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09-28-20, 01:37
Can anyone say what routes to avoid to reduce the risk of something like this, I like to explore off the beaten path, I want to explore COL, I was planning on avoiding the Pasto area.

How about a bus roundtrip Mde to Bucaramanga / Riohacha, and / or the coffee triangle, I should include I'm a gringo with blonde hair and blue eyes zero espanol.

I typically stand out whether I'm in Asia Europe Russia Latin America or even USA LOL.

Muchas gracias.I hate to say this, but your going to have a bullseye on your back wherever you go which your aware of, especially in the areas less traveled by foreigners. Cartagena would be fine though, albeit fly versus even thinking of taking a bus anywhere, unless it's a few hours away like to Santa Fe de Antoquia outside of Medellin. An alternative might be to have a Colombian companion with you if you elect to travel by bus versus solo. Another thing to consider is if as an example you were to fly somewhere like Santa Marta, you could go on a day tour, like to say Parque Tyrona, and wouldn't have to worry being with an organized group. I'm not trying to dissuade you from exploring the Country, but being an obvious foreigner with no Spanish speaking skills will just make it a bit more of a challenge to do it safely.

Gringo Trooper
09-28-20, 01:38
Can anyone say what routes to avoid to reduce the risk of something like this, I like to explore off the beaten path, I want to explore COL, I was planning on avoiding the Pasto area.

How about a bus roundtrip Mde to Bucaramanga / Riohacha, and / or the coffee triangle, I should include I'm a gringo with blonde hair and blue eyes zero espanol.

I typically stand out whether I'm in Asia Europe Russia Latin America or even USA LOL.

Muchas gracias.When are you going down to Colombia?

You can learn a basic understanding of Spanish if you download a program like Pimsleur.

Since, you have traveled all over the world, it sounds like you have street smarts, which obviously helps.

I'm am like you, in the sense that we both stick out like sore thumbs.

If I go to a seedy area, I usually just wear a hat, but either way, they will see your gringo-ness no matter what.

Bucaramanga would be a great place to visit. I've met chicas on tinder (non-pro's) that live there and they are eager for extranjero visitors.

I have a lady friend that lives in Riohacha, that city is a dump in my opinion.

09-28-20, 02:45
But your absolutely right. A gutter like atmosphere may suit you and others just fine as a vacation hot spot. I was speaking to the newbies with higher expectations.

You said Botero / Centro is not the high point. But claim you never visited Lleras park, falsa Dos and other major strip clubs. So how would you know? And even IF you had done it all it really does not matter. Every guy has different wants and needs..

09-28-20, 02:54
When are you going down to Colombia?

You can learn a basic understanding of Spanish if you download a program like Pimsleur.

Since, you have traveled all over the world, it sounds like you have street smarts, which obviously helps.

I'm am like you, in the sense that we both stick out like sore thumbs.

If I go to a seedy area, I usually just wear a hat, but either way, they will see your gringo-ness no matter what.

Bucaramanga would be a great place to visit. I've met chicas on tinder (non-pro's) that live there and they are eager for extranjero visitors.

I have a lady friend that lives in Riohacha, that city is a dump in my opinion.I have 3 flights booked for Oct I keep rescheduling them, issues with work and issues with the airports opening, my Bday is in Oct #53 I'd like to squeeze in 53 chicas really quickly.

Or maybe just 52 for this last year (and do 53 after Jan. 1 LOL), my sched got messed up last year then I was planning COL and Brasil and covid hit, so I missed last years celebration.

The year before 2018 I went to Moscow for my Bday and wanted to do 51 and wound up in Asia and did over 200 chicas before the trip was over.

The year before 2017 I had this idea go to FKK and do 50 for my 50th LOL that was pretty good, I like small towns whether in Mexico Russia or Deutschland.

No cell service so no google translate nobody speaks English I don't speak the language, no thirsty mongers everywhere LOL.

I was really surprised to see this post about a bus robbery, I thought hey WTF I thought Col was safer than El Salvador.

And flying sucks I see nothing at 35000 feet, bus robberies eliminate the option of travelling with 5000-10000 usd in ones sock.

09-28-20, 03:33
Yes absolutely, go the Veracruz Church, there are several Colombians who hang directly on the corner of the Church besides the glass covered walkway who will be begging and hooting for you to spend the night with you!I never thought of that. Is this how Colombian Catholics welcome poor wayfarers?

09-28-20, 04:36
I never thought of that. Is this how Colombian Catholics welcome poor wayfarers?Best bang for your buck in all of Colombia I'd say at that church.

09-28-20, 04:41
Yes absolutely, go the Veracruz Church, there are several Colombians who hang directly on the corner of the Church besides the glass covered walkway who will be begging and hooting for you to spend the night with you!The price is going to sky rocket the next time I visit now you have given away the secret. I guess I will have to stick to Parque Bolivar in the future.

09-28-20, 05:15
Best bang for your buck in all of Colombia I'd say at that church.Yes, unfortunately though the bang is not in the front door, but the back door.

09-28-20, 05:30
I never thought of that. Is this how Colombian Catholics welcome poor wayfarers?Yes, but with a twist.

These specific Colombians, in the location mentioned, are sodomizers amongst other things.

I suggest you stay away from them, not a good idea to engage them.

09-28-20, 06:02
Best bang for your buck in all of Colombia I'd say at that church.I don't want to get them excommunicated.

I probably should consult with the priest before getting deeper into that.

09-28-20, 07:52
There are definitely many fewer customers, as flights just started within the past week. You have a lot of girls who are desperate for money. That said, some will still hold to a price that they "think" they deserve (and sometimes no longer get it and sometimes get it from guys who do not care about what they pay). In other cases, you can get good deals. And remember, there are new girls every day. I suspect it's going to be a while before things get back to the way they were. And I might expect even more working girls given the economy here is in such bad shape.Yepp, but it sure didn't stop that Tinder schemer bich from calling an outrageous 800 mil number shamelesly. Its always buyer beware in this business and covid or not they will try to pull that on you. This is why mongers knowing the market and sharing the intel is good. Pollo has a good read on things, but his activities and area of interest is centro centric. There are some chicas I know that will not set foot in Centro irrespective, and others that go where they see the opportunity. If you observe their FB feed you can get a rough idea of who is what. Heck I know I even overpay, but atleast stay in what is considered the usual gringo range. Price and performance are definitely not correlated. That is based in my experimce more on chemistry, her mood, desire for future citas, her options etc. Once they get comfortable hanging with you, you get more from them as well for the same or even less price. That is why the mongers that have been going there a while always have a leg up on the newbies.
For every one monger that does the sensible thing there are 5 more that book at the Dan Carlton, show up at Gustos and go with the first price thrown at them and then pay the chica fee at the front desk, and some of them still don't even get decent action once back in the room even as they try mightily to extract their money's worth!

09-28-20, 09:16
Yepp, but it sure didn't stop that Tinder schemer bich from calling an outrageous 800 mil number shamelesly. Its always buyer beware in this business and covid or not they will try to pull that on you. I do get the feeling that there will be more girls to choose from than usual, and on the negative side as I understand it the nightclubs are closed. So maybe it evens out.

09-28-20, 10:22
Are shocked to see the talent in the park, unfortunately many of these girls have been eating once every 3 days and may not meet the gringo, Fase Dos standard, do not come to Medellin and expect every girl to look like she looked before the Quarantine, its just not going to happen. If you are looking for the white, silicone, fake boob chics that you could never bang in the states, wait until the city returns to normal. You can use the agencies and that may be your ticket, but the girls in the park and mostly everywhere else have taken a hit, or a loss and they may not be the dream girls you once viewed. Understand that the quarantine has devastated Colombia, if you like them the way they are, then hurry here, there are plenty in Parque Botero ready to bang for a buck. Pollo Negro is out!I will be there in a few days! Can't wait!

The Tall Man
09-28-20, 16:32
Big crime ring just busted in Medellin as reported in El Tiempo. They used Tinder and other apps to target foreigners.

The numbers are staggering: Cifras de la Policía indican que en lo que va corrido del año han sido capturadas un total de 2. 193 personas por el delito de hurto en el Valle de Aburrá, de ellas 1. 761 en Medellíand. Asimismo, con corte al 31 de agosto de este año, van 117 denuncias de hurto a personas en la capital antioqueña mediante uso de escopolamina.

