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03-10-06, 22:09
Some of the small children and up to 16 walk around without clothes or in underwear because of the heat. older girls wear see thru t-shirts without bras.

I am sure the legal aged ones would take a poke for 5k pesos. Probably their mama would rent them out for 4K an give you some privacy in their home. May want a shower first.

03-11-06, 05:03
Ngp...this sounds intriguing: is this place an island that is non-developed? If so is it worth visiting in terms of it being relaxed and at least having 1 or 2 pretty beaches were one may chill for the day?

Any places to stay or is it local homes?

Other than the beach and possibly some diving...other diversions such as waterfalls, hiking?

Thanks mate.

Tom 33
03-11-06, 15:22
Many of the vendedores who ply Laguito and Bocagrande live on Tierra Bomba. On the far end of the island is Boca Chica, the old fort guarding the entrance to the Bay of Cartagena. Boca Chica is loaded with vendedores.

03-11-06, 22:19
Alright SOMEBODY has to be going into LDV. I really would like Valentinas contact info so I may contact her to see if she would be interested in coming to my bachelor party in MDE. $Bill posted some pics of her farther back in the thread. If anyone talks to her tell her the gringo she picked up at the airport in MDE with the ojos azules is trying to get in contact with her.

Thanks brothers,


03-12-06, 13:09
I would say it is a good place to explore and go hiking, there is a beautiful beach 30 minutes walk from the coast. On the hike you go up a mountain, you will see many unusual flowers, wild burros, pigs, nude or semi nude inhabitants, roosters, etc. Alot like rural life in the outer islands of the Philippines.

On Playa Linda there are some grass huts. There is one store in town. They have electricity and most of the houses have a light at night. That is about it. No hotel. No restaurants. 3 churches. One small park for children to play in the center of the pueblo.

They speak spanish. 100% black.

03-12-06, 13:12
For 3 nights before the election Sunday there is no alcohol being sold in Colombia. I guess the government does not want drunk voters.

There still was alot of girls outside LDV. I selected a 21 year old named Lina, tight jeans, red blouse half way open, young perky tits. Never talked price until we ended up in bed naked. I offered her 70K for an hour or 150 for TLN. She accepted 70K for an hour. Nice GFE.

03-12-06, 15:32
It does'nt seem like much changes in Cartagena. Lina is still outside of LDV. This is her, right?

03-12-06, 17:59
Brubaker, man, I used to read your stuff on another board and I always thought you were a crazy motherfucker (I mean that in a good way). Nice to see you on this board, and getting out of the country for some tang.

03-12-06, 22:52
looks like Lina alright. How was your experience with her? What was your charge?

03-13-06, 01:17
She looks cute, worth a test drive? Please describe.

Will be in CTG in 2 weeks and want to maximize time. TIA

03-13-06, 02:49
I first met her back in 2003. She gave me good service for 70k and allowed me to video the action. I would like to believe I was one of the first customers but I think I was just as disillusioned as ever other guy that goes to Cartagena for the first time :)

Intransit, I remember you. You're one of those South East Asia mongers from what I remember.

Tom 33
03-13-06, 11:38
Especially for anyone here on a short time frame, do not waste any time trying to contact any individual chica that you may have heard about. Go to where the chicas are, and see who wants to play at that moment. If you happen across a particular chica about whom you have heard, go for it.

The phone service is not always reliable. The chicas in general are much less reliable than the phone service. They seemingly always say they will show up. Many times they do not show at all or come an hour or two late with no call. When I want some stray stuff, I rarely call anyone. I just hit the street and see who's there.

03-15-06, 06:00
Just tried the Manila House casa out in Bosque.

About a dozen tarts, ranging from 4 to about 7 in looks, charged me 50k for room, and tart asked 80k.

She was quite a good worker, did a half decent massage and dfk etc oral without, but not to completion.

Room was crummy though, no a/c and fan sounded like old plane taking off.

The Ley Seca (dry law for the election) must have made the chica´s a bit more hungry than usual. There was over 50 in LDV last night (i counted...) around midnight, ranging from 4 to the occasional 8 or 9.

All asking 200k plus to start with, in the interests of getting a fuller picture, I went to Tripleterra, which was crap only 8 or 9 chicas and loads of pissed Colombiano´s.

Returned to LDV about 2am, place much quieter, and MANY more of the US monger crowd. Its looking like its true what the rumours say - CTG is a big monger destination, and prices are rising. The inevitable crackdown and media frenzy can´t be far behind.

Anyway will try somewhere else tomorrow and report back if anyone´s interested....

Escort King
03-17-06, 05:02
It does'nt seem like much changes in Cartagena. Lina is still outside of LDV. This is her, right?She is working the street outside? That is street tasty then.

Latina Passion
03-18-06, 09:23
When are the Presidential elections? I heard two weeks from now?

Tom 33
03-18-06, 12:16
The Presidentail elections are May 28. This effectively will kill Memorial Day weekend in CTG.

The taps and clubs have re-opened as of Monday last.

The departure tax is around US$30 for short-time(less than 30? days) visitors. They can be paid in a pinch by credit card.

Tiny 12
03-20-06, 06:00
I think I'm going to have one night in Cartagena (very late night, arrive at the airport at 11:00 PM) before the No. 1 girlfriend arrives. And it's going to be a Sunday. I can't go to LDV because No. 2 "girlfriend" works there. (O.K., I could go to LDV, but I figure No. 2 is going to perform better if I'm not banging her friends.) Are Pleyboy and similar clubs open late Sunday? Any idea what they're charging now? I guess another option would be to call ahead and have something lined up, but my little black book is kind of sparse. If anybody has a suggestion please let me know. Thanks!

Wolfy Baby
03-20-06, 07:58
Recently back from a February trip to Cartagena. I'm an old hand at the Colombian scene, but as much as it pains me, I'll admit to being the victim of an LDV rip-off artist. It happened on my first night in country, after a long night day of travel. (I'm pleading diminished capacity) It was a Thursday night and I wanted to see if I could get away with not paying over 100K at LDV for a couple of hours. I'd been talking to several of the girls and passed on a hot one who asked for 150k. This one agreed to 100k and off we went. What really threw me off my guard, besides my exhaustion and booze intake , was that the session was all I could've asked for; very GFE, and we both got along. However as she was leaving and picked up the 100k I left on the dresser, she claimed the agreement had been for 200k!! I was so shocked and stunned by this sudden turn of events, (this has never happenned to me before), that I caved in just to get her out. It wasn't untill the next morning that I clearly remembered our initial conversation, and that I should have just called building security and had her thrown out. Oh well, there's a first time for nearly everthing. Forgot her name, and she said she was from Bogota.

03-20-06, 20:36
Hey Wolf,

I know that chica! My friend has been doing her for years- she's an old LDV hand. I've never gone with her but I will be sure to give her shit when I see her next! What a perra!

Escort King
03-20-06, 21:28
what could she possibly be getting for a 2-3 hour session or even an overnight?

03-21-06, 13:13
Thanks for your info Tom.

I will be in CTG for 10 days (departure tax 30$).

I'll arrive to CTG on 28.

Tom, six years ago, I used to go at LDV but this bar was near to Plaza S. Diego. Do you know why location has changed to Laguito ?

03-21-06, 15:01
I was never that drunk where I paid double. One time I paid an LDV girl 60k. I rolled up a bunch of 5k and 10k bills with a 20k bill on top. As she was walking out the door I handed it to her. It looked like a lot. The next time I saw her, she was pissed :)

03-21-06, 19:30
Mastorr - LDV moved in early 2001 because their lease in the old city wasn't renewed. There is some controversy as to why it wasn't renewed.

03-22-06, 13:30
Thanks Zippy,

I'll check LDV in Laguito. I think is near (walking) to my apt in Torre Centauro.

Play Earth
03-26-06, 19:52
Can anyone recommend a nice place in CTG for a quality non-sexual massage.


Latina Passion
04-04-06, 14:16
My 01/2006 02/2006 and way overdue 03/2006 Reports!

First of all guys I just got back a few days ago so some of my info might be a tad bit outdated! Someone gave World Travel 69 a hard time for possibely posting old info and asked they guy had he been to all the places that he had listed! If WT is going to take the time and do the research for us old info or not my hat is off to the man thanks WT!

Most of shit here is regurgitated information anyways, hell even our fights are pretty much the same old fights!

For what it's worth here is my regurgitated overdue report!$582 on Copa from LAX red eye leave LAX 12:15am arrive Panama 09:30 5 hour layover to CTG fuck me! If any of you guys are thinking of doing the Atlantico multi city tour, and your from the West Coast you might want to consider flying into BAQ the layover on Copa is only like 90 minutes, there from there you can catch a shuttle type bus to Santa Marta or CTG for $25,000 around $12.50 U.S. hook up with www.invertours.com they take you from city to city and from door to door and it's a safe way to travel thru Atlantico!

The long awaited BBQ report, what can I say if it could go wrong it did! I hit CTG around 17:30 go to my Penthouse only to find out I did not have an Apartment, I Fuck'd up the reservations with Juan Ventura, and flew in a month early! To Juan's credit he gave me a full refund and did not discount the 3% he had to pay to Pay Pal!

Another Monger heard about my screw up and let me bunk with him, and we had a blast. The BBQ still took place but it was no Chicas gone wild more like a PG rated picinic, but still had a good time breaking bread with TOM 33 his chica a few local guys and my new found friend aka my Landlord!

So I put my gear up head to the Casino next to LDV (The sweet Life) and without knowing it I'm sitting next to my landlord playing Black Jack! I tale off back to the Apt take clean up and I'm headed off to the LDV and who do I run into on the Street? That's right my Landlord! So we exchange a strange drunk stir at each other and laugh! We head out to LDV for some much needed Chicas!

We spend a few hours checking out the Chicas, I'm looking for looks and some personality, after an hour or so I finely det the D.J. to play some music I can dance to and get noticed by a few Chicas! We dance drink and share a few laughs, then get soen to business Cuanto? She says $250,000 damn that was the best laugh of the night, I counter with $100,000 if you think I had a good laugh you should of heard her laugh!!

So we dance and drink some more and I notice she has a friend with her, so I tell her look, let's do this! I'll give you $100,000 and your Chica $100,000 and let's go back to my Apt and party some more, hell that made her smile, so off we go, one one each hand a 18y.o. white Chica and a 32 y.o. hot body black Chica, throwing off one hell of a good Vibe!

My new found frined hooked up with a smoking 20y.o. for $150,000!

Back at the Apt, I throw in a little Hip Hop and it is on and cracking! My new buddy from Carolina I think it is, sees how the Chica's react to Hip Hop and breaks out with a smile on his face as well!

From there all you guys have to do is picture an Oreo Sandwich and use your imagination a bit! Damn all that for only $200,000!

Day2 Head out to my favorite restaurant, and as luck would have it I do not even remember the name of the damn place! I think it is called Rotiemo some shit like that but it is directly across the street from a new building going up called Torres Del Lago in La Quito! The best and most expensive thing on the menu is Baby Beef $18,000 around $8 U.S.

My new found friend heads off to have some dental work done, teeth bleached a few cavities fiiled at a major Dental Clinic called Sonrisa (Smile) all for around $300 U.S.

I head off to Jennifer's arms and lips, this is a 24 y.o. hard body black Chica that TOM 33 hooked me up with on my frist trip! Overall she is a 7.3 in the looks department and an 8 in the cama (bed) department! The first time with Jennifer I paid her $50,000 for short time, but she wanted to stay long time! This time I paid her $40,000 and again she wanted to stay long time, not sure how my Novia would have viewed my business venture, so I took a pass on long time! FYI: First time she wanted me all covered up and so did I this time she wanted me raw dog! Point is guys cover up!

After Jennifer, I headed to El Mercado (Market) for food and booze! For you guys who like to cook the main market in CTG is Olimpica, one is near La Quito on Cr#3 next to Body Tech Gym, so so market, but the best Olimpica is near the Naval Base Grande Olimpica, about 10 minute drive from La Quito!

To Be Continued!

Latina Passion
04-04-06, 21:27
Let me wrap up day 2 here!

My new buddy, is just burning the candle at both ends, this cat is hitting the ground running! Hitting all the Casa that are listed on the Fourm here!

I'm not sure where all he pilled from, but he pulled this hot hot hottie, from all places Veneauela! This girl is absolutely smoking, blonde hair, about 5'6" 110 pounds, great teeth and dressed to the 9's, he pulled her from Venus, exit fee was $60,000 and he paid her $150,000, in my opinion she was worth every single peso, hell she might have even been worth the exit fee as well!

Old guys this is for the new guys! Body Tech a ripp off $35,000 for a one day pass but the best of the best can be found there, address is Carrera 4 No. 6-12 about a 15 minute walk from La Quito, the walk is a great way to check out the every day local girls! Another gym is Ventura Fitness $20,000 sign up fee, then $10,000 for a day pass, located on San Martin this is the road that leads into La Quito! I have neverd pulled from these places but I have been checked out by a few Chicas.

Keep in mind if you pull a Chica from on of these gyms, they are iupper class Chicas for sure! If they can afford a membership at one of these Gyms, Chica got a little Plata in her pocket! Trust me you can approach them all!

For the new guys let me break down La Quito for you a bit! La Quito is basically one road in and one road out and it is also one way! La Quito starts at Hotel Caribe and ends for the most part at the Hilton! After that the road runs on the back side of La Quito back into Bocagrande!

It has a hand full of Restaurants and a hand full of 7/11 type conventient stores, and the prices are not that bad, a pack of smokes under a dollar same for beer! I would say that 95% of the girls that you see on the streets can be had! Not many non working girls in La Quito for tht you have to venture out a bit!

Bocagrande is a much larger section of Cartagena, more Restaurants, Clubs, Casinos, Hotels, places to shop etc. well as non working chicas!

I guess the key to getting non working girls is Espanol, but for the most part my Spanish is tourist at best and I have never had a problem, but if you want Ricker types babes bring your pocket translator!

The other key is how long a Chica thinks your going to be in town, tell them a week, good luck, tell them a month and you'll be returning soon, Houston the Eagle has landed!

The Old City aka the Walled City! Old and New guys alike this is an absolute must see day time as well as at night! Prices are a lot higher but worth it!

The Old City is also filled with shops,clubs and restaurants and a ton of night life! A great romantic place to take a Chcia at night is Cafe Del Mar, this place sits on top of the old city and over looks La Quito and Bocagrande! Another great place to eat is Quebracho this is in the old city and a bit upscale, but very romantic as well!

Best party club is Mr. Babilla this is located right outside the old city, next to the convention center, this street also has a boat load of other clubs, mainly playing Salsa music for the locals, but this area is a shit load of fun, and good place to pick up non working girls, and yes I have pulled from this area!

And Thanks Escort King!

To Be Continued!

04-04-06, 23:05
Hey Latina Passion ... sounds like you had a GOOD time in Cartagena ... nice to see an actual report with all the BS on this Colombia board now ... anyway nice job.

Did you ever make it to Medellin?

I'm off to Cali for about a week manana ... mostly to hang with the nueva novia ... new girlfriend ... maybe a little exploring on the side though.

You are right though ... speaking espanol ... obviously helps muuucho with meeting / picking up normal chicas ... matter of fact, it helps immensley with working chicas too.
Nothing better than turning a pro into a novia!

Suerte amigo!

Latina Passion
04-05-06, 01:32
Ricker, I spent 4 days in February in CTG then two weeks in BAQ! I always have a blast in CTG and I seem to always find a few more things to do!

It was pretty interesting to see everyday Colombian life! The things I love about the Country are the same things that would drive me to drink more!

Overall a good trip, I guess this means I owe the board a detailed BAQ report!

04-05-06, 02:07
Greetings everyone,

I have decided to give Ngp477 his own thread titled "Ngp477 in Columbia".


Those of you who wish are welcome to join him in the discussions there.



Escort King
04-05-06, 02:36
Greetings everyone,

I have decided to give Ngp477 his own thread titled "Ngp477 in Columbia".


Those of you who wish are welcome to join him in the discussions there.



good man....

Latina Passion
04-05-06, 03:11
For the most part guys, everything that there is to do in Cartagena has already been posted!

Apartments: Paid $60 a night via Juan Ventura. I've been to CTG about 8 times in the past two years I have always used [Link to dating website deleted by Admin] for Apartment rental, I have used Juan 3 times this year and plan on renting from him again this month, Juan is an honest guy and has some of the best Apartments in CTG, but! You can probably find cheaper Apt's in Bocagrande, but again Juan I would highly recommended!

Street action can be found all over La Quito, a lot of them hang out in front of LDV, just walk around the building and there is a circle where they hang out at!

In Bocagrande they start at Hotel Caribe and just walk you will find them or they will find you! Thanks to TOM 33 for this tip!

In the Old City a bit harder to find but they are there!

Non working girls, all over the place, last year I was at the mall with my then Novia, as she was trying on cloths the sales clerk half my age hit on me!

My visit there last week I met this guy that was in CTG for a month studying Espanol for a month, he was telling me that after his first week there and visiting the same Cafe, the waitress made a move on him! Senior guys you have to love this story!

This guy is paying $700 a month to study Spanish and $2.5 mill for an apartment!

That is about it, will post some Pics soon now that it is safe again, and post on BAQ!

If you guys have any question I mean any at ALL, ask TOM 33 he is the expert! LOL!

Escort King
04-05-06, 03:27
For the most part guys, everything that there is to do in Cartagena has already been posted!

Apartments: Paid $60 a night via Juan Ventura. I've been to CTG about 8 times in the past two years I have always used www.loveme.com for Apartment rental, I have used Juan 3 times this year and plan on renting from him again this month, Juan is an honest guy and has some of the best Apartments in CTG, but! You can probably find cheaper Apt's in Bocagrande, but again Juan I would highly recommended!

Street action can be found all over La Quito, a lot of them hang out in front of LDV, just walk around the building and there is a circle where they hang out at!

In Bocagrande they start at Hotel Caribe and just walk you will find them or they will find you! Thanks to TOM 33 for this tip!

In the Old City a bit harder to find but they are there!

Non working girls, all over the place, last year I was at the mall with my then Novia, as she was trying on cloths the sales clerk half my age hit on me!

