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Iguana Six
01-26-18, 05:26
Montani broke it to you gently, now I will break it to you hard. Colombians usually go out in groups of friends (mixed guys and girls) to enjoy their friends, not to meet people. 8 foreign guys to go out and meet 8 Colombian chicks that are bout it bout it and not hookers, you would have better luck trying to find Tupac. If any fool gets married after going to Medellin, then he is definitely a fool and deserves to be married.So true, the part about finding Tupac.

Colombians don't do anything alone, if they can help it. So when you encounter a group of people in club, they are there to party with their friends. I'm not saying you can't develop Colombian acquaintances and friends quickly, but that would require you to know the language and understand the culture.

Best advice, drop the illusion of non-pros on such a fast schedule and start facebooking some prepagos. If you want a platoon of chicas from which to select the best squad, you will have to go where the chicas are. Or get in touch with Nancy at Lindas Chicas, or go to one of the larger casas in the morning, show them what a big group you are, have them start calling in reinforcements while you get lunch.

The Tall Man
01-26-18, 05:46
So true, the part about finding Tupac.

Colombians don't do anything alone, if they can help it. So when you encounter a group of people in club, they are there to party with their friends. I'm not saying you can't develop Colombian acquaintances and friends quickly, but that would require you to know the language and understand the culture.

Best advice, drop the illusion of non-pros on such a fast schedule and start facebooking some prepagos. If you want a platoon of chicas from which to select the best squad, you will have to go where the chicas are. Or get in touch with Nancy at Lindas Chicas, or go to one of the larger casas in the morning, show them what a big group you are, have them start calling in reinforcements while you get lunch.To the original poster I ditto everything said here.

Have fun!


01-26-18, 06:17
Went to the Carrera 53 between Calle 51 to Calle 53. During the day. It seems like a mini red light district. I walked down one side of the street and the girls weren't that attractive.

On the other side I walked a couple a times and saw some attractive girls. Hard to get eye contact. Saw one old guy trying to talk to an attractive chick and she was just ignoring him.

Then went back in the evening at 9 pm from Calle 53 turning onto Carrera 53 saw the same attractive chick there. Its almost if that agency hired her just to sit there and do a bait and switch.

Then as I'm walking down Carrera 53 on the left side going south two guys approached me as I'm walking, and started pestering me.

One guy started making a smoking sign. Like he was selling majaurana. I said I don't understand in Spanish. The two guys kept following me down Carrera 53 till I got to Calle 52. There was a cop and they stopped and I walked around and up back to the tourist area with all those metal statues that look like fat people. Turns out they were following me back to the main square. Then they approach me and start walking again I told them I don't speak Spanish but them kept talking to me. One guy started patting me on the back and bumping to get me to stop, I said I do not understand Spanish. They were't threatening but talking like they were really trying to be understood. Kept speaking Spanish to me which I don't speak. Seemed like I they were asking were I was staying the hotel and what was the tell phone number for it. And then I just walked off.

In hindsight I should of said nothing and just walked off or ran around. Originally I thought they were gang members and were territorial, but they were young so they aren't "running that area" (Carrera 53). Whoever "runs that area", wants you to come and spend money there. Wondering if they were trying to steal my phone or looking for a place to stay. There were a lot people around so I not sure if they doing that.

Not sure if anyone else experienced this. I imagine being followed out of that zone is something to look out for, when you go there.

Also has anyone met girls in that on Carrera 53?

01-26-18, 09:06
This has been going on for a while. They have been relaxed during the holidays but now back to business.You can still stand in front of a liquor store and drink. There are two facing the park. I still can't imagine why people do this other than to save money and get wasted.

01-26-18, 15:00
This is so true. Mr E is correct, its a cultural thing, Colobians don't go out on a Friday night to mingle or meet people. They go out to drink with their friends. Theres no mingling. They stick together in their own groups.

You have to have serious game to pick up normal paisas in general. And if you don't speak spanish, you don't have game.

I was once in Medellin with a buddy of mine and were roaming about in Parque Lleras. There was a quite handsome foreigner hanging around the park. Long golden hair and a sculpted body. He was like a younger better looking Fabio type character. He was getting a lot of attention but only from hookers. I'm sure this guy is used to getting a lot of attention, whereever he was from. The next night, we went to a club, and we saw that same Fabio looking guy. This club was packed with young Colombians. Probably some of the best looking I've ever seen. It was like being on the set of a movie studio. Fabio stood by the bar the whole time we were there, not a single person cared. Might as well have been a statue. Fabio did not speak spanish.

Montani broke it to you gently, now I will break it to you hard. Colombians usually go out in groups of friends (mixed guys and girls) to enjoy their friends, not to meet people. 8 foreign guys to go out and meet 8 Colombian chicks that are bout it bout it and not hookers, you would have better luck trying to find Tupac. If any fool gets married after going to Medellin, then he is definitely a fool and deserves to be married.

01-26-18, 17:02
Fabio did not speak spanish.Poor Fabio hahaha.

The only Paisas I picked up were working at the bar or club. I even had one demand to go out with me one Sunday afternoon. I speak Spanish hahaha.

It's totally true about Colombians going out in groups with a chaperone. If chicas do not have a male in the group they are likely hookers and I've seen two chicas sitting at a bench alone get constantly hassled. Eventually their boyfriends showed up and they walked off.

El Mechanico
01-26-18, 18:22
Fabio type characterJaJa that's to funny. There is a Fabio in every city & every country. Do why'all remember when the real Fabio was on a ferris wheel or whatever in some amusement park & at the very top of the ride some migrating geese flew by & one of the geese flew into Fabio's mug breaking Fabio's nose? I laugh at that story every time hear his name.

El Mechanico.

01-26-18, 18:57
Montani broke it to you gently, now I will break it to you hard. Colombians usually go out in groups of friends (mixed guys and girls) to enjoy their friends, not to meet people. 8 foreign guys to go out and meet 8 Colombian chicks that are bout it bout it and not hookers, you would have better luck trying to find Tupac. If any fool gets married after going to Medellin, then he is definitely a fool and deserves to be married.What I never get is that guys come on to this board saying shit like "yo, me and my homies have already decided on Medellin and have booked our flight and trip! Now, where and how do we go about finding pussy?

I don't know about you, but I would not book a trip to Timbuktu without knowing what to expect before even setting foot there. I mean, what if the women there only wash their asses on Monday"s and Thursdays?

The questions he asked show that no thought was put into the planning of the trip whatsoever other than that they probably heard from a friend of a friend that all you need to score in Medellín is to be a gringo and show up, lol.

01-26-18, 20:52
I'm planning the bachelor party for a lifelong friend, and it's looking like we're doing Medellin. The plan is to fly in from the States on a Wednesday or Thursday night in mid-May, and then fly back the following Sunday. The group of us, about eight guys, are likely going to rent a nice apartment or two in the Parque Lleras area. I'm hoping to get some advice on a couple things.

1) We'll likely head out to clubs and bars at night, with the hope of meeting groups of fun, social, young non-working girls who are up for hanging out and, if we're lucky, hooking up. Any suggestions on this front as far as venues and tactics? Is there any sense in reaching out to cute girls on social media in advance of our trip?

2) We all know that a night on the town doesn't always go as planned, especially when you're a group of foreign guys with limited Spanish who are trying to meet non-working girls, so I want to make sure we have a backup plan with paid girls lined up to come back to our apartment for whoever wants to partake. I've started reading through the archives, but if anyone has specific advice for our situation, I'm all ears.

I'd be grateful for any other suggestions and tips that folks have. (Including links to any posts, articles, or websites that I should make sure to check out while doing my research.) I'm hoping to make this a great send off for my buddy.

Thanks in advance!https://www.instagram.com/medellinvip/?hl=en



There isn't really a singles hookup scene in Medellin. In fact a group of guys showing up to get into the nicer clubs will most likely get you turned away at the door. You will need women with you to get into the nicer clubs.

Babylon isn't the nicest club but they will let groups of guys in no problem and I have picked up chicks in the place on Thursday nights. It's all you can drink for the price of admittance are women are for the most part single.

01-26-18, 21:18
Took a trip last Saturday night to Mayorista with a couple of guys from the board. Saw at least 10 hot chicas and the longer we were there, the more came out. 30-60 k. Would go down again.

Fuller Up
01-26-18, 21:19
Hey all,

I didn't mean to come across as totally naive here. I've been to Colombia before, though Cartagena and Bogota, not Medellin. While I've hooked up with a couple of non-working girls during these trips, I get that it's *far* from a sure thing, especially if you're traveling with a large group of guys, several of whom don't speak the language.

What I'm leaning towards is getting a luxurious residence for the group in the Parque Lleras area, ideally one with a pool, hot tub, deck or rooftop, etc. I'm thinking the ideal with this setup would be to "bring the party to us," I. E. To hire a group of providers (prepagos, I suppose?) to party and sleep with us each night.

Do folks think this approach makes sense? If so, what would be the best way to go about setting this up? I'm in touch with the Colombian VIP Services and Medellin VIP folks, but I'm not sure if they arrange this kind of thing, and even if they do, I'm not sure if it's their speciality. I'd love to get some recommendations from the group on the best way to make arrangements, whether that's reaching out to girls online myself, working with an agency, hiring a hostess to work with, etc. Guidance on pricing would be helpful, too.

01-26-18, 21:45
Went to the Carrera 53 between Calle 51 to Calle 53. During the day. It seems like a mini red light district. I walked down one side of the street and the girls weren't that attractive.
On the other side I walked a couple a times and saw some attractive girls. Hard to get eye contact. Saw one old guy trying to talk to an attractive chick and she was just ignoring him.
Then went back in the evening at 9 pm from Calle 53 turning onto Carrera 53 saw the same attractive chick there. Its almost if that agency hired her just to sit there and do a bait and switch.
Also has anyone met girls in that on Carrera 53?Yeah that is the VeraCruz block behind the old white Vera Cruz church (there has been a church there since 1682, current one built in 1791), Carr 53 between Calle 51 & 52. I have been with about 6 chicks in that block, they generally want 30 k, the upstairs short term hotels they use aren't too bad, usually with clean beds, fan and shower and some with porno TV. The quality is hit and miss, sometimes hotties, sometimes not. I usually do a few laps a day at different times, all in the day, at night I do the Centro strip clubs instead, keeps you off the streets. The girls do tend to ignore what's going on around them, you have to stop and talk to them to get their attention. I don't think there are any decoys, the girl just probably knew the old guy didn't have enough pesos. Out of about 30 to 40 women I have been with in MED, one of the VeraCruz girls was in my top 3 favs. If you had continued north a block and went left on Calle 53 there is another redlight block based around the NW corner of Calle 53 and Carr 54, the Raudal block, usually a little older crowd, occasional hot ones there too but a little sketchy neighborhood.

I have never been harassed there but I am sure it happens occasionally. We had a report last year of a member mugged at knife point there of his phone, corner of Carr53/ Calle52. Best to keep alert and phone out of sight.

Surf Looker
01-26-18, 23:34

Hot Colombian that is also a naughty naughty girl. Go tip her a bit and you will have a guide and a hot hot girl to pound! 5-6 110 all natural and she doesn't have that gnarly Colombian badonkadonk ass! Love to party on the white lines side of road too.

01-26-18, 23:46
Damn she makes me want to sign up. Just feel like cams are a waste of money. Do you know for a fact she meets up in Mde or speculating?


Iguana Six
01-27-18, 03:12
This is my 357th post, and the report below is a 'magnum' of a report.
A candidate for a Report of Distinction!

I stayed at the Marcos Delicias Hotel $35 K COP per night, I was there Friday and Saturday, both very busy days with lots of girls to choose from, there were even 2 pregnant girls one white one black, the black girl short and skinny besides her tummy. Since I checked in early at 12 noon, the selection was poor, it usually gets better around 7 or 8 pm, so I waited, I killed the time at the bar that's right below the hotel, the guy there knows me and always plays the music I ask, there was this older German that resides in Florida, we started talking about Medellin and the girls, just killing time, the 2 pregnant girls kept walking from the corner where we were to the middle of the block to where the outside tables are set up, the black girl kept smiling at me, kinda cute but that was not what I was looking for, I was hoping to find Dulce the cute Venezolana that usually stands about 2 door frames past the Hotel La Amistad, but she was no show. After my 4th beer I went upstairs to take a nap and call Estefany my regular flaquita that never disappointed, I set up an appointment for 10 pm and she promised she can stay at least 4 hours, I slept for about 2 hours, at around 6 pm I went downstairs this time I sat down at one the tables out side, there were more girls and I couldn't keep my eyes off this cute flaca, medium height, black hair to her neck, she had a couple of tats that made her look sexy, she comes over to my table and we start talking, she is a Psychology major at the Universidad she does this to makes end meet, her name is Adriana she has thin legs and a bubble but, very nice personality, we agree on $50 K for 1 hour in my room, we go up, she loves to talk and we have a very nice time talking about me and her, turns our she was engaged to a Saudi national who broke off the engagement because she had too much baggage, while we talk we get naked laughing and joking around, she has tiny titties and pussy, really cute, she doesn't drink so even though I have bottle of 8 year aged rum she passes on my drink offer, while she talks I lie her on her back open her legs and start DATY she begins moaning, we get on a 69 position, she puts the condom on and gives me a CBJ, nice and slow then deep throats me, it feels so good I tell her to slow down, I don't want to nut so quickly, I lay on my back she rides me Cowgirl, we change to Reverse Cowgirl, such a nice asshole, I ask if she does Anal she says no, we change to Missionary, I grab her legs and open her wide, and ride her hard till I cum. She cleans me up and showers, then changes, gives me a peck on my cheek and leaves, she stayed a little past the hour and never mentioned the time.

I decide to order dinner from the hotel, I order Punta de Anca (basically steak) with fries and salad $12 K, I give the guy $15 K he leaves happy with his tip, I go downstairs and got 2 beers for $5 K, finish my meal, lay in the bed watching porn for the remainder of the time till Estefany shows up, Late as all Paisas are used to at 11 pm instead of 10 pm like we agreed. I get a call from the front desk that she is at the lobby, I tell the girl to let her go up, she shows up in a tiny Daisy Duke white short, very short top, high heel sandals, looking so fucking good, she has gained weight in all the right places, nice round all and thicker and yet slim legs, tiny by suck able titties, we hug and kiss for a long time, I love to french kiss this girl she is a good kisser, I grab her ass and squeeze firmly, she smiles and feels my little buddy poking her approving of what I see, I look deep in her eyes and she holds my stare I love that is very sexy, we immediately move to the bed kissing and touching, she lays on top of me still dressed straddles me and tells me she missed me a lot, she lays next to me and I hold her looking into her eyes and talking for a while, she gets up and we get undressed, we open the bottle of rum and toast to seeing each other again, she lays on top of me kissing me and stroking my cock, she mounts me without saying a word and I remind her of the condom, she says I just want to feel me like that for a little bit, then she puts the rubber on, leans over to french kiss me and puts my cock inside her while kissing me, rides me slow and deep, feeling every inch of my dick in her, I grabbed her get up with her still riding me lay her on her back, grab her legs and go as deep as I can, she closes her eyes to enjoy the moment, then we change to Doggy, I pound her as hard as I can and she loves it and asks for more, I nut and my legs feel like rubber, we lay on the bed holding each other and talking for what seems a long while, she gets up washes her self brings a wet towel and cleans me off, we drink a little more, she smokes a couple of cigarettes, lays back down on the bed so I can eat her sweet, pink pussy, she is so wet, smells like soap and clean pussy, I go as deep as I can with my tongue, she loves Oral, I lick her asshole picking up all her juices dripping out of her, she is cumming so much her legs are trembling I keep this up for about 15 minutes till my mouth and tongue are so sore I can't feel them, am rock hard again so she lays me down rides me cowgirl really rough, jumps up and comes down hard and deep, am enjoying every stroke it feels to hot, after a few minutes I move my hips up meeting her in every stroke till she cums and there is a puddle of her cum all around my hips and groin, on the last stroke I hold her down and explode, I was surprised the rubber didn't break, we hold each other panting for a while, keep talking and drinking, take a quick shower together to wash off the sweat and the cum off our bodies, we kiss all the time under the water touching and teasing, I love to suck on her barely there tits and aureolas, the are pink like her pussy lips, very tiny her clit is bigger that her nipples, I tease her about it, she blushes, she looks so cute. She has black curly hair, and white baby like skin, big almond eyes, and sometimes uses too much make up and hair spray, reminds me of the school girls in the 80's with the big hair dos, we dry each other up and head back to bed, I get her on all fours again and fuck her as best as I can with my rubbery legs, we lay in a spooning position and I ask her to try Anal, she says OK, gets some lube and we try, she is too tight and hurts her so we stop, we lay like that for a while since my buddy decided to take a nap, she gets up serves her and me more rum smokes again, comes back to bed and gives me a wonderful BBBJ, till I get rock hard again, keep in mind I already came 3 times, mounts me again cowgirl but lays on my chest kissing me and fucking me at the same time, by now am in so much ecstasy I don't realize we are doing it in Bareback till I cum, I tell her am about to cum and she takes me out of her pussy and puts my tip in her ass. I check the time and is already almost 5 am, we go to sleep holding each other naked on top of the covers. She gets up at 8 am, her cousin that also works there is calling her to find out if she is done and is ready to leave, she dresses, french kissing me good bye, I give her $300 K for the services and the cab. Later that day she messaged me that she missed me, so we arrange for her to come back that night (Saturday night) for a couple of hours, around 8, again she is late but with a repeat performance like the previous night I don't complain, I had an early flight so she didn't stay all night only about 4 hours, I gave her $200 K and she was very happy.

01-27-18, 03:38
Hey all,

I didn't mean to come across as totally naive here. I've been to Colombia before, though Cartagena and Bogota, not Medellin. While I've hooked up with a couple of non-working girls during these trips, I get that it's *far* from a sure thing, especially if you're traveling with a large group of guys, several of whom don't speak the language.

What I'm leaning towards is getting a luxurious residence for the group in the Parque Lleras area, ideally one with a pool, hot tub, deck or rooftop, etc. I'm thinking the ideal with this setup would be to "bring the party to us," I. E. To hire a group of providers (prepagos, I suppose?) to party and sleep with us each night.

Do folks think this approach makes sense? If so, what would be the best way to go about setting this up? I'm in touch with the Colombian VIP Services and Medellin VIP folks, but I'm not sure if they arrange this kind of thing, and even if they do, I'm not sure if it's their speciality. I'd love to get some recommendations from the group on the best way to make arrangements, whether that's reaching out to girls online myself, working with an agency, hiring a hostess to work with, etc. Guidance on pricing would be helpful, too.I'd shop the girls off the web, I'd look here and here:



Invite the ones who work out back and one of the nights hit the Hi-end strip clubs FaseII or Las Islas.


I plan on calling some of these on my next trip, they had good reviews on a local site:

01-27-18, 05:19
I still can't imagine why people do this other than to save money and get wasted.I personally deem those two reasons sufficient, especially when combined. But that's just me.

01-27-18, 06:36
This is what I would do: Check mileroticos. The Medelling section. A decent number of the girls there have whatsapp. Even if they don't explicitly say it in their ad. Theres a good chance they still use whatsapp. Everyone uses whatsapp. Make a few contacts and tell them about your situation and whether they have friends.

Go to the casas, you'll need to go to one of the bigger casas. 8 guys will overload many of them, and in all probability not all of you would find someone you like at a single casa. Or split up and go to several different casas in smaller groups. There's so many of them. I want to recommend chicas punto com, but I may have gotten the name incorrect. They usually have a decent number of girls (around 10 or so). If its a decent experience get the numbers of girls from the casa. Even if you don't think you will want to see them again. You may change your mind later. You know how people in the sales world are saying always be closing?(this may not be true any more, I could be totally out of it) In monger town its Always be getting numbers.

I've run my mileroticos data miner for you and attached the results for you. Its a single zip file with a single html file inside. The html is a condensed version of the last ten pages of milerotics medellin as of today, photos collected by phone number, sorted by date and number of ads, with ads removed. Hope it helps.

You need to be careful. Especially since most of you guys don't speak spanish. Inviting a bunch of unknown girls into your home opens you up to possible trouble. But I guess that comes with the territory. The best you can do is try to minimize your risk. Check ID's, or get a building that checks ID's for you. You want to avoid the [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) girls and you want a real name just in case something bad goes down. Do not pay first. No matter what. Show them the money, just to prove you have it, then put it in a safe place and tell them they'll get the money afterward. If they insist on money first, tell them thank you, and good bye.

When me and my friend were in Medellin, I arranged a meet with a girl I had found on Colombian Cupid. I told the girl to bring her friend, so that my friend would have a partner. 200 k for each of them was the agreed upon price. They showed up in a taxi as scheduled. When they emerged, I barely recognized her, the pictures she had sent me must have been from 5 years ago, when she was much slimmer. Her friend was a bit better looking but neither one was someone I would pick out of a casa lineup. Whatever, I thought I would make the best of the situation, and my friend, who was a newb to the scene, didn't seem bothered. Up in the apartment, we sat down and served them a few drinks. From now on I will call my girl Fatty, and her friend, Less Fatty. Fatty was being annoying as hell, to the point of being somewhat aggressive. Less Fatty was just going with the flow and following Fatty's lead. The whole situation felt wrong and I was becoming less and less happy to be paying for annoying Fatty's services. I spoke to my friend in English, and told him "I do not like this girl", and he suggested we switch girls, which I was open to. We started dancing a bit, and things felt a little better. But then Fatty started asking about payment. Started insisting on payment first. At first I told my friend, no way. Not going to happen, but eventually relented and said okay, lets give them half first, half later. We gave each of them 100 k. Fatty proceeded to give her own 100 k to her Less Fatty and then started complaining that she didn't have anything. WTF. This whining kept on going on. Really killed the mood. I just wanted them to leave, my friend was prepared to just give them the remainder of the payment himself just to diffuse the situation. I reluctantly went along with him and just paid them the remainder. They were paid then, so let the fucking begin. We decided that we would each retire to our own rooms with our respective girls, I would get Less Fatty and he would get More Fatty. I still was not happy, but at least I would get laid. We both went to our rooms, and took a shower. This was our biggest mistake. I finished my shower and came out to the common area, and yelled out, "Hey bro, where are the girls? My friend returned "What? I thought they were both with you. ". They had just left, I pulled on some clothes, and raced down the stairs, hoping to beat the elevator to the ground floor. I got to the ground floor, as the elevator doors opened. Man, were they suprised to see me! I asked them what they were doing? And told them to come back upstairs. They claimed they were coming down for a smoke. I said they should leave our money if they're going out. They just ignored me and walked out of the building. I followed them out of the building for about 10 yards, at which point Fatty, bent down and picked up a rock and pulled her arm back as if to throw or attack me with it. I just let them go. I wasn't going to get into a physical scuffle over this. They had won, I left my newb friend override all my instincts about the situation. Lost 400 k but have this funny story to tell. Lesson: Don't pay before hand. Get ID. Be careful with multiple girls in your apartment. Never leave them alone.