English: Figures from the Police indicate that so far this year a total of 2,193 people have been captured for the crime of theft in the Aburrá Valley, 1,761 of them in Medellíand. Likewise, with a cutoff to August 31 of this year, there are 117 complaints of theft from people in the capital of Antioquia through the use of scopolamine.

Here is the link to the full report:


Just last evening I had a new Tinder girl whom I just connected with immediately and aggressively wanted to come over to my apartment and "show me a good time", I told her that I will meet her at a motel this week and take a test drive and I want her ass, hehehehe she sends me back a sad face, hehehehe.

Be careful guys.

The Tall Man.

09-28-20, 19:02
I'm at the airport now. Heading home to work for a few weeks before I return in later October for another round. A few comments.

1) I went to Lleras last night. Place was pretty dead. While discos don't open until November, Lleras Town and Beer Store were open and were both pretty full. Lleras Town closed at 1.

2) Airport. Do not be one of those last minute gringos. Get there earlier. You will wait in line outside to have your flight information checked. Then you'll get your temperature tested and be offered (or asked to use) hand sanitizer. The Spirit line was pretty slow, but that may have been because there were a bunch of gringos who spoke zero Spanish. Geez. Could not even pronounce the word for bathroom! I discovered that I was supposed to complete the information on the Colombia migration page again. The guy was nice and did it for me, but it took some time. SO BE SURE YOU COMPLETE THE FORM UPON ENTRY AND UPON EXIT. Not much open in the airport. Beyond migracion, Guy's burgers was open, but the other restaurants were closed.

Gringos leaving today included a big group of brothers. Probably around 30's. And a few of the stereotypical middle aged gringos.

3) Saw my high school girl again on Sunday and then went out with an old favorite on Sunday night for a few drinks and some fun afterwards.

All in all, a good first trip. Not too crazy. Just getting my rhythm back. As I said in another post, everyone seems to be doing a good job of social distancing and wearing masks in public. Did not "feel" unsafe where I was.

09-28-20, 19:48
Just last evening I had a new Tinder girl whom I just connected with immediately and aggressively wanted to come over to my apartment and "show me a good time", I told her that I will meet her at a motel this week and take a test drive and I want her ass, hehehehe she sends me back a sad face, hehehehe.

Be careful guys.

The Tall Man.Probably the number one indicator of a malicious Chica, whether it be a street walker, a Tinder Girl, or a Fay-Boo girl is if they are extremely aggressive, that's a very bad sign indeed raising red flags, and when I encounter a Chica like this, like one in El Centro who after 30 seconds pushes hard to go to the room, I pass as typically it's going to be a bad session, rushed, and whatever was agreed to balked at once in the room.

09-28-20, 19:56
117 denuncias de hurto a personas en la capital antioquea mediante uso de escopolamina."Due to the belief that it can render the victim unconscious or unwillingly or produce amnesia, it is used for criminal purposes such as attempted robbery or rape, but the effects usually end in the form of poisonings of another nature, when very serious, such as tachycardia, arrhythmia, psychosis, with dozen of admissions for this reason." (from Wikipedia).

So most likely it doesn't work, that's why there are so many reports and so many arrests, because it doesn't make you sleep. Anyway, I doubt I can get drugged this way. And fuck Tinder, I'm not even going to install it. I'm sure there is enough pussy on the street for a few gringos.

09-28-20, 20:41
Very helpful report Colombialvr as I was curious about the lleras area. I could never see traveling for such a short stay though but I guess work requires you back.

I'm at the airport now. Heading home to work for a few weeks before I return in later October for another round. A few comments.

1) I went to Lleras last night. Place was pretty dead. While discos don't open until November, Lleras Town and Beer Store were open and were both pretty full. Lleras Town closed at 1.

2) Airport. Do not be one of those last minute gringos. Get there earlier. You will wait in line outside to have your flight information checked. Then you'll get your temperature tested and be offered (or asked to use) hand sanitizer. The Spirit line was pretty slow, but that may have been because there were a bunch of gringos who spoke zero Spanish. Geez. Could not even pronounce the word for bathroom! I discovered that I was supposed to complete the information on the Colombia migration page again. The guy was nice and did it for me, but it took some time. SO BE SURE YOU COMPLETE THE FORM UPON ENTRY AND UPON EXIT. Not much open in the airport. Beyond migracion, Guy's burgers was open, but the other restaurants were closed.

Gringos leaving today included a big group of brothers. Probably around 30's. And a few of the stereotypical middle aged gringos.

3) Saw my high school girl again on Sunday and then went out with an old favorite on Sunday night for a few drinks and some fun afterwards.

All in all, a good first trip. Not too crazy. Just getting my rhythm back. As I said in another post, everyone seems to be doing a good job of social distancing and wearing masks in public. Did not "feel" unsafe where I was..

09-28-20, 20:47
Like most of you here, I was desperate to get back to MDE. I booked and they cancelled multiple flights. I was getting frustrated and booked a trip to GDL Mexico. Two days before travel, September 21 opening was confirmed. I could not find a ticket to MDE so I booked through BOG but on the day of flight one ticket opened up on Spirit (X 4 the original ticket price plus change fees) but will all COVID hassle I figured I would rather go direct to MDE and I am glad I did. It has already been well described here what is needed to get into CO so I won't rehash. It was smooth and no issues with migration. *Just do your online registration 24 hours before and don't wait till last minute. *.

Life is slow but not dead. I actually enjoyed the reduced traffic. Many restaurants are closed but there are enough open and some bars are open. I did not venture out to bars but spent almost every evening with my dates in the hotel roof top bar, which was awesome. I realized how much I missed the lovely weather, city views and sharing music / Gin and tonics with sweet paisas before getting into a hot jacuzzi couple of floors down or the pool. I split my stay between a house with a three bedroom unit and private heated pool (with two other friends) and a new modern hotel in the heart of Provenza with amazing views (alone). I find very few Provenza options with views so I am happy to find this. Both places were very good in their way.

Mongering: I don't do centro casas anymore. One friend wanted to go to casas so we did one afternoon. I contacted Energy (used to be my favourite Casa) on whatsapp and they said they had 10 working. We took a taxi there and none impressed us so we left. One buddy knew of a Casa in a 10 floor residential building in the general Estadio area. It was bit of a hassle to get in, Porteo logging in our IDs etc and had to wait at the door for like 15 minutes, elevator malfunction so we had to walk up six floors but there were three cute friendly girls for the three of us. Very Nice bodies and decent faces. 130,000 CBJ and 150,000 BBJ. Showers with hot water. In fact both my friends got numbers from their girls and saw them again at our hotel. That is telling in itself.

I did two to three sessions a day. I don't do street. I used to do Fase but they are closed. La Isla is open but I did not go. I don't see a need for clubs but I do enjoy the high energy atmosphere and the vibe of hanging out with friends.

I don't use Tinder.

I am mainly an FB guy but for the last couple of years it is almost 100%, friends of girls I know. I pay comission to each girl that sends me so I never find myself short on availability, even close to midnight. More importantly, having mutual contacts is way more secure than a random online contact. I had 15 dates in 6 days and some of the girls I saw twice.

Return back to MIA, flight was delayed by nearly 2 hours but with Global Entry, I was able to make my connection. No questions asked.

I have already booked my trip for October. Hope CO does not change the rules and will keep up the pace of opening. I wear a mask, stay hydrated, wash hands frequently and take my vitamins and don't worry about COVID. Have fun and stay safe.

Just Incognito
09-28-20, 21:06
Like most of you here, I was desperate to get back to MDE. I booked and they cancelled multiple flights. I was getting frustrated and booked a trip to GDL Mexico. Two days before travel, September 21 opening was confirmed. I could not find a ticket to MDE so I booked through BOG but on the day of flight one ticket opened up on Spirit (X 4 the original ticket price plus change fees) but will all COVID hassle I figured I would rather go direct to MDE and I am glad I did. It has already been well described here what is needed to get into CO so I won't rehash. It was smooth and no issues with migration. *Just do your online registration 24 hours before and don't wait till last minute. *.

