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06-02-19, 13:12
My biggest problem by far with the place is the climate. Every year the goes by I tolerate cold weather less. I always look for something positive so I can report that, compared to Medellin, Bogota has more quantity and variety overall.I didn't personally find the cold there so bad, however the City is very congested and hard to get around anywhere because they don't have a Metro system which I use in MDE every day.

As far as Bogota's Santa Fe red light district I personally did not like it, not much of a street scene, just lots of bars and hotels with girls in front and there were no parks or other areas immediately nearby this area to go to.

I think for the typical board member they will find that in MDE there are venues relatively close and easy to get to versus in Bogota it's hard to travel around the City and time consuming, at least that was my experience there. I agree with you that the quantity of venues available and the variety is probably at least five fold as MDE.

06-02-19, 13:36
Over the past several months, and especially the past two months, I have noticed a huge increase of Venezuelans hanging out between the area of the Veracruz Church and the Museum and the park in front of the Museum. It's like they have taken over the area and are squeezing the Colombians out. They typically hang out in groups of two or more girls versus the Colombians, and the majority of these girls are physically disgusting being grossly overweight and ugly. There are a few doable ones around, but I find the variety of the Colombians much more appealing.

I am curious as to other board members observations who frequent El Centro.

06-02-19, 14:17
Probably the cheapest would be to go to centro and hire a streetwalker for 100 k / peso a day. That is 8 hrs just tell them no sex and you want to practice spanish all day, a lot of them would do it and would probably find it refreshing. But I guess that depends on your level of spanish, if you are a beginning a lot of the basic grammar and vocab can be learned out of a book but the value of the tutor comes in when you try to use the language and practice speaking and listening. If you can find a venezuelan they might actually speak a more standard spanish than the colombian streetwalkers because they tend to be more educated than colombian hood rats. At $30/8 hrs this is the cheapest language school you can find.I hope you are joking.

I moved to Medellin exactly a month ago and knew only basic Spanish. I enrolled in one of the better schools and have come a long way in 3 weeks.

Everyone learns languages differently and there is no universal best way to learn. Some can learn easily and pick things up from listening to conversations, music, television, studying online, etc. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum and have great difficulty with learning languages.

In any event, I don't recommend a school in Medellin. While my school, Colombia Immersion Spanish School (in Laureles and Envigado) was excellent, the cost is way too much. The schools seemed to be priced similarly and there are many. There are also dozens and dozens of private tutors, most of whom cost significantly less. I am starting with a tutor tomorrow and saving 30% from what I paid for school. The caveat with tutors though is that one has to be careful who they hire. Some people advertise themselves as tutors simply because they're bilingual.

06-02-19, 14:36
Can anyone suggest intensive language schools in Medellin. I just want to talk to my chicas between the leches. Jajaja.Buy Pimsleur. Use your tuition money to chat up hookers and don't waste your time closed up in a classroom.

06-02-19, 14:44
I hope you are joking.

I moved to Medellin exactly a month ago and knew only basic Spanish. I enrolled in one of the better schools and have come a long way in 3 weeks.

Everyone learns languages differently and there is no universal best way to learn. Some can learn easily and pick things up from listening to conversations, music, television, studying online, etc. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum and have great difficulty with learning languages.

In any event, I don't recommend a school in Medellin. While my school, Colombia Immersion Spanish School (in Laureles and Envigado) was excellent, the cost is way too much. The schools seemed to be priced similarly and there are many. There are also dozens and dozens of private tutors, most of whom cost significantly less. I am starting with a tutor tomorrow and saving 30% from what I paid for school. The caveat with tutors though is that one has to be careful who they hire. Some people advertise themselves as tutors simply because they're bilingual.Where do you find private tutors at? I did see a couple on tinder saying that taught Spanish. Last time I went to Medellin I went to Toucan Spanish school and learned a good amount in 2 weeks of private lessons.

06-02-19, 15:49
IThere are also dozens and dozens of private tutors, most of whom cost significantly less. I am starting with a tutor tomorrow and saving 30% from what I paid for school. Would you tell us how much do you pay? I was quoted US $20/ HR. I have used a tutor from Spain who speaks many languages and it costs less than that.

06-02-19, 16:02
Where do you find private tutors at? I did see a couple on tinder saying that taught Spanish. Last time I went to Medellin I went to Toucan Spanish school and learned a good amount in 2 weeks of private lessons.Join some Medellin expat groups on Facebook--I see people offering tutor lessons on them all the time. Alternatively you can look here: https://www.catalystweekly.com/category/language/private-spanish-tutor/ A private tutor I tried a few times charged 35,000 an hour (minimum 2 hours). She was decent but her lessons seemed more geared towards if I was trying to pass a formal written exam when all I wanted was to get better at conversation. I was progressing better just talking regularly with chicas. You're paying them anyway--might as well get a Spanish lesson from them to boot!

Mr Enternational
06-02-19, 16:09
Can anyone suggest intensive language schools in Medellin. I just want to talk to my chicas between the leches. Jajaja.You don't need any stinkin languange schools. Just hop on ebay and buy some used Pimsleur CDs. The big set with the levels, not the tourist starter CD. Add a Barron's 501 Spanish Verbs to that as well and a large English/Spanish dictionary. Then hop on Amazon and buy a used 1st level Spanish textbook for the low low. Make sure you buy some index cards too so that you can make flash cards. Listen to Lesson 1 of Pimsleur for 2 days in a row and do the first lesson of the textbook making out flash cards. I think the Pimsleur lessons are like 28 minutes. So teaching yourself should take maybe 1h15 m out of your day. Chat to some broads online. You will have it in no time.

P. S. I was a high school French teacher and have taught myself 3 other languages this way.

Charm City Dave
06-02-19, 16:24
You don't need any stinkin languange schools. Just hop on ebay and buy some used Pimsleur CDs. The big set with the levels, not the tourist starter CD. Add a Barron's 501 Spanish Verbs to that as well and a large English/Spanish dictionary. Then hop on Amazon and buy a used 1st level Spanish textbook for the low low. Make sure you buy some index cards too so that you can make flash cards. Listen to Lesson 1 of Pimsleur for 2 days in a row and do the first lesson of the textbook making out flash cards. I think the Pimsleur lessons are like 28 minutes. So teaching yourself should take maybe 1h15 m out of your day. Chat to some broads online. You will have it in no time.

P. S. I was a high school French teacher and have taught myself 3 other languages this way.Years ago I got a download of like 50 different pimsleur language courses online from bit-torrent. Doubt I'm ever going to use the Swahili. Languages come easier to some than others and I'm one of those who struggle with it. Years ago I in my Brazil days I used the Portuguese. Now Pimsleur has gotten me functional in Spanish. Google translate certainly is a life saver when I come up short. I'm thinking about starting the Indonesian as I spend a few months every year in Jakarta. My problem is my brain has two language compartments. One for English and one for all other languages. Whatever bits of other languages I have tend to combine. When I was in Chile, locals thought I was Brazilian as my Spanish (at that time) was infected with my Portuguese.

06-02-19, 16:54
I agree Pimsleur Spanish and Portuguese are excellent!

You don't need any stinkin languange schools. Just hop on ebay and buy some used Pimsleur CDs. The big set with the levels, not the tourist starter CD. Add a Barron's 501 Spanish Verbs to that as well and a large English/Spanish dictionary. Then hop on Amazon and buy a used 1st level Spanish textbook for the low low. Make sure you buy some index cards too so that you can make flash cards. Listen to Lesson 1 of Pimsleur for 2 days in a row and do the first lesson of the textbook making out flash cards. I think the Pimsleur lessons are like 28 minutes. So teaching yourself should take maybe 1h15 m out of your day. Chat to some broads online. You will have it in no time.

P. S. I was a high school French teacher and have taught myself 3 other languages this way.

06-02-19, 16:55
You don't need any stinkin languange schools. Just hop on ebay and buy some used Pimsleur CDs. The big set with the levels, not the tourist starter CD. Add a Barron's 501 Spanish Verbs to that as well and a large English/Spanish dictionary. Then hop on Amazon and buy a used 1st level Spanish textbook for the low low. I agree. CDs with a good book will give you a jump start.
I highly recommend this book. Sells for $20 (new) on Amazon:

Ultimate Spanish (Beginner - Intermediate).
Living Language series.

The print is easy on the eyes. It is well written and the answer key is available under each exercise.
This saves time. No hunting in the back of the book.


06-02-19, 18:09
You don't need any stinkin languange schools..For some people like myself I found attending a language school, EAFIT in Medellin to learn Spanish much better than trying to learn from Spanish programs, etc. I know this because I started to learn Spanish this way on a computer and it was hard for me to just memorize stuff and when I was in a classroom setting it was much easier for me to learn by association and interaction with others. It was also fun for me.

There are some people like you who don't need a language school because languages are very easy for you to learn. However, for others it is very challenging and a classroom setting will be better for them to learn in which was my case.

06-02-19, 22:02
Join some Medellin expat groups on Facebook--I see people offering tutor lessons on them all the time. Alternatively you can look here: https://www.catalystweekly.com/category/language/private-spanish-tutor/ A private tutor I tried a few times charged 35,000 an hour (minimum 2 hours). She was decent but her lessons seemed more geared towards if I was trying to pass a formal written exam when all I wanted was to get better at conversation. I was progressing better just talking regularly with chicas. You're paying them anyway--might as well get a Spanish lesson from them to boot!First, I think anyone that says you don't need this or that is doing a disservice to mankind. Just because YOU are able to learn a language with a book or CD or whatever, doesn't mean that anyone can. As I originally said, everyone is different and learns differently, especially languages.

I think many schools rely on people that don't know any better, I. E. , that there are tutors available to teach for much less. Toucan was mentioned. It is considered the best or one of the best schools in Medellin. However, if I'm not mistaken, the cost is even more than Colombia Immersion Spanish School and seems about the same as far as what they offer. At Colombia Immersion, there are different programs. If one opts for "immersion," the cost is either 525.000 (I think) or 725.000 per week. Mucho dinero. The latter includes 10 hours of private classes, I. E. , tutoring plus 4 hours of coaching, I. E. , conversation and weekly field trips to different parts of the city where you mingle with paisas and get to learn about the city. The former includes group classes instead of private classes. I checked 2 other schools and the offerings and prices are similar. Some students live at the school or with a host family to get an even fuller immersion. However, there's a lot of bullshit that goes along with that, or so I was told.

The best way to find a tutor is from a personal recommendation. A number of people in my school jumped ship to tutors by getting a recommendation from fellow students. However, that's not an option if you don't know anyone, my situation when I arrived. A very active board is the private facebook group, medellin expats - https://www.facebook.com/groups/159461177529433/. A post asking about tutors will bring numerous responses.

06-02-19, 22:20
First, I think anyone that says you don't need this or that is doing a disservice to mankind. Just because YOU are able to learn a language with a book or CD or whatever, doesn't mean that anyone can. As I originally said, everyone is different and learns differently, especially languages.

I think many schools rely on people that don't know any better, I. E. , that there are tutors available to teach for much less. Toucan was mentioned. It is considered the best or one of the best schools in Medellin. However, if I'm not mistaken, the cost is even more than Colombia Immersion Spanish School and seems about the same as far as what they offer. At Colombia Immersion, there are different programs. If one opts for "immersion," the cost is either 525.000 (I think) or 725.000 per week. Mucho dinero. The latter includes 10 hours of private classes, I. E. , tutoring plus 4 hours of coaching, I. E. , conversation and weekly field trips to different parts of the city where you mingle with paisas and get to learn about the city. The former includes group classes instead of private classes. I checked 2 other schools and the offerings and prices are similar. Some students live at the school or with a host family to get an even fuller immersion. However, there's a lot of bullshit that goes along with that, or so I was told.

The best way to find a tutor is from a personal recommendation. A number of people in my school jumped ship to tutors by getting a recommendation from fellow students. However, that's not an option if you don't know anyone, my situation when I arrived. A very active board is the private facebook group, medellin expats - https://www.facebook.com/groups/159461177529433/. A post asking about tutors will bring numerous responses.I forgot to add that I'll be paying 35.000 per hour for a tutor, a little over $10.

06-03-19, 02:32
I didn't personally find the cold there so bad, however the City is very congested and hard to get around anywhere because they don't have a Metro system which I use in MDE every day.

As far as Bogota's Santa Fe red light district I personally did not like it, not much of a street scene, just lots of bars and hotels with girls in front and there were no parks or other areas immediately nearby this area to go to.

I think for the typical board member they will find that in MDE there are venues relatively close and easy to get to versus in Bogota it's hard to travel around the City and time consuming, at least that was my experience there. I agree with you that the quantity of venues available and the variety is probably at least five fold as MDE.Although it's not as comfortable as the Medellin Metro, the Transmilenio in Bogota is a cheap and quick way to get around. It can be insanely crowded during rush hour, even worse than the Metro, but it'll take you right to the heart of Santa Fe.

06-03-19, 02:54
I forgot to add that I'll be paying 35.000 per hour for a tutor, a little over $10.You're on the right track. I certainly agree that nobody can really tell him what he does or doesn't need. He's the only one who knows his own strengths and weaknesses.

Now, to your tutor. At 35 k per hour, for 40 hours of tutoring you're paying 10 k more than the cost of a single, 40 hour class at EAFIT. The classes have 2 options. There's 2 week classes, 4 hours per day, or 4 week classes, 2 hours per day.

The class at EAFIT includes a placement exam, complete access to the university, and, if you finish the full program, a certificate stating you've met all the requirements and know the language. Which will come in handy if you're hoping to find employment in any Spanish speaking country (or applying for a position requiring Spanish).

They have weekly free, coffee socials to practice conversation with Colombian students, a free weekly salsa class and frequent free local excursions. There is an extra charge for the textbook, I believe around 100 k. You're also eligible to use the gym at the university, although there's a charge for that.

There's a discount for paying for multiple classes up front. It also qualifies you for a student visa. Pay for 3 classes and get a 6 month visa. Pay for 6 classes and get a 1 year visa. To get the visa you'll need to travel to Bogota.

Mr Enternational
06-03-19, 03:50
First, I think anyone that says you don't need this or that is doing a disservice to mankind. Just because YOU are able to learn a language with a book or CD or whatever, doesn't mean that anyone can. As I originally said, everyone is different and learns differently, especially languages.Sorry. Instead of saying you don't need, I should have said in my opinion as a linguist and educator you should try this option which will cost you less and you can learn at your own pace. No need to have to be at a certain place at a certain time.

Of course I am well aware that there are different ways to learn. That is why I added talk to chicks online! You can direct questions to them and the messages back and forth will help develop reading and writing and they can lead and instruct considering they have a good command of the language themselves. Comes in handy sometimes to meet educated women with normal jobs, and not only those that are hookers or party animals.

I used to sell Rosetta Stone and before selling it to a person I would always tell them that IMO it was an awful way to try to learn a language. So I am not saying to try to teach yourself any old way. The options that I laid out though will more than likely achieve the desired effect considering one is not lazy. I am merely giving the shortcut version of how and what it took me 4 years and $50,000 to learn.

06-03-19, 05:51
Join some Medellin expat groups on Facebook--I see people offering tutor lessons on them all the time. Alternatively you can look here: https://www.catalystweekly.com/category/language/private-spanish-tutor/ A private tutor I tried a few times charged 35,000 an hour (minimum 2 hours). She was decent but her lessons seemed more geared towards if I was trying to pass a formal written exam when all I wanted was to get better at conversation. I was progressing better just talking regularly with chicas. You're paying them anyway--might as well get a Spanish lesson from them to boot!Yeah I enjoy practicing my Spanish with the girls, its a totally different vibe then having to always pull out the translator.

I started out using Duolingo and started making flash cards. But I think having a tutor and being able to converse back and forth is better then learning from a CD or book.

06-03-19, 13:13
You're on the right track. I certainly agree that nobody can really tell him what he does or doesn't need. He's the only one who knows his own strengths and weaknesses.

Now, to your tutor. At 35 k per hour, for 40 hours of tutoring you're paying 10 k more than the cost of a single, 40 hour class at EAFIT. The classes have 2 options. There's 2 week classes, 4 hours per day, or 4 week classes, 2 hours per day.

The class at EAFIT includes a placement exam, complete access to the university, and, if you finish the full program, a certificate stating you've met all the requirements and know the language. Which will come in handy if you're hoping to find employment in any Spanish speaking country (or applying for a position requiring Spanish).

They have weekly free, coffee socials to practice conversation with Colombian students, a free weekly salsa class and frequent free local excursions. There is an extra charge for the textbook, I believe around 100 k. You're also eligible to use the gym at the university, although there's a charge for that.

There's a discount for paying for multiple classes up front. It also qualifies you for a student visa. Pay for 3 classes and get a 6 month visa. Pay for 6 classes and get a 1 year visa. To get the visa you'll need to travel to Bogota.As Alumni of EAFIT a couple of other things for others to know, they have a BanColombia branch on campus and as a student you can open a bank account without a Cedula, just your Passport. They also have an on-site health club you can join for a small fee and an Olympic Pool free to use. But more importantly, you failed to mention all the beautiful Co-Eds on campus.

06-03-19, 13:17
Although it's not as comfortable as the Medellin Metro, the Transmilenio in Bogota is a cheap and quick way to get around. It can be insanely crowded during rush hour, even worse than the Metro, but it'll take you right to the heart of Santa Fe.This is good to know for those visiting and who like Bogota, but for me everything sucked about the place and I won't being going back.

06-03-19, 16:45
Staying in el Centro area all this week. If any fellow members don't want to fly solo, PM me.


06-03-19, 17:48
What am I doing wrong? I've been exchanging mensajes with half a dozen women from FB and col cupid. I've got commitments for dates on Thursday and Friday. I asked if they wanted to meet at a restaurant or my place. All said whichever you want. I said ok, we'll meet at my place. Let me know if you have any special expectations for our time together. None of them have thrown out a number? I'm a reasonably attractive guy but there's no way these hot young women are interested in seeing me (early 40's) and not being compensated is there? One of the obvious prepagos from FB said whatever "it's up to you".

I don't want to come right out and ask how much they want so I'm dancing around it because there are a couple of them that are so hot I would meet them just for conversation. Is it common for them to just trust you to give them money without talking about it? Or are they stringing me and I will I get a text a couple hours before the date spelling out the rates? I suspect there's a Playbook because I'm getting the same messages. It's coming across Kind of like the two call system in the states. I'm happy to play by the "semi-pro" rules but I want to know what they are.

06-04-19, 00:06
You are correct.

Over the past several months, and especially the past two months, I have noticed a huge increase of Venezuelans hanging out between the area of the Veracruz Church and the Museum and the park in front of the Museum. It's like they have taken over the area and are squeezing the Colombians out. They typically hang out in groups of two or more girls versus the Colombians, and the majority of these girls are physically disgusting being grossly overweight and ugly. There are a few doable ones around, but I find the variety of the Colombians much more appealing.

I am curious as to other board members observations who frequent El Centro.

06-04-19, 01:35
What am I doing wrong? I've been exchanging mensajes with half a dozen women from FB and col cupid. I've got commitments for dates on Thursday and Friday. I asked if they wanted to meet at a restaurant or my place. All said whichever you want. I said ok, we'll meet at my place. Let me know if you have any special expectations for our time together. None of them have thrown out a number? I'm a reasonably attractive guy but there's no way these hot young women are interested in seeing me (early 40's) and not being compensated is there? One of the obvious prepagos from FB said whatever "it's up to you".

I don't want to come right out and ask how much they want so I'm dancing around it because there are a couple of them that are so hot I would meet them just for conversation. Is it common for them to just trust you to give them money without talking about it? Or are they stringing me and I will I get a text a couple hours before the date spelling out the rates? I suspect there's a Playbook because I'm getting the same messages. It's coming across Kind of like the two call system in the states. I'm happy to play by the "semi-pro" rules but I want to know what they are.Take a step back. They're in it for the money not some random guy they are messaging with. Make an offer.

Also watch out for being robbed.

06-04-19, 02:33
Take a step back. They're in it for the money not some random guy they are messaging with. Make an offer. Also watch out for being robbed.I took your advice and asked the one I was most certain was a prepaid and. Lo and behold, she quoted me 300 k for two hours. I asked one of the ones I was pretty sure was a prepago on FB and I think I used the wrong phrasing. I asked her what her expectations for our date would be and she said "My Expectations? Like she was totally insulted. Next, I'll suck it up and ask the two ultra 10+ ladies and see what they say.

As far as being robbed goes, I'm aware of the drink spiking and the blowing powder in your face, any other common schemes? I'll keep my valuables in the safe and the suitcase locked up. My main worry is the possibility that the girl is working with some guy (s) and sets me up to get jumped.

06-04-19, 03:01
What am I doing wrong? I've been exchanging mensajes with half a dozen women from FB and col cupid. I've got commitments for dates on Thursday and Friday. I asked if they wanted to meet at a restaurant or my place. All said whichever you want. I said ok, we'll meet at my place. Let me know if you have any special expectations for our time together. None of them have thrown out a number? I'm a reasonably attractive guy but there's no way these hot young women are interested in seeing me (early 40's) and not being compensated is there? One of the obvious prepagos from FB said whatever "it's up to you".

I don't want to come right out and ask how much they want so I'm dancing around it because there are a couple of them that are so hot I would meet them just for conversation. Is it common for them to just trust you to give them money without talking about it? Or are they stringing me and I will I get a text a couple hours before the date spelling out the rates? I suspect there's a Playbook because I'm getting the same messages. It's coming across Kind of like the two call system in the states. I'm happy to play by the "semi-pro" rules but I want to know what they are.I don't know how good your Spanish is, but you really should firm up a price with them before having them come to your place. If you don't agree to the price beforehand, there could be lots of problems, and sometimes there's even problems when you have an agreed upon price beforehand. You might want to consider meeting them at a Coffee shop or other place within a few blocks of your place to work out the details beforehand. You may want to bail on some of these Chicas immediately upon meeting them because they don't look anything like the photos you saw, and if so, it will be much easier in a public place. And if you think these women are going to bang you for free, well I am sorry to inform you that's not going to happen.

