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Mr Enternational
02-02-20, 03:41
Would you rather see that 19 why / o that is f'ing gorgeous, even if she does't want to kiss you, wants to cover you for oral, and once you've enjoyed yourself, she will race you to the shower with a starting speed that would make Usain Bolt jealous. Is that what you want? It's available and in big numbers.

Take a slightly different available experience. Say there is a young woman who is in her early 30's.

So, I'm full circle back to JjBee62's point. It is all about perception.But what if the 19 year old is the way you described the 30 year old, and the 30 year old is the way you described the 19 year old?

Mr Enternational
02-02-20, 03:45
Got it, thanks. I've been there. Some hot chicks that sit outside of bars usually by themselves don't make eye contact and kind of look away. I guess they are just bait for folks to walk in, right?Why do some guys concern themselves with eye contact? That is like a game a woman would play. Well I was waiting for you to make eye contact, but you didn't. If you like the person, then walk up and talk to them. Fuck the peek-a-boo games.

Mr Enternational
02-02-20, 04:05
What happens to the girls if they get caught selling sex while using a fake ID?LOL. There are tons of chicks on Degrieff and Santa Fe that don't even LOOK old enough to get an ID. Ain't shit going to happen to them. (The police is right there in front of them all night and I have not seen them fuck with them yet.) Best to worry about what could happen to you if you fuck with them.

Really? If you follow the evolutionary train of reasoning, this type of guilt is a desirable feature that evolution will preserve. Regardless, from a pure efficiency standpoint, I'm sure a chick who is not pregnant can work more hours compare to a pregnant chick (especially during and after pregnancy). Rising a child involves more than just a little bit trouble, especially if the family is in financial hardship.You are speaking just like a man that is going back to Medellin in two weeks and staying for three weeks. When you are in a different boat, such as not knowing if you will be able to come up with the rent or if you will be able to eat tonight, all that philosophizing goes out of the window. Guilt is a learned behavior; it is not innate as you are ascribing. And it still does not affect half the people that have been taught it. You see that from watching the news everyday. Last year there was a man in Florida that had just bought an $8 million island, yet he was caught stealing from Kmart. Where was his guilt?

I was in the north of Thailand with my mom and my aunts. In the middle of the day there were kids out begging. My mom asked me why those kids were out there instead of in school. I started laughing. Spoken just like someone from a first world country. School is way down the list on the survival scale. Money for food and rent is way up on the scale, no matter how it can be obtained.

How do you know the pregnant chick is not able to charge twice as much as the other chicks because she is a novelty? And pregnant does not mean incapacitated. Maybe all these parking spaces for pregnant chicks have you fooled. Reminds me of Curb Your Enthusiasm the other day when Larry David thought the pregnant woman was going to have problems with the baby because she was at the gym exercising and out doing the same normal shit she would do if she was not pregnant.

Unfortunately, poor people do not think about the financial hardship and time that is involved when they are getting knocked up or knocking people up. The evolutionary train ensures that more people will be made, no matter if the people are filthy rich or dirt poor. Economic position has no bearing in whether more mfs in the animal kingdom will be or can be created. No matter how important we want to make ourselves feel, our only job here is to continue to populate the place.

02-02-20, 04:45
I was in Medellin from Saturday Jan 25th until Monday the 27th. Clearly there must be 2 centro's or 2 ground zero's because, clearly ground zero is Calle 52 and Carrera 52. Now, this is the infamous pole that all of the vennies use to hang around, but not many vennies can hang around the pole anymore, because many of you board members have impregnated all of the Vennies who use to hang around the pole. I kid you not; I counted over 17 pregnant girls in Centro on my arrival.

The infamous pole was designated for all of the pretty 18-20 yr old Vennies, but I can assure you that many of you Gringos have impregnated these honeys. I absolutely laughed about the entire situation and capitalized on the entire event. I banged 9 chicas on Saturday and 6 on Sunday and I did not have to move an inch. Many of the impregnated chicas that wouldn't give me a second look in August and September were begging me for a no holds barred cita with them on this trip. I thought that was seriously funny. I have an answer for SJobs, on post as well, one of the pregnant chicas was walking with her husband and she spoke to me, I politely spoke back and gave her a hug, then I asked her was she working and she said yes. The husband, her 2 sisters and her cousin went home and left her with me, it was about 8 pm. I took her back to my room in Parque Botero and banged her tight vagina in doggy style until I had a enough, for a really good low rate and she told me that she hadn't had a date all day that's why the husband was not against her having a date, the entire family hadn't eaten all day. Guess it was my lucky day.

Now, I have a bone to pick with Surfer500, LOL, kinda in a funny way, being professional Centro Rats, I accidentally fell into a situation while on my weekend hunt in which, I was at a certain location in Centro and low and behold, I was at a place where all of the girls where located at and after I banged one, she must have left and told another so she knocked on my door and asked me if I wanted a date and dammit man she was hot as hell for 35 mil, so I told her to come on in, after I knocked her off, I dosed off for about 30 minutes and then I heard a knock at the door and Gee Whiz, it was another hot chic, asking me if I wanted a date with her and I asked her how much she wanted and she said, $30 mil, so I banged her as well. I relaxed a little bit and sure enough about 45 minutes later another chic knocked on the door and she asked if I wanted a date and sure enough I banged her too, then a preggo showed up and I banged her too. I feel like Surfer500 has had this little Gem hidden from me, LOL. I had no idea that these kinds of locations could be found in Centro.

I can honestly say that the scene in Parque Botero has changed completely, many of the beautiful girls that were usually around are now pregnant. Me and PunkedLife witness a deranged man damn near stab a female in the park right in front of us. The overall look of the park and the prices show that the situation is damn near desperate, the girls working in the park are much more dangerous and far more brave and willing to play games and attempt to take advantage of Gringos. Allow me to give a great example.

I was in the park on Sunday, and a chic that I had stopped dating brought the tourist police up to me and told them that I had photos on my phone of her and her underage daughter. I was kind of expecting this chic to pull some BS because I would not give her any dates after she screwed me over back in August. I was already upset with the new policy at Hotel Botero, not allowing any Vennies in the building, so when the cops walked up to me and asked me for my passport I gave it to them, but everyone in the park could see that I was truly livid and at my last wits. I told them that I was tired of the woman following me and secretly taking photos of me and other girls who I dated and then threatening them to give her money or she would beat them up as the woman was well over 6 foot tall. I told the police that if it was money that they wanted, tell me an amount, but I wanted this woman to stop f*$king with me every time I arrive in Medellin. I went on to tell the police that I am an American, I do not come to Colombia to have my rights restricted or to receive less human rights than I receive In America. At all times you will treat me as an American and you will respect my rights or we can call your chief and we can go to the embassy and we can resolve the matter there. The asked me several times to calm down and I told them no, I will not lower my voice, I will not calm down, because I am fed up and clearly you think that you can fleece and scare Americans in this park, but you will not scare me or take anything from me today without me raising hell. We finally calmed down, they took me and her to the little green tent and told her to her face after looking through my phone that she was not allowed back in the park for any reason, unless I gave consent for her to be allowed back in the park, guess what? She can wait on that!

Then here is the issue on underage girls in the park, many of you can just type and type and type and type. The girls in the park are of age, if they are not, the cops will run them out of the park, just ask PunkedLife, he can tell you, many of the Hotels, even the short term hotels are cracking down on the Vennies and making it extremely hard for them to find places to date, to eat, or to reside. After my last visit, I have no sympathy for any of the Vennies, the overall behavior of these one's in the park is straight savage and survival mode. If you can tolerate the savagery of the park and the games that the Vennies play, then it's a great place to be, if not then Facebook, Casa's, Stip clubs, Parque LLeras and other options are available. I can honestly tell you, I banged 16 chic for under $700 mil pesos, and that is a first. So now I know where I will be spending my weekends, In a certain location near Parque Botero where all the girls go to hang out. On another note, every girl that I banged at this certain location, I had to pay $10 mil pesos for them entering into my room, so it's like a win win for the location, but worth every $10 mil that I spent.

If you are not really traveling to Medellin, or actually staying in Medellin, at least have the courtesy to no confuse other mongers who rely on this board for up to date information. It is clear that many of the one posting are not in Medellin or have not been to Medellin recently or do not hang in Centro like a few of us do. I sat in the park most of Saturday and Sunday when I wasn't banging chics and clearly if no one else is posting about how poor the girls are looking in Centro, then you have not been to centro recently. The quality of Vennies has dropped dramatically. But to each their own, Pollo Negro is out!

02-02-20, 05:19
[Deleted by Admin]

Step 2 is avoid making a spectacle at any time with any woman.

Step 3 is make deals that the providers agree to in advance and then honor those deals.

An optional 4th step to mitigate risk is to have your sessions at a location where security checks IDs for you.

It isn't any more complicated than that.

This is my biggest concern mongering in Medellin. I searched for the story on "Colombia Jake" in the forum, but I couldn't find anything. More experienced mongers, please advise on the best way to avoid getting into trouble when all the girls are using fake IDs. As far as I can think of, entrapment is the only way for a monger to get caught. It is almost impossible for cops to randomly show up in your apartment while you are having sex with a girl who is using a fake ID. What happens to the girls if they get caught selling sex while using a fake ID?EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it appeared to be a public effort to discourage members from posting information. If you have a concern about information posted by another member, then please contact them privately by PM. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.

02-02-20, 05:23
I want to amplify something JjBee62 said, because I think there is some benefit to the community. Many of the guys who visit are absolutely focused on the 18-21 why / o girl. Why is that? We think those girls are the most attractive, have the least mileage, and so on. Is it true? Maybe, but maybe not.

I think you have to ask yourself what do you enjoy the most in sexual terms? Is it the youthful appearance of the girl? Her performance of various activities? Her general demeanor and attitude?

What excites you the most? What turns you off?

Would you rather see that 19 why / o that is f'ing gorgeous, even if she does't want to kiss you, wants to cover you for oral, and once you've enjoyed yourself, she will race you to the shower with a starting speed that would make Usain Bolt jealous. Is that what you want? It's available and in big numbers..Thanks for sharing your opinion. I appreciate it. I would love to bang the older chick you are describing, except I don't like girls who doesn't drink and use drugs. My counter point is this, wouldn't it be better to find an 18 year old who is just as hot, as fit, as patient and as willing as the 30+ year old you are describing? If all attributes match (including personality), in my opinion their skin is tighter, they have more youthful energy, and given the way some people like to party (especially in my case) an older girl simply can't keep up.

02-02-20, 07:08
Went for a little under a week in late Jan. Some random notes and observations for those interested in my musings.

Cash withdrawls via ATMs is the undisputed way to go. Got an average exchange rate of 3330 over the 5 days there, and that was always pretty darn close to the mastercard daily rate. My ATM card charges no forex fee and davivienda has no ATM fee. Always decline their ATM offered rate, which mostly offered around 3130.

Tunnel saves some time. In the wee hours of the morning while returning to the airport, we went from my poblado Airbnb to the airport in 21 minutes flat.

Facebook chicas continue to be flaky. And most just want to be there 45 minutes get you to nut and be gone and that is essentially what they think 150 gets you. It takes a lot of effort and maybe a multi trip timeline and some language skills to change that scenario. Atleast that is my guess on what others are saying. I also don't do drugs, or speak fluent Spanish, decently fit but mid 40s, so maybe that all works against me. Also more were insisting on 200 plus taxi than I remember from last year. Finally if you tried to negotiate 2 hrs and 2 shots (polvos in slang, a new word I learnt, haha) then they talk ridiculous rates like 300, and will come down to 200-250 plus taxi. I let a couple of hot ones go for that reason. Whatever, my take away was if you are just trying them out for chemistry etc, then just go with a 1 HR plan and see, because many of them may not be worth another go anyway. Its madness to consider TLN on a first cita. Case closed, end of discussion. Atleast you know some things about them after the first round. Since few on this board exchange experiences with Fb chicas, trial and error is the only way, and they will make money off of us on that, thats just the way it is my friends.

I ended up reverting to a couple of my old reliables and that saved my time. Do not get fixated on any one or two chicas. One in particular wasted my time with missed appointment and had all sorts of excuses, and though I did see her once, the session was meh. Her pics look like 9, she is a 7.5 and her performace was 7, but the energy and time I wasted in pursuit made her a 6. A disappointment generated by building my expectations up. I might still session with her in the future, but I ain't giving her no priority.

Quite a few of FB chicas do drugs (I do not), and that can affect their attitude toward you based on when they see you etc. Interestingly my best time was morning 10 am to get them over, no rush, we are both fresh and I still have the rest of the day after noon for a casa run if I want or fine dining or whatever else I want to do.

Many of them from the barrios esp. have pimps / boyfriends / husbands / brothers whatever, and sometimes they may even drop them and wait nearby, hence partly the rush to get out. Thats also a little risky as you never know when they get involved and what scheme they concoct. One particular time, I arrived after the chica came to the building as there was a lot of traffic due to protests that day(yepp intermittently still going on). The chica was waiting in the car with them, and asked me to pay them the agreed taxi fare, that was quite awkward, who was I paying?, which of those titles above, worse yet there were two dudes in the car, then after we went upstairs, she was quite good looking easy an 8. 5/10, but then the restrictions started one by one, only outside kissing, cbj, only light penetration, and so she would't let me do much, then a slight odor, and so we decided to shower, ***** gets out and unwraps all 3 fresh towels, to which I responded by asking her to put one back for me, she gets all upset and about 20-30 minutes in, she wanted to abort the session and insisted on being paid. It was shit awkward all around with language barrier and the disagreement, and with two barrio dudes downstairs. She did all the usual threats and crap. I refused and said I would pay her 50, She then came down to a half session rate, and would not budge, I decided to cut my losses and move on. She then had the audacity to stand at the door and offer to reccomend me other chicas I might like, I nudged he out the door and shut the door behind her. Bad experience.

Casas in laureles were decent. I had good reccomendations from normal asain kid whom I met for lunch on my first day. Those were a couple of good sessions. Went into fantasias energy Tuesday around 2-3 pm and lineup was 10-12 like last time, maybe the better girls were busy, but the lineup was pitiful, lots of cellulite and scars and silicone. There was one mullata that was doable but that was it. Saw nothing I wanted to part with 170k over and unlike during my last trip, I decided to walk out. While waiting there I did see a gringo, looked like close to 70 sitting around waiting, and eventually a solid 8. 5-9 chick came out, greeted him and left with him, obviously some out of casa arrangement. Mamasan asked me to return Friday, so maybe others can go Friday and report back. Sounded like something (maybe selection) may be better Friday. Glad I left, because the apartment casa I went to after was much better, lower price, BBBJ and 2 releases, from a solid 7. 5-8 chica.

I did not go down town this time, as I saw what I needed to last time and decided although the gems do exist, the hunt was not for me. Normal asian kid told me he got the best service from vennies, and I believe him. I did not partake in the mileroticos vennies who can be had for 60k and might upsell to 100k but will treat you well, but I probably should have. Like I said once I got with my old reliables, they kept me happy and got a decent payday, and after all the games and runaround first couple of days, I was not in the mood for dealing with any more crap. Time is a serious commodity for those on short trips. Sometimes you just want a reliable chica under your arm and spend a couple of days that way.

Went to fase dos, note to all, I got there at 9 pm, but it opens at 10 pm but really no point going before 11 pm. Spent an hour at the mall as it was closing. Saw a couple stunners at Fase dos. Called one over chatted a bit and bought her a drink which got me 10 mins of convo but I did not partake. Left around midnight. Went to loutron to check it off the bucket list. Great ambiance, great building and views. You sit at a bar restaurant and the chicas come and present themsleves as available. You should pick on the spot if you like one, cuz odds are if there are other punters she will be gone. The quality of girls is clearly higher here, no question. Price is 320k. Problem is in the room, its all very covered and intimacy is limited, pecks, covered BJ, covered penetration and so on, so really only advantage is the hotness of the girl and the ambiance. 390k with the addition being the beers and water, and taxi back was like 15k. Don't think I will go back. My girl alejandra was a veritable 9 and I don't hand those out easy. So if hotness is your thing and money is no object and covered everything is Ok, its the perfect location.

Stayed at both energy and blux part of the time. Both chica friendly and no issues once they have cedula. They verify everything and take a picture which is a big plus. The security guy told me they check the number on some national database(which if accurate is a big benefit for us). The chica who caused me a bunch of wasted time arrived first time without her cedula and they would not take the iphone image version (I liked that). Big drawback esp. For energy building is the traffic on the road, if you are a light sleeper, you have a problem. Energy roof top pool and views are unparalleled.

I know its moot, but taxis are rip off compared to uber. Price difference was literally 1. 5-2 x. Taxis were con artists, faking getting lost, pretending to be ignorant, and in one case at 950 pm from parque lleras, diverting me into convo and within 2 minutes refusing to turn on the meter saying meters aren't used at night and charging me 20 k for a ride that should have been 8 k-10 k at most. Small potatoes in the larger scheme of things but leaves you feeling ripped off.

Went to the casino once on my last day, and won some money on blackjack. And ended up with like 300 k at the airport. Changed it back at the currency exchange and fully expected to get a rip off rate, but got converted back at like 3282. Weird because day earlier I got 3342 pulling put of the ATM. Checked official rate on my phome and it was still 3334. So whatever, I made a negligible profit going back and forth. LOL.

Tried out a couple of upscale dining options this time and enjoyed the food. Highly reccomended.

Never a dull trip to MDE and will return at some point. Its a great mongering city. Might try Cartagena or some other South american city next time however.

02-02-20, 08:28
Thank you very much for this enjoyable report. If you don't mind, would you please share the details of the good restaurants you visited?

I am a bit less than neutral on the facebook scene, mostly because of the waiting around it often involves. When I see so many guys mention how much time the facebook girls spend with them I know it's because the girls are doing the old routine of as little sex as they are allowed to get away with interspersed with small talk, boozing, and smoking cripa. Like any independent provider, I find the facebook girls have to be managed to get a fair bang for the buck. Managed as in getting the provider to agree in advance to what you want or move on to another.

Went for a little under a week in late Jan. Some random notes and observations for those interested in my musings.

Cash withdrawls via ATMs is the undisputed way to go. Got an average exchange rate of 3330 over the 5 days there, and that was always pretty darn close to the mastercard daily rate. My ATM card charges no forex fee and davivienda has no ATM fee. Always decline their ATM offered rate, which mostly offered around 3130.

Tunnel saves some time. In the wee hours of the morning while returning to the airport, we went from my poblado Airbnb to the airport in 21 minutes flat.

Facebook chicas continue to be flaky. And most just want to be there 45 minutes get you to nut and be gone and that is essentially what they think 150 gets you. It takes a lot of effort and maybe a multi trip timeline and some language skills to change that scenario. Atleast that is my guess on what others are saying. I also don't do drugs, or speak fluent Spanish, decently fit but mid 40s, so maybe that all works against me. Also more were insisting on 200 plus taxi than I remember from last year. Finally if you tried to negotiate 2 hrs and 2 shots (polvos in slang, a new word I learnt, haha) then they talk ridiculous rates like 300, and will come down to 200-250 plus taxi. I let a couple of hot ones go for that reason. Whatever, my take away was if you are just trying them out for chemistry etc, then just go with a 1 HR plan and see, because many of them may not be worth another go anyway. Its madness to consider TLN on a first cita. Case closed, end of discussion.d I still have the rest of the day after noon for a casa run if I want or fine dining or whatever else I want to do..

02-02-20, 17:06
I believe that's why 18-21-year-olds are so desirable to many of us. The problem with your approach is that you care more about on what's on the ID than the girl herself.

02-02-20, 17:40
Went for a little under a week in late Jan. Some random notes and observations for those interested in my musings.

Cash withdrawls via ATMs is the undisputed way to go. Got an average exchange rate of 3330 over the 5 days there, and that was always pretty darn close to the mastercard daily rate. My ATM card charges no forex fee and davivienda has no ATM fee. Always decline their ATM offered rate, which mostly offered around 3130.

Tunnel saves some time. In the wee hours of the morning while returning to the airport, we went from my poblado Airbnb to the airport in 21 minutes flat.

Facebook chicas continue to be flaky. And most just want to be there 45 minutes get you to nut and be gone and that is essentially what they think 150 gets you. It takes a lot of effort and maybe a multi trip timeline and some language skills to change that scenario. Atleast that is my guess on what others are saying. I also don't do drugs, or speak fluent Spanish, decently fit but mid 40s, so maybe that all works against me. Also more were insisting on 200 plus taxi than I remember from last year. Finally if you tried to negotiate 2 hrs and 2 shots (polvos in slang, a new word I learnt, haha) then they talk ridiculous rates like 300, and will come down to 200-250 plus taxi. I let a couple of hot ones go for that reason. Whatever, my take away was if you are just trying them out for chemistry etc, then just go with a 1 HR plan and see, because many of them may not be worth another go anyway. Its madness to consider TLN on a first cita. Case closed, end of discussion. Atleast you know some things about them after the first round. Since few on this board exchange experiences with Fb chicas, trial and error is the only way, and they will make money off of us on that, thats just the way it is my friends.

I ended up reverting to a couple of my old reliables and that saved my time. Do not get fixated on any one or two chicas. One in particular wasted my time with missed appointment and had all sorts of excuses, and though I did see her once, the session was meh. Her pics look like 9, she is a 7.5 and her performace was 7, but the energy and time I wasted in pursuit made her a 6. A disappointment generated by building my expectations up. I might still session with her in the future, but I ain't giving her no priority.

Quite a few of FB chicas do drugs (I do not), and that can affect their attitude toward you based on when they see you etc. Interestingly my best time was morning 10 am to get them over, no rush, we are both fresh and I still have the rest of the day after noon for a casa run if I want or fine dining or whatever else I want to do...Almost sounds like the highlight of your trip was winning at Blackjack.

Interesting that a taxi cab driver pulled that shit on you. Next time that occurs tell the fucker to stop and get out of the taxi and if possible get his vehicle ID number and report the fucker. The cab companies frown on that kind of shit, and I believe they will take notice. Nothing will happen to the driver but he will be called by the company and that should deter him from trying to pull that shit again. My experience with the cabs here as been very positive, however I had one cab tell my I had to pay double what the meter said as I had bought a lot of stuff which filled up the trunk and back seat. This happened with a cab I took from Homecenter one day. After this happened I went to the manager of the store and told them there was a cab driver that was hustling gringos and they contacted the company. I subsequently saw him one day in the taxi line at Homecenter and he was chatting with the other drivers waiting for fares and I came up to him and told him to his face he was a thief. He got all angry and the other drivers were wondering what was up. So that was the payback he got from me, with him explaining to the other drivers why this gringo was calling him a thief. Or it was probably the other way around, with the other drivers wanting to know who was this fucking asshole gringo yelling at a taxi driver like that. Regardless, I unloaded on him, and felt much better regardless of what other's might think.

What happened with you at Parque LLeras is not surprising as I know other drivers will pull that stunt with the gringos to make a few extra bucks, but it is more the exception than the rule, and with it being Lleras and tourists not knowing any better some drivers will exploit the situation. Other than that one experience I had, and I have used the taxis here hundreds of times, and I have found the drivers to be very respectful and professional.

02-02-20, 18:24
Evolution will invariably force us to favor the younger look and healthy body, I believe that's why 18-21-year-olds are so desirable to many of us.

Having the desire to ensure the survival of a pregnant girl is unquestionably a desirable feature that evolution will preserve; this is why sending the woman who is carrying one's child to work on a dangerous street produces a deep sense of guilty feeling..I have one 21 year old in my stable, and all the rest are around 30 years old. Yes there can be a lot less wear and tear on the younger ones, but in my sole opinion I find the older ones much better performers. Don't get me wrong here, there's nothing like a tight wet silky pussy that hasn't been loosened up and gone thru a bunch of wear and tear, however I find the older ones to be more in their prime and better performers than their younger siblings.

In regards to someone sending their pregnant girlfriend out to work on a dangerous street. Well a couple of things, nobody here doing that is going to feel guilty as they are just trying to survive, they perhaps may be ashamed if that was what you were referring to, but nothing more, again there only doing this to survive.

In regards to it being dangerous for them to work the streets or lets say El Centro, I don't think so, at least not so much for them as this is their turf, and they know the ins and outs of how things can go down where they are working. A perfect example of this would be a guy going with a pregnant Chica that he pulled from "Little Caracas" formerly known as "Ground Zero" located at the Intersection of Carrea 52 and Calle 52. He enters with the Chica into a Hotel nearby, say the Premium Plaza or Zona Rosa. The hotel attendants notice the girl is pregnant, big deal, they go in the room. So if the guy is a wack job, the Chica can start screaming and the attendants will immediately be at the door. So I'm not sure what your alluding to as being dangerous for them other than a customer being a wack job, or potentially getting some type of STD which can happen to anyone, so it would be fair to say the streets are dangerous to all of us including the clients and the Chicas, and they are.

Fun Luvr
02-02-20, 18:34
Went for a little under a week in late Jan. Some random notes and observations for those interested in my musings. ... I know its moot, but taxis are rip off compared to uber. Price difference was literally 1. 5-2 x. Taxis were con artists, faking getting lost, pretending to be ignorant, and in one case at 950 pm from parque lleras, diverting me into convo and within 2 minutes refusing to turn on the meter saying meters aren't used at night and charging me 20 k for a ride that should have been 8 k-10 k at most. Small potatoes in the larger scheme of things but leaves you feeling ripped off.
Thanks for your very thorough report. Lots of good information. I have found that flagging down a taxi around Parque Lleras is a crap shoot, some real rip offs. I use the Cabify app and have always, except once, gotten honest operators. Their fares are close to what Uber's were, sometimes lower. Uber is no longer available in Colombia. Their app says Adios Colombia.

The Tall Man
02-02-20, 18:55
I was in Medellin from Saturday Jan 25th until Monday the 27th. Clearly there must be 2 centro's or 2 ground zero's because, clearly ground zero is Calle 52 and Carrera 52. Now, this is the infamous pole that all of the vennies use to hang around, but not many vennies can hang around the pole anymore, because many of you board members have impregnated all of the Vennies who use to hang around the pole. I kid you not; I counted over 17 pregnant girls in Centro on my arrival.

The infamous pole was designated for all of the pretty 18-20 yr old Vennies, but I can assure you that many of you Gringos have impregnated these honeys. I absolutely laughed about the entire situation and capitalized on the entire event. I banged 9 chicas on Saturday and 6 on Sunday and I did not have to move an inch. Many of the impregnated chicas that wouldn't give me a second look in August and September were begging me for a no holds barred cita with them on this trip. I thought that was seriously funny. I have an answer for SJobs, on post as well, one of the pregnant chicas was walking with her husband and she spoke to me, I politely spoke back and gave her a hug, then I asked her was she working and she said yes. The husband, her 2 sisters and her cousin went home and left her with me, it was about 8 pm. I took her back to my room in Parque Botero and banged her tight vagina in doggy style until I had a enough, for a really good low rate and she told me that she hadn't had a date all day that's why the husband was not against her having a date, the entire family hadn't eaten all day. Guess it was my lucky day..PN, from your lips to gods ears, splendid comments and observations.

Man you had a quick visit. The past three or four days I have spent considerable time in and around plaza Botero and yes it has changed dramatically just int he past 2 or so years.

And the pregnant chica looks delicious! Send me her whatsapp if you got it, pleaseeeee!

The Tall Man.

Mr Enternational
02-02-20, 19:04
You can take the airport bus to San Diego mall stop, then take a taxi to Laureles. When you return to airport, do the reverse but have the driver take you to the San Diego terminal, not the stop. They are just a short distance apart.Thank you. Thank you. Thank you brother. I came in from Barranquilla and hopped on the bus to San Diego at 10:26. With that new tunnel it was fast as shit. At 10:55 arrived in San Diego. Paid my 10,500 pesos as I got off the bus. Crosschecked the price to San Peter on Easy Taxi so I would know how much to bid on Indriver. 7,150 pesos and dude would arrive in 3 minutes. I was at San Peter before 11:15. No fuss, no muss.

Easy Taxi was showing from 64k to 96k from the airport to Laureles. I think it is common knowledge to be 80k. I could not even get the Indriver app to work at the airport in order to crosscheck the price.

Since I can not check in to San Peter until 3pm, I left my suitcase with the lady at the desk and headed over to my buddy's apartment in Prado Centro. He pays US$250/month for this place. 3BR 2BA. He said the utilities are in his name except for the cable. You need a cedula for the cable because they do a credit check. He found someone with good credit and gave them 150K to put it in their name. I told him that I was looking at some places in Barranquilla where one of my chicks rent for 800,000 pesos/month. He said well you get one there and we can share both places. So that is an idea.

I also tried to use the Scotia Colpatria ATM upstairs before leaving the airport. It would not give me money. The Davivienda machine was broken. I ended up using the Banco Popular machine that let me take out 1 million. It said there was a 13,200 charge. $297 out of my bank. 1,013,200/297= an exchange of 3411.44. XE is showing 3419.91 right now.

02-02-20, 19:33
I don't know why guys bother paying for these girls you take out on dates. Take the ***** out for ice cream and a walk LOL. These girls want equal pay and equal rights so they can pay for their equal share of the bill. FOH. Shit at the very least we can alternate buying rounds. After 3 or 4 rounds if her ass ain't trying to go back to your spot or take you back to hers then you're just wasting your time. Fuck I look like entertaining a ***** all night. Charge these girls to the game and move on to the next.I don't know why guys pick girls who are fatter than the ones I like. I don't know why guys pick girls thinner than what I like. I don't know why guys insist on anal with the girls. I don't know why guys do TLN or 20 minute quickies. I don't know why everyone doesn't do everything exactly the same way as I.

I also don't care. It's their dick, their money and their business. If a guy wants to fly a girl away to San Andres for the weekend, that's his problem. If some guy wants to give a girl an iPhone 11 or a 3 ct diamond ring, it's his money, he doesn't need my permission.

If some guy just wants the girls in El Centro, or the girls at La Isla. Who am I to tell him he's doing it wrong?

Myself, I feel no need to call a girl, * If she's acting like una perra, I'll let her know, but I'm not calling her una perra just because she's willing to fuck me for money. I have no need to degrade her just because some woman in the US gets paid more than I do, especially when that girl in Colombia is probably trying to raise a kid on less than $300 per month.

I don't bow and scrape and kiss the girls asses. I just treat them like human beings. Turns out, many of them appreciate that.

02-02-20, 19:37
Thanks for your very thorough report. Lots of good information. I have found that flagging down a taxi around Parque Lleras is a crap shoot, some real rip offs. I use the Cabify app and have always, except once, gotten honest operators. Their fares are close to what Uber's were, sometimes lower. Uber is no longer available in Colombia. Their app says Adios Colombia.Walk down Calle 9 to Avenida Poblado. Pick the front taxi in line in front of Parque Poblado. I've generally had good luck with them.

02-02-20, 19:54
Thank you very much for this enjoyable report. If you don't mind, would you please share the details of the good restaurants you visited?I know of many good restaurants in El Poblado, specifically the barrios of Manila, La Linde, Castaprol, Provenza, and Patio Bonito. I have yet to find a good Asian place, I tried the one in the Click Clack Hotel which was a rip off and terrible. There is an Asian place opposite the Orange Suites Hotel in Astorga which is okay, much better than the Click Clack and about half the price. Good seafood in Medellin, forget it, go to either Santa Marta or Cartagena for that. There are no good Thai restaurants, the one by Parque LLeras sucks, don't go there. Mexican food is a challenge, lots of places put pineapple on their tacos, and their interpretation of Mexican food doesn't make sense. One place on the same street as Carmens named Mal Siento Mesa of all things had Chilli Relleno on the menu, yet the ingredients did not include chili, egg, or cheese. It had meat and apples whatever they thought it was. The best Mexican place I have found is Chiliquales in Manila. They have homemade tortillas, homemade black beans, dishes from Oaxca including moles, Cochinta Pubil, Carnitas, which is to die for, and great guacamole.

