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05-11-02, 02:13
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07-16-02, 23:24
the bahamas is nowhere to come to get pussy guys,i should know i have been living here for the last 21 years,if what your looking for is a good tourist destination this is the right place but for pussy i would recommend cuba i've been there twice already and will be going in the next two weeks trust me guys its worth the trip.

10-30-02, 13:22
i'm going to the ATLANTIS Casino on Paradise Island
[ NASSAU ] next week...

.... you mean to tell me there's *ZERO* Action *there* ??!!??

10-30-02, 20:01
yes, you better take someone with you, this place sucks as far as action. what a waste of good money

11-11-02, 00:41
The previous two Posters here just don't know when and where to look...

About 2:30 a.m. in a lounge just outside the casino at the ATLANTIS resort,
i was approached by a man who offered me a
'date' with the young lady with him...

She looked under-age, but *insisted* she was 18

[ Asked again later in my most skeptical tone, she said she had "just turned" 18 ]

When i said i needed to use the john first, the Guy sez darkly:
" Don't talk to the Man in the Hat "

In the Men's Room, The Man in the Hat approached me; and HE did all the talking:

He said he had "Beautiful, Star-Quality Women" waiting; and to forget the first girl...

Being of the "Bird in the Hand" School, i politely excused myself and took a nice long walk on the dark beach with my new Lady Friend

But The Man in the Hat gave me his card, which i will save and use on my next visit there :

The info on it reads, in its entirety =


Casino & Night Club Tours

Coordinator and Independent Contractor

P.O. Box GT—2298

Nassau, Bahamas

Tel: 242.395.4679

Hope you Locals down there get in on some this Casino Action !!

12-26-02, 04:57
Am I confused??--just read post by Psyberzombie and got a little excited to hear the action in Nassau is there. I am planning a fishing trip this coming spring, (March 2003) Psyberzombie even had phone number, names, etc. Then I read several other post from Fantasy, Kosmik, Sino, etc. and find out "zero action"

I feel like Kosmik did earlier this year--he had a trip planned and was shocked to hear there was no action, even at the casino?--We're talking about Paradise Island, Nassau---hard to believe no action, but how can you doubt Sino, who has been living there 21 years?

Anyway, I would sure like to here from Kosmik about his fishing trip earlier this year 2002 if he went? And if Sino could tell me if it is really zero, or just limited?

Also, if anyone out there could help out--I would love to know what's going on in all the Bahama islands in general as far as "action" is concerned.

If the action is just limited, I would like to know that, because the fishing is really good. Thanks guys!

Bigg Dogg
01-01-03, 01:02
I've travelled to Freeport and Nassau several times and the only possible action is from tourists themselves, but that probability is not that likely. Since Atlantis has changed, maybe some action is possible. I know the US Navy occasionally docks there and the sailors are cut loose so who knows.

01-03-03, 08:18
Well, I was in Nassau in 1998 and although The Bahamas is probably my least favorite country I have ever visited, there are sure as hell prostitutes in Nassau. What I don't think there are is brothels. I got my girls from punks on the street. I stayed at the Astoria Hotel on the edge of downtown and I also fucked the owner's sister-in-law after Junkanoo on New Year's Eve. She was from Bulgaria (the owner is Dutch).

What you have to do is walk the streets, looking like you are looking for it, and pimps will approach you, often from cars. Then tell the pimps that they have to send the girl, alone, to your hotel bar so you can check her out before you take her up to the room. Then what I additionally did was switch rooms a few times during my (I think about) 10 day stay, to prevent potential theft later (not that I really had anything to steal but why not be safe?).

Also you can go to the New Yorker Delicatessen right across from the marina and there are some pimps in there who will approach you if you are alone.

02-15-03, 15:54
Well, i just got back from a three day visit to ATLANTIS in Nassau.

i didn't see a single working gal the whole time i was there; but then again i never made it to 2:30 a.m. = which is when i met the gal i mentioned in my post on 11-10

That night, you may recall, i had *two* pimps solicit me; so they are out there, Gentlemen...

07-06-03, 06:27
Greetings all,

I'm new to the forum and new to the trade.

I went down to Nassau, Bahamas this past march on a cruise for spring break. I stayed on the boat but I was able to visit the some of the clubs near the main port. I forget the name of the club I was at but it was fairly close to port and one could easily walk there in about 5 minutes. Anyway, I went into the club around 1:30 am just to hang out and noticed a couple of girls in there who liked like SW so I observed the scene. Mind you, I was with other friends and a family member so I couldn't be obvious. Turns out I was correct and there was a couple of SW there. I would see girls come in and give money to what seemed like a hostess or mama-san and then take a seat and wait around. One girl in particular caught my attention as she had a pretty face, big titties, and a nice big ass. We made eye contact, she then walked past my table staring at me and went to the mama-san and handed her some money and went back to her seat. It would have jumpled on it but as I with a spring break crew that included a family member I had to pass that up. :( My crew hung around till about 5:30 and then we left and went back to the cruise ship.

Not to leave the Bahamas without seeing some native ass, I managed to get away from my friends and go back to the club. The girl I wanted had left but there were still a few others there. I waited around for about an hour and was was approached later by a girl I later found out to be jamaican. I had seen this girl earlier in the club but she didn't look like a prostitute. We made small talk and then she asked if I wanted to have so fun. Of course I said sure. She gave me the price of $100 for bj and fuck,but that included going back to her house. I didn't like that prospect so we settled for bj for $40. Plus my ship was to leave at 7:30am and it was past 6am.

We went out the club and down the street and behind some building. She did a good job and it was not rushed. Forgot to mention that she was not bad looking either. Was jamaican, kind or dark skinned and had a gap. But you know what they say about girls with a gap. :) She also had a nice butt and me being a butt-man definitely felt her up.

Overall, good experiece and want to go back again.

08-03-03, 02:21
I worked on a cruise ship for over a year. Sex is to be found in Nassau you just gotta know where to look. Try a club on Baystreet called the Dropoff. A block form the cruise ships. Plenty hot black women sit inside at the back in the basement. They will wait for you to talk to them. I met two extremely hot Jamaican women here. One I ended up seeing for almost 9 months. We had a relationship I even visited her home all the time. Very sexy. Only downfall sex expensive here 100/ hour like in the States. Mostly no time limit once you are with them though. The other girl was a stripper as well and she had fake breasts. Very hot looked like Halle Berry. Nice ass to. We always went to a local hotel 60 US for room and her tip was 150-175 US. Most sessions with her were for almost three hours though. She was excellent BBBJ, Daty, 69, Anal, nothing refused including kissing. We also showered together. During the day try the cabbies, alittle hit or miss but sometimes got lucky. They will try for 100 US for the intro but haggle them down. Also the low rent hookers can be found by the Harbour moon hotel by a disco called 601. Cheaper but way sleazier. Lots of Jamacian girls some Bahamians. I found it to be paradise if you like Black women. Pricey but 8 outa ten will do anal, plus90% do bbbj. Some girls if they like you will pick you up in their car and take you to their house. Sometimes you can go back for more regularilly for no money.Just treat them good and buy a gift or two for them. Not like DR but fun just the same just look for it. PS violent crime against tourists on the rise so be careful.

Ballsy Siegel 2
02-17-04, 05:36
I was in Freeport and the taxidriver offered to arrange an entire night for $100. This was five years ago.