06-04-19, 03:10
There's too many variables for one easy answer. Some guys can get quick cheap flights and they will come in for 3 or 4 days every few months. Some guys prefer to come for 2-3 weeks a few times a year.

If you travel regularly and are considering Medellin as a place to visit routinely, I'd suggest 10-14 days. If it's a 1 time bucket list trip 5-10 days. If you're considering moving to Medellin, spend at least 3 months.

My reasoning behind the numbers:

If you spend lots of time traveling to mongering destinations already, you need time to get a fair impression. A couple of bad breaks early, could give you a tainted impression. It also gives a better idea about the city, climate, lodging and food.

If you're just wanting a bucket list type of trip, you're going to wear out after a few days. Come in, party hard and go home, before you burn out.

Obviously if you're planning on living full time in Colombia, you'll want to spend as much time as possible before making a decision.Thanks for the response. I fall in with the second tier you described. I don't have much mongering experience but Medellin has always been a place I wanted to visit for that and just some of the tourist attractions as well.

I think I'll do 6-7 days which should be enough at least to get an initial taste.

06-04-19, 03:10
What am I doing wrong? I've been exchanging mensajes with half a dozen women from FB and col cupid. I've got commitments for dates on Thursday and Friday. I asked if they wanted to meet at a restaurant or my place. All said whichever you want. Warning: Some butchered google translate spanish incoming. Lets hope autocorrect of this forum does not kill it.

Here is the standard messages that I send to decide the rate.

Me: Ola! Como estas!

Her: Muy bien y tu!

Me: Bien! vendre a medellin pronto!

Her: Que bueno

Me: eguro, estar en Medelln la prxima semana. Podemos encontrarnos en mi hotel.

Her: Si bueno

Me: perfecto. Cunto debo compensarte por tu tiempo en el hotel?

150 ms taxi bien?

Her: Si Amor!

Seniors, feel free to add your comments on above convo. Should I make it a little longer with fluff? Or is directly going to the point good enough?

In the beginning I was not giving price I would but asking them how can I compensate for their time. I got 150,200 and 250. Only one girl said, ""it's up to you". Never met her because I my gut instincts made me fear a robbery. And one another girl asked what I wanted to do with her in the hotel. Probably she is looking for a BF and not a customer. Probably you should directly ask how can I compensate for your time. Or you have some really great pics on your profile and they want to be your GF.

Note: This is only FB with lot of gringos in their profile. Probably on CO cupid there are girls actually looking for a long term BF.

06-04-19, 03:16
Take a step back. They're in it for the money not some random guy they are messaging with. Make an offer.

Also watch out for being robbed.If he's inviting them back to his place (and assuming he's only opening the door if she's by herself) then isn't the chances of a robbery pretty low?

I guess you can still get drugged in your drinks but most people I would hope don't leave their drinks unattended when they have guests over.

Mr Enternational
06-04-19, 04:36
she said "My Expectations? Like she was totally insulted. Next, I'll suck it up and ask the two ultra 10+ ladies and see what they say.So since you have been talking to these women what has your general conversation consisted of? Usually when normal people meet each other one of the first questions is what they do for work. It seems you have not asked such a basic question that may put all of your uncertainty asunder.

And if you think these women are going to bang you for free, well I am sorry to inform you that's not going to happen.LOL. Putting a bunch of uncalled for stress on himself when he could have just walked into a casa and been laid in 10 seconds at a fraction of the price. Surf I would love to argue with you on this one, but seeing that I have never had the slightest inclination to pick up a chick on facebook I would have no idea. I can surmise though, that if she has other foreigners as friends and they are not even asking each other basic questions then I would say she is definitely a hooker. Does she have glamour shots in swimsuits and lingerie with a lot of makeup on? Then she is definitely a hooker. I meet tons of chicks on cupid that are free, but their profiles appear as a normal chick's should and does not scream I am here to entice lonely or horny foreigners.

Mr Enternational
06-04-19, 05:03
If he's inviting them back to his place (and assuming he's only opening the door if she's by herself) then isn't the chances of a robbery pretty low?

I guess you can still get drugged in your drinks but most people I would hope don't leave their drinks unattended when they have guests over.The robberies do not happen as soon as she shows up to your place. They wait until you are good and comfortable and have busted off your nut, then they let other people inside. Sometimes you have already been drugged when this happens. Sometimes not.

Back in the old Rio days I would always deadbolt the door and hide the key either between the trashcan and the liner or behind a picture frame. Unless she was planning to jump from a 6th floor window, then she was definitely going to need my help to get out of there. Never any problems though.

06-04-19, 06:33
Warning: Some butchered google translate spanish incoming. Lets hope autocorrect of this forum does not kill it.

Here is the standard messages that I send to decide the rate.

Seniors, feel free to add your comments on above convo. Should I make it a little longer with fluff? Or is directly going to the point good enough?

In the beginning I was not giving price I would but asking them how can I compensate for their time. I got 150,200 and 250. Only one girl said, ""it's up to you". Never met her because I my gut instincts made me fear a robbery. And one another girl asked what I wanted to do with her in the hotel. Probably she is looking for a BF and not a customer. Probably you should directly ask how can I compensate for your time. Or you have some really great pics on your profile and they want to be your GF.

Note: This is only FB with lot of gringos in their profile. Probably on CO cupid there are girls actually looking for a long term BF.Depends on where your encounter occurs. If its in a hotel that checks their cedula, it should be fine, both from a security point of view and for your general protection. If you are in an unsecured apartment setting the risk is definitely more.

Some of them will certainly flake on you, be prepared, and don't get too hooked on plans to meet just a couple of them, keep your options open. You can also try to discuss any specific activities you are interested in before you meet. Don't be shy. Sometimes I ask for their whatsapp number and I take the convo over to whatsapp in order to have another access point and to see their photo to verify, and to get their local phone number. Agree best to meet at a nearby shop with people around.

That said the risk of meeting a random stranger is definitely there, as there are some traps laid out there, and you have to be comfortable with that risk, which is why I am grateful to the mongers here who threw me a few bones when I went. If you use a middle man, first you have to be sure of their integrity, and next some of them get really greedy. My taxi guy who was reccomended on ISG, tried to set me up with one that asked for $300 USD (I verified and it was not 300 k). I guess some gullible gringo paid that. What else can I say? I have stated here what worked for me. 150k + taxi is plenty good for that market and most will accept. The money focussed ones tend not to perform anyway.

With referrals, I feel comfortable knowing I am walking a well worn path when in a new country. The casas to some extent minimize the risk of drugging etc. However there are trade offs. I got more GFE type treatment from the social media types.

Though I ignored some of the advise to go the mansion first up and did my thing and it turned out to be a decent experience, I would probably have gone with the mansion hotel first up in retrospect. Once you have your trust worthy contacts, doing your thing gets easier. Either that or having a veteran on the ground is enormously helpful to avoid errors. Luckily none of my errors were a big deal, but definitely there is a learning curve to this.

06-04-19, 14:42
FB is not match.com. Most of the girls I have met or made friends with are prepagos or just girls looking to make some money. To be honest I have never had an issue with the girl not matching the pics. As far as where I stay it has always been in a hotel or apartment with security. You need to be more direct. They know why you are in Colombia. If you are asking them to meet you in a restaurant then you may be confusing them? They don't know if you are looking for a girlfriend or a prepago? I have girls tell me they go out for money if they feel I am being to nice when chatting. Above all, don't overpay. 200 k for a couple of rounds is good enough.

I don't know how good your Spanish is, but you really should firm up a price with them before having them come to your place. If you don't agree to the price beforehand, there could be lots of problems, and sometimes there's even problems when you have an agreed upon price beforehand. You might want to consider meeting them at a Coffee shop or other place within a few blocks of your place to work out the details beforehand. You may want to bail on some of these Chicas immediately upon meeting them because they don't look anything like the photos you saw, and if so, it will be much easier in a public place. And if you think these women are going to bang you for free, well I am sorry to inform you that's not going to happen..

06-04-19, 20:17
FB is not match.com. Most of the girls I have met or made friends with are prepagos or just girls looking to make some money. To be honest I have never had an issue with the girl not matching the pics. As far as where I stay it has always been in a hotel or apartment with security. You need to be more direct. They know why you are in Colombia. If you are asking them to meet you in a restaurant then you may be confusing them? They don't know if you are looking for a girlfriend or a prepago? I have girls tell me they go out for money if they feel I am being to nice when chatting. Above all, don't overpay. 200 k for a couple of rounds is good enough..Some good points for NorthStar to consider in what he does in MDE. Especially being somewhere with security, and if he has no Spanish speaking skills better yet he stay in a girl friendly hotel that requires a Cedula for visitors. I don't do FB Chicas and it's good to hear you have had no issues and the girls have been as they have represented themselves. However, I personally would be reluctant to just have a FB Chica just show up at my place without meeting her beforehand to reconfirm what is agreed to and make sure something isn't amiss. I guess a lot of guys do FB Chicas like yourself with no problems.

06-05-19, 02:08
That is the question.

There's a former webcam model I was working with. She only worked for a few months, and quit without notice over an issue that she had been warned about, insecure boyfriend. It wasn't really her fault and I don't hold a grudge against her, but she is a symbol for all the little problems which ended my stay in Medellin. The worst part about it, if she had stuck with it for 3 or 4 more weeks, she'd be making 5 million pesos a month by now. Oh well.

I ended up chatting with her today. I liked something of hers on FB and she sent a message. After the round of Como estás we started reminiscing about working together. I offered to send her all the pictures I took, tossed in a compliment and offered to take more. And the game was on.

After a bit of back and forth, just light flirting, I offered to do a show with her when I get to town. There was a long pause before she asked if I meant a show to transmit. No, just for fun. That got an immediate response of, except you'll pay me? Paisas tend to be predictable.

I won't really grudge fuck her. I plan to make it something she'll remember fondly.

Now I just need to reconnect with one other girl who was nothing but problems.

06-05-19, 05:53

The FB hottie wants 300 k, came right out with it when I asked the right questions in the right way. Thanks guys. I agreed to it and added that it would need to be unas horas and multiple relations and she said si amor, so that one's a date. I'm thinking about walking it back to 150 k for one hour and seeing how it goes. Her name is Yolaidis, let me know if you know her?

The Colombian Cupid beauty appears to have been a good girl and may have been offended by my awkward Spanish beating around the Bush with "compensation for our time together". As of now she's ghosting me.

There's a "universidad" agency / casa on mileroticos that has some very attractive chicas for 120 k / hora. Has anyone gone to these places?

Mr Enternational
06-05-19, 06:14
I don't hold a grudge against her, but she is a symbol for all the little problems which ended my stay in Medellin.

Now I just need to reconnect with one other girl who was nothing but problems.Millions of chicks. Why are you trying to back track to old problems dude? Let those ships sail and move on to new frontiers. Don't be a glutton for punishment. A smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others. A fool goes searching out the same mistakes over and over again.

06-05-19, 11:12
Millions of chicks. Why are you trying to back track to old problems dude? Let those ships sail and move on to new frontiers. Don't be a glutton for punishment. A smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others. A fool goes searching out the same mistakes over and over again.I'm smart, wise and foolish, often all at the same time.

There's 2 different cases here. The first one, the girl I talked about, wasn't a problem. Sweet face, excellent body, nice personality, she was really trying to make it. But, when she decided to do webcam, her boyfriend threw a fit until she agreed to do webcam with him, as a couple.

Three different people explained everything to him, but every day he would create another obstacle. He would keep her from showing up, or make her late. At one point he started demanding to bring their kid along to the apartment and have me babysit. Several times he tried to get in my face over silly drama he created. Due to the difference in height, he could just get in my chest. At the point when they were just starting to make money, he made her quit.

While working with her, my own rules kept me away from her. If not for that, I would have already had a time with her. Now I'll have a better time, because I know more about what she can do and what she likes.

The other girl, who was nothing but problems is, I believe, bipolar. I won't put any effort into finding her. I have more than enough experience with bipolar girls.

06-05-19, 12:38
Millions of chicks. Why are you trying to back track to old problems dude? Let those ships sail and move on to new frontiers. Don't be a glutton for punishment. A smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others. A fool goes searching out the same mistakes over and over again.Whooo seems like he loves the pain LOL. Man it's millions over there. Make the smart choice. Think with your big head and not the small one.

06-05-19, 15:45
Take your favourite Paisa to Teatro Metropolitano at a spectacular event like Zuruzuela and have dinner afterwards at the small but very good Italian Pomodoro (Clle 73).

Things will never be the same again; Show off quality and impress the Medellin community.

FB chicks, I have done that as well, but I want to forget, the real events, those I remember for life!

06-05-19, 16:47
A smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others. A fool goes searching out the same mistakes over and over again.You are quite the poet today Mr. E.

06-05-19, 18:43
I'm smart, wise and foolish, often all at the same time.

There's 2 different cases here. The first one, the girl I talked about, wasn't a problem. Sweet face, excellent body, nice personality, she was really trying to make it. But, when she decided to do webcam, her boyfriend threw a fit until she agreed to do webcam with him, as a couple.

Three different people explained everything to him, but every day he would create another obstacle. He would keep her from showing up, or make her late. At one point he started demanding to bring their kid along to the apartment and have me babysit. Several times he tried to get in my face over silly drama he created. Due to the difference in height, he could just get in my chest. At the point when they were just starting to make money, he made her quit.

While working with her, my own rules kept me away from her. If not for that, I would have already had a time with her. Now I'll have a better time, because I know more about what she can do and what she likes.

The other girl, who was nothing but problems is, I believe, bipolar. I won't put any effort into finding her. I have more than enough experience with bipolar girls.Sorry but this sounds like something out of soap opera.

06-05-19, 20:11
Thank you for all for the tips. I booked a ticket to Medellin for Thanksgiving. Staying in Provenza for 11 nights (thank you for the tips on this area, seems much better than Lleras).

I speak decent Spanish so I started to build my Facebook database. Did it way too early. Now I have 70+ chicas, all ready to see me. Maybe I shouldn't have said I was already there. Now I need to delay them until I come.

It seems like yoga pants are not a thing in Colombia. Which blows my mind, considering how good these paisas would look in them. This is one Western thing that I hope makes its way to Colombia. Do any of you see girls wear them regularly like we see in the US?

06-05-19, 23:55
Sorry but this sounds like something out of soap opera.That's a pretty accurate description.

06-06-19, 00:36
Take your favourite Paisa to Teatro Metropolitano at a spectacular event like Zuruzuela and have dinner afterwards at the small but very good Italian Pomodoro (Clle 73).

Things will never be the same again; Show off quality and impress the Medellin community.

FB chicks, I have done that as well, but I want to forget, the real events, those I remember for life!Based on your post it sounds like your a patron of the arts, hob knob with the rich and famous, and have impressed the Medellin community. If so, that is spectacular!

06-06-19, 02:29
Just an unsolicited tip, I think paying 300 k for 2 hrs with a facebook girl is way too much. You can find similar quality girls in centro and in casas de citas. The minimum wage / pension in Colombia is around 850 k peso / month; some of the girls in the smaller casas de citas usually make around minimum wage every month (they get 25 k-30 k / polvo). Some of these girls will gladly spend the whole night with you for 150 k pesos. But obviously some negotiation has to be done.

Alternatively there is a huge influx of venezuelans that are trying to make money, these girls will also gladly spend the whole night with you for 150 k. Where to find them? Literally on any street in centro look for the girls walking around selling candy and ask them.

The political situation in Venezuela is creating an interesting, and incredibly cheap sex market in Colombia. Idk anywhere else in the world you can get this quality of girl for so incredibly cheap.

Obviously you can keep negotiating down, especially with girls that aren't familiar with gringo markets nor gringo prices. The girls that work mostly in local markets would jump at these prices. I say 150 k because to me that is a good fucking deal for the whole night or whole day, but I've had some girls agree to 100 k, but at that point it's like how cheap can we be LOL. 100 k is $30, that's like 2 meals in New York LOL. To put it into perspective some of the cheaper casa girls from the small casas may get 1 - 2 clients a day and make 30 k / client, that's $16.

Mr Enternational
06-06-19, 03:30
Just an unsolicited tip, I think paying 300 k for 2 hrs with a facebook girl is way too much.But you know how it is. Mfs at home horny and lonely and want to preplan pussy on the internet are going to get the worst deal. I remember my first trip to the north of Thailand. I wanted to set up a tour before I got there. I emailed the company on the internet and they told me the all day tour was $100. I put if off. When I landed at the airport they had a kiosk with the tours. The same damn tour was $50. I still was uneasy about it so I did not make the deal. I got to the hotel and at the hotel the same freaking tour was $30!

A couple of years ago I had some guys come in to Thailand from UAE. They wanted to head down to Phuket so I suffered the trip with them. We wanted to go on a tour so we went to a kiosk on the street that had tours. Price for the all day tour was $40. I told the lady that was too damn much and said we can pay $30 each. She agreed with no hesitation.

Hopefully one day these guys will learn about trying to set up pussy online 8 months in advance. But when you are back home not getting any pussy and ready to jump at the first chick that shows you attention, I doubt it. Instead of looking at it as their lucky day to be getting the attention of some pussy, they need to look at it as it is the chick's lucky day to be able to earn some money. Remember, if she was able to find 3 mfs per day that were shelling out the dosh that some of these in the dark guys are reporting, then she would not be living in the ghetto that she is living in. $100 for 2 hours in a third world country?

Come on man; please get some common sense before you travel. Now I have admittedly never gotten a facebook chick. But I have seen 1000 times on here that people have said 150K for facebook chicks. Why would you go and agree to double?

06-06-19, 05:00

The FB hottie wants 300 k, came right out with it when I asked the right questions in the right way. Thanks guys. I agreed to it and added that it would need to be unas horas and multiple relations and she said si amor, so that one's a date. I'm thinking about walking it back to 150 k for one hour and seeing how it goes. Her name is Yolaidis, let me know if you know her?

The Colombian Cupid beauty appears to have been a good girl and may have been offended by my awkward Spanish beating around the Bush with "compensation for our time together". As of now she's ghosting me.

There's a "universidad" agency / casa on mileroticos that has some very attractive chicas for 120 k / hora. Has anyone gone to these places?The universidad casa if near a mall, rio sur if memory serves me right, is a good one. Its on the third floor and you would have to be let in by a buzzer.

Dude you are being way too timid with these FB chica friends. Would you rather be ghosted for being forward in a pleasant way or for sounding dum and clueless. Just do it with confidence and in a nice manner. "Can we spend the time together in my room" type Qs.

Then if you get a yes, you can ask details.

Funny story, I did that with a chica once and got a immediate no, and goodbye. I assumed I asked wrong. 2 months later she must have needed dinero or something, I got a "what is your proposal". Pity I was back from my trip.

Another idea is you can just ask for the what's app and take the same convo on that chick you got for 300 k to whatsapp, and do it the confidently the way it was discussed here. You propose the amount 150 k, etc and then once agreed negotiate the services. Report back here how it went. I wish people would just be smarter and a bit bolder.

06-06-19, 05:06
Take your favourite Paisa to Teatro Metropolitano at a spectacular event like Zuruzuela and have dinner afterwards at the small but very good Italian Pomodoro (Clle 73).

Things will never be the same again; Show off quality and impress the Medellin community.

FB chicks, I have done that as well, but I want to forget, the real events, those I remember for life!This has got me interested. Can you share a trip report or an experience with paisa where you have done this. What kind of girl was it, where did you meet her? And what were the benefits of "impressing the Medellin community"?

06-06-19, 05:45

The FB hottie wants 300 k, came right out with it when I asked the right questions in the right way. Thanks guys. I agreed to itI understand that you new and ready to overpay. I had done the same in BKK when I was starting out in the hobby. But here is some advice on Cartagena thread about negotiating with chicks.

I am not sure why guys can't follow this one simple rule. Offer the price you think is fair and move on if she says no.

You will get a yes far more often than you think at those price levels. 150 k pretty much always gets it done in MDE.

Instead guys get into all sorts of twists and mess up.

Also always negotiate the things you want ahead of the price, it's either a yes or no after that.

Can confirm. I started asking FB MDE ladies what their price is. Got various responses of 150,200 or 250 plus taxi.

Then instead of asking I just started offering 150 plus taxi to every girl (thanks to some post here on ISG). Most of them, even some really hot ones agreed without any fuss. Didn't even bother with girls who insisted 200.Though there are exceptions as I have overspent on a girl from Troya, Bogota over multiple days because she was able to push my buttons the way no other girl could and I was willing to pay for that.

06-06-19, 14:27
Alternatively there is a huge influx of venezuelans that are trying to make money, these girls will also gladly spend the whole night with you for 150 k. Where to find them? Literally on any street in centro look for the girls walking around selling candy and ask them.

The political situation in Venezuela is creating an interesting, and incredibly cheap sex market in Colombia. Idk anywhere else in the world you can get this quality of girl for so incredibly cheap..Lots of good information in your Post about casas and other stuff, however the part on the Venezuelans needs clarification as it is misleading.

