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Mr Enternational
12-06-18, 13:22
SteelBaton poses a very valid and important question. Where do the fresh women in Colombia start out? In my experience an "attractive 18 year old who decides she needs some extra pocket money" first goes to a small casa. From there, in Medellin she may go to New Life or Energy to increase her turnover. If she is an extrovert or has issues like drugs that prevent her being accepted in a casa, she may start on the street at Veracruz.

Me, I have had a hard time finding fresh GFE girls in Medellin and Bogota and had more success in second-tier cities Barranquilla and Bucaramanga where everything is somewhat more laid-back and the girls more low-mileage.Besides that, all you really know is what you are told. So tell any chick without implants to tell you that she is new to this and you shall be non the wiser. Like here in Pattaya if you ask a chick how long she has been here she will say 2 weeks. Most of the time that means that she had been back home and it has been 2 weeks since she has returned to Pattaya, not 2 weeks that she has been in the game as many mongers take it.

12-06-18, 13:47
Like here in Pattaya if you ask a chick how long she has been here she will say 2 weeks. Most of the time that means that she had been back home and it has been 2 weeks since she has returned to Pattaya, not 2 weeks that she has been in the game as many mongers take it.I do the same thing in Jakarta. When the locals ask me how long I have been in Indonesia, I will tell the amount of time I have been there that current visit. So if I flew in 2 weeks prior, I will say 2 weeks. In reality I have been there a good part of 20 years.

12-06-18, 14:35
Besides that, all you really know is what you are told. So tell any chick without implants to tell you that she is new to this and you shall be non the wiser. Like here in Pattaya if you ask a chick how long she has been here she will say 2 weeks. Most of the time that means that she had been back home and it has been 2 weeks since she has returned to Pattaya, not 2 weeks that she has been in the game as many mongers take it.What the girl tells you may or may not be true. Like the time a lively cute Venezolana told me she had been a medical student at home. Later, seeing how she writes on whatsapp, I'm sure her education is less than high-school. Still, I would repeat with her, but she's in Quito now.

Anyway. What you really know is the experience you have with the girl. Is she fresh, cute GFE and into you, or is she hardened, transactional, mechanical. That is the point. If you prefer the former then it's worthwhile looking for girls that are genuinely new and low-mileage, because you are unlikely to get it when you are her dick number 1001.

And just like diamonds, they are not found equally everywhere, so it helps to have an idea where to go mining.

Oh, and here's another anecdote: After a good session in a small casa in Medellin my girl asks me if I had any dollars. I told her no, sorry, in Colombia I only carry pesos. She was a little disappointed and told me she's only curious, she's never seen a real dollar!

12-06-18, 17:15
I spent the past few days in Parque Lleras. It's nice but I keep reading posts about better prices in other places in Los Angelos, San Diego, etc. An old dude told me to get on the Day game but not sure where. Honestly I would rather do Day game anyways. But the Colombian Uber I call for rides said that New Life is in a bad area for day game and too dangerous for night so he won't take me there. Can anyone give some advice on New Life or any other club outside Parque Lleras in terms to Day Game. Before 7 pm? Also is new Life dangerous in general?Most of the casas are in El Centro, most are in a reasonably safe area of El Centro. The only problem I know of in the area, a year ago some guy was stopping gringos, telling them he was the police and "confiscating" their money. Most of the casas have a picture and a warning posted about the guy. I haven't heard of anyone encountering him this year.

None of the taxi drivers will know the name of a casa, but most of them know where they are. Ask "conoces la casa de chicas con la puerta azul?" That's New Life, with the blue door. One block north, in almost the exact same spot on the block is Aiffe. It has a red door. The best time to visit is between late morning and mid afternoon.

Go to the Medellin Lists thread and download the PDF of casas. That will give you the addresses. Find the addresses on Google maps and use street view to see the area. There are several within a short walk from New Life. Take a taxi directly to New Life and start from there.

12-06-18, 18:12
SteelBaton poses a very valid and important question. Where do the fresh women in Colombia start out? In my experience an "attractive 18 year old who decides she needs some extra pocket money" first goes to a small casa. From there, in Medellin she may go to New Life or Energy to increase her turnover. If she is an extrovert or has issues like drugs that prevent her being accepted in a casa, she may start on the street at Veracruz. The problem isn't where the fresh girls in Medellin start out, it's when, and when is about 4 years sooner than you should be looking for them. By the time they make it to most of the casas they've been at it for at least 2 or 3 years. The only exception I know of is a casa which doesn't require a cedula from the girls.

Any girl on Veracruz has been around it her whole life. Chances are, that woman standing next to her is her mother. If drugs have brought her to the street, she's not fresh. The dealers all just got tired of giving her drugs for sex.

Not that there aren't attractive and fun girls to be found in the casas or on the streets, but you're just fooling yourself if you think they're new to the game.

Me, I have had a hard time finding fresh GFE girls in Medellin and Bogota and had more success in second-tier cities Barranquilla and Bucaramanga where everything is somewhat more laid-back and the girls more low-mileage.

I wouldn't recommend "smaller or mid-size towns" because they generally don't have the establishments that we are looking for. Girls don't work in their home towns where they are likely to be found out, they go to the anonymity of the city.How it works is you go to an area, stop in a restaurant and have lunch. Chat with the owner, cook and waitress, the only person working there. Leave a 4 k tip for your 6 k lunch. Go down the street to a small bar or a little store with tables outside. Have 2 beers. Chat with whoever is around. Stop in a few stores, buy a few little things, talk to whoever is working. Give a few compliments to the women. Repeat as necessary. When you see a girl who interests you, greet her and ask a few questions about the area. It doesn't matter what you ask. If there's something interesting in the area, ask if she'll guide you there. Or ask for directions to the closest metro station, or which bus to take to get you back to your hotel. Compliment her. Be nice and friendly and try to get her WhatsApp.

It requires some effort. You need to study the area some and you need to talk to a lot of people. Once people see you as a nice guy, doors will open.

I've seen someone make it work. I made a variation of it work. I found an older woman who occasionally turns tricks when money is really tight and floated out that I was looking for someone to clean my apartment. That led me to meeting her daughter, who also takes on occasional customers. That brought invites to visit their home, in an estrato 2 area and introductions to the daughter's friends. The friends aren't really in the business, but I'm a nice guy, I treat people well.

Colombians don't tend to befriend people in public and meet new people through their network of friends and family. However, it's generally easy to get into a conversation with someone sharing your long distance bus or plane, for example, not sure how that works on the metro or city bus. A better strategy would be to befriend girls and have them introduce you to their friends.Colombians are happy to befriend people, especially paisas. I had no problem making friends and I'm more of an introvert. They're curious, they like to talk, they like to hear about different places. And a lot of them have a friend or a cousin who doesn't have a novio.

12-06-18, 19:03
Man, you are confused and need to spend time reading TFF. "Game" is what you need to make emotional connections with girls so that they will want to fuck you. Instead of game you can use money. You don't need game to go to New Life any more than you need to be Italian to go to a pizzeria.

New Life is only open daytime. I recommend you go there and to the other centro casas. Nothing bad is likely to happen to you walking around that part of centro during the day, but it likely will greatly expand your outlook on life. Get WorldTraveler69's map on your phone.

For "day game", that is picking up girls with charm not money, your best bet it Parque Lleras, but you're more likely to be picked up by overpriced putas hunting for gringos.Thanks for the input. At WorldTraveler69 Thank you for the map also. I got Avantel for 20 mil pesos for a month. Unlimited Whatsapp and 1 GB data. I am working my "game" today, ladies are easy to talk to. My Spanish needs more work. LOL I have been Pataya, Jakarta, Dubai, Australia, Singapore. Lived in Japan. I'm always a gentleman. Unfortunately with Avantel I can't access the map on my phone. Need a VPN.

1st night: I went to Parque Lleras. Saw bad chick on the street. Saying 3 cientos. I said 200 mil pesos. She agreed. Got back to the room (which charged me 150 for guest. Just like Pattaya. Should done my homework). She said 50 extra for sex in the room. So I give her 50 and she won't even let me get half in. I just told her to finish CBJ.

2nd night: parque lleras: Idk the name of the club sorry. It was on the first floor, but had a club directly above it with a view across the park. The guy promoting it said good mujeres, so I said cuantos cuesta. He said 150 so I went. It was like 1 am and a few cute ladies (looks are 7's). The lady said 200, I said 150. She agreed and she took me to a hotel across the street for 80 mil pesos. Some dude from Miami was working there talking to me, small talk. I thought he wanted to fight me. LOL but he was cool. The room was nice. Her body was damn. Natural. Perfecto. Everything. So for her and the hotel 230 mil pesos.

3rd night was at La Isla. Gorgeous. I walked in paid 10 mil pesos for the cover fee. FYI. I took a UBER (Did not know UBER is illegal here. UBER driver parked me behind the building to not be seen. Also always ride in the front with Uber here) . I sat on the 1 of many couches. Ratio of women to men. 20:1. So I got approached by a few ladies. She said tres cientos. I said 250 mil pesos for hour. Now the 250 includes the hotel, sex and CBJ. She had a condom but I always have my own. Nice room, she washed me before and after. Was the best I had thus far.

What I will do next time: Pay the cover fee, Do not sit down, continue to walk until you find the woman you want. Talk to her and negotiate. Always negotiate with manners. Then go. I dropped like 50 pesos on other ladies that kept coming to me asking for a tip. So do not sit down and find your lady fast and take her to the back. You may end up giving some tips. I think those are the rules and I did not want drama. So again Find the lady you want Fast. FYI a lot of the ladies have implants (breasts and / or butts). From what I noticed about half did. I prefer natural.

4th day / night: taking some of everyone's advice and do the day game.

12-06-18, 19:22
I disagree. I find these types of girls in many places in Asia (Jakarta, small bars in BKK, HK honey girls, "chicken shops" in rural China, top-tier bars like Kojak in Manila, etc). Most places I frequent I can *eventually* find the bars or locations where women are just beginning to work in this business or are working part-time. I'm just wondering where in Columbia they are likely to be found? Sometimes it's a FL cafe, or streetwalkers, or small clubs, or the most expensive clubs who will pay the most for fresh women. Where does that attractive 18 year old who decides she needs some extra pocket money first go? They all begin somewhere, where is it in Medellin??You can try La Isla. The girl I talked to tell me she can come and go freely, not hired by the bar. I don't look for particular age but this is the only place that I have met girls in your range. The other places will be Centro but many of those look [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) and you need some Spanish. The other bar will be Gusto. Do a search to see reports.

Mr Enternational
12-07-18, 04:09
The other places will be Centro but many of those look isgprohibitedwords and you need some Spanish.Nah they don't look that way, they ARE that way. After noticing those are not adult clothes that those chicks had on I decided to ask. And I was taunted for being scared. I had no problem admitting to them that of course I was scared and not willing to take on the problems associated with that.

The problem isn't where the fresh girls in Medellin start out, it's when, and when is about 4 years sooner than you should be looking for them.Ain't nobody turning 18 then just magically heading out to be a brand new fresh hooker as they would be heading out to take the driver's test, heading out to vote, or heading out to drink.

I found an older woman who occasionally turns tricks when money is really tight and floated out that I was looking for someone to clean my apartment. That led me to meeting her daughter, who also takes on occasional customers. That brought invites to visit their home, in an estrato 2 area and introductions to the daughter's friends. The friends aren't really in the business, but I'm a nice guy, I treat people well.Yeah well you are talking about a process that is part game and part luck. Because you most certainly did not start off with it in your mind that you would end up fucking the friends of some older chick's daughter. You just happened to fall into that. Most guys want the ease of point and click for a girl with the freshness of Downy, all while not being able to speak the language.

12-07-18, 22:56
Most guys want the ease of point and click for a girl with the freshness of Downy, all while not being able to speak the language.Yep. They're all looking for that magical vending machine that pops out 18 year old virgins, who nevertheless already know everything they need to make sex exciting and satisfying.

12-08-18, 07:33
Where does that attractive 18 year old who decides she needs some extra pocket money first go? They all begin somewhere, where is it in Medellin??

I don't have the patience for the online romancing sites that take days and weeks to cultivate.They don't go anywhere. By the time they decide to go somewhere to work they have already been selling their ass for a while.

The best place to meet them is on facebook if you have the patience. Any chick that will spend a decent amount of time chatting with you online is game. Then just ask them to met you out somewhere. If they bring up money they are not fresh. If they show up in public to meet a guy that is twice or more her age she is game for almost anything. You just need to lay it on her after a couple drinks and a joint.

If I had to pick one place that I have picked up the most 18 year olds in person. It would be Palmahia for after hours. But it takes patience and stamina to stay up partying until 4 or 5 in the morning to get them back to your place.

It is one thing to get a broke chick to drink your liquor and dance with you but it is quite another thing to get her to leave her partying friends to go home with you for money. So you have to wait her friends out and sometimes you just end up with a phone number or facebook contact.

Another thing is you really can't go out alone or you will just look weird or stupid.

The first time I ever went to Palmahia was with mansion chicks after the La Cueva closed. I was there with three other chicks and we split a bottle and I ended up going home with a chick I met there. The truth is trying to pick up drunk 18 year olds is probably the last thing you should be doing in Medellin on a Friday or Saturday night. Only do it if all your best made plans fall through. Much better odds with Facebook IMHO when searching for the girls that are open to being propositioned for the first time.

World Travel 69
12-08-18, 15:38
Switch your sim card to Movistar.

I did not have any trouble with my maps.

Thanks for the input. At WorldTraveler69 Thank you for the map also. I got Avantel for 20 mil pesos for a month. Unlimited Whatsapp and 1 GB data. I am working my "game" today, ladies are easy to talk to. My Spanish needs more work. LOL I have been Pataya, Jakarta, Dubai, Australia, Singapore. Lived in Japan. I'm always a gentleman. Unfortunately with Avantel I can't access the map on my phone. Need a VPN.

12-08-18, 22:57
Greetings men,

I'll be going to Medellin in January and already have 5 nights reserved in M1. I've been to medellin before, however, wanted to stay in the Hotel Charlee in Parque Lleras for a few days before the Mansion. I'm a gringo and have never stayed in Parque Lleras, but I'm hearing that a gringo, alone here is not adviseable in Parque Lleras. I've been to Tijuana, DR, Costa Rica and definitely keep my wits to me, but is Parque Lleras at night that bad?

12-09-18, 01:21
I had 1 day left and like you said I was on limited time, so I said fuck it and just told her flat out that the next day we would fuck. She said no. (I did not offer to pay her as your friend did.) I said what time are you coming. She said I am not. The next afternoon I asked her if she was on her way yet. She said she had to get her kid off to school and she would be on the way. We went to eat lunch and went back to the hotel and fucked. Now she is all in love..THIs is the move my friend. Hahh I love that. I've totally done this one I dunno how many times. Last time was in Bogota. Fucking her was soo good, it was like opps no condom even. Damn her pussy was great but she was WAY too demanding after that. It was like the movie Don Jon where she wants an unrealistic guy in a rom com movie. Anyway. I LOVE that game when you just tell them what's happening.


The Tall Man
12-09-18, 03:29
Yep. They're all looking for that magical vending machine that pops out 18 year old virgins, who nevertheless already know everything they need to make sex exciting and satisfying.A great idea! Bring that one in front of the Sharks! The boys at The Shark Tank will buy in millions, jajaja.

The Tall Man.

12-09-18, 06:19
Greetings men,

I'll be going to Medellin in January and already have 5 nights reserved in M1. I've been to medellin before, however, wanted to stay in the Hotel Charlee in Parque Lleras for a few days before the Mansion. I'm a gringo and have never stayed in Parque Lleras, but I'm hearing that a gringo, alone here is not adviseable in Parque Lleras. I've been to Tijuana, DR, Costa Rica and definitely keep my wits to me, but is Parque Lleras at night that bad?There is nothing dangerous about Parque Lleras.

I do think you should have booked the nights at the Charlee after your stay at the Mansion instead of before. Unless of course you already have chicas lined up.

Iguana Six
12-09-18, 07:07
There is nothing dangerous about Parque Lleras.

I do think you should have booked the nights at the Charlee after your stay at the Mansion instead of before. Unless of course you already have chicas lined up.He's right, why'know.

12-09-18, 07:22
Greetings men,

I'll be going to Medellin in January and already have 5 nights reserved in M1. I've been to medellin before, however, wanted to stay in the Hotel Charlee in Parque Lleras for a few days before the Mansion. I'm a gringo and have never stayed in Parque Lleras, but I'm hearing that a gringo, alone here is not adviseable in Parque Lleras. I've been to Tijuana, DR, Costa Rica and definitely keep my wits to me, but is Parque Lleras at night that bad?Where in the name of all that is holy did you hear that? Of all the crazy things I've heard about Medellin, that's got to top the list. Whoever is telling you that knows absolutely nothing about Parque Lleras.

For a gringo alone in Medellin, with no knowledge of the city and limited Spanish, Parque Lleras is the safest place for you to be. The only bad thing in Parque Lleras is trying to get a taxi out 30 minutes after the bars close.

12-09-18, 07:23
Greetings men,

I'm a gringo and have never stayed in Parque Lleras, but I'm hearing that a gringo, alone here is not adviseable in Parque Lleras. I've been to Tijuana, DR, Costa Rica and definitely keep my wits to me, but is Parque Lleras at night that bad?Parque Lleras is perfectly safe, even at night. Lots of upper class Colombians with a few gringos mixed in, mingling around all the little bars and restaurants. Decent police presence too. The chances of you being a victim of violence is extremely small. It is a very safe area, don't be concerned.

12-09-18, 09:43
There is nothing dangerous about Parque Lleras.

I do think you should have booked the nights at the Charlee after your stay at the Mansion instead of before...Haha, I agree! The stay at the Charlee should definitely be after the mansion, not before. World of difference between the two.

Horny Goats
12-09-18, 18:32
Not sure if it's because of the holidays or what, but I went to Energy on Friday and it was the largest and best lineup I've ever seen. I also struck gold with my choice. All told the best experience I've had at Energy, and I've been many times.

12-10-18, 01:46
The biggest danger at Lleras is getting clipped for 300 K by a park prepago or in Gustos. The second biggest danger is having your ear bent by gringos at Juan Valdez Cafe.

Parque Lleras is perfectly safe, even at night. Lots of upper class Colombians with a few gringos mixed in, mingling around all the little bars and restaurants. Decent police presence too. The chances of you being a victim of violence is extremely small. It is a very safe area, don't be concerned.

12-10-18, 21:33
Not sure if it's because of the holidays or what, but I went to Energy on Friday and it was the largest and best lineup I've ever seen. I also struck gold with my choice. All told the best experience I've had at Energy, and I've been many times.The rush to make $$ before the holidays and get some Christmas gifts is REAL! That said, also watch your back cause it is robbery season. The GI Joe Kung Fu Grip is now replaced with Ipads and Laptops and cellphones so the stakes are higher!!

Def going to go next week and check it out. So far I had my hands SOOO busy with these new batch of freaks. I honeslly don't know what happened but lately they are all like PSE with BB and facials. (Showing my test and theirs of course).

Ill have a report soon but it is good to know that Energy is back to it's glory. I was there back in April and it was lackluster.

12-10-18, 21:50
In Thailand in a lot of the BJ bars you can get head in the bar area.

Unfamiliar with the Medellin scene but is there any strip club or anything where I can get head or full service out in the open.

12-11-18, 01:24
I have not heard of that service in Medellin.

Getting back off topic, I've often wondered if the Thailand BJ bars are the places ladyboys go to work.

In Thailand in a lot of the BJ bars you can get head in the bar area.

Unfamiliar with the Medellin scene but is there any strip club or anything where I can get head or full service out in the open.

12-11-18, 01:32
I was in Medellin last January. Went to New Life. It was different from all the other casas I've been to. There was a lot activity going on, they had many girls lined up single file, and they walked up one by one. They seemed I'll at ease, uncomfortable (except one who actually smiled and looked me in the eye. All the other ones gave a flimsy handshake, looking away.) It seemed like the line up would never end, so I told the guy in charge to stop the line up, and give me the cheerful one. Her attitude was good and we had fun. Unlike the other casas, payment was make after the session, with a paper filled out showing the time, which we took to a register window. It was a tad more expensive than the other casas, but not too much.

12-11-18, 05:19
In Thailand in a lot of the BJ bars you can get head in the bar area.

Unfamiliar with the Medellin scene but is there any strip club or anything where I can get head or full service out in the open.No way. Colombia is nothing like Thailand.

Mr Enternational
12-11-18, 07:09
In Thailand in a lot of the BJ bars you can get head in the bar area.

Unfamiliar with the Medellin scene but is there any strip club or anything where I can get head or full service out in the open.Only if you are lucky enough to be part of the show on stage.

12-11-18, 12:15
In Thailand in a lot of the BJ bars you can get head in the bar area.

Unfamiliar with the Medellin scene but is there any strip club or anything where I can get head or full service out in the open.I see they have an adult theater. I was thinking it might be fun to bring a girl there. I did that once in Costa Rica. It was a blast. She was so embarrassed.

Or they have swinger clubs. If anyone wants to adventure with me, hit me up. I'll be there Dec 27th til Jan 14th.

12-11-18, 19:11
I see they have an adult theater. I was thinking it might be fun to bring a girl there. I did that once in Costa Rica. It was a blast. She was so embarrassed.

Or they have swinger clubs. If anyone wants to adventure with me, hit me up. I'll be there Dec 27th til Jan 14th.Take a girl on the Metrocable to Parque Arvi, daytime during the week. The second Metrocable, from Santo Domingo to Parque Arvi is about 15 minutes and you're almost guaranteed to have a car to yourself.

12-12-18, 05:01
Colombia The Holy Mecca.

It's changed a lot over the last 10 years. It's nolonger point and click. Let's start with the beginning.


It used to be a place where you stayed at the Mansion and you could have walk down the street and approach most women in English and they would be happy to talk to you. Those days are over. Greg used to have great parties. It's still a good place for a first timmer.

Casa's are still a great way to enjoy the day but many are closing. NewLife and Loutron are great. Unfortunately most of the girls have moved to the internet so now you have to be tech Savvy. Now your best bet is seeking, tinder, Instagram and Facebook. Once you make some friends add her friends on Instagram. Make a new profile for your self. It's also gotten expensive as the city has become more cosmopolitan.

Not as good as it used to be.

I would say Cartegena is like Medellin. Expensive and to touristy now. Cartegna is the worse city if you are looking for a good deal. Don't stay long probably the worse place. Visit the Clocktower, Beach, LDV and Pley Club are still open.

Things may be changing with Venzeulans coming.

Hidden Gems.

Cali still gets less traffic so women are more friendly and more approachable. You can still talk to people because less gringos visit.

Santa Marta is another hidden gem. You can still approach people and plenty of Venzeulans so they are asking for 50 k to 75 k cop. Banana and the place next door. Also a lot of park novios action.

The Tall Man
12-12-18, 16:02
Colombia The Holy Mecca.

It's changed a lot over the last 10 years. It's nolonger point and click. Let's start with the beginning.


It used to be a place where you stayed at the Mansion and you could have walk down the street and approach most women in English and they would be happy to talk to you. Those days are over. Greg used to have great parties. It's still a good place for a first timmer.

Casa's are still a great way to enjoy the day but many are closing. NewLife and Loutron are great. Unfortunately most of the girls have moved to the internet so now you have to be tech Savvy. Now your best bet is seeking, tinder, Instagram and Facebook. Once you make some friends add her friends on Instagram. Make a new profile for your self. It's also gotten expensive as the city has become more cosmopolitan.

Not as good as it used to be.

I would say Cartegena is like Medellin. Expensive and to touristy now. Cartegna is the worse city if you are looking for a good deal. Don't stay long probably the worse place. Visit the Clocktower, Beach, LDV and Pley Club are still open.

Things may be changing with Venzeulans coming.

Hidden Gems.

Cali still gets less traffic so women are more friendly and more approachable. You can still talk to people because less gringos visit.

Santa Marta is another hidden gem. You can still approach people and plenty of Venzeulans so they are asking for 50 k to 75 k cop. Banana and the place next door. Also a lot of park novios action.I agree medellin has changed but I have found that my mongering style has changed too, I should say has adapted or evolved, so that now I am having the best time of my life in medellin, not necessarily better nor worse but different and a lot of fun.

When I first visited medellin almost 9 years ago when I was out with friends at a club I would actually have our waiter bring me notes from girls in the club who wanted to come to their table and meet them, telephone numbers and very kind messages, this does not happen anymore, maybe cause I am 9 years older but none-the-less I still have a hell of a time in medellin.

This being said in the next few weeks I will re-visit Cali to experience what others have reported on.

Keep you posted.

The Tall Man.

12-12-18, 16:07
Hi everyone,

I have a question regarding photoprepagos.com site.

When I'm comparing those two cities, Bogota has something like 1300 putas and Medellin around 500, any idea why such difference?

Peace out.

12-12-18, 16:33
Tall Man in the spirit of sharing can you give us your quick and dirty on how to make the most of Medllin and enjoy it as much as you do.

I agree medellin has changed but I have found that my mongering style has changed too, I should say has adapted or evolved, so that now I am having the best time of my life in medellin, not necessarily better nor worse but different and a lot of fun.

When I first visited medellin almost 9 years ago when I was out with friends at a club I would actually have our waiter bring me notes from girls in the club who wanted to come to their table and meet them, telephone numbers and very kind messages, this does not happen anymore, maybe cause I am 9 years older but none-the-less I still have a hell of a time in medellin.

This being said in the next few weeks I will re-visit Cali to experience what others have reported on.

Keep you posted.

The Tall Man.

12-12-18, 17:33
I agree w / Tall Man about the changes in Medellin. I've been coming for 5 years now and even since then it's changed quite dramatically. Not as "point and click" as Tall Man eloquently explained.

I'm reaching out to the great stalwarts of this board to see if anyone has had any success w / new locations / casas, venues. Here's a recap of trips the past couple of months:

I visited Medellin in November:

-New Life- went 3 times, was disappointed in the talent. Used to be a lot of 8's and 9's. But I only saw 6's and maybe a couple of 7's. What happened?

-Energy- went 2 times, and there were only about 7-8 chicas, none were compelling. This used to be an amazing casa with 20-30 women and many 8's and 9's.

-Fase Dos. Didn't see many stunners here in my 3 visits, and I used to find easily 4-5 stunners on any given night.

-La Isla. I did find a couple of 9's here in my 2 visits, but there used to be nearly 10 dimes in this place.

-Loutron. I arrived at 5 pm. And there were only 7 women there, one was a 9 - but I was expecting much more from the reviews.

I'm wondering if I went during a drought or a bad time (in November) - but I left Medellin unsatisfied for the first time.

But as fate would turn it. I have returned to Colombia starting with Cartagena. Where I just finished my 2nd overall visit for 2 days. My luck hasn't improved as I took a cab to Pley Club and it was closed! I arrived at midnight on a Tuesday night and the place was deserted. So disappointing as last time I was in Cartagena this place was buzzing with 9's and 10's.