My visit there last week I met this guy that was in CTG for a month studying Espanol for a month, he was telling me that after his first week there and visiting the same Cafe, the waitress made a move on him! Senior guys you have to love this story!

This guy is paying $700 a month to study Spanish and $2.5 mill for an apartment!

That is about it, will post some Pics soon now that it is safe again, and post on BAQ!

If you guys have any question I mean any at ALL, ask TOM 33 he is the expert! LOL!
That's $1,000 USD for the apartment... does it include meals???

Latina Passion
04-05-06, 03:37
To me that is way high, I know for sure in BAQ Espanol lessons are under $200 a month five days a week, 3.5 hours a day!

Escort King, so have you made it to CTG yet?

That's $1,000 USD for the apartment... does it include meals???

Escort King
04-05-06, 03:50
To me that is way high, I know for sure in BAQ Espanol lessons are under $200 a month five days a week, 3.5 hours a day!

Escort King, so have you made it to CTG yet?

Not yet... have done a lot of trips to the Dominican and figured it was time... though grew up in Australia so spent a bunch of time in SE Asia and Europe.

Latina Passion
04-06-06, 00:06
For an American to fly from D.R. to Cuba, would you have any Idea?

Not yet... have done a lot of trips to the Dominican and figured it was time... though grew up in Australia so spent a bunch of time in SE Asia and Europe.

Escort King
04-06-06, 00:10
For an American to fly from D.R. to Cuba, would you have any Idea?

yes can be done

04-06-06, 22:32
First off thanks for the priceless info.O.K. after many treks to CR and the DR I am going solo to Cartagena.I am staying in Juan's apt Playa Del Mar in Laguito....am I close (walking distance to LDV?).Someone mentioned a gym,is it nearby and can I buy a sims card for my unlocked gsm? I speak some spanish but are all the tv broadcasts in espanol?....If anyone is there lets have a beer.....mule

Hoof Hunter
04-07-06, 01:40
For an American to fly from D.R. to Cuba, would you have any Idea?

I have heard, from Santo Domingo DR and maybe Santiago DR, you can fly direct to Cuba. Try ww.caribair.com.do. Other airlines to consider Cubana Air and Aerocaribbean.

Also you can fly directly from Bogota to Havana on Cubana. The ticket desk is located in El Dorado, next to Delta and Continental.

FYI - these airlines know NOT to stamp your passport. They will stamp your tourist card. Be sure of it. I don't have to tell you the ramifications of getting caught by the US gestapo with that on your US passport.

For the record, sadly, I've never been to Cuba. It's a goal, as I have family roots there. Just passing along info collected along the way.

Buen viaje!!!

Tom 33
04-07-06, 02:24
I flew there from Miami in Jan. of 2005 and asked them to stamp my passport. Of course I had permission to go with a university group as part of a cultural exchange program.

I absolutely hated Cuba. Fidel has really fucked things up. And he prohibits prostitution.

Latina Passion
04-11-06, 09:15
Tom, for me it is the road a little less traveled, it is like going to Eastern Europe before the wall came down! Now why I keep coming back to your City is another story in itself!

Hey I understand that Fidel, has a special prison just for working girls, have you heard about that?

HH thanks for the caribair link, I'll check it out.

I flew there from Miami in Jan. of 2005 and asked them to stamp my passport. Of course I had permission to go with a university group as part of a cultural exchange program.

I absolutely hated Cuba. Fidel has really fucked things up. And he prohibits prostitution.

04-20-06, 04:41
I'll be in Cartagena May 24 - May 29, right during the elections and ley seca.

East Sider 300
04-21-06, 17:01
I'll be in Cartagena May 24 - May 29, right during the elections and ley seca.The Knife - is this a bad thing? I will also be in Cartagena during this time. Do things shut down during the elections?

Hoya Boy
04-27-06, 05:33
I am planning on going to Columbia May 19th - 28th. I do not speak spanish but like the women and was hoping someone could advise as to how much english is spoken in CTG. Also, if someone could advise as to how big the scene is in CTG and Cali and also if they reccommend going to Cali / Med without knowing spanish.


Tom 33
04-27-06, 12:54
If you can't speak Spanish and don't have a trusted friend to personally show you around, stay out of every Colombian city except Cartagena. Especially stay the fuck out of Cali.

For the umpteenth time, everything will be closed during Memorial Day weekend because of the Presidential election. Try a different time if you want night life. RTFF.

El Cubanito
04-27-06, 14:12
I am planning a trip to either Cuba (Holguin) or Colombia (Cali, Cartagena or Medellin don't know which). I know the scene in Cuab and what to do and where to get girls. I would like to go to Colombia. But I have no fucking Ideal on where to go and what to do.

If anybody can get tell me about hotels, Disco and all of the other essential I would me most apreciative. I really would like to go to Colombia and meet some of these sweet honeys.

El Cubanito

PS has anybody have luck with a website called Cybercupido.com? Lots of candy in these pages.

El Cubanito
04-27-06, 14:13
I am planning my trip from May 19 to may 26.

El Cubanito

MJG Dogs
04-27-06, 20:30
I'll be in Cartagena May 24 - May 29, right during the elections and ley seca.

Uribe is going to win in a landslide, much to the shigrin of Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and the Democratic party of the United States. Colombia has made tremendous strides during his leadership. When Chavez stirs up trouble with Colombia in the future, unlike our Government, Uribe will stick it to Chavez.
Hell we need someone like Uribe here, instead of Dumbo and Chaney

04-28-06, 04:11
Does Colombia close bares during election time? I'm there 5/ 20 til 6/4.

Anyone know this? Please advise.


04-28-06, 06:25
The Knife - is this a bad thing? I will also be in Cartagena during this time. Do things shut down during the elections?There will be no club action. I have a paisa whi I'm hooking up with so its all good but it could have been better. Oh well.

04-29-06, 23:48
I landed recently during the ley seca or dry law. All bars and lots of restaurants, no street action, v.quiet - however i did go to the town square area and found a streetwalker amongst the dross.

I wouldn't like a whole weekend like that.

04-30-06, 16:18
Thanks to Tom33 and Winner71, I've been redirected to CTG instead of Cali for my first trip to the country. I was also told about the elections that are taking place during the end of May and I would like to know when it's over so I can search for air fare prices again. I've read about 10 pages back for any information regarding a decent place to stay thats not too expensive. Trying to stay under the $50/day range for an apartment or girl friendly hotel. I'll be there for 7 days with a couple of my budies and will be looking for fellow mongers to grab a cerveza and hit a few of the hot spots with. We are a laid back couple of guys in our mid 30's and are well seasoned in the Dominican Republic scene. We are giving DR a rest and now it's time for us to head a little further south of the boarder..hehe. Any suggestions guys?? TIA.


Escort King
05-01-06, 01:36
Thanks to Tom33 and Winner71, I've been redirected to CTG instead of Cali for my first trip to the country. I was also told about the elections that are taking place during the end of May and I would like to know when it's over so I can search for air fare prices again. I've read about 10 pages back for any information regarding a decent place to stay thats not too expensive. Trying to stay under the $50/day range for an apartment or girl friendly hotel. I'll be there for 7 days with a couple of my budies and will be looking for fellow mongers to grab a cerveza and hit a few of the hot spots with. We are a laid back couple of guys in our mid 30's and are well seasoned in the Dominican Republic scene. We are giving DR a rest and now it's time for us to head a little further south of the boarder..hehe. Any suggestions guys?? TIA.

I am sure if all three kick in $40 a day you can get somewhere though possibly not 3 bedroom... I am only speaking from my reading and real estate listing searches.

Tom 33
05-01-06, 02:08
Juan Ventura rents apartments in your price range. See http://www.zepelion.com/apartamentos/index.htm.

I posted the election date in the Cali section.

05-01-06, 05:25
There are hotels on the backside of Boca Grande that only cost 30-35k pesos a night for the room.. all 4 of you can sleep there if yo want(next to the Olimplica).. that's where I usually stay. There or from one of Mery 's rentals if I feel like splurging.

Juan Ventura rents apartments in your price range. See http://www.zepelion.com/apartamentos/index.htm.

I posted the election date in the Cali section.

05-01-06, 07:02
Thanks again fellas. I added that Jaun Ventura link to my favorites. I think the dates of June 2nd to the 9th will do for CTG. The price is still reasonable from NY..only $568. Do you guys think I should secure rooms now or is it ok to just wait till I'm there since and shop around a bit since it's not peak season?..Winner, those rooms you mentioned for 30-35k pesos sounds sweet to me...also, I'm thinking if I should also bring along my laptop...or is it better to use an internet cafe there?


Tom 33
05-01-06, 08:52
The dates you mention are not during high season which starts around June 20. You will get the best deal by shopping around. However, you will only be here for a week. Why waste time shopping? Remember you get what you pay for. That 30-35K pesos will not get you air conditioning which I need even though I live here 8 months a year. You will also not get any hot water. But, in this climate, you can live without hot water. I just like hot showers.

I wouldn't bother with the laptop for a week. There are a ton of Internet cafes. And it may be difficult to connect the laptop to the Internet although some of Juan's apartments have Internet connections.

05-01-06, 17:24
Hey Tom I met Skyjuice in the DR, he is a great guy.

05-02-06, 07:14
Hey Beavis..how are you man?..we met years ago at Sosua Palace, right?
seems like we still got that fever for the chicas..haha.
Tom, thanks again about the rooms. Anyone down there from June 2nd - June 9/10th..give me a holla.


05-02-06, 14:52
Doing great man. I married a Colombiana a year and a half ago and it is just wonderful. Hopefully Tom will be there when you are. He is the man in Cartagena, the gringo Mayor. Get him to show you his picture collection. His personal collection can blow away all of the sites put together.

Escort King
05-02-06, 19:09
Doing great man. I married a Colombiana a year and a half ago and it is just wonderful. Hopefully Tom will be there when you are. He is the man in Cartagena, the gringo Mayor. Get him to show you his picture collection. His personal collection can blow away all of the sites put together.

Tom is to CTG as Jimmy is to Sousa?

05-02-06, 22:25

All input much appreciated.

I am heading down to Cartagena for about 8 weeks starting next month. How much should I expect to pay for an apartment (say, per month).

Also, how much for decent Spanish classes (small groups or solo). Nueva Lengua seem to be the marketing kings - they are all over the web. But at over $10 an hour, they seem pricey. What is a fair price and any recommendations for school / teachers?

Many thanks in advance.

Escort King
05-03-06, 03:19

All input much appreciated.

I am heading down to Cartagena for about 8 weeks starting next month. How much should I expect to pay for an apartment (say, per month).

Also, how much for decent Spanish classes (small groups or solo). Nueva Lengua seem to be the marketing kings - they are all over the web. But at over $10 an hour, they seem pricey. What is a fair price and any recommendations for school / teachers?

Many thanks in advance.
Pimselur and Rosetta Stone are two on cds that work well.... put them in the car or onto an IPod

East Sider 300
05-03-06, 05:01
Please, I really need some advice. Had a trip scheduled for Memorial Day weekend, not knowing it was Ley Seca. Would arrive on Thursday, so I guess one day at the clubs. Also, have some local chicas I can hang out with, but I hear the atomosphere is just not the same.

Are the casinos still open? Where are the people partying? House parties? Am I better off changing itineraries? Maybe Santo Domingo? When is the actual start and end of Ley Seca?

Tom33, I know you're a resident. Please help!


Tom 33
05-03-06, 11:25
The election is Sunday, May 28. I believe that one day on each side of the election is dry. That means from midnight Friday to midnight Monday. I have seen beer served at restaurants on Monday evenings. The bars in CTG especially LDV will open at midnight on Monday. They may not bother opening in MDE on Monday night.

I am not a night person and don't drink. So I am not aware of any alternatives. I am perfectly happy going to bed early. Things in general seem very quiet during elections. If you don't like quiet, I suggest that you change your plans.

East Sider 300
05-03-06, 18:12
The election is Sunday, May 28. I believe that one day on each side of the election is dry. That means from midnight Friday to midnight Monday. I have seen beer served at restaurants on Monday evenings. The bars in CTG especially LDV will open at midnight on Monday. They may not bother opening in MDE on Monday night.

I am not a night person and don't drink. So I am not aware of any alternatives. I am perfectly happy going to bed early. Things in general seem very quiet during elections. If you don't like quiet, I suggest that you change your plans.Tom,

Thanks very much for the response. I certainly will take your recommendations into account. I may wind up still going, as tickets and hotels are already booked. I know some locals, so hopefully I may wind up at some house parties, and will probably rent a boat for a day. Plus, I believe casinos are still open.

Escort King
05-03-06, 20:53
The election is Sunday, May 28. I believe that one day on each side of the election is dry. That means from midnight Friday to midnight Monday. I have seen beer served at restaurants on Monday evenings. The bars in CTG especially LDV will open at midnight on Monday. They may not bother opening in MDE on Monday night.

I am not a night person and don't drink. So I am not aware of any alternatives. I am perfectly happy going to bed early. Things in general seem very quiet during elections. If you don't like quiet, I suggest that you change your plans.

So grab a chica and keep her from Friday midnight to midnight Monday... given everything is closed I would think the chicas may love a hook up like that and give you a rate.... have them invite a friend after the first night... buy some meals and have your own party... get the fridge stocked if you have one....

05-04-06, 04:18
Well I finally booked my first trip to Colombia. And decided on Cartagena since its my first time and I'm going solo. If any of you guys are gonna be around lets hook up. I'll buy first round at LDV

05-04-06, 06:45
Wapo..When are you going to be in CTG? I'm supposed to be there on June2nd/3rd , staying for a week. Tom..I hope we can link up also when I'm there.

Tom 33
05-04-06, 14:19
I leave CTG for MDE on June 9. Then it's back to the US on June 14 for about a 4-month break. The old equipment needs the R & R.

Escort King
05-04-06, 18:46
Well I finally booked my first trip to Colombia. And decided on Cartagena since its my first time and I'm going solo. If any of you guys are gonna be around lets hook up. I'll buy first round at LDV

of chicas or drinks?

05-04-06, 20:03
of chicas or drinks?LOL. Well I meant drinks. But if someone can hook me up with a wild time. Then I can hook up a first round of chicas too. Damn tom33. Too bad you won't be in town. Was hoping to hook up with you in Cartagena

05-06-06, 01:17
Nice to meet you in Ctg.Had an awesome visit and enjoyed all the chicas.You the man...fellas this guy had a gorgeous chica in his shower when I went to see him,he stays busy...........mule69

Tom 33
05-06-06, 03:22
And I had to stop shooting the video of her shower when Mule knocked on my door. I have a shower enclosed in clear glass in the master bath. I gladly paid extra for that clear glass.

Actually they are sucking the life out of me one load at a time. But what a way to go!

05-06-06, 19:40
[QUOTE=Tom 33]And I had to stop shooting the video of her shower when Mule knocked on my door. I have a shower enclosed in clear glass in the master bath. I gladly paid extra for that clear glass.

Money well spent amigo! What a body she had! I miss it there already and plan to return soon..Yeah I know it's a tough job Tom...but keep up the good work,I can only imagine the babes you will meet in Medellin.......Lucky bastard!!!

Escort King
05-07-06, 02:47
And I had to stop shooting the video of her shower when Mule knocked on my door. I have a shower enclosed in clear glass in the master bath. I gladly paid extra for that clear glass.

Actually they are sucking the life out of me one load at a time. But what a way to go!

Mule's got to be a tough name in Colombia....

05-07-06, 21:07
I'm going to be there with a friend of mine by the 2nd. Wapo..when will you be there?..I will take you up on that first round of drinks. Just provide me on where we can meet and what time exactly..also Tom, you are the man with all the great info for a newbie like myself coming to CTG for the first time...it would be nice to link up with you before you head out to MDE on June 9th. If you want to send me an e-mail directly, it's ccstev@yahoo.com

05-07-06, 23:07

The 30-35k/night hotels I was referring to on the backside of Boca Grande have A/C. In fact the A/C works almost too good. You wake up freezing, after your chica has yanked all the sheets over her and off of you. No hot water though. But in CTG who needs hot water?

Just a thought if you are still looking. It's the best alternatice I have found in CTG for being central, with A/C, and not being in a dump. There are actually 2 of them right next to each other by the Olimpica. I know one of them is run by an Argentian family. They aren't 5 star. But heck. You only sleep there. If you want a place where you think you are just going to hang out in the hotel or apartment all day, I recommend one of Mery or Juan's rentals. In fact I'd probably recommend you do that on your first trip anyways as it will seem more "special". But as you get the urge to go back and back and back, as we all do. Lodging is absolutely the #1 thing I try to budget as much as possible.

I'm going to be there with a friend of mine by the 2nd. Wapo..when will you be there?..I will take you up on that first round of drinks. Just provide me on where we can meet and what time exactly..also Tom, you are the man with all the great info for a newbie like myself coming to CTG for the first time...it would be nice to link up with you before you head out to MDE on June 9th. If you want to send me an e-mail directly, it's ccstev@yahoo.com

05-08-06, 07:45
I'll be in CTG starting on the 10th, booked a place via Juan Ventura in a great building in Laquito (i.e. roll out of LDV, end up at apartment). Will be there for two weeks, with a small MDE trip in the middle.

This site, as well as CH, has been invaluable in my research, have compiled a 200 page document on all aspects of CTG and MDE, based on what I read. Though reality is never what you expect, I feel like I'm not going in blind or naive.

So it'd be great to to hook up with any of you who will be there at that time.

05-09-06, 03:41
PM, I'll be there with my GF in Colombia during Memrial Day weekend Thurs - Mon. I'm staying at the AFA apartment


05-09-06, 12:47
Fellow mates,

If I am not wrong, there aren't any meters in the cabs and I would have to negotiate a rate before getting in a cab. If that is true, then I got 2 problems.

(1) My first solo time to cartegena and I don't speak spanish.

(2) How would I negotiate if I don't know how much is reasonable. (Like going to LDV etc...)

Is there a way other then hiring a guide services? if No, then pls recommend guide services. I have heard horrible stories both of getting ripped off by cabies and guide services. Plz suggest.