03-24-04, 22:58
I have been to the Bahamas about a dozen times this last year, mostly to Nassau on business. The only place I saw working girls on a regular basis was at the bar at Holiday Inn Junkanoo Beach (across from the Brirish Colonial Hilton) and walking along West Bay Street along Junkanoo Beach. Some are quite attractive. Didn't try any though.

03-25-04, 18:50
This may be a long shot but I'm going to Atlantis in the near future and have a massage scheduled at their spa there in the hotel. Any chance on getting lucky?

03-25-04, 21:40
White, I doubt very much weather you would get lucky with an inhouse massage at any of the major hotels. Always been able to find action just outside of the casino. Either by the women directly, cab drivers or, 'manager' of the women waiting in a nearby van. Arrange price ($100-150US for ST was the going rate when I was there last year) and take your pick.

03-26-04, 15:15
Thanks for the info. The people I'm going with won't allow me to sneek away for a little fun if you know what I mean. It must just be how my mind works now when I think massage I think extras? lol

Thanks though.

05-23-04, 18:52

There are women to be had in the Bahamas. A non-mongering buddy and I were in the sports book at the casino next to the Crowne Plaza-Freeport. He was approached at the bar and offered certain illegal products. When he declined that, he was offered women. Unfortunately, he said no without asking a price. But the point is, the offer was made.

Craven Morehead
07-18-04, 12:40
I was down in Nassau this week so read the board here before my trip & tried to scope out some action. No luck. Closest thing to a score was when some guy pulled his car over next to me as I was walking by the casino, dropped his window & asked me if I wanted to buy a smoke. Said No Thanks & kept walking. Perhaps I could have asked him for what I really wanted but I don't deal through pimps. Like everything in life it's best to cut out the middleman. If this is the best Nassau has to offer I won't be back for a while. Plenty of hotties on the beach to look at & get excited about but none seemed approachable.


Craven Morehead
07-18-04, 12:45
one other thing i saw in nassau was a "massage therapist" office in the walkway by the casino along by the little stores with outrageous prices to rip off the tourists. the woman working there had a nice gleam in her eye but i guessed it would be pricey. i kept on walking.


09-04-04, 01:24
Just came back from the Bahamas(Nassau), tried to scope around while doing the 'family thing'. I broke free to walk around some of the little alleys near the cruise ship docks. The only offers I got were for drugs which is not my thing. I saw no SW action at all, lots of chics with nice round backsides but they were all non SW.
Will not be going back to the Bahamas.


09-07-04, 20:47
Took a cruise to the Bahamas last week. While on Nassau's Paradise Island beach preparing to go parasailing, the renter guy (one of several) sent over the "party guy" to see if I wanted "to party." He said that meant women, weed, etc.

I couldn't partake because my GF was elsewhere on the beach. But he added that I could get an attractive BSW for $1.2 for the whole night! Not bad. Maybe I'll go back alone next year.

09-09-04, 23:24
Hi there fellow members.

Well I will be going to FreePort in 2 weeks and need some tips of where I can find some good action.

I will be going there on business, so will be staying at some good hotel. Can you take girls to your room?

Please help.

10-09-04, 15:05
White writes =

This may be a long shot but I'm going to Atlantis in the near future and have a massage scheduled at their spa there in the hotel. Any chance on getting lucky?


Are you Serious , dude ??

I got my hair cut in there once ; and , believe me =

The *Last* Place you're gonna 'Get Lucky' in the Bahamas , is in the Spa at Atlantis !!!

[ Trvst me on this one , 'kay ?? ]

10-14-04, 21:57
I was in Nassau last week. I called Edward Dawkins at his listed number. He informed me that he had two Jamaican females that were available at a rate of $200. The rate included a CBJ and sex. Noting more, nothing less. I tried meeting with him to checkout the females, but was unseccessful.

I visited the club Seduction in Cable Beach. Entrance fee was $20. One of the dancers informed me that it was a $20 fee to get into the VIP Room. Once in the VIP Room you can negoiate your sex deal with CBJ starting at $100. Compared to Rio and Costa Rica, Nassau is not a good place to buy action. I didn't get a chance to checkout the other Strip Clubs, but I was told their prices are better than Seduction.

11-02-04, 17:04
There is plenty of action to be had in the Bahamas. Look for the locals hanging around the fringe of the casinos at night. Make eye contact and say hello and if they have anything to offer they will say so. The best thing to do is go to the bathroom or outside by the dropoff areas to talk as they may get kicked out of the casino/hotel for doing their business. You can get anything you want including women from these guys. Obviously most of the women are black but there are a few latinas mixed in.

11-14-04, 15:33
.... got busted last week and is no longer open , according to an article in Nov 8th edition of THE PUNCH , which is kinda like a Bahamian version of the NY Post

70 arrests were made , including several tourists ; and thirty "Lusty lap dancers and strippers" were taken into custody

11-27-04, 17:55
I will be in Nassau over the Christmas break. As I understand it is pretty hard to find action in the Bahamas. Does anyone know a reliable cab driver or pimp that they have dealt with before that could arrange for some girls? Also, I'll be staying at Atlantis and I am quite sure that they are not going to be girl-friendly, so, what would be a good girl-friendly hotel for a short-term stay?

12-01-04, 21:36
Check Edward Dawkins his phone number is 242.395.4679. When I spoke with him, he said he ca arrange in-call and out-call service.

Oral Traveler
12-09-04, 01:55
Was in Nassau this weekend on business. The last night I was there I left my room at the Hilton downtown and started walking up Bay street. I didn't see any action and was just about to hail a cab for some advice when a great looking Jamacian girl pulled up in her car and asked if I was looking for some company. I jumped in an she reached over and grabed my crotch. Good sign. Negotiations started high. She wanted $200. I said not a chance unless her pussy turned my dick to gold in the process. Long story short we agreed on $100 for half and half. This is a lot more than I usually pay but she agreed to spend some time in my room.

When we got to the room there were some good points and some bad. Her body was larger than my normal taste. Not huge, but lets say full figured. But she had nice soft full tits. Her additude was GFE except she would not kiss. And with her good looks this was dissapointing. She did spend some time though. After some TV and gropping, I poped on a cover and we started fucking. Due to her size and no kissing I wasn't to into it. So she finished me with a BBBJTCIM. Now this was excellent. Good action, definately skilled. This made the evening worth the extra expense.
She let me know that if I had walked further down the street I would have come across a strip joint that other girls hang out front at. I'll give them a try next time. I will feel better if I can get a full look at the bod before I negociate.


12-12-04, 19:27
Oral Traveler,

She sounds like my kind of girl!! Did you get her contact information? If so, would you please PM with it.


01-14-05, 16:30
I was in Freeport last week and did a little hunting. Found a local who has a bevy of connections. Keeno is his name and he works at Fatmans Nephew which is a restaraunt in the Lucaya shopping area across form the Sheraton and Westin hotels. He told me he has a range of girls from low to high priced. I was looking for mid range and he showed up with 2 high that wanted 2.5 each and this was out of my range. Girls did not want to negotiate so I passed. Girls where cute and friendly, they just thought they where worth too much. Keeno seems like a decent guy and he did come through, although a little higher than I was looking for. But there is action to be had, for a price. Keeno works every night starting at 5pm and he can get you whatever you need on that island.

04-14-05, 00:15

If you are looking to hunt in Nassau, please save yourself the time and money and look somewhere else. I saw nothing during the three nights that I spent in Nassau during the early part of April. I was also not pleased with the overall looks of the local women in the area. I would not recommend this location for mongering.