I did find some high quality chicas at LDV and Space. And a few walking around the clock tower. But I came specifically for Club Pley. My visit was December 10th & 11th.

I am now boarding a flight to Medellin and hoping to return to past glory. I generally don't like the Tinder / FB scene because I prefer to see the women in person. But the game has changed so much that it's almost imperative to have some type of tech game going.

Has anyone had success at New Life lately? Energy? I did read a promising recent review on Energy. When is the best time / day to visit Loutron? Any new casas?

I'll be here today (Wednesday) through Sunday. And am happy to meet up and share wisdom if anyone wants to.

Best of fortune to you all.

12-13-18, 00:05
Hi everyone,

I have a question regarding photoprepagos.com site.

When I'm comparing those two cities, Bogota has something like 1300 putas and Medellin around 500, any idea why such difference?

Peace out.Bogota has 8 million people and Medellin has 2 million, simple math.

12-13-18, 02:44
First, apologies in advance for asking a bunch of questions that have surely been answered in the past but I used the search function here and I was chasing my tail. Holy shit, there is a lot of info here! I am 40, look like I'm in my early 30's, 5'9 about 160, generally fit, not "hot" by American standards but definitely told regularly that I am handsome. I don't mean that to sound arrogant, I'm not. I think it's relevant though for determining the best arrangement for my visit. I will be traveling alone and I'm sober so I won't be going out partying. Although I do want to check some places out. As of today I have reserved 10 days at Mansion, deposit paid. Looking at $70/ night based on the 2 night deposit charge on my CC. My Spanish is beginner but I have 3 months to study Rosetta Stone. I think a lot will come back to me since I took a couple years of Spanish in High School and a year in College.

Any help you guys can give, suggestions, feedback, etc. Is greatly appreciated. Here are my specific questions:


1. Is it simple to get a chica back to your room in Mansion? Do I just walk up to them and ask to hang out and work out details from there?

2. Is BBJ common or do all of the chicas mostly require CBJ?

3. If I stay at a hotel is it safe to have the chicas back to my room (understanding that I might have to pay extra)?

4. Since I am traveling solo, where am I OK to walk during the day to visit casas / strip clubs / etc?

5. I understand from reading online, that the norm is to use a room at the casas / strip clubs / etc instead of taking the chica back to my place. Are these rooms safe / clean?

6. Is there anywhere that GFE is easily found? What about super hot girls that do GFE. Where are they?

7. Can I bring outside girls into Mansion or do I have to stick to the ones working on site?

8. How do I start the process on Facebook or Instagram? I have seen a lot of comments saying those are good resources. I am good with social media so I'd like to take advantage.


1. Where is the best place to get money? Is is ill advised to try and get money out at night?

2. How much should I have on me at any one time? I am guessing that I could hit the ATM daily and just keep what I need for the day. Maybe hold a stash in my room's safe. Thoughts?

3. What is the best denomination of bills for me to carry so I don't have to worry about change?

4. I plan to have a budget, after travel and hotel, of about 300 USD per day. Is this going to suffice and allow me to have a lot of fun?


1. I have Verizon unlimited and an IphoneX. Do I need a new SIM card or will I be good to go with what I have? I plan to use WhatsApp on my phone for the most part.

2. For dating, I plan to use Colombian Cupid and Tinder but also want to approach women in person. Is the Mall or daytime streets the best for that if I want to find a nice, non-working woman?

3. Any suggestions for activities aside from women? Hikes, biking, pools, or other adventures?

In closing. I am really excited to go but I also want to stay firmly planted in reality. I am a cautious person and can generally make good decisions. Provided I stay sober. You all seem to have your shit straight. I just want to avoid big mistakes.

Thanks guys.

Husker Dude
12-13-18, 04:51
First, apologies in advance for asking a bunch of questions that have surely been answered in the past but I used the search function here and I was chasing my tail. Holy shit, there is a lot of info here! I am 40, look like I'm in my early 30's, 5'9 about 160, generally fit, not "hot" by American standards but definitely told regularly that I am handsome. I don't mean that to sound arrogant, I'm not. I think it's relevant though for determining the best arrangement for my visit. I will be traveling alone and I'm sober so I won't be going out partying. Although I do want to check some places out. As of today I have reserved 10 days at Mansion, deposit paid. Looking at $70/ night based on the 2 night deposit charge on my CC. My Spanish is beginner but I have 3 months to study Rosetta Stone. I think a lot will come back to me since I took a couple years of Spanish in High School and a year in College.

Any help you guys can give, suggestions, feedback, etc. Is greatly appreciated. Here are my specific questions:


1. Is it simple to get a chica back to your room in Mansion? Do I just walk up to them and ask to hang out and work out details from there?

2. Is BBJ common or do all of the chicas mostly require CBJ?

3. If I stay at a hotel is it safe to have the chicas back to my room (understanding that I might have to pay extra)?

4. Since I am traveling solo, where am I OK to walk during the day to visit casas / strip clubs / etc?

5. I understand from reading online, that the norm is to use a room at the casas / strip clubs / etc instead of taking the chica back to my place. Are these rooms safe / clean?

6. Is there anywhere that GFE is easily found? What about super hot girls that do GFE. Where are they?

7. Can I bring outside girls into Mansion or do I have to stick to the ones working on site?

8. How do I start the process on Facebook or Instagram? I have seen a lot of comments saying those are good resources. I am good with social media so I'd like to take advantage.


1. Where is the best place to get money? Is is ill advised to try and get money out at night?

2. How much should I have on me at any one time? I am guessing that I could hit the ATM daily and just keep what I need for the day. Maybe hold a stash in my room's safe. Thoughts?

3. What is the best denomination of bills for me to carry so I don't have to worry about change?

4. I plan to have a budget, after travel and hotel, of about 300 USD per day. Is this going to suffice and allow me to have a lot of fun?


1. I have Verizon unlimited and an IphoneX. Do I need a new SIM card or will I be good to go with what I have? I plan to use WhatsApp on my phone for the most part.

2. For dating, I plan to use Colombian Cupid and Tinder but also want to approach women in person. Is the Mall or daytime streets the best for that if I want to find a nice, non-working woman?

3. Any suggestions for activities aside from women? Hikes, biking, pools, or other adventures?

In closing. I am really excited to go but I also want to stay firmly planted in reality. I am a cautious person and can generally make good decisions. Provided I stay sober. You all seem to have your shit straight. I just want to avoid big mistakes.

Thanks guys.I can answer a few of your questions. In fact I'll be at M1 the first 10 days of March. Mansion girls are usually GFE with BBBJ although a few are not. General mansion girls rate are 150-200 K for 1-2 hours. (3 k /1 $) Guys hanging around there will always be glad to help you. Yes, you can bring outside girls to the Mansion, but they have to bring ID to leave at the desk and must not have been banned from there. The mansion is located in the high end of town and there are ATM's all over especially at the malls (3 within 6 blocks of the Mansion). ATM's offer the best rate. Last time there generally can take out 600,000 K / transaction from ATM. Lots of time I hit it twice. Yes, I keep most of it in safe in room. Most I carry around is 300,000 K. I use the Schwabb card so no fees. FB messenger is my way of communication. Most people outside the mansion do not speak english. I travel alone and have been all over the city with no problems during the day. Places to visit are Botero Plaza & all the shopping around it. Day trip to Guatape & El Peno is fantastic. I've taken a Pablo Escobar tour and coffee farm tours. I've also gone to Comuna 13 which is quite interesting. Done a lot of casas and Fase Dos for the strip club. It's easy to use the rooms on site. Casa girls may be available for take out cheap, but I found Fase Dos girls want big $ to go outside the club.

12-13-18, 05:12
First, apologies in advance for asking a bunch of questions that have surely been answered in the past but I used the search function here and I was chasing my tail. Holy shit, there is a lot of info here! I am 40, look like I'm in my early 30's, 5'9 about 160, generally fit, not "hot" by American standards but definitely told regularly that I am handsome. I don't mean that to sound arrogant, I'm not. I think it's relevant though for determining the best arrangement for my visit. I will be traveling alone and I'm sober so I won't be going out partying. Although I do want to check some places out. As of today I have reserved 10 days at Mansion, deposit paid. Looking at $70/ night based on the 2 night deposit charge on my CC. My Spanish is beginner but I have 3 months to study Rosetta Stone. I think a lot will come back to me since I took a couple years of Spanish in High School and a year in College.

Any help you guys can give, suggestions, feedback, etc. Is greatly appreciated. Here are my specific questions:


1. Is it simple to get a chica back to your room in Mansion? Do I just walk up to them and ask to hang out and work out details from there?

2. Is BBJ common or do all of the chicas mostly require CBJ?

3. If I stay at a hotel is it safe to have the chicas back to my room (understanding that I might have to pay extra)?

4. Since I am traveling solo, where am I OK to walk during the day to visit casas / strip clubs / etc?

5. I understand from reading online, that the norm is to use a room at the casas / strip clubs / etc instead of taking the chica back to my place. Are these rooms safe / clean?

6. Is there anywhere that GFE is easily found? What about super hot girls that do GFE. Where are they?

7. Can I bring outside girls into Mansion or do I have to stick to the ones working on site?

8. How do I start the process on Facebook or Instagram? I have seen a lot of comments saying those are good resources. I am good with social media so I'd like to take advantage.


1. Where is the best place to get money? Is is ill advised to try and get money out at night?

2. How much should I have on me at any one time? I am guessing that I could hit the ATM daily and just keep what I need for the day. Maybe hold a stash in my room's safe. Thoughts?

3. What is the best denomination of bills for me to carry so I don't have to worry about change?

4. I plan to have a budget, after travel and hotel, of about 300 USD per day. Is this going to suffice and allow me to have a lot of fun?


1. I have Verizon unlimited and an IphoneX. Do I need a new SIM card or will I be good to go with what I have? I plan to use WhatsApp on my phone for the most part.

2. For dating, I plan to use Colombian Cupid and Tinder but also want to approach women in person. Is the Mall or daytime streets the best for that if I want to find a nice, non-working woman?

3. Any suggestions for activities aside from women? Hikes, biking, pools, or other adventures?

In closing. I am really excited to go but I also want to stay firmly planted in reality. I am a cautious person and can generally make good decisions. Provided I stay sober. You all seem to have your shit straight. I just want to avoid big mistakes.

Thanks guys.You'll be fine with verizona just make sure your international roaming is on and connect your phone to the mansion wifi as soon as you get there.

The mansion is a good place to really get your facebook rolling. Just chat up and add every chick you meet to facebook even if you aren't into her. Because once you hit critical mass the chicks you will want to meet will be suggested to you by facebook.

After 10 days at the Mansion you should have plenty of women to keep you company once you leave the place for a hotel or apartment.

If you are an OK looking guy like you say you shouldn't have any problem getting mansion chicks to take you out on the town and get to know the lay of the land.

12-13-18, 05:36
2. Is BBJ common or do all of the chicas mostly require CBJ?

4. Since I am traveling solo, where am I OK to walk during the day to visit casas / strip clubs / etc?

6. Is there anywhere that GFE is easily found? What about super hot girls that do GFE. Where are they?

8. How do I start the process on Facebook or Instagram? I have seen a lot of comments saying those are good resources. I am good with social media so I'd like to take advantage.

2. BBJ is fairly common but if that's important to you then you'll really want to ask about it in advance. Some girls will demand extra and I've had a few that refuse to do it at any price.

4. I've walked everywhere in Medellin during the day without any problems. I'm a 40-year-old blonde white guy so I don't exactly blend in. At night though it's recommended that you stick to tourist areas like Laureles and Poblado.

6. Facebook girls are your best bet for GFE. In fact I've only had one that DIDN'T give GFE. I get far better experiences with girls I met on FB then I ever did in any casa.

8. Search this forum for "facebook", lots of people have posted links to girls' profiles. Friend invite them and send them a quick message on how you'd like to meet. Then mine their friend's lists for more contacts. Facebook should also start recommending their friends once you've had a few. Eventually things will snowball and you'll have hundreds of putas and mongers to befriend. Import your FB contacts into Instagram (nearly ever chica who uses FB seems to also use IG), start following girls, then follow who they follow. Rinse and repeat.

12-13-18, 05:58

1. Where is the best place to get money? Is is ill advised to try and get money out at night?

2. How much should I have on me at any one time? I am guessing that I could hit the ATM daily and just keep what I need for the day. Maybe hold a stash in my room's safe. Thoughts?

3. What is the best denomination of bills for me to carry so I don't have to worry about change?

4. I plan to have a budget, after travel and hotel, of about 300 USD per day. Is this going to suffice and allow me to have a lot of fun?

1. Use ATMs. I have a debit card with Charles Schwab that refunds all ATM fees worldwide. Really great for traveling. Plus they don't close at night.

2. If you're paranoid sure, only carry what you think you'll spend during the day and keep the rest stashed back in your hotel room.

3. You usually get 50 mil pesos notes from ATMs, though occasionally I've gotten a bunch of 20's. I always had plenty of change just from buying food.

4. I usually only spend $60-75 per chica per day. $300 is overkill unless you're planning champagne fueled orgies.


2. For dating, I plan to use Colombian Cupid and Tinder but also want to approach women in person. Is the Mall or daytime streets the best for that if I want to find a nice, non-working woman?

3. Any suggestions for activities aside from women? Hikes, biking, pools, or other adventures?

2. Every chica I ever matched with on Tinder has been a prepago. I've seen some of my FB contacts on cupid and seeking and in my opinion are not worth the money. I doubt you'll have much success approaching strangers at the mall or on the street using broken Spanish.

3. Guatape makes for a nice day trip. Save your money and take the bus there, it's really cheap.

12-13-18, 17:58
First, apologies in advance for asking a bunch of questions that have surely been answered in the past but I used the search function here and I was chasing my tail. Holy shit, there is a lot of info here! I am 40, look like I'm in my early 30's, 5'9 about 160, generally fit, not "hot" by American standards but definitely told regularly that I am handsome. I don't mean that to sound arrogant, I'm not. I think it's relevant though for determining the best arrangement for my visit. I will be traveling alone and I'm sober so I won't be going out partying. Although I do want to check some places out. As of today I have reserved 10 days at Mansion, deposit paid. Looking at $70/ night based on the 2 night deposit charge on my CC. My Spanish is beginner but I have 3 months to study Rosetta Stone. I think a lot will come back to me since I took a couple years of Spanish in High School and a year in College.1. At the Mansion you'll find girls at the pool during the afternoon and in the bar at night. If they are onsite, they're for rent. Talk to them, or just smile. They will lead you by the hand.

2. Is BBJ common or do all of the chicas mostly require CBJ?

3. If I stay at a hotel is it safe to have the chicas back to my room (understanding that I might have to pay extra)?2. Most Mansion girls do BBBJ. Most casa girls don't without an upcharge. Facebook girls are about 50/50.

3. Depends on the room and the chica. Some hotels won't allow it. Some chicas have bad intentions.

4. Since I am traveling solo, where am I OK to walk during the day to visit casas / strip clubs / etc?

5. I understand from reading online, that the norm is to use a room at the casas / strip clubs / etc instead of taking the chica back to my place. Are these rooms safe / clean?4. Somewhere between everywhere and nowhere. Let's face it, some guys need a keeper. Other guys can walk through a war zone and never have a problem. Where are you on that scale? I've walked from Parque Lleras to the border of Envigado many times, at all hours without a single problem. I've walked all over Laureles, Envigado, Itagui, Bello and Belen with no problems. I've walked all over El Centro with no problem, although 3 inept guys once tried to relieve me of my valuables. However, I know other guys who had problems.

Casas you can generally walk from one to the next with no trouble. You'll want to take a taxi from the Mansion. Strip clubs you'll probably want to take a taxi to the door.

5. Once again, depends on the girl for safety. You'll be safe, but your money might not be. Had a girl sneak 40 k out of my pocket at one strip club. Strip club rooms in El Centro are nasty. Fase Dos rooms are nice. Casa rooms vary in cleanliness.

6. Is there anywhere that GFE is easily found? What about super hot girls that do GFE. Where are they?

7. Can I bring outside girls into Mansion or do I have to stick to the ones working on site?6. GFE is easily found with a GF, unless you have pissed her off. If you don't have a GF, GFE depends on the girl and you. A girl who gives me GFE may not give it to you. A girl that gives you GFE one time might not give it the next time. Many of the girls at the Mansion will simulate GFE for you.

7. Yes, if they have a cedula and haven't been banned.

8. How do I start the process on Facebook or Instagram? I have seen a lot of comments saying those are good resources. I am good with social media so I'd like to take advantage.8. Start a new Facebook profile. Post some pictures. Start adding content, pictures, videos. Travel photos are good. Keep adding content. Start searching for friends in Medellin. When you find girls in Medellin, check their friend list, if possible. If not, see who is liking their pictures. Look for gringos. When you find a girl with lots of gringo friends, start checking out the gringos. Look for one where you can see his friends. Mine his list for girls. Each girl you add, mine her list for more girls.


1. Where is the best place to get money? Is is ill advised to try and get money out at night?

2. How much should I have on me at any one time? I am guessing that I could hit the ATM daily and just keep what I need for the day. Maybe hold a stash in my room's safe. Thoughts?

3. What is the best denomination of bills for me to carry so I don't have to worry about change?

4. I plan to have a budget, after travel and hotel, of about 300 USD per day. Is this going to suffice and allow me to have a lot of fun?1. There are several banks right around the corner from the Mansion. Use the ATM. All malls have multiple ATMs. Most ATMs outside of the malls have a locking door so you can withdraw with some privacy. However, it's better to make withdrawals daytime.

2. However much you plan on spending plus some extra. Unless I was shopping, I carried 200-400 k.

3. ATMs give 50 k and 20 k bills. Use 50 k bills whenever possible to get change. Use the smallest possible bills to pay taxis.

4. Yes.


1. I have Verizon unlimited and an IphoneX. Do I need a new SIM card or will I be good to go with what I have? I plan to use WhatsApp on my phone for the most part.

2. For dating, I plan to use Colombian Cupid and Tinder but also want to approach women in person. Is the Mall or daytime streets the best for that if I want to find a nice, non-working woman?

3. Any suggestions for activities aside from women? Hikes, biking, pools, or other adventures?

In closing. I am really excited to go but I also want to stay firmly planted in reality. I am a cautious person and can generally make good decisions. Provided I stay sober. You all seem to have your shit straight. I just want to avoid big mistakes.

Thanks guys.2. Anywhere. There are women everywhere. Talk to them where you find them.

3. Sunday morning is Ciclovia, Monday too, if it's a holiday. Look it up. Ride the Metro. Take the Metrocables. Check out some of the parks. Check out Estadio.

12-13-18, 19:13
Thanks guys. Very helpful. Is it possible to have "sticky" posts here? Maybe start a Q&A thread where the moderator is the only one who can edit the information? Might save everyone time having to explain the same thing over and over. I hate to be that guy haha. Asking repetitive questions that are answered but buried in a thread with 4000 posts.

12-14-18, 00:56
That seems like a good idea, a 1990's style "frequently asked questions" section. I think that was the original purpose of the "general information" thread.

Thanks guys. Very helpful. Is it possible to have "sticky" posts here? Maybe start a Q&A thread where the moderator is the only one who can edit the information? Might save everyone time having to explain the same thing over and over. I hate to be that guy haha. Asking repetitive questions that are answered but buried in a thread with 4000 posts.

12-14-18, 11:35
Many of the girls at the Mansion will simulate GFE for you.Wouldn't "simulated" GFE, by definition, not be GFE? So then what good would it be?

12-14-18, 22:12
Wouldn't "simulated" GFE, by definition, not be GFE? So then what good would it be?Any GFE that you're paying for is simulated GFE. Or did you think those girls were all really madly in lust with you after you agreed to a price?

12-15-18, 05:07
Hi guys,

I'm heading back to Medellin in January and would like to refresh my FB contact list. If anyone has girls they'd like to recommend, please PM me. Girls who do BBFS is a bonus but not necessary. I'll also share whatever contacts I have and let me know if you have any special preferences (thin, more curvy, small / big tits, BB, BJ pro, etc).

I'll also be staying in Laureles. Let me know if anyone wants to hang out. January 23-Feb 7.

12-15-18, 05:51
Any GFE that you're paying for is simulated GFE. Or did you think those girls were all really madly in lust with you after you agreed to a price?Actually no, GFE is a term specifically coined for the prostitution industry. GFE is GFE, which is a girlfriend-like experience provided by a prostitute. Simulated GFE is fake GFE, and no one really knows what it means because you're the only one who's ever used it.

12-16-18, 01:18
Actually no, GFE is a term specifically coined for the prostitution industry. GFE is GFE, which is a girlfriend-like experience provided by a prostitute. Simulated GFE is fake GFE, and no one really knows what it means because you're the only one who's ever used it.I'm sorry you're not able to make the connection. Some people don't get it.

GFE is a term to describe, generically, an encounter with a prostitute who will do certain things that one expects from a girlfriend. I say generically, because every year there's a debate here about what GFE is. By definition, if you're paying someone to pretend she's your girlfriend, all of those things are fake, simulated, not done through desire. GFE is a simulation.

The same works for PSE. Unless cameras are rolling and fluffers are standing by, you're simulating what people think a porn star experience is like.

Pretty sure everyone else understood when I said Mansion girls would simulate GFE. You appear to be the only one that doesn't understand.

12-16-18, 03:31
I'm sorry you're not able to make the connection. Some people don't get it.

GFE is a term to describe, generically, an encounter with a prostitute who will do certain things that one expects from a girlfriend. I say generically, because every year there's a debate here about what GFE is. By definition, if you're paying someone to pretend she's your girlfriend, all of those things are fake, simulated, not done through desire. GFE is a simulation.

The same works for PSE. Unless cameras are rolling and fluffers are standing by, you're simulating what people think a porn star experience is like.

Pretty sure everyone else understood when I said Mansion girls would simulate GFE. You appear to be the only one that doesn't understand.Trust me, you're the only one who understands what "simulated GFE" is. GFE is a simulated experience by definition. So why add a second "simulated" when everyone already knows it's simulated? So when you say "simulated GFE", you are actually saying, simulated simulated GFE. Which makes no sense whatsoever.

12-16-18, 04:25
For me, GFE means the girls is really into sex. Not necessarily with me, but with sex. She gives passionate kisses. She blows you like a champ. She orgasms when you lick her or finger her. She fucks and sucks you until you cum. And while she may not be in to me physically, she enjoys herself. With orgasms and sometimes with squirting. It's easy to tell when a chica is just faking it. Or when she's really into fucking, even if it's for pay.

12-16-18, 12:19
I'm sorry you're not able to make the connection. Some people don't get it.

GFE is a term to describe, generically, an encounter with a prostitute who will do certain things that one expects from a girlfriend. I say generically, because every year there's a debate here about what GFE is. By definition, if you're paying someone to pretend she's your girlfriend, all of those things are fake, simulated, not done through desire. GFE is a simulation.So simulated GFE would be a simulated simulation, or fake fake. But seriously true GFE is an experience I offer to attractive women all over the world, the Grandfather Experience.

12-16-18, 14:50
Actually no, GFE is a term specifically coined for the prostitution industry. GFE is GFE, which is a girlfriend-like experience provided by a prostitute. Simulated GFE is fake GFE, and no one really knows what it means because you're the only one who's ever used it.Over analyzing GFE tells it all, LOL.

Go with the flow man, enjoy life.

12-16-18, 15:01
Over analyzing GFE tells it all, LOL.

Go with the flow man, enjoy life.Exactly! Enjoy the P4P experience for what it is. Its about your pleasure and not worrying about her needs (you took care of that when you paid her). Sex with a WG simply cannot be like sex with a girlfriend, unless the subject happens to be your girlfriend. And I don't think having a WG for a girlfriend is a good idea (I knew of a few guys who did, but they didn't enjoy a long life, either).

12-18-18, 00:10
Hi guys,

I have been going to Brazil for the last 10 years or so. But I wanted to try something that is a little different and a little closer to home. I am a big guy so to be stuck in an airplane for 8 hours or more is not fun for me. Since I live in South Florida I am going to be trying Medellin for the first time around the end of January. I have been catching up in this forum, but one thing I don't understand what are Facebook girls? How do I find them? Also I want to get WG but I Waldo wanted to try to get some locals a buddy of mine told me they are not that hard to get. Since I am fluent in Spanish. I wanted to get you guys opinions on that.

12-18-18, 04:09
First, apologies in advance for asking a bunch of questions that have surely been answered in the past but I used the search function here and I was chasing my tail. Holy shit, there is a lot of info here! I am 40, look like I'm in my early 30's, 5'9 about 160, generally fit, not "hot" by American standards but definitely told regularly that I am handsome. I don't mean that to sound arrogant, I'm not. I think it's relevant though for determining the best arrangement for my visit. I will be traveling alone and I'm sober so I won't be going out partying. Although I do want to check some places out. As of today I have reserved 10 days at Mansion, deposit paid. Looking at $70/ night based on the 2 night deposit charge on my CC. My Spanish is beginner but I have 3 months to study Rosetta Stone. I think a lot will come back to me since I took a couple years of Spanish in High School and a year in College..I answered your questions inline. There's no way to change font color (as far as I know).

To your last point, use common sense.

Stay sober and have your bearings at all times. Alcohol is probably what gets guys in trouble. Stay away from drugs.

Don't follow your dick around, cause it tends to get guys in trouble.

Same security precautions as in any big city USA but times 10.

No jewelry, watch, expensive electronics in public. You will become an instant target.

No need to impress anybody by telling stories about how much money you have or showing pics of your house, car, boat. I've seen guys do all of it. We Americans have a tendency to show off. Recently, I saw a guy bring a fanny pack packed with cash to a strip club and was pulling out large stacks of cash each time he paid for a drink. And then walked back to his centro hotel (at 2 am). Last I heard, he made it alive (I think).

Stay away from possible jail bait. There are many [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) girls working outside, the Mnasion girls should be good without needing to check. Don't depend on the hotel to check their ID's, make sure to check it yourself for picture and DOB. I just avoid anybody who looks even remotely young. I usually go for mi to late 20's. They are better performers in general.

If something seems to good to be true, it usually is.


12-18-18, 04:33
Trust me, you're the only one who understands what "simulated GFE" is. No he's not. I understood.

GFE is a simulated experience by definition.If you have to specifically request it or pay extra for it, then yes. Personally, I NEVER have asked or paid extra for "GFE", kisses, BBBJ, DATY. If the chica wants to kiss me and I want to kiss her back, it's a GFE. I usually let the chicas take the lead. Last trip, for the first time in my career, at New Life, a super sexy chica got really close to me and gave me a light kiss to gauge my interest I think. Once she saw I was interested, we started making out. If she won't kiss unless I request it or pay extra, that's simulated GFE and I'm not interested.

12-18-18, 11:45
No he's not. I understood.

