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09-02-18, 04:40
How much in your opinion is it in USD for a 7-8/10 Pro in Medellin vs a 7-8/10 pro in any major you. S city you are familiar with (on average)?

09-02-18, 05:30
Well you stated it perfectly. All the electronic stuff has really hurt the serious Monger. The new tourist thinks it is great (especially if he is the lazy type) as they have no history with MDE. Reading the forum while useful is not having history.Sure back in the day there may have been hotter women in the casas overall than there is today.

But was the monger scene really better?

I much prefer Facebook chicas. The come over and hang out during the day or spend the night.

You fuck them in your own bed on your own time schedule. You get to know them and build some rapport with them.

Casa chicas are just some chick spreading her legs so you can get a nut. You don't know them and they don't know you.

Plenty are probably counting the minutes until you can get off of them. Jajaja.

I mean I'm not knocking it. I've done it myself when I'm really bored. It's kind of like jacking off but inside of chick instead of your hand. LOL!

Bottom line is, it sure isn't as nice as fucking your favor facebook chicas.

09-02-18, 05:58
Hey fellas,

A few days ago, I passed along some information about Divini Women that was given to me by an American expat friend living in Medellin. I told my friend that the reaction to his information on ISG was positive, and as a result, he has graciously passed along some additional information about mongering-related places he has visited in Medellin. I have attached his pictures to this report, and hopefully I have attached them correctly. For easier reference, I have given each one of his pictures a name. His specific comments (in quotation marks) he had for the pictures are as follows:

Momentos Suites: "Best love motel in Medellin central."

Zandaly: "Zandaly has a bar and charges 3000 to see the line up if you don't buy a drink. Same as New life. Not many people know about this place, all college girls."

Boston Real: "Excellent A/C small refrigerator, very clean."

Prisma Suite: "This was the best one many have jacuzzi for maybe a couple bucks more. Every room had a different theme, Hard Rock, Spanish, College etc. I took the owner of Divine Women there yesterday."

He also said:

"By the way the restaurant next door to New Life is excellent, we had dinner for two drinks juice and soda soup salad the bill was 32,000 that's less than $11 for everything, amazing place."

One final thing: After I made the post about Divini Women, I got a few private messages from mongers asking if my American expat friend is willing to act as a guide for mongering activities in Medellin. Unfortunately at this time, he is not available to act as a guide, but if any of you have questions, I can pass them along to him to see if he'll provide an answer.

Hope some of you find this new information helpful. Apologies if I've simply regurgitated old information that mongers have known about for years.

Mr Enternational
09-02-18, 07:13
I don't see much on this board that is going to help a newbie much when it comes finding and meeting many of the hotter prepagos on Facebook.Probably because getting a hooker is not brain surgery. "Bich I got money; come get some," is all it really takes.

I much prefer Facebook chicas. The come over and hang out during the day or spend the night.

You fuck them in your own bed on your own time schedule. You get to know them and build some rapport with them.

Casa chicas are just some chick spreading her legs so you can get a nut. You don't know them and they don't know you.

Plenty are probably counting the minutes until you can get off of them. Jajaja.That is fantasy talk. The reality is that neither of them would be there if you were not giving them money. It is the same as all of us at our jobs. Our bosses could brag how we always come in early and stay late and bla bla bla, but they must know we are only doing it for the money no? Let's see how long that lasts when the paycheck stops coming in.

For me, it is normal free chicks that I want to hang out and build relationships with. I don't need that from a hooker. Normal chicks serve an all-around Sunday dinner purpose. Hookers are comida rapida for me.

09-02-18, 08:38
Probably because getting a hooker is not brain surgery. "Bich I got money; come get some," is all it really takes.

.I think you can probably safely post your facebook friends list for the newbies without fear of losing any hard won conquests.

That is fantasy talk. The reality is that neither of them would be there if you were not giving them money.

I have met guys before that I'm pretty sure couldn't tell a bad lay from a good one. All they knew and all that mattered to them was that they some how got their dicks wet.

09-02-18, 14:57

I have been lurking for a while (just arrived in Mde) and have gotten many great intelligence from you guys.

I'm staying in el poblado in an apartment provided by my company, as you can see it is a bit inconvenient to bring chicks over.

Do you recommend any short term hotel / motel near el poblado?

Which are your favorite love motels in the city?

Hope to be helpful and provide good reports!

Have fun!Motel Las Cabanas is the only short term motel I know of in Poblado. The best is Motel Ibiza. About 9 k by taxi from Poblado. Rooms run close to 100 k for 6 hours. Every room has jacuzzi tub, big shower, stripper pole, nice music system, flat screen TV with 3 porn channels and a fully stocked mini bar. There are plenty of cheap short term motel in Mayorista and El Centro. Not any place I would take a girl too, but that's just me.

09-02-18, 15:40
Well you stated it perfectly. All the electronic stuff has really hurt the serious Monger. The new tourist thinks it is great (especially if he is the lazy type) as they have no history with MDE. Reading the forum while useful is not having history.And the internal combustion engine killed the buggy industry.

I've always been an old school guy. A programmer I worked with years ago called me a command line junkie, because I preferred typing in code to point and click or drag and drop. So I can see your point. My programs were compact and robust. They took more work, but provided better products. The world didn't care. It kept right on moving forward.

The old MDE is still there. In fact, many of the old prepagos will be happy to see you and they'll charge a lot less.

Like anything else, you get out of mongering what you put into it. Sure there are plenty of new mongers paying double and getting half, and most are thrilled. It only affects you if you want to go that route.

I use the electronic stuff as tools. I could buy a few books, memorize them and get information on a city that's 10 years old, or I can whip out my phone and get information that was updated yesterday. I could go to places where working girls are known to congregate, or I can post a picture of me standing in front of a Medellin landmark. Either way I can attract the attention of girls who want my money. I'm still the one who has to choose. I'm using the same selection process, I'm just using it sitting in one place, rather than walking place to place.

The electronic stuff only affects the entry level monger. He can get up and running much easier, but he's still going to make rookie mistakes. We see that here every week.

With one WhatsApp message and the price of a taxi, a bottle and 50 k I can be sitting in a normal bar while someone brings over 30 different women and introduces them to me. Or, if I'm looking for something particular, within 30 minutes I've got 2 dozen options all waiting for my decision.

As for having history with MDE, or any other city, every monger starts out with no history. Old days, you hear rumors. Maybe a friend of a friend has talked about it, but you show up knowing next to nothing. The hotel isn't what you expected. You're trying to use a phrase book with the taxi driver and the places he takes you to aren't what you're looking for. Eventually you figure the city out, although dozens get robbed or even killed before they get that history.

Perhaps that's better for you. It meant, when you finally found your way around, there was no competition. You could pay 5 times the local rate and get treated like a rock star. But the world keeps changing. You may as well complain about the lack of horse and buggy traffic.

Or, you can embrace it. You know the old school stuff. Add the internet and you can climb right back to the top of the food chain.

09-02-18, 15:53
Sure back in the day there may have been hotter women in the casas overall than there is today.

But was the monger scene really any better? The casa Chicas were definitely much better quality, no "may have been" about it.

You're right though, the monger scene wasn't better, just different.

You could tour the Casas and find beauties that had never seen a foreigner before and set up hook ups away from the casa.

It was nice being exotic and different, and the girls were generally very curious and interested in meeting the "gringo" LOL.

Not quite like that anymore in Medellin.

Times change though of course, and you go with the flow.

Facebook hookups seem like the main source these days.

I personally haven't jumped into the FB scene.

I still walk about, hit clubs, strip clubs, bars, little cafes, etc looking for the connection with a sweet Paisa.

Works for me anyway 😉

09-02-18, 16:42
A wise an experienced hobbysist told me long a go that fantasy is a big part of the game but you never want to confuse fantasy with reality. The reality of facebook vs. Casa etc is facebook girls are collecting more than 300% what they collect or collected (yes, some facebook girls were or are also casa girls) at casas. Of course they will sit around with us to drink our liquor and eat our food in exchange for telling us how much fun we are to be with. I'm generalizing of course.

Anyway, back to the instruction guide topic. I think the facebook tactics are very well detailed in these pages. As mr. International said, it's not rocket science. Known providers are listed here and elsewhere, mine their friends list and you will find many others. You can even ask them if they are willing to "hang out all day" if that's what you want to do. I recommend you get to know them on a short date before making any bigger commitments. Enjoy!

Probably because getting a hooker is not brain surgery. "Bich I got money; come get some," is all it really takes.

That is fantasy talk. The reality is that neither of them would be there if you were not giving them money. It is the same as all of us at our jobs. Our bosses could brag how we always come in early and stay late and bla bla bla, but they must know we are only doing it for the money no? Let's see how long that lasts when the paycheck stops coming in.

For me, it is normal free chicks that I want to hang out and build relationships with. I don't need that from a hooker. Normal chicks serve an all-around Sunday dinner purpose. Hookers are comida rapida for me.

09-02-18, 16:49
OK here's a good one! The more answers the better because this is something rarely discussed on this board. How the hell do you pick them up? Being a foreigner 9 times out of 10 we are not driving rentals for 4 days. Driving seems intimidating for a newbie in Medellin. So are you litterally getting dropped off in the hood and walking up and down the streets to meet them? Then hailing another cab to go home? Are you pulling up in a cab and telling the driver to circle the block a few times until you find her? Then having them drive you two back? How does a guy find street walkers outside of the major parks and pick them up if he has no car? What's the proven method?

09-02-18, 17:11
Probably because getting a hooker is not brain surgery. "Bich I got money; come get some," is all it really takes.Being a john is not brain surgery, homie: money is all it takes. Really.

09-02-18, 17:43
Energy may have (some) prettier girls than New Life and the environment in Energy definitely is nicer catorirng to the american tourists. But the price in Energy is on the high side for Medellin. I was there once and agree it has nicer rooms and the girls are slightly better but you are paying gringo prices for them. Doubt any local or anyone that can speak some spanish would go there as the price is much higher than New Life and you can also get room service from Facebook girls for the same price.

I did something crazy and at the last minute took the bus in rush hour. 30 min. There and 15 minutes. BackThank God I didn't get loss. I got dropped off a min. Walk from the door. Cra. 74 also called Ave Centario. Smoking hot lineup. 90% had nice butts. Blew the puerta off New Life. The lobby is nice and relaxing. I went around 6 pm. This place makes me want to return to MDE! Not quite Brazil but Colombian awesome. Not sure if there is 2 Wendys but the first chick was Wendy and she was in my top 3. The visit put a smile on my face even though I didn't session. My next trip I will give it a go. 150 k a HR..

09-02-18, 18:05
Casas in Medelland used to rock!!

I'm talking like 15 years ago haha, when a Gringo was scarce, LOL.

Now with the internet and FB dating, the scene has died considerably.

Did a Casa run the other day with a visiting buddy, damn sad.

Hit maybe 7 casas, not one that interested me.

I can't blame the chicas, what hot one would want to sit around all day, making presentations, and making so little money, when they can just Tinder themselves and or get in on the Facebook circuit, or hit Gustos and mingle with the gringo bobos, LOL.

Can't blame them at all.Facebook has changed and destroyed the hobby as far as I am concerned. Sure its great for the socially awkward, weird looking, over weight monger. Spend 1000's of hours "cultivating", who wants to do that. I don't have time for that. Then even after you hit up the girls you are waiting on them. They almost always come late or sometimes not at all from what I have seen. Then all they do now when they are with you or* are out is stay on facebook. * For the normal guy who could manage face to face interactions and the type of guy the girls would go out in public with and actually enjoy themselves facebook sucks. Now the girls don't have to go out anymore they can stay home so for the normal guys there are less girls to interact with and they also don't have any motivation anymore. They know several losers that couldn't handle any real first encounter are hitting them up on facebook and will cater to their schedule.

Yea I hate facebook and mongering mixed I just don't see how its not advantage to the girls. Its just dried up the talent in places and driven up costs but mongers will always do destructive things.

09-02-18, 18:05
Facebook hookups seem like the main source these days.

I personally haven't jumped into the FB scene.

I still walk about, hit clubs, strip clubs, bars, little cafes, etc looking for the connection with a sweet Paisa.

Works for me anyway 😉That's the way I did it 15 years ago also.

I was always much better at meeting women in person and making a connection that way.

Pretty easy to tell of a woman is into you when she is right in front of you. And I seemed to attract more women in person. I was terrible on Colombian Cupid.

And then about 5 years ago I hit Medellin and the mongering scene.

Got on to facebook and never looked back. I kind of use it as a squeeze page of sorts.

I just put some good pics of myself and a dozen or so pics of myself with other young attractive women out at clubs or at a nice restaurant. Even posted a few pics of me with my newborn baby. Any normal woman would block me after seeing my Facebook page. jajaja

But prepagos flock to it.

The real upside to facebook is the women are picking you as well.

When you go to a casa the women have pretty much resigned themselves to fucking whoever walks in the door regardless and it is fairly hard to get anything approaching a GFE. And when I do I make sure to get her contact information.

09-02-18, 18:29
Facebook has changed and destroyed the hobby as far as I am concerned. Sure its great for the socially awkward, weird looking, over weight monger. Spend 1000's of hours "cultivating", who wants to do that. I don't have time for that. Then even after you hit up the girls you are waiting on them. They almost always come late or sometimes not at all from what I have seen. Then all they do now when they are with you or* are out is stay on facebook. * For the normal guy who could manage face to face interactions and the type of guy the girls would go out in public with and actually enjoy themselves facebook sucks. Now the girls don't have to go out anymore they can stay home so for the normal guys there are less girls to interact with and they also don't have any motivation anymore. They know several losers that couldn't handle any real first encounter are hitting them up on facebook and will cater to their schedule.

Yea I hate facebook and mongering mixed I just don't see how its not advantage to the girls. Its just dried up the talent in places and driven up costs but mongers will always do destructive things.It does take time and sometimes quite a bit of chatting with a girl that doesn't sell her ass much to finally get the nerve to come over. I have broken down and made lunch dates with a few to break the ice before getting them back to my place. But I find that it is well worth the effort and leads to a much better bedroom experience IMHO.

09-02-18, 19:35
Walk them to a short term hotel.

OK here's a good one! The more answers the better because this is something rarely discussed on this board. How the hell do you pick them up? Being a foreigner 9 times out of 10 we are not driving rentals for 4 days. Driving seems intimidating for a newbie in Medellin. So are you litterally getting dropped off in the hood and walking up and down the streets to meet them? Then hailing another cab to go home? Are you pulling up in a cab and telling the driver to circle the block a few times until you find her? Then having them drive you two back? How does a guy find street walkers outside of the major parks and pick them up if he has no car? What's the proven method?.

Mr Enternational
09-02-18, 19:39
OK here's a good one! The more answers the better because this is something rarely discussed on this board. How the hell do you pick them up? Being a foreigner 9 times out of 10 we are not driving rentals for 4 days.It has been talked about plenty. I guess the older guys have taken it for granted because we know the routine. Most of the time the SW is standing in front of, next to, or a short walk from a hotel that you will pay about 10K to use. So you can just get them while you are on foot.

I have gotten them in various countries while in a taxi though. I don't remember who posted about having the buddy that drives the taxi. He took him over to Calle 45 to pick up a chick and he was in the back of the taxi riding around getting his dick sucked. That was so funny to me.

Reminded me of when I was in college and I met a freak that worked at Taco Bell while I was there for lunch one day. She was mixed, with a mom from Guam because her dad was in the military (and really strict I remember). I was on my roommate's bed (my blowup mattress was in the dining room) fucking her when he got home and came in his room and saw and called next. I remember him shouting out, "Oooh I am next. I am definitely next." So I talked her into fucking him too. We all finished up when another roommate who is an Air Force colonel now came home. He wanted to ride with me to take her home. So he is in the back seat of my other roommate's Ford Escort fucking her while I am driving across town to take her home. Yeah she got home by 10 as her dad demanded, but she had 3 dicks in the process. I have had a crazy ass life.

Mr Enternational
09-02-18, 19:49
When you go to a casa the women have pretty much resigned themselves to fucking whoever walks in the door regardless and it is fairly hard to get anything approaching a GFE. And when I do I make sure to get her contact information.I never have a problem getting GFE at the downtown casas. Now when I took a chick at Fase 2, I was not impressed though. I don't much know the names of casas, but we were at one where you walk upstairs and then there is a bar in a big room. Maybe Mona Lisa or something. Well this chick was literally hiding under the bar because she thought some customer was coming that she did not want to go with. That was so damn funny. We clowned the shit out of her.

09-02-18, 20:03
I never have a problem getting GFE at the downtown casas. Now when I took a chick at Fase 2, I was not impressed though. I don't much know the names of casas, but we were at one where you walk upstairs and then there is a bar in a big room. Maybe Mona Lisa or something. Well this chick was literally hiding under the bar because she thought some customer was coming that she did not want to go with. That was so damn funny. We clowned the shit out of her.I guess it is possible to get a GFE at a downtown casa.

But I find very few women that I would actually pay to have sex with in the downtown casas. Most aren't any better looking than my maid.

So I'm not exactly going to be sticky my tough in their mouths to see if they like DFKing.


I might go to the cento casas one or twice a year to see what the bottom looks like but that is it.

But I do envy guys that can get off on the scene.

It would make my life much easier if I could go to a casa and find something that could satisfy me.

Black Page
09-02-18, 20:30
I have gotten them in various countries while in a taxi though. I don't remember who posted about having the buddy that drives the taxi. He took him over to Calle 45 to pick up a chick and he was in the back of the taxi riding around getting his dick sucked. That was so funny to me..It was not CL 45 but it must be me. I may need some time to find reports here, but it could be fun to read them after years.

The story was a bit more complex than that. First, I did that more than once. Second, the time it was most interesting, I was in the back with a messy girl picked from the street in Centro and the driver (someone who after few nights venturing around Medellin was kind of my friend) had his girlfriend sitting at right. He asked me if he could picking up his girlfriend from some place in Centro at midnight, and I said "of course. It will be more fun for both".

The girlfriend was saying bad words to him (jokingly) because he was aroused looking at the girl sucking my dick ("Atrevido!! Mira lo tienes duro!

09-02-18, 20:36
By a wide margin, most of the customers at Energy and every other casa or venue are Colombian with one glaring exception. The Gringo Inn.

Energy may have (some) prettier girls than New Life and the environment in Energy definitely is nicer catorirng to the american tourists. But the price in Energy is on the high side for Medellin. I was there once and agree it has nicer rooms and the girls are slightly better but you are paying gringo prices for them. Doubt any local or anyone that can speak some spanish would go there as the price is much higher than New Life and you can also get room service from Facebook girls for the same price..

Black Page
09-02-18, 20:37
OK here's a good one! The more answers the better because this is something rarely discussed on this board. How the hell do you pick them up? Being a foreigner 9 times out of 10 we are not driving rentals for 4 days. Driving seems intimidating for a newbie in Medellin. So are you litterally getting dropped off in the hood and walking up and down the streets to meet them? Then hailing another cab to go home? Are you pulling up in a cab and telling the driver to circle the block a few times until you find her? Then having them drive you two back? How does a guy find street walkers outside of the major parks and pick them up if he has no car? What's the proven method?Forget that, until you are really acquainted with the place. Forget to walk around looking for girls at night in Centro. Forget to rent a car for that. I really want to discourage you to try anything like that. Risks are not worth.

The progression could be:

1) Daytime, in Centro around Veracruz.

2) Nighttime, with a taxi. PLEASE NOTE THAT NOT ALL TAXI DRIVERS MAY BE KEEN TO DO THAT. So, first challenge is to find a suitable driver. How did I? And how do I, if I don't have one of the drivers from my list?

Lots of 6th sense in talking to the driver on a short ride, to sense his attitude and expertise in venturing night areas, before probing waters somehow discretely and ask if he would be happy to have some adventure together. Good Spanish is a must and knowledge of the areas is a must, IMHO.

09-02-18, 21:05
Hey tell your friend to keep the info coming. Zandaly is pretty well known. It is on every map I've seen. I don't know about the college thing but they usually have a couple of good lookers in the mix. They also keep Sunday hours consistently. A few places. Including Diviniwomen. Advertise Sunday / holiday hours but don't always open.

I've heard a lot of good reports about momentos love hotel. I'm surprised more guys who stay in Poblado don't use the place to bring girls or rest and shower between casa visits. I've never been but several trusted sources tell me it's a winner.

Hey fellas,

A few days ago, I passed along some information about Divini Women that was given to me by an American expat friend living in Medellin. I told my friend that the reaction to his information on ISG was positive, and as a result, he has graciously passed along some additional information about mongering-related places he has visited in Medellin. I have attached his pictures to this report, and hopefully I have attached them correctly. For easier reference, I have given each one of his pictures a name. His specific comments (in quotation marks) he had for the pictures are as follows:

Momentos Suites: "Best love motel in Medellin central."

Zandaly: "Zandaly has a bar and charges 3000 to see the line up if you don't buy a drink. Same as New life. Not many people know about this place, all college girls."

Boston Real: "Excellent A/C small refrigerator, very clean.

09-02-18, 21:10
OK here's a good one! The more answers the better because this is something rarely discussed on this board. How the hell do you pick them up? Being a foreigner 9 times out of 10 we are not driving rentals for 4 days. Driving seems intimidating for a newbie in Medellin. So are you litterally getting dropped off in the hood and walking up and down the streets to meet them? Then hailing another cab to go home? Are you pulling up in a cab and telling the driver to circle the block a few times until you find her? Then having them drive you two back? How does a guy find street walkers outside of the major parks and pick them up if he has no car? What's the proven method?You're trying to bring the US to Colombia. It doesn't work like that, although I've seen a few guys try.

If you're taking a taxi, have them drop you off at Plaza Botero. From there it's a short walk to where you'll find the women. Once you find them you'll probably panic, because there will probably be a few cops standing around. At least you'll see them during daylight hours. You probably don't want to go there after dark. Not until you get some experience.

You'll find all kinds of girls and most will be standing in front of the entrance to a short time place. You make the deal, go to the room and do the deed. If you're staying in a nice place, you might not want to bring one of those girls back with you. If you decide to take one with you, just flag down a taxi.

09-02-18, 21:24
Is there a place I can go to get a current list of most of the casas? After going through the forum and trying to find the addresses with google, I've only found the address for 3.


Cra. 43 #55-49.


Cra. 74 #49-101.

New Life.

Around CL. 56?

Any help with casas would be much appreciated.

09-02-18, 21:50
Facebook has changed and destroyed the hobby as far as I am concerned. Sure its great for the socially awkward, weird looking, over weight monger. Spend 1000's of hours "cultivating", who wants to do that. I don't have time for that. Then even after you hit up the girls you are waiting on them. They almost always come late or sometimes not at all from what I have seen. Then all they do now when they are with you or* are out is stay on facebook. * For the normal guy who could manage face to face interactions and the type of guy the girls would go out in public with and actually enjoy themselves facebook sucks. Now the girls don't have to go out anymore they can stay home so for the normal guys there are less girls to interact with and they also don't have any motivation anymore. They know several losers that couldn't handle any real first encounter are hitting them up on facebook and will cater to their schedule.

Yea I hate facebook and mongering mixed I just don't see how its not advantage to the girls. Its just dried up the talent in places and driven up costs but mongers will always do destructive things.You must be absolutely gorgeous!

Seriously, why even monger? Leave paying for sex to all of us socially awkward, weird looking, overweight mongers.

I've seen mongers that fit all 3 of your stereotypes, who don't use Facebook at all. I've seen others who are fit, suave and extremely handsome, who only use Facebook. Granted, they probably aren't as perfect as you, but I've seen them turn a lot of heads.

Me? I'm one of those losers. Just can't handle any first encounter, especially looking as weird as I do. Sometimes I look in the mirror and even scare myself. Hell, I'm so socially awkward that I get flustered trying to apologise to myself for scaring myself.

Time to be serious. If a woman you found on Facebook is on Facebook when she's with you, that's on you. If you're so entertaining, why can't you keep their attention? I never have had that problem. Most of the girls never touch their phone until it's time to leave. Most of the time, time to leave was whenever I decided it was time for them to go.

Who spends 1000's of hours on Facebook. It took me a few hours to find 50 girls. 15 minutes a day is about what it took to add 5 to 10 more each day. Over a year I've put 20-30 hours into Facebook and have about 300 options. That's not counting friends and cousins and even sisters.

Picking one is even easier. I've never had to ask more than 3 girls to find one happy to meet my schedule. Granted, most show up 30 minutes late. The only date who never showed up was one that I met at the bar she worked at. Set up to come over on her day off and was a no show.

Yes. Facebook is an advantage to the girls. That's why they use it. The problem isn't that all us ogres are using Facebook. We're just smart enough to use the best tools to get the best results. The problem is that the girls are smart enough to know that using Facebook works out better for them. Why go to a bar, spend money for a taxi, spend money for drinks and hope some guy comes along to make it worthwhile, when she can sit at home until she's guaranteed a payday? Especially since she's going to be able to be picky. She hasn't already invested 4 or 5 meals into hoping for any customer.

The best part about Facebook for me? When they're bored, or just need a little money, women will hit me up to just come and hang out, or offer me crazy discounts.

Maybe I'm not such a loser after all.

John Gault
09-03-18, 00:23
I see the recent talk of how Face book, and other electronic methods have changed the mongering scene in MDE.

No doubt that is true. I think the point being made by some of the mongers who have operated in MDE in the past is that it really changes the quality, and chances to get a good girl out of the casa's, strip clubs, and SW's.

For myself (after countless trips, and trip reports concerning MDE) it was always about the hunt. You could spend 30 or 50 K on a girl who you found attractive. During the session it was to me a tryout. Many times I did not even come as I would save that for another candidate. Now at these prices 150 k to 200 or 300 K that makes it almost impossible for a guy to hunt. I don't think it is a question of going back to the horse, and buggy days as we all know that period is over.