You will see lots of girls selling candy, however they are not all from Venezuela, lots of Colombians sell candy as well. The main congregation of Venezuelan hookers in EL Centro is in and around the Museum de Antoquia, the park directly in front of it, and the pedestrian walkway to the Veracruz Church. Yesterday afternoon there was at least a hundred of them out there if not more. They typically are in groups of two to four girls. In the last two months there has been a major influx of them. However the majority of these Venezuelans are disgusting being overweight and ugly. There are very few "quality" girls among them as you state in your post.

In my opinion the Venezuelans have squeezed the Colombians out in the area I mentioned to a certain degree just based on there sheer numbers and rock bottom pricing. It's been harder and harder for me to find nice Colombian girls in this area over the past months and my Colombian regulars don't like what has happened in the area. There has also been robberies and violence occurring with some of the Venezuelans as well. Up until a few months ago it was cool having the Venezuelans show up, putting a little pressure on pricing, etc. But know I wish the situation in their Country would get resolved and they leave.

In regards to your statement that these girls will gladly spend the night with you for 150 K, well I am sure some of the grotesque ones would, but who would want to do that. Also Spanish speaking skills would be required to do so.

06-06-19, 14:32
Come on man; please get some common sense before you travel. Now I have admittedly never gotten a facebook chick. But I have seen 1000 times on here that people have said 150K for facebook chicks. Why would you go and agree to double?There were several posts beforehand giving him advice, tips, and price points for him to use, but he didn't take the advice given him that he requested from this group. Sometimes stupid is just stupid.

06-06-19, 14:33
This has got me interested. Can you share a trip report or an experience with paisa where you have done this. What kind of girl was it, where did you meet her? And what were the benefits of "impressing the Medellin community"?My bet is you will get a very interesting response to this, or most probably nothing at all.

06-06-19, 18:49
I mainly see FB girls. I always pay between 150 k to 200 k and cabs for a full GFE experience. I always tell them that if they treat me well I will invite them back. They stay for multiple relaciones and as promised I call them back for a repeat. You should not commit to 300 k. What if there is no chemistry? What if you just don't like her and you don't click well? If the girl wants repeat service she will take care of you. Offering 300 k tells them you are inexperienced

Just an unsolicited tip, I think paying 300 k for 2 hrs with a facebook girl is way tío much. You can find similar quality girls in centro and in casas de citas. The minimum wage / pension in Colombia is around 850 k peso / month; some of the girls in the smaller casas de citas usually make around minimum wage every month (they get 25 k-30 k / polvo). Some of these girls will gladly spend the whole night with you for 150 k pesos. But obviously some negotiation has to be done.

Alternatively there is a huge influx of venezuelans that are trying to make money, these girls will also gladly spend the whole night with you for 150 k. Where to find them? Literally on any street in centro look for the girls walking around selling candy and ask them.

The political situation in Venezuela is creating an interesting, and incredibly cheap sex market in Colombia. Idk anywhere else in the world you can get this quality of girl for so incredibly cheap.

Obviously you can keep negotiating down, especially with girls that aren't familiar with gringo markets nor gringo prices. The girls that work mostly in local markets would jump at these prices. I say 150 k because to me that is a good fucking deal for the whole night or whole day, but I've had some girls agree to 100 k, but at that point it's like how cheap can we be LOL. 100 k is $30, that's like 2 meals in New York LOL. To put it into perspective some of the cheaper casa girls from the small casas may get 1 - 2 clients a day and make 30 k / client, that's $16..

06-06-19, 21:44
The universidad casa if near a mall, rio sur if memory serves me right, is a good one. Its on the third floor and you would have to be let in by a buzzer.Is it a discreet place or is their a sign on the front?

Also has anyone been to Medellin during Feria De Las Flores? My buddy is trying to figure out if he should come that weekend or wait until it is over. Are their less girls available during the festival? What about the prices?

06-06-19, 22:41
In regards to your statement that these girls will gladly spend the night with you for 150 K, well I am sure some of the grotesque ones would, but who would want to do that. Also Spanish speaking skills would be required to do so.Had two separate chicas who stayed TLN last trip. I didn't ask either before and they just ended up having a good time and staying. They were both repeats but definitely not grotesque. Point being they might not stay the 1st time for 150 k but it is definitely possible.

06-06-19, 22:59
Is it a discreet place or is their a sign on the front?

Also has anyone been to Medellin during Feria De Las Flores? My buddy is trying to figure out if he should come that weekend or wait until it is over. Are their less girls available during the festival? What about the prices?If he's coming to be a tourist, then Feria de Las Flores is great. There will be no problem finding girls and prices shouldn't go up.

If he's coming strictly for the girls, why deal with the crowds and the higher room prices? Come a week or two later or earlier.

06-06-19, 23:19
Millions of chicks. Why are you trying to back track to old problems dude? Let those ships sail and move on to new frontiers. Don't be a glutton for punishment. A smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others. A fool goes searching out the same mistakes over and over again.After sleeping on it, I realized I never answered your question. I'll give a try because it may be of help to others.

I'll start by asking you a question. Why do you have a girlfriend, or to be more accurate, girlfriends? There's millions of chicks, millions more for you, since I'm back to 1 or 2 trips a year. Why keep going back to the same girl in each place where you visit often?

For me, the answer is because I enjoy having a level of familiarity with someone. It works, for me, on several levels. First, there's no rush. I'm not trying to beat the clock and she's not rushing to get to the next customer. There are also more things to talk about, without opening up some sob story. Ask some of the girls if they have kids and you'll hear about how sick, how expensive, how poor. Whether you fall for it or not, it's still a major distraction.

Then there are the referrals. Most girls will give you a name and number if you ask, but how many are just trying to get a payday for a friend? If someone I've spent a bit of time with refers someone to me, it's usually because they know what I like. The flip side is getting the warnings about girls who don't live up to the hype. That happened and I ignored the warning. What I got wasn't worth what I paid.

However, any girl who was an actual problem, I'm not interested in. This includes girls who begged for money, girls who were seriously late, girls who showed up and we're surprised to find out they were on their period and girls who insisted on CBJ.

I'll be in Medellin for 12 days, unless I decide to take a side trip for a day or two. While there I'll see at least 3 girls who are repeats for me. I'll also see 2 or 3 that I know, but never had the chance to session with. Then there's 1 referral who'll come for a 3 some with a previous girl. That should be a real 3 some instead of the standard Paisa trio. There's also 2 waitresses who I know well, but never got together with, along with a couple of friends who I'll just meet for lunch or dinner. In between, I'll visit a few casas to see if anyone tempts me.

Should be a fun time.

06-07-19, 01:38
Up until a few months ago it was cool having the Venezuelans show up, putting a little pressure on pricing, etc. But know I wish the situation in their Country would get resolved and they leave.Thats a pretty counter intuitive statement. I don't what they have done to centro Medellin, but streetie cuties have made Santa Fe, Bogota Lit. 🔥 🔥 🔥.

06-07-19, 02:43
Up until a few months ago it was cool having the Venezuelans show up, putting a little pressure on pricing, etc. But know I wish the situation in their Country would get resolved and they leave.
There's no quality to be had with Venezuelans anywhere in Colombia? Man, that sounds disappointing.

Blue Touch
06-07-19, 03:06
My observation of the area is mostly similar to Surfer's. Just to add, there is an influx of poor, non-Paisa, Colombians as well, and the robberies and violence could possibly be done largely by these Colombian new-comers rather than the Venezuelans. However, I see that the locals are blaming Venezuelans.

Lots of good information in your Post about casas and other stuff, however the part on the Venezuelans needs clarification as it is misleading.

You will see lots of girls selling candy, however they are not all from Venezuela, lots of Colombians sell candy as well. The main congregation of Venezuelan hookers in EL Centro is in and around the Museum de Antoquia, the park directly in front of it, and the pedestrian walkway to the Veracruz Church. Yesterday afternoon there was at least a hundred of them out there if not more. They typically are in groups of two to four girls. In the last two months there has been a major influx of them. However the majority of these Venezuelans are disgusting being overweight and ugly. There are very few "quality" girls among them as you state in your post..

06-07-19, 19:18
My observation of the area is mostly similar to Surfer's. Just to add, there is an influx of poor, non-Paisa, Colombians as well, and the robberies and violence could possibly be done largely by these Colombian new-comers rather than the Venezuelans. However, I see that the locals are blaming Venezuelans.Hmmm, well I hit el Centro yesterday and I saw typically the same Colombian girls as always at Veracruz, plus a few newbies.

In the park, lots of people, lots of Venezolanas, some fatties of course, and some cuties, and some real cuties as well.

Didn't encounter or see any aggressive or gross behavior by any of them.

Just the opposite really.

Walked down the street where all the venezolanas work in the tavernas, dancing and drinking, earning money enticing guys to drink.

Though they typically only earn about 1 mil pesos per beer the guys buy for them to drink.

Lots of hot Venies on that street.

With spanish ability and personality, it's pretty easy to flirt and get phone numbers.

I kinda dig the Venezolanas!

I used to have an apartment in Caracas before the craziness, easy for me to talk and bond with the girlies, reminiscing of the good times in the clubs and areparias.

I'm sure there's some Venez riff raff too, however, I think the good outweighs the bad by a lot.

Blue Touch
06-07-19, 21:13
If you like it, that's great. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Hmmm, well I hit el Centro yesterday and I saw typically the same Colombian girls as always at Veracruz, plus a few newbies.

In the park, lots of people, lots of Venezolanas, some fatties of course, and some cuties, and some real cuties as well.

Didn't encounter or see any aggressive or gross behavior by any of them.

Just the opposite really.

Walked down the street where all the venezolanas work in the tavernas, dancing and drinking, earning money enticing guys to drink.

Though they typically only earn about 1 mil pesos per beer the guys buy for them to drink.

Lots of hot Venies on that street..

06-07-19, 21:29
My observation of the area is mostly similar to Surfer's. Just to add, there is an influx of poor, non-Paisa, Colombians as well, and the robberies and violence could possibly be done largely by these Colombian new-comers rather than the Venezuelans. However, I see that the locals are blaming Venezuelans.It's always easy and very common for locals to blame immigrants for all the problems of the world. I have seen it in many countries, most notably in my own, when locals started murdering immigrants becuase they thought that they were stealing their jobs, ruining their local businesses etc. It's called protectionism and is a direct result of a world with borders.

06-08-19, 00:22
There's no quality to be had with Venezuelans anywhere in Colombia? Man, that sounds disappointing.Relax there are some nice Venezuelans to be had, you just have to be patient and sift thru all of the disgusting ones!

06-08-19, 00:51
Millions of chicks. Why are you trying to back track to old problems dude? Let those ships sail and move on to new frontiers.Could not agree with you more. No reboot of financial based relationships.

06-08-19, 01:27
Was in El Centro today and couldn't find any of my Colombian regulars so I decided to hang out by the Veracruz Church for a while. Lots of girls with bags of candy walking around and I saw one of interest so I motioned her over. I gave her a 200 Peso coin and took a piece of candy. I then put the piece of candy back in the bag, I really did not want it, but was more interested in the merchandise. Nice smile, big tits, twenty two years old, a little bigger than I typically like but after talking with her she was very pleasant and told me she was from Venezuela with two kids. One thing led to another, and besides selling candy, of course she did "ratos" and quoted me 25,000 Pesos for everything. So I could of been a hard ass and said 20,000 Pesos which I know she would of accepted but declined to. Checked into the Hotel Zona Rosa, took showers, and then I sat her down and told her if she did a good job, there would be tip for her. That put a smile on her face and she delivered. Afterwards she told me she was in Medellin with her Mom, Aunt, Uncle and her kids They have been in Medellin for a month now and crossed into Colombia with their Cedulas as allowed by Immigration. I asked her if her other family members were working in MDE and she said no as they did not have permits to do so. So my final question to her was, how do they survive if they don't have work. The answer was, they were relying on her solely. A sad tale for me and an eye opener has to how bad things must be for them. I told her about what was going on in the USA, with the difference being the Central Americans fearing for their lives, versus the Venezuelans starving more or less. Such a sweetheart, I felt really bad for her and gave her 50,000 Pesos.

06-08-19, 01:58
You know, I always wondered why girls who make less money don't go to Parque Lleras and charge 100 k-150 k sessions to beat out the standard 200 k-300 k sessions charged to gringos. One girl I met in a casa told me that there was a price lock in parque lleras because there is a person / group that runs this zone and the girls that work there all need to pay a fee to this person / group in order work there. She said if the fee wasn't paid there would probably be some type of extorsion / racketeering done to the said streetwalker, or maybe intimidation tactics. She said the streetwalker sex trade in Medellin was somewhat equivalent to the drug trade in the sense that different groups run different parts of town. I don't know what the fee is, but if you've read my previous posts you could probably tell I'm interested in the economics of the sex trade, as it helps in negotiating better long term deals and is in general interesting to me.

Anyway I can't really investigate further I'm in Brazil right now, but if one of you were interested in discovering more about the economics of the sexual marketplace in Medellin, ask a parque lleras streetwalker who the "dueńa de la zona" is and how much she charges them, her rules, etc. This may be interesting. Or it might all be bullshit from a casa girl LOL that made up some ridiculous excuse for why she didn't want to work in lleras and make 5 x more in one session than she does in 1 day.

06-08-19, 03:02
Currently staying at Blux Apartamentos in Poblado. I heard beforehand that they were chica friendly, and they technically are, but the doorwomen are complete hardasses who won't let any chica through that doesn't have her physical ID on her. I've already had two regulars ejected because one only had a photo of her ID on her phone and the other brought a passport instead. Apparently a passport isn't considered a proper ID in Colombia, someone explain that to me!

06-08-19, 03:26
There were several posts beforehand giving him advice, tips, and price points for him to use, but he didn't take the advice given him that he requested from this group. Sometimes stupid is just stupid.I think people need to give newbies a break. It is not just about knowing the prices.

I don't know what he thinks but I see he did negotiate from his post to get multiple hours and multiple shots which may not be necessary. That maybe the reason he thinks the price is OK.

More experience mongers will have better discipline so they are always ready to walk away from a bad deal, the same can't be said for newbies.

06-08-19, 10:41
Currently staying at Blux Apartamentos in Poblado. I heard beforehand that they were chica friendly, and they technically are, but the doorwomen are complete hardasses who won't let any chica through that doesn't have her physical ID on her. I've already had two regulars ejected because one only had a photo of her ID on her phone and the other brought a passport instead. Apparently a passport isn't considered a proper ID in Colombia, someone explain that to me!How many places in the US, that require an ID, will accept a picture of your driver's license? Try that one at a liquor store some time.

The girls all know that they need their cedula. If they have a passport, and are over 18, they have a cedula. Why would anyone carry their passport instead of their cedula, or other government ID, in their own country? Was she expecting you to fly her to Dubai?

There are 4 reasons why your girls didn't get in to the building.

1. They aren't old enough.

2. The IDs they were trying to use, weren't theirs.

3. They lost their IDs and were trying to get by.

4. They loaned their IDs to someone who isn't old enough.

Security probably has strict rules about who they allow to enter. One of the rules is probably that all women, entering as guests of gringos, must present a valid cedula. When you set up with the girls you should be telling them, no cedula, no cita.

06-08-19, 10:52
You know, I always wondered why girls who make less money don't go to Parque Lleras and charge 100 k-150 k sessions to beat out the standard 200 k-300 k sessions charged to gringos. One girl I met in a casa told me that there was a price lock in parque lleras because there is a person / group that runs this zone and the girls that work there all need to pay a fee to this person / group in order work there. She said if the fee wasn't paid there would probably be some type of extorsion / racketeering done to the said streetwalker, or maybe intimidation tactics. She said the streetwalker sex trade in Medellin was somewhat equivalent to the drug trade in the sense that different groups run different parts of town. I don't know what the fee is, but if you've read my previous posts you could probably tell I'm interested in the economics of the sex trade, as it helps in negotiating better long term deals and is in general interesting to me.

Anyway I can't really investigate further I'm in Brazil right now, but if one of you were interested in discovering more about the economics of the sexual marketplace in Medellin, ask a parque lleras streetwalker who the "duea de la zona" is and how much she charges them, her rules, etc. This may be interesting. Or it might all be bullshit from a casa girl LOL that made up some ridiculous excuse for why she didn't want to work in lleras and make 5 x more in one session than she does in 1 day.Seems highly doubtful to me. I've invited dozens of girls, from all over, to attend parties in Parque Lleras. I have a friend who invites hundreds a few times a year and has done so for several years. Often the girls will come to a party, take advantage of the paid taxi, get some free drinks and then head out to the park to see if they can get a higher price.

There are also a wide variety of women working the park. From the low end, the one I call Frankenstein, an experiment in excessive body modification that went horribly wrong, to genuine college girls, who only show up once a month.

06-08-19, 13:01
You know, I always wondered why girls who make less money don't go to Parque Lleras and charge 100 k-150 k sessions to beat out the standard 200 k-300 k sessions charged to gringos. One girl I met in a casa told me that there was a price lock in parque lleras because there is a person / group that runs this zone and the girls that work there all need to pay a fee to this person / group in order work there. She said if the fee wasn't paid there would probably be some type of extorsion / racketeering done to the said streetwalker, or maybe intimidation tactics. She said the streetwalker sex trade in Medellin was somewhat equivalent to the drug trade in the sense that different groups run different parts of town. I don't know what the fee is, but if you've read my previous posts you could probably tell I'm interested in the economics of the sex trade, as it helps in negotiating better long term deals and is in general interesting to me.

Anyway I can't really investigate further I'm in Brazil right now, but if one of you were interested in discovering more about the economics of the sexual marketplace in Medellin, ask a parque lleras streetwalker who the "duea de la zona" is and how much she charges them, her rules, etc. This may be interesting. Or it might all be bullshit from a casa girl LOL that made up some ridiculous excuse for why she didn't want to work in lleras and make 5 x more in one session than she does in 1 day.You are aware that all of the girls selling candy in Medellin are members of the "Dulce Union" which set prices that they can sell the candy for. I will head up to Parque Lleras tonight and report back to you in the morning as to what I find out about the economics of the sexual marketplace there.

06-08-19, 14:02
Relax there are some nice Venezuelans to be had, you just have to be patient and sift thru all of the disgusting ones!I'm confused about the demand for Venezuelans. Last I checked, they have all the same body parts as Colombians and they fuck the same. Maybe people are hoping to save some money, but when street prices in El Centro are already at 30 k, any savings is going to be minimal.

Then there's the comparison. I've walked those streets many times. There are always plenty of old, fat and ugly Colombians to be found. Heck, if she's still around, there's the toothless, one-legged woman who is always hopping around Veracruz. Sure you can find a few who are gems, although after 4 trips through you might have lowered your standards.

It really isn't a surprise that the lower quality Venezuelans have found their way to Botero Plaza. It's right next to the area where all the lower quality Colombians can be found. If you were a 8 or 9 girl, needing to make money, would you go where you can only hope to get 30 k or less each session, or would you go where you can get 150-250 k?

Charm City Dave
06-08-19, 15:10
Currently staying at Blux Apartamentos in Poblado. I heard beforehand that they were chica friendly, and they technically are, but the doorwomen are complete hardasses who won't let any chica through that doesn't have her physical ID on her. I've already had two regulars ejected because one only had a photo of her ID on her phone and the other brought a passport instead. Apparently a passport isn't considered a proper ID in Colombia, someone explain that to me!I have been staying there for years. It used to be wide open. There have been many incidents there with guys throwing crazy parties and disturbing the people who live there. Many apartments there now have T&Cs prohibiting prostitution and you can be be evicted if you create a scene. My advise (worth what you pay for it), keep a low profile. I suspect the reason a Passport isn't accepted is that the door woman has an app that checks the validity of the Cedula and that this app does not work on passports. Tell your chicas they have to bring a physical official Cedula (many have these counterfeit letters saying it is a temporary Cedula). Making a scene, being disrespectful or having a high profile is only going to result in harsher policies on future guests. I had girls showing up with all kinds of crazy ID and had no issues with the doorwoman turning them away. I told them exactly what they needed to bring and its not hard to get a replacement chica in Medellin in short order. I also tell them to dress reasonably, not like a hooker selling her ass on the street. I consider the door woman a feature not a bug. She will keep you out of the Colombian penal system preventing young girls with fake Cedulas from entering. I always treat her with respect and even tip her on occasion.....

06-08-19, 15:50
Just been in Fase dos the last days and talked to various girls. Quality average is 7/10 , only 2 or 3 stunners. But damn man, have the prices been inflated since last year, 3 girls asked 800 K for the whole night. And one girls asked for 300, I thought she meant 300 k peso but she explained its US dollars hahahaha. I said thats a cute little trick. Obviously I'm never going to pay that shite but its interesting to hear what's on their mind. Another girl with 10 body, which all the men were drooling over wanted 400 k for an hour and 600-800 for toda la noche LOL again. Some were willing to go down 600 k but that's about it.

Gringos must have really thrown around money here because otherwise I wouldn't hear this shite.

I avoided google translation and just spoke my terrible beginner Spanish. Perhaps if I spoke better spanish it wouldn't make any difference either because the girls are not here for that, they are here to scam clueless gringos.

My cab driver told me that the reason you see the hottest girls mostly at gringo places is exactly because you pay a lot of money and we get them for free or over a hamburger. These are results of Medellin being overexposed.

06-08-19, 16:22
I have been staying there for years. It used to be wide open. There have been many incidents there with guys throwing crazy parties and disturbing the people who live there. Many apartments there now have T&Cs prohibiting prostitution and you can be be evicted if you create a scene. My advise (worth what you pay for it), keep a low profile. I suspect the reason a Passport isn't accepted is that the door woman has an app that checks the validity of the Cedula and that this app does not work on passports. Tell your chicas they have to bring a physical official Cedula (many have these counterfeit letters saying it is a temporary Cedula). Making a scene, being disrespectful or having a high profile is only going to result in harsher policies on future guests. I had girls showing up with all kinds of crazy ID and had no issues with the doorwoman turning them away. I told them exactly what they needed to bring and its not hard to get a replacement chica in Medellin in short order. I also tell them to dress reasonably, not like a hooker selling her ass on the street...Excellent advice on all counts, especially maintaining a low profile.

