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07-02-20, 02:56
My understanding is that prostitution is legal, per COLOMBIAN law, when a chica is 18 or older, regardless of whether the partner is a Colombian or foreigner. And in defining prostitution, payments include not only cash, but gifts. I read this in the Colombian law two years ago, but was not able to find it tonight.

From what I have heard, most Colombians ignore this law. As I've had a number of Colombian girls says they had sex for money with Colombian guys when they were well under 18. It's a way of life for some.

However, if a Colombian is having consensual sex with a minor, the age is 14.

Not that anyone would care, but you have to be 18 to be married in Colombia, unless you get parental consent from the parents of the underaged party.

I was ONLY asking if Colombian men are legally allowed to pay for 14+ or if there is another age for prostitution. It had nothing to do with me or any other American or foreigner. I had a feeling my question would be misconstrued, as it was, by many. However, it was pretty straightforward.

Elvis 2008
07-02-20, 03:27
Basically everything on this list can be mitigated or completely controlled with common sense. Covid cannot.So what there are 50,000 active cases of Covid in a country of 50 million and of those 50,000, how many are asymptomatic? Say of the active cases, 10% are totally symptom free. So you are at what, a one in 10,000 chance of getting Covid even assuming a 100% transmission rate?

In contrast you go to an event with a 1000 people in Colombia, and that means one person likely has Covid. So let us say that person infects 10 people at the event. The risk of getting infected at such an event is 10 in 1000 or 1%.

It's this kind of nonsense that bugs me. If I read another article about how going to BLM protests which involved 1000's of people marching didn't cause Covid to spike I am going to puke.

And how is being with an escort in Colombia riskier than being on an airplane with a 100 people on the ride down?

To me, it is funny how the pro-scare covid people have been saying "The world is going to be messed up until we have a vaccine. " When has there been any vaccine for a cold virus that has been 100% effective? I do not get the vaccine as Godsend.

A Wake Forest study came out today and showed the death rate of Covid to be 0. 1% same as the flu.

So tell me why is Covid so much more of a risk than the flu then?

People die from the flu every year. The difference is that there is not that much media attention with it.

07-02-20, 03:34
And how is being with an escort in Colombia riskier than being on an airplane with a 100 people on the ride down?
.You're probably not making out with those 100 people with masks on the airplane, Lol.

07-02-20, 03:49
All due respect, but nothing on your list is really "life threatening" like COVID can be, and a smart and experienced monger can avoid the items you listed as occurring, or lessen the impact of them if they were to occur by taking pre-cautionary measures like wearing a condom or carrying little money or anything of value while in El Centro. I don't consider any of your items as having the potential of being worse than having COVID because of it's "unpredictability" how someone may fare.

This is a rough topic for everyone right now, with lot's of differing views depending on how much risk somebody wants to take.
Maybe. Of course, COVID could kill you too.I don't want to down play the risk of covid, I'm in the low risk group, I should be more considerate about other people's concerns. My last point on this topic is to reveal my ignorance on raw statistics. I have no idea what is the likelihood of getting killed from mongering in the seedy part of Medellin. I guess one can do a rough estimate in their head. I just want to point out that the risky items I listed is only a small subset of all the possible dangerous associated with mongering, and they are relatively statistically independent (their occurrence is independent from each other, thus, the overall likelihood of anyone of them happening is much higher than the probability of a specific item takes place).

07-02-20, 03:54
Of course you can prevent covid, it's easy, just stay at home, don't talk or interact with anyone. Never open your window, get a filter for all the air that goes into your house or wear a spacesuit at all time. When you need food, get it delivered to your door, wear a spacesuit to get them from the door, but make sure you wait for an hour after the delivery guy leaves. Clean every bit of food that came from outside using soap for 40 seconds (20 seconds is what most experts recommend, but let's do 40 just to be on the safe side), this means you can only get food that are washable like salad, chicken breast, rice, apple. Etc. I'm pretty sure anyone who applies these measures will be covid free.Your previous comment was about the dangers of mongering being more likely to happen than getting covid. I guess you could try and have sex in a spacesuit. Assuming one is mongering, the difference between getting an STD, robbed or drugged is that these are preventable with common sense. Getting covid from someone who appears healthy is not preventable *when you are mongering* (outside of a spacesuit).

07-02-20, 03:55
Question answered.

So, these girls in centro that stand out as being on the younger side are either using a fake ID (if they are under 18) while putting themselves and the client at risk, disregarding the law and going with clients who are also doing the same, or they are 18+.

Thanks,It's a bit of a paradox, but shouldn't be surprising in that some Hotels in Centro, specifically those in the pedestrian walkway like the Premier Plaza and Zona Rosa are very vigilant in checking ID's which has been my experience with them, and are good at knowing which ID's may appear to be fake, where as if you go on the street on the backside of the Church towards the Museum where the majority of the youngster's hang, they are being taken upstairs by Colombians into Hotels who know that many of these girls are under 18.

So yes, everybody is breaking the law, the girls, the clients, and the Hotels as well, but not a big deal for them.

07-02-20, 04:00
So what there are 50,000 active cases of Covid in a country of 50 million and of those 50,000, how many are asymptomatic? Say of the active cases, 10% are totally symptom free. So you are at what, a one in 10,000 chance of getting Covid even assuming a 100% transmission rate?

In contrast you go to an event with a 1000 people in Colombia, and that means one person likely has Covid. So let us say that person infects 10 people at the event. The risk of getting infected at such an event is 10 in 1000 or 1%.

It's this kind of nonsense that bugs me. If I read another article about how going to BLM protests which involved 1000's of people marching didn't cause Covid to spike I am going to puke.

And how is being with an escort in Colombia riskier than being on an airplane with a 100 people on the ride down?

To me, it is funny how the pro-scare covid people have been saying "The world is going to be messed up until we have a vaccine. " When has there been any vaccine for a cold virus that has been 100% effective? I do not get the vaccine as Godsend.

A Wake Forest study came out today and showed the death rate of Covid to be 0. 1% same as the flu.

So tell me why is Covid so much more of a risk than the flu then?

People die from the flu every year. The difference is that there is not that much media attention with it.Literally everything you wrote here doesn't make sense and is mathematically incorrect. You then stated and assumed a crazy amount of things that nobody has even mentioned here. I'm not getting sucked into making this forum a covid thread again. If you want to argue with people and be illiterate, there is another forum created specifically for this purpose.

07-02-20, 04:09

Getting covid should be the last thing a monger care about, rationally, the amount of other risks involved in mongering in Medellin, especially in el centro, is much more severe both in terms of degree and likelihood. To corroborate my point, here is a short list:

Getting basic STDs.

Overdose on drugs.

Getting a girl pregnant.

Getting robbed..I plan on being in MDE as soon as things open up, and I'm not worried about anything on your list or C19 but if I were to worry, it would be C19.

That would worry me.

Nobody can say what will happen if we get it, and you could be unlucky and be dead in a few weeks.

That's a concern, if one doesn't fully appreciate that risk, they really need a shrink.

Somebody wrote Russian roulette I believe that is an apropos way to put it.

07-02-20, 04:15
Your previous comment was about the dangers of mongering being more likely to happen than getting covid. I guess you could try and have sex in a spacesuit. Assuming one is mongering, the difference between getting an STD, robbed or drugged is that these are preventable with common sense. Getting covid from someone who appears healthy is not preventable *when you are mongering* (outside of a spacesuit).I see, you are right, it's impossible to prevent covid during mongering. The way I see it, mongering is a dangerous activity already, most mongers are risk takers, there are a ton of other risks we have to worry about.

07-02-20, 04:46
I've had a couple of drinks so this is funny because I'm patient from booze. There are no loopholes. The legal age is 18. In your example (which with all due respect is somewhere between silly and desperate) in spite of whatever other citizenship you may have you are subject to US law and you can be extradited where extradition treaty exist or prosecuted when you are in US territory. Try to prove me wrong at your own peril.

What happens if you're a dual citizen of Colombia and the US. Who's laws would apply? Could you not claim you are a citizen and following the country's' laws.Age of Consent vs Age of Majority


Greetings Gentlemen,

The Age of Consent is the age in which girls can participate in consensual, non-commercial sex with their teen-age boyfriend without said teen-age boyfriend being charged with statutory rape.

However, the Age of Consent is irrelevant to the members of this forum.

What you need to focus on is the Age of Majority, which among other things is the age in which they can vote, get married, enlist in the military, and participate in commercial sex activities.

Please exercise caution and govern yourself accordingly.



07-02-20, 05:33
Dual Citizen. You will be held to Colombia's laws there but not sure as a Colombian citizen or USA Citizen. But when you get to USA you will face the law as a USA Citizen.

You think the lock down is tough. Multiply that by a few times worse and you get an idea what jail is like. Then subtract the women.

Even if you are 100% innocent, the legal system takes years. During that time you may not be in jail but you may have your passport taken as a flight risk. The USA Takes years to finish the legal gauntlet. Colombia will take longer. Even if you are 95% sure everything will be fine, that 5% will cause tons of stress, depression, anger, etc. As you play What-Ifs in your head for a minimum of 3 years before your case is finished.

Ignore advice from most old timers. Most laws are stricter now with more on the books. The stories or advice they are telling you are from a time long gone when laws were rarely enforced. It is far more rare to buy yourself out now unlike decades ago.

If you think the laws are black and white then you have never been through the legal system. It is all grey. Anything can happen. I learned that the ruling for or against you is 70% determined by the mood of the judge and whether he is friends with your lawyer or the other lawyer. People in industry talk. Your lawyer may hate you and tell the judge you are an ass and to send you up the schitts creek without a paddle. Never mind what your lawyer says in the courtroom.

In most cases of any sort nobody truly wins (except women in divorces). Avoid the legal system at all costs. Once in it is hard to get out.

Somebody (friend, family, foe) will let your story out on the web.

07-02-20, 05:46
Well yes, I realize that.

I feel fortunate having recovered fairly easy and I don't recommend the virus to anyone (obviously).
Like you said, its very unpredictable how it will affect each individual.Glad that both of you recovered. This is probably the best outcome.

I think the doctors and scientists in US have found out a lot about the disease. As a result, the fatality rate will decrease due to improved method of treatment. People react differently to the same underlying condition. It could be more dangerous for people who show symptom late.

07-02-20, 06:05
Haha well that's true, and thanks!

When the girl that I believe gave it to me said Sorry to me, I told her jokingly that Id do it all over again for her Kiss.

All joking aside though, even though I've recovered, it still wasn't an enjoyable ride, and I had that fear that it could have taken a turn for the worse.

So unpredictable.

I actually have been pretty careful in general, not socializing really, wearing a mask, keeping clean and sanitized, even seeing this apparently healthy girl.

My weakness for a sexy and pretty girl got me I suppose.Any thoughts on how you would have felt had you been in Colombia at the time?

07-02-20, 06:47
Question answered.

So, these girls in centro that stand out as being on the younger side are either using a fake ID (if they are under 18) while putting themselves and the client at risk, disregarding the law and going with clients who are also doing the same, or they are 18+.

Thanks,I doubt that most of them have a fake cedula, at least not the ones I've seen who look way too young. They simply don't care and anyone who would pick one of them probably isn't going to ask to see a cedula.

07-02-20, 12:31
Literally everything you wrote here doesn't make sense and is mathematically incorrect. You then stated and assumed a crazy amount of things that nobody has even mentioned here. I'm not getting sucked into making this forum a covid thread again. If you want to argue with people and be illiterate, there is another forum created specifically for this purpose.Amen, brother. I can't believe that ignorant fools like this exist.

Elvis 2008
07-02-20, 14:09
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

El Mechanico
07-02-20, 14:50
DJT was not up for reelection, that's why no media attention.

So tell me why is Covid so much more of a risk than the flu then?

People die from the flu every year. The difference is that there is not that much media attention with it.El Mechanico.

07-02-20, 16:08
That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You are exaggerating the effect of Covid and you are PC because it is in the news every damned day just like was the case with AIDS. It was the same back then: You better have sex in a space suit or body condom, we were told. Please! The odds of getting Covid from a healthy young woman are ridiculously small.

CDC said for people to quit buying masks early on because they do not work. Now, Fauci says we were lying they do work. We did this so health care providers could have masks, and that is the truth. We were lying then but we are telling the truth now? Do you know when the CDC did this before? With AIDS. The head of the CDC admitted there was no downside to exaggerating the numbers with AIDS.

The same went with transmission from asymptomatic people. It has been yes it frequently happens, no it is rare to yes it frequently happens.

And there is nothing you can do? HCQ and Zinc? Dexamethasone? With you fear monger types, it is all doom and gloom. The world is coming to an end. Hunker down. Buy toilet paper and bleach. Avoid large groups (well except for BLM protests. When you are in a large group then, God is protecting you) Getting a STD, stolen from, or drugged is something you do not need to worry about because it is preventable but Covid? YOU SHOULD BE TERRIFIED OF THAT!

Well, at least until after the 2020 election. Then you can fuck whomever you want because Covid and influenza will miraculously have the same death rate after all and that will be the story day after day. It turns out we scientists were lying again, and in this case, it wasn't for health care providers getting masks but another public service, getting Trump out of office. Hell, the Noble committee probably has a medal ready for Biden right now.

And quit with this "I don't want to talk about Covid" shit. Yes, you do. You just want to talk about it and fear monger. What you really do not want is anyone presenting an opposing POV.LOL its hilarious that you keep saying I'm the fear mongering type but you completely lose your shit every time you write anything covid related. You're rant is all over the place and nonsensical. You even contradict yourself. You come off like a total nutcase.

07-02-20, 16:21
I think it's a wash unless anybody duct tapes themselves inside their house. I suppose it's easier to avoid crossing paths with other people in rural areas. I have to be honest, whenever the pollution spikes up (most recently when the Sahara sand covered the city) and I have respiratory problems, it give me pause. Full disclosure, I'm pretty sure I had coronavirus last January when I was in the US for Christmas holidays. It wasn't in the news yet so I didn't associate it with what everybody now knows. At the time I thought it was bad luck because I hadn't had the flu in something like four years. It lasted a good three weeks or so and they symptoms were body aches and severe respiratory distress of the flu variety. I did not quarantine but I did go to bed much earlier than I normally do.If available in Medellin, you might want to get an antibody test to conform whether you had it. And if so, you might, and I say might have some protection from being re-infected, which may in turn alter your behavior. The tests are readily available in the USA, but I don't know about in Medellin. Something to think about in the event your cruising around ground zero, see something of interest, and are sitting on the fence whether to pull the trigger!

07-02-20, 16:25
DJT was not up for reelection, that's why no media attention.

El Mechanico.It's all a worldwide conspiracy to harm Trump's re-election prospects. Is amazing how we've gotten every corner of the globe, ever contagious disease physician on the planet to cooperate. And all these CEOs that have seen their companies decimated by the effects of this mass conspiracy sit idly by without complaint. Mind boggling, isn't it? It's amazing these sorts of arguments have any legs, but then again Coast to Coast AM and Alex Jones have audiences.

And this illness in only four months has over double the deaths to it's credit as a worse case scenario US flu season that lasts seven to eight months. Add to that the fact that 40,000+ new cases are showing up in the states each day into the heat of the summer with no let up in sight and sounds like we have something a lot more serious than the flu. Plus the fact that evidence points to certain serious long term effects found with Covid that aren't with the flu and it's clear that we have something on our hands worth taking seriously.


07-02-20, 16:54
You are right but these discussions never end well. The law is well known and has been restated several times in this latest thread. We should move on.

I doubt that most of them have a fake cedula, at least not the ones I've seen who look way too young. They simply don't care and anyone who would pick one of them probably isn't going to ask to see a cedula.

07-02-20, 16:59

"Medellin will have a dry law every weekend and curfew on all bank holidays".


"Slapshot's penthouse will not recognize said law. Giddy up!

07-02-20, 17:38
Go get 'them cowboy! LOL! But seriously, this is Mayor Quintero following Claudia Lopez's lead. It's purely political. Any of us who have been to Centro know how packed the streets are. What does banning liquor sales for two days a week and locking people inside overnight on holiday weekends going to change? The answer it will change the Mayor's public image if things get really bad because he will be able to start doing what Claudia Lopez does. Blame President Duque for anything and everything that goes wrong. They are both after his job.


"Medellin will have a dry law every weekend and curfew on all bank holidays".


"Slapshot's penthouse will not recognize said law. Giddy up!

07-02-20, 17:46
The latest reports are a positive antibody test doesn't necessarily mean you are any safer from the virus than someone who has a negative antibody test result. In fact there are several documented cases of people who have suffered re-infection. By now most have noticed I am not structuring my life around coronavirus theories; that is why I am in Medellin and not on the other side of travel restriction. Once there is a proven safe cure or therapy I will take advantage of them. I can't think of anything. I would do differently based on a test result. By the way the porteros in my building randomly take people's temperature as they exit and enter, more virus theater. The supermarkets were doing it regularly a few weeks ago but no it's a once in a while thing.

If available in Medellin, you might want to get an antibody test to conform whether you had it. And if so, you might, and I say might have some protection from being re-infected, which may in turn alter your behavior. The tests are readily available in the USA, but I don't know about in Medellin. Something to think about in the event your cruising around ground zero, see something of interest, and are sitting on the fence whether to pull the trigger!

07-02-20, 18:48
LOL its hilarious that you keep saying I'm the fear mongering type but you completely lose your shit every time you write anything covid related. You're rant is all over the place and nonsensical. You even contradict yourself. You come off like a total nutcase.Good luck with that. I'm still waiting for him to pay up on his bet that there was no way the US death toll would break 80,000. He went completely silent on that subject.

This will be long. Most of it will be stuff that I've already covered. Most of the people with enough sense to, as they used to say, "pour pee out of a boot", already are aware of most of this.

Does anyone here know of anyone who has died from a car crash? It doesn't have to be within your immediate circle of friends and family. Anyone that you can think of who died in a car crash? That guy you used to work with, or maybe your girlfriend's cousin? How about suicide? You can probably answer yes to both questions. If you expand it to famous people, then everyone can answer "Yes. ".

How about the flu? Although the numbers all vary by year, estimated flu deaths aren't too far off from actual car accident deaths and suicides. If flu death estimates are anywhere close to being accurate you should have a list of names about the same as for the other 2 causes of death. Is it even close? I just did a quick search for celebrity flu deaths. I knew 2 of the names and can make some sort of connection to 2 others. Looking at similar lists for suicide and car crash victims, I have no trouble finding names which I'm familiar with.

All of that should make you question the estimated?

The reason is, very few people die from the flu. At the beginning of the flu season the CDC collects data from 13 regional hospitals. The data they receive is total number of admissions for flu or pneumonia. That's very important, because pneumonia is much more dangerous than the typical flu. Pneumonia is much more likely to require hospitalization and is much more likely to result in death.

They take the numbers and assume that others were admitted for the flu or pneumonia, but weren't listed. Then they add to the number again by guessing at the number of people who weren't hospitalized. Then they project the number forward to get an estimate of how many will die from the flu or pneumonia, but include all the pneumonia deaths under the flu.

Here's some actual numbers from Monroe county, New York. As of June 2 there were 17 recorded flu deaths in the county since October 1st. That's according to Rochester Regional Health.


As of today there have been 262 reported COVID-19 deaths in the same county.

As of May 26, there were 131 flu deaths reported for the most recent flu season in the state of Indiana. As of today 2,650 COVID-19 deaths in Indiana.


But that's only a tiny piece of the story. How many times during flu season do you recall all school being cancelled, all sporting events being cancelled, theaters closed, malls closed, bars closed, restaurants closed? Every year? Every other year? Once every 10 years? How about not for the last 100 years?

Guess when flu season starts? Shortly after schools reopen. You stick a few million kids with only partially developed immune systems in classrooms and they start passing the virus around. The kids take it home to their parents, their parents take it to work. It spreads, mutates, spreads again and finally calms down when schools start closing for the summer.

With COVID-19 we shut it all down. We closed all those places where the disease can easily spread and we slowed it down. Some places did better than others. But even with everything we did if you do an apples to apples comparison, we already have 15-20 times the number of deaths over 4 months as over 7 months of the flu. These aren't projections. These aren't estimates. These are actual death certificates signed by a doctor confirming the cause of death.

How much did all the quarantines, closures, social distancing and masks reduce the spread? If it had absolutely no effect, then we're still left with 15-20 times the number of deaths. If it only reduced the spread by 50%? Fortunately, and I mean that sarcastically, we now have the opportunity to find out how effective all those measures were. Keep an eye on the number of daily deaths in the US over the next 2 weeks. If they climb past 5,000 you'll have an answer. It won't be one you like.

I'm not much of a doom and gloom guy. My philosophy is hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Maybe someone will wave a magic wand and it will all go away. But, until that happens, I'm going to keep myself as safe as possible.

One last bit. It's the "what if you're wrong" question. If I'm wrong, I've been wearing a mask and washing my hands for no reason. Neither soap not masks are that expensive and my work will happily provide me with hand sanitizer, masks and gloves.

But if all the "it's all media hype", or "it's a liberal conspiracy" folks are wrong, you just made it worse by convincing others not to protect themselves and others. Wear a mask. Stay at home. You can still whine and complain just as easily from your couch and it saves you the embarrassment of trying to delete all your posts from ICU.

07-02-20, 19:17
There is still time LOL.

Just please stay away from the hookers, nobody wants to see mongers with hooker babies.


Black Page
07-02-20, 19:31
Literally everything you wrote here doesn't make sense and is mathematically incorrect. .Exactly. Now imagine someone with such sound thoughts on the President Chair and that will clearly explain why in USA and Brazil the situation is out of control, and millions people will have to suffer and die. We are observing a huge social and medical experiment. Too bad it is not a simulation, but real people will die.

07-02-20, 19:53
Exactly. Now imagine someone with such sound thoughts on the President Chair and that will clearly explain why in USA and Brazil the situation is out of control, and millions people will have to suffer and die. We are observing a huge social and medical experiment. Too bad it is not a simulation, but real people will die.People suffer because of the lockdowns. Bolsonaro got it right, the politicians who ordered the lockdowns are guilty of murdering the global economy because of a virus that only had the capacity to kill old, weak and extremely unlucky that probably would have died anyways. This virus is a joke!

But I guess that I should be grateful for the incompetent politicians, without them I wouldn't been able to get a 3000€ discount on the new car that I just leased. Fuck the poor, "it's a rich man's world" as we Swedes used to sing.

07-02-20, 20:59
As of May 26, there were 131 flu deaths reported for the most recent flu season in the state of Indiana. As of today 2,650 COVID-19 deaths in Indiana.
They don't look at numbers like this. They focus on death rate and ignore the number of deaths.

It is not a static situation. The death rate is quite high initially but it has been decreasing as the doctors learn more about the virus and know how to treat it. For example, we don't hear much about ventilator much anymore. One day they could be right about the number but for the wrong reason.

07-02-20, 21:11
The latest reports are a positive antibody test doesn't necessarily mean you are any safer from the virus than someone who has a negative antibody test result. In fact there are several documented cases of people who have suffered re-infection. By now most have noticed I am not structuring my life around coronavirus theories; that is why I am in Medellin and not on the other side of travel restriction. Once there is a proven safe cure or therapy I will take advantage of them. I can't think of anything. I would do differently based on a test result. By the way the porteros in my building randomly take people's temperature as they exit and enter, more virus theater. The supermarkets were doing it regularly a few weeks ago but no it's a once in a while thing.In one of my friends buildings, they are taking temperatures of all visitors, but not residents. Are they taking temperature's of residents in your building besides visitors?

And if so, what happens if a resident has a fever, are they denied entry which seems improbable and / or allowed in and then the Portero reports to the Building Administrator?

07-02-20, 21:37
In mid March, some of you (like AdventureSeekr in particular) wrote a lot of inflammatory panic mongering that the Corona virus was coming for us, and that it would soon be as bad in Colombia as in Europe or the States, and we should all leave ASAP!

Well 3.5 months on and Colombia is doing much better than most of the Americas, the number of confirmed cases and deaths are still relatively low and there is just NO COMPARISON whatsoever between the figures of Colombia and the USA! Now there's 2,811,739 cases and 131,182 deaths in the USA. And in Colombia 100,009 and 3470 deaths in Colombia. Even accounting for population, the situation is the US is 6 times as bad as in Colombia! Its terrible yes, but it's the reality. And Colombia has handled the situation 1000 times better than the USA too! So back in March, with reflection, what was the point of leaving if you didn't have to?

Some of you guys come down to Colombia, hang in Poblado, drive around in Ubers, have in-call chicas and don't bother talking to Colombians. That's fine if you want to do that, but don't then lecture people about what's going to happen in Colombia and that we should all leave, if you know nothing about the place !

Some of you don't seem to know anything about Colombia or it's people. They had a lot more respect for the rules as Americans did on the whole, they know how to stick together and have been through harder times than this. The stores remained on the whole full and there were few shortages, unlike the panic induced disaster that hit the USA and other places. Maybe you should ask yourself why that is ?

I stayed in Bucaramanga for 2 months during the quarantine, never felt in any danger whatsoever there ! People were friendly and totally calm, and nobody queried where I was from. Maybe some of you with such little faith in Colombia and it's people to have faced up to the crisis shouldn't bother coming back ?

07-02-20, 21:45
Just left yesterday. Everything seemed relatively normal, no panic there at all. Coffee shop was full and bustling. In PR, stores have been shopped bare as a comparison. Chicas are definitely aware of it and pretty freaked out about getting it. The few I talk to regularly were telling me to wear gloves and a mask when traveling home. I've heard business is down from both chicas and uber drivers. I think its just at the point where panic will start to arrive there within a week or two.You wrote this on March 14th, predicting there would be panic in Medellin by mid / late March. Well, it's now July 2nd and there is still no panic! So what happened to your predictions, or were you the one who was actually trying to cause panic?