Be safe! Have fun!

Hey all,

I didn't mean to come across as totally naive here. I've been to Colombia before, though Cartagena and Bogota, not Medellin. While I've hooked up with a couple of non-working girls during these trips, I get that it's *far* from a sure thing, especially if you're traveling with a large group of guys, several of whom don't speak the language.

What I'm leaning towards is getting a luxurious residence for the group in the Parque Lleras area, ideally one with a pool, hot tub, deck or rooftop, etc. I'm thinking the ideal with this setup would be to "bring the party to us," I. E. To hire a group of providers (prepagos, I suppose?) to party and sleep with us each night.

Do folks think this approach makes sense? If so, what would be the best way to go about setting this up? I'm in touch with the Colombian VIP Services and Medellin VIP folks, but I'm not sure if they arrange this kind of thing, and even if they do, I'm not sure if it's their speciality. I'd love to get some recommendations from the group on the best way to make arrangements, whether that's reaching out to girls online myself, working with an agency, hiring a hostess to work with, etc. Guidance on pricing would be helpful, too.

01-27-18, 07:22
With all due respect, I do not believe this to be true. I do not believe that you will have any trouble getting in as a large group of guys. I don't think it matters to the club, nor does it really matter to colombians. And this goes back to their group night out culture. They're really just their to party with their friends, they don't really care what you do. The club just cares that you're buying drinks and pay admission. I've never seen any group of guys turned away anyways. Although I don't think I've ever seen a group of guys as large as 8. That said, I don't know about Babylon since I've never been there, but lines do form at the the more popular clubs, so try to get there earlier on Fridays and Saturdays.


In fact a group of guys showing up to get into the nicer clubs will most likely get you turned away at the door. You will need women with you to get into the nicer clubs.

Babylon isn't the nicest club but they will let groups of guys in no problem and I have picked up chicks in the place on Thursday nights. It's all you can drink for the price of admittance are women are for the most part single.

01-27-18, 15:28
With all due respect, I do not believe this to be true. I do not believe that you will have any trouble getting in as a large group of guys. I don't think it matters to the club, nor does it really matter to colombians. And this goes back to their group night out culture. They're really just their to party with their friends, they don't really care what you do. The club just cares that you're buying drinks and pay admission. I've never seen any group of guys turned away anyways. Although I don't think I've ever seen a group of guys as large as 8. That said, I don't know about Babylon since I've never been there, but lines do form at the the more popular clubs, so try to get there earlier on Fridays and Saturdays.Well it does happen because it has happened to me.

Any club that bothers to employ face control will not let a group of 8 guys into the club without at least some women in the group.

Sure there are clubs that don't care. Probably best to stick with the tourist spots like Lleras.

I only recommend Babylon on Thursday nights and the only reason I recommend the place is because of the unusual number of single women there and any number of single guys can get in.

Fahrenheit is another club that you can pick up women but it is mostly and after hours club that doesn't really start to get going until after 2 am unless they have an event.

01-27-18, 16:58
Sorry to hear that mate. That sucks. I stand corrected. Might I ask what club turned you guys away? And how many of you were there? What did they say exactly? Did they literally say, you don't have any women, come back with some women and we'll let you in?

Well it does happen because it has happened to me.

Any club that bothers to employ face control will not let a group of 8 guys into the club without at least some women in the group.

Sure there are clubs that don't care. Probably best to stick with the tourist spots like Lleras.

I only recommend Babylon on Thursday nights and the only reason I recommend the place is because of the unusual number of single women there and any number of single guys can get in.

Fahrenheit is another club that you can pick up women but it is mostly and after hours club that doesn't really start to get going until after 2 am unless they have an event.

01-27-18, 17:43
I personally deem those two reasons sufficient, especially when combined. But that's just me.The rule is no consuming alcohol in the park. The one time a police officer pointed this out to me I walked across the street and he left me alone.

Why pay 7 -8 k for a beer in a bar where you can watch the park when you can pay 3 k, have a better view and be able to talk with yelling?

01-27-18, 18:20
Hey all,

I didn't mean to come across as totally naive here. I've been to Colombia before, though Cartagena and Bogota, not Medellin. While I've hooked up with a couple of non-working girls during these trips, I get that it's *far* from a sure thing, especially if you're traveling with a large group of guys, several of whom don't speak the language..Bring lots of money and make sure someone has plenty of available credit on a card.

Nobody wants to come across as totally naive. However, your "I'm not totally naive" post shows you're totally naive.

There are people who specialize in what you want. Your best bet is to deal with one of them. You may still get cheated or ripped off, but at least you'll know who's responsible. Not that it will help, but you can at least leave a bad review.

Getting a big rooftop condo with pool is possible. There are even some with enough room for everyone. Bringing the party back to your place is where the problems begin. You'll need a well stocked bar, because the girls you're looking for want to drink. You'll also want a fair amount of various party favors, because they also like to smoke and use the Peruvian marching powder. Expect your entire supply to disappear each night.

Now you have around 20 people in your place, people coming, people going and the next morning you notice something's missing. If you get the wrong girls, you find everything is missing.

Heavy partying with strangers is a risky business, especially in Medellin. There are always people willing to take advantage of a drunken gringo. A large group, partying and wanting to take the party back to their awesome party house is going to attract these people like moths to a flame. One or more of them will be your best buddy until you wake up and find your new friend robbed you blind. Then comes the bill for everything missing or damaged from the apartment.

If you want your party in Medellin, come for a 10 day scouting mission. Find and try out a dozen girls. Have them recommend friends and try them out. Build a dependable list of girls you can call. For the bachelor party, meet up with your girls, take them out, then go back to the apartment. Have one designated sober guy each night. His job is to make sure nobody gets out of hand. Keep the partying at a responsible level and everyone can have a great time.

Or you can try the party like rock stars route and learn why rock stars always bring their own security.

01-27-18, 20:45
Sorry to hear that mate. That sucks. I stand corrected. Might I ask what club turned you guys away? And how many of you were there? What did they say exactly? Did they literally say, you don't have any women, come back with some women and we'll let you in?No they didn't come right out and say you need women. But you get the picture once you show up with hot women and they open the same door right up to you without a question.

There were four of us and we got turned away from Karma when it first opened. We ended up getting into Luxury. But it had been open for a while. At any rate I wouldn't think you would have much of a problem outside of Barrio Colombia.

Only other place we got turned away was Cinco Bar in Rio Sur and we all had women. I just don't think they liked the look of one of my friend's girl.

She had a total puta outfit on with fussy pink boots. Jajaja.

Also believe it or not. I couldn't get one of my girls into Gustos one night. They said they didn't like her cedula but there was nothing wrong with it. Took her back a week or so later dressed different and they let her right in. I think the first time they didn't let her in because her top was tiny and she was covered in tattoos.

Blue Touch
01-27-18, 20:53
The guys there are looking for and asking about you. The girls and guys are angry about the videos of the girls you secretly took and posted on the web.

Yeah that is the VeraCruz block behind the old white Vera Cruz church (there has been a church there since 1682, current one built in 1791), Carr 53 between Calle 51 & 52. I have been with about 6 chicks in that block, they generally want 30 k, the upstairs short term hotels they use aren't too bad, usually with clean beds, fan and shower and some with porno TV. The quality is hit and miss, sometimes hotties, sometimes not. I usually do a few laps a day at different times, all in the day, at night I do the Centro strip clubs instead, keeps you off the streets. The girls do tend to ignore what's going on around them, you have to stop and talk to them to get their attention. I don't think there are any decoys, the girl just probably knew the old guy didn't have enough pesos. Out of about 30 to 40 women I have been with in MED, one of the VeraCruz girls was in my top 3 favs. If you had continued north a block and went left on Calle 53 there is another redlight block based around the NW corner of Calle 53 and Carr 54, the Raudal block, usually a little older crowd, occasional hot ones there too but a little sketchy neighborhood.

I have never been harassed there but I am sure it happens occasionally. We had a report last year of a member mugged at knife point there of his phone, corner of Carr53/ Calle52. Best to keep alert and phone out of sight.

01-28-18, 00:30
The guys there are looking for and asking about you. The girls and guys are angry about the videos of the girls you secretly took and posted on the web.How sweet of them, tell them I am 5'2" with red hair and freckles with a slight limp and goes by John.

If that's the worse thing they have seen with Colombian women on Pornhub they aren't looking very hard. LOL. I could have gone with youtube where it would still be up like this guys vid, up since 2014 with over a million views:


01-28-18, 02:51

I've been an avid follower of this forum for several years. It's proven to be an invaluable source of knowledge, especially over the last few years.

Cutting to the chase, we are two or three chaps who want a vip tour of Medellín. We are mid 30's, chilled and have had a lot of fun in Asia. But, looking to fast track South America.

Does anyone still offer vip services? We will be getting the best pad we can find in town, and would love a tour guide to show us the ropes. All expenses paid. Expecting a very, wild time. Any takers?

01-28-18, 02:57
In Cartagena I saw 8+ guys walk into Isis and leave with chicas to the local love motel. I've seen this at least a few times.

Protip: if you're going to monger go to a place with the capacity to meet your needs. Both Sao Paolo and Cartagena have this. In Sao Paolo you can spend lots of money on "upscale" experiences, and in Cartagena there are more putas walking around then you could possibly fuck during your stay. If you're going to go with 8+ guys to Medellin then just hit up Gusto late at night. Prepare to spend more than usual because a group like that will look like a bit of a target.

01-28-18, 03:40
They hassling the gringos there looking for him? Just curious how you found out. I hang out in that area pretty late and don't want trouble.

The guys there are looking for and asking about you. The girls and guys are angry about the videos of the girls you secretly took and posted on the web.

Fuller Up
01-28-18, 08:32
This is awesome and much appreciated, Kazeu. Mileroticos looks promising. Are there any similar sites that you also recommend, or is this by far the best? Is using social media, E. G. Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, at all effective? If so, how do you go about tracking down prepagos on social media?

Scouting out girls at casas seems like a decent option, too. I imagine you can't just show up, check out girls, and get the numbers for the ones you like to hit up to come over? Rather, you need to pay and sleep with them at the casa, and then assuming things go well, you get their number? If so, this would be great if I had a week to head down there for scouting before the bachelor party in May, but that's just not a possibility. (Also, my preference is for relatively fresh prepago girls who are doing this for extra money on the side as opposed to girls who are doing this day in and day out, which I imagine is the case with most girls at the casas?

Are there not any trusted agencies or VIP services that specialize in this kind of stuff? For example, an agency who can provide in advance of your trip verified photos of girls who they've worked with and who are vetted, who you can then select from.

01-28-18, 16:58
Also, my preference is for relatively fresh prepago girls who are doing this for extra money on the side as opposed to girls who are doing this day in and day outJeje. Snicker.

01-28-18, 21:05
If so, how do you go about tracking down prepagos on social media?

It takes time or someone has to help you.

Here are a couple of girls I would recommend for your group. They are nice friendly and will stay with you at your apartment for days on end, all while inviting their girlfriends over to party until the cash, booze and drugs run out. Jajaja.



Iguana Six
01-28-18, 21:10
Answers within the message.

This is awesome and much appreciated, Kazeu. Mileroticos looks promising. Are there any similar sites that you also recommend, or is this by far the best? Is using social media, E. G. Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, at all effective? If so, how do you go about tracking down prepagos on social media?

((I peruse through the local sites where the Colombian guys write reviews on the Mileroticos chicas. Every week they - and the occasional gringo - recount about scams and ripoffs some the Mileroticos SWs run. Inviting a complete stranger - and her possible confederates -over to your swinging bachelor party pad is risky. A bad experience, and who do you go to? Even if you printed a copy of their page, when the cops come to revive your scopolamine-d friends and take pictures of the holes where your room safes used to be, they could run the phone number on the ad, and maybe they might have a lead.

Go on Facebook, start friending the usual suspects of mansion chicas, occasional mansion chicas, and former mansion chicas, and start from there. Chicas who depend upon our customer base have a lot to lose, depend upon word of mouth, and are unlikely to do anything crazy.))

Scouting out girls at casas seems like a decent option, too. I imagine you can't just show up, check out girls, and get the numbers for the ones you like to hit up to come over? Rather, you need to pay and sleep with them at the casa, and then assuming things go well, you get their number?

((Yes! This, exactly. If there is chemistry at the casa, there will be good times at your casa. If they can behave for an hour, they might be able to behave for a few hours. And they have friends. Also, if they do something crazy, you have somebody to complain to, a way to track them down.)

If so, this would be great if I had a week to head down there for scouting before the bachelor party in May, but that's just not a possibility. (Also, my preference is for relatively fresh prepago girls who are doing this for extra money on the side as opposed to girls who are doing this day in and day out, which I imagine is the case with most girls at the casas?

Are there not any trusted agencies or VIP services that specialize in this kind of stuff? For example, an agency who can provide in advance of your trip verified photos of girls who they've worked with and who are vetted, who you can then select from.

01-28-18, 21:26
It takes time if someone helps you. It takes more time if no one helps you. With the best help, you still have to wait for facebook prepagos to decide to appear. Some are better than casa girls, some are casa girls, and some are worse than casa girls but all of them cost more than casa girls. You never have to wait for a casa girl, you only spend the time it takes you to get to the casa.

It takes time or someone has to help you.

Here are a couple of girls I would recommend for your group. They are nice friendly and will stay with you at your apartment for days on end, all while inviting their girlfriends over to party until the cash, booze and drugs run out. Jajaja.



01-28-18, 23:02
It takes time or someone has to help you.

Here are a couple of girls I would recommend for your group. They are nice friendly and will stay with you at your apartment for days on end, all while inviting their girlfriends over to party until the cash, booze and drugs run out. Jajaja.


https://www.facebook.com/Enllym.florez?pnref=friends.searchAnd they're relatively fresh and just doing this on the side for extra money. Jajajaja.

Surf Looker
01-29-18, 00:34
Hola amigo they don't respond on facebook.

hola amigo they dont respond on facebook

QUOTE=C Jack Sparrow

But my FB friend whom I once met on Cupid and also is on you tube has also been Q'ubo (gossip newspaper) girl, and you find her on Youtube. Note; she has an IQ of an retard, Im not joking.

JULIANA ELEJALDE, try to beome friend with her on FB.

She has 2700 friends, 300-500-700 are girls just like her (the rest is male bodybuilders), and a Peruvian CEO-TV that hosted the show she was on in Peru-TV, is on Youtube. ; only photos from the gym, perfect abdomen, half naked, party pics. I have found some of them that I know are semi / prepagos.

After Juliana added you, you might introduce yourself via a message first, then you can send messages to these girls, they are not casa girls so it's another game more discreet game.

This girl, Vanessa Rodriguez: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1557133992&sk=about[/URL] is not just Medellin. She is kind of public figure on FB, but has tons of female top models as friends you can contact, surely some are from Medellin and the cities around.

JENNIFER ZAPATA; she has models for $US200 for 2-3 hours, CBJ I think. It's +600 mil pesos.

On of them are VANESSA VELASQUEZ https://www.facebook.com/vanessa.velasquez.7370?fref=ts one some guys have already had her, but I don't know if she got that $US200.

Jennifer Zapata is agent for a fancy real estate agency and Pimp her friends to clients, and means that in our countries we pay 200 dollars and more, so why should these prepago-models get less?, not the brightest star in the universe logic; that's just WHY we go to 3rd world countries; we get models hookers for a fraction of the cost.

I just say; pay tops 300 mil including BBBJ if you are a clean gentleman, that is Loutron prices. Jennifer meant $US200 for 2-3 hours, but whats the use of that if she you excite you to get off in 11 minutes. What will you do for the rest 2 hours and 49 minutes; she can say, Hello baby and You Hola, como estas?

300mil COP tops, even if it is 2-3 hours, if not to ruin the market for all other mongers (many working hard 50 weeks a year, just get get some paisa-pussy for 2 weeks. And then it can not be at US / GB prices. +85% of us her are medium income guys, often with mortages and childsupport, draining the possible travel-budget.

Think with your brain. I'm on a mission, to get these girls available for normal Medellin prices, or get them to leave the market.

Add Jennifers models prepagos

01-29-18, 01:05
And they're relatively fresh and just doing this on the side for extra money. Jajajaja.Enily has introduced me to girls that I would have met no other way.

Not that they haven't sold their asses before but they aren't marketing themselves like she is.

01-29-18, 04:06
Yeah, Enlly and Yisela are just what this guy needs. Better not run out of booze! And be prepared to be replacing things in the apartment after they great drunk and start breaking shit. And also try to fuck them before they get too drunk and pass out. They will do anything to get as much as possible by doing as little as possible. Watch out for those Popular girls. Ugh. There are better way to meet decent girls than to go through Enlly and Yisela. It just takes some effort.

Enily has introduced me to girls that I would have met no other way.

Not that they haven't sold their asses before but they aren't marketing themselves like she is.

01-29-18, 04:12
Are there not any trusted agencies or VIP services that specialize in this kind of stuff? For example, an agency who can provide in advance of your trip verified photos of girls who they've worked with and who are vetted, who you can then select from.No, my naïve gringo friend, and 'trusted' is the key word. There are some people providing these purported services whom you could not trust as far as you could throw a piano. These people will provide 'verified' photos of numerous women, some of whom actually exist. They will claim to have 'vetted' the women in these photos, and you can certainly select some of these largely imaginary women. Then, they will certainly agree to send you these alleged women for an exorbitant fee that they will want in advance. At this point, they may or may not send you some women, who will be highly unlikely to be or even resemble the women in the photos. Most likely, they will just stiff you completely and laugh like hell, and you will have zero recourse.

People who provide women are known as pimps and if these people were trustworthy, they would not be making their living the way they do; they would have real jobs. Although prostitution is legal in Colombia, pimping and taking commissions to provide the services you seek is completely illegal. In the past, people on this board have provided such services, and at least one committed suicide in a colombian prison. So please pull your head out of where it seems to be currently inserted.

01-29-18, 04:19
Yeah, Enlly and Yisela are just what this guy needs. Better not run out of booze! And be prepared to be replacing things in the apartment after they great drunk and start breaking shit. And also try to fuck them before they get too drunk and pass out. They will do anything to get as much as possible by doing as little as possible. Watch out for those Popular girls. Ugh. There are better way to meet decent girls than to go through Enlly and Yisela. It just takes some effort.Can't say that Enily or Yisela have broken anything but they can get shitfaced drunk. I wouldn't worry about fucking Enily before she passes out. Her friends are better looking than she is anywaY. Jajaja.

Personally I like Enily and Yisela. Never a bad time. Never anything missing. Never any real drama. And they will help you bed some pretty nice chicks that are out of the loop.

It takes more than effort to meet low nice low mileage chicas. It takes time. That the guy a recommended them to does not have.

All in all they are a definite plus to any guy that has very few contacts on facebook.

Blue Touch
01-29-18, 05:13
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

01-29-18, 05:16
How sweet of them, tell them I am 5'2" with red hair and freckles with a slight limp and goes by John.

If that's the worse thing they have seen with Colombian women on Pornhub they aren't looking very hard. LOL. I could have gone with youtube where it would still be up like this guys vid, up since 2014 with over a million views:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdp6HbcdhhELast year, another youtuber cut 3-4 minutes off the above video and posted it as their own. Now Max Maxx has copied the entire video.


Your pornhub videos were only up for hours / days. Not sure how any locals would have had time to find out about them.

01-29-18, 05:31

How much do you think these girls would be asking for to get them to see you? Maybe not the ones with 100 k+ followers but some of the others with a more modest following.

Black Page
01-29-18, 11:10
So please pull your head out of where it seems to be currently inserted.Said so well. You are one of my 2-3 favorite contributors on ISG.

Fuller Up
01-29-18, 11:12
MedellinGringo, Surf Looker, ColombiaLover, Knowledge, and Iguana Six. Thank you guys. These are great leads and advice, and definitely along the lines of what I'm looking for. A few responses.

1) To clarify, I definitely have time in advance of my trip to research and chat with girls on Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. (What I wouldn't have time for is to research girls at the casas, since I'm not going to be down there at all in advance of the bachelor party.) Working with girls like Enlly and Yisela is definitely an interesting option that I'm going to explore, but I'm additionally prepared to do some digging around myself. With that in mind, I'm open to any other tips and leads you guys have as far as finding girls on social media. I signed up the other day for a premium account here, so if there are any leads you don't feel comfortable sharing in the forum, feel free to reach out to me directly.

2) When you're dealing with some of these girls who are not full-blown prepagos, for example a girl who's mainly a model, is it still cool to be explicit about your expectations when communicating with them? As in, making it clear that the amount you're offering is not just for them to come and party at your place for a few hours, but for sex?

3) Speaking of payments, for the kinds of girls we're talking about here, what's the rough price range per girl for her to come over for partying and sex for two to three hours? (The all-in price, that is, not per hour.) Surf Looker, you talked about this a bit, but I didn't totally follow you. Just trying to get a rough sense and set my expectations.

4) Regaring minimizing the risk of these girls showing up at the property we're staying at and causing trouble, stealing things, etc. , I had an idea that I wanted to run by you guys. I believe the VIP services I'm speaking with regarding other aspects of the trip can set us up with a security guard. Or multiple security guards, for that matter. I don't think the pricing would be that unreasonable. With this in mind, I was thinking of getting one or two security guards for nighttime when we have the girls over. I figure these guys can check the girls' IDs, keep an eye on them while they're there, check them on the way out, and generally discourage them from trying to pull any crap. Obviously no plan is sureproof, but I'm curious to get folks' thoughts on this.

5) Iguana Six, you mentioned friending current and former Mansion chicas on social media. Any tips on how to find them?

6) Surf Looker, the one girl you mentioned who I'm having trouble finding is Jennifer Zapata. Do you have any links for her?

Hasideas Tao
01-29-18, 14:51

I've been an avid follower of this forum for several years. It's proven to be an invaluable source of knowledge, especially over the last few years.

Cutting to the chase, we are two or three chaps who want a vip tour of Medelln. We are mid 30's, chilled and have had a lot of fun in Asia. But, looking to fast track South America.

Does anyone still offer vip services? We will be getting the best pad we can find in town, and would love a tour guide to show us the ropes. All expenses paid. Expecting a very, wild time. Any takers?Dear avid follower, please become a paying member so I can private message you. I have been living in Medellin for 5 years and visting for 10. I have new guests stay with me every month. I have given many tours catering to varied general and specific interests. Get in touch.

El Mechanico
01-29-18, 15:02
my preference is for relatively fresh prepago girls who are doing this for extra money on the sideLike everyone of the rest of the gazillion mongers that go to the MDE!!

01-29-18, 16:30
Dear avid follower, please become a paying member so I can private message you. I have been living in Medellin for 5 years and visiting for 10. I have new guests stay with me every month. I have given many tours catering to varied general and specific interests. Get in touch.Hasideas Tao,

I want to get a hold of you in regards to a tour.

