles Bukowski, is a guy of Matanzas, the province where Varadero is located. Great books with a lot about Cuban sexual behaviour.
11-25-11, 02:56
Hey if anyone is going to be in Varadero between Dec 10-16 and wants to meet for a drink, PM me.
12-21-11, 01:34
Holy smokes, if your a single guy with mongering intentions, heed the warnings of my fellow mongerers and do not book a vacation in Varadero. Very beautiful place, with beautiful beaches, but the chica scene is fucked up! Ok so there are girls, but they bus in from Matanzas, and most of them only come in on weekends. On my first night there, a Saturday night, after a wasting a bunch of money on taxis and cover charges to clubs, I finally found a cab driver who set me and my buddy (who I had just met that night in the hotel lobby) with sum chicas. He picked us up from La Rumba and drove us to Casa De La Musica (where we were earlier that night) , and rather than going back in, he just parked in the parking lot and he talked to some Pimp lookin dude in the parking lot and a couple minutes later 3 girls walked and stood in front of the car and we were asked to pick our ladies. We chose and they got in the car with us. The chicas were total pros, had a casa waiting and asked for money up front. Despite my better judgement I paid her once we got to the casa before we started into any action, but she still gave great unrushed service. 60 CUC for her and 20 CUC from eaach of us for the casa. I went out the next night to the club and had no luck. Saw the same girl I had on Saturday at Pirates Cave a couple nights later and got her cell number. Phoned her up the next day and set up a meeting at Medittereaneo. That night I had her and her friend for 100 CUC plus 25 CUC for the room. Again great enthusiastic service and both were very sweet before and after the action. All in all, it was not a mongerers vacation, but for being a mongerer in such a touristy and controlled area, I think I did ok. Moral of the story, if your alone and want action, I heard Holguin, Cienfuegos, and Camaguey are the best, with Holguin on top.
Cheers all.
Moe Greene
12-21-11, 19:59
Everybody says Varadero is no good for mongering. I think it's mostly in the eye of the beholder. There is no one stop shop where you just walk in and a dozen half naked chicas surround you, but you can definitely get action with not much effort.
I was there last week, with no intention of mongering (was with the family) but I still met many willing working girls. Just go off the main road and walk around during the late afternoon. Or go to the hamburguesas. Com and have a burger. The women will come to you. Hicacos shopping center is good too, or just around it near the beach access. I was walking around there a dozen times last week and always met some really good looking babes. Just say "Hola, como estas? Quieres hacer un poco dinero?" Works every time.
Hola to all members of this distingiuhed Club: I have heard many stories of how difficult it is to find chicas in Varadero. I am going 3rd week of Nov. I will try and "research" Matanzas AND Cardenas. Also local areas. Will post as soon as I get back end of Nov. I speak spanish BUt I am not fluent.
TranquilStill waiting for your report.
Still waiting for your report.A few of my friends recently said they are getting the maids and room cleaner for sex. Probably still not as good as staying in Havana but it seems to be getting more common. I always thought the maids were afraid of getting caught.
I was in Varadero in the beginning of the 90 ies. The very night my mate and I arrived. Damn nackerd. He went straigt to bed and I took a stroll around to check out the place. It was dark, night time. Found the beach. Liked the bungalows. Found the road. And the hookers had found me. I was very yound. Had just finished school. No Spanish. The latina came up to me said something in Spanish and grabbed my balls, hard. I was shocked. Tried to get away. Wow. First night experience. I fled back to my bungalow.
Few days later, I met a nice cuban girl on the beach, first tought she was italian. Very cute, sexy, petite. Played volley ball. Had sex for about 2 weeks. Rest of the holiday. And it was just great. She never asked for money. Except for the last day. I don't remember if I gave her any, but I do remember that we stayed in contact for maybe two or three letteres.
At the time. All Cubans were allowed into Varadero and all people were allowed, free of charge, to use all hotels facilities. The dollar was the main currency. I am thinking now of going back for a holiday. But maybe it will spoil all my good memorries. What do you think?
08-12-14, 16:40
If that is your memory and you do not want to ruin it, then don't go back. Things are drastically different. Chicas are not allowed onto the penninsula that is Varadero unless they are legitimately working. Getting caught for prostitution by the policia means hard jail time.
Everybody says Varadero is no good for mongering. I think it's mostly in the eye of the beholder. There is no one stop shop where you just walk in and a dozen half naked chicas surround you, but you can definitely get action with not much effort.