07-02-20, 21:52
I'm not interested in panic. It seems the people who don't understand geometric growth are the ones concerned about panic. I am concerned with preparing for economic fallout, supply shortages of food and medicines, and the maxing out of the healthcare system. These are unavoidable symptoms of too many people getting sick all at the same time. It is already happening in other parts of the world. This isn't just my opinion, its already here.The panic never happened! The geometric growth didn't happen either, only in the last few weeks are the numbers climbing significantly. Still, no comparison whatsoever to the USA. The supermarkets are still full. Re. the healthcare system, there is pressure on it in some cities like Bogota, but it isn't 'maxed out' at all. Patients are being transferred from departments with high ICU occupancy to other ones where cases and occupancy are low. So basically your whole paragraph was just inflammatory nonsense!

AdventureSeekr, judging by your posts your forum name is ridiculous ! If you ever finally have the guts to return here maybe you should change it, to something like paranoid fearmonger123 or words to that effect !!

07-02-20, 22:09
I got pretty nervous earlier today when I thought I misses the headline to buy bwer until Monday but that is not until tomorrow night so I am good.

You wrote this on March 14th, predicting there would be panic in Medellin by mid / late March. Well, it's now July 2nd and there is still no panic! So what happened to your predictions, or were you the one who was actually trying to cause panic?

07-02-20, 22:15
I have only seen them take the temperatura of residente. I don't know what would happen if somebody is hot. I was joking with a neighbor in the elevator about it. She laughed when I asked if we would have to sleep out on the street if we have fever. What they are supposed to do is call 123.

In one of my friends buildings, they are taking temperatures of all visitors, but not residents. Are they taking temperature's of residents in your building besides visitors?

And if so, what happens if a resident has a fever, are they denied entry which seems improbable and / or allowed in and then the Portero reports to the Building Administrator?

07-02-20, 22:20
Don't be so hard on the guys. It is not the same for tourists as it is for people who live here.

In mid March, some of you (like AdventureSeekr in particular) wrote a lot of inflammatory panic mongering that the Corona virus was coming for us, and that it would soon be as bad in Colombia as in Europe or the States, and we should all leave ASAP!

Well 3.5 months on and Colombia is doing much better than most of the Americas, the number of confirmed cases and deaths are still relatively low and there is just NO COMPARISON whatsoever between the figures of Colombia and the USA! Now there's 2,811,739 cases and 131,182 deaths in the USA. And in Colombia 100,009 and 3470 deaths in Colombia. Even accounting for population, the situation is the US is 6 times as bad as in Colombia! Its terrible yes, but it's the reality. And Colombia has handled the situation 1000 times better than the USA too! So back in March, with reflection, what was the point of leaving if you didn't have to?

Some of you guys come down to Colombia, hang in Poblado, drive around in Ubers, have in-call chicas and don't bother talking to Colombians. That's fine if you want to do that, but don't then lecture people about what's going to happen in Colombia and that we should all leave, if you know nothing about the place !

Some of you don't seem to know anything about Colombia or it's people.

07-02-20, 22:22
I remember that post. I didn't understand what it was about.

You wrote this on March 14th, predicting there would be panic in Medellin by mid / late March. Well, it's now July 2nd and there is still no panic! So what happened to your predictions, or were you the one who was actually trying to cause panic?

07-02-20, 22:44
In mid March, some of you (like AdventureSeekr in particular) wrote a lot of inflammatory panic mongering that the Corona virus was coming for us, and that it would soon be as bad in Colombia as in Europe or the States, and we should all leave ASAP!

Well 3.5 months on and Colombia is doing much better than most of the Americas, the number of confirmed cases and deaths are still relatively low and there is just NO COMPARISON whatsoever between the figures of Colombia and the USA! Now there's 2,811,739 cases and 131,182 deaths in the USA. And in Colombia 100,009 and 3470 deaths in Colombia. Even accounting for population, the situation is the US is 6 times as bad as in Colombia! Its terrible yes, but it's the reality. And Colombia has handled the situation 1000 times better than the USA too! So back in March, with reflection, what was the point of leaving if you didn't have to?

Some of you guys come down to Colombia, hang in Poblado, drive around in Ubers, have in-call chicas and don't bother talking to Colombians. That's fine if you want to do that, but don't then lecture people about what's going to happen in Colombia and that we should all leave, if you know nothing about the place !

Some of you don't seem to know anything about Colombia or it's people. They had a lot more respect for the rules as Americans did on the whole, they know how to stick together and have been through harder times than this. The stores remained on the whole full and there were few shortages, unlike the panic induced disaster that hit the USA and other places. Maybe you should ask yourself why that is ?

I stayed in Bucaramanga for 2 months during the quarantine, never felt in any danger whatsoever there ! People were friendly and totally calm, and nobody queried where I was from. Maybe some of you with such little faith in Colombia and it's people to have faced up to the crisis shouldn't bother coming back ?I would love for you to quote me and repost it here saying "people should leave Colombia ASAP!" when Covid was hitting a few months back. People asked why * I * was choosing to leave, and I gave my reasons, one of them being I have pets and with the lockdown, the petsitter was not allowed to do the daily outcalls to my house. If I stayed in Colombia, my pets would actually be dead right now. Kind of weird that you read that as me telling you what to do. I couldn't care less what other people do. It has zero effect on my life.

The fact that you're implying me, and people like JJBee and Surfer, don't interact with Colombians just proves you have zero reading comprehension skills and helps me understand how you misunderstood everything else you went on about.

I find it hilarious that the people who post numbers, statistics and medical journal entries are called "fear mongerers" and "inciting panic" by people who are absolutely crapping their pants from behind their computer screen, frantically slamming away at the keyboard with their tinfoil hat on. You and Elvis are the only ones here sounding scared man. The rest of us are just taking minor precautions and going about our day.

Sandy Laureles
07-02-20, 23:53
As time is running out for me and I won't be having too many more trips at my age (68), I was thinking of going to Colombia when normal service is resumed. I've had a look through a few dozen posts on here, and seen plenty of youtube vids, and the one thing I've noticed is that there does not seem to be many (if any), people around my age posting or showing up in vids. Would I have the wrong impression in assuming that Colombia is not suitable for someone my age.I am 75, and have lived in Medellin for the last 8 years. I usually have about 3 to 4 ladies that I see on a regular basis, plus lots of trips to the local places, when they are open. There are some pretty simple rules:

No the papaya (paisa for "don't be stupid" Many years ago, I encountered a guy who was complaining that he was robbed of $cop 700.000 and his heavy gold jewelry in El Centro at two o'clock in the morning, while walking around.

Respect the local people and culture. Press your clothes. Pay attention to your grooming. Paisas are proud and well groomed, and a Gringo running around in grubby shorts and torn t shirts are not really appreciated.

Speak Spanish! There is very little English spoken here. My brother called me on my birthday a while back, and I had a bit of trouble shifting to English. If you don't, stay at Mansion, at least for the first visits.

The ladies you will encounter are mostly single mothers, The fathers of their kids have mostly left them on their own, and they are not doing what they do because they want to.

Avoid the smoking hot 18 year olds. They are great to look at, but are not much interested in providing good service. I find I am much happier with a lady in her thirties who has been around the block a could of times.

Other than that, come on down and see what unfolds.

07-03-20, 02:43
Starting to look like the Chit Chat thread.

Anyway, passed through Botero today. Lots of talent, as it is getting close to the weekend. Saw a lot of familiar faces out there. Walking around I got approached a lot and had to make sure chicas didn't get too close trying to grab my dick and stuff like that. I had my iPhone in my front pocket and it is visible. Never had a problem but I don't let people get to close to me either.

I was walking towards Avenida Cundinamarca when I saw 3 guys tussling. It looked like one guy was trying to reach into the pocket of another guy with one hand and had a knife in there other hand. The potential victim was able to get away unharmed but for a minute I thought I was going to witness a stabbing. It was still daylight so I was surprised to see this but I realize if you hang around Botero long enough, you will probably see at least one fight or something crazy every time.

I decided to grab a chica that reminded me a lot of my Ex. She even lives not to far away from her in Manrique. She told me 25 mil, which included the room and a BBBJ so off we went. BBBJ was good with plenty of licking and sucking. Even was licking my balls. She told me I could cum in her mouth but I felt like smashing so she put the condom on. Condom was kinda short but we made it work. Hit it back door and then finished in the missionary position. Pulled the condom off and nutted on her tits. Leaving the room, I saw another chica with grey eyes that I flirted with earlier in the day and told her I would take her next time.

On the way out, there was a group of 5 guys I had to pass that were getting cocained up in the entrance way. Not a big deal, but it was a reminder of how drugged up everyone is around there. Purchased 20 tangerines for 2 mill and caught a Didi cab home. Today was a Good Day.

07-03-20, 13:27
Cheers! He deserves it though for writing all that crap back in March! Re. hindsight, I did say back then it will mainly only affect the elderly and those with pre existing conditions, that the virus wouldn't get out of control and that Colombia could handle it. So far, think I've been proved right!If it is being handled numbers would be going down. Parially handled, yes. But going the wrong direction so no, it is not being handled well enough. Not as bad as the USA or Brazil, but still missing the mark of seeing case numbers decrease. Anyway, all of this is just the reality of a biology. The virus is out there, it doesn't care about politics and whether it makes a particular person or party look good or bad. It does it's thing if people breathe on each other and you get a certain dose of the virus. Some die, most live. And speaking of living, one of the complications for survivors is something I know a bit about. And that one is almost as bad as dying. Anyway, this is a serious disease and those that say it is not are part of the problem. See the USA for that example to the world.

07-03-20, 13:48
If you get sick you go to the hospital and the doctors will take care of you. This is Colombia not North Korea. What is your recommendation?

You have been lucky, or maybe rather you were not unlucky, considered that in the majority of cases is like yours. It's really good to hear all that.

However, I am curious to know: for the weeks you were aware to have the virus active in you, how did you manage your regular life? I assume, or I hope, you never went out of you home, maybe your room if you live with a family. But if you live with a family, also they are supposed to stay at home and do not go out. So how to buy food? Home delivery? From your posts, you seem to be a responsible person, but I suspect that many in USA do not care much about this, or we would not see such an impressive increase. It's out of control now in USA, and it will take a lot of patience and discipline to lower the progression rate.

Now imagine your few weeks in Colombia, in a rented apartment or hotel, with the possibility that someone reports the case to the health officers and you also receive an official notice to not go out of your room or receive guests. And no way to fly back home until tested negative two times. It's a nightmare, with the pending threat and bad thoughts every day "Now what happens if my conditions worsen?? Who will take care of me?"

07-03-20, 14:02
Starting to look like the Chit Chat thread.

Anyway, passed through Botero today. Lots of talent, as it is getting close to the weekend. Saw a lot of familiar faces out there. Walking around I got approached a lot and had to make sure chicas didn't get too close trying to grab my dick and stuff like that. I had my iPhone in my front pocket and it is visible. Never had a problem but I don't let people get to close to me either.

I was walking towards Avenida Cundinamarca when I saw 3 guys tussling. It looked like one guy was trying to reach into the pocket of another guy with one hand and had a knife in there other hand. The potential victim was able to get away unharmed but for a minute I thought I was going to witness a stabbing. It was still daylight so I was surprised to see this but I realize if you hang around Botero long enough, you will probably see at least one fight or something crazy every time..You know how it goes. One week it's the ATM thread, the next it's the age of consent thread. One week everyone who goes to El Centro is going to be raped, murdered and robbed, the next El Centro is the place to be.

My Facebook has been exploding. Had 3 new women add me yesterday. One looks to be a throwaway, one I'm still waiting on a decent picture from. The third one I connected with a friend last night and I'm waiting to hear his review.

Here's the preliminary report on her:

She's a tall black woman, 5'9" and not what anyone would refer to as light skinned. She's 20, no kids, looks like no tattoos and is, or formerly was a soccer player. She's got the legs and booty, but way undersized with the tits. She seems to be in excellent shape and she says she keeps herself fit. My friend liked the pictures of her face, still waiting to hear what she looked like in person. She stated she had just started, although it looks like her Facebook prepago days began 4 weeks ago. She was able to carry on a conversation.

When I was talking to her here is what I told her. I pay 150 k plus another 20 k for taxi. That is for a minimum of 1 hour, but most stay between 2 and 4 hours. Also told her the price includes BBBJ and 2 shots, along with CFS. She wanted 200 k plus taxi, but accepted 400 k as a TLN price. I don't know what agreement was reached with my friend.

She also asked if a girl stayed for 4 hours, did I pay more? I told her no. If the girl decides to stay longer it's because she wants to stay. That's when TLN came up and she said that would be better.

If you're interested in her number hit me up. However, if you're going to try to low-ball her, please don't bother. I told her, as long as my friends give me good reports, I'll recommend her. Her response was "No te haré quedar mal te lo prometo", I won't make you look bad, I promise. I hope anyone who is interested in her does the same.

07-03-20, 15:42
Started to go a little downwards when Blakman stopped posting.Well if this isn't the truth, I don't know what is!

07-03-20, 15:51
She told me I could cum in her mouth but I felt like smashing so she put the condom on. Condom was kinda short but we made it work. Hit it back door and then finished in the missionary position. Pulled the condom off and nutted on her tits.I think she was lucky you didn't elect to blow your load in her mouth as it looks like it was more than a mouthful, and perhaps may of had to swallow some of your load if not all of it!

07-03-20, 16:03
I am 75, and have lived in Medellin for the last 8 years. I usually have about 3 to 4 ladies that I see on a regular basis, plus lots of trips to the local places, when they are open. There are some pretty simple rules:What you posted is right on the money as far as I am concerned.

Please post more about your experiences, as your experiences will provide a window of how things could or might be for someone in their seventies living in Medellin.

07-03-20, 17:36
If you get sick you go to the hospital and the doctors will take care of you. This is Colombia not North Korea. What is your recommendation?Your assumptions can be dead wrong.


07-03-20, 17:46
I am 75, and have lived in Medellin for the last 8 years. I usually have about 3 to 4 ladies that I see on a regular basis, plus lots of trips to the local places, when they are open. There are some pretty simple rules:

No the papaya (paisa for "don't be stupid" Many years ago, I encountered a guy who was complaining that he was robbed of $cop 700.000 and his heavy gold jewelry in El Centro at two o'clock in the morning, while walking around.

Respect the local people and culture. Press your clothes. Pay attention to your grooming. Paisas are proud and well groomed, and a Gringo running around in grubby shorts and torn t shirts are not really appreciated.

Speak Spanish! There is very little English spoken here. My brother called me on my birthday a while back, and I had a bit of trouble shifting to English. If you don't, stay at Mansion, at least for the first visits.

The ladies you will encounter are mostly single mothers, The fathers of their kids have mostly left them on their own, and they are not doing what they do because they want to.

Avoid the smoking hot 18 year olds. They are great to look at, but are not much interested in providing good service. I find I am much happier with a lady in her thirties who has been around the block a could of times.

Other than that, come on down and see what unfolds.Mostly true, but I'm about exactly half your age, so we definitely see things differently. All the girls I had in Medellin are smoking hot 18-21 year old, they give me extremely good service. I didn't speak any Spanish, I spent four months in Medellin and had an absolute blast using google translator. I never stayed at the mansion, but visited its bar quite a few times. I now admit that speaking Spanish will make your experience better, but learning a language is a long term investment, you don't need to spend three years to learn Spanish before going to Medellin and not staying in the mansion.

The Tall Man
07-03-20, 17:55
I am 75, and have lived in Medellin for the last 8 years. I usually have about 3 to 4 ladies that I see on a regular basis, plus lots of trips to the local places, when they are open. There are some pretty simple rules:

No the papaya (paisa for "don't be stupid" Many years ago, I encountered a guy who was complaining that he was robbed of $cop 700.000 and his heavy gold jewelry in El Centro at two o'clock in the morning, while walking around.

Respect the local people and culture. Press your clothes. Pay attention to your grooming. Paisas are proud and well groomed, and a Gringo running around in grubby shorts and torn t shirts are not really appreciated.

Speak Spanish! There is very little English spoken here. My brother called me on my birthday a while back, and I had a bit of trouble shifting to English. If you don't, stay at Mansion, at least for the first visits.

The ladies you will encounter are mostly single mothers, The fathers of their kids have mostly left them on their own, and they are not doing what they do because they want to.

Avoid the smoking hot 18 year olds. They are great to look at, but are not much interested in providing good service. I find I am much happier with a lady in her thirties who has been around the block a could of times.

Other than that, come on down and see what unfolds.
What you posted is right on the money as far as I am concerned.

Please post more about your experiences, as your experiences will provide a window of how things could or might be for someone in their seventies living in Medellin.I too appreciate a peak into my future, what it may hold out for me in another dozen years.

In my early sixties and been mongering hardheartedly since about 1997 and also living in Medellin and see no issues with the majority of chicas having any age issues, rather just down right good loving!

Just last evening buried my balls into a 20 yo full of passion and sex off the charts, I have to pause for a moment and realize there is absolutely no issues with the 42 years age difference between us and so even if I add another 10 or more years it will be likewise a non-issue.

Just my experience. And yes I am always very clean, decent but not flashy clothing, never any jewelry, I always keep my iPhone 11 Pro at home and carry my old Samsung beat up cell, good hygiene and great smelling men's cologne, they love it.

The Tall Man.

07-03-20, 18:13
If it is being handled numbers would be going down. Parially handled, yes. But going the wrong direction so no, it is not being handled well enough. Not as bad as the USA or Brazil, but still missing the mark of seeing case numbers decrease. Anyway, all of this is just the reality of a biology. The virus is out there, it doesn't care about politics and whether it makes a particular person or party look good or bad. It does it's thing if people breathe on each other and you get a certain dose of the virus. Some die, most live. And speaking of living, one of the complications for survivors is something I know a bit about. And that one is almost as bad as dying. Anyway, this is a serious disease and those that say it is not are part of the problem. See the USA for that example to the world.Am not sure where people are getting their information. Perhaps only from monger forums, with maybe a kooky youtuber or other outlier source mixed in. It's certainly not from reputable data sources. Simply go to the below link dedicated to Colombia, then scroll down and check the graphs for daily reported cases and daily deaths. The spikes are in your face. There really isn't anything they can do at that point but puff out their chest and exclaim, "It's all rigged!" But most if not all won't even look while they continue to spread their misinformation. See'est la vie.


07-03-20, 18:27
You know how it goes. One week it's the ATM thread, the next it's the age of consent thread. One week everyone who goes to El Centro is going to be raped, murdered and robbed, the next El Centro is the place to be.

My Facebook has been exploding. Had 3 new women add me yesterday. One looks to be a throwaway, one I'm still waiting on a decent picture from. The third one I connected with a friend last night and I'm waiting to hear his review.

Here's the preliminary report on her:

She's a tall black woman, 5'9" and not what anyone would refer to as light skinned. She's 20, no kids, looks like no tattoos and is, or formerly was a soccer player. She's got the legs and booty, but way undersized with the tits. She seems to be in excellent shape and she says she keeps herself fit. My friend liked the pictures of her face, still waiting to hear what she looked like in person. She stated she had just started, although it looks like her Facebook prepago days began 4 weeks ago. She was able to carry on a conversation.

When I was talking to her here is what I told her. I pay 150 k plus another 20 k for taxi. That is for a minimum of 1 hour, but most stay between 2 and 4 hours. Also told her the price includes BBBJ and 2 shots, along with CFS. She wanted 200 k plus taxi, but accepted 400 k as a TLN price. I don't know what agreement was reached with my friend..And here's the updated information on her. Breasts are non-existent. An A cup would laugh at her. Passionate kisser but very inexperienced. Not very good at BBBJ, again from lack of experience. Very firm legs and butt. Good conversation. Likes DATY. Exceptionally tight. Overall decent, but not a repeat.

She brought a female friend for security, and asked an upgrade to a trio. Security girl sat in the lobby and waited for 90 minutes.

So if an inexperienced, tight, flat chested Amazon is on your to-do list let me know.

07-03-20, 19:41
Mostly true, but I'm about exactly half your age, so we definitely see things differently. All the girls I had in Medellin are smoking hot 18-21 year old, they give me extremely good service. I didn't speak any Spanish, I spent four months in Medellin and had an absolute blast using google translator. I never stayed at the mansion, but visited its bar quite a few times. I now admit that speaking Spanish will make your experience better, but learning a language is a long term investment, you don't need to spend three years to learn Spanish before going to Medellin and not staying in the mansion.I think that age and life style makes a difference. SL's perspective probably is better suited for OP. That being said I think your perspective is very valuable to those with similar style too.

07-03-20, 20:17
All you have to do is stop by park Berrios or Centro and take a look, you will find what you're looking for, $80,000 all 3 holes and I usually see her 3 to 4 times a week. Trust me, she is worth the pesos. Veronica is her name, Pollo Negro is out!

07-03-20, 20:46
She ask for 20 mil taxi money. Hope she knows I am deducting when she leaves. She was so hot I couldn't resist pulling up her skirt and fucking it doggy in the kitchen. Then she got on top and rode me. It seem like she wanted to make an impression. Then she ask me e to upstairs in the bedroom. And set up her iphone for a porn video. I mean I actually think. We might be live. She set up the camera for missionary fucking and deep throat standing up. The video is professional quality. She is amazing company and a freak. She's always flirting with my mind. One thing I don't like is she has me eating that pussy for a long time. I told her a chica was coming and she smiled. But chica never showed up. I nutted on her titties and was so elated with the orgasm and companionship. I bought burger King's LOL. She's still with me. More report later. She looked hot today.Well it's been 2 weeks, not like him to leave a story unfinished. I hope he's OK.

07-03-20, 21:23
And yes I am always very clean, decent but not flashy clothing, never any jewelry, I always keep my iPhone 11 Pro at home and carry my old Samsung beat up cell, good hygiene and great smelling men's cologne, they love it.The Tall Man.You sound like a "babe magnet", and it must be English Leather cologne your using with it's woodsy, masculine aroma with a splash of just the right amount of leather!

07-03-20, 22:14
400 mil for TLN in this market? Yikes! Especially given the lack of experience. Shit, I don't do much TLN, because I prefer to sleep well, but when I do, I never pay 400 mil. And that was before the virus. But to each his own.

At this time, I imagine you'd have a thousand girl lining up at your door to make 150 K for a couple hours or 450 K for TLN, because they are not getting that from most anyone else, as far as I've heard.

And here's the updated information on her. Breasts are non-existent. An A cup would laugh at her. Passionate kisser but very inexperienced. Not very good at BBBJ, again from lack of experience. Very firm legs and butt. Good conversation. Likes DATY. Exceptionally tight. Overall decent, but not a repeat.

She brought a female friend for security, and asked an upgrade to a trio. Security girl sat in the lobby and waited for 90 minutes.

So if an inexperienced, tight, flat chested Amazon is on your to-do list let me know.

07-03-20, 22:19
I'm 54. I can only think of one chica who had an issue with age and I think she was looking more for a boyfriend than a client. She asked me (seriously, I think) if I would adopt her! Jejeje She asked because she knows I have an adopted Colombian daughter. The girls was, I think, 20. But other than that, the girls seem to like that I'm older (at least that's what they all say and most seem believable). And I have had some great sex with these girls, including oral sex (give and receive). Many of them, in addition to liking money, also like sex. A lot. And I think that some of us older guys pay better attention to them, especially compared to the Colombiano ghetto rats.

I feel comfortable that I can get another 20 years of mongering done as long as I don't let myself go. Like Tall Man. Good hygiene. Try to dress nicely. Smell good. Be nice.

I too appreciate a peak into my future, what it may hold out for me in another dozen years.

In my early sixties and been mongering hardheartedly since about 1997 and also living in Medellin and see no issues with the majority of chicas having any age issues, rather just down right good loving!

Just last evening buried my balls into a 20 yo full of passion and sex off the charts, I have to pause for a moment and realize there is absolutely no issues with the 42 years age difference between us and so even if I add another 10 or more years it will be likewise a non-issue.

Just my experience. And yes I am always very clean, decent but not flashy clothing, never any jewelry, I always keep my iPhone 11 Pro at home and carry my old Samsung beat up cell, good hygiene and great smelling men's cologne, they love it.

The Tall Man.

07-03-20, 23:12
I'm 54. I can only think of one chica who had an issue with age and I think she was looking more for a boyfriend than a client. She asked me (seriously, I think) if I would adopt her! Jejeje She asked because she knows I have an adopted Colombian daughter. The girls was, I think, 20. But other than that, the girls seem to like that I'm older (at least that's what they all say and most seem believable). And I have had some great sex with these girls, including oral sex (give and receive). Many of them, in addition to liking money, also like sex. A lot. And I think that some of us older guys pay better attention to them, especially compared to the Colombiano ghetto rats.

I feel comfortable that I can get another 20 years of mongering done as long as I don't let myself go. Like Tall Man. Good hygiene. Try to dress nicely. Smell good. Be nice.I'm over 60 and am planning on another 20 years minimum, age doesn't seem to matter with the Colombian women as long as you pay attention to them and your fit and in shape. Not letting yourself go is the key, working out and keeping in shape is huge. And many Colombian women have told me the majority of Colombian men just want to get off and could care less whether the women get off. So when somebody comes along and besides paying these women they can actually please them, things can go off the charts!