Definitely don't hire a guide.

The touts on the beach are pretty annoying. Hiring a guide is like inviting the worst kind of tout to tag along with you all day. You can expect him to screw everything up that you want to do.

Any transaction you want to do, he will jump in and try and figure out a way to make you pay more for it, thus guaranteeing himself a commission. Stuff you don't want to do, he will keep recommending over and over again, once again angling for a commission.

Just don't do it.

Yes, taxis are a hassle, only cause they are always trying to fool you one way or another. The good news is you can usually do without them. If you stay in Laguito and Bocagrande you can walk places. Between Centro (old town) and Laguito is a fixed price, 4000 pesos if I remember rightly. Just show him 4k in banknotes before you get in and say "Centro". Done.

I prefer not to take the taxis parked outside of LDV at night, they are more likely to try to jack the price up and generally jerk you around. Wait for a taxi to drive by and hail it.

You should not find it too difficult to monger in LDV by yourself. If you get really stuck try to get another monger to guide you, and you buy the drinks.

My golden rule for negotiating is never ask her a price. Tell her "I want you to stay x hours, and my special requests are A, B, and C. I usually pay 100k, is that OK?". I usually wait until I have some sort of chemistry going with her before I try and close the deal.

I managed to pull a girl out of there each night for that price. If you have to stick to English speaking girls you may have to pay a bit more, but not too much more, I hope.

05-09-06, 17:42

Thanx for the insight, I will be staying around laguito area and I am brushing up my Spanish, just downloaded 30 hours of Primseler's mp3s, don't know if I will be able to learn all of it. I won't be hiring a guide related services as you suggested. I got a lot of valuable information for this forum and feel pretty confident too.

One more quick question for Cachorro and fellow mates,

Have you tried Mery Salence rental? I m planning to get apt.403 in Torre Centauro in laguito area, is it close to the action? any suggestion?


Juan Ventura apt# Cr704?


05-09-06, 19:47
fellas...i'm officially booked to fly with avianca. i will be in ctg on the evening of june 2nd to june 11th. i will be there with a buddy of mine. although i've been to the dominican republic several times with my 5th grade spanish, i have a feeling that d.r will be pale in comparison to ctg. tom, thanks for the speedy e-mail and valuable info. i look forward to linking up with you when i get in. wapo, if you're around at that time..let me know. you got first rounds on drinks..haha. i know most of you have been real good about responding to us newbies eventho we (newbies) should take the time and look back into the archives for the info. i've been guilty of that many times..just laziness i guess but now that i'm officially heading out to ctg, i have at least 3 weeks to go back into the earlier posts and soak up some of that great info. thanks guys !!!


05-10-06, 18:08
Both Mery and Juan are good quality people with good apartments to rent.
Juan speaks good english and I believe Mery speaks some as well.
Torre Centauro is a good building within walking distance to La Dolce Vita, most of Juans rentals are also in "Laguito", which is where you want to be.
Work on your spanish, that will be your biggest obstacle, but hopefully it won't be enough of a problem to keep you from having a good time...

05-10-06, 19:27
FYI- Both Juan and Mery speak good English, although neither are native speakers.

Tom 33
05-10-06, 19:59
Juan's first language was Catalan, and Mery's was Farsi.

05-11-06, 00:22
Thanx guys. There is an ocean view room on Mery's website for 60 usd/night, I guess, I will take that. She didn't ask me for the credit card info but reserved it, I guess, that's the way it is in Cartegena.

The spanish learning mp3s are killing me.

05-12-06, 21:08
I'm borrowing my friend's electronic pocket translater..it's pretty handy and easy to use. I think he picked it up at Radio Shack. It even says the words for you in spanish so you can get the correct pronounciation. cool stuff.

Mery is great..she reserved a 2 bed for me but hasnt asked for any deposit yet. I need to confirm with her on this method.

C'mon June 2nd !!!!..I'm ready to hit CTG.

Tom 33
05-13-06, 02:25
Far as I know neither Mery nor Juan takes credit cards. You pay cash up front. Also, you generally pay the maid directly for service. There is no tax to be paid on the rental.

Travel Addict
05-14-06, 06:13
If you want to see Costa Rica AND Colombia, here's a tip:
A Tico friend pointed me to
They often, but not always, have super-cheap charter flights and packages to Cartagena & Isla San Andres.
They charter a whle TACA jet a couple of times a week, and sell packages with hotel for much less than the airfare would cost you otherwise. The plane stops each way in Cartagena and Isla San Andres. You do pay airport tax coming and going CR and Colombia about $25 each. They also have some other interesting specials on the website to various destinations. Highly recommended. You have to pay with credit card or bank transfer, and you don't get your ticket til you get to the SJO airport, which made me nervous. But they have a stand right next to the TACA counter on days they do flights and everything went as smooth as butter. They handed me my boarding passes and vouchers. The "all-inclusive" hotel was right on the beach in San Andres, and had once been once, but was really run down (no hot water, phone broken) and the "all-inclusive" meant stale sandwiches and for some reason all you could drink OLD MILWAUKI beer, LOL, but heck it was virtually free. Isla San Andres is a beautiful tropical island which belongs to Colombia, very small, mostly black people who speak some English. No major action there, pretty much BYOG. VERY few gringos, mostly Colombians and Panamanians on vacation. completely safe they search the fuck out of you when you arrive to keep weapons off the island. Check it out.

05-14-06, 06:14
I had couple of questions about Cartagena and I was hoping I could get some good feedbacks. I'm 24 years old, some people say I caught on too quick, but what can I say I love beautiful women. I have been to Bangkok couple of times and I finally was fortunate enough to experience DR and BM in Costa Rica this past winter. I was planning a trip to Cartagena, but I was warned by my travel agency that Cartagena could be dangerous and chaotic. Here are some of my questions.

1. I'm a Asian-American with a US passport. I heard US citizens don't need a visa to enter Colombia. Can someone tell me exactly how this works? Is it easy like going into Bangkok or San jose? Do the customs ask you questions if you travel alone from US to Colombia?

2. I was planning a trip by myself. Is it dangerous for me to travel alone?

3. I have met beautiful Colombians in my past trip to SJO. Mongering was quite easy and accessible, but how does Cartagena compare to the atmosphere of Thailand or Costa Rica.

4. BKK was more GFE oriented than sjo. How are the girls in Cartagena? Is greek and cim plentiful?

Tiny 12
05-14-06, 19:39
1. It works like going Costa Rica or Bangkok. You don't need a visa. Colombian immigration probably won't ask you anything. U.S. immigration may ask you why you went to Colombia. You could probably tell them you were there to bang a lot of hookers and they wouldn't care, but the perverts might make a point of looking through images on your digital camera or laptop. I'm shy and usually say something like visiting some girls I met on the internet.

2. In my opinion, it's not particularly dangerous. Certainly not as safe as Bangkok, and maybe about the same or a little worse than San Jose. You would want to use some common sense. Late at night stay away from deserted areas and stick to Laguito, Boca Grande, and Old City for example.

3. It's not as user friendly as SJO or BKK. Meaning that you don't have a ton of massage parlors, hooker bars, etc., with everyone speaking English. Cartagena is definitely not as easy or accessible to the non-Spanish speaker. Also, infrastructure isn't as well develop -- unless you're staying at the Santa Clara, you're going to know you're in a 3rd world country. That's not the case IMHO so much in San Jose, and certainly not in Bangkok. There are lots of touts in Cartagena, and most of the people are poor.

4. I'd put CTG and BKK at about the same level in terms of GFE, definitely much better than San Jose. But my Spanish is reasonably good -- that might make a difference. In terms of stunners, I'd give the edge to San Jose and Bangkok. You will find more 10's in the Blue Marlin in San Jose than anywhere in Cartagena, although the BM chicas are a lot more likely to have an attitude. The hooker bar in Cartagena with the most stunners is La Dolce Vita, IMHO. Some peope would disagree and say Pleboy. Anyway, there are probably 20+ places in Bangkok (e.g., Rainbow 2, Rainbow 4, Rachadapisek massage parlors) that would rank with the La Dolce Vita in terms of the number of stunners.

If you like old Spanish architecture, you'll love Cartagena, there's nothing like the old city. If your Spanish is poor or if you're looking for first world standards, you may be disappointed. If you're just going for the sex, SJO and BKK are better destinations, IMHO.

Tom 33
05-15-06, 03:10
I wouldn't even mention SJO in the same breath as CTG. The chicas in CTG are hotter, much better performers, and cheaper. You can walk around anywhere in the tourist zone(Laguito, Bocagrande, Castillo Grande, and Centro) of CTG alone at any time of the day or night without worry. I wouldn't try that in SJO.

When I was on the plane to CTG from SJO for my first visit, I met a guy who told me that I'd never return to SJO. That was 3 1/2 years ago. He was right.

A buddy of mine with a Chinese father loves it in CTG. Of course his mother is Honduran. He does prefer Sao Paolo, though.

Tiny 12
05-15-06, 04:27
I'll agree they're cheaper. Try walking around in Torices or Getsemani at about 2:00 AM.

MJG Dogs
05-15-06, 06:19
1. It works like going Costa Rica or Bangkok. You don't need a visa. Colombian immigration probably won't ask you anything. U.S. immigration may ask you why you went to Colombia. You could probably tell them you were there to bang a lot of hookers and they wouldn't care, but the perverts might make a point of looking through images on your digital camera or laptop. I'm shy and usually say something like visiting some girls I met on the internet.

2. In my opinion, it's not particularly dangerous. Certainly not as safe as Bangkok, and maybe about the same or a little worse than San Jose. You would want to use some common sense. Late at night stay away from deserted areas and stick to Laguito, Boca Grande, and Old City for example.

3. It's not as user friendly as SJO or BKK. Meaning that you don't have a ton of massage parlors, hooker bars, etc., with everyone speaking English. Cartagena is definitely not as easy or accessible to the non-Spanish speaker. Also, infrastructure isn't as well develop -- unless you're staying at the Santa Clara, you're going to know you're in a 3rd world country. That's not the case IMHO so much in San Jose, and certainly not in Bangkok. There are lots of touts in Cartagena, and most of the people are poor.

4. I'd put CTG and BKK at about the same level in terms of GFE, definitely much better than San Jose. But my Spanish is reasonably good -- that might make a difference. In terms of stunners, I'd give the edge to San Jose and Bangkok. You will find more 10's in the Blue Marlin in San Jose than anywhere in Cartagena, although the BM chicas are a lot more likely to have an attitude. The hooker bar in Cartagena with the most stunners is La Dolce Vita, IMHO. Some peope would disagree and say Pleboy. Anyway, there are probably 20+ places in Bangkok (e.g., Rainbow 2, Rainbow 4, Rachadapisek massage parlors) that would rank with the La Dolce Vita in terms of the number of stunners.

If you like old Spanish architecture, you'll love Cartagena, there's nothing like the old city. If your Spanish is poor or if you're looking for first world standards, you may be disappointed. If you're just going for the sex, SJO and BKK are better destinations, IMHO.

Most stunners in the Hotel del rey? Are you shitting Me??????

They are mostly retreads....

CTG has more hot chicas hands down.....

Tiny 12
05-15-06, 16:20
What can I say? I like implants. On a busy night I'd rank the top 5 in the Blue Marlin higher than the top 5 in LDV in terms of looks. This is partly because there are more women in Blue Marlin. You'll get no argument from me that cost and service on average are better in Cartagena. Although I've been with a couple of ice queens in Cartagena, and some really nice women in San Jose. And an hour with a woman in Zona Blue in San Jose, with the facilities, will run less than an hour with many of the women from LDV.

From where I live, it takes 5 hours to get to San Jose and 12 hours to get to Cartagena. And it costs more to go to Colombia. For people in the same boat that's another point in San Jose's favor.

05-15-06, 22:51
[QUOTE=Tiny 12]What can I say? I like implants. On a busy night I'd rank the top 5 in the Blue Marlin higher than the top 5 in LDV in terms of looks. This is partly because there are more women in Blue Marlin. As a veteran of over 12 trips to San Jose I will probably leave it as that ...a dozen. IMHO Cartagena has much more going for it,,,,and SAFER too.The quality in the DEl Rey is great no doubt but the attitudes are not.LDV is the same quality wise but cheaper.Ctg has the beach and is cleaner.San Jose is fucking boring in the day.Personally I hope Americans stay scared....mule

05-15-06, 23:20
you wrote: Personally I hope Americans stay scared....mule

So why do you then post that Cartagena is safer than San Jose? Why not agree with Tiny and write "Tiny is correct; no reason to go to Colombia when San Jose is SO much safer and easier to get to. Costa Rica ROCKS!".

In this case there is no harm so no foul. Cartagena is no secret Eden.

I am NOT singling you out mule. This post is more meant to cause people to THINK before posting. Say somebody discovers another place even better than Cartagena. While the natural inclination of most of us, myself included, is to share the knowledge, in hindsight I believe most ADVENTUROUS TYPES will realize that inclination is pure folly. Because the primary thing that makes a mongering venue special, lack of gringos willing to overpay, will no longer be the case once critical mass develops on this (or other public access) board.

I say this because I have really come to lament my contribution to the hyping of Cali. And now Cali has become MUCH more like Cartagena than I could have ever imagined. I thought that the lack of tourist attractions and English speakers, coupled with the bad reputation for violence, would be sufficient deterrent to the masses of gringo sex tourists who fantacize about Colombia. I was, sadly, wrong.

05-15-06, 23:39
For the sport of finding lady companionship, Cart., hands down. I have been to both places at least 5 times each. The best looking babes in Blue Marlin are Colombian anyway, so why not just go to Colombia. They want to charge a 100 bucks for a quickie. Thats insane! I can afford it, but that would qualify me as being insane. I have also been to all the massage places too, nothing to write home about. Only gfe you might get are from some ticas, and I am latin, and you still have to work it to get gfe. I will say that Costa Rica has many things going for it if you are into adventurous physical activities and and hiking and so forth, as I am. Ticas and Ticos are also very friendly folks.

Now, even though Cartagena is not my favorite place to meet ladies in Colombia, its still worth visiting. The ladies, in my opinion, are way better looking than most ticas, and worse case scenerio are just as pretty. Just as there are many ladies from different parts of Colombia in San Jose, they also flock to Cartagena as well( Similiar to how many ladies from all over Brasil go to Rio to meet tourists). In Cartagena(LDV), there just as many babes that are cheaper, not cheap, but way cheaper than the Del Rey scene. Also, they are ten times more likely to give you a gfe( if thats your thing ) in Cartagena as compared to San Jose, in particular the Marlin Bar.

As for day activities, Cartagena is full of bitches, pardon me, beaches, even though they are nothing to get excited about, but its a place to hangout, get a tan, and meet a girly. San Jose does not have a beach. But again, SJ has way better sight seeing activities(Volcanoes, Craters, rainforest, etc.) than Cart. But no beaches.

As for safety, must becareful no matter where you go, but San Jose is more dangerous at night time as compared to Cart.

I enjoy both places for different reasons, and I will go back someday, but not anytime soon. I am busy learning about, and enjoying other destinations right now. My two cents worth. Have fun, stay safe, and never fall in love! :)

MJG Dogs
05-16-06, 02:36
For the sport of finding lady companionship, Cart., hands down. I have been to both places at least 5 times each. The best looking babes in Blue Marlin are Colombian anyway, so why not just go to Colombia. They want to charge a 100 bucks for a quickie. Thats insane! I can afford it, but that would qualify me as being insane. I have also been to all the massage places too, nothing to write home about. Only gfe you might get are from some ticas, and I am latin, and you still have to work it to get gfe. I will say that Costa Rica has many things going for it if you are into adventurous physical activities and and hiking and so forth, as I am. Ticas and Ticos are also very friendly folks.

Now, even though Cartagena is not my favorite place to meet ladies in Colombia, its still worth visiting. The ladies, in my opinion, are way better looking than most ticas, and worse case scenerio are just as pretty. Just as there are many ladies from different parts of Colombia in San Jose, they also flock to Cartagena as well( Similiar to how many ladies from all over Brasil go to Rio to meet tourists). In Cartagena(LDV), there just as many babes that are cheaper, not cheap, but way cheaper than the Del Rey scene. Also, they are ten times more likely to give you a gfe( if thats your thing ) in Cartagena as compared to San Jose, in particular the Marlin Bar.

As for day activities, Cartagena is full of bitches, pardon me, beaches, even though they are nothing to get excited about, but its a place to hangout, get a tan, and meet a girly. San Jose does not have a beach. But again, SJ has way better sight seeing activities(Volcanoes, Craters, rainforest, etc.) than Cart. But no beaches.

As for safety, must becareful no matter where you go, but San Jose is more dangerous at night time as compared to Cart.

I enjoy both places for different reasons, and I will go back someday, but not anytime soon. I am busy learning about, and enjoying other destinations right now. My two cents worth. Have fun, stay safe, and never fall in love! :)

San Jose is 2 hrs away from the beach( jaco) which is a dump. an hour away by car from Paos volcano, where CTG is an hour and a half from santa marta which has very nice beaches. Colombians in my opinion are in some ways more honest than the ticos, whom deep down hate us. Form my experience working and living in CR., other than that you have hit all other points. well done.

Tp Horn
05-16-06, 03:00
I was in CTG in January, my first time, and lamentably, before I discovered this excellent forum.

My pal and I took a chiva on a Friday night, and it finished at a 2nd story bar with a balcony directly in front of the clock tower. At the end of the official festivities, the guide asked us if we wanted to meet some women. We responded "of course."

He then took us to some standard looking bar, no more than two blocks pretty much straight down a street from the other bar. It also was on a second story, up a staircase with a 90 degree bend in it. That bar had a handfull of working girls, but also seemed to be hosting some regular groups of folks as well.

Can anyone tell me the name of the place where we were?

For the record, inside the guide introduced us to some english-speaking guy who would "take care of us." My pal quickly met a friend, negotiated a deal, and split. He had a fabulous experience.

I was not so lucky; long story short, 2 hrs later and after getting a bill for a 195,000 peso short bottle of Old Parr (or whatever it's called), I realized I was getting scammed and split alone. At least I got an eyeful of my pal's hot-bodied friend waltzing around the hotel room the next morning.