Life is slow but not dead. I actually enjoyed the reduced traffic. Many restaurants are closed but there are enough open and some bars are open. I did not venture out to bars but spent almost every evening with my dates in the hotel roof top bar, which was awesome. I realized how much I missed the lovely weather, city views and sharing music / Gin and tonics with sweet paisas before getting into a hot jacuzzi couple of floors down or the pool. I split my stay between a house with a three bedroom unit and private heated pool (with two other friends) and a new modern hotel in the heart of Provenza with amazing views (alone). I find very few Provenza options with views so I am happy to find this. Both places were very good in their way..You don't worry about Covid? What about when banging 15 different girls, isn't there a risk? These chicas aren't tested regularly--I wonder how many are positive and spreading to each other and anyone they get paid to fool around with. Not worried about covid in a restaurant? Or in a casa? I wonder how many people are going to Colombia--and coming back with Covid--and how many of those will have a bad reaction.

Everything we study at work about this and everything I read seems much more serious than it seems reports like this indicate. I am happy it worked out for you--and now I hope you have no symptoms of anything in the next 2 weeks.

Elvis 2008
09-28-20, 21:06
I'm at the airport now. Heading home to work for a few weeks before I return in later October for another round. A few comments.

1) I went to Lleras last night. Place was pretty dead. While discos don't open until November, Lleras Town and Beer Store were open and were both pretty full. Lleras Town closed at 1.I saw the same thing. No hookers in sight.

2) Airport. Do not be one of those last minute gringos. Get there earlier. You will wait in line outside to have your flight information checked. Then you'll get your temperature tested and be offered (or asked to use) hand sanitizer. The guy was nice and did it for me, but it took some time. SO BE SURE YOU COMPLETE THE FORM UPON ENTRY AND UPON EXIT. Not much open in the airport. Beyond migracion, Guy's burgers was open, but the other restaurants were closed.Thanks for the inforation on the departure. You guys when they say get to the airport 3 hours before an international flight and 2 hours before a domestic one? I usually do 90 minutes international and 60 domestic, but this time really do the 2,3 hour thing especially in Colombia.

CL said they checked his flight info, and they do that for Americans but what the long line outside of the airport really is for is to check to make sure Colombians have the corona app on their phones. The Corona app does not work with American phone numbers. You tell the authorities what hotel you are staying at but you can literally go anywhere.

The notion that countries like Colombia did not take Corona seriously is a joke. Colombia has taken the virus way more seriously than Mexico or the USA, and it is still raging. This finding just re-emphasized to me that all generalized lockdowns do is destroy economies. IMO the shame of it all is that so much of the energy is misdirected. All this emphasis on hand washing and sanitizer when the virus is spread through the air kind of irked me.

Just smile and politely deal with the bossy security personnel in front of every hotel. They are treating everyone like shit not just you. LOL.

Hotels are using Corona to charge guest fees for anyone you bring into a hotel. When I say guest fees, I mean they will charge you like the guest has to have her own room. I do not know about love hotels, but if you cannot register a guest upfront, look at going to cheaper hotels for short term hookups or maybe look to airbnb.

As for getting your PCR test, instead of booking from one city direct to Colombia, I booked two separate tickets on Spirit: one to Fort Lauderdale and one to Colombia the next day. In Lauderdale, I rented a car and went to labdoctor. Org and prepaid the $179 for the PCR Covid. I went there at 4 PM to get tested. They have a way to send you results via email or text but I think I entered my information too late. So I had to go back to the clinic at 8 AM and have the results printed out by hand. The nurse assured me that they would have results before my flight, and they did.

I used my phone to take a picture. I then googled how to convert a jpg to pdf online and then googled how to compress a PDF file. The PCR Covid test has to be small to be uploaded. You will get a confirmatory email from the Colombian government. That email will be needed when you enter Colombia.

Last I checked, Spirit has flights to multiple cities in Colombia, Viva is flying to Medellin from Miami, and American is now flying to Cartagena.

Needing two masks on the flight was not enforced. There was no meal or beverage service on the flight so stock up before hand.

09-28-20, 21:24
Probably the number one indicator of a malicious Chica, whether it be a street walker, a Tinder Girl, or a Fay-Boo girl is if they are extremely aggressive, that's a very bad sign indeed raising red flags, and when I encounter a Chica like this, like one in El Centro who after 30 seconds pushes hard to go to the room, I pass as typically it's going to be a bad session, rushed, and whatever was agreed to balked at once in the room.I typically give them the middle finger in their face and walk away, they are just hunting the weak.

I'm guessing the chances all will go well are at best 0%.

For lack of more familiar terms.

There are alpha mongers and beta mongers.

Conversely there are want to be alpha hookers and beta hookers.

They all tend to seek out their polar opposites, at least typically.

Member #4665
09-28-20, 23:21
I like small towns whether in Mexico Russia or Deutschland.
Which small-town did you like in Germany?

09-28-20, 23:22
When are you going down to Colombia?

You can learn a basic understanding of Spanish if you download a program like Pimsleur.

Since, you have traveled all over the world, it sounds like you have street smarts, which obviously helps.

I'm am like you, in the sense that we both stick out like sore thumbs.

If I go to a seedy area, I usually just wear a hat, but either way, they will see your gringo-ness no matter what.

Bucaramanga would be a great place to visit. I've met chicas on tinder (non-pro's) that live there and they are eager for extranjero visitors.

I have a lady friend that lives in Riohacha, that city is a dump in my opinion.However, I second the other gentleman's suggestion. Study a bit of Spanish. There are quite a few places in Manazales which have English speaking, expat, owners. Not sure how well you will do with absolutely no Spanish, since I speak Spanish. English is not widespread here.

The countryside is breath taking, and once you see how much work goes into growing, harvesting, and processing coffee, you will never complain again about the price.

09-28-20, 23:28
1) I went to Lleras last night. Place was pretty dead. While discos don't open until November, Lleras Town and Beer Store were open and were both pretty full. Lleras Town closed at 1.
". pretty dead"? The place is devastated.

09-29-20, 00:23
You don't worry about Covid? What about when banging 15 different girls, isn't there a risk? These chicas aren't tested regularly--I wonder how many are positive and spreading to each other and anyone they get paid to fool around with. Not worried about covid in a restaurant? Or in a casa? I wonder how many people are going to Colombia--and coming back with Covid--and how many of those will have a bad reaction.

Everything we study at work about this and everything I read seems much more serious than it seems reports like this indicate. I am happy it worked out for you--and now I hope you have no symptoms of anything in the next 2 weeks.Jjajajajajaa.

09-29-20, 01:17
.CL said they checked his flight info, and they do that for Americans but what the long line outside of the airport really is for is to check to make sure Colombians have the corona app on their phones. The Corona app does not work with American phone numbers. You tell the authorities what hotel you are staying at but you can literally go anywhere..Can you please clarify this. Specifically, are you saying that the Corona App does not work on American phone numbers, or did you mean to say it only works with Colombian phone numbers. This is confusing as I thought it was Internet based as I can download it to my Iphone from the App store.

The reason I bring this up is because I don't want Big Brother following me around, albeit my I phone stays locked up.

Please shed more light on this.

Gringo Trooper
09-29-20, 02:15
I have 3 flights booked for Oct I keep rescheduling them, issues with work and issues with the airports openingI appreciate the reply, I accidentally scrolled past it earlier because there was a bunch of church / priest banter here LOL, and I missed the post.

That's quite a great background of travel adventures man, hope you make it there soon in time for your bday celebrations.

09-29-20, 02:33
I appreciate the reply, I accidentally scrolled past it earlier because there was a bunch of church / priest banter here LOL, and I missed the post.

That's quite a great background of travel adventures man, hope you make it there soon in time for your bday celebrations."Pretty dead"? The place is devastated.

Sure hope I don't have to postpone further.

09-29-20, 04:46
I prefer to go for a bit longer, but my attitude is a few days are better than none. From a cost perspective, it's hard to justify. But these trips relax me. And, of course, I'm flying from Florida, so the time and cost involved is not as much as for others coming from other parts of USA (or the world).

Very helpful report Colombialvr as I was curious about the lleras area. I could never see traveling for such a short stay though but I guess work requires you back.


09-29-20, 05:33
Valid question based on what we all read in media. I am not worried.