If you have to specifically request it or pay extra for it, then yes. Personally, I NEVER have asked or paid extra for "GFE", kisses, BBBJ, DATY. If the chica wants to kiss me and I want to kiss her back, it's a GFE. I usually let the chicas take the lead. Last trip, for the first time in my career, at New Life, a super sexy chica got really close to me and gave me a light kiss to gauge my interest I think. Once she saw I was interested, we started making out. If she won't kiss unless I request it or pay extra, that's simulated GFE and I'm not interested.Actually you are completely wrong. The definition of GFE varies mildly between mongers. But let's use your definition, which is commonly accepted in the mongering world. So for the sake of argument, let's assume GFE entails kissing, BBBJ and DATY, just as how a real, unpaid girlfriend would perform. It is of no relevance whatsoever if you have to request these acts or not, or if you have to pay extra. As long as the prostitute is doing it as part of a paid session of sexual acts, it is GFE. Period. To contend whether GFE vs "simulated GFE" depends on whether you pay extra or not, or if you have to verbally request it, is just completely asinine. So by your contention, GFE is where a session with a prostitute involves kissing / BBBJ / DATY. But you're saying if you verbally ask for one or more of those acts, the GFE automatically gets transformed into "simulated GFE. " So if prostitute is performing CBJ and a monger utters two words "no condom" which results in the prostitute removing the condom and performing BBBJ, then you have yourself a "simulated GFE" session all because of two words the monger spoke? Utterly ridiculous. Or if a prostitute refuses to kiss, you offer her $1 extra, then she agrees to kissing. That $1 magically transformed the session into "simulated GFE?" Utterly laughable! If you're paying a prostitute for kissing / BBBJ / DATY, whether it is considered an upgraded or verbally requested service or not, you are getting GFE. And "simulated GFE" is a term which makes no sense. A simulation of a simulation. What's the point of that? Can you name one other thing on Earth that is a simulation of a simulation? I'd be hard pressed to think of one myself.

"Simulated GFE flat out doesn't exist. The only thing I can think of that could even remotely be a possibility is if your real, unpaid girlfriend who normally doesn't perform one or more of kissing / BBBJ / DATY suddenly agrees to one of these acts if you paid her.

12-18-18, 13:40
FB girls is just what it sounds like. Girls that have FB and are available. There isn't a specific group. Is individual girls that when you ask them in PM. If its your first time. I recommend to stay at the mansion a couple nights and get lay of the land and go from there. There is no easy way to get around the FB girls besides leg work. Otherwise look in the forum and see if there is some FB profiles but that would be about <%1 of the play field out there.

Hi guys,

I have been going to Brazil for the last 10 years or so. But I wanted to try something that is a little different and a little closer to home. I am a big guy so to be stuck in an airplane for 8 hours or more is not fun for me. Since I live in South Florida I am going to be trying Medellin for the first time around the end of January. I have been catching up in this forum, but one thing I don't understand what are Facebook girls? How do I find them? Also I want to get WG but I Waldo wanted to try to get some locals a buddy of mine told me they are not that hard to get. Since I am fluent in Spanish. I wanted to get you guys opinions on that.

12-18-18, 16:44
FB girls is just what it sounds like. Girls that have FB and are available. There isn't a specific group. Is individual girls that when you ask them in PM. If its your first time. I recommend to stay at the mansion a couple nights and get lay of the land and go from there. There is no easy way to get around the FB girls besides leg work. Otherwise look in the forum and see if there is some FB profiles but that would be about <%1 of the play field out there.The FB girst can be worth the effort. Just start friending a few girls and over time you will get more friend requests. Sometimes you will find a real Gem.

12-19-18, 00:40
Actually you are completely wrong. The definition of GFE varies mildly between mongers. But let's use your definition, which is commonly accepted in the mongering world. So for the sake of argument, let's assume GFE entails kissing, BBBJ and DATY, just as how a real, unpaid girlfriend would perform. It is of no relevance whatsoever if you have to request these acts or not, or if you have to pay extra. As long as the prostitute is doing it as part of a paid session of sexual acts, it is GFE. Period. To contend whether GFE vs "simulated GFE" depends on whether you pay extra or not, or if you have to verbally request it, is just completely asinine. So by your contention, GFE is where a session with a prostitute involves kissing / BBBJ / DATY. But you're saying if you verbally ask for one or more of those acts, the GFE automatically gets transformed into "simulated GFE. " So if prostitute is performing CBJ and a monger utters two words "no condom" which results in the prostitute removing the condom and performing BBBJ, then you have yourself a "simulated GFE" session all because of two words the monger spoke? Utterly ridiculous. Or if a prostitute refuses to kiss, you offer her $1 extra, then she agrees to kissing. That $1 magically transformed the session into "simulated GFE?" Utterly laughable! If you're paying a prostitute for kissing / BBBJ / DATY, whether it is considered an upgraded or verbally requested service or not, you are getting GFE. And "simulated GFE" is a term which makes no sense. A simulation of a simulation. What's the point of that? Can you name one other thing on Earth that is a simulation of a simulation? I'd be hard pressed to think of one myself.

"Simulated GFE flat out doesn't exist. The only thing I can think of that could even remotely be a possibility is if your real, unpaid girlfriend who normally doesn't perform one or more of kissing / BBBJ / DATY suddenly agrees to one of these acts if you paid her.Lighten up Dr Fun, no need to analyze it that much, LOL.

It just really doesn't matter what someone calls it.

12-19-18, 01:31
The FB girst can be worth the effort. Just start friending a few girls and over time you will get more friend requests. Sometimes you will find a real Gem.Ain't that the truth! In the huge dragnet of messages I sent I caught a non-pro college student who was at first suspicious of me but after some gentle small talk agreed to come to my place for 150 mil. Showed up wearing a gray college uniform which I found pretty hot. She was a total sweetheart, one of the best GFE I've ever had and gave a phenomenally good bbj. She quickly became one of my regulars and seemed to genuinely love being around me. Even bought me a small gift before I departed Medellin, something I never expected and found touching.

We've kept in touch while I'm stuck in Sex Prison (aka America) and lately she's been saying that she wants us to be more than just "special friends". It's tempting but I doubt I'd be able to stay monogamous and I'm addicted to the constant hunt of finding newer better sexual partners and experiences. Any of you ever been in this situation? How did you handle it?

12-19-18, 04:27
Even bought me a small gift before I departed Medellin, something I never expected and found touching.Ha, that happened on my 2nd trip last year, my main girl brought me a present, a stuffed tiger with "Te Amo" on it. Right after she left I had a cute VeraCruz street chick over to the hotel for our 2nd date, she saw the tiger and squealed in delight, "Un regalo para mi!" Sigh, I let her keep it, she sent me a pic of her with it. LOL.

We've kept in touch while I'm stuck in Sex Prison (aka America) and lately she's been saying that she wants us to be more than just "special friends". It's tempting but I doubt I'd be able to stay monogamous and I'm addicted to the constant hunt of finding newer better sexual partners and experiences. Any of you ever been in this situation? How did you handle it?Sure, ride it out as long as you are enjoying your time with her.

12-19-18, 06:59
Hey all,

I have a couple weeks off next week and was thinking of heading to Columbia. Was considering Medellin. Is it the best spot for a newbie?

I have been all over the world (FKK in Germany, Pattaya, Tijuana, Havana, KL) but never South America. It will be my sixth continent, and I am open to any suggestions.

The Tall Man
12-19-18, 16:39
The FB girst can be worth the effort. Just start friending a few girls and over time you will get more friend requests. Sometimes you will find a real Gem.Yep that's the ticket with FB, a good friend of mine who is not on this forum board now gets 5 to 10 requests EACH DAYfrom FB girls in Medellin, it is taken off!

The Tall Man.

The Tall Man
12-19-18, 16:44
Lighten up Dr Fun, no need to analyze it that much, LOL.

It just really doesn't matter what someone calls it.Agree that it does not matter what one considers a GFE or how to define it, it is kind of like beauty, it is hard to describe but you know it when you see it.

The Tall Man.

The Tall Man
12-19-18, 16:50
Ain't that the truth! In the huge dragnet of messages I sent I caught a non-pro college student who was at first suspicious of me but after some gentle small talk agreed to come to my place for 150 mil. Showed up wearing a gray college uniform which I found pretty hot. She was a total sweetheart, one of the best GFE I've ever had and gave a phenomenally good bbj. She quickly became one of my regulars and seemed to genuinely love being around me. Even bought me a small gift before I departed Medellin, something I never expected and found touching.

We've kept in touch while I'm stuck in Sex Prison (aka America) and lately she's been saying that she wants us to be more than just "special friends". It's tempting but I doubt I'd be able to stay monogamous and I'm addicted to the constant hunt of finding newer better sexual partners and experiences. Any of you ever been in this situation? How did you handle it?With regards how to handle a request for more than just being special friends, you need to manage the situation, DO NOT take anything serious (been there and done that) and you can and will have lot's of fun. Enjoy it.

I have 2 very special ladies at this time in Medellin that has evolved into a very special friendship that leaves me completely satisfied, I mean completely satisfied with deep emotional sex and connection that I have never experienced in my life, simply incredible, I tell myself how lucky I am.

Take it slow with your gal and you never know.

The Tall Man.

12-20-18, 00:11
Actually you are completely wrong. The definition of GFE varies mildly between mongers. But let's use your definition, which is commonly accepted in the mongering world. So for the sake of argument, let's assume GFE entails kissing, BBBJ and DATY, just as how a real, unpaid girlfriend would perform. It is of no relevance whatsoever if you have to request these acts or not, or if you have to pay extra. As long as the prostitute is doing it as part of a paid session of sexual acts, it is GFE. Period. To contend whether GFE vs "simulated GFE" depends on whether you pay extra or not, or if you have to verbally request it, is just completely asinine. So by your contention, GFE is where a session with a prostitute involves kissing / BBBJ / DATY. But you're saying if you verbally ask for one or more of those acts, the GFE automatically gets transformed into "simulated GFE. " So if prostitute is performing CBJ and a monger utters two words "no condom" which results in the prostitute removing the condom and performing BBBJ, then you have yourself a "simulated GFE" session all because of two words the monger spoke? Utterly ridiculous. Or if a prostitute refuses to kiss, you offer her $1 extra, then she agrees to kissing. That $1 magically transformed the session into "simulated GFE?" Utterly laughable! If you're paying a prostitute for kissing / BBBJ / DATY, whether it is considered an upgraded or verbally requested service or not, you are getting GFE. And "simulated GFE" is a term which makes no sense. A simulation of a simulation. What's the point of that? Can you name one other thing on Earth that is a simulation of a simulation? I'd be hard pressed to think of one myself.

"Simulated GFE flat out doesn't exist. The only thing I can think of that could even remotely be a possibility is if your real, unpaid girlfriend who normally doesn't perform one or more of kissing / BBBJ / DATY suddenly agrees to one of these acts if you paid her.I think what he means with Simulated GFE vs GFE with a working girl is. The initiative. Like if you meet a chick and she is just horny for you and there is chemistry and she attacks your cock and kisses you and doesn't really care about rubbers and all these rules and lets you do pretty much anything without whipping out a menu item of how much things will cost. That is GFE. BUT if you got to tip her for everything little thing, BBJ, more passionate besos etc then that is the simulated GFE, cause she is doing it but it is almost with less passion and more cause you had to pay more. It is not soething she wold do if given a choice.

12-20-18, 16:02
I think what he means with Simulated GFE vs GFE with a working girl is. The initiative. Like if you meet a chick and she is just horny for you and there is chemistry and she attacks your cock and kisses you and doesn't really care about rubbers and all these rules and lets you do pretty much anything without whipping out a menu item of how much things will cost. That is GFE. BUT if you got to tip her for everything little thing, BBJ, more passionate besos etc then that is the simulated GFE, cause she is doing it but it is almost with less passion and more cause you had to pay more. It is not soething she wold do if given a choice.Yeah, I just go with the flow, would never think of negotiating for GFE, LOL.

I know we all March to a different beat, but IMO, all the over analyzing, over thinking of this fun hobby, just takes the fun out of it.

I seem to have pretty good luck, so I'll just keep on truckin.

Happy Holiday to all!

Felices Fiestas.

Mr Enternational
12-20-18, 16:23
I caught a non-pro college student who was at first suspicious of me but after some gentle small talk agreed to come to my place for 150 mil. How do you guys trick your minds into believing this? Found a chick that was not a hooker to come over for money? Does that really make any sense at all? If she was really a non-pro, then she would have come for 0.

We've kept in touch while I'm stuck in Sex Prison (aka America) and lately she's been saying that she wants us to be more than just "special friends".Please ask her or you tell us what is the actual difference between special friends and more than special friends. Two days ago when I got off a street chick in Tijuana we were talking while getting dressed and I forgot what she said, but I responded "but I might want to be novio". She said, "That costs more!" I had to give her a high 5 on that one.

Before getting in to any type of relationship each party needs to make clear what they expect from the other. Being more than special friends might mean you have to take care of her family, including the kid she has with another man. And what more TANGIBLE benefit would you be receiving for taking on the extra responsibility? Usually none.

Mr Enternational
12-20-18, 16:27
I have a couple weeks off next week and was thinking of heading to Columbia. Was considering Medellin. Is it the best spot for a newbie?

I have been all over the world (FKK in Germany, Pattaya, Tijuana, Havana, KL) but never South America. It will be my sixth continent, and I am open to any suggestions.Medellin is not in Columbia and Columbia is not in South America.

Mr Enternational
12-20-18, 16:46
Agree that it does not matter what one considers a GFE or how to define it, it is kind of like beauty, it is hard to describe but you know it when you see it.But if it is going to cost you extra then you better know how to describe it. Other wise how will the service provider know what to give you? Like the brother that was in Sosua the other day asking for a complete massage and was disppointed when they didn't jack him off or suck his dick at the end. Yeah, he knew it when he saw it, but unfortunately for him, they didn't know what he wanted to see.

12-20-18, 18:42
How do you guys trick your minds into believing this? Found a chick that was not a hooker to come over for money? Does that really make any sense at all? If she was really a non-pro, then she would have come for 0.One man's junk is another man's treasure.

Or one man's non-pro is another man's puta. Or one man's non-pro has been paid to handle a lot of other men's junk.

Another tip, college student in Colombia generally means high school. Universidad is a university student. Both terms are abused by Colombians. If she ever attended University, even if for one day, she'll be claiming to be a student until she's 30. After that she'll toss it out to suggest she graduated.

Met a university student in Bogota 4 years ago. She even had her student ID and showed me around the university. Almost 3 years later I found out she hadn't been a student for 4 years. Also found out she was 5 years older than she claimed. So far, she's claimed to be a student, in a 4 year program, for 6 years and people are still believing her. If you're wondering, webcam model.

Please ask her or you tell us what is the actual difference between special friends and more than special friends. Two days ago when I got off a street chick in Tijuana we were talking while getting dressed and I forgot what she said, but I responded "but I might want to be novio". She said, "That costs more!" I had to give her a high 5 on that one.

Before getting in to any type of relationship each party needs to make clear what they expect from the other. Being more than special friends might mean you have to take care of her family, including the kid she has with another man. And what more TANGIBLE benefit would you be receiving for taking on the extra responsibility? Usually none.Being more than special friends means you get to pay more and get less.

12-20-18, 18:49
Yeah, I just go with the flow, would never think of negotiating for GFE, LOL.

I know we all March to a different beat, but IMO, all the over analyzing, over thinking of this fun hobby, just takes the fun out of it.

I seem to have pretty good luck, so I'll just keep on truckin.

Happy Holiday to all!

Felices Fiestas.I'm with you on going with the flow. For me, GFE is an assessment I make after, not an up front negotiation.

The silly thing, "simulate GFE" was a joke. It was a little poke at the guys who stay at the Mansion 3 times a year, never venture out of Poblado and think they're the king of Medellin.

12-21-18, 05:21
How do you guys trick your minds into believing this? Found a chick that was not a hooker to come over for money? Does that really make any sense at all? If she was really a non-pro, then she would have come for 0.Actually she agreed to come over and share a drink without me offering her any money at all. I might have been been able to score for free but after doing this so many times I've just gotten into the habit of offering my usual fare.

I call her a non-pro because she told me this is the first time she's ever done something like this and I don't see any reason to doubt her as she acts different from all the pros and semi-pros I've encountered so far in Colombia. A typical FB prepago will:

1. Just outright tell you they're an escort or a "dama de compania".

2. Have other prepagos and gringos on their friends list.

3. Immediately act super flirtatious when you message them and are eager to meet.

4. Have lots of tattoos and / or trashy clothes.

5. Have lots of photos showing off their body and themselves partying.

6. Photos of their kids but never any with their father.

And then when you meet it's fairly self-evident that this is not their first rodeo and that once they get their money they're not interested in sticking around. Whereas with this girl I didn't get the same vibe, plus she happily hung around just to chat or watch videos together. Trust me I'm not a naive fool.

Please ask her or you tell us what is the actual difference between special friends and more than special friends...Before getting in to any type of relationship each party needs to make clear what they expect from the other. Being more than special friends might mean you have to take care of her family, including the kid she has with another man. And what more TANGIBLE benefit would you be receiving for taking on the extra responsibility? Usually none.Good point. I think she wants to pursue a romantic relationship and might be seeing me as possible husband material. Which is why I asked for advice, since I'm not interested in settling down but I enjoy being with her and don't want to ruin what we got now.

12-21-18, 06:21
I will be visiting Medellin on Jan 6th for 9 nights. This will be my first visit here although have spent some time in Costa Rica (think Del Rey and Cocal). I had some great mongering time there.

I wanted to hit some of the casa's but would like to have a wing man if I'm going to be running around Centro. I didn't have any problems running around San Jose just not sure about the El Centro area in Medellin.

I tried to join this site but I'm from the USA and it looks like they are blocking all the transactions, kind of a bummer. If anyone has any hot fun chicas they can recommend send a few to a brother. Thanks all and looking forward to doing some posts on my research there in Medellin.

Hey all,

I have a couple weeks off next week and was thinking of heading to Columbia. Was considering Medellin. Is it the best spot for a newbie?

I have been all over the world (FKK in Germany, Pattaya, Tijuana, Havana, KL) but never South America. It will be my sixth continent, and I am open to any suggestions.

12-21-18, 10:40
Hello every one,

I need your help as I am organising my 2 weeks trip from 27 January to 10 February. I have anyway to begin with Bogota. As I prefer I prefer to visit cities near the see rather than Medellin: what kind experience or girl I would miss if I don't go to Medellin and that I can't find in Bogota? I saw in some reports that Bogota in the city with large offer with the good rate.

Many thanks.

12-21-18, 12:44
The silly thing, "simulate GFE" was a joke.LOL. You aggressively defended the term "simulated GFE" after I pointed out that a fake of a fake really doesn't exist. Now, after being soundly defeated in that argument, you are contending that it was all a joke to being with. LOL.

12-21-18, 16:12
I just heard from a chica that the Mansion was raided yesterday (last night?) and was closed down. Does anyone know anything about this? True? What happened?

12-21-18, 16:49
Good point. I think she wants to pursue a romantic relationship and might be seeing me as possible husband material. Which is why I asked for advice, since I'm not interested in settling down but I enjoy being with her and don't want to ruin what we got now.Then enjoy. Earlier this year there was a guy who also found a "non-pro" she ended up blackmailing him with his dick pics. Just be careful.

12-21-18, 16:49
I had a great 68 hours, from when I was dropped off from the airport taxi to when I stepped into the return to airport taxi, I was there Halloween weekend. Besides doing some touristy things, I had 6 sessions, all enjoyable. Many thanks to the forum, and especially the Medellin map, for making the trip such a success. I am a relative amateur, and am writing this for other newbies, I don't expect the more senior members to find it interesting. To give you a picture of where I'm coming from, I'm 60 plus years of age, very average looks, speak limited Spanish, and have no game, so I could never pick up a chica and get her to go back to my place, unless I spent a lot of money on her first. It is difficult for me to get away by myself, so I treasure the hobbyist trips I am able to take, have only had 3 before this one, to Athens, Panama City and Mexico City. I am not looking to make a connection with anyone, just looking for variety and quantity in my limited opportunities to engage in the hobby. While I am not insecure in new cities, I also don't want to take chances since I have a good life in the states. That being said, I decided to try Hotel M. La Mansion (also called Medellinplaza) and then branch out from there. I only had a week's notice that I'd be able to take the trip, and when I contacted them, I was told that of the 3 nights I would be there, there was only one night available in the main building, and the other 2 would have to be in the second building. I made that reservation, as from what I've read, for a newbie, it is quite an experience and ultra secure. Unfortunately, when I arrived, I discovered that the second building is about 2 blocks from the main one, and up a rather steep hill. For those who are not aware, all the action is in building one, the pool during the day, and the bar at night. I was initially put off by the set up, but wanted to experience the main building that one day, so I did stay with them the whole time. I do have to say, staying in building one has to be similar to staying in brothel, it is great. The facility itself is not that impressive, you are clearly paying for the ambiance, not the quality of the rooms. All the staff I encountered were very pleasant and helpful. In building one, most speak English. The limited staff in building 2, not so much, but it didn't matter. Of the 6 sessions, I had, 3 were at the hotel, and 3 were at casas in the center of town. There is no question that the chicas at the hotel were better looking (most about an 8 IMO), and more skilled. And one pays for that, about 150 k (I'll quote in Columbia pesos, about $3. 20 per 10 k when I was there) compared to my 3 sessions in the casas, which were 42 k and 50 k, and the chicas more like 6's. Normally I would say that I'd prefer the less costly, but the 3 sessions at the hotel were so enjoyable that it made for a good mixture along with the casa chicas. Two of my sessions at the hotel were the 24 hours I was in building one. I went to the pool and there were about 6 or 8 chicas sitting around a table, eating and talking. One guy was sitting among them. I didn't know if they were working or just socializing, so I sat on a chair about 10 feet away from them, looking over to see whether they were looking my way. Before that happened another chica walked out of the building and sat next to me, and within 5 minutes, we were in my room. She was easily an 8, though a bit more mature than any others I was with. I thought she was low 30's though another guy later told me she was only mid-20's. Anyway, she was probably the most sophisticated WG I have ever been with. Her English was the most fluent of the 6 chicas I was with, and she had travelled quit a bit, as a gentleman's companion. She was very skilled in each position (my normal MO is 3 positions, first mish, then doggy, end with cowgirl, all 6 chicas were fine with that). That night, I went to the bar. There were about 8 or so chicas around, and most were looking my way as I came in and walked around. I sat down on a bench, and in seconds, an absolutely adorable chica sat down next to me. She claimed she was new to this, and only 18 years old, and it might very well have been true. Again, in my room in 5 minutes, and another immensely enjoyable session. The next night, back in building 2, I walked down the hill to the bar. Again I was immediately approached and was very happy to find she was glad to accompany me back to my room. It seems the chicas expect you to take them up the hill in a taxi, which was just fine with me, the front desk called one, and the fare was less than the minimum (5. 8 k, I believe). This turned out to be the most memorable session of my life. I don't look for GFE and certainly don't look to pay extra for it. But that is pretty much what we had. After finishing the act, we laid around on the bed talking for about 10 minutes, using my limited Spanish. I started caressing her body and she moved my hand between her legs. I always assume that any indication that a WG enjoys being with me is an act, but when she moved my hand there, I asked if should would like me to use my mouth, and sure enough, she said yes with a smile, and it was DATY, something I had never done with a WG before. Afterwards, she spoke about having me visit her apartment the next morning. Though she was very enjoyable to be with, going to her place seemed more likely to be dangerous than I was willing to risk (she lived in a local neighborhood, nothing like Poblado, where the hotel is), so I declined. Anyway, I wanted to visit a casa one more time the following morning before departing. I should mention that at the front desk at building one, I was given a price list that included 2 paks of V for 2. k for the 2 pills (generic of course). I stocked up.

I found all the casas to be great value. I never felt at all insecure walking around the streets where they were located, though I am always careful to not dress too well, or do anything else that immediately marks me as a tourist. I only went to casas during daylight. I was interested in visiting at least one of the ones that open at night, but it was just too convenient to have night sessions at the hotel. I went to New Life shortly after arriving. Taking a taxi from the hotel runs about 15 to 18 k, the time is more of an issue, as in the best traffic, it was 20-25 minutes, and in the worst (going back to the hotel that first day), 45 minutes. If I get another opportunity to visit, I might try to make use of the metro to save some time during heavy traffic periods. Anyway, once I walked up the stairs, someone approached me with a drink menu, and indicated that there would be a charge to sit around without picking a chica. Other guys seemed to be sitting around. But I immediately said "Yo quiero treinta minutos con una chica", and they sat me down away from the others, and called the girls to pass by. I never made it past the first group, I always saw several that I wanted to be with, so I don't know if they would have had more to choose from if I didn't pick one from the first group. They were all sizes, shapes and colors, and most were wearing see through tops, so you could make an informed decision. They were mostly 6's, maybe a 5 and maybe one 7. Mixed in. They all seemed to be upper teens or in their 20's. I chose one, paid my 50 k at the desk, the chica stepped away for a minute, I believe to check out the room we would go to and get a towel. She returned, led me to the room, and a wonderful 30 minutes ensued. This was the experience all 3 casa visits. I truly felt like a kid in a candy store, I would have done almost all of the chicas I saw if I had the stamina and time. Obviously, money is no issue in MDE, 50 k at New Life, 42 k at Chicas Punto Com. I went to the latter on a Sunday, around 3 PM, and am glad to report that there was a good selection of chicas. There was someone in front handing out what seemed to be a coupon to get a good rate on 2 hours with a chica, though I couldn't fully understand it, and I didn't want 2 hours anyway. My last visit, I attempted to visit Sarita, but it doesn't seem to be at the map location anymore, there was some construction going on there. Fortunately, as I was pressed for time, New Life was around the corner, so I had my last session there, and the chicas seemed all different from the first time. I never felt rushed in any of my sessions. The ones at the hotel lasted more time, the last one almost an hour, but I had no problem with getting rushed during the 30 minute sessions at the casas. For hobbyists like me, who don't have interest in paying big bucks for one session, and for whom variety is the spice of life, Medellin is a great option.

12-21-18, 18:59
Actually she agreed to come over and share a drink without me offering her any money at all. I might have been been able to score for free but after doing this so many times I've just gotten into the habit of offering my usual fare.

I call her a non-pro because she told me this is the first time she's ever done something like this and I don't see any reason to doubt her as she acts different from all the pros and semi-pros I've encountered so far in Colombia. A typical FB prepago will:

1. Just outright tell you they're an escort or a "dama de compania".

2. Have other prepagos and gringos on their friends list.

3. Immediately act super flirtatious when you message them and are eager to meet..On your points 1 through 6, if you're getting more than 50% of your Facebook girls matching those 6, you need to steer away from the low hanging fruit. Sure, there are plenty who are just like that. There are also plenty who match at most 1 or 2, who most never would expect anything from, yet they'll be happy to come meet a stranger who's 15-40 years older.

So maybe the girl is really looking for a husband. If she's never done this before why did she accept the money? Contrary to popular belief, Colombians who aren't prostitutes DO get offended when someone treats them like a prostitute. Especially, if they're romantically interested in the person.