Sad for to me to see that the Hunt for the 7+ girls to get GFE with is basically gone.

On another note let me get to one of my favorite pastimes in MDE, BBBJ. I see 50 K tip now being almost the norm for a lot of posters. To me 20 K tops is the limit I would go. Funny thing is if the hunt is sucessful then the question of a tip for BBBJ is not a factor when after all your good efforts you get the hot girl who gives you the GFE, then the BBBJ a given.

Sorry for the rant with no trip report.

09-03-18, 02:07
OK here's a good one! The more answers the better because this is something rarely discussed on this board. How the hell do you pick them up? Being a foreigner 9 times out of 10 we are not driving rentals for 4 days. Driving seems intimidating for a newbie in Medellin. So are you litterally getting dropped off in the hood and walking up and down the streets to meet them? Then hailing another cab to go home? Are you pulling up in a cab and telling the driver to circle the block a few times until you find her? Then having them drive you two back? How does a guy find street walkers outside of the major parks and pick them up if he has no car? What's the proven method?Well most tourists go to Plaza Botero to see the Botero statues and maybe go thru his museum down in El Centro aka La Candelaria neighborhood, the downtown area of Medellin.

Might as well go south west a block to see the old white church built in 1682, the Iglesia De La Veracruz.

Standing in front of it go down the sidewalk to the left of it, Calle 51, the girls start in front, run down the side and are right at the next street on both side of the block, IE Carr 53 between Calle 51 & Calle 52. They will be leaning against walls, sitting in little bars, standing in the stairwell of a short term hotel. They have a avg price of 30,000 cop ($10 US) The cuter more established ones will be on Carr 53 within 30 ft of a short term hotel they use. I'd ignore the ones up by the church entrance and down the sides, too many TV's. The younger crowd hang out up against the brick wall smoking joints on SW corner of Carr53/ Calle52, card them carefully or avoid. If you don't see anybody you like go hit the stores / museums / restaurants / New Life etc and try back a little later. Just remember you are looking for $10 worth of hot. LOL.

They will take you to a very close short term hotel, up some stairs to a safety-glassed off reception where she pays for the room and buys condoms if needed, then she gets a key, you follow her to a room, many have porno TV and showers, not hot water but rooms look clean. (the 3 or 4 I have been in). I've had no problems in 10+ visits. And 2 of my favs from 4-6 day trips in the last year were Centro street chicks.

Continue north on Carr 53 one block, cross over and go left on Calle 53 (Ave De Greiff) check both north corners of and down right a bit on Carr 54, the Raudal redlight block, older sometimes hotter girls here, more hooker outfits and Hi heels, more surgery, they will try for 60 k+-cop ($20) They also have several close by love hotels. If she is real hot go down to the next corner on the left is the hotel Eros with jacuzzi and steam rooms, steros, mini bar. (SW corner Carr 54 & Calle 54).

The area around Parque Bolivar seems to be more TV's.

If you hit it off with the girl get her number or whatapp contact and have her over or see her again.

Do this in daytime. This tour is not for everybody, rough part of town, Raudal more so then VeraCruz imo, don't flash cash, Iphone, watch, nice clothes, expensive shades etc. Go 1st time between 10 am and 4 pm on to avoid crowds of drunk locals. And take a buddy if you can.

Big Boss Man
09-03-18, 03:05
Now at these prices 150 k to 200 or 300 K that makes it almost impossible for a guy to hunt. I don't think it is a question of going back to the horse, and buggy days as we all know that period is over.

Sad for to me to see that the Hunt for the 7+ girls to get GFE with is basically gone.

I like to hunt also. Friends were giving me names of sure-fire winners and I wasn't interested. I turned down the "best blow job" artist in Medellin. My friend said, "You sure make things hard on yourself" but I wanted to find my own. Not wanting to be an Asshole but I will own it if so proclaimed, on a two week trip I can afford to spend 300,000 pesos a day on the Hunt.

For this trip, I hunted in the apartments of Laureles and Belen which are hardly ever mentioned on this Board. Three of the six chicas I met were what I consider to be sevens and they were the three that had real pictures in their ads. Usually in the ads the faces are blurred. The other three were using pictures when they were younger or fake pictures. I have to say that the service provided was average to above average in all cases. However, there was not a keeper in the bunch.

The only keeper I found came from the Whatsapp list that is going around but of course that is a more expensive option because of the fee to the intermediary. I did three sessions with that chica. I found with the Whatsapp list and Tinder chicas there were fewer restrictions.

For guys on short-term trips, if you decide to go to Laureles stick to the places with big lineups like Energy or Tantra. From my experience, you will find a chica that is attractive to you in the lineup and she will provide average to above-average service.

Because of my lack of success on the hunt this time, if I come back to Medellin which I probably will because I like hanging out with the guys, I think I am going to go to the high-end places like Gustos or La Isla the first couple of nights just to get it out of my system. Then I will probably go back to my hunting but with a new plan and different tactics.

Mr Enternational
09-03-18, 03:35
I like to hunt also. Friends were giving me names of sure-fire winners and I wasn't interested. I turned down the "best blow job" artist in Medellin. My friend said, "You sure make things hard on yourself" but I wanted to find my own.Exactly. I have never asked for information on a chick and I really don't give information on chicks. Just point me to where they are and how much they usually go for, and I will go pick my own AND talk the price down.

A guy keeps PMing me asking for recommendations on chicks in Rio. I told him that I don't know him from Adam, don't know his type or anything. You have all the info. Go pick your own chick. Besides, one of the biggest tenents in mongering is that Your Mileage May Vary. Just because I got fireworks out of a chick, does not mean that you will. Go forth and create your own experiences. Why knock yourself out trying to recreate for yourself the experiences that others have had.

09-03-18, 04:19
That's the way I did it 15 years ago also.

I was always much better at meeting women in person and making a connection that way.

Pretty easy to tell of a woman is into you when she is right in front of you. And I seemed to attract more women in person. I was terrible on Colombian Cupid.

And then about 5 years ago I hit Medellin and the mongering scene.

Got on to facebook and never looked back. I kind of use it as a squeeze page of sorts.

I just put some good pics of myself and a dozen or so pics of myself with other young attractive women out at clubs or at a nice restaurant. Even posted a few pics of me with my newborn baby. Any normal woman would block me after seeing my Facebook page. jajaja

But prepagos flock to it.

The real upside to facebook is the women are picking you as well.

When you go to a casa the women have pretty much resigned themselves to fucking whoever walks in the door regardless and it is fairly hard to get anything approaching a GFE. And when I do I make sure to get her contact information.Yeah, I too may have to get myself into the Facebook frenzy, LOL.

I just haven't needed to as of yet, still getting lucky on the streets and in the clubs and bars.

I just really like getting out and about and searching and schmoozing.

Inviting over "unknown riders" is so hit and miss, but I'm sure once you get in the scene and make connections it gets easier.

On a side note.

Just checked into an AirBB in Cali, waiting for my GF to arrive.

The neighbor just came to say Hi.


A smoking hot 20 year old.

How am I going to pull this off!?


09-03-18, 08:20
Hey tell your friend to keep the info coming. Zandaly is pretty well known. It is on every map I've seen. I don't know about the college thing but they usually have a couple of good lookers in the mix. They also keep Sunday hours consistently. A few places. Including Diviniwomen. Advertise Sunday / holiday hours but don't always open.

I've heard a lot of good reports about momentos love hotel. I'm surprised more guys who stay in Poblado don't use the place to bring girls or rest and shower between casa visits. I've never been but several trusted sources tell me it's a winner.My American expat friend is a veteran when it comes to providing mongers information that will allow them to participate in the hobby safely and effectively. I don't think getting additional information from him will be an issue, and when he passes it along to me, I'll definitely post it here with his permission.

It's funny what you say about the guys in Poblado. The exact quote from my American expat friend, when discussing Prisma Suite (and something I didn't include in my latest report) was:

"This was the best one many have jacuzzi for maybe a couple bucks more. These idiots that stay in Poblado just don't get it. They pay all that money for a room and then cab fare, when all these places are walking distance from their school or work. Your 3 hour afternoon will cost you less $40, that's half what a room in Poblado costs not counting your entertainment cost which starts at $100, and that's without even meeting your date. Don't even try to convince the Poblado Gringos they have their own agenda, let them stay in Poblado this is really a local or veteran thing."

I'm not versed enough in the Medellin scene to know if the costs that he has quoted are accurate or not. But he's the one who is in Medellin with boots on the ground, so personally, I'll take him at his word. Veteran Medellin mongers might disagree.

09-03-18, 13:24
Is there a place I can go to get a current list of most of the casas? After going through the forum and trying to find the addresses with google, I've only found the address for 3.


Cra. 43 #55-49.


Cra. 74 #49-101.

New Life.

Around CL. 56?

Any help with casas would be much appreciated.Go to the Medellin Lists thread. You'll find the link to the Medellin map and you will also find the Medellin Chica List. It's a PDF file of the casas and clubs with addresses.

09-03-18, 15:58
Going rate = 30 k + 10 k /15 k for the room.

You're trying to bring the US to Colombia. It doesn't work like that, although I've seen a few guys try.

If you're taking a taxi, have them drop you off at Plaza Botero. From there it's a short walk to where you'll find the women. Once you find them you'll probably panic, because there will probably be a few cops standing around. At least you'll see them during daylight hours. You probably don't want to go there after dark. Not until you get some experience.

You'll find all kinds of girls and most will be standing in front of the entrance to a short time place. You make the deal, go to the room and do the deed. If you're staying in a nice place, you might not want to bring one of those girls back with you. If you decide to take one with you, just flag down a taxi.

09-03-18, 16:39
T seems clear to me girls flock to facebook because they can get 2 to 3 times what they would otherwise get from locals or bar / casa / strip club deals. I agree I know guys of every stripe who use it. I use it after the fact to stay in contact with girls I've met elsewhere like on the street or in a casa or via friend referral. For me it's a convenience not a source. It comes in handy when girls lose or have their phones stolen or you just can't get a call through.

I lump all the stereotyping and you can't possibly enjoy Colombia without Spanish and you must stay in the Gringo Inn into a mentality to I don't understand very well because I honestly don't give a fuck how or for how much guys do their thing. I'm always happy to help when asked. I never go in on anybody who hasn't first gone in on somebody else. I feel fortunate that I have other ways to fulfill myself and be happy.

Now that I think about it I have put on a couple of pounds the past couple of years. LOL!

You must be absolutely gorgeous!

Seriously, why even monger? Leave paying for sex to all of us socially awkward, weird looking, overweight mongers.

I've seen mongers that fit all 3 of your stereotypes, who don't use Facebook at all. I've seen others who are fit, suave and extremely handsome, who only use Facebook. Granted, they probably aren't as perfect as you, but I've seen them turn a lot of heads.

Me? I'm one of those losers. Just can't handle any first encounter, especially looking as weird as I do. Sometimes I look in the mirror and even scare myself. Hell, I'm so socially awkward that I get flustered trying to apologise to myself for scaring myself.

Time to be serious. If a woman you found on Facebook is on Facebook when she's with you, that's on you. If you're so entertaining, why can't you keep their attention? I never have had that problem. Most of the girls never touch their phone until it's time to leave. Most of the time, time to leave was whenever I decided it was time for them to go..

09-03-18, 16:41
Hey tell your friend to keep the info coming. Zandaly is pretty well known. It is on every map I've seen. I don't know about the college thing but they usually have a couple of good lookers in the mix. They also keep Sunday hours consistently. A few places. Including Diviniwomen. Advertise Sunday / holiday hours but don't always open.

I've heard a lot of good reports about momentos love hotel. I'm surprised more guys who stay in Poblado don't use the place to bring girls or rest and shower between casa visits. I've never been but several trusted sources tell me it's a winner.My American expat friend is a veteran when it comes to providing mongers information that will allow them to participate in the hobby safely and effectively. I don't think getting additional information from him will be an issue, and when he passes it along to me, I'll definitely post it here with his permission.

It's funny what you say about the guys in Poblado. The exact quote from my American expat friend, when discussing Prisma Suite (and something I didn't include in my latest report) was:

"This was the best one many have jacuzzi for maybe a couple bucks more. These idiots that stay in Poblado just don't get it. They pay all that money for a room and then cab fare, when all these places are walking distance from their school or work. Your 3 hour afternoon will cost you less $40, that's half what a room in Poblado costs not counting your entertainment cost which starts at $100, and that's without even meeting your date. Don't even try to convince the Poblado Gringos they have their own agenda, let them stay in Poblado this is really a local or veteran thing."

I'm not versed enough in the Medellin scene to know if the costs that he has quoted are accurate or not. But he's the one who is in Medellin with boots on the ground, so personally, I'll take him at his word. Veteran Medellin mongers might disagree.

09-03-18, 17:52
I wanted to change the scenery a bit and I stayed at a hotel in Laureles by Calle 44 Near the stadium 60 K COP, the room has a hot tub, is really close to Exito de la 70, and the restaurants on la 80, I made an appointment with a girl from Mileroticos, 4 blocks from the hotel Near Exito de la 70,100 K x hour (normally is 130 K for the hour and 150 K if you want a Trio with another girl), is a 2nd floor apartment, the girl I made the appointment with was a no show that day, so they sat me down on a beat up sofa with a low coffee table and a TV, the place is very plain, nothing special, it had about 4 rooms and what it looked like a kitchen with a curtain in place of a door, 5 girls came out, 4 on the chubby side, nice ass but not my type, the last one was slimmer, medium height, long black hair and nice tanned skin, Carolina was her name, I chose her. I pay the fee and she takes me to the room, the room was clean enough and really plain, Carolina takes her clothes off and I do the same, she is very pretty naked, we start a conversation, then I begging caressing her body, touching her tits, her legs we are both standing, I move to kiss her and she kisses back, so far so good. I run my hand between her legs while kissing her and stick my middle finger slightly in her pussy, she moans and sits me on the bed, gets some flavored lube and puts her in her pussy and her ass. She has a medium size clit and protruding pussy lips, I ate that pussy till my jaw was sore, then I pounded her as hard as I could, cause I knew I wasn't going to last long, I finished the she cleaned me up, we both laid down and she told me she is Bi and a nymphomaniac, we talked for a few minutes I was digesting all this info, I had hit the jackpot I thought, till she said she doesn't see clients outside of the casa, bummer. Well I was ready for my second go at that ass, and she went out to get another rubber, she walked out there naked and came back very quick we did it again mish, cowgirl, doggy, she told me she loves doggy style, I slipped out and licked her asshole, and she moaned, then I put it back in and slowly rub her asshole, and stick the tip of my thumb in, she doesn't complain and just moans with pleasure, I decided to stick my thumb in her all the way and she just moans Si, papi, dame duro! I start ramming her as hard as I can, my legs are cramping up, I don't care I got to finish the job right, hehe. We finish am covered in sweat, I sit on the edge of the bed and she goes back outside for a towel, dries me up and lays down with me again, kissing and caressing JR, very softly, we get a knock on the door, the whole hour went by and she was never rushed. I get dressed she walks me to the door naked, holding me close to her and am grabbing that ass for the last time, she sends me out with a kiss and a promise to comeback and see her again.

I walk back to the hotel, stop by Exito to get some rum and some snacks since my now "regular" Black skinny girl with the nice pussy gap (Stefi) will be coming by later to spend the night with me. She showed up around 8 pm, we go to dinner together to one of the restaurants on la 80, come back to the hotel, am so ready to eat her pussy, she is like I said skinny, has long skinny but very nice legs, a bubble ass and a very soft pussy with long lips that I love to suck on. I brought her some Lingerie I bought online with the Wish app, pretty cool stuff on that app, and dirt cheap. I get her naked and kiss her all over and lick her pussy and ass, she starts shivering, I eat her till she cums in my mouth. I bring out the lingerie she starts modeling it for me, while I lay in bed, does every naughty position I tell her and allows me to take some pictures with the promise I will not post them anywhere, by now am too hard to continue without fucking her, so I lay her down on the bed with the new panties on, move them aside and lick her, from her pussy to her asshole, then slide Jr in and do her missionary slowly at first then hard, she is cums, I flip her to doggy and do her from behind till I cum. We turn the hot tub on and get some bubbles, soak in the water for a couple of hours talking and holding each other, am getting hard again from all the caressing, I sit in front of her in the hot tub, sit her on my lap and slip in, she wraps her legs around me the hugs me while kissing me, and we fuck slowly then fast, we are splashing water everywhere, we laugh and go the the bed to finish, we go at it for a while till we both finish and fall a sleep, I wake up in the middle of the night lay on my side spoon position and do her while she is sleeping, she wakes up and doesn't mind am doing her with no condom, she starts moaning asking me for more and harder, I get up, get her doggy style on her knees and her face on the pillow, and fuck her hard till I cum in her, she doesn't mind. I had bought a pill for the day after just in case this happened. We go back to sleep, she gets up around 6 am gets ready, she goes to the University and has class at 8 am, and has to pick up her daughter from the babysitter, I give her some money for her taxi and to pay the babysitter. Call the reception for a taxi and walk her to her taxi, kiss passionately and off she goes.

I've been staying in touch with her and plan to spend the night with her next time am in Medellin.

09-03-18, 18:01
He is absolutely right about the pricing. I agree with everything else he said except I wouldn't refer to the Poblado bros quite so harshly. I'm a live and let live kind of guy. My only agenda here is to help guys make informed decisions. I'm OK with guys staying in Poblado and cabbing it back and forth or paying facebook girls "cab fare" on time of their premium pricing, as long as they know the alternatives.

My American expat friend is a veteran when it comes to providing mongers information that will allow them to participate in the hobby safely and effectively. I don't think getting additional information from him will be an issue, and when he passes it along to me, I'll definitely post it here with his permission.

It's funny what you say about the guys in Poblado. The exact quote from my American expat friend, when discussing Prisma Suite (and something I didn't include in my latest report) was:

"This was the best one many have jacuzzi for maybe a couple bucks more. These idiots that stay in Poblado just don't get it. They pay all that money for a room and then cab fare, when all these places are walking distance from their school or work. Your 3 hour afternoon will cost you less $40, that's half what a room in Poblado costs not counting your entertainment cost which starts at $100, and that's without even meeting your date. Don't even try to convince the Poblado Gringos they have their own agenda, let them stay in Poblado this is really a local or veteran thing."

I'm not versed enough in the Medellin scene to know if the costs that he has quoted are accurate or not. But he's the one who is in Medellin with boots on the ground, so personally, I'll take him at his word. Veteran Medellin mongers might disagree.

09-03-18, 18:10
Everything you said about the Belen / Laureles / Floresta apartment trade squares with the local monger boards. Good advice about veering to the mid range casas for good looking girls with average to above average service. You generally above average service in the apartments because they see fewer punters per day but the looks don't always add up to the ad pictures. It's fun to discover.

I like to hunt also. Friends were giving me names of sure-fire winners and I wasn't interested. I turned down the "best blow job" artist in Medellin. My friend said, "You sure make things hard on yourself" but I wanted to find my own. Not wanting to be an Asshole but I will own it if so proclaimed, on a two week trip I can afford to spend 300,000 pesos a day on the Hunt.

For this trip, I hunted in the apartments of Laureles and Belen which are hardly ever mentioned on this Board. Three of the six chicas I met were what I consider to be sevens and they were the three that had real pictures in their ads. Usually in the ads the faces are blurred. The other three were using pictures when they were younger or fake pictures. I have to say that the service provided was average to above average in all cases. However, there was not a keeper in the bunch.

The only keeper I found came from the Whatsapp list that is going around but of course that is a more expensive option because of the fee to the intermediary. I did three sessions with that chica. I found with the Whatsapp list and Tinder chicas there were fewer restrictions..

09-03-18, 20:20
Seriously, why even monger? Leave paying for sex to all of us socially awkward, weird looking, overweight mongers.

Yes. Facebook is an advantage to the girls. That's why they use it. The problem isn't that all us ogres are using Facebook. We're just smart enough to use the best tools to get the best results. The problem is that the girls are smart enough to know that using Facebook works out better for them. Why go to a bar, spend money for a taxi, spend money for drinks and hope some guy comes along to make it worthwhile, when she can sit at home until she's guaranteed a payday? Especially since she's going to be able to be picky. She hasn't already invested 4 or 5 meals into hoping for any customer.

The best part about Facebook for me? When they're bored, or just need a little money, women will hit me up to just come and hang out, or offer me crazy discounts.Amen, brother! Facebook is fucking great. I have more friends on my Medellin facebook account than my real one.

I land in Medellin, put up a post saying I'm in country and the "hola, amor" start rolling in. Which is great when you're a socially awkward, overweight weirdo like me. All of a sudden I got lots of girls wanting to jump on my dick. This is exactly why I come to Colombia. I don't want that 'hunt' shit. That just leaves me disappointed with blue balls at the end of the night. (after putting in way more work than I put into my Facebook working girl list). Some of these Facebook girls have even been able to stomach coming out with my ugly ass in public too.

09-04-18, 00:12
Go to the Medellin Lists thread. You'll find the link to the Medellin map and you will also find the Medellin Chica List. It's a PDF file of the casas and clubs with addresses.Sweet, thanks!

09-04-18, 02:18
I'm bound to Medellin next week for the first so I can't wait. But I must be doing something wrong on FB, cause I don't seem to find these hot and willing FB girls on facebook. I found some random hot girls from Medellin on FB, but they have have 5 k -10 k followers and fb and they probably don't have time to respond to a friend request. Does one need a fake six pack and blue eyes to get this ball rollin maybe? I did see some of the few FB links posted here but those were generally average girls on my scale or just a big ole surgery mess.

So do you find the FB girls through real life girls fb account perhaps?

Will report my findings.

09-05-18, 01:53
Living to the south of Medellin, I decided to try and check out Itagui to see what action is around there, instead of having to trawl up to Centro to visit casas etc. So here is what I found on my one night visit.

Harem Club, Cra 50,49-25. It's a disco type place with a dozen or so girls dressed in underwear at the bar. You just flag which ever one you want. Price is COP 120.000 / half a an hour. All COP 200.000 for 2 HR take out. Place is open in the evenings. There were 2-3 acceptable ladies there, but the price seemed steep to me. Drinks COP 9. 000 for a beer.

Bacarat. Striptease club next door to Harem Club. Dingy kind of place, remeniscent of the strip clubs in Centro. Narrow kinda room with a dance stage running down the middle. Only half a dozen girls there on a Friday night. Prices were fully negotiable with the girls. Thought this was a poor option though as the place was dead. COP 8. 000 for a beer.

International Club. Ave Regional, opp Energia & Potencia store. Place is a girlie club, open from 7 pm to 4 am. Its a bit run down but friendly enough. A dozen or so small tables spread around a dnace stage. 10 or so girls, mostly a little older, but a few full figured ladies with surgery, if you like that kinda thing. I took the youngets thing there. She said she'd never seen a foreigner in there before. Price is COP 20.000 for a tiny room at the back, and 50.000 for the girl for half an hour. Finally, I found what I was looking for. .

La Mayorista. Didn't make it there that night, but tha place is famous enough. Lots of girls hangig out for business on the street. Prices very basic and negotiable. Lots of short time hotels around.

So, it was worth the trip, although the talent could have been better.

09-05-18, 16:55
I'm bound to Medellin next week for the first so I can't wait. But I must be doing something wrong on FB, cause I don't seem to find these hot and willing FB girls on facebook. I found some random hot girls from Medellin on FB, but they have have 5 k -10 k followers and fb and they probably don't have time to respond to a friend request. Does one need a fake six pack and blue eyes to get this ball rollin maybe? I did see some of the few FB links posted here but those were generally average girls on my scale or just a big ole surgery mess.

So do you find the FB girls through real life girls fb account perhaps?

Will report my findings.I'll be out there Sep 10 - Oct 1st. It's my second trip. Last time I stayed in Parque Lleras but this time I'm exploring the city. I speak Spanish so if you want to link up or need any help while you're out there let me know.

El Mechanico
09-05-18, 17:36
Amen, brother! Facebook is fucking great. I have more friends on my Medellin facebook account than my real one.

I land in Medellin, put up a post saying I'm in country and the "hola, amor" start rolling in. Which is great when you're a socially awkward, overweight weirdo like me. All of a sudden I got lots of girls wanting to jump on my dick. This is exactly why I come to Colombia. I don't want that 'hunt' shit. That just leaves me disappointed with blue balls at the end of the night. (after putting in way more work than I put into my Facebook working girl list). Some of these Facebook girls have even been able to stomach coming out with my ugly ass in public too.Enjoy it! Looking forward to a Trip Report!

El Mechanico.

09-05-18, 21:00
I'm bound to Medellin next week for the first so I can't wait. But I must be doing something wrong on FB, cause I don't seem to find these hot and willing FB girls on facebook. I found some random hot girls from Medellin on FB, but they have have 5 k -10 k followers and fb and they probably don't have time to respond to a friend request. Does one need a fake six pack and blue eyes to get this ball rollin maybe? I did see some of the few FB links posted here but those were generally average girls on my scale or just a big ole surgery mess.

So do you find the FB girls through real life girls fb account perhaps?

Will report my findings.If they have 5 k-10 k followers chances are they're an internet model who accepts any friend request to pad their numbers. In my experience most won't reply to your messages but occasionally you get lucky and score a gem.

I think your problem is you're just being too selective and hesitant. When you start out it's better that you friend request ANYONE, even if you don't find them particularly attractive. You might not want to have sex with them in particular, but chances are you WILL want to score with one of their hot friends, or friends of friends, and the only way you start to see those in your friend recommendations is to get that initial pool going as big as possible as soon as possible. It's all a numbers game. I sent out hundreds of friend requests accompanied by a quick message on how I was visiting Colombia and would love to meet them. About 40% accepted my friend request, and about 75% of that pool replied to my message. Only had a handful ever respond negatively. If they're a prepago most will immediately know what you want and ask when you'll be there and maybe flirt a little. If they act coy and ask for clarification on why you want to meet just be direct and say you want to take them back to your apartment for some sexy fun. You can also offer to wine and dine them first but 99% of the time this isn't really necessary.