Fun Luvr
01-29-18, 18:31
Hasideas Tao,

I want to get a hold of you in regards to a tour.Click on "Front Page" in the navigation bar. On the right side, there is a box titled "Membership Subscriptions". Click "Click Here to Order" in that box.

01-30-18, 04:28
I agree with this. Rather than actually fucking Enlly or Yisela, use them to get at their friends. Some with lower mileage and better performance. If you are short on time and don't have time to find better.

.... I wouldn't worry about fucking Enily before she passes out. Her friends are better looking than she is anywaY. Jajaja.

01-30-18, 05:04
Some with lower mileage and better performance.Might as well buy an electric car and just masturbate.

01-30-18, 05:58
Wouldn't a diesel be better? Those things vibrate so much you could just hold your dick in your hand and not have to do any work.

01-30-18, 07:28
Wasn't there some other guy in Medellin that also used to give tours as well as host people and was arrested for this. I would be wary of offering "tour" services. You never know how the authorities would interpret that. Just my humble opinion.

Dear avid follower, please become a paying member so I can private message you. I have been living in Medellin for 5 years and visting for 10. I have new guests stay with me every month. I have given many tours catering to varied general and specific interests. Get in touch.

01-30-18, 08:12
Wasn't there some other guy in Medellin that also used to give tours as well as host people and was arrested for this. I would be wary of offering "tour" services. You never know how the authorities would interpret that. Just my humble opinion.No, Colombia Jake was arrested for providing a less-than-legal-age girl to a client in a sting operation.

01-30-18, 14:03
How does the participator judge the orchestrator? If the girl works independent or has a handler or works from a casa, my only question is, can you provide sex? My mind is made up to see Medellin, tickets bought, rooms booked. The amount of coins I blow depends on the type of chics I encounter and the services they provide. I'm not coming to marry not one chic, I'm coming to see how much they'll do for these American Mario Coins. I've been sipping the Aguardiente and its the worst vodka I've ever sampled, although, the 29% vol is amazingly strong. Hopefully they have some Russian or American Alcohol down there. This forum alone has taught me enough to touch base with over 250 girls. That alone was worth the price of admission. Lets see if these chicas are as pretty in person as they are on their pics. I appreciate all tips and posts, but I truly believe you either f%ck these girls or friend these girls, there is no in between when mongering. In my years of living, I've yet to see a successful transition from mujer de momento into a esposa para tu vida, stay safe, counting down my days until I arrive. PolloNegro Salir! LOL.

Fun Luvr
01-30-18, 15:43
Wasn't there some other guy in Medellin that also used to give tours as well as host people and was arrested for this. I would be wary of offering "tour" services. You never know how the authorities would interpret that. Just my humble opinion.There was a guy who went by the name MedellinPaisa who provided tours and arranged housing. He wasn't arrested, he was murdered while sitting at a restaurant in Laureles with a client he had just picked up from the airport.

01-30-18, 17:47
I've been sipping the Aguardiente and its the worst vodka I've ever sampledPossibly because it's not vodka. It is made from sugar cane.

Mr Enternational
01-30-18, 17:52
Possibly because it's not vodka. It is made from sugar cane.LOL. He has a long way to go, but you got to start somewhere. PN, I hope you have the sugarless kind because the regular one will give you a hell of a headache.

Black Page
01-30-18, 18:41
Possibly because it's not vodka. It is made from sugar cane."This ham has some fishy smell" commented the owner of a football team in my country many years ago. (it was smoked salmon).

Fuller Up
01-31-18, 04:13
Dear avid follower, please become a paying member so I can private message you. I have been living in Medellin for 5 years and visting for 10. I have new guests stay with me every month. I have given many tours catering to varied general and specific interests. Get in touch.Hasideas Tao, shot you a private message.

01-31-18, 05:24
Any friends around Medellin now? Any updates on Phase2, la isla, San Diego?

Hasideas Tao
01-31-18, 19:32
I enjoy meeting guys with similar interests. I am happy to play wingman as well as share my knowledge and experiences of medellin with respectful people.

Hasideas Tao
01-31-18, 19:40
Possibly because it's not vodka. It is made from sugar cane.With a slight licorice anise flavor. Similar to sambuca.

02-01-18, 02:47
Sorry, I've delayed a few weeks in posting my report, but here it goes.

We started in Cartagena for 6 days, then made our way to Medellin, after New Year's. We arrived in the evening, and took a (I believe) 75 COP taxi into Poblado. I said I thought it was 65, but I wasn't about to stand outside and haggle over $3, when we just wanted to shower, eat, drink, and get to work. Yisela and her friend were waiting for us, by the time we got back from picking up food and alcohol. They were kind enough to bring my buddy some treats. As previously mentioned, she has a petite sex doll figure. The girls were fine, no rush, drinks / etc replaced conversation, as my buddy speaks no Spanish. It was actually pretty perfect, considering we arrived at the apartment between 10-11 p. On that note: we rented a 4 br place right next to Parque Lleras, with a hot tub and all modern amenities. It was fantastic, and I highly recommend checking AirBnB for that listing. I can send more info, if anyone is interested.

I found that more and more girls were holding firm on 200.000 COP, as opposed to 150.

The next day, we went to the Ultra Gym at Charlee Hotel (kind of a must-see, if you want to get a workout in). It's more expensive but the view is worth it, and occasionally there will be 2-3 hotties. We found a breakfast cafe that served American-style meals until 2 pm, along with coffee, lunch, fruit, salads, juices, etc. - It was called Tomasa why Al Alma. We ended up going there 2-3 times, and it was always great. Early evening, Enlly came over with a friend. She was alright, cute face, interesting double tongue ring. We broke in the hot tub. Unfortunately, for my buddy, he friend was a little hefty, had a HUGE mole on her side, and a legit happy trail. I felt bad, but at the same time, when I log dozens and dozens of research / prep hours, I really don't feel bad. I don't have much of an opinion, one way or the other, on Enlly. They did crush beers, though, as has been stated in the forum. It was early, so maybe we got a little lucky, in that regard.

We made a trip to New Life, where my buddy chose a red head that he was not a fan of her service. I chose a petite slim-thick brunette, that was pretty good. Nothing special, but pretty good. I got her number, but as was the case on several occasions, they forget a number or change a number. This can be for several reasons: 1) Accident, 2) They frequently change numbers as they do / don't make payments, 3) You're a loser and she just wants your $17 and for you to leave!

When we got back home, we had Sheyla and her 19 yo light-skin friend come over. Sheyla brought some mota (or whatever they call it, because they don't call it mota) for my buddy. Sheyla was good, for me. Then, we switched. The young one was using Traductor to ask my why she was so anxious, or excited, or something. However, seeing as it was round 3 for the day, and the second of back-to-backs, she couldn't hang for the long haul. She eventually said no more, and left the room. I have read in the forums that Sheyla is "cool as shit" among other things. Well, Sheyla is cool as fucking shit! After some light begging, she broke and finished me off, with oral, for her quitter friend! We had a miscommunication about the payment, which put a damper on the experience, but during and after the fact, Sheyla was fairly understanding and held no animosity. Her sidekick literally broke down, Oscar-winning performance style, tears and all. She threatened to call the policia, etc, etc. It was one of those scenes where having a little experience and patience really helped. Nonetheless, I would recommend Sheyla. And all of the info has been said before, but she's just a cool chick that isn't going to win Medellin's Hottest Prepago 2018, but something about her is refreshing.

We were planning to go to Fase Dos, at some point. We were in the area on a Friday night, at Mercado del Rio (which I thought was amazing). MdR has about 20 food / beverage places, all under one roof. It's similar to many newer hip places in the US, where you can try several different a la carte items, and hang out. We ended up skipping Fase Dos to go to a nightclub, which was a complete bust. We were giving some tips from locals, and everything was dead. One bouncer said everyone was in Cartagena for the week, as many people are off work. (We ended up trying to go to Fase Dos on Sunday night, but we found out it was closed, before going).

We used some service that was supposedly run by a Luisa (301 xxxx050), with whom I matched on Tinder. She send over a pair that was ok. An older hard-body brunette, Ana Maria, and another girl named Lina. The service charged 250, and it was robotic, terrible, and not to completion. Really a downer experience.

One night, I met a cute little 19 yo blonde from Bello, at Bendito Seas (Thursday night). The last night, she came down for dinner and drinks. She was amazing. Her laugh, her smile, her energy. She was the only civilian of the short trip, and of course, a totally different vibe. We went back to the apartment after dinner, rolled around for awhile, and then ended up meeting her friends (and brought my buddy) for a night of dancing and drinks. Our last in Medellin. There was another local I had made out with, a few nights prior, but she had clearly stated she wasn't that type of girl. So, I flipped a coin and think I made the right decision.

I could be missing some, as it's been awhile, and I'm solely basing it off a hidden photo folder. All-in-all, a great trip (I also posted in the CTG thread, with much more detailed reports), and I thank everyone that helped provide the information / recommendations that paved our path. A few side-notes: We went to Patrick's Irish Pub in Lleras to watch any American sporting events. Hooters was dead and seemed to not have their A-squad; we only had one beer, there. Tesoro Mall is pretty impressive. Jenson's was a bust. The waitress and bartender sat with two friends, sharing a beer, for a good half hour, never checking on our beers once. We didn't try the food, and it wasn't a weekend night, but I was put off by the service. Bodytech will allow you to keep coming in for free, if you understand the system. For instance: I have my passport, my driver's license, and a copy of my old passport. That equals three entries, as they have three different numbers. The employees don't really seem to care. This is only advised for short trips, but I was able to walk to 3 Bodytechs and never paid. I went for a run on a Sunday morning, during Cicula (sp? When they shut down Avenida Poblado. There were a lot of people out, and it was a nice day. I saw 3-4 stunners inside Gusto, one night. They were asking $200 USD.

Isabella was stuck on 200 + taxi. So, despite her and her friend fitting the bill, for us, I wasn't in the mood to give in. Yennifer was a little ocupado, throughout the week.

Feel free to PM, and I will be happy to respond. Although, I don't check nearly as often as when I'm prepping for a trip!


(Photos: Yisela, Enlly, Sheyla & Friend, Sheyla, Ana Maria).

02-01-18, 03:07
Any friends around Medellin now? Any updates on Phase2, la isla, San Diego?Fase 2 was okay shortly before new years. Had a couple of friends who went to San Diego early January. Said it's about the same. All I know about La Isla is it's still open.

02-01-18, 16:49
a legit happy trailWhat's a 'happy trail'?

Black Page
02-01-18, 17:42
With a slight licorice anise flavor. Similar to sambuca.Or the Greek Ouzo. It looks like people in many sides of the world like anise liquors.

02-01-18, 18:21
What's a 'happy trail'?Hair from the belly button down to the pussy. I've seen this on a few chicas.

02-01-18, 21:33
What's a 'happy trail'?Hair between the pubic mound and belly button.

02-02-18, 00:50
Pernod and Ricard are the two big brands in France. I think I'm allergic to anise.

Or the Greek Ouzo. It looks like people in many sides of the world like anise liquors.

02-02-18, 01:12
First trip to Medellin, didn't have the slightest idea on where to go because I didn't spend any time researching the forum. The first night I was a bit tired from a late night out in Cartagena the night before and a day of travel. I decided to order in a girl that I had previously met on a trip to Cartagena that lived in Medellin. Made some contacts with a few tinderellas and they were asking 250 k-300 k. I didn't partake. The second night I met up with a fellow ISG member staying in a different part of town. Most of the day was spent sightseeing and I waited too late to visit any of the casas. Apparently this should be done during daylight hours. I'm sure I was near a few in centro mid afternoon but you won't find them unless you know exactly where to look. Maybe you could possibly run into a tout on a side street or you could take another members advice and try to research phone numbers from other websites and perhaps locate a few casas that way. After contacting a few girls online, I decided to visit Fase Dos strip club. 10,000 pesos entrance paid to the bouncer as soon as you walk in. About 30 girls working. A few stunners here but that has been mentioned before. Two girls approached me, said they were from Cali, they quoted 190 k for one or 380 k for both for an hour. It seems they have rooms on site, not sure if there are additional costs if you try to take to your hotel or your apartment. I saw another girl that I had met previously on a trip to Panama at Habanos. She quoted 300 k for an hour. So it seems that different girls at Fase Dos have different prices or perhaps I was just receiving an inflated gringo price. Decided to leave and check out the club scene. Your options early in the week are rather limited, most clubs are only open Thursday-Saturday. A few places were open and I decided to check out Gusto in Park Illeras. No cover charge and lots of ladies standing and sitting around the bar area. Everything closed around 2 am & a few of the girls said they were going to another club called Paradise.

02-02-18, 03:18
Hair between the pubic mound and belly button.Back in the 70's, when pubic areas were not routinely shaven, I heard it referred to as a "treasure trail". It could be spotted between the tank tops and low-cut hip hugger jeans of the skanks of yesterday, especially at rock concerts.

02-02-18, 06:47
Has anyone used the service photoprepagos.com? When I first looked at it, it didn't have as many girls, now I am digging some of these, so wondering who has used it and is it reliable? The prices on the site say $100 a lot of times. That is in USD correct? If you have used it can you let me know if you went to their space or had them come to yours? Do they come to apartments?

Anyways any details would be great because it seems like a good option on a boring day.

02-02-18, 16:35
Has anyone used the service photoprepagos.com? When I first looked at it, it didn't have as many girls, now I am digging some of these, so wondering who has used it and is it reliable? The prices on the site say $100 a lot of times. That is in USD correct? If you have used it can you let me know if you went to their space or had them come to yours? Do they come to apartments?

Anyways any details would be great because it seems like a good option on a boring day.Pretty sure those are in pesos.

Fun Luvr
02-02-18, 17:01
...The prices on the site say $100 a lot of times. That is in USD correct? If you have used it can you let me know if you went to their space or had them come to yours? Do they come to apartments?...Most likely, that is 100,000 COP. There is not much use of US dollars in Medellin. If the ad lists "A domicilio" they will come to you.

02-02-18, 23:01
Has anyone used the service photoprepagos.com? When I first looked at it, it didn't have as many girls, now I am digging some of these, so wondering who has used it and is it reliable? The prices on the site say $100 a lot of times. That is in USD correct? If you have used it can you let me know if you went to their space or had them come to yours? Do they come to apartments?

Anyways any details would be great because it seems like a good option on a boring day.Used it multiple times. Always had great sucess. It's incall and outcall. The girls match the pics most of the time. I found it's best to just deal with indepenants on there.

Shoot me a PM with the ones your eyeing I can tell you if I seen them etc.

02-02-18, 23:49
I have used it a few times and Mileroticos, I like that on PP they usually put a price. I usually use whatsapp to communicate this way I can use google translate. I have gone to their place as it is sometimes less costly to do it that way. There is one provider in Laurles that has been reviewed a few times in this forum, I saw her in Laurles and was very good, 150,000 COP please 50 K for BBBJ. I have also had some luck on Tinder.

Has anyone used the service photoprepagos.com? When I first looked at it, it didn't have as many girls, now I am digging some of these, so wondering who has used it and is it reliable?

02-03-18, 17:13
Never talk dollars abroad, it ruins the experience for others. For example Dominican republic. If a girl, madam etc begin to talk in dollars walk away, it means they understand the dollar and are able to rip people off with higher than normal prices. I am glad that has not spread. Thank you for your ear.

Used it multiple times. Always had great sucess. It's incall and outcall. The girls match the pics most of the time. I found it's best to just deal with indepenants on there.

Shoot me a PM with the ones your eyeing I can tell you if I seen them etc.

02-03-18, 17:19
Give us a call, we can meet for drinks, Superbowl, casas, etc. PM your contact info. Happy travels.

02-03-18, 17:42
The current sate of things in Medellin:


$150,000 pesos and up with the average being 150,000-200,000. Extremely high end can cost up to 1,000,000 pesos but only a complete moron would pay that price. The majority of these girls can be considered 7's-10's and could be college girls just needing some extra money.


Parque Lleras and surrounding streets are good for SW's starting at around 10:30 pm at night. The action is in full swing at 12:00 am-2:00 am. For those that want more adventure there is an area called Bellen about 20 minutes away but still in the city. Bellen is more of a party area at night with more regular girls and not so many SW's.

There are also places in the centro that you can get a rub and tug and ore for a very cheap price (less than above). Don't go to the centro at night unless you want to get robbed and possibly killed.

Watch out for:

There is a drug down here called scopalomine (dragons breath). It is produced in South America and can be found in countries in Latin America. If it touches your lips, is blown in your face or ingested it makes the individual very docile and suggestible. You will pass out after draining your bank account for your new love and she walks out with your wallet, laptop and anything else of value.

There are also many [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) girls and just because she says she's 18 doesn't make it true. If in doubt ask to see her cedulla. There have been many extranjeros that have gone to jail here over [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) girls. Colombia Jake went to prison here a couple of years ago and last year hung himself in prison. Good riddance to him he wasn't liked much anyway.

Other than the above Colombia is flooded with the fat old guys from the USA, Canada and Europe that can't get laid anywhere else.

02-03-18, 22:37

The current sate of things in Medellin:


$150,000 pesos and up with the average being 150,000-200,000. Extremely high end can cost up to 1,000,000 pesos but only a complete moron would pay that price. The majority of these girls can be considered 7's-10's and could be college girls just needing some extra money. Cost: 30 k and up for streetwalkers.

45 k and up at the El Centro casas.

150 k at the spas.

100 k and up for Facebook, Mileroticos, Tinder, Cupid and other online sources.

Some girls in the Parque Lleras area ask for US dollars. Which is your signal to walk away.


Parque Lleras and surrounding streets are good for SW's starting at around 10:30 pm at night. The action is in full swing at 12:00 am-2:00 am. For those that want more adventure there is an area called Bellen about 20 minutes away but still in the city. Bellen is more of a party area at night with more regular girls and not so many SW's.

There are also places in the centro that you can get a rub and tug and ore for a very cheap price (less than above). Don't go to the centro at night unless you want to get robbed and possibly killed.There are several areas outside of Parque Lleras for action, including Belen, Carrera 70, Carrera 80, Bello, Envigado and Itagui. However, if your Spanish is weak, you're better off staying in Parque Lleras.

The El Centro casas are almost all closed at 7 or 8 pm. You can't get a rub and tug at any of them. You go there to get laid. If you go to these places at night, you didn't do your research. There are also several strip clubs in El Centro where you can also get laid.

Watch out for:

There is a drug down here called scopalomine (dragons breath). It is produced in South America and can be found in countries in Latin America. If it touches your lips, is blown in your face or ingested it makes the individual very docile and suggestible. You will pass out after draining your bank account for your new love and she walks out with your wallet, laptop and anything else of value.

There are also many underagegirls and just because she says she's 18 doesn't make it true. If in doubt ask to see her cedulla. There have been many extranjeros that have gone to jail here over [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) girls. Colombia Jake went to prison here a couple of years ago and last year hung himself in prison. Good riddance to him he wasn't liked much anyway.I have learned of several people, including some first hand accounts, of people being drugged with something in their drink. There are ways to reduce your risk. While it may be possible to blow the drug in someone's face, it probably won't happen to you.

News Flash: every country is loaded with girls who are below the legal age. Compared to the number of tourists who come to Medellin to monger, very few have been arrested for this. Instead of "if in doubt" you should get in the habit of checking cedulas. I know of at least one girl who looks 25, but is 8 years younger, and a girl who's 25 and looks 9 years younger.

Other than the above Colombia is flooded with the fat old guys from the USA, Canada and Europe that can't get laid anywhere else.After almost 10 consecutive months living in Medellin, if fat, old guys from the USA, Canada and Europe are flooding Colombia, it's a very small flood. In Parque Lleras, tourist ground zero, at least 60% of the tourists are under 30. Of the rest, perhaps 10% qualify as fat. Except for a few "old gringo" hangouts, it's rare to see more than a few at a time. If you get outside of Poblado, you can go days without seeing any fat, old tourists.

I will concede one point. Very few of the over 40 male tourists in Colombia could get laid for under $75 US by a hot 18 - 25 year-old in their home country.

Hasideas Tao
02-03-18, 22:53
Girls change up their venues often and often work in a couple / few in the same day / night. Where you meet someone is a big factor in determining cost.

First trip to Medellin, didn't have the slightest idea on where to go because I didn't spend any time researching the forum. The first night I was a bit tired from a late night out in Cartagena the night before and a day of travel. I decided to order in a girl that I had previously met on a trip to Cartagena that lived in Medellin. Made some contacts with a few tinderellas and they were asking 250 k-300 k. I didn't partake. The second night I met up with a fellow ISG member staying in a different part of town. Most of the day was spent sightseeing and I waited too late to visit any of the casas. Apparently this should be done during daylight hours. I'm sure I was near a few in centro mid afternoon but you won't find them unless you know exactly where to look. Maybe you could possibly run into a tout on a side street or you could take another members advice and try to research phone numbers from other websites and perhaps locate a few casas that way. After contacting a few girls online, I decided to visit Fase Dos strip club. 10,000 pesos entrance paid to the bouncer as soon as you walk in. About 30 girls working. A few stunners here but that has been mentioned before. Two girls approached me, said they were from Cali, they quoted 190 k for one or 380 k for both for an hour. It seems they have rooms on site, not sure if there are additional costs if you try to take to your hotel or your apartment. I saw another girl that I had met previously on a trip to Panama at Habanos. She quoted 300 k for an hour. So it seems that different girls at Fase Dos have different prices or perhaps I was just receiving an inflated gringo price. Decided to leave and check out the club scene. Your options early in the week are rather limited, most clubs are only open Thursday-Saturday. A few places were open and I decided to check out Gusto in Park Illeras. No cover charge and lots of ladies standing and sitting around the bar area. Everything closed around 2 am & a few of the girls said they were going to another club called Paradise.

02-04-18, 00:48
Hello guys,

I'm a porn amateur producer, interested in mongering in Colombia, (mostly Medellin), but also, add some Colombian (18-25) flavors to my content.

So I need your help on how is the best way you think to recruit couple of girls in that age range, and their average prices?. Would it be better for me if I try SWs, or regulars in bars, or even websites like photoprepagos.com ?. If the latter case, which other website would you advise me? Do they have a sort of backpage or craigslist websites where they advertise?

Thanks in advance for your enlightment, anything will help.


02-04-18, 02:48
Girls change up their venues often and often work in a couple / few in the same day / night. Where you meet someone is a big factor in determining cost.Yes, and that 'semi-pro' or 'college student' you dummies are paying extra to fuck because she is 'fresh' is getting reamed senseless in a low-rent casa all day long for 25% of what your dumb ass is paying. Ha ha.

