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Goga Fung
06-03-09, 21:01
I don't go the gym to pick up chicks haaha! If that was the case I would have no reason to travel to Colombia. I just want a really good gym with aerobic classes good exercise machines etc. A lot of gyms don't have aerobics classes especially abroad but I'm a big fan of them.

ThanksDude, how about an "aerobic class" in a casa? It is way better than a gym with aerobic classes and exercise machines. For me at least. But I would go to a gym to pick up chicas, have not had time for that yet. Also two girls invited me to the gym they go to, they say it's in el Centro, and it's really cheap. Next time I'll join them for sure.

06-03-09, 22:18
Camera Experiments

II went back to sleep after Salome left & woke up late afternoon. By the time I was ready to go out, it was too late to visit a daytime casa, but still early for the nighttime action.

It came as no surprise when my camera acted up during yesterday’s short photo shoot with Salome. Today, I experimented in the precise locations in my apartment where I intended to take pictures. The camera had difficulty focusing under low light conditions. With sufficient light, I could see the flash go off. Yet many a picture turned out totally dark. It seemed as if the flash synchronization mechanism was going awry.

In portrait, the flash generally worked properly (80%). In landscape, the flash generally malfunctioned (90%). I tried different lenses. I tried different flashes. I tried multiple flashes. Made no difference whatsoever.

An alternative was to shoot without flash at high ISO values. With a fast lens, I got the shutter times down to acceptable levels. But changing the ISO value & turning the flash on/off while switching between portrait and landscape would surely try the chica’s patience. Changing lenses would be even more impractical.

My trusted camera had been reduced to a piece of junk. My new camera was waiting for me across the ocean. But the old gear still worked pretty well in portrait. And people are portrait-shaped! :)

Model Search

With all the camera experiments, I forgot all about tonight’s model search. After checking my notes, I decided to visit strip club San Diego. I had no intention of doing a ST on the premises. I wasn’t gonna pay the ridiculous multa. But I could collect some phone numbers. And I may be able to take a chica home at closing time.

Another interesting option was the streetwalker scene outside San Diego. If all else failed, Plan B was to go back to Lindas Chicas.

San Diego

Before walking into San Diego, I checked out the side streets for streetwalker action. Not a single chica in sight. Oh well. I was early.

Once inside, I ordered a Corona and scoped out the joint. The first few strippers I saw were fat & ugly. I was really disappointed with the selection. But as the night progressed, I spotted quite a few chicas I liked. Gorditas rule, though!

A few girls were quick to make a move on the new kid on the block. They weren’t my type. And they asked for a drink straight away. And they wanted to go up straight away. Their aggressive sales technique was a real turnoff.

San Diego was also my first run-in with the Colombian non-smoking laws. Unlike in other South American countries (Argentina, Uruguay), the smoking ban is actually imposed. I spent almost as much time smoking outside as drinking inside. But the frequent smoking breaks did give me a chance to check whether there was any streetwalker action outside the club. I never spotted a single chica.

On a busy Thursday night, the attractive chicas were in high demand. It took some time before I managed to talk to any of my favoritas. Katia was in a hurry to get to the room. She showed no interest in coming to my apartment. And she wasn’t the only chica I spotted meeting up with her Colombian boyfriend later at night.

Another favorite was sitting at the table next to mine. She was with a local guy her age with Ricky Martin looks. Yet when he tried to give her a kiss, she turned her cheek. Que fria!

After dancing on stage, the chicas make their rounds to ask for a tip at every table. When I ran out of small money, a girl came back at the end of her tour. She’d made over 30k COP! I don’t know how many dance routines a chica performs in one night. But I’m sure the strippers can make a decent living without having to fuck anyone. Where’s the incentive?

Whereas the San Diego chicas seemed like barracudas, the customers were great. They loved to talk to me. They were crazy about my Russian cigarettes. They were offering me free shots of rum or Aguardiente. If only the girls showed such warm hospitality. ;)

According to my notes, San Diego was supposed to close at 2 AM. But it was still rocking at 3 AM. Who knows how much longer the place would be open. As meeting a girl at closing time was no longer an option, it was time for Plan B.

Lindas Chicas

When I visited the casa yesterday, the gate was open. Tonight after 3 AM, there was a big padlock on the gate. I thought the casa was supposed to be open 24/7?

I looked for a bell, but couldn’t spot one. I was carrying my phone, but didn’t know how to call a landline from a cell phone. I tried shaking the gate to attract their attention. To no avail. So much for Plan B. :(


Plan C? I could check the streetwalker action around Prado. But there was no sign of the cute girls I’d spotted the night before. Only transvestites were out at this late hour. They were really aggressive and quick to show me their huge silicone tits. I wasn’t impressed! :p

Plan D?

I couldn’t think of a Plan D. A bad day at the office! :(


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-03-09, 22:59
Phone Sex

Jonesie had sent me a list of phone numbers of chicas he recommended. I sent an SMS to a few girls, introducing myself and asking if they would like to meet up. A couple of girls didn’t reply. One girl called me, but was unwilling to meet a guy she didn’t know.

Christina was game, though. She said she could come to my apartment at 7 PM, and would call back in an hour to confirm. I went out to have a late lunch.

When I hadn’t heard from Christina at 6 PM, I sent her another message. It took some time before she replied – she couldn’t see me tonight because she was waiting for her sister. Maybe tomorrow...

Lindas Chicas

After yesterday’s debacle, my swimmers were bursting to be released. I needed a sure thing. Back to Lindas Chicas...

Just like last night, there was a big padlock on the gate. But this time, I knew how to make the call. When Nanci opened the gate, she asked why I didn’t simply ring the doorbell. To avoid vandalism, the bell was hidden on the inside of the gate. I only looked on the outside. :o Those little cultural differences can seriously screw up a guy’s sex life! :p

The lineup tonight wasn’t nearly as good as on my previous visit. Sandra was the only girl I liked. As we sat down on the sofa, she soon had her tongue down my throat. Sandra wasn’t quite as sweet or passionate as Salome, but she got the gig.


The taxi dropped us off on Calle 10. Traffic was hell near Parque Lleras on a Friday night. I wanted to have dinner first and let Sandra pick a restaurant. She chose QBano. And, since it was near closing time, we had to have take-away.

After eating our sandwiches, we had a photo shoot. Sandra likes to model and would love to be a Playboy Bunny. She wears a Conejito necklace and also has a Conejito tattoo on her leg. Pity my camera wasn’t on its best behavior. And I forgot to reset the ISO factor after yesterday’s experiments. I was taking flash pictures at 1600 ISO. :o

Sandra picked the music and was dancing above me on the bed. When I showed her my collection of outfits, she tried on a naughty number fit for porn stars. But she wouldn’t allow any pictures. :(

After more dancing, we hit the shower together. Sandra sucked my dick with gusto & rode me enthusiastically. But she wasn’t quite the rumba dancer Salome was.

We went to sleep at 4.30 AM. Sandra tried to escape the 2nd round as she woke me up around 11.30 AM. But she took care of my morning wood in the end. :)

BTW, Sandra was constantly begging for regalos. She wanted my cell phone, my pocket rocket, my outfits, my cookies, my cigarettes, my shampoo & conditioner... That soon got annoying.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-03-09, 23:02
Forgot to attach a picture of Sandra.


06-04-09, 04:03
So I have been a lurker on these boards for the last few years. Been interested in Brazil, Thailand and Columbia, and never pulled the trigger. My buddy calls me up a few weeks ago and says he's goin to Medellin. Next thing I know I am packin my bags. My friends could only go for 5 days and were staying at the Belfort Dann. I wanted to stay longer so I called up Marcy and was off to The Medellin Mansion, thought I was gonna stay for 2 days and then go join my friends, but I ended up staying the whole time it was so much fun. So me the non spanish speaking Gringo headed to Poblado all by myself and I was nervous. Picked up to the airport and wisked straight to the Mansion. Walk in the door and see a bunch of smiling guys that look like they are having the time of their life. The night guard tells me he just got a phonecall from a great girl who wants to come over. He twists my rubber arm and next thing I know she is on her way. She shows up 30 minutes later and I am in love with Columbia. She stayed all night and was fantastic. Well the trip turned out to be incredible. Did the Boyd Casa tour. Hung out at Fase II. Spent time with many Mansion girls and ate at Parque Llerras every nite. Went on lots of day tours that Marcy and Aussie Greg helped me arrange (El Penol was fantastic). Didn't make it to Mayorista. Made so many great friends while staying at the Mansion. Learned alot about women, Medellin and life in general, and can't wait to go back ASAP.

Thanks to everyone at the Mansion

06-04-09, 04:05
I want to know what the standard price is to be paid at La Mayorista for

30 min
45 min

+ for BBBJ

The standardprice is from 25k-50k depending on who is writing and the chica and service. it´s important, while setting a standard.

06-04-09, 04:14
But being a monger doesn't mean an absence of care, compassion, interest and understanding of the reality of the citizens of Colombia.

The abuse by the military, paramilitary, leftest rebels. They are the drug lords. Is legendary and they don't hesitate to visit violence on the majority. At the same time that many of the young women of Colombia give their youthful bodies for money, their brothers, and their boyfriends, do whatever they can to make a few pesos. Desperate people do desperate things. Interesting, the Colombians that I know do not victimize themselves. More than once I have heard: "hey, we are Colombian". This shit is their world! And that is why is it a waste of time to read anything from Adriaan Alsema. He really doesn't understand things and he's only voicing his opinion from his narrow perspective.

06-04-09, 14:59
So I have been a lurker on these boards for the last few years. Been interested in Brazil, Thailand and Columbia, and never pulled the trigger. My buddy calls me up a few weeks ago and says he's goin to Medellin. Next thing I know I am packin my bags. My friends could only go for 5 days and were staying at the Belfort Dann. I wanted to stay longer so I called up Marcy and was off to The Medellin Mansion, thought I was gonna stay for 2 days and then go join my friends, but I ended up staying the whole time it was so much fun. So me the non spanish speaking Gringo headed to Poblado all by myself and I was nervous. Picked up to the airport and wisked straight to the Mansion. Walk in the door and see a bunch of smiling guys that look like they are having the time of their life. The night guard tells me he just got a phonecall from a great girl who wants to come over. He twists my rubber arm and next thing I know she is on her way. She shows up 30 minutes later and I am in love with Columbia. She stayed all night and was fantastic. Well the trip turned out to be incredible. Did the Boyd Casa tour. Hung out at Fase II. Spent time with many Mansion girls and ate at Parque Llerras every nite. Went on lots of day tours that Marcy and Aussie Greg helped me arrange (El Penol was fantastic). Didn't make it to Mayorista. Made so many great friends while staying at the Mansion. Learned alot about women, Medellin and life in general, and can't wait to go back ASAP.

Thanks to everyone at the MansionMy Rookie trip is scheduled for Oct 10-15 and am hopeful that my experience is similar to yours. I don't get in until abot 10 PM, so probably will not be to the Mansion until 11PM, via private car arranged by Marcy. Sounds like I should quiz the security guy to see what talent might be available to come over if it isn't offered like it was for you. Was the gal he called HOT?

Also it is nice to see that the staff at the Mansion will arrange some tours and other activities for you. Traveling solo, and still slightly nervous as to the safety of this destination, I was hopeful that they were experienced in that. Good to hear that they are.

06-04-09, 15:46

700-800 for a studio apt in estrato with spinning bikes in the apartment. hehe wow! i could even save a gym membership. it makes me wonder if it's worth staying the mansion more than a week just to get oriented to medellin. anyone tried any of these paradise realty apartments. some dude named scooby recommended it on tripadvisor. thanks.

06-04-09, 15:53
. By the way, I have lots of pics. Of "La Mayorista" cuties, thanks to Loso69 who phucked and documented at least a quarter of the cuter ones, but I have to spend all this time responding to this "BS", because these guys know that most guys don't read very far back, so they start posting all this stuff knowing that most of you will not go too far back for other comments! Most guys that stay at My Place are true Monguers and they don't sit around waiting to respond to all these "whiners", which I personally believe they just want "Medellin Paradise" for themselves, or they wouldn't be here if they thought it was so dangerous! Your free to believe what you want guys, it will be your loss, as I'm already here and enjoying this Medellin Paradise!

Frank Casio! Hey guys, Frank is right, Medellin sure can be a paradise.

I've been visiting the city for about as long as any gringo, at least most.

Though I will admit, I do miss the days of being the only gringo that these Paisias have ever seen, there's still worlds of fun to be had.

I agree with Frank, the Mayorista can be fun to scout out chicas, but to make it your main focus would be silly IMO.

First of all, the vast majority of the chicas there are not very attractive, though there are definitely some cuties about.

Even with the cuties though, a GFE is very difficult to find, unless you're a spanish speaker it's almost impossible and even if you can speak spanish, a little personality and / or charm is needed. That's the truth amigos.

Lately the area (Mayorista) has been dead, since the recent violence there, less chicas, less customers. I'm sure it will bounce back in time.

There are of course many other avenues to find and meet these beautiful chicas.

As I've said before, the number one, lo mas importante (the most important) thing you can do to enhance your trip is to learn spanish. The more, the better.

Throwing money at these chicas will surely get them into your bedroom.

Speaking with them and charming them will get them there for much less, sometimes for nada (nothing) and with much more oooomph

Heck my last night in Medellin recently, just a couple nights ago, I was staying at el Castillo.

Spent nearly the whole day with my new novia (girlfriend), topping it off with a jacuzzil and great love session together.

Anyway, because she's a good girl she has to be home by 11pm during the week.

Well after she leaves in her taxi, I go back in the Castillo to BS with some of the dudes hanging out.

There was a couple of the chicas from the Mansion hanging out there too.

I think they had just finished up some business with a couple of the other guests there.

Anyway, I start chatting and being funny and charming in my silly way and one of these chicas just falls for me, telling me how funny and alegre I am and that it makes her happy.

To make a long story short, she ends up sleeping with me all night after drinking a cerveza together, well knowing that I was not going to give her one peso. I didn't even have any left except for airport taxi money.

I'm just an average looking cat but it just shows once again how speaking spanish and showing a little personality will always win in the end.

Good luck amigos.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-04-09, 16:04

I hope one of the girls has a car.

06-04-09, 17:14
.. not sure about cialis but just get the generic cuz it works just as good. I'd sure like to know where to buy that. Have been asking around in many pharmacies/drugstores and the only generic they have is of Viagra.

06-04-09, 17:42
Cheapest place in Medellin to buy either.


06-04-09, 18:49
As the recession and economy worsens in Colombia and is starting to hit MDE in fuller effect. Desperate times require desperate measures. Somebody has to feed that crying hungry baby at home.


06-04-09, 19:48
Before anyone else rips you for it, FYI, Colombia is spelled with an "o". Some people get pretty pissy about that here! Thanks for the report!


So I have been a lurker on these boards for the last few years. Been interested in Brazil, Thailand and Columbia, and never pulled the trigger. My buddy calls me up a few weeks ago and says he's goin to Medellin. Next thing I know I am packin my bags. My friends could only go for 5 days and were staying at the Belfort Dann. I wanted to stay longer so I called up Marcy and was off to The Medellin Mansion, thought I was gonna stay for 2 days and then go join my friends, but I ended up staying the whole time it was so much fun. So me the non spanish speaking Gringo headed to Poblado all by myself and I was nervous. Picked up to the airport and wisked straight to the Mansion. Walk in the door and see a bunch of smiling guys that look like they are having the time of their life. The night guard tells me he just got a phonecall from a great girl who wants to come over. He twists my rubber arm and next thing I know she is on her way. She shows up 30 minutes later and I am in love with Columbia. She stayed all night and was fantastic. Well the trip turned out to be incredible. Did the Boyd Casa tour. Hung out at Fase II. Spent time with many Mansion girls and ate at Parque Llerras every nite. Went on lots of day tours that Marcy and Aussie Greg helped me arrange (El Penol was fantastic). Didn't make it to Mayorista. Made so many great friends while staying at the Mansion. Learned alot about women, Medellin and life in general, and can't wait to go back ASAP.

Thanks to everyone at the Mansion

Daryll Musician
06-04-09, 20:06
As the recession and economy worsens in Colombia and is starting to hit MDE in fuller effect. Desperate times require desperate measures. Somebody has to feed that crying hungry baby at home.

http://www.colombiareports.com/colombia-news/news/4356-medellin-homicide-rate-sees-66-percent-rise-qhubo.htmlMiamiHeatLuver, read my previous post. Government Consultants do not lie. Again, I am informing everybody to have fun but be very cautious and vigilant. Because of the economy, the social climate in every country is very fragile.

06-04-09, 21:03
Which proves to anybody that if you want to start acting cocky in Medellin, be very careful of the consequences. Thanks for the report MHL. They probably don't break down the numbers by barrio, I haven't read of increased violence in Poblado, Envigado etc., but it makes sense that it could happen there as well.

Johny 99
06-04-09, 21:22
I'm just an average looking cat but it just shows once again how speaking spanish and showing a little personality will always win in the end.I'm doomed! ;-)

06-05-09, 02:47
Thanks Rodeo, I feel like an idiot.

I would have bet you $10 that Colombia was spelled with a U. Guess you do learn something new every day.


Before anyone else rips you for it, FYI, Colombia is spelled with an "o". Some people get pretty pissy about that here! Thanks for the report!


06-05-09, 05:08
Can anyone who has been to Medellin within the apst month or 2 tell me how is the current lineup at FASE 2 and Loutron. I was there in Dicember, and the FASE 2 lineup was better than usual.

06-05-09, 05:44
Maybe prices will go down then?

06-05-09, 14:33
Can anyone who has been to Medellin within the apst month or 2 tell me how is the current lineup at FASE 2 and Loutron. I was there in Dicember, and the FASE 2 lineup was better than usual.No knowledge of FASE II, however I frequent Loutron's. I've never seen a bad lineup there. There are always at least ten providers. They hire the best.


06-05-09, 16:02
I have never encountered so many beauties online from one spot before. Neither could I imagine that so many of them would ask for money online.

Colombians are beautiful, and they like money more than they have moral.

Now it happens daily, the one after another. I don't blame them. How are they then in real life? I have started to begin to understand why Medellin is considered a paradise. We want sex for money-and they give sex for money! Not only a few pretty one's! But it is so common that I have started to view them all as prepagos!

And they are young, beautiful and even well educated. And is so commonly spread.

That journalist Adriaan is a naive fool! Gringos are not using these females. They would gladly robb me off everything I own- in ciberspace, even before coming to Medellin.

I have spent 18 months in LA and met many pretty girls and of course many online. But this must be something extraordinary- both in beauty and in common behavior. Have to end, there is a new ciberhooker online!

06-05-09, 19:30
I have never encountered so many beauties online from one spot before. Neither could I imagine that so many of them would ask for money online.

Colombians are beautiful, and they like money more than they have moral.

Now it happens daily, the one after another. I don't blame them. How are they then in real life? I have started to begin to understand why Medellin is considered a paradise. We want sex for money-and they give sex for money! Not only a few pretty one's! But it is so common that I have started to view them all as prepagos!

And they are young, beautiful and even well educated. And is so commonly spread.

That journalist Adriaan is a naive fool! Gringos are not using these females. They would gladly robb me off everything I own- in ciberspace, even before coming to Medellin.

I have spent 18 months in LA and met many pretty girls and of course many online. But this must be something extraordinary- both in beauty and in common behavior. Have to end, there is a new ciberhooker online!Wow, thanks for the revelations!

06-05-09, 19:51
[QUOTE=Mer07]I have never encountered so many beauties online from one spot before.

where can I meet beauties from medellin online?

Is it safe for me to go down to Parque Bolivar, read a book and try to hit some non-pros there? if not wich park would it be nice to go to?

I live in Peru so I know how a little how to take care.

06-05-09, 20:21
Words of wisdom! We must remember who we are, and why we are here!


What do you mean by " she is a keeper"???? Anybody that thinks they can take one of these casa or street girls and turn them into their girlfriend, wife, or make an honest woman out of them needs to think again. These girls are good for one thing and one thing only. I have seen way to many gringos fall in love with this type of girl and it always ends in disaster.

Sure, you should be nice to them and treat them with respect just like you would anyone else in this world, but do yourself a favor and save yourself a lot headache by using these types of girls for sex and sex only.

Look for love somewhere else.

06-05-09, 20:33

Christina stood me up the day before, but she sounded like a real sweetie on the phone. As I was going out for another late lunch, I sent her a message. Like yesterday, she replied she could come by at 7 PM. Unlike yesterday, she showed.

Christina was a blind date. I had no idea who she was. I had no idea what she looked like. I was waiting for her outside my apartment when she stepped out of the taxi...

Christina turned out to be a Medellin Mansion chica. She was no spring chicken, but still looked good. Her face showed some signs of age. But without kids & huge silicone boobs, she had the kind of body that invites a real pounding. :)

Christina poured herself one beer after another as we got comfortable on the couch. Her kisses were full of fire! She called herself a fashionista as she modeled her tight-hugging pink dress. I sang “No one ugly allowed” as the fashionista anthem was echoing through my apartment. Surprisingly, she’d never heard the song!

I started rubbing her pussy as Christina revealed her sexy panty. She liked it even better when I got my pocket rocket out. And she loved it when I slid her panty aside and started licking her pussy. She was seductively moisting her lips as she was rubbing my rock-hard dick through my pants. I sucked on her toes. Que rico! Teasing each other made the both of us horny as hell!

When I showed Christina my porn star outfit, she wanted to try it. After snapping a few pictures, Christina was dry humping me. She soon got on all fours to take my pants off. The second my undies were off, my dick disappeared in her mouth. Boy, could this girl suck!

I licked her pussy through the crotchless panty. She got on top and started riding me like a champion jockey. Still wearing the porn star outfit, Christina soon started perspiring, but kept going like an Energizer bunny. :)

When the batteries finally ran out, I took over, slung her legs in the air, and pounded her until I exploded. Christina held me really tight and started caressing me, keeping my dick hard. But she was exhausted and ultimately fell asleep on my chest. How sweet! :)

At this point, I expected Christina to spend the night. But when she woke from slumber, she told me she had to be home by midnight. That’s the deal she made with her younger sister, who was out with her Colombian boyfriend. Christina not only shares an apartment with her sister; she’s also her partner in a little clothing business.

As we moved back to the living room, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. We were soon kissing with a passion. Christina invited me to eat her pussy on the sofa. She wanted more! :) My dick disappeared down her throat. Before I knew it, we were fucking on the sofa. Another amazing round of sex ensued. Once again, Christina held me oh so tight after I came.

Christina is both totally sweet & incredibly horny. She’s the perfect combination of a GFE & a PSE. An amazing creature!

She ended up staying for 4,5 hours. Money was never discussed. I gave her 150k COP.


After Christina left, I was in a state of total bliss. Any other chica would have been an anti-climax. I considered going out to a place where I was in no danger of getting laid (like San Diego :)), but decided to call it a night.


Daves Pison
06-06-09, 03:02
Good report, better paisa. Men it sucks when you have to live in the states and you have all these cute paisas running around in Medellin looking for leche in every corner.

Keep it up loso69


Christina stood me up the day before, but she sounded like a real sweetie on the phone. As I was going out for another late lunch, I sent her a message. Like yesterday, she replied she could come by at 7 PM. Unlike yesterday, she showed.

Christina was a blind date. I had no idea who she was. I had no idea what she looked like. I was waiting for her outside my apartment when she stepped out of the taxi...

Christina turned out to be a Medellin Mansion chica. She was no spring chicken, but still looked good. Her face showed some signs of age. But without kids & huge silicone boobs, she had the kind of body that invites a real pounding. :)

Christina poured herself one beer after another as we got comfortable on the couch. Her kisses were full of fire! She called herself a fashionista as she modeled her tight-hugging pink dress. I sang “No one ugly allowed” as the fashionista anthem was echoing through my apartment. Surprisingly, she’d never heard the song!

I started rubbing her pussy as Christina revealed her sexy panty. She liked it even better when I got my pocket rocket out. And she loved it when I slid her panty aside and started licking her pussy. She was seductively moisting her lips as she was rubbing my rock-hard dick through my pants. I sucked on her toes. Que rico! Teasing each other made the both of us horny as hell!

When I showed Christina my porn star outfit, she wanted to try it. After snapping a few pictures, Christina was dry humping me. She soon got on all fours to take my pants off. The second my undies were off, my dick disappeared in her mouth. Boy, could this girl suck!

I licked her pussy through the crotchless panty. She got on top and started riding me like a champion jockey. Still wearing the porn star outfit, Christina soon started perspiring, but kept going like an Energizer bunny. :)

When the batteries finally ran out, I took over, slung her legs in the air, and pounded her until I exploded. Christina held me really tight and started caressing me, keeping my dick hard. But she was exhausted and ultimately fell asleep on my chest. How sweet! :)

At this point, I expected Christina to spend the night. But when she woke from slumber, she told me she had to be home by midnight. That’s the deal she made with her younger sister, who was out with her Colombian boyfriend. Christina not only shares an apartment with her sister; she’s also her partner in a little clothing business.

As we moved back to the living room, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. We were soon kissing with a passion. Christina invited me to eat her pussy on the sofa. She wanted more! :) My dick disappeared down her throat. Before I knew it, we were fucking on the sofa. Another amazing round of sex ensued. Once again, Christina held me oh so tight after I came.

Christina is both totally sweet & incredibly horny. She’s the perfect combination of a GFE & a PSE. An amazing creature!

She ended up staying for 4,5 hours. Money was never discussed. I gave her 150k COP.


After Christina left, I was in a state of total bliss. Any other chica would have been an anti-climax. I considered going out to a place where I was in no danger of getting laid (like San Diego :)), but decided to call it a night.


06-06-09, 15:20
My Rookie trip is scheduled for Oct 10-15 and am hopeful that my experience is similar to yours. I don't get in until abot 10 PM, so probably will not be to the Mansion until 11PM, via private car arranged by Marcy. Sounds like I should quiz the security guy to see what talent might be available to come over if it isn't offered like it was for you. Was the gal he called HOT?No reflection on the security guard, but you don't want to count on that happening. That would really be a hit or miss thing (mostly miss). The general scene is that a select group of ladies are invited over and are there from roughly 2:00 to 6:00 pm. After that, the ones that haven't been selected by a guest are asked to leave so most of the time in the evening there is nothing going on. I would call Marcy and tell her what type of girl that you are interested in and have her set up a date for you. Otherwise, you are most likely going to be a lonely guy that first night.

One other suggestion. I would go to Loutron's one day as other guest at MM that went there were really impressed with the ladies and the facilities. I found out about it my last day when it was too late to go. I believe that it closes fairly early.


06-06-09, 18:40
Words of wisdom! We must remember who we are, and why we are here!Actually, I don't quite agree with that statement.

I've met some pretty cool and sweet chicas over the years working at the casas, and have had some great off duty time with them, and I don't mean paying for sex.
I haven't had even one disaster, but of course I'm good at picking the sweeties :)

If you can speak to them, you've got a chemestry together and you treat them well, you can really have some great simple GFE for the price of hanging out ... food and drinks.

When guys group casa chicas together as though they're all the same it's silly.
Just as when foreigners sometimes group together all gringos, like we're all alike, which is also silly and far from reality.

To each their own I guess, and who you are and your reasons for being in Colombia are probably much different than mine.

Good luck :)

06-07-09, 01:09
Has any one used the prepago online websites? If so which are the most reputable sites (i want to avoid the bait and switch sites) and how do the girls compare to the ones at the casas and at fase 2.



06-07-09, 01:34
Is there a decent sized city/town close to Medellin, that one can get to by bus, which would be a good mongering destination? Looking for someplace to go for a day trip (maybe an hour or two away) where I can find a girl and get her to come back to Medellin for a day or two. Does Pereira fit the bill? Also, some place not in narcoterrorist land!

I know, I can find all I need in Medellin, just looking for a different experience.



06-07-09, 04:49
No reflection on the security guard, but you don't want to count on that happening. That would really be a hit or miss thing (mostly miss). The general scene is that a select group of ladies are invited over and are there from roughly 2:00 to 6:00 pm. After that, the ones that haven't been selected by a guest are asked to leave so most of the time in the evening there is nothing going on. I would call Marcy and tell her what type of girl that you are interested in and have her set up a date for you. Otherwise, you are most likely going to be a lonely guy that first night.

One other suggestion. I would go to Loutron's one day as other guest at MM that went there were really impressed with the ladies and the facilities. I found out about it my last day when it was too late to go. I believe that it closes fairly early.

MarkinnoYea...I was aware of the scene for the unselected lady guests, and was wondering how I might deal with my first night in-town.

I figured that might be the case and wasn't really counting on it. But it sure sounded like a nice fantasy. But I DO like the idea of calling Marcy, beforehand and giving her an idea of my tastes. So she will actually set something up for me if I give her an idea of what I like, in advance? Would she be able to send me a picture so I could see what she looked like? I think that would also be cool to have someone to go out for dinner/drinks with on my first night in town, then retire back to the casa for some playtime.

Thanks for that tip! I knew I picked the right place to stay for my rookie visit.

06-07-09, 07:25
And others went to Pereira and enjoyed it.

I don't either is in narco land. I think that's more like Cali land.

06-07-09, 16:37
Is there a decent sized city/town close to Medellin, that one can get to by bus, which would be a good mongering destination? Looking for someplace to go for a day trip (maybe an hour or two away) where I can find a girl and get her to come back to Medellin for a day or two. Does Pereira fit the bill? Also, some place not in narcoterrorist land!Pereira is one of my favorites mongering cities in the country, and has a good nightclub scene. I assume you are talking about picking up a pro. Most of the girls working in Pereira are local girls, I'm not sure how easily they would just take off to Medellin with someone they just met. I would just stay in Pereira rather than try to take them back. There is a nice zoo there you can visit, or you can go to nearby Armenia and visit the spectacular coffee park.

Pereira is more than 1-2 hours away, it is 4 hours. There are also Manizales and Armenia, which are very nice also, although Pereira is best of the bunch for mongering IMHO. I don't think there are any major cities between Medellin & Manizales Does it have to be a day trip? The whole area is worth spending several days in.

06-07-09, 21:22
I've met some pretty cool and sweet chicas over the years working at the casas, and have had some great off duty time with them, and I don't mean paying for sex.I am staying at My Place now. Frank did the Casa tour and fell in lust with a Tall blonde beauty.

I was way too enamoured after our session to ask for her mobile number but I got it when I revisited the day after.

We took a (cheap - everything is inexpenssive here) Taxi ride to enjoy her favourite Roast Chicken joint and then she took me to her place to meet her Aunt.

All very innocent and teenage like in the Taxi.

Same goes for the quote from my post from Curacao.

"Depends on the Specimen she is with"


06-07-09, 21:29

The economics of the situation are that girls from Medellin are experienced in the trade. Mongering on the fringes and expecting to find inexperienced is a futile excercise.

Hanging around on Park Benches! Do me a favour.

Just hookup with Frank and he goes into full "Omnidirectional Girlfriend Finder"

Last night I pointed him at a girl in a high-end bar/restaurant and I just came back from Lunch with both her and her girlfriend.

You can [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) about with abstract and obscure theories of how to find your own personal pecadilos - you could just use someone elses experiences.

06-07-09, 21:46
I come to think of my best cuties in my LA-life. When interested beyond the money for sex the following hour, they think the same, non, semi or full pro.

She looks for a man that falls in love with her and can provide for her economic security, mainly making him (me) a personal substitution for the social security sytem we have, plus some cash.

I paid sexy Romina from Cattos in BA 200 ARS per night, while my girlfriend Carla (almost) made me pay for her dreamvacation to Mexico and Silvia from
Monteviedo (almost) got me to take her with me home.

Basically the instinct is the same. Basically the cost is rising the more you get involved, but depends on circumstances.

However I agree partly, señor Ricker. I treat them too well and as a consequence I must then escape not to find myself trapped in a expensive emotional drama, which with dedicated girls are closer than you might think.

Actually, I don't quite agree with that statement.

I've met some pretty cool and sweet chicas over the years working at the casas, and have had some great off duty time with them, and I don't mean paying for sex.
I haven't had even one disaster, but of course I'm good at picking the sweeties :)

If you can speak to them, you've got a chemestry together and you treat them well, you can really have some great simple GFE for the price of hanging out ... food and drinks.

When guys group casa chicas together as though they're all the same it's silly.
Just as when foreigners sometimes group together all gringos, like we're all alike, which is also silly and far from reality.

To each their own I guess, and who you are and your reasons for being in Colombia are probably much different than mine.

Good luck :)

06-07-09, 22:48
No reflection on the security guard, but you don't want to count on that happening. That would really be a hit or miss thing (mostly miss). The general scene is that a select group of ladies are invited over and are there from roughly 2:00 to 6:00 pm. After that, the ones that haven't been selected by a guest are asked to leave so most of the time in the evening there is nothing going on. I would call Marcy and tell her what type of girl that you are interested in and have her set up a date for you. Otherwise, you are most likely going to be a lonely guy that first night.

One other suggestion. I would go to Loutron's one day as other guest at MM that went there were really impressed with the ladies and the facilities. I found out about it my last day when it was too late to go. I believe that it closes fairly early.

MarkinnoFurther research leads me to believe that I have a few very good options if I am not able to pre-arrange anything for my first night in-town. Maybe I will just try to keep the driver for the entire evening.

1. Luna Lunera Enlacex Club, 24-7. This one looks interesting. I wish there was more information.

2. San Diego Grill, Hours: 8 pm to 2 am

3. FASE II, Hours: 7pm to 4am

06-07-09, 23:36

When I woke up early afternoon, I suddenly realized tonight would be my final night in this apartment. High time I enquired about alternative accommodation...

After running some errands and having lunch, I was back in my apartment by 4 PM. I checked my e-mail, but hadn’t received a reply from my apartment rental agency. It was Sunday!


