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01-28-04, 04:03
Another of Mila

01-28-04, 04:04
Another view of her big ass titties.

01-28-04, 04:06
A dirty one for you all.

01-28-04, 11:47
JT: That's sounds like some sound advise, very much apperciated.

I'll be in Colombia for at least 3mos. so I'll definatly detour to CTG.

Mad Frax
01-28-04, 15:27
Hey JT,

Very good pics.

Where have you find the beautiful Mila?

Thanks for info!

Stay cool,

Mad Frax

Member #2970
01-28-04, 15:44

You Sir are on a major roll! Your post of these girls are some of the best I have seen. Do any of them speak any English? Did you keep most of these girls for all night? Were they all about the same as far as the pesos? Thanks for sharing your great photos!

01-28-04, 22:04
I am happy to be of assistance.

Mad Frax,
Mila was taken from the beach area just behind Hotel Las Velas (across the street from LDV). Talk to Tony 1 (the touter with the silver tooth and who squints). He has hundreds of phone numbers in his adress book on his cell. Stay away from the short Tony, he's a piece of work. The little shit tried to rip me off numerous times. In fact, use Tony 1 for his chicas, but negotiate price and tips BEFORE he does anything for you. Trust nobody!

Good & Plenty,
A small percentage of the chicas in CTG speak English, and the ones who do usually don't speak it well. It is not necessary to be fluent in Spanish if you are picking up chicas in LDV. My buddy doesn't speak a lick of Espanol and he does just fine. I would not let language deter you from visiting CTG and LDV. The chicas there are used to tourists. Bottome line: they love $$$, no matter what language you speak.
If you plan to venture out of CTG, you will have to learn basic Spanish. I suggest Pimsleur's Language Series.

Happy Hunting

01-29-04, 02:23
EXCELLENT advice JT. I avoided BOTH Tony 1 & 2 whenever possible, but Tony #1 DOES have more contacts with beach girls than anybody. The Superchulo.

02-02-04, 15:51
Anyone knows of a hotel in Cartagena that gives you internet access through a lap top in the rooms?

I must use my personal lap top to connect to the Internet, and regular lobby internet are no good to me.


02-02-04, 17:21
Try the Hilton. You will be paying big bucks and it is hit or miss regarding being girl-friendly.

02-05-04, 15:15
Meet Signey, or "Cindy.
18 yrs old
Petite hard body and definitely know it!

I paid about 70K for a few hours of afternoon fun. She was one of Tony's chicas.

02-05-04, 15:17
Cindy pic II

02-05-04, 15:18
Cindy III

02-05-04, 15:21
Pic IV

02-05-04, 15:23
Cindy Pic V

02-05-04, 15:51
Cindy Pic VI

02-05-04, 15:53
Cindy Pic VII

02-05-04, 15:54
Cindy Pic VIII

Nyc Expat
02-05-04, 22:39
A real knockout. Can't wait for my trip.

02-10-04, 03:26
Meet Yulie
19-ish from Cali
Works at LDV

I posted some of her before, but these are digital.

02-10-04, 03:27
Yulie pic 2

02-10-04, 03:28
Yulie and yours truly

02-10-04, 03:29
Yulie again

02-10-04, 03:31
Girl from Bogota
Works at LDV

02-10-04, 03:33
A view of the LDV compound from my balcony at Hotel Las Velas.

Bubba Lulu
02-10-04, 03:36

Them little tiny pictures don't really do you or us justice.

Just some feedback.

02-10-04, 03:43
Another LDV girl.

02-10-04, 03:44
Pic II

02-10-04, 03:45

02-10-04, 03:48
Pic IV

Nyc Expat
02-12-04, 23:09
'Semana Santa'
Does anyone have any info or experience regarding this holiday in April?.

Is it a waste of time to visit the city that week or is it business as usual?. Thanks.

02-16-04, 03:57
Is there a difference, action wise, whether or not I should visit on the weekend, or during the week?

02-16-04, 06:15
From my personal experiences in LDV, Friday and Saturday nights are the best. The worse night is Sunday by far. Sunday is reserved for casas when I visit CTG. You may also try some escort agencies. Cartagena-hot . com worked well for me on three different occasions.

Texas Joe
02-16-04, 11:30
Hey Guys,

I know you get this a lot, but Ive been reading your past posts and it doesn't really make sense to me. Are there any good contacts as far as apartments to rent for about ten days, and is late May early June a good time to go. I'm pretty sure I got all the names of the clubs down, just wondering about this is all. And if any one wants to hang out for a few days, I'm going to be travelling solo on my first trip to Colombia.


02-16-04, 13:16
I use Juan Ventura, a real estate agent. He has very nice condos at good prices. His email is itts @ excite . com

02-16-04, 16:21
JT, and anybody else

What is your impression of the El Conquistador apartments in Laguito? Which is a stone throw from the Hilton. I’m thinking about buying an apartment there. Then renting it out. Also anybody have any experience with the Realtor named Paul Juan, is he honorable?

Happy hunting!

02-18-04, 01:16
IMHO, they are a shithole. Try Excelarus, Torre Centauro, or other buildings on the other side of the road.

02-26-04, 03:03
So, as my 3 month visa will be up in Costa Rica the end of March I'm going to have to leave my beloved San Jose for a few days before I can re-enter for another 3 months. I've been wanting to check out Cartagena and today found a really cheap package deal from San Jose, about $500 for five nights at the Decameron Beach Hotel on Bocagrande beach, all-inclusive with airfare, transfers, meals, booze etc. Too good to pass up.

Questions for some of you Cartagena experts.

First, does anyone know if the Decameron is chica friendly. Somehow as it is an all-inclusive place I kind of doubt it. My Spanish is fluent and I plan to be working the Decameron's bars and disco for vacationing talent but will also be taking chicas out of LDV I'm sure.

If Decameron is not chica friendly I'll need to rent another cheap hotel room where I can take chicas from LDV, the beach and other places. Can anyone point me towards a couple of hotels that might work for this purpose?

Most of the rest of the info I need I have found already posted. I'm looking forward to CTG. I love Colombianas but the ones who make it here to San Jose and frequent the Del Rey are mostly out of my price range, particularly during the high season. Some of these hot Colombiana ho's are asking and getting up to $200 an hour here. Unreal! I'm looking forward to tapping some of this fine poontang at the source.

Thanks for your help.


Photo is of a Colombiana I know who is now asking $200 in the Del Rey in San Jose and getting it from some of the tourists.

02-27-04, 03:43
All reports have the Decameron not chica friendly. I saw the same package deal, it is a hell of a deal and hard to pass up.
The hotel you want for your needs is The Las Velas hotel. Location could not be better! You pick up your chica in LDV, you walk out the door, down some steps, cross the street, and you are at Las Velas. It is also smack dab on the beach right where the action is.
You'll love La Dolce Vita. LDV is a friggin smorgasboard :-)
The same chica going for 200 an hour in Costa Rica will struggle to get 40 dollars for the night in Cartagena.
I'll be there myself in for a few days in Mid March. Have a ball amigo!

03-18-04, 22:51
The below article is in today's El Universal (newspaper of Cartagena). It basically says HIV/Aids cases in Cartagena is on the rise from the previous year. Put a hat on that Jimmy!

Aumentó el Sida en el 2003 en Cartagena

El Universal

Un total de 290 casos de Sida se detectaron en el 2003 en Cartagena, de acuerdo con el informe del perfil epidemiológico de la ciudad presentado por el Dadis ayer.

Según el informe, el Sida se incrementó en un 15% con relación al 2002. Aunque Alexis Ramos, médico epidemiólogo del Dadis, dijo que se estima que el contagio de los casos detectados se presentó progresivamente en los últimos 10 años, lo que indica el incremento de la prevalencia de la enfermedad.

También es preocupante, agregó, que se hayan aumentado los casos de enfermedades de transmisión sexual en el 2003 en un 50% con relación al 2002. "Cuando estaban casi controladas volvieron a presentarse casos de sífilis, herpes genital, gonorrea y otras enfermedades que se contagian por el no uso de preservativo y la promiscuidad sexual", dijo.

En Cartagena se han registrado en los últimos 15 años 1.500 casos de VIH Sida. Por esa enfermedad han muerto cerca de 480 personas, según las cifras del Dadis.

Indicó que el Dadis realiza controles no sólo en las personas que se dedican al comercio sexual, sino en el resto de la población. "Nuestros funcionarios dictan charlas en colegios y universidades sobre los peligros del sexo sin protección", dijo.

Así mismo, el director del Dadis, César Pión, dijo que se ha iniciado la búsqueda activa de casos en toda la ciudad, pues se busca bajar la incidencia de esta enfermedad. "Hay que reducir el estigma y la discriminación hacia los enfermos de VIH y por el contrario debemos reconocer que es una realidad social", indicó.

Nyc Expat
03-23-04, 11:30
I'll be in CTG from 7-11 April. Looking forward to first trip to S.A. and LDV is highest priority.

BTW, has anyone else noticed Cartagena-hot website is closed?.

03-23-04, 16:51
Thank you Vallenato

Here are a few choice translations

[280 Aids cases detected in 2003]

[STD's are up 50% in 2003 compared to 2002.]

[Herpes, gonorreah, syphilis have made a resurgence, because condoms are not used.]

[Over the last 15 years 1500 cases of AIDS have been diagnosed.]

03-27-04, 20:13
Well, I´ve got a few weeks off from work so I´m off for a Colombia adventure ... a few days in Cartagena ... to Pereira, Manizlaes, Armenia region ... to Cali (got to meet a chica I met on the internet) and to top things off ... of course Medellin.

I have got to say that Mery Salence is a true gem for finding a condo here in Cartagena ... on very short notice she found me an awesome place ... it´s a 2 bedroom but she´s only charging 1 room rates because I´m solo.
Her email is: oficerna@yahoo.com phone: 575-655-0384
she´s a sweatheart and she speaks english and spanish.

I never made it to LDV last night like I wanted .... as soon as I got to the condo, I put on the shorts and hit the beach ... on the way there I saw a real cutie walking with her baby in her arms and I approached her and said I wanted to help her a little with some plata $$$ ... I said I didn´t want anything ... just that it made me feel good to help out a mother with her baby ... I gave her 20,000 pesos ($7).

I walked her to her apartment where she lives with her Mama and she asked where I was staying and if she could visit me sometime ... of course I said yes.

When I came back from the beach about an hour later ... I saw her waiting for me and we went up and had a cerveza and she asked if she could give me a massage to relax me and I think you know the rest ....
Great time ... tried to give her some more plata $$$ but she refused ... I promised to see her again soon.

Then I go out for a walk to find comida (food) and I run into the famous Maritza and some of her friends. I took a liking to one of her friends ... a beautifull Costenanita (local chica from Cartegena) ... pictures later (tastefull type).
We all sat at Riquisimos for some comida and cervezas and the Costena and I played footsies and of course again ... you know the rest of the story ... we spent the rest of the evening and night together and damn if she didn´t like sex more than me ... which is almost impossible.

She never asked for plata $$$ but of course, being with Maritza, I knew she was a worker ... but very sweet. I gave her 120,000 pesos ... that was all I had with me ... she was happy ... I was ´muy contento´ (satisfied).
I promised to call her later too.

Now I´m off to the playa (beach) to see what kind of trouble i can find there ...

Tonite ... gotta check out the LDV to see how things are there ... report soon.

Monday, I´m off to another city and adventure.


Red Cork
03-31-04, 05:50
Hello all fellow pooners.

Firstly, thank you all for your information. I just got back to Vancouver from Thailand which I have been many times. But will not repeat. I'm looking for new material. Cartagena really has my interest. I speak a bit of spanish and love those latin girls. I am planning a trip a.s.a.p. for a couple of weeks just to get a feel for the place. Can someone recommend a nice lady freindly place to stay that is not noisey. I am 55 and very active , but cannot stand loud techno music all night. Now, the important stuff. Chica's, what and where is it and how does it work? I'm sure the same as all places. I'm not a cheap charlie but i don't like to throw my money away. I would be happy for variety or if I get lucky then hang with a stunner the whole time. Do you have to go to the clubs to pick up a girl or are most gorls approachable on the street. Always nicer to get a non-pro. we know they are all the same. Have pussy will travel. But there is something about a non-bar girl that makes me feel better. But I do have picky high taste and love the slim trim stunners.

Thanks in advance.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to capitalize the word "I". To avoid future delays, please use a capital "I" to refer to yourself in future reports. Thanks!

Dick for Brains
04-01-04, 22:37
Could someone please report on when is the best time to visit Cartagena? In particular, I would like to visit at a time when it is still warm enough to go swimming in the Pacific. It looks like it is close enough to the equator that it might be possible to go all year around. Is this true?

Thanks in advance for your help.


04-02-04, 00:23

Cartagena is an all-year round resort.

However, it is not on the pacific, rather on the atlantic and more specific on the caribbean sea.

High season is June-August and late DecemberJanuary.

Low season (very low) is Feburary-late June.

It´s really good in early November because they have the annual beauty pagent.

Take care


Dick for Brains
04-02-04, 08:22

Thanks for the info. Is "low season" only low in terms of prices and number of tourists? that is to say, is it a good time for mongering?


04-02-04, 08:55
You have to really look to find an ugly girl in Cartagena. IMHO the low season is the best time to go. Stop worrying about it. The biggest problem you will ahve is not beng able to get another hard on fast enough.

Sean EZ
04-07-04, 06:27
Some sources including travel forums maintain that Cartagena continues to be totally safe destination for tourists. Can anyone comment on this? Obviously kindapping is the worst scare. But have there ever been any abductions in this city?

Also I hear nowadays ship call into the port of Cartagena. So how touristy this place really now is? Please help get a feel for what it's like security-wise and as a fun place to spend time in.


04-07-04, 16:40
Sean EZ,

Cartegena is safe. To quote from a movie, "This isn't Switzerland." But it's safe.

I was there last year and walked about at two in the morning and no one bothered me, except for the beggars. There are lots of beggars.

In terms of fun. I put up a small list of chica clubs in this sub-group a while back. There's the ever so popular "Dolce Vida" in front of Las Velas hotel.

There are also the regular dance clubs at Plaza del Reloj and in Calle del Arsenal, such as Mr. Babilla.I found regular clubs to be jumping from Thursday to Saturday, quite empty the rest of the week.

The old town is a trip back in time to colonial Spain. You could get a guide and do a four hour tour through the town. My experience is that it is best to arrange tours it through the best hotels in town.


04-10-04, 09:43
I am going to Colombia for the first time and I hope someone could advise me about the following not only gor Cartagena but for Bogota, Cali and Medellin as well
-Girl friendly hotels for 20$ or less.
-Discos/nightclubs/etc where you find freelancers ( I am not too interested in places where you just pick a girl, pay a barfine etc).
-Prices for ST and LT for freelancers.

I am going in less than a month and I am thrilled. Grateful for answers.

Happy C
04-17-04, 00:47
Hotel in Cali aprox $23.50 US per night - no hot water however they will tell you that there is hot water - girl friendly Opposite this Hotel is Hotel Imperial same price same owner with Hot Water. Very safe however at night the place looks dismal.

Address and Name Hotel Americana CRA 4 No 8-73 Cali Tel 882-4370 -72

I know a few places in the other cities but the price is more in the region of $45-100US I like to stay in suites with some fancy stuff like pools stuff like that. But I know there are some very safe and reasonable hotels in these cities, but its hard to find a decent and safe place under $20 bucks.


Nyc Expat
04-22-04, 14:38
I was in Cartagena for 5 days during the Easter holidays. I was told the city is safe. I walked a great deal around the city, both the old Spanish district and the area known as Bocagrande. I saw many police patrols during the day as well as military groups during the day and night patroling and conducting road blocks. I escorted my girl friend from my apt. to her home very late in a taxi, roundtrip over ½ hr., and saw no questionable activity whatsoever. Did see active military patrols at night. I walked the neigborhood of Bocagrande at night where there are many small restaurants and the La Perle Casino. Very peaceful. LE and MP are visible.

Sure there is one area or two to stay away from. The same holds true in NYC, LA or other major metropolis.

In conclusion, Cartagena is probably Colombia’s safest city for tourism and hobbying. I recommend you go. You won’t regret it. The Bocagrande beach area is something to experience, both the positive (women, friendly population, warm Carib. Sea) and the negative (HOT, salty sea and all the aggressive sellers). Feel unsafe, plenty of taxis to choose from. A 3-4 mile (4-6 km.) ride costs only 3000 pesos (less than a NYC subway token).

I am going back this summer for minimum 2 weeks.

04-27-04, 02:00
So far so great - the hell with Thailand, Manila, Costa Rica. Its all true here. Tony 1 is a bit of a fleecer on the beach behind Las Velas but he delivers. You dont really need him anyways. Only problem is the club doesnt open until 10 pm. The good news is the place is crawling with them all day. Great service here and good prices.

04-27-04, 23:36
NYC Expat

Good insights.

Tell me, did you happen to go into the casino to make a monetary contribution? What's the action like in the casino(s)? Would you recommend them as a diversion once one tires on, and needs a respite from, the hokie-pokie?


Happy C
04-28-04, 13:22
If you play blackjack you have to be careful because Colombians do not hit 13,14,15,16 against a 10 I do not understand why. The dealer only draws one card and they are assuming the card will be a low card I am not quite sure on the odds. I know from reading Blackjack strategies that this is a no no. Just my 2 cents.


