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06-23-19, 05:20
The moment anyone is within touching distance you have to be on guard, especially in any kind of sketchy location. I've seen drunk guys get pickpocketed in honky tonk settings (Bourbon Street, New Orleans, Boca Chica) by groups of girls who fondled their dicks while rifling their pockets. As soon as some girl puts her hand on your crotch out in public that should be like a siren going off.

For me it is second nature to walk with my hands in my pockets when I am in such surroundings. Maybe that is why nobody has ever tried any bullshit like that on me. They can't get into my pockets and they don't know what I am holding onto inside of my pockets.

06-23-19, 07:38
Can someone please mention few stripclubs and casas that have highest value for the money in Medellin? Thanks!

06-23-19, 14:10
For me it is second nature to walk with my hands in my pockets when I am in such surroundings. Maybe that is why nobody has ever tried any bullshit like that on me. They can't get into my pockets and they don't know what I am holding onto inside of my pockets.God forbid if they discovered you were holding onto your Johnson!

06-23-19, 14:52
I went to Yakuza once about four years ago and remember the walls between the rooms almost being like plywood with a dirty mattress on the floor. It was a real shit hole ...........Have not ever experienced that bad in Medellin. Trust you were deloused.

06-23-19, 15:06
Have not ever experienced that bad in Medellin. Trust you were deloused.I had no idea what I was getting into, this was about four years ago and after paying and being shown the room with the Chica I decided to get the deed done as quickly as possible and never return there again. Fortunately I didn't need a de-lousing afterwards, and it's probably the most filthy casa I had ever been to when I used to patronize casas but no more.

The thing that perplexes me is why guys patronize the place. I don't recall the pricing but it's got to be more than the cost of pulling a girl from the Veracruz area and hitting a 5,000 Peso room. Maybe it gets customers for the ease of dumping a load prior to taking the Airport bus on the way in or out of town? Go figure!

06-23-19, 16:35
As I said, Yakuza is an outlier. Its facilities are awful by any objective measure. The best play is to bring the girl to a nearby hotel. The management at Yakuza is fully supportive of the practice. It is win / win because they only have two session rooms; it helps keep them available so they don't lose customers who aren't willing to wait around for them to be free.

Have not ever experienced that bad in Medellin. Trust you were deloused.

06-23-19, 18:24

I'm visiting Medelln in July for a week. If someone can help me showing the ropes I would greatly appreciate that. I Would love to hangout with any of you guys, I would love to meet wolf or Tall man, loved their reviews and insights. I'm el Centro kind of a guy rather than el Poblado. My subscription expired and the credit card subscriptions are not working for some reason. I need to send it by mail.

Anyway, will greatly appreciate any suggestions on where to stay for a first timer to Medelln with limited Spanish skills (by I'm learning fast though). I'm planning to visit new life, roam around Vera Cruz, Raudal for a little bit, conejitas and barra ejectiva etc. , this is the vibe I like. I don't like the club scene that much. But I understand it is not that safe for first timers in el Centro. I was planning to book a room in Nutibara. Please suggest.

Thank you all.Well you are throwing lots of names around, gud for you, means you have been reading lots of postings. That is lots better than most who only ask questions, but are too lazy to read past postings. I wudnt book more than 1 night in the nutibarra hotel, then check out plaza botero hotel only half a block away behind the nutibarra and in the same block as the airport bus office. Ah conejitas brings back 7 years of memories, even now beer nearly half the price of barra ejectiva. If travelling solo don't go more than 1 block west, north or south conejitas after 9 pm. Vera cruz is as daytime show, the cops all leave there at 7 pm, I will let you guess why, 8 years ago there were 11 stripper bars within a 3 block radius of conejitas, now only 7, ah the gud old days. Nutibarra hotel has 2 atms inside, there is an ATM at the airport close by where you pickup your bag. Last Sept. 9500 pesos airport to bus station by nutibarra, say autopisto to bus driver at airport as some buses go round about route thru san diego to downtown.

The Tall Man
06-23-19, 19:13
What ever happened to "Ask Brofessor"?

He was a former US Marine and an Iraq Desert Storm Veteran. After the War he used to help other veterans who where suffering from PTSD, pretty cool guy. Any way, he made his way down to Colombia, where he got into Body Building and Fitness craz.

He hung out in South and Central America a couple years and won some Body Building Contests and seemed to be doing well for himself.

Then one day about 2 years ago, he posted a video from Colombia, and in this video the guy was scared shitless, he was running from somebody, on the way to the airport. That was the last video he ever posted.

Word on the street is that he was murdered in Colombia, other reports say he escaped and is in hiding. I don't know.Yes I remember seeing one of his very last posts a few years back, he was scared as shit as he knew his life was in danger. I am scared as one can be. I recall he is the type of guy that is over the top in your face kind of person, which we all know does not prolong your life anywhere in South America and especially in Colombia if you rub the person the wrong way.

Good to hear that he is alive. Word to self. Don't act like this fool did, stay under the radar and enjoy the chicas!

The Tall Man.

Black Page
06-23-19, 20:34
The moment anyone is within touching distance you have to be on guard, especially in any kind of sketchy location. I've seen drunk guys get pickpocketed in honky tonk settings (Bourbon Street, New Orleans, Boca Chica) by groups of girls who fondled their dicks while rifling their pockets. As soon as some girl puts her hand on your crotch out in public that should be like a siren going off.This reminds me an old post of mine from Bogota: Beware of Cosquilleros!

06-24-19, 07:19
What ever happened to "Ask Brofessor"?...............Whatever happened to Cuba Dave?

06-24-19, 14:37
I think he was released in Costa Rica. Since then he went dark. I assume his low profile is the result of having learned some lessons.

Whatever happened to Cuba Dave?

06-24-19, 16:24
Whatever happened to Cuba Dave?Authorities in Costa Rica arrested David Strecker (Cuba Dave) on September 4, 2015. Strecker was charged with promoting sex tourism in Costa Rica, a charged based upon a new 2012 law making it illegal to promote sex tourism. While the government was preparing its case against Strecker, he was held in preventive detention for 14 months, as he was deemed to be a flight risk. Strecker maintained his innocence during the detention and through his trial, proclaiming himself to be a political prisoner. While he does not deny publishing images and articles about prostitution in Costa Rica, he claims that these articles did not actively promote sex tourism.

Strecker was unable to fund his own legal defense and, with the help of Dennis Eatmon, created a legal defense fund. According to his website CubaDave.com, Strecker was able to raise a total of $1500.00, and needed to raise an additional $1500.00 used to pay his legal expenses.


In trial David Strecker became the first person convicted under Costa Rica's new Sex Tourism Law. He was convicted by three judges in San Jos, Costa Rica by unanimous decision. The evidence presented in the trial was principally derived from Strecker's own articles, photos, and various YouTube videos in which he described his sexual exploits.

Strecker was sentenced to a five-year prison term for violating the 2012 law prohibiting the promotion of Costa Rica as a sexual tourism destination. Strecker was released on August 18,2017 after having his conviction dismissed by an appellate court.

On May 25th, 2017, an appellate court vacated the decision against David Strecker, citing fundamental flaws in Costa Rica's Law 9095 and serious flaws in the evidence presented in the case. The prosecution contested the decision. Mr. Strecker remained held in prison while awaiting the outcome of the prosecution's appeal.

Am Costa Rica reported on August 18,2017 that David Strecker has been acquitted and released.

06-24-19, 16:33
Authorities in Costa Rica arrested David Strecker (Cuba Dave) on September 4, 2015. Strecker was charged with promoting sex tourism in Costa Rica, a charged based upon a new 2012 law making it illegal to promote sex tourism. While the government was preparing its case against Strecker, he was held in preventive detention for 14 months, as he was deemed to be a flight risk. Strecker maintained his innocence during the detention and through his trial, proclaiming himself to be a political prisoner. While he does not deny publishing images and articles about prostitution in Costa Rica, he claims that these articles did not actively promote sex tourism.

Strecker was unable to fund his own legal defense and, with the help of Dennis Eatmon, created a legal defense fund. According to his website CubaDave.com, Strecker was able to raise a total of $1500.00, and needed to raise an additional $1500.00 used to pay his legal expenses.


In trial David Strecker became the first person convicted under Costa Rica's new Sex Tourism Law. He was convicted by three judges in San Jos, Costa Rica by unanimous decision. The evidence presented in the trial was principally derived from Strecker's own articles, photos, and various YouTube videos in which he described his sexual exploits..Interesting, however wasn't he in the Dominican Republic for a long time prior to Costa Rica allegedly promoting the same activities?

Ty Down
06-24-19, 17:10
Yes I remember seeing one of his very last posts a few years back, he was scared as shit as he knew his life was in danger. I am scared as one can be. I recall he is the type of guy that is over the top in your face kind of person, which we all know does not prolong your life anywhere in South America and especially in Colombia if you rub the person the wrong way.

Good to hear that he is alive. Word to self. Don't act like this fool did, stay under the radar and enjoy the chicas!

The Tall Man.Thanks Tall Man, I found another video of him, from what I gather from the video comment section, apparently a Serbian gang was out to kill him, they did kill his brother in law but the gun jammed when they went for Brofessor, and he managed to escape. They saying he's in Brazil now.


06-24-19, 17:29
Whatever happened to Cuba Dave?

I think he was released in Costa Rica. Since then he went dark. I assume his low profile is the result of having learned some lessons.He has a facebook profile and apparently hangs our or mongers in Medellin. I only know that because I recognize his face from his promotional work in CR and that Facebook presents friend suggestions- People You May Know- and we have some friends in common.

06-24-19, 19:02
Well you are throwing lots of names around, gud for you, means you have been reading lots of postings. That is lots better than most who only ask questions, but are too lazy to read past postings. I wudnt book more than 1 night in the nutibarra hotel, then check out plaza botero hotel only half a block away behind the nutibarra and in the same block as the airport bus office. Ah conejitas brings back 7 years of memories, even now beer nearly half the price of barra ejectiva. If travelling solo don't go more than 1 block west, north or south conejitas after 9 pm. Vera cruz is as daytime show, the cops all leave there at 7 pm, I will let you guess why, 8 years ago there were 11 stripper bars within a 3 block radius of conejitas, now only 7, ah the gud old days. Nutibarra hotel has 2 atms inside, there is an ATM at the airport close by where you pickup your bag. Last Sept. 9500 pesos airport to bus station by nutibarra, say autopisto to bus driver at airport as some buses go round about route thru san diego to downtown.Hello Bart,

Appreciate your response. Will do as you suggested.

Any one in Medellin during July 10-27?

06-25-19, 01:22
I think he was released in Costa Rica. Since then he went dark. I assume his low profile is the result of having learned some lessons.He was in Medellin for awhile after getting out of Costa Rica. Not sure if he's still there or if he's moved on.

06-25-19, 18:11
Whatever happened to Cuba Dave?He is keeping his mongering activities to himself and living happily in Medellin.

06-25-19, 19:41
Planning a trip to Colombia from Aug 3rd to 11th and I promise I'm going to report back. I just noticed there is this flower festival in Medellin during that time.

Does anyone know how it affects the mongering scene? Any change in stripclubs and casas during that time or it doesn't have a big impact on them? Is it better to go to Bogota for few days instead? I appreciate your responses.

06-25-19, 20:57
Interesting, however wasn't he in the Dominican Republic for a long time prior to Costa Rica allegedly promoting the same activities?He was in the Dominican Republic for quite a while, promoting the same behavior. He then moved to Costa Rica and he continued his ways despite the fact that he was warned about it in the DR.

His Facebook account says that he now lives in Medellin, Antioquia. I am happy that it turned out well for him but I feel that if he used discretion that he could have avoided all this (this is why we use screen names on sites like ISG-for anonymity).

Black Page
06-25-19, 23:23
And what happened to Frank Casio? His way of putting " at the end of each sentence was a bit annoying to me, but his stories were interesting.

06-26-19, 02:23
He was in the Dominican Republic for quite a while, promoting the same behavior. He then moved to Costa Rica and he continued his ways despite the fact that he was warned about it in the DR.

His Facebook account says that he now lives in Medellin, Antioquia. I am happy that it turned out well for him but I feel that if he used discretion that he could have avoided all this (this is why we use screen names on sites like ISG-for anonymity).Talked to him many times in the DR. Nice guy, but really naive. His downfall was that he enjoyed talking about this hobby too much!

06-26-19, 02:49
Talked to him many times in the DR. Nice guy, but really naive. His downfall was that he enjoyed talking about this hobby too much!You are 100% right. I couldn't have said it better.

El Mechanico
06-26-19, 14:24
I think he was released in Costa Rica. Since then he went dark. I assume his low profile is the result of having learned some lessons.He did not go dark. He is in MDE!

El Mechanico.

06-27-19, 01:38
I hope he keeps out of trouble.

He did not go dark. He is in MDE!

El Mechanico.

John Gault
06-27-19, 13:19
And what happened to Frank Casio? His way of putting " at the end of each sentence was a bit annoying to me, but his stories were interesting.I know for sure he sold his apartment in Mayorista, and he moved to Tampa. The word I have heard is he is dead. The man had health problems while he ran My Place. The last time I saw him was about 5 years ago while walking on the Mayo strip.

Years ago I always stayed at his place. I wrote many trip reports about his apartment, and the Mayo strip. He became a friend. One day I brought a Chica I found from the strip club Las Americas to a birthday party for one of his guests at his apartment. On my next trip there he told me that the Chica I brought to the party was now not allowed in his place. He told me he started a relationship with her, and it did not work out. I really liked the girl so I had to take her to a love motel. Of course that was the end of my stays at My Place.

Mr Enternational
06-27-19, 15:22
One day I brought a Chica I found from the strip club Las Americas to a birthday party for one of his guests at his apartment. On my next trip there he told me that the Chica I brought to the party was now not allowed in his place. He told me he started a relationship with her, and it did not work out. It is amazing how it never gets through to many guys what hookers are for. Like trying to make a screwdriver out of a hammer and getting mad at it when it won't turn the screw the proper way.

06-27-19, 16:26
It is amazing how it never gets through to many guys what hookers are for. Like trying to make a screwdriver out of a hammer and getting mad at it when it won't turn the screw the proper way.This is an excellent analogy.

06-28-19, 01:44
Planning a trip to Colombia from Aug 3rd to 11th and I promise I'm going to report back. I just noticed there is this flower festival in Medellin during that time.

Does anyone know how it affects the mongering scene? Any change in stripclubs and casas during that time or it doesn't have a big impact on them? Is it better to go to Bogota for few days instead? I appreciate your responses.During the time period you mentioned, the Hotels increase their rates due to all the tourists that come into town. The 7th of August is apparently the biggest day of the event. So depending on where you stay, it may cost more unless your staying in a dive in El Centro. As far as the Strip Clubs and Casa's being affected I don't know, perhaps the casa's during the day may be affected if some of the girls are attending one of the many activities in town.

06-28-19, 13:04
Does anyone know the status of the tunnel construction? Hoping in late August it will be ready when I return to Medellin.

06-28-19, 15:09
Does anyone know the status of the tunnel construction? Hoping in late August it will be ready when I return to Medellin.A week ago they said it would open sometime in August, however the opening date has moved numerous times over the past year and a half so it will open when it opens!

World Travel 69
06-28-19, 18:22

Does anyone know the status of the tunnel construction? Hoping in late August it will be ready when I return to Medellin.

06-28-19, 18:39
Hello everyone,

All the information in these pages are invaluable and I would like to say my thanks! With that said, I have a few things on my mind on the jist? of it all. I know this is not a roll-call, but anyone planning for a trip in October? I am trying to go during the last week of that month of 5 days, this would be my feeler-trip, but considering the reports I've been reading and an unending lilido, I can get A LOT in hopping casa's day and night. We'll see.

This is my first post. I won't consider myself a newbie monger with over 4 years living in Amsterdam and traversing to Morocco on multiple occasions but Medellin would be the first South American destination on my list. Being a chino-american, mi hablo un pocito espanol (rip on my grammar its okay, idc LOL) as well as a whole bunch of Arabic, Dutch, and Turkish from my experiences abroad. Colombia would be a great test of my collection of filthy spanish I picked up while living in Tangier, that will be a story for another time somewhere else.

A bit more about myself: I am also doomed with a comically young looking baby-face, most people mistake me for half my age (I am in my Mid-30's), so please forgive me if I sound overtly paranoid in my observations below at least you can try to empathize?!

From everything that I have read about the location and how the putas work along with all the risks attached (Burundunga Related "Dates" of any of the social media platforms such as Tinder or just getting fucked in general at gunpoint) and just the general risk of using smartphones in the city (don't want to like dar papaya), it seems to me that one of the most definite ways to get laid relatively safely would be to:

1. Take exclusively Ubers as your main route of getting from point*A to point*be.

2. Stick to the numerous casa's the city has to offer.

Similar to the Tangier scene, I am familiar with how the pro / semi-pro scene work (at least in theory) for Medellin. Not saying Morocco is anymore safe than Colombia, but burundunga is not a local product in Africa. Not sure how many of ya'll saw the Vice documentary a few years back on the substance, but it can cause a person to basically go along with the perpetrator's demands including answering questions like where did you stash what at. I have read that some senior travelers of this region suggest to rent a cheaper airBnB to use as your stash-house for your bread and valuables, but if burundunga makes you go along with their demands what the is the point? I don't want to sound paranoid but if I can smash the level of putas en de casas as oppose to rolling the scopolamine-dice at Parque Lleras-type set-ups for a fraction of the cost (even the gringo cost at casa beats the shit out of the prices I be reading out of Club Gusto), it seems like a no brainier.

Below I have a few specific questions, maybe someone can shed some light:

1. Avoid Strip-clubs as the putas are equally as hot in the option above and you are less likely to get scammed there (2. If flying solo-dolo, would it be wise to hire a tour guide to say wait for you in the casa bar to make sure nothing shady happens (3. I can imagine Tinder dates drugging you with burundunga (Scopolamine / Hyoscine), but has anyone heard of cases with the putas from photoprepago and the likes drugging their tricks (4. Similar to the question above, anyone have extensive experience inviting the puta you met in a casa back to your crib later for an extended stay or TLN? If so, did shit go south?

I think what I am trying to get at is that I am wondering how safe the casa's are, I can imagine they won't fuck with you inside the rooms as far as trying to drug you and steal the money on you as that would be bad for business, their reputation, and I can't imagine it not be busted by the policia already. But I am wondering what happens the moment you try a take-out meal, and if the brothel owners really act and behavior like pimps. I know that this practice of take-outs out of casa's is quite the way to go in places like SJO Costa Rica. But through all the Medellin reports I've read so far has not really mention this being practiced here. So please shed some light. Any would be helpful.

One Last thing, would be nice to get some kind of ratio from all my fellow "Culito Banditos" hehe:

In the casa's, do the majority of the putas put out the culito para propina or its a hit / miss depending on the girl? I ask specifically as almost every other thread I've read thus far seems to point towards the fact that Sexo Por El Culo is pretty much a convention down there, like bread in the store. If that is not the case, please enlighten me.

06-28-19, 23:19
I think I would like to give it a few months to settle before I go through it.


06-29-19, 12:57
From everything that I have read about the location and how the putas work along with all the risks attached (Burundunga Related "Dates" of any of the social media platforms such as Tinder or just getting fucked in general at gunpoint) and just the general risk of using smartphones in the city (don't want to like dar papaya), it seems to me that one of the most definite ways to get laid relatively safely would be to:

1. Take exclusively Ubers as your main route of getting from point*A to point*be.

2. Stick to the numerous casa's the city has to offer.1. There's no reason to stick with Uber, especially if you just plan on visiting the casas. My experience with Uber is that they're excellent if you're traveling around anywhere between Sabaneta and the Parque Lleras area of El Poblado, and around the better areas of Laureles. They're a lot less dependable cruising around El Centro.

Personally, unless I'm out late, I stick with the Metro and buses. Why get bounced and jerked around in a taxi, if you can save 20 minutes and 12 k on the smooth riding Metro?

2. I suppose if you stick to a few of the casas; Tantra, Energy, New Life, Aiffe, Club Sexxy Amigas, and take a taxi directly to the door, the casas might be the safest option. There will be some debate. However, that stops being the case, IMO, when you take an unknown, untested girl from a casa to your place. You're probably still safe, but the possibility of a disappointing or more expensive session (above and beyond the take out charge) goes up.

Similar to the Tangier scene, I am familiar with how the pro / semi-pro scene work (at least in theory) for Medellin. Not saying Morocco is anymore safe than Colombia, but burundunga is not a local product in Africa. Not sure how many of ya'll saw the Vice documentary a few years back on the substance, but it can cause a person to basically go along with the perpetrator's demands including answering questions like where did you stash what at. I have read that some senior travelers of this region suggest to rent a cheaper airBnB to use as your stash-house for your bread and valuables, but if burundunga makes you go along with their demands what the is the point? I don't want to sound paranoid but if I can smash the level of putas en de casas as oppose to rolling the scopolamine-dice at Parque Lleras-type set-ups for a fraction of the cost (even the gringo cost at casa beats the shit out of the prices I be reading out of Club Gusto), it seems like a no brainier.Calling anything posted by Vice a "documentary" is like calling anything from McDonald's "gourmet food. " Technically it might have a bit of the same ingredients, but the end result is flavor enhanced garbage.

If you avoid certain behavior, your risk of being drugged is extremely low.

1. Keep a low profile. If you like flashing rolls of cash, someone's going to notice.

2. Don't drink too much. Sipping a few beers is fine. Doing shots with strangers is risky. If you need to get drunk to have fun, they won't even need to drug you, but if they do, your chances of dying go up.

3. Nobody is your friend. Anyone pretending to be your friend is only interested in your money. They may know where the best girls are, but they also know how to get money from tourists.

4. Don't leave your food or drink unattended, if you decide to take an unknown girl out. In order for someone to drug you, they need an opportunity.

Below I have a few specific questions, maybe someone can shed some light:

1. Avoid Strip-clubs as the putas are equally as hot in the option above and you are less likely to get scammed there (2. If flying solo-dolo, would it be wise to hire a tour guide to say wait for you in the casa bar to make sure nothing shady happens (3. I can imagine Tinder dates drugging you with burundunga (Scopolamine / Hyoscine), but has anyone heard of cases with the putas from photoprepago and the likes drugging their tricks (4. Similar to the question above, anyone have extensive experience inviting the puta you met in a casa back to your crib later for an extended stay or TLN? If so, did shit go south?1. I was not overly impressed with the Medellin strip clubs. There is a risk of being pickpocketed. They have nasty rooms, except for the better clubs. Being in a crowded bar with young, drunk, horny Colombian guys makes me nervous. It's also more expensive, if you're trying for the cheapest option.

2. If you hire a known and well-reviewed guide, probably. Although, if you're spending that much money, why go to the low end casas and strip clubs? Go to Fase Dos, La Isla and Loutron. Why pay a stranger to drink beer, while you're fucking?

3. Why go with Photoprepagos at all if you're paranoid about being drugged? It's not much different from Tinder. You're still getting an unknown person with minimal information and no way to verify them.

4. There are plenty of reports from guys who set up an outside date with a casa girl. The results are mixed. Some were happy, some weren't. I don't recall any reports of a takeout girl from a casa robbing anyone, although most guys wouldn't report it if it did happen.

There are also plenty of reports explaining how to go about it. You don't go to a casa, pick a girl and pay the casa to take her home. Some won't allow it, most of the rest will charge a high rate. You go, pick a girl, session with her, get her number, privately, and set up something for when she isn't working.

I think what I am trying to get at is that I am wondering how safe the casa's are, I can imagine they won't fuck with you inside the rooms as far as trying to drug you and steal the money on you as that would be bad for business, their reputation, and I can't imagine it not be busted by the policia already. But I am wondering what happens the moment you try a take-out meal, and if the brothel owners really act and behavior like pimps. I know that this practice of take-outs out of casa's is quite the way to go in places like SJO Costa Rica. But through all the Medellin reports I've read so far has not really mention this being practiced here. So please shed some light. Any would be helpful.Most of the casas in Medellin aren't built around the take home model. Why have 10-15 rooms when only 3 of the ugliest girls are there because everyone else is out with customers?

They are in the business to make money. They make more money keeping the girls in house. If you're only looking for take out there are much better options.

There are plenty of escort agencies. They specialize in what you are looking for. You will pay more. However, you're not paying a taxi or Uber to sit around and wait for you, you're not paying a guide to sit around and wait for you, you're not paying a casa to do what an escort agency does and you will probably get a lower volume, better looking girl.

Of course, the best option for what you're looking for is Facebook. You're not paying extra to someone else to use their girl, you have a means to verify at least some of the girl's information and you know what you're getting. You might have to hit several casas to find the girl you want and there's no guarantee she'll be interested in anything outside of the casa. With Facebook, there might be some issues, but you'll be more likely to get what you want and probably won't pay any more than getting casa takeout.

One Last thing, would be nice to get some kind of ratio from all my fellow "Culito Banditos" hehe:

In the casa's, do the majority of the putas put out the culito para propina or its a hit / miss depending on the girl? I ask specifically as almost every other thread I've read thus far seems to point towards the fact that Sexo Por El Culo is pretty much a convention down there, like bread in the store. If that is not the case, please enlighten me.Bread isn't a convention in Colombia. It's easy to find, but the everyday staple is the arepa. Anal sex isn't a convention in Colombia. Some will do it, for a price, some won't. A few will offer it without an extra charge. If you're stuck on casas, you will almost always have to request and pay for it.

