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04-03-19, 01:58
I agree rookie mistake that taught me a lesson. As far as the girl from Colombian Cupid, we had lunch together today and hopefully I'll be around tomorrow to report on how the night went with her as she is coming to the hotel at 10.

Hi mate,

Sounds like you making the mistakes of a newbie. You need to brush up your game or someone may play you.

Regarding the girl from Colombian Cupid, take her for a coffee and judge her before you take her back. Maybe people are getting drugged so play with caution first.

I met a few on there and no issues but one I was so unsure of.


Mr Enternational
04-03-19, 03:08
The uber cancellations are not unusual.The fucked up thing is when you wait 10 min for an Uber to come. He arrives and you get inside. Then he asks you where you are going and decides to cancel after that. Happened to me yesterday here in Barranquilla. It is like mf can't you see where I am going before you accept it?

04-03-19, 04:33
Well probably shouldn't be asking how much. Rather telling them how much you are going to pay. Never ask them LOL.Why people can't stick to this simple rule, I will never know. For chicas on social media, Most of the time an offer of 150 mil will be greeted with acceptance or at most a counteroffer, at which time you can decide if its worth it. Never ask.

04-03-19, 05:15
Anyone willing to show the ropes.

04-03-19, 05:43
You make it sound like a bad thing LOL. We men at the end of the day. Is she a pro? Or non pro? Semi? It all depends. Is she using him?. We never know these days they still women at the end of the day. There's a chance he could be getting played. There's also a chance it might be real who knows.

A girl I know hit the jackpot recently. She met a guy online and he came here to visit and fell in love. They communicate through google translate, but the guy is head over heels for this babe. I expect her to be getting her green card soon, LOL.

04-03-19, 06:47
Why people can't stick to this simple rule, I will never know. For chicas on social media, Most of the time an offer of 150 mil will be greeted with acceptance or at most a counteroffer, at which time you can decide if its worth it. Never ask.Everyone knows Lleras is a tourist trap, for the uninformed, and often dudes fall for the bait and then complain instead of walking away, they don't know no better or don't care! Not to say you can't pull anything reasonable, yes of course they will try you! As far as this stupidity affecting the game? Its a buyers market there more women selling ass than buyers so where essentially outnumbered there for we can dictate the prices, they can either accept it or not, every paisa quoting high prices ain't making that kind of money a night or weekly and let them speak for a whole city is ridiculous. Besides Medellin got way to many options. Now when the casas and strip clubs start talking about 300 k standard then there's going to be a problem, highly doubtful.

04-03-19, 08:48
Why people can't stick to this simple rule, I will never know. For chicas on social media, Most of the time an offer of 150 mil will be greeted with acceptance or at most a counteroffer, at which time you can decide if its worth it. Never ask.150 mil plus taxi at 20 or 30 is what I always get.

Mr Enternational
04-03-19, 12:48
Why people can't stick to this simple rule, I will never know. For chicas on social media, Most of the time an offer of 150 mil will be greeted with acceptance or at most a counteroffer, at which time you can decide if its worth it. Never ask.Because they may say something lower. Prime example. My girlfriend just left for work. It will be a couple of months before I see her again. I was about to give her 100K. Before I did that she asked me for 50K because she needed to buy something. I saved myself 50K by letting her talk first. Had she asked for 300K, I could have always said I only have 100K.

Just like shopping. You don't just walk up with an offer for the stuff that is being sold. You usually ask how much a person wants for a product before you start your haggling.

Of course 150K would be greeted with acceptance, because it is too damn much! I remember when the exchange rate was 1600 pesos to the USD. Would you have been walking around all willy nilly offering chicks $93 back then? The exchange rate is 3100 now, but you never know when that mf will swing back down. And here you have gotten chicks used to getting 150K. Don't shoot yourself in the foot. Many here have reported chicks online for as low and 60K and 80K.

04-03-19, 13:05
Why people can't stick to this simple rule, I will never know. For chicas on social media, Most of the time an offer of 150 mil will be greeted with acceptance or at most a counteroffer, at which time you can decide if its worth it. Never ask.It works either way. If the girl is telling guys she wants $550 USD, she's not going to jump on 150 k or 200 k COP, just because someone told her that's what he pays, instead of asking what she wants.

No matter which way you start the negotiation, you have the ability to walk away.

Instead of worrying about whether to ask her price, or to tell your price, people should work on moving on to the next girl. Those girls wanting $200 or more don't need your money. At $200, she only needs 1 guy to say yes every 3 weeks. At $550, 1 time every 6 weeks and she's doing okay. Leave them for the guys who are happy to pay.

They aren't doing anything unusual by asking those prices. Last night in Miami, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, among other places, there were women getting paid $10,000, even though plenty of pussy can be found for $200. Tonight it will repeat.

04-03-19, 13:32
The exchange rate is 3100 now, but you never know when that mf will swing back down. And here you have gotten chicks used to getting 150K. Don't shoot yourself in the foot. Many here have reported chicks online for as low and 60K and 80K.Excellent point and good advice! Many sex tourists think short term. Like another guy was saying, when he flies to Colombia for a weekend, he doesn't have time to haggle or waste time bargain shopping. He is willing to pay a premium to save time. That coupled with guys thinking in their local currency tends to fool them into thinking they are paying a good price, even if it is 2 or 3 times more than what others are paying. But it's your money and you have the right to spend it how you like, even if others think you are overpaying.

We often assume most guys understand the Colombia currency and / or the full concept of geographical arbitrage, but these are not things that can be easily spoon fed through Google translate. Even if the dollar weakened, it wouldn't affect a lot of these folks because they have so much deposable income, but it would affect some.

04-03-19, 13:44
Is 150 mil overnight and multiple shots rate, or an hour rate? Thanks.

Why people can't stick to this simple rule, I will never know. For chicas on social media, Most of the time an offer of 150 mil will be greeted with acceptance or at most a counteroffer, at which time you can decide if its worth it. Never ask.

04-03-19, 15:18
Never ask them LOL.

Never ask.

You usually ask how much a person wants for a product before you start your haggling.It seems there is not a consensus on this. I think the best strategy is to not ask, never bring up a price unless they do.

04-03-19, 15:47
It seems there is not a consensus on this. I think the best strategy is to not ask, never bring up a price unless they do.So 500 dollar discussion at the hotel? LOL.

One thing I learned is, its always better to play with clear rules, you don't want a fight at the hotel.

Mr Enternational
04-03-19, 16:37
So 500 dollar discussion at the hotel? LOL.

One thing I learned is, its always better to play with clear rules, you don't want a fight at the hotel.That is where experience comes into play. First of all, you walk them outside before you pay them. You know where you got your chick from and you know the going rates there. Example. A couple of weeks ago I was home in Thailand. I met this chick at a hooker disco and she came home with me. The next day I took her home and when she got off my motorbike I stuck $34 in her pocket. She started walking to her door and checked her pocket and counted the money. She came back and asked for $28 more. I said no way. She kept asking and I kept saying no way.

I know the money that I always give is fair. I have been giving the same thing for years. So a few days later she is trying to come stay over again; and again after that. So evidently the $34 that I gave her the first day was sufficient or she would not keep trying to come back.

I do understand what you mean though. I was in Nigeria and had read all up and down the forum to pay chicks the equivalent of $30. Me and my coworker picked up some chicks in the disco of the hotel. After the deed I give my girl the $30 and she wants way more. I told her no way. So we were at a standoff. She kept saying she was going to go get security. I told her to go get them. Who did she think they would listen to, her or me? She cried, I cried. Finally she left. The next day I asked my coworker what he gave his girl. He said that they got to the room and she ordered a $20 bowl of soup and charged it to his room, so when it was time for her to go he gave her a bag of peanuts and told her to get the fuck out of his room. LOL. I told him damn, and I thought I was cold.

04-03-19, 20:51
It seems there is not a consensus on this. I think the best strategy is to not ask, never bring up a price unless they do.That is a stategy that works for guys that live here ot otherwise spend a lot of time here and who are looking for GFE and seeing the same chick on a regular basis.

If yhe chick thinks you are just another sex tourist there is very litle incentive for her not to try and get as much out of you as quickly as possible.

So I think it would be best for guys just visiting to nail down all the details before doing the deed.

Besides the chicks that are going to give you a very low monthly rate arent very likely to even bother with guys that are in town for a week or two.

04-03-19, 23:56
It is like mf can't you see where I am going before you accept it?Actually, I don't believe they can.

They see the destination once they start the ride.

04-04-19, 01:12
I'm pretty sure the drivers see the destination before accepting fares. Think about it, how practical is it for a driver to accept a fare and find out when the trip starts that the destination is hundreds of miles away?

Actually, I don't believe they can.

They see the destination once they start the ride.

04-04-19, 04:14
I'm pretty sure the drivers see the destination before accepting fares. Think about it, how practical is it for a driver to accept a fare and find out when the trip starts that the destination is hundreds of miles away?Actually, you're wrong.

This is from the UBER App Q and A: The Uber app lets passengers designate a destination, but drivers aren't privy to this information until they pick someone up ...

I’ve had drivers call me on the way to pick me up to ask my destination, then cancel because the fare wasn’t enough.

04-04-19, 04:57
Is 150 mil overnight and multiple shots rate, or an hour rate? Thanks.Usually 2 shots 1-3 hrs.

Another way to look at it is, even if 1 shot 1 HR initially, if repeating it then becomes multiple shots multiple hours, and then overnight. Same 150 mil or less. 150 mil is a good chunk of money there. Think a weeks wage.

Unless she's a hard pro, once they become a regular everything is more generous with you and rate is negotiable.

04-04-19, 05:05
Because they may say something lower. Prime example. My girlfriend just left for work. It will be a couple of months before I see her again. I was about to give her 100K. Before I did that she asked me for 50K because she needed to buy something. I saved myself 50K by letting her talk first. Had she asked for 300K, I could have always said I only have 100K.

Just like shopping. You don't just walk up with an offer for the stuff that is being sold. You usually ask how much a person wants for a product before you start your haggling.

Of course 150K would be greeted with acceptance, because it is too damn much! I remember when the exchange rate was 1600 pesos to the USD. Would you have been walking around all willy nilly offering chicks $93 back then? The exchange rate is 3100 now, but you never know when that mf will swing back down. And here you have gotten chicks used to getting 150K. Don't shoot yourself in the foot. Many here have reported chicks online for as low and 60K and 80K.Well Mr E since you don't share contacts. We will never know.

I would like to ask if anyone has asked a FB chica and ever been quoted anything less than 150 k because I haven't and that is when I changed my approach. Once again I think once established with them they will adjust things, pops, time, rate etc. But initially that's I think that’s the price at which FB girls will draw the line.
Esp. if you are a non spanish speaking gringo. If you are in centro and speak Spanish well, then you will have room to go lower. Certainly the casas have fixed rates and we all pretty much know what those are.

04-04-19, 06:31
It seems there is not a consensus on this. I think the best strategy is to not ask, never bring up a price unless they do.When I said never ask I meant state your own price. Never ask her what her price is. She could give you a random number and now you got to talk her down. "Babe no tengo dinero. Solo 150 mil. And see where that gets you. 150-200 k is my limit always. It also depends on where you grabbing them. If you and gusto's. Hell yea she going to try and bust why'all balls for 500 if you in Centro. 50-80 k sure. Recognize your surroundings and haggle accordingly. Some guys pockets are deeper than others I judge no one. Pay what you can afford.

04-04-19, 06:55
Went to foreigner heaven, or New Life sala de masajes think its called.

Pretty sure these girls are spoiled by gringo behavior New Life was my spot back in 2014. Even then, I think I was late to the party as I remember I had a friend that was in Medellin a lot and he used to tell me about his escapades there. Fast forward and I've only been there once since 2014. When I was last there some random guy started asking me questions in English and I haven't been back since, even though I walk by the place all the time. Got good memories of that place though.

Mr Enternational
04-04-19, 09:23
Well Mr E since you don't share contacts. We will never know.

I would like to ask if anyone has asked a FB chica and ever been quoted anything less than 150 k because I haven't and that is when I changed my approach.It has nothing to do with contacts and it has nothing to do with what you are quoted. It has everything to do with what you negotiate.

Tx went to Conejitas and paid a chick the 80 K that she quoted plus a tip. When chicks in Conejitas and BE tell me 80K, I negotiate them to 60K. My last report in Maracaibo a couple of months ago I wrote something like I was quoted 60K and got her for 40K or 45K or whatever. Sure casas have set prices, but freelancers do not. If you pay the price you are given then that is on you. I would never walk onto a car lot and pay the price I am quoted when I know good and well that the price is flexible. For me that shit goes in one ear and out the other.

Some people prefer not to negotiate saying it ruins the mood. No idea how you can ruin the mood with a hooker though. She knows what she is there for, and it ain't romance.

04-04-19, 10:45
Well Mr E since you don't share contacts. We will never know.

I would like to ask if anyone has asked a FB chica and ever been quoted anything less than 150 k because I haven't and that is when I changed my approach. Once again I think once established with them they will adjust things, pops, time, rate etc. But initially that's I think thats the price at which FB girls will draw the line.
Esp. if you are a non spanish speaking gringo. If you are in centro and speak Spanish well, then you will have room to go lower. Certainly the casas have fixed rates and we all pretty much know what those are.Ask and ye shall receive.

One FB girl, when asked, quoted me 100 k, plus taxi. Another quoted me 100 k with no mention of taxi. A third offered to bring a friend for a trio and only asked for 100 k more for the friend.

One last one, who had previously insisted on 250 k, said she would accept whatever I wanted to pay, plus taxi. She specifically said 60 k, but I paid 90 k.

There are plenty of Facebook girls who have a set price. They have enough customers that they don't need to go below that price. There are plenty of girls who change their price depending on their need, their boredom level, or how well they like you.

There are problems with telling them "this is what I pay." First, you might have found one who would take less. Also, you might have prevented any negotiation. Example: She wants to ask for 250 k, but you just stopped her at 150 k. If you let her throw out 250 k, you probably could have gotten her to 200 k, with no more for taxi, instead of the 150+20 k you want to pay.

04-04-19, 23:12
Quick question is Hotel Nutibara close to New Life? I'm heading to Medellin for about 4 days in September and I'm looking for a hotel not too far from NL.

04-05-19, 02:01
Interesting, I guess this is another reason I would not make it as an uber driver.

Actually, you're wrong.

This is from the UBER App Q and A: The Uber app lets passengers designate a destination, but drivers aren't privy to this information until they pick someone up ...

Ive had drivers call me on the way to pick me up to ask my destination, then cancel because the fare wasnt enough.

04-05-19, 05:10
Quick question is Hotel Nutibara close to New Life? I'm heading to Medellin for about 4 days in September and I'm looking for a hotel not too far from NL.It's about a 10 - 15 minute walk. Are you familiar with google maps? You should be able to plug in both places.

04-05-19, 10:19
When dealing with independent girls working out of discos or clubs prices must be negotiated beforehand. Every independent girl has a right to charge whatever she wants no matter how obsurd it is at times and we have a choice to say yes or no or counter. But never under any circumstances fuck her and pay her what you think is fair. This type of behavior will get you jailed (depending on your level of Spanish) or drugged or set up.

I just spent 15 days in Medellin and all I can say is that it just isn't the same anymore.

I'm not looking forward to going back like I did on my previous 7 trips.

Sure I fucked a couple real cute FB newbies for 150-200 mil.

The party scene is part of what I like and the independent girls are getting uglier and more expensive. So it's all going backwards.

I've picked up some hot 9's in the past and yes I may have paid a premium but I still thought it was reasonable despite what others on here may have thought. But now the prices these girls are asking for us just unreal.

I had this hottie lined up for a date and a TLN and the day before she tells me she has another client lined up for 300 usd. When we agreed on 500 mil.

When she called me the next day I told her to beat it.

Not saying it's completely done but in 15 days it was a lot harder work to get the same experiences I got in the past.

So recently something has definitely changed.

04-05-19, 11:47
When dealing with independent girls working out of discos or clubs prices must be negotiated beforehand. Every independent girl has a right to charge whatever she wants no matter how obsurd it is at times and we have a choice to say yes or no or counter. But never under any circumstances fuck her and pay her what you think is fair. This type of behavior will get you jailed (depending on your level of Spanish) or drugged or set up.

I just spent 15 days in Medellin and all I can say is that it just isn't the same anymore.

I'm not looking forward to going back like I did on my previous 7 trips.

Sure I fucked a couple real cute FB newbies for 150-200 mil.

The party scene is part of what I like and the independent girls are getting uglier and more expensive. So it's all going backwards.

I've picked up some hot 9's in the past and yes I may have paid a premium but I still thought it was reasonable despite what others on here may have thought. But now the prices these girls are asking for us just unreal.

I had this hottie lined up for a date and a TLN and the day before she tells me she has another client lined up for 300 usd. When we agreed on 500 mil.

When she called me the next day I told her to beat it.

Not saying it's completely done but in 15 days it was a lot harder work to get the same experiences I got in the past.

So recently something has definitely changed.I've been saying this for a few years now. It's just not the same. Fatter and more expensive LOL.

04-05-19, 13:50
I just spent 15 days in Medellin and all I can say is that it just isn't the same anymore.

I'm not looking forward to going back like I did on my previous 7 trips.

Sure I fucked a couple real cute FB newbies for 150-200 mil.

The party scene is part of what I like and the independent girls are getting uglier and more expensive. So it's all going backwards.

I've picked up some hot 9's in the past and yes I may have paid a premium but I still thought it was reasonable despite what others on here may have thought. But now the prices these girls are asking for us just unreal.

I had this hottie lined up for a date and a TLN and the day before she tells me she has another client lined up for 300 usd. When we agreed on 500 mil.

That's crazy but I'm sure the guy paying $300 dollars thinks it's reasonable as well and doesn't care what others think.

04-05-19, 15:28
we agreed on 500 mil.
500? She must be a 10 to be demanding that much. I'd be surprised if the $300 usd was true. She likely had plans with her friends and was hoping to price gauge you.

04-05-19, 15:37
I just spent 15 days in Medellin and all I can say is that it just isn't the same anymore.

I'm not looking forward to going back like I did on my previous 7 trips.

Forgive me if I'm misquoting you. But didn't you post recently saying that the girls in MDE were hotter than ever and the competition was fierce? If so. What changed your opinion in such a short amount of time?

I've also been to MDE several times and the last time I was there was my least favorite experience. Seems that gringos are kinda ruining the scene (as they did in DR). Have you been to Cali? How would you compare the scene there to MDE as I've heard Cali is still largely unscathed by gringos LOL.

04-05-19, 20:10
New Life was my spot back in 2014. Even then, I think I was late to the party as I remember I had a friend that was in Medellin a lot and he used to tell me about his escapades there. Fast forward and I've only been there once since 2014. When I was last there some random guy started asking me questions in English and I haven't been back since, even though I walk by the place all the time. Got good memories of that place though.Like the newbie on this forum that gave out 10 k tips to his taxi guy and casa girls. Its not necessary or normal to give more money after an agreement for special services has already been discussed.

Could he possibly work with an NGO and wants to eliminate global poverty?

"When in Rome do as the Romans do" "we're not in Kansas any more Toto" "Go back to el plobado mfrs"

Still a few west coast guys with their flip flops and shorts walking together in side streets of centro thinking they are safe in pairs, LOL.

Locals wait till they pass then stare and talk about them. I saw one guy look to his partner and they seemed to get ready to follow.

Could be these extranjeros were looking to score drugs or sight see maybe both?

04-05-19, 20:50
Quick question is Hotel Nutibara close to New Life? I'm heading to Medellin for about 4 days in September and I'm looking for a hotel not too far from NL.Approx 900 m and 11 min walk.

04-05-19, 21:26
I just spent 21 days in Colombia, 17 in Medellin and 4 in Bogota. I have no idea what the $500 Usd thing is about, but I wouldn't pay it or entertain it. I spent countless hours in Centro and this trip I learned a ton about the girls and the going rates. The longer you stay in Medellin the cheaper the girls become, why, because they see you everyday and they are willing to cut the priced down to nearly nothing, especially if you pic of girls in parque Botero or as they call it in Centro Plaza Botero. I walked countless hours in vera cruz and was able to meet some new chics and now I know that if you know your surroundings in centro and you decide to hang around the church where the tranny hang, you will also see that there are many girls who do not hang on the Veracruz side but near the church on that through street or carrerra. I found many girls there for an extremely low rate. The best new phrase that I have learned that will most definitely cut your prices down is cuanto cuesta por un rato contigo, translates to how much do you charge for some time with you. Near the church and the side opposite with Veracruz most of the girls were quoting me 30 mil for short time. So then I did one better and asked would they come back to my room for an hour and most every girl in the park on the side opposite of Veracruz said yes, but now the rate was 50 mil for an hour. Are you serious, an entire hour for 50 mil? So once I got them back to the room and I upped the stakes a little more, for BBBJ and CIM, I the asked them what would the rate be if I decided to keep them for 2 hours and sure enough, most girls said 80 mil, BBBJ with CIM for 80 mil, so now I'm shocked like a stripped electrical cord.

Every day I would walk over to parque Botero, and sit on the benches until I found what interested me, and the I would approach the girl and ask for a rate, and no one would ever start out over $30 mil for short time. One day I was sitting in the parque Botero and I got a 3 for 1. I planned on banging a older chic this trip cause I just wanted to see what these older chics were like as many still have a nice shape and I wanted to test the waters. I also wanted to bang a tall chic this trip as I always see some very tall chics hanging around in Veracruz and parque Botero. One day about 5 pm Medellin time, a tall chic came through with some caramel brown skin and she absolutely caught my eye, as she was a little older but she didn't look bad at all, plus she was about 6'1", what would the chances be, that she was older than 50 and was six feet tall. Well she was and get this, after our first date, she informs me that her daughter works in the park as well. So I was a little skeptical so I asked her, who's the tallest, you or your daughter, she replied me. I said that I don't think I want to see your daughter then, but this chic insisted that I meet her daughter? Well after the date, I walked her back to the parque Botero and she called her daughter and what do you know, the daughter was much whiter than the mother but she was about 5'10" tall and had a bubble butt a little bit bigger than the mother. The mother suggested that I date them both, so I was like sure, whatever. Before long, I was seeing the mother and the daughter daily for $120 mil together for like 4 hours daily. I have no idea if they liked being in my room and enjoying the TV and cable of my firestick, but they would both take turns banging me everyday from 4:30 pm to 10 pm, we would often go to dinner together every night before my girlfriend would return from the university.

I won't fill the thread up with one long post, I will try and post something daily about many events that I had over my 21 day stay, I will post a pic of the mother daughter duo shortly. I actually had a pretty good routine down for my stay, I would make my girlfriend leave at about 2:30-3:00 pm, then a chic would come over for a session, then the mother and daughter duo would come over from 5 p-10 pm and then the girlfriend would return from the university. I had much money left over from the trip and I clearly see if you speak spanish, and you interact with the people in the parque and they see your face daily, the prices drop dramatically. I barely spent $400 mil daily and banged no less than 4 chics daily for my entire trip. I have no idea how Laurales and Poblado work, but Centro and Vera Cruz and Parque Botero, I really have a new insight into how things work in that area. Pollo Negro is out!

04-05-19, 23:27
Maybe Suriname is the new frontier. Anyway, my standards must be very low because I have no trouble finding what I want at prices WAY below what I sometimes see here.

I just spent 15 days in Medellin and all I can say is that it just isn't the same anymore.

I'm not looking forward to going back like I did on my previous 7 trips.

Forgive me if I'm misquoting you. But didn't you post recently saying that the girls in MDE were hotter than ever and the competition was fierce? If so. What changed your opinion in such a short amount of time?

I've also been to MDE several times and the last time I was there was my least favorite experience. Seems that gringos are kinda ruining the scene (as they did in DR). Have you been to Cali? How would you compare the scene there to MDE as I've heard Cali is still largely unscathed by gringos LOL.

04-06-19, 00:36
It's been raining almost every day and I was about to just chill in my apartment but then decided to hit a casa. I believe the name of the spot was Sexi. Anyway, they had a nice lineup and I had about 3 in mind but decided to go with my initial instinct. It turned out to be a good choice. The girl was super sweet and we made small talk going to the room.

When we got inside, I began to undress. While I was taking my pants off, I felt her come up behind me and grab my cock and start rubbing it while I still had my underwear on. When I turn around, she pulled down my underwear and kissed my cock. I went to lie on the bed and she grabbed my cock like she was going to do a BBBJ but then reached for the condom. I asked about a BBBJ and she said she doesn't do that. I was rubbing her body and I noticed she kept staring at my cock. She then told me she would do a BBBJ if I gave her a propina. We agreed on 20 mil. The BBBJ was good. She took me to the sink and washed it and then got on her knees and dried it with a towel and started licking my balls and sucking my cock. We took it to the bed and she continued.