Each girl does things her own way. Walk down the Veracruz block a few times. There are a few girls who will try to grab you. Some will call out to you, one clicks her tongue, some smile, some stare, some wiggle, flirt or tease and some ignore you completely. Yet every one of them is ready to take you upstairs if you make a move. Go to a casa for a lineup. You'll get different vibes from each girl, but each one will fuck you, some better than others.

Facebook is no different. Some will jump out with a price, some will flirt hard and some will ignore you. Some stay for long enough to get paid and some will hang out all night. If you're good company, some will just come to hang out.

If you're positive she's not a prostitute, next time don't pay her.

12-21-18, 19:11
Hello every one,

I need your help as I am organising my 2 weeks trip from 27 January to 10 February. I have anyway to begin with Bogota. As I prefer I prefer to visit cities near the see rather than Medellin: what kind experience or girl I would miss if I don't go to Medellin and that I can't find in Bogota? I saw in some reports that Bogota in the city with large offer with the good rate.

Many thanks.What can you find in Medellin that you can't find in Bogota? Before you go to either city, you should find a map. If you prefer to visit cities near the sea, you're looking at the wrong cities. Bogota is farther away from the ocean than Medellin, and Medellin is far from the ocean.

One thing you can't find in Bogota is 25°see and higher temperatures.

What kind of girl or experience can you find in each city? Is this a serious question? All women have the same body parts, except for the toothless, 1-legged hooker who hops around Veracruz. Each city has enough women that you can find what you are looking for. Each city has enough women to keep you entertained.

12-21-18, 19:39
Hello every one,

I need your help as I am organising my 2 weeks trip from 27 January to 10 February. I have anyway to begin with Bogota. As I prefer I prefer to visit cities near the see rather than Medellin: what kind experience or girl I would miss if I don't go to Medellin and that I can't find in Bogota? I saw in some reports that Bogota in the city with large offer with the good rate.

Many thanks.Bogota is not by the sea though. Medellin has milder weather. It's more like spring all year round in Medellin. Bogota is much larger and colder. In Medellin you'll experience a more authentic experience as north Bogota has become very americanized (think lots of Malls, restaurants and urban sprawl).

12-22-18, 05:04
Dick pics, seriously? I just don't get why any guy would put themselves in that situation. The blackmail comment makes me think they guy had his face and his dick in the same pic. That is not clever.

Then enjoy. Earlier this year there was a guy who also found a "non-pro" she ended up blackmailing him with his dick pics. Just be careful.

12-22-18, 17:18
On your points 1 through 6, if you're getting more than 50% of your Facebook girls matching those 6, you need to steer away from the low hanging fruit. Sure, there are plenty who are just like that. There are also plenty who match at most 1 or 2, who most never would expect anything from, yet they'll be happy to come meet a stranger who's 15-40 years older.I am reading the medellin reports and also I read a lot about FB girls. Can someone help me with the search of FB girls in Medellin. I have made a new FB profile, but cannot search Medellin girls.

Thanks in advance.

The Tall Man
12-22-18, 17:20
I had a great 68 hours, from when I was dropped off from the airport taxi to when I stepped into the return to airport taxi, I was there Halloween weekend. Besides doing some touristy things, I had 6 sessions, all enjoyable. Many thanks to the forum, and especially the Medellin map, for making the trip such a success. I am a relative amateur, and am writing this for other newbies, I don't expect the more senior members to find it interesting. To give you a picture of where I'm coming from, I'm 60 plus years of age, very average looks, speak limited Spanish, and have no game, so I could never pick up a chica and get her to go back to my place, unless I spent a lot of money on her first. It is difficult for me to get away by myself, so I treasure the hobbyist trips I am able to take, have only had 3 before this one, to Athens, Panama City and Mexico City. I am not looking to make a connection with anyone, just looking for variety and quantity in my limited opportunities to engage in the hobby.

Fortunately, as I was pressed for time, New Life was around the corner, so I had my last session there, and the chicas seemed all different from the first time. I never felt rushed in any of my sessions. The ones at the hotel lasted more time, the last one almost an hour, but I had no problem with getting rushed during the 30 minute sessions at the casas. For hobbyists like me, who don't have interest in paying big bucks for one session, and for whom variety is the spice of life, Medellin is a great option.Good report and just wanted to thank you for your perspective and posting this as many others over the course of years ask and get their questions answered then make the trip but seldom follow through with any report let alone a much detailed one like yours.

The Tall Man.

12-22-18, 19:16
I just heard from a chica that the Mansion was raided yesterday (last night?) and was closed down. Does anyone know anything about this? True? What happened?Investigation for [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) girls.

Just harassment from the majors office they have done the same thing to some strip clubs aslo.

The mansion is clean and all their paper work is in order so M1 will be back open soon M2 wasn't affected.

I hear the major of Medellin is going to require medical certification of sex works every 3 months.

The goal is to cut down on prostitution in Medellin.

12-22-18, 19:29
Hello every one,

I need your help as I am organising my 2 weeks trip from 27 January to 10 February. I have anyway to begin with Bogota. As I prefer I prefer to visit cities near the see rather than Medellin: what kind experience or girl I would miss if I don't go to Medellin and that I can't find in Bogota? I saw in some reports that Bogota in the city with large offer with the good rate.

Many thanks.I feel like you will find the prettiest of pretty girls in Medellin then you will in Bogota. But Bogota has more spread out and is actually cheaper. Especially with airbnb's. I have noticed a very high increase in price for airbnb in Medellin vs Bogota. So much so that is actualyl cheaper in Medellin to stay in a nice hotel as the day price for a airbnb in Medellin is higher now. For example I found a great place in Chapineero for 25 a day, in Medellin the same place, centerally located goes for 75 a day.

BUT that super pretty doll paisa, are more rare to find in Bogota.

So choice is yours, also the weather, you won't need a jacket in Medellin.

12-22-18, 21:55
Dick pics, seriously? I just don't get why any guy would put themselves in that situation. The blackmail comment makes me think they guy had his face and his dick in the same pic. That is not clever.His posts are on this Medellin forum too.

When I first got into this hobby I met a Colombian in Panama. It was all GFE and great. Later when I was skyping with her she started showing off her body. I almost "showed her mine" but noticed how quickly her hands went to the side of her phone. I still don't know if she was going to snap a screenshot but it sure looked like she was.

And she was full of shit in the end. Lies after lies after lies.

Sometimes we need to go through one of those to know better.

Black Page
12-22-18, 23:03
as north Bogota has become very americanized (think lots of Malls, restaurants and urban sprawl).Americanized? Except for the look of the girls. I have never seen so many pretty sexy girls in USA ROFL.

Mr Enternational
12-23-18, 00:18
Later when I was skyping with her she started showing off her body. I almost "showed her mine" but noticed how quickly her hands went to the side of her phone. I still don't know if she was going to snap a screenshot but it sure looked like she was.I don't know how long ago that has been, but I have had this program on my phone that records the screen for a couple of years.

12-23-18, 00:29
For those who are in Medellin for the New Year.

NEW YEAR'S EVE at Poblado's most luxurious venue. No Cover / No Minimum. Free champagne toast at midnight w. Hats / noise-makers. Fine Food / Drinks (touch your mobile screen here ❌ to see menu). Watch the ball drop in 2 lobby bars. Cuddle-up on the patio couches. Music you can talk over. Big screens everywhere. Our cook, is preparing a TAPA TASTINGS DINNER PLATTER (FOR 2) with an awesome assortment of 16 tapas on rounds of sourdough baguette. Food service: 9:00 pm - 1:00 am.



😋 BBQ Beef Brisket w. Sweet Onion Jam.

😋 Baked Italian Ham w. Caramelized Apples.

😋 Curried Chicken Mousse w. Mango Chutney.

😋 Mexican Pork Al Pastor w. Grilled Pineapple.

😋 Spinach / Artichoke / Cream Cheese Gremolata.

😋 Roasted Peppers, Cherry Tomatoes & Feta.

😋 Garbanzo Eggplant w. Cilantro.

😋 Caramelized Pears w. Herbed Queso Crema.

😋 A Selection Of Crudites.

DINNER PLATTER (FOR 2) with 16 tapas + crudites. $50.000.


12-23-18, 04:48
Americanized? Except for the look of the girls. I have never seen so many pretty sexy girls in USA ROFL.El Poblado in Medellin is just as Americanized as anywhere in Bogota.

Very few people reading this forum will get an "authentic" experience, regardless of where they go. Very few people reading this forum want an authentic experience. What most want is to be able to convince themselves they've spent a few days, or a few weeks seeing the real Colombia, without having any idea what the real Colombia is like.

Trouble is, most think the real Colombia is cheap hookers, drugs and partying hard. It's like staying on the strip in Las Vegas to experience the real USA. There are cheap hookers, drugs and parties, more than enough to go around, but that's not Colombia. That's anywhere in the world. Prices change, languages change, but the scene is the same wherever you go.

Spend 3 or 4 weeks away from all that. No hookers, no drugs, no parties, none of the restaurants that charge over 9 k for a meal, no Uber, no taxis, no hanging with the gringos. Instead of Juan Valdez or Starbucks, spend 200 pesos for a paper cup of tinto from a street vendor. While you're at it, no air conditioning, no heating and no hot water.

Spend your days hanging out in the parks, chatting with the locals. Get up with the sunrise and watch the city wake up. Spend some evenings in the billiard parlors. Go watch tejo and some local football. If you do these things long enough, you will get an idea what the real Colombia is like.

I don't recommend any of this. It's not why you go to Colombia. You go for the hookers and the party. Why pass that up to hang out with boring old locals? However, unless this is how you plan on spending your vacation, it's pretty silly to choose one city or another to get a more authentic experience.

12-23-18, 16:32
..............Spend 3 or 4 weeks away from all that. No hookers, no drugs, no parties, none of the restaurants that charge over 9 k for a meal, no Uber, no taxis, no hanging with the gringos. Instead of Juan Valdez or Starbucks, spend 200 pesos for a paper cup of tinto from a street vendor. While you're at it, no air conditioning, no heating and no hot water.......................I can do everything you say except the no hot water. Have you showered in cold water in Medellin?

12-23-18, 16:54
I can do everything you say except the no hot water. Have you showered in cold water in Medellin?Yes I have. Spent 2 months in a very nice apartment with no water heater. However, I did install a heated shower head after about 2 weeks. Never was comfortable with it though. Having 220 v connected directly to the shower head doesn't seem safe, but it worked fine.

It's one of those things you forget when looking at apartments. You just assume every place has hot water.

Mr Enternational
12-23-18, 17:33
Very few people reading this forum will get an "authentic" experience, regardless of where they go. Very few people reading this forum want an authentic experience. What most want is to be able to convince themselves they've spent a few days, or a few weeks seeing the real Colombia, without having any idea what the real Colombia is like.The real Colombia is boring as shit. Best to stay your ass in one of those major cities where there is enough fun to go around when you have money. You don't want to be caught out somewhere like Monteria, Boyaca, or Armenia unless you are retired and don't have shit else to do with your time.

P. S. They still have hookers in the local dive bars though. They may not be to your standards, but they definitely have them.

12-23-18, 20:01
The real Colombia is boring as shit. Best to stay your ass in one of those major cities where there is enough fun to go around when you have money. You don't want to be caught out somewhere like Monteria, Boyaca, or Armenia unless you are retired and don't have shit else to do with your time.

P. S. They still have hookers in the local dive bars though. They may not be to your standards, but they definitely have them.The authentic (insert any country name) is boring as shit. That's why everyone spends so much time and money looking for the best fake stuff.

12-24-18, 04:20
The authentic (insert any country name) is boring as shit. That's why everyone spends so much time and money looking for the best fake stuff.I grew up in the environment like you described, including the billiard parlors. We don't have shower. We had to burn wood to get hot water, but it was not boring. When I was walking around Centro in the area where they have many small industrial shops, I felt like going back in time.

It seems you define "authentic" experience very narrowly or for people living poorly. The hot water is generally not reliable except in the hotel. I had several meals for 6 K but it became 10 K when I switched from meat to fish. I told a local that I thought a restaurant charged me too much for a mondongo soup. The local said it is an expensive soup that I would be charged double if I go to a good restaurant. I went to Mondongos in Laureles, and the price is more than doubled but it came with several additional side dishes.

12-24-18, 16:13
I grew up in the environment like you described, including the billiard parlors. We don't have shower. We had to burn wood to get hot water, but it was not boring. When I was walking around Centro in the area where they have many small industrial shops, I felt like going back in time.

It seems you define "authentic" experience very narrowly or for people living poorly. The hot water is generally not reliable except in the hotel. I had several meals for 6 K but it became 10 K when I switched from meat to fish. I told a local that I thought a restaurant charged me too much for a mondongo soup. The local said it is an expensive soup that I would be charged double if I go to a good restaurant. I went to Mondongos in Laureles, and the price is more than doubled but it came with several additional side dishes.Except for the few people here who grew up with wealth, we all grew up experiencing our authentic country. It wasn't boring growing up. However, try going back to it 40 years later, after having seen the world.

In Medellin there are several levels of authentic. You'll find the authentic estrato 5 people in Laureles and in some areas of El Centro. You'll rarely find them in El Poblado. El Poblado is where Paisas with money go to get away from where they grew up.

I define authentic as how the majority live. The majority don't spend 80,000 COP a night for a hotel, or 25 k for a meal. The majority don't sell their ass to gringos, or have their girlfriends sell it. The majority don't take taxis everywhere. And in Medellin, the majority don't have hot water.

For a free, authentic experience in Medellin, spend election day riding the Metro. The Metro is free on election day, so everyone uses it to visit other parts of the city, especially the areas serviced by the Metrocable. Be prepared for long lines and being packed in like sardines. These are the people who view riding the train as an adventure. It's exciting. It's as close as many of them will ever come to traveling. If you can handle the crowds it's quite an interesting experience.

And if you're in Laureles, try Rico Ajiaco, just south of Mondongos. It's about the same price, but a less commercialized restaurant.

12-25-18, 05:15
That about the metro on election days. In fact, it's even more authentic than usual because of all the people who don't normally take the metro. I was with a friend with benefits for a short ride on the tranvia from San Antonio to a restaurant we like near the mercado del tranvia during the first round of the recent presiential. We tapped out after a couple of stops. It was just too crowded. Neither of us wanted to walk but we agreed it was preferable to being mashed like bugs. It was more authentic than either of us were ready to accept.

Except for the few people here who grew up with wealth, we all grew up experiencing our authentic country. It wasn't boring growing up. However, try going back to it 40 years later, after having seen the world.

In Medellin there are several levels of authentic. You'll find the authentic estrato 5 people in Laureles and in some areas of El Centro. You'll rarely find them in El Poblado. El Poblado is where Paisas with money go to get away from where they grew up.

I define authentic as how the majority live. The majority don't spend 80,000 COP a night for a hotel, or 25 k for a meal. The majority don't sell their ass to gringos, or have their girlfriends sell it. The majority don't take taxis everywhere. And in Medellin, the majority don't have hot water..

12-25-18, 07:57
I am reading the medellin reports and also I read a lot about FB girls. Can someone help me with the search of FB girls in Medellin. I have made a new FB profile, but cannot search Medellin girls.

Thanks in advance.Here are some names to start with. Friend them and look at their friend list (if it's not blocked) and friend them too. Also, look at their pics, they often tag their friends' names.

Vane Restrepo.

Marilin San Marin.

Xiomara Isazs.

Deyna Bedoya.

Olga Castrillon.

Dulce Queen.

Stefany Duque.

Black Page
12-26-18, 18:58
Here are some names to start with. Friend them and look at their friend list (if it's not blocked) and friend them too. Also, look at their pics, they often tag their friends' names.
I made a jump on my chair. One of those names corresponds to a friend of mine! (but she's not from Medellin).

I have not many friends on FB, and they are girls I met in the past, just in case I wish to get in touch with Messenger. I met her as she was in P4 P, of course, but I did not expect to find her posted here. However, I don't think she's the same girl. My friend not only lives in another city, but also she posts only photos of her family and barrio boys.

By the way, most of those names are very common, so for the same name of my friend I found several girls making a seach on FB, but none of them living in Medellin. The residual question would be then: if one wants to look for those names, should he add "Medellin" as place? At least for that name, it does not work.

12-27-18, 00:09
I had a last minute work trip to Medellin for first time and then I started doing research and came here. Made an account and tried to upgrade credit card declined so will have to do it in cash. No time to get to premium membership.

My company has booked Dan Carlton in El Pablado.

I speak no Spanish whatsoever.

I want to bang about 6 chicks over 3 days. Really hot one somewhat good budget like 250 per girl. But I want good ones and ones with BBBJ. A must.

Any pointers on where to look for quality as I don't have as much time in between work and such. Like few hours a day and one full day.

Also is my Hotel going ti allow girls in? How would they know if they working girls etc. Just trying to get my feet wet.

I should have been here two weeks ago but trip got booked last minute as my company acquired company in Medellin.

Thanks guys for help in advance.

12-27-18, 01:35
I just got word my membership cleared. Glad to be posting. I am going to Colombia the first week in February and staying to 2-3 weeks. I will visit Medellin and Bogota. Just wanted to introduce and maybe connect up with some people down there. I am from the USA and this will be by first visit to Colombia. I went to Ukraine a few times over the years, so this will be a new scene. Hope everyone had a good Christmas.

12-27-18, 02:07
Here are some names to start with. Friend them and look at their friend list (if it's not blocked) and friend them too. Also, look at their pics, they often tag their friends' names.

Vane Restrepo.

Marilin San Marin.

Xiomara Isazs.

Deyna Bedoya.

Olga Castrillon.

Dulce Queen.

Stefany Duque.Thanks a lot, I appreciate.

12-27-18, 13:21
Not going to do an actual report just a quick pic for all the ass lovers out there. Made a stop in Medellin visited New Life. Nothing new to report same ol same ol. There were like 15 girls when I went.

Fun Luvr
12-27-18, 23:55
I had a last minute work trip to Medellin for first time and then I started doing research and came here. Made an account and tried to upgrade credit card declined so will have to do it in cash. No time to get to premium membership.

My company has booked Dan Carlton in El Pablado.

I speak no Spanish whatsoever.

I want to bang about 6 chicks over 3 days. Really hot one somewhat good budget like 250 per girl. But I want good ones and ones with BBBJ. A must.

Any pointers on where to look for quality as I don't have as much time in between work and such. Like few hours a day and one full day.

Also is my Hotel going ti allow girls in? How would they know if they working girls etc. Just trying to get my feet wet.

First, are you talking about dollars or COP? If dollars, get 250 out of your head. 300,000 COP for one hour (less than $100) should be the max.

Since you don't have much time to plan, and will be there for only 3 days, I suggest you go to Luna Lunera and La Isla. You can communicate with the ladies there and discuss what you want before choosing. You will probably have to communicate with Google Translate, but desperate situations require desperate actions.

The hotel doesn't have to know whether or not they are working girls. All they have to do is restrict entry to registered guests only. I don't know about the Dann Carlton, buy my inclination is they don't allow unregistered guests. It is one of the upscale hotels.

One more piece of advice you didn't ask for. Figure out which of your debit cards charges the less for foreign transactions and use it to get money from ATM's. Use BBVA and Davivienda ATM's. Those banks don't charge a fee, so you'll only be paying the fee your bank charges. The exchange places will pay about 10% less than the ATM's.

12-28-18, 04:18
In only three days I think it would be very hard to rack up noticeable ATM fees unless you are making frequent withdrawals all day every day.

First, are you talking about dollars or COP? If dollars, get 250 out of your head. 300,000 COP for one hour (less than $100) should be the max.

Since you don't have much time to plan, and will be there for only 3 days, I suggest you go to Luna Lunera and La Isla. You can communicate with the ladies there and discuss what you want before choosing. You will probably have to communicate with Google Translate, but desperate situations require desperate actions.

The hotel doesn't have to know whether or not they are working girls. All they have to do is restrict entry to registered guests only. I don't know about the Dann Carlton, buy my inclination is they don't allow unregistered guests. It is one of the upscale hotels.

One more piece of advice you didn't ask for. Figure out which of your debit cards charges the less for foreign transactions and use it to get money from ATM's. Use BBVA and Davivienda ATM's. Those banks don't charge a fee, so you'll only be paying the fee your bank charges. The exchange places will pay about 10% less than the ATM's.

12-28-18, 04:43
So my flight was late but I finally made it. Checked into hotel early and took a nap. Aroun 4 I went to New Life for my first quick look the place. Price was low. Like 50 k for 30 minutes not bad. I choose one good looking girl. May be 25. Others weren't my type. Only 6 were available. We go and no BBBJ. Or kissing. I am realizing GFE is probably not going to happen. I am not trying to fuck without a condom. But quality chick to spend few hours be nice. She did suck good with condom and I nutted and then went for dinner.

About to head out to La Isla to scope out and may be her couple of numbers so I can have the girl come to my hotel if we hit off and may be have GFE.

Women in street fucking hot. Every where. Cleavage. Tight ass. And low cut tops common. Its fun just to be here. Unlike fat ugly crazy bitches we see a lot in our home country. Ratio is definitely way better here.

I am realizing that putting more effort next time around on dating site or learning Spanish be better to find a more fin thing. But its a good start.

Busy tomorrow with work so time to mine numbers at both clubs and talk to them about what I exactly want.

12-28-18, 18:22
One more piece of advice you didn't ask for. Figure out which of your debit cards charges the less for foreign transactions and use it to get money from ATM's. Use BBVA and Davivienda ATM's. Those banks don't charge a fee, so you'll only be paying the fee your bank charges. The exchange places will pay about 10% less than the ATM's.The ATM and CC advice is appreciated.

I'm curious what is the most you can get out of an ATM?

I'm also curious what is the current exchange rate in mde?

I have a exchange place close to my job they told me it's a a dollar to 10 dollar fee no Matter how much I exchange and the current rate 1 usd - 2700 pesos I forgot exact. Online quote today is 3,245.91 , the teller told me I wouldn't get that rate anywhere online always shows higher.

I'the prefer to exchange most of my spending money and not have to use an ATM day to day.

Thanks for all your contributions, Any advice is appreciated.

12-28-18, 19:40
The ATM and CC advice is appreciated.

I'm curious what is the most you can get out of an ATM?

I'm also curious what is the current exchange rate in mde?

I have a exchange place close to my job they told me it's a a dollar to 10 dollar fee no Matter how much I exchange and the current rate 1 usd - 2700 pesos I forgot exact. Online quote today is 3,245.91 , the teller told me I wouldn't get that rate anywhere online always shows higher.

I'the prefer to exchange most of my spending money and not have to use an ATM day to day.

Thanks for all your contributions, Any advice is appreciated.Here is my experience, and what I do now.

The worst way to change money is stateside in a bank. The next worst is in a Colombian cambio or bank. These facilities set their own rates and are not obligated to make it anything gpod or bad. The margins on buying and selling are outrageous. Maybe something lunatic like 2700 and 3700. It has been repeated time and again that the best way to get COP cash is an ATM withdrawl in pesos once there. That is the reality.

Mastercard / Visa ATM transactions occur at the daily published currency exchange rate by Mastercard or Visa and which you can look up online and is published daily. That point understood, there are essentially 3 other variables to consider.

1) ATM withdrawal fee charged by your card issuer.

2) Forex transaction fee also charged by your card issuer.

3) ATM utilization fee charged by the ATM owner / local bank.

Of the above variable, certain cards are more favorable, and certain ones are not. Also some people disregard an extra 4%, 5% or even 10% for convenience and others want the best possible conversion. So it is a matter of choice as well. For the frequent traveller or the person resident there, it makes sense to have the best deal as these fees can add up significantly over time.

I took a closer look at this after a particularly irksome experience this year. Let me demonstrate how horrible it can be, I was in the DR mid year and cambios were exchanging $USD for 43-44/1 and were acting rude and there was a line. So I left the line and went to the ATM at my hotel. Well, it had an ATM fee of $5 USD, then my bank charged $2 for foreign ATM use, and finally a 3% foreign transaction fee, and worse yet, maximum allowed withdrawal was 5000 Dominican pesos or 100 USD. The saving grace was the 49.85 conversion rate, which effectively meant I converted for about 45:1. Still better than the freaking cambio and in the comfort and security of my A / see hotel lobby.

Since we are on the topic, the the best scenario of all is when you get the trifecta right. IE Low or no or refunded ATM fees on both sides and get a no foreign transaction fees card. The schwab brokerage debit card fits all three criteria. Other brokerages like fidelity and interactive brokers come very close as well. If you have an account with any of them, just get their debit card and use away.

Finally whenever spending consider a travel credit card with no forex fees. Mine for example charges nothing for foreign transactions and gives me 2% cash back. Thats a 12% swing over my DR experience!

12-28-18, 20:27
The ATM and CC advice is appreciated.

I'm curious what is the most you can get out of an ATM?

I'm also curious what is the current exchange rate in mde?

I have a exchange place close to my job they told me it's a a dollar to 10 dollar fee no Matter how much I exchange and the current rate 1 usd - 2700 pesos I forgot exact. Online quote today is 3,245.91 , the teller told me I wouldn't get that rate anywhere online always shows higher.

I'the prefer to exchange most of my spending money and not have to use an ATM day to day.Most ATM's allow you to withdrawal up to 600,000 ($183) pesos at a time. You can usually do 2 withdrawals back to back from the same ATM. I once pulled 2.4 million pesos (4 withdrawals) back to back at the airport upon arrival. It was 2 different ATM's (difft banks) that were next to each other.

Current exchange rate is 3275. You should get something close to that when pulling out of the ATM. If you exchange at one of the exchange places, you will probably get about 2800 per dollar. Ripoff.


If you sign up for the Schwab account link below, they refund all ATM fees at the end of each month. You need to sign up for an investor account too, but you don't need to keep any money in it or make any trades. Takes 4 biz day to transfer money from your bank to Schwab account.

Link to open a Schwab account: https://www.schwab.com/public/schwab/banking_lending/checking_account.

If you can do 2 600 k withdrawals which is about $360, it should last about 2-3 days.

12-29-18, 01:13
Just a security reminder. Schwab and ATM fees may not be so important after all other potential fees. Anyone who posts here that the city is safe is a cuckoo.


12-29-18, 01:28
Online reviews sound good but maybe postured. Any of you guys have knowledge of these guys? Again, I searched the forum and nothing came up even using quotes "Medellin VIP". Not sure what's up with the search function.


12-29-18, 02:14
Just a security reminder. Schwab and ATM fees may not be so important after all other potential fees. Anyone who posts here that the city is safe is a cuckoo.

https://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/medellin/confirman-muerte-de-docente-turco-ramazan-gencay-en-medellin-309238The english articles on-line just say he was at a "salsa club" but the article from eltiempo says he went to a "sector" to talk to women. He uses the verb "departir" which I'm not too familiar with when used in Colombia.

12-29-18, 10:30
Day 1.