[Deleted by Admin]

Fun Luvr
06-29-19, 17:47
... it seems to me that one of the most definite ways to get laid relatively safely would be to:

1. Take exclusively Ubers as your main route of getting from point*A to point*be.

2. Stick to the numerous casa's the city has to offer.

(and much more)

I am not going to respond to all your questions point-by-point, but provide some general information.

You indicate you have been to SJO. IMO, Medellin is safer than San Jose. There are parts of both cities you should stay away from, and parts you are fairly safe day and night. You don't take the ladies out of the casas in Medellin. You may be able to get a lady's number and make arrangements to meet her when she isn't working.

Taxis and Ubers are both safe. It's usually easier to get a taxi late at night. Most Ubers will not pick you up where there are taxis gathered, you have to walk away from the taxi area.

The strip clubs are not scams. They do charge more than casas, but they have standard prices the same as casas. The ladies in many of the strip clubs are more attractive than in casas, and you can see what you are getting (physically) in a strip club. You don't need to hire a guide to stay with you in a casa or strip club, unless you are going downtown late at night. You will be hard pressed to find someone who will do it late at night.

As to being drugged. In almost every incident of drugging, the person was drunk and did foolish things. Forget about being drugged by someone blowing something in your face. They would have to almost blow it directly in you nostrils to affect you.

Almost every available lady in Medellin is out to make you happy and get paid for it. Very few want to rob you or harm you. Some may take something from your room or apartment, line a toiletry item or a phone charger or cable. Although it seldom happens to me, I consider that something they need rather than stealing for a profit.

I don't know where you have been reading about anal sex, but you should discard that as a source of information. Very few of the ladies will provide that.

Mr Enternational
06-29-19, 19:09
The strip clubs are not scams. They do charge more than casas, but they have standard prices the same as casas.Casas have standard prices. Strip clubs do not. ALWAYS negotiate with a chick at a strip club. Do not take the first price you are given. Fase 2 may be an exception. But the ones in downtown Medellin and Santa Fe in Bogota, always negotiate.

In the strip club the room is actually a standard price and the chick keeps the balance. (This is spelled out in Fase 2 where you pay separately for the room and the girl.) In a casa, the chick gets a certain amount of that standard price. I think it is half. So if you pay 40K in a casa, the chick gets 20K. If you pay 60K in a strip club I think the room is 10K and the chick keeps 50K. In the strip club they are more independent contractors, whereas in the casas they are employees on commission.

06-29-19, 20:20
Thank you everyone for taking time out of your day to answer these questions. A few remarks I have after reading your comments:

1. I am not a drinker what-so-ever, much much more of a fanatic for la crippa. Does anyone have experience scoring grade-A product? I have zero interest in trying to get any Miley-Cyrus out there just not a fan of anything that makes you alert and edgy, that is what work is for not your leisure at least my IMO and I am well aware of the dangers of associating myself with narco-traffico. What am talking about right here is more about the love of the mean mean green.

2. Facebook will be tricky as fuck for me for a few reasons: due to some freak-of-nature reasons, my face just doesn't age. Its a very very awkward situation to have in life, I am not touting my own horns here (if I could, I could proverbially saw off these "horns") but most people mistake me to be a teenager. I am also on the skinnier side of the BMI-scale, which really doesn't happen any of this. Obviously the moment I start speaking they can usually tell I am no fucking kid, but people constantly stare at me as if I have no life experience in general. I constantly get attention from younger females and most regular "ladies" (as oppose to the hoes) my age that are single with no prospects are quite frankly baggage-the, loose / worn-out, or fugly in general, which is just a curse with icing made of shit on top of it. I have zero interest any of that pedophilia-shit and anyone that is involved with it really needs to get their buttholes stomped-out in a Mexican prison followed by having their dicks sounded by medieval maces. I like my putas thick and slightly older like 25-29 range as they know how to fuck and take care of a dude. Can I get an Amen? So facebook and tinder in general, women usually think I am a horny teenager doing something he is not suppose to do.

3. Besides all that, I am also Chinese. I have noticed that there are seasoned vets on this board that are Chinese and has ventured into Medellin with great success, and I am sure that the "Chinese-monger" stereotype is no news to anyone on this board LOL. How often did you get called a chinito or chin-na or chino while you were there? I understand the term can be either affectionate or discriminatory, and unless you are fluent or can stay alert while doing crazy translations in your head, you just may never ever know. With that said, if a chica on the street calls me a chinito while waving and smiling, the intentions are fucking obvious. But if a dude that shit to me in, depending on the setting, how can someone even tell? I am sure that being Asian will stick out even more so than being white, but realistically, I don't know kung-fu (I wasn't brought up in the Shaolin temples, unfortunately), I am just another gringo from America just that a bit more tanned. So, my fellow Asian mongers that has traversed to this Disneyland of grande culo's, how often did ignorant people try to fuck with you or realistically we have just as much of a risk of being fucked with gringo or not? Race shouldn't have anything to do with any of this, but as I understand, Chino just means a yellow-face, we can be Uzbekistan and speak purely Russian and still be a Chino in Spanish speaking countries so I thought this would be a huge factor as I try to navigate these streets with my Spanglish / google translate.

4. Do the local police at least have a basic grasp of English? I don't expect it but I can imagine that if and when shit do go south like having your phone (consequently your translation apps) stolen, you got to explain to the police what is happened. I have heard a mixed bag of opinions about the local police. If you can bribe these people, where is the "line" of what you can and cannot get away with in this country? Sounds pretty fucking scary, again, trying to get a big picture of the place and I am not trying to over-generalize the reports that I have read while not actually spending them there.

Your time and answers are really appreciated and I will post a very extensive trip report once I do get back in one piece LOL.

The Tall Man
06-29-19, 22:40
I know for sure he sold his apartment in Mayorista, and he moved to Tampa. The word I have heard is he is dead. The man had health problems while he ran My Place. The last time I saw him was about 5 years ago while walking on the Mayo strip.

Years ago I always stayed at his place. I wrote many trip reports about his apartment, and the Mayo strip. He became a friend. One day I brought a Chica I found from the strip club Las Americas to a birthday party for one of his guests at his apartment. On my next trip there he told me that the Chica I brought to the party was now not allowed in his place. He told me he started a relationship with her, and it did not work out. I really liked the girl so I had to take her to a love motel. Of course that was the end of my stays at My Place.Yes taking another guys pussy is just not cool, be it an escort or regular gal. I had it happen to me years ago from what I thought was a good friend.

I know the saying "bros before hoes" but common decency always moves me to have quick discussion with my buddy and let him know that a particular girl is off limits or no problem and go have at it. This works both ways as I respect my Colombian buddies wishes too, I ask him if a certain girl is open and available for me, a few times over the past few years he ask that I do not party with a particular chica, and I don't. Some times I will ask him months later if anything has changed any most of the time he is good with it.

Never forget "bros before girls"!

The Tall Man.

06-30-19, 00:58
Does anyone know the status of the tunnel construction? Hoping in late August it will be ready when I return to Medellin.The Uber driver that drove me to the airport said it would be mid to late August. That was a couple weeks ago.

06-30-19, 12:12
I would add that going downtown to the casas or strip clubs alone at night is not recommended specially for a new person to Medellin. Not even some veterans will venture into downtown at night. As mentioned take a cab directly to the strip clubs at night and back. Culito is available but not guaranteed. When you get the parade at the casas just ask them if they give it up. So you don't waste your time. The meet and greet at the casas takes about 5 seconds per girl at the end you pick the girl so remember the names, they are not just hanging around, they usually disappear after they say hola. So ask quickly. Facebook is definitely the best way. It just takes some work in the beginning. Would recommend the gringo hotel that shall not be named for your first time. For a couple days at least. Great place to network with girls and other mongers.

Hello everyone,

All the information in these pages are invaluable and I would like to say my thanks! With that said, I have a few things on my mind on the jist? of it all. I know this is not a roll-call, but anyone planning for a trip in October? I am trying to go during the last week of that month of 5 days, this would be my feeler-trip, but considering the reports I've been reading and an unending lilido, I can get A LOT in hopping casa's day and night. We'll see..

06-30-19, 15:53
Does anyone have any recommendations on where to get a good Nuru massage?

06-30-19, 17:03
Pro tip for casa lineups, remember the names of the girls that you find attractive and forget the others. It's the only way to avoid forgetting them all by the time the lineup is done.

I would add that going downtown to the casas or strip clubs alone at night is not recommended specially for a new person to Medellin. Not even some veterans will venture into downtown at night. As mentioned take a cab directly to the strip clubs at night and back. Culito is available but not guaranteed. When you get the parade at the casas just ask them if they give it up. So you don't waste your time. The meet and greet at the casas takes about 5 seconds per girl at the end you pick the girl so remember the names, they are not just hanging around, they usually disappear after they say hola. So ask quickly. Facebook is definitely the best way. It just takes some work in the beginning. Would recommend the gringo hotel that shall not be named for your first time. For a couple days at least. Great place to network with girls and other mongers..

06-30-19, 17:23
Ubers are slower to arrive in Centro because there are fewer of them as brother jjbee mentioned. Some reasons it may be worth the wait for guys who don't know the city or haven't been to Colombia very often.

You can search for and enter a street address and / or location in the application so there is no need to communicate it to the driver help the driver find the location as I often have to with taxis.

You don't have to have cash or the right amount of cash, or small enough bills.

You are unlikely to have problems with taxi drivers getting into mischief but you are even less likely to have such problems with uber.

Ubers are almost always less expensive than taxis but taxis are very inexpensive to begin with.

On the other hand, when time is short ubers in Centro aren't a good option. You will find they often cancel when traffic is heavy, which is almost all the time in Centro. Sometimes two or three drivers in a row will cancel. The experience is much better in Poblado and Laureles, not so much up in Provenza at night where the traffic is as heavy as Centro.

The Tall Man
06-30-19, 18:11
Thank you everyone for taking time out of your day to answer these questions. A few remarks I have after reading your comments:

1. I am not a drinker what-so-ever, much much more of a fanatic for la crippa. Does anyone have experience scoring grade-A product? I have zero interest in trying to get any Miley-Cyrus out there just not a fan of anything that makes you alert and edgy, that is what work is for not your leisure at least my IMO and I am well aware of the dangers of associating myself with narco-traffico. What am talking about right here is more about the love of the mean mean green.

2. Facebook will be tricky as fuck for me for a few reasons: due to some freak-of-nature reasons, my face just doesn't age. Its a very very awkward situation to have in life, I am not touting my own horns here (if I could, I could proverbially saw off these "horns") but most people mistake me to be a teenager. I am also on the skinnier side of the BMI-scale, which really doesn't happen any of this. Obviously the moment I start speaking they can usually tell I am no fucking kid, but people constantly stare at me as if I have no life experience in general. I constantly get attention from younger females and most regular "ladies" (as oppose to the hoes) my age that are single with no prospects are quite frankly baggage-the, loose / worn-out, or fugly in general, which is just a curse with icing made of shit on top of it. I have zero interest any of that pedophilia-shit and anyone that is involved with it really needs to get their buttholes stomped-out in a Mexican prison followed by having their dicks sounded by medieval maces. I like my putas thick and slightly older like 25-29 range as they know how to fuck and take care of a dude. Can I get an Amen? So facebook and tinder in general, women usually think I am a horny teenager doing something he is not suppose to do..You get the requested amen from me!

In all my years and all my travels in Colombia I have never met a cop who has any level of English.

Need to recommend that even though you are not a drinker always be mindful of leaving any drink be it a soda or water unattended.

Crippa is available just about every where, just use common sense, I am not a smoker but my Colombian buddies make Snopp Dogg look like he is in kindergarten when it comes to smoking joints. If your at a club just very discretely ask the doorman or waiter if they have anything, my buddy usually pays 3 or 4 mil for a joint, this is about one US dollar give or take.

Yes you will get noticed with your Asian looks but even if they call you a name like chino or whatever it is all in love, they mean nothing disrespectful by this.

On the other hand I see how you very youngish looks can even be more of a distraction in the monger world, just go with the flow and use this "gift" to find what you want.

Have fun!

The Tall Man.

06-30-19, 19:41
Thank you everyone for taking time out of your day to answer these questions. A few remarks I have after reading your comments:

1. I am not a drinker what-so-ever, much much more of a fanatic for la crippa. Does anyone have experience scoring grade-A product? I have zero interest in trying to get any Miley-Cyrus out there just not a fan of anything that makes you alert and edgy, that is what work is for not your leisure at least my IMO and I am well aware of the dangers of associating myself with narco-traffico. What am talking about right here is more about the love of the mean mean green.

2. Facebook will be tricky as fuck for me for a few reasons: due to some freak-of-nature reasons, my face just doesn't age. .1. Most of the women are into mota, so when you come around a corner and smell herbs, make friends with the ladies in the vicinity. I've found it's pretty easy to get a number or two, but I never grab any more than I'm willing to drop down the nearest gutter and I always make sure NOTHING contaminates my clothing / bags for return.

2. If you're calling 20-29 "older", you look young because you ARE young. You'll look old soon enough. You may even be able to grow a beard someday.

3. The Chinese are becoming very visible in South America- last time in MDE I was amazed at all the Chinese cars and dealerships. This is a good thing for you, because Chinese are now part of Medellin's power base. It's not nearly as uncommon to see a Chinese person in Medellin as it was even ten years ago.

4. Hit or miss at best. If you want to travel in another country, show the basic respect of learning a little of the language, especially if you want to get into some girl's pants. For most situations, the cops will be your best friends. They tend to be in force around the parks and Metro stations, and are also very professional. I've never been asked for a bribe in Colombia (though quite the opposite in Mexico)- not saying it doesn't happen, but it's not been my experience. If you get something stolen, kiss it goodbye.

I'll be frank with you- you sound like you're a dar papaya- an easy mark. I'd definitely go with someone with more experience, and stick to Parque Lleras.

06-30-19, 19:52
So, my fellow Asian mongers that has traversed to this Disneyland of grande culo's, how often did ignorant people try to fuck with you or realistically we have just as much of a risk of being fucked with gringo or not? Race shouldn't have anything to do with any of this, but as I understand, Chino just means a yellow-face, we can be Uzbekistan and speak purely Russian and still be a Chino in Spanish speaking countries so I thought this would be a huge factor as I try to navigate these streets with my Spanglish / google translate.There will be some curiosity. People will try to guess if you are from Japan, Korean and so on. When I walked down Calle 56, I heard greetings from girls in Japanese, and Chinese. I met a couple of local business men who invited me to their table and offered to pay for everything when I was at La Isla, and I was worry about being kidnapped, LOL.

Mr Enternational
06-30-19, 19:56
I am not a drinker what-so-ever, much much more of a fanatic for la crippa. Does anyone have experience scoring grade-A product?You better stick to California or Amsterdam. The rest of the world does not do grade A product.

06-30-19, 19:56
I'll be frank with you- you sound like you're a dar papaya- an easy mark. I'd definitely go with someone with more experience, and stick to Parque Lleras.Not sure if this is a good advice but just don't pay USD 200. Search "Gusto" in this forum to read about potential traps.

06-30-19, 20:27
You better stick to California or Amsterdam. The rest of the world does not do grade A product.Or you just need to know the right person. At least in Medellin. Which does me no good, because I have no interest in the stuff.

06-30-19, 21:11
Thank you everyone for taking time out of your day to answer these questions. A few remarks I have after reading your comments:

1. I am not a drinker what-so-ever, much much more of a fanatic for la crippa. Does anyone have experience scoring grade-A product? I have zero interest in trying to get any Miley-Cyrus out there just not a fan of anything that makes you alert and edgy, that is what work is for not your leisure at least my IMO and I am well aware of the dangers of associating myself with narco-traffico. What am talking about right here is more about the love of the mean mean green. Seems like every girl in Medellin smokes the stuff. They all have a source. It's easy enough to get one of them to bring you some. Quality varies. I know where to find the best, but I have zero interest in it. No I'm not giving out contact info. If you're in Medellin while I'm there, I'll arrange an introduction.

2. Facebook will be tricky as fuck for me for a few reasons: due to some freak-of-nature reasons, my face just doesn't age. Its a very very awkward situation to have in life, I am not touting my own horns here (if I could, I could proverbially saw off these "horns") but most people mistake me to be a teenager. I am also on the skinnier side of the BMI-scale, which really doesn't happen any of this. Obviously the moment I start speaking they can usually tell I am no fucking kid, but people constantly stare at me as if I have no life experience in general.What does that have to do with anything? Girls who work through Facebook are used to profiles with no clear photos. Most guys do something to obscure their identity. Besides, the girls aren't looking to hire you. They are there to get paid to fuck. Their selection process consists of:

1. Are you in Medellin?

2. How much will you pay me?

A few might pass someone for being too fat or too old. Many will pass on someone who is rude, but they're unlikely to pass on someone young and thin.

3. Besides all that, I am also Chinese. I have noticed that there are seasoned vets on this board that are Chinese and has ventured into Medellin with great success, and I am sure that the "Chinese-monger" stereotype is no news to anyone on this board LOL. How often did you get called a chinito or chin-na or chino while you were there? I understand the term can be either affectionate or discriminatory, and unless you are fluent or can stay alert while doing crazy translations in your head, you just may never ever know. With that said, if a chica on the street calls me a chinito while waving and smiling, the intentions are fucking obvious. But if a dude that shit to me in, depending on the setting, how can someone even tell? I am sure that being Asian will stick out even more so than being white, but realistically, I don't know kung-fu (I wasn't brought up in the Shaolin temples, unfortunately), I am just another gringo from America just that a bit more tanned. So, my fellow Asian mongers that has traversed to this Disneyland of grande culo's, how often did ignorant people try to fuck with you or realistically we have just as much of a risk of being fucked with gringo or not? Race shouldn't have anything to do with any of this, but as I understand, Chino just means a yellow-face, we can be Uzbekistan and speak purely Russian and still be a Chino in Spanish speaking countries so I thought this would be a huge factor as I try to navigate these streets with my Spanglish / google translate.I guess smoking weed does cause paranoia.

Colombians are generally friendly. Paisas are considered to be friendlier than other Colombians. Unless you're being a dick, nobody is likely to bother you.

Being white or Asian doesn't really stick out in Colombia. Most people simply don't care. They'll know you're a tourist, regardless of the color of your skin.

4. Do the local police at least have a basic grasp of English? I don't expect it but I can imagine that if and when shit do go south like having your phone (consequently your translation apps) stolen, you got to explain to the police what is happened. I have heard a mixed bag of opinions about the local police. If you can bribe these people, where is the "line" of what you can and cannot get away with in this country? Sounds pretty fucking scary, again, trying to get a big picture of the place and I am not trying to over-generalize the reports that I have read while not actually spending them there.Why would the police in Colombia speak English? I'm sure most know a few words, but if you're hoping to have a conversation with the police, you're out of luck.

Why do you need to bribe the police? Most of them have better things to do than try and get some gringo tourist to bribe them. If you're hoping to come to Colombia and "get away with" anything, stay the fuck out. You don't want to spend the rest of your life in a Colombian prison, which would probably be less than 6 months, and I don't want to read about another gringo doing something stupid.

Your time and answers are really appreciated and I will post a very extensive trip report once I do get back in one piece LOL.I'm a skeptic. There are currently 1,137 people who we're still waiting on "extensive trip reports" from.

Blue Touch
06-30-19, 22:56
There will be some curiosity. People will try to guess if you are from Japan, Korean and so on. When I walked down Calle 56, I heard greetings from girls in Japanese, and Chinese. I met a couple of local business men who invited me to their table and offered to pay for everything when I was at La Isla, and I was worry about being kidnapped, LOL.No. They think these are words of Chinese. 90% of people think that all Asians are Chinese due to their lack of education and the fact that majority of Latinos speak Spanish.

07-01-19, 00:31
I'll be frank with you- you sound like you're a dar papaya- an easy mark. I'd definitely go with someone with more experience, and stick to Parque Lleras.Oh yea, I am very well aware that me myself and I is the papaya. That is really the reason why I am seeking the help of more experienced mongers like ya'll and I do appreciate it. In my original thread, I mentioned about hiring a guide to sit in the casa bars to wait for me while I explore Paisa-culito but I was somewhat assured that unless I go late at night to these places, there would not be a need to do so.

With that said, its well within my budget to hire a tour-guide if need be (doesn't even have to be bilingual, he just needs to protect this papaya), granted I plan on only hitting up casa's, strip clubs, and local-foro's well-review photoprepagos. I may not even explore the last option if I can try to set up a TLN with a casa-girl after her shift ends but realistically I rather get my nuts in all through the day then get a good night's sleep to recoup my chi as oppose to having to worry about waking up in a pool of ice with 60 minutes to get to a hospital (I have never read about organ harvesting but with my luck.).

And as far as clubbing goes, I have always found that its fucking retard form of a pass-time, I will have no interest in the "Gusto" scene, if I wanted to pay in the range of 200 dollars, there are far better destinations where I would be about to score grade-A bud (oh, Canada?

07-01-19, 00:35
2. If you're calling 20-29 "older", you look young because you ARE young. You'll look old soon enough. You may even be able to grow a beard someday.(Un) Fortunately, I am in my mid-30's, if I was indeed 20-29, it wouldn't be such a plague (yet). I get carded still, usually ends with the dude saying some shit on the lines of: "oh, god bless".

07-01-19, 01:14
I would add that going downtown to the casas or strip clubs alone at night is not recommended specially for a new person to Medellin. Not even some veterans will venture into downtown at night. As mentioned take a cab directly to the strip clubs at night and back. Culito is available but not guaranteed. When you get the parade at the casas just ask them if they give it up. So you don't waste your time. The meet and greet at the casas takes about 5 seconds per girl at the end you pick the girl so remember the names, they are not just hanging around, they usually disappear after they say hola. So ask quickly. Facebook is definitely the best way. It just takes some work in the beginning. Would recommend the gringo hotel that shall not be named for your first time. For a couple days at least. Great place to network with girls and other mongers..Well I know how to say "I want Anal" in espanol, it would be a fuckin pain to have to say it to upwards of 15 putas at some these casas, would you recommend:

1. In all seriousness, cards against humanity should make a "Mongering" edition add-on pack for their game in every language, while we get to bring those cards along to trips to show the putas. I want a card that reads "I want to make sweet sweet love to your posterior"-In Proper Castellano. Meanwhile, can I say, bring flashcards?

2. Can I just ask the "attendee"? I mean unless they get to "test the product", so to say, I can't imagine that they made the hoes fill-out an application of their kinks. And even if they get the product-testing (O. O), are they suppose to have fucked all of them to know that the Hershey-express-lane is a toll to be paid for some of them?

3. Can I get some hints of this gringo-hotel? I haven't really read anything remotely close to a "Sportsmen Lodge" where gringo's gather in Medellin, unless you were referring to just the parque Lleras situation. I do keep reading about this fabled place called La Mansion, but I still haven't been able to pin-point wtf it actually is. I know there is the Loutron, there is a neighborhood called La Mansion, but again, no idea what it actually is or where it is. I imagine it be some kind of 3-star within El-Centro.

4. Lets say I try facebook, it seems like a lot of pre-plotting just to see if the shit-gates are permissible. Unless, all the hoes on Facebook with a last name of "Medellin" are indeed what I think they are, then seems logical that I can just psychopath-text a-hole bunch of them asking for it ideally with a throw-away account. Is that the case? Or the truth is somewhere in between?

07-01-19, 01:41
There will be some curiosity. People will try to guess if you are from Japan, Korean and so on. When I walked down Calle 56, I heard greetings from girls in Japanese, and Chinese. I met a couple of local business men who invited me to their table and offered to pay for everything when I was at La Isla, and I was worry about being kidnapped, LOL.Hi WindAngel,

Its really great to hear it from a fellow Asian monger. Much love.

That La Isla experience does sound really fucking awesome and sketchy at the same time, but realistically, those higher-end places I feel are just not worth it. I, myself, is very aware of the looks-to-performance ratio of the mongering-game at least from my experiences. The hotter the puta, usually the worst the pussy fucking stink and they lay there like their dead. From your experience in Medellin, can you concur? Or these Paisas are just so bad that the bitches at these higher-end places are just really worth all that extra precautionary measures and a higher ticket price?

I much rather fuck with the casa game, I see myself getting posted up in one for a good afternoon if there are several putas on my list, especially if they let me smoke weed inside. Can't imagine it be a fucking problem, I could be wrong. I imagine mongers doing lines of coke off a Colombiana Culo to be quite a regular thing in Medellin, like morning traffic.

So the girls on Calle 56 were actually saying Hi to you pro-actively? Did they look like prepagos? Or they were regular "ladies"? Seems like we are well received down there, did you try to hook up with a regular down there? Ideally, if one can secure a F. W. be with a local Paisa, it would be a pretty fucking dope thing to have but I have a week and it won't be another at least 6 months after my initial trip before I can come back again due to the number of paid-time-off days I am allotted a year.

07-01-19, 02:13
Thank you everyone for taking time out of your day to answer these questions. A few remarks I have after reading your comments:

1. I am not a drinker what-so-ever, much much more of a fanatic for la crippa. Does anyone have experience scoring grade-A product? I have zero interest in trying to get any Miley-Cyrus out there just not a fan of anything that makes you alert and edgy, that is what work is for not your leisure at least my IMO and I am well aware of the dangers of associating myself with narco-traffico. What am talking about right here is more about the love of the mean mean green.As far as la crippa I have been told by an Expat with many years in MDE that the weed you are talking about is laced with some sort of drug. It is dirt cheep, and will get you off, but is not good like stuff from Gringo land. Never thought that would be true. My how times change.