After a while she put the condom on and rode me doggy style. She then wanted to stop and put he feet up on my chest with her knees bent while we fucked. She said she loved that position. We fucked in a few different positions. The whole time she was talking to me with that sexy paisa accent and telling me how she loved my cock and she wanted it all to herself. I had to stop once or twice because the shit she was saying and the way she was saying it while kissing my neck was making me want to bust. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. The soldiers were lining up and filling my rod so I pulled out right as I was about to cum, pulled the rubber off and shot my wad all over her.

I thought about getting her WhatsApp, but I've done that in the past and never wind up calling the girls because there are so many new ones to try. I definitely want to repeat with her though at some point. She told me she was new and just trying this place out so I don't know how long she will be there. She doesn't have kids and has a nice body and beautiful face.

When I left I walked around and did some shopping. I then stoped around parque Botero. I started talking to a girl who was leaving her job in a shoe store. She gave me her facebook (doesn't have a cell) and told me to write her. After sitting for awhile and people watching, I decided to get up and take a few pics. A pretty girl walked up to me and asked for 200 pesos. I asked her why was she asking for that. I guess that is her opener because she asked me where I was from and we began to talk. I asked her what she was doing there and she said she was working. I asked her about her work and she said she was "haciendo ratitos con hombres. " I told her maybe another day and asked how much she would charge me and she said 30 mil. She also called over another babe that was working and introduced me. I may look into those options in the future.

04-06-19, 00:51
I've also been to MDE several times and the last time I was there was my least favorite experience. Seems that gringos are kinda ruining the scene (as they did in DR). I know gringos that live in Cali. More are starting to go there as well, but it is no where near what has happened here. In fact, some of the guys started off in Medellin then moved to Cali to get away from the Medellin gringos they say LOL.

04-06-19, 02:08
Amigas Sexxy is a good value when you find a nice looking girl. They have nice clean rooms and don't charge any more than crusty places like chicaspunto.com or Paris Club.

It's been raining almost every day and I was about to just chill in my apartment but then decided to hit a casa. I believe the name of the spot was Sexi. Anyway, they had a nice lineup and I had about 3 in mind but decided to go with my initial instinct. It turned out to be a good choice. The girl was super sweet and we made small talk going to the room.

When we got inside, I began to undress. While I was taking my pants off, I felt her come up behind me and grab my cock and start rubbing it while I still had my underwear on. When I turn around, she pulled down my underwear and kissed my cock. I went to lie on the bed and she grabbed my cock like she was going to do a BBBJ but then reached for the condom. I asked about a BBBJ and she said she doesn't do that. I was rubbing her body and I noticed she kept staring at my cock. She then told me she would do a BBBJ if I gave her a propina. We agreed on 20 mil. The BBBJ was good. She took me to the sink and washed it and then got on her knees and dried it with a towel and started licking my balls and sucking my cock. We took it to the bed and she continued.

04-06-19, 02:25
I just spent 21 days in Colombia, 17 in Medellin and 4 in Bogota. I have no idea what the $500 Usd thing is about, but I wouldn't pay it or entertain it. I spent countless hours in Centro and this trip I learned a ton about the girls and the going rates. The longer you stay in Medellin the cheaper the girls become, why, because they see you everyday and they are willing to cut the priced down to nearly nothing, especially if you pic of girls in parque Botero or as they call it in Centro Plaza Botero. I walked countless hours in vera cruz and was able to meet some new chics and now I know that if you know your surroundings in centro and you decide to hang around the church where the tranny hang, you will also see that there are many girls who do not hang on the Veracruz side but near the church on that through street or carrerra. I found many girls there for an extremely low rate. The best new phrase that I have learned that will most definitely cut your prices down is cuanto cuesta por un rato contigo, translates to how much do you charge for some time with you. Near the church and the side opposite with Veracruz most of the girls were quoting me 30 mil for short time. So then I did one better and asked would they come back to my room for an hour and most every girl in the park on the side opposite of Veracruz said yes, but now the rate was 50 mil for an hour. Are you serious, an entire hour for 50 mil? So once I got them back to the room and I upped the stakes a little more, for BBBJ and CIM, I the asked them what would the rate be if I decided to keep them for 2 hours and sure enough, most girls said 80 mil, BBBJ with CIM for 80 mil, so now I'm shocked like a stripped electrical cord.

Every day I would walk over to parque Botero, and sit on the benches until I found what interested me, and the I would approach the girl and ask for a rate, and no one would ever start out over $30 mil for short time. One day I was sitting in the parque Botero and I got a 3 for 1. I planned on banging a older chic this trip cause I just wanted to see what these older chics were like as many still have a nice shape and I wanted to test the waters. I also wanted to bang a tall chic this trip as I always see some very tall chics hanging around in Veracruz and parque Botero. One day about 5 pm Medellin time, a tall chic came through with some caramel brown skin and she absolutely caught my eye, as she was a little older but she didn't look bad at all, plus she was about 6'1", what would the chances be, that she was older than 50 and was six feet tall. Well she was and get this, after our first date, she informs me that her daughter works in the park as well. So I was a little skeptical so I asked her, who's the tallest, you or your daughter, she replied me. I said that I don't think I want to see your daughter then, but this chic insisted that I meet her daughter? Well after the date, I walked her back to the parque Botero and she called her daughter and what do you know, the daughter was much whiter than the mother but she was about 5'10" tall and had a bubble butt a little bit bigger than the mother. The mother suggested that I date them both, so I was like sure, whatever. Before long, I was seeing the mother and the daughter daily for $120 mil together for like 4 hours daily. I have no idea if they liked being in my room and enjoying the TV and cable of my firestick, but they would both take turns banging me everyday from 4:30 pm to 10 pm, we would often go to dinner together every night before my girlfriend would return from the university.

I won't fill the thread up with one long post, I will try and post something daily about many events that I had over my 21 day stay, I will post a pic of the mother daughter duo shortly. I actually had a pretty good routine down for my stay, I would make my girlfriend leave at about 2:30-3:00 pm, then a chic would come over for a session, then the mother and daughter duo would come over from 5 p-10 pm and then the girlfriend would return from the university. I had much money left over from the trip and I clearly see if you speak spanish, and you interact with the people in the parque and they see your face daily, the prices drop dramatically. I barely spent $400 mil daily and banged no less than 4 chics daily for my entire trip. I have no idea how Laurales and Poblado work, but Centro and Vera Cruz and Parque Botero, I really have a new insight into how things work in that area. Pollo Negro is out!Shhhhhhh! El Centro is dangerous.

Mr Enternational
04-06-19, 02:38
I thought about getting her WhatsApp, but I've done that in the past and never wind up calling the girls because there are so many new ones to try.I do the same damn shit; hardly ever repeat with hookers. It really gets under my skin when people ask for some chick's contact info in a big ass mongering place like Medellin, as if it was some pussy desert. I'm like there are thousands of chicks to choose from when you hit the ground. Just like you met 3 new chicks right after you did not get the Whatsapp of the chick that you sessioned with. The shit is too easy.

Mr Enternational
04-06-19, 02:40
Shhhhhhh! El Centro is dangerous.If he keeps letting the cat out of the bag, those Poblado guys will come over and ruin it for us. Soon our centro chicks will be asking us for 500K too!

04-06-19, 04:19
If he keeps letting the cat out of the bag, those Poblado guys will come over and ruin it for us. Soon our centro chicks will be asking us for 500K too!Fact, and I was so shocked that they only wanted $120 mil everyday for both, I always took them to dinner and allowed them to hang out with me to nearly 10 pm everyday because my girlfriend would return around 10:30-11:00 pm. Pollo negro is out!

04-06-19, 07:34
If he keeps letting the cat out of the bag, those Poblado guys will come over and ruin it for us. Soon our centro chicks will be asking us for 500K too!OK what's the play for El centro. I don't want to die and I will be alone. My Spanish is limited but I got game. 34 black guy from Chicago so I'm used to rough areas. Grew on the Southside but I'm not taking it for granted. How does a solo guy survive there without getting robbed and drugged or killed. I'm usually in the palbaldo area. Thanks.

04-06-19, 13:11
I know gringos that live in Cali. More are starting to go there as well, but it is no where near what has happened here. In fact, some of the guys started off in Medellin then moved to Cali to get away from the Medellin gringos they say LOL.They will soon find their way there. More and more gringos are discovering the treasures of Colombia. Seasoned mongers will soon have to relocate to more remote towns and villages.

04-06-19, 15:55
They will soon find their way there. More and more gringos are discovering the treasures of Colombia. Seasoned mongers will soon have to relocate to more remote towns and villages.I know of one remote town near Medellin. But I'm not telling.

04-06-19, 20:07
OK what's the play for El centro. I don't want to die and I will be alone. My Spanish is limited but I got game. 34 black guy from Chicago so I'm used to rough areas. Grew on the Southside but I'm not taking it for granted. How does a solo guy survive there without getting robbed and drugged or killed. I'm usually in the palbaldo area. Thanks.I have spent about a month in Centro in 4 trips in the last 2 years. Stay on the big busy roads, dress like the natives or like you are otw to Home Depot to get some lumber, don't flaunt any wealth, keep your cellphone in your pocket, don't use your back pockets, take copy of passport and just the money you need for that day. At night don't walk far, just take cabs. As to don't get drugged, keep a eye on your drink and let bartenders only make them for you.

I spent some time on Google Street View checking out routes, you can see what streets look safer and which ones look sketchy. I pick a hotel right between the 3 major strip clubs there so I never have to walk further then a block and half at night, during the day I feel safe on the main busy roads and the commercial walking streets like Paseo Junin.

Between the Redlight blocks and strip clubs and Casa's you will have 100's of women to choose from and much cheaper food and lodging then Poblado.

04-06-19, 20:26
Easter seems to fall on different days in different countries. Is Easter Sunday 4/21 in Colombia? If so I would assume that whole weekend is not going to be a good time to visit given that everyone is observing holiday. But it seems like next weekend (4/12-4/14) is just as busy. Any insight on what days to avoid (due to holiday) would be much appreciated!

04-06-19, 23:20
Easter seems to fall on different days in different countries. Is Easter Sunday 4/21 in Colombia? If so I would assume that whole weekend is not going to be a good time to visit given that everyone is observing holiday. But it seems like next weekend (4/12-4/14) is just as busy. Any insight on what days to avoid (due to holiday) would be much appreciated!Easter in Colombia is the same day as Easter in the US. However, the week before Easter is also full of various related celebrations. There will still be options available, but there will be less options.

Mr Enternational
04-07-19, 02:39
Like the newbie on this forum that gave out 10 k tips to his taxi guy and casa girls. Its not necessary or normal to give more money after an agreement for special services has already been discussed.I was in Barranquilla the other day leaving this chick and going back to my hotel. I called an Uber. The guy that picked me up asked me if he could take me to the airport whenever I was going. I told him that I was going tonight but he would probably be sleep. He said what time. I said I would leave at 2am. He said man I work 24 hours. I said okay how much will you charge me? He said 30K. That is the same as a normal taxi so I said okay. We traded whatsapps.

He came at 1:30 that night in his pajamas. I already had 40K set aside to give him. An extra 10K because of the late hour. When we got to the airport I handed him the money and got out. I am like 40 feet away when he yells out my name and waves me back to the car. I go over and he says here is your 10K change.

04-07-19, 02:51
OK what's the play for El centro. I don't want to die and I will be alone. My Spanish is limited but I got game. 34 black guy from Chicago so I'm used to rough areas. Grew on the Southside but I'm not taking it for granted. How does a solo guy survive there without getting robbed and drugged or killed. I'm usually in the palbaldo area. Thanks.If you're used to rough areas, you'll in all likelihood be fine. Just be aware of who's around you (which you're probably used to doing). FWIW, I hit Centro at least once every trip and now and then I've found some gems, but I prefer the general environment in Poblado, Laureles, or Envigado. El Centro is really not a place I'd want to stay in for an extended time.

04-07-19, 02:56
Easter seems to fall on different days in different countries. Is Easter Sunday 4/21 in Colombia? If so I would assume that whole weekend is not going to be a good time to visit given that everyone is observing holiday. But it seems like next weekend (4/12-4/14) is just as busy. Any insight on what days to avoid (due to holiday) would be much appreciated!Catholic and Protestant Easter is the same day anywhere in the World. The Greek Orthodox Easter sometimes falls on a different day.

Thursday through Sunday of Holy Week is usually pretty dry. If you have a few favorites, line up plans ahead of time.

04-07-19, 03:27
Haha good one, the gringos can discover all they want about Colombia, but there's still parts that are relatively uncharteted and untainted. The gringos can have all of Medellin if they want. Me, Dcfan77 and some of the regulars will find our own non gringo niche.

I know of one remote town near Medellin. But I'm not telling.

04-07-19, 12:17
I know of one remote town near Medellin. But I'm not telling.Dumbest post ever.

Evil Arturo
04-07-19, 12:49
I had no knowledge of this forum before, but when telling my story they recommended it to me and I think it's worth telling in case someone is thinking about this girl too. Isa VIP https://pasionprepagos.com/escorts/isa-vip32099118 this girl in El Poblado.

Although it is not the first time that I am with an escort, I do not usually do it as often as I would like for reasons of time and work. A friend of mine showed me Isa and was amazed with the photos.

However, after my experience I would tell you to be with her at your own risk.

The normal contact, she told me everything via whatsap and we agreed to see each other in the afternoon. I arrived in my car, I went up, everything without problem. Although in her description she said that the apartment was private, there were many people hanging around the building. I had already been told that there are apparently more women there who do the same. In any case, I was still very animated.

It opened, I imagined it better, it did not leave me surprised, although for the time, it's fine. She had a lingerie set, I paid for it in advance. I did not request anything out of the ordinary, nor anal and everything with a condom. I asked her for a bath to clean up a bit and when I left I undressed, she arrived a while and we started.

She put the condom on me and started sucking it well. I did not feel that she put all the effort of the world and nothing of deep throat. After a while I got so hot from observing and we started as a missionary, neither moaned nor even the slightest expression of pleasure. So I put her 4 better to see her ass and there if I could cum.

Because she also told me not to kiss and nothing to come on her face or on her tits. That left me bored.

I do not know if someone else has been with her, she had a bad day or she just does not enjoy her job as much as others. I would not repeat or recommend it. Although if she has a great body and the place is clean, she does not smell bad or anything. However I expected something more for the price. I paid 180 thousand COP for an hour and a few more minutes, I did not look at the clock either.

04-07-19, 13:09
I have spent about a month in Centro in 4 trips in the last 2 years. Stay on the big busy roads, dress like the natives or like you are otw to Home Depot to get some lumber, don't flaunt any wealth, keep your cellphone in your pocket, don't use your back pockets, take copy of passport and just the money you need for that day. At night don't walk far, just take cabs. As to don't get drugged, keep a eye on your drink and let bartenders only make them for you.

I spent some time on Google Street View checking out routes, you can see what streets look safer and which ones look sketchy. I pick a hotel right between the 3 major strip clubs there so I never have to walk further then a block and half at night, during the day I feel safe on the main busy roads and the commercial walking streets like Paseo Junin.

Between the Redlight blocks and strip clubs and Casa's you will have 100's of women to choose from and much cheaper food and lodging then Poblado.Thanks for the advice. How am I supposed to dress like a local there LOL I'm a black guy I would stick out like a sore thumb. I figure if I just wear a black hoodie and sweatpants I would be fine.

04-07-19, 13:48
That's true enough. In fact, in Medellin itself there are casas where gringos are rarely seen and others well you know.

My unscientific theory is that it boils down to interest in connecting with people who are unfamiliar. In Colombia and elsewhere certain foreign visitors and residents tend to flock to certain venues, cities, service providers and even hotels. They are people who want to be around people like themselves. Certain other travelers gravitate to what they don't already know. I can understand both mentalities. I used to struggle with the logic of spending time and money to travel thousands of miles only to pay premiums to avoid everything that isn't like back home. I understand it better now because I accept it for what it is. Everybody has to find their happy place.

Haha good one, the gringos can discover all they want about Colombia, but there's still parts that are relatively uncharteted and untainted. The gringos can have all of Medellin if they want. Me, Dcfan77 and some of the regulars will find our own non gringo niche.

04-07-19, 14:50
Haha good one, the gringos can discover all they want about Colombia, but there's still parts that are relatively uncharteted and untainted. The gringos can have all of Medellin if they want. Me, Dcfan77 and some of the regulars will find our own non gringo niche.My experience says go to a major city that attracts girls from the countryside. Colombia is really starting to look good. I can't wait for my trip in May to Medellin and Bogota. Especially now with the Venezuelan factor. Sounds like a gold mine of cheap pussy. I'll leave the remote areas of Medellin to the gringos that want to isolate themselves.

Big Boss Man
04-07-19, 17:34
Dumbest post ever.Medellin is hardly oversaturated as of yet. Everybody is always debating Centro versus Poblado when there are at least 30 places in Laureles and Belen which are hardly ever mentioned except for Tantra and Energy Spas. I do agree that Centro and Poblado have a better vibe for tourists. Laureles and Belen are more middle class whereas in Centro you can find the inexpensive and in Poblado you can find the high end.



Maybe I should add Luna Lunera.


04-07-19, 19:55
Thanks for the advice. How am I supposed to dress like a local there LOL I'm a black guy I would stick out like a sore thumb. I figure if I just wear a black hoodie and sweatpants I would be fine.I'd suggest jeans and a t-short or local sports Jersey but what you said won't be too out of place.

Colombia racial makeup is 10% black so you won't really stand out too much because of that.


04-07-19, 20:16
Thanks for the advice. How am I supposed to dress like a local there LOL I'm a black guy I would stick out like a sore thumb. I figure if I just wear a black hoodie and sweatpants I would be fine.Locals dress in blue jeans and T-shirt. Don't wear jewelry. And you will blend right in. You do know they're black Colombians right? Smh.

04-07-19, 20:26
I sorta took it as a sarcastic post instead of a literal one, but what do I know.

Dumbest post ever.

04-07-19, 21:51
I must say that I had no problem at all finding chicas to perform 3 some in Centro. I had about 6 or 7 on my last trip, one thing I can tell you about the 3 some game is this, make sure you set the rules and try not to get close family members or it becomes like a 2 and a half-some, one chic after the other and the changing the condoms between each other, you can go through 5-6 condoms on one 3 some with 2 sisters or mother and daughter action.

Like I said before, if you spend 3 weeks to 3 months in Medellin, the prices of sessions drop dramatically, my entire 21 day trip was extremely nice except for the upper respiratory tract infection that I obtained. I was able to get meds at the pharmacy to treat it, but the girls were as lovely as ever. Between the casas, the WGs, Parque Botero, and Vera Cruz, you can find what you are looking for at the price that you desire, it may take a little work and hanging around, but the girls and the prices are available.

On another note, I saw lot of MILFs and GILFs in Vera Cruz, but this was kind of strange, many of the MILFs and GILFs will not particularly take a cita with a younger guy. My wingman was with me on many trips and many of the MILFs would not respond to his advances or come when he or I would call them. So when I started hanging with the tall chica I asked why? Her response was that the older chicas do not want to have a long session with a younger guy, they would rather deal with older guys that may get off faster and do less damage to the kitty? Might be true, who know, I just know that many of the MILFs would not respond to me or my wingman when we approached them.

Personally, I don't think that the quality of girls in Medellin will decrease or the price will increase anytime soon, I think the prices will only increase in tourist areas. As long as the gringos are afraid of centro, the prices will never go up. I will continue to leave informative post as I think about events that occurred while on my visit that can be useful to other members. I have so many things to inform on, I just have to find the time to remember it and to write it all down in a post. Pollo Negro is out!

04-07-19, 21:51
I hit up a few party spots last couple weekends. I like to change things up, so I'll do the infamous Parque Lleras scene to meet and greet my fellow gringos, go to la 70 for some Vallenato, la 33 for cocktails, Parque Sabaeta to chillax, la Bota en Envigado for crossover music, las Palmahias for some techno / edm and go Fast / Furious 9,10, and 11 in la 45 in Manrique and Obrero in Bello, where you can do whatever the fuck you want LOL, within reason of course. Not sure how I survived those weekends, but I did. Usually, I'll ask girls where are the best party spots and whichever place they name, I've already been there. So I try to find new spots, but now I'm kinda running out venues. Guess I'm more paisa than I thought or I just like to fucking party haha.

Only drawback was the rain, but those rainy days were my recovery days. Anyways, one thing for sure is that you will always find a spot to party in Medellin. Just make sure to be careful as always and don't be that guy who thinks he's the shit.

04-07-19, 22:17
You've listed just about every place I know also. Only one additional idea. Calle 93 in Aranjuez. VIP 212. Orgasmo Cafe. There is also a place that plays gringo music, but there are never any gringos in the place (other than me). I have always enjoyed Aranjuez. I almost never see other gringos around.

I hit up a few party spots last couple weekends. I like to change things up, so I'll do the infamous Parque Lleras scene to meet and greet my fellow gringos, go to la 70 for some Vallenato, la 33 for cocktails, Parque Sabaeta to chillax, la Bota en Envigado for crossover music, las Palmahias for some techno / edm and go Fast / Furious 9,10, and 11 in la 45 in Manrique and Obrero in Bello, where you can do whatever the fuck you want LOL, within reason of course. Not sure how I survived those weekends, but I did. Usually, I'll ask girls where are the best party spots and whichever place they name, I've already been there. So I try to find new spots, but now I'm kinda running out venues. Guess I'm more paisa than I thought or I just like to fucking party haha.

Only drawback was the rain, but those rainy days were my recovery days. Anyways, one thing for sure is that you will always find a spot to party in Medellin. Just make sure to be careful as always and don't be that guy who thinks he's the shit.

The Tall Man
04-07-19, 22:35
The longer you stay in Medellin the cheaper the girls become, why, because they see you everyday and they are willing to cut the priced down to nearly nothing, especially if you pic of girls in parque Botero or as they call it in Centro Plaza Botero. Hey PolloNegro, first excuse me that we did not meet up as we had talked earlier this year, I wifed up for almost 3 weeks with a costena that I met in centro and traveled and had more sex in those 3 weeks than I use to have in a whole year, jejejeje.

Your comment about girls and pricing is spot on, I live in Medellin most of the year and the girls know that when they really need some help they can count on me, we are not talking big money here more like they have some immediate bill that they must pay like 50 or 60 mil and so I help them out and what I usually get in return is phenomenal.

Why anyone pays more than 200 mil for even multiple hours is stupid, I get it that we all have different sized pockets but come on.

The Tall Man.

04-07-19, 22:47
Good to know, only been to Aranjuez in passing, but never checked out their party scene. Calle 93 will be my next spot to conquer my friend.

You've listed just about every place I know also. Only one additional idea. Calle 93 in Aranjuez. VIP 212. Orgasmo Cafe. There is also a place that plays gringo music, but there are never any gringos in the place (other than me). I have always enjoyed Aranjuez. I almost never see other gringos around.

04-08-19, 00:14
Locals dress in blue jeans and T-shirt. Don't wear jewelry. And you will blend right in. You do know they're black Colombians right? Smh.That was a very. Non thought out question. Of course I know that. I'm not their kind of black. You must not be black. There's Latin black, African black. Caribbean black we came in different shades and bone structure. I definitely do not look Latin black at all.

04-08-19, 00:35
Quick question. Is it better to go down to Medellin with USD or should I exchange everything beforehand? If exchanging where should I do it? Appreciate it in advance.

04-08-19, 00:41
I'm seeing posts about rates and I'm a little confused. 200 k and 200 mil, are they the same or nah? Pardon my ignorance I'm used to going to Costa Rica not Medellin.

04-08-19, 01:34
The six figure fees are more than anyone needs to pay. I won't criticize anyone for doing it. Some of the rationalizations are out there - - these are better looking girls, they stay with me for hours, etc. I'm pretty much numb to it. Until I hear about the taxi fares on top of it. It's not for me, pick any reason. I'm cheap, my standards are low, whatever.

Hey PolloNegro, first excuse me that we did not meet up as we had talked earlier this year, I wifed up for almost 3 weeks with a costena that I met in centro and traveled and had more sex in those 3 weeks than I use to have in a whole year, jejejeje.