I'm an idiot on so many levels. I arrive in Medellin, and try to setup my cell phone. Turns out I did not buy the international model, as intended. Then I took the bus to Hotel Botero. $3 right to my hotel. Just in time to grab a quick shower, and a below average street walker before the sun sets on Centro. Then it set, and I saw children and young women. What was I afraid of? It's 6:30 pm. Well, I got promptly robbed at knife point.

Then, because I'm an idiot, I didn't hand it over. I said in English, "Okay, I'll give you the money. " I started to reach for it when one of them reached in my pocket and grabbed a 4 year old iphone. On instinct I grabbed his wrist, and firmly growled, "I'll give you. The money. " There was a tense moment, then they took off empty handed. I only have a couple hundred words of Spanish, and they had even fewer English.

So dumb. I could have been killed. Afterwords a man told me my clothes were too nice for this neighborhood. I left my fancy watch and jewelry at home, but never thought about my clothes. The next day I bought a used phone with a cracked screen for $30 to use for my stay. Should be good for handing over to knife wielding maniacs too.

12-29-18, 10:43
Thanks to you all I really appreciate the detailed responses.

I like to have more than enough money but 2 withdrawals at 600000 peso should be good for the day.

I've actually pulled up atms on google maps and there is one on my block where I'm staying and several close by.

12-29-18, 17:07
Online reviews sound good but maybe postured. Any of you guys have knowledge of these guys? Again, I searched the forum and nothing came up even using quotes "Medellin VIP". Not sure what's up with the search function.

Thanks.If nothing came up it's because nobody here uses them. The people who use their service tend to be the sort of people who don't spend a lot of time on research. They just find someone who will take their money and get what they want.

If you have that kind of money to spend to get laid, $300-$1000 per nut, (plus airfare) in a place where expensive sex is $70-$100, then that's probably a good place to call.

The question is, what are you looking for in Medellin? There are plenty of people here who can point you in the right direction, but first we need to know where you want to go.

12-29-18, 17:29
I enjoyed the article about chicha, the ancient indigenous alcoholic drink that is becoming popular with hipster millennial.

So yes, to your point, Medellin is no different than other major metropolitan areas around the world of similar size. There are killing and a minority of the victims are foreigners. Research it, you will find confirmation. Your point is well taken. Medellin is not Shangri-la. You can get yourself in trouble there. It is less likely to happen if we take reasonable precautions and avoid dickhead behavior. That is easier for some than others.

The english articles on-line just say he was at a "salsa club" but the article from eltiempo says he went to a "sector" to talk to women. He uses the verb "departir" which I'm not too familiar with when used in Colombia.

12-29-18, 19:21
The english articles on-line just say he was at a "salsa club" but the article from eltiempo says he went to a "sector" to talk to women. He uses the verb "departir" which I'm not too familiar with when used in Colombia.Departir means leaving. "a departir con unas mujeres" = "as he was leaving with some women".

12-29-18, 21:03
Day 1.

I'm an idiot on so many levels. I arrive in Medellin, and try to setup my cell phone. Turns out I did not buy the international model, as intended. Then I took the bus to Hotel Botero. $3 right to my hotel. Just in time to grab a quick shower, and a below average street walker before the sun sets on Centro. Then it set, and I saw children and young women. What was I afraid of? It's 6:30 pm. Well, I got promptly robbed at knife point.

Then, because I'm an idiot, I didn't hand it over. I said in English, "Okay, I'll give you the money. " I started to reach for it when one of them reached in my pocket and grabbed a 4 year old iphone. On instinct I grabbed his wrist, and firmly growled, "I'll give you. The money. " There was a tense moment, then they took off empty handed. I only have a couple hundred words of Spanish, and they had even fewer English.

So dumb. I could have been killed. Afterwords a man told me my clothes were too nice for this neighborhood. I left my fancy watch and jewelry at home, but never thought about my clothes. The next day I bought a used phone with a cracked screen for $30 to use for my stay. Should be good for handing over to knife wielding maniacs too.Wow man. That's crazy. I am new here but it seems quite clear (especially now) that el centro after dark is no place for a solo gringo to be strolling around. Thanks for sharing this and I'm glad you're OK.

12-29-18, 21:10
. Well, I got promptly robbed at knife point.

Then, because I'm an idiot, I didn't hand it over. I said in English, "Okay, I'll give you the money. " I started to reach for it when one of them reached in my pocket and grabbed a 4 year old iphone. On instinct I grabbed his wrist, and firmly growled, "I'll give you. The money. " There was a tense moment, then they took off empty handed. I only have a couple hundred words of Spanish, and they had even fewer English..What location was this? I hit the streets 10 a to 4 p and then strip clubs or Yakuza (the Casa right across from the hotel Botero) after that in Centro. You can take yakuza girls across the street to your room no exit charge, 50 kish for 1/2 HR.

12-30-18, 00:05
In the interest of helping others avoid what happened, where did the attempted robbery take place? Was it in front of your hotel, behind the Veracruz church, somewhere else? Did it happen before, during, or after you picked up the below average street walker?

Don't be so hard on yourself. You dodged a bullet and I doubt you will repeat the mistake. If you had it to do over again (and you do, every night you are here) you will probably notice how people are dressed compared to how you dress. We all have our moments. I remember a few years ago walking past a sporting good store on Avenida Paulista in Sao Paulo when I noticed a the same pair of Asics trail shoes I was wearing on display in the store window. I stopped in my tracks when I worked out the reals / dollar conversion. They were on sale for more than $300. I turned on my heels and quickly walked by to my hotel to change shoes. I bought those shoes for something like $50 on sale at a mall but a potential local thug would not know that or care.

I'm relieved you were not harmed. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip. Again, I'm very curious about where the attempted robbery happened because I know it can happen most anywhere.

Day 1.

I'm an idiot on so many levels. I arrive in Medellin, and try to setup my cell phone. Turns out I did not buy the international model, as intended. Then I took the bus to Hotel Botero. $3 right to my hotel. Just in time to grab a quick shower, and a below average street walker before the sun sets on Centro. Then it set, and I saw children and young women. What was I afraid of? It's 6:30 pm. Well, I got promptly robbed at knife point.

Then, because I'm an idiot, I didn't hand it over. I said in English, "Okay, I'll give you the money. " I started to reach for it when one of them reached in my pocket and grabbed a 4 year old iphone. On instinct I grabbed his wrist, and firmly growled, "I'll give you. The money. " There was a tense moment, then they took off empty handed. I only have a couple hundred words of Spanish, and they had even fewer English.

So dumb. I could have been killed. Afterwords a man told me my clothes were too nice for this neighborhood. I left my fancy watch and jewelry at home, but never thought about my clothes. The next day I bought a used phone with a cracked screen for $30 to use for my stay. Should be good for handing over to knife wielding maniacs too.

12-30-18, 01:15
Departir means leaving. "a departir con unas mujeres" = "as he was leaving with some women".Everywhere I checked online it says to "converse" or "chat. " I usually use the verb "salir" for leaving a place.

EDIT: I just looked at the article again: "sali a un sector a departir con unas mujeres" salio meaning they left.

EDIT2: OK after re-reading the entire sentence again as best I can tell he's saying after his seminar he left to a place to chat with some women. BTW, I think its funny that they have it in bold in the article.

12-30-18, 01:34
The question is, what are you looking for in Medellin? There are plenty of people here who can point you in the right direction, but first we need to know where you want to go.Thanks Jj.

This morning I told the guy I was going to pass. It seemed like a total waste. While guidance is appreciated and something I will need, handholding the whole time is not. Nor is pissing away money unnecessarily. What he wanted for a one bedroom was double what I found an awesome 2 bedroom AirBNB for and the place allows guests with ID and registration, which is what I want.

My goal for the trip is to see some sights, relax and reflect on wtf I am doing in life, get some sun, mix with the culture, drink strong coffee, and spend time with some beautiful women. I used to party a lot but I am sober now and really want to stay away from it, as tempting as the high quality favors supposedly are in Medellin. So I probably won't be going out combing nightclubs and bars for ass. I fear doing that might get me into trouble in more ways than one.

I have been on a couple of the escort websites and the girls look smoking hot but I can't see faces and a pretty face is way more attractive to me than huge fake tits and ass. Ideally I find one that wants to come hang out at the pool, relax, hook-up, go out to eat, etc. But I know that's going to cost me and might be better sought after on CC or Tinder.

Lastly, I would like to check out the casas and strip clubs just for the experience. Not getting robbed, drugged, or murdered is of utmost importance though so I want to know where and when I should and shouldn't go. There is a lot of commentary here on that so I will keep reading. Of course, any firm guidance is always appreciated.


12-30-18, 01:48
EDIT2: OK after re-reading the entire sentence again as best I can tell he's saying after his seminar he left to a place to chat with some women. BTW, I think its funny that they have it in bold in the article.Or maybe departir also means to mingle, or socialize in this context.

12-30-18, 04:14
'departir' is this context means 'to party'.

12-30-18, 04:39
'departir' is this context means 'to party'.I just have to go to Medellin & clear this up. Need to interview a lot of mujeres. Probably will take me at least week. Have no choice!

12-30-18, 05:56

I have read a lot about the fb approach and have created a profile recently. I started sending friend requests and also messages but the response rate is very very low. I should have contacted at least 50 or so. Am I missing something? What are some tips that experts can share here for success? Do you just send friend request or message or both? Also I keep getting "please confirm you know this person before sending friend request". Does fb vlock us if we send a lot of requests to unknown persons? Thanks any insights are much appreciated.

Black Page
12-30-18, 13:31
I'm relieved you were not harmed. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip. Again, I'm very curious about where the attempted robbery happened because I know it can happen most anywhere.I have been used to walk around the Centro daytime and after sunset since my first time in Medellin, say almost 10 years ago, under the metro Prado and in small streets around, even around midnight. Said this, I will never be tired to repeat here to anyone considering to venture in Centro that it's DANGEROUS. Dangerous, period.

I remember a guy posting here the photos of his muscles, like claiming that he knows how to self-defend in a hostile environment. The only defense is NO DAR PAPAYA, that is to not attract attention. Which means not only to avoid exhibiting something expensive, but also a dress style that may make you noticed as "different" from the average crowd and lead people to think you are unaware of the surroundings and have money with you.

99.9% of people around you in Centro are harmless. Poor and desperate, but harmless. The problem is the residual 0. 1%, who can be anywhere and be really nasty. Don't attract their attention and you are safe.

12-30-18, 16:02
................99.9% of people around you in Centro are harmless. Poor and desperate, but harmless. The problem is the residual 0. 1%, who can be anywhere and be really nasty. Don't attract their attention and you are safe.One evening some years ago I was walking in El Centro while talking on my Samsung Galaxy S6 and two blokes made a grab at my phone. No weapons were produced and there were people around. I held on to my phone and successfully warded them off. I am certain they were not criminals but ordinary guys who saw an opportunity. Part of the 99.9% as you put it. Be careful out there.

12-30-18, 16:36
Thanks Jj.

This morning I told the guy I was going to pass. It seemed like a total waste. While guidance is appreciated and something I will need, handholding the whole time is not. Nor is pissing away money unnecessarily. What he wanted for a one bedroom was double what I found an awesome 2 bedroom AirBNB for and the place allows guests with ID and registration, which is what I want.

My goal for the trip is to see some sights, relax and reflect on wtf I am doing in life, get some sun, mix with the culture, drink strong coffee, and spend time with some beautiful women. I used to party a lot but I am sober now and really want to stay away from it, as tempting as the high quality favors supposedly are in Medellin. So I probably won't be going out combing nightclubs and bars for ass. I fear doing that might get me into trouble in more ways than one.You're off to a good start. You've already got the lodging figured out, which is a huge help. You've also started reading the forum, which is crucial.

Let's start with the last part first. Casas and strip clubs. Most of the casas close at 7 or 8 pm. My preference is to visit between late morning and mid afternoon. Get the Medellin map, or get the Medellin Chica List PDF and make your own map. You'll find there are several casas within walking distance of each other. Use street view to locate the entrance. It will be a plain security door. No sign, just the street number above the door.

Some doors are easy to find. New Life has a blue door, Aiffe has a red door. Sexxy Amigas has a dark brown door. Work out a path for 4 or 5 casas to check out. You'll probably want to take a taxi to the first one. If you remember your map, you can then walk to the next one, if you don't find what you're looking for.

Strip clubs are for night time, after 11 pm the options are better. Fase Dos is probably your best option, unless you want the high end at La Isla. The rooms available at Fase Dos are nice and clean. If you want to try the lower end, Club Maracaibo and Barra Ejecutiva are probably where you should go. There are just a few doors separating the 2 clubs, so you can walk from one to the other. The rooms are kind of nasty, but they'll do. Or you can always exchange WhatsApp numbers and set something up for later.

CC and Tinder will also cost you, usually. Especially, if you're wanting every date to finish with something more than a kiss on the cheek. However, it's not a bad option, especially considering what you are looking for. I'd avoid the escort services. You'll pay too much and there's a lot of bait and switch.

Combing the night clubs for ass isn't necessary. If you're wanting to enjoy the culture, just prepare some questions, depending on your Spanish skills, and ask the nearest attractive woman. Waitresses are a good choice, but almost anyone in Medellin will answer your questions. If you're asking about local attractions, and the girl shows some interest, just tell her "necesito una guia", "I need a guide. " Do it in a joking manner and she might volunteer. If you're too serious, she might call up her uncle to guide you.

Have a good trip.

12-30-18, 16:48

I have read a lot about the fb approach and have created a profile recently. I started sending friend requests and also messages but the response rate is very very low. I should have contacted at least 50 or so. Am I missing something? What are some tips that experts can share here for success? Do you just send friend request or message or both? Also I keep getting "please confirm you know this person before sending friend request". Does fb vlock us if we send a lot of requests to unknown persons? Thanks any insights are much appreciated.Just confirm you know the person if Facebook asks.

The response rate is very low because they see you as a waste of time. You probably have a basically blank profile, sending out friend requests and immediate messages. They get friend requests from blank profiles all the time.

Add to your profile. Throw in some pictures, share some memes, preferably some in Spanish. Make it interesting, make it real. Make some connections to Medellin Facebook groups or businesses. You want your profile to indicate a person who is serious about coming to Medellin, instead of a person who is just going to ask "me mandas fotos desnudas por favor?

When will you be in Medellin? If your trip is more than 2 weeks away, don't bother sending messages, just work on filling up your page and sending friend requests. Save the messages until you're about ready to leave. Keep your messages short and polite. A little bit of flirting is fine, but sending something like "Hi. I want to fuck you. How much do you charge" isn't going to be extremely successful.

The Tall Man
12-30-18, 17:13
Day 1.

I'm an idiot on so many levels. I arrive in Medellin, and try to setup my cell phone. Turns out I did not buy the international model, as intended. Then I took the bus to Hotel Botero. $3 right to my hotel. Just in time to grab a quick shower, and a below average street walker before the sun sets on Centro. Then it set, and I saw children and young women. What was I afraid of? It's 6:30 pm. Well, I got promptly robbed at knife point.

Then, because I'm an idiot, I didn't hand it over. I said in English, "Okay, I'll give you the money. " I started to reach for it when one of them reached in my pocket and grabbed a 4 year old iphone. On instinct I grabbed his wrist, and firmly growled, "I'll give you. The money. " There was a tense moment, then they took off empty handed. I only have a couple hundred words of Spanish, and they had even fewer English.

So dumb. I could have been killed. Afterwords a man told me my clothes were too nice for this neighborhood. I left my fancy watch and jewelry at home, but never thought about my clothes. The next day I bought a used phone with a cracked screen for $30 to use for my stay. Should be good for handing over to knife wielding maniacs too.Dumb yes but your ok. Where exactly did this happen? How did it go down? Time of day? We can all learn from this.

Yes dress down, sometime I wear what I consider rags with a pair of old beat up and dirty tennis shoes, I am able to relax and enjoy the street pussy.

The Tall Man.

12-30-18, 17:44
Dumb yes but your ok. Where exactly did this happen? How did it go down? Time of day? We can all learn from this.

Yes dress down, sometime I wear what I consider rags with a pair of old beat up and dirty tennis shoes, I am able to relax and enjoy the street pussy.

The Tall Man.Yeah my advice to guys I have hanged out with in MED is when doing walks around Centro dress like you are going to Home Depot, save the nice clothes for a cab to Fase II.

12-30-18, 20:31
I have read a lot about the fb approach and have created a profile recently. I started sending friend requests and also messages but the response rate is very very low. I should have contacted at least 50 or so. Am I missing something? What are some tips that experts can share here for success?Keep in mind its not unusual for these girls to get a dozen messages and friend requests a day. Make sure they can see your face in your profile pic, keep your initial message short and straight to the point, that you're visiting Colombia and would love to meet. 50 is nothing, I've messaged hundreds. Also give them time to respond, I've had some reply after a year!

Do you just send friend request or message or both? Both, unless they block one or the other.

Also I keep getting "please confirm you know this person before sending friend request". Does fb vlock us if we send a lot of requests to unknown persons? Thanks any insights are much appreciated.FB will absolutely start to temporarily block your messages if you send out too many in a day. Not sure what the hard limit is. 20 or so? Pace yourself.

12-30-18, 21:01
One evening some years ago I was walking in El Centro while talking on my Samsung Galaxy S6 and two blokes made a grab at my phone. No weapons were produced and there were people around. I held on to my phone and successfully warded them off. I am certain they were not criminals but ordinary guys who saw an opportunity. Part of the 99.9% as you put it. Be careful out there.A similar thing happened to my friends daughter in Medellin, a guy on a moto tried to grab her purse but successfully managed to resist the attempt.

I am not sure in which barrio this happened.

She is probably seen as a easy target as she is a young little blonde woman in her early twenties.

12-30-18, 21:17
One evening some years ago I was walking in El Centro while talking on my Samsung Galaxy S6 and two blokes made a grab at my phone. No weapons were produced and there were people around. I held on to my phone and successfully warded them off. I am certain they were not criminals but ordinary guys who saw an opportunity. Part of the 99.9% as you put it. Be careful out there."Not criminals", haha LOL 😅

12-30-18, 21:34
I just have to go to Medellin & clear this up. Need to interview a lot of mujeres. Probably will take me at least week. Have no choice!Have fun, hehe.

A chica I asked told me it means to "share. " I then showed her the article and she said yeah he went to share. She doesn't speak much English so I'm starting to think she doesn't know what "share" in English really means in this context.

12-30-18, 23:53
Keep in mind its not unusual for these girls to get a dozen messages and friend requests a day. Make sure they can see your face in your profile pic, keep your initial message short and straight to the point, that you're visiting Colombia and would love to meet. 50 is nothing, I've messaged hundreds. Also give them time to respond, I've had some reply after a year!

Both, unless they block one or the other.

FB will absolutely start to temporarily block your messages if you send out too many in a day. Not sure what the hard limit is. 20 or so? Pace yourself.Thanks so much, appreciate the insight.

12-31-18, 01:04
One evening some years ago I was walking in El Centro while talking on my Samsung Galaxy S6 and two blokes made a grab at my phone. No weapons were produced and there were people around. I held on to my phone and successfully warded them off. I am certain they were not criminals but ordinary guys who saw an opportunity. Part of the 99.9% as you put it. Be careful out there.Stealing is a crime hence those guys that tried to steal your phone were criminals, Jeez.

12-31-18, 02:11
One evening some years ago I was walking in El Centro while talking on my Samsung Galaxy S6 and two blokes made a grab at my phone. No weapons were produced and there were people around. I held on to my phone and successfully warded them off. I am certain they were not criminals but ordinary guys who saw an opportunity. Part of the 99.9% as you put it. Be careful out there.You probably already know this but almost anywhere in Colombia if you don't see other people walk around and talk on their phone (North Bogota, tourist areas in Cartagena), always step into a doorway or into a store and do it. In particular in centro Medellin I've never seen someone talk on their cellphone out in the open. I've always seen them huddled in a corner or inside of a building doing it.

12-31-18, 02:23
Have fun, hehe.

A chica I asked told me it means to "share. " I then showed her the article and she said yeah he went to share. She doesn't speak much English so I'm starting to think she doesn't know what "share" in English really means in this context.That will be 'compartir'. Anyway, 'departir' is always used in a negative, hard sense, no innocent parties here.

12-31-18, 05:23
I have been to other cities in Columbia and it was so hot that spoiled my trip. It looks like MDE has nice weather year round. I will keep reading the reports but if anyone has something up to date I would appreciate it.

12-31-18, 10:51
I have been to other cities in Columbia and it was so hot that spoiled my trip. It looks like MDE has nice weather year round. I will keep reading the reports but if anyone has something up to date I would appreciate it.I imagine you mean the country of "Colombia". 🤪

12-31-18, 21:16
I'm thinking about booking a holiday in 2019 to Colombia & asking some questions prior.

1. What kind of budget do you guys work with when you do your mongering trips to Colombia?

2. How long do you guys normally stay when you do your mongering trips?

3. If I go to Medellin, what are some other activities to do besides mongering, especially in the day time?

4. I've read that sex work is legal, are there red light districts & if so what's the going rate normally?

Thanks in advance guys, I'm currently on Colombian Cupid & improving my Spanish online, just trying to get as much information before departing.

01-01-19, 00:52
Arrived took airport bus 3 $ to Hotel Botero Medellin $30 night, clean safe first time in Medellin have many years in Costa Rica, almost 100% Spanish fluency, Have big city experience so el centro was fun, but I need to be a little more careful.

Loved the strip clubs club ejecutive, conejitos and neuava grill, picked several girls up, mostly hit them right in club, also had a FB girl and a dynamite vercruz street girl have lots of FB connections already most expensive girl was 65 $ , also spent a few days in Poblado in air be&be, I prefer el cento, found a great Indian veg restaurant, loved versailes.

And a China grill, saw almost no gringos in el centro except one boob 50 ish walking arm and arm with a very young chicsa like he owned the place, love parque bolivar art market on Saturday, checked out Paris and New Life didn't touch, I like to talk to a girl a while before.

I go with her, I am used to the Del Rey and sportsman in CR, This place blows CR away in terms of girls, price and experience, had 9 girls (have trouble going night after night) but 6 of them were straight up girl friend experience except always condom with penetration.

Botero hotel was a lot of families did not feel comfortable bringing chicas, except when my night friend is on after 8 pm, Airb&be had so many family units not so comfortable, loved the restaurants in Manila had a west village vibe but to many Americans, did metro and uber, I need to be more careful bouncing from conejito to hotel after 9 at night after reading here. Met an older women on CC in bello spent the day on a date ha ha, Got a buddy in Bello too rents a 3 bedroom apt for 350 $.

A few questions.

How can I pay for a membership here?

Any air be&be recommendations less then 40 $ night in any area with a very private entrance that you can recco?

I got mine last minute for 30 $ in Manilla.

01-01-19, 01:51
I'm thinking about booking a holiday in 2019 to Colombia & asking some questions prior.

1. What kind of budget do you guys work with when you do your mongering trips to Colombia?

2. How long do you guys normally stay when you do your mongering trips?

3. If I go to Medellin, what are some other activities to do besides mongering, especially in the day time?

4. I've read that sex work is legal, are there red light districts & if so what's the going rate normally?

Thanks in advance guys, I'm currently on Colombian Cupid & improving my Spanish online, just trying to get as much information before departing.I pretty much posted this same question a few weeks ago so I will try to return the favor.

1. Depends.

You can get by with a small budget: hotels / hostels can be as cheap as $20 from what I have seen and if you want to do some visits to the cheaper casas or strip clubs you can get off for $30 USD each time. Maybe even less. Food is inexpensive, from what I gather you can get by on $15-$20/ day. OR. You can spend hundreds on hotels, hundreds on girls / strip clubs. Plus, consider the importance of extra activities, partying, etc etc.

2. I am going in March and staying for 10 days because that's what makes the rip worth it for me. I need a break for longer than a long weekend. From what I have read here you can squeeze a lot of everything into a few days.

3. City Tour, Comuna 13 tours, paragliding, hiking, eat, drink, Pablo Tour. There is ton to do and Google has been an awesome help to me when researching. Not trying to be a dick. Just saying there is a lot out there.

4. Yes you heard right. Yes. The red light district (others can give better instructions here) is where the cheaper rates are like I mentioned above.

Literally you sound exactly like me. I'm on CC, Tinder, learning Spanish. Hahah. Can't wait.

Good luck!

01-01-19, 04:59
Finally squeezing in my first trip to Colombia and have a total of 4 nights: Sunday to Wednesday in mid February and want to see two cities. From RTFF seems Bogota and Medellin are the most popular. Is one city better or worse on a Sunday & Monday? Is there much variation in the action by the night of the week? My interest is straight up P4 P (no time to hassle with Cupid or FB) and no real interest in late night partying, but would like to find a good selection of under 22 year old chicas without implants afternoon and early evening action would be nice.

Cheers. Really hope Colombia holds up to the hype! I fear I am spoiled a bit by Southeast Asia.

01-01-19, 12:57

Plan to visit Mde in start of February.

Can advise about Long time. If its reasonable to take a lady for a week and what's is normal price. Looking to spend with someone my holiday and maybe anyone can advice with some excursions.

My Spanish is normal, I can speak and I understand what people talk.

1) if its reasonable to take LT GF is better option to look on Facebook or sites like photopreopagos, milerotica. ?

2) maybe anyone have same experience and tell me aprox prices.

3) about security to stay with ladies in airbnb place if this is OK?

4) if I skip something ill be glad to receive your advises.

Thank you.

Black Page
01-01-19, 14:18
I have been to other cities in Columbia and....Washington? Nice place.

01-01-19, 15:47
Day 1 Clarification.

I'm not sure exactly where I was when the attempted robbery happened. I had just arrived, and I didn't know the area yet. It was a side street two blocks from hotel Botero. I was wearing Dockers, and a thin sweater from Banana Republic. I'm 36, and in decent shape. It was less than 30 min after sunset.

Day 2.

You RTFF, but the reality still left me awe struck. I hit a couple Centro strip clubs, and ended up at Taberna Victoria. I tipped each chica 6 mil, and I was the big spender. Then I brought the hottest one in the back for 50 mil. Her name is Paula. You could call her an 8, but when she moved she looked like a 10 me.

Day 3.

Wow, again. I went to Zandly thinking I might actually get a massage if the women weren't pretty. There were a couple I wasn't interested in and a couple of 8's that I was. Then came Valentina. I swear she could be a model. 18, and so tight it was almost a problem. She started kissing me while standing and rubbing her pussy and thighs on my bare dick. I could have stayed doing that the whole time, except I really had to suit up, and be inside of her. An hour was 80 mil. I'm saying she's a 10.

Then I got out of El Centro and made friends. With locals. Don't ask me how. Went out dancing with them til dawn.

Day 4.

Took it easy here in Mayorista. I drank too much last night.

01-01-19, 16:13
This is only my opinion. I think it will be hard to get a feel for one city in only 4 nights let alone two. You ask very general questions about days of the week and time of day. So general I don't know how to answer except to say Bogota and Medellin are large cities so you will find action any time of day or night if you know where and how to look. Something you did ask about is climate. Bogota has a cooler to cold climate compared to Medellin. So Medellin might be less of an adjustment from Southeast Asia. The biggest difference between Bogota and Medellin is size; Bogota is much bigger. If you read the forum you saw lots of mentions of facebook. In only 4 night that won't help you much unless you have spare time to devote to building contacts before you arrive.