07-01-19, 10:45
That La Isla experience does sound really fucking awesome and sketchy at the same time, but realistically, those higher-enda places I feel are just not worth it. I, myself, is very aware of the looks-to-performance ratio of the mongering-game at least from my experiences. The hotter the puta, usually the worst the pussy fucking stink and they lay there like their dead. From your experience in Medellin, can you concur? Or these Paisas are just so bad that the bitches at these higher-end places are just really worth all that extra precautionary measures and a higher ticket price?

I much rather fuck with the casa game, I see myself getting posted up in one for a good afternoon if there are several putas on my list, especially if they let me smoke weed inside. Can't imagine it be a fucking problem, I could be wrong. I imagine mongers doing lines of coke off a Colombiana Culo to be quite a regular thing in Medellin, like morning traffic.

So the girls on Calle 56 were actually saying Hi to you pro-actively? Did they look like prepagos? Or they were regular "ladies"? Seems like we are well received down there, did you try to hook up with a regular down there? Ideally, if one can secure a F. W. be with a local Paisa, it would be a pretty fucking dope thing to have but I have a week and it won't be another at least 6 months after my initial trip before I can come back again due to the number of paid-time-off days I am allotted a year.Calle 56 is an area full of street girls. I stayed nearby for 3 nights at a board member's apartment for about $4 x / night so I roamed around these area by myself day and night for several days.

I had the best experience and meet the best looking girls at La Isla that's why I went back several times. It's the only place I got BBBJ and DFK without any discussion or bargaining.

07-01-19, 10:49
No. They think these are words of Chinese. 90% of people think that all Asians are Chinese due to their lack of education and the fact that majority of Latinos speak Spanish.I was asked several times in different shops. They always guessed Japan as my nationality first.

07-01-19, 13:23
I'm a skeptic. There are currently 1,137 people who we're still waiting on "extensive trip reports" from.Duly noted. There is nothing more I can say to make a difference. Will just have to wait and see. My plan is for end of October. I do appreciate the honest advice. I am certainly not trying to get away with anything in Colombia, just thought to ask about how to go about talking to the police if shit does go south. Really didn't warrant such a strong reaction from anyone.

07-01-19, 15:19
I much rather fuck with the casa game, I see myself getting posted up in one for a good afternoon if there are several putas on my list, especially if they let me smoke weed inside. Can't imagine it be a fucking problem, I could be wrong. I imagine mongers doing lines of coke off a Colombiana Culo to be quite a regular thing in Medellin, like morning traffic.I'll give you credit. You have an active imagination.

Most of the casas that I'm aware of won't let you smoke. In one instance at Energy, after we were finished, the girl lit up, in front of the open windows. She then rushed out to get the room deoderizer to spray. Didn't matter. The cleaning staff still cussed her out. Then the girl tried to blame it on me.

If you decide you can just go into any casa and treat it like your own home, I expect you're going to spend a lot of time alone in your room.

07-01-19, 15:47
I was asked several times in different shops. They always guessed Japan as my nationality first.That is good to hear. Your experience seem to sound a lot more positive than other comments, I guess it really has to do with how you ingest it personally. As far as what Blue Touch was talking about, besides the curiosity, did low-class hooligans make slanted eye jokes of ching chon choi at you while going through El-centro? But I mean, I don't plan on cruising El-Centro for street hookers, although I imagine it be a fun experience sifting through the 3's and 4's to find those legendary big booty Venezuelan.

My standards are not very high, she don't got to be a model at all. I just want it to be a good laid.

07-01-19, 16:44
That's not true. It's just a slang term for weed. I've
bought it many times and it was never laced. Wish it was, the quality is poor compared to here on that subject.

As far as la crippa I have been told by an Expat with many years in MDE that the weed you are talking about is laced with some sort of drug. It is dirt cheep, and will get you off, but is not good like stuff from Gringo land. Never thought that would be true. My how times change.

07-01-19, 16:51
That's not true. It's just a slang term for weed. I've
bought it many times and it was never laced. Wish it was, the quality is poor compared to here on that subject.Not sure if you had California, Dutch, Moroccan Bud / Hashish, but that's all I have to compare with.

But, How is the quality? Is it all outdoor grown?

I have also heard of stores in El-Centro selling Edibles too, I imagine that ingest-format would be most ideal for sub-par bud.

07-01-19, 17:57
I'll give you credit. You have an active imagination.

Most of the casas that I'm aware of won't let you smoke. In one instance at Energy, after we were finished, the girl lit up, in front of the open windows. She then rushed out to get the room deoderizer to spray. Didn't matter. The cleaning staff still cussed her out. Then the girl tried to blame it on me.

If you decide you can just go into any casa and treat it like your own home, I expect you're going to spend a lot of time alone in your room.Guess I can vaporize it, got to put these Paisa's onto some stealthy shit. And yes, I have write and use my imagination quite a bit in my line of work. I am always plagued with my own imagination.

Fun Luvr
07-01-19, 17:58
... I much rather fuck with the casa game, I see myself getting posted up in one for a good afternoon if there are several putas on my list, especially if they let me smoke weed inside. Can't imagine it be a fucking problem, I could be wrong. I imagine mongers doing lines of coke off a Colombiana Culo to be quite a regular thing in Medellin, like morning traffic...Wow, you need to develop a different mindset, or you are going to end up in a Medellin jail. I'm not being harsh, I'm being realistic. Medellin is a rather conservative place.

07-01-19, 18:15
Wow, you need to develop a different mindset, or you are going to end up in a Medellin jail. I'm not being harsh, I'm being realistic. Medellin is a rather conservative place.Well considering how historically sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll kinda plays into one another, forgive me if I thought I can smoke some bud in a brothel. That was certainly how things were in Amsterdam, an equally conservation place if not way more. Bud is technically illegal and decriminalized in both countries. I certainly do not think this is harsh though. But Medellin really doesn't strike me as conservative. Because they go to church?

The Tall Man
07-01-19, 18:57
That's not true. It's just a slang term for weed. I've
bought it many times and it was never laced. Wish it was, the quality is poor compared to here on that subject.Yes some of it is definitely laced with some strong shit, twice in the past year, I don't smoke often but will take a hit or two if my girl lite's up, well twice in the past year and only 3 or 4 hits and bamm I could not stand straight and my mind was somewhere else, my cool girl sat with me in my car for what I thought was 20 minutes but turned out to be about 5 hours, I was wasted and so now much more careful at what I take a hit from.

The Tall Man.

07-01-19, 21:28
Any Casa's running two girl specials at the moment?

07-01-19, 22:42
What does that have to do with anything? Girls who work through Facebook are used to profiles with no clear photos. Most guys do something to obscure their identity. Besides, the girls aren't looking to hire you. They are there to get paid to fuck. Their selection process consists of:

1. Are you in Medellin?

2. How much will you pay me?Can someone please clarify the whole "using facebook as a way to find girls" thing? You just start adding any girl from Medellin and whoever accepts, you ask them how much $ to bang them?

Pilot Pete
07-02-19, 01:33
I will be coming to Colombian Immersion Spanish School for the 6 week course in a month. The housing, with a local family, will probably not be conducive to bringing in ladies for overnight companionship. I am not a partier and mostly prefer a relaxing massage and BBBJ with CIM. I am also a lot more interested in talent over looks. Is it safe to assume that is available in a safe and comfortable environment somewhere reasonably close?

07-02-19, 01:46
Can someone please clarify the whole "using facebook as a way to find girls" thing? You just start adding any girl from Medellin and whoever accepts, you ask them how much $ to bang them?They will have provactive photos and will respond to your messages. Once you find one like that you start adding her friends, who also dress provactively and respond to your messages.

Buyer beware though, there was a story a few months ago of a guy who met a chica on tinder and he wound up dead in the foothills. Some of the local gangs are starting to use social media to kidnap foreigners.

07-02-19, 04:18
They will have provactive photos and will respond to your messages. Once you find one like that you start adding her friends, who also dress provactively and respond to your messages.

Buyer beware though, there was a story a few months ago of a guy who met a chica on tinder and he wound up dead in the foothills. Some of the local gangs are starting to use social media to kidnap foreigners.Surprised it took them so long.

07-02-19, 11:37
Can someone please clarify the whole "using facebook as a way to find girls" thing? You just start adding any girl from Medellin and whoever accepts, you ask them how much $ to bang them?You can usually tell the ones who are P4P as they have pictures in their underwear in their public pictures. Once you find one just keep checking through their friends list and add any friends they have who look like hookers and repeat. Also if you find a monger on their friends list usually they'll have a lot of P4P girls as friends.

07-02-19, 14:46
Right! There has been a sharp increase of taxis and UBERS getting targeted and pulled over by cops with foreigners in them just to check for drugs of any kind. If you get caught with anything you go directly to jail. So be very smart about it.

Wow, you need to develop a different mindset, or you are going to end up in a Medellin jail. I'm not being harsh, I'm being realistic. Medellin is a rather conservative place.

07-02-19, 15:49
Well considering how historically sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll kinda plays into one another, forgive me if I thought I can smoke some bud in a brothel. That was certainly how things were in Amsterdam, an equally conservation place if not way more. Bud is technically illegal and decriminalized in both countries. I certainly do not think this is harsh though. But Medellin really doesn't strike me as conservative. Because they go to church?This is the difference between getting an impression from the television vs getting an impression from experience.

Marijuana use is common, more so amongst the lower economic classes. Technically it's legal to have up to 25 grams in your possession for medical use. A few years ago the courts ruled that the 25 g limit was not a hard limit, so a person could probably get away with carrying 30 g or more, under the right circumstances.

However, when Duque took office he declared that possession was illegal, any quantity, medical marijuana prescription or not. Recently, the Supreme Court declared Duque's ruling unconstitutional, however it would appear people are still being arrested.

There are a few things you should be aware of. Unless you get a Colombian doctor to give you a prescription, it's illegal for you to possess or smoke marijuana in Colombia. Also, the Colombian legal system works differently than the US legal system. If you are arrested, you go to jail. Assuming the police don't immediately decide your arrest was a mistake, you then go to prison. You remain in prison until the prosecutors have collected all their evidence and they are ready to take you to trial. There is no time limit on this process. No bail, no lawyer to talk you out. Just you, enjoying the finer aspects of Colombian prison.

As a bonus, you'll probably learn a lot of Spanish.

07-02-19, 17:03
What's the weather like in Medellin for mid August?

07-02-19, 17:51
Right! There has been a sharp increase of taxis and UBERS getting targeted and pulled over by cops with foreigners in them just to check for drugs of any kind. If you get caught with anything you go directly to jail. So be very smart about it.Drugs for personal use is decriminalized in Colombia. Personal use for weed equals up to 20 grams on you and 20 plants in your house. Personal use for cocaine is 1 gram.

Source: http://www.drugpolicy.org/news/2012/06/colombia-decriminalize-small-amounts-cocaine-and-marijuana-personal-use.

So, lets assume the laws are correct and the police are corrupt but only want bribes for offences that they can't get a case from the moment you arrive at their police headquarters. Maybe the police is looking for tourist with more than 1 g of miley realistically. Its okay if you don't smoke the bud and wouldn't know the amount associated with personal use, but any "recreational" user that has a need to carry more than 20 grams at a time, is not a "recreational" user, those are dealer's amount's where in most countries of these amounts is a felony.

But perhaps you knew someone that got busted at these amounts no matter what and went directly to jail? If that was the case, please enlighten me. Other than that, I don't see a reason unless someone snorts the shit in front of police, I think we Gucci.

Husker Dude
07-02-19, 19:02
What's the weather like in Medellin for mid August?Weather pretty much the same year round mid 70's day upper 60 night. Just certain rainy periods, but I don't know when they are.

07-02-19, 19:18
Although the cops seemed more interested in my Colombian amigas and whether they had drugs or stolen cell phones. I just stood there.

Right! There has been a sharp increase of taxis and UBERS getting targeted and pulled over by cops with foreigners in them just to check for drugs of any kind. If you get caught with anything you go directly to jail. So be very smart about it.

07-02-19, 19:51
It doesn't compare to California or Dutch weed. Lesser quality outdoor. It's really poor if you are use to California quality.

Not sure if you had California, Dutch, Moroccan Bud / Hashish, but that's all I have to compare with.

But, How is the quality? Is it all outdoor grown?

I have also heard of stores in El-Centro selling Edibles too, I imagine that ingest-format would be most ideal for sub-par bud..

07-02-19, 22:30
There are a few things you should be aware of. Unless you get a Colombian doctor to give you a prescription, it's illegal for you to possess or smoke marijuana in Colombia. Also, the Colombian legal system works differently than the US legal system. If you are arrested, you go to jail. Assuming the police don't immediately decide your arrest was a mistake, you then go to prison. You remain in prison until the prosecutors have collected all their evidence and they are ready to take you to trial. There is no time limit on this process. No bail, no lawyer to talk you out. Just you, enjoying the finer aspects of Colombian prison.
"but but but I'm American". No good?

As a bonus, you'll probably learn a lot of Spanish.Not the romantic kind.

07-03-19, 00:59
1. I am not a drinker what-so-ever, much much more of a fanatic for la crippa. Does anyone have experience scoring grade-A product?Edibles is the way to go. If you google "edibles Bogota", the first hit you get is: https://hightimes.com/edibles/inside-colombias-booming-cannabis-edibles-scene/.

I got 2 sources from that article. El Gato (in Bogota) is very, very good.

Very difficult, maybe impossible, to score California quality indoor weed.

Colombia has a large, growing medical marijuana industry. They plan to export. But I couldn't find good quality weed.

I spoke with couple of stoner poker players in Bogota. They said it is hard or impossible to get good indoor.

I spoke with Donny from Medellin. He's an American living in Medellin La 70 area. He sells everything. He said his contact can get good indoor quality because he gets it from his Barrio. But prices will be very high. I think he said either 300 K COP or US $300 per ounce. Donny adds a large mark-up. Low quality weed, the stuff you normally get off the streets, is 20 K COP for a 7-10 gram bag. Horrible quality.

Never seen weed laced with anything in Colombia. Sounds like a retarded story. Of course, the writer only heard about it. Why would anyone add other drugs, which cost money, to a cheap bag of weed?

Drugs have been decriminalized. But they are still prohibited.

Cops would have to be a total dick to mess with the locals for weed. But once in Santa Fe, I saw 2 cops on the street stopping people (young people, never businessmen types) and searching them. One cop found a small bag of weed on one young guy on a moto-bike. The cop was writing him a ticket. The guy just rolled up his eyes. But, as a tourist, cops might / will harass you for a bribe if you have weed. IMO, 50 K COP will be the lowest bribe for weed.

Coke is more serious. A local I know said he spent a night in jail, until 3 PM the next day, for getting caught with coke.

You will not spend a long time in jail for just drug possession. But there will be hassles. Colombian justice system is easier / better than the US. Just pay a bribe. Or even if you go to jail for a long time, you just have to pay extra money to get better living standards. Several years ago after a TV documentary about the luxurious living accommodations at a prison, the officials closed it down. But I am assuming stuff like that still exists.

People write BS without facts. It's always, they heard about it.

07-03-19, 01:43
Right! There has been a sharp increase of taxis and UBERS getting targeted and pulled over by cops with foreigners in them just to check for drugs of any kind.And how would you know this?

Can you or the cops tell the difference between a Gringo and a White / Olive skinned Colombian?

If you get caught with anything you go directly to jail.Incorrect. Many options are available.

I've seen cops randomly (I believe) stop taxis and cars. Not often though.

Most of the times, I've seen cops stop and frisk young people on the street walking in Santa Fe, Chapinero, and Vera Cruz. Never in Bogota's Zona T or Parque Lleras. I have never seen them stop and frisk business type people. I've never seen the cops stop and frisk females, but I was told that only female cops can search females. It has always been male cops doing random searches on young people.

Only time I've seen a business type person (a guy in a sports jacket) get into trouble was in La 70 at a bar with an outside sitting area. A very drunk guy (with his 2 passed friends and 1 sober one) was breaking up a bag of coke at a table right in front of the street. Unluckily for him, a cop was passing by. The cop yelled at him and took his bag. The drunk guy didn't seem worried. Then the manger came out and spoke with the cop. Then the manager and the drunk guy went into the bar. The drunk guy came back. Later the cop left. There is an easy solution. Wondering how much the bribe was.

On a side note, it's interesting that the young people being searched know the drill. They don't even open their mouth. Nothing about cops violating their constitutional rights. They spread and raise their arms. The cops always check their shoes and inside their baseball caps. If you dress like a gang banger, the cops will search you. I don't think they harass tourists, but hard to say since I'm not sure who the tourists are. Plus I believe the tourists don't dress like gang bangers.

07-03-19, 02:36
Just as a personal note. I was stopped in an uber late at night after going to a night venue. It was around 1 am and the cops randomly waved the uber over. They asked me to get out and asked me if I had drugs. They proceeded to thoroughly search me meticulously and looked in the car. I am a 30-something olive skinned male who could pass for Colombian (until I open my mouth). Thankfully I didn't have anything but I got the impression I'd be in significant trouble if I did have something on me.

I would advise caution when traveling abroad in Colombia thinking you can roll around with even a joint on you. The horrors of the Colombian prison system should scare you enough not to be reckless in a foreign country. It's not worth it.

07-03-19, 05:10
Right! There has been a sharp increase of taxis and UBERS getting targeted and pulled over by cops with foreigners in them just to check for drugs of any kind. If you get caught with anything you go directly to jail. So be very smart about it.Lurker here.

You don't go to jail, they will pretend to search your wallet for drugs but in reality checking out how much money you have so you can pay them off. There has to be a reason why they searched you though in the first place. I'm not sure about Medellin, but uber is illegal in Bogota so drivers get harassed even though it is used all the time. They get around it by saying you are their friend, but you have to sit in the passenger seat for it to be believable and know the driver's name etc.

07-03-19, 16:04
I'll be in Medellin from 8/25 - 9/3. This will be my 1st trip to MDE but been to Thailand, Peru and DR I'm fluent in Spanish so if there's anyone there at that time and want to link up hmu. In reading the reports and being to casa in DR and Peru I'm not a fan of them. I know I'll be spending a lot of time mining for some nuggets in the downtown area. I've established a nice network of FB girls so I plan on keeping busy with that along with the occasional strip club venture. My question is what hotel do yall recommend that's chica friendly centrally located from downtown to gringoville and not run down enough that the FB chicas are hesitant to roll through?

07-03-19, 16:29
Been lurking reading as much as I can. Question for the vets here what hotel would you recommend that's located between Downtown and Gringoville that's chica friendly and nice enough to not scare the FB chicas. I plan to do some hunting in the downtown area while setting up citas with the FB chicas. Also for any board members in town around 8/25 - 9/3 let's link up. I'm fluent in Spanish so no language barriers.

Just as a personal note. I was stopped in an uber late at night after going to a night venue. It was around 1 am and the cops randomly waved the uber over. They asked me to get out and asked me if I had drugs. They proceeded to thoroughly search me meticulously and looked in the car. I am a 30-something olive skinned male who could pass for Colombian (until I open my mouth). Thankfully I didn't have anything but I got the impression I'd be in significant trouble if I did have something on me.

I would advise caution when traveling abroad in Colombia thinking you can roll around with even a joint on you. The horrors of the Colombian prison system should scare you enough not to be reckless in a foreign country. It's not worth it.

Fun Luvr
07-03-19, 19:43
You don't go to jail, they will pretend to search your wallet for drugs but in reality checking out how much money you have so you can pay them off. I think you know nothing about Medellin, other than you know it is in Colombia.

07-03-19, 22:07
Just as a personal note. I was stopped in an uber late at night after going to a night venue. It was around 1 am and the cops randomly waved the uber over. They asked me to get out and asked me if I had drugs. They proceeded to thoroughly search me meticulously and looked in the car. I am a 30-something olive skinned male who could pass for Colombian (until I open my mouth). Thankfully I didn't have anything but I got the impression I'd be in significant trouble if I did have something on me.

I would advise caution when traveling abroad in Colombia thinking you can roll around with even a joint on you. The horrors of the Colombian prison system should scare you enough not to be reckless in a foreign country. It's not worth it.If you are returning from the girls la Isla club after midnight towards Poblado. There is quite a high likelihood that you will be stopped and searched. I don't think it matters much whether you are in a taxi or an Uber. I agree I think they are looking for drugs. In my case it was a quick search they did not appear very interested in anything else. I had all of one beer in me. I read this thread and was prepared. I had a brief jovial conversation with the officer in my broken Spanish and was on my way. Entire stop was maybe 2-3 mins.

07-03-19, 22:09
Does anyone know the status of the tunnel construction? Hoping in late August it will be ready when I return to Medellin.Went to MDE from Medellin on Monday and it wasn't working.

07-03-19, 23:38
There are massage houses Tantra, or Energy that will fit the bill but not sure about CIM, found that is hard to get. There are lots on nice love motels all around and they are not very expensive. The casas are going to have rooms but the looks may be hit or miss.

I will be coming to Colombian Immersion Spanish School for the 6 week course in a month. The housing, with a local family, will probably not be conducive to bringing in ladies for overnight companionship. I am not a partier and mostly prefer a relaxing massage and BBBJ with CIM. I am also a lot more interested in talent over looks. Is it safe to assume that is available in a safe and comfortable environment somewhere reasonably close?

Steve Ohh
07-03-19, 23:53
Hi Gents,

I will go to Colombia next month for the very first time. I'm looking a low budget hotel, guestfriendly and close to the action. Where I have to stay, any recommendations for Medellin. Thanks.

07-04-19, 00:30
Any place that sells CBD in Medellin?

Pilot Pete
07-04-19, 04:13
Hi Gents,

I will go to Colombia next month for the very first time. I'm looking a low budget hotel, guestfriendly and close to the action. Where I have to stay, any recommendations for Medellin. Thanks.I am also going 3rd week of August for a couple months. I have been looking for a better grade places like nice AirBnB's but when I inquire about having guests I am being told they have strict rules against bringing in prostitutes and 24 HR doorman. All guest must register with ID.

Found some information on medellinGuru.com.

I have decided against Poblado due to all the hills and am considering Laureles. Maybe Terra Biohotel.

07-04-19, 08:00
Is it safe to assume that is available in a safe and comfortable environment somewhere reasonably close?Reasonably close?

07-04-19, 11:46
I will be coming to Colombian Immersion Spanish School for the 6 week course in a month. The housing, with a local family, will probably not be conducive to bringing in ladies for overnight companionship. I am not a partier and mostly prefer a relaxing massage and BBBJ with CIM. I am also a lot more interested in talent over looks. Is it safe to assume that is available in a safe and comfortable environment somewhere reasonably close?The school is located in Envigado. I assume your host family is located somewhere nearby. There isn't anything I'm aware of nearby. However, there might be some options in El Poblado, which you can reach by bus. Look for the yellow buses on Carrera 43 A (Avenida Poblado) that say Parque Poblado or CC San Diego in the window. Watch for the Panamericana store on the right. Just north of that is Rio Sur mall. It has a large bronze bull in front. Try OM Spa for men inside. You may not get BBBJ and CIM, but you might.

You might also search Facebook for Manuela Arroyave Tratamientos Esteticas. She used to do erotic massage. Now I believe she has a legit business, massage, makeup and such, but you never know.

Other than that, you'll probably have to search.

07-04-19, 14:05
I will be there around the same time if you want to link up. I have still not found where I will be staying. I am considering close to downtown since the Casa map has a lot going on in that area. I also wanted to explore Mansion and most of the prominent clubs / casas members have mentioned. I feel I have read the last 100 pages of this thread, but while I know some of the neighborhood pocket names, it is difficult to understand without having been there before. I am extremely excited regardless. I have had a good amount of success using tinder in Colombia; many girls are receptive so I am hoping a few of those work out. I have been trying to pay for premium membership but seems that their payment system is down so I don't think I can receive PMs, but if anyone wants to meet up I'the like the same. Or if you have lodging recommendations, I would appreciate that. I will also be staying in Bogota for a few days after Medellin. Thanks for all the information so far, I would not have booked this trip if it was not for what I read from you all on this thread.

I'll be in Medellin from 8/25 - 9/3. This will be my 1st trip to MDE but been to Thailand, Peru and DR I'm fluent in Spanish so if there's anyone there at that time and want to link up hmu. In reading the reports and being to casa in DR and Peru I'm not a fan of them. I know I'll be spending a lot of time mining for some nuggets in the downtown area. I've established a nice network of FB girls so I plan on keeping busy with that along with the occasional strip club venture. My question is what hotel do yall recommend that's chica friendly centrally located from downtown to gringoville and not run down enough that the FB chicas are hesitant to roll through?

07-04-19, 16:39
This has got me interested. Can you share a trip report or an experience with paisa where you have done this. What kind of girl was it, where did you meet her? And what were the benefits of "impressing the Medellin community"?The girls I did find on the street / café just being polite. Paisas can say yes, while porteńas don't pay a least attention towards you. And the paisas are far more elegant and exotic! BS As are worse than Sexprison or Europe!

On the many sites you will find good looking girls, that are authentic, they are pretty, elegant, charming and in the most cases don't try to trick you, 88% are just good persons.

While communicating before the event I tell her to dress elegantly, or / and visit a CC to buy her something nice.

Since I'm 46 and dress like a gentleman, which is a pain until 10 pm, while the heat abruptly diminish, like the brisas at café del Mar in Cartagena and bring a pretty elegant girl and we both speak Spanish it's easy to mingle, and sometimes they are my friends, while not, we just say that she is my teacher and share the same interest in culture. On couple, retired even invited us to lunch at the faboulos Botanic Garden.

These girls have to have an upp-middle class dialect, know some essential codes etc. A girl who was post-graduate impressed they guys in the bar at Metro, but she was kind of un -easy but we are still friends, she is marriage material, but spends 99% of her time working, teaching and specializing in odontology.