You don't worry about Covid? What about when banging 15 different girls, isn't there a risk? These chicas aren't tested regularly--I wonder how many are positive and spreading to each other and anyone they get paid to fool around with. Not worried about covid in a restaurant? Or in a casa? I wonder how many people are going to Colombia--and coming back with Covid--and how many of those will have a bad reaction.

Everything we study at work about this and everything I read seems much more serious than it seems reports like this indicate. I am happy it worked out for you--and now I hope you have no symptoms of anything in the next 2 weeks.

09-29-20, 05:45
1) there was no such thing as Corona app for me.

You are expected to register with CO migration on the "Check-mig" link.


No big deal if you don't do this. They will pull you the side and do it for you in Medellin. Takes 10 minutes extra. I was one of the first ones to get off the plane and got out in 15 minutes with them filling the form for me.

You have to do the same form on the return and I did it on the phone while I was line to get into passport check. The guard there even helped me couple of steps. He watched me do it so came over and looked over my shoulder gently advising me whenever I paused doubtfully. For the return, you don't have to upload PCR.

2) Leaving FLL, I showed PCR result (in the email from the lab) to Spirit people before boarding. They were sending people back if it did not say PCR on the lab result. Some folks were crying. My friend who came on American 5 days later said, American did not check to see if it says PCR or not on it. As long as it does not say, antibody test, you are good to go.

3) Showed PCR to the immigration officer. Also on the phone. No printed copy. Could not have been easier, considering I was dreading it. I went on the 21st. Migration officer told me ours was the second flight.

I saw the same thing. No hookers in sight.

Thanks for the inforation on the departure. You guys when they say get to the airport 3 hours before an international flight and 2 hours before a domestic one? I usually do 90 minutes international and 60 domestic, but this time really do the 2,3 hour thing especially in Colombia.

CL said they checked his flight info, and they do that for Americans but what the long line outside of the airport really is for is to check to make sure Colombians have the corona app on their phones. The Corona app does not work with American phone numbers. You tell the authorities what hotel you are staying at but you can literally go anywhere.

The notion that countries like Colombia did not take Corona seriously is a joke. Colombia has taken the virus way more seriously than Mexico or the USA, and it is still raging. This finding just re-emphasized to me that all generalized lockdowns do is destroy economies. IMO the shame of it all is that so much of the energy is misdirected. All this emphasis on hand washing and sanitizer when the virus is spread through the air kind of irked me.

Just smile and politely deal with the bossy security personnel in front of every hotel. They are treating everyone like shit not just you. LOL.

Hotels are using Corona to charge guest fees for anyone you bring into a hotel. When I say guest fees, I mean they will charge you like the guest has to have her own room. I do not know about love hotels, but if you cannot register a guest upfront, look at going to cheaper hotels for short term hookups or maybe look to airbnb.

As for getting your PCR test, instead of booking from one city direct to Colombia, I booked two separate tickets on Spirit: one to Fort Lauderdale and one to Colombia the next day. In Lauderdale, I rented a car and went to labdoctor. Org and prepaid the $179 for the PCR Covid. I went there at 4 PM to get tested. They have a way to send you results via email or text but I think I entered my information too late. So I had to go back to the clinic at 8 AM and have the results printed out by hand. The nurse assured me that they would have results before my flight, and they did.

I used my phone to take a picture. I then googled how to convert a jpg to pdf online and then googled how to compress a PDF file. The PCR Covid test has to be small to be uploaded. You will get a confirmatory email from the Colombian government. That email will be needed when you enter Colombia.

Last I checked, Spirit has flights to multiple cities in Colombia, Viva is flying to Medellin from Miami, and American is now flying to Cartagena.

Needing two masks on the flight was not enforced. There was no meal or beverage service on the flight so stock up before hand.

09-29-20, 06:02
You don't worry about Covid? What about when banging 15 different girls, isn't there a risk? These chicas aren't tested regularly--I wonder how many are positive and spreading to each other and anyone they get paid to fool around with. Not worried about covid in a restaurant? Or in a casa? I wonder how many people are going to Colombia--and coming back with Covid--and how many of those will have a bad reaction.

Everything we study at work about this and everything I read seems much more serious than it seems reports like this indicate. I am happy it worked out for you--and now I hope you have no symptoms of anything in the next 2 weeks.Of course COVID is a concern but I will go out on a limb and say if you are fucking 15+ girls that your risk might be high or higher for other diseases, too. COVID is an additional risk. And then all the posts about knives and being drugged and robbed, etc. I am not happy about the additional COVID risk (truth, I am immune but that is separate subject) but in the big picture, I think compared to the other risks of the mongering lifestyle, it can be taken in stride, jajaja with common sense precautions.

09-29-20, 06:23
I would hate to be you. You will give yourself a heart attack soon.

Remember the media telling you:

The microwaves (used to heat food) gives out radiation that will cause cancer and kill you. Yet 90% of all of us have one.

The cell phones gives out radiation that will cause cancer and kill you. Yet 100% of all of us have one.

In the 1980's AIDS was going to kill half the planets population. How did that work out?

About 3 years ago ZIKA virus was a popular doom scenario for 6 months and then nothing. Nothing heard again.

Now COVID. It has killed less than 1%. Mostly sickly and very elderly.

Are you unable to think for yourself or does media have to fill your head like all the stupid kids of today's world?

You don't worry about Covid? What about when banging 15 different girls, isn't there a risk? These chicas aren't tested regularly--I wonder how many are positive and spreading to each other and anyone they get paid to fool around with. Not worried about covid in a restaurant? Or in a casa? I wonder how many people are going to Colombia--and coming back with Covid--and how many of those will have a bad reaction.

Everything we study at work about this and everything I read seems much more serious than it seems reports like this indicate. I am happy it worked out for you--and now I hope you have no symptoms of anything in the next 2 weeks.

09-29-20, 07:13
Getting my line-up in order for my return trip jeje.

Three-hole access and BBBJ. And funny as hell.

09-29-20, 09:20
2) Leaving FLL, I showed PCR result (in the email from the lab) to Spirit people before boarding. They were sending people back if it did not say PCR on the lab result. Some folks were crying. My friend who came on American 5 days later said, American did not check to see if it says PCR or not on it. As long as it does not say, antibody test, you are good to go.

3) Showed PCR to the immigration officer. Also on the phone. No printed copy. Could not have been easier, considering I was dreading it. I went on the 21st. Migration officer told me ours was the second flight.What did they look at when checking the PCR test? I just did a PCR-RT test to check how long my lab took and they took around 3 days, which is less than the 96 hours the Colombia gov requires but still a little close for comfort. I'll do one again 4 days from my flight. How thoroughly do they check the test? Do they call the clinic up to make sure everything matches up or is it more of a wave through?

Mojo Bandit
09-29-20, 12:41
Big crime ring just busted in Medellin as reported in El Tiempo. They used Tinder and other apps to target foreigners.

The numbers are staggering:

English: Figures from the Police indicate that so far this year a total of 2,193 people have been captured for the crime of theft in the Aburr Valley, 1,761 of them in Medelland. Likewise, with a cutoff to August 31 of this year, there are 117 complaints of theft from people in the capital of Antioquia through the use of scopolamine.

Here is the link to the full report:


Be careful guys.

The Tall Man.If anyone doubted the stories (I had my doubts sometimes) they should not doubt them anymore. It pays to be careful.

Mojo Bandit
09-29-20, 13:07
". pretty dead"? The place is devastated.This walk around video was taken in Parque Lleras this past Saturday night. Gives a really good feel for what's going on. It appeared to me that Gusto was / is open as there were the black shirted door people hanging in the front at that podium looking thing where they check ID and frisk people down.

Funny story about this guy this guy started off doing videos of the SW putas down in El Centro then a bunch of the girls attacked by Veracruz Church and him and got him arrested, his videos got banned from Youtube for promoting sex tourism, so he had to change up his game plan. this is Saturday but it look like about like what an early Friday would look like when I was there last Oct


Elvis 2008
09-29-20, 14:16
Can you please clarify this. Specifically, are you saying that the Corona App does not work on American phone numbers, or did you mean to say it only works with Colombian phone numbers. This is confusing as I thought it was Internet based as I can download it to my Iphone from the App store.