I think the number one difference between Asia and Colombia is the travel time from Europe or America. That gives you the possibility of making more frequent visits.

Finally squeezing in my first trip to Colombia and have a total of 4 nights: Sunday to Wednesday in mid February and want to see two cities. From RTFF seems Bogota and Medellin are the most popular. Is one city better or worse on a Sunday & Monday? Is there much variation in the action by the night of the week? My interest is straight up P4 P (no time to hassle with Cupid or FB) and no real interest in late night partying, but would like to find a good selection of under 22 year old chicas without implants afternoon and early evening action would be nice.

Cheers. Really hope Colombia holds up to the hype! I fear I am spoiled a bit by Southeast Asia.

01-01-19, 16:34
If I only had 4 days I would just choose one city. Sundays are a little slower but you can still find plenty of chicas. Since you want afternoon and evening action I would recommend casas or some street girls.

Finally squeezing in my first trip to Colombia and have a total of 4 nights: Sunday to Wednesday in mid February and want to see two cities. From RTFF seems Bogota and Medellin are the most popular. Is one city better or worse on a Sunday & Monday? Is there much variation in the action by the night of the week? My interest is straight up P4 P (no time to hassle with Cupid or FB) and no real interest in late night partying, but would like to find a good selection of under 22 year old chicas without implants afternoon and early evening action would be nice.

Cheers. Really hope Colombia holds up to the hype! I fear I am spoiled a bit by Southeast Asia..

Mr Enternational
01-01-19, 16:43
Finally squeezing in my first trip to Colombia and have a total of 4 nights: Sunday to Wednesday in mid February and want to see two cities. From RTFF seems Bogota and Medellin are the most popular. Is one city better or worse on a Sunday & Monday?The first thing to take into account would be the arrival and departure times of your flights into and out of the country, as well as which city they are arriving and departing to and from.

01-01-19, 16:48
1. I think everyone will have a different budget. There really are options for every budget. My daily budget works out to about $135 a day. I like to have about 300 k cop a day for girls and 100 k cop for food, taxis, etc. I do not count my room in there as I book airnnb longer term usually. 2. I like to stay for longer periods of time. Several weeks minimum. 3. There is plenty to do. All the activities you read on any tripadvisor post. I enjoyed visiting the different parques, markets, and day trips to Guatape, Carmen de Viboral etc. 4. I wouldn't say there is a traditional red light area. Bogota has the tolerance zone Santa Fe which is the closest you would find. Medellin has other smaller concentrations of steet girls in centro and mayorista. Get the map and familiarize yourself. Also since you are on CC find yourself a "tour guide". Great way to see the city and places you might not normally experience. I used it the 1st visit as well with great luck and memories. Have a nice trip!

I'm thinking about booking a holiday in 2019 to Colombia & asking some questions prior.

1. What kind of budget do you guys work with when you do your mongering trips to Colombia?

2. How long do you guys normally stay when you do your mongering trips?

3. If I go to Medellin, what are some other activities to do besides mongering, especially in the day time?

4. I've read that sex work is legal, are there red light districts & if so what's the going rate normally?

Thanks in advance guys, I'm currently on Colombian Cupid & improving my Spanish online, just trying to get as much information before departing.

The Tall Man
01-01-19, 16:52
Finally squeezing in my first trip to Colombia and have a total of 4 nights: Sunday to Wednesday in mid February and want to see two cities. From RTFF seems Bogota and Medellin are the most popular. Is one city better or worse on a Sunday & Monday? Is there much variation in the action by the night of the week? My interest is straight up P4 P (no time to hassle with Cupid or FB) and no real interest in late night partying, but would like to find a good selection of under 22 year old chicas without implants afternoon and early evening action would be nice.

Cheers. Really hope Colombia holds up to the hype! I fear I am spoiled a bit by Southeast Asia.As a veteran monger I always try to manage my expectations especially a place I have never been before NO MATTER what you may read so just come and go with the flo and your visit will open up opportunities.

Now for 4 days I suggest pick ONE SPOT, be it either Bogota or Medellin, as you have more time to learn the lay of the land. I have experienced the Sundays to Wednesdays mongering visits to many cities in Colombia looking for pussy and my take as it pertains to Bogota and Medellin is they both do slow down a bit during this weekly time slot BUT a little bit of patience and putting in some efforts can and will lead to some great finds no matter what day of the week it may be.

Remember expectations only lead to resentments. Have fun!

Happy New Year 2019!

The Tall Man.

01-01-19, 17:34
Hi guys,

I have stayed in Medellin twice in the past three years but somehow never managed to make it up to Loutron (the mysterious and inviting joint in the hills). Is it worth the visit? I hear prices are pretty steep but quite a few people seem to think the hype is well deserved. An acquaintance of mine got the number of a girl he met there and brought her back to the mansion. She was a stunner!

This also brings me to my next question: is it worth asking a girl's number in a casa? I know it's irrational but I never quite managed to bring myself to do it, thinking of all the guys she would have had by the time she gets to mine. Would the experience also be that different from the casa one (when you're just one of many)? I wonder.

I suppose nothing is preventing that cute tinder / seeking arrangement girl you matched with to just be a regular casa girl during the day.

Appreciate any thoughts you might have!



01-01-19, 18:10
Skip Loutron! Over priced and very mechanical and yes if you click with a case girl ask her for her #. The.

"experience" you all about depends on the girl if it sucked in the case it will prob suck in your place. Best bang for you buck still FB IMO.

Hi guys,

I have stayed in Medellin twice in the past three years but somehow never managed to make it up to Loutron (the mysterious and inviting joint in the hills). Is it worth the visit? I hear prices are pretty steep but quite a few people seem to think the hype is well deserved. An acquaintance of mine got the number of a girl he met there and brought her back to the mansion. She was a stunner!

This also brings me to my next question: is it worth asking a girl's number in a casa? I know it's irrational but I never quite managed to bring myself to do it, thinking of all the guys she would have had by the time she gets to mine. Would the experience also be that different from the casa one (when you're just one of many)? I wonder.

I suppose nothing is preventing that cute tinder / seeking arrangement girl you matched with to just be a regular casa girl during the day.

Appreciate any thoughts you might have!



01-01-19, 18:15
There is no RLD in Medellin. Only Strip club, casas, SW and freelancers that are scattered through out the city. You other questions it really depends on you. Everyone likes to party differently. If you like to have 3 somes twice a night or more then you budget is more etc.

I'm thinking about booking a holiday in 2019 to Colombia & asking some questions prior.

4. I've read that sex work is legal, are there red light districts & if so what's the going rate normally?

Thanks in advance guys, I'm currently on Colombian Cupid & improving my Spanish online, just trying to get as much information before departing.

01-01-19, 18:24
Skip Loutron! Over priced and very mechanical and yes if you click with a case girl ask her for her #. The.

"experience" you all about depends on the girl if it sucked in the case it will prob suck in your place. Best bang for you buck still FB IMO.

.Better than Tinder and Seeking Arragement? I find FB a bit exhausting and much more of a numbers game than the others where at least you know where you stand. Less hassle in my opinion. No?

Anybody else wants to weigh in?

01-01-19, 18:41
Yes, most of the tinder and SA are pros from my experience. If you think FB is too much work then stick to what you feel comfortable with.

Better than Tinder and Seeking Arragement? I find FB a bit exhausting and much more of a numbers game than the others where at least you know where you stand. Less hassle in my opinion. No?

Anybody else wants to weigh in?.

01-01-19, 18:54
Better than Tinder and Seeking Arragement? I find FB a bit exhausting and much more of a numbers game than the others where at least you know where you stand. Less hassle in my opinion. No?

Anybody else wants to weigh in?FB is more time consuming but if you do put in the time then you will find better bang for your buck assuming one does not put a monetary value on your time. The pros on SA want more money in general and if you focus on the "non-pros" and I use that term lightly then it will definitely cost more in the short run, dinners with no sex etc. , and definitely take more of your time. Personally I use both FB and SA but if I could only use one then it would be FB if only for the unlimited choices.

01-01-19, 20:26
I'm thinking about booking a holiday in 2019 to Colombia & asking some questions prior.

1. What kind of budget do you guys work with when you do your mongering trips to Colombia?There are guys who spend $1000 per day. There are guys who spend under $100 per day. There are guys who only eat in the best restaurants and stay in the best apartments. There are guys spending no more than $3 per meal and $15 for a room. There are guys paying girls once or twice a week and guys going 4 times a day.

What I'm saying is that nobody else's budget matters. What are you looking for? You want a rooftop pool and a big jacuzzi in the room, or do you just need a bed and a bathroom? Your budget depends on you. If you just want a number, $150-$200 per day, excludes airfare.

2. How long do you guys normally stay when you do your mongering trips?Depends on airfare. I figure a vacation at $150 per day plus $100 per day maximum for airfare. If airfare is $600, then I won't go for less than 6 days. There's also a travel time consideration. If you're dealing with 26 hours of travel time, you probably don't want to only stay 2 days.

3. If I go to Medellin, what are some other activities to do besides mongering, especially in the day time? Google is free. Using it and your own preferences will get you a better answer than some stranger.

4. I've read that sex work is legal, are there red light districts & if so what's the going rate normally?

Thanks in advance guys, I'm currently on Colombian Cupid & improving my Spanish online, just trying to get as much information before departing.Yes and no on the red light districts. I can't give a better answer without knowing which red light district in which country, you are using for comparison. The going rate ranges from $12 to over $100.

01-01-19, 22:34
Thanks for the awesome responses guys, I definitely have a lot more research to do. Hiking etc sounds fun, I definitely don't see myself traveling somewhere & not spending my entire day at the beach. I think I read that Medellin isn't really a place for beaches, what city can I monger + hike + go to the beach?

Lastly, is there anywhere on the forum for meetups? I'm a solo traveler & wouldn't mind to meet up with a fellow monger as well considering I wouldn't know anybody in Colombia or anywhere else I plan to visit.

01-02-19, 02:37
Hi guys,

I have stayed in Medellin twice in the past three years but somehow never managed to make it up to Loutron (the mysterious and inviting joint in the hills). Is it worth the visit? I hear prices are pretty steep but quite a few people seem to think the hype is well deserved. An acquaintance of mine got the number of a girl he met there and brought her back to the mansion. She was a stunner!

This also brings me to my next question: is it worth asking a girl's number in a casa? I know it's irrational but I never quite managed to bring myself to do it, thinking of all the guys she would have had by the time she gets to mine. Would the experience also be that different from the casa one (when you're just one of many)? I wonder.

I suppose nothing is preventing that cute tinder / seeking arrangement girl you matched with to just be a regular casa girl during the day.

Appreciate any thoughts you might have!


Baud.Loutron can be worth it depending on the girl. I went there before, its one of Pablos old houses. The prices are more expensive than the normal rates. When I went it was 290,000 for 30 minutes and 350,000 for an hour. I went for the hour with a girl who's also a fitness instagram model with over 50 K followers so it was worth it for me! LOL.

01-02-19, 04:31
It's really great to see your trip turned positive so quickly. Not knowing where exactly the attempted robbery happened explains for me a big part of why it happened. So back to the positive, Taberna Victoria is not a place most guys wind up in their first day so you apparently learned how to handle yourself quickly. I'm looking forward to reading more about your adventures.

Day 1 Clarification.

I'm not sure exactly where I was when the attempted robbery happened. I had just arrived, and I didn't know the area yet. It was a side street two blocks from hotel Botero. I was wearing Dockers, and a thin sweater from Banana Republic. I'm 36, and in decent shape. It was less than 30 min after sunset.

Day 2.

You RTFF, but the reality still left me awe struck. I hit a couple Centro strip clubs, and ended up at Taberna Victoria. I tipped each chica 6 mil, and I was the big spender. Then I brought the hottest one in the back for 50 mil. Her name is Paula. You could call her an 8, but when she moved she looked like a 10 me.

Day 3..

01-02-19, 04:44
I agree about Loutron. As for casa girls on the side, the same girl performing the same in a casa or at your apartment or hotel will as far as I'm concerned always be better at your place. The reasons are it's generally going to be more comfortable, you don't have the possibility of a "time's up" knock or phone call, and you can set the mood with music or conversation in ways you never can in a casa. I also agree if a girl performs badly at a casa there is a chance she will also perform badly at your place, but why on earth would anyone ask for the phone number & invite a poor performer to their place? We will only do that if the girl performs well.

Skip Loutron! Over priced and very mechanical and yes if you click with a case girl ask her for her #. The.

"experience" you all about depends on the girl if it sucked in the case it will prob suck in your place. Best bang for you buck still FB IMO..

01-02-19, 07:45
I'm thinking about booking a holiday in 2019 to Colombia & asking some questions prior.

1. What kind of budget do you guys work with when you do your mongering trips to Colombia?

2. How long do you guys normally stay when you do your mongering trips?

3. If I go to Medellin, what are some other activities to do besides mongering, especially in the day time?

4. I've read that sex work is legal, are there red light districts & if so what's the going rate normally?

Thanks in advance guys, I'm currently on Colombian Cupid & improving my Spanish online, just trying to get as much information before departing.I will give you my 2 cents: Your budget depends on what you want to do with the girl, how long you want to keep the girl and the financial situation of the girl. My best bang for my buck has definitely been centro and vera cruz. I average about a $200 -$350 usd a day budget, not saying that I actually spend that much, I just have the money on hand just in case a unicorn shows up and is willing to perform. I went to Medellin 17 times in the year of 2018 and I will soon be back in Medellin before the end of the month. I will not tell you that I spent a load of money, because I am a business man and I found ways to make money in Medellin and since the first visit, I have not paid for another trip to Medellin, my contacts and business skills have paid for each trip since the first trip.

I have learned that few guys on the board really will give you what you are looking for as far as girls, other than a couple of fingers full on members, not even a hand full. The few board members who have contacted me and helped me can tell you, I never mention a girl, if the girl will not allow me to photo her and obtain her phone number and verify that she can be reached by the number that she provided. Many members have confessed to me that they have had some stunners and they have paid through the nose for these girls to stay only 2-3 hours at a rate of $800,000 COP to a $1,000,000 COP. We all learn the hard way when visiting a new country and no one will hold your hand. I can tell you that wolf personally took me from casa to casa and club to club and took me around centro until I knew how to move around it as though I live in Medellin. If you mention money on this board, you will be bashed as bragging or a fool, so I clearly understand why other members never mention when they spend more than the going rate on girls and get a average date with the girl.

I have learned 2 major lessons about Medellin, the less you move around the better off you are, if you can establish list of girls that meet your needs and satisfy your wants stick with that familiar list of girls. Every extremely pretty girl that I have met in Medellin had limitations and would perform some things in the bed room but not all. From Poblado back to Centro, and I have most definitely had more problems with girls in Poblado than I have had in Centro. The girls in centro, really need cash and their performance shows. Get to know a few of them and you can get them to do anything your mind can think of in the bedroom. The 2nd lesson that I have learned in Medellin is this, all of these girls know each other and I don't care who on the board says that they don't, I have had too many weird encounters in Medellin for it to be just a coincidence. For example, I use to have a facebook page and it had a fake name and I friended a few chica's like Vane and some Restrepo girl. By my 3rd visit to Medellin, random people on the street were calling me by the fake name that I used to create my facebook account, that alone is creepy. As a fellow monger, be careful with facebook in Colombia, because if you pay too much for a date, and now they know what you look like and you no longer want another date with them, this is where things get funny and can take a turn for the worst. People in Medellin share information like you wouldn't believe, the country is built on that and that's the reason the country is so corrupt.

In short, if a member can't show you a photo of the girl he banged or provide you with a phone number take it as warning that he doesn't want you to bang the chic, he doesn't want you to know how much he paid, he doesn't want you to know that he may be keeping that one for himself or he has feelings for this chica, so move on. I have yet to bang a chic in Medellin that I have not photographed or filmed. So if you ask me about chics that I have banged, I will be able to show you what she looks like, what she moves like and what she charges. That what I really though the board was for, to provide and retrieve information and to make the job of mongering easier. I have learned a hard lesson over the past year, many board members only share information about girls they no longer can get, girls who have been horrible with them and they want you to experience that rip off effect. It has taken me longer to plan my trip to Thailand due to the same activity on that board as well, I plan to visit Thailand in May or June of this year and I am budgeting $500-$1,000 usd a day and I plan on staying for 25 days, you have to spend to learn and no better way of learning than putting boots on the ground. In the words of Mr Enternational, when mongering, the only 2 things that should matter is, if she has a heartbeat and a hole. LOL, Pollonegro is out.

01-02-19, 09:46
Loutron can be worth it depending on the girl. I went there before, its one of Pablos old houses. The prices are more expensive than the normal rates. When I went it was 290,000 for 30 minutes and 350,000 for an hour. I went for the hour with a girl who's also a fitness instagram model with over 50 K followers so it was worth it for me! LOL.Thanks for your reply, BlueCar.

Mmm yes that sounds like it might be worth it! Looks like it could be a potential avenue. Some girl I met once (in another casa) said quite a few of the girls at Loutron only do a couple of hours and then clock out after two customers or so as they get a better rate and tend to be of "higher" quality with more of a personal lifeon the outside (I. E. Your instagram girl). Seems to me that those girls might be more easily persuaded to hang out outside Loutron while at the same time providing a better and more GFE-like experience.

By the way this is by NO MEANS an invite to start talking about what GFE means like all over again. God knows enough time has been spent on it!

01-02-19, 09:48
I agree about Loutron. As for casa girls on the side, the same girl performing the same in a casa or at your apartment or hotel will as far as I'm concerned always be better at your place. The reasons are it's generally going to be more comfortable, you don't have the possibility of a "time's up" knock or phone call, and you can set the mood with music or conversation in ways you never can in a casa. I also agree if a girl performs badly at a casa there is a chance she will also perform badly at your place, but why on earth would anyone ask for the phone number & invite a poor performer to their place? We will only do that if the girl performs well.Thanks for your input, Knowledge. That makes all the sense in the world!

01-02-19, 18:06
Thanks for your reply, BlueCar.

Mmm yes that sounds like it might be worth it! Looks like it could be a potential avenue. Some girl I met once (in another casa) said quite a few of the girls at Loutron only do a couple of hours and then clock out after two customers or so as they get a better rate and tend to be of "higher" quality with more of a personal lifeon the outside (I. E. Your instagram girl). Seems to me that those girls might be more easily persuaded to hang out outside Loutron while at the same time providing a better and more GFE-like experience.

By the way this is by NO MEANS an invite to start talking about what GFE means like all over again. God knows enough time has been spent on it!I'm not sure I follow your logic. If a girl is making 300 k working 3 hours, and is possibly picking up another 300-500 k per week modeling, why would she be willing to hangout with a stranger, unless he's paying really well?

On the other hand, a girl who is lucky to make 150 k after doing 6 guys over 8 hours in a casa is likely to be thrilled to hang around for 3 or 4 hours and get 200-300 k.

The first girl can afford to go do things with her friends, or go shopping with her family. Unless you're offering to fly her somewhere exotic, you're just offering her the chance to do things she would rather do with someone else. Earning another 300 k for another 3 hours isn't a big priority. I'm not saying she won't, but she already knows how much you paid for 1 hour with her. She's doing the math and coming up with 1 million for 3 hours.

The casa girl, or the Facebook girl, they are more likely to want to hangout. I rarely had a Facebook girl who was in a rush to leave. Most of them, I had to give a nudge to let them know it was time to go.

01-02-19, 20:02
Day 1 Clarification.

I'm not sure exactly where I was when the attempted robbery happened. I had just arrived, and I didn't know the area yet. It was a side street two blocks from hotel Botero. I was wearing Dockers, and a thin sweater from Banana Republic. I'm 36, and in decent shape. It was less than 30 min after sunset..Yeah there are some scary industrial blocks a few blocks from the Botero. In the day I would stay south and south east of the hotel. At night the walk to Conejitas area will be scarier then the the walk down to BarraEjectiva but both are only a block and a half, I have done it till 2 am solo but better with a buddy. You can cab too at night. Don't forget to peek in across the street from Botero at Yakuza, behind the mirrored glass door, not always cuties but sometimes for sure, take them to your room as Yakuza has a Una-bomber shack motif that I did not like but free take out to across the street. The redlight blocks of VeraCruz and Raudal I only hit in the day although have gone through there at night but don't recommend it.

01-02-19, 22:26
Hi people,

I would like to ask for information, please.

I would like to go to Medellin, first time. Where the nice zone for beautiful nightlife?

In which area to look for the hotel? Near nightlife, near night whit lady.

There are bars that are the same as there are in Thailand, whit lady?

The price for the lady same in Thailand or different?

Thanks people.

01-03-19, 04:00
Hi people,

I would like to ask for information, please.

I would like to go to Medellin, first time. Where the nice zone for beautiful nightlife?

In which area to look for the hotel? Near nightlife, near night whit lady.

There are bars that are the same as there are in Thailand, whit lady?

The price for the lady same in Thailand or different?

Thanks people.Well the "nice zone with beautiful nightlife" will def be Parque Lleras in el Poblado district of Medellin. If you want the hotel near the nightlife then the hotel that everyone knows is "the Charlee lifestyle" which is right in the middle of the action of Parque Lleras. There are other alternatives tho. There are definitely going to be ladies that are P2P in Parque Lleras. I have no idea what the prices are in Thailand to compare them.

01-03-19, 05:36
I have read it 200+ times to "avoid el centro" or "don't go to el centro at night", but where in the city is "el centro" located? I know it is spanish for the "the center", but I still have not seen anyone give a geographical description of it here, or can I find it online. Is it 40 blocks north to south / east to west? What street areas border "el centro' region?. How big is it? Etc, etc. It would be helpful to first time visitors. I booked my apartment in El Poblado area (Carrera 43 a & calle 10), so I hope I I am not camping in the middle of a hot zone. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.

01-03-19, 07:40
I have read it 200+ times to "avoid el centro" or "don't go to el centro at night", but where in the city is "el centro" located? I know it is spanish for the "the center", but I still have not seen anyone give a geographical description of it here, or can I find it online. Is it 40 blocks north to south / east to west? What street areas border "el centro' region?. How big is it? Etc, etc. It would be helpful to first time visitors. I booked my apartment in El Poblado area (Carrera 43 a & calle 10), so I hope I I am not camping in the middle of a hot zone. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.Go to "Map of Casas of Centro in Medellin" in the forum.

01-03-19, 08:40
I have read it 200+ times to "avoid el centro" or "don't go to el centro at night", but where in the city is "el centro" located? I know it is spanish for the "the center", but I still have not seen anyone give a geographical description of it here, or can I find it online. Is it 40 blocks north to south / east to west? What street areas border "el centro' region?. How big is it? Etc, etc. It would be helpful to first time visitors. I booked my apartment in El Poblado area (Carrera 43 a & calle 10), so I hope I I am not camping in the middle of a hot zone. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.Someone else may give you better info, but here is what I know:

1. Your apartment in Poblado is far away from Centro, and is relatively safe.

2. You do need to visit Centro during the day. I suggest you take a taxi to Carrera 43 & calle 54. That should put you in centro. Then you can take a walk around. You can also open google map and look up the address. It will give you an idea where Centro is.

Black Page
01-03-19, 12:48
I have read it 200+ times to "avoid el centro" or "don't go to el centro at night", but where in the city is "el centro" located? I know it is spanish for the "the center", but I still have not seen anyone give a geographical description of it here, or can I find it online. Is it 40 blocks north to south / east to west? What street areas border "el centro' region?. How big is it? Etc, etc. It would be helpful to first time visitors. I booked my apartment in El Poblado area (Carrera 43 a & calle 10), so I hope I I am not camping in the middle of a hot zone. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.
Start your visit from Museo de Antioquia, preferably in early afternoon or morning. It's really worth visiting. With the museum in Bogota, this is the second place where most paintings and sculptures of Botero are displayed. Undoubtedly, the most important place to visit in Medellin.

The square in front of Museo de Antioquia is very nice, with many bronze statues of Botero. He gifted them to the city. You can stroll around and see lots of humanity there, normal people mostly of very popular classes. Be always very careful to not show you may have money etc. Avoid using Google Maps on your expensive phone. Better use your sense of orientation and walk around in circles or look at street numbers.

It is right in the center of Centro. You have lots of street girls and bars around that. Make a circle around.
To see people, shops, street food, from Museo entrance walk straight and you see the metro. Avoid walking to the left on your first visit, but walk to right.

01-03-19, 14:59
I have read it 200+ times to "avoid el centro" or "don't go to el centro at night", but where in the city is "el centro" located? I know it is spanish for the "the center", but I still have not seen anyone give a geographical description of it here, or can I find it online. Is it 40 blocks north to south / east to west? What street areas border "el centro' region?. How big is it? Etc, etc. It would be helpful to first time visitors. I booked my apartment in El Poblado area (Carrera 43 a & calle 10), so I hope I I am not camping in the middle of a hot zone. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.It means downtown. Typically in any city in Colombia "El Centro" will mean downtown.

Fun Luvr
01-03-19, 15:22
I have read it 200+ times to "avoid el centro" or "don't go to el centro at night", but where in the city is "el centro" located? I know it is spanish for the "the center", but I still have not seen anyone give a geographical description of it here, or can I find it online. Is it 40 blocks north to south / east to west? What street areas border "el centro' region?. How big is it? Etc, etc. It would be helpful to first time visitors. I booked my apartment in El Poblado area (Carrera 43 a & calle 10), so I hope I I am not camping in the middle of a hot zone. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.For discussion in this forum, el centro is an area of about ten square blocks around Parque Bolivar. That will encompass almost all the casas, strip clubs and street walker areas in downtown.

As for safety for first timers, it is easier to tell you the areas to be in at night. In and around Parque Lleras in Poblado is probably the safest area at night because of the number of people and a police presence. Laureles-Estadio is also relative safe anytime. Other than those two areas, don't be walking around alone at night.

I have stayed in apartments very close to where you will be staying, and walked that area at night without any problem. I suggest you visit downtown by walking down calle 10 from your apartment to the Poblado metro station. Take the metro towards Niquia and get off at Parque Berrio. When you exit the metro and walk down the steps, if you walk under the metro you will be going towards the street walker areas and the Conejitas strip club. Do not walk more than three or four blocks from the metro in that direction. If you walk in the other direction (not under the metro), you will be going toward the casas and other strip clubs.

Suggestion: In this forum, stroll down to "Map of Casas of Centro in Medellin" and follow the directions in one of the messages from World Travel 69 to request permission to view the map. Make notes of the places you want to visit in the downtown area.

