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Tiny 12
07-26-06, 03:18
Classic post Beavis.

07-26-06, 03:27
this definately will have some adverse effect but i think it will be just a matter of time. as soon as these assholes get comfortable they will start their same shit as in san jose. one of them will slap a girl and insult her or one of john's imported bouncers will throw the wrong colombian out of his bar. about 40 banditos will show up and start a shower of balas, and a couple of tony lama butches will be splattered all over the sidewalk.

this event will be on every news channel as well as every website. hopefully about the time these assholes start to break out their speedo's they will renig and go back to san jose. the blue marlin inc. came into san jose and bought the city. they think that their money has a value that cannot be penetrated. let's hope that find out real soon that they can't buy colombia. there are people there that have a lot more money and power than tony lama butch.

if this doesn't happen let's start a business selling fake shit like rolex's and ostrich boots. free enterprize could be great with these dickheads. maybe we have at least scared a few of these assholes away.

MJG Dogs
07-26-06, 03:38
what would really be scary would be the fat gringos from miami and houston wearing both speedo's and fake ostrich boots, smoking bad cigars while trolling down tony's beach...

oh the horror..... the horror........ the horror..........

we may need to bring back colonel kurtz and martin sheen back to resolve this potential problem

07-26-06, 03:42
I couldn't agree with you more Zippy! I was in Cartagena over the July 4th weekend and found the same. It really wouldn't matter if I was the only gringo in the LDV, as there were no quality chicas to choose from anyway. I checked out the beach and all the casas and found the same. I would like to know where all the hotties went that weekend.


07-26-06, 03:48
I cannot think of one good thing that the Blue Marlin south will bring to Colombia. Like I said I think that John is a little overconfident in his power by setting up shop in Colombia. Colombianos are not going to welcome a large influx of gringos sporting their money like they are bullerproof. As soon as Del Rey Inc. starts there will be others following along. I predict this dynasty will fall like the Roman Empire. Hopefully in a grotesque manner on a super busy weekend.

Phoenix Phx
07-26-06, 04:33
Cartagena is very seasonal. High season is very different from low season. There is no average. One night there could be a military ship in port with many guys checking out LDV. The next night could have 4 guys all night. For this reason it is difficult to compare CTG to anything.

I don't shop much at LDV anymore. But, if you want to compare 9's and higher in Bocagrande versus San Jose, I'll take Bocagrande. Bocagrande also wins in safety and restaurants.

But I do live in Laguito and have more chicas than I can handle.

Try Loco Gringo for sports, food, Internet, and chicas. I spend a lot of time at the outside tables there. The girls parade by for your approval. And several working girls live in apartments above the restaurant.By any chance are you the gentleman that is always out there with the laptop at Loco?

California Guy
07-26-06, 07:18
I will be going to CTG regardless :o) I mean I hear everyone complaining but maybe you guys have it good for so long you forget what normal is like? Try coming to shit hole Tijuana for a week and you will be running back to CTG in a second lol! I will guarantee you though I am not going to pay more than what the Colombian vets on here pay the ladies, Im not into screwing myself out of money and that is why I don't even head to TJ anymore...place is a joke!

Anyway, I hear a lot of places being mentioned below, like Laguito and Bocagrande, are these around CTG? I will probably go the MDE as well because I haven't heard these negatives comments about that area.

One last thing, does anyone know how to contact Mery? I looked around the appartments list for CTG but didn't see her listed, only Juan but that guy never contacted me back.

Thanks and take care.

MJG Dogs
07-26-06, 07:38
read the threads on this board, from reading those threads you will find out where laquito and bocagrande are.

Cartagena certainly is not the problem, the problem is gringos acting stupid and paying way too much for chicas.... medellin even has more gringo mongers running around.

07-26-06, 12:17
I can remember when the Hotel del Rey of San Jose was the over-flow hangout for the ugly chicas that couldn't get into the Key Largo ... back when it was good ... way back.

Cartagena can still be magical and fun but OBVIOUSLY it's getting more crowded and going downhill .... but that's for the guys who knew it when it was trully awesome.
For the newer guys it's no big deal ... for the San Jose del Rey guys its no big deal.

I'm off to other more "hidden" places ... but will always have fond memories of Cartagena.

Hey TREESHARK ... I liked your story of meeting that chica who turned out to work in LDV. Goes to show that if you treat these chicas nicely, no matter what their employment might be, they will treat you soooooo much better.
Some guys will NEVER understand that.

To all ..... Suerte!

Tom 33
07-26-06, 12:48
I never use a laptop at Loco Gringo. That would distract me from the parade.

This site has maps to find Laguito and Bocagrande which are neighborhoods in CTG: http://www.cartagenainfo.net/

07-26-06, 15:24
<i will be in for a few days. can someone tell me where i can sneak off. i am staying at the dorado hotel. not a very good hotel i hate to say. in until the 29th.

MJG Dogs
07-26-06, 17:25
Again I ask that the Hotel Del rey season ticket holders stay put. No fake ostrich boots, fake Rolex's. You guys will not do well in Cartagena, stay in san Jose, breathe the clean air there, enjoy the classy women, and barter with the cigar guys, for also here the touts will also become millionaires upon your presence here.

Tiny 12
07-26-06, 19:23
You can find Mery's Email address and phone number on her web site, http://www.colombiarental.com/rentals/index.htm. I'd post them here, but they'd get wiped from the message due to ISG's privacy policy.

A question, who the hell is John?

07-26-06, 23:38
I will be going to CTG regardless :o) I mean I hear everyone complaining but maybe you guys have it good for so long you forget what normal is like? Try coming to shit hole Tijuana for a week and you will be running back to CTG in a second lol! I will guarantee you though I am not going to pay more than what the Colombian vets on here pay the ladies, Im not into screwing myself out of money and that is why I don't even head to TJ anymore...place is a joke!

Anyway, I hear a lot of places being mentioned below, like Laguito and Bocagrande, are these around CTG? I will probably go the MDE as well because I haven't heard these negatives comments about that area.

One last thing, does anyone know how to contact Mery? I looked around the appartments list for CTG but didn't see her listed, only Juan but that guy never contacted me back.

Thanks and take care.

CaliGo to http://www.cifaeci.org.co/cartagena/images/mapactg.gif

Or go to http://www.cartagenacaribe.com/ggeneral/mapas.htm
then go Acceso a Cartagena and look at that map.

remember the info for Juan http://www.zepelion.com/apartamentos/index.htm

The picture at the very top is Bocagrande

Jelly Donut
07-27-06, 00:01
To whomever ity concerns. Mery's address is mentioned currently a couple of times on this strand. See:

08-06-05 at 17:22 #850


Oceans Latobay
07-27-06, 01:21
Can you give us more details on the prices you're quoting for LDV? If accurate, that is quite a development. It's been a while since anyone reported an LDV girl going anywhere for 80,000, or 100,000 for TLN.
Is this an average, or was it just one chica one time?
I've had a regular girl my last 4 trips or so, but from all the reports here of rising prices, this is very interesting...

This stuff I'm reading about is very sad with LDV, I was there May/June of 2005 as I was getting TLN (till the sun came up)for 65k for two 8's I had a menage with and another chick who was a smokin morena 9 many of u probably have banged (alexandra?) for 70k short time (3hr), I even have a report I posted around that time. @ trippleterra it was even less, I gave a chick $10 US out of there and she was a 8....lol. Trippleterra is more down home and not as stuck up as LDV. I also banged a lot of chicks gratis just meting in stores, clubs in the arsenal district (very stuck up), and online and the mall and @ other clubs east of the city on pedro heredia. Man those weeerree some good times. Even though I'm young (26 and in great shape w/spanish a little bit of spanish but loads of charm) I can't imagine paying a chick 100k -200k sounds like its getting ridiculous down there! CTG was my little hide away spot away from DR but now I might have to switch it up. I was thinking about taking my friend down there to show him the magical LDV and other places in and around CTG but looks like I might head the other way to santa marta now....sad, looks like its too late and the word is out on ctg.... But I still think if I went down there I'd be able to get a bargain..but I guess I will have 2 go to find out!

Tom 33
07-27-06, 02:34
Many people obviously want to keep CTG for themselves. I live here and welcome everyone. Generally nothing is as good or as bad as some would have you believe.

Atlanta, you must be a stud. I was paying 100K for short time to LDV girls in 2003. I generally avoid LDV mostly because I like to go to bed early. I now pay girls I run into in various places 40 to 60K for short time. Truth be known, I'd pay them extra to leave after an hour. I have too many non-pros who hang around a lot and sleep over.

John is part-owner of the Hotel del Rey in San Jose, Costa Rica. He has bought some property in Laguito, and some guys fear the importation of the SJ crowd to CTG.

07-27-06, 15:51
<i am in cartengena and trying to make the best of a bad situation with an ex gf. can someone tell me where laquito is or ld'? or any incall type places?


07-27-06, 16:12
<i am in cartengena and trying to make the best of a bad situation with an ex gf. can someone tell me where laquito is or ld'? or any incall type places?



How hard can it be?

1. Write on a piece of paper "La Dolce Vita".
2. Hail a taxi.
3. Pass piece of paper to taxi driver.
4. You're all set.

Get there after 11.30pm.

PM me if you want, and I can draw you a diagram of where to find your ass and your elbow!

Tiny 12
07-27-06, 17:05
John is part-owner of the Hotel del Rey in San Jose, Costa Rica. He has bought some property in Laguito, and some guys fear the importation of the SJ crowd to CTG.

Thanks, I was curious.

07-28-06, 01:09
Many people obviously want to keep CTG for themselves. I live here and welcome everyone. Generally nothing is as good or as bad as some would have you believe.

Atlanta, you must be a stud. I was paying 100K for short time to LDV girls in 2003. I generally avoid LDV mostly because I like to go to bed early. I now pay girls I run into in various places 40 to 60K for short time. Truth be known, I'd pay them extra to leave after an hour. I have too many non-pros who hang around a lot and sleep over.

John is part-owner of the Hotel del Rey in San Jose, Costa Rica. He has bought some property in Laguito, and some guys fear the importation of the SJ crowd to CTG. I could not resist in adding my two cents. Although I have to agree with you Tom 33 that Atlanta finest must be a stud, I have frequent been getting TLN for 100k (of course they all ask for taxis money). These are your 7s and 8s. For the few 9s 125k for TLN should be the norm. There are too many girls in LDV that are willing to go for less. And there are your hard liners that won't take less that 150 TLN. Please pass them by and soon the price will go down. I know some guys here will say I am going to spend the money to get that 10, but please think about your fellow mongers when you do this. If we keep this up soon Ctg will be just like the rest of the world. Over priced!

07-28-06, 21:57


How hard can it be?

1. Write on a piece of paper "La Dolce Vita".
2. Hail a taxi.
3. Pass piece of paper to taxi driver.
4. You're all set.

Get there after 11.30pm.

PM me if you want, and I can draw you a diagram of where to find your ass and your elbow!

I almost spilled my beer on my keyboard laughing at this..............

07-28-06, 22:08
I can remember when the Hotel del Rey of San Jose was the over-flow hangout for the ugly chicas that couldn't get into the Key Largo ... back when it was good ... way back.

Cartagena can still be magical and fun but OBVIOUSLY it's getting more crowded and going downhill .... but that's for the guys who knew it when it was trully awesome.
For the newer guys it's no big deal ... for the San Jose del Rey guys its no big deal.

I'm off to other more "hidden" places ... but will always have fond memories of Cartagena.

Hey TREESHARK ... I liked your story of meeting that chica who turned out to work in LDV. Goes to show that if you treat these chicas nicely, no matter what their employment might be, they will treat you soooooo much better.
Some guys will NEVER understand that.

To all ..... Suerte!

I in no way advocate treating the chicas badly however I am not so sure being extra nice is the way to go either. I have seen it many times, Mr Niceguy gets pegged as a pendejo and personal banking machine. I have also seen where the extended family also juice the gringo for $$$. Nothing wrong with being nice, just not too nice.

07-28-06, 23:05
I said "be nice", not "stupid" ... big difference. Suerte

MJG Dogs
07-28-06, 23:18
[QUOTE=Treeshark]Gentleman, so what if CTG gets a Del Rey South. No one is going to point a gun at your head and make you go there. I think that I might even enjoy a Del Rey in CTG. I enjoyed the one in CR. Besides any chicas that I would see there I would know to AVOID.

That is your opinion, a lot of other people on this board, go to Cartagena, because it is not like San jose, If they enjoy San Jose so much and the great Hotel Rey so much, then stay put. Keep the Fake rolexes, drunk texans or Floridians in San Jose.

It is kind of like securing our borders, keep the illegals out. Well Cartagena is our border, "keep the fat and drunk Del rey gringos out"

Like Dean Wermer said in Animal House to Flounder....

"Fat, Drunk and Stupid is no way to go through life son"

07-29-06, 04:47
Like Dean Wermer said in Animal House to Flounder....

"Fat, Drunk and Stupid is no way to go through life son"But Dean Wermer was W-R-O-N-G. To each his own, but I'm about done with your jealous attack on drunk fatboys.

Here's a thought: Instead of displaying your eating inferiority complex, just tell us where your favorite spots are and the places that are farthest away from them; that we both will be happy.

MJG Dogs
07-29-06, 05:56
Sorry there is no crispy creme stands in cartagena, nor TGIF Friday's.....

I do think that if you get hungry on the beach in CTG, that the touts will sell you shrimp by the kilo..... I think.

You have no sense of humor do you Ticasonar?

MJG Dogs
07-29-06, 06:00
Changing Subjects,

Does anyone know the aprox. location of Club Miami? I here that it is like a casa but more daytime possibilities. Correct me, if I am mistaken...

07-29-06, 07:50
Sorry there is no crispy creme stands in cartagena, nor TGIF Friday's..... Only Yankees waste time getting fat eating 'chain' food and if you see me in or near an American restaurant, please biotch slap me...but now Crispy Creme...lawd have mercy that's a shame...birthplace of that great heathen food is about hour from the house...."HOT DONUTS NOW"

I do think that if you get hungry on the beach in CTG, that the touts will sell you shrimp by the kilo..... I think.Question now: is it a good price...come on, don't hold back on us with the info.

You have no sense of humor do you Ticasonar?I thought my last post dripped with humor; I really tried :)

I've got limited amount of time before I become PaisaSonar, just purchased a tix wallago, so I need you great information banks to stay on topic and dole out the goods. Please!

Tom 33
07-29-06, 15:34
The one that I know is in Centro. You walk out the door of Tu Candela and take a left for about 4 blocks. Go left one block and it is on the corner. It's not a casa, only a club. Never saw any daytime action there or much of any action at any time.

I did bring a chica home from there a couple of years ago. She was hot and a decent fuck. When we finished, I asked for her number. She wrote down 200.000. Then I asked for her numero de telefono, ignored the 200.000, and gave her 80K.

Jelly Donut
07-29-06, 15:43
Here's a thought: Instead of displaying your eating inferiority complex, just tell us where your favorite spots are and the places that are farthest away from them; that we both will be happy.I can tell you, if you start taking the LDV girls out to dinner they sometimes go through an interesting transformation. I was taking one girl out to various tourist places Restaurante Pelikanos and one of the restaurants up on the Cartagena ramparts, as well as late night Perros Hawaianos at the restaurant near LDV (don't think too much about what's going on in the kitchen, it will kill the experience). I do enjoy the Perro Hawaiano, but your mileage may vary. But my point is, this girl went through a transformation where she did not want me to pay her (cool!), but where she did not want me taking other girls home (not cool!).

East Sider 300
07-31-06, 20:34
Am staying at the Cartagena Hilton Labor Day weekend (using Hilton points). I have seen conflicting reports about it being girl friendly. Can anyone elaborate?

Thanks for the info.

Rob Hay
08-01-06, 05:57

That was a really good story actually...and who cares how old you are, you can never be too old to live out a lifelong dream right? Guys on here making fun of "old farts" are prob. just a little insecure about themselves and their futures.

08-01-06, 20:48
Am staying at the Cartagena Hilton Labor Day weekend (using Hilton points). I have seen conflicting reports about it being girl friendly. Can anyone elaborate?

Thanks for the info.I would say not friendly.

On the upside, the facilities are probably the nicest in town, you will enjoy.
At the door to the hilton are usually not one, but several security guards- we got pretty chummy with them (spent a week using the ATM/restaurant/pool despite staying across the street in dumpy apt). There are also lots of families/reg. tourists around. You would get the hellafied bug-eye trying to check in a chica.

However; I did have occasion to bribe one of these guards, they are nice guys.
If you are discreet (or have a steady novia/gfe) and take care of the guards, you can probly swing it.

However if drunk coming back @3am from LDV, no way man.

El Austriaco
08-02-06, 00:15
But my point is, this girl went through a transformation where she did not want me to pay her (cool!), but where she did not want me taking other girls home (not cool!).
That's where you went from the "girlfriend experience" to the "girlfriend" experience. Though actually, I think the deal for you was worse than you think: the fact that she didn´t want you to pay her directly doesn´t mean she doesn´t want you to pay at all. You just pay indirectly, instead. But no taking other girls, of course.

A while ago, I wrote about it in the Rio de Janeiro section:


Some things don't change regardless of where you are.


08-02-06, 00:41
Great post donut! SO TRUE about how a puta can morph into novia in a heartbeat! Better for them to expect payment than expect fidelity I say!

I also liked your comment about what goes down in the kitchen at that hotdog stand (often the only place nearby to get a bite if you re out real late).

Treeshark: Ditto what Robhay said about the insecurity of certain youngsters. Colombia is NOT like America because the older guy CAN compete. Unlike in SE asia where being old is a PLUS more often than not, IMHO age IS a factor in Colombia, but nothing like in the wasteland.

MSJDogs: Easiest way to find Miami is to look for the TOWER of the University. As you face the entrance to the building, walk towards your left and on the right side of the stret just past the first intersection is Miami (Bright Green door, unless they repainted it). VERY hit or miss spot, but worth a look (as is the courtyard of the university but I probably shouldn't post about that here).

Tom 33
08-02-06, 02:25
was torn down. The entire area from Riquissimo to Edificio Antares is being demolished to make way for a retail/residential complex. That makes four buildings under construction in Laguito alone.

MJG Dogs
08-02-06, 04:08
MSJDogs: Easiest way to find Miami is to look for the TOWER of the University. As you face the entrance to the building, walk towards your left and on the right side of the stret just past the first intersection is Miami (Bright Green door, unless they repainted it). VERY hit or miss spot, but worth a look (as is the courtyard of the university but I probably shouldn't post about that here).[/QUOTE]

My esteemed friend Surfer, thank You, you also tipped me off for an afternoon excursion to the university, maybe I will find a co-ed to assist my in my doctoral thesis in Carnal Studies, But I don't think Berkeley or Santa cruz will give me credits though... maybe USC will.

08-02-06, 17:09
[QUOTE=Treeshark]Gentleman, so what if CTG gets a Del Rey South. No one is going to point a gun at your head and make you go there. I think that I might even enjoy a Del Rey in CTG. I enjoyed the one in CR. Besides any chicas that I would see there I would know to AVOID.

That is your opinion, a lot of other people on this board, go to Cartagena, because it is not like San jose, If they enjoy San Jose so much and the great Hotel Rey so much, then stay put. Keep the Fake rolexes, drunk texans or Floridians in San Jose.

It is kind of like securing our borders, keep the illegals out. Well Cartagena is our border, "keep the fat and drunk Del rey gringos out"

Like Dean Wermer said in Animal House to Flounder....

"Fat, Drunk and Stupid is no way to go through life son"

Sigh, Treeshark change mind and now agree with MJG Dogs. If you want to go the Del Ray go to Costa Rica.
However life is change. I first went to CTG in April of 1999. I would prefer CTG like it was then. I would prefer CTG without the Italians, the Colombian touts, the heat, the humidity, and a Del Rey South. But life is change. So I will enjoy myself today and worry about what may happen in the future another day. And who knows, maybe the horse will learn to sing.

MJG Dogs
08-02-06, 20:51
see treeshark, despite what you have pointed out, ctg is still much better than san jose...

now heads up, the italians are easy to spot...

1) they are the ones on the beach wearing the grape smuggling swimsuits on the beach, with their gold chains and gucci man bags..

2) they are the ones who will make noise and party all night long, without any regard to their neighbors.

3) they are the ones whom will be sweating all night long, due to excessive cocaine usage.

4) they will be the ones who are playing soccer on the beach, with some local kids, that will say nasty things to the kids in order to win ( italian way)
then some six year old kid will head-butt the drunken italian, causing the italian to roll on the beach in agonizing pain, ( overdramatic of course). tony the tout and his medical staff will treat the italian's injury, and then charge him $ 100,000 pesos for services rendered.

5) they will be the ones in the restraunt next to you that never shut up, talk too damm loud and blow cigarette smoke all over the place.

god i hope they are not in cartagena in august. if so, it will be great fun to mock them..........

08-02-06, 21:05
perhaps there will be less this year because the IDF has mobilized the reserves for the Lebanon invasion and its aftermath (GO IDF!), but there used to be LOTS of young Israelis just out of the IDF who hung in a clique and had wild parties in an infamous apartment where they sway by the dozens. They did NOT mingle with the other foreigners but ran around as a group, often with VERY hot Colombianas in tow (it is widely rumored these chicas were provided unlimited free nosecandy in exchange for sex).

Been 20 years since my first (and last) visit to Costa Rica so I cannot personally compare the two.

As for the heat and humidity, I was there in February and was STUNNED how pleasant the climate was (the locals complained about the cold spell!). My friend was there last week and swears he will never go back (and he lives in South Florida so is accustomed to hell like heat & humidity). Be prepared for Africa hot climate in August dogs (hell California was almost Africa Hot 2 weeks ago!) The global warming sceptics are denying reality-time to move FAR North if you like moderate temps!)

Tom 33
08-02-06, 21:41
At least they won't be outbidding us for chicas. The young Israelis spend all their limited funds on powder and smoke, and the Italians either don't have or won't spend the money.

I haven't spent much time with Italians because of the language barrier. I do have one friend from Italy who lives in Laguito. I've set him up with a couple of chicas.

I enjoy the Israelis, but I won't party with them. I have managed to scarf up some table scraps though. Those young hardbodies do attract some smokin' chicas. I think that Noam's business may suffer some now with the call-ups.

Tom 33
08-02-06, 21:43
The lagoon has been dredged out so that boats can come in from the bay. Rumor has it that a marina or two will be built.

MJG Dogs
08-02-06, 22:14
perhaps there will be less this year because the IDF has mobilized the reserves for the Lebanon invasion and its aftermath (GO IDF!), but there used to be LOTS of young Israelis just out of the IDF who hung in a
As for the heat and humidity, I was there in February and was STUNNED how pleasant the climate was (the locals complained about the cold spell!). My friend was there last week and swears he will never go back (and he lives in South Florida so is accustomed to hell like heat & humidity). Be prepared for Africa hot climate in August dogs (hell California was almost Africa Hot 2 weeks ago!) The global warming sceptics are denying reality-time to move FAR North if you like moderate temps!)

Yes, I know Lafayette last week 107 degrees, insane. here in the people's republic of villaconquista ( los Angeles), it was 100 and humid.

Surfer, I was there last labor day week for 2 wks, I know how humid it can be..

yes, I do not think we will see too many israeli's. yes, my description of the Italians, can be used on the Israeli's also, sans point #4, pertaining to soccer, if a little kid head butted and israeli, the israel would karate kick or punch the kid, unlike the Italian, who would fall to his knees.

08-03-06, 02:49
At least they won't be outbidding us for chicas. The young Israelis spend all their limited funds on powder and smoke, and the Italians either don't have or won't spend the money.

Well we know that the Italians are not spending their money on soap, lol.

08-03-06, 06:42
Hey Beav, Howzit Bro? When are you getting the hell out of Dumboland and getting back to an unspecified and unduly dangerous area of Colombia ?

Dogs: Yea the Israelis HAVE to be tough to survive surrounded by towelheaded terrorists determined to destroy their country.

08-03-06, 07:20
Well we know that the Italians are not spending their money on soap, lol.One LDV chica that I had over for the night. I asked her if she liked the Italians. She pointed to her armpit, made a nasty face, and said 'NO!'.

08-03-06, 21:00
One LDV chica that I had over for the night. I asked her if she liked the Italians. She pointed to her armpit, made a nasty face, and said 'NO!'. I think the Italian's have made an impact on the LDV chicas because everyone I met always said "ciao" after I paid her LOL.Shout out to Tom33 the man in Laguito.I stayed in 902 in July and read your book "Mi Moto Fidel" between sessions I'll return in November and will stop in to see you...."CIAO"

East Sider 300
08-03-06, 22:34

thanks very much for the info. This is definitely helpful. I will put on my "bribe" hat on when I get there to try to work an arrangement with the guards.

Worst come to worst, I'll find a quickie motel.

Thanks again.

I would say not friendly.

On the upside, the facilities are probably the nicest in town, you will enjoy.
At the door to the hilton are usually not one, but several security guards- we got pretty chummy with them (spent a week using the ATM/restaurant/pool despite staying across the street in dumpy apt). There are also lots of families/reg. tourists around. You would get the hellafied bug-eye trying to check in a chica.

However; I did have occasion to bribe one of these guards, they are nice guys.
If you are discreet (or have a steady novia/gfe) and take care of the guards, you can probly swing it.

However if drunk coming back @3am from LDV, no way man.

08-04-06, 01:07
I'm going to be in Cargatena for the first time this summer. Been reading this forum. What kind of place is LDV? Is it a strip club or what? Columbian section doesn't seem to be thorough compared to Rio. someone give me the low downs pls.


08-04-06, 06:55
I guess John better hurry it looks like his patrons are going to be waiting for him.

MJG Dogs
08-04-06, 07:32
Scary beav, Isn't it. We need to do a better job of persuading them to stay in Costa Rica. Some people on this board welcome them like Koffe Annun and the United Nations. hell they might as well also welcome hezbollah also.......

08-04-06, 14:28
all we need is one incident where tony lama butch gets the shit scared out of him. we are moving to colombia in 2009, not cartagena though, rednecks in speedos are enough to keep me away.

08-04-06, 16:55
I'm going to be in Cargatena for the first time this summer. Been reading this forum. What kind of place is LDV? Is it a strip club or what? Columbian section doesn't seem to be thorough compared to Rio. someone give me the low downs pls.


Driplet its colOmbia COLOMBIA. Just busting your balls. LDV is a smaller version of HELP in Rio, the girls are all free lancers so hone your negotiating skills.

08-05-06, 00:50
I think the Italian's have made an impact on the LDV chicas because everyone I met always said "ciao" after I paid her LOL.Almost all the women whom I met in CTG say "chau" (that's how they spelled it in Adultfriendfinder email exchanges) - citizens, beach chicas, street chicas, LDVistas, etc. Don't know if it is cultural/local lingo or a result of Italian tourists.