The reason I bring this up is because I don't want Big Brother following me around, albeit my I phone stays locked up.

Please shed more light on this.It only works with Colombian numbers. The app does not work for foreigners.

Elvis 2008
09-29-20, 14:28
How thoroughly do they check the test? Do they call the clinic up to make sure everything matches up or is it more of a wave through?They do not check it thoroughly at all. Things they are looking for are dates, the words PCR and the word negative. Keep in mind that the airlines usually look at this before you board the flight though I heard American does not.

Corona app issue is not when you fly into Colombia. It is when you fly between cities. There are huge lines outside the airport to make sure that app is downloaded and filled out and it is really inefficient.

I flew to and from multiple places in Colombia, and I do not recommend doing so at this time. The one hour flights turned into like 4 or 5 hour ordeals.

Oh, and once you are in the airport and have a connection, in general, you do not want to leave the airport as it is such a pain to get in.

09-29-20, 14:40
". pretty dead"? The place is devastated.It's like this almost everywhere in the world. Definitely in UK is like this, even worse. But I have seen the video posted by another monger and it looks there are a lot of people around, a lot of girls.

Elvis 2008
09-29-20, 14:56
You don't worry about Covid? What about when banging 15 different girls, isn't there a risk? These chicas aren't tested regularly--I wonder how many are positive and spreading to each other and anyone they get paid to fool around with. Not worried about covid in a restaurant? Or in a casa? I wonder how many people are going to Colombia--and coming back with Covid--and how many of those will have a bad reaction.

Everything we study at work about this and everything I read seems much more serious than it seems reports like this indicate.JI, one of the women I saw has a father on a ventilator in Bucaramanga and as I have said constant times, the virus is not a hoax. He is like 57, obese, and his only other risk factor was hypertension, so again the virus is very real.

However, there are things with the virus that the so called experts have said that piss me off. The first is asymptomatic transmission. Everyone I have seen with Covid knows who they got it from.

The second part is asymptomatic transmission. The head of the WHO said patients with Covid without symptoms very rarely spread the disease based on studies. It is the truth, and under duress, she had to walk it back.

The third thing that bugs me is that the disease spreads through infected surfaces. This is how Influenza spreads and why masks were not recommended much at first, but Corona is spread through the air. That is why it is so infectious. Yet I saw Colombians obsessed with hand washing and hand gels. It is a misdirected effort.

For what it is worth, I have lived out your nightmare scenario. About a month ago, I was with a woman in Mexico who appeared fine and 5 days later texted me and told me she tested + for the virus. I can imagine this would scare you to death. I was not scared at all. My own experiences concur with what the head of the WHO said. Transmission of the virus from asymptomatic people is very, very rare, and my tests have all been negative.

You are on a hooker board so take my advice as such, and you have to do what you are comfortable with. For me, that is staying away from sick appearing women, who are warm to the touch, or coughing excessively.

09-29-20, 17:09
The angle of all your photos suggests you are an ass man.

Getting my line-up in order for my return trip jeje.

Three-hole access and BBBJ. And funny as hell.

09-29-20, 17:15
Unless something changed the coronapp is optional.

Can you please clarify this. Specifically, are you saying that the Corona App does not work on American phone numbers, or did you mean to say it only works with Colombian phone numbers. This is confusing as I thought it was Internet based as I can download it to my Iphone from the App store.

The reason I bring this up is because I don't want Big Brother following me around, albeit my I phone stays locked up.

Please shed more light on this.

09-29-20, 18:07
Big crime ring just busted in Medellin as reported in El Tiempo. They used Tinder and other apps to target foreigners.

The numbers are staggering: Cifras de la Polica indican que en lo que va corrido del ao han sido capturadas un total de 2. 193 personas por el delito de hurto en el Valle de Aburr, de ellas 1. 761 en Medelland. Asimismo, con corte al 31 de agosto de este ao, van 117 denuncias de hurto a personas en la capital antioquea mediante uso de escopolamina.

English: Figures from the Police indicate that so far this year a total of 2,193 people have been captured for the crime of theft in the Aburr Valley, 1,761 of them in Medelland. Likewise, with a cutoff to August 31 of this year, there are 117 complaints of theft from people in the capital of Antioquia through the use of scopolamine.

Here is the link to the full report:


Just last evening I had a new Tinder girl whom I just connected with immediately and aggressively wanted to come over to my apartment and "show me a good time", I told her that I will meet her at a motel this week and take a test drive and I want her ass, hehehehe she sends me back a sad face, hehehehe..https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2020-09-28/no-meat-no-milk-no-bread-hunger-crisis-rocks-latin-america

09-29-20, 18:17
I appreciate the reply, I accidentally scrolled past it earlier because there was a bunch of church / priest banter here LOL, and I missed the post.

That's quite a great background of travel adventures man, hope you make it there soon in time for your bday celebrations.I suggest every monger try this at least once, when is your bday? Try it, even if you do 1 per day.

I want to do 100 chicas for my 100th even if it takes me 200 or 300 days jajajaja.

Just Incognito
09-29-20, 18:30
I would hate to be you. You will give yourself a heart attack soon.

Remember the media telling you:

The microwaves (used to heat food) gives out radiation that will cause cancer and kill you. Yet 90% of all of us have one.

The cell phones gives out radiation that will cause cancer and kill you. Yet 100% of all of us have one.

In the 1980's AIDS was going to kill half the planets population. How did that work out?

About 3 years ago ZIKA virus was a popular doom scenario for 6 months and then nothing. Nothing heard again.

Now COVID. It has killed less than 1%. Mostly sickly and very elderly.
Are you unable to think for yourself or does media have to fill your head like all the stupid kids of today's world?Over 1 million dead people from Covid-19 on planet earth disagree with how you minimize this virus. Every single major health and medical organization on the planet disagrees with your analysis. Not just the media.

I have had Zika, chikungunya, and Dengue multiple times. I also study public policy and advise various Caribbean governments on how best to open back up their islands in the wake of the pandemic. I don't speak from fear and I can think for myself, thank you very much. No educated and truly informed person would agree with or appreciate what your wrote. Check yourself before you wreck yourself LOL.

09-29-20, 19:04
I am a US citizen from New York City. I am divorced 8 years and 60 years old, but could pass for 45. I am white, blue eyes, athletic and I want to learn Spanish.

I am looking for a girlfriend in Medellin. Sex is NOT required. I am interested in someone 18 to 25, very beautiful and sexy for a long term relationship, love, affection and romance. I am lonely.

I would like to visit Medellin for a month once or twice a year. We would stay together in nice airbnb. I would give my girlfriend $250 USD each month we are together and $100 USD when we are separated however I would like to video chat or text message often.

I don't care if she's with other men when I am out of the country.

Does this sound realistic in terms of the compensation? Would Seeking Arrangements be the best website?

09-29-20, 19:22
Great night with Pinky an Ex-Wifey, on Saturday. 3 pops, and hilarious to watch them interact. It was so awkward at first, as they have essentially switched roles. I guess Ex-Wifey was asking Pinky the next day how long she has been living with me, if I miss her, if she loves me, etc etc etc. I went out on Sunday, and Pinky hosted 3 friends for a jacuzzi party.

Sex Goddess pissed me off as she asked me, two weeks after helping her nephew with surgery, for 1. 000.000. She said she wants to quit her job and start a business. I think I shot myself in the foot when I asked if she was going to start an aguacate cart business with the amount. So, she eventually said that amount is nothing for me but could change her life. I snapped. It ended up being a bit of a misunderstanding, but fuck that. She needs to work off the first 1. 000.000 before I even consider another peso. She apologized, and we're all good. EXCEPT, she tested positive for COVID! I think the story is her grandpa or some one was sick, then she got sick, and she got tested. The rest of her family brushed it off, but are all now in a panicked rush to get tested. Her test results took almost a week, I think.

Pinky is headed home again for the weekend. SA is not working. Kind of out of the game, right now. I need to put in some work and set up some action for the weekend. I was a good boy, last time, but I think I'll put my horns back on, this time. I'll put some time into Tinder and see if some former flames have any friends available, I think. SA customer support has been brutal. I think if I really want to resolve it, I just need to create a new account and pay the Premium fee.