Your comment about girls and pricing is spot on, I live in Medellin most of the year and the girls know that when they really need some help they can count on me, we are not talking big money here more like they have some immediate bill that they must pay like 50 or 60 mil and so I help them out and what I usually get in return is phenomenal.

Why anyone pays more than 200 mil for even multiple hours is stupid, I get it that we all have different sized pockets but come on.

The Tall Man.

04-08-19, 01:42
I have a soft spot for Luna Lunera.

Medellin is hardly oversaturated as of yet. Everybody is always debating Centro versus Poblado when there are at least 30 places in Laureles and Belen which are hardly ever mentioned except for Tantra and Energy Spas. I do agree that Centro and Poblado have a better vibe for tourists. Laureles and Belen are more middle class whereas in Centro you can find the inexpensive and in Poblado you can find the high end.



Maybe I should add Luna Lunera.


04-08-19, 02:14
I'm seeing posts about rates and I'm a little confused. 200 k and 200 mil, are they the same or nah? Pardon my ignorance I'm used to going to Costa Rica not Medellin.Mil is thousand in Spanish. K is an international abbreviation for thousand. So yes, they are the same.

Easy to convert to US dollars or close. Just knock off the last 3 zeros. (the mil or K) and divide by 3.

04-08-19, 03:15
That was a very. Non thought out question. Of course I know that. I'm not their kind of black. You must not be black. There's Latin black, African black. Caribbean black we came in different shades and bone structure. I definitely do not look Latin black at all.I can pass for African American, I often get accused of being Jamaican, truth is, I'm Puerto Rican and I have seen a few Afro Colombians who looked just like me. Your clothes will give you away, plus they have a hidden structure system there, they will know that you are not from Colombia. Funny thing is this, most Colombians are super surprised at how well I speak spanish, to them, I don't look as though I speak spanish and I clearly understand everything they say, even when they try and use slang. So don't be surprised to find out you may look more Colombian than you imagine! Pollo negro is out!

04-08-19, 06:08

Any recommendation for a 6 hour lay over? Any good places near airport?

04-08-19, 10:36
That was a very. Non thought out question. Of course I know that. I'm not their kind of black. You must not be black. There's Latin black, African black. Caribbean black we came in different shades and bone structure. I definitely do not look Latin black at all.Please explain the difference between African look and Black Americans. I hope you know that Africa is a very diverse continent, if not the most diverse. I know Black Latinos are just confused about what race actually is, so lets just give them a pass. But to get to the point, money is more important than your race.

04-08-19, 10:45
Quick question. Is it better to go down to Medellin with USD or should I exchange everything beforehand? If exchanging where should I do it? Appreciate it in advance.Your best friend is an ATM. USD is generally not accepted and exchanges give terrible rates. Read through the forum, lots more posts on this.

Mr Enternational
04-08-19, 12:04
Please explain the difference between African look and Black Americans. I hope you know that Africa is a very diverse continent, if not the most diverse. I know Black Latinos are just confused about what race actually is, so lets just give them a pass. But to get to the point, money is more important than your race.Probably the same way they can tell when you are out with a chick that is a hooker or a chick that is not a hooker.

Last week I spent time in Bogota, Melgar (many Colombians wearing shorts and flip flops despite people here saying they don't), and Barranquilla. I am Black American and speak Spanish. Nobody confused me for a Colombian. Before I could open my mouth they would already be trying to speak English with me.

It is the same when I go to Ghana, Senegal, or South Africa. Everyone knows that I am a Black American. Nobody in Accra, Dakar, or Durban has ever confused me with being an African. That blending in shit is a myth. If you are not from there then you are not blending in to shit, no matter how much you want to think you are.

P. S. Colombians even know Venezuelans from Colombians and they used to be the same damn country. So if you are not from around there then nobody is confusing you for being from around there.

04-08-19, 13:41
Probably the same way they can tell when you are out with a chick that is a hooker or a chick that is not a hooker.

Last week I spent time in Bogota, Melgar (many Colombians wearing shorts and flip flops despite people here saying they don't), and Barranquilla. I am Black American and speak Spanish. Nobody confused me for a Colombian. Before I could open my mouth they would already be trying to speak English with me.

It is the same when I go to Ghana, Senegal, or South Africa. Everyone knows that I am a Black American. Nobody in Accra, Dakar, or Durban has ever confused me with being an African. That blending in shit is a myth. If you are not from there then you are not blending in to shit, no matter how much you want to think you are.

P. S. Colombians even know Venezuelans from Colombians and they used to be the same damn country. So if you are not from around there then nobody is confusing you for being from around there.Thank you brother LOL. Ain't no blending in LOL. I don't even try LOL they know yo ass a gringo. Regardless if I speak Spanish or not. LOL. My black ass will try my best to not look wealthy and watch my 6 that's it. If a fool wants to try it. Whelp let's go.

Husker Dude
04-08-19, 15:03
Quick question. Is it better to go down to Medellin with USD or should I exchange everything beforehand? If exchanging where should I do it? Appreciate it in advance.I was in Medellin last month. I got an average of 3150p/$ out of ATM's and the exchange rate was posted at 2850. I use a Schwab debit card which refunds any reign transaction fees, so use a ATM card similar to the Schwab with no ATM or foreign transaction fees.

04-08-19, 15:03
I'm seeing posts about rates and I'm a little confused. 200 k and 200 mil, are they the same or nah? Pardon my ignorance I'm used to going to Costa Rica not Medellin."K" is a North American (and maybe wider) abbreviation for "thousand". "Mil" is the Spanish word for "thousand". So $200 k and $200 mil are the same.

04-08-19, 15:46
It has occurred to me that a monger can determine the health of a provider during foreplay by examining her vaginal discharge. This could assist said monger in determining whether to indulge in non covered activity such as BBFS, BBBJ or DATY. The below mentioned information should be of assistance:

Clear discharge = Healthy.

Grey discharge = Vaginal vaginosis.

Pink discharge = cervical bleeding.

Yellow / Green discharge = bacterial infection or sexually transmitted infection. There also may be an odor associated with it.

Brown discharge = This could be a sign of uterine or cervical cancer. Additionally, during menopause, a woman should not have any type of vaginal bleeding, which is also a sign of uterine cancer.

Red discharge = Menstruation, cervical infection, cervical polyp, endometrial or cervical cancer.

Thick, White cottage cheese-type discharge = yeast infection. Roughly 90 percent of women will have a yeast infection at some point in their life.

04-08-19, 17:23
It has occurred to me that a monger can determine the health of a provider during foreplay by examining her vaginal discharge. This could assist said monger in determining whether to indulge in non covered activity such as BBFS, BBBJ or DATY. The below mentioned information should be of assistance:

Clear discharge = Healthy.

Grey discharge = Vaginal vaginosis.

Pink discharge = cervical bleeding.

Yellow / Green discharge = bacterial infection or sexually transmitted infection. There also may be an odor associated with it.

Brown discharge = This could be a sign of uterine or cervical cancer. Additionally, during menopause, a woman should not have any type of vaginal bleeding, which is also a sign of uterine cancer.

Red discharge = Menstruation, cervical infection, cervical polyp, endometrial or cervical cancer.

Thick, White cottage cheese-type discharge = yeast infection. Roughly 90 percent of women will have a yeast infection at some point in their life.I had to ask, there are way too many BM's giving out health advice without flashing their medical credentials. You are going to give out this info to a group of guys using their little head and ask them use this format for checking women to see if they are eligible for DATY and BBFS, no point of reference, just look for the color of discharge and the cottage cheese? No culture & sensitivity, no microscope slide, no laboratory data, just color of discharge? I'll keep this format in mind the next time I'm vaginally examining a girl from Parque Botero or Vera Cruz. Smh, Pollo Negro is out!

04-08-19, 21:34
Probably the same way they can tell when you are out with a chick that is a hooker or a chick that is not a hooker.

Last week I spent time in Bogota, Melgar (many Colombians wearing shorts and flip flops despite people here saying they don't), and Barranquilla. I am Black American and speak Spanish. Nobody confused me for a Colombian. Before I could open my mouth they would already be trying to speak English with me.

It is the same when I go to Ghana, Senegal, or South Africa. Everyone knows that I am a Black American. Nobody in Accra, Dakar, or Durban has ever confused me with being an African. That blending in shit is a myth. If you are not from there then you are not blending in to shit, no matter how much you want to think you are.

P. S. Colombians even know Venezuelans from Colombians and they used to be the same damn country. So if you are not from around there then nobody is confusing you for being from around there.Well, you're generalizing of course.

They can probably tell you're a gringo before you speak by the way you dress or carry yourself.

There are black people in Colombia from Paisas to Caleños, Caribbean to Pacificos.

All shapes, shades and sizes.

Of course once you speak, whether you speak well or not, you'll have an accent, and identifiable as non-Colombian.

I've personally been mistaken as either Brazilian or Argentine in Colombia, by my look and particular Spanish accent.

Colombians know one is a Venezuelan when they speak.

The slang, accent, sayings, etc.

Physically they are obviously very similar.

Blending in is dependent on the individual.

Some obviously blend better than others.

We've all seen the obvious gringo out there.

04-08-19, 22:37
Although I've been back for a week now, I haven't really had time to post a report so here it is.

Had my usual spring biannual trip in MDE and have to say that everything went as expected. Unlike you guys, I am afraid I am not that adventurous as I stayed in the Mansion for the whole week. Granted it's not what it used to be but at those prices you can't really beat it. For someone as lazy as me, it makes sense to go to the only game in town. Sure the rooms could use a fresh coat of paint (and they were actually remodeling a few while I was there) but where else do you get that sense of safety and gorgeous girls delivered to your door?

Did also a few casas but wasn't lucky enough to spot a diamond in the rough. Managed to hit quite a few of the strip clubs (Fase 2, etc.) but wasn't particularly impressed with the girls. Loads of them had implants and the attitude was very bored / mechanic. Definitely not GFE like in the Mansion! Looks wise there were definitely a few stunners though.

On my last day I was also lucky enough to attend the huge birthday party that a regular mansion visitor managed to throw. The club downstairs was packed and full of pussy wall to wall. We actually found out the following day that 125 girls registered to enter! Picked up a scared little cutie (classic deer in the headlights look) that was there for the first time. She was incredibly sweet and made my night.

Also managed to spend time with a few of the more "seasoned" girls there but who always and consistently deliver an outstanding service (you guys know who I am talking about). Talk about champs!

On my casa trips I spent a bit of time in Centro but couldn't wait to get out of there. Let's not sugarcoat it guys, Centro is a shithole. Between the dirt, the smells, the trannies, the junkies, the clearly not of age streetwalkers and the countless Venezuelan beggars, I honestly do not understand why anyone would want to spend any time there. But then again I guess others might not understand why I like the mansion and Poblado. I guess I just prefer to stay in nice places rather than in some rundown motel where a 50-yo trannie greets me at the door (true story). I mean why choose that area if you don't have to? To pay $15 for some girl from god knows where rather than $50?? Seriously?

Happy to say that the massage scene seems to be picking up too. Plenty of places in Poblado in classy joints with cute little girls more than willing to provide a final feliz! They seem to usually be in shopping malls (look for masaje para caballeros) but there a few in side streets.

I think I got everything but might add as my brain reboots! Feel free to also ask.

So long boys.

04-09-19, 00:41
I'm sure your Spanish is not native quality which would be a dead give way after a couple of sentences but if it was then I don't see why you wouldn't pass as a Colombian. Could you tell who is an American and who is not, if you had seen two people talking perfect American English?

I do believe yo when you say they can tell apart Venezuelans and Colombians but I am sure that is dialect / cultural thing or its hit and miss game. There are some distinctive facial features that can be attributed to some nations but for the most part Colombia or Brazil are multiracial countries so you should find all kinds of features and skin complexion, even thou MDE is not a good example. I've been in African and South America and I've seen Afro Latinos and Afro Americans that could pass as a Nigerian or vice versa and if they're light skinned black they could pass as Ethiopian. For me is all about the language, dress and the way you act in those places. Its much harder to blend for blacks in East Europe or Russia no matter what.

Probably the same way they can tell when you are out with a chick that is a hooker or a chick that is not a hooker.

Last week I spent time in Bogota, Melgar (many Colombians wearing shorts and flip flops despite people here saying they don't), and Barranquilla. I am Black American and speak Spanish. Nobody confused me for a Colombian. Before I could open my mouth they would already be trying to speak English with me.

It is the same when I go to Ghana, Senegal, or South Africa. Everyone knows that I am a Black American. Nobody in Accra, Dakar, or Durban has ever confused me with being an African. That blending in shit is a myth. If you are not from there then you are not blending in to shit, no matter how much you want to think you are.

P. S. Colombians even know Venezuelans from Colombians and they used to be the same damn country. So if you are not from around there then nobody is confusing you for being from around there.

04-09-19, 01:10
I'm sure your Spanish is not native quality which would be a dead give way after a couple of sentences but if it was then I don't see why you wouldn't pass as a Colombian. Could you tell who is an American and who is not, if you had seen two people talking perfect American English?

I do believe yo when you say they can tell apart Venezuelans and Colombians but I am sure that is dialect / cultural thing or its hit and miss game. There are some distinctive facial features that can be attributed to some nations but for the most part Colombia or Brazil are multiracial countries so you should find all kinds of features and skin complexion, even thou MDE is not a good example. I've been in African and South America and I've seen Afro Latinos and Afro Americans that could pass as a Nigerian or vice versa and if they're light skinned black they could pass as Ethiopian. For me is all about the language, dress and the way you act in those places. Its much harder to blend for blacks in East Europe or Russia no matter what.I can tell who's from New York just like I can tell who's from the dirty south, the slang and words are completely different. At dinner I really wanted this dish we eat in Puerto Rico, called Tostones, but no one in hacienda seem to know what I was asking for, as I walked passed a table as I was leaving I saw the item I wanted to eat, when I asked the waiter what do they call that dish, she said oh, its called Patacones, I had never heard of the dish being called that at all. Simple words like that is how they know for a fact that you're not Colombian. Its just the lingo. Pollo negro is out!

04-09-19, 02:51
I'm sure your Spanish is not native quality which would be a dead give way after a couple of sentences but if it was then I don't see why you wouldn't pass as a Colombian. Could you tell who is an American and who is not, if you had seen two people talking perfect American English?

I do believe yo when you say they can tell apart Venezuelans and Colombians but I am sure that is dialect / cultural thing or its hit and miss game. There are some distinctive facial features that can be attributed to some nations but for the most part Colombia or Brazil are multiracial countries so you should find all kinds of features and skin complexion, even thou MDE is not a good example. I've been in African and South America and I've seen Afro Latinos and Afro Americans that could pass as a Nigerian or vice versa and if they're light skinned black they could pass as Ethiopian. For me is all about the language, dress and the way you act in those places. Its much harder to blend for blacks in East Europe or Russia no matter what.There are generally little things that will "betray" you as a foreigner -- the way you dress, the way you act, your gestures. It goes way beyond just appearance and accent.

04-09-19, 03:00
when I asked the waiter what do they call that dish, she said oh, its called Patacones, I had never heard of the dish being called that at all. If you would have asked for platanos you would have probably gotten tostones. A lot of dishes here come with tostones.

I think in general tostones are more popular here than maduros / amarillos. Although I do see canoas de platano maduro con queso y carne molida in the prepared food section of the supermarkets here but I think it goes by a different name.

By the same token, some dishes here have the same names used in PR / DR like sancocho for example.

04-09-19, 03:24

If you would have asked for platanos you would have probably gotten tostones. A lot of dishes here come with tostones.

I think in general tostones are more popular here than maduros / amarillos. Although I do see canoas de platano maduro con queso y carne molida in the prepared food section of the supermarkets here but I think it goes by a different name.

By the same token, some dishes here have the same names used in PR / DR like sancocho for example.

04-09-19, 05:35
Although I've been back for a week now, I haven't really had time to post a report so here it is.

Had my usual spring biannual trip in MDE and have to say that everything went as expected. Unlike you guys, I am afraid I am not that adventurous as I stayed in the Mansion for the whole week. Granted it's not what it used to be but at those prices you can't really beat it. For someone as lazy as me, it makes sense to go to the only game in town. Sure the rooms could use a fresh coat of paint (and they were actually remodeling a few while I was there) but where else do you get that sense of safety and gorgeous girls delivered to your door?

Did also a few casas but wasn't lucky enough to spot a diamond in the rough. Managed to hit quite a few of the strip clubs (Fase 2, etc.) but wasn't particularly impressed with the girls. Loads of them had implants and the attitude was very bored / mechanic. Definitely not GFE like in the Mansion! Looks wise there were definitely a few stunners though..Great report and Intel. I'm interested in these massage places. Can you name one. Or you just did? LOL. Also I'm with you on Centro. I usually stay in the park or El palpado. I will be at Energy all this summer on my visits. But the fellas here hype it up so I will see what the deal is.

04-09-19, 05:44
Probably the same way they can tell when you are out with a chick that is a hooker or a chick that is not a hooker.

Last week I spent time in Bogota, Melgar (many Colombians wearing shorts and flip flops despite people here saying they don't), and Barranquilla. I am Black American and speak Spanish. Nobody confused me for a Colombian. Before I could open my mouth they would already be trying to speak English with me.

It is the same when I go to Ghana, Senegal, or South Africa. Everyone knows that I am a Black American. Nobody in Accra, Dakar, or Durban has ever confused me with being an African. That blending in shit is a myth. If you are not from there then you are not blending in to shit, no matter how much you want to think you are.

P. S. Colombians even know Venezuelans from Colombians and they used to be the same damn country. So if you are not from around there then nobody is confusing you for being from around there.Sounds like you are either dressing too much like a typical American and / or acting cocky (a common American trait).

My first trip to Russia, they immediately knew I was American at the office because I was wearing tan pants. At the time, they said no Russian wears that color of pants and that they all wore dark pants. To blend in now, I just do the following: Wear Long dark slacks, dress shoes, never wear a baseball cap or even sunglasses, a button up shirt tucked in, don't act cocky, and I don't speak at first. There is no way they can know I am American by looking at me. That style of dress and humble attitude works pretty much worldwide to disguise me from being American.

I've had many people around the world tell me that they didn't know I was American because of the way I dressed and that I was not loud or aggressive like an American.

I can blend into many various countries around the world who have similar genetic traits as me. It's not just places like Russia, for example, pretty much everyone approaches me speaking Spanish in Argentina, and I can speak very little Spanish.

04-09-19, 14:57
I'm sure your Spanish is not native quality which would be a dead give way after a couple of sentences but if it was then I don't see why you wouldn't pass as a Colombian. Could you tell who is an American and who is not, if you had seen two people talking perfect American English?

I do believe yo when you say they can tell apart Venezuelans and Colombians but I am sure that is dialect / cultural thing or its hit and miss game. There are some distinctive facial features that can be attributed to some nations but for the most part Colombia or Brazil are multiracial countries so you should find all kinds of features and skin complexion, even thou MDE is not a good example. I've been in African and South America and I've seen Afro Latinos and Afro Americans that could pass as a Nigerian or vice versa and if they're light skinned black they could pass as Ethiopian. For me is all about the language, dress and the way you act in those places. Its much harder to blend for blacks in East Europe or Russia no matter what.Ask yourself this, in your home city, can you spot a tourist in the street? Most people can, before they talk, often before they're close enough to look for facial features. It's a mixture of body language and how they move through the streets. Residents are moving around on autopilot. They're motions are smooth, predictable. Tourists are more tentative. They're hesitant and trying to see everything.

It's the same in any country. It doesn't matter if you look like them, dress like them, or even talk like them. You don't connect with the environment like them. One of the reasons I spent so much time walking the streets was to work on that connection, to be able to see things like the locals see them.

04-09-19, 17:18
What's up brothers.

Looking for a little feedback on my plan for the city of eternal spring!

Planning two week visit.

Getting a room in Poblado / Astorga / La Florida area (any feedback on this area? Looks like a good one).

Going to be prowling Cupid / Tinder / Facebook for amateur / non pros for a couple months before the visit.

Mainly looking for a nice non pro I can repeat with regularly for the visit or do TLN.

Fall back onto various casas I see on the monger map around Poblado if facebook doesn't pan out.

I look pretty gringo-why and only speak basic Spanish, but I don't come across as an obnoxious American.

I'm really coming mainly to relax, eat, and work out. I found a nice gym in this area as well.

Would like to sample some of the local flavor in other ways as well LOL.

One problem is all the flights I am seeing arrive quite late (midnight) and the damn airport is halfway to Rio Negro. I guess at this time of night car / taxi is the only realistic option?

04-09-19, 22:19
There are generally little things that will "betray" you as a foreigner -- the way you dress, the way you act, your gestures. It goes way beyond just appearance and accent.Very well put, couldn't said it better.

Ask yourself this, in your home city, can you spot a tourist in the street? Most people can, before they talk, often before they're close enough to look for facial features. It's a mixture of body language and how they move through the streets A tourist yes but not necessarily a foreigner but agree with you have said. Unless there is an elephant in the room like your skin color doesn't match with rest of population or you are being blond in India. A good rule to remember, if you don't want to look like a tourist from afar just stop staring at the surroundings and act like you know where you are going with confidence as many of the knowledgeable veterans have pointed out earlier, sometimes easier said then done. But it could be life saving in sketchy streets.

04-09-19, 23:02
She definitely doesn't have HIV or HSV LOL.

Lab culture? Nah man I eyeballed it what are we fuckin NASA or something?

Wear a rubber or accept the risk! All there is to it!


I've fucked some dirty, dirty girls raw, but never under the delusion that it was low risk.

Maybe that makes me the dirty one?

In all seriousness condoms have come a long way in the last 20 years. When I was a kid it was more fun to jerk off than use a rubber. Some of these Skyn and. 004's and shit are actually tolerable.

I had to ask, there are way too many BM's giving out health advice without flashing their medical credentials. You are going to give out this info to a group of guys using their little head and ask them use this format for checking women to see if they are eligible for DATY and BBFS, no point of reference, just look for the color of discharge and the cottage cheese? No culture & sensitivity, no microscope slide, no laboratory data, just color of discharge? I'll keep this format in mind the next time I'm vaginally examining a girl from Parque Botero or Vera Cruz. Smh, Pollo Negro is out!

04-09-19, 23:33
What's up brothers.

Looking for a little feedback on my plan for the city of eternal spring!

Planning two week visit.

Getting a room in Poblado / Astorga / La Florida area (any feedback on this area? Looks like a good one).

Going to be prowling Cupid / Tinder / Facebook for amateur / non pros for a couple months before the visit.

Mainly looking for a nice non pro I can repeat with regularly for the visit or do TLN.

Fall back onto various casas I see on the monger map around Poblado if facebook doesn't pan out.

I look pretty gringo-why and only speak basic Spanish, but I don't come across as an obnoxious American.

I'm really coming mainly to relax, eat, and work out. I found a nice gym in this area as well.

Would like to sample some of the local flavor in other ways as well LOL.

One problem is all the flights I am seeing arrive quite late (midnight) and the damn airport is halfway to Rio Negro. I guess at this time of night car / taxi is the only realistic option?If you are staying at a large hotel is likely they have drivers to pick up for a fee, no matter the time. My first time in MDE I called the hotel and they send me cab to Poblado for about 70 K if I recall right which is about the normal fee, contact me for driver info if you wish otherwise uber works great in the town. Yes the airport is far from the city you will be driving down hill for about 30 minutes from some mountains. From my what I have seen, I would recommend anything but El Poblado if you want to mingle with the locals (especially since you speak Spanish), its full of extremely steep hills and therefor you won't see anyone walking in most areas.

04-09-19, 23:46
Great report and Intel. I'm interested in these massage places. Can you name one. Or you just did? LOL. Also I'm with you on Centro. I usually stay in the park or El palpado. I will be at Energy all this summer on my visits. But the fellas here hype it up so I will see what the deal is.I was quite lucky to find a few in Poblado.

Om Spa was a good one, Jade Palace gave a nice service but the highlight for me had to be El Garage (http://www.elgaragebarbershop.com/spa/index.html). Both venues were very nice. I was partial to the Laureles one but if you go to the Poblado one, you'll be in the same mall as Om. The mall is called Rio Sur and you have Om on 4th floor and El Garage below. So could be two in one if you feel like it. If I remember correctly, it was 120 k for the house and 100 k propina. I know this might put off some of the more hardcore and savings-oriented mongers but I was there to pamper myself so why the hell not!

Haven't really stayed in the Energy flats but I hear they are very convenient for the brothel downstairs!

04-10-19, 00:29
Very well put, couldn't said it better.