08-05-06, 00:59

thanks very much for the info. This is definitely helpful. I will put on my "bribe" hat on when I get there to try to work an arrangement with the guards.

Worst come to worst, I'll find a quickie motel.

Thanks again.

I stayed there once. If you are renting room as a double, you put the chica's name on your registration card at front desk and you will have no problems as long as she has an ID with that name on it. Bribing guard to bring them in during the day should work. When I was there, I brought them in during the day without any problems for about a week.
For at night just go to a quickie motel.
People there will act like your mother trying to protect your virtue from the evil chicas. I did enjoy the breakfast there.

08-05-06, 01:14
I'm going to be in Cargatena for the first time this summer. Been reading this forum. What kind of place is LDV? Is it a strip club or what? Columbian section doesn't seem to be thorough compared to Rio. someone give me the low downs pls.


LDV is an overpriced ripoff bar run and owned by Italians. They will try to get you to run a tab so they can pad the hell out of it. Your $25 tab will magically turn into a $100 tab when it is time to pay the bill.
The Columbian chicas there are just as bad. In Medellin you can get a Colombian chica for 20,000 pesos for 1/2 hour. Your Columbian LDV chicas try to get 200,000 pesos.
Lots of guys on this board do not want new people to go to CTG. They are worried that their 60,000 pesos per session Colombian chicas will turn into 250,000 pesos per session Columbian chicas.
I am certain that you can understand their concerns.

08-05-06, 01:19
It really doesn't matter. The Del Rey Inc. is going to roll a red carpet to all of the people that make Americans look bad. Best bet for the Colombia vets is to stay away from Cartagena, it's already too far gone. Between the Costa Rica jerk offs and the ones that have been reeled in by Senor Tacano the place is done with.

08-05-06, 02:09
LDV is an overpriced ripoff bar run and owned by Italians. They will try to get you to run a tab so they can pad the hell out of it. Your $25 tab will magically turn into a $100 tab when it is time to pay the bill.
The Columbian chicas there are just as bad. In Medellin you can get a Colombian chica for 20,000 pesos for 1/2 hour. Your Columbian LDV chicas try to get 200,000 pesos.
Lots of guys on this board do not want new people to go to CTG. They are worried that their 60,000 pesos per session Colombian chicas will turn into 250,000 pesos per session Columbian chicas.
I am certain that you can understand their concerns.
In Cartagena you can get 20k chicas for 1/2 an hour. It's just that most foreign mongers don't want to spend their 5 day vacation hunting for low end street girls in Getsemani's skid row streets.

You can also pay 150k or more in Medellin. Medellin Mansion, anyone? Fase Dos? Loutron?

If you are going to compare two completely different experiences, you should at least recognise that they're not equal. One is a GFE that lasts for hours. The other is a quick, usually less passionate experience with a higher volume hooker.

Tom 33
08-05-06, 02:56
I guess that all of Colombia has gone to hell.

Wonder what the pussy is like in Tibet?

People can whine all day long, but they aren't going to change a thing.

This Colombia resident rather enjoys Cartagena with all its shortcomings. If desired there will always be many places free of extranjeros. I live and let live. I needn't spend time with anyone unless I so choose. And I don't feel the need to impose my likes and dislikes on others.

If you don't like whatever you don't like, feel free to exit.

See you in November, Mule.

08-05-06, 06:24
apparently somebody knew he was carrying a couple million pesos on him and shot him in the head to get it. This was not in tourist areas, but you guys buying apartments should bear this in mind when you carry WAY more than 2 millon Pesos on your person about in CTG or anywhere else in Colombia.

MJG Dogs
08-05-06, 07:53
yes surfer I saw the posting on Bruce's board. I never carry more than 100K at any time period.....

08-05-06, 13:32
Could just have easily been Tony Lama Butch. That's why we keep saying that Colombia is not the place for the typical Gringo Tourist. Thanks for the news, I am not welcome on the Kiss Ass board anymore.

08-05-06, 13:35
apparently somebody knew he was carrying a couple million pesos on him and shot him in the head to get it. This was not in tourist areas, but you guys buying apartments should bear this in mind when you carry WAY more than 2 millon Pesos on your person about in CTG or anywhere else in Colombia.

Personally I think it was a professional hit. Among those low life criminals, you kill a relative when you want to send a message to someone. The crackhead could have been late with his police bribes, owed his drug dealers money, or just the start of gang warfare over turf.
I stay away from that area of the beach to avoid the crackhead and his gang anyway. So I do not have to worry about being hit by stray bullet.
You are not in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

El Austriaco
08-05-06, 17:14
LDV is an overpriced ripoff bar run and owned by Italians. They will try to get you to run a tab so they can pad the hell out of it. Your $25 tab will magically turn into a $100 tab when it is time to pay the bill.
I´ve been to LDV a few times, but I can NOT confirm this assessment. No admission, drink prices are very reasonable (no lady's drinks, for example), and if you're getting that smashed that you lose track of how much you had, well, that's really your problem, just like it would be a problem in any joint anywhere in the world. Never had any problem with padded bills at LDV.

So much about LDV. Please note that all the girls there are freelancers that are not associated with LDV in any way or fashion at all. It's just the place they hang out at.

Now that the LDV girls are of the brand "mercenary Colombian hookers looking for inexperienced foreign mongers that are prone to overpaying", there is no doubt about. When I say overpaying, I mean overpaying by local (i.e. Colombian) standards. Again, if you fall into this category, that's really your problem, even more so after reading all the valuable advice on this board. Read, evaluate, and decide whether LDV is what you are looking for... or not. Does the price/value ratio seem about right to you, or not? Your call, nobody else's. Not that difficult, right?

Now that there will be a CTG-Del Rey, do you think the girls are going to like it? Considering that there will likely be even more inexperienced mongers even more prone to overpaying, you bet they will love it. No reason to go there for me... or for you, or for anyone else.


MJG Dogs
08-05-06, 17:34
Austriaco Hits LDV right on the head....

Don't act drunk and stupid, don't buy chicas many many drinks. I always go to the bar and pay for each drink, instead of running a tab...

Yes, if you cannot speak some spanish and do not know the ropes, then you will come accross like a Tony lama Butch ( as beavis spells out), and will get taken.

Also leave the god damm ostrich boots and fake rolex watches back in Houston, Dallas or Miami ..please.....

08-05-06, 19:41
Is it dry time again here in Cartgena? Somone mentioned it in passing today.

I guess that means everythings shut til Tuesday? If anyone knows please let me know. What do people do during this time?

08-05-06, 20:33
also leave the god damm ostrich boots and fake rolex watches back in houston, dallas or miami ..please.....

and for god's sake leave the speedos home too. nobody regardless of origin wants to see a middle age gringo in a "peter suit".

08-05-06, 21:07
and for god's sake leave the speedos home too. nobody regardless of origin wants to see a middle age gringo in a "peter suit".do you enjoy seeing other guys in weenie bikinis? i would just as soon the only person wearing a bikini be the hot colombianas.

how about providing some constructive info beavis, heh heh heh. and tell us noobs what appropriate attire is for ctg. otherwise, we're sure to ruin your day and drive up prices. both of which i would like to avoid.

MJG Dogs
08-05-06, 21:37
Personally I think it was a professional hit. Among those low life criminals, you kill a relative when you want to send a message to someone. The crackhead could have been late with his police bribes, owed his drug dealers money, or just the start of gang warfare over turf.
I stay away from that area of the beach to avoid the crackhead and his gang anyway. So I do not have to worry about being hit by stray bullet.
You are not in Kansas anymore Dorothy.

Just think 2,000,000 pesos is less than $ 850 USD....
he was not killed on the beach, but in a barrio. Your more apt to get hit by a stray nail file from the beach manicurists than by a stray bullet... Who really knows the reason, but use some common sense, Don't Play the TONY LAMA BUTCH ROLE WITH IN CARTAGENA>>>>>>

08-06-06, 02:26
do you enjoy seeing other guys in weenie bikinis? i would just as soon the only person wearing a bikini be the hot colombianas.

i think the phrase which included "leave the speedos" home was obviously aimed towards the lack of desire, to see these palm beach creatures. as for the proper attire i am sure the del rey handbook will have all of your needed information.

MJG Dogs
08-06-06, 06:13
i think the phrase which included "leave the speedos" home was obviously aimed towards the lack of desire, to see these palm beach creatures. as for the proper attire i am sure the del rey handbook will have all of your needed information.

what a great line beavis about the del rey handbook. that one had me almost falling off of my chair with laughter.

these dopes have no clue... they equate everything with costa rica

Tp Horn
08-06-06, 06:22
I haven't seen any mention of this club, but judging by the looks of it, it appears to be new. It is located a few blocks "left" of the main clock tower in the old city, on a corner. It flies some Egypt-looking flags outside.

It is a very attractive club with a pretty interesting DJ. The women were on average very attractive, on par with LDV, but seemingly a bit more amateurish. There were only a couple dozen women on a Thursday night. The club includes a stage and pole, with occasional performances (though they were somewhat uninspirining).

My pal was given the following quote: $300k to the girl, TLN, + $150k bar fee. He eventually paid $220k total, he didn't care how they diviied it up. His report was the young woman was very attractive, and eager, yet not very seasoned in the sack.

08-06-06, 14:31
We are moving to Colombia in 2009. It won't be Cartagena though. My wife is from there but, too many Americans will be camped out there by 2009. Look at real estate prices throughout the entire country and they are already triple in Cartagena. That's just a sign of what's coming.

Nonetheless, it has been quite entertaining to discuss the possibilities and probabilities of Tony Lama Butch. There are so many of him, and they are so silly with their egos.

When I first started going to Costa Rica I would fly Lacsa flight 670 and 671 from New Orleans. AKA the milk run, Leave @ 7:00 a.m. stop in Cancun, San Pedro Sula, Tegucigalpa, then on to San Jose. It was a 6 hour flight but Ron Centenario was free so I didn't care. The part I hated the worst was the return flight. The final stop was Cancun @ 8:00 p.m. The plane would then be loaded with drunk gringos all wearing sombreros or something evident that they were clueless tourists. This final 2 hours we would hear their stories just before we were greeted by the typical U.S. Customs/Immigration assholes. From there I had to go to sea for a month. Maybe that's why I stopped going, the tourists from Cancun. Tony Lama Butch could have been on that flight.

Member #4211
08-06-06, 23:32
Hi, guys.

I just arrived in Cartagena this morning. After a visit to the supermarket, I found out that alcohol is banned until Tuesday 6 AM.

Does it mean that LDV and the casas will be closed tonight and tomorrow? How do you cope with such situations? Just SWs from Laguito? I guess that Tripleterra, Mr. Babilla and the such will also be closed if they cannot sell alcoholic beverages.

Please advise.

Reports to come.

08-07-06, 01:08
Yep, LDV and the other discotecas will all be closed. I am pretty sure the casas are closed too, though I never visited and checked.

You might find a few LDV girls in town, however most that live nearby will take the chance to go home for the weekend.

I don't have much constructive to suggest, except go out to the islands for the day. This usually involves getting up early in the morning, which can be hard to do if you're playing until 4am or 5am every morning. Tours leave from the big boat dock that you see on your right hand side when travelling into the Old Town coming from the Laguito direction.

James Zz
08-07-06, 01:14
1) Where is the best place to live in Colombia. Saftey is still # 1, you pay for saftey. Gringo = $$$ = target. People in colombia are hungry.

2) CTG is spoiled and overrun. Yet still a great place.

3) Itilians dress very good and pay way to much.

4) Pros. Show me the money. Euros, dollars, pesos, a 18 year old girl with no education can convert any of these in a second.

5) Tony told me about his brother. Tony is on something. Dosent matter. 99% of his girls are crap. But the 1% are worth a look. There is a girl there now until August when she goes back to school. 20 years old, great body and can take almost all of your dick in her throat. She will try to take you for as much money as she can. Its her tuition. Your just a tourist.

6) Israelis: sure some of the hard bodies get some very nice girl. But it still comes dowm to the beans. No money no game. Women do not go for broke guys in any country. A fat wallet makes you sexy. They really are not a factor.

The big sandwich is very good at the Israelis place. Also the guys that own the place are very good guys. They will not rip you off.

7) Seems everywhere is spoiled now. I will not. Never pay $100 for a girl. In fact it has turned me away from the casas and pro scene. You can find very cheap girls in colombia.

You can find anything you want there. The internet that has opened up everything and is also driving everything underground.

8) Some women in Santo Domingo will rival any girl in colombia.

9) Colombia: . Big firm tits.

10) University girls in CTG. They will always be there.

It comes down to if you travel there often or live there.

In any country.

Tom 33
08-07-06, 02:13
You can watch the inaugural activities on TV.

I never was much into the bar/disco/casa scene. Just go out and mix with the people. It's amazing what can turn up in a simple conversation. If worse comes to worse, think of it as leche management.

08-07-06, 14:07
You, Sir, show outstanding wisdom.

""CTG is spoiled and overrun. Yet still a great place.

Gringo = $$$ = target. People in colombia are hungry.

Women do not go for broke guys in any country. A fat wallet makes you sexy.

University girls in CTG. They will always be there.

You can find very cheap girls in colombia.

You can find anything you want there. The internet that has opened up everything and is also driving everything underground.

It comes down to if you travel there often or live there.In any country.""

True words of wisdom concerning both CTG and Colombia

08-07-06, 14:13
""The big sandwich is very good at the Israelis place. Also the guys that own the place are very good guys. They will not rip you off.""

I have no idea where this place is. Can anyone give me the name and location?? I would like to try it. A place with good food where I do not have to worry about my wallet or back sounds real good to me.

Tom 33
08-07-06, 14:38
The restaurant is called Manchi's. It is also known as the Israeli Restaurant. It is near the Punto.com Internet Cafe and Loco Gringo across the street from LDV. It was started by Noam in 2003. Noam is from Tel Aviv, married to a Paisa. Recently another Israeli, Schlomy married to a gal from Quindio, bought half the business. Like most younger Israelis, they speak good English. They are both great guys.

The big sandwich is called a Shawarma. They also do a plato del dia that is cheap, good, and a lot of food.

Member #4211
08-07-06, 20:42
Hi, guys.

I arrived yesterday morning. Paid COP 13K for the cab to Laguito.

I'm lodged at Marina del Rey, an apartment at the 10th floor. I found that apartment through a realtor recommended by Juan Ventura. It is called Inmobiliaria Diaz Ruiz. They charge me COP 90K per day, A/C but not hot water (not an issue).

The apartment is basic, and just acceptable for my standards (maybe below standards for other people). Except for a couple of minor details (not nice furniture, kitchen not completely restorted, bathroom light not working but being repaired), it works for me. They provided towels and such. Cell phone and safebox were also provided, each for USD 2 per day. The building so far was quiet for sleeping, but noisy during the dust hours (parties and such). You can buy food and such at Olimpica, at Calle 3.

This city is completely different from Cali. It is clearly a tourist town, with prices varying widely across the city (you may pay COP 1.5K for 1 hour Internet at Downtown and COP 3K at Laguito). Lots of restaurants, emerald stores, handcrafts stores and touts. I found the touts less annoying than those at Maceio and Fortaleza in Brasil, although I did't and wouldn't lay at the Bocagrande beach (too dirty and noisy to relax). I was also approached by the infamous Tony, but his hassle lasted for 10 seconds since ignoring touts works easily.

Weather is an issue during these days. Too hot and humid for keeping dry and clean for more than 15 minutes. I wonder how do members cope with this weather all year round.

Ley seca didn't hinder me to meet a non-pro. We went to Crepes & Waffles at the Old City. Great and affordable food. I also took advantage of the quiet afternoon to spot LDV, Tiplerterra, Babilla, Tu Candela and the such.

Oh, the Old City... this is one of the most beautiful places I ever visited, and by far the best colonial Spaniard town I ever saw (much more than La Havana Vieja). Too touristy, perhaps, but romantic and enticing anyway.

I will continue with the non-pro action, but it wouldn't hurt to watch the SW scene to see what is available. Where do girls meet? I heard that in front of the Torre del Reloj there are many college girls, but now is that place is now under construction. Also, LDV had more cops and soldiers yesterday than girls (maybe due to what Tom explained).

If you are a side-mongering traveler like I, you may want to go to the Tayrona park close to Santa Marta if you stay more than 5 days here. I may hire a tour there.

Hope this helps,


08-07-06, 21:42
If you go to Tayrona make sure you have your proof of Malaria innoculation
with you.

I was in CTG and BAQ end of June.

I traveled from CTG to BAQ and then to Santa Marta with a cyber amiga specifically to spend a day in Tayrona Park. I could not get in without the health card proof of innoculation, which of course was back at my apt. in CTG.


08-07-06, 22:39
XXXGoat: it is a YELLOW FEVER certificate that is required to enter Tayrona Park, NOT "malaria" (there is no shot, nor immunization card, for malaria).

First time I went I had no idea (and they let me in anyway). Now they are MUCH stricter. Ditto entry tickets; used to be pay once and you could go back every day for three days, but no longer. Foreigners pay about $10 PER DAY (21,000 Pesos last time and I heard it went up again) PLUS you have to pay for the toll road unless you are going to Neguanje.

If they used that money to clean up trash or maintain the trails or better yet to provide security I wouldn't mind the steep tariff as much, but that $10 merely gets you entry.

From BAQ the drive is more than 2 hours each way so if you plan to hike into the beach (about 1 hour each way) you'd need to leave REALLY early. They close the gate at 6pm and you would NOT want to get stuck inside overnight.

The weather there is also an issue: BAQ & Santa Marta are almost always sunny yet once you cross the mountain it is OFTEN cloudy and surprisingly cold. If it looks overcast in SM, don't even bother let alone if it has been raining in nthe last couple days go elsewhere-( the trail can be 6 inches plus of quicksand like mud-you MUST use neoprene booties as the mud will suck the shoes right off your feet).

Tom 33
08-07-06, 22:41
Oh, the Old City... this is one of the most beautiful places I ever visited, and by far the best colonial Spaniard town I ever saw (much more than La Havana Vieja). Too touristy, perhaps, but romantic and enticing anyway.

I will continue with the non-pro action, but it wouldn't hurt to watch the SW scene to see what is available. Where do girls meet? I heard that in front of the Torre del Reloj there are many college girls, but now is that place is now under construction.

I thought that Old Havana was much more impressive than Old Cartagena. But that was the only category won by Cuba. Of course Old Havana is really crumbling.

You can find chicas in the area of Plaza Santo Domingo. There are many college-type bars in the area. Arepas Pues on the Laguito end of San Martin is a good place to hang. There is a huge mall on the other end of town, Centro Commercio Castellana. And there is another large mall near Castellana.

Member #4211
08-08-06, 00:33
Thanks guys for the tips. They will save me time and money.

Anyone knows where to get inoculated against yellow fever here?



Tom 33
08-08-06, 02:40
Anyone knows where to get inoculated against yellow fever here?

I would go over to Hospital Bocagrande. It's just across the mouth of the lagoon from the Hilton.

08-08-06, 03:13
Andres: While they likely will let you in regardless, it takes 10 days after the injection for your body to develop sufficient level of yellow fever antibodies to provide prophalaxis. YF vaccine is VERY expensive (at least $100 for the injection in the wasteland). In Colombia, there are two types of vaccine, domestic and French, which are priced quite differently. Public hospitals, the cheap way, offer it only during limited hours on specified days of the week. IMHO private clinics with imported vaccinne are worth the extra dosh (though I got it done in the waste). Vaccinne valid for 10 years though.

Tom wrote: "I thought that Old Havana was much more impressive than Old Cartagena. But that was the only category won by Cuba."

Have not personally been to Cuba, for a variety of reasons primary being the legal prohibition that is justa small part of the unjust embargo, but I would think it would "win" many competitions with CTG:

The lack of hordes of American sex tourists, lack of STDs, ease of bb action, true love of sex for which the Cubana is World famous, cheaper food and lodging, and the lack of guns and violent crime seems like a HUGE plus. No drug trafficking or narco violence either. How about a culture that does not stigmatize casual sex? Beautiful beaches with azure Blue sea (instead of dirt beaches with brown water) also appear to make La Habana more attractive.

How about free health care and education? While there is poverty, largely due to the US embargo, I think there is less hunger in Cuba than Colombia. Granted guys who never venture beyond Laguito/BocaGrande/CiudadVieja never really see it, but in the REAL Cartagena, in barrios like El Bosque , Las Gaviotas etc etc, one can see how a large portion of Colombians like in abject poverty.

MJG Dogs
08-08-06, 03:49
How about free health care and education? While there is poverty, largely due to the US embargo, I think there is less hunger in Cuba than Colombia. Granted guys who never venture beyond Laguito/BocaGrande/CiudadVieja never really see it, but in the REAL Cartagena, in barrios like El Bosque , Las Gaviotas etc etc, one can see how a large portion of Colombians like in abject poverty.[/QUOTE]

Well surfer, gee I wonder why so many Cubans flee thier country in makeshift rafts, if they have free healthcare and plenty of food to eat. While there is poverty in Colombia, the poverty does not compare to Cuba's. The poverty is in countryside in Cuba, is much worse than in Habana.

Such a worker's paradise Cuba is....

08-08-06, 05:13
the unjust embargo . . . uhhhh, the Cuban-Americans are the MOST in favor of this embargo.

How about free health care and education? Nothing is free...and their's suxorz

While there is poverty, largely due to the US embargoEvery other country in the world trades with Cuba. Their government is the reason for their poverty and the rest of their problems for that matter.

If Cuba had a democracy and capitalism, they would be the pearl of the Carribean and maybe the Western Hemisphere.


Most of my time in CR was at Arenal and Manuel Antonio. I made it to the BM for one evening before my flight out. So keep flaming if you want, but my questions were sincere. Unlike your response. Also, if you reread your response, you said you didn't want to see "middle age gringos" in banana hammocks...which led to my question asking who you liked to see in such attire.

08-08-06, 05:19
If we had an embargo on Colombia like we have on Cuba it would be just as poor. And they get on the rafts because the Keys are 90 miles away. Where would you go on a raft from Colombia, the other workers paradise (Venezuela?) LOL!

Communism sucks and is a failed system, agreed. But Cuba is a jewel of World Heritage unlike any other precisely because it has been protected from American cultural pollution.

AS proof there is poverty in Colombia, look at this poor Cali girls who was so malnourished her boobs never fully developed.

08-08-06, 06:45
Well I have just returned from my visit to cartagena and I must say I had a wonderful time. My views from this report are as someone not very experienced in world travel. I am from the US and till this point I have only been around the US and different areas in mexico. So for the people that know cartagena or any other places in colombia I really have nothing more to add than what is written in this forum. But for the people that are considering travelling here I wanted to make a few points. I think most people are looking on this board and others and seeing photos and hearing stories of the beautiful women in colombia and that is sparking the interest of visiting, I know that was my case but I also wanted to see a place and travel somewhere that is unlike anywhere I have been. And I must admit I came here solo and in my first 24 hours I was a bit intimidated, but I eventually relaxed and did some exploring and talked up many people and had a great time, but this is definitely not cancun or cabo, so I think you need to have a little more in mind than mongering, if that is the case it would probably be easier to go to panama or cost rica.

Also LEARN YOUR SPANISH, I know this has been said before but I am just stressing it. I know I have read people questioning whether they could come here with no knowledge of spanish, and I'm sure you probably could. Now I don't speak fluent spanish, but I have taken spanish from junior high throught high school. But since I don't use it all the time I tend to get a little rusty, but it comes back after time. But just to give you an example of the things you may need spanish for. I did not meet anyone who spoke any english the whole time I was there, none of the girls I was with, none of the taxi drivers, in fact the only two people I spoke english to were the guy at the isreali place, and this guy peter who hung around laguito and every time he saw me tried to get me to buy women or drugs. So I think that spanish is very necessary, in fact many of the women I was with just like to hang out with me for a few hours after and that led to more sex

But as I said I had a great time there, beautiful women, great people. In fact on my last day there as I was leaving my apartment with my luggage I must have had 10 different people come and say goodbye to me, and they all knew my name, I have been living in my current house for about 9 months now and I don't even know my neighbors, just the sort of cool things that I noticed in my time there, so now I am home in chicago and I am drving around and thinking to myself as I look at everyone on the street, there really aren't that many hot girls here, funny thing was as I was taking my different flights from there to here I kept noticing in each airport there was less and less hot girls LOL. So I recommend colombia for myself but have to admit it probably won't suit everyone

Also unless you are going to bogota I would recommend not to go through the airport in bogota if you can. It is a very busy place, I got to the airport 3 hours before my flight and reached my gate as they were closing the doors to my plane Next on my list is cali as I was most impressed with girls I met from there and met a great girl from cali who gave me her phone number and e-mail,


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for directions for posting a link to a specific report.

California Guy
08-08-06, 08:42
I will be heading to down in just over two weeks but I don't know very much Spanish...would it be better for me to stick with a place like the Mansion because of this? I was going to book some nights in CTG because I like the indepedent style of mongering.

Tom 33
08-08-06, 12:49
You really outdid yourself this time. Your idea of what Cuba might be like is dead wrong.

The food is cheaper? The food is extremely expensive like everything else in Cuba, and it is inedible. In two weeks I got horrible food poisoning twice, once from breakfast at the Havana Riviera(Cuban 5 star) on the malecon. Fidel tried to stimulate tourism to keep his island from sinking with the Soviet Union. Cubans have no money to buy anything. Thus anything that you can buy is priced for the tourist.

No stigma against casual sex? Ask Fidel's storm troopers about that. Fidel doesn't like prostitution. Therefore chicas are in dread fear of being seen with you. The police will jail them on suspicion.

By the way I was in Cuba legally with the permission of the US Treasury Dept.

08-08-06, 13:19
I agree, food is cheaper in Cuba. In my last trips to Isla de la Juventud here's what my money bought:

$5 for lobster dinners. But you have to stay in a casa particular. The owners will buy anything you want and charge you $5.

My girlfriend had a Cuban ration card, she got FREE each month rice and beans. At the end of the month her card ran out, so she had to look for someone nice like me! LOL!

3 cents for an ice cream cone. One flavor available, chocolate gelatin.

40 cents in Havana for a personal pan cheese pizza.

In Cartagena, try eating at a hamburger place, like McDonalds, a chicken place, you will pay the same as in the US!!

BTW I went to Cuba legally too. THRU Nassau. No one stamps your passports in Havana, so I really never was there! LOL!

Tom 33
08-09-06, 00:30
How cheap did you find things in Havana? Taxi rides that would cost US$1.50 in Colombia cost US$5.00. Inedible food at "good" restaurants cost about the same as in the US, and the service sucked. Fidel paid the restaurant workers whether or not you liked the food or died eating it. Prices paid in the grocery store were well above those in Colombia.