Most casas are closed on Sundays. According to my notes, Energy was supposed to be open. When the taxi arrived at the football stadium, the streets were littered with Medellin supporters. They had no reason to celebrate. Medellin perdio.

I had no reason to be joyful either. Energy was closed. A wasted trip!


Back in my apartment, I texted the next number on Jonesie’s list. Jennyfer called me and could come to my apartment straight away. I sent her my address. She called me again to tell me she wanted 150k COP for an hour. I said I preferred to take things easy and wanted minimum 2 hours. Jennyfer wanted 300k for 2 hours. “For Medellin chicas, it’s all about time. 150k only buys you 1 hour of my time.” :eek:

That icy cold remark erased all chances of us ever meeting up. But Jennyfer did text me after midnight: “Bebe ve a San Diego show y a reglamos por toda la noche.” Ah! Jennyfer was a San Diego girl. That explained the attitude. I didn’t reply...


I got a call from Vics Pics and we agreed to meet in Centro strip club Ejecutivo. By the time I got there, Vics Pics was in the company of lovely Natalia, who’d given him a lap dance on a previous visit.

Ejecutivo had plenty of good-looking girls, without any stunners. The chicas were a lot friendlier than in San Diego. I regularly went outside for a smoke. Unlike in San Diego, the chicas have to go outside to smoke as well. Since most chicas smoke, I got to meet many of the girls during my frequent smoking breaks. You can better assess their beauty in the outside light. You can meet girls outside who are sitting with a customer inside the bar. ;) All they can ask you for is a cigarette. I actually preferred to be outside.

Las Americas

There are 3 strip clubs on Calle 53. Vics Pics and I wanted to check out all 3 places. In Las Americas, babe magnet Vics Pics attracted the prettiest girl. Perky Pamela changed her allegiance when he wouldn’t buy her a 2nd drink. We decided to move on...


A blonde and a brunette were entertaining a group of local teenagers. The blonde was a beauty; the brunette was simply exquisite. But they were busy... and they didn’t smoke. None of the other girls tickled our fancy...

Ejecutivo Bis

Since Ejecutivo had the best talent, we went back to square one. Across the room, I spotted a beauty sitting with a Colombian. I invited Heidy to have a drink with me after she danced on stage. She seemed to be an ice queen at first, but warmed up nicely. Heidy wanted 150k COP for TLN. She agreed to all my wishes and promised to stay until afternoon. I was happy to pay the 40k COP multa for this beauty.

After Heidy went to change her clothes, the waiter came up to talk to me. Heidy wanted me to pay the 150k COP in advance in the club. :eek: When I refused, the deal was off. I had no problem getting my money back.

I talked to another girl. Andrea wouldn’t go with me unless I paid in advance either. Time for Plan B...

Lindas Chicas

Lindas Chicas only had 3 girls late on a Sunday night. I’d already been with Sandra and didn’t fancy the other 2 girls. I told Nanci I didn’t want a girl tonight, because I had to check out the next day, and didn’t even have a reservation for tomorrow. But I did want to make a booking for the blonde beauty I’d spotted on my first visit.

Nanci excused herself as she went out... and dropped Maria in my lap when she came back. I instantly liked her; we spent a long time talking. I definitely wanted to spend some quality time with Maria... but not today. I gave Maria taxi fare, so she could go home and sleep.

When I went to settle my drinks bill, Nanci said she’d help me find a new apartment. Maria got the yellow pages out and started calling aparthotels. There were plenty of vacancies. Nanci suggested Maria could help me find a new apartment in the morning. I agreed to take Maria home, on condition that we christen the new apartment together. :)


It was 5 AM by the time we got to my apartment. When I checked my e-mail, I’d gotten a reply from the apartment rental agency. A magnificent apartment was available for tomorrow. It was only for 4 days and it was expensive, but it was an easy solution.

Having settled my accommodation issues, I could finally get busy with Maria. She prepared some munchies. She took great care of me in the shower. She was softly caressing my dick as I was having a smoke, and was smoking the big cigar long after my cigarette had vanished into thin air. :)

Her pussy tasted as sweet as her lips. Maria was holding me tight as she was riding me. A tender, but truly passionate lover.

We went to sleep at 6.30 AM. I set my alarm for 11 AM and checked out just as the maid knocked on the door at noon sharp.

My new abode was not exactly humble. Set atop a hill next to Tesoro Mall, with balconies on both sides, it had a splendid vista. Twice the size of my previous apartment, with plenty of open space and exquisite furniture, it was the kind of place I’d be happy to call home.

Maria and I were hungry, so we walked down to Tesoro Mall to have lunch at Crazy Crepes. The steep final stretch of the walk back was hellish. Luckily, Maria was wearing sneakers.

After unpacking the bare essentials, it was time to christen the new apartment. The recipe was the same as the previous night – sweet, sweet love!

Maria’s son was ill with the flu. She often called home to check up on him. But she never tried to escape the deal we made. A true angel!


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-08-09, 00:56
Can anyone recommend a good prepago website?

How do these girls compare to the ones in the casas?



06-08-09, 04:36
And others went to Pereira and enjoyed it.

I don't either is in narco land. I think that's more like Cali land.You are highly mistaken sir. Pereira is a major narco city and not for the faint of heart or for those without a grasp of Spanish. I just returned from there and I was told that as the narco business goes, so goes the economy of Pereira, not coffee driven as you would read. A model was just gunned down last week by sicaros (assassins) on a motorcycle while getting out her car in front of her home. Undoubtedly mafioso related.

06-08-09, 04:38
Three days into my trip at Medellin.

My observation so far. Very large and populated city with many many hot local girls walking around. In my honest opinion, only two other cities I've been to has similar number of hotties walkin around (non pros), Asuncion, Iguazu, Arg.

As far as quality of pros, I like Rio better. However, I would rank this city higher than most other cities I've visited. I wasn't expecting much GFE based on my reading but I received pretty good level of GFE.

One thing I didn't like is too little privacy going into casa. Too many people around casa that stare at me. I guess I stand out little too much being an Asian.

Took me while to figure out how the address work. Fairly easy to find place by address after I figured out. Much easier than Quito. I found it easier to find casas in Asuncion and working girls much hotter in Asuncion with more GFE service. However, distance and ease of entry to country would probably make MDE more frequent destination in future for me. All I m goin to say is no more SJO for me or Quito.

Safety, I felt pretty safe walkin around places. There were policias everywhere. I was little worried about crime but I felt that I would get run over by a car before some crook get to me. Honestly, I couldn't find a city that is more dangerous than Mde to walk around just because of the way people drive!

Anyone know a good colombian restaurant with colombian cuisine to its best? I was hoping to find good colombian cuisine but only good food I've tasted in Colombia is foreign.

06-08-09, 15:12
At this sites you find both normal (?) and prepagos chicas.

www.colombiancupid.com and/or sistersite www.latinamericancupid.com

Prepagos reveal themself after five minutes to five weeks. Verbally they agree to the idea "You pay my rent/I give You love". Very sensitive issue. Do it, but always regard the money/gifts as given out of friendship, not as a paying client, because if you mention any close to that- all hells brakes out!

All type of females, from 18-99 seems into it. I really mean all types, and there is no end in numbers.

Always be prepared that the money-issue will come up. When burdens seems to get to heavy-it´s time to leave. (Which you are free to do. In case you have been talked into something).

Can anyone recommend a good prepago website?

How do these girls compare to the ones in the casas?



06-08-09, 18:47


Most casas are closed on Sundays. According to my notes, Energy was supposed to be open. When the taxi arrived at the football stadium, the streets were littered with Medellin supporters. They had no reason to celebrate. Medellin perdio.

I had no reason to be joyful either. Energy was closed. A wasted trip!

JennyferI felt the same way. It was only thing in the area and after wonderin around for good 1.5 hr I found Energy only to find it closed. I made up for yesterday's loss today morning. Good thing I met a chica who gave me BBFS, BBBJ, Analingus, DFK, 2 pops for price of just 30 min. I must have been with her for like 1hr but not a clock watcher. Very nice service. Don't ask me who she is because I am not gonna share until I leave here. Just 3 more days here for me If you want to find out who and where this chica is. Just pm me after 6/12th.

Johny 99
06-08-09, 20:18
I am flying into Medellin on Thursday. I want to print out "The Lists" and the various coordinated maps. Is this a bad idea going through customs? Is it going to cause me any problems?

Goga Fung
06-09-09, 00:30
Maria and I were hungry, so we walked down to Tesoro Mall to have lunch at Crazy Crepes. The steep final stretch of the walk back was hellish. Luckily, Maria was wearing sneakers.

After unpacking the bare essentials, it was time to christen the new apartment. The recipe was the same as the previous night – sweet, sweet love!

Maria’s son was ill with the flu. She often called home to check up on him. But she never tried to escape the deal we made. A true angel!

LosoI also spend some time with this girl Maria from Lindas Chicas. She also had the same outfit as on your foto.

She did a pretty good BBBJ, but nothing too spectacular. And with the Lindas Chicas "surcharges" for room and drinks total was a little high, about 200K, I think for 2 pops and without clock watching. I believe she did not have a cell phone, only home#.

Goga Fung
06-09-09, 00:51
I felt the same way. It was only thing in the area and after wonderin around for good 1.5 hr I found Energy only to find it closed. I made up for yesterday's loss today morning. Good thing I met a chica who gave me BBFS, BBBJ, Analingus, DFK, 2 pops for price of just 30 min. I must have been with her for like 1hr but not a clock watcher. Very nice service. Don't ask me who she is because I am not gonna share until I leave here. Just 3 more days here for me If you want to find out who and where this chica is. Just pm me after 6/12th.Dude, don't worry about not sharing the info. I'm sure there are plenty other chicas available. In Medellin anyone after a few casa trips will have more phone# than he can handle. The biggest problem however these girls change their numbers too often. I've lost some really good contacts.

I actually tried to dump one girlfriend (not a prepago, she has regular day job) because I got crazy about 2 other chicas who spent whole day with me and promised to bring a 3rd girl next time.

So after that I do not see a point to spend time with my "free" girlfriend, she is older and not as much fun as those hot prepagas. But still this girlfriend told me that she sees no problem, I do not have to have any obligations or make promises to her, so still lets meet sometimes. I guess she's smart. Basically she made herself impossible to dump.

Goga Fung
06-09-09, 01:37
I am flying into Medellin on Thursday. I want to print out "The Lists" and the various coordinated maps. Is this a bad idea going through customs? Is it going to cause me any problems?Colombian customs? I never had any problems. They screen your bags and also may ask how much money you carry. I do not think they would care about some papers and maps.

But it is better not take those Lists and maps back to USA. There they can give you really hard time for now reason, and especially with this kinda Lists and maps, but the chance is still slim, they have to really find them first.

Professor 1
06-09-09, 02:49
I am flying into Medellin on Thursday. I want to print out "The Lists" and the various coordinated maps. Is this a bad idea going through customs? Is it going to cause me any problems?I have done this for other countries. I simply place the lists in my Lonely Planet--of all places--travel guides. In general, I doubt that the customs officers abroad will waste their time thumbing travel guides on the entry. However, I do not return with the lists to the USA I have had USA Customs look at my travel guides.

John Gault
06-09-09, 02:58
I am flying into Medellin on Thursday. I want to print out "The Lists" and the various coordinated maps. Is this a bad idea going through customs? Is it going to cause me any problems?My briefcase when I go to Colombia is full of all kind of papers and notes. Most of the notes are grafic and I always carry the little cards from the Casa's. Never once a issue and they always search my stuff pretty good.

What they are looking for is drugs and weapons,not paper unless it is over $10,000.

06-09-09, 03:58
Hello Tonysoprano;

The following site also has singles parties once in a while where you can meet both prepagos and regular girls, you can spot the prepagos at the party.

The next party is on July 10th. Cover is usally 50K with all drinks.

I also posted pics from last party

Can anyone recommend a good prepago website?

How do these girls compare to the ones in the casas?



06-09-09, 04:15
I'm not sure if its illegal or not but why not just print it in an internet cafe there.

06-09-09, 08:06
Can anyone recommend a good prepago website?

How do these girls compare to the ones in the casas?



Try Adoos or Mundoanuncio.com, they both have a large selection of escorts.You can also check the want ads in the newspaper.

There should be an adultos section.

06-09-09, 14:30
I've only been searched once going into Colombia and that was on my first trip in 2005. They are looking for large amounts of cash and could care less about casa maps. But if for some strange reason they ask just tell the truth. They might give you some advice!

Frank Casio
06-09-09, 18:26
Hi guys,

Thursday, 28 may 2009, night out with one of my guests (oriental) to Babylon! A sight for sore eyes on Thursday nights. About 3-4 girls to every guy on Thursdays since it's ladies night! First 50 go in free and 10k after that! All you can drink night including sodas, beers, Rum and Aguardiente! Guys pay 30k for all you can drink! When my guest and I went in, there were young "cuties" all over, middle to higher class. ID a must, no lady goes in without ID, she could be 30 and she still will not get in without ID. I tried to ask some girls to let my guest and I sit with them, they said later, but it never happenned. Meanwhile I was dancing "Regetton" (cue for rubbing asses with my D. K) with a few chicks, one of which gave me her number!

Once in a while I would go out for a smoke and talk to the cuties outside along with other gringos and euros. Two hot babes, one with eye popping silicon boobs were trying to get me to buy them some Cubano Sandwhiches. Good deal, 6k for a huge sandwich, plus I got to savor those huge boobs with my eyes for at least 1/2 hour! No need to describe what I wanted to do to them. Another drop dead gorgeous girl with a short short skirt was sprawled on the floor and couldn't get up as she was stone drunk! I gave her water or soda, but couldn't get her up! Told the bouncer, joking, that she was my girlfriend and needed to take her home and he said, "yeah, go ahead take her home"! I had to tell him I was just joking and asked him to call the police to help her. The police came but were afraid to touch her, just tucked her purse closer to her, I don't know what happenned to her eventually.

About this time they were closing Babylon Disco (3AM). The girl that I was dancing reggetton with inside came out and we hung out with some guys that had a state of the art stereo system in the trunk of their car. My guest decided he would go home, he was tired. I stayed with my girl, we danced, and then her big ass boob friend started dancing with me. I should have payed more attention as the girl I was with did not eventually pan out, or put out! We all went to my house in Envigado, where I keep all important items locked in a room, and I provided them with food and drinks! Everybody dissappeared into the rooms to do who knows what, I stayed with my cute little blonde, we danced a little and I tried to kiss her, but no go! When all fails, a gift is offered, that didn't work either, can't win them all! Eventually her friends came out and they all left around 5-6AM!

Thursday, 04 June 2009, another guest (a Brit/Australian) from My Place and I decided to go to 3 Cordilleras Brewery! We payed the usual 15k for 5 beers. The Brit guy told me that they would make a lot of money as not too many people could drink 5 of those beers because of the "gas" effect! I still managed to pour down all 5 of my beers! I was pretty happy by then and started hitting on the girl standing by me. She was with a guy, but told me he wasn't her boyfriend! I soon started going on and on about her beautiful smile and started taking pics. Of her smile and other attributes!

They were both Engineering students and were trying to practice their English with us! I wanted to practice my French! When we went outside she started implying that she wanted to go with us, but my Brit friend had already mentioned about going to Fase ll which was just up the street! I insisted on her beautiful smile and tried to kiss her (I know I'm a dog), but that didn't go over too well! Sorry guys, I'm a busy guy, and if a girl's response is too negative, then it's CHAO as I don't have time to waste! If she's kind and just says maybe later, then I will take the time to wine and dine her! If a girl likes you, you'll get a soft "no", if she's a "snobb" then you will get a "harsh" no, I don't have time for those!

Soon my Brit friend and I were headed of to Fase ll up the street! At 9:30 PM Fase ll was a little slow, but soon it picked up. No shortage of beautiful women! But to me they all blended in after a while, they all seem the same, snobbish and stuck up! My friend offered to gift me a girl, but I couldn't make up my mind. I just couldn't see spending 150k for bad GFE as happenned to me before at Fase ll. I rather pay 25k for bad GFE at La Mayorista and keep changing till I get it right! We purchased half a bottle of rum for 85k and still had some left over when we left!

I asked my guess if he wanted a tour of the San Diego street girls, to which he replied more than willingly! We saw a couple cuties mixed in with some Tranvesties! I took him to a corner near San Diego Grill where I knew some hot blondies hung out! For less than what one girl charged at Fase ll we took home 2 super hot blondes and a less than cutie friend so as not to leave her alone! They were beautiful girls, we agreed to pay up to 200k for all three with a lesbian show thrown in! They let me take all kinds of pictures and videos, phucking and sucking, wooooooooooww! I got pissed at them at the beginning because the minute we started she begin to try to ask for more money after we had clearly and exhaustively agreed on a price! This stuff really turns me off and takes away all my passion as I consider it "trashy", but I decided because of the pictures and videos alone it would be worth it. Plus my Brit friend was having lots of fun being sucked, phucked and grinded by all of them! I did what I could but had lost my "mojo" somewhat, but still got some good pics. And video sucking and phucking. My Brit friend is still worried I'm going to post his first "porno" video all over the internet, he was the "star" after all!

Sad to say, even as hot as these girls were, I had to tell them that they would not be invited to My Place again! This is the 2nd time they have done this, and the last time they pissed off a guess of mine to the point that he just took off and left me alone with all three of them! I did what I could at that time so as not to let all that money go to waste, oh well!

Frank Casio!

06-10-09, 04:53
I have done this for other countries. I simply place the lists in my Lonely Planet--of all places--travel guides. In general, I doubt that the customs officers abroad will waste their time thumbing travel guides on the entry. However, I do not return with the lists to the USA I have had USA Customs look at my travel guides.I email them to myself as a pdf file. I then have the option to print when I get there or write notes down as needed.

If I do carry notes with me it's on my person usually in an inside jacket or shirt pocket. Even if they checked my bags they wouldn't do a person search..maybe with a wand that's all.

06-10-09, 14:28
I am flying into Medellin on Thursday. I want to print out "The Lists" and the various coordinated maps. Is this a bad idea going through customs? Is it going to cause me any problems?I doubt it, they searched my bags head to toe, more looking for drugs than anything.

06-10-09, 15:44
OK it seems I have to up my post rate in order to achieve senior membership.

Thursday, 04 June 2009, another guest (a Brit/Australian)There are always two versions to any event; here's mine.

I guess I couldn't drink as many Beers as I'd intended too. Before hitting the brewery we'd toured the Casas. Being a first time exploratroy tour I still couldn't resist the charms of a drop dead gorgeous Blonde at New Life. GFE was off the scale and I was in complete lust. I stand five eleven but she was maybe taller than me. I was in there for over an hour and I tumbled that babe for over an hour. I just could not get enough and I insisted that the 69 was not a short event. She was even prettier from that angle.

Upon emerging. Finally. Frank and his other guest had waited some time for me. I found a semi Cold Bowl of Delicious soup and some other food which I fail to remember what it was. This was consumed with as much gusto as I had consumed that Blonde. So hitting the brewery with what I still say is over-gassy Beer my bloated guts refused to conform with my earlier intention to get very merry and round out a near perfect afternoon.

Sure, we met a couple. But only after the guy had stupidly spilled his gassy Beer across the table nearly drenching me. I'd more or less known this was gonna happen so when it did I dodged the Ale.

Long story short it was a short trudge round the corner to Fase II and the girls are indeed pretty hot, well most of them. By this time Frank has his Beer goggles on and is in lust with everything. I'm tasked with identifying a good investment. I take my time and wander between what I think would rock his world and a sheer prank setup with something I could blackmail him with later. My concious wins out and I select a none too shabby chica with a set of racks that could blind at close range. I point my now pissed (drunk) "Omnidirectional Girlfriend Finder" at this and he's off like a pussy seeking missile. BUT SHE BLOWS HIM OUT! Yes readers, a working girl gives ol' Frank the knock-back.

Editing the boring stuff. Franks now raging having popped a "Blue". In the back of his mind he knows where there is a hottie. He's not wrong and there are two! Back in the apt. And he has a Camera in one hand and an unleashed erection in the other. These two things are super hot and I hope you get to see them (hopefully not spoiled with my ugly mug). Frank gets pissed off immediately when he demands to DATY to the better of the two Blondes and she wants more money for this (WTF! ).

Meanwhile I busy myself with the other Blonde and she expertly gets to work on me. Here I am thinking its a good job I'd seesioned at LMP so my reservations about a more public demonstrations had been exorcised. I don't think I am that well endowed but the conversation (translated) was a giggle as the one Blonde became intimidated on witnessing the other reaming herself out on my tool on my lap. Also, after insisting on another condom change my curly haired Blonde is entertaining my tool with her mouth with her back to the other striking Blonde who is sitting naked cross legged wearing nought but Black high heels. I'm being expertly blown. This stunna is watching and commenting on her friends ass rippleing during her work and I am staring at this porn stars pussy. Heaven.

Don't forget dear reader that I had previously that evening spent an age fully mounted on that unforgettable Blonde at New Life and I'd not sucked that many beers either. Just enough to have a prolonging effect. So when Frank witnessed my stirling performance his comment of "Make that ***** work for her money" was quite entertaining.

Having had the two others I finally decided I wanted some action with the Porn Star. I intimated this in my best sign language (largely finger pointing). The Porn star made an immediate dive for Franks flaccid member. I persisted and quickly took her firmly by the hand and led her to my room. Changed the condom (again) and despite her gentle protests she was rolled onto her back and I prolonged the entry into a tease. Very quickly she relaxed and seemed pleased with herself how painless it had been and she quickly settled into it with her legs. And don't forget her only item of clothing being her Black High Heels. Wrapped around my back. Needless to say the evening came to a delightful end.

Apologies for spelling etc. This is being written in an Internet Cafe with a Spanish keyboard so grubby you could boil to make soup.

I'd like to think others could post simmilar to this in reference to finding women as opposed to discussing printing issues?

Oh yeah, if I do find my ugly mug posted on the Internet I've already had a quote to get the perpetrator "disappeared" and it's not an unreasonable price. God I love this place! This is only a snippet of the near continual action of this place. There's so much action and fun here that I need to be reminded of it to recount it.

Oh yeah, we were still finding condoms in the apt. Several days later.

06-10-09, 17:47
www.paradiserealtymedellin.com really cheap prices for monthly studios and one bedrooms. anyone used these apartments. please pm me if so.


06-10-09, 20:16
Lindas Chicas

I went back to sleep after Maria left. By the time I woke up, it was evening already. After unpacking my stuff and updating my notes, it was 11 PM!

Yesterday, I’d asked Nanci to book the blonde hottie for me. When I called Nanci, my favorite wasn’t available. But she said she had another girl for me, who was supposed to be a spectacular beauty. Send her over!

I expected the girl to arrive solo, but Nanci was with her. Mariluz wasn’t really my type, but she’d do for a night of debauchery. I told Nanci I was hungry, and wanted the taxi to drive us to a nearby restaurant that was still open.


The taxi drove halfway across town to Palmitas. :mad: This touristy restaurant has great views and expensive food. And it was damn cold at the top of that hill, so I couldn’t wait to get out of there!


Back in my apartment, the vista was just as great, without the chilly wind. Mariluz was rubbing her ass against me as we were dancing on the balcony. Felicidad!

Mariluz tried hard to extract my tonsils as we drank some beers and danced the night away. She was game to try on some sexy outfits for the photo shoot. After the porn star costume, she changed into a frilly red outfit. When she looked in the mirror, she adored it and wanted it as a regalo. I told her it was very expensive. Mariluz wouldn’t give up, though. When I wouldn’t budge, she got angry and took the outfit off. But when she offered me her colita, her wish was granted. :)

After showering, we were soon boinking each other’s brains out. Mariluz’s wet snatch & sloppy kisses made me horny as hell. As I felt I was gonna cum, it was time for a break. I lubed up my butt-plug to loosen up her asshole. :)

Mariluz suddenly wanted extra money for her colita. That wasn’t the deal! She stormed back into the living room and poured herself another drink. I’d run out of beer and Marliuz had moved on to rum & Coke. I wasn’t watching the bottle and was astonished to see it was almost empty! :eek:

Mariluz started getting dressed. She assured me she wasn’t drunk as she put her pants on... backwards. And then she tried to close the zipper... on her ass! :D When she took her pants back off, we were soon fucking again and I ended up shooting a huge load all over her face & body.

Mariluz wanted to drink more. The glass was wobbling in her hand, so I poured it down the toilet. It was 7 AM by now. High time to go to sleep! But Mariluz wasn’t sleepy. She wanted to go out to buy more booze. Her cigarette was dangerously close to my expensive leather sofa. In the state she was in, Mariluz had become a liability.

I wanted to go to sleep. I wanted her out. I made sure she put her pants on the right way round and escorted Mariluz to the door...

Other girls from Lindas Chicas told me that Mariluz had a nose habit. Coca putas can be good fun; but they can also be big trouble!


06-11-09, 01:44
I've been here for a week and a half. Came down to do some dental work and got to squeeze in some time with the chicas.

It's great here. Boyd showed me around and hooked me up with girls. I didn't have a lot of time to look for girls because of my dental so it worked out well.

Gringo friendly, excellent staff and got to practice my spanish.

06-11-09, 03:08
www.paradiserealtymedellin.com really cheap prices for monthly studios and one bedrooms. anyone used these apartments. please pm me if so.

ThanksYep, they were great, very good service.

I'd use them again.

06-11-09, 03:21
Cheapest place in Medellin to buy either.

ThanksI asked this before, but got no response. Can you and GringoLoco2 please be more specific as where to buy generic Cialis in Medellin? I have tried a lot of farmacias and droguerias, but to no result. To me, Viagra or it's generic causes a terrible headache while Cialis doesn't.

06-11-09, 03:35
www.paradiserealtymedellin.com really cheap prices for monthly studios and one bedrooms. anyone used these apartments. please pm me if so.

ThanksYep, Loved thier service, very cool guys.

06-11-09, 09:30
I asked this before, but got no response. Can you and GringoLoco2 please be more specific as where to buy generic Cialis in Medellin? I have tried a lot of farmacias and droguerias, but to no result. To me, Viagra or it's generic causes a terrible headache while Cialis doesn't.Quote:

Originally Posted by Johny 99

Two quick questions. I have searched the boards and oddly have not found the answers to these questions.

1. I hear you can go into any pharmacy without a prescription and get Cialis. Is this true, and is it called the same thing? Cost?

2. I am bringing my laptop. Do you need an electrical voltage adapter?

#1 Yes you can get Cialis, better to buy the 4 pack comes out cheaper, It is the genuine Phizer. A 4 pack ranges from 90-110k. NO GENERIC. If you can get generic before coming to Colombia it will work out much better for you $ wise. You can buy Cialis without a prescription in ANY supermarket with a drogueria or drungstore on the street...

#2 No adapter required, but if you are European you might need a circles plug to a lines plug adapter. And then even a 3 hole to 2 hole adapter because alot of plugs in Colombia do not have the 3rd ground slot. But no voltage adapter required!

06-11-09, 17:25
$1us =$2, 000cop £1=$3, 300cop approx

my newest best buddy had been working hard here out of frank casio's "my place" to find this blonde babe he'd spotted on isg. arranging a meet had proved real hard work. one of the stumbling blocks had been the requirement that she could bring a "friend".

he'd been in this position before with another beauty an the friend had turned out to be a monster.

however, as he was enamoured with blondy he risked it and i was duly roped into the wingman spot.

reading isg he'd made his preparations as she was an alledged hard-core whisky drinker. at last minute as she was finally to arrive he paid $85k for a 12 year old bottle. not that much younger than the chica!

at the same time i was juggling a final farewell meet with my own "amorada" who was leaving for cartegena early next morning.

they arrived. blondy was everything her photo depicted. maybe more. her friend, who turned out to be her cousin who had pestered her to get her into the game was better.

oh yeah, here we go. now, how do i lose my own girlfriend and reserve time for this honey? well, my girl takes it right to the wire them flakes out with the "no babysitter" routine. game on!

sorry, i'm skipping this tale although i may recount it if requested.

we finish and at the post session debrief we exchange gory details. he's not been disappointed in the least although there were some wild inaccuracies in previous isg reports. hard core whiskey drinkers? my arse! they drank whiskey true. but they pulled a grimace with each mouthfull and followed with a virgin sprite chaser. the bottle was hardly touched. in bed she'd been excellent and he'd been able to give her a good time.

days go by and we consider a rematch but this time with swapsies. i'm into the older looking one as the 21 year is very young and very inexperienced: both sexually and physically.

a few phone calls and we all together again for the rematch. although blondy doesn't appear into it. i get my wingman to ask if she's up for it? she replies "i've come here to do this, so i'll do it"

in the bedroom she still appears reticent. then she starts the old "i'll do this for 1 hour for $100k"

"i thought it was $150k for three hours? "

i hold the offer firm and wait. i think she replies ok we'll scrub this and forces the issue by putting her top back on. i force it further and put my jeans back on.

she's lost out.

i was about to show her out of my room and let her wait in the living room. i'm a gentleman and wouldn't make her wait in the street.

her demeanour changes.

"can i wait with you and watch tv"

sure she can, but i'm choosing the channel.

does she want another drink i enquire. i interpret the response as she does and tell her to bring me another bottle of beer while she's out there.

she returns with only a beer for me and we settle down to watch stargate sg1. you know the one where daniel jackson ascends. i digress.

the fan is on and she starts to shiver.

"can i turn it off? "

i don't acquise but i do fetch the airline longhaul cabin blanket i'd accidentally packed in my hand luggage on my last flight. i tell her its a special blanket for high altitude, extremely light, very effective and very expensive.

i wrap her up and notice she is a little warm and maybe has a slight temperature. i'm glad i didn't force the sex. i'm many things but a [CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126) is not one of them.

in her gratitude she clutches my hand on her excellent chest and we pass a very pleasant evening. she asks how much the blankie costs and i tell her truthfully $1000us(which was the cost of the airline ticket). her eyes fill with delight when i tell her i stole it!

on leaving her friend emerges with a big smile on her face and a purse stuffed full of cash. my blondies demeanour changes again. being even more contrite she ups a gear and gently probes for some taxi fare. i know where she lives and i gallantly hand her $5k. she's insisted on my mobile number which she herself puts in my phone. she had to leave for bogota the mext day "modelling"(allegedly) but wants to call me on her return.

i spent a pleasant evening alongside an uber-hot babe, watch stargate and then star wars (clones) with her fetching me beer uncomplainingly for $5k. result!

after they leave wingman is in celebrationary mode and wants to get out for a shot of tequila. we do this and i bump into another uber-babe working on the strip. she's been paralled to demi moore if she's already been announced here.

this one is workmanlike and it's not long before we are at it like jackhammers! $25k for half an hour but 20 mins, maybe even 15mins into it she announces time up and game over. wtf!

i throw her out. subtly.

i'm left with a raging boner and the complete loss of my mojo. a complete turnaround on the week, the day and the evening.

you win some, you lose some. mostly you lose.

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-11-09, 21:36
Yes you can get Cialis, better to buy the 4 pack comes out cheaper, It is the genuine Phizer. A 4 pack ranges from 90-110k. NO GENERIC. If you can get generic before coming to Colombia it will work out much better for you $ wise. You can buy Cialis without a prescription in ANY supermarket with a drogueria or drungstore on the street.Thank you for your reaction MHL. I live in Medellin and know where to get original Cialis. Like you stated: "You can buy Cialis without a prescription in ANY supermarket with a drogueria or drungstore on the street..."

However, the words of the other two members made me throw in my question. I'd sure like to buy those generics. Another simple reason: if generic Viagra pills only costs 2000 pesos each, I suppose generic Cialis will cost a little more, maybe up to 4000 pesos. So that will be very interesting because original 20 mg Cialis costs about 24.000 pesos each.

So CurrymasalaNYC and GringoLoco2, please inform me.

06-12-09, 09:54
Thank you for your reaction MHL. I live in Medellin and know where to get original Cialis. Like you stated: "You can buy Cialis without a prescription in ANY supermarket with a drogueria or drungstore on the street..."

However, the words of the other two members made me throw in my question. I'd sure like to buy those generics. Another simple reason: if generic Viagra pills only costs 2000 pesos each, I suppose generic Cialis will cost a little more, maybe up to 4000 pesos. So that will be very interesting because original 20 mg Cialis costs about 24.000 pesos each.

So CurrymasalaNYC and GringoLoco2, please inform me.Thats what I'm saying my friend. There IS NO generic for sale in Colombia yet. So you should get some before you come. I along with ASIAN RAIN use this place. And I'm very satisfied. www.edselection.org takes about 3 weeks to get to the states and comes professionally packed in push pill form. Urbanwildlife was not impressed and said they spam his mailbox, so if that is true set up a dummy hotmail or gmail account to avoid this. Read the cialis and viagra section and see mine and asianrains report and make up your own mind, but I was very happy and so was my wingman who has now ordered from them.

06-13-09, 06:10
Thats what I'm saying my friend. There IS NO generic for sale in Colombia yet. So you should get some before you come. I along with ASIAN RAIN use this place. And I'm very satisfied. www.edselection.org takes about 3 weeks to get to the states and comes professionally packed in push pill form. Urbanwildlife was not impressed and said they spam his mailbox, so if that is true set up a dummy hotmail or gmail account to avoid this. Read the cialis and viagra section and see mine and asianrains report and make up your own mind, but I was very happy and so was my wingman who has now ordered from them.Like I wrote, I hope those two will give information because I haven't be able to find those Cialis generics in Medellin, other than they have apparently.

BTW, has anybody living in Colombia done business with "edselection" or the like? I'd like to know your experience with the delivery and DIAN.

I haven't read your or AR's reports, but what is good enough for you and AR, is good enough for me too.

Nino Bravo
06-13-09, 13:46
BTW, has anybody living in Colombia done business with "edselection" or the like? I'd like to know your experience with the delivery and DIAN.Hey Menteng,

If you live in Colombia, you can buy everything that edselection sells OVER THE COUNTER at any drogueria. Why on earth would you EVEN think about ordering Cialis or Viagra over the internet from a foreign country? Unbelievable the things some guys post here sometimes.