08-17-05, 23:19
Just returned from Paradise Island last week and just had to post this. Before departing I did my usual scoping out of the mongering scene on this site. It didn't look good for me, so I expected nothing in the way of the hobby.

Friday night I was doing good at the tables, winning some $$$, so I decided to have a few drinks. All of a sudden "The Commander in chief " decided to start twitching. I'm like what the F#*@ there must be some putang on this Island or in Nassau. So I got my ass up,cashed out, and asked the valet if he could direct me. He talked with a taxi driver and bam I was in business. The taxi driver brought me to the Harbor Moon Hotel on Deveroux Street in Nassau and got me hooked up with a local. She had a nice body tall, thin, a 7 on the scale. She came down to the taxi and met me and we proceded to her room. This is not a luxury hotel by ant means. It was nasty. It had a security guard on the first level watching camera monitors, as the reception area. Antway, up to the room we went. Once inside she wanted to know how much the taxi driver told me it would cost. I told her we didn't discus pricing. She didn't believe me. She wanted $200 I said noooo way. I told her I only had $100 Take it or leave it. She bitched for a while and decided to take it, of course. Now I was pissed off at her bitching. I said to myself. Self, you don't deserve this shit, your on vacation for christ sake. So I decided to pound this piece of ass hard. I got her on the bed,and her phone rings.what the f#@*, I play with her tits while she was on the phone. As soon as she got off, I slammed this ***** hard and quick. I through my clothes back on and went down to meet my driver who was waiting for me. I went back to Atlantis took a shower and returned to the casino all within 90 minutes. So in ending this post I got to say it's out there. Nassau is alive with mongering opportunities. I have relevent information on the Hotel, The room Number, and the taxi drivers name and number.pm me for additional questions and details. Happy Mongering.

Chris H
08-30-05, 05:24
$100 seems like a lot of money for a quickie on an island. There has to be cheaper pussy out there with a lot of choices, not just one hoe. Someone has to have info on what all the Bahamas offers, please share.

Chris H

Robert Lee
09-08-05, 23:53
I am sorry.

I have stated this once long ago.

I think it kind of defeating the purpose of mongering to give western style prices to girls from poorer country who may not see that type of money in months or even years where they are.

I am not saying stiff them but do you think the local dudes pay that type of money for the pussy?

You can come to Miami and pay that price for girls from the island. then maybe i could scratch my head and say OK. But to do so in their country where the dollar is so big.

Just strange to me,


09-14-05, 19:41
I just stopped in here to look over this board again and found your idiotic response SEVEN MONTHS after my original post. Thanks for the tip *******.

White writes =


Are you Serious , dude ??

I got my hair cut in there once ; and , believe me =

The *Last* Place you're gonna 'Get Lucky' in the Bahamas , is in the Spa at Atlantis !!!

[ Trvst me on this one , 'kay ?? ]

09-14-05, 20:44
I will be travelling to the Bahamas on business in upcoming months, specifically Nassau. I have never been to the Bahamas before. I have met Bahamian women in the US. Most have been quite good looking but very conservative. That didn't matter because the context for meeting them was not social.

I would like to sample some Bahamian booty on my trips. These reports do not encourage me. Even if there are not many strip clubs with good action, there MUST be some freelance providers who work by word-of-mouth and keep things out of the public eye. The country is too poor, the cost of living too high, and the sexism too great for ALL women to be able to manage and get by on "above-the-table" earnings.

Can we get some reports from successful mongers or locals on the availability of low-key freelance providers?

Hola La
10-11-05, 23:23
I was in Nassau a couple of days ago. Went to the Drop Off (supposely a good place to find a girl) at 9:30 PM.

It was closed even though a sign stated that it should open at 8:00 PM (Sundays)
I walked back to my hotel, Baystreet was empty. Only some bums were there.
A BSW ask me if I wanted some fun. She was not my type at all (a low 3).

Anyway just for curiosity I ask how much would cost the fun ... she wanted $200.00, she finally went down to $150.00. I bailed out.

Other than that nothing, action very slow.

Right now Nassau has a lot of security problems.There are a lot of roberies agains everybody (locals, tourists etc ) so be careful and street wise.

Take care

Steve Dubai
12-04-05, 19:25
Will be visiting Paradise Island for 2 / 3 weeks on business shortly - any update on the action - anything to be had in the Atlantis bars/casino?

Any pointers to escort sites would also be apprecaited

12-23-05, 23:30
Go by the cruise ship terminal at the warf, day or night. The hair braiding girls are into selling, and if none are your taste they no where to go. As well all the cabbies around that area can hook you up. Now the girls here are expensive but some great times can be had. If you like slim Jamaican girls with big tits you are in the right place. As well there is a two story house like strip bar off the beaten path(ask any cabbie he will take you) The girls most can be had for a price plus you get to see them naked before you decide. Alot of 6's some 7' and maybe an 8 or two. I spent a year on cruise ship going to Nassau twice a week. I had at least 4 regular girls and saw many others. I got laid plenty and it was pretty good, however like I said it was not to cheap. Besides the cheap girls here are not worth doing for free. Anyhow I love dark busty Caribbean women. Not one Bahamian, just Jamaican, Dominican, Trinidaian, and others. One girl I saw was tall slim, athletic, and with a nice fake rack, great dreadlock hair. We did everything and I mean everything. Anal, bbbjtc, swallowed, daty, shower together, fingers every hole everywhere, toys. You get the idea. She just loved sex. Real sexy she was a stripper, and worked in a drugstore as well in the day. Very hot almost an Iman, Halle Berry type, model. Couple of cute tattoos in stratejic places too. Spent almost all my time in Nassau naked holed up in a hotel with her. Real quiet nice girl. Imo. P.M. I might give her personal cell number to a deserving person. Wish I still was there just to see her.

02-19-06, 19:41
I made a recent trip to FPO Bahamas. I spoke to some taxi drivers about the situation.

There is a tourist section of FPO, called Lucaya, where most of the resort hotels are and where there is a large market area catering to tourists. In that area I saw many bars where everyone hangs out, tuorists, locals, and what appear to be single women. I believe it is possible to pick up women there for non-pro or semi-pro action.

In this area, I did not see any obvious pros, touts, or drug dealers. I remarked this to the taxi drivers I spoke with. They replied that streetwalkers, touts, and drug dealers are kept out of the tourist area by the police. There are a small relatively number of "those" people and the police intelligence units know who they are and keep tabs on them. In addition, I saw almost no uniformed police in the tourist area. The taxi drivers told me that instead there are several undercover and plain clothes police units who will arrest anyone who solicits for sex or drugs.

There is some action in the downtown part of Freeport, which is well away from the tourist area and relatively empty after business hours. FPO is small with only 50,000 residents. If you are not a local, you may run into problems looking for action on your own. Tourists need a connection to plug into the action. I was told that there are no strip clubs or the like anywhere in FPO. I was also told that no foreign women come to FPO to work in P4P.

So to get some P4P in FPO, you will need to ask a sympathetic taxi driver or other local to hook you up. Judging from the cost of living, the prices are certainly to be at the high end. Judging from the looks of the local women, the quality in the looks dept. is likely to well below what can be had in DR, or CR. I also suspect that the service will also be subpar based on how service in stores and restaurants is delivered to customers.