Lobster? In two days at a resort near Cienfuegos City, the only snack I could order at the pool was fried chicken wings. They had nothing else.

You want to bring a chica to your hotel room? The bribe to the guard was more than you'd pay the chica in CTG.

Try eating anywhere in Cuba and not vomiting.

08-09-06, 02:02
(Legal Disclaimer: anything stated in my posts is the personal opinion of the author ONLY and is not to be relied on in any manner. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of ISG, or of any other person on the entire planet for that matter. By reading past this point, you assume the risk that you may be offended by the opinions expressed hereinbelow). I need to make a macro of the above to preface EVERY post; any techies that can help please PM me. )

Final Comment on Cuba

I am on several private boards with MUCH more detail than this one on what goes down in Cuba. Granted it is nothing like 10 years ago (when it was among the elite of mongering venues), but Colombia is nothing like it was even 3 years ago (before the gringo invasion).

IMHO, Tom went to ALL the wrong places (the 5 stars are owned by Fidel and ARE overpriced clip joints as he noted). The savvy traveler stays in Casa Particulares in Miramar or Vedado, and eats at Palladares (not in government run joint ventures). Know BEFORE you go is my motto; you can NEVER research too much and it sounds like Tom failed to research properly before going.

Tom also confuses casual sex with prostitution (jiniterismo) as they are VERY different. The real beauty of Cuba was NOT the hookers, it was how easy it was to have flings with non hookers. Yes the government tries to crack down on p4p but Cuba (like Brasil) has one of the World's most progressive attiudes towards sex outside marriage (UNLIKE Catholic, Conservative, Colombia).

Also, I am guessing TOM went several years ago as the fascist regime running the US has DRASTICALLY curtailed the number of Treasury Department licenses issued and is now even banning "educational exchanges" (like MANY people used through agencies like Global Exchange).

What this really sounds like is POLITICALLY motivated bashing of Cuba (read: Fidel) as opposed to discussion of the legitimate drawbacks of visiting there (which are undeniable). In no way do I defend the police state run by Castro, but just as we as Americans expect people overseas to be able to distinguish between our [dictatorial and unpopular] government and ourselves as American travelers, the whole of Cuba and its people should not be disparaged because of their dictator IMHO. When Colombians are viewed as drug dealers or terrorists, as they invariably are by US media, it rankles those who love Colombia and its people.

Finally, regarding legality, it is technically legal to travel there; you just cannot spend any money. Transiting a third country (Nassau) does not make it any less illegal, it MAY reduce risk of apprehension). HOWEVER, even this is no longer the case as the Department of Homeland security has diverted a full 33% of their agents from combatting Al qaeda to spying on Americans defying the embargo, and Nasau is considered the #1 hotspot for getting apprehended resulting in a nasty letter from the Office of Foreign asset Controls demanding you pay a large fine etc. SEVERAL guys on priovate boards have received those letters after traveling through Nassau recently.
Goinmg through Canada is VERY risky as the Canuck's share departure manifests with Homeland Security.

A MUCH safer option is transiting a country that is not beholden to US like Venezuela or Nicaragua.

Sorry for my part of letting this discussion shift from Cartagena to Cuba but comparison to other destinations does seem at least tangentially on point.

To get back to discussion of CTG, I will post a couple more pics from there tonight.

Servicio de Informacion Surfista, a la Orden

MJG Dogs
08-09-06, 02:52
[QUOTE=Surfer]Last comment on Cuba:

Also, I am guessing you went several years ago as the fascist regime running the US has DRASTICALLY curtailed the number of Treasury Department licenses issued and is now even banning "educational exchanges" (like MANY people used through agencies like Global Exchange).

What this really sounds like is POLITICALLY motivated bashing of Cuba (read: Fidel) as opposed to the legitimate drawbacks of visiting there (which are undeniable).

Yes I bet you could voice your displeasure with the Cuban Government if you were a cuban, like you openly do here..

08-09-06, 03:04
Does anyone know whether there is a flight from Merida in Venezuela to Merida? And if so how much will it cost?


Tom 33
08-09-06, 13:24
I was in Cuba in Jan. of 2004. Since I was there legally, I obviously had a primary purpose other than pussy. I travelled with a group and had little choice in lodging or food. At that time the paladares were few and far between in Havana. They are heavily taxed by Fidel. So you get no deals on price. I did eat at one.

Colombia is changing. Change is inevitable. Of course things will never be like the good old days. To me, the good old days are now.

I see you have sampled one of my favorites. Too bad she is a whack job.

08-09-06, 13:32
In Cuba you do not need to find a casa particular or palador, they find you! Every Cuban wants to earn dollars. Just take a cab from airport to Haban Libre Hotel on avenida 23 and Calle L. Go across the street with a suitcase. There are many people who will greet you and ask if you need a casa particular.

Walk up avenida 23 one block to the hotel Colima. Kitty-corner across the street from the corner hotel Colima is a large apartment building, 3 stories. Go upstairs to 310 and ask for Daisy, a lady in her 60's, she will always have one of her bedrooms for rent, $25-30 even if she has to sleep on a mattress on her balcony!

Girls will follow you, 50 feet behind, up to your apartment. They all love money. And they are hot!

Having sex with a Cuban girl is like shaking hands. They all love to shake hands. Very friendly and wild!

08-09-06, 15:08
I agree Tom33 ...

Colombia is definitely changing / has already changed.

I was at first saddened when the GRINGO invasion began ... mostly Cartagena and Medellin ... but like you say "change is inevitable".

I just changed my way also ... more into Non-pro chcias, I've actually had the same novia for about 6 months now (almost a record for me) ... and when seeking pros, doing it out of the Gringo areas.

I'm friends with the guys from the Mansion (Medellin) ... and have met many guys that come thru there ... of course some are dip-shits and there are some pretty cool guys too (who knows ... maybe I'm one of the dip-shits too).

Anyway ... bottom line is to accept the changes going on ... cause there's nothing you can do about it ... and just adapt to new and perhaps even better opportunities.

Suerte amigos!

Member #4211
08-09-06, 15:21
Hi, guys.

On Monday, I had dinner at Arepas Pues and saw a couple of SWs who would eventually appear later around Casino La Perla.

Late that night, I wandered around Casino La Perla to see the "meat market". Only 3-4 girls total, one of them with a very nice body and rack who approached me. I was so tired that didn't try anything. These girls appeared to have a very low night.

Yesterday, I met a second non-pro for dinner and drinks. This girl was from a neighboring town (Sincelejo) and looked MUCH better than at her pictures from Cybercupido. She said that she came to Cartagena to meet me (who knows...) Unfortunately, she came across and a very unstable person, with lots of emotional baggage, so I ended the meeting soon in order to visit LDV.

By 11:30 PM I finally entered this mythical place. Compared to Buenos Aires boliches, LDV looks like a large Salomé, with most girls wearing sexy but not too provocative attires. I would say that of the 20-30 girls, most were in the 5-7 range, with a few 8s and even a 9, who was immediately taken after joining the place. When I arrived, there were barely 15 girls, but many more kept arriving afterwards. Not very noisy and some smoke, but not to the extreme you see at BA boliches.

For sure you can find doable material there, but in no case it is better than Madahos, as a fellow monger mentioned to me a long time ago.

No cover, and the soda costed COP 3K. I talked with 3 chicks, an aledged paisa called Sofía (nice face and rack but so-so body), another tall girl from Barranquilla and Karina, an aledged newbie from Barranquilla with a very nice body but so-so face.

I only tried negotiating with the last 2 girls. The first one kept firm on COP 150K, so no deal, The second one accepted to lower to COP 130K for ST, but BBBJ included.

We went to my apartment (easy check in with security). There, she performed very well (great BBBJ). She remained for a few minutes and wanted to make an arrangement for later that week. She told me that later gets better at LDV.

All in all, a good experience. However, not the best price/quality ratio, so I will try other venues.

08-09-06, 17:24
Andres, IMHO La Dolce Vita is by far the best value... but feel free to try other venues.

I have managed to pay 100k several times in a row there, and it was only a few months ago. I wonder if you might have checked it out a bit too early... after 12.30 or 1am, pretty much all the girls that are going to show up will have arrived. Between 1.30 and 2.30am it starts winding down and then night owls go to Giro Matto in the old town.

I have done LDV on many occasions. My approach is to buy a media botella when I arrive. They will keep it behind the bar for you and serve you cuba libres or whatever from it, any time you ask. I will dance with the girls, pass around some drinks to them and have a bit of fun. I always take a girl out of there, but I have learned to be flexible and go for good vibes and a good attitude. I had a lot of nice experiences with the LDV girls.

08-09-06, 21:14
Andres: NOWHERE could be as smoky as BA boliches (though Salome was my favorite).

Tom: Several years ago I took that "whackjob" (good description) to San Andres (see photo below). GORGEOUS on the outside, VERY messed up on the inside (but if you know her story I suppose it is understandable and certainly sad).

Finally, yet MORE Proof of the Cartagena Gold Rush:

Despite being 99% devoted to Asia, Cherryblossoms.com is even joining the rush to capitlize on the Cartagena Gold Rush.

Announcing our latest addition to our Romance Tour cities... You can now visit the romantic Caribbean city of Cartagena, Columbia to find the love of your life. Cartagena has beautiful beaches, a warm climate, and some of the most beautiful women i in the world. It is just a short 2 1/2 hour fight from Miami.

Things you should know:

The Romance Tours continue to be a great way to use our services. Writing email messages is not right for all. We know this and have been offering tours for almost 30 years now. Our best tour is to Cebu City, Philippines; then Shenzhen, China; Kohn Kaen, Thailand; HCMC, Vietnam and Lima, Peru. Please be sure to contact us if you think you want to get married there: 808.889.0101.

Best wishes of Health, Happiness, Love and Spiritual Progress from Mike and the Cherry Blossoms Staff.

Picture of the Whackjob in CTG (San Andres pics are SLIGHTLY too large for ISG parameters and no time to resize them).

08-09-06, 21:17
pictured below is the tower of the university which is the landmark you need to find. The SECOND picture shows the entrance to Miami (just before the bright Blue building).

MJG Dogs
08-09-06, 23:46

Thanks, Now I know how to find Miami...

Send you a e-mail next week...

Have fun in the people's republic ( bay area)...

08-11-06, 02:14
Dogs: Also check out the university courtyard. Tell the guard you are a visiting professor or something (you must pass security and if you said "he estado buscando una estudiente acostar" they might not let you in LOL!)

Member #4211
08-11-06, 16:34
hi, guys.

i would like your opinion on this matter, since i'm still a rookie in terms of semi-pros.

on wednesday morning, i contacted a 20 y/o girl from cybercupido. two hours later, my cell phone rings. she wants to meet me that afternoon. i let her know that i wanted to visit the castellana mall, so she agreed to the plan but asked me twice to pay for her cab to my apartment, which costed cop 9k. no problem.

she arrived by 4 pm, wearing a tiny top, a micro skirt and 6" stiletto heels. first warning sign: why is this girl dressing so provocatively on the first date? she looked much better in person than in her pictures, and definitely had a charming personality.

on the ride to castellana mall she lets me know that she lives in turbaco, a far away suburb 1 hour from cartagena and cop 25k ride on cab, as of her and the driver. second warning sign: should i deal with a girl who costs cop 25k to move around for almost every event?

on the mall, it seemed that we were aliens from the outer space. construction workers, security guards, etc, all were staring at her in a semi-hypnotic state.

we went for some drinks, and she starts to tell me that she has a lot of "friends" from abroad (an american who didn't meet her and wanted to marry her, lots of italians who wanted to hook up with her and just arriven in ctg, etc). third warning sign: this girl appears to be a money collector from gringos. as of her, she is a student and goes out very often to santo domingo square, so she partially fits the description of the semi-pro described previouly.

we continue chatting, and she perceives that i'm too calm for her. "you take things too easily. guys are usually uncomfortable around me". fourth warning sign: she looks for clues to control me.

while chatting, she asks me what would i do that night. i tell her that we may go to dinner out and then rumba, and if she behaves well we may go to rosario islands the next day. she suggests the famous club de pesca, a place that i wanted to visit and doesn't seem to be very affordable. ok.

then, she said that she wanted to look nice for tonight and asks me if i can bring her to a beauty lounge to pump up her hair. i ask her how much and she says a few thousands, cop 20k or less. first red flag: the girl starts to ask for things right from the bat. i make an exception and let he do so.

once in the lounge, i perceive the sneers fom the customers there, as the typical gringo spending money on a girl half his age. well... it's a price to pay for accepting such request. she starts to get bossy "sit there 20 minutes and wait for me". no way, i leave the lounge and wandered around the mall.

castellana mall has many beautiful girls walking around. not tons, and not all gorgeous, but i agree that it may be a good place to find non-pros. it is much smaller than chipichape or unicentro in cali, though.

30 minutes later, she leaves the store with a beautiful hair job. we take a cab back to laguito.

during the drive back, just for checking, i ask the driver "how much is a ride from bocagrande to turbaco?". before he gives a number, she jumps in and says "it's cop 40k, isn't it?". second and last red flag: this girl wants to get a commission from a cab ride! she wasn't clever enough to remember that she quoted me cop 25k before...

when we arrive to laguito, i take cop 18k, give it to the driver and say: "gentleman, this is the only money i have. is it much of a problem that you bring this girl to turbaco?" the driver looked at me as if i was robbing him at gun point, and the girl was speechless. the 10 second tension moment was broken by the her "no problem... i pay the rest". i kissed her and get off the cab.

that's the story.

my questions are:
- should guys expect to pay for all these perks from semi-pros?
- should you have zero tolerance to her requests on that matter?
- do you find this type of female species very often among semi-pros?


hope this helps,


08-11-06, 17:03
Good to get rid of her right off the bat because she sounds like she would have been a much bigger problem in the near future. All your red flags were correct and well timed, thank-god your red flag BS detector is working and in place, which is non-existent to some dumb-ass gringos. I can honestly say you saved alot headache in the near future.. My diagnosis, not sure if she was a hard-core puta, but maybe a hard-core gold-digger who has alot of experience doing what shes doing. You are in control and you were right to have zero-tolerance! Good Move!

08-11-06, 17:11
If I were you I would have shagged her and then sent her home. But that's just me. I'm one of the bestards, as Giotto in Bangkok says.

El Austriaco
08-11-06, 17:14
I agree with Miami HeatLuver: not entirely sure whether she was a puta at all, since there was no P4P offer forthcoming, but based on the warning signs/red flags, she very well could have been, and at the very least, she is a gold-digging non-pro who specializes in leading on foreigners while giving up nothing in return.

I mean, she claims to be a student living far from the old town, doesn't have money for cab fare, but is constantly hanging out in foreigner-frequented joints? And if she is such a poor student, why does she even suggest Club de Pesca... unless she has been taken there before by a rich foreigner? They are all indicative of a semi-pro.

Could she have been a "regular girl". I don´t know, possibly. The non-pro I met in Cartagena last November actually took me to Castellana mall to get her hair done (and like you, I also didn´t spend the 30 minutes waiting for her!), but she paid for it. She also suggested to go to Club de Pesca, but for drinks only (I paid), and whenever we moved around by cab, I paid for it, too, though never for her to meet me at my hotel or go back to her place. Excursions, we did together, and I paid. She had a very decent FT job, a nice house, she invited me there for dinner and to meet the entire family. And in the end, she even visited me in Barranquilla at her own expense to give me a farewell shag.

I think regardless of whether these girls have money or not, they are all looking for their "principe azul" or their "media naranja", and yes, they do expect the gentleman to pick up the tab on certain things, wine them and dine them, romance them, make them look good, show them a life style their limited resources may not permit them. But only to a certain extent. I am basing this assessment on my own experience with "regular" girls I have meet in Cartagena, Bogotá, and Barranquilla. But what your girl did is just so extreme that it is borderline using you like a "walking ATM".

Lesson to be learned: regardless of whether she is a semi-pro or not, it is the "non-pro" element of her that is expensive. Between cabs, the hair-do, drinks, you were out, what... COP 50 to 60K... and what did you get in return? Exactly nothing, other than an afternoon with a good-looking girl and a stroll at a mall.

Which goes to show again that sometimes, looking for "free sex" with alleged non-pros can be much more costly than straight-up P4P.

Good job to get rid of her in a hurry.


Chocha Monger
08-11-06, 17:29

Pescaste un tiburon en vez de una sardina. You caught a shark instead of a sardine. Luckily for you, you had the self discipline to cut the line before she bit any deeper into your wallet.

You should not have to pay for these perks for a semi-pro that early in the game and certainly NOT up front before any action has transpired. Perks should be performance based rewards not free handouts. Zero tolerance is the right stance to take on such matters. Her requests, or demands rather, were quickly adding up to what some honest to goodness pro action would have cost you without all the nonsense.

Yes, you'll find that this particular species of female shark, a hardcore pro masquerading as a semi-pro, is quite commonly encountered. Remember a true semi-pro should be working to protect your money from the cab drivers and touts, not enticing them to fleece you and then give her a cut. A good semi-pro relies on the high quality of services provided to get payment with a bonus at the end.

The sad thing is that the average clueless gringo would have met all of her demands and she probably would not have put out any pussy in the end. I mean why would she when she's getting so much out of the guys without having to? That's what you call million peso pussy.

Member #4211
08-11-06, 17:30

Yesterday, I decided to visit Masajes Rocío by 6-7 PM. I took a cab, and the driver quoted me COP 8K for Bruselas neighborhood. Good.

It takes 30-45 minutes to arrive there, due to the rush hour. The place looks like a typical Cali house, with no signs from the outside. Address was perfectly detailed from the Cartagena List thread.

Once there, I found no girls available. I was told that they just arrived and were dressing for the night. The driver and I ordered a soda and a beer (COP 8K) and waited for 30 minutes, sitted at a backyard ressembling more of a restaurant than of a massage parlor.

Prices of rooms were posted in USD on the wall, a sign that the place caters to tourists. USD 25 for 1 hour and USD 40 to take out. Girls charge USD 50 for 30 minutes. In COPs, it was a total of 150K for 1 hour inside.

Meanwhile, 5 girls appeared, very young and some really attractive. One big boobed caleña called Erica got my attention and wanted to drag me towards her room. She really had a nice body and rack. I was told that later there would be 30 girls or so.

I used my criteria of visiting the place before 8 PM since it is the time when they close in Cali. Well... they start at that time in CTG!

I offered the driver COP 40K for a whole ride around places and back to Laguito. He accepted.


We left Rocio and headed towards Venus. The driver passed by Pleyclub (I guess the famous Pleyboy Club) at a corner in Bosque. It looks very nice from the outside, but we didn't enter because we find out that girls arrive around 10-11 PM (the driver mentioned that this club has by far the best girls in CTG, and that the owner has another club in downtown called Diva's). We headed to Venus, instead.

This small night club is located a few blocks from Playclub, On the inside, it looks like a small version of a BA club with a dancing pole, but only 1 girl around 8:30 PM (although she looked very good). We left immediately. Next stop?


Located in Bosque a little further away and surounded by industrial facilities, it looks scary to get there. You pass a car fence and cross a concrete patio, the saloon being at the back.

It is a very big place, with a long catwalk, poles and the such, and no less than 30 tables. As the driver mentioned, girls there were weaing only underwear and shoes. Unfortunately, only 2 girls, one of them (called Valentina) had one of the biggests racks I ever saw (38DDD?).

Prices? COP 160 for 1 hour inside and COP 330 for outside (COP 130K for the house and COP 200K for the girl). Not many girls, so we left.

With these prices, qualities and distances, after all, LDV ain't such a bad price/quality ratio...


This is the tip of the day.

The driver mentioned a place catering to locals, called Chica Linda and located close to the Bomba de Lamparo, near the new bull ring. www.chicalindabarshow.com

We get there by 9 PM. On the inside, it is very big and looks like Catto's in BA. I had been skeptic about the driver recommendation, since chaper places don't have good quality. However, of the the 15-20 girls on the saloon, at least 7 were doable. Let's say averaging 5-6, with eventual 7s.

Prices: COP 72K for 30 minutes (COP 60 the girl + COP 12K the house).

I chose a tall paisa girl called Estrella, who performed an excellent BBBJ. Rooms were very clean, much cleaner than at Flores Frescas. I paid COP 25K for a tip, although she wasn't asking for it.

Nice option. I also paid COP 14K for 4 beers and 1 soda.


I went there by 11:45 PM. This place is located at a corner 1 block away from the Alcaldía building square / Old Customs building square.

On the inside, I was struck by the quality of the girls. It made me remember Black in BA, very fine chicks. On my scale, an average of 6-9 with an eventual 10 (a blonde just taken after my arrival).

I paid COP 5K for a soda (no cover) and watched the scene. A barman approached me explaining the prices: COP 150K for 1 hour and COP 300 for TLN, all inclusive. Not bad considering the quality and distance to Laguito, at least compared to Rocio and Casa del Marino.

I may return to take out that blonde.


Just passed by this place. It is a small bar lounge decorated as an eclectic BA's Palermo Hollywood bar. 3 small rooms where people drink and dance. Totally devoted to working girls, no non-pros there. Touts are allowed inside to sell flowers and the such.

Cover is COP 10K and a soda 8K (!). There's also a COP 10K fee for taking out the girl, but apparently no more fines. I saw 10 girls or so, averaging 5-7, one of which told me that they chare "COP 100K, or COP 150K", which means that they would eventually accept COP 100K or less for take out.

Making numbers, LDV has much better variety, quality and similar prices.


On my way back to the apartment, I spent an hour there (from 1:30 to 2:30 AM). Packed as hell, I saw no less than 40 girls and 30 guys, some of them really gorgeous (there was a big boobed girl wearing a light blue dress, sittted at the back, what's her name?). Some girls approached me, one of them called Alejandra, with dark eyes, nice face and a gorgeous body. Not may girls were going out with customers.

I'll be back to LDV, for sure.

Hope this helps,


Member #4211
08-11-06, 17:39
Thanks for the feedback, guys.

As highly volatile stocks, I guess that semi-pros provide a bigger return with a bigger risk. With such loose rules, it wouldn't be unusual to find this kind of barracudas, but also you may find a truly GFE from time to time.

I liked particularly the quote from EA: "regardless of whether she is a semi-pro or not, it is the 'non-pro' element of her that is expensive." Maybe that's why American women hate so much h**ckers, because the alternative of clear transactions (money for sex) doesn't leave much room for playing men like this.



Hit n Run
08-11-06, 21:13
Paid sex is always cheaper than free sex, and it's alot more honest. Want the GFE? Do the same pro more than once, and do her in the daytime. Sex performance goes up, while the price goes down. For non-pro in Cartagena, if your game is high, troll the university area in the Old City. Be aggressive in your approaches. Set up a beach date and include a Riquismo meal, then back to your place. Maybe 15 bucks including taxi. The only shopping for a girl should be booze, and the Viagra you swallow. Thanks for the report on the lesser known places. Too pricey for the inconvenience, except maybe Pleyboy, which has the hottest chicks in CTG by far.

08-11-06, 22:37
Nice to see some savvy mongers giving sound advice. At least with a high priced hooker the ROI (return on investment) is assured (: You can find middle class and rich girls that will mostly pay their own way while you romance them (obviously you pay for dinner and drinks but not for THEIR taxis etc).

Andres: BEWARE "Alejandra" (her LDV name) if she is the hottie in the pictures posted this week by both Tom and myself. As Tom so aptly put it, "she is a total whackjob".

08-12-06, 02:36
Andres, yes I have met that type of girl from time to time.

Quite often they were hanging out as part of a group of female friends. In this situation I used to just home in on the sweeter / less problematic ones in the group.

Sometimes I have done what you did, give it a little time to figure out the situation, then cut her loose. I will do this if I think she has a really toxic personality and I'm not enjoying her company.

A good alternative is to just make a play for her straight away. These girls are pretty shameless in how they ask for stuff, they will not be shocked by a proposition, especially if you make it tactfully. Usually this type is available to the right offer (cash regalo) and will have no hesitation about fucking on the first meeting.

If you wait for a second or third date to try and build chemistry, it's just extra hassle cause you have to deal with her not turning up if she happens to have a better offer / be doing something interesting / be all drugged up at the time.

That is only one type of semi-pro or prepago, there are plenty of other types too... Some have regular day jobs etc, and they are pretty much good girls who will go with you if they like you. With this type, you would get there eventually "for free", but a cash regalo just gets you from A to B in the fastest way possible.

With a little time in Colombia, you would be amazed about what is available to you for the right offer.

Thanks for the casas round up. Have not been to Chicas Lindas or Divas, I'll check them out next time. A few months back, I posted in this thread of another low-mid end casa where I was lucky to find a really hot girl. It's a small place so it's totally up to chance, but it might be worth visiting if you are feeling adventurous again in the early evening.

Member #4211
08-12-06, 16:22
Hi, guys.

Thanks again for the comments.


Yesterday, I decided to visit Pleyclub by 11:30 PM. I was impressed by the significant marketing setup (barmen's polos and chairs had embroided the logo of the club). The cab charged me COP 10K to get there, no cover fee and COP 5K the drink.

It is a medium size place, with 20 tables or so and a dancing pole in the middle of the room. I saw 20 or so girls, some of them very beautiful but in average not much better than LDV. Girls tend to be leaner (too thin for my taste, but to each its own). I was quoted COP 160K (COP 150K minimum) for 1 hour inside and COP 310K for take out. Music is loud and shows play often, as in Nuevo Estilo in BA.

I'm still surprised that places such as Rocio or Casa del Marino charge as much as Pleyclub. My hunch is that these establishments set a common minimum price of COP 150K.

I saw 1 or 2 blodes (8-9 on my scale) who merit a further visit.


My next stop was Venus, a boliche near Pleyclub (1.5 km away or so). There were 8-10 girls, several notches below Pleyclub. However, prices are the same (COP 150K for 1 hour inside). I saw a girl called Sandra, a beautiful lady from Manizales with big natural boobs and a naive look that made her very attractive (8.5 on my scale). Unfortunately, she didn't BBBJ, so no deal.

I was charged COP 14K for her beer and my soda (!). Maybe they slipped a car driver's drink on the tab, but expensive compared to Pleyclub.

Left the place and returned to Bocagrande. COP 12K the cab fare, waiting time included.


The place was less crowded than on Thursday. By 1:30, let's say 25 man and 35 ladies. Being my third visit, I started to perceive a pattern: Some girls sit always on the same spot. There is a group of the same 4-5 girls sitted in front of the dancing space (Sofía being one of them) as an unseparable group of friends. I approached one of them called Paola (an aledged paisa, brunette with with nice body and big rack). She had a very bad mood, to the point that she wanted to charge me COP 200K. I declined and she left immediately.

Then, I met another girl, one called Natalia, with so-so face but very nice body. She quoted COP 160K but finally accepted my COP 130K with BBBJ. We went to my apartment and had a good session.