Mr Enternational
02-04-18, 03:26
Yes, and that 'semi-pro' or 'college student' you dummies are paying extra to fuck because she is 'fresh' is getting reamed senseless in a low-rent casa all day long for 25% of what your dumb ass is paying. Ha ha.I just can't understand the logic in this. Is your timing so perfect that you just happened to show up at one of those rare times that she is fucking for money? What made her choose to sell pussy to you versus the other thousands of guys that have been waiting for her to open up shop? Imagine myself trying to explain to a hooker that I only pay chicks to fuck when I am super horny, and she just happened to catch me on one of those days. Pablo Escobar didn't quit getting easy money when he made enough to get his family out of the hood; he was making billions per year and didn't quit. You think a "college student" is supposed to go on hoeing hiatus after one textbook is paid for? Yep. Because when you were in college all you ever wished for is to be able to pay for the semester. You didn't want nice clothes, the latest gadgets, to be abe to splurge at the club, a nice ride, etc.

02-04-18, 03:41
You think a "college student" is supposed to go on hoeing hiatus after one textbook is paid for?Also, normally women who are attending college are not dumber than a bag full of hammers.

02-04-18, 04:34
Hello guys,

I'm a porn amateur producer, interested in mongering in Colombia, (mostly Medellin), but also, add some Colombian (18-25) flavors to my content.

So I need your help on how is the best way you think to recruit couple of girls in that age range, and their average prices?. Would it be better for me if I try SWs, or regulars in bars, or even websites like photoprepagos.com ?. If the latter case, which other website would you advise me? Do they have a sort of backpage or craigslist websites where they advertise?

Thanks in advance for your enlightment, anything will help.

Blackpanther.Well you can filter the photoprpago ads to show just the ones who have vid in their ad, I would start there, this girl for instance does not seem camera shy:


02-04-18, 07:45
I just can't understand the logic in this. Is your timing so perfect that you just happened to show up at one of those rare times that she is fucking for money? What made her choose to sell pussy to you versus the other thousands of guys that have been waiting for her to open up shop? Imagine myself trying to explain to a hooker that I only pay chicks to fuck when I am super horny, and she just happened to catch me on one of those days. Pablo Escobar didn't quit getting easy money when he made enough to get his family out of the hood; he was making billions per year and didn't quit. You think a "college student" is supposed to go on hoeing hiatus after one textbook is paid for? Yep. Because when you were in college all you ever wished for is to be able to pay for the semester. You didn't want nice clothes, the latest gadgets, to be abe to splurge at the club, a nice ride, etc.Yep. I even to this day have a chica who got married a year before (after she got pregnant by who knows) and has a kid now asking me if I want to fuck her.

It's one thing to buy a used car but when you know the meters aren't correct then stop trying to find a fresh one.

Hasideas Tao
02-04-18, 14:37
Yes, and that 'semi-pro' or 'college student' you dummies are paying extra to fuck because she is 'fresh' is getting reamed senseless in a low-rent casa all day long for 25% of what your dumb ass is paying. Ha ha.Best way to find someone "fresh" is through someone you have a rapport with. A guy or girl, who has a friend that is not working facebook or other social medias or web sites on a regular basis. I have found this is often a young girl who spends most of her time taking care of her kid and has no time to answer a thousand messages from guys who are not even in the city. No guarantee that they aren't fucking guys in their barrios. Be real, if a girl is cute, fun and someone you'd like to have, someone is having a good time with her. The attitude about sex among Colombians is much different than many other places. You can be much more open and up front with low risk of rejection and high probability of a good time. I have many amigas who I no longer mess around with. We remain friends because I introduce them to my friends and they introduce me to theirs. It's freakin' awesome! Just recently, a long time amiga brought over her friend who was so shy. Literally, my amiga had to start giving me a BJ so her friend could take her time, get comfortable and finally take over. Too funny. Crazy shit. Such silly things happen all the time. Always something new but I am never too surprised. I guess I have become jaded in my own way.

I would like to add I know some super hot girls who i have met at casas, the mansion and other places and now are working photoprepagos and mileroticos and asking between 120 and 150+taxis. Just as hot if not hotter than a lot of these princess barbie facebook chicas who play dumb games, sporadically answer messages, have a tendency to disappear, are self centered, spend half the time on their phones while taking selfies all day with boring personalities.

02-04-18, 15:52
If you see this pic or number know that they are setting you up to rob you. She is not the girl in the photo she is a tranny. Please spread the world the address is in Laureles Medellin 68 a carrera. PM me for any clarification or details just hope all to remain safe, and vigilante.

Fun Luvr
02-04-18, 17:24
...There have been many extranjeros that have gone to jail here over [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) girls. Colombia Jake went to prison here a couple of years ago and last year hung himself in prison. Good riddance to him he wasn't liked much anyway.

Other than the above Colombia is flooded with the fat old guys from the USA, Canada and Europe that can't get laid anywhere else.Colombia Jake went to prison for selling the services of a girl who was under the age of consent. I don't know your definition of "many", but I don't think there is an influx of men looking for young girls.

As Jjbee62 pointed out, there are very few old guys from the US, Canada, and Europe in Medellin. Other than Hooters and Patrick's, I rarely see old gringos in and around Medellin.

I think we all benefit from accurate information.

02-04-18, 17:57
You forgot to actually post the pic / number.

If you see this pic or number know that they are setting you up to rob you. She is not the girl in the photo she is a tranny. Please spread the world the address is in Laureles Medellin 68 a carrera. PM me for any clarification or details just hope all to remain safe, and vigilante.

02-04-18, 18:27
The current sate of things in Medellin:

Other than the above Colombia is flooded with the fat old guys from the USA, Canada and Europe that can't get laid anywhere else.I just beg to differ: these people can get laid anywhere in the whole world, they chose MDE because it is cheaper, prettier and convenient or combination of any three.

02-04-18, 18:32
......Other than the above Colombia is flooded with the fat old guys from the USA, Canada and Europe that can't get laid anywhere else.That is not true. We can get laid in FKKs in Germany, by escorts in Canada and the US, by gorotas in clinicas and termas in Brazil, by chicas in casas in countries all over Central and South America, in brothels in several countries in South east Asia and in every other country in the world for that matter. Don't hate on us because we are having fun.

02-04-18, 21:01
Just as hot if not hotter than a lot of these princess barbie facebook chicas who play dumb games, sporadically answer messages, have a tendency to disappear, are self centered, spend half the time on their phones while taking selfies all day with boring personalities.Colombia is great, no doubt. But after some time you begin to notice the vast majority of these girls are flawed, incomplete, shallow and it is true even for the part timers trying to earn money to finish college. Colombian society breeds it.

02-04-18, 22:11
Yes, many of the girls are just like us.

Colombia is great, no doubt. But after some time you begin to notice the vast majority of these girls are flawed, incomplete, shallow and it is true even for the part timers trying to earn money to finish college. Colombian society breeds it.

02-04-18, 22:25
Watch out for:

There is a drug down here called scopalomine (dragons breath). It is produced in South America and can be found in countries in Latin America. If it touches your lips, is blown in your face or ingested it makes the individual very docile and suggestible. You will pass out after draining your bank account for your new love and she walks out with your wallet, laptop and anything else of value.It can also make it easier to manipulate your coworkers. A clip from my (previously) favorite show:


02-04-18, 22:51
True for all poor people in the western hemisphere, not just LATAM chicas.

It is the lack of interest, curiosity, work ethic, inability to delay gratification, inability plan / visualize a future, and rampant materialism that causes poverty. You can find the same thought processes (dare I say culture) in the United States' poor population. Almost no difference in the way they think, express themselves, and act. Only change is their preferred music, food, and clothes. Just about everything else is the same.

02-04-18, 23:41
Colombia is great, no doubt. But after some time you begin to notice the vast majority of these girls are flawed, incomplete, shallow and it is true even for the part timers trying to earn money to finish college. Colombian society breeds it.This may well be true. The vast majority of hookers are flawed, incomplete, shallow. Anywhere in the world. But that doesn't tell you so much about Colombian society. Remember that the vast majority of Colombianas are not hookers. Some of the best people I call friends are Colombian. And the best hookers are Colombian, too.

And regarding fat old gringos, not only is their number in all of Medellin a drop in the ocean, but outside the cities, I've gone for days and weeks without seeing any foreigners at all. A nice, unspoiled country in that sense.

02-05-18, 01:27
I agree that you definitely don't want to judge Colombia by the one city or one class of people (hookers). While I love Medellin for many reasons (including the chicas), I have also found that in other parts of the country, they do not hold Paisas in high esteem. Typically arrogance is the reason cited. And the chica in Medellin have a particularly bad rep, even among fellow putas. Have been to many other places in Colombia myself. And formerly being married to a Colombiana from Bogota, I have noticed the difference also. Not to say that I have not met some "nice" hookers. There are some. And some very nice people in Medellin. Just pointing out the reputation of Paisas in their own country. If I ever tell a Colombia woman that I am going to Medellin, the first thing out of their mouth is "watch out for the chicas. ".

And I also agree that some of the best times I've had in Colombia is when I never see a gringo the entire. No offense to my fellow gringos, but I don't go to Colombia to hang with you (and I hope you do not go to hang with me). So when I go to a small town or went to a finca with the family or went to an out-of-the-way hotel in Guatape. I really enjoy being the only gringo.

This may well be true. The vast majority of hookers are flawed, incomplete, shallow. Anywhere in the world. But that doesn't tell you so much about Colombian society. Remember that the vast majority of Colombianas are not hookers. Some of the best people I call friends are Colombian. And the best hookers are Colombian, too.

And regarding fat old gringos, not only is their number in all of Medellin a drop in the ocean, but outside the cities, I've gone for days and weeks without seeing any foreigners at all. A nice, unspoiled country in that sense.

02-05-18, 01:46
If I ever tell a Colombia woman that I am going to Medellin, the first thing out of their mouth is "watch out for the chicas. ".
I always thought this was born of envy or just prejudice. When I first went to Medellin a female friend from the coast of Colombia kept telling me that I would be drugged and robbed by the chicas. Cuidate mucho hermano!

There was also one guy in Bogota airport at the bar in domestic departures (is it the Medellin Beer Factory of Bogota? I keep forgetting which one is in the domestic departures terminal), who insisted that Paisas are actually of Jewish descent and therefore I should be careful. Not only was he prejudicial toward Paisas he was also clearly an antisemite.

Mr Enternational
02-05-18, 02:08
Colombia is great, no doubt. But after some time you begin to notice the vast majority of these girls are flawed, incomplete, shallow and it is true even for the part timers trying to earn money to finish college. Colombian society breeds it.That sounds like people in general.

02-05-18, 03:11
The quantity or physical attributes of gringos has never mattered to me anywhere.

This may well be true. The vast majority of hookers are flawed, incomplete, shallow. Anywhere in the world. But that doesn't tell you so much about Colombian society. Remember that the vast majority of Colombianas are not hookers. Some of the best people I call friends are Colombian. And the best hookers are Colombian, too.

And regarding fat old gringos, not only is their number in all of Medellin a drop in the ocean, but outside the cities, I've gone for days and weeks without seeing any foreigners at all. A nice, unspoiled country in that sense.

02-05-18, 07:09
Finally got to visit Medellin (and Colombia) for the first time back in early December after hearing so much about it from friends and reading about it here. Was only there for about 5 days, and stayed in Laureles airbnb for most of my stay and then at a hotel near city center for an evening. Used uber 95% of the time and I recommend it. My Spanish was is pretty bad but was able to get by with few phrases and some English. Used my credit card where I can and used pesos when appropriate which I exchanged at the airport.

Did some prework on FB, SA and Tinder on stateside to make contact and while I could have several ladies from them, they didn't pan out in the end--but I'd use those if I'm there for a longer visit. I did get in touch with Vico prior to landing who picked me up from the airport and came up to my airbnb for fun. She was super nice and had cute looks overall and spoke some English which helped a lot. She came wearing a hot red dress which showed off her curves and to my delight, she told me she wasn't wearing any panties, which made it a more interesting ride. I'd see her once more and have a meal with her later in my trip before flying out of Medellin. Vico wasn't the hottest or anything but friendly and reliable unlike other girls who can be super flaky.

I checked out couple casas, again all first time so didn't know what to expect. New Life, Paris Club, and Adelitas / Cofee house shop (New Life was reviewed a lot so was expecting decent line up and ended up meeting Sara who I believe was a Venezuelan. She was taller, on the skinnier side with man-made, pretty face and overall friendly. Other girls I didn't find attractive honestly, turned down 5-6 before Sara came by. Paris and Adelita line up were definitely mediocre but I stayed for the value, nothing to write home about though. I went to this other casa more in residential area west of Laureles, near Estadio, I didn't know the name but found it through mileroticos or CL and had some success there with a Venezuelan girl who was visiting there. Miel was her name and she was like 21, spinner type and was more GFE vs. Other casas. I went back to see her a 2nd time and had her friend come down to join the fun briefly which was probably the highlight of my trip. Kept in touch with Miel but she is back home now so not sure when she'll be back in Medellin.

Heard mix review about strip clubs / clubs so I didn't check out any except for Fase Dos--I went one night and it was early and a week day so it was really empty, felt dumb paying the cover and sitting at the bar. Ended up talking to a girl who came by and I got her a drink. She was a 7 in my mind and I didn't feel like taking it any further so I headed out to meet up with some friends in El Poblado. I came back on a weekend evening and stayed until 3-4 am and it was pretty packed that night and I felt like I got to see what the scene is all about. I definitely ended up tipping a lot and buying a good amount of drinks with girls asking to go to the hotel. I was already tired from the casas and I actually wanted to just chat and take in the sights with girls stripping to bare. Had a few girls grind up on me and I would grab their plumb asses and kiss their tits and that was all fine by me, I just tipped them and let them make their rounds. The girls were definitely attractive and some real hotties were available that night. A group of what seemed like a bachelor party group came in and took 6-7 girls out with them at some point and all the girls seemed super happy about that. There were some girls who weren't getting a lot of attention and I got to talk to some of them for fun--surprisingly they were all pretty friendly and easy to talk to. I'd definitely go back if I find myself in Medellin again.

Beyond the mongering scene, I got to check out some parks, neighbourhoods, made a day trip out to Guatape which I highly recommend. Was able to check out some bars and restaurants with friends I made in Columbia (tourists) that were in my age range 20/30's and meet locals who weren't shy to show me some dance moves and eat with us. I spent most of my time in Laureles and El Poblado to avoid any unnecessary risks and I ubered as much as I can vs. Walking so I felt pretty safe most of my time in Medellin. I will definitely brush up on my Spanish for my next visit. The women are indeed beautiful there and fun can definitely be had. And the city itself is stunning, people are really friendly which I heard might not be the case in other cities like Bogota. I will definitely return to Medellin at some point but may check out other scenes first.

02-05-18, 13:02
True for all poor people in the western hemisphere, not just LATAM chicas.

It is the lack of interest, curiosity, work ethic, inability to delay gratification, inability plan / visualize a future, and rampant materialism that causes poverty. You can find the same thought processes (dare I say culture) in the United States' poor population. Almost no difference in the way they think, express themselves, and act. Only change is their preferred music, food, and clothes. Just about everything else is the same.Those damn poor people. Why can't they be like rich people and get bailed out by the Fed to the tune of $26 trillion when they experience financial difficulties?

Black Page
02-05-18, 16:41
Colombia is great, no doubt. But after some time you begin to notice the vast majority of these girls are flawed, incomplete, shallow and it is true even for the part timers trying to earn money to finish college. This is also true for the 99% of the foreign men with our hobby that I met in Colombia.

Some conversations at the airport or restaurants, which I had to carry with some guys, were so embarrassing for me, to say the least, because they also could not refrain to boast loudly about their virility and hunting ability.

02-05-18, 17:38
This is also true for the 99% of the foreign men with our hobby that I met in Colombia.
Some conversations at the airport or restaurants, which I had to carry with some guys, were so embarrassing for me, to say the least, because they also could not refrain to boast loudly about their virility and hunting ability.I do not doubt that and why I travel solo and enjoy little interaction with "like-minded" men. I have had the opportunity to stay in large apartment with group of guys but decline because I don't care for the fraternity mentality- lets get drunk and "high five".

That said, how many men strange men have you talked to in a Colombian airport? I try to stay quiet. I recall being in the Delta lounge in Atlanta waiting on a flight to Rio, a man sat down next to me and started talking, started probing about my trip etc. It was almost like an interview, casual, and with a line of conversation that led naturally to his questions. He had some interesting things to say and some interesting insights, but the probing? I was vanilla, innocent, "huh?". With your experience I imagine you would play it that way also. The encounter struck me as potentially deliberate. It was 10 years ago and to this day it enters my consciousness every now and then. It would not surprise me if agents were stationed in airports. I was traveling to drug producing countries quite often back then but not for anything to do with drugs. :)

02-05-18, 18:40
Watch out for:
There is a drug down here called scopalomine (dragons breath). It is produced in South America and can be found in countries in Latin America. If it touches your lips, is blown in your face or ingested it makes the individual very docile and suggestible. You will pass out after draining your bank account for your new love and she walks out with your wallet, laptop and anything else of value.Actually I am pretty sure you have to ingest it, the touching your lips or blowing in your face is a urban legend.

"This drug needs to be swallowed or inhaled if it is to have the effect described here; mere incidental tactile contact with an item permeated by it wouldn't deliver a sufficient quantity to the intended victim's system." I doubt they could blow enough in your face to get a high enough dosage, in smaller dosages it is used for motion sickness. Now if you snorted a line, then yes.

Avoid leaving food or drinks unattended at a bar or restaurant, and be suspicious if a stranger offers you something to eat or drink.

More info here:


And here:


02-05-18, 18:45
If you see this pic or number know that they are setting you up to rob you. She is not the girl in the photo she is a tranny. Please spread the world the address is in Laureles Medellin 68 a carrera. PM me for any clarification or details just hope all to remain safe, and vigilante.So she / he robs you on a incall where you have the address where he / she works? That seems unlikely as you could direct the police right to them.

Mr Enternational
02-05-18, 19:29
The encounter struck me as potentially deliberate. It was 10 years ago and to this day it enters my consciousness every now and then. It would not surprise me if agents were stationed in airports.LOL. You are paranoid man. Ain't no agents. Thousands of airports in the USA and you think the government has resources to put "agents" there? Most of the time that people get caught doing whatever is because someone tipped the authorities off. If someone thought you were doing something wrong then they would not have pussyfooted around with it. You would have missed that flight because they would have had you in the back room somewhere. The guy was probably just looking for someone to compare notes with. You can spot a monger a mile away on certain flights.

02-05-18, 21:31
Went to the Mansion for the Super Bowl party yesterday.


Fun times cheering on the Eagles!

Of course there were plenty of Pats guys as well. LOL.

Good food, booze and lots of chicas!

Some nice newbies as well, some sweet new 18 year olds.

Made some good contacts!

Brought a girl I met back to my hotel.

Bonded great, really good time!

Just paid her what I wanted, and sent her home in an Uber.

Everybody happy.

Funny, I asked her what girls are charging guys these days there, and she said basically whatever they think can get, LOL, from 150 to 300 kp.

Guys, just be cool and tell them what you're willing to pay.

They smell out weakness, really.

They'll most likely accept what you offer reasonable, they know you can always just choose another.

Plenty of girls go home empty handed.


02-05-18, 23:18
Actually I am pretty sure you have to ingest it, the touching your lips or blowing in your face is a urban legend.

"This drug needs to be swallowed or inhaled if it is to have the effect described here; mere incidental tactile contact with an item permeated by it wouldn't deliver a sufficient quantity to the intended victim's system." I doubt they could blow enough in your face to get a high enough dosage, in smaller dosages it is used for motion sickness. Now if you snorted a line, then yes.

Avoid leaving food or drinks unattended at a bar or restaurant, and be suspicious if a stranger offers you something to eat or drink.

More info here:


And here:

https://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/burundanga.aspEvery couple of months someone brings this up. You know what, let them be scared. Do not come here. Lets thin out the herd and let everyone be frightened. Keep them out and don't muck up the water. Enjoy backpage in Ohio or some shit.

02-06-18, 02:22
Every couple of months someone brings this up. You know what, let them be scared. Do not come here. Lets thin out the herd and let everyone be frightened. Keep them out and don't muck up the water. Enjoy backpage in Ohio or some shit.Word. The mansion is taylor made for guys like this tho. Let them go at least that far first. Risk vs reward baby.

02-06-18, 08:44
Heading to Medellin in May with a group of 8 guys (all 50 years old). Planning to have fun during the day. In the evening dinner and of course clubbing and finding ladies of the night. We all want our own room and bathroom. Which is better a Hotel or Air Bnb?

I have been reading blogs. Advantages of hotels is free breakfast, amenities (pool, room service etc), daily housekeeping (new sheets) and of course security. The advantage of Air Bnb is private, whole place to yourself, kitchen, no additional fee for additional guests and a common area to hang out.

If it were you, what would you choose.

Also where would you stay. I hear El Problado is the place to be. Its safe and close to everything. Any hotels you can recommend. Our price per room budget is around $100/ night.

Thanks for all your replies.

02-06-18, 16:42
Heading to Medellin in May with a group of 8 guys (all 50 years old). Planning to have fun during the day. In the evening dinner and of course clubbing and finding ladies of the night. We all want our own room and bathroom. Which is better a Hotel or Air Bnb?

I have been reading blogs. Advantages of hotels is free breakfast, amenities (pool, room service etc), daily housekeeping (new sheets) and of course security. The advantage of Air Bnb is private, whole place to yourself, kitchen, no additional fee for additional guests and a common area to hang out.

If it were you, what would you choose.

Also where would you stay. I hear El Problado is the place to be. Its safe and close to everything. Any hotels you can recommend. Our price per room budget is around $100/ night.

Thanks for all your replies.You run the risk of having headaches with hotel security of not letting your dates visit you. Not sure how long you are staying but you could split up into both hotel and airbnb.

You can find hotels easily for $100/ night.

02-07-18, 00:46
There are two or three real estate businesses in Medellin renting apartments through airbnb and they know half their clients are mongers. Easy to find. Just ask if its alright to bring back dates.

02-07-18, 17:29
Message me, if you need a translator, wingman, etc.

02-08-18, 00:37
Funny, I asked her what girls are charging guys these days there, and she said basically whatever they think can get, LOL, from 150 to 300 kp.

Guys, just be cool and tell them what you're willing to pay.

They smell out weakness, really.

They'll most likely accept what you offer reasonable, they know you can always just choose another.

Plenty of girls go home empty handed.

Enjoy!I agree with you. I am having cute girls from 70 k to 100 k which is from 25 to 35 US.

A cab driver told me a lot of women he know are turning to prostitution more than ever because it is profitable. Better To get fast cash than to work the entire month for around $300 he added.

02-08-18, 02:41
Never talk dollars abroad, it ruins the experience for others. For example Dominican republic. If a girl, madam etc begin to talk in dollars walk away, it means they understand the dollar and are able to rip people off with higher than normal prices. I am glad that has not spread. Thank you for your ear.You don't like chicas that "understand the dollar"? That statement sounds like you want naive chicas that have no clue what the dollar exchange is (or what a dollar is for that matter) so they don't know how relatively little the normal price is, or the amout that you are offering them.