02-02-20, 20:21
Anyone else having issues using Didi? Since I've started using it my cards are selective on when they want to accept the payment. Now I can't even use the app and just use cash because I haven't paid for my last trip because the app isn't letting anything through. Already called the banks I use and got everything cleared with them. On another note what are the other ones available? I remember someone mentioning one the girls use. I'll use taxis for the time being though.

02-02-20, 20:30
I don't know why guys pick girls who are fatter than the ones I like. I don't know why guys pick girls thinner than what I like. I don't know why guys insist on anal with the girls. I don't know why guys do TLN or 20 minute quickies. I don't know why everyone doesn't do everything exactly the same way as I.

I also don't care. It's their dick, their money and their business. If a guy wants to fly a girl away to San Andres for the weekend, that's his problem. If some guy wants to give a girl an iPhone 11 or a 3 ct diamond ring, it's his money, he doesn't need my permission.

If some guy just wants the girls in El Centro, or the girls at La Isla. Who am I to tell him he's doing it wrong?

Myself, I feel no need to call a girl, * If she's acting like una perra, I'll let her know, but I'm not calling her una perra just because she's willing to fuck me for money. I have no need to degrade her just because some woman in the US gets paid more than I do, especially when that girl in Colombia is probably trying to raise a kid on less than $300 per month.

I don't bow and scrape and kiss the girls asses. I just treat them like human beings. Turns out, many of them appreciate that.Yah yah every guy has the right do what he wants. I was just giving my opinion. My point was buying drinks for a girl all night don't guarantee you any pussy back in the states. If a ***** wants to fuck you she will. Period. Point is guys need to stop the Simping. Ya'll can take those words how ya'll want. And this applies to bitches that got they shit together. Doesn't apply to any woman here in Colombia unless your fucking for free. At the end of the day she only with you for the pesos. Don't matter how good she treats you she don't give a fuck if you die the next day as long as she got paid. So although I won't disrespect any girl here unless she deserves it at the same time all her acts are fucking false. I ain't come here for a fake ass novia. I came to beat in some guts and get my money's worth. Ya'll do you and I'll continue to do me.

02-02-20, 20:35
I don't bow and scrape and kiss the girls asses. I just treat them like human beings. Turns out, many of them appreciate that.That's been my experience as well. We eat, hang out, have sex, repeat, a little conversation. I find after 2-3 times together, they open up, relax, we both feel safer and the experience / sex becomes infinitely better. They do appreciate it and it shows. There's a spectrum from being an asshole all the way to groveling. Both are unattractive and they will want to leave as soon as possible. Treat them like a friend you have sex with, and they're happy to hang around for more time and more rounds.

02-02-20, 21:05
I don't know why guys pick girls who are fatter than the ones I like. I don't know why guys pick girls thinner than what I like. I don't know why guys insist on anal with the girls. I don't know why guys do TLN or 20 minute quickies. I don't know why everyone doesn't do everything exactly the same way as I.

I also don't care. It's their dick, their money and their business. If a guy wants to fly a girl away to San Andres for the weekend, that's his problem. If some guy wants to give a girl an iPhone 11 or a 3 ct diamond ring, it's his money, he doesn't need my permission.

If some guy just wants the girls in El Centro, or the girls at La Isla. Who am I to tell him he's doing it wrong?

Myself, I feel no need to call a girl, * If she's acting like una perra, I'll let her know, but I'm not calling her una perra just because she's willing to fuck me for money. I have no need to degrade her just because some woman in the US gets paid more than I do, especially when that girl in Colombia is probably trying to raise a kid on less than $300 per month.

I don't bow and scrape and kiss the girls asses. I just treat them like human beings. Turns out, many of them appreciate that.I agree with everything you said. I cannot think of a better experience than when you treat the women with respect, I mean some of the women would even want to spend more time with you without pay if you just treat them nicely. We often forget that they should be treated with respect and that no matter what we should not be judging them.

Mr Enternational
02-02-20, 21:21
Right after I finished my last report, a Cupid chick showed up. I went downstairs to get her. The pics that she sent me must have been 80 pounds ago. But I will never look a free horse in the mouth. She said she thought I was lying about coming because that is what guys on the site do.

As we were coming in, my buddy was going out. He traded me the apartment key for the ring that I had that has the key for the downstairs door as well. So we have been locked in the building for the last 2 hours. Good thing is that she was all ready to fuck within 10 minutes of arriving. Now just waiting for my boy to get back so I can go check in San Peter and get some food. I tell people it is just like Rio used to be, you are subject to be in some pussy before you have even had a chance to eat. I have not had a chance to eat nor check in to the hotel and I am already 1 nut into the game.

For you taxi money guys: My girl arrived here on the back of a motorbike. I asked her how far she lives and she said 20 minutes. I asked her how much the motorbike ride cost and she said 5,000 pesos.

Just Incognito
02-02-20, 21:28
This is my biggest concern mongering in Medellin. I searched for the story on "Colombia Jake" in the forum, but I couldn't find anything. More experienced mongers, please advise on the best way to avoid getting into trouble when all the girls are using fake IDs. As far as I can think of, entrapment is the only way for a monger to get caught. It is almost impossible for cops to randomly show up in your apartment while you are having sex with a girl who is using a fake ID. What happens to the girls if they get caught selling sex while using a fake ID?Just stay at a place with security that checks ID-then its on the front desk security not you. They verified the ID they are used to--you can't be expected to be held responsible if the front desk security checked the ID and sent her up. That's what you are paying to be at that hotel for!. Hotel / apartment security is the way to go. Also, have the security call you and check on you if she leaves the room alone. And let the girl know that's how it works. This isn't that complicated.

02-02-20, 22:51
PN, from your lips to gods ears, splendid comments and observations.

Man you had a quick visit. The past three or four days I have spent considerable time in and around plaza Botero and yes it has changed dramatically just int he past 2 or so years.

And the pregnant chica looks delicious! Send me her whatsapp if you got it, pleaseeeee!

The Tall Man.It's unbelievable as you have noticed how things have changed in El Centro over the past months, specifically at the location of the street sign located at Carrea 52 and Calle 52 which I now refer to as "Little Caracas" which I used to refer to as "Ground Zero". There's so many Venezuelans, and with so many of them being impregnated who are now working the streets, the next thing you will know this information will get around the world that Medellin is the place to find pregnant women to bang, and there will be plane loads of "Pregnant Chica Aficionados" showing up, and apparently we have quite a few here already that are coming out of the closet.

02-02-20, 23:54
Do you really think it would be "on" a poor hotel receptionist and not you the foreigner breaking a very serious law?

I agree with another poster the best policy is if questionable. Pass. In my opinion, of course they can bust guys doing this.

Just stay at a place with security that checks ID-then its on the front desk security not you. They verified the ID they are used to--you can't be expected to be held responsible if the front desk security checked the ID and sent her up. That's what you are paying to be at that hotel for!

02-03-20, 00:13
What do you guys stock up on to ensure the ladies have a good time and don't want to leave?

So far I'm thinking of having Ron, Coca Cola, tussi, éxtasis. What else do you guys recommenced? Food and drink wise, what do the ladies like?

02-03-20, 01:22
I arrived on Friday and left on Sunday, so it was a quick weekend trip. But I think I've fallen in love with Medellin already. The venues I used to find girls were La Isla, Loutron, and Seeking Arrangements. Read on if that is of interest to you.

Some background. I am a relatively young (30 yo) South Asian gentleman from the US. I speak un poco Spanish, having studied it in high school for 4 years. I would say that at this point, I'm losing my newbie status at mongering (but still making newbie mistakes haha). I've been to Thailand 5 times and Tijuana twice. Some may derisively label me as a "one week millionaire" - I'm not a millionaire by any means but my chief constraint for these type of trips is never cash, but time. PTO is hard to come by in the US, which means that I am trying to maximize my experiences in the limited amount of time available. I am more than willing to pay more for higher quality, both looks and service wise.

I booked the Friday morning Spirit flight from Fort Lauderdale to Medellin. No one would mistake Spirit for luxury travel, but it got the job done (aka it fit my schedule and my budget). 3. 5 hours and a relatively quiet flight. I got my first sight of Medellin as we descended, and I was blown away by how beautiful the verdant mountainous terrain was.

The one thing I really should have done better was planned my phone situation better before arriving. My company usually pays for international data, but apparently the policy had changed sometime last month and I didn't know. So I landed and found out that my phone just did not work without WiFi. I kicked myself for not bringing my unlocked phone from home. Long story short, I actually had to buy a new phone in the Santa Fe mall for about $40 and use that as a WiFi hotspot for my other phone. A real inconvenience, but I was not about to let $40 set me back.

I took an Uber to my hotel (about 50 k COP). I stayed at the Hotel Torre Poblado which is a few blocks from Parque Lleras in Poblado. For the one bedroom suite, I paid $70 per night in Chase Ultimate Rewards points (one of the many perks of travelling for work is racking up points and miles). It was a perfectly serviceable, bordering on nice, hotel. It was not seedy, which I liked. Clean, professional staff, friendly. Two knocks against it. The bathroom was not great. Small, water leaking from the stall, hot water shut off halfway through, fixtures were shabby. And second and more importantly. The WiFi was pretty terrible in the bedroom. It is girl-friendly as far as I can tell. All in all, pretty nice place, can recommend for a solid (but not exceptional) stay. The price point and location are pretty hard to beat though.

I had arranged to meet with my SA chick in the afternoon but I was sorting out my phone problems for the better part of three hours. I told her to instead hold off until Saturday evening and she agreed. I was not of, course, content to stay in for the night. I had La Isla on my the mind.

From what I can read on this forum (and from what the taxi drivers all told me) there are two top strip clubs in Medellin. Fase Dos and La Isla. Of the two La Isla is supposed to have hotter girls, is bigger, and has a more "exclusive" feel due to it's being tucked away high in the mountains. As I said before, I will pay for quality, so La Isla it was.

For the record, I think in the 21st century it should not be hard for a club to market themselves. Yet I had to trawl the web for over an hour to find La Isla on google maps and facebook. There was a vague consensus that it was located somewhere on Via Las Palmas, but each different map service took me to very different areas of the city. Thanks to the help of a map posted in this forum, I was able to triangulate its location. For future reference for newbies, instead of searching for "La Isla" in google, search for "Mirador de las Palmas" - there is not ambiguity about that location, and the nightclub is right next to it. End rant.

So I headed over to La Isla at about 9:30 pm, which I learned was way too early. I was just the second patron at the establishment so it was pretty dead for a while. I would not recommend anyone get here before 11 pm on Fridays, and I assume Saturdays would be similar as well. La Isla is a very expansive club, lounge sofas all around a large central stage with a pole. Girls dance around for a while and when they are done they come around to every single person to ask for a tip. It's generally expected that you tip them at least 2 k COP. It's less than a dollar so don't be a cheap charlie. Beers are about 15 k COP I think, not sure. Lady drinks / fichas are 25 k+, of which the girl gets 10 k. You can of course take a girl to the attached rooms. Room included, standard service is 300 k COP for an hour.

Now for the girls. At its peak there were maybe a few dozen of them. Before I give yall my ratings, keep in mind my tastes. Young, short, slim, natural, and light skinned. Unfortunately, there were not tons of girls that fit this phenotype. Many were tall, full-bodied, big asses, and clearly enhanced. In my opinion, I would say it's 30% <= 6, 60% 7, 5% 8, 5% = 9. For another reference point, I was say the Hong Kong club in Tijuana is 50% <= 6, 30% 7, 10% 8, 10% = 9. And most gogo bars in Thailand I go to would be 70% <= 6, 20% 7, 5% 8, 5% = 9. So in comparison to them, La Isla has a much higher floor. Relatively few fuglies that I wouldn't fuck for free. In contrast, most of the girls in Thai gogo bars are pure filler that I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. But La Isla also had fewer girls that checked all my boxes compared to HK.

Visitors to HK or Thailand will also note how low pressure La Isla is. No one was really pressuring me for drinks, the girls were willing to sit with me for a while before even asking for a drink, and they would sometimes stick around for a bit after finishing theirs.

Over the course of three hours, I probably bought drinks for a half dozen girls. I had my eye on a bombshell blonde Ivanka Trump look alike. I was shocked that she hadn't been taken out yet. I called her down and I realized why. She was a total ice queen. Left a gap between me and her, moved my hands off her, and when asked she refused BJs and besos. Quickly finished her drink and I threw her back into the sea.

I could've gone with a number girls that were "good enough" but I wanted to wait until I found the one. And I'm glad I did, because I met Lucy, a late 20's thin morena with a nice smile and a nice attitude. All natural, tight figure, cuppable breasts, and proportionate ass, etc. We chatted for a bit, and we had some chemistry, so I decided to take her arriba. For 300 k she promised BJ and besos, BB was not offered nor asked for.

The rooms in La Isla were quite functional. Better than most ST rooms in Thailand, about equivalent to Hotel Cascadas but maybe a bit cleaner. My chica offered me a hit of her blunt and I partook. We showered and then got down to business. Good CBJ, eye contact, and passionate. She got on top, and showered me with DFK which was muy rico. She rode me for a while, tried doggy for a few moments, but I finished in missionary (I'm such a romantic LOL). She gave me her Whatsapp, so I may see her again at some point. As we were chatting afterwards, she asked what I was doing the next day. I said I was spending time with a girl I met online. She warned me to be careful with Paisa chicas LOL. She didn't elaborate but I assume it's probably something to do with drugs, robbing, etc. Regardless it stuck with me. With that, I headed back to my room and that marked the end of a fruitful Day 1 in Medellin.

I had two objectives for Day 2, Saturday. Meeting my SA chick that night of course, but in the afternoon I wanted to check out Loutron. I heard good things about this place. I took the long taxi ride up to the beautiful retrofitted Escobar mansion. I reached there at about 2 pm, and again I may have been too early (someone please let me know if there's a better time). The manager chick there explained the pricing (generally 300 k for standard FS). I was seated with a beer, and she called in the chicas one by one. I got to say, I was not impressed. There were none that fit my preferred petite profile. Many of the women appeared quite old. There was one girl Paolina that was approaching my taste, but for $100 I was not willing. I asked the manager if there would be a larger selection later on in the day, and she said not really. IDK if that was just her trying to get me to bite, but regardless I took that as my queue to leave empty handed.

Now for my date with my SA chick. Long story short, it was amazing. I will keep her identity hidden, in an to attempt to keep her all to myself LOL. Let's call her Diana. I would recommend SA wholeheartedly for anyone who has time to vet the girls on the website. It's a lot of work, as most girls rarely check the site. And the demographics I was looking for (18 - 21 yo) are pretty flaky in general. Add to that the difficulty of differentiating between the "real" girls and the prepagos. There was one girl who straight up propositioned me for 250 USD. She was hot but the goal of me using SA was to find a non-pro. Diana did respond though, and we moved the conversation to WhatsApp over which we'd been chatting for about a week or so.

Diana is 22, a real universitaria. She isn't conventionally stunning, but goddamn if she was not cute as a button. Relatively tall, thin and pretty. Smart, talkative (which nicely complemented my naturally quiet personality), and aligned with me with values, ideals, priorities, etc. We chatted for close to an hour and a half just during our meet and greet at the Mi Habana bar.

She said it was her first time on SA, and it was obvious that she was a total non-pro. She was hesitant to discuss anything explicit during our meet and greet (maybe her complete lack of English was a roadblock), and she seemed a bit uncomfortable about it. That threw up some red flags. The risk with non-pros like on SA is that they don't know what they want and might go into it expecting platonic arrangements (no sex). More hardened mongers will no doubt pipe up to say that I should have pressed her during the meet and greet, lest I set myself up for a wasted time. Two things though - 1) I was really enjoying my time with Diana, and 2) worst case scenario she would go home after our platonic data and I could pick someone up in Parque Lleras / Gustos.

She wanted to stop by at an ATM to get cash for her taxi home (another red flag). But I refused to wait in her line (and I wanted her to know that I would be paying for things) so I guided her towards a food cart instead. We got some crepes and headed to Luxury club off Parque Lleras. It was packed, and it was what I was expecting. Loud reggaeton with intoxicated young people grinding on each other. Aka exactly my scene haha.

Diana was not dressed for the occasion (read: slutty), and she was clearly out of her element here. She said she had been there for a birthday with a coworker and she enjoyed it, but I could sense she was not very comfortable. While everyone else was getting hammered, she ordered for us a fruity slushy with candy pieces in it haha. We bounced after an hour and headed to my hotel.

There the "drama" if you will started. She was nervous / shy, and did not reciprocate my overt moves. She talked about it was strange that we would move so quickly after knowing each other for just 5 hours. She started asking me about my last girlfriend and how long it had been since I broke up with her. It felt like she was stalling for time, but I indulged her. I didn't make any more overt moves (like going for her breasts or moving towards a kiss) but we were physical. She had taken off her shoes and were laying next to each other more or less. I was ready to call it and basically told her I was going to sleep (trying to get her to leave so I could move on), but she didn't appear to get my hint. She asked if I normally went to sleep with lights on, and I was like whatever turn off the lights then. I was waiting for her bounce, when finally my autistic-ass brain finally caught up to me. I was the one who wasn't getting the message! She could have left a while ago, but instead she is lying next to me in bed with the lights off. No wonder I suck with girls, if it took me this long to pick up the hint.

Anyways, once I realized what was happening, I leaned over and gave her a kiss, this turned into a deep make-out session as if we were teenagers. The clothes start shedding off, and soon I had in my hands Diana's supple, beautiful body. Perfect little breasts that she enjoyed being sucked, a bare picturesque pussy, and of course those her wonderful kissable lips. We tried missionary but she was super tight and to be honest the alcohol had done a number on my dick. We switched to cowgirl which worked magnificently. She rode me til I cum, and then she leaned over to make out as I grew soft inside her.

All this was done bareback, which I am now very much regretting. She didn't seem high mileage so STDs didn't seem like a huge risk. But that's the small head talking. She seemed smart enough to be on birth control / plan be / whatever. But that's the small head talking. So yeah. Not my proudest moment. Also should mention that there was no BJ whatsoever. I barely cared at the moment, but I've got to work on that if I see her again.

Following that we cuddled and she was very sweet and tender. I didn't get much sleep that night, as I usually don't when sharing a bed. But I was content in having this beautiful creature by my side that evening. In the morning she was gathering her stuff to leave and I gave her 350 k for the night, to which she asked "Why are you giving me so much?" I didn't tell her this, but in my mind the experience I had with Diana was worth well more than $102 - indeed, I have spent more for less. Like, $100 will get you a half hour with a girl in HK, I got Diana for the whole night.

Reading over this it sounds a lot like I'm catching feelings already haha. The Pattaya people are fond of throwing out the 3-day rule, wherein you never see the same girl more than 3 times in a row. I've always thought that was pure garbage. If you're into the girl then enjoy yourself. So we'll see how this goes. Maybe this is what Lucy at La Isla was warning me about. Be careful with las Paisas. I've got another trip planned for the middle of February, also another quick weekend jaunt. I'm laying the groundwork for seeing her already, I'm sure I won't have any trouble convincing her to sync-up again.

Anyways, the rest of the trip went by uneventfully. Had a latte at the nearby Toucan Cafe on Sunday morning, and then a very good empanada at a whole in the wall that is popular with locals. Checked out of my hotel, took a 50 k COP Didi ride to the airport, spent some time at the Priority Pass Lounges (they're quite nice, although the food could be a bit more substantial). Back on the Spirit flight to the US, during which I am writing this report. Te veré pronto, Medellin!

02-03-20, 01:27
What do you guys stock up on to ensure the ladies have a good time and don't want to leave?

So far I'm thinking of having Ron, Coca Cola, tussi, xtasis. What else do you guys recommenced? Food and drink wise, what do the ladies like?That's a very good list. I would add corona, weed, chocolate, and offer to order food for them.

02-03-20, 02:30
Almost sounds like the highlight of your trip was winning at Blackjack.

Interesting that a taxi cab driver pulled that shit on you. Next time that occurs tell the fucker to stop and get out of the taxi and if possible get his vehicle ID number and report the fucker. The cab companies frown on that kind of shit, and I believe they will take notice. Nothing will happen to the driver but he will be called by the company and that should deter him from trying to pull that shit again. My experience with the cabs here as been very positive, however I had one cab tell my I had to pay double what the meter said as I had bought a lot of stuff which filled up the trunk and back seat. This happened with a cab I took from Homecenter one day. After this happened I went to the manager of the store and told them there was a cab driver that was hustling gringos and they contacted the company. I subsequently saw him one day in the taxi line at Homecenter and he was chatting with the other drivers waiting for fares and I came up to him and told him to his face he was a thief. He got all angry and the other drivers were wondering what was up. So that was the payback he got from me, with him explaining to the other drivers why this gringo was calling him a thief. Or it was probably the other way around, with the other drivers wanting to know who was this fucking asshole gringo yelling at a taxi driver like that. Regardless, I unloaded on him, and felt much better regardless of what other's might think.

What happened with you at Parque LLeras is not surprising as I know other drivers will pull that stunt with the gringos to make a few extra bucks, but it is more the exception than the rule, and with it being Lleras and tourists not knowing any better some drivers will exploit the situation. Other than that one experience I had, and I have used the taxis here hundreds of times, and I have found the drivers to be very respectful and professional.

Overall not bad. I mean I fucked a 9, sessioned with 2 solid 8's, even fucked the one that gave me a hard time that I wanted to, and had 2 great casa sessions. Experienced a few good dining options, had a couple wonderful legit massages, soared like an eagle 9 k feet in the sky (I love paragliding there) and felt nice and relaxed. I could think of a lot worse ways to spend 6 days my friend. LOL.

Yeah I could have had better luck with the new Chicas, yeah there were one to two taxis that ripped me off etc. But seriously I didn't spend more than $100 US on about 20 taxi rides. So it's all about perspective. Yeah had I been more sober and attentive I should have got his cab number and complained, as more of a deterrent like you said, but anyhow, it was my first out and out such rip off experience in a cab and I was just a little pissed and not on my game. It happens sometimes. No big deal.

If I came across as having had a bad trip, not at all. It was quite enjoyable. Like others said, you learn each trip and it gets better each time. My report was more to set a realistic tone and expectations for others that may be planning.

02-03-20, 03:02
Thank you very much for this enjoyable report. If you don't mind, would you please share the details of the good restaurants you visited?

I am a bit less than neutral on the facebook scene, mostly because of the waiting around it often involves. When I see so many guys mention how much time the facebook girls spend with them I know it's because the girls are doing the old routine of as little sex as they are allowed to get away with interspersed with small talk, boozing, and smoking cripa. Like any independent provider, I find the facebook girls have to be managed to get a fair bang for the buck. Managed as in getting the provider to agree in advance to what you want or move on to another.If you like Colombian food, modongos is actually quite decent. I liked the food and service at Puerto Inka. There is a Sushi house immediately next door that was great if you are into that. Peru con Alma was a nice steakhouse. Even the pizza at Pizza piccolo tasted better with fresher ingredients and made from scratch. If you just want a grab and go or feeling for a shawarma sandwich, there is a place at the exito gas station opposite the energy building. Rappi can even bring it to you, some of the best shawarma I have had anywhere. I am sure I did not even scratch the surface of what is out there.

02-03-20, 03:06
I use 50,000 peso notes.

What do you guys stock up on to ensure the ladies have a good time and don't want to leave?

So far I'm thinking of having Ron, Coca Cola, tussi, xtasis. What else do you guys recommenced? Food and drink wise, what do the ladies like?

02-03-20, 03:12
I don't know why guys pick girls who are fatter than the ones I like. I don't know why guys pick girls thinner than what I like. I don't know why guys insist on anal with the girls. I don't know why guys do TLN or 20 minute quickies. I don't know why everyone doesn't do everything exactly the same way as I.

I also don't care. It's their dick, their money and their business. If a guy wants to fly a girl away to San Andres for the weekend, that's his problem. If some guy wants to give a girl an iPhone 11 or a 3 ct diamond ring, it's his money, he doesn't need my permission.

If some guy just wants the girls in El Centro, or the girls at La Isla. Who am I to tell him he's doing it wrong?

Myself, I feel no need to call a girl, * If she's acting like una perra, I'll let her know, but I'm not calling her una perra just because she's willing to fuck me for money. I have no need to degrade her just because some woman in the US gets paid more than I do, especially when that girl in Colombia is probably trying to raise a kid on less than $300 per month.

I don't bow and scrape and kiss the girls asses. I just treat them like human beings. Turns out, many of them appreciate that.Clearly, many of us are from different age groups, and clearly the things that many of you do does not apply to younger guys, none whatsoever. I don't really have to wrestle with these girls or come to the board and proclaim that any of the girls in Medellin are banging me for free. Personally, I have heard all kinds of stories about chics who bang guys for free in Medellin, but I have yet to confirm that it occurs. I have not seen one freebie in Centro, I haven't but hey, maybe I'm just a different guy.

What I do know is that there is a lot of confusion on the board out of sheer spite, and it doesn't have to be that way. I've seen numerous Gringos come to Medellin and get a taste of Centro and wish like hell they had not stayed in Poblado. Why would I pay 3 times the rent and 3 times the amount for a girl when I can get the same or better experience in Centro for less? All I have to do is be patient. For the longest, I have not seen anyone post anything outstanding about the girls that they bang. All I see is, she was a 7.5 nearly an 8. 0 but she wasn't all that. Why in the hell would I follow that route when clearly you didn't like your own experience at the place you were located?

If you are complaining about prices and time, then you either don't speak Spanish and haven't figured out that most Colombian women are always late, at least an hour. If you see your date arrive with her boyfriend or cousin or pimp, you have every right to tell her that you do want to date her, but something inside of your little mind wants to hear the lie that she is willing to tell to secure you $250,00 pesos. Currently that Is $73 usd. So if you're complaining about $73.00 but staying in a $100 a night room maybe you should stay in your lane, because you're clearly over spending and out of your league.

This thread has more, complaints, more consumers, more experimenters than I can shake a stick at. Pick a struggle, either the girls are too difficult, too expensive, rushing you, or you really don't know how to achieve what you want and have not been able to express to the girl what it is that you want. My last trip was the worst trip ever and I still managed to bang 16 chics in 2 days and give an accurate report about Centro.

Here's the tea guys, come to Medellin, find some girls, fuck'them and then go home, it's as simple as that. Pollo Negro is out!

02-03-20, 03:17
Yah yah every guy has the right do what he wants. I was just giving my opinion. My point was buying drinks for a girl all night don't guarantee you any pussy back in the states. If a ***** wants to fuck you she will. Period. Point is guys need to stop the Simping. Ya'll can take those words how ya'll want. And this applies to bitches that got they shit together. Doesn't apply to any woman here in Colombia unless your fucking for free. At the end of the day she only with you for the pesos. Don't matter how good she treats you she don't give a fuck if you die the next day as long as she got paid. So although I won't disrespect any girl here unless she deserves it at the same time all her acts are fucking false. I ain't come here for a fake ass novia. I came to beat in some guts and get my money's worth. Ya'll do you and I'll continue to do me."Guys need to stop." Isn't giving your opinion, it's telling everyone how they are required to behave, according to you.

You are so mistaken about the women in Colombia. There are plenty who just want to get paid and never see you again. There are also plenty who will happily spend the day with you, for nothing more than a cheap meal. There are plenty who, for what guys are paying for an hour who'll spend 10-12 hours, give as much sex as you can handle and leave you with a smile. There are girls who will, if you're there over Christmas, invite you to spend the day with their family. There are girls who will.

Some of us enjoy more than just beating in some guts. If it's okay with you, I for one will continue to do things the way I want.

02-03-20, 03:18
Try Kin BBQ (Avenida 80 No. 34 A - 75), it's not completely authentic but most of the girls I bring there like it. I don't go often because it makes me miss the real Korean barbecue. In Barrio Manila I really like Idilico. It's very innovative and low key. El Trompo is in Provenza and similar to Idilico. Oci. Mde is reliable in Provenza but very crowded on weekend nights. Both emphasize local ingredients. Lleras is well, Lleras, LOL!

I know of many good restaurants in El Poblado, specifically the barrios of Manila, La Linde, Castaprol, Provenza, and Patio Bonito. I have yet to find a good Asian place, I tried the one in the Click Clack Hotel which was a rip off and terrible. There is an Asian place opposite the Orange Suites Hotel in Astorga which is okay, much better than the Click Clack and about half the price. Good seafood in Medellin, forget it, go to either Santa Marta or Cartagena for that. There are no good Thai restaurants, the one by Parque LLeras sucks, don't go there. Mexican food is a challenge, lots of places put pineapple on their tacos, and their interpretation of Mexican food doesn't make sense. One place on the same street as Carmens named Mal Siento Mesa of all things had Chilli Relleno on the menu, yet the ingredients did not include chili, egg, or cheese. It had meat and apples whatever they thought it was. The best Mexican place I have found is Chiliquales in Manila. They have homemade tortillas, homemade black beans, dishes from Oaxca including moles, Cochinta Pubil, Carnitas, which is to die for, and great guacamole.

02-03-20, 03:50
Yeah, Mondongos is OK. In that price range I usually go for Parmessano or Hacienda. Hato Viejo is of comparable quality to Mondongos. Up in the Barrio Buenos Aires the La Estacion barbecue restaurant is good and very inexpensive. It's a couple of doors from the Mercado del Tranvia. In the Mercado there are a dozen or so.

If you like Colombian food, modongos is actually quite decent. I liked the food and service at Puerto Inka. There is a Sushi house immediately next door that was great if you are into that. Peru con Alma was a nice steakhouse. Even the pizza at Pizza piccolo tasted better with fresher ingredients and made from scratch. If you just want a grab and go or feeling for a shawarma sandwich, there is a place at the exito gas station opposite the energy building. Rappi can even bring it to you, some of the best shawarma I have had anywhere. I am sure I did not even scratch the surface of what is out there.

02-03-20, 04:09
I would be careful confronting people in Medellin. Read this story:


02-03-20, 04:24
Thank you very much for this enjoyable report. If you don't mind, would you please share the details of the good restaurants you visited?

I am a bit less than neutral on the facebook scene, mostly because of the waiting around it often involves. When I see so many guys mention how much time the facebook girls spend with them I know it's because the girls are doing the old routine of as little sex as they are allowed to get away with interspersed with small talk, boozing, and smoking cripa. Like any independent provider, I find the facebook girls have to be managed to get a fair bang for the buck. Managed as in getting the provider to agree in advance to what you want or move on to another.That depends on the guy. If I pay a girl for 3 hrs my dick is going to be in one of her orifices at the minimum of 2 hrs. I don't play with they ass. Obviously when they tell me that they tired we can take a break for a few minutes. But other than that her ass is on the clock. When your working does your employer allow you to just chill for free. No they always want you to find something to do with keep busy. Why should it be any different with these girls. Shit at least give me a massage. Its not like most of these girls can even engage in a stimulating conversion that will intrigue me enough to make up for sex. Stop Simping. That's going to be my new slogan from now on LOL.

02-03-20, 04:25
Are the problems people have with facebook girls leaving early or doing CBJ not solved by just agreeing everything in advance? If I've agreed a price I'm definitely going to make sure I know exactly what I'm paying for. I've yet to see one from facebook, but have spoken to a few, they universally seem happy with 200 k + taxi but what they do for that differs when I confirm, some say 1 cum but some are fine with multiple over 2 hours.

So far seen one from seeking and one from tinder, with both I agreed everything in advance, BBBJ, DFK, multiple cums over 2 or so hours. Tinder girl had to leave after just over an hour so I gave her half. Both very good sessions though.

Tried the clubs one night also, I think fase dos is terrible, 70% empty but you can't sit on those wooden stools / tables if you just buy the 20 k beer, so have to sit by the bar. A few stand out girls but most average and girls asking for tips a lot, seemed to be more asking than I saw dance, most girls all sat on the side on their phones. So with all that it's boring and can't relax. 10 k entry.

La isla has the best quality of all places I went. 22 k and they have proper tables and couches which you can sit on with a beer even though here is 70% full. Girls hassle for tips just as much, I had a girl asking for a tip before I even got my first beer and didn't like me saying no. Girls are more active here, walking about, saying Hello,. 10 k entry. I wasn't looking to session at the time but there was good options, I think I will return one night.