I looked at going to Rio in a couple weeks, but I didn't see any exciting apartments on AirBnB, and the US Embassy Travel Warning is Level 4 (the highest). So, I might just hunker down. For those of you that have been here during the quarantine, and don't have a visa... are we still good until the end of the year? Or, did the State of Emergency date change? I read that the migracion office is open, so I don't want to accidentally be a dumbfuck and get myself banned.


09-29-20, 19:44
The Spirit folks looked at both the test and the document from Migracion at check-in. In Colombia, the migracion officer looked at the document that showed I had uploaded the information. I also gave him the PCR test, but don't recall if he really looked at it. And it was in English. I did upload the test results to Migracion prior to departure. Not sure if anyone is looking at them.

I have had to have tests for both Colombia and St. Thomas. I've had them look at documents, but never call the clinic.

What did they look at when checking the PCR test? I just did a PCR-RT test to check how long my lab took and they took around 3 days, which is less than the 96 hours the Colombia gov requires but still a little close for comfort. I'll do one again 4 days from my flight. How thoroughly do they check the test? Do they call the clinic up to make sure everything matches up or is it more of a wave through?

09-29-20, 20:01
It only works with Colombian numbers. The app does not work for foreigners.How do you know this, did somebody tell you that the CoronApp doesn't work for foreigners, as it seems peculiar that an APP downloadable from the APP store would not work with any number worldwide, unless the CoronaAPP is specifically designed to only operate with Colombian numbers which doesn't make any sense at all. Are you sure about this?

09-29-20, 20:06
Unless something changed the coronapp is optional.Not according to another poster, he said it was mandatory for domestic flights and doesn't work on Non-Colombian phones.

09-29-20, 20:46
Sex Goddess pissed me off as she asked me, two weeks after helping her nephew with surgery, for 1. 000.000. She said she wants to quit her job and start a business. I think I shot myself in the foot when I asked if she was going to start an aguacate cart business with the amount. So, she eventually said that amount is nothing for me but could change her life. I snapped. It ended up being a bit of a misunderstanding, but fuck that. She needs to work off the first 1. 000.000 before I even consider another peso. She apologized, and we're all good. EXCEPT, she tested positive for COVID! I think the story is her grandpa or some one was sick, then she got sick, and she got tested. The rest of her family brushed it off, but are all now in a panicked rush to get tested. Her test results took almost a week, I think.This is a personal question for you as it relates to me as well. Do you worry about one of the women coming over might be infected? I know you must have some concerns and am curious if you don't mind sharing your thoughts on this.

I'm slated to return in a few weeks and am having some doubts because of how I roll, and am trying to put things in perspective, albeit how I roll will have to be modified. I almost look at things right now as a roll of the dice, perhaps Russian Roullette in returning. The thought of getting COVID in Colombia is a boner killer for sure and could turn out to be a nightmare being in a foreign Country. Albeit there are probably lots of arguments that wouldn't be the case.

Maybe others have an opinion as I am ready to pillage in El Centro, yet very apprehensive to return just yet.

09-29-20, 21:27
JI, one of the women I saw has a father on a ventilator in Bucaramanga and as I have said constant times, the virus is not a hoax. He is like 57, obese, and his only other risk factor was hypertension, so again the virus is very real.

However, there are things with the virus that the so called experts have said that piss me off. The first is asymptomatic transmission. Everyone I have seen with Covid knows who they got it from.

The second part is asymptomatic transmission. The head of the WHO said patients with Covid without symptoms very rarely spread the disease based on studies. It is the truth, and under duress, she had to walk it back.

The third thing that bugs me is that the disease spreads through infected surfaces. This is how Influenza spreads and why masks were not recommended much at first, but Corona is spread through the air. That is why it is so infectious. Yet I saw Colombians obsessed with hand washing and hand gels. It is a misdirected effort.At the risk of derailing this thread further, I need to counterpoint some of this. Let me start off by saying I agree with point #3 - fomite transmission (aka through surfaces) has proven to be quite limited, and the stressing alcohol gel and cleaning every surface imaginable seems like misplaced effort.

But point #2 is just not right, which is why the WHO walked it back. Not some political conspiracy, it just was not accurate. The WHO has completely f'ed up multiple times with communication and this is one of them. Transmission without symptoms is absolutely possible, and that's what makes this virus so difficult. If symptomatic people were the only people that transmitted this, then it would be like SARS-1 or MERS. Simply isolate people once they show symptoms and it's easy. Pandemic over.

What the WHO person meant to say, and bungled, was that asymptomatic people defined as people who never show symptoms. Rarely spread the virus. Which is true. But there is a distinction, which she failed to stress, between asymptomatic and PREsymptomatic. People who will eventually go on to develop symtpoms. Presymptomatic folks absolutely do spread the virus.

09-29-20, 22:48
The angle of all your photos suggests you are an ass man.Meet the assage is a critical juncture. But just as much my love for ass, was my girls not wanting to show their faces more than necessary. Since someone is paying attention, here are the rest of the fotos of Skater chica. If you like them "toned and tight," she is a "9" and I don't hand out 10's.

She was a student from Bogota when I found her in Medellin. She did not want to be found. I only hooked with her pre-COVID after playing phone tag for a few weeks. I think a buddy gave me her number. Every time she messaged me it was from a different number. I would forget about her and then all of sudden she would Wassap me. She was not a sex worker. She told me her roommates were an architect and a dentist. She was a grad student doing what she had to do to stay in school. She was the one who taught me the Colombianas dominate the word of in-line skating racing. When I asked her about psychology she wouldn't shut up, but I liked her passion. Oh, and we got majorly fucked up on Tussi both times we connected. I was amazed she could walk out the door at sun-up. She kept saying, "Fuck, I am so high. " If I ever find her again I'll post here because she is exceptional. She let me fuck her in the ass, too, like most Colombianas I run into. Well, I tried. After all that Tussi best I could do was 75%-er and she said, "Stick it in, if you can. " She clamped down that muscular ass hole so tight that a pinky finger would have to be lubed. And she started laughing when I tried "pushing rope" up her ass. Not in a taunting way, but in a way that got us both laughing. Yeah. She was one for the books.

Member #4665
09-29-20, 23:57
You could probably find a woman on seeking. Try to look for a bilingual one. When you are away from each other you could talk for 60 minutes WebCam for 60,000 cop. Most people in the country will not make more than 60,000 per day unless They are university professionals. That would give you 6 hours a month. Or you could chat one hour every week for 97,000 cop per session. You could find a girl In the United States to talk to for $60 per hour. $60 per hour is way higher than minimum wage. In certain places in North America US$300 will get you a two-hour date. Maybe it's not worth all the traveling?

When you are both in the same country $250 for an entire month seems like a stretch. Each date on seeking could cost from 300,000 to 500,000 For at least 3 hours or more. If you wanted to stay with you as a live-in girlfriend the entire month I'm not really sure but maybe you need to give her at least a million to cover minimum-wage and hopefully between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 cop. Also I think it's important that she can leave your apartment and go date other men because that would increase her income without you having to pay it.

Also consider finding an educated girl someone with ambition. Someone comes from a hard-working not rich family. It may be more expensive but you will feel safer and maybe she doesn't need to be with you every single day.

Good luck and hopefully share how the arrangement turns out. Pricing is different with every woman. It depends on how much money she makes without you. But you will definitely be able to make great friends and get rid of your loneliness. Your success will only be limited by your own social skills. Also be safe make sure you know her real name, make sure the guard in your apartment complex ask for ID and write it down. Seeking isn't really about blind dates. You should at least be able to see her public Facebook profile and see what kind of people her family members are. Take all the precautions to avoid food poisoning with Scopal as the newspapers have reported is a common crime in the region.

I am a US citizen from New York City. I am divorced 8 years and 60 years old, but could pass for 45. I am white, blue eyes, athletic and I want to learn Spanish.

I am looking for a girlfriend in Medellin. Sex is NOT required. I am interested in someone 18 to 25, very beautiful and sexy for a long term relationship, love, affection and romance. I am lonely.

I would like to visit Medellin for a month once or twice a year. We would stay together in nice airbnb. I would give my girlfriend $250 USD each month we are together and $100 USD when we are separated however I would like to video chat or text message often.

I don't care if she's with other men when I am out of the country.