My opinion, now based on in country presence, is that FPO is not a P4P destination that can compare with others. This a BYOP place. Bring your own Pussy.

02-26-06, 17:20
I agree byop to FreePort. Having been there it is a real dissapointment for mongering. Nassau is the place in The Bahamas. Only problem is the prices being asked for are comparable to Miami Prices. Stay in Miami and get a gorgeous escort or pro for the same price. j.m.o. If you are willing to pay then the action is there, and the quality is really quite good. Lots of Jamaican, Dominican, Trinidadian, and other island girls. Local Bahamians are by and large ugly and not worth doing for free. I like Nassau as it has a good nightlife type feel. However there is starting to be alot of crime. Especially against tourists. Be careful. If you look at the Islands: the English ones are not great but do have some mongering, the French Islands are a waste of time, and the Spanish are terrific places to go for p4pl. Makes sense as I have been to Spain mongering at it is quite good there.

02-28-06, 21:35
I have read the numerous statements on the Bahamas and would like to state fact from fiction.

Firstly, the Bahamas is the closest country in the Caribbean to being considered first world due to our dollar being on par with the usd and the lucrative banking and tourism industries; as a result, the prices for goods and services are close to being first world and yes that includes sex.

However, the statements that there is no 'sex for sale' in the Bahamas is absolutely false. To find the local pros the local spots are the Harbor Moon Hotel located on the 'downtown' Bay Street strip which has the lower line pros but some gems can be found at times but better pricing ranging from 50-100 usd. Next in line would be the Dropoff nightclub also located on the Bay Street strip which has mostly Jamaican girls offering there services in the 100-150 usd range. Paradise Island, which would be the 5 star luxury capital of the Bahamas has the Blue Marlin Restaurant and Bar usually would have girls after hours usually after 11pm and the more upscale pros ranging from 200 and up although you may get a better price on an off night; ie, no yaucht riding tourists in the place. Also there is a strip club located in the Palmdale area about 10 mins from downtown where you can enjoy the festivities and enjoy the back room or negotiate with a girl to visit your place after hours.

To get the best bang for buck I would recommend that you hit the local nightclubs such as Cocktails and Dreams, Club Fluid or the latin club downtown cant remeber name but they have lots of Cuban girls. You would have to find party girls which I like to call indirect hookers whom you would have to solicit in a nice way indirectly without speaking of money, let em know you would die to be with such a beautiful lady or whatever im no mack daddy lol. Remember that this is a 90% black country and girls fantasize about getting off with being with a white guy as variety is the spice of life.

For a more direct foolproof results give me a call at 535-0276 as I have a couple of ladies I am sure would be willing to assist from 8's to 10's for suck and hit and anal for a lil xtra!

03-02-06, 21:53
I agree as I never said there was nothing just that as you mentioned ( first world lifestyle, first world prices). I had plenty of fun in Nassau as I mentioned in previuos posts. You just must expect to pay plenty I.M.O. As well the Drop off is great especially if Jamacian girls are your thing!

03-02-06, 21:55
From a pure geographical standpoint most people do not consider The Bahamas part of the true Caribbean, as well as Bermuda. Having been to all these places just stating a fact.

03-19-06, 16:06
However, the statements that there is no 'sex for sale' in the Bahamas is absolutely false.

I have not yet been to Nassau, but I have been to Freeport. I spoke about Freeport. I just came back from another trip there and discovered it was a popular Spring Break destination for US students. It was awful! But more to the point, I learned from both taxi drivers and LE that there is no P4P action in Freeport. It is extremely difficult to buy sex in Freeport, regardless of what you say about Nassau.

03-20-06, 17:44
Well I never went to Freeport but im pretty sure there is sum p4p there it just isnt openly marketed. But money buy land and girls everywhere looking for money from Beverly Hills to Thailand.

P4P is still a little taboo in Nassau but im sure if you ventured off da regular tourist route and checked out da local hangouts or nightclubs, or worked with one of da local guys to find you some action sumtin would have worked.

Just da fact is if youre on vacation just lookin to get laid dont come here becausse it isnt as widely available as other countries and the price is not da cheapest. But with persistence u would b str8!

Steve Dubai
03-30-06, 19:00
Having just spent 3 days at Atlantis, Paradise Island, can confirm that P4P is not openly obvious -could not even see any at the casino. Mind you I was not in a position to start asking (business colleagues) and never really had the chance to wander around the bars / restaurants mentioned below.

Having said that the whole environment for a first time trip did not encourage me to look around - it was more a feeling of making sure my wallet was not taken from my pocket!!

Lots of tourist talent though - lots of teenage daughters being let loose in the disco without mum & dad.

04-03-06, 15:28
It is true that the bahamas is not the best place for p4p activities. But you will find some limited street action in the downtown Nassau area at night. Some fat, old ugly ladies. Rates start at 100 bucks upwards and anal is hard to find but still possible if you don't mind banging the sagging ass of the hags that offer themselves.

04-04-06, 21:11
Just visited Atlantis a few weeks ago and can confirm that there is P4P available at the main disco/bar (Dragons?). At the bar you will find a few darker skinned girls sitting alone or with a friend. Prices started at $200 and went to $150. I didn't indulge though as there is plently of non pro, regular girls to be had. No problem picking up any of them if you have any game.

There are girls from different parts of the Carribean on the island who are not P4P(at least not to me). We enjoyed their company at the disco and went up to my hotel room. When I got to my room, she asked if I had a condom and I said no. She then proceeded to take out a condom from her purse. Even though she was not P4P, what kind of girl has a condom in her purse???? Makes you wonder....


04-05-06, 13:31
A girl that is responsible and willing to admit what she wants.

Bad Dawg
07-26-06, 06:14
Just visited Atlantis a few weeks ago and can confirm that there is P4P available at the main disco/bar (Dragons?). At the bar you will find a few darker skinned girls sitting alone or with a friend. Prices started at $200 and went to $150. I didn't indulge though as there is plently of non pro, regular girls to be had. No problem picking up any of them if you have any game.

There are girls from different parts of the Carribean on the island who are not P4P(at least not to me). We enjoyed their company at the disco and went up to my hotel room. When I got to my room, she asked if I had a condom and I said no. She then proceeded to take out a condom from her purse. Even though she was not P4P, what kind of girl has a condom in her purse? Makes you wonder.

ViperYou gotta respect a girl who take s responsibilty that too few of us men are willing to take to protect both of you! Get her number and PM me! But seriously, I would not think less of any women who is intelligent and assertive in protecting her health and body.

Dan D Dick
05-10-07, 01:05
Ten months & no reports tells the story. I decided to stop off for just two nights on the way home from another assignment just to see how it is.

I stayed at the Quality Inn for $75 a night. I'm used to Marriotts; this place is a dump by comparison. First thing I did upon entering my room was kill a 4 ft roach (okay....slightly exagerated). The taxi ride from the airport was $22. The cabs are poorly marked & few & far between. If you do decide to visit, rent a car.

Nassau has morphed into an exclusive cruise-ship town. The sidewalks get rolled up when there's no passengers in town. I had a hard time getting something to eat this evening. Finally went to a Burger King at 6:30. Only thing available was chicken sandwiches. No fries, no hamburgers. They locked the doors at 7.

Anyway, it looks like P4P is available with the local girls but it's not open. There are two casinos in town and both appear to have a few wgs at night. On the flip side, the Quality Inn was such a dump I didn't feel like it....