06-13-09, 15:44

Nice site

It seems the best site is www.generics4all.com

80 reviews and a close to 5/5 rating. it seems legit.

06-13-09, 18:13
If you can keep to the sex, you are ok. The problem is there are many girls who are just scammers. They are young, beautiful and just full of lies. It is very easy to fall into the love trap, they really never mean when they say "amor" "te quiero mucho", some of us who are love starved and attention starved middle age men, it is easy to melt. Once to fall in love the scam of "Send me money" starts, My mother is sick, I need money for the rent, I need money for the school.

I fell into this trap twice and ended up sending money, only to find out that they girl was just a prepago. When you are in love with the girl and find out she is a prepago, it breaks your heart. They only love you wallet. Going out with gringos is thier daily routine, they are on MSN all day, trying to find the next victim.

My advice, lock up your emotions, most girls in Medellin will do anyting for money, use them only for sex.

Hello Tonysoprano;

The following site also has singles parties once in a while where you can meet both prepagos and regular girls, you can spot the prepagos at the party.

The next party is on July 10th. Cover is usally 50K with all drinks.

I also posted pics from last party


06-13-09, 19:28
Gang of Four

Having gone to sleep at 8 AM, I naturally woke up late again. Vics Pics called me; Frank Casio & he would come to my apartment around 8 PM. After showing them my pad, we got into a taxi and stopped off at Parque Berrío to pick up Panama Mike.

Frank Casio went looking for him... and never returned. Vics Pics and I waited and waited. We took turns walking around the square looking for him. No sight of Frank Casio!

In the end, we instructed the taxi to drive us to Lindas Chicas. Frank Casio and Panama Mike were already there. They couldn’t find our taxi!

Russian Girl

There was a new face at Lindas Chicas. Nataly looked like a Russian girl. It didn’t take long before we cuddled up on the sofa and started exchanging saliva. Boy, was she ever sweet!

Frank Casio was enamored with Sandra, a girl I’d taken home a few nights ago. Vics Pics grabbed hold of Kelly’s curvaceous body with huge, natural hooters. Panama Mike was chatting with Andrea, though he wasn’t really attracted to her.

The Idea

Since the Lindas Chicas girls don’t come cheap, Frank Casio came up with the idea of having an orgy in my apartment. :eek: All four guys were game; Frank Casio went to work on convincing the chicas.

Nanci had called for reinforcements. The hot blonde I’d been wanting to fuck for days walked in together with the other beauty queen I’d met on my 1st visit. Panama Mike was quick to replace plain Jane Andrea by gorgeous blonde Mariana. If things worked out right, I’d get to fuck her as well. :)

Nanci introduced me to Mariana’s friend Natalia. Her face was simply exquisite, but I was committed to my Russian queen Nataly. Since I’d already fucked Sandra, I would have preferred Frank Casio to dump her in favor of Natalia, but he’d already committed to Sandra. Oh well.

Frank Casio had managed to sell his idea of an orgy to best friends Sandra & Kelly. Mariana immediately agreed to join in. Nataly was set on a tête-à-tête with me, but didn’t want to be the deal breaker. I made it crystal clear that all 4 girls would get fucked by all 4 guys. When I put it that bluntly, the girls hesitated... but they agreed. The orgy was on!

My 1st Orgy

Our taxi stopped off at Panama Mike’s apartment to pick up some supplies. Vics Pics & Frank Casio raided a liquor store. Combined with my food & drink, we had enough booze & snacks to party all night.

Panama Mike and I cuddled up to our dates as we enjoyed the vista from the balcony. After Nataly got me horny, I rubbed my dick against Mariana’s crack. Back inside the apartment, Mariana got the orgy going – she practically ripped all the guys’ clothes off.

Frank Casio was licking Nataly’s pussy on the sofa. I relieved him from his duty. When I stuck my dick up in the air, Nataly popped it in her mouth without hesitation. As we moved to the bedroom, Panama Mike was already giving Mariana a workout. After more licking & sucking, it was time for me to follow his example. Sliding in and out of Nataly’s wet crevice felt heavenly. When our tongues weren’t intertwined, I could watch Mariana getting speared by Panama Mike, as I was throbbing inside Nataly. Orgies are good wholesome fun!

The overdose of bodies made the bedroom feel like an oven. During a break, Panama Mike suggested we switch girls. I was disappointed when the blonde bombshell I’d dreamt about during lonely nights wouldn’t French kiss. That may have been because Mariana knew where my mouth had been. :p Even though Mariana’s moans were obviously fake, this Barbie doll riding my dick was poetry in motion. Eventually, I pulled Mariana close and hammered her like a pneumatic drill until I hit a gusher.

After taking a breather and a shower, I got into a room with Sandra & Kelly. Kelly’s tongue was soon creating the most wondrous tingling – she was the BJ queen. When my partner in crime Panama Mike joined us, Sandra demonstrated her sucking prowess. Since I’d already gone a few rounds with Sandra the other night, I didn’t feel like fucking her. I’d rather spend more time with Kelly...

Kelly’d been on to me a few times in Lindas Chicas. She had a little too much meat on her bones for my taste. As she locked the door, Kelly was out to prove I wouldn’t regret taking her home. But even her relentless pumping and fiery kisses couldn’t extract another dose of leche.

By the time we joined the others in the living room, the girls were ready to go home. :eek: I expected the chicas to party with us the whole night, but their pussies were sore already. I wanted Nataly to sleep with me, but her father would beat her up if she wasn’t home by 6AM.

The girls were about to leave and I hadn’t had the chance to take any pictures! By the time I’d gotten a group shot and a few solo pictures of Nataly & Mariana, the taxi’d arrived. Shit!

The Good Example

Vics Pics & Frank Casio had expended their energy and said their goodbyes. Panama Mike and I enjoyed a few more drinks. As the sun was about to come up, Panama Mike crashed in my spare bedroom. When I woke up, he’d left a note with his phone number and... had done my dishes. No chica ever followed his good example! :p


06-13-09, 19:31
From left to right: Nataly (me), Mariana (Panama Mike), Sandra (Frank Casio) and Kelly (Vics Pics).

To my regret, I only got 1 picture of Nataly. With her long hair up, wearing an outfit that doesn’t become her and & the unflattering posture, it doesn’t do her justice at all.

Mariana turned her back for the 1st picture, but looks good in the 2nd picture.

I already had plenty of pictures of Sandra. As she hurried out of the shower and didn’t look her best, Kelly wouldn’t allow any solo pictures.


06-13-09, 20:06
If you can keep to the sex, you are ok. The problem is there are many girls who are just scammers. They are young, beautiful and just full of lies. It is very easy to fall into the love trap, they really never mean when they say "amor" "te quiero mucho", some of us who are love starved and attention starved middle age men, it is easy to melt. Once to fall in love the scam of "Send me money" starts, My mother is sick, I need money for the rent, I need money for the school.

I fell into this trap twice and ended up sending money, only to find out that they girl was just a prepago. When you are in love with the girl and find out she is a prepago, it breaks your heart. They only love you wallet. Going out with gringos is thier daily routine, they are on MSN all day, trying to find the next victim.

My advice, lock up your emotions, most girls in Medellin will do anyting for money, use them only for sex.Wow. Though what you say can surely be the case, I wouldn't generalize the girls from Medellin that way.

Unfortunately you got burned a couple times, I was burned once years ago in Cali, it happens.

I have of course gotten much wiser and much better at quickly figuring the good from the bad.

Many nice, sweet chicas out there among the sharks, just gotta keep the guard up and look for the signs, especially when you just don't know them that well.

Good luck

06-13-09, 20:44
Day 1.

I got off plane and pulled out 400k peso from ATM. Negotiated cab driver to take me to my hotel for 45k peso. Standard seems to be 50k since toll is very expensive. As I was heading for my hotel, I spotted hot, sexy girls everywhere and I knew I came to right place. I arrived at Intercontinental hotel and unpacked my stuff and took shower.

Took a cab to downtown (7-8k) and hit a casa Abedos on Cll 57 46-12. I was shown about 4 girls. I took Alejandra(19) because she had cute face. Little chubby for my taste but I thought to myself that I will give her a try since she seems to have good attitude.

It came to my attention that I wasn’t attracted to her much and I couldn’t cum. I was very tired from long flight and decided to head home instead of looking for 2nd girl.

Day 2

Went to one of casa in my list and picked out Vanessa(20). She had very cute face and nice curves. She had orgasm after about 20min and I left satisfied 10 min afterwards. CBJ and no kiss. Less GFE than I hoped for but for only 30k I was happy with what I got.

Went to Masajes(Cr 43 55-35). Found a sexy girl with tight body with name of Andrea(20). This girl sort of reminded me of Andrea of Quito(one of my fav). DFK and pretty decent performance gave me second nut for the day. I asked her if they were open next day(Sunday) and she told me the that she works after 12 on Sundays.

Day 3

Went to Lindas Chicas(cll 58 50a-54) since I’ve heard that they got 24/7 operation. I arrived around 10am but no answer for about 5 min. I was about to leave and a girl came out. I went inside to check out. Fairly nice place and I could understand why this place is more expensive than others. Unlike what I’ve read on the post, only three girls were available probably because of the time I went there. I chose sexy cute looking spinner with name, Salome(18). I asked about the price and they told me 200k for 1 hr. I told them that I read it was 100k for 1.5 hrs including the room. They asked me where I read this and I told them internet. They tried to get ISG address from me but I told them I don’t remember where I got it. They said price is 200k so I told them bye and head for door. Right before I opened door, the girl said fine! 100k. We both head to the room. Salome told me that 50k goes to house and she only gets to keep 50k. She was basically telling me that she is giving me special deal. She only worked there for three weeks or so and fairly new at the job. DFK and pretty decent performance. She told me that she had 2 orgasms with me and was very satisfied with my performance. Now I was thinking to myself, damn I should be the one to get paid. Lol

Went back to Masajes to repeat with Andrea since she reminded me of Andrea of Quito. More GFE this time with more cuchiplancha. I wasn’t sure if she had Orgasm with me 1st time I was with her but this time I was able to tell that she definitely had one. I told her that she was hard to please. She laughed about it but I wasn’t kidding. I had to work twice as hard as I did on other girls to give her 1 O while it would be sufficient to give many others 2.

I tried to check out Energy since I’ve heard many good things about this place. I was disappointed to find that this place was closed for the day. Unlike what is said on list, Energy isn’t open on Sundays.

By the time I got back from Energy, all other casa in downtown also closed since they close early on Sunday.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-13-09, 20:50
Day 4

I was supposed to check out of IC by 1pm and head out to Mayorista to Frank’s My Place apartment. I went back to Masajes at 10am to have a nut before I check out. I was shown few girls and chose Sandra(20). By this time, I had no idea how GFE she was going to be. She start DFK and start kissing all over my body. I got wood right away and she start to perform BBBJ on me. She also start licking my ballz and went down even further. So I opened my leg and she start giving me analingus. By this time, I knew that this girl is total GFE and I saw potential to do BBFS if I push her little bit. I made sure that I wasn’t going to cum inside her and she allowed me to enter her without condom. As always, sex with condom can’t compare the pleasure of w/o condom. I banged her bareback for good ole 25 min and bust nut on her belly. We cleaned up and went for round 2. I was there for around 1hr but only charged 30min. All that for only 25k, I left with big smile on my face. I tipped Sandra 10k for her performance.

I met up with Frank at his apt and he showed me around the scene and market. He is very friendly and nice guy who helped out my stay at his apt great deal. I made few new friends at there and went to check out casas in downtown with one of my newly made friend. We checked out Sexy, New Life, and Bell Suite. We found what we liked at New Life(Cll56 43-39) I took a very petite spinner with name of Lorena(19). I could tell that she was new to the profession and I went for her. This girl’s GFE level was very low. No kiss, and she won’t let me eat her pussy. She got dry very quickly and it start to hurt my penis. I changed out condom for more lube. And she was pretty much dead wood like most new girl to the profession. I tried to put more lubrication by using my saliva but she didn’t let me. I was starting to get little irritated as she kept on saying no. I knew that only way to bust a nut at this point was to break the condom and bang her bareback with broken condom, which I knew exactly how to do. There needs to be few conditions met in order to break condom but I knew it was very possible with this girl. After working on condom for 5 min, I knew it broke when the sensation changed while entering her. I guess she was too inexperienced to notice the difference. When this girl irritated me, I told myself that I will break the condom and shoot my load inside her. That is exactly what I did and I left the place after 45min of humping and grinding.

Later that day, N and I went out to eat dinner. N recommended a girl named Diana(21) to me. I wasn’t attracted to her face or body but she looked decent. I took her to my room and start to bang her. She had pretty tight and hot pussy and knew how to use it. Only problem was that I wasn’t attracted to her and I couldn’t find myself to bang her with lights on. I almost always have sex with lights on. We were banging pretty hard and I knew she had O at least 1ce. Only problem was I wasn’t turned on as much and I couldn’t nut with this girl. I was very tired and I gave up and send her out. I went out after 5 min to scout 4 th girl for the day. I found 18 yr old Jessica and knew that she is more of what I wanted and liked. Basically I like thin sexy petite girls with tight body and pussy. I brought her into my room and bang for about 15min until I bust a nut. I was satisfied and walked her to where I found her.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-13-09, 20:59
Day 5

I went to Sexy(Cr 45 57-55) and was shown lineup of about 10+ girls. I liked Johana and Vanessa and picked Johana, but another guy that came in right before me also chose Johana, so I took Vanessa instead. Nothing spectacular but pretty decent sex. We exchanged massage and I got my second wood and banged her 2nd time. She had nice round ass and it turned me on pretty well.

After I grabbed lunch, I hit New Life again and found a very hot, confident girl named Maria-Jose. I was shown lineup of about 10 and saw two I liked, Liselle and Maria-Jose. I picked Maria-Jose because she had blonde hair and I have weakness for blondes. I normally prefer natural boobs but this girl actually turned me on even with enhanced one. She licked all over my body from my neck down to my balls. She didn’t let me kiss her but her performance made up for it. We start off with 69 and her pussy had very sweet taste and nice smell. I would consider experience with her as PSE. I gave her 2 Orgasms and she gave me really nice back rub after I bust a nut. She was really good with massage so I asked her and she told me that she attends massage school every weekends. We both had really good time and parted our ways.

After one of our roommates went back home, we had a new guy come in, FW. I joined Frank’s tour of strip clubs with FW. After we returned, we picked up Geraldine and her friend. I did Geraldine while FW did her friend on bed next to us. FW finished before me and Geraldine’s friend kept on rushing me since she didn’t want to wait. This turned me off and made it more difficult me for to nut. I tried the bust the condom and BB on Geraldine as well but she was too experienced to be fooled. She knew something was up when the sensation changed and insisted that I pull out my condom to check it. After fuckin Geraldine bareback with busted condom for good ole 5 min, I had to change out condom. What started out pretty good with DFK and good GFE ended up bad when my girl’s friend start to rushing us. One of many reasons why I do not enjoy tag teams. I sent them away and went outside to find me a new girl. As I was walking, I spotted Geraldine again and she came up to me with smile asking are you looking for more? And I replied yes. She told me lets go but I told her, not with you. I don’t understand these girls. After all those crap they do, do they seriously think that they will get repeat business? Lol. I walked by but came back to area where Geraldine was and she started moving her finger side to side and saying no. She probably figured that after I turned her down, I came back to get her. I laughed my ass off silly and did the same and told her, “I am not back for you but I came to check inside this bar.”

While walking around the streets, I found a short n petite girl named Johana. I chatted her up little bit and asked her if she likes to kiss, she replied by kissing me. I knew that this girl liked me and felt the good vibe. I asked her if she wanted to come to my room with me and she said yes. As I was walking back to my room, I ran into Geraldine again and she had jealous look on her face. The whole time no mention of money or anything. I took her to my room and start to make out and eat her pussy. I knew she had a big O as she start to shake. I came off her and took off my pants and entered her tight, wet, and very hot pussy. We were rocking bed for good ole 30 min. I bust a nut and went down on her to eat her again. I got my 2nd wood and bust a nut after 40min. We start to cuddle, kiss and play. I got my 3rd wood with her and start banging for another 30min. I asked her if she wants to sleep here and she said yes. We decided to go to sleep afterwards but I got up after 2hr with another wood. We banged for another 40min for round 4. She asked me what time it was and clock showed 5:30. She told me she has to go home now to go to school. She gave me her home phone #, cell # and told me to call her when I come back to Mde. She didn’t ask me for money this whole time. She asked me if she can have few change for bus ride back. I gave her changes off the table and I also stick a roll of 100k bill between her bra and kissed her good bye and walked her out. She said that she had 8 orgasms with me and left with very big smile.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-13-09, 21:11
Day 6

I went back to New Life to repeat Maria-Jose but when I saw Liselle(23) with great big smile, I couldn’t help myself but to take her instead of Maria-Jose. Liselle was very pretty with nice body when she had cloth on. When she got naked, her boobs sagged little bit with little stretch mark but not too bad(probably due to her recent pregnancy with her 1yr old son). Her pussy wasn’t too bad and it was pretty wet. After I gave her orgasm, her body and pussy loosened up little more. I banged her for about 45 min until I was able to cum. I had two orgasms with her since I am multi-orgasmic. We exchanged massages. This girl wouldn’t let me kiss her. All three girls I had from New Life did not let me kiss them.

I went to Sexy afterwards to see if I can catch Johana. She was occupied and I asked how long I need to wait. I was told 30min. I said I will wait and took Johana(20) to room when she became available. She had really hot face and body along with big nice rack. When she took her bra off I could see little stretch mark but I wasn’t turned off. Very large D or E size which turned me on a bit. After 40 min, I bust a nut but nothing came out. Probably due to heavy pumping previous day(8 times) and this girl being 2nd for the day. Afterwards, I gave her massage and sucked on her boob. To my surprise, her breast milk came out. Pretty sweet and tasty. I think Johana got embarrassed and she start to take shower and got dressed.

As I was walking out, I saw hot pretty thing with name Nicole. I saw her few times earlier but I didn’t pick her because she seems to have attitude and I believed that she would be one of bad apple that doesn’t perform. She had very big smile and gave me flirtatious look. Maybe because she heard me humping other girl inside and got turned on. I asked for her name and told her that I maybe back around 6pm to do her. She smiled and I went back to Mayorista. I came back to my room and took a quick 3 hr nap to relieve my fatigue. I woke up to discover that I might not have enough time to do Nicole before Sexy close but I went anyways and took taxi there. As soon as I arrived, I asked for Nicole and she looked very happy to see me. To my surprise, she gave me really good GFE. We start off with cuchiplancha, and I started sucking on her nipple and move down for oral. She had pretty long clit compared to other girls. I can clearly tell that she was very turned on by me showing up at last min to take her. She locked in her legs to mine every time I gave her orgasm. I counted about 3 but I would give or take 1. I loved hearing her moaning in pleasure and knew that she will place top ten best fuck list on my very competitive list. She was very wild and left few nail marks on my body. I had orgasm but I didn’t cum. Probably due to lack of milk in my sack. She tried to make me cum by giving hand job later on but when I told her that how many times I had sex before her in the morning and previous day, she laughed and started to get dressed. I was like.. damn… should have kept quiet.

I came back to my room and went to restaurant nearby with FW to grab dinner. The waitress had pretty cute face and really nice ass. I chatted her up and she agreed to come to my room for drink and fun after she gets off work(12). I told her that I will be back at 11:30 to get her. She looked very happy and excited and kept on smiling. I was pretty sure I would get a freeb from her. Little bit later, FW and I agreed to go check out if there is any hot girls on the street. As I was walking past L, she came up to me asking what am I doing? I told her that I am trying to find a girl for FW and I will be waiting for her. I spotted a very hot looking blonde on the street with name Daniella(19). I asked what FW thinks of her and he agreed that she looks hot. I wanted to take her but I didn’t want to get caught by L before I get my way with her. As I was getting close to the restaurant I told her to walk alone to my place but one of the guy that works at the restaurant was outside and he saw me. He told L and she came outside watching to see if I went inside same place with that girl or not. By this time, I knew that I got caught red handed and decided to just take my chances and do Daniella. DFK and pretty nice gfe but I didn’t like her teeth because I like them nice and perfect with straight white teeth. She sorta didn’t want to take her bra off but I told her to take off anyways. I knew why when it came off because it had stretch marks and not too pretty looking. Very mushy and wrinkly. I was about to send her out when she said 30k but I told her to go and she agreed on 25k. Sex was pretty rough and good the way I liked it. Because I banged her so hard, she poped her hip joints out and i had to fix her up before I start banging her again. In the middle of sex, I had to tell her to put on her bra. I told her, you look better with bra. I know it’s mean but I couldn’t help myself. She was there to please me and if I don’t’ like what I see, my experience with her will be compromised. She complied to my demand and I was able to bust a nut in 15min. I took few photos of Daniella and sent her back. I went back to restaurant for L but I found it closed 20min early. FW told me that L looked very pissed and he had to buy her a small gift to calm her down. I felt really bad on how I made L happy and angry. But to my defense, she already saw me with many other girls and she knew exactly what she was getting into.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-13-09, 21:15
Day 7

All good thing has to come end and it is time for me to head home. My flight was at 2pm and I had to get to airport by 12pm. I thought I had 1 hr to do one last bang before I left. I packed my bags and visited New Life since they open at 9am. I got there around 9:40 and took Maria-Jose. She saw my luggage and asked me what’s up. I told her that I am going back to US and I came back here for last bang for 30min. She smiled and we had our fun. Not as much GFE as last time. She acted sort of cold and rushed a bit. I assumed this is because I picked Liselle instead of her last night and also the fact me leaving played a factor in since no repeat business. However sex was still good and she had two orgasms with me. After 30 min of sex, she sorta rushed me telling me 30min is over. She also complained that how come I am not cumming when she already had 2 O’s. I told her I did have 1 orgasm but I didn’t nut. I told her that I am multi-orgasmic and I would require really big orgasm for me to cum. She kinda killed my mood and I decided to go to Sexy to spend my last 30 min.

As I arrived at Sexy, I asked for Nicole. Mamasan told me that Nicole only works after 12. I was disappointed but asked for line-up. I saw Emily and took her as she was one of girls on my todo list. She was very sexy thin spinner like the way I like. Only 2 things turned me off about her but it didn’t bother me much, birth mark on her right arm and small scar of cut on her belly. Very nice GFE with lots of DFK and kiss all over my body including my balls. Nice tight and very hot pussy, probably hottest out of all I’ve had in Mde. I saw hunger and lust for every inch of my cock in her eyes. As I was pumping harder and harder she motioned to me that she wanted me to bang her even harder. I complied and she had orgasm twice. She looked like she was about to pass out as she shook in pleasure of O that took her over. I asked her if she ever has orgasm with other man and she replied “Casi nunca pero dos contigo.” Almost never but twice with me. As always, I felt very satisfied knowing that I was able to take almost every girl I banged into orgasm.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-13-09, 21:17
If you can keep to the sex, you are ok. The problem is there are many girls who are just scammers. They are young, beautiful and...

...They only love you wallet. Going out with gringos is thier daily routine, they are on MSN all day, trying to find the next victim...

...My advice, lock up your emotions, most girls in Medellin will do anyting for money, use them only for sex.That's true but if you are living life around them daily, you will know soon if you have a scammer. There are a million scammers in every country.

I think that if you are around them on a daily or semi-daily basis you will know soon enough which are scammers and which are not. I have "helped" many chicas in two countries. I only help the ones that are special to me and they know straight-away it's not a regular diet they can expect. That's they way I like to go.

Medellin, Colombia is the best.


06-13-09, 22:29
ever since seeing this series called: „hot latin pussy adventures“ part 1-7 -(they claim mostly shot in medellin and some in pereira, cali and only 1 or 2 scenes in brq and bog)-, i’ve wondered if any of you guys might recognize the neigborhood, casas and girls. these girls are pretty hot to say the least and none of them seem to mind doing it bare back style. this one girl named „damita a.k.a. lady even does a dp. they’re all creme de la creme in my book but i think she’s the leader of the pack-appearance wise. anyways, there also this one casa where you have to go upstairs in order to get to the bedrooms (casa1.jpg). in other pictures they claim being in a brothel that has this big exotic looking room with a nice large bath (casa2.jpg). is this in med? all of these girls are allegedly working girls in some brothel, mostly in med. does anybody have some details?

i sort of always wanted to know what the story is behind these flicks. thanks!!

to watch some scenes:

5 more additional pics:

06-13-09, 22:33
Part 2 of 2.

06-13-09, 23:57
Sometimes I love reading this thread (or really the whole board) for the cynical attitudes I find here, I used to think I was about the worst, but I'm nothing to compare with what I've read here, it's great

There is one Medellin girl I've sent some money to, and I have had a really good time with her when I've been there. Having said that, I am under no illusion that she might be a prepago, or at least a semi-pro, but it really doesn't bother me at all. I think we have to be a little realistic, I'd be a right hypocrite expecting her to wait for me, when I go down there, I hit at least 4. 5 casas during the day, and then go out with her, and anybody else who does that should also be realistic that their love extends to the depth of your wallet. I'll say this, at least when I send her money, she gets what I send, and that's it. Here (Canada), these damn bitches go after eveything you have and everything you ever will have. I'll accept the tradeoff!

06-14-09, 00:26
I am planning a trip to Medellin, Colombia and had a few questions.

Which Airline would you recommend to fly there out of JFK?

Which hotel do you recommend?

What are the Chica prices for short term and all nighters?

Is it safe to walk around at night?

Thanks for your input.

06-14-09, 03:48
Hey Menteng,

If you live in Colombia, you can buy everything that edselection sells OVER THE COUNTER at any drogueria. Why on earth would you EVEN think about ordering Cialis or Viagra over the internet from a foreign country? Unbelievable the things some guys post here sometimes.Well Nino Bravo, I could react by writing that you should read and perhaps understand what it is all about, but maybe that will insult your intelligence. (Maybe you should read MiamiHeatLover's posting #2349 in this thread). For others that are not that smart as you, it is about purchasing generic Cialis in Medellin. If you think you know where to buy that in Medellin, I would be very, very grateful if you would tell me where. I have been looking for the stuff in various parts of Medellin, but to no result. So I'll repeat, tell me where to buy GENERIC Cialis in Medellin and please be specific: name and address of the drogueria/farmacia. Don't just write: in Medellin like others and you have.

Goga Fung
06-14-09, 14:04
Well Nino Bravo, I could react by writing that you should read and perhaps understand what it is all about, but maybe that will insult your intelligence. (Maybe you should read MiamiHeatLover's posting #2349 in this thread). For others that are not that smart as you, it is about purchasing generic Cialis in Medellin. If you think you know where to buy that in Medellin, I would be very, very grateful if you would tell me where. I have been looking for the stuff in various parts of Medellin, but to no result. So I'll repeat, tell me where to buy GENERIC Cialis in Medellin and please be specific: name and address of the drogueria/farmacia. Don't just write: in Medellin like others and you have.One local friend offered me some of those tablets, he said it's something like $1 for each or for three, I'm not sure, since I do not use them. Instead, I look for hot chicas, they are my viagra and cialis:) If I have a problem, then most likely the chica is not good, or I'm too fucked up from buzz.

After I saw this discussion on the forum here, yesterday I emailed him about where one can get it(or maybe from him) whatever is easier. I'll let you know if he responds.

Goga Fung
06-14-09, 14:22
Sometimes I love reading this thread (or really the whole board) for the cynical attitudes I find here, I used to think I was about the worst, but I'm nothing to compare with what I've read here, it's great

There is one Medellin girl I've sent some money to, and I have had a really good time with her when I've been there. Having said that, I am under no illusion that she might be a prepago, or at least a semi-pro, but it really doesn't bother me at all. I think we have to be a little realistic, I'd be a right hypocrite expecting her to wait for me, when I go down there, I hit at least 4. 5 casas during the day, and then go out with her, and anybody else who does that should also be realistic that their love extends to the depth of your wallet. I'll say this, at least when I send her money, she gets what I send, and that's it. Here (Canada), these damn bitches go after eveything you have and everything you ever will have. I'll accept the tradeoff!Although I don't think I would send anybody money, but I pretty much agree with what you said. I do not care who she is a "pre-pago", "semi-pro", "regular". It's only our subjective perception of who she is, but in reality she might be completely different.

As long as she is nice to you, that counts, and I do not mind to spend money on her. I do not like the idea of sending money, I spend them with a chica together.

Some people are really proud telling how they saved some twenty bucks or not paid any money at all for a chica. That's funny because they have already spent thousands and some 100s $K on bitches at home. Now they are worried about pro/semi-pro/prepagas. If that is a problem, why not go back to the "descent" girls at home where everything is "free" Everybody has their own life, financial problems and solutions.


Daves Pison
06-14-09, 14:39
There is a drugstore in Poblado 10 st and 40 right by Folia Club. I paid 45,000 pesos.

Well Nino Bravo, I could react by writing that you should read and perhaps understand what it is all about, but maybe that will insult your intelligence. (Maybe you should read MiamiHeatLover's posting #2349 in this thread). For others that are not that smart as you, it is about purchasing generic Cialis in Medellin. If you think you know where to buy that in Medellin, I would be very, very grateful if you would tell me where. I have been looking for the stuff in various parts of Medellin, but to no result. So I'll repeat, tell me where to buy GENERIC Cialis in Medellin and please be specific: name and address of the drogueria/farmacia. Don't just write: in Medellin like others and you have.

Nino Bravo
06-14-09, 15:14
Well Nino Bravo, I could react by writing that you should read and perhaps understand what it is all about, but maybe that will insult your intelligence. (Maybe you should read MiamiHeatLover's posting #2349 in this thread). For others that are not that smart as you, it is about purchasing generic Cialis in Medellin. If you think you know where to buy that in Medellin, I would be very, very grateful if you would tell me where. I have been looking for the stuff in various parts of Medellin, but to no result. So I'll repeat, tell me where to buy GENERIC Cialis in Medellin and please be specific: name and address of the drogueria/farmacia. Don't just write: in Medellin like others and you have.In the post where I quoted you, you mentioned nothing about generic Cialis. And of course, keep running around Medellin looking for generic Cialis because it is not available (I guess you are smarter than me). Just buy the regular Cialis, OK? What? It is too expensive for an intelligent, successful man like you? Ok, then. Send off to China for some. Jajaja

06-14-09, 17:10
I am planning a trip to Medellin, Colombia and had a few questions.

Which Airline would you recommend to fly there out of JFK?

Which hotel do you recommend?

What are the Chica prices for short term and all nighters?

Is it safe to walk around at night?

Thanks for your input.I would fly any airline but that piece of shit Spirit. Tiny cramped up and worst airline I've flown in my life time.

Hotels would depend on your budget. I recommand Intercontinental or Frank's place. Both has its advantage. Since it is your virgin trip, going to Frank's place will make your trip safer and save more time. Knowing where to go and where not to go will play direct cause of whether you will run into trouble or not.

I walked around at night as well but felt pretty safe. The city is very clean and organized unlike MGA, Nicaragua. I saw police everywhere and never ran into people giving off troublesome energy.

As far as price, it will vary depending on where you go. For example most street girls can be done for 25k for 30 min. 100k for all night. YMMV.

For casa, price is fixed. Range from 25k-200k

06-14-09, 19:35
I am planning a trip to Medellin, Colombia and had a few questions.

Which Airline would you recommend to fly there out of JFK?

Which hotel do you recommend?

What are the Chica prices for short term and all nighters?

Is it safe to walk around at night?

Thanks for your input.With all due respect, read the forum, then ask questions.

Que Rico
06-14-09, 19:38
My 2 pesos, I've tried that generic cialis in Costa Rica I even brought some home, used it last night. I wish I paid $11 for the real stuff instead of $3 because when I take them it feels like my head is gonna explode I get flushed and feel intense pressure, its so bad I need to take half only. Eveyone who takes them says the same. Never again would I but generic cialis At any price. Nice reports guy keep it up!

Frank Casio
06-14-09, 20:35
Hi guys,

Most of you know that I've always been upfront with you and if I ever thought this Medellin Paradise would become dangerous for tourist I would be the first to tell you! Read Daryll Musicians "quote" below, he is right on the money! Unfortunately 4 of my guests and I got robbed at "gunpoint" near Carrefour Las Vegas in a stratus 4-5 zone! I am really sadden as this is happenning more often and it was a specific targetting of tourists! My 4 guests were four young oriental college students, really nice guys, but obviously tourist! They were so happy because of the beauty of Medellin and the beautiful women and then this happens just a few hours after arriving in Medellin!

If I had been robbed alone I would not be so sadden, it would have been just another robbery, but when a Country starts to target their tourists and the police is slow to respond, then I don't believe they deserve a tourism industry! I was making La Mayorista a tourist attraction, but although the robberry didn't occur in La Mayorista I'm tired of the way they look at me and my guests, as nothing more than a "cash" or "mac" machine! I've always felt a lot of the lower end paisas look at us with envy, not as something to emmulate, but as "what can I get from you today"! Although nothing has ever occurred to me or my guests at La Mayorista, I can no longer look them in the eye with innocence, this I apply to Laureles, la 70, Bello or any other place where I have felt the same!

For now I will exclude Parque Lleras, El Poblado, Envigado and Sabaneta! I have never felt that way in these areas! This is not to say that if the violence level and instability in Medellin continue to rise, as exposed by Daryll Musician, that these places could not become just as dangerous, specially if tourist continue to be targetted.