07-03-20, 23:36
400 mil for TLN in this market? Yikes! Especially given the lack of experience. Shit, I don't do much TLN, because I prefer to sleep well, but when I do, I never pay 400 mil. And that was before the virus. But to each his own.

At this time, I imagine you'd have a thousand girl lining up at your door to make 150 K for a couple hours or 450 K for TLN, because they are not getting that from most anyone else, as far as I've heard.At the current time $125,000 pesos will get you 4 hours of sex, trust me, Pollo Negro is out!

07-03-20, 23:43
Thank you for this. I will keep it in mind if I find myself in the Philippines suffering from coronavirus. I encourage you to share any insights you may have about Medellin. Perhaps the moderator will choose to move your "finding" to the Philippines section.

Your assumptions can be dead wrong.


07-03-20, 23:45
This is my favorite post here of the past couple of days.

You sound like a "babe magnet", and it must be English Leather cologne your using with it's woodsy, masculine aroma with a splash of just the right amount of leather!

07-03-20, 23:47
I think he might be out of the country now. I remember he was asking about how to get on a flight out.

Well it's been 2 weeks, not like him to leave a story unfinished. I hope he's OK.

07-04-20, 00:32
400 mil for TLN in this market? Yikes! Especially given the lack of experience. Shit, I don't do much TLN, because I prefer to sleep well, but when I do, I never pay 400 mil. And that was before the virus. But to each his own.

At this time, I imagine you'd have a thousand girl lining up at your door to make 150 K for a couple hours or 450 K for TLN, because they are not getting that from most anyone else, as far as I've heard.At this time I'm not in Medellin, but they do seem to be lining up at my door anyway. The prices at this time seem to be no different than the prices at any other time. People have posted that girls won't come down off of 200-250 k. Others are posting they're getting by with 80 k. As always it depends on what everyone is willing to settle for.

When or at this point maybe it's if I get back to Medellin I'll probably be very limited in available time for the working girls.

07-04-20, 00:54
All you have to do is stop by park Berrios or Centro and take a look, you will find what you're looking for, $80,000 all 3 holes and I usually see her 3 to 4 times a week. Trust me, she is worth the pesos. Veronica is her name, Pollo Negro is out!Good to see Pollo posting again.

Passed through El Centro today. A lot of chicas out shopping. Botero was crazy again today as far as the chicas being out and looking to get smashed. I can only imagine when domestic travel really pics up, chicas will start rolling into town from Cali and other cities. Best summer.

07-04-20, 03:50
I've continued to see Alejandra, my beautiful Paisa Paisa. Last Saturday we went to Centro Comercial Santa Fe to buy her an outfit. I never imagined that I would be walking through the mall with an 18 year old on my arm, and it felt great. I wasn't sure what I was in for but when we walked into Forever 21, I laughed to myself. She was super. I picked out a bunch of clothes and she tried them all on, coming out of the dressing room each time. Eventually I bought her a pair of jeans, a blouse, and a t-shirt, for about 150 k. She was so happy. We returned to my apartment and spent the rest of the afternoon drinking wine and having sex.

Today she came over and she had been doing errands in El Centro, so she immediately took a shower. She wrapped the towel around herself and did not put clothes on until she left, seven hours later. She is more and more sexed up with each visit. We ordered Rappi and she initiated sex and I showed her my "surprise," a silver butt plug. She was down. So I played with inserting and removing the butt plug and then set it in place and pounded her doggy and then we ate lunch.

More wine on the balcony and she was still wrapped in her towel and I was vibing her pussy under the towel. I told her to finish her wine and that we would go inside and have sex and she sucked down the rest of her glass. On the bed and she's sucking me good, better than ever. After vibing her some more and fingering her, I insert my penis and she immediately asks for her phone so she can watch porn. This hasn't happened yet. So I plug my laptop into the TV and we're streaming a BGG scene and have then an incredible session. Watching porn together, then missionary, then more with the vibrator, then cowgirl, then vibrator, and then a long round in doggy, then I popped on her tummy and chest and face. We showered together and she washed the toys.

I gifted her 150 mil plus 20 mil taxis. This is my regular gift to her and she is thrilled. She's a good communicator, honors our appointments, and arranges her own transport. I have a blast when she's over.

I've repeated with a couple other girls, both of whom I've written about, but I think I'm going to stop seeing them for now and just see Alejandra, and my girlfriend. My Paisa GF here is 34 and has never asked me for anything in the nine months that I've been seeing her. I even lived with her for ten weeks during the quarantine. It's nice to be with someone that's mature and established and can help me when I need something. It's also really nice to be with 18 year old Alejandra!

07-04-20, 03:55
I have heard the same. It so happens that I love giving oral sex and that plays well with the chicas. A lot of them have commented how much they enjoy it and that often they do not receive it. Good oral skills are a plus for a gringo to have.

And I have found when they get heated up and orgasm, they give even better service in return.

And many Colombian women have told me the majority of Colombian men just want to get off and could care less whether the women get off. So when somebody comes along and besides paying these women they can actually please them, things can go off the charts!

07-04-20, 05:49
At the current time $125,000 pesos will get you 4 hours of sex, trust me, Pollo Negro is out!Yep. In El Centro. Heck, I'm betting if I was in El Centro right now I could easily find one who would stay the whole night for 125 k.

However, not everyone is in El Centro and not everyone wants to go to El Centro. Some guys flat out won't go to El Centro. So how do they find an 80 k or a 125 k girl walking around Botero Plaza at 10 pm? Or 11 pm when the date they set up at 10 pm shows up without a cedula, or doesn't show up at all?

When you've got 200-300 available chicas in your phone, it's an easy fix. You might pay a little more.

07-04-20, 07:25
I am 75, and have lived in Medellin for the last 8 years. I usually have about 3 to 4 ladies that I see on a regular basis, plus lots of trips to the local places, when they are open. There are some pretty simple rules:

No the papaya (paisa for "don't be stupid" Many years ago, I encountered a guy who was complaining that he was robbed of $cop 700.000 and his heavy gold jewelry in El Centro at two o'clock in the morning, while walking around.

Respect the local people and culture. Press your clothes. Pay attention to your grooming. Paisas are proud and well groomed, and a Gringo running around in grubby shorts and torn t shirts are not really appreciated.

Speak Spanish! There is very little English spoken here. My brother called me on my birthday a while back, and I had a bit of trouble shifting to English. If you don't, stay at Mansion, at least for the first visits.

The ladies you will encounter are mostly single mothers, The fathers of their kids have mostly left them on their own, and they are not doing what they do because they want to.

Avoid the smoking hot 18 year olds. They are great to look at, but are not much interested in providing good service. I find I am much happier with a lady in her thirties who has been around the block a could of times.

Other than that, come on down and see what unfolds.

Tomcat 88
07-04-20, 10:08
When I first moved to Medellin, I stayed in a hotel across from a late-night casa. They had a new cutie, an 18-year-old from Venezuela. One night I was fucking her in my hotel room when I suddenly realized I was 50 years older than her. I translated that information for her. She just laughed. I seem to be more conscious of age differences than any of the Colombianas I have been with.

07-04-20, 11:16
I have heard the same. It so happens that I love giving oral sex and that plays well with the chicas. I also like the idea of it. But if they only wash with cold water, I wonder whether it's safe. Especially for rimming.

John Gault
07-04-20, 12:39
I have heard the same. It so happens that I love giving oral sex and that plays well with the chicas. A lot of them have commented how much they enjoy it and that often they do not receive it. Good oral skills are a plus for a gringo to have.

And I have found when they get heated up and orgasm, they give even better service in return.Hard to find any girl who does not like it.

What strikes me funny is when they want to charge you extra for it. When a girl trys to get me to pay extra for it I laugh and tell her she should pay me for it instead.

For you older guys who might remember that many years ago not many guys would admit to DATY. It was a insult and you would get called names like * lappper in not a friendly way either.

When I talk to guys about it now I tell them I did it before it was legal.

As far as the age issue now being talked about on this board it brings be back to a time in Managua. I was in a night club with two other guys. One was a local and the other was my Wingman. He was six foot four and 30 years younger than me. We started talking to a very pretty WG and both guys tried to charm her while I just watched what was going on. At the end of the night she ended up in my hotel room. I asked why she went with me than not the two guys who were much younger than me. She said they like to play while you like to pay.

07-04-20, 14:08
I have heard the same. It so happens that I love giving oral sex and that plays well with the chicas. A lot of them have commented how much they enjoy it and that often they do not receive it. Good oral skills are a plus for a gringo to have.

And I have found when they get heated up and orgasm, they give even better service in return.Don't give away all our secrets.

If you can make her orgasm once or twice, she'll never reach for a condom for BJ and she won't be watching the clock either, or pull any cock-block maneuvers to keep you from going all the way in. It's ankles on earlobes all day.

07-04-20, 16:09
I also like the idea of it. But if they only wash with cold water, I wonder whether it's safe. Especially for rimming.I always take a long shower with my girls using lots of body wash, I take my time to wash their pussy and ass thoroughly. I love eating a fine 18 year old pussy, but not so much when it comes to an older pussy.

07-04-20, 16:12
I also like the idea of it. But if they only wash with cold water, I wonder whether it's safe. Especially for rimming.So are you "in" or "out" on dining at the "why" as your post implies your just thinking about it. And washing with cold water. Granted a lot of Colombians don't have hot water heaters where they live, and are used to cold showers, but why only washing with cold water if hot water is not available?

As far as rimming, that's another subject and not something I engage in, yet I did get my salad tossed once, not with Ceasar dressing, and it wasn't something I requested and came out of the blue.

I was in New Delhi, India of all places about five years ago, I went to a massage / spa place and paid for "full service", and the woman started licking my ass which was quite a surprise as I never requested it. Maybe I missed the fine print on what was included in the "full service" package at this establishment, and perhaps they were known for having "rear admirals" on staff.

07-04-20, 16:19
Don't give away all our secrets.

If you can make her orgasm once or twice, she'll never reach for a condom for BJ and she won't be watching the clock either, or pull any cock-block maneuvers to keep you from going all the way in. It's ankles on earlobes all day.You failed to mention, and I am sure this has happened to others, is that at times, these women when highly aroused dripping and silky wet, hop on board without reaching for anything!

The Tall Man
07-04-20, 18:10
I've continued to see Alejandra, my beautiful Paisa Paisa. Last Saturday we went to Centro Comercial Santa Fe to buy her an outfit. I never imagined that I would be walking through the mall with an 18 year old on my arm, and it felt great. I wasn't sure what I was in for but when we walked into Forever 21, I laughed to myself. She was super. I picked out a bunch of clothes and she tried them all on, coming out of the dressing room each time. Eventually I bought her a pair of jeans, a blouse, and a t-shirt, for about 150 k. She was so happy. We returned to my apartment and spent the rest of the afternoon drinking wine and having sex.

Today she came over and she had been doing errands in El Centro, so she immediately took a shower. She wrapped the towel around herself and did not put clothes on until she left, seven hours later. She is more and more sexed up with each visit. We ordered Rappi and she initiated sex and I showed her my "surprise," a silver butt plug. She was down. So I played with inserting and removing the butt plug and then set it in place and pounded her doggy and then we ate lunch.

More wine on the balcony and she was still wrapped in her towel and I was vibing her pussy under the towel. I told her to finish her wine and that we would go inside and have sex and she sucked down the rest of her glass. On the bed and she's sucking me good, better than ever. After vibing her some more and fingering her, I insert my penis and she immediately asks for her phone so she can watch porn. This hasn't happened yet. So I plug my laptop into the TV and we're streaming a BGG scene and have then an incredible session. Watching porn together, then missionary, then more with the vibrator, then cowgirl, then vibrator, and then a long round in doggy, then I popped on her tummy and chest and face. We showered together and she washed the toys.
You found a "keeper"!

The Tall Man.

The Tall Man
07-04-20, 18:14
I always take a long shower with my girls using lots of body wash, I take my time to wash their pussy and ass thoroughly. I love eating a fine 18 year old pussy, but not so much when it comes to an older pussy.So true, love the same young and fresh pussy (sounds like an advertisement for a product, hehehe) and I too seldom will eat out on anything over probably about the age of 25 max but have enjoyed some good eating on a few 30 something pussy but not often.

The Tall Man.

07-04-20, 18:20
I always take a long shower with my girls using lots of body wash, I take my time to wash their pussy and ass thoroughly. I love eating a fine 18 year old pussy, but not so much when it comes to an older pussy.Older pussy is better seasoned, much more tender, juicy, and flavorful compared to young pussy, think in terms of Prime versus Choice.

07-04-20, 18:32
So true, love the same young and fresh pussy (sounds like an advertisement for a product, hehehe) and I too seldom will eat out on anything over probably about the age of 25 max but have enjoyed some good eating on a few 30 something pussy but not often.

The Tall Man.Sounds like your implying older pussy might be akin to smelly old fish and are discriminating against "them", shame on you, Older Pussies Matter.

07-04-20, 18:36
Older pussy is better seasoned, much more tender, juicy, and flavorful compared to young pussy, think in terms of Prime versus Choice.Thanks for the pointer. Next time I'm in Medellin, I will make sure I try DATY on a few 22 year olds just to verify if an older pussy is really better.

07-04-20, 19:07
I always take a long shower with my girls using lots of body wash, I take my time to wash their pussy and ass thoroughly. I love eating a fine 18 year old pussy, but not so much when it comes to an older pussy.ISG post of the day!

Post-script LOL.

But not so much when it comes to an older pussy LMAO no gracias!

07-04-20, 19:10
Yep. In El Centro. Heck, I'm betting if I was in El Centro right now I could easily find one who would stay the whole night for 125 k.

However, not everyone is in El Centro and not everyone wants to go to El Centro. Some guys flat out won't go to El Centro. So how do they find an 80 k or a 125 k girl walking around Botero Plaza at 10 pm? Or 11 pm when the date they set up at 10 pm shows up without a cedula, or doesn't show up at all?

When you've got 200-300 available chicas in your phone, it's an easy fix. You might pay a little more.No one is turning down $150 mil pesos for 2 hours. If you are crazy enough to walk around Parque Botero at 10 pm, have at it, I meet chics everyday that are not Botero rats, like Veronica, I met her in exito while shopping. No matter how you cut it, it all depends on what you want to spend. No matter how much you spend, these chicas are still located in Medellin! Pollo Negro is out!

07-04-20, 19:55
So are you "in" or "out" on dining at the "why" as your post implies your just thinking about it. And washing with cold water. Granted a lot of Colombians don't have hot water heaters where they live, and are used to cold showers, but why only washing with cold water if hot water is not available?

As far as rimming, that's another subject and not something I engage in, yet I did get my salad tossed once, not with Ceasar dressing, and it wasn't something I requested and came out of the blue.

I was in New Delhi, India of all places about five years ago, I went to a massage / spa place and paid for "full service", and the woman started licking my ass which was quite a surprise as I never requested it. Maybe I missed the fine print on what was included in the "full service" package at this establishment, and perhaps they were known for having "rear admirals" on staff.I was in Tijuana recently, the chick is massaging my butt, I'm liking this, then she starts flicking her tongue in and out of my ass, I'm saying mucho mas LOL.

So she starts giving me a very deep prostate exam with her tongue, it was crazy intense.

Post-script if you go to Tijuana don't kiss the massage girls, almost everyone of them has eaten my anus at least once (some more than others) LOL.

07-04-20, 19:58
As far as rimming, that's another subject and not something I engage in, yet I did get my salad tossed once, not with Ceasar dressing, and it wasn't something I requested and came out of the blue.
Have you tried the Japanese sex stool?

07-04-20, 20:31
You failed to mention, and I am sure this has happened to others, is that at times, these women when highly aroused dripping and silky wet, hop on board without reaching for anything!I just said don't give away all our secrets and what do you do? Jajajaja.

I won't say it's never happened. I also didn't mention how often, 20 minutes later they'll have their face in your lap trying to get you ready for round two, even if you didn't request it.

07-04-20, 20:45
Have you tried the Japanese sex stool?I tried that when I was in Japan last year. A 21 year old Japanese girl bathed me and give me the best Nauru massage ever, then we fucked and she rimmed me for 20 minutes while jerking me off. I cum three times in 1.5 hours. Totally worth the 550 dollar price tag.

I have canceled two trips to Japan so far due to this fucking virus. Man, 2020 is a tough year.

07-04-20, 21:32
Have you tried the Japanese sex stool?Interesting you ask as I have, about four years ago I was in Tokyo and went to one of the red light districts, and the majority of the massage places blew me off. If your a foreigner, or don't appear to be Asian, your money means nothing to them. Interesting experience to be rejected in that way, but I did finally find a place that would take my money, and it wasn't cheap, something like $ 250 USD for an hour and they had a picture book of girls available and I made my choice and was escorted to one of their sex rooms. After undressing, I was sat down on the "sex stool" and it's interesting because you sit on the stool with your cheeks spread apart and your junk, balls, and ass hang in the slot between. Unfettered access for hydro-washing and cleansing for sure. My private parts had never been so clean ever, and sure beats a Tijuana toilet paper wipe.

07-04-20, 21:33
I am 75, and have lived in Medellin for the last 8 years. I usually have about 3 to 4 ladies that I see on a regular basis, plus lots of trips to the local places, when they are open. There are some pretty simple rules:

No the papaya (paisa for "don't be stupid" Many years ago, I encountered a guy who was complaining that he was robbed of $cop 700.000 and his heavy gold jewelry in El Centro at two o'clock in the morning, while walking around.

Respect the local people and culture. Press your clothes. Pay attention to your grooming. Paisas are proud and well groomed, and a Gringo running around in grubby shorts and torn t shirts are not really appreciated.

Speak Spanish! There is very little English spoken here. My brother called me on my birthday a while back, and I had a bit of trouble shifting to English. If you don't, stay at Mansion, at least for the first visits.

The ladies you will encounter are mostly single mothers, The fathers of their kids have mostly left them on their own, and they are not doing what they do because they want to.

Avoid the smoking hot 18 year olds. They are great to look at, but are not much interested in providing good service. I find I am much happier with a lady in her thirties who has been around the block a could of times.

Other than that, come on down and see what unfolds.You can find it there without any trouble.

07-04-20, 22:24
I tried that when I was in Japan last year. A 21 year old Japanese girl bathed me and give me the best Nauru massage ever, then we fucked and she rimmed me for 20 minutes while jerking me off. I cum three times in 1.5 hours. Totally worth the 550 dollar price tag.

I always take a long shower with my girls using lots of body wash, I take my time to wash their pussy and ass thoroughly. Do you see something wrong with these? You always end up paying!

07-04-20, 22:51
Interesting you ask as I have, about four years ago I was in Tokyo and went to one of the red light districts, and the majority of the massage places blew me off. If your a foreigner, or don't appear to be Asian, your money means nothing to them. Interesting experience to be rejected in that way, but I did finally find a place that would take my money, and it wasn't cheap, something like $ 250 USD for an hour and they had a picture book of girls available and I made my choice and was escorted to one of their sex rooms. After undressing, I was sat down on the "sex stool" and it's interesting because you sit on the stool with your cheeks spread apart and your junk, balls, and ass hang in the slot between. Unfettered access for hydro-washing and cleansing for sure. My private parts had never been so clean ever, and sure beats a Tijuana toilet paper wipe.In defense of Tijuana toilet paper LOL I didn't have to fly to Tokyo, and pay $250 for what was most likely bullshit covered service LOL, so after several minutes I stood up got behind her and pulled her massage "scrubs" down and fucked her BBFS and filled her with my hot sauce.

All for a few pesos, BTW I rather a hooker lick my ass squeaky clean then use bleach and every sterilizing agent they can get their hands on before touching me.

Different strokes.

07-04-20, 23:03
Do you see something wrong with these? You always end up paying!This is how I see it, the more we pay the less we get.

Sex for money is an exchange, the more you pay the less you walk away with.

ROI generally means the more you pay for a pop, the less you got for you ROI.

There are exceptions to every rule, but this is a pretty solid law of mongering economics 101.

IE, if I fuck a smoking hot 9 in BKK for $50 and some loser comes along and gives her $500, who is getting a better ROI.

I will say another myth of mongering economics "you get what you pay for" rarely applies to most mongers LOL.

07-04-20, 23:57
Do you see something wrong with these? You always end up paying!No contradiction here. In the Japan it is a well organized Profession, bathing is a well defined routine. It has its benefits, the service phenomenal, but once the clock runs out, you are out of the door.

In Medellin, I get two or three 18 year olds who likes to hangout, we fuck, drink, dance and fuck some more, this can go on for days, totally unscripted.

I pick Medellin over anywhere on earth for mongering, except Brazil, of course.

07-05-20, 00:18
I never came to Medellin to argue with BMs, I came to handle business and bang these beautiful chicas. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, please allow me to share a about 6 thousand words with you. All in a day's work, All work, no talk, no luck, all hustle, Pollo Negro is out.

07-05-20, 15:53
When I first moved to Medellin, I stayed in a hotel across from a late-night casa. They had a new cutie, an 18-year-old from Venezuela. One night I was fucking her in my hotel room when I suddenly realized I was 50 years older than her. I translated that information for her. She just laughed. I seem to be more conscious of age differences than any of the Colombianas I have been with.She laughed because the age of legal tender matters not.

07-05-20, 16:03
So true, love the same young and fresh pussy (sounds like an advertisement for a product, hehehe) and I too seldom will eat out on anything over probably about the age of 25 max but have enjoyed some good eating on a few 30 something pussy but not often.

The Tall Man.I am a DATY connoisseur and I find that over the past couple years I have been avoiding DATY with girls in warmer climes, whatever their age, in which I will include Medellin. In FKKs in Germany I will DATY almost all the girls including those that I have done who were over 30. However, I have had problems DATYing many Latin American women because I avoid going down when I get an odor upon reaching the vagina area. This after she has showered. I have the same issue with many Asian girls. European women's pussies are generally odorless.

07-05-20, 16:37
All I can suggest is you should do a better job of reading the forum.

I agree with you 100% that you can find plenty of options for under 150 k, 125 k, 100 k and even 80 k. I know for certain that is easy to find.

However, there are plenty of girls who won't come out right now, today, for 200 k. There are girls who won't come out for 250 k. I've got a few in my WhatsApp who won't come out for 500 k.

If you meet a woman in El Centro, unless she's sitting behind the desk in a government office, she's an El Centro girl. Girls from Envigado and Bello don't go to El Centro to go to Exito. Whether she's in Botero Plaza or Parque Boston, if she's selling pussy, she's selling pussy at a price she can get in El Centro.

Now get online. Find the girls who are going to come to El Centro for 2 hours for 150 k or less. I'll even give you a name. Diana Garcia. She's easy to find on Facebook. She's advertising citas, videos and video calls every day. She's got a bunch of women available. Get her to agree to send you a girl to El Centro, minimum of 2 hours, maximum of 150 k. No more for taxi, no more for BBBJ and no more for anal. Or you can look up La Vane Restrepo. Write the review telling how none of the girls working with those 2 would turn down 150 k.

I don't understand why you keep making the same mistake. You keep claiming that nobody in Medellin is doing something. Or you will claim that everyone in Medellin will do something. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to make statements like that. Even you must realize that you don't know every single woman in Medellin. How can you possibly speak for all of them?

Pre COVID-19, every night you could find girls in Gusto who wouldn't budge off of $200. There were also girls in La Isla (not to be confused with Las Islas, the strip club) who wouldn't come off of $300. It's simple. They don't need the money. They aren't hooking to pay the bills. They've got jobs or family keeping them comfortable. Selling pussy is just a way to get something extra and maybe make a beneficial connection.

Many of them still have jobs. Many of them don't want to come out and go straight to some apartment. They want dinner and dancing and then to end up in a penthouse apartment at 3 am. They want to be in a place where they can take 30 selfies.I partly agee with pollo I knew a chic who at a time was a high end escort for rich tourist / expats, she was a model in a couple magazine, I had her for 100 k in another place but she went to advertise with one of these medellin energy building girls to run escorts for rich clients she was asking for a minimum 250 usd. She married and got a baby with a rich italian now but the point is I paid 100 k for the pussy and got good treatment she knew I was no gringo but no colombian either. I did not try to fuck her anymore because I knew the would wait for the 915 K minimum instead of mine most of the times but in time of drought like now if she was not married she would accept the 100 k.

07-05-20, 16:49
Here are a few pictures that might illustrate the differences. One of them, for a repeat visit you might get her for 150 k right now, plus taxi. 3 of them, might come out for 200 k and almost definitely for 250 k, but might not be willing to come to El Centro.

The last 2 you won't get to El Centro, unless you're starting your offer near the million peso mark and you'll be well over 2 million before you have a deal.

All of this is part of what makes Medellin such a great destination. Whatever you're looking for, whatever your price range, you can find it.

07-05-20, 17:10
Had one of my regular chicas over last night. We had a lot of fun. She loves to suck my cock. Last night she just wanted to drink my nutt. She cooked and cleaned my apartment as well. Love having a clean apartment.

07-05-20, 17:37
I am a DATY connoisseur and I find that over the past couple years I have been avoiding DATY with girls in warmer climes, whatever their age, in which I will include Medellin. In FKKs in Germany I will DATY almost all the girls including those that I have done who were over 30. However, I have had problems DATYing many Latin American women because I avoid going down when I get an odor upon reaching the vagina area. This after she has showered. I have the same issue with many Asian girls. European women's pussies are generally odorless.I'm not sure if I follow your reasoning or logic here, especially your statement that European women's pussies are generally odorless.

When I am considering dining at the Wye, I perform a basic "sniff test" which consists of putting my finger inside of them and then taking a sniff to see if there is a whiff of either tuna or peach.