Hondo Lane
04-28-04, 15:39
I am thinking about a trip. How safe is it for American gringos? Thanks, Hondo

04-29-04, 20:36

This place not really for Gringos. It is Colombia after all. However if you exercise caution and stick to Boca Grande area and the old city and maybe Central city it is okay. Expect to get bribed by the cops who are in military fatigues and carrying your passport around is a death wish.

Sean EZ
04-30-04, 07:19

I am also considering going. From all the forums I could find on internet everyone is being very positive and says plenty of gringos/europeans in Cartagena, and that it's safe.

You are making strong discouraging statements ? Passport death wish, militaries, being bribed by cops, what does this all mean - can you elaborate more on these? Have you had any bad experiences yourself?

Thank you

Nuevo Espanol
05-01-04, 05:28
Hola Amigos!

This city sounds unreal. I have not read anything here about the weather. Anyone know anything about June July weather. Are the clubs/ hotels/ girls still busy in June July?
I found this at weather.com (sorry it would not keep the format)

Month Avg.High Avg.Low Avg.Precip.
January 88.2° F 73.8° F 0.30 in
February 88.2° F 74.1° F 0.00 in
March 88.3° F 75.0° F 0.00 in
April 88.7° F 76.6° F 1.20 in
May 89.1° F 77.5° F 3.60 in
June 89.2° F 77.5° F 4.50 in
July 89.4° F 77.0° F 3.70 in
August 89.4° F 77.0° F 4.90 in
Septem 88.9° F 76.8° F 5.70 in
October 88.2° F 76.3° F 9.60 in
Novem 88.3° F 76.5° F 5.20 in
Decem 88.5° F 74.8° F 1.50 in

Is June July a bad time to go? Will any of you be there Then?



05-02-04, 02:52
Sean EZ,

Well it is Colombia. YEs I have had some unfortunate things happen with police. Dont carry your passport just a copy because they have to kill you to use it. And its worth 10K. Stick to the areas below and its basically ok.

05-02-04, 05:31
Will be arriving May 5th- 12th with my good friend Dashing Don. Staying at the Almirante. !st time in Cartagena but looking forward to being back in Colombia. Drop a message if anyone is in town and have a cerveza on me. Later.

05-03-04, 04:09
Hondo Lane

Cartagena is safe, that's Colombia-safe. Not Switzerland-safe. Go enjoy yourself and follow the advice jwilly gave you.

Get the Footprint Colombia Handbook. All the best advice is there. Better than Lonely Planet.

I posted a list of chica places a while back look it up if you are interested.

Get a Hotel in Bocagrande, it's safer and cheaper. Get Las Velas, the staff is used to seeing men with obvious rent-a-girls.A thing I learned a long time ago. Don't make too much noise when you are making love. People are trying to sleep.

Leave the passport at the safe at the hotel, you don't want to lose it. Carry a copy of your passport in your secret pocket, you are supposed to carry I.D. on you.

Chances are that you'll be fine if you watch your ass and your mouth. In other words, don't fuck your girl on the balcony or in public.

Don't talk about politics with anyone. Agree with everyone on everything and do your own thing. Even if they are bad mouthing your country.

Never pay the first price that a girl quotes you. Always try to negotiate. Listen, to the penny pinching cheapstakes and pay 10 to 20 percent above what they pay for the really pretty girls.

Are you a sex tourist? Try to be also a regular tourist. Call the five star hotels and see if you can join one of their tours. Do you know Spanish? Learn as much as you can beyond the sex words and cantina words.

I always give the guy at the hotel desk a small tip on my way out on the girl hunt. I don't tip them in front of the girl. These guys are there for my protection and I need them happy to see me.

If you go to restaurants, wear long pants and a nice shirt and shoes. Try not to show the world that you are consorting with prostitutes. There are families around and they don't like to see that. It's about traveling sensibly.

Previously, the girly bars used to be located inside the old city. The reason why they were forced out was that increase in sex tourists. I know this because I asked the locals about it.

Carry small coins in your pockets and give them to beggars that approach you. They are not like New York beggars, they are the real deal. They are called disposable people.

Just read the Footprint Colombia Handbook and then ask more specific questions.

When I travel I carry a few extra toothbrushes and traveler's toothpaste to give to the girl. I also buy at the local pharmacy a nice, fruty liquid soap. I want the girl nicely showered and minty fresh.

Red Cork
05-03-04, 07:46
Hello board room fellow pooners.

There is alot of very good info on here, except no one really has touched on the prices one has to pay. If I have a nice apartment or hotelroom and find a girl to stay with me for a week or two what would be the cost? I'm not cheap charlie but if a girl stays long term i would treat her well. I'm older and not one to go clubbing for a different girl every night. But I do like quality stunner 20/30 years old. Please post prices when giving reports.

Good luck and happy punting to all.

Nyc Expat
05-03-04, 11:19
Ferolga's advice is excellent.

I was 5 days in Cartagena. Read my previous post.
I was stopped late at night by a military patrol near La Perla Casino. He asked a question. I replied in very limited Spanish and sign language. No problem. He didn't even ask for ID. I carried photocopy of my passport. His buddies in the van smiled to me as I walked away.

I walked past the naval hospital with armed guards. I said hello and they replied.

During the day, you can wear t-shirts and shorts as the locals do also in Bocagrande. Anywhere else, wear long pants and dress nice in the evening. You'll get respect from everyone and you may get an evening to remember. Politeness and smiles goes a long way.

One afternoon around lunch time, I walked the beach towards the Hilton’s private beach with beachside luncheonette with offerings around US$10.-. Was able to enter their outdoor pool area crowded with young and old. It looked like Miami during summer vacation. Waiters running around serving guests. It was easy to blend in. After about 10 min. observation, I left. Had lunch under a palm tree. A woman had a wok frying those corn meal patties (pita bread size) called arepa de huevo with some meat, cheese and egg inside. 2 for 3000 pesos, $1.15.

For dinner, there are many restaurants in the Bocagrande area serving national and intern’l cuisine. I had a steak, fries, a little salad and a beer for about $6.- the night I was alone. BTW, LDV was closed that night. While out with my date, we ate much nicer and much more expensive. One night 2 course fish, another night 2 course meat. Approx. $30-45.

On the beach try a delicious fruit plate enough for lunch with watermelon, melon, mango, papaya and other local fruit for only $1.50. Extremely refreshing in the heat. The english speaking beer stand owners will approach asking if you need anything from a beer, 2-3000 pesos to a beautiful girl (in their opinion). I took the beers but not the girl as I already had my non-pro.

Some taxi drivers will try to overcharge late at night. Its equivalent to 50 cents-2 dollars. It isn't worth the discussion. A half hour ride for US$6. Exact same trip following night $4.50. Otherwise ask first.

I gave coins to many invalids which you'll see. They'll give a big smile and thanks. Give. You can afford it.

The doorman where I stayed asked for 1000 pesos one night. That's a 40 cent tip. You have to smile.

I'm going back for 18 days.

Sir Charles
05-03-04, 20:32
So I've finally decided to go down South (America). A huge question of mine is the manner in which Black Americans are treated, namely in Colombia. Having mongered in many Asian countries, I have run into an occasional problem. So before heading to Colombia, what's the 411 on treatment of Black Americans? Certainly anyone can respond, but it would be great to hear firsthand accounts from a brother.

05-04-04, 05:46
Red Cork,

You can deals there for week long girls. Just buy them stuff like they are yours to take care of and they will treat you really well.

As far as baseline prices you can a get a girl off the beach in the day for 25 bucks and in the club for 40 and up this is for short time but you can convert her into your desires and buy her nice dresses and perfumes and dinners and stuff.

Red Cork
05-04-04, 06:55
After reading expat's review, I am now familiar and educated on the price of a taxi ride and how much to tip a door man. All good info. But what about the real reason for this board and web site?

How much for the chica's? Maybe we should go to the world taxi guide board and then we will get the info and the ho's.

Nyc Expat
05-04-04, 11:40
Red cork.
Answers to your questions ST are found in the archives on this thread. LT is your ability to negotiate.

My woman was non-pro. Therefore cost for nice dinners, some dancing with non-alcoholic drinks, taxi fares and an inexpensive gift.

I treated her like a GF and she treated me like a BF. Couldn't ask for anything better. Some dreams come true.

Dashing Don
05-04-04, 12:44
Red Cork,

I did a forum search on you because I recognized your handle from the Thailand and Philippine boards, and, as I suspected, you have contributed absolutely nothing to WSG. No trip reports, nothing. Just lots of posts asking questions. So who are you to criticize NYC Expat?

Its true that Cartagena is short on reports that really lay out the city and give a feel for it. About fifty percent of the 'reports' are actually photos. Not to worry, Slick1 and myself will arrive in Cartagena tomorrow for a weeks vacation and will deliver reports on matters of import, such as humping, hotels, food, and general impressions of the city.


05-04-04, 14:50

I was in cartagena about 7 years ago. I made several trips there with the navy. Good town, good food, good women. I would love to go back. The town is safe but don't put yourself in a sitution where you will get yourself in trouble. We used to call the ***** houses the "beatem down house" so the taxi cab drivers after our first visit everytime they saw one of us they would say "beatem down house". They took us to a lot of houses. If you speak spanish they can take you to whatever kind of girl you want. Be safe and hopefully I can return for some much needed fun.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to capitalize the word "I". To avoid future delays, please use a capital "I" to refer to yourself in future reports. Thanks!

05-04-04, 15:34
Hey Red Cork, probably the best way for you to enjoy Cartagena would be this.

Go there with your attitude and insult the local people. Call the women *****s and tell anybody to "Fuck Off" that bothers you. After all you are superior to them because you have money.

05-04-04, 19:22
Mr. Red Cork ... the price of chicas, especially longer term. actually, believe it or not depends on if they like you or not ... especially the hotties.

Can you speak Spanish? Are you nice or a jerk? Are you good in the sack? Yes, this does matter.

Believe it or not, these chicas, even the pros are real people with feelings ... if you can dazzle them with a little kindness, it goes a long way.

Prices in the LDV can go from 60,000 to 250,000 pesos for all night ... depending on the quality of the chica, how busy it is and if you can make them laugh, i.e. ... make them like you a bit.

Trust me, if a 'hot' chica doesn't like you, she'll move on to better ... unless you offer her ridiculous money.

Suerte ... and be nice

05-05-04, 00:32
Dear Slick1 and Dashing Don,

Just to let you know your not the only dons in town, I'll be there on the 6th of May. I'd love to have a free beer, don't know where I'm staying yet, but I give your hotel a ring.



EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to add standard capitalization throughout the text. To avoid delays in future reports, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no capital lettering. Thanks!

Master Monger
05-06-04, 12:34
Dear fellow Mongers,

I will be coming to Cartagena in mid-June for about 2 1/2 months, while I have an enormous sexual appetite, mongering is never my main agenda when I embark on a new adventure.

Truth Be Told, I was only with 3 prostitutes prior to the age of 25 when I took my first trip to China. While in China for about one year and a half I only engaged about 10 different women in pay for play out of more than 250 women that I shared souls with. Last year at the age of 28 I went to Indonesia (Bali to be precise) where pay for play was offered to me extensively and in 62 days I was with about 32 pay for play's. After discovering this web site accidentally, looking for information on a Latin American adventure, I have been with about 40 pay for play women in the United States and Canada in the last four months. That is only a total of about 85 pay for play women out of around 700 women that I have had the delight of soul sharing with.

Getting more to the point, my first goal when arriving in my new adventurous destination is to learn the language. Second would be to absorb the culture, economy, and geographical layout. Third would be to have as much adventurous fun as possible, which always will include women.

To achieve my first goal and half of the second, I have found that it is advantageous to take on a new name in the same language you are learning.

In China - I am known as "Cao Cao" Famous Prime Minister

In Indonesia - I am known as "Gajah Mada" Famous Prime Minister

For Latin America I am toying with two different names that I would like your opinion on, Simon Bolivar or Che Guevara.

I don't choose these names out of arrogance alone, but more to prove to the people that I care about their history and their country enough to know who these people are.

Any comments are welcome.

Happy mongering,

Master Monger

05-06-04, 22:26
In regards to how blacks are treated in Cartagena (this is coming from a brownskin puerto rican) bro, 70% of the people in the coastal cities are brown. This includes C/gena, B/quilla and Santa Marta. I have been traveling to those cities and others for about 7 yrs. I HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED ANY RACIAL PROBLEMS. Now I have met women who prefer brothers and some who prefer whites. But most I have met (the non-pro type) would just like a man who treats them like a lady!

I went to Medellin and Bogota a few years ago and I had just as much play in those cities as I do in the coastal cities. Hit me up via PM and I'll share some personal stories with you.

Vallenato aka El Negrito
Harold Rivera El Nuevo Rey Vallenato

05-07-04, 13:15

This is the most idiotic bleeding heart attitude I hear from people,

"I gave coins to many invalids which you'll see. They'll give a big smile and thanks. Give. You can afford it."

It is not a question about whether you can "afford it" it is a question about whether you want a legion of beggars to hound you all around wherever you, and the next tourist goes.

Try a trip to the Philippines, EX Pat. You can afford to give money to everyone you see. They all claim some good reason for not working, sleeping all day and sending their women out to work.

The last time I saw one of these "invalids" along a freeway exit in US near my home with a sign saying "Hungry will work for food" I said, "Get in I have some bushes you can cut down." He replied, "Do you think I want to work like a Ni**er? I make more money than you do here on this corner!"

Just like overpaying prostitutes. You can afford to do it, but you leave a bad attitude for the next guy who expects a reasonable price.

05-07-04, 19:49
for Master Monger ...

To each his own ... but it seems to me you make this mongering / adventuring too complicated.
I just travel and meet people along the way ... both chicas and hombres.
Enjoy yourself, respect and learn from others and your first two stated goals will happen automatically ... the language part might take some studying though ... though practice is the best way to learn.
As far as your different names for different regions / countries ... again, to each their own but I find the locals appreciate it when you give your real name.
Do you expect foreign travelers to use made up names when they visit your country?

Using Simon Bolivar down in Colombia / Venezuela would be like a Venezuelan visiting the USA and using George Washington as his name ... I don't think the locals will think you are cool or sophisticated for calling yourself Simon Bolivar ... maybe a little loco.
I do have to say at least you are trying to be a respectful guest of the country ... your methods just seem odd to me but I am no expert ... all I voice is my humble opinion and I do live in Colombia.
Good luck to you Simon.

Dick for Brains
05-07-04, 20:18
Master Monger,

No offense...but that is the single most moronic question that I have ever seen asked on WSG.


Master Monger
05-07-04, 21:44
Dear Ricker,

My real name is Travis, a name that I realized early on in China was not only very difficult for them to pronounce but almost impossible to remember. So I chose a Chinese name but since I had the option to choose my name I decided to choose a really cool name. The famous name that I chose in China and in Indonesia were smashing successes with about 80% of the people. Even the other 20% who didn't quite care for the name that I chose still found it incredibly difficult to not smile every time they saw me and I guarantee you no one ever forgets me after they meet me the first time. I think a smile is probably the best reaction that you can get out of anyone when you first acquaint yourselves with them, even if it is because they may think your a fool. It's kind of like using brand recognition advertising in personal human relations. I think the name Che Guevara sounds cooler but I fear he may be too controversial. I'm 99% sure I'll be going with Simon. I do thank you for your response though Ricker you are definitely an Icon on the Columbia board and I hope you'll allow me to buy you dinner sometime.

As for DICK for brains,

Do you really think I could be offended by anything said by someone who has a self chosen name of "Dick for brains"... exactly!

Happy mongering,

Simon Bolivar

Simple Man
05-07-04, 23:09
Hey Master Monger,

You should go with Che Guevarra, even though he really didn't have anything to do with Colombia, people know who he was. If you don't like the name Che maybe you could try, Manuel Marulanda, Alfonso Cano, Rodrigo Londono, German Briceno, Ovidio Ricardo, Efrain Guzman or Joaquin Gomez. You should also let it be known that you are associated with the FARC, this will open a lot of doors and let you see parts of Colombia most tourists never have the opportunity to visit. The country has had a civil war going for around 50 years, so, if you choose the name of a revolutionary leader then the people will really know that you respect the local customs and traditions.

05-07-04, 23:56
NYC Expat

You got my support, big guy. Your actions, or attitude, are not idiotic.

Ferolga[a.k.a. Master of all that can be fucked or fried. ;>} ]

HTML Changer
05-08-04, 04:54
Dear Master Monger,

You should scrap both of those lame names and instead go by Juan Valdez! You can even have a hot pot of 100% Colombian coffee in your room for the prostitutes. When you drop your drawers tell them that they get the honor of riding Juan's donkey.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to remove the multiple periods at the ends of sentences. To avoid delays in future reports, please use just one period followed by a blank space at the end of sentences. Thanks!

Latina Passion
05-08-04, 14:51
Sir Charles!

First of all I have to say to the board thanks for all the research done all Colombia and all the other places.

Black man here! I was in Cartagena from 04/2704 to 05/02/04 I'm a 41 year light skin black guy with green eyes! Not sure if my point of view is the best one, because they considered me white, go figure.

However I was there with my 25 year old nephew and some college buddy's of his and there was no mistaking that they where BLACK.

To answer your question, the place is absolutamente black male friendly, half the natives there tought we where from Bogota, I guess because when we spoke in our limted espanol we have a Bogota accent. The other half thought we where in the Navy.

Stayed in the Laquito area in an apartment down the street from the Hilton, right on the beach, price per night $50 usd.

First night there order some room service. 5'2" very yummy looking, but could not handle Maxnum size. Price 120k I know way to much.