FB girls in this environment made me embarrassed.

I love Crispini and Pomodoro and the small French place Rincon Frances. To to fancy but good service food and welcomming staff.

07-04-19, 20:07
Went to MDE from Medellin on Monday and it wasn't working.When I was in Medellin last month, my taxi driver said the plan was for August. But of course the date has already changed a few times. It was originally supposed to be open last year. Apparently they had water leaking into the tunnel.

So maybe August will be the date, but don't hold your breath. It's Colombia.

And I wonder if the taxi fare will be impacted. As the taxi driver said the cost of using the tunnel will be higher than the regular highway. And I would not expect them to eat the difference.

07-04-19, 21:31
So many of you talk about FB groups, but no one provides the name of the groups. I went to Medellin last month and plan to go back. I checked out and played at the usual spots. Had a great time. I'd like to make some FB connections before I go back. Can somebody help me out here. Thanks.

You can usually tell the ones who are P4P as they have pictures in their underwear in their public pictures. Once you find one just keep checking through their friends list and add any friends they have who look like hookers and repeat. Also if you find a monger on their friends list usually they'll have a lot of P4P girls as friends.

07-04-19, 22:14
I think you know nothing about Medellin, other than you know it is in Colombia.I've been there many times and didn't need anything but common sense but prefer Bogota. Been to that low key after hours spot next to bam bam bar where all the Luna lunera and night clubs girls go when they didn't make any money, same with Fahrenheit. Cops did try to shake me down when my driver took me to an ATM at my request, my driver was on the floor when I got back to the car with guns pointed at him. They claimed they thought he was robbing me after they searched me for drugs and looked through the crevices of my wallet. Showed them a police PBA card and made up that I work for the US embassy as security and they apologized and let me go. They were hoping to find drugs so I can pay them. If you are young and american partying at 4 am, I was not surprised that it happened, but if you're the avg aging gringo monger banging away on a pension (u?) then they would have no reason to try or you'd be at home sleeping after the metamucil.

I think you don't know anything besides mongering and can only live vicariously through it to be making pointless sad accusations.

07-04-19, 22:39
I will be there around the same time if you want to link up. I have still not found where I will be staying. I am considering close to downtown since the Casa map has a lot going on in that area. I also wanted to explore Mansion and most of the prominent clubs / casas members have mentioned. I feel I have read the last 100 pages of this thread, but while I know some of the neighborhood pocket names, it is difficult to understand without having been there before. I am extremely excited regardless. I have had a good amount of success using tinder in Colombia; many girls are receptive so I am hoping a few of those work out. I have been trying to pay for premium membership but seems that their payment system is down so I don't think I can receive PMs, but if anyone wants to meet up I'the like the same. Or if you have lodging recommendations, I would appreciate that. I will also be staying in Bogota for a few days after Medellin. Thanks for all the information so far, I would not have booked this trip if it was not for what I read from you all on this thread.Which date are you going specifically? I'm going Aug 10-21st so if you (or anyone else) is there during that time, let's definitely link up.

I also cannot PM because I can't register as a premium member on this site due to their system being down.

07-04-19, 23:03
I've been in Medellin for about a week now.

Just by chance walking thru Parque Botero, I'm pretty sure I met the hottest, sexiest Venezuelan on the planet. LOL.

Pretty damn hot though.

Just arrived in Medellin.

Anyway, long story short, we've been hangin together for 3 days now.

She was like a wild stallion!

Broke her in. Now it's pure love, LOL.

Great chemistry, great sex, don't think she's ever met a nice guy before in her life.

She's never talked money, she knows I'm good for it, haha.

I'm good at it, only because I've been at the game a while.

I may even delay my return to Brasil for a couple days.

The rumor that only the fat Venies are in town are not true.

Enjoy guys!

Fun Luvr
07-04-19, 23:35
The school is located in Envigado. ...There is also a Colombian Immersion Spanish School in Laureles.

Ty Down
07-05-19, 00:18
I've been in Medellin for about a week now.

Just by chance walking thru Parque Botero, I'm pretty sure I met the hottest, sexiest Venezuelan on the planet. LOL.

Pretty damn hot though.

Just arrived in Medellin.

Anyway, long story short, we've been hangin together for 3 days now.

She was like a wild stallion!

Broke her in. Now it's pure love, LOL.

Great chemistry, great sex, don't think she's ever met a nice guy before in her life.

She's never talked money, she knows I'm good for it, haha.

I'm good at it, only because I've been at the game a while.

I may even delay my return to Brasil for a couple days.

The rumor that only the fat Venies are in town are not true.

Enjoy guys!Pics or it didn't happen. LOL.

07-05-19, 01:05
There is also a Colombian Immersion Spanish School in Laureles.Is it named "Colombia Immersion Spanish School?" If he's at that one, he will at least be closer to some options.

Pilot Pete
07-05-19, 06:51
I'll be in Medellin from 8/25 - 9/3. This will be my 1st trip to MDE but been to Thailand, Peru and DR I'm fluent in Spanish so if there's anyone there at that time and want to link up hmu. In reading the reports and being to casa in DR and Peru I'm not a fan of them. I know I'll be spending a lot of time mining for some nuggets in the downtown area. I've established a nice network of FB girls so I plan on keeping busy with that along with the occasional strip club venture. My question is what hotel do yall recommend that's chica friendly centrally located from downtown to gringoville and not run down enough that the FB chicas are hesitant to roll through?I am arriving 20 August and will be start attending "Colombia Immersion Spanish School" at the Laureles Campus the next week. Unfortunately, there do not appear to be any lodging options near that campus so I'm booked at Terra BioHotel to start with. No idea on their guest policy, but I hope to find only 1 or 2 ladies that meet my needs. I may end up staying with a local family but am not comfortable starting out that way.

I am getting a lot of response from Colombia Cupid and Seeking. Maybe too much, LOL. Not sure how I'm going to handle that exactly. 60+ why / o but first trip of this kind.

It would be great to meet up. I mailed my $20 so hope to have PM privileges soon so I can give you my Whatsaap #.

07-05-19, 09:13
Pics or it didn't happen. LOL.Not looking for your approval.

Too many goobs show pics to the girls.

I've been burned, no mas.

07-05-19, 15:51
To my fellow Asian brothers who've never been to Colombia or fairly newbies and wonder how you guys stand out and whether any exotic factors are in your favor, I can chime in a little. I'm Chinese, born in Central America, and raised in California. I'm in my mid 30's and have been going to Colombia the past 7 years. I lost almost all my Spanish when I immigrated to the great US of A as a kid, but when I started to visit my home country after college I began to pick it up and eventually became fluent.

There are Asians everywhere in Latin America, especially in Panama and Peru. Colombia is no exception, but they are not as prominent. In Medellin, being Asian is not exactly an advantage unless you go to the barrios where no gringos venture out and you will definitely have an exotic factor (Manrique for example, la 45 is a sight to see at night! What makes you stand out is your ability to speak the language and doing it with class, charm, and confidence. Of course, that goes with any race or ethnicity. From my experience, lots of paisas have yellow fever LOL. Learn the language and your fun will increase 10 fold.

One joke I like to use that makes every paisa I've met laugh, is this 'soy un chino pirobo malparido gonorrea hijueputa carechimba' . It's just bunch of bad Colombian words put together and I say it with as much a paisa accent that I can muster.

I've had paisa girlfriends that I've taken long trips with (in and out of the country) and we have the best time imaginable. A pic below shows me hanging out with some cool Colombianas recently. I'll be in Medellin next week and probably staying in Colombia for a month or so. Any fellow, chill, and non-chichipato Asians or non-Asians want a guide to show you around, let me know. I don't mind as long as I'm available. I'll even buy first round. Reconnecting with my oldies takes lots of my time, but hunting for the fresh newbies takes even more and it's all worth it. BTW, I'm not a casa guy, so I wouldn't be able to help you in that regard. I'm more the wine, dine, lines and party till sun comes out type of guy LOL.

Note: Not sure what's wrong, but my photo couldn't upload and said error. Oh well, I'll try again.

Fun Luvr
07-05-19, 16:57
I am arriving 20 August and will be start attending "Colombia Immersion Spanish School" at the Laureles Campus the next week. Unfortunately, there do not appear to be any lodging options near that campus so I'm booked at Terra BioHotel to start with.There are airbnb apartments in that area that are guest friendly. I have stayed in four different apartments that are within walking distance to the school. They are on Cra 79, 81, 76a, and 75. Three are near calle 48 and the fourth is near calle 45. Just do a search on airbnb and move the map so the school is in the center of the map.

07-05-19, 18:12
To my fellow Asian brothers who've never been to Colombia or fairly newbies and wonder how you guys stand out and whether any exotic factors are in your favor, I can chime in a little. I'm Chinese, born in Central America, and raised in California. I'm in my mid 30's and have been going to Colombia the past 7 years. I lost almost all my Spanish when I immigrated to the great US of A as a kid, but when I started to visit my home country after college I began to pick it up and eventually became fluent.

There are Asians everywhere in Latin America, especially in Panama and Peru. Colombia is no exception, but they are not as prominent. In Medellin, being Asian is not exactly an advantage unless you go to the barrios where no gringos venture out and you will definitely have an exotic factor (Manrique for example, la 45 is a sight to see at night! What makes you stand out is your ability to speak the language and doing it with class, charm, and confidence. Of course, that goes with any race or ethnicity. From my experience, lots of paisas have yellow fever LOL. Learn the language and your fun will increase 10 fold.

One joke I like to use that makes every paisa I've met laugh, is this 'soy un chino pirobo malparido gonorrea hijueputa carechimba' . It's just bunch of bad Colombian words put together and I say it with as much a paisa accent that I can muster.

I've had paisa girlfriends that I've taken long trips with (in and out of the country) and we have the best time imaginable. A pic below shows me hanging out with some cool Colombianas recently. I'll be in Medellin next week and probably staying in Colombia for a month or so. Any fellow, chill, and non-chichipato Asians or non-Asians want a guide to show you around, let me know. I don't mind as long as I'm available. I'll even buy first round. Reconnecting with my oldies takes lots of my time, but hunting for the fresh newbies takes even more and it's all worth it. BTW, I'm not a casa guy, so I wouldn't be able to help you in that regard. I'm more the wine, dine, lines and party till sun comes out type of guy LOL.

Note: Not sure what's wrong, but my photo couldn't upload and said error. Oh well, I'll try again.Good report. Very informative. I may have to take you up on that offer. Will be in MDE in 2 weeks.

07-05-19, 22:25
I am arriving 20 August and will be start attending "Colombia Immersion Spanish School" at the Laureles Campus the next week. Unfortunately, there do not appear to be any lodging options near that campus so I'm booked at Terra BioHotel to start with. No idea on their guest policy, but I hope to find only 1 or 2 ladies that meet my needs. I may end up staying with a local family but am not comfortable starting out that way.

I am getting a lot of response from Colombia Cupid and Seeking. Maybe too much, LOL. Not sure how I'm going to handle that exactly. 60+ why / o but first trip of this kind.

It would be great to meet up. I mailed my $20 so hope to have PM privileges soon so I can give you my Whatsaap #.If I remember correctly, Terra Biohotel is just a few blocks north of Calle 33 and I seem to recall someone saying it wasn't chica friendly. However, there are several hotels along Calle 33 which should be chica friendly, along with the Kuboz love motel. The Luna Lunera strip club is also nearby.

07-05-19, 22:50
Bags are packed and ready I'm heading to the airport in the morning. After a day layover in Mexico City, I head to Medellin Monday night.

Due to some confusion over who has the keys for my friend's apartment, I decided to not go there until 8 Monday morning. This left me with about 7 hours to kill. No problem. Send a message, arrange a pickup and have her take me straight to a motel where she can keep me happy until the morning.

Meanwhile, one of my favorites is trying to figure out how to get me to spend every day with her. As much as I enjoy her company, that's not going to happen. Another girl, who I expected to cancel (for a very good reason, which I would have understood), has let me know she's waiting for my call and expects to spend most of the day with me.

My Venezuelan is still working on getting to Medellin while I'm there and she seems optimistic about the chances. She's a hustler, in a good way. She's doing 3 different things, not related to P4P to support her family.

Last but not least, another favorite wants a trio. The last trio with her was full of problems. Weather and traffic, combined with us being unable to find a taxi, cut into our time. The other girl was inexperienced and that kept things from moving smoothly. Then I got a call telling me I was needed elsewhere.

This time, I have no other commitments, both have agreed to a minimum of 3 hours and I'm insisting on full girl girl interaction. The other girl's response to her was along the lines of "how great for you to eat me while he fucks you."

Of course something or other is bound to change. But I'll just roll with it and figure it out.

07-06-19, 01:26
You have a point. The classic goober show "you sure are pretty, are you the girl in this photo?

Not looking for your approval.

Too many goobs show pics to the girls.

I've been burned, no mas.

Pilot Pete
07-06-19, 05:39
Not into FB, because I'm a tech klutz and I don't need everyone knowing my business. I am talking to some chicas from CCupid and from Seeking. I would welcome screening tips. I'm looking for 1 or 2 "GFE" chicas over the age of 25 for several months. Thank you.

07-06-19, 06:48
Not into FB, because I'm a tech klutz and I don't need everyone knowing my business. I am talking to some chicas from CCupid and from Seeking. I would welcome screening tips. I'm looking for 1 or 2 "GFE" chicas over the age of 25 for several months. Thank you.All apps track you but you can minimize it. You still need to communicate with the girls, probably using WhatsApp which is owned by FB.

07-06-19, 08:59
Not into FB, because I'm a tech klutz and I don't need everyone knowing my business. I am talking to some chicas from CCupid and from Seeking. I would welcome screening tips. I'm looking for 1 or 2 "GFE" chicas over the age of 25 for several months. Thank you.If you're looking for several months and only 1 or 2 girls, why settle for someone who expects you to marry her and take her with you (CC), or someone who expects you to put her on the payroll (Seeking)?

Get to Medellin and get active. Get out, make connections, work on your Spanish, flirt a little and find yourself a girl. There's no reason to settle for someone who is willing to fake a GFE, when you can get a real GF.

07-06-19, 12:15
I can't pay this site. Wish I could it won't accept my Credit card. I'd double to have full access. LOL. Anyways I've booked my first night at the Dix hotel and depending on how it goes and when there will decide to continue my stay at Dix or switch to another one. I kind of wan the be closer to downtown but still a nice enough hotel. Any suggestions guys? Looking to spend a few hours a day hunting for the gems in downtown area. Not a casa fan, plan on FB girls maybe get a number or two from girls in the strip clubs to meet up after they're off of work. Anyways that's the plan I'm sure it will go nothing like I expected.

I am arriving 20 August and will be start attending "Colombia Immersion Spanish School" at the Laureles Campus the next week. Unfortunately, there do not appear to be any lodging options near that campus so I'm booked at Terra BioHotel to start with. No idea on their guest policy, but I hope to find only 1 or 2 ladies that meet my needs. I may end up staying with a local family but am not comfortable starting out that way.

I am getting a lot of response from Colombia Cupid and Seeking. Maybe too much, LOL. Not sure how I'm going to handle that exactly. 60+ why / o but first trip of this kind.

It would be great to meet up. I mailed my $20 so hope to have PM privileges soon so I can give you my Whatsaap #.

07-06-19, 12:38
The location seems good, Hotel Egina Medellin, # 68 A Calle 47 #80, close to La 70 and Metro. Perhaps I will bring in a girl or order one to visit me.

Or do someone have hotel advice (s) for me, Laureles, not too far to walk to restaurants etc. Thank you!

Ty Down
07-06-19, 14:44
Not looking for your approval.

Too many goobs show pics to the girls.

I've been burned, no mas.No worries, glad you had a good time.

07-06-19, 17:28
If I remember correctly, Terra Biohotel is just a few blocks north of Calle 33 and I seem to recall someone saying it wasn't chica friendly. However, there are several hotels along Calle 33 which should be chica friendly, along with the Kuboz love motel. The Luna Lunera strip club is also nearby.I always thought the best spanish teacher is a medellin chica 24/7 with benefits.

07-06-19, 18:37
To my fellow Asian brothers who've never been to Colombia or fairly newbies and wonder how you guys stand out and whether any exotic factors are in your favor, I can chime in a little. I'm Chinese, born in Central America, and raised in California. I'm in my mid 30's and have been going to Colombia the past 7 years. I lost almost all my Spanish when I immigrated to the great US of A as a kid, but when I started to visit my home country after college I began to pick it up and eventually became fluent.

There are Asians everywhere in Latin America, especially in Panama and Peru. Colombia is no exception, but they are not as prominent. In Medellin, being Asian is not exactly an advantage unless you go to the barrios where no gringos venture out and you will definitely have an exotic factor (Manrique for example, la 45 is a sight to see at night! What makes you stand out is your ability to speak the language and doing it with class, charm, and confidence. Of course, that goes with any race or ethnicity. From my experience, lots of paisas have yellow fever LOL. Learn the language and your fun will increase 10 fold.

One joke I like to use that makes every paisa I've met laugh, is this 'soy un chino pirobo malparido gonorrea hijueputa carechimba' . It's just bunch of bad Colombian words put together and I say it with as much a paisa accent that I can muster..I appreciate the gesture. When I go, I would have 7 days ish, that's why I opt for casa's as oppose to trying to meeting a semi-pro that well inevitably take more time to nurse. From the club covers to the drinks, personally, I rather get down to the act right away. Thanks for the incites on being Asian in Latin America. I just don't want to stick out too much when I'm in El-centro hunting street hoes and casas.

Valy Santos
07-06-19, 19:55
Hi guys,

When we consider Casas, Stripclubs, Streetgirls which area is the best for mongering? In which area should we rent a apartment so we are close to them?

Best regards.

07-06-19, 20:08
Of course something or other is bound to change. But I'll just roll with it and figure it out.Best way to roll!

Experience talkin there. 👍🏻

07-06-19, 20:27
It'es the classic conflict isn't it? The idea that a couple of keystrokes on a website will result in a satisfying long term experience. It takes more effort than that. There is truth in the cliche of getting out what you put in.

If you're looking for several months and only 1 or 2 girls, why settle for someone who expects you to marry her and take her with you (CC), or someone who expects you to put her on the payroll (Seeking)?

Get to Medellin and get active. Get out, make connections, work on your Spanish, flirt a little and find yourself a girl. There's no reason to settle for someone who is willing to fake a GFE, when you can get a real GF.

07-06-19, 20:59
Visiting the city in next few weeks for the second time and wanted to ask if any new spot is recommended.

Visited Fase Dos, La Isla, New Life, and Loutron last time visited.

Any feedback will be appreciated!!

Pilot Pete
07-06-19, 21:58
If you're looking for several months and only 1 or 2 girls, why settle for someone who expects you to marry her and take her with you (CC), or someone who expects you to put her on the payroll (Seeking)?

Get to Medellin and get active. Get out, make connections, work on your Spanish, flirt a little and find yourself a girl. There's no reason to settle for someone who is willing to fake a GFE, when you can get a real GF.Thank you for that advice! I'm a total noob. Was married 40 years, am 60 y / o and have no "game". CC and Seeking have been blowing up with candidates so it is confusing. I'm a senior member on the US site and have sent $ to get PM rights here. I really do appreciate the help. Hope to be able to PM soon.

Pilot Pete
07-06-19, 22:00
Has anyone utilized these guys? https://theturmde.wixsite.com/medellin.

Or this one.


Blue Touch
07-06-19, 22:56
Majority of the area in El Centro, including the casa area, would be safe if you are careful. You just have to deal w / the raw people who are not very educated or well-mannered. They will ask you if you eat dogs and mice, why you don't speak Chinese, why you say you are American, not Chinese, etc. You will get sick and tired of answering these questions after a few days. Even after you explain well and polite, they do not understand your answer and they will ask you when you are going back to China. They do these to Koreans, Vietnamese, Japanese etc. Plus, your effort will not enhance the educational level of Colombian people anyway. The best and most efficient way is to avoid the (most) people and just have sex with girls. Certainly you will meet some nice locals. In long term, however, the benefit of avoiding many people may outweigh its cost. If you want good conversations or date with cultured people, go to western Europe, Japan, or try in north America. As for the casas, ride taxi to Energy and New Life.

I appreciate the gesture. When I go, I would have 7 days ish, that's why I opt for casa's as oppose to trying to meeting a semi-pro that well inevitably take more time to nurse. From the club covers to the drinks, personally, I rather get down to the act right away. Thanks for the incites on being Asian in Latin America. I just don't want to stick out too much when I'm in El-centro hunting street hoes and casas.

07-06-19, 23:51
My first maiden voyage to MDE, it was only for 5 days and I wished I had 5 weeks. But I still had time to wife up a girl that I connected well with and didn't bother with others. You just never know. 7 days is good amount of time to get the feel of the land and do some hunting on your own. Personally, I wouldn't want to take casa type girl out even on her day off. If she's a diamond on the rough, she's been run through and just imagine kissing a casa girl after her 10 HR shift, no thanks. I'm not saying that Facebook, Colombian Cupid, or Seeking girls are less hard core or fewer mileage, but I prefer to hang out with a girl that has a normal job and does this on the side. That's just me. How do I know if they have a normal job? I ask them out to lunch on their break or meet them up after work at their place of work. Anyways, good luck.

I appreciate the gesture. When I go, I would have 7 days ish, that's why I opt for casa's as oppose to trying to meeting a semi-pro that well inevitably take more time to nurse. From the club covers to the drinks, personally, I rather get down to the act right away. Thanks for the incites on being Asian in Latin America. I just don't want to stick out too much when I'm in El-centro hunting street hoes and casas.

Mr Enternational
07-07-19, 00:47
Personally, I wouldn't want to take casa type girl out even on her day off. If she's a diamond on the rough, she's been run through and just imagine kissing a casa girl after her 10 HR shift, no thanks....but I prefer to hang out with a girl that has a normal job and does this on the side. That's just me.But I have reported of chicks that work at normal jobs and they go work onsite at a casa on the side for a couple hours before going home, instead of the chick that you like who makes housecalls after work on the side. Same same. You are not getting anything different! Just have her tell you that she loves you and that you are the only one.

07-07-19, 01:22
That is a truth bomb. I am here for it, even if it makes you the grinch that stole Christmas.

But I have reported of chicks that work at normal jobs and they go work onsite at a casa on the side for a couple hours before going home, instead of the chick that you like who makes housecalls after work on the side. Same same. You are not getting anything different! Just have her tell you that she loves you and that you are the only one.

07-07-19, 01:50
I appreciate your input and I know you're a MDE vet. I respect you, but you don't know me and how I roll. Anyways, ISG is not a forum to measure our penis sizes anyways. One reason I don't post here much, I'll just stay away and let you guys be.

But I have reported of chicks that work at normal jobs and they go work onsite at a casa on the side for a couple hours before going home, instead of the chick that you like who makes housecalls after work on the side. Same same. You are not getting anything different! Just have her tell you that she loves you and that you are the only one.

Mr Enternational
07-07-19, 02:43
I appreciate your input and I know you're a MDE vet. I respect you, but you don't know me and how I roll. Anyways, ISG is not a forum to measure our penis sizes anyways. One reason I don't post here much, I'll just stay away and let you guys be.Sorry if you have taken it the wrong way, but I am speaking nothing of how you roll. I am speaking of how some casa girls roll. You mentioned not wanting to kiss them after a 10 hour shift. I was just bringing to people's attention that not all of them fit the bill that you have tried to assign to them. Some do the exact same thing as the chicks you said you prefer, albeit in a different location. Not measuring shit Just passing on information.

07-07-19, 02:49
I understand you passing on information, which is all accurate because anything goes in Medellin. But I guess the way you put it made it seem I was talking BS myself. Anyways, no offense taken. Cheers to you and all others!

Sorry if you have taken it the wrong way, but I am speaking nothing of how you roll. I am speaking of how some casa girls roll. You mentioned not wanting to kiss them after a 10 hour shift. I was just bringing to people's attention that not all of them fit the bill that you have tried to assign to them. Some do the exact same thing as the chicks you said you prefer, albeit in a different location. Not measuring shit Just passing on information.

Mr Enternational
07-07-19, 02:57
I understand you passing on information, which is all accurate because anything goes in Medellin. But I guess the way you put it made it seem I was talking BS myself. Anyways, no offense taken. Cheers to you and all others!No man. I always see you put out some great behind the scenes info that I could never come close to and will probably never get the chance to check out. The most I do is stay downtown for 2 or 3 days then I am off to the next place.

07-07-19, 03:45
I appreciate you letting me know that I do contribute to the forum from time to time. Without ISG, I would not have known much about Medellin as I do now.

For some reason, the downtown scene just isn't for me. I've done the casa runs, the strip club joints, the mayorista scene, and even tried a street girl once in my 7 years traveling there LOL. But to me it's as much the environment (clean facilities) as the hotness of the girls. I rather pay more at Energy for same type of girl and get the nicer room and spacious bed. But to each his own. Great thing about Medellin is that there's something for everyone. Short or long term stay, budget or balling traveler, Spanish or no Spanish, all natural or fakes, quality or quantity. If you can't find it here, then I have no words to say.

I wished Medellin was no longer a secret LOL. Wait, let me finish by saying don't come to Medellin, it sucks here!

No man. I always see you put out some great behind the scenes info that I could never come close to and will probably never get the chance to check out. The most I do is stay downtown for 2 or 3 days then I am off to the next place.

07-07-19, 03:48
You are already ahead of a lot of us brother. Not so many guys understand that the price of Energy, Tantra, etc. Is more about the facilities than about the girls.