06-08-19, 16:34
Just been in Fase dos the last days and talked to various girls. Quality average is 7/10 , only 2 or 3 stunners. But damn man, have the prices been inflated since last year, 3 girls asked 800 K for the whole night. And one girls asked for 300, I thought she meant 300 k peso but she explained its US dollars hahahaha. I said thats a cute little trick. Obviously I'm never going to pay that shite but its interesting to hear what's on their mind. Another girl with 10 body, which all the men were drooling over wanted 400 k for an hour and 600-800 for toda la noche LOL again. Some were willing to go down 600 k but that's about it.

Gringos must have really thrown around money here because otherwise I wouldn't hear this shite.

I avoided google translation and just spoke my terrible beginner Spanish. Perhaps if I spoke better spanish it wouldn't make any difference either because the girls are not here for that, they are here to scam clueless gringos.

My cab driver told me that the reason you see the hottest girls mostly at gringo places is exactly because you pay a lot of money and we get them for free or over a hamburger. These are results of Medellin being overexposed.With the massive influx of Venezuelan women and thirsty, thirsty gringos something has got to give when it comes to pricing. Economically, what happens when high supply meets high demand?

06-08-19, 17:30
With the massive influx of Venezuelan women and thirsty, thirsty gringos something has got to give when it comes to pricing. Economically, what happens when high supply meets high demand?Nothing, if it's an over supply of bad merchandise.

Blue Touch
06-08-19, 18:07
The equilibrium remains the same.

With the massive influx of Venezuelan women and thirsty, thirsty gringos something has got to give when it comes to pricing. Economically, what happens when high supply meets high demand?

Fun Luvr
06-08-19, 18:50
...The girls all know that they need their cedula. If they have a passport, and are over 18, they have a cedula. Why would anyone carry their passport instead of their cedula, or other government ID, in their own country?...Not necessarily. I knew a lady in Medellin who lost her cedula. She used her passport as her ID for more than a year. I suppose she thought it was not that important to apply for a replacement cedula.

06-08-19, 19:36
I consider the door woman a feature not a bug. She will keep you out of the Colombian penal system preventing young girls with fake Cedulas from entering. I always treat her with respect and even tip her on occasion.....I also view them as a security feature. Less chances of being mugged once WG knows her official ID is recorded. Other than Cuba, wonder why would someone not want a doorman in LatAm?

06-08-19, 19:41
Every gringo who does not want to go to Centro or doesn't have skill to get FB contacts goes to Fase Dios. And combine that with Gringos comparing the Fase Dios prices to US prices and thinking its a good deal.

Just been in Fase dos the last days and talked to various girls. Quality average is 7/10 , only 2 or 3 stunners. But damn man, have the prices been inflated since last year, 3 girls asked 800 K for the whole night. And one girls asked for 300, I thought she meant 300 k peso but she explained its US dollars hahahaha. I said thats a cute little trick. Obviously I'm never going to pay that shite but its interesting to hear what's on their mind. Another girl with 10 body, which all the men were drooling over wanted 400 k for an hour and 600-800 for toda la noche LOL again. Some were willing to go down 600 k but that's about it.

Gringos must have really thrown around money here because otherwise I wouldn't hear this shite.

06-08-19, 20:15
...One girl I met in a casa told me that there was a price lock in parque lleras because there is a person / group that runs this zone and the girls that work there all need to pay a fee to this person / group in order work there. She said if the fee wasn't paid there would probably be some type of extorsion / racketeering done to the said streetwalker ...Haha, that's funny!

Just like the girl ay Gustos told me the other night that they have to charge a minimum of $200 dollars! LOL.

Then the next day she's texting me, saying Ok papi, 200 mil pesos will do, LOL.

Best thing I've found going in Medellin is just walking about Botero, Veracruz, etc, daytime.

Reconning for something sweet looking.

I hit gold 2 days in a row!

One 18 year old Vennie in Botero, another on the street with the Tavernas.

And actually another cutie working as a waitress passed me her phone number as I was leaving, and said, escríbame!

It's not that hard.

Main tactic, approach nicely, be nice, speaking Spanish maybe not completely required, however, obviously helps immensely.

Not like I'm special or anything, just nice, clean, friendly and I speak very good spanish.

Just as many fat and ugly Colombianas, as Venenozolanas.

Very easy to ignore and pass by.

Don't understand the big deal post concerning them.

06-08-19, 20:55
I'm confused about the demand for Venezuelans. Last I checked, they have all the same body parts as Colombians and they fuck the same. Maybe people are hoping to save some money, but when street prices in El Centro are already at 30 k, any savings is going to be minimal.

Then there's the comparison. I've walked those streets many times. There are always plenty of old, fat and ugly Colombians to be found. Heck, if she's still around, there's the toothless, one-legged woman who is always hopping around Veracruz. Sure you can find a few who are gems, although after 4 trips through you might have lowered your standards.

It really isn't a surprise that the lower quality Venezuelans have found their way to Botero Plaza. It's right next to the area where all the lower quality Colombians can be found. If you were a 8 or 9 girl, needing to make money, would you go where you can only hope to get 30 k or less each session, or would you go where you can get 150-250 k?So where do you find all of the higher quality Venezuelans then. Do they work in the higher end clubs, casa's, or on Facebook.

And what about the toothless one legged woman around the Veracruz Church. I have been here for several months now and haven't run into her. Maybe she went into retirement?

06-08-19, 21:06
Just been in Fase dos the last days and talked to various girls. Quality average is 7/10 , only 2 or 3 stunners. But damn man, have the prices been inflated since last year, 3 girls asked 800 K for the whole night. And one girls asked for 300, I thought she meant 300 k peso but she explained its US dollars hahahaha. I said thats a cute little trick. Obviously I'm never going to pay that shite but its interesting to hear what's on their mind. Another girl with 10 body, which all the men were drooling over wanted 400 k for an hour and 600-800 for toda la noche LOL again. Some were willing to go down 600 k but that's about it.

Gringos must have really thrown around money here because otherwise I wouldn't hear this shite.

I avoided google translation and just spoke my terrible beginner Spanish. Perhaps if I spoke better spanish it wouldn't make any difference either because the girls are not here for that, they are here to scam clueless gringos.

My cab driver told me that the reason you see the hottest girls mostly at gringo places is exactly because you pay a lot of money and we get them for free or over a hamburger. These are results of Medellin being overexposed.Why didn't you just session with them on site for 190 k, get their WhatsApp and set up something when they aren't working?

They are on stage for 2 or 3 songs. They come off and make 100-200 k in tips, plus more if they can get a guy to buy drinks and tip them extra. They can make 300-500 k in the club without fucking anyone. Even more if they do a few sessions. And most of the money is coming from Colombians.

That's what you're competing against. If she leaves the club with you, she has to pay the bar, plus she loses what she would have made. The one offering 400 k must have really liked you, or she was tired.

06-08-19, 21:07
Best thing I've found going in Medellin is just walking about Botero, Veracruz, etc, daytime.

Reconning for something sweet looking.

I hit gold 2 days in a row!

One 18 year old Vennie in Botero, another on the street with the Tavernas.

And actually another cutie working as a waitress passed me her phone number as I was leaving, and said, escrbame!

It's not that hard.

Main tactic, approach nicely, be nice, speaking Spanish maybe not completely required, however, obviously helps immensely.

Not like I'm special or anything, just nice, clean, friendly and I speak very good spanish.We roll the same. There's nothing like the Botero and Veracruz area for meeting nice girls. However I doubt a non-Spanish speaking person would be able to do what we do as you mentioned.

06-08-19, 21:39
Just been in Fase dos the last days and talked to various girls. Another girl with 10 body, which all the men were drooling over wanted 400 k for an hour and 600-800 for toda la noche LOL again. Some were willing to go down 600 k but that's about it.

Gringos must have really thrown around money here because otherwise I wouldn't hear this shite.
Has their on-site price increased as well? Last time I was there it was 190 k for one hour.

06-08-19, 21:42
I was in Medellin in early April in a apartment with security. They required a cedula where it would be electronically scanned for authenticity. I am glad they do that. I had one girl forget her cedula and they refused to let her in. She should have known better. She came back later on with her cedula. No other IDs are accepted. As the front desk told me it is for my protection.

The front desk told me I can have Venezulean visitors but they needed to have a cedula or a valid passport with entry stamps.

Not necessarily. I knew a lady in Medellin who lost her cedula. She used her passport as her ID for more than a year. I suppose she thought it was not that important to apply for a replacement cedula.

06-09-19, 10:41
Has their on-site price increased as well? Last time I was there it was 190 k for one hour.Don't think so because I told one girl if you are worth just 190 k here, why do you think you are wort much more outside? She didn't have a good reply.

Haha, that's funny!

Just like the girl ay Gustos told me the other night that they have to charge a minimum of $200 dollars! LOL.

Then the next day she's texting me, saying Ok papi, 200 mil pesos will do, LOL. Yeah, just take the number and wait until they are desperate. Easy rule of attraction but thirsty gringos fail here.

Every gringo who does not want to go to Centro or doesn't have skill to get FB contacts goes to Fase Dios. And combine that with Gringos comparing the Fase Dios prices to US prices and thinking its a good deal.I guess they are the same ones, that travel once every 2 years.

06-09-19, 13:55
Every gringo who does not want to go to Centro or doesn't have skill to get FB contacts goes to Fase Dios. And combine that with Gringos comparing the Fase Dios prices to US prices and thinking its a good deal.I think most gringos pricing things in their local currency is practically unavoidable. To me, these are like trolls. It's simple; don't feed the trolls. You're not going to change a troll's behavior. By giving them information, you only encourage them to become greater trolls LOL.

There is already an abundance of wholesale information available for people to make informed decisions about what they want to do and how much it cost.

I think variety is great. There is something for everyone. I prefer that to places / options being cannibalized or oversaturated. Obviously, we don't all have to go to the same sources and do things the same way and pay the same prices. Be it a roach motel, luxury apartment with a jacuzzi, tattooed out crack head with a beer belly or student that could pass for a Victoria Secret model, everyone has different tastes.

I've seen enough pussy paradises ruined to determine where my focus needs to be and it isn't on the ill-informed or the trolls. Good luck to all.

06-09-19, 14:28
Best thing I've found going in Medellin is just walking about Botero, Veracruz, etc, daytime.

Reconning for something sweet looking.Suppose I'm trolling around Botero and I find a sweetie, where do I bring her? I like low end places to do the deed, but not too dirty.

Sky Jump
06-09-19, 17:32
Thank you for all for the tips. I booked a ticket to Medellin for Thanksgiving. Staying in Provenza for 11 nights (thank you for the tips on this area, seems much better than Lleras).

I speak decent Spanish so I started to build my Facebook database. Did it way too early. Now I have 70+ chicas, all ready to see me. Maybe I shouldn't have said I was already there. Now I need to delay them until I come.

It seems like yoga pants are not a thing in Colombia. Which blows my mind, considering how good these paisas would look in them. This is one Western thing that I hope makes its way to Colombia. Do any of you see girls wear them regularly like we see in the US?Where is this Provenza area? Thanks.

Blue Touch
06-09-19, 21:09
Girls usually have some kickback agreements with the hotels they use.

Suppose I'm trolling around Botero and I find a sweetie, where do I bring her? I like low end places to do the deed, but not too dirty.

06-09-19, 21:21
Provenza is very near El Poblado and Parque Lleras. It's walking distance from Parque Lleras if you don't mind a few steep hills. You are likely asking about it because of lodging or restaurants. Use the search term "Provenza Medellin" in the map application of your choice (Here Maps, Google Maps, Bing maps etc.) to orient yourself.

Where is this Provenza area? Thanks.

06-09-19, 22:03
The strip behind the Veracruz church is lined with hotels on both sides of the street. They all cost about the same. Some are slightly better than others.

Suppose I'm trolling around Botero and I find a sweetie, where do I bring her? I like low end places to do the deed, but not too dirty.

Fun Luvr
06-09-19, 22:20
Where is this Provenza area? Thanks.Three blocks up the hill from Parque Lleras.

06-10-19, 02:07
Suppose I'm trolling around Botero and I find a sweetie, where do I bring her? I like low end places to do the deed, but not too dirty.Depends on what you want to pay, rooms go from 5 K up to 22 K in the area. Probably the cleanest Hotel in the Pedestrian walkway between the Museum and the Church is Premier Plaza Hotel at 16 K short time. The girls that bring clients there who are regulars I believe get a 2 K kickback. Next best option in the Pedestrian walkway is Hotel Zona Rosa at 13 K with no kickback to the girls. Up the street form the walkway heading to the Metro is Calle Real at 22 K with big rooms. There are other Hotels on the walkway from the Church to the backside of the Church ranging in price down to 5 K but don't expect hot water or two towels at some of these prices. I typically patronize either the Zona Rosa or Premium Plaza as they have hot water and I require all of my Chicas to shower and most of them don't have hot water where they live so sometimes I have to drag them out of the shower!

06-10-19, 05:09
Depends on what you want to pay, rooms go from 5 K up to 22 K in the area. Probably the cleanest Hotel in the Pedestrian walkway between the Museum and the Church is Premier Plaza Hotel at 16 K short time.

Sorry for asking something really basic, but how much hours do you get to spend inside hotel after paying 16 k at Premier Plaza?

06-10-19, 05:45
Sorry for asking something really basic, but how much hours do you get to spend inside hotel after paying 16 k at Premier Plaza?Good question because I have never asked, but what I can tell you I was there today for an hour and a half and nobody knocked. And the one time I was in the Calle Real I was there two hours and nobody knocked, and I have been at Zona Rosa on several occasions for an hour and a half with no knock so for those Hotels I would assume at least a couple of hours.

06-10-19, 10:46
I'm confused about the demand for Venezuelans. Last I checked, they have all the same body parts as Colombians and they fuck the same. Maybe people are hoping to save some money, but when street prices in El Centro are already at 30 k, any savings is going to be minimal.

Then there's the comparison. I've walked those streets many times. There are always plenty of old, fat and ugly Colombians to be found. Heck, if she's still around, there's the toothless, one-legged woman who is always hopping around Veracruz. Sure you can find a few who are gems, although after 4 trips through you might have lowered your standards.

It really isn't a surprise that the lower quality Venezuelans have found their way to Botero Plaza. It's right next to the area where all the lower quality Colombians can be found. If you were a 8 or 9 girl, needing to make money, would you go where you can only hope to get 30 k or less each session, or would you go where you can get 150-250 k?As a non Spanish speaker (mostly) I find the Venezuelans tend to speak better English. So I guess any preference I have is nothing more than ease of communication.

World Travel 69
06-10-19, 17:31
Here are a few in the area.

4. Motel Lafayette, Carrera 50 # 56-37. Rates: 37 k 5 hours, with Jacuzzi. Tel: _ http://sexosentido.co/motel-lafayette/sexshop/.

5. Hotel Eros (Hotel Elegante), Carrera 54 # 54-31. Rates: 31 k-41 k. Tel: (57) (4) 512 62 20. http://hotelerosmedellin.com/ https://twitter.com/HotelEros_col.

6. Hotel Morgan, Carrera 53 # 53-17, next to Bar El Faro. Rates: _ Tel: _.

7. Noches Divinis, Carrera 53 between Calles 50 to 52. Rates: 10 k. Tel: _.

8. Cascada Plaza, Carrera 53 between Calles 50 to 52. Rates: 5 k. Tel: _.

9. Ensensonte, Carrera 53 between Calles 50 to 52. Rates: 12 k. Tel: _.

10. Asuhotel Dani, Carrera 53 between Calles 50 to 52. Rates: 4 k. Tel: _.

11. Hotel Carruso, Carrera 53 between Calles 50 to 52. Rates: 3 k. Tel: _.

12. Hotel Brisas del Jardin, Calle 51 # 52-79, Of 203. Rates: 3,5 k. Tel: (57) (4) 231 4787.

Suppose I'm trolling around Botero and I find a sweetie, where do I bring her? I like low end places to do the deed, but not too dirty.

06-10-19, 18:49
I really do hope it is not enforced, because we all know if it wasn't for the chicas most of these one bedroom Airbnbs would be empty. Actually is the first Airbnb in Medellin that I see with that "no sex tourist" label and I'm running out of the time so I might just take the chance and see.Airbnb hosts all have their own rules and may or may not choose to enforce those rules. There is no generalization that applies to all "Airbnb". But if your unit is in close proximity to the family or something like that they are not going to want prostitutes around. Best just ask for clarification. I've stayed in a half dozen or so. Only one would have been suitable for guests.

And bribing the owner. LOL. I have my place on Airbnb and if someone tried that I would for sure ban their ass and report it to Airbnb so that as a user of Airbnb other owners would be warned.

06-10-19, 19:08
Currently staying at Blux Apartamentos in Poblado. I heard beforehand that they were chica friendly, and they technically are, but the doorwomen are complete hardasses who won't let any chica through that doesn't have her physical ID on her. I've already had two regulars ejected because one only had a photo of her ID on her phone and the other brought a passport instead. Apparently a passport isn't considered a proper ID in Colombia, someone explain that to me!Not hardasses. No legit hotel or apartment would accept anything other than a cedula. It is not even legal for them to "not" have one. And if they don't there is something seriously wrong.

A photo of ID on a phone is almost certainly a scam. Anyway. For your own good insist on an actual cedula so you or the security can check age, etc.

06-10-19, 20:15
Thank you for all for the tips. I booked a ticket to Medellin for Thanksgiving. Staying in Provenza for 11 nights (thank you for the tips on this area, seems much better than Lleras).

I speak decent Spanish so I started to build my Facebook database. Did it way too early. Now I have 70+ chicas, all ready to see me. Maybe I shouldn't have said I was already there. Now I need to delay them until I come.

It seems like yoga pants are not a thing in Colombia. Which blows my mind, considering how good these paisas would look in them. This is one Western thing that I hope makes its way to Colombia. Do any of you see girls wear them regularly like we see in the US?Apologize in advance if this is a silly question, but how do you go about searching for girls on Facebook? Are there any groups or any particular search options you use? Thanks!

06-11-19, 13:44
Here are a few in the area.

4. Motel Lafayette, Carrera 50 # 56-37. Rates: 37 k 5 hours, with Jacuzzi. Tel: _ http://sexosentido.co/motel-lafayette/sexshop/..I didn't know any short time Hotels existed at 3 K and 4 K in the area and I can only imagine how luxurious they are!

06-11-19, 16:58
Apologize in advance if this is a silly question, but how do you go about searching for girls on Facebook? Are there any groups or any particular search options you use? Thanks!I think if you check back in the thread, some kind members have posted links. I'm always happy to share, but I've never been to Medellin. As soon as I arrive, I'm planning to snap some photos of myself and work on a friend list.

06-11-19, 18:24
What are some great hang out spots to meet regular chics during day time? I am in Medellin right now and check out Unicentro and Santa fe malls but wasnt to impressed not many chicas. I am staying by La 70 and Universidad bolivariana is just across the corner but it seems like it is a gated area, is it?

06-11-19, 23:28
What are some great hang out spots to meet regular chics during day time? I am in Medellin right now and check out Unicentro and Santa fe malls but wasnt to impressed not many chicas. I am staying by La 70 and Universidad bolivariana is just across the corner but it seems like it is a gated area, is it?UPB is located between 2 diagonal streets. The one to the east is Avenida Bolivariana. The one to the west is Avenida Nutibara. If you head NW on Avenida Nutibara, there are some places that are popular with the college crowd.

Carrera 70 ends at the north side of UPB. If you go north, on the right side at Circular 3 is a bar that stays pretty busy. Can't recall the name. Just a block south of that is a pretty cool little coffee shop.

If your Spanish is up to it, try El Centro. Between San Antonio station and Parque Berrio station of the metro, west 1 block is a walking street with lots of vendors. There are several other similar spots in the area. There's also several dozen shopping centers around there. There are some good looking women working there and many are happy to talk. I know a guy who has picked up several women working regular jobs in the area.

Other than that, pick any bar or restaurant with a few attractive waitresses and not many customers. They'll be happy to talk to you.

06-11-19, 23:31
What are some great hang out spots to meet regular chics during day time? I am in Medellin right now and check out Unicentro and Santa fe malls but wasnt to impressed not many chicas. I am staying by La 70 and Universidad bolivariana is just across the corner but it seems like it is a gated area, is it?If your looking for "regular" Chicas in the daytime, well most of them have jobs and that's why you didn't see many in the malls you were at.

Mr Enternational
06-12-19, 03:35
If your looking for "regular" Chicas in the daytime, well most of them have jobs and that's why you didn't see many in the malls you were at.Besides that, you rarely see women in the mall alone. They are going to be with their kids, their mom, their man, or their friends.

06-12-19, 05:33
Apologize in advance if this is a silly question, but how do you go about searching for girls on Facebook? Are there any groups or any particular search options you use? Thanks!

I think if you check back in the thread, some kind members have posted links. I'm always happy to share, but I've never been to Medellin. As soon as I arrive, I'm planning to snap some photos of myself and work on a friend list.No need to be in Medellin for making a friendlist. You need to be in Medellin for the girls to take you seriously over FB chat.

Below is a list with friends who have open friends tab I. E you can see all their friends:



https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011323845278 -- pretty sure most the girls in his friendlist will accept your request.

https://www.facebook.com/Malcolm.Babygrand.Flythe -- most the his friends are also prepagos.