If I notice any type of foul odor emanating from a woman's vagina, it's a turn off to bang them. Smelling something like rotten fish while pounding on them is a boner killer.

Just my two pesos on the topic.

07-05-20, 17:49
In defense of Tijuana toilet paper LOL I didn't have to fly to Tokyo, and pay $250 for what was most likely bullshit covered service LOL, so after several minutes I stood up got behind her and pulled her massage "scrubs" down and fucked her BBFS and filled her with my hot sauce.

All for a few pesos, BTW I rather a hooker lick my ass squeaky clean then use bleach and every sterilizing agent they can get their hands on before touching me.

Different strokes.Everybody rolls different based on their personal tastes and budget. And as far as I am concerned, the way one person rolls, versus the way another one rolls doesn't mean that one or the other is superior or inferior.

07-05-20, 17:49
200 k flat. Maybe 4 hours and 3 Rounds.

SA girl. A little bit of a kook, speaks a little bit of English. Based on her SA handle, you should probably predict she's a little different. She wanted candles, loved the bath bubbles, no photos, and then talked Wifey's ear off with a bunch of weird shit (meeting God), after I went to bed. Wifey tried to tell me and I said I don't even want to know. I can imagine, just based on her handle, which she also likes to be called in normal life.

Anyway, she arrived and I almost sent her home. Although, she was already a replacement for a girl that said around 4 p she was in Envigado and could arrive at 730 p. Then, at 830 p she said there was a problem. I had already started looking for other options around 731 p. There are a couple girls from SA that are decent-looking and really want a cita, but I just haven't pulled the trigger. I offered up the plans for the night and 200 k, and this chick jumped on it. Typical Paisa, she was about an hour later than hoped-for. Back to the opener, I almost sent her home because I saw baby damage and her hair was curly instead of how it looked in her sexy professional photos. I went to my closet for some privacy to text Wifey, who was upstairs, to figure out what to do. All of a sudden, this whacko (ok, she was nice, but each girl needs a nickname or something to stay memorable) walks into my closet, giving herself a private tour of the apartment. Then, it popped into my head. Her profile says 1 child. So, I felt a bit guilty and we decided fuck it. She actually has an athletic, low-fat body.

She likes to dance, she had a lot of music recommendations. Her and Wifey were very different but had a good social connection and partying connection. She gives great head and fucks well. A little bit of a Mona Lisa, but I think many guys in this forum would really enjoy her company. Small mom tits, saggy ass with short legs, but for whatever reason, she's still kind of sexy. Really pretty face and smile. Mulatta. Good kisser. She is better than most of the photos shared in the thread. It would certainly appear she could be had for 150 k or maybe even less. She lives in San Javier.

Anyway, not the best, but not the worst. The canceling of citas by way of WhatsApp not being connected, or simply not responding or explaining, is so fucking annoying. That's a big reason my arrangement with Wifey has been working, for me. If a cita cancels, I already have a nice young pussy in the apartment. If an experience / girl sucks, we can laugh about it and still have a good time. Oh, and this bish took my lighter and my face mask, when she left! Blackman, who might not check this thread until March 2021, and at which point, he certainly won't be checking Page 84, unless he searches his name (going back to change his name) would call her a 9.

Question to those in Medellin: when the domestic flights are opened, is anyone planning to travel? I could really use a few days in Cartagena, just to chill on the beach, maybe go to the islands. I'd probably take Wifey, if we were still having fun and getting along. That being said, areas like Cartagena are in a much inferior position, as far as COVID-19. Would it be worth it? Would beaches, etc. Even be open? Maybe a place like San Andres would be better (don't know the infection stats), but you lose the vibe and activity of Cartagena. Wifey has a passport, so maybe somewhere in the Caribbean would be an option, once international travel is open.

07-05-20, 19:50
Everybody rolls different based on their personal tastes and budget. And as far as I am concerned, the way one person rolls, versus the way another one rolls doesn't mean that one or the other is superior or inferior.Can I ask if you are suggesting the larger ones budget the more they should pay for X hooker? 2 different mongers 2 different budgets?

Do you do that anywhere else in life? Do you pay less or more than the guy across from you in a bar restaurant or department store based on your budget that day?

The price of prostitutes is negotiable, you dictate the market price not them.

Do you think the most expensive hookers provide commensurate value, I think not.

I've mongered in several very expensive cities around the world, I'm here to say the more you pay the less you get.

Ala SJ $550.00 for 1.5 hrs in Tokyo, I'm guessing I wouldn't give $0.55 for what he recd.

Different strokes.

Post-script my point is there are guys that have a style of mongering that is for the greater good of all mongers, and there are some that just damage the market for the rest.

07-05-20, 20:41
Question to those in Medellin: when the domestic flights are opened, is anyone planning to travel? I could really use a few days in Cartagena, just to chill on the beach, maybe go to the islands. I'd probably take Wifey, if we were still having fun and getting along. That being said, areas like Cartagena are in a much inferior position, as far as COVID-19. Would it be worth it? Would beaches, etc. Even be open? Maybe a place like San Andres would be better (don't know the infection stats), but you lose the vibe and activity of Cartagena. Wifey has a passport, so maybe somewhere in the Caribbean would be an option, once international travel is open.When domestic and international travel is opened up, the USA may be blackballed for a while, hence if you fly somewhere to the Caribbean you may have some issues returning if your an American, I don't know. If your content with going somewhere and just hanging at the beach in crystal clear water, then I would go to San Andres, as the beach in Cartagena sucks, and you could book a beachfront hotel. You might also consider Santa Marta as well, but the beaches won't be nearly as nice as San Andres. If your considering going there, PM me and I can give you some lodging and dining options as I have been there twice.

07-05-20, 20:48
Can anyone say where one can stay with the baddest swimming pool / hot tub? Preferably not indoors.

07-05-20, 21:07
No contradiction here. In the Japan it is a well organized Profession, bathing is a well defined routine. It has its benefits, the service phenomenal, but once the clock runs out, you are out of the door.

In Medellin, I get two or three 18 year olds who likes to hangout, we fuck, drink, dance and fuck some more, this can go on for days, totally unscripted.I get it. I was making a joke.

07-05-20, 22:32
Here are a few pictures that might illustrate the differences. One of them, for a repeat visit you might get her for 150 k right now, plus taxi. 3 of them, might come out for 200 k and almost definitely for 250 k, but might not be willing to come to El Centro.

The last 2 you won't get to El Centro, unless you're starting your offer near the million peso mark and you'll be well over 2 million before you have a deal.

All of this is part of what makes Medellin such a great destination. Whatever you're looking for, whatever your price range, you can find it.What kind of weak monger goes to a 3rd world country to give some 3rd world hooker 2,000,000 to pop.

Isn't that around 2 months salary for them at a regular job, I tell you what, I'm going to be super pissed if that is the quality and those are those prices when I visit.

All of them look like 20-100 k peso hookers to me.

Brother P
07-06-20, 02:42
Whats good brothers! I hope everyone is staying safe. I want to go back to Medellíand when the virus permits. I haven't been there since 2011. Any advice on staying in poblado vs laureles? Thanks!

07-06-20, 03:39
Whats good brothers! I hope everyone is staying safe. I want to go back to Medelland when the virus permits. I haven't been there since 2011. Any advice on staying in poblado vs laureles? Thanks!I much prefer Cartagena because of the beach but Poblado was really nice and upscale with prices to match. Great coffee shops boutiques. Not if you prefer more local maybe stay away.

07-06-20, 03:41
Even if travel opens ups if the hospitals are overwhelmed a you get sick you are screwed. I really want to go but this time I have to think with the big head....it's the health care infrastructure that we have to.psy attention to

200 k flat. Maybe 4 hours and 3 Rounds.

SA girl. A little bit of a kook, speaks a little bit of English. Based on her SA handle, you should probably predict she's a little different. She wanted candles, loved the bath bubbles, no photos, and then talked Wifey's ear off with a bunch of weird shit (meeting God), after I went to bed. Wifey tried to tell me and I said I don't even want to know. I can imagine, just based on her handle, which she also likes to be called in normal life.

Anyway, she arrived and I almost sent her home. Although, she was already a replacement for a girl that said around 4 p she was in Envigado and could arrive at 730 p. Then, at 830 p she said there was a problem. I had already started looking for other options around 731 p. There are a couple girls from SA that are decent-looking and really want a cita, but I just haven't pulled the trigger. I offered up the plans for the night and 200 k, and this chick jumped on it. Typical Paisa, she was about an hour later than hoped-for. Back to the opener, I almost sent her home because I saw baby damage and her hair was curly instead of how it looked in her sexy professional photos. I went to my closet for some privacy to text Wifey, who was upstairs, to figure out what to do. All of a sudden, this whacko (ok, she was nice, but each girl needs a nickname or something to stay memorable) walks into my closet, giving herself a private tour of the apartment. Then, it popped into my head. Her profile says 1 child. So, I felt a bit guilty and we decided fuck it. She actually has an athletic, low-fat body.

She likes to dance, she had a lot of music recommendations. Her and Wifey were very different but had a good social connection and partying connection. She gives great head and fucks well. A little bit of a Mona Lisa, but I think many guys in this forum would really enjoy her company. Small mom tits, saggy ass with short legs, but for whatever reason, she's still kind of sexy. Really pretty face and smile. Mulatta. Good kisser. She is better than most of the photos shared in the thread. It would certainly appear she could be had for 150 k or maybe even less. She lives in San Javier.

Anyway, not the best, but not the worst. The canceling of citas by way of WhatsApp not being connected, or simply not responding or explaining, is so fucking annoying. That's a big reason my arrangement with Wifey has been working, for me. If a cita cancels, I already have a nice young pussy in the apartment. If an experience / girl sucks, we can laugh about it and still have a good time. Oh, and this bish took my lighter and my face mask, when she left! Blackman, who might not check this thread until March 2021, and at which point, he certainly won't be checking Page 84, unless he searches his name (going back to change his name) would call her a 9.

Question to those in Medellin: when the domestic flights are opened, is anyone planning to travel? I could really use a few days in Cartagena, just to chill on the beach, maybe go to the islands. I'd probably take Wifey, if we were still having fun and getting along. That being said, areas like Cartagena are in a much inferior position, as far as COVID-19. Would it be worth it? Would beaches, etc. Even be open? Maybe a place like San Andres would be better (don't know the infection stats), but you lose the vibe and activity of Cartagena. Wifey has a passport, so maybe somewhere in the Caribbean would be an option, once international travel is open.

07-06-20, 04:07
Thank you for this. I will keep it in mind if I find myself in the Philippines suffering from coronavirus. I encourage you to share any insights you may have about Medellin. Perhaps the moderator will choose to move your "finding" to the Philippines section.Are you always this reckless with giving life or death advice to others?

So lets hear how you are going to guarantee this won't ever happen in Colombia to anyone reading this.

Perhaps you think anyone that ever listens to a fool like you deserves to die.

07-06-20, 05:17
It depends on what you want and need. I used to stay in Poblado, but for the past few years, I have stayed in Laureles. I prefer it. I've been traveling to Medellin 15 years. I know plenty of girls. I prefer my privacy and I like the apartment I use, which is not fancy like some in Poblado, but has its own jacuzzi on the roof. The supermarkets are close, the stores are close, plenty of taxis. Neighborhood is quiet. While there are gringos in Laureles, I rarely see them in the barrio where I stay. And, no offense, I prefer that way. You have Unicentro Mall. You can get to Molinos mall. It's a bit of a closer tax ride for girls coming from Bello, Popular, San Javier, Las Amercas, etc. Prices are cheaper.

If and when I want to go to Lleras or Santa Fe mall, it's a 13 mil taxi ride.

If you don't know any Spanish and have a need to be around gringos and go to Hooters, then Laureles is not for you.

Whats good brothers! I hope everyone is staying safe. I want to go back to Medelland when the virus permits. I haven't been there since 2011. Any advice on staying in poblado vs laureles? Thanks!

07-06-20, 05:43
Are you always this reckless with giving life or death advice to others?

So lets hear how you are going to guarantee this won't ever happen in Colombia to anyone reading this.

Perhaps you think anyone that ever listens to a fool like you deserves to die.Was this guy healthy? A 41 yo singer dancer, he looked fit?


If you get really ill in a 3rd world country I doubt they will treat you in ICU for 90 days (or save you) if Cedars Los Angeles couldn't save him, us older mongers are SOL.

07-06-20, 05:45
Can anyone say where one can stay with the baddest swimming pool / hot tub? Preferably not indoors.What kind of weak monger goes to a third world country and pays $250 per night to try and impress a 100 k hooker?

07-06-20, 06:19
When domestic and international travel is opened up, the USA may be blackballed for a while, hence if you fly somewhere to the Caribbean you may have some issues returning if your an American, I don't know. It's likely the US will be blackballed in September. As long as they don't ban American passports, I will jump on the first flight to Canada or Mexico. I'm more than happy to be trapped in Medellin. For 3.5 k a month, I can rent a big penthouse with a jacuzzi and retractable roof top. For that money, I can't even rent a decent studio at where I live in California.

07-06-20, 06:21
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

07-06-20, 06:49
Whats good brothers! I hope everyone is staying safe. I want to go back to Medelland when the virus permits. I haven't been there since 2011. Any advice on staying in poblado vs laureles? Thanks!This is an adult diapers question. It depends.

Most of the verified chica friendly Poblado apartaments are clustered around Parque Lleras. Noise levels are high, prices are high. In Poblado I prefer the southern end or the northern part of Envigado. It's quieter. It's cheaper. There some excellent restaurants with reasonable prices. You don't need to tackle the hill to go to or from the Metro. Santa Fe and Viva malls are close by and it's a nice safe area. Unless the building specifies, as long as the girl is dressed reasonably, you shouldn't have trouble bringing girls in.

In Laureles it's kind of a college hangout vibe. It gets loud along La 70 especially if there is a futbol game. But it always seems to be a friendlier feeling. One big advantage, if you like to walk, Laureles is mostly flat. It also gets a very dependable afternoon breeze which cools things down nicely.

Mr Enternational
07-06-20, 07:03
Do you think the most expensive hookers provide commensurate value, I think not.A BM in another thread reported that one day, instead of going with one of his regular chicks, he decided to get a chick that cost him 3 times his usual amount. I asked what was the difference in service levels between the two. He refused to answer, yet accused me of worrying about what he pays. No. I was just genuinely curious what added value he got from the one at 3X as much as the others.

When I choose a Lexus over a Ford Pinto, I know I am getting more insulation for a quiter cabin and a softer suspension for a smoother ride. When I choose the 500K chick over the 150K chick, what additional features and options is the 350K difference getting me?

07-06-20, 07:36
The thing some people do not understand is that Colombia is a 3rd world country. The min Montly salary is 980.657 cop which increased since last year which comes around 280 usd a month. Ain't no way any normal Colombian will pay a million cop to fuck a girl unless he is a narco. So I am sure those gilrs charge that money to the ones they know are gringos, they know you make more money than the average Colombian because you are staying in penthouse in the most upscale neighborhood and they tell each other that gringos have money overcharge them because when there is drought the take the 70.000 cop that the average Colombiano has believe me unless she has a western union papi sending her money for rent and other stuff.

07-06-20, 08:35
What kind of weak monger goes to a 3rd world country to give some 3rd world hooker 2,000,000 to pop.

Isn't that around 2 months salary for them at a regular job, I tell you what, I'm going to be super pissed if that is the quality and those are those prices when I visit.

All of them look like 20-100 k peso hookers to me.A PhD from university Antioquia with less than five years of experience makes about 13 million pesos. I have a few working for me in Medellin.

07-06-20, 09:16
A BM in another thread reported that one day, instead of going with one of his regular chicks, he decided to get a chick that cost him 3 times his usual amount. I asked what was the difference in service levels between the two. He refused to answer, yet accused me of worrying about what he pays. No. I was just genuinely curious what added value he got from the one at 3X as much as the others.

When I choose a Lexus over a Ford Pinto, I know I am getting more insulation for a quiter cabin and a softer suspension for a smoother ride. When I choose the 500K chick over the 150K chick, what additional features and options is the 350K difference getting me?The FKKs in Frankfurt charges 50 euros for thirty minutes, girls there will negotiate for extras such as DFK, BBBJ, and DATY. If you take time to negotiate, you can get all that for 50 euros, but most will end up paying 100 euros.

In the FKK globe, half hour costs about 140 euros, you are guaranteed by management for full thirty minutes of DFK, BBBJ, and DATY. For me, I much rather pay the 3 x price difference to not have to bargain.

In club aphrodisiac in Zurich, half an hour cost 260 euros; you are in a bar in the middle of down town Zurich, all the girls are in designer clothes, they sit behind the bar giving you nonstop sexy stares. Girls are not allowed to approach you unless you signal them. All the drinks are free, and people who go there are all well dressed. I like the vibe of the place, I enjoy hang around with people who dresses well, and I love having 50 girls in beautiful dresses begging me to fuck them. For me its worth the money. (I know you can get this in Bangkok for much cheaper, but I like Zurich much more than Thailand).

In Medellin, I go to gusto often. I like the decor, I like the DJ, and I like the well dressed girls there, although most of them are a bit older for me. A 21 year old in gusto will run me 600 k for the night, my bar bill will certainly be more than 700 k. For me it's worth it. I'm paying for the environment.

07-06-20, 09:18
A BM in another thread reported that one day, instead of going with one of his regular chicks, he decided to get a chick that cost him 3 times his usual amount. I asked what was the difference in service levels between the two. He refused to answer, yet accused me of worrying about what he pays. No. I was just genuinely curious what added value he got from the one at 3X as much as the others.

When I choose a Lexus over a Ford Pinto, I know I am getting more insulation for a quiter cabin and a softer suspension for a smoother ride. When I choose the 500K chick over the 150K chick, what additional features and options is the 350K difference getting me?I was just about to write something about that.

First thing, there's a lot of personal preference involved. For some people this will be meaningless.

Let's start at the bottom. The cheapest of the street girls. Maybe 25 k and at that price you're maybe thinking she's overpriced. 2 doors down there are 2 girls, both want 40 k. One doesn't look much better than the 25 k girl, but the other one does. You might feel the best one is worth the extra price. Or you might just say "fuck it" stick her in doggy and save 15 k. Do you feel the better looking girl is worth a 60% markup?

Now let's move up the food chain. You've got a Laureles PP girl for 100 k for an hour, or a Facebook girl for 150-200 k for at least 1 hour. Assuming they both look the same, why pay more? The PP girl has one advantage. You don't have to wait for her. She's also got a disadvantage. You're getting 1 hour, no more, unless you want to pay for another. The Facebook girl has 2 advantages. First, if she's enjoying your company, she'll still be there 3 hours later. Second, unless you're hitting her up late night, you're probably her first customer of the day. Are those things worth a 50-100% markup? Are they worth an 800% markup over the 25 k fugly?

Now let's move up to the 500 k and up girls. With many of them you're not paying for a session. You're paying for an entire evening with drinking, dining and dancing before heading back to your place. If you're making it enjoyable for her, she's not going until morning. Is that worth the markup from Facebook?

If you're just looking for a hole to stick your dick in, take the 25 k girl. If you're looking for a SJobs evening, take the 500 k. You're not going to get that 25 k girl to spend all that time with you.

The performance you get from the girl has little to do with what you pay. It depends on how much energy the girl has and on how well you're pleasing her. If you're getting a lousy session from a 500 k girl, you're not doing it right. If you're getting a lousy session from a 25-40 k girl, it might be because she's worn out.

My take on it is simple. I pay what I want for what I want. If what I want doesn't want to go at that price I move on.

07-06-20, 10:54
A BM in another thread reported that one day, instead of going with one of his regular chicks, he decided to get a chick that cost him 3 times his usual amount. I asked what was the difference in service levels between the two. He refused to answer, yet accused me of worrying about what he pays. No. I was just genuinely curious what added value he got from the one at 3X as much as the others.

When I choose a Lexus over a Ford Pinto, I know I am getting more insulation for a quiter cabin and a softer suspension for a smoother ride. When I choose the 500K chick over the 150K chick, what additional features and options is the 350K difference getting me?The monger scholars go quiet & become defensive. They'll never keep it honest, they want you to ride the wave & blow money like they did. But I know better! To all Mongers who address the useless over spending, I salute you. Pollo negro is out!

Brother P
07-06-20, 10:59
It depends on what you want and need. I used to stay in Poblado, but for the past few years, I have stayed in Laureles. I prefer it. I've been traveling to Medellin 15 years. I know plenty of girls. I prefer my privacy and I like the apartment I use, which is not fancy like some in Poblado, but has its own jacuzzi on the roof. The supermarkets are close, the stores are close, plenty of taxis. Neighborhood is quiet. While there are gringos in Laureles, I rarely see them in the barrio where I stay. And, no offense, I prefer that way. You have Unicentro Mall. You can get to Molinos mall. It's a bit of a closer tax ride for girls coming from Bello, Popular, San Javier, Las Amercas, etc. Prices are cheaper.

If and when I want to go to Lleras or Santa Fe mall, it's a 13 mil taxi ride.

If you don't know any Spanish and have a need to be around gringos and go to Hooters, then Laureles is not for you.My Spanish is decent. I've spent a lot of time in the DR the last 10 years. I stayed in poblado twice in 2010. But now everyone is recommending Laureles. Ill find something nice there. I plan to do all Facebook pulls.

My goal is to build contacts, relax and stay out of the way! LOL. Thanks!

Brother P
07-06-20, 11:05
I much prefer Cartagena because of the beach but Poblado was really nice and upscale with prices to match. Great coffee shops boutiques. Not if you prefer more local maybe stay away.
I'll probably do a week in Medellin and a week in Cartagena.

Chicas in Medellín are serious about Facebook! I already have 3 solid cuties lined up, plus 5 or 6 other contacts.
I have no contacts for Cartagena. We shall see.

Hope the virus lets up!

07-06-20, 12:11
If I notice any type of foul odor emanating from a woman's vagina, it's a turn off to bang them. Smelling something like rotten fish while pounding on them is a boner killer.

Just my two pesos on the topic.Can always go anal. At least that's expected to smell a certain way, a rotten pussy by far the worst smells of this life time. With that said, I found the women in Medellin to be relatively clean downstairs, even from the Botero circuits.

07-06-20, 13:09
A BM in another thread reported that one dayI checked abbreviations for the site but BM is not there. Black male? Bored monger?

07-06-20, 13:44
Are you always this reckless with giving life or death advice to others?

So lets hear how you are going to guarantee this won't ever happen in Colombia to anyone reading this.

Perhaps you think anyone that ever listens to a fool like you deserves to die.Exactly what advice did Knowledge give? Can you quote it?

07-06-20, 15:23
Can I ask if you are suggesting the larger ones budget the more they should pay for X hooker? 2 different mongers 2 different budgets?

Do you do that anywhere else in life? Do you pay less or more than the guy across from you in a bar restaurant or department store based on your budget that day?

The price of prostitutes is negotiable, you dictate the market price not them.

Do you think the most expensive hookers provide commensurate value, I think not.

I've mongered in several very expensive cities around the world, I'm here to say the more you pay the less you get.

Ala SJ $550.00 for 1.5 hrs in Tokyo, I'm guessing I wouldn't give $0.55 for what he recd.

Different strokes.

Post-script my point is there are guys that have a style of mongering that is for the greater good of all mongers, and there are some that just damage the market for the rest.What is this fixation mongers have about what another guy pays for sex? I could not care less if some bloke pays 1,000,000 pesos for what I've paid 30,000 pesos for. It is his money. It is indeed helpful when you quote the going rate but what business is it of mine if someone pays above that rate? Why should I be concerned if I am in a restaurant and some bloke decides to tip the waitress US $1000 when I tip the same waitress US $10. Why would guys who are getting pussy worry about such extraneous things? Now if they are not getting poontang I would understand.

07-06-20, 15:46
Can I ask if you are suggesting the larger ones budget the more they should pay for X hooker? 2 different mongers 2 different budgets?

Do you do that anywhere else in life? Do you pay less or more than the guy across from you in a bar restaurant or department store based on your budget that day?

The price of prostitutes is negotiable, you dictate the market price not them.

Do you think the most expensive hookers provide commensurate value, I think not.

I've mongered in several very expensive cities around the world, I'm here to say the more you pay the less you get.

Ala SJ $550.00 for 1.5 hrs in Tokyo, I'm guessing I wouldn't give $0.55 for what he recd.

Different strokes.

Post-script my point is there are guys that have a style of mongering that is for the greater good of all mongers, and there are some that just damage the market for the rest.I didn't know you could negotiate with hookers, I have always just accepted their price, but my experience is extremely limited, and it didn't occur to me that perhaps I have been paying more for less all along, or maybe vice-versa.

07-06-20, 16:41
I agree completely. The "weekend warrior /5 day millionaire" type punter can have more impact on smaller markets that are focused on them (E. G. Thailand honky tonk zones, Medellin's Parque Lleras, or the Dominican Republic's So-Sewer). In the wider more real world where local punters greatly outnumber the outlier foreigners the holiday high rollers are like a winning lottery ticket. Remember when Blakman saw a girl he dated for six figures at ground zero. There are only so many opportunities like that for the girls. Their real world expenses continue even when the big scores don't happen.

What is this fixation mongers have about what another guy pays for sex? I could not care less if some bloke pays 1,000,000 pesos for what I've paid 30,000 pesos for. It is his money. It is indeed helpful when you quote the going rate but what business is it of mine if someone pays above that rate? Why should I be concerned if I am in a restaurant and some bloke decides to tip the waitress US $1000 when I tip the same waitress US $10. Why would guys who are getting pussy worry about such extraneous things? Now if they are not getting poontang I would understand.