I appreciate you letting me know that I do contribute to the forum from time to time. Without ISG, I would not have known much about Medellin as I do now.

For some reason, the downtown scene just isn't for me. I've done the casa runs, the strip club joints, the mayorista scene, and even tried a street girl once in my 7 years traveling there LOL. But to me it's as much the environment (clean facilities) as the hotness of the girls. I rather pay more at Energy for same type of girl and get the nicer room and spacious bed. But to each his own. Great thing about Medellin is that there's something for everyone. Short or long term stay, budget or balling traveler, Spanish or no Spanish, all natural or fakes, quality or quantity. If you can't find it here, then I have no words to say.

I wished Medellin was no longer a secret LOL. Wait, let me finish by saying don't come to Medellin, it sucks here!

07-07-19, 21:26
Majority of the area in El Centro, including the casa area, would be safe if you are careful. You just have to deal w / the raw people who are not very educated or well-mannered. They will ask you if you eat dogs and mice, why you don't speak Chinese, why you say you are American, not Chinese, etc. You will get sick and tired of answering these questions after a few days. Even after you explain well and polite, they do not understand your answer and they will ask you when you are going back to China. They do these to Koreans, Vietnamese, Japanese etc. Plus, your effort will not enhance the educational level of Colombian people anyway. The best and most efficient way is to avoid the (most) people and just have sex with girls. Certainly you will meet some nice locals. In long term, however, the benefit of avoiding many people may outweigh its cost. If you want good conversations or date with cultured people, go to western Europe, Japan, or try in north America. As for the casas, ride taxi to Energy and New Life.I agree. I don't plan on spending any unnecessary time on the street where I would get any kind of expose to the locals. I can't imagine it being an ordeal since uber / taxi are so cheap, at least in comparison to what I am used to in NYC. Maybe just a few conversations with the people at the hotel, the car service I will order, etc, but I have no intention to make friends with locals with 7 days on my calendar and a overwhelming chance of being ridiculed for having a yellow-face.

I heard, if you want, you can ride your motorcycle on the sidewalks on Medellin (from Youtube videos), I was wondering can a Chinito hire a motorbike service to carry his papaya-ass around El Raudal / La Veracuz to ride around looking for street hoes (can ya'll imagine)? Something about these street hoes just gets me going, being a city-dweller, I've never had the privilege to go hunting for SW's back home so Medellin would allow me to satisfy this fantasy.

Speaking of the Street hoe scene in the El Raudal / La Veracuz areas, how easy is it to find a street hoe in these areas for some impromtu-anal? Can I try to achieve this goal with under a few lines of broken Spanish? Like:

1. Hola!

2. Cuanto cuesta?

She's said a number.

3. I say: Yo Quiero sexo culo.

She either said si, para adicional or hell no, which is understandable in all languages LOL.

I am really not about wining and dining no hoe especially one from the streets, I just want to get into it already.

07-07-19, 23:08
Anyone have any info on airbnb in Laureles that is guest friendly?

Ty Down
07-08-19, 03:22
Anyone have any info on airbnb in Laureles that is guest friendly?I went through this guy last time I was in Medellin, top notch. Info at 4:45 min into video. I would recommend watching entire video.


Mr Enternational
07-08-19, 04:29
I heard, if you want, you can ride your motorcycle on the sidewalks on Medellin (from Youtube videos),First step is to stop watching youtube videos!

Speaking of the Street hoe scene in the El Raudal / La Veracuz areas, how easy is it to find a street hoe in these areas for some impromtu-anal? Can I try to achieve this goal with under a few lines of broken Spanish? Like:

1. Hola!

2. Cuanto cuesta?

She's said a number.

3. I say: Yo Quiero sexo culo.Why would you ask a price before you tell them what they are giving you a price for? No need for the hola. Just walk up and say,
"Puedes hacer sexo anal? (Can you do anal sex?")
If she says yes, then say "Cuanto cobras? (How much do you charge?")
If she says no then ask "Conoces alguien que puede hacerlo? (Do you know someone that can do it?")

07-08-19, 04:45
I agree. I don't plan on spending any unnecessary time on the street where I would get any kind of expose to the locals. I can't imagine it being an ordeal since uber / taxi are so cheap, at least in comparison to what I am used to in NYC. Maybe just a few conversations with the people at the hotel, the car service I will order, etc, but I have no intention to make friends with locals with 7 days on my calendar and a overwhelming chance of being ridiculed for having a yellow-face.

I heard, if you want, you can ride your motorcycle on the sidewalks on Medellin (from Youtube videos), I was wondering can a Chinito hire a motorbike service to carry his papaya-ass around El Raudal / La Veracuz to ride around looking for street hoes (can ya'll imagine)? Something about these street hoes just gets me going, being a city-dweller, I've never had the privilege to go hunting for SW's back home so Medellin would allow me to satisfy this fantasy..You better spend some time acclimate yourself to the El Centro environment if you have never experience it before and also because you don't speak the language. One thing you must do is to remember the layout of the streets so you don't get lost. There are some very rough looking areas like scenes from The Walking Dead. I used Hotel Nutibara, the Metro line as reference points. I called Uber in front of Hotel Nutibara too.

I think anal in Spanish is still anal. I see it on ads all the time.

07-08-19, 16:47
You better spend some time acclimate yourself to the El Centro environment if you have never experience it before and also because you don't speak the language. One thing you must do is to remember the layout of the streets so you don't get lost. There are some very rough looking areas like scenes from The Walking Dead. I used Hotel Nutibara, the Metro line as reference points. I called Uber in front of Hotel Nutibara too.

I think anal in Spanish is still anal. I see it on ads all the time.Oh yea, I have been trying to draw a mental map of the whole La Candalaria Area of Medellin, I plan on bringing a paper map (nothing to jack). Which ads are you referring to for anal? On photoprepagos?

As far as a similar experience, the closest thing I can equate downtown Medellin to is probably downtown Casa Blanca or Tangier:

1. Both places stared at Chinos like we from Mars.

2. Both Places ridden with WG and Poverty.

3. Both places with evidently rough areas where the above point is hosted in.

Since I can afford ubers / taxis through out the trip, I plan on moving in the shadows so to say. I want to find a good taxi-dude and latch onto him for the rest of my trip. I would imagine the few times that I am on the "street" is to eat lunch and the brief moments when I walk from the casa / love motel door to the tax or uber. Any Spanish I will manage to utter will be very to the point, like asking for her colon-highway, at least that's the level of Spanish I am at right. I am ready to bring some flash cards, I really don't care, just need to get my point across.

07-08-19, 19:22
I am arriving 20 August and will be start attending "Colombia Immersion Spanish School" at the Laureles Campus the next week. Unfortunately, there do not appear to be any lodging options near that campus so I'm booked at Terra BioHotel to start with. No idea on their guest policy, but I hope to find only 1 or 2 ladies that meet my needs. I may end up staying with a local family but am not comfortable starting out that way.

I am getting a lot of response from Colombia Cupid and Seeking. Maybe too much, LOL. Not sure how I'm going to handle that exactly. 60+ why / o but first trip of this kind.

It would be great to meet up. I mailed my $20 so hope to have PM privileges soon so I can give you my Whatsaap #.Yes, as JJbee62 pointed out, last time I was there, chica fee existed. Here's more detail.


07-08-19, 20:44
Oh yea, I have been trying to draw a mental map of the whole La Candalaria Area of Medellin, I plan on bringing a paper map (nothing to jack). Which ads are you referring to for anal? On photoprepagos?

As far as a similar experience, the closest thing I can equate downtown Medellin to is probably downtown Casa Blanca or Tangier:

1. Both places stared at Chinos like we from Mars.

2. Both Places ridden with Hoes and Poverty.

3. Both places with evidently rough areas where the above point is hosted in.

Since I can afford ubers / taxis through out the trip, I plan on moving in the shadows so to say. I want to find a good taxi-dude and latch onto him for the rest of my trip. I would imagine the few times that I am on the "street" is to eat lunch and the brief moments when I walk from the casa / love motel door to the tax or uber. Any Spanish I will manage to utter will be very to the point, like asking for her colon-highway, at least that's the level of Spanish I am at right. I am ready to bring some flash cards, I really don't care, just need to get my point across.Sounds like a comedy, LOL.

07-08-19, 21:23
2. Both Places ridden with Hoes and Poverty.

3. Both places with evidently rough areas where the above point is hosted in.You make it sound so bad. It is a thriving area during day time. There are too many people around to make it dangerous. I don't think you need to hire a taxi during daytime.

I have only been approached once by a street girl. I think she was curious and came up to me touching my face and kind of dancing around me.

07-09-19, 02:25
You make it sound so bad. It is a thriving area during day time. There are too many people around to make it dangerous. I don't think you need to hire a taxi during daytime.

I have only been approached once by a street girl. I think she was curious and came up to me touching my face and kind of dancing around me.I saw a stupid backpacker get robbed at knife point during the day time in Centro with loads of pedestrians around. It happened so quick that I don't think most people nearby even noticed.

If you have even a modicum of common sense, this likely won't happen to you.

07-09-19, 02:30
There is an easier map solution. Keep a list of addresses you want to visit. Before you leave, spend some time on google maps and learn how street addresses are arranged. Calle = street and carrera = avenue more or less. Don't worry about north / south / east / west. Using the example of new life, (calle 56 #43-39) it is on calle 56 (streets are numbered in sequence so 56 is between 55 and 57), the #43 refers to carrera 43, the closest carrera to New Life, the #39 is your reference for how many doors from carrera 43. Once you get comfortable with that system you can find any street address by orienting yourself to any number you see on any building, as long as you know which street you are on. The same system is used in the borough of Queens in New York City by the way.

Oh yea, I have been trying to draw a mental map of the whole La Candalaria Area of Medellin, I plan on bringing a paper map (nothing to jack). Which ads are you referring to for anal? On photoprepagos?

As far as a similar experience, the closest thing I can equate downtown Medellin to is probably downtown Casa Blanca or Tangier:

1. Both places stared at Chinos like we from Mars.

2. Both Places ridden with WG and Poverty.

3. Both places with evidently rough areas where the above point is hosted in..

07-09-19, 06:05
Oh yea, I have been trying to draw a mental map of the whole La Candalaria Area of Medellin, I plan on bringing a paper map (nothing to jack). Which ads are you referring to for anal? On photoprepagos?

As far as a similar experience, the closest thing I can equate downtown Medellin to is probably downtown Casa Blanca or Tangier:

1. Both places stared at Chinos like we from Mars.

2. Both Places ridden with WG and Poverty.

3. Both places with evidently rough areas where the above point is hosted in.

Since I can afford ubers / taxis through out the trip, I plan on moving in the shadows so to say. I want to find a good taxi-dude and latch onto him for the rest of my trip. I would imagine the few times that I am on the "street" is to eat lunch and the brief moments when I walk from the casa / love motel door to the tax or uber. Any Spanish I will manage to utter will be very to the point, like asking for her colon-highway, at least that's the level of Spanish I am at right. I am ready to bring some flash cards, I really don't care, just need to get my point across.Looking at a map on the street in el centro is like having a flashing red light on your head, don't do it, wait until you are sitting down in a cafe.

07-09-19, 11:44
Looking at a map on the street in el centro is like having a flashing red light on your head, don't do it, wait until you are sitting down in a cafe.Well yea, One can always run into, say, a Pharmacy or into the vicinity of some policia before whipping it out. Lets attach some common sense into what I am saying. Looking at a piece of paper is no different than keeping your head down texting anywhere, its a bad idea in any city where you don't know any of the surroundings.

07-09-19, 12:19
Since I can afford ubers / taxis through out the trip, I plan on moving in the shadows so to say. I want to find a good taxi-dude and latch onto him for the rest of my trip. I would imagine the few times that I am on the "street" is to eat lunch and the brief moments when I walk from the casa / love motel door to the tax or uber. Any Spanish I will manage to utter will be very to the point, like asking for her colon-highway, at least that's the level of Spanish I am at right. I am ready to bring some flash cards, I really don't care, just need to get my point across.Based on your approach, your going to do just fine in Medellin! For your flash cards, perhaps some sketches of what your looking for specifically will help as well.

07-09-19, 13:02
After spending all day Sunday walking around Mexico City, I reached MDE at 11:30 pm. Flight was unremarkable except for AeroMexico attempting to switch me out of my premium seat. They said there was a family they were trying to seat together. However, the 2 others in my row were solo travelers. They also said that I had to pay extra for the premium seat. After telling the woman I had paid (the only way I could have reserved a premium seat) and showing my receipt, she apologized.

Just a note to new international travelers:. Always carry a pen in your carry-on. There's going to be a form to fill out. It's also useful to have your hotel or apartment info saved on your phone.

I had arranged an airport pickup from a frequently reviewed girl in Medellin, once we were on the ground I sent a message and told her I'd be out soon. I was a bit optimistic.

First stop Immigration. Six kiosks open, 4 for residents, 2 for foreigners, 1 of which also handled flight crews. The line did not move quickly and the agents seemed to be asking more questions than I remembered. Once through, I grabbed my bag and headed for the Customs check. This line was also moving slower than I recall. I did take the opportunity to check the airport exchange rate: 2400 cop to $1.

Overall, from arrival until I was outside, 1 hour elapsed. Another 5 minutes for my girl to come around from the parking area and after tossing my things in the trunk and collecting a quick kiss, we were headed to. Why are the cops stopping us?

We had only driven 50 feet when they pulled us over. My driver assured me it was for a paperwork check for her and I was her boyfriend if asked. After 5 minutes with her paperwork they told her to get out of the car. After another 5 minutes a cop came around to my window and started asking me questions. He wanted to know how I knew her, etc. I dropped her name, let him know I had lived in Medellin for a year and when he asked if she was my neighbor, dropped the novia on him. A few minutes later we were finally on our way.

Later she showed me a report that they found 36 kilos of coke in a car in the airport parking lot, which she thought was the reason for the hassles.

To be continued.

07-09-19, 13:47
Vika has a nice car and was dressed fetchingly in jeans and a bodysuit. The police check didn't rattle her in the least. Once back in the car she gave me a deep kiss before putting it in gear. Before we reached the tool booth her ample tits were out and in my hands. They returned to the playground after the toll and remained out until we pulled up to a Davivienda ATM.

After tucking myself back in and zipping up my pants (yes I did enjoy the ride), I was surprised to find the ATM allowed up to 2 million per transaction, with no fee. Back to the car and we were off to Motel Ibiza.

There had been some unnecessary confusion over when and where I could pick up the keys to my friend's apartment, so I had arranged to stay at the motel until morning. I'm also not keen on bringing girls to the apartment. My friend doesn't approve and I have other friends living in the same complex.

Back to the action. Once in the room, Vika headed to the bathroom and came out wearing some sexy lingerie. She also brought along her husband, which would have been awkward, except that's what she calls her Hitachi vibrator.

There was music, there was dancing, there was plenty of DFK and there was, without any prompting, plenty of BBBJ, with BLS and a few flicks of the tongue even lower while the jacuzzi was filling. After 30 minutes in the jacuzzi with more BBBJ and a quick rinse in the shower, we headed to the bed. DATY, BBBJ, DFK, CFS in multiple positions, help from the vibrator, lots of effort, and zero complaints took up the next 30 minutes and allowed me to complete my arrival.

When I returned to the bed after a quick clean up, I found her having sex with her husband and was encouraged to assist until she completed the hat trick. Cuddling, a few kisses, some light conversation then off to sleep. In the morning, she brought me to the apartment and spent some time making sure I'd remember her. I'm not going to argue over what constitutes GFE, but to any outside observer, it would have looked like GFE throughout.

Vika is older and has been in the game for a long time. She has a small frame, large, natural breasts, small hands and feet and no sign of baby damage. She's not vise tight, but just about right for me. An excellent performer in my opinion.

After a brief nap and a check of what I need to buy, I caught an Uber to Parque Lleras to check in with a friend. We talked about the changes in Medellin, the hassles and the things which remain the same. Afterwards I walked to the Metro and returned to Sabaneta for lunch, shopping and a return to the apartment.

To be continued.

07-09-19, 14:52
Flashback to Sunday evening. I've just sat down on the plane, sent a message to Vika and am ready to power down when a buddy sends a name, Facebook link and a note that he wants me to see the girl while I'm in town. I send a friend request and reply that I'll make an effort.

My original plans for Monday evening were for rest and relaxation. My mind may want 2 girls a day, but my body isn't as enthusiastic. However, when a friend asks something of me, I try to come through. I both succeeded and failed this time.

The new girl, I'll call her Shelly, messaged me throughout the day. Not badgering, just taking her time to respond. We agreed on her picking me up via taxi at 7 pm. For old Mansion vets, you might know her by her tits, Sara and Kata.

Ten minutes before 7 she tells me she's on the way, which in Paisa means she'll be on the way in no more than 10 minutes, unless her phone rings, the dog barks or she decides to take more than 10 minutes. The taxi arrived at 7:55,5 minutes early in Paisa time, and took us to Motel Invegas. The taxi meter wasn't working and rather than argue, I paid the 40 k.

She's 29, with no kids, nice brown skin, well shaped small tits with chocolate drop nipples and an ass the ass lovers will appreciate. Her face looks like an older sister of a friend in Bogota, which is a good thing. No DFK, only CBJ and every position for CFS. There was good conversation, but I found the performance to be somewhat mechanical, a cross between a mechanical bull and the Energizer Bunny.

She did manage an almost deep throat, with some gagging, but mostly she approached it the same as the CFS, hard and fast. Unfortunately, I'm a slow and sensual kind of guy. She was at least a trooper. She tried and didn't give up until I raised the white flag. I was worried about injury if she kept trying to get my nut.

This was a classic YMMV situation. Her looks were great, as well as the body, although the ass was more than I like. She put on a reasonable act, but if a girl needs lube, it's almost always an act. Hard and fast guys, and ass worshippers will probably enjoy her, but I won't repeat.

After settling the motel bill (54 k for up to 6 hours), I had the taxi drop me at the Poblado metro station, which turned out to be a mistake. When I lived here, I'd climb the hill to Lleras on a hot day without breaking a sweat. Last night, I was ready to lay down with a passed out glue sniffer, if he had an extra pillow. Finally made it to Juancho Alitas for a late dinner and some people watching.

There were 2 obvious working girls with a gringo, just getting up to leave as I sat down and 2 more strolled by a few minutes later. We made eye contact, but I didn't show any interest and they moved along. Spotted 2 more down the street from (pic attached) and was interested in getting the red dress girl's number, but they had moved along before I finished.

I considered doing a full stroll of the park, just to see what's changed, but instead opted for a beer at The Beer Store before grabbing a taxi home.

Impressions: Not much has changed. Lots of construction, including Parque Poblado, which is completely closed off. I'm seeing more chunky girls than before, but there are still plenty of hot girls to keep me happy. Parque Lleras looks the same. Overall it hasn't changed much, although the hills seem to be steeper.

07-09-19, 16:14
Does anyone know where / how to find high end models? I'm talking even higher end than la isla or fase dos. Those instagram models that charge 1 million and up. Anyone know anything about this?

07-09-19, 16:59
There is an easier map solution. Keep a list of addresses you want to visit. Before you leave, spend some time on google maps and learn how street addresses are arranged. Calle = street and carrera = avenue more or less. Don't worry about north / south / east / west. Using the example of new life, (calle 56 #43-39) it is on calle 56 (streets are numbered in sequence so 56 is between 55 and 57), the #43 refers to carrera 43, the closest carrera to New Life, the #39 is your reference for how many doors from carrera 43. Once you get comfortable with that system you can find any street address by orienting yourself to any number you see on any building, as long as you know which street you are on. The same system is used in the borough of Queens in New York City by the way.I'm from Brooklyn myself, and do plan on doing that. But on average, how common are taxi's in central? I can seriously factor in an extra 5 dollars between Casa's to get into a cab even if it will bring me a place that is 3 blocks away. That may seem like a huge waste but I certainly do not want to go walking through streets that I have never scene before, at least that's how it is back home where 3 blocks can be separated by scenes from The Walking Dead as WindAngel so vividly pointed out. Also with regards to getting lost, I rather roll the dice with a random taxi I find on the street than to linger around in a hood area trying to find my way out. Or there are zones that even taxis don't go?

07-09-19, 17:14
I saw a stupid backpacker get robbed at knife point during the day time in Centro with loads of pedestrians around. It happened so quick that I don't think most people nearby even noticed.

If you have even a modicum of common sense, this likely won't happen to you.What made him stupid? Was he standing in the street counting his cash?

07-09-19, 18:01
Based on your approach, your going to do just fine in Medellin! For your flash cards, perhaps some sketches of what your looking for specifically will help as well.I plan on making these myself featuring a phallic object being inserted into orifices like a mouth or an ass. No plans to make one for the poon as I am sure that one is quite universal.

07-09-19, 18:10
There is an easier map solution. Keep a list of addresses you want to visit. Before you leave, spend some time on google maps and learn how street addresses are arranged. Calle = street and carrera = avenue more or less. Don't worry about north / south / east / west. Using the example of new life, (calle 56 #43-39) it is on calle 56 (streets are numbered in sequence so 56 is between 55 and 57), the #43 refers to carrera 43, the closest carrera to New Life, the #39 is your reference for how many doors from carrera 43. Once you get comfortable with that system you can find any street address by orienting yourself to any number you see on any building, as long as you know which street you are on. The same system is used in the borough of Queens in New York City by the way.Just one minor correction on the addresses. In your example #43 refers to the the lower numbered street that it's between, Carrera 43 and 44.39 refers to the number of meters away from Carrera 43. You don't need a tape measure. The last number just gives an indication of whether it's closer to Carrera 43 or 44.

In El Centro it's pretty straightforward. Streets are mostly straight. When you get into the hills, especially in new areas, things get confusing.

Also, it's worth noting that there are no street signs. Street names are located on plaques on a corner building at many intersections. Some are green, some are bronze. Examples attached. The sign below is the other name for the street.

07-09-19, 18:13
What made him stupid? Was he standing in the street counting his cash?My guess is he decided giving the robber what he wanted wasn't a good idea. Which may have well been the nice expensive smart phone he was walking around staring at.

07-09-19, 19:21
Vika has a nice car and was dressed fetchingly in jeans and a bodysuit. The police check didn't rattle her in the least. Once back in the car she gave me a deep kiss before putting it in gear. Before we reached the tool booth her ample tits were out and in my hands. They returned to the playground after the toll and remained out until we pulled up to a Davivienda ATM.

After tucking myself back in and zipping up my pants (yes I did enjoy the ride), I was surprised to find the ATM allowed up to 2 million per transaction, with no fee. Back to the car and we were off to Motel Ibiza...

To be continued.Thanks for the details in your report. Good to know about the ATM's not having fees and what the airport rate is! I have a feeling I will go through the same thing as you while there. My mind will want 2 girls a day but my body will only be able to take on 1 haha.

07-09-19, 20:34
I'm from Brooklyn myself, and do plan on doing that. But on average, how common are taxi's in central? I can seriously factor in an extra 5 dollars between Casa's to get into a cab even if it will bring me a place that is 3 blocks away. That may seem like a huge waste but I certainly do not want to go walking through streets that I have never scene before, at least that's how it is back home where 3 blocks can be separated by scenes from The Walking Dead as WindAngel so vividly pointed out. Also with regards to getting lost, I rather roll the dice with a random taxi I find on the street than to linger around in a hood area trying to find my way out. Or there are zones that even taxis don't go?Taxis are everywhere and will go anywhere you want in El Centro and all of them are metered with a minimum fare of 5,500 Pesos or less than $ 2 USD.

07-09-19, 23:01
I'm a little confused about being charged this 3. 5% commission rate when I recently used my Chase Sapphire Preferred credit card that charges 0% foreign transaction. I've used this card many times over the years in Colombia. Only on a rare occasion I see this 3. 5% commission rate on the purchase and I made sure the transaction was in pesos. Both times this happened it was in a restaurant. Now, just recently this happened again while I was paying for an apartment rental which takes credit card transactions. This being over 2 million peso transaction, the 3. 5% fee is a stinger. I said wtf, but the lady ensured she put pesos and not American dollars. Can someone, anyone clarify this for me? Thanks!

07-10-19, 01:08
I'm a little confused about being charged this 3. 5% commission rate when I recently used my Chase Sapphire Preferred credit card that charges 0% foreign transaction. I've used this card many times over the years in Colombia. Only on a rare occasion I see this 3. 5% commission rate on the purchase and I made sure the transaction was in pesos. Both times this happened it was in a restaurant. Now, just recently this happened again while I was paying for an apartment rental which takes credit card transactions. This being over 2 million peso transaction, the 3. 5% fee is a stinger. I said wtf, but the lady ensured she put pesos and not American dollars. Can someone, anyone clarify this for me? Thanks!That's because most of the businesses in Colombia use credit card processors that give the option for the business to charge in US dollars (for US credit cards). If the business charges in US dollars, then the credit card processor charges a 3.5% commission. Then I assume the business doesn't get charged the normal 3% for the credit card use.

What happens is after the business presses the "send" button, the credit card processing machine will receive an option to charge either in US dollars or Colombian pesos. But those fuckers have US dollar as the "1" button and COP as the "2" button. US dollar is kind of set to default. Many servers will hit "1" or "next" without looking at the screen. Sometimes, the the machine will ask, how many payments; most people choose 1; this is why some of the servers press "1" without looking. I assume some of the small businesses encourage their employees to charge in US dollars to save money.

But most of the time, I believe the employee is just ignorant. Even after I tell them to charge me in COP, they sometimes press "1" and charge me in US dollar; then the idiot insist they charged me in COP. Hard to argue with stupidity.