If you're looking for a good "seed" start with La Vane Restrepo: https://www.facebook.com/eliana.restrepo.940/ . She'll accept any invite and her friend's list is a goldmine of working girls and clients, whom you can also mine for more contacts.

World Travel 69
09-05-18, 21:26
I added them to the Map, But not sure about the exact location of the International club.

Is it that close to Mangos?

Living to the south of Medellin, I decided to try and check out Itagui to see what action is around there, instead of having to trawl up to Centro to visit casas etc. So here is what I found on my one night visit.

Harem Club, Cra 50,49-25. It's a disco type place with a dozen or so girls dressed in underwear at the bar. You just flag which ever one you want. Price is COP 120.000 / half a an hour. All COP 200.000 for 2 HR take out. Place is open in the evenings. There were 2-3 acceptable ladies there, but the price seemed steep to me. Drinks COP 9. 000 for a beer.

Bacarat. Striptease club next door to Harem Club. Dingy kind of place, remeniscent of the strip clubs in Centro. Narrow kinda room with a dance stage running down the middle. Only half a dozen girls there on a Friday night. Prices were fully negotiable with the girls. Thought this was a poor option though as the place was dead. COP 8. 000 for a beer.

International Club. Ave Regional, opp Energia & Potencia store. Place is a girlie club, open from 7 pm to 4 am. Its a bit run down but friendly enough. A dozen or so small tables spread around a dnace stage. 10 or so girls, mostly a little older, but a few full figured ladies with surgery, if you like that kinda thing. I took the youngets thing there. She said she'd never seen a foreigner in there before. Price is COP 20.000 for a tiny room at the back, and 50.000 for the girl for half an hour. Finally, I found what I was looking for. .

La Mayorista. Didn't make it there that night, but tha place is famous enough. Lots of girls hangig out for business on the street. Prices very basic and negotiable. Lots of short time hotels around.

So, it was worth the trip, although the talent could have been better.

Big Boss Man
09-05-18, 23:11
If you're looking for a good "seed" start with La Vane Restrepo: https://www.facebook.com/eliana.restrepo.940/ . She'll accept any invite and her friend's list is a goldmine of working girls and clients, whom you can also mine for more contacts.La Vane provides a good service for us non-Spanish speakers and I will recommend her. To work with her is easy. However be aware that there are fake photos on her friend's list. Also it seemed like my first choices were never available. "La otra no contesto. " I had to settle for second and third choices. Service was very good from the chicas she sent. Far better than the service received at the limited number of casas or apartments that I have attended.

I have a feeling the hot chicas on Facebook are very popular. Either that or I was extremely unlucky. Or guys are offering more than 250,000 pesos to score the eights and nines. Or the hot girls were in Cartagena or Spain for tourist season.

09-06-18, 01:06
La Vane provides a good service for us non-Spanish speakers and I will recommend her. To work with her is easy. However be aware that there are fake photos on her friend's list. Also it seemed like my first choices were never available. "La otra no contesto. " I had to settle for second and third choices. Service was very good from the chicas she sent. Far better than the service received at the limited number of casas or apartments that I have attended.

I have a feeling the hot chicas on Facebook are very popular. Either that or I was extremely unlucky. Or guys are offering more than 250,000 pesos to score the eights and nines. Or the hot girls were in Cartagena or Spain for tourist season.She sent some pics of some hot girls last night and I asked her how much they were and she said 450 mil an hour.

Yes the girls that I want too are always not available when I ask. There was this one girl who was coming said she was going to be like an hour late so I said forget it. Then the next day she was suppose to come and then said she had to wait for baby sitter so she would be like 2 hours late so I just told her nevermind. Ain't got time to wait around for hookers to show up.

Yeah I don't think 150 or even 200 k is doable for 8+ on facebook. I told this 8 I’ll pay 200 and she laughed and said that is too little and she wanted 250. I didn’t respond to her. These girls think they are worth more now and people are willing to pay it.

09-06-18, 02:09
She sent some pics of some hot girls last night and I asked her how much they were and she said 450 mil an hour.

Yes the girls that I want too are always not available when I ask. There was this one girl who was coming said she was going to be like an hour late so I said forget it. Then the next day she was suppose to come and then said she had to wait for baby sitter so she would be like 2 hours late so I just told her nevermind. Ain't got time to wait around for hookers to show up.

Yeah I don't think 150 or even 200 k is doable for 8+ on facebook. I told this 8 Ill pay 200 and she laughed and said that is too little and she wanted 250. I didnt respond to her. These girls think they are worth more now and people are willing to pay it.At those sort of rates aren't you better off calling one of the many more reputable agencies like LaCelestina?

She is probably just calling numbers that she believes uninformed and uninitiated yet horny gringos would pay.

09-06-18, 02:13
Thanks I have already La Vane on whatsapp, big selection there. True, I am on the selective side when it comes to girls but arent we all, some more than others just. I have a theory that most hot FB girls are comfortable if they already know you otherwise they can't sort you out from thousands of attention she gets.

If they have 5 k-10 k followers chances are they're an internet model who accepts any friend request to pad their numbers. In my experience most won't reply to your messages but occasionally you get lucky and score a gem.

I think your problem is you're just being too selective and hesitant. When you start out it's better that you friend request ANYONE, even if you don't find them particularly attractive. You might not want to have sex with them in particular, but chances are you WILL want to score with one of their hot friends, or friends of friends, and the only way you start to see those in your friend recommendations is to get that initial pool going as big as possible as soon as possible. It's all a numbers game. I sent out hundreds of friend requests accompanied by a quick message on how I was visiting Colombia and would love to meet them. About 40% accepted my friend request, and about 75% of that pool replied to my message. Only had a handful ever respond negatively. If they're a prepago most will immediately know what you want and ask when you'll be there and maybe flirt a little. If they act coy and ask for clarification on why you want to meet just be direct and say you want to take them back to your apartment for some sexy fun. You can also offer to wine and dine them first but 99% of the time this isn't really necessary.

If you're looking for a good "seed" start with La Vane Restrepo: https://www.facebook.com/eliana.restrepo.940/ . She'll accept any invite and her friend's list is a goldmine of working girls and clients, whom you can also mine for more contacts.

09-06-18, 14:52
I opened a Medellin FB account. I started doing searches for groups and people. I would type in Keywords like prepagos, escort, escort.

Sexy, and stuff like that. Very few results. Every now and then I'd hit a word that brought up a few girls in their name. I'd friend request. Some would go through, others would even give me a pop up saying "do you really know this person hahaha then retract my request. I might have gotten 2 accepts max. My normal Facebook I get girls to accept all the time so I knew something was up. I got frustrated and gave up on the FB search until I saw this thread. I went ahead and clicked on the restreppo girls link that was posted and friend requested her. At first the option to friend request her wasn't even there. Almost like FB knew I didn't know her. I couldn't see her friends as that's private. But I'm smart and got crafty. Maybe this will work for you too! I looked at her pictures! There you will find say 80 likes on a picture of her standing by a pool. Look at who liked it! They are 90% gringos and 10% girls. You would think that's not much to work with but it's a Gold Mine! All the Guys are building list too! Look at their friends! I found one guy who had the last name Medellin. His friends list wasn't private. Holy shit, there wasn't a single male friend hajaha

La Vane provides a good service for us non-Spanish speakers and I will recommend her. To work with her is easy. However be aware that there are fake photos on her friend's list. Also it seemed like my first choices were never available. "La otra no contesto." I had to settle for second and third choices. Service was very good from the chicas she sent. Far better than the service received at the limited number of casas or apartments that I have attended. Every single girl was a pro!! And it took me an hour to friend request all of them A-Z. That's a lot of request but it worked, now this morning I have 15 new friends and 3 inboxes asking where I'm from. I think this is the start of my list and it can only grow from here. No price quotes yet but this should help FB those who shared my experience get a list going. Check the other gringos friends and that will weed out a lot of people. The girls list will be filled with guys and some girls. The guys list will 99% chicks!! Dont over look their value!!

I have a feeling the hot chicas on Facebook are very popular. Either that or I was extremely unlucky. Or guys are offering more than 250,000 pesos to score the eights and nines. Or the hot girls were in Cartagena or Spain for tourist season..

Black Page
09-06-18, 15:06
If you're looking for a good "seed" start with La Vane Restrepo: https://www.facebook.com/eliana.restrepo.940/ . She'll accept any invite and her friend's list is a goldmine of working girls and clients, whom you can also mine for more contacts.Better not ask her friendship from the main real-life FB account, with friends from workplace and church.

Big Boss Man
09-06-18, 16:48
At those sort of rates aren't you better off calling one of the many more reputable agencies like LaCelestina?

She is probably just calling numbers that she believes uninformed and uninitiated yet horny gringos would pay.La Celestina did not answer my Whatsapp inquiry while I was in Medellin. They list about 20 chicas on their webpage. Their chicas are in constant rotation on photoprepagos. In fairness I did make my inquiry on a Monday holiday when even places like Energy and Tantra were closed. But they read the inquiry based on the check marks in the feed. All the reviews on La Celestina are based on Bogota experiences.

My real question is what do you have to do in Medellin to score an eight or above? Where do you have to go? How much do you have to pay? Medellin is a good cheap place to go to if you are happy being with sixes and sevens.

09-06-18, 17:13
La Celestina did not answer my Whatsapp inquiry while I was in Medellin. They list about 20 chicas on their webpage. Their chicas are in constant rotation on photoprepagos. In fairness I did make my inquiry on a Monday holiday when even places like Energy and Tantra were closed. But they read the inquiry based on the check marks in the feed. All the reviews on La Celestina are based on Bogota experiences.

My real question is what do you have to do in Medellin to score an eight or above? Where do you have to go? How much do you have to pay? Medellin is a good cheap place to go to if you are happy being with sixes and sevens.I'd start at Fase II, on a good weekend night past 11 they will have 50 +- girls on, top 5 will be 8 & 9 's usually.

09-06-18, 19:34
La Celestina did not answer my Whatsapp inquiry while I was in Medellin. They list about 20 chicas on their webpage. Their chicas are in constant rotation on photoprepagos. In fairness I did make my inquiry on a Monday holiday when even places like Energy and Tantra were closed. But they read the inquiry based on the check marks in the feed. All the reviews on La Celestina are based on Bogota experiences.

My real question is what do you have to do in Medellin to score an eight or above? Where do you have to go? How much do you have to pay? Medellin is a good cheap place to go to if you are happy being with sixes and sevens.I don't know. What's an 8 or 9? What you call an 8 I might call a 6, and vice versa. Everyone has their own standard.

It seems to be a recipe for disappointment if you're just focusing on finding your 10. The ones who are available know their worth and they know exactly how much they have to do to get their price. You're combining the highest price with the lowest effort. It's like buying a Bentley that someone stuck a Yugo engine in.

Not saying it isn't possible, but it requires more effort.

It helps when you become a known entity. Initially you're just another gringo that wants to fuck. And from prior experience, she figures you're not a very good fuck. Unless she's desperate for the money, you're not worth her time.

The guys living there have it easier. Keep going to the same places. Get to know the waitresses. Bring an occasional girl in to party. Eventually the girls will come to you. When they do, keep your cool. Exploit their curiosity.

09-06-18, 21:12
Good question. I would guess the high end clubs or a hell of a lot of networking. Seems as if the super hot ones have more options. One short ride on the metro you can see plenty 8 and 9's.

My real question is what do you have to do in Medellin to score an eight or above? Where do you have to go? How much do you have to pay? Medellin is a good cheap place to go to if you are happy being with sixes and sevens.

Big Boss Man
09-07-18, 03:53
I don't know. What's an 8 or 9? What you call an 8 I might call a 6, and vice versa. Everyone has their own standard.

The guys living there have it easier. Keep going to the same places. Get to know the waitresses. Bring an occasional girl in to party. Eventually the girls will come to you. When they do, keep your cool. Exploit their curiosity.Attached is my version of an eight. She used to dance at nightclubs in Buenos Aires and sometimes danced at Jackson's stripper parties. Now she is a college student about to graduate at the top of her class.

I have been to Fase Dos and La Isla maybe five times and frankly don't even remember what the chicas who I went with looked like.

Maybe I was spoiled by going to Spain and Switzerland this summer.

I probably do need an introduction. That was how I met the attached. I was kind of hoping that Vany could provide it.

09-07-18, 14:12
I don't know. What's an 8 or 9? What you call an 8 I might call a 6, and vice versa. Everyone has their own standard. {snip} That's the age old question, isn't it?

Many, many years back (when we were both single) my best friend and I were bemoaning this very thing while sitting at our favorite pick-up bar scoping out the talent. So we cam up with a completely non-judgemental scale. It only goes from 0 to 4.

A 0 is a girl that you would not f*ck.

A 1 is a girl you would f*ck.

A 2 is a girl you would DATY then f*ck.

A 3 is a girl you would f*ck (BB, of course) then DATY.

A 4 is a girl you would DATY after your buddy f*cked her (BB of course).

So. There are lots of 1's and 2's, very few 3's and maybe only about 2 or 3 4's in the entire world.

We'd get a lot of stares in a bar when we'd see some fairly hot chica and say. "That's a 2".

09-07-18, 14:58
I don't know. What's an 8 or 9? What you call an 8 I might call a 6, and vice versa. Everyone has their own standard.

Does that really have to be explained?

Over and over again, LOL.

Just go to Colombia, walk about, visit all types of venues, get online, Facebook, etc.

You'll find "your 8 or 9" and the price will be the going rate of where you find her, and your own personal skills.

It's not complicated.

09-07-18, 17:36
Does that really have to be explained?

Over and over again, LOL.

Just go to Colombia, walk about, visit all types of venues, get online, Facebook, etc.

You'll find "your 8 or 9" and the price will be the going rate of where you find her, and your own personal skills.

It's not complicated.Not to me it doesn't. But when someone specifically asks where to find an 8 or 9, apparently it does need to be explained again.

Dick Hertz
09-07-18, 18:10
Anyone know an uber driver who do extras. I lost contact with one who made my trip back home pleasant.

Black Page
09-07-18, 18:45
Anyone know an uber driver who do extras. I lost contact with one who made my trip back home pleasant.You mean a female driver or gender is not an issue?

Big Boss Man
09-07-18, 19:53
I consider these two chicas as eights. One was advertised on the Whatsapp list and the other is advertised on Mileeroticos. Maybe a long-term Medellin resident knows one of these two chicas. Are they available for 250,000 pesos or less for 90 minutes? Is a tourist being realistic in trying to meet one of these two?

09-07-18, 19:56
You'll find "your 8 or 9" and the price will be the going rate of where you find her, and your own personal skills.

It's not complicated.No doubt I'm a lot older than you, but when I was young we described ourselves as: Assmen, Titsmen, A LegMan, FaceMan, Athletic girls, and on and on and on. Come on Balboa, everyone's taste is different.

8's and 9's can vary wildly. The only real common theme is that: We have money and want vajayjay and the Girls have vajayvay and want dinero. Everything else is a matter of taste and negotiation.

So, tell me what you lust for and I'll tell you who I know that fits the bill (assuming I know someone who matches your preferences).

Dick Hertz
09-07-18, 21:24
You mean a female driver or gender is not an issue?Yes a female driver.

09-07-18, 23:03
Just found out about this app, its like an uber for motels, I see a lot of love motels listed, it uses your location to find what's nearby with photos and prices listed and it has a button to reserve a room right from the app, I'm not in MDE yet so I can't try it but I will. Its a blessing for me since I will be needing motels. Anybody have experience with it? Motelnow.

09-08-18, 00:13
I consider these two chicas as eights. One was advertised on the Whatsapp list and the other is advertised on Mileeroticos. Maybe a long-term Medellin resident knows one of these two chicas. Are they available for 250,000 pesos or less for 90 minutes? Is a tourist being realistic in trying to meet one of these two?The one with her back to camera is a 6 and the chick facing the camera could be a 7 by Medellin standards.

You could easily find the same or better at the Mansion for 100 mill less and get better service to boot.

09-08-18, 00:22
I consider these two chicas as eights. One was advertised on the Whatsapp list and the other is advertised on Mileeroticos. Maybe a long-term Medellin resident knows one of these two chicas. Are they available for 250,000 pesos or less for 90 minutes? Is a tourist being realistic in trying to meet one of these two?I consider the second one a 10. The first is not too shabby either.

09-08-18, 01:14
I consider these two chicas as eights. One was advertised on the Whatsapp list and the other is advertised on Mileeroticos. Maybe a long-term Medellin resident knows one of these two chicas. Are they available for 250,000 pesos or less for 90 minutes? Is a tourist being realistic in trying to meet one of these two?Of course you can find this quality, and likely for a lot less than 250 k. As another poster said, you just need to hit a bunch of different venues. There's no guarantee any particular one will have what you want, but if you hit enough places you'll definitely find talent that suits you. My time-worn strategy is to mix it up. I may stay a few nights at the Mansion and see what's there. I have one or two morning / afternoons where I walk around to several Centro casas. Hit Fase II at least one night. At least one night at a Centro strip club. I'll hit some non-pro clubs (I like to dance). Wash, rinse, repeat.

As an example of this: The hottest looking chica I've met in Colombia (in well over 20 visits going back to 2001) was walking around Centro several years ago. I ran into a near 10 right off De Grieff. Hotter than any chica from Loutron, La Isla, Fase II etc. Is this the norm? Of course not. I've walked around Centro many times since and seen no one remotely that attractive. The point is you never really know where they'll be. But if you do you legwork and keep your eyes open, you'll find them. It's a big City.

Big Boss Man
09-08-18, 02:48
Of course you can find this quality, and likely for a lot less than 250 k. As another poster said, you just need to hit a bunch of different venues. There's no guarantee any particular one will have what you want, but if you hit enough places you'll definitely find talent that suits you. My time-worn strategy is to mix it up. I may stay a few nights at the Mansion and see what's there. I have one or two morning / afternoons where I walk around to several Centro casas. Hit Fase II at least one night. At least one night at a Centro strip club. I'll hit some non-pro clubs (I like to dance). Wash, rinse, repeat.

As an example of this: The hottest looking chica I've met in Colombia (in well over 20 visits going back to 2001) was walking around Centro several years ago. I ran into a near 10 right off De Grieff. Hotter than any chica from Loutron, La Isla, Fase II etc. Is this the norm? Of course not. I've walked around Centro many times since and seen no one remotely that attractive. The point is you never really know where they'll be. But if you do you legwork and keep your eyes open, you'll find them. It's a big City.Medellin may not be my paradise. I will likely come back because many of the BA guys have migrated to Medellin. The Mansion doesn't seem like a deal because in my late 60's I am happy with one chica a day. I was paying 180,000 pesos a night with my credit card for a room with an incredible view and averaged about 270,000 pesos per chica including motel rooms and alcohol. Of course, I went to a few apartments which lowered the average but I always received BBBJ which seems to require a tip. So I am economically indifferent towards paying a chica 150,000 pesos and 288,000 pesos for a room at the Mansion. Do they take USD? I imagine I would buy a few drinks at the Cave to even things out.

If those chicas I posted are 6 and 7's, than my expectations were not that high. I was not sitting around waiting for a 10 to arrive. And a couple of the chicas I am calling sixes were probably fives on MedellinGringo's scale. I can accept Medellin from my experience as it is. Good friends and cheap GFE sex with average-looking chicas.

09-08-18, 11:03


This is a 10 for me. But it could be a 7 for someone else. Its all up to taste. Just look around, although i have never seen a hooker as hot as this.

09-08-18, 11:15
Medellin may not be my paradise. I will likely come back because many of the BA guys have migrated to Medellin. The Mansion doesn't seem like a deal because in my late 60's I am happy with one chica a day. I was paying 180,000 pesos a night with my credit card for a room with an incredible view and averaged about 270,000 pesos per chica including motel rooms and alcohol. Of course, I went to a few apartments which lowered the average but I always received BBBJ which seems to require a tip. So I am economically indifferent towards paying a chica 150,000 pesos and 288,000 pesos for a room at the Mansion. Do they take USD? I imagine I would buy a few drinks at the Cave to even things out.

If those chicas I posted are 6 and 7's, than my expectations were not that high. I was not sitting around waiting for a 10 to arrive. And a couple of the chicas I am calling sixes were probably fives on MedellinGringo's scale. I can accept Medellin from my experience as it is. Good friends and cheap GFE sex with average-looking chicas.Take it with a grain of salt. Unless you always stay at the Mansion and always rave about how great the Mansion is, there are those who will criticize your every move. Then there are those who will criticize you if you stay at the Mansion.

With your photos, the one on the right is heavily edited, so no real opinion, except there are plenty of available women who look better without editing. The one on the left looks like a fairly typical Facebook girl. I have about 100 comparable girls on my friend list. To the 6 guys with 10 or less posts, don't bother with the pm asking for my list.

My own experience at the Mansion didn't get the greatest review. The available girls at the bar were, on average, slightly better looking than the average at Conejitas or Barra Ejecutiva, roughly equivalent to the lineup at New Life. The performance I found there was only slightly better than I found at New Life, with the exception of BBBJ.

I did see one super hot girl there, but she was someone that had been called in, not a regular.

09-08-18, 14:31
This rating chit chat is getting a bit pedantic. Perhaps we should change the 1 to 10 system to 1 to 100 with fractions carried out to 2 places?

09-08-18, 15:40
Has anybody gone to the strip club on Calle 44 between Carerra 72 and Carerra 74. I have seen a lot of good looking women standing outside of it. While driving past. I walked past last night, and saw this beautiful and sexy girl walking up and going inside of it. But I was with one of my girls so I couldn't go in.

09-08-18, 17:59
This rating chit chat is getting a bit pedantic. Perhaps we should change the 1 to 10 system to 1 to 100 with fractions carried out to 2 places?Hear! Hear! That rating nonsense harkens back to a day and a macho mindset that assumed you were desperate if you were paying for it. And realistically, there is no way to rate a woman's looks. Its all a matter of taste and perspective and your background as well. When I grew up, I only had an interest in lily white girls. Now, I don't like them. Your life experiences open things up for you. What a 20 something from a sheltered background would think is hot, would possibly look rather plain to me. Guys will report that they can't find a hot chick at a certain location, brothel or venue. And then I show up there and say, WTF? How could you not find a nice piece of ass, here. Things like that make me doubt the veracity of such field reports.

And it also reeks of overcompensation, like the guys who are fixated on getting the "hottest" girls. Hey, I was married to a beautiful East European woman for 13 years. I've had a few others for short term relationships. I once dated an ex-model. I've also had a fat girlfriend, a few chubby girlfriends, and one that was just plain homely. I have the fondest memories of the ones that were the least attractive because they were generally better at conversation, and knew how to do actual useful things like cook and clean, instead of expecting to be entertained. There there were a few that were "unconventional" beauties. These were girls that had some odd looks that would turn conventional guys off, but excited unconventional guys like me. And for good reason: they were best in bed. That said, I've nothing to prove to myself or to anyone else. Frankly, I'm more interested in finding a dwarf and a cross-eyed WG just for the experience. One can always find "Hot" girls if they have the money for them.

When I read about guys who are fixed on finding the "10's" or the chicks, I think we are dealing with guys who never had a pretty girlfriend when they were young and probably never had one ever. Maybe because they were chasing the unicorn and they could never settle for what was all around them. They thought their girlfriends needed to be Playboy centerfold material and nothing less. I had a friend who actually thought that. He never got laid.

When I was young, there were always those smartass guys who would find something wrong with any girl that anyone else found attractive. "Awww, she's a dog. " "Man, you like that? She ain't got no tits. " "She ain't so hot". I met those kind of guys in Junior High. In my 20's, I ran into the same type of guys. But by that time, something had become obvious. They never got laid. They never had a girlfriend. They never had dates. And they probably never had. If they discovered the mongering world, I doubt they are getting laid much either, because they are too busy finding something lacking in women all around the world.

Big Boss Man
09-08-18, 18:24
This rating chit chat is getting a bit pedantic. Perhaps we should change the 1 to 10 system to 1 to 100 with fractions carried out to 2 places?Pardon me if the numbering system offends you. I actually thought it was a term of art that all mongers understand. But I did also post some pictures of what I like so that the non-statisticians could make a qualitative judgement. Do you do better, as well or worse? Remember both chicas posted have at least 10 advertisements.

I guess the bottom line for me is that Medellin is a place for inexpensive good and sometimes kinky sex with thousands of girl-next-door types. It is not a place for the short-term tourist to find a top-drawer hooker. Somehow spending hours on the metro or cruising casas and bars in Centro is not a very good solution for me. I compare Medellin to the Philippines and Pattaya for quality. I qualify my opinion by saying that I have only been in Medellin for twenty days total in my life so the reader can assign whatever weight he wants to the opinion.

09-08-18, 19:24
Pardon me if the numbering system offends you. I actually thought it was a term of art that all mongers understand. But I did also post some pictures of what I like so that the non-statisticians could make a qualitative judgement. Do you do better, as well or worse? Remember both chicas posted have at least 10 advertisements.

I guess the bottom line for me is that Medellin is a place for inexpensive good and sometimes kinky sex with thousands of girl-next-door types. It is not a place for the short-term tourist to find a top-drawer hooker. Somehow spending hours on the metro or cruising casas and bars in Centro is not a very good solution for me. I compare Medellin to the Philippines and Pattaya for quality. I qualify my opinion by saying that I have only been in Medellin for twenty days total in my life so the reader can assign whatever weight he wants to the opinion.Boss Man.