Just keep adding the friends from above profiles and don't over do it to trigger FB spam detectors. Also don't forget to add gringos to your list. Will later help you to know who is a prepago and who is not.

Black Page
06-12-19, 09:56
UPB is located between 2 diagonal streets. The one to the east is Avenida Bolivariana. The one to the west is Avenida Nutibara. If you head NW on Avenida Nutibara, there are some places that are popular with the college crowd.UPB is a nest of jailbaits, even dressed with those college uniforms that are so fetish, but I seriously doubt that any ISG member does have a chance with any of them.

UPB is one of the most expensive and best reputed institutions in Colombia. Only the upper class sends their daughters and sons to study there. Girls there do NOT need money, are highly educated, speak good English, have access to handsome guys in their social circle, and 99% have high moral Catholic standards.

Black Page
06-12-19, 10:02
Not hardasses. No legit hotel or apartment would accept anything other than a cedula. It is not even legal for them to "not" have one. And if they don't there is something seriously wrong..Motels do not request a cedula. Just go in.

BTW, and I repeated this countless times, having a cedula does not exclude that there can be "something seriously wrong" anyway. A girl can have the cedula of someone else, with photo loosely looking like her, and stolen / fake cedulas are available for sale for not a high price. I can say this because a girl I met in CTG explained me that her cedula was not HER cedula indeed and how easy is to buy one.

06-12-19, 12:22
UPB is one of the most expensive and best reputed institutions in Colombia. Only the upper class sends their daughters and sons to study there. Girls there do not need money, are highly educated, speak good English, have access to handsome guys in their social circle, and 99% have high moral Catholic standards.

(85%of people in Colombia are poor. Even people in high estratos aren't necessarily rich. They are just keeping up with the Jones and have lots of debt. Even those that make a lot of money spend more than they make. Financial discretion / discipline is not engrained in their culture. Why do you think they have a quota system for something as small as a meal?

06-12-19, 13:52
UPB is a nest of jailbaits, even dressed with those college uniforms that are so fetish, but I seriously doubt that any ISG member does have a chance with any of them.

UPB is one of the most expensive and best reputed institutions in Colombia. Only the upper class sends their daughters and sons to study there. Girls there do NOT need money, are highly educated, speak good English, have access to handsome guys in their social circle, and 99% have high moral Catholic standards.Love the negativity.

Black Page
06-12-19, 15:45
Love the negativity.Sorry for that, but real world is a harsh tough world. <crying .

(I will not mention the hard-ons that I suffered every time I have been beyond the gates of UPB or just walked around the area nearby).

06-12-19, 16:00
Sorry for that, but real world is a harsh tough world. <crying .

(I will not mention the hard-ons that I suffered every time I have been beyond the gates of UPB or just walked around the area nearby).So if 99% of the girls there are Catholic with high moral standards (virgins) why do you torture yourself by going there parading around with a boner when they are off limits to you?

Sky Jump
06-12-19, 16:47
Provenza is very near El Poblado and Parque Lleras. It's walking distance from Parque Lleras if you don't mind a few steep hills. You are likely asking about it because of lodging or restaurants. Use the search term "Provenza Medellin" in the map application of your choice (Here Maps, Google Maps, Bing maps etc.) to orient yourself.Thanks for sharing. I travel here a lot so I will have to check it out.


06-12-19, 18:00
I think I just won the prize for the most absurdly demanding prepago in all of Colombia. Last fall I matched on Tinder with this red-headed girl with huge natural boobs who called herself Angie Katherine Rodriguez. After moving over to Whatsapp to arrange a date she replied back with this huge pre-formatted 8-point bulletin explaining that she was an "escort" who will gladly accompany you for 69,000 every half hour. No promise of sex (but hey, it "may happen naturally") and you can ogle her boobs (but absolutely no touching! But don't worry, she absolutely LOVES sex, so who knows how the evening will go. Yeah, right. Needless to say I passed.

Fast forward to this month and I see she now has an ad on photoprepagos.com (I recognized that name and those boobs! Maybe her little Tinder scheme wasn't paying off, or maybe she turned a new leaf, but anyway I sent her a new message, and after an interminable 6 day delay she replied back with an even more massive 22-point bulletin. Now she claims she will, in fact, have sex for money, at 190,000 per hour. However, to prove that you're actually serious ("I do not risk going to false dates! You first have to buy her catalog of nude photos, all for the low cost of 69,000. Just wire her money through Western Union, Bancolombia, Paypal, Daviplata, heck, even bitcoin! What a steal! And she'll deduct the cost of the photos from your appointment! Who can resist?

Who knows, maybe nine months from now I'll see her on another platform with a new plan to make money without actually having any sex.

06-12-19, 23:57
I think I just won the prize for the most absurdly demanding prepago in all of Colombia. Last fall I matched on Tinder with this red-headed girl with huge natural boobs who called herself Angie Katherine Rodriguez. After moving over to Whatsapp to arrange a date she replied back with this huge pre-formatted 8-point bulletin explaining that she was an "escort" who will gladly accompany you for 69,000 every half hour. No promise of sex (but hey, it "may happen naturally") and you can ogle her boobs (but absolutely no touching! But don't worry, she absolutely LOVES sex, so who knows how the evening will go. Yeah, right. Needless to say I passed.

Fast forward to this month and I see she now has an ad on photoprepagos.com (I recognized that name and those boobs! Maybe her little Tinder scheme wasn't paying off, or maybe she turned a new leaf, but anyway I sent her a new message, and after an interminable 6 day delay she replied back with an even more massive 22-point bulletin. Now she claims she will, in fact, have sex for money, at 190,000 per hour. However, to prove that you're actually serious ("I do not risk going to false dates! You first have to buy her catalog of nude photos, all for the low cost of 69,000. Just wire her money through Western Union, Bancolombia, Paypal, Daviplata, heck, even bitcoin! What a steal! And she'll deduct the cost of the photos from your appointment! Who can resist?

Who knows, maybe nine months from now I'll see her on another platform with a new plan to make money without actually having any sex.Ironically, due to her obviously being a nutjob, she is probably a total firecracker in la cama.

06-13-19, 00:07
Ironically, due to her obviously being a nutjob, she is probably a total firecracker in la cama.Probably just the opposite.

Wouldn't touch that.

Most likely all talk, all BS.

06-13-19, 01:58
Broad generalizations can be misleading.

Oh please, if like Americans are the prime example of living within your means, I'm pretty sure you still owe your last trip to MDE in to your credit card.

06-13-19, 03:02
Ironically, due to her obviously being a nutjob, she is probably a total firecracker in la cama.She certainly seems to think she's the ultimate puta. After I pointed out that there were thousands of prepagos in Medellin that don't require you pay an upfront deposit she testily replied that they "do it out of necessity and not for pleasure" and were "very common and ugly". No point in arguing with a delusional narcissist. If any of you wants a laugh I still have her contact info.

06-13-19, 09:34
................ 99% have high moral Catholic standards.Damn, I wish I were young and handsome again. I'd certainly check out the girls at UPB. In my younger days meeting a girl with high moral Catholic standards meant you were in like Flynn.

06-13-19, 13:47
Damn, I wish I were young and handsome again. I'd certainly check out the girls at UPB. In my younger days meeting a girl with high moral Catholic standards meant you were in like Flynn.Yeah, I was going to point out that high moral Catholic standards generally means she's good at putting her ankles on your shoulders.

06-13-19, 17:56
Can someone recommend legit massage places? I don't need hanky panky, just female masseuse who knows what she is doing.

Black Page
06-13-19, 18:25
So if 99% of the girls there are Catholic with high moral standards (virgins) why do you torture yourself by going there parading around with a boner when they are off limits to you?Nice torture! I understand you never played with yourself watching a movie.
However, specifically in this area, I went there not to play with myself (I would be in jail now) but because of some other reason.

06-13-19, 19:22
Nice torture! I understand you never played with yourself watching a movie.
However, specifically in this area, I went there not to play with myself (I would be in jail now) but because of some other reason.Sometimes to much information! You've been away a while, I've missed your posts about your late night / early morning escapades in El Centro, always entertaining, and a bit chilling!

06-13-19, 19:54
UPB is one of the most expensive and best reputed institutions in Colombia. Only the upper class sends their daughters and sons to study there. Girls there do NOT need money.It will be hard to pick up the daughters of wealthy peasants with small $, so the offer has to be Monthly, Yearly & starts as a lucrative genuine job (she wants some extra $ & independence from her Wealthy peasant parents). Anything higher than her professor pay gets her going, if you dislike short encounters & into relationships this is a great option, it will end up cheaper than spending $ on the average pro girl.

If you like new vagina everyday, not a good investment.

Charm City Dave
06-13-19, 22:47
Dam, I used to have some success in the US with Tinder and SA but now hardly try as both are full of girls who want to sell nudes or have some other scheme to get money without putting out. That this has spread to Medellin makes me want to cry LOL.

I think I just won the prize for the most absurdly demanding prepago in all of Colombia. Last fall I matched on Tinder with this red-headed girl with huge natural boobs who called herself Angie Katherine Rodriguez. After moving over to Whatsapp to arrange a date she replied back with this huge pre-formatted 8-point bulletin explaining that she was an "escort" who will gladly accompany you for 69,000 every half hour. No promise of sex (but hey, it "may happen naturally") and you can ogle her boobs (but absolutely no touching! But don't worry, she absolutely LOVES sex, so who knows how the evening will go. Yeah, right. Needless to say I passed.

Fast forward to this month and I see she now has an ad on photoprepagos.com (I recognized that name and those boobs! Maybe her little Tinder scheme wasn't paying off, or maybe she turned a new leaf, but anyway I sent her a new message, and after an interminable 6 day delay she replied back with an even more massive 22-point bulletin. Now she claims she will, in fact, have sex for money, at 190,000 per hour. However, to prove that you're actually serious ("I do not risk going to false dates! You first have to buy her catalog of nude photos, all for the low cost of 69,000. Just wire her money through Western Union, Bancolombia, Paypal, Daviplata, heck, even bitcoin! What a steal! And she'll deduct the cost of the photos from your appointment! Who can resist?

Who knows, maybe nine months from now I'll see her on another platform with a new plan to make money without actually having any sex.

06-14-19, 00:40
Dam, I used to have some success in the US with Tinder and SA but now hardly try as both are full of girls who want to sell nudes or have some other scheme to get money without putting out. That this has spread to Medellin makes me want to cry LOL.One has to be an idiot in this era of free porno and pictures all over the internet to be paying putas for that. Don't doubt they are out there though.

The Tall Man
06-14-19, 02:00
Catching my breath after a world wind road tour of Colombia and Ecuador, over 11,000 km between the both countries during the past 3 months, I need to catch up with the posts here in Medellin and hope to add some value as I already spent today in centro (botero plaza, the vera, raudal) and last evening with one of my paisa favorites, a welcome home overnight'er and she satisfies one of my fetishes as she is 5 months pregnant, with medium sized belly bulge and swollen titties and swollen pussy.

The Tall Man.

06-14-19, 02:15
The webcam operations are still popular.

One has to be an idiot in this era of free porno and pictures all over the internet to be paying putas for that. Don't doubt they are out there though.

06-14-19, 08:13
Probably the cheapest would be to go to centro and hire a streetwalker for 100 k / peso a day. (snip) find a venezuelan they might actually speak a more standard spanish than the colombian streetwalkers because they tend to be more educated than colombian hood rats. At $30/8 hrs this is the cheapest language school you can find.In fact I see them a tour guides and references / intro service, why not?

Black Page
06-14-19, 09:44
Sometimes to much information! You've been away a while, I've missed your posts about your late night / early morning escapades in El Centro, always entertaining, and a bit chilling!I have been missing the night adventures in El Centro more than you miss my reports LOL. To be fair, I must say that the MDE scene at night today is much more legal and quiet than years ago. Safer but less thrilling.

I won't be back to MDE soon. My next trips will be to Guayaquil (where ladies are ugly, cube-shaped, and also generally not available for casual sex, not to mention their "high Catholic moral standard", which is an aggravation), followed by just few days in Cartagena. Darth Vader is in hibernation currently, but ready to get back to life. Who knows when!

Mr Enternational
06-14-19, 12:51
Which one of you ISGers is it that thinks he is getting front of the line privileges over the other 255 guys by sending money?

06-14-19, 12:57
Which one of you ISGers is it that thinks he is getting front of the line privileges over the other 255 guys by sending money?Probably he is getting some cam sex and some dream about perfect life with chicka in near future.

06-14-19, 13:28
I have been missing the night adventures in El Centro more than you miss my reports LOL. To be fair, I must say that the MDE scene at night today is much more legal and quiet than years ago. Safer but less thrilling.

I won't be back to MDE soon. My next trips will be to Guayaquil (where ladies are ugly, cube-shaped, and also generally not available for casual sex, not to mention their "high Catholic moral standard", which is an aggravation), followed by just few days in Cartagena. Darth Vader is in hibernation currently, but ready to get back to life. Who knows when!I've spent a great deal of time in El Centro at all times of the day- and while you certainly don't want to be a dar papaya, it's not nearly as scary as people would have you believe.

06-14-19, 13:32
Can someone recommend legit massage places? I don't need hanky panky, just female masseuse who knows what she is doing.Why would you go to a monger site to find out about legitimate massage? Are you daft?

06-14-19, 13:35
She certainly seems to think she's the ultimate puta. After I pointed out that there were thousands of prepagos in Medellin that don't require you pay an upfront deposit she testily replied that they "do it out of necessity and not for pleasure" and were "very common and ugly". No point in arguing with a delusional narcissist. If any of you wants a laugh I still have her contact info.Some of the worst lays I ever had were also the hottest. Some girls get to the point they think they're so hot all they have to do is allow a guy her favors. Give me a 7 with a good work ethic and a desire to please over a bored 10 any day.

D Cups
06-14-19, 14:08
Some of the worst lays I ever had were also the hottest. Concur but usually good for photos. As for the legit massage, it is a fair question for ISG as well as taxis, hotels, restaurants, etc. I'll be making my virgin trip to MDE in November having mostly been to DR and SEA. Is anyone having any luck with Colombia Cupid?

06-14-19, 14:12

The victim was identified as Oliver Joshua, and according to Caracol Radio, the tourist arrived in the city on Wednesday afternoon and was murdered a few hours later.

Joshua only entered the country from Florida, United States, and according to the station the first versions point to the man "went out to make a cell phone call" when he was attacked by gunshots.

Witnesses cited by that frequency assured that the murderer wore a jean and gray jacket, and that after his assignment he got into a taxi and fled.

At a press conference on Thursday, the mayor of Medellin, Federico Gutirrez, was questioned about the murder of the foreigner, and the first thing he said was that he was a "hired killer".

"A person approaches him outside the hotel where he was staying, and arrives directly and gives him some shots that cause his death. He is already being followed up and communicated to the authorities of the United States. And until I do not have total clarity, I ask for time to say what could be the reasons for this death, "explained Gutirrez.

The mayor also said that what is clear, so far, "is that it was not for attempted robbery," because along with the lifeless body the authorities found "the wallet, his belongings and his cell phone, which is being analyzed and the calls you've had. ".

06-14-19, 15:51
I've spent a great deal of time in El Centro at all times of the day- and while you certainly don't want to be a dar papaya, it's not nearly as scary as people would have you believe.This may lead some to believe that El Centro is not scary, which really isn't the issue. The issue is that it can be quite dangerous, especially at night! So if your an obvious gringo, lot's of caution is advised in the night and early mornings.

Mr Enternational
06-14-19, 15:55
Some of the worst lays I ever had were also the hottest. Some girls get to the point they think they're so hot all they have to do is allow a guy her favors. Give me a 7 with a good work ethic and a desire to please over a bored 10 any day.But how would you know until you try it? There are no absolutes. The 10 could have a good work ethic and desire to please, while the 7 thinks she is so hot all she has to do is allow a guy her favors. Or it could even be possible that neither chick knows what they are doing in the bed. YMMV.

06-14-19, 16:01
My next trips will be to Guayaquil (where ladies are ugly, cube-shaped, and also generally not available for casual sex, not to mention their "high Catholic moral standard", which is an aggravation), followed by just few days in Cartagena. Darth Vader is in hibernation currently, but ready to get back to life. Who knows when!If your looking for Pygmies, shouldn't you be going to Africa or South East Asia, or is there a concentration of them in Guayaquil.

Black Page
06-14-19, 16:18
I've spent a great deal of time in El Centro at all times of the day- and while you certainly don't want to be a dar papaya, it's not nearly as scary as people would have you believe.Trust me 10 years ago at midnight it was scary for me. Now it is not so bad as before, but yet I would not recommend the majority of readers to stroll under the metro at Prado or in Cl. 54-55-56 after say 11 pm. I prefer to recommend caution.

The Tall Man
06-14-19, 16:37
I have been missing the night adventures in El Centro more than you miss my reports LOL. To be fair, I must say that the MDE scene at night today is much more legal and quiet than years ago. Safer but less thrilling.

I won't be back to MDE soon. My next trips will be to Guayaquil (where ladies are ugly, cube-shaped, and also generally not available for casual sex, not to mention their "high Catholic moral standard", which is an aggravation), followed by just few days in Cartagena. Darth Vader is in hibernation currently, but ready to get back to life. Who knows when!Yep I just returned from Ecuador, Guayaquil is one city where I checked out the P4P, my best simplistic generality statement is that with very few exceptions the cuties that are available anywhere in Ecuador will be either Colombian or Venezuelans.

The Tall Man.

The Tall Man
06-14-19, 16:42
Haha, that's funny!

Just like the girl ay Gustos told me the other night that they have to charge a minimum of $200 dollars! LOL.

Then the next day she's texting me, saying Ok papi, 200 mil pesos will do, LOL.

Best thing I've found going in Medellin is just walking about Botero, Veracruz, etc, daytime.

Reconning for something sweet looking.

I hit gold 2 days in a row!

One 18 year old Vennie in Botero, another on the street with the Tavernas.

And actually another cutie working as a waitress passed me her phone number as I was leaving, and said, escrbame!

It's not that hard..You must be my brother from another mother as I too love the hunt in centro. Yesterday I had to drop off my all night from the day before on oriental and so just parked about noon and walked around the whole area until about 4 pm, so over the course of 3 hours I found 2 or 3 newer venies that I have not seen before, all available, did not get any number but I will return this afternoon. Just need to mention how many chicas were out and about, probably double, seriously double from what I usually see on a Thursday afternoon.

I will head out this afternoon back to botero. My kind of place.

The Tall Man.

The Tall Man
06-14-19, 16:53
Lots of good information in your Post about casas and other stuff, however the part on the Venezuelans needs clarification as it is misleading.

You will see lots of girls selling candy, however they are not all from Venezuela, lots of Colombians sell candy as well. The main congregation of Venezuelan hookers in EL Centro is in and around the Museum de Antoquia, the park directly in front of it, and the pedestrian walkway to the Veracruz Church. Yesterday afternoon there was at least a hundred of them out there if not more. They typically are in groups of two to four girls. In the last two months there has been a major influx of them. However the majority of these Venezuelans are disgusting being overweight and ugly. There are very few "quality" girls among them as you state in your post.

In my opinion the Venezuelans have squeezed the Colombians out in the area I mentioned to a certain degree just based on there sheer numbers and rock bottom pricing. It's been harder and harder for me to find nice Colombian girls in this area over the past months and my Colombian regulars don't like what has happened in the area. There has also been robberies and violence occurring with some of the Venezuelans as well. Up until a few months ago it was cool having the Venezuelans show up, putting a little pressure on pricing, etc. But know I wish the situation in their Country would get resolved and they leave..They (Venezuelans) will not be leaving anytime soon as Maduro has sunk his boots into the ground and is there to stay, think Castro after 50 plus years.

I just read yesterday that Peru, as of this Saturday (tomorrow) will require all Venezuelans trying to enter into Peru to have both a valid passport and Visa, which none of them have. What does this mean? They will only be able to stay either in Ecuador or Colombia so get ready for the coming wave of even more venies in Colombia including Medellin in the coming months and years as word gets back that newcomers cannot get into Peru so they migrate to Colombia or Ecuador.

The Tall Man.

06-14-19, 17:00
I for one would like to know myself? With all the beautiful women available after awhile I would love to take a break and get a nice relaxing massage. I would imagine the price for a massage must be very reasonable as well. If anyone knows where please share?

Why would you go to a monger site to find out about legitimate massage? Are you daft?.

Ty Down
06-14-19, 17:26
The webcam operations are still popular.Yes they are. A few years ago this girl made a ton of money live streaming her video's. Her name is Kloe la Maravilla aka NATALIA TAMAYO. She is still popular in Colombia, she even had a TV show at one time. Some of her more explicit video's are on PornHub.


Charm City Dave
06-14-19, 17:56
I for one would like to know myself? With all the beautiful women available after awhile I would love to take a break and get a nice relaxing massage. I would imagine the price for a massage must be very reasonable as well. If anyone knows where please share?

.Sometimes you just want a massage. I went to Zanzéand (near the Mansion) twice. First time got a great one hour hot stone massage for 80 k. The girl (small ok looking blond) kinda got near my package making me thing the extras were available on request but I was happy with the massage. Second time I went I got this chunky pleasant looking brunet. Same massage but at the end before I could even object, she doused my johnson with oil and began with the HJ. I thought about waiving her off but admittedly once a girl touches my junk I just am incapable of saying stop LOL. I tipped her an extra 30 k which she seemed dissatisfied with but I didn't ask for a HJ. I had also heard from a friend that he got full service there. But again, a really good therapeutic massage (so many are just so so) is great and if someone can recommend I'd be interested too.