A tourist yes but not necessarily a foreigner but agree with you have said. Unless there is an elephant in the room like your skin color doesn't match with rest of population or you are being blond in India. A good rule to remember, if you don't want to look like a tourist from afar just stop staring at the surroundings and act like you know where you are going with confidence as many of the knowledgeable veterans have pointed out earlier, sometimes easier said then done. But it could be life saving in sketchy streets.I had a neighbor who knew his girl was a WG, but he didn't want to admit it, he knew someone was banging his girl 2 to 3 times a day. He heard me speak Spanish to his girl, and he told me he would kill me when he caught me, I told him fine catch me. I banged her for about 3 months and one day he was in the local store with me and heard me speak Spanish to the cashier, he gave me a look, but knew he would have his hands full with me as I was much bigger. So once again, you cannot look at people and know that they are not from one place or another. Maybe India, maybe Russia, but never in South America. Pollo negro is out!

04-10-19, 03:38
Patacones.Yep basically the same thing as tostones if you are Caribbean.

Sometimes Colombians make them thinner and harder.

04-11-19, 00:36
When will you be there? I'll be there 6/12-6/15. Let meet up! I've played around in some casas in Bogota and would dig a sidekick in Medellin. Lmk.

What's up brothers.

Looking for a little feedback on my plan for the city of eternal spring!

Planning two week visit.

Getting a room in Poblado / Astorga / La Florida area (any feedback on this area? Looks like a good one).

Going to be prowling Cupid / Tinder / Facebook for amateur / non pros for a couple months before the visit.

Mainly looking for a nice non pro I can repeat with regularly for the visit or do TLN.

Fall back onto various casas I see on the monger map around Poblado if facebook doesn't pan out.

04-11-19, 13:37
When will you be there? I'll be there 6/12-6/15. Let meet up! I've played around in some casas in Bogota and would dig a sidekick in Medellin. Lmk.Yeah. Its always good to have someone on your 6!

I'm not coming down until December tho!

Coming back?

04-11-19, 17:32

I just discovered this forum today. I'm planning a short 3-5 day trip to Medellin end of May / early June (my first time to Colombia). Not knowing about this forum I started doing some research on my own.

I talked to 40+ girls on FB an SA. I don't speak Spanish. About 20% of the girls were able to communicate in English, with the rest of them I used google translator.

I wrote that I'm looking for a girl to show me the city, restaurants, party a little and have fun at night.

I was able to get price from 25 girls: lowest was 250 mil (from 19 yo) the highest $300. Some of girls I negotiated, from some I just took note of their demands. Majority of girls (85%) were looking for 400-500 mil.

Several girls did not want to talk money, but made clear they will expect it. Only one told me she's not prepago, few more dropped out of chat when money was mentioned.

I hope to verify this in real life and report back in June.

04-11-19, 19:43

I just discovered this forum today. I'm planning a short 3-5 day trip to Medellin end of May / early June (my first time to Colombia). Not knowing about this forum I started doing some research on my own.

I talked to 40+ girls on FB an SA. I don't speak Spanish. About 20% of the girls were able to communicate in English, with the rest of them I used google translator.

I wrote that I'm looking for a girl to show me the city, restaurants, party a little and have fun at night.

I was able to get price from 25 girls: lowest was 250 mil (from 19 yo) the highest $300. Some of girls I negotiated, from some I just took note of their demands. Majority of girls (85%) were looking for 400-500 mil.

Several girls did not want to talk money, but made clear they will expect it. Only one told me she's not prepago, few more dropped out of chat when money was mentioned.

I hope to verify this in real life and report back in June.Seekingdotcom is kinda new to these girls. 2 or 3 years old. My suggestion to you is that if they don't ask for money then don't talk about money. Then sneak a 150 or 200 k in there purse with them seeing you do it. Seeking is kinda a grey area. The girls that are not pros will not talk about money. The genuine girls will give you great GFE if you buy them stuff and put a little money in there pocket. Perfume from the states or stuff from victoria secret well always open there legs right up.

Mr Enternational
04-11-19, 20:59
I talked to 40+ girls on FB an SA. I don't speak Spanish. About 20% of the girls were able to communicate in English, with the rest of them I used google translator.You are not alone. 9 out of the 10 that were able to communicate in English were using google translator as well.

I was able to get price from 25 girls: lowest was 250 mil (from 19 yo) the highest $300. Some of girls I negotiated, from some I just took note of their demands. Majority of girls (85%) were looking for 400-500 mil.I know you are trying to get your feet wet, but you are wasting your time. Call down to the Cadillac dealership and ask them how much for one of those new Fleetwoods. Now show up at the dealership with a bag full of cash and see how much you can get one for. Deals are made when you are ready to make a purchase, not when you are just making an inquiry.

04-11-19, 22:11
You are not alone. 9 out of the 10 that were able to communicate in English were using google translator as well.

I know you are trying to get your feet wet, but you are wasting your time. Call down to the Cadillac dealership and ask them how much for one of those new Fleetwoods. Now show up at the dealership with a bag full of cash and see how much you can get one for. Deals are made when you are ready to make a purchase, not when you are just making an inquiry. Tell’em Mr E.

04-12-19, 05:36

Any recommendation for a 6 hour lay over? Any good places near airport?In Rionegro, check out the surroundings of the Plaza Mercado (main market square), there are some bars with hookers, very safe at afternoon, not recommended at night.


04-12-19, 08:03
Just arrived. Hit the usual spots. And man it's dry. I thought Holy Week was next week but it appears that it's Already started. Bad timing on my part.

The Tall Man
04-12-19, 08:24

I just discovered this forum today. I'm planning a short 3-5 day trip to Medellin end of May / early June (my first time to Colombia). Not knowing about this forum I started doing some research on my own.

I talked to 40+ girls on FB an SA. I don't speak Spanish. About 20% of the girls were able to communicate in English, with the rest of them I used google translator.

I wrote that I'm looking for a girl to show me the city, restaurants, party a little and have fun at night.

I was able to get price from 25 girls: lowest was 250 mil (from 19 yo) the highest $300. Some of girls I negotiated, from some I just took note of their demands. Majority of girls (85%) were looking for 400-500 mil.

Several girls did not want to talk money, but made clear they will expect it. Only one told me she's not prepago, few more dropped out of chat when money was mentioned.

I hope to verify this in real life and report back in June.

You are not alone. 9 out of the 10 that were able to communicate in English were using google translator as well.

I know you are trying to get your feet wet, but you are wasting your time. Call down to the Cadillac dealership and ask them how much for one of those new Fleetwoods. Now show up at the dealership with a bag full of cash and see how much you can get one for. Deals are made when you are ready to make a purchase, not when you are just making an inquiry.Spot on advice, do NOT start your communication with the chicas on any dating or FB or cupid site or the like no earlier than 3 weeks in advance, things change with these chicas, the cad dealership parallel is the best way to describe it as MrEnt did.

The Tall Man.

Mr Enternational
04-12-19, 11:49
I know you are trying to get your feet wet, but you are wasting your time. Call down to the Cadillac dealership and ask them how much for one of those new Fleetwoods. Now show up at the dealership with a bag full of cash and see how much you can get one for. Deals are made when you are ready to make a purchase, not when you are just making an inquiry.I mess with a lot of non-pros. To me that is something that needs to be planned out in some cases because they have other things going on. I will fit in P4P between the non-pros if I can. For me it is something that is spur of the moment. There is no need for me to plan out a hooker weeks in advance; after all, it is her job so she is waiting on that call for some immediate business.

I guess I could make a list ahead of time but I don't do it that way. I will be ready for a hooker. I will go to whatever website that has them posted. I will send a message to their whatsapp saying are you available to work. I may give them a few minutes to answer before sending a message to the next person.

When they answer saying yes I will ask how much. Whatever price they give I will say that is too much. They will say how much can you pay. I will say x amount. In most cases they will say ok. I tell them where I am (or ask how to get to them) and ask them how long it will take for them to arrive. Okay, but if it is past x o'clock I will not be here because I have something to do.

I keep it simple. I know what they are there for so there is no need in trying to buddy up with them weeks in advance. Just like walking into McDonalds. No need to call them weeks in advance asking the price of Big Macs. Walk in. Look at the menu. Order. Eat.

04-12-19, 16:55
Curious if I should expect a lull in opportunity or if it's pretty much business as usual.

Thanks in advance.

04-12-19, 17:33
Curious if I should expect a lull in opportunity or if it's pretty much business as usual.

Thanks in advance.Easter weekend is definitely bad. For the strip clubs.

04-14-19, 09:16
It seems there is not a consensus on this. I think the best strategy is to not ask, never bring up a price unless they do.With all respect, I do not agree. Not discussing the price, of any service you commission in life, leads to possible later misunderstandings and problems. I have a different approach. I always discuss the price but just before taking the girl out from where I met her. Like almost in the door and almost casually. I also tend to suggest the first figure. If I really like a girl, I am also willing to overpay to some degree for the first time. I consider this as an investment. I also make sure, that the girl knows I am a long time resident and not a two week sex tourist. The combination of the two will in most cases boost her performance, as she will want a long time returning customer at a high price. Now when the deed is done and when I pay her, I mention with a wink, that the next time we meet I want a discount. Usually they just smile. Then, when the time comes and I message her, I offer her the market price or slightly below. Most girls will go for it, as by then they "know" you and you have hopefully established some kind of chemistry the first time. And most girls will prefer a returning customer with the knowledge what to expect, than a complete stranger with all the uncertainties. Even if the former comes with a little less in compensation. Obviously you have to know the real market value of the different tiers of girls to make this work. I applied this strategy in both Thailand and Brazil, while spending the winter and it is quite reliable.

04-14-19, 19:38
Quick question. Has anyone stayed at Hotel Nutibara and if so what do they charge for guests? Appreciate the info and thanks in advance.

04-14-19, 20:47
Just arrived. Hit the usual spots. And man it's dry. I thought Holy Week was next week but it appears that it's Already started. Bad timing on my part.It isn't so bad, I am here at moment and yes a lad slow but plenty to go around.

Member #2001
04-14-19, 22:41
Quick question. Has anyone stayed at Hotel Nutibara and if so what do they charge for guests? Appreciate the info and thanks in advance.Guest.

Rooms are not too bad, I was in one that had a single bed, a double bed, and a fan. I was in the cheap rooms too. They don't charge extra for guests.

Mr Enternational
04-14-19, 23:07
With all respect, I do not agree. Not discussing the price, of any service you commission in life, leads to possible later misunderstandings and problems. I have a different approach. I always discuss the price but just before taking the girl out from where I met her.And what if it so happens that the girl is not a hooker? I have picked up chicks before that have stayed with me. The next day I have tried to give them money and they have looked at me like I was crazy and asked what is this for.

I would really feel like an ass if I was to ask a girl beforehand how much and it turns out she was not a hooker. That is why I do not bring up money unless they do.

04-15-19, 00:11
Is the Nutibara "girl friendly" in the way we use the term?


Rooms are not too bad, I was in one that had a single bed, a double bed, and a fan. I was in the cheap rooms too. They don't charge extra for guests.

Member #2001
04-15-19, 05:15
Is the Nutibara "girl friendly" in the way we use the term?For sure you can have them over for 3 hours or more, but I am not sure you can have them overnight. They seem kool there and I can't see why it would be a problem. Never had a girl over for the whole night though. Other people on the forum have stayed there more times than me, so it might be best if someone else chimed in. I was only there for about 10 days and did most of my business in casas. Yea, girl friendly,

04-15-19, 09:34
With all respect, I do not agree. Not discussing the price, of any service you commission in life, leads to possible later misunderstandings and problems. I have a different approach. I always discuss the price but just before taking the girl out from where I met her. Like almost in the door and almost casually. I also tend to suggest the first figure. If I really like a girl, I am also willing to overpay to some degree for the first time. I consider this as an investment. I also make sure, that the girl knows I am a long time resident and not a two week sex tourist. The combination of the two will in most cases boost her performance, as she will want a long time returning customer at a high price. Now when the deed is done and when I pay her, I mention with a wink, that the next time we meet I want a discount. Usually they just smile. Then, when the time comes and I message her, I offer her the market price or slightly below. Most girls will go for it, as by then they "know" you and you have hopefully established some kind of chemistry the first time. And most girls will prefer a returning customer with the knowledge what to expect, than a complete stranger with all the uncertainties. Even if the former comes with a little less in compensation. Obviously you have to know the real market value of the different tiers of girls to make this work. I applied this strategy in both Thailand and Brazil, while spending the winter and it is quite reliable.Agreed. If she is a definitely a prepago you always discuss price.

04-15-19, 14:25
Ask if she is prepago and possibly offend a good girl.


Do not ask a bad girl and possibly get your ass kicked by her BF, cousins, etc. Have unhappy scene at the hotel lobby. Go to jail. Not a a difficult decision.

Good indications are number of body piercings, location of piercings, how many tattoos, location of tattoos. The taller the high heels the higher the chance she is for sale. And the list goes on.

Ask her specific questions about her job. The more questions you ask and the more detailed the questions the easier it is to see she really does not do that job. Ask 3-5 questions being more and more specific and the game is up. Or odd questions. If she is a chef then ask her the temperature that fish is considered cooked. What is her favorite spice and why. What meals does she use that spice in. Then ask her to cook it for you and see her speech stop or her face drop. It can be very fun after some practice. See how fast you can steer the conversation to back her into a corner.

If you want to ask if she is prepago without offending her then tell her you once met a girl early one day at the mall. You took her to lunch and hung out shopping. When you went to leave the mall she ask for money. You were confused and she explained she was an escort and gets paid for her time. You did not expect that and do not want future problems with anyone.

In your scenario, of offering money in the morning and she is offended. There are many ways to save face for both of you. Just say you wanted to take her shopping but do not have time today because you are meeting a buddy.

"Here. Take the money. Do some shopping and take a few of your friends to lunch. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow or tonight".

"What? Last night I thought you said you had to go shopping today for someone's birthday. Sorry I am not shopping material so I am letting you go alone. Is it too much?

"I thought you were going to go out to bring me breakfast in bed? No? Bad girl. Hahaha. ".

"Sorry. Just a reflex. My ex-wife used to wake me up in the morning asking me for shopping money. Since you were so loving like my ex-wife it was just like deja vu. ".

So very simple.

And what if it so happens that the girl is not a hooker? I have picked up chicks before that have stayed with me. The next day I have tried to give them money and they have looked at me like I was crazy and asked what is this for.

I would really feel like an ass if I was to ask a girl beforehand how much and it turns out she was not a hooker. That is why I do not bring up money unless they do.

Mr Enternational
04-15-19, 15:09
Ask if she is prepago and possibly offend a good girl.


Do not ask a bad girl and possibly get your ass kicked by her BF, cousins, etc. Have unhappy scene at the hotel lobby. Go to jail. Not a a difficult decision.Why are those the only 2 possibilities? Besides, everyone else on here is of the opinion that they do not want their family to know they are hookers, so if cousins are coming to beat you up... I have never gone to jail or been beat up for not knowing in advance that a chick was a hooker, and I have been through a couple thousand of them.

Good indications are number of body piercings, location of piercings, how many tattoos, location of tattoos. The taller the high heels the higher the chance she is for sale. And the list goes on.I have met plenty of hookers wearing sneakers and with no tattoos. I have met many normal chicks with a bunch of tattoos and piercings.

Ask her specific questions about her job. The more questions you ask and the more detailed the questions the easier it is to see she really does not do that job.Means nothing. Many chicks are hookers apart from their normal job. Like the chick I reported about last time I was in Medellin that works at the clothes factory and goes to work at the cathouse when she finishes at 2 pm. Likewise, many women are not hookers and do not have jobs.

If you want to ask if she is prepago without offending her

"Sorry. Just a reflex. My ex-wife used to wake me up in the morning asking me for shopping money. Since you were so loving like my ex-wife it was just like deja vu. ".

So very simple.Sounds like you make picking up chicks to be very complicated. In my opinion, if she is charging then it is on her to let you know. Are you going to give someone a ride without asking for gas money, or are you going to give them a ride assuming they know you expect gas money when you arrive at the destination? You could just as well arrive and find out they do not have the money you were expecting they would give you. Personally, I would tell them up front they would need to pay for gas, the same way a chick should tell you if you will have to pay for pussy.

04-15-19, 16:58
And what if it so happens that the girl is not a hooker? I have picked up chicks before that have stayed with me. The next day I have tried to give them money and they have looked at me like I was crazy and asked what is this for.

I would really feel like an ass if I was to ask a girl beforehand how much and it turns out she was not a hooker. That is why I do not bring up money unless they do.Oh c'mon, if one is an experienced monger, 99% of the time he will know if she is a hooker or not. There are just sooo many signs, starting with the place you meet her to her appearance and to her body language. It's just a different vibe with the non-pros. I don't think I have ever been in a situation where I was really in doubt. I just don't see how that can happen. Unless she is in fact a hooker and she falls for your charm. But then she will probably take the money in the morning.

04-15-19, 17:53
Ask if she is prepago and possibly offend a good girl.


Do not ask a bad girl and possibly get your ass kicked by her BF, cousins, etc. Have unhappy scene at the hotel lobby. Go to jail. Not a a difficult decision.

Good indications are number of body piercings, location of piercings, how many tattoos, location of tattoos. The taller the high heels the higher the chance she is for sale. And the list goes on.

Ask her specific questions about her job. The more questions you ask and the more detailed the questions the easier it is to see she really does not do that job. Ask 3-5 questions being more and more specific and the game is up. Or odd questions. If she is a chef then ask her the temperature that fish is considered cooked. What is her favorite spice and why. What meals does she use that spice in. Then ask her to cook it for you and see her speech stop or her face drop. It can be very fun after some practice. See how fast you can steer the conversation to back her into a corner.

If you want to ask if she is prepago without offending her then tell her you once met a girl early one day at the mall. You took her to lunch and hung out shopping. When you went to leave the mall she ask for money. You were confused and she explained she was an escort and gets paid for her time. You did not expect that and do not want future problems with anyone.

In your scenario, of offering money in the morning and she is offended. There are many ways to save face for both of you. Just say you wanted to take her shopping but do not have time today because you are meeting a buddy.

"Here. Take the money. Do some shopping and take a few of your friends to lunch. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow or tonight".

"What? Last night I thought you said you had to go shopping today for someone's birthday. Sorry I am not shopping material so I am letting you go alone. Is it too much?

"I thought you were going to go out to bring me breakfast in bed? No? Bad girl. Hahaha. ".

"Sorry. Just a reflex. My ex-wife used to wake me up in the morning asking me for shopping money. Since you were so loving like my ex-wife it was just like deja vu. ".

So very simple.Haha, now that's some corny stuff.

Sounds like a bad movie, LOL.

04-15-19, 18:20
I had to ask, there are way too many BM's giving out health advice without flashing their medical credentials. You are going to give out this info to a group of guys using their little head and ask them use this format for checking women to see if they are eligible for DATY and BBFS, no point of reference, just look for the color of discharge and the cottage cheese? No culture & sensitivity, no microscope slide, no laboratory data, just color of discharge? I'll keep this format in mind the next time I'm vaginally examining a girl from Parque Botero or Vera Cruz. Smh, Pollo Negro is out!I'm not a doctor but I know plenty and I won't comment on what he said but you definitely don't need to culture or run discharge to determine what it is. 98% of the time if you have experience, you can look at the discharge and know what it is. Testing is to see if they have anything else. Also just because you don't see any discharge does not mean you're safe, women don't show symptoms of gonorrhea and it is easily transmitted. So you're always taking a risk, up to you on whether it's worth it.

04-15-19, 19:47
Haha, now that's some corny stuff.

Sounds like a bad movie, LOL.LMAO.

And what do you do when you don't discuss money and she's at your place and after the deed she wants a ridiculous amount of $$.

Let me guess you dictate what the market price is and slip her 100 mil thinking you're being generous. Haha.

And if she decides to cause a scene and call the cops or her "male friend" what the??

Since the object of this board is mongering and NOT dating how about avoid having problems in a country you don't call home.

Simply asking a girl if she is working or a companion will get the foot in. Then discuss prices services etc.

If you offend a "good girl" shouldn't be a problem. Just apologize and explain that you are constantly being approached by working girls and simply had to ask.

Being that she is not oblivious to what's going on in her country she will surely understand.

Mr Enternational
04-15-19, 21:05
Since the object of this board is mongering and NOT dating.I see you have not read the forum purpose. It says nothing about mongering.

"The purpose of this Forum is to facilitate the exchange of information between men who are looking for sex with women. ".

04-15-19, 22:04
For sure you can have them over for 3 hours or more, but I am not sure you can have them overnight. They seem kool there and I can't see why it would be a problem. Never had a girl over for the whole night though. Other people on the forum have stayed there more times than me, so it might be best if someone else chimed in. I was only there for about 10 days and did most of my business in casas. Yea, girl friendly,I stayed there for 3 nights this Jan, and the rule there is no guests allowed after 6 PM. This even means men as my wing man was to meet me there at around 7 PM, and they would not let him in.

To answer another question posted before, the room I was in was great. Had a fridge, and a huge safe that fit my laptop. I paid $100 total for the 3 nights after booking at Booking. Com.

Also the front desk day man was a great help as he hooked me up with a great dentist.

Really sad that it has become such a pain in the ass in Colombia to find girl friendly hotels. I hate the short time hotel scene.

04-15-19, 23:52
I see you have not read the forum purpose. It says nothing about mongering.

"The purpose of this Forum is to facilitate the exchange of information between men who are looking for sex with women. ".I guess I'm the one that is oblivious here. These escort ads and reports of guys paying for hookers just make up a small % of the people on this board. Lmao.

04-16-19, 02:01
I looked at all the advertisements and what they were selling and prices. I have read so many posts on what countries to visit, locations of massages with happy endings, prices to pay, and even maps showing me where to go. Now I find out thus is not a mongering Board. Maybe that is why I could not pay using my credit card. I feel so stupid. I just wish someone with 8000+ posts could please help me.

04-16-19, 05:21

And what do you do when you don't discuss money and she's at your place and after the deed she wants a ridiculous amount of $$.I remember a couple of secret service guys that visited Colombia and did not bother to set a price before doing the deed.

How did that turn out? HeeHee.

Only a fool swims with sharks without knowing the price.

04-16-19, 07:01
I'm not a doctor but I know plenty and I won't comment on what he said but you definitely don't need to culture or run discharge to determine what it is. 98% of the time if you have experience, you can look at the discharge and know what it is. Testing is to see if they have anything else. Also just because you don't see any discharge does not mean you're safe, women don't show symptoms of gonorrhea and it is easily transmitted. So you're always taking a risk, up to you on whether it's worth it.Vaginas other than a OBGYN, there's a reason medical personnel run exams on discharge and secretions. I love the responses that BMs make but I guarantee you'll never go to a hospital and someone tells you I have experience in this area so there is no need to test the specimen. It shows me and any sensible BM just how petty men become when using the wrong head. Clearly you're no Dr or medical staff, but you had to chime in, all I ask is prove your assumption and stop facilitating unproven rumors to scare potential visitors to Colombia. Then again, you're probably another computer dude who wacks off after reading our adventures in Centro. Pollo negro is out!

04-16-19, 15:18
Does anyone know if Hotel Dan Carlton is guest friendly if I book a room for two? I am traveling to MDE in mid May.

04-16-19, 17:17

And what do you do when you don't discuss money and she's at your place and after the deed she wants a ridiculous amount of $$.

Let me guess you dictate what the market price is and slip her 100 mil thinking you're being generous. Haha.

And if she decides to cause a scene and call the cops or her "male friend" what the??

Since the object of this board is mongering and NOT dating how about avoid having problems in a country you don't call home.

Simply asking a girl if she is working or a companion will get the foot in. Then discuss prices services etc.

If you offend a "good girl" shouldn't be a problem. Just apologize and explain that you are constantly being approached by working girls and simply had to ask.

Being that she is not oblivious to what's going on in her country she will surely understand.Amigo I agree with you, I was just chuckling at some of the corny lines.

First of all, I've been hanging in Colombia for over 20 years, and I speak fluent Spanish.

I know how the "game" is played, LOL.

I always know the price, and so do they.

I love and appreciate the working girls, at least most of them, LOL.

I treat them right, they treat me right.

Everyone wins.

Don't really get regular girls and working girls confused, but if it happens for some reason, like you said, just apologize, wink, smile, lighten it up, move on.

Again, like you said, she knows.

Don't get all into drama.

Have fun!

04-16-19, 18:12
Hi mates,

As I am getting ready for my travel to Colombia, if any of you are aware of any SA girls which are available for action.

Please PM me, or respond.