07-06-20, 17:04
The thing some people do not understand is that Colombia is a 3rd world country. The min Montly salary is 980.657 cop which increased since last year which comes around 280 usd a month. Ain't no way any normal Colombian will pay a million cop to fuck a girl unless he is a narco. So I am sure those gilrs charge that money to the ones they know are gringos, they know you make more money than the average Colombian because you are staying in penthouse in the most upscale neighborhood and they tell each other that gringos have money overcharge them because when there is drought the take the 70.000 cop that the average Colombiano has believe me unless she has a western union papi sending her money for rent and other stuff."The thing some people don't understand. " That's an entire section at the library.

Have you ever heard this line? "A woman is just a life support system for a vagina. " If this is how someone views women, all pussy should be the same price. There should be a world index of the pussy commodity.

Except that's wrong. Would you pay more more a pussy tight enough to crack walnuts, than for a pussy that couldn't hold in a coconut? Would you pay more for a pussy that's clean and sweet, than for one that smells like the shithouse on a tuna boat?

Already, even if we just focus on the pussy, some pussy is worth more. Now expand your vision. Would you rather look at a stomach that looks like it took a grenade, a stomach that you have to move to even find the pussy, or a stomach you can bounce a quarter off of? Now everyone should see, there's more than just the pussy.

Breasts, ass, face, arms, legs, hair and even feet. We all have preferences. Just limiting our decision to the purely physical aspects, most of us realize there's things we would pay more for.

If you walk into a casa and of the 10 girls, 9 have a 50 k price tag and the last costs 100 k, which do you choose? What if the 9 are either fat, ugly, old or all 3, while the 100 k girl is a knockout? Do you grab a fugly, or do you pull out the other 50 k?

If you stick purely with the physical aspect, there's got to be an upper limit, but what is it? Think of the most beautiful woman you can imagine. Model, movie star, pornstar. Assuming money wasn't an issue, how much would you pay for a one-time shot at her? You're Bezos for a day. Would you pay $50 k? $100 k? $1 million for that? Somebody would.

But, and this might be blasphemy to some, there's much more to each woman than just her body. Would you rather have a woman who fucks you like someone just gave her the key to the candy store, or a woman who just lays there waiting for instructions? Would you rather have a woman who gets and laughs at your jokes, or a woman who just gives you a dumb look?

Again, some things might make the experience worth more to most of us.

The woman I talked about probably needing 2 million to go to El Centro isn't a hooker. I wouldn't even consider her a non-pro. She has a job and an education. She lives in a nice house in a nice area. Her family has a good situation. She's never had to survive on arroz and huevo. If you have enough to compare you'll see a difference between the typical paisa prepago and the middle to upper class paisas. Doesn't mean there aren't plenty of great bodies, but there are subtle differences.

If you stick with straightforward hookers, you should never need to pay more than 300 k, even though some want much more. If you want a woman who isn't a hooker, you can either try to win them over, or start counting out money until you see them flinch.

The thing some people don't understand is, every woman isn't available for the same price.

I'm not advocating paying a million or more for pussy, just trying to explain why some do.

07-06-20, 17:11
I will speak for myself here. I must own up to being a fool at times. I hope it doesn't happen much more often than it does for anyone else; I am happy and that's more important to me than random opinions. The only advice I remember giving was to address links about virus management in the Philippines to people in the Philippines threads who might be interested in it. I directed that advice to the moderator, who may decide to delete other parts of the thread that offer nothing beyond personal criticism of someone unknown to the critic.

The advice I would give about coronavirus is to seek advice from physicians and public health officials. There are many readily available sources. For me, this website is not one of them.

Exactly what advice did Knowledge give? Can you quote it?

Mr Enternational
07-06-20, 17:15
I checked abbreviations for the site but BM is not there. Black male? Bored monger?LOL. I am usually the one scratching my head about abbreviations. Board Member.

07-06-20, 17:23
I agree completely. The "weekend warrior /5 day millionaire" type punter can have more impact on smaller markets that are focused on them (E. G. Thailand honky tonk zones, Medellin's Parque Lleras, or the Dominican Republic's So-Sewer). In the wider more real world where local punters greatly outnumber the outlier foreigners the holiday high rollers are like a winning lottery ticket. Remember when Blakman saw a girl he dated for six figures at ground zero. There are only so many opportunities like that for the girls. Their real world expenses continue even when the big scores don't happen.I remember sitting with one of the better known mongers in Medellin and several others, along with a guy who is well known for being generous with the women. The one guy was playfully griping with the generous guy that he needed to get to the women first before they get spoiled. The generous guy routinely showed up with models who were at the peak of their game.

I think most of us realize, what goes up usually comes back down. The model who would turn her nose up at 800 k last year is taking 200 k without a problem this year. That girl with the rather impressive boob job who hangs out at the Raudal corner was probably charging 300 k in Lleras 5 or 6 years ago.

07-06-20, 17:30
The best I can do as a devil's advocate is assume for some there is perceived value in hairdo, make up, and often in plastic surgery. There is also a significant difference between dealing with the girls on an every day basis like some of us vs. Dealing with them for a few days at a time a few times per year. That's all I've got.

The monger scholars go quiet & become defensive. They'll never keep it honest, they want you to ride the wave & blow money like they did. But I know better! To all Mongers who address the useless over spending, I salute you. Pollo negro is out!

07-06-20, 17:34
"Black Male" that was a good one. LOL!

LOL. I am usually the one scratching my head about abbreviations. Board Member.

07-06-20, 17:52
LOL. I am usually the one scratching my head about abbreviations. Board Member.It was a spelling error.

07-06-20, 17:58
My Spanish is decent. I've spent a lot of time in the DR the last 10 years. I stayed in poblado twice in 2010. But now everyone is recommending Laureles. Ill find something nice there. I plan to do all Facebook pulls.

My goal is to build contacts, relax and stay out of the way! LOL. Thanks!If you're going the Facebook route and need some contacts let me know. I'll toss you a few that will help you to quickly build a list.

07-06-20, 18:40
Have a crew of girls ready for whatever and make sure you drop a few thousand words (pics). I came to bang chicas and they are not hard to find in Medellin, pollo negro is out!

Black Page
07-06-20, 18:50
I like Zurich much more than Thailand.This is the Ultimate Statement that clears up any discussion. Simply put: not debatable further. I humbly recommend this excerpt for the RoD.

07-06-20, 20:26
I've purchased blood pressure meds OTC. Have you tried to buy Hydroxychloroquine OTC?Why would you? Pollo negro is out!

Brother P
07-06-20, 20:59
Have a crew of girls ready for whatever and make sure you drop a few thousand words (pics). I came to bang chicas and they are not hard to find in Medellin, pollo negro is out!

If you're going the Facebook route and need some contacts let me know. I'll toss you a few that will help you to quickly build a list.I'm good for Medellin! LOL! I may have too many! If you have any good contacts for Cartagena I'd appreciate it! Thanks!

07-06-20, 21:50
I'm good for Medellin! LOL! I may have too many! If you have any good contacts for Cartagena I'd appreciate it! Thanks!Please DM me with some Facebook contacts and groups.



It appears from your post that you don't quite understand the Forum's Private Message service.

To use the Forum's Private Message service, both you and the Forum Member you are trying to contact must be either a subscriber or a Senior Member.

For more information, please read: http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/ISG_Payments.php


07-06-20, 22:29
The thing some people do not understand is that Colombia is a 3rd world country. The min Montly salary is 980.657 cop which increased since last year which comes around 280 usd a month. Ain't no way any normal Colombian will pay a million cop to fuck a girl unless he is a narco. So I am sure those gilrs charge that money to the ones they know are gringos, they know you make more money than the average Colombian because you are staying in penthouse in the most upscale neighborhood and they tell each other that gringos have money overcharge them because when there is drought the take the 70.000 cop that the average Colombiano has believe me unless she has a western union papi sending her money for rent and other stuff.Colombia is NOT a 3rd world country. It is a Developing country. Slowly developing? . yes. But there is clean water for drinking, cooking, bathing; sewage and sanitation systems, multiple modes of comfortable transportation throughout the network of cities, banking, credit, and capital markets; cell phone, and internet service; Penthouses as you mentioned. Etc. Etc. That is NOT 3rd world. Have some respect and admiration for all that is good here, please.

07-06-20, 23:25
Colombia is NOT a 3rd world country. It is a Developing country. Slowly developing? . yes. But there is clean water for drinking, cooking, bathing; sewage and sanitation systems, multiple modes of comfortable transportation throughout the network of cities, banking, credit, and capital markets; cell phone, and internet service; Penthouses as you mentioned. Etc. Etc. That is NOT 3rd world. Have some respect and admiration for all that is good here, please.I once ate some fish soup at one of the restaurants and couldn't leave bed for 2 weeks and was hospitalized for 2 weeks once I got back to the states. Go right ahead and drink the water from the sink if you are brave. I have been in Medellin for 4 months and somehow I have managed to withdraw a total of $10,000 usd how do I know, the banking system remitly showed me how much money I have withdrew and reminded me that if I withdraw another $8,000 usd within 60 days I will be barred from withdrawing money until my 180 days are up. I won't even go into how much my mortgage in the US is, but how in the hell can you be blooming economy when you can't withdraw $18,000 usd in 6 months?

My rent is cheap, food is cheap, nearly everything is cheap here except new cars and new bikes over 400 CC. My dental surgery costed me $14,000 usd. I even showed the people at the local bank and I showed remitly. But I guess it is a law that you cannot withdraw more than $18,000 usd in 180 days. This blew my mind, because one of main reasons that I was withdrawing large amounts of cash was because me and the dentist had a deal that if I paid him in Colombian cash the amount was only $38,000,000 pesos. But if I paid him in american cash the amount would be $14,500 usd. Since I could cleary see that the dollar had become strong, I was removing pesos to pay the doctor at a discounted rate of about $10,200 usd. Now when I enter a certain bank in Colombia, they sit me down and ask me 2 million questions, about why would I like to remove so many pesos, and I am still denied the chance to obtain cash pesos.

My bank has asked me to go to another bank or money dispensing place, but I am like that's OK, I am good. So trust me, watch how much cash you remove from the bank. Even with Big Banks from America explaining to the banks here what you do for a living, some banks will limit the amount of cash you can remove, that's just plain and simple. Thank God I had other ways of getting pesos, otherwise I would be in deep $hit stuck her in Colombia unable to remove cash. Don't even get me started on how long it takes to obtain a driver's license in this country and what you have to obtain in order to buy a motorcycle in your name. You had better have great patience, because it's a 45 day wait to get some license in Medellin, tell me this ain't a 3rd world country. Bull $hit! Pollo Negro is out!

07-07-20, 01:17
Colombia is NOT a 3rd world country. It is a Developing country. Slowly developing? . yes. But there is clean water for drinking, cooking, bathing; sewage and sanitation systems, multiple modes of comfortable transportation throughout the network of cities, banking, credit, and capital markets; cell phone, and internet service; Penthouses as you mentioned. Etc. Etc. That is NOT 3rd world. Have some respect and admiration for all that is good here, please.None of the things you've listed have ever been considered in determining which countries are, or are not, third world. Colombia scores less than 0.78 on the UN Human Development Index, which is how we determine third world status in countries since the end of the cold war.

07-07-20, 01:29
My dental surgery costed me $14,000 usd.

Pollo Negro is out!Pollo Negro,

You may be the master at having all the finest women from El Centro over at a low price, including the one with the external hemorrhoid (she sounded lovely), but $14 k USD for dental surgery, in Colombia? Your dentist took you for a ride.

07-07-20, 02:01
I once ate some fish soup at one of the restaurants and couldn't leave bed for 2 weeks and was hospitalized for 2 weeks once I got back to the states. Go right ahead and drink the water from the sink if you are brave. I have been in Medellin for 4 months and somehow I have managed to withdraw a total of $10,000 usd how do I know, the banking system remitly showed me how much money I have withdrew and reminded me that if I withdraw another $8,000 usd within 60 days I will be barred from withdrawing money until my 180 days are up. I won't even go into how much my mortgage in the US is, but how in the hell can you be blooming economy when you can't withdraw $18,000 usd in 6 months?

My rent is cheap, food is cheap, nearly everything is cheap here except new cars and new bikes over 400 CC. My dental surgery costed me $14,000 usd. I even showed the people at the local bank and I showed remitly. But I guess it is a law that you cannot withdraw more than $18,000 usd in 180 days. This blew my mind, because one of main reasons that I was withdrawing large amounts of cash was because me and the dentist had a deal that if I paid him in Colombian cash the amount was only $38,000,000 pesos. But if I paid him in american cash the amount would be $14,500 usd. Since I could cleary see that the dollar had become strong, I was removing pesos to pay the doctor at a discounted rate of about $10,200 usd. Now when I enter a certain bank in Colombia, they sit me down and ask me 2 million questions, about why would I like to remove so many pesos, and I am still denied the chance to obtain cash pesos.

My bank has asked me to go to another bank or money dispensing place, but I am like that's OK, I am good. So trust me, watch how much cash you remove from the bank. Even with Big Banks from America explaining to the banks here what you do for a living, some banks will limit the amount of cash you can remove, that's just plain and simple. Thank God I had other ways of getting pesos, otherwise I would be in deep $hit stuck her in Colombia unable to remove cash. Don't even get me started on how long it takes to obtain a driver's license in this country and what you have to obtain in order to buy a motorcycle in your name. You had better have great patience, because it's a 45 day wait to get some license in Medellin, tell me this ain't a 3rd world country. Bull $hit! Pollo Negro is out!Lets drop you into one of these many places, home to perhaps more than a billion people and see what you think about what is 3rd world. If Colombia was 3rd world you would not consider a stay under any circumstances. Carry on P.N. And, Good work retrieving the phone from Botero by the way.


07-07-20, 03:39
It depends on what you want and need. I used to stay in Poblado, but for the past few years, I have stayed in Laureles. I prefer it. I've been traveling to Medellin 15 years. I know plenty of girls. I prefer my privacy and I like the apartment I use, which is not fancy like some in Poblado, but has its own jacuzzi on the roof. The supermarkets are close, the stores are close, plenty of taxis. Neighborhood is quiet. While there are gringos in Laureles, I rarely see them in the barrio where I stay. And, no offense, I prefer that way. You have Unicentro Mall. You can get to Molinos mall. It's a bit of a closer tax ride for girls coming from Bello, Popular, San Javier, Las Amercas, etc. Prices are cheaper.

If and when I want to go to Lleras or Santa Fe mall, it's a 13 mil taxi ride.

If you don't know any Spanish and have a need to be around gringos and go to Hooters, then Laureles is not for you.Does this apartment you use have an airbnb listing?

07-07-20, 04:00
I originally found it on AirBnB. I've stayed there so often that now I just deal with the owner directly. There are a total of 5 or 6 apartments in the building.

The only problem with Laureles is that it's not easy to find an apartment with a pool or a jacuzzi. Some hotels have them, but not many apartments, for whatever reason (probably because it's a more residential area). Fortunately, the place where I stay has a jacuzzi.

Does this apartment you use have an airbnb listing?

07-07-20, 04:01
Lets drop you into one of these many places, home to perhaps more than a billion people and see what you think about what is 3rd world. If Colombia was 3rd world you would not consider a stay under any circumstances. Carry on P.N. And, Good work retrieving the phone from Botero by the way.

https://unctad.org/en/Pages/ALDC/Least%20Developed%20Countries/UN-list-of-Least-Developed-Countries.aspxIf that's the comparison, oh no, Colombia is not 3rd world. The mosquitoes in Sierra Leone will pull down your socks & bite you! Pollo negro is out!

The Tall Man
07-07-20, 04:44
I have been into just about every hotel and motel around centro at some time or another. My go-to place in centro is Palmetto hotel but today just wanted a relatively quick and easy one hour with a chica so why not try the Premier Plaza Suites (WTF I met my gal no father than 20 meters away so very convenient).

I know some of you have tried it and must say that I was quite impressed with the cleanliness and price.

Paid 17 mil and after a very thorough check in process, review of my passport, photos taken of it, registered all my info in the hotel register journal, they take this very serious, got into our room and had a fully operational TV, radio, bathroom with HOT water in the shower, room had a Jacuzzi but was not interested this visit. All told I was impressed given the dive hotels at the back side of the Vera.

Plenty of pussy out today even given a Monday. My girl a 23 yo paisa took my deep pounding like a champ, she must weight 85 pounds soaking wet and will repeat with her on a future date.

Here are the business cards.

The Tall Man.

07-07-20, 07:48
I once ate some fish soup at one of the restaurants and couldn't leave bed for 2 weeks and was hospitalized for 2 weeks once I got back to the states. Go right ahead and drink the water from the sink if you are brave. I have been in Medellin for 4 months and somehow I have managed to withdraw a total of $10,000 usd how do I know, the banking system remitly showed me how much money I have withdrew and reminded me that if I withdraw another $8,000 usd within 60 days I will be barred from withdrawing money until my 180 days are up. I won't even go into how much my mortgage in the US is, but how in the hell can you be blooming economy when you can't withdraw $18,000 usd in 6 months?

My rent is cheap, food is cheap, nearly everything is cheap here except new cars and new bikes over 400 CC. My dental surgery costed me $14,000 usd. I even showed the people at the local bank and I showed remitly. But I guess it is a law that you cannot withdraw more than $18,000 usd in 180 days. This blew my mind, because one of main reasons that I was withdrawing large amounts of cash was because me and the dentist had a deal that if I paid him in Colombian cash the amount was only $38,000,000 pesos. But if I paid him in american cash the amount would be $14,500 usd. Since I could cleary see that the dollar had become strong, I was removing pesos to pay the doctor at a discounted rate of about $10,200 usd. Now when I enter a certain bank in Colombia, they sit me down and ask me 2 million questions, about why would I like to remove so many pesos, and I am still denied the chance to obtain cash pesos.Wow, what the actual fuck did I just read. Have you been to India, Cambodia, Egypt or Kenya?

07-07-20, 13:49
Pollo Negro,

You may be the master at having all the finest women from El Centro over at a low price, including the one with the external hemorrhoid (she sounded lovely), but $14 k USD for dental surgery, in Colombia? Your dentist took you for a ride.Finest women? I still haven't seen one I would have over for free.

Fun Luvr
07-07-20, 14:41
... My rent is cheap, food is cheap, nearly everything is cheap here except new cars and new bikes over 400 CC. My dental surgery costed me $14,000 usd. I even showed the people at the local bank and I showed remitly. But I guess it is a law that you cannot withdraw more than $18,000 usd in 180 days. ...I think the limit is set by the transfer company. On Xoom, the limit in tier one is $9,999 in 180 days. In tier two, it is $30,000 in 180 days. In XE's FAQ, they say you can send up to $500,000. I haven't looked at XE in more detail because you have to set up an account to see the details. At RIA, it says the maximum amount is $7,999 in 30 days. It appears there is a wide range of maximum amounts.

Elvis 2008
07-07-20, 14:46
My rent is cheap, food is cheap, nearly everything is cheap here except new cars and new bikes over 400 CC. My dental surgery costed me $14,000 usd. I even showed the people at the local bank and I showed remitly. But I guess it is a law that you cannot withdraw more than $18,000 usd in 180 days. This blew my mind, because one of main reasons that I was withdrawing large amounts of cash was because me and the dentist had a deal that if I paid him in Colombian cash the amount was only $38,000,000 pesos. But if I paid him in american cash the amount would be $14,500 usd. Since I could cleary see that the dollar had become strong, I was removing pesos to pay the doctor at a discounted rate of about $10,200 usd. Now when I enter a certain bank in Colombia, they sit me down and ask me 2 million questions, about why would I like to remove so many pesos, and I am still denied the chance to obtain cash pesos.Interesting. PN, if you used a credit card, you would not have gotten the discount but would not have had to deal with the bank nazis, right? Then there is the bitcoin option. Have you tried that?

When I was in Mexico and the rate was 25 pesos to the dollar, I could barely get 20. I sent myself money via Western Union and got 23 pesos to the dollar. Have you ever tried doing that?

07-07-20, 15:15
Unless you are buying all food from sidewalk vendors I don't see what prevents anyone using a credit card to eliminate the need for that amount of cash transfers. There are plenty of card issuers that don't charge foreign transaction fees and all but a very few match the published exchange rates. Once I was in the infamous La Castellana prepago building in Laureles and realized I didn't have enough cash for a session. After they offered the option to pay by credit card I was very surprised they only asked for an additional 5 K pesos to cover the transaction fee on top of the 60 K session. The USD total was less than $18. Of course, that is not a good way to go for guys who are married or are otherwise subject to credit card statement review because the charge appeared as "Eros Spa". LOL!

Interesting. PN, if you used a credit card, you would not have gotten the discount but would not have had to deal with the bank nazis, right? Then there is the bitcoin option. Have you tried that?

When I was in Mexico and the rate was 25 pesos to the dollar, I could barely get 20. I sent myself money via Western Union and got 23 pesos to the dollar. Have you ever tried doing that?

07-07-20, 15:28
Pollo Negro,

You may be the master at having all the finest women from El Centro over at a low price, including the one with the external hemorrhoid (she sounded lovely), but $14 k USD for dental surgery, in Colombia? Your dentist took you for a ride.Was $75,000 k. Have you ever priced dental implants? Well I had a complete reconstruction, very satisfied with the work that my dentist provided. I have not one complaint, and honestly I have yet to earn less than $20,000 k usd since arriving in Medellin, in great part due to my dental surgery!

Pollo negro is out!

07-07-20, 15:30
Finest women? I still haven't seen one I would have over for free.Meaning we have different taste, I walk my own dog, we don't have pet sitters like you. Long story short, different strokes for different folks! Pollo negro is out!

07-07-20, 15:32
Pollo Negro,

You may be the master at having all the finest women from El Centro over at a low price, including the one with the external hemorrhoid (she sounded lovely), but $14 k USD for dental surgery, in Colombia? Your dentist took you for a ride.What was the nature of his dental surgery?

07-07-20, 15:35
Interesting. PN, if you used a credit card, you would not have gotten the discount but would not have had to deal with the bank nazis, right? Then there is the bitcoin option. Have you tried that?

When I was in Mexico and the rate was 25 pesos to the dollar, I could barely get 20. I sent myself money via Western Union and got 23 pesos to the dollar. Have you ever tried doing that?A few times last year & they barred me from sending money to myself. Others can send me money, but western union will not allow me to send money to myself. I am actually trying to find a way to find another bankthat will allow me to remove some cash. Maybe its me but I'm finding it strange to remove more than $2-$3 million pesos at any given time during this quarantine. But I still have plenty of pesos on hand. Just always like to have a backup just in case! Pollo negro is out!

07-07-20, 15:56
You can always tell when something is personal, individuals will make it known in the most outrageous way.

Finest women? I still haven't seen one I would have over for free.I have never asked you to help me decide on the chica I was going to bang, and never have I spoke on the chica's that you have banged. What I will tell you is this, many of the same chica's that you did bang and speak so highly of, are banging me for a fraction of the fee. But you wouldn't believe that now would you? You paid them so well they would never bang me near centro for a $125,000 cop? Not only would I not say that I would not bang any of the chics that you banged, I will honestly say, that I would never pay them as much as you paid them. Pollo negro is out!

07-07-20, 16:05
Something that I have yet to understand, if you talk about money on this board then you're broke. If you pay $14 Kusd for dental surgery, then you were took for a ride, but if you are paying $1500.00 in Poblado then you are wise beyond your means. Some of have to make up your mind because a lot of your analogies are extremely confusing to me.

Every dental implant commercial in America tell you straight up, "We have financing available!" meaning that surgery isn't cheap. So if I had to spend $14 Kusd to fix my teeth, I feel like it was a steal after obtaining American quotes. I can never understand when someone says if you pay $500,000 cop for sex if you enjoyed it then it was worth it, but if someone pays a certain amount for surgery then he or she was taken for a ride. All I'm asking is to find me a Dentist in the USA that will do a complete restoration of your teeth with veneers and implants with a 18 year guarantee for $14 k or less then I will reconsider. Then again, maybe some of us do not know the cost of having dental surgery or a perfect smile.

Anyways, let me get up, get out and bang something! I am still in love with Medellin. Pollo Negro is out!

The Tall Man
07-07-20, 16:29
What was the nature of his dental surgery?I have seen PN new mouth, one look and you would understand the perfect smile, literally the perfect smile, he looks like a movie actor now, hehehehe.

Back in California I have paid $2,000 USD for one tooth! I need some work done and plan on the end of this year.

The Tall Man.

07-07-20, 16:56
Interesting. PN, if you used a credit card, you would not have gotten the discount but would not have had to deal with the bank nazis, right? Then there is the bitcoin option. Have you tried that?

When I was in Mexico and the rate was 25 pesos to the dollar, I could barely get 20. I sent myself money via Western Union and got 23 pesos to the dollar. Have you ever tried doing that?There must be a catch and no he did not want to use the credit cards, but he always gave me receipts for payments which I can use on my taxes back in America. Because I am working while I am here and I have receipts for everything, I will write all of this off on my taxes. Trust me there are ways to recoup all that I am spending while I am here. Pollo Negro is out!!

07-07-20, 17:52
I think the limit is set by the transfer company. On Xoom, the limit in tier one is $9,999 in 180 days. In tier two, it is $30,000 in 180 days. In XE's FAQ, they say you can send up to $500,000. I haven't looked at XE in more detail because you have to set up an account to see the details. At RIA, it says the maximum amount is $7,999 in 30 days. It appears there is a wide range of maximum amounts.I can't believe what I have been reading here about people's money woe's getting money into the Country. The easiest way to get money into the Country that I am aware of is to use your ATM cards. At least that is what I have done in the past and have been able to pull upwards of $ 1,500 a day out between two cards.