Gusto, 20 k entry 16 k beer, packed at midnight but quality was disappointing. It may just be my preference but to me the online options seem much better quality than what I see here.

Conejitas bar show, no entry, 6 k beer. General quality poor but some doable. Constant dances and you get less hassle in here so can relax.

02-03-20, 04:36
What do you guys stock up on to ensure the ladies have a good time and don't want to leave?

So far I'm thinking of having Ron, Coca Cola, tussi, xtasis. What else do you guys recommenced? Food and drink wise, what do the ladies like?You already have quite a lot of merchandise as it is. How about stocking up on a pair? Negotiate up front for the time. Of she agrees to 3 hrs ***** is staying for 3 hrs or her pay getting cut. Have everything in writing and you should be good for the most part. It's like paying these bitches 200 k and taking them to a 100 k dinner or having drugs and booze available. I swear these girls in Poblado are living the life fucking with certain gringos. Yah yah every man has the right to do what he pleases with his money. Stop the Simping.

02-03-20, 04:47
What do you guys stock up on to ensure the ladies have a good time and don't want to leave?

So far I'm thinking of having Ron, Coca Cola, tussi, xtasis. What else do you guys recommenced? Food and drink wise, what do the ladies like?Forget all that shit, just bring lots of money and they will never leave.

02-03-20, 10:55
Yah yah every guy has the right do what he wants. I was just giving my opinion. My point was buying drinks for a girl all night don't guarantee you any pussy back in the states. If a ***** wants to fuck you she will. Period. Point is guys need to stop the Simping. Ya'll can take those words how ya'll want. And this applies to bitches that got they shit together. Doesn't apply to any woman here in Colombia unless your fucking for free. At the end of the day she only with you for the pesos. Don't matter how good she treats you she don't give a fuck if you die the next day as long as she got paid. So although I won't disrespect any girl here unless she deserves it at the same time all her acts are fucking false. I ain't come here for a fake ass novia. I came to beat in some guts and get my money's worth. Ya'll do you and I'll continue to do me.I'm so confused. Are you offering dating advice for the people who live in the states, or are you expressing your opinion on mongering in Medellin? Those two situations are fundamentally different. What you would spend to party in San Francisco in one night will make Gusto look like a thrift store (I'm talking about taking turns to buy drinks). Four out five times you will not go home with a girl, in that 1 out of 5 times you go back with a girl, if you are lucky, she is a San Francisco 7 and Medellin 4; she will be between 24-35. I'm stuck in hell; I have no choice but pay the 20 dollar cover charge, drink the 16 dollar cocktail, and fuck the Medellin 4. If I want to get a Medellin 8+ (an 18 year-old knock out) in the states, it will cost me 800+ an hour. I hope this gives some background on why I love Gusto so much; it is cheap and perfect.

Mongering in Medellin is different, for the price of five or six drinks in a good bar in San Francisco, I can get two 18-year-old, solid San Francisco 9+, for a divine four-hour threesome. I treat them the same way I treat my sisters (I have two sisters, 16 and 22, and I spoil them a lot). We always have a great time together. Sex has gotten better and better as we become friendlier. I agree that their primary objective is to earn pesos, but it doesn't hurt to make them more comfortable and create a relatively enjoyable experience for them; this is a none zero-sum game.

Don't matter how good she treats you she don't give a fuck if you die the next day as long as she got paid. Why would I ever want a girl to give a fuck if I die tomorrow, if anything, I paying her to not give a fuck.

02-03-20, 12:07
That depends on the guy. If I pay a girl for 3 hrs my dick is going to be in one of her orifices at the minimum of 2 hrs. I don't play with they ass. Obviously when they tell me that they tired we can take a break for a few minutes. But other than that her ass is on the clock. If you want to maximize the number of calories they burn per hour, this a great approach! Thank you for keeping them in good shape for the rest of us. In my book, this is certainly not an excellent way to maximize your overall enjoyment; in fact, it is minimizing it.

When your working does your employer allow you to just chill for free. No they always want you to find something to do with keep busy. Why should it be any different with these girls. Shit at least give me a massage. Its not like most of these girls can even engage in a stimulating conversion that will intrigue me enough to make up for sex. Stop Simping. That's going to be my new slogan from now on LOL.I can see that we must have a different occupation. I always encourage my employees to be more creative than productive. Productivity matters, but creativity generates more value in the long run. It takes some chill time to brew creativity. You are not going to get the best monger experience by being a clock watcher the same way that you are not going to build a successful business by being a clock watcher. Let me enlighten you with some personal experience in Medellin. When I'm with smoking-hot [Deleted by Admin] girls in Medellin, what I'm looking for is intimate sex; I want them to become comfortable enough with me that they will lose all their guards, it takes more than a few meetings to achieve this, but once you get there, it is a different world. Here are a few examples:

I had one 18-year-old girl who was super nervous the first time we met, we barely talked, sex was great back then, but it became phenomenal after I took the time to get to know her. She now shows me pictures of her childhood, walks through my Facebook list, and tells stories behind some of FB girls that she knows. She dances naked in a funky style in front of my mirror; she knew that I would not judge her. She even asks me to record a video of her play with herself. She use to come to my place, fuck and leave in 45 minutes, now we typically spend 3-4 hours together, dance, laugh, drink and fuck, for the same price as the 45-minute session. In the beginning, she didn't like DFK that much; now she sallows my tongue every chance she gets. This experience is much more enjoyable than watching my clock for 3 hours and asking her to go through some meaningless mechanical motion.

I had another 19-year-old who didn't want to snore my tussi and drink my whiskey the first time we met, but after I spent the time to show her that I'm a chill guy who respects her, she dropped all her guards [Deleted by Admin]. She showed me her favorite dildo and played with her clit while I was fucking her, she squirted a few times too.

I had another 18-year-old who was extremely shy the first time we met, her DFK was barely acceptable, but after meeting her a few time, she said that she started to like me. Now she asks me to fuck her in the doggy style and put a line on her back, snore it while fucking her; she loves to watch me doing this in the mirror. Her weak DFK now turns into violent DFK. She used to be a 45-minute in-and-out girl; now we spend 2 to 3 hours together each time we meet, for the same price.

Just to be clear, I speak absolutely zero Spanish, all this can be done using google translate. I don't know about you, these are the type of sex I'm looking for in Medellin, and you are not going to get them by being a clock watcher.

02-03-20, 12:27
I have an answer for SJobs, on post as well, one of the pregnant chicas was walking with her husband and she spoke to me, I politely spoke back and gave her a hug, then I asked her was she working and she said yes. The husband, her 2 sisters and her cousin went home and left her with me, it was about 8 pm. I took her back to my room in Parque Botero and banged her tight vagina in doggy style until I had a enough, for a really good low rate and she told me that she hadn't had a date all day that's why the husband was not against her having a date, the entire family hadn't eaten all day. Guess it was my lucky day.If I decide to pop my el centro cherry in my next trip that is coming up in less than a week, I will do it with an 18-year-old pregnant chick, it will be my first time banging a pregnant chick.

Me and PunkedLife witness a deranged man damn near stab a female in the park right in front of us. The overall look of the park and the prices show that the situation is damn near desperate, the girls working in the park are much more dangerous and far more brave and willing to play games and attempt to take advantage of Gringos.This sounds like a pretty dangerous street for a pregnant chick to work at.

02-03-20, 12:40
Overall not bad. I mean I fucked a 9, sessioned with 2 solid 8's, even fucked the one that gave me a hard time that I wanted to, and had 2 great casa sessions. Experienced a few good dining options, had a couple wonderful legit massages, soared like an eagle 9 k feet in the sky (I love paragliding there) and felt nice and relaxed. I could think of a lot worse ways to spend 6 days my friend. LOL.Great report, thanks for sharing. This sounds like a fantastic trip. I have been through worse shit in terms of getting taxis in Medellin. During my first night in Medellin, I came back from El Fasian at 8 am, piss drunk and high, I paid 100 k for a ride that would have cost less than 20 k. Its all part of the game, I will not make that mistake again. But in general, the taxi drivers in Medellin are pretty legit; they are infinitely better than the Eastern European taxi drivers. Where are some good legit massage places in Medellin, any of them in Poblado?

02-03-20, 13:17
How do you know the pregnant chick is not able to charge twice as much as the other chicks because she is a novelty? .I don't know, I have never gotten anyone pregnant before, and I have certainly never asked anyone pregnant to go on the street of El Centro to earn money. But I'm pretty sure people on this thread will have a pretty good idea on whether they will pay a pregnant chick twice as much as a knock-out 18-year-old. My guess is the pregnant chick is worth about the same, if not unless than a 9+ 18-year-old who is not pregnant.

Unfortunately, poor people do not think about the financial hardship and time that is involved when they are getting knocked up or knocking people up. The evolutionary train ensures that more people will be made, no matter if the people are filthy rich or dirt poor. Economic position has no bearing in whether more mfs in the animal kingdom will be or can be created. No matter how important we want to make ourselves feel, our only job here is to continue to populate the place.This is a funny argument, the same evolutionary forces that drives us to procreate will also promote the genes that find pregnant chick sexually unattractive.

02-03-20, 14:46
How far in advance before your trip did you start with SA? Seems a bit time consuming as there are faster cheaper options out there. But the results were fantastic for you. LOL.

I arrived on Friday and left on Sunday, so it was a quick weekend trip. But I think I've fallen in love with Medellin already. The venues I used to find girls were La Isla, Loutron, and Seeking Arrangements. Read on if that is of interest to you.

Some background. I am a relatively young (30 yo) South Asian gentleman from the US. I speak un poco Spanish, having studied it in high school for 4 years. I would say that at this point, I'm losing my newbie status at mongering (but still making newbie mistakes haha). I've been to Thailand 5 times and Tijuana twice. Some may derisively label me as a "one week millionaire" - I'm not a millionaire by any means but my chief constraint for these type of trips is never cash, but time. PTO is hard to come by in the US, which means that I am trying to maximize my experiences in the limited amount of time available. I am more than willing to pay more for higher quality, both looks and service wise.

I booked the Friday morning Spirit flight from Fort Lauderdale to Medellin. No one would mistake Spirit for luxury travel, but it got the job done (aka it fit my schedule and my budget). 3. 5 hours and a relatively quiet flight. I got my first sight of Medellin as we descended, and I was blown away by how beautiful the verdant mountainous terrain was.

The one thing I really should have done better was planned my phone situation better before arriving. My company usually pays for international data, but apparently the policy had changed sometime last month and I didn't know. So I landed and found out that my phone just did not work without WiFi. I kicked myself for not bringing my unlocked phone from home. Long story short, I actually had to buy a new phone in the Santa Fe mall for about $40 and use that as a WiFi hotspot for my other phone. A real inconvenience, but I was not about to let $40 set me back.

I took an Uber to my hotel (about 50 k COP). I stayed at the Hotel Torre Poblado which is a few blocks from Parque Lleras in Poblado. For the one bedroom suite, I paid $70 per night in Chase Ultimate Rewards points (one of the many perks of travelling for work is racking up points and miles). It was a perfectly serviceable, bordering on nice, hotel. It was not seedy, which I liked. Clean, professional staff, friendly. Two knocks against it. The bathroom was not great. Small, water leaking from the stall, hot water shut off halfway through, fixtures were shabby. And second and more importantly. The WiFi was pretty terrible in the bedroom. It is girl-friendly as far as I can tell. All in all, pretty nice place, can recommend for a solid (but not exceptional) stay. The price point and location are pretty hard to beat though.

I had arranged to meet with my SA chick in the afternoon but I was sorting out my phone problems for the better part of three hours. I told her to instead hold off until Saturday evening and she agreed. I was not of, course, content to stay in for the night. I had La Isla on my the mind.

From what I can read on this forum (and from what the taxi drivers all told me) there are two top strip clubs in Medellin. Fase Dos and La Isla. Of the two La Isla is supposed to have hotter girls, is bigger, and has a more "exclusive" feel due to it's being tucked away high in the mountains. As I said before, I will pay for quality, so La Isla it was.

For the record, I think in the 21st century it should not be hard for a club to market themselves. Yet I had to trawl the web for over an hour to find La Isla on google maps and facebook. There was a vague consensus that it was located somewhere on Via Las Palmas, but each different map service took me to very different areas of the city. Thanks to the help of a map posted in this forum, I was able to triangulate its location. For future reference for newbies, instead of searching for "La Isla" in google, search for "Mirador de las Palmas" - there is not ambiguity about that location, and the nightclub is right next to it. End rant.

So I headed over to La Isla at about 9:30 pm, which I learned was way too early. I was just the second patron at the establishment so it was pretty dead for a while. I would not recommend anyone get here before 11 pm on Fridays, and I assume Saturdays would be similar as well. La Isla is a very expansive club, lounge sofas all around a large central stage with a pole. Girls dance around for a while and when they are done they come around to every single person to ask for a tip. It's generally expected that you tip them at least 2 k COP. It's less than a dollar so don't be a cheap charlie. Beers are about 15 k COP I think, not sure. Lady drinks / fichas are 25 k+, of which the girl gets 10 k. You can of course take a girl to the attached rooms. Room included, standard service is 300 k COP for an hour.

Now for the girls. At its peak there were maybe a few dozen of them. Before I give yall my ratings, keep in mind my tastes. Young, short, slim, natural, and light skinned. Unfortunately, there were not tons of girls that fit this phenotype. Many were tall, full-bodied, big asses, and clearly enhanced. In my opinion, I would say it's 30% <= 6, 60% 7, 5% 8, 5% = 9. For another reference point, I was say the Hong Kong club in Tijuana is 50% <= 6, 30% 7, 10% 8, 10% = 9. And most gogo bars in Thailand I go to would be 70% <= 6, 20% 7, 5% 8, 5% = 9. So in comparison to them, La Isla has a much higher floor. Relatively few fuglies that I wouldn't fuck for free. In contrast, most of the girls in Thai gogo bars are pure filler that I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. But La Isla also had fewer girls that checked all my boxes compared to HK.

Visitors to HK or Thailand will also note how low pressure La Isla is. No one was really pressuring me for drinks, the girls were willing to sit with me for a while before even asking for a drink, and they would sometimes stick around for a bit after finishing theirs.

Over the course of three hours, I probably bought drinks for a half dozen girls. I had my eye on a bombshell blonde Ivanka Trump look alike. I was shocked that she hadn't been taken out yet. I called her down and I realized why. She was a total ice queen. Left a gap between me and her, moved my hands off her, and when asked she refused BJs and besos. Quickly finished her drink and I threw her back into the sea.

I could've gone with a number girls that were "good enough" but I wanted to wait until I found the one. And I'm glad I did, because I met Lucy, a late 20's thin morena with a nice smile and a nice attitude. All natural, tight figure, cuppable breasts, and proportionate ass, etc. We chatted for a bit, and we had some chemistry, so I decided to take her arriba. For 300 k she promised BJ and besos, BB was not offered nor asked for.

The rooms in La Isla were quite functional. Better than most ST rooms in Thailand, about equivalent to Hotel Cascadas but maybe a bit cleaner. My chica offered me a hit of her blunt and I partook. We showered and then got down to business. Good CBJ, eye contact, and passionate. She got on top, and showered me with DFK which was muy rico. She rode me for a while, tried doggy for a few moments, but I finished in missionary (I'm such a romantic LOL). She gave me her Whatsapp, so I may see her again at some point. As we were chatting afterwards, she asked what I was doing the next day. I said I was spending time with a girl I met online. She warned me to be careful with Paisa chicas LOL. She didn't elaborate but I assume it's probably something to do with drugs, robbing, etc. Regardless it stuck with me. With that, I headed back to my room and that marked the end of a fruitful Day 1 in Medellin.

I had two objectives for Day 2, Saturday. Meeting my SA chick that night of course, but in the afternoon I wanted to check out Loutron. I heard good things about this place. I took the long taxi ride up to the beautiful retrofitted Escobar mansion. I reached there at about 2 pm, and again I may have been too early (someone please let me know if there's a better time). The manager chick there explained the pricing (generally 300 k for standard FS). I was seated with a beer, and she called in the chicas one by one. I got to say, I was not impressed. There were none that fit my preferred petite profile. Many of the women appeared quite old. There was one girl Paolina that was approaching my taste, but for $100 I was not willing. I asked the manager if there would be a larger selection later on in the day, and she said not really. IDK if that was just her trying to get me to bite, but regardless I took that as my queue to leave empty handed.

Now for my date with my SA chick. Long story short, it was amazing. I will keep her identity hidden, in an to attempt to keep her all to myself LOL. Let's call her Diana. I would recommend SA wholeheartedly for anyone who has time to vet the girls on the website. It's a lot of work, as most girls rarely check the site. And the demographics I was looking for (18 - 21 yo) are pretty flaky in general. Add to that the difficulty of differentiating between the "real" girls and the prepagos. There was one girl who straight up propositioned me for 250 USD. She was hot but the goal of me using SA was to find a non-pro. Diana did respond though, and we moved the conversation to WhatsApp over which we'd been chatting for about a week or so.

Diana is 22, a real universitaria. She isn't conventionally stunning, but goddamn if she was not cute as a button. Relatively tall, thin and pretty. Smart, talkative (which nicely complemented my naturally quiet personality), and aligned with me with values, ideals, priorities, etc. We chatted for close to an hour and a half just during our meet and greet at the Mi Habana bar.

She said it was her first time on SA, and it was obvious that she was a total non-pro. She was hesitant to discuss anything explicit during our meet and greet (maybe her complete lack of English was a roadblock), and she seemed a bit uncomfortable about it. That threw up some red flags. The risk with non-pros like on SA is that they don't know what they want and might go into it expecting platonic arrangements (no sex). More hardened mongers will no doubt pipe up to say that I should have pressed her during the meet and greet, lest I set myself up for a wasted time. Two things though - 1) I was really enjoying my time with Diana, and 2) worst case scenario she would go home after our platonic data and I could pick someone up in Parque Lleras / Gustos.

She wanted to stop by at an ATM to get cash for her taxi home (another red flag). But I refused to wait in her line (and I wanted her to know that I would be paying for things) so I guided her towards a food cart instead. We got some crepes and headed to Luxury club off Parque Lleras. It was packed, and it was what I was expecting. Loud reggaeton with intoxicated young people grinding on each other. Aka exactly my scene haha.

Diana was not dressed for the occasion (read: slutty), and she was clearly out of her element here. She said she had been there for a birthday with a coworker and she enjoyed it, but I could sense she was not very comfortable. While everyone else was getting hammered, she ordered for us a fruity slushy with candy pieces in it haha. We bounced after an hour and headed to my hotel.

There the "drama" if you will started. She was nervous / shy, and did not reciprocate my overt moves. She talked about it was strange that we would move so quickly after knowing each other for just 5 hours. She started asking me about my last girlfriend and how long it had been since I broke up with her. It felt like she was stalling for time, but I indulged her. I didn't make any more overt moves (like going for her breasts or moving towards a kiss) but we were physical. She had taken off her shoes and were laying next to each other more or less. I was ready to call it and basically told her I was going to sleep (trying to get her to leave so I could move on), but she didn't appear to get my hint. She asked if I normally went to sleep with lights on, and I was like whatever turn off the lights then. I was waiting for her bounce, when finally my autistic-ass brain finally caught up to me. I was the one who wasn't getting the message! She could have left a while ago, but instead she is lying next to me in bed with the lights off. No wonder I suck with girls, if it took me this long to pick up the hint.

Anyways, once I realized what was happening, I leaned over and gave her a kiss, this turned into a deep make-out session as if we were teenagers. The clothes start shedding off, and soon I had in my hands Diana's supple, beautiful body. Perfect little breasts that she enjoyed being sucked, a bare picturesque pussy, and of course those her wonderful kissable lips. We tried missionary but she was super tight and to be honest the alcohol had done a number on my dick. We switched to cowgirl which worked magnificently. She rode me til I cum, and then she leaned over to make out as I grew soft inside her.

All this was done bareback, which I am now very much regretting. She didn't seem high mileage so STDs didn't seem like a huge risk. But that's the small head talking. She seemed smart enough to be on birth control / plan be / whatever. But that's the small head talking. So yeah. Not my proudest moment. Also should mention that there was no BJ whatsoever. I barely cared at the moment, but I've got to work on that if I see her again.

Following that we cuddled and she was very sweet and tender. I didn't get much sleep that night, as I usually don't when sharing a bed. But I was content in having this beautiful creature by my side that evening. In the morning she was gathering her stuff to leave and I gave her 350 k for the night, to which she asked "Why are you giving me so much?" I didn't tell her this, but in my mind the experience I had with Diana was worth well more than $102 - indeed, I have spent more for less. Like, $100 will get you a half hour with a girl in HK, I got Diana for the whole night.

Reading over this it sounds a lot like I'm catching feelings already haha. The Pattaya people are fond of throwing out the 3-day rule, wherein you never see the same girl more than 3 times in a row. I've always thought that was pure garbage. If you're into the girl then enjoy yourself. So we'll see how this goes. Maybe this is what Lucy at La Isla was warning me about. Be careful with las Paisas. I've got another trip planned for the middle of February, also another quick weekend jaunt. I'm laying the groundwork for seeing her already, I'm sure I won't have any trouble convincing her to sync-up again.

Anyways, the rest of the trip went by uneventfully. Had a latte at the nearby Toucan Cafe on Sunday morning, and then a very good empanada at a whole in the wall that is popular with locals. Checked out of my hotel, took a 50 k COP Didi ride to the airport, spent some time at the Priority Pass Lounges (they're quite nice, although the food could be a bit more substantial). Back on the Spirit flight to the US, during which I am writing this report. Te ver pronto, Medellin!

Mr Enternational
02-03-20, 15:51
Saturday in Barranquilla I put my card in a Bancolombia machine to take out 600K. It gave me some kind of message but no money. I know sometimes when machines in third world countries do that you can select a smaller amount and it will work. So I put my card in again and tried 400K. Still the same thing.

When I got to Medellin yesterday and checked my account, it showed I had taken out $181 (600K) and that $122 (400K) was also taken out at the same machine but reversed. I immediately called Schwab and the lady did whatever to file the dispute. My days of using Bancolombia machines are over.

02-03-20, 16:03
Clearly, many of us are from different age groups, and clearly the things that many of you do does not apply to younger guys, none whatsoever. I don't really have to wrestle with these girls or come to the board and proclaim that any of the girls in Medellin are banging me for free. Personally, I have heard all kinds of stories about chics who bang guys for free in Medellin, but I have yet to confirm that it occurs. I have not seen one freebie in Centro, I haven't but hey, maybe I'm just a different guy.You're probably not going to find any freebies in El Centro. You're not out there trying to cultivate that type of relationship. You're there to find them, fuck them, pay them and send them out the door. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Go find some of the expats who have been living in Medellin for several years. You'll find many of them are getting frequent freebies. I'm sure when you're back home you have the opportunity for lots of freebies. I know I have plenty of options and I'm an old, hunchbacked freak. It's a different dynamic when you live there. Of course, it all depends on how a guy treats others.

What I do know is that there is a lot of confusion on the board out of sheer spite, and it doesn't have to be that way. I've seen numerous Gringos come to Medellin and get a taste of Centro and wish like hell they had not stayed in Poblado. Why would I pay 3 times the rent and 3 times the amount for a girl when I can get the same or better experience in Centro for less? All I have to do is be patient. For the longest, I have not seen anyone post anything outstanding about the girls that they bang. All I see is, she was a 7.5 nearly an 8. 0 but she wasn't all that. Why in the hell would I follow that route when clearly you didn't like your own experience at the place you were located?And I've seen guys who decided to land in El Centro, hid in their hotel room for 1 night and then ran away to Poblado. Everyone has to find their own level. As for paying 3 times as much, last trip the total cost for my 10 nights lodging, in a 3 Bed, 2 Bath apartment with an excellent pool and fitness center came to exactly $0.00 USD (or 0.000 COP). Unfortunately, I'll have to pay for lodging next time.

Also the experience you have doesn't translate to anyone else. Even if someone bangs all the same girls you do, their experience with each will be different.

If you are complaining about prices and time, then you either don't speak Spanish and haven't figured out that most Colombian women are always late, at least an hour. If you see your date arrive with her boyfriend or cousin or pimp, you have every right to tell her that you do want to date her, but something inside of your little mind wants to hear the lie that she is willing to tell to secure you $250,00 pesos. Currently that Is $73 usd. So if you're complaining about $73.00 but staying in a $100 a night room maybe you should stay in your lane, because you're clearly over spending and out of your league.Colombians have the "maana" attitude. The clock isn't a top priority. I try to use that to my favor. Very few women are in a rush to leave and I'm usually in no rush for them to leave.

Who a girl arrives with, or what she does after leaving isn't my problem, neither is what she's going to do with the money. If I hire someone to take care of my lawn, my only concern is they do what they're being paid to do, not what they're having for dinner.

I don't complain about how much I pay, or worry about losing a few dollars. I would never stay in a $100 per night room, not in Medellin. There are too many options for under $35 and I can get around the city better than most.

This thread has more, complaints, more consumers, more experimenters than I can shake a stick at. Pick a struggle, either the girls are too difficult, too expensive, rushing you, or you really don't know how to achieve what you want and have not been able to express to the girl what it is that you want. My last trip was the worst trip ever and I still managed to bang 16 chics in 2 days and give an accurate report about Centro.Everyone is different. We've got guys who say you should only treat the girls like garbage, others want to treat them like queens. There are guys who want to party 24/7 and guys who never touch drugs or alcohol. Some want 6 girls a day, some want 1 girl for 6 days. Some want them chunky, some skinny, some young, some old, some pregnant, some not. Some guys say there's no reason to try and talk with the girls, some enjoy the conversations.

The guys who don't know what they want are the ones hitting your PMs (and mine) wanting contact numbers, wanting pictures and details. They read a report and treat it like a porno. They want to put themselves in the starring role. Most of us already learned to walk our own path and find our own girls. We don't need to worry if everyone else can see we're having a good time.

Here's the tea guys, come to Medellin, find some girls, fuck'them and then go home, it's as simple as that. Pollo Negro is out!See? That wasn't so difficult.

02-03-20, 16:32
Yeah, Mondongos is OK. In that price range I usually go for Parmessano or Hacienda. Hato Viejo is of comparable quality to Mondongos. Up in the Barrio Buenos Aires the La Estacion barbecue restaurant is good and very inexpensive. It's a couple of doors from the Mercado del Tranvia. In the Mercado there are a dozen or so.Try Bottega de Verde in Ciudad del Rio for Italian. It's near the Museum of Modern Art. El Botaniko in Provenza (not to be confused with La Botanika at Parque Lleras which has a great Burger, or El Botaniko next to New Life) is excellent, but pricey. Bao Bei on Carrera 36, just off Calle 10 for great Asian fusion. Tiny place, so there's always a wait. The Korean BBQ across from the'Andres on Carrera 37 is also quite good. If you want lots of food for a reasonable price, Thaico at Parque Lleras offers everything half price from lunch to (I believe) 6 pm. Easily enough for 2 for about 13 k. Just be sure to tell them spicy. They also have 3 for 1 drink deals.

For breakfast, it's hard to beat the'Andres, although I always enjoy El Desayunero on Calle 10. Hotel DuParc Royal also does a good breakfast buffet. Back in Provenza, Arabe is another I'd recommend (if I'm remembering the right place). Full Arabe in Laureles is another good spot for dinner. El Apache on Carrera 70 used to do a good steak, but looks like they're closed now.

I've found a lot of good places by getting away from the main areas. In Laureles everyone focuses on La 70 or Avenida Nutibara, but there are dozens of nice spots on the surrounding streets. Or, head somewhere, anywhere, flag down a taxi and start asking the driver about restaurants. Found a few excellent spots around Obrero that way.

02-03-20, 16:53
Saturday in Barranquilla I put my card in a Bancolombia machine to take out 600K. It gave me some kind of message but no money. I know sometimes when machines in third world countries do that you can select a smaller amount and it will work. So I put my card in again and tried 400K. Still the same thing.

When I got to Medellin yesterday and checked my account, it showed I had taken out $181 (600K) and that $122 (400K) was also taken out at the same machine but reversed. I immediately called Schwab and the lady did whatever to file the dispute. My days of using Bancolombia machines are over.I had this happen with servico atms, the green ones that carter to foreigners. Well it turns out that the weekend it happened they banks implemented their switches and if you had an ATM code that was greater then 4 digits, it would charge the bank but not dispess the cash. THe solution, I had to change my pin from 6 to 4 digits. However during that time I had them refund like $600 and it was al cleared and taken care of.

Good catch, these ATMS do mad shady stuff from time to time but it's all good as long as you pay attention.

02-03-20, 16:56
Wow! I landed last night and I try to use uber and a weird message came up.

Turns out the enforcement of making uber llegal in Colombia was just implemented on the 1st of Febuary.


I can't belive this country just kissed away 40 MIl in tax revenue. What a joke. Easy taxi still works though.

The Tall Man
02-03-20, 16:57
What do you guys stock up on to ensure the ladies have a good time and don't want to leave?

So far I'm thinking of having Ron, Coca Cola, tussi, xtasis. What else do you guys recommenced? Food and drink wise, what do the ladies like?And for some the cheap little black plastic bags with a touch of glue to sniff, ahhhh that smells like shit.

The Tall Man.

02-03-20, 18:46
So I decided to stay at the Mansion on Saturday night and brought along one of Amigas to spend the night with me. Upon arriving around 5 PM we were warmly greeted by the Mansion staff, and upon registering and paying we were taken to our room. Nicely appointed room for the locale, and the bed was very comfortable, which was immediately utilized upon the closing of the door. After we completed our first session I informed my Amiga that I had a bottle of red wine, cheese, and crackers for us to share so we went upstairs to the balcony on the fourth floor, pulled up some chairs, and took in a beautiful sunset. I handed her the bottle of wine and the corkscrew and asked her to un-cork the wine. She was clueless not knowing what a corkscrew was let alone a cork for that matter. Her liquor experience as she told me was limited to Rum, Aquardiente, and Cerveza. Regardless, I opened up the wine, poured it into the plastic cups I had brought and we started munching on the cheese and crackers. After about five minutes two guys came up to the balcony and were drinking beers, followed by another couple of came up and started smoking weed. Directly below us was Parque Perdista, also known as "Stoners Park". The other guests drinking beer and smoking weed were a bit perplexed to see someone with a bottle of wine, cheese, and crackers. Anyways, after we finished the bottle of wine we decided to go to dinner and spent some time in the park. Lot's and lots of people, musical instruments, and everyone had something in common. It was either a drink (beer, rum, aguardiente) in one hand, or a joint in one hand, or one of each in each hand, and / or Coke to snort. Vendors were selling joints of Marijuana for 2,000 Pesos and bags of Coke for 4,000 Pesos. I watched some of the transactions and what people were paying. After spending time in the park we went to a Chinese place around the corner and then came back thru the park and my Amiga purchased a joint. We went back up to the room, and were ready for another session and my Amiga said she wanted to get high so she went up to the balcony, I declined, and when she came back she was like a female dog (Perra) in heat ready to tumble. An amorous nymphomaniac, I was in heaven and after the second session we fell asleep, albeit there was some noise from the street but not really from the other clients in the rooms and I was woken up a few times during the night. And around six in the morning I woke up with morning wood which was easily taken care of by my Amiga. We slept some more after our third session and finally departed around 10:30 AM and I was totally des-leched. So the total damage for this extravaganza was approximately 35 K for the room, 30 K for dinner, 30 K for wine / cheese / crackers, 2 K for my Amigas joint, 6 K for transport, and 150 K for my Amiga. So I spent a whopping 253 K or about $ 75 USD for a romantic evening of sexual debauchery, and my Amiga was thanking me profusely for such a good time and so much money.

So would I recommend the Mansion to others. If you like to get high but don't have to, have a good tolerance for noise, and don't mind a room with the minimum (hot water, flat screen TV, & Fan) and speak some Spanish it could be a lot of fun. I know other gringos frequent the park there, but I don't think so many other gringos actually spend the night there, perhaps some of the other posters have. Way different scene then the "Little Caracas" part of town. I have no problem going back. I'm not there to get high on drugs, but to be devoured by and devour my Amiga when she is in heat.