Hope this helps.


Steve 99
08-12-06, 19:38
The driver mentioned a place catering to locals, called Chica Linda and located close to the Bomba de Lamparo, near the new bull ring. www.chicalindabarshow.com

AndresThanks for the casa updates Andres. Excellent info for my trip in 2 weeks.


I see you went by the bull ring. Did you get any info on if they have any events in the next 4 weeks? Bull Fights or something else.

Are you going to Tayorana Park?? Sounds like a no because you don't have the fever card. Did you get any more info on how to get there etc???

Make sure to shell out just once for a 10. Why not.

Member #4211
08-12-06, 23:05
Thanks for the casa updates Andres. Excellent info for my trip in 2 weeks.


I see you went by the bull ring. Did you get any info on if they have any events in the next 4 weeks? Bull Fights or something else.

Are you going to Tayorana Park?? Sounds like a no because you don't have the fever card. Did you get any more info on how to get there etc???

Make sure to shell out just once for a 10. Why not.


I don't pay much attention to bull fights, so I cannot tell.

As of Tayrona, I went to 3 agencies to ask for prices. I was flabbergasted by the lack of professionalism these agencies were run with. Some of them didn't know the prices for lodging there despite advertising the trip, some forgot to tell me that I had to buy transportation to Santa Marta on my own. Scary. They seemed to not have an organized package to go there.

Prices are COP 130-250K for a night in a cabin (COP 15K for a hammock), plus COP 80K for a round trip van ticket to Santa Marta from Cartagena, plus COP 21K to be admitted to the park, plus several COP 20-30K fees for horse riding, guided walks, food, etc. The whole experience would have costed between COP 300-350K for 2 days. Private doctors in CTG apply the vaccine on the same day you purchase the stay there.

Since I hadn't brought sneakers nor any apparel for outdoors (just beach and night clothes), I felt that I may risk some money and be unable to visit the place properly.

English is my second language. What does "shell out just once for a 10" mean?

Hope this helps,


MJG Dogs
08-12-06, 23:09
"shell out just once for a 10" means: pay a lot of money for a top-flight beautiful woman..

Not good advice- my experience tells me that the super hot LDV chicas are mercenaries that provide so-so or poor service.

Go to a casa, find a 7 or an 8, just oof the bus and you may have the best time of all of them.

just my opinion...

08-13-06, 07:42
Andres wrote:

Private doctors in CTG apply the vaccine on the same day you purchase the stay there.

They will give you the card, but you are not ptotected until 10 days after the injection. Do not bring clothing you do not want to get muddy. The cabins are really called ecohabs, round shelters that are very spartan.

Member #4211
08-13-06, 17:52
Yesterday, I visited several clubs by 11 PM.

CHICA LINDA: This time, there was a COP 10K admission fee. It seems that after a given hour they charge for admission. No wonder why, since inside the club was packed with guys eager to see the stage performances. Between performances, guys dance with their "dates" on a dancing area at the left of the saloon.

I saw most of the girls from the previous visit, but most of them taken. Left the place.

Just for your info, the cab wanted to charge me COP 20K from Bocagrande to Lamparo (very far away, indeed). I said no way, it should be COP 12K and we agreed finally on COP 15K.

VENUS and CASA DEL MARINO: Both places barely had girls, since groups of guys took most of the ladies for the night long. Too bad.

PLEYCLUB: Arrived by 1:15 AM. It was packed of guys, and less ladies than my previous visit. Most of the guys came there to drool with the stripteases, since I didn't saw much movement to and from the rooms area.

A girl from Pereira called Catalina approached me. She behaved very friendly, since there was some kind of chemistry between us. This girl is petite, with a well formed body and average of everything (boobs, butt, etc). As of her, she was working there for just a week and wanted to leave the city due to the unbearable humid heat. Back to business, she allowed for BBBJ, so I hinted that this may be a very good session. Paid the COP 150K and went to the room.

One of the best BBBJTC I ever had. The rooms were very clean, although no water on that particular room.

Hope this helps,


Member #4211
08-13-06, 18:26
I come tomorrow back North. I spent a total of 8 days in Cali and 8 days in Cartagena.

My perception is that Cali is a much better place for staying long-term and meeting non-pros. Cartagena, on the contrary, provides more high-quality P4P options and similar number of non-pros but it is a less convenient place to live long-term.

Even though Cartagena has a very romantic and genuine Old Town, most of the "livable" city (that is, the neighborhoods such as Bocagrande, Laguito and Castillo Grande where foreign guys would rent a place) is too much oriented towards the tourist, and IMHO the atmosphere of "taking advantage of the tourist" and the shallow Summer vacation culture permeates everywhere. Cali, despite not having beaches and being very dirty, looks like a "real" city with industries and commerce, and many more options in terms of food, entertainment and such.

Touts, despite not being as annoying as I expected, are always there trying to sell stuff, and the really nice beaches are located far from the city (Islas del Rosario are more of a group of resort areas than long beaches with sand to walk, so after 2 visits it gets old). Also, Cartagena is more expensive than Cali.

To that you have to add the very hot and humid weather. At least on this season, I find really disturbing the Cartagena weather, forcing me to take 2-3 showers per day. This makes uncomfotable to walk around the city.

Maybe Tom and other people may elaborate on what kept them attracted to Cartagena in order to live there long-term.

Also, take into consideration that I stayed at an hotel in Cali and at an apartment in Cartagena. I found the building (Marina del Rey) a little bit run down (everything worked and the services were acceptable, but looked old and torn down a bit). My impression may have been different if I stayed at a similar place in Cali.

Unlike you expect to spend some time searching for non-pros or semi-pros or deal with SWs around Laguito, chances are you will end up paying COP 100-150K for a girl. With some exceptions, most of the places I visited charged that for short term.

As of non-pros, dating sites such as ussp.match.com and www.cybercupido.com provided me with more alternatives than the ones I could handle in 2 weeks.

Hope this helps,


08-14-06, 02:55
LJG Dogswrote:

"hell out just once for a 10" means: pay a lot of money for a top-flight beautiful woman..

Not good advice- my experience tells me that the super hot LDV chicas are mercenaries that provide so-so or poor service.

Go to a casa, find a 7 or an 8, just oof the bus and you may have the best time of all of them.

just my opinion..."

I disagree!

Depends on your play. LDV has semi pros, part timers. At rent time many come in(1st of month). If you're looking for quick take out, what he says is true. But there are many gems to be had for a date style experiance. There is group of vamps there, they usually congrigate at the part of the bar that extends closest to the dance floor. NOT best pickens there! But I have met many a good night in LDV, dined, gone to Giro Mato, Mr. Babilla, or Tu candela. Yes, paid for drinks and liquid refreashments(additional cost) BUT, the choise is GFE or takeout. You deciede what you want. Perhaps Beutifull take out sex, no friendship is better had at casas. But I've never been to one in CTG!!! And not tempted. Maybe I don't know the casas. But I know I'm paying less! And having a ball.

My advice: decide for yourself!


08-14-06, 04:03
That last report makes no sense at all.

I believe you're trying to dispute MJ Dogs advice of not paying top price for a 10 cause the service is usually poor and that a great GFE may be found from a 7 or 8.

Well he (MJ Dogs) makes sense to me ... his advice is good.

Of course ... everyone is always going to decide for themselves in the end.

Steve 99
08-17-06, 23:57
I come tomorrow back North. I spent a total of 8 days in Cali and 8 days in Cartagena.


Great reports again. I see you mention BA in your reports.

Care to do a compare in contrast between Cartagena and Buenos Aires??

What are the strengths of each as well as weaknesses?

Not looking to start any controversey with your comments just an honest take on the two places.

08-18-06, 11:56
A very nice place for dinner with your chica in downtown Cartagena:

La Cocina de Carmela

Calle del Santísimo (starts from the upper corner of Parque Fernández de Madrid)
Opened about 10 days ago (actually while I was in Cartagena). Very good and creative Colombian food. Max. 15 € for a three-courses dinner, including 2 glasses of wine. Frienly (and good-looking) service. A very good bargain in expensive Cartagena.

Rather small: you should be there rather early.

Luis The Great
08-22-06, 04:12
I will be staying in Cartagena with my Girlfriend from Aug 30 - sept 4th.
Should I book Juan venturas place for $70 night or should I stay at the Decameron for $112 all inclusive?
How hard is it to eat/drink $42 for two daily?
Im looking for something resonably priced since I will be comming from cali for a couple of days.

08-22-06, 04:19
I will be staying in Cartagena with my Girlfriend from Aug 30 - sept 4th.
Should I book Juan venturas place for $70 night or should I stay at the Decameron for $112 all inclusive?
How hard is it to eat/drink $42 for two daily?
Im looking for something resonably priced since I will be comming from cali for a couple of days.You can also consider Mery's apartments, some of the apartments are found on http://www.colombiarental.com/ The apartments are in Laguito and Boca Grande.

08-22-06, 06:00
You can also consider Mery's apartments, some of the apartments are found on http://www.colombiarental.com/ The apartments are in Laguito and Boca Grande.

What is the price rage of those apartments?

Tom 33
08-22-06, 12:20
I will be staying in Cartagena with my Girlfriend from Aug 30 - sept 4th.
Should I book Juan venturas place for $70 night or should I stay at the Decameron for $112 all inclusive?
How hard is it to eat/drink $42 for two daily?
Im looking for something resonably priced since I will be comming from cali for a couple of days.

The food at the Decameron is very good. If you drink a lot and like higher-priced food, you can easily go through $42 per day. However, there are reasonably-priced good restaurants all over CTG.

I personally would not stay at the Decameron because there are so many good restaurants to sample. The eye candy while dining al fresco is a great part of the experience.

Both Mery and Juan charge about the same, $50 per night for one and $70 per night for two. Juan has some premium places that can cost more/accomodate more people. Mery might have some premiums as well.

08-23-06, 22:54
Here is a report form a recent trip to Cartagena (back in March). I am actually heading back for a couple of weeks, which brought me back to the forum and hence the report. It’s been a while so I will try my best to note the details.

Rented the penthouse. Nice enough place and ok price. I would recommend.

Casas: I got a cab on a Saturday afternoon (around 5 pm) and asked him to take me to the Casa de marineros (I think that’s what it’s called)). The gate was closed. I asked the cabbie to head back and instead he got out and banged on the gate (which was chained shut by the way). After a while a not-so-friendly-looking man came and opened the gate. I asked if they were open. He said yes. Took me to the bar area. Looked dead. I was the only one there. Slowly girls started coming one by one. After about 10 minutes there were three of them (4 or 5s). I thanked the guy and told him I would be back later. He suggested I come back after 7:30. Once outside, I took one last look inside and saw a young stunner (not much older hat 18 and a 9). Before I could speak the gate was shut in my face. I thought about knocking at the gate and decided against it. I still regret that decision.

The waiting cab driver took me to a half dozen other casas without me even asking for it. They seemed the types that mainly catered to locals. Nothing beyond a mere 5 at best. I passed. Got back to the apartment. Either 12,000 or 23,000 COP for the RT ride; I don’t remember which.

LDV: Went there the first night. Still too early at 9 pm and it wasn’t open. Walked around a bit and came back around 10 pm. Still not open. Sat on a bench next to a couple of girls (a 5 and a 8). Started chatting until about midnight and we went inside. Bought a round and asked 23 year old Alejandra (the 8), who incidentally was either new to the game or playing the amateur part very well, to go to the apartment with me. Price was never discussed. I don’t look for GFE (really, I don’t) and don’t do TLN either. However, this one seemingly spontaneously turned into both. She stayed until around 8 am said that she had to go pick up her 2 year-old from her mother’s place. Good. Paid her 100,000, and she was very happy.

On my last night went back to LDV. Around midnight this time. Alejandra and her friend Maria were there. Sat with Alejandra who clung to me like a 2 year-old to her mother and wouldn’t let go. I told her I wouldn’t be taking her out that night. She didn’t seem to mind or care. The ratio was 5 to 1, so that’s probably why. I paid for her drink and headed out. Coming down the stairs, I ran into this gorgeous blond (I don’t remember her name), 8.5 and 25. We started chatting right there on the stairs and I asked her to go to my apartment with me, to which she obviously gladly agreed. I wanted to take a cab and she suggested we walk. While walking I asked how much did she want. She came back with how much you want to pay me. I said ‘cien dollares’. I know, I know, but I was thinking 100,000 pesos and it came out cien dollares. She smiled. It was only later when we were parting and after she reminded me what I had told her that I realized my mis-speak. In any event, we come to the apartment and let me tell you that unlike Alejandra, this one was a true professional (in a very good way). She put on a great show (part stage dance, part private dance, part modeling, etc.) and actually asked me to take pictures of her! I did not have a camera with me on this trip. A true PSE and excellent conversation. Around 3 am as she is leaving, I count my money and realize that I only have about 85,000 pesos ( I had American money but only $100 bills). When I told her that I was short by 15k, she reminded me what I had offered her. After a few seconds, I realized what had happened and explained that I had made a mistake and that I had really meant 100,000 pesos. She was obviously disappointed, but given the circumstances, she was extremely understanding and actually nice about it! She left happy and with a big smile. I had a big one too. In retrospect, she was probably worth even the $100 (no, no, not that I would have paid here that). I remember this one for some time.

Street: I walked a lot during this trip, and so I ran into and talked to a few street girls. Asking prices were generally a lot higher that what they should have been. So I passed.

Overall a great trip. I am now wondering how other Colombian cities like Bogota, Cali and Medellin compare to it.


08-25-06, 18:46
Sounds like a good trip. It's surprising that you told a working girl you would pay her 100 dollars, then after the deed you told her you only had 35 dollars(equivalent), and yet she was happy.

08-25-06, 22:46

True, I was certainly surprised as well, pleasantly. Especially and more so when I thought about it the next day.


08-26-06, 01:17
Digits: how were you received the NEXT time you went to LDV (because the girls ALL talk about what customers pay them). You may find you get the cold shoulder as they will call you tacano (cheapskate) behind your back.

You are VERY LUCKY she was so understanding as YOU were totally in the wrong and should have given her the US$100 because of your own stupidity. NEVER discuss dollars in Colombia, NUNCA! If you negotiate in dollars, you deserve to get robbed for being a clueless kook IMHO.

Until you learn to handle Cartagena, I would urge you NOT to go to BOG or Cali (Medellin has become almost as gringo friendly as CTG if you stay in Poblado).

Tom 33
08-26-06, 14:16
If you go to MDE and make the same mistake with a street girl in Centro, just give her the US$15.

Escort King
08-26-06, 19:50
Lucky she did not get pissed and come back with the boyfriend etc.... have seen it happen in the DR...

08-29-06, 15:53
Thanks for the advice everyone. As I have mentioned, that was my last night in CTG and hence LDV on that trip, so I wasn't there to gauge the girls' reaction the next time.

Also, I was actually watchful of the situation and had I felt uncomfortable about it, I would have paid the US$100 in which case I would have been lambasted by many on this forum (which would have been ok).


08-29-06, 18:01
Fellow Monger,
I plan to visit Cartagena in September. I want meet a girl who I met online. She is from Barranquila. Can somebody recommend a good but not too expensive Hotel or Appartment-Agent? Or, is it better to go with such a girl to a beach outside the city? Is there a nice beach with good Hotels close to Cartagena or Barranquila? Nevertheless I would be interested to know about Hotel, Apartments and prices of them in Cartagena, in case that I can score by that girl.

Jim Nelson
08-29-06, 19:50
Hi all,

Any of you Cartagena regulars have any info on a girl in Cartagena called Valentina? (I know there are a few by this name)

This girl is VERY thin and is about 23 years old. With a small tattoo above her right butt of a dolphin.

I met her back in June 06 at LDV but she would not permit any risque photos.

I would love to get in contact with her for a return visit.

Anyone with any info or PHOTOS?


El Austriaco
08-30-06, 07:06
I met her back in June 06 at LDV but she would not permit any risque photos.

I would love to get in contact with her for a return visit.
Why don't you just go back to Cartagena, go back to LDV, and see if she is there? If she is, fine; if she isn't, fine, too, just pick one of the other ones available. If she is still in the game, she's likely to be hanging at LDV; can't see any reason why she should be working another joint. If she no longer is game, what are you gonna do about it. Phone numbers are pretty much useless with these girls, anyway: they change or lose cell phones like, well, foreign BFs.


Steve 99
08-30-06, 17:18
Hey guys:

In CTG now. I am impressed by this place. Awesome city and accomodations are great. In Mariarne Building with 180 degree water view.

LDV was bad Sunday my first night but since then pretty good with chicas outnumbering guys 3-1 or so. Hard to tell. Don´t see too much of an Itlalian invasion so maybe they headed back to the homeland.

Have not been doing the pre screen question with chicas. And naturally the drop dead gorgoues ones have there little rules. As they say never take out a 10 (so true)


Running into CBJ a lot. I heard that is very prevelant in Medellion. Is this getting the case more in CTG as well?

I took a Medllion girl last night. 22 year old knockout. CBJ.

Took a 19 YO Barranquilla girl knockout Monday. CBJ.

Time to down scale and prescreen more for BBBJ.

Overall low key scence here. Not in your face like Sousa or San Jose. See why the guys don´t want Blue Marlin guy to set up shop.

Also the girls do not speak 1 word of English. Me knowing 20 words make a long term GFE here unlikely. Just have sample 10 of them I guess. I could have worse problems.

Astas Luego

MJG Dogs
08-30-06, 21:09
hey guys:

in ctg now. i am impressed by this place. awesome city and accomodations are great. in mariarne building with 180 degree water view.

ldv was bad sunday my first night but since then pretty good with chicas outnumbering guys 3-1 or so. hard to tell. don´t see too much of an itlalian invasion so maybe they headed back to the homeland.

have not been doing the pre screen question with chicas. and naturally the drop dead gorgoues ones have there little rules. as they say never take out a 10 (so true)


running into cbj a lot. i heard that is very prevelant in medellion. is this getting the case more in ctg as well?

i took a medllion girl last night. 22 year old knockout. cbj.

took a 19 yo barranquilla girl knockout monday. cbj.

time to down scale and prescreen more for bbbj.

overall low key scence here. not in your face like sousa or san jose. see why the guys don´t want blue marlin guy to set up shop.

also the girls do not speak 1 word of english. me knowing 20 words make a long term gfe here unlikely. just have sample 10 of them i guess. i could have worse problems.

astas luego

i just got back from ctg today. every bj was bbbj. ldv girls gave me bbbj, casa rosies girls gave me bbbj, beach chicas gave bbbj, shikirita gave me bbbj. sounds like you just have had bad luck. some girls also rimmed me, and few of them offered bb fucking, i passed on the bareback fucking with one exception, it was one of those moments of passions.

marinare is one of the best buildings in laquito.

yes, i think most of the italians have gone home, not as many metrosexuals on beaches in speedos. god the first few days 17,18,19 aug, was one big sausage fest in ldv. italians running in packs, hugging each other.

in fact statistics of my trip.

13 days

11 chicas

5 excellent or superior fuck
5 good fuck
1 starfish

11 chicas
all 11 bbbj

3 of them swallowed load
2 facials
5 come on titties or chin
1 dodged my leche

11 chicas- looks/performance

1 (9.5)- fine as hell, good not great in sack- sweet girl- fun... will repeat....
1 (9.0)- 2nd best performer- took an anal pounding and facial
1 (8.5)- 3rd best performer- shakira look alike- will repeat...
3 (8.0) - one girl wanted me to stick 4 fingers in her , while eating her, gusher
3 (7.5)- one of the three- best performer- an absolute freak.... bbbj swallow
rim job, anal, rcg anal, facial.... a fucking freak, actually 32 yrs old
2 ( 7.0)- one of them a complete starfish- but got bbbj
1 ( 6.5)- not bad bothered me too much- hung out outside my apartment too

08-31-06, 18:34
Phone numbers are pretty much useless with these girls, anyway: they change or lose cell phones like, well, foreign BFs.


Still chuckling over this line, good one EA :-)

09-12-06, 22:28
Any opinions on going to Cartagena over the Xmas period? Will LDV be open? Do the Chicas all go home for the xmas period? Is La Ley Seca (god forbid) active?

Desperate to avoid a time when dry law is active again. Any opinions much appreciated.

09-15-06, 16:57
having mongered in many places for many years (Phillipines, Bali, Thailand, Rio, Dominican Republic and for last 9 years exclusively Cuba) decided before semi retirement to try Colombia for first time this coming January.

I live in spain but am english.

Splitting time between Medellin at mansion from 11th jan to 22nd jan (anybody else gonna be in medellin? ) then up to Cartagena from 22nd jan to 31st.

Still trying to decide who to book accomodation with in Cartagena? Seems to be a toss up between juans 1204 say or merys 704.

Anyone any suggestions/advice on that choice or indeed any improvements on that choice?

Finally, anyone also thinking of being there at that time? Or indded could anyone who lives there drop me a line, so I can possible connect up with them for a drink once there eg tom33 phone number, or address

Hope to hear from you guys and will also contribute to the board on my return.

MJG Dogs
09-15-06, 20:32
I would stay in # 1204 with Juan ventura, although you caanot go wrong with Mery. She has an apartment # 703 in playa mar that I like also, along with # 404 in Edificio Marinare.

# 1204 has a huge balcony and a washer/dryer in the unit, which is a big plus...

Just my two cents

09-19-06, 03:46
I would like a few ideas on where to stay in CTG. I will be there in October. I will be there up to 5 days then off to Medillin. Any suggestions? I have read the a number of the posts but I am not familiar with the recommended places. Apt vs hotel? Where?



Puerto La Cruz
09-20-06, 03:27
Given my experience with Juan, I would only rent through somebody else if Juan is filled up. Class guy that speaks English. He has quality apartments at reasonable prices. Also an honest guy. That, in and of itself speaks alot.

Tom 33
09-20-06, 17:13
having mongered in many places for many years (Phillipines, Bali, Thailand, Rio, Dominican Republic and for last 9 years exclusively Cuba) decided before semi retirement to try Colombia for first time this coming January.

I live in spain but am english.

Splitting time between Medellin at mansion from 11th jan to 22nd jan (anybody else gonna be in medellin? ) then up to Cartagena from 22nd jan to 31st.

Still trying to decide who to book accomodation with in Cartagena? Seems to be a toss up between juans 1204 say or merys 704.

Anyone any suggestions/advice on that choice or indeed any improvements on that choice?

Finally, anyone also thinking of being there at that time? Or indded could anyone who lives there drop me a line, so I can possible connect up with them for a drink once there eg tom33 phone number, or address

Hope to hear from you guys and will also contribute to the board on my return.

I tried to send you a PM, but you are not accepting them.

09-21-06, 07:30
This is a belated report on Cartagena. Colombia was my last stop on a recent 60 day, 10 country trip through South America on a OneWorld Visit South America Airpass. The trip lasted from July 3 through September 1. I was in Cartagena from August 24 through 27, after which I went to San Andres and Bogota, then back to the US. My trip wasn't strictly speaking a mongering trip, but my intent was to monger as much as possible. As it turns out I mongered in Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Venezuela, and Colombia. I visited Peru and Bolivia but didn't monger there because I was ill in both places. By the time I reached Cartagena I was exhausted from my trip, but I resolved to monger there because of all the positive comments on this forum.

My first observation, which was almost immediate on arriving in Cartagena, was to marvel at how large breasted the women are. I saw this all over the place--on the street, in shops, reataurants, everywhere--and it applies to almost all women, whether young, old, married, single, beautiful, ugly. I ran this observation past a couple of guys who had been to Cartagena, and they all concurred with this observation. We agreed that there must be something evolutionary about it; maybe the large breasted women are more likely to find mates and thus pass on their genes. Who knows? Anyway, there is eye candy galore in this city.

Other than that, I was disappointed in Cartagena. The Bocagrande area is quite nice, chic and sophisticated, with many fine restaurants and shops. This is where most of the better hotels are. However, the rest of the city is a shithole. Centro is dirty, crowded, and dangerous and appears to definitely be a place where it isn't safe to walk around at night. Bosque, which is where I ended up mongering, wasn't a whole lot better. And there doesn't appear to be a lot to do in Cartagena. I find it hard to believe that some people have even compared Cartagena to Rio, although those who did make the comparison found Cartagena lacking. Moreover, the climate is miserable, hot and humid.

On to mongering. After reading the options on this board, I decided against LDV for several reasons. I don't like the club scene, and I'm not a late night person, and LDV appears not to get going until around midnight. I'm more of a brothel person, so I decided to go that route. The best option appeared to be Pleyclub (this is the correct name, not Pleyboy Club) in Bosque, which is a combination strip club and brothel. So I flagged down a taxi and had him take me there. It was a surprisingly long ride, but we finally made it. The taxi driver had assured me the place would be open. When I walked in, it was around 7:30 PM. The place was open but was not by any means ready to do business. All the lights were on and the chairs were turned upside down on the tables. Someone asked me what I wanted, and I replied, "donde estan las chicas?" He told me they weren't really open yet, but that he could find a girl for me. He went in the back and came back with a very attractive morena named Maria. She appeared to be the only one available at the time, but I thought she would be fine, provided there was some chemistry. We sat down and talked for a while, and she proved to be quite personable and intelligent, so I guessed, correctly, that this would turn out to be a GFE. I negotiated services before committing, as I always do, and she agreed to DFK, BBBJ, DATY, and CFS. The cost for an hour would be 300,000 COP. I was well aware that this is a bit higher than most of what I have seen on this board, but I was unsuccessful in getting me to come down. So rather than start over and go somewhere else, I agreed. I later figured out that, at the exchange rate at the time, this was about US$115, which is high by Latin American standards but very reasonable by US and western European standards. So back we went to one of the private rooms.

There are 5 rooms at Pleyclub, and Maria told me that when they are crowded there is often a wait for a room. The room was clean and large, with a bathroom including a shower. It was simply furnished but with a large bed. Maria and I got naked and got down to business. Maria is a morena with the usual large breasts typical of Cartagena, although she told me she is from Medellin. I spent a lot of time fondling, licking, and sucking those beautiful melons, then moved down to DATY. She fulfilled all her promises--DFK, BBBJ, CFS, and it turned out to be a true GFE. She is a good conversationalist, so we had a pleasant conversation after we finished screwing. One good thing about Pleyclub is that a taxi is always available. Apparently they pay a taxi driver a small retainer to hang around. When the hour was up and we went back into the main area, the place was starting to pick up and there were several more girls available. They were all attractive, but Maria was the most attractive, so I was lucky they chose her for me.

I didn't monger any more in Cartagena, primarily because it is relatively expensive and after two months of traveling my money was running low. But in all honesty I can't say that I would recommend Cartagena. I'm a guy who has mongered in nearly every country in Latin America, so I'm not speaking from ignorance. If you want to monger in Latin America, go to Rio. It is the pussy capital of the world. If you can't afford Rio, or if you don't want to travel that far, go to El Salvador. At least that's my two cents worth.