My Nephew and his friends arrive, from Margarita Island around 10pm, we head out to LDV. Thanks to this board I knew like all of my other trips, I would feel like a kid in a candy shop! LDV wall to wall chicas.

I had a blond light skin 5'6" around 24 or so, nice tits very nice body, price para todo la noche 100k. Sex was so so attitude so so.

Day2 Had to see the old city and worth the trip, however do not buy anything there prices are 4 times higher then other parts of the city. The old city is a must see!

Night 2 hit the Casino next to LDV, my first night there I exchanged $200 usd, and that was all I needed I won $583 that night.

After my sucess, I hit the LDV hooked up with a 23 year old brown skin beauty, great looks good attitute at the club. Overall tan tan. Price 100k.

A few years ago one of my Nephew's friends was one week away from getting married, and backed out. My hereo!

I told him for that move if he ever went on vacation with us, that I would buy him a little somethin somthin, and damn he held me to it. He had a 28 year old knock out, great personality great tits just a fun girl to hang with. Price 90k.

Day 3 Headed back to the old city, this place is absolutely breath taking, and they have good food! Did some shoping in but not at the old city.

Night 3 Back to LDV, I hook up with this 23 year old chica that lived in Houston for a few years, kick ass body great attitude, body for days. Price quoted nada.

We talked for a long time my kind of a connection so the sex was off the hook, damn as I write this, my ass is sporting a shit eatin grin from ear to ear. It is all about attitude your as well as the chicas.

Day 4 my girl comes by with 3 of her friends for me and my boys letthe party begin!

Night 4 Normal stuff took the girls out to dinner hit the club, got simi shit face, and great sex, she damn near made me cry, mas mami mas.

Charles spanish talks and english walks, so learn a little.

LDV Price 65k to 120K

Taxi 3k for a local ride.

Food 3k to 25 k

Local beer good not sure of the price.

An apartment on the beach $50 usd a night two bedroom

Racism: Did not really see that much, hard to judge compared to the states, I do know that they do not see dark skined folks with money or seeing us stay in the best part of town.

By the way I'm head back to Cartagena 05/27/04 to 05/30/04

Love my Latinas!

05-08-04, 15:20
Master Monger ... Simon B.

... I look forward to meeting you too. I´m in Venezuela at the moment, let me know when you´re passing thru Medellin.

By the way, the currency here in Venezuela is callede Bolivares after Simon himself.

.... please, don´t call yourself Pablo Escobar in Medellin ... jejeje


Dashing Don
05-08-04, 18:20
OK mongers, a few observations on Cartagena since Slick1 and myself arrived on Wed.

The defining thing about Cartagena is not the women, its the touts. And I´m surprised that previous reports don´t dwell on it. It´s like this: you leave your hotel and within seconds are approached by someone selling sunglasse, or plastic sandals, or crabs, or pictures, or ´Cuban cigars´, or trips to here and there, or drugs, or fruit, or candy, or beads, and any other worthless piece of junk you can think of. You brush past the first guy, but the next one is coming up on you 5 seconds later. Get past him, and another one is waiting for you on the corner. Stop at the corner for the traffic to pass and meanwhile there are now three of them shouting ämigo amigo and pushing stuff under your nose, gesticulating wildly and grabbing your arm or shoulder. You break free, moving briskly, but some of them are following you. They know that deep down, you really want those 99 cent sandals. Meanwhile more of them are waiting for you up ahead. There´s no fucking escape in Cartagena. And guess what, it gets worse. When you go to the beach. More on that later.

The best part of town is Boca Grande which is where the better hotels are and is on the water. Nearby is the Old Town. These are the only parts of C that a monger will see or want to see. Naturally, this is where the touts congregate and they vastly outnumber the tourists, who, are almost entirely Colombian from other cities, from what I have seen. The hotels are high rise for the most part and if you saw a photo, it might look quite nice. But when you hit the street, well, thats when you know you´re not in Miami.

Arrivals at Cartagena airport will have all their luggage opened and examined. Everyone was subjected to this, including us gringos. Then, out of the terminal and into the throng of yelling taxi drivers. A $4 cab ride to the Hotel Almirante in Boca Grande where we were staying. No sense of fear anywhere, but there were soldiers stationed about every hundred yards along the way from the airport to Boca.

We are both paying $150 a night for a reasonable room with ocean view, couch, and barely working a/c. The weather is hot and very humid. The food in the hotel is good. Like a previous poster said, the ocean is very warm and salty and not at all refreshing.

Our first night, we went to La Dolce Vita. It starts about 11pm. Lots of beautiful girls of every different shape and color. Its basically a nice bar with music playing and a dance floor. There is no barfine or ladies drinks. The girls are freelancers. They stand around and expect you to approach them. A few approached us but mostly you have to approach them. Its 100,00 pesos for short time, about $40. Slick and I made our selections after about an hour and left for the hotel. The Almirante told that the girls had to be out by 5am. Other people have told us that this is the norm at the other hotels too.

Next day: the beach.

The beach is across from the hotel. By the time I got there the next morning, Slick1, who was already there, had acquired a reputation for generosity with the touts. He had bought beads. Had had a manicure. A massage and pedicure. And had purchased drinks. He had also tipped generously. It could be said of Slick that he never met a tout he didn´t like. By the time I arrived, a swarm of touts surrounded the cabana. Some had missed out on Slick´s generosity and focused on me. Big, fat, black women who referred to themselves as ´negritas´were determined to give me a massage. Basically, they carry around a small plastic bucket filled with some kind of goo and will harass you for 10 minutes at a time to get you to acquiesce to a greasy massage. They tout their blackness as ´proof´of their prowess. When they take a break, the sunglass guys jump in. Followed by the guys selling crabs. You can fight and fight, but there´s always another tout coming. The most relentless, however, are the massage ladies. There´s no escape because you are stationery. They just keep coming at you. I´ve been on the beach in Havana and Rio, but never saw anything like this. At one point, a ´band´came by. A bunch of toothless old guys playing an accordion, a drum and some other thing that makes a scratching noise. For fifteen minutes we explained that we were not interested, to no avail. Suddenly, they started singing and playing. Awful shit. Anyway, when it was over, about ten minutes later, of course we were óbligated to contribute. I tell you, you can´t beat these guys. And just when you think the worst is over, they send in the cripples. Yeah! Thats right. First a wheelchair with a guy with MS followed by an amputee. As I closed my eyes to block this out, Slick reached for his wallet.

Thursday night, we went to the old town which is spactacular in its size and for how well maintained it is. On that night, we ate in the main plaza, Plaza Santo Domingo. It was very nice and the food was good. After, we walked some of the nearby streets. While fighting off the inevitable touts, I saw Isabel, an 18 yo visiting C for a few days. She was spectaculary beautiful and sexy in her manner and walk, as are many of the Colombian women. Femininity is a virtue here, unlike the states. Anyway, I approached her and we spoke briefly. After a few minutes of talk, both her and her friend accompanied us to a bar and later to the hotel. These were not pros, just ordinary girls from the provinces. Problem was that Isabel didn´t have her ID and try as I might, the hotel would not let her up to my room.

The next day, we all met up and I rented a room just for the Isabel and I at a hotel across from the Almirante for $40 for the night. Its been a long time since I enjoyed the fruits of an 18 yo regular girl and it was great. She returned to the province on Saturday morning.

I can´t write anymore. I´m tired, but will continue later. Warning! Cartagena is not for the monger who is by himself. The touts will finish him off. If you are with someone else, you have a better chance.

More later,


05-08-04, 18:42
DashingDon: Even the RACK RATE at Almirante is nowhere near $150 per night, ESPECIALLY during the "low season" which started in mid April (just afer Semana Santa). If you book it through a Colombian travel agent, it is less than half of what you are paying. 100K should be OVERNIGHT rate from LDV if you negotiate a little (preferably in Spanish) and the girl likes you.

Agree with you that the touts are quite annoying, but if you go to beaches away from Bocagrande it is MUCH less offensive. Also, IGNORING them is the best response (wearing a walkman even better). If you acknowledge them you embolden them.

Disagree with you that Bocagrande is the "best" part of town. Also, the "best hotels" are NOT in Bocagrande: THE best is the Sofitel (Old City), plus there is a second hotel in the old city plus the Hilton in Laguito that are better than ANYTHING in Bocagrande. Further, the old city is where ALL of the charm is. Bocagrande is like Miami Beach (but with a MUCH lousier beach and tons of touts!).

05-08-04, 21:07
I met up with Dashing and Slickone at there hotel in bocagrande on friday. they baught me a couple of drinks and a buffee, thanks guys, and we met up with those girls he mentioned, they seemed nice but Im not sure about their story they were selling. "just a couple of country girls." I went to the bathroom and those guys were gone so I went down the street looking for the Chiva de Rumba, Bus Party, I saw earlier but it had left so I ask a guy standing on the street where it went and he proceed to pawn a cute but obviously hardened chick from medellin on me ,a blond haired freckled girl, who I was attracted to simple for the change of pace. She looked like a girl next door in my home town. we took a taxy met up with a diffent bus, not the one I saw leave with a 12 hot chicks, but it was all locals and loud music and rum but unfortunately the girl was one of those latin chicks that hate salsa music and there own culture so it was ruining the night for me when she refuse to dance and quoted me 100,000 for two hours I sent here home with cab fare from the dance club. My advice is to take the chiva de rumba bus for 4$ with a bottle of rum and a bottle of coke but leave the street girl alone.

Best of luck,


05-09-04, 06:21
Dashing Don

Great report. I was feeling persecuted by touts just reading it.

When I was in Cartagena, sometimes I had to yell at the touts, "No quiero nada!" [I don't want anything!]

They are like spammers. They will never give up.


05-09-04, 19:49
Ferolga: Trying saying "no tengo plata" and if you are persuasive they'll disappear in a hurry. Or tell them you'd LOVE to buy a fake Rolex IF they will extend you credit!

05-09-04, 23:26
All this about the touts is making me reconsider visiting Cartegena this December. Is it really worth going there for (a) mongering and (b) general tourism ?

My plans are: London - Cartegena - Buenos Aires. I have already been to BsAs and since I heard so much about the Columbian chicas, I figured it is worth visiting. Are the touts bad enough to put people off visiting?

Sir Charles
05-10-04, 00:24
Vallenato, Latina Passion, et al:

Props to you for giving me the lowdown on the CTG scene for brothers. Needless to say, thanks to your response my friend and I will be there in June tappin' that ass.

Thanks again,


Nyc Expat
05-10-04, 12:11
Thanks for the support.

You have the wrong attitude. The ”invalids” I gave to were amputees, not street beggars you saw in Asia or see in major cities. I was NOT hounded after giving change on the street to a wheelchair invalid without legs nor hounded on the beach giving change to an invalid carrying a sack between his arms because both hands were amputated above the wrist. Nor was I hounded when I bought ice cream for four while on the beach. Nor was I hounded buying a fruit plate for a teenage girl while on the beach. If you can’t accept their culture, go somewhere else.

The touts
Just say no gracias firmly and they will disappear. There are many of them. Unemployment is high. They have to make a living. Ignore them. Don’t make eye contact. Continue walking and generally speaking you won’t have problems. If you’re under a cabana, you will be approached. Just say no.

Try the beaches around El Laguito towards the Hilton. Just a few min. walking from the main Bocagrande beach. Much more peaceful there, but accept the fact there are fewer women whom you can meet. I recommend single men visiting CTG.

Dashing Don
05-10-04, 20:34

Maybe I look like Rockefeller, but I don´t think so. Anyways, the touts don´t take no for an answer. They will follow you, sometimes for blocks. Good advice from the poster who said not to make eye contact. I´ve started to wear sunglasses to avoid this.

We´ve subsequently moved to the Hilton which is in Boca Grande/Laguito. I won´t parse words here: we´re talking about 4 avenues by 20 streets for the entire area. I don´t know or care where one begins or ends. And it/these ARE the best areas in town.

We´re paying $110 a night at the Hilton, excluding breakfast. Internet is $9 per hour. No water provided in the room: its about $1.50 a bottle. $1.25 initial fee to make an outside call even when using a calling card. The girls are allowed in after 11pm but you have to pay 60000 pesos ($25) for them. The ac works well here, unlike the Almirante, where it barely worked.

Due to the proliferation of cheap imitations in C I was understandably wary when I received a call from ´The Don´, but he turned out to be a nice guy and well travelled. We hung out one night but got unexpectedly split up at the Almirante.

Now to the girls:

Cartagena has a large black population but the girls in LDV seem mostly from Medellin and are lighter in complexion. I´m told that other cities like Cali and Medellin have little or no black population. Honestly, the girls here in C are awesome and readily approachable anywhere.

We have been again to LDV last night (Sun) and took some beauties back to the Hilton. Mine wanted 200000 pesos (85 us approx ) but I gave her 150000, about 60us for all night. Beautiful, long jet black hair and BBJ etc. Great experience. It was only our second time to LDV and I highly recommend this place. In fact, its probably the only place to go. A couple of days ago, we went to Bosque, a distant area to see the Playboy club. With this club, you do it on the premises. We also went next door to the ´salon´ where you fuck in a filthy room on premises. After that, we decided to stick to LDV and back to the hotel. To be fair, neither Slick or I checked the rooms at the Playboy club: he took his back to the Almirante and I had had my fill next door (El Navegante) which I don´t recommend. Knowing what I know now, I would stay at the Hilton, frequent LDV every night, which are within a few blocks of each other and then, try to pick up some regular girls, if you have the energy.

More later,


05-10-04, 20:35
Quick response to the Dashing One´s post

The touts here are like swarming gnats, annoying as hell but generally harmless and just trying to eek out a living in a very difficult situation. Sure I have succumbed to some of the relentless pressure but what the hell I look pretty cool in those beads from Baru and my skin is silky smooth and tan from that slimy green goop massage. Meanwhile Dashing Don is as red as those smelly crabs being sold as a quick snack and surefire case of botulism.

The girls at LDV and Pleyboy are hot and the odds are stacked heavily in the tourists favor. For roughly 40 US a session I have never even tryed bargaining for a lower price and have been satisfied with the service. I will post more later on my home PC. Out of time now.

05-11-04, 14:21

It sounds like you have a lot of complaints about my (adopted) city! Should I take it, that you won't be back?

Many of the so-called beggers and/or vendors are similar to the beggers or vendors in the US tourist cities. Shit, urban city corners now have somebody begging for a handout, wash your windows or selling some type of flowers. Maybe where you are from, this is not common. Whatever!

Vallenato (the music you heard on the beach)

aka "El Negrito Lindo"

05-11-04, 14:47
Why would you stay at a hotel in Cartagena that costs over $100 per night?

Why not rent a nice condo for $30 night right across from LDV with no rules for when the chicas can come and go?

Also ... the touts ... they're the reason I can only take Cartagena for about 3 days at most. I generally get along with everyone but these guys ... after a few days of relentless rudeness ... Gotta go somewhere else.


Happy C
05-11-04, 14:58

Do you have a contact number or address for these apartments?

Thanks in advance,

Happy C

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to add standard capitalization throughout the text. To avoid delays in future reports, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no capital lettering. Thanks!

05-11-04, 19:14
Dear mongers,

There is a building called el Conquistador (57 5 665 0006) across the street from the Hilton where you can rent a nice fully furnished suite for 75,000 a night, less than 30 dollars a night. I havent tried this number or stay in a suite myself but it was in the telephone book and a banker friend from bogata was staying there at this price. Some of the girls live there in the lower level apartments. there you can bring in who you want when you want without the ussual hassle.

I payed 60$ at Playboys for a poor performance by Maria Lorain, a girl of true playboy preportions, but she was horrible in the sack, and has a really ugly nose. The rooms werent that bad and the drinks were realatively cheap, 5000 and 7000 for the girls and they didn't drink them down like shots or ask you to buy them one. The guys that worked there talk to me and were really nice ,although I did pay way too much by the sounds of it.

Good luck

the Don

05-11-04, 21:56
Call Mery at 575-655-0384. She's a cool lady ... speaks spanish and english.
Also her e-mail is:


05-11-04, 22:09
Hmmmm !

Insufferable touts, expensive hotels - the chicas will need to be really hot to make it all worthwhile.

The best chicas I have seen were in Rio with Buenos Aires a close second. Would any of the well travelled mongers care to make a recommendation if it is really worth going to CTG (over other places) ?

I like a bit of adventure and see new places but what would a dedicated monger (I am not one) make of this place ?


Latina Passion
05-12-04, 01:47
Sir Charles,

Trust me on this rent an apartment, it is a hell of alot cheaper, with less hasels.

I'm just now getting aquatinted to the forum so PM me for more info.

Dude when ever we hit a new spot we try to become ambassadors for the U.S. and bros.

Hell if I know what it is but I have been to a dozen countries and evey single time they are affraid of us! LOL! Whatever!

Sir: One thing that I absolutely agree with is do not over pay! Ldv club 60k to 100k para todo la noche. For all night long!

Damn I swear some of the Chicas will make you want to break the bank!

I asked one my pro chica who pays the most? Hands down she told me us Americans!

I talked to one American, and he told me no more then 40k, hell I guess espanol goes a long ass way! He told me tha the average Colombian only makes 25k a day that is less then $10 USD.

Sir: the absolute best info you will find right here on the Forum!

Hit me up and I will hook you up, when igot to Cartagena I paid $35 USD for a taxi ( F all of you guys OK) on my way back to the airport I paid $4 USD, what can I say live and learn!

05-13-04, 03:55
Just got back from CTG.