I'm off to the Philippines next week then back to visit my friend in Costa Rica in mid June. Both MUCH beter options.

/Dan D.

09-28-07, 03:21
Is there anything in the Bahamas will be there in a couple of weeks. Staying at the Hilton across from senor frogs. Any mongreing massage.

10-08-07, 04:46
I was in the bahamas for 3 days 1 nights and stayed at the Atlantis. I did not hit any of the discos or bars as the griup I was with was too busy at the slot machines and I could not get free.

However one night I stepped out of the resort at the small italian place near the bridge and I noticed that next door they had a 24 hr sandwich and coffee shop.

As I waited for my dinner I noticed a couple of women hanging out and they were crearly trying to pickup someone.. in fact I over heard one say to a single guys who walked by "Do you want any company"... they were definitly not Bahamian women, I was not alone and with friends so could check them out.

But one of the girl was blood hot...

10-10-07, 01:00
I was there recently, stayed at the Hilton. A taxi driver took me to two places, one in the back of town somewhere upstars in an apartment block, there was a bar and then $20 to get into a back room, $20 a dance, $70 wander off into a back room and anything goes. About 15 girls, I was happy the taxi driver stayed it did not feel totally safe. We moved on from there to a place called Magics about 10 mins from the Hilton towards the area where the casino hotels are, not Atlantis the other way. This is in a shopping area, much safer feel, $20 to get in, much nicer girls, more expensive though. I arranged to meet on girl on her day off so I did not have to pay the leaving charge. I was also approached by a taxi driver in the street who offered to take me to a girl in a apartment $200, I declined but, if you are looking there is plenty to be had.

Member #3123
04-15-08, 20:28
Well, I spent two months on Grand Bahamas last year. Up to Christmas .
I did read up on ISG and was a bit worried that that the action was slow according to some members. Well ….. how wrong was that hehe. After being om the island for a week or so the need for release hit me with full strength. As I was working on a shipyard there, I just asked one of the locals, and he told me to ask at any manned taxi stand and they will provide. Only down side is that you get what comes knocking on the door.

In Port Lucaya I approached the taxi stand and stated my needs some preferences was asked an I left my room nr and left. 30 min later a nice dark skinned lady in her mid thirties came knocking. A drink was enjoyd as preferences was talked over.

Nice BBBJ and cowgirl followed by doggy and CIM . well worth 150 $ and a 20 $tip for carbide. A 5 face and 7 body.

Meet up with her several times and once when she could note com, a stunning replacement came, body 9 ,face 7

05-30-08, 18:18
We on GBI recently and wanted to related my experience. Staying in Port Lucaya which has a number of bars and a couple hotels with casinos. At 'Rum Runners' bar was constantly hit up by drug dealers. I was tempted to talk to them about girls, as I am sure they could make it happen, but ultimately that is not the path I want to go down. I only took cabs from the resort and the airport, otherwise walked and did not notice cab stabs. Was surprised at the lack of casino girls.- may they're there and I just didn't see, but I rarely saw any lone women at the casinos, nonetheless any clearly working.

06-05-08, 04:38
Last week I decided, almost on impulse, to take a short trip to the Bahamas, since I have never been there before. I am constantly on the lookout for travel bargains, so when I found an air-hotel package for a little over US$500, I decided to grab it. The package included airfare from the US east coast and 3 nights at the Nassau Palm Hotel. The hotel turned out to be on the seedy side, but I have stayed at much worse, and besides I just needed a place to lay my head (and perhaps a woman, if I got lucky). I stayed in Nassau the entire 3 days and didn't even attempt to go anywhere else.

I did RTFF before I came, so I wasn't expecting a lot. The gist of the previous reports seem to be that mongering here is very expensive--the girls will start out asking for $250 and often won't come down--and the girls aren't all that attractive. So I started out with the assumption that I might not monger at all. However, on my last day I decided to give it a try.

The earlier reports don't mention any brothels, and I wasn't up for hanging around sleazy bars, so I decided that the logical place to start would be with a massage service. The Nassau Palm had a massage service, but when I called they said it was too late in the day (4:00 PM) to schedule a massage! WTF!? Just out of curiosity, I asked what the charge was for a massage, and she said $80. This led me to believe that this was probably a legitimate massage. So then I looked under "massage" in the Yellow Pages. I found maybe 20 display ads for massage, but it was difficult to tell what was a legitimate massage and what was a prostitution service; there were no obvious indicators like a drawing of a sexy girl. But I did see an ad that caught my eye for a service called Mystic Massage. Under the types of massage they offer, e.g. Swedish, etc., they list "pleasure massage" and "full body massage." Hmmm; it's worth a try, I said to myself, so I called their number, 359-0437, talked to a man who said he would call me back. Shortly thereafter he did and said Cindy would come to my room at 6:30 for an hour; cost would be $150. This was starting to look good. I still wasn't sure what to expect, but just in case I popped a 100mg Viagra.

At 6:10 Cindy arrived at my door. She was a very attractive black girl, fairly tall, with a pleasant personality and one of those delightful Caribbean accents. She asked for payment of the $150 up front and said the massage would last an hour. I stripped and lay face down on the bed while she massaged my back while she remained fully clothed. She had strong hands and gave a pretty good massage. Finally, by the time she got down to massaging my ass, she said the magic words: "do you want anything besides a massage?" Bingo! We then got around to negotiating prices. She made it clear that anything extra, even a hand job, would start at $100 above and beyond the cost of the massage, and that it would be $100 for each service! I finally got her to agree to BJ and FS for $150, plus $150 for the massage, total $300. Reluctantly, I agreed, only because she was already there and I didn't want to start all over again with someone else.

She had a very nice and well-proportioned body. Luscious, full sized natural breasts that I proceeded to stroke and suck. I then proceeded to DATY at considerable length; she had a very nice unshaven but trimmed bush. Beyond this, however, it was a very mediocre sexual experience. She wouldn't kiss, and she insisted on a CBJ. Moreover, she was a clockwatcher and kept remining me of how much time we had left. So I finally resigned myself to the fact that this wasn't going to be a GFE. I mounted her and fucked her in missionary, pumping really hard to come as fast as I could just to get this over with. After I came, she pulled the condom off and wiped me off with a towel. Also, she wouldn't allow any pictures, not even full clothed.

In summary, I paid $300 for a mediocre sexual experience, and from the other posts I've read, this is probably fairly typical, so I can't recommend the Bahamas as a mongering destination. I guess I've been spoiled by all the mongering I've done in Latin America, where great sex for little money is the norm. Save your dollars, guys, and go to one of the nearby Latin countries instead. Nassau is really a BYOP place.


12-01-08, 05:03
There is a strip joint in Nassau just over the bridge from Paradise Islands where you can get action at. I forget the name of it but i believe it's the only one there. Any cab driver will know what you're talking about. Sluts in the Bahamas are not cheap so expect to pay between $150-$250.

Happy mongering!

Cuba Tourist
06-24-12, 01:10
I'm asking on behalf of my friend. She wants to know which strip club is the best in the Bahamas, with all the action, where the most Tourist come to spent and party?

06-24-12, 17:55
I'm asking on behalf of my friend. She wants to know which strip club is the best in the Bahamas, with all the action, where the most Tourist come to spent and party?If you are going to nassau. You can go to Magic city. Nice selection of Cuban, Colombian Jamaican and Bahamian girls. Kind of crowded though. You can fuck the girls for "300" they say. But if you can talk to the girls and get them to like you enough you can get them to give you their number and arrange to fuck for considerably less. I have this Jamaican girl named Armani who is willing to fuck for 150 outside the club. Haven't tried any of those spanish chicks yet though.