Tom 33
05-16-06, 11:17
You were at La Tripletera.

The first place nearer the clock tower was probably Tu Candela, but there are several other clubs on the plaza that match that description.

Tiny 12
05-16-06, 16:21
I'm kind of playing devil's advocate, as I agree with some of your criticisms of my original post. But since nobody's taking the other side, here are some rhetorical questions.

1. Do you speak Spanish? If not, do you think you'd still be getting great GFE with chicas in Cartagena?

2. Do you like hot, humid weather? Sweating like a pig?

3. Do you like ugly beaches?

4. Do you like being molested about every 30 seconds by someone who wants money?

5. How fast can you get to Cartagena, versus San Jose? If you've got good connections to Miami from where you live, I guess it's not so bad, assuming you can travel on the 3 days a week when Avianca has a nonstop. Otherwise you're looking at overnighting in Bogota or Miami, spending many hours in the airport in Panama, or maybe if you're lucky and don't miss any connections you can make it in a day.

6. Given "5", does it make a lot of sense for a non-Spanish speaker to go to Cartagena just to bang the most attractive women there? That is, does it make sense to go there to have sex with women from Medellin, Manizales, etc., when you can have sex with women from the same places in San Jose or Panama? O.K., true, if you speak Spanish you'll probably have more GFE in Cartagena. But if you don't, there's not a whole hell of a lot you can do after you finish the deed.

7. Have you gotten sick from the water or food in Cartagena? I spent some time in the hospital there as a result. You can drink tap water in Costa Rica and Panama. I wouldn't try that in Cartagena.

8. Do you really think the regular women from Cartagena (not the hookers from other cities) are more attractive that the average Latina? (I don't.)

9. Are the regular women from Cartagena as likely to go out with you when all their neighbors are wondering what their sweet little friend is doing with an extranjero ( which = monger in Cartagena)?

10. And, with regard to the original question, about Cartagena vs. San Jose and Bangkok. This is addressed to anybody who's been to Cartagena and Bangkok and thinks Cartagena is better for MONGERING (not finding a girlfriend). Are you nuts?

05-16-06, 21:59
Point taken and understood."I hope Americans stay scared" was not directed at readers of this board but mainly for the masses of gringos who have ruined CR.never read this forum and will never go to Colombia.Besides if I would have said "mucho peligro y chicas fea"no one would believe that!I have taken pains to speak some spanish and although not a must it surely has helped my trips.When I was in CTG a couple of weeks ago it was 3 days before I heard any english (minus Juan and the T.V.) Yes I realize that Cartagena is no secret but compared to San Jose it was awesome....YMMV..........mule

California Guy
05-18-06, 09:23
First, I find it very sad when others write comments like " I Hope American's stay scared." I mean places like Brazil, Colombia, etc... are going to change either way. If the economy itself improves it wouldn't take a bunch of gringo's to increase the cost of women in these countries. I for one haven't been to Colombia but when I visit soon I will pay what others here think is a fair and get the information I need from the regulars who visit the area.

Also I haven't been to Costa Rica, or Colombia as I just mentioned, but from the girls I have meet in person to the pictures I see here and other sites I can't see Costa Rica being close to Colombia. I am not into heavier girls and that is what I always notice about the CR girls, reminds of crappy Tijuana! I know everyone has there own preferences, like I think Brazilian and EE girls are the prettiest, so it is cool. At the same time though I believe there are certain features and qualities in women that represent beauty worldwide. I mean I am a semi-pro photographer and have shot some amazing women from all over the world and there are things you notice over and over with these girls. Still, maybe some people like fat chicks but I would doubt it is the majority of guys or else models such as Adriana Lima wouldn't be so sought after on every continent. Just my opinion :)

05-18-06, 10:01
where CTG is an hour and a half from santa marta which has very nice beaches.

If you plan to get to Santa Marta in and hour and a half you better be in an airplane. It's 4 hours by car and any flights to SM from CTG have to go to Bogota first.

MJG Dogs
05-18-06, 16:58
If you plan to get to Santa Marta in and hour and a half you better be in an airplane. It's 4 hours by car and any flights to SM from CTG have to go to Bogota first.

My bad. BAQ is about 1 1/2 hrs to 2 hrs. beavis is correct.

05-18-06, 22:20
First, I find it very sad when others write comments like " I Hope American's stay scared." I mean places like Brazil, Colombia, etc... are going to change either way. If the economy itself improves it wouldn't take a bunch of gringo's to increase the cost of women in these countries. I for one haven't been to Colombia but when I visit soon I will pay what others here think is a fair and get the information I need from the regulars who visit the area.

Also I haven't been to Costa Rica, or Colombia as I just mentioned, but from the girls I have meet in person to the pictures I see here and other sites I can't see Costa Rica being close to Colombia. I am not into heavier girls and that is what I always notice about the CR girls, reminds of crappy Tijuana! I know everyone has there own preferences, like I think Brazilian and EE girls are the prettiest, so it is cool. At the same time though I believe there are certain features and qualities in women that represent beauty worldwide. I mean I am a semi-pro photographer and have shot some amazing women from all over the world and there are things you notice over and over with these girls. Still, maybe some people like fat chicks but I would doubt it is the majority of guys or else models such as Adriana Lima wouldn't be so sought after on every continent. Just my opinion :) I find it sad that you form an opinion of places you have never even been!Believe me there are some smoking hot girls in Costa Rica as well as Colombia.Why not see them personally instead of judging from others pictures!

05-19-06, 21:11

are the apartments at http://www.cartagenaapartments.com/ chica-friendly?

And second, how likely are the girls to steal from my apartment? In Dominican Republic, the girls doubled as professional thieves, and I must say that actually they were much better at stealing than anything else...

Tom 33
05-20-06, 00:30
I don't think that those apartments are for short-term rental. These are http://www.zepelion.com/apartamentos/index.htm, and they are chica-friendly.

I haven't had much of a theft problem. But I am vigilant. If you never tempt an honest chica, you will always have an honest chica.

05-20-06, 02:02
I don't think that those apartments are for short-term rental. These are http://www.zepelion.com/apartamentos/index.htm, and they are chica-friendly.

I haven't had much of a theft problem. But I am vigilant. If you never tempt an honest chica, you will always have an honest chica.

Thanks God,

It drove me crazy in DR. I busted them with their hands in my drawers, in my pants, everywhere. You had to specially prepare your apartment for their arrival, they would take ANYTHING...

Their favorite number is negotiating an all-nighter and then disappear in the middle of the night with the loot...one time in Sosua I was staying at a rather expensive place, and I heard knocking on my door at 4 am, it was the night guard that caught the girl trying to run for it with her pockets full...


Ok I'll try the zepelion. Still, I got off the phone with cartagena apartments and they were OK for one week. Would you guys know if I will have to do the walk of shame in case I rent from them?

05-20-06, 02:28
I am in CTG now and need to know the best places to go. Please help.

Tom 33
05-20-06, 13:42
Hoyaboy - RTFF.

Free - I know nothing about Cartagena Apartments. It would depend upon where the particular apartment is located. Also, each building makes its own rules. Some buildings will not allow guests.

I don't allow a chica that I don't know well to stay over night. And you cannot get out of my building at night unless the security guard unlocks the door and lets you out. Also, all guests are logged in and must show ID.

Tiny 12
05-20-06, 17:32
Freedick, it looks like cartagenaapartments.com rents a lot in El Conquistador. This is chica friendly. Although I've never been up the elevators, I've heard many of the apts. are dumpy. You do have to walk right by a bunch of people who hang around the entrance of the building and also some shops, but otherwise no walk of shame. If you'd be renting elsewhere I'd ask them -- you'd be taking a risk at their castillo grande properties.

Tom 33's recommendation, Zepelion, is a better bet. My recommendation would be to use Mery Salence -- she is agent for some primo apartments and offers great customer service. She babysat me in the hospital once when I was renting one of her apts. Mery's web site is http://www.colombiarental.com/rentals/index.htm. Zepelion and Mery will have no problem finding a chica-friendly place for you.

Agree with Tom 33 regarding theft. But the only bad girl I've left unattended for long stretches had more to lose by stealing from me than she had to gain.

Tom 33
05-20-06, 19:00
El Conquistador is no longer chica friendly. They will simply not allow any chicas of working age to enter, period. They may still rent to working girls. So you can do the deed if you find one who lives in the building. One friend of mine moved out of the building because of this change and lost a good part of the rent he had pre-paid. Another friend was asked to leave. The association is trying to clean up what has become a blight on Laguito. I wish them luck.

Mery is great as well.

05-20-06, 21:34
Clean up the el conquistador. That's funny! The whole main street in Laguito is a walk of shame. It is just one little street where the locals hang out, some small restaurants, and some apartment bldgs. Imagine fat, 50 year old gringos walking hand in hand with 18 year old girls. Laguito has now gotten a bad rep. My girlfriend insists on meeting in Bocagrande.

When I live there, I have the girls meet me at my apartment as much as possible. LDV is at the end of the block so you would think the girls wouldn't get lost (has happened).

05-21-06, 03:57
El Conquistador is no longer chica friendly. They will simply not allow any chicas of working age to enter, period. They may still rent to working girls. So you can do the deed if you find one who lives in the building. One friend of mine moved out of the building because of this change and lost a good part of the rent he had pre-paid. Another friend was asked to leave. The association is trying to clean up what has become a blight on Laguito. I wish them luck.

Mery is great as well.


I've already paid deposit....On the other hand, I am the kind of person that easily picks up a non-pro at the disco, I can't imagine not being able to go to my apartment with a regular girl...or not?

Tom 33
05-21-06, 15:27
Not. There is no brand for regular girls. How on earth would they know? Many regular girls dress quite provocatively. That's why I love it here.

05-23-06, 22:16
Not. There is no brand for regular girls. How on earth would they know? Many regular girls dress quite provocatively. That's why I love it here. .....Hmmm,I wonder why!!You gonna be around 7/1?Looks like I'll be your neighbor again for a couple of weeks.I need to go over your photo collection again!!LOL.How is your "shower Girl"?PM me if you get a chance.....mule

05-24-06, 18:00

Does anybody know if there are short time hotels in Cartagena.



05-25-06, 01:33
Yes, there are a few short time hotels to be found.

There are a couple right next to each other, about a 10 minute drive from the centre. "La Jaiba" and "La Cangreja". I recommend La Jaiba, get the nicer room, instead of the standard one.

These motels charge by the hour (about 16k per). So you kind of feel that the clock is ticking as you go. They do not have a price for 3 hours or 6 hours like in other cities.

They are also quite busy (sometimes need to wait a moment for a room on a busy evening) and the taxi drivers will always try and take advantage of you when you negotiate a price to go there and back.

05-25-06, 20:31
Tom, I'm gearing up for my trip...if anyone else is going to be down there from June 2nd-June 11th, let me know. Got myself and my buddy a 2bedroom thru the highly recommended Mery...she seems cool..so far.

05-26-06, 01:21
Would that be http://www.lajaiba.net/index.php ??

05-26-06, 10:48
Would that be http://www.lajaiba.net/index.php ??

Remember, these places are 10 mins from Centro, but on the OTHER side of Centro from Laguito and Bocagrande.

I found it was better value having an apartment walking distance from LDV in Laguito. That way you can transfer the good vibes straight from LDV into your bedroom.

With the motel, you need to ride in the taxi for 15 minutes, have the obligatory heated discussion with the taxi driver as he attempts to overcharge you, then sometimes wait 5 or 10 minutes while they find a room for you at the motel. This has the potential to dampen the good mood you had at the club. And once you have stepped out of LDV, your sweet companion will be counting all this time in transit as session time.

There are other short time motels right in Bocagrande. I have not tried those and can't report. I tried those two motels on the edge of town at the recommendation of LDV girls.

Tom 33
05-26-06, 12:42
CC el Pueblito is on San Martin about 4 blocks from LDV. I think they get 15K per hour with no AC and 20K with AC. A friend of mine has used them. There are more choices within several blocks. Just ask around.

05-26-06, 22:54
"And once you have stepped out of LDV, your sweet companion will be counting all this time in transit as session time."

In one sentence, you summed up all that is NOW wrong with mongering in Laguito.

05-27-06, 04:08
"And once you have stepped out of LDV, your sweet companion will be counting all this time in transit as session time."

In one sentence, you summed up all that is NOW wrong with mongering in Laguito.
Yes. I deny that Laguito has gone to hell.

I was expecting poor attitude and service. The reality was, I had an excellent time in Cartagena and didn't want to leave.

I had a couple of girls who weren't that service oriented, but even then I got an excellent experience with a beautiful girl for 100k.

Other times I got an overall great performance... one LDV girl stayed overnight, we went a round in the morning, then she cooked up some delicious huevos rancheros for breakfast.

Surfer, maybe you could post something in your personal experience that backs up what you think... when was the last time you were in Laguito? What exactly was wrong with it?

I agree that prices are up (even the police outside LDV say the standard price is 150k now). I am lucky that compensating for that, I now know how to speak Spanish, dance with the girls and handle them better. So I still get good experiences for less.

Anyway, you already told us your conviction about not advertising a good thing. Perhaps you still like it but just want to paint a poor picture of it so that others don't want to visit?

05-30-06, 19:00
If anyone can help me rent a furnished apartment in barranquilla for one month starting dec/21 . please let me know . I prefer around the area of Puerta del Sol Hotel vicinity or el prado but not any further from these neighbourhoods.


Steve 99
05-31-06, 03:30
Yes. I deny that Laguito has gone to hell.

I agree that prices are up (even the police outside LDV say the standard price is 150k now). I am lucky that compensating for that, I now know how to speak Spanish, dance with the girls and handle them better. So I still get good experiences for less.

Anyway, you already told us your conviction about not advertising a good thing. Perhaps you still like it but just want to paint a poor picture of it so that others don't want to visit?I assume 150K is short time. Can you give a ballpark for TLN out of LDV. I speak little spanish. Just trying to get a sense of current rates for my trip in August 2006.

05-31-06, 18:39
For info girl prices in my last trip,April.


One night 1 girl TLN 180.000 COP
One night 1 girl TLN 150.000 COP


One night 1 girl TLN 150.000 COP ( after the first shot, she wanted to leave me and she wanted to go again to disco for more "money". I gave her 100.000 COP. For my ST.

One night 1 girl TLN 150.000 COP . (next day I was with same girl and price).

One night 1 girl TLN 150.000 COP (next day I was with same girl and price).


One night 1 girl TLN 150.000 COP but 180.000 COP if I was interesting in anal service.

This it is my brief report on the average of prices.

As information I must say that I speak the Spanish perfectly

Tom 33
06-02-06, 01:35
Did a dupla last night with two chicas who work in the LDV. They were complaining that there are very few guys coming to the LDV now.

I mentioned this to a friend today who also lives here. It was his opinion that the lack of business serves them right. He lives across the street from LDV. He won't go there. He doesn't like the hassle and outrageous price quotes. Of course he can, and does, walk outside his building and find a good selection on the street for 60K.

I just got back for having a bowl of soup. Two smokin' street chicas waylaid me on the trip home. I had them for dessert for 60K each.

Conclusion: Laguito has certainly not gone to hell, but the LDV may be heading in that direction. Very few of us who live here spend very much time in the LDV.

06-02-06, 04:05
[QUOTE=Tom 33] They were complaining that there are very few guys coming to the LDV now.

Music to my ears Tom! I hope it stays that way til I arrive in June!

06-02-06, 20:17
I was told that Manila House opens at noon. I headed there at around 2:30 and the place looked closed. Went inside and found a single cute lady there. The guy there knocked on some doors and woke the other girls. They were none too quick to come out. One gave me a real nasty glare.

In the end went with the woman who was already awake. 70k for her, 50k to the house. Unlike the rest of the place, the room we had our session in was extremely clean and nice. I´d be willing to go back.

06-02-06, 20:34
My friend owns an aprtment there and says VERY quiet lately. Maybe the election deterred some visitors. Despite his kissing up to the Great Satan, I like Uribe and understand why Colombia needs a hardliner. I also feel Colombia is a special case; a conservative Bush ally in any other Latin nation is NOT somebody I would support.

Re the streetgirls around the block with La Perla Casino & LDV, I saw none last trip but in the past got some GREAT chicas (still sweet and unhardened) there for 50K (plus I tip for good service). Heard the police were hassling the SWs that used to congregate around that block.

Tom 33
06-02-06, 23:25
The election did quiet things. But it is always slow this time of year. In 3 weeks things pick up again for school vacation.

The police have always enforced the laws against street solicitation. Discretion is the key.

06-03-06, 00:38
You me and tomtom are the only ones who think there are any street chicas in CTG that aren't drug craving skanks.
I had one of my best experiences ever with a little cutie I found there. 5 foot tall, 95 pounds of adorable GFE. All night was 50K.
But I must have dreamed it. All the street chicas are skanks, what am I thinking...

06-03-06, 03:15
Tom..I´m here..just got in this evening..kinda feeling a bit under the weather with this allergy but I´m not gonna let it stop me..I´m here with my friend, Duane..hit me back..let me know where we can link up...that goes for anyone else here too in CTG..newbie needs guidance..lol

06-03-06, 18:08
I tried calling a lady who gave me her number from Manila House, but unfortunately I didnt have sufficient Spanish to convince her to visit my apartment. I was working under the assumption that it´d be 260k pesos for 24 hours.

Instead I hit up Club Rocio, one of the casas in the Bruselas neighborhood of Cartagena. I met a sweet-seeming hot lady named Carolina from Medellin and paid 280k for TLN. She seemed very amiable, and said she could stay til 4pm the next day, "no problem."

While there I saw around 6 or so other women, many of them doable. There were also a pair of tall light skinned identical twins! The cat house´s house cat is named Natasha.

Initially had a good time with Carolina, but she seemed to get tired of chatting and screwing. She kept pointing to the TV. Got to bed around 3am and she refused to have sex, saying it´d be better after 6am. Had sex once more in the morning and she left. Overall, not a bad experience, but somewhat disappointing. During dinner she tried to make it clear to me what a good deal I was getting. Short time is something like 150k, making 280k for TLN a bargain.