Does this sound realistic in terms of the compensation? Would Seeking Arrangements be the best website?

09-29-20, 23:58
Yes, it is mandatory for domestic flights. I was referring to international flights. The posts have been about what happens in immigration.

Not according to another poster, he said it was mandatory for domestic flights and doesn't work on Non-Colombian phones.

09-30-20, 00:04
It's like this almost everywhere in the world. Definitely in UK is like this, even worse. But I have seen the video posted by another monger and it looks there are a lot of people around, a lot of girls.I saw a few also, but I didn't see many that looked like they were working? This guys camera motion was tough to focus, maybe someone can say better?

I thought I only spotted 1-3?

Post Script.

I have an auto filter on my brain, if a girl is fat, old or otherwise unattractive (tattoos etc), she doesn't register on my radar jaja.

Member #4665
09-30-20, 00:10
She said she wants to quit her job and start a business. I think I shot myself in the foot when I asked if she was going to start an aguacate cart business with the amount. Young people often trick themselves into thinking a business will make their life a better place for those who know better learn that 90% of startups fail. And the 3 businesses that don't fail barely made any profit. She should 1st try to secure a steady income by developing skills and having the invaluable ability to find work. Uninformed people do not understand just how hard and how unlikely it is to find exaggerated success. As an rags to riches stories. That is the exception not the norm.

09-30-20, 00:14
I am a US citizen from New York City. I am divorced 8 years and 60 years old, but could pass for 45. I am white, blue eyes, athletic and I want to learn Spanish.

I am looking for a girlfriend in Medellin. Sex is NOT required. I am interested in someone 18 to 25, very beautiful and sexy for a long term relationship, love, affection and romance. I am lonely.

I would like to visit Medellin for a month once or twice a year. We would stay together in nice airbnb. I would give my girlfriend $250 USD each month we are together and $100 USD when we are separated however I would like to video chat or text message often.

I don't care if she's with other men when I am out of the country.

Does this sound realistic in terms of the compensation? Would Seeking Arrangements be the best website?Humm, based on the chicas pics I have seen on SA, they can easily make 250 bucks in less than 5 days. You might have to bid up higher para la chica to stay with for a month.

Elvis 2008
09-30-20, 00:15
How do you know this, did somebody tell you that the CoronApp doesn't work for foreigners, as it seems peculiar that an APP downloadable from the APP store would not work with any number worldwide, unless the CoronaAPP is specifically designed to only operate with Colombian numbers which doesn't make any sense at all. Are you sure about this?Yes, I am sure. The only country code that can be entered into the app is +57. I downloaded and installed the app and tried to fill it out and could not.

09-30-20, 00:17
Can you please clarify this. Specifically, are you saying that the Corona App does not work on American phone numbers, or did you mean to say it only works with Colombian phone numbers. This is confusing as I thought it was Internet based as I can download it to my Iphone from the App store.

The reason I bring this up is because I don't want Big Brother following me around, albeit my I phone stays locked up.

Please shed more light on this.Elvis has answered the question. I also have some experience elsewhere so I will share a possible "why". Other countries use the phone to track movement, and that means local number. They make SIM available for sale at arrival gate to solve the issue. In some cities, the government will provide a loaner free if you don't have local number. I would guess that requirement for Colombians will be different. I think Colombia trying to do the right thing but they don't have the resource to follow up.

Just Incognito
09-30-20, 00:33
JI, one of the women I saw has a father on a ventilator in Bucaramanga and as I have said constant times, the virus is not a hoax. He is like 57, obese, and his only other risk factor was hypertension, so again the virus is very real.

However, there are things with the virus that the so called experts have said that piss me off. The first is asymptomatic transmission. Everyone I have seen with Covid knows who they got it from.

The second part is asymptomatic transmission. The head of the WHO said patients with Covid without symptoms very rarely spread the disease based on studies. It is the truth, and under duress, she had to walk it back.

The third thing that bugs me is that the disease spreads through infected surfaces. This is how Influenza spreads and why masks were not recommended much at first, but Corona is spread through the air. That is why it is so infectious. Yet I saw Colombians obsessed with hand washing and hand gels. It is a misdirected effort.

For what it is worth, I have lived out your nightmare scenario. About a month ago, I was with a woman in Mexico who appeared fine and 5 days later texted me and told me she tested + for the virus. I can imagine this would scare you to death. I was not scared at all. My own experiences concur with what the head of the WHO said. Transmission of the virus from asymptomatic people is very, very rare, and my tests have all been negative.

You are on a hooker board so take my advice as such, and you have to do what you are comfortable with. For me, that is staying away from sick appearing women, who are warm to the touch, or coughing excessively.I mostly agree, though I do believe in asymptomatic spread. I wouldn't be scared shitless in the scenario you described-but I would have a little concern. Same as if a girl I just slept with called me a week later to tell me she has an STD or something. Except--covid could kill me. And you. Unlikely, sure. But not impossible.

09-30-20, 00:35
I am a US citizen from New York City. I am divorced 8 years and 60 years old, but could pass for 45. I am white, blue eyes, athletic and I want to learn Spanish.

I am looking for a girlfriend in Medellin. Sex is NOT required. I am interested in someone 18 to 25, very beautiful and sexy for a long term relationship, love, affection and romance. I am lonely.

I would like to visit Medellin for a month once or twice a year. We would stay together in nice airbnb. I would give my girlfriend $250 USD each month we are together and $100 USD when we are separated however I would like to video chat or text message often.

I don't care if she's with other men when I am out of the country.

Does this sound realistic in terms of the compensation? Would Seeking Arrangements be the best website?You are forgetting you are competing with other gringos. I think you may have to pick someone undesirable to offer what you are thinking.

09-30-20, 01:08
I am a US citizen from New York City. I am divorced 8 years and 60 years old, but could pass for 45. I am white, blue eyes, athletic and I want to learn Spanish.

I am looking for a girlfriend in Medellin. Sex is NOT required. I am interested in someone 18 to 25, very beautiful and sexy for a long term relationship, love, affection and romance. I am lonely.

I would like to visit Medellin for a month once or twice a year. We would stay together in nice airbnb. I would give my girlfriend $250 USD each month we are together and $100 USD when we are separated however I would like to video chat or text message often.

I don't care if she's with other men when I am out of the country.

Does this sound realistic in terms of the compensation? Would Seeking Arrangements be the best website?$250 for a whole month? Colombia is poor but not that poor.

Elvis 2008
09-30-20, 01:34
I am a US citizen from New York City. I am divorced 8 years and 60 years old, but could pass for 45. I am white, blue eyes, athletic and I want to learn Spanish.

I am looking for a girlfriend in Medellin. Sex is NOT required. I am interested in someone 18 to 25, very beautiful and sexy for a long term relationship, love, affection and romance. I am lonely.

I would like to visit Medellin for a month once or twice a year. We would stay together in nice airbnb. I would give my girlfriend $250 USD each month we are together and $100 USD when we are separated however I would like to video chat or text message often.

I don't care if she's with other men when I am out of the country.

Does this sound realistic in terms of the compensation? Would Seeking Arrangements be the best website?Okay, Harry, I am going to tell you what to do. The first thing is get out of the American working girl mindset where all you have to offer is money. You are American, a man of the world. You are offering knowledge, wisdom, possible ability to travel, and even if you are not interested in marriage, say that you are open minded about it and imply that a green card might be obtained through you.

The hit rate with seeking is very high in Colombia and Medellin in particular. Make the message to women simple. Hi I am. I am coming to Medellin and would like to meet you. Send out 100+ messages to the women and copy and paste. If you did not get 50 responses and 10 dates, I would be shocked.

There are many fewer men willing to offer what you are than women willing to take it. Your primary focus is not finding a woman who is willing to take your wage. Your goal is to find women, yes women, whose company you like. You are asking the wrong question.

Instead of finding one woman for a wage, why not do as I have and have several women where you do not give them a set wage? When the women ask for money, and you decide whether or not you want to give it or not. "Baby, I am getting fat. Can you buy me some workout equipment? Baby, I need money from the dentist. " When you give a wage, you get working girls. When you give gifts, you have friends. You want women who in part want and like you and not totally for your money. Of course, that hope of money is always there.