Will assist in reducing the number of messages I will be sending in SA in coming weeks.

Will post the same in other Colombian forums.



Mr Enternational
04-16-19, 18:14
I remember a couple of secret service guys that visited Colombia and did not bother to set a price before doing the deed. How did that turn out? HeeHee. Only a fool swims with sharks without knowing the price.Except that one lady did say the guy she was with set a price before, so maybe you remember wrong. I guess there are fools swimming with sharks while knowing the price as well.

"One agent contracted her for the night, agreeing to the price of $800, according to Suárez."

The Tall Man
04-16-19, 18:26
Really sad that it has become such a pain in the ass in Colombia to find girl friendly hotels. I hate the short time hotel scene.That is why god created the Love Motels in Medellin, I am using these now almost on a weekly basis, I can make suck a mess of the room and not worry a bit of cleaning it up, and the cost of 25 to 40 mil for 2 to 4 hours can't be beat, heck when I am done with the girl just leave, I usually will give the chica some taxi money or drop her off where I picked her up from.

I have had 3 some's and shared a room and bed with my best colombian amigo and his girl, lot's of fun to be had.

Love Motels are the answer as I too detest those creepy crawly hotel rooms, yuck!

The Tall Man.

04-16-19, 19:21
Amigo I agree with you, I was just chuckling at some of the corny lines.

First of all, I've been hanging in Colombia for over 20 years, and I speak fluent Spanish.

I know how the "game" is played, LOL.

I always know the price, and so do they.

I love and appreciate the working girls, at least most of them, LOL.

I treat them right, they treat me right.

Everyone wins.

Don't really get regular girls and working girls confused, but if it happens for some reason, like you said, just apologize, wink, smile, lighten it up, move on.

Again, like you said, she knows.

Don't get all into drama.

Have fun!Wasn't saying anything to poke at you or offend.

Yes just have fun and enjoy.

04-16-19, 19:52
Wasn't saying anything to poke at you or offend.

Yes just have fun and enjoy.Cool, thanks brotha!

04-16-19, 20:33
Hi mates,

As I am getting ready for my travel to Colombia, if any of you are aware of any SA girls which are available for action.

Please PM me, or respond.

Will assist in reducing the number of messages I will be sending in SA in coming weeks.

Will post the same in other Colombian forums.

Happy mongering.


04-17-19, 04:51
Shout out to another poster for the FB link of one he didn't get a chance to connect with, so I figured I'd take one for the team and get out of my comfort zone of known providers.

This means my expectations were zero, and I had the time and money to spend without tripping about it.

My report is from mid March 2019.


TL; DR. Karina was pretty standard. Not a beauty, but I was getting these 'awkward teen, young Juliette Lewis from Dusk til Dawn vibe', and its been a while since I had a skinny body with long legs. Trippy experience for me, as she was pretty flat chested. Think bee stings. Sometimes I have trouble busting a nut, but she got me hot for some reason. And the point where she's lying on the bed, head hanging over the edge while I'm face fucking her upside down head while making her come with a vibrator, and seeing those long ass legs, was a highlight of my trip. I had to repeat with her again to try and recapture that feeling. I didn't CIM because I wanted to pound, she did make me come hard while fucking her first missionary then doggie. She wasn't GFE, was all about fucking. Tight snatch and sweet taste. I really enjoyed the BBBJ. I'm avg size, but she deep throat like none other this trip.

I did take pics our second session. And it was 'cute' because she had the fishnet stockings and either a Batman bra or panties, I can't remember. Somehow I lost those pics, and the ones I've attached here I ripped from her social media. As these were the ones that piqued my interest.

- standard straightforward communication. Nothing fancy. Looking back at my Facebook messenger history, it appears I pinged her a few weeks prior to my arrival. Totally unnecessary. But her response was chill, and she readily provided her whatsapp info.

- everyone has their opinion on how to negotiate, and for this case, I chose the ol' 'I pay 150 mil cop'. She replied 'do you want me to go now'? I confirmed, and she asked if I could pay taxi (she comes from Bello and I was at San Peter in Laureles) so I said sure. Total damage 170 mil COP and probably about two hours, considering we smoked a blunt and I warmed up some leftover pollo asado and potatoes for her. That * was hungry! I think she might be a little lower strata. First thing she asked when I told her to take a shower was if there was hot water. Thinking back, I can't say she was in a rush to leave. More me kicking her out.

- I confirmed she had cedula (I had a strikeout with a known squirting ho who showed up but only a copy of cedula, she says her purse was stolen, and of course she wasn't allowed up. And I appreciate that rule so she got kicked to the curb but it did waste my time) Anyway, Karina is 19 yrs old. Kind of young for my tastes but I really did just want to take one for the team.

- Looking at our messenger history. From the time she said 'do you want me to come now' to the message that said 'estoy abojo' it was 43 minutes. I think that was pretty good! She must not have been doing anything. Our second appointment I was over at Energy Living, so a bit farther, but same price, but I kicked in an extra 10 k because she was really good and keeping me updated. She had to eat dinner first (with family? Then very regular updates on how long it would take to get ready and where she was in the cab, etc. I felt she was very punctual. Second session she was a bit warmer to me, and a little more sultry (but not fake GFE or anything).

OK so, YMMV and you may be turned off by the really flat chest. Would I see her again? Eh, prob not (unless maybe she saves up and gets some bolt ONS which aren't even my thing) but I did repeat and had same great experience and she likes to party. Cheech and chong and tony Montana all good with her.

Maybe I like that she's taller and skinny, or maybe its she's young and a bit awkward / not self confident, or maybe she's got that hood rat edge to her a little, or maybe just little different from the typical long black haired paisa. Or maybe all of it catered to my weird tastes in hoes!

So the lesson for me was. Get out and explore. You'll find some good times!

Good luck!

04-17-19, 16:26
Shout out to another poster for the FB link of one he didn't get a chance to connect with, so I figured I'd take one for the team and get out of my comfort zone of known providers.

This means my expectations were zero, and I had the time and money to spend without tripping about it.

My report is from mid March 2019.


TL; DR. Karina was pretty standard. Not a beauty, but I was getting these 'awkward teen, young Juliette Lewis from Dusk til Dawn vibe', and its been a while since I had a skinny body with long legs. Trippy experience for me, as she was pretty flat chested. Think bee stings. Sometimes I have trouble busting a nut, but she got me hot for some reason. And the point where she's lying on the bed, head hanging over the edge while I'm face fucking her upside down head while making her come with a vibrator, and seeing those long ass legs, was a highlight of my trip. I had to repeat with her again to try and recapture that feeling. I didn't CIM because I wanted to pound, she did make me come hard while fucking her first missionary then doggie. She wasn't GFE, was all about fucking. Tight snatch and sweet taste. I really enjoyed the BBBJ. I'm avg size, but she deep throat like none other this trip..Great report man! When you say she was GFE, she wasn't in to kissing?

04-17-19, 18:02
Just saw this in FaceBook.

GringoPaisa (Americans In Medellin).

4 hrs.

Yesterday I was leaving el éxito on la 80, in an Uber coming back on la 33 in front of the bomba we were in traffic and my girl got a message and pulled her phone out to show me something, within 30 seconds 4 guys, 2 Motos and 2 revolvers in our faces asking for her phone and necklace. Be very careful taking your phones out in taxi / Uber in this area and in el centro. Sometimes we forget and it could have easily cost our life. There are a lot of bandidos that come from barrio Manrique to Laureles preying on people who think they are in a safe neighborhood.

04-17-19, 19:39
Great report man! When you say she was GFE, she wasn't in to kissing?Right. To clarify, I'm saying she wasn't too flirty or charming or giggly and talkative. It took a bit of conversation in Spanish to break down the ice a bit. (I'm not fluent, and re-use the same jokes and conversation starters all the time). To be fair, she didn't have attitude or anything like that. I'm wondering if she's new to it all? I believe she's shy about her braces. LFK was fine though.

04-17-19, 20:21
Be very careful taking your phones out in taxi / Uber in this area and in el centro. Sometimes we forget and it could have easily cost our life. There are a lot of bandidos that come from barrio Manrique to Laureles preying on people who think they are in a safe neighborhood.Thanks for the heads up. I meet girls all the time that tell me they've been robbed for their phone so it doesn't surprise me. I'm more surprised it doesn't happen more given the poverty and number of obvious tourists in town.

04-18-19, 19:12
Just returned from a 6 day trip to MDE.

Got in mid afternoon from a very early flight. Stayed at Dunes suites in Poblado 3 blocks from lleras, got in got some supplies and took a nap.

First girl that evening https://www.facebook.com/paulagp1111 I have seen her before and she is super chill and her face is gorgeous! She is not a teen I think late 20's but amazing in bed BBBJ, CIM, and all positions you can think of, she can be laid back or she can take you out partying with her friends and everything in between. She carries her self with a lot of class. She ended up stay for 3+ hrs just catching up on different things.

Day2: 11 am https://www.facebook.com/tatiana.jimenezgarcia.7 very nice girl a bit of baby fat but nothing too bad. 150 k with pics and video. BBBJ, because several positions. COB.

Went out to a quick lunch then took a nap.

4 pm Cristina Arb she has been reviewed before. Arrived on time. I have not seen her in over 3 years when she was barely 19 or 20 way before her accident and child, 200 k she still has baby weight not as good looking as before but is loosing it quick per what she is telling me. Still very good looking with a fat ass, amazing personality. CBJ, CFS, really good hard doggy she really likes it.

8 pm https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100016840396258 amazing girl, amazing personality, loves to laugh and have fun, fantastic fit body with the best natural fitness full ass I have seen in a long time. She also does webcaming, I am sure she puts on a fantastic show. 300+k BBBJ, CFS, Greek, COF. YMMV. She is not open to greek all the time. Truly amazing site she ended up staying for about 3 hrs ish.

I went out around 11 pm to lleras to see if anything cough my eye. Sat at one of the bars close the park but nothing that cough my attention. Called it a night.

Day3: 11 am https://www.facebook.com/Karisuperwoow amazing young looking teen, just turned 20 95 lbs, arrived on time, super sweet girl, open minded for sure. 250 k, BBBJ, CFS, greek, COF, made her cum at least 3 times. Would definitely recommend.

3 pm https://www.facebook.com/Geraldihin. arrived a bit late but nothing too crazy, 20 yo with super tight body new bolt ONS that are really nice. Lots of smiles and laughs she is very naughty and will do what ever you want for a tip.

8 pm https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100022027354170 Holly smokes this chick has an amazing profesional dancer body, arrived on time and has very nice personality. Very relaxed. She said that she has actually toured with a dance company all over Colombia and some other countries in latin america and it shows. BBBJ, CFS, COB every position you want. Had a fantastic time with her.

Day4: 11 am was a no show don't even remember who it was, so I took a cab to Energy and picked up a early 30 fake blonde with large augmented ass. I really don't remember her name. 45 min 65 k, wanted extra 40 for BBBJ so I passed, CFS, several positions. I asked about greek and she said 80 K, I agree with the price and went to town doggy greek covered. She really really likes it. Lots of nalgadas she got really into it. Once she got used to it, she said to do it as hard as I could while I pulled her hair. What a work out! After 5 minutes ish of punishing her backdoor doggy, she flipped and went mish greek with legs up in the air. Finished on her belly. Not bad for 45 minutes.

Walked around el centro it was avery pretty day and I had time to kill until my next one.

4 pm https://www.facebook.com/kriistenfox07 I had met her around 2 years ago and had a great time super great smile and personality good body, she has lots of tattoos. We talked for over an HR just catching up and drinking, CBJ, CFS, every position, finished doggy.

That night I was supposed to meet with a civilian that I had met in the past, ended up a no show so ended up in lleras but started to rain pretty hard. So I decided to come back to the condo and called it a night.

Day5: 1:00 pm https://www.facebook.com/Geraldine.yea I had been talking with her on FB for a little while, she has been reviewed here before. She lives about an hour away from MDE, amazing body on her FB pics, but she did just have a baby last month. So I was expecting her to be flabby. 200 k arrived on time good communication. She likes to take lots and lots of selfies. When she arrived I could barely tell she just had a baby less than a month ago. Amazing body, she is nice and bubbly like to smile and is very eager to please. She mentioned that I was the first person she had been with since having the baby. She allowed lots of pics and video, BBBJ with lots of eye contact, we tried mish but she was just way too tight, I grabbed a toy to dilate her a little and that did the trick still took almost 5 minutes to put it in. Had to use lots of lube, once she got used to it switched to doggy. Amazing ass. Finished all over her back.

Took a nap then went out to eat.

19:00 had a arranged a trio with Michel and Geraldine mentioned above, they had never met before but they agreed. I am usually super anti trios because 9/10 they usually are never good. Felt a good vibe about these 2. They arrived about 1 HR late due to the strong rain. We sat around and drank in the condo, then the freak show started. 300 k each full lesbian show that lasted about 2-3 hrs I don't know what time they left but there was no rush. BBBJ, lots of toys, double dildo vag doggy with each other, then one layed down facing up and the other reverse cow girl with double dildo while she BBBJ, then they switched, then they DATY with each other while I CFS doggy and then they switched, double BBBJ, COF for both, cleaned up we all rested for a little drank a bit more. Then round 2 more freaky stuff, Geraldine offered Greek but I was too big for her but she most definitely tried A+ for effort. Then switching doggy between them till finish. We relaxed and cleaned up and sent them on their way.

Relaxed at the condo and order food for delivery and called it a night.

Day6: had to do some shopping in the am and had no plans until 2 pm.

2 pm repeat with Angie, pretty much a repeat of the last time I saw her, man she has the best natural ass I have seen in Colombia she stayed for over 2 hrs.

Did laundry and packed for an early flight the next day.

I went to Dinner with Paula from day 1, she is just amazing arm candy super classy and pretty and has a good personality we always have an amazing time. Went to a bar in Provenza and had some drinks and cam back to the condo and had an amazing time. She ended up staying for 4 hrs. Just had an amazing time.

I did't have time to see others that I wanted to meet like https://www.facebook.com/melissa.restrepobenavides I wish I had time to see her. Seems to be very chill and super willing to please, she said 150 k, BBBJ, CFS, greek, COF. But I just ran out of time. Maybe next time.

Thats about it for this trip. Had a really good time and I was surprised with that all the girls I was with were good performers and no duds. Only 2 no shows which is good in my book.

Everyone stay safe and have fun.

Member #2001
04-18-19, 19:13
I really don't understand the fascination about phones, however I get it. Some societies view smart phones, or dumb phones as a status symbol, or resell them for little to no money. I am really not sure how much a used smart phones sells for, but it still seems really a petty thing to do.

I have had phones taken from me before, twice in Ethiopia and once in Colombia. In Ethiopia they were the cheapest possible phones I could find. In Colombia it was also a cheap phone.

A few years back, I witnessed a robbery right in front or me when I was in Periera. These two guys were walking by, (they looked to be high school boys) and two other boys approached them and flashed a gun. They stole the phone and ran away. Armed or aggravated robbery seems like a bit much if your stealing a phone. It was the craziest thing to see, and it was right in front of me. I was also staying in a nice safe area at the time.

04-19-19, 01:34
I really don't understand the fascination about phones, however I get it. Some societies view smart phones, or dumb phones as a status symbol, or resell them for little to no money. I am really not sure how much a used smart phones sells for, but it still seems really a petty thing to do.

I have had phones taken from me before, twice in Ethiopia and once in Colombia. In Ethiopia they were the cheapest possible phones I could find. In Colombia it was also a cheap phone.

A few years back, I witnessed a robbery right in front or me when I was in Periera. These two guys were walking by, (they looked to be high school boys) and two other boys approached them and flashed a gun. They stole the phone and ran away. Armed or aggravated robbery seems like a bit much if your stealing a phone. It was the craziest thing to see, and it was right in front of me. I was also staying in a nice safe area at the time.Two things to consider: First, because of significant tariffs / taxes, these phones can be more expensive in Colombia than in the USA or Canada. Second, the typical Colombian makes about $200-$250 a month. Put those two things together and you can appreciate why these phones are frequently stolen.

04-19-19, 01:37
Just returned from a 6 day trip to MDE.

Got in mid afternoon from a very early flight. Stayed at Dunes suites in Poblado 3 blocks from lleras, got in got some supplies and took a nap.

First girl that evening https://www.facebook.com/paulagp1111 I have seen her before and she is super chill and her face is gorgeous! She is not a teen I think late 20's but amazing in bed BBBJ, CIM, and all positions you can think of, she can be laid back or she can take you out partying with her friends and everything in between. She carries her self with a lot of class. She ended up stay for 3+ hrs just catching up on different things.

Day2: 11 am https://www.facebook.com/tatiana.jimenezgarcia.7 very nice girl a bit of baby fat but nothing too bad. 150 k with pics and video. BBBJ, because several positions. COB.

Went out to a quick lunch then took a nap.How much from Paula from Day 1 charge for how many hours?

04-19-19, 09:10
Hi guys,

I am there in may and need your help / recommendations.

So since the last time in Medellin I said to myself I will learn Spanish but hey work life took over and I didn't, I know very very basics.

Can anyone recommend girls who speak English in Medellin to me? It would much much appropriated and if you are in Medellin in may a few beers on me.

I hate to not know Spanish as it means zero conversation.

You can either reply here or pm me directly, I don't mind Facebook link if you prefer and I can talk with them directly instead of intro.


04-19-19, 17:15
How much from Paula from Day 1 charge for how many hours?When I spoke with her last year she wanted 200 k +50 k extra for bbj + taxi fare. I thought that was a tad high for a FB contact so I didn't pull the trigger.

It's amazing how many of my FB chicas end up having their phones stolen. I collect the old smartphones my family no longer uses, wipe them of personal data and try to unlock them (not always possible), install FB, Whatsapp, and Messenger, and then give them away to certain chicas in need. Gifts that cost me nothing and pay huge dividends later in the bedroom. Personally I only bring a several years old Chinese android smartphone so if I ever do get robbed they won't be getting much.

Member #2001
04-19-19, 17:48
Hi guys,

I am there in may and need your help / recommendations.

So since the last time in Medellin I said to myself I will learn Spanish but hey work life took over and I didn't, I know very very basics.

Can anyone recommend girls who speak English in Medellin to me? It would much much appropriated and if you are in Medellin in may a few beers on me.

I hate to not know Spanish as it means zero conversation.

You can either reply here or pm me directly, I don't mind Facebook link if you prefer and I can talk with them directly instead of intro.

Thanks.I don't know how many girls you will be able to find. Maybe try The Mansion, or Gustos in Poblado. I have never been there, but from what I have read on the board, its the place to go if you are new, or have limited spanish.

If you want to learn spanish, I know an intensive spanish school also in Poblado. https://www.blinkspanish.com/.

Joey Smith
04-19-19, 20:24
Just returned from a 6 day trip to MDE.

Got in mid afternoon from a very early flight. Stayed at Dunes suites in Poblado 3 blocks from lleras, got in got some supplies and took a nap.

First girl that evening https://www.facebook.com/paulagp1111 I have seen her before and she is super chill and her face is gorgeous! She is not a teen I think late 20's but amazing in bed BBBJ, CIM, and all positions you can think of, she can be laid back or she can take you out partying with her friends and everything in between. She carries her self with a lot of class. She ended up stay for 3+ hrs just catching up on different things.

Day2: 11 am https://www.facebook.com/tatiana.jimenezgarcia.7 very nice girl a bit of baby fat but nothing too bad. 150 k with pics and video. BBBJ, because several positions. COB.

Went out to a quick lunch then took a nap..Can you send me a PM with Christina Arb's contact info. She knows me.

04-20-19, 00:18
A while ago someone wrote here if you use your cellphone with a Colombian SIM card and leave the country without registering the IMEI that carriers will block your imei upon returning. I'the like to know if my cellphone will be useless next time I return.

Can anyone confirm whether this is true or not? My carrier was Tigo so maybe changing carrier would help.

04-20-19, 01:34
A while ago someone wrote here if you use your cellphone with a Colombian SIM card and leave the country without registering the IMEI that carriers will block your imei upon returning. I'the like to know if my cellphone will be useless next time I return.

Can anyone confirm whether this is true or not? My carrier was Tigo so maybe changing carrier would help.Then your phone should work. Make friends with these chicas, have them register a phone for you with their cedula or get google-fi and avoid the interruption all together. I have a Colombian phone but Google. Fi was going to be my next option! Pollo negro is out!

Mr Enternational
04-20-19, 02:55
A while ago someone wrote here if you use your cellphone with a Colombian SIM card and leave the country without registering the IMEI that carriers will block your imei upon returning. I'the like to know if my cellphone will be useless next time I return.

Can anyone confirm whether this is true or not? My carrier was Tigo so maybe changing carrier would help.It will be blocked. I met a chick from Venezuela that lives in Barranquilla. She forgot to register her phone and they shut it off. She was in the process of getting it turned back on. It was stupid. She had to go online and print a form out and fill it out and sign it. But then you call them and give them all the information. I was like well why does it matter if you print the form out or not?

And here is a picture of me holding that very form FROM THAT DAY 2 months ago, so SOME PEOPLE (namely LoveItHere69) will not say I am only talking BS.

04-20-19, 03:15
That some bad news, never experienced such thing in any other country during my travellings. Can buy myself out for faster process? What is the process like, do I just go to any phone dealer and sign a paper or do I have to wait days with back and forth?

I imagine this isn't possible at the airport? And as a gringo with very little Spanish I won't be functioning without my phone. Great you gave me heads up.

It will be blocked. I met a chick from Venezuela that lives in Barranquilla. She forgot to register her phone and they shut it off. She was in the process of getting it turned back on. It was stupid. She had to go online and print a form out and fill it out and sign it. But then you call them and give them all the information. I was like well why does it matter if you print the form out or not?

And here is a picture of me holding that very form FROM THAT DAY 2 months ago, so SOME PEOPLE (namely LoveItHere69) will not say I am only talking BS.

04-20-19, 03:32
A while ago someone wrote here if you use your cellphone with a Colombian SIM card and leave the country without registering the IMEI that carriers will block your imei upon returning. I'the like to know if my cellphone will be useless next time I return.

Can anyone confirm whether this is true or not? My carrier was Tigo so maybe changing carrier would help.I bought a local SIM card on at least 5 or 6 trips over the past couple of years. I never registered my phone, and it was never blocked. I only stay 2 weeks at a time when I travel, and that may be the reason.

Just Incognito
04-20-19, 13:11
19:00 had a arranged a trio with Michel and Geraldine mentioned above, they had never met before but they agreed. I am usually super anti trios because 9/10 they usually are never good. Felt a good vibe about these 2. They arrived about 1 HR late due to the strong rain. We sat around and drank in the condo, then the freak show started. 300 k each full lesbian show that lasted about 2-3 hrs I don't know what time they left but there was no rush. BBBJ, lots of toys, double dildo vag doggy with each other, then one layed down facing up and the other reverse cow girl with double dildo while she BBBJ, then they switched, then they DATY with each other while I CFS doggy and then they switched, double BBBJ, COF for both, cleaned up we all rested for a little drank a bit more. Then round 2 more freaky stuff, Geraldine offered Greek but I was too big for her but she most definitely tried A+ for effort. Then switching doggy between them till finish. We relaxed and cleaned up and sent them on their way.I nailed Paula I while back-I thought she was just okay hot, was cool for the most part, and compliant, she did try to upsell me and swing the price, a bit of her hustle--and she def. Is very very high mileage--I think its the same chick. She was a ciggy smoke too- yuck! Luckily, I had some 420 that convinced her not to use her tobacco. Maybe she needed her nicotine fix and that's why she got a little bitchy with me at the end. She stayed 3 hours or so with me, and overall was fine, but I won't repeat. She messaged me asking for another time, so I blocked her LOL.

Couldn't find 'Arb' on FB.

Strong work! I've had Geraldine on my radar for a while, worried a little about the recent kid--but glad you didn't report she had baby belly damage--that just a total vibe killer for me.

Only other concerns: braces! I hate braces on a chicks teeth! LOL! And high mileage.

That Michel chick has some crazy eyes in her photos. I'll be back in MDE this summer. I've learned form the past to not bother setting up contacts and new girls for my rotation until I am about 2 weeks out. Def would be into a threesome like you just had!

If only I had 750 k or more in the bank and could just retire in mde and rotate through hotties for the rest of my days. If only!

Just Incognito
04-20-19, 13:17
I bought a local SIM card on at least 5 or 6 trips over the past couple of years. I never registered my phone, and it was never blocked. I only stay 2 weeks at a time when I travel, and that may be the reason.I get a different sim card every few months when I am in Medellin, never 'registered' - don't even know what that means. Never had a problem. Maybe because my phone is unlocked and not from the US or affiliated wit a US carrier?