06-15-19, 00:16
Yep I just returned from Ecuador, Guayaquil is one city where I checked out the P4P, my best simplistic generality statement is that with very few exceptions the cuties that are available anywhere in Ecuador will be either Colombian or Venezuelans.

The Tall Man.But good Pygmies!

06-15-19, 01:12
They (Venezuelans) will not be leaving anytime soon as Maduro has sunk his boots into the ground and is there to stay, think Castro after 50 plus years.

I just read yesterday that Peru, as of this Saturday (tomorrow) will require all Venezuelans trying to enter into Peru to have both a valid passport and Visa, which none of them have. What does this mean? They will only be able to stay either in Ecuador or Colombia so get ready for the coming wave of even more venies in Colombia including Medellin in the coming months and years as word gets back that newcomers cannot get into Peru so they migrate to Colombia or Ecuador.

The Tall Man.You are spot on with your analogy of Maduro and Castro, and short of somebody taking out Maduro, he's going to be around a while. In regards to countries accepting the Venezuelans, I was in Santa Marta this week, and three Vzs were telling me that Ecuador is much better for them to go to as apparently the government does offer some type of financial assistance and I guess wants them there to augment their population by providing for them whereby Colombia just lets them in. I think Colombia will eventually go the way of Peru when the government has to raise taxes on the Colombian citizens to cover the costs associated with them being here. A generation ago during all the Narco killings in Colombia, millions of Colombians left for Venezuela who accepted them when they were very prosperous. Of all the Colombians I have spoken with, about 80% of them don't want them here and I guess after a generation ago, lots of people don't remember what Venezuela did for the Colombians, but the older Colombians do.

In regards to all of the Vzs in El Centro, the problem I have is just the sheer numbers of fat and ugly ones. The wave of them is in just the last few months has been insane, and is only going to get worse as you mentioned. I was in El Centro today and haven't been there in five days and noticed all kinds of new Vzs. The problem I have with all of them is how many of them are fat and pudgy, Yes there are fat and pudgy Colombians, but now because of the sheer numbers of Vzs the place is overrun with fat and ugly ones. So as a comparison if you were in El Centro prior to the Vzs coming with 100 Chicas and 20 of them being gross, imagine with the Vzs being there with 500 Chicas, and 250 of them are gross. Maybe the numbers don't make sense, but I just believe there is a much higher proportion of fat and ugly Vzs than Colombians in El Centro. Just my personal observations being there almost everyday.

The other thing I wonder about with this heavy influx of the Vzs is how the Colombian guys are doing with all this, seeing that they probably make up at least 95% or more of their customers. With all of the Vzs here, prices have to be dropping dramatically for them as simple supply and demand would dictate. There's also the issue of the Colombian Chicas getting squeezed as a result of all this. They hate them because it's cut into their business and existence.

My bet is that something will happen soon enough in El Centro with all of the Vzs there, like the local government or Police taking some type of measures, etc. It may go something like, Botero Plaza is a tourist destination now and the surrounding area is very historical, etc, and the area has to be cleaned up or controlled during certain hours.

06-15-19, 01:38
At #30148:

It was reported he had criminal record for gun running.

06-15-19, 10:01
................. I was in El Centro today and haven't been there in five days and noticed all kinds of new Vzs. The problem I have with all of them is how many of them are fat and pudgy, Yes there are fat and pudgy Colombians, but now because of the sheer numbers of Vzs the place is overrun with fat and ugly ones.............It appears that among the problems in Venezuela food is not one of them.

D Cups
06-15-19, 13:15
But how would you know until you try it? There are no absolutes. The 10 could have a good work ethic and desire to please, while the 7 thinks she is so hot all she has to do is allow a guy her favors. Or it could even be possible that neither chick knows what they are doing in the bed. YMMV.Ya, this is true. One never knows until one tries. So many variables including the monger himself as well as the chicas particular mindset at the time. Cheers.

06-15-19, 14:02
In regards to all of the Vzs in El Centro, the problem I have is just the sheer numbers of fat and ugly ones. The wave of them is in just the last few months has been insane, and is only going to get worse as you mentioned. I was in El Centro today and haven't been there in five days and noticed all kinds of new Vzs. The problem I have with all of them is how many of them are fat and pudgy, Yes there are fat and pudgy Colombians, but now because of the sheer numbers of Vzs the place is overrun with fat and ugly ones.

Yes, but they are cheap and exotic for the American sex tourists on a tight budget and will look like JLO to those merely looking for a cum receptacle.

Iguana Six
06-15-19, 14:13
It appears that among the problems in Venezuela food is not one of them.Just the opposite. Food, especially good food, is scarce in Venezuela. Bring them the Colombia, where food is cheap and plentiful, and the VZ girls will plump up.

Then there is the problem of food choices. Shopping for, washing, and preparing an 8-vegetable salad is time consuming and complicated. Getting something fatty and fried, is quick and convenient.

Then, there is the issue of lodging for these Vz girls. Do they have access to a fridge and a kitchen where they are staying? Do they have the logistics to make a healthy chicken soup, or are they hot cotting a shared bed in a 4-to-a-room boarding house?

06-15-19, 14:40
Yes, but they are cheap and exotic for the American sex tourists on a tight budget and will look like JLO to those merely looking for a cum receptacle.In my opinion very few American sex tourists partake in the El Centro street scene.

However, the Colombian men in El Centro must be having a field day with all of the Vzs there.

El Centro has probably never seen such a heavy influx of "cum receptacles" ever before with the arrival of the fugly Vzs!

06-15-19, 15:09
Does anyone have any hotel or Airbnb recommendations where they let chicas in without any hassle.

06-15-19, 22:09
Just the opposite. Food, especially good food, is scarce in Venezuela. Bring them the Colombia, where food is cheap and plentiful, and the VZ girls will plump up.

Then there is the problem of food choices. Shopping for, washing, and preparing an 8-vegetable salad is time consuming and complicated. Getting something fatty and fried, is quick and convenient.

Then, there is the issue of lodging for these Vz girls. Do they have access to a fridge and a kitchen where they are staying? Do they have the logistics to make a healthy chicken soup, or are they hot cotting a shared bed in a 4-to-a-room boarding house?I think you're right. When someone who has dealt with scarce food suddenly has constant options for fast, cheap food, they frequently gain a lot of weight.

Fun Luvr
06-16-19, 03:01
Does anyone have any hotel or Airbnb recommendations where they let chicas in without any hassle.At any hotel, you are subject to be hassled by the front desk person. If you treat the person well and never cause a scene, most will not hassle you; but you never know when they may be having a bad day. Your best bet is to find an apartment without a doorman on airbnb or through an agent. In most apartments, parties or loud music is not allowed. If you look on airbnb, read the description. If they have a doorman, most will mention it in the description. Look at the pictures. Many will show the entrance to the apartment or the building. If you have a doubt, send the person who listed the apartment a message asking about security of the building.

06-16-19, 03:29
I think that is correct. Foreigners in general are very small minority compared Colombians in the Centro street scene. In fact, if you separate New Life as the outlier it is, foreigners are in the minority in the casas although not quite as small a minority as on the street.

In my opinion very few American sex tourists partake in the El Centro street scene.

However, the Colombian men in El Centro must be having a field day with all of the Vzs there.

El Centro has probably never seen such a heavy influx of "cum receptacles" ever before with the arrival of the fugly Vzs!

06-16-19, 07:11
Arrived from san jose Costa Rica to medellin airport catch a bus for 10 k to san diego mall and after taxi to laureles hotel. Meet other monger from ISG and we hit el centro casas at 11 am morning. We visited around 12 diffrent casas have some beers of some of them. We went like club de amigas sexy, akami, sara, dulce compania, divini women, zandalay, sexy fantasias 1, chickas punto com, new life and couple other. Most casas have at least 4-5 girls minimum some of them between 10-20 girls inside. But quality of girls is looking worst from my last visit more than 1 year ago. Its just for me? Or someone recognise the same thing? I saw just 4-5 girls in total I like from many casas today but even they wasnt more than 7 from range of 10. All girls is getting bigger here with big asses and big boobs its not so easy to find petite small girls. We finished at new life casa its have best line around 22-25 girls in total I like 2 of them (they all have numbers now so its good for remember which one girl you like in case you forgot here name).

I take sweet 21 year venesualian girl her name was juliet with cute face but body wasnt so great (baby damage) She make good deep throat blowjob and fucks well. 30 minutes-50 k pesos.

Later around 23.00 I take uber for el centro clubs. Checked barra ejecutiva it was packed full of people can't get seat close to the dancers dancing. Probably 25-30 girls inside but the same story all big girls (not really my type) have 1 beer for 12 k look some dancers dancing tip one of them 2 k pesos walk around few laps looking for a girl I like and left. Club maracaibo was not busy probbaly 8-10 costumers and 10-15 girls I didint like any of them all big girls have one beer for 12 k watch few dances and left. . Catch taxi and comeback hotel. Will add photo of new life room.

06-16-19, 13:08
I think you're right. When someone who has dealt with scarce food suddenly has constant options for fast, cheap food, they frequently gain a lot of weight.So they go from very skinny to very obese in days. Must be some kinds of records among them. What confuses me though is that wouldn't they have to earn some money first before buying the fatty foods?

06-16-19, 13:57
Sometimes you just want a massage. I went to Zanzand (near the Mansion) twice. First time got a great one hour hot stone massage for 80 k. The girl (small ok looking blond) kinda got near my package making me thing the extras were available on request but I was happy with the massage. Second time I went I got this chunky pleasant looking brunet. Same massage but at the end before I could even object, she doused my johnson with oil and began with the HJ. I thought about waiving her off but admittedly once a girl touches my junk I just am incapable of saying stop LOL. I tipped her an extra 30 k which she seemed dissatisfied with but I didn't ask for a HJ. I had also heard from a friend that he got full service there. But again, a really good therapeutic massage (so many are just so so) is great and if someone can recommend I'd be interested too.Hey Dave,

Are you able to say where exactly this place was located? I don't remember anything like that in the area and even google seems to be none the wiser.



Charm City Dave
06-16-19, 14:08
Hey Dave,

Are you able to say where exactly this place was located? I don't remember anything like that in the area and even google seems to be none the wiser.


Be.Autocorrect did something to the name. It is called Zanzen. Kinda hard to find, there is a sign on the strip mall that has it but the door is unmarked. Just look around you will find it.


Charm City Dave
06-16-19, 14:14
At any hotel, you are subject to be hassled by the front desk person. If you treat the person well and never cause a scene, most will not hassle you; but you never know when they may be having a bad day. Your best bet is to find an apartment without a doorman on airbnb or through an agent. In most apartments, parties or loud music is not allowed. If you look on airbnb, read the description. If they have a doorman, most will mention it in the description. Look at the pictures. Many will show the entrance to the apartment or the building. If you have a doubt, send the person who listed the apartment a message asking about security of the building.For my safety I prefer only apartments with a doorman that checks chica IDs on entry. Getting harder to find in MDE, but will all the drugging going on in MDE, I want someone to validate and record the girls ID. Also provides protection from getting one below the legal limit with a resulting tour of a Colombian penal institution. With airbnb, just check the house rules. If they say no prostitution, just skip it. If you are unsure, just ask the host their guest policy.

06-16-19, 14:25
How do you manage the risk of chicas who use false IDs? Do you rely on the doormen? Personally, I consider myself more motivated and at least as capable of seeing to my personal safety than anyone else, including doormen.

For my safety I prefer only apartments with a doorman that checks chica IDs on entry. Getting harder to find in MDE, but will all the drugging going on in MDE, I want someone to validate and record the girls ID. Also provides protection from getting one below the legal limit with a resulting tour of a Colombian penal institution. With airbnb, just check the house rules. If they say no prostitution, just skip it. If you are unsure, just ask the host their guest policy.

06-16-19, 14:35
Hey Dave,

Are you able to say where exactly this place was located? I don't remember anything like that in the area and even google seems to be none the wiser.


Be.From the KTronics store on Avenida Poblado, go up the hill on Calle 3 Sur. The first street to the left leads to the Mansion. The second street to the left leads to Zanzen. According to Google Street view, there's a sign that says "Zazen Spa" although Maps lists it as Zanzen.

There are also 2 massage places in the La Strada mall, about a block north on Avenida Poblado.

06-16-19, 14:54
In my opinion very few American sex tourists partake in the El Centro street scene.
I'm only in centro once or twice a week to hit the gym or ride through but whenever I am there I see American sex tourists walking around, especially the weekend warriors. This is during the day usually. Not long ago I saw a crew of about 6 dudes with baseball caps, chains, new sneakers, etc. Jump out of what looked like 2 Ubers and walked into Hotel Nutibara.

06-16-19, 16:55
I'm only in centro once or twice a week to hit the gym or ride through but whenever I am there I see American sex tourists walking around, especially the weekend warriors. This is during the day usually. Not long ago I saw a crew of about 6 dudes with baseball caps, chains, new sneakers, etc. Jump out of what looked like 2 Ubers and walked into Hotel Nutibara.True, there are American Sex Tourists walking around in El Centro, but they make up probably less than one tenth of one percent of the street walker (SW) clients and my bet is most of them don't have the language and / or skills to deal with the SW's like some of our board members.

And the ones you have seen there wearing baseball caps, chains, etc. Are idiots and an easy target to be ripped off which you are well aware of.

06-16-19, 17:51
For my safety I prefer only apartments with a doorman that checks chica IDs on entry. Getting harder to find in MDE, but will all the drugging going on in MDE, I want someone to validate and record the girls ID. Also provides protection from getting one below the legal limit with a resulting tour of a Colombian penal institution. With airbnb, just check the house rules. If they say no prostitution, just skip it. If you are unsure, just ask the host their guest policy.I'm new on here and was wondering if you could PM some of the places you prefer to stay I'll be in Medellin in August.



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06-16-19, 19:03
How do you manage the risk of chicas who use false IDs? Do you rely on the doormen? Personally, I consider myself more motivated and at least as capable of seeing to my personal safety than anyone else, including doormen.The doormen as people having been referring to on this board for those who don't know it are called "Porteros" here. If I have any doubt about a Chica at least age wise, I always ask to see their Cedula before going with them. If they don't have one, and / or a photocopy of something I just won't go with them. Period!

In the event you ask a Chica to show you her Cedula, it may be a fake, or someone else's etc. And you may not even know it. Regardless, it wouldn't hurt when arriving at your destination when the Chica hands over her Cedula to the Portero or Hotel person, you ask them if everything is OK with the ID. Just another precaution as a local is going to know better than a foreigner if it is a phony Cedula.

06-16-19, 19:49
Both are of course in Centro but I would be much more surprised to see the group you described get out of ubers behind the Veracruz church. The Nutibara markets to low budget foreign tour operators and all the lodging websites. Foreigners can come and go day or night with little contact with gamines, street walkers etc, especially if they use the front entrance as most do. Out back they will hear the Yakuza touts screaming "chicas!" I think most of us know the experience is very different at Veracruz / Raudal / behind the museum.

I'm only in centro once or twice a week to hit the gym or ride through but whenever I am there I see American sex tourists walking around, especially the weekend warriors. This is during the day usually. Not long ago I saw a crew of about 6 dudes with baseball caps, chains, new sneakers, etc. Jump out of what looked like 2 Ubers and walked into Hotel Nutibara.

Charm City Dave
06-16-19, 20:45
How do you manage the risk of chicas who use false IDs? Do you rely on the doormen? Personally, I consider myself more motivated and at least as capable of seeing to my personal safety than anyone else, including doormen.I don't totally outsource my voir dire process to the doorman. So there is an interview process as well. When it comes to keeping my ass out of a third world prison, I take advantage of all available tools. There are a few buildings that have the Cedula verification App. I can't always get that, but do look for it.

06-16-19, 22:55
True, there are American Sex Tourists walking around in El Centro, but they make up probably less than one tenth of one percent of the street walker (SW) clients With this I agree. I know guys that come down and enjoy that street walker scene here and they are not on this site but a lot of the American gringos prefer a more upscale environment. Case in point, this southern baller who stays in Energy and was looking for an upscale strip club to blow $10,000 USD the other day.

06-16-19, 23:43
The places I stay check cedulas electronically, afterwards they call me to verify if it is ok for her to see me. The process takes a minute if the cedula is legit.

The doormen as people having been referring to on this board for those who don't know it are called "Porteros" here. If I have any doubt about a Chica at least age wise, I always ask to see their Cedula before going with them. If they don't have one, and / or a photocopy of something I just won't go with them. Period!

In the event you ask a Chica to show you her Cedula, it may be a fake, or someone else's etc. And you may not even know it. Regardless, it wouldn't hurt when arriving at your destination when the Chica hands over her Cedula to the Portero or Hotel person, you ask them if everything is OK with the ID. Just another precaution as a local is going to know better than a foreigner if it is a phony Cedula.

06-17-19, 01:44
The places I stay check cedulas electronically, afterwards they call me to verify if it is ok for her to see me. The process takes a minute if the cedula is legit.That's good, you have yourself very protected, and the Chica's hopefully know better than to create any problems seeing that the establishments your in have their act together.

ON the other hand, for those who take Chicas to short time Hotels like myself, sometimes these places could care less about seeing ID's etc, especially the 5 K places. The age of consent is 14 in Colombia and that is the issue that American's need to be aware of and concerned about. I can easily see foreigners getting fooled in El Centro by Chicas with the age of consent being what it is in Colombia. And just think, for the Colombians it's perfectly legal to go with a young Chica, but for an American it can be very bad news.

Iguana Six
06-17-19, 05:37
I think you're right. When someone who has dealt with scarce food suddenly has constant options for fast, cheap food, they frequently gain a lot of weight.Years ago, I ran into three Colombian girls who came up together to Panama. I sessioned with one, and a few nights later, I saved her and one of her friends from being picked up in a raid from the cigar bar, Habanos. She was a petite spinner with an awesome rack when I was there the first time in mid-June. In August, she had plumped up, maybe putting on about a kilo a week for 6-7 weeks.

Iguana Six
06-17-19, 05:40
With this I agree. I know guys that come down and enjoy that street walker scene here and they are not on this site but a lot of the American gringos prefer a more upscale environment. Case in point, this southern baller who stays in Energy and was looking for an upscale strip club to blow $10,000 USD the other day.I think for $10,000 you could start up an entire casa operation.

Iguana Six
06-17-19, 05:47
True, there are American Sex Tourists walking around in El Centro, but they make up probably less than one tenth of one percent of the street walker (SW) clients and my bet is most of them don't have the language and / or skills to deal with the SW's like some of our board members.

And the ones you have seen there wearing baseball caps, chains, etc. Are idiots and an easy target to be ripped off which you are well aware of.I have considered going to El Centro casas in complete local salaryman disguise: loafers, dress slacks or kahkis, button down shirt with sleeves rolled up, lanyard with some official looking ID card similcrum hanging on the end, plastic hard hat with some company logo with a name that ends in "CO," (like "CODESCO," or "BOTESCO" or "BOSCO" and a clipboard.

Walk the streets looking at the streets lights and making cryptic notes on my clip board. Muggers leave me alone because they know I am broke.

06-17-19, 13:58
Around 1. 00 pm meet with other ISG member jump at taxi and arrived at el centro checked divina casa. I was looking for a girl I like one day before but on Sunday she was not here and this casa has just 3 girs this time so we go to new life. They have 7-10 girls. I like one of them her name was evelina colombiana girl she was nice and good at bed. My friend take another girl I finish first so was waiting him till he come. This time I saw 5-6 black american guys in group choosing girls most of them with flip flops, sports shorts and t-shirts without sleeves with them was some white gringo explaining the rules and he was communicating with girl who is responsible for girls. My friend finish with a girl and we walk to vera cruz.

This place was busy at Sunday all bars around have many costumers drinking and many girls around but just few was looking not so bad. We have few beers at some bar and nice local food. After we walk to raudal area and was passing vera cruz church (first time in my life I saw girls working next to the church and standing just near church walls. We walk at raudal area this place looks more dodgy many homeless and drug addicts have some girls but I didint see any better looking ones. Some drug addicts start fighting we look a fight but police come quickly and separate them. Almost On the corner of carrera 53 and calle 53 we saw strip club grill hilton (its not listed on mongering map) we go check it inside it was open but no girls yet because it was early. When we look inside my friend remember he was here few days ago with other guy at night and have inside some cute skinny girls. I will add photo of the club and adress on map.

06-17-19, 14:42
I think for $10,000 you could start up an entire casa operation.Probably, but I guess the guy has a lot of disposable income and doesn't want to search through streets that reek of p*sss smell and crack addicts to find that rare diamond in the ruff. He says he has a lot of money to blow so he isn't in bargain basement mode.

Same thing with the roach motels. Some dudes rather have a penthouse so they can have a 3 some in the Jacuzzi overlooking the city.


Mr Enternational
06-17-19, 14:46
first time in my life I saw girls working next to the church and standing just near church walls.Smart if you ask me. They are hoping that god will bless them with customers.

06-17-19, 14:48
Smart if you ask me. They are hoping that god will bless them with customers.Probably. The guy who was with me last night he told me sicarios coming to bless bullets at this church also.

Blue Touch
06-17-19, 15:30
These low strata people in the area literally believe nonsensical superstitions and myths, usually involving a fusion of mafia, god, etc.

Probably. The guy who was with me last night he told me sicarios coming to bless bullets at this church also.

06-17-19, 16:58
Smart if you ask me. They are hoping that god will bless them with customers.Check out the alley next to the church east of Parque Berrio. That's where the guys selling porn have their tables set up.