I am in a very deppressed mood right now as you all know how much I love this place, but I will never endanger the lifes of my guests or expose them to any threats. So I'm officially closing My Place and will put it up for sale with local Real Estae! I might purchase another property in Envigado for high end to mid level tourism for 150k a night with winging services to only high to midle end places and regular Discos. Places like Mangos, Palmahia, La Doctora in Sabaneta, Dulce Jesus Mio, Envigado, Babylon, Loutron, luna Lunera, Fase ll, La dolce Vita near Fase ll, San Diego, Parque Lleras, El poblado, Sexy, New Life, Energy, etc. But no more walking tours with tourist through El Centro and La Mayorista, Laureles or El Estadio-La 70! My car was robbed twice in Laureles so I can't reccommend it either, maybe some areas, but definitely not la "70"!

Any "winging" of my guests will be done mostly in my personal vehicle and maybe sometimes by Taxi from my local "Taxis Envigado" or Sabaneta Taxis! Maybe also from some ot the Taxi drivers from WorldTravel69 list like "Hector" & company and "Fernando"! And this is still "iffy", I havn't decided yet! I thought of going back to Tampa, FL, but I love this Medellin Paradise too much and I think I will be to bored in Tampa! But just in case, do any of you know what is the best way to transfer money to the USA from real estate sales in Colombia without loosing your shirt?

Well, again guys I'm very sorry about all this, but it's out of my control and I have to tell you the truth as I see it! I will refund all deposits to all of you who have future reservations and will reccommend Tiger Paw in Parque Lleras. Good luck to everyone!

Frank Casio!


Since I am contracted to the Government, I will give insight on the rising crime in Colombia. Since I have traveled to Colombia last year, I have been briefed by Operational Security personnel about increasing crime in Colombia, which includes Medellin. The effects of the Global Recession are beginning to take its toll on Colombia. Jobs in Colombia are dwindling, especially Medellin are dwindling. Colombia's GDP is decreasing. Colombians are desperate, therefore-to obtain funding to take care of their basic necessities-criminal acts are increasing. Also, President Uribe is approaching the end of his presidential tenure. Cartels and paramilitary groups are preparing to overtake/test the incoming President and his/her officials. I will not create a variable equation to determine the prospective rise in Crime in Colombia because there is much more to both scenarios than arithmetic. Expect crime to rise to significant levels. You do not have to take heed to my information. I am only requesting that everybody on this board have fun, but be cautious and vigilant. The coming months will Test Colombia.[/QUOTE]Quote:

Originally Posted by Aussie Greg

Yep, its to dangerous here in Medellin, I'm going to Australia!

Aussie Greg.

One girl from MDE wrote in her email:

"now there are some fights for power and control between criminal gangs, they are killing themselves and a regular person should not be too worried. For me everything looks pretty much normal".

I guess locals are kinda used to it, so they don't give much shit. I understand that since I've been in a similar situation for years.

And the good news are that the "bad" guys are not after gringos.? This is now questionable from my point of view!

Hollow Man
06-14-09, 22:45
Ever since seeing this series called: „Hot latin pussy adventures" part 1-7.(they claim mostly shot in Medellin and some in pereira, Cali and only 1 or 2 scenes in BRQ and BOG)-, I’ve wondered if any of you guys might recognize the neigborhood, casas and girls.Man Damita is hot. Yeah if anyone knows anything I'd like to hear it: D. I watched a few of her scenes and wooooo!

06-15-09, 00:18
I know this is a pooner board, and I appreciate all the good info. I have researched much of what I want to know. I and my wingman are a couple of older pooners from canada and will be renting a nice aprtment in Medillin for a few months. We cannot fuk everyday and night like when we were young so have to fill our time doing other things. I love to glof and have trouble researching golf in medillin. Seems they do not have golf for tourists? Only private courses? Anyone have some real fact info about public courses or private with open days? Would be greatly appreciated.

06-15-09, 01:30
She said that she had 8 orgasms with me and left with very big smile.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Only 8 orgasms ??

My chicas usually have at least 25 or 30 orgasms with me, and that's only in 30 minutes or so :)

Let's get on the ball amigo, you're giving us all a bad name. :)

06-15-09, 03:54
Ricker; Yes there are good ones, but a majority of them are spoiled. Just like a majority of the men want sex only, a majority of the girls are just after money in Medellin. I picked up two chicas from two different sites http://www.romancelatina.com and amigos.com, both are regular girls, with good families. They were going to school, working, I even met their parents, had dinner with them. One of the mothers was asking her daughter to ask me for money. They give many excuses, like money for school is the common reason, money for apartment and it is urgent she will get thrown out today! , send money now! Western Union if you love me!

I only spend few days, and it is difficult to watch what they are doing and judge them in few days. I am sure there are some good ones, but there are many bad ones. You just have to be very carefull with the girls in Colombia!

Most common scams

The will give you cell phone number and say, you cannot call me because I lost my cell, send me money so you can call me!

Send me money as I Am getting kicked of out school! , I do not think a girl going to school will ask you for money.

I had one guy send money for plane ticket! For her to travel to Panama, she never showed up, she just took the money.

Wow. Though what you say can surely be the case, I wouldn't generalize the girls from Medellin that way.

Unfortunately you got burned a couple times, I was burned once years ago in Cali, it happens.

I have of course gotten much wiser and much better at quickly figuring the good from the bad.

Many nice, sweet chicas out there among the sharks, just have to keep the guard up and look for the signs, especially when you just don't know them that well.

Good luck

06-15-09, 04:56
One local friend offered me some of those tablets, he said it's something like $1 for each or for three, I'm not sure, since I do not use them. Instead, I look for hot chicas, they are my viagra and cialis:) If I have a problem, then most likely the chica is not good, or I'm too fucked up from buzz.

After I saw this discussion on the forum here, yesterday I emailed him about where one can get it(or maybe from him) whatever is easier. I'll let you know if he responds.Thanks, appreciate it very much.

06-15-09, 05:04
In the post where I quoted you, you mentioned nothing about generic Cialis. And of course, keep running around Medellin looking for generic Cialis because it is not available (I guess you are smarter than me). Just buy the regular Cialis, OK? What? It is too expensive for an intelligent, successful man like you? Ok, then. Send off to China for some. JajajaI suggest, either you put on your reading glasses or read carefully the start of that posting (of mine) that you quoted.

As I am smart, like you stated, I'll give you this free advice: look before you leap. Or do I have to explain the meaning of that expression to you?

06-15-09, 05:35
Unfortunately 4 of my guests and I got robbed at "gunpoint" near Carrefour Las Vegas in a stratus 4-5 zone! I am really sadden as this is happenning more often and it was a specific targetting of tourists!

Any "winging" of my guests will be done mostly in my personal vehicle and maybe sometimes by Taxi from my local "Taxis Envigado" or Sabaneta Taxis!

Frank Casio!Sh*t!!! Im getting to Medellin tomorrow!! I`m a little worried and I am f**king Peruvian!

F**k! I was hoping to hire Frank for his tours. Thankfully I am staying in El Poblado.
Wish me luck guys, definetly we should thank Frank for the heads up. I will post the experience of my trip on my return and try to put some info while there.

Ho Lover1
06-15-09, 06:03
Hi guys,

Most of you know that I've always been upfront with you and if I ever thought this Medellin Paradise would become dangerous for tourist I would be the first to tell you! Read Daryll Musicians "quote" below, he is right on the money! Unfortunately 4 of my guests and I got robbed at "gunpoint" near Carrefour Las Vegas in a stratus 4-5 zone! I am really sadden as this is happenning more often and it was a specific targetting of tourists! My 4 guests were four young oriental college students, really nice guys, but obviously tourist! They were so happy because of the beauty of Medellin and the beautiful women and then this happens just a few hours after arriving in Medellin!

If I had been robbed alone I would not be so sadden, it would have been just another robbery, but when a Country starts to target their tourists and the police is slow to respond, then I don't believe they deserve a tourism industry! I was making La Mayorista a tourist attraction, but although the robberry didn't occur in La Mayorista I'm tired of the way they look at me and my guests, as nothing more than a "cash" or "mac" machine! I've always felt a lot of the lower end paisas look at us with envy, not as something to emmulate, but as "what can I get from you today"! Although nothing has ever occurred to me or my guests at La Mayorista, I can no longer look them in the eye with innocence, this I apply to Laureles, la 70, Bello or any other place where I have felt the same!Frank,

I'm still considering a trip to Medellin in a few months. Can you give us a little more info on the robberies?

06-15-09, 06:16
Just buy the cialis from the link I gave.

06-15-09, 11:17
Hi guys,

Most of you know that I've always been upfront with you and if I ever thought this Medellin Paradise would become dangerous for tourist I would be the first to tell you! Read Daryll Musicians "quote" below, he is right on the money! Unfortunately 4 of my guests and I got robbed at "gunpoint" near Carrefour Las Vegas in a stratus 4-5 zone! I am really sadden as this is happenning more often and it was a specific targetting of tourists! My 4 guests were four young oriental college students, really nice guys, but obviously tourist! They were so happy because of the beauty of Medellin and the beautiful women and then this happens just a few hours after arriving in Medellin!Why dont you fill us in on details, how it happened, what time, just left ATM, where abouts considering that is a high traffic area, what did they take? How many guys?.. etc etc.

06-15-09, 11:19
Man Damita is hot. Yeah if anyone knows anything I'd like to hear it: D. I watched a few of her scenes and wooooo!That scene is like from 2002, im sure she has moved on.. I thought that scene was also filmed in Mexico?

06-15-09, 11:20
My chicas usually have at least 25 or 30 orgasms with me, and that's only in 30 minutes or so :)You light weight!, lol.. you know bro, they have pills for that these days.

Shark Bait
06-15-09, 14:09
I will be returning to Medellin on July 1st for 17 days. There are so many women there you could meet new ones every day. I have finally begun to learn the trade, meet girls session and get numbers, treat them nice and wait for them to show up with friends. I have been in contact with girls and they have asked me if it is ok if their girlfriends can come over with them. I answer as any self respecting monger would, of course she can come over and play with us. Why do you think we have king sized beds? The three of us fit perfectly. The one thing I never do is present them money as payment for sex, only as a gift for them or there family. It seems to be respectful and the girls appreciate it. It is very difficult waiting for the next two weeks to pass. Medellin is addictive, as I visit every two months.

06-15-09, 15:59
Just buy the cialis from the link I gave.Thanks for the information, Dude! Though it is not what I asked for, namely: information on where to buy generic Cialis in Medellin.

My last posting on this topic.

06-15-09, 17:30
My chicas usually have at least 25 or 30 orgasms with me, and that's only in 30 minutes or so :)Good for you :) I would like to meet those girls cuz my chicas usually never have orgasm with other men before.

06-15-09, 17:34
Hi guys,

Most of you know that I've always been upfront with you and if I ever thought this Medellin Paradise would become dangerous for tourist I would be the first to tell you! Read Daryll Musicians "quote" below, he is right on the money! Unfortunately 4 of my guests and I got robbed at "gunpoint" near Carrefour Las Vegas in a stratus 4-5 zone! I am really sadden as this is happenning more often and it was a specific targetting of tourists! My 4 guests were four young oriental college students, really nice guys, but obviously tourist! They were so happy because of the beauty of Medellin and the beautiful women and then this happens just a few hours after arriving in Medellin!It's sad to hear about such incident especially right after I got back from Mde. I was sort of planning a trip back with one of my friend but I guess I should throw that plan away. I guess I was fortunate enough to not have been targeted. :)

06-15-09, 18:03
Ricker; Yes there are good ones, but a majority of them are spoiled. Just like a majority of the men want sex only, a majority of the girls are just after money in Medellin. I picked up two chicas from two different sites http://www.romancelatina.com and amigos.com, both are regular girls, with good families. They were going to school, working, I even met their parents, had dinner with them. One of the mothers was asking her daughter to ask me for money. They give many excuses, like money for school is the common reason, money for apartment and it is urgent she will get thrown out today! , send money now! Western Union if you love me!

I only spend few days, and it is difficult to watch what they are doing and judge them in few days. I am sure there are some good ones, but there are many bad ones. You just have to be very carefull with the girls in Colombia!

Most common scams

The will give you cell phone number and say, you cannot call me because I lost my cell, send me money so you can call me!

Send me money as I Am getting kicked of out school! , I do not think a girl going to school will ask you for money.

I had one guy send money for plane ticket! For her to travel to Panama, she never showed up, she just took the money.Hey, I know what you're saying amigo. I've been there baby, trust me.

First of all, I don't meet chicas from the web-sites (amigos, cupidos, etc) anymore. I haven't for years.

They are almost always bad news, at least in my experience anyway.

Chicas that ask me for money, well I put them in a different category.

They'll be the ones I really don't trust, and I know they're diggin me mostly for the money, but that we can have fun together when I'm in town.

No big deal.

There are also the chicas that would never ask for money. Of course these are the chicas that really dig ya.

The ones that insist that you don't buy stuff at the expensive malls, but in el Centro. The ones who don't demand the fancy restaurants and gifts.

The ones that just dig your company and getting to know you.

There are keepers out there for sure, but most likely not in the internet-love sites, though there may be a few hidden in there too if ya get lucky, just not my thing.

Good luck amigo

06-15-09, 18:16
I was making La Mayorista a tourist attraction, but although the robberry didn't occur in La Mayorista I'm tired of the way they look at me and my guests, as nothing more than a "cash" or "mac" machine! I've always felt a lot of the lower end paisas look at us with envy, not as something to emmulate, but as "what can I get from you today"! Although nothing has ever occurred to me or my guests at La Mayorista, I can no longer look them in the eye with innocence, this I apply to Laureles, la 70, Bello or any other place where I have felt the same!Sorry to hear you guys got robbed amigo ... but this isn't anything new man.

The lower end Pasias live for the moment, they always have.

Of course they have the "what can I get from you today" attitude.

Non-spanish speaking gringos showing up, living on the Mayorista where the chicas walk about, how do you think they're going to look at these guys?

Good luck Frank.

Frank Casio
06-15-09, 18:21
Hi guy,

I don't think I can give you more details, but just stick to the areas and places I mentioned and you should be ok! La Mayorista might still be ok because there is always police there, but I'm just tired of those low class paisas looking at me as if I were a cash machine and asking me for money all the time, just tired! I won't be doing any tours in El Centro or the lower end Striptease Bars for the same reason. I'm tired of those low end paisas asking me for money or trying to force my clients and I to enter their places! They don't ask politely, they are very aggressive and I'm just tired of it specially after what happenned!

I will still take the guys to "Sexys" and "New Life", these are good but inexpensive "casas" with nice "cuties" for $40kcop ($20US) an hour or $50kcop ($25US) for 2 girls! Really good deal and nice places, they are not pushy at all! But mostly I will stick to "high end" places!

I'm still not sure about what I'm going to do. I still have guys that want to come and stay in My Place at La Mayorista, but they will have to be on their own there! I gave my best intentions to these lower end paisas or Colombians, but my perception of them has really changed. It was always in question, but now I don't even want to look at them, they make me sick, sorry but that's how I feel!

Frank Casio!


I'm still considering a trip to Medellin in a few months. Can you give us a little more info on the robberies?

06-15-09, 19:39
I am in a very deppressed mood right now as you all know how much I love this place, but I will never endanger the lifes of my guests or expose them to any threats. So I'm officially closing My Place and will put it up for sale with local Real Estate!I'm really sorry to hear that. Warts and all, La Mayorista was my favorite place in Medellin - reports about 14 Mayorista chicas to follow.

Hope you can put the ugly incident behind you soon and may your future endeavours be a huge success.


06-15-09, 22:25
Wow! After reading these reports of robberies of tourists I, m double thinking about our 4month trip in sept.

I hope the cops and politicians can get a handle on this.

This is going to be very bad for Medillin tourista business.

Or maybe it is to keep us away so they can keep it to themselves?

Mtn Snow
06-16-09, 05:14
Way to much drama here! Be smart anywhere one goes! Jeez! I have been to Medellin often and never had any problems. Period.

Once again. To much drama here! Be smart and realize one is in another culture! Jeez!

Aussie Greg
06-16-09, 07:44
Medellin will never become a mongers destination, the locals will make sure of that.

Aussie G.

06-16-09, 14:02
Hi guy,

own there! I gave my best intentions to these lower end paisas or Colombians, but my perception of them has really changed. It was always in question, but now I don't even want to look at them, they make me sick, sorry but that's how I feel!

Frank Casio!Stop Frank, chill out. Sheesh you just got robbed, no one got hurt. The frustration and slight pain will pass.

Four young chinos are a moving target, everyone can see them, so it's no surprise to me. That's why I'm solo en Medellin. Groups of tourists are targets in any country.


06-16-09, 15:40

Please watch your back in these strip clubs in Centro. I've never had a problem there but a buddy swears he picked up a girl there, went to a hotel and he woke up with nothing, ATM card gone and money drawn out a grand gone. You'd be suprised what information you will divulge while being Scope'd. Such as your pin number. I know we hear this type of story all the time but it seems that someone always gets taken, carries their ATM card, excessive cash and what not. Crime and poverty are on the up and up here, unfortunately, and if you read the papers there is violence sprouting up in all types of safe places. It doesn't take much to bring a city to where it was a few years earlier. When you are here watch your back!

06-16-09, 15:50
Wow! After reading these reports of robberies of tourists I, m double thinking about our 4month trip in sept.

I hope the cops and politicians can get a handle on this.

This is going to be very bad for Medillin tourista business.

Or maybe it is to keep us away so they can keep it to themselves?"This is going to be very bad for Medillin tourista business."

Medellin tourista business? Nobody here really cares about that all that much. Unless you are referring to local or national tourists? Medellín is not really a tourist city for international tourists - some back packers passing through and the usual pussy marauders, but no one spending lots of money or contributing greatly to the GDP.

Cartagena and Santa Marta and to some extent Bogotá have some int tourismo but nothing to write home about. Local tourists will still travel and spend the usual unless it gets REALLY out of hand. I don't see that happening.

Getting a handle on crime and violence is in the best interest of those who want to pass the TLC and need to preserve the more positive image Colombia has garnered in the recent past. I hope this can be possible. Colombia needs all the good press possible. I hope this recent surge will be short lived, squashed soon and out of the newspapers. But as far as tourism is concerned that is irrelevant in regards to Medellín, Cali, Bogotá... Cartagena and SM are a different story.

06-16-09, 16:22
And stick with the high end girls.

06-16-09, 16:29
I am planning a trip to Medellin, Colombia and had a few questions.

Which Airline would you recommend to fly there out of JFK?

Which hotel do you recommend?

What are the Chica prices for short term and all nighters?

Is it safe to walk around at night?

Thanks for your input.Just got back from Medellin for dental work. Used my air miles. American airlines in good. They pay the departure tax. Avaianca is good also. They do not pay departure tax.

A turn-key operation is el castillo. They will pick you up at the airport. Bring you right to the casa. And they totally speak english. You will be staying with like-minded individuals. So finding a buddy to pal around with is easy.

Depending on the time you have there. You want to maximize your efforts. You cannot go wrong with the crew & staff of el castillo. Located in the heart of poblado (very safe). Walking dist to oviendo mall. Excellent food courts. With excellent scenery of non-pros.

My 2 cents. But if time is important. You don't want to waste any trying to find out things for yourself.

I think Paul is there till the end of the month. Good spanish speaker from chicago with an italian accent. Kinda funny.

Papi Que Rico
06-16-09, 17:18
Of course it sucks that Frank and his clients were robbed. It always hits home harder when it is someone we know, especially when it is someone who lives in Mde and knows his way around. This was clearly not a cae of a rookie mistake, being somewhere he does not belong at the wrong time.

OTOH, I think it might be an over reation to cancle a trip based on this. Muggings in Mde are nothing new, as they wuold not be in Rio, San Jose or many other of our favoite destinations. The reality is tat we go to these spots because they are poor areas that make our hobby cheap and available.

For me this story reinforceses two things. One is to maintain vigilance and follow the rules of third world travel. Be mellow, don't stick out, don't wear jewelery and/or flashy clothing, carry as little money as possible and hand it over quickly if confronted, especially with weapons, limit use of cameras and camcorders in public as they can be magnets for trouble, don't get drunk in public.

Second is that we all need to come to grips with the fact that there is an element of danger in what we do. If you don't want to accept that level of risk then get out of the game!

06-16-09, 21:27
Hi All,

Was thinking of doing a trip to Medellin but wanted to get some more info. I have read most of the reports and wanted to get some more info about the place.

1 - At MM are the ladies there all the time or only in the evening.

2- MM is it located in a decent area and how safe is it walking about to casa's.

3 - As a photographer I want to get phosts of the non chica variety and how safe it would be to bring my camera.

4 - My spanish is zilch will it be a problem.

5 - Anyone have infor on flights from Toronto Canada.

If someone who has info can Private message me I would greatly appreciated.


06-16-09, 22:42
The problem seems to be your damned if you and damned if you don't.

You read, don't go out alone it's unsafe, followed by go alone because two guys draw a crowd and that's not safe

You read go the casas mid-day followed by the casas are busy mid-day with locals and they resent you being there

You read to not fuck the girls onsite at Fase Dos or San Diego because bad things can happen, followed by don't invite those girls to where you're staying because they'll tell their friends about your stuff

I'm no expert and anyone that's met me can attest to that, but at the end of the day, shit happens. While I feel bad that Frank no longer feels invincible, no one got hurt and I suspect the guys were relieved off cash onhand.

So why doesn't it just make sense to only carry the cash you need (leave the credit cards in a safe), don't broadcast your plans (Yeah, I mean me) in advance and try and stick within a small group that you trust? I suspect one day I'll get robbed or worse, twice there have been attempts in SJO (both times cops) and I'm quite aware that one day I may get beat from asshole to breakfast simply because it's my turn.

I don't get drunk in MDE. I don't flash cash to impress people. I'm neither loud nor arrogant and my head is on a swivel at all times. My only hope is that should I get attacked that the worse thing that happens is I become temporarily cash poor. But I'm not going to stop going to MDE because of this.

Yes, I can also read between the lines of all the fear mongering. But I wanted to post my thoughts, and I have.

Daryll Musician
06-16-09, 23:23
"This is going to be very bad for Medillin tourista business."

Medellin tourista business? Nobody here really cares about that all that much. Unless you are referring to local or national tourists? Medellín is not really a tourist city for international tourists. Some back packers passing through and the usual pussy marauders, but no one spending lots of money or contributing greatly to the GDP.

Cartagena and Santa Marta and to some extent Bogotá have some int tourismo but nothing to write home about. Local tourists will still travel and spend the usual unless it gets REALLY out of hand. I don't see that happening.

Getting a handle on crime and violence is in the best interest of those who want to pass the TLC and need to preserve the more positive image Colombia has garnered in the recent past. I hope this can be possible. Colombia needs all the good press possible. I hope this recent surge will be short lived, squashed soon and out of the newspapers. But as far as tourism is concerned that is irrelevant in regards to Medellín, Cali, Bogotá. Cartagena and SM are a different story.Good Evening Gentlemen,

Please read my previous post regarding a briefing that I received from a Operation Security Analyst within the Intelligence Community (4 months ago). What nobody has mentioned is that funding within the local government (Medellin) is decreasing (decrease in Colombian trade and revenue). Therefore, they have to cautiously watch their expenditures. This is occurring across the globe. The new mayor of Medellin is dealing with the effects of the recession. Constantly keeping police at numerous posts around Medellin is costly. Also, with the unemployment rate rising, out of desperation, many will commit small crimes to provide for their family. Also, one of the biggest drug lords in Medellin was recently extradited. Therefore, drug gangs in Medellin are fighting for majority control. These two difficulties are nothing compared to what could prospectively happen within the next few months. Uribe's Presidential term is ending. If he runs for a third term, it is likely that peace will be somewhat restored. If he decides not to run for a third term, paramilitary groups and guerrillas will most likely test the new President and his/her administration. In general, my point is that the social climate in Colombia has changed for the worst and could continue to significantly change (based on the results of the 2010 election and the global recession). Telling everyone to just use common sense is good intention, but will not prevent personal attacks. Based on naivety, many foreign travelers believe that blending in with locals will reduce being considered a target. In most cases this is true, but many Colombians can distinguish an international tourist from a Colombian citizen, regardless of the person's clothing (mostly features and height). If you travel to Medellin, here are a few tips to prevent personal attacks:

. Travel in pairs (novices: with someone who is very familiar with the city).

. Ensure that your hotel or apartment building has legitimate security.

. When traveling within the city, only carry one credit or debit card. Keep this card within an undisclosed area (inside a shoe, etc.).

. Travel with no more than 150, 000 pesos at a time. If you remove more than 150, 000 pesos from an ATM, instantly return the money to your hotel room or apartment.

. Keep all monetary funds and cards in a secure and safe place (Usually a safe). Do not keep funds and cards in the same secure place. Keep the least important cards in the safe (robbers will most likely look for funds and credit/debit cards in a safe), and the most important cards (credit, debit, and passport) in a secret compartment (you can locate luggage with secret compartments on amazon).

. When returning to your hotel or apartment, vary your path home (deter stalking robbers). This should be done daily.

. Always carry duplicate copies of your passport.

. Keep the phone numbers of all of your credit/debit card companies in your smart phone or on a notepad.

. If held at gunpoint, do not be a hero. Give the robber your funds and credit/debit cards. If you follow the guidelines listed above, you will only lose a limited amount of money. If your credit/debit card is stolen (gunpoint or unknowingly) instantly close your credit/debit card account (over the phone).

. Do not flaunt large amounts of money in the open. This type of action shows your enemy that you are an easy and wealthy target.

. When walking, travel in a populated or busy area.

My recommendations are to stay at the Medellin Mansion. It is a secure place with unlimited pleasures and staff who will properly assist you. Most importantly have fun.

06-17-09, 01:19

Please watch your back in these strip clubs in Centro. I've never had a problem there but a buddy swears he picked up a girl there, went to a hotel and he woke up with nothing, ATM card gone and money drawn out a grand gone. You'd be suprised what information you will divulge while being Scope'd. Such as your pin number. I know we hear this type of story all the time but it seems that someone always gets taken, carries their ATM card, excessive cash and what not. Crime and poverty are on the up and up here, unfortunately, and if you read the papers there is violence sprouting up in all types of safe places. It doesn't take much to bring a city to where it was a few years earlier. When you are here watch your back!Sounds like case related to devil's breath. http://www.vbs.tv/watch/vbs-news/colombian-devil-s-breath-2-of-2 watch this clip to find out what it is. Basically it is a drug use to control people to do things.

06-17-09, 01:55
Medellin will never become a mongers destination, the locals will make sure of that.

Aussie G.Greg is spot on about this. Though many of us here on this board have been to and may travel to Medellin on a regular basis we are a small number of people going to that city. Before Medellin would EVER get to be on the level of CR or DR the locals that "control" Medellin will make life a living hell for mongers in their city make no mistake about it.

Frank Casio
06-17-09, 03:12
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:13 pm Post subject:


A gringo and his son got robbed at gunpoint right in front of Hotel Dann Carlton in broad daylight yesterday. They knocked him to the ground after a small scuffle. The guy was okay, but his son seemed very shook up.

Anther gringo was robbed up Calle 10 from Parque Lleras as well.

Two guys killed up the block from Frank Casio's "My Place" yesterday.

And. I have been advised by my paisa friends to not risk venturing up into the hillside barrios unannounced. They recommend I call ahead of time to have someone meet me at another location if I want to visit.

This is probably the first trip I have made in three years were you can feel the tension in the air. The streets may be calm but you have to be very wary about what lurks in the shadows.

I may have to cut my trip short because I am not having as much fun moving about freely like I have done in the past.

Keep alert at all times.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:53 pm Post subject:

It is open season on gringos in Medellin.

I had a talk with several locals this afternoon who all basically say the same thing, it is not just the economy and high unemployement rate that has caused the spike in robberies, but it probably has more to do with the fact that several mafia bosses were extradited to the USA leaving behind a power vacuum and many foot soldiers without direction and more importantly no source of revenue. The unofficial rule that gringos are untouchable is no longer in affect.

Also, many Colombians I have talked to have been very outspoken about the increase in gringo sex tourist invading their city. This is the first time I have had heard this topic being discussed by the locals and they do not like it.

Great advice by *******, hire yourself a driver when making the rounds around town. A driver I spoke to today told me he was in Fase II with a gringo and became very suspicious about this one particular girl who was trying to convince the gringo to take her back to his hotel room, well the driver confronted her and basically threatened her life if she was considering scop'ing him. She quickly changed her tune. This guy's threat was not to be taken lightly and she knew it.

I walked out of San Diego Show and a few guys wanted me to jump into a pirated cab, to which I told them to go Phuck off as I walked down the block to wave down a cab. I would also suggest passing up on groups of taxistas who are hanging out waiting for customers, those guys may have nothing better to do but plan criminal activities in a group. It has also been reported that there has been an increase in "paseo millenario" throughout city. So there is much to worry about. I am leaving all my valuables in my room, including my wallet and credit cards, only keeping taxi money in my front pocket and my spending cash tucked away someplace.

Spent half a day in Envigado and Sabaneta yesterday. It was quiet in Envigado but Sabaneta was jumping. Today my friends recommended I stay away from Sabenta and Envigado because those two areas have seen a drastic increase in crime largely due to the fact that there are a few gangs headquarted in those districts.

My wingman and I had dinner at Mondongos in Laureles tonight talking about the current situation and he basically admitted the same thing as I, something does not feel right about this trip. We ain't feelin' it.

All in all, be careful out there and remember, it is now open season on any and all gringos.

Keep your head down, talk softly, and keep an eye out on one another.

06-17-09, 03:20
One robbery is things going out of hand no one got hurt lost money no big deal should you be more careful and avoid bad areas yes.

06-17-09, 03:37
Sometimes I love reading this thread (or really the whole board) for the cynical attitudes I find here, I used to think I was about the worst, but I'm nothing to compare with what I've read here, it's great

There is one Medellin girl I've sent some money to, and I have had a really good time with her when I've been there. Having said that, I am under no illusion that she might be a prepago, or at least a semi-pro, but it really doesn't bother me at all. I think we have to be a little realistic, I'd be a right hypocrite expecting her to wait for me, when I go down there, I hit at least 4. 5 casas during the day, and then go out with her, and anybody else who does that should also be realistic that their love extends to the depth of your wallet. I'll say this, at least when I send her money, she gets what I send, and that's it. Here (Canada), these damn bitches go after eveything you have and everything you ever will have. I'll accept the tradeoff!Well said sir.

Goga Fung
06-17-09, 04:00
I guess shit happens. Frankly right now I would still feel safer to live in El Poblado (behind security and electro fence) then in the USA.

In this supposedly quiet and low crime area (for years there were virtually no crime) several my friends and my mom had their cars broken into and one stolen during last 2 years. In less than one year ago my house got robbed, and recently my parents' house too! And the latest news in a good neighborhood a women came in to her home when there was a thief. He killed her. I never watch news, so I guess in reality it is much worse.

So now you have a pretty good chance to get robbed or even killed in the USA too. It looks like now there are some really desperate people out there. And anybody can carry a gun. I would say that before 2007/2008 almost nothing (I do not recall anything) ever happened to me or my friends for 10+ years. But for the last two years so many incidents.