My impressions are entirely my own and feel free to agree or disagree.

I did have an enjoyable time but I really was not all that impressed with CTG. For me the true value of a trip to Colombia is the interaction with its people and CTG was no different, however this city is geared to the tourist industry and I felt the social interactions suffered, as they mostly revolved around how best to separate me from my money.

Much has been written lately about the touts and there does not appear to be a need for me to elaborate much further. I actually was quite pleased with the switch to the Hilton because its nice pool area gave one a much needed respite from the swarming herds of junk peddlers. I probably wouldn't mind so much if there was just some variety to the wares they peddled but to be constantly bombarded with cheap sunglasses, beads and tee shirts is too much. And those damn massage beasts don't know how to take no for an answer. One kudo, the old black women selling the mostly coconut desserts should get your peso. They are good.

If you choose a condo try to get one with a nice pool if they have them, because you to may find the beach way too annoying. There were times the police would crack down but that usually only lasted an hour. Maybe in High season there are enough tourists to deflect some of the swarm but I have a feeling the number of touts rises exponentially with the number of tourists.

I have heard much about how beautiful CTG is and I was not impressed in that regard . The old city is nice to walk around and dine in the plazas but there really is not much to do. There is a nicely restored pedestrian only colonial section of city and the rest of Centro ciudad is just a much more rundown version of the restored area. Hey it's nice, but I was not overwhelmed by a sense of beauty.

I realize now that this had to be the low season and perhaps in Jan. or Dec. things are vastly different. To answer Jack Daniels question, from my perspective there is no comparison in comparing BA with CTG. BA has it beat hands down in beauty but I will admit it is a rather unfair comparison.

From my perspective CTG was quite rundown and appeared to be decaying rather than on the restorative rise. There are a couple decent hotels but don't equate a 5 star hotel in the USA or EUR. with a 5 star one in CTG. The Almirante claimed to be 5 stars and really would deserve no more than 2.5 to 3. Had to get out due to the extreme inefficiancy of its air conditioning system. With the heat and humidity of CTG the lack of a proper cooling system can have you smelling quite mildewey in no time. The nights however were very nice and breezy.

Restaurants we ate in were all decent with good service but I would venture to guess this is one of the more pricey Colombian cities. I had better and cheaper meals in Cali, but cheap and good can be found here as well. Good selection of seafood but I would recommend shying away from the oysters and crabs being peddled on the beach. I couldn't believe I saw some tourists slurrping down the uniced, unrefrigerated mollusks, but it looked too dangerous for me.

What else...

Oh yeah, Girls.

Not the abundant bikini clad throng that I expected . In fact the beach was almost devoid of all women except the Massagista beastas. I know its the low season but I truly expected more. Dec. or Jan is probably vastly different, I would hope so. Hotel pools, the same sad story. A couple cute wives or girlfriends but no singles. We did head downtown and chatted up quite a few local honeys, but Bocagrande was a bust. In terms of local talent, my good buddy Dashing Don was very impressed but then again this was his first foray into Col. and he hasn't been to Cali. I have. Nowhere near the talent of Cali and I suspect Medellin. Actually most all of the hottest women in LDV and Pleyboy were paisas de Medellin.

The clubs. Only hit 2, LDV and Pleyboy. The girls are hot and for about 40 bucks you can't go wrong. I suspect there are quite a few more during high season but a lot more tourist competition. For me there was enough to choose from. Very few gringos to start a bidding war and I pretty much got the same 100,000 peso opening short time bid from all. A couple stayed all night and I suspect my bed was a lot better to sleep on and the shower more private. Many of these girls share rooms at very cheap hotels and appreciate the added luxury. Now I don't want to spoil any of your dreams that they choose to stay due to your sexual prowess, little gifts, or stunning looks but our living conditions are a treat for them as well.

One girl did tell me of a gringo that kept her 5 days and nights and only gave her 60k pesos. Bargain if you like but don't be a cheap scumbag. These girls are feeding themselves and usually others at home. I took one to her 20k peso a night hotel just so she could change clothes because she did not have proper ID to go up in my hotel. Not a pretty site and I felt quite sad for this cute, vivacious 18 year old that basically lived her life out of a small knapsack. Anyway, plenty of girls for my taste and you have a lot of time to choose this time of year. Not likely another tourist will walk in and steal her away, but hey, let her make some money too.

Only met one girl with a bad attitude and this showed before leaving . Said no thanks and went back and chose another. One thing I liked as well was that the girls were not overly aggressive and generally did their flirting from a distance. They respected your privacy until waved over. At that point they wound bound over with a smile. Ya gotta love these girls and Jack Daniels, in this regard Colombia has BA beat hands down. I don't know what it is but the Colombianas have such a joy for life. They have nothing, but don't let it affect their attitudes. Smiling , singing, dancing, these girls blow away the portenas. As well these women have some curves and are oh so feminine. Number one in my book, but you got to meet them at home, not after they have been exposed to the scummy outside world in places such as Costa Rica.

Anything else.

Taxis, cheap, abundant, but will try to tack on a couple extra thous. pesos if you let them.

Safety, no problem in that regard but be smart. My girl and I did get in a taxi one night in the Old city as Dashing Don headed off for a moonlit stroll along the sea. When our cabbie realized the Dashing one was heading for a walk he pulled a u turn and told him to get in the cab. Too dangerous to walk from the old town back to Bocagrande at night. Play it safe.

Big military and police presence in this city but don't push the envelope. Desperation breeds danger. At other times, we walked everywhere.

One last tip that I wish I knew from day one. Generally the hotel gyms were decent, but on my last night my taxi stopped at an ATM for me right next to a big gym. Body Tech its called. Oh my God the girls heading in there after work were the hottest in the city. Looks like a good gym too so go get a short time membership and sweat and stare.

I look forward to another return to Colombia. Probably not CTG for me, but others shouldn't be dettered. Maybe some of the more experienced CTG travellers can fill us in on the best time to be there.


05-13-04, 19:10
Good post Slick and I agree with almost everything you wrote. Aircon was fine when I had stayed at Almirante a year ago (perhaps they reduced strength to save electricity costs) though I carry a battery powered fan to supplement vAC (or for brownouts). I also walked with a chica from Ciudad Vieja part way towards BocaGrande; on a busy night and staying near the main road I felt safe. Nonetheless, the taxi drivers concern for DD was likely warranted.

My main point of disagreement with you is where you state that the chicas in Cali are better than in CTG. CTG attracts some of the best chicas from all over the country because it is the ONLY place where foreigners congregate (outside Bogota's Zona Rosa). Plus NOBODY speaks English in Cali (except marriage agencies and SOME of the girls on THEIR lists) and it is MANY TIMES more dangerous than the worst parts of Cartagena (e.g. Getsumani or the barrios in Zona Sur). Add to that the fact that there is no beach and way LESS "to do" for a visitor than in CTG and IMHO people would find Cali disappointing despite its reputation for sexy women (which I cannot deny).

Latina Passion
05-13-04, 22:54
Guys need info,

Are Mercy's apartments worth renting? What part of the city are they located I'm looking for a place right on the beach this time in, the center of the action.

I'll be back in Cartagena in two weeks, she wants $40 a night good deal or what?

Thanks in advance,


05-13-04, 23:33

Thank you for your post - really well written and candid. Looks like the city is no great shakes but the clubs are ! It is great to meet chicas with the joie de vivre. Sounds like it is worth visiting to see Colombianas in situ, though I note Surfers' comments - CTG seems to a focal point for out of town chicas.

I think I will visit CTG (and brave the touts), if only because it is there. I will go for 3 nights and then move on.


Dashing Don
05-14-04, 02:50
First, I welcome the more thoughtful, insightful, posts from Surfer and Jack, whether I agree with them or not. Its hard to put all one's trip experiences into a report. It often takes the 'cut and thrust' of the ensuing posts to crystallize the issues.

Mongering in Cartagena:

In a desperately poor city like Cartagena, mongering is almost unnecessary. Just like the Philippines, the locals are interested in YOU, the western caucasian. There is little tourism in these countries, thus, their interest is magnified. Most would like to emigrate: another reason why the female population will want to get to know you. The Colombians are hot and have no hangups about sex that I can see--another reason why its easy to bed a non pro. The only constraints are time. If you get horny at 3pm, what else can you do but head to a daytime casa. This I understand. I only mention all this so that a monger, no matter what age, should keep in mind that he can meet a young girl, make her laugh, take her to a nice restaurant and bed her in a short space of time, and everyone will be happy. I know because it happened to me, and I'm 46. If you are going to spend more than a week in Colombia, you won't need the pros. As you know, there is little or no chance of this happening during your visit to Zurich, Los Angeles or Stockholm.

Cali vs Cartagena:

I haven't been to Cali but am told that the racial makeup is different, ie there is little or no black population. Thus there no touts and a monger can move around without getting harassed. Cartagena has a large black population and they appear to be at the bottom of the economic ladder and thus the tout problem.

Personally, I love the water and always look for a beach destination. In that regard, CTG is a disappointment. The water is hot and salty, unlike anyother place I've been. The sand is dark and the touts abound. Best forget about going for the beach.

Regards the best girls from Colombia heading to CTG to meet you. Not true. HOOKERS from Medellin and elsewhere will go to CTG, but thats no indication of their attractiveness.


05-14-04, 03:39

I wouldn't argue with your assesment that some of the best girls head to CTG. It just wasn't happening this past week. I did speak with our cabana guy who stated that in Dec and Jan. they virtually fill up the beach with cabanas and chairs for rent and that if your late you won't get one. This past week each cabana group never even set up more than 10 cabanas. The girls and for that matter, any tourists, just weren't there. When I spoke of the girls in Cartagena I mainly was refering to the local population rather than the imported nationals. My impression was that from a stroll down the city street or shopping venues, there was a noticable drop in chica talent from Cali to CTG. I would venture to say that you probably are right on that when the season in CTG is peaking and the MED. and Cali girls head north, it is quite a collection of beauties.

Forgot to add. Read elsewhere of this guy on the beach known as Tony the Tout or Tony number 1. Chica supplier and cabana salesman. Just walk down toward Hotel Las Velas and he will certainly spot any gringo and come running. Avoid this piece of garbage at any cost. He is a real scheister and very impressed with himself for being mentioned on the internet. You don't need this guy to get you girls.

05-14-04, 20:05
Don: Cali DOES have a sizeable Black population, but race has nothing to do with the absence (or presence) of touts. Touts go where foreigners go (i.e. to CTG, NOT to CLO or MDE), period.
I DO agree with you that the beach (and water) in CTG are VERY soso, though there are nice beaches with clean water outside the city (like Playa Blanca or towards Barranquilla).

Slick: Seasonality DOES matter. My last trip (during the Miss Colombia pageant in November) was overwhelming. This trip (was there last week of April) was MUCH quiter with les chicas.
Regarding Tony, while I NEVER will buy ANYTHING from him, he DOES deliver the best chicas for daytime action bar none. But negotiate IN ADVANCE about EVERYTHING (I stand or walk despite his INCESSANT requests that I use one of his chairs). And the girl must pay him a commission so do NOT agree to pay him ANYTHING for finding you a girl.

05-14-04, 22:39
Dashing Don,

Cali has a sizeable black population. Take a trip to South Cali when you visit there one day. Also every casa I visited in Cali last year had atleast 3-4 black Calenas.


Latina Passion
05-15-04, 04:11

Thanks, for your understanding that people are people, no matter what the shade of their skin is.

Guys, lo siento, but I feel that there are two races. The human race and the rat race!

I belong to the human race, no matter the color of my skin or the color of my eyes, we are all basically the same inside and out!

The one thing that really seperates the man that has and the man that has nada, is not the color of his skin!

That seperation is mainly due to one thing, Education or lack there of!

One of the first things that I tell another person from a different countries, is that he is no better then me, and I'm no better then him. In my book we are all equal, the fact that I'm an American is a mere accident of birth!

Sorry guys, for my little commentary.

Dashing Don
05-15-04, 08:19
I'd like to thank the recent posters for their homilies on equality of the races and all that, but I am unmoved. You see, its my duty to report the city as I see it, not as how the Cartagena board 'residents' push it. Just the truth. No more, no less.

Again, Cartagena has a large black population that is poor, and hustling for a living. You can't avoid them. Readers who are mostly caucasian and are huddled around their computers in living rooms in suburbs of American cities and contemplating a visit to Colombia, should know this. They should know what they are in for before they spend time and money on a trip to Cartagena.

To the equality merchants, this: I'm caucasian and married to a dark Latina. We have two beautiful kids. Therefore, you ask, do I believe in equality of the races? Answer: I'm too busy banging anything that is female and atrractive of ANY race to pay any attention to this horseshit.

Often, in a restaurant or somesuch, my wife and I receive better than average treatment if the maitre'd or whatever is black. Obviously they approve of our mixed marriage and probably think I'm cool. Bullshit! My old lady is hot and we're together because, among other things, I had to bang her. She knows this and we have a good laugh about it. Then we give the guy a good tip and thats it.


05-15-04, 11:40
Um, "large Black population" sounds like a great place to experience real-ideal women! Sick of all the poor Dogs in Russia husling for a living.

05-15-04, 13:03
I understand what Dashing Don is saying. Sadly the racial composition of many societies is similar to the socio economic structure. We kind of accept socio-economic inequalities but we really do not accept racial inequality. In other words, it is easier to accept if the touts were of all colours and the wealthy were of all colours than if the touts were all black and the wealthy were all white. Sadly again, we are likely to see more of the latter than the former in many parts of the world.

Just my 2 cents.

I look forward to seeing CTG for myself later in the year.

Maximus Oyer
05-15-04, 16:44
Anyone in CTG 5/21-5/26? PM me will love to check out the LDV with people of same mongering interests!


05-15-04, 20:22
Don: I am NOT suggesting that your post was racist. Rather, I was merely CORRECTING two of your erroneous assumptions: 1, that Cali does not have a large Black population and 2) that poverty is the root cause of the pervasive touts in CTG. With all due respect, I know Colombia MUCH better than you do and I KNOW where there are touts and where they are not. Touts go where foreign tourists go, PERIOD. There are NO OTHER FACTORS, get it? Cartagena, because of the tourism industry, is MUCH wealthier than Cali, yet in 5 trips to Cali I have NEVER seen a single tout. IF there are any, they will be encamped outside gringo central AKA Hotel Inter (which I avoid like the plague despite its lovely color-a joke that anyone who has SEEN IT will understand). And they are NOT everywhere in CTG; they are in Bocagrande and the tourist parts of the Ciudad Vieja. WHY? Because that is where the tourists and their money are to be found.

Finally, and REITERATING that I am NOT calling you a racist, the fact that you are married to a Latina does NOT prove the ABSENCE of any bias against Blacks. Japanese men LOVE White girls, yet they are still the most racist people ON EARTH IMHO. I will say that the more you try and "defend" against a charge of racism that was never made, you begin to lend credence to those who might ascribe some racial animus to your posts. There were no "homilies on equality of the races" at all and your response merely evaded responding to the points made above, to wit, that touts go where foreigners go. THAT simple.

El Culion
05-15-04, 22:31

Hear, Hear! Well said!

Dashing Don
05-15-04, 22:35
Gee! thanks Surfer. NOW I get it. The touts go to Cartagena because thats where the tourists are, and not because they are desperately poor. I get it. I get it. Never thought of that scratching my head).

Surfer, I have no doubt that you know Colombia MUCH better than I, but how come you don't share that knowledge. Your posts are really just critiques of other people's posts. If you know so much, how come you didn't inform the huddled masses of mongers out there about the tout problem? Your trite response that the touts will go away if you tell them that you don't have any money is crap. These guys will follow you for blocks. The massage ladies will harrass you for ten to fifteen minutes before finally taking a hike. Don't you think the mongers will want to know that out of every hour spent on the beach, at least a half hour of that will be taken up fighting off touts. I take full credit for raising this all-important issue. How come you didn't, with all your experience. I get it, I get it: you were too busy CORRECTING other people's posts.

You gotta understand what the mongers are interested in. When it comes to Colombia, they're worried about whether they'll get kidnapped at the airport, or robbed, or get caught up in a shootout between the narcos. What does the city look like. They also want to know what the women look like ( a fabulous mixture of Indian, European and African). So get off your high horse and give it to them.


Simple Man
05-16-04, 01:20
You're Right Surfer the touts follow the toruists whereever they go. Well just a few months back I was sipping rum and cokes at a tout's mansion and he told me he was considering a trip to Cannes for the film festival because he was certain that there would be many, many tourists there. He said that you couldn't put a price on the pleasure he derives from harassing tourists whereever he can find them. So you are clearly correct in you statement that poverty plays no role in the tout mentality their are NO OTHER FACTORS than their pervassive desire to harrass tourists. Another enlightening post Surfer, Thanks.

To the rest of you -- who might think that these are poverty stricken people trying to scratch out an existence in an economy with rampant unemplyment and a truly ineffectual education system and have therefore been drawn like moths to a light bulb to a location where people might have the disposible income to buy their worthless baubles-- you're all wrong. To the rest of you -- that might think that these touts probably don't enjoy harassing you any more than you like being harassed and that claim to hear a hint of desperation in their voices -- you are a pack of of bleeding heart liberal panzies. Now shut up, Surfer might have something else to say.

05-16-04, 04:04
Peace, guys !!
Make love, not war. Remember?

A close friend of mine was in Cartagena just last week, and he came back enchanted with the girls. He did 4 amateurs (no pros) and I have seen some pictures. They were really hot.
He also raved on their friendliness, warmth, femininity, etc.