04-20-19, 15:40
Hi Tallman,

Do you have any recommendations on love motels? I tried a few on my last trip, but none were to my liking. Not that I'm that picky either.



That is why god created the Love Motels in Medellin, I am using these now almost on a weekly basis, I can make suck a mess of the room and not worry a bit of cleaning it up, and the cost of 25 to 40 mil for 2 to 4 hours can't be beat, heck when I am done with the girl just leave, I usually will give the chica some taxi money or drop her off where I picked her up from.

I have had 3 some's and shared a room and bed with my best colombian amigo and his girl, lot's of fun to be had.

Love Motels are the answer as I too detest those creepy crawly hotel rooms, yuck!

The Tall Man.

The Tall Man
04-20-19, 15:43
A while ago someone wrote here if you use your cellphone with a Colombian SIM card and leave the country without registering the IMEI that carriers will block your imei upon returning. I'the like to know if my cellphone will be useless next time I return.

Can anyone confirm whether this is true or not? My carrier was Tigo so maybe changing carrier would help.

It will be blocked. I met a chick from Venezuela that lives in Barranquilla. She forgot to register her phone and they shut it off. She was in the process of getting it turned back on. It was stupid. She had to go online and print a form out and fill it out and sign it. But then you call them and give them all the information. I was like well why does it matter if you print the form out or not?

And here is a picture of me holding that very form FROM THAT DAY 2 months ago, so SOME PEOPLE (namely LoveItHere69) will not say I am only talking BS.

That some bad news, never experienced such thing in any other country during my travellings. Can buy myself out for faster process? What is the process like, do I just go to any phone dealer and sign a paper or do I have to wait days with back and forth?

I imagine this isn't possible at the airport? And as a gringo with very little Spanish I won't be functioning without my phone. Great you gave me heads up.

I bought a local SIM card on at least 5 or 6 trips over the past couple of years. I never registered my phone, and it was never blocked. I only stay 2 weeks at a time when I travel, and that may be the reason.Yes it is absolutely true that if you do not register your phone after about 90 days it is done done.

If you simply buy a new sim card each visit then I can see why you don't get it shut down.

And the hassle does not stop as you need a cedula to register your cell phone, the only option I had was a friend registered it for me which brings along a whole new set of problems as I need the friend with me in person at Tigo every time I have an issue.

Finally now for about the past almost one year I have had no issues with my Tigo registered cell phone, knock on wood.

The Tall Man.

The Tall Man
04-20-19, 15:56
Just to confirm all the questions and comments about the P4 P availability during semana santa week. This should put it to rest forever.

Last night, Friday April 19th Good Friday, for 2 hours between 10 PM to 12 AM I trolled Medellin centro (la vera and raudal) and Botero Plaza and the back streets of San Diego (the calf's area) and other than a handful of old skanks there is nothing out, the best I found, and I got her whatsapp was a flaca on a dark back street over in San Diego area.

But today they will be hungry to make some pesos so it will be back to business as usual. Yahoo!

The Tall Man.

04-20-19, 16:36
Can anyone recommend girls who speak English in Medellin to me?You will be hard pressed to find any chicas that speak English.

In Colombia, only 4% of the population can speak English and those are the most educated.

It is taught in schools now but for two reasons it is not followed up on:

1) They don't think they will ever have a need for using the language since no one ever speaks it.

2) They are afraid to make mistakes when speaking English.

Costa Rica has the highest percentage of English speakers south of USA at 8% and it is very hard to find one there. It is almost impossible to find in Colombia.

04-20-19, 16:53
Yes it is absolutely true that if you do not register your phone after about 90 days it is done done.

If you simply buy a new sim card each visit then I can see why you don't get it shut down.

And the hassle does not stop as you need a cedula to register your cell phone, the only option I had was a friend registered it for me which brings along a whole new set of problems as I need the friend with me in person at Tigo every time I have an issue. Let me see if I got this right. You said it will get shut down after 90 days without registering but if you buy a new sim card then it doesn't get shut down.

Solution I buy a new sim card? If they are trying to combat theft then this obviously doesn't make sense, it would mean IMEI is not blocked. Cedula, does that mean I have to meet in person with passport or receipt or would email be enough?

I bought a local SIM card on at least 5 or 6 trips over the past couple of years. I never registered my phone, and it was never blocked. I only stay 2 weeks at a time when I travel, and that may be the reason.What was you carrier? Did you change carrier each time? I used Tigo with Samsung S8. Looking back, I have received a text from Tigo warning me to register perhaps you didn't get that.

04-20-19, 17:20
You said it will get shut down after 90 days without registering but if you buy a new sim card then it doesn't get shut down.

Solution I buy a new sim card? If they are trying to combat theft then this obviously doesn't make sense, it would mean IMEI is not blocked. The reason for the registration is partly to combat theft but it is also to have certified devices using the countries network. The concept is to keep unsafe devices off the network and to accomplish that they adopted the FCC standard. That is why they are requiring you to register the FCC # of the device.

It is not really the sim card that is of issue.

To avoid visitors and non residents from having to register, they implemented the 90 day rule, which coincides with the length of a typical tourist visa, 90 days.

In theory, as a visitor, when you buy a local sim card and install it into a phone, it is assumed you will be using the phone at most 90 days of your visa and then will be off the network.

If you remain on the network after 90 days, you could be blocked and locked until you can prove that you own the device.

As long as you do not use the phone for more than 90 days, you will never have a problem.

The problem only occurs if you are using their network. If you use an international plan from your USA provider, you would not have any of these requirements, no matter how long you use it.

Lets say a visitor has his phone stolen. A local would be able to use the phone for 90 days and then would either have to prove they own the device or the device would become useless on the Colombian network.

If you are staying longer than the standard visa, just register the phone. It is easy to do and can be done online. If you are just visiting and leaving at the end of a standard 90 day visa, just put a card in it and use it.

04-20-19, 18:25
She is very much worth the 200 she charges more now and for the over all quality time well worth it. She is not just a FB girl IMO she is the whole package. If you just want a hole to get it in, centro and cases is the best value.

When I spoke with her last year she wanted 200 k +50 k extra for bbj + taxi fare. I thought that was a tad high for a FB contact so I didn't pull the trigger.

It's amazing how many of my FB chicas end up having their phones stolen. I collect the old smartphones my family no longer uses, wipe them of personal data and try to unlock them (not always possible), install FB, Whatsapp, and Messenger, and then give them away to certain chicas in need. Gifts that cost me nothing and pay huge dividends later in the bedroom. Personally I only bring a several years old Chinese android smartphone so if I ever do get robbed they won't be getting much..

04-20-19, 18:27
I think Paula is the whole package vs just a hole. She does't smoke cigars. I think all girls are hustlers some more than others. Also all the girls in MDE are high mileage IMO. If they tell you they are not. They are hustling you. LOL.

I nailed Paula I while back-I thought she was just okay hot, was cool for the most part, and compliant, she did try to upsell me and swing the price, a bit of her hustle--and she def. Is very very high mileage--I think its the same chick. She was a ciggy smoke too- yuck! Luckily, I had some 420 that convinced her not to use her tobacco. Maybe she needed her nicotine fix and that's why she got a little bitchy with me at the end. She stayed 3 hours or so with me, and overall was fine, but I won't repeat. She messaged me asking for another time, so I blocked her LOL.

Couldn't find 'Arb' on FB.

Strong work! I've had Geraldine on my radar for a while, worried a little about the recent kid--but glad you didn't report she had baby belly damage--that just a total vibe killer for me.

Only other concerns: braces! I hate braces on a chicks teeth! LOL! And high mileage.

That Michel chick has some crazy eyes in her photos. I'll be back in MDE this summer. I've learned form the past to not bother setting up contacts and new girls for my rotation until I am about 2 weeks out. Def would be into a threesome like you just had!

If only I had 750 k or more in the bank and could just retire in mde and rotate through hotties for the rest of my days. If only!

Mr Enternational
04-20-19, 22:07
I hate to not know Spanish as it means zero conversation.So why not learn Spanish? When my coworker first showed me latinamericancupid in 2005, I said man if I could speak Spanish I would be the shit. I then learned Spanish. I did not say I hope some of these chicks speak English. Why hope for some of the thousands to be able to speak the language of the one, when the one (yourself) can learn the language of the thousands?

Mr Enternational
04-20-19, 22:14
Let me see if I got this right. You said it will get shut down after 90 days without registering but if you buy a new sim card then it doesn't get shut down.

Solution I buy a new sim card? If they are trying to combat theft then this obviously doesn't make sense, it would mean IMEI is not blocked. Cedula, does that mean I have to meet in person with passport or receipt or would email be enough?They block the IMEI. If you look at the paper I posted it talks about registering a used phone and asks for the IMEI. It says nothing about registering a phone numer.

The Tall Man
04-20-19, 23:54
Let me see if I got this right. You said it will get shut down after 90 days without registering but if you buy a new sim card then it doesn't get shut down.

Solution I buy a new sim card? If they are trying to combat theft then this obviously doesn't make sense, it would mean IMEI is not blocked. Cedula, does that mean I have to meet in person with passport or receipt or would email be enough?

What was you carrier? Did you change carrier each time? I used Tigo with Samsung S8. Looking back, I have received a text from Tigo warning me to register perhaps you didn't get that.Yes they will block the cell phone (ie IMEI) rendering it useless.

A cedula is the US equivalent of a social security number, used for starting a phone plan or placing utilities or internet service / cable TV in your home in your name, no cell phone carrier will accept you without one so a passport will not work.

The Tall Man.

04-21-19, 02:30
You can register a phone and SIM card with a foreign passport. Comecel / Claro let's you do it over the internet if you set up a "myclaro" account on their website. You can also prevent a passport in person. I forgot all about the procedures until I got a new phone a few months ago. Sure enough, I started getting text messages and e-mails within a week telling me I had X number of days to register.

Yes they will block the cell phone (ie IMEI) rendering it useless.

A cedula is the US equivalent of a social security number, used for starting a phone plan or placing utilities or internet service / cable TV in your home in your name, no cell phone carrier will accept you without one so a passport will not work.

The Tall Man.

04-21-19, 02:39
The IMEI registration policy is to combat, narcos, guerillas, and general criminal activity. Registered IMEIs save investigators the time and trouble of electronically tracing or doing physical surveillance to figure out who is involved when an IMEI shows up in the call history of subjects of investigations.

The reason for the registration is partly to combat theft but it is also to have certified devices using the countries network. The concept is to keep unsafe devices off the network and to accomplish that they adopted the FCC standard. That is why they are requiring you to register the FCC # of the device.

It is not really the sim card that is of issue.

To avoid visitors and non residents from having to register, they implemented the 90 day rule, which coincides with the length of a typical tourist visa, 90 days.

In theory, as a visitor, when you buy a local sim card and install it into a phone, it is assumed you will be using the phone at most 90 days of your visa and then will be off the network.

If you remain on the network after 90 days, you could be blocked and locked until you can prove that you own the device.

As long as you do not use the phone for more than 90 days, you will never have a problem..

04-21-19, 02:50
I used a foreign passport and registered on the carrier's web site. I had no problem for 4 years. Until I got a new phone. I got texts and emails telling me I had to register. I tried to register from the phone itself via the *611# menu but it did not work for me. I did it on the web site again.

Yes it is absolutely true that if you do not register your phone after about 90 days it is done done.

If you simply buy a new sim card each visit then I can see why you don't get it shut down.

And the hassle does not stop as you need a cedula to register your cell phone, the only option I had was a friend registered it for me which brings along a whole new set of problems as I need the friend with me in person at Tigo every time I have an issue.

Finally now for about the past almost one year I have had no issues with my Tigo registered cell phone, knock on wood.

The Tall Man.

04-21-19, 05:46
Yes they will block the cell phone (ie IMEI) rendering it useless.

A cedula is the US equivalent of a social security number, used for starting a phone plan or placing utilities or internet service / cable TV in your home in your name, no cell phone carrier will accept you without one so a passport will not work.

The Tall Man.Thank you for explaining this so eloquently!! Pollo negro is out!

04-21-19, 09:45
I have found one she is gorgeous and learning English and is pretty good at it as her boyfriend is from usa, I think I will give her a good tip to ensure I get a good service and she comes back hahaha.

Daytime I don't mind fuck and dump but in evening I prefer a conversation over dinner etc.


You will be hard pressed to find any chicas that speak English.

In Colombia, only 4% of the population can speak English and those are the most educated.

It is taught in schools now but for two reasons it is not followed up on:

1) They don't think they will ever have a need for using the language since no one ever speaks it.

2) They are afraid to make mistakes when speaking English.

Costa Rica has the highest percentage of English speakers south of USA at 8% and it is very hard to find one there. It is almost impossible to find in Colombia.

04-21-19, 09:48
I already speak 3 languages and I can't be arsed to learn a 4th.

English, Hindi, French.

If I knew about Spanish when I learnt French I would have dumped french and did Spanish. Wish I had now.


So why not learn Spanish? When my coworker first showed me latinamericancupid in 2005, I said man if I could speak Spanish I would be the shit. I then learned Spanish. I did not say I hope some of these chicks speak English. Why hope for some of the thousands to be able to speak the language of the one, when the one (yourself) can learn the language of the thousands?

04-21-19, 09:52

Does having a cedula mean they are over 18 or can under 18 also have one?


04-21-19, 19:35
How much from Paula from Day 1 charge for how many hours?I saw Paula a few months ago. I think I paid 300-400 k plus taxi both ways for 4 hours but she didn't stay the full time or even close to it. My mistake was I gave her all the money before we started, she looked high class so I thought it would be fine. I got BBJ and was able to face f*k her, then she got on top and immediately started faking it, total turn off but whatever. 1 pop and 45 minutes later, she wants to bounce. I was like I still have a few hours left and I only popped one time, she was like that is all you get and I was like that is fine but I paid for 4 hours so you are staying for that long but she wasn't having it. I could have started a scene but not worth it. Charge it to the game.

Better off with the barrio rats, they are a lot more appreciative than these high mileage chicks.

04-21-19, 19:52

Does having a cedula mean they are over 18 or can under 18 also have one?

Thanks.Minors can have a cedula.

04-21-19, 20:39

Does having a cedula mean they are over 18 or can under 18 also have one?

Thanks.An actual, real cedula, yes they are at least 18.

Obviously fake cedulas, borrowed and / or stolen cedulas are common.

04-21-19, 20:43
I already speak 3 languages and I can't be arsed to learn a 4th.

English, Hindi, French.

If I knew about Spanish when I learnt French I would have dumped french and did Spanish. Wish I had now.

The.Then don't learn it, and be another Google translate warrior, LOL.

04-21-19, 21:15
Recently returned to Medellin and had another great time. Although not necessarily because of the hobby. Medellin continues to be a special city and setting to me. Magical weather that always feels pleasant and spring-like, good restaurants, and an emerging cosmopolitan, world-class culture is emerging. That obviously changes the social scene and I've continually noticed a bit of a downward trend at the top-tier of the action. Where prices are maxing out and a sense of delusion is taking place. Also. The quality at the top-tier isn't what it used to be, seemingly. That said, still a target-rich environment with many great experiences to be had.

For me, I'm not one to dig deep into the el Centro or the local scene looking for diamonds in the rough. I simply don't have enough time as my trips are short (2-4 days). I visited Fase Dos and La Isla twice. Both times were a bit underwhelming. It was the week before holy week so that could've factored in. Then I ended up just not all that interested in the scene and enjoyed the city. For me, it's time for a new experience. I may try Cali. But everyone keeps saying I need to experience Brazil (Rio & Sao Paulo). I've never been. Curious as to the Colombian veterans here - what do you think of Brazil in comparison to Medellin?

Member #2001
04-21-19, 21:41
Actually french and spanish are very similar. If you know french its not that difficult to learn spanish. Both have the same types of conjugation, although some nouns are different. If you can learn the conjugation then your halfway there. Noun, adjectives, adverbs are easy to learn. You don't need to be perfect in spanish, just enough to get your point across. If you stay in Colombia for some time it should be easy to pick it up. Also, Colombian spanish has the most neutral spanish in the world, or at least so I have been told.

Another way to pick up the language is to attend the intensive spanish course I wrote about earlier.

Mr Enternational
04-21-19, 22:41
Actually french and spanish are very similar. If you know french its not that difficult to learn spanish.Exactly. I have a degree in French. After that I taught myself Portuguese then was able to learn Spanish on the fly. I have never taken a Spanish class, yet I speak, read, and write Spanish very good. They are all Latin based. Thai was different to learn, but still not really hard for me.

Just Incognito
04-21-19, 22:54
Exactly. I have a degree in French. After that I taught myself Portuguese then was able to learn Spanish on the fly. I have never taken a Spanish class, yet I speak, read, and write Spanish very good. They are all Latin based. Thai was different to learn, but still not really hard for me.Too bad your English isn't so good! LOL.

I have never taken a Spanish class, yet I speak, read, and write Spanish very good.

It's very well, not very good. Just saying'.

I'm just busting chops and using this as a chance to say thanks for your years of contributions to this board. Mr. E you have helped many of us make Medellin less of a. Mystery (see what I did there).

Happy hunting everybody!

Just Incognito
04-21-19, 23:04
I think Paula is the whole package vs just a hole. She does't smoke cigars. I think all girls are hustlers some more than others. Also all the girls in MDE are high mileage IMO. If they tell you they are not. They are hustling you. LOL.I was talking about cigarettes, not cigars. Sorry for the confusion. And agreed-all are hustlers and high mileage! If they say otherwise-that's part of the hustle- yup yup. (except for this one I got off the site 'Badoo' she was 19 when I met her, and def very new at this and low mileage. She messaged me recently, but, now she is 3 years into the game and 22- I am tempted to see her again and see how different she is now--she was so sweet, shy and innocent then!

Sometimes, we vibe with chicks and they vibe with us differently- you probably clicked better with her than I did. As usual- YMMV. Same as it ever was.

04-21-19, 23:36
Not to have a Colombian girlfriend from the lower stratas, especially one who you know has ever taken money for sex. I have seen this time and time again. For example, I know a girl that I fucked twice a few years back. She has some gringo boyfriend from California and has contacted me more than once offering to see me. I asked about her boyfriend and she offered two reasons why she could see me: 1) "he give me money to cover some expenses, but not for others. So I need money" and 2) I knew you before him so it's OK.

I have heard the second rationale several times. Like knowing me first entitles her to fuck me despite having a boyfriend. It's good for me, but as a gringo I also can't help but being a little ticked about their attitude toward a guy who is trying to help them and may actually care about them.

I have found one she is gorgeous and learning English and is pretty good at it as her boyfriend is from usa, I think I will give her a good tip to ensure I get a good service and she comes back hahaha.

Mr Enternational
04-22-19, 00:52
but as a gringo I also can't help but being a little ticked about their attitude toward a guy who is trying to help them and may actually care about them.Now for my rationale. Any woman that has ever cared about me whether it was from upper, middle, or lower, I have never had to give them money. Like we used to say in Rio, if you want to know how one of these chicks truly feels about you, then show up without money. So why be ticked off about a chick clearly using a guy for such and him letting her?

I was sitting next to a famous singer in the plane one time. He told me that his girlfriend must love him for him, because he does not give her money and he definitely does not sing at home. Money can not buy you love or loyalty; all it can do is rent you some pussy.

04-22-19, 01:26
I am pretty sure he does not know she is banging other gringos. Not all of us have read the board or had experiences that teach us. But I'm not going to tell him. Not my place. If I knew him, might be different.

I had a "girlfriend" for quite a while. I rarely gave her anything, other than some gifts when I was there (VS panties and lotion). I knew then when she needed money, she was banging a gringo. I did not care. The only deal was that when I was there, she was with me. I never paid her for sex. Just did the normal things a couple would do like go out to eat and drink. It worked out well for quite a while. Problem is that I got bored banging one chica and started to stray.

So why be ticked off about a chick clearly using a guy for such and him letting her?

04-22-19, 01:31
Now for my rationale. Any woman that has ever cared about me whether it was from upper, middle, or lower, I have never had to give them money. Like we used to say in Rio, if you want to know how one of these chicks truly feels about you, then show up without money. So why be ticked off about a chick clearly using a guy for such and him letting her?

I was sitting next to a famous singer in the plane one time. He told me that his girlfriend must love him for him, because he deos not give her money and he definitely does not sing at home. Money can not buy you love or loyalty; all it can do is rent you some pussy.Wise words sir. I've had a couple of WG treating me great without money and offering dinner at their place but of course they were not 9's or 10's because those got way to much clients lined up, I didn't go further with them and sometimes declined invitations. But I am intrigued to know what would happen and what their true intention / loyalty were, was it only to get more money out of me or did they actually care. I know some would love a gringo to take them out of poverty. On the other hand, I believe I could never trust a hooker to be anything more than a hooker.

Fun Luvr
04-22-19, 04:08

Does having a cedula mean they are over 18 or can under 18 also have one?

Thanks.There are two types of personal ID cards for Colombians. For adults, there is a cedula de ciudadania; for minors, there is a tarjeta de identadad. They look similar, but there are major differences if looking at them side by side. I don't recall what the differences are.

In answer to your question, technically, if they have a cedula, they are adults. But cedula translates to identification card, and minors have an identification card.

04-22-19, 05:10
...What was you carrier? Did you change carrier each time? I used Tigo with Samsung S8. Looking back, I have received a text from Tigo warning me to register perhaps you didn't get that.I have always used Claro. I have never gotten a text message from them asking me to register, but when I travel again to Medellin, I get a new SIM card as they are cheap. I have always been able to use the new SIM card for both voice and data. But I am there for only 2 weeks at a time.

04-22-19, 05:25
I agree with you on the top tear. It has definitely gone down hill, I think with the influx of gringos with no negotiating skills willing to pay US, EU prices for the girls has diluted the field a lot, it wasn't uncommon to walk around and pick up 9's with out a problem a few years back. Now 7-8 are asking $200 USD+ because some gringo has payed them that in the past. Also the influx of Venezuelans has affected the over all market not sure if positive or negative way.

I am also thinking of taking a trip to Brazil, I have never been either, but I hear nothing but good things.

Recently returned to Medellin and had another great time. Although not necessarily because of the hobby. Medellin continues to be a special city and setting to me. Magical weather that always feels pleasant and spring-like, good restaurants, and an emerging cosmopolitan, world-class culture is emerging. That obviously changes the social scene and I've continually noticed a bit of a downward trend at the top-tier of the action. Where prices are maxing out and a sense of delusion is taking place. Also. The quality at the top-tier isn't what it used to be, seemingly. That said, still a target-rich environment with many great experiences to be had.

For me, I'm not one to dig deep into the el Centro or the local scene looking for diamonds in the rough. I simply don't have enough time as my trips are short (2-4 days). I visited Fase Dos and La Isla twice. Both times were a bit underwhelming. It was the week before holy week so that could've factored in. Then I ended up just not all that interested in the scene and enjoyed the city. For me, it's time for a new experience. I may try Cali. But everyone keeps saying I need to experience Brazil (Rio & Sao Paulo). I've never been. Curious as to the Colombian veterans here - what do you think of Brazil in comparison to Medellin?

04-22-19, 05:57
I simply don't have enough time as my trips are short (2-4 days). I visited Fase Dos and La Isla twice. Both times were a bit underwhelming.I'm nt sure what you expected to find there. They are 2 of the most expensive places in MDE, full of false and overpaid wannabees. Short of time. Seems natural that you would be underwhelmed by those places. I have plenty of time in MDE and would be underwhelmed there every time. If you only have 2-4 days, why not take up specific girl references?

04-22-19, 06:00
I saw Paula a few months ago. I think I paid 300-400 k plus taxi both ways for 4 hours but she didn't stay the full time or even close to it. My mistake was I gave her all the money before we started, she looked high class so I thought it would be fine. I got BBJ and was able to face f*k her, then she got on top and immediately started faking it, total turn off but whatever. 1 pop and 45 minutes later, she wants to bounce. I was like I still have a few hours left and I only popped one time, she was like that is all you get and I was like that is fine but I paid for 4 hours so you are staying for that long but she wasn't having it. I could have started a scene but not worth it. Charge it to the game.

Better off with the barrio rats, they are a lot more appreciative than these high mileage chicks.IMO, these girls only try to get away with it, bcos guys like you cave in without a fight. Its your prerogative, but its causes others problems.