Black Page
02-03-20, 18:49
When I got to Medellin yesterday and checked my account, it showed I had taken out $181 (600K) and that $122 (400K) was also taken out at the same machine but reversed. I immediately called Schwab and the lady did whatever to file the dispute. My days of using Bancolombia machines are over.

Well it turns out that the weekend it happened they banks implemented their switches and if you had an ATM code that was greater then 4 digits, it would charge the bank but not dispess the cash. THe solution, I had to change my pin from 6 to 4 digits. However during that time I had them refund like $600 and it was al cleared and taken care of..Excuse me?? Anyone can provide some more details about this?

My debit card has a 5-digit PIN. I have always used it without problems in Colombia. Now you are saying that the PIN must be 4-digit, or it will not work but cause that mess? It's incredible to say the least!

What should I do, except changing the PIN to 4 digits? (which is not possible, as my bank wisely does not allow shorter PINs).

Mr. E, what do you mean with "reversed"? That your account lists a withdrawal, but the same amount has been immediately returned because the transaction has been recognized as not happened?

02-03-20, 19:00
But I'm pretty sure people on this thread will have a pretty good idea on whether they will pay a pregnant chick twice as much as a knock-out 18-year-old. My guess is the pregnant chick is worth about the same, if not unless than a 9+ 18-year-old who is not pregnant..My guess is that the pregnant Chicas are not going to get anymore than the non-pregnant Chicas contrary to what Mr. E might think. Yes they are a novelty for sure, but maybe in a negative way versus a positive way. Or I suppose for the Aficionados, kind of like something rare which they are willing to pay more for. Perhaps in the next few days I will interview a few and find out how much they want, but I would be surprised if they actually get more than the others but could be totally wet on that one.

02-03-20, 20:17
Excuse me?? Anyone can provide some more details about this?

My debit card has a 5-digit PIN. I have always used it without problems in Colombia. Now you are saying that the PIN must be 4-digit, or it will not work but cause that mess? It's incredible to say the least!

What should I do, except changing the PIN to 4 digits? (which is not possible, as my bank wisely does not allow shorter PINs).

Mr. E, what do you mean with "reversed"? That your account lists a withdrawal, but the same amount has been immediately returned because the transaction has been recognized as not happened?Certain banks and certain ATMS are doing this.

Because I literally had it happen over night with some weird ATM firmware update and it was sooo hard for me to figure ut out.

It's in small print, you got to contact your back and find out. I think it has to do with the switching company thtat the ATM in Colombia and the bank in the US has on the backend.

02-03-20, 20:21
Excuse me?? Anyone can provide some more details about this?

My debit card has a 5-digit PIN. I have always used it without problems in Colombia. Now you are saying that the PIN must be 4-digit, or it will not work but cause that mess? It's incredible to say the least!

What should I do, except changing the PIN to 4 digits? (which is not possible, as my bank wisely does not allow shorter PINs).

Mr. E, what do you mean with "reversed"? That your account lists a withdrawal, but the same amount has been immediately returned because the transaction has been recognized as not happened?Now I am confused but that's nothing new. A five digit pin number? When I use my Wells Fargo and Bank of America Cards say at Colpatria or BanColombia ATM it always ask for my four digit PIN number. On the screen it shows four lines.

Mind if I ask what bank you use that has a five digit number?

I also have a BanColombia debit card as well, and it onlly has a 4 digit PIN number so something is weird.

02-03-20, 20:40
Heading down at the end of the month for 3 weeks. This is exactly how I'd like to spend each day. Sounds great.

02-03-20, 21:46
So the total damage for this extravaganza was approximately 35 K for the room, 30 K for dinner, 30 K for wine / cheese / crackers, 2 K for my Amigas joint, 6 K for transport, and 150 K for my Amiga. So I spent a whopping 253 K or about $ 75 USD for a romantic evening of sexual debauchery, and my Amiga was thanking me profusely for such a good time and so much money. Sounds like you had a great time there, well done! I'm surprised you only paid 35 k for the room at the mansion. Last time I was there, they were asking for 85 dollars a night, I didn't have a reservation at the time and I already have a big Airbnb apartment, so I just paid the 50 K entrance fee to the bar.

So would I recommend the Mansion to others. If you like to get high but don't have to, have a good tolerance for noise, and don't mind a room with the minimum (hot water, flat screen TV, & Fan) and speak some Spanish it could be a lot of fun. I know other gringos frequent the park there, but I don't think so many other gringos actually spend the night there, perhaps some of the other posters have. Way different scene then the "Little Caracas" part of town. I have no problem going back. I'm not there to get high on drugs, but to be devoured by and devour my Amiga when she is in heat.My only complaint about the mansion are the rooms, they are too basic, but I do love the mirrors though. I wish they have better rooms, I know lots of people are happy to pay 50 dollar extra for an upgraded room.

02-03-20, 21:52
Mr. E, what do you mean with "reversed"? That your account lists a withdrawal, but the same amount has been immediately returned because the transaction has been recognized as not happened?I had similar experience with Bancolombia. I did repeated withdraws several times in a row but no bills came out. I was charged multiple times but they were reversed back to my account automatically. I only called my bank to confirm the deposits of the failed withdraws. Their ATMs are everywhere but I will avoid using them again.

02-03-20, 22:06
So I decided to stay at the Mansion on Saturday night and brought along one of Amigas to spend the night with me. Upon arriving around 5 PM we were warmly greeted by the Mansion staff, and upon registering and paying we were taken to our room. Nicely appointed room for the locale, and the bed was very comfortable, which was immediately utilized upon the closing of the door. After we completed our first session I informed my Amiga that I had a bottle of red wine, cheese, and crackers for us to share so we went upstairs to the balcony on the fourth floor, pulled up some chairs, and took in a beautiful sunset. I handed her the bottle of wine and the corkscrew and asked her to un-cork the wine. She was clueless not knowing what a corkscrew was let alone a cork for that matter. Her liquor experience as she told me was limited to Rum, Aquardiente, and Cerveza. Regardless, I opened up the wine, poured it into the plastic cups I had brought and we started munching on the cheese and crackers. After about five minutes two guys came up to the balcony and were drinking beers, followed by another couple of came up and started smoking weed. Directly below us was Parque Perdista, also known as "Stoners Park". The other guests drinking beer and smoking weed were a bit perplexed to see someone with a bottle of wine, cheese, and crackers. Anyways, after we finished the bottle of wine we decided to go to dinner and spent some time in the park. Lot's and lots of people, musical instruments, and everyone had something in common. It was either a drink (beer, rum, aguardiente) in one hand, or a joint in one hand, or one of each in each hand, and / or Coke to snort. Vendors were selling joints of Marijuana for 2,000 Pesos and bags of Coke for 4,000 Pesos. I watched some of the transactions and what people were paying..You're going to have everyone confused. I used to have a picture of that Mansion, even went inside and checked out one of the rooms.

Here's a suggestion for your next romantic get away. It's going to cost a little bit more, but not much.

Hop on the south bound Metro with your current girl. Don't forget the wine and weed. Take it to the Ayura station. From the station walk south along the Autopista for about 2 blocks to Motel Ibiza. Or you could splurge and pay 15 k for the taxi.

The room, depending on what you take from the mini-bar, will cost about 100 k. You'll find real wine glasses, a jacuzzi tub, an incredible shower, a nice sound system, a stripper pole, a love chair and a nice big bed. You have to pay extra after 6 hours, but it's reasonable. Room service is available and I understand the food is good. There are ashtrays in the room, so smoking does happen.

Lacks the culture of Parque de Las periodistas, bit it has it's own charm.

02-03-20, 22:27
Where are some good legit massage places in Medellin, any of them in Poblado?Go to Centro Comercial Rio Sur on Avenida Poblado. It's across from Oviedo mall. Inside there are 3 legit massage places. OM Spa for men has been reviewed a few times. The Garage Spa, offshoot from the Garage Barber shop is also there, but no reviews that I'm aware of. And then there's Zen Exclusive Spa.

I've been to Zen twice, both times the massage was excellent and both girls were happy with taking care of the little muscle that popped up. Both looked to be early to mid 20's and very attractive.

If I remember correctly, 180 k for the hour, including the happy ending.

Mr Enternational
02-03-20, 23:09
Just left my favorite casa. Costs 50 for the girl and 12 for the room. I didn't hit a chick, but arranged for one to come all night. She said 250. I said ok, but you pay your babysitter and transportation. She said okay.

02-03-20, 23:14
It's unbelievable as you have noticed how things have changed in El Centro over the past months, specifically at the location of the street sign located at Carrea 52 and Calle 52 which I now refer to as "Little Caracas" which I used to refer to as "Ground Zero". There's so many Venezuelans, and with so many of them being impregnated who are now working the streets, the next thing you will know this information will get around the world that Medellin is the place to find pregnant women to bang, and there will be plane loads of "Pregnant Chica Aficionados" showing up, and apparently we have quite a few here already that are coming out of the closet.Mongers have stopped going to Asia. Argentina is no more, Sosua is in decline, Rio is in decline; now everyone is headed to Medellin, what's going to happen to my beloved destination?

02-03-20, 23:54
I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice for a trip I am planning in the spring. My last trip I stayed in Poblado Plaza which was very nice, but it had a huge fee to check in a guest, 60.00 USD. I am tempted to stay there again because the staff, rooms, location, and convenience were all excellent. Just very pricey compared to many other places in Medellin. I prefer hotels for security, comfort, and amenities while on vacation. I am also very interested in the Dann Carlton Hotel, Energy Apartments, and Blux Apartments. Does anyone know the guest fees for these places. I think I heard Energy and Blux might not have guest fees as they are AIRBNB, but I could be wrong. I noticed Energy is pretty expensive compared to Blux. Is Energy worth the extra money? I also read Energy and Blux can get pretty loud from partying and it can be annoying which would kinda suck. If anyone could offer their opinion on these places that would be really cool. Also if anyone knows of some other hotels in Poblado that they could recommend or comment on, that would be really cool as well. Thanks in advance for responses.

02-04-20, 01:25
You're going to have everyone confused. I used to have a picture of that Mansion, even went inside and checked out one of the rooms.Yes a few are dazed and confused as evidenced by one of the posts thus far, and should be. But my report was completely factual, and I believe there are actually three Hotels named the Mansion in Medellin.

02-04-20, 01:35
Here's a suggestion for your next romantic get away. It's going to cost a little bit more, but not much.

Hop on the south bound Metro with your current girl. Don't forget the wine and weed. Take it to the Ayura station. From the station walk south along the Autopista for about 2 blocks to Motel Ibiza. Or you could splurge and pay 15 k for the taxi.

The room, depending on what you take from the mini-bar, will cost about 100 k. You'll find real wine glasses, a jacuzzi tub, an incredible shower, a nice sound system, a stripper pole, a love chair and a nice big bed. You have to pay extra after 6 hours, but it's reasonable. Room service is available and I understand the food is good. There are ashtrays in the room, so smoking does happen.

Lacks the culture of Parque de Las periodistas, bit it has it's own charm.I appreciate your suggestion for my next romantic getaway, but I don't need all the amenities. An amorous nympho, with a sopping silky tight pussy, a vice grip vacuum mouth, and a loving attitude is all I need.

02-04-20, 03:07
And for some the cheap little black plastic bags with a touch of glue to sniff, ahhhh that smells like shit.

The Tall Man.I saw a sniffer today in El Centro without a black plastic bag, the hallmark of a "Sacalero". Instead this guy had the bottle up to his nostrils and was sniffing. I thought about stopping and talking with him and informing him that he would get a much better buzz using a bag with the Toulene fumes being concentrated within the bag resulting in much a higher dosage and high. However, I don't think he would of understood anything I could of said, and he looked infested with scabies and what appeared to be some open sores so I passed on that.

02-04-20, 04:28
Go to Centro Comercial Rio Sur on Avenida Poblado. It's across from Oviedo mall. Inside there are 3 legit massage places. OM Spa for men has been reviewed a few times. The Garage Spa, offshoot from the Garage Barber shop is also there, but no reviews that I'm aware of. And then there's Zen Exclusive Spa.

I've been to Zen twice, both times the massage was excellent and both girls were happy with taking care of the little muscle that popped up. Both looked to be early to mid 20's and very attractive.

If I remember correctly, 180 k for the hour, including the happy ending.There last week and there are 4. LOL. Add to your list Dharma massage. There is a veritable 8+/10 there, I will withhold the name, she is a fine masseuse, and a great looker to boot. She is a dancer and does this as her supporting gig. My order if prioritizing the massages is 1) Zen, 2) dharma 3) Om and 4) Garage. They are all around 90-110 range for the hour of legit massage with about 60 extra if you got additional services ie a Handjob. But unless you just got off the plane and want a release, there are better ways to release in Medellin. LOL.

02-04-20, 04:29
Just left my favorite casa. Costs 50 for the girl and 12 for the room. I didn't hit a chick, but arranged for one to come all night. She said 250. I said ok, but you pay your babysitter and transportation. She said okay.Congratulations. You're a shrewd negotiator, LOL.

02-04-20, 04:37
Mongers have stopped going to Asia. Argentina is no more, Sosua is in decline, Rio is in decline; now everyone is headed to Medellin, what's going to happen to my beloved destination?

You’re no dummy, I think you already know the answer to that.

Mojo Bandit
02-04-20, 04:49
I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice for a trip I am planning in the spring. My last trip I stayed in Poblado Plaza which was very nice, but it had a huge fee to check in a guest, 60.00 USD. I am tempted to stay there again because the staff, rooms, location, and convenience were all excellent. Just very pricey compared to many other places in Medellin. I prefer hotels for security, comfort, and amenities while on vacation. I am also very interested in the Dann Carlton Hotel, Energy Apartments, and Blux Apartments. Does anyone know the guest fees for these places. I think I heard Energy and Blux might not have guest fees as they are AIRBNB, but I could be wrong. I noticed Energy is pretty expensive compared to Blux. Is Energy worth the extra money? I also read Energy and Blux can get pretty loud from partying and it can be annoying which would kinda suck. If anyone could offer their opinion on these places that would be really cool. Also if anyone knows of some other hotels in Poblado that they could recommend or comment on, that would be really cool as well. Thanks in advance for responses.You should get a forum membership so that you can send and receive private messages, guys are not going to post a lot of details about places to stay because they do not want all the lurkers to see it and there be one dumbass who does some stupid shit at the place and ruins it for everyone.

Fun Luvr
02-04-20, 05:03
Sounds like you had a great time there, well done! I'm surprised you only paid 35 k for the room at the mansion. Last time I was there, they were asking for 85 dollars a night, I didn't have a reservation at the time and I already have a big Airbnb apartment, so I just paid the 50 K entrance fee to the bar.

My only complaint about the mansion are the rooms, they are too basic, but I do love the mirrors though. I wish they have better rooms, I know lots of people are happy to pay 50 dollar extra for an upgraded room.I think he is talking about a Mansion downtown, not the one in Poblado where gringos stay. The one in Poblado does not have four floors, and there is no park you can look down on.

02-04-20, 05:12
How far in advance before your trip did you start with SA? Seems a bit time consuming as there are faster cheaper options out there. But the results were fantastic for you. LOL.I was reaching out about 2-3 weeks before my trip. It would have been much easier if I was just looking for a hooker, girls were hitting me up and favoriting me.

But yeah definitely worth it if looking for a non-pro.

02-04-20, 05:53
Just stay at a place with security that checks ID-then its on the front desk security not you. They verified the ID they are used to--you can't be expected to be held responsible if the front desk security checked the ID and sent her up. That's what you are paying to be at that hotel for!. Hotel / apartment security is the way to go. Also, have the security call you and check on you if she leaves the room alone. And let the girl know that's how it works. This isn't that complicated.Or it can backfire on you and the hotel staff will bribe you. My SA tour guide friend was telling me how she had to help out a gringo in a situation where the chick was caught with fake ID at the hotel. The front desk guy said he was going to call the cops. The way she explained it, if the cops are called you are fucked plain and simple. She said you can pay your way out of having drugs on you but not when there is minor involved. The dude gave the front desk staff 200 K and he was good with that.

Saturday in Barranquilla I put my card in a Bancolombia machine to take out 600K. It gave me some kind of message but no money. I know sometimes when machines in third world countries do that you can select a smaller amount and it will work. So I put my card in again and tried 400K. Still the same thing.

When I got to Medellin yesterday and checked my account, it showed I had taken out $181 (600K) and that $122 (400K) was also taken out at the same machine but reversed. I immediately called Schwab and the lady did whatever to file the dispute. My days of using Bancolombia machines are over.That's messed up right there. It happened once to me but my checking account did not change in balance. But this is good to know if it ever happens again!

You should get a forum membership so that you can send and receive private messages, guys are not going to post a lot of details about places to stay because they do not want all the lurkers to see it and there be one dumbass who does some stupid shit at the place and ruins it for everyone.Agree. It only took one monger to screw it up for the rest of you LOL. I will share experiences but not contacts or hotel info. Unless I personally know the guy.

Mojo Bandit
02-04-20, 06:20
Sounds like you had a great time there, well done! I'm surprised you only paid 35 k for the room at the mansion. Last time I was there, they were asking for 85 dollars a night, I didn't have a reservation at the time and I already have a big Airbnb apartment, so I just paid the 50 K entrance fee to the bar.

My only complaint about the mansion are the rooms, they are too basic, but I do love the mirrors though. I wish they have better rooms, I know lots of people are happy to pay 50 dollar extra for an upgraded room.

I think he is talking about a Mansion downtown, not the one in Poblado where gringos stay. The one in Poblado does not have four floors, and there is no park you can look down on.For sure he is talking about Hotel Mansion downtown on Carrera 43 just northeast of Calle 53 across from Parque del Periodista, Periodista park is a hangout for the local Medellin bohemian crowd, hence his reference to stoners. I have not made it down there yet but it is on my list for next trip. Here is a good Youtube video showing a lively night in Periodista park. This youtube video maker has made some great videos of Medellin from Plaza Botero to Parque Lleras, and some videos showing the talent around the clocktower in Cartagena. I should mention that she does not actually get to Periodista park until about 2:34 in the video.


02-04-20, 06:33
Awesome trip once again. From RTFF and experiencing Medellin here is what I can tell another newbie. You're going to have to go out there and experiment to see what works for you. And this is true about everything including places to stay, chicas, and even restaurants. I went to many places suggested on here that I just didn't like. Not because they weren't good, but because they weren't for me. On this trip all of my girls came from Facebook, Tinder, and SA. I will spare you the details of every single chick because then this post would take a whole page to write out. I enjoyed myself and only had a few bad meet ups. If you are a guy that hates loud music then don't visit Gustos in Lleras. By the time I left there I had a headache and tinnitus. Another night I stopped by the Mansion in Poblado to see if there was any talent there. No talent and super loud. This was around 11 at night and a girl there told me to come back at 2 am for more action. Well I'm asleep by that time lady LOL. One thing I cannot stand is loud music and trying to talk to chicks while having to yell. Another reason I don't like the strip clubs too much. I did not have time to visit Centro but there WILL be a next time. Did some sightseeing and rode the metro and cable. Some tips mentioned many times before.

1) Try to learn the language. Knowing Spanish went a long way for me during this trip. I can absolutely say for sure that I would not have had the awesome experiences that I had without knowing some Spanish.

2) Use the ATMs for the best rates.

3) Be aware of your surroundings and don't act a fool in public. If you're a guy that acts up when he drinks, you better check yourself.

4) Explore everything the city has to offer and ask locals for they're opinion. By the way I asked about the whole shorts thing to many of the locals. They said that Colombians wear shorts and it's not a gringo thing. Maybe in Poblado it's more common than the other areas. In Santa Fe mall there were lots of short wearing folks.

The mall had lots of fine tail to be had. I prefer the semi pros for whatever reason. I cannot do the bang 10 girls in 10 hours in Centro. My body can only handle 2 nuts daily max. Got a few numbers for the next time. The SA chicks were something else. I am posting a whole separate review of my thoughts on that site. The Facebook and Tinder girls were hit or miss but I had so many lined up it didn't matter. Some for 150 k and some asking for 250 K. Some had bad hygiene and others were so spotless I had my tongue jammed up in their assholes. And please no lecturing here LOL. I mean if a guy wants to eat pussy while on the period let him be. Quit judging on here. Some of these girls were so dirt poor they were shooting messages everyday for business. I carry around Clorox wipes for the counters and one barrio girl had never seen anything like that. She begged me to give them to her. Not a chance! The Angie Munoz chick. Well what can I say that has not been said before? Top notch service and super lovely. Made a video with her and she was super cool. Till next time.

Mojo Bandit
02-04-20, 07:24
others were so spotless I had my tongue jammed up in their assholes. And please no lecturing here LOL. Back when AIDS became a national scare and people did not understand it and thought you could catch it off a toilet seat, the government decided to put the Surgeon General on TV for a question and answer session. The Surgeon General at the time was named C. Everett Koop, a straight laced outspoken conservative christian (of the variety that do not believe in sex outside of marriage) and vice admiral out of the Navy (photo below). So here this straight lace guy is on TV answering all types of sexual questions (this was entertaining in itself). "Can you get AIDS from kissing?" "Can you get aids from oral sex on a penis?" "Can you get AIDS from oral sex on a vagina?" these questions he answered without hesitation. Then someone asked "Can you get AIDS from oral to anal?" The vice admiral paused, swallowed hard, and said "If you don't get AIDS that might be the last thing you need to worry about". P.S. C. Everett Koop was the father of Safe Sex

I wasn't lecturing you, I was just telling a story.

02-04-20, 07:48
For sure he is talking about Hotel Mansion downtown on Carrera 43 just northeast of Calle 53 across from Parque del Periodista, Periodista park is a hangout for the local Medellin bohemian crowd, hence his reference to stoners. I have not made it down there yet but it is on my list for next trip. Here is a good Youtube video showing a lively night in Periodista park. This youtube video maker has made some great videos of Medellin from Plaza Botero to Parque Lleras, and some videos showing the talent around the clocktower in Cartagena. I should mention that she does not actually get to Periodista park until about 2:34 in the video.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojQhS9FodCsDidn't someone report that he got a warning having a beer here recently? It is a very small place and is darker in person.

02-04-20, 09:25
There last week and there are 4. LOL. Add to your list Dharma massage. There is a veritable 8+/10 there, I will withhold the name, she is a fine masseuse, and a great looker to boot. She is a dancer and does this as her supporting gig. My order if prioritizing the massages is 1) Zen, 2) dharma 3) Om and 4) Garage. They are all around 90-110 range for the hour of legit massage with about 60 extra if you got additional services ie a Handjob. But unless you just got off the plane and want a release, there are better ways to release in Medellin. LOL.Thanks for the info. I love a good massage, I will try the top three places and report back. I will definitely not waste my load on a handjob at a massage place in Medellin, there are infinitely better way to deposit my load in Medellin.

02-04-20, 09:43
For sure he is talking about Hotel Mansion downtown on Carrera 43 just northeast of Calle 53 across from Parque del Periodista, Periodista park is a hangout for the local Medellin bohemian crowd, hence his reference to stoners. I have not made it down there yet but it is on my list for next trip. Here is a good Youtube video showing a lively night in Periodista park. This youtube video maker has made some great videos of Medellin from Plaza Botero to Parque Lleras, and some videos showing the talent around the clocktower in Cartagena. I should mention that she does not actually get to Periodista park until about 2:34 in the video.


I just took a glance of the video, I can't believe it is Medellin. The male and female ratio depicted in the video is as bad as the west coast of the states. On a good Thursday night, Gusto's ratio can reach 7/1, seven chicas per guy.

02-04-20, 12:53
Didn't someone report that he got a warning having a beer here recently? It is a very small place and is darker in person.Highly unlikely you would get a warning for having a beer here when literally everyone in the park is getting high on weed or cocaine and whatever else they use down here.

02-04-20, 12:55
Hello everyone!

While I know people enjoy different things. I personally enjoy cannabis alongside sex. Is cannabis use acceptable in Medellin or is it considered shady? I keep hearing about priodista, is this a good place to pick up chicks who are also into that?

02-04-20, 13:44
............ "Can you get AIDS from oral to anal?" The vice admiral paused, swallowed hard, and said "If you don't get AIDS that might be the last thing you need to worry about". P.S. C. Everett Koop was the father of Safe Sex............C. Everett Koop, American, Surgeon General under Ronald Reagan. Need I say more? US elite are known for moralizing in public to mask dark deeds done in private. I don't take them seriously.

02-04-20, 14:47
I've read, repeatedly, Medellin is best served for a week or more. I'm a "vet" of Tijuana. Tijuana takes about 12 hours (all told) to get to from my current locale. So MDE will actually be closer. I'm not concerned about travel time. But if I'm flying down Friday morning and flying home Monday afternoon, is that enough time for a first time MDE visitor? Generally, I'm more of a bar guy. So three days of casas and three nights of bars. Will that give me a good enough intro to MDE? I'd much prefer a lengthier stay and likely will do so over the summer. But I'm thinking of a short trip in the upcoming months.

02-04-20, 15:41
Didn't someone report that he got a warning having a beer here recently? It is a very small place and is darker in person.That may have been me telling about a Sunday evening encounter with a policemen there. It was meant to relay the politeness and common sense of this particular cop vs a perception of bribe taking belligerent Colombian cops. Periodista is normally a drinking allowed and just about everything else too. A year ago, they banned the trans from there for causing problems, not sure if that's still the case. Mostly live and let live atmosphere but I did see a "park security" kick a gum seller unmercifully while the guy was either sleeping or passed out one evening. I've heard Colombians refer to it as an open minded park and it seems to have all types hanging out there. Sometimes it appears to have too many low life types especially late night and the taxistas also seem questionable along the park. I always walk down a few blocks to catch a taxi on the main street.

02-04-20, 16:33
...Then someone asked "Can you get AIDS from oral to anal?" The vice admiral paused, swallowed hard, and said "If you don't get AIDS that might be the last thing you need to worry about". P.S. C. Everett Koop was the father of Safe Sex

I wasn't lecturing you, I was just telling a story.LOL roger that. It's just annoying when someone posts a review and you have 10 other people telling them you should do this and not do that. Like JB said, you should let me do what makes me happy.

Didn't someone report that he got a warning having a beer here recently? It is a very small place and is darker in person.I thought that it was Parque Lleras where they got the warning. Either way this is another place I have been wanting to check out but just haven't made it there yet.

Elvis 2008
02-04-20, 17:01
Back when AIDS became a national scare and people did not understand it and thought you could catch it off a toilet seat, the government decided to put the Surgeon General on TV for a question and answer session. The Surgeon General at the time was named C. Everett Koop, a straight laced outspoken conservative christian (of the variety that do not believe in sex outside of marriage) and vice admiral out of the Navy (photo below). So here this straight lace guy is on TV answering all types of sexual questions (this was entertaining in itself). "Can you get AIDS from kissing?" "Can you get aids from oral sex on a penis?" "Can you get AIDS from oral sex on a vagina?" these questions he answered without hesitation. Then someone asked "Can you get AIDS from oral to anal?" The vice admiral paused, swallowed hard, and said "If you don't get AIDS that might be the last thing you need to worry about". P.S. C. Everett Koop was the father of Safe Sex

I wasn't lecturing you, I was just telling a story.I love the government and safe sex using latex condoms: https://www.reliasmedia.com/articles/77321-failure-to-detect-latex-allergy-leads-to-death-4-7m-verdict.


"Based on these data, the current prevalence of latex allergy and sensitization among healthcare workers worldwide are 9. 7% and 12.4%, respectively. ".

Maybe we should call Koop the father of latex allergies.

02-04-20, 17:53
"Guys need to stop." Isn't giving your opinion, it's telling everyone how they are required to behave, according to you.

You are so mistaken about the women in Colombia. There are plenty who just want to get paid and never see you again. There are also plenty who will happily spend the day with you, for nothing more than a cheap meal. There are plenty who, for what guys are paying for an hour who'll spend 10-12 hours, give as much sex as you can handle and leave you with a smile. There are girls who will, if you're there over Christmas, invite you to spend the day with their family. There are girls who will.

Some of us enjoy more than just beating in some guts. If it's okay with you, I for one will continue to do things the way I want.Yes you are right. Many different girls regardless of where you are in this world. But none of that your speaking about comes free. It takes a lot of wasted time and money sifting through all the BS until you find the gems. I'll just take each day at a time and if I stumble upon a gem then great but I'm not going go about my day seeking that. This is my second time here although I've been to this country a half dozen times. Plan on going to Brazil soon. I personally am not looking for no amigas because the begging never fucking stops. But what more can you expect from them? Great if some of you get to meet their family. Probably makes ya'll feel extra special but the way I see things is you will always be nothing more than un cajero. Maybe less if you get close to these poblado or Facebook girls who consistently make a months worth of Colombian salary for one or two dates but regular non pro women like you guys call them are always fucking needy. That's just how it is regardless of what country you frequent. And it's not that I don't care or I look down on them I have just tired of the neediness and the games these bitches be playing. So at this point in my life I'm just worried about beating in guts. They can save the games for the rest of ya'll. [Deleted by Admin]

Mr Enternational
02-04-20, 18:02
Went walking around the Botero circuit with the fellas last night about 9 before coming in. There were some good ones out. My buddy wanted one but she would not suck his dick without a condom. He found another and he was in the house for 40 K. Me and the other BM were heading towards the metro and the chick on one of those candy carts started eyeing me. I blew her a kiss and she motioned that we could go together. She didn't look all that good and I think she was 32 years old from Venezuela. She came over to talk to me and said we could go to a room for 30 K. I took her whatsapp and told her maybe another day.

Took the metro back to Laureles and walking down La 70 there was a double t-bone accident at one of the intersections. Taxi, car, motorbike. Looked like the taxi must have blown the light and the car and motorbike slammed into his front and rear passenger side.

I forgot that a friend of mine from Venezuela that comes to visit me in the States was in town. Her sister came up from Chile to get that bullshit plastic surgery and she came here to help her recover. She said that clinic was full of chicks from all over this side of the planet. So she endee up coming over to stay last night and we went out on La for about an hour.

San Peter does not play about the ID thing. When my buddies came over yesterday, they let one in because he had a copy of his passport. My buddy that lives here they would not let in because he only had his California drivers license.

Mr Enternational
02-04-20, 18:15
Yesterday about 6 we ended up in one of my favorite non-descript strip / fuck clubs. I never knew the name but now I think it is Ovo, because there was a chick working the bar and she had Ovo on a red uniform shirt. She came over to our table bringing the water we ordered and she had a huge ass. I am a hips and ass man. I was actually able to rest my arm on the top of her ass. I told her that I wanted to fuck her.

The other BM that I was with thought her ass was fake, but grabbing on it, I knew it to be real. We went to the room. Total GFE. She was 27 from Caracas. The tits turned out to be fake and looked like somebody put 2 footballs in her chest sideways. I kept telling her how awful that shit was and it was better to be natural. She tried to get a condom to suck my dick, but I wasn't having any of that.

After we finished fucking we just layed there talking until somebody finally came and knocked on the door. We took a shower and I gave her the 70 K then left out. My buddy asked me what was taking so long. I said it was quick to me. He said he took a chick after I left, showered, fucked her, showered again, and came back out and I was still in there. His chick was a superstar and worked the hell out of that pole (dancing).

02-04-20, 18:53
I thought that it was Parque Lleras where they got the warning. Parque Lleras was mentioned subsequently. It was the post that started the discussion. I am familiar with the area but maybe I remember wrong.

Mr Enternational
02-04-20, 18:59
But if I'm flying down Friday morning and flying home Monday afternoon, is that enough time for a first time MDE visitor?I have never been in Medellin more than 3 days at a time. I got here on the 2nd and I am leaving on the 5th. But I do not only come here. I go all over Colombia.