06-17-09, 04:22
okay, so i got to medellin yesterday--a fucking holiday--i fucking hate colombian holidays, everything was closed--even the casas and strip clubs. what the fuck? don't colombians fuck on holidays? yes, i know they do, save the lectures! well, let me back up.

i arrived on the cattle car--spirit airlines for the princely sum of a total of $103. well worth be sandwiched in between what had to be the only two hugely fat bitches in medellin (i call the bitches for effect, not out of disrespect)! i was awoken from my midflight slumber to a flight attendant demanding that i fill out some fucking swine flu questionnaire that had to be done now even though it would be another hour till we landed. she had a nice ass though, so, what are you gonna do?

you know, despite all the recent talk of the uptick in crime here, there is really something magical about medellin. i say this because as soon as we touched down, my dick got hard. it was like a pavlov's dog reaction or some such shit. not only do the women get you hard, but just being in the city itself, i love it! i was now sure that within three hours or so, i'd be swimming in some pussy. not so much!

immigration line was pretty long and slow, but, well organized and lots of eye candy to keep occupied. i chose to stand in line behind this short hottie with typical paisa features to include one of the meanest asses i'd seen in awhile. as she stood in front of me, looking off to each side, i hoped for the occasional look back that everyone does to check out someone of the opposite sex standing behind you. i waited, then finally, it happened! we locked eyes and smiled at each other and she started talking a bit about how slow the line was moving. my response, no entiendo! which was wrong, because i did understand here after a few seconds, just not immediately with the speed that she was talking. she reacted by confirming that i don't speak spanish, to which i said poquito. surprisingly, she continued conversing with me and, for what she was saying and asking, i was able to participate. she asked some inquisitive questions, showing interest and i planned to get the digits, but she got called up to the desk (i figured i'd catch her in baggage claim, but, alas, she was gone) and disappeared from my life forever!

after i was cleared, met the driver assigned by the apartment i'm renting. he also had the apartment cell phone in case i wanted to call friends. spoke good english and gave me a run down of clubs to visit on which nights. no fucking mention of a holiday though. i digress.

stopped at a carrulla market near the apartment to get cash from the atm and next thing i know, i'm walking into a great apartment (www.apartments-medellin.com). i christened the toilet, unpacked, grabbed a red bull (brought 12 with me along with vodka and sour apple pucker and 2 bottles of nuvo. chicks in the states dig that shit) and was ready to roll. checklist: condoms, pesos, emergency/bribe dollars, paper and pen, iphone with maps, local phone, address map and directions back to my apartment, hard dick. listo!

one after another, cerrado, cerrado (that's closed for all those who are spanish impaired). went to like 4 casas, san diego, loutron, and fase ii, all closed! cabbie made like 32, 000 pesos off of me that night. on the meter! a normal one way to centro from my apartment is like 7, 000 pesos. that ought to tell you how much driving we did.

by now, i'm pretty pissed; more accurately, disappointed i guess. i figured the only thing left to do was to drink my sorrows away. all alone. so, i had the now rich cabbie to drop me off in parque lleras so i could scope that out and grab some food as well. walked around the main park, the settled on lleras town/kent restaurant/bar. by the way, i hate the latin american keyboard! i ordered a capirinha, when i got back from the bathroom, the waiter had brought me three; aparrently i was there at happy hour, three for one. okay, things are looking up. and if they didn't get any better, i at least would be too lit to care. i ordered chicken quesadillas (best i ever had). i scoped a table close by with two girls alone. i was in a giving mood, so i decided to do some fishing and buy them each a beer. it paid off. sorta.

one of the girls invited me over to join their table. she spoke perfect english. she is in marketing and her friend is a psychologist (fucking great, all the way here to meet another ***** who plays mind games). anyway, we talk the usual get to know you shit and they tell me their going to the movies and invite me along. they had already purchased their tickets. now to the layman, that means nothing, but for those who have been to a colombian movie theater, you know that they have assigned seats that you get when you buy your ticket. well, chances were that we wouldn't be sitting together. i didn't care too much, i figured i'd just go to sleep! we went to see the movie "up".

after the movie, they drove me to the apartment and that was it. i got the marketing chick's phone number (called her for dinner today, but she couldn't make it, she promised tomorrow. whatever, i don't care, but, i'll probably call to see where this goes). that was day 1. salvaged a decent night out of what by all accounts should have been a catastrophe!

day 2

woke up at 10, was fucking by 11. ah, now this is the medellin, we all know and love. i caught a taxi to new life and didn't have any problems finding any of the other casas i visited today. once i figured out where carrera 43, carrera 45, calle 55, 56, 57, 58 were, that covered like 6 casas:

new life- went twice, first time nothing really impressed me, second time:

went with laura, bangin body, also noted veronica, juliette, tatiana, sofia, lina, mariana, natalia and juliana

belle suites- probably the worst choices of those i visited and i went twice

aiffe- wrote down two names, but didn't do any

sexy's- went with paloma, had her pick a friend (melanie) for the 2 for 1 deal

geisha's- wrote down andrea and brenda

antenea (or maybe it was athena's)- went with natalia (great ass, let me tell ya). i actually saw that she just finished with some colombian dude, but, me being the g that i am with extraordinary swagger, i knew i wouldn't have any problem following him. never did sloppy seconds before, but, evidently he didn't measure up, because her shit was tighter than a 18 yr old virgin. i paid for 1/2 hour and we must've been in there for like 1 and a half hours. she was simply amazing, and cute to boot, not that overdone, typical prepago look, a real girl next door, natural beauty. she's on lock for tomorrow night for me! she would not let me stop. i tried to say we were finished 2 or 3 times and she wasn't having it, she kept telling me to wait till they knock and, they never did, until of course the hour and a half later. maybe i'll do a separate post just on her!

an interesting phenomenon; i wanted to visit 3 other casas as well, but, by then, folks were starting to go home from work and i just stopped to watch some of the women go by. i just kept getting distracted.

after that, i called this other monger i met in one of the casas to see about dinner, he and his wing man delayed and i ended up eating alone at oviedo mall. a nice enough mall, but, still just okay by miami standards. i ate at el corral.

i'm supposed to meet up with that other monger and his wing man at san diego now, so, that'll end my night, god willing.

rodeo, out!

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-17-09, 04:58
Four young chinos are a moving target, everyone can see them, so it's no surprise to me. I guess I'm lucky to be an old chino. Never had any problem (knock on wood!).

Frank Casio
06-17-09, 09:36
Hey guy,

I know how you feel, the women here are beautiful, a monguers Paradise. But things are changing, so be careful. It wasn't about me being invincible, it's just that things are changing. If it was just an isolated incident I would not allow myself to loose half my income. I've been having a hell of a good time, but I'm not going to endanger others for gain.

I'm still here having fun, I have lots of girlfriends, but then I blend in a little better. I might still do tourism, but a little "higher end". Poor people are getting dangerous in Medellin, so it's best to stay away from them. I feel for you guy, all these beautiful women and all this crap getting between you and them. You can still come, but you might have to spend a little more money. I just took a guy from the Medellin Mansion to phuck super "hot model" Jessica at Loutron. At $180k an hr. She was expensive, but a "10"!

Frank Casio!

The problem seems to be your damned if you and damned if you don't.

You read, don't go out alone it's unsafe, followed by go alone because two guys draw a crowd and that's not safe

You read go the casas mid-day followed by the casas are busy mid-day with locals and they resent you being there

You read to not fuck the girls onsite at Fase Dos or San Diego because bad things can happen, followed by don't invite those girls to where you're staying because they'll tell their friends about your stuff

I'm no expert and anyone that's met me can attest to that, but at the end of the day, shit happens. While I feel bad that Frank no longer feels invincible, no one got hurt and I suspect the guys were relieved off cash onhand.

So why doesn't it just make sense to only carry the cash you need (leave the credit cards in a safe), don't broadcast your plans (Yeah, I mean me) in advance and try and stick within a small group that you trust? I suspect one day I'll get robbed or worse, twice there have been attempts in SJO (both times cops) and I'm quite aware that one day I may get beat from asshole to breakfast simply because it's my turn.

I don't get drunk in MDE. I don't flash cash to impress people. I'm neither loud nor arrogant and my head is on a swivel at all times. My only hope is that should I get attacked that the worse thing that happens is I become temporarily cash poor. But I'm not going to stop going to MDE because of this.

Yes, I can also read between the lines of all the fear mongering. But I wanted to post my thoughts, and I have.

Nino Bravo
06-17-09, 12:22
Also, many Colombians I have talked to have been very outspoken about the increase in gringo sex tourist invading their city. This is the first time I have had heard this topic being discussed by the locals and they do not like it.I have made several posts in the past regarding this as true, but was scoffed at by some members here (mainly those who can't speak Spanish and have never spoken to a local who trusted them). I'm glad Frank brought this out. Gringos are getting a very bad reputation in Medellin due to the sex tourism. Unfortunately ANY gringo that travels to Medellin is now being stereotyped by locals as being a sex tourist, and is the main reason I haven't set foot in Medellin for almost 5 years.

06-17-09, 16:16
1 - At MM are the ladies there all the time or only in the evening.That's been covered to death, the girls start showing up mid afternoon and any that don't hook up are asked to leave by about 7:00 PM at the latest. If you invite someone, simply tell them when you'd like them to be there

2- MM is it located in a decent area and how safe is it walking about to casa's.Again hard to believe that you read most of the reports and have to ask this. The MM is located in Poblado which is the best area of town, most (not all) of the casas are within walking distance of each other in centro. There is a map or 5 here on ISG in the various "lists". Not hard to find.

As for safety, no one is going to be able to answer that with any certainty, shit happens and it happens without rhyme or reason. I personally am not walking the streets after dark and I know I could get robbed just as easily at 11:00 AM coming out of casa as easy as I can get robbed here in Toronto

3 - As a photographer I want to get phosts of the non chica variety and how safe it would be to bring my camera.Anything of value that you carry becomes an attention getter and likely you will be relived of it. I've seen guys bringing thousands of dollars worth of equipment and for the most part these guys can afford to replace anything stolen or broken. I carry a cheap little digital camera in my front pocket, I only take photos in restaurants, clubs or in my room and I swap out the memory cards every day so the most I'll ever lose is the value of the camera.

You need to be very careful of anyone you take a photo of without their permission, some people are very touchy about this and it's considered very disrespectful to them.

4 - My spanish is zilch will it be a problem.....and you read most of the reports? This gets covered several times a day. Colombia isn't Costa Rica, and while you can fumble through without Spanish it will be very frustrating for you and anyone you choose to chat with.

You're going to find it very hard to make plans with a young lady and unless you just want to fish and release, how will you pass the time when you're not fucking?

Having even the most basic knowledge of Spanish increases the quality of your trip exponentially, learn what you can before you go. And never ever think about raising your voice because they can't understand you. For whatever reason, we tend to believe that the paisas not understanding us can be easily overcome by just being louder. That's not the case.

I didn't know any Spanish my first trip and relied much on Marcy, I learned a little and while again I relied on Marcy my 2nd trip I was getting better. Last trip I hardly saw her. When you get there you'll understand and simply walking the streets will give you all the incentive in the world to start learning Spanish. Today!

5 - Anyone have infor on flights from Toronto Canada.
That's half the fun, checking flights/prices obsessively. I use kayak.com, check it out. I can tell you we usually have 3 choices from YYZ. None of them direct. We can take US Airways and change planes in Charlotte which isn't bad. We can take United and change planes in Miami which will surely test your will to live or you take the direct flight to Bogota (BOG) then take the Avianaca puddle jumper to MDE. I suspect I'll try the Bogota option for my flights next year.

However if you do that, know up front that Bogota has more than one terminal and you not only change planes, you change terminals with this option. As for hassle and time constraints, I can't speak to that yet. But if an airline is doing a code share like this, I would imagine it shouldn't be difficult and collecting bags and changing terminals shouldn't be complicated.

Go to Medellin, you'll have a blast.


Frank Casio
06-17-09, 18:12
Hi guys,

My Place will still be open for business at your requests. In spite of everything I have said, I'm still getting a lot of reservation requests. And since the guys that I have at My Place now, are happy (3 more comming Wed. & Friday) and feel no threats, some have even found girlfriends. Hence, I have considered giving it another try with different rules. Nothing has ever happenned to a Civilian in La Mayorista in the 1.5 years that I've been here, and there is always lots of police presence, but still, some of the local drug dealers are being "cleansed".

I'll give you the usual tour of La Mayorista, but I won't be hanging out there as I'm already tired of the lower end Paisas. I will, however, be taking you on a tour of las casas, "Sexys", "New Life", Babylon Disco, etc. And all the many nice places that I know of. No more walking tours in El Centro or the Centro Striptease Bars though, but a whole bunch of nicer places! Let the party begin!

Frank Casio!

06-17-09, 18:39
Greg is spot on about this. Though many of us here on this board have been to and may travel to Medellin on a regular basis we are a small number of people going to that city. Before Medellin would EVER get to be on the level of CR or DR the locals that "control" Medellin will make life a living hell for mongers in their city make no mistake about it.That's funny!

Medellin already is a monger destination.

Who are we kidding?

06-17-09, 18:46
I will still take the guys to "Sexys" and "New Life", these are good but inexpensive "casas" with nice "cuties" for $40kcop ($20US) an hour or $50kcop ($25US) for 2 girls! Really good deal and nice places, they are not pushy at all! But mostly I will stick to "high end" places!

. I gave my best intentions to these lower end paisas or Colombians, but my perception of them has really changed. It was always in question, but now I don't even want to look at them, they make me sick, sorry but that's how I feel!

Frank Casio! Why do guys need a tour guide to go to these casas? Not like it's rocket science to find them.

I don't really get your anger at these lower end Paisias at the Mayorista. They're just trying to survive.

Not like they can really trust all the mongers that come to stay at the former 'my Place'.

It's nothing new. They've always been like that and always will, with some being better and or worse than others.

Big deal!

06-17-09, 20:22

I got calls from Vics Pics & Panama Mike, and met up with them in Ejecutivo. As usual, I chatted with plenty of girls while puffing away just outside the club.

I spotted an exquisite face down the hallway when I needed another nicotine fix. But before I had a chance to say “Hola”, the object of my desires turned her back and walked back inside. She was sitting at a nearby table when I returned to my beer. I smiled at her to make my intentions clear.

A little later, Natalia was sitting by my side. We had a nice chat, but when I told her I was looking for a girl to spend the night with me, she said: “Otro día”. Oh well.

When Vics Pics decided to take Andrea for a spin, Panama Mike and I were ready to explore other horizons...

Las Americas

We weren’t impressed with the selection in Maracaibo, and walked right out. The pickings were meager in Las Americas as well, but we decided to have a drink anyway.

Only 1 chica was unattached, but she seemed to have an exotic flair. After checking the wares from up close on my way to the toilet, I grabbed her hand and escorted Evelin to our table on the way back.

Evelin sat in my lap straight away. Her sweet lips were soon caressing mine. When I invited her to spend the night with me, she suggested we meet outside at closing time to avoid the multa. But she had to go home at 6 AM to take care of her kid. :(

Evelin’s attitude was wonderful. She never even asked me for a drink. I would have loved to take this sweetie home, but I wanted a girl for a real TLN. And to me, that means staying until lunchtime. I gave Evelin a tip and kissed her goodbye...

Conejitos & Grill Occidental

Panama Mike and I walked around the corner and over to the square into unchartered territory. But we weren’t exactly impressed with the talent in Conejitos & Grill Occidental. Nothing but fat & ugly chicas. And they were all occupada. We didn’t stay...

Las Americas Revisited

On our way back to Ejecutivo, I spotted a cute blonde waving a customer out. Cielito said “Oops” as she stole a kiss, then dragged me inside. I didn’t put up any resistance...

Cielito was all over me. She was happy to get a full night’s sleep in my arms. She was sucking on my finger when I enquired about a BBBJ. She was a damn sexy kitten with an impressive (silicone) bosom. I was willing to pay 200k COP (multa included) for a night of fun & games with this temptress. But Cielito insisted I pay the whole amount in advance in the club. That was the eternal stumbling block on Calle 53. :mad:

Lindas Chicas

For the umpteenth time, I saw no other option but to return to Lindas Chicas. Nanci was out. Only 3 girls were working. I didn’t fancy plain Jane Andrea. Salome wanted me to take her out on her birthday next week. And then there was Kelly...

Kelly felt it was her turn. After a great performance at the orgy yesterday, she figured she deserved to be my exclusive date for tonight. I abided my time, waiting for Nanci to arrive with some fresh talent...

When Nanci showed up, she was accompanied by... Sandra & Mariluz, both of which I’d already sampled. I was running out of Lindas Chicas to fuck and desperately needed a new lease of life. Anyway, Kelly got the gig...


Kelly knew I’d burnt a picture CD for her best friend Sandra. She knew I had outfits for the photo shoot. After washing her hair, she was ready to model for me. But she wouldn’t allow any snaps of her best assets, even though she’d promised. :(

I started eating her pussy as Kelly was on the phone with Sandra. Her smooth tongue action brought me to the brink of orgasm. After tasting her juices again to cool down, Kelly pumped and grinded my dick with a passion. I drilled her wet snatch as hard as I could to allow my juices to flow.

When we woke up early afternoon, I fancied feeding Kelly a protein shake for breakfast. The BBBJ wasn’t as enthusiastic as on previous occasions – Kelly clearly didn’t relish the idea of her mouth serving as a cum bucket. Her stamina was severely tested, but Kelly finally got what was coming to her. :)

Kelly is an expert blowjobber. She’s a great lay. But in the end, her performance in bed was trumped by the same annoying habit as her best friend Sandra – constantly begging for regalos! :mad:


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-17-09, 21:05
That's funny!

Medellin already is a monger destination.

Who are we kidding?Yeah, you're not getting the genie back in the bottle, what's done is done

And long before the locals start making life hell for sex tourists, the government will likely clean up Mayorista and Parque Bolivar areas first. Then they'll legislate the hell out of SC's and casas to the point they can't be profitable and will close of their own volition but.

I'll leave you with this thought. I've read that 90% of the prostitution in Medellin is partaken by and supported by Colombians!

If that's true, then gringos aren't the problem, they are just there to drive prices up and. OK, so we are the problem.

Everything runs in cycles, Medellin is enjoying the time in the spotlight now. Kick out the gringos and we go to Peru, Argentina and when it's deemed safe again, back to Brazil.

Our hobby isn't going away but the money just might.

06-17-09, 22:05
First, I certainly agree with Ricker that there is no need at all for a guide to find most any of the casas, Medellin has a very simple address system, and very good (above ground) subway, and all the streets, especially in el Centro are in a grid format, that allows for easy search. A little effort with a map before setting out is about all anybody needs. I stumbled a bit trying to find KamaSutra, but in the end I did. Certainly Energy, Abydos and the other casas on Calle 33 are almost impossible to miss, just follow the grid system.

The last time I was in Medellin (January09), the impression I got was not so much that the locals don't like mongers, they couldn't really care less. What they absolutely hate is gringos invading on the locals' business. Sooooo, if you want to spend your $50.100k pesos, or whatever, or bring a chica out, no problem. But, don't go muscleing in on the girlie trade, or you will be treated like anybody trying to muscle in on the drug trade, they'll try to put you out of business. I never go with anybody to any casa, and wouldn't want to, two gringos together probably looks like trouble to any of the locals.

06-17-09, 22:46
MEDELLIN, ANTIOQUIA: 69 people were arrested in and around Medellin in what police are calling a national prostitution ring that recruited young women in Antioquia. Investigators say the ring had operations in 15 Colombian cities and was being run out of Medellin. They say they would take out ads in local newspapers looking for attractive women to work in bars and restaurants, then force the women into a life of prostitution through blackmail. Police have arrest warrants for nearly 2 dozen others connected to the ring.


06-17-09, 23:06

For flights from Toronto, the only direct to Colombia is Air canada 3 times a week to Bogots (Sat, Tues, thurs) it arrives at 8 PM, it can be difficult to get a flight to Medellin at night. Avianca is one option or Aires Airline is another. The advantage of Airies is they take you to the airport in the city instead of the close to an hour drive from the international airport in Rio Negro.

Otherwise you have to fly through the US, I have flown AA through Miami and it flys from there direct to Medellin.

06-18-09, 00:03
I've been to Colombia about 7 times so far and I must agree with the majority consensus here that things aren't the same here safety wise as on my past trips.

First of all it was the first time that I got into a cab and after a little ways into the ride that the taxi driver asked me in a cautious voice "Your not afraid here in Colombia" I told him no and then asked should I be? He hesitated, looked me in my face, and said "yes". I gave this some weight because by this point in the conversation I had learned that he was a retired colombian policeman and he learned from me that I was presently in law enforcement so I felt we had established some comraderie by that time. He also said that things were continuously getting more dangerous each passing few months as compared to a little over a year ago. This was also in Manizales a city I consider safer than Medellin.

In Perira the same exact thing happened to me. I took a cab from the airport to my hotel and the cab driver looked at me in the rear view mirror with some trepidation and said "you know theres alot of crime here, right? " Again after a few follow up questions he stated that + or. 18 montyhs ago it wasn't that bad in Perira but for the last 18 months things like petty street crimes, burgularies and robberies have consistently gotten worse.

I also took note that even though I stayed in a upperscale hotel in Perira with three (3) yes (3) employees/security personnel stationed 24 hours at the front doors (big glass doors, hotel had about 100 rooms) after 9:00 P. M. They actually locked the front doors. First hotel I stayed in that ever did that.

Don't get me wrong I met really nice people as allways but you could just feel a difference in the air. I implore everyone to be just a little more aware of their surroundings at all times so you return home hassle free with nothing more than just good paisa memories.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-18-09, 00:09
I just made a trip to Loutron. Wow bad move, I will NEVER go again. I was there once before about three months ago and had a good expereince.

I kinda had a bad vibe from the moment I got in the place. I asked for an Aguila Light and the manager Gloria (lighter skinned brunette with big butt) says 10k cop. So I give her a 20k and am waiting for change. So I sit down next to the bar and she leaves the room. When she comes back I ask her about the change and she has a smirky laugh. Its clear she thought she could just keep the 10k as a tip. The thing that is upsetting is I was probably gonna tip her 5k anyway but she just decides to take the 10k as tip without even asking me. Just rubbed me the wrong way.

This time I see the line up and pick a girl. We go to the room and I tell her I like to kiss and ask her if she kisses. She is adament about no kissing. There was zero wiggle room so I decided it was pointless to get in an argument so I get up and leave.

I then pick another girl. I tell her when we get to the that I would like to kiss. Again she is pretty adament about no kissing but seemed a bit more accomodating. After a decent back and forth she says she will kiss.

I really don't llike to do this because I feel it kills the whole mood. In Rio and BA 90% of all the girls kiss without even asking. Most of the time they are even eager to kiss. I think I am a decent looking guy. I workout out regularly and am on the young side so I don't think I am some 300 lb 60 yr old guy.

So we start at it and right off the start I can tell her kisses are pathetic, tiny little pecs and no tongue or passion or even pretending to. I should have just walked out again but I guess I was just to frustrated to back out again.

Long story short we go at it for about 20 mins or so but honestly I have no idea of the exact time. I basically lost all interest when she started to tell me to hurry up and finish. It became so professional and lacked any even fake emotion I just decided to leave.

So I tell the boss how bad it is and can't believe how Loutron is 5x more than centro casas and most of the girls there try to be nice. I just don't get it. So I tell her I will pay 50K and ask her to call a cab. After waiting for about 15 mins I ask for a cab again and she says I need to pay 180K. I told her look I didn't even use all my time and it was terrible. I will pay 100k max. She says no the full amount and she then says she will call the police. I say ok call the police. Again this whole time I am very calm and never raised my voice.

After about another 15 mins and no police I ask when are the police coming and she says in a laughing manner 'oh I don't know maybe 3 hrs'. So clearly she never called the police and is trying to hold me HOSTAGE! I tell her I want to call the police now and tell them you are kidnapping me. They refuse to call the police again. Which seemed weird because she just claimed they called the police and now they don't want to call the police now.

After about 30 mins I give up and pay the 180K in full and ask for a cab. I wait another 15 mins. The cab comes and the guy looks rally young and rough. You know the real muscular bald headed type guys. Luckily another local guy was just coming through the gates so I got in his cab. Now the security guard starts yelling at me and telling me I have to take the cab they ordered. I'm like they are both yellow cabs what does it matter. I didn't trust the cab they ordered so I hold firm and stay in the one that just arrived with the local. I gave the guy a big tip for letting take his cab. He was cool about it.

Long story short I have no idea why anyone would go to Loutron. The girls are not that great and they don't kiss and are very professional. I just don't get it. I don't even ask for BBBJ or anything unusual.

Gfe Finder
06-18-09, 00:46
This is why it is better to stay in Poblado and stick with the high end girls.I second that. I felt safe when I was there in January. You couldn't walk more than 200 meters in any direction without running into either an armed police officer or an armed security guard.

Zorro Man
06-18-09, 03:44
Staying at the Hotel Belfort Dann Carlton.

First time in Colombia, have a few locals who will show me around but wanted to know the best casas/places to visit and if someone could provide addresses and a taxi driver that speaks English and knows where to take you.

I need security because my Spanish is horrible still.

Thanks. I leave in a week so whatever information you can provide will be much appreciated.

I know the Oviedo mall is a must. What about escorts to your room? Websites recommended?

06-18-09, 07:02
Well since we are on this topic of safety I might as-well just talk. I told myself I was not going to say anything but hearing Frank and other folks on here speak made me change my mind. I am going to be short and to the point. I got robbed as-well but with a bonus. A nasty pistol whip to the skull and constant threats to pull the trigger with a pistol on my forehead "tiro de gracia cosa nostra style". He got my money which I don't care about. But the worst part is that this was the first time another man has powered me where I was powerless with a gun barrel on the side of my head. In my opinion this is just as bad as being killed, and is the worst feeling ever. I was with another friend and we were in Itagui near Mayorista. Even sadder thing was, this was the second time on that trip that I got robbed. First time was no where near what happened the second time (so I trucked on. Mistake). I will never return to Medellin and understand Frank's anger. The scene in Medallo has changed so much in all the years I have gone. Take it for what it is worth, but I am not a chump nor your average overage fat sex tourist byatch! I am a seasoned Monger and have visited Cartagena, Medellin and Baranquilla alone on my Colombia menu of fun. But whatever. I am not going to put my full monger resume here. I blend into the Colombian crowd and am no where near being a gringo target that sticks out like a sore thumb.

Even though pulling the trigger for that prick was just another day in the park. Oddly enough I thank that coward that almost took my like. Putting all the anger aside, I give him a simple thanks for letting me breathe another day. This has made me value my life and adjust the idea of living in the moment. It's not worth it to me anymore. "I have been there done that". Looking back at my adventures in all the hole in the wall, dives and countries I have been in. I honestly can say " I am one lucky son of a byatch to still be here".

Good luck to all the folks that go to Medallo in the near future and be safe, the odds are against you and luck will play out your destiny as it did with mine.

06-18-09, 08:24
That's why I have ten separate atm cards. Have your cash divided up with only small amounts on the ones you take with you to casa. Or better yet only take the cash you will spend that day and leave the atms in your safe at home.

Be careful be vigilant.

Be safe.

06-18-09, 09:47
what happend?

In a week everything has changed! Now Medellin seems to a very dangerous place.

What happend to "medellin paradise"?

My world felt apart.

06-18-09, 12:22
I haven’t been posting too much on ISG but in recent post regarding safety of foreigners I thought I’d come outta hiding. I made my first visit to Colombia about 5 year ago and like a lot of guys I have seen many changes regarding us gringos. In light of posts like Frank Casio’s guest armed hold ups of his guests, the Medellin Mansion armed hold up and I believe another high end gringo hotel also what with the Medellin Madman fiasco. Well the worm has certainly turned for gringo business’ catering to mongers as well as mongers and tourists alike.

I have meet mongers, regular tourists (not the sex tourist) and business owners that have had violent incidents in Cali and Medellin. I have to say IMO that most of these incidents where somewhat brought on by carelessness and a ‘it can’t happen to me attitude’. Well guys whatever is causing things to go wrong for gringos in Colombia partly it is deserved, guys acting like dickheads hitting on some Colombianos chica, bringing low class pre-pagos to high end establishments (very embarrassing), other is a numbers game more guys going there hence more dickheads then more muggings etc. Could be a crack down on vigilante/ paramilitary justice by the Uribe government and police to make Colombia seem as a safe place for foreign investment and tourism. I reckon that its all happening a bit too fast and the gringo will be looked on as easy prey. Lets face it we are, we not likely to carry guns like more affluent Colombians and we won’t be in country long enough for retribution. Any Colombian knows stealing from his own kind and the chances will get him killed for his troubles. A gringo. Well a gringo goes home. Maybe that’s where he’ll end up staying or wisely choosing a safer destination such as Costa Rica or Panama, still many lovely Colombianas there.

Anyway good luck in your travels and I hope I don't read about the Gringo bobo with a gun shot in the gut. Well maybe some of you. Half joking.


Hi Rufus,

It's interesting that you haven't posted anything since the Colombia forum was put on full moderation 2-1/5 years ago, said moderation being necessary to thwart the Serial Antagonists who would seek to destroy this forum as part of their strategy to dissuade anyone from visiting what they consider their private playground in Colombia.

And now, your 1st post after a hiatus for more than 2-1/2 years was a commentary hyping the violence in Medellin.

If it's so dangerous in Medellin, then why are you still there?

Your agenda is obvious, and nobody is buying it anymore.



06-18-09, 13:29
I kinda had a bad vibe from the moment I got in the place. ....

So I tell the boss how bad it is and can't believe how Loutron is 5x more than centro casas and most of the girls there try to be nice. I just don't get it. So I tell her I will pay 50K and ask her to call a cab. After waiting for about 15 mins I ask for a cab again and she says I need to pay 180K. I told her look I didn't even use all my time and it was terrible. I will pay 100k max. She says no the full amount and she then says she will call the police. I say ok call the police. Again this whole time I am very calm and never raised my voice.

After about another 15 mins and no police I ask when are the police coming and she says in a laughing manner 'oh I don't know maybe 3 hrs'. So clearly she never called the police and is trying to hold me HOSTAGE! I tell her I want to call the police now and tell them you are kidnapping me. They refuse to call the police again. Which seemed weird because she just claimed they called the police and now they don't want to call the police now....

Did you buy a USD$2.00 Tigo SIM card and stick that in your phone your first day in the country so you have Col cell phone access (you need this for the girls anyway)? Do you know how to contact 911? The Police? (not that either are a tremensdous help but you could have used the cops in your situation). Do you keep a photocopy of your passport (main page and Col entry stamp) in your hotel and also on your person as ID when you are out? If you answer no or don't know how to do something simple as call the police you are not taking the necessary precautions and possibly lack international street smarts.

As a tourist with limited Spanish (and limited street smarts, although no one likes to admit that) you are better off having a driver like Robinson or some of the others pick you up from the airport and perhaps take you out one night, this in order to build a rapport with a local, with a car, a Guy Friday who is ready to run an errand for a tip, someone you can count on for something, as it is better than no one. You should have their numbers in your cell phone.

You could have called the police or called a Robinson type driver to pick you up. I'm not saying that you needed to use the driver for every little thing but uh.

Good job in getting in the other cab.

06-18-09, 13:49
I just made a trip to Loutron. Wow bad move, I will NEVER go again. I was there once before about three months ago and had a good expereince. One good or one bad experience doesn't mean the place is good or bad. Ultimately it comes down to the girl and if you have chemistry.

I kinda had a bad vibe from the moment I got in the place. I asked for an Aguila Light and the manager Gloria (lighter skinned brunette with big butt) says 10k cop. So I give her a 20k and am waiting for change. So I sit down next to the bar and she leaves the room. When she comes back I ask her about the change and she has a smirky laugh. Its clear she thought she could just keep the 10k as a tip. The thing that is upsetting is I was probably gonna tip her 5k anyway but she just decides to take the 10k as tip without even asking me. Just rubbed me the wrong way.In some of the higher end touristy places the help think they can just charge whatever and keep whatever and the tourist is not going to say anything (San Diego, Fase II). They think everyone is stupid and has no idea how to handle foreign money. After the beer deliver ask ¿Cuanto le pago? And pay with exact change - same in the taxis - always have exact change.

This time I see the line up and pick a girl. We go to the room and I tell her I like to kiss and ask her if she kisses. She is adament about no kissing. There was zero wiggle room so I decided it was pointless to get in an argument so I get up and leave.

I then pick another girl. I tell her when we get to the that I would like to kiss. Again she is pretty adament about no kissing but seemed a bit more accomodating. After a decent back and forth she says she will kiss.

I really don't llike to do this because I feel it kills the whole mood. In Rio and BA 90% of all the girls kiss without even asking. Most of the time they are even eager to kiss. I think I am a decent looking guy. I workout out regularly and am on the young side so I don't think I am some 300 lb 60 yr old guy.

So we start at it and right off the start I can tell her kisses are pathetic, tiny little pecs and no tongue or passion or even pretending to. I should have just walked out again but I guess I was just to frustrated to back out again.With Colombian cachacas de Medellin/Bog/Cali or other areas where they COlombians chicas are working outside of Colombia you are not going to land GFE on the first time and possibly ever if the girl has a serious BF - she is not going to kiss as that is the first step in GFE and the GFE is for her BFE. There is always a YMMV lurking in the background. You can be really hot and heavy DFK, BBBJ etc... with a stunner and then later you are with some some dumpy saggy chick and she will act like she is doing you a favor when she give you the cheek. Go figure.

Long story short we go at it for about 20 mins or so but honestly I have no idea of the exact time. I basically lost all interest when she started to tell me to hurry up and finish. It became so professional and lacked any even fake emotion I just decided to leave.This is why San Diego type places where you are in a bar scenario are really helpful if you don't want to session with a girl 3 times in order to find out if you are ever going to get GFE. You can talk and get to know each other and mention BBBJ, Kissing. If she is enthusiastic about it there your chances in the room are good.


I then pick another girl. I tell her when we get to the that I would like to kiss. Again she is pretty adament about no kissing but seemed a bit more accomodating. After a decent back and forth she says she will kiss.
She was adamant and then said OK? What did you expect?

My bottom line is GFE from Colombians on the first session takes a lot of chemistry and a lot of luck. You can't judge a whole casa just by one experience. Again it ultimately comes down to the girl.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-18-09, 14:01
Staying at the Hotel Belfort Dann Carlton.

First time in Colombia, have a few locals who will show me around but wanted to know the best casas/places to visit and if someone could provide addresses and a taxi driver that speaks English and knows where to take you.

I need security because my Spanish is horrible still.

Thanks. I leave in a week so whatever information you can provide will be much appreciated.

I know the Oviedo mall is a must. What about escorts to your room? Websites recommended?Check out the Medellin Lists section. There is a guide put together that has lots of info on drivers, hotels, clubs etc.

Oviedo Mall is a must? Where are you from?

06-18-09, 14:35
i'll leave you with this thought. i've read that 90% of the prostitution in medellin is partaken by and supported by colombians!

if that's true, then gringos aren't the problem, they are just there to drive prices up and. ok, so we are the problem.tweeners is sort of talking about somthing different but i will use his comment as a springboard because i've read this on here for a long time and there is a layer or aspect that no one seems to get.

no offense, just want you all to think about this and take a view from another side. no disrespect intended to anyone...

an example: you go to your bosses house in the us, for dinner. first time there. do you sit in on the sofa take of your shoes and put your feet on the coffee table? do you walk to the fridge and grab a beer? no? why not? your boss does it. his wife puts her feet on the coffee table and their kids help themselves to the fridge 7 times without asking. the boss never even blinks an eye!

in colombia just because colombian men make up the vast majority of clients in the brothels doesn't mean that it is ok for tourists. it's the whole outsider, invader, tresspasser thing - like the little southern town who suddenly gets a new resident, a rich guy who wears a funny smock and a really long beard, who moved in from algeria. suddenly this guy is at the bars hitting on the local women, your women, getting them maybe for free. you had to wait for your favorite girl in the mp and when she finally exists the room you find out you were waiting for her because she was with the algerian guy. wtf! then he's telling all his friends how great the paradise is he discovered and the women this and that and before you know it he's got a friend visiting, then another, throwing around their money making you look bad.

get it? the problem in colombia with all of this is not prostitution nor the breakdown between locals and foreigners who visit the brothels or hit on the ladies. the gangs and the paras are not after the colombian sex workers and the colombian johns in faseii. this is not about what is right and what is wrong and just because colombians do it foreigners who make up a small percentage of the clients, are viewed the same way. do not have the speeding on the highway mentality because it does not apply. (i'm doing 70 but these other cars are doing 90 and some are weaving, so i'm "under the radar")

do you think the southern locals are saying "well, all us locals go to the brothels and there are 200 of us and omar and akmed, well they are just 2 guys, paying customers and they have every right just like we do..."

no my friends, that is not how it works. the foreigner is not liked, is an invader and sticks out. the locals do not notice the other locals - just like the boss doesn't think twice when the kids go to the fridge 7 times in one night but you, the employee, go just once and it is tremendously noticed.

the colombian men have a good, discreet thing and the toursist brings it into the spotlight and turns it into a mockery.

to twist it and say - "they all do it so foreigners are not a problem" is extremely naive. there are tv shows here pointing out sex tourists - it is a problem, it is very noticed and in the main stream.

please don't bring up the odd 60 year old colombian traqueto with his 18 yo gf in parque lleras. if you do, then you still don't get it.

you are in someone else's living room acting with entitlement.