09-21-06, 12:01
Other than that, I was disappointed in Cartagena. The Bocagrande area is quite nice, chic and sophisticated, with many fine restaurants and shops. This is where most of the better hotels are. However, the rest of the city is a shithole. Centro is dirty, crowded, and dangerous and appears to definitely be a place where it isn't safe to walk around at night.Chic? Sophisticated? I have never heard those words applied to Bocagrande!

The real good restaurants are all in Centro. Yes it is dirty but there is no way it is dangerous. You can walk anywhere in Central at night. The homeless will just ask you for money but they do not rob people.

09-21-06, 15:11
We sat down and talked for a while, and she proved to be quite personable and intelligent, so I guessed, correctly, that this would turn out to be a GFE. I negotiated services before committing, as I always do, and she agreed to DFK, BBBJ, DATY, and CFS. The cost for an hour would be 300,000 COP. I was well aware that this is a bit higher than most of what I have seen on this board, but I was unsuccessful in getting me to come down. Lorenzo

I have been all over Colombia but havent made it to CTG yet, but i just could not forgive myself if I had to pay 300000cop for one hour with a PUTA IN COLOMBIA. I mean is this standard practice now? Makes me not wanna go to CTG, maybe just to see the old country and bring my novia. I mean my Novia works in Exito which is like Walmart and she is a Bonified "9" and she makes 300,000 a MONTH lol. Dont forget the ole rule of thumb "A puta is only worth as much as somebody will pay" REALLY REALLY sounds like CTG has really gone down the way already of the likes of C.R. and MDE will be there by the end of 2007. Too Bad! Peace "Chino"

09-21-06, 16:44
Nice Report Lorenzo ... gracias.

I do have to agree with Miami Heat though ... 300K pesos for an HOUR ... wow!
Obviously it's your money, but WOW!

The beauty I recently posted in the Colombia Photo gallery cost me a whopping 40K pesos for the hour, plus getting her cel nbr and she's now in the Ricker harem ... hahaha.

MHeat ... Cartagena can still be fun, with a chica at your side, though I'd rather take her to San Andreas ... or it can be fun solo ... definitely takes more searching and finess to find hot chicas and good prices like before.
You're right also ... Medellin is facing the same dilemna.

I treat these chicas like gold because that's the way I like it ... but over-paying is not me.
Honestly, paying the high price does not guarantee in any way, good service.
Bonding with a chica usually leads to the GFE. Just my simple, humble 2 pesitos.

Suerte amigos!

09-21-06, 17:48
Nice Report Lorenzo ... gracias.

I do have to agree with Miami Heat though ... 300K pesos for an HOUR ... wow!
Obviously it's your money, but WOW!

The beauty I recently posted in the Colombia Photo gallery cost me a whopping 40K pesos for the hour, plus getting her cel nbr and she's now in the Ricker harem ... hahaha.

MHeat ... Cartagena can still be fun, with a chica at your side, though I'd rather take her to San Andreas ... or it can be fun solo ... definitely takes more searching and finess to find hot chicas and good prices like before.
You're right also ... Medellin is facing the same dilemna.

I treat these chicas like gold because that's the way I like it ... but over-paying is not me.
Honestly, paying the high price does not guarantee in any way, good service.
Bonding with a chica usually leads to the GFE. Just my simple, humble 2 pesitos.

Suerte amigos!

Greetings my Amigo Ricker,

I think me and you could become good friends because we have very similar approaches to P4P, Novias, and Non Pro, I as well always do my very best to treat the girls well, ALL OF THEM, even the working ones, because, Over ALL, these girls are human and I really think that they have some kind of feelings, saying that, that doesn't mean you let your B.S. Detector slip or go down as well. And I really go by the old proverbs. #1 Treat girls how you would want to be treated and #2 You get more bees with honey than you do with Salt! Granted if you do get a Hard Core Puta who goes nuts for some reason you can always point the finger to her and be in peace with yourself knowing that you did nothing wrong! Saying all of that I like Ricker now have my bonified "HAREM OF HOTTIES" Who all are dying to spend any amount of time with me and will come to wherever in a matter of a simple phone call. "Why" you may ask? because i treat them well and we go out and RUMBA and in turn I get some nookie. Most of the time just pay for thier Taxi's home the next morning after breakfast. Last thing Look at Comcel Cell out of the 40 numbers 35 are Chicas. This is completely the opposite in South Beach, ha ha lol. SORRY for sounding conceeded or vain. But just the facts! peace "Chino" p.s. Gotta pack leaving Tuesday for Colombia my next "Adventure"

09-21-06, 18:49
Hey MIAMI HEAT ... yep we have similar tactics amigo ... except to be honest, I'm not much into the RUMBA all hours of the night ... never have been really ... I'm a weak dick I suppose ... hahahaha.

I prefer the nice evenings with a hot chica ... bottle de vino and good music ... though I do dig going out and dancing Vallenatos (Colombian Country Music) ... good way to hold a chica close and bump and grind suavamente :)

Anyway ... treating a chica nicely is not really too difficult ... usually they're pretty nice ... just trying to survive ... usually single mothers.
The hard core, bitter ones ... I just avoid them, no matter how hot they might be ... there's always another hottie just around the corner.

Anyway ... taker easy amigo ... where ya heading Heat?

I'll be in Medellin in a few nights and then back to Cali.


Gringo Loco
09-21-06, 19:42
What the Fcuk?? I feel like I'm reading excerpts from the Mutual Ingratiation Society. "My novia's so hot. I'm so damn charming." You both make me sick! Let's face it guys, you're both just a couple of old and fat (respectively) losers who couldn't get laid in FLA and so had to head south of the border to greener pastures. I on the other hand not only don't get laid in The States, but even have trouble getting laid in Colombia with 500,000 pesos in my hand and a dozen viagra genericos. I may lack your charm and charisma, but at least I can compensate for it with my ugliness. That being said, I wouldn't give a single hair off my head to trade places with either one of you!

P.S. I haven't read any controversial personal attacks on this board recently so I thought I'd stir the pot a little and start some of my own. I hope you're both duly offended. If so, I'd be happy to settle this in person in Colombia where I'll kick your collective asses!

09-21-06, 20:15
.... and I was just about to email you that number of mi novias HOTTT amiga IN cALI ... guess I'll send it to SCOOBY from the Medellin thread instead.

Just kidding SCOOBSTERS.

Chao Calbo lindo :)

09-21-06, 20:23
GL You rotten b@sturd! No more "Free" Chiva Rides for YOU!!! LOL

Tom 33
09-21-06, 22:03
It's the guys who don't have the time to research, and then to spend in a place, that pay the higher fare. If you know where to look and how to shop, you can get a lot for a little.

I'm probably older and fatter than anyone here. But I can manage to find very nice stuff for 40 to 60K for short time(that's US$16 to 24) in Cartagena. I never do overnighters because there are enough non-pros to fill that bill. I like a mix of pros and non-pros. They each have their advantages.

I have paid as little as 15K in Medellin for short time.

Latina Lover7
09-25-06, 05:19

Whats up. Im heading back down to ctg in early november for a vacation. Last year when I was there, friends and I got a really nice penthouse 3 bedrooms, jacuzzi, the works. It was a REALLY nice place, but the guy Juan who hooked us up last time says the place is not avail. Can anyone recommend a really nice apartment or Penthouse, preferrably with pool or jacuzzi. We are just looking for the best place we can find in Boca Grande. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

PM me with all your wisdom. I know you old dogs know all the spots.



Pana Nyc
09-28-06, 07:17
Which are the best months to be in Cartagena during Jan-Mar 2007? Im looking to go the begining of the year 2007. I wanted to go to Colombia Sept. but I went to Brazil instead but I would still like to check out Colombia even though there is nothing in the world like Brazil.

Tom 33
09-28-06, 12:22
Which are the best months to be in Cartagena during Jan-Mar 2007? Im looking to go the begining of the year 2007. I wanted to go to Colombia Sept. but I went to Brazil instead but I would still like to check out Colombia even though there is nothing in the world like Brazil.

Jan. 1 to 15 is high season - very crowded and high lodging costs. The crowds can drag on to the end of Jan. Feb. and Mar. are perfect. Easter week is high season as well.

09-29-06, 05:39
We are just looking for the best place we can find in Boca Grande. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking much the same, I'll be in town around then.

I had no luck finding anything similar to that penthouse, the closest I found was http://www.laheroica.com

They seem to be renovated colonial type houses. Look very nice but outrageous prices (from 1 to 6 mil pesos/night! for the whole house)

El Austriaco
09-29-06, 21:24
The Bocagrande area is quite nice, chic and sophisticated, with many fine restaurants and shops. This is where most of the better hotels are. However, the rest of the city is a shithole. Centro is dirty, crowded, and dangerous and appears to definitely be a place where it isn't safe to walk around at night. Bosque, which is where I ended up mongering, wasn't a whole lot better. And there doesn't appear to be a lot to do in Cartagena. I find it hard to believe that some people have even compared Cartagena to Rio, although those who did make the comparison found Cartagena lacking. Moreover, the climate is miserable, hot and humid.
Earlier this year, I wrote a detailed comparison between Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Cartagena and posted it in the Rio 2006 section. I still stand by that assessment:


After reading the options on this board, I decided against LDV for several reasons. I don't like the club scene, and I'm not a late night person, and LDV appears not to get going until around midnight.
Going to Cartagena and skipping LDV is like going to Rio without going to Help, which has a similar setup, although it is much larger, of course. Considering that Cartagena is way more limited in terms of P4P, skipping LDV means missing a lot of what Cartagena is all about to, say, 95% to 99% of mongers who go there. Just like skipping Help would be to the vast majority of Rio mongers. Of course, Rio has so much more to offer, P4P-wise, that it doesn't really matter. In Cartagena, it does.

I'm more of a brothel person, so I decided to go that route. The best option appeared to be Pleyclub (this is the correct name, not Pleyboy Club) in Bosque, which is a combination strip club and brothel.
Going to Pleyboy in Cartagena is like going to Barbarella in Copacabana, Rio. It doesn't surprise me in the least that you would pay USD 115 to get laid there, just like it wouldn't surprise me in Barbarella.

I didn't monger any more in Cartagena, primarily because it is relatively expensive and after two months of traveling my money was running low. But in all honesty I can't say that I would recommend Cartagena. I'm a guy who has mongered in nearly every country in Latin America, so I'm not speaking from ignorance. If you want to monger in Latin America, go to Rio. It is the pussy capital of the world. If you can't afford Rio, or if you don't want to travel that far, go to El Salvador.
As others and myself have reported, there are other (more economical) P4P options available in Cartagena, though needless to say, they are nowhere as plentiful and convenient as in Rio de Janeiro. More specifically, there is no concept comparable to "termas" in Cartagena, and as far as I know, there is no early-afternoon/early-evening point-and-click action for freelancers in Cartagena such as Meia Pataca, Balcony, Mabs, or Veranda Help in Rio. IMHO, there is no place in the world (with the possible exception of Bangkok) that compares to Rio in terms of P4P, and Cartagena certainly is not in the same league, no doubt about it.

You recommend going to El Salvador instead of Cartagena for those who can't afford Rio? Having mongered a bit in ES and a lot in Rio, I disagree, however. Number one, Rio doesn't have to break the bank if you stay away from the most notorious tourist joints and hardcore Copa freelancers preying on bushy-tailed first-time tourists. Number two, as to El Salvador, IMHO, the women just don't compare to Colombianas, and similar rates (like USD 40 to 60) for one hour can be had just as easily in Cartagena as they can be had in El Salvador (though maybe not as conveniently). Good-looking women for the TLN experience (like Lips strippers in San Salvador) tend to ask for just as much (USD 100.00+) as smoking-hot freelancers out of LDV in Cartagena. Overall, I'd say that pricing in ES and Cartagena is pretty similar, though the experience is different: brothel-type places in ES vs. mostly freelancer-geared hangouts in Cartagena. Salvadoreñas aren't colombianas, though. It comes down to personal preferences, I guess.

Rio is Rio, however, with nothing in the Latin world even close. Personally, I think that no one should call himself a savvy monger who hasn't experienced Rio first hand at least once. If Cartagena and ES are minor league (well, maybe with a touch of major league), Rio is the World Series every day of the year.


09-29-06, 21:31
"Rio is the World Series everyday of the year" Damn, that was to the point, and factual. By the way, I have been to CTG on two different occassions and Rio many times, so I can relate and agree. Laters!

09-30-06, 03:28
I have to agree with El Austriaco ... sounds like a smart dude.

Especially the part about Cartagena vs. San Salvador ... been to both cities quite a bit ... IMHO the Colombiana in general is much more attractive than the Salvadorania.

09-30-06, 06:28
Going to Cartagena and skipping LDV is like going to Rio without going to Help
I have been to Rio a total of 11 times, and I have never been to Help!, and for precisely the same reason that I didn't go to LDV: it doesn't get going until too late. Moreover, I don't think I've missed a thing. I have read myriad reports about Help! on the Rio thread, and it just doesn't offer anything that I want. I'm a termas guy, simple as that.

I read your comparison of Rio and Cartagena. Obviously a lot of effort and thought went into it. I don't disagree with anything you said except that Rio has a preponderance of mulatas. Maybe you meant morenas, in which case you are probably right. However, Rio has such a variety of physical types, from blonde haired blue eyed Scandinavian looking types to coal black women of undiluted African ancestry, and everything in between, including Asians, that someone could be found to satisfy everyone's tastes. I did not see any such variety in Cartagena. And I can't agree that Cartagena women are at all a match for cariocas in beauty. Cartagena women seem to have the edge in only one way: they have luscious breasts, which seem to abound throughout the city. Maybe it's a Darwinian thing. But your conclusion is the same as mine: Rio trumps Cartagena. So we are ultimately in agreement.

My original post on Cartagena was aimed at mongers who had never been to Cartagena before, not to old Cartagena hands. I am well aware that I have nothing to teach an old Cartagena hand. But I think that a monger who has never been to Cartagena before might benefit from my message, which is simply that there are better places to go.

I'll stick by my recommendation of San Salvador over Cartagena if you are mongering on a tight budget. Sure, Cartagena women are finer than Salvadorian on the whole, but that isn't the point. My point was that in San Salvador there are cheap and easily accessible places to get pussy, and you will always find some gems there among the skanks. There may be cheap places in Cartagena too, but they aren't easily accessible; you have to spend some time and look for them. For the traveler who is in a hurry and has a limited amount of time, San Salvador has the edge. Moreover, in San Salvador many of the brothels open at 9am, a marvelous advantage for early risers such as myself. I can get up, go for a swim, get to the brothel at 9am when it opens, bust a nut, then go have breakfast, lounge by the pool, have lunch, then go to the same or another brothel in the afternoon. You can't do this even in Rio.

What it all comes down to is, YMMV. Or, you monger your way and I'll monger mine, and we can still remain friends. But my original advice still stands: if you want to monger in Latin America and money is no object: Rio. If money and time are limited: San Salvador.


10-01-06, 00:47
I agree that Rio is the summit.For scores of beauties and awesome beaches it stands alone.Cartagena has more potential for the gfe and imo the chicas are as hot here as anywhere you will go.I really like ctg and will make my third trip there in November.The shorter flight and price plus only having a week off make it ideal....beats the hell out of the DR or San Jose......mule.

I Jags
10-05-06, 06:22
Which has the best looking on-pros?

Tom 33
10-07-06, 13:02
CTG is balls to the wall over New Years, jam-packed and expensive. The holidays at the beach are big in Colombia. But lots of luck finding lodging. I leave town during this time because I don't like the crowds and because I get US$150 to $200 per night for renting my apartment. It is already booked by the way.

Pana Nyc
10-07-06, 21:43
Jan. 1 to 15 is high season - very crowded and high lodging costs. The crowds can drag on to the end of Jan. Feb. and Mar. are perfect. Easter week is high season as well.
Im going to take your advice Tom I narrowed it down between Feb and Mar, but I will not find out till the end of this year till I get my vacation picks for 2007.

Phoenix Phx
10-07-06, 23:07
Im going to take your advice Tom I narrowed it down between Feb and Mar, but I will not find out till the end of this year till I get my vacation picks for 2007.Hey Pana,

Some of us are already booked for the first two weeks in Feb 07.


MJG Dogs
10-07-06, 23:23
I would go in March. Feburary can be windy as hell..

Tom 33
10-08-06, 00:23
Out of curiousity sake where do you go for New Years holiday, and why have you selected Cartagena to be your spot of destination to lay your hat so to speak?

I go to Medellin from 12/15 to 1/15. In fact I'm even considering buying an apartment there as well. You can get a nice 2 bedroom, 2 bath for US$20,000 to 40,000 in a decent neighborhood.

I fell in love with CTG when I first came to Colombia about 4 years ago. I especially liked the beach/sea and the safety. I bought my apartment there less than a year after first setting eyes on the city.

I Jags
10-09-06, 01:49
And are the beaches nice there? I heard Santa Marta wss nicer but I don't t need the best. Any info will help, even where to stay. I literally have to make a decison in two days.THANKS

MJG Dogs
10-09-06, 07:36
Not really, the chicas on the beach are nicer than the actual beaches, unless you take a boat out to Playa blanca or the other islands..

10-09-06, 12:54
Hey guys,

CTG first-timer coming into town with a friend on Tuesday. I'm a Rio regular but have wanted to try out Colombia for some time. If anyone is around this week and want to grab a drink and checkout the chicas drop me a PM...

Have fun, be safe..


PS Thanks in advance for all the great info post on the board !!

Dan D Dick
10-12-06, 20:42
Arrived from PTY with no hassles. The President's Club at Tucomen is hidden quite well - it's near Gate 20.

Got to the apartment 30 minutes after touching down - 10 minutes for passport control, 10 minutes to get my luggage, have it X-Rated and have the guy open it up & do a cursory look-feel, then 10 minutes to town. Checked in with the front desk guy, again no issues.

But that's where things went downhill for awhile. Have the key, go to the elevator & push "8". Nothing happens. Then I push the open button. Nothing happens. Three or four minutes later - thinking one of my keys must be used to activate the elevator controls & I give up & pick up the phone. It's damned hot in there & I'd hate for them to find my corpse the next time somebody checks in. Gotta push "9". Makes sense, huh? Go to 9 & drag my luggage down to 8. There's two obvious locks on the door. It's still quite caliente. Neither key works. The landing isn't the best lit place in the world. I think I'm going to have to go back downstairs, then I see a third keyhole below the handle. Voila! I'm in.

Hotter inside than out. Find the two A/C units & get 'em cranked up. Check the fridge & it's warm. Find the switch (inside) & get it cranked up. Still hotter'n hell. No way to figure out the electronic safe. Get unpacked & head to a mercado to stock up on simple things. Three hours later the rooms are bearable but if you go outside it'll take you 30 minutes once you get into the apartment to quit sweating. No remote for the TV. Only two flat pillows, a sheet & two flatter towels. I'm beginning to doubt the wisdom of my decision of staying in an apartment.

7:30 or so & Juan shows up. Yes, he's a genuinely nice guy, quite fluent in english. Teaches me how to use the safe. Gets me two more towels & two more pillows, offers advice on dinner & the area & gives me his cell number & his home number. Calling his cell from the apartment is long distance; calling his home & leaving a message is not. Go figure. And he finds the remote that works in the living room (the bedroom remote is DOA).

Anyway....turns out LDV is a five minute walk from the apartment (Playa Mar #802).

Make a couple more trips outside to the shop & pharmacy (two doors down towards the Hilton). Obvious SWs outside. The "pssssts" start to sound like Tijuana's alley. A few touts offered chicas. And on an aggravating side, had two phone calls to the room offering the same.

'Bout 9:30 I head to the casino next door to LDV. The most uncomfortable chairs for playing blackjack I've ever seen in my entire life. Cute little gal sits next to me a few times & promtly loses her money.

10 & I go next door. It's relatively quiet but certainly adequate. 8 - 10 girls there with more arriving every minute. Who do I see but the gal that was playing BJ. She comes over and we grab-ass a little. Her english is much better than my spanish. We disagree on the value of her company but finally settle on a number that's higher than recommended on this board. Maybe it's the cost of doing business in a non-native tongue. Or maybe I'm just not hard-ass enough.

Head back to the apartment. She's 29. Far from being a stunner but I guess what attracted me most was her smile & laugh and the fact we could communciate in english a bit. I bought a brand-new bottle of Colombian aguardiente just in case. Nothing for her. Performance couldn't have been better. A little DATY and she comes rather quickly. The signs are obvious. A few minutes later and round two DATY end with the same results. My turn. She shows great attention with one of the best bbbjs in my feeble recollection. Then she moves where I can play with her ass, then finally to 69 with a wonderful CIM. Overall an excellent experience. Maria Claudia gives me her number but I'm torn with finding the elusive cheaper/better tonight or going back with a sure thing.

I'll post a few photos later.

/Dan D.

Tom 33
10-13-06, 00:18
i heard about the dead 8 on the elevator through the grapevine. fortunately i live on 9. i'll be back home next week after a summer in the states. that elevator is going to be replaced. i had hoped it would have been done over the summer.

listen to some of the calls on the street. claudia(viviana), milena, alba, and sandra among others patrol the streets in laguito. they are all happy with 60k for an hour and provide good service. claudia is really outstanding in the oral department.

i also recommend a couple of morenas, rocio and yusleides.

10-13-06, 00:23
After reviewing this Cartegena thread, I am rather disappointed that I cant find any reference to any relatively cheap casas/brothels that cost in the 30k COP range for a half hour FS session, similar to what I got in Medellin and Cali. Is CTG different from these places?

My problem is that I have been visiting casas in Ecuador and now Cali/Medellin and paying only about $10 to 13 USD a pop, for a quickie session. And almost all have been with little gems too.

If anyone can advise me on a suitable casa in Cartegena with the above (or near) prices I would be quite appreciative. Thanks, Franga

10-13-06, 01:15
Does anyone know how to get into Cartagena without using a passport?

Can you get in with a D.L. and US Birth Certificate

I would like to go again, but my lawyer recommended i not go because of possible arrest for possible paternity action/non-support. Wondering if anyone has any ideas? I had alot of fun fucking the girls over the years in Cartagena. Unfortunately a girl from Med. says I knocked her up and is trying to get money from me (this was after she had a negative preg test and a period when with me)

Anybody got an extra passport? Or a country that will issue a new one for me?


10-13-06, 04:52
But that's where things went downhill for awhile. Have the key, go to the elevator & push "8". Nothing happens. Then I push the open button. Nothing happens. Three or four minutes later - thinking one of my keys must be used to activate the elevator controls & I give up & pick up the phone.... There's two obvious locks on the door. It's still quite caliente. Neither key works. The landing isn't the best lit place in the world. I think I'm going to have to go back downstairs, then I see a third keyhole below the handle. Voila! I'm in.

Hotter inside than out. Find the two A/C units & get 'em cranked up. Check the fridge & it's warm. Find the switch (inside) & get it cranked up. Still hotter'n hell. No way to figure out the electronic safe. Get unpacked & head to a mercado to stock up on simple things. Three hours later the rooms are bearable but if you go outside it'll take you 30 minutes once you get into the apartment to quit sweating. No remote for the TV....I'm beginning to doubt the wisdom of my decision of staying in an apartment.DDD, I had almost the same exact problems that you had upon arrival. In said same elevator, when I was there, it had a '10' for the '1' button, and took me a day to figure that one out. Juan locks up the apartment and shuts everything down if it's not being rented, but he is quick to respond to your requests. I finally got everything going, including hot water for the shower (in the room behind the kitchen). Didn't realize that the AC only worked by remote control in the bedroom, duh. By this time, I expect that you have settled in and things are going well.

I really liked #802, stayed there for a couple of weeks, felt like home after a while, which one would never experience in a hotel. And a home to bring home chicas for your pleasure. I'd stay there again.

Take Tom 33's sage advice and make some donations to the street chicas. I was with 3 of those ladies, and had wonderful experiences with them.

Dan D Dick
10-13-06, 21:03
Mr. Gonzo - thanks for the info....I'd probably still be walking down to the lobby every time from floor 2!

Spent most of the day on the computer doing my homework....

Head to the casino @ 9:30. Play the little red 5000COP chips and am up about $40 US by 11 PM.

Walk next door to LDV and am really overwhelmed at the girl:guy ratio. And more gals keep coming in. True, most are younger than my daughter - which proves quite problematic to my mental health. And 9 out of 10 are staring at me trying to solicit a smile - either because I'm ruggedly handsome or because there aren't many guppies in the bar yet. Still not quite sure which. [that's a joke!]

I finally settle on a trim gal with a huge rack. She's been dancing to her own beat since I got there and is genuinely enjoying herself while the others are moping when they don't see me looking. I resign myself to the fact that she's sure to have a rock-hard boob job but she seems genuinely happy so I invite her to my table (I had abandoned the bar because they were closing in on me from all sides).

Damned if she doesn't speak a bit of english - my lucky night. She chastizes me for not being more proficient with spanish. I like this gal already. I buy her a drink (gotta support LDV) and tip the waiter well. We negotiate a price less than the previous night. I may be a slow learner but at least I can still learn a little bit.

We walk the two blocks back to the apartment & we're both sweaty. Get into the apartment & find some music on MTV or the latin equivalent & she starts doing a strip tease for me. She's 29, one child and quite fit. More important is that smile. The bra's still on and those titties are a jigglin'. What a pleasant surprise. Finally she's nekkid & we head to the shower. She pulls out a well-used plastic shower cap & I open my suitcase & give her a half dozen from the PTY Marriott. You'd have thought I gave her a hundred dollars.

Couple of showers later & we're on the bed. I slide onto my knees at the side and reach to open her legs. She lit up like a Christmas Tree. You'd think they never get a little DATY. Within 2 - 3 minutes she's convulsing in a powerful orgasm & is sopping wet. Fast gal.....I wish I had that effect on all of 'em.

Nine times out of ten I prefer a good blowjob to the 'ol in & out. Maybe it's because I'm lazy, maybe it's because I like to watch so much. Whatever. MiLena was great! Combination CIM and finish on the tits. And she was having a really good time and never stopped smiling. Great gal!

Highly recommended. Unfortunately she wasn't keen on nude photos but I'll post the others in a day or so.

Lesson learned: The girls really appreciate small bottles of mouthwash. Two for two were rinsing their mouths with shampoo afterwards! Both were happy for the Marriott freebies.

So far I've been much happier here than Panama City. In all areas except the lack of a Marriott, but I'm starting to get into the swing of it with Juan's apartment. It does have benefits it's just that old habits are hard to break.

So little time, so many options. Will it be street girls tonight or LDV or something new? I suspect I'll have to go for a bit of chemical support & see if I'm up to more than one a day...

/Dan D.