Mr Enternational
01-03-19, 16:16
I have read it 200+ times to "avoid el centro" or "don't go to el centro at night", but where in the city is "el centro" located? I know it is spanish for the "the center", but I still have not seen anyone give a geographical description of it here, or can I find it online. Is it 40 blocks north to south / east to west? What street areas border "el centro' region?. How big is it? Etc, etc. It would be helpful to first time visitors. I booked my apartment in El Poblado area (Carrera 43 a & calle 10), so I hope I I am not camping in the middle of a hot zone.El centro just means downtown. I guess it has been negatively hyped so much that people that have not been are starting to picture it as a war zone. LOL. In what other cities around the world are people advising others to stay away from downtown? It sounds ridiculous.

01-03-19, 16:53
You will not be camping in a hot zone. In fact, it's pretty much ice cold in terms of major crime. Nowhere is completely safe so do stay alert, especially at night.

As for Centro, it's best to avoid it at night until you are more familiar. The advice I often give about the daytime is that there is safety in numbers. You are much less likely to have problems when you are in a populated spot. Once you veer off into a lonely area is when the problems become more frequent. Finally, be aware of what kind of population is surrounding you in Centro. There are side streets in areas like Prado that are full of people but they are people you are best to avoid. The difference will be obvious.

I have read it 200+ times to "avoid el centro" or "don't go to el centro at night", but where in the city is "el centro" located? I know it is spanish for the "the center", but I still have not seen anyone give a geographical description of it here, or can I find it online. Is it 40 blocks north to south / east to west? What street areas border "el centro' region?. How big is it? Etc, etc. It would be helpful to first time visitors. I booked my apartment in El Poblado area (Carrera 43 a & calle 10), so I hope I I am not camping in the middle of a hot zone. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.

Black Page
01-03-19, 17:13
In what other cities around the world are people advising others to stay away from downtown? It sounds ridiculous.Dallas. There is nothing to do and see there at daytime, and at night it is more lonely than Downtown London in "28 Days After".

Joking apart, I appreciate your comments and notes most of the times, but I don't understand why you insist in minimizing risks. You must understand that among readers of this forum there are also fat asses, for who the most thrilling place they visited in their life was Disneyland in Florida. If you minimize risks in that way, some of them may decide to give a try and disembark to downtown Bogota or Medellin with flip flops, I-pad in the left hand, Gatorade bottle in the right. We must be responsible and present objectively risks with the good things.

01-03-19, 18:31
I have read it 200+ times to "avoid el centro" or "don't go to el centro at night", but where in the city is "el centro" located? I know it is spanish for the "the center", but I still have not seen anyone give a geographical description of it here, or can I find it online. Is it 40 blocks north to south / east to west? What street areas border "el centro' region?. How big is it? Etc, etc. It would be helpful to first time visitors. I booked my apartment in El Poblado area (Carrera 43 a & calle 10), so I hope I I am not camping in the middle of a hot zone. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.Very roughly, El Centro is between Calle 37 and Calle 60, east of Autopista Norte to about Carrera 39. That's a larger area than most gringos are talking about when they warn about El Centro, but if you're going to completely avoid El Centro, you'll want to avoid the whole area I mentioned.

El Poblado isn't in El Centro. Otherwise it would be called El Centro.

Of course there are plenty of other places in Medellin they should be telling you to avoid as well.

Mr Enternational
01-03-19, 18:41
Joking apart, I appreciate your comments and notes most of the times, but I don't understand why you insist in minimizing risks. You must understand that among readers of this forum there are also fat asses, for who the most thrilling place they visited in their life was Disneyland in Florida. If you minimize risks in that way, some of them may decide to give a try and disembark to downtown Bogota or Medellin with flip flops, I-pad in the left hand, Gatorade bottle in the right. We must be responsible and present objectively risks with the good things.I understand telling people to be careful and not be flashy, but this board has people terrified of even stepping into a place that thousands go to everyday with no harm happening to them. There are risks to everything. If you drive a car you could get into an accident. Hell, you even have to be careful staying home with the home invasions happening these days. In the Bogota thread people are afraid to go to Santa Fe the first time, then they go there and see there is nothing to really be afraid of. Sure there are a few homeless people, and a few drug addicts on the street, but from all these warnings it paints a picture that armed robberies and murders are happening on the corner every hour like it is some kind of Mad Max apocalypse, which is not the case.

01-03-19, 19:50
I understand telling people to be careful and not be flashy, but this board has people terrified of even stepping into a place that thousands go to everyday with no harm happening to them. There are risks to everything. If you drive a car you could get into an accident. Hell, you even have to be careful staying home with the home invasions happening these days. In the Bogota thread people are afraid to go to Santa Fe the first time, then they go there and see there is nothing to really be afraid of. Sure there are a few homeless people, and a few drug addicts on the street, but from all these warnings it paints a picture that armed robberies and murders are happening on the corner every hour like it is some kind of Mad Max apocalypse, which is not the case.I kindly disagree. There are also many people with their limbs / arms missing walking around. I still don't know how that many people lose their arms / legs and wonder if the cause of their tragedies is similar. If there is a common factor I always see at least one robbery or fight break out when I visit el Centro. I befriended some cops and they were telling my how a Venezuelan hooker robbed an European man for his phone and shanked him with a knife. El Centro is not for everybody and you have to have a high risk tolerance. If you want to visit el Centro go with a Colombian friend who knows the area.

01-03-19, 19:53
I understand telling people to be careful and not be flashy, but this board has people terrified of even stepping into a place that thousands go to everyday with no harm happening to them. There are risks to everything. If you drive a car you could get into an accident. Hell, you even have to be careful staying home with the home invasions happening these days. In the Bogota thread people are afraid to go to Santa Fe the first time, then they go there and see there is nothing to really be afraid of. Sure there are a few homeless people, and a few drug addicts on the street, but from all these warnings it paints a picture that armed robberies and murders are happening on the corner every hour like it is some kind of Mad Max apocalypse, which is not the case.https://data.colombiareports.com/medellin-crime-security-statistics/

It is unlikely that a gringo would get killed while visiting el centro even in flip flops. More likely to get robbed.

But it is worthwhile to understand that el centro is a lot more dangerous than say Poblado.

Just click on the areas of the map (Homicides by district) and it will give you the total number of murders per year. For 2017. I think the number of murders in Poblado was about 6 and for El Centro about 120.

01-03-19, 20:07
I'm not sure I follow your logic. If a girl is making 300 k working 3 hours, and is possibly picking up another 300-500 k per week modeling, why would she be willing to hangout with a stranger, unless he's paying really well?

On the other hand, a girl who is lucky to make 150 k after doing 6 guys over 8 hours in a casa is likely to be thrilled to hang around for 3 or 4 hours and get 200-300 k.

The first girl can afford to go do things with her friends, or go shopping with her family. Unless you're offering to fly her somewhere exotic, you're just offering her the chance to do things she would rather do with someone else. Earning another 300 k for another 3 hours isn't a big priority. I'm not saying she won't, but she already knows how much you paid for 1 hour with her. She's doing the math and coming up with 1 million for 3 hours.

The casa girl, or the Facebook girl, they are more likely to want to hangout. I rarely had a Facebook girl who was in a rush to leave. Most of them, I had to give a nudge to let them know it was time to go.JjBee62, you do make a lot of sense. I suppose it would be quite difficult (and expensive) to convince those girls to hang out with you if they don't really need the money to begin with. I just personally have a bit of a mental block about being able to relax with someone that has had 8/10 guys a day for as long as she can remember.

Will have to hit those FB / SA / Tinder girls then! Although in order to do that I'l probably (definitely) have to move out of the mansion and get my own place. Time to grow up I guess!

01-03-19, 20:25
JjBee62, you do make a lot of sense. I suppose it would be quite difficult (and expensive) to convince those girls to hang out with you if they don't really need the money to begin with. I just personally have a bit of a mental block about being able to relax with someone that has had 8/10 guys a day for as long as she can remember.

Will have to hit those FB / SA / Tinder girls then! Although in order to do that I'l probably (definitely) have to move out of the mansion and get my own place. Time to grow up I guess!Why would a chick that charges 150 mill an hour stay with a guy all night for 300 mill and live with a guy for a month for 3000 mill or even 2000 mill?

Plenty of chicks make decisions that do not help their bottom line at all if they actually like spending time with you. Or at the very least don't dislike you.

01-03-19, 22:20
Don't pay chicas to "hang out" with you. It rarely works. She'll be bored. If she wants to hang out with you that's great. I let them hang out if they want and pay them if I fuck them.

They'll hang out with you if it involves dinners, drinks, shopping whatever usually. Sometimes even just a movie. More importantly, they'll do it if you're someone they don't mind being seen in public with.

The ones who start asking for an hourly rate I don't engage with at all.

01-03-19, 22:48
Don't pay chicas to "hang out" with you. It rarely works. She'll be bored. If she wants to hang out with you that's great. I let them hang out if they want and pay them if I fuck them.

They'll hang out with you if it involves dinners, drinks, shopping whatever usually. Sometimes even just a movie. More importantly, they'll do it if you're someone they don't mind being seen in public with.

The ones who start asking for an hourly rate I don't engage with at all.Sorry I should have specified. By hanging out I meant a situation where they'd come over, we'd have a drink or two and then get down to business. I've done my fair share in the past by taking out to dinner girls but that's not really one for me anymore. Conversations tend to drag and you just find yourself wondering why did you ever thought that was going to be a good idea in the first place??

Basically all I want is just a nice (and obviously hot) girl to spend time with outside the casa and no time constraints. And that I can put in a cab after 90 minutes or so! Don't worry, I'm not looking for a holiday girlfriend.

01-04-19, 04:17
According to what I read in the forum, you are allowed to bring facebook, tinder, or other girls to the gringo hotel. I defer to people who actually stayed there to confirm. I know for a fact that groups of facebook girls are also regulars at the gringo hotel because some of them told me so. As for the 8/10 guys a day, you aren't going to get away from that with the facebook contacts that are traded on this forum. I'm going to leave it at that because I don't want to be the guy who starts beating the girlfriend experience dead horse again.

JjBee62, you do make a lot of sense. I suppose it would be quite difficult (and expensive) to convince those girls to hang out with you if they don't really need the money to begin with. I just personally have a bit of a mental block about being able to relax with someone that has had 8/10 guys a day for as long as she can remember.

Will have to hit those FB / SA / Tinder girls then! Although in order to do that I'l probably (definitely) have to move out of the mansion and get my own place. Time to grow up I guess!

01-04-19, 04:21

It is unlikely that a gringo would get killed while visiting el centro even in flip flops. More likely to get robbed.

But it is worthwhile to understand that el centro is a lot more dangerous than say Poblado.

Just click on the areas of the map (Homicides by district) and it will give you the total number of murders per year. For 2017. I think the number of murders in Poblado was about 6 and for El Centro about 120.I think Tijuana is a lot more dangerous than el centro but they don't over react like it is here.

There is so much foot traffic in el centro, as long as you stay in the busy area and don't draw attention to yourself, it is not so dangerous even after sunset.

01-04-19, 04:31
Hey guys,

Thanks to everyone for their contributions. This will be my first visit to Medellin and I'll be going with a buddy of mine. Neither of us speak great Spanish, but our plan to check things out and take things as they come. I've got a total noob question: What exactly are "Casa's" in Medellin? I know the translation, and I know what these are in Cuba, but I'm a fit vague on what these are in Medellin. Are these homes turned into brothels? Or are they simply commercial brothels? I know some of you are laughing right now. That's OK. Please bear with me. Any assistance is appreciated.

01-04-19, 06:11

It is unlikely that a gringo would get killed while visiting el centro even in flip flops. More likely to get robbed.


My advice, when the cops split from el Centro, it's generally a good idea to leave as well.

Usually about 9 or 10 pm or so.

It's just common sense.

Regardless of what some tough guys like to post, walking around Botero area, especially alone, at night, cops gone, is a recipe for getting robbed.

01-04-19, 08:48
I've seen plenty of cops while walking around past midnight. Not that they would do much but they don't just disappear.


My advice, when the cops split from el Centro, it's generally a good idea to leave as well.

Usually about 9 or 10 pm or so.

It's just common sense.

Regardless of what some tough guys like to post, walking around Botero area, especially alone, at night, cops gone, is a recipe for getting robbed..

01-04-19, 09:22
El centro just means downtown. I guess it has been negatively hyped so much that people that have not been are starting to picture it as a war zone. LOL. In what other cities around the world are people advising others to stay away from downtown? It sounds ridiculous.I agree, provided one exercises common sense and does not inadvertantly make himself a target. I've been a couple times to Botero area during the day and it is not scary. I had a nice lunch one time outdoor and never felt unsafe, never felt like I was being watched or followed. It's very busy during the day and there did not seem to be much room for someone to rob another in broad daylight with so many people around.

Hasideas Tao
01-04-19, 16:05
Hey guys, maybe this is a shameless post. Mainly because its the new year and I am gearing up for an adventurous and prosperous 2019 and I want to make new acquaintences, friends, partners and clients. I hope I do not break any forum rules.

I'm in the states now for the holidays imagining what will come of this new year. I will be back in Medellin next week.

I've been living in Medellin full time for 6 years and visiting for 10. I've rented several apartments in various parts of the city, stayed in many normal hotels, short stay hotels and airbnbs. In this time I have had a few eye opening run ins. I've been robbed, scammed by chicas, shaken down by cops, in addition to being wrongly arrested for stupidly carrying my personal perscription meds in an unmarked container. I have my share and continue to create exciting stories as well as unraveling some sticky ones.

As a result, I know lawyers, great Spanish teachers, dentists, government agencies, gone through the visa process many times on my own as well as with agenices, taken classes at EAFIT, UPB and The University of Antioquia. I also ride my bicycle every day. I know Medellin very well and many of the nuances that come with living in a third world country for 6 years. I've had a few serious paisa girlfriends, friends and family from the states come visit me as well as a consistent flow of guests from all over the world stay with me for days and weeks at a time.

I've successfully organized bachelor parties, birthday parties, walking tours, food tours, club tours, bicycle tours, barrio tours, excursions outside of Medellin, ATVs, horsback riding, bird watching, hiking, photo shoots. AND I have a lot of super cool, sexy, trustworthy, easy going amigas who always love to hang out in addition to other locals who maybe can answer some of your questions and help you with what you want.

I am probably one of the least judgemental people you will ever meet. However, being that Medellin is probably one of the most economical places you would want to visit, I have little pacience for stinginess. And finally, in my home, alone and with guests, I can be more of a stickler for cleanliness and good hygene. I meet new guys from this board and others on a fairly regular basis and if it can be called a skill, I think I am getting good at it because my knowledge and enthusiasm has been reciprocated in many rewarding ways.

I enjoy receiving private messages, feeling useful and appreciated. Thank you to all who contribute thoughtful and usefull information.

01-04-19, 16:52
Me and a buddy wandered the deserted streets of El Centro looking for a casa that wasn't closed. No luck. Not sure if stuff was open in Dec 31, but get your action in early and those ladies lined up for any Jan 1 fun if needed for upcoming years. Never seen the door of New Life closed before during normal hours, sort of a shocker!

01-04-19, 17:02
Me and a buddy wandered the deserted streets of El Centro looking for a casa that wasn't closed. No luck. Not sure if stuff was open in Dec 31, but get your action in early and those ladies lined up for any Jan 1 fun if needed for upcoming years. Never seen the door of New Life closed before during normal hours, sort of a shocker!It's tough to find action on Jan 1, and if you do find something with someone you don't already have a relationship with, you should be a little more careful. Anyone who is out working on Jan 1, is probably in a very desperate situation. New Years is probably the most important family holiday. Lots of people are posting about being afraid of going to centro, or other things like that, all things that don't really have a very high risk compared to things we do in every day life. I wander around El Centro all the time, I've even accidentally stumbled through the zombie land of junkies in between minorista and plaza botero a few times, and never had a problem (certainly that is dangerous, though. Hopefully I don't have to explain that LOL) but if I was out trying to find action on Jan 1st, I would be extra careful with any interactions. The combination of pre-selecting for desperate people, plus being a day that probably makes people feel extra bad, is a tough combination.

That said, there was action available, the bars in La Ralla were open. (marked as streetwalkers near Mayorista on the map) and I did have a few drinks down there on Jan 1st. There was a small group of girls working down there as there always is, but I was just drinking with a buddy, I didn't see anything worth overcoming my risk tolerance for.

01-04-19, 18:16
Casa's are basically commercial brothels. I found them to be like a candy store. I would enter one of the ones listed on the ISG map for Medellin, use my limited Spanish to say Yo quiero treinta minutos con una chica, and they would sit me down, and call a group of around 8 chicas to parade by me, usually skimpily dressed, giving their names, and then I would make a choice, she would step away a minute, then lead me to a room, and we were ready to go. Easy and comfortable, lots of fun, and you can't beat the price, being how safe it is. Much safer than a SW in my opinion.

Hey guys,

Thanks to everyone for their contributions. This will be my first visit to Medellin and I'll be going with a buddy of mine. Neither of us speak great Spanish, but our plan to check things out and take things as they come. I've got a total noob question: What exactly are "Casa's" in Medellin? I know the translation, and I know what these are in Cuba, but I'm a fit vague on what these are in Medellin. Are these homes turned into brothels? Or are they simply commercial brothels? I know some of you are laughing right now. That's OK. Please bear with me. Any assistance is appreciated.

01-04-19, 19:30
I kindly disagree. There are also many people with their limbs / arms missing walking around. I still don't know how that many people lose their arms / legs and wonder if the cause of their tragedies is similar. If there is a common factor I always see at least one robbery or fight break out when I visit el Centro. I befriended some cops and they were telling my how a Venezuelan hooker robbed an European man for his phone and shanked him with a knife. El Centro is not for everybody and you have to have a high risk tolerance. If you want to visit el Centro go with a Colombian friend who knows the area.I only went to El Centro with a Colombian friend once, but she didn't know the area. I did have some Colombian friends walk me down from La Ladera to Parque Berrio, when I left their house. They insisted. It was nice of them, because they showed me a shortcut that saved a lot of walking. They also walked me down far enough from their house to catch a taxi late one night. They live up where taxis don't go much after dark, so I really didn't want to be wandering around at midnight.

I learned my way around El Centro on my own. For about 3 months I went there almost every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. I usually didn't go at night, except for strip club trips and I usually finished my walking by 10 pm so I could catch the Metro home. For another 3 or 4 months I averaged once or twice a week.

I rarely went by taxi. I either took the bus or metro. I didn't just go to head straight to the casas. I just went to walk, experience the atmosphere and to learn the area. There aren't many streets in El Centro that I didn't walk. The area I'll call the recycling zone was interesting. All the guys you see digging through garbage at night take their stuff to an area that buys anything. There's places buying scrap wrought iron, broken glass, old doors, aluminum, plastic, cardboard, anything you can think of. It's not very scenic, but you get to see a different side of things.

If you're just going to fuck, there's no need to see any more of El Centro than the door of your favorite casa or strip club. If you're going to experience Medellin as a city, then you need to get your shoes on the sidewalks and find your way around El Centro.

I guess I spent about 300 hours just walking El Centro, or eating, having a beer or sitting and people watching. I saw one mugging and had 3 inept guys try to rob me 1 time. It was embarrassing for everyone.

It's not safe. No place is safe. If you're the guy who thinks you're bulletproof, and you can do whatever you want, wherever you want, it will prove you wrong. However, if you act reasonable, follow some basic precautions and pay attention, you can probably survive.

01-04-19, 19:33

It is unlikely that a gringo would get killed while visiting el centro even in flip flops. More likely to get robbed.

But it is worthwhile to understand that el centro is a lot more dangerous than say Poblado.

Just click on the areas of the map (Homicides by district) and it will give you the total number of murders per year. For 2017. I think the number of murders in Poblado was about 6 and for El Centro about 120.Next, look at population density for Poblado and El Centro. Then look at number of extranjeros killed in each place. Higher population density = more murders. Tourists are more likely to be killed in Poblado.

01-04-19, 19:34
I've seen plenty of cops while walking around past midnight. Not that they would do much but they don't just disappear.

.Actually they do just disappear.

Depends on the particular night, the time that they leave.

It's usually around 9 or 10 pm, however, there are exceptions, depending on what they're told to do, and they stay later on the weekends.

I've had many conversations with them.

And of course it's better when they're around.

01-04-19, 19:41
Sorry I should have specified. By hanging out I meant a situation where they'd come over, we'd have a drink or two and then get down to business. I've done my fair share in the past by taking out to dinner girls but that's not really one for me anymore. Conversations tend to drag and you just find yourself wondering why did you ever thought that was going to be a good idea in the first place??

Basically all I want is just a nice (and obviously hot) girl to spend time with outside the casa and no time constraints. And that I can put in a cab after 90 minutes or so! Don't worry, I'm not looking for a holiday girlfriend.I've been to Medellin several times. I never go to the casas. I always have my own place which is fairly nice place to stay. I chat up the girls on Colombian Cupid. They will come over, have some drinks, chat, hang out, etc. Do your business, pay them and put them back in the cab home. Nice easy time, a little more relaxed and in a much more casual atmosphere.

01-04-19, 20:44
According to what I read in the forum, you are allowed to bring facebook, tinder, or other girls to the gringo hotel. I defer to people who actually stayed there to confirm. I know for a fact that groups of facebook girls are also regulars at the gringo hotel because some of them told me so. As for the 8/10 guys a day, you aren't going to get away from that with the facebook contacts that are traded on this forum. I'm going to leave it at that because I don't want to be the guy who starts beating the girlfriend experience dead horse again.Actually I was trying to make a different point. I am well aware of the mansion's rules. It's just that in my experience quit a few "non-pro" and external girls don't like the hotel as it breaks their illusion of turning tricks on an occasional basis. Most of them see the place as a pretty hardcore one and don't want to be associated with it. Even though most of them are effectively seasones pros!

01-04-19, 20:54
I've been to Medellin several times. I never go to the casas. I always have my own place which is fairly nice place to stay. I chat up the girls on Colombian Cupid. They will come over, have some drinks, chat, hang out, etc. Do your business, pay them and put them back in the cab home. Nice easy time, a little more relaxed and in a much more casual atmosphere.Sounds like this could be more my speed. How easy would you say it is to find "working" girls on CC? I'm obviously including in that definition all types of working girls (from newbie / non-pro upwards). How much of a front is CC? I'm used to Seeking Arrangement and found the ratio to be 50/50 (if not 40/60 towards genuine) between pros and girls looking for something serious.

01-04-19, 21:09
Interesting. Maybe something I didn't even know going on was happening. I just remember a few incidents with them there later at night. Hopefully they don't all disappear as my apartment is in Centro soon.

Actually they do just disappear.

Depends on the particular night, the time that they leave.

It's usually around 9 or 10 pm, however, there are exceptions, depending on what they're told to do, and they stay later on the weekends.

I've had many conversations with them.

And of course it's better when they're around..

01-04-19, 21:21
Casa's are basically commercial brothels. I found them to be like a candy store. I would enter one of the ones listed on the ISG map for Medellin, use my limited Spanish to say Yo quiero treinta minutos con una chica, and they would sit me down, and call a group of around 8 chicas to parade by me, usually skimpily dressed, giving their names, and then I would make a choice, she would step away a minute, then lead me to a room, and we were ready to go. Easy and comfortable, lots of fun, and you can't beat the price, being how safe it is. Much safer than a SW in my opinion.Hey YankeeFan!

Thanks for clarifying that for me. All this talk about the dangers of El Centro has me a bit concerned about hanging around past sunset. My buddy and I will likely keep El Centro as a daytime activity given our lack of familiarity the area and our language barrier. The Casa's might be a good daytime diversion. Then we'll retire back to Poblado for the evenings where I think we'll be staying. Perhaps La Setenta in Laurles might be OK for an evening stroll as well.

So, how would you rate the quality of the girls and facilities of the casas you checked out? Would you say they were pretty nice or kinda dingy?

Also, have you had any experience using Mileroticos.com or Photoprepagos.com for arranging outcalls? The girls on there look pretty hot, but my guess is that a lot of those are fakes or scams. If you or anyone else has had success with these sites and have some "best practices" tips to ensure a good experience I'd appreciate it.

01-04-19, 21:54
Interesting. Maybe something I didn't even know going on was happening. I just remember a few incidents with them there later at night. Hopefully they don't all disappear as my apartment is in Centro soon.

.Oh nice!

Good luck with the new pad!

01-05-19, 00:28
I planned on hitting a casa in centro today. Despite having been here forever, I've never done it. There is something off putting about going into an address that isn't clearly a business, with the expectation of getting pussy. Still, off putting or not, I should at least try them out at some point, I've been here so long it is silly not to know them.

But, I got distracted by dropping into a place I haven't been in a while, Grill Occidente. It's on the map as a bar, but it is pretty clearly a strip club (has a pole, girls dance, take the girls to rooms upstairs through the DJ booth, etc).

I dropped in at around 3 PM. There were probably 12 girls there, half of which were not very attractive, but a few were pretty decent. I got lucky and the the most attractive girl came right to me (there were probably about 10 customers in the place when I walked in, a few more by the time I left about 45 minutes later).

Ron Caldas on ice was 5 k pesos. Lady drink (constinita) was 6 k pesos. Not sure if the prices quoted are daytime prices, or even just the girl I talked to, but my girl asked for 50 k for half hour, room and condom included in price. She gave about a minute of BBBJ before insisting we move on to something else. She made an effort to make it enjoyable, I finished in her tits, which were decent sized. Rooms were kind of skanky as is the usual for this kind of place.

Walked over to Zandalay afterwards, the casa I was planning on going to, kind of glad I hit the bar. It was not clear that the place was open. Saw about 20 trans streetwalkers on calle 56 and 56 a in the middle of the day. The map doesn't make it clear that is the case, though I've seen lots of trans streetwalkers at Parque Bolivar at night when taking a cab to Ejecutiva / Maracaibo, so it makes sense.

01-05-19, 05:29
I think Tijuana is a lot more dangerous than el centro but they don't over react like it is here.It's not even close, Tijuana is the 5th most dangerous city in the world at 100 homicides per 100,000 a year. Medellin is around 20 per 100,000.

MED was 225 per 100,000 in 1995!



01-05-19, 05:38
I was thinking something similar when I read the original post. I can't remember ever seeing Botero Plaza and the surrounding streets devoid of police even very late at night. I am by no means a tough guy. I avoid nighttime wandering in Centro. I do pop into the strip clubs from time to time at late hours and I've been in Botero Plaza past midnight. More often than night I am passing by in a taxi or uber but sometimes on foot. I always see police. I don't recommend anyone take their presence as a green light to do whatever at any time of night.

I've seen plenty of cops while walking around past midnight. Not that they would do much but they don't just disappear..

01-05-19, 15:21
Some of the chicks on seeking look really hot in the pictures posted. Even better than I can find on Fb. Onviously the Casas and Strip club scene will just require visits to figure out.

What has been the experience of board members in finding arrangements on seeking in Medellin. Are the pictures generally more or less reliable? Are most of the girls game for ST, is ST a day a week or a month usually, or are they mostly interested in LT relationships? Some of them say they are English speaking, is that credible, or just girls marketing themselves to gringos.

I figured the 18-22's looking for men 18-50 is a tell tale sign of a prepago of some sort. Is seeking a relatively safe fishing ground compared to say mileroticos.