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-18-09, 16:00
Long story short I have no idea why anyone would go to Loutron. The girls are not that great and they don't kiss and are very professional. I just don't get it. I don't even ask for BBBJ or anything unusual.The answer!

I was there once before about three months ago and had a good expereince.

06-18-09, 16:11
Blondy had been in contact since she had been away "Modelling". I was beginning to realise this might of actually been a Porn-shoot. I'd called her twice and one of those times she was in Cali.

Last night she called the house phone here at Frank Casio's "My Place". I couldn't speak to her directly as I was entertaining the waitress from the local eatery (purely platonic).

About half an hour later I'd shed my company and was able to call her back on my cell. I've a new wingman here and he took little persuasion to accomodate her - in my opinion - cuter friend.

The proviso was it was THREE HOURS at the rate of $150k.

She agreed and they turned up more or less on time at Nine o'clock in the evening.

It starts.

They demand food. They've learnt the word 'Hungry'.

Duly we feed them. They eat with gusto. It takes about an hour.

There is some grizzling as I now stay in a nearby hotel and they want to be together. This appears only as a mild concern though.

I get Blondy back to the room and it's a slow start. I attempt to get a few shots of her but she's adopted a new "no pictures" policy. Eventually we get down to action. I use my previousl knowledge and attempt to get her into a 69. She is hesitant and I know why now. Once she gets in the groove she loses complete control and my face is ridden and I am in Hog Heaven.

Without having time to put a Condom on me she cannot help herself and I'm treated to a 20 - 25 minute BBBJ. However, as she is writhing in exstacy some of that time she can only just hold me in her soft mouth and prevent herself from clamping down with her Teeth and severing it.

She lifts herself off for a break. But she is still straddled over my face. She's unable to resist lowering herself down on me again in a 'Cowgirl' style.

This girl adores Sex. Ideas had been entertained that she might get out of this business. She gets the Sex she needs when she sells it better than when she gives it away and she gets money. Nah, she'll not escape this business.

I put my own Condom on and she's ready to be mounted.

She has lost it completely. How can I tell? She grips the back of my Calves and pulls me into her with every drop of strength she has. Still unsatisfied she gestures with her hands the act of slamming into her. I tease the B*tch and slowly slide deeply into her until I give in and do slam it in hard.

Eyes roll into the back of her Head but I've no idea of what she is shouting.

It's a good session and she finishes with a sincere (appearances) thank you.

I shower and return. I begin an hour long massage and she goes to Heaven. When I reach her Feet and massage these I think she comes close to another Orgasm.

But throughout the massage she's getting phonecalls. She knows who it is and beckons me to be silent. She switches the fan off and mutes the TV. She answers the phone in a convincing gravelled voice imitating being roused from sleep.
"Mi Amor" (My Love) she answers.

An annoying minute later she hangs up and leaps back on the bed
"Massajae" (Massage!)

Maybe 45 minutes of deep tissue massage has passed and I move my focus to between her legs. She is responsive and we begin a 2nd round of Oral and she's game. Not long into this she reaches down to my fingers and physically entreats me to put more in. I've got four fingers in and it takes a good deal of strength to hold her onto the bed.

I'm ready to go again and empty my bladder for round Two.

Coming back from the bathroom she's on the phone again although this time it's her Wing-girl (Wingman?) and she's persuaded her trick it was game-over and calling to bring about the same with me.

I'm pissed!

I give her $100k as we leave and she's not happy. The mood is broken. We begin the arguement. She asserts the deal was for $150k. I assert it was also for three hours. She retorts that they came at Nine. I counter with they were fed and we had paid. To close the arguement I pick up the unused Condom and place it in my lap and gesture toward the bed. She can have $150k if she gets back on the bed. She declines.

We leave and she tries to lift the mood. I walk her back to meet her friend.

Next morning I debrief with my wingman. I'd warned him of the scenario and it played out exactly as predicted. He too had tried to prevent his from calling mine.

However, there's another guy staying here. We'd made a point of parading these two past him for inspection. He tells me that she is the hottest thing he'd seen for a while. When I tell him the story I'm told I should "wake up" and that $150k was a bargain for star quality like that and was I crazy if she behaved like that in the Sack. It's a valuable perspective.

I never got my three hours in the end.

Maybe I'll hit the Casa's and do a two-for one special !?!

06-18-09, 17:10
This time I see the line up and pick a girl. We go to the room and I tell her I like to kiss and ask her if she kisses. She is adament about no kissing. There was zero wiggle room so I decided it was pointless to get in an argument so I get up and leave.

I then pick another girl. I tell her when we get to the that I would like to kiss. Again she is pretty adament about no kissing but seemed a bit more accomodating. After a decent back and forth she says she will kiss.

I really don't llike to do this because I feel it kills the whole mood. In Rio and BA 90% of all the girls kiss without even asking. Most of the time they are even eager to kiss. I think I am a decent looking guy. I workout out regularly and am on the young side so I don't think I am some 300 lb 60 yr old guy.

So we start at it and right off the start I can tell her kisses are pathetic, tiny little pecs and no tongue or passion or even pretending to. I should have just walked out again but I guess I was just to frustrated to back out again.Oh man, the day I haggle with a chica over kissing is the day I retire from this fun. :)

You think if a chica is adament about not kissing when you ask her about it, but finally caves in to your insistent demand, that she's really going to kiss you with passion??

I'm sorry you had a bad time, but you kind of set yourself up for it really.

I think maybe a 300 pound, 60 year old guy just might get those kisses you desire if he's a cool cat about it.
It's all about the chemestry amigo.

Takes a bit more than just whining to them about kissing, matter of fact, I'm sure the haggling over it just turns them off even more.

Good luck

06-18-09, 18:46
And just stick with the mansion girls. I don't see any way to get robbed or get in trouble there. I mean taxi to mansion. Mansion girls. Taxi to airport. Bye! Hehe. Being pistol whipped must have hurt but at least you weren't shot.

06-18-09, 21:40
And just stick with the mansion girls. I don't see any way to get robbed or get in trouble there. I mean taxi to mansion. Mansion girls. Taxi to airport. Bye! Hehe. Being pistol whipped must have hurt but at least you weren't shot.Did you forget that they were also robbed there at the Mansion?

Aussie Greg
06-18-09, 23:07
The Mansion had a call from a T.V. crew from Bogota about a month ago (second time ) they wanted to do a program on prostitution in Medellin and Cartagena.

They wanted RICKER, Cubanut, Medellin Bob, Big Bad Boyd as a starring role but there and the Mansion agents declinned.

Aussie G.

06-18-09, 23:38
Yes, I was always concerned about the trip from Airport to Medellin, it is easy to get stopped and robbed at gun point on the way, specially during the late night flights from Bogota or Panama!

Crime is on the raise in Medellin! May be we need an armored car or secure van from airport!


And just stick with the mansion girls. I don't see any way to get robbed or get in trouble there. I mean taxi to mansion. Mansion girls. Taxi to airport. Bye! Hehe. Being pistol whipped must have hurt but at least you weren't shot.

06-19-09, 03:26
Coming back from the bathroom she's on the phone again although this time it's her Wing-girl (Wingman?) and she's persuaded her trick it was game-over and calling to bring about the same with me.

I'm pissed!

I give her $100k as we leave and she's not happy. The mood is broken. We begin the arguement. She asserts the deal was for $150k. I assert it was also for three hours. She retorts that they came at Nine. I counter with they were fed and we had paid. To close the arguement I pick up the unused Condom and place it in my lap and gesture toward the bed. She can have $150k if she gets back on the bed. She declines.

We leave and she tries to lift the mood. I walk her back to meet her friend.

Next morning I debrief with my wingman. I'd warned him of the scenario and it played out exactly as predicted. He too had tried to prevent his from calling mine.I hear ya Kermit - check this post:


I can't stand the cell phone. it is the kiss of death every time it rings. If they don't get a signal in your place they will cry "but my sister is watching my daughter and if there is an emergency I NEED MY CELL" - yeah. Is your sister watching your kid in a bar? It's 11pm, give your sister my apartment land line. Cell phone calls cost money, everyone knows that.

If you want more details about how to squash the whole "get out of the trick early call" PM me. I've blabbered enough today.

06-19-09, 03:36
tweeners is sort of talking about somthing different but i will use his comment as a springboard because i've read this on here for a long time and there is a layer or aspect that no one seems to get.

no offense, just want you all to think about this and take a view from another side. no disrespect intended to anyone.

an example: you go to your bosses house in the us, for dinner. first time there. do you sit in on the sofa take of your shoes and put your feet on the coffee table? do you walk to the fridge and grab a beer? no? why not? your boss does it. his wife puts her feet on the coffee table and their kids help themselves to the fridge 7 times without asking. the boss never even blinks an eye!

in colombia just because colombian men make up the vast majority of clients in the brothels doesn't mean that it is ok for tourists. it's the whole outsider, invader, tresspasser thing - like the little southern town who suddenly gets a new resident, a rich guy who wears a funny smock and a really long beard, who moved in from algeria. suddenly this guy is at the bars hitting on the local women, your women, getting them maybe for free. you had to wait for your favorite girl in the mp and when she finally exists the room you find out you were waiting for her because she was with the algerian guy. wtf! then he's telling all his friends how great the paradise is he discovered and the women this and that and before you know it he's got a friend visiting, then another, throwing around their money making you look bad.

get it? the problem in colombia with all of this is not prostitution nor the breakdown between locals and foreigners who visit the brothels or hit on the ladies. the gangs and the paras are not after the colombian sex workers and the colombian johns in faseii. this is not about what is right and what is wrong and just because colombians do it foreigners who make up a small percentage of the clients, are viewed the same way. do not have the speeding on the highway mentality because it does not apply. (i'm doing 70 but these other cars are doing 90 and some are weaving, so i'm "under the radar")

do you think the southern locals are saying "well, all us locals go to the brothels and there are 200 of us and omar and akmed, well they are just 2 guys, paying customers and they have every right just like we do..."

no my friends, that is not how it works. the foreigner is not liked, is an invader and sticks out. the locals do not notice the other locals - just like the boss doesn't think twice when the kids go to the fridge 7 times in one night but you, the employee, go just once and it is tremendously noticed.

the colombian men have a good, discreet thing and the toursist brings it into the spotlight and turns it into a mockery.

to twist it and say - "they all do it so foreigners are not a problem" is extremely naive. there are tv shows here pointing out sex tourists - it is a problem, it is very noticed and in the main stream.

please don't bring up the odd 60 year old colombian traqueto with his 18 yo gf in parque lleras. if you do, then you still don't get it.

you are in someone else's living room acting with entitlement.

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.very well said lucky eddie. excellent analogy.

Frank Casio
06-19-09, 06:20
Hi guys,

Thursday, 18 June 2009, my house in Envigado! That's true guys, I didn't even make it out the door! This beautiful angel which I met at Romance Latinas' Penthouse Party came to my door. I've been trying to go out with her since the party but she went to school from 6-10PM and with my schedule we could never get together. Well, finally school finished for her last night and I made sure I called her. She had a motor cycle accident last night and her knees were all scratched, but she still agreed to come!

She was hesitant because of the pain, but she had mentioned earlier that a friend owed her 200k and had not payed her and she needed the money for some injections for the swelling! She's always known I'm crazy about her and on more than one occasion mentioned how well I danced "Regetton", she said I danced better than any of the other "gringos". All I remember was that I had to keep myself from "cumming" while dancing with her. All I did was grind and was actually a little embarrased that she might had felt my "package". Apparently she didn't seem to mind at all. I'm "50", I hadn't been with a girl that could make me cum dancing in years, and it took all the will power I had not to cum in front of everybody that day. My friend Panama Mike took pictures of our little dance that day. I looked like a dog behind a little poodle!

This girl was just so sweet from the first time I saw her. Innocent, but totally sexual. She's barely 18 with the softest and sexiest "buns" I've ever encountered! While on the phone with her earlier tonight I mentioned how I almost came dancing with her. I didn't say it that directly but worked myself into it by complimenting her dancing skills and then her nice "culito". Since she didn't take offense, I then mentioned how I was dying to make love to her and hoped that I could some day. Then I said, if you come over tonight I'd love to help you with your medicines. To my surprise she agreed. She mentioned something about stopping by real quick with her cousin and saying Hi. I told myself, I hope she doesn't think I'm just going to give her money for nothing! So I just told her, I really, really would like to make love to you and she said, ok! I was in shock, this gorgeous women in my arms and between my legs by 8PM. That's why I always say it's a numbers game! It doesn't matter how many bad encounters you've had, and I've had quite a few, your "21 (Black jack) will come sooner or later.

She showed up in a black alphet or jumpsuit (shorts) with black boots! What a sight for sore eyes, I found her to be even prettier than when I met her at the Penthouse Party and thinner. Just an almost perfect "10" without the fake boobs. So clean, so smooth, smelled like a flower! I left her and her cousin in the living room while I went to my room to change. I like wearing a T-shirt in the house, need to feel comfortable. Before I had finished changing she was outside my bedroom door. She had been looking at my house and ended there. I let her in my bedroom showed her my balcony and then asked her to sit on my bed as she was clearly in pain from the motorcycle accident. Her beautiful knees all scratched up!

We started talking and flirting. Then I kissed her lightly, to what she did not object. Soon I had her lying on the bed while I was kissing her. I started rubbing her crutch and soon started removing her clothes. She then continued on her own while I took off mine. I was so big I impressed even myself, not to mention her. She said wooooow, how big! You have to put it in perspective guys, I'm not bragging, it's just that these girls are really petite! So if you are average to a little large, to them you seem "really Big"! With her beside me I felt really Big!

I tried to convince her that I liked her as a girlfriend and I didn't like condoms, but she insisted and said maybe when we got to know each other better. Luckily one of you guys, one of my guests, had left behind some "Durex", extra sensitive condoms, and they were really nice!

My beautiful angel did not let me go down on her, but she started sucking my package while I felt her beautiful "buns" which lead me to this point. They were incredible, so soft and juicy, undescribable! I couldn't hold back any longer and just layed her on my bed, open her sexy legs and went into her! Since she didn't let me go down on her the insertion hurted her a bit, but soon she was wiggling and squirming under my body. She rubbed my chest passionately and move her body with desire. I was in shock and awe that such a beautiful women could feel so passionate towards me. She kissed me non-stop, no breaks, until she came! I couldn't hold back anymore, I was praying she'd come before I did, and it was so. Actually we both came at the same time as I couldn't hold back when she started cumming. I could not do her from the back on the bed because of her scratched knees and missed out on that beautiful "ass" which lead us to my bed finally! But I'll save that for another day.

We got dressed, and she kissed me like if she was my girlfriend, and said that she'd love to come and spend the whole night with me if her mother let her. At no time did she mention money or ask for it. I just went into my wallet, pulled out 100k and 20k for the Taxi and gave it to her as a gift. Explained that I wasn't trying to pay her but wanted to give her a gift and help her with her medicines. She asked me to bring her some Victoria Secret lotions when I went back to the States. Since I had some Victoria Secret creams and some nice "thongs" I was able to respond to her wish immediately, she was very happy. If she was a "pro" or a "semi Pro" I can't say, but she would be in a "league" of her own, as this was a total GFE experience!

I was going to Babylon tonight, but she left me so satisfied I just decided to stay home and "reminiscense"!

Frank Casio!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-19-09, 07:17
No offense, just want you all to think about this and take a view from another side. No disrespect intended to anyone.OK fair enough, so let's continue.

In the casas the house takes a cut and what that cut ends up being is directly related to the money paid for services rendered. And if you're expecting to exist on local clients only, either they need to get pay raises or you have to cut back on the number of girls you employ.

And if you're deciding on how to pay for the house, keep the electricity on and keep a good enough group of girls around, you have to make some more money somewhere else. And since you're not charging the paisas through the nose, where do you make up for that shortfall?

Now it's just plain business sense for both the girls and the house to make more money per pop. If it takes X number of paisas to stay in business and it takes a much lower number of gringos served each day to achieve the same objective allowing for BOTH paisas and gringos to want to continue to frequent your business you do so.

Now if said paisa paying 80% less than I am is pissed that he had to wait for his fave, fuck him. Seriously. If she's that good, word of mouth puts food on her table and if he has a problem waiting for a gringo paying a higher freight than another paisa, he needs to be smart enough to know his meager contribution to his favorita certainly isn't paying her rent or feeding her kids. And if needs to be told that a fat 60 year old American is the one that pays the bills and buys the clothes for the girls, so be it.

Now if you multiply this scenario tenfold each day, yes I can see why the paisa gets pissed and wishes harm on the gringo. Both are equally guilty of a sense of entitlement. Paisa thinks his chump change should be enough to keep his favorita on retainer which is simply not possible. And the gringo thinks he has game because he paid the house rate, plus propina and likely dinner and some coin off the books for the girl for a TLN at his hotel.

Am I disappointed when a girl I had my heart set on isn't available. Yup. Can I spend less time than you did reading this post to acquire one just as hot, if not hotter, Yup. So who's more guilty of entitlement? The paisa who's territorial or the gringo that's a sex tourist?

Like or not, and the line for public consumption will be that they don't like it, but mongers eat, they usually eat in groups of 3 or more, they keep the hotels full, they employ the taxi drivers and if their biggest crime is the paisa had to bust his nut in a world class consolation prize, then like I said Fuck him.

Going back to your analogy for a second, where you said "Boss doesn't think twice when the kids go to the fridge 7 times in one night but you, the employee, go just once and it is tremendously noticed." Well if it's me, chances are I didn't show up empty handed and if invited to the Boss' house I would've had the good sense to find out what he drinks or what brand cigars he smokes, something that shows him that I'm appreciative of the invite. What I would normally provide without fail is the dessert if invited for dinner. In short, I'm bringing something to the table, just like the gringo is.

Maybe the boss has plenty of the brand of beer I brought over, does it matter to him? Nope, because I knocked with my elbows (hands were full). If I want to help myself it's because an expressed desire on the part of the host has been made.

If you come to a party at my house, I make your first drink, then I point to the bar or the fridge and I let you know that I've made the one drink I'm making. Mi casa es su casa. I don't need to Lord the fact I'm plying you with drinks nor do I want you to wait for me to make you comfortable. If you've knocked with your elbows, I've thanked you and provided you with all the comforts needed to enjoy yourself.

Now if a fat 60 year old American shows up at my house and wants to bring 3-4 times the usual gifts and wants to serve himself, he would not only be permitted, he'd be encouraged. And based on what he brought to the table I would reciprocate with my hospitality. And if the gifts he brought were enough to entertain my guests and have them leave happy and one of my guests complained that he had to wait to get to the fridge, I'd kick HIM in the pills.

Entitlement, courtesy, respect goes both ways. And if these fuckers employed in construction because of foreign investments or making money driving taxis because of foreign sex tourists want to complain about where the money comes from then TFB. You don't get it both ways.

Now back to my original point, fact is, it's a third world country. Eventually you're going get robbed. It has nothing to do with how big of a group you travel with, more guys in your group can simply equate to more guys robbing you. You are perceived to have money, and enough of it for them to risk robbing you. If you're lucky, they just take your money and not cause physical harm. If you want to be loud, drunk and obnoxious you'll probably become a preferred target. I personally don't for a second think I'm bullet proof or not a potential target no matter how hard I try to reduce my visibility.

And for the paisa that doesn't like the fact I'm paying his daughter, sister or niece for sex, it's funny that he's OK if I tip his daughter, sister or niece for great service in a restaurant or if I frequent the stores they run to give them business. Sex is only a small part of a mongers day.

Your bang on when you say we're guests in their country but as far as I'm concerned, the road to Medellin becoming another Costa Rica is paved with ignorant attitudes. Keep making it hard for me to enjoy myself, word of mouth works both ways, your economy and stronger peso (at least this week) could easily fall when the tourist money is going to Peru instead.

Thanks for reading this, now invite me over, I'm a good guest and I knock with my elbows.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Frank Casio
06-19-09, 08:17
sorry guy,

i beg to differ! so colombians can come to our country (usa) by the hundreds of thousands, some illegally, take our jobs, (i knew many with very good jobs which they took from puerto ricans just because they were more presentable) and phuck our women (they love white women). i had a colombian "giggolo" friend who used white and puerto rican women for money and room and board, and then came back to cali and married a 15 year old and took her back to florida.

so what are we "shop liver"! they can do whatever they want in the usa and we are suppose to come here "with do all respect"? we marry their *****s and give them a much better life and sometimes pay a lot more than the locals, not to mention the "royal" treatment these women get from "gringos". and we are suppose to appologize for that, and somehow feel guilty. they are the once that should be greatful we even come here to stimulate their economy!

if american women were'nt so screwed up i wouldn't set a foot in this place. colombian men are totally phucked up, the most "coneiving", gretty, dishonest men i have ever met. i've tried for 5 years to befriend them and give them generously, meaning, giving more then i take, and these men constantly try to take advantage and try to use me not only for money, but to help them find women! even colombian women admit to this. most of my girlfriends have no respect for paisas.

i only go out with "gringos" they are very generous with me. i stop going out with my colombian brother in laws because all they ever wanted was money and women. i told them fine, i'll pay if you bring the women. they're so stupid and "gretty" that they wanted me to pay, and provide the women, rediculous. even their sister, my girlfriend, and mother felt contempt for them. every time i've brought a paisa home, they do put their feet on my tables, go into my refrigerator, sleep and phuck the women they bring on my beds, and on the way out they try to take everything they can. you give them drinks and ciggarrettes and food, and on the way out they try ro take the bottles and packs. i locked the door the last time i had some over my house and didn't let anybody out until they returned the expensive bottle of tequila i had put out for them! and these were high end paisas with an expensive car!

don't tell me i have to respect them, they don't respect my country and the billions of $$ we've given them for their own safety! i gave up on the man a long time ago, i'm just here to phuck as many of their women and *****s as possible. i used to be an idiot as well when i first got here, thinking that they were so kind and curteous, until i found out they were just trying to find a way to open the "mac machine"! don't be fooled by their soft manners and apparent desire to help, they're just trying to get in somehow!

tweeners is sort of talking about somthing different but i will use his comment as a springboard because i've read this on here for a long time and there is a layer or aspect that no one seems to get.

no offense, just want you all to think about this and take a view from another side. no disrespect intended to anyone.

an example: you go to your bosses house in the us, for dinner. first time there. do you sit in on the sofa take of your shoes and put your feet on the coffee table? do you walk to the fridge and grab a beer? no? why not? your boss does it. his wife puts her feet on the coffee table and their kids help themselves to the fridge 7 times without asking. the boss never even blinks an eye!

in colombia just because colombian men make up the vast majority of clients in the brothels doesn't mean that it is ok for tourists. it's the whole outsider, invader, tresspasser thing. like the little southern town who suddenly gets a new resident, a rich guy who wears a funny smock and a really long beard, who moved in from algeria. suddenly this guy is at the bars hitting on the local women, your women, getting them maybe for free. you had to wait for your favorite girl in the mp and when she finally exists the room you find out you were waiting for her because she was with the algerian guy. wtf! then he's telling all his friends how great the paradise is he discovered and the women this and that and before you know it he's got a friend visiting, then another, throwing around their money making you look bad.

get it? the problem in colombia with all of this is not prostitution nor the breakdown between locals and foreigners who visit the brothels or hit on the ladies. the gangs and the paras are not after the colombian sex workers and the colombian johns in faseii. this is not about what is right and what is wrong and just because colombians do it foreigners who make up a small percentage of the clients, are viewed the same way. do not have the speeding on the highway mentality because it does not apply. (i'm doing 70 but these other cars are doing 90 and some are weaving, so i'm "under the radar")

do you think the southern locals are saying "well, all us locals go to the brothels and there are 200 of us and omar and akmed, well they are just 2 guys, paying customers and they have every right just like we do."

no my friends, that is not how it works. the foreigner is not liked, is an invader and sticks out. the locals do not notice the other locals. just like the boss doesn't think twice when the kids go to the fridge 7 times in one night but you, the employee, go just once and it is tremendously noticed.

the colombian men have a good, discreet thing and the toursist brings it into the spotlight and turns it into a mockery.

to twist it and say. "they all do it so foreigners are not a problem" is extremely naive. there are tv shows here pointing out sex tourists. it is a problem, it is very noticed and in the main stream.

please don't bring up the odd 60 year old colombian traqueto with his 18 yo gf in parque lleras. if you do, then you still don't get it.

you are in someone else's living room acting with entitlement.

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide. info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php? ) for more information.

Aussie Greg
06-19-09, 11:55
Can we have the Frank Casio THREAD, I'm sick of this bullshit!

Aussie Greg

06-19-09, 14:40
"Maybe the boss has plenty of the brand of beer I brought over, does it matter to him? Nope, because I knocked with my elbows (hands were full). If I want to help myself it's because an expressed desire on the part of the host has been made.

If you come to a party at my house, I make your first drink, then I point to the bar or the fridge and I let you know that I've made the one drink I'm making. Mi casa es su casa. "First thanks for responding and Frank Casio as well. Not an attack on either of you two and I have no doubt that you are both great guys who should be invited to a party, although tweeners probably does not post drunk. Jejeje.

But this has nothing to do with you, or the fact that maybe you bought a six pack of Sam Adams. You say so yourself with this:

"If I want to help myself [to the fridge] it's because an expressed desire on the part of the host has been made."The boss here in Colombia has not expressed this desire - watch the TV.

This is about what the people who own this country, the real boss in this scenario, think of the sex tourist/foreigner coming here "on business".

Your analogy and post and Frank's as well proves my point - you came in with arms full and now you feel you are entitled to walk to the fridge and help yourself. You STILL have to ask if you can have a beer and LET the boss tell you, "Hey, help yourself, estas en tu casa".

There are certain bosses who don't want you to to just waltz into their kitchen and grab your own beer, even though you supplied all the beer. Think of the boss please. Hint: You're not it.

You and others need to try and understand the boss here is the Colombian people - not you. Once you get into that mindset and keep a lower profile things will blow over and there won't be a problem. Yes Colombia needs the sex tourist dollars 100% and I promote that whole heartedly. This money goes up to the hilsides and stays there. This is good. There is an etiquite that most do not follow. I believe that by presenting this analogy that the ones who do not may begin to understand and help preserve the good that is the current state of Colombia, especially Medellin. This is my whole point.

Example: Look what Greg did about the pool parties. No more. Why? Because he has respect for the locals. He was not on his high horse saying "I bring business to this place and employ your people, you all owe me!" - or even funnier, "Colombians come to my country and take jobs and we give Colombia billions of dollars so I can do what I damn well please...." Using that mindset Frank, I can say you got robbed because you, the US invaded Iraq. You think the Colombian on the streeet negotiated Plan Colombia?

Greg did what he did because it was the right thing to do, being the respectful guy he is, er can be.

Don't be suprised at the rate things are going that these MP and clubs don't get a volante from Las Aguilas Negras stating no foreign customers or else. We may see the day where posters start threads with "Turned Down! - I went to San Diego Show last night and couldn't get in because I did not have a Colombian Cedula". I'm not joking.

You keep thinking entitlement and parading around your 30 years younger than you estrato 2 skank all over Poblado and we just may see hard times here.

06-19-09, 16:23
Oh man, the day I haggle with a chica over kissing is the day I retire from this fun. :)

I think maybe a 300 pound, 60 year old guy just might get those kisses you desire if he's a cool cat about it.
It's all about the chemestry amigo.

Takes a bit more than just whining to them about kissing, matter of fact, I'm sure the haggling over it just turns them off even more.

Good luckNot to get argumentative but I have been around enough girls to know that apart from being brad pitt little would have been different in this situation. The only reason I resorted to negotiating the kissing is because I have been having the worst GFE outcomes of life here in MDE.

I had spoken to a very experienced monger who travels the world and this was his specific recomendation. I have never done it anywhere else, never had to. In BA and Rio 90% of the girls offered GFE, some incredeible amazing without any discussion at all. In Rio the girls kiss before you even decided on which girl to take.

Could I be a better sweet talker, could my spanish be better, sure. But its hard for me to believe these girls operate like light switches. You either like to kiss and have a gfe experience or you don't. That has been my experience.

I have given up even talking about the kissing at the casas here. They just don't do it most of the time.

Professor 1
06-19-09, 16:47
And for the paisa that doesn't like the fact I'm paying his daughter, sister or niece for sex, it's funny that he's OK if I tip his daughter, sister or niece for great service in a restaurant or if I frequent the stores they run to give them business. Sex is only a small part of a mongers day.Let me go further. If one does not like that fact that one's female relative or friend is IN the business, then one should assist such relative or friend so that the person does not have to consider getting into the business. As Tweeners says, one cannot have it both ways. I once had a relative ask me not to take a teaching job in a particular country. I inquired if he could get me a comparable teaching job in his choice country. I have neither seen nor heard from him since.

06-19-09, 18:03
The Mansion had a call from a T.V. crew from Bogota about a month ago (second time ) they wanted to do a program on prostitution in Medellin and Cartagena.

They wanted RICKER, Cubanut, Medellin Bob, Big Bad Boyd as a starring role but there and the Mansion agents declinned.

Aussie G.I don't come cheap baby!

Hold out for mas $$.

Off to Brasil again Aussie, see ya in Medellin in a couple weeks!

Happy travels!

06-19-09, 19:59
If you a taking an estrato 2 girl around poblado. Why don't you buy her a nice set of clothes so she can wear it with you and look like a poblado chick. It is very easy to redress a estrato girl into a estrato 5 girl. It just takes some effort. That way it looks like you are really there to be a tourist and have a girlfriend. Who can tell the difference between a ***** and girlfriend in the right makeup and clothes. It takes some effort but isn't that difficult.

06-20-09, 00:20
Can we have the Frank Casio THREAD, I'm sick of this bullshit!

Aussie GregUfffff agree 100% Jackson please do!

06-20-09, 04:11
La Mayorista

After securing apartment reservations for the remainder of my trip, I tried to get in touch with Panama Mike. He called me back from a brewery he was visiting with Vics Pics & Frank Casio. A little later, Frank Casio called to give me directions for a taxi to La Mayorista.

The gang of four from the orgy was reunited at Frank Casio’s favorite restaurant. As he called over a few of his friends, the four of us soon had company. Anyone who says La Mayorista has nothing but skanky hoes should get their eyesight tested. These chicas were fucking hot!

Frank Casio was with a half Chinese cutie with braces. Vics Pics had the company of an adorable chica with all the right curves. Panama Mike was enamored with a fair haired vision in a yellow and black dress. But I had the pick of the litter...

Pretty in pink Geraldine was the hottest P4P girl I’d seen in Medellin. I was in love! I bought her a flower as we acted like lovebirds. But Geraldine excused herself... and didn’t come back. :(

The P4P girls I’d met in Medellin had been very aggressive, urging me to go ST almost as soon as we met. I expected Geraldine to pop the question any time, but she never did. I was in no hurry, as I wanted to spend the whole night with her. Frank Casio explained that a girl as pretty as Geraldine needed to be asked. But not to worry! He went off to find Geraldine; she wanted 150k COP TLN. Deal! :)

When cutie pie Camilla came to our table, I promised I’d take her home if Geraldine was a no show. A little later, she came back with devastating news: Geraldine had gone TLN with someone else.

At least I had a suitable replacement. Camilla was giving me sweet picos as she readily agreed to DFK & BBBJ. Until... Geraldine showed up! :eek: Camilla had been lying to get this sweet deal for herself. Talk about cut throat competition!

I immediately got back with my dream girl, but promised Camilla I’d see her another day...


Frank Casio had negotiated the deal with Geraldine; I hadn’t had a chance to discuss the details. When we got to my apartment, it turned out Geraldine meant a Colombian TLN. She could only stay with me until the end of her shift (4 AM), as she had to take care of her 7 month old baby.

I proceeded to negotiate services. DFK was no problem. 2 shots on goal was no problem. Geraldine wouldn’t agree to a BBBJ at first, but finally swayed for the big pay check.

I got my camera out; Geraldine was happy to model for me & looked like every bit the movie star. After showering together, it was time for action...

I started eating her pussy. Geraldine loved it and got totally wet; but she didn’t seem to understand what was happening to her. She looked puzzled, as she put her finger in her pussy, examined it from up close, then stuck it in her mouth & tasted her own juices. Incredibly, it seemed as if Geraldine had never gotten wet before. Or maybe she came? :confused:

The BBBJ was another surreal experience. Geraldine spent several minutes inspecting my dick: staring at it from close range; smelling it; tasting it. But once she popped it in her mouth, she just kept going... :)

As Geraldine mounted me, my dick easily slid into her soaking wet snatch. After she demonstrated her riding skills, I pulled her close. Geraldine was French kissing me with a passion as I drilled her like a machine gun. The faster I fucked her, the more she seemed to love it. And every time I ran out of steam, Geraldine took over, pursuing her own orgasm. Heavenly!

I showed Geraldine my collection of outfits. She tried on several costumes, but pink was her color. Suddenly, my flash started making weird noises. After a series of tiny explosions, there was a bigger bang. Luckily, I carried a spare flash.

Back in the shower, Geraldine wanted to shave her pussy. She left a landing strip at first, but finally decided against it. Gazing into this beauty’s eyes as I was drilling her once again felt amazing. But it seemed as if I was out of leche...