I don't know your usual destinations for this hobby, other than you said you've hung out in Buenos Aires. I'm wondering if you've been to Sao Paulo? I've seen more "stunners" (IMO of course) in Sao Paulo than in the rest of the world combined. Quality and quantity unparalleled. But generally prices are high and it's not an easy city to navigate.

FWIW I think the Colombian women are in general more attractive than the Argentinas. I would choose MDE over BA every time. But again, everyone's taste is different. There's no one place or one woman that will appeal to every hobbyist.

09-08-18, 20:11
Pardon me if the numbering system offends you. Sorry, I guess I left out the emojis, it was meant to be funny. I was not meant to be a comic. I found the bickering about ratings to be amusing, hence the comment.

Big Boss Man
09-08-18, 20:36
Boss Man.

I don't know your usual destinations for this hobby, other than you said you've hung out in Buenos Aires. I'm wondering if you've been to Sao Paulo? I've seen more "stunners" (IMO of course) in Sao Paulo than in the rest of the world combined. Quality and quantity unparalleled. But generally prices are high and it's not an easy city to navigate.

FWIW I think the Colombian women are in general more attractive than the Argentinas. I would choose MDE over BA every time. But again, everyone's taste is different. There's no one place or one woman that will appeal to every hobbyist.Sao Paulo is by far the best mongering city in the world. I actually wrote something up on this topic as I have been thinking about it since I returned home from Medellin but I stupidly deleted it instead of saving it somewhere because I did not want to spam up this thread. I might try again in the Chitchat thread if you're interested. I should write these things in a word editor anyway because my spelling and grammar skills seem to be deteriorating as I age.

The Tall Man
09-08-18, 21:10
Sao Paulo is by far the best mongering city in the world. I actually wrote something up on this topic as I have been thinking about it since I returned home from Medellin but I stupidly deleted it instead of saving it somewhere because I did not want to spam up this thread. I might try again in the Chitchat thread if you're interested. I should write these things in a word editor anyway because my spelling and grammar skills seem to be deteriorating as I age.The Tall Man just got to pipe in here, in my total mongering career spanning decades, the most stunning and beautiful woman I have ever had the pleasure of making love to was in 2000 in Rio and GUESS WHAT? She was born and raised in San Paolo.

Yep 18 years latter and she still is on my mind.

The Tall Man.

09-09-18, 10:15
Sao Paulo is by far the best mongering city in the world.................I like Sao Paulo, Medellin and Bangkok but for me the best mongering city in the world is Frankfurt. No establishments in the world can beat the FKKs and for those so inclined there are walkups in the red light district. I like sessioning hot babes and the hottest providers in the world are definitely to be found at FKKs. Fancy yourself entering an establishment and seeing over 100 beautiful naked Caucasian women! And its totally legal!

D Cups
09-09-18, 13:46


This is a 10 for me..That is pretty damn hot. Thanks. Got to get my ass to MDE.

World Travel 69
09-09-18, 18:02
This is supposed to be a Medellin Reports thread about the chicas and where they are.

It gets hard for me to keep the Lists and Map up to date when you put crap in the wrong place.

Please put other country things in there proper place.


Fun Luvr
09-09-18, 21:11
Has anybody gone to the strip club on Calle 44 between Carerra 72 and Carerra 74. I have seen a lot of good looking women standing outside of it. While driving past. I walked past last night, and saw this beautiful and sexy girl walking up and going inside of it. But I was with one of my girls so I couldn't go in.Do you have a name for the place?

09-10-18, 04:48
I'm planning to stay at Mansion. Can someone post the link to their website?

How much should I expect to pay the chicas there? Anyone I connect with on FB wants 200 K?

Fun Luvr
09-10-18, 06:45
Has anybody gone to the strip club on Calle 44 between Carerra 72 and Carerra 74. I have seen a lot of good looking women standing outside of it. While driving past. I walked past last night, and saw this beautiful and sexy girl walking up and going inside of it. But I was with one of my girls so I couldn't go in.I went there tonight. The name is Apoteosis. The address is CL 44 (San Juan) approximately #74-50. They have a large sign, so if you are close, you can see it. Consider I was there on a Sunday night before midnight when reading this review. I arrived about 9:30 and stayed until a little after 11:30. There was only one other customer in the place. During the two hours I was there, there were only two girls on stage for one song each. When I arrived, I think there were only three girls working. Before I left, at least five more came in. Only one girl had what I classify as a typical Latina body. Small waist and shapely. I think she knew it because she had an attitude. There was one who was huge! Most were thick in the midsection. The second hour I was there, the girls got pushy wanting me to buy drinks.

There was no cover charge. Beers were only 10 mil, and the two drinks I bought for the ladies were also 10 mil each. They have No Smoking signs, but the girls were smoking, and my clothes smelled like smoke when I left. They have rooms on site. I asked one of the girls the price and she told me 110 mil. I didn't ask for specifics because I didn't want her to think I was interested. She was already pushy enough. They are open every night from 7 pm to 3 am.

09-10-18, 16:31
Hi everybody,

I'm heading back to Colombia and lost contact with this girl I used to see there. Great service man.

Her name is Alegandra. See the picture attached. Any of you can pin point where she is located now?

Or has contact with her?


World Travel 69
09-10-18, 17:30
This is what this thread is for. I added it to the Map.

Apoteosis Club

Avenida San Juan (Calle 44) #74-50. __ Chicas. Prices: ? 110 k. Tel: (57) 4 230 3325. Hours: 7 pm to 3 am.

This is supposed to be a Medellin Reports thread about the chicas and where they are.

It gets hard for me to keep the Lists and Map up to date when you put crap in the wrong place.

Please put other country things in there proper place.


09-11-18, 03:00
Report to follow.

Sorry I will not be providing any names or contact info for these girls. Please do not ask.

09-11-18, 03:40
An observation and a question:

1. I can understand why you would not want to share contact information but with that in mind I'm confused about the purpose of posting the photos.

2. Does one of the girls really have "fuck you" tattooed on her ass?

Report to follow.

Sorry I will not be providing any names or contact info for these girls. Please do not ask.

09-11-18, 03:48
Name four of them. Well known on FB and been around. Nice fotos, though.

Report to follow.

Sorry I will not be providing any names or contact info for these girls. Please do not ask.

09-11-18, 04:22
I am no fool. I expect that others on this board have been with all these girls. The mongering community is a small one even in a city the size of 4 million people.

Name four of them. Well known on FB and been around. Nice fotos, though.

09-11-18, 05:48
Does one of the girls really have "fuck you" tattooed on her ass?

Yes the chick has "Fuck You' on her ass.

09-11-18, 06:16
Yes the chick has "Fuck You' on her ass.This girl facebook name leraldin gomez (unico perfil) she always adding sexy photos on her facebook.

09-11-18, 06:40
Hey guys,

I'll be in MDE with a few friends over the next week. We speak pretty much zero Spanish so we might have a hard time visiting casas. I know FB is a big way to find visitors here, but also was wondering if anyone could share some whatsapp numbers? We would much rather prefer guests coming over to our apartment (Poblado). Anything helps, thanks!

09-11-18, 10:19
Report to follow.

Sorry I will not be providing any names or contact info for these girls. Please do not ask.Nice pics, thanks.

What's the average price you pay these girls?

09-11-18, 17:12
Report to follow.

Sorry I will not be providing any names or contact info for these girls. Please do not ask.Just posting to show us how Facebook savvy you are, LOL.

09-11-18, 17:33
Hey guys,

I'll be in MDE with a few friends over the next week. We speak pretty much zero Spanish so we might have a hard time visiting casas. I know FB is a big way to find visitors here, but also was wondering if anyone could share some whatsapp numbers? We would much rather prefer guests coming over to our apartment (Poblado). Anything helps, thanks!Anyone can visit a casa. Just download the map of casa on this site or print out a list of the addresses to give to a taxi driver.

Facebook chicks don't want some random guy that they have never seen before calling them up. Facebook chicks want to see what they are getting into before coming over.

Newbie + No Spanish = Mansion.


Doubt if they have any open rooms but if they do book it.

09-11-18, 17:35
Nice pics, thanks.

What's the average price you pay these girls?I recognize a few of them. I've never paid more than 150-200 mil, plus taxi.

09-11-18, 18:20
Dear members,

Please can you tell me (or post a link) to Medellin's casa list? (Should be in Med. Reports, but where?) I tried the integrated search, but no luck.

A second question please: are there good possibilities you can recommend in El Poblado? It will be my first time in Col, arriving Friday. No Spanish, therefore it will be "newbie time", had experiences in Brasil and spoke a little Portuguese, not good, but enough to talk with and have fun with the garotas.

I'm happy for all your advices you will share with me, not only about questions above!

Thank you!


09-11-18, 18:55
Hey guys,

I'll be in MDE with a few friends over the next week. We speak pretty much zero Spanish so we might have a hard time visiting casas. I know FB is a big way to find visitors here, but also was wondering if anyone could share some whatsapp numbers? We would much rather prefer guests coming over to our apartment (Poblado). Anything helps, thanks!Sure. Doesn't everyone give out personal contact information to complete strangers?

Just post your WhatsApp number here so everyone can send you numbers. As a bonus, you'll double your post count.

09-11-18, 22:36
Within the next two weeks. I already have a strong list of girls [Deleted by Admin]. I don't use Lavenee Restrepo or Photoprepagos. Take my word, the best way to find the best girls at the best rates, is to put in some ground work in centro & Vera Cruz. I have a list of chicas 20 strong in Medellin not to mention girls throughout the country. Only country I've ever been you can fly from city to city round trip for $125 USD. Not bad at all, Bogota, Cartagena, Baranquillas, Cali, and many other cities through out the country. It's quite clear that many of you guys aren't asking the right questions and allowing the girls to have their way. You want to know if a girl does everything under the sun, here's a freebie. Type this into your messenger or communication app. "I want, oral, vaginal, anal, photos, and videos, and I want you to stick milk along with oral natural! " if she gives you a rate, she does everything, if she types "sin anal or sin oral natural! " pass her ass up, too many girls in Medellin that do everything for you to be settling for less. BTW, I keep most girls 24 hours, date, dinner, unlimited pops. I rarely pay over $800 mil for an all day session. If you're a one-fer, or your johnson isn't spontaneous as a 20 year old stud, you may want to take the house and a half route for nothing more than $150 mil COP. I'm glad to see that everything is talked about on this stream except girls & rates. I salute you gringos paying $200 USD. You must be richer than Guy Ritchie. I wonder what makes the girls so much more expensive in Poblado than centro? I know for a fact, I'll never venture out there, the gringos have made the rates so unbeatable that only a wealthy guy with unlimited money would want to pay them rates. Have fun guys, blow your money how you see fit, if you're not too pocket shame to tell us what you spent, add a post to the forum. BTW, I'm throwing a week long party in Medellin the second week of November, if you're in Medellin then, chime in, food and drinks on me! Pollonegro is out!

09-11-18, 23:15
Does one of the girls really have "fuck you" tattooed on her ass?Here's a FUCK ME.

09-11-18, 23:41
Hey guys,

I'll be in MDE with a few friends over the next week. We speak pretty much zero Spanish so we might have a hard time visiting casas. I know FB is a big way to find visitors here, but also was wondering if anyone could share some whatsapp numbers? We would much rather prefer guests coming over to our apartment (Poblado). Anything helps, thanks!I just got here yesterday and I'm about to start doing casa runs. I speak Spanish so hit me up when you get here if you want to try one out I'll go with you. It's a fun experience.

09-12-18, 02:40
Dear members,

Please can you tell me (or post a link) to Medellin's casa list? (Should be in Med. Reports, but where?) I tried the integrated search, but no luck.

A second question please: are there good possibilities you can recommend in El Poblado? It will be my first time in Col, arriving Friday. No Spanish, therefore it will be "newbie time", had experiences in Brasil and spoke a little Portuguese, not good, but enough to talk with and have fun with the garotas.

I'm happy for all your advices you will share with me, not only about questions above!

Thank you!

Max.Go to front page.

Click on Colombia.

Scroll down to Medellíand lists and click.

I gave you the best advice where to stay.

But as the saying goes You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink jajaja.

09-12-18, 11:19
Within the next two weeks. I already have a strong list of girls. I don't use Lavenee Restrepo or Photoprepagos. Take my word, the best way to find the best girls at the best rates, is to put in some ground work in centro & Vera Cruz. I have a list of chicas 20 strong in Medellin not to mention girls throughout the country. Only country I've ever been you can fly from city to city round trip for $125 USD. Not bad at all, Bogota, Cartagena, Baranquillas, Cali, and many other cities through out the country. It's quite clear that many of you guys aren't asking the right questions and allowing the girls to have their way. You want to know if a girl does everything under the sun, here's a freebie. Type this into your messenger or communication app. "I want, oral, vaginal, anal, photos, and videos, and I want you to stick milk along with oral natural! " if she gives you a rate, she does everything, if she types "sin anal or sin oral natural! " pass her ass up, too many girls in Medellin that do everything for you to be settling for less. BTW, I keep most girls 24 hours, date, dinner, unlimited pops.For someone so completely in tune with the El Centro scene, you're singing in the wrong key. Don't get me wrong. I'm a founding member of the "It's your money, pay what you want" club. However, 800 k is within a few k of the minimum monthly wage. It's actually over minimum wage (monthly), but there's a transportation allowance, which brings it to 818 k. And on some occasions you're paying more? Plus food, drinks, dates? 150 k for one and done is 5 to 6 times what those girls are normally getting in El Centro. I can't imagine you would have any problem getting them to agree to that. Why limit yourself to 20?

To put it into perspective, I never paid more than 200 k in El Poblado or Laureles and paid 100 k on a few occasions. One was only 1 hour, most were at least 2 hours and 1 was all night. Two others wanted to stay all night, for what I paid them, but I wasn't feeling it. Most were offering more than 1 pop, although only 2 actually got a second leche from me. Both initiated the 2nd, 3rd and 4th attempt and worked to finally get it. I've always been a 1 and done guy, so getting a second round out of me takes a lot of initiative. Getting a 2nd leche from me takes perseverance.

Now, those guys paying $200 in El Poblado are paying 3 or 4 times the going rate in El Poblado, while you're paying 5 or 6 times the going rate in El Centro. And weren't you the guy claiming he has unlimited money?

I'm a different kind of thrill seeker. I have no limit on money, I have a endless supply.And then complained about guys penny pinching?

Come on guys. How did we get here? Going abroad to begin penny pinching?Pick a side, man. Should people be paying way more than the going rate, like you do, or should they be paying El Poblado rates in El Centro (like you do)? I've got no problem with what you pay, but you really aren't in a position to criticize others for paying too much.

As a final note, I never paid more than 150 k for a 1 way ticket for flights within Colombia, and usually prices of 70 k or less can be found. That was just a last minute flight I needed to take and couldn't shop for the best price.

BTW, I am for hire. 8 million COP per month and I'll cut your one and done rates by 60%, your overnight rates by 75% and your internal travel by 50%.

El Mechanico
09-12-18, 14:17
a wealthy guy with unlimited money I thought you said that was you?

El Mechanico.

09-12-18, 17:17
These are some of the girls that caught my eye on la vane's whatsapp group. Does anyone know who these girls are on facebook so I can deal with them directly instead of having to pay extra. She's asking for 300 mil an hour plus taxi which is too much imo. Plus apperantly some of these girls only offer covered bj at this price.

09-12-18, 17:20
Newbie + No Spanish = Mansion.


Doubt if they have any open rooms but if they do book it.Actually, they have plenty of rooms available at the moment.

09-12-18, 17:31
These are some of the girls that caught my eye on la vane's whatsapp group. Does anyone know who these girls are on facebook so I can deal with them directly instead of having to pay extra. She's asking for 300 mil an hour plus taxi which is too much imo. Plus apperantly some of these girls only offer covered bj at this price.I was about to post the same thing. Trying to deal with them directly through facebook.

09-12-18, 17:45
I'm not familiar w Mangos. I did a quick search on Google maps for "Energia & Potencia" and it is marked on the map fine. It's the one on Cra 42 in Itagui, very close to the Dept of Motor Vehicles. Can you find it now? So, Int Club is directly opp that store, on the other side of the road. .

I added them to the Map, But not sure about the exact location of the International club.

Is it that close to Mangos?

09-12-18, 20:16
Hello all,

Sorry for asking this here but I was not getting responses on the Colombia general forum.


Anyone familiar with this?


It's 5 k for 4 days all inclusive sex resort. I'm positive the experience isn't worth the price but thought I'd ask anyways thanks fellas.

09-12-18, 22:33
Have you even bothered reading any of the posts here? Then again, please spend 5 k and report back to us. I am sure everyone here will love to read it.

Hello all,

Sorry for asking this here but I was not getting responses on the Colombia general forum.


Anyone familiar with this?


It's 5 k for 4 days all inclusive sex resort. I'm positive the experience isn't worth the price but thought I'd ask anyways thanks fellas..

09-12-18, 23:22

Had a blast with this girl on my recent first time visit to Medellin, great looks great attitude and a great fuck.

09-13-18, 00:10
Surely you jest. Or either the guy with unlimited funds has not been to many countries. I regularly do a 3 hour international roundtrip Manila to Bangkok for that price. I remember me and another board member bought a ticket from Angeles City to Bangkok for $1! Europe has Ryan Air. Asia has Air Asia.On the same continent, one can fly roundtrip Sao Paulo- Rio for under $100. Same with Lima-Cuzco, Buenos Aires- Iguazu, and Quito-Guayaquil.

I don't mean to pile on, but that guy's posts are some of the more nonsensical stuff you can read on this board.

Big Boss Man
09-13-18, 00:32
These are some of the girls that caught my eye on la vane's whatsapp group. Does anyone know who these girls are on facebook so I can deal with them directly instead of having to pay extra. She's asking for 300 mil an hour plus taxi which is too much imo. Plus apperantly some of these girls only offer covered bj at this price.I was never able to get my first choices from La Vane during the last two weeks of August at the 250 k pesos price. All three delivered BBBJ but that was specified upfront. Also be aware even if they are on Facebook, the Facebook photos will be fake if the photos on La Vane's whatsapp group are fake. The photos will be fake either by disguising tattoos or the pictures will be from a younger age.

The three chicas introduced by Vane that I met were all excellent performers. Far less inhibited than the apartment girls I visited. Although I am still trying to figure out what the difference is between CIM and licking your dick clean after you come. Maybe fear of choking?

Vane can deliver what you want sexually. She cannot guarantee you will get the chica in terms of optics that you want. At least, that was my experience. She was also able to find a replacement when one chica opted out in the last hour. The replacement turned out to be my favorite on the trip. Vane provides a good service but I do not think she can deliver creme de la creme. I would recommend her if you have the right expectations. Also she can tell you usually within 10 minutes if a chica is available. It is far faster process than working through Facebook.

Why the prices are rising I do not know. Maybe too many guys competing for too few chicas.

09-13-18, 01:15
So does she have access to all the girls she posts? I've seen a few very nice ones with professional quality photos. A couple I will like to try out.

I was never able to get my first choices from La Vane during the last two weeks of August at the 250 k pesos price. All three delivered BBBJ but that was specified upfront. Also be aware even if they are on Facebook, the Facebook photos will be fake if the photos on La Vane's whatsapp group are fake. The photos will be fake either by disguising tattoos or the pictures will be from a younger age.

The three chicas introduced by Vane that I met were all excellent performers. Far less inhibited than the apartment girls I visited. Although I am still trying to figure out what the difference is between CIM and licking your dick clean after you come. Maybe fear of choking?

Vane can deliver what you want sexually. She cannot guarantee you will get the chica in terms of optics that you want. At least, that was my experience. She was also able to find a replacement when one chica opted out in the last hour. The replacement turned out to be my favorite on the trip. Vane provides a good service but I do not think she can deliver creme de la creme. I would recommend her if you have the right expectations. Also she can tell you usually within 10 minutes if a chica is available. It is far faster process than working through Facebook.

Why the prices are rising I do not know. Maybe too many guys competing for too few chicas..

Fun Luvr
09-13-18, 01:36
1. Money or 2. Time, I got an abundance of both, but those who are financially stable "don't talk about it! "Rather contradictory. Since you have been posting here, you have talked about your abundance of funds.

09-13-18, 01:54
Silicone or saline?


Had a blast with this girl on my recent first time visit to Medellin, great looks great attitude and a great fuck.

09-13-18, 06:02
I just spent 20 nights in Medellin exclusively working Facebook, and it was a lot of work! A shit load actually. I had plans to hit the Centro P4P clubs, the Poblado bars & restaurants, and La 70, but I didn't even have the energy as I was so busy with the Facebook girls. I ended up fucking 11 FB girls (6 are pictured in my post on Monday), and I will be repeating with 8-9 of those 11 girls on my next trip. All the girls I saw were in the 150-200 k + taxi category.

Back in June, I casually sent a couple hundred requests to Medellin girls on FB Messenger. I got a response rate of about 20-25%, and categorized the girls into groups. A few days before my arrival I began working the chat scene to have appointments on the first day of my trip. That work continued throughout my entire stay like an addiction.

In my first 7 days I had 3 excellent sessions with 3 chicas. I also had 3 disappointing sessions with 3 other chicas. The disappointing ones were: one showed up and was incredibly personable & bubbly, but ended up being a mechanical control freak in the sack. Another showed up and was at least 6-8 years older & 10-12 lbs heavier than her photo. The last purposefully showed up late playing games on Whattsapp. Fortunately, I was able to salvage a little bit on these 3 bad ones by negotiating down the price with each, and waiting in the comforts of my condo. Also, one of the 3 bad ones I saw again, and she was a good performer this time around. I will repeat with her.

After the first week's shitty experiences, I decided to require more than just agreement on price for services, I. E. 180 k for oral natural, etc before seeing any new chica. I decided to require punctuality, consent to certain sexual proclivities of mine (all run of the mill stuff), and also video chats in some cases. The result was that I did not have one more bad session; 2 of the 5 new girls were about 10 lbs heavier than their pics, but they still looked good and their attitude & service was good.

Th bigger result of my new found requirements was the increased work involved. I was putting each girl through more scrutiny which was requiring more time & effort, and the chatting scene is already a time-heavy task. After the first week, there were at least 15-17 girls that I chatted with extensively, but never came close to seeing. They were either too flaky, or unwilling to video call or regular call. All the extra work I was putting into an already intense chatting scene was draining me. By my last few days I was exhausted!

In conclusion, Facebook is an incredible mechanism for P4P. You can speak directly with the girl eliminating all agencies, and see many pics of that girl in most cases. I found many girls who are excellent GFE providers. My only advice is beware the predator that is the prostitute. They have metastasized to Facebook as well. The bottom half of prostitutes, we all know, want to scam you by lying about services, changing prices, showing up late, etc, and there are plenty of these predators on Facebook. My first week, I found myself being lured into the comforts of the Facebook profile, the comforts of "being able to see so many pics, and texting with them, etc". I was forgetting that they are prostitutes, and must be handled with caution, especially on the first rendezvous.

Hope this report was entertaining. The trip certainly was for me!

Sent from my iPad.

09-13-18, 15:30
I read about her charging 450 and almost fell off my chair. I don't blame her for attempting to get so much from mongers that are what she and her friends calls 'bobos' fools. I use Facebook exclusively. I never pay more than 200 to 250 k for multiple pops. 300 k for all nighter. What is it with people here trying to justify paying these prices? Is it because they can not speak Spanish and it is obvious that they are easy targets? For the record, I don't have sessions with centro girls and I don't usually have sessions with "mansion " girls as they are usually overrated in appearance and overpriced. You can for find the "mansion" girls in Facebook.

She sent some pics of some hot girls last night and I asked her how much they were and she said 450 mil an hour.

Yes the girls that I want too are always not available when I ask. There was this one girl who was coming said she was going to be like an hour late so I said forget it. Then the next day she was suppose to come and then said she had to wait for baby sitter so she would be like 2 hours late so I just told her nevermind. Ain't got time to wait around for hookers to show up.

Yeah I don't think 150 or even 200 k is doable for 8+ on facebook. I told this 8 Ill pay 200 and she laughed and said that is too little and she wanted 250. I didnt respond to her. These girls think they are worth more now and people are willing to pay it..

Big Boss Man
09-13-18, 15:44
So does she have access to all the girls she posts? I've seen a few very nice ones with professional quality photos. A couple I will like to try out.

.My opinion is that the answer is "no" all the girls she posts are not available. There are bait and switch photos on the whatsapp list. However I never asked Vani if the the better looking chicas were available at a higher price. The 250 k price for 90 minutes and 2 relations originally came from her thread. The specification that I needed french kiss, 69, and BBBJ came from me. Now I wish I would not have erased the thread on Whatsapp so I could pass on the actual quotes. I use Google Translate so I could have missed something.

Mr Enternational
09-13-18, 16:14
However I never asked Vani if the the better looking chicas were available at a higher price.Why would you do that? Just because they looked better to you, they may not have thought they looked any better than a 50 K downtown chick. Either make an offer or ask how much. But I would not talk myself into a higher price. If anything, point out their flaws and try to get a lower price. Keep them hoes off of pedastals. I guess that one in the black bikini will do. I really don't like her (fill in the blank) though. How much for her?

The Tall Man
09-13-18, 16:54
Yes the chick has "Fuck You' on her ass.I will never understand why any beautiful woman will fuck up her body with getting all tatted up, and many of the tats are butt ugly (pun intended, jajaja).

The Tall Man.