And yes, I agree when chicas talk dollars abroad, they usually want to charge way more than the normal price. It's a good idea to avoid any chica that quotes in dollars, especially in Colombia.

02-08-18, 03:49
70 k to 100 k is a fair rate for attractive girls. Sure the girls at gringo hotel average double that amount but of course they have to cut in the hotel owners. Girls in Lleras will ask for, and often get, that kind of money because it's an area packed with foreigners. Then there is the low end of the scale around Veracruz and Plaza Botero, 30 K room included. You have to be very selective there to find the good ones. Mostly I just enjoy the people watching around Veracruz. There really is a little of everything, from scholarly tour groups headed to the museum, low life characters like me, and locals running errands.

I agree with you. I am having cute girls from 70 k to 100 k which is from 25 to 35 US.

A cab driver told me a lot of women he know are turning to prostitution more than ever because it is profitable. Better To get fast cash than to work the entire month for around $300 he added.

02-08-18, 04:15
Has anyone used the service photoprepagos.com? When I first looked at it, it didn't have as many girls, now I am digging some of these, so wondering who has used it and is it reliable? The prices on the site say $100 a lot of times. That is in USD correct? If you have used it can you let me know if you went to their space or had them come to yours? Do they come to apartments?

Anyways any details would be great because it seems like a good option on a boring day.Any chick that is quoting dollars is looking for a bobo. My advice would be to stay away.

Girls in the Clubs like Fase2 only quote dollars to guys that they think don't know what they are doing.

02-08-18, 16:58
Downtown is pretty congested. Police presence is obvious in tourist areas.

I have witnessed street violence. Not many smokers if at all.

I have the feeling everyone is watching and sizing you up in the local street girl areas.

The spanish here is somewhat different than what I'm used to. No english channels on the TV.

I paid 42 k at the chicas punto com casa. Upstairs from it is the fantasias casa same price but was told it was 2 k for a soft drink and you can look. If you leave without a drink or picking you pay 2 k.

50 k older girl+ 12 k room at raudal block. 30 k 25 why / o +12 k good room then 20 k 23 why / o +10 k nasty room at veracruz area.

11 sweet tangerines for 3 k. Fried trout salmon dinner in a local place with soup, beans, rice, slaw, drink and an arepa 11.5 k.

One sg told me it was ok to drink the tap water in Medellin.

El Mechanico
02-08-18, 17:08
but of course they have to cut in the hotel owners.Really? Wouldn't that be pimping? I know that the trade is legal, but I doubt pimping is. What I heard is the girls are required to get their hair done and makeup, etc. , etc. At "The Gringo Hotel" in exchange for hanging out & plying their trade. This may all be BS, but it is what I heard from one of the regulars.

El Mechanico.

02-08-18, 18:49
Really? Wouldn't that be pimping? I know that the trade is legal, but I doubt pimping is. What I heard is the girls are required to get their hair done and makeup, etc. , etc. At "The Gringo Hotel" in exchange for hanging out & plying their trade. This may all be BS, but it is what I heard from one of the regulars.

El Mechanico.Exactly right!

No pimping going on, no cut.

The girls are what keep the dudes coming back, duh LOL.

Marketing 101.

They have police / Federales checking them out all the time.

They keep on the up and up.

02-08-18, 23:10
There is a heavy police and military presence around right now. I figured it was for soccer game last night but it was worse today. For what it's worth I always drink the tap water and haven't been sick.

Downtown is pretty congested. Police presence is obvious in tourist areas.

I have witnessed street violence. Not many smokers if at all.

I have the feeling everyone is watching and sizing you up in the local street girl areas.

The spanish here is somewhat different than what I'm used to. No english channels on the TV.

I paid 42 k at the chicas punto com casa. Upstairs from it is the fantasias casa same price but was told it was 2 k for a soft drink and you can look. If you leave without a drink or picking you pay 2 k.

50 k older girl+ 12 k room at raudal block. 30 k 25 why / o +12 k good room then 20 k 23 why / o +10 k nasty room at veracruz area.

11 sweet tangerines for 3 k. Fried trout salmon dinner in a local place with soup, beans, rice, slaw, drink and an arepa 11.5 k.

One sg told me it was ok to drink the tap water in Medellin..

02-09-18, 01:10
70 k to 100 k is a fair rate for attractive girls. Sure the girls at gringo hotel average double that amount but of course they have to cut in the hotel owners. Girls in Lleras will ask for, and often get, that kind of money because it's an area packed with foreigners. Then there is the low end of the scale around Veracruz and Plaza Botero, 30 K room included. You have to be very selective there to find the good ones. Mostly I just enjoy the people watching around Veracruz. There really is a little of everything, from scholarly tour groups headed to the museum, low life characters like me, and locals running errands.The Mansion (gringo hotel) does not take a cut of any of the girls money.

02-09-18, 02:37
Forgot to add some pictures of my cute flaca.

02-09-18, 03:31
Downtown is pretty congested. Police presence is obvious in tourist areas.

I have witnessed street violence. Not many smokers if at all.

I have the feeling everyone is watching and sizing you up in the local street girl areas.

The spanish here is somewhat different than what I'm used to. No english channels on the TV.

I paid 42 k at the chicas punto com casa. Upstairs from it is the fantasias casa same price but was told it was 2 k for a soft drink and you can look. If you leave without a drink or picking you pay 2 k.

50 k older girl+ 12 k room at raudal block. 30 k 25 why / o +12 k good room then 20 k 23 why / o +10 k nasty room at veracruz area.

11 sweet tangerines for 3 k. Fried trout salmon dinner in a local place with soup, beans, rice, slaw, drink and an arepa 11.5 k.

One sg told me it was ok to drink the tap water in Medellin.Yes, the tap water is safe to drink in Medellin.

I rarely get the feeling anyone is sizing me up in El Centro. Other than all the people selling something trying to decide if I'm worth approaching. Very rarely will they be persistent if I'm alone. Sat down for a beer in Raudal this afternoon. Had a couple of girls give me the eye, but a slight shake of the head kept them away. Only saw a few real lookers today. Less than usual, but I only took one quick stroll.

Was in Mayorista earlier in the afternoon with a young chica friend, just doing a little shopping. I had promised her a little regalo. The Mayorista scene was as dead as I've seen it.

The people outside the clothing stores were a lot more aggressive when they saw me walking with a girl. One guy I almost had to walk over the top of to get him to stop pestering us. I guess they figured I was out to spend a bunch of money. She searched 20 stores to find the cheapest before she asked for her gift. There are benefits if you hang out with the right girls.

02-09-18, 04:33
Drinking the water isn't isn't necessarily going to do anything to you immediately noticeable. The damage is cumulative and leads to intestinal parasites and colitis. Decide for yourself if the bother of buying purified water is worth it.

There is a heavy police and military presence around right now. I figured it was for soccer game last night but it was worse today. For what it's worth I always drink the tap water and haven't been sick..

02-09-18, 04:42
Right, the gringo hotel gets all its revenue from gringos only, because pimping is illegal. Would that logic apply to New Life and other casas, they collect money only to hand it all over to the girls? I apologize to the gringo hotel owners if I misrepresented their business.

Really? Wouldn't that be pimping? I know that the trade is legal, but I doubt pimping is. What I heard is the girls are required to get their hair done and makeup, etc. , etc. At "The Gringo Hotel" in exchange for hanging out & plying their trade. This may all be BS, but it is what I heard from one of the regulars.

El Mechanico.

02-09-18, 04:44
I agree 100% with that. I think the same is true for any business that quotes prices in dollars. Apartment owners, used car salesmen, etc.

Any chick that is quoting dollars is looking for a bobo. My advice would be to stay away.

Girls in the Clubs like Fase2 only quote dollars to guys that they think don't know what they are doing.

02-09-18, 17:28
There is a heavy police and military presence around right now. I figured it was for soccer game last night but it was worse today. For what it's worth I always drink the tap water and haven't been sick.

.I received a Bogota consulate advisement:

Location: Colombia, countrywide.

Event: The National Liberation Army (ELN) terrorist group announced an economic shutdown of the country from 6:00 am On Saturday, February 10,2018 until 6:00 am On Tuesday, February 13,2018. The group has warned civilians not to travel during this period, and have threatened to forcibly close roads, river and sea transportation, and air routes. Colombian authorities will increase military and police presence throughout the country. Historically, the ELN is very active during February due to key anniversaries during this period.

Actions to Take:

Avoid areas with known ELN presence (parts of the departments of Nariño, Cauca, Choco, Arauca and Norte de Santander).

Keep a low profile.

Be aware of your surroundings.

Review your personal security plans.

02-09-18, 17:43
How cumulative? I've drank the water for months and never had a problem. I would love to read a study on this if you have one. For what it's worth I even use the ice. Hopefully I make it home.

Drinking the water isn't isn't necessarily going to do anything to you immediately noticeable. The damage is cumulative and leads to intestinal parasites and colitis. Decide for yourself if the bother of buying purified water is worth it.

02-09-18, 17:58
Took a short stroll through Veracruz each of the last 2 days. On day one ran into a girl I've met in a previous trip. Sessioned for 30 mil and 10 k room. She got a little pissed I couldn't remember her name. I thought that was funny. That evening I checked out Barra Ejecutiva with another member. Thanks, it was my first time meeting another member. I didn't see anything I liked at the club but a fun place to hang out. Every few minutes the dancers come collect tips when they get off stage and your liquor if you let them. The second day was just a quick stroll through Veracruz didn't see anything to my liking. I normally have a few beers and wait it out but not much that today. I did see your cutie you posted about before Wolf. Well have a good one fellas. I'll try a more detailed report soon.

02-09-18, 18:30
Right, the gringo hotel gets all its revenue from gringos only, because pimping is illegal. Would that logic apply to New Life and other casas, they collect money only to hand it all over to the girls? I apologize to the gringo hotel owners if I misrepresented their business.I don't think you should apologized to the the gringo hotel owners.

But you should probably stay there and get to know some of the women before commenting on how they do business.

At the gringo hotel you deal directly with the chicks on price, services and duration. And you pay the chicas directly.

And you can have any girl you want to stay with you at the hotel whether they know her or not (as long as she has a cedula).

Plenty of guys just order in and use the chicas that show up daily at the hotel as back up in case of a no show.

02-09-18, 18:43
Has anyone used the service pasionprepagos.com? When I first looked at it, it didn't have as many girls, now I am digging some of these, so wondering who has used it and is it reliable? The prices on the site say $100 a lot of times. That is in USD correct? If you have used it can you let me know if you went to their space or had them come to yours? Do they come to apartments?

Anyways any details would be great because it seems like a good option on a boring day.Sure, the website has interesting content. As far as I know they take the time to remove any profile with stolen, fake, or photoshopped pictures.

02-09-18, 20:25
I will be in Medellin on Monday. I'm interested in visiting the more affordable strip clubs, casa's and red light areas. With regard to strip clubs, which would people recommend?

Where would be the best place to locate myself?

Is there an up-to-date mongering map available? If so, does anyone have a link to it?

I know all this information is contained on the forum but this is a particularly popular forum and it's hard to dig out the info from the volumes of pages of reports. Thanks in advance.

(be aware that I always post trip reports. So I give back in return for the info provided here. I've done that more recently for Panama, before that Dominican Republic, and so on).

02-09-18, 21:39
Took a short stroll through Veracruz each of the last 2 days. On day one ran into a girl I've met in a previous trip. Sessioned for 30 mil and 10 k room. She got a little pissed I couldn't remember her name. I thought that was funny. That evening I checked out Barra Ejecutiva with another member. Thanks, it was my first time meeting another member. I didn't see anything I liked at the club but a fun place to hang out. Every few minutes the dancers come collect tips when they get off stage and your liquor if you let them. The second day was just a quick stroll through Veracruz didn't see anything to my liking. I normally have a few beers and wait it out but not much that today. I did see your cutie you posted about before Wolf.If you wait long enough girls tend to show up for work all thru the night at BarraEjectiva.

While at BarraEjectiva it is usually worth at least peeking in next door at Maracaibo and walking the 3 blocks to Conejitas.

Yeah VeraCruz can be very hit or miss, I'd say I see something I like about 1/3 of the time, but I enjoy strolling through there anyway.

Did you see the semi-blonde Sarah or the ultra-spinner Luisa? (girl on the left in this photo).

02-09-18, 21:51
I will be in Medellin on Monday. I'm interested in visiting the more affordable strip clubs, casa's and red light areas. With regard to strip clubs, which would people recommend?

Where would be the best place to locate myself?

Is there an up-to-date mongering map available? If so, does anyone have a link to it?

I know all this information is contained on the forum but this is a particularly popular forum and it's hard to dig out the info from the volumes of pages of reports. Thanks in advance.

(be aware that I always post trip reports. So I give back in return for the info provided here. I've done that more recently for Panama, before that Dominican Republic, and so on).Stay in el Centro if you want ground 0 for the cheap pussy, nearby is the el Estadio area or also called la Setenta, you'll be a metro stop away or quick cab ride from the action, but have a more peaceful home base.

See hotel thread for suggestions.

All the casas out there in el Centro, and strip clubs are about the same price, cheap.

Just a matter of finding your type of girl.

Start at New Life, probably the most girls in the lineup.

See the Medellin Lists thread for locations.

PS ... Mondays are a bit slow at the strip clubs, but you’ll probably find something.
Gets better as the week goes on.


Sean EZ
02-09-18, 21:53
I will be in Medellin on Monday. I'm interested in visiting the more affordable strip clubs, casa's and red light areas. With regard to strip clubs, which would people recommend?

Where would be the best place to locate myself?

Is there an up-to-date mongering map available? If so, does anyone have a link to it?

I know all this information is contained on the forum but this is a particularly popular forum and it's hard to dig out the info from the volumes of pages of reports. Thanks in advance.

(be aware that I always post trip reports. So I give back in return for the info provided here. I've done that more recently for Panama, before that Dominican Republic, and so on).My advice is don't skip Face Dos. Taxis routinely suggest Islas. If you're into fake looks / tits go to Islas. I regret not having spent more nights at FD, and the vibe there is great too.

02-09-18, 21:57
My advice is don't skip Face Dos. Taxis routinely suggest Islas. If you're into fake looks / tits go to Islas. I regret not having spent more nights at FD, and the vibe there is great too.Agree, I don't like La Isla strip club, way too fake, plastic and over priced for me.

Some guys may like it though.

Face Dos, though more expensive than the el Central clubs, is way more chill IMO, than Isla.

02-09-18, 22:05
I will be in Medellin on Monday. I'm interested in visiting the more affordable strip clubs, casa's and red light areas. With regard to strip clubs, which would people recommend?
Where would be the best place to locate myself?
Is there an up-to-date mongering map available? If so, does anyone have a link to it?To be in the center of the more affordable action you would stay in El Centro (aka La Candelaria) Stay on the main busy roads in the day and take cabs at night. In the day dress like headed to Home Depot.

Cheaper Strip Club-wise my fav 3 in Centro are Conejitas (Playmates) at Calle 53 #51-41 and about 3 blocks away Barra Ejectiva at Calle 53 #48-20 and right next door, not as busy but worth looking in sometimes Maracaibo at Calle 53 #49-30. I have a downtown map I made for my own use I can email you if you PM me a email address. It has most the Centro strip club / Casa's and Redlight Blocks marked on it. I stay at the hotel Botero due to it's location right between those 3 strip clubs and right across from Casa Yakuza which is open till from 10 ish AM to like 3 to 4 AM-ish. They allow takeout no extra fee to the Botero for 45 k a 1/2 HR. Not always cuties there but sometimes. It's behind a mirrored door just left of Hotel Deseos.

It's "Botero Medellin" on Hotels.com, $26 a night, book a room for 2, 15 stories, bar with great view and steam room / saunas on roof, mini-fridge in room (if not, ask for one) walk in shower, hot water, 42" flat-screen. (Botero should start giving me a commission. LOL) Ask for a floor on the highest floor available for view and noise reduction, west side building better.

The airport buses end up on that block which is convenient.

Casa wise I would start at New Life and work my way down the list.

02-09-18, 22:16
Agree, I don't like La Isla strip club, way too fake, plastic and over priced for me.Some guys may like it though.
Face Dos, though more expensive than the el Central clubs, is way more chill IMO, than Isla.And at Fase, though the girls will be about 2 x the costs of the centro Clubs, it's the bar tab that will kill you, in Centro Clubs I get a red sports drink for 4-6 k-ish and buy a girl a drink for a little more, but in FaseII to sit on the floor and not at the bar you have to get a bottle or bucket of beers, we got one small bottle aguardiente and the beer bucket and it was 145 k, then 190 k for the girl + 10 k entrance fee. Kinda adds up. I do like the place though as they usually have no fatties and nobody I'd really say no to and 10+ girls I consider 9's or 10's. (on a Friday night past 11).

Iguana Six
02-09-18, 23:48
My advice is don't skip Face Dos. Taxis routinely suggest Islas. If you're into fake looks / tits go to Islas. I regret not having spent more nights at FD, and the vibe there is great too.Nine years ago, I went to Fase Dos and thought the COP190 price for an on premises short time was a little steep. Now, not so much. They haven't raised their price, and the quality of the talent is better than it was before. This may be because, while they welcome tourists, their bread-and-butter is the local customers.

Iguana Six
02-09-18, 23:54
The Mansion (gringo hotel) does not take a cut of any of the girls money.But the owner DO force the English students to get their hair and nails done at their beauty shop, buy their lingerie at their gift shop, etc. Also, the days when the students could show up uninvited ended years ago.

02-10-18, 00:30
It's semantics isn't it? Gringo hotel is a hotel not a brothel, they don't take a cut they require payments for beauty services. This hobby is about fantasy but I like to keep it real to avoid getting caught up in bullshit.

But the owner DO force the English students to get their hair and nails done at their beauty shop, buy their lingerie at their gift shop, etc. Also, the days when the students could show up uninvited ended years ago.

02-10-18, 00:33
I would rather apologize. I've never actually held my hand on an open flame but I know it is not something I would enjoy.

I don't think you should apologized to the the gringo hotel owners.

But you should probably stay there and get to know some of the women before commenting on how they do business.

At the gringo hotel you deal directly with the chicks on price, services and duration. And you pay the chicas directly.

And you can have any girl you want to stay with you at the hotel whether they know her or not (as long as she has a cedula).

Plenty of guys just order in and use the chicas that show up daily at the hotel as back up in case of a no show.

02-10-18, 00:38
Word to the wise, in my opinion based on advice from an employer's security management, these precautions apply to Cauca at all times.

I received a Bogota consulate advisement:

Location: Colombia, countrywide.

Event: The National Liberation Army (ELN) terrorist group announced an economic shutdown of the country from 6:00 am On Saturday, February 10,2018 until 6:00 am On Tuesday, February 13,2018. The group has warned civilians not to travel during this period, and have threatened to forcibly close roads, river and sea transportation, and air routes. Colombian authorities will increase military and police presence throughout the country. Historically, the ELN is very active during February due to key anniversaries during this period.

Actions to Take:

Avoid areas with known ELN presence (parts of the departments of Nario, Cauca, Choco, Arauca and Norte de Santander).

Keep a low profile.

Be aware of your surroundings.

Review your personal security plans.

02-10-18, 01:54
But the owner DO force the English students to get their hair and nails done at their beauty shop, buy their lingerie at their gift shop, etc. Also, the days when the students could show up uninvited ended years ago.How could that be?

When the night time girls show up neither one is even open.

Every chick that works at the mansion has to request to work at the mansion.

The ones that don't get picked to work on a particular night will often hit the guys up staying there asking them to invite them in.

I've seen girls hang out at the mansion all day and not make a dime.

They sometimes beg for cab fare to go home.

Never had one beg to get her hair done.

I can see girls that didnt get picked to work voluntarily going into the mansion to get their hair done if they are allowed to work afterwards

But I have never heard of that happening either

02-10-18, 03:54
Word to the wise, in my opinion based on advice from an employer's security management, these precautions apply to Cauca at all times.From personal experience after making several visits to see friends who live there, I'd exclude within Popayan from the "all times" category, but based on their advice would certainly concur for Southern and Western Cauca and the mountainous area outside of Popayan that runs from Huila to Narino. Rode a chiva to a finca outside of Popayan with the entire family (met my first Pastos on the chiva) and enjoyed a Sunday of family fun playing games, eating sancocho de gallena, etc. , but other than that I've kept my obvious gringo self within the White City.

02-10-18, 14:00
......I stay at the hotel Botero due to it's location right between those 3 strip clubs and right across from Casa Yakuza which is open till from 10 ish AM to like 3 to 4 AM-ish. They allow takeout no extra fee to the Botero for 45 k a 1/2 HR. Not always cuties there but sometimes. It's behind a mirrored door just left of Hotel Deseos.

It's "Botero Medellin" on Hotels.com, $26 a night, book a room for 2, 15 stories, bar with great view and steam room / saunas on roof, mini-fridge in room (if not, ask for one) walk in shower, hot water, 42" flat-screen. (Botero should start giving me a commission. LOL) Ask for a floor on the highest floor available for view and noise reduction, west side building better.

The airport buses end up on that block which is convenient.....The most important thing for me is wifi and I think at hotel Botero it is iffy.

02-10-18, 17:13
The most important thing for me is wifi and I think at hotel Botero it is iffy.When it goes down or gets wonky I go out in the hall, the box is on high on the wall near the elevator, I reboot it by unplugging the power cord and re-plugging it, it come back up then. If not you can get a signal from the floor on either side of you also. I got a PM asking about the non-working A/C, that's why you get a high floor on the west side, cool breezes and the sun does not beat on that side in the morning, open both windows and I tip the front desk to bring me a fan which I wedge in the window and have it blow right on my bed, I get the 2 doubles, use one for my clothes and sleep in the one by the window, actually gets a little too cool by morning.

El Mechanico
02-10-18, 17:23
The most important thing for me is wifi and I think at hotel Botero it is iffy.When my signal was out or very weak I would simply walk down to the router by the elevator, unplug it wait 10 seconds and plug it back in. That usually did the trick.

El Mechanico.

02-10-18, 21:44
I took the metro and metro cable to parque Arvii for the first time. I went to Estadio station which is a five minute walk from my hotel. At some point by estacion San Antonio or San Jose, I do not remember which saint I have to go out to take the other line. I continued to estacion Acevedo where the metro cable is. I went in to the funicular up the mountain over the poor comunas. Somebody advised me not to stop inside Arvii park because it is near a dangerous area so I took the funicular with half a dozen Pablo Escobar gun men look alike inside it.