02-04-20, 19:57
I've read, repeatedly, Medellin is best served for a week or more. I'm a "vet" of Tijuana. Tijuana takes about 12 hours (all told) to get to from my current locale. So MDE will actually be closer. I'm not concerned about travel time. But if I'm flying down Friday morning and flying home Monday afternoon, is that enough time for a first time MDE visitor? Generally, I'm more of a bar guy. So three days of casas and three nights of bars. Will that give me a good enough intro to MDE? I'd much prefer a lengthier stay and likely will do so over the summer. But I'm thinking of a short trip in the upcoming months.I am a "vet" of Tijuana as well, but no more as it is a fucking dump and here I am. And to answer your question, three days will be perfect for a first time visit if that's all the time you have. What you need to imagine is that you will have at a minimum of 10 times as many bars to visit, let alone all the casa's all over town. And if you can imagine the street scene on Cahuilla behind Adelitas and Hong Kong, think in terms of about 25 times that size in El Centro. So your problem (and it's not a bad one) is going to be deciding where the hell to go with such a short amount of time as there are so many venues. Study this thread and you should get a good idea of which places might appeal to you.

Oh, and I need to warn you that you won't need to worry about anyone knocking on the door after twenty minutes into a session, or girls quoting prices that only include taking off their pants to get banged.

02-05-20, 04:22
I have never been in Medellin more than 3 days at a time. I got here on the 2nd and I am leaving on the 5th. But I do not only come here. I go all over Colombia.That is talking about you, not a first time visitor nor does anything to answer his question.

3 days is not much time to learn much about or get comfortable with any particular scene be it the casas, Centro street scene, FB girls, etc. But it is plenty of time to have some fun and gain some memories. Half your budget will be spent on your airfare. If you are fine with that then my recommendation is "Come On Down!

02-05-20, 08:23
Yes and no, depends what do you expect. If you are thinking of going to a single "club" like HK or adelitas then your options are limited in MDE since this is not how is done here. While there is places like this strip clubs and casas. You will be limited to a hand full of girls that may appeal to you. Now if your idea is some good old fashion sport fucking you can go to el centro, in my opinion I have never found a girl there that appeals to me and trust me I am not looking for 9's or 10's. Best I have seen there is a 7. Most of the best low mile action in MDE get done on line via FB usually. I would recommend to stay at the mansion to get your networking action in place and get a feel of the land. While I am not the biggest fan of the mansion it definitely helps for new people to see how things work. There is not really a big "bar" scene in MDE where there is girls for take out. There is some here and there but there is no bars that are filled with decent working girls. Besides Gusto which I DO NOT recommend unless you want to over pay and be disappointed with service.

I've read, repeatedly, Medellin is best served for a week or more. I'm a "vet" of Tijuana. Tijuana takes about 12 hours (all told) to get to from my current locale. So MDE will actually be closer. I'm not concerned about travel time. But if I'm flying down Friday morning and flying home Monday afternoon, is that enough time for a first time MDE visitor? Generally, I'm more of a bar guy. So three days of casas and three nights of bars. Will that give me a good enough intro to MDE? I'd much prefer a lengthier stay and likely will do so over the summer. But I'm thinking of a short trip in the upcoming months.

02-05-20, 12:54
Yes and no, depends what do you expect. If you are thinking of going to a single "club" like HK or adelitas then your options are limited in MDE since this is not how is done here. While there is places like this strip clubs and casas. You will be limited to a hand full of girls that may appeal to you. Now if your idea is some good old fashion sport fucking you can go to el centro, in my opinion I have never found a girl there that appeals to me and trust me I am not looking for 9's or 10's. Best I have seen there is a 7. Most of the best low mile action in MDE get done on line via FB usually. I would recommend to stay at the mansion to get your networking action in place and get a feel of the land. While I am not the biggest fan of the mansion it definitely helps for new people to see how things work. There is not really a big "bar" scene in MDE where there is girls for take out. There is some here and there but there is no bars that are filled with decent working girls. Besides Gusto which I DO NOT recommend unless you want to over pay and be disappointed with service.There are all kinds of bars along the backside of the Veracruz Church, perhaps at least 10 or more, with girls available to be taken upstairs in EL Centro, along with numerous bars in the Avenida La Grief area with girls available. And there are plenty of decent girls to be found. And not to mention the numerous Clubs around town which are similar to a HK or Adelitas on a smaller scale which have been identified and mentioned in this thread. I don't think staying at the Mansion, the one in Poblado, is the way for this Tijuana vet to go. With three days, I would recommend he stays in El Centro. More action including the Casa's within walking distance versus having to travel back and forth from El Poblado.

Mr Enternational
02-05-20, 18:55
I left San Peter in Laureles at 11:05 and took Didi to the San Diego office of Ombuses. 5000 pesos. Bus left at 11:32 and went over to the stop in front of San Diego Mall. It is right across the street from where they drop you off coming from the airport. We waited there a while and left for the airport at 11:43. Arrived at the airport at 12:09 and paid the 10,500 when I got off the bus.

So total from San Peter to airport using taxi and bus combo 15,500 pesos and 1 hour 4 minutes. The lady at the front desk at the hotel offered me an 80,000 peso taxi to the airport. For what?

02-05-20, 21:29
I'm arriving tomorrow and had set up accommodations at Energy Living (through the company Nomad Guru) because 1) the place is chica friendly 2) I could use my chase points and 3) it seemed like a good place to ease in to Medellin since I've never been. Anyway, I just got a message from the host saying that the apartment was extensively damaged by the last tenant and I can't use it (literally this morning). They offered me accommodations in two of their other properties 1) a mansion in Las Palmas and 2) an apartment in Provenza https://es-l.airbnb.com/rooms/41801471 and https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/41732051. The house especially is a lot fancier than Energy living but they both have no sex tourism in their airbnb rules. They also offered me my money back. So, does anyone have any experience with either place and know if they enforce their rules? Alternatively does anyone have any last minute hotel or building recommendations that might still have rooms free at this point? Thanks.

02-05-20, 23:53
A while back someone recommended a cafe for lunch round the corner from new life, I went there today, 10 k for a very good meal. I also recommend.

Tried Loutron, the set up is cool but quality doesn't match, 15 girls but most older, very disappointing, this is midweek early afternoon. Better quality in the massage place I tried in Laureles first day at half the price. There is a 20 k viewing fee, prices there are 290 k 30 minutes for 320 k 1 hour, this is massage, CBJ and sex one time.

More girls here in Colombia expect CBJ or 1 shot than anywhere I've been and plenty don't budge so most people must be paying for that. It takes some work but on tinder, Facebook or seeking can find a few hours of unrestricted sex so DFK, BBBJ and multiple pops, 200-300 k, 300 k being the norm for the better looking ones from my experience so far.

02-06-20, 00:18
I'm arriving tomorrow and had set up accommodations at Energy Living (through the company Nomad Guru) because 1) the place is chica friendly 2) I could use my chase points and 3) it seemed like a good place to ease in to Medellin since I've never been. Anyway, I just got a message from the host saying that the apartment was extensively damaged by the last tenant and I can't use it (literally this morning). They offered me accommodations in two of their other properties 1) a mansion in Las Palmas and 2) an apartment in Provenza https://es-l.airbnb.com/rooms/41801471 and https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/41732051. The house especially is a lot fancier than Energy living but they both have no sex tourism in their airbnb rules. They also offered me my money back. So, does anyone have any experience with either place and know if they enforce their rules? Alternatively does anyone have any last minute hotel or building recommendations that might still have rooms free at this point? Thanks.Could be a scam if they ask the exchange outside of airbnb.

Mojo Bandit
02-06-20, 00:18
I thought that it was Parque Lleras where they got the warning. Either way this is another place I have been wanting to check out but just haven't made it there yet.

Parque Lleras was mentioned subsequently. It was the post that started the discussion. I am familiar with the area but maybe I remember wrong.Another poster put this straight a while back but here we are again so I am going to post a source to verify. There was a period of time when it was illegal to drink in the parks in Medellin, a law that was probably passed within the past two years by the new president, but the law was subsequently ruled unconstitutional by the court last summer. Anyone who likes visiting Colombia will like the slightly doctored photo at the beginning of the story.


02-06-20, 00:54
Nothing really to report that hasn't been reported. Was in Medellin recently and got my favorite booty pics from girl in Amiga Sexy for 50 k and Club Maracaibo for 70 k 30 minutes each.

Mojo Bandit
02-06-20, 01:24
I'm arriving tomorrow and had set up accommodations at Energy Living... Alternatively does anyone have any last minute hotel or building recommendations that might still have rooms free at this point? Thanks.You got dealt a bad hand, that sucks. Check your PM, I sent you a message with some recommendations. One apartment available I know is chica friendly and near Energy Living but not in Energy living. If you take that apartment, send me a message and I can give you a lay of the land and the neighborhood.

02-06-20, 01:30
I'm arriving tomorrow and had set up accommodations at Energy Living (through the company Nomad Guru) because 1) the place is chica friendly 2) I could use my chase points and 3) it seemed like a good place to ease in to Medellin since I've never been. Anyway, I just got a message from the host saying that the apartment was extensively damaged by the last tenant and I can't use it (literally this morning). They offered me accommodations in two of their other properties 1) a mansion in Las Palmas and 2) an apartment in Provenza https://es-l.airbnb.com/rooms/41801471 and https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/41732051. The house especially is a lot fancier than Energy living but they both have no sex tourism in their airbnb rules. They also offered me my money back. So, does anyone have any experience with either place and know if they enforce their rules? Alternatively does anyone have any last minute hotel or building recommendations that might still have rooms free at this point? Thanks.You should find out if the property they offered you in Las Palmas has a security guard, if not, who would be there to possibly enforce the rules.

02-06-20, 02:02
I know the Corona Virus has been affecting mongering in both Thailand and the Philippines, and suspect as a result of this, we will see an increase in Mongers here in Medellin within the next few months. I had a four week trip planned for the middle of the month to Asia visiting four countries including the Philippines and Thailand and just pulled the plug on it. I had flights thru six different countries and would not want to be quarantined because somebody coming off a flight had a temperature or other symptoms.

02-06-20, 03:25
Could be a scam if they ask the exchange outside of airbnb.I got Chase to call them and get my money back. Luckily after searching the forum I was able to find a couple of girl friendly places to stay. They are a lot cheaper but unfortunately no pool / gym / suite setup. The most important thing is that girls can come over without any issues.

02-06-20, 05:39
A while back someone recommended a cafe for lunch round the corner from new life, I went there today, 10 k for a very good meal. I also recommend.

Tried Loutron, the set up is cool but quality doesn't match, 15 girls but most older, very disappointing, this is midweek early afternoon. Better quality in the massage place I tried in Laureles first day at half the price. There is a 20 k viewing fee, prices there are 290 k 30 minutes for 320 k 1 hour, this is massage, CBJ and sex one time.

More girls here in Colombia expect CBJ or 1 shot than anywhere I've been and plenty don't budge so most people must be paying for that. It takes some work but on tinder, Facebook or seeking can find a few hours of unrestricted sex so DFK, BBBJ and multiple pops, 200-300 k, 300 k being the norm for the better looking ones from my experience so far.You have to keep negotiating. I've only had like 3 girls out of about 50 stick to the 300 k range which I refuse to pay unless it's for someone unique for multiple hours. I've even had all night or all day for 300 k. Guys can do what they want with their money but some are just fucking up the game and allowing these girls to charge 1st world prices. No ***** were in Colombia where most people make 300 k a month.

[Deleted by Admin]

02-06-20, 12:32
A while back someone recommended a cafe for lunch round the corner from new life, I went there today, 10 k for a very good meal. I also recommend.

Tried Loutron, the set up is cool but quality doesn't match, 15 girls but most older, very disappointing, this is midweek early afternoon. Better quality in the massage place I tried in Laureles first day at half the price. There is a 20 k viewing fee, prices there are 290 k 30 minutes for 320 k 1 hour, this is massage, CBJ and sex one time.

More girls here in Colombia expect CBJ or 1 shot than anywhere I've been and plenty don't budge so most people must be paying for that. It takes some work but on tinder, Facebook or seeking can find a few hours of unrestricted sex so DFK, BBBJ and multiple pops, 200-300 k, 300 k being the norm for the better looking ones from my experience so far.Casa is the only place where you can't negotiate service. The only time that I didn't get BBBJ and DFK in Medellin is in a casa. In general, BBBJ and DFK is standard for fb girls and girls from the mansion, but you MUST explicitly make the service request before you agree to the session. I consider BBBJ and DFK basic service in Medellin, and I typically pay 150 k + taxi for them. Any extra service will cost you more, but you should never paid more than 300 k + taxi for a fb or mansion girl. Gusto is a different story, to enjoy gusto, you need to have a party mindset, and don't mind spending a few hundred extra dollars for the night. Gusto girls are hot and crazy, they are a little on the older side, but you can still find some 20-21 year-olds there. With gusto girls, you either need to possess hard negotiation skills or have a higher alcohol and drug tolerance than they do. If done right, gusto is a great place to party.

02-06-20, 12:50
I have never been in Medellin more than 3 days at a time. I got here on the 2nd and I am leaving on the 5th. But I do not only come here. I go all over Colombia.I have never stayed in Medellin for less than 2 weeks in each of my visits. For me, there is no point of visiting Medellin for only 3 days. I live in hell, a. K. a northern California, every time after I return from Medellin, I'm always miserable and depressed for at least a week (the superior food in California doesn't help). For me, each miserable California day cancels a heavenly Medellin day, I'm looking for a net positive. I'm on my way to Medellin right now, I'm currently soaked by that kids going to Disney land feeling.

02-06-20, 15:21
Thanks, Surfer. Very helpful. And very motivating. LOL.

Personally, I cannot complain about Tijuana. My worst experience was average. But I have a lot of patience. Haha I'm just looking for a new experience and I'm thinking Medellin fits the bill. Thanks again.

I am a "vet" of Tijuana as well, but no more as it is a fucking dump and here I am. And to answer your question, three days will be perfect for a first time visit if that's all the time you have. What you need to imagine is that you will have at a minimum of 10 times as many bars to visit, let alone all the casa's all over town. And if you can imagine the street scene on Cahuilla behind Adelitas and Hong Kong, think in terms of about 25 times that size in El Centro. So your problem (and it's not a bad one) is going to be deciding where the hell to go with such a short amount of time as there are so many venues. Study this thread and you should get a good idea of which places might appeal to you.

Oh, and I need to warn you that you won't need to worry about anyone knocking on the door after twenty minutes into a session, or girls quoting prices that only include taking off their pants to get banged.

02-06-20, 15:27
That is talking about you, not a first time visitor nor does anything to answer his question.

3 days is not much time to learn much about or get comfortable with any particular scene be it the casas, Centro street scene, FB girls, etc. But it is plenty of time to have some fun and gain some memories. Half your budget will be spent on your airfare. If you are fine with that then my recommendation is "Come On Down!Yeah, airfare isn't cheap. And for this trip, I don't have a lot of flexibility on dates and times. So it'll run me about $700 RT. If my schedule would allow, I was going to try to use Viva Air. But I'll save that for next time when I can spend a day or so in Miami.

Thanks for the advice.

02-06-20, 15:34
Yes and no, depends what do you expect. If you are thinking of going to a single "club" like HK or adelitas then your options are limited in MDE since this is not how is done here. While there is places like this strip clubs and casas. You will be limited to a hand full of girls that may appeal to you. Now if your idea is some good old fashion sport fucking you can go to el centro, in my opinion I have never found a girl there that appeals to me and trust me I am not looking for 9's or 10's. Best I have seen there is a 7. Most of the best low mile action in MDE get done on line via FB usually. I would recommend to stay at the mansion to get your networking action in place and get a feel of the land. While I am not the biggest fan of the mansion it definitely helps for new people to see how things work. There is not really a big "bar" scene in MDE where there is girls for take out. There is some here and there but there is no bars that are filled with decent working girls. Besides Gusto which I DO NOT recommend unless you want to over pay and be disappointed with service.Great advice and that's my quandry. In Tijuana, I've grown fond of the HK game. I enjoy the parties with the hot chicas as much as the takeout. I've started a list of bars and I'm going to come up with a plan. But I've learned to just go with the flow, especially since I have no idea what to expect.

In my mind, I have four options: casas, bars, Centro and Lleras. (I'm not sure how Lleras differs from Centro. Quality?) I'm not usually a SG guy because I want more than the bare minimum mechanical act that usually follows. But I have had a few good sessions with SGs.

I guess my biggest concern is that the bars are scattered throughout the city. If I don't like the vibe of a place, I'd love to be able to walk a block to the next option.

02-06-20, 15:44
Winding up this 30 day adventure. I spent the first 13 days in Lima, and will finish here in MDE with 17 days. Only a couple of days left, and here are some of my thoughts on MDE. I already did some trip reports on the Lima board.

I'm staying at the Hotel Botero which is right next to the bus stop at what I call ground zero that will take me to the airport for 10500 K. The hotel is good. Reasonable rates, and I have a nice big room. It is girl friendly if she has a ID if Colombian or a passport if she is a Vennie. The maids will get your clothes washed for almost nothing.

Except for spraining my ankle on the on the poor sidewalks in Centro it has been a good trip. Only small problem I had was while doing my bar hopping in Centro I did one night have a issue. I had 4 girls at my table, 3 of them were very good looking. I was dancing with two of them in a crowded spot on the dance floor. A local guy said to me (why do you have so many women. You have too much money. Where did you get it?) I told him in my limited Spanish that I worked for my money. At this point the girls pulled me away from him. About a minute later another local starts with me, but I did not understand his drunking speech. At this point I left the dance floor, and walked out. The girls of course all ran after me to get me back to the bar. I said good night, and I think I learned a lesson. Be careful you don't make the locals jealous of our ways.

I hit 4 different casa's with New Life the most times. I wonder why it bothers some posters here that there are a lot of Gringos in New Life. To me it is OK as I have someone to talk to while trying to remember the girls names or number.

As far as my hunting for girls to put in my rotation it has not been good. In Lima I had 2 that were GFE while in MDE I have not had any luck. Sure I have had some good sexo but not what I have had here in the past. I guess my age (74 this July) is not a help. I can dance all night and keep up with anybody but these girls like younger guys. Of course my money keeps me in deep with fine pussy.

All in all the only thing that does not make Lima my number one spot is the long flight compared to MDE.

I think my next trip will be to an island. I love to swim in warm clear water and hunt for fine pussy.

02-06-20, 17:26
I wanted to take the bus from San Diego mall but my Didi driver told me that for 17 mil I could share an air-conditioned cab with another 3 people. I agreed because it was a hot day. The cab place somewhere near the San Diego bus station.

Time wise I think it was about the same. So, if the bus has an a / see, there is pretty much no difference.

I left San Peter in Laureles at 11:05 and took Didi to the San Diego office of Ombuses. 5000 pesos. Bus left at 11:32 and went over to the stop in front of San Diego Mall. It is right across the street from where they drop you off coming from the airport. We waited there a while and left for the airport at 11:43. Arrived at the airport at 12:09 and paid the 10,500 when I got off the bus.

So total from San Peter to airport using taxi and bus combo 15,500 pesos and 1 hour 4 minutes. The lady at the front desk at the hotel offered me an 80,000 peso taxi to the airport. For what?

02-06-20, 17:29
You have to keep negotiating. I've only had like 3 girls out of about 50 stick to the 300 k range which I refuse to pay unless it's for someone unique for multiple hours. I've even had all night or all day for 300 k. Guys can do what they want with their money but some are just fucking up the game and allowing these girls to charge 1st world prices. No ***** were in Colombia where most people make 300 k a month.

Stop the Simping.Or maybe change your entire attitude.

You keep going on with "stop the simping", while paying 300 k for what is readily available at 150-200 k? And then complain others are screwing it up paying first world prices? Keep negotiating? If you had to keep negotiating to get that, you screwed up from the beginning.

BBBJ is readily available. It's not necessary to negotiate, or pay extra for it. Multiple hour sessions are readily available. There's no need to pay extra, unless you're in a casa or a strip club. Who wants to spend 3 hours in a room at Club Maracaibo? All day or night is not difficult to get for 150-200 k.

Best of all, getting all of the above is easier than getting the cashier to say "Welcome to McDonald's."

1. Stop thinking all women are bitches, putas, etc. They're people. Most are a helluva lot tougher than the tough guys here. They see things every week that would make you need a change of underwear.

2. It's not a dominance game. You're not auditioning for "The Apprentice." You're attempting to arrange a mutually beneficial social engagement. You're trying to get laid, she's trying to get paid. She's not passing up a weekend in the Maldives to be with you. She's giving up sitting at home watching TV. If she believes she'll enjoy your company more than The Simpsons, she'll be more receptive to your offer.

3. Don't be desperate. If the girl isn't enthusiastic, move along. Don't be nasty about it. Just leave her with "maybe another night" and go on to the next one. If you insist on having that girl, either the price is going up, or service is going down, often both.

4. Be nice. You're selling yourself. Most of the girls will go above and beyond for just a bit of respect. They don't get much of it from Colombian men. When some guy comes along, pays more, treats them better and let's them live the "Pretty Woman" fantasy for a few hours, many will respond.

5. Your life doesn't depend on getting a BBBJ in Medellin. Girls charge extra for it, because too many guys act like they're searching for the Holy Grail. If you're clean, if you're treating the girl like a person instead of a sex doll, most will do it without any fuss.

6. It's supposed to be fun. You get to spend a few hours with beautiful, young, naked Colombian women, for about the price of a cheap motel room back home. Why turn it into a chore?

BTW. The current minimum wage in Colombia is 877,803 COP plus a 102,854 COP public transit subsidy, monthly. Not 300 k.

02-06-20, 19:43
I have never stayed in Medellin for less than 2 weeks in each of my visits. For me, there is no point of visiting Medellin for only 3 days. I live in hell, a. K. a northern California, every time after I return from Medellin, I'm always miserable and depressed for at least a week (the superior food in California doesn't help). For me, each miserable California day cancels a heavenly Medellin day, I'm looking for a net positive. I'm on my way to Medellin right now, I'm currently soaked by that kids going to Disney land feeling.I'm from Cali, lived in both parts. Why is it so miserable for you LOL. For me, the economy is such a downer. I know too many people that work just to put food on the table but can't do much of anything else.

02-06-20, 20:26
New life. Busy in here early afternoon, 15 or so girls, a lot old, one I liked but decided to see other places. 3 k viewing fee for leaving.

Pamalas. Maybe 7 girls, all looked bad to me. 2 k viewing fee for leaving.

Club amigas sexy - 10 or so girls, 3 I would session. Paid 50 k half hour here and was happy with service and the girl. Good rooms and shower too.

02-07-20, 00:24
Thank you very much for this post. It is spot on. I encourage guys, especially new guys, to follow it to the letter. I will significantly improve your experiences.

Or maybe change your entire attitude.

You keep going on with "stop the simping", while paying 300 k for what is readily available at 150-200 k? And then complain others are screwing it up paying first world prices? Keep negotiating? If you had to keep negotiating to get that, you screwed up from the beginning.

BBBJ is readily available. It's not necessary to negotiate, or pay extra for it. Multiple hour sessions are readily available. There's no need to pay extra, unless you're in a casa or a strip club. Who wants to spend 3 hours in a room at Club Maracaibo? All day or night is not difficult to get for 150-200 k.

Best of all, getting all of the above is easier than getting the cashier to say "Welcome to McDonald's."

1. Stop thinking all women are bitches, putas, etc. They're people. Most are a helluva lot tougher than the tough guys here. They see things every week that would make you need a change of underwear.

2. It's not a dominance game. You're not auditioning for "The Apprentice." You're attempting to arrange a mutually beneficial social engagement. You're trying to get laid, she's trying to get paid. She's not passing up a weekend in the Maldives to be with you. She's giving up sitting at home watching TV. If she believes she'll enjoy your company more than The Simpsons, she'll be more receptive to your offer..

02-07-20, 00:43
Very well put! This list should be handed to every gringo at the airport or any port of entry. But then they drink and F it all up.

Or maybe change your entire attitude.

You keep going on with "stop the simping", while paying 300 k for what is readily available at 150-200 k? And then complain others are screwing it up paying first world prices? Keep negotiating? If you had to keep negotiating to get that, you screwed up from the beginning.

BBBJ is readily available. It's not necessary to negotiate, or pay extra for it. Multiple hour sessions are readily available. There's no need to pay extra, unless you're in a casa or a strip club. Who wants to spend 3 hours in a room at Club Maracaibo? All day or night is not difficult to get for 150-200 k.

Best of all, getting all of the above is easier than getting the cashier to say "Welcome to McDonald's."

1. Stop thinking all women are bitches, putas, etc. They're people. Most are a helluva lot tougher than the tough guys here. They see things every week that would make you need a change of underwear.

2. It's not a dominance game. You're not auditioning for "The Apprentice." You're attempting to arrange a mutually beneficial social engagement. You're trying to get laid, she's trying to get paid. She's not passing up a weekend in the Maldives to be with you. She's giving up sitting at home watching TV. If she believes she'll enjoy your company more than The Simpsons, she'll be more receptive to your offer.

3. Don't be desperate. If the girl isn't enthusiastic, move along. Don't be nasty about it. Just leave her with "maybe another night" and go on to the next one. If you insist on having that girl, either the price is going up, or service is going down, often both.

4. Be nice. You're selling yourself. Most of the girls will go above and beyond for just a bit of respect. They don't get much of it from Colombian men. When some guy comes along, pays more, treats them better and let's them live the "Pretty Woman" fantasy for a few hours, many will respond.

5. Your life doesn't depend on getting a BBBJ in Medellin. Girls charge extra for it, because too many guys act like they're searching for the Holy Grail. If you're clean, if you're treating the girl like a person instead of a sex doll, most will do it without any fuss.

6. It's supposed to be fun. You get to spend a few hours with beautiful, young, naked Colombian women, for about the price of a cheap motel room back home. Why turn it into a chore?

02-07-20, 00:46
I have never stayed in Medellin for less than 2 weeks in each of my visits. For me, there is no point of visiting Medellin for only 3 days. I live in hell, a. K. a northern California, every time after I return from Medellin, I'm always miserable and depressed for at least a week (the superior food in California doesn't help). For me, each miserable California day cancels a heavenly Medellin day, I'm looking for a net positive. I'm on my way to Medellin right now, I'm currently soaked by that kids going to Disney land feeling.I could never stay less 2 weeks in Colombia, or maybe at least 10 days in Colombia. However for the guys that live "close" , like Miami, it probably makes sense to go for couple days. Last time I was there 6 weeks and didn't get bored one day.

02-07-20, 01:08
As far as my hunting for girls to put in my rotation it has not been good. In Lima I had 2 that were GFE while in MDE I have not had any luck. Sure I have had some good sexo but not what I have had here in the past. I guess my age (74 this July) is not a help. I can dance all night and keep up with anybody but these girls like younger guys. Of course my money keeps me in deep with fine pussy.

All in all the only thing that does not make Lima my number one spot is the long flight compared to MDE.

I think my next trip will be to an island. I love to swim in warm clear water and hunt for fine pussy.You should get the Monger of the Year award. I don't know how old people are on here but if you're still dancing away and keeping up with the young guys at 74 you should be proud. That's awesome and I commend you for living life to the fullest the way you want. I see guys turn to dust after a specific age number like it really matters. Anyway man you give me hope LOL. Monger on!

02-07-20, 02:08
Winding up this 30 day adventure. I spent the first 13 days in Lima, and will finish here in MDE with 17 days. Only a couple of days left, and here are some of my thoughts on MDE. I already did some trip reports on the Lima board.

I'm staying at the Hotel Botero which is right next to the bus stop at what I call ground zero that will take me to the airport for 10500 K. The hotel is good. Reasonable rates, and I have a nice big room. It is girl friendly if she has a ID if Colombian or a passport if she is a Vennie. The maids will get your clothes washed for almost nothing.

Except for spraining my ankle on the on the poor sidewalks in Centro it has been a good trip. Only small problem I had was while doing my bar hopping in Centro I did one night have a issue. I had 4 girls at my table, 3 of them were very good looking. I was dancing with two of them in a crowded spot on the dance floor. A local guy said to me (why do you have so many women. You have too much money. Where did you get it?) I told him in my limited Spanish that I worked for my money. At this point the girls pulled me away from him. About a minute later another local starts with me, but I did not understand his drunking speech. At this point I left the dance floor, and walked out. The girls of course all ran after me to get me back to the bar. I said good night, and I think I learned a lesson. Be careful you don't make the locals jealous of our ways.Your a true inspiration brother! Loved your post about the Colombian dude trying to grill you? Did this happen during the day or night? I don't speak Spanish well, am I crazy to want to hit the bars of Centro up at night alone? From what I have read, it gets very sketchy at night and I would have no business there, but after reading your post I am intrigued. I partied in Parque Lleras for a week and it was fun, but pricey. I am definitely going to try Laurelas out on my next trip. Still in my 30's so to hear about your adventures is fucking awesome. Reminds me of the that movie, "The Mule" LOL.

02-07-20, 04:08
If you want to be certain that the girl is 18 or older should you just stick to casas and the strip clubs. Since I don't know if the ID is fake or not, is using tinder and SA risky since a underage girl coming to your hotel without your knowledge is not something we all want, or is it risky at casas too. Could those girls also have underage girls and we wouldn't know. Could a veteran explain if Medellin is the wild wild west when it comes to these things. Do these casa owners do what they want.

02-07-20, 13:15
73 and going strong! This is amazing. I have now evidence that not even half of my mongering life is behind me. Just need to learn what is necessary to stay both mentally and physically healthy like you. Is it hard? How much is it your genes vs. Lifestyle? Please advise those who wish to "hunt for fine pussy" when they are 70+!

As far as my hunting for girls to put in my rotation it has not been good. In Lima I had 2 that were GFE while in MDE I have not had any luck. Sure I have had some good sexo but not what I have had here in the past. I guess my age (74 this July) is not a help. I can dance all night and keep up with anybody but these girls like younger guys. Of course my money keeps me in deep with fine pussy.

All in all the only thing that does not make Lima my number one spot is the long flight compared to MDE.

I think my next trip will be to an island. I love to swim in warm clear water and hunt for fine pussy.

02-07-20, 13:45
I had a mediocre experience with Angie Muńoz, who is so highly rated on here. She had a cold or gripe when she came and did not tell me before hand (not cool in my book). I probably should have just paid her taxi and sent her away but I went ahead anyway. By the standards of other destinations like Costa Rica, the session was not bad but it certainly did not live up to her reputation. I certainly didn't ask for or get kisses and you could tell she was feeling the cold. I only had one polvo but I kind of wanted her to leave afterwards anyway since she was sick. I also asked about anal and she confirmed that she makes her decisions based on size. I'm fairly well endowed so she didn't want to try with me (which I had no problem with). Anyway for anyone thinking of a cita with her I'd stay away for the next week or so. Given what I've read and my conversations with others I'm sure she is normally fantastic. If anyone has any suggestions for a freaky more PSE girl (anal, deepthraot etc) please PM me. I've got some ideas from talking to FB girls and looking at the Spanish language sites but would certainly appreciate some suggestions.

D Cups
02-07-20, 14:50
Winding up this 30 day adventure. I spent the first 13 days in Lima, and will finish here in MDE. age (74 this July). I can dance all night and keep up with anybody but these girls like younger guys. Of course my money keeps me in deep with fine pussy.
I think my next trip will be to an island. I love to swim in warm clear water and hunt for fine pussyHello Mr. Kelso,

What a pleasure to read your fine report. You have ten years on me and maybe I will still be mongering in 10 years because that has been my hobby for the last 20 years. I think I will follow suit and take some bachata or salsa lessons at a nearby ballroom in Sacramento, California until I retire in Philippines in 2022. I know Old Kool is around my age and he still dances with the fine ladies of the Dominican Republic where I also go 2 - 3 times a year. I like Islands, too (obviously) but warm clear water is not always a good mongering destination except maybe Sosua but the ladies there are overly aggressive IMO. And clear water is also not easy to find because third world countries are notorious pollutors. You might want to try Boracay in Philippines or elsewhere there if you like the slimmer Asian girls who speak English. I'm sure other mongers have recommendations, too. Maybe I will try Lima. Macchu Pichu is on the bucket list. Cheers.