To avoid the 3.5% rip-off, you need to tell them to charge you in COP. Even then, they sometimes don't understand how it works. You sometimes have to slowly tell and SHOW them to hit the "2" button.

07-10-19, 01:54
Thanks for that information. Funny thing is the person I was doing the transaction with spoke English! I told her in both languages about the commission rate and showed the receipt. She looked dumbfounded, now I know why businesses would do that to get equal money. If it was just a dinner bill I wouldn't mind, the fact that it was a 2 million+ transaction felt like I was conned. Anyways, the good thing I met a Venezuelan from SA and she gave me everything I could have asked for. BB everything with CIM and swallow. Spent the night and gave her 200 mil plus taxi. Made me forget about any damn fees real quick LOL.

That's because most of the businesses in Colombia use credit card processors that give the option for the business to charge in US dollars (for US credit cards). If the business charges in US dollars, then the credit card processor charges a 3.5% commission. Then I assume the business doesn't get charged the normal 3% for the credit card use.

What happens is after the business presses the "send" button, the credit card processing machine will receive an option to charge either in US dollars or Colombian pesos. But those fuckers have US dollar as the "1" button and COP as the "2" button. US dollar is kind of set to default. Many servers will hit "1" or "next" without looking at the screen. Sometimes, the the machine will ask, how many payments; most people choose 1; this is why some of the servers press "1" without looking. I assume some of the small businesses encourage their employees to charge in US dollars to save money.

But most of the time, I believe the employee is just ignorant. Even after I tell them to charge me in COP, they sometimes press "1" and charge me in US dollar; then the idiot insist they charged me in COP. Hard to argue with stupidity.

To avoid the 3.5% rip-off, you need to tell them to charge you in COP. Even then, they sometimes don't understand how it works. You sometimes have to slowly tell and SHOW them to hit the "2" button.

07-10-19, 02:44
I think we are saying the same thing, meters or doors. You won't need a tape measure if you use the sequence of buildings instead of the distance from the cross street. If you are looking for Cr. 43 #44-39 and you pass #43-41 and #43-43 then you know you went two buildings in the wrong direction, no measurements necessary. I'm trying to make it easy for newbies so they don't have to attract attention by pulling out maps or playing with smartphones out on the street. A folded list of addresses and the information in our posts are all even a first time visitor needs to find their way between spots without looking like a lost mark.

Just one minor correction on the addresses. In your example #43 refers to the the lower numbered street that it's between, Carrera 43 and 44.39 refers to the number of meters away from Carrera 43. You don't need a tape measure. The last number just gives an indication of whether it's closer to Carrera 43 or 44.

In El Centro it's pretty straightforward. Streets are mostly straight. When you get into the hills, especially in new areas, things get confusing.

Also, it's worth noting that there are no street signs. Street names are located on plaques on a corner building at many intersections. Some are green, some are bronze. Examples attached. The sign below is the other name for the street.

07-10-19, 04:45
I'm from Brooklyn myself, and do plan on doing that. But on average, how common are taxi's in central? I can seriously factor in an extra 5 dollars between Casa's to get into a cab even if it will bring me a place that is 3 blocks away. That may seem like a huge waste but I certainly do not want to go walking through streets that I have never scene before, at least that's how it is back home where 3 blocks can be separated by scenes from The Walking Dead as WindAngel so vividly pointed out. Also with regards to getting lost, I rather roll the dice with a random taxi I find on the street than to linger around in a hood area trying to find my way out. Or there are zones that even taxis don't go?There aren't any zones that you have any business going to where taxis won't go.

Study the map. If you taxi to New Life, Aiffe is practically in the same location, 1 block further north. Unless you plan on going after both places are closed, there's no problem walking between the 2 places. From Aiffe it's 2 blocks to Club Sexxy Amigas, again, not a problem to walk. On a good day that will give you 25-40 girls to choose from.

While taxis aren't hard to find, you'll spend more time flagging one down than it takes to walk.

07-10-19, 08:08
I think we are saying the same thing, meters or doors. You won't need a tape measure if you use the sequence of buildings instead of the distance from the cross street. If you are looking for Cr. 43 #44-39 and you pass #43-41 and #43-43 then you know you went two buildings in the wrong direction, no measurements necessary. I'm trying to make it easy for newbies so they don't have to attract attention by pulling out maps or playing with smartphones out on the street. A folded list of addresses and the information in our posts are all even a first time visitor needs to find their way between spots without looking like a lost mark.Reading all these post about navigating to Casa's in El Centro either by Taxis or by walking makes me think someone should develop a specific Casa App for Medellin. Perhaps it already exists and it could easily function like Google Maps, and perhaps named Casa Maps Medellin. Somebody though would have to field test the App to confirm it worked properly, and I guess could stop by each Casa for a session while testing the App.

I am not a technical guy but I can tell you in Europe I type in a known venue on Goggle Maps and away I go by either foot or taxi. Should be able to do the same in Medellin I believe. Imagine strolling down a list of casa's in the App, hitting the one you want to go, and instantly having the route. The App could also display hours, etc. With information taken from the lists that already exist.

07-10-19, 11:29
One type of encounter that usually goes wrong is a threesome. Most guys expect the typical porn 3 way, while most chicas treat it like a tag team wrestling match. It's seldom worth the effort.

However, I know a girl who only wants to do trios with me. Since she brings very low mileage friends along and will work with me to make it turn out right, I decided to accept.

Some problem with the metro almost messed things up, but I diverted them to a taxi and had them meet me at Motel Ibiza. It worked out great. They arrived about 3 minutes after me. I hopped in the front seat of their taxi and we pulled to the gate.

Something new at Ibiza, a security guard. Before we could enter, the guard first handed each girl a flyer about trafficking and checked their cedulas. Something to be aware of if you go there.

Once in the room, things started slowly. The lead girl is a seasoned veteran. Her friend was a wide eyed newbie. We just sat and chatted for 10 minutes while the jacuzzi was filling. Then, since they had both come directly from work, they headed for the shower, with me close behind.

They took some initiative and both began washing me, but I needed to prompt them to wash each other. This was accompanied by much giggling which turned into a water fight. By the time everyone finished rinsing the jacuzzi was full and we hopped in.

Water for the jacuzzis at Ibiza is controlled by the office. You need to call to have it turned on, then you adjust the temperature. When the water reaches a certain level it automatically shuts off. This is fine for 2 people. However, when you put in 3, it's going to overflow. Shut the water off when all the Jets are covered, then add water as needed.

In the jacuzzi I was able to set the tone, somewhat. Lead girl was rather boisterous, but her friend was doing everything right. Once she understood what I wanted she helped to rein the other one in.

Once on the bed things went well, except lead girl was still being playful instead of sensual. Still, it all worked out. There was plenty of interaction between the girls, plenty of attention to me and it ended up being an experience I'm happy with.

About the girls:

Lead girl is 25, 1 kid with handful and a half tits. She's put on a few pounds since I last saw her, but still has the curves. I'm not sure about the friend, but I believe 21 with no kids, barely a handful, but nicely shaped tits and about the same build. Big butts on both and both are all natural, minimal makeup types. Second girl kissed much better and did a better BBBJ, including underwater BLS and DT in the jacuzzi. She also rode better. Lead girl kept going into jackhammer mode. All BBBJ and all CFS. Everyone participated in DATY, but I didn't try for a girl-girl 69.

Gave 150 K to each and we spent about 2.5 hours.

07-10-19, 23:24
There is an easier map solution. Keep a list of addresses you want to visit. Before you leave, spend some time on google maps and learn how street addresses are arranged. Calle = street and carrera = avenue more or less. Don't worry about north / south / east / west. Using the example of new life, (calle 56 #43-39) it is on calle 56 (streets are numbered in sequence so 56 is between 55 and 57), the #43 refers to carrera 43, the closest carrera to New Life, the #39 is your reference for how many doors from carrera 43. Once you get comfortable with that system you can find any street address by orienting yourself to any number you see on any building, as long as you know which street you are on. The same system is used in the borough of Queens in New York City by the way.Do all the casas double as "massage parlors" as well?

07-11-19, 02:41
Do all the casas double as "massage parlors" as well?No. You can get something resembling a massage at Energy, Tantra and maybe a few others. I suppose Jade Palace is still pretending to give massages as well.

Pilot Pete
07-11-19, 02:57
No. You can get something resembling a massage at Energy, Tantra and maybe a few others. I suppose Jade Palace is still pretending to give massages as well.Can anyone recommend a place that actually does offer reasonably therapeutic massage? If I had believed I would live this long I might have been a bit less adventurous. As it is a CMT usually can do wonders for my aches.

07-11-19, 03:21
I think we are saying the same thing, meters or doors. You won't need a tape measure if you use the sequence of buildings instead of the distance from the cross street. If you are looking for Cr. 43 #44-39 and you pass #43-41 and #43-43 then you know you went two buildings in the wrong direction, no measurements necessary. I'm trying to make it easy for newbies so they don't have to attract attention by pulling out maps or playing with smartphones out on the street. A folded list of addresses and the information in our posts are all even a first time visitor needs to find their way between spots without looking like a lost mark.Sometimes works this way. Sometimes not. Numbers can be 10 apart for buildings next door. If one happens to be a large building. But direction wise. Yep. If the numbers are going up. And you get to a higher number. Go back. Also. Odd numbers on one side of the street, even on the other.

Generally a block is around 100 meters. If doors are almost side by side the number will be 2 different. (as in the example above). But unless the buildings are very narrow some adjacent will be 4, 6, 8 or more apart.

Good idea to not pull out phones or maps etc. Stop at a restaurant or somewhere you can step inside to look at your desired address when you are at the right intersection. Then walk in the direction and on the side of the street. Odd or even numbers, going up or down. And take it from there.

07-11-19, 14:06
Today is my break day. After 4 long sessions with 5 girls in 3 days, I'm running out of steam. Yesterday's was the best and worst all rolled into one.

I was scheduled to meet a former webcam model who worked for me at noon. However at 3 am my rheumatoid arthritis decided to join the party. I managed to put it back to bed by 9:30 and got ready for my day.

Next obstacle was Uber. I was trying to get to Oviedo mall to exchange some dollars (why is explained in another post) and drivers kept canceling. Finally a taxi pulled up and I was on my way. After completing the transaction I headed to the Metro. We were meeting at Prado station after she finished her classes.

I arrived 30 minutes early and found a shady spot to sit, wait and respond to some messages. Then some glue sniffer decided I needed to hear about his problems. Most will leave me alone after I wave them off, but this guy kept getting closer. Then he got belligerent, which got him a belligerent response (not recommended). I left him cussing me and went back up the stairs to the metro station.

After a metro employee told me I couldn't sit on the stairs because there were too many people, my mood began to deteriorate. Prado is probably the slowest station on the main trunk. There were very few people coming and going. Another beggar, who insisted on whispering got me riled up again. Eventually I chased him away. Now all I needed was for the girl to cancel.

Finally something went right. She showed up on time and dressed reasonably. We headed to the metro to begin the date. She started on the right foot by offering to pay for her own ticket. It's only 2550, but it's a nice gesture. We headed off to Parque Arvi, to sightseen and have lunch. It turned out she had never been, so she enjoyed our short hike.

The combo Metrocable, Metro and taxi to Motel Ibiza went smoothly. Things in the room went well, mostly. She still has a fantastic body and a sweet face. She was a little nervous. She's another that's not working often these days, plus we had the past boss-employee relationship. However, she loosened up a bit in the shower. Once in the jacuzzi things improved more.

We laughed and played around for quite some time before moving to the bed. Only CBJ and CFS, but we had fun. Probably a result of my medications combined with exhaustion made it difficult for me to finish. She wouldn't give up though and finally we worked our way through.

The sex wasn't as satisfying as I'd hoped. But the overall day I consider a success. I spent 6 hours with her, 3 of them in the motel and we both left happy.

The night finished on a good note. On Sunday, the Venezuelan told me she couldn't make it to Medellin. She didn't have the money to get there from Venezuela. Last night she told me she will be here Saturday.

07-11-19, 15:46
Does anyone know where / how to find high end models? I'm talking even higher end than la Isla or Fase dos. Those Instagram models that charge 1 million and up. Anyone know anything about this?

07-11-19, 16:09
Can anyone recommend a place that actually does offer reasonably therapeutic massage? If I had believed I would live this long I might have been a bit less adventurous. As it is a CMT usually can do wonders for my aches.There are quite a few legitimate massage spas in Medellin. I haven't been to any, although I'm considering a visit. General cost is around 80 k.

The Tall Man
07-11-19, 21:06
One type of encounter that usually goes wrong is a threesome. Most guys expect the typical porn 3 way, while most chicas treat it like a tag team wrestling match. It's seldom worth the effort.For the record I am not a 3 some type of guy, the 7 or 8 3-some that I have experienced in my mongering life have been mediocre at best, just not worth the hassle of getting the stars to line up right, just never been seamless rather more like work until about 2 months back my Colombian buddy set up 3 chicas in Medellin and him and I to party in a motel room, well I ended up with the 3 of the chicas (yes my first 4-some) and probably about as much fun as can be had, looking back I think it was just timing and having the right girls for the job, jajajaja even with this I doubt that I will ever want to repeat, maybe I am in another space in time in my life and have changed in my desires and appetite.

The Tall Man.

Husker Dude
07-11-19, 22:17
Can anyone recommend a place that actually does offer reasonably therapeutic massage? If I had believed I would live this long I might have been a bit less adventurous. As it is a CMT usually can do wonders for my aches.On my trips too MDE, I go to the OM Mens spa on the 4th floor in the back of Rio Sur Mall. It's right across from Oviedo Mall. Legit massage for 100 k, extra HJ for 70 k more. Often I just go for the massage.

07-12-19, 01:52
For the record I am not a 3 some type of guy, the 7 or 8 3-some that I have experienced in my mongering life have been mediocre at best, just not worth the hassle of getting the stars to line up right, just never been seamless rather more like work until about 2 months back my Colombian buddy set up 3 chicas in Medellin and him and I to party in a motel room, well I ended up with the 3 of the chicas (yes my first 4-some) and probably about as much fun as can be had, looking back I think it was just timing and having the right girls for the job, jajajaja even with this I doubt that I will ever want to repeat, maybe I am in another space in time in my life and have changed in my desires and appetite.

The Tall Man.I've had one good threesome out of about 10 tries in Medellin. In contrast, I've had dozens of excellent threesomes and even foursomes in Brasil.

Just my experience, and while I love Colombia, Brasilian garotas just tend to be wilder in the sack.

Pilot Pete
07-12-19, 05:42
On my trips too MDE, I go to the OM Mens spa on the 4th floor in the back of Rio Sur Mall. It's right across from Oviedo Mall. Legit massage for 100 k, extra HJ for 70 k more. Often I just go for the massage.Thank you, Sir. Relief from aches; leaving in a relaxed and happy state can often make my day.

07-12-19, 16:06
Thank you, Sir. Relief from aches; leaving in a relaxed and happy state can often make my day.This is the place you are looking for, a little pricier for medellin, but for a tourist would still seem value. Very upscale and nice and relaxing ecperince.

The Tall Man
07-12-19, 21:36
I've had one good threesome out of about 10 tries in Medellin. In contrast, I've had dozens of excellent threesomes and even foursomes in Brasil.

Just my experience, and while I love Colombia, Brasilian garotas just tend to be wilder in the sack.Can't argue with that, my 2 mongering trips to Rio in the early 2000's opened my eyes about how much fun and uninhibited the Brazilian chicas are, I still have great memories and flashbacks of some of the cuties, and this is 18 year ago so either I have the mind of an elephant or they were truly that good, and in this case the later prevails!

The Tall Man.

07-13-19, 00:23
This is the place you are looking for, a little pricier for medellin, but for a tourist would still seem value. Very upscale and nice and relaxing ecperince.I've gone to OM three times and two out of three, the massage was very good. They made it pretty obvious extras were available, but I was only there for the massage.

07-13-19, 03:03
Have a few questions:

1. Does any of the casas in El Centro have clean rooms & if so which ones? Also, what's the price for an hour at these places and are you allowed 2 pops for that hourly price?

2. El Centro seems to be an early afternoon spot; are there any inexpensive night clubs in the mongering scene which are in fairly safe areas or is it only the expensive ones like Fase Dos & Luna Lunera? I'm seeing Playmates Bar Show on google maps & it has the most reviews, it is opened until 2 am, is this place safe to go at night?

07-13-19, 11:49
Is there a list of casas in laureles anyone is aware of. Any recommendations of casas in Laureles?

Thanks much!

07-13-19, 14:16
Have a few questions:

1. Does any of the casas in El Centro have clean rooms & if so which ones? Also, what's the price for an hour at these places and are you allowed 2 pops for that hourly price?

2. El Centro seems to be an early afternoon spot; are there any inexpensive night clubs in the mongering scene which are in fairly safe areas or is it only the expensive ones like Fase Dos & Luna Lunera? I'm seeing Playmates Bar Show on google maps & it has the most reviews, it is opened until 2 am, is this place safe to go at night?1. New Life rooms are clean.

2. What is a "fairly safe area?" Unless you prefer to walk around the block instead of going inside the club, the inside of the club is a fairly safe area. Playmates Bar Show is named "Conejitas."

I was down to Club Maracaibo and Barra Ejecutiva last night. Had my Uber drop me off a block away to avoid hassles with taxi drivers. Walked up and waited outside for 20 minutes for another monger. Nobody bothered me. There was even a young child, whose parents are street vendors, playing on the sidewalk.

Might as well review them too. Just did a walk through of Barra Ejecutiva before sitting in Maracaibo. There were a couple who were doable in my opinion. Maracaibo had more girls and a few were very nice. There were also several who were way out of my weight class. Not very crowded in either club.

07-13-19, 15:24
Fantasias reopened as Zaza. Card says new administration, but it looks like same girls, same beaded curtain, remodeled facilities, 5 mil presentation fee.

07-13-19, 15:49
Fantasias reopened as Zaza. Card says new administration, but it looks like same girls, same beaded curtain, remodeled facilities, 5 mil presentation fee.And they don't look like the girl on the advertisement LOL. 5 mil damn. I hope this presentation fee increase isn't a trend. I've never been quoted more than 2 mil but maybe there are more people going to these places and just bouncing from one spot to the next without a selection.

John Clayton
07-13-19, 16:05
And they don't look like the girl on the advertisement LOL. 5 mil damn...Is $1. 50.

07-13-19, 18:13
Zaza / Fantasia really needed a makeover. The session rooms were starting to get to unacceptably cruddy level. There was a good looking popular girl there with a big natural ass who uses the name Paloma. Maybe new management means the kooky desk lady who spent so much time talking to her family on the phone may be out of the picture. That wouldn't be so bad. The beaded curtain is their trademark and helps guys find the place. The doorbell mentioned on the card is something new.

And they don't look like the girl on the advertisement LOL. 5 mil damn. I hope this presentation fee increase isn't a trend. I've never been quoted more than 2 mil but maybe there are more people going to these places and just bouncing from one spot to the next without a selection.

07-13-19, 18:17
Let me begin by saying, I haven't tried any of these places yet. Some are obvious casas that claim to perform real massages. At least 1 is (as reported by others) a legitimate spa that offers happy endings. The funny thing is, a few years ago, that place specifically stated on their website that no sexual services were provided. I'll start with that one:


OM Spa for Men

Carrera 43 A #6 Sur-23 Rio Sur shopping center.

Price 100 k? For 60 min + 70 k for he?


Absolute Spa for Men

Carrera 35# 8 a-72.

Price 70 k for 30 min, 90 k for 60 min.


Jade Palace

Carrera 38 #10-09 suite 202 (Enter via Carrera 38).

Price 80 k for 30 min, 100 k for 60 min, 160 k for nude 60 min.



Sala de Masajes Eroticos

Carrera 66 B #33-07.


Casa Blue Room

Calle 33 #78-63.



Medellin Tantra Massage Spa

Carrera 80 #44 B-139.

Prices 85 k for 30 min, 100 k for 45 min, 130 k for 60 min.


The Secret Spa

Carrera 70 A #43-52.

Prices 100 k for 30 min oral, 120 k for 60 min oral.

130 k for 30 min FS, 150 k for 60 min FS.


Fantasias Energy Medellin (Energy Spa).

Carrera 74 #49-101.

Prices 125 k for 30 min, 135 k for 40 min, 150 for 60 min.


Oriental Spa Medellin

Calle 49 B #77 A-28.

Prices (probably outdated) 80 k or 90 k for 60 min, 160 k for 90 min Nuru.


There are many other options for therapeutic massage. However, most are geared towards women.

07-13-19, 19:18
Is $1. 50.I live in Medellin so I don't often think in terms of USD, but to go from 2 mil to 5 mil isn't the kind of trend I like. Not everyone that goes to a casa is a gringo with a gringo budget.

Mr Enternational
07-13-19, 20:17
I live in Medellin so I don't often think in terms of USD, but to go from 2 mil to 5 mil isn't the kind of trend I like. Not everyone that goes to a casa is a gringo with a gringo budget.When something more than doubles in price is how it is looked at from a business standpoint.

07-13-19, 20:29
When something more than doubles in price is how it is looked at from a business standpoint.Bingo! It's not the gringo value. It's looking at how things are trending.

A guy told me he went to a casa where they charged him for the condom cause he didn't have his own.

Yeah, these little costs / fees may not mean a lot in the moment but those that have been to many locations for many years tend to look at the little signs and changes because we've seen it happen in other places and know how that story can end up.

07-13-19, 20:49
Luna Lunera has a condom fee.

Bingo! It's not the gringo value. It's looking at how things are trending.

A guy told me he went to a casa where they charged him for the condom cause he didn't have his own.

Yeah, these little costs / fees may not mean a lot in the moment but those that have been to many locations for many years tend to look at the little signs and changes because we've seen it happen in other places and know how that story can end up.

Blue Touch
07-13-19, 21:35
Doubling the presentation fee, not the service fee. Possibly (I am not sure), there may be too many local visitors just looking at the girls and leaving, and the management want to reduce them.

When something more than doubles in price is how it is looked at from a business standpoint.

07-13-19, 22:39
What type of COP bills do most of you keep on you in Medellin? 1 mil or 20 mil bills or something?

I get that it varies depending on what you're planning to do with it but I just meant on average. What type of COP bills are there?

In America, most people keep 20's in cash and some 5's and 10's for example.

Also, do these casas give change back or will they just keep any change as a tip?

John Gault
07-13-19, 23:40
Bingo! It's not the gringo value. It's looking at how things are trending.

A guy told me he went to a casa where they charged him for the condom cause he didn't have his own.

Yeah, these little costs / fees may not mean a lot in the moment but those that have been to many locations for many years tend to look at the little signs and changes because we've seen it happen in other places and know how that story can end up.I look at this forum, and I see scores of posters with a handful of posts asking pertinent*questions concerning MDE.

I like to look at You Tube in general, and I see many, many videos concerning MDE.

I am as guilty as most as for up to 5 years ago I posted many times of the benefits mongering in MDE.

In 2007 I made my first trip to Costa Rica. It was a Gringo hell at the time. I returned about 4 years ago, and it was more packed with Gringos with the high prices they encourage.

I think MDE in a few years will turn worse for the Monger.

I have been to Cali 3 times, and while it was a hot climate, and the city is very spread out, I think Cali is the future for Mongers who want to enjoy Colombia without the Costa Rica effect coming to MDE.

Mr Enternational
07-14-19, 00:05
What type of COP bills do most of you keep on you in Medellin? 1 mil or 20 mil bills or something?

I get that it varies depending on what you're planning to do with it but I just meant on average. What type of COP bills are there?1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, and before someone said there was a 100,000, but I have never seen one in 14 years and over 100 trips. I don't worry about what denominations I am carrying around. I just get it out of the machine and go spend it.

The Tall Man
07-14-19, 01:07
1. New Life rooms are clean.

2. What is a "fairly safe area?" Unless you prefer to walk around the block instead of going inside the club, the inside of the club is a fairly safe area. Playmates Bar Show is named "Conejitas."

I was down to Club Maracaibo and Barra Ejecutiva last night. Had my Uber drop me off a block away to avoid hassles with taxi drivers. Walked up and waited outside for 20 minutes for another monger. Nobody bothered me. There was even a young child, whose parents are street vendors, playing on the sidewalk.

Might as well review them too. Just did a walk through of Barra Ejecutiva before sitting in Maracaibo. There were a couple who were doable in my opinion. Maracaibo had more girls and a few were very nice. There were also several who were way out of my weight class. Not very crowded in either club.But the rooms at both Barra Executiva and Maracaibo suck big time, I have been in both clubs rooms numerous times and even if I see a chica that I want to party with I refuse to bring her into those rooms, especially the one at Maracaibo where you need to crawl under the bar and thru a small crawl hole behind the bar and then what you get are a moldy room that looks like your in some kind of macabre movie, its that bad and Barra Executiva where you enter through the men's restroom stalls and up this metal circular stairs to the rooms that were built as an after thought, when I am in these rooms I can't help but wonder what the fuck to do if a fire breaks out as there is no escape route.

SO nowadays I get the number of the chica and contact her to play outside the club.

This being said I have met some really fun chicas at both these bars.

The Tall Man.

07-14-19, 01:12
After writing up some of the massage places, I decided a massage sounded like a good idea. Took a long walk, stopped for some lunch and eventually hopped on a bus towards Poblado. My original plan was to visit OM Spa for Men, but the door was locked and nobody answered my WhatsApp message until 2 hours passed.

In the Rio Sur mall there are 3 massage places. OM Spa has already been mentioned, it's on the 4th floor. On the 3rd floor is.

El Garage Spa for Men

Carrera 43 A #6 Sur-26 suite 310.