06-17-19, 17:59
Autocorrect did something to the name. It is called Zanzen. Kinda hard to find, there is a sign on the strip mall that has it but the door is unmarked. Just look around you will find it.

https://goo.gl/maps/ubTZcKLw2zqNuBmP7Thanks, Dave. A friend of mine went there and was quite pleased with the overall experience although he said it wasn't as good as the one in Rio Sur.

At Jjbee62 - I have never been in La Strada for massages. Didn't really know they had any. Are they 100% over board and with the odd hand relief? Most of them will advertise as SPAs for caballeros.

Fun Luvr
06-17-19, 18:11
...The age of consent is 14 in Colombia and that is the issue that American's need to be aware of and concerned about. I can easily see foreigners getting fooled in El Centro by Chicas with the age of consent being what it is in Colombia. And just think, for the Colombians it's perfectly legal to go with a young Chica, but for an American it can be very bad news.In Colombia, it is illegal for anyone under 18 to engage in prostitution, no matter their nationality.

06-17-19, 20:29
In Colombia, it is illegal for anyone under 18 to engage in prostitution, no matter their nationality.You are correct, however it doesn't seem to be enforced much in various parts of El Centro such as the street behind the Veracruz Church. So the question is, if a Colombian goes with someone off the street that is at least 14 but not yet 18 the legal age for them to be working, are they breaking the law. In answer to my question I was in Parque LLeras this morning and saw a sign saying that doing anything with a minor under 18 can get you sent to jail. The sign was both in English and Spanish and I believe directed towards all the tourists that frequent Lleras. There's no signs like that in EL Centro and there are a girls there that are minors looking for customers.

06-17-19, 20:30
In between work obligations in the north and central parts of Colombia, I had a few days of are&are in MDE. It's always a pleasure to be back in this city that's just so freaking full of beautiful and sexy women. I was able to squeeze in three sessions. First up was Luciana, a Colombiana that I met at Energy last year. Fortunately her contact info. Was still good and we were able to make a date at my hotel in El Pobaldo. She is simply one of my all time favorites, a dream girl, which is saying something considering that we're talking about Colombianas. Sweet, fun, a good conversationalist, sexy as hell, and a great performer in the sack. After an intense session that really drained me (I'm a fit endurance athlete but almost 60), I took a day off and then had her come back the next day for an amazing repeat. Holy shit.

Last morning before work started again, I went to Energy where the line up was decent but not great. There were two girls I liked though, and I went with Perla, a 25 year old morena clara from Venezuela. As has been the case on almost every visit I've made to Energy, she was fantastic. By my standards, a gorgeous girl with a great smile, superb all natural body, lovely long black hair, and, most importantly, an excellent attitude. She would only do CBJ, but that wasn't an issue as she was just so carinosa and really aimed to please. In light of the level of her service and my budget, the 150 K for the hour might has well have been free. God, I love Colombia.

06-17-19, 20:36
Smart if you ask me. They are hoping that god will bless them with customers.No, they are there because they want to be at the Church's doorstep to repent immediately after selling their bodies.

06-17-19, 20:50
After we walk to raudal area and was passing vera cruz church (first time in my life I saw girls working next to the church and standing just near church walls. We walk at raudal area this place looks more dodgy many homeless and drug addicts have some girls but I didint see any better looking ones. .You need to pay closer attention to what was working by the Vera Cruz Church, or maybe you had a few too many beers before arriving. In the area you described, this is where a lot of Transvesties congregate and hold court.

06-18-19, 01:02
Thanks, Dave. A friend of mine went there and was quite pleased with the overall experience although he said it wasn't as good as the one in Rio Sur.

At Jjbee62 - I have never been in La Strada for massages. Didn't really know they had any. Are they 100% over board and with the odd hand relief? Most of them will advertise as SPAs for caballeros.From what I've heard, yes.

06-18-19, 03:55
You need to pay closer attention to what was working by the Vera Cruz Church, or maybe you had a few too many beers before arriving. In the area you described, this is where a lot of Transvesties congregate and hold court.I not going these kind of places drunk. Are you sure just transvestites standing next to the church? Next time go and have a look closer yourself.

Ty Down
06-18-19, 05:02
You need to pay closer attention to what was working by the Vera Cruz Church, or maybe you had a few too many beers before arriving. In the area you described, this is where a lot of Transvesties congregate and hold court.Vera Cruz Church Service.


06-18-19, 06:35
I not going these kind of places drunk. Are you sure just transvestites standing next to the church? Next time go and have a look closer yourself.As I stated in my Post, I said there are a lot of Transvesties next to the Church, not that there were just only Transvesties there.

I have been there at least 300 times over the last two years, so I don't need to take a closer look at the Transvesties there.

That specific area is also known as Transvestie row. And your wise not to be going there drunk.

The Transvesties given the right situation will gang up on you, it happened to a friend of mine.

Ty Down
06-18-19, 12:03
Vera Cruz Church Service.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDbiTyijr8cWrong link, apologies.


06-18-19, 20:09

Two women accused of extorting a Canadian citizen who was in Medellin were captured in the last hours. According to the Prosecutor's Office, the alleged criminals, aged 31 and 23, respectively, demanded money in cash and some television sets so that they would not publish their intimate videos.

According to the victim, on the night of Saturday, June 15, he went to Lleras Park. There he met two women with whom he had drinks at an establishment in the sector. Minutes later he felt dizzy and one of them offered to take him to his apartment to rest.

The next day the Canadian woke up naked in a motel room, accompanied by the two women, who demanded payment of two million pesos not to make public alleged photographs and intimate videos of the previous night.

In the place he agreed to pay the sum of $ 1,200,000. However, they demanded the purchase of two televisions to finish paying the payment.

When the three of them were in a chain store to buy the televisions, the security personnel of the place noticed the situation and called the police, who captured the women, who at that moment were carrying the money of the extortion.

When they were presented before the 32 Municipal Criminal Court of Medellin, the alleged perpetrators of extortion were declared innocent and imposed a measure restricting their liberty.

06-18-19, 20:19

When they were presented before the 32 Municipal Criminal Court of Medellin, the alleged perpetrators of extortion were declared innocent and imposed a measure restricting their liberty.They pleaded innocent (declared themselves innocent).

Member #2001
06-18-19, 21:23
Just curious; Has anyone ever done a girl there that is bald? I never have. Many of them seem to be shave. I am talking about sex workers there. Just wondering.

The Tall Man
06-18-19, 21:28
You are correct, however it doesn't seem to be enforced much in various parts of El Centro such as the street behind the Veracruz Church. So the question is, if a Colombian goes with someone off the street that is at least 14 but not yet 18 the legal age for them to be working, are they breaking the law. In answer to my question I was in Parque LLeras this morning and saw a sign saying that doing anything with a minor under 18 can get you sent to jail. The sign was both in English and Spanish and I believe directed towards all the tourists that frequent Lleras. There's no signs like that in EL Centro and there are a girls there that are minors looking for customers.The old saying is that if you ask 10 people their opinion about something you would get about 12 different answers, this holds true especially in Colombia.

If you, a gringo from the USA, get busted with a girl under 18 your toast period, end of story.

Now this is where it gets tricky, what does the law state for Colombians, you will get many different answers so I had researched this and spoken to Colombian lawyers and without going into all the details it is different from Colombian nationals but here are many caveats to this so the bottom line is 18 and older, always check ID to confirm.

The Tall Man.

The Tall Man
06-18-19, 21:54
As I stated in my Post, I said there are a lot of Transvesties next to the Church, not that there were just only Transvesties there.

I have been there at least 300 times over the last two years, so I don't need to take a closer look at the Transvesties there.

That specific area is also known as Transvestie row. And your wise not to be going there drunk.

The Transvesties given the right situation will gang up on you, it happened to a friend of mine.Spot on advice guys, don't [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) these trannies off, they all carry knives and anyone of them would no think twice about sticking you and making you leak, seriously even despite myself wanting to tell them off I shut my mouth when I pass them, especially if they are in a group of 3 or 5 as they are many times, and very politely nod my head no thanks / not interested.

The Tall Man.

Fun Luvr
06-18-19, 22:32
Just curious; Has anyone ever done a girl there that is bald? I never have. Many of them seem to be shave. I am talking about sex workers there. Just wondering.Isn't bald and shaved the same thing?

Charm City Dave
06-19-19, 00:57
As I wrote about I was drugged last summer. Of course this wouldn't work on me, I'm single, retired and could care less about someone posting this kinda shit on the Internet....


Two women accused of extorting a Canadian citizen who was in Medellin were captured in the last hours. According to the Prosecutor's Office, the alleged criminals, aged 31 and 23, respectively, demanded money in cash and some television sets so that they would not publish their intimate videos.

According to the victim, on the night of Saturday, June 15, he went to Lleras Park. There he met two women with whom he had drinks at an establishment in the sector. Minutes later he felt dizzy and one of them offered to take him to his apartment to rest.

The next day the Canadian woke up naked in a motel room, accompanied by the two women, who demanded payment of two million pesos not to make public alleged photographs and intimate videos of the previous night.

In the place he agreed to pay the sum of $ 1,200,000. However, they demanded the purchase of two televisions to finish paying the payment.

When the three of them were in a chain store to buy the televisions, the security personnel of the place noticed the situation and called the police, who captured the women, who at that moment were carrying the money of the extortion.

When they were presented before the 32 Municipal Criminal Court of Medellin, the alleged perpetrators of extortion were declared innocent and imposed a measure restricting their liberty.

06-19-19, 01:12
The girls fucked up when they got greedy and went for the TVs. Even if they hadn't been noticed when they were, the victim could have gone back to store security for the surveillance video. If the girls had gone away after they got the cash they might have gotten away with it. I'm very pleased they did not get away with it.

As I wrote about I was drugged last summer. Of course this wouldn't work on me, I'm single, retired and could care less about someone posting this kinda shit on the Internet....

06-19-19, 01:54
Spend 4 hours walking today from 1 pm at el centro checked many casas around 14. Disappointed with quality today yesterday was much better. In total I see just 6-7 girls I like in range of 7 from all casas I visited today. I not mention all names of casas just some of them which can be interested.

Aiffe have 7-9 girls 2 of them was cute I take 18 years old name samanta colombian girl. she was fine have big boobs and not so bad looking body just her boobs was lacting when I touch it. She said its painfull so I don't touch them anymore. She told me she has one baby.price 30 minutes - 45 k. The room was not so bad here I will add photo of the room.

Zandalay- first time I so disappointed with line here. They show me just 2 girls and said all other occupied. I was drinking my beer around 20 minutes more inside but any more girls come so I left.

Safari sala de masajes- this place seems moved somewhere or gone they have rent sign on the doors and phone number. I knock the door some girl open for me I ask for girls but she point me some other direction with her fingers and said something in spanish I could understand.

Traviesas sexi. Seems this casa is not on mongering map of Medellin. I ask prices: 30 minutes-45 k pesos 1 hour- 75 k pesos. 2 k viewing fee if not take a girl. Inside was 5 girls one was cute but I didn't take any girl pay 2 k pesos and left. I will share card with address.

Hotel balcones de Cuba- you walk upstairs after second stairs and after one more stairs. I ask to show me girls. The man inside start to knock all diffrent rooms doors and from each separate 5 rooms girls come one from each room. One was cute other not good looking. This place looks like hotel together with casa inside.

Also in the end I check veracruz area was thinking maybe will find some cute street girl for 30 minutes, but all girls was not good looking probably I would fuck them for free. Was lazy to comeback to previous casas for other girls I like before so catch taxi and comeback hotel.

Probably the best line from all casas most of the times have new life I have 3 diffent girls from this place in 3 diffrent days before. Except today was weak line.

06-19-19, 02:14
As I wrote about I was drugged last summer. Unless a guy gets killed from the drugs as some have, many chose to continue to come here after getting drugged and robbed. Everyone else thinks it could never happen to them.

Blue Touch
06-19-19, 02:35
Go to casas around 10-11 am if you want to see the best available lineup.

Spend 4 hours walking today from 1 pm at el centro checked many casas around 14. Dissapointed with quality today yesterday was much better. In total I see just 6-7 girls I like in range of 7 from all casas I visited today. I not mention all names of casas just some of them which can be interested.

06-19-19, 02:43
I would never rule it out as something that could happen to me. I take reasonable precautions and I'm extra careful to avoid partying with unknown randoms. A good rule of thumb is never leave your wallet, other valuables, or your beverage unattended. So far, so good but I take nothing for granted.

Unless a guy gets killed from the drugs as some have, many chose to continue to come here after getting drugged and robbed. Everyone else thinks it could never happen to them.

06-19-19, 02:47
I think I know the lactating girl in Aiffe. Attractive and petite with milk swollen natural breasts. She mentioned she was lactating. If I remember right she was a good worker. Thanks for the report.

Spend 4 hours walking today from 1 pm at el centro checked many casas around 14. Dissapointed with quality today yesterday was much better. In total I see just 6-7 girls I like in range of 7 from all casas I visited today. I not mention all names of casas just some of them which can be interested.

Aiffe have 7-9 girls 2 of them was cute I take 18 years old name samanta colombian girl. she was fine have big boobs and not so bad looking body just her boobs was lacting when I touch it. She said its painfull so I don't touch them anymore. She told me she has one baby.price 30 minutes - 45 k. The room was not so bad here I will add photo of the room.

Zandalay- first time I so dissapointed with line here. They show me just 2 girls and said all other accupied. I was drinking my beer around 20 minutes more inside but any more girls come so I left.

Safari sala de masajes- this place seems moved somewhere or gone they have rent sign on the doors and phone number. I knock the door some girl open for me I ask for girls but she point me some other direction with her fingers and said something in spanish I could understand..

06-19-19, 03:20
Also in the end I check veracruz area was thinking maybe will find some cute street girl for 30 minutes, but all girls was not good looking probably I would fuck them for free. Was lazy to comeback to previous casas for other girls I like before so catch taxi and comeback hotel..Nice report about your experiences in the Casa's today. Some advice for you regarding the Veracruz area. It's not like going to a casa and your shown an immediate line up. There are cuties to be had in and around the Veracruz area, but they typically moving around, and can be buried within all the fat and ugly ones.

The Veracruz area takes time to mine, so if you want to find something nice you may have to spend at least a few hours hanging around. A lot of the girls will make the "rounds" in the passageway alongside the Church where the girls are coming up from the backstreet up to the Church. I at times park myself directly opposite the Church and Transvestie Row and just watch the parade of people and Putas going up and down this pedestrian walkway. If you see something you like, motion them over and talk with them You will notice that a portion of the walkway is covered with glass with the storm and sewer drainage system installed below, this is a good area to just hangout.

Again to be successful in the Veracruz area, your going to need to spend some time there, but with patience you will find some cuties.

Blue Touch
06-19-19, 18:36
That could be largely true, but there are few girls Sunday- Wednesday, and you may not see a girl you like after walking around 3-4 hours. In terms of cost-benefit ratio, it is not worth spending hours looking for a gem at Botero / Veracruz. Going to casas would make more sense.

Nice report about your experiences in the Casa's today. Some advice for you regarding the Veracruz area. It's not like going to a casa and your shown an immediate line up. There are cuties to be had in and around the Veracruz area, but they typically moving around, and can be buried within all the fat and ugly ones.

The Veracruz area takes time to mine, so if you want to find something nice you may have to spend at least a few hours hanging around. A lot of the girls will make the "rounds" in the passageway alongside the Church where the girls are coming up from the backstreet up to the Church. I at times park myself directly opposite the Church and Transvestie Row and just watch the parade of people and Putas going up and down this pedestrian walkway. If you see something you like, motion them over and talk with them You will notice that a portion of the walkway is covered with glass with the storm and sewer drainage system installed below, this is a good area to just hangout.

Again to be successful in the Veracruz area, your going to need to spend some time there, but with patience you will find some cuties.

06-19-19, 19:20
Landed. Got raped in the airport. Exchanged $100 USD. XE exchange rate around 3350. They gave me 2451.89,950 pesos stolen! 27% loss. But needed some money.

Took the bus right outside the doors to El Centro for 10,000 p. Make sure you take the one to El Centro versus Poblado. Seats 20. Sit on right side (passenger side) that way you are looking down into the valley and see the scenery versus left side you can not see much up the steep mountain side. Drops me off behind Nutribara Hotel El Centro. Someone explain how I sat again on the left side and was looking up rather than down. Must be 2 different routes. .

Staying at Calle Real. Bed is hard. Shower door is narrow like 3 1/2 soap trays wide (see pic). Next to Botero Park is the Metro. Stayed 1 week then went to d'Grieff for 2 weeks. Bed no softer. In the corner room #406 I could look across at the park and down Calle 53. I do not recommend staying at either hotel. I stayed in this area to see if I could tough it out. Now anywhere else should be easy. Glad I did. If I started in a more foreigner friendly area my guard would have been down and I would have been pick pocketed.

Missing lots of sleep before trip. Had headache. My Viagra hit made it worse. No girls day 1.

No girls day 2. Spent time finding my way around, finding food, finding ATMs, people watching. Never saw a foreign currency exchange in the El Centro area. Every time I went to a bank to see what their exchange rate was there was a line so never found out. ATM rate is terrific. BBV's ATM was in Spanish. Bank of Bogota and Davivienda have an English option. Use Davivienda because no fees. I use the one at the Parque Berrio Metro transit because 24/7, no lines like at the banks, and police near by except late at night. Saw one guy on the street with a pipe and pretty sure what looked like crack. 2 days later saw a guy around 9 pm sitting on the ground putting a needle in his leg. So exciting here. There was a girl I approached at an apple stand eating an apple and asked if the had ID and she did not so I waved goodbye and left. She immediately followed me. Entwined her arm with mine walking together while her other hand tried to pickpocket me. I got away from her and she followed me half a block to my hotel and would not leave. She told the hotel receptionist that I fucked her and did not pay. I told her to get the Policia. The receptionist and cleaning lady told me to just give her 2000 p to go away. I refused. Get the Police. They are everywhere. They gave her a few coins and she left. If I give her money it then she will do it again and again with larger demands. And that next guy could be you. So you are welcome. Two days and feel like Rodney (see pic).

Texted 2 Photoprepagos. One disconnected. Texted 2 Mileroticos. Made 2 dates at same address. Hmmm. That is strange. 6 pm tonight and 10 am the next day. Karen was not Karen. Switcharoo. This girl was one I had seen in another ad with tattoos but in her picture she was much thinner. She was OK and for 90,000 OK. She did not shower with me. She does not kiss. She held her arms up near her boobs rather than down to the side like she was protecting them. Acted like I was going to leave mark on her boobs by sucking lightly. No A / see. Had fan blowing up her pussy drying it out. Stupid. 2 guys and the older lady who let me in were watching TV and chatting. The girl was trying to rush me. Gave up. No load given. Shut the door so we could not shower together. Was out the room in a flash. Could not be bothered to sit in the bedroom while I got dressed. Left at 6:40. Ate a block away and walked from Laureles to Centro. Grabbed a few things at the Exito supermarket on the way to hotel. Carrying a grocery bag gives the impression you either live there or are a regular. Helps me fit in. Back at hotel 9 pm.

Next morning tried taking the bus to Laureles. Communication issue. The guy moves 30 meters. Then said need different bus. I asked for my money back and he said no. Asked 3 times saying cambio, dinero, peso. Asshole refused because we went 30 meters. 1200 p gone in a flash! Found another. Got the apartment and another guy was waiting. I told him about last night and showed him the picture of the girl I was supposed to meet known in her fake ads as Mafe, Nataly, Sofi, Corazon, Pamela, Maria Jose. He said she does not exist. Which I thought but wanted to see what they offered in her replacement. We both were texting but no replies. The girl I had the night before saw me as she went in the door to start work. Nobody let me in the door. The other guy spoke Spanish and walked in when another girl came for work. I just did not care and went home. The pictures and cell numbers change easily but moving is difficult. Avoid 35-57 Avenue 80 (corner Avenida 80 and Calle 35). (see pic).

3 days later the other Photorepagos girl Anyi contacted me and said I could meet her at her bar behind Nutribara Hotel and gave me the address. I counter offered 70 from the 50 she was asking if she comes to me at the'Grieff. No reply. I was only staying 3 blocks away. Scam!

0 for 4 using the online Mileroticos and Photoprepagos.

El Centro. Approached 6 girls I wanted but none had IDs. But 2 of their ugly fat friends did. One girl had an ID so we went to my 50,000 p hotel. The ID was in bad shape but Calle Real hotel would not let her in because it had a Venezuelan ID. I took her to a ST hotel which accepted her ID. Very light baby damage. Super sweet girl. Many positions but my brain is on overload so no load shot. She asked for 50. I said 40. She accepted. But I gave her 50 anyways. The ST hotel was 20,000 which seemed high but I let it slide. Next day I passed by so I stopped in to ask the hourly rate. 11,000 p. That super sweet * returned to the hotel for an extra 9,000 p tip. I texted her and let her know that I knew what she did but was not mad. No problems.

9:00 pm and a guy walks up waving something that looks like menus in a fan pattern (like playing cards you are holding) and tries to pickpocket me. He seemed shocked I knew what he was trying to do and took a few steps towards him. Just remember any time something is putting something in your face it is someone trying to pickpocket you.

Took the Metro to Villa Sierra. Nope. Just thought I was. The cashier stole a little over 10,000 of the 20,000 I gave her. Went back 5 minutes later. Another employee got the money back for me and told me that the Villa Sierra route was closed for maintenance and pointed to the sign. So that * tried to rob me and sent me to a closed route. Transportation in this country sucks. OK, I took one taxi and he did help me find a incomplete address that was given to me.