06-24-12, 17:57
I'm asking on behalf of my friend. She wants to know which strip club is the best in the Bahamas, with all the action, where the most Tourist come to spent and party?Try Magic city in Nassau. Great place to monger and arrange a fuck.

Cuba Tourist
07-15-12, 00:05
What my female friend wants to know is can she make money in Magic City? She worries that the daily rent for boarding, other bar fees, etc will eat up all of her profit. Can she trust the agent who wants to arrange to bring her in for 3 months?

Joey Smith
07-24-12, 12:06

Thinking about a day trip to the Bahamas to check out Magic City. Has anyone been there lately and provide info on prices and the quality of girls there.


07-24-12, 18:58

Thinking about a day trip to the Bahamas to check out Magic City. Has anyone been there lately and provide info on prices and the quality of girls there."Sometime around 5:25 am on Tuesday 16th November. 2010 police received information of a fire at the Westridge Shopping Plaza. Fire Services responded and met smoke and fire coming from the southern portion of the roof. Magic City night club. The upper level of club was extensively damaged by the fire and the lower level by water."

Has it reopened?

Joey Smith
07-25-12, 23:06
"Sometime around 5:25 am on Tuesday 16th November. 2010 police received information of a fire at the Westridge Shopping Plaza. Fire Services responded and met smoke and fire coming from the southern portion of the roof. Magic City night club. The upper level of club was extensively damaged by the fire and the lower level by water."

Has it reopened?Yes. Has anyone recent information on the place?

07-30-12, 06:15
What my female friend wants to know is can she make money in Magic City? She worries that the daily rent for boarding, other bar fees, etc will eat up all of her profit. Can she trust the agent who wants to arrange to bring her in for 3 months?Yes I have seen a lot of the girls here and spoken with them. Its seems legit. Well as far as legit goes. I live not to far from there and usually go to monger at Magic City.

07-30-12, 06:18
Yes. Has anyone recent information on the place?Let me know if you're still planning on going. I know the place pretty well.

08-12-12, 17:47
Yes. Has anyone recent information on the place?In the strip shopping mall with the Wendy's it's there, opens at 8 pm. Variety of girls, mostly from the usual places, not your top talent and Nassau pricing, but they will work with you on that. Nothing to go too far out of your way for. At least Magic City is an alternative in this generic tourist trap of an island. Bahamasplaymates for dial-up. Give them a little lead time, describe what you want and ask for a picture. They will deliver and can access the fresh young, local talent.

Wicked Willie
08-28-12, 23:39
I will be on a cruise stopping in Nassau and Freeport next week. Would love to hit some nice, young, hot, ass while in the Bahama's. I like them like Zoe Saldana.

Any ideas on where someone can get a good 1hr appointment (incall type) with some young hottie? I won't have time to run around looking so any help would be appreciated. I plan on hitting it while the old lady is getting a mani / pedi during our time in port.

Joey Smith
08-28-12, 23:52
Let me know if you're still planning on going. I know the place pretty well.So how are the prices. Are there any chica friendly hotel nearby.

Wicked Willie
08-31-12, 00:49
I will be on a cruise stopping in Nassau and Freeport next week. Would love to hit some nice, young, hot, ass while in the Bahama's. I like them like Zoe Saldana.

Any ideas on where someone can get a good 1hr appointment (incall type) with some young hottie? I won't have time to run around looking so any help would be appreciated. I plan on hitting it while the old lady is getting a mani / pedi during our time in port.So nothing guys? It's almost time to pack and leave, no ideas?

09-01-12, 07:17
So nothing guys? It's almost time to pack and leave, no ideas?haven't you read the thread? Go to magic city on west bay street. Or go on Bahamaplaymates. Com for an incall.

Joey Smith
09-06-12, 11:41
haven't you read the thread? Go to magic city on west bay street. Or go on Bahamaplaymates. Com for an incall.So what are the prices at Magic City.

09-11-12, 21:23
haven't you read the thread? Go to magic city on west bay street. Or go on Bahamaplaymates. Com for an incall.Has anyone tried bahamaplaymates?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Member #4244
12-01-12, 04:59
I found the Bahamas to be pricey and hassle-heavy for mongering. I did find a nice local girl on Grand Bahama. Another night a girl at a bus stop approached me, but I decided to pass and her age was questionable. Certainly plenty of relatively poor girls looking for "assistance" but a pro scene? Look elsewhere IMHO. None of them looked like Zoe Saldana, lmao, but there were some nice dark girls with incredible booties. I hooked up with a girl who worked in a gift shop also but no sex sadly. Has anyone been to Barbados? I am going soon, not really for mongering but of course there is always room for chocolate.

12-02-12, 06:14
I found the Bahamas to be pricey and hassle-heavy for mongering. I did find a nice local girl on Grand Bahama. Another night a girl at a bus stop approached me, but I decided to pass and her age was questionable. Certainly plenty of relatively poor girls looking for "assistance" but a pro scene? Look elsewhere IMHO. None of them looked like Zoe Saldana, lmao, but there were some nice dark girls with incredible booties. I hooked up with a girl who worked in a gift shop also but no sex sadly. Has anyone been to Barbados? I am going soon, not really for mongering but of course there is always room for chocolate.I think the effects of the christian evangelical movement cannot be understated in the English speaking Caribbean. I have been to Grand Bahama several times to visit family. I was in a relationship at the time so little interest / opportunity to look for chicks. It is a mini-bible belt in some ways, and is best served as a jumping off point to Cuba for me.

01-13-13, 04:15
I found the Bahamas to be pricey and hassle-heavy for mongering. I did find a nice local girl on Grand Bahama. Another night a girl at a bus stop approached me, but I decided to pass and her age was questionable. Certainly plenty of relatively poor girls looking for "assistance" but a pro scene? Look elsewhere IMHO. None of them looked like Zoe Saldana, lmao, but there were some nice dark girls with incredible booties. I hooked up with a girl who worked in a gift shop also but no sex sadly. Has anyone been to Barbados? I am going soon, not really for mongering but of course there is always room for chocolate.Check out my recent post on the Barbados thread found in the Lesser Antilles section.

09-24-14, 06:05
In the strip shopping mall with the Wendy's it's there, opens at 8 pm. Variety of girls, mostly from the usual places, not your top talent and Nassau pricing, but they will work with you on that. Nothing to go too far out of your way for. At least Magic City is an alternative in this generic tourist trap of an island. Bahamasplaymates for dial-up. Give them a little lead time, describe what you want and ask for a picture. They will deliver and can access the fresh young, local talent.Bahamasplaymates, the one that advertises on backpage?

10-12-14, 02:00
Magic City, had a fire about a year ago. They have closed. There are currently no clubs or pay for play oppurtunities in Nassau except for some Jamaican and Hatian Street walkers.

05-01-15, 13:54
Heading there in a month. Looks like there won't be any P4P chicks from my research. Juts wondering. Going there to dive and fish but always like the extras.

Thanks guys

10-19-17, 15:38
Does anyone have any info on Freeport? Thanks!

Joey Smith
11-26-17, 23:11
I'm hearing the Atlantis Hotel in Nassaua has quite a few prepagos working the scene. Can anyone confirm with details?