I was there last week, with no intention of mongering (was with the family) but I still met many willing working girls. Just go off the main road and walk around during the late afternoon. Or go to the hamburguesas. Com and have a burger. The women will come to you. Hicacos shopping center is good too, or just around it near the beach access. I was walking around there a dozen times last week and always met some really good looking babes. Just say "Hola, como estas? Quieres hacer un poco dinero?" Works every time.Very interesting. I didn't realize that the local girls were interested in the money counterfeiting business. Because that's what you are asking them to do.
Very interesting. I didn't realize that the local girls were interested in the money counterfeiting business. Because that's what you are asking them to do.Quieres hacer un poco dinero. Translates to 'want to make a little money' maybe not the best usage of spanish to ask a chica, but I am sure those words spoken by a gringo would be understood as to what they gringo was suggesting. Come on give the guy a break, this writing is a bit like the Medellin posts were some guys like to blast guys for very minor things and cause some to quit making posts because of unwarranted negative remarks.
08-13-14, 15:31
This is all very funny. Guys giving Spanish lessons that can't speak Spanish, and the resulting commentary.
This is all very funny. Guys giving Spanish lessons that can't speak Spanish, and the resulting commentary.Tienes razon. Es muy comico, pero te puedo asegurar que manejo en este idioma (y los otros) sin problema (s).
No se hace dinero. Se lo gana.
It wasn't meant as an ad hominem attack. It was a warning against imperfect word by word translation, the guy probably got it fromGoogle. Sure, the girl will probably get the hint, but it also means she may think he's generally clueless and be more inclined to take advantage of him.
Translates to 'want to make a little money' No it doesn't, "making money" is an idiomatic English way to say "earn money", Spanish doesn't have this idiomatic usage. So you should say "te gustaria ganar un poco dinero"? (the use of gustaria also mmakes it more polite) because the use of quieres ganar comes across as fairly rude. You would use such a direct form of speaking with your friend, not a stranger. English tends to be more direct than other languages in the cultural way it is used. I merely touch on the original phrase and the explanation to educate the forum. You can continue to use his approach or consider what I wrote, look into it and change as you see fit. As they may say in Thailand. "Up to you".
08-16-14, 20:38
I understand but wasn't about to do what a college course should have taught Curly.
The very fact that you are a gringo means that prices will be higher. Spanish helps you to lower the price a little but seldom to a Cuban-Cuban rate.
I understand but wasn't about to do what a college course should have taught Curly.
The very fact that you are a gringo means that prices will be higher. Spanish helps you to lower the price a little but seldom to a Cuban-Cuban rate.Not quite correct. You can lower the prices significantly by demonstrating that you are a pila or camajan. Spanish fluency is an aspect but not the only one. As Spaniards from the Iberian peninsula also get taken advantage of if they are arrogant idiots and fools. Granted, extraordinarily difficult for a short term visiting tourist. I also happen to believe you can lower prices and "enhance the experience" by demonstrating a lack of peasant like crudeness in your language and in your tone of voice / actions. Call me deluded, but I'm rock solid in this belief.
08-17-14, 16:00
Agreed, but then again, those visiting Spaniards often tend to be crude, and like alot of northern Europeans, don't bathe as often as one would like.
...those visiting Spaniards often tend to be crude, and like alot of northern Europeans, don't bathe as often as one would like.A) Upon your opinion, is Spain located in Northern Europe?
B) Where does 'Northern Europe' start for you?
Regarding a 'smelly division' between North and South. After 60 years of traveling I cannot agree.
08-18-14, 15:12
Should you wish to re read the comment, I was aware of what I was saying. I did not say Spain was in northern Europe, I said they were like alot of northern Europeans.
Should you be aware, water is a limited resource and often used sparingly. As such, old habits die hard, even when in a different climate. Those old habits are very evident when in a tropical climate. Maybe is would not be as evident if you were outdoors on the beach, where I could move my towel 100 yards away, or in el campo, but when you are in enclosed spaces such as a restaurant or bar, it is very evident.
Should you wish to re read the comment, I was aware of what I was saying. I did not say Spain was in northern Europe, I said they were like alot of northern Europeans.