Geraldine was slowly massaging my dick as I took a breather; she wouldn’t hear of giving up. When I got back into the saddle, her sweet besos pulled me over the finishing line. Ecstacy!

The gringos at La Mayorista gave her the nickname Demi Moore. Geraldine quickly caught on. Near the end of my trip, she was calling herself Demi Moore.

During negotiations, Geraldine had the Gimme Moore attitude her counterpart is famous for. Once the preliminaries were over, she was a total sweetie. Demi Moore got rave reviews from the critics I recommended her to as well.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-20-09, 04:41
Look what Greg did about the pool parties. No more. Why? Because he has respect for the locals.The DAS may have had some influence as well. Once the pool parties stopped the next step was to hang the tarps blocking the view of the pool in it's entirety. Then it was make sure the blinds are drawn in the rooms so that anyone on the street can't look in, followed by make sure all girls brought in present a valid cedula and the office photocopies it.

Each trip I've made, there have been additional steps taken to lower visibility and while I commend that, only Greg can speak to the motives and I can assure you that every time the topics have come up and someone says "Hey, whatever happened to..." I've never once heard Greg say that it's because he has respect for the locals. I hope he does, I've just never heard him say it.

I do see a police presence every time I've stayed walking around, making sure everything is copacetic.

And for the comment that the paisa sitting in the waiting room waiting for me to nut in his favorita as "the boss". Um, no chance. I'm beholden to the authorities that make the rules and the people that enforce them. I'm bound by courtesy to respect house rules in all venues I visit. What I don't need to do is feel bad for the guy getting the same girl at a much lower rate, he's not doing anything for me. However, I am keeping his favorita employed.

In all fairness to you dude, I get where you're coming from and I think where we disagree is on the entitlement issue. I believe if you offer a service that i want and you want my business, then there should be no problems. Now if I come into your place of business and disrespect you or your employees, I should be thrown out on my pointy little head and I would expect that.

But we've reached a point IMO, where all gringos are assumed to be sex tourists, we're not there to buy real estate from paisas putting money in their pockets, we're not there to invest in Colombian companies and we're definitely not there to enjoy the climate and the good paisa people. Nope, we're all sex tourists and while I understand the quickest way to negate that perception is to have a local vouch for you, it's really too bad.

Prostitution exists everywhere, even in my backyard. I choose not to partake where I live because I enjoy the travel aspect as well. Next trip, I suspect that I'll partake in very little prostitution I have a good friend in Itagui and I'll be spending time with her and helping out in her fathers bar, and because of these connections I'm sure I'll be left alone. But if I take her to Parque Lleras for dinner to show my appreciation, she's automatically a ***** and I'm a sex tourist. That is 100% on the Colombians.

Like I said earlier, please make it difficult for me, I need to visit Peru, Argentina, Brazil....etc There's many places I can spend my money and invest for my retirement.

Fear breeds more fear, and I pray the day doesn't come when one of these wife beater, gold chain wearing dumb asses out to bust a nut doesn't have his own weapon and chooses to fight back.

06-20-09, 04:44
If you a taking an estrato 2 girl around poblado. Why don't you buy her a nice set of clothes so she can wear it with you and look like a poblado chick. It is very easy to redress a estrato girl into a estrato 5 girl. It just takes some effort. That way it looks like you are really there to be a tourist and have a girlfriend. Who can tell the difference between a ***** and girlfriend in the right makeup and clothes. It takes some effort but isn't that difficult.You make a valid point but from what I read a gringo out with a paisa is assumed to be a sex tourist and as such a target.

06-20-09, 04:55
Don't be suprised at the rate things are going that these MP and clubs don't get a volante from Las Aguilas Negras stating no foreign customers or else. We may see the day where posters start threads with "Turned Down! - I went to San Diego Show last night and couldn't get in because I did not have a Colombian Cedula". I'm not joking.If that were to happen, the prices for paisas go up to keep the lights on and when they cant afford it, they'll hang a CLOSED sign on the door

Then you just push the p4p underground, and then the gov't doesn't get their cut and the people that opened shop in the first place go See ya! and they setup some place else.

Then all the girls now out of work and unable to feed their babies will turn to crime as well.

Never underestimate the domino effect, it's not just the girls getting paid.

We've seen gov't make a big show before about cracking down on prostitution, SJO last summer closed many MP's to make them wheelchair accessible and if you've seen the condition of the roads and sidewalks you'd know that this was a farce and a publicity stunt.

I'm pretty sure that during the next election I'll read an article one day that candidate "A" wants to make the streets safe and as such is cleaning up Mayorista and putting the casas on notice that they will be fined if certain conditions aren't met, such as being wheelchair accessible. These casas will close on 2 minutes notice, then open up somewhere else.

And to go completely sideways on this topic, why don't guys just learn basic Spanish and meet local girls?, it's insanely easy and much, much cheaper assuming your disciplined enough to not cave into long distance RFM's

06-20-09, 05:43
You make a valid point but from what I read a gringo out with a paisa is assumed to be a sex tourist and as such a target.It wasnt like that 2 or 3 years ago but unfortunately thats where it is at this present moment and the contempt is steadily rising.

Heres a little exert of a conversation with one of my Colombian buddies whos speaks very good English and live in Envigado..

11:02:41 PM (H)(B): people dont know which gringos live or dont live here
11:03:21 PM (H)(B): i was hanging out with my friends from the University in PL and one say Look at that gringo, another said, look at the hooker he brought!
11:03:30 PM (H)(B): the girl didnt even look like a hooker
11:03:31 PM (H)(B): ajajjajaja

Aussie Greg
06-20-09, 11:21
Clothes won't change a puta from strata 2, she hast to have the "look" if she wants to be like a girl from Poblado or Envigardo, she will still stick out.

A girl from Poblado or Envigardo will always spot a poor girl a mile away.

My ex girlfriend Cata gave up on me because she didn't (and her family) want to be seen with a gringo! Good luck to her.

Other questions and the reasons why.

1) Sunday pool party at the Mansion.

Just to much work, each Sunday now is basically the same but with less people and work, Medellin Bob and Big Bad Boyd didn't want to take over what I was doing so now we just have "squirting exabitions and hot dogs and girls learning english!

2) Shade Cloth over the swimming pool.

To cut doown on the visual for our partiies, we have people with video cameras trying to video us.

3) Drawing the blinds.

Now that we have the new office block in front of the Mansion, and before on the other side of the building, we have office and apartment people watching guests.

Thats about it, any other questions?

Aussie Greg.

You make a valid point but from what I read a gringo out with a paisa is assumed to be a sex tourist and as such a target.

06-20-09, 14:16
If you a taking an estrato 2 girl around poblado. Why don't you buy her a nice set of clothes so she can wear it with you and look like a poblado chick. It is very easy to redress a estrato girl into a estrato 5 girl. It just takes some effort. That way it looks like you are really there to be a tourist and have a girlfriend. Who can tell the difference between a ***** and girlfriend in the right makeup and clothes. It takes some effort but isn't that difficult.I seem to be starting every post with "No disrespect intended..." and here we go again. Curry, you and mostly everyone here have no idea about the culture nor the language so I need to revert to analogies. If I go to the US and take that skank Ho "Lil Kim" or rapper "50 Cent" and dress them up and then take them to Tavern on the Green in NYC you think no one is going to know?

Point - Parque Lleras and Poblado are the Beverly Hills of Medellin. You guys just look at it as being similar to say Williamsburg or Lower East Side, casual, not elegant by any means..... and it would be if it were in the US.

Couple that with you being a foreigner, and here you are with obvious prostitite (Sorry but you keep trying to put lipstick on that pig).... This is why the sex tourist is in TV Documentaries here, and this is why 90% of foreigners here are perceived as sex toursts. Also it is because they are.

Yes there are exceptions and some of these women have class but how do you know? You are not from here. "She appears to be gal next door type".

Even if she was an estrato 6 girl and didn't need you to take her shopping the fact that a 50+ year old, pot bellied bald, foreign dude who doesn't speak Spanish, well that is noticed and speaks volumes as well.

06-20-09, 14:19
Any of you guys have apartment available for one during Feria.I tried to get El Castillo reservation but no response.

Not my first time to Medellin or Colombia don't need babysiter or anything like that.

06-20-09, 14:27
You make a valid point but from what I read a gringo out with a paisa is assumed to be a sex tourist and as such a target.A gringo out with a paisa? My how you've reduced it. You would have a point if the locals were to ever see:

A Gringo here was once with his North American/European wife.

A Gringo here was out with a woman in his league or close to his age - you know the 50 year old man with the 45 year old paisa.

A tourist here was actually a women - those are far and few compared to the men.
A Gringo here as a tourist passed through, visited Pablo's grave rode the metro cable and realized 'Hey, there really ain't shit here' and went on to explore other countries. You guys keep coming back and back and back. You tell everyone, 'Yeah, I love Medellin, this is my 5th time here'. You give yourself away with that one. Who in their right mind comes here more than once if you don't have family here? Is it the Botero sculptures, you art buffs you.

Don't you think the people of this city notice that just about every foreigner who is not a crunchy backpackers is always travelling alone, or with a buddy and is usually over 40, in the company of a working girl or a girl 30 years his junior and waaaaaaaay out of his league? Yes it happens with the locals where a drug dealer is out with a young poooota or a nice girl, non pro who is way out of his league, but a small percentage of the locals. 2%? With foreign tourists it's like >90%. You think this is not noticed?

Let's face it the majority of foreign men here ARE sex tourists. The locals are not stupid, nor are they buying that you are here on business. How dumb to you have to be to try and pull that one off?


Do not say you are here on business, never cop to being here more than once, say you are travelling through South America are here in Medellin and on your way to the coffee region and from there to another country. Say you've been here for almost two weeks which would explain your familiarity. Say you've done this trip 6 years ago if you need to mention that you have been here before. Try to be discreet and not waltz around with your 19 year old.

Please understand what I say, the real message here. There is a great deal of talk about "fixing" this sex tourist problem. You guys don't give a crap because you'll just go somewhere else conduct business and go to the museums in Tiajuana. I live here and I don't want to move.

Thanks and no disrepsect intended, of course.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-20-09, 14:42
Prostitution exists everywhere, even in my backyard. I choose not to partake where I live because I enjoy the travel aspect as well. Next trip, I suspect that I'll partake in very little prostitution I have a good friend in Itagui and I'll be spending time with her and helping out in her fathers bar, and because of these connections I'm sure I'll be left alone. But if I take her to Parque Lleras for dinner to show my appreciation, she's automatically a ***** and I'm a sex tourist. That is 100% on the Colombians.You are a sex toursit because you are posting here with me! Jejejeje.

But seriously you can thank the people before you for creating the stereotype and also for sustaining it. NOt a huge crime, just the oldest known profession and the ladies are glad to have the business in any country no doubt.

By some strange coincidence your friend is overweight, is ugly, is over 30 and you are not doing her? Why not take her father out as well, this is a family oriented country. Jejejeje. OK I just had to bust on you.

But truer words were never spoken, thank you, It IS 100% on the Colombians. Welcome to the living room of your boss and remember he is from a different culture.

06-20-09, 18:07
Ufffff agree 100% Jackson please do!

Good idea. The Man deserves his own thread. His posts are worth it.

Maybe another thread for those that post so often but don't appear to actually have been here - CurrymasalaNYC, Have you actually been to Colombia? How long ago? What was your experience? Do you have any pertinent information? Of your near 100 posts I read nothing of the above.

06-20-09, 18:39
Good news. Frank Casio is back on form.

We get to Mangoes early and get the best table. Frank has his new amorada and she has brought two friends along. These are non-working girls and are delighted with the Gringo company and the chance to get to this venue.

They want to dance, they want to be in your company.One tells me catagorically that I am attractive. I tell her she is "Mad". She asserts that I am attractive - in this country.

One of our crew hits on a fabulous cutie wearing a short Tartan Skirt and White Blouse with the line

"Hi, I'm from North America"

"I'm from Fort Lauderdale" is the devastating reply.

The night is long and I am tired from a casa visit earlier that day.

Eventually we are back at "My Place" but the crew want to tour the strip to see what's about. They are not dissapointed. I accompany but long for sleep. All of a sudden my arm is grabbed from behind.

I am astounded to see it is not only a Casa girl but one who had taken me "Around the World so brilliantly that I limped (Knee) out over two hours later.

We are back in my room and she is on fire. No holds barred now as we are not subject to Casa conventions. This one is insistent on pictures and I wonder if I can get my Camera phone back through customs. With a digital camera she goes Hog Wild. Yep. I know know people, if there are no pictures then it never happened. Stand by.

We collapse alongside each other and I'm delighted to see she figures travelling that late (Early) is gonna be expensive and will stay a while. Sharing body heat is glorious, you can get no better GFE from these wonderful people. I've had less of pleasant experience with supposed girlfriends from own country.

06-20-09, 19:04
With Frank temporarily out of wing-man action procurement of quality talent was proving to difficult. In short, we'd gotten lazy.

Thursday we hit the Brewery and had a great time and this time I sank more than my quota of ticketed Beers - Gas or No Gas!

Getting back to "My Place" it seemed churlish to end the night so we partronised one of the bars a few doors (Paces) down. There was little action inside but a non too shabby woman provided great fun and seemed insatiable when it came to dancing.

Having a little epithany and I asked the street pusher if he could source anything for me. In an instant he dissapeared. More than 25 minutes later he comes back with the unaminous agreement of a shy college girl type and I am entirely delighted.

Then I ask him to fetch another for the remainder of our crew. Another 15 mins later and he has an equally desireable cute little spinner in Tennis Shoes.

This guy clearly knows the talent that is availible and chose as if he were getting them for himself.

Far too many Beers have been downed; we make our ways back to our respectives.

Too drunk to f*ck, the song could've been written for me. I try with two condoms one of which I vaguely recollect putting on upside down. The girl is nervous that I may turn nasty being unsuccesful but I am only too pleased with company of such calibre at such prices.

The next morning I assemble spent condoms and wrappers from over the floor and make for the post-match debrief. My wing-man is filled with delight as he recounts that not only did his spinner keep her tennis shoes on whilst her Ankles were behind his Ears but that mid blow-job she leans over the bed and makes a small vomit and continues sucking. Even more funnier was he now knows why she wanted a condom change as that one would have tasted of vomit too!

We've another plan to extend this procurement service and if we are ever successful I may post.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Goga Fung
06-20-09, 19:05
The DAS may have had some influence as well. Once the pool parties stopped the next step was to hang the tarps blocking the view of the pool in it's entirety. The pool parties were visible from buildings around. So anybody could see and hear the noise. If you have a family with children, it was not a nice view for them.

06-20-09, 19:07
I am delighted that somebody was able to get some good action outta this fabulous girl. She is well worth the investment in time, effort and (little) money.

Goga Fung
06-20-09, 19:25
It looks like there is some panic regarding crime in Medellin.

One friend from Bogota said, although there were some recent problems, but in general nothing much unusual in Medellin. Its not as dangerous as described in news.

"Ha habido algunos problemas en Medellín pero eso es normal. La situación no es tan peligrosa como la pintan en las noticias. No debes tener miedo de venir a Medellín."

He goes there to see a girlfriend, and also his uncle who lives in Belen who used to be a police officer. Now he has a small restaurant.

Of course it's his opinion. But I was told similar things from a GF and another MDE friend.

06-20-09, 19:35
If you a taking an estrato 2 girl around poblado. Why don't you buy her a nice set of clothes so she can wear it with you and look like a poblado chick. It is very easy to redress a estrato girl into a estrato 5 girl. It just takes some effort. That way it looks like you are really there to be a tourist and have a girlfriend. Who can tell the difference between a ***** and girlfriend in the right makeup and clothes. It takes some effort but isn't that difficult. If it walks like a duck and acts like a duck its a DUCK! You can dress someone up all you want. But when they open there mouth. You clearly know if they are low end trash or in the elite. Especially when you are at a 5 star resturant and your date fingers are full of Barb-q sauce and is picking her teeth with a straw. Some things you just can't hide! Like the hill billys in beverly hills. Jajajajaj

06-20-09, 21:40
Since I'm on my 3rd trip to Medellin I thought I'd check out the Mayorista chica scene. I've been mostly hanging around the 2 Red Light areas in El Centro so far.

I got off the Metro at the Ayura station and walked a short way on Calle 85 and found the area.

I was surprised to find that there were at least 20 chicas out on the streeet and who knows how many more were in the bars, considering it was 11 am on a Saturday. The chicas were mostly in their 20s and I saw a few cuties. This area is the equivalent of a couple of blocks long with bars and a few hotels around.

I settled on a bar with outdoor seating on the sidewalk and sat down and ordered a beer. It wasn't long before 2 chicas were besieging me to join their table. Not wanting to be too easy, I reluctantly agreed.

I believe that one was named Nina. She was a good looking dark haired beauty, with creamy white skin, who looked to have mostly Indian blood.

We tried to talk a little in my fractured Spanish and their non-existent English. It really didn't matter because I was enjoying just being with them. There were a few Colombian guys, mostly borracho, hanging around.

After a few beers I decided to beg off and leave. I gave the 2 chicas a few thousand pesos for their time and left without dating. I enjoyed the scene and will return.


Member #3435
06-20-09, 23:30
The Mansion had a call from a T.V. crew from Bogota about a month ago (second time ) they wanted to do a program on prostitution in Medellin and Cartagena.

They wanted RICKER, Cubanut, Medellin Bob, Big Bad Boyd as a starring role but there and the Mansion agents declinned.

Aussie G.Greg: They didn't want you? Shit! What's up with that? Just stupid I guess:

To all: Amidst all these posts about crime in MDE, Currymasala nails it. If you're worried but still want the MDE experience, just stay at MM/El Castillo. Pay the small premium for their airport pick-up & work the Mansion girls, it's a no brainer safe mongering experience. More expensive than casas but still a good value, IMO.

Yes they had the invasion once, but it's never happened since.

I'm trending towards a return to the Mansion because I miss the game there. Girls are hanging out, you chat them up, you ask them if they'd like to continue the party in your room, they put out and you pay them to leave.


All the best, Schwmm

06-21-09, 02:15
If that were to happen, the prices for paisas go up to keep the lights on and when they cant afford it, they'll hang a CLOSED sign on the door

Then you just push the p4p underground, and then the gov't doesn't get their cut and the people that opened shop in the first place go See ya! and they setup some place else.

Then all the girls now out of work and unable to feed their babies will turn to crime as well.

Never underestimate the domino effect, it's not just the girls getting paid.

We've seen gov't make a big show before about cracking down on prostitution, SJO last summer closed many MP's to make them wheelchair accessible and if you've seen the condition of the roads and sidewalks you'd know that this was a farce and a publicity stunt.

I'm pretty sure that during the next election I'll read an article one day that candidate "A" wants to make the streets safe and as such is cleaning up Mayorista and putting the casas on notice that they will be fined if certain conditions aren't met, such as being wheelchair accessible. These casas will close on 2 minutes notice, then open up somewhere else.

And to go completely sideways on this topic, why don't guys just learn basic Spanish and meet local girls?, it's insanely easy and much, much cheaper assuming your disciplined enough to not cave into long distance RFM'sEven though they love our pesos and most of the time our overpaying, im sure if it comes down to it we are just the tip of the iceberg with 95% of their business being Colombiano, they probably dont give a shit about our pesos as a % of their business.

06-21-09, 02:22
Good idea. The Man deserves his own thread. His posts are worth it. Has nothing to do with that.

Its so people can skip over them and then find them in one spot if they care to read them.

Aussie Greg
06-21-09, 04:32
The DAS have investigated DUG (Medellin Mansion and El Castillo) and have found every thing in order, in fact, we are on first anme terms with the crew over there and had them stay overnight (and forgot his pistol in the morning !!)

Its just now, I dont have to be around on a Sunday any more and not have the pressure of organising anything, just hotdogs, americian footbal (shit, how can you play football with helments !!!) and measure the distance how fare girls squirt !!!

Aussie Greg.

The pool parties were visible from buildings around. So anybody could see and hear the noise. If you have a family with children, it was not a nice view for them.

06-21-09, 04:34
It wasnt like that 2 or 3 years ago but unfortunately thats where it is at this present moment and the contempt is steadily rising.That's definitely the impression I'm getting as well.

06-21-09, 04:40
I live here and I don't want to move.So at what point would you say it's OK for me to make the same decision?

Can I not ever live there? is my money unwelcome because of where I was born?

I'm extending my next trip from 25 to 39 days and I hope to see much more of the city than I have in the past. And while always being vigilant and respectful, I will be looking at potential retirement opportunities.

I've never been in a position of being asked why I come to Medellin so I've never explained it. It's just assumed I'm there for sex as it assumed for all gringos.

06-21-09, 04:47
The pool parties were visible from buildings around. So anybody could see and hear the noise. If you have a family with children, it was not a nice view for them.Wasn't arguing that point. The comment was made that changes were made out of respect for the neighbors and I called shenanigans on that statement.

Aussie Greg gave a very thorough answer and the word "respect" wasn't part of it.

It's a shame because the Sunday Parties were a thing of the past before I made my first trip. I've seen videos and photos but missed the real thing.

I've seen some of the other changes first hand.

06-21-09, 04:56

I have stumbled across your reports over many forums and appreciate the always clean formatting to your stories and excellent bright-clear pictures. Your latest lollipop, Geraldine, is no exception. She is gorgeous.

Sometimes it has to be said: amidst all the dilutive yakking on the forums you are one of the few who consistently provide inspirational value to the board.

Keep up the great work!

06-21-09, 08:38
Has nothing to do with that.

Its so people can skip over them and then find them in one spot if they care to read them.Are we reading the same forum? Personally I found Mr Casio's post informative and the information therein has been invaluable.

I've no Axe to grind and he's still pissed at me personally for posting that he got a Knock-back from a working girl. I can only report what I saw with my own eyes - from distance.

06-21-09, 09:55
Hi guys,

My Place will still be open for business at your requests. In spite of everything I have said, I'm still getting a lot of reservation requests. And since the guys that I have at My Place now, are happy (3 more comming Wed. & Friday) and feel no threats, some have even found girlfriends. Hence, I have considered giving it another try with different rules. Nothing has ever happenned to a Civilian in La Mayorista in the 1.5 years that I've been here, and there is always lots of police presence, but still, some of the local drug dealers are being "cleansed".

I'll give you the usual tour of La Mayorista, but I won't be hanging out there as I'm already tired of the lower end Paisas. I will, however, be taking you on a tour of las casas, "Sexys", "New Life", Babylon Disco, etc. And all the many nice places that I know of. No more walking tours in El Centro or the Centro Striptease Bars though, but a whole bunch of nicer places! Let the party begin!

Frank Casio!Good to hear that you are back in business. I might be back in MDE for 2 weeks in July. Trying to get a friend to go with me for few days but we might end up at Bogota, Cartagena or SJO, CR. I honestly would love to revisit MDE. I already have few favs in mind that I will visit when I return in July. Hopefully my friend will agree on MDE.

Happy mongering

06-21-09, 17:45
Even though they love our pesos and most of the time our overpaying, im sure if it comes down to it we are just the tip of the iceberg with 95% of their business being Colombiano, they probably dont give a shit about our pesos as a % of their business.Miami I don't think the gov't here is going to crack down on prostution. Cleaning up the streets already happens thanks to the para gangs and their limpieza.

The problem mentioned is never prostitution but always sex tourists and this I fear will put a damper on things for us here. Your 5% sounds spot on. Although sex tourist numbers are up accorcing to casa owners it is just the tip of the iceberg. 5% might even be too high, maybe 1 in 30 Johns are non Colombian.

If a goon walked into every casa and demanded a "no foreigner" rule the casas would not give a crap.

06-21-09, 19:15
I've been reading a lot of an increase in violence in MDE these days in various mongering forums. I have put off my first MDE trip due to this, but am wondering if anyone can really provide the scoop. Is there actually an "increase" in violence towards gringos, or is it just the "norm" being exaggerated? Would Poblado and Laureles be safe areas for a newbie gringo to MDE these days, or are these areas currently also experiencing high level of violence? Is the violence mainly at night, or just as bad during the daytime?


06-21-09, 23:09
Miami I don't think the gov't here is going to crack down on prostution. Cleaning up the streets already happens thanks to the para gangs and their limpieza.

The problem mentioned is never prostitution but always sex tourists and this I fear will put a damper on things for us here. Your 5% sounds spot on. Although sex tourist numbers are up accorcing to casa owners it is just the tip of the iceberg. 5% might even be too high, maybe 1 in 30 Johns are non Colombian.

If a goon walked into every casa and demanded a "no foreigner" rule the casas would not give a crap.Bingo, I should have made that closer to 98-99% but I thought Id throw in the lump of them, assuming we mix in the Aussies, Brits, Canadians and now Asians in that mix as well.

06-21-09, 23:17
the times i was with her we never talked dinero. i just gave her what i thought she deserved and she never mentioned it.

you remember, "be nice".

works like a charm.

good luck!bro, you still getting away with that unrep001hed? with the hard core putas?

for me? no way! while i agree, chemistry, charm, command of the language are the keys.. i dont want a crazy chica in my place, trying to tear up the joint because she thinks she should leave or deserves double or whatever.. me personally, if im just into banging, i like to go over time and amount.(but remember, this is for hardcore putas) i have had many semi-pros where dinner, dancing and a little ayuda in the morning is all thet are looking for.. and all leave with a smile "when can i see you again?"

06-22-09, 00:04
I've been reading a lot of an increase in violence in MDE these days in various mongering forums. I have put off my first MDE trip due to this, but am wondering if anyone can really provide the scoop. Is there actually an "increase" in violence towards gringos, or is it just the "norm" being exaggerated? Would Poblado and Laureles be safe areas for a newbie gringo to MDE these days, or are these areas currently also experiencing high level of violence? Is the violence mainly at night, or just as bad during the daytime?

BijouNo, stay home. IF you have to ask this many questions and you have already read all the stuff available here and a bazillion other places and are still thinking it is unsafe in MDE, then you don't really deserve to enjoy these incredible people in this incredible country, and you will not have a good time. In fact you will probably be robbed, have and upset stomach, and be kidnapped, all on the first day.


Jazz in MDE

06-22-09, 01:10
This notice is for the bottom feeders like me who cruise the 2 Red Light areas in El Centro.

I just got the shock of my life, mainly because I ran into 2 honest chicas and asked a few questions.

Upto this time I´d been paying anywhere from 8-12,000 Colombian pesos for the short-time hotel rooms in the area. I found out the rooms are only 3,500 pesos per session!!

So there's a big kickback system going on by the chicas for unsuspecting Johns like me.

Just thought you might want to know. Out

06-22-09, 02:59

I have stumbled across your reports over many forums and appreciate the always clean formatting to your stories and excellent bright-clear pictures. Your latest lollipop, Geraldine, is no exception. She is gorgeous.

Sometimes it has to be said: amidst all the dilutive yakking on the forums you are one of the few who consistently provide inspirational value to the board.

Keep up the great work!Yes! very nice photos indeed! I really appreciate photo of Geraldine. I had a session with her and she was only girl I didn't have photo from my trip mainly because I forgot to take her photo. I had pretty good session with her until her friend started to rushing us after she was done with her client on bed next to us.

By the way Loso, did you work as professional photographer or do you just shoot as a hobby? What type of flash do you use n recommend?

Frank Black
06-22-09, 08:07
I've been reading a lot of an increase in violence in MDE these days in various mongering forums. I have put off my first MDE trip due to this, but am wondering if anyone can really provide the scoop. Is there actually an "increase" in violence towards gringos, or is it just the "norm" being exaggerated? Would Poblado and Laureles be safe areas for a newbie gringo to MDE these days, or are these areas currently also experiencing high level of violence? Is the violence mainly at night, or just as bad during the daytime?

BijouI have been living in Medellin for the past 14 months before that I lived in Barranguilla for nealy a year. I can tell you that whatever Gringos who are telling that there has been an increase in crime are Gringos who pay too much attention to the locals. The culture here is completely different. The people here live in fear when there is nothing to fear. Medellin is safe. I usually don't post here but I have been a fan of this forum for about 3 years.

And the first thing I noticed when I moved to Colombia is that people here are not "free".- I mean free of fear. Americans fear nothing. It's part of our culture which dates back to the days of cowboys. I ignore the ignorance here whenever someone tries to scare me about the alleged crime here. And quicker than any Paisa can say "uno, dos, tres" I will put one of them in ICU.

Nino Bravo
06-22-09, 12:00
This notice is for the bottom feeders like me who cruise the 2 Red Light areas in El Centro.

I just got the shock of my life, mainly because I ran into 2 honest chicas and asked a few questions.

Upto this time I´d been paying anywhere from 8-12,000 Colombian pesos for the short-time hotel rooms in the area. I found out the rooms are only 3,500 pesos per session!

So there's a big kickback system going on by the chicas for unsuspecting Johns like me.

Just thought you might want to know. OutWow, that is a SHOCK, so instead of paying about a buck seventy five, you've been paying 4-6 bucks. You are correct, that is what I call a BIG kickback system...someone is getting very rich down there in Medellin.

Thanks for the info...you probably are saving many men here literally thousands of dollars.

Frank Casio
06-22-09, 19:46
Hi guys,

Friday, 19 June 2009, at Mangos Disco with some of my guests. Incredible, the pics. don´t do it justice, you have to see it to believe it. The most talented and incredibly beautiful line up of dancers anywhere. Mangos is a regular Disco for dancing but with a spectacular show. I took 3 of my girlfriends, actually one girlfriend and 2 of her friends, just nornal girls, and 5 of my guests. I hit it right on the button when it came to the cost. I told the guys it would be around $350kcop plus tips. It was actually $344kcop plus tips, totalling $370kcop. Divided by 5 guys, $74Kcop ($37US) each. All in all, a pretty nice party for $37US. ElCastillo was also there with some of his guests and girls.

Saturday, 20 June 2009, in La Mayorista. I was having dinner at Del Tio´s Rest. when Geraldine, alias Demi Moore, walked in. She sat by me, grabbed my hand and said she was hungry. She ordered Steak and Fries, a pastry and some sodas. Total bill, $6,000cop ($3US). She left and said she would come up to My Place later. I was waiting for a couple of my guests to take them to Fase ll and "La Dolce Vita" when Geraldine showed up around 8PM.

I was fixing one of the rooms for one of my guests who wanted to move. Geraldine insisted in helping me. She´s a perfectionist, she tried to make that bed look perfect. She looked so cute and tender making the bed. I hadn´t been with Geraldine for a while, but I decided we would play house that night. She was sad because one of my guests who had been with her and complaint of a bad experience didn´t want to talk to her. I told her I would give her a few tips for a more GFE outcome.

She was very kind and gentle. She started taking her clothes off but wanted to keep her bra on. I told her that wouldn´t work. She didn´t argue and took everything off. Geraldine looked hot laying on my couch all naked and cute. She let me go down on her and was softly moaning and groaning as I carressed her most intimate parts while at the same time holding my "package" in her little hands. Geraldine then started to give me a total BBBj without me asking for it and without asking for anything extra. She then sat up and climb on top of me and road me for a few minutes. It was nice having her move up and down on me while I grabbed her cute little ass.

Alias, Demi Moore, then asked me to climb on top of her between her legs. Geraldine has beautifully shaped legs and looks hottest in a mini-skirt, not so hot in jeans as she has small hips. It was wooow to see those sexy legs wide open and then have her wrap them around my body. I pushed myself inside of her with hunger and was rewarded by her tight little hole ! While inside of her, a car just outside struck 2 motorcycles. We jumped up to see 2 motorcycles on the floor along with a man. Nothing happenned to the 2 girls in the other motorcycle. I decided we´d better get back to business before I´d loose all of my concentration. I was back inside of her enjoying her beautiful body. A few minutes later I came. I don´t know if she came, that wasn´t exactly my concern at the moment. It took all of 25 minutes from start to finish for which I had gifted her $25kcop ($12US).

My guests never showed up, so I went down the stairs from My place for a snack. I hung out with some of my neighbors till about 11PM and then left for my house in Envigado.

Frank Casio !

06-22-09, 20:01
by the way loso, did you work as professional photographer or do you just shoot as a hobby? what type of flash do you use n recommend?as i mentioned in previous reports, my camera (canon eos 5d) gave me major hassles on this trip (flash synchronization problems). i was using a canon speedlite 580 ex flash until it blew up during the shoot with geraldine. a sigma ef-500 dg super ii after that.

i do most of my mongering in asia, where i tend to overblast the chicas with flash light bounced off ceilings and walls. carefully powdered asian faces do not produce reflections. the flash overdose makes their skin look lighter, which asian girls love. with often unpowdered whitish skin & faulty gear in medellin, results were unpredictable. the lighting in the close-up of geraldine i previously posted gives her a surreal & artsy look i kinda liked. just a trick of the light!

my new gear (canon eos 5d mk ii & canon speedlite 580 ex ii) will be tested on the black mamas of kenya in a few days. :) i'm just an amateur. and i guess i'll have to keep practicing on hookers. :)

a few more pics of demi moore attached for her many fans.


06-23-09, 02:42
bro, you still getting away with that unrep001hed? with the hard core putas?

for me? no way! while i agree, chemistry, charm, command of the language are the keys.. i dont want a crazy chica in my place, trying to tear up the joint because she thinks she should leave or deserves double or whatever.. me personally, if im just into banging, i like to go over time and amount.(but remember, this is for hardcore putas) i have had many semi-pros where dinner, dancing and a little ayuda in the morning is all thet are looking for.. and all leave with a smile "when can i see you again?" hey amigo, i gave up on hard-core putas a long time ago.

i stick with the sweeties and i'm good at finding them.

take care

06-23-09, 02:52
... I don´t know if she came, that wasn´t exactly my concern at the moment. It took all of 25 minutes from start to finish for which I had gifted her $25kcop ($12US).