What sort of benefits do they usually look for from sponsors over there. Just any feedback from folks who have used that site in Medellin would be appreciated. Thinking of getting a subscription, but don't want to waste my time, energy and money if its generally a dead end.

01-05-19, 19:55
Next, look at population density for Poblado and El Centro. Then look at number of extranjeros killed in each place. Higher population density = more murders. Tourists are more likely to be killed in Poblado.As Vegas Jeff told me once, you need to be more careful about being robbed in Poblado as it is foreign turf for the bandidos from the barrio. They are out of their element and are on edge. But Poblado is where the targets are. When being robbed, one should not make the mistake of sudden movements or resist as nervous muggers may just shoot you accidently.

01-05-19, 20:05
I was thinking something similar when I read the original post. I can't remember ever seeing Botero Plaza and the surrounding streets devoid of police even very late at night. I am by no means a tough guy. I avoid nighttime wandering in Centro. I do pop into the strip clubs from time to time at late hours and I've been in Botero Plaza past midnight. More often than night I am passing by in a taxi or uber but sometimes on foot. I always see police. I don't recommend anyone take their presence as a green light to do whatever at any time of night.Some of the more dangerous areas of el centro are the area beyond the street walker scene where lots of druggies hang out, the tranny area just off Parque Botero is also very dangerous at night (not during the day) and the druggie area just up from the police station near Parque Inglesias.

I have hung out at all hours of the night with VJ in el centro. It can be dangerous as you need to not be drunk as people are looking for opportunities who may be high or drunk themselves. The most dangerous people are the young kids with no experience and no fear. Just a weapon and their money which you are carrying.

That said, walking up Oriental and then to the strip club is safe enough

01-05-19, 22:11
Also, have you had any experience using Mileroticos.com or Photoprepagos.com for arranging outcalls? The girls on there look pretty hot, but my guess is that a lot of those are fakes or scams. If you or anyone else has had success with these sites and have some "best practices" tips to ensure a good experience I'd appreciate it.I've had pretty good luck with both those sites. Photoprepagos especially is pretty good at filtering out scammers and I've yet to have a girl from there that was an outright lie. Granted they tend to use flattering angles and soft filters but what escort site doesn't?

One somewhat stalkerish trick I've learned is that if you save their phone number into your contact list on your phone you can sometimes find their facebook and instagram pages in your friend suggestions on either platform. Makes it easier when you can see their unblurred faces. Also try googling the number. I once found a Spanish forum where people were posting reviews and rating each prepago.

01-05-19, 22:13
Had any experience using Mileroticos.com or Photoprepagos.com for arranging outcalls? I'm looking for lady for LT. Its reasonable to take LT in medellin / cartagena? I'm first time in Columbia.

Thank you.

01-05-19, 23:38
I was thinking something similar when I read the original post. I can't remember ever seeing Botero Plaza and the surrounding streets devoid of police even very late at night. I am by no means a tough guy. I avoid nighttime wandering in Centro. I do pop into the strip clubs from time to time at late hours and I've been in Botero Plaza past midnight. More often than night I am passing by in a taxi or uber but sometimes on foot. I always see police. I don't recommend anyone take their presence as a green light to do whatever at any time of night.Well trust me man, they do leave, and at least for me, the scene gets even more harsh, and I try and avoid being out there at that time.

It doesn't really matter to me if you believe me or not, Lol, I'm just generally saying that el Centro is always sketchy at night, which you know, however, for me anyway, it feels even worse when the cops split.

01-06-19, 01:40
I see chicas on my FB are posting holidays pictures from Cartagena. So is this holidays season again in MDE after we just had one? LOL.

01-06-19, 02:20
I've had pretty good luck with both those sites. Photoprepagos especially is pretty good at filtering out scammers and I've yet to have a girl from there that was an outright lie. Granted they tend to use flattering angles and soft filters but what escort site doesn't?

One somewhat stalkerish trick I've learned is that if you save their phone number into your contact list on your phone you can sometimes find their facebook and instagram pages in your friend suggestions on either platform. Makes it easier when you can see their unblurred faces. Also try googling the number. I once found a Spanish forum where people were posting reviews and rating each prepago.For first timers, would you suggest to get a room in hotel and get escorts from Photoprepagos or go to the casa?. I was shuffling photoprepagos website and saw some cute faces and the tariff is very reasonable for US residents.

01-06-19, 02:58
For first timers, would you suggest to get a room in hotel and get escorts from Photoprepagos or go to the casa?. I was shuffling photoprepagos website and saw some cute faces and the tariff is very reasonable for US residents.Well with a casa you just go there, pick out a girl that interests you, make some quick talk on what you like and how much, then get down to business. Hard to beat in terms of convenience and cost, particularly the casas around centro. The only difficulty is finding the right address.

You first have to do some prep work to use an escort. First you need a phone that works in Medellin. And you have to make sure your hotel or airbnb is girl-friendly. Then you have to message them, wait for their reply, find out when they're available, talk about their wills and won'ts and how much, schedule a time to meet (some have their own apartment, however most don't), then patiently wait for their arrival. Colombians tend to have terrible time management and most will be late, sometimes by hours. I've had a few get completely lost and had to give directions.

However overall I think escorts and social media hookups tend to give far better service than casas. My best casa experiences were pretty forgettable. The girls there are mostly interested in getting you to nut quickly so they can move on to their next client. I haven't had a photoprepago girl where I DIDN'T get GFE. One of best I found on there had a killer body, slim with naturally large breasts, a face like a model, and genuinely enjoyed her work. Many orgasms were shared with her! Sadly her number stopped working and I lost contact.

01-06-19, 04:01
I trust you. I believe you. I know Centro is more dangerous at night and not completely safe during the day. Of course police patrols are fewer and farther between the later it gets.

Well trust me man, they do leave, and at least for me, the scene gets even more harsh, and I try and avoid being out there at that time.

It doesn't really matter to me if you believe me or not, Lol, I'm just generally saying that el Centro is always sketchy at night, which you know, however, for me anyway, it feels even worse when the cops split.

01-06-19, 04:22
What has been the experience of board members in finding arrangements on seeking in Medellin.I assume you mean SeekingArrangements. (a Sugar Daddy site) I use it in the States and tried it on my 1st trip to MED. The super hot ones wanted too much, I was offering 300 k ($100) for all night. Made 2 dates for my 1st 2 nights.

Did not use it on the next 3 trips.

Same issue I have with the escorts sites, the girls use the best pic of them they have, possibly airbrushed, possibly old. Plus you have zero idea about personality, if they are wackjobs etc.

With the strip clubs, street girls and Casa's you can see the girl in person and with the 1st 2 talk or have a drink and gauge attitude and sexiness.

Here are the 2 girls pics from the site and then the ones I took. I had a OK time with them but one was heavier then her pics and quite the party girl, she got some coke in a bar we were at, and the redhead wasn't quite as hot as her pics in person. But she was pretty cool.

01-06-19, 04:33
I see chicas on my FB are posting holidays pictures from Cartagena. So is this holidays season again in MDE after we just had one? LOL.Cartagena is very busy in January. Many Colombians go there for vacation.

01-06-19, 05:43
I see chicas on my FB are posting holidays pictures from Cartagena. So is this holidays season again in MDE after we just had one? LOL.https://eventsite.com.co/eventos/moonfest-2019

01-06-19, 06:47
Next, look at population density for Poblado and El Centro. Then look at number of extranjeros killed in each place. Higher population density = more murders. Tourists are more likely to be killed in Poblado.I think gringos are more likely than a local to be killed in either poblado or el centro just because they tend do stupid things. There probably are more gringos killed in poblado than el centro. Because the population density of gringos in poblado is probably a hundred times higher than gringos en el centro.

I don't really think your chances of being killed in el centro are high although they are higher than being killed in poblado on average. But your chances of being robbed are much higher in el centro than in poblado.

01-06-19, 14:10
Well trust me man, they do leave, and at least for me, the scene gets even more harsh, and I try and avoid being out there at that time.

It doesn't really matter to me if you believe me or not, Lol, I'm just generally saying that el Centro is always sketchy at night, which you know, however, for me anyway, it feels even worse when the cops split.I'm going to back you up on this one. I've been through Plaza Botero many times, after 9 pm when there's not a cop in sight. Once the last shops close, that area becomes almost deserted. There are usually still a few rough looking women in the alley next to Iglesia Veracruz, but nothing worth the effort.

01-06-19, 16:56
I've had pretty good luck with both those sites. Photoprepagos especially is pretty good at filtering out scammers and I've yet to have a girl from there that was an outright lie. Granted they tend to use flattering angles and soft filters but what escort site doesn't?

One somewhat stalkerish trick I've learned is that if you save their phone number into your contact list on your phone you can sometimes find their facebook and instagram pages in your friend suggestions on either platform. Makes it easier when you can see their unblurred faces. Also try googling the number. I once found a Spanish forum where people were posting reviews and rating each prepago.Hey Talon,

Great tip. I got off FB and IG a while ago, but maybe it sounds like a good idea to set up alternate accounts for this trip. I get the sense based on your advice and others that have mentioned in the forms, that of the two sites, Photoprepagos seems the more reliable. I notice they have a filter which narrows down which profiles contain verified pictures. I no longer use escort services in the US, but when Backpage was a thing, it used to be an art to decipher which ones were likely to be legit. Basically, I stayed away from anything that looked like it was done professionally and usually zeroed in on those that looked more homespun. My guess is that wouldn't be a bad tactic to take when making selections on the Colombian sites as well. Thanks again for the advice and tips.

01-06-19, 19:16
It's Christmas time in Medellin QUeens, mama cookin arepeas why colled palito de queso.

Ok that's my dumb rap. Anyway I had some time and figured I would see the Alumbrados EPM and maybe some girls that needed some extra cash for regulas. I didn't think I would see much but I was surprised.

Veronica 150 K.

I first went with my old reliable. Energy. LU was very big but not that many I liked. I came upon veronica. She had a pretty face and very big natural tits and did not have kids. She had a little gut from one too many cervasas but she fucked like a champ despite not much kissing. She was fun but I wouldn't see her again for the simple fact of it just wasnt enough chemistry to keep me.

Natalia 150 K.

I seen her a couple times before. She seeing her again she kisses me like a boyfriend from before. She has this sort of bedroom eyes that just say "fuck me. Please, I need it" she is only 5 2 but with bolt on see cups and weights 90 lbs soaking wet. She upcharges for oral naturale but this time I just forgot o take extra so got an ok coverec BJ. Sex was good and she let me finish on her giant fake tits. Side note, I saw her in a building in San Diego that I have seen a prepoago before, in almost the same exact room years ago. She made me wait a bit which makes me think she was seeing someone else but she said there are more girls working and I was the only one wiating without a room. Anyway. I snuck a quick pic of her bolt on tits. She looks cute when she is dressed in normal clothes.

Valentina 400 K Todo la noche.

This was an intresting pick up from SA. She lived in a town about 30 min from rio negro so her getting to mEd was a task. We had been talking for weeks before and she agreed to stay with me all night, was on the pill and would BB after seeing my test. She lives in a small town so it was fun to be with her. She was surprisng very passionate and sensual for only being 20. She had blue eyes and we made fun of if she gets preggers when I came in her, atleast we will have pretty blue eye babies haha. She stayed longer and I got her an uber back (cost 70 pesos but totally worth it).

(blond hair).

Daniela 300 K todo la noche.

This girl was half colombian and half lenonase and TOTAL FreAK! She was really into porn and before we talked she was send me clips of things she wanted me to do. She never did facials and was like a rock star of wanting one. She was super fan #1 for "plesase cum in my face" luckily I saved a day or so and I took the holy grail cum pills and damn if I didn't give her an 8 roper all over her face and mouth! IT was magical to see someone enjoy it as much as she did. SHe originally agreed to BB but got cold feet so I did have to fuck her with a rubber but when I was going to cum she took it off and raced to get every drop in her mouth and face, no matter what. Even when we did it doggystyle or when I was on top, it was like a race for her and she was always in position like she praciced from watching all the porns. She also lived in a town just outside med so I had to pay a little extra for her uber.

(SHe is on the black and white shirt and also the bikini).

Luci 150 K.

She was a cute venezuelan that was just in love with blue eyes. So mcuh so she like almost forgot to take the money. We agreed for a couple hours, she wound up staying from 7-3 am. She was fun to hang with and we got delivery (she ate the fuck out of orange chicken hhaha) she told me about her family in maricabdo vnz and how she is just hoping things get better. I hope for her sake as well. She was really cute and had little tiny labia that she laughed when I brushed my fingers across them. She is leaving for Cali to see a cousin that has some real work for her there so hopefully I will see her again. (blakc and white and blck and white top).

Caro 130 K.

She was enthusiasic, but when she took off her top her tits just drooped sooo much I really just loss intrested in her. I know it isn't her fauly but that bra and panties was a total pump fake. She had to really work hard to get me to cum and finally when I did I cound't wait for her to leave. She was sweet but just I couldn't take it. Oh well we all have those times.


Red head with the saturn tat. I picked her up at Indiana mall of all places and we decided to meet 2 days later. I was SUPER surprused how on time she was. We didn't fuck that night but we made out. Which she told me was rare. She had to leave for navidad to see her family in Bogota and she was sad she couldn't spend more time. I almost made the mistake of offering her money and I quickly defused it (she works with her mom renting cars) so hopefully I can keep this one for next time.

All in all, for it being holiday times I did quite well. I also saw some non pros that I had a drink with and a make out session with but she was on the rag so what can you do. I hope everyone had a good holiday. Feliz Navidad!

01-06-19, 22:48
Hey Talon,

Great tip. I got off FB and IG a while ago, but maybe it sounds like a good idea to set up alternate accounts for this trip. I get the sense based on your advice and others that have mentioned in the forms, that of the two sites, Photoprepagos seems the more reliable. I notice they have a filter which narrows down which profiles contain verified pictures. I no longer use escort services in the US, but when Backpage was a thing, it used to be an art to decipher which ones were likely to be legit. Basically, I stayed away from anything that looked like it was done professionally and usually zeroed in on those that looked more homespun. My guess is that wouldn't be a bad tactic to take when making selections on the Colombian sites as well. Thanks again for the advice and tips.It seems like Photoprepagos is a better choice to the mongers who are looking for wider variety of quality service then available in mansion and casas. Anyone can recommend a chica friendly hotel in the safe neighborhood of centro or poblado.

Member #4736
01-06-19, 23:04
It seems like Photoprepagos is a better choice to the mongers who are looking for wider variety of quality service then available in mansion and casas. Anyone can recommend a chica friendly hotel in the safe neighborhood of centro or poblado.San Peters Suites. It's economical, no chica fee and is in the best location in terms of everything.

01-06-19, 23:13
So, a bit off-putting perhaps but important nonetheless. These chicks are getting the often. Obviously raincoats are encouraged for most / some. But I am more concerned with smell. A lot of the women I have sampled stateside have that odor. Personally I can't stand it and it's a total turn off. What's everyone's experience with this? Sorry guys. Haha.

01-07-19, 00:29
It's Christmas time in Medellin QUeens, mama cookin arepeas why colled palito de queso.

Valentina 400 K Todo la noche.

This was an intresting pick up from SA. She lived in a town about 30 min from rio negro so her getting to mEd was a task. We had been talking for weeks before and she agreed to stay with me all night, was on the pill and would BB after seeing my test. She lives in a small town so it was fun to be with her. She was surprisng very passionate and sensual for only being 20. She had blue eyes and we made fun of if she gets preggers when I came in her, atleast we will have pretty blue eye babies haha. She stayed longer and I got her an uber back (cost 70 pesos but totally worth it).

(blond hair).How do you get the girls from SA to meet you, the pros are always eager to meet but the non pros always flake or come up with some excuse? Do you guys go on dinner date and then get invite them to your hotel or you invite them to your apartment after exchanging number?

01-07-19, 01:11
Hey YankeeFan!

Thanks for clarifying that for me. All this talk about the dangers of El Centro has me a bit concerned about hanging around past sunset. My buddy and I will likely keep El Centro as a daytime activity given our lack of familiarity the area and our language barrier. The Casa's might be a good daytime diversion. Then we'll retire back to Poblado for the evenings where I think we'll be staying. Perhaps La Setenta in Laurles might be OK for an evening stroll as well.

So, how would you rate the quality of the girls and facilities of the casas you checked out? Would you say they were pretty nice or kinda dingy?

Also, have you had any experience using Mileroticos.com or Photoprepagos.com for arranging outcalls? The girls on there look pretty hot, but my guess is that a lot of those are fakes or scams. If you or anyone else has had success with these sites and have some "best practices" tips to ensure a good experience I'd appreciate it.Hi,

Check out my MDE FR from a week or so ago for some more details. The casas seemed clean, and safe, but certainly on the dingy side. Remember, you're paying about $15 per session. It suits me just fine, as my FR tells about my tastes, which are not as demanding as many other forum contributors. I have not used any websites, I really try to get right down to business as my time is limited, and I enjoy fitting in as many sessions as possible. Feel free to PM for any more information.

01-07-19, 02:43
I used it my first 2 trips, a bit more expensive but seemed like mostly better looking young girls. I did get one pro with a HORRIBLE tit job, wow what ugly scars on the bottom. Looked like they used a kitchen knife. I also have kept in touch with one that we have hooking up for a year now. We stay in touch still and will see her next month. I found a 20 yr old univ student that would let me BB her and did everything bare. I pissed her off last trip so no more of her. Oh well there are tons on SA.

Some of the chicks on seeking look really hot in the pictures posted. Even better than I can find on Fb. Onviously the Casas and Strip club scene will just require visits to figure out.

What has been the experience of board members in finding arrangements on seeking in Medellin. Are the pictures generally more or less reliable? Are most of the girls game for ST, is ST a day a week or a month usually, or are they mostly interested in LT relationships? Some of them say they are English speaking, is that credible, or just girls marketing themselves to gringos.

I figured the 18-22's looking for men 18-50 is a tell tale sign of a prepago of some sort. Is seeking a relatively safe fishing ground compared to say mileroticos.

What sort of benefits do they usually look for from sponsors over there. Just any feedback from folks who have used that site in Medellin would be appreciated. Thinking of getting a subscription, but don't want to waste my time, energy and money if its generally a dead end.

01-07-19, 02:48
I assume you mean SeekingArrangements. (a Sugar Daddy site) I use it in the States and tried it on my 1st trip to MED. The super hot ones wanted too much, I was offering 300 k ($100) for all night. Made 2 dates for my 1st 2 nights.

Did not use it on the next 3 trips.

Same issue I have with the escorts sites, the girls use the best pic of them they have, possibly airbrushed, possibly old. Plus you have zero idea about personality, if they are wackjobs etc.

With the strip clubs, street girls and Casa's you can see the girl in person and with the 1st 2 talk or have a drink and gauge attitude and sexiness.

Here are the 2 girls pics from the site and then the ones I took. I had a OK time with them but one was heavier then her pics and quite the party girl, she got some coke in a bar we were at, and the redhead wasn't quite as hot as her pics in person. But she was pretty cool.Exactly why I don't bother with online service providers, anywhere in the world. Fake outs and no idea of chemistry. Plus you've agreed something even if she turns up (late) and then makes a scene after you've ascertained she is definitely a wackjob.

01-07-19, 02:50
So I'm a fan of the BBBJ to completion. Not always easy to get around here, so I take note when someone posts on one of the sites that they do it. Here are 3 experiences.

1. Gina from Mileroticos.

She varies in what she charges, but I think she is usually asking about 100 k to come to your place for an hour, no upcharge to finish in her mouth. She isn't really my type, and not super enthusiastic, but she gets the job done. I've seen her a few times. If you're like me and want the spectacular finish, she's a decent option.

2. Luna from Mileroticos.

Phone number ends in 6622. There is another Luna on Mileroticos that qualifies so I wanted to be specific. This Luna seems to delete her posts. She posts pictures without a face, and is currently located in Bello. She claimed to charge 50 k on ME, but asked for 70 k on whatsapp. We made an appointment, but she stopped responding when I arrived near her location (yet she saw the messages) left me waiting in the street for 15 minutes before I left and went somewhere else. I guess it is better than being robbed.

3. Anotella from Mileroticos.

Anotella is a regular on ME, but this week I saw her for the first time. She doesn't post pics of her face, so it was a nice surprise that she was quite pretty. Great ass and smaller tits, very attractive. She charges 80 for a half, 120 for an hour, 30 k upcharge to blow in her mouth. She was friendly, tried hard, skilled, and I never felt rushed at all. I regret not seeing her earlier, I just never got around to her. She works in an apartment in the Laurelas area, and is worth the trip.

01-07-19, 03:25
Exactly why I don't bother with online service providers, anywhere in the world. Fake outs and no idea of chemistry. Plus you've agreed something even if she turns up (late) and then makes a scene after you've ascertained she is definitely a wackjob.Yeah, that's definitely a problem. The other is having her come back to your place before you've had a chance to gauge whether she's stable as you've mentioned. One workaround I'm contemplating is having the girl meet me at some public spot for a bite or drink. Perhaps I could offer her some nominal amount as a guarantee just for showing up, then make my decision whether to continue or not. A couple of the Photoprepagos girls I've contacted in preparation for my upcoming trip have offered additional uncensored pics, allowing me to check out their face. To me, this is a good sign (although by no means a guarantee) that she is as advertised. The ads to really watch out for are the ones that look over produced. There's a high risk that it's a completely different girl in those circumstances; that the photo was simply ripped off from somewhere else on the net. Personally, I just don't like the idea of the whole casa thing. I know it's cheap and you get to see her first, but the whole process and mentality of it just doesn't fit my taste. Anyway, we'll see. I'll probably make some mistakes along the way, but it's all good. If I find a good one, I'll likely keep her around. I don't need to be banging tons of girls every day (not that there's anything wrong with that). I did that in my 20's-30's. 40's you slow down a bit. LOL.

01-07-19, 11:07
How do you get the girls from SA to meet you, the pros are always eager to meet but the non pros always flake or come up with some excuse? Do you guys go on dinner date and then get invite them to your hotel or you invite them to your apartment after exchanging number?It is like with anything else, it comes down to chemistry. At first, I find, I talk with about everything BUT sex. Having good Spanish helps and not Just translator Spanish. I try to get their WhatsApp off SA right away. If they resist I tell them I want them to hear my Spanish with a voice note. Then just banter, talking about whatever, send them funny photos and videos of you or interesting places you travel to. If you have a pic of you next to Eiffel Tower or Empire State Building they eat it up. Ask if they have a passport, give them hope, get them excited. When I see them I usually pour them a glass of wine and just talk a bit, then get them so worked up there panties are dripping. Just tell them how captivating their bodies is and it's a wrap.

01-07-19, 11:24
So, a bit off-putting perhaps but important nonetheless. These chicks are getting the often. Obviously raincoats are encouraged for most / some. But I am more concerned with smell. A lot of the women I have sampled stateside have that odor. Personally I can't stand it and it's a total turn off. What's everyone's experience with this? Sorry guys. Haha.We all have these stories but I can tell you, Colombianas as a people are the most hygienic people you will ever meet. In all my years, I think I came across 1 in 100's that had stank pussy. The culture is just clean, go to lunch at any mall and visit the bathroom, you will see everyone brushing their teeth and grooming. It is why oral covered is popular here. The hygiene is taught very young and practiced. I doubt you will run into stank vag, but just stick to casa like energy and you will be good.

Mush Elvii
01-07-19, 19:05
I usually communicate via local number when contacting / lining up girls but given its first Colombia teip, I have not gotten my hands on claro / local sim.

What I'm trying to find is that if local options are not responding with foreign number (mainly on WA)?

I started to work on Mile E and prepago but not getting responses given my WA number is +1 area code.

Any one experienced similar issue? My Spanish skills are sub par BTW.

01-07-19, 19:44
It's Christmas time in Medellin QUeens, mama cookin arepeas why colled palito de queso.

Valentina 400 K Todo la noche.

This was an intresting pick up from SA. She lived in a town about 30 min from rio negro so her getting to mEd was a task. We had been talking for weeks before and she agreed to stay with me all night, was on the pill and would BB after seeing my test. She lives in a small town so it was fun to be with her. She was surprisng very passionate and sensual for only being 20. She had blue eyes and we made fun of if she gets preggers when I came in her, atleast we will have pretty blue eye babies haha. She stayed longer and I got her an uber back (cost 70 pesos but totally worth it).

(blond hair).

Thanks for sharing BC. Valentina seems a true gem. Great attitude and a really cute appearance. Blonde girls with blue eyes are such a treat in South America!

01-07-19, 20:01
San Peters Suites. It's economical, no chica fee and is in the best location in terms of everything.Thanks BF. Anyone knows anywhere closer to (or ideally in Poblado? I have friends staying at the Mansion that I will be seeing daily and don't really fancy spending my morning / evening in Medellin traffic.

Those prices are great though. Truth be told I've never stayed in Laureles after dusk so not sure how safe it is. Especially when one has had a bit to drink!

01-07-19, 20:11
Thanks BF. Anyone knows anywhere closer to (or ideally in Poblado? I have friends staying at the Mansion that I will be seeing daily and don't really fancy spending my morning / evening in Medellin traffic.

Those prices are great though. Truth be told I've never stayed in Laureles after dusk so not sure how safe it is. Especially when one has had a bit to drink!I've stayed in Laureles at the Sans Peter. No issues for me walking around at night. It is a nice Colombian neighborhood. The rooms are basically one bedroom apartments. Barry Branchfield, Poblado Apartments, has several apartments and condos for rent. Look on Airbnb or vrbo. Also, Hotel Du Parc Royal is right on Parque Lleras. Its pretty nice hotel and girl friendly.

01-07-19, 22:40
Blonde girls with blue eyes are such a treat in South America!They are a treat anywhere in the world. People with blue eyes make up only 8% of the world's population.

01-07-19, 23:48
Truth be told I've never stayed in Laureles after dusk so not sure how safe it is. Especially when one has had a bit to drink!I visited a buddy who stays in Laureles (a couple of months ago) and it's a very laidback area. Kinda hippie, veggie, international back packer type of neighborhood.

My impression is it's a very safe barrio.

01-08-19, 00:00
They are a treat anywhere in the world. People with blue eyes make up only 8% of the world's population.Yes but that 8% climbs significantly if you don't consider the whole of South America, Africa, the Middle East and (most importantly) Asia. And I do live in Northern Europe where (thank God) we are blessed with quite a few blue-eyed ladies.

Shame there isn't a Medellin (with Mansion included) in Sweden or Norway because that would probably be the closest thing to heaven on earth. Maybe somewhere in Russia but the language is quite the insurmountable obstacle and I won't even mention personal safety!

01-08-19, 13:04
As a fellow blonde-haired blue-eyed gringo I've gotten pretty good mileage with my features in latin america. I can count on one hand the number of compliments I've received during my life in the states on my physical appearance but it seems to drive latinas wild. A few have even "jokingly" suggested we should have kids together and remark on how beautiful they would be.