Should you be aware, water is a limited resource and often used sparingly. As such, old habits die hard, even when in a different climate. Those old habits are very evident when in a tropical climate. Maybe is would not be as evident if you were outdoors on the beach, where I could move my towel 100 yards away, or in el campo, but when you are in enclosed spaces such as a restaurant or bar, it is very evident.That's a fascinating geographical delineation, considering France goes as far north as the English Channel or Channel Le Manche, whichever you prefer. Can't say I've ever personally run across Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese or Greeks that didn't shower and had bad body odor. Have had such experiences with the French, however though I think the younger generations no longer run afoul, (or decreasingly) of that either.
Agreed, but then again, those visiting Spaniards often tend to be crude, and like alot of northern Europeans, don't bathe as often as one would like.Generalizations with a very wide brush.
The Spaniards, as the Italians, tend to run the gamut. You tend to hear the horror stories, but in reality, there are also a whole lot of "good" stories that you may not hear about. I think it's fairly foolish to try to play the game of "pick the nationality / ethnicity that is "most crude". For starters, there is more interaction between cubanas and males from those countries since other than Canadians they make up the majority of the foreigners that visit Cuba and that many of them take their cuban gf back with them to their home countries, or marry them and take them back. Don't know how difficult/not that is for Canadians but the Italians and Spaniards don't have the linguistic and cultural barrier(s) that stifle North Americans.
If I have 8 days in Cuba solo what do you recommend? Ideally I would like to find a GFE experience there. Happy to take a girl to the beach for a few days and or the countryside for excursions etc. Not sure how easy that is with limited Spanish. I'm early 40's and decent looking in shape too. Doesn't sound like going solo to beach towns is a great idea.
I have been to Cuba many times (about 8) and recently spent a week in Varadero. Since there is not much info on the subject I would like to do my best to elaborate based on my observations.
Cubans can go to Varadero as they wish.
There are no casa particulars in Varadero. Tourists must stay at the hotels, almost always with wrist bracelet. If you have a girlfriend in Havana and invite her to Varadero, you both have wrist bracelets, no problem.
As anywhere in Cuba, if you go to a disco you can find a girl but you can not bring her to the resort. She will know an illegal casa. It will be expensive due to the risk involved.
Tourist with wristband and cubana without wristband walking on the street will be harassed by police immediately..
Doing the same thing. Like to hear what you experienced or recommend.
Hi El Cubanito,
Can you please provide me that guy's contact info. I'm planning to visit Havana next month and this is my first time there. Also I don't speak Spanish
Please let me know if he can speak english and will be able to find me a chica friendly casa and some girls. Also how much should I offer to him?
Thanks in advance.
So, I'm in Varadero and my balls are about to explode. Is it really impossible to find action here 2018? The fact that the price of a few hours of action corresponds to an average worker's monthly salary should mean that there are several willing women, but I can't find any. Is there no hope? Can I take trip somewhere where there is hope?
By walking up and down the street outside of the Beatles-restaurant / bar, I found two working ladies at around 10 pm on Friday evening. Both were too overweight for my taste and looked to be around 30 years old and 40 years old, respectively. Needless to say, I wasn't interested.
Any new happening in Varadero going soon and would like some help here for chica opportunities.
I want meet some jineteras, but I don't speak a work of Spanish. Will this be an issue?
03-07-19, 03:27
I've been a few times solo, met people, learned the game around Playa del Este, in the glory days of the Tropicoco (loco), when there was always 5-6 hookers doing clients back to back. Lots of lulz seeing the same girls with 2-3 guys in the space of 2 hours chilling at the bar next to the elevators. Nothing like this anymore. I even heard of some zealous cop in Guanabo going by the nickname of "Machete" from some friends.
Anyways, enough said about Guanabo.
I'm going to Varadero with my parents (Haha, nothing like being invited in a nice resort. I'm 31) in 2 weeks. I understand chicas will be there but will be harder to spot / approach than in Havana etc. I do speak some Spanish. According to chicas, I mix Spanish and Italian words, but they get it hehe.
So I was looking at Santa Marta, right outside the checkpoint of the peninsula. Anyone has been there? My first thought is that's where the action could be considering the risk / reward of hooking in Varadero town. According to the map, there are quite a few hostels / casa in the zone as well as restaurants.
But of course, if someone has some good pointers in the Varadero zone, I'll jump / hump on it.
Thanks in advance!
Of course, I'll detail my hunt when I get back.