11-28-17, 05:46
I'm hearing the Atlantis Hotel in Nassaua has quite a few prepagos working the scene. Can anyone confirm with details?

Thanks.Yes, Watch for them at the slot machines mostly. Easy to spot. Colombians or Venezuelans.

Also at the new Baha Mar. Can also be found at the slot machines as well, middle bar or the Swimming Pig Pub.

Private message me and I can put you in touch with my friend. It will be worth it.

02-04-18, 14:49
Just went on a trip to a few islands in the Bahamas for business. I was extremely busy, so I didn't have a lot of time to look, but I can make some updates.

Other than Nassau, there's really no place for mongering, and Nassau is slim pickings, at that. There was mention that some are available at Atlantis and Baha Mar casinos. I did see that. However, I can update on Nassau. There is a strip club on Mount Royale Ave. You'll see it after dark; there will be a bunch of lights around the door. There is another in the same neighborhood. A business partner pointed it out to me. I didn't go in, as I was too intoxicated (MJ). Just as a warning, strip clubs are illegal in the Bahamas, so if the police decide to raid it, and you're in there, you'll get arrested. However, from what I've been told, everything is on the menu for the right amount of $$. Additionally I did see a really rough looking streetwalker on Wulff Rd between Mackey and Montrose. I doubled-back a few times to be certain, and yes it was a real one. I was going to pick her up, but a local beat me to it.

Here is what I did. I put up tinder and only swiped women that should be out way of my league and / or were obviously selling it. Some of them mention pay for play in their description. I had a three fine women (native Bahamians, too!) ranging between $150 and $200 for an hour. Also, you can go to Bahamas. cracker.com, and it's just like backpage. A few independents and agencies are both on there. Like Nassau, it seems somebody flew in some Latinas to Freeport, as they're advertising it on cracker. My guess is that they'll be around Lucaya, but I didn't go to that area or call them, so it's just a guess. Cracker would have been by backup, if tinder didn't work.

01-20-19, 05:10
I'm headed to Nassau the beginning of March and am looking for any help I can get. Only there one day. Any agencies of clubs recommended?

Joey Smith
02-01-19, 23:57
I'm headed to Nassau the beginning of March and am looking for any help I can get. Only there one day. Any agencies of clubs recommended?Head to Atlantis Hotel in the evenings. Probably have to negotiate a bit.

Joey Smith
02-12-19, 03:02
Head to Atlantis Hotel in the evenings. Probably have to negotiate a bit.Anyone been to Nassau recently and care to update the group how the P4P action is?

02-13-19, 04:04
Anyone been to Nassau recently and care to update the group how the P4P action is?Better then what it was a few years ago. Try Baha Mar Casino around the slots. Can't miss the hot Colombians and Venezuelans staring at you. Hang, outside of Senor Frogs downtown too. You will see them walking in and out of the bars down the street along the water. There are numerous bars they frequent in that area. Price is no less then $200.00. Really don't even try to negotiate they will not drop the price. That is for one hour at your hotel and the one hour is exactly 60 minutes no longer. They are all pretty business like and, in general there is more demand then supply. Some of the girls are getting 8 plus clients a day. There are some Jamaican and Haitian SW's you can get for $50 but, they are pretty nasty. The mongering is not up to par with Panama, Cartagena, Costa Rica etc but, its pretty good for an expensive tourist, resort style island like the Bahamas. If you PM me I can set you up with a friend who has about 15 of the girls staying in one of his rental properties down there. He would be happy to help.

10-13-19, 04:26

I'm interested in the Bahamas contact, but I don't know how can I send you a private message.


Better then what it was a few years ago. Try Baha Mar Casino around the slots. Can't miss the hot Colombians and Venezuelans staring at you. Hang, outside of Senor Frogs downtown too. You will see them walking in and out of the bars down the street along the water. There are numerous bars they frequent in that area. Price is no less then $200.00. Really don't even try to negotiate they will not drop the price. That is for one hour at your hotel and the one hour is exactly 60 minutes no longer. They are all pretty business like and, in general there is more demand then supply. Some of the girls are getting 8 plus clients a day. There are some Jamaican and Haitian SW's you can get for $50 but, they are pretty nasty. The mongering is not up to par with Panama, Cartagena, Costa Rica etc but, its pretty good for an expensive tourist, resort style island like the Bahamas. If you PM me I can set you up with a friend who has about 15 of the girls staying in one of his rental properties down there. He would be happy to help.


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Been there, done that. No need to repeat the experiment.


Thank you for your support,

ISG Forum Admin

Joey Smith
02-19-21, 23:57
Is Nassau and some of its hotel open. ? Any chicas coming back in?

UGA John
08-01-21, 20:18
Anyone been to Atlantis or Baha Mar lately who can give us an update about casino girls? If casino girls are there, do they offer incall? How hard would it be to get a room if my room isn't an option. Please help, going in September.

Is Nassau and some of its hotel open. ? Any chicas coming back in?

12-02-21, 20:00
Anyone been to Atlantis or Baha Mar lately who can give us an update about casino girls? If casino girls are there, do they offer incall? How hard would it be to get a room if my room isn't an option. Please help, going in September.I'm currently here and I see 0 casino girls and 0 working girls in general. Maybe the downtown area I thought I saw 1.

But it looks like it would be better to go on tagged or tinder and ask everyone in a 10 mile radius P2P.

04-24-22, 22:45
Heading there in a month. Looks like there won't be any P4P chicks from my research. Juts wondering. Going there to dive and fish but always like the extras.

Thanks guysDid you happen to find any action?

04-25-22, 19:48
Was at Baha Mar this weekend. Saw about half a dozen Colombian girls in the casino later in the evening. Nothing overt, you just have to catch the look and sit down near them. Had a good time.

06-29-22, 14:51
Has anyone ever had any success using an agency in Nassau? Quick search yields Vladimir's and Elite Angels Carib as possible local sources. Looks like they both employ mostly Colombianas and Venezuelans. I'm headed down after Labor Day for a bachelor party and wondering what the best way to set up some entertainment might be, even if it's contracting with a couple of "special friends" to accompany us to a nightclub.

07-04-22, 04:26
Has anyone ever had any success using an agency in Nassau? Quick search yields Vladimir's and Elite Angels Carib as possible local sources. Looks like they both employ mostly Colombianas and Venezuelans. I'm headed down after Labor Day for a bachelor party and wondering what the best way to set up some entertainment might be, even if it's contracting with a couple of "special friends" to accompany us to a nightclub.No experience with agencies. Have had good luck with casino girls at Baha Mar.

10-22-22, 23:33
Hey guys,

I'll be in Nassau the weekend of the 20th of January. I was going to go to the more popular locations like Costa Rica or MDE but I've been before and want to go to a new location. I heard there action in bars downtown and that where I'm staying so will check it out and report back.

11-01-22, 21:00
I decided to cancel my trip here as I can't risk coming up empty. Have turned my sights to Costa Rica or Cuba.

02-09-23, 03:35
Any good spots in Nassau close to cruise ports?

02-10-23, 19:33
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02-11-23, 00:11
Any good spots in Nassau close to cruise ports?Yes. Check out latinasinbahamas. They have really good ladies and a nice incall location near the port.