Once at the top of the mountain my metro car get empty to be refilled again with college students and working people. There was a pretty college girl and another woman on her mid 30,s with an outstanding body with big natural looking butts. Her dress shows how great her body is. We went out to take the train back home. When I get down the stairs to wait for the train I saw that hot lady again and asked her about how the get back to Estadio Station. She offered to lead me during the trip and we entered the train and we stood up together because all seats were taken. Behind her there was a pretty young college student that was staring at me. I notice it and looked at her, she is very pretty. The lady noticed that I was looking to somebody else and make an 180 to look who is behind her. We keep talking and I get her phone number. I left the train by whatever saint station to take the one to Estadio. Guess what, the pretty college girl went out with me to take the same train. On the line to wait for the next train she asked if She was prettier than the lady I was talking to. Long story short I got her phone number too and we have a date for after school today and a date with the other lady tomorrow. I am still smiling!

02-10-18, 22:04
Why not buy some Internet service from Claro / Tigo etc? You can be online 24/7 in the Botero hotel and anywhere else you are going to be? You would need a phone or other device you can put in "mobile hotspot" mode.

The most important thing for me is wifi and I think at hotel Botero it is iffy.

02-10-18, 22:09
Message me, if you need a translator, wingman, etc.Appreciate the offer.

Don't think I can message you. Just got on here.

If you would, just reply to this on the forum and let me know the best way to link up more directly. If joining is the only way, just let me know that.


02-10-18, 22:17
Nice work Boricua. Are you going to check out Energy. It's near your hotel. Keep us up to date.

I took the metro and metro cable to parque Arvii for the first time. I went to Estadio station which is a five minute walk from my hotel. At some point by estacion San Antonio or San Jose, I do not remember which saint I have to go out to take the other line. I continued to estacion Acevedo where the metro cable is. I went in to the funicular up the mountain over the poor comunas. Somebody advised me not to stop inside Arvii park because it is near a dangerous area so I took the funicular with half a dozen Pablo Escobar gun men look alike inside it.

Once at the top of the mountain my metro car get empty to be refilled again with college students and working people. There was a pretty college girl and another woman on her mid 30,s with an outstanding body with big natural looking butts. Her dress shows how great her body is. We went out to take the train back home. When I get down the stairs to wait for the train I saw that hot lady again and asked her about how the get back to Estadio Station.

02-10-18, 22:18
I took the metro and metro cable to parque Arvii for the first time. I went to Estadio station which is a five minute walk from my hotel. At some point by estacion San Antonio or San Jose, I do not remember which saint I have to go out to take the other line. I continued to estacion Acevedo where the metro cable is. I went in to the funicular up the mountain over the poor comunas. Somebody advised me not to stop inside Arvii park because it is near a dangerous area so I took the funicular with half a dozen Pablo Escobar gun men look alike inside it.

Once at the top of the mountain my metro car get empty to be refilled again with college students and working people. There was a pretty college girl and another woman on her mid 30,s with an outstanding body with big natural looking butts. Her dress shows how great her body is. We went out to take the train back home. When I get down the stairs to wait for the train I saw that hot lady again and asked her about how the get back to Estadio Station. She offered to lead me during the trip and we entered the train and we stood up together because all seats were taken. Behind her there was a pretty young college student that was staring at me. I notice it and looked at her, she is very pretty. The lady noticed that I was looking to somebody else and make an 180 to look who is behind her. We keep talking and I get her phone number. I left the train by whatever saint station to take the one to Estadio. Guess what, the pretty college girl went out with me to take the same train. On the line to wait for the next train she asked if She was prettier than the lady I was talking to. Long story short I got her phone number too and we have a date for after school today and a date with the other lady tomorrow. I am still smiling!Awesome!! This is the POWER of Social Proof.

It reminds me of that Chris Rock joke.

Men "I got to get me a girl like THAT".

Women "I got to get HIM!


02-11-18, 01:25
Yeah I saw Louisa down there. I almost mentioned it since I saw you posted about her. We closed barra executive so no time to see the others that night. Haven't got to spend as much time in Centro yet this time. Hopefully remedy that next week.

If you wait long enough girls tend to show up for work all thru the night at BarraEjectiva.

While at BarraEjectiva it is usually worth at least peeking in next door at Maracaibo and walking the 3 blocks to Conejitas.

Yeah VeraCruz can be very hit or miss, I'd say I see something I like about 1/3 of the time, but I enjoy strolling through there anyway.

Did you see the semi-blonde Sarah or the ultra-spinner Luisa? (girl on the left in this photo).

02-11-18, 01:55
I took the metro and metro cable to parque Arvii for the first time. I went to Estadio station which is a five minute walk from my hotel. At some point by estacion San Antonio or San Jose, I do not remember which saint I have to go out to take the other line. I continued to estacion Acevedo where the metro cable is. I went in to the funicular up the mountain over the poor comunas. Somebody advised me not to stop inside Arvii park because it is near a dangerous area so I took the funicular with half a dozen Pablo Escobar gun men look alike inside it.

Once at the top of the mountain my metro car get empty to be refilled again with college students and working people. There was a pretty college girl and another woman on her mid 30,s with an outstanding body with big natural looking butts. Her dress shows how great her body is. We went out to take the train back home. When I get down the stairs to wait for the train I saw that hot lady again and asked her about how the get back to Estadio Station. She offered to lead me during the trip and we entered the train and we stood up together because all seats were taken. Behind her there was a pretty young college student that was staring at me. I notice it and looked at her, she is very pretty. The lady noticed that I was looking to somebody else and make an 180 to look who is behind her. We keep talking and I get her phone number. I left the train by whatever saint station to take the one to Estadio. Guess what, the pretty college girl went out with me to take the same train. On the line to wait for the next train she asked if She was prettier than the lady I was talking to. Long story short I got her phone number too and we have a date for after school today and a date with the other lady tomorrow. I am still smiling!You're not to far away from me. The metro station where you switch trains is San Antonio. The other end of the be line, which runs out to Laureles, is San Javier station. There's another metrocable there with a nice area to sit and enjoy the views. Also at the San Antonio station you can catch the Tranvia, which will take you to another metrocable. Nothing up there, except for a good view.

Someone gave you some confused information on the Metrocable to Parque Arvi, although it sounds like it worked to your advantage. At Acevedo station you take the metrocable up to Santo Domingo. At Santo Domingo you switch to the second metrocable that takes you to Parque Arvi. Parque Arvi is no problem to get out and walk around. Pretty area a few places to eat or grab a beer, nature trails. However, at the Santo Domingo station it's probably not a good idea to get out and walk around.

World Travel 69
02-11-18, 02:01
What is the address for the Map?

To be in the center of the more affordable action you would stay in El Centro (aka La Candelaria) Stay on the main busy roads in the day and take cabs at night. In the day dress like headed to Home Depot.

Cheaper Strip Club-wise my fav 3 in Centro are Conejitas (Playmates) at Calle 53 #51-41 and about 3 blocks away Barra Ejectiva at Calle 53 #48-20 and right next door, not as busy but worth looking in sometimes Maracaibo at Calle 53 #49-30. I have a downtown map I made for my own use I can email you if you PM me a email address. It has most the Centro strip club / Casa's and Redlight Blocks marked on it. I stay at the hotel Botero due to it's location right between those 3 strip clubs and right across from Casa Yakuza which is open till from 10 ish AM to like 3 to 4 AM-ish. They allow takeout no extra fee to the Botero for 45 k a 1/2 HR. Not always cuties there but sometimes. It's behind a mirrored door just left of Hotel Deseos.

It's "Botero Medellin" on Hotels.com, $26 a night, book a room for 2, 15 stories, bar with great view and steam room / saunas on roof, mini-fridge in room (if not, ask for one) walk in shower, hot water, 42" flat-screen. (Botero should start giving me a commission. LOL) Ask for a floor on the highest floor available for view and noise reduction, west side building better.

The airport buses end up on that block which is convenient.

Casa wise I would start at New Life and work my way down the list.

02-11-18, 02:15
What is the address for the Map?Cra50 a#53-38.

Directly next to Hotel Deseos, behind the mirrored door, literally open till like 4 am on weekends, opens 10 am ish, 45 k 1/2 HR.

02-11-18, 02:30
Yakuza address is: Carrera 50 A #53-38.

What is the address for the Map?

02-11-18, 02:41
We closed barra executive so no time to see the others that night. Haven't got to spend as much time in Centro yet this time. Hopefully remedy that next week.I like the room I've been in at Conejitas (end of the hall, tile floor, clean, shower, fan, cool, nicely lit. The one right behind the bar at Maracaibo is very small, but had a fan, wasn't hot.

But Barra Ejectiva I did not like, the room was too dark and too hot. I usually do take out from the 3 clubs anyway.

The Tall Man
02-11-18, 04:21
I took the metro and metro cable to parque Arvii for the first time. I went to Estadio station which is a five minute walk from my hotel. At some point by estacion San Antonio or San Jose, I do not remember which saint I have to go out to take the other line. I continued to estacion Acevedo where the metro cable is. I went in to the funicular up the mountain over the poor comunas. Somebody advised me not to stop inside Arvii park because it is near a dangerous area so I took the funicular with half a dozen Pablo Escobar gun men look alike inside it.

Once at the top of the mountain my metro car get empty to be refilled again with college students and working people. There was a pretty college girl and another woman on her mid 30,s with an outstanding body with big natural looking butts. Her dress shows how great her body is. We went out to take the train back home. When I get down the stairs to wait for the train I saw that hot lady again and asked her about how the get back to Estadio Station. She offered to lead me during the trip and we entered the train and we stood up together because all seats were taken. Behind her there was a pretty young college student that was staring at me. I notice it and looked at her, she is very pretty. The lady noticed that I was looking to somebody else and make an 180 to look who is behind her. We keep talking and I get her phone number. I left the train by whatever saint station to take the one to Estadio. Guess what, the pretty college girl went out with me to take the same train. On the line to wait for the next train she asked if She was prettier than the lady I was talking to. Long story short I got her phone number too and we have a date for after school today and a date with the other lady tomorrow. I am still smiling!Cool story! I believe it, every word, nothing better than two Paisa's in competition for the same guy. Good job! Tell us how the date panned out.


02-11-18, 22:59
Thanks Wolf / Balboa / Sean.

That's the info I needed. Love those down and dirty strip clubs to while a way some time. I was in Medellin a few years ago. But too long ago to remember where I had been. I think I was in Fase Dos. Or at least, was in some Strip Club that was well expensive. Also hit up a few centro clubs and casas.

I've booked a room at Hotel International. It's 5 minutes walk away from those spots. Won't be as convenient as the Hotel you mentioned but good quality internet is important to me. I guess I'll forego the take-out option. Have just booked it for one night. Just to see what it's like. Can always move if I need to. It looks like it's close to Mansion which I thought was in another area of the city. Maybe I'll check that out. Can you bring your own take out to Mansion or can you only use services on site?

Have over 11 months worth of travelling left. Who knows. Maybe I'll end up spending more time in Colombia and Medellin.

Anyone ever get with a chica on the premise of learning Spanish? I'd like learn Spanish (beyond the pidgeon Spanish I have right now) but have been told the Spanish schools are expensive (and that it would be much cheaper in Equador once I get there). Just thought there might be an opportunity to set up a deal that would work out as a win / win. Maybe with a bit of lovin' thrown in. I just want to spend time speaking the language. Have done more organised classes in the past.

02-12-18, 02:28
Thanks Wolf / Balboa / Sean.

That's the info I needed. Love those down and dirty strip clubs to while a way some time. I was in Medellin a few years ago. But too long ago to remember where I had been. I think I was in Fase Dos. Or at least, was in some Strip Club that was well expensive. Also hit up a few centro clubs and casas.

I've booked a room at Hotel International. It's 5 minutes walk away from those spots. Won't be as convenient as the Hotel you mentioned but good quality internet is important to me. I guess I'll forego the take-out option. Have just booked it for one night. Just to see what it's like. Can always move if I need to. It looks like it's close to Mansion which I thought was in another area of the city. Maybe I'll check that out. Can you bring your own take out to Mansion or can you only use services on site?

Have over 11 months worth of travelling left. Who knows. Maybe I'll end up spending more time in Colombia and Medellin.

Anyone ever get with a chica on the premise of learning Spanish? I'd like learn Spanish (beyond the pidgeon Spanish I have right now) but have been told the Spanish schools are expensive (and that it would be much cheaper in Equador once I get there). Just thought there might be an opportunity to set up a deal that would work out as a win / win. Maybe with a bit of lovin' thrown in. I just want to spend time speaking the language. Have done more organised classes in the past.There is a place called Hotel Mansion close to Hotel International, but that's not the place known as "The Mansion. " It's a little dive fleabag where rooms are about 25 k per night. It might be a place to stay if you have nothing worth stealing and don't mind losing a kidney.

The Mansion is just off Milla de Oro in Poblado. You can bring in any girl provided she has a cedula and hasn't been banned from The Mansion.

02-12-18, 04:09
I arrived to Medellin last Tuesday / Wednesday after midnight and I am in hotel Dorado la 70, Laureles. Queen bed, high speed wifi, 40 inch tv, private bath air conditioner and fan. No in room safe. The room maid is pretty and fun. I paid 70 k for a taxi. Now I am retiring money at Colcolombia ATM because Bancolombia is charging a 12 k fee.

Exito and Jumbo have been my grocery suppliers. Cartel de Cali founded La Rebaja drugstore has been my blue pill supplier. Last week I contacted a girl that contrary to other Tinder girls do not define herself as a "scort". She lives in Bello, 19 with a baby and lives with parents. She has great legs and ass with a little darker skin color than usual in Medellin. Small be tits. She sends me whatsapp video camera a few times and is a pretty girl who loves to flirt. It was all nice until the night before my trip. That night the sad story comes. Her baby is lacking goods that casually costs exactly 200 k pesos. Anyway, I did not meet her the first night. The first night I dated a girl I met on my last trip. We went to the giratory Tony Romas from Dan Carlton Poblado hotel. Outstanding panoramic view from around the city and their menu is a lot different than any other Tony Romas. Not bad paying $13 for a juicy steak. Sangria is good and a carafe that refilled our glasses 3 times just cost the equivalent of $7 US.

Back to the Tinder lady I finally met her on Friday. She requested me to meet at Trip or 3 D hotel behind Estadio station. I was curious why there and not at the Estadio station. Doing my analysis I reached to the conclusion that she wanted to rent a room at 3 D or Thematic Suites which are two highly rated short term motels with themathic rooms, moving and vibrating beds, pole dance, jacuzzi and other amenities. But I was wrong, it was because her 2,200 pesos bus from Bello stops there. I picked her and we went to eat at Carrera 70, my steak with fries and salad plus her chicken sandwich a soda and water cost 28 k. We had a conversation and after a few minutes she was confortable enough with me so instead of her leaving in an hour to pick her baby at the day care center she called her cousin to have him picking her baby. I invited her to my room but contrary to expected we go up without register her at the lobby. Perhaps it was because lobby people was busy with a lot of customers. We went up to my room and seated on the sofa. We had a little chat, she was playing to be a hard to conquer girl, I was seducing her. At some point we began kissing and suddenly she said to me: "please do not kiss me on the neck because things can happen". Guess what. I began to kiss her neck, she tried to avoid until she finally surrendered. She moaned softly, I kissed her small tits with hard nipples and moved her to the bed.

She said she has to go, but I told her her cousin picked her baby. At a point she asked me not to perform oral on her because she is ashamed of her large pussy lips. I licked it anyway, I told her I like them large. So I gave her oral until she finished, she was very wet. She did the same to me, bareback too until we had sex in different positions. We had a shower together, we spent over 4 hours together. I walked with her to the bus station but my legs were weak, that girl depleted all my energy. I just paid her 2,200 pesos for the bus as she requested, this is a story in progress. At some time she is going to ask for her "payment ".

02-12-18, 04:30
I visited Centro yesterday for the first time. Traffic was heavy at 4:00 pm. Saturday. Thousands of people were there walking, including evident tourists at Plaza Botero taking pictures, some talking to the police about how nice it was going to the soccer finals the night before. I walked around and see a building that from outside looks like a church but It was a mall. I walked a lot until I went under the metro line. I went back to a church not far from Botero and see the first evident street girls. It was a surreal scene. There were any kind of girls, automatic and standard. Lot of uglies. Based on her looks the probably are the consumers of 95% of the drug produced in Medellin. Girls range from 10 years to 60 and I am not lying. The prettiest girl I saw talked to me and has a harder voice than most men. Lots of trannies in that area behind the church, I later learned it was Carrera 53 between calle 51 and 52. I spent an hour there then went back to my hotel to date the college girl I met in the metro.

Mr Enternational
02-12-18, 05:42
At a point she asked me not to perform oral on her because she is ashamed of her large pussy lips. I licked it anyway, I told her I like them large.This is the shit that kills me about women. They know nothing about men. They assume that all men like the same thing and only that one thing. They do not realize there is a pot for every lid. So instead of trying to change yourself into being something that you are not, just be yourself and wait for someone to come along that likes the way you are.

02-12-18, 05:49
This is the shit that kills me about women. They know nothing about men. They assume that all men like the same thing and only that one thing. They do not realize there is a pot for every lid. So instead of trying to change yourself into being something that you are not, just be yourself and wait for someone to come along that likes the way you are.I like that a lot. She ranked second about it only surpassed by Freiny for Casa Azul in Santo Domingo.

02-12-18, 06:06
I met Adriana from Locanto classified ads. She asked for $100 k. She send me nudes by whatsapp without showing her face. She has a nice body based on the pictures. No face pic even after I requested it twice. She claim to have 28 yrs. She came to my hotel last Friday. Reception called and asked if I wanted Adriana to come and I said ok. She went up. She was pettite. I mean, very pettite. VERY. On caps. She should be around 4'0. I also see why she do not show her face. Although she has a well maintained body she should be around 40 yrs. She was nice but have a strange behavior, not dangerous but strange. We did almost everything and can rate her good. She even gave me a bonus massage because I was nice to her she spent more than the agreed hour and also gave me a bath with a bonus BJ. She has it almost in front on her face anyway, LOL.

02-12-18, 14:02
I like that a lot. She ranked second about it only surpassed by Freiny for Casa Azul in Santo Domingo.B.O., good to see you finally made it to Medallo! I still haven't been to Santo Domingo just yet. What are your thoughts so far in comparing the two places? SD always sounded like a tough nut to crack, but you always made it work for you.

02-12-18, 15:38
Damn these girls are charging more and more for BBBJ. I use to not even ask and it usually happened. But damn one wanted 50 k more for BBBJ yesterday. She was only 90 k for the hour to begin with. Photoprepago girl. Next it will be 20 k for the top off.

02-12-18, 20:10
I visited Centro yesterday for the first time. Traffic was heavy at 4:00 pm. Saturday. Thousands of people were there walking, including evident tourists at Plaza Botero taking pictures, some talking to the police about how nice it was going to the soccer finals the night before. I walked around and see a building that from outside looks like a church but It was a mall. I walked a lot until I went under the metro line. I went back to a church not far from Botero and see the first evident street girls. It was a surreal scene. There were any kind of girls, automatic and standard. Lot of uglies. Based on her looks the probably are the consumers of 95% of the drug produced in Medellin. Girls range from 10 years to 60 and I am not lying. The prettiest girl I saw talked to me and has a harder voice than most men. Lots of trannies in that area behind the church, I later learned it was Carrera 53 between calle 51 and 52. I spent an hour there then went back to my hotel to date the college girl I met in the metro.Wow. Going to have to disagree with most of that. I have spend around 20 days in Centro with 2 to 3 visits a day to the Veracruz block so that is 40 to 60 times I have been through there in the last year. Most (like 4 to 6) of the trannies are up front to the left of the entrance to the church. (most of them hang over by Parque Bolivar) The drug addicts (mostly glue huffers) also stay up front by the fountains. I have NEVER seen a girl who wouldn't pass for between 18 and 40 ish. Cops are through that area quite frequently and would no way let a 10 yo be a prostitute.

I am unfortunately well acquainted with what meth-heads, crack-heads and opiate addicts look and act like here in the US. Have never seen anything close behind the church. I have been with 6+ women from behind the church, weed or beer is all they want, if that.

Husker Dude
02-12-18, 20:22
I've always used ATM's in MDE. However a guy told me recently he got 2750 in cash exchange and only 2400 in ATM's for US $. Is this true or did he use the wrong ATM? Claims he used a couple different ones. I usually use the Schwab card in Banccolombia or CITI ATM's.

02-12-18, 21:03
I've always used ATM's in MDE. However a guy told me recently he got 2750 in cash exchange and only 2400 in ATM's for US $. Is this true or did he use the wrong ATM? Claims he used a couple different ones. I usually use the Schwab card in Banccolombia or CITI ATM's.It depends on his bank. Some banks charge a service fee, plus a foreign transaction fee, plus any fees charged by the ATM. If he was doing small transactions it could cut his exchange rate down that much.

02-12-18, 22:11
Been having a great time with this sweet little beauty. Has been my favorite in Medellin so far. If any of you would like her contact info let me know. Hopefully you'll trade me a gems info too. I do have permission to post her picture. Unsure if I can post a number but I'll give it to you in pm. No upsale charges either. 120k.

02-12-18, 22:16
I've always used ATM's in MDE. However a guy told me recently he got 2750 in cash exchange and only 2400 in ATM's for US $. Is this true or did he use the wrong ATM? Claims he used a couple different ones. I usually use the Schwab card in Banccolombia or CITI ATM's.I just got 2809.68 per USA Dollar at the citibank ATM in centro on the walking street carr 49 south of call 43. Plus any rebate for fees at EOM from schwabb.

2nd floor next to Mcdonalds. The machine on the right had english prompts.

There is a guard that posts up there during the day. You can bring the ATM receipt into the branch Citibank right next to it and the teller will break down your 50's.

I tried to use both the ATM's at the Nutibara hotel first same day and both machines rejected me. Tried a lower amount, nada. One said to call my bank. Checked my activity and there was a reversal. Could be I did something wrong, whatever.

02-13-18, 01:18
Got in to MDE this afternoon. Bus from the airport to San Diego Mall and a Taxi in to El Centro / La Candelaria. It looks like the bus doesn't go any further than San Diego Mall anymore. I've gone budget hotel wise. It's clean, it's safe, broadband is good. But there's always a few niggly things when you go budget. A hard bed, a cramped en-suite. Just booked it for the night. Might have a look at a couple in the morning and see if I can fare any better.

I dropped in to Connejitas, Barra Ejecutiva & Maracaibo (and I think there were a couple of others I wandered in to but didn't stay). They were all pretty dead. I guess it's Monday afternoon so can't expect much. I walked down past Connejitas for a couple of blocks. Came across some girls on the street side. Didn't really do anything for me. Double backed and veered to the right (parallel with plaza bolero) . Came across a street where there were more girls. I have to say. Felt a bit uncomfortable as they all looked far too young on that particular street. Moved away from there.

The area doesn't intimidate me too much. There's a hell of a lot going on - with people milling around in all directions. However, I'm sure that will all change as the darkness descends. Will dip my toe in the water a bit later on and gauge safety levels.