Zen Spa Exclusive

Carrera 43 A #6 Sur-26 5th floor.

Prices 170 k for 60 min with Happy Ending.


El Garage looked a bit stuffy to me, so I headed to Zen Spa. There were 2 girls, mid 20's hanging out on the couch with no customers. Both were cute, professionally dressed, but neither was a jaw dropper.

I was led back to a small, clean room, where she turned off the lights, drew the shades and lit some candles, before leaving me to get undressed. She also offered a drink, beer was an option, but I chose water.

She gave me an excellent massage, a mix of styles that included some stretching. Be aware, if you tell her fuerte she's going to dig deep. Once she had worked my backside over from toes to scalp, she switched to very light, almost tickling massage. Her body language suggested that some touching on my part would be acceptable. A few minutes later she had me flip over.

After some light rubbing of chest and thighs, with a bit of incidental extra contact she asked if I wanted the optional extra. I did. Out came the oil and she started on me. When I attempted to get a hand under her shirt, she pulled it, and the sports bra up to give me full access.

I like the flaquitas. Small breasts, small waist, everything natural. I avoid the big breasts, real or fake. This girl was thick, not fat. Built like a brick shithouse is the term. She was easily the 4th letter of the alphabet in cup size. When she pulled that bra up, she released probably the most perfect large, natural breasts I have ever seen. I'm still in awe.

Back to the subject. She finished the task, cleaned me up and left me to get dressed. Paid her 170 k at the front desk.

I highly recommend. I'm probably heading back before I go home.

The Tall Man
07-14-19, 01:13
I look at this forum, and I see scores of posters with a handful of posts asking pertinent*questions concerning MDE.

I like to look at You Tube in general, and I see many, many videos concerning MDE.

I am as guilty as most as for up to 5 years ago I posted many times of the benefits mongering in MDE.

In 2007 I made my first trip to Costa Rica. It was a Gringo hell at the time. I returned about 4 years ago, and it was more packed with Gringos with the high prices they encourage.

I think MDE in a few years will turn worse for the Monger.

I have been to Cali 3 times, and while it was a hot climate, and the city is very spread out, I think Cali is the future for Mongers who want to enjoy Colombia without the Costa Rica effect coming to MDE.I can't disagree with these statements at all but just know that these gringos are concentrating in one general spot, this being Poblado or LLeras, so fortunately this is not the trend price wise in all of Medellin, thank god!

The Tall Man.

Krypto Knight
07-14-19, 02:19
First let me say, and you can verify from my posts, I am a long time monger in second world countries. Thailand 15 times. Bali, Vietnam, Laos. Lived in Dubai 12 years. For some context I am a white American, 58 years old.

Today was my first trip to Medellin and my first day.

I will surely provide some posts after my visit. I thank the forum for the preparation, I have read many pages of posts.

I need some direction to salvage this trip.

Based on posts here I decided to go the El Centro route as I am not a Prima Dona and I like to save money when I am a monger not throw money in the toilet, and I don't need to hang around tourists.

That said, this is not the same as low end Thailand or Vietnam etc.

I am staying at 47 Hotel Medellin which has a 7. 8 rating on hotel.com. $35 a night, great room pictures on the website.

I get to the hotel and here are the issues. No AC, No room safe, No closet? No dresser? No refrigerator. My feet hang off the end of the bed and I am only 5'8" No real bedsheets just a small thin sheet and blanket which I have never see in my life. I asked for a glass to drink my whisky in and they said go to the restaurant on the roof, which I did and the manager said only for restaurant. Went downstairs, hotel staff came up with me and I watched a 3 minute argument about 'I should not get a $1 dollar? Max glass but finally I got. You get the idea.

Then as discussed here you cannot go out and walk at night. The hotel was very clear. No, no,no, no too dangerous. So I am staying in a hotel where I can only go out in the day unless I go straight to a taxi. I cannot even take my phone out of my pocket without becoming some target? (As many experienced people here have said and as my hotel suggested even during the day).

I went to 3 restaurants today. All 3 the waiters were very agitated / annoyed that I did not speak fluent Spanish. They were annoyed I tried to use Google translate. One waitress went and got someone else to help me because she didn't want to use Google translate. All the waiters were visibly annoyed very quickly that I didn't speak Spanish. One restaurant I just walked out of due to them mocking me between themselves because I didn't speak Spanish.

Next I went to Veracruz area and checked out the scene, most of what I saw I would not go with for free. After walking for 2 hours took a 20 year old Venezuelan chick who was at best a 6 just to get something done, she was the best I saw and it was not good.

So I am trying to understand the mentality of people here who are so proud of El Centro, so proud that they can handle it. Is your only goal how cheap you can find pussy? Do you not mind staying in a hotel where it is too dangerous to go out and walk around at night? Do you not mind fucking very subpar pussy? Did I just have bad luck in the Veracruz area? Give it a try tomorrow and it will be better? Are my expectations just too high after mongering for so many years in Asia? Is your only goal how can I get the cheapest pussy but all the other qualities of a vacation are unimportant?

And if you mock and say, just go to the tourist area. Just go to the expensive areas. Let's be clear, that's not me, I don't want to hang out with stupid tourists who over pay I have been doing this 20+ years and that is not at all how I roll. Look at my past posts.

That's my first day in Medellin. I do hope my posts get better but I am not optimistic.

Mr Enternational
07-14-19, 02:38
I have read many pages of posts. I am staying at 47 Hotel Medellin which has a 7. 8 rating on hotel.com. $35 a night, great room pictures on the website.On what page did you read someone say to stay at 47 Hotel Medellin? $35 per night is a lot of freakin money for downtown. Most of us pay like $15. Hotel Nutibara and others I have read on here more times than I can count. 47 Hotel? No idea where that even is. LOL. I looked it up. You are like 1km southeast of where you should be. Nah. I would not go outside if I was staying over there either! You need to go back closer to Parque Berrio.

I get to the hotel and here are the issues. No AC, No room safe, No closet? No dresser? No refrigerator. My feet hang off the end of the bed and I am only 5'8" No real bedsheets just a small thin sheet and blanket which I have never see in my life.Welcome to Latin America. You are not getting all of that heat and AC and plush linen stuff unless you are staying in a big foreign chain hotel like Marriott or a 5 star Latin American Hotel.

I asked for a glass to drink my whisky in and they said go to the restaurant on the roof, which I did and the manager said only for restaurant. Went downstairs, hotel staff came up with me and I watched a 3 minute argument about 'I should not get a $1 dollar? Max glass but finally I got. You get the idea.Go to the grocery store to buy a glass. The hotels downtown are cheap because they are simple.

So I am trying to understand the mentality of people here who are so proud of El Centro, so proud that they can handle it. Is your only goal how cheap you can find pussy? Do you not mind staying in a hotel where it is too dangerous to go out and walk around at night? Do you not mind fucking very subpar pussy? Did I just have bad luck in the Veracruz area?I think most of us that swear by downtown are able to speak Spanish and know how to navigate the place. If someone was brand new to Latin America and did not speak Spanish then I probably would not recommend downtown to stay. Most foreigners that do not speak Spanish will stay in Poblado and maybe to go the casas like New Life during the day.

And if you mock and say, just go to the tourist area. Just go to the expensive areas. Let's be clear, that's not me, I don't want to hang out with stupid tourists who over pay I have been doing this 20+ years and that is not at all how I roll.Now it is night time. Head out to the strip clubs. Barra Ejecutiva, Maracaibo, and Conejitas. Those places are relatively cheap as well. But as I have said before, still negotiate.

Ty Down
07-14-19, 02:40
First let me say, and you can verify from my posts, I am a long time monger in second world countries. Thailand 15 times. Bali, Vietnam, Laos. Lived in Dubai 12 years. For some context I am a white American, 58 years old.

Today was my first trip to Medellin and my first day.

I will surely provide some posts after my visit. I thank the forum for the preparation, I have read many pages of posts.

I need some direction to salvage this trip.

Based on posts here I decided to go the El Centro route as I am not a Prima Dona and I like to save money when I am a monger not throw money in the toilet, and I don't need to hang around tourists.

That said, this is not the same as low end Thailand or Vietnam etc.

I am staying at 47 Hotel Medellin which has a 7. 8 rating on hotel.com. $35 a night, great room pictures on the website.

I get to the hotel and here are the issues. No AC, No room safe, No closet? No dresser? No refrigerator. My feet hang off the end of the bed and I am only 5'8" No real bedsheets just a small thin sheet and blanket which I have never see in my life. I asked for a glass to drink my whisky in and they said go to the restaurant on the roof, which I did and the manager said only for restaurant. Went downstairs, hotel staff came up with me and I watched a 3 minute argument about 'I should not get a $1 dollar? Max glass but finally I got. You get the idea.

Then as discussed here you cannot go out and walk at night. The hotel was very clear. No, no,no, no too dangerous. So I am staying in a hotel where I can only go out in the day unless I go straight to a taxi. I cannot even take my phone out of my pocket without becoming some target? (As many experienced people here have said and as my hotel suggested even during the day).

I went to 3 restaurants today. All 3 the waiters were very agitated / annoyed that I did not speak fluent Spanish. They were annoyed I tried to use Google translate. One waitress went and got someone else to help me because she didn't want to use Google translate. All the waiters were visibly annoyed very quickly that I didn't speak Spanish. One restaurant I just walked out of due to them mocking me between themselves because I didn't speak Spanish.

Next I went to Veracruz area and checked out the scene, most of what I saw I would not go with for free. After walking for 2 hours took a 20 year old Venezuelan chick who was at best a 6 just to get something done, she was the best I saw and it was not good.

So I am trying to understand the mentality of people here who are so proud of El Centro, so proud that they can handle it. Is your only goal how cheap you can find pussy? Do you not mind staying in a hotel where it is too dangerous to go out and walk around at night? Do you not mind fucking very subpar pussy? Did I just have bad luck in the Veracruz area? Give it a try tomorrow and it will be better? Are my expectations just too high after mongering for so many years in Asia? Is your only goal how can I get the cheapest pussy but all the other qualities of a vacation are unimportant?

And if you mock and say, just go to the tourist area. Just go to the expensive areas. Let's be clear, that's not me, I don't want to hang out with stupid tourists who over pay I have been doing this 20+ years and that is not at all how I roll. Look at my past posts.

That's my first day in Medellin. I do hope my posts get better but I am not optimistic.Yeah, I agree. I did my own research and had a great time in Colombia. El Pablado!! Will be back!

07-14-19, 02:44
Luna Lunera has a condom fee.His experience was at a casa en Centro.

07-14-19, 03:10
First let me say, and you can verify from my posts, I am a long time monger in second world countries. Thailand 15 times. Bali, Vietnam, Laos. Lived in Dubai 12 years. For some context I am a white American, 58 years old.

That's my first day in Medellin. I do hope my posts get better but I am not optimistic.It will get better, hopefully. Everyone is different. Not sure what your budget or taste is. There is something for everyone in Medellin so you do have options. There are a lot of nice hotels and apartments around the city. There are also different p4 p options.

Krypto Knight
07-14-19, 03:10
$35 per night is a lot of freakin money for downtown. Most of us pay like $15. Hotel Nutibara and others I have read on here more times than I can count.Hotel Nutibara is listed on Trip Advisor for Monday at between $31 and $35. How do you get it for $15?

Welcome to Latin America. You are not getting all of that heat and AC and plush linen stuff unless you are staying in a big foreign chain hotel like Marriott. I stay in lower end hotels in Asia, $25 a night, not Marriotts, they all have had things like beds your feet do not hang off of, a simple glass in the room and room safes. I don't think expecting a glass to drink from is asking for a pot of Marriott gold.

Go to the grocery store to buy a glass. Now I am beginning to understand just how cheap and willing to apologize some people here are, they are willing to say that a hotel should not even have a what? 50 cent glass to drink from in the room? Thank you, you have confirmed my suspicions.

I think most of us that swear by downtown are able to speak Spanish and know how to navigate the place. If someone was brand new to Latin America and did not speak Spanish then I probably would not recommend downtown to stay. Most foreigners that do not speak Spanish will stay in Poblado and maybe to go the casas like New Life during the day. Thanks for the confirmation but it is frustrating, I don't want to hang in Poblado. Again I made lots of efforts to speak Spanish, I do speak basic, I work with people from Central America. I did have Google translate and attempted to use it. I don't want to go to tourist areas. I don't go to tourist areas other places I have mongered. Thailand, Vietnam, Bali, Laos, Dubai (Where I went to the cheapest clubs) sounds like you are saying if you are not fluent in in Spanish and you don't want to go monger with stupid tourists give Medellin a miss? And what about the extreme poor quality of the women in the Veracruz area? Did I just have bad luck on my 2 hour walk? Or are you just willing to settle for price over quality. That is an honest quewstion I am not trying to insult you. Did I have bad luck? I am willing to try again, but I want minimum a 7 or what's the point. I saw mostly 5 and below today.

Now it is night time. Head out to the strip clubs. Barra Ejecutiva, Maracaibo, and Conejitas. Those places are relatively cheap as well. But as I have said before, still negotiate.I appreciate that, I am too angry tonight, I have not even had dinner because I had to leave a restaurant near my hotel because they became annoyed I didn't speak fluent Spanish. I will get a good night's sleep and try to clear my extremely pissed off brain and start over tomorrow. In case you didn't notice I have anger management issues. Thank you for your insights. Sadly I might have to go the tourist route but that is not what I came here for.

07-14-19, 03:16
Everyone is different. I for one do not care at all for the El Centro scene. You don't have to go to Poblado or pay the ridiculous prices the girls ask at Parque Lleras. I stay at Arbnb places in Laureles where it is a safer and a you can actually walk around and listen to music and go out partying with your girl without any issues at night. I use the internet social medias for contacts. Krypto, I recommend you look into Laureles.

I stayed at the Hotel Botero in el Centro and had the same issue, the air conditioning was not working and no refridgerator and one of the windows was broken. When I complained about how hot it was in the room during the day they gave me a portable fan which did not help at all. It is not safe to walk at night in El Centro whereas Laureles is much much more cleaner and safer.

for what it is worth , I am fluent in Spanish.

His experience was at a casa en Centro.

07-14-19, 03:27
Had a spectacular multi-hour session at Aiffe a few days ago.

Arrived early.

Picked Kelly. Nicest attitude of the five shown. She likes to party so we started. 30 kcop for chupa sin condon, negotiated 70 kcop total for chupa and anal.

After hour #1 was up, we moved to the larger room up front and Kelly brought two girls in and we picked one to join our mix, Angie. Another party girl.

After hour #2 was up, Kelly was dismissed and Angie stayed on for another two hours of party. Everything on the menu, BBBJ, BBFS, anal, A2 M, [CodeWord118] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord118), etc.

6-7 cervezas, a bottle of ron. Think my total damage was 500-600 kcop. Not bad imo for a great memoria, una chimba.

07-14-19, 03:28
Yeah, I agree. I did my own research and had a great time in Colombia. El Pablado!! Will be back!Poblado has a lot to offer.

07-14-19, 03:51
Now I am beginning to understand just how cheap and willing to apologize some people here are, they are willing to say that a hotel should not even have a what? 50 cent glass to drink from in the room? Thank you, you have confirmed my suspicions.

Centro sounds like the area for you if you want to stay in a non touristy P4 P zone.

Outside of Centro you would probably have to take a cab or if you have extra time you can take the metro subway to Centro.

There are plenty of areas where you won't see any tourists, but you will have to commute for p4 p unless you do online / social media and have them come to you. Most tourists stay in El Poblado and Laureles.

Krypto Knight
07-14-19, 04:11
Centro sounds like the area for you if you want to stay in a non touristy P4 P zone.

Outside of Centro you would probably have to take a cab or if you have extra time you can take the metro subway to Centro.

There are plenty of areas where you won't see any tourists, but you will have to commute for p4 p unless you do online / social media and have them come to you. Most tourists live in El Poblado and Laureles.I have over 80 FB adds and of those 30 what's app numbers already I am about to use, but I was hoping to avoid the much higher costs as El centro was made to sound like the "same thing" without the cost.

I've been working on FB for close to a month before my trip and have had very near daily conversations with some of the contacts (using google translate). Their photos look good, let's see if it's all real, but the cost is significantly higher then the prices quoted by experienced members here for Centro chicas. I have had several get angry when I request 150,000 for 1 hour.

Fun Luvr
07-14-19, 04:11
What type of COP bills do most of you keep on you in Medellin? 1 mil or 20 mil bills or something?

I get that it varies depending on what you're planning to do with it but I just meant on average. What type of COP bills are there?

In America, most people keep 20's in cash and some 5's and 10's for example.

Also, do these casas give change back or will they just keep any change as a tip?For normal run of the mill purchases, keep 2, 5, 10, and 20 mil bills. Very few of the taxis and small shops / restaurants will have change for 50 mil (or they say they don't have change). I always carry a few 50's because that is what you get from the ATM's, but smaller bills are better.

The casas will give you change.

Krypto Knight
07-14-19, 04:13
Everyone is different. I for one do not care at all for the El Centro scene. You don't have to go to Poblado or pay the ridiculous prices the girls ask at Parque Lleras. I stay at Arbnb places in Laureles where it is a safer and a you can actually walk around and listen to music and go out partying with your girl without any issues at night. I use the internet social medias for contacts. Krypto, I recommend you look into Laureles.

I stayed at the Hotel Botero in el Centro and had the same issue, the air conditioning was not working and no refridgerator and one of the windows was broken. When I complained about how hot it was in the room during the day they gave me a portable fan which did not help at all. It is not safe to walk at night in El Centro whereas Laureles is much much more cleaner and safer.

for what it is worth , I am fluent in Spanish.Thank you for the insight. I will look into Laureles tomorrow.

07-14-19, 04:26
I have over 80 FB adds and of those 30 what's app numbers already I am about to use, but I was hoping to avoid the much higher costs as El centro was made to sound like the "same thing" without the cost.

I've been working on FB for close to a month before my trip and have had very near daily conversations with some of the contacts (using google translate). Their photos look good, let's see if it's all real, but the cost is significantly higher then the prices quoted by experienced members here for Centro chicas. I have had several get angry when I request 150,000 for 1 hour.For what you are spending for that hotel, you could probably get a nice airbnb with a full kitchen around town or a much nicer hotel. Besides FB, you got Tinder, photoprepagos, mileroticos and several dozen more online options. 150,000 shouldn't be hard to obtain.

07-14-19, 04:35
I have over 80 FB adds and of those 30 what's app numbers already I am about to use, but I was hoping to avoid the much higher costs as El centro was made to sound like the "same thing" without the cost.

I've been working on FB for close to a month before my trip and have had very near daily conversations with some of the contacts (using google translate). Their photos look good, let's see if it's all real, but the cost is significantly higher then the prices quoted by experienced members here for Centro chicas. I have had several get angry when I request 150,000 for 1 hour.I know you want to plan everything down to a tee, but it doesn't work like that. You can do some broad planning, but you have to be fluid with your plans as they may not go as expected.

I suggest you don't talk too much about price till you are there. They will grandstand now, of course, and try to get you to pay up. The truth is 150 k is a fair price there. If they ask, it is Ok to throw in taxi money, and if you are super pleased a small propina.

One other useful trick is to get a local number, then message them on whatsapp and all of a sudden your 150 k will be a good rate.

North american whatsapp numbers make them expect more.

On the day you are interested throw out what you want and what you are prepared to pay, and if its going nowhere just move to the next one. You said you have an 80 long list. You might want to check out a casa, a strip club, might run into a nice chick on the street, you just never know what will happen.

07-14-19, 04:55
1. New Life rooms are clean.

2. What is a "fairly safe area?" Unless you prefer to walk around the block instead of going inside the club, the inside of the club is a fairly safe area. Playmates Bar Show is named "Conejitas."

I was down to Club Maracaibo and Barra Ejecutiva last night. Had my Uber drop me off a block away to avoid hassles with taxi drivers. Walked up and waited outside for 20 minutes for another monger. Nobody bothered me. There was even a young child, whose parents are street vendors, playing on the sidewalk.

Might as well review them too. Just did a walk through of Barra Ejecutiva before sitting in Maracaibo. There were a couple who were doable in my opinion. Maracaibo had more girls and a few were very nice. There were also several who were way out of my weight class. Not very crowded in either club.So basically even though people generally advise to stay out of El Centro at night you're saying it's safe as long as you take a uber to & from and not walk around? Also, you didn't tell me if for the hour price at the casa I can cum twice and what's the price at new life for 1 HR where I cum twice?

Fun Luvr
07-14-19, 04:56
Thanks for the confirmation but it is frustrating, I don't want to hang in Poblado. Again I made lots of efforts to speak Spanish, I do speak basic, I work with people from Central America. I did have Google translate and attempted to use it. I don't want to go to tourist areas. I don't go to tourist areas other places I have mongered. Thailand, Vietnam, Bali, Laos, Dubai (Where I went to the cheapest clubs) sounds like you are saying if you are not fluent in in Spanish and you don't want to go monger with stupid tourists give Medellin a miss? And what about the extreme poor quality of the women in the Veracruz area? Did I just have bad luck on my 2 hour walk? Or are you just willing to settle for price over quality. That is an honest quewstion I am not trying to insult you. Did I have bad luck? I am willing to try again, but I want minimum a 7 or what's the point. I saw mostly 5 and below today.IMO, you have seen what El Centro offers. There are a few attractive ladies there sometimes, but you have to look over a lot of 5's and below to find one. Finding a decent streetwalker at a decent price anywhere in the Medellin area is extremely difficult.

My suggestion is to get on the Metro and go to the San Antonia station. Get off and get on the train that goes to San Javier. You don't have to pay again as long as you don't go through the turnstile. Get off of that train at Estadio (3rd stop). Walk down LA 70 (you're see which way to go once you are out of the station) and check out some hotels on that street. That street is noisy at night on the weekends, but it is safe. You can go out almost anytime and find restaurants and sidewalk vendors to get a variety of food. Once you have found a suitable hotel, then start working Facebook contacts. I think you will find the ladies are much more willing to go to Laureles than to El Centro. For new ladies on Facebook, I offer 150 mil and taxi one way. In many years of doing that, I have had maybe two ladies that got an attitude about that offer. Some will ask for more, but we usually find a compromise. My experience has been that at least 95 percent of the ladies use recent, real photos of themselves.

Good luck in your endeavors. Once you get acclimated to Medellin, I think you will like it better than the Far East.

07-14-19, 05:53
Hotel Nutibara is listed on Trip Advisor for Monday at between $31 and $35. How do you get it for $15?

I stay in lower end hotels in Asia, $25 a night, not Marriotts, they all have had things like beds your feet do not hang off of, a simple glass in the room and room safes. I don't think expecting a glass to drink from is asking for a pot of Marriott gold.

Now I am beginning to understand just how cheap and willing to apologize some people here are, they are willing to say that a hotel should not even have a what? 50 cent glass to drink from in the room? Thank you, you have confirmed my suspicions..Let's start with my Spanish. It's currently around 30%. 2 years ago it was at 5-10% and that's being generous. I've eaten hundreds of meals in a lot of restaurants from one end of Medellin to the other. I've never had any restaurant treat me poorly because of my poor Spanish. Part of that is attitude. I recognize going in there will be language difficulties. So I ask for a menu "una carta por favor. " If they are talking to fast, I mention my poor Spanish and ask them to speak slower "solo hablo un poco de Espanol. Habla mas despacio por favor. " If I'm not sure what the menu says, I take a picture with Google Translate and let it work it's magic. If all else fails, I point at my selection.

People in Medellin are friendly, but they're also people. If you're getting angry with them over your issue, they won't be as friendly.

Next, the hotel issues. $35 is high for El Centro. Just about all El Centro hotels are bare minimum. Room safes and air conditioning are almost impossible to find. Air conditioning is also rare in most apartments. I've lived in 2 and am staying in a third, all in upscale neighborhoods and none have had AC. Electricity is expensive here and the climate is relatively mild. It's possible to get by without AC, although the worst place to try is El Centro. Other than mid to high end hotels, about the only apartments with AC are geared towards gringos at gringo prices.

I'd also recommend settling in Laureles. Even without AC it will be more comfortable. They get a nice breeze every afternoon. From there you can use the metro to El Centro (2550 cop) daytime and use taxis at night.

For the girls, Veracruz is a crap shoot. But you're talking about spending $12. Do you really expect a supermodel for $12? I'd recommend the casas. You'll pay $17, but it's a nicer environment. It's cleaner too, if you stick with the main places. If you don't find what you want, you might have to pay a dollar or so for a presentation fee. I usually just buy a beer.

The strip clubs are another option. Typically you'll pay 80 k, about $24. The rooms are rather nasty, but you should, after 10:30, have a reasonable selection. Club Maracaibo are just a few feet apart.

I don't recommend people walk around El Centro at night. There's no need. There are only a few places to go at night and it's easier to taxi to the door.

Here's a solution, except on Sunday, for your restaurant problem. Go to Delicias Al Natural Carrera 43 #55-35. The owner Juan speaks excellent English and the food is great and cheap. It's also just a block from New Life.

Another solution is to download the Rappi or Domicilios app. You can have anything delivered for a very reasonable delivery fee.

If you have anger management issues, the best thing might be to catch the next flight out. You're probably okay in restaurants or hotels, but out in the street that can get you hurt.

07-14-19, 05:59
$35 a night, great room pictures on the website.

I just walked out of due to them mocking me between themselves because I didn't speak Spanish.

.I thought I'll comment since I feel like we have a lot in common. I spent years and Asia and around and have only been in Medellín a few weeks.