04-22-19, 12:35
IMO, these girls only try to get away with it, bcos guys like you cave in without a fight. Its your prerogative, but its causes others problems.Boy you never everrrrr pay first. She has no reason to act right and follow through with them demands you have. She already got her money. I made this mistake one time in the Dr. It was with a repeat on several trips she tried to bounce after 1 pop when we agreed to 2 pops but I had already given her the money. Once I expressed my annoyance she wanted to finish by then I was out of the mood. Safe to say. I never took her again. *****s are working girls. You may not want to treat them that way. But it's the way of things.

Just Incognito
04-22-19, 12:44
I saw Paula a few months ago. I think I paid 300-400 k plus taxi both ways for 4 hours but she didn't stay the full time or even close to it. My mistake was I gave her all the money before we started, she looked high class so I thought it would be fine. I got BBJ and was able to face f*k her, then she got on top and immediately started faking it, total turn off but whatever. 1 pop and 45 minutes later, she wants to bounce. I was like I still have a few hours left and I only popped one time, she was like that is all you get and I was like that is fine but I paid for 4 hours so you are staying for that long but she wasn't having it. I could have started a scene but not worth it. Charge it to the game.

Better off with the barrio rats, they are a lot more appreciative than these high mileage chicks.She tried to get me to pay upfront as well. I refused and told her she could leave. After the 1st pop she tried to get paid for 3-4 hours and go, again, I refused, and showed her our messages. She then developed a little attitude which I diffused with weed. We then went for round 2--which was fine-though not the best ever. After round 2 I paid, she immediately texted a friend and said she had a ride coming and had to go in like 5 minutes--she then stayed on the balcony smoking at least 3 cigs for 20-30 minutes with minimal small talk and a little attitude before she finally left. Like I posted earlier, she messaged me days later and I blocked her.

I met another chick, from Tinder, SARAY a true 10 in looks, 8-9 in service but wanted 400 k plus taxi for 2.5-3 hours when all was said and done and 2 pops. We settled on on 350 including taxi, since the whatsapp said 300 plus taxi. Whatever. I would condier her again because she was a true 10 in looks. Just unreal. A dream in every way in the looks department with good enough service--though I had to go through more effort than I like to get her to BBBJ-who wants it sucked while covered?

Point is: if she is the hottest thing ever I will consider a 2nd time even if there were some annoyances the 1st--for me, that wasn't Paula. Chick is past her prime, jaded, and not worth the potential headache.

Ultimately, decided against Saray for a 2nd time on that trip --I will message her in July when I am there again.

04-22-19, 14:38
Magical weather that always feels pleasant and spring-likeFunny you should say that since it has been raining everyday for about a month. Good for me because it keeps the noise level down and its good sleeping weather.

A girl from another part of Colombia recently said to me, "esa no es la ciudad de la eterna primavera sí no la ciudad de la eterna llovedera"

04-22-19, 14:42
Pay any indie up front and you have to accept whatever happens next. It's that simple. As long as there are comparable providers who accept my payment terms, I just move on from those who don't.

IMO, these girls only try to get away with it, bcos guys like you cave in without a fight. Its your prerogative, but its causes others problems.

The Tall Man
04-22-19, 15:18
I am pretty sure he does not know she is banging other gringos. Not all of us have read the board or had experiences that teach us. But I'm not going to tell him. Not my place. If I knew him, might be different.

I had a "girlfriend" for quite a while. I rarely gave her anything, other than some gifts when I was there (VS panties and lotion). I knew then when she needed money, she was banging a gringo. I did not care. The only deal was that when I was there, she was with me. I never paid her for sex. Just did the normal things a couple would do like go out to eat and drink. It worked out well for quite a while. Problem is that I got bored banging one chica and started to stray.They are all banging other guys, the stupid gringo who does not believe this is lying to himself, oh I have heard from a few gringo guys "but this girl is different" or "she surely would not mess up a good thing as I support her with sending her money each week", ahhhhhh they don't give a shit about feelings or honesty or morals or loyalty, it all comes down to lack of respect, almost NO paisa chica respects any man and for sure especially if you are a gringo.

I know as I have been on both ends of the stick, the best advice I have ever gotten here is DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING OR ANY CHICA SERIOUS.

The Tall Man.

Mr Enternational
04-22-19, 16:52
They are all banging other guys, the stupid gringo who does not believe this is lying to himself, oh I have heard from a few gringo guys "but this girl is different" or "she surely would not mess up a good thing as I support her with sending her money each week", ahhhhhh they don't give a shit about feelings or honesty or morals or loyalty, it all comes down to lack of respect, almost NO paisa chica respects any man and for sure especially if you are a gringo.

I know as I have been on both ends of the stick, the best advice I have ever gotten here is DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING OR ANY CHICA SERIOUS.Why would you even care? I guess for me being a player it really does not matter. The ones I don't have to give money to, I do not expect them to be with only me. I most certainly would not expect any chick I had to give money to to only be with me, since for certain they would be with me because I am a cash cow.

I was messing with this one chick in Thailand March 2017. Never had to give her money or anything. She worked and lived at a hotel. I had to leave and go back to the States for my aunt's funeral. Still talked to her everyday. Came back at the end of May and she kept saying she had something to tell me, but would never spit it out, so I stopped talking to her. That July I surprised her at her job and saw she had a baby bump. So that is what she had to tell me! While I was away at my aunt's funeral she was fucking some deadbeat guy from Texas and got pregnant.

The shit was funny to me. Then in perfect women fashion she tried to blame me and say it was my fault she was fucking the other guy. I was like all I did was leave to go to my aunt's funeral. We kept fucking while she was pregnant. We are still good friends and every now and then I bring up how she cheated on me and she still blames me! Of course we still fuck sometimes. Hell why not, it is free and sometimes she even cooks for me. Her little son loves me and always tries to go with me when I am leaving.

Most recently me and a nurse chick in Bogota have been kicking it. When I first met her she told me about a guy from my city that she met but he no longer returns her messages. We went and fucked right then and she had to hurry and get back to work because she was only on a break. This chick was a superfreak. I told my main wingman about it and he asked are you talking about so and so? I said yep that is her. He said he stopped responding to her messages because he had no intention of returning to Bogota.

So she always sends me these freaky pictures and videos. He said she has never sent anything like that to him. We went on a trip to Melgar at the end of last month. When we came back from the trip my wingman told me that she had been sending him messages the whole time. So I guess we were laying next to each other and she was messaging dudes while I was messaging chicks. LOL. Don't really matter to me. It is not like I have to give her money or we have any type of commitment.

And as always YMMV. She keeps asking him for money, but has never asked me for 1 peso. (Even when I was jumping into an Uber and she was going to take a taxi home, she did not ask money for that.) My wing wants me to tell her that we know each other to see the look on her face, but I told him that I am not going to tell her shit. She might be embarrassed and not want to fuck me anymore!

04-22-19, 18:29
For me, I'm not one to dig deep into the el Centro or the local scene looking for diamonds in the rough. I simply don't have enough time as my trips are short (2-4 days). I visited Fase Dos and La Isla twice. Both times were a bit underwhelming. It was the week before holy week so that could've factored in. Then I ended up just not all that interested in the scene and enjoyed the city. For me, it's time for a new experience. I may try Cali. But everyone keeps saying I need to experience Brazil (Rio & Sao Paulo). I've never been. Curious as to the Colombian veterans here - what do you think of Brazil in comparison to Medellin?Thanks for the report and had a similar experience in Medellin when I visited the city for the first time few months back.

Cali isn't a bad option but tourism lacks a bit and city isn't pretty as Medellin.

Just came back from Cali few weeks ago and will try to put some report together on Cali section.

04-22-19, 19:33
I'm nt sure what you expected to find there. They are 2 of the most expensive places in MDE, full of false and overpaid wannabees. Short of time. Seems natural that you would be underwhelmed by those places. I have plenty of time in MDE and would be underwhelmed there every time. If you only have 2-4 days, why not take up specific girl references?I've actually been quite pleased w / the top-tier spots in recent trips. I found the hottest (9's and even a couple of 10's) to be at the top-tier spots. But of course you get charged a premium and the gringo tax there. I did have some pleasant experiences at some more local casas. But because of my limited time there. I just wanted to visit spots with the highest ratios of 9's and 10's. But I'm finding that to be a real challenge now. Again. I think it's an abundance of riches in the mid-tier (6's, 7's & 8's everywhere) - but at the truly top-end I've found that quality has been harder to find.

Re: specific references. I've found that one's tastes (in all things artistic) is a subjective exercise. As such, I haven't had much luck with other's suggestions. I more look for a suggestion as a venue to visit so that I can decipher through the talent myself. Perhaps I've overlooked some of the more local clubs (like Luna Lunera and Barra Ejectivo) - you're prob right that I need to switch it up.

04-22-19, 21:56
Funny you should say that since it has been raining everyday for about a month. Good for me because it keeps the noise level down and its good sleeping weather.

A girl from another part of Colombia recently said to me, "esa no es la ciudad de la eterna primavera s no la ciudad de la eterna llovedera"Haha. I must've gotten lucky as the two days that I was there there was abundant sunshine. Much to my pleasant surprise.

04-22-19, 21:59
Thanks for the report and had a similar experience in Medellin when I visited the city for the first time few months back.

Cali isn't a bad option but tourism lacks a bit and city isn't pretty as Medellin.

Just came back from Cali few weeks ago and will try to put some report together on Cali section.That is part of the magical draw to Medellin, isn't it? It's such a pretty setting and I always feel great about visiting (outside of the hobby). One reason I really didn't like Panama City was that outside of the hobby, I found the city / setting to be pretty depressing. I've heard good things about Cali (less gringos, more authenticity) - but have also heard that the scene isn't abundant (though some great trip reports say otherwise). I've been to Cartagena and after 2 days I'm always ready to go. I could stay in Medellin for months and love it because of the larger culture.

Have you been to Brazil? I'm wondering how it compares.

04-22-19, 22:04
...... But everyone keeps saying I need to experience Brazil (Rio & Sao Paulo). I've never been. Curious as to the Colombian veterans here - what do you think of Brazil in comparison to Medellin?I can say for us in S Fla that Medellin is 3. 5 HR flight at $300+- (Spirit) and Rio is $950+ and 10 HR to 27 hrs depending on airlines and layovers.

The $650 diff in ticket prices will buy me a lot of cute Colombians. Plus I speak Spanish, not Portuguese. YMMV.

The Tall Man
04-22-19, 23:37
That is part of the magical draw to Medellin, isn't it? It's such a pretty setting and I always feel great about visiting (outside of the hobby). One reason I really didn't like Panama City was that outside of the hobby, I found the city / setting to be pretty depressing. I've heard good things about Cali (less gringos, more authenticity) - but have also heard that the scene isn't abundant (though some great trip reports say otherwise). I've been to Cartagena and after 2 days I'm always ready to go. I could stay in Medellin for months and love it because of the larger culture.

Have you been to Brazil? I'm wondering how it compares.I have two tours of duty, hehehehe, in Brazil but this was back in 2000, WTF! I can't hardly believe it has been 19 years, so my comparison between Medellin and Rio or SP is too dated. Had fun though both times, oh and the scene at HELP disco in Rio was incredible (but it is long gone).

The Tall Man.

04-23-19, 03:53
I can say for us in S Fla that Medellin is 3. 5 HR flight at $300+- (Spirit) and Rio is $950+ and 10 HR to 27 hrs depending on airlines and layovers.

The $650 diff in ticket prices will buy me a lot of cute Colombians. Plus I speak Spanish, not Portuguese. YMMV.Great post, not a big fan of either place. I think Moscow and Mexico are both better destinations, but Colombia is far better then Rio. Rio is just too dangerous, and more expensive then Colombia. I was real disappointed in in Rio, way over rated.

04-23-19, 04:48
If you shop around and book far enough in advance you can get US East Coast to Brazil fares in the $300 to $400 range off season, but there is nothing you can do about that extra flying time. Brazil is really terrific. I can see visiting more often as work commitments transition to retirement.

I can say for us in S Fla that Medellin is 3. 5 HR flight at $300+- (Spirit) and Rio is $950+ and 10 HR to 27 hrs depending on airlines and layovers.

The $650 diff in ticket prices will buy me a lot of cute Colombians. Plus I speak Spanish, not Portuguese. YMMV.

04-23-19, 14:39
I've noticed a substantial increase in the number of Vzs over the past few months in El Centro which isn't surprising. It almost seems as there are more of them than the Colombians working the area around the Museum, the Church, and the back streets during the daytime.

My Colombian regulars have told tell me that a lot of the Vzs are going for as low as 15 K and it has caused them a lot of lost business because of the price undercutting. A lot of them congregate in groups in the park adjacent to the Museum and in the closed off area between the Museum and Church in front of Hotel Premier Plaza.

04-23-19, 15:47
Not to have a Colombian girlfriend from the lower stratas, especially one who you know has ever taken money for sex. I have seen this time and time again. For example, I know a girl that I fucked twice a few years back. She has some gringo boyfriend from California and has contacted me more than once offering to see me. I asked about her boyfriend and she offered two reasons why she could see me: 1) "he give me money to cover some expenses, but not for others. So I need money" and 2) I knew you before him so it's OK.

I have heard the second rationale several times. Like knowing me first entitles her to fuck me despite having a boyfriend. It's good for me, but as a gringo I also can't help but being a little ticked about their attitude toward a guy who is trying to help them and may actually care about them.If you're in the mongering game and you're expecting any kind of loyalty, it's time to find a new hobby.

If a girl has a gringo boyfriend sending her money, what makes you think she has only 1? Why should she limit herself? Why shouldn't she be making more on the side? Why shouldn't she be looking for someone who will send her more money? It's her job.

If someone offered to hire you for a job that allowed you to keep your current job, would you accept? If someone offered you a job that pays double, would you accept? If someone offered you a chance to make a week's pay working 1 day of your time off, would you accept? Or should you be loyal to your employer?

Too many guys fall in love with whatever girl tells them "mi amor, tan grande. " If you think it's love, take her to the embassy in Bogota and get a fiance visa, take her to the US and marry her.

I don't care if she has a boyfriend, gringo or Colombian. As long as you're paying she doesn't care if you have a girlfriend or wife.

04-23-19, 15:53
There are two types of personal ID cards for Colombians. For adults, there is a cedula de ciudadania; for minors, there is a tarjeta de identadad. They look similar, but there are major differences if looking at them side by side. I don't recall what the differences are.

In answer to your question, technically, if they have a cedula, they are adults. But cedula translates to identification card, and minors have an identification card.I'll have to dig into my laptop, for some cedula photos, this weekend. The cedula is white with very dark gray lettering. On the front is the photo and the number along with their full name. On the back is the date and place of birth. A Venezuelan cedula has a red band across the top, if I remember correctly. It has the date of birth on the front.

04-23-19, 18:08
Great post, not a big fan of either place. I think Moscow and Mexico are both better destinations, but Colombia is far better then Rio. Rio is just too dangerous, and more expensive then Colombia. I was real disappointed in in Rio, way over rated.Haha, I was going to post just the opposite!

I'm in Brazil for a couple weeks every month.

São Paulo and Rio.

They both rock!

To me they're on a different level, both higher and lower actually, LOL.

The only advantage I see to Colombia for mongering is closer proximity to USA / Canada, etc for travel purposes.

Love them both.

Brazil better IMO.

Don't know what the previous poster experienced in Rio, but damn, not to enjoy Rio.

Whaaaaat?? LOL.

04-23-19, 18:48
Haha, I was going to post just the opposite!

I'm in Brazil for a couple weeks every month.

So Paulo and Rio.

They both rock!

To me they're on a different level, both higher and lower actually, LOL.

Brazil better IMO.

I live in Medellin and spend about 95% of the year in Colombia so I'm interested in checking out Rio for a change of scenery. The flights are only about $400 USD. I've always heard what you expressed about Brazil being on another level.

The Tall Man
04-23-19, 18:51
I've noticed a substantial increase in the number of Vzs over the past few months in El Centro which isn't surprising. It almost seems as there are more of them than the Colombians working the area around the Museum, the Church, and the back streets during the daytime.

My Colombian regulars have told tell me that a lot of the Vzs are going for as low as 15 K and it has caused them a lot of lost business because of the price undercutting. A lot of them congregate in groups in the park adjacent to the Museum and in the closed off area between the Museum and Church in front of Hotel Premier Plaza.True as again last night I was in centro, again hehehehe, with my best Colombian amigo who settled in on a venie, him his venie and my paisa at about 11 PM last night then we went to that motel nearby for 3 hours.

Lets dispel the myth about 15 mil sex with any venie, I wish it was true but this is becoming an urban myth. Believe me as 2 weeks ago I was in Cucuta and searched far and wide for the mythical 10 mil sex with a venie, just not true and truth be told glad it is not true.

The Tall Man.

04-23-19, 19:31
Haha, I was going to post just the opposite!

I'm in Brazil for a couple weeks every month.

So Paulo and Rio.

They both rock!

To me they're on a different level, both higher and lower actually, LOL.

The only advantage I see to Colombia for mongering is closer proximity to USA / Canada, etc for travel purposes.

Love them both.

Brazil better IMO.

Don't know what the previous poster experienced in Rio, but damn, not to enjoy Rio.

Whaaaaat?? LOL.I used to go to Rio regularly, but have not been there is years. I do Costa Rica and MTY. But have been thinking about Columbia. Which is the best city to see on my first trip?? I am fluent in Spanish so that's no issue.

04-23-19, 19:44
Which is the best city to see on my first trip?? Subjective but usually people choose between Cartagena, Bogota, Medellin or Cali. You can read through the various threads to see what might appeal to your particular taste.

Fun Luvr
04-23-19, 20:39
I used to go to Rio regularly, but have not been there is years. I do Costa Rica and MTY. But have been thinking about Columbia. Which is the best city to see on my first trip??If you want hot weather, a beach, and easy to find women (but limited quantity compared to Bogota and Medellin), Cartegena. If you want cool to cold weather with lots of women, Bogota. If you want weather not too hot nor too cold, and plenty of women that you will have to put a little effort into finding, Medellin. You will get more for your money in Medellin with women, food, and lodging.

I am curious why you gave up Rio. Was it the distance? I've never been there, but if it is as good as many people say, I can't imagine anyone using Costa Rica as a substitute.

04-23-19, 21:08
True as again last night I was in centro, again hehehehe, with my best Colombian amigo who settled in on a venie, him his venie and my paisa at about 11 PM last night then we went to that motel nearby for 3 hours.

Lets dispel the myth about 15 mil sex with any venie, I wish it was true but this is becoming an urban myth. Believe me as 2 weeks ago I was in Cucuta and searched far and wide for the mythical 10 mil sex with a venie, just not true and truth be told glad it is not true.

The Tall Man.It's not a myth about the 15 mil sex. Three of my Colombian regulars have confirmed this. However, I have no idea what these Vzs look like. I do know for a fact that the going rate for the Colombians can be as low as 20 K as I have been quoted this price by several of them, however they were not hotties.

The Vzs are desperate in my opinion, and I can easily see them dropping their prices, especially the very plain ones to make money. Additionally, a Colombian should easily do better than a foreigner when it comes to pricing with them. So with that being said it might be very difficult for a foreigner to get a Vzs for 15 K. My experience with the Vzs in El Centro has been mixed. The nicer ones have quoted me 30 K which is the going rate for a nice Colombian on the streets. However a few quoted me 50 K and I just laughed at them and told them good luck.

04-23-19, 22:02
Haha, I was going to post just the opposite!

I'm in Brazil for a couple weeks every month.

So Paulo and Rio.

They both rock!

To me they're on a different level, both higher and lower actually, LOL.

The only advantage I see to Colombia for mongering is closer proximity to USA / Canada, etc for travel purposes.

Love them both.

Brazil better IMO.

Don't know what the previous poster experienced in Rio, but damn, not to enjoy Rio.

Whaaaaat?? LOL.Sorry, respectably disagree. Both Mexico and Colombia are way better then Rio for me, Russia / Parts of Europe, blow both of them away. I am sure S. P. Is much more my style, but I have no desire to go ever back to Brazil major let down. I will leave out the details, but not for me.

Hasideas Tao
04-23-19, 22:10
The reality is I'm not going to give out numbers. These girls are my friends. Poblado is a unique part of medellin. Personally, I find richer experiences in local's spots. You guys need to explore.

04-23-19, 22:14
Today is El Dia Sin Carro in Medellin. It's an annual event due to the extreme level of air pollution. I first found out through an email from Uber. The fine if caught driving your vehicle today is about $130 USD. There are some exceptions. Anyway, the streets are nice and quiet today and it almost feels like a Sunday. For those trying to get an Uber today, good luck!

04-23-19, 22:15
The reality is I'm not going to give out numbers. These girls are my friends. Poblado is a unique part of medellin. Personally, I find richer experiences in local's spots. You guys need to explore.Good to hear about Poblado. That's where I'm staying. I'm looking for more like TLN / repeat / non pros than I am spa girls. So Poblado I think will be nice for this.

04-23-19, 22:23
You will get more for your money in Medellin with womenPeople have been posting good reports for Bogota with good prices and talk of an influx of Venezolanas. I haven't been to Bogota but have lived in Medellin for a few years. Just curious why you think "you will get more for your money in Medellin with women."

Mr Enternational
04-23-19, 22:35
I am curious why you gave up Rio. Was it the distance? I've never been there, but if it is as good as many people say, I can't imagine anyone using Costa Rica as a substitute.There are many different types of mongers. Many of the Rio mongers were the same as the Sosua mongers. They could be on one block (Meia Pataca and Help - I remember getting on a flight and seeing a guy with more gold on than Mr. T. I told him not to go down to Rio with all of that jewelry. He said that is okay, I am going no further than Help.) and there would be as many chicks as they could handle for the rest of their lives. It was all point and click for them. I was giving chicks $25 for all night back then. When Help Disco closed, that area dried up for that style of mongering.

Now the only place like that is Mab's at the other end of the beach and it is an old shell of how it was before. You can only find a hand full of chicks (some decent, most below decent) there late at night and many want too much money. The type of monger that learned how to speak Portuguese and/or had already ventured out to the places downtown or had learned to dig chicks up on the websites are still holding strong.

Same thing with Medellin. Many mongers on this thread do not leave the Parque Lleras area of Poblado. If something happened and no more hookers could or would come to Poblado, many would just not go anymore, instead of learning Spanish, the ropes downtown, or other ways to find chicks. In short, when the point and click goes away, so do many of the mongers.

Costa Rica has the Del Rey Hotel which is point and click. It also has Jaco. But I would not be caught dead paying those prices. Besides, many of the chicks are from different countries like DR and Colombia, and you know they did not travel to a different country to charge LESS money. I would rather go to the downtown casas that the locals go to. Same thing in Medellin. You got guys doing the gringo thing (Facebook and Gustos) and paying 5 to 10 times the price or guys going to the cheaper local spots and fucking the same girls for way less. It is all according to your style of mongering.

04-23-19, 23:03
Costa Rica has the Del Rey Hotel which is point and click. It also has Jaco. I would rather go to the downtown casas that the locals go to. I knew a guy that lived in San Jose and he showed me a lot of the local spots throughout the city. I had some epic sessions and memorable experiences in those places off the beaten path. Haven't been to San Jose in years but I would definitely hit those spots again if I go back. The gulch was always decent but I wouldn't do Jaco again.

04-24-19, 00:46
I live in Medellin and spend about 95% of the year in Colombia so I'm interested in checking out Rio for a change of scenery. The flights are only about $400 USD. I've always heard what you expressed about Brazil being on another level.I really enjoy the Brasileira.

Maybe because I'm there so much, I've built quite the stable of "girlfriends".

São Paulo has the low and high end CLínicas / prives, similar to casas in Medellin.

Also plenty of low to high end nighttime clubs for mongering activity.

Rio has the beach obviously, the layed back atmosphere.

Between the daytime CLínicas / prives, termas, and low end areas, I keep very busy and happy.

Love Colombia too!

Heading to Medellin this weekend.

Brasil is my numero uno, Colombia as we all know, Rocks as well!

04-24-19, 12:14
If you want hot weather, a beach, and easy to find women (but limited quantity compared to Bogota and Medellin), Cartegena. If you want cool to cold weather with lots of women, Bogota. If you want weather not too hot nor too cold, and plenty of women that you will have to put a little effort into finding, Medellin. You will get more for your money in Medellin with women, food, and lodging.