Big Boss Man
09-13-18, 16:57
Why would you do that? Just because they looked better to you, they may not have thought they looked any better than a 50 K downtown chick. Either make an offer or ask how much. But I would not talk myself into a higher price. If anything, point out their flaws and try to get a lower price. Keep them hoes off of pedastals. I guess that one in the black bikini will do. I really don't like her (fill in the blank) though. How much for her?Of course, this is all goes back to my original premise. Medellin is comparable to Pattaya and the Phillipines. You can have all the quality sex you want with girl next door types for cost of between 50 k and 250 k pesos depending on where you want to play and whether or not you use an arranger. Nobody has reported yet how to score with the higher-level chicas in Medellin and what that cost would be. We argued about the rating system (A "9" is subjective). We argued that the guys playing at Gustos are paying $200 USD for girls you can find at the Mansion for $150 k pesos. The chicas at Gustos are not really 8 or 9's.

Yet in other cities you can find the prices of the high-end chicas. In Zurich, we read one guy spends $1000 CHF every time he goes to the Globe and other regulars are complaining that they cannot get to the top-tier girls for short time. In Sao Paulo, you can probably score a an 8 or a 9 at Scandallo and spend around 1000 reals for the night. I know that when Bahamas (it was owned by the publisher of Brazil Penthouse) was a top club you could.

I even believe that guys that have spent two years in Medellin riding the metro have found 8's and 9's. But the one-week tourist is just not scoring the high-end babes in Medellin in my opinion.

I guess I do not understand why there cannot be a high-end place in Medellin. Why can't Medellin have a Lido?

09-13-18, 18:41
Of course, this is all goes back to my original premise. Medellin is comparable to Pattaya and the Phillipines. You can have all the quality sex you want with girl next door types for cost of between 50 k and 250 k pesos depending on where you want to play and whether or not you use an arranger. Nobody has reported yet how to score with the higher-level chicas in Medellin and what that cost would be. We argued about the rating system (A "9" is subjective). We argued that the guys playing at Gustos are paying $200 USD for girls you can find at the Mansion for $150 k pesos. The chicas at Gustos are not really 8 or 9's.

Yet in other cities you can find the prices of the high-end chicas. In Zurich, we read one guy spends $1000 CHF every time he goes to the Globe and other regulars are complaining that they cannot get to the top-tier girls for short time. In Sao Paulo, you can probably score a an 8 or a 9 at Scandallo and spend around 1000 reals for the night. I know that when Bahamas (it was owned by the publisher of Brazil Penthouse) was a top club you could.

I even believe that guys that have spent two years in Medellin riding the metro have found 8's and 9's. But the one-week tourist is just not scoring the high-end babes in Medellin in my opinion.

I guess I do not understand why there cannot be a high-end place in Medellin. Why can't Medellin have a Lido?There is one in Medellin, called La Isla.

I've given this advice before, but it needs repeating.

If what you are looking for is at Lido in Bogota, go to Bogota. If it's in Sao Paulo, Zurich, Munich or Davenport, Iowa, don't go to Medellin looking for it, because it's not there. You don't go to Phoenix looking for a place to ski.

There are a lot of issues, besides that one.

1. La Vane. Every time someone mentions her chica list she gets over 100 requests for the WhatsApp group. 99 are from guys just collecting pictures. All these people are wasting her time. For a serious consumer, that's the wrong time to buy.

2. Facebook. Most of the girls found on Facebook are using their normal profile. A few use a puta profile. If you're dealing with a puta profile, you're getting a puta. You're going to get transactional sex. Settle on service and price and that's all you'll get. If you're dealing with a normal profile and you treat her like a puta, the best you can expect is to get puta service at a much higher price.

3. Time. Most guys are just in town for a few days. They want to hit whatever their quota is, each day. One late girl and the schedule is fucked. Getting the hottest girls at a reasonable price takes time and when you get them, they'll still show up late. Find a way to get your quota while saving time to cultivate the relationships. If you're feeling pressured to close the deal, you won't get the best of it. Save her for next trip.

4. Adjust your expectations to fit the local environment. Medellin presents its own set of challenges. Don't expect Pattaya or Manila tactics to work. Medellin has its own advantages too. When you get dialed in to that, it becomes easier.

Big Boss Man
09-13-18, 23:30
I went there solo 3 or 4 years ago. I had some drinks. I took a chica to one of their onsite rooms.

I walked out looking for a taxi. They said "no no. " and they had me get into one of their cars with the La Isla signs. I really didn't want to get in one because I thought I was about to get gouged. But actually they took me back to the Mila de Oro for free. I tried to tip the driver and he waived it off.

So they were not about to let a 60 year old non-Spanish speaker leave their club and get into some kind of trouble. Maybe I paid for the service when I closed the bill. Who knows?

09-14-18, 03:07
There is one in Medellin, called La Isla.

I've given this advice before, but it needs repeating.

If what you are looking for is at Lido in Bogota, go to Bogota. If it's in Sao Paulo, Zurich, Munich or Davenport, Iowa, don't go to Medellin looking for it, because it's not there. You don't go to Phoenix looking for a place to ski.

There are a lot of issues, besides that one.

1. La Vane. Every time someone mentions her chica list she gets over 100 requests for the WhatsApp group. 99 are from guys just collecting pictures. All these people are wasting her time. For a serious consumer, that's the wrong time to buy.

2. Facebook. Most of the girls found on Facebook are using their normal profile. A few use a puta profile. If you're dealing with a puta profile, you're getting a puta. You're going to get transactional sex. Settle on service and price and that's all you'll get. If you're dealing with a normal profile and you treat her like a puta, the best you can expect is to get puta service at a much higher price..It gets no clearer than this and if you deviate from this passage, you will surely get what you're not looking for! Pollonegro is out!

09-14-18, 06:50
I just spent 20 nights in Medellin exclusively working Facebook, and it was a lot of work! A shit load actually. I had plans to hit the Centro P4P clubs, the Poblado bars & restaurants, and La 70, but I didn't even have the energy as I was so busy with the Facebook girls. I ended up fucking 11 FB girls (6 are pictured in my post on Monday), and I will be repeating with 8-9 of those 11 girls on my next trip. All the girls I saw were in the 150-200 k + taxi category.

Back in June, I casually sent a couple hundred requests to Medellin girls on FB Messenger. I got a response rate of about 20-25%, and categorized the girls into groups. A few days before my arrival I began working the chat scene to have appointments on the first day of my trip. That work continued throughout my entire stay like an addiction.

In my first 7 days I had 3 excellent sessions with 3 chicas. I also had 3 disappointing sessions with 3 other chicas. The disappointing ones were: one showed up and was incredibly personable & bubbly, but ended up being a mechanical control freak in the sack. Another showed up and was at least 6-8 years older & 10-12 lbs heavier than her photo. The last purposefully showed up late playing games on Whattsapp. Fortunately, I was able to salvage a little bit on these 3 bad ones by negotiating down the price with each, and waiting in the comforts of my condo. Also, one of the 3 bad ones I saw again, and she was a good performer this time around. I will repeat with her..I think your report is excellent in highlighting the fact that it takes lot of time and effort to line up these girls from facebook. I am planning my second trip to Medellin and going thru the same cycle as you. BTW sent you a pm for specific intel on couple of girls you met. Keep it rolling.

09-14-18, 10:30
I will never understand why any beautiful woman will fuck up her body with getting all tatted up, and many of the tats are butt ugly (pun intended, jajaja).

The Tall Man.I could not agree with you more, I hate tattoos. I'll bang a chica with tattoos as it has zero effect on performance but you'll never see me have a girl on my "regular" list if she has any large tattoos or a ton of small ones, not a chance.

09-14-18, 15:46
I will never understand why any beautiful woman will fuck up her body with getting all tatted up, and many of the tats are butt ugly (pun intended, jajaja).

The Tall Man.I really think that is a old guy thing about not liking tats. I am young and I love a girl with tats. Seeing so many sexy women with tats is such a turn on. I will choose a women just cause of her tats.

09-14-18, 16:51
I really think that is a old guy thing about not liking tats. I am young and I love a girl with tats. Seeing so many sexy women with tats is such a turn on. I will choose a women just cause of her tats.Tats are puta decorations. If you see a civilian with lots of tats, make your move, she's easily available.

09-14-18, 17:08
I really think that is a old guy thing about not liking tats. I am young and I love a girl with tats. Seeing so many sexy women with tats is such a turn on. I will choose a women just cause of her tats.Tats are definitely a younger generation thing and what a change in culture! When I was growing up in the 80's only losers & freaks had tattoos. You didn't even think about getting a tattoo then. If you had a tat then you were a druggie, Harley criminal or his * An exception was ex-military having tats from their platoon.

I can't speak for the entire USA, but things have changed drastically here on the west coast. It's practically normal now to have tattoos, and very large tattoos in multiple places. Millennials have no problems with others having tats, and don't degrade another person at all for having them.

Big Boss Man
09-14-18, 17:31
I just spent 20 nights in Medellin exclusively working Facebook, and it was a lot of work! A shit load actually. I had plans to hit the Centro P4P clubs, the Poblado bars & restaurants, and La 70, but I didn't even have the energy as I was so busy with the Facebook girls. I ended up fucking 11 FB girls (6 are pictured in my post on Monday), and I will be repeating with 8-9 of those 11 girls on my next trip. All the girls I saw were in the 150-200 k + taxi category.

Back in June, I casually sent a couple hundred requests to Medellin girls on FB Messenger. I got a response rate of about 20-25%, and categorized the girls into groups. A few days before my arrival I began working the chat scene to have appointments on the first day of my trip. That work continued throughout my entire stay like an addiction.

In my first 7 days I had 3 excellent sessions with 3 chicas. I also had 3 disappointing sessions with 3 other chicas. The disappointing ones were: one showed up and was incredibly personable & bubbly, but ended up being a mechanical control freak in the sack. Another showed up and was at least 6-8 years older & 10-12 lbs heavier than her photo. The last purposefully showed up late playing games on Whattsapp. Fortunately, I was able to salvage a little bit on these 3 bad ones by negotiating down the price with each, and waiting in the comforts of my condo. Also, one of the 3 bad ones I saw again, and she was a good performer this time around. I will repeat with her.

After the first week's shitty experiences, I decided to require more than just agreement on price for services, I. E. 180 k for oral natural, etc before seeing any new chica. I decided to require punctuality, consent to certain sexual proclivities of mine (all run of the mill stuff), and also video chats in some cases. The result was that I did not have one more bad session; 2 of the 5 new girls were about 10 lbs heavier than their pics, but they still looked good and their attitude & service was good.

Th bigger result of my new found requirements was the increased work involved. I was putting each girl through more scrutiny which was requiring more time & effort, and the chatting scene is already a time-heavy task. After the first week, there were at least 15-17 girls that I chatted with extensively, but never came close to seeing. They were either too flaky, or unwilling to video call or regular call. All the extra work I was putting into an already intense chatting scene was draining me. By my last few days I was exhausted!

In conclusion, Facebook is an incredible mechanism for P4P. You can speak directly with the girl eliminating all agencies, and see many pics of that girl in most cases. I found many girls who are excellent GFE providers. My only advice is beware the predator that is the prostitute. They have metastasized to Facebook as well. The bottom half of prostitutes, we all know, want to scam you by lying about services, changing prices, showing up late, etc, and there are plenty of these predators on Facebook. My first week, I found myself being lured into the comforts of the Facebook profile, the comforts of "being able to see so many pics, and texting with them, etc". I was forgetting that they are prostitutes, and must be handled with caution, especially on the first rendezvous.

Hope this report was entertaining. The trip certainly was for me!

Sent from my iPad.Thank you for the report. Before I went on this trip, everybody was saying or at least I was under the impression that Medellin is now primarily a Facebook scene. I think your post was the first one that made an impression on me that showed the Facebook scene is bigger investment than maybe I am willing to undertake. Also it corroborates what JjBee62 wrote that if you treat Facebook girls like prostitutes you will get a transactional experience. It seems that by spending time conversing, you get more of a relationship. I was impressed by your photos. Only 3 of the 10 chicas I had sex with were in that ballpark. For me, if I return to Medellin, I may return to my old habits of visiting the strip clubs and massage places with lineups. Asking the taxi drivers who are interested in chicas if they know anyone. Also maybe I will only spend a week in Medellin like I used to and head to Bogota or something for week 2. What I think I lose in that proposition is the kinkier sex aspects of having a chica over to a hotel or you own apartment. In the strip clubs and massage places with lineups, the chicas are more rules-based and somebody is always ready to knock on the door.

09-14-18, 17:39
I really think that is a old guy thing about not liking tats. I am young and I love a girl with tats. Seeing so many sexy women with tats is such a turn on. I will choose a women just cause of her tats.You are generally correct, I am 61 and never liked tattoos. I wish I was going to be around long enough to see what these girls look like when they are in their 50's and 60's,yikes.

09-14-18, 21:20
Before I went on this trip, everybody was saying or at least I was under the impression that Medellin is now primarily a Facebook scene. What I think I lose in that proposition is the kinkier sex aspects of having a chica over to a hotel or you own apartment. In the strip clubs and massage places with lineups, the chicas are more rules-based and somebody is always ready to knock on the door.No, lots of guys go the FB route but tons of girls available elsewhere also.

FB is like online escorts to me, you do not know what you are getting, are the photos old, are the photos airbrushed, is she coo-coo for coco-puffs, or is she fun in bed and a sweetheart?

Go to the Casa's and strip clubs and redlight blocks, pick the ones you like and if she turns out to be fun have her over to your hotel the next day. My best dates in MED were strip club / redlight block girls who I had over for a 2nd date to my hotel, they were much more fun and chill the 2nd time, plus I give them a present, have music, offer them drinks / snacks / smoke, take a long hot shower together, trade cocoa butter back rubs, etc. (of course all this is more fun if you are somewhat fluent in Spanish.).

They usually turn much more GFE that way, unasked for BBBJ, kissing, etc.

Big Boss Man
09-14-18, 21:34
If you are looking for a body massage there is a place in Belen. I enjoy this type of thing.

You find this place by looking for the classified ads under https://co.mileroticos.com/masajes-eroticos/antioquia/medellin/. Search for the ads that say no sex.

With the upsells I paid 220 k. The chica I was with had an incredible body. Her name is Diana.

https://co.mileroticos.com/masajes-eroticos/masajes-profesionales-no-sexo/10704937/The body slide chicas seem to be offering extras. I receive this on Whatsapp every Friday.


Por este thea de amor why amistad tendrs una PROMO imposible de perder.

El masaje que elijas estar totalmente DESNUDA, 👙 why la estimulaciand final no ser solo manual.




However it may only be available if they know you since it does not appear on their regular ads. Most of the photos are fake.

09-15-18, 01:49
Best of luck, let us know how you make out.

The body slide chicas seem to be offering extras. I receive this on Whatsapp every Friday.


Por este thea de amor why amistad tendrs una PROMO imposible de perder.

El masaje que elijas estar totalmente DESNUDA, 👙 why la estimulaciand final no ser solo manual.



Solo por hoy!

However it may only be available if they know you since it does not appear on their regular ads. Most of the photos are fake.

09-15-18, 02:05
No, Medellin is not a facebook only scene. The Medellin forum on this website is a mostly facebook scene. THat's not the same thing.

Thank you for the report. Before I went on this trip, everybody was saying or at least I was under the impression that Medellin is now primarily a Facebook scene. I think your post was the first one that made an impression on me that showed the Facebook scene is bigger investment than maybe I am willing to undertake. Also it corroborates what JjBee62 wrote that if you treat Facebook girls like prostitutes you will get a transactional experience. It seems that by spending time conversing, you get more of a relationship. I was impressed by your photos. Only 3 of the 10 chicas I had sex with were in that ballpark. For me, if I return to Medellin, I may return to my old habits of visiting the strip clubs and massage places with lineups. Asking the taxi drivers who are interested in chicas if they know anyone. Also maybe I will only spend a week in Medellin like I used to and head to Bogota or something for week 2. What I think I lose in that proposition is the kinkier sex aspects of having a chica over to a hotel or you own apartment. In the strip clubs and massage places with lineups, the chicas are more rules-based and somebody is always ready to knock on the door.

09-15-18, 02:10
You will find that tattoo popularity is cyclical. They were very popular in the US and Europe in the 90's and they are back now along with piercings. Enjoy them, why not?

Tats are definitely a younger generation thing and what a change in culture! When I was growing up in the 80's only losers & freaks had tattoos. You didn't even think about getting a tattoo then. If you had a tat then you were a druggie, Harley criminal or his * An exception was ex-military having tats from their platoon.

I can't speak for the entire USA, but things have changed drastically here on the west coast. It's practically normal now to have tattoos, and very large tattoos in multiple places. Millennials have no problems with others having tats, and don't degrade another person at all for having them.

09-15-18, 04:36
Where's the best place to go to try and do normal pickup? I'm not interested in Poblado. I'm talking about regular places not P4 P.

09-15-18, 06:32
There is one in Medellin, called La Isla..So besides price, how different from Fase II is La Isla? I've counted 50 girls on at Fase on a weekend night around midnight, all of them pretty cute with the top 5 being super hot.

09-15-18, 11:40
Where's the best place to go to try and do normal pickup? I'm not interested in Poblado. I'm talking about regular places not P4 P.Try riding the Metro and chat it up. 😉

09-15-18, 13:36
Where's the best place to go to try and do normal pickup? I'm not interested in Poblado. I'm talking about regular places not P4 P.The best place? If there was a best place, it wouldn't be normal pickups.

The best place depends on you. How old are you? How fit are you? How well do you speak and understand Spanish? What economic class are you? Are you looking for pickups in your economic class or lower? Or higher? Are you looking to date, or just hoping for quick hook ups? Can you dance? Really dance, not drunk, white gringo dance.

Regardless of how you answer the questions, there's still no best place. Those questions just determine your chance of success.

People in Medellin are friendly and willing to talk. It doesn't matter where you are in Medellin. You'll find A. Beautiful women and be. People willing to talk, in Spanish. If you have the skills, you should have no problem.

09-15-18, 13:40
Try riding the Metro and chat it up. 😉Had raved about their metro and public transport system but now that I've started to live here, it's a different experience. Travelling rush hour can be hellish with the pushing and jostling. Doesn't put me in the best frame of mind!

09-15-18, 14:17
Anyone know where I can find some decent condoms around laureles? Should have brought my own as these thick ones the casa girls use are terrible. Also any decent places to get viagra or generic kinds for cheap?

09-15-18, 15:24
Have you given any thought about going to any drug store or an EXITO store?

Anyone know where I can find some decent condoms around laureles? Should have brought my own as these thick ones the casa girls use are terrible. Also any decent places to get viagra or generic kinds for cheap?

09-15-18, 15:56
Anyone know where I can find some decent condoms around laureles? Should have brought my own as these thick ones the casa girls use are terrible. Also any decent places to get viagra or generic kinds for cheap?I found sex shops in Colombia have better selection.

09-15-18, 16:15
The Colombo Americano language school in Centro is a place where you can usually find people interested in using English. That takes some of the Spanish out of the equation. The rest is about finding something beyond cash and Spanish that is of mutual interest. It's not very different than meeting women anywhere else. If you run out of time or patience, there are more than a few casas on the surrounding streets. I think the closest is probably Paradise on calle 54.

The best place? If there was a best place, it wouldn't be normal pickups.

The best place depends on you. How old are you? How fit are you? How well do you speak and understand Spanish? What economic class are you? Are you looking for pickups in your economic class or lower? Or higher? Are you looking to date, or just hoping for quick hook ups? Can you dance? Really dance, not drunk, white gringo dance.

Regardless of how you answer the questions, there's still no best place. Those questions just determine your chance of success.

People in Medellin are friendly and willing to talk. It doesn't matter where you are in Medellin. You'll find A. Beautiful women and be. People willing to talk, in Spanish. If you have the skills, you should have no problem.

Big Boss Man
09-15-18, 16:40
Best of luck, let us know how you make out.I never get much reaction to my body slide reports in any city. I guess it is just a small minority that like this particular kink. I was in Madrid this summer and it was a virtual goldmine of body slide places and nobody had ever reported on them. The only guy I know who goes to them never uses a condom so he prefers to get off using the Russian (or Turkish) technique. My other real good friend insists that it ain't mongering if there is no penetration. He hates body slide places. "If I want a massage I will go to a massage place. " Or maybe "The first rule of body slide mongering is to not talk about body slide mongering. " LOL because I can't use an emoji.

09-15-18, 20:18
I never get much reaction to my body slide reports in any city. I guess it is just a small minority that like this particular kink. I was in Madrid this summer and it was a virtual goldmine of body slide places and nobody had ever reported on them. The only guy I know who goes to them never uses a condom so he prefers to get off using the Russian (or Turkish) technique. My other real good friend insists that it ain't mongering if there is no penetration. He hates body slide places. "If I want a massage I will go to a massage place. " Or maybe "The first rule of body slide mongering is to not talk about body slide mongering. " LOL because I can't use an emoji.I've been mongering for decades and couldn't even tell you what a body slide is.

09-15-18, 20:36
Anyone know where I can find some decent condoms around laureles? Should have brought my own as these thick ones the casa girls use are terrible. Also any decent places to get viagra or generic kinds for cheap?From Carrera 70 go east on Calle 42. About 4 blocks down, if I've got the right street, there's a pharmacy on the left. Cheapest prices I've found. They should also carry condoms.

Or you can try the Ali Baba store on Carrera 70 and Circular 3.

09-15-18, 22:03
I think this is what is known as "soapy" in Thailand. A woman greases her body or lathers it up with soap then slides over the punter. I've not tried it but the concept doesn't appeal to me.

I've been mongering for decades and couldn't even tell you what a body slide is.

Mr Enternational
09-15-18, 23:40
I've been mongering for decades and couldn't even tell you what a body slide is.My guess is that it is like the soapy massage in Thailand where the girl bathes you in the tub, then you get out and lie on a raft. She puts more soap and water on you and slides her body all over yours making a bunch of suds. I think they do the same thing with the Nuru massage at the spot in Santo Domingo.

It seems that in the one BBM is talking about you don't get to fuck though. In the ones that I mentioned, you still fuck at the end. At the ones in Thailand it starts at $60 for the 90 minute session. There are like 20, 30, or 40 chicks behind a glass (think most have gotten rid of the glass though) and you choose the one you want. The one in Santo Domingo is done by a chick in a 2 BR apartment.

09-16-18, 00:07
My guess is that it is like the soapy massage in Thailand where the girl bathes you in the tub, then you get out and lie on a raft. She puts more soap and water on you and slides her body all over yours making a bunch of suds. I think they do the same thing with the Nuru massage at the spot in Santo Domingo.
That pretty much describes the body rubs in NYC. It generally includes sex and some places offer the option of nuru for additional $$.

Big Boss Man
09-16-18, 01:15
I've been mongering for decades and couldn't even tell you what a body slide is.https://spankbang.com/7y7u/video/tattooed+masseuse+bodysliding+on+client.

09-16-18, 03:23
I think this is what is known as "soapy" in Thailand. A woman greases her body or lathers it up with soap then slides over the punter. I've not tried it but the concept doesn't appeal to me.It's something everyone needs to try at least once. I haven't been to one in years, but they are great fun. I've only seen them in Asia though.

The video below is simply a body slide with oil. I have had those all over the world (including Medellin from one of the mansion girls). I much prefer the soapies.

09-16-18, 06:16

Had a blast with this girl on my recent first time visit to Medellin, great looks great attitude and a great fuck.I friended her on FB. She accepted. But didn't answer PM's.

09-16-18, 06:22
So I've got a some USD I need to exchange in to COP, what place has the best rates and doesn't require you to have a bank account with them? Preferably close to Laureles.

09-16-18, 06:23
Have you given any thought about going to any drug store or an EXITO store?Those are pretty generic, I usually use the thinner condoms. Was hoping to find some here.

09-16-18, 15:48
So I've got a some USD I need to exchange in to COP, what place has the best rates and doesn't require you to have a bank account with them? Preferably close to Laureles.I'm unsure of any place in Laureles other than Western Union. The last time I compared, WU had pretty good rates. If you want to compare rates go to Poblado to Centro Comercial Oviedo. There are several exchange places there.

Big Boss Man
09-16-18, 16:40
It's something everyone needs to try at least once. I haven't been to one in years, but they are great fun. I've only seen them in Asia though.

The video below is simply a body slide with oil. I have had those all over the world (including Medellin from one of the mansion girls). I much prefer the soapies.The chicas in Medellin or at least the ones I went to in Belen are not offering soapies. It is an oily on a mattress. It is closer to the "Massagem Tailandesa" offered in Sao Paulo but without penetration. It is very similar to what you find in Berlin. https://www.ekstase-massage.de/masseurin.php?name=Jasmin&id=211.

09-17-18, 04:02
So I've got a some USD I need to exchange in to COP, what place has the best rates and doesn't require you to have a bank account with them? Preferably close to Laureles.Pan Cambios at Unicentro Mall, 2nd Floor offers decent rates. I exchanged some USD for COP there during a recent trip.

09-17-18, 04:18
So I've got a some USD I need to exchange in to COP, what place has the best rates and doesn't require you to have a bank account with them? Preferably close to Laureles.When I was in laureles I went to a money exchange local that was inside the shopping mall in front of pontifician universitty (unicentro maybe? They have good rate I think compared to official exchange rate was below something like 50 or 100 COPs.

They just ask for passport, and there was like 3 locations inside all have about the same rates.

09-17-18, 09:27
Is it possible to change sterling there?

Got a zero fee credit card but going to get ripped off with bank charges when withdrawing cash.

Going to cost me nearly Ł10 for every Ł200 I withdraw plus the Colombian bank fee on top.

09-17-18, 20:24
Hi everyone,

I've been a long time reader as I've never taken my mongering outside the region that I live in the US. Although I haven't had the chance to contribute, as I'm new to this, I'm looking forward to contributing my stories as I broaden my experiences. I do want admit that I've been living vicariously through all the stories that have been posted and I'm now ready to live my own story.