06-04-06, 16:01
Rest assured she was the one getting the bargain.
I'm glad you felt the experience wasn't bad, but most Colombia veterans would call this experience horrible.
Hang in there and work on your spanish, you'll be amazed how much better your encounters will be.

06-04-06, 22:04
Thanks, TheShadow2. Overall I´m disappointed with Cartagena. Can´t wait to leave for Bogota tomorrow. The women here all seem very into making some quick cash and arent really into much else. I´d be willing to pay more for a better experience, but it hasn´t happened here. I´m hoping Bogota will bring better things because it´s less tourist oriented.

One detail I found amusing was that Carolina referred to her boss at Club Rocio as "Mamasan." I haven´t heard "Pay mamasan!" since Thailand, and I thought it even sounded weird there, since "mamasan" is a Japanese term.

Tom 33
06-05-06, 02:21
There is no correlation between what you pay and what you get. Recently I have paid as much as 150K for short time and as little as 40K. Some of the best times I've had for 40 to 60K. That 150K was quite special as well.

Of course I've lived here for over 3 years, speak some Spanish, and treat the girls very well. I'm also old and fat.

06-05-06, 21:59
There is no correlation between what you pay and what you get. Recently I have paid as much as 150K for short time and as little as 40K. Some of the best times I've had for 40 to 60K. That 150K was quite special as well.

Of course I've lived here for over 3 years, speak some Spanish, and treat the girls very well. I'm also old and fat. Ha Ha...and probably get more FINE pussy than most Hollywood actors!! I've seen the proof.Besides you ain't that old!

06-06-06, 05:19
After arriving at Bogota I realize that Cartagena just wasnt for me. Everyone´s mileage may vary. Bogota has lots of places to get a cheap quickie. The women and people in general seem to have a great attitude. Something about Cartagena was difficult for me to get into.

I read on this forum and other places that Cartagena would be a good Colombian destination if your Spanish skillls are lacking. I disagree with this. The main advantage I had in knowing English was making it easier for touts to communicate with me and slightly easier to work out hotel arrangements. I worked out a hotel in Bogota without any English and things are going fine.

I wasn´t in a better negotiating position in Cartagena for knowing fluent English. I'm just as reliant on Spanish in Bogota for important things as I was in Cartagena. And here in Bogota I'm not dripping with sweat after walking around outside for 5 mins.

Tiny 12
06-06-06, 23:51
Bartchamdo, good to see at least one person agrees with me about mongering, the climate and language in Cartagena. Although seeing the Old City is without a doubt worth a trip, if you're into old Spanish architecture or Colombian history.

Tom 33
06-07-06, 02:03
"I wasn´t in a better negotiating position in Cartagena for knowing fluent English."

Sounds right to me. My English doesn't help me much here either.

06-08-06, 20:00
´ve been here in Cartagena for 6 days now. I really cant give a full detailed report on my adventures as yet until I sort out my pics of the chicas and what went on with each of them. Yes..short term memmory is my downfall. Pictures will be posted when I get home next week. I rented one of Mery´s apartments for me and a buddy. Nice clean rooms, great view of the beach and Mery is a total sweetheart. As for the street action, You´ll have no problem here. Tom, who is a stand up guy by the way, is correct..some of the hottest chicas around here are the 60k peso ones. You can find a nice hottie by just stopping off at one of the local restaraunts in Laguito or Bocagrande that have tables outside. Just sit down and have yourself a drink and you will see some sweet looking chicas walk by from time to time. If you´re looking for a pro, many of the LDV chicas that ask for 150k are worth it in terms of looks but you never really know what you get until she´s in your bed. I´m a bargain hunter so I always try to get a lower price like 100k or 80k. So far I´m batting 100% on my negotiations. Speaking of LDV, every since my first night there, the chicas out number the buyers at least 8 to 1. I dont know what the deal is but I hope it stays this way..hmmm..that must be why I´m getting my price..Duhhh. Most of the colombian girls here have that typical latino look with the long hair and natural tanned complexion but I have seen from very light (caucasion) to dark although there are a sprinkle of black chicas around...not many though. If you´re into black girls, then colombia is definatly the place to be because from what I can see, they dont seem to get much attention from the euro guys like the others here so you can probably get a bargain price...but what do I know?.I´ve only been here 6 days. Anyway, for the most part, colombian women are very beautiful. I´ve been to the dominican republic 4 times and I would have to say that the women over here are more exotic looking. Before coming here, I had the notion that If I could dress down, not wear any expensive clothes or jewelry, I could possibly blend in a little and avoid the street peddelers. ummmm...NOPE !!! I´m a 35 yr old black guy and I feel like I got a big sticker on my forehead that says, ¨GRINGO¨. I´ve been to several 3rd world countries and so far and Cartagena, Colombia has the most aggressive street vendors I´ve ever encountered. With them, the word, ¨NO¨ means ¨ ok, keep trying and I will buy something, eventually¨. I dont even look at them now. I just say, ¨no gracias¨ , once and keep walking.

MJG Dogs
06-08-06, 20:14
´ve been here in Cartagena for 6 days now. I really cant give a full detailed report on my adventures as yet until I sort out my pics of the chicas and what went on with each of them. Yes..short term memmory is my downfall. Pictures will be posted when I get home next week. I rented one of Mery´s apartments for me and a buddy. Nice clean rooms, great view of the beach and Mery is a total sweetheart. As for the street action, You´ll have no problem here. Tom, who is a stand up guy by the way, is correct..some of the hottest chicas around here are the 60k peso ones. You can find a nice hottie by just stopping off at one of the local restaraunts in Laguito or Bocagrande that have tables outside. Just sit down and have yourself a drink and you will see some sweet looking chicas walk by from time to time. If you´re looking for a pro, many of the LDV chicas that ask for 150k are worth it in terms of looks but you never really know what you get until she´s in your bed. I´m a bargain hunter so I always try to get a lower price like 100k or 80k. So far I´m batting 100% on my negotiations. Speaking of LDV, every since my first night there, the chicas out number the buyers at least 8 to 1. I dont know what the deal is but I hope it stays this way..hmmm..that must be why I´m getting my price..Duhhh. Most of the colombian girls here have that typical latino look with the long hair and natural tanned complexion but I have seen from very light (caucasion) to dark although there are a sprinkle of black chicas around...not many though. If you´re into black girls, then colombia is definatly the place to be because from what I can see, they dont seem to get much attention from the euro guys like the others here so you can probably get a bargain price...but what do I know?.I´ve only been here 6 days. Anyway, for the most part, colombian women are very beautiful. I´ve been to the dominican republic 4 times and I would have to say that the women over here are more exotic looking. Before coming here, I had the notion that If I could dress down, not wear any expensive clothes or jewelry, I could possibly blend in a little and avoid the street peddelers. ummmm...NOPE !!! I´m a 35 yr old black guy and I feel like I got a big sticker on my forehead that says, ¨GRINGO¨. I´ve been to several 3rd world countries and so far and Cartagena, Colombia has the most aggressive street vendors I´ve ever encountered. With them, the word, ¨NO¨ means ¨ ok, keep trying and I will buy something, eventually¨. I dont even look at them now. I just say, ¨no gracias¨ , once and keep walking.

The touts have a sixth sense of who is a gringo and who is not. Avoid eye contact, wear headphones and keep walking. Never stop and look at anything, for they will swarm you like locusts

Regulr Travlr
06-08-06, 20:35

I have never been to CTG, but only to San Andres. There is a complete report in that section. Also an earlier one from LP.

I had one night of mongering and the rest was my novia from Periera. I so not know how easy it would be to find a girl there for every day. It is much more a vacation spot with the special girl. But there is P4P action to be found.

I will say the beaches and reefs are as good as any Caribbean island I have been to. I don't know what CTG has to offer in terms of beaches.

But from reading here the chica scene is way better in CTG.


06-08-06, 21:41
Nice report skyjuice! Your experiences there are similiar to my visit last month.I will be back in three weeks and hope LDV will remain a buyers market.As for the touts it is a shame they can't some how regulate them.I guess that is the price we pay though.....later mule

Tom 33
06-08-06, 21:58
You don't need to be a Gringo to attract them. They make their living on Colombian tourists.

Mars Blackmon
06-09-06, 00:09
You don't need to be a Gringo to attract them. They make their living on Colombian tourists.Best way to get rid of touts in any country.

*** Wear a set of white ipod earfphones...*** you can be trouble free in paradise. Its like hawker kryptonite.

06-09-06, 02:48
Although seeing the Old City is without a doubt worth a trip, if you're into old Spanish architecture or Colombian history.Totally agreed. I don´t mean to knock Cartagena as a whole. It is a beautiful city without a doubt, and with a rich history. And Colombianos in general are great friendly people. I could see how someone might want to live there and monger there. It just didn´t rub me the right way.

If you´re into seeing beautiful ancient buildings and are going across the world anyway to get there, I´d suggest Siem Reap in Cambodia.

One of the ladies in Cartagena said that I wouldn´t have a problem with touts in Bogota, but that they´d just rob me outright. It´s true, there are very few touts in Bogota and one can tell by the soldiers and police everywhere that there are problems with crime. I still love it, though. I think I´d prefer to be robbed outright rather than have some tout smile at me and call me his friend while robbing me.

06-09-06, 17:43
A frend of mine that recently went to cartagena, told me that the pleyboy club is a chain of three clubs:

2-Santa marta.
3-Monteria. (Recently opened).

Did anybody know about this?

06-10-06, 00:23
A frend of mine that recently went to cartagena, told me that the pleyboy club is a chain of three clubs:

2-Santa marta.
3-Monteria. (Recently opened).

Did anybody know about this?

I´m not sure about the pleyoy club if it´s a chain or not. A taxi guy brought me there a few night ago. Very nice selection but I didnt buy. I did however call a chica from there today. I thought I was getting her personal cell phone number but as it turns out, it´s the house phone. They told me 150k peso to have her some see me and that I didnt have to pay her taxi fee. I didnt buy.

06-11-06, 19:29
well..as they say, ¨All good things must come to an end¨. I fly out tonight from CTG and all I can say is, ¨WOW¨. I have a new love for colombia. I have never seen so many donkey asses in such a small amount of time in all my life..and when I say ,¨ Donkey Ass¨, I mean, some of these women have some really big round bottoms and really small waiste line. no stomach fat. like a friggin hour glass..I mean these women just love to wear tight fitting jeans and skirts to show what they got. Young and old. I suppose the only other south american country that can surpass colombia in round asses is Brazil. If you like big round asses, being here makes you just want to mount up and ride. Uuaaggh- heeeeee--uuuaaahhhhhhgghh (donkey sounds)..lol.
full report with pics coming.

Puerto La Cruz
06-11-06, 22:52

I'll be picking up where you left off on Tuesday.

06-12-06, 01:24
I was reading this Cartagena section for my upcoming trip.

Can anybody tell me where exactly LDV is located?

Since everybody talks about LDV but cannot find the location.


06-12-06, 05:05

I just spent several hours walking and hanging on the beach, my first day here in CTG, and I gotta say the touts aren't that bad, only mildly annoying. And if you have good boundaries, they're easy to dismiss.

Remember, they want something from you and you have all the power. A simple 'no gracias' works, and a hard, mean looking stare seals the deal. (OTOH, maybe I have some kind of invisible karma, because I actually tried to find Tony the tout, just for the experience, and couldn't find him!)

Believe me, CTG is nothing compared to India, as far as touts and people wanting to separate you from your cash is concerned.

As far as the chicas are concerned. Wow. Ohhh wow. Maybe I've been lucky, but I feel like a guy who just got called up to the majors and hit two homers on the first two pitches he sees. I love Columbianas. More on that later.

Skyjuice is correctamundo, the bodies on these women, from 18-40, as far as I can guess, are amazing. Real South Beach beautiful, if you know what I mean.

Dollar Bill
06-12-06, 21:46
Casino la Perla del Caribe
Parque Comercial Pierino Gallo
Tel.: 665 0573


Here is the address of the casino which is right next door to LDV. This was posted by my buddy, El Austriaco, several months ago.


06-12-06, 22:02
I am planning a trip to Cartagena and I need to know where I should stay while I'm there. Is there any hotels that are monger friendly?

Sun Devil
06-13-06, 05:20
The problem with finding LDV is that it is on the second floor of a building with a plaza. The sign of it cannot be found from the street level. You have to climb a stair to a plaza in order to see it along with the casino. I am typing right now from a 24 hour internet cafe that serves food, drinks and coffee called Connecting People Cafe which is on the first floor of the building and just a couple of stores from one of the two stairs that lead to the plaza where LDV and the casino are located.

Right now I am staying at the penthouse at the Atlantis building. It is monger friendly. In fact, I am having a hard time trying to ward off women who live in the building itself trying to invite themselves in. My rent is $70 a day, including tax, for an approximately 1400 sq. foot area apartment. Just look up the information on this website for Juan Ventura.

It includes a kitchen and all you need is to get a girlfriend from LDV and have her helped you get food from Olympica and have her cook it for you during your stay while in Cartagena. She can also be a guide to all the historical landmarks and museums, if that is your thing, like Plaza Santo Domingo, La Poppa, El Castilo, etc...(sorry if I have mispelled any of these places), as well as any restaurants that you might want to go to.

As for the touts, I have a enjoyable time talking to them, when I do pay attendtion to what they are selling. If they have something I don´t particularly want to buy, I just ignore them. However, I do enjoy the give and take of bargaining. Remember you are the customer and this place is a buyer´s market for pretty much everything, girls included.

MJG Dogs
06-13-06, 06:04
The problem with finding LDV is that it is on the second floor of a building with a plaza. The sign of it cannot be found from the street level. You have to climb a stair to a plaza in order to see it along with the casino. I am typing right now from a 24 hour internet cafe that serves food, drinks and coffee called Connecting People Cafe which is on the first floor of the building and just a couple of stores from one of the two stairs that lead to the plaza where LDV and the casino are located.

Right now I am staying at the penthouse at the Atlantis building. It is monger friendly. In fact, I am having a hard time trying to ward off women who live in the building itself trying to invite themselves in. My rent is $70 a day, including tax, for an approximately 1400 sq. foot area apartment. Just look up the information on this website for Juan Ventura.

It includes a kitchen and all you need is to get a girlfriend from LDV and have her helped you get food from Olympica and have her cook it for you during your stay while in Cartagena. She can also be a guide to all the historical landmarks and museums, if that is your thing, like Plaza Santo Domingo, La Poppa, El Castilo, etc...(sorry if I have mispelled any of these places), as well as any restaurants that you might want to go to.

As for the touts, I have a enjoyable time talking to them, when I do pay attendtion to what they are selling. If they have something I don´t particularly want to buy, I just ignore them. However, I do enjoy the give and take of bargaining. Remember you are the customer and this place is a buyer´s market for pretty much everything, girls included.

Hey Sun devil- Despite the touts, it sure beats Costa Rica doesn't it. please tell the fat slobs in san Jose, how miserable cartagena is ok.......

Sun Devil
06-14-06, 04:27
Yes, I'll do that. Mums is the word considering I want the ratio for chicas to guys at LDV to remain 10:1. The only bad thing about LDV compared to the Del Rey is that its hours are from 2300 to 0330 as opposed to the DR being opened 24/7.

06-14-06, 05:16
I am planning a trip to Cartagena and I need to know where I should stay while I'm there. Is there any hotels that are monger friendly?Mery also rents apartments in Laguito area of Cartagena. The following web site lists a few of the apartments she has available.


Have a great trip!

Tiny 12
06-14-06, 15:59
Regarding Colombia Rentals, I've definitely stayed in PM 703, and I think B PH and TC 501. The pictures look familiar anyway. PM 703 was very nice - perfect for one person - and B PH was a chica magnet. I can't say enough good things about Mery.

MJG Dogs
06-18-06, 19:48
Putting together a trip in August. Have stayed in Mery's apartments, they are great , but will run me 50-60 USD per night. Does anyone know of any others in laquito or Bocagrande, that a decent, have hot water and air conditioning that will run me 25-30 USD per day? Do not say the Conquistador, for I understand it is not chica-freindly, plus I hate the damm elevators, they suck

please advise.

Tom 33
06-19-06, 00:55
Most of the apartments in your price range do not have AC or hot water. I have managed without hot water but not without AC. If price is an issue, just show up without any reservations and go shopping. August is a slow time.

Sun Devil
06-19-06, 05:04
Well I just got back from a great week at Cartagena. The only bad part about it was the humidity. I've never been in such a steam oven in my life. Plus, living in AZ has caused my body to become totally unaccustomed to humidity, let alone that found in CTG.

Like I previously posted, I rented an apartment from Juan Ventura, a 1400 sq. footer that cost $70 a night. This was about 3 or 4 buildings from the Hilton. I visited the Hilton a couple of times for their buffet breakfast. Most of the guests there were Caucasian Hispanics, not Americans.

During my first night, I had a two-some in my apartment consisting of women living in the complex. Apparently word got out that a rich foreigner is staying on the top floor of the complex. I had just finished unpacking when the doorbell rang. Two lithesome young ladies living on the 8th floor introduced themselves. Within the hour, after some dancing and chit-chat, we practiced some BBBJ and some covered missionary.

Later on, I took them out to a hut like restaurant next to the Hilton, and dissed them off after some monetary presents so that they can buy their school books. They said that they are studying Psychology at a university in the old city and just needed money to buy their books.

Afterwards, I walked to Bocagrande. I never sweated so much in my life, even though I wore a tank top, shorts and sandals. This place felt worst than Manila. I saw a totally hot Colombian woman wearing a denim mini-skirt and stilleto heels at a coffee shop called LaDulceria. Why can't women dress like that more often in the States. I made eye contact with her a couple of times but Mom was sitting next to her and the possibility of a date, let alone an introduction, was minisculed. Seeing families out together occurred more often here than in the US.

Later on I drifted off to LDV, where I found my novia of the week. This girl was from Medellin. I had wanted to do something like this during one of my trips. Anyway, what they say is true. Colombian women are some of the sweetest in the world.