On the negative: the touts. He also said that the old city could be kept better, that the beaches were not that great, etc.
But just the pleasure of having easy sex with great looking girls compensates for all that. Does it not???

By the way, I happen to know the Don personally, and I will confirm that he does not discriminate among shape or size. If it is alive and wears a skirt, it´s game! :-)

Now, I am considering going to Cartagena myself...

05-17-04, 14:58
From my personal experiences with the Dashing one, I can assure you all that he is no Racist. Don hates everybody equally !

How you doing buddy ? I would love to see the photos your friend took of the "non pros" to see if I can recognize any of their faces from LDV.

In my opinion touts don't follow the tourists to CTG but they exist merely because tourists are there. If you ask me, the vast majority of touts probably don't even own the inventory of junk they are peddling and instead , for a small commission of what they sell, they are acting as a roving pedestrian extension for the few wealthy storeowners or junk suppliers in CTG. I enjoyed Cali much more where the malls remained stationary rather than chasing you around the city.


Latina Passion
05-17-04, 19:11
Dashing Don,

My bad for assuming, no hard feeling I hope!

Board, sincere thanks for correcting me!

05-17-04, 21:11
LAST POST from me on the subject of touts in CTG:

First, thanks to those who PM'd me with support.

Second: Touts have been a WELLKNOWN issue in tourist parts of CTG FOR AGES, so Don's critique that I should have warned others about the problem misses the mark IMHO. There were touts LONG BEFORE I EVER SET FOOT IN CTG, and their presence is WIDELY DISCUSSED in travel books etc (in addition to on monger boards). Accordingly, I reject the suggestion that it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to warn him (or anybody else).

Third: There are ways of minimizing the annoyance posed by the touts that are known to savvy travelers. They are more effective if you LOOK THE PART (i.e. you walk around with an expensive watch, polo shirt, jewelry etc it will be harder). Also, older folks will have more difficulty employing these methods and lack of Spanish proficiency will SEVERELY UNDERMINE tout avoidance tactics.

Fourth: CTG is NOT the only place on Earth to experience this phenomenon and MANY places with a large black population living in poverty do NOT have a tout problem. Also, places with NO BLACKS AT AQLL have touting problems. Jalan Legian (in Kuta Beach on Bali) has some of the worst touts (and the highest number) in the World, yet NONE are Black. They are Balinese and Javanese etc etc etc. While I have not been there, I hear India is MUCH WORSE yet ALL touts there are INDIAN (not Black).

The comparison to the French Riviera is absurd, of course, as there is not the juxstaposition of wealth upon poverty that exists in places with a tout problem.

FINALLY, those who wonder why those in the know are hesistant to share their knowledge on this forum should carefully read this thread. The sarcastic responses to my attempt to correct what I viewed as inaccuracies (and racial scapegoating) are a paradigm of why so few really knowledgeable people both to share their knowledge here.

PS Slick1: I agree with your post, but let's be careful with comparisoins to other cities please.

Simple Man
05-18-04, 00:13

If you wonder why you receive sarcastic responses maybe you
should check out the condescending air of superiority with which you deliver your "knowledge." You make frequent boasts about your superior knowledge, but seldom do anything other than criticize other people's posts without providing any specific information other than to tell us that you know better than everyone else. (Also I have to admit that I find your habit of capitalizing words for emphasis to be extremely ANNOYING.) If you do have some actual information, please share it, I am sure that we would all be grateful.

Regarding your claim that so many people refrain from sharing their knowledge on the WSG because essential the masses are ungrateful and unworthy--it begs the question of why they are members of this forum. Isn't the specific purpose of this forum to share information to help us all have a more rewarding and safer time pursuing our common hobby? Most of us post the limited knowledge that we have in hopes of helping each other out. I personally think that your elitest attitude sucks.

Regarding everyone jumping on Dashing Don for making an allegedly racist statement, he made an observation, nothing more. It was not a social commentary or anything else other than commenting on his own observation of what happened when he was in Cartagena. It is a sad fact, not a racist comment, that, in general, the black population in Colombia is on the bottom of the economic scale.

I hope that you will start to actually share some of your information. If you choose not to, and continue to simply point out your superior knowledge without sharing any actual facts, I will continue to consider you a pompous ass.

Dollar Bill
05-24-04, 14:56
ALL - FARC is out bombing the hell out of different areas of the country (Northwest Colombia (normally safer)). Many dead and many wounded.

This to celebrate the 40th anniversary of their start of the "war."

Please see the link below for the CNN story:


Good Luck and please be safe. Gringos are easy to spot and although that might help you with the ladies, it also makes you an easy target for the FARC.


ps - if "Surfer" comes off as knowing all, that is because he does. You guys that have not had the honor of mongering with Surfer, do not know the level in which he operates. I thought I was good, until I saw how a true "professional" does it. Thanks to Surfer for all that he has given those of us that choose to read and take his advice.

Dollar Bill
05-25-04, 13:49
Here is some more info on the attacks:


Please be safe!


Sean EZ
05-26-04, 06:49
Bombs in Cartagena this week? Anyone there right now? Tell us what's happening pls. Tourist areas affected?

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to add standard capitalization throughout the text. To avoid delays in future reports, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no capital lettering. Thanks!

Sean EZ
05-26-04, 07:51

I've been trying to figure out from reading previous posts but unsuccessfully where should I stay for more action (beach, parties, clubbing, safety) Bocagrande or Old City?

Also if arriving in July are hotel reservations recommended? Any good (chica friendly) mid-range hotel recommendations?

And finally I'd ideally want to get an apartment. Will be easy once we've arrived?


05-26-04, 18:04

Stay in Bocagrande because the lodging will be cheaper than in the old city. Everyone in Cartagena knows that Bocagrande is Tourist Central. The happening clubs are in the old city.

Footprint's Colombia Handbook will be useful.

If you just want to hang out at La Dolce Vida then lodge near, or at, Las Velas.

You can go to the Gold Museum, then walk next door and buy a pair of happening gold cufflinks.


Latina Passion
05-26-04, 23:16
Sean EZ

The one bombing sounds as if it is not FARC related.

I will be in Cartagena 05/27/2004, and I will post what I find out!

05-27-04, 05:22
hey how are the other spots in cart. la dolce will always be there what about that pick up spot in old town is that gone .yes please share about any trouble in paradise cuz of farc

Tom 33
05-27-04, 13:45
There is a high season from about 6/15 to about 7/15. During that time reservations are a good idea.

Mr. Babilla's, Tu Candelas, and Giro Matto are some other clubs to try. They are all in or near the old city. B and Tu hop between midnight and 3. GM hops from 2:00 am to 5.

05-27-04, 17:48
Dear people,

Regarding the concerns recently posted over the bombing in cartagena; I have come across some inormation that suggests that there was no bombing in Cartagena, hence the story as reported by CNN may not be completely accurate.

The following was posted by experienced travellers on a Colombia travel website:


Author: ColombiaBoard | Date: Wed, 05/26/2004 - 10:58 | login or register to post comments

The whole story was false, it seems it was a brawl at a small fisher town 22 kms. away from the city and a boy was killed. The city Mayor (of Cartagena) denounced the report as false.

Cartagena is considered safe, that´s where the US-Colombia free trade agreement negotiations took place last week, with the usual anti-globalization protesters and now there are trade negotiations with european companies.

Apartado in a small town in the northwestern tip of Colombia, bordering Panama (for those who keep asking if crossing the Darien Gap is safe). That area is considered unsafe and therefore we always recommend not to attempt to cross the Gap."

Another report:

"Not Quite What Really Happened.

Author: Gator | Date: Wed, 05/26/2004 - 09:14 | login or register to post comments

Apparently the incident occurred, according to the police and reported on Radio Caracol, not in Cartagena as reported by the AP(what else is new) but outside the city. The death of a 18-year old in a billiard parlor happened in little fishing village, Arroyo de las Canoas, about 22 kilometers out of Cartagena on the hightway to Barranquilla. If you have made the drive and happened to sneeze at the wrong time you missed Arroyo de las Canoas. Population is 95% very poor black fisherman. A couple of reports now say there is every possiblity FARC/ELN was NOT even involved."

These reports were sourced from : http://www.poorbuthappy.com

Perhaps this is another case of the Western media over sensationalising the troubles in Colombia. However the prudent monger should always be careful and aware of their behavior and personal security, this is true whether you are travelling in Colombia, Thailand or Madagascar.

I wish you all safe and enjoyable travels.

05-27-04, 20:29
Sean: Rent an apartment from Mery Salence. She is VERY reliable, trustworthy and speaks great English. PM me for her email address.

05-28-04, 00:50
I also liked La Tripleteria which is about 200 feet from Tu Candelas in the old city. It is very much a pick up scene for free lancers and is more fun in my opinion than Tu Candelas. Also Tu Candelas only serves Heinekien beer as opposed to the awesome Colombian beers.

05-29-04, 01:07
Bomb Explodes on Roof of Hotel Capilla del Mar in Cartagena yesterday. A friend who is there sent this:

Actually, one went off at 10:30 am thursday morning on the top of the hotel Capilla Del Mar in Boca Grande.I can verify this as i am in the building next door, and the blast awoke me from my slumber.Very quickly i might add.Other than a pair of soiled drawers,no damage on my part.The bomb was in a block utility building next to the pool on top of the hotelNo one was injured that i know of.There was some kind of Govt meeting going on there.I watched as they loaded the people on a bus and transported them elsewhere.Watched them inspect the damage from my balcony(approx 100 yards away)Will post some fotos when i return.My first bombing.Remember, this is Colombia.

Goes to show that while Cartagena is MUCH safer than the rest of the Country, it IS, after all, still a part of Locombia!

Do a google search to find the whole story.

05-29-04, 02:13

There was a suspicious device but it was detonated in a controlled explosion. This does not make it any better but it assumes there is some level of vigilence.

Take care


Latina Passion
05-31-04, 09:56
05/31/04 01:00

Just touched down at LAX:

I was in Cartagena for four days, did not see anything that one would consider adnormal. this time my trip took me all over Cartagena, the mall, the ghettos, all over the city.

The only thing that was different this trip, I was riding on my friends motorcycle and we got stopped by the cops, found out I was an american and wanted 100,000 for not wearing a helmet, I laughed out loud and he settle for 2,000 pesos.

A friend of mind told me that he had heard that a bomb went off but he thinks that it is just a rumor, or they just do not know for sure what it was, he told me that they did close the the airport for two hours last week just as a precaution.

Dollar Bill
06-16-04, 14:48
info deleted - see "General Info" Section for news info on killings

06-17-04, 03:27
Gee Dollar Bill, thanks for the one man terror campaign. ;> )

Should I post this response only in the General section, or, should I respond in every section so that everyone can enjoy my jaundiced view of the world?


Sean EZ
06-17-04, 06:28
Unfortunately about 3500 people die per year due to paramilitary forces. Probably not the main concern for a regular tourist who sticks to main cities.

Nyc Expat
06-24-04, 10:28
A member on the Cali thread mentioned difficulties exchanging dollars and travelers checks.

Does anyone know if this problem exists in CTG. I will be there in 2 weeks for 2 weeks. Plan bringing cash and exchange as needed. Unless someone has a better suggestion. Any reply greatly appreciated.


Tom 33
06-24-04, 15:01
You will have no problem exchanging cash in CTG. There are cambios all over including one in the airport.

You get a slightly better exchange rate through ATMs. There are ATMs all over including two in the airport. And they have no charge on the Colombian end.

06-26-04, 00:25
If you are staying at Las Velas or Hilton area you can change cash at Foto Rozo, a little photo shop across from Las Velas and a La Dolce Vita with some very nice owners.

Nyc Expat
06-27-04, 20:49
Thanks guys.
I'm staying in laguito so Rozo should be easily found.

Nyc Expat
07-11-04, 18:16
I've been here for a few days now. A brief report for those unsure about visiting CTG. Come on down. Stay in laguito/Bocagrande area.

Both Friday and Saturday nights at LDV were fantastic. A minimum of 40, probably over 50 young girls and very attractive, HOT women in their mid 20's. Plenty to choose from.
Probably no more than 10-15 men.

Friday's date was attractive. She was good in bed but left after 1-11/2 hrs. BBBJ, then covered. A magician applying on the condom. Did it as I entered her in ride position.

Last night's woman I will rate a 9+. Very hot, sexy, real GFE experience from the start and she slept over. She agreed to 120000 P but I gave her 150000 P. because she was worth it. Wet and wild. Many positions. My date from Friday night was there also. She knows her and she remarked how beautiful she is. Both light milk chocolate, smooth skinned.

By the way, there was a 10+ there also last night. Dark blond pony tailed, caucasian with a nice tan. Looked Scandinavian but was COL. Her dress was wide open down to her navel. Breasts 50% exposed. But she didn't look that "bad" type if you know what I mean. Early 20's. Already taken when I got there.

Thursday afternoon, picked up a 20 yr. old but not SW. Great body. Within 15 min. she started a great BBBJ. Her picture to be posted when I return home end of the month.

To conclude, the police raided LDV Friday night 3 AM to check id's on the females and check for weapons amongst the men. The LEOs, both sexes, were decent, calm and polite in the action. I was not body checked but he asked for my id (fotocopy of passport). He also asked if I was bearing a weapon. Many of the Os even chatted with the women. Afterwards, the 4 women I spoke with all agreed it was perfectly ok with the raid because of the sense of security it gave. I agree.

Now need to treat my hangover.

Tom 33
07-11-04, 22:16
Do you look like a Gringo? I was in LDV during a raid in March of 2003. They never asked me for anything. The chicas were not okay with that raid as TV cameras accompanied the raiders.

07-22-04, 18:14
Does anyone have more info on casas, I plan to take my first trip.

Tom 33
07-23-04, 15:17
They open and close regularly. Ask any taxi driver. Pleyboy is the most expensive and has the hottest chicas.

I personally prefer to hit the clubs(especially La Dolce Vita in Laguito), the beach, and the streets and restaurants. Just smile and say "hola." Don't bother hitting any clubs before 11:00 pm. They rock until 3:00 am or later. Giro Matto in Centro is open until 9:00 am or so.

07-26-04, 21:18
Can someone recommend some mid range priced hotels.

Tom 33
07-26-04, 21:57
I don't have much experience with hotels in CTG. Don't go to the Decameron. The Las Velas has changed hands and may not be a good choice. Before I bought my apartment, I used Juan Ventura to rent the apartments of others. That is your medium range best bet. I can give you Juan's E-mail if you E-mail me.

07-29-04, 22:56
Hi Tomtom.
What's wrong with Decameron. They have an all inlcusive at Single=$369 for 3 nights.
Double=$299 for 3 nights.

Tom 33
07-30-04, 03:42
Part of the problem is that it is all inclusive. In Feb. of last year I had to pay an extra US$45 per day for the priviledge of bringing in one chica. And it was one hell of a hassle to get them to agree to that. They weren't going to allow any chicas at any price because they are a family hotel. Then they almost shit when I wanted a different chica each day.

It is much less hassle and cheaper to rent an apartment. You will pay US$40-60 per night during low season and can bring in four or more chicas per day or four at one time plus you have a full kitchen and fridge. And one of the pleasures of CTG is dining al fresco. It's good, cheap and great chica-watching. I have even picked up hot puss while dining. There wasn't much to choose from at the Decameron. There were a couple of Ecuadorean doctors, but I think they were dykes.

Nyc Expat
08-02-04, 15:50
Spent a couple of weeks in CTG last month visiting LDV the first week and the remaining time with my novia.

LDV is a great place for reasonably priced Aguillas and reasonably priced women (compared to US/European expenses). Between 100-200000 P all night depending on their looks, your looks and your behavior. Buy a small bottle of rum and you have friends for life, I mean night. Sex with the women I took home was worth every peso. They worked for their gifts. One 25 yr. old I took out to dinner one night at a fantastic restaurant, then dancing afterwards. She stayed until 6 AM.

Another 20 yr. old from LDV gave 3 shots total. Had trouble getting her to leave 10 AM next morning. Very sweet young woman.

For street action, I noticed around 11 PM on CRA 2 between CAL 5-7 in Bocagrande several very young girls looking for clients. I am sure their fees were very inexpensive but I was not interested in their types but others would find them doable.

In front of the casino on CRA 2 you can find one or two escorts looking for a date if that is your preference. One marrone skinned girl was beautiful with a great body.

A picture or two to be posted shortly.

08-17-04, 21:37
Cartegena is a great place to get harrassed by vendors every moment of your trip. Don't expect to relax anywhere except your hotel's swimming pool. If that is the only place to relax, why come?

Even on the 2 hour trip to a small island the local vendor people start selling their junk the moment you step off the boat nonstop.

They even line up to offer you their junk jewely, beach massages, hair brades, shirts, fake rolexes. If you take someones wares in your hand it is the kiss of death. 20 more will get in line to sell you afterwards.

Worst place, even ranks below Angeles City in the Philippines and Boca Chica in the Dominican Republic. Like time share salesmen in Orlando Florida.

Girls are mostly black, if you like black. People here descended from slaves imported into South America.

Most of the girls walking by themselves along the main street #2 can be had for about $40. If they have a cell phone they are working.

Tom 33
08-17-04, 22:04
I don't know about you, but I spend a lot of time relaxing in bed. Not even the most persistent tout can get by my security guys at the front desk. Try going across the channel from Laguito to Isla Tierra Bomba. There are no touts there. They are all over in Boca Grande working.

There are a lot of black chicas, but I wouldn't say most. The blacks in Colombia are concentrated along the Caribbean coast.