Your hotel sucks plain and simple. Try somewhere else, I will never recommend a $$$ place. I stayed at HOTEL DORADO LA 70 the 1st days I was here. Ranges $40-50 in the Laureles area and it left me wanting for NOTHING. Perfect AC, fridge, wifi, cleaning and service.

I don't speak any Spanish and NO ONE AT ALL in 30 restaurants by now has actes like this to me. For your own sanity you need to introspect my friend, your body language and attitude is bringing this about because my experience proves it is not the basic character of the Colombian people.

One guy even said something like (on my second visit) "oh you're the guy who doesn't know much Spanish". Then he sat down at the table and spoke in slow motion so I could figure out he was just giving his name as the waiter and asking what drink I want to start. I was blown away by his kindness.

07-14-19, 06:35
Thank you for the insight. I will look into Laureles tomorrow.In Laureles newer apartments + no guest fees. Search $30-$70, daily rentals, 1-2 bedrooms. I get 30 options that should be much better than a hotel.

IMHO apartments are always better a value / experience worldwide. Not sure if I can post live links add www.

Lifeafar. Com.



Travis McGee
07-14-19, 11:44
First, a big thank-you to all the members who have contributed such excellent information about MDE. I'll be going there for the first time in late August and feel well-prepared thanks to you.

I have a question about love motels in Medellin. If you don't have a car and the chica doesn't have a car, how does the check-in and meeting work? Do you get a room and then wait for the chica to arrive and have her call you? Do you wait out front and check in together? I ask because the love motels I've been to before have been located in the suburbs or rural areas; I've never been to one in an urban area where, I suspect, there is a good amount of foot traffic. Thanks for any tips you can provide.


07-14-19, 12:38
First let me say, and you can verify from my posts, I am a long time monger in second world countries. Thailand 15 times. Bali, Vietnam, Laos. Lived in Dubai 12 years. For some context I am a white American, 58 years old.

That's my first day in Medellin. I do hope my posts get better but I am not optimistic.I think you'd find a better time in the casas. There are probably 10 - 20 around where you are, just look at World Traveler's map. You'll get what you're looking for at casas like New Life; beautiful girls, cheap prices, and safety. If you don't like going to brothels I recommend you go at least once, find a girl you like and arrange to meet outside her working hours.

07-14-19, 12:57
I think he just needs to get away from el centro. Follow the advice I and others gave and get an apartment away from El centro. Last time I was in Medellin I was there for 10 days, not once did I visit or care to see El Centro. Had plenty of entertainment day and night in a relaxed safe environment. Apartment with kitchen, clean modern shower, nice bed, ac that works and a safe that actually works! cheaper as well then spending the 35 dollars a night in el centro.

I think you'd find a better time in the casas. There are probably 10 - 20 around where you are, just look at World Traveler's map. You'll get what you're looking for at casas like New Life; beautiful girls, cheap prices, and safety. If you don't like going to brothels I recommend you go at least once, find a girl you like and arrange to meet outside her working hours.

07-14-19, 13:38
Zaza / Fantasia really needed a makeover. The session rooms were starting to get to unacceptably cruddy level. There was a good looking popular girl there with a big natural ass who uses the name Paloma.Paloma was in the lineup.

07-14-19, 13:53
Is there a list of casas in laureles anyone is aware of. Any recommendations of casas in Laureles?

Thanks much!I have found most to be small private apartments that have 2-4 girls working out of them. You can get a presentation of the available girls. I found these on Mileroticos or Photoprepagos or other online sites. There are a couple massage places that offer full service with nice large rooms, Tantra and Energy I think are the best usually 150 mil for an hour.

07-14-19, 14:29
I think you'd find a better time in the casas. There are probably 10 - 20 around where you are, just look at World Traveler's map. You'll get what you're looking for at casas like New Life; beautiful girls, cheap prices, and safety. If you don't like going to brothels I recommend you go at least once, find a girl you like and arrange to meet outside her working hours.Agree 100% a lot of guys stay in the gringo areas like Laureles and El Poblado so they can have things like Starbucks and Godfathers Pizza and just cab or metro it down to Centro during the day for p4 p and hit places like strip clubs around town, Lleras or maybe Mayorista at night or have an online chica come to their apartment or hotel.

07-14-19, 14:33
Is there a list of casas in laureles anyone is aware of. Any recommendations of casas in Laureles?

Thanks much!Try these.

07-14-19, 15:17
I think he just needs to get away from el centro. Follow the advice I and others gave and get an apartment away from El centro. Last time I was in Medellin I was there for 10 days, not once did I visit or care to see El Centro. Had plenty of entertainment day and night in a relaxed safe environment. Apartment with kitchen, clean modern shower, nice bed, ac that works and a safe that actually works! cheaper as well then spending the 35 dollars a night in el centro.It's good advice, except he wants to pay at the low end for girls. The prices he wants to pay are found in El Centro. Lodging, however, Laureles is definitely a better option than his current location.

My opinion is that a good Facebook girl is a better bargain, provided your place is chica friendly. With taxi you're in for 170-250 k depending on the girl, what you want and your bargaining skills. You spend 2-4 hours, even more with the girl. You're in a clean, comfortable environment. You have your things handy. You can take your time or you can get in 3 pops if you've got a quick recovery. You're probably able to get BBBJ with no extra cost. Once she's there, she's usually in no hurry to leave. It's just a more relaxing experience, for me.

If you're a 3 pop guy, you'll pay 120-150 k in El Centro. Plus taxi, plus 60-150 k for BBBJ, plus taxi out, plus walking to several casas to find 3 girls. And each one is no more than 30 minutes from "hola" to "gracias. ".

But El Centro appeals to some. It's all a matter of getting your priorities in order.

07-14-19, 16:24
Greetings all,

Dumb question, but it' won't be the first, I'm sure. I'm thinking about trying out the Mansion this trip, but not sure the actual name of the hotel. Is it just "The Mansion"?

07-14-19, 16:27
Greetings all,

Dumb question, but it' won't be the first, I'm sure. I'm thinking about trying out the Mansion this trip, but not sure the actual name of the hotel. Is it just "The Mansion"?The current name is Hotel M. Search Google for Hotel M Medellin and you'll find it.

Travis McGee
07-14-19, 16:41
Greetings all,

Dumb question, but it' won't be the first, I'm sure. I'm thinking about trying out the Mansion this trip, but not sure the actual name of the hotel. Is it just "The Mansion"?The place is now formally known as The Medellin Plaza Hotel: http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/.

Big Boss Man
07-14-19, 17:14
Try these.https://scort-masajes-y-erotismo-en-medellin-24-horas.negocio.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral


I also recommend University Girls.


Just from perusing the classified ads, it looks as if a number of new places have opened up in Laureles since I was there last August.

07-14-19, 17:16
Let's start with my Spanish. It's currently around 30%. 2 years ago it was at 5-10% and that's being generous. I've eaten hundreds of meals in a lot of restaurants from one end of Medellin to the other. I've never had any restaurant treat me poorly because of my poor Spanish. Part of that is attitude. I recognize going in there will be language difficulties. So I ask for a menu "una carta por favor. " If they are talking to fast, I mention my poor Spanish and ask them to speak slower "solo hablo un poco de Espanol. Habla mas despacio por favor. " If I'm not sure what the menu says, I take a picture with Google Translate and let it work it's magic. If all else fails, I point at my selection.

People in Medellin are friendly, but they're also people. If you're getting angry with them over your issue, they won't be as friendly.

Next, the hotel issues. $35 is high for El Centro. Just about all El Centro hotels are bare minimum. Room safes and air conditioning are almost impossible to find. Air conditioning is also rare in most apartments. I've lived in 2 and am staying in a third, all in upscale neighborhoods and none have had AC. Electricity is expensive here and the climate is relatively mild. It's possible to get by without AC, although the worst place to try is El Centro. Other than mid to high end hotels, about the only apartments with AC are geared towards gringos at gringo prices..Anger management issues, I think you hit the nail on the head with that one.

07-14-19, 17:38
Hotel Nutibara is listed on Trip Advisor for Monday at between $31 and $35. How do you get it for $15?

I stay in lower end hotels in Asia, $25 a night, not Marriotts, they all have had things like beds your feet do not hang off of, a simple glass in the room and room safes. I don't think expecting a glass to drink from is asking for a pot of Marriott gold.

Now I am beginning to understand just how cheap and willing to apologize some people here are, they are willing to say that a hotel should not even have a what? 50 cent glass to drink from in the room? Thank you, you have confirmed my suspicions.

Thanks for the confirmation but it is frustrating, I don't want to hang in Poblado. Again I made lots of efforts to speak Spanish, I do speak basic, I work with people from Central America. I did have Google translate and attempted to use it..It appears as though Medellin and Colombia just isn't going to work for you as one of the issues is the language barrier for you, and with the Colombians being very formal and polite, it will be a problem for you if you get frustrated and anger easily. Again, and as mentioned by others, the language barrier is a big issue her versus other mongering venues, and that is a big part of the problem your having here. I have been to every single other country you have mentioned, and call tell you that in those Countries a lot of people speak English, but that is not the case in Colombia. So I wouldn't get frustrated about this because you have no control over it. Hopefully you will have some good experiences before your departure.

07-14-19, 17:53
So basically even though people generally advise to stay out of El Centro at night you're saying it's safe as long as you take a uber to & from and not walk around? Also, you didn't tell me if for the hour price at the casa I can cum twice and what's the price at new life for 1 HR where I cum twice?Strip clubs don't like having people robbed or killed in front of their doors. It blocks traffic and is bad for business. If they let people get robbed outside the club, they won't be able to spend money inside the club. There are dozens of reports where people advise taking a taxi, at night, directly to the strip club. There's no need to walk more than a short distance.

I didn't answer your other questions because I have never done an hour at New Life or asked for 2 pops. I believe the 1 hour rate is 70 k. They have the prices posted. I also believe you usually have to negotiate the second round with the girl.

New Life doesn't make you pay up front. They charge based on how long you're in the room. Extras are negotiated directly with the girl.

Taiwan Laowai
07-14-19, 18:00
First let me say, and you can verify from my posts, I am a long time monger in second world countries. Thailand 15 times. Bali, Vietnam, Laos. Lived in Dubai 12 years. For some context I am a white American, 58 years old.

Today was my first trip to Medellin and my first day.

I will surely provide some posts after my visit. I thank the forum for the preparation, I have read many pages of posts.

I need some direction to salvage this trip.

Based on posts here I decided to go the El Centro route as I am not a Prima Dona and I like to save money when I am a monger not throw money in the toilet, and I don't need to hang around tourists.

That said, this is not the same as low end Thailand or Vietnam etc.

I am staying at 47 Hotel Medellin which has a 7. 8 rating on hotel.com. $35 a night, great room pictures on the website.

I get to the hotel and here are the issues. No AC, No room safe, No closet? No dresser? No refrigerator. My feet hang off the end of the bed and I am only 5'8" No real bedsheets just a small thin sheet and blanket which I have never see in my life. I asked for a glass to drink my whisky in and they said go to the restaurant on the roof, which I did and the manager said only for restaurant. Went downstairs, hotel staff came up with me and I watched a 3 minute argument about 'I should not get a $1 dollar? Max glass but finally I got. You get the idea.

Then as discussed here you cannot go out and walk at night. The hotel was very clear. No, no,no, no too dangerous. So I am staying in a hotel where I can only go out in the day unless I go straight to a taxi. I cannot even take my phone out of my pocket without becoming some target? (As many experienced people here have said and as my hotel suggested even during the day).

I went to 3 restaurants today. All 3 the waiters were very agitated / annoyed that I did not speak fluent Spanish. They were annoyed I tried to use Google translate. One waitress went and got someone else to help me because she didn't want to use Google translate. All the waiters were visibly annoyed very quickly that I didn't speak Spanish. One restaurant I just walked out of due to them mocking me between themselves because I didn't speak Spanish.

Next I went to Veracruz area and checked out the scene, most of what I saw I would not go with for free. After walking for 2 hours took a 20 year old Venezuelan chick who was at best a 6 just to get something done, she was the best I saw and it was not good.

So I am trying to understand the mentality of people here who are so proud of El Centro, so proud that they can handle it. Is your only goal how cheap you can find pussy? Do you not mind staying in a hotel where it is too dangerous to go out and walk around at night? Do you not mind fucking very subpar pussy? Did I just have bad luck in the Veracruz area? Give it a try tomorrow and it will be better? Are my expectations just too high after mongering for so many years in Asia? Is your only goal how can I get the cheapest pussy but all the other qualities of a vacation are unimportant?

And if you mock and say, just go to the tourist area. Just go to the expensive areas. Let's be clear, that's not me, I don't want to hang out with stupid tourists who over pay I have been doing this 20+ years and that is not at all how I roll. Look at my past posts.

That's my first day in Medellin. I do hope my posts get better but I am not optimistic.Like you, I am experienced in 2nd and 3rd world countries. Last month, I stayed in El Centro but unlike you, I chose Hotel Nutibara as per Tall Man's recommendation. Everything was fantastic there. Aircon, bedsheets, breakfast, refrigerator, service, attitude, etc. Cost was just about $30 per night (best value for money I've seen anywhere). The area is dodgy at night but still manageable. During day, there are so many food walking and service options. I got fantastic haircut at barber down the street. Many casas are in walking distance and the hotel has a real charge given it's age and history dating back to 40's or around abouts. Maybe you picked the wrong hotel.

07-14-19, 18:52
I stayed at the Hotel Botero in el Centro and had the same issue, the air conditioning was not working and no refridgerator and one of the windows was broken. When I complained about how hot it was in the room during the day they gave me a portable fan which did not help at all. It is not safe to walk at night in El Centro whereas Laureles is much much more cleaner and safer.
Hotel Botero tips:

Tell them you want a fridge and they will get you one.

Stay on as high a floor as you can, less noise, more breeze.

Stay in room on NW side of building (side opposite entrance) it will be cooler in the morning but warmer in the afternoon. But I am out of the room then usually. When in the room during the afternoon I sometimes leave the door open and get a nice breeze thru the room.

Wedge the fan in the window blowing in on the bed, it will be too cool by morning usually.

Hotel Botero seems to have lowered their prices, showing up as $15 a night at the moment on Hotel.com.

I have a lengthy review on the Botero in Forum: Colombia-Thread: Medellin Hotels and Rental Apartments, post #925, with directions to the clubs, ATM, food, etc.

07-14-19, 19:07
Hotel Nutibara is listed on Trip Advisor for Monday at between $31 and $35. How do you get it for $15?

I stay in lower end hotels in Asia, $25 a night, not Marriotts, they all have had things like beds your feet do not hang off of, a simple glass in the room and room safes. I don't think expecting a glass to drink from is asking for a pot of Marriott gold.

Now I am beginning to understand just how cheap and willing to apologize some people here are, they are willing to say that a hotel should not even have a what? 50 cent glass to drink from in the room? Thank you, you have confirmed my suspicions.

Thanks for the confirmation but it is frustrating, I don't want to hang in Poblado. Again I made lots of efforts to speak Spanish, I do speak basic, I work with people from Central America. I did have Google translate and attempted to use it. I don't want to go to tourist areas. I don't go to tourist areas other places I have mongered. Thailand, Vietnam, Bali, Laos, Dubai (Where I went to the cheapest clubs) sounds like you are saying if you are not fluent in in Spanish and you don't want to go monger with stupid tourists give Medellin a miss? And what about the extreme poor quality of the women in the Veracruz area? Did I just have bad luck on my 2 hour walk? Or are you just willing to settle for price over quality. That is an honest quewstion I am not trying to insult you. Did I have bad luck? I am willing to try again, but I want minimum a 7 or what's the point. I saw mostly 5 and below today.

I appreciate that, I am too angry tonight, I have not even had dinner because I had to leave a restaurant near my hotel because they became annoyed I didn't speak fluent Spanish. I will get a good night's sleep and try to clear my extremely pissed off brain and start over tomorrow. In case you didn't notice I have anger management issues. Thank you for your insights. Sadly I might have to go the tourist route but that is not what I came here for.I think this is an honest report and there should be a lot more of them. Lots of mongers think just like you. Your right that many of us are cheap and willing to overlook quite a bit at this destination. Lots of guys think being "cheap" is an insult but it is a badge of honor being thrifty.

This thread is filled with reports mostly about how Medellin seems to be the perfect mongering place with just a hint of social problems that can be overlooked by the seasoned traveler. It obviously isn't. If it was perfect everyone would be here.

I am sure there are many guys who's expectations were not met after their first trip or they were hustled, robbed or ripped off and they have not reported as such.

Thanks for speaking your mind and warning newbies about the trials and tribulations of mongering in Medellin, Colombia.

07-14-19, 19:09
It appears as though Medellin and Colombia just isn't going to work for you as one of the issues is the language barrier for you, and with the Colombians being very formal and polite, it will be a problem for you if you get frustrated and anger easily. Again, and as mentioned by others, the language barrier is a big issue her versus other mongering venues, and that is a big part of the problem your having here. I have been to every single other country you have mentioned, and call tell you that in those Countries a lot of people speak English, but that is not the case in Colombia. So I wouldn't get frustrated about this because you have no control over it. Hopefully you will have some good experiences before your departure.I did not have Spanish in school and have never heard Spanish until I met some Hispanic coworkers in United States. I had a great time on my first trip. If I can spend time scouring FB and casing out P4 P places I can also at least make an effort to learn a few words. I do not think experienced mongers have issues with language. P4P is an universal unless you require all your encounters to be GFE. That is a tall order even for a native speaker.

07-14-19, 19:24
First, a big thank-you to all the members who have contributed such excellent information about MDE. I'll be going there for the first time in late August and feel well-prepared thanks to you.

I have a question about love motels in Medellin. If you don't have a car and the chica doesn't have a car, how does the check-in and meeting work? Do you get a room and then wait for the chica to arrive and have her call you? Do you wait out front and check in together? I ask because the love motels I've been to before have been located in the suburbs or rural areas; I've never been to one in an urban area where, I suspect, there is a good amount of foot traffic. Thanks for any tips you can provide.

Travis.This all depends on which Love Motel you go to. The higher end motels have a drive up gate. At the best of the best your taxi will deposit you at the door to your room. Other places, the taxi will enter the compound and a motel employee will lead you to a room.

Other motels, like many in El Centro, Mayorista and Laureles, you simply walk into the lobby and get a key.

Unless the woman is someone I'm repeating with, I won't have them meet me at the Love Motel. Instead I'll meet them at a public place and spend some time before getting in a taxi. A few times, with ones I know, I've met them outside the gate of Motel Ibiza, hopped in the taxi with them and went through the normal process.

07-14-19, 19:25
I am gearing up for my second trip next month. Last time I stayed in Mansion for a couple of days then shifted to San Peter in Laureles for rest of 10 day trip. My biggest complaint there is the noise from the bars in the area especially from Thursday to Sunday. Otherwise, I think its a perfect location to hit up centro during the day and strip clubs plus other P4P areas in the evening. Although I really loved it for the price and location, I think the pricing has crept up in place and is close to Casacol pricing ($50). As you guys may know Casacol has apartments all over MDE including Moderetto in Laureles. I did check it out last time but did not stay there. Any reviews on Casacol places? Can anyone compare san peter with Moderatto building. Also I have read here that Laureles hotels are not P4 P friendly. Any updated info. On the Laureles area by seniors would be appreciated.

07-14-19, 20:00
From another week in Medellin. For those who are newer, let me give you some basic facts about me so you can decide whether you want to listen to me or not.

Been visiting Medellin for 14+ years, but never lived there.

Married to Colombiana from Bogota for 9 years. Now divorced.

53 YO gringo. Spanish is functional, but not fluent.

Used to stay in Poblado. Now stay in Laureles.

While I often try to tell myself that I'm going to try the casas again, go to Veracruz, or go to Centro strip clubs, I always end up doing the same. I see a mix of regulars and new FB girls and have ventured into the non-pro arena. I could save money by going to casas, but I typically pay FB girls 150 K and taxi one way. Non-pros are not guaranteed sex, but I've had fun with some, even without banging them. My trips are not solely about sex, but enjoying myself.

At any rate, nothing earth-shattering to say about most of my sessions. I don't think any were bad. Some were great. The best one is from a girl who is average looking and skinny. But she's into it. Loves to suck her own tits and squirt the milk out of her mouth back onto her chest. Tried anal for the first time and I was happy to oblige. I don't do it often, but she likes ass play, so I knew she'd like anal after the initial pain subsided.

At any rate, on my last night I had a date with a non-pro. She has a normal job and we never talked about sex or money. We decided to go to a place I like in Aranjuez for some cocktails and shots. She asked me to pick her up (instead of her coming to me), which tells you this was more like a normal date. She lives in Villa Hermosa. So I took off in the taxi. Went through a bunch of barrios I did not know. Some of it was a little scary and I was beginning to wonder if I had made a mistake. One street something big was on fire. Passed by a couple of working girls on the corner. Both of them looked pretty hot. If I didn't have a date, I might have gotten the taxi drive to stop so I could talk to one of them.

Fortunately, when I finally got to her neighborhood in Villa Hermoso, things improved. Her house was on a nice, quiet and clean street in a nice neighborhood. She came out of the house and off we went.

Got to Aranjuez and went in. The place is not big and it was not crowded. There is a new bar right next door and it was rockin'. But I wanted to stay where we were. Good music. Combo of ranchero, villenato, salsa, etc. Good cocktails. And we could talk with some privacy. Had a nice conversation with her, although I had to work hard because she talked fast and her Spanish was not as clear as I have heard. But very sweet girl. As we drank, she loosened up. She was drinking margaritas and ordered some shots in between. She eventually warmed up a lot, much to my enjoyment. Lots of kisses and hugs and authorized touching. Fun sharing a bom-bom-bon (lollipop).

Unfortunately, it turns out that she does not often drink a lot, so toward the end of the night, she threw up. No big deal. We got in the taxi and I was going to take her home, but after about 5 minutes she told the taxitas to instead go to my apartment. We slept together, but did not have sex. Which was fine. I had a good evening. And I know that respectable Colombian women never sleep with a guy on the first date.

The point to all of this is to say that there is a lot of fun to be had in the barrios. I am not suggesting this to newbies or to anyone who knows no Spanish. But it's nice to be somewhere where you are not in the presence of a bunch of loud, drunk gringos. People are nice to me. They do not bother me. I never felt any threat (of course, I get out of the taxi and go into the bar and then leave in a taxi. I do not walk the streets). I always go with a chica, so not trolling the bars alone. It is real Colombia. Not Lleras. Give it a try.

And by the way, the total bill was 103 mil. That included 8 cocktails and 6 shots. And the waitress was hot. Good times.

Mr Enternational
07-14-19, 20:23
And I know that respectable Colombian women never sleep with a guy on the first date.You had me up until this phrase. Maybe women that make a rule for themselves not to fuck someone on the first date are doing it for the sake of rule making and tricking themselves that they have control of themselves. But it has nothing to do with whether they are respectable or not. I have fucked tons of respectable Colombian women on the first date. People are people and people like affection and fucking.

Plus if I tell everyone I just got a respectable new girl they would probably look at me crazy and say what the fuck does that have to do with anything. Tell me when you get a rich girl or a fine ass girl; but respectable? Uhhh, Okay.

07-14-19, 21:27
You had me up until this phrase. Maybe women that make a rule for themselves not to fuck someone on the first date are doing it for the sake of rule making and tricking themselves that they have control of themselves. But it has nothing to do with whether they are respectable or not. I have fucked tons of respectable Colombian women on the first date. People are people and people like affection and fucking.

Plus if I tell everyone I just got a respectable new girl they would probably look at me crazy and say what the fuck does that have to do with anything. Tell me when you get a rich girl or a fine ass girl; but respectable? Uhhh, Okay.I'm with you on this one. If a girl gets drunk with you on the first date, then asks to go to your apartment, the probability that she's willing to give it up is pretty high.

However, if she's drunk enough to be tossing her cookies, I'm not even sleeping in the same bed with her. Falling down drunk girls are a big turnoff and there's always the possibility that the alcohol was making all the decisions. I'd rather avoid any unpleasantness in the morning, not to mention hangover breath.

Krypto Knight
07-14-19, 21:40
I really appreciate everyone taking the time to offer some feedback and advice, what a great website this is and Medellin has some very thoughtful posters.

I think I will focus on quality over quantity. I am about to go look at the Laurels area.

I am confident it will turn into a great trip. Even today just walking around El Centro was great because of the much more relaxed vibe on a Sunday, I truely enjoyed a 2 hour relaxing walk and meal.

A couple points, people have criticized the cost of $35 for the hotel. This is the weekend price. I see it for $29 starting Monday. I am told $15 is obtainable at Hotel Nutibara but when I search I see between $31 and $39. How do you get the $15 price?

The anger management issues were not in the restaurants, it was just how I felt when I came back to the hotel after a trying day, a flight that was delayed to a 4 AM arrival, and then waking at 8 AM unable to sleep, I knew going out would not be a good idea.

I knew I was writing an angry post but I though it important to get onto the forum how I was feeling in it's raw state rather than wait until the next day and sugar coat everything. I felt expressing my ideas honestly would be the most productive route and it proved correct. After a day of cooling off I still agree with the context of my comments.

I will reboot and post on the positive experiences I am sure I will have thanks now to all the great advise here.

Muchas Gracias!

07-14-19, 21:55
Atta boy!

Rest and a good night sleep usually results in a fresh new perspective.

Guys are just being guys even on this site. We have to fix everything.

Some people will never ever return to Medellin or Colombia for one reason or another, but there will usually be someone trying to fix it because they should have done this or that because it works for them.

News flash! Not everyone likes chocolate, big tits or petite naive women.