02-07-20, 15:20
Hola all ,

So of course, I left my ATM card in the machine and it ate it. And then I did it AGAIN last night. I am not a smart man.

The problem is that trying to get cash advances on my credit card is like pulling teeth here. Visa and Chase say it shouldn't be an issue at all, go up to a teller with the card and passport and bam cash. But the banco Colombian (and other bank) managers tell me it's not possible without a pin. I don't have a pin for my credit cards unfortunately.

Any advice as to how to get cash using my CCs?

Thanks much. Medellin is amazing. Trip report incoming.

02-07-20, 15:26
Casas are usually really good at it, that being said it doesn't mean that some may slip through the cracks. If you are staying a hotel that actively polices all guess at the front desk. I wouldn't be worried in that case they have a lot more to loose if the police catches an underage girl. But if you stay at a place that does check them it will be up to you to check every single one, and tell them to bring the actual Cedula not the "paper" they sometimes have that says they are over 18. I forget what they call it. Good luck.

If you want to be certain that the girl is 18 or older should you just stick to casas and the strip clubs. Since I don't know if the ID is fake or not, is using tinder and SA risky since a underage girl coming to your hotel without your knowledge is not something we all want, or is it risky at casas too. Could those girls also have underage girls and we wouldn't know. Could a veteran explain if Medellin is the wild wild west when it comes to these things. Do these casa owners do what they want.

02-07-20, 15:42
Your a true inspiration brother! Loved your post about the Colombian dude trying to grill you? Did this happen during the day or night? I don't speak Spanish well, am I crazy to want to hit the bars of Centro up at night alone? From what I have read, it gets very sketchy at night and I would have no business there, but after reading your post I am intrigued. I partied in Parque Lleras for a week and it was fun, but pricey. I am definitely going to try Laurelas out on my next trip. Still in my 30's so to hear about your adventures is fucking awesome. Reminds me of the that movie, "The Mule" LOL.The incident happened at night around 11 PM.

Last night in that area the police showed up in force at a bar I was in. They even had a drug dog. They checked everyone even me the lone Gringo. They had a women officer who really patted down the girls. She was very tall and hot. I was going to ask her to pat me down but thought better if I don't act a fool with police all around me. Anyway they left and then the music played on.

Fun Luvr
02-07-20, 17:13
I wanted to take the bus from San Diego mall but my Didi driver told me that for 17 mil I could share an air-conditioned cab with another 3 people. I agreed because it was a hot day. The cab place somewhere near the San Diego bus station.

Time wise I think it was about the same. So, if the bus has an a / see, there is pretty much no difference.The buses do not have air conditioning. As you get up the mountain, the air is cooler. I don't see any advantage to the shared taxis. Unless you get the front seat, you are crammed into the back seat with two other people. If you get the front seat, that means you are the first person, so you will be waiting until they find three other people. Sometimes, I have had to wait a while for the bus, but I get a seat that is more comfortable than the back seat of the taxis. I have used both buses and taxis, I prefer the buses.

02-07-20, 18:14
In my mind, I have four options: casas, bars, Centro and Lleras. (I'm not sure how Lleras differs from Centro. Quality?) I'm not usually a SG guy because I want more than the bare minimum mechanical act that usually follows. But I have had a few good sessions with SGs.

I guess my biggest concern is that the bars are scattered throughout the city. If I don't like the vibe of a place, I'd love to be able to walk a block to the next option.The area in El Centro is pretty close to each other, many more bars than Tijuna like Surfer mentioned. They are more like Tripical. You are assuming SG is the same but they are not. You can spend sometime observe and talk to them to find out. Have you considered Bogota?

02-07-20, 19:36
Hola all ,

So of course, I left my ATM card in the machine and it ate it. And then I did it AGAIN last night. I am not a smart man.

The problem is that trying to get cash advances on my credit card is like pulling teeth here. Visa and Chase say it shouldn't be an issue at all, go up to a teller with the card and passport and bam cash. But the banco Colombian (and other bank) managers tell me it's not possible without a pin. I don't have a pin for my credit cards unfortunately.

Any advice as to how to get cash using my CCs?

Thanks much. Medellin is amazing. Trip report incoming.If you have your ATM card numbers and pins you may be able to wire yourself money thru Western Union and WU may take credit cards.

02-07-20, 19:42
Great advice and that's my quandry. In Tijuana, I've grown fond of the HK game. I enjoy the parties with the hot chicas as much as the takeout. I've started a list of bars and I'm going to come up with a plan. But I've learned to just go with the flow, especially since I have no idea what to expect.

In my mind, I have four options: casas, bars, Centro and Lleras. (I'm not sure how Lleras differs from Centro. Quality?) I'm not usually a SG guy because I want more than the bare minimum mechanical act that usually follows. But I have had a few good sessions with SGs.

I guess my biggest concern is that the bars are scattered throughout the city. If I don't like the vibe of a place, I'd love to be able to walk a block to the next option.I will make it simple for you. Since you have only three days, stay in El Centro and you will have more pussy than you can handle. And don't discount the Street Girls here, they are not like the Street Girls in Tijuana, not even close. It's like night and day. There's options all over El Centro, no need to leave and go anywhere else if you have only three days.

02-07-20, 19:55
The incident happened at night around 11 PM.

Last night in that area the police showed up in force at a bar I was in. They even had a drug dog. They checked everyone even me the lone Gringo. They had a women officer who really patted down the girls. She was very tall and hot. I was going to ask her to pat me down but thought better if I don't act a fool with police all around me. Anyway they left and then the music played on.What exactly were they looking for? Its legal to have small amounts of cocaine on you in Colombia correct? Do you think a person with a small amount of coke would have been arrested?

02-07-20, 19:57
The area in El Centro is pretty close to each other, many more bars than Tijuna like Surfer mentioned. They are more like Tripical. You are assuming SG is the same but they are not. You can spend sometime observe and talk to them to find out. Have you considered Bogota?I have considered Bogota but the consensus on here seems to be that Medellin has a leg up on Bogota. That said, I am curious if and why you'd recommend it.

Good to know that the SG game is a bit different. I am certainly not opposed to checking out Centro.

02-07-20, 20:04
Gusto is a different story, to enjoy gusto, you need to have a party mindset, and don't mind spending a few hundred extra dollars for the night. Gusto girls are hot and crazy, they are a little on the older side, but you can still find some 20-21 year-olds there. With gusto girls, you either need to possess hard negotiation skills or have a higher alcohol and drug tolerance than they do. If done right, gusto is a great place to party.Gusto seems to get a lot of negative publicity. But it also sounds like a good party place, albeit overpriced.

This is hard to answer, I know, but what is a reasonable budget for a night? I will spend about $300 a night at Hong Kong in Tijuana. How far will that get me at Gusto? A good party experience with a chica for a couple hours and a session?

02-07-20, 20:35
Any advice as to how to get cash using my CCs?Send Western Union to yourself.

02-07-20, 22:04
I had a mediocre experience with Angie Muoz, who is so highly rated on here. She had a cold or gripe when she came and did not tell me before hand (not cool in my book). I probably should have just paid her taxi and sent her away but I went ahead anyway. By the standards of other destinations like Costa Rica, the session was not bad but it certainly did not live up to her reputation. I certainly didn't ask for or get kisses and you could tell she was feeling the cold. I only had one polvo but I kind of wanted her to leave afterwards anyway since she was sick. I also asked about anal and she confirmed that she makes her decisions based on size. I'm fairly well endowed so she didn't want to try with me (which I had no problem with). Anyway for anyone thinking of a cita with her I'd stay away for the next week or so. Given what I've read and my conversations with others I'm sure she is normally fantastic. If anyone has any suggestions for a freaky more PSE girl (anal, deepthraot etc) please PM me. I've got some ideas from talking to FB girls and looking at the Spanish language sites but would certainly appreciate some suggestions.Interesting read. I believe I am the only man in the world that has been with her but had a bad experience with her. She is the most highly regarded woman that I've been with but didn't have a good time with. Thanks for the warning about her illness.

John Gault
02-07-20, 22:30
Hola all ,

So of course, I left my ATM card in the machine and it ate it. And then I did it AGAIN last night. I am not a smart man.

The problem is that trying to get cash advances on my credit card is like pulling teeth here. Visa and Chase say it shouldn't be an issue at all, go up to a teller with the card and passport and bam cash. But the banco Colombian (and other bank) managers tell me it's not possible without a pin. I don't have a pin for my credit cards unfortunately.

Any advice as to how to get cash using my CCs?

Thanks much. Medellin is amazing. Trip report incoming.Call your bank and ask for a pin number.

02-07-20, 22:31
Mongers have stopped going to Asia. Argentina is no more, Sosua is in decline, Rio is in decline; now everyone is headed to Medellin, what's going to happen to my beloved destination?I'm on a few Thai and Philippines boards. Colombia and Medellin are starting to come up a LOT. And those are guys who live in Australia and New Zealand!

The Tall Man
02-07-20, 23:25
Someone mentioned the amount pregnant chicas in Botero and centro, your not kidding, yesterday late afternoon and early evening I counted no less than 7, WTF! All available and I spoke to about 3 or 4 and they are between 2 and 6 months with the statistical average being 3. 5 month, hehehehe, all available and some of them kinda cute if banging a prego is your thing.

The Tall Man.

Fun Luvr
02-07-20, 23:54
Hola all ,

So of course, I left my ATM card in the machine and it ate it. And then I did it AGAIN last night. I am not a smart man.Did you go to the bank where the ATM is that took your card, and ask for it? Assuming the ATM really did swallow it, and not the next customer took it, the bank should not have a reason to keep it.

02-08-20, 01:03
...And don't discount the Street Girls here, they are not like the Street Girls in Tijuana, not even close. It's like night and day. There's options all over El Centro, no need to leave and go anywhere else if you have only three days.I would like to disagree with you on this. I have been to Tijuana many times, and SGs are my favorite there. Inexpensive, young, and eager to show you a good time.

I am not sure what you mean by "not even close". I personally think the SGs in Tijuana are better looking than the SGs in Medellin.

02-08-20, 02:25
Call your bank and ask for a pin number.Unfortunately they said they can only mail it and it takes 7-10 business days.

02-08-20, 02:26
Did you go to the bank where the ATM is that took your card, and ask for it? Assuming the ATM really did swallow it, and not the next customer took it, the bank should not have a reason to keep it.Unfortunately the card is instantly destroyed according to the manager at the bank.

02-08-20, 02:31
I saw her when she first started and then saw her a few times in 2018, I believe. She is a nice girl who gave me good service at the time (although I hate those ugly tats on her thigh). But once I started to see her name plastered here and saw her fotos of her trips to various places, I realized she was becoming much more commercial. Which I avoid. Eventually, some of these girls get lazy because they get too much attention and think they can get away with it. I am not sure if that's the case with her, but it might be.

Interesting read. I believe I am the only man in the world that has been with her but had a bad experience with her. She is the most highly regarded woman that I've been with but didn't have a good time with. Thanks for the warning about her illness.

02-08-20, 03:33
I have considered Bogota but the consensus on here seems to be that Medellin has a leg up on Bogota. That said, I am curious if and why you'd recommend it.
You can walk from bar to bar in Santa Fa. I think the chica quality is higher at these bars compare to Medellin. The only club in Medellin that is close to HK is La Isla.

02-08-20, 04:19
I would like to disagree with you on this. I have been to Tijuana many times, and SGs are my favorite there. Inexpensive, young, and eager to show you a good time.

I am not sure what you mean by "not even close". I personally think the SGs in Tijuana are better looking than the SGs in Medellin.What I mean by "not even close" is the level of service and the cost. As your aware, the Tijuana street girls will quote from about 200 Pesos up which may only include them taking off their pants and have extra charges for all of their clothes off, a BJ, and more than two positions, along with a 20 minute time limit which is enforced by the hotel where they knock on the door after twenty minutes.

So how about at least an hour versus twenty minutes, all clothes off, BBBJ included, and at about 1/2 the cost versus the Tijuana street girls. Not even close in my book.

As far as the girls looking better, well that's all in the eye's of the beholder, and I have no argument there.

02-08-20, 04:35
Someone mentioned the amount pregnant chicas in Botero and centro, your not kidding, yesterday late afternoon and early evening I counted no less than 7, WTF! All available and I spoke to about 3 or 4 and they are between 2 and 6 months with the statistical average being 3. 5 month, hehehehe, all available and some of them kinda cute if banging a prego is your thing.

The Tall Man.You sound tempted to take one of those pregnant Chicas arriba, and I have been so myself. There is a very cute petite one out that I have seen the last few days. Not to far along yet, perhaps within your statistical average.

And there also is a pair of pregnant chicas always hanging out together in front of a statue as well.

My bet is you could get both of them to go upstairs, and I suppose it wouldn't be a three-some but a five-some.

02-08-20, 04:59
Interesting read. I believe I am the only man in the world that has been with her but had a bad experience with her. She is the most highly regarded woman that I've been with but didn't have a good time with. Thanks for the warning about her illness.Even with her illness guys will flock to her. Honestly I think she should pay the admins on this site a commission for all of the business the site has brought her. I saw her and have absolutely no complaints. But she's human and I'm sure she has bad days just like the rest of us.

02-08-20, 05:34
I completely agree with you. Some of you have told me in detail about great experiences. I just wanted to warn anyone thinking of seeing her in the near future. At least ask her if she's sick before pulling the trigger.

Even with her illness guys will flock to her. Honestly I think she should pay the admins on this site a commission for all of the business the site has brought her. I saw her and have absolutely no complaints. But she's human and I'm sure she has bad days just like the rest of us.

02-08-20, 05:37
Any bank will give a chase advance against a credit card in good standing. The interest and fees are insane. Save your money or do whatever else you have to do to be able to make ATM withdrawals from a cash funded savings or checking account.

Send Western Union to yourself.

Mr Enternational
02-08-20, 05:48
Even with her illness guys will flock to her.Hell, he is only talking about a cold. I have known a chick to 100% have STD and warned dudes about her. That didn't stop shit.

02-08-20, 05:52
I would like to disagree with you on this. I have been to Tijuana many times, and SGs are my favorite there. Inexpensive, young, and eager to show you a good time.

I am not sure what you mean by "not even close". I personally think the SGs in Tijuana are better looking than the SGs in Medellin.The SG in Tijuana, while some are cute, not HK Chicas like some like to boast, Tijuana women compared to Paisas or Vennies is a joke. The service of Tijuana SGs is even more ridiculous. Toilet paper around your cock with a condom?

I'd eat a dirty Vennie Ass before a SG session in Tijuana. I live 2 hours from Tijuana. I have a few "Novias" there. But, a Dios Mio. This year. Many days in Medellin are coming. Tijuana, while it's closer pussy, "not even close" to paisas.

Iguana Six
02-08-20, 06:37
Gusto seems to get a lot of negative publicity. But it also sounds like a good party place, albeit overpriced.

This is hard to answer, I know, but what is a reasonable budget for a night? I will spend about $300 a night at Hong Kong in Tijuana. How far will that get me at Gusto? A good party experience with a chica for a couple hours and a session?When you go to Hong Kong in Tijuana, your dollars are competing with those of every monger within driving distance of the Mexican border. You are not paying third world prices, you are paying "suburb of a the first world" prices. On the other hand, you are saving air fare and hotel costs.

You should not have to pay just-south-of-San-Diego prices in Medellin, but that is what people do in Gustos.

02-08-20, 06:42
If you want to be certain that the girl is 18 or older should you just stick to casas and the strip clubs. Since I don't know if the ID is fake or not, is using tinder and SA risky since a underage girl coming to your hotel without your knowledge is not something we all want, or is it risky at casas too. Could those girls also have underage girls and we wouldn't know. Could a veteran explain if Medellin is the wild wild west when it comes to these things. Do these casa owners do what they want.Most of the casas are dependable when it comes to providing legal age girls. Same with the strip clubs.

Unless you're actively searching for that, you probably don't need to worry too much.

Cocr Brotheler
02-08-20, 07:17

Not being alarmist just letting you all know this was the first occurrence in over 20 years.

Is a good read that provides some background of the E. L. N. Guerrilla group as well as current political environment just to be informed.

Also to take special care not to venture too far off the beaten path outside MDE, that is where most kidnappings occur.

Stay Safe & Horny my friends!

Cocr Brotheler
02-08-20, 07:20
Someone mentioned the amount pregnant chicas in Botero and centro, your not kidding, yesterday late afternoon and early evening I counted no less than 7, WTF! All available and I spoke to about 3 or 4 and they are between 2 and 6 months with the statistical average being 3. 5 month, hehehehe, all available and some of them kinda cute if banging a prego is your thing.

The Tall Man.Nice! My next trip down will have to book a week then the first couple days select several and get them all STD checked. .

02-08-20, 10:56
Most of the casas are dependable when it comes to providing legal age girls. Same with the strip clubs.

Unless you're actively searching for that, you probably don't need to worry too much.What about using Tinder and SA. Do you guys check the ID when they come and hope its real. Do you let the front desk check it if your not in airbnb.

02-08-20, 13:12
I took a quick two day trip down to MDE late January. I arrived Saturday mid-day and was leaving Monday Morning.


After taking an uber ride from the airport to my hotel in the Poblado area, I dropped off my bag and headed out to explore the city. Walked around the Poblado area for a bit and got some food before heading to the metro station for plaza Botero. I arrived at plaza Botero around 2 pm. I walked around the plaza for a bit taking it all in. I then started to just walk around the area not really knowing where I was going. I eventually found the street were I started noticing the SG. Made my way to the church and then circled back to see if there was anything that would catch my eye. Unfortunately I didn't see anything I liked. I then just kept exploring the area for a bit, around 4 pm I decided it was time to check out some casas. First place I headed to was new life. So from plaza botero I made way to new life. When I got to new life there was a bunch of people in the waiting area. Most of the guys in there though were just waiting for their friends to finish their sessions. I sat down and ordered a water. Then came the wave of beauties one by one. There must have been about 20 girls that came out to introduce themselves. I really liked the variety of girls they had there, there was something for every ones taste. I took a minute or two to decide who I wanted to session with. I couldn't remember the name of the girl or her number. So I just described what she was wearing to the man and he said " ah la culona". She was tall, white, mid length black hair, small breast and very culona. She led me to a nice room downstairs. She got undressed and started shaking her ass for me on the bed. I then began to stretch her ass open and admire the view. After a bit of this she offered anal for 50 k which I accepted. She could only handle about 5 minutes of anal before she asked if I wanted pussy. I had a great one HR sessions with her (90 K). She gave me her number and said she would do tln for a good price for me. I enjoyed my time with her so I just set something up for later with her. I then made my way to club sexy amigas. There was just a few guys in the waiting area. I ordered a beer and then came the girls to introduce themselves. They probably had about 8 girls. I finished my beer and chose my girl. This time I picked up a light morena with red hair. She had a medium bust and nice round bottom. I took her for just a half HR session (50 k). Another great session, my favorite part of the session was watching her giving me a CBJ and shaking her ass at the same time while I enjoyed the view in the mirror. Overall great girl would repeat again. I gave her 20 k tip and left. I then decided to go try out zandaly. I got lost trying to find it so I gave up plus it was getting dark soon, so I decided it was time to head back to plaza Botero and check out Conejitas. I really enjoyed my time at conejitas. It was packed with locals and about 15 girls. I saw the biggest ass while I was there. This girl musta been about 5'0 feet tall, super thick and all ass from the back. I didn't partake but overall I really liked the joint. Good selection of girls with nice variety between them. I had one beer stayed for about 40 minutes and left. Its was about 730 pm. I took a taxi back to my hotel freshened up got some food and texted the girl from new life. I told her to come over at ten. We settled on 300 k tln. She showed up looking pretty damn sexy too. She was wearing this one piece all black getup with slight cleavage showing. Kinda looked like catwoman. We then headed to a bar over at parque Lleras. We had a few drinks got an appetizer and just hung out. I kinda felt like taking her to dance salsa but fatigue was kicking in. We then headed back to my place. We got in bed cuddled and watched tv for a bit. She then turned on her side so her ass was facing me, man what a view. Had a nice little session and went to bed for the night.

02-08-20, 13:14

Woke up about 7 am with the girl from new life still in my bed. I got up to use the bathroom and when I came back she was playing with herself. I watched her for a bit, then I jumped in. After our morning session, while she was getting dressed she asked me if I wanted her to spend the day with me. I told her no, but later in the afternoon she could come over. I ordered her an uber ride home and walked her downstairs. Had a quick breakfast at the hotel and headed out for some touristy stuff. While out I texted the girl from new life and told her to meet me at my hotel at 4 pm. Today she showed up more causal looking jeans and a shirt but damn did she still look good. From my hotel we walked around a bit then went to grab some burgers at el corral. Pretty good burgers not bad. On the way back to the hotel it started to rain a bit hard, so we ducked into a coffee shop and waited out the rain. As soon as we got back to the room she got undressed leaving only her thong on. She got in the covers and wanted to cuddle. Which was fine by me. WE sat in bed watching TV while I freely roamed my hands all over her body. We had one more session before she left, I payed her 200 k ordered her another uber ride and walked her downstairs. I then took a walk down to parque Lleras around 9 pm. I walked around for a bit saw a few girls but nothing I liked. I sat down at the beer store had a few beers and did some people watching. I then took a taxi to fase dos. I arrived at fase dos about 11 pm. 10 k entrance fee. Walked in went to the bar and ordered a beer. Most of the patrons here were all sitting at the bar area. In order to sit at one of tables you have to order a bottle. I found a place at the bar leaned up against it and surveyed the area. Place is big inside there were a few girls sitting alone and few girls in groups of threes. Some were on their cellphones whiles other were just chatting. I didn't see any girls that I liked, granted this was a Sunday night so maybe not the best day of the week to be here. I stayed for about 45 minutes and left. I took a taxi back to parque Lleras and decided to check out club gusto. 10 k entrance fee. There was probably about 15 girls inside. I ordered a beer and walked around checking out the talent. Out of all the girls there I was only interested in three but they were all occupied. So I sat at the bar and just enjoyed my beer. Then one of the girls I liked was free but then she went and sat with someone else for a bit then she was free again. I tried to get har attention but she went to sit with someone on the other side of the bar. At this point there was nothing else there that I liked, so I was just going to finish my beer and call it a night. Right before I was about to leave I saw her walking around the bar. SO I gave have her a nice smile, she smiled back and made her way to me. She was a morena, long black hair, large breast and decent back side. The blouse she was wearing could barley contain her breast. We talked for a bit, she did some sexy dancing for me and was grinding her ass on me. She then asked me, if I knew she was working. I told her I knew. Then she told me her price $200. OK so at this point I had seen this girl bounce around three guys at the bar, it was a Sunday night and gusto was about to close in an hour. So I countered with 100 and an uber ride home, which she accepted. I finished my beer and then we left. Back at the room she was doing some more sexy dancing for me. She then began slowly taking her clothes off. I knew her breast were fake, but they felt so good. She then needed help getting her pants off. After getting her pants down we started to make out for bit on the bed while I roamed my hands around her beautiful body. She gave me a nice CBJ, followed by about six different positions. My favorite position was having her on the edge of the bed kinda on her side with one of her legs in the air. While in this position she was super wet and turning me on with this very seductive look in her eyes. I told her I wanted to finish on her breast. So I pulled out took off the jimmy and finished all over her huge breast. I helped clean her up, then she crawled into bed. She wanted to stay till morning but I had an early flight and needed to get some rest. I ordered her an uber ride home, walked her downstairs and waited with her till the uber showed up.

02-08-20, 13:16
My final thoughts on my quick two day Medellin trip. Overall I really enjoyed myself, so much so I already booked another 3 day trip for the end of February. I had a good time just walking around el centro taking it all in. I never felt unsafe or uneasy walking down there. No one really bothered me much, had a few people wave menus in my face but that's about it. I can't wait to get back to el centro next trip and find these gems I hear some of you guys find out there. I was only able to visit two casas, new life and club de amigas sexy. I really liked the line up they had at new life lots of beautiful woman to choose from. Club de amigas sexy was also a very good place, not as many girls as new life but some good talent there. I wasn't too impressed by fase dos, I thought they would have the type of girls I like there. I was hoping to see lots of super curvy girls there. I much preferred conejitas over fase dos. The atmosphere and the girls were way better at Conejitas in my opinion. Again I did visit fase dos on a Sunday night so maybe Fridays or Saturdays are better days to be there. Pargue lleras was OK, I was there on Saturday night but had a girl with me so really didn't look around much. Was there again Sunday night but not much going on. So next trip I'll have to check it out on a Friday or Saturday. Club Gustos was OK, again was here on a Sunday night. I didn't get to partake on the online scene like mileroticos, photopregaos, tinder or SA. Hoping to dip my toes into the online scene next trip. Also wasn't a member of the site this trip, so didn't have access to the Medellin list. I'm member now and can't wait to try out some of the places on that list. Thanks to all the members that contribute to the site and happy hunting.

02-08-20, 13:22
The SG in Tijuana, while some are cute, not HK Chicas like some like to boast, Tijuana women compared to Paisas or Vennies is a joke. The service of Tijuana SGs is even more ridiculous. Toilet paper around your cock with a condom?

I'd eat a dirty Vennie Ass before a SG session in Tijuana. I live 2 hours from Tijuana. I have a few "Novias" there. But, a Dios Mio. This year. Many days in Medellin are coming. Tijuana, while it's closer pussy, "not even close" to paisas.Speaking of Vennie asses, besides the crop of Pregnant Chicas who seem to be multiplying in El Centro like rabbits, there are some Vennies with such big asses (imagine a hippopotamus) I cannot even fathom getting hard and trying to penetrate one of these beasts. And with so many layers of fat, you probably have to have a cock a foot long to make it into their vaginas.

But these beasts must have customers, or they wouldn't be out there. And most probably a bargain, or perhaps there's premium for that, but I wouldn't know. There are Colombians on the backside of the Church with all the bars that will go for 20 K including the room, and they are nothing to write home about so I can easily see a guy into "big butts" having a field day with all the big assed beasts in El Centro.

02-08-20, 13:52
When you go to Hong Kong in Tijuana, your dollars are competing with those of every monger within driving distance of the Mexican border. You are not paying third world prices, you are paying "suburb of a the first world" prices. On the other hand, you are saving air fare and hotel costs.

You should not have to pay just-south-of-San-Diego prices in Medellin, but that is what people do in Gustos.That's the beautiful thing about Medellin. Nobody needs to pay those prices, but for the guys who are happy to pay those prices there's Gusto, La Isla and Loutron. Three completely different experiences for the big spender.

At the other end of the scale for slightly more than an upsized fast food meal in the US, you can find plenty of girls in El Centro.

And there's everything in between.

The price of a meal, drinks and dessert for 2 in a great restaurant in the US is more than $200. For $200 in Medellin you can get a good meal for 3, with drinks, take a taxi to a nice love motel, spend 4 hours in a 3 some with 2 hot 18-25 year olds, and have enough left over to take them to breakfast.

02-08-20, 15:33
There seems to be a little interest in my adventures into the Centro bar action. The best bar I found was called either Club Madrid or Madrid. It had by far the best looking girls. If you go there a few times and are not afraid to buy a bottle then you will find the girls almost fighting to get next to you. It is great when you are sitting with a bunch of hot women and when you move around some of the other girls let you know they wish they were with you.

02-08-20, 17:04
I saw her when she first started and then saw her a few times in 2018, I believe. She is a nice girl who gave me good service at the time (although I hate those ugly tats on her thigh). But once I started to see her name plastered here and saw her fotos of her trips to various places, I realized she was becoming much more commercial. Which I avoid. Eventually, some of these girls get lazy because they get too much attention and think they can get away with it. I am not sure if that's the case with her, but it might be.That was the exact vibe I got from her. Some of the popular ones get their heads swollen and they begin to act like they are Rihanna. To be fair, she was always OK behavior-wise. But just all business. Kinda negative level GFE, but other guys swear by her friendliness so YMMV as always.

02-08-20, 19:02
That's the beautiful thing about Medellin. Nobody needs to pay those prices, but for the guys who are happy to pay those prices there's Gusto, La Isla and Loutron. Three completely different experiences for the big spender.
I agree with what you say. This is another perspective.

When I go to one of these places it is because they are actually like fast food restaurants. It is usually easier for me to pick someone I like in a setting I like. I spent a lot of time in bars and clubs in El Centrol and it is my favorite area in Medellin. I have to make a conscious decision to spend so much more elsewhere and when I do I have been happy with the decision. It has to do with getting what I want in the short amount of time without preparation, and has nothing to do with how much money I spend.

02-08-20, 19:11
Uber is still working?


Woke up about 7 am with the girl from new life still in my bed. I got up to use the bathroom and when I came back she was playing with herself. I watched her for a bit, then I jumped in. After our morning session, while she was getting dressed she asked me if I wanted her to spend the day with me. I told her no, but later in the afternoon she could come over. I ordered her an uber ride home and walked her downstairs. Had a quick breakfast at the hotel and headed out for some touristy stuff. While out I texted the girl from new life and told her to meet me at my hotel at 4 pm. Today she showed up more causal looking jeans and a shirt but damn did she still look good. From my hotel we walked around a bit then went to grab some burgers at el corral. Pretty good burgers not bad. On the way back to the hotel it started to rain a bit hard, so we ducked into a coffee shop and waited out the rain. As soon as we got back to the room she got undressed leaving only her thong on. She got in the covers and wanted to cuddle. Which was fine by me. WE sat in bed watching TV while I freely roamed my hands all over her body. We had one more session before she left, I payed her 200 k ordered her another uber ride and walked her downstairs. I then took a walk down to parque Lleras around 9 pm. I walked around for a bit saw a few girls but nothing I liked. I sat down at the beer store had a few beers and did some people watching. I then took a taxi to fase dos. I arrived at fase dos about 11 pm. 10 k entrance fee. Walked in went to the bar and ordered a beer. Most of the patrons here were all sitting at the bar area. In order to sit at one of tables you have to order a bottle. I found a place at the bar leaned up against it and surveyed the area. Place is big inside there were a few girls sitting alone and few girls in groups of threes. Some were on their cellphones whiles other were just chatting. I didn't see any girls that I liked, granted this was a Sunday night so maybe not the best day of the week to be here. I stayed for about 45 minutes and left. I took a taxi back to parque Lleras and decided to check out club gusto. 10 k entrance fee. There was probably about 15 girls inside.

02-08-20, 19:34
There seems to be a little interest in my adventures into the Centro bar action. The best bar I found was called either Club Madrid or Madrid. It had by far the best looking girls. If you go there a few times and are not afraid to buy a bottle then you will find the girls almost fighting to get next to you. It is great when you are sitting with a bunch of hot women and when you move around some of the other girls let you know they wish they were with you.Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is Madrid a working girl bar kinda like a cheap Gustos or a regular bar with working girls sometimes in it? When you say not for everyone, I am assuming you mean its not safe for non locals? Can't wait to hit Centro up, would be great if there was a night time party scene, I have just heard its way to dangerous to party there after dark. Just had a medical procedure and I am sidelined for a few weeks, so this is all interesting stuff to read. Any other cool bars kinda like Gustos in Medellin outside Parque Lleras?

02-08-20, 19:42
What about using Tinder and SA. Do you guys check the ID when they come and hope its real. Do you let the front desk check it if your not in airbnb.I've only had 1 show up from SA that looked suspect. In her pictures she looked like a grown ass woman but when she showed up I was a little worried. On the SA site I saw several young looking ones that I did not bother to contact. I saw her ID but I'm not expert and who knows how old she really was. I was at a place where there was no security or doormen. I don't think it's a concern if you're smart about it all.

02-08-20, 20:01
I'm at the airport for the long flight home.

In the past I would always keep my left over pesos for my next trip to Colombia. I would do this to skip the ATM machines at the airport.

So here I am with plenty of time to catch my flight. What do I do? Do I get ripped by the airport exchange booth or do I keep my pesos for the next visit.