I am curious why you gave up Rio. Was it the distance? I've never been there, but if it is as good as many people say, I can't imagine anyone using Costa Rica as a substitute.Thanks for the info. I live in Hoston and the flight was long (8-9 hrs) and the airfare was getting really expensive. With the closing of Help disco, it kind of made me decide to take a break from Rio. I started going to Costa Rica, it was closer (3. 5 hrs) and cheaper. I saw a lot of ladies and did have a good time, but now I am bored and might be looking at Colombia. I like Monterrey, but the airfare can get expensive (1 HR flight). Funny thing, while I was waiting for a flight from San Jose I was on a gate next to a flight going to Bogota. Wow I saw nothing but beautiful women! I will be looking at a trip to Colombia soon.

Hasideas Tao
04-24-19, 13:07
I have had a lot of good times in Poblado. With girls and guys who I consider my friends. The key point being the best times were with people who I was able to build rapport, trust and respect. Those when rapport seemed to come much faster and easier than others. We all know a complicated interracion within the first minutes of meeting someone. That is your signal to excuse yourself and move on. Oh....and that taught me better spanish LOL which gives me the advantage of surviing in other parts of the city I consider less touristy. Almost every barrio hasa square with a church. These are great places to go, have a coffee and people watch. Paisas are extremely friendly and often initiate first contact beause they are curious about foreigners. I guess when you get past the first impressions, its not about money.

Same thing with Medellin. Many mongers on this thread do not leave the Parque Lleras area of Poblado. If something happened and no more hookers could or would come to Poblado, many would just not go anymore, instead of learning Spanish, the ropes downtown, or other ways to find chicks. In short, when the point and click goes away, so do many of the mongers.

Hasideas Tao
04-24-19, 15:09
I wanted to edit my previous post but I waited more than 60 minutes to do so while I left the page open so I was unable to do so. So here it is...

I have had a lot of good times in Poblado. With girls and guys who I consider my friends. A lot of people have their agenda. Recently having met some great peopl and restarting with some from the past, I want my key point to be the best moments were and are with people who I was able to build rapport, trust and respect. It could be in any part of Medellin. However, I'm not perfect either. Selfish? In reference to you guys here, I have often felt I was responsable for making what could be a boring time a GREAT time because of my help with translations, knowledge of the city new places, good food and attempts at avoiding problems, crowds, rip offs scams etc. And therefore felt underappreciated because a friend invited me out on their vacation. But ends up being a lot more expesive than I would normally do. So I guess "invite" is a grey area and since I am really uncomfortable and awkaward about asking someone to pay for my stuff I feel a little screwed. LOL. But because they invited me and we have good rapport I say yes when I should have said no or maybe, "I don't have the money for that right now. " I hope remembering to say this will help things go better for me financially in the future.

Anyway. Those people with whom rapport seemed to come much faster and easier than others. Sometimes even instantly! Even though this board is about hooking up, having good times with good people are the situations and memories we try to create. We all know a complicated interracion within the first minutes. That is your signal to excuse yourself and move on. I guess if you can get past the first impressions, its not about money. Oh. And being in the middle, has also helped me learn better spanish LOL which gives me the advantage of confidence in other parts of the city I consider less touristy.

Even though I know A LOT of what is said in this forum is B. S. , projections of what we imagine, hot air, people making provocations, and a lot of guys pretending to be someone else. I must remind myself because I FORGET that the subject matter is sensitive. I know most of the time I come here I am in alterred states and at times didn't even remember what I wrote, probably stressed out, tired or buzzed. For a long time, what started as just a distraction at home feeling lonely, has become an avenue to vent my own personal frustrations and simply to change my focus from other pressing real life issues as I am sure many others do. I get private messages and I respond with what I think people want to hear. Its a faceless community and it seems like more or less the same things get repeated and I just get desensitized because I want to think whoever is writing to me, I probably will never meet and they are just amped to go on vacation and the details arent really too important so I just say whatever even though my personal choices are different.

Going forward, I know what is right and wrong and not simply what is convenient. Even though this forum is for sharing information and entertainment I have said things without thought that when looking back, I personally think have crossed some lines. Some of which I wish I could edit, correct or even take them back. Sooooo getting back on track with some actual useful information, let me recommend the Spanish language program, The Pimsler Approach, once again! I used to listen to those discs in my car. They are conversational and situational lessons. I had them memorized! (One of the best tools in my learning process of Spanish). Furthermore, as most people know but may not think about is that almost every barrio has a square with a church. These are great places to go, have a coffee and people watch. Floresta for example is a nice part of the city, not too out of the way and always has something going on in the park. Families, kids, dogs horse rides, and an interesting variety of foods and restaurants. Arepas stuffed with everything, burgers and hot dogs, fresh healthy juices for 2 - 3 mil that you would pay $7 in the states, You may be surprised. Paisas are extremely friendly and often initiate first contact beause they are curious about foreigners and they don't care if your Spanish is terrible. LOL Just as long as you seem relaxed.

The Tall Man
04-24-19, 15:47
There are many different types of mongers. Many of the Rio mongers were the same as the Sosua mongers. They could be on one block (Meia Pataca and Help - I remember getting on a flight and seeing a guy with more gold on than Mr. T. I told him not to go down to Rio with all of that jewelry. He said that is okay, I am going no further than Help.) and there would be as many chicks as they could handle for the rest of their lives. It was all point and click for them. I was giving chicks $25 for all night back then. When Help Disco closed, that area dried up for that style of mongering.

Now the only place like that is Mab's at the other end of the beach and it is an old shell of how it was before. You can only find a hand full of chicks (some decent, most below decent) there late at night and many want too much money. The type of monger that learned how to speak Portuguese and/or had already ventured out to the places downtown or had learned to dig chicks up on the websites are still holding strong.

Same thing with Medellin. Many mongers on this thread do not leave the Parque Lleras area of Poblado. If something happened and no more hookers could or would come to Poblado, many would just not go anymore, instead of learning Spanish, the ropes downtown, or other ways to find chicks. In short, when the point and click goes away, so do many of the mongers.

Costa Rica has the Del Rey Hotel which is point and click. It also has Jaco. But I would not be caught dead paying those prices. Besides, many of the chicks are from different countries like DR and Colombia, and you know they did not travel to a different country to charge LESS money. I would rather go to the downtown casas that the locals go to. Same thing in Medellin. You got guys doing the gringo thing (Facebook and Gustos) and paying 5 to 10 times the price or guys going to the cheaper local spots and fucking the same girls for way less. It is all according to your style of mongering.Just the mention of HELP in Rio and my heart starts beating faster, and my 2 visits to SP and Rio were back in 2000 yep 19 years ago. The memories will be with me till the day I am on the other side of the ground.

Must agree that if not for Poblado and Park Lleras 90% of the mongers would never come, sad but to each his own. I only go to Poblado when a friend pushes me there for a meal or have a drink.

Same with the high end men's clubs, I never go BUT last night a Colombian amigo wanted to check out Fase Dos, so paid the 10 mil and went inside for an hour with him, this was my first return in about a year or more, and guess what I counted about 100 total hombres and 85 were gringos, and the plastic chicas were, I should say are, simply gross to me and an insult to my taste, no thank you. Well good I don't have to re-visit this shit hole for another year or two. Again IMHO.

I have the same opine for Gustos and the FB chicas, no thanks, just over priced pussy, listen in, in decades past the tall man was married to a russian model so I don't need absolute beauty (perfectly symmetrical face) but rather the girl next door type which there are hordes of them here in Colombia that fit that bill perfectly.

The Tall Man.

The Tall Man
04-24-19, 15:55
It's not a myth about the 15 mil sex. Three of my Colombian regulars have confirmed this. However, I have no idea what these Vzs look like. I do know for a fact that the going rate for the Colombians can be as low as 20 K as I have been quoted this price by several of them, however they were not hotties.

The Vzs are desperate in my opinion, and I can easily see them dropping their prices, especially the very plain ones to make money. Additionally, a Colombian should easily do better than a foreigner when it comes to pricing with them. So with that being said it might be very difficult for a foreigner to get a Vzs for 15 K. My experience with the Vzs in El Centro has been mixed. The nicer ones have quoted me 30 K which is the going rate for a nice Colombian on the streets. However a few quoted me 50 K and I just laughed at them and told them good luck.Other than an exception of the glue sniffing shanks in centro who need 10 or 15 mil for a another hit of glue this is a MYTH.

A month ago I was in Cucuta and I heard the same from a Colombian part time street hooker, that you can get full sex at Park Mercedes in centro Cucuta for 5 MIL, yes 5 MIL, so I task her to show me, my god I would not stick your dick in that pussy and it was not 5 mil but rather 20 mil and not a peso less.

Yes the venies are desperate but within reason.

The Tall Man.

04-24-19, 17:40
Other than an exception of the glue sniffing shanks in centro who need 10 or 15 mil for a another hit of glue this is a MYTH.

A month ago I was in Cucuta and I heard the same from a Colombian part time street hooker, that you can get full sex at Park Mercedes in centro Cucuta for 5 MIL, yes 5 MIL, so I task her to show me, my god I would not stick your dick in that pussy and it was not 5 mil but rather 20 mil and not a peso less.

Yes the venies are desperate but within reason.

The Tall Man.I don't know how you can compare Cucuta to Medellin in regards to street pricing for Vzs. I have been in El Centro every day usually twice a day for the past month and have encountered and observed the following. I have seen on three different occasions a very fat hooker on the street beside the church yelling out full service sex for 10 K. I would not get near here with a ten foot pole. Lots of sacaleros (glue sniffers) will go for just about anything because there so high they don't know which way is up. Yesterday I interviewed a cute little thing but when I got close up, the stench of the glue was to much so I bailed. Lots and lots of plain jane girls go for 20 K in El Centro. That's the price usually quoted to the locals for the plain janes with the pricing going up to 30 K for the prettier ones. Believe it or not, the Colombians are being undercut by the Vzs in Medellin as I have been told by my regulars and they are pissed off about it as it is hurting their survival. These are regulars I have known for over a year, so it's not something I heard from one individual once. So if a local can get a Colombian for 20 K, and I can get that price, why is it so hard to believe that a Vz would go for less. The Vzs are all over Medellin literally begging for money. They are up and down Calle 10 in Poblado, at Metro Stations, in front of EXITO's, and in parks with signs begging and its very sad. I'm sure there are some other vets with EL Centro experience which can confirm what I am saying.

Hasideas Tao
04-24-19, 19:49
You might be right. I've had guys stay with me but every one has been someone I already met before on the plane, friends of friends...all different ways. I mean, sharing your home isn't for everyone. But I've been told I have a very cooperative personaly. But its still good to know the guy is cool. Agreable, not into anything too crazy and we are going to get along. One friend who stayed with me a few times, he has a novia that comes every day and sometimes cooks for all of us! Awesome! I have had other amigas say they will come and cook and clean for me whenever I want. LOL I tell, them I already have a cleaning lady. And they say, but let me do it and pay me what you pay her I need the money. Lately I have been saying more and more often, "I used to go out a lot but now I have a great place, great friends and I prefer to avoid the crowds, the prices, the commotion, the stress. Its cool to go out once in a while, but most of the time I like to invite people to my house because number one, I enjoy to cook! And number 2 I just find it much more comfortable.

Just the mention of HELP in Rio and my heart starts beating faster, and my 2 visits to SP and Rio were back in 2000 yep 19 years ago. The memories will be with me till the day I am on the other side of the ground.

Must agree that if not for Poblado and Park Lleras 90% of the mongers would never come, sad but to each his own. I only go to Poblado when a friend pushes me there for a meal or have a drink.

Same with the high end men's clubs, I never go BUT last night a Colombian amigo wanted to check out Fase Dos, so paid the 10 mil and went inside for an hour with him, this was my first return in about a year or more, and guess what I counted about 100 total hombres and 85 were gringos, and the plastic chicas were, I should say are, simply gross to me and an insult to my taste, no thank you. Well good I don't have to re-visit this shit hole for another year or two. Again IMHO.

I have the same opine for Gustos and the FB chicas, no thanks, just over priced pussy, listen in, in decades past the tall man was married to a russian model so I don't need absolute beauty (perfectly symmetrical face) but rather the girl next door type which there are hordes of them here in Colombia that fit that bill perfectly.

The Tall Man.

04-24-19, 19:56
Thanks for the info. I live in Hoston and the flight was long (8-9 hrs) and the airfare was getting really expensive. With the closing of Help disco, it kind of made me decide to take a break from Rio. I started going to Costa Rica, it was closer (3. 5 hrs) and cheaper. I saw a lot of ladies and did have a good time, but now I am bored and might be looking at Colombia. I like Monterrey, but the airfare can get expensive (1 HR flight). Funny thing, while I was waiting for a flight from San Jose I was on a gate next to a flight going to Bogota. Wow I saw nothing but beautiful women! I will be looking at a trip to Colombia soon.Funny you say that. When I first started mongering I went to Costa Rica. Jaco and San José to be exact. In Jaco almost all the providers were Colombianas. All hot and sexy. When I started asking what part of Colombia they were from. They all said Medellin. Mmmm. I was like let me go to the source. Later that year I took my first trip to Medellin. Back when the Casas were charging 30 k. Most of the casas had 8 - 10 stunners. Now how times have changed.

04-24-19, 21:47
Back when the Casas were charging 30 k. Most of the casas had 8 - 10 stunners. Now how times have changed.The good old days before chicas had the option to make 100 times more online and in Lleras LOL.

04-24-19, 23:37
I don't know how you can compare Cucuta to Medellin in regards to street pricing for Vzs. I have been in El Centro every day usually twice a day for the past month and have encountered and observed the following. I have seen on three different occasions a very fat hooker on the street beside the church yelling out full service sex for 10 K. I would not get near here with a ten foot pole. Lots of sacaleros (glue sniffers) will go for just about anything because there so high they don't know which way is up. Yesterday I interviewed a cute little thing but when I got close up, the stench of the glue was to much so I bailed. Lots and lots of plain jane girls go for 20 K in El Centro. That's the price usually quoted to the locals for the plain janes with the pricing going up to 30 K for the prettier ones. Believe it or not, the Colombians are being undercut by the Vzs in Medellin as I have been told by my regulars and they are pissed off about it as it is hurting their survival. These are regulars I have known for over a year, so it's not something I heard from one individual once. So if a local can get a Colombian for 20 K, and I can get that price, why is it so hard to believe that a Vz would go for less. The Vzs are all over Medellin literally begging for money. They are up and down Calle 10 in Poblado, at Metro Stations, in front of EXITO's, and in parks with signs begging and its very sad. I'm sure there are some other vets with EL Centro experience which can confirm what I am saying.And they work in groups. There are some very pretty ones in the parque.

Botero and if you like them dark, tall, and with braids, you can't miss this group. The more time I spent in the park and near the church, the prices got cheaper and cheaper. So yes I believe the Vz are causing a down price in Centro! I will return at the end of May, but Bogota gets most of my time next trip. I like what I saw in Santa Fe! Pollo negro is out!

04-25-19, 03:20
Funny you say that. When I first started mongering I went to Costa Rica. Jaco and San Jos to be exact. In Jaco almost all the providers were Colombianas. All hot and sexy. When I started asking what part of Colombia they were from. They all said Medellin. Mmmm. I was like let me go to the source. Later that year I took my first trip to Medellin. Back when the Casas were charging 30 k. Most of the casas had 8 - 10 stunners. Now how times have changed.Funny you say that. Although it was not when I first started mongering, that was many moons ago in Germany but when I first started going to central and south america, I went to San Jose first. Second trip I went to San Jose and Jaco and I was hooked. Same as you, me and my wingman spent all our time chasing and searching for Colombian girls, as they were the most GFE and best looking.

As the gulch became gringo-ized and Jaco prices went crazy, we started to look at our options. The entire monger scene there got Americanized, the transport, the tourism and the mongering all became inflated and generic. You are hard pressed to find any GFE in Jaco these days. There some jems if you work for it but for the most part, the entire scene is mechanical.

So duh, lets go to the source. Found out flights are the same or cheaper than CR. The lodging is cheaper, the transportation in country is cheaper and the mongering is 100 X better. GFE a plenty, non pros and college girls are off the chain and some of the most sexy women I have ever seen and I have traveled extensively. I find Colombian women on the whole but to be straight shooters and honest people in their hearts. There are always a bad apple but it certainly has not contaminated the bushel as far as I am concerned. Maybe I just been lucky.

I'm still a sucker for eastern European blondes but the light skinned women of Colombia give me a raging hard on.

I am going to trade up and marry one some day, I just know it.

04-25-19, 04:16
Thanks for the info. I live in Hoston and the flight was long (8-9 hrs) and the airfare was getting really expensive. With the closing of Help disco, it kind of made me decide to take a break from Rio. I started going to Costa Rica, it was closer (3. 5 hrs) and cheaper. I saw a lot of ladies and did have a good time, but now I am bored and might be looking at Colombia. I like Monterrey, but the airfare can get expensive (1 HR flight). Funny thing, while I was waiting for a flight from San Jose I was on a gate next to a flight going to Bogota. Wow I saw nothing but beautiful women! I will be looking at a trip to Colombia soon.Wow, I can definitely relate. Flying out of Houston to Mexico is so expensive, now. I also live here, hate the city, but love the money. I just work here, play golf, I do not go out at all in Houston anymore. I save my money go away to party and bang girls, good life. Work hard, play harder. I would also be spending more time in MTY or GDL, but I will not spend $800, (for 1 hour flight) to fly there, this is just insane. In the winter I could fly to Moscow cheaper then I could fly to Mexico or Colombia. You can still fly fairly to cheap to LA or San Diego, the, go to Tijuana.

As I mentioned I did not like Rio at all, Col. Is much better, but I can not handle how jealous the girls get, bad food, and the rain. I love Moscow, Mexico and Europe for girls, also I am not into big or fake asses, so that is another reason I am not into either Rio or Col. Not sure I would like Costa Rica, I am afraid I would run into a lot of people from Houston and honestly I try to avoid them.

Nice report, good luck.

04-25-19, 04:30
You mean Panama City and Costa Rica where they all get trafficked to.Not what I meant at all. CR, for instance, has always been a drop in the bucket relative to Colombia. Meanwhile, Lleras/Poblado and online have grown exponentially. From what I understand, the Del Rey has fallen off. Perhaps this is partly because the girls can make more money here locally than b4 if they hit the online and Poblado mongers from places like the USA.

04-25-19, 06:07
Funny you say that. When I first started mongering I went to Costa Rica. Jaco and San Jos to be exact. In Jaco almost all the providers were Colombianas. All hot and sexy. When I started asking what part of Colombia they were from. They all said Medellin. Mmmm. I was like let me go to the source. Later that year I took my first trip to Medellin. Back when the Casas were charging 30 k. Most of the casas had 8 - 10 stunners. Now how times have changed.Back in '07 I posted on this Forum for the first time with basically the same story. A fellow monger, "Lost in Paradise", posted in the Costa Rica Forum about how Great Colombia is, he was right. I've since been back to Medellin a handful of times, having the best of times, posting when I thought I had something to add. I'll be back in Nov. Or Dec.

Although I still love Medellin, I wonder where the next Medellin is. I was hoping that Cucuta was it but it just doesn't seem like it.

04-25-19, 07:14
Funny you say that. When I first started mongering I went to Costa Rica. Jaco and San Jos to be exact. In Jaco almost all the providers were Colombianas. All hot and sexy. When I started asking what part of Colombia they were from. They all said Medellin. Mmmm. I was like let me go to the source. Later that year I took my first trip to Medellin. Back when the Casas were charging 30 k. Most of the casas had 8 - 10 stunners. Now how times have changed.Dunno what year that was, but if you allow for inflation, not much has changed.

04-25-19, 09:18
Dunno what year that was, but if you allow for inflation, not much has changed.True that. But the quality was so much better back then. Now you go to the Centro casas you got 4-7's and with attitudes. LOL.

04-25-19, 14:16
Fellow mongers,

I just returned from my third trip to Panama City. Part business and part mongering. I find that there is extraordinary talent in many places in the City (Habanos, Ocean Sun casino, etc). However, I'm considering a trip to either Medellin, Cali or Bogata to check out the scene. Any advice? Any preference of cities for most efficient mongering and best talent? Thanks in advance.

04-25-19, 14:40
Then you have the ones that are all surgeried up that you can tell were not planning to be anyone's nanny!I've friended a lot of hookers over the years, including a valedictorian of a university, and every one had qualities that gravitated them to sex work.

The Tall Man
04-25-19, 15:29
I don't know how you can compare Cucuta to Medellin in regards to street pricing for Vzs. I have been in El Centro every day usually twice a day for the past month and have encountered and observed the following. I have seen on three different occasions a very fat hooker on the street beside the church yelling out full service sex for 10 K. I would not get near here with a ten foot pole. Lots of sacaleros (glue sniffers) will go for just about anything because there so high they don't know which way is up. Yesterday I interviewed a cute little thing but when I got close up, the stench of the glue was to much so I bailed. Lots and lots of plain jane girls go for 20 K in El Centro. That's the price usually quoted to the locals for the plain janes with the pricing going up to 30 K for the prettier ones. Believe it or not, the Colombians are being undercut by the Vzs in Medellin as I have been told by my regulars and they are pissed off about it as it is hurting their survival. These are regulars I have known for over a year, so it's not something I heard from one individual once. So if a local can get a Colombian for 20 K, and I can get that price, why is it so hard to believe that a Vz would go for less. The Vzs are all over Medellin literally begging for money. They are up and down Calle 10 in Poblado, at Metro Stations, in front of EXITO's, and in parks with signs begging and its very sad. I'm sure there are some other vets with EL Centro experience which can confirm what I am saying.I can't disagree with anything you said, all true.

I say this as I sit in my apartment this morning with 2 chicas in my apartment in the bedrooms that my amigo and I picked up from el centro last night, one is a venie and the other a costena, the castena chica is my girl and the venie is my buddies, we know both girls really well, all 3 of them are still asleep, we typically give about 80 to 130 mil for the night, plus we are both really cool guys and also had something to eat last night and some smokes and drinks.

Yes I do believe and know for a certainty that the venies are creating a big problem for the market, but within reason as I have yet to find a venie (Vz chica) who is fresh and cute and willing to have sex for 15 mil, this is just not out there or what I heard when I was in Cucuta a few weeks ago which is "the venies are selling sex in park mercedes for 5 mil", again not so.

All is good, life goes on.

The Tall Man.

04-25-19, 16:18
I can't disagree with anything you said, all true.

I say this as I sit in my apartment this morning with 2 chicas in my apartment in the bedrooms that my amigo and I picked up from el centro last night, one is a venie and the other a costena, the castena chica is my girl and the venie is my buddies, we know both girls really well, all 3 of them are still asleep, we typically give about 80 to 130 mil for the night, plus we are both really cool guys and also had something to eat last night and some smokes and drinks.

Yes I do believe and know for a certainty that the venies are creating a big problem for the market, but within reason as I have yet to find a venie (Vz chica) who is fresh and cute and willing to have sex for 15 mil, this is just not out there or what I heard when I was in Cucuta a few weeks ago which is "the venies are selling sex in park mercedes for 5 mil", again not so.

All is good, life goes on.

The Tall Man.I concur with you Tall Man, the cute Vz Chicas will not go for 15 K as they know they can get more than the plain jane Chicas on the streets. There are so many Vzs out there right now. Every day I see more and more of them in El Centro and they outnumber the Colombians in the Park opposite the Museum. They also all congregate in groups of two to six girls. So many of them, yet many very pudgy, etc. I will not approach a girl in a group as I do not want their friends to hear what's being said. I'm always on the lookout for loners in El Centro. Another thing I have noticed is that the Vz Spanish is easier to understand than the Colombian Spanish. Some of them are very well educated which can be refreshing compared to some of the Colombians.

Stay safe and fly under the radar in El Centro, a definite playground for some for us!

04-25-19, 16:47
I agree with Tall Man here- They know and they are no saints at all. They are greedy and careless! I have met so many that I can say that 50-75% would happily take all of your money and leave you to die and being completely indifferent what happens to you! That is reality. They a choice; to work hard for little money in Medellin in a common service job earning less than a million pesos a month working +55 hs / week, or make a lot of money in dollar-economies like Panama, Aruba, St Marteen, Bahamas Islands. Etc. I was friend with a girl who was awesome and started as prepago the day she turned 18 and quickly moved to St Marteen and has been making a small fortune since, also supporting her family in Medellin. They don't care about moral, they are like us. We happily pay for sex and they happily get paid.

Member #2001
04-25-19, 19:54
As a side note, many people, locals, expats, and foreigners all say that colombian spanish it the easiest to listen to, speak, and learn from. There are many europeans and gringos that come to Colombia for that reason. Yes, their motivation is to learn spanish properly. And many of them are in Medellin.

Just my 2 centavos.