07-07-20, 18:00
I have been into just about every hotel and motel around centro at some time or another. My go-to place in centro is Palmetto hotel but today just wanted a relatively quick and easy one hour with a chica so why not try the Premier Plaza Suites (WTF I met my gal no father than 20 meters away so very convenient).

I know some of you have tried it and must say that I was quite impressed with the cleanliness and price.

Paid 17 mil and after a very thorough check in process, review of my passport, photos taken of it, registered all my info in the hotel register journal, they take this very serious, got into our room and had a fully operational TV, radio, bathroom with HOT water in the shower, room had a Jacuzzi but was not interested this visit. All told I was impressed given the dive hotels at the back side of the Vera.

Plenty of pussy out today even given a Monday. My girl a 23 yo paisa took my deep pounding like a champ, she must weight 85 pounds soaking wet and will repeat with her on a future date.

Here are the business cards.

The Tall Man.I can't believe your just discovering this place. It's my favorite Hotel in the Veracruz area, and I have spent months there. What's nice is the outdoor balcony in front directly over ground zero. I have sat on that balcony, seen a prospect I'm interested in directly below, and have them join me on the balcony. It's kind of like a fishing pier, and if your an obvious gringo sitting up there, there will be schools of hookers giving you the google eye 12 feet below you wanting to be reeled in!

07-07-20, 18:57
Pollo Negro,

You may be the master at having all the finest women from El Centro over at a low price, including the one with the external hemorrhoid (she sounded lovely), but $14 k USD for dental surgery, in Colombia? Your dentist took you for a ride.I was thinking along the same lines, but I don't want to jump to conclusions. I don't know the extent of all he had done.

Yesterday one of mine had 2 wisdom teeth removed for 220 k and will later get the other 2 removed for 240 k. Of course today she looks like a very cute chipmunk.

07-07-20, 19:37

Just Incognito
07-07-20, 20:11
One of the reasons nobody believed Covid was real was that it devolved into the typical partisan war. In fact, one writer called it the Trump virus. So this virus, which came from China and whom Biden thinks is not a threat BTW, was divided into people who care about it and people who do not.

Covid is VERY fucking real, and HCQ was studied for Corona Viruses treatment and found to be an effective treatment for said viruses way before Trump got into office. Now of course, HCQ, which is a cheap drug, is the most dangerous drug on the planet. In reality, it has been so safe that it has been around for 70 years and used for prophyaxis for Malaria and to prevent exacerbations of people having Lupus.

I made fun of someone who blamed Trump for his not being able to get laid in Colombia. Now TDS has reached that point again, having sex with hooker one time in Colombia, a literal one in a million chance of getting Covid, is near certain death as is using an incredibly safe drug..[Deleted by Admin]

Hydroxy does more harm than good with respect to Covid.

Trump screwed this all up--just look at America compared to the rest of the world.

Medellin is smart for locking down.

Even the leaders of Sweden adit they screwed up.

Its incredible to read s much mis-information from people who are convinced they are right and smart. Its why we are all in this mess.

But, what do I know: I've only been studying and getting paid to study disease and demography around the globe for 30+ years.

Elvis 2008
07-07-20, 20:18
I wasn't asking for advice about the efficacy of the drug. I merely wished to know if Hydroxychloroquine is available over the counter in Medellin. Thanks.Yes Lou, it is legally available. The hard part may be finding it.

07-07-20, 20:52
Yes Lou, it is legally available. The hard part may be finding it.OK. I understand.

07-07-20, 22:28
Meaning we have different taste, I walk my own dog, we don't have pet sitters like you. Long story short, different strokes for different folks! Pollo negro is out! If I am in Colombia, how am I going to walk my dog? Obviously I do that when I am here.

BTW, I love the Arecibo area.

07-07-20, 22:34
You can always tell when something is personal, individuals will make it known in the most outrageous way.

I have never asked you to help me decide on the chica I was going to bang, and never have I spoke on the chica's that you have banged. What I will tell you is this, many of the same chica's that you did bang and speak so highly of, are banging me for a fraction of the fee. But you wouldn't believe that now would you? You paid them so well they would never bang me near centro for a $125,000 cop? Not only would I not say that I would not bang any of the chics that you banged, I will honestly say, that I would never pay them as much as you paid them. Pollo negro is out!I would certainly believe you if you paid half but you talk a huge game that you're getting dimes for 50 k, so far the pics you post suggest otherwise.

The reality is that I want what I want when I want it and if I have to pay 250 k for a stunner for the night, the $30 difference for an entire night of fun is meaningless. I don't like waiting a week until the chick is hungry, I want her to come over now. I spent less in Medellin having chicas over everyday than I do in PR doing nothing. I actually couldn't believe how inexpensive of a city it is. If you're making $1500 a day, I don't know why you're so concerned over the price. Get the best.

07-07-20, 22:39
Suegmf, you know this is an old and unending subject. Yes, ATMs are a very good combination of convenience and competitive exchange rate. For reasons I may never understand, it is one of the things like accepting the 18 year old provider legal limit that guys go to all sorts of lengths to make more complicated than necessary. In any case it's wise to have more than one way to access cash and it's wise to know how much cash you can access per business day. Credit cards can be helpful also.

I can't believe what I have been reading here about people's money woe's getting money into the Country. The easiest way to get money into the Country that I am aware of is to use your ATM cards. At least that is what I have done in the past and have been able to pull upwards of $ 1,500 a day out between two cards.

07-08-20, 00:11
I would certainly believe you if you paid half but you talk a huge game that you're getting dimes for 50 k, so far the pics you post suggest otherwise.

The reality is that I want what I want when I want it and if I have to pay 250 k for a stunner for the night, the $30 difference for an entire night of fun is meaningless. I don't like waiting a week until the chick is hungry, I want her to come over now. I spent less in Medellin having chicas over everyday than I do in PR doing nothing. I actually couldn't believe how inexpensive of a city it is. If you're making $1500 a day, I don't know why you're so concerned over the price. Get the best.The girls you were banging were the best in Medellin? The arrogance of the over confident judgmental Poblado secluded monger. Don't make me laugh! Pollo Negro is out!

07-08-20, 00:15
I have seen PN new mouth, one look and you would understand the perfect smile, literally the perfect smile, he looks like a movie actor now, hehehehe.

Back in California I have paid $2,000 USD for one tooth! I need some work done and plan on the end of this year.

The Tall Man.BMs act like they are giving away free dental services in the US. Try a root canal with a crown and post and see don't that run you about $2800 usd if you don't have insurance. Pollo Negro is out!

07-08-20, 00:43
Any new casa openings? Thinking about doing a casa run tomorrow.

07-08-20, 01:41
I have seen PN new mouth, one look and you would understand the perfect smile, literally the perfect smile, he looks like a movie actor now, hehehehe.

Back in California I have paid $2,000 USD for one tooth! I need some work done and plan on the end of this year.

The Tall Man.$ 14,000 for a new smile is a lot of money in Colombia, you can buy an apartment for that.

However, if he had some gold teeth put in and perhaps some diamonds like Kayne West, than that may explain things, and he may have gotten a hell of a deal.

07-08-20, 02:17
I've purchased blood pressure meds OTC. Have you tried to buy Hydroxychloroquine OTC?Today out walking around I made a few small detours.

I stopped by a big drug store and the answer: NO.

I stopped by a small drug store and the answer: YES.

For a finders fee or tip I am sure most small drug stores will help you. If they carry it.

07-08-20, 02:45
Wow this place is hopping! Barranquilla had a lock down Saturday, Sunday, and Monday for 2 weeks in a row. The next weekend I think was also locked down. Not sure because moved to a more residential area with people out and Monday was a holiday so everything closed and the past weekend I was not there. Appears as if Medellin is 85% open. Barranquilla was only 30% open. Very nice to eat out versus delivery only.

Was in Medellin for a month a year ago. Feels almost the exact same except police running off people at times at Centro telling them to move along to stop grouping up.

I see the out every day regular groups of girls, and surely the weekend only types, and only here once or twice to buy a birthday present or special needs girls. Only been here 4 days and see no head person running the show. So either that person is gone or it was BS. Pollonegro, if this guy running the girls is still there be sure to PM me. Then I will give you my Whatsapp. You text me and I will come running just to see this in action. You do not even have to meet me. Just send a picture of the guy and tell me where he normally can be found. I should be able to tell by the picture. Thanks.

07-08-20, 03:10
No change, check out the carrera 81 building in La Castellana if you want to try something different. 60 K and there are usually 10 to 15 girls. I was at Luna's Los Colores apt over the weekend. There are a couple of new girls there. It makes me think they they are rotating the girls between their two apartments. They opened the other one a couple of weeks ago behind the nightclub.

On a separate note I'm getting messages from some of my favorite restaurants that they plan to reopen their dining rooms within a week. Mistura and La Causa are among them.

Any new casa openings? Thinking about doing a casa run tomorrow.

07-08-20, 15:32
I would certainly believe you if you paid half but you talk a huge game that you're getting dimes for 50 k, so far the pics you post suggest otherwise.

The reality is that I want what I want when I want it and if I have to pay 250 k for a stunner for the night, the $30 difference for an entire night of fun is meaningless. I don't like waiting a week until the chick is hungry, I want her to come over now. I spent less in Medellin having chicas over everyday than I do in PR doing nothing. I actually couldn't believe how inexpensive of a city it is. If you're making $1500 a day, I don't know why you're so concerned over the price. Get the best.For what it's worth, I know several guys who are financially very well off, and can easily afford to stay in luxury digs, pull as an example "Gusto girls" nightly, yet they choose not to as this is just not their style to do so. Yes, sometimes we have posters that are so cheap it doesn't make any sense at all, and others that seem to just throw their money into the wind. But really, does it matter how one guy rolls versus another?

07-08-20, 16:38
Today out walking around I made a few small detours.

I stopped by a big drug store and the answer: NO.

I stopped by a small drug store and the answer: YES.

For a finders fee or tip I am sure most small drug stores will help you. If they carry it.Thank you! Great answer!

07-08-20, 16:49
There will be overnight curfews for all the long weekends until further notice. I'm not sure that will hold up once more restaurants with bars are back open beginning next week. The weekend ban on alcohol sales is pretty meaningless. Just like during elections I expect places to quietly sell booze in paper cups. Most of us just stock up by Friday anyway. I'm watching the news about national flights closely because it will be an early indicator of how solid the September 1 target is.

Wow this place is hopping! Barranquilla had a lock down Saturday, Sunday, and Monday for 2 weeks in a row. The next weekend I think was also locked down. Not sure because moved to a more residential area with people out and Monday was a holiday so everything closed and the past weekend I was not there. Appears as if Medellin is 85% open. Barranquilla was only 30% open. Very nice to eat out versus delivery only.

Was in Medellin for a month a year ago. Feels almost the exact same except police running off people at times at Centro telling them to move along to stop grouping up.

I see the out every day regular groups of girls, and surely the weekend only types, and only here once or twice to buy a birthday present or special needs girls. Only been here 4 days and see no head person running the show. So either that person is gone or it was BS. Pollonegro, if this guy running the girls is still there be sure to PM me. Then I will give you my Whatsapp. You text me and I will come running just to see this in action. You do not even have to meet me. Just send a picture of the guy and tell me where he normally can be found. I should be able to tell by the picture. Thanks.

07-08-20, 17:18
For what it's worth, I know several guys who are financially very well off, and can easily afford to stay in luxury digs, pull as an example "Gusto girls" nightly, yet they choose not to as this is just not their style to do so. Yes, sometimes we have posters that are so cheap it doesn't make any sense at all, and others that seem to just throw their money into the wind. But really, does it matter how one guy rolls versus another?I remember sitting in my favorite little dive bar in Point Loma, San Diego one Saturday morning. Back before it was gentrified. Back when it was where the sailors from the sub base would hang out. Bartender-owner was a good guy.

Saw this guy passed out on the bar. Looked like he was homeless. I asked the bartender if he was running a flophouse now and why hadn't he tossed the guy out.

Told me the guy came in a few times a year. Lived on a boat. Whenever he moored in Point Loma he'd hit the bar and start drinking. Always bought rounds for the bar, always paid in $100 bills and always told him to keep the change. Eventually he would pass out for a few hours, before stumbling back to his boat.

He was doing what made him happy, or at least was living his life the way he chose.

I've known others who spend the year running up credit card balances trying to look like they've got money and then hope to get a big enough tax refund to get caught up. After 7-8 years, they're filing for bankruptcy and struggling to get back up to where they can pretend to be doing great.

You only get one life. Find a way to make it a good one.

07-08-20, 17:39
No change, check out the carrera 81 building in La Castellana if you want to try something different. 60 K and there are usually 10 to 15 girls. Haven't tried them yet, but I wasn't too impressed with the pics they sent me. Any recommendations?

07-08-20, 18:08
I already made a recommendation in the post you responded to. All the casas send pics so go with whichever impress you enough.

Haven't tried them yet, but I wasn't too impressed with the pics they sent me. Any recommendations?

07-08-20, 18:22
That I agree especially when obviously they have money but like you said different strokes for different folks.

Yes, sometimes we have posters that are so cheap it doesn't make any sense at all, and others that seem to just throw their money into the wind. But really, does it matter how one guy rolls versus another?

07-08-20, 18:26
For what it's worth, I know several guys who are financially very well off, and can easily afford to stay in luxury digs, pull as an example "Gusto girls" nightly, yet they choose not to as this is just not their style to do so. Yes, sometimes we have posters that are so cheap it doesn't make any sense at all, and others that seem to just throw their money into the wind. But really, does it matter how one guy rolls versus another?No, it doesn't matter at all. I was responding to being told that anyone paying over 200 k is overpaying. PN comes here and says he is banging 4-8 chicas a day every day for 4 months and they are the best in Medellin. And he knows because he's slept with them all. And he never pays more than 50 k. Then he posts 4-5 pics of the same 4-5 girls for months on end and tells people its a waste to spend more because he is getting the same chicas for less.

At that point, I need to say something because its just not true. He is getting chicas on the cheap, cool, that's his style, I'm all good with that. But he's not getting the same chicas for those prices but he keeps claiming he does. His photos prove otherwise.

I do agree that some guys are paying the same chica off FB 200 k and some are paying her $200 on the weekend from Gusto's, but I wasn't responding to that. The claim he makes is that he is getting the same chicas that are legit 9's for 50-70 k and that anyone paying 200 k is overpaying.

07-08-20, 18:41
I would certainly believe you if you paid half but you talk a huge game that you're getting dimes for 50 k, so far the pics you post suggest otherwise.I get where you are coming from. You are going to get the same Pollo Negro when you meet him in person. He does not judge "hotness" by picture alone. He is not talking differently online and in person but one probably will understand him better in person.

07-08-20, 19:07
I do agree that some guys are paying the same chica off FB 200 k and some are paying her $200 on the weekend from Gusto's, but I wasn't responding to that. The claim he makes is that he is getting the same chicas that are legit 9's for 50-70 k and that anyone paying 200 k is overpaying.This I can chime in. I paid a lot sometimes for chicks. PN look at the picture and he told me I can get the same in El Centro. And he knows I am quite familiar with El Centro. I know him so I know what he said from his perspective is true. He is true to his words and he is not going to sugar coat it because he knows me. I think one can argue about the semantics but IMO that is missing the point.

07-08-20, 19:54
I see the out every day regular groups of girls, and surely the weekend only types, and only here once or twice to buy a birthday present or special needs girls. Only been here 4 days and see no head person running the show. So either that person is gone or it was BS. Pollonegro, if this guy running the girls is still there be sure to PM me. Then I will give you my Whatsapp. You text me and I will come running just to see this in action. You do not even have to meet me. Just send a picture of the guy and tell me where he normally can be found. I should be able to tell by the picture. Thanks.Welcome to Medellin! I look forward to your reports.

I've asked about 20 chicas in Botero if there's somebody who runs the show as PN describes, if there's someone who the girls report to. Some of these girls I session with, chat with, am familiar with, am friends with. The answer from every single one of them is an immediate and clear No.

I took my 18 yo Paisa Paisa to the mall again two days ago. Bought her a few items at Forever 21 and came back to the apartment and she fucked my brains out. Things get better and better each time with her. She is an open minded girl and down for anything. I'm having a very fun time with this one.

Question for the group: Is there a love motel in or close to El Poblado that you can recommend?

Mr Enternational
07-08-20, 20:02
I remember sitting in my favorite little dive bar in Point Loma, San Diego one Saturday morning. Back before it was gentrified. Back when it was where the sailors from the sub base would hang out.If you are talking about The Body Shop, then one of those sailors was me! Coming from Atlanta, I thought that was the worst strip club on the planet.

07-08-20, 20:27
If you are talking about The Body Shop, then one of those sailors was me! Coming from Atlanta, I thought that was the worst strip club on the planet.Wrong end of Point Loma. If you continued down Rosecrans past all the houses, there was a small business area that used to be tiny strip clubs and dive bars. They began closing the strip clubs down in 1985, but the dive bars were still around into the early 90's. Port o Call was one. Can't remember the rest.

And yes, the Body Shop sucked.

07-08-20, 20:37
Welcome to Medellin! I look forward to your reports.

I've asked about 20 chicas in Botero if there's somebody who runs the show as PN describes, if there's someone who the girls report to. Some of these girls I session with, chat with, am familiar with, am friends with. The answer from every single one of them is an immediate and clear No.

I took my 18 yo Paisa Paisa to the mall again two days ago. Bought her a few items at Forever 21 and came back to the apartment and she fucked my brains out. Things get better and better each time with her. She is an open minded girl and down for anything. I'm having a very fun time with this one.

Question for the group: Is there a love motel in or close to El Poblado that you can recommend?Arguably the best is Motel Ibiza. It's about 8 k taxi ride from the Lleras area. I am not certain they are open. Closer, in the Manila neighborhood is Las Cabanas. Both have websites which should have info on whether they are open.

All Motel Ibiza rooms have a jacuzzi tub, rainfall shower, stripper pole, love chair, couch, WiFi, TV with porn channels, mood lighting a sound system, and a well stocked mini bar. Full bar and restaurant on site and a catalog of available sex toys, costumes or whatever you need to get freaky. Basic rate is about 85 k for 6 hours. Extremely clean.

07-08-20, 20:52
I get where you are coming from. You are going to get the same Pollo Negro when you meet him in person. He does not judge "hotness" by picture alone. He is not talking differently online and in person but one probably will understand him better in person.That's a good point. On the board and in person vary from Monger to Monger. I've met guys who went from fluent in Spanish to a 300 word vocabulary. I've met guys who say they know a little about Medellin who get stopped every 2 minutes by some local they know.

We all are attached to our methods. It often seems strange that others don't do things the way we do. But everyone needs to find their niche.

First monger I met in Medellin, was on his first trip. If I remember correctly, just divorced from his Colombian wife and decided to go to the source. When he was asking for advice, several guys told him El Centro was the only place to be. I suggested he start at the Mansion.

He spent one night at his room in El Centro and was lucky to get a room at the Mansion. Bought me some beer and thanked me, because El Centro was one big panic attack to him. He was loving it at the Mansion.

I'm like minded when it comes to rating the girls I'm with. I rate them 3 ways: face, body and performance. I'm willing to overlook flaws in the first two if the performance is off the charts. The most incredible face and body can't make up for a starfish performance. A pornstar performance can definitely make up for a few stretch marks.

07-08-20, 21:17
85 K for a love motel. That is Poblado for sure.

Arguably the best is Motel Ibiza. It's about 8 k taxi ride from the Lleras area. I am not certain they are open. Closer, in the Manila neighborhood is Las Cabanas. Both have websites which should have info on whether they are open.

All Motel Ibiza rooms have a jacuzzi tub, rainfall shower, stripper pole, love chair, couch, WiFi, TV with porn channels, mood lighting a sound system, and a well stocked mini bar. Full bar and restaurant on site and a catalog of available sex toys, costumes or whatever you need to get freaky. Basic rate is about 85 k for 6 hours. Extremely clean.

07-08-20, 21:52
85 K for a love motel. That is Poblado for sure.Or Itagui. The website says 99 K but perhaps 85 K if they can be persuaded to drop the IVA for a tourist?


07-08-20, 22:00
No, it doesn't matter at all. I was responding to being told that anyone paying over 200 k is overpaying. PN comes here and says he is banging 4-8 chicas a day every day for 4 months and they are the best in Medellin. And he knows because he's slept with them all. And he never pays more than 50 k. Then he posts 4-5 pics of the same 4-5 girls for months on end and tells people its a waste to spend more because he is getting the same chicas for less..Are you upset that there are people from the board who knows me personal, or are you more upset that I can still get a hard on to bang 4-6 chicas everyday. You left 4 months ago, imagine how many of them high priced Poblado chics are missing your money. Do you think that they are turning down a guaranteed $60-$80,000 pesos every day? Dude don't kid yourself.

I can show you over 200 hundred different chicas that I have sessioned with, and can show you more than 120 chicas on this trip. You can best believe that 95% of every chic that I have sessioned with, have allowed me to video. That's just my thing, I have certain things I like to do with each chic that I really like. Stop fooling yourself that these chics are low mileage and innocent. These chics have swallowed more of my kids than I care to remember. Pretty good chance if they don't allow photos, then I only session with them once.

I am not the type of monger to recommend girls who I have not photo'the myself or video'the myself. I don't want you to get the made up chic on a photo and then she show up as plain jain then you are wondering who the hell is this girl Pollo Negro sent, she looks nothing like her pics. I will not recommend a girl who does not do everything that I tell you she will do. I don't build these girls up to help them with dates for free sex. If I like them and build a report then I tell them that I will share their number with my friends and maybe they will call. I have no need to save these chics all to myself. I am happy to share information, if the girl catches your eye and you are in Medellin and want to date the girl. The only thing I will not do is set her price, she willl tell you what her price is.

I will always be thankful to Nounce for watching him do something that I wanted to do but did not know how to at the time that I met him. He was working remotely and at the time I had a job that I had to report to and actually clock in, I returned to America with a plan to find a way to work remotely. Not only do I work remotely, I own the company and I work remotely earning more than I ever did working on a job where I clock in. It has to be something about the things I write or the way that I write that rubs you the wrong way. Truth is, if you saw me do what I do in person, maybe then it would make you a believer and only then you would see how wasteful you were being with money you could have saved for extra dates. Paying more doesn't mean you're getting the best, it just means you settled and paid what the chic was asking for, Pollo Negro is out!

07-08-20, 22:09
Welcome to Medellin! I look forward to your reports.

I've asked about 20 chicas in Botero if there's somebody who runs the show as PN describes, if there's someone who the girls report to. Some of these girls I session with, chat with, am familiar with, am friends with. The answer from every single one of them is an immediate and clear No.?Do you think they would tell you yes, these guys are extorting me and smile about it? Trust me, I met these good for nothing crooks in the park and I paid them not one penny. They'd have to kill me before I would give them a penny, I have too much man in me to be extorted or give another man money out of fear, it was never taught to me and will never be in me. Tell that, Just pay them and leave $hit to guys who are fearful. I can guarantee you if you ask anyone in Botero Park do they know Peter, I guarantee you they will reply yes and will ask are you a friend. No one wants to admit that they are being pimped out, but many of the girls in the park are doing just that, its the life that they know and they know no other way.

One thing I can tell you is this, the guys in the park knew that robbing me was not going to be a piece of cake, because they had the numbers and they had the right environment. It was dark, there were about 13 of them, and I still left unharmed. As long as it is day time and there are tourist police visible you are pretty safe, if the tourist police are taking a break and the Gringos are in few numbers, these people are willing to try anything to survive, I have given my little rant for today. Pollo Negro is out!

07-08-20, 22:17
Steam rooms, satellite TV with several porn channels, a la carte restaurant 24 hrs (Between $2 to $15 per item), and all rooms are air conditioned. Definitely the best value for the amount of amenities that they have available.

Arguably the best is Motel Ibiza. It's about 8 k taxi ride from the Lleras area. I am not certain they are open. Closer, in the Manila neighborhood is Las Cabanas. Both have websites which should have info on whether they are open.

All Motel Ibiza rooms have a jacuzzi tub, rainfall shower, stripper pole, love chair, couch, WiFi, TV with porn channels, mood lighting a sound system, and a well stocked mini bar. Full bar and restaurant on site and a catalog of available sex toys, costumes or whatever you need to get freaky. Basic rate is about 85 k for 6 hours. Extremely clean.

07-08-20, 22:40
Arguably the best is Motel Ibiza. It's about 8 k taxi ride from the Lleras area. I am not certain they are open. Closer, in the Manila neighborhood is Las Cabanas. Both have websites which should have info on whether they are open.

All Motel Ibiza rooms have a jacuzzi tub, rainfall shower, stripper pole, love chair, couch, WiFi, TV with porn channels, mood lighting a sound system, and a well stocked mini bar. Full bar and restaurant on site and a catalog of available sex toys, costumes or whatever you need to get freaky. Basic rate is about 85 k for 6 hours. Extremely clean.Thank you. That's exactly the info I needed. I called both and unfortunately no answer at either; I'll follow up and post here what I learn.

07-08-20, 22:44
85 K for a love motel. That is Poblado for sure.What's your point? These places seem magnitudes nicer than the motels we know in El Centro, right?

07-09-20, 01:43
I'd be sad if Motel Ibiza is gone. That place is fantastic. Absolutely worth the money.