03-08-19, 17:23
I want meet some jineteras, but I don't speak a work of Spanish. Will this be an issue?Download google translator Spanish version so you can use it here. Don't worry about your lack of Spanish. I know many who doesn't speak Spanish at all and having great time in Cuba.
Any recent info about action in Varadero?
I saw on another forum that someone meets girls around Parque Central in Varadero. Post was from today but his experience was in February 2019. Here is a copy of the post, in French.
[Non-English text deleted by Admin]
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited to remove text not in English. While I encourage contributions from all volunteers, the Forum is an English-only website. Please do not post reports in any language other than English. If you wish to post text in any language other than English, then please include a full English translation.Thanks!
07-25-23, 06:08
I plan to come down to Cuba in a few months with friends and family. The last time I was in Cuba was in 2015 on a cruise. I didn't have too much fun the first time. I intend to be in Cuba for about a week. I will be staying in Varadero in a resort, and Havana in an Airbnb. Does anybody have any information about the girls in both cities? I also speak no Spanish. I have been reading a ton in the Thread, but I'm still hoping it's not dead as others have reported. Thanks.
My experience is a couple of years old but here goes: I had the best times with regular chicks. Cubans are very communicative and you can chat with them anywhere, anytime.
Just talk to shop assistants or any chick at a Caf / Restaurant during day time. Heck, even a random girl on the street! Once I talked to a lady in a museum of all places whether she knew some chicks. And she did!
Good luck anyway.
I'm going to Varadero with my parents (Haha, nothing like being invited in a nice resort. I'm 31) in 2 weeks. I understand chicas will be there but will be harder to spot / approach than in Havana etc. I do speak some Spanish. According to chicas, I mix Spanish and Italian words, but they get it hehe.
So I was looking at Santa Marta, right outside the checkpoint of the peninsula. Anyone has been there? My first thought is that's where the action could be considering the risk / reward of hooking in Varadero town. According to the map, there are quite a few hostels / casa in the zone as well as restaurants.
But of course, if someone has some good pointers in the Varadero zone, I'll jump / hump on it.
I guess I owe you an example of how it went: me and a friend were at the Varadero beach chatting with a life guard. Of course it was all about chicas. He claimed you could ask just about any girl to come over. When we didn't believe him he signaled two girls to come over and moments later we were talking to them! My girl, Soledad, was an 18 yo black chick with a cheerful personality, a beautiful smile and killer curves. We went for a swim in the sea where she grabbed my junior and stroked it to a happy ending. We made an appointment for the same night at a deserted restaurant terrace where she gave me an incredible CBJ followed by action in different positions. Her voluptuous derriere begged for a vigorous pounding which led to an explosive finale. Ahh, Varadero.
My experience is a couple of years old but here goes: I had the best times with regular chicks.
Good luck anyway.
09-19-23, 06:27
I guess I owe you an example of how it went: me and a friend were at the Varadero beach chatting with a life guard. Of course it was all about chicas. He claimed you could ask just about any girl to come over. When we didn't believe him he signaled two girls to come over and moments later we were talking to them! My girl, Soledad, was an 18 yo black chick with a cheerful personality, a beautiful smile and killer curves. We went for a swim in the sea where she grabbed my junior and stroked it to a happy ending. We made an appointment for the same night at a deserted restaurant terrace where she gave me an incredible CBJ followed by action in different positions. Her voluptuous derriere begged for a vigorous pounding which led to an explosive finale. Ahh, Varadero.How along was this? You still think that would work today. I leave in about a week, I also speak no Spanish so I guess this would be harder to pull off.
How along was this? You still think that would work today. I leave in about a week, I also speak no Spanish so I guess this would be harder to pull off.Honestly, it's just about having a little bit of confidence. I wouldn't approach a hot chick at home, because I'd be afraid she'd laugh me off or tell me to go fuck myself. Out there, it's much more civil. I've asked out waitresses, retail counter girls, hostesses, girls just hanging out in public and got reactions from "sorry, I have a boyfriend" all the way to having a girl knock on my apartment door 2 hours later after her shift. Just be respectful and there will be nothing to be afraid of. Be respectful, give her a nice smile and at worst, she'll say she can't or has a BF or something and then you just move on to the next one.
How along was this? You still think that would work today. I leave in about a week, I also speak no Spanish so I guess this would be harder to pull off.10 years or so. However, my friend didn't speak Spanish either.
The way I like to think: we are as exotic to them as they to us. Jump start your Spanish by searching for "Spanish For Beginners.