An opportunity has open for me to go to Medellin next week. I just booked my flight but with so little time until my flight I'the like to ask the experienced Medellin mongers for some guidance. To supplement my research I'the like to ask:

1) what are some budget and girl friendly hotels that are centrally located to all the casas? (No thin walls as I do have to call my GF sometimes).

2) what are the top value casas? Hot girls and low market prices.

3) any general tips.

I know that this has been mentioned several times but any help would greatly be appreciated.

General background info: I am 31 year old male from Spanish decent so I can speak Spanish fluently however I do have an accent. I've passed as Colombian to some.

09-17-18, 21:44
Am in Medellin now had a 2 hour session with a hot black girl I found in mileroticos.com, Paulina, nice set of bolt-ONS. Nice slim girl with a great attitude, she came to my room, 260 k cop for two hours. https://m.co.mileroticos.com/escorts/buscar-3024224254/.

09-17-18, 23:46
Good afternoon gents. I'm heading out there pretty soon for the first time. I like the idea of picking up from a strip club to minimize surprises but I'm flexible. There's a couple things I'm planning while I'm down there and I am trying to get an idea of how much I need to budget. I'm not trying to nickle and dime, but at the same time, I don't want to get ripped off.

1) I am looking to rent a chica for about 6 hours of GFE including dinner, dancing, and of course sex (multiple rounds).

2) I want at least one threesome. (Mike Adriano style 3-some for those of you who are familiar with his work).

BTW, I'm *only* interested in solid 10's. Recommendations and ideas are welcome!

No, lots of guys go the FB route but tons of girls available elsewhere also.

FB is like online escorts to me, you do not know what you are getting, are the photos old, are the photos airbrushed, is she coo-coo for coco-puffs, or is she fun in bed and a sweetheart?

Go to the Casa's and strip clubs and redlight blocks, pick the ones you like and if she turns out to be fun have her over to your hotel the next day. My best dates in MED were strip club / redlight block girls who I had over for a 2nd date to my hotel, they were much more fun and chill the 2nd time, plus I give them a present, have music, offer them drinks / snacks / smoke, take a long hot shower together, trade cocoa butter back rubs, etc. (of course all this is more fun if you are somewhat fluent in Spanish.).

They usually turn much more GFE that way, unasked for BBBJ, kissing, etc.

09-18-18, 00:12
If you don't already have one, get a debit card. You can use it to make withdrawals from ATM machines. The exchange rate is competitive at any ATM. Depending on your bank's policies, the fees will be between 1 to 4 pounds sterling per withdrawal. It's the most convenient method. Whenever this subject comes up a lot of guys start to mention free ATM withdrawals they get with a Schwab account. There are other card issuers that provide no fee ATM withdrawals. I have a couple. I don't think the fees are much of a factor unless you are making more than a couple of withdrawals per week.

Is it possible to change sterling there?

Got a zero fee credit card but going to get ripped off with bank charges when withdrawing cash.

Going to cost me nearly 10 for every 200 I withdraw plus the Colombian bank fee on top.

09-18-18, 00:26
My first bait and switch from Mileroticos, I found this gorgeous brunette, named Xiomara, fee quoted was 80 k x hour, she looked so good, I couldn't pass up the opportunity, I messaged her and made an appointment, when I showed up the girl that claimed to be Xiomara was completely different from the one in the pictures, so I told her, you are not the girl in the pictures, she said she was, she just had a few operations, I bolted out of there. Here is the ad: https://m.co.mileroticos.com/escorts/espectacular-morenita-flaquita-con-apto-priv-hora-80-recien-llegada/11273265/.

09-18-18, 02:45
Is it possible to change sterling there?

Got a zero fee credit card but going to get ripped off with bank charges when withdrawing cash.

Going to cost me nearly 10 for every 200 I withdraw plus the Colombian bank fee on top.Panacambios website lists Sterling in their currency portfolio. Unicentro mall is located opposite Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana as the poster below noted. I noticed several money changers at this mall.

09-18-18, 03:40
I returned to the Mansion in late August 2018 for the first one-week leg of my two-week trip to Colombia (see the "General Info" section for Colombia for an overview of my trip) due to the quality of my previous experiences at the Mansion. I nonetheless decided to do things differently this time. M1 did not have one room available for all of my desired dates, so I decided to stay in M2, which did have one room available for all of my desired dates. While the "frat house" atmosphere of M1 had been a key part of the Mansion's appeal for me, I decided to make a virtue of out of necessity and take advantage of the greater privacy and quietness of M2 for a higher proportion of Facebook citas, with the Mansion's on-site talent as a backup or secondary source. My previous experiences had mostly involved the on-site talent, with only a few Facebook girls. As much as I enjoyed the on-site talent, I regretted not drawing more extensively upon the much broader and more diverse Facebook talent pool, which appears to be the leading option for most Mansion guests. Other reasons for returning to the Mansion included the opportunity to network and share intel with other guests and the Mansion's exclusion of girls that may pose security risks. Large Mansion parties, such as the birthday party of a prolific Mansion regular that week, also provide opportunities to meet girls that one might not otherwise encounter online or at the Mansion.

I had previously focused on the on-site talent pool for two reasons. One reason was the risk of flakes, no-shows, and egregious lateness from Facebook chicas. In that regard, I fared reasonably well by local standards this time. Out of fourteen Facebook citas, twelve of them actually happened. My only Faceboook flake was also the only girl that was not well-known or at least vouched for by another monger. Ironically, however, the only other significant issue I encountered was with a very well-known and highly regarded Facebook chica. She showed up only a few minutes late, at which point it emerged that the Mansion's owners had banned her from the premises (I had asked her beforehand if she could visit me there, and she said yes).

Out of the twelve Facebook citas that went forward, most girls were not as late as the 30 or so minutes that I had expected, based on what I read online and conversations with other guests; 10-20 minutes late was more typical. The least punctual was 45 minutes late, but, in all fairness, she was a last-minute booking; the most punctual were 5-10 minutes early, which was remarkable in the case of one of those two, who showed up with less than one hour's notice. Remember that M2 is hard to find if one is not already familiar with the location, as its address may not resolve properly in GPS. Most of the girls were already familiar with the location, but one that was not familiar with it spent 20 minutes trying to find it with her driver until I sent her a screen shot of my phone's GPS, which worked. I covered taxi fares when girls asked, on top of the typical 150 k-200 k fee, but some accounted for taxi costs in the rate that they negotiated and paid for taxis themselves out of that fee. Also, if you stay in M2 and pull girls from the pool or La Cueva in M1, taking a short taxi ride up the hill to M2 is a very good idea. Not just because the girls may ask for it, especially if they are wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes, but because you might want it too, if only to save your energy for the session. The walk up that hill can be a real beast and was more of a downside to staying at M2 than I had anticipated. I never had to wait more than a minute or two for those taxi rides, however.

My other and more substantial reservation about "ordering in" from Facebook had been the concern that it would be harder, if not impossible, to assess chemistry and develop rapport online before an in-person cita. A key factor that had originally attracted me to the Mansion in the first place was that it seemed like the best place for a "meet & greet" experience in Medellin, similar to that of the Del Rey, the Sportsmen's Lodge, or the Cocal in Costa Rica, or the strip in Sosua (albeit with higher-quality talent and service and on a much smaller scale), given some of the concerns about the talent pool in and around Parque Lleras (e. G. Gusto), etc. I have historically had a stronger preference for this particular "meet & greet" style of overseas mongering, which provides an opportunity to assess chemistry, build rapport, and perhaps even engage in some light foreplay before pulling the trigger and taking her up to one's room at the Del Rey, New Garden, or M1.

Accordingly, I was reluctant to resort to the Internet overseas. The way I saw it, if one wanted to pull hookers off the Internet, one could do that at home, where at least they would have reviews and probably show up on time. Legislation has since impeded that option, and online mongering communities and other Mansion guests provided enough intel, reviews, and other feedback on the past performance of specific Facebook girls to compensate for the reduced ability to assess chemistry and develop rapport online before meeting in person. Indeed, one advantage of Facebook over "meet & greet" mongering is that it can provide insights that one does not have when "reading" them in person. Neither approach is completely reliable, and each has its pitfalls. For example, a girl can seem like a total sweetheart in the bar in order to get you to pull the trigger and then turn on her resting ***** face in the room for some shoddy service. If she does that habitually, and other guys share that information, then reviews and feedback can be a useful way to shield oneself from experiences like that. Nonetheless, relying on reviews and other feedback from other mongers has its own limitations, including: the inherent variation in sexual experiences involving different people ("Your Mileage May Vary" different tastes, standards, values, and expectations; the occasionally unspoken or questionable motivations of other mongers; the unpredictability and frequent instability of many putas; the positions of the stars and the phases of the moon; and so on.

I would say that the biggest overall difference between hooking up with on-site girls spontaneously and scheduling citas from Facebook was that the former sessions were often better in purely physical terms, whereas the latter were better often in GFE terms, notwithstanding some variations with individual girls. I think that this difference makes sense, given the factors that I described above. When you pull them in person and spontaneously, both parties know what the other looks like, how their bodies might fit together, how good their chemistry and rapport seem, how they feel and smell, what mood they themselves are in at that exact moment, and so on. I also would imagine (and please advise if you disagree) that the on-site talent pool at M1 may be higher-volume or may have more practice getting the key parts of male anatomy to accomplish their core mission in a reasonable amount of time, so they can go back down to La Cueva to find another guy or smoke cripa with their friends. By the same token, a girl who comes all the way from Bello, San Javier, or Itagui just to see you in the greater quiet and privacy of an apartment (or M2) will probably devote more time and focus to you, but perhaps it is harder for both parties to click physically with someone that one only knows previously from the Internet.

In short, all of the Facebook and Mansion girls were at least OK or satisfactory, and none of them were bad or caused any significant issues, beyond the one that turned out to have been banned from the Mansion when she showed up. All of them accepted the typical 150-200 k plus taxis, except for one, whose hotness and reputation justified (in my opinion) a somewhat higher rate of 250 k. Some stayed longer than others, but I did not push for additional rounds, as I wanted to conserve my ammunition for a two-week trip. I was more concerned with post-leche GFE and wanted a change of pace from my last trip in Jaco, where the girls fly out the door before you can even take off the condom. Only one was in a bit of hurry to leave, but she had compensated for that with a well above-average fuck (which seems to be a pattern among some of the better lays that I have read about elsewhere online, and also from previous experience). A few chilled with me at length in the jacuzzi in my room. DFK and BBBJ were the norm, as I immediately rejected any candidates that stuck to CBJ (which is a showstopper for me) or showed any reluctance to provide BBBJ. A few pleasantly surprised me with CIM, which I had not requested and had found harder to get before. The main weakness was that the average cocksucking stamina and endurance was often weaker than I recalled from before, which I have encountered with some Colombians elsewhere, but not so much in Medellin and not as much as I did this time. As for the "main event," I would say that some of the on-site girls were often better at riding cock, for whatever reason. All full service was covered; I did not ask for BBFS, and none offered it.

I had originally planned to explore the strip clubs and casas more thoroughly than I had before, but my initial results at each of the most popular venues. Fase II and Energy. Were not encouraging. I have never been a fan of casas because they generally do not provide the opportunity to assess chemistry, build rapport, and discuss services (e. G. BBBJ) before making a decision. I had nonetheless heard enough good things about Energy that I decided to give it another shot. The visual quality of the lineup was quite impressive, but this only session of mine in Medellin outside the Mansion was also the only bad one. I also went to Fase II, but the talent pool was too small to find a suitable match there, due in part to the common insistence on CBJ.

I had already done almost all of the sightseeing in Medellin that sounded interesting to me, except for the Pablo Escobar tour and a day trip to Santa Fe de Antioquia, which I did this time. The company Paisa Road does a good Pablo Escobar tour for a reasonable 60 k. Santa Fe de Antioquia might be a nice, quaint place to take a girl for a brief getaway, but was not that interesting to visit in and of itself. I decided to save Guatepe for a future trip.

The Medellin leg of this trip was a positive experience, and I will be back for more. I would probably stay at the Mansion again (specifically M1), unless: a) someone can persuade me that I would be better off in an apartment for reasons other than price and facilities (I have heard that argument before); b) the owners of the Mansion have a habit of banning well-known and highly regarded girls for dubious reasons; or c) there are other venues in Medellin with a comparable talent pool for "meet & greet" mongering. Assuming that I did go back to the Mansion, I would probably stay at M1 for a more balanced mix of on-site pulls and Facebook citas. I would probably be one of those guys that stays at the Mansion and hardly sets foot outside of it, except for meals and ATM withdrawals, as I have yet to find anything outside of it or Facebook that really appeals to me enough to bring me back for more. My subsequent experience in the Santa Fe red light district of Bogota nonetheless made me curious about Mayorista, which is supposedly comparable to it, and which I have not explored yet. My natural tendency is to explore, to broaden my horizons, and to try new and different things, which is why I originally had a hard time understanding why many guys would stay at the Mansion and rarely set foot outside of it. Now I understand.

09-18-18, 05:14
Good afternoon gents. I'm heading out there pretty soon for the first time. I like the idea of picking up from a strip club to minimize surprises but I'm flexible. There's a couple things I'm planning while I'm down there and I am trying to get an idea of how much I need to budget. I'm not trying to nickle and dime, but at the same time, I don't want to get ripped off.

1) I am looking to rent a chica for about 6 hours of GFE including dinner, dancing, and of course sex (multiple rounds).

2) I want at least one threesome. (Mike Adriano style 3-some for those of you who are familiar with his work).

BTW, I'm *only* interested in solid 10's. Recommendations and ideas are welcome!Here we go again.

1. Budget $300 plus money for dinner and drinks. Expect to be disappointed.

2. Budget $300 plus however much Mike Adriano wants to do a 3 some with you, or $300 for the other girl. Expect to be disappointed.

Yes. I know. That's a lot more than you expected and why should you expect to be disappointed?

We just had this discussion, but apparently you haven't bothered to do your research. Nobody knows what you consider a solid 10. However, if you're looking for a porn star 3 some, with solid 10's it's going to be expensive and it's unlikely to turn out like your fantasy. Actually, depending on your solid 10 requirements, $300 each might be too low.

Now there are plenty of beautiful women in Medellin who will do a trio for 300 to 400 k, split and quite a few that will do a 3 some for the same price, although that might go up, depending on what all is involved in a Mike Adriano 3 some. However, the ones I know are in the 7 to 9 range.

Back to the 6 hour multiple pops date. How many times do you want to waste your money on this? You're looking for a complete stranger, who happens to be a solid 10, who can be an interesting dinner companion, who wants to hang out and dance with you and who wants to have sex with you multiple times.

Maybe you're fluent in Spanish and can carry a conversation that's interesting and funny with an 18-24 year old. However, if she's a solid 10, she's used to talking with guys who will happily drop $2000. She's not likely to roll out the red carpet for 300 k, so your GFE won't live up to your standards.

A long date with a random stranger usually doesn't work. You have no history, no chemistry and nothing in common. Unless you're close to fluent, you don't have the means to communicate.

What does work is finding a woman you have some chemistry with. Someone you've had some fun with, who wants to spend time with you. I've tried both ways. The long date with a stranger was a disaster. The long date with a prior girl worked great. We had dinner, went to a movie, had a few drinks and then spent almost 4 hours having sex. Total cost, 320 k, including the cost of dinner, movie and drinks.

09-18-18, 06:45
Is it possible to change sterling there?

Got a zero fee credit card but going to get ripped off with bank charges when withdrawing cash.

Going to cost me nearly 10 for every 200 I withdraw plus the Colombian bank fee on top.If you are from uk open starling bank. Its free mastercard card they don't have any ATM fees and give perfect exchange rate. You need download app register your details and they will send you a card to your home address. Everything is controlled throught app.


I use them at many diffrent countries and never have problems yet. I get much better exchange rate than at locals money exchangers gives. Or have other options like revolut card or monzo bank but they allowed just 200 pounds per month free ATM withdrawal and after charge 2-3 percent on the top.

09-18-18, 09:50
If you are from uk open starling bank. Its free mastercard card they don't have any ATM fees and give perfect exchange rate. You need download app register your details and they will send you a card to your home address. Everything is controlled throught app.


I use them at many diffrent countries and never have problems yet. I get much better exchange rate than at locals money exchangers gives. Or have other options like revolut card or monzo bank but they allowed just 200 pounds per month free ATM withdrawal and after charge 2-3 percent on the top.Thanks for the reply.

I have a zero credit card now with Santander, problem is you get charged massive interest immediately on cash withdrawals.

Is it the same with this? Sorry I'm new to credit cards.

09-18-18, 09:53
If you don't already have one, get a debit card. You can use it to make withdrawals from ATM machines. The exchange rate is competitive at any ATM. Depending on your bank's policies, the fees will be between 1 to 4 pounds sterling per withdrawal. It's the most convenient method. Whenever this subject comes up a lot of guys start to mention free ATM withdrawals they get with a Schwab account. There are other card issuers that provide no fee ATM withdrawals. I have a couple. I don't think the fees are much of a factor unless you are making more than a couple of withdrawals per week.Thanks.

I downloaded that ATM hero app and it seems like the most I can withdraw at an ATM is around Ł250, so I'll be withdrawing at least every other day.

09-18-18, 13:25
Did a casa run yesterday. Went to basically every casa on the map that was open except loutron, if you could consider that a casa. Most casas do not have the greatest looking chicas. I tried to session at each one even if I didn't like any girls, but some places had girls that were too ugly to fuck. I only leched 3 times at what I consider the top three, which were new life, energy, and aiffe. New life is 50 k for 30 min and had the best looking girls. The service was ok, no kissing or BBBJ. If I had to go to a casa it would be this one. Girls ranged from a 5 to a 7 here. Energy is more expensive at 125 k for a 30 min session. This session does not include CBJ or anything besides sex. The girls are ok but not worth the money imo. They have the best rooms. I had a fake boobs, light skinned, black girl. Then there was aiffe. 45 k for 30 min. Small selection, only 5 girls, none above a 6. I picked a tan girl with a fat ass. She was high or something because she just laid there with a weird look in her eyes. It was like fucking a piece of meat. I just put her on her stomach and pounded away. She did not use lube and was not really wet, so the condom broke and I came inside. Cleaned my dick real good after that. Was only inside her bare for like 20 seconds so hope nothing happens. Once again no CBJ or kissing. If you don't pick a girl expect a viewing fee of 3 k - 20 k.

These places are the place to go if you just want a cheap fuck without any frills. Its rare that you get a CBJ, never a BBBJ, and never any kissing. I spent around 530 k pesos fucking 10 chicks. Which is like $190 based on the exchange rate from the money exchange places. Not bad, but I would have rather spent it with one girl who is a 9 and provides great service (multi hour of course).

If you can only go to one casa go to new life. Best looking girls, low price, only downside is that it is far from laureles, even so the uber is only $4 from here to there.

09-18-18, 14:46
- The problem with Colombia is that overall, girls give lousy BJs. In the mid to low level places; haven't tried the high end. Even if you tip them for BBBJ, their techniques are poor. Is oral sex popular among the Colombian people? You need to go to Angeles or Pattaya to get good BJs. Although, obviously, there are girls who give good BJs. One of the best ones I've ever had, is that girl from Bogota's Chicas 2000, cute face but has a mommy belly.

- Colombia is great if you like standard covered sex with Latin American girls for short time for cheap price (between 30K - 60K COP).

- One surprise I've had is that most girls I've asked so far on this trip have said yes to my proposition of giving a lesbian show. Highest percentage of "yes" I've ever had in any country. Although most said no to lesbian rimming.

New life is 50 k for 30 min and had the best looking girls. The service was ok, no kissing or BBBJ. If I had to go to a casa it would be this one. Girls ranged from a 5 to a 7 here.I went there last Saturday. I thought Luna was the cutest. She had a nice demeanor. But she wouldn't accept a tip for BBBJ. She was willing to do a lesbian show.

Nicole was average. She wouldn't do BBBJ for a tip. But I thought she did BBBJ last year.

Celeste was decent. She was willing to do a lesbian show. Lousy CBJ. She wouldn't go down from 50 K COP tip for BBBJ. She wanted additional 50 K for CIM. WTF!

Camilia was decent. Good body. Not willing to do BBBJ. But she had a nice demeanor. She was willing to do a lesbian show with Nicole.

Michelle was slightly below average. She lowered her BBBJ tip demand from 50K to 30K. Poor demeanor.

I have never been a fan of casas because they generally do not provide the opportunity to assess chemistry, build rapport, and discuss services (e. G. BBBJ) before making a decision.

Since cases are so cheap, I just get the half hour and pay between 35K-50K COP for an "interview". Similar to a lady drink in SE Asia, except it cost twice as much, but you can see how she performs CBJ. If she's good, I interview her and offer her another session and tips for additional services.

09-18-18, 15:18
Most casas do not have the greatest looking chicas. I tried to session at each one even if I didn't like any girls, but some places had girls that were too ugly to fuck. I only leched 3 times at what I consider the top three, which were new life, energy, and aiffe. New life is 50 k for 30 min and had the best looking girls. The service was ok, no kissing or BBBJ. If I had to go to a casa it would be this one. Girls ranged from a 5 to a 7 here. Energy is more expensive at 125 k for a 30 min session. This session does not include CBJ or anything besides sex. The girls are ok but not worth the money imo. They have the best rooms. I had a fake boobs, light skinned, black girl. Then there was aiffe. 45 k for 30 min. These places are the place to go if you just want a cheap fuck without any frills. Its rare that you get a CBJ, never a BBBJ, and never any kissing. I spent around 530 k pesos fucking 10 chicks. Which is like $190 based on the exchange rate from the money exchange places. Not bad, but I would have rather spent it with one girl who is a 9 and provides great service (multi hour of course).Uh, can someone confirm this? I can't speak for Aiffe because I've only fucked there once when there were tooooooo many gringos in NL. Similarly, I've gotten a CBJ at NL (and a short but poignant BBBJ from one of the pre-exodus Venozolanas) and Energy; try slipping in a "puede chupar un poco?" next time you're working into things.

And seriously, can someone confirm / deny that you're not supposed to get head at NL or Energy? I feel a about of the Mandela effect coming on.

09-18-18, 16:00
And seriously, can someone confirm / deny that you're not supposed to get head at NL or Energy?I've always gotten CBJ at New Life. Never been to Energy. I've always been offered CBJ at all the cases (only 6) I've been to in Colombia. Although some have been lousy where after a few minutes, the girl says "no mass". If available, you probably have to tip to get BBBJ.

Not sure about kissing. I don't do it. Don't like the thought of all those pricks that has been in that mouth. Remember, if you are kissing that girl in New Life, that tongue could have been up my ass an hour ago. LOL!

09-18-18, 16:52
And seriously, can someone confirm / deny that you're not supposed to get head at NL or Energy? I feel a about of the Mandela effect coming on.According to the lady who brings in the girls at energy you can only get a CBJ with the hour selection, not the 30 minutes. Also no girl provides BBBJ according to her.

You do get a CBJ at NL, maybe you can tip for BBBJ but my girl didn't want to.

At affie the girl was not involved whatsoever.

09-18-18, 17:03
Uh, can someone confirm this? I can't speak for Aiffe because I've only fucked there once when there were tooooooo many gringos in NL. Similarly, I've gotten a CBJ at NL (and a short but poignant BBBJ from one of the pre-exodus Venozolanas) and Energy; try slipping in a "puede chupar un poco?" next time you're working into things.

And seriously, can someone confirm / deny that you're not supposed to get head at NL or Energy? I feel a about of the Mandela effect coming on.I have always gotten head at both NL and Energy. Half at Energy were BBBJ, with no negotiations, no extra payment. I can't think of any girls I had in Colombia who didn't give head. Some weren't very good at it, but they all went there without having to be asked.

Big Boss Man
09-18-18, 17:15
Good afternoon gents. I'm heading out there pretty soon for the first time. I like the idea of picking up from a strip club to minimize surprises but I'm flexible. There's a couple things I'm planning while I'm down there and I am trying to get an idea of how much I need to budget. I'm not trying to nickle and dime, but at the same time, I don't want to get ripped off.

1) I am looking to rent a chica for about 6 hours of GFE including dinner, dancing, and of course sex (multiple rounds).

2) I want at least one threesome. (Mike Adriano style 3-some for those of you who are familiar with his work).

BTW, I'm *only* interested in solid 10's. Recommendations and ideas are welcome! I would respect the advice of JJbee2 but here are two alternatives.

La Celestina is offering a 5 hour promotion for 550 k. I doubt they will have a 10 on the roster though.

"Todos LOS servicios de 2 horas tienen 10% de descuento.

5 horas por 550.000 para todas las modelos con tarifa inferior a 250.000.

Oral natural por slo 70.000 adicionales (aplican restricciones). ".

I would start with Instagram models for 10's. I found these these 3 on Tinder but they have thousands of followers. I think they are on Tinder to recruit followers.




Big Boss Man
09-18-18, 17:26
My first bait and switch from Mileroticos, I found this gorgeous brunette, named Xiomara, fee quoted was 80 k x hour, she looked so good, I couldn't pass up the opportunity, I messaged her and made an appointment, when I showed up the girl that claimed to be Xiomara was completely different from the one in the pictures, so I told her, you are not the girl in the pictures, she said she was, she just had a few operations, I bolted out of there. Here is the ad: https://m.co.mileroticos.com/escorts/espectacular-morenita-flaquita-con-apto-priv-hora-80-recien-llegada/11273265/.The tasters blog which is full of locals recommends to never go to places with ads (excepting the Downtown casas) where the price is below 100 k pesos or the chica has her face showing in the photo. These places are almost always frauds.

09-18-18, 17:51
Yes, and I don't quite understand why anyone would need to see this advice in a local blog because complaints from guys who don't follow it appear on this forum very regularly. What I find especially interesting on the taster / catadaor blog are the complaints that even the honest apartment girl ads that show the actual providers are many times providers who came from casas.