07-09-20, 02:03
Arguably the best is Motel Ibiza. It's about 8 k taxi ride from the Lleras area. I am not certain they are open. Closer, in the Manila neighborhood is Las Cabanas. Both have websites which should have info on whether they are open.

All Motel Ibiza rooms have a jacuzzi tub, rainfall shower, stripper pole, love chair, couch, WiFi, TV with porn channels, mood lighting a sound system, and a well stocked mini bar. Full bar and restaurant on site and a catalog of available sex toys, costumes or whatever you need to get freaky. Basic rate is about 85 k for 6 hours. Extremely clean.Ibiza is the best, it's next to club fahrenheit, an after hour club full of 18-21 year olds. During the pre-covid days, you can take a girl dancing in Fahrenheit, check into Ibiza to fuck for a few hours and go back to dancing again. In the morning, you can take her back to your Airbnb, hop in a hot tub and fuck a bit more, before sending her home and call up the next two 18 year olds. I hate this fucking virus, now I'm just sitting at home watching my youth fades away.

I paid 100 k for a few hours in Ibiza, I knew about 5 words of Spanish, so they likely over charged me, but it's still worth the money. One word of waning, the taxi waiting downstairs at Ibiza typically will over charge you, especially at night time.

07-09-20, 02:22
Do you think they would tell you yes, these guys are extorting me and smile about it? Trust me, I met these good for nothing crooks in the park and I paid them not one penny. They'd have to kill me before I would give them a penny, I have too much man in me to be extorted or give another man money out of fear, it was never taught to me and will never be in me. Tell that, Just pay them and leave $hit to guys who are fearful. I can guarantee you if you ask anyone in Botero Park do they know Peter, I guarantee you they will reply yes and will ask are you a friend. No one wants to admit that they are being pimped out, but many of the girls in the park are doing just that, its the life that they know and they know no other way.
What and how are these guys extorting you?

For your phone, girls, etc?

I've been going to el Centro de Medellin for about 20 years now.

I've heard girls talk about guys that run Veracruz, but never all of Botero.

I just don't get that involved.

Never been extorted.

I'm always there in the daytime, hardly ever at night and if so I'm on full battle alert, LOL.

I remember walking the streets near Show San Diego, that used to be the best place for street girls, years ago.

And the Mayorista, before the city of Itagui clamped down on the area, just rocked.

Anyway, good luck PN, you're an interesting guy.

07-09-20, 02:30
So I decided to do my little casa run today. I meant to check out a few spots but it was near rush hour and threatening rain so I decided to hit Aiffe since I didn't partake the last time I was there. There were only about 6 chicas there, but it didn't matter because one of the chicas I had my eye on from before was there.

When I picked my chica, she led me to the room and then left for a few minutes. When she came back, I was already butt naked on the bed. She came in and I asked her about BBBJ. She said it would be a 20 mil propina. No problem. I asked her if work was busy and she told me "suave. " Great, this is what I like to hear. The chicas are hungry.

She gave excellent head. She had big full lips and knows how to use them. She went right to work and was slurping all over my cock. She was watching herself suck me in the mirror like she was enjoying the view and I was enjoying watching her admiring herself and her technique.

After about 15 minutes, I asked if she wanted me to butt in her mouth. She said no then asked me if she should continue. I told her to continue and I would tell her when to stop. The head was so good I started to think about random things so I wouldn't bust. Finally, couldn't take it anymore so I told her to put the condom on so I could smash.

She started off on top which was good because I was able to suck her tits while she rode me. The pus felt nice and tight. After a good 10 minutes we switched up to doggie style. This position felt incredibly good as she had a big ass which was like cushion all over my ball sack as I pounded away. She kept looking up at me in the mirror as she was moaning and the bed was levitating. Pus felt like it was made for my cock and I eventually busted a wad. I kept stroking for about another 10 minutes after I busted because the pus felt so good my cock stayed hard enough to continue stroking.

When we finished up we had some good small talk. This chica was neutral beforehand but a freak behind closed doors and had the sweetest personality. We had some nice convo, embraced and I left. It was very relaxing and the vibe was very laid back like we could have hung out and chilled for hours.

07-09-20, 02:42
85 K for a love motel. That is Poblado for sure.Actually Itagui. Just a quick walk from Club Fahrenheit on the autopista.

It's all relative. 10-15 k for 1 hour in an El Centro room with only a bed and a shower. Hot water not guaranteed. Or 6 hours for 85 k in a large luxurious room.

Obviously not taking a 30 k girl to Ibiza, but take 2 Facebook girls there and usually they will stay as long as you want.

07-09-20, 03:50
Is anyone else getting swamped with Facebook friend requests? I had been getting 1 a week. I've probably had 20 today. I don't know if I hit critical mass and suddenly I'm popping up everywhere, or if there's a Facebook feeding frenzy going on. Or maybe I got on a list somewhere.

07-09-20, 05:57
Arguably the best is Motel Ibiza. It's about 8 k taxi ride from the Lleras area. I am not certain they are open. Closer, in the Manila neighborhood is Las Cabanas. Both have websites which should have info on whether they are open.

All Motel Ibiza rooms have a jacuzzi tub, rainfall shower, stripper pole, love chair, couch, WiFi, TV with porn channels, mood lighting a sound system, and a well stocked mini bar. Full bar and restaurant on site and a catalog of available sex toys, costumes or whatever you need to get freaky. Basic rate is about 85 k for 6 hours. Extremely clean.I looked at the Ibiza website. On amenities icons, there are cars and motor bikes. What do they mean? Parking maybe?

07-09-20, 06:14
I think I know which girl it was. Dark hair, slightly older than the others, excellent head game and overall skills. Good choice.

So I decided to do my little casa run today. I meant to check out a few spots but it was near rush hour and threatening rain so I decided to hit Aiffe since I didn't partake the last time I was there. There were only about 6 chicas there, but it didn't matter because one of the chicas I had my eye on from before was there.

When I picked my chica, she led me to the room and then left for a few minutes. When she came back, I was already butt naked on the bed. She came in and I asked her about BBBJ. She said it would be a 20 mil propina. No problem. I asked her if work was busy and she told me "suave. " Great, this is what I like to hear. The chicas are hungry.

She gave excellent head. She had big full lips and knows how to use them. She went right to work and was slurping all over my cock. She was watching herself suck me in the mirror like she was enjoying the view and I was enjoying watching her admiring herself and her technique.

After about 15 minutes, I asked if she wanted me to butt in her mouth. She said no then asked me if she should continue. I told her to continue and I would tell her when to stop. The head was so good I started to think about random things so I wouldn't bust. Finally, couldn't take it anymore so I told her to put the condom on so I could smash.

07-09-20, 06:21
Yes, they are much nicer than short time places in Centro.

What's your point? These places seem magnitudes nicer than the motels we know in El Centro, right?

Black Page
07-09-20, 10:37
Arguably the best is Motel Ibiza.
All Motel Ibiza rooms have a jacuzzi tub, rainfall shower, stripper pole, love chair, couch, WiFi, TV with porn channels, mood lighting a sound system, and a well stocked mini bar. Full bar and restaurant on site and a catalog of available sex toys, costumes or whatever you need to get freaky. Basic rate is about 85 k for 6 hours. Extremely cleanMotel Ibiza is an Institution in Medellin and has the well-deserved reputation to be the best motel in Medellin. Highy recommended:


Prices are ridiculous for what they provide. It offers nearly EVERYTHING, including rooms with two king size beds (understood?) steam bath for 6 (yes! 6 persons!!) and I heard about a jakuzzi for 8 (I saw the jakuzzi for 4). From the web site:
Todas nuestras habitaciones cuentan con servicio de:
Internet Wi-Fi.
Televisores LED 42″ (55″ suite presidencial, 70″ Masion).
Todas las habitaciones tienen discoteca why barra de pole dance.
Algunas cuentan con jacuzzi why turco.
Suite Presidencial es para 4 personas (ideal para ocupaciand mltiple), persona adicional tiene precio extra.

If one wants to stay in Centro, one can also treat himself and do not necessarily limit options to 10 k rooms. Years ago I recommended the Motel Lafayette (pronounce "Lafajette" if you want to ask a taxi driver to take you there). QUE CHIMBA!l my girl shouted, once we got in front of the big jacuzzi.


1 block from Metro Prado. Cr 50 #56-37. In 2014, I took the best room, large, round bed, love seat, jacuzzi, music, large LCD TV: only 37k for 5 hours!!
Photo posted in the report linked above.

07-09-20, 12:21
Motel Ibiza is an Institution in Medellin and has the well-deserved reputation to be the best motel in Medellin. Highy recommended:


Prices are ridiculous for what they provide. It offers nearly EVERYTHING, including rooms with two king size beds (understood?) steam bath for 6 (yes! 6 persons!!) and I heard about a jakuzzi for 8 (I saw the jakuzzi for 4). From the web site:
Todas nuestras habitaciones cuentan con servicio de:
Internet Wi-Fi.
Televisores LED 42″ (55″ suite presidencial, 70″ Masion).
Todas las habitaciones tienen discoteca why barra de pole dance.
Algunas cuentan con jacuzzi why turco.
Suite Presidencial es para 4 personas (ideal para ocupaciand mltiple), persona adicional tiene precio extra.

If one wants to stay in Centro, one can also treat himself and do not necessarily limit options to 10 k rooms. Years ago I recommended the Motel Lafayette (pronounce "Lafajette" if you want to ask a taxi driver to take you there). QUE CHIMBA!l my girl shouted, once we got in front of the big jacuzzi..The standard Motel Ibiza room has a jacuzzi that can hold 3 people. They also have a room called the Mansion which I believe can be rented for up to 40 people. Not sure how big the jacuzzi is in that one.

It can obviously get expensive. There's an extra charge for any extra persons, the minibar can add a big charge too. But it's not built for a quick session with a hooker.

07-09-20, 14:34
I looked at the Ibiza website. On amenities icons, there are cars and motor bikes. What do they mean? Parking maybe?

There are 2 ways in to Motel Ibiza. There's a walk in door and a vehicle gate. The walk-in door is for pedestrians and I assume motos. Taxis and personal cars use the gate. Personal cars get a 2nd floor room with a garage. People in taxis get a 3rd floor room. Driving around the hotel you'll see garage door, regular door, garage door, regular door. These are all controlled from the office. You can close them, once you park, or walk in, but you can't open them until you pay the bill.

I assume there are some smaller rooms located through the pedestrian entry.

There are 2 basic types of rooms: rooms with only a jacuzzi and rooms with a Jacuzzi and sauna. Sauna rooms are more expensive. All rooms have stripper pole, sex chair, shower, sound system and TV with porn channels.

The basic charge is for 2 people. Additional person charge is if you bring 2 girls.

Refrigerator is stocked with drinks, snacks, sex toys, condoms, bubble bath, lube, etc. There's also a sex toy and lingerie catalog along with a full menu, if you need something more. Refrigerator items are reasonably priced.I thought it was a good idea to requote this helpful post from last year.

07-09-20, 15:54
I had that happen a few weeks ago. Not sure why. I speculate that I somehow triggered something that got me featured on the "friend suggestion" list for a lot of chicas. It seems to happen on occasion.

Interesting thing about "friend suggestions" - I look at them regularly. Sometimes I will see a girl on the list and she never re-appears. Other times a particularly will show up for days. I am not quite sure how Facebook has designed that feature to work.

Is anyone else getting swamped with Facebook friend requests? I had been getting 1 a week. I've probably had 20 today. I don't know if I hit critical mass and suddenly I'm popping up everywhere, or if there's a Facebook feeding frenzy going on. Or maybe I got on a list somewhere.

07-09-20, 16:41
That would be parking yes. I use my apartment for amenities. I think 6 hour stays in Ibiza or other places like it are not that common but a higher end place is clearly more inviting for naps and lounging between rolls in the hay.

I looked at the Ibiza website. On amenities icons, there are cars and motor bikes. What do they mean? Parking maybe?

07-09-20, 17:57
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

The Tall Man
07-09-20, 18:53
Are you upset that there are people from the board who knows me personal, or are you more upset that I can still get a hard on to bang 4-6 chicas everyday. You left 4 months ago, imagine how many of them high priced Poblado chics are missing your money. Do you think that they are turning down a guaranteed $60-$80,000 pesos every day? Dude don't kid yourself.

I can show you over 200 hundred different chicas that I have sessioned with, and can show you more than 120 chicas on this trip. You can best believe that 95% of every chic that I have sessioned with, have allowed me to video. That's just my thing, I have certain things I like to do with each chic that I really like. Stop fooling yourself that these chics are low mileage and innocent. These chics have swallowed more of my kids than I care to remember. Pretty good chance if they don't allow photos, then I only session with them once.

I am not the type of monger to recommend girls who I have not photo'the myself or video'the myself. I don't want you to get the made up chic on a photo and then she show up as plain jain then you are wondering who the hell is this girl Pollo Negro sent, she looks nothing like her pics. I will not recommend a girl who does not do everything that I tell you she will do. I don't build these girls up to help them with dates for free sex. If I like them and build a report then I tell them that I will share their number with my friends and maybe they will call. I have no need to save these chics all to myself. I am happy to share information, if the girl catches your eye and you are in Medellin and want to date the girl. The only thing I will not do is set her price, she willl tell you what her price is.My two cents on this and then some random thoughts, first yes I can vouch for PN, have seen a few of the girls in his stable during the past year, have received recommendations of ones that are great and also just so-so, have also seen his personal photos and videos of his chicas with him, all good shit so every one just lighten up.

I also know for a fact that I have met chicas in centro who wanted or needed to earn a few pesos BEFORE they head to their work at clubs like La Isla or Fase Dos or into Park Lleras / Poblado and into clubs like Gustos, yes they did look a bit out of place working in centro botero plaza so I scooped them up quickly and paid them 25% of what they charge later in the evening in the clubs, so my point is that there is much truth in these chicas accepting peanuts relative to what they usually earn or I should say fleece the tourist gringo in the tourist traps.

And all the BS with some guys here on these boards about their "special" high class webcam chicas who some claim are next in line to mother Teresa, "oh these are high class beauty's who never would even think that they would sell their ass", my gawd take off the rose colored glasses and listen up, they are all hoes, they have sold their pussy before and now and will do so in the future. To believe that these are somehow special is just utter nonsense. I know as a few years back I befriends these chicas when they were young and fresh and before they got popular. Still in contact with a few of these beauties now 3 to 5 years later.

As for the thought that there are a few hombres who manage everything that goes on in botero or centro for that matter, the jury is still out on this for me, I do know that there are a group who want to control the girls and to some degree have worked their way into some of the chicas believing that they are the Managers of botero but certainly not the majority, just IMHO.

Now all understand that there are cameras in and around botero, the police are watching everything that goes on.

Take a look at the setup in Botero, these are very sophisticated cameras and they have they ability to see everything in fine detail, just know that you are being watched and followed every moment and every step you take when your in the area, so with big brother watching just be very aware and mindful of the age whom you are speaking to and negotiating with as your in the botero, smile as your being recorded.

So be very careful. I have first hand info that the police recognize each and every one of us and we are on their radar.

Now lets go get some new fresh pussy.

Much love and respect to all.

The Tall Man.

The Tall Man
07-09-20, 19:11
Is anyone else getting swamped with Facebook friend requests? I had been getting 1 a week. I've probably had 20 today. I don't know if I hit critical mass and suddenly I'm popping up everywhere, or if there's a Facebook feeding frenzy going on. Or maybe I got on a list somewhere.I am not a FB kind of guy as simply don't need it as I only have one dick that needs loving about every other day so can't even see the number of chicas who are in my regular rotation however I too get many FB friend requests but just don't have the time to follow through.

Now my best Colombian buddy who over the course of the past 3 or 4 years is my wing man has literally thousands of chicas in his FB and since he is paisa and cheap as hell he gets the same chicas that many of you do for a third of the costs, he typically pays about a 100 mil for some real cuties, why? Because he loves to play the drama shit game with them and talks with them and builds up a friendship / confidence with some over the course of a year or more and so when they need some help wham he is there "Johnny on the spot" hehehehe.

At times I am tempted to get a taste of some of his paisa girls, the same beauties that you all see and could have access to, as he wants to share them with me, after all "Sharing is caring" right, hehehhe what are friends for.

Now my Tinder has lighted up in the past month, have received over a hundred likes and am corresponding with a handful, possibly for a future visit, but just a lots of hoes on Tinder who only want pesos, these girls need to sell their pussy down in centro to see what life is really like.

Much love and respect to all.

The Tall Man.

07-09-20, 20:09
Pay what you want to pay, but this is what $360,000 worth of groceries look like in Medellin. I challenge anyone from the board to go to any american store and fill up a cart with healthy food, fresh fruit, and vegetables for $100 usd. So when you're readily paying $400,000 pesos for TLN, remember you just fed her and her family for 2 weeks. But carry on BMs, Pollo Negro is out!

07-09-20, 20:24
My two cents on this and then some random thoughts, first yes I can vouch for PN, have seen a few of the girls in his stable during the past year, have received recommendations of ones that are great and also just so-so, have also seen his personal photos and videos of his chicas with him, all good shit so every one just lighten up.

I also know for a fact that I have met chicas in centro who wanted or needed to earn a few pesos BEFORE they head to their work at clubs like La Isla or Fase Dos or into Park Lleras / Poblado and into clubs like Gustos, yes they did look a bit out of place working in centro botero plaza so I scooped them up quickly and paid them 25% of what they charge later in the evening in the clubs, so my point is that there is much truth in these chicas accepting peanuts relative to what they usually earn or I should say fleece the tourist gringo in the tourist traps.

And all the BS with some guys here on these boards about their "special" high class webcam chicas who some claim are next in line to mother Teresa, "oh these are high class beauty's who never would even think that they would sell their ass", my gawd take off the rose colored glasses and listen up, they are all hoes, they have sold their pussy before and now and will do so in the future. To believe that these are somehow special is just utter nonsense. I know as a few years back I befriends these chicas when they were young and fresh and before they got popular. Still in contact with a few of these beauties now 3 to 5 years later.

As for the thought that there are a few hombres who manage everything that goes on in botero or centro for that matter, the jury is still out on this for me, I do know that there are a group who want to control the girls and to some degree have worked their way into some of the chicas believing that they are the Managers of botero but certainly not the majority, just IMHO..The only area I can chime in on with confidence is the webcam girls. This is definitely a YMMV area. I'll give you one example.

I was called in to meet with a new model and her husband because I was going to be her monitor. Imagine Natalie Portman at 22, a few inches taller and with a high dollar boob job. I was initially blown away. This woman and her husband clearly didn't come from the bottom of the economic ladder. One of the reasons I was being put to work with her was because she would be working outside the studio. They already had all their own equipment, lights, laptop and webcam, plus a $3,000 DLSR 35 mm Nikon which they wanted to use. They had already had a fiber line run to their apartment (467 k per month) and both spoke excellent English.

She had recently finished schooling and was a dentist. He had a job as an accountant. Both came from estrato 6 families, they owned 2 cars and lived in a nice Hi-rise in Sabaneta. However, as a new dentist, the best she could get to work at another practice was under 2 million COP monthly. She wanted to go back to school to become an orthodontist, but didn't want her family to have to pay. So they decided on webcam modeling for her.

She did quite well until a family member stumbled onto her webcam show. He got some screenshots and took them to her parents.

We met once a week to go over her progress, show ideas and to keep track of whether or not it was causing problems with her marriage. She confessed to me that in college she was very outspoken against webcam and had always equated it to prostitution. However, she had come to see it in a different light.

She has her own practice now, walking distance from Parque Lleras, although she isn't doing dentistry. She's doing beauty treatments and she says business is good.

Many of the Webcam models get started with some pimp boyfriend, or someone like me, pays them to fuck and then talks them into webcam. Many of them continue taking citas, or go back to hooking when it doesn't work out. However, the ones who go the farthest are the ones who were brought up with a good work ethic. Those are the ones who have or will never go the direct P4P route.

I could have used my roommate as another example. If you impressed her and caught her in the right mood, she would fuck you senseless (based on the noises I occasionally heard from her room, not personal experience) and then buy you breakfast, but if you offered her money you would feel like you just jumped into the lion cage at the zoo.

07-09-20, 20:48
I am not a FB kind of guy as simply don't need it as I only have one dick that needs loving about every other day so can't even see the number of chicas who are in my regular rotation however I too get many FB friend requests but just don't have the time to follow through.

Now my best Colombian buddy who over the course of the past 3 or 4 years is my wing man has literally thousands of chicas in his FB and since he is paisa and cheap as hell he gets the same chicas that many of you do for a third of the costs, he typically pays about a 100 mil for some real cuties, why? Because he loves to play the drama shit game with them and talks with them and builds up a friendship / confidence with some over the course of a year or more and so when they need some help wham he is there "Johnny on the spot" hehehehe..It's all good. As long as you're getting it, you get it.

My non-pro harem has been in turmoil. The cheerleader is pissed because someone told her that I was chatting with her best friend and that her best friend was sending me videos. Which is true, but nobody can prove it. Her sister is still friendly with me, even though 3 of the sister's friends are sending me videos in exchange for a bit of support for their livestream shows and the latest chapter of the porn story I'm writing. And the cheerleader's mother friended me on Facebook.

The cheerleader's best friend and her sister's best friend are the current interesting ones. Both of them, just last week said there was no way they would send any nude videos. Let's call them Cathy (cheerleader's BFF) and Mary (sister's BFF). Important background information: The story I'm writing is aimed at submissive women, which both have admitted fantasizing about.

Mary reluctantly agreed to break out a nipple and did, but then went back to Disney stuff. It took about 10 minutes to convince her to reconsider the G-Rated approach. The next day she said she would try, but she's never done anything like that before. That was Sunday. I just received about 20 minutes worth that I haven't seen yet, but apparently a banana and her vibrator are both involved, plus a cameo of her mother walking in unannounced. The screenshot is her current feeling about making porn for me.

Cathy let me add a condition to her videos in exchange for my stories. I get to add a challenge to each one. That also began Sunday. She's not as far along as Mary, but is down to just panties and today starts playing with herself. She's a bit tougher than Mary. Once I opened Mary's eyes, she jumped in headfirst. Cathy has been dipping her toe in the water, but each time she goes a bit deeper.

Got to do something to fill my downtime. Might as well corrupt the college girls of Colombia.

07-09-20, 21:18
Take a look at the setup in Botero, these are very sophisticated cameras and they have they ability to see everything in fine detail, just know that you are being watched and followed every moment and every step you take when your in the area, so with big brother watching just be very aware and mindful of the age whom you are speaking to and negotiating with as your in the botero, smile as your being recorded.

So be very careful. I have first hand info that the police recognize each and every one of us and we are on their radar.
The Tall Man.All due respect Tall Man, but this sounds a little far fetched. You actually believe the Police are "tracking" gringos in Botero?

I've seen the camera's, and yes they have the capability to watch and follow people, but sounds like you would need quite a staff to follow individuals.

So your saying that gringos are known by the Police, they can recognize us, and that we are on their radar, and if so, why?

I am assuming they would have to be using facial recognition to identify all of us.

How do you know this first hand?

07-09-20, 21:20
Take a look at the setup in Botero, these are very sophisticated cameras and they have they ability to see everything in fine detail, just know that you are being watched and followed every moment and every step you take when your in the area, so with big brother watching just be very aware and mindful of the age whom you are speaking to and negotiating with as your in the botero, smile as your being recorded.

So be very careful. I have first hand info that the police recognize each and every one of us and we are on their radar.
The Tall Man.All due respect Tall Man, but this sounds a little far fetched. You actually believe the Police are "tracking" gringos in Botero?

I've seen the camera's, and yes they have the capability to watch and follow people, but sounds like you would need quite a staff to follow individuals.

So your saying that gringos are known by the Police, they can recognize us, and that we are on their radar, and if so, why?

I am assuming they would have to be using facial recognition to identify all of us.

How do you know this first hand?

07-09-20, 21:55
I am only 5% serious here because I have a warped sense of humor and the idea that we are sharing photos of our grocery carts feels like theater of the absurd. Anyway, I will first throw some shade. Pollo you throw around words like "healthy" and "fresh" but I see the sliced American cheese individually plastic wrapped and full of artificial dye along with gallons of Coca-Cola. Now for some empty bragging: Look at my cart, it's smaller but healthier. LOL!

Pay what you want to pay, but this is what $360,000 worth of groceries look like in Medellin. I challenge anyone from the board to go to any american store and fill up a cart with healthy food, fresh fruit, and vegetables for $100 usd. So when you're readily paying $400,000 pesos for TLN, remember you just fed her and her family for 2 weeks. But carry on BMs, Pollo Negro is out!

07-09-20, 22:02
Is it the police who are watching or the street girl union leaders and the crime syndicate capos of Botero Plaza mentioned here in past weeks? But seriously, there is plenty of surveillance by camera, tourism police, national police, military, and plainclothes police. Including the family welfare and adolescent brigade. In Plaza Botero and throughout Medellin. Getting back to cameras it is not against the law to speak with or even enter buildings with anyone of any age. It is highly illegal to engage in certain activities with people who can't legally consent to it. So, once again for anyone who needs it, the best advice is to avoid it at all times.

All due respect Tall Man, but this sounds a little far fetched. You actually believe the Police are "tracking" gringos in Botero?

I've seen the camera's, and yes they have the capability to watch and follow people, but sounds like you would need quite a staff to follow individuals.

So your saying that gringos are known by the Police, they can recognize us, and that we are on their radar, and if so, why?

I am assuming they would have to be using facial recognition to identify all of us.

How do you know this first hand?