This woman helped me with my grocery shopping when she saw that my fridge was empty in the apartment, prepared my food, and introduced me to some of the more local oriented restaurants in the city, such as the La Fonda Antioquena (Paisa food) and La Cocina del Socorro, as well as take me to some of the historical landmarks in the city.

When I left the city, I did not expect that the uniformed inspectors were going to sift through all my luggage. Don't worry about packing your clothes nicely prior to going to the airport because you will have to do it again. One of them tried to buy my portable DVD player. Telling him that I could not sell it since it was a Christmas present from my parents, I suggested that I will bring another one for him to buy when I come back to CTG in September. This seemed to have placated him somewhat. He did not helped repacked my bag though, unlike his colleague who searched my other bag. These guys mean business. They even x-rayed my Doc Marten sandals because to them they were unusually heavy.

I did not know my rights during this process but I stood my ground about my stuff, maybe foolishly. These guys could have easily f**ked me over and I could have missed my flight. Unless you want to part away with some of your personal electronics, i.e. ipods and aforementioned DVD players, or jewelry, like a nice Swiss watch, I suggest you leave them home. Also don't forget to carry $42 in cash for the exit tax needed at the airport. All in all, I enjoyed my stay in Colombia and will plan to come back, maybe in the fall when the weather becomes a lot nicer.

MJG Dogs
06-19-06, 06:59
Most of the apartments in your price range do not have AC or hot water. I have managed without hot water but not without AC. If price is an issue, just show up without any reservations and go shopping. August is a slow time.

Ok Tom Thanks. may have to settle for Mery, and maybe get her to give me a 1 bd for $ 45-50, price really is not an issue, I can pay $50-60,

06-19-06, 11:31
Putting together a trip in August. Have stayed in Mery's apartments, they are great , but will run me 50-60 USD per night. Does anyone know of any others in laquito or Bocagrande, that a decent, have hot water and air conditioning that will run me 25-30 USD per day? Do not say the Conquistador, for I understand it is not chica-freindly, plus I hate the damm elevators, they suck

please advise.
It should be possible. I stayed in a studio type apartment in Atlantis building (just before Conquistador if you're walking from LDV). I was paying 65k per night. Later found out the true price was 55k per night and the other 10k was going in commission. For all I know, the true price was probably less than that.

This place had AC but not hot water.

If you are staying more than a few days, negotiate a total price (not x amount per night but x amount total for the 10 days or however long you want).

You may want to give yourself an opt-out option if you're unhappy with the place after a couple of days. Sometimes these rental apartments in the older buildings have pest problems.

If I was looking to go direct at US$30 or less, I would start at Caribe Real (on the Hilton side, half-way down the street from LDV), Atlantis and Tocahagua buildings. Go direct to the doorman (don't speak with the touts on the street or the agencies) and don't accept their first offer. Even the doorman will probably quote you a higher price just to see if you're giving away free money.

06-20-06, 00:29
Sun Devil - don't hold your breath for cooler times. The CTG annual averages only change by a couple of degrees all year. Something to do with the equator I believe...

Decent apartments seem a bit thin on the ground. I've stayed in the Sun Caribe opposite LDV which was a bit dumpy, but had good views. And in a block above the ice cream place by the da pietro hotel. This was nicer fittings, but still NO HOT WATER.

I was paying 65,000 a day including the inevitable extra for the tout.

Maybe mongers should get together and refurb something, rent it out to fellow brothers....

Sun Devil
06-20-06, 00:36
Yes, I noticed that is the case when I checked the average temperature for CTG in September, which is only 1 degree less than that of June. However, according to the data, it supposed to rain more, so hopefully less humidity in the air.

The temperature didn't bother me so much as the humidity. I noticed that I sweated more than anyone else, which was kind of embarrasing. I attribute this to the fact that I live in a dry environment and my body simply could not adjust. The guards at the airport jokingly asked whether I had just finished a run prior to going to the airport and I honestly told them that I just walked from the taxi, even though I was fully drenched in sweat.

Steve 99
06-20-06, 01:54

How was the talent in LDV? Can you compare it to other places you've been? ie Rio or CR.

Were there a lot of girls on the beach?

Heading there end of August. Can't wait.

Sun Devil
06-20-06, 06:11
The girls at LDV were pretty gorgeous but without the attitude. Talking to them was pretty easy, however all in Spanish. The ratio of girls to guys was pretty amazing, I think it was 10:1. Some of the poor girls had to dance by themselves. I love how latin women dance, it just comes naturally to them. Of course this was a marketing ploy and a way for them to stand out among their competitors. This is a business after all.

I am not an expert, being to Cartagena for the first time, but I attribute this ratio to the fact that the World Cup is going on and most of the usual male South American or European tourists are at home or in Germany. Of course, a number of Americans do not really care about this tournament and I met a few at LDV. I guess things will be back to normal in August, since the final will be played on July 9th.

LDV reminds me of the Key Largo in San Jose CR and Havana and LA Cafe in Manila. It is a disco that gives women an outlet to meet clients. I am assuming Help is the same way in Rio, but I have never been there.

As for the beaches, I did see a number of girls at the beach while riding taxis from the old city to Laguito. I am not really much of a beach person so I did not get a chance to meet them personally. I suppose it would be pretty easy to meet one just by introducing yourself and eventually getting her phone number. Just play cool and don't act desperate.

06-20-06, 18:17
I went into LDV last night just to see what was going on and it was 10 to 1, at least. There were at most 5-8 guys in the place, and girls coming out of the woodwork. Most of the men looked to me to be Americans, no Italians. When I walked in, all these 7-9ish chicas were looking at me. I was an event. Maybe the world cup thing is true

Since I already satisfied by a chica earlier, I simply walked on by these beauties. It was an enjoyable form of subtle revenge for all the times beautiful women made me feel invisible.

Hey Sun Devil, what building did you stay in? I'm currently in Playa del Mar, kitty corner from the Conquistador. Would certainly like to meet those neighbors!

06-20-06, 18:30
Another point, in my short time here, it's so easy to find chicas, such that you can easily get overrun by choices, or exhausted from too much fun. Just by being a gringo you will be approached, and if not, simply ask a cab driver, walk on the beach, walk down the street and something will happen. I'm no expert at picking up women and certainly do not have that much 'game' but it's been a paradise here, and sometimes too much of a good thing. Tom33 is right on about the scene here, you will have your hands full.

As far as the weather is concerned, if you just surrender to the fact that it is hot and humid, just accept the reality that you will sweat, it goes a long way to making it easy on yourself. Notice the way the natives walk - they don't hurry like gringos, but they sorta 'sashey', saunter. Follow their lead and move slow in the daytime. Nightime is lovely and warm.

Sun Devil
06-20-06, 20:08

If you are interested ask for Claudia at the front desk of the Atlantis building. I can't remember her friend's name. As for the humidity, remember I am from AZ, where humidity is usually less than 30%. In Cartagena, all I had to do was sit down somewhere outside, even in a shaded restaurant, and sweat came rolling down. I am not complaining though, I had a fun trip and have already booked another one for September.

06-20-06, 21:53
I hope the odds stay in our favor in LDV as I am returning in two weeks!I was there last month and it was the same.The weather was great and I am used to humidity as I live in coastal Carolina and it is sweltering today.This trip I plan to visit casa pleyboy.My last visit I went to Tu Candela but it was mostly couples and I stayed an hour and left.laguito is a cool place to hang in the evening and I would sit in front of the playa mar and watch the people and believe me the girls will find you.Anyone there 7/1 let's meet ....mule

El Austriaco
06-20-06, 21:53
LDV reminds me of the Key Largo in San Jose CR and Havana and LA Cafe in Manila. It is a disco that gives women an outlet to meet clients. I am assuming Help is the same way in Rio, but I have never been there.
Yes it is. Just multiply it by at least 5 during offseason and by 10 during the busy season in terms of both clients and chicks, then you got an idea.


Tom 33
06-20-06, 22:44
Claudia hangs out with Alba and Sandra mostly. They are all good performers, but Claudia is the star.

Rocio and Yusleides are also regulars on the streets of Laguito. I recommend them both.

The weather actually eases a bit from Jan. through Mar. It almost seemed a little on the cool side a couple of nights.

06-21-06, 22:10
Claudia hangs out with Alba and Sandra mostly. They are all good performers, but Claudia is the star.

Rocio and Yusleides are also regulars on the streets of Laguito. I recommend them both.

The weather actually eases a bit from Jan. through Mar. It almost seemed a little on the cool side a couple of nights.
Wazzup Tom...Those must be the chicas that hang in front of Atlantis in the evening.I hooked up with Sandra one night and her friend the next although her name escapes me.She was a morena on the flaca side with a real cute face.......mule

06-21-06, 22:24
I think every gringo probably gets a thorough search leaving cartagena as I had the same experience as Sun Devil at the airport.They even seached me entering the country and pulled me to a room and counted my money."I'm fucked" was my first thought but after determining I had less than 10 grand I was sent on my way.Sun Devil did you rent the penthouse in Atlantis? If so please give a description....Thanks...Mule

Tom 33
06-21-06, 22:57
The morena flaca with the cute face is Rocio. She doesn't unwrap very well because her tits sag and her stomach is fucked up. However, her cute face and great attitude make up for it.

Puerto La Cruz
06-22-06, 03:17
Here's what happened to me last week and this week Mule. Arrived in Bogota to find out that my luggage went directly to CTG. I signed off on the customs paper, gave it to somebody and walked through with my carry on. Nobody blinked an eye.

Got to CTG from Bogota with an exceptionally hot chica and looked for aduana in CTG. Got bags, no aduana and walked to get a taxi. No muss no fuss. Wow, this is easy here. Until you leave.

Upon leaving CTG, I got searched three or four times. I really don't care if that's how they do things there. I have nothing to hide. I just want my flight to be on time. They were very very thorough going through my bags. No problem packing again. Clothes went in the washer last night and I have another load going now.

Bottom line is that I have some time off at the end of July and I came back here with enough for the price of another ticket. Its great putting two and two together. Time and money. Time and money.


06-23-06, 00:03
Firstly, when I went through customs, the customs guy was so uninterested in checking my bags that I flew right through customs.

As for whom I call 'The Three Amigas', Sandra, Alba and Claudia, I've done Claudia once, and Sandra and Alba multiple times (I'm in the apartment just below Tom33's). Hell, they're right across the street from our building in the Atlantis parking lot and whenever I see them, I just can't say no! Makes it real easy.

All 3 are different, but I wasn't that impressed by Claudia. Didn't seem that experienced, but she is so young and petite, it was worth it (well over 18 though) Alba is very cute, huge brown eyes, c-cups and a very quiet girl, Sandra is more outgoing, has a sexy-exotic look to her and is more agressive. Philo recommends a test drive with all 3 if you're down in Laguito.

06-23-06, 05:35
I've been browsing the Cartagena reports for the last few weeks, and decided to take a trip down! My primary concern is November 9 - 18th a good time to visit? I see that there is a Beauty Pagent from November 1 - 13, and independence day is the 13th as well. I don't mind all the people being around. But will it affect mongering? This date works well because I can take time off of work. If this isn't a good time, should I try something earlier or wait until the next year?

I have several other questions, but I plan on going through every single post with a notebook to find them. I'll re-post with the questions and answers that I found, and the questions that I couldn't find answers to. Thanks for your help,


El Austriaco
06-25-06, 01:47
I was in BAQ/CTG late last November (Nov. 15 through Dec. 2), and everything was just fine. The way I understand it, the Miss Colombia Beauty Pageant should attract LOTS more girls, if anything (plus possibly higher prices with so many people around). Weatherwise, no problem, either.


06-29-06, 22:09
Just wondering if anyone has seen my favorite little psycho and how she is doing.

06-29-06, 22:29
Just wondering if anyone has seen my favorite little psycho and how she is doing.

SparkyHeading down the 1st of August, i'll let you know if I run into her. Of the pictures I've seen of her I would even overlook the crazy stuff. LOL

06-30-06, 04:05
Heading down the 1st of August, i'll let you know if I run into her. Of the pictures I've seen of her I would even overlook the crazy stuff. LOL

Well worth a roll in la cama. Just be careful with her.....

James Zz
07-02-06, 21:00
Claudia hangs out with Alba and Sandra mostly. They are all good performers, but Claudia is the star.

Rocio and Yusleides are also regulars on the streets of Laguito. I recommend them both.

The weather actually eases a bit from Jan. through Mar. It almost seemed a little on the cool side a couple of nights.Yusleides is a cutie. Very nice. Fun girl.

07-04-06, 16:06
Anyway to get decent seats for the Pagent shows? That would be cool!

I've been browsing the Cartagena reports for the last few weeks, and decided to take a trip down! My primary concern is November 9 - 18th a good time to visit? I see that there is a Beauty Pagent from November 1 - 13, and independence day is the 13th as well. I don't mind all the people being around. But will it affect mongering? This date works well because I can take time off of work. If this isn't a good time, should I try something earlier or wait until the next year?

I have several other questions, but I plan on going through every single post with a notebook to find them. I'll re-post with the questions and answers that I found, and the questions that I couldn't find answers to. Thanks for your help,


Tom 33
07-04-06, 19:09
There are many events over 2 weeks leading up to the finals. Some of those events require no tickets. I found a website for the 2005 contest but nothing for 2006. The contestants stay at the Hilton in Laguito. The Hilton will have an events calendar available closer to the contest. The major events are held at the Convention Center in Centro. A stage is constructed on the beach in Bocagrande for some events.

I have been in town for the last three contests but never really went to any events.

Tom 33
07-04-06, 19:16
Medellin's entry to the Miss Colombia contest last year.

Tom 33
07-04-06, 19:17
Miss Colombia

MJG Dogs
07-04-06, 20:32
she is hot. But Miss Choco, who was the runner-up was smokin hot.......

Now for you guys going to CTG, during miss colombia a few things to know:

1) There are hot looking chicas everywhere, however many of them are not working girls, so use some smarts when approaching them. But oh my, all shapes and colors....

2) If you go to the parade, be ready to get hit with Water balloons, Ink ballons, shaving creme and other projectiles... I learned the hard way and got hit right in the chest with an ink balloon, staining my #5 reggie bush jersey. I got pissed and grabbed the guy who threw it and had to be restrained from beating the shit out of them. One guy explained to me very apologetically that it was custom, but understood my anger. I then said " fuck it", and then went and bought 3 cans of the silly string and a huge soaker and got right into the fray. Only bad thing is my novia got sprayed in the face, and we had to wash her eyes out. It stung her like hell...

3) The Boat parade was even crazier. Not recommended unless you want all out war on the high seas. I was surprised no boat capsized or sank.I saw shit that I could not believe. That time I just had to listen to a drunkin colombian ***** about me and my friend calling us "rich gringos", "putas" etc... Now, this time I kept my cool and let the buffoon carry on. Then the Colombian coast guard boards our boat and makes us pull up to a dock. It turns out our boat did not have a permit, or was overcrowded. Now, I am starting to get nervous, thinking of a colombian jail, having my blue eyes harvested ( a rumor about this happening to a guy in rural colombia), but after about a 45 miunte delay. The captain of the Coastguard points to me, my friend and our novias and says to me in English
"you can go, the boat will be released soon" After that, No more boat pararde for me....

Advice: Make sure if you go to the boat parade, get there early and get a ticket on one of the bigger boats... Our boat was a pirated boat... Live and learn.

make sure you have reservations in November, the place is packed..

Tom 33
07-05-06, 02:44
I have always stayed away, but I have been told that they like to throw shit as well. I don't mean figurative shit. It's the real stuff. Be thankful that it was only ink.

I just happen to have one of Miss Choco as well.

MJG Dogs
07-05-06, 02:47

thanks for the picture of my negrita princess. she looks better even in person..

07-12-06, 05:20
Since my last trip to Medellin was much less then what I had hoped, I have decided to return to good old Cartagena. It has been about a year and half since I have been there. I have been visiting the "Playground" of South America for about 7 years or so. so I am not a newby at this.

I will buy my airline tickets in the next few days. First ticket will be a roundtrip Avianca flight from Miami (MIA) to Cartagena (CTG). I want the 2 hour and 45 minute direct flight from MIA to CTG. Do not want the one that goes thru Bogota. As I recall they only do this like 3 days a week. Anyone remember which days?? When I was looking before, the best deal I could find was about $445 total on Expedia. Any suggestions for other places to look or travel agents to contact?

Where to stay that first night?? I have a hotel I like but I do not remember the name. It is across the street from the country club. I will not bother to even try to make a reservation. I figure the odds are 99% that they will find a room for me. I have tipped the staff well in the past and I am sure that they will be thrilled to have me stay with them again. If you go to http://www.zepelion.com/apartamentos/index.htm you can see the hotel in that top picture. See the swimming pool at the bottom about 1/4 of the way from the right. That is the pool at the country club. The red to the northeast are tennis courts. The black thing to the northwest is the country club building. A little more to the northwest are the top 2 or 3 floors of the hotel and is yellowish white. It is a nice hotel. Has AC, cable TV, a pool in the back, free breakfast, and HOT WATER. Also a restaurant in the bottom and you can charge your meals and drinks to your room. Also a bar. I rent the room for 2 people and have never had any problems with bringing chicas back, in fact I normally rent TWO room side by side so I have some place to put my extra chicas. As I recall rooms are about $50 a night.

I also went to http://www.zepelion.com/apartamentos/index.htm and contacted Juan about renting an apartment from him. I have known Juan for years and he is a great guy. I have met Mery a couple of times and seems like a sweetheart but have not rented from her yet.

I am thinking about renting ATL1201 thru Juan. I have never stayed in that building but have looked at apartments there before. I am thinking about renting for 3 nights to start with. That will give me a chance to see if I like the place or not. Someone else mentioned in their report that they had stayed there and seemed to like it. This trip is for fun and I do not mind spoiling myself a bit with where I stay. CTG is HOT and HUMID and I want a place where I can be comfortable since I will be spending a lot of my time in my apartment during the day.

I will try to write reports as I go along so you can see how the Treeshark does his Cartagena vacations.

Mr Matto
07-12-06, 06:56
As I recall they only do this like 3 days a week. Anyone remember which days?? From Miami to Cartagena? Everyday.