The tasters blog which is full of locals recommends to never go to places with ads (excepting the Downtown casas) where the price is below 100 k pesos or the chica has her face showing in the photo. These places are almost always frauds.

09-18-18, 17:58
It's not quite the way I remember it. I do notice the guy likes multi hour sessions with girls he calls "9" so I think it could be somebody who won't be happy spending less than a six figure peso fee. Casa BBBJ is negotiable although some providers won't do it. Some girls try to upsell it from jump. I think this is a classic example of YMMV. New Life is definitely the most popular all around casa, especially among gringos.

Uh, can someone confirm this? I can't speak for Aiffe because I've only fucked there once when there were tooooooo many gringos in NL. Similarly, I've gotten a CBJ at NL (and a short but poignant BBBJ from one of the pre-exodus Venozolanas) and Energy; try slipping in a "puede chupar un poco?" next time you're working into things.

And seriously, can someone confirm / deny that you're not supposed to get head at NL or Energy? I feel a about of the Mandela effect coming on.

09-18-18, 20:40
I have always gotten head at both NL and Energy. Half at Energy were BBBJ, with no negotiations, no extra payment. I can't think of any girls I had in Colombia who didn't give head. Some weren't very good at it, but they all went there without having to be asked.Well I guess I got scammed then. I was told by the madame that no BBBJ is provided at all and CBJ only comes with the hour service.

09-18-18, 23:12
Well I guess I got scammed then. I was told by the madame that no BBBJ is provided at all and CBJ only comes with the hour service.I only do the hour service at Energy. It's the best deal.

As for what's offered, the girls make those decisions. If you ask the madam will also tell you that the girls won't give out their WhatsApp.

My opinion is that if you ask how much for something, you will never get it without paying extra. The more important it is to you, the more it will cost. So, I never ask. If the girl asks if I want the BJ with or without a condom, I say it doesn't matter.

My best time at Energy went from good to great when I went for DATY. I'm surprised I didn't lose an ear. When I came up for air she attacked me. After a nice, long BBBJ, on went the cover and she went all out.

09-18-18, 23:17
Thanks for the guidance brother.

I was able to get the GFE in Panama last year. This particular 10 asked for $200 when I met her. I was wasted at the time, but she went over the top so I think I remember giving her maybe $250 or $300 when she left.

She came back next day with a friend and I think I went in $350 for the both. Good times.

Hoping I can repeat the experience a little cheaper in Colombia.

FWIW, Mike Adriano is a porn star notorious for blowbangs (2 or more girls giving oral (OWO) at the same time).

Here we go again.

1. Budget $300 plus money for dinner and drinks. Expect to be disappointed.

2. Budget $300 plus however much Mike Adriano wants to do a 3 some with you, or $300 for the other girl. Expect to be disappointed.

Yes. I know. That's a lot more than you expected and why should you expect to be disappointed?

We just had this discussion, but apparently you haven't bothered to do your research. Nobody knows what you consider a solid 10. However, if you're looking for a porn star 3 some, with solid 10's it's going to be expensive and it's unlikely to turn out like your fantasy. Actually, depending on your solid 10 requirements, $300 each might be too low.

Now there are plenty of beautiful women in Medellin who will do a trio for 300 to 400 k, split and quite a few that will do a 3 some for the same price, although that might go up, depending on what all is involved in a Mike Adriano 3 some. However, the ones I know are in the 7 to 9 range..

09-19-18, 02:23
Thanks for the guidance brother.

I was able to get the GFE in Panama last year. This particular 10 asked for $200 when I met her. I was wasted at the time, but she went over the top so I think I remember giving her maybe $250 or $300 when she left.

She came back next day with a friend and I think I went in $350 for the both. Good times.

Hoping I can repeat the experience a little cheaper in Colombia.

FWIW, Mike Adriano is a porn star notorious for blowbangs (2 or more girls giving oral (OWO) at the same time).A little? You can repeat the experience ALOT cheaper in Colombia. Half that amount would be overpaying by quite a bit.

09-19-18, 03:21
My first bait and switch from Mileroticos, I found this gorgeous brunette, named Xiomara, fee quoted was 80 k x hour, she looked so good, I couldn't pass up the opportunity, I messaged her and made an appointment, when I showed up the girl that claimed to be Xiomara was completely different from the one in the pictures, so I told her, you are not the girl in the pictures, she said she was, she just had a few operations, I bolted out of there. Here is the ad: https://m.co.mileroticos.com/escorts/espectacular-morenita-flaquita-con-apto-priv-hora-80-recien-llegada/11273265/.80 k? That didn't raise any red flags? Seriously?

Out of principle avoid all 80 k and under ads.

09-19-18, 03:39
Had a couple threesomes around veracruz for 60,000 cop (30,000/ girl). Also a few who charged more. I believe it was 50,000cop/girl. One of the girls I had sessioned with a few times and the other I could never find again. I looked for that little spinner probably 10-15 different days without luck.

A little? You can repeat the experience ALOT cheaper in Colombia. Half that amount would be overpaying by quite a bit..

09-19-18, 03:47
Had a couple threesomes around veracruz for 60,000 cop (30,000/ girl). One of the girls I had sessioned with a few times and the other I could never find again. I looked for that little spinner probably 10-15 different days without luck.

.If the OP let the chicas around Veracruz know he was willing to pay $350, he might not live to report it.

09-19-18, 03:53
Could buy the whole block and have some real fun.

If the OP let the chicas around Veracruz know he was willing to pay $350, he might not live to report it..

09-19-18, 13:40
According to the lady who brings in the girls at energy you can only get a CBJ with the hour selection, not the 30 minutes. Also no girl provides BBBJ according to her.

You do get a CBJ at NL, maybe you can tip for BBBJ but my girl didn't want to.

At affie the girl was not involved whatsoever.I was going to ask, what's the standard upsell rate on BBBJ? In BAQ I paid 20 k for the favor, but my buddy says standard rate in MDE should be 10 k. Seems like the chicas want to charge like 40.

09-19-18, 13:41
Not sure about kissing. I don't do it. Don't like the thought of all those pricks that has been in that mouth. Remember, if you are kissing that girl in New Life, that tongue could have been up my ass an hour ago. LOL!I love this. "I don't kiss but I let her stick my tongue up my ass. ".

Mr Enternational
09-19-18, 15:02
If the OP let the chicas around Veracruz know he was willing to pay $350, he might not live to report it.Exactly. Because they would all bum rush him in hopes to get a piece of that action. Actually, they would probably think it was some kind of scam and say no.

09-19-18, 15:37
I love this. "I don't kiss but I let her stick her tongue up my ass. ".I don't kiss them for the same reason.

Horny Goats
09-19-18, 15:40
I just discovered this site.

I'm younger (30's) and I've been traveling around the world for a few years mongering quite a bit. I settled down in Medellin a couple of months ago with my SoCal wife (who's bisexual and also partakes occasionally).

Anyway, I'm blown away by this overload of info, and I'm shocked that I haven't discovered this before. I just lost a few hours of my life reading through the posts. Got a lot of catching up to do.

I'll give my own report on Medellin based on my two months here. I think I've acquitted myself fairly well even without ISG as a resource, as I've been all around the world and already made my rookie mistakes, I always pretend I've been to places before even if it's my first time, I can speak Spanish pretty well, etc.

Strip clubs. I'm a strip joint kind of guy. I like to interact with the girls a little before getting down to business. I've had good luck at the Centro clubs below.

Conejitas. Been here three times. Paid around 60 K each time, 30 minutes. Two decent but nothing special sessions, and one very cool one with a voluptuous paisa who has since become a GF. She'll hang out for an entire evening (3-4 hours) for 100 K and that includes multiple sessions and GFE experience, which I like. She talks about going on overnight trips and the like, very personable and cool chick.

Grille Nueva. I think this is the name; it's on the same block as Conejitas. I went here a couple of times, sessioned for 50-60 K and found a great little costena who did BBBJ unsolicited and has become a GF like the one above. She comes all the way to my place in Envigado, as well, for multiple sessions, and lets me take photos and video. 120 K for a couple of hours. Gives excellent service.

Grille Occidental. Near the other two but farther away from the park. I found all of these before I had discovered ISG by walking around. This is a noticeable downgrade in talent and atmosphere. Girls bickering with each other, a waft of desperation, and an overall dirtier vibe. Whatever, I got drunk and enjoyed myself greatly, sessioned with a girl who was a 5 tops (with beer goggles, haha), but fuck it, that's the kind of mood I was in. She also gave BBBJ unsolicited. I read recently that it's difficult to get BBBJ here, and that's simply untrue. Although maybe it's because I'm at the middle to lower class ones, haha. Got to step up my classiness, I suppose.

Massage parlors. The only one I've been to is Energy in Laureles. I'm a fan, both sessions were decent and the girls are hot. I have a working theory that the first girls in the lineup are the most enthusiastic during a session. Most eager to be seen = more eager to please? I'll be testing the theory often.

But I doubt you're going to get any extras at a more upscale place like this very easily, and I assume it'd be harder to develop a GF-type relationship with the girls (although I haven't tried). Which is what I like: a mix of ongoing girls and new experiences. Going to try Tantra next week.

SWs. I haven't had the balls yet.

Alright, back to reading through 1,820 pages of reports and not working.

As I said, I'm new to Medellin still. If anybody wants to hit up a club or catch a game at a bar, PM me.

09-19-18, 15:43
I was going to ask, what's the standard upsell rate on BBBJ? In BAQ I paid 20 k for the favor, but my buddy says standard rate in MDE should be 10 k. Seems like the chicas want to charge like 40.From my experiences, as a tourist. Some girls accept; some girls won't accept. YMMV:

- 2 years ago in the cases, when I asked "chupas sin condom", I had to broach the subject of the tip. Now on this trip, when I asked about the BBBJ, some girls immediately said "50 K COP". It seems some girls are getting use to the idea of tips for BBBJ.

- In New Life, girls will ask for 50 K. Couple won't bargain. I was able to bargained down to 30 K or 40 K for some. Couldn't get it to 20 K.

- In Bogota's Chicas Milenio and Chicas 2000, many want 50 K. I think only 1 wouldn't bargain. I was able to bargain down to 20 K for couple of girls. Most who accept should take 30 K or 40 K.

- In Medellin's El Centro/Veracruz, 2 girls said yes to 20 K COP. Hmm. They accepted too fast. Maybe your friend is correct; they may take 10 K. I offered 20 K additional tip for CIM, which they accepted.

09-19-18, 23:29
As I said, I'm new to Medellin still. If anybody wants to hit up a club or catch a game at a bar, PM me.Can't PM you because you're new I guess, I'm 37 and speak Spanish as well. I'm trying to move down here and need info so I definitely want to link up, I'm here till Oct 1st for now. This city has too much to offer for short visits. Do me a favor and hit me on whatsapp, its a temporary number anyway, beers on me.

[Telephone Number deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted to remove personal telephone numbers. Please do not post personal telephone numbers in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you for this information directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

09-20-18, 01:05
Any suggestion on the best blade to purchase silidinifil there? Last time I was there I visited a Pharmacia and bought the "namebrand" version. I prefer the off brand which doesn't have the horrid side affects. Any recommendations s on the best place to pick up the Gringo Assistance tablets? Any recommendations on brand? Price Per? Location to purchase? I have a connection in San Jose that can send me the goods but I don't know how I feel going through customs with them and no prescription. Rather buy on site there and throw away the left overs before coming back to the US.

09-20-18, 01:53
Strip clubs. I'm a strip joint kind of guy. I like to interact with the girls a little before getting down to business. I've had good luck at the Centro clubs below.

Conejitas. Been here three times. Paid around 60 K each time, 30 minutes. Two decent but nothing special sessions, and one very cool one with a voluptuous paisa who has since become a GF. She'll hang out for an entire evening (3-4 hours) for 100 K and that includes multiple sessions and GFE experience, which I like. She talks about going on overnight trips and the like, very personable and cool chick.

Grille Nueva. I think this is the name; it's on the same block as Conejitas. I went here a couple of times, sessioned for 50-60 K and found a great little costena who did BBBJ unsolicited and has become a GF like the one above. She comes all the way to my place in Envigado, as well, for multiple sessions, and lets me take photos and video. 120 K for a couple of hours. Gives excellent service..If you are hitting the Centro strip clubs besides Conejitas the other 2 big ones are Barra Ejectiva and right next door Maracaibo. Barra has more girls of those two. They are only a few blocks from Conejitas.

Barra Ejecutiva-Calle 53 #48-20.

And 2 doors down:

Maracaibo-Calle 53 #49-30.

And the street walker scene is OK, hard to beat 30 k for a 18 yo spinner. That's the Vera Cruz girls, the Raudal block girls are a little more but sometimes hotter.

Redlight blocks, I have a map and directions in post #27032.

09-20-18, 03:57
Any suggestion on the best blade to purchase silidinifil there? Last time I was there I visited a Pharmacia and bought the "namebrand" version. I prefer the off brand which doesn't have the horrid side affects. Any recommendations s on the best place to pick up the Gringo Assistance tablets? Any recommendations on brand? Price Per? Location to purchase? I have a connection in San Jose that can send me the goods but I don't know how I feel going through customs with them and no prescription. Rather buy on site there and throw away the left overs before coming back to the US.You can get it at any Drogueria. Prices vary. At the Drogueria Alemana on Calle 10, El Poblado its about 8500 cop for a single 100 MG tablet. At Drogueria San Ignacio, 2 blocks away, it's about 6500 for 4 50 MG tablets. San Ignacio also has an extra discount on everything on Tuesday and Thursday.

Horny Goats
09-20-18, 15:22
If you are hitting the Centro strip clubs besides Conejitas the other 2 big ones are Barra Ejectiva and right next door Maracaibo. Barra has more girls of those two. They are only a few blocks from Conejitas. Yeah awesome, I've been gathering tons of info going through the posts and those two in particular look like must-sees.

Your report and map (once I figure out how to pay and access it) are much appreciated. I've walked around that area but rather aimlessly, and I wasn't sure what the going rates are. Now I do.

Horny Goats
09-20-18, 15:27
And the street walker scene is OK, hard to beat 30 k for a 18 yo spinner. That's the Vera Cruz girls, the Raudal block girls are a little more but sometimes hotter. I meant to ask also: do you know anything about the SW scene near the Ayura station in Envigado? I saw on the badass comprehensive map that there's a seemingly large scene directly to the west of the station. That's walking distance for me! Haha. Just wondering if anybody has any recent news. If not, I will explore and report back soon.

Big Boss Man
09-20-18, 17:16

09-20-18, 17:19
Any suggestions on how to find a maid / cook who will.

A) do a decent job. First priority.

B) work partially or fully nude.


1. I would not be expecting sex from this person. But I would like the service and like naked women so it makes sense to combine the two.

2. thinking about daily service during my stay. Not a one off.

09-20-18, 17:41
- Most of the action is on that one small street, Carrera 53 (between Calle 51 & Calle 52).

- Most of the girls asked for 30 K COP for half hour. I was asked to pay for the short time hotel every single time. Is that standard? It was usually 10 K for 1 hour; one place was 15 K. Note: the short time hotel on Carrera 53, south of Calle 51 is totally disgusting. A cleaner one is on Calle 51, west of Carrera 53.

- None of the girls asked for more than 30 K. It was always half hour. One girl (a little chubby) actually wanted 20 K. Another wanted 25 K. The girl who wanted 20 K said she would do BBBJ. In the room, she asked for 5 K more for the BBBJ; wow, a whole $1.66 USD more!

- A few of the girls said yes to BBBJ for 30 K, without mentioning a tip. One actually said yes to BBBJ and CIM for 30 K. I changed my style, and I asked the girl for the BBBJ on the street, instead of in the room. A few said yes. A few said no, but in the room I offered a tip. Some of them accepted.

- Overall, I was able to get BBBJ from more than half the girls in Vera Cruz. Maybe 75%. Most were not clock watchers. I usually got 20 to 25 minutes for my half hour; that's pretty good. A lot of them actually seemed nice. Maybe the old saying is true, where the girls from Medellin has a better reputation than the girls from Bogota. It seems the girls at Vera Cruz are a lot better in terms of service and rip offs than the girls from Santa Fe. But since I haven't truly explore Bogota's Santa Fe SWs (except for 1 day couple of years ago), I can't make a valid comparison, yet.

09-20-18, 23:57
I meant to ask also: do you know anything about the SW scene near the Ayura station in Envigado? I saw on the badass comprehensive map that there's a seemingly large scene directly to the west of the station. That's walking distance for me! Haha. Just wondering if anybody has any recent news. If not, I will explore and report back soon.Sure, that is the Mayorista redlight block, it's Calle 85, S side after Carr50 A. It's a block of small bars and short term hotels, more girls there at night and weekends then during the day I believe, I have only been there twice because I stay down in Centro and the Vera Cruz and Raudal blocks are more convenient for me.

09-21-18, 00:20
Facebook does lots of research before launching new services. The choice of Colombia is a tell that they discovered there is already a lot of this activity happening on Colombia centric facebook profiles. If the normal Facebook tracking isn't enough for you, diving into this new service is a sure way to get more of it.


09-21-18, 01:16
Hey guys,

This will be my first rip this this country of women with great asses. I ave a few questions:

1. Do they have uber there and can you use the same app as the USA Uber?

2. How anyone tried Colombian dating sites prior to arriving to meet females first online. Then arrange rend-de-vouz once in country? How did it workout.

2. Is there a listing of all the SW action with street names or landmarks.

3. Is it acceptable to pay afterwards?

4. How is the Colombian Police? I have been to the Dominican Republic and the police will setup road blocks where the SW hangout just get get money from guys who go up and down the same street too much looking at the women.

5. Do most of the hotels offer safe or lock box.

6. What are the absolute worst areas of Medellin to stay away from. I have seen the Utube videos of Motorcycle bandits riding up to people and pulling out a gun to rob them then speed off.

Any other advice for a first time would be great!

Fun Luvr
09-21-18, 02:00
You can get it at any Drogueria. Prices vary. At the Drogueria Alemana on Calle 10, El Poblado its about 8500 cop for a single 100 MG tablet. At Drogueria San Ignacio, 2 blocks away, it's about 6500 for 4 50 MG tablets. San Ignacio also has an extra discount on everything on Tuesday and Thursday.San Ignacio on Calle 10 is closed. Their price on Tuesdays and Thursdays was about 4900 for four 50 MG tablets. Two weeks ago, I bought four 50 MG tablets at Farmacia Pasteur in Laureles for 5771. Farmacia Pasteur has many stores throughout Medellin. I always but the Genfar brand.

09-21-18, 02:03
- I started to offer 10 K COP tip for BBBJ. It worked couple of times.

- Had my first really bad experience. Didn't ask price. I tried to hand her 30 K. She said 50 K. I said no and started to walk out. She then said yes. At the street, she said yes to BBBJ. Now she wanted to use a condom. Had to offer her 10 K tip for BBBJ. She said yes. After several minutes, she said no more BJ.

- Don't fully understand about the short time rooms. The one on Calle 51 seems to be for an hour for 10 K. One in the middle of Carrera 53 (east side) was 15 K; it was nicer. I went there today; after 30 minutes, I got a knock. The girl said it was 15 K for 30 miniutes; she wanted 15 K for 30 more minutes. WTF! Did the girl get a commission for taking me to that short time hotel? If it is a 30 minute room, I thought you would get a knock at 20. Another girl mentioned something about 40 minutes. Are the rooms at the short time hotel in the middle of Carrera 53 for 30,40 or 60 minutes?

- I went to another short time hotel on Carrera 53 on the west side. Yesterday, she charged me 10 K. Today, she charged me 15 K. WTF! Did I get overcharged? Maybe I made a mistake by using them to break a 50K bill. Next time, I should just hand them a 10K bill.

09-21-18, 05:35
I'd had trouble here in the past with hardcore puta attitudes, and everyone who has sessioned here knows the rooms are suspect. Yet nightime options are limited in Medellin outside of strip clubs or calling in delivery.

This is the short version. I buy a girl a lady drink and it went well enough. Go to the room and she demands more $ to give a condom BJ to get things started. I asked her for my $ back as I never touched her. She refused.

Went and got the manager and through Google Translate he just kept saying that I should have arranged for the condom BJ in advance. Say what? LOL he thus supported her contention that she should be paid even though no services were provided.

I will not return, and if you decide to visit here I recommend that you keep this report in mind.

09-21-18, 05:58
Hey guys,

This will be my first rip this this country of women with great asses. I ave a few questions:

1. Do they have uber there and can you use the same app as the USA Uber?

2. How anyone tried Colombian dating sites prior to arriving to meet females first online. Then arrange rend-de-vouz once in country? How did it workout.

2. Is there a listing of all the SW action with street names or landmarks.1. Yes and yes.

2. Yes. Read the forum to find out how it worked out.

Other 2. Yes.

3. Yes, sometimes. Depends. Read the forum to learn more.

4. The police have never bothered me. Other people say the police have bothered them. Read the forum for details.

5. No. Most of the nicer hotels yes, but most of the hotels aren't nicer hotels. Read the forum to learn more.

6. There are 249 neighborhoods on Medellin. You will probably only be visiting less than 10. Read the forum to find out which ones you need to visit.

Other advice for a first time visitor: Read the forum.

09-21-18, 12:44
Seriously dude, RTFF!

Hey guys,

This will be my first rip this this country of women with great asses. I ave a few questions:

1. Do they have uber there and can you use the same app as the USA Uber?

2. How anyone tried Colombian dating sites prior to arriving to meet females first online. Then arrange rend-de-vouz once in country? How did it workout.

2. Is there a listing of all the SW action with street names or landmarks.

3. Is it acceptable to pay afterwards?

4. How is the Colombian Police? I have been to the Dominican Republic and the police will setup road blocks where the SW hangout just get get money from guys who go up and down the same street too much looking at the women.

Horny Goats
09-21-18, 14:35
Can't PM you because you're new I guess, I'm 37 and speak Spanish as well. I'm trying to move down here and need info so I definitely want to link up, I'm here till Oct 1st for now. This city has too much to offer for short visits. Do me a favor and hit me on whatsapp, its a temporary number anyway, beers on me.Hey man,

As soon as I figure out a way to send payment, I'll PM you. My American CC cards are being blocked, and outside of cash, there doesn't seem to be an alternate method like PayPal.

Horny Goats
09-21-18, 14:39
Sure, that is the Mayorista redlight block, it's Calle 85, S side after Carr50 A. It's a block of small bars and short term hotels, more girls there at night and weekends then during the day I believe, I have only been there twice because I stay down in Centro and the Vera Cruz and Raudal blocks are more convenient for me.Okay, thanks again. Same general pricing as el Centro?

My to-do list is growing rapidly, haha, but I'll certainly check this area out soon, probably next week.

Horny Goats
09-21-18, 14:45
Having trouble with my American CCs.

Anybody on here want to help me out? I'm happy to send $20 and a little extra via PayPal or the like first if somebody can use their card to purchase a subscription.

Perhaps if I get a taker, the Administrators here will allow me PM-sending privileges momentarily, so we can exchange info and I can send them money. What say you, Administrators? Please take my money.

El Mechanico
09-21-18, 15:35

2. Read the forum to find out how it worked out.

3. Read the forum to learn more.

4. Read the forum for details.

5. Read the forum to learn more.

6.Read the forum.That's Sound advice there! When I first joined a couple of years ago, I asked some very basic questions & was promptly told to "RTFF" Well, I kinda got my feelings hurt a little, but went back in the forum chronologically 2 years. I learned sooooo much, that I quickly learned the reason for the RTFF responses. Every question I had was answered in previous posts! I still read on an every weekday basis & still learn quite a bit.

So Jj, I agree that sound advice to anyone would be to read the forum to learn more. I went blue water fishing in El Salvador for Labor Day weekend and at least 75 % of my trip was planned and carried out from intel off of the ES forum & guys on that forum helping me out.

What an awesome Forum!!

El Mechanico.

Big Boss Man
09-21-18, 16:33
Facebook does lots of research before launching new services. The choice of Colombia is a tell that they discovered there is already a lot of this activity happening on Colombia centric facebook profiles. If the normal Facebook tracking isn't enough for you, diving into this new service is a sure way to get more of it.It is interesting that the application will create a separate profile that will be inaccessible to your current friends on Facebook. The reason why I did not use Facebook in Medellin was so that nothing untoward would come up in my feed. I have read reports of guys creating separate Medellin profiles for the purposes of hooking up. I signed up for Instagram and all of a sudden some of my Facebook friends were following me whereas I was only following chicas found on Tinder and Seeking.

I would still be interested to see if anyone has priced the Instagram model market. It could be the same as the stories of expensive dinner dates and shopping excursions. They certainly did not respond to my offer of 175 k. I found out the night before that one of those I follow on Instagram was a webcam model.

09-21-18, 19:12
So now that I am safely home I will write a detailed trip report. This will not be a day by day report but more of a summary of what I learned in terms of mongering and just living in Medellin. Also I was only in Medellin for 4 days and am a complete newbie when it comes to this scene, so some of my information may be incorrect. I also don't speak a lick of spanish.

First let's get the logistics and non mongering issues out of the way. I landed at the airport at 11:30 pm, at this time there were plenty of taxis to take you back to the city. The cost of a taxi in to the city is around 70 mil. My airbnb host said they could send me a driver for the same amount of money, which I accepted. If you don't have COP on you when you arrive there are ATMs right next to the exit of the airport. The drive into Medellin from the airport is 45-50 minutes long. The airbnb I stayed at was the San Peter Apartments in Laureles for $29 a night. They are nice, clean one bedroom apartments. The only issue I had with them was that their wifi was terrible and the blankets they provide are quite small. They are girl friendly with no fee. A girl could even spend the night with you if you wanted at no extra charge. They just need her cedula. I recommend booking through airbnb rather than book.com as it is $10 cheaper and gives you direct contact with the host. Be warned that if you are a light sleeper they have music on at the bar downstairs until late at night, did not bother me though.