It was a very hard choice but I decided right then and there my trips to Colombia have come to an end. I cashed out.

The problem is I really feel Colombia and certainly MDE is going to be not to my taste anymore. Sure I had a good time but I can see the hand writing on the wall.

I'm sure it will take a while to become another San Jose. Meanwhile I going to go against the tide. I see a lot of guys bailing on the DR. I love to swim and hunt so I'm looking to go there. Good or bad I will find out.

Elvis 2008
02-08-20, 20:32
That is a hoot. I have been hearing all these Aussie accents in Medellin and Bogota now. I didn't think they were here for the pussy, but I guess they are.

I'm on a few Thai and Philippines boards. Colombia and Medellin are starting to come up a LOT. And those are guys who live in Australia and New Zealand!

02-08-20, 21:29
New life. The line up always takes a while in here, a couple introduce every so often. Maybe 10 girls free at the time, like last time none for me.

Club amigas sexy. My favourite, 10 or so covering all different types, mostly same girls as the other day.

Yakusa - 3 girls none good.

Chicas punto com. Couldn't find this at first but a tout on the street showed me, go in the building shown on the map and then left up the big stairs maybe 15 girls and some doable.

Energy - 10 or so, quality bit better than the above casas but not much. Sessioned here, was OK, same service I got in club amigas the other day but twice the price. 160 k 1 hour.

Is there any other bar / club like Gusto with freelance girls in Poblado or Laureles. There is definitely some hot ones in there but the general quality is awful, majority old and rough.

02-08-20, 21:59
Hey all,

I'm currently staying at San peter and they made me leave the damage deposit of 200 k in COP (really annoying). Anyway long story short I don't need COP at home so I figured I might as well go to a casa to spend some of that $$. I know Sunday is probably pretty dead so I thought I'd ask all your advice for the best place to go in terms of selection etc. I already went to New Life. I'm a fluent Spanish speaker and have no problem going local.

Sean EZ
02-08-20, 22:02
Also to take special care not to venture too far off the beaten path outside MDE, that is where most kidnappings occur.
Do you have any reliable statistics about kidnappings in Medellin? This is the first time I see a mention of it in this forum. I thought it was all happening in Mexico.

Sean EZ
02-08-20, 22:28
Has anyone had good experiences on SA in Colombia? The 2 or 3 girls I've met asked ridiculous prices; they spoke good English. I thought they were spoiled by some Westerners who think they are always in US / UK.

I see it being mentioned on here often, thought I'd ask.

02-08-20, 23:21
Speaking of Vennie asses, besides the crop of Pregnant Chicas who seem to be multiplying in El Centro like rabbits, there are some Vennies with such big asses (imagine a hippopotamus) I cannot even fathom getting hard and trying to penetrate one of these beasts. And with so many layers of fat, you probably have to have a cock a foot long to make it into their vaginas.

But these beasts must have customers, or they wouldn't be out there. And most probably a bargain, or perhaps there's premium for that, but I wouldn't know. There are Colombians on the backside of the Church with all the bars that will go for 20 K including the room, and they are nothing to write home about so I can easily see a guy into "big butts" having a field day with all the big assed beasts in El Centro.No doubt there are some serious "Globes" walking around there! I've only been through there once, never partook with any but I will this coming trip. Not saying that all Tijuana SGs are bad, but for the cheap price you get the same cheap service. I just never had that "eager to please" SG yet. If she is out there, no doubt a unicorn!

02-09-20, 01:07
Any bank will give a chase advance against a credit card in good standing. The interest and fees are insane. Save your money or do whatever else you have to do to be able to make ATM withdrawals from a cash funded savings or checking account.Is $5 fee to get $1000 really "insane"?

02-09-20, 02:25
I was referring to the cash advance fees. A $1,000 cash advance against a credit card costs quite a bit more than $5. Five dollars is a reasonable fee for the convenience of Western Union. There are many credit unions and brokerage accounts that offer free ATM withdrawals and refunds of the fees the Colombian banks charge. My cost to withdraw $1,000 from any ATM in Colombia is $0. 00. I consider it a further benefit that I can withdraw cash as I need it rather than have $1,000 or more lying around.

Is $5 fee to get $1000 really "insane"?

02-09-20, 02:41
Uber is still working?Uber no longer works in MDE. My trip took place the last weekend of January. Uber went down in MDE on February 1st.

02-09-20, 03:05
Has anyone had good experiences on SA in Colombia? The 2 or 3 girls I've met asked ridiculous prices; they spoke good English. I thought they were spoiled by some Westerners who think they are always in US / UK.
I see it being mentioned on here often, thought I'd ask.Great SA review by Uthred post#5401 in General Info http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?578-General-Info&p=2419910&viewfull=1#post2419910.

02-09-20, 03:09
Is $5 fee to get $1000 really "insane"?I believe he was referring to using a credit card. Not only will you be charges $32 by WU but the cash advance plus any other fees would quickly add up. That's also why he recommended to just use a debit card or instance a bank account since it's a lot less in fees. I Love this Board. Medellin. Loading.

02-09-20, 03:17
Guys, I am sorry I have to ask.

WTF is SA?

Have done goole search and an ISG search nothing comes up.

Only SA mentions.

Bit of help here please?

02-09-20, 03:27
When was this done? The going rate is around 3400 pesos to the dollar. Your pic is showing much less than that. Like a 10 pct haircut. You should know where the peso dollar exchange rate is before coming to a transaction

Is $5 fee to get $1000 really "insane"?.

Mojo Bandit
02-09-20, 04:19
Guys, I am sorry I have to ask.

WTF is SA?

Have done goole search and an ISG search nothing comes up.

Only SA mentions.

Bit of help here please?Seeking Arrangement - Google it

Mr Enternational
02-09-20, 05:08
When was this done? The going rate is around 3400 pesos to the dollar. Your pic is showing much less than that. Like a 10 pct haircut. You should know where the peso dollar exchange rate is before coming to a transaction
Should receive in USD as well in order to avoid the shitty exchange. In some countries you are allowed to do that.

02-09-20, 06:23
Seeking Arrangement - Google itThanks mate.

02-09-20, 14:42
Yesterday about 6 we ended up in one of my favorite non-descript strip / fuck clubs. I never knew the name but now I think it is Ovo, because there was a chick working the bar and she had Ovo on a red uniform shirt. She came over to our table bringing the water we ordered and she had a huge ass. I am a hips and ass man. I was actually able to rest my arm on the top of her ass. I told her that I wanted to fuck her.

The other BM that I was with thought her ass was fake, but grabbing on it, I knew it to be real. We went to the room. Total GFE. She was 27 from Caracas. The tits turned out to be fake and looked like somebody put 2 footballs in her chest sideways. I kept telling her how awful that shit was and it was better to be natural. She tried to get a condom to suck my dick, but I wasn't having any of that.

After we finished fucking we just layed there talking until somebody finally came and knocked on the door. We took a shower and I gave her the 70 K then left out. My buddy asked me what was taking so long. I said it was quick to me. He said he took a chick after I left, showered, fucked her, showered again, and came back out and I was still in there. His chick was a superstar and worked the hell out of that pole (dancing).I will be going to Medellin next week. I am staying at the Nutibara because it has a reputation of being chica friendly. This is solely a mongering trip. I monger all over the world but this is my first time visiting Medellin. I've hit tinder pretty hard and got several arrangements lined up just off that but plan on working the clubs and casas also. Anyways I am also a assman. Big natural jiggly booty is why I'm visiting Medellin. What places have the most big asses and curvy voluptuous women. Not a fan of petites. I've read several comments and I'the like to complete my list before I fly out next week.

02-09-20, 14:48
Nothing really to report that hasn't been reported. Was in Medellin recently and got my favorite booty pics from girl in Amiga Sexy for 50 k and Club Maracaibo for 70 k 30 minutes each.Awesome post. Got a couple questions, were the bootys man made, was BBBJ involved, and do you every try to take these chicas back to your room and if so how much.

02-09-20, 15:06
Is $5 fee to get $1000 really "insane"?For $1005 you received 3,038,734 COP.

At the current rate you should have received 3,427,821 COP.

You paid $114.09.

Total cost with Western Union runs around 11%.

02-09-20, 15:55
So I only noticed the exchange rate when another brother mentioned it. That hasn't been a reasonable exchange rate in probably two years. That is a hidden cost. Western Union makes out like a bandit on any transactions at that rate.

I do my best to keep an open mind so I learn new stuff. So far, I am not finding a more convenient and cost effective alternative to ATM withdrawals.

Is $5 fee to get $1000 really "insane"?

Just Incognito
02-09-20, 16:11
I was chatting with Angie Munoz on Facebook a couple of nights ago. She sent me some recent photos that looked a little chunky with thunder thighs and a big ass. Other photos on her profile she looks fit and tight. So, its hard to tell. I like 'them skinny: not emaciated, but like in the 5'2 to 5'6 range, 100-120 pounds. Bigger than 5'6 115-120 doesn't work for me. Ideal is 5'4 105-110 pounds. I am hoping for a trip coming up to Pussy Heaven aka Medellin in March. I just found out I can take a week or so away, so I am replenishing my lists for Facebook girls, casa runs, etc. Saw a stunningly gorgeous 19 year old on PhotPrepagos but I have never used them--I prefer the girls come to me than I go to some random apartment in some location I have never been to. So, I whatsapped her and am waiting / hoping for a reply: anyone have experience with photoprepagos? Photos real for the most part?

One reason I like the strip clubs like Luna Lunera is you get to meet 'them, try 'them and check 'them out and usually its easy to set up an outside the club date for a great price. The internet searches leave far more up in the air. Its too easy to alter photos or get the shrewd angles to make oneself look hotter than they are-strip clubs let ya check personality and looks, casas just looks--but facebook and other online sites don't let you feel any vibes from the girl. Ahh 1st world problems!

02-09-20, 17:10
Is there any other bar / club like Gusto with freelance girls in Poblado or Laureles. There is definitely some hot ones in there but the general quality is awful, majority old and rough.Almost any night club will have freelancers in it, especially on Friday and Saturday night (and Sunday night if Monday is a holiday). They may not be there specifically to work, but some are willing to put in overtime if you show interest. I'm not a big dance club fan, but every club I've been in, at least one woman has let me know she was available.

Fun Luvr
02-09-20, 17:18
Uber is still working?No. The OP's report was about what happened in late January.

02-09-20, 17:43
Unfortunately the card is instantly destroyed according to the manager at the bank.

I was referring to the cash advance fees. A $1,000 cash advance against a credit card costs quite a bit more than $5. Five dollars is a reasonable fee for the convenience of Western Union. There are many credit unions and brokerage accounts that offer free ATM withdrawals and refunds of the fees the Colombian banks charge. My cost to withdraw $1,000 from any ATM in Colombia is $0. 00. I consider it a further benefit that I can withdraw cash as I need it rather than have $1,000 or more lying around.Knowledge, I totally agree with you about cash advance fees etc, but if you look at the picture the option checked is Pay Online from Bank Account. Sorry I didn't spell it out. Again, I agree with you that debit card is the best way, but his debit card is not available / destroyed, but his bank account still exists, so NO NEED TO USE CREDIT CARD just send WU online from the bank account. Just wanted to let BMs know that this option exists in critical situations. It would be nice to get an update from ChicagoMan.

02-09-20, 17:49
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is Madrid a working girl bar kinda like a cheap Gustos or a regular bar with working girls sometimes in it? When you say not for everyone, I am assuming you mean its not safe for non locals? Can't wait to hit Centro up, would be great if there was a night time party scene, I have just heard its way to dangerous to party there after dark. Just had a medical procedure and I am sidelined for a few weeks, so this is all interesting stuff to read. Any other cool bars kinda like Gustos in Medellin outside Parque Lleras?I meant when I said not for every one that some guys would not like to just dance, and flirt. They want to pound the pussy only.

As far as safe I am not a local and I was feeling good there. I would leave sometimes at 1:30 AM and walk to my hotel with no problems.

Now your question of what type of bar it is. Well it is a little hard to say. One of the girls I hanged with wanted me to take here away for some action. The others just wanted to drink and dance. I don't know how my lower area stood up to the grinding it got LOL. I guess if you offered them enough then sure you could bag them. Myself I almost always had a earlier session with a casa girl so I was only interested in a little bar fun.

02-09-20, 18:45
I will be going to Medellin next week. I am staying at the Nutibara because it has a reputation of being chica friendly. This is solely a mongering trip. I monger all over the world but this is my first time visiting Medellin. I've hit tinder pretty hard and got several arrangements lined up just off that but plan on working the clubs and casas also. Anyways I am also a assman. Big natural jiggly booty is why I'm visiting Medellin. What places have the most big asses and curvy voluptuous women. Not a fan of petites. I've read several comments and I'the like to complete my list before I fly out next week.To bring girls back to nutibarra, and a hefty fee after 6 pm. Pollo negro is out!

02-09-20, 18:53
I will be going to Medellin next week. I am staying at the Nutibara because it has a reputation of being chica friendly. This is solely a mongering trip. I monger all over the world but this is my first time visiting Medellin. I've hit tinder pretty hard and got several arrangements lined up just off that but plan on working the clubs and casas also. Anyways I am also a assman. Big natural jiggly booty is why I'm visiting Medellin. What places have the most big asses and curvy voluptuous women. Not a fan of petites. I've read several comments and I'the like to complete my list before I fly out next week.Step right out of the Nutibara Hotel, walk about two minutes to the Intersection of Carrea 52 and Calle 52 and there will be a street sign at this location. At this location, which I refer to as "Little Caracas" because there are so many Venezuelans, you will find what your looking for within a five hundred foot radius, guaranteed. You won't be disappointed, and it will be quite economical for you. So much that you could take up two to three "Hippos" at a time for what you might spend on one in a Club or Casa.

The cat's out of the bag, Medellin is now becoming known for having women with big booty's, numerous pregnant women available, and with the Coronavirus upsetting things in Asia, all kinds of fresh new mongers are showing up here.

02-09-20, 19:03
Is always good to me! Pollo negro is out!

02-09-20, 19:27
I'm in a pickle here and need yalls opinion. Met a lot women on tinder and several have agreed on dates and whatnot. When I tell them which hotel I'm in it's a problem. 3 of them asked if I can change hotels LOL. Would why'all roll the dice with the tinder chicks and change hotels or stay at Nutibara in hoe central and put the tinder chicks on the back burner.

02-09-20, 19:43
I will be going to Medellin next week. I am staying at the Nutibara because it has a reputation of being chica friendly. This is solely a mongering trip. I monger all over the world but this is my first time visiting Medellin. I've hit tinder pretty hard and got several arrangements lined up just off that but plan on working the clubs and casas also. Anyways I am also a assman. Big natural jiggly booty is why I'm visiting Medellin. What places have the most big asses and curvy voluptuous women. Not a fan of petites. I've read several comments and I'the like to complete my list before I fly out next week.Sometimes I don't know whether to scream, laugh or cry. You hand someone the menu and they ask "what kind of food do you have here?

"What places have the most big asses and curvy voluptuous women?

Primarily North America. They're not quite as common in Canada as the US, but still plenty of big, natural, jiggly booty everywhere you look. I was just in a restaurant for breakfast and of the 10,18-40 year old women in the place, 6 had big, natural, jiggly booty.

Big, natural, jiggly booty isn't extremely common in Colombia. Colombians eat better and exercise more than North Americans. So big, natural booty isn't likely to be jiggly. It's the result of walking up and down steep hills every day. Really big booty, unless accompanied by a big belly isn't likely to be natural. Medellin is one of the cosmetic surgery capitols of the world.

Yes, there are currently a lot of overweight Venezuelans hanging out in Botero Plaza and I'm sure there are many big, jiggly, natural booties backing up the big, jiggly, natural bellies. You can also usually find a few big booties in most of the casas and strip clubs. They may not be natural, or they may not be jiggly, but that's the risk of visiting countries with low obesity rates and looking for women with traits primarily associated with obesity.

There are no "Reserved only for big, natural, jiggly booty" zones in Medellin. One day you might find 10 and the next day none. Maybe you could get a t-shirt made that says "Cambiaré Salchipapas por Sexo. " It's the Colombian version of walking into a bar a shouting "I've got chocolate!

If you monger all over the world, why are your only 3 posts all full of beginner questions? You're trying to nail down girls who openly advertise BBFS, trying to find out the big booty schedule and asking about takeout from onsite places.

I'm willing to help, but you've got to do some legwork on your own. Anyone who mongers all over the world should know that.

Hotel Nutibara, if I'm not mistaken, doesn't allow guests after 6 pm, unless they are registered, and won't allow the Venezuelans in as guests.

Completing your list before you fly out next week is a great way to really screw up your visit next week. All the setup you've done goes right out the window. You're not dealing with a law firm, or a doctor's office. You can't make an appointment weeks in advance and expect to get right in. A few of the girls, maybe 1 in 30 can keep an appointment 3 days out. Anything longer than that and you're playing the lottery. Anything longer than 24 hours in advance is a sucker's bet.

Until your feet are on the ground in Colombia and you've got pesos in hand, you're nobody. You're just one of the hundreds who say "I want to see you", but never do. You can make a list, and I recommend you do, but at least half the girls won't be available when you want. The other half will require you to renegotiate whatever deal you think they already agreed to. If you're insisting on BBFS, then you'll end up negotiating it a third time after she arrives.

02-09-20, 21:24
I will be going to Medellin next week. I am staying at the Nutibara because it has a reputation of being chica friendly.I am also going this week and staying at the Nutibara. But I didn't get the idea they are too chick friendly. I was thinking IF I had a need to do a TLN or whatever I would just rent another hotel room in the area.

02-09-20, 22:52
All the strip clubs double as brothels and have attached rooms for that use, plus you can pay the club a fee to leave with the girl if you want. Prices go from 60 k up to 300 k. (that's peso's so $20 to $100).

Some of the strip clubs.

The upscale ones:

FaseII-Cra. 44 #30-15.


Bar La Isla-Las Palmas Medellin.

Grill San Diego-Calle 37 No. 45-15.

Luna Lunera-Calle 33 63 be-215..This is what I was looking for! QQ, is there a difference in quality of the girls between the "upscale" vs "cheaper" or is it just a matter of price and location and differentiates between?

02-10-20, 00:15
I'm in a pickle here and need yalls opinion. Met a lot women on tinder and several have agreed on dates and whatnot. When I tell them which hotel I'm in it's a problem. 3 of them asked if I can change hotels LOL. Would why'all roll the dice with the tinder chicks and change hotels or stay at Nutibara in hoe central and put the tinder chicks on the back burner.I don't know how long your staying, but if you want to do Tinder chicks they are looking for guys staying in nicer digs and not in El Centro. If money is not an issue, you should stay somewhere else like Laureles or El Pobaldo and just use the short time hotels for the Centro Chicas. This way all your options are open.

02-10-20, 00:26
This is what I was looking for! QQ, is there a difference in quality of the girls between the "upscale" vs "cheaper" or is it just a matter of price and location and differentiates between?The more expensive ones will have nicer rooms and more hot girls, so instead of 5 to 10+ ones you like- there may only be 1-5 at the Centro clubs. All depending on time and day and luck of the draw.

Fase II is best Fri / Sat after 11 pm. Although if you want a table near stage 10 p might be better to secure a table. 20+ girls on floor there then (Fri / Sat) and up to 50+ by midnight on a good night. I think the cheapest bottle service you can get (so you can sit at table and not the bar) is 130 k+- for the small bottle of Aguardiente. (which is 16 k at the small liquor store on the corner behind the Nutibara Hotel.) They do a bucket of beer too but I forget how much that was.

On the other hand I found a Fase II top shelf type girl at Conejitas around 6 pm on a Sunday and paid the club the 50 k for take out and kept her for 2 days. Luck has a lot to do with it.

Sometimes I see nobody I want in the Centro Clubs and sometimes I see 5.

02-10-20, 02:53
I will be going to Medellin next week. I am staying at the Nutibara because it has a reputation of being chica friendly. This is solely a mongering trip. I monger all over the world but this is my first time visiting Medellin. I've hit tinder pretty hard and got several arrangements lined up just off that but plan on working the clubs and casas also. Anyways I am also a assman. Big natural jiggly booty is why I'm visiting Medellin. What places have the most big asses and curvy voluptuous women. Not a fan of petites. I've read several comments and I'the like to complete my list before I fly out next week.I stayed there last year and at night it was not guest friendly. In the daytime it was OK but I forget what time they cut the visits off but it was very early in the night.

02-10-20, 03:02
The cat's out of the bag, Medellin is now becoming known for having women with big booty's, numerous pregnant women available, and with the Coronavirus upsetting things in Asia, all kinds of fresh new mongers are showing up here.Haha, that's funny.

The cats been out of the bag for a while now in Medellin actually, just a bigger cat now, LOL.

Ohhh the days of Medellin, before the mansion, casa maps, and when you were just happy you made it down the hill from Rio Negro without being robbed or kidnapped, LOL.

Things change though, I know, I know.

I'm allowed to reminisce.

Nowadays, as JjBee posted, there are "Reserved only for big, natural, jiggly booty" zones posted in Medellin, LOL.

As the "world travelers" arrive, they're more than welcome of course, there's no stopping them, however, we all know what happens to places when this happens.


Life goes on, however.

I still visit Colombia frequently, because I've made so many contacts and friends, and I know it well, however, my new found paradise, I will keep quiet.

It's nice and easy to be the best looking and coolest gringo in town when I'm the only one, LOL.


02-10-20, 03:02
The Nutibara isn't going to let you bring in girls. That's been covered many times on this forum and the girls are backing it up. Change hotels unless you need to hear it from the Nutibara desk clerk. Which hotel should you change to? RTFF.

I'm in a pickle here and need yalls opinion. Met a lot women on tinder and several have agreed on dates and whatnot. When I tell them which hotel I'm in it's a problem. 3 of them asked if I can change hotels LOL. Would why'all roll the dice with the tinder chicks and change hotels or stay at Nutibara in hoe central and put the tinder chicks on the back burner.

02-10-20, 03:14
I keep a backup debit card and I linked an American Express to a checking account. The AMEX fee is $3 or $4 per transaction and I don't get the fee from the bank that owns the ATM reimbursed. I think I've only had to use AMEX once or twice ever.

Knowledge, I totally agree with you about cash advance fees etc, but if you look at the picture the option checked is Pay Online from Bank Account. Sorry I didn't spell it out. Again, I agree with you that debit card is the best way, but his debit card is not available / destroyed, but his bank account still exists, so NO NEED TO USE CREDIT CARD just send WU online from the bank account. Just wanted to let BMs know that this option exists in critical situations. It would be nice to get an update from ChicagoMan.

02-10-20, 03:43
Ohhh the days of Medellin, before the mansion, casa maps, and when you were just happy you made it down the hill from Rio Negro without being robbed or kidnapped, LOL.

Those were great times.

02-10-20, 04:46

Your commentary, while constructive, is quite entertaining. You, PN, Mojo, surfer. You guys have a wealth of intel. So grateful.

Everyone else on this board. Brothers til the end.

Can't wait for those big asses in Centro.

02-10-20, 05:24
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

02-10-20, 08:53
Question about SA. For those that have used it or use it regularly, what percentage of the girls want money for short term dates and which percentage are actually looking for a sugar daddy that aren't interested in short term dates or the one week tourist. I don't want to spend the 90 bucks if most of the girls want a longer term sugar daddies with some sort of monthly allowance.

There are some really attractive girls on there in the 18 to 25 range. I'm getting over 1000 hits when I narrow my search down.

Mr Enternational
02-10-20, 13:13
You can't make an appointment weeks in advance and expect to get right in. A few of the girls, maybe 1 in 30 can keep an appointment 3 days out. Anything longer than that and you're playing the lottery. Anything longer than 24 hours in advance is a sucker's bet.24 hours? Shit. The whole game is a sucker's bet. I had a non-pro coming by last week. She was literally on her way then all of a sudden sent me a message that her sister was having a baby and she had to take the clothes to the hospital so she could not come.

Funny how you can talk to a chick for weeks and nothing is going on in her life. Then you show up with boots on the ground and fire alarms are going off everywhere for her. My buddy said I was lucky she even told me that. He said most chicks would not even give the courtesy of an excuse; they just would not show up or say anything about it.

I reported about a casa chick supposed to come by. I sent her a message that night asking if she was ready to come. Nothing. The next day I sent a message asking what happened. A week later, still nothing! The game has gone to shit IMO. At least when you deal in casas and SW you don't get the problem of chicks being late and not showing up because they are already there.

02-10-20, 14:28
Now here's a thought: if you're banging a big bootied Colombiana in doggy, what size dick do you need to have for her to feel anything? Hahaha.

I imagine all of us here are at least 20 cm or bigger, but realistically, those giant asses (which I adore) must be limiting in terms of different positions.

02-10-20, 16:05
Some more strip club visits.

Luna Lunera - 10 k entry, not that's full but lots of guys and maybe only 6 girls free at midnight and none of which I liked. The waiter when I asked for a beer, said something about a minimum spend or minimum number of beers you can buy at once couldn't understand, either way said it will be 50 k for 3 beers. I just left.

La Isla. Not really that busy this time, ratio is high though loads of girls free, lots of fake asses, some good looking girls. 10 k entry 22 k beer. I hanged out here a while.

Conejitas Bar and grill. Packed with guys not many girls about only handful free. 6 k beer.

Grill nueva Avenida. I walked in and out, not many guys in here, lots of girls available though, none I liked.

Maracaibo. Also quiet in here, but loads of girls free, one or two doable but most poor. 12 k beer.

02-10-20, 17:35
24 hours? Shit. The whole game is a sucker's bet. I had a non-pro coming by last week. She was literally on her way then all of a sudden sent me a message that her sister was having a baby and she had to take the clothes to the hospital so she could not come.

Funny how you can talk to a chick for weeks and nothing is going on in her life. Then you show up with boots on the ground and fire alarms are going off everywhere for her. My buddy said I was lucky she even told me that. He said most chicks would not even give the courtesy of an excuse; they just would not show up or say anything about it.

I reported about a casa chick supposed to come by. I sent her a message that night asking if she was ready to come. Nothing. The next day I sent a message asking what happened. A week later, still nothing! The game has gone to shit IMO. At least when you deal in casas and SW you don't get the problem of chicks being late and not showing up because they are already there.I remember a waitress I'd been talking to and hanging out with for about 3 months in Poblado. She kept talking about being my girlfriend. I finally set up a date with her. No show, no responses. Never another message until about 4 months later, 2 months after I was back in the US. She had just found out I wasn't in Medellin and wanted to ***** me out because I never told her I was leaving.

I've found a few who are usually reliable. Part of the problem, every tiny thing becomes a 4 alarm fire. If their cat coughs up a hairball, it's a family emergency. Not only do they have to cancel, but they need money in case the cat needs to go to the vet.

Add on the Colombian national reluctance to say "no", and there's often going to be problems.

For those who don't understand, Colombian culture has an aversion to giving a direct "no" to people. If you ask a girl for a date, she'll often say yes, or at least leave you thinking she said yes, even though the thought of a date with you makes her nauseous. It's throughout the culture. Ask any gringo running a business in Colombia. So if a girl says she wants to see you. It either means she wants to see you or she doesn't want to see you, but doesn't want to come out and say it.

02-10-20, 19:27
I just got back to the states after a long weekend in Medellin and figured I'd share my experience since several of you have been helpful with me. I figured I'd give some context about myself and what I'm looking for in case there are others in a similar situation. I'm married (lucky to have a wife that is cool with me having occasional adventures), mid 30's, conisder myself fit and decent looking and am a fluent Spanish speaker. I'm also well endowed, which, as I'll detail below can make things complicated. I've had P4P experiences in Costa Rica, Thailand, Mexico, and Peru before. I'm primarily looking for sexual experiences I can't normally have at home so PSE type activities, with looks, also being important but less so than for many. I was with 4 providers (5 sessions) while I was there so this is a small sample. But I did notice some trends.

Anyway, I both took the time to try the Facebook game ahead of time and contact chicas and try casas. I visited Centro but feel like I would have needed more time on the ground to get anything there. I ended up staying both in Poblado and Laurales at Hotel Loyds and San Peter suites. I'll break down some thoughts about general P4 P culture, accommodations, and specific girls below.

P4 P culture observations: Some of this has been said before but here are some of my thoughts based on my experience interacting with chicas. One of my biggest mistakes and misunderstandings at the beginning related to time vs. Leches / polvos. You need to be clear when negotiating with girls in both casas and on FB that you want to have sex with them multiple times (if that is what you are looking for). It's not enough to set up a long date. This is quite different from my experiences in Thailand especially and Peru (with escorts) as well. Generally, you need to be explicit with FB girls about what you want in terms of services and also expect some of them to try to get out of those services. I had little luck with FB girls for anal in particular but as stated above I'm well endowed so there were a couple who said yes online and then no once they saw me. I started to be more explicit that I was well endowed later on. I didn't have too many issues with girls being late. I set up one date with a casa girl who flaked on me because said her boss wouldn't let her leave work early but mostly things went well in terms of timing and logistics. I definitely would not recommend trying to set up a last-minute date at night. Its probably better, in that case, to go to Parque Lleras or a strip club. I was trying to set things up around 8 pm on Saturday after my casa girl couldn't show up and it was hard to a) get girls high up on the list that I really wanted to see and b) I had a couple who were flaky or stopped communicating midway through our chats.

Accommodations: I was originally booked to stay in Energy Living in Poblado but as I wrote about earlier they had an issue and I had to find something else last minute (thanks to those of you who sent me suggestions by the way). I ended up staying at Hotel Loyds the first night and San Peter the second. I liked the accommodations at Hotel Loyds a lot. They had nice room for $35 good breakfast, l and the area was quiet. There were no issues with girls though I only had 1 date over there. I didn't really like that part of poblado much, though. It was nearly too fancy as I could not find closeby convenience stores or groceries and there were mostly offices and fancy restaurants. I staid in San Peter my second and 3rd night. The rooms there are decent. I didn't like the fact that I had to pay in cash and leave cash deposit. The staff also took a really long time to get some batteries to fix my safe. I also found the area to be too noisy for me personally (I brought earplugs but they only help so much). The party / club noise there goes on until 3 or so in the morning on the weekends. I really liked the neighborhood there a lot more, though. There are a load of nice restaurants and bars around and the neighborhood had a good vibe. So for next time, I'd love to find a place a few blocks away that was quieter but was still in Laurales.

Chicas: The fist night I saw Angie Munoz, which I already wrote about. In brief, she was OK but as I said had a cold / flu which was a bit of a turnoff. I didn't ask for and would have been pissed if she'd tried to kiss me. She is hot but her services weren't quite on the PSE level for me. My size as mentioned in the earlier post made anal a no go. She gives decent head but doesn't really do deep throat (at least for me and this may be related to size issues too). She also left after about an hour saying she needed to get some medicine for her cold / flu. Luckily I don't seem to have caught what she had but I was definitely freaking out after she left. I'd give here a be- to be for the experience but I believe that when she is healthy and feeling good she gives good service. As with everyone YMMV.

On the 2nd day, I want to Centro with Punkedlife and afterward we went to New Life. I think casas are the way to go for those of you looking for similar experiences that I am. At New Life after the long lineup, I asked the owner to send back the girls that did anal. He sent a couple and in to our room and I made my choice from there. The girl from my 2nd date was good looking in a girl next door sort of way but no model. However, she gave me great service, anal no problem, BBJ etc a couple of shots in the hour etc. I also took down her contact info via WhatsApp. She was originally going to do a TLN with me but ended up spending a few hours with me before I left. That last session ended up being my best one as it was a great mix of GFE and PSE. I hurt my foot earlier and she was very caring and loving in how she took care of me. But she was also happy to do all the things I wanted and told me she liked anal afterward. When I come back I think I will try the casa / personal contact approach more and possibly also use photoprepagos in combination with Catadores to find good leads on what I'm looking for.