From Cartagena to Miami, Wednesdays and Sundays.

Unless things just changed in the last few months..

Tom 33
07-12-06, 13:48
The flight goes on Wed. and Sun. Other trips are added for busier times. I generally go on Wed. because it is cheaper for me to get to MIA mid-week.

07-12-06, 15:42
The flight goes on Wed. and Sun. Other trips are added for busier times. I generally go on Wed. because it is cheaper for me to get to MIA mid-week.I'm a fan of the midweek flight as well, here are the numbers and times, which as far as I know remain static:

Wed. AVIANCA 0035 Miami DEP 13:10 MD8 Cartagena ARR 15:50
Wed. AVIANCA 0034 Cartagena DEP 09:10 M83 Miami ARR 11:55

Assuming a 7 day trip with between 1 and 2 months notice, this should be like $450; prices fluctuate wildly closer to departure date. With 30 days notice you can likely fly anywhere in the states to MIA for $200 RT. On flight legs in and out of CTG, be sure to allow 1.5hrs at least for connection to the next leg. MIA is a small airport and easy to navigate, but the customs officials are NOT. Nothing like a romantic date with a rubber glove AND missing your flight on top of that. The connection I usually make allows 1.5hrs exactly, and I find this allows very little room for error/food/etc.. so plan accordingly.

Tom 33
07-13-06, 00:54
Avianca asks that you be at the airport 3 hours prior to international departures. I have never needed close to that much time, but I'm always there at least 3 hours in advance.

I need two legs to get to MIA. Thus I always spend the night at the Holiday Inn Express near the airport. Then do the MIA-CTG leg the next day.

07-14-06, 07:12
Since it sounds like towels would be problem at ATL1201 , I could bring some extra towels with me or buy some extra ones down there.BTW, you can buy towels on the main street where they have the flee market for about $2-3 each. Beside the hotdog shop called "Dogger".

07-17-06, 16:37
2) If you go to the parade, be ready to get hit with Water balloons, Ink ballons, shaving creme and other projectiles... I learned the hard way and got hit right in the chest with an ink balloon, staining my #5 reggie bush jersey. I got pissed and grabbed the guy who threw it and had to be restrained from beating the shit out of them. One guy explained to me very apologetically that it was custom, but understood my anger. I then said " fuck it", and then went and bought 3 cans of the silly string and a huge soaker and got right into the fray. Only bad thing is my novia got sprayed in the face, and we had to wash her eyes out. It stung her like hell...

This kind of shit really pisses me off about Colombia. We had similar, though not so damaging problems during the Cavalgata (sp?) in Cali. Too many drunkards behaving stupidly is a recipe for disaster. And a real problem if you're there to take photos. Maybe I should invest in a waterproof case? :D

07-17-06, 16:41
Avianca asks that you be at the airport 3 hours prior to international departures. I have never needed close to that much time, but I'm always there at least 3 hours in advance.

I need two legs to get to MIA. Thus I always spend the night at the Holiday Inn Express near the airport. Then do the MIA-CTG leg the next day.

Likewise I always plan on 3, or more if I can. AV checkin makes glaciers look fast, and if you want a half-decent seat, its advised.

But if you end up running late, don't sweat it. Half the Colombians won't turn up until an hour before.

07-17-06, 16:50
The connection I usually make allows 1.5hrs exactly, and I find this allows very little room for error/food/etc.. so plan accordingly.

Once you've got your luggage checked you can probably overshoot departure if you end up get held up by those sons and daughters of National Socialists in security. If your luggage is loaded it (usually) takes forever to find it and get it off, and they have to do that before than can depart. You *probably* have at least 15 minutes, and if you can get word to them you're having your prostate tickled by a rubber glove rather than getting drunk in some bar somewhere, and will be along forthwith, they *might* happily hold a bit for you rather than go rummaging around for your stuff.

07-18-06, 07:29
I bought my Avianca tickets tonight thru Expedia.com. Cost was $461 total including $20 shipping charge to paper tickets and $5 fee to expedia.

I used http://www.tripadvisor.com to do a search for the tickets. If you have not tried them before, I would suggest that you try a search to see what they are like. I also tried a search with flycheapabroad.com. That was a real joke. Told them that I wanted direct flight. They refused to offer me a ticket with direct flight from Mia to CTG and back. I could fly MIA to BOG to CTG down and direct back or direct down and thru BOG coming back. But direct both ways no way.

My Avianca flight 35 leaves at 2: 10 PM so would like to arrive at the Avianca counter at 10: 30-11: 00 AM. That may seem like it is too early but I have found that it is usually much faster if you are a bit early. Last trip took me about 10 minutes for check in. Get there later and it can take 45-60 minutes. I find that stressful. This is my vacation and I want as little stress as possible. No way will I try to get to MIA on Wednesday. Will fly to MIA on Tuesday and spend the night.

Oh, I am flying into CTG on Wednesday 8/30 and will fly back on Wednesday 9/20 Just for the fun of it I checked with Expedia on hotels for my first 3 nights. For 2 people of course. Low price was Hotel Da Pietro at $78 a night. Monterrey Hotel was $99. I have stayed there and I think it is nice. Next to Convention center. Hotel Casa La Fe was $105. Capilla Del Mar Hotel was $105. Decameron Cartagena All Inclusive was $112 the first 2 nights and $102 for Friday. Must have a weekend special. Now that I have firm dates, I can start to make my plans. Wednesday 8/30 think I will go to Tripleterria about 10: 30-11: 00PM. So if anyone wants to meet me that is where I will be. :-)

07-18-06, 07:39
BTW, you can buy towels on the main street where they have the flee market for about $2-3 each. Beside the hotdog shop called "Dogger".Thank you for info but I am not really sure exactly where this is. I think by main street you mean the main one way beach road. There is a building near Calle cinco that has a lot of shops. Is that the one you mean? I think I can remember a hot dog place near there on the corner. Is that the place?

Being able to get extra towels for $2-3 would be a big help for many of us.

07-18-06, 20:07
My friend is trying to go next week but Mery said all properties she knew were full. Hmmm.

Regarding Miss Colombia, not sure which "parade" he is talking about but the highlite of the week is the traje del bano (swimsuit competition) at the Hilton on Saturday night. Both the fantasywear and coronation events require you wear a tux (unimaginable in CTG climate), and you get a reserved seat likely very far from the stage. If you get a good seat in the garden the chicas pass so close they can brush against you (as Miss Cartagena did to me back in 2003).

I saw nothing thrown or sprayed, and I was RIGHT next to the passarella in the Garden of the Hilton during the bathing suit competition (took tons of pics using a nice camera which I posted on other sites but I guess not here). So I wouldn't worry too much about your camera addicted to women. DO book early though (and arrange your ticket WELL in advance).

Despite all the macho talk of some here about how lucky the Colombians are he kept his temper blah blah blah, instead of beating the shit out of some Colombian he would have likely been shot and killed. 90%+ of Colombianos carry guns and are not afraid to use them. You take a swing at a local and odds are 50 50 you end up in the morgue no matter how much of a tough guy you think you are.

MJG Dogs
07-19-06, 00:08
Lets get the parade issues set straight.

The Miss Colombia contest is essentially a week of constant festivals.

There is a parade on the wednesday before the contest, that attracts several hundreds of thousands of people. It runs also the main drag from north of the old city to bocagrande. It has floats, bands , and each contestant representing each one of the 32 different political districts in Colombia. Note: There is nothing in Colombia remotely resembling the People's republic of Northern California. The parade lasts about 3 hours. People throw all kinds of shit at each other during these parades. It was bad at times, but nearly as bad as the boat parade, which I will describe below.

Apx. thursday afternoon, there is an actual boat parade in Cartagena bay. Again the 32 different contestants ride on boats throughout a free for all. the call it a parade, would be a reach. There are hundreds of different types of vessels on the bay, following the contestants around. There are luxury yachts, boston whaler type boats, canoes, fishing boats, old rustbucket boats that should be used on san francisco Bay to patrol the waters of that real gem of a city, since they hate the US Military.... Again, this parade, mob is way out of hand, you have boats of overcrowded people, hurling projectiles, water balloons etc... at each other, you have boats hitting each other etc... It makes memorail day weekend on the Colorado river near parker, look civil.. It is dangerous, and not recommended. I did see the Colombian coast guard crack down on a few boats, including ours, for having too many people on it, and for not having proper documents ( eg; registration). after 15 minutes of this, I asked myself " what the fuck am I doing here"?

yes, i did get pissed off, when I got hit without any warning and when when some asshole throw a water balloon filled with soap, or shaving cream hitting my novia in the eyes, stinging the hell out of them. i did confront the asshole, but other people pushed him away, and apologized to me, for they were too were embarrassed. Nobody threatened me, nobody pulled a gun.. they understood. maybe my esteemed collegue Surfer, would have thought well, the presence of a gringo , must have provoked them, maybe it is Israel's or america's fault..., and would have not been angry at the balloon thrower. Maybe he would have used the Bill clinton approach, " feeling their pain". sorry, but I don't play that game. The guy was wrong to target a 5'0 100 spinner.. hit me, target me, but don't hit her.

Nobody threatened to put me into the morgue and nobody wanted to bust a cap into me, the statement in the previous post, only contributes to the myth about how violent all colombians are.. What bullshit. I probably would have had a more hostile confrontation if I were an american flag bandana while walking on the streets of san francisco, berkeley or in marin County.

there is also a third parade the night before, right by the hilton....

I have not seen a single civilian carrying a piece during my times in Cartagena, only Guards, police and military, whom would be forced to disarm and wear beads if they were in the Bay Area. I did see a few in Cali.

Tom 33
07-19-06, 00:09
There are all kinds of places that you can buy towels including Carulla. The touts also sell towels.

The Dogger is on San Martin a block or two from Hotel Caribe on the east side of the street. Just past the Dogger is an area with all kinds of little shops.

MJG Dogs
07-19-06, 00:11
There are all kinds of places that you can buy towels including Carulla. The touts also sell towels.

The Dogger is on San Martin a block or two from Hotel Caribe on the east side of the street. Just past the Dogger is an area with all kinds of little shops.

pack a few extra in your bags, the ones they sell in Colombia are pretty lame...

07-19-06, 08:26
Surfer, MJG

Muchas gracias for the detailed contest info, exactly what I was looking for. I'll be there nov 8 - 15 and hope to snag some good digital video of that swimsuit contest. That boat parade sounds wild. What's with L-AM countries having festivals where they throw stuff?? SJO they have this thing where they throw confetti at you.. mostly cute chicas doing the throwing, but they were getting really ruthless with it (I extracted confetti from every open orifice above the neck, including some underneath my eyelids) and were exceptionally keen on hunting down the americans.

Tuxedo, whoa. That might be a stretch in the billion degree heat, but I suppose I've done sillier things for chicas. How hard was it to reserve a spot for the swimsuit event?

MJG Dogs
07-19-06, 19:32

Thank you for the kind reply

During the parades, try wearing an old Grateful dead T-shirt or something similar, with a pair of shorts, sunglasses and some flip-flops......

There are also other areas in catragena that show the Miss colombia pagent live on a big screen TV, someone like Cafe Del mar, would be a good bet...

07-20-06, 08:52
I hadn't thought of going to Cartagena before untill I looked at this forum. It looks like the kind of place I'd like to go to! :-) Some general questions:

1) I speak English only. Is this a serious problem? It seems that knowing some Spanish is essential.

2) From some reports, it's not clear to me if the girls are pros or not? Some reports suggest just hanging around outside resturants is a good place to pick up girls? Are these normal girls or are they looking for work?

07-20-06, 18:04
Xion: Swimsuit competition sold out some weeks in advance the year I was there (2003-the year Catarina Daza from Cali won). I tried for over an hour to scalp a ticket outside the Hilton, along with MANY other buyers, but there were ZERO sellers. I only got in because a lady tried to bring in a baby in a stroller and was denied entry, and I IMMEDIATELY offered to buy her ticket before the other desperate buyers could approach her. I paid about 120 KCP (I think face value was 80KCP).

Dogs: Just because you do not SEE their guns does NOT mean they don't have them. They CONCEAL them (duh!). Go to a nightclub attended by Colombianos 9NOT LDV!) where they frisk you sometime and watch what percentage of the local men turn in guns! The guys that hang out outside LDV are all packing heat; ask Aldo (or one of the girls) how many of the guys that hang outside around that block carry pistols. I have had SEVERAL LDV girls say not to hang outside there by the fountain (my favorite place because I cannot tolerate the smoke inside for more than 5 minutes, plus with a clear view of the exit you can see EVERY chioca coming and going).

Dude, I TOTALLY agree it was wrong for the guy to attack your girl during the parade, so I am NOT defending that guy.

After reading your post, I retract my comment suggesting you not mix it up with locals and say, instead, that if you want to duke it out with Colombianos go for it! IMHO it just means one less Republican voter in the next election-not that it matters as ALL polls show the fascists likely to lose BOTH the House and the Senate in less than 4 months but let's not get off topic into US politics OK? Jackson hates that (as your fellow rightwinger Scooby learned when he posted some Republican BS in the Medellin folder).

07-20-06, 19:29
I hadn't thought of going to Cartagena before untill I looked at this forum. It looks like the kind of place I'd like to go to! :-) Some general questions:

1) I speak English only. Is this a serious problem? It seems that knowing some Spanish is essential.

2) From some reports, it's not clear to me if the girls are pros or not? Some reports suggest just hanging around outside resturants is a good place to pick up girls? Are these normal girls or are they looking for work?Even though many guys say that CTG is the best option in Colombia for the espanol deficient, having just returned from CTG, I didn't find much english spoken. If you're going to pick up chicas on the streets, odds are that these are the least educated among the ladies, and the least likely to know a 2nd language. Your best chance is with semi-pro college girls, but even there, it does not appear that 2nd languages are a priority in the Colombian education system (but I may be wrong). In LDV, probably 10-15% (at best) of the ladies know much English, from an very unscientific poll taken by me. Worse on the streets and on the beach, don't know about the casas. (But I've signed languaged my way to GFE before in other countries!). Some taxistas have access to these college chicas. If you eventually go to CTG, I can email you a phone number for taxi drivers that can help you out in this department (but, then these guys don't speak english...hmmn).

If you look at a chica, and she looks back at you and keeps looking at you, that's a likely indication that they're in the program. That was my experience in CTG (and of course, elsewhere). In front of restaurants, on the beach, in front of hotels, they're around. If you look like a gringo and if you're shy about approaching women on the street, eventually they will find you.

MJG Dogs
07-20-06, 20:25
so surfer, you advocate me getting shot in cartagena? that's nice. gee i am sorry that if me being a republican offends you to the point that you hope someone kills me. i wonder if you would hate me even more, if i were a jew?

well jackson, surfer states you hate political speech? do you condone the hatred towards me because of my political affiliation? i know you censored scooby, so i guess you must condone surfer's post.

i should have known better not to have replied to surfer, but jesus to hope i get a cap popped in me because of the novermber elections? how pathetic.

Hit n Run
07-21-06, 00:33
so surfer, you advocate me getting shot in Cartagena? That's nice. Gee I am sorry that If me being a Republican offends you to the point that you hope someone kills me. Dog, I put the crazed, elitist Surfer on my ignore list years ago. When you dump his brain dead political vomit and conspiracy theories automatically in the ISG wastebin, you'll enjoy the site way more. Geez, we'd all have been nuked if these looney tune socialists were in power today. Back to pussy; you have more patience than most when it comes to the parade. I stick to meeting the beautiful scenery as they walk around the Hilton. LDV has a ton of lookers that week.

07-21-06, 01:50

Did you go anywhere else in Colombia? Where was your favorite? What is your spanish speaking level? Have you mongered long? I know you have to keep your wits about you in Colombia, but did you consider it safe? Will Colombia be a fun time for a noob monger? What type of girl did you normally go after? Ie - casa / programa / SG Where did you stay, eat, etc?



07-21-06, 02:08
Dogs: Actually, several of my closest friends are Republicans (one is Jewish, as is my law partner) and OF COURSE I did not "advocate" you getting shot because of your political views. It was a tongue in cheek comment in response to your macho attempt to belittle my suggestion that you NOT duke it out with Colombianos if you value your life, nothing more.

I will give my opinion again: making enemies in Colombia is NOT a smart thing to do, and for your sake I urge you to back down, rather than escalate, the next time you consider starting a fight. Life is cheap there.

Finally, Jackson has asked people on BOTH sides of the political divide NOT to abuse his forum by getting off topic and I have tried to heed his request. However, when my views (or city) are belittled I will respond. Your suggestion that he has censored conservatives posts but not liberal ones is unfair to him.

Now let's get back to discussing mongering in Cartagena.

07-21-06, 02:37
I hadn't thought of going to Cartagena before untill I looked at this forum. It looks like the kind of place I'd like to go to! :-) Some general questions:

1) I speak English only. Is this a serious problem? It seems that knowing some Spanish is essential.

2) From some reports, it's not clear to me if the girls are pros or not? Some reports suggest just hanging around outside resturants is a good place to pick up girls? Are these normal girls or are they looking for work?Personally I think that your complete lack of Spanish would be a serious problem. I would suggest that you go to Costa Rica instead. It seems like everyone there knows some english.

Phoenix Phx
07-21-06, 02:37
I hadn't thought of going to Cartagena before untill I looked at this forum. It looks like the kind of place I'd like to go to! :-) Some general questions:

1) I speak English only. Is this a serious problem? It seems that knowing some Spanish is essential.

2) From some reports, it's not clear to me if the girls are pros or not? Some reports suggest just hanging around outside resturants is a good place to pick up girls? Are these normal girls or are they looking for work?I was just there and I would advise you know at least some conversational Spanish. Check out the Pimsleur CD's, you can absorb a lot in just 30 - 60 minutes a day.

MJG Dogs
07-21-06, 07:51
Dogs: Actually, several of my closest friends are Republicans (one is Jewish, as is my law partner) and OF COURSE I did not "advocate" you getting shot because of your political views. It was a tongue in cheek comment in response to your macho attempt to belittle my suggestion that you NOT duke it out with Colombianos if you value your life, nothing more.