The Tall Man
07-09-20, 22:45
All due respect Tall Man, but this sounds a little far fetched. You actually believe the Police are "tracking" gringos in Botero?

I've seen the camera's, and yes they have the capability to watch and follow people, but sounds like you would need quite a staff to follow individuals.

So your saying that gringos are known by the Police, they can recognize us, and that we are on their radar, and if so, why?

I am assuming they would have to be using facial recognition to identify all of us.

How do you know this first hand?No they do not have face recognition, yet anyway, but that is not far off and could happen within the next few years.

Just step back for a moment and look at the transformation with all the public improvements they are making in this area, new streets, sidewalks, landscaping, seating, re-pavement with new signage and striping, the new walkway improvements along the the walking street Carabobo (Cr 52) and Calle 51 along with behind the vera on the whole stretch of Cundinamarca (Cr 53) etc. , etc. And the money being spent in the area, could they be planning to turn this area from a small bar street walking prostitution to a revived tourist zone? Just saying.

Look at the glass covered exhibit on CL 51 next to the vera! Any other time and place anywhere in Colombia and this would have been demolished and back-filled and covered with gravel and pavement, but no they even have it lighted to view at night, and what is it? An old sewer pipe system.

Next you ask about the security camera system and who is watching, you may think that it is a small room with maybe a cop haphazardly looking from time to time at a small screen! HUH they have a fully staffed and professionally equipment command center with multiple big screens, tracking camera systems, recording devices for all cameras, this rivals what you would find in a system in the USA. I have seen it.

How do I know that they know all us gringos who frequent Botero? Been told point blank by the sergeant in a conversation I had with him about 2 weeks ago as me and my Colombian buddy were standing in ground cento Vennie x-streets.

Was standing with my buddy and had an UNSOLICITED young Vennie simply walk up to us, withing 10 seconds two police magically showed up, beeline straight over to us, and spoke to us why we were speaking to a "known prostitute who's age is unclear and can not be verified". Yes after a few minutes they explained to us that we are being watched as they know us as the 2 gringos and that we should take their advice and leave the area and don't return that day.

Well after about 10 minutes my buddy and I thought it best to leave so we walked over to my car parked in the parqadero behind the museum and guess what? Yes we were followed by 2 other policemen and they kept their eyes on us, walked 20 meters behind us from ground zero over and into the parking spot until we drove out and left.

Of course we are known by the police, we stand out, I am recognizable from 3 blocks away and they have a memory like an elephant.

So I have factual first hand experience and my ONLY reason for posting this is so others can be mindful and just a bit careful when around this area.

Love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.

07-09-20, 22:58
Saw this vid gives a little glimpse of Centro now https://youtu.be/0JuDuIZxKWg.

Just Incognito
07-09-20, 23:09
Pay what you want to pay, but this is what $360,000 worth of groceries look like in Medellin. I challenge anyone from the board to go to any american store and fill up a cart with healthy food, fresh fruit, and vegetables for $100 usd. So when you're readily paying $400,000 pesos for TLN, remember you just fed her and her family for 2 weeks. But carry on BMs, Pollo Negro is out!Soda on the bottom, cookies on the top. 'healthy food' LOL.

I am thankful people like PN and the Tall Man share their info. I happen to think they seem pretty straight up with only the usual embellishing everyone naturally does based on our biases perspectives imaginatioin ego and realty.

Hopefully I can create work for me there and in a 1 year or 2 I can move full time (or at least half the year to transition) to Medellin. I am trying to work on things now to make that reality happen and have already lived outside the US for the last decade--my point s--the posts here from some of the regulars are not only entertaining, they are motivating. The new MDE coming out of Covid will be interesting to watch and hopefully be a part of.

I wonder if the strip clubs will all open up or if there will be new ones or how that will change. Fase Dos, La Isla, Luna Lunera etc. They will always have a supply of girls and the locations are already there and built so I imagine it mostly picks up as usual come 2022 when the therapeutics and pseudo-vaccines actually get spread through enough of the market (if still needed).

07-10-20, 00:02
This is absolutely true and I'm not sure why some here refuse to acknowledge it. Girls charge significantly different prices depending on where they are. I'd witnessed all sorts of permutations on this. For those that remember Geraldine from way back, she was charging 150 k at the Mansion and was available for 25 k at Mayorista. I've seen Fase 2 girls hanging around downtown available at a fraction of what they'd cost at the club. I've seen "Mansion girls" working at casas fucking guys for a fraction of what they'd get from a guest at the house.

My last trip in February, I met a very hot looking girl at a casa during the day. After the session, I got her number and later asked her to visit me in Poblado. We agreed on 150k + taxi for her to visit me. But she said if I got a motel downtown, 50 K was fine. After we fucked again (downtown), I asked her why she wanted three times as much to visit me. She said that she didn't feel like traveling to Poblado. It doesn't make sense, but she apparently had a comfort zone.

Of course every prepago doesn't do this. But a hell of a lot of them do.

My two cents on this and then some random thoughts, first yes I can vouch for PN, have seen a few of the girls in his stable during the past year, have received recommendations of ones that are great and also just so-so, have also seen his personal photos and videos of his chicas with him, all good shit so every one just lighten up.

I also know for a fact that I have met chicas in centro who wanted or needed to earn a few pesos BEFORE they head to their work at clubs like La Isla or Fase Dos or into Park Lleras / Poblado and into clubs like Gustos, yes they did look a bit out of place working in centro botero plaza so I scooped them up quickly and paid them 25% of what they charge later in the evening in the clubs, so my point is that there is much truth in these chicas accepting peanuts relative to what they usually earn or I should say fleece the tourist gringo in the tourist traps.

And all the BS with some guys here on these boards about their "special" high class webcam chicas who some claim are next in line to mother Teresa, "oh these are high class beauty's who never would even think that they would sell their ass", my gawd take off the rose colored glasses and listen up, they are all hoes, they have sold their pussy before and now and will do so in the future. To believe that these are somehow special is just utter nonsense. I know as a few years back I befriends these chicas when they were young and fresh and before they got popular. Still in contact with a few of these beauties now 3 to 5 years later.

As for the thought that there are a few hombres who manage everything that goes on in botero or centro for that matter, the jury is still out on this for me, I do know that there are a group who want to control the girls and to some degree have worked their way into some of the chicas believing that they are the Managers of botero but certainly not the majority, just IMHO.

Now all understand that there are cameras in and around botero, the police are watching everything that goes on.

Take a look at the setup in Botero, these are very sophisticated cameras and they have they ability to see everything in fine detail, just know that you are being watched and followed every moment and every step you take when your in the area, so with big brother watching just be very aware and mindful of the age whom you are speaking to and negotiating with as your in the botero, smile as your being recorded.

So be very careful. I have first hand info that the police recognize each and every one of us and we are on their radar.

Now lets go get some new fresh pussy.

Much love and respect to all.

The Tall Man..

07-10-20, 00:22
I am only 5% serious here because I have a warped sense of humor and the idea that we are sharing photos of our grocery carts feels like theater of the absurd. Anyway, I will first throw some shade. Pollo you throw around words like "healthy" and "fresh" but I see the sliced American cheese individually plastic wrapped and full of artificial dye along with gallons of Coca-Cola. Now for some empty bragging: Look at my cart, it's smaller but healthier. LOL!Lets say I have a house full of visitors, which I do, many who have never ate American style hamburgers. I would hate to try and show them what hamburgers look like and taste like without american cheese and coca cola. Anyway you get the point, you're not buying a buggy full of groceries in the USA for $100 USD. It has to be my delivery that makes BMs point out every little thing that I type and run with it. Hamburgers are unhealthy but that's what I plan on cooking tonight, along with a big glass of coca cola. LOL, Pollo Negro is out!

07-10-20, 01:35
Saw this vid gives a little glimpse of Centro now https://youtu.be/0JuDuIZxKWg.Two disgraceful, repulsive foreigners (gringos?) at 2'57" I saw them today as I walked to my bus after shopping for glasses and phone accessories downtown. They, and a couple of others look as bad or worse than the homeless Colombians with untreated mental illness in my neighborhood. In the army they'd surely get the sheep sheers and wire brush clean-up treatment.

07-10-20, 01:58
No they do not have face recognition, yet anyway, but that is not far off and could happen within the next few years.

Just step back for a moment and look at the transformation with all the public improvements they are making in this area, new streets, sidewalks, landscaping, seating, re-pavement with new signage and striping, the new walkway improvements along the the walking street Carabobo (Cr 52) and Calle 51 along with behind the vera on the whole stretch of Cundinamarca (Cr 53) etc. , etc. And the money being spent in the area, could they be planning to turn this area from a small bar street walking prostitution to a revived tourist zone? Just saying.

Look at the glass covered exhibit on CL 51 next to the vera! Any other time and place anywhere in Colombia and this would have been demolished and back-filled and covered with gravel and pavement, but no they even have it lighted to view at night, and what is it? An old sewer pipe system.

Next you ask about the security camera system and who is watching, you may think that it is a small room with maybe a cop haphazardly looking from time to time at a small screen! HUH they have a fully staffed and professionally equipment command center with multiple big screens, tracking camera systems, recording devices for all cameras, this rivals what you would find in a system in the USA. I have seen it.Interesting as a friend of mine who is an obvious gringo had a similar experience with a cop who came over and told him he was talking with a prostitute and to warn him. So really what is happening, it's not that they are watching for gringos specifically on their video system, but are also watching in person, and when they see an obvious gringo (s) they may intervene. So if you stick out like a sore thumb as you mentioned, you are going to get a lot of attention. Fortunately I pass as a Colombian and have been told so by other Colombians so I pretty much am under the radar until I open my mouth, however can totally relate to what you have experienced.

When I was India it was much more intense there being a foreigner than anywhere else in the world. Kind of like fly's on shit, everybody and your brother is checking you out, and when you think about it, there are a lot of places on this planet where people have never seen people of different races. I have a friend from South Korea who visits Medellin a lot, and he get's lot's of attention, more so than a gringo, and it rubs both ways, with the good way being all of the girls were checking him out.

Personally, I like flying under the radar, and the information you've provided is good for others to be aware of, and a reminder to always use caution, especially if you don't fit in.

07-10-20, 02:20
Soda on the bottom, cookies on the top. 'healthy food' LOL.

I am thankful people like PN and the Tall Man share their info. I happen to think they seem pretty straight up with only the usual embellishing everyone naturally does based on our biases perspectives imaginatioin ego and realty.

Hopefully I can create work for me there and in a 1 year or 2 I can move full time (or at least half the year to transition) to Medellin. I am trying to work on things now to make that reality happen and have already lived outside the US for the last decade--my point s--the posts here from some of the regulars are not only entertaining, they are motivating. The new MDE coming out of Covid will be interesting to watch and hopefully be a part of.

I wonder if the strip clubs will all open up or if there will be new ones or how that will change. Fase Dos, La Isla, Luna Lunera etc. They will always have a supply of girls and the locations are already there and built so I imagine it mostly picks up as usual come 2022 when the therapeutics and pseudo-vaccines actually get spread through enough of the market (if still needed).From what several people have told me, most Colombian building owners have no problem letting a building or apartment sit empty. There isn't the urgency to get something rented or leased that you find in the US.

I imagine the strip clubs will all be back eventually.

07-10-20, 02:51
Wifey has been gone for a couple days. Period, eyelashes appointment, braces appointment, checking in at home, etc. She's heading back now.

However, I was messaging a few girls from SA, yesterday. I had a good vibe with one of them. She offered to come over at 6 p. I asked for 8 p, because I was just cleaning and refilling the jacuzzi around 1 p. We settled on 7 p. I had to bring up the cost. She asked what I wanted to give her. I said 200 k for a few hours, condom ok but BBBJ and no other rules, no clock watching. She said 500 k. How that didn't kill the conversation is beyond me. She said I wouldn't regret it. I told her if I had a peso for every time I heard that line. Well, we agreed on 300 k.

24 yo mulatta, tight body, one tattoo under the armpit, scar on her side from surgery, long black hair, small natural tits, but almost a handful. Cute smile, great energy, good conversation. We had dinner and split a bottle of red wine. That alone made up for the 300 k price tag, as it compares to a night with Pinky & Wifey, slugging half-Smirnoffs all night and hoovering tussi. Anyway, we got in the jacuzzi, had some music on, and she was incredibly sexual and sensual. It was a nice change of pace from Wifey who gives me the Heisman if I accidentally touch her when we're in bed, sleeping. So, she looks about 20 yo, and doesn't have an ounce of fat on her. We go at it in the jacuzzi. Great kisser, very passionate, I had to go down on her. I'm certain she could hold a 500 peso moneda in there without it falling out. She returned the favor and she knows what the fuck she is doing. It was really nice. A couple positions in the jacuzzi, back and forth, and I busted in the condom. She begged to go into the bedroom.

So, off we went. I go back down on her, and she is convulsing. I forgot to mention that, in the first part. She orgasmed easily and hard. I don't know if she always does, or not. It was pretty passionate, and I could tell she was into it. She said she liked watching in the mirror. Rounds 2 and 3 were in the bed, and she kept pulling out new tricks. It was truly impressive. Positions, techniques, just wow. Deep-throating, face-fucking, spitting, hand use, ass play. No photos, but I got a few before we got in the jacuzzi, and another later when she was in bed. Anyway, it was a great few hours. I was dripping sweat and the end of Rounds 2 and 3. She tells me to come relax in bed, and she's massaging me, cuddling, all good. She had told me she wanted to come over early because she had work today. We're lying in bed and I told her she could stay if she wanted. She kind of looked me up and down, took her time, and said yes. I think we went to bed around 1130p. My balls hurt from pounding her all night.

So, I woke up at 7 a, and at 9 a, she's pulling me off the computer for Round 4. Oh, BTW, Rounds 3 & 4 were sin condon. So, around 10-11 a, she says she's leaving. She asked if I could get her an Uber, and I said no. Idk why, kind of a dick move, but I just felt like 300 k is a decent amount, and fuck an up-charge. She lives way up by Bello. She looked amazing, today. High heels, tight black pants, little red zip-up blouse. So, she leaves and we're messaging throughout the day. She asks if I have a girlfriend. We had talked about Wifey, but only that she lived here for awhile during quarantine and we had some parties, etc. I told her I don't have a girlfriend, but I have a special amiga that stays here. She said ok and said we should hook up again, this weekend. I asked about a threesome, and she asked for photos. I forgot to send them, but whatever. So, she then says that next time, I don't have to pay her. Well, if I could pay her taxis, that would be nice. I asked her why she wasn't working, today, and she said because it was an amazing night, she's sore, and she's tired.

So, 300 k well-spent, if you ask me. I think a threesome with her and Wifey would be amazing. Wifey would have her cumming in 30 seconds. She would also, hopefully, teach Wifey a thing or two about head game and fucking, and maybe even sensuality. We'll see...

Pinky asked me to help her with 400 k for rent, a week ago. I blew her off. Wifey also deleted her from WhatsApp, then Pinky reached out yesterday to ask if Wifey could help her find a job. I do feel bad, but fuck. I bought her a cell phone and a week later she's asking for 400 k. That's one TLN with some gringo, in my book. In my mind, I have 4-5 freebies from her, still.


07-10-20, 04:28
Many of the casa girls live north of Centro. To schlep to Poblado they have to get through traffic jams in both directions and get home hours later than usual. Some of them have to pay child care, care for elderly relatives, and often prepare evening meals. Worst of all, it is risky because stick up boys target taxis coming out of Poblado at night, especially around San Diego. So don't take it personally, it's about the travel.

This is absolutely true and I'm not sure why some here refuse to acknowledge it. Girls charge significantly different prices depending on where they are. I'd witnessed all sorts of permutations on this. For those that remember Geraldine from way back, she was charging 150 k at the Mansion and was available for 25 k at Mayorista. I've seen Fase 2 girls hanging around downtown available at a fraction of what they'd cost at the club. I've seen "Mansion girls" working at casas fucking guys for a fraction of what they'd get from a guest at the house.

My last trip in February, I met a very hot looking girl at a casa during the day. After the session, I got her number and later asked her to visit me in Poblado. We agreed on 150k + taxi for her to visit me. But she said if I got a motel downtown, 50 K was fine. After we fucked again (downtown), I asked her why she wanted three times as much to visit me. She said that she didn't feel like traveling to Poblado. It doesn't make sense, but she apparently had a comfort zone.

Of course every prepago doesn't do this. But a hell of a lot of them do..

The Tall Man
07-10-20, 04:31
Two disgraceful, repulsive foreigners (gringos?) at 2'57" I saw them today as I walked to my bus after shopping for glasses and phone accessories downtown. They, and a couple of others look as bad or worse than the homeless Colombians with untreated mental illness in my neighborhood. In the army they'd surely get the sheep sheers and wire brush clean-up treatment.Damn you got good eyes and see stuff, impressive as I watched the whole 5 minute video earlier today and observed if I could see myself as I knew that I was walking botero and the vera on July 3rd, but no sightings of The Tall Man on the video.

Your right about those 2 gringos, my god what an embarrassment to any gringo anywhere, but to each his own.

The Tall Man.

07-10-20, 04:31
LOL! Those guys are regulars in the plaza.

Two disgraceful, repulsive foreigners (gringos?) at 2'57" I saw them today as I walked to my bus after shopping for glasses and phone accessories downtown. They, and a couple of others look as bad or worse than the homeless Colombians with untreated mental illness in my neighborhood. In the army they'd surely get the sheep sheers and wire brush clean-up treatment.

07-10-20, 05:39
The ATM offered withdrawal selections of 1,540,000 and 2,000,000 COP. In the past the max was always 400,000 in Medellin, Cucuta, Bogota, Cartagena, and my first month in Barranquilla. This is a huge jump. I chose 400,000 but had a bad feeling so jerked out my card. Received a TRANSACTION ERROR and a print out ticket saying error no money paid. But money was deducted from my Schwab account. Schwab denied the claim even though tI sent picture of receipt with none payment. I called and explained this is a slam dunk. Look at your own description. All my withdrawals have format of:

Calle 53 No 46-192, Bar be / QUILL.

Carrera 51 # 50-26 MEDELLI.

Calle 28 No. 13 A - 17 Bogota.

Except this one that ripped me off:

Davivienda Davi be / QUILL 0800100 be / QUIL.

I thought it was a skimmer or something because it was during the weekend. Weeks later I tried again. Same high amount. Went to 3 banks and all the same high amounts offered. Fine I selected my regular 400,000. During processing (counting) (but no noise) I receive the Error screen and no money. Same description on my Schwab account. Schwab finally paid both.

Arrive at Medellin bus station I try again and the same high amounts offered so I walked away. Never use Davivienda again! Now use BBVA with no fees. Highest withdrawal is 600,000.

07-10-20, 05:43
The picture of 2,000,000 withdrawal selection.

Cocr Brotheler
07-10-20, 06:04
with a 18 year guarantee Sorry but really an 18 year quote guarantee there in Colombia?? Even in USA Dental companies come and go but man you are in Colombia and even dentists in USA Have implants fail then have to fight them literally tooth and nails.

07-10-20, 06:34
FYI. Knowledge and PolloNegro. The Admins will be kicking you off this site. No food porn! That only belongs in the darkest furthest corner of the Dark Web.

Saw a girl with a T-shirt that read hotter than wasabi. Of course it was on a fat ugly girl. It should be illegal to to sell T-shirt such as that or PHAT (pretty hot and tempting) to ugly or fat girls. A line needs to be drawn. Be outraged!

Strange no ARA markets here. Only Justo and Bueno and D1. Hate D1. Their fruit juice have less juice content than the other stores and they had the worst cola I have ever tasted. Petty yes. But petty I am. This is highly valuable information that needs to get out there. Rant over.

I feel horrible about all guys not here and I wanted to do a dedication to as many of you as I can. So this is what I came up with. I finish doggie style. When the time is right I say, "I am cumming. I am cumming". Then she screams out loud what I have written on the piece of paper in front of her.

OMG! Frank, Sammy, Bart. You are the best!

There are a lot of you so have to do 3 names at a time. You are welcome.

So ashamed. Jumped the gun. First girl in Medellin suckered me. Took her shirt off and her small boobs got even smaller. Like half. Hate that! But later that day I saw a girl with a nice rack walking toward me. But as she past by where I was sitting I could see her bra sticking out many inches from her boobs. She was 3 sizes smaller than here bra. We should be able to sue women for false advertising because it is emotionally devastating! Let me say that again devastating! What? You are asking could it get worse? Of course. She looked 5 years older when she took off the face mask. But she was pretty good lay. But I believe in balance in the world so I promptly compensated with this fake boob girl.

07-10-20, 08:04
Two disgraceful, repulsive foreigners (gringos?) at 2'57" I saw them today as I walked to my bus after shopping for glasses and phone accessories downtown. They, and a couple of others look as bad or worse than the homeless Colombians with untreated mental illness in my neighborhood. In the army they'd surely get the sheep sheers and wire brush clean-up treatment.LOL WTF!! Are they talking to SWs in that video? Is it disrespectful to hang out like that in Medellin. I have seen many begpackers like that in Medellin. Locals don't seem to mind that much though.

07-10-20, 09:41
Next you ask about the security camera system and who is watching, you may think that it is a small room with maybe a cop haphazardly looking from time to time at a small screen! HUH they have a fully staffed and professionally equipment command center with multiple big screens, tracking camera systems, recording devices for all cameras, this rivals what you would find in a system in the USA. I have seen it.
I hope that this system will protect us from being mugged, because others have said that as soon as the tourist police disappear, any gringo is very vulnerable to gangs with knives.

07-10-20, 14:06
Sorry but really an 18 year quote guarantee there in Colombia?? Even in USA Dental companies come and go but man you are in Colombia and even dentists in USA Have implants fail then have to fight them literally tooth and nails.Lasted 31 years, it just did not agree with the status Quo, so here I am, making the necessary changes to meet the Status Quo! Glad I only live 3 hours away from Colombia and I have to problem flying back down if I have any problems with my teeth, currently 1 year later, and I am more than happy with the service that I have been provided. Pollo Negro is out!

07-10-20, 15:38
The withdrawal limits maybe lower, however, their ATM's used to be Citibank's; they bought them off before they left Colombia. It's a Canadian bank and they have been 100%, (no issues from them or Citibank in over 15 years of travel) in any city that I've visited in Colombia and other countries.

The ATM offered withdrawal selections of 1,540,000 and 2,000,000 COP. In the past the max was always 400,000 in Medellin, Cucuta, Bogota, Cartagena, and my first month in Barranquilla. This is a huge jump. I chose 400,000 but had a bad feeling so jerked out my card. Received a TRANSACTION ERROR and a print out ticket saying error no money paid. But money was deducted from my Schwab account. Schwab denied the claim even though tI sent picture of receipt with none payment. I called and explained this is a slam dunk. Look at your own description. All my withdrawals have format of:

Calle 53 No 46-192, Bar be / QUILL.

Carrera 51 # 50-26 MEDELLI.

Calle 28 No. 13 A - 17 Bogota.

Except this one that ripped me off:

Davivienda Davi be / QUILL 0800100 be / QUIL.

I thought it was a skimmer or something because it was during the weekend. Weeks later I tried again. Same high amount. Went to 3 banks and all the same high amounts offered. Fine I selected my regular 400,000. During processing (counting) (but no noise) I receive the Error screen and no money. Same description on my Schwab account. Schwab finally paid both.

Arrive at Medellin bus station I try again and the same high amounts offered so I walked away. Never use Davivienda again! Now use BBVA with no fees. Highest withdrawal is 600,000.

07-10-20, 16:17
The ATM offered withdrawal selections of 1,540,000 and 2,000,000 COP. In the past the max was always 400,000 in Medellin, Cucuta, Bogota, Cartagena, and my first month in Barranquilla. This is a huge jump. I chose 400,000 but had a bad feeling so jerked out my card. Received a TRANSACTION ERROR and a print out ticket saying error no money paid. But money was deducted from my Schwab account. Schwab denied the claim even though tI sent picture of receipt with none payment. I called and explained this is a slam dunk. Look at your own description. All my withdrawals have format of:

Calle 53 No 46-192, Bar be / QUILL.

Carrera 51 # 50-26 MEDELLI.

Calle 28 No. 13 A - 17 Bogota.

Except this one that ripped me off:

Davivienda Davi be / QUILL 0800100 be / QUIL.

I thought it was a skimmer or something because it was during the weekend. Weeks later I tried again. Same high amount. Went to 3 banks and all the same high amounts offered. Fine I selected my regular 400,000. During processing (counting) (but no noise) I receive the Error screen and no money. Same description on my Schwab account. Schwab finally paid both.

Arrive at Medellin bus station I try again and the same high amounts offered so I walked away. Never use Davivienda again! Now use BBVA with no fees. Highest withdrawal is 600,000.Davivienda offers up to 2 million per withdrawal, depending on your bank. I think it's 2,020,000. Had another guy tell me he didn't like Davivienda because he could only pull 400 k. We went to the same ATM. He was offered a maxif 400 k, I was offered up to 2 million.

07-10-20, 16:18
The withdrawal limits maybe lower, however, their ATM's used to be Citibank's; they bought them off before they left Colombia. It's a Canadian bank and they have been 100%, (no issues from them or Citibank in over 15 years of travel) in any city that I've visited in Colombia and other countries.Good advice and you a can make three withdrawals a day of 600,000 Pesos for a total 1,800,000 Pesos per ATM card per day, and their exchange rate is higher than Bancolombia as well.

In March I was withdrawing 3,600,000 COP a day with two of my ATM cards when the COP exchange rate was over 4,000 COP to and depositing into my Bancolombia account.