02-13-18, 01:22
Got in to MDE this afternoon. Bus from the airport to San Diego Mall and a Taxi in to El Centro / La Candelaria. It looks like the bus doesn't go any further than San Diego Mall anymore.Bus has 2 routes, the "autopista" route to Centro and the San Diego route.

02-13-18, 01:54
I agree! So many chicas basically apologize for their small tits and small ass. They tell me how much they want implants. I try to tell them that guys like me like the flacas and are not into the silicone. But I guess they think I'm just being nice. Same with the size and shape of their pussy. Unbelievable. Of course, chicas like Yisela Restrepo seem to only encourage some of these girls. Once she got her fake ass and fake tits, it seemed like her business increased substantially (but not from me). I am perfectly happy with smaller tits, as long as the nipples are nice. And as long as the ass is tight, it doesn't have to be big. Ahhh. Paisas.

This is the shit that kills me about women. They know nothing about men. They assume that all men like the same thing and only that one thing. They do not realize there is a pot for every lid. So instead of trying to change yourself into being something that you are not, just be yourself and wait for someone to come along that likes the way you are.

02-13-18, 02:54
Change hotels quick while you still can! LOL!

Great post Boricua, I'm enjoying following your trip.

I arrived to Medellin last Tuesday / Wednesday after midnight and I am in hotel Dorado la 70, Laureles. Queen bed, high speed wifi, 40 inch tv, private bath air conditioner and fan. No in room safe. The room maid is pretty and fun. I paid 70 k for a taxi. Now I am retiring money at Colcolombia ATM because Bancolombia is charging a 12 k fee.

Exito and Jumbo have been my grocery suppliers. Cartel de Cali founded La Rebaja drugstore has been my blue pill supplier. Last week I contacted a girl that contrary to other Tinder girls do not define herself as a "scort". She lives in Bello, 19 with a baby and lives with parents. She has great legs and ass with a little darker skin color than usual in Medellin. Small be tits. She sends me whatsapp video camera a few times and is a pretty girl who loves to flirt. It was all nice until the night before my trip. That night the sad story comes. Her baby is lacking goods that casually costs exactly 200 k pesos. Anyway, I did not meet her the first night. The first night I dated a girl I met on my last trip. We went to the giratory Tony Romas from Dan Carlton Poblado hotel. Outstanding panoramic view from around the city and their menu is a lot different than any other Tony Romas. Not bad paying $13 for a juicy steak. Sangria is good and a carafe that refilled our glasses 3 times just cost the equivalent of $7 US..

02-13-18, 03:03
Got in to MDE this afternoon. Bus from the airport to San Diego Mall and a Taxi in to El Centro / La Candelaria. It looks like the bus doesn't go any further than San Diego Mall anymore..If you want the bus back walk / cab to the block behind the hotel Nutribara which is across from Plaza Botero. I think they start at like 4 am-ish but not positive but they do start early. Budget some extra time just in case, figure 1 HR on the bus and I spent 45 min in the American Airlines line and then security flagged me for a visit to the back room ride-through X-ray machine, I got there 1 HR & 1/2 early and just made my flight.

02-13-18, 03:04
There are two bus routes from the airport. One ends at San Diego, the other ends behind the Nutibara in Centro. You took the wrong one. Next time tell the dispatcher you want Centro. Just say "Centro" over and over again, you don't need to speak Spanish but you do need to know where you want to go.

Got in to MDE this afternoon. Bus from the airport to San Diego Mall and a Taxi in to El Centro / La Candelaria. It looks like the bus doesn't go any further than San Diego Mall anymore. I've gone budget hotel wise. It's clean, it's safe, broadband is good. But there's always a few niggly things when you go budget. A hard bed, a cramped en-suite. Just booked it for the night. Might have a look at a couple in the morning and see if I can fare any better.

I dropped in to Connejitas, Barra Ejecutiva & Maracaibo (and I think there were a couple of others I wandered in to but didn't stay). They were all pretty dead. I guess it's Monday afternoon so can't expect much. I walked down past Connejitas for a couple of blocks. Came across some girls on the street side. Didn't really do anything for me. Double backed and veered to the right (parallel with plaza bolero) . Came across a street where there were more girls. I have to say. Felt a bit uncomfortable as they all looked far too young on that particular street. Moved away from there.

The area doesn't intimidate me too much. There's a hell of a lot going on - with people milling around in all directions. However, I'm sure that will all change as the darkness descends. Will dip my toe in the water a bit later on and gauge safety levels.

DC Hammer
02-13-18, 06:46
Been having a great time with this sweet little beauty. Has been my favorite in Medellin so far. If any of you would like her contact info let me know. Hopefully you'll trade me a gems info too. I do have permission to post her picture. Unsure if I can post a number but I'll give it to you in pm. No upsale charges either. 120k.Hey PaisaPorFavor,

I am headed to Medellin on Wednesday. She looks very nice. Can you please send me her contact info. Thank you, sir.

DC Hammer.

02-13-18, 18:38

I'll be taking my first trip to Medellin in March ill be renting an airbnb can someone recommend me an area that's close to a lot of the action thank you.

02-13-18, 20:34

I'll be taking my first trip to Medellin in March ill be renting an airbnb can someone recommend me an area that's close to a lot of the action thank you.Crisis,

Try to get one within walking distance to Lleras. I have used AirBnb in these areas: Provenza, Vizcaya, and LOS Lomas. Plenty of bars and restaurants close by. You didn't mention what "action" you want to be close to. If you want low price casas; you will need to go to Centro. But this is your first trip; so I would stay in Poblado. You can always take a taxi to Centro.

The Tall Man
02-13-18, 21:35
Got in to MDE this afternoon. Bus from the airport to San Diego Mall and a Taxi in to El Centro / La Candelaria. It looks like the bus doesn't go any further than San Diego Mall anymore. I've gone budget hotel wise. It's clean, it's safe, broadband is good. But there's always a few niggly things when you go budget. A hard bed, a cramped en-suite. Just booked it for the night. Might have a look at a couple in the morning and see if I can fare any better.

I dropped in to Connejitas, Barra Ejecutiva & Maracaibo (and I think there were a couple of others I wandered in to but didn't stay). They were all pretty dead. I guess it's Monday afternoon so can't expect much. I walked down past Connejitas for a couple of blocks. Came across some girls on the street side. Didn't really do anything for me. Double backed and veered to the right (parallel with plaza bolero) . Came across a street where there were more girls. I have to say. Felt a bit uncomfortable as they all looked far too young on that particular street. Moved away from there.

The area doesn't intimidate me too much. There's a hell of a lot going on - with people milling around in all directions. However, I'm sure that will all change as the darkness descends. Will dip my toe in the water a bit later on and gauge safety levels.Yes I don't suggest that you venture these areas at night, certainly never alone and if you must then move / walk quickly and purposely through the area as if you know where your going.

And please remember that even if there are many people around, be it during daytime or night, shit still happens, they will not do anything to help or aid you, this includes shop owners and people right around your vicinity, you are on your own and shit can, will and does happen very fast.


02-13-18, 21:53
So I rolled into MDE late Sunday night and took the bus straight to Hotel Botero based on Wolfs many suggestions =). My initial plan was to just hit yakuza, but another ISG member messaged me they were at Barra Ejectiva. Walked over at 1 am (not advised) and met up with PaisasPorFavor and Kain. I'm extremely grateful for them being there to show me the ropes and help with translating. I feel like basic Spanish is almost a must here. Even on a slow night it was basically chica overload for me. So many smoking hot girls that just walk over to and rub their tits in your face for the equivalent of $0. 70. Never been in a scene even remotely like it. My thought process was "OMG what do I do with my hands" and the correct answer was to put them on the strippers. Ended up hooking up with an enhanced girl named Dulce. First time being with a girl with a fake ass. Definitely something to try but I think I prefer natural in that department. 2 hours for 200 k and was a total GFE. DFK, BBBJ, and cuddling and joking around in my very broken Spanish. Great start.

Next day did an early lap of Vera Cruz. Not much talent on a Monday morning plus I knew Spanish wasn't up to par for that scene. Meet up with board members for lunch, then hit Energy to check out the line up. Chick I chose was a 9, but service was mechanical. LOL the "massage" portion wouldn't even qualify for that at an AMP back home. Other member also said he had a mediocre time. Surprising considering how highly rated the place is.

After that was hotel transfer to the mansion. Word of caution. Google maps drops you in the wrong spot if you just put in their address. Went to the bar downstairs and there were like 8 chicas and no dudes. Chatted them up, bought a few drinks, and ended up pulling out a flaquita. She wasn't the hottest one there by a decent margin, but had the best connection with her and it was a nice change of pace from the usual curvy girls I'm into. Paid off too, was the best sex so far.

After that hit face dos, but surprisingly it was really slow. Did find a girl I liked there, but my peso supply was running low. They accept CC surprisingly, but it was 190 k cash price but 230 k CC. I thought that was pretty ridiculous upcharge so I passed. A mans got to have principles. A lot of classic beauty types there, avg hotness rating a solid 8. 5. Had to get up early so I called it around 1:00.

Right now getting some actual business taken care of. 4 girls by the pool. I think a large part of my brain is still in denial that I can just walk over and pull any of them up to my room.

As for non-mongering I really enjoyed walking around el centro during the day and parque botera. Lots of people watching and nothing is white washed like in the nicer areas of towns.

02-13-18, 23:07

I'll be taking my first trip to Medellin in March ill be renting an airbnb can someone recommend me an area that's close to a lot of the action thank you.Which action are you looking for? The cheap strip club action, the casa action and the streetwalker action is all in El Centro. The most popular place, for tourists, for better dining and nightclubs is in El Poblado around Parque Lleras. The action from the different online sources can be anywhere in the city.

Of course, you're probably not going to want to walk all over El Centro, especially at night. Since taxis are cheap, you should probably stay somewhere around Parque Lleras.

02-14-18, 00:14
@ Knowledge: I asked the bus driver if the bus was going to Hotel Nutibara / El Centro - and he just said no, only to San Diego Mall. I don't know why he didn't tell me to take the next bus (if like you say, some of them go to El Centro and some don't). I'm not that put out. The taxi ride was useful in orientating myself to the city, cost peanuts and didn't take too long despite the traffic.

I went back later last night to Connejitas & Maracaibo. Had a few beers in the former whilst watching the talent. Got together with 'Sandra' in Maracaibo for half an hour. It was ok. Nothing to write home about (but then given the pricing, don't really have to care too much). Went to New Life this morning. This was the best experience yet. It was nice to take a nice clean girl in a nice clean environment. I think that's going to be on the agenda tomorrow morning also.

I'm slumming it down here. I know that's not the way to do it for many of you. But I like things gritty and to experience the city this way. I decided to stay on at this hotel. At least for another 2 days more anyways. They had included breakfast which I nearly passed up on - as given the price for the room, I assumed it would be terrible. It was excellent (proportionate to what I'm paying). Broadband is better than any of the places I stayed at in Panama (which I just left). No windows in the room, hard bed and cramped en-suite. But central, safe and clean at 49 k / night.

I scoped out the city on foot this morning / early afternoon. When I had enough, I got the metro back to El Centro. Then went to CL. 53/ Cra. 54 - where there's a bit of street action. Set myself up with a beer and watched the world go by. Met a couple of characters.

I don't doubt that I still have to be careful down here but I'm a lot less intimidated than I felt when I first arrived.

ps. if anyone wants to update the list, it's 5k/beer in Connejitas & 9k in Maracaibo. 1/2 hour in New Life was 50k

02-14-18, 00:18
......And please remember that even if there are many people around, be it during daytime or night, shit still happens, they will not do anything to help or aid you, this includes shop owners and people right around your vicinity, you are on your own and shit can, will and does happen very fast.TTM.I remember it was close to Christmas 2016 I was walking through El Centro with phone in hand amidst a throng of shoppers and 2 guys tried to grab my phone. I held on to it and kept looking for weapons which, if produced, I would have let go the phone; however, none were proffered so I shouted loudly in English and moved my hands violently whereupon they relinquished their grip and walked off. This got barely a glance from a couple of people nearby. I kid you not.

02-14-18, 02:06
You did great, better than a lot of us who are regular visitors. Respect to you for liking it down and dirty. As for the bus thing, you will find it easier getting on one behind the Nutibara. I'm looking forward to reading about the rest of your adventures.

@ Knowledge: I asked the bus driver if the bus was going to Hotel Nutibara / El Centro - and he just said no, only to San Diego Mall. I don't know why he didn't tell me to take the next bus (if like you say, some of them go to El Centro and some don't). I'm not that put out. The taxi ride was useful in orientating myself to the city, cost peanuts and didn't take too long despite the traffic.

I went back later last night to Connejitas & Maracaibo. Had a few beers in the former whilst watching the talent. Got together with 'Sandra' in Maracaibo for half an hour. It was ok. Nothing to write home about (but then given the pricing, don't really have to care too much). Went to New Life this morning. This was the best experience yet. It was nice to take a nice clean girl in a nice clean environment. I think that's going to be on the agenda tomorrow morning also.

I'm slumming it down here. I know that's not the way to do it for many of you. But I like things gritty and to experience the city this way. I decided to stay on at this hotel. At least for another 2 days more anyways. They had included breakfast which I nearly passed up on - as given the price for the room, I assumed it would be terrible. It was excellent (proportionate to what I'm paying). Broadband is better than any of the places I stayed at in Panama (which I just left). No windows in the room, hard bed and cramped en-suite. But central, safe and clean at 49 k / night.

02-14-18, 02:14
Thank you for this reminder to keep phones and other valuables out of sight in crowded public areas. I try to duck into business or sidle up to policemen if I have to use my phone out on the street. I've been lucky so far.

I remember it was close to Christmas 2016 I was walking through El Centro with phone in hand amidst a throng of shoppers and 2 guys tried to grab my phone. I held on to it and kept looking for weapons which, if produced, I would have let go the phone; however, none were proffered so I shouted loudly in English and moved my hands violently whereupon they relinquished their grip and walked off. This got barely a glance from a couple of people nearby. I kid you not.

02-14-18, 03:34
[Deleted by Admin]

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Mr Enternational
02-14-18, 03:59
Went to New Life this morning. This was the best experience yet. It was nice to take a nice clean girl in a nice clean environment. I think that's going to be on the agenda tomorrow morning also.It seems like you guys are going to venues too early. Don't go to the downtown casas before 12. The best time to go to New Life is 2 pm. The downtown strip clubs (Conejita's, BE, M) don't get started til 6 pm; best to go around 8 pm. The DeGrieff street walkers (2 blocks past Conejita's) at least 8 pm. And the best time for Fase 2 is 10 pm on a Friday.

For the bus, like Knowledge said, just say El Centro. Even if you don't speak Spanish you can watch for such indicators as him going around back to put your bag inside as to if that is the correct bus. I think you mentioned Yakuza. I think that is the spot that is right across from the office of the bus station. The buses start at 3:30 am.

02-14-18, 04:48
You can pm me,

Hey PaisaPorFavor,

I am headed to Medellin on Wednesday. She looks very nice. Can you please send me her contact info. Thank you, sir.

DC Hammer..

02-14-18, 12:48
It seems like you guys are going to venues too early. Don't go to the downtown casas before 12. The best time to go to New Life is 2 pm. The downtown strip clubs (Conejita's, BE, M) don't get started til 6 pm; best to go around 8 pm. The DeGrieff street walkers (2 blocks past Conejita's) at least 8 pm. And the best time for Fase 2 is 10 pm on a Friday.I went to the strip clubs too early on the first day. But went back from around 9 pm onwards. Wasn't much better but then it was a Monday. DeGrieff. If truth be told, I was just going there to have a couple of afternoon beers, case the street scene out and enjoy the view. Didn't engage any services and didn't really think going there that I'd bother (although I guess you never know how things will pan out).

I went to New Life at around 11 am. They must have had 15 girls at least. So I was pleased with that. If they have more than that, then spoilt for choice for sure.

02-14-18, 14:35
I agree! So many chicas basically apologize for their small tits and small ass. They tell me how much they want implants. I try to tell them that guys like me like the flacas and are not into the silicone. But I guess they think I'm just being nice. Same with the size and shape of their pussy. Unbelievable. Of course, chicas like Yisela Restrepo seem to only encourage some of these girls. Once she got her fake ass and fake tits, it seemed like her business increased substantially (but not from me). I am perfectly happy with smaller tits, as long as the nipples are nice. And as long as the ass is tight, it doesn't have to be big. Ahhh. Paisas.I am a newbie heading to Medellin this weekend. How much I should be paying Yisela. She quoted me 300 whereas other facebook chickas are at 150-200 range.

02-14-18, 23:40
Are there casas / salas / spas in Itagui or anywhere on the south end of the corridor? Looking for a link to current map of locations as well.


02-15-18, 03:59
This is the second story I've heard about Yisela trying to get 300 mil from guys. DO NOT pay it. First, she's not worth it (most of these girls are not). Second, she is definitely a 150 mil girl. She is trying to get what she can get. She's become more popular now that she has the huge fake tits and ass, so she thinks she can get 300. And maybe some guys are actually paying it. Jejejeje. You can get TLN with a solid chica for 300 mil.

I am a newbie heading to Medellin this weekend. How much I should be paying Yisela. She quoted me 300 whereas other facebook chickas are at 150-200 range.

02-15-18, 07:44
I am a newbie heading to Medellin this weekend. How much I should be paying Yisela. She quoted me 300 whereas other facebook chickas are at 150-200 range.In this "business" the price quoted and the price agreed on are frequently quite different. Especially if she thinks or knows you're newbie, she'll throw out a crazy number thinking you might be naive enough to bite on it.

02-15-18, 14:21
Hey guys,

I was referred to this thread from a guy in the Bogota thread who thought Medellin might be more what I'm looking for. I'm still a little new to international mongering with only 2 recent Sosua DR trips under my belt. Looking to take the next step so to speak. Decent looking mid 30's white guy here with minimal Spanish language skills. Looking for easy chica access and a nice hotel that's chica friendly. "The mansion" was mentioned but I can't seem to find an actual website for it.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

02-15-18, 20:54
There are much hotter girls here cheaper. I'm sure some guys can give you some help. Model looking chicks all day for under 150 k.

I am a newbie heading to Medellin this weekend. How much I should be paying Yisela. She quoted me 300 whereas other facebook chickas are at 150-200 range..

02-15-18, 21:26
Had to find me a new little spinner and one happened to be in laureles. Interesting part turns out the taxi drops me off a street over and I can't find the place. Well after cruising the block for a minute the police roll up. I'm pretty drunk and figure I am about to be hassled. These 2 upstanding gentlemen escort me a street over and to the apartment. They got a good laugh out of me forgetting the girls name. Anyway the session was great 130 k BBBJ, perfect body, and beautiful face. I was quite surprised. Checks all the boxes. Always a little sketchy to walk in a strange place like that but was well worth it. Cruised veracruz this morning and again nothing to my liking. Took some pictures of where the girls hang out but unsure if I should post.

02-15-18, 21:41
Hey guys,

I was referred to this thread from a guy in the Bogota thread who thought Medellin might be more what I'm looking for. I'm still a little new to international mongering with only 2 recent Sosua DR trips under my belt. Looking to take the next step so to speak. Decent looking mid 30's white guy here with minimal Spanish language skills. Looking for easy chica access and a nice hotel that's chica friendly. "The mansion" was mentioned but I can't seem to find an actual website for it.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!You can search for "Hotel M Medellin" to find their website. There are both benefits and drawbacks to staying at the Mansion. Your lack of Spanish will be less of an issue and you'll be able to meet experienced mongers who can show you the ropes. There's a fair selection of girls on site and the pricing is mostly consistent.

However, the room price is much more than the room is worth and you're somewhat isolated from the other action. For a non-Spanish speaking newbie, it is your easiest option.

There's no real comparison to Sosua. Everything worth seeing in Sosua is a short walk away. Medellin is a major city. You won't find working girls on every corner, even in the working girl zone. Medellin has so much more to choose from. Depending on your tastes, the girls of Medellin are much better looking than the girls of Sosua. The climate in Medellin is also much better.

Fun Luvr
02-15-18, 23:32
...Looking for easy chica access and a nice hotel that's chica friendly. "The mansion" was mentioned but I can't seem to find an actual website for it.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!I'm not a Mansion fan, but many guys swear by it. Here's a link for their website: http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/index.html.

I am a Facebook fan, but you need a little time to establish some contacts.

02-15-18, 23:49
Where was the place in Laurles?

Had to find me a new little spinner and one happened to be in laureles. Interesting part turns out the taxi drops me off a street over and I can't find the place. Well after cruising the block for a minute the police roll up. I'm pretty drunk and figure I am about to be hassled. These 2 upstanding gentlemen escort me a street over and to the apartment. They got a good laugh out of me forgetting the girls name. Anyway the session was great 130 k BBBJ, perfect body, and beautiful face. I was quite surprised. Checks all the boxes. Always a little sketchy to walk in a strange place like that but was well worth it. Cruised veracruz this morning and again nothing to my liking. Took some pictures of where the girls hang out but unsure if I should post.

02-16-18, 00:07
I had some luck using Seeking Arrangements but that costs 90/ month. Found one diamond, on SA but also try Mileroticos, Photoprepagos or other websites. I also found a little spinner on Tinder (150 K), so I think you could have some luck with Tinder. I am an early 50 yr old guy so Tinder was a little strange me looking for 20+25 yr olds, but it was clear pretty fast that they were "scorts" and has a pre typed info page once you get them on Whatsapp with their prices and services.

I stay in Laurles and like Tantra Massage, 140 K for a full service hour (5-7 girls). I think you should not pay more than 150 K for service, lots will try to charge more for BBBJ, which to me is worth it.

Maybe bring some little gifts like Vic Secret panties or some of their sprays. If you find a girl you like and see her a second time, that small purchase of $5-10 will be well worth it.

I am not much into the street girls and when I went to El Centro did not see many that caught my eye, and some TV so beware.

I stayed at Comfort Suite in Laurles and had 2 girls over they did not charge me more but they are a little more expensive than other hotels. There are tons of love motels that do short term rentals but with limited Spanish might be hard.

Try to get the girls onto Whats app then use the google translate and that will help alot.

I'm not a Mansion fan, but many guys swear by it. Here's a link for their website: http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/index.html.

I am a Facebook fan, but you need a little time to establish some contacts.

02-16-18, 01:22
Near calle 48 a.

Had to find me a new little spinner and one happened to be in laureles. Interesting part turns out the taxi drops me off a street over and I can't find the place. Well after cruising the block for a minute the police roll up. I'm pretty drunk and figure I am about to be hassled. These 2 upstanding gentlemen escort me a street over and to the apartment. They got a good laugh out of me forgetting the girls name. Anyway the session was great 130 k BBBJ, perfect body, and beautiful face. I was quite surprised. Checks all the boxes. Always a little sketchy to walk in a strange place like that but was well worth it. Cruised veracruz this morning and again nothing to my liking. Took some pictures of where the girls hang out but unsure if I should post..