Now for money ATMs are the best way to get your money. They have the best exchange rate, much better than converting at an exchange. If you can find an divienda ATM use that as there is no ATM fee. Bancolombia ATMs have a 13200 COP fee. If you must exchange the one I went to was in the Unicentro Mall called Money Max, they had the best rates at 2755 per dollar, just remember to bring your passport.

Uber is the the #1 I got around. It's super cheap with most trips costing only $2-$3. Plus you don't have to deal with cash. Just remember to attach your Uber payment to Paypal as I found it does not give international credit card fees. Also, the Uber will not come if there are taxis around, so walk to where there are less taxis and meet the uber there. The metro is also very nice and efficient. It is super clean, DO NOT bring any food or drink in there. They will kick you out as they are very anal about cleanliness in there. It is 2400 COP a ride I believe. The give you a card with however many ride you want on it. If it is only one ride or your last ride than you put the card in the slit. If you have more than 1 ride left on the card you just tap in on the screen. Taxis are also relatively cheap, but you have to give cash which is a pain especially with those small amounts. Remember to make them turn on the meter to prevent getting scammed. To to get an google maps and Ubers you need data for you phone. I got a SIM + 4 gb of data for 75000 COP at a Tigo. They need your passport as well. Okay I feel like that covers everything you need to know for a smooth trip.

Now onto the mongering. From what I have read and seen here there are four avenues to getting a girl here. Facebook, strip clubs, casas, and street action. I only participated in the facebook, strip club, and casa scene. If you want detailed information on cost, open times, and location I recommend you ask for permission for the medellin map and download the chica list made by World6969.

Facebook: I had sex with 3 facebook girls. I first friend requested over 200 girls who I thought were working girls, regardless of looks by looking at gringo profiles friends list and who liked their pictures. Go look up a guy named "medellin rich" and add him. His list is full of putas, I don't know if it is one of you guys LOL. Now, of the girls that accepted my request I deleted all of the ones that I did not like in terms of looks. You also get more recommendations since your list is full of those types of girls now. After than I messaged each girls asking "hola amor, estas disponible para conocer? Maybe 50% responded. I then asked how much their services were. Most girls replied with 200-250 mil, some 300 mil, and only one for 150 mil. I could easily get the 300 mil girls to 250 but the 200 and 250 mil girls would not budge. They also all want taxi money. All of them provided BBBJ and kissing. Of them I picked my favorites and asked them to meet at a specific time. Here's some tips when looking at pictures. If they don't show their stomachs and they have kids, they have baby damage. If they look thick in their pictures they are probably even more so in real life, to the point of being fat. No girl will look at as hot as her pictures, these girls are experts at taking selfies. The first girl I had was 200 mil + 20 mil taxi. She had baby damage but had a pretty face and good attitude. The second girl was 250 mil, no taxi. She looked really hot in her pictures but was not as hot in real life. Service was okay, not the best. I regret it. Third girl was the jackpot. She was only 150 mil + 20 mil taxi and was pretty as her pictures. She was very sensual and provided great service. I would have definitely repeated if I had the time. The girls will always be 20-30 minutes late and have the craziest excuses, from there was an 8 car pile up on the street to there was a gas leak in their building and they had to evacuate. It's a hit or miss situation with these girls, but if you find a good one it is worth it. Also to note, do not set up more that an hour appointment with any new girl, especially if you don't speak spanish, it gets awkward real fast if you can't talk to each other. Pros is that if is relatively easy, who just stay home and ask a girl to come. Cons is that it is expensive and you never know how the girl really looks.

Casas: I had sex with at least 8 casa girls, lost count. I have a more detailed report below, but the gist is that it is cheap, girls don't look as good but still hot, expect everything to be covered unless you can spark a deal up with the girl in the room. At most you will pay 50 mil peso for 30 minutes, besides Energy and Loutron. My favorite is New Life as they always had the largest selection of girls and they were also the most attractive. If you don't like any of the girls who can leave, but you might have to pay a 2-3 mil viewing fee. Pros is that they are cheap and you can see what the girls look like and leave if you don't like anything. Cons is that they are in sketchy areas, but if you are relatively cautious and go in the day you should fine and BBBJ is not guaranteed, impossible for me.

Stripclubs: I only went to two stripclubs, fase dos and luna lunera. I prefer fase dos as the cover charge is only 10 mil compared to the 50 mil cover in luna lunera. There are more girls and hotter girls at fas dos as well. These places are just tamer Hong Kong Tijuana clubs, although a bit cheaper. The girls cost 190 mil an hour at fase dos and you take them next door bang. I asked four girls who I found hot if they did BBBJ but every single one refused, even at a 50 k tip. Eventually I took one next door for 190 mil. Remember to bring your own condoms as the charge you for theirs. Sex was terrible, she was rushing me which made it even harder for me to come. Eventually just told her to shut up and pounded away until I came and left immediately. I gave the cleaning lady 2 mil for a tip. The drinks are pretty expensive, I had a coke for 6 mil and a redbull for 24 mil, I recommend sticking with the coke LOL. After every dance the girls come down to collect tips. Only ever give 2 mil, some girls want more just say no. Remember to bring lots of 2 mil bills. They let you grope them and give you a mini lap dance for that tip. They have a smoke machine so if you have breathing problems be aware. Music isn't too loud. Never go before 10 pm, it is dead before than, even if it opens earlier.

Well that was my experience. It was good, but I feel like to have made it amazing I would need to learn spanish. I feel like you can really connect with these girls if you could speak to them, making the sex a lot better. I will be back once I learn spanish and go to the other mongering hotspots, sao paulo and german fkks. Thank you for all the information you guys have provided it was very useful. I hope someone will find this report useful as well.

09-21-18, 19:24
Okay, thanks again. Same general pricing as el Centro?

My to-do list is growing rapidly, haha, but I'll certainly check this area out soon, probably next week.A bit more then the 30 k VeraCruz girls, more in line with the 40-60 k Raudal girls though they may try to get more from a newbie gringo.

09-21-18, 19:28
Stripclubs: I only went to two stripclubs, fase dos and luna lunera. I prefer fase dos as the cover charge is only 10 mil compared to the 50 mil cover in luna lunera. There are more girls and hotter girls at fas dos as well. These places are just tamer Hong Kong Tijuana clubs, although a bit cheaper. The girls cost 190 mil an hour at fase dos and you take them next door bang. I asked four girls who I found hot if they did BBBJ but every single one refused, even at a 50 k tip. Eventually I took one next door for 190 mil. Remember to bring your own condoms as the charge you for theirs. Sex was terrible, she was rushing me which made it even harder for me to come. Eventually just told her to shut up and pounded away until I came and left immediately. I gave the cleaning lady 2 mil for a tip. The drinks are pretty expensive, I had a coke for 6 mil and a redbull for 24 mil, I recommend sticking with the coke LOL. After every dance the girls come down to collect tips. Only ever give 2 mil, some girls want more just say no. Remember to bring lots of 2 mil bills. They let you grope them and give you a mini lap dance for that tip. They have a smoke machine so if you have breathing problems be aware. Music isn't too loud. Never go before 10 pm, it is dead before than, even if it opens earlier.Pretty sure they screwed you at LunaLunera, I have been in and paid no cover but I think it is 10 k also. Also it's cheaper to sit at the bar at FaseII, they usually want you do get bottle service at a table, 120 k and up.

09-21-18, 19:43
I'd had trouble here in the past with hardcore puta attitudes, and everyone who has sessioned here knows the rooms are suspect. Yet nightime options are limited in Medellin outside of strip clubs or calling in delivery.

This is the short version. I buy a girl a lady drink and it went well enough. Go to the room and she demands more $ to give a condom BJ to get things started. I asked her for my $ back as I never touched her. She refused.

Went and got the manager and through Google Translate he just kept saying that I should have arranged for the condom BJ in advance. Say what? LOL he thus supported her contention that she should be paid even though no services were provided.

I will not return, and if you decide to visit here I recommend that you keep this report in mind.Basically all strip clubs are clip joints designed to part you with as much of your money as they can and "no refunds".

I recommend non-Spanish speakers hook up with a ISG gringo who does and is in town before hitting the Centro clubs. Nothing says "rip me off" like using google translate.

However I have been there a bunch and other centro strip clubs and covered BJ was always included with no negotiation beforehand. How much did you offer to pay her, maybe she went real cheap with the idea to upsell in the room. Not surprised the club didn't give you your money back (but it's cute you asked) you went up stairs with the girl, for all they know you got off in record time. And a lot of this could have been lost in translation using google. How much did she want for the upsell? If it was 10 k or less you should have just handed over the $3.

I feel it's safer to just go with the flow in Centro, I took a VeraCruz spinner up to a room there and she turned out to have the wrong chromosomes, I didn't ask for my 30 k back, I just said never mind and left, not worth causing a scene over $10 amd maybe getting stabbed or beat up over it.

On the other hand I don't secession much at Barra Ejectiva because the rooms are usually too hot or dark for me, Conejitas has much nicer room, and even Maracaibos little rooms aren't as hot or dark.

09-21-18, 21:48
Pretty sure they screwed you at LunaLunera, I have been in and paid no cover but I think it is 10 k also. Also it's cheaper to sit at the bar at FaseII, they usually want you do get bottle service at a table, 120 k and up.Yeah I felt that 50 k was too high, but it was 1 am and I just wanted to make sure I wasnt missing out on anything. Turns out I wasnt. Fase dos was superior.

09-21-18, 22:07
Basically all strip clubs are clip joints designed to part you with as much of your money as they can and "no refunds".

I recommend non-Spanish speakers hook up with a ISG gringo who does and is in town before hitting the Centro clubs. Nothing says "rip me off" like using google translate.

However I have been there a bunch and other centro strip clubs and covered BJ was always included with no negotiation beforehand. How much did you offer to pay her, maybe she went real cheap with the idea to upsell in the room. Not surprised the club didn't give you your money back (but it's cute you asked) you went up stairs with the girl, for all they know you got off in record time. And a lot of this could have been lost in translation using google. How much did she want for the upsell? If it was 10 k or less you should have just handed over the $3..Hi Wolf,

The manager knew the deal broke down before we got started. It was a three way conversation him, myself, and the girl, so the club doesn't have that out. And I know a good bit of Spanish. Most of the conversing was done without translation.

I didn't ask the cost of her upsell. I also have gotten plenty of condom BJs with no upsell in Medellin. That of course is the norm.

I agree with your assessment of the Ejectiva rooms.

I also have gotten refunds at Centro strip clubs on two occasions so "cute" worked fine in those instances. In all cases I've been calm and non-aggressive.

Strip clubs are off my agenda for the rest of this trip. Though convenient if in Centro when the casas close, I have better options.

09-21-18, 23:20
To me it looks like Facebook is making a play to replace Ashley Madison. For the sake of guys who get involved with it, I hope the Facebook version plays out differently than Ashley Madison did.

It is interesting that the application will create a separate profile that will be inaccessible to your current friends on Facebook. The reason why I did not use Facebook in Medellin was so that nothing untoward would come up in my feed. I have read reports of guys creating separate Medellin profiles for the purposes of hooking up. I signed up for Instagram and all of a sudden some of my Facebook friends were following me whereas I was only following chicas found on Tinder and Seeking.

I would still be interested to see if anyone has priced the Instagram model market. It could be the same as the stories of expensive dinner dates and shopping excursions. They certainly did not respond to my offer of 175 k. I found out the night before that one of those I follow on Instagram was a webcam model.

09-22-18, 01:04
The poor guy got royally screwed at Luna Lunera. I'm sorry to read about them charging a cover. I never paid an entry fee and I can't remember ever even buying a drink, it's optional. You can negotiate the half hour fee down to 110,000 K during off peak hours.

Pretty sure they screwed you at LunaLunera, I have been in and paid no cover but I think it is 10 k also. Also it's cheaper to sit at the bar at FaseII, they usually want you do get bottle service at a table, 120 k and up.

09-22-18, 01:08
Great advice about going with the flow. It's easy to avoid the Crying Game scenario by just asking the provider "tu eres hembra?" They won't take offense.

Basically all strip clubs are clip joints designed to part you with as much of your money as they can and "no refunds".

I recommend non-Spanish speakers hook up with a ISG gringo who does and is in town before hitting the Centro clubs. Nothing says "rip me off" like using google translate.

However I have been there a bunch and other centro strip clubs and covered BJ was always included with no negotiation beforehand. How much did you offer to pay her, maybe she went real cheap with the idea to upsell in the room. Not surprised the club didn't give you your money back (but it's cute you asked) you went up stairs with the girl, for all they know you got off in record time. And a lot of this could have been lost in translation using google. How much did she want for the upsell? If it was 10 k or less you should have just handed over the $3..

Ho Lover1
09-22-18, 02:31
I meant to ask also: do you know anything about the SW scene near the Ayura station in Envigado? I saw on the badass comprehensive map that there's a seemingly large scene directly to the west of the station. That's walking distance for me! Haha. Just wondering if anybody has any recent news. If not, I will explore and report back soon.This is the Mayorista area. There is a Chevy dealership there next to the Ayura station. Walk down the street past the Chevy dealer for about 15 minutes and you will see an area of bars and hotels on your left. You will see SW in that area. Tables and chairs out on the sidewalk if you want to have food or drinks. Overall quality not that great but you may find a chica you like. Most girls working after 10 PM.

09-22-18, 05:13
Great advice about going with the flow. It's easy to avoid the Crying Game scenario by just asking the provider "tu eres hembra?" They won't take offense.Though any Ejectiva ho stepping way outside the norm upcharging a CBJ is surely looking for more than 10 mil. Don't apply your street corner / transexual interviews to all situations.

09-22-18, 15:36
Just blows my mind when people get stuck up over 30 k COP rather it be for a tip, BBBJ, or just price the girl charges. In my opinion at some point we have to be more realistic about mongering in a different country. Bro. You're about to fuck a beautiful woman! Why would you even consider ruining a potential great experience over $10.10 measly dollars? Your out of your country, she's smoking hot, you have a connection with her obviously because your choosing her over the extremely high numbers of available women. So stop being so tight was that you pass up on her over 10 american dollars. You would pay that to get a cheeseburger meal in the states and not bat an eye. Your fucking getting a girl to suck you without a condom! Big difference here. In my experience the biggest reason and "not always" but usually the reason womenarent good in bed is because quite frankly "She doesn't want to be there with you". Rather she's not attracted to you or she has other things on her mind and wants to make her money and get the heck out so she can pay that internet bill at home. Regardless I've experience that when money negotiations happen the walls go up. When you start haggling the price, in her head she's frustrated. On the surface she's smiling and engaged in the bidding war, but the more the price goes down, the more her desire goes down. Now she's definately going to take the lower price at some point but now you just became the guy that she has very little if any desire to fuck. She now has that stimulation to just hurry this along. Usually if you get a dead fish prostitute, there us a reason. She's a dead fish to you but a pornstar to someone else that she "Wants to fuck". This just my opinion and everyone has their own experiences so this is subjective. My method is this: have a set price on what I'm willing to spend on a girl. No more than xxx.xxx COP. Rather I'm in a strip club or wherever. I find the girl that makes my eyes big. I look at her body, smile, attitude, aggressiveness. If she comes off like a sexual tiger and has all the things I'm looking for, my mental price point adjust. We speak and it seems like she's ready to fuck me also. We now have a sexual connection. Perfect. She gives a price let's say 250.000 COP. Now here's the problem my price point is 150 k. That's 100.000 more than my price point. Sounds horrible until you think about it. Wait. That's $35. She is in her head thinking please say yes please say yes hahahahhah. My response is usually I would never pay that price but for a girl as attractive as you are, I will but just this once. Bro if she is that hot do not freaking ruin the vibe by trying to negotiate down to 200.000 k. Why?? Because as I said. Its $35 freaking dollars. As soon as you go lower, she exhales just a little bit. That exhale is mist of sexual performance leaving her body. She now is in negotiation mode and for every dollar you take away the less she wants to be there. Yes you can save $15 by getting her down to 200 k and closer to your 150 k price point but it's the mental motivation that you are sacrificing here! Now let me clear one thing up before you crop my post and reply to one sentence just to rebuttle my thought process. This applies only to the chicka you really want to bang. This isn't the concept you use for that 6 in the massage parlor but can be applied there also with similar affect. I am not telling you not to ever negotiate, because some of these women can give you an outrageous price expecting a negotiation but only you can determine rather its outrageous or not. Come to Columbia thinking I'm going to expect to spend xxx / girl. Set you maximum price per girl. If you see one close to your dream girl and you let $35 ruin the mental sexual connection for you two that's your own damn fault. Why are you even overseas without $35 to spare?! There's always that chick that is going to be a dead fish no matter what she's getting paid. That's because "She doesn't want to have sex with you " so it's out of your control. Just hear her price, if it is in you range and you want to bang her, screw the exhausting haggle crap. Save that for the girls you could care less if you bang. We are here in this country for 3 things. Beautiful women, experiences, and memories. If her price is too high and you can't / don't want to spend it. This moment determines a lot. I usually say OK let me get your number and I'll whattsapp you tonight or tomorrow. She's now on my back burner. I keep moving until I find the perfect situation price and beauty with minimal haggle if any. When you say YES to their price without being that guy, it seems like the sexual experience is "usually" better and that's what you are here for. That's what you will remember 5 years from now. Most of all Spoil yourself! Your on vacation!! Fuck $35!

09-22-18, 16:23
Does anyone know the name of the street where these girls work on the weekends?

09-22-18, 16:55
Does anyone know the name of the street where these girls work on the weekends?Calle de la Universidad.

09-22-18, 17:26
Did a casa run yesterday. Went to basically every casa on the map that was open except loutron, if you could consider that a casa. Most casas do not have the greatest looking chicas. I tried to session at each one even if I didn't like any girls, but some places had girls that were too ugly to fuck. Last time I visited just one to one spa on laureles, also too ugly, something like secret spa. Is there any casa where girlr are like 8+ , I may visit Medellin again, will try New life or Energy, maybe Loutron? . The only place I lreally iked the girsl were at Gustos, but is expensive, I want to try the casas.

09-22-18, 17:32
Just blows my mind when people get stuck up over 30 k COP rather it be for a tip, BBBJ, or just price the girl charges. In my opinion at some point we have to be more realistic about mongering in a different country. Bro. You're about to fuck a beautiful woman! Why would you even consider ruining a potential great experience over $10.10 measly dollars? Your out of your country, she's smoking hot, you have a connection with her obviously because your choosing her over the extremely high numbers of available women. So stop being so tight was that you pass up on her over 10 american dollars. You would pay that to get a cheeseburger meal in the states and not bat an eye. Your fucking getting a girl to suck you without a condom! Big difference here. In my experience the biggest reason and "not always" but usually the reason womenarent good in bed is because quite frankly "She doesn't want to be there with you". Rather she's not attracted to you or she has other things on her mind and wants to make her money and get the heck out so she can pay that internet bill at home. Regardless I've experience that when money negotiations happen the walls go up. When you start haggling the price, in her head she's frustrated. On the surface she's smiling and engaged in the bidding war, but the more the price goes down, the more her desire goes down. Now she's definately going to take the lower price at some point but now you just became the guy that she has very little if any desire to fuck. She now has that stimulation to just hurry this along. Usually if you get a dead fish prostitute, there us a reason. She's a dead fish to you but a pornstar to someone else that she "Wants to fuck". This just my opinion and everyone has their own experiences so this is subjective. My method is this: have a set price on what I'm willing to spend on a girl. No more than xxx.xxx COP. Rather I'm in a strip club or wherever. I find the girl that makes my eyes big. I look at her body, smile, attitude, aggressiveness. If she comes off like a sexual tiger and has all the things I'm looking for, my mental price point adjust. We speak and it seems like she's ready to fuck me also. We now have a sexual connection. Perfect. She gives a price let's say 250.000 COP. Now here's the problem my price point is 150 k. That's 100.000 more than my price point. Sounds horrible until you think about it. Wait. That's $35. She is in her head thinking please say yes please say yes hahahahhah. My response is usually I would never pay that price but for a girl as attractive as you are, I will but just this once. Bro if she is that hot do not freaking ruin the vibe by trying to negotiate down to 200.000 k. Why?? Because as I said. Its $35 freaking dollars. As soon as you go lower, she exhales just a little bit. That exhale is mist of sexual performance leaving her body. She now is in negotiation mode and for every dollar you take away the less she wants to be there. Yes you can save $15 by getting her down to 200 k and closer to your 150 k price point but it's the mental motivation that you are sacrificing here! Now let me clear one thing up before you crop my post and reply to one sentence just to rebuttle my thought process. This applies only to the chicka you really want to bang. This isn't the concept you use for that 6 in the massage parlor but can be applied there also with similar affect. I am not telling you not to ever negotiate, because some of these women can give you an outrageous price expecting a negotiation but only you can determine rather its outrageous or not. Come to Columbia thinking I'm going to expect to spend xxx / girl. Set you maximum price per girl. If you see one close to your dream girl and you let $35 ruin the mental sexual connection for you two that's your own damn fault. Why are you even overseas without $35 to spare?! There's always that chick that is going to be a dead fish no matter what she's getting paid. That's because "She doesn't want to have sex with you " so it's out of your control. Just hear her price, if it is in you range and you want to bang her, screw the exhausting haggle crap. Save that for the girls you could care less if you bang. We are here in this country for 3 things. Beautiful women, experiences, and memories. If her price is too high and you can't / don't want to spend it. This moment determines a lot. I usually say OK let me get your number and I'll whattsapp you tonight or tomorrow. She's now on my back burner. I keep moving until I find the perfect situation price and beauty with minimal haggle if any. When you say YES to their price without being that guy, it seems like the sexual experience is "usually" better and that's what you are here for. That's what you will remember 5 years from now. Most of all Spoil yourself! Your on vacation!! Fuck $35!I agree with you about arguing over 10 lousy dollars but I disagree with most everything else you said. First, if you think that any of these girls WANT to fuck us you are delusional. Second, if she was lousy in bed for 100 K she would have been lousy in bed at 200 K. That said, you can definitely ruin a session with hard and long negotiation, just avoid it by not asking what their price is and instead tell them what you are willing to pay, if she wants a few pesos more than what you offered you decide if you think that she is worth it and either walk away or seal the deal, it is not rocket science but never ever ask a girl what her price is. And by the way, it is spelled Col-O-mbia.

09-22-18, 18:25
Calle de la Universidad.Thanks. What do the girls usually charge? Am I wrong to assume they would be hotter than the normal street walkers you would see in Vera Cruz or Lleras area?

Black Page
09-22-18, 19:39
Thanks. What do the girls usually charge? Am I wrong to assume they would be hotter than the normal street walkers you would see in Vera Cruz or Lleras area?I think you triggered one of the rarest peaks of fine humor of Mr. Express. He was so good that you did not get it.

Did you look for "CL. De La Universidad" on Google Maps? Did you find anything downtown or in a remote neighborough?

Black Page
09-22-18, 19:44
And by the way, it is spelled Col-O-mbia.I am always amazed by those gringoes who read about the place before travelling, buy a ticket, book a hotel, fly there, come back, and still did not learn that there's Colombia and there's Washington DC.

09-22-18, 20:37
The SWs in Centro increase significantly in numbers and quality Saturday afternoon. Guaranteed to find something you like out there right now.

09-22-18, 23:48
Most of all Spoil yourself! Your on vacation!

I am so sick of this excuse for over paying.

The Tall Man
09-23-18, 00:09
The poor guy got royally screwed at Luna Lunera. I'm sorry to read about them charging a cover. I never paid an entry fee and I can't remember ever even buying a drink, it's optional. You can negotiate the half hour fee down to 110,000 K during off peak hours.Me too, over the past 2 or 3 years I stop in Luna Lunera once every other month or so as my Colombian friend like to hang out a bit there, I have NEVER had to pay any entrance fee.

The Tall Man.

09-23-18, 01:49
Last time I visited just one to one spa on laureles, also too ugly, something like secret spa. Is there any casa where girlr are like 8+ , I may visit Medellin again, will try New life or Energy, maybe Loutron? . The only place I lreally iked the girsl were at Gustos, but is expensive, I want to try the casas.Just about any place is better than Secret Spa. They are the same price as Energy, but the girls there wouldn't make it in a casa charging 1/3 the price.

Try Energy, New Life, Aiffe, Sexxy Amigas, Yakuza or just about any other casa.

09-23-18, 01:55
Thanks. What do the girls usually charge? Am I wrong to assume they would be hotter than the normal street walkers you would see in Vera Cruz or Lleras area?All of them are 10's with no kids, 18 years old, give perfect GFE and PSE at the same time and the only charge 20 k for 3 hours, or 30 k if you want a threesome.

09-23-18, 03:30
Holy crap, guys hate on this place so much it's starting to make me curious. It's like a bad road accident you don't want to see but can't help slowing down to take a look.

Just about any place is better than Secret Spa. They are the same price as Energy, but the girls there wouldn't make it in a casa charging 1/3 the price.

Try Energy, New Life, Aiffe, Sexxy Amigas, Yakuza or just about any other casa.

09-23-18, 05:24
All of them are 10's with no kids, 18 years old, give perfect GFE and PSE at the same time and the only charge 20 k for 3 hours, or 30 k if you want a threesome.What's with the sarcasm? LOL.

09-23-18, 07:30
Just about any place is better than Secret Spa. They are the same price as Energy, but the girls there wouldn't make it in a casa charging 1/3 the price.

Try Energy, New Life, Aiffe, Sexxy Amigas, Yakuza or just about any other casa.Sounds about right.