08-20-04, 07:59
NYC Expat.

Is CRA 2 in front of the casino right next to LDV or are you referring to the other Casino in Bocagrande?

Also, I've heard rumors there is a casa only open thu, fri, sat next to a casino in Bocagrande. The guy who told me was reliable (he informed me of some other area that paid off) but I could never find this casa (but I didn't question enough about specifics) Please PM me or give reply here if you have the answer. Thanks!

Nyc Expat
08-20-04, 10:36
CRA 2 is the street in Bocagrande with many restaurants and the casino.

A taxi driver hanging out in laguito near the high rise apt. buildings told me about a casa with many girls but I did not take him up on it as my novia was expected later that night. Also can't be too sure about where they take you regarding neighborhood at night, getting back etc. I would though next trip let him drive me there as I am more familiar with the city now after 3 weeks vacation.

If there is a casa near Bocagrande casino, that might explain why I saw several young girls hanging out on the st. close to the casino looking for clients in that area. I walked that area many times during the day and night. The casa if it exists must be quite discreet. Let us know how you make out.

08-20-04, 23:53
Greetings sexperts,

Please advise me a First timer to Columbia. Traveling solo 7 nights, How many nights should I spend in Bogota, and how many in Cartagena? I do speak spanish, and have experiace in Nicaragua, CR and DR. Yes, I know they aren't the same as Columbia.

Finally, If any one is in town who'd like to meet up, The first beer is on me.

Travelling Sept2 thru the 9th.



Redskins Rule
08-22-04, 20:03
Is Cartagena a good place for us mongers with lil to no spanish skills? Is LDV open every night of the week or just weekends?

08-26-04, 19:40
Some good points here.

You have to take the harrassment of the vendors as a given. The more 'gringo' you look the worse it gets. Of course, remember avg. Colombianos here on vacation also get hit for tourist crap. All part of being a vacation spot. If you don't think you can handle it, most of the other spots have far less hard core vendors than Cartagena (like Cali, so much more mellow!!).

If you can't speak Spanish, my personal experience is the trip is vastly different. Just my take after taking Spanish daily 1/2 hour a day for almost 2 years (along with about 6 trips to get rid of my 'Gringo Tin Ear').

I'd like to hear more about Isle Tierra Bomba... how far is that from Cartagena? Where did you make the ticket reservation?

I got really burned on an Isle De Rosario ticket. Fucking piece of crap. We never got to Isle De Rosario, we got to look at it from the boat. Instead we went to a fucking shithole island about a meter wide with NO TOILET. Lovely! All the tourists running around to find a place to shit in the water. Of course you could briefly escape all the touts/bead vendors/ etc that were waiting like flies on shit (in this case, kinda literally!) to descend on the hapless hordes. Make sure you know what you're getting and who you're getting it from, my motto!!

Tom 33
08-26-04, 21:49

Tierra Bomba is right across from Laguito. You can rent a boat near the Hilton for the 10 min. trip across. It is the huge island that blocks the entry to the Bay of Cartagena. Boca Chica(many vendadores) is on the other side of TB. I don't think that TB is a great location. Just mentioned that there are no touts there.

If you want to avoid touts, get out of Boca Grande and Centro. CTG has nearly 1 million people. There is a huge shopping mall quite a ways west of Centro. There are no touts there. And there are plenty of non-pro chicas who'd love to love a Gringo for the price of a meal and a couple of drinks.

Islas del Rosario can be great. They are a group of islands. There is an aquarium on one of the islands that is neat. You can also spend the night at a hotel out there. The hotels have bathrooms. Don't take a small boat. The winds can pick up in the afternoon, and you can get pounded coming back.

08-26-04, 22:26
Tierrabomba is the island directly across the bay from Laguito. I took a jet ski over to check out the waves out at the left point. Shoreline was VERY unattractive-looked like the beach in Tijuana. Really.

HEARD good things about Islas del Rosario but never made it out there. If you want real beaches with clear water and great diving, go to Santa Marta area, or even better San Andres/Provedencia.

08-29-04, 14:38
Do you think second week on November is an OK month to visit?

I am thinking of spending 6 nights there.
On an average how many women go to LDV on a night?
How many above say an 8?

08-30-04, 01:35
second week of November is best week of the year to visit Cartagena (Miss Colombia pagent). But book room SOON!

08-30-04, 14:18

I see the Hilton is already full up.

But does that mean it will be over run with gringos, leaving no girls to go around?

What would be the next best choice to Hilton that's chica friendly?

Tom 33
08-30-04, 17:08
An apartment is a better bet than a hotel. Realize that the rates are probably double during the pageant. I can give you the E-mail of Juan Ventura if you E-mail me. Juan owns one apartment near the Hilton and handles rentals for many others. Book soon.

I have never seen CTG overrun with Gringos, and I have never seen a shortage of chicas. They know it is a busy time as well and are willing to work overtime.

08-30-04, 22:26
The Hilton is ground zero for the pageant (all the contestants stay there). Apartments are better than hotels, and several are VERY close to the Hilton.

08-31-04, 06:30

Just returned from CTG. I never made it to LVD. I went out every night and hooked up with girls. Plaza Santo Domingo was plentiful with single girls. Went to MR. Babillas and this place was off the chain for single girls. I stayed at an apartment next to the Hilton (El Conquistador). 60,000 pesos 2 bedrooms. The place is not close to a standard hotel. No hot water A/C was average. However, extremely chica friendly. The # is 011-57-5-665-0630 and 011-57-5-665-0165. In El centro there are numerous cafes and bars with tables outside. These are target rich environments for non-pros. I went with the thought of going to visit LVD. Again, I met several girls who justed wanted to get to know me, dance a little, drink a little, then every one of them were willing to head back to the apartment. 4 nights 3 different girls. The last one was the better and wish I met her the first night. As for the beach, forget it. Go to Tierra Bomba or Punta arenas. They have boats next to the Hilton on the East side. The boats were 50,000 pesos for round trip for 2. The sand is much nicer and vendors we easy to dismiss. On Boca grande it is impossible to relax on the beach with the amount of vendors. If you have a motivated wing man you could slay different girls on multiple occasions. Next time, again, I will attempt to visit LDV. However, if my luck continues I will never see the walls from the inside.

Peace out.

08-31-04, 15:34
Thanks, but I would just prefer the safety and conveniance of a hotel for my first visit.

What would be a Hilton equivelant near tha action, that is girl friendly.

08-31-04, 21:49
No safer and LESS "convenient" in my opinion, but to each their own. The Del Caribe is the closest 5 star hotel to the Hilton but they have a repuitation as not being very chica friendly. Las Velas is even closer BUT it is 2 star (despite their sign claiming 4 Star). Those are the only hOtels I know of in Laguito itself.

Only Hotel I've stayed at (I MUCH prefer apartments as do almost all experienced Cartagena vistors) was the Almirante which was very nice (4 Star) in Bocagrande which is about a mile or so from Laguito. The traffic to Laguito is HORRENDOUS during the big week and I often exited cabs and walked the rest of the way.

Tom 33
09-01-04, 02:02
I can walk, alone, at any time of the day or night in Laguito, Boca Grande, Castillo Grande, or Centro. Safety is not really an issue in all of Cartagena. You may want to cab in the Getsemane area between 10pm and 4am.

That, of course, doesn't mean you can be stupid. Don't drink too much. Don't touch drugs. Don't wear any jewelry. Don't carry any more money than you need that day. Leave your passport in your apt./hotel.

Apartments are as safe. Every one that I know has 24-hour security. And they are much more convenient.

Nyc Expat
09-01-04, 10:52
If you want to stay close to the action at LDV then Las Velas is your choice. Also a nice, safe neighborhood with cheap and good restaurants (I can recommend if needed), conv. stores etc. You will also see many women walking around this area both during the day and early evening hours.

For upper level accommodations, take the Almirante. Also safe area in Bocagrande with many restaurants (one HIGHLY recommendable for a date), one blk from la playa and about 15 minute walk to LDV. I walked that area numerous times both day and night. A few min. from Almirante is the supermarket for necessities. Both areas you will feel safe to walk, patronize businesses and more. The touts will bother you but as I said countless times, do not stop, chat or in any way show interest in their items unless you want to.

There is also the Hotel Caribe across the st. from the beach and between those 2 hotels but can't speak for their friendliness. It does look nice from the outside. I met a latin American on my flight whom stayed there and I assure you he was a hunter.

Wish I could be there in November.

09-01-04, 15:24
But just to re-check.

As a first time visit, is that week actually a time to try and go if your chica hunting?

Or would I be better avoiding that week for a quiter one.
Does it mean that the pros will be busier and worn out, are are the people just there for the contest, and not hunters.

Is the Almirante chica friendly?

I read some earlier posts saying it was poor with broken a/c.

So is the caribe a definate no chica, or just not easy?

09-01-04, 20:18
Almirante was fairly strict about checking hotel keys to ghet into room, but I brought a chica from BAQ so never tested if bringing in different chicas would be an issue. I thought Hotel quality (including AC) was fine. If you are worried about quality at Almirante, forget Las Velas entirely as it is beneath your standards.

09-02-04, 13:39
There is another hotel called the 'Charleston Cartegena' which is in the historic town.
Is the historic town near to LDV?
If the traffic is that bad I had better stay near LDV.
I don't mind walking if it's safe.

The Caribe has rooms but you say it is not chica friendly?

Any clues where this playboy club is?

09-02-04, 14:13

was in cartagena last year october and stayed there for nearly 4 weeks.
in bocagrande (especialy barrio el laguito) you can rent tons of appartments for peanut money.
i rented mine for about € 15,- a day (with current us $ that is about 18 bucks).
the furniture was very new and looked nice.
the shower only had cold water; well that actualy is more warm then cold in cartagena;-)

backdraws were that the tv not had cable so i only could watch 2 colombian channals via antenna.
the lady who owned the place promised me several times to fix this but she never did!
anyway i don't give a damn about tv when i am on holiday. but if you can not stay without cnn you might want to be more picky about your appartement.

just step in the many appartment buildings. there are always app. for rent. just ask at the guard or anyone who lives inside. if you rent a appartment be prepared to give your fingerprint on the contract!

what was for me very negative is that the barrio is very noisy!! everyday untill deep in the night there is a party going on somewere. besides that indeed the traffic is like crazy. traffic jams at 22.00 are quite normal!

positive things are: lots of internet cafees (allthough more expensive then in the centre or outskirts), all kinds of restaurants,beach nearby and lots of chicas!!!

traveling to larger shopping malls (castelliana fe) take about 10 min with a taxi and about 30 min with a bus (with is cheap!!)
please be carefull if you take a bus after dark!!!

if you found (or allready have) your amiga islas del rosario is a must do thing!!!
i stayed a night there and it was very very nice,quite and very romantic.
please bring your girl...because here are no hookers!!!
the boattrip to that place is with a speedy "lancia"and takes about 2 hours. on the way back you will stay 2-3 hours at "playa negro". at this place i met very nasty and persistend streetvendors!!!! be warned! they will hassle you all the time. stay polite and say "no gracias, senor/senora". if you buy something get ready for the other 23 vendors coming your way...lol

learn your spanish;as i found out that in most travel agencies they do not speak one word english!!

booking tours to islas del rosarios will not be any problem. just go to 2-3 agencies and make your pick.(there is a price diffrence so look out not to get cheated)


Tom 33
09-02-04, 14:37

You stopped at playa blanca on the way home. It is so named for the white sand beaches.


The "historic town" is also known as Centro. It is not close to LDV. But it's only a 10-15 minute cab ride. The Charleston is a neat place but probably not chica friendly. The Caribe probably is not either.

The Pleyboy is out in the barrios. Any cab driver knows where it is.

09-02-04, 14:38

here are some pics from the beach,the pool and a very lovely sunset from Islas del Rosario.



09-02-04, 14:40
ok only could post one pic...here is the sunset at islas del Rosario.


09-02-04, 14:41
And here a pic of the very colonial center of Cartagena.


09-02-04, 14:49
after being there for nearly 4 weeks I can only say that there are pretty women availeble in Caratgena.
HOWEVER if you want to have better luck and higher ratio goodlooking women (and hookers aswell) do NOT come to cartagena.
IMHO in Cali,Medellin and also Bogota the numbers of realy pretty women OUTNUMBER the goodlooking women in Cartagena by far. I spoke with 2-3 Cartageneros and they also confirm me that calenas and women from medellin are considered more pretty then the ones in cartagena!
Barranquilla is more or less the same as Cartagena regarding looks from women. But BQ is a very modern industrial city with a large port. It has no real old heart like Cartagena. Besides that I heard the beach is a rather shitty place with lots of polution.

However,imho Cartagena is one of the "savest" cities in Colombia. Not the cheapest,but the savest. And if you like the BEACHLIFE (like me) cartagena IS THE place to be:-)

Take care while you there and have fun.


Nyc Expat
09-02-04, 20:57
Has anyone visited or knowledge of Palmira. I know its geographical location. I am emailing with a woman whom invited me to her home after only 3 emails and 2 photos. My ex-novia introduced her 3 children within 24 hrs. of our first encounter. Colombian women don't waste time.

While in CTG in July, I met a couple of Americans staying in the old historic city. They thought their hotel was ok. However, its about 3 miles to Laguito and LDV. Take a taxi costing 3000 P. I walked from Laguito to the historic city during the day. Because of the heat I would suggest a taxi at night and it's safer. At the traffic circle outside of the historic city heading towards Bocagrande, I saw SWs on several occasions after 11 P.M.

"The Walled, Historic City" has CTG's best restaurants IMHO. Great for taking a date but be prepared to spend equivalent of US$65-100. for a 2 course dinner with wine for 2. You can also dine much cheaper if desired. This area also has some of the cheapest lunch restaurants. I paid for a 2 course lunch 7000 P. Another place, only 5000 P. The historic city is full of spectacular architecture. Walk the streets during the daytime hours around lunchtime until mid-afternoon for great sightseeing, both the female type and tourist type.

The historic city is also great at night with lots of young people walking, dining, visiting bars, discos, outdoor cafes for meetings etc.

If you stay in Bocagrande, there are plenty of good restaurants with reasonable Colombian prices.

I visited Castellana shopping mall and was not impressed compared to American and European malls. For CTG, it's a generous 6. From Laguito to Castellana Mall, the normal taxi fare is 12000 P. taking about 20 min. through interesting, local neighborhoods.

Tom 33
09-02-04, 22:12
I have been in Medellin and Guarne. I would be very careful about going to Periera. But you might be okay if your chica comes to the airport to get you. I was stopped by the police in Guarne because I am a Gringo. Don't think they have seen many of us. They were nice enough, though.

CTG is the most expensive city in Colombia, but I never came close to paying that much for dinner in Centro. How many bottles of wine did you have? I would say in most top restaurants you'd pay $50 for dinner and drinks for two.

Chicas from all over the country come to CTG to hook up with tourists. They don't like their own men.

09-03-04, 01:50
Indeed in the old historic city there are many fancier ("trendy") restaurants are rip offs.
Once I paid for a large pizza about 14 us $..!! which I think is heavely overpriced for such a pizza. (keep in mind that an average wages in Cartagena is NOT more then 150 bucks a month)
Stay away from the chinese restaurants. They are even more expensive then in my own country!!!
I paid with me and my girl about 40 bucks for a normal chinese dinner!!! Again I think this is overpriced.
A few days later we eat chinese in a barrio called las Caracoles...and there we eat more and even better for 11 bucks;-)

There are many cheap fastfood chains specialised on chicken! (pollo) For about 5-6 bucks you have a decent meal(french fries,chicken and vegetables) with a soda. Service is great,save (mostly guards at present) and clean.
As far as I know there is only ONE MD...and it isn't booming!
I didn't see a Burgerking.
In Casteliana there are many many little restaurants. Great pick...against very reasonable pricing:-)
For me this mall was new. As we do not have such malls in Holland. One thing anoyed me: much little kids running and screaming arround untill very late at night:-(

If you want to eat much at very low prices you can also eat at Carulla,Vivero and/or the larger Olimpica shops. Best time to get there is between 11.00 and 15.00...after that you might get unlucky because there is nothing left! Also a great change to meet colombianas;-)

Tip: try the paisa food (from medellin) it's great!! I loved it:-) There are a zillion restaurants in CTG with paisa food served.
IMHO the Colombian food is far better then what I eat in Brasil or in DR. Only the peruvian kitchen is as vast and good as the colombian,maybe even slighty better;but that's a personal choice.


Nyc Expat
09-03-04, 10:33
"Plaza de Bolivar" in the Historic City.

Nyc Expat
09-03-04, 10:42
"Puerta del Reloj" in city center across the street from main entrance to the Historic City

09-04-04, 01:06
Expat: It is actually spelled Palmyra and I have been there several times (had a GF met online that lived there).

What do you want to know? It is a midsized town about 20 minutes further North from Cali's airport. Safe area with a cinema and even a Karen's Pizza (one of my favorites in Cali). A great place to take tyour chivca and her family for a day trip is Lago Calima, about an hour further North and West. A lovely area like an undeveloped Lake Tahoe. Fairly cool as it is up in mountains (a relief from the heat). You can rent jetskis there. Go during the week unless you like crowds (Cali folk spend weekends up there)

Again, a safe area (though better to NOT travel at night, as always in Colombia).

Johan: The ambience at the restaurants in Plaza Santo Domingo is worth SOME added cost, but I agree with you that it is easy to overpay in those places that are tourist oriented. Fancy restaurants in Cali & Medellin are cheaper (less tourists).
I avoid Chinese restaurants the World over because none compare to those in my hometown (San Francisco).