Took the tram up the mountain to La Aurora instead. Damn I hate heights. Damn mountain side is more like cliffs. Many 20 story apartments up there. Killer views I am sure. Very relaxing up there. I was wearing shorts and nobody noticed me. Bought a juice off the street vendor. She was shocked to see a foreigner and shook my hand. Apartments start at Torre 1. I went to Torre 10 and that was as far as I could go on that route. (see pic).

I love fucking with people so I saw 2 girls and stopped them saying, "No Espanol". Then I looked up the mountain side. Pointed left and asked, "El Centro? Then pointed right and asked, "El Centro? The looks on their faces was very funny.

Saw many people sniffing glue day and night. 2-3 people smoking what looked like crack. Many people smoking weed. But I was hopped up on Dick Cocaine so I am just as bad. So many homeless people. Saw a guy several times at the same location in the afternoon. Businesses pile their garbage outside. Homeless guy parks his ass near the bags. Moves the bags around him in a circle. Then he rips through the bags and starts munching on food he finds in the garbage. What a sight to see.

I would talk about the girls I found and share pix but after resizing pix and trying 2 different days with "upload of file failed". I give the fuck up.

06-19-19, 22:19
Nice report about your experiences in the Casa's today. Some advice for you regarding the Veracruz area. It's not like going to a casa and your shown an immediate line up. There are cuties to be had in and around the Veracruz area, but they typically moving around, and can be buried within all the fat and ugly ones.
The Veracruz area takes time to mine, so if you want to find something nice you may have to spend at least a few hours hanging around....
......Again to be successful in the Veracruz area, your going to need to spend some time there, but with patience you will find some cuties.Good advice. I've been, but not on a busy day. My impressions are that it would be difficult to spend hours walking the same route (s). Planting at a spot might make more sense. It seemed like most of the girls are less than fuckable but some guys obviously are into that. All around and a few blocks in one direction there are great places to look around and watch the marketplace at work and there are some adequate cheap restaurants. It's interesting. For that experience I can see spending some hours there and if during I can revisit the RL area a few times and find something, so be it. But hours only walking that dingy area hoping to find a gem seems too much for me when one of several casas would do the same thing. I can see where the sport comes into play for the guys that enjoy it there.

06-20-19, 01:23
Go to casas around 10-11 am if you want to see the best available lineup.I think it better between 12-2 pm because 10 am not all casas is open and some girls coming later.most of the times before if i start early i not get some good lines.Like example today I want check out dona esneda sala de masages and la casa de dona fanny I arrived 11 am but both was closed I ring the bell of one casa but nobody open I walk to other one near and knock a door some locals was standing near and they told me its open just from 1 pm I really was surprised. So I walk to divinas and take here cute girl her name was diana from Colombia 50 k - 30 minutes.she was good. After I meet other member from ISG and we have a walk at veracruz and raudal but I could see anything I like just other guy collected some girl number.i not ready to waste couple of hours to find a girl as this areas if its not available quickly to find. like somebody said its easier go casa. After we hit some casas but I see the girl I like just at new life her name was Lucy from Colombia so spend 30 minutes with her.

Pilot Pete
06-20-19, 04:32
I plan to spend 4-6 weeks in a Spanish language immersion school and my hope is to find a "girlfriend" while there. I really am not interested in hitting the casa's or street ladies. I am fortunate to have a healthy budget for this and plan to seek an AirBnB near the school. I would welcome suggestions for for finding an affectionate girlfriend, attractive mid-30's (don't care for the too young ones) who understands I won't be staying in Colombia or bringing her home.

06-20-19, 12:41
That could be largely true, but there are few girls Sunday- Wednesday, and you may not see a girl you like after walking around 3-4 hours. In terms of cost-benefit ratio, it is not worth spending hours looking for a gem at Botero / Veracruz. Going to casas would make more sense.Actually on late Sunday afternoons there can be a lot of part-timers that come out looking to make some money. Additionally, the best hours on weekdays are from about 4 to 6 PM, lots of girls want to make some money and get out before dark. Just my observations.

06-20-19, 19:21
Does all,

The apartments have a doorman / front desk who asks for IDs of you guests? Reading the forum I think it's a hassle. Not planning to do anything illegal, but I just don't like to face someone with a new girl every time I'm going back to my place.

06-20-19, 22:50
Planning a trip to Colombia, I want to visit Bogota and Medellin from August 3rd to 13th. I was planning to be in Medellin first and then Bogota and I just found out there is Feria de las flores during that time. Does that affect the mongering scene and nightlife? Should I avoid that time or it really doesn't matter? Thanks.

06-21-19, 01:06
The girls fucked up when they got greedy and went for the TVs. Even if they hadn't been noticed when they were, the victim could have gone back to store security for the surveillance video. If the girls had gone away after they got the cash they might have gotten away with it. I'm very pleased they did not get away with it.As long as what we're doing is legal. Bring it. Could care less.

Blue Touch
06-21-19, 02:41
In the original post of yours, you state and admit that "The Veracruz area takes time to mine, so if you want to find something nice you may have to spend at least a few hours hanging around. " Again, in terms of cost-benefit ratio, casas would be much efficient for similar or better service.

Actually on late Sunday afternoons there can be a lot of part-timers that come out looking to make some money. Additionally, the best hours on weekdays are from about 4 to 6 PM, lots of girls want to make some money and get out before dark. Just my observations.

06-21-19, 04:44
In the original post of yours, you state and admit that "The Veracruz area takes time to mine, so if you want to find something nice you may have to spend at least a few hours hanging around. " Again, in terms of cost-benefit ratio, casas would be much efficient for similar or better service.There are members on this board that do not patronize casa's and I am one of them.

If you have never done the Veracruz scene, how would you know whether similar or better service can't be obtained there.

I was offering some advice to one of the other members in case they wanted to further sample the Veracruz area. This advice was not based on a comparison to casa's, or how quick a "hottie" could be found.

In terms of better service from the Veracruz girls versus the casa's, well for me I have a stable of girls I have developed over the past several months in the Veracruz area I enjoy.

So imagine having none of the constraints typically found in the casa's, like the set fees for time spent, no private room with shower except in the higher end casa's, and rules, etc.

Every body rolls differently, and if you like casa's there's nothing wrong with that.

06-21-19, 08:01
In the original post of yours, you state and admit that "The Veracruz area takes time to mine, so if you want to find something nice you may have to spend at least a few hours hanging around. " Again, in terms of cost-benefit ratio, casas would be much efficient for similar or better service.It all depends on the individual. I've been with guys who visited 4 or 5 casas looking for the best girl, then settled on one, because they were tired of looking and didn't want to go back to the first casa.

There were times when I was walking Veracruz and almost immediately saw a girl I liked. Other times I would make 3 laps without seeing any gems. For me it never mattered. I walk El Centro because I really enjoy walking El Centro.

The "cost-benefit ratio" isn't worth much, because everyone has different criteria for the "benefit. " Some guys enjoy the walk and selection process, some enjoy haggling with the girls. Some want the grubby and gritty side of mongering, while others want clean sheets and a hot shower. Some guys want to sit and enjoy a beer while taking time to make a selection.

Whatever scene makes you the happiest is the best scene. For you.

Black Page
06-21-19, 09:36
In the original post of yours, you state and admit that "The Veracruz area takes time to mine, so if you want to find something nice you may have to spend at least a few hours hanging around. " Again, in terms of cost-benefit ratio, casas would be much efficient for similar or better service.There is a difference between going to a supermarket to buy fruit vs. exploring the country asking farmers to show their best products.

First option is quicker, easier, and definitely not time consuming. The second is not for everyone, takes time, effort, patience, but the satisfaction that may give is priceless.
To each his own.

06-21-19, 11:46
The front desk is very familiar with the process. The girls register and I get called that they are on their way to see me. Works for me

Does all,

The apartments have a doorman / front desk who asks for IDs of you guests? Reading the forum I think it's a hassle. Not planning to do anything illegal, but I just don't like to face someone with a new girl every time I'm going back to my place..

Fun Luvr
06-21-19, 15:16
Does all,

The apartments have a doorman / front desk who asks for IDs of you guests? Reading the forum I think it's a hassle. Not planning to do anything illegal, but I just don't like to face someone with a new girl every time I'm going back to my place.From experience, I think a majority of the airbnb's do not have a doorman. Almost all, if not all, of the high-rise apartment buildings have a doorman. Many of the airbnb's are in buildings with only a few apartments, making it not cost efficient to have a doorman. The downside of the small buildings is that some have long-term residents who like to spy on what goes on in the building. Usually, it is older, single women who raise a fuss about guests.

06-21-19, 15:26
From experience, I think a majority of the airbnb's do not have a doorman. Almost all, if not all, of the high-rise apartment buildings have a doorman. Many of the airbnb's are in buildings with only a few apartments, making it not cost efficient to have a doorman. The downside of the small buildings is that some have long-term residents who like to spy on what goes on in the building. Usually, it is older, single women who raise a fuss about guests.Portero is the term used for doorman in Colombia.

Today's Spanish lesson.

Fun Luvr
06-21-19, 15:33
I plan to spend 4-6 weeks in a Spanish language immersion school and my hope is to find a "girlfriend" while there. I really am not interested in hitting the casa's or street ladies. I am fortunate to have a healthy budget for this and plan to seek an AirBnB near the school. I would welcome suggestions for for finding an affectionate girlfriend, attractive mid-30's (don't care for the too young ones) who understands I won't be staying in Colombia or bringing her home.You might try an app named "Tagged". I haven't subscribed to it yet, so I don't know the response rate. It allows you to search any age group.

06-21-19, 16:14
Many of the airbnb's are in buildings with only a few apartments, making it not cost efficient to have a doorman. The downside of the small buildings is that some have long-term residents who like to spy on what goes on in the building. Usually, it is older, single women who raise a fuss about guests.These older residents should not be ignored. They are very protective of their building.
Some are quick to call reinforcements i.e. neighbors or relatives staying close by.


The Tall Man
06-21-19, 19:57
Landed. Got raped in the airport. Exchanged $100 USD. XE exchange rate around 3350. They gave me 2451.89,950 pesos stolen! 27% loss. But needed some money.

Took the bus right outside the doors to El Centro for 10,000 p. Make sure you take the one to El Centro versus Poblado. Seats 20. Sit on right side (passenger side) that way you are looking down into the valley and see the scenery versus left side you can not see much up the steep mountain side. Drops me off behind Nutribara Hotel El Centro. Someone explain how I sat again on the left side and was looking up rather than down. Must be 2 different routes. .

Staying at Calle Real. Bed is hard. Shower door is narrow like 3 1/2 soap trays wide (see pic). Next to Botero Park is the Metro. Stayed 1 week then went to d'Grieff for 2 weeks. Bed no softer. In the corner room #406 I could look across at the park and down Calle 53. I do not recommend staying at either hotel. I stayed in this area to see if I could tough it out. Now anywhere else should be easy. Glad I did. If I started in a more foreigner friendly area my guard would have been down and I would have been pick pocketed.

Missing lots of sleep before trip. Had headache. My Viagra hit made it worse. No girls day 1.

No girls day 2. Spent time finding my way around, finding food, finding ATMs, people watching. Never saw a foreign currency exchange in the El Centro area. Every time I went to a bank to see what their exchange rate was there was a line so never found out. ATM rate is terrific..Interesting post, looks like your feeling your way around centro.

Your experience and statement is spot on - "9:00 pm and a guy walks up waving something that looks like menus in a fan pattern (like playing cards you are holding) and tries to pickpocket me. He seemed shocked I knew what he was trying to do and took a few steps towards him. Just remember any time something is putting something in your face it is someone trying to pickpocket you. "Exactly what a guy did to me in Bogota a few months back, he was very quick and good as he waved his menu close to my face and YES he pickpocket guess what from my shirt pocket? Two condoms in a small plastic bag from my shirt pocket BUT they were Magnum XXL, hehehehehe what the fuck is that little prick going to do with his catch of the day.

The Tall Man.

06-21-19, 22:37
Yakuza is the only casa I can think of that doesn't have private en suite shower / bathrooms. It's an outlier in that respect and others. The recommended mode of use there is to treat it like Veracruz. In fact, it is the closest thing to a compromise between Veracruz and a casa. I think it's more Veracruz than casa. Take your girl from there to a nearby short time place. I think Veracruz is fun but not for everybody, just like casas. I get the point about the time it takes to build up a group of regulars or to find a good provider. It works better for those of us who do longer term visits or live in Medellin. It's all good.

There are members on this board that do not patronize casa's and I am one of them.

If you have never done the Veracruz scene, how would you know whether similar or better service can't be obtained there.

I was offering some advice to one of the other members in case they wanted to further sample the Veracruz area. This advice was not based on a comparison to casa's, or how quick a "hottie" could be found.

In terms of better service from the Veracruz girls versus the casa's, well for me I have a stable of girls I have developed over the past several months in the Veracruz area I enjoy..

06-21-19, 23:12
Texted 2 Photoprepagos. One disconnected. Texted 2 Mileroticos. Made 2 dates at same address. Hmmm. That is strange. 6 pm tonight and 10 am the next day. Karen was not Karen. Switcharoo. This girl was one I had seen in another ad with tattoos but in her picture she was much thinner. She was OK and for 90,000 OK. She did not shower with me. She does not kiss. She held her arms up near her boobs rather than down to the side like she was protecting them. Acted like I was going to leave mark on her boobs by sucking lightly. No A / see. Had fan blowing up her pussy drying it out. Stupid. 2 guys and the older lady who let me in were watching TV and chatting. The girl was trying to rush me. Gave up. No load given. Shut the door so we could not shower together. Was out the room in a flash. Could not be bothered to sit in the bedroom while I got dressed. Left at 6:40. Ate a block away and walked from Laureles to Centro. Grabbed a few things at the Exito supermarket on the way to hotel. Carrying a grocery bag gives the impression you either live there or are a regular. Helps me fit in. Back at hotel 9 pm..Good trip report man. And thanks for discussing Mileroticos and Photoprepagos.

Some people here have posted how it's easy get laid with those sites but the reality is that none of those pics of girls on there are at all accurate and their also not as open as they claim to be on their ads.

Some of them look so different from their pics that you'the rather pay them to just leave before even doing anything.

I suppose one solution is to agree to FaceTime with them before having them come over or making the trip out to them.

Oh and obviously one must know pretty good Spanish to communicate (in person) with the ones on these websites.

06-22-19, 02:13
Yakuza is the only casa I can think of that doesn't have private en suite shower / bathrooms. It's an outlier in that respect and others. The recommended mode of use there is to treat it like Veracruz. In fact, it is the closest thing to a compromise between Veracruz and a casa. I think it's more Veracruz than casa. Take your girl from there to a nearby short time place. I think Veracruz is fun but not for everybody, just like casas. I get the point about the time it takes to build up a group of regulars or to find a good provider. It works better for those of us who do longer term visits or live in Medellin. It's all good.I went to Yakuza once about four years ago and remember the walls between the rooms almost being like plywood with a dirty mattress on the floor. It was a real shit hole then and sounds the same from all the latest posts. And your correct, for those who live here, most have a stable of girls, where as the guys that show up for a few weeks at a time struggle when it comes to working the Veracruz street scene or other street venues due to their time constraints.

06-22-19, 13:29
Made my weekly pass through Centro yesterday for a change of scenery. Great service as usual. I'm amazed sometimes at the GFE and extras like licking my balls, sucking my toes, giving me a prostate massage with tongue and other things that even my GF doesn't think to do. Life is good!!

Last night was pretty cool as well as there was a concert in the park and a lot of people came out. Some of the riff raff got moved out for the event. All and all, an enjoyable event and I met some cool people. There was also a lot of eye candy.

06-22-19, 13:37
This was posted a few hours ago.

06-22-19, 14:25
Made my weekly pass through Centro yesterday for a change of scenery. Great service as usual. I'm amazed sometimes at the GFE and extras like licking my balls, sucking my toes, giving me a prostate massage with tongue and other things that even my GF doesn't think to do. Life is good!!.Shame on you, now that you have let the cat out of the bag about the girls in El Centro, there will be a stampede of guys there, which will destroy our beloved playground!

Mr Enternational
06-22-19, 15:56
Made my weekly pass through Centro yesterday for a change of scenery.

Last night was pretty cool as well as there was a concert in the park and a lot of people came out.I guess neither the concert organizers nor the concert goers had heard how dangerous it is down there, especially at night.

06-22-19, 20:36
I guess neither the concert organizers nor the concert goers had heard how dangerous it is down there, especially at night.They probably know that there's a boat load of cops all over the place during and after the event.

Pilot Pete
06-22-19, 21:41
You might try an app named "Tagged". I haven't subscribed to it yet, so I don't know the response rate. It allows you to search any age group.Thank you, Sir. I will try that.

The Tall Man
06-22-19, 22:37
Good trip report man. And thanks for discussing Mileroticos and Photoprepagos.

Some people here have posted how it's easy get laid with those sites but the reality is that none of those pics of girls on there are at all accurate and their also not as open as they claim to be on their ads.

Some of them look so different from their pics that you'the rather pay them to just leave before even doing anything.

I suppose one solution is to agree to FaceTime with them before having them come over or making the trip out to them.

Oh and obviously one must know pretty good Spanish to communicate (in person) with the ones on these websites.When I used these two resources in the past, probably like 3 years ago, I always ask for a number of recent pics, also try to facetime them, these worked with good success as I saw exactly what I was getting and the 3 or 4 that I used were good, not great but good.

The Tall Man.

Member #2001
06-22-19, 23:58
Interesting post, looks like your feeling your way around centro.

Your experience and statement is spot on - "9:00 pm and a guy walks up waving something that looks like menus in a fan pattern (like playing cards you are holding) and tries to pickpocket me. He seemed shocked I knew what he was trying to do and took a few steps towards him. Just remember any time something is putting something in your face it is someone trying to pickpocket you. "Exactly what a guy did to me in Bogota a few months back, he was very quick and good as he waved his menu close to my face and YES he pickpocket guess what from my shirt pocket? Two condoms in a small plastic bag from my shirt pocket BUT they were Magnum XXL, hehehehehe what the fuck is that little prick going to do with his catch of the day.

The Tall Man.Ethiopia, sometimes the scam goes they spit on your leg, then the come over say "I'm sorry, I'm sorry", bla bla bla, and all the time their cleaning up your pants with something, their reaching in your pocket with the other. Another scam is when you see see people in the street with a box of various candies and they hold it up to your waist and say, "me hungry mister, candy, candy", then they go into your pocket with the other hand. I don't ever carry alot of money, but one time someone took my crappy cheap phone. It was not a smart phone, but it was the only phone I had. Did not loose much, its just an inconvenience.

The funny thing is when you catch them red handed, yell thief thief. and trust me those guys can run like hell, faster than I can anyway. When you hell thief thief, people will run after them too and they will be caught. WHen they are caught, they are handed over to the police, and they have no mercy on them. THe police there will beat them badly. Then, they go to jail. I have seen it happen several times.

At least that is what they use to do 10 years ago when I was there.

Ty Down
06-23-19, 00:28
What ever happened to "Ask Brofessor"?

He was a former US Marine and an Iraq Desert Storm Veteran. After the War he used to help other veterans who where suffering from PTSD, pretty cool guy. Any way, he made his way down to Colombia, where he got into Body Building and Fitness craz.

He hung out in South and Central America a couple years and won some Body Building Contests and seemed to be doing well for himself.

Then one day about 2 years ago, he posted a video from Colombia, and in this video the guy was scared shitless, he was running from somebody, on the way to the airport. That was the last video he ever posted.

Word on the street is that he was murdered in Colombia, other reports say he escaped and is in hiding. I don't know.

I found this video on someone else's channel, Brofessors channel is dead.


Has anybody here heard of this guy?

06-23-19, 00:34
They probably know that there's a boat load of cops all over the place during and after the event.Doesn't hurt that the Mayor was there and the event was televised.

Mr Enternational
06-23-19, 01:47
sometimes the scam goes they spit on your leg, then the come over say "I'm sorry, I'm sorry", bla bla bla, and all the time their cleaning up your pants with something, their reaching in your pocket with the other.For me it is second nature to walk with my hands in my pockets when I am in such surroundings. Maybe that is why nobody has ever tried any bullshit like that on me. They can't get into my pockets and they don't know what I am holding onto inside of my pockets.

06-23-19, 03:00

I'm visiting Medellín in July for a week. If someone can help me showing the ropes I would greatly appreciate that. I Would love to hangout with any of you guys, I would love to meet wolf or Tall man, loved their reviews and insights. I'm el Centro kind of a guy rather than el Poblado. My subscription expired and the credit card subscriptions are not working for some reason. I need to send it by mail.

Anyway, will greatly appreciate any suggestions on where to stay for a first timer to Medellín with limited Spanish skills (by I'm learning fast though). I'm planning to visit new life, roam around Vera Cruz, Raudal for a little bit, conejitas and barra ejectiva etc. , this is the vibe I like. I don't like the club scene that much. But I understand it is not that safe for first timers in el Centro. I was planning to book a room in Nutibara. Please suggest.

Thank you all.

06-23-19, 04:19
For me it is second nature to walk with my hands in my pockets when I am in such surroundings. Maybe that is why nobody has ever tried any bullshit like that on me. They can't get into my pockets and they don't know what I am holding onto inside of my pockets.I have not seen any mention of Cargo Pants. These Pants would be perfect for walking around Santa Fe.

Cargo pants have the extra large pocket on the outside of the Pant. It would be a good place to keep your Cash.
These pockets are secured by buttons or a zipper. Buttons offer more security.

You have 4 Pockets on the front side and 2 on the backside. The bad guys would not know which Pocket is loaded.
You can walk with your hands in the top pockets. Your Cash can be in one of the lower right OR left pocket.
These Pockets are extra wide. Perfect to keep your Passport too.