02-11-23, 00:13
Has anyone ever had any success using an agency in Nassau? Quick search yields Vladimir's and Elite Angels Carib as possible local sources. Looks like they both employ mostly Colombianas and Venezuelans. I'm headed down after Labor Day for a bachelor party and wondering what the best way to set up some entertainment might be, even if it's contracting with a couple of "special friends" to accompany us to a nightclub.My buddies have had good experiences with Vladimir, LatinasinBahamas and BahamasEscorts.

02-11-23, 00:19
Anyone been to Atlantis or Baha Mar lately who can give us an update about casino girls? If casino girls are there, do they offer incall? How hard would it be to get a room if my room isn't an option. Please help, going in September.Only a small few of casino girls have nice apartments with incall.

02-17-23, 23:27
I saw a girl from Vladimir escorts when I was in town visiting recently. I'm really picky and overall the experience was a good one. They sent me a pic of an early 20's girl. It was photoshopped so I had my reservations. The girl who showed up was the girl In the photo and looked great. Nice petite spinner with MM boobs. Admission was reasonable but she did upswell which was annoying. In the end though even after the upsells it was still a very reasonable donation for her time. Good luck gents!

02-18-23, 17:38
I saw a girl from Vladimir escorts when I was in town visiting recently. I'm really picky and overall the experience was a good one. They sent me a pic of an early 20's girl. It was photoshopped so I had my reservations. The girl who showed up was the girl In the photo and looked great. Nice petite spinner with MM boobs. Admission was reasonable but she did upswell which was annoying. In the end though even after the upsells it was still a very reasonable donation for her time. Good luck gents!Yes, and I also noticed he has improved a lot recently. 12 plus girls and in-call location. You should also request a recent video of the girls as well. He would be happy to send them.

03-14-23, 03:58
So going to Nassau in a couple months, and would rather stay out of jail. I've found it nearly impossible to find the updated laws on sex work in the Bahamas.

There is one statement about it that is the same word-for-word on multiple info sites, but that's it.

It's very strange, and I've pored over dozens of sources on multiple search engines.

Any ideas?

03-15-23, 16:41
So going to Nassau in a couple months, and would rather stay out of jail. I've found it nearly impossible to find the updated laws on sex work in the Bahamas.

There is one statement about it that is the same word-for-word on multiple info sites, but that's it.

It's very strange, and I've pored over dozens of sources on multiple search engines.

Any ideas?There's never been an incident of a tourist being charged for engaging with a sex worker in the Bahamas. Unless you plan on reporting yourself and showing proof, then you'll be fine.

I suggest you contact an agency if you want to avoid issues. Just stick to a reputable one that doesn't carter to any and everyone with low rates. They're just chasing a dollar and won't care to even check if the escort is even underage.

You may try casino girls as well, they frequent the hotels a lot. Only risk is, they're not discreet. They'll bang you quickly and rush to the other client two doors from you in seconds. Casino girls also give the hotels a lot of problems. They'll approach kids, husbands with wives 1 foot away, just to make that quick dollar. They are even performing acts in hallways, bathrooms and beaches late at night at the resorts. Best bet is to always contact an agency or bring in an international companion. Please note that there are a few good casino girls but the bad ones outnumber them by far.

So, don't stress about not finding clear literature on the subject. Just enjoy yourself responsibly while you're there and you'll be fine!

Best of luck!

03-16-23, 03:46
There's never been an incident of a tourist being charged for engaging with a sex worker in the Bahamas. Unless you plan on reporting yourself and showing proof, then you'll be fine

So, don't stress about not finding clear literature on the subject. Just enjoy yourself responsibly while you're there and you'll be fine!

Best of luck!Thanks BG. Appreciate it!

05-07-23, 15:47
So most of the agencies mentioned are defunct now. But in reality they just changed the name and moved on to a different one. The secret society is the one I used. I found there link on adultlook with a few other girls who appear to be independent. But I also realized the girls work for multiple agencies or this case think of them more as bookers verses what you know. If you hit off with the girl she will book directly with you in the future. So you don't have to go through the booker and she gets all of the money.

Saw two girls while I was there, first one looked way better than her pictures. Only problems were a bad boob job (looked great in a bra with bra off not so good) and she only did CBJ. It was one of the better escorting experiences I have had. Compared to the US I paid 6 XXfor two hours and I got two hours and as many rounds as I wanted. She wanted to have dinner with me afterwards but she had shown up to dressed up for me to match. Second girl was the girl in the pictures but would say the pictures where heavy glamor shopped. Not enough to say I was catfished but enough that you have to stare to see the similarities.

05-15-23, 04:46
So most of the agencies mentioned are defunct now. But in reality they just changed the name and moved on to a different one. The secret society is the one I used. I found there link on adultlook with a few other girls who appear to be independent. But I also realized the girls work for multiple agencies or this case think of them more as bookers verses what you know. If you hit off with the girl she will book directly with you in the future. So you don't have to go through the booker and she gets all of the money.

Saw two girls while I was there, first one looked way better than her pictures. Only problems were a bad boob job (looked great in a bra with bra off not so good) and she only did CBJ. It was one of the better escorting experiences I have had. Compared to the US I paid 6 XXfor two hours and I got two hours and as many rounds as I wanted. She wanted to have dinner with me afterwards but she had shown up to dressed up for me to match. Second girl was the girl in the pictures but would say the pictures where heavy glamor shopped. Not enough to say I was catfished but enough that you have to stare to see the similarities.Guessing 6 xx means 6 x $. At that price, I'll focus on some civvies.

09-15-23, 09:11
Went to the Bahamas in early Sep and stayed at Baha Mar. I found a few escort sites, and I saw a girl I liked and I picked her; Her name was Emma and she was a red haired Latina that once worked at HK in Tijuana, and she was very friendly towards me. Price was about 8 xx for two hours, which was expensive, but Emma was extremely friendly and professional throughout, and I had a great time with her. Turns out that escort sites in Bahamas often borrow girls from other escort sites to advertise, and if you get an escort through a third party site (I. E a site that borrows a girl off say Vladimir escorts), you will have to pay more than just directly booking from the girl's original contracted site. I made this mistake and only realized it after talking to Emma; I probably could've saved a few bucks If I booked direct. Just something to pay attention to.

09-16-23, 12:47
Went to the Bahamas in early Sep and stayed at Baha Mar. I found a few escort sites, and I saw a girl I liked and I picked her; Her name was Emma and she was a red haired Latina that once worked at HK in Tijuana, and she was very friendly towards me. Price was about 8 xx for two hours, which was expensive, but Emma was extremely friendly and professional throughout, and I had a great time with her. Turns out that escort sites in Bahamas often borrow girls from other escort sites to advertise, and if you get an escort through a third party site (I. E a site that borrows a girl off say Vladimir escorts), you will have to pay more than just directly booking from the girl's original contracted site. I made this mistake and only realized it after talking to Emma; I probably could've saved a few bucks If I booked direct. Just something to pay attention to.So you paid an Ex Tijuana chick 800 while she cost 100 in Tijuana that disappointing yea I know we over pay with an export fee like in Panama Colombian chick there go for 150 where they'ed cost 30 in Colombia. I'm thinking I'll be in town first week of December so I give these escorts sites a look there is also a bar that I've heard has chicks it's never been mentioned on here so I won't be the one to do it but hopefully that works out chicks there from what I've heard are just 200.

08-14-24, 23:54
I'm currently vacationing in Nassau. The Bahamian women are hot as hell and remind me of the women in Madagascar. They aren't rich. Why isn't there a bigger hooker scene among Bahamian women here?