I will give my opinion again: making enemies in Colombia is NOT a smart thing to do, and for your sake I urge you to back down, rather than escalate, the next time you consider starting a fight. Life is cheap there.

Finally, Jackson has asked people on BOTH sides of the political divide NOT to abuse his forum by getting off topic and I have tried to heed his request. However, when my views (or city) are belittled I will respond. Your suggestion that he has censored conservatives posts but not liberal ones is unfair to him.

Now let's get back to discussing mongering in Cartagena.

Ok, I accept your olive branch, life is cheap in a lot of places on this planet.

I will be in CTG on 17 Aug until 28 Aug. Novia is staying in Rome, so I am free to do as I please. I am going to document my trip like an anthroplogist and study everything and write a detail summation upon return. I do want to write a psychological profile of LDV and of course of the Mr. Haney of the tout beach aka: Tony the Tout.

07-21-06, 09:43
Surfer makes a good point.

Did you ever stop to think about the reason the other Colombians tried to calm things down? They know from experience how brutal it could get. Better some kind words and smooth things over than somebody ending up dead. If the outcome was just going to be some shoving or a fist fight (as in other countries), most people would just let it roll.

Yes, I guess you could say the guy was wrong to target your girl. But in my opinion, it's a serious lack of street smarts to try and escalate it and to want to "right that wrong". If it turns into a violent confrontation, who exactly is going to jump in to help the spoiled-ass gringo who went looking for it in the first place? On the other hand, someone might well jump in to help the Colombian guy.

Most Colombians are great people, but there are definitely some bad dudes in the mix.

yes, i did get pissed off, when I got hit without any warning and when when some asshole throw a water balloon filled with soap, or shaving cream hitting my novia in the eyes, stinging the hell out of them. i did confront the asshole, but other people pushed him away, and apologized to me, for they were too were embarrassed. Nobody threatened me, nobody pulled a gun.. they understood. maybe my esteemed collegue Surfer, would have thought well, the presence of a gringo , must have provoked them, maybe it is Israel's or america's fault..., and would have not been angry at the balloon thrower. Maybe he would have used the Bill clinton approach, " feeling their pain". sorry, but I don't play that game. The guy was wrong to target a 5'0 100 spinner.. hit me, target me, but don't hit her.

Nobody threatened to put me into the morgue and nobody wanted to bust a cap into me, the statement in the previous post, only contributes to the myth about how violent all colombians are.. What bullshit. I probably would have had a more hostile confrontation if I were an american flag bandana while walking on the streets of san francisco, berkeley or in marin County.

there is also a third parade the night before, right by the hilton....

I have not seen a single civilian carrying a piece during my times in Cartagena, only Guards, police and military, whom would be forced to disarm and wear beads if they were in the Bay Area. I did see a few in Cali.

Jelly Donut
07-22-06, 18:04
I have had SEVERAL LDV girls say not to hang outside there by the fountain (my favorite place because I cannot tolerate the smoke inside for more than 5 minutes, plus with a clear view of the exit you can see EVERY chioca coming and going). Surfer - The benches out LDV are great. I like them for those exact reasons. I don't understand why it would be more dangerous to hang out there than inside LDV. It seems like a lot of people do, even the chicas. Did the girls give you any reasons beyond the guys packing heat?

One thing I have seen is a drunk ex-customer come along and start verbally abusing with one of the girls on a bench. He was annoying, breaking up a nice chat with the hookers over coffee in the plaza. I was very tempted drop him in the fountain - he was twice as drunk as me and half my size. But, yeah, "I've seen better men than me killed by a small pistol".

Anyway, I don't understand why it's more dangerous there. During the first election this year, I was in LDV and an entire military patrol came sweeping into the place. Automatic rifles at the ready. That was illuminating. It got me thinking it might be safer outside.

07-22-06, 19:27
Your vote for most luxurious?

Where would you film your porno?


07-23-06, 08:24
Many thanks Gonzo, Treeshark and Phoenix! Your feedback is much appreciated. I think I might invest in that language course.

07-24-06, 23:49
Anyone hear anything? a friend was in LDV on friday, he said DAS and the police started video taping & took photos of all the chicas there along with searching for drugs or other illegal items. Did not bother the men. It is still a buyers market 80,000 - 100,000 TLN.

I will post fotos when I return to the states.

07-25-06, 13:02
Can you give us more details on the prices you're quoting for LDV? If accurate, that is quite a development. It's been a while since anyone reported an LDV girl going anywhere for 80,000, or 100,000 for TLN.
Is this an average, or was it just one chica one time?
I've had a regular girl my last 4 trips or so, but from all the reports here of rising prices, this is very interesting...

Tom 33
07-25-06, 14:05
The raids are normal. In Feb. of 2003 the police came in followed by TV cameras rolling. All the girls were checked for ID. No guys were asked for anything.

Pricing does vary with demand, but my guess is that the 80-100K was for short-time.

07-25-06, 17:27
I was in LDV Sunday night and there were WAY more gringos than chicas. It was a very sad state of affairs. The other 2 nights I´ve been there in the last few weeks the girl/guy ratios were poor, chica attitudes (in general) were terrible, and I personally talked to several newbie Cartagena mongers fresh from places like the DR and Costa Rica who were happily paying 250,000 COP for toda la noche. I just listened in disbelief as they bragged about how smart they were because they negotiated the fees down from 500,000 COP.

I´ve been mostly avoiding LDV this trip since any chica OF QUALITY (and I emphasize "of quality" because throughout LDV´s existance you can always bank on the fact that on any given night 20-50% of the chicas will be way past their prime, overweight, or just plain fea) will try to get 150-200 COP short-time (or more for toda la noche). You can possibly get the "lower end of the spectrum" chicas for the low prices but I wouldn´t do them for free so it is irrevelent information for me.

In a few short years, LDV went from a quality mongering establishment to where it is now- WAY overrated! You get little value for the money you spend there.

So what is the alternative if you are looking for a freelancer-type disco bar in Cartagena? While Cartagena is only a mediocre mongering destination, your best bet is to get out of the gringo cocoon of Laguito and hit La Trippelitera en La Ciudad Vieja. During this trip, the chicas were overall cuter at La Trip, their attitudes were about 1000% better, you´ll usually find a more favorable chica/gringo ratio and you should be able to negotiate the 100,000 toda la noche rate. I´ve had several nice experiences there this trip. There is a 10,000 (about USD $4) exit fee if you leave with one of the chicas (although I found it easy to talk your way out of paying the fee if your Spanish is strong enough).

07-25-06, 19:54

IMHO Cartagena has become better for real estate speculation (45% annual appreciation is bandied about) than mongering. Your observations confirm the sad state of LDV and how preciptious its decline has been. What a change from just 2 or 3 years ago. Hope you'll show Nextrip places outside Laguito so he gets a better sense of Colombianas (though he got some good ones in Medellin last time).

This change is happening in Medellin now too (though not quite to the xtreme as in CTG). Even in Cali, the novelty factor (of being a gringo)is wearing off. Gotta get further and further away from the famous cities to find las Colombianas verdaderas.

07-25-06, 20:03
Alot of girls with tatoos, just for the money. a couple years ago the girls were more non-pros.

Hit n Run
07-25-06, 20:54
Agreed Zippy. Hard to believe I'm saying it, but CR is a better value now for short vacations. LDV - average night 50 girls, way too many guys, 35+. Top shelf has only 5 girls, and just the 8.5 range. All want 200K for short time, some say per hour. I've had a few lesser tier 6s who I was merely chatting up, out of nowhere bark out 150k and yell no negotiation!! These are girls I wouldn't barfine at any price. Very bad attitudes throughout. I sit outside with a beer and watch them storm out and go home without a customer all night, before ever dropping the price. Its almost a waste of time to even go in there now. La Trip is good, but there's only 3 or 4 cute ones...great attitudes, but 7s at most. The CTG value has left the building, and is not worth the entire day long hassle leaving the country to get back to the US to save little money.

For you CR and DR short trips guys, CR is only say $20 more a night per chica, the convenience of location makes up for the pro attitude. There's far more selection, plus, there's always at least a dozen way better looking girls than what you'll find in CTG.

This change has no effect on extended stay mongers with a black book of girlfriends, and other cities to visit, but newbies should take note.

07-25-06, 21:52
Well Surfer when you come to Colombia you can visit me near our favorite beach. This is the reason we won't be moving to Cartagena. Just wait until they open the Blue Marlin South, makes me want to puke!

I guess we can thank our favorite ball massager for the real estate boom, lol.

Jelly Donut
07-25-06, 22:25
I was in LDV Sunday night and there were WAY more gringos than chicas. Do you have an idea of where the gringos were coming from? I mean, were the college kids on vacation or older guys? It's seems like they are having some sort of Central American and Caribbean sporting event in CTG the past couple of weeks, right?

On the supply side, I've been chatting with a pro who I met in LDV last winter. Based on the internet addresses off her email she spent most of the spring in her home town, away from the coast and tourists. I thought that was interesting.

But it looks like she returned right around time these games started in Cartagena. She's been very busy since getting to CTG. In the spring she was a decent correspondent, but now she seems to be spending more time working. :)

MJG Dogs
07-25-06, 23:04

sadly to say the opening of a Del rey South in Cartagena, may happen sooner than later. that fat stupid drunk John, is buying up a lot of property in CTG..

The thought of all the fat drunks from the Del Rey invading CTG, is enough to make my puke. Who wants the fat fools with the Miami Hurricanes jerseys running around. NO thanks................ Maybe the colombian military and police would crack on them......

You Del Rey Season ticket Holders--- Please stay in san jose.

07-25-06, 23:19
I met John, owner of the Del Rey in Cartagena. He bought a block of property on the oceanfront in Laguito. He owns the art gallery and a restaurant building and a couple closed buildings. He has more money to invest than he knows what to do with. He is a nice guy and comes from Costa Rica on his Catamarand.

Sun Devil
07-25-06, 23:24
I hope Big John open his place really soon. That is what I missed when I was in CTG--a place where you can hang out, watch sports, drink coffee, eat food, and catch a chica all in one place. I did find a 24/7 internet cafe below LDV where you can catch sports, have coffee, eat food, and surf the internet.

As for LDV being full, when I was there during the World Cup tournament last June , there were about 4 to 5 guys and about 50 girls milling around. Cartagena is host to a sporting event, the 20th Central American and Caribbean Games.

That is why there are a bunch of guys down there right now. The girl who I hooked up with last June pointed this out to me when we passed a stadium on our way to a big mall somewhere in the interior of the city.

Tiny 12
07-25-06, 23:29
I feel like the guy in the Fedex commercial who didn't waive his hand the right way. His boss says the same thing about 30 seconds later and gets all the credit. You guys were jumping all over me a few months ago for saying San Jose was a better mongering destination for a non-Spanish speaker, and for saying the Blue Marlin had more 9's and 10's than LDV.

07-25-06, 23:59
I was in Cartagena a couple weeks ago and there were very few males in LDV. This boom I am reading about is probably a short term thing. Cartagena is far from what it use to be. It makes no sense that the girls are asking for more money when there are less guys. What the hell happened to all the new girls that use to come to LDV? They must be somewhere? But where? The girls in LDV now have all been there for years and are totally jaded. 200,000 for an hour? Or more? In Medellin where many are from they would be working in a brothel getting paid 15,000 an hour. Maybe they just think they need that one loser, once a week, who gives them the money they ask for? And otherwise walk home alone. Pathetic.

07-26-06, 00:24
I concur with Sun Devil, I was also there during the World Cup, and the ratio was outstanding. And now there's a football tournament in CTG, but I don't think this would account for USA gringos, who are not super-crazy over soccer.

I was told about the swarms of Europeans in LDV, and they were noticably absent in June. Timing is everything.

If anyones knows anything about CTG, LDV is the last place to find bargains (or the reasonable prices), which are available.

Tom 33
07-26-06, 00:49
Cartagena is very seasonal. High season is very different from low season. There is no average. One night there could be a military ship in port with many guys checking out LDV. The next night could have 4 guys all night. For this reason it is difficult to compare CTG to anything.

I don't shop much at LDV anymore. But, if you want to compare 9's and higher in Bocagrande versus San Jose, I'll take Bocagrande. Bocagrande also wins in safety and restaurants.

But I do live in Laguito and have more chicas than I can handle.

Try Loco Gringo for sports, food, Internet, and chicas. I spend a lot of time at the outside tables there. The girls parade by for your approval. And several working girls live in apartments above the restaurant.

07-26-06, 01:02
Gentleman, so what if CTG gets a Del Rey South. No one is going to point a gun at your head and make you go there. I think that I might even enjoy a Del Rey in CTG. I enjoyed the one in CR. Besides any chicas that I would see there I would know to AVOID.

I guess I will have to check LDV my next trip so I know which chicas to avoid. I have not been inside for maybe 3+ years. I certainly remember my last time inside there. Guess it is story time.

About 3 & 1/2 years ago I was staying at Charleston Cartagena Hotel (see http://www.southtravels.com/america...gena/index.html } I was paying about $120 a night. I had just broken up with yet another amor de mi vida. A local pimp was finding me chicas to help heal my broken heart :-) We were waiting in front of the Charlestown Hotel waiting for a chica to show up. He finally ran off somewhere trying to figure out where she was. I becamed bored so started wandering that street beside the Charlestown Hotel that leads to the Iglesia and Plaza de Santo Domingo. That is the plaza that has the Botero sculpture. Suddenly I see two chicas out window shopping and I fall madly in love with one of them. I mean like the earth MOVED!!! I followed them while they were window shopping and we play the stare and look flirting game. Then I decided that I would head back to the Hotel to see if the pimp was back. He was there but no chica so I tell him that I want him to intoduce me to this chica that I has just seen. Before we can leave, here comes to the two chicas strolling down the street. They had followed me. So he goes over to them and brings them back to me and introduces us.

(Newbies, Colombian chicas like to be introduced to you rather then just being picked up)

I invite them to spend the afternoon with me at the pool on top of the Charlestown Hotel. The friend declined but the new amor de mi vida goes home to get her bathing suit and that is the start of a very romantic 5 days.

All she cost me was the food that she ate and the price of drinks wherever we went to party. It was all free because it was love. About the third night, she wants me to take her out dancing so we go to her favorite night spot. Guess where?? LDV Turns out that she was one of the hard core pros that works out of there. I played dumb and pretended that I did not understand what LDV really was. I figured why mess up the romance. I still had a great 5 days but felt like a complete fool because I had managed to pick up a LDV working chica in the shopping area of the old city.
Well that was my last time inside of LDV.

So newbies when someone tells you that you can find chicas everywhere in CTG, well it is true. When you see a chica that you really like, go for it. You really never know what may happen. And I am not a young handsome stud like many of the guys on this board. I am one of the old farts that you all love to make fun of.

But Cartagena can be a very magical place where your dreams can come true. We all have our special dreams, but for most people they forever remain dreams because you are scared to even try. I live my dreams because I am willing to try. Perhaps it is time for some of you to try to live your dreams.

I find that it rather fun.

MJG Dogs
07-26-06, 01:42
[QUOTE=Sun Devil]I hope Big John open his place really soon. That is what I missed when I was in CTG--a place where you can hang out, watch sports, drink coffee, eat food, and catch a chica all in one place. I did find a 24/7 internet cafe below LDV where you can catch sports, have coffee, eat food, and surf the internet.

Like I said before, You Del Rey season ticket holders need to stay put.... Big John is the biggest ***** of them all.....

Why would you want a friggin Del Rey hotel in CTG?, ok maybe out in Bosque or due east, but why make Laquito and Bocagrande even worse?

Del Rey= Higher prices for chicas, More touts, More bad people trying to prey on drunken gringos, More drunks, more Miami Hurricane fans, In san Jose it makes sense, for there is no beach, and San Jose is boring as hell. CTG has much more diversions.

Why would anyone want to pay $ 250-300K pesos in CTG for shorttime? This would be a consequence of a new Del rey....

Although I do agree regarding sports, CTG is not a good spot to watch sports, especially when USC is on the tube........... Myabe someone will open a sportsbar in Bocagrande.. Who knows?

07-26-06, 02:14
just think, the lard ass gringos that know 25 words of spanish. they speak each and every one of them real loud so they are sure you can hear them.

fake ostrich skin cowboy boots, fake rolex watches, fake cuban cigars. they will pay the girls 100 dollars for one quick nut then give them a 100 dollar tip not to tell the other girls how small their dicks are. then they will come down to the bar and brag how she didn't even charge him because he was such a stud.

these morons will have a hard time dealing with the cartagena heat. let us pray that butch will not break out a speedo. the beach will be cluttered with lard ass gringos in grape smuggling outfits. tony the tout will soon be driving a mercedes as they begin selling miller lite on the beach. wannabe real estate tycoons maxing out their credit cards as they live the life they wish were true. continental will soon have a direct flight to cartagena from houston.

i hope that about the time shop gets set up and rolling, farc has an ak-47 parade and scares the living shit out of every one of them. let these assholes shit their pants all the way back to houston. if they want to watch sports tell them to find the nearest "hooters".

07-26-06, 02:45
the beach will be cluttered with lard ass gringos in grape smuggling outfits. god i hope not, i want to be a one-of-a-kind :-)

ps - fatboys don't get fat by spending alot of time on the beach.

MJG Dogs
07-26-06, 02:59

Add the following:

1) They will have to build a TGIF's somewhere in CTG, to accomidate the gringos and their "dates"

2) Taxi rates will increase fivefold- remember you will have to pay the "chica" 12000 COP for taxi, to go from your hotel or apartment to her apartment in Bocagrande or in the conquisatdor..

3) The cigar guys outside the Del Rey will also work in CTG, selling their fake six year old cohibas, plus the shoeshine boys will also be taking the puddlejumper from san Jose to CTG, in order to shine the gringos fake ostrich boots, remember the humidity will have an adverse affect on their boots.

4) The fake nurse in her uniform will be trolling outside, yet she too, will drive away in her new lexus after her shift is over.

5) not only will Tony the Tout have a mercedes, but also a new set of shiny gold teeth,and a good haircut. Oh buy the way Miller Light will be $ 6 per bottle and a rum and coke will be $ 12.