Frank Casio !Aww Frank, you're such a romantic lover :)

06-23-09, 20:19

After a few hours sleep, I dragged my lazy ass out of bed. Time to say farewell to the fancy apartment that hosted my 1st orgy, and move into more modest accommodation. Since I’d dozed off after silencing my alarm, I was running late. I’d only just started packing when the maid showed up.

I received a call from Carlos from the apartment rental agency – they had “issues” with my new apartment. Some time later, I got another call – the owner of the new apartment had decided that his place was no longer for rent! :eek:

Given the short notice, there was only one alternative. The apartment where I’d stayed on my 1st night in Medellin now had electricity... but still no hot water! :p

Andrew picked me up and drove me to the new apartment. Since it was Labor Day, he couldn’t get a technician to install a water heater today. But he promised I’d have hot water by tomorrow...

Laundry Day

Carlos showed up to connect the appliances. But he didn’t know the password for the PC. And he couldn’t get the phone to work. And the maid had already gone home.

I had no clean underwear left, so doing laundry was a top priority. With the maid providing support over the phone, 2 chicos got the job done.

After unpacking & having a bite to eat, I caught up on my sleep...

La Mayorista

Around 10.30 PM, I headed back to La Mayorista. I’d spotted plenty of cuties the night before. I could escort the chicas to my apartment. La Mayorista was my kinda place!

Unfortunately, the selection wasn’t nearly as good as the previous night. There was no sign of my top 3 targets – the 3 other chicas Frank Casio had invited to our table yesterday.

Walking up & down the strip, I didn’t see a single girl to my liking. Until I spotted 3 blondes getting out of a taxi. But they made a beeline into one of the ST hotels...

I decided to stake out the door, but the blondies kept me waiting. After another stroll, one of the goldilocks was finally ready to meet the public. Attack!

I told Carolina I was looking for a carinhosa chica to spend the night with me. She liked the idea. What time did she have to go home? 5 AM – the usual Colombian TLN. I wanted a girl to get a full night’s sleep in my arms; she could go home after taking care of my early afternoon boner. Carolina was game, but asked for 300k COP. Loca! She quickly dropped her price to 200k COP and settled for 150k COP. Vamos!


Carolina is a quiet girl. She doesn’t drink (much). She doesn’t smoke. She doesn’t like to dance. When I put some romantic music on, we rubbed our bodies together as we exchanged sweet besos anyway.

Carolina couldn’t strike a sexy pose to save herself from an anal gangbang. :) But her pretty face and curly locks invited the magazine cover shot. When I showed her the pictures on TV, Carolina loved the facial close-ups.

I broke the news to Carolina that my apartment wasn’t equipped with hot water yet. Instead of a GFE communal shower, we settled for quickie solo showers.

Carolina was wearing a towel as she came out of the bathroom. I told her there was no reason to be shy as I was rubbing her warm. Her biggish tits are sagging and she’s a little chubby.

French kissing was somewhat awkward with Carolina’s braces. But there were no obstacles restricting access to her pussy. :) Carolina wanted to give me a CBJ – I soon brought her to other ideas. And the sleeping tigress inside her awoke as she was riding me. Pumping & grinding, Carolina really worked herself into a sweat.

After I’d burnt her a CD with the pictures, Carolina checked the time. 5 AM. She had to go home! :eek: I called her a mentira who’d agreed to a deal without any intention of sticking to it. Carolina retreated into her shell.

I gave Carolina 100k COP instead of the agreed upon 150k COP. She seemed more concerned that our delightful night together ended on a sour note. Near the end of my trip, Carolina approached me one night and asked if I wanted company. I was already betrothed to another girl...

BTW, I spotted Carolina with another blonde who looks exactly like her. She’s probably her sister; maybe even her twin!

PS: I'll be packing my bags tomorrow night. I'm off to Nairobi the next morning. The rest of my Medellin report will have to wait until I come back.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-23-09, 21:34
as i mentioned in previous reports, my camera (canon eos 5d) gave me major hassles on this trip (flash synchronization problems). i was using a canon speedlite 580 ex flash until it blew up during the shoot with geraldine. a sigma ef-500 dg super ii after that.

i do most of my mongering in asia, where i tend to overblast the chicas with flash light bounced off ceilings and walls. carefully powdered asian faces do not produce reflections. the flash overdose makes their skin look lighter, which asian girls love. with often unpowdered whitish skin & faulty gear in medellin, results were unpredictable. the lighting in the close-up of geraldine i previously posted gives her a surreal & artsy look i kinda liked. just a trick of the light!

my new gear (canon eos 5d mk ii & canon speedlite 580 ex ii) will be tested on the black mamas of kenya in a few days. :) i'm just an amateur. and i guess i'll have to keep practicing on hookers. :)

a few more pics of demi moore attached for her many fans.

losotnx for more photo n info on cam. let me know how your new gear tested :) i might get one myself as well.

06-23-09, 21:43
She was sad because one of my guests who had been with her and complaint of a bad experience didn't want to talk to her. I told her I would give her a few tips for a more GFE outcome.Hello Frank! Good to hear that she is more GFE now. That guest mentioned above isn't me is it? LOL but if it is just let her know I don't have hard feelings for her. I like to be in control of situation as always when I am with girls and situation wasn't going as my definition of ideal flow.

Anywayz my friend and I decided to revisit SJO next month so I won't be comming to MDE but if I decided to make my return trip to MDE, I will let you know given that you still have my place in operation.

Take care and happy mongering!

06-24-09, 01:56

A Colombiana that didn't like to dance, now thats a one in a million.

Mtn Snow
06-24-09, 02:32
When I was last in Medellin I brought my fathers spagehtti sauce recipe and cooked up a large pot at the Mansion for all to eat. It was a big hit. I have a question if anyone might know the answer.

The one thing that I could not get at the store was good italian sausage. I was going to bring some with me from the states when I return in October. I am talking packaged sausage one can get in any grocery store here. Would I have a problem bringing it in in my checked bag?

Any help or advice would be appreciated,not having the good sausage did make a taste difference to me. All they had in Colombia was some hot-dog type of thing.

06-24-09, 03:29
Hello Frank! Good to hear that she is more GFE now. That guest mentioned above isn't me is it? LOL but if it is just let her know I don't have hard feelings for her. I like to be in control of situation as always when I am with girls and situation wasn't going as my definition of ideal flow.

Anywayz my friend and I decided to revisit SJO next month so I won't be comming to MDE but if I decided to make my return trip to MDE, I will let you know given that you still have my place in operation.

Take care and happy mongering!It wasn`t you it is me.

Yeah, I heard you argueing with her at the door that night. But it was me who had thrown her out earlier. That is why she was reluctant to come back to the apartment. She left me mid-f*ck with no negotiation and no demand for more money. I couldn`t bang another chica for five days after that **** left me Blue-balled.

When Frank brought her back I couldn`t stand to look at her. I heard her and Frank discussing me and her claiming it had been 30 mins but one of us is a liar.

06-24-09, 14:37
It wasn't you it is me.

Yeah, I heard you argueing with her at the door that night. But it was me who had thrown her out earlier. That is why she was reluctant to come back to the apartment. She left me mid-f*ck with no negotiation and no demand for more money. I couldn't bang another chica for five days after that **** left me Blue-balled.

When Frank brought her back I couldn't stand to look at her. I heard her and Frank discussing me and her claiming it had been 30 mins but one of us is a liar.Amazing really.

I've never seen her, Geraldine, anything but cool with everyone.

She even bought me a hotdog and a beer one night that she was doing well.

Your blue-ball event must have been horrific not to be able to be with a chica for 5 days.

Can't even imagine. :)

06-24-09, 17:10
When I was last in Medellin I brought my fathers spagehtti sauce recipe and cooked up a large pot at the Mansion for all to eat. It was a big hit. I have a question if anyone might know the answer.

The one thing that I could not get at the store was good italian sausage. I was going to bring some with me from the states when I return in October. I am talking packaged sausage one can get in any grocery store here. Would I have a problem bringing it in in my checked bag?

Any help or advice would be appreciated,not having the good sausage did make a taste difference to me. All they had in Colombia was some hot-dog type of thing.Everytime my wife returns from Spain, she has kilo's of Jamon Serrano and Spanish chorizo in her checked bag. And when I return from the Netherlands, I will have kilo's of Dutch cheese and cold cuts and Indonesian spices with me. So I suppose you will have no problem bringing in the italian sausage.

Different story when having your luggage searched before checking in at Bogota airport for an international flight. I've seen customs (?) remove all the food they can find.

06-24-09, 17:51
This is a follow-up to my report of 6-21 and especially to Nino Bravo.

I´ve done an exhaustive (laugh) research project about the Short Time hotel situation in the Calle 51 and Carrera 53 area.

I was right! The hotels charge different fees, but the ones that charge the lower fees collude with the chicas. The chicas will tell the receptionista say a price of 10,000 pesos, then the receptionista will tell the John 10,000 pesos and he will pay that price. When the REAL price is much lower say 4,000 pesos and then the chica gets some sort of pay back when she goes out the door after the John has already left.

Here are the prices of the hotels in the area:

Noches Divinis 10,000
Brisas del Jardin 3,500
Cascada Plaza 5,000
Ensensonte 12,000
Asuhotel Dani 4,000
Hotel Carruso 3,000

As you can see there´s a wide difference in price among hotels. Obviously the Johns don´t know that and think the price is the same one that the chica says.

So if you want to save a few pesos down here, KNOW THE PRICE and push for it.

06-24-09, 20:12
It wasn`t you it is me.

Yeah, I heard you argueing with her at the door that night. But it was me who had thrown her out earlier. That is why she was reluctant to come back to the apartment. She left me mid-f*ck with no negotiation and no demand for more money. I couldn`t bang another chica for five days after that **** left me Blue-balled.

When Frank brought her back I couldn`t stand to look at her. I heard her and Frank discussing me and her claiming it had been 30 mins but one of us is a liar.LOL I knew that u also had problem with her.. more than I did.. Anywayz sry to hear that you had blue-ball n couldn't bang chica for 5 days.. that's really odd.. I guess diff between you and me is that I will bang more chica to make up for bad experience and get over it.. as posted on my report, I went out to grab another chica right after Geraldine and gave her 8 orgasm during free all night session~! :)

06-25-09, 00:57
Everytime my wife returns from Spain, she has kilo's of Jamon Serrano and Spanish chorizo in her checked bag. And when I return from the Netherlands, I will have kilo's of Dutch cheese and cold cuts and Indonesian spices with me. So I suppose you will have no problem bringing in the italian sausage.

Different story when having your luggage searched before checking in at Bogota airport for an international flight. I've seen customs (?) remove all the food they can find.Hi,

Strange, but I have observed the exact opposite at the MDE airport. The soldiers pass all sorts of Colombian food products right on through with nary a word save licking their chops.


Gary Groundwork
06-25-09, 03:08
I have been living in Medellin for the past 14 months before that I lived in Barranguilla for nealy a year. I can tell you that whatever Gringos who are telling that there has been an increase in crime are Gringos who pay too much attention to the locals. The culture here is completely different. The people here live in fear when there is nothing to fear. Medellin is safe. I usually don't post here but I have been a fan of this forum for about 3 years.

And the first thing I noticed when I moved to Colombia is that people here are not "free".- I mean free of fear. Americans fear nothing. It's part of our culture which dates back to the days of cowboys. I ignore the ignorance here whenever someone tries to scare me about the alleged crime here. And quicker than any Paisa can say "uno, dos, tres" I will put one of them in ICU.No ones trying to scare anyone it is a fact. Medellin at the moment is the most dangerous it has been for a while. I had 2 friends in two seperate incidents both robbed at knife point on the weekend.

So stop talking shit.

It is dangerous but if you use common sense you will be fine.

06-25-09, 16:19
LOL I knew that u also had problem with her.. more than I did.. Anywayz sry to hear that you had blue-ball n couldn't bang chica for 5 days.. that's really odd.. I guess diff between you and me is that I will bang more chica to make up for bad experience and get over it.. as posted on my report, I went out to grab another chica right after Geraldine and gave her 8 orgasm during free all night session~! :)Sorry you guys had problems with Geraldine. I have had some GREAT times with her and actually gave her 8.5 orgasms, plus or minus a few :)

06-25-09, 16:26
...another chica right after Geraldine and gave her 8 orgasm during free all night session~! :)Hey Man, I must worship at your feet. Since I've been here and this is my 3 week anniversary, I have not managed to make a single P*ta cum. I've had some pretty near misses but these p*ss*es I find have been banged to sh*t and have little life in them.

Sure they do the porno acting of an Orgasm but I laugh at them doing it and they give up all that shit and laugh with me. Unless I get a Red flush of the face or neck area along with pelvic contractions I know they are pissing about.

The one uber-babe and her cuter friend came the closest as I felt her tense inside but even then I couldn't bring her to a conclusion.

But anyway, didn't you tell me that you tipped the "All-nighter" with a $100k? At least I hope you did! That sort of service deserves some reward.

Would you like to share who she was and see if I can get anywhere near your mileage from her!?!

06-25-09, 21:15
Sorry you guys had problems with Geraldine. I have had some GREAT times with her and actually gave her 8.5 orgasms, plus or minus a few :)Only 8.5? are you slipping bro? jaja lol

Frank Casio
06-27-09, 20:22
Hi huys,

Thursday, 25 June 2009, wild night out at Luna Lunera ! One of my guest and I headed to Babylon Disco. The line was really long, lots of beautiful girls, but my guess does not like huge crowds. We decided to go accross the street to Circus Club. They also have a special Thursday night out for women, in order to compete with Babylon. Lots of beautiful girls, but more high end, hard to approach, more like Parque Lleras. We feasted our eyes till about 1AM and decided to go to Casa Los Angeles on Calle 33. Well, Teresa didn´t have any girls, she said they were all taken out, so we headed up the street to Luna Luneras.

At 2AM they still had a good selection of girls, around 10-12 women, at least 7 duable. We purchased a 1/2 bottle of rum and 2 sodas for 59k plus 3k tip ! We enjoyed all the beautiful women walking around in sexy mini-skirts, so short, that their buttocks could be seen. At one point we followed a couple hotties that we thought were going outside for a smoke and instead we ended up in the ladies dress and make-up room. Nice detour, their was a cutie getting dress with her boobs exposed and about 5 other cuties. They all stared at us, some smiling, and a cutie in a white dress volunteered to escort us out and took us to the smoking area.

Main stage at Luna Lunera closest at 3AM, but they have another living room like area with a Jacuzzi (not turned on, but available) where you can hang out with the girls after hours. Depending on the action they either leave or stay. After about 20 minutes it was just my guest and I with about 7-8 girls all staring at us to see who would get the price. We called over the previous cutie in the white dress and a "hot" tall curveous black girl with a real pretty face. We settled on both of them, together, for an hour for 100k each. It´s ussually 150k for an hour and 100k for 45 minutes at Luna Lunera. After sitting with them for a bit, my guest decided to go to the bathroom, unprotected by the master (ha,ha), and 2-3 girls followed him in. While in there he tried to close a deal to suck all 3 of their boobs for 50k. Well, they got the 50k, but he got nowhere close to sucking their boobs. He had mentioned to me earlier how he was overwhelmed by all the beautiful breast in Medellin, that explains everything.

While my friend was in the bathroom getting "suckered", a really nice girl with whom I had talked to and had given a couple shots of rum earlier came over to my table. She was very sweet and ready to strike a deal. I had never done 2 guys on one girl before, but she was so matter of fact I didn´t even have to think about it. She agreed to $150k, all night, for the both of us. Wow, that was a sweet deal. Earlier I had been joking with her about climbing between her sexy legs while I lifted her dress to see her pretty purple "thongs" (don´t try this at home guys). This girl was a sweetheart. Normally a 100k multa has to be paid, but I told her we would just leave and meet with her in front of San Diego Grill. The girls that we were originally suppose to take, which my guest "blew off" after they suckered him for 50k, tried to get her in trouble, but she bribed the taxi driver with $1000cop so he wouldn´t say anything. So we went back to My Place.

Diana turned out to be one of those treasures that you dream about, but can never find. "Incredible" would not even do her justice. This women was totally, excessively, undescribably GFE friendly. She started doing her little dance and stripping. We jumped on her, one in front and one in back dancing to her exposed body. We stripped almost immediately and the action started just as quick. My guest brought out a dildo and started playing with her parts, including her "little hole". Diana didn´t seem to mind anything. She started mansturbating me with her pretty hand and fingers while we both touched her pussy and ass. As I got closer to her mouth I was waiting for the dreaded words, "where is the condom ?". No such words ever left her mouth. She put my throbbing package in her mouth and just started sucking. My guest stuck his package in her pretty pussy while at the same time sticking the "dildo" up her ass without any complaints from her, incredible.

After a short time I just couldn´t wait to get inside that hot slit. My guest noticed and he politely got out and traded places with me. She started sucking his package like there was no tommorrow, he was on cloud nine. Meanwhile her ass was pointed my direction. I stuck my throbbing dick into her and started pumping away while enjoying her passionate cock sucking of my guest. Her "little hole" was staring me right in the face, it was wide open from the "dildo" and cream my guest had used on her. I couldn´t resist, I took my dick out of her pussy and quickly shoved it up her ass. I was expecting resistance, non whatsoever came. I couldn´t believe we were so lucky. I pushed in and out in "wonderland" for a while until I could´nt hold back my load anymore. Wow, I came inside her tight little ass, it was awesome. It was time for a smoke, wooooooww !

She had been kissing my guest passionately all night. My guest has a difficult time cumming, so he fucked the poor girl the entire night and part of the morning without a "beep" or complaint from her. He fell in love with her, at least for that night. We had discussed with her earlier why most of the other working girls were not as committed as she was, and she said that it was because they didn´t see the big picture, they just wanted to make a quick buck. Diana turned out to be not only the hottest fuck to come my way in a while, but smart also. She will definitely be getting a lot more calls from me, reccommended highly, without reservations. I´m glad my first experience with 2 guys on 1 girl went so well, it could have gone bad if it wasn´t for "sweet Diana" !

Frank Casio !

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-28-09, 08:00
Out of curiosity, did you do double penetration like vagina and anus at same time like porn?

Glad you had fun.

Hi huys,

Thursday, 25 June 2009, wild night out at Luna Lunera ! One of my guest and I headed to Babylon Disco. The line was really long, lots of beautiful girls, but my guess does not like huge crowds. We decided to go accross the street to Circus Club. They also have a special Thursday night out for women, in order to compete with Babylon. Lots of beautiful girls, but more high end, hard to approach, more like Parque Lleras. We feasted our eyes till about 1AM and decided to go to Casa Los Angeles on Calle 33. Well, Teresa didn´t have any girls, she said they were all taken out, so we headed up the street to Luna Luneras.

At 2AM they still had a good selection of girls, around 10-12 women, at least 7 duable. We purchased a 1/2 bottle of rum and 2 sodas for 59k plus 3k tip ! We enjoyed all the beautiful women walking around in sexy mini-skirts, so short, that their buttocks could be seen. At one point we followed a couple hotties that we thought were going outside for a smoke and instead we ended up in the ladies dress and make-up room. Nice detour, their was a cutie getting dress with her boobs exposed and about 5 other cuties. They all stared at us, some smiling, and a cutie in a white dress volunteered to escort us out and took us to the smoking area.

Main stage at Luna Lunera closest at 3AM, but they have another living room like area with a Jacuzzi (not turned on, but available) where you can hang out with the girls after hours. Depending on the action they either leave or stay. After about 20 minutes it was just my guest and I with about 7-8 girls all staring at us to see who would get the price. We called over the previous cutie in the white dress and a "hot" tall curveous black girl with a real pretty face. We settled on both of them, together, for an hour for 100k each. It´s ussually 150k for an hour and 100k for 45 minutes at Luna Lunera. After sitting with them for a bit, my guest decided to go to the bathroom, unprotected by the master (ha,ha), and 2-3 girls followed him in. While in there he tried to close a deal to suck all 3 of their boobs for 50k. Well, they got the 50k, but he got nowhere close to sucking their boobs. He had mentioned to me earlier how he was overwhelmed by all the beautiful breast in Medellin, that explains everything.

While my friend was in the bathroom getting "suckered", a really nice girl with whom I had talked to and had given a couple shots of rum earlier came over to my table. She was very sweet and ready to strike a deal. I had never done 2 guys on one girl before, but she was so matter of fact I didn´t even have to think about it. She agreed to $150k, all night, for the both of us. Wow, that was a sweet deal. Earlier I had been joking with her about climbing between her sexy legs while I lifted her dress to see her pretty purple "thongs" (don´t try this at home guys). This girl was a sweetheart. Normally a 100k multa has to be paid, but I told her we would just leave and meet with her in front of San Diego Grill. The girls that we were originally suppose to take, which my guest "blew off" after they suckered him for 50k, tried to get her in trouble, but she bribed the taxi driver with $1000cop so he wouldn´t say anything. So we went back to My Place.

Diana turned out to be one of those treasures that you dream about, but can never find. "Incredible" would not even do her justice. This women was totally, excessively, undescribably GFE friendly. She started doing her little dance and stripping. We jumped on her, one in front and one in back dancing to her exposed body. We stripped almost immediately and the action started just as quick. My guest brought out a dildo and started playing with her parts, including her "little hole". Diana didn´t seem to mind anything. She started mansturbating me with her pretty hand and fingers while we both touched her pussy and ass. As I got closer to her mouth I was waiting for the dreaded words, "where is the condom ?". No such words ever left her mouth. She put my throbbing package in her mouth and just started sucking. My guest stuck his package in her pretty pussy while at the same time sticking the "dildo" up her ass without any complaints from her, incredible.

After a short time I just couldn´t wait to get inside that hot slit. My guest noticed and he politely got out and traded places with me. She started sucking his package like there was no tommorrow, he was on cloud nine. Meanwhile her ass was pointed my direction. I stuck my throbbing dick into her and started pumping away while enjoying her passionate cock sucking of my guest. Her "little hole" was staring me right in the face, it was wide open from the "dildo" and cream my guest had used on her. I couldn´t resist, I took my dick out of her pussy and quickly shoved it up her ass. I was expecting resistance, non whatsoever came. I couldn´t believe we were so lucky. I pushed in and out in "wonderland" for a while until I could´nt hold back my load anymore. Wow, I came inside her tight little ass, it was awesome. It was time for a smoke, wooooooww !

She had been kissing my guest passionately all night. My guest has a difficult time cumming, so he fucked the poor girl the entire night and part of the morning without a "beep" or complaint from her. He fell in love with her, at least for that night. We had discussed with her earlier why most of the other working girls were not as committed as she was, and she said that it was because they didn´t see the big picture, they just wanted to make a quick buck. Diana turned out to be not only the hottest fuck to come my way in a while, but smart also. She will definitely be getting a lot more calls from me, reccommended highly, without reservations. I´m glad my first experience with 2 guys on 1 girl went so well, it could have gone bad if it wasn´t for "sweet Diana" !

Frank Casio !

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Frank Casio
06-28-09, 20:30
Hi guys,

These are some of La Mayorista cuties as posted by some of you on ISG. I have about 8 more from Loso69, but the files are so big I havn´t been able to shrink them.

The first Carolina was one of my girls that now works at the Medellin Mansion.
Geraldine, alias Demi Moore, you all know. The bare ass is one of the girls from "Casa Sexy" which one of my guests found moon lighting or working in La Mayorista. The second Carolina, the blonde, Loso69 picked up at La Mayorista.

Last but not least, is the foursome orgy perpetrated on those 4 Poor cuties from Casa Lindas Chicas, by the infamous Loso69, PanamaMike, VicsPics and yours truly,

Frank Casio!

06-28-09, 22:36
Let me give my praises to New Life, located at Calle 56 (Bolivia) No. 43-39.

I met a fellow connoisseur of the flesh at breakfast this morning, and of course, we began discussing women and places to find them.

I bemoaned the fact that I'd called a web-based prepago service last night, spent $120 USD and had a far less than spectacular experience.

My usual haunts are on Cra 53. Great price-performer but very grotty surroundings and rooms but you do get away for about $15-20.

Well, on my friend's suggestion, I went this afternoon to New Life, and was I pleasantly surprised.

The lineup of 12 girls was overwhelming and impressive. Of those twelve, more than half rated 7 or above, with a couple 8's.

I chose a sweet young thing of 22, a rubia, with a great smile. She was friendly, aimed to please, and gave me a very good time all for 45,000COP (or about $22) for 45 minutes.

The rooms were clean, the management friendly and hospitable. For those of you who are price-conscious and want a clean, friendly place, I definitely recommend New Life.

06-29-09, 00:10
Yo guys,

I'm taking a six month trip to South America's top ten cities.

Medellin is number with one month, and a half and then two weeks each in Rio Cartagena and to be detemined fill it in.

06-29-09, 01:17
Hi huys,

Thursday, 25 June 2009, wild night out at Luna Lunera ! ....

Diana turned out to be not only the hottest fuck to come my way in a while, but smart also. She will definitely be getting a lot more calls from me, reccommended highly, without reservations. I´m glad my first experience with 2 guys on 1 girl went so well, it could have gone bad if it wasn´t for "sweet Diana" !

Frank Casio!Frank,

Do you have any photos of Diana?

Frank Casio
06-29-09, 04:59
Hi Just,

We are´nt that close yet. Mostly just sucking and penetration at the same time !

Frank Casio!

Out of curiosity, did you do double penetration like vagina and anus at same time like porn?

Glad you had fun.

06-30-09, 15:16
Greetings Everyone,

I move the discussion regarding real estate in Colombia to the thread titled "Buying Property in Colombia".


You are welcome to continue your discussion regarding real estate in Colombia in that thread.



Frank Casio
06-30-09, 19:28
Hi guy,

Didn't have my camera, really wished I had. I'm sure I'll be seeing her again, although there is a long line. Some of you guys are even giving my email to some of your contacts for me to try out, or comfort while you are away. But I don't mind, I have a big heart, not to mention my guests! I received an email this morning from some "cutie" asking me to take care of her. Apparently one of you guys was putting her under my care. No doubt I will take good care of her!

Frank Casio!


Do you have any photos of Diana?

06-30-09, 20:39
Yo guys,

I'm taking a six month trip to South America's top ten cities.

Medellin is number with one month, and a half and then two weeks each in Rio Cartagena and to be detemined fill it in.If I was you, I would spend more time in Rio since flight there + visa+yellow fever shot is expensive. Other destinations you can make easier return trip cheaper. Are you flyin to your top cities? I would suggest you do LAN pass. It makes traveling cheaper through those cities.

06-30-09, 20:45
Yo guys,

I'm taking a six month trip to South America's top ten cities.

Medellin is number with one month, and a half and then two weeks each in Rio Cartagena and to be detemined fill it in.Are you stopping by Asuncion? you might want to stay extended time there as well since it is very cheap for really hot girls. This is another destination that is more difficult to make frequent trip since it has visa requirement and expensive flight.

07-01-09, 14:13
Hey Gang,

I just got this email from a friend of mine, though he has lived in South America for years he just moved to Colombia about 5 months ago. Fortunately he was not hurt!!!!

"I was mugged today in El Hueco, in broad daylight by a group of lads on a busy street, not much i could do. I want to file a report so i can send it off to my insurance company, does anyone know where it is i need to go? Cheers

The Citibank agency inside Blockbuster in front of Oviedo has been robbed just two hours ago. I know that many of us use to cash money from that ATM... WTF?! We cannot stay relaxed in El Poblado anymore..."

I was robbed last month at my apartment at gun point. Frank was robbed in broad day light at knife point, and now a Gringo walking around Poblado. Seems they are starting to target Gringos.

Guys, becareful, as it is just a matter of time before someone gets hurt or worse!!!!


07-01-09, 23:36
Hey Gang,

I just got this email from a friend of mine, though he has lived in South America for years he just moved to Colombia about 5 months ago. Fortunately he was not hurt!!!!

"I was mugged today in El Hueco, in broad daylight by a group of lads on a busy street, not much i could do. I want to file a report so i can send it off to my insurance company, does anyone know where it is i need to go? Cheers

The Citibank agency inside Blockbuster in front of Oviedo has been robbed just two hours ago. I know that many of us use to cash money from that ATM... WTF?! We cannot stay relaxed in El Poblado anymore..."

I was robbed last month at my apartment at gun point. Frank was robbed in broad day light at knife point, and now a Gringo walking around Poblado. Seems they are starting to target Gringos.

Guys, becareful, as it is just a matter of time before someone gets hurt or worse!!!!

RelapseWow, good thing you weren't hurt.

I thought Frank was robbed gunpoint. anyways on a broad day light on a busy street... a reason not to visit MDE for time being.

Lucky I didn't get robbed while I was there.

07-02-09, 18:54
Hey Gang,

I just got this email from a friend of mine, though he has lived in South America for years he just moved to Colombia about 5 months ago. Fortunately he was not hurt!!!!

"I was mugged today in El Hueco, in broad daylight by a group of lads on a busy street, not much i could do. I want to file a report so i can send it off to my insurance company, does anyone know where it is i need to go? Cheers

The Citibank agency inside Blockbuster in front of Oviedo has been robbed just two hours ago. I know that many of us use to cash money from that ATM... WTF?! We cannot stay relaxed in El Poblado anymore..."

I was robbed last month at my apartment at gun point. Frank was robbed in broad day light at knife point, and now a Gringo walking around Poblado. Seems they are starting to target Gringos.

Guys, becareful, as it is just a matter of time before someone gets hurt or worse!!!!

RelapseThere most likely targeting easy targets. If that happens to be gringos so be it. Please don't make it seem as if these perps are letting Colombians who are easy targets just walk on by as they lie in wait for the English guy. They will mug ANYONE.

The bottom line is you need to be really careful, don't travel alone, carry nice things or lots of money, wear flashy stuff, etc... The same as you would do in any major city, just double. Not a big deal really.

Frank Casio
07-02-09, 19:41
Hi guys,

Monday, 29 June 2009, my sweetie from Harry's Romance Latina's Penthouse Party called! I was a little depressed, some personal stuff, when my phone rang. My cutie from the Penthouse Party called. She wanted to spend the night with me. I said ok, no prblema. She arrived around 10: 30PM. We listened to music, cuddled and had a few beers till about 11:30PM. I couldn't hold back any more having this lustious cutie by my side. I said, why don't we go watch the music videos in my bed, she was very accommodating. We didn't do a lot of video watching to say the least, instead we phucked and made love for the next 2 hours. This girl is incredibly sweet and always smells like a rose.

We kissed for a bit and I just couldn't wait to get my package inside that sweet pussy. She's like my girlfriend, no condom, just a soft cushiony little pleasure hole. Up until now she had never let me go down on her, but after making love and showering and making love and showering. We finally just stayed in the shower and made love for about an hour. That really turned her on and she finally let me go down on her. Her Vagina, although abundant was not rubbery or wrinkled, it was was "bubbleliscious". It was as soft as bubblegum and like siicon lips, just delicious. We just couldn't stop, kept going back to bed and back to the shower for almost 2-3 hours. Finally I told her I'd better come or we would be up all night. At about 2AM I just shot my load all over her cute little stomach. Woooooow, that's all I can say.

We cuddled and slept until 8AM. It was an awesome night! And by the way, Justemp & Ricker, I didn't count how many times she came, but it must have been a lot.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009, test trial for 2 "cuties"! One of you guys from ISG or CRT gave my email to a cutie they met on the internet with a sob story. This cute "chunky" little thing contacted me through messenger and started telling me how her friend had referred her to me so that I could help her out as he knew me to be very generous. I asked her if she had some pics. And she started flashing some semi-nude pics. Over messenger. I said ok, come tonight and we'll see what happens. I told her I had a friend and she said she could do 2-3 guys! I said, ok, this sounds interesting, specially as she looked so innocent.

She said she didn't like being with other girls, but that she had a friend she could bring. I asked her to send me some pics. Of her friend, wasn't impressed, but she was ok. They arrived at my Place around 8:30 PM. I had just finished giving a couple guys a short tour of My Place and La Mayorista. I was ready for some action when they arrived! My guest escorted them up while I completed the tour for the other guys. Vanessa's friend, viviana, was nicer in person than in her pictures. We would soon find out, my guest and I, that what she lacked in beauy she more than made up or in talent.

At first we were both admiring Vannesa's soft skin and her little 3 centimeter Vagina which seemed to dissappear in her cute chunky little body and huge boobs! She was so soft and cuddly, like a little teddy bear. Vanessa is 20, but has a cute chubby innocent face and radiant smile which makes her look younger. By contrast, Viviana, looks like a hard core ***** with a faded "devil" tattoo in her belly. But she's not a hard core *****, she's a very sweet "hot" hair stylist. She turned out to be incredible. She just enjoyed both of us and moaned like a Porno Star, but softly. My friend had 2 fingers up her ass and we got as far as the head inside her eager pussy, but she wouldn't go all the way without the condom.

She really got the both of us very excited, even though she was the less beautiful of the two. At one point I told her she faked it really well and she just said I don't fake it baby, I just enjoy wild, kinky sex with pain. I don't know how completely true that last statement was as she did not let my guest stick his package up her tight little ass. But we'll work on that. As my guest said, if 2 of his large fingers went in, why not the rest. But in my case, I think my head is 3 fingers, so it will take a little more convincing. We partied for an hour with them taking off their clothes almost immediately, and phucked for 3 straight hours!

Again Justemp & Ricker, we forgot to count how many times they came, sorry! It's been a good 2 weeks guys, but don't forget it's not always like that. You've read some of my bad reports also. So don't expect to come here and make a home run right away, just be patient and your time will come, specially if you're at My Place!

Frank Casio!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

07-02-09, 22:28
Frank, Justemp & Ricker:

Q: How does a real man know when a woman has an orgasm?

A: A real man doesn't care.

07-02-09, 22:59
I want to file a report so i can send it off to my insurance company, does anyone know where it is i need to go? If your friend hasn't got it sorted out by now, he needs the local police CAI (pronounced KY, as in SKY). There's often mobile CAI vans around popular places.