Dan D Dick
10-13-06, 23:24
Without commenting on your predicament I have two comments for what you want to do.

1) My opinion only, but if you borrow or otherwise try to use a passport not yours I suspect you'll have a very bad time.

2) Why don't you just change your name? A couple hundred dollars & you can get a legal name change that you can either let people know about or not.... Then send the documents to the passport center & you've got a passport in a different name. Maybe change your first name only. Who says you have to notify DMV and everybody else? Get tired of it & have it changed back to your original name. Nobody would be the wiser.

/Dan D.

Does anyone know how to get into Cartagena without using a passport?

Can you get in with a D.L. and US Birth Certificate

I would like to go again, but my lawyer recommended i not go because of possible arrest for possible paternity action/non-support. Wondering if anyone has any ideas? I had alot of fun fucking the girls over the years in Cartagena. Unfortunately a girl from Med. says I knocked her up and is trying to get money from me (this was after she had a negative preg test and a period when with me)

Anybody got an extra passport? Or a country that will issue a new one for me?


10-14-06, 05:22
Thanks for the advice, a name change is a good idea, but then you need to forms of official photo IDs now to get a passport. I would need to change my DL as that is one they look for when you apply for a passport.

Once you change your DL everything else would have to change too.

Maybe I could change my name to something similar,

But what a big problem to get back into Colombia. Must be other countries to go to, but I did like Cartegena, Medellin, Cali, all of Colombia!

Dan D Dick
10-14-06, 17:42
I don't think so. You already have a passport (right?). Get your name changed. Send a notarized official copy of that with a new passport application to get your new passport. Done. I spent 20 years in law enforcement & can't count the times I've stopped women that had disagreeing IDs. They do it all the time. Not saying it's legal, but I really don't know that it's illegal. Once you have your passport done just don't do anything else.

For example, assume your name is John Quincy Doe. Legally change it to J. Quincy Doe. [BTW - exactly what I did but for different reasons]. I suspect you little gal friend doesn't even know your middle name. Don't like that? Change your last name - I had a friend who did that because he felt his last name (Hernandez) caused or could cause him some disrimination problems. He changed it to a typical WASP name & was quite happy. Just pick a name that won't be confused with your original name. Maybe just Quincy Doe.

Want a back-up ID? Go get a duplicate DL 'cause you lost yours. Wait a month & go get the name changed on your DL too. You'll still have your original DL 'cause you didn't really lose it. [disclaimer: this may or may not be technically legal in your state]. When you DL expires decide if you want to keep your name or not.

Finally, if you want to change your name back, go ahead. Your passport's good for 10 years and will stay with your new name indefinitely unless you tell them otherwise.

/Dan D.

Dan D Dick
10-14-06, 17:45
Get up & get my homework done. Head next door to the ATM & it's broken. This is Friday so I presume - if I'm going to continue to have fun - I'll need to get some cash somewhere. I take a cab to Plaza Santo Domingo in the old town, walk around for 45 minutes or so & see no sign of an ATM or a bank. Circle back to the square & have lunch which was both excellent and inexpensive even though the tourist bus was parked in the square.

Head back to the apartment after lunch & get some more work done. About 2 I get a taxi to take me to an ATM (Cajerera??).

I decide to head over to the Farmacia & see if they've got Cialis. Never needed it before but I gotta tell ya....my reserves are getting a little low. Nice lady behind the counter smiles & gives me a pack of four for 81,410 COP (about $37US).

Although skeptical I decided to take Mr. Tom 33's & Mr. Gonzo's advice & see what the street had to offer at 3PM. Haven't broken open the box of Cialis yet. I'd been psssted at by a couple of rather rough looking gals (4's or 5's on the dehumanizing scale everyone seems to like on this board) so I wasn't optimistic. Walked out the door and 20 ft to the right was a cluster of gals. One struck my eye right away because of the smile. One of the others had a pierced eyebrow which tends to knock the lead right outta my pencil unless I've got a horrible case of SRS (semen retention syndrome).

Her name was Alba, 24 with one child and a gorgeous little figure. Unfortunately her zero english skills did not support my [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140)-poor spanish skills. But we made out just fine. Glad I had a couple of beers in the fridge 'cause that's her drink of choice. I guess I don't fully understand the pricing structure (or I'm an idiot). We agree on 60,000 COP. When she finally leaves I give her 80,000 COP but she wants 20,000 more. Of course she was here more than two hours. [Mr. Tom or Mr. Gonzo please clarify for me.]

For those more interested in the salient details, about a solid hour of DATY which she thoroughly enjoyed. A little more DATY with FUTB which she also seemed to love. On to BBBJCIM while fingering her. What more could an old man want? I do think I've developed a crick in my neck though.

She showered and noticed I had a bar of soap on the bathroom sink still in the Marriott box. She seemed enthralled with it so I gave her the rest of the toiletries I got in PTY. She seemed really happy with the present. BTW - not no but hell no to the idea of the pocket rocket. Can't get 'em all right.

Photos in appropriate section.

/Dan D.

Tom 33
10-14-06, 23:46
How did you like Alba's long nipples? I have never kept her for more than about 45 minutes and always gave her 60K. The 20K tip should have sufficed. But you are fresh meat.

Ask her to set you up with Claudia(Viviana). Sandra and Milena are also friends of hers. Milena has the biggest tits. Claudia is the best overall performer. Do two at once.

Dan D Dick
10-15-06, 00:11
Having seen your Nov '05 posting.....

"I bought two years ago at a price that Juan called not good but not bad. I paid less than US$40K for a 4 bedroom, 3 bath unit on the 9th floor of a good building with 2 ocean view balconies right on the beach with a pool and parking place on the second floor in Laguito. Anyone think I got screwed?"

......and having lived in your neighborhood for only a few days I feel certain you've been screwed. Many, many times...

Anyway, I've been to 60+ countries but have seldomed felt the need to return to most. I feel comfortable I'll find time to return to CTG, most likely within six months. I'd love to meet up with you & study your lifestyle a bit on my next trip; you have offered sage advice polished by years of wisdom.

BTW - those Alba nipples made my day!! I was like a little kid in a toy store playing with those things.

And you are certainly right - I am fresh meat & it doesn't offend me in the least. On the next trip I'll buy you a dinner for that two-fer hookup you're suggesting.

Dan D.

Tom 33
10-15-06, 14:24
Glad you found my ramblings to be of some use.

I'm always up for food.

Don't forget the morenas. Yusleides has a pair of huge naturals on a petite body. And she's cute. Rocio is smoking, but she doesn't unwrap very well. However, she's a great performer and sweet.

Dan D Dick
10-15-06, 18:48
Getting the swing of things here. About three there's a knock on the door; it's Sandra. I politely decline, concerned for my performance later in the evening. A mistake; I should have gone for it & broken open the Cialis if needed. Mucho regrets almost immediately, but I'm also up to my elbows in getting some work done.

Anyway, dinner in Centro which was very good, followed by blackjack at the casino. Up a little more than 50,000 COP again betting the minimum before I head next door at 11. MiLena sees me and wants to know if we can hook up again. She was certainly a good time but I'm still in that "I want quantity" phase. She seems to understand. Meet a couple of gals who know zero english so I politely decline. I really don't want to have to struggle my last night here.

See a young gal at the bar that strikes my eye - Paola, 29. She knows a bit of english. Buy her a drink then head to the apartment. Beautiful little gal with a good sense of humor. Have a few whiskeys and off to the bedroom. A little DATY and she takes over with self-stimulation gone wild. ***I mean wild!!!*** I'm just able to come in for a few licks here and there before she goes to strummin' again. Thirty minutes and maybe 15 -20 orgasms later she's a ball of sweat. Good thing from my perspective - I had the best seat in the house and had to do very little work. Only downside was she didn't want to do any oral on me - just slap the condom on and go at it. Overall a fun time but I would have preferred at least one bbbj on the road to the finish line....

Discovered after she left she lifted one of my condoms. Had two on the bedside, used one, none left. No biggie, but....

Finally get to bed around 2:30 or so, very late by old man standards. Get up, get a little work done & go strolling for lunch & a little Sandra or Claudia before heading to the airport. Both were difficult to find. Finally found lunch but nothing but families found in El Laguito this Sunday. No biggie....I'll be in San Jose, Costa Rica tonight.

Already planning a return visit. Simply not enough time this trip ( a good thing, I guess).

Thanks guys for the great tips & insight.

/Dan D.

10-23-06, 17:00
Nice report DanD,,,What is the name of the casino in centro? I know the one next to LDV(La Perla). Thanks

10-24-06, 21:03

I'm trying to make plans to get to CTG next Jan or Feb, and as usual, the lack of flights to CTG makes the connections more difficult. Two things I'd like to avoid:

1. A red-eye.

2. If possible, not to enter the country via Bogota. I heard:

a) that is a pain through customs, and
b) an overnight stay will be required in BOG

I'm coming from CA, and am willing to fly through LAX, HOU, Atlanta or even MIA. I would prefer something like hitting SJO (San Jose, CR) or PTY (Panama City, Panama) flying directly into CTG.

But it doesn't seem like it's in the cards yet. I've been looking on sidestep, travelocity, expedia, COPA, Avianca & Continental so far with minimal luck.

I'd like to take a early monring flight and get to CTG in one day, and I'm willing to do the overnight thing in BOG if I have to, but if any of you have some ideas of gettng into CO directly to CTG or via some other CO city, please let me know how you did it...

Tony Oc
10-25-06, 04:25
Hey Gonzo,

A red-eye via Panama City is really not so bad. I've done that and it's not too bad. You may have a long connection, but you get in mid-afternoon, enough time to rest up before the evening fun. If you fly out in the morning, you are going to get in late evening, be tired and just crash out. If you can catch some z's on teh plane, even better with the red-eye.

Tony Oc
10-25-06, 04:42
Hey Dan,

I have to completely agree about those chairs at the casino. They are unbelievably uncomfortable! LOL!

I'm really missing CTG reading all the reports!

10-30-06, 01:30

I am an experienced monger and world traveller, but have only travelled in safe places on paths well trodden by other mongers. I have never travelled to hispanic countries and don't know spanish.

I am planning a mongering trip to Cartegena, but have two concerns: safety and entertainment value.

How safe is Cartegena? Is it safe to wander around on the streets without worrying for ones safety?

Second concern is entertainment / tourist value. What I mean is that I spend 3-4 hours / day mongering. So in order to have a good vacation, its important that either the place be a good tourist spot (such as Rio) or at least be westernized / english where one can visit restaurants, book stores, etc. and generally have a good time. How does Cartegena rate on this front?

I have been to Rio and love it, but am itching to try something new. Also, Rio is a bit too far to get to. The other alternative is Dominican Republic.

I have read the reports of distinction, but sometimes they get out of date, so would greatly appreciate getting fresh input. Promise to post any unique / useful experiences.

10-30-06, 07:15
Guys,How safe is Cartegena? Is it safe to wander around on the streets without worrying for ones safety?The Laguito and Bocagrande areas of CTG are generally safe day or night. The old city is for the most part safe day or night...I walked around a lot of empty streets with no problem, but of course I always try to keep an eye open. Some of the barrios near the old city can be dicey at night, such as Gethsemani, but very safe in the day (my spanish school was there).

Now, I haven't gone there but many of the the massage parlors are in poorer areas of town, but you can have drivers wait for you, or get a cab called for you. But I've not done this, I had plenty of chicas from the above 3 areas.

Second concern is entertainment / tourist value. What I mean is that I spend 3-4 hours / day mongering. So in order to have a good vacation, its important that either the place be a good tourist spot (such as Rio) or at least be westernized / english where one can visit restaurants, book stores, etc. and generally have a good time. How does Cartegena rate on this front?As far as english is concerned, my experience is that Cartagena has very little spoken english, so Espanol is very much a help there. Cartagena has enough to do, with beaches, nearby islands, shops, good restaurants (in the old city), clubs of various kind, but it's small potatoes compared to Rio or Sau Paulo, from what I've heard. You can have a good time or a lousy time, IMO it will be more a function of you than of CTG itself.

Phoenix Phx
10-31-06, 01:31

I am an experienced monger and world traveller, but have only travelled in safe places on paths well trodden by other mongers. I have never travelled to hispanic countries and don't know spanish.

I am planning a mongering trip to Cartegena, but have two concerns: safety and entertainment value.

How safe is Cartegena? Is it safe to wander around on the streets without worrying for ones safety?

Second concern is entertainment / tourist value. What I mean is that I spend 3-4 hours / day mongering. So in order to have a good vacation, its important that either the place be a good tourist spot (such as Rio) or at least be westernized / english where one can visit restaurants, book stores, etc. and generally have a good time. How does Cartegena rate on this front?

I have been to Rio and love it, but am itching to try something new. Also, Rio is a bit too far to get to. The other alternative is Dominican Republic.

I have read the reports of distinction, but sometimes they get out of date, so would greatly appreciate getting fresh input. Promise to post any unique / useful experiences.I think the DR would be way better for you, plenty of English spoken there amd plenty of pendejo gringos for you to run with.

Puerto La Cruz
11-03-06, 06:06
You'll be lost in Cartagena if you don't speak Spanish and you won't find very many Dominicanas that speak English. Try Canada.

11-03-06, 09:35
Other than the numb scull bagage inspectors at the international gates of the airport, Cartegna is fun, it does have romantic charm. And going over to Isla Rosarios is only a hour or so boat ride, it's an impressive place to take a **** for a few nights. The diving is also way better in the aquatic preserves around Isla Rosarios then say . . . Cozumel since they had all those hurricanes the past few years Cozumel is going to take several years before it get's the color back it like diving in muted colors because so much sand was stirred up on the corral reefs.

I like Cartegena it's more manageable by foot then Medellin that's for sure.

Master Yoda
11-06-06, 02:42
How are the girls comparitively?

Cartagena (in particular).. and the entire realm against DOMINICANS.

Meaning: thinner/larger, darker/lighter, more interesting/less interesting, more educated/less educated, more african or more mix/less african or less mix, etc.

11-06-06, 05:13
Is the Hilton a good place to stay for mongering?

Member #4603
11-08-06, 02:49
I'm in the middle of a vacation in Cartagena and since I've been reading the board quite a bit, I wanted to offer the members my impressions.

Cartagena is a pleasant town, quiet, safe, but really nothing special. The city covers the bases, but doesn't excel at anything in particular. Rio de Janeiro, most Mexican tourist cities, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba have far, far more to offer as tourist spots.

The city of Cartagena has a vague construction zone feel. And this is not just because there is a lot of construction going on, but even finished structures are a bit on the shabby side. I was surprised to discover that the city turns into a ghost town very early in the evening and I'd say it's really too quiet for a tourist city. Most places I visited in Latin America are 24 hour towns, Cartagena definitely isn't.

The beaches here are mediocre. The water is a sort of green/brown and the sand at the beaches is far from the crystalline white sand you find elsewhere in the Caribbean.

There is a notable scarcity of ATM machines in the tourist areas and the ones that are here always seem to be out of service which makes getting cash super inconvenient. The food is so-so and fairly limited but they do have a really wide variety of interesting fruit juices. There isn't a huge selection of good restaurants compared to Mexico, but it's as good as Brazil and the DR and far better than Cuba on this measure.

Private apartments are plentiful. Unless you come at the peak of high season, I'd say rent a room at the Hilton and then spend the next day look for a place. You can find an elegant apartment for about $100 a night or less and an adequate place for about $50 per night. Getting an internet connection is a bit of a pain if you're a heavy user with a laptop, but internet cafes are plentiful for light users and there is a weak wireless network bouncing around the buildings of Laguito if you just need to read the news and send a few emails. Cartagena has many small groceries where you can buy all the necessities (though they close early). Taxis are fairly cheap and abundant.

On the plus side, the touts are not as bad as people say. A walk from the Hilton to the complex where the La Perla del Caribe Casino and the La Doce Vita are located at the opposite end of Laguito (I guess this stretch would be considered the gauntlet) I'd say, on average, four touts will accost you and not really in a heavy handed way. The beach is worse as you're a sitting duck and the street kids in the old town can be very persistent as I saw some that were obviously not kidding when they said they were starving, but all in all not too bad. I guess if you're new to this sort of thing, it might be irritating/intimidating but believe me there are "touts" in other places that walk with you, sticking to you like glue block after block, and will not go away short of violence or payment. Cartagena touts are really not too bad. Pretty low key.

Since this is a sex guide, I guess that's enough of the preamble. In my time here, I've gone to the famous LDV twice. I'd describe it as a smallish bar with tables and chairs strewn here and there and without a good selection of drinks. It's more of a booty store that serves some drinks than a real bar that also happens to be a booty market. I went on a weekday and then again on the weekend. During the week, there were about 25 girls and 10 guys. During the weekend I'd guess there were about 50 women and 30 men in the bar. The quality of the women ranged from 8 to 5 in quality, I didn't see any 10s (the type of women you just can't stop starring at and for whom you would be willing to empty your wallet on the spot), but all that is subjective anyway. There were all varieties from blond to black. Truth be told, I was expecting better and was a bit disappointed though people new to Latin America might think it's heaven on earth. Based on the non-pros (I. E. Normal women) one sees walking around town, in the airport, working in this office or that, and even at the casino next door, Colombian women are absolutely gorgeous and I fall in love every other minute. (That is if you like the Colombian type which is long dark hair, wide hips, small waists, full breasts or the black/mulata women with the smooth dark skin and gorgeous asses-which I do).

The girls in the LDV don't seem to rise to the general quality of the Colombian women in general. The girls are rough around the edges, dumb, but generally agreeable. Don't get me wrong, there are some very beautiful girls there with some smokin' hot bodies, but I'd say that it's just not worth coming to Cartagena for the LDV because there are far better destinations with so much more to offer on all fronts. As a mongering spot, both Help in Rio and Adelitas in Tijana are so much better than the LDV for quality and selection. I'd say it was about comparable to what you would find in the Boca Chica in the Dominican Republic and I think Boca Chica is more fun because it's a whole street full of bars and much livelier all week.

Street action is hit and miss. It seems to be concentrated in the Laguito area, but there is no one locale where girls stand around and wait per se. It basically depends if a pro is walking down the street or eating in a restaurant at the same moment as you. Many of the girls you'll meet later in the LDV or elsewhere hang around the beaches or restaurants in the area during the day looking generally bored and are surely up for a quick tryst. I've been propositioned while sitting in restaurants along the stretch pretty regularly.

I was expecting to do some major hooking up, but truth be told I got bored with the pro-scene in short order. The scene is too small and the girl you did last night will be there giving you dirty looks the next time you go as you leave with someone else. Also, since they all hang around a relatively small area, I think the probability is good that one would come up and say Hello,, while I was trying to put my best face forward with a potential novia. As for prices, the LDV girls try on 300, 000 COP for a short time, but will accept 200, 000 for all night based on my small sample. (I'm sure you could do better with some hard bargaining, but I don't like to bargain too hard as it creates a bad vibe that premises the rest of the night IMO, if not for her then for me. The more the whole thing takes on the characteristics of business transaction, the less sexy the experience is for me. Also, I like to get the exact girl I want, who is usually the hottest one in the bar, and don't mind giving extra). Anyway, that's about $80 to $120 USD, roughly.compared to the DR, where you can get a similar girl for $20 USD or Rio, $60, Cartagena is not a bargain. Mexico is completely different, has no true real freelance scene, and is much more expensive so no sense comparing apples to oranges. Cuba is so heavy handed that you can never really be comfortable there though the girls are pretty much free.

In sum, I don't think Cartagena is a good place to visit as a tourist or as a monger given the nearby competition.

That said, Cartegena seems like a great place if you're interested in meeting a girlfriend/wife. I could easily see myself marry a Colombian girl; they are both sweet and sexy. But you'd definitely need to be fluent in Spanish. If you're not, it would just be frustrating. Fortunately, I'm fluent in Spanish and have a very good income and lots of freedom so I can afford to take my time. At the moment I have a couple very sweet girls that I'm dating that I met the old fashioned way-online. For these "real" Colombianas, there is some selection at:

www.latineuro.com (about 25% of the girls seem to be from Cart). www.sotb.com - some Cart girls www.cafetropic.com - free site, good selection of Colombians and a few from Cart. Many others with recycled a foreign affair girls, but for Cart girls, stay away from TLC as they all seem to be from Cali or other cities.

It's easy to pickup up the poorer, less educated girls for a quick shag, but the educated, professional girls (which are what I find attractive) are a bit more circumspect about some young gringo such as yours truly. I'm considered guilty of being a sex-tourist or simply here today gone tomorrow until proven innocent, but once the girls get to know that you have some connection to the area, they open up-sometimes quite literally. The women are friendly and flirty and luscious. I have about 7 girls in the queue that are waiting for a call so I've got my hands full at the moment.

I've gone out with several very nice girls. Real girls. I can tell the difference between a nice girl and a dirty girl instantly because the dirty girl will come to your apartment and trash it while the nice girl will come and start cleaning it up. I find that sexy. These girls won't go to bed with you unless they think you're their boyfriend (or sleeping with you will make you their boyfriend) or unless they think that they'll lose you if they don't. The dirty girls will do it just for a bit of excitement. There are also a segment of women that think they are too important for words-they have a few dollars so act exaggeratedly snobby. Some are good looking but the attitude is a big turnoff. Anyhow, I'll have to decide on just one girl very soon or run the risk of ending my stay with a meltdown as they are starting to pop over unannounced and it's getting stressful.

It's no wonder Colombian men have such a bad reputation with the local women for their infidelity. I really have no idea how I'm going to control myself for any length of time with all the gorgeous, friendly girls walking around either.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Tom 33
11-08-06, 13:58
I have to disagree on a couple of points:

The Bocagrande penninsula is teeming with ATMs. There are only two in Laguito. About three blocks into Bocagrande from Laguito is an Olimpica(currently under construction). Within a three-block radius of the Olimpica, there are at least 15 ATMs that I know of. Go another three blocks toward Centro and you easily double that number in a three-block radius.

After living here for 4 years, I am still finding great restaurants that I had never before tried. I'll give you a couple of names: Club de Pesca, La Olla Cartagena, Chef Julian, Crepes and Waffles, La Dulceria, and Julias. None of those mentioned are in Centro. Centro has a ton of very good restaurants.

11-08-06, 16:58
Hello everyone, long time monger here. I sometimes hate these kinds of questions, but here it goes.

Well, I am moving to Columbia and am having the hardest time deciding between Medalliln and Cartegana (never been to either). I live on the beach now, and dont really know how I am going to live without it if I chose Medallin. On the other hand, Cartegana has a much smaller population and not as many universities (i.e. young women?).

Also, I was reading that the caretegana girls aren't as 'pretty' (i know it's very subjective) as medallin girls. I am basically attracted to your typical columbian (black hair, dark skin, very latin looking). I have read that cartegana girls are more similar to dominicans or girls of african descent (which I am not very attracted to).

Lastly, the 'beach community' I live in now is very relaxed and laid back. Houses on the beach (as opposed to apt. bldgs), and I know all my neighbors. I can walk out on the beach any day, any time as long as it's sunny and see girls in g-strings. Is there a similar "vibe" in cartegana, and do many girls hang out on the beach?

Apologies to anyone who is going to write rtff. But I have and am just having a hard time deciding where to move.

11-08-06, 22:44
First of all, is Sweetlemon and NPaul1 one in the same, or did someone copy someone else's post? In any case, if your posts ends up discouraging a guy from going to CTG, well good!

Also, I was reading that the caretegana girls aren't as 'pretty' (i know it's very subjective) as medallin girls. I am basically attracted to your typical columbian (black hair, dark skin, very latin looking). I have read that cartegana girls are more similar to dominicans or girls of african descent (which I am not very attracted to).

Lastly, the 'beach community' I live in now is very relaxed and laid back. Houses on the beach (as opposed to apt. bldgs), and I know all my neighbors. I can walk out on the beach any day, any time as long as it's sunny and see girls in g-strings. Is there a similar "vibe" in cartegana, and do many girls hang out on the beach? Jon32, a few points based on my limited experience of 2 weeks in both places.

1. It's gonna be real hard to find a beach near MED, it's a ways from the ocean. So if you're a "water" person, you may feel landlocked in MED. If you're more of a "mountain " person, MED is for you. (maybe there's river beaches near MED, but that countryside still seems dangerous to me).

2. I was pleasantly surprised by the attraciveness of the Cartagenaras. They have smoking bodies (in general) - perhaps the better economy of MED has led to one too many runs to McDonalds, and it shows on some women). But overall, MED women are gorgeous. Small advantage to MED women, but if you're into morenas CTG is the advantage. Guys say that MED women are a bit colder, but that hasn't been my experience.

I have burns of my chin that will never heal from my jaw hitting the ground looking at MED women, and plenty in CTG also. And I also love the variety of chica skin color found in CTG (negro, morena, triguena/canela, blanca). MED is dominated by blanca skin. Don't worry about the lack of young women in CTG, no problem there, IMO!

3. CTG proper, the places where you would want to stay, Bocagrande or Laguito, is more of a Collins Ave, Miami Beach than a Malibu beach house scene. Much more urban and intense with all the AC machines blazing.

4. Chicas do hang out on the beach. Very sexy chicas in teeny-weeny suits. And there's plenty of chicas to order on the beach. If you got some game, non-pro possibilities look good.

5. What's your tolerance to heat and humidity? If it's low, stick to the "eternal spring" like weather of MED.

6. Do you like large urban areas or smaller cities? MED is growing like hotcakes, whereas CTG feels like a smaller place.

My suggestion: take a month or two or 3 off, and spend time in both places, girl watching and real-estate investigating, and getting the general feel of the place.

Member #4603
11-09-06, 01:39
I really have no idea why NPaul1 copied and reposted my entire post, it's either an error ot he's an insane person.

Anyhow, I'm not trying to encourgage or discourage anyone. Just giving my most objective opinion for people who don't have the time and money to explore Latin America as I have and are deciding where they might like to go.

11-09-06, 02:21

Good writeup, and I agree with most of your thoughts.

I'd say it was about comparable to what you would find in the Boca Chica in the Dominican Republic and I think Boca Chica is more fun because it's a whole street full of bars and much livelier all week.

True. LDV is great, but once you put that aside, Cartagena does not really have the depth and liveliness of other places.

As for prices, the LDV girls try on 300, 000 COP for a short time, but will accept 200, 000 for all night based on my small sample. (I'm sure you could do better with some hard bargaining, but I don't like to bargain too hard as it creates a bad vibe that premises the rest of the night IMO, if not for her then for me. The more the whole thing takes on the characteristics of business transaction, the less sexy the experience is for me. Also, I like to get the exact girl I want, who is usually the hottest one in the bar, and don't mind giving extra). Anyway, that's about $80 to $120 USD, roughly.compared to the DR, where you can get a similar girl for $20 USD or Rio, $60, Cartagena is not a bargain.
I think your Cartagena prices are too high here, and your Rio prices are too optimistic. You call Rio at $60... but if you ask the hottest girl in Help to quote a price and don't bargain, guys are paying 400R for a couple of hours. That's $180.