Spanish 101 (Ep. 1)".
On youtube and have some confidence!
Best of luck to you!
09-20-23, 00:07
Honestly, it's just about having a little bit of confidence. I wouldn't approach a hot chick at home, because I'd be afraid she'd laugh me off or tell me to go fuck myself. Out there, it's much more civil. I've asked out waitresses, retail counter girls, hostesses, girls just hanging out in public and got reactions from "sorry, I have a boyfriend" all the way to having a girl knock on my apartment door 2 hours later after her shift. Just be respectful and there will be nothing to be afraid of. Be respectful, give her a nice smile and at worst, she'll say she can't or has a BF or something and then you just move on to the next one.I give it a shot thanks.
Rebel Monger
09-24-23, 21:40
Honestly, it's just about having a little bit of confidence. I wouldn't approach a hot chick at home, because I'd be afraid she'd laugh me off or tell me to go fuck myself. Out there, it's much more civil. I've asked out waitresses, retail counter girls, hostesses, girls just hanging out in public and got reactions from "sorry, I have a boyfriend" all the way to having a girl knock on my apartment door 2 hours later after her shift. Just be respectful and there will be nothing to be afraid of. Be respectful, give her a nice smile and at worst, she'll say she can't or has a BF or something and then you just move on to the next one.You can approach any Cuban (in Cuba) and not being rejected because Cubans have been "conditioned" to feel they're bellow any foreigners.
You can approach any Cuban (in Cuba) and not being rejected because Cubans have been "conditioned" to feel they're bellow any foreigners.That's wild.
In my experience Latinos in general are very communicative and easy to talk to. Nothing to do with "conditioning".
10-04-23, 06:12
I just posted my Havana Report so go check that out. Varadero. The hotels are very nice. We stayed at the Melia which is the best hotel there. When it comes to girls. Nothing really going on there. I never went into town but I heard there wasn't much. The Havana club in Varadero is supposed to be the best club in Varadero. Most people in these clubs will be tourists but I heard this is where you can find so many Cuban chicks. You will need to check your hotel or wherever you staying, but you can't just bring a chick in. There going to have to be paid guests that check in with you or you can get them their own room later and just have them sleep in yours idk. My friends did it. They were trying to get me to do it but I'm not spending 300 USD to bring a in the hotel. We met and saw other guys with Cuba girlfriends that they brought in with them but I'm not on that game yet. If you're coming here to fuck working girls then you're in the wrong part of Cuba. If you want to stay at the nicest hotel with the nicest beaches with your newfound Cuban girlfriends then Varadero might be the place for you. Like I said in the Havana post. If you want to know more, just PM. I have a few cruises coming up so I will be mostly in different forms there. Wish you boys the best of luck.
If you want to know more, just PM. Unless you pay $$ you won't have access to PM on this forum.
Hey I curious to know what hotel you stayed in to have a lifeguerd last time I went I never saw a guerd anywere.
Please can you update and say which hotel or area you had this exerience at?
Thanks bros!
I guess I owe you an example of how it went: me and a friend were at the Varadero beach chatting with a life guard. Of course it was all about chicas. He claimed you could ask just about any girl to come over. When we didn't believe him he signaled two girls to come over and moments later we were talking to them! My girl, Soledad, was an 18 yo black chick with a cheerful personality, a beautiful smile and killer curves. We went for a swim in the sea where she grabbed my junior and stroked it to a happy ending. We made an appointment for the same night at a deserted restaurant terrace where she gave me an incredible CBJ followed by action in different positions. Her voluptuous derriere begged for a vigorous pounding which led to an explosive finale. Ahh, Varadero.
Would you please tell me what Hotel you stayed at to get grest help like you did in Varedero?
I guess I owe you an example of how it went: me and a friend were at the Varadero beach chatting with a life guard. Of course it was all about chicas. He claimed you could ask just about any girl to come over. When we didn't believe him he signaled two girls to come over and moments later we were talking to them! My girl, Soledad, was an 18 yo black chick with a cheerful personality, a beautiful smile and killer curves. We went for a swim in the sea where she grabbed my junior and stroked it to a happy ending. We made an appointment for the same night at a deserted restaurant terrace where she gave me an incredible CBJ followed by action in different positions. Her voluptuous derriere begged for a vigorous pounding which led to an explosive finale. Ahh, Varadero.
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