Nyc Expat
09-05-04, 21:29
Your reply is sufficient. I found out its about 25 km. from Cali. Safety is a priority.

09-06-04, 14:44
Looks like I shall be when the beauty pageant is on.

The Hilton is full.

Is the caribe not chica friendly at all?

I suppose the old town is too far out with the traffic.

Any other decent hotels.
Is ther an Intercont there?

Tom 33
09-06-04, 18:13
Centro, the Old City, is not that far from Laguito. The traffic is bad but it does move. Without traffic problems, it's about a 10 minute cab ride. Here is a listing of some area hotels http://www.s-h-systems.co.uk/colombia/cartagena.html. Don't know about chica-friendliness.

Here's a map of the tourist area with some hotel locations. Unfortunately you may not be able to see small details because of size restrictions on uploads.

09-07-04, 02:17
Expat-North from Cali is the safe direction to travel, really the ONLY safe direction. I'd still stay in Cali rather than Palmyra though. Taxi from town to send your chica home at night should run no more than 50K ($20); then you can go have fun. If you stay in Pakmyra no nicer hotels and not much to do after hours.

09-07-04, 19:42
Think I shall give the Caribe a go and take a chance.

If I book a double room would that make things easier?
Any other ideas for Chica friendly ones?

Is it pretty easy transfering from international to domestic at Bogota airport?

09-07-04, 22:00
Travelmen: Up to you (as they say in Thailand). Hopefully you won't have too much difficulty, but if you arrive with a new chica each time, especially late at night when traffic is thin, you might have problems. The place LOOKS lovely (like Hotel California from the Eagles Album of the same namew which is actually the Beverly Hilton) whereas the CTG Hilton is typical modern style).

The connection in BOG from international arrivals (El Dorado terminal) to flights to CTG depends on your carrier. Believe it or not, Avianca/GrupoSumma is LEAST convenient as their flights to CTG leave from a separate terminal (the Puente Aerea about 1 km from El Dorado). Aerorepublica goes from El Dorado and is more convenient.

Member #3453
09-08-04, 03:37
I arrived in CTG via COPA after a couple of day’s worth of stupid mistakes on my part concerning airline connections. I remember being relatively tired from the ordeal, but also very excited by the prospect of visiting a land that promised such blissful returns. I cleared customs in CTG without incident, and exited the baggage claim area after a brief inspection of my baggage by armed military personnel.

All baggage is inspected by armed military personnel upon arrival after leaving the baggage claim area. The inspector did what I consider a cursory search of my baggage, and waived me off on my way within 3 minutes after having begun the search. It was no big deal at all.

All passengers went through the same degree of scrutiny, and security did not seem any more “tight” than you might encounter at the airport in Miami. It just seems a little more intense because inspectors are wearing full military gear and they are armed, whereas in Miami, inspectors are wearing much “softer” uniforms and they aren’t armed.

I stepped out onto the curb in front of the airport and was immediately greeted by Alex, the taxi driver that had been recommended by Mery, my apartment manager. Alex was holding a sign that had my name on it, and he smiled, greeted me, grabbed my baggage, and off we went to his taxi. Alex has a nice taxi with air conditioning, and he is a friendly and likeable guy.

Alex always charged a reasonable fare for his services, and I always felt safe with Alex. I used Alex almost exclusively while I was in CTG, and he was an excellent guide.

I do think Alex will take you places where he can earn a tip for bringing you there. For example, he suggested that I might want to buy some gifts for people back home, and he took me to a jewelry shop in Boca Grande one afternoon. It was obvious to me that he was probably earning a tip for bringing me there.

I looked at what they had at the store and didn’t buy anything. I think the jewelry I was quoted was too expensive for the quality I saw, but I politely listened to the clerk, who spoke very good english, and merely told her that I may return later to purchase something. Of course, I never returned, and Alex may or may not have earned a tip from bringing me to the store.

I don’t know for a fact that Alex was earning anything for bringing me to the store, but I have to assume that he did, or that he hoped I would buy something so he could earn some additional money from the store as a finders fee.

Alex also set me up with a girl from Barranquilla. The girl came down from Barranquilla to meet me. The girl later brought her cousin with her to meet me, and the cousin lives in CTG. Anyway, I had a threesome with these girls two days in a row, and I spent two nights with the girl from Barranquilla.

I will relate the specific details later on in this post, but the girls were really a lot of fun, and I enjoyed their company very much. I didn’t realize it at the time when I met the cousin, but the cousin was actually a cherry girl. The cousin was really enthusiastic about losing it too, which made it even more fun. No tears or anything, just a lot of lust.

The problem with the whole threesome girl action was that they were really hard to get rid of. They accepted very little money from me, but they did expect gifts. The cherry girl cost me about $22 for two afternoons of threesome action, which was really very reasonable, and the girl from Barranquilla cost me probably about $150 for two afternoons of threesome action and two nights of todo la noche twosome action.

Anyway, I thought they were just slightly too expensive. But, I suppose if you divide out the time between having two girls for all the time they spent with me, it was a fair price. Obviously, compared to the USA, Mexico, or Costa Rica, etc…it was quite a bargain.

Anyway, I don’t know if Alex got his cut. I would imagine he did, and that might be one reason they were slightly more expensive than some of the girls you can find in Cartegena that are actually better looking, or at least equally attractive, for less money. But, generally speaking, I really liked these girls and their GFE attitudes, so I was satisfied with them. They are now my buen amigas and they have already emailed me to tell me how they miss me, and they’re asking me when I will be back to see them again.

Alex brought me to the apartment I was renting from Mery. The apartment is the Sol De Caribe Apartments in El Laquito and they are located almost directly across from the stairway leading up to LDV. So, my apartment building was located in a very strategic position, at least in relation to the famed LDV disco.

Alex brought me upstairs to the eighth floor of the apartment building to apartment #803. When we came through the door I noticed there was a lock on the door that had to be opened from the inside with a key in order for anyone to exit the apartment. In other words, someone had paid special attention to not only security from the outside, but also from the inside as well. It would be especially useful in circumstances where certain female elements may at times try to make an attempt to leave without the knowledge of the occupant. That wasn’t going to happen in this apartment without the key to the lock.

In addition, the apartment had a lock box in the bedroom where you could secure your valuables. I had made arrangement for CD player to be placed in the apartment, and when I arrived I noticed there was a portable CD player under the TV set in the living room.

There was another locked door in the apartment, and I assumed that the apartment may have actually had two bedrooms, but since I was only in need of one bedroom, I assume the other room was locked to maintain its cleanliness for guests arriving in the future who may need more than one bedroom.

The apartment actually had a bath with a shower, and even another shower next to the kitchen. The second shower appeared to be more for cleaning off after visiting the beach so you didn’t have to track into the apartment after going to the beach.

The apartment had a full kitchen with stove, oven, refrigerator, etc…and there were relatively comfortable furnishings in the living room where there was a good couch and two comfortable chairs. There was a good color TV with remote in the family room and also one in the bedroom as well. The TV had a basic selection of cable TV programming, which was perfectly fine for my purposes.

The rental of the apartment cost me $40 a day, and I was also provided a cell phone charged with about 30 minutes of talk time that cost me $10 for the week. I used the cell phone to contact Alex, Mery the apartment manager, and I could have used it to make local calls as well. But, I primarily used it to contact Alex to arrange for transportation.

The only problems I encountered had to do with the elevator being broken most of the week I was in town. The elevator would not usually function going down, and I would have to walk down eight flights of stairs to get to the street level. This was a frequent occurrence, and it became somewhat annoying over the course of the entire week.

However, generally the elevator did function on the way up, with the help of the security guard tinkering with the elevator controls each time. There were just few times when I had to walk up eight flights of stairs to my apartment. But, what the hell, I considered it my exercise on the few days it happened and it was not too much of a problem. It would have been nice to have a functioning elevator, but I was there to have fun, and I was not about to let that little problem spoil my attitude.

The security guys were excellent. They checked the girls coming into the apartment when I wanted them checked out, sometimes making them produce identification so they could document them checking in. On the other hand, if I waived them off, they would follow my lead and not make an issue of it. It was entirely up to me as to the level of security they would follow relative to admittance of the girls.

The security guys were also excellent at announcing when my girls showed up at the apartment building to see me. The security guys would call the apartment and inquire if I wanted to see a girl when she showed up. As I mentioned earlier, one of the security guys was especially helpful, and actually sent me a really nice girl for the night one time. I will go into more detail about how that came about later on.

Anyway, after I settled into the apartment and Alex had left, Mery the apartment manager came over to make sure everything was satisfactory. She was really a very nice lady. She and her daughter, Sally, even took me to the local grocery store so I could stock up on some stuff for the refrigerator.

That evening, I was feeling kind of tired from the trip, but I knew I wanted to check out the famed LDV bar. So, around 8pm I strolled over there. It was probably less than 500 feet from the entrance to my apartment building.
But, I soon realized that the bar doesn’t open until 9pm.

I glanced over at the taxi stand at the bottom of the steps in front of LDV, and decided that maybe I would visit Playboy first, and then return to LDV a little later.

So, I took a taxi to Playboy. I thought Playboy was a strip club, and I think there is some stripping going on there, but when I arrived, the place was really dead. There were only a few girls to be seen, and I was the only patron in the house. Obviously, I was too early, and later I discovered that Playboy may be more of a Casa type of establishment than a conventional strip club. I never really figured it out. In fact, when I was there I ordered a Coke Lite to drink.

I sat and drank my Coke Lite, and when I decided it was time to leave because things were so dead, they didn’t even charge me for the Coke Lite. They just waived me off like they were sorry it was so dead in there. I guess they hoped I would return later and they were embarrassed at the prospect of charging me for a Coke Lite when all I did was just sit there.

I did talk to a young lady for several minutes, and there were a couple of girls running in and out of the front door of the building, but there did not seem to be any effort being made to work the crowd, which only consisted of a couple of guys at most by the time I decided to leave. When I was walking out the front door, a young girl did smile at me and ask me to come back later to see her. I don’t know why she was running in and out of the building and didn’t come over to see me in the first place. It was like they didn’t really want to work that night.

Anyway, I lost interest in remaining at Playboy, and decided I had wasted enough time there. I decided to head over to LDV because it was now at least 9:30pm, and I was hoping I could find something going on over at LDV.

By the time I got back to LDV, I was feeling tired and decided that it may be better to take a short nap, and then venture over to LDV in an hour or two. So, I returned to the apartment, where I rested for a couple of hours and ended up back over at LDV around 10:30pm. or 11pm. I don’t really remember the exact time, but it was relatively late.

My first impressions of LDV reminded me of the meat market in San Jose, Costa Rica, specifically of the Blue Marlin. The women in LDV are pros and they seem relatively cold to me. I was approached by several girls, but I was not approached by the ones that I wanted to get to know. It seemed that the ones I wanted to come see me were never going to, and the ones I didn’t care about were seeking me out.

I sat at a table and sipped a Coke Lite for probably at least 45 minutes. I was approached by a couple of nice girls, but not the flaca morena types that I usually prefer. I noticed that the place was starting to thin out, and that there were fewer and fewer girls. I noticed this trend, and decided that I didn’t want to spend the night alone, and realized that I would have to go on the initiative. Finally, I got tired of waiting for them to come to me, so I picked one out, approached her, struck a deal, and off we went to my apartment. I think she cost me 80,000 pesos for all night.

She was a good sex object, but not a good GFE. I could tell she was starting to thaw out after being with me all night, and I think I could have turned her into a good GFE if I had the time, but unfortunately, I had to leave for my Spanish school in the morning, and I just didn’t have enough time to work her.

Anyway, that concludes my first day in Cartegena. More to come…later.

Tom 33
09-08-04, 05:03

Most taxi drivers earn a commission on what you spend in a place. You want to get one that you pay hourly who will come in and tell the proprietors that they will get no commission. Then you pay a much lower rate.

There is a huge difference between the LDV and the Blue Marlin. The LDV chicas generally will not approach you. They wait to be invited. Make eye contact and wave them over. Or go over and say "hola." Unless you are a loud-mouth ass-hole, they want your business. I'm a fat, old guy and score like there is no tomorrow.

I don't know Alex. But Mery is great.

Nyc Expat
09-08-04, 10:52
Thanks for the info.

H. Caribe is right across the st. from the beach. There are 2 small kiosk/bars where you might be able to pick up a non-pro. If you meet Carlos, owner of a small bar on the beach to your left from the high outdoor clock, stay away from him. He’s dishonest while claiming he will be your best friend. He’ll probably tell you he lived in Texas.

While I was there in July, I had no problem contacting the ladies. Hang around the bar which is easier to make contact than sitting at those tables which seem uninviting. The men I saw sitting there sat alone while some men standing in my vicinity all had women to chat with. The ”10” I saw there looking nordic in appearance, blond was also at the bar. BTY, where is Playboy located?

Mery is very nice. If you should eat at the fish restaurant ”Julia’s” across the street from the little triangular plaza and notice a woman (Claudia?), 40ish, acting like she’s the manager (which she is), say hello from me, man from Dinamarca in July whom ate there MANY times. I miss their fresh meals and hospitality. I’ll be back. I can’t forget she told me Friday nights are Cartagena f--- nights.

09-08-04, 12:53
Thanks NYC

I found it on the map.

Just wondered if it was chica friendly?

Tom 33
09-08-04, 14:28

Julia's is out of business. The Jewish restaurant is moving into their spot.

Pleyboy is out in the barrios. Ask any cab driver. They have a lot of hot chicas. However, their prices are a rip-off.

09-08-04, 20:37

Good report.

If you got an LDV girl for allnight for 80K you did VERY well IMHO.
I never go to LDV before 11pm, and after 1am the quality and numbers will decline but that is prime shopping time.

I told you Mery was an angel; trust NOONE but her in CTG (including the driver who would absolutely get a commision on EVERYTHING you buy if he brings you there).

Nyc Expat
09-09-04, 10:56
Sorry to hear it. I ate there numerous times in July. Great food reasonably priced.

Another cab driver hanging around Laguito is named Julio. Friendly but no english. I was told he is trust worthy regarding transport. He drove me to the mall, the airport etc. Some cabbies are decent trying to earn a living while others try to rip you off if possible. Always best to have 3000 P for the short rides. Some try to take advantage when they make change from 10000 P. Many do not accept 20000 P because of counterfeits.

09-10-04, 20:11
Hola mates,

I am writing this report from the internet cafe at Avenida 2, Calle 5 in downtown Cartagena. I am here on a 10 day holiday with board member "Fantasy" and so far happy I made the trip.

Accomodations have been a problem. This is apparently the "high" season (or at least for conventions) because most hotels are full. We stayed one night at the Hotel Las Velas which is the process of being remodeled. The location is great, the rooms are nice but with the ongoing construction enjoying ourselves there would prove to be a big problem. They now want $47 per night with $14 additional for a guest. Prices could well increase after the renovation is completed.

We then checked into the Hotel Almirante which is gorgeous. It is 5 star and with "Fantasys" working his magic at the front desk when we arrived the price for this elegant hotel shrunk to $90 per night. It is offered at $140.

Last night LDV was swamped with women of all shapes and sizes. When I made my selection and hit the exit (at around 1:30 am) there were over 70 women in attendance.

Im very sleepy, tackling this town is hard work! More reports to follow.

09-11-04, 19:11
I shall be there from 11-17 Nov.


The Almirante web site seems to say $211 per room except during the period I am there.

Can you perhaps get an idea of their best rate for that period?

Is it chica friendly, double bed?


Member #3453
09-12-04, 17:49
Hi Surfer,

I think the LDV girl started out quoting around 125K for all night. I got her for 80K, but I had to beg her to go with me for less than she quoted.

It was a sight to see, and you all would have been proud of me...

I gave her a real pityful sob story. I told her I didn't have any money, and that I wanted to see her, but I was a poor gringo. I told her how I had been looking at her and admiring her beauty all night. I told her I was shy, and worried that she would not go with me because I had very little money.

She must have bought my story. Maybe she felt sorry for me, or was worried that it was getting late. Afterall, she was still standing there in LDV, and maybe she thought that she may not make any money that night, or...as I prefer to think of it, she was HOT for ME :-)...who knows, but off we went at the 80K price.

You would imagine that an LDV girl would be too much of a pro, and a little too mechanical, so initially my expectations were not that great. But, she started to soften up as the night progressed.

I remember she was sleeping peacefully, and the sun had just started to come up. I was already awake, and lying peacefully watching her sleep and admiring her beauty. Then, she must have sensed me looking at her because she slowly opened her eyes, smiled, and with this really "loving" look in her eyes, reached out and started running her hands through my hair.

She must have liked me because it seemed that lust had been replaced by a hint of amor. I wish I could have seen her again, but I got so busy that I just didn't have any time left to find her again. I think I could have turned her into a good LT GFE given a little more time.

Regarding Alex, the taxi driver, he came very highly recommended by Mery. Mery's exact words to me about Alex were, "I trust him completely." That meant a lot to me, and I used him almost exclusively.

I am sure Alex makes commission on everything, and I was anticipating it. It didn't [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off that he was trying that little ploy because everybody has to eat, and Alex has a family to support. But, I'm like everybody else. I don't mind spending more for reliable service, but I just didn't see the merit in spending more on gifts to finance a commission.

Don't get me wrong, I don't wish to overpay by too much even for preferred service, but just a little more is fine in exchange for reliability. Alex was always very punctual, reasonable in price, and always a gentleman. The cab fare he charged seemed to always be around the going rate, so I don't think his fares and/or hourly rates are any more than the other taxis charge.