To give you a better idea, I hit both places earlier this year. In Help I settled at about 200R ($80), in LDV I settled at 100k to 130k ($50).

You probably just need to discover the real prices for Colombia, because the prices you are reporting on apartments, LDV ass etc are all a bit on the high side.

It's easy to pickup up the poorer, less educated girls for a quick shag, but the educated, professional girls (which are what I find attractive) are a bit more circumspect about some young gringo such as yours truly. I'm considered guilty of being a sex-tourist or simply here today gone tomorrow until proven innocent, but once the girls get to know that you have some connection to the area, they open up-sometimes quite literally. The women are friendly and flirty and luscious. I have about 7 girls in the queue that are waiting for a call so I've got my hands full at the moment.

I think talking about good girls vs bad girls is a bit too simplistic. It's a continuum or sliding scale. You would be surprised how many of those educated, professional girls have given it up for money at one time or other. Even if it was just one time to buy that expensive pair of sunglasses they were lusting after.

A good middle ground is the prepagos. Less hardcore than pros, but none of the drama of a novia (especially if you are planning on changing novias regularly).

11-12-06, 22:46
Hello all,

It´s my first trip to Cartagena and it has been interesting to say the least. I want to share my experience so far, and ask a few questions.

I will cut through all the fluffy information and get to the meat! My first night I went to LDV and found a nice chica. I negotiated 200 COP for TLN and bought her and me a drink. 14K COP it came to be I think. This was at about 12:30. We then went to a nightclub in el centro for about an hour. It was fun, but an overwhelming experience. I paid her entrance fee and two drinks for me and her. (I can hear the groans now). At about 2 I wanted to go back to my apartment so we went. She was good in the sack, but after one "termina" she wanted to leave! Even though being with her was a pleasant experience, I paid for TLN and wanted it. My Viagra pill needed to be used! In any case, I only paid her 100K COP. Obviously she was mad, but I stood my ground and she left. My question is, did I do the right thing? What is the definition of Toda La Noche? Worst case I figured multiple pops uptil 5am.

My apartment is close to LDV so I ended up going there after the incident. It was about 3:30. I found another nice blondie from medellin (The first girl was from cali). We negotiated 150K cop for short term. She was ok, and I had a good time. She wanted money for the cab ride home for I paid her 10K. Later I found another american here and he said its pretty much standard for cap ride far. What does everyone here think?

I did the usual tourista activities the next day, then I wanted to see the casas! Hands down, the casas are where the good action is. I went to two of them in the Bosque area. Venus and another one, I can´t remember the name, maybe modilla house? The first one, modilla I think or similiar (Ill post a correction next time) had about 6 or 7 women. All thin girls! I could not believe it! I ended up talking to one for 20 minutes and paid her 80K to the house, and 80K to her. I think my cabbie got a commission, but I am not sure. She was very good! Great attitude. I tipped her another 20. I want to go to the Rosario Islands with a chica and she is on my list.

The taxi driver and I then went to Venus. I walk in and its amazing. It is probably about 10:30, with 25 girls and no men. All the girls are thin. I am used to Juarez, Mexico where most of the girls are fatties with a few thin ones. What does a guy do in this situation? Its like going to the grocery story and shopping for fruit. Over the years I have finally learned not to pick the prettiest because their attitudes are in the toilet. This one chica caught my eye and the look are her face was priceless. It was the look of, "Oh my God, he chose me!". She was from Medellin and had a great attitude. BTW, she was the first chica out of 4 to give me a BBBJ. What gives?! Must be because I am gringo and a little shy. Not sure. We negotiated 60K for the house, and 100K her (I knew I could probably get less for her, but I really liked her attitude and wanted to reward her for it). She even spoke some English which was impressive. I BTW am about a 4 on a 1 to 10 scale for Spanish. All else being equal, I´ll take her to the islands. All these girls have cell phones.

After that I went back to LDV. I found the blondie from the night before and I got her again for 150. I also saw the one I only gave 100 to. I ignored her and she was not a problem. We went to my apartment close by, and after this much sex I couldnt finish. She ended up being a clock watcher. I pleasently let her leave, but no way am I getting her again. It was only 15 minutes worth. Next time I go to LDV I´ll have to gracefully say no gracias. Looks go a long way, but I want a good attitude to go along with her.

So today I wanted to get a real massage. So sex, just a massage. So I saw there was a place called Masajes Rocio, and I went there. Ugh, they offer only sex and mediocre massages. I was not in the mood so I declined. However, this place looks to be one of the only places to get sex during the day. Anyone know of other places? We went by casa international and it was dead. What do I expect at 3pm? I will go back later tonight.

So it is day 3 in my trip and 7 more days to go. I am sure I may of paid too much in some cases, but hopefully not too much. I also ended up paying the taxi 20 an hour plus I bought him a few drinks. What would be the going rate? Probably cheaper.

Until my next report, best of luck to you all.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-13-06, 05:32
Has anyone stayed at the Hilton and wasn't allowed to have guest in their room?

11-13-06, 11:48
My first night I went to LDV and found a nice chica. I negotiated 200 COP for TLN and bought her and me a drink. 14K COP it came to be I think. This was at about 12:30. We then went to a nightclub in el centro for about an hour. It was fun, but an overwhelming experience. I paid her entrance fee and two drinks for me and her. (I can hear the groans now). At about 2 I wanted to go back to my apartment so we went. She was good in the sack, but after one "termina" she wanted to leave! Even though being with her was a pleasant experience, I paid for TLN and wanted it. My Viagra pill needed to be used! In any case, I only paid her 100K COP. Obviously she was mad, but I stood my ground and she left. My question is, did I do the right thing? What is the definition of Toda La Noche? Worst case I figured multiple pops uptil 5am.

Yes, you did the right thing to stand your ground. The proof is, she was fine about it the next day.

Things like "toda la noche" are too vague and the lazier girls will try and wriggle out of things any way they can. I prefer to say "until 10am" or "until midday" or whatever time you want. That way there is no comeback about what time you left the club, or "oh, is that the time!?"

Don't hesitate to ask direct questions like "Do you like sex?", it can give you a feel for whether she's going to deliver or not.

Buying drinks is OK. Personally I prefer to buy lots of drinks for the girls while in Cartagena. The LDV bar prices are quite reasonable and it usually pays off for you once you get her alone later in the night. I will buy a small bottle of rum at LDV, which means I can splash the drinks around a maybe deal her friends in a drink or two. And then I always have more booze back at the apartment.

She wanted money for the cab ride home for I paid her 10K. Later I found another american here and he said its pretty much standard for cap ride far. What does everyone here think?

Correct. Unless she lives in Bocagrande or Centro and then I would give her 5k.

So it is day 3 in my trip and 7 more days to go. I am sure I may of paid too much in some cases, but hopefully not too much. I also ended up paying the taxi 20 an hour plus I bought him a few drinks. What would be the going rate? Probably cheaper.

Yeah, you could probably pay 12k or 15k per hour. The true prices at the casas are probably much less than what you paid, but they always try and gouge the gringo. I got fed up with it and never use the casas.

Enjoy the rest of your time in Cartagena!

11-15-06, 22:44
Sweetlemon - thank you for your report which was most informative. I was surprised by your comment on CTG not being that appealing from both a tourist and hobby points of view. I was actually planning a trip in December. Many travel books describe Cartagena as one of the most beautiful cities in South America and that was what created my interest. And the hobby of course :)

Would you or anybody else recommend any better alternatives within, say, a three hour flying time radius of Miami ?

Thanks and best regards.


11-15-06, 22:59
No, the posts of Sweetlemon and I were not the same. If you read the beginnings of both you can see that I prefaced my comments on having been to Cartagena 10 times. I took his post and added my comments in CAPS in response to his statements based upon one trip. Then someone on the other side of the world edited my comments and turned them all into lower cased comments.

I have never met Sweetlemon, I am not a friend of Sweetlemon, and no, Senator, I'm no Sweetlemon.

El Greco
11-15-06, 23:28
Sweetlemon - thank you for your report which was most informative. I was surprised by your comment on CTG not being that appealing from both a tourist and hobby points of view. I was actually planning a trip in December. Many travel books describe Cartagena as one of the most beautiful cities in South America and that was what created my interest. And the hobby of course :)

Would you or anybody else recommend any better alternatives within, say, a three hour flying time radius of Miami ?

Thanks and best regards.


I spent two weeks last December in Cartagena and would second Sweetlemons report. Very accurate.

Try Rio de Janeiro or even Buenos Aires in that order. Longer flights but worth it.

El Greco

11-16-06, 00:18
El Greco

Thank you for your response. I have travelled through Brazil and Argentina and have really enjoyed my time in both these countries in terms of travelling and the nightlife. I agree that these are the primary destinations in South America along with Peru.

I am looking for a change and hence my question.

It seems that the beauty of the women in Columbia is unequalled and that in itself would be worth seeing.

Would appreciate anyone's frank comments.

El Greco
11-16-06, 01:07
El Greco

Thank you for your response. I have travelled through Brazil and Argentina and have really enjoyed my time in both these countries in terms of travelling and the nightlife. I agree that these are the primary destinations in South America along with Peru.

I am looking for a change and hence my question.

It seems that the beauty of the women in Columbia is unequalled and that in itself would be worth seeing.

Would appreciate anyone's frank comments.

Then go to Medellin, stay at the Aussie's Greg mansion, frequent Parque las Jerras area epecially early thursday to sunday evenings. Fantastic upscale colombianas there. Non pros. Greg and the other guys there will guide you for the pro ones.

The only bad thing no beaches there and the high altitude is kind of tiring.

The city is nice and safe if you follow the rules.

They also run direct flights from Miami.

El Greco

Lima Busy
11-16-06, 01:14
El Greco

Thank you for your response. I have travelled through Brazil and Argentina and have really enjoyed my time in both these countries in terms of travelling and the nightlife. I agree that these are the primary destinations in South America along with Peru.

I am looking for a change and hence my question.

It seems that the beauty of the women in Columbia is unequalled and that in itself would be worth seeing.

Would appreciate anyone's frank comments.
I am a die hard Lima fan and think it the best place in SA for non-pro action. That bieng said I think as you have been to the top three spots in SA, you owe it to yourself to see and experience CTG even for non-mongering purposes. You will meet Colombiana's from all over, there are good apartment options and a extremely knowledgable and helpful monger by the handle of "Tom33". Have a good trip and let the rest of us know how you would rate things.

11-16-06, 04:24
I am a die hard Lima fan and think it the best place in SA for non-pro action. LB

Lima Busy,

You are not the first person to say that Lima has hot chicas.

I am curious as to where exactly do you find theses non-pro girls you speak of.

I will be going to Lima next year. Is this the right place or is there another location that is better. Also, how much work goes into finding non-pro action.

I have found that the further you get from the big cities, the easier the girls are to meet in a normal fasion. So I am wondering if this is also true of Peru.

BTW- Are you posting this info already on the Peru board? Also, do your run a B&B as well or know of a good one?



Member #4603
11-16-06, 04:51
I have never met Sweetlemon, I am not a friend of Sweetlemon, and no, Senator, I'm no Sweetlemon.I guess we got that sorted out.

JackDaniels, I don't want to say that it would be a bad place. I could live here. I do want to say that if you have a week or two, you'd really be losing out by choosing Cartagena if you haven't visted other Latin American locations as a tourist or a monger.

If you're looking for something breataking, Cartagena doesn't compare to many cities in Latin America.

For beach cities, Rio de Janerio, Havana, Puerto Vallarta, Acapulco, and arguably other Mexican and Cuban cities are much, much more beautiful and interesting IMHO and have plenty of P4P. I don't know Central America so I couldn't comment. It's definately better than Santo Domingo as a city, but the DR in general (including Boca Chica and the north coast) is a bit more fun it seems to me, though both the DR and Rio can be sketchy and a bit dangerous while Cartagena is quite safe. Buenos Aires is a totally different asthetic but they defenately have beautiful women there as well.

Jon32, thanks for the input. I've gone to a few good restuarants adn they were great. It still seems like they all have the pretty much the same things on the menu, but my sample size is admitedly small.

I think I'm going to stand by the ATM complaint. From Laguito it's about a 20 to 30 mintue walk to an ATM in Boca Grande round trip which in my book is pretty inconvinient (though perhaps maditory walking is good for the health). The only ATM I can find in Laguito is the one near the frozen yogurt place which is down most of the time.

Anyway, the Colombian women are as gorgeous as any women anywhere on any measure, that much is certain.

11-16-06, 07:33
I think I'm going to stand by the ATM complaint. From Laguito it's about a 20 to 30 mintue walk to an ATM in Boca Grande round trip which in my book is pretty inconvinient (though perhaps maditory walking is good for the health). The only ATM I can find in Laguito is the one near the frozen yogurt place which is down most of the time.
The Hilton hotel in Laguito has an ATM that I almost always used. Gives out 400K pesos. Walk into the hotel, go down the hall on the right, and it's down the hall a bit.

There are many very knowledgable folks in this forum, including residents who currently live there. Knowing simple things, such as the nearest ATM, would have made your stay in CTG more pleasant. Or a simple 'donde esta el cajero automatico mas cerca?' or 'hay otros cajeros automaticos cercana?' to one of the natives would also work (of course, sometimes they don't know or are passive agressive against gringos - I've experienced this in other countries, but not CO).

I'm grateful for the guys on this and other forums who have gone before me, took many for the the team in various aspects of travel, and have made my trip most enjoyable. Prior preparation via research is essential.

Anyway, the Colombian women are as gorgeous as any women anywhere on any measure, that much is certain.I haven't been to nearly as many places as you or others in SA, but Colombianas sure have my vote!

Tom 33
11-16-06, 13:44
I think I'm going to stand by the ATM complaint. From Laguito it's about a 20 to 30 mintue walk to an ATM in Boca Grande round trip which in my book is pretty inconvinient (though perhaps maditory walking is good for the health).

Jeez, some of the best puss-watching and trolling areas are in Boca Grande. If you are too lazy to walk, you can bus there for 900 pesos. Walk the streets, have a coffee, hit an ATM, have lunch or dinner[your comment about the same stuff on the menu is way off]. Hell, you might even get lucky and want to cab to Laguito with your catch of the day(4K pesos).

Inconvenient? Do you have to work long hours while you are here? If you want to stay in Laguito and only eat at restaurants directly between your apartment and LDV, you might be right.

On a more general note, CTG is not for everyone. MDE is a much nicer city, but you need a bit more experience to handle it.

Lima Busy
11-16-06, 21:14
Lima Busy,

You are not the first person to say that Lima has hot chicas.

I am curious as to where exactly do you find theses non-pro girls you speak of.

I will be going to Lima next year. Is this the right place or is there another location that is better. Also, how much work goes into finding non-pro action.

I have found that the further you get from the big cities, the easier the girls are to meet in a normal fasion. So I am wondering if this is also true of Peru.

BTW- Are you posting this info already on the Peru board? Also, do your run a B&B as well or know of a good one?



Do not want to clog up this thread with info on Lima as it is well covered on this site as well as others. No monger B&B's as most guys prefer to stay in a hotel or rent a apartment.With the #3 cuisine in the world today and world renowned restuarants as well as ethnic diversity Lima has a more cosmopolitian feel to it. Most guy's will tell you if your a "city type" the best mongering is always in the capital city of any country. If P4P is your thing than "prices" are always cheaper in the outlying areas. Peru's reputation is not based on the beauty of the population as a whole, but more on the approachability and sweetness of the women. If you want more info just follow the Lima thread and to make up for my post I include a photo of a non-pro friend of mine.

El Austriaco
11-16-06, 21:27
For beach cities, Rio de Janerio, Havana, Puerto Vallarta, Acapulco, and arguably other Mexican and Cuban cities are much, much more beautiful and interesting IMHO and have plenty of P4P.
Rio de Janeiro, yes: better beaches, better beach life, plenty of P4P. Havana? Great colonial city, yes, but beach life? P4P, yes, but a pain in the ass (well, at least it was while I was there in 1998). Acapulco? Not bad, but sky-high P4P, and I hope nobody seriously compares Mexican women to Colombian ones (P4P or not). Puerto Vallarta: don't know, but I wouldn't hold my breath in terms of P4P (I live in Mexico, after all).

Just trying to be fair to Cartagena. IMHO, it's a worthy alternative destination after Rio, maybe if only to get a different taste. Something that I couldn't say about Mexico, P4P-wise.

I think I'm going to stand by the ATM complaint. From Laguito it's about a 20 to 30 mintue walk to an ATM in Boca Grande round trip which in my book is pretty inconvinient (though perhaps maditory walking is good for the health). The only ATM I can find in Laguito is the one near the frozen yogurt place which is down most of the time.
As Tom correctly mentioned, there are TONS of ATMs in Boca Grande, and I have never had a problem with any of them. Come to think of it, there are way more working ATMs in Cartagena than in Rio de Janeiro, even in Copacabana. I have yet to find a working one in Centro Rio, while finding one in downtown Cartagena has never been a problem for me.


11-17-06, 03:41
hello everyone,

first, thanks for cachorro for his insights into my questions. i´ve met many people and starting to learn the ropes so to speak. after we left off, i then went to other casas that night. (the casa i mensioned in my last post was casa morino btw). i also visited ldv again and got the blondie from medellin. since i had two other girls that night it took me a little while to finish. but 10 minutes, come on. she started saying stuff like i need to finish. i swear, only 10 minutes! i paid her the 150k and never again.

next night i hired another cab driver for 20k an hour. he was a cool guy that had a cd player in his taxi and played michael jackson the whole time. nothing like driving down a road in cartagena with thriller blasting in the background. at about 8pm our first stop was pleyboy. it was dead. only one girl there that was a 6. we then went to casa lavagante which is right next door. there was a few girls there, and some birthday party for an italian. i got a nice girl named patricia (not her real name as i found out). nice 19 year old girl. i paid 60k for the house and 80k for her. she gave me the best bbbj i´ve ever had so i ended up giving her 100k. since i was looking for a chica to travel with, i got her number and invited her to spend the day with me the following day, then go to the resort cocolisco. i told her i´d call at 12:30 the next day.

the taxi guy and me then went to casa international. again, not many if any guys, and about 7 or 8 girls. we sit at a table and a nearby girl catches my eye. i buy her a beer and we talk for awhile. it is 50k for the house and we negotiate a price. she wanted 80k and i said 60k. she said 80k. i told her she is supposed to say 70k next. she wouldn´t budge and i told the driver that we need to leave after this beer and she gave in. the price doesn´t matter to me too much, i just want these girls to be flexible. so after a few drinks we head up to the room. again, a great bbbj. unfortunately, she has had a child so her body isn´t up to speed. i give her a 7.5. at the end of the session, she must of been in love with me. truth or not, she said i made her orgasm 3 times and i could see the love in her eyes. kind of scary if you ask me. i got her number but i won´t call her up.

the next day i call patricia at 12:30 and she is going to meet me at my apartment at 2. at 3 she finally arrives. we have sex within the first 10 minutes, then go off to get something to eat. we also bought 2 tickets to cocolisco resort at the hilton. a few hours later we come back and go at it again. i thought she was going to stay the whole night, but she ended up leaving because the ¨casa¨ needs her around. dang it, what does it take to get a girl to stay the whole night around here? i paid her the agreed upon 150k for her time.

the next morning she comes over at 7:30 and we´re off to cocoliso. it´s tuesday and cloudy and rainy. during the boat ride over, the last 10 minutes it was pouring and a little chilly. we go snorkling and sit in the sun, blah blah blah. overall, the place wasn´t as good as it seems. a good experience overall, but not sure if i´ll do it again. when i get back home i´ll post some pictures of the resort and my chica. she leaves after we got at it again that night and i´ll probably never talk or see her again.

wednesday. so on my way through bogata, i got the phone number of an american i met at the airport. i would of called him earlier but i lost his number! however, on tuesday i found it while packing for cocolisco. so i call him on wednesday afternoon. turns out it´s his colombian girlfriends phone number. she says he left this morning. she asks is she can come over. i say, sure. an hour later she comes with her two daughters. one is a 9, and another is a gordita 5. we ended up walking to bocagrande and eat dinner. uh oh, they wanted me to pay. bad sign. i paid like a stupid gringo. they end up inviting me back to their house which is, seriously, a 45 minute cab ride into who knows where in cartagena. i´ll have to post those pictures, too. i find out the 22 years old hot daughter has a kid of her own. she goes down to a 8 in my book. we were supposed to go out tonight (thursday) to a club. i figured my chances of sex were low, and she had a kid - she can´t be smoking hot. if i wanted to date a girl with no guarenteed sex, i´d be vacationing in miami! i blew her off and took another option. that wednesday night i ended up going to ldv. it was raining cats and dogs and i got there about 11:30. not many girls or guys there. i found a decent looking girl, probably a 7. we agree on 100k for short term. she was the first girl from ldv that gave me a bbbj. congradulations.

i heard of this cab driver which has university girls that are under his wing so to speak. i took him up on his offer of 200k for a university girl. in 90 minutes he came with a 29 year old girl which was probably a 8. however, i later learned she didn´t have much sexual experience and even didn´t do a bbbj. terrible. i paid her the 200k and figured that was it. later the taxi driver comes to my door and wants his take. this really got me mad. i thought the 200k was all inclusive. i angerly gave him 20k and told him to leave me alone. i´ll tell his friend that introduced me to the service that i apologize, but never again.

today i met another american here and we are going to check out a club called tripletera or something similiar in el centro. apparently it´s similar to ldv. i also heard there is another club called isis (it´s pronounced ysis) that´s similar to ldv in el centro. i only have 2 more days so not sure if i´ll get to visit or not. i´ll let you all know.


editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-18-06, 01:05

a couple of excellent reports from junkyard has inspired this longtime lurker to post some contributions on cartagena.

to put my experience in context: i have been to south america (mostly rio, ba, sp, ctg) 7 or 8 times in the last couple of years. i know the score reasonably well. i would place cartegana 2nd in sa in terms of value for money and girl experiences. rio would have to be number one: there are many more options and i dig the br girls. having said that, everytime i go to ctg i've had excellent gfe experiences. they're probably more attainable in ctg than in rio imho.

my modus operandi: i like to get <british style> pissed. therefore, i like the bar scenes. therefore (ii), i like helpeee in rio, newport in ba, neptunes in hong kong and ldv in cartegena. to my mind, ldv is a smaller, well ok much smaller, version of helpee. if you squint, you're slightly pissed and self-delusional, they can both feel like regular clubs where the girls just happen to be particularly friendly.

in term of value for money: ctg beats rio hands down. the chap that posted earlier about rio being equitable was just plain wrong. rio is much more expensive than ctg these days. the price of accommodation is pretty comparable actually, with decent apartments available in both cities for $50 a day, but it's the price of the girls where rio becomes expensive. it's difficult to get helpee girls for less than r200 tln (usually more) which is about gbp60. it's much easier to get a ldv girl for 200k pesos (gbp40) and the experience, so long as you follow the ground rules, tends to be better too. having said that, you could easily argue the lower cost per girl advantage of ctg is offset by the significantly greater number of options in rio (termos, escorts, freelancers, helpee, balcony, meia pataca etc).

overall, i'd recommend a newbie who doesn't speak spanish should go to rio.

now, i have a questions: i've never been to ctg around the xmas period, but i'm thinking of arriving just before new years eve. whats ldv like at that time of year? is la ley seca active around this time (i'll be staying around 2 weeks)? do the girls tend to go home for xmas? any insights much appreciated.


editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Tom 33
11-18-06, 14:51
I leave CTG for MDE during Christmas. The city is packed, and lodging prices are double or triple.

11-19-06, 02:58

I'm thinking of arriving on the 29th. A good time, you think? I could just go to Rio, but can't decide. Is there any La Ley Seca period in CTG at that time?

I leave CTG for MDE during Christmas. The city is packed, and lodging prices are double or triple.

11-19-06, 03:24
Daytime action: really tough. There is action to be had in Laguito, late afternoon/early evening, but IMHO it's really tough. I should say I'm a pretty shy guy, so for the more brazen of you maybe it's easier, but for me it'd hard work. There's the odd girl around, but it sure aint Rio (Balcony, Meia Pataca) during the day. My favoured daytime activity is to get some casa girls, who certainly aren't used to the gringo action, and invite them around during the day. I had a couple of girls around for 300k. They arrived at 1pm, left at 6-ish. Was lovely. And the casa girls generally are much more appreciative than the LDV girls who, by and large, are waaaaay gringo-tired. I'm certain I could have gotten a cheaper price than 300k but I need to feel the price is right for me as well as for them.

As much as I love LDV, btw, it aint the be-all and end-all. There are a number of other excellent options:

Pleyboy: only been there one. It was pretty decent, I can't remember the price, but I think around 200k for one hour or slightly less. Lots of cute girls, I don't know about the TNL options (which is what I'm most interested in), but I'd say ok value for money for the hourly option considering the high quality of girls.

La Triplaterra/Girro Matti/Candela/Other centro options: I gotta say, I love these places. They're bars, but full of hookers. And Me Love Da Hookers. In these places in Centro you can mostly tell the difference between Colombia and Brazil. There are girls, and they're most certainly pros, but you can pretend (in the self-delusional game we all play with ourseleves) that they're not pros. For a drinker like myself, Giro Matti is ace. Open til 6 or 7, crowded, 90% of the girls hookers, but very few of them hustling for buiness. Perfect for those of us wanting several hours of self-delusional fun.

That's it for now.

11-19-06, 08:12
Two of us friends visited Cartagena from November 7 thru November 12, 2006, and from November 12th thru 17th at the Medellin Mansion.


We reached Cartagena at 1:00pm, rented our apartment from Juan Ventura. Juan put us up in Edificio playa mar 802 for the first three days and Playa mar 801 from November 10 thru 12. Due to busy season we had to switch the apartments on November 10, 2006. I recommend 801 cause it has an excellent beach view from balcony and the master bedroom.

In short service provided by Juan Ventura was remarkably good (Two thumbs up).

This trip of mine was sort of no limit money wise. I was in no mood to negotiate as long as i was only doing top class girls. I wanted girl friend experience and in most cases i did get it.

I blew away US$4,000 in 10 days (including my ticket and stay). I dont' even remember how many girls i had in my trip, but i can tell you this that aside from may be 1 or so none of the girls was less than 8.5 in my scale.

Just to give you guys an idea of what i say is 8.5, I am posting a girl from Cartagena which i booked from 1:00 am to 5:00 pm the next day for US$175 (COP 350,000), also i am posting a girl from medellin by the name of Lina from Loutron (she was a knock out and a 9.4 in my scale. I can only give a 10 to Aishwaria Rai (Indian top model/actress).