I had my 3rd date with Angie Paola Gomez to come over for a few hours. She is cute, though a bit darker than in her photos (a common theme I noticed). Like Angie Munoz she has some tattoos. She came quickly without issues but is a bit scammy with her "uber" rates. She has a BF who drives her and she asks for 25 mil each way. I tend to chalk those sorts of things up to experience but I'd be very explicit about pricing for transport if you chose to see her. My session with her was interesting. She said she'd done anal before but when she saw my size it was off the table. The sex was OK but not incredible. She also was on her phone every now and then before and after sex, which I found annoying. The most interesting part of the experience with her was that she whipped out her vibrator (without me asking) and played with herself for a good 20 minutes when we were in bed. For those of you who bring or like toys, and like to watch girls masturbate she might be a good choice. She told me she loved Hitachi vibrators and she also said she was bi and had several girlfriends (can't attest to that). I found her to be a bit too distracted with her phone during our time, though, which was a turnoff. She was also not quite what I was looking for service wise but it was an interesting experience.

4 rth date I figured I'd look for a more GFE / girl next door experience for my next session so I set up a session with another FB girl (not sharing details since she seems low volume). She came to my place in the morning for a three-hour session and I told her no phone beforehand. She was a little older (late 20's) and had kids but that is not an issue for me. She was interesting to talk to and quite nice and was also quite affectionate. We had mechanical / physical issues with sex, though as she had a small vagina and mouth. I'd asked for multiple sessions during our time but we ended up only having sex once because she got hurt during sex. I'm pretty sure I bruised her cervix as the condom was bloody when I pulled out to change positions and she was in pain afterward. I don't blame her for stopping at the one session and she was a really nice / cool person who taught me a lot about life in Medellin. Lesson learned from there on out is to be explicit about size (in my case) as well as activities.

So, all in all, it was a good, but short trip. I think Medellin is a multi-trip or long trip destination ideally so you have a chance to repeat with good providers and build up relationships. I really only got exactly what I was looking for with my casa girl but I'd consider the trip a success given my experience with her. I'm sure if I had more time I could find a few girls like her who had no issue with my size, had good personalities and could take care of my specific needs. I don't think Facebook is a particularly good spot for looking for PSE providers either (rather its best for those primarily interested in looks or in more semi-pro types).

02-10-20, 21:03
Thank you for coming to the rescue SuperMonger! Without your condescending bullshit post I would be totally lost in life. What other morsels of knowledge do you have for my ignorant green ass? I am a member on a few forums like this and I got to appreciate you little dick veterans of the board quick to give the "new guy" a ribbing. Regardless of how you digested my post or how I may sound, I am not a "newby". I am a pervert with disposable income just like your keyboard warrior ass. And who says I was hunting for BBFS? You must be talking about the post where the OP was wondering about BBFS and I shared with him some information that was given to me? Notice how I responded without being a prick and with no condescending tone. Oh I get it you're one of those control freaks huh. You're probably one of those guys whose prick is too small to do any damage BCD so you belittle everyone and torment providers to overcompensate. Since that's the case chew away pencil dick, chew away.My goodness! Why do so many guys spend time fantasizing about the size of my penis? Should I open up a website to sell pictures of it?

You are correct on one thing, which I didn't realize until after I posted. You weren't the one asking about women who advertise BBFS you simply responded. I apologise for my error.

You probably should have stuck with the "responded without being a prick" thing. Stooping to the level where you're fantasizing about another man's penis and his sexual interactions with women, on a public forum might misrepresent the sort of person you really are.

Your post was full of errors which an experienced monger should have known to avoid.

1. You want to stay at Hotel Nutibara because it has a reputation for being chica friendly, but it's been reported several times as now charging a chica fee, prohibiting Venezuelans and not allowing overnight visitors.

2. You specifically picked Medellin for "big, jiggly, natural booty. " Plastic surgery is a major industry in Medellin. It's like picking Iowa for the fresh Maine lobster.

3. You specifically picked Medellin for "big, jiggly, natural booty. " There are 4 ways to get big booty; genetics, medically, targeted exercise or obesity. Only obesity consistently results in big, jiggly booty. Genetically, Colombian women have no major advantage in that department. The medical route gives an advantage, but that's not natural. Obesity, except among Venezuelan refugees, isn't common in Colombia. Which leaves exercise, eliminating "jiggly" from the equation.

Medellin is nestled in a series of valleys. The poorest people live on the hillsides. For generations they've been walking up and down steep hills carrying heavy burdens. Which means you'll find a lot of well muscled legs and firm, noticeable asses. Not much in the jiggly department.

4. You asked where was the best place to find those booties. It's frequently reported available talent in any place varies from day to day, often from hour to hour. Asking for the best place and time to find something, in a country where that thing isn't especially common, isn't likely to yield useful information. Surfer500 has pointed out that there are plenty of fat Venezuelans with big butts in Botero Plaza. If you're looking for women who aren't fat, but still have "big, jiggly, natural booty" I'm afraid you're going to have an unproductive trip.

Research is the monger's best friend, whether he's a newby or an old hand. It might not prevent you from making a mistake, but it helps immensely in recognizing and recovering from the mistake.

If you had done some research on me, you would see I'm not:

1. A keyboard warrior. I'll happily meet you and tell you the same stuff and buy you a beer.

2. A control freak. I'm the guy telling people to do whatever works best for them. If I had a tagline it would be "your money, your dick, your business."

3. Someone who torments providers. I'm the guy saying "treat them nice, show respect, don't be an asshole."

4. Belittle everyone. Granted I belittle more than a few. Guys come along with crazy plans or ridiculous expectations. I used to try and reason with them, but those types seldom listen. Now I ridicule them. Not because it will keep them from doing something stupid or dangerous, because it might prevent the next guy from the same mistakes. However, if someone comes along interested in learning, I am always happy to offer advice.

Where, in your worldwide mongering have you found the booties you're searching for in Medellin? What is it about Medellin which makes you think it will be superior? What other comparisons, besides the booty, influenced your decision? Share a little bit and perhaps someone can steer you in a better direction.

Or we can go to the "Stupid Shit in Medellin" thread and argue about my penis.

02-10-20, 21:47
Man I could not make a chick bleed even if she was on the rag. Size is nothing I ever had to worry about that's for sure. That was a well written review by the way and it looks like you made the most out of your short stay. And luckily you didn't catch anything from Angie. I picked something up my last few days there but not sure from who / where. But it's nice to be able to hit the pharmacy for antibiotics without having to go see a doc first. Thanks for the good post!

We had mechanical / physical issues with sex, though as she had a small vagina and mouth. I'd asked for multiple sessions during our time but we ended up only having sex once because she got hurt during sex. I'm pretty sure I bruised her cervix as the condom was bloody when I pulled out to change positions and she was in pain afterward...ther (rather its best for those primarily interested in looks or in more semi-pro types).

02-10-20, 23:58
Sara Morales Facebook. Is smaller and bit chubbier than her photos make her look but she did do everything I want over a few hours so was happy enough.

The above girl was the only one I saw on Facebook, I didn't spend too much time on it and only spoke to maybe 10 or so but contrary to what I read here only 2 would do 200 k for 2 hours and no restrictions, lots will say CBJ but if you ignore them they come back and say they will but the biggest problem is multiple cums, even when they agree to 2 hours they say it's 1 cum only, I must be missing something because if you want one pop there are cheaper and easier options. One had been chasing me to meet all week but once I say multiple leche she completely shut down, I asked her out of curiosity what we do for the rest of the time then when I cum after 30 minutes, she said most guys spend the time socializing with her then sex once.

I spent most my time on seeking as I did in every city and found what I want there, which is a few hours unrestricted sex. And when I need a quick session during the day the casas.

02-11-20, 00:11
Hearing all the recent talks of fellow Ass-men visiting soon to the well-endowed not finding susceptible culitos to penetrate, I just want to say.

There are asses of all shapes and sizes readily available on all the hoe-ing platforms especially easy when it comes to just finding them on the streets of Centro. Anal is like 40 Mil there, just saying. You will find one that can take you in!

02-11-20, 01:23
Now here's a thought: if you're banging a big bootied Colombiana in doggy, what size dick do you need to have for her to feel anything? Hahaha.

I imagine all of us here are at least 20 cm or bigger, but realistically, those giant asses (which I adore) must be limiting in terms of different positions.I have a 6" at best and the size of the ass has never affected my sexual experience & I've porked a few thick thick women in both Panama and Colombia, I'm talking 45" give or take butt. Btw, backshot is the deepest penetrative position, it's actually perfect for a smaller cock; if a girl isn't feeling anything in that position then your penis is so small she won't feel anything in any position.

02-11-20, 01:46
Man I could not make a chick bleed even if she was on the rag. Size is nothing I ever had to worry about that's for sure. That was a well written review by the way and it looks like you made the most out of your short stay. And luckily you didn't catch anything from Angie. I picked something up my last few days there but not sure from who / where. But it's nice to be able to hit the pharmacy for antibiotics without having to go see a doc first. Thanks for the good post!I didn't get an STD on my trip, but I did get sick for a week right after my trip. Some type of respiratory infection, felt sick for a few days, bad cough, and the lingering effects for a week and a half. I am hoping I don't contract this every time I go mongering.

02-11-20, 04:58
I'm primarily looking for sexual experiences I can't normally have at home so PSE type activities, with looks, also being important but less so than for many. I had little luck with FB girls for anal in particular but as stated above I'm well endowed so there were a couple who said yes online and then no once they saw me. I don't think Facebook is a particularly good spot for looking for PSE providers either (rather its best for those primarily interested in looks or in more semi-pro types).If you are looking for PSE experience with anal, try Brazil.

Anal is pretty normal there and sure girls wouldn't have issue with bigger package.

From me at least, Colombian girls are more conservative where CBJ is normal and anal / CIM is hard to come by.

On the another side, every chick that I have been with from Brazil offer BBJ, anal and CIM as regular service

I personally prefer CBJ due to my STD phobia and girls looked at me crazy when I ask to put the condom on. Hahaha.

Colombia is still my favorite place to visit but give Brazil a try if you can.

02-11-20, 05:26
..I imagine all of us here are at least 20 cm or bigger...

I doubt it. Quote from 'Medical News Today'...

"The average erect penis is 13.12 cm (5.17 in) long. Penises longer than 6 inches when erect are rare, with this length of penis falling in the 90th percentile. ".

Probably why most chicks love a big dick, they're not seeing them as many times in their lives as we think they are LOL.

Mojo Bandit
02-11-20, 06:28
Knowledge, I totally agree with you about cash advance fees etc, but if you look at the picture the option checked is Pay Online from Bank Account. Sorry I didn't spell it out. Again, I agree with you that debit card is the best way, but his debit card is not available / destroyed, but his bank account still exists, so NO NEED TO USE CREDIT CARD just send WU online from the bank account. Just wanted to let BMs know that this option exists in critical situations. It would be nice to get an update from ChicagoMan.You should have began your post with "If you have lost your debit card and cannot use your credit cards than western union is the next option". Then maybe people would not have read the post out of context. I wonder what ChicagoMan ended up doing also.

02-11-20, 07:55
As someone with 6 inches as of last measurement, evolution has evolved to where 5 to 6 is most optimum for a woman. The vagina can't take more than about 6 or 7 anyway, so it's a waste to have more. Also, you need more bloodflow, the bigger your dick is, to have an erection, so as you age getting a full erection is harder. To save the best for last, if you are 5 to 6 inches it's easier for a girl to deep throat you. That itself makes me quite happy to be 6 inches.

02-11-20, 12:54
It was supposed to be a compliment to all you guys. Sheesh.

I doubt it. Quote from 'Medical News Today'...

"The average erect penis is 13.12 cm (5.17 in) long. Penises longer than 6 inches when erect are rare, with this length of penis falling in the 90th percentile. ".

Probably why most chicks love a big dick, they're not seeing them as many times in their lives as we think they are LOL.

02-11-20, 13:01
.......... Penises longer than 6 inches when erect are rare...........You've got to be kidding me.

02-11-20, 13:05
If you are looking for PSE experience with anal, try Brazil.

Anal is pretty normal there and sure girls wouldn't have issue with bigger package.

From me at least, Colombian girls are more conservative where CBJ is normal and anal / CIM is hard to come by.

On the another side, every chick that I have been with from Brazil offer BBJ, anal and CIM as regular service

I personally prefer CBJ due to my STD phobia and girls looked at me crazy when I ask to put the condom on. Hahaha.

Colombia is still my favorite place to visit but give Brazil a try if you can.During my last visit to Brazil November last year anal, BBBJ, CIM are all readily offered but DFK seems to be more restricted than before, I hope this is not a trend.

02-11-20, 17:51
For those who don't understand, Colombian culture has an aversion to giving a direct "no" to people. If you ask a girl for a date, she'll often say yes, or at least leave you thinking she said yes, even though the thought of a date with you makes her nauseous. It's throughout the culture. Ask any gringo running a business in Colombia. So if a girl says she wants to see you. It either means she wants to see you or she doesn't want to see you, but doesn't want to come out and say it.Completely agree with what you have said which is something that can be hard to comprehend for many, myself included. In essence, what you are saying is that Colombians are in-direct, meaning they beat around the Bush and are not used to people, such as Gringos being very direct with them. I have experienced this here on numerous occasions, and many times such as in the case of Chicas not saying "no", its to avoid conflict and / or disappointing someone.

A perfect example of this happened to me about two week ago, I ran into one of my El Centro Chicas and asked her if you she wanted to spend the night with me. She said okay and said she was going to get her bag, but after an extended period of time she didn't return. I subsequently ran into her an hour later and asked her why she didn't come back to meet me. She said she couldn't do a TLN and that she didn't want to say "no" to me. After that we did go up to the room for a "rato" and I had a long talk with her explaining that she needed to be direct, and straight up with me, and that if she couldn't do something to just spell it out for me, whatever it is. She seemed to be relieved after our talk, and we had a great session, and since then communication between us has been much better.

02-11-20, 18:50
I've actually been to Brazil but not for P4P. I did an exchange in Fortaleza when I was 17 (and ended up with a 23 girlfriend while I was there). I'll have to go back some time. I wish they would relax the Visa requirements for the US. Personally I had my best PSE experiences in Thailand at oilies. Those girls took it as a challenge to make my cum as many times as possible, deep throat me, and all did anal. I didn't even bother with gogo's bars or beer halls due to my size. Funnily enough one of my favorite oily girls had more trouble giving me vaginal than anal.

My guess is that as Medellin develops more there will also be more and more PSE options. Certainly there are already a lot of Colombian cam girls that do anal (among other things) online.

If you are looking for PSE experience with anal, try Brazil.

Anal is pretty normal there and sure girls wouldn't have issue with bigger package.

From me at least, Colombian girls are more conservative where CBJ is normal and anal / CIM is hard to come by.

On the another side, every chick that I have been with from Brazil offer BBJ, anal and CIM as regular service.

I personally prefer CBJ due to my STD phobia and girls looked at me crazy when I ask to put the condom on. Hahaha.

Colombia is still my favorite place to visit but give Brazil a try if you can.

02-11-20, 19:00
You've got to be kidding me.I guess it depends on the population you're considering. The entire planet, a single continent, a country.

02-11-20, 19:09
When did this forum become Grindr?

I doubt it. Quote from 'Medical News Today'...

"The average erect penis is 13.12 cm (5.17 in) long. Penises longer than 6 inches when erect are rare, with this length of penis falling in the 90th percentile. ".

Probably why most chicks love a big dick, they're not seeing them as many times in their lives as we think they are LOL.

02-11-20, 19:23
Look at the reddit forum "big dick problems" for info on average size. There are a couple members that get into some fairly sophisticated stats based off of the best studies. The forum is mostly full of guys humble bragging and probably lying about size. I go onto there sometimes when I'm bored for a laugh but am not a contributor. I'd also point out that it's really girth more than length that causes issues with some girls (but that other girls also will love you for).

I guess it depends on the population you're considering. The entire planet, a single continent, a country.

02-11-20, 20:15
Sara Morales Facebook. Is smaller and bit chubbier than her photos make her look but she did do everything I want over a few hours so was happy enough.

I spent most my time on seeking as I did in every city and found what I want there, which is a few hours unrestricted sex. And when I need a quick session during the day the casas.Are you talking about this one?


I didn't get an STD on my trip, but I did get sick for a week right after my trip. Some type of respiratory infection, felt sick for a few days, bad cough, and the lingering effects for a week and a half. I am hoping I don't contract this every time I go mongering.It was some sort of sinus infection that started to get my throat sore. I hit it hard with the antibiotics at the first signs of symptoms and the trick worked. After about a week I was all back to normal. I was there the last week of January and it seemed like something was going around.

Colombia is still my favorite place to visit but give Brazil a try if you can.What is YOUR reason for choosing Colombia over Brazil? I have been thinking about pulling the trigger on Brazil and the more I hear about it the more I am tempted. And I have a thing for Brazilian women that I cannot explain.

I guess it depends on the population you're considering. The entire planet, a single continent, a country.This topic should go into the general info thread because it can turn into a long winded discussion LOL. I have heard several theories about size and you hit the nail on the head.

02-11-20, 20:33
The above girl was the only one I saw on Facebook, I didn't spend too much time on it and only spoke to maybe 10 or so but contrary to what I read here only 2 would do 200 k for 2 hours and no restrictions, lots will say CBJ but if you ignore them they come back and say they will but the biggest problem is multiple cums, even when they agree to 2 hours they say it's 1 cum only, I must be missing something because if you want one pop there are cheaper and easier options. One had been chasing me to meet all week but once I say multiple leche she completely shut down, I asked her out of curiosity what we do for the rest of the time then when I cum after 30 minutes, she said most guys spend the time socializing with her then sex once. In my experience, about 6-7 out of 10 FB girls will offer extra service for 200-250 + taxi, and almost all ten will offer BBBJ and DKF for 150-200+taxi. As for hours of stay, it depends on what you are looking for. If you want a quick fuck, then Casas or the streets of El Centro is an excellent way to achieve this, 200 k can get you at least four girls at ground zero, A. K. A Little Caracas, a. K. a the streets behind the Botero museum, around Calle 52 and 53. You can bang 2-3 girls in a Casa in Centro for less than 200 k. If your goal is to fuck a hot girl for 45 minutes, you can get better quality and service in Brazil and Germany.

What made me fall in love with Medellin is the Fb girls. Exactly as you have described, they will come over and spend multiple hours with you for 200 k; you get completely unrestricted sex. Together, you can smoke, drink, dance, and take whatever substance you desire. If you have a place that has a fantastic speaker system, good view, modern decore, multiple floors, and many bathrooms and bedrooms, the difficult part is getting them to leave.

As for MSOG, be friendly with them and know your limits, they will do it as long as you are reasonable. I had girls asking for 50 extra for each shot; in the end, I cum three times in 4 hours, she happily took 250+taxi. It is arduous work to make a monger cum the second or third time in 1 to 2 hours, especially when many of us fuck 4-8 women a day for 10-20 days straight. When I was in my late 20's, I always look for MSOG, but after a while, it is no longer fun, I prefer getting 5-8 erections, fuck 5-8 times in 3 hours and cum once than fuck and cum twice in two hours (if you can fuck 5-8 times and cum that many times in an hour, then power to you).

Here is an anecdote of my recent weekend. On Saturday night, I met up with two of my favorite 18-year-old FB girl. They agreed to stay for 4 hours, 9 pm-1 am for 200+taxi each. They took me on a trip to their neighborhood, a pleasant 50-minute round-trip drive from Poblado, to buy some Tussi and Ecstasy. We came back around 10 pm, and we partied like no tomorrow. It's like having an upscale FKK club to you and two smoking hot 18 year-olds that you can fuck in any way you want. I fucked them in the upstairs, in the living room, on the balcony, and in the rooms downstairs. They provided an insane lesbian show. We love the same music, the same dance style, and the same type of whiskey (scatch). When I'm tired, they will play with each other while I watch (you got to love those 18-year-olds, they never ran out of energy).

We were having a fantastic time, by the time 1 am rolls around, they wanted to stay longer. In the end, they left at 6 am, telling me they have to sneak back in the house before their parents wake up. I had the most intense fucking that I have ever experienced in my life. The sensation of having a tall, breathtakingly beautiful paisa with a perfect body furiously riding me, and at the same time, having another blonde, with a face that can stop traffic, playing with my balls, is truly unforgettable. The look of my 18-year-old princess while she is riding me reflects pure enjoyment and ferocious sexual appetite. It is a look that can bring a grown man to tears.

Yet, after many rounds of intense fuck, I didn't cum; I have to control it, of course. I give them 350 each for the fantastic time they have given me. As they were in the last shower, I messaged two of my backup 18-year-olds at 6 am, and they agreed to come over in 30 minutes. (for the newcomers who are reading, this type of response rate at this hour is difficult to get, especially for a threesome, it took me two months to establish a reputation and build trust, and there is a lot of luck involved). Right after sending away my two favorite 18-year-old FB princesses, two fresh ones showed up, they give me a double blowjob for a good hour, and with some fucking in between. I ended up cum in their mouth while watching some porn.

We slept together for a few hours, and before I knew it, I woke up with my cock in their mouth again. Morning sex is one of the most pleasurable things in life, without much effort, I cum all over their face. I knew they were happy to see me, and I ordered food for them, I have no doubt that they will offer as many rounds of leches as I want, but I was tired, and I have two more dates on Sunday night, I need to preserve my energy. They left around 2 pm, happily took 350 k + taxi.

What I'm describing is a very typical weekend night in Medellin. I have spent about 500 dollars in total for the night, which is about the cost of drinks and food if you are partying for the weekend in an expensive US city. I believe this is where you get the biggest bang for the buck. As far as I know, you cannot easily find this type of experience anywhere in the world except in Brazil (excluding southeast Asia, I don't dig Asian girls). It took me two months of hard work and persistent effort to find my comfort spot. In my book, Medellin is now neck to neck with Brazil.

02-11-20, 22:04
What's the deal with tonnes of FB girls posting pictures with suckers / lollipops in their mouths of in their hands.

Also, these seemed to be sold everywhere, there are tonnes of street vendors selling them.

It always puzzled me and thought this might be a good place to ask.

02-11-20, 23:00
Or, you can just go to a casa. I just got back from one. The chica was just as hot as the FB chicas. BBBJ with CIM, for 43 mil + 25 mil propina. Good to go and ready to get on with my day.



In my experience, about 6-7 out of 10 FB girls will offer extra service for 200-250 + taxi, and almost all ten will offer BBBJ and DKF for 150-200+taxi. As for hours of stay, it depends on what you are looking for. If you want a quick fuck, then Casas or the streets of El Centro is an excellent way to achieve this, 200 k can get you at least four girls at ground zero, A. K. A Little Caracas, a. K. a the streets behind the Botero museum, around Calle 52 and 53. You can bang 2-3 girls in a Casa in Centro for less than 200 k. If your goal is to fuck a hot girl for 45 minutes, you can get better quality and service in Brazil and Germany.

What made me fall in love with Medellin is the Fb girls. Exactly as you have described, they will come over and spend multiple hours with you for 200 k; you get completely unrestricted sex. Together, you can smoke, drink, dance, and take whatever substance you desire. If you have a place that has a fantastic speaker system, good view, modern decore, multiple floors, and many bathrooms and bedrooms, the difficult part is getting them to leave.

As for MSOG, be friendly with them and know your limits, they will do it as long as you are reasonable. I had girls asking for 50 extra for each shot; in the end, I cum three times in 4 hours, she happily took 250+taxi. It is arduous work to make a monger cum the second or third time in 1 to 2 hours, especially when many of us fuck 4-8 women a day for 10-20 days straight. When I was in my late 20's, I always look for MSOG, but after a while, it is no longer fun, I prefer getting 5-8 erections, fuck 5-8 times in 3 hours and cum once than fuck and cum twice in two hours (if you can fuck 5-8 times and cum that many times in an hour, then power to you)..

02-12-20, 00:50
I didn't know MSOG was that big of a problem for some guys.

I try for MSOG with, like, a third of the ones I'm with and for a bit of a tip they are usually receptive.

I think the issue may be what you are doing to them, LOL. I'm pretty vanilla so, for them, it isn't that big a deal to keep on going.

But I've heard girls talk about some other "friends" who like to get rough (especially porn-style throat assault stuff) and I'm thinking its those guys who are having trouble getting one to stick around after that first pop.

02-12-20, 01:24
Or, you can just go to a casa. I just got back from one. The chica was just as hot as the FB chicas. BBBJ with CIM, for 43 mil + 25 mil propina. Good to go and ready to get on with my day.


Judd.Apples and oranges.

You probably didn't spend 8 hours in a casa with a girl for 68 mil.

Not that it's a bad thing, it's just a different thing. I know girls who are really only good for 30-60 minutes. That's all it takes and there's no reason to keep them around longer. Then there are girls I can spend 6 hours with and I hate to see them go.

In a perfect world you find the 30 minute girls for 50 k in the casas and the 8 hour girls for 200 k elsewhere.

Elvis 2008
02-12-20, 11:35
Question about SA. For those that have used it or use it regularly, what percentage of the girls want money for short term dates and which percentage are actually looking for a sugar daddy that aren't interested in short term dates or the one week tourist. I don't want to spend the 90 bucks if most of the girls want a longer term sugar daddies with some sort of monthly allowance.

There are some really attractive girls on there in the 18 to 25 range. I'm getting over 1000 hits when I narrow my search down.I guess that I will finish my SA visit in Medellin here. Tijuana, read the general info for more on SA, but I will start first off by saying that your thought process for using SA is wrong at least for Colombia.

When you first use SA, all that you put out is some generic, "I am an American going to be in Colombia" type message, and you do not mention price. I got a response of about one in five or ten with the messages. With about half the women, I would get a yes, I would like to meet you, and the other half would want a photo or would ask what type of arrangement do you want.

When the women ask for an arrangement, they want to know how much they are going to get paid if they fuck you. Often, I will turn that around and say, "Well, I am here a short time, so I can only do a short term arrangement, but I would really like a long term arrangement (and I really am looking for that) and if we hit it off, who knows?" About half the time, I say that, they like it, but the prostitute types want a number. With the definite short term types, I will tell them that I will pay them 50 k plus taxi if I see them and 200 to 300 k if we have sex depending on how hot they are. That is the best way to avoid the no-shows because the one negative thing I can say about Colombian women is when it comes to meet and greets, they may be even more flaky than American women.

Unlike in the USA, most of the Colombian women really do not know what SBs and SDs are. Sadly, most American SDs have treated the Colombian women like American women and have spoiled them. Every time I have met a Colombian woman who has had an American SD it has been bad news. I had talked to a civil engineer who told me that she made $600 a month and a bank cashier who made $300 a month, so I laughed my ass off when a SA girl who had a previous American SD asked for $800 for a day. She must have had an American SD who looked at her and compared to a SA girl in LA and paid it. Asshole!

If you just want to get fucked with the hooker types, have at it. My personal favorites are the most hesitant naive ones who haven't had sex in months or years though and just want a little cash.

In Medellin, though, I had three dates the first day. I got laid once, was supposed to be laid the following day by a girl who was from Bucaramanga and could be a member of Mensa, and I turned someone down that night. I would probably have been up for the night time girl, but that morning, a Barranquilla fuck machine took care of me.

So it is my second to last day, and this girl contacts me and is a little gun shy. She does not want to meet at the hotel but in the mall. She and I have a great conversation, and I am impressed with her desire for knowledge, her vivacity, and her ambition. She is well put together and is studying in a health care field. She was cute but got better looking as the day went on. No money is mentioned, but she agrees to see me the last morning at my hotel.

One young one flakes on me, but there is a 20 year old coed coming by. She shows up in short shorts, and she is stunning, a sunny cheerleader type. We go back to the room, and for the third time on the trip, I am making out like a teenager and fucking the girl bareback within minutes. She is totally compliant and says no to nothing. One hour, 250 k, and worth every fucking penny.

Bucaramanga Mensa girl flakes out on me. She lost her phone, was supposed to be there at 3, then 4, then 6 and then mall girl texts me, "Hey, you want to get together tonight? She asks.

One of the things I have learned with SA is that when you have a bird in hand, screw (or don't screw) the bird in the Bush no matter how great you think she may be. So I said yes to mall girl and of course, mensa girl then tries to see me. I pushed mensa girl off to the morning and mall girl comes to my place.

Mall girl asks what I like to eat and she breaks out an amazing spread when she gets to my place. She then warms up some lotion and gives me a killer back massage. We then go at it for hours, and I am trying to recall a time that I had better sex. She stays the night, packs my suitcase, and even cleans the room in the morning. I try to give her a gift of payment and she takes nothing and is even a little insulted. It turns out daddy is loaded, and she just wanted to meet an older man.

She is thrilled with me, texts me dozens of times a day, and even when I return to the sex prison, she does phone sex video chats with me every night. This one is beyond SB material. She is in the wife portal.

That is the thing with SA. It is 90 bucks a month and 90 bucks can get you some decent pussy in Colombia. There are the no shows, the singles, the occasional home run, but it is when you hit a fucking grand slam, that SA and that 90 bucks a month is so worth it.

02-12-20, 12:23
Can the girls message you if you haven't paid the 90. Also do you put a picture up with your profile. I'm assuming wo a picture you won't get hits. Are the pictures of the girls accurate when in person.

02-12-20, 16:09
Is there a forum section that lists casas in El Poblado. I will be there on 3/9.

Or, you can just go to a casa. I just got back from one. The chica was just as hot as the FB chicas. BBBJ with CIM, for 43 mil + 25 mil propina. Good to go and ready to get on with my day.



02-12-20, 16:27
Whats the transport scene like now since Uber left the country?

02-12-20, 20:49
Whats the transport scene like now since Uber left the country?I see some people mention Didi, because the chicas that visited them told them about it.

02-12-20, 21:13
What's the deal with tonnes of FB girls posting pictures with suckers / lollipops in their mouths of in their hands.

Also, these seemed to be sold everywhere, there are tonnes of street vendors selling them.

It always puzzled me and thought this might be a good place to ask.The street vendors selling them are just trying to survive.

For the pictures of the girls with lollipops in their mouth's, it's advertising, it makes you think of what it would be like to have them sucking your cock, kind of like a strip tease.

02-12-20, 21:38
I didn't know MSOG was that big of a problem for some guys.

I try for MSOG with, like, a third of the ones I'm with and for a bit of a tip they are usually receptive.

I think the issue may be what you are doing to them, LOL. I'm pretty vanilla so, for them, it isn't that big a deal to keep on going.

But I've heard girls talk about some other "friends" who like to get rough (especially porn-style throat assault stuff) and I'm thinking its those guys who are having trouble getting one to stick around after that first pop.I think you're onto something.

I'm not normally a MSOG guy. My recharge time wasn't super fast when I was in my 20's and it hasn't gotten better. I enjoy a long build up and a long cool down period afterwards. I'm also not a pure jackhammer guy. Pounding a pussy for 30 minutes straight, like I'm trying to break up a section of sidewalk, isn't my style, although it does depend on the girl.

All this leads to longer sessions, which is why I spend more effort on Facebook. Most of the girls, in my experience, are happy to take the time. It has also, on a few occasions led to the girl initiating a second and even a third round. No discussion, no extra charge, no move on my part. Just the girl taking matters into her own hands (or mouth), literally.

Frankly, I thing some guys are trying to over negotiate. They want a notarized contract, stipulating every action (Party be agrees to provide at least 24 inches of mercury vacuum upon the sexual appendage of Party A, orally, without coverage by any type of prophylactic device, for a period, of not less than 7 minutes and 19 seconds).

Then they're disappointed with the mechanical service.

You're not hiring someone to remodel your kitchen. In my opinion, other than a few details, it's better to be flexible. See what works for each girl. You can get many girls to agree to let you pull their hair and spank their ass, for a price, but it's a helluva lot better when you find a girl who gets off on it. Plus, you don't have to pay extra.

If MSOG is your thing, concentrate on making the girl want more. If you leave her with quivering thighs, she's a lot more likely to want round 2, than if you just pound away. Sure, you can get her to agree to it in advance, for a price. But, if she's not into what you're doing, it's just going to be a chore for you and you're paying extra for service that wasn't worth the original price.