09-12-04, 20:10
I've never paid over 80K in LDV. Let me tell you that the guys are in charge there, but don't know it. Most girls will go there several nights without being taken out. If they look at their options, 80K or 0, they'll take the 80K. But, there are some important steps. First, speak spanish. If you don't speak good spanish she may hold out for more. Get a rapport with her. Be charming, treat her like a person and not a hooker. If she is attracted to you, she'll want to go with you and money is less of an issue. I've had girls go with me for nothing. The will all start at 150K or more, but will settle for much less. Especially if you laugh at them when they say 150K. I laugh then say that I'll pay 80K, no more. If they say no (which they haven't yet), there are many more options.

09-14-04, 20:21
Those are RIDICULOUS prices for Almirante; book through a Colombian travel agent and you'll get a much better rate. $47 +14 guest fee at Las Velas? Ridiculous. I know the peso has appreciated about 10% but these rates are ridiculously higher than just a few months ago.

Then again, apartments are so much of a better deal in CTG than hotels . . . .

Tom 33
09-14-04, 20:57

TM is talking about Miss Colombia time. Generally rates are doubled then.

09-15-04, 14:57
80 K is not unreasonable at LDV at all. The other posters are correct there are tons of girls sitting around with nothing to do, many are going home alone and with an empty purse. They start out at about 140K but will be willing to bargain at bargain and bargain.

Apartments are a much better deal but ALL were full when we arrived. Not available for 10 nights only 4 or 5 and then we would have to move. Many conventions in town.

Almirante has one HUGE advantage over all other accomodations however - the contestants for the preliminary rounds for the Miss Colombia pagaent are all staying at the Almirante this week!! We have suites on floor 11 they are in suites on floor 12! Easily 100 gorgeous women! The eye candy around the pool is ´OFF the FRIGIN´ METER!´

Some things you just cant put a price tag on!


09-15-04, 15:12

One more thought as board member chido said speaking Spanish is of course very important!

My Spanish is strong and I wouldn´t be having even 10% of the fun I´m having without it.


09-15-04, 17:54
All is well in Cartagena.

I just dismissed my two day novia. Now back to the pool to join Ford and on with the hunt. we have discovered a total of 11 casas. No need to visit ldv every night anymore. I hope ford posts the pictures of the girl he had on monday night. She was an 11.5 minimum. There is hope for this guy yet. Tommorrow we are having a group picture with the 23 finalists from Miss Colombia pageant. They are practicing all week for the upcoming contest. Ford has over 75 photos of them in g- strings at the pool. I have had the culo of the new Miss Colombia within ten inches of my face yesterday.

Cachaca Lover
09-15-04, 22:17

I will be in Cartagena next week, getting in on Monday afternoon and I already have reservations at the Almirante which is where I always stay. Do you know if the reinas will still be there next week? If the preliminaries are over before next week, why don't you talk a couple dozen of them into staying on an extra week? I'll be your friend forever!

09-17-04, 01:57
Go to the Traje del Baño competition at the Hilton on Saturday night (11/13 I believe) and you can take pictures of the culos from 10 inches away. Really I was SO close last year I needed a wide angle lens!

Get tickets IUN ADVANCE! I was VERY lucky to scalp a ticket and I stayed out there awhile and saw NO sellers AT ALL: I only got in because some family brought a baby who was denied entry so they sold me her ticket.

Also, to get CLOSE for photography avoid the pool and go in the garden area just past the gate where the pasarella (runway) begins.

09-18-04, 17:17
Well I am back from 10 days in Cartagena and am still recovering from the flights. I will post more info incl. my thought and opinions when I get more time. I am too busy, developing my next trip to Central America next month. :)

Almirante Hotel was awesome! 5 stars and myself and Fantasy negotiated between us, (with credit card exchange rates) about $85 per night on average, for suites!

A "typical" afternoon around the Almirante pool.

09-19-04, 18:38
Shout out to Travelman!

Dude, your killin' me! (lol) I sent you a lengthy pm answering your question to me and it said your pm box is full so it deleted it.

Delete some mesages and I'll write it again. I think if all your outgoing and incoming pm's add up to 99 its full (or something like that)

09-19-04, 19:03

I have now. Didn't have that many messages though. Strange.

09-20-04, 08:44
I'm now comparison shopping for Caribbean destinations that combine good scuba diving and womanizing.

So far I'm looking at Roatan, Curacao and Cartagena in Colombia. I'll also post this message on those boards. I guess Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic are also possibilities. I've only been to Grenada and I can say it's definitely not a good mongering destination.

So I'd like to know about places where I can find the best of the following:

Diving Scene:

Accessible diving (as in can go out, dive twice, and be back before 4 pm or so)

Affordable (no more than about $75 for 2 dives with my own gear)

Good, meaning not Palau or Maldives good. But not a total waste of time looking at nothing. An occasional quality sighting, like a sea turtle or colorful nudibranch, will do.

The mongering scene is mostly covered already on the respective boards so I won't ask for much detail about that. Just want to hear about the best places to combine watery diving with dry land diving.

09-20-04, 16:42
How do you book the Almirante?

There web site gives no email or even a phone number.

Got a PM from Ford saying the Caribe is not chica friendly. dam.
the hilton is full.

Not good.

09-20-04, 17:21
Caribe is not chica-friendly and costly - $145 per night. (pricey)

Remember, however this is Latin America and just about anything can be negotiated if you go about it the right way! ;)

***** JESSICA *****

(from Pleyboy Club)

Tom 33
09-20-04, 20:22

I know nothing about diving. But CTG is cheap. There are two dive shops in my barrio. The waters around Playa Blanca and the Rosario Islands are gorgeous.

09-21-04, 03:24
Another of pretty 19 year old Jessica.

***** JESSICA *****

09-21-04, 04:47
Enough of your love life Senior Ford!!

09-21-04, 04:48
Life is rough!

09-21-04, 07:27

Do any of you know the price of a ticket from Panama City to Cartagena? Can they be bought at the airport in Panama? I have a flight to Panama and would like to make a run to Cartagena. Any advice on this? Airline, price, buy in advance or there, etc.


09-22-04, 01:34
I think COPA is the ONLY game in town on that routing unless you want to pay more and transit BOG (on Avianca). Cost typically is somewhat over $200RT for the 1 hour flight if bought on internet; travel agents in Panama City can almost surely get better prices than internet or walkup fares.

The ticket will pay for itself after 2 days of mongering (Panama has Colombianas at more than double the price they'd get back home).

09-22-04, 02:47
Another "notch on the belt" - beautiful 22 year old Isabella Villaje.

(Pleyboy Club, Cartagena Colombia)

***** ISABELLA *****

09-22-04, 04:21

If you don't mind, here is a picture of how your girl looks in a larger suite. Same girl, i just think she looks better in my room. To bad all I got was this photo. She did however, give me a dirty look at breakfast also.

09-22-04, 08:54
Stunning Isabella! (ready for bedtime)

***** ISABELLA *****

09-22-04, 17:41
Any idea if the Charleston is chica friendly. I read on WSA it is?

Is there any point in staying in Laguita/Bocogrande apart from the beach and LDV.

I thought maybe stay in the Charleston, go to the good restaurants and bars, then get a taxi to LDV later.

I shall be there during the pageant.
Will the traffic be OK later at night?

I got an email from Juan who rents apartments, and he said the Almarante wants over $200/night for the period.

He also said the Caribe may be friendly. I suppose with the right amount of money.
Do you think if the girl looked nice, a small fee would suffice?

This is frustrating

Oh. SURFER. Did you know your mail box is full. I could not PM you

09-22-04, 21:53

How do I get in touch with Mery at the sol de caribe apts? I will be there CTG on 26 Sept.

Any other apts. close to the action?


09-22-04, 22:36
Travelmen: Will check inbox and delete a lot, thanks for the tip.
You got BIG $$$ if you are staying at Charleston. Worst traffic is going to Hilton in Laguito, not in old city.

JV may be exagerating a bit to get higher rates on his apartments, but EVERYWHERE raises rates that week.

Nyc Expat
09-23-04, 12:28
From the old city to Laguito there are basically 2 roads taxi drivers choose to drive on. CRA 1 is the single lane beach road prone to traffic jams.

CRA 2 is the parallel, wide, comm'l road many drivers use instead.
If the pageant bottlenecks traffic, just get out by Hotel Caribe and walk the last 200 meters to LDV. LDV to H. Hilton is another 300 meters approx.

In July one Saturday morning, there was a graduation ceremony at the Hilton. The traffic jam was nasty for 30 min. both before and after the ceremony. If you're staying in Laguito, it's better to walk to the Caribe/CRA 2 corner and quickly get a taxi to the old city.

If you're leaving LDV in the early AM hrs. there shouldn't be trf. jams.

09-23-04, 13:22
First, let me say that if you find a good diving/mongering location among those you listed, please make sure to let me know where it is!
I'm also always looking for that combination.
Some info:
Cartagena does have 2 dive shops as tomtom mentioned. I have been to CTG twice and never bothered to dive, based on others experiences diving (internet message boards, my Colombian doctor who is an avid diver, etc.) Also, I snorkeled around the Rosario Islands and saw virtually nothing that would indicate good diving there, although granted this is not always foolproof.
The two dive shops wall pictures also were weak.
Costa Rica is beautiful, but check the diving message boards. From what I recall, the only good diving is way offshore and would not fit in to your schedule. I was there before I was certified, so once again this is anecdotal.
Roaton from what I hear is great diving, but on the verge of being "dived out". I think there is another island right by it that is more unspoiled. Mongering possibilities are better on the mainland of Honduras, but the quality of the chicas from pictures I've seen pales in comparison to Colombia.
Dominican Republic: Tons of women and mongering, with maybe a little lower overall quality than Colombia. Tons of dive shops, but really only one or two good locations to dive, and wouldn't you know it, those locations are not near the mongering locations. But always possibilities for local non pros I guess.
Seems from my research that combining good diving with good mongering is difficult in the Caribbean. One possible location for you is San Andres Colombia. Good diving, good chicas. But hard to get to...
The other idea is to take the 24 hour flight to Bali or Thailand or similar. Great diving, tons of ladies....
Let me know if you find the place that works for both hobbies, I'll go with you :-)

Scotty Monger
09-23-04, 16:09

I have been to both Curacao and Roatan, within the last year. Both are still excellent dive spots. Roatan is starting to develop, but is not even close to being "dived out". The other island is Utila, which has more of a "backpacker" feel to it. No organized P4P action that I am aware of.

Curacao has Campo Alegre, which you can read about in that forum. I can provide detailed info. on these islands if you need it, but won't waste everyone's time here. Send me a PM, if I can help.


09-23-04, 18:28
I've never been to Roatan, so I was just going by what I'd read somewhere, (hence the quotation marks around the phrase "dived out").
Also real sorry if I wasted everyones time by posting.

09-23-04, 20:00
Can anyone tell me, where on the net I can find a good map of Cartagena?


09-23-04, 20:03
Few would argue that the best diving option is San Andres/Provedencia (Isla Gorgona off Buenaventura on the Pacific coast is also highly regarded but VERY remote). San Andres is less than 90 minutes via nonstoip flight from CTG (on Aerorepublica or Inter) or about 2 hours from BOG (on Avianca).

I would bring a chica from elsewhere rather than trying to find one on the islands, but that is me.

The PI, Thailand and Indonesia all offer better diving in closer proximity to p4p action. One reef in SE Asia will have as much biodiversity as exists in the ENTIRE Carib!

09-23-04, 20:09
Has anyone hung out around the university in Cartagena for local chicas? If so, where on campus is a good place to make contact?


Scotty Monger
09-23-04, 23:38

No problems, and your post isn't a waste of time. Roatan & Utila just happen to be my favorite dive spots, and I have been twice in the last year. The reef is quite healhty and the diving is very easy & accesible. How long before development will change this is anybody's guess.

I believe the original question was "where is the best COMBINATION of diving & P4P?" As such, Roatan fails the test. Curacao has Campo Alegre, but that's about it for organized P4P. St. Maarten has numerous brothels, but don't know about the diving. The primary location for diving in Costa Rica is the northern Pacific Coast. This would most likely require that you "bring your own" from San Jose.

I am leaving in a few weeks for a two week trip to Thailand. We all know about the availablilty of P4P in the LOS. I will let you know about the quality of the diving once I get back.


09-24-04, 00:36
Scotty Monger,
Take me with you man!!!!!
Alright then, looking forward to the report on both mongering and diving.... :-)

09-24-04, 15:15
Roatan Island is a great dive spot but falls very short on "chica-hunting" - all true! However, if you ever have the chance to move into the interior of Honduras and visit San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa. Wowee! The opportunity for GFE and beautiful Hondureanas in these two primary cities is incredible.

I don't think I ever posted my collection of Honduran chicas that I spread on my two trips there. I have got to dig them out!

Don't sell Curacao short either. On my 3 trips to this island I always found the quality to be "top shelf" as well.


09-24-04, 15:17
Gorgeous Angelica Torres! Perky and ready for a night of fun.

(Another trophy from the Pleyboy Club of Cartagena.)

***** ANGELICA *****

09-24-04, 15:20
A night with me tends to leave girls a bit disheveled! ;)

(Angelica recovering and catching her breath)

***** ANGELICA *****

09-24-04, 20:36
Ford: I've heard the EXACT opposite about San Pedro Sula (i.e. nothing event remotely attractive). Be interested to see your pics to refute that.

Angelica is certainly hot; are there chicas of that quality on the game in San Pedro Sula (Or Tegichigalpa)? Post those pics, please.

09-24-04, 21:44

Be careful of what you "hear", first hand experience is always more valuable.

The "look" of the typical Hondoreana is very attractive but different than Colombianas. If you go to SPS or Tegus you will see literally hundreds of girls with light to medium tans, long black hair, beautiful faces, full breasts and cute curvy backsides all on 104 lb frames! They are all over the place!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here's 1,000 words to support my case.

(she's not the ugliest girl you've ever seen, is she?);)


09-24-04, 22:18
Not crazy about the quality of that last photo, see if this comes out better.

Last off-topic stuff I promise. This should be on the SPS, Honduras board.


Scotty Monger
09-24-04, 23:13
Hot enough!, just a differnet look than the Colombiana. Consider what you have heard to be refuted!


09-25-04, 02:13

sps in hondo has some nice chicas, i can't compare to ctg because my first trip is sunday, for a week. but the girls on the street and locals are easy to approch and fun. on the whole from the pics i've seen on columbia, the chicas in hondo are not as nice, but there are many to be had.

la ceiba's street scene for working girls is virtually dead, but again the locals are easy to approch and willing.

spanish is required, at least a little.

[deleted by admin]

editor's note: posting of this report was delayed pending removal references to **** persons.

i am aware that the vast majority of references to **** girls are legitimate attempts to warn other fellow members about how easy it is to accidentialy pickup an **** girls, the potential dangers of being caught with **** girls, etc. however, past discussions in the forum has repeatedly demonstrated that the subject simply cannot be discussed intelligently, in any form or for any reason, without being misinterperated, and without starting flame wars.

anyway, to avoid delays in future reports, please do not post references to **** persons in the forum. thanks!

09-25-04, 19:29
Does any one know where the Penthouse is at Exelaria?

Is it a normal club, hotel?

Would you say Pleyboy is any better than LDV in terms of looks and GFE?
Can you take out from there now?


09-25-04, 23:52
To Travelmen, Bob Solomon and the rest thank you very much for your kind words about my photos. I have received 4 pm's complimenting me on the pics - thank you.

O.K. The Pleyboy Club (that's not a misprint, its the way they spell it) is THE tourist "SC" that is on the lips of every cab driver in the city. As soon as you mention that your interest is in women - the taxi drivers will immediately say "Pleyboy Club!" Drivers get a healthy "vig" for referring tourists so they are quick to reccommend it.

It is because of this reason that myself and Fantasy (both experienced travelers) avoided it for the first 3 days of our trip. It doesn't take much experience to know to avoid the Gringo tourist traps at all costs.

One night (for the goof) we decided to check it out, and we were pleasantly surprised. It is a SC, in that it has mirrored walls, a stripper pole and a small stage but that's where the similarities end. Management apparently doesn't require any of the girls to strip or even dance for that matter and they don't. The entire house of available girls totals 23 and they live upstairs and in adjoining rooms. They come downstairs at around 8 pm and just sit around to meet tourists and do some "styling" in hopes of being selected.

The price is 70,000 peso salida and 200,000 for all night. Fantasy and I quickly negotiated that down to 50,000 and 140,000 for all night or based on our exchange rate at the time roughly $73.

The benefit to the Pleyboy Club is that there are a considerable number of very sexy young ladies who (generally speaking) are agreeable, accomodating and open-minded.


09-25-04, 23:58
To continue to answer your question Travelmen, I think LDV has a great deal of potential for everything! There are also a number of very pretty young ladies here as well and of course there is NO salida and NO set price guidelines.

However, I found my girls at Pleyboy to be VERY GFE. This of course could have something to do with the fact that I was lucky in my selection or it may have something to do with me. (I speak very good Spanish, and I'm not exactly the ugliest guy in the world. ;))

The girls at LDV as I said have great potential and they cost less $. However, if their performance, attitude is sub-par then you have no one to complain to and even though LDV is not a SC, make no mistake about it many of these girls are very much "pros" in their demeanor and in their attitude.

(I'll try to dig up some more pics) :)