Recomendations in Cartagena:

Valentina from LDV ( I literally made love to her, just like you would make love to your girl friend for the first time). After my session with her, it was her words "may be i should pay you." I paid her COP 300k for the night.

Pley club in Cartagena is the closest to a Terma setting of Rio de Janeiro. One hour session at the club is 150k and girl for the night including club fees is usually 300k (The price is pretty much set). I recommend that if you
want to have a fun experience in Cartagena, don't miss out on visiting Pley club. They have thailand style shows going on every 20 or 30 mins. If nothing else go check the shows out. Girls are dancing all around you, and at pley club, pretty soon you will have the feeling that you died and went to Heaven.

Cartagena had some good ass night time action, but the action was quite limited to night time. Day time action was some what limited.

Sean EZ
11-19-06, 09:33
to my mind, ldv is a smaller, well ok much smaller, version of helpee.]
artful, thanks for the excellent report. i hope you had a chance to check out giro matto in el centro. although it doesn't start until late (past 3am), it's a great place to be after chasing after regular girls is over. you'll see a lot of girls from ldv you saw earlier in the nite, but the prices come down and it has more of an atmosphere of a regular club which makes it a lot of fun bringing them back. also, there you are more likely to run into an occasional semipro visiting from out of town (also true of tu candela)

i just returned from the miss colombia week in cartagena. compared to last year, there were a lot fewer people this year...

Tom 33
11-19-06, 13:09
A quick photo tip: when there is a bright background, use forced flash.

Jim Nelson
11-20-06, 00:24
Great Report John!

A question: Which Valentina did you encounter from LDV? (there seems to be about 3) Was she from Medellin, Monteria or Barranquilla?

There is a thread on another web site that warns about a girls from LDV, with the same name.

I encountered a girl with this name in LDV last year that was a less than satisfactory experience. ( I am guessing not the same you met)

Any fotos of her? Or describe her?


11-20-06, 05:46
Great Report John!

A question: Which Valentina did you encounter from LDV? (there seems to be about 3) Was she from Medellin, Monteria or Barranquilla?

There is a thread on another web site that warns about a girls from LDV, with the same name.

I encountered a girl with this name in LDV last year that was a less than satisfactory experience. ( I am guessing not the same you met)

Any fotos of her? Or describe her?


Jim Nelson,

The Valentina I had was from Medellin. As per describing her she didn't look no more than 19 years of age. Her tit size was may be a B cup. Young and energetic girl.

HEHE, One of the chics i almost fell in love with. If I wasn't married I would certainly think about her much much more.

Only reason i go mongering around the world is to keep all those good memories in international waters and not to bring them home (LOL).



11-20-06, 16:03
If it is the Valentina from MDE that I know, she likes anything but "making love". She likes it rough and hard. Tall flaca, brown hair butt you can just about hold in one hand......ohhhh the memories.......

Escort King
11-20-06, 16:34
If it is the Valentina from MDE that I know, she likes anything but "making love". She likes it rough and hard. Tall flaca, brown hair butt you can just about hold in one hand......ohhhh the memories.......

lol... funny how thoser are the ones that really get into the memory - have a few memories from various places in the world like that.

Member #4603
11-21-06, 09:58
if you are too lazy to walk, you can bus there for 900 pesos.
dude, seriously. yes, i know where boca grande is. i have been there countless times now and, yes, i agree it has some atms. no, i am not too "lazy" to walk. i wanted to let people know that getting money can be a bit inconvenient in laguito – and it can be.

i think many people visiting won't like to have to take a cab/bus/walk to boca grade when they find laguito's lonely atm down, either. sometimes people need cash fast (and tourists generally need cash constantly) and drawn out/complicated atm runs in an unfamiliar city, particularly at night, and especially for all those that don't know how to ask for an atm in spanish can be a chore so please chill.


anyway, in other news...

i went to pley club the other evening. it's a long ride from laguito and i almost didn't believe we had arrived when i saw it from the outside. it didn’t look like the city’s “top” strip club. it looked like a dirty non-descript house with some taxis mulling about outside. it’s actually connected to a ragged hotel-esque structure with a dozen rooms or more where the girls take you for a shag and where i later found out that the visiting girls actually live.

the inside was smallish and very bland save for some flourishes and a couple fancy lights around the bar area. you can see that they made some effort to make it look like a strip club but also that they fell far short of achieving the full effect. loud techno music, smoky, somewhat limited drink selection. there were two strobe lights, one broken, so it was always a bit too dark to see the girls well. the stage itself i have to say was pathetic. it had all the ambiance of a dirty fish tank and the single poll was too short for any proper acrobatics. beers were 7,000 cop and there was no cover. there was no high pressure lady drink stuff here either so it was pretty tranquil on that front. girls didn’t pressure you unless you wanted them to. this is not a rip off joint (save for a couple hustlers outside hoping to put the bite on you for this or that as you try to arrange a taxi back home).

i went on a saturday at about 1:00 am and there were about 30 girls and 30 guys there, all colombian. the girls mainly lined the perimeters sitting in chairs or dancing by themselves waiting for an invitation while the guys occupied the tables around the stage. all girls cost the same 150,000 cop for an in-house shag and 300,000 to leave with you. you actually pay at the bar and they register the girl and the sum in a big book. the girls were from 5 to 7 i’d say. i was planning on taking one out, but i didn’t see anyone worth taking out, so i resolved to shag as many girls as i could in-house until i could shag no more. all things considered, the ldv had better looking girls.

viewing it through the lens of a strip club (and it may really be more of a brothel/bar where a bit of stripping takes place that a real strip club), there were some odd characteristics of this “strip club”. first, none (or almost none) of the girls were wearing hot stripper clothes. they were mainly in jeans or dresses not different what you might find at the ldv or even on the street. when i go to a strip club, i want to see thongs, and thigh-highs and spandex and tits and asses undulating at every turn. you really get very little of this at pley club. second, it seems like there was an inordinately long period between dancers, like 10 or 15 minutes. ok, this gives people an opportunity to dance and mingle i suppose, but personally i’d rather see wall to wall stripping. a real oddity was that immediately after the girl’s show (and they do strip to the nude) is that a guy jumps up on stage and wraps the girl in a robe that looks like it had been lifted from sugar ray leonard’s locker room circa 1980. what’s odd isn’t the robe but the urgency with which he jumps on stage and wraps the dancer with it as if she were his wife and everyone else where some ill mannered neighbor that had just barged into their bedroom uninvited as she was getting out of the shower. personally, i’d encourage the girls to walk around nude as much as possible. i’m sure management would have more to write in that big book of theirs if they did.

anyway, i was getting on with various girls and especially enjoying two blond paisas (paisa is what they call girls from medellín apparently). i enjoyed pretending i heard them say payasa (which means clown), then pretending like i didn’t understand their explanation and then asking them where their red nose was or if it took a long time to learn how to juggle.

i had just left the room adjacent to the entrance after shagging one of them to observe all the lights on and a bunch of military standing around checking ids. word to the wise—don’t mess with **** girls. the military it turns out where there checking for **** girls and if that cute blonde i had just shagged had turned out to be 16, i’m not sure it would have been an especially good evening. i got the feeling that that is not the sort of offense that one can slip them $20 to forget about and felt a bit nervous given the stone looks on their faces. i guess everyone passed inspection as they left about 15 minutes later without any incident at which point the lights went off and the music started again.

it was an ok experience, but i’m still missing the sort of insane shapes you see in brazil and mexico where the girls in the top places look like the exaggeratedly sexy women you see in comic books.

in sum, pley club is so so, ldv has better quality and cart i still find lacking from my perspective. i think the regular non-pro discos are where you’ll find the best looking women in cartagena imho but you have to be smooth and speak spanish to take advantage.

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Member #4603
11-22-06, 01:56
The chap that posted earlier about Rio being equitable was just plain wrong.I'm guessing I'd be the afrementioned chap or if not I think "plain wrong" is a bit bold. One, including myself, really shouldn't overgeneralize about prices. I notice lots of debates over prices on this board (and I see dudes getting into it over like $20 differences) which is pointless becuase a woman in these situations is really not a commodity and there are so many variables that can influence what she asks for and what you agree to pay that guys spouting different rates can both be correct. In Mexico, for example, prices vary from $10 USD for 20 mintue shag with a skanky Boys Town puta to $1,000 USD for a couple hours with an elite model in Mexico City. I've sampled both.

If you go to Rio during Carnival or high season prices will be very high becuase there are too many dudes there willing to pay anything. And why not, this is their big chance. The law of supply and demand. You'll find many girls travel to Rio from all over Brazil and really a lot of Brazilian girls working in Europe come back to work this season. I lived in Rio for a year and found prices were generally reasonable at Help and even better in other places, better than what I experienced in my brief sample at LDV (though I admit I don't really like to bargin and again I'm sure you can do better). I'm sure you could find some $20 USD nookie here in Cart as well if you really worked it. You can get hot girls in Rio for as little as $10 or $20 USD in certian places. I don't even want to mention Belo Horizonte which has a large complex of shabby hotles near the Rodoviária where you can get a decent girl, I kid you not, for as little as $5 USD. In Rio the quantity and variety is so, so much greater than Cartagena that it's not even comprable really. I'm sure any dude that wants to truck it to Vila Mimosa in Rio can find girls they find totally hot for $10 or $20 bucks (Vila Mimosa is NOT recomended for non-Portuguese speakers or uptight people becuase it's really shady and really rowdy.)

I agree some girls at Help will try on very high prices and there are some girls there so beautiful that you can't resist. I guess one's communication and appearance can also be a big factor as well as your intentions. I think a girl is likely to quote high for guys they find unattractive, disagreable, who can't speak the language or who wants to spend all night plugging her in the ass (or of course those who accept the first price that sails out of a girl's mouth and doesn't bargain). If you're all of these things expect to pay top dollar. Most girls would rather go party and have fun with some guy she vibes with and is attracted to (or at least some guy that wants a simple quickie around the corner in a love motel) and quote accordingly. If she thinks there is some boyfriend potential she or just digs you she may go for free. I generally prefer the "free" action (save dinner, drinks, taxis, etc) in all of the above places personally. Also, there is just obviosuly large variation from girl to girl as beauty is in the eye of the beholder both in terms of their self opinion and our opinion of them. I guess purists could also mention exchange rates and all that not to mention if that perpetually sick aunt actually gets sick and the family is in need some fast cash. So plug all those variables into your nookie calculator.

Anyway, the rates I quoted are not by government decree, but based on my personal experience. I'm sure other prices mentioned were just as true for their publishers.

One thing is certain though and that is Rio can be hella dangerous. I got into three physical fights of various degrees of severity during my year there there and a friend of mine got mugged at knife point and also got into a pretty bad bar fight with some management that tried to pull a major rip off scam on him and he refused to pay. Two other friends got their drinks spiked and got extremely sick.

Some of the girls in Rio are pure evil. I can't say that to the same degree about girls I met anywhere else, even in the US, Africa or Haiti. Rio is both the best and the worst of places. The Brazilians have a saying (this is a weak paraphrase) about how when God created Brazil instead of giving them earthquakes, hurricanes and natural disasters his punishment was instead to give them Brazilians. The biggest (and possibly only) advantage that Cartagena has over Rio IMO is that Cartagena is safe and Rio is not.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-22-06, 05:02
I guess we got that sorted out.

I think I'm going to stand by the ATM complaint. From Laguito it's about a 20 to 30 mintue walk to an ATM in Boca Grande round trip which in my book is pretty inconvinient (though perhaps maditory walking is good for the health). The only ATM I can find in Laguito is the one near the frozen yogurt place which is down most of the time.

Anyway, the Colombian women are as gorgeous as any women anywhere on any measure, that much is certain.

There is a Hilton in Laguito, it has an ATM. I used it many times. A hop, skip, and jump from the Torre Centauro. Next time use that and stop wasting time going to Boca Grande.

11-22-06, 08:29
There is a Hilton in Laguito, it has an ATM. I used it many times. A hop, skip, and jump from the Torre Centauro. Next time use that and stop wasting time going to Boca Grande.Also, when I was there in June it had a $400,000 limit, higher then any other I had found.


MJG Dogs
11-22-06, 10:03
The one at the yogurt shop worked every time I used it in August, the best one is on the same street about 100 meters before Olympica ( the supermarket) in Bocagrande, yes it is 15-20 minutes roundtrip max, if you walk, but you can get 500K at a time from the ATM. The only complaint about that ATM is that it is the coldest place in Cartagena, once you lock yourself in there you freeze your ass off.

Tom 33
11-22-06, 15:00
Hey guys, we can't confuse Sweetie with the facts. I guess he can't find the Hilton or read. And cajero automatico(o ah-te-emay) is pretty hard to pronounce.

I have lived in Laguito for 4 years. The ATM by Yogen Fruz has failed to function for me maybe 4 times in 4 years. That has been my primary ATM. I have to walk about 40 yards to get there. The Hilton is maybe 70 yards in the other direction. But there is no 5-star restaurant between my building and the ATM.

Why am I still here?

MJG Dogs
11-22-06, 22:05
Gee I wonder why you are still there. I would think you would rather be in The United States of America, where the women are pasty,fat and think you own them not just something, but everything. God I know the weather must be awful in CTG also, I mean you can be in Green Bay in Janurary and have better climate. I bet you would sacrifice the hot colombianas for an opportunity to hang out at the local Bowling alley.

All kidding aside, some people Tom do not have the ability to evaluate data in front of them and make a decision or have a mild discomfort in Cartagena and you would think all hell had broken loose. So an ATM does not work, BFD.....

11-24-06, 21:33
Hello Everyone,

Before I get into the story, I'll express my experiences at ATM's while there since it seems to be a hot topic. I am only stating what happened to me and I'm not intending to offend anyone.

I wish I would of known about the ATM at the Hilton. I always ended up using the ATM next to the Frozen Yogurt shop in el Laguito. Half the time it didn't print out a receipt, and it was broken for 3 days of my trip. The maximum take is 300K.

I ended up walking around Bocagrande and found a few more ATMs. One with a 200K limit, and another with a 300K. There was one day where I really needed to get money and the Frozen Yogurt one was broken, and the other 300K one in Bocagrande was out. And at the 200K bank only one machine worked! Granted it was my first trip there, it was frusterating. I finally found another machine farther in Bocagrande that worked. And BTW, even though I told my credit union I was going to Colombia they blocked my card on day 6. I haven't had the time to ask them why, just an FYI. I ended up using my backup for the last 4 days of the trip.

Ok, back to the fun! That night my the american friend and I checked out Tripletera in el centro. We got there around 11:30pm and the place had about 20 girls. The best was maybe a 7.5. No real stunners. We decided to stay for 45 minutes and watch the fun. There was loud club music and all the girls seemed to be having a good time. I asked a waiter (who looked and acted like a regular customer) if all the girls here are working. He said yes. It also cost 10K to enter. I did talk to one girl that caught my eye. I screened her and bought her a drink. Because of my trip to Cocolisco earlier in the trip, my back was itching. I asked her to scratch it and she refused! I couldn't believe it. She said something about this being a disco club. Whatever that means. It turned me off so bad I left her sitting on the couch. A few minutes later my friend and I left to go to Ysis.

We get to Ysis and it's a smaller club. As usual we are the only gringos there. We end up talking to a few girls. They end up having kids (we wanted to have girls with no kids tonight) so we decided to check out Pleyboy.

We went to Pleyboy and I was unimpressed. I was there earlier in my trip, but this time it had maybe 10 - 15 girls. I expected to see great looking girls but I all I saw was maybe an 8 here and there. We stayed for 10 minutes, but we both agreed we didn't like the atmosphere and the women. My friend had an idea. He told the cab driver to run around el centro and find some working street girls. So we did.

After 15 minutes of this it was clear no good ones were to be found, so we went back to Tripltera. Same girls, same story. So we went to Ysis. My friend found a girl he wanted. After 20 minutes talking to her, she wanted 400K for all night. He refused. I found a girl with a great body, but ok face. She didn't have kids so I bit. She wanted 200K. I told her 150K. She said ok but with a tip. I told her yes if I liked her. I had to pay the money to the bar and not her. My friend ended up going to LDV that night. He got there around 3pm and said it was excellent and got a nice lady who likes it in the ass.

One thing all people tell me is trust your instincts. The chica I took home had a semi-bad attitude. She performed well in the sack, no BBBJ. Did I mension she had a great body? But overall attitude I didn't like. I told her if I liked her I'd give her a tip. After it was done I didn't ger her one. She blurted something in Spanish about me never going back to Ysis then left the apartment. That's two girls now leaving mad. Probably just newbie learning.

The next day I decided to call up the chica I had from Venus my second day. She is a 7.5, but the best attitude I've seen so far. I'll post a picture of her soon. Sex whenever I wanted, and a great attitude the whole time. We went to go to the San Felipe castle, too. With her I had a realization. I never used to look forward to BJ's. It was because no one was doing them right.

She stayed all night and left the next morning. The all night takeout fee at Venus is 80K, and I paid her 220K on top of that. I know I could of got away with less, but I liked her and I'm sure she could use it.

For my last trip, I called a taxi driver from before and told him to pick me up at 8:30pm. To my surprise he came at 8:20. Because of broken through plans, my american friend came too. I had 700K in my pocket and was ready to have some fun. Our first stop: Casa de Marino.

I was still debating whether to get several girls, or get one for all night. We get to Casa De Marino at about 9pm. No guys, and about 8 or 9 girls. We sit by ourselves at a table and try to figure out which one we want, if any. I saw the girl I had before but I wanted variety. Two girls caught my eye and I got the taxi driver to get one of them over. She looked good, but told me she had one child. I wanted a stunner, so she left to do something and I called the other one over. If she wouldn't of left, I would of had to reject her somehow. What's the best way? This new girl was hot. I have one picture of her and it doesn't do her justice. I ended up paying the house fee of 130K plus 200K to bring her home for an all nighter. My american friend is more money conscious. He picked another girl and got her down to 130 + 150 after some bargaining. Next trip I'll dedicate a night to haggling.

She was hungry so we stopped by a gas station to pick up some food. Now picture this. A hot colombian girl dressed up like a stripper and a gringo in a mini food mart in a gas station. Priceless. I get her back and we drink some rum and hang out on the balcony. She was great but she was a little sensitive in her breasts. I never got a BJ from her, but then again I never asked (they always just give it to you). Overall I'd give her an attitude of a 7.

The next morning I left early for my flight to Bogata. I didn't realize that in Colombia you only need to get to your flight 60-90 minutes early. Not 150 minutes. They literally told me to wait around for 80 minutes then come back. Remember to have your 80K to leave the country.

That's it. Thanks to everyone with their experiences and advice. Overall I had a great experience and I'm coming back. Send me a message if you want any details on my 3 reports.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-25-06, 01:56
Artful, thanks for the excellent report. I hope you had a chance to check out Giro Matto in el centro. I thought I'd followed up my earlier report with another report on some of the other options in CTG, but either a) I was drunk (very possible) or b) the system screwed up (less possible), but anyway it didn't seem to post, so here goes for a second time.

I've been to CTG 4 or 5 times in total and have become less dependant upon LDV. LDV still features in most if not all of my nights, but not necessarily the highlight. Here's a rundown of the non-LDV options. Apologies, but I'm not that good at remembering prices.

1) Giro Matto, as mentioned by Sean EZ above. The favoured option after 3am. As Sean says, it's the venue LDV girls go when it closes, and it's a more relaxed, less transactional atmosphere. I have to admit, I AM WITHOUT FAIL annihilated by the time I reach here, which probably contribute to the consistently good time I have. Prices are probably lower. To be honest, I think probably only 1/3 of the girls there are LDV regulars...I don't really know where the others come from, but 85.6% of them are available. ' Giro Matto is a club, with relentless electronic/techno playing, so if you can't tolerate this, maybe this place is not for you.

2) La Triplaterra, Mr Bimboa....(there's one or two others, I can't remember their names I'm afraid). These are bars located in Centro. They're decent pre-midnight options. If you accept that the best experiences usually don't come from the stunners (all experienced mongers will agree with this) then you'll be happy here. Not to say they're mingers coz they're not, I've seen one or two 9/10s in there, but a higher average is found in LDV, but IMO they're more friendly here. The girls that go to these places on the whole don't go to LDV, so when you've been 3 nights in a row to LDV and people start shouting your name as soon as you walk-in in true 'Cheers' style, pay these places a visit.

3) Pleyboy. I wasn't really impressed by Pleyboy. I've been to several casas, and although it's head and shoulders above the rest in CTG, it doesn't really compare well with the Termas in Rio. Actually, it doesn't even come close to the Termas in Rio. Prices weren't good, esp when compared with the options above, which are usually for TLN if you know what you're doing.

4) Casas. I went to several over one or two days. They were all really grim IMHO. Cheap options, but not offering what I'm looking for: quality girls, and a party atmosphere. Will suit those looking for a quick bang.

5) Daytime options. For me, a shy retiring Englishman, CTG is hard work during the day. 75% of the time tho, there's been an LDV girl hanging around from the night before, which has suited me fine. A couple of occasions tho, I've kept numbers from girls I met at the casas, and called them during the day. I don't mean to be disparaging, but my experience with casa girls is that they're less wordly-wise than their LDV counter-parts which equates to lower prices. They also tend to be a bit starry-eyed in the presence of gringos and a couple of times have gotten quite attached to. I should point out that I am gorgeous, which might explain this. <joke>

Sweetlemon: accept your point, of course, that there's a massive variety of prices in both RIO and CTG. However, if you're looking for a beautiful girl that'll give a decent experience, LDV on average will be 30-40% cheaper than Help, which is the fairest comparison I can come up with.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-25-06, 02:06
Artful, thanks for the excellent report. I hope you had a chance to check out Giro Matto in el centro. I thought I'd followed up my earlier report with another report on some of the other options in CTG, but either a) I was drunk (very possible) or b) the system screwed up (less possible), but anyway it didn't seem to post, so here goes for a second time.

I've been to CTG 4 or 5 times in total and have become less dependant upon LDV. LDV still features in most if not all of my nights, but not necessarily the highlight. Here's a rundown of the non-LDV options. Apologies, but I'm not that good at remembering prices.

1) Giro Matto, as mentioned by Sean EZ above. The favoured option after 3am. As Sean says, it's the venue LDV girls go when it closes, and it's a more relaxed, less transactional atmosphere. I have to admit, I AM WITHOUT FAIL annihilated by the time I reach here, which probably contribute to the consistently good time I have. Prices are probably lower. To be honest, I think probably only 1/3 of the girls there are LDV regulars...I don't really know where the others come from, but 85.6% of them are available. ' Giro Matto is a club, with relentless electronic/techno playing, so if you can't tolerate this, maybe this place is not for you.

2) La Triplaterra, Mr Bimboa....(there's one or two others, I can't remember their names I'm afraid). These are bars located in Centro. They're decent pre-midnight options. If you accept that the best experiences usually don't come from the stunners (all experienced mongers will agree with this) then you'll be happy here. Not to say they're mingers coz they're not, I've seen one or two 9/10s in there, but a higher average is found in LDV, but IMO they're more friendly here. The girls that go to these places on the whole don't go to LDV, so when you've been 3 nights in a row to LDV and people start shouting your name as soon as you walk-in in true 'Cheers' style, pay these places a visit.

3) Pleyboy. I wasn't really impressed by Pleyboy. I've been to several casas, and although it's head and shoulders above the rest in CTG, it doesn't really compare well with the Termas in Rio. Actually, it doesn't even come close to the Termas in Rio. Prices weren't good, esp when compared with the options above, which are usually for TLN if you know what you're doing.

4) Casas. I went to several over one or two days. They were all really grim IMHO. Cheap options, but not offering what I'm looking for: quality girls, and a party atmosphere. Will suit those looking for a quick bang.

5) Daytime options. For me, a shy retiring Englishman, CTG is hard work during the day. 75% of the time tho, there's been an LDV girl hanging around from the night before, which has suited me fine. A couple of occasions tho, I've kept numbers from girls I met at the casas, and called them during the day. I don't mean to be disparaging, but my experience with casa girls is that they're less wordly-wise than their LDV counter-parts which equates to lower prices. They also tend to be a bit starry-eyed in the presence of gringos and a couple of times have gotten quite attached to. I should point out that I am gorgeous, which might explain this. <joke>

Sweetlemon: accept your point, of course, that there's a massive variety of prices in both RIO and CTG. However, if you're looking for a beautiful girl that'll give a decent experience, LDV on average will be 30-40% cheaper than Help, which is the fairest comparison I can come up with.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

El Austriaco
11-25-06, 08:58
Sweetlemon: accept your point, of course, that there's a massive variety of prices in both RIO and CTG. However, if you're looking for a beautiful girl that'll give a decent experience, LDV on average will be 30-40% cheaper than Help, which is the fairest comparison I can come up with
Based on my personal experience, I think that there is a LOT more variety of pricing in Rio than in CTG, at least insofar as places are concerned that are easy to reach and relatively safe to reach for tourists. Especially on the low end of the range.

The cheapest rates I have found for SWs in Cartagena were COP 40,000, and I have only run into a few SWs, and not all good ones. In Rio, I know at least 8-10 places with tons of girls where I can bang perfectly acceptable girls for less than ten bucks. In Rio, I know several mid-range places where I can bag a great girl for USD 50, roughly, but in Cartagena?

LDV/Help: they are similar insofar as setup is concerned and the type of girls they attract: hardcore hookers looking for inexperienced tourists who are easy bait and ready to overpay, sometimes grossly. Help garotas will try to squeeze whatever they can out of you, just like LDV chicks will. For me, the problem is that there are not really any very good alternatives to LDV in Cartagena, while in Rio, there are tons. I constantly read things like "Help is ground zero for the Rio nightlife action". BS. To tell you the truth, I don't really see any reason any more to go to Help to pick up girls in Rio. None whatsoever. Unfortunately, skipping LDV in Cartagena leaves you with preciously little viable alternatives, IMHO, P4P-wise.

The few girls I have picked up in Help over the years did TLN for R$ 150, i.e. the equivalent of COP 150,000 at the current exchange rate. Not all Help girls will accept this rate, of course... just like not all LDV chicks will go TLN for COP 150,000. Personally, I think that pricing-wise, they are roughly (very roughly) the same: with the caveat, of course, that with Help attracting at least 5 times as many girls on any given night and up to 10 times as many during carnaval, there will be much more variety of pricing (and quality), too, of course.

My two cents for today,


11-25-06, 12:45
The few girls I have picked up in Help over the years did TLN for R$ 150, i.e. the equivalent of COP 150,000 at the current exchange rate. Not all Help girls will accept this rate, of course... just like not all LDV chicks will go TLN for COP 150,000. I think realistic prices are more like COP 150k for LDV and R$250 for Help these days. But I agree, I'm comparing very specific things and Rio offers much more variety and options. I'd still go to either place in a shot.