Where was the place in Laurles?

02-16-18, 08:15
This will be my second trip, first time mongering. When I came last year (with girlfriend) the hotels were strict with outside visitors as they kept warning us without us requesting. Where are the best paces that allow visitors or dates?

Will anyone be in town next Wednesday? Thank you in advance!

02-16-18, 13:03
I've tried most of the massage places in Laureles and most were disappointing and overpriced. I've not tried Tantra, will get around to it. I've had the best luck with the strip clubs near the part in el centro. No issues with kissing or DATY, all the massage places had issues with this and either the girls wouldn't do it, it was an upsell or it took some convincing.

I had some luck using Seeking Arrangements but that costs 90/ month. Found one diamond, on SA but also try Mileroticos, Photoprepagos or other websites. I also found a little spinner on Tinder (150 K), so I think you could have some luck with Tinder. I am an early 50 yr old guy so Tinder was a little strange me looking for 20+25 yr olds, but it was clear pretty fast that they were "scorts" and has a pre typed info page once you get them on Whatsapp with their prices and services.

I stay in Laurles and like Tantra Massage, 140 K for a full service hour (5-7 girls). I think you should not pay more than 150 K for service, lots will try to charge more for BBBJ, which to me is worth it.

Maybe bring some little gifts like Vic Secret panties or some of their sprays. If you find a girl you like and see her a second time, that small purchase of $5-10 will be well worth it..

Hasideas Tao
02-16-18, 15:42
I am a newbie heading to Medellin this weekend. How much I should be paying Yisela. She quoted me 300 whereas other facebook chickas are at 150-200 range.Yisela and her friends are Barrio rats trying to ask high end prices equal to more sophisticated pro model types. My experience with some of her friends has been nothing short of annoying. Pushy messages about how they will do anything and everything only to arrive and spend most of their time taking selfies, texting and just avoiding good interpersonal contact. Yisela I do not know personally, but my experiences with a couple of her friends is enough to know they are not the kind of company I call a good time. If anyone has a positive review on her, please share your experience and prove me wrong.

02-16-18, 17:31
I've tried most of the massage places in Laureles and most were disappointing and overpriced. I've not tried Tantra, will get around to it. I've had the best luck with the strip clubs near the part in el centro. No issues with kissing or DATY, all the massage places had issues with this and either the girls wouldn't do it, it was an upsell or it took some convincing.I've only been to Energy in Laureles, although I checked out The Secret Spa. The lineup was 4 girls with the best being below average. At Energy the only upsell I've had was a girl who wanted a beer. I'm at 100% on DATY, with no upsell, no hesitation, 50% on BBBJ and kissing. The price is high compared to the casas, not much higher compared to the strip clubs (80 k for a short 30 vs. 150 k for a full hour), but the environment is much better. Clean sheets, big room, nice shower vs. Sheets that are changed every other week, a floor you can grow potatoes on and a shower that's only different from being pissed on by a bull by lacking hot water and the lack of hairy balls in your face.

02-16-18, 19:19
What's up guys I'll be in Medellíand from March 25- April 2nd for "Holy Week" . I was originally flying to Bogotoa to meet my girlfriend but we broke up and I already bought my tickets. I don't speak any Spanish but I look Hispanic. I'm coming to you guys for advice on where to stay and what resources I can use online to set up some dates before I get there. I'm 24, and muscular build.

I'm definitely trying to get laid by 8's+. I've heard about a "mansion" and some strip clubs. This will be my first time traveling out of the country and I'm going solo. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks bros!

02-16-18, 21:00
I am a newbie heading to Medellin this weekend. How much I should be paying Yisela. She quoted me 300 whereas other facebook chickas are at 150-200 range.300 mill for what?

If it is for Todo la Noche. Going out. Doing what you want with her as many times as you want 300 is an OK price. If it is for a few hours she is charging you too much.

You need to make clear what you want and how long you want the chick.

02-16-18, 23:32
What's up guys I'll be in Medelland from March 25- April 2nd for "Holy Week" . I was originally flying to Bogotoa to meet my girlfriend but we broke up and I already bought my tickets. I don't speak any Spanish but I look Hispanic. I'm coming to you guys for advice on where to stay and what resources I can use online to set up some dates before I get there. I'm 24, and muscular build.

I'm definitely trying to get laid by 8's+. I've heard about a "mansion" and some strip clubs. This will be my first time traveling out of the country and I'm going solo. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks bros!Worse week of the year to be in Colombia!

Pay the fee, change tickets!

Read the friggin forums and posts muscle guy! LOL.

02-16-18, 23:44
You are spot on, my man. Been with several of Yisela's friends. My description is the same. Yisela can be friendly and chatty. But don't expect any different level of service.

Yisela and her friends are Barrio rats trying to ask high end prices equal to more sophisticated pro model types. My experience with some of her friends has been nothing short of annoying. Pushy messages about how they will do anything and everything only to arrive and spend most of their time taking selfies, texting and just avoiding good interpersonal contact. Yisela I do not know personally, but my experiences with a couple of her friends is enough to know they are not the kind of company I call a good time. If anyone has a positive review on her, please share your experience and prove me wrong.

02-16-18, 23:56
What's up guys I'll be in Medelland from March 25- April 2nd for "Holy Week" . I was originally flying to Bogotoa to meet my girlfriend but we broke up and I already bought my tickets. I don't speak any Spanish but I look Hispanic. I'm coming to you guys for advice on where to stay and what resources I can use online to set up some dates before I get there. I'm 24, and muscular build.

I'm definitely trying to get laid by 8's+. I've heard about a "mansion" and some strip clubs. This will be my first time traveling out of the country and I'm going solo. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks bros!Where to stay would be in the US until Easter Week is over. It is the worst pain in the ass. Hotel rates triple and the hookers are reduced by 2/3. With zero Spanish you will be able to set up approximately zero dates before you get there, and I am fluent and would not be able to set up very many during Holy Week. Even if you throw your ticket away, you are better off coming some other week, because the prices will go up so much for everything.

Not just the worst week to be in Colombia, but the worst week to be anywhere Catholic. I am going to an undisclosed location with a different and undisclosed majority religion, but I have to be back on Easter to get to the next undisclosed location, and ALL the trains are sold out on Monday 2 April. ALL the hotels are outrageously expensive until 3 April, and it is all a big fucking mess.

It would be like a Muslim or a Jew showing up on Dec. 25 to find pussy in the US. It really would.

02-17-18, 00:35
I'm definitely trying to get laid by 8's+. I've heard about a "mansion" and some strip clubs. This will be my first time traveling out of the country and I'm going solo. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks bros!Probably only way you will get consistently laid during Holy week in Medellin is if you stay that the Mansion.

The women will be mostly 7's but a Colombian 7 is like a 9 to a lot of guys coming to Colombia for the first time.

You can also hit up the strip clubs after 11 pm if you don't hit it off with any of the women at the mansion bar.

Always make friends with all the mansion chicks whether you like them or not and add them to your facebook.

They all have friends that work and you can meet a ton of women through facebook using this method.

02-17-18, 00:38
Where to stay would be in the US until Easter Week is over. It is the worst pain in the ass. Hotel rates triple and the hookers are reduced by 2/3. With zero Spanish you will be able to set up approximately zero dates before you get there, and I am fluent and would not be able to set up very many during Holy Week. Even if you throw your ticket away, you are better off coming some other week, because the prices will go up so much for everything.

Not just the worst week to be in Colombia, but the worst week to be anywhere Catholic. I am going to an undisclosed location with a different and undisclosed majority religion, but I have to be back on Easter to get to the next undisclosed location, and ALL the trains are sold out on Monday 2 April. ALL the hotels are outrageously expensive until 3 April, and it is all a big fucking mess.

It would be like a Muslim or a Jew showing up on Dec. 25 to find pussy in the US. It really would.Fuck this puts me in a shitty situation LOL. I'm definitely not going to spend the money if it will be dead while I'm there. Thankfully I asked you guys soon enough. I'll have to contact American Airlines and see if I can change the dates or get a refund. Thanks for letting me know.

I've been browsing these forums for about a month and I never came across anything giving this information.

02-17-18, 01:13
The Mansion (gringo hotel) does not take a cut of any of the girls money.Ja Ja. Snicker.

02-17-18, 02:51
Getting more and more accustomed to Medellin since arriving earlier this week. New Life is proving to be a major success. I went there early in the morning the first couple of times (I know that wasn't recommended but it suited and it was nice to get laid to set the day off). Went there this evening. Paired up with 'Chantal' - a tall black girl. Great attitude, beautiful girl and really knows how to do the business. She literally shagged the life out of me. The previous two girls were not bad but they did try to upsell me on the BJ without condom whereas Chantal didn't even go there. She sucked my plums also. And wrapped her big wonderful titties around my cock. I'm getting a hard on just thinking back on it right now. Cowgirl, reverse cowgirl & doggie and with all that I had to slow things down so that I wouldn't 'arrive early'...but ultimately, bust my nuts.

Prior to that, I visited Yakuza for the first time. However, there were only about 5 girls in the line up. And none of them appealed. So I left without busting a nut.

I was at a loose end and I know it was the wrong time but I dropped down to Av. De Grieff. Had a couple of beers whilst watching the talent. I also had a ramble through Veracruz. Whilst it may have been the wrong time, I find it hard to get excited about any of the chicas down there. Might go down later on for another look as I'm sure it's in full swing now - particularly as it's Friday evening.

I also dropped in to Conejitas and this time there was life in it. Didn't hook up with any of the chicas though.

02-17-18, 05:21
You sound like a veteran. It's clear you know how to handle yourself. I'm looking forward to reading more about how your trip goes.

Getting more and more accustomed to Medellin since arriving earlier this week. New Life is proving to be a major success. I went there early in the morning the first couple of times (I know that wasn't recommended but it suited and it was nice to get laid to set the day off). Went there this evening. Paired up with 'Chantal' - a tall black girl. Great attitude, beautiful girl and really knows how to do the business. She literally shagged the life out of me. The previous two girls were not bad but they did try to upsell me on the BJ without condom whereas Chantal didn't even go there. She sucked my plums also. And wrapped her big wonderful titties around my cock. I'm getting a hard on just thinking back on it right now. Cowgirl, reverse cowgirl & doggie and with all that I had to slow things down so that I wouldn't 'arrive early'...but ultimately, bust my nuts.

Prior to that, I visited Yakuza for the first time. However, there were only about 5 girls in the line up. And none of them appealed. So I left without busting a nut..

02-17-18, 05:41
Where to stay would be in the US until Easter Week is over. It is the worst pain in the ass. Hotel rates triple and the hookers are reduced by 2/3. With zero Spanish you will be able to set up approximately zero dates before you get there, and I am fluent and would not be able to set up very many during Holy Week. Even if you throw your ticket away, you are better off coming some other week, because the prices will go up so much for everything.

Not just the worst week to be in Colombia, but the worst week to be anywhere Catholic. I am going to an undisclosed location with a different and undisclosed majority religion, but I have to be back on Easter to get to the next undisclosed location, and ALL the trains are sold out on Monday 2 April. ALL the hotels are outrageously expensive until 3 April, and it is all a big fucking mess.

It would be like a Muslim or a Jew showing up on Dec. 25 to find pussy in the US. It really would.It is a FUCKING GHOSTTOWN during holy week.

Also, ALL the love holtels are closed. The malls are dead. Eveyone goes to hang with their families. I think the casa's are closed even.

You are fucking up! I was out ther efor 3 months one time and I recall during holy it being THE WORSt. I had a novia a the time and we wanted to go to a love hotel and jesus closed all of them! CLOSED!!

Totally sucks.

Mr Enternational
02-17-18, 07:31
Where to stay would be in the US until Easter Week is over. It is the worst pain in the ass. Hotel rates triple and the hookers are reduced by 2/3.No shit. I am supposed to go to Eje Cafetero outside of Armenia with my girlfriend. I already booked a hotel. Just looked at ticket prices from Bogota, 1M pesos each for the 1 hour flight. I am about to break it to her that we will not be going there. Why do Latinas always try to do shit on holidays when it is most expensive?

02-17-18, 08:55
It is a FUCKING GHOSTTOWN during holy week.

Also, ALL the love holtels are closed. The malls are dead. Eveyone goes to hang with their families. I think the casa's are closed even.

You are fucking up! I was out ther efor 3 months one time and I recall during holy it being THE WORSt. I had a novia a the time and we wanted to go to a love hotel and jesus closed all of them! CLOSED!!

Totally sucks.I've been in MDE a few times during Holy Week and IMO it's ok up to Wednesday. It's certainly not as good as normal, but the first half of the week is doable. And if you've bonded with a certain chica early in the week, she'll likely make time for her Thurs. Sun.

No shit. I am supposed to go to Eje Cafetero outside of Armenia with my girlfriend. I already booked a hotel. Just looked at ticket prices from Bogota, 1M pesos each for the 1 hour flight. I am about to break it to her that we will not be going there. Why do Latinas always try to do shit on holidays when it is most expensive?Cause they know you're paying.

02-17-18, 11:20
I've been in MDE a few times during Holy Week and IMO it's ok up to Wednesday. It's certainly not as good as normal, but the first half of the week is doable. And if you've bonded with a certain chica early in the week, she'll likely make time for her Thurs. Sun.
.Uh huh, uh huh, Holy Week sucks in Medellin.

Like some brand new guy, 0 spanish, 0 experience is going to bond.

Not likely.

Again, better advice, pay the fee, change your tickets.

02-17-18, 13:39
Uh huh, uh huh, Holy Week sucks in Medellin.

Like some brand new guy, 0 spanish, 0 experience is going to bond.

Not likely.

Again, better advice, pay the fee, change your tickets.But he looks Hispanic! Jajajaja.

I enjoyed Holy Week last year, but I didn't do any mongering. Definitely not a good time to come if you're just trying to get laid.

02-17-18, 14:00
I have been to Medellin during Holy Week and I would advise a newbie with no Spanish that it is difficult to get laid between Thursday and Sunday. If you are there from a week before to a week after you would have enough time to make the necessary arrangements before the slow 4 days and the week after will be back to normal.

Surf Looker
02-17-18, 16:21
Amigos I think so many of the instagrams chicas are prepagos hmmm.

02-18-18, 03:58
Hello guys,

I'm a porn amateur producer, interested in mongering in Colombia, (mostly Medellin), but also, add some Colombian (18-25) flavors to my content.

So I need your help on how is the best way you think to recruit couple of girls in that age range, and their average prices?. Would it be better for me if I try SWs, or regulars in bars, or even websites like photoprepagos.com ?. If the latter case, which other website would you advise me? Do they have a sort of backpage or craigslist websites where they advertise?

Thanks in advance for your enlightment, anything will help.

Blackpanther.Did you find any talent for your movies?

02-18-18, 15:25
Does anyone know if Hotel 70 in Laurales is a safe spot / located in a good neighborhood? Found a prepago who was hosting there.

BTW, as an side, she said she was staying near the stadium "for the entire race." What race is going on right now? Curious!

02-18-18, 16:29
Hello guys,

I'm a porn amateur producer, interested in mongering in Colombia, (mostly Medellin), but also, add some Colombian (18-25) flavors to my content.

So I need your help on how is the best way you think to recruit couple of girls in that age range, and their average prices?. Would it be better for me if I try SWs, or regulars in bars, or even websites like photoprepagos.com ?. If the latter case, which other website would you advise me? Do they have a sort of backpage or craigslist websites where they advertise?

Thanks in advance for your enlightment, anything will help.

Blackpanther.If you're interested in mongering in Colombia, come to Colombia and monger. If you're interested in finding Colombians to make porn, then come to Colombia to do that. Mixing the 2 probably isn't a good idea.

Colombian girls know 2 things about porn. 1. It's everywhere, so the chances of their family finding out about it are high. 2. Pornstars make lots of money. Between those two things is where you're going to have problems.

Now you can try to tell them that their family won't ever see the video, except they probably know someone who had that happen. I know 2 women it happened to and I've been here less than a year. Or you can try to explain how pornstars start out working for very little until lots of people see their videos. Which brings you right back to their family finding out.

Many of the prepagos will let you take pictures, or even videos, for your personal use. Others will agree to let you post pictures, if they don't show the face. Maybe 1 of 10 will agree to let you distribute and sell videos and that's being generous. So you end up wasting a lot of time and money with girls who don't want to be in your videos. In the process you end up with lots of crappy mongering, because the ones who don't want anything to do with porn just want to get paid so they can get out of there.

Want to find Colombian models for porn? Set up a Facebook page that states what you do. Post pictures of some of your previous models. Start finding and adding Colombian girls to your friend list. Once you have 80 - 100 girls on your list take out an ad on Facebook. Pay to boost the ad. The ad should say what you are looking for. Be prepared to answer lots of questions, in Spanish. Spend some money to rent a luxury apartment in Medellin. Show up with a crew (still photographer, videographer, hair stylist, makeup artist and wardrobe at a minimum) and get the girls to come in for screen test / interview. You'll want to bring along some professional lighting and cameras. You'll get girls who will show and work for a reasonable price, because they can see you're serious.

Show up with your iPhone and rent a cheap apartment and they'll see you're just another monger trying to take advantage of them.

02-18-18, 16:32
Ja Ja. Snicker.

I can always tell which guys can't communicate well with the women. Jajaja.

I don't like to jump to conclusions but I can't think of any other reason for someone to be so misinformed.

At any rate the Mansion is tailor made for guys whose Spanish is poor on non existent. jajaja

02-18-18, 21:37
Hello guys,

I'm a porn amateur producer, interested in mongering in Colombia, (mostly Medellin), but also, add some Colombian (18-25) flavors to my content.

So I need your help on how is the best way you think to recruit couple of girls in that age range, and their average prices?. Would it be better for me if I try SWs, or regulars in bars, or even websites like photoprepagos.com ?. If the latter case, which other website would you advise me? Do they have a sort of backpage or craigslist websites where they advertise?

Thanks in advance for your enlightment, anything will help.

Blackpanther.Send a PM to Colombian Jake. Or MedellinPaisa...I think that was the handle for Noah...

02-18-18, 21:46
What's up guys I'll be in Medelland from March 25- April 2nd for "Holy Week" . I was originally flying to Bogotoa to meet my girlfriend but we broke up and I already bought my tickets. I don't speak any Spanish but I look Hispanic. I'm coming to you guys for advice on where to stay and what resources I can use online to set up some dates before I get there. I'm 24, and muscular build.

I'm definitely trying to get laid by 8's+. I've heard about a "mansion" and some strip clubs. This will be my first time traveling out of the country and I'm going solo. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks bros!
Worse week of the year to be in Colombia!

Pay the fee, change tickets!

Read the friggin forums and posts muscle guy! LOL.Another reason to pay the $15 or so extortion for trip insurance. It can get your ass out of a jam like the one above, LOL.

The Muslim or Jew showing up to the US to get pussy on Dec 25th was as stark of an example as it can get, hahaha!

02-18-18, 21:49
300 mill for what?

If it is for Todo la Noche. Going out. Doing what you want with her as many times as you want 300 is an OK price. If it is for a few hours she is charging you too much.

You need to make clear what you want and how long you want the chick.Do forget that there are enough thirsty guys out there that will pay the 300 K and then some. It may just be best to move on to someone else if she is sticking to that amount.

That's to high of a number to test out whether she'd be good enough to repeat with. What if she shows up smelling like the Gordon Fisherman?

02-18-18, 23:54
I think that's good advice. Consider also that there are many more thirsty girls who will accept much less than 300 k. At least some of those girls are likely to be more attractive than Miss 300 K. Enjoy!

Do forget that there are enough thirsty guys out there that will pay the 300 K and then some. It may just be best to move on to someone else if she is sticking to that amount.

That's to high of a number to test out whether she'd be good enough to repeat with. What if she shows up smelling like the Gordon Fisherman? 🐟.

02-19-18, 01:40
Another question -- are all the postings on photoprepagos.com from women who work for madames / spas? Or are they mostly independent?

What kind of caution should I exercise when seeking services out on photoprepagos?

Mr Enternational
02-19-18, 03:50
I was originally flying to Bogotoa to meet my girlfriend but we broke up and I already bought my tickets... This will be my first time traveling out of the country and I'm going solo. So you met your girlfriend in your country? Or you were going to Bogota to meet someone that you didn't know that you were calling your girlfriend? Another reason why a list of back ups or familiarizing yourself with the monger spots is important. Depending on a lone chick, you could have gotten down there and the girl not shown up. Then what?

02-19-18, 03:50
And are natural. Not put together with silicone.

I think that's good advice. Consider also that there are many more thirsty girls who will accept much less than 300 k. At least some of those girls are likely to be more attractive than Miss 300 K. Enjoy!

Mr Enternational
02-19-18, 03:55
I think that's good advice. Consider also that there are many more thirsty girls who will accept much less than 300 k. At least some of those girls are likely to be more attractive than Miss 300 K. Enjoy!Those cheap girls are not quality girls. Everybody knows that you get what you pay for.

02-19-18, 05:42
So you met your girlfriend in your country? Or you were going to Bogota to meet someone that you didn't know that you were calling your girlfriend? Another reason why a list of back ups or familiarizing yourself with the monger spots is important. Depending on a lone chick, you could have gotten down there and the girl not shown up. Then what?I met her in the United States, she was studying English for 1 year here. She was my real girlfriend LOL. She lived with me for 6 months in the United States on a tourist visa. We dated for 1.5 years.

I definitely was not going to fly to Colombia to meet some girl I met on the internet.

02-19-18, 06:27
Wife says Medellin is no go for me. Anyone now if you can get into Colombia and have them stamp a piece of paper and staple it to your passport? Kind of like what Cuba did for American passports when it was illegal to go there? I'm in panama for a month and will probably have a good time. But I've never experienced Colombia. Thanks.

02-19-18, 06:47
Those cheap girls are not quality girls. Everybody knows that you get what you pay for.Come on bro. We've got newbies up in here, LOL. They may not get the tongue-in-cheek reference.

In my early thirsty days I paid 250K for ST for a chick with a botched boob job and bleeding (aunt flow was in town). Couldn't even finish the session.

02-19-18, 06:50
Those cheap girls are not quality girls. Everybody knows that you get what you pay for.Actually, everyone should know that what you pay for PFP does not reflect the quality of your session.

Just because a girl charges more, doesn't mean at all that she'll be better looking or better service.

02-19-18, 07:07

Will be on Medellin next month, I am starting my research, great information here.

Anyone have call girls on this page dollclub. Co.

02-19-18, 07:08
Don't negotiate. Don't list sex acts like you're ordering off a menu.

Talk to them. Feel them out and make an offer. The entire process shouldn't exceed 2 minutes. Then maybe negotiate a little otherwise move on. There's 1,000+ other chicas that same day willing to fuck you for cash.