Tall Man has said the only honest woman is a prostitute. It has got me thinking. Certainly, at times in my life, I would have said hell yes to this. What I can say now is that even if it is true, it is not to my advantage to proceed with the relationships that I want with that attitude. Whether women are hookers or not, if you want this type of relationship, you do not want the women feeling like hookers. No woman wants that stigma even most of the women who are hookers.

You are selling yourself short just as I was. Weed out the short term hookers and look at the women who want to cash in long term. They are out there. I promise you.

It is not conceivable to you that you could have women, stunning ones at that, dying to talk to you more than you to them for nothing. But believe it or not, that is what I have. The shocking part to me is the quality of women I have had to let go.

Gringo Trooper
09-30-20, 01:55
I saw a few also, but I didn't see many that looked like they were working? This guys camera motion was tough to focus, maybe someone can say better?

I thought I only spotted 1-3?

Post Script.

I have an auto filter on my brain, if a girl is fat, old or otherwise unattractive (tattoos etc), she doesn't register on my radar jaja.Love your tunnel vision brother. I'm the same way. Got to love that reticular activation system (our brain blocks out what's not important).

Yeah there were a few in the street on Calle 10 in the video. A few more in one of the bars / restaurants west of the park. A couple by the steps / on the southwest corner of the park. Obviously wayyy less than normal.

Mojo Bandit
09-30-20, 02:45
I am a US citizen from New York City. I am divorced 8 years and 60 years old, but could pass for 45. I am white, blue eyes, athletic and I want to learn Spanish.

I am looking for a girlfriend in Medellin. Sex is NOT required. I am interested in someone 18 to 25, very beautiful and sexy for a long term relationship, love, affection and romance. I am lonely.

I would like to visit Medellin for a month once or twice a year. We would stay together in nice airbnb. I would give my girlfriend $250 USD each month we are together and $100 USD when we are separated however I would like to video chat or text message often.

I don't care if she's with other men when I am out of the country.

Does this sound realistic in terms of the compensation? Would Seeking Arrangements be the best website?I am just going to reiterate what Nounce and Conick2000 told you but try to add some things also,. $250 is just not a lot of money to ask someone to spend 30 days with you. The average decent looking chica can get $150 k COP ($40 USD) for a couple of hours of GFE (girlfriend experience) so that is 6 times a month if they can get the appointments vs your 30 times a month that's a 5 times multiplier. Certainly the monthly is guaranteed but it's just not a lot of money for asking for a thirty day commitment. What you are discussing at 250 is about the minimum wage in Colombia.


Hot girls on SA in the states ask for at least $5000 month. If I do not clarify why I say this I will catch a fan full of shit from other BMs so let me clarify: I am not saying you give a chica in Colombia anything in the neighborhood or even in the same town as $5000 a month. What I am saying is that I do not think that kind of bait is going to reel in what you seek. It does not factor that you do not want sex, time is still money, I could be wrong on this point because I am guessing, but I am thinking that any Colombiana chica that you find that is going to spend time with you for money would consider herself a puta and since she could get minimum wage working eight hours a day at the mall. And the spend her evenings looking for 100 k-200 k appointments than that is what she would probably do. I think at a minimum you need to think about doubling that amount. As far as a $100 a month when you are away that is probably sufficient. Not that any board member would do this but in reality you are looking for something that does not get covered on this board.

All that said it is important that you go into this with your eyes open. Some of these chicas can seem very sweet when in reality they look at you and see an ATM. Colombianas are naturally nice and come across as very kind but do not let that make you think they are always honest you have to be firm with them (her) so you don't get taken advantage of. Otherwise her mother is going to need surgery, her baby will need a new medicine every week, etc etc and these request will be made with kind pleading eyes and then maybe even some crocodile tears for extra umph. Something else that happens all the time is when the guy is spending time with this amazingly beautiful and amazingly sweet girl and he thinks they are having an amazing time together and maybe they are but that does not change the fact that she sees him as an ATM. So now he is emotionally involved and he does not realize it and all that talk about only such such money starts to slide into "of course I will give you money for your baby's medicine, what kind of monster wouldn't do that" and then all that talk about she can be with other guys when I am gone. Becomes "what the hell is she doing fucking some other guy after I gave her all that extra money" I have seen guys who were nothing less than crazy infatuated with a chica is taking his money and still taking dates with other guys because he did not understand the situation. When I say crazy infatuated I mean "crazy".

I would be making trips to Colombia and having tryouts and interviews before decided to accept a arrangement with a chica just to be sure she is not evil or batshit crazy for starters.

I have read one board member who said he spent time with a chica in Colombia and would just bring her some panties and pay some of her bills while he was there but I think he stumbled on to that deal somehow, I cannot remember all the details. So its possible but it is hard to find when you are just searching online. You mentioned primarily using SA but the Colombian cupid is another site where you can chat with women in real time. I feel like the majority there are looking to get married but there are pros on their and semi pros but they are harder to find. But if you are sixty and chicas under 30 start sending you interest or respond to your overtures. Guess what? Either pro or semi pro.

Maybe their are members who have direct experience with SA, I do not, these days I am strictly P4 P. But I thought since not much had been said about your query I would throw my two cents in.

09-30-20, 03:49
Yes, I am sure. The only country code that can be entered into the app is +57. I downloaded and installed the app and tried to fill it out and could not.Interesting, thanks for explaining this, big brother won't be following me around.

09-30-20, 03:54
Elvis has answered the question. I also have some experience elsewhere so I will share a possible "why". Other countries use the phone to track movement, and that means local number. They make SIM available for sale at arrival gate to solve the issue. In some cities, the government will provide a loaner free if you don't have local number. I would guess that requirement for Colombians will be different. I think Colombia trying to do the right thing but they don't have the resource to follow up.Interesting with the good news being Big Brother won't be in my back pocket. Thanks for providing this information.

09-30-20, 04:16
I agree with pretty much everything you said. I would add though, that it sounds like he just wants an open relationship, which I think would be totally doable. He's probably not going to find super models, but he will find plenty of attractive girls who would be open to relationships with older men.

If I were him, I would hit the dating sites and just come down and meet some girls. Don't talk about money or arrangements. Just have a good time. But in the end expect that you'll be dishing out money for the girl, but don't write it up in a contract.

I am just going to reiterate what Nounce and Conick2000 told you but try to add some things also,. $250 is just not a lot of money to ask someone to spend 30 days with you. The average decent looking chica can get $150 k COP ($40 USD) for a couple of hours of GFE (girlfriend experience) so that is 6 times a month if they can get the appointments vs your 30 times a month that's a 5 times multiplier. Certainly the monthly is guaranteed but it's just not a lot of money for asking for a thirty day commitment. What you are discussing at 250 is about the minimum wage in Colombia.


Hot girls on SA in the states ask for at least $5000 month. If I do not clarify why I say this I will catch a fan full of shit from other BMs so let me clarify: I am not saying you give a chica in Colombia anything in the neighborhood or even in the same town as $5000 a month. What I am saying is that I do not think that kind of bait is going to reel in what you seek. It does not factor that you do not want sex, time is still money, I could be wrong on this point because I am guessing, but I am thinking that any Colombiana chica that you find that is going to spend time with you for money would consider herself a puta and since she could get minimum wage working eight hours a day at the mall. And the spend her evenings looking for 100 k-200 k appointments than that is what she would probably do. I think at a minimum you need to think about doubling that amount. As far as a $100 a month when you are away that is probably sufficient. Not that any board member would do this but in reality you are looking for something that does not get covered on this board.

All that said it is important that you go into this with your eyes open. Some of these chicas can seem very sweet when in reality they look at you and see an ATM. Colombianas are naturally nice and come across as very kind but do not let that make you think they are always honest you have to be firm with them (her) so you don't get taken advantage of. Otherwise her mother is going to need surgery, her baby will need a new medicine every week, etc etc and these request will be made with kind pleading eyes and then maybe even some crocodile tears for extra umph. Something else that happens all the time is when the guy is spending time with this amazingly beautiful and amazingly sweet girl and he thinks they are having an amazing time together and maybe they are but that does not change the fact that she sees him as an ATM. So now he is emotionally involved and he does not realize it and all that talk about only such such money starts to slide into "of course I will give you money for your baby's medicine, what kind of monster wouldn't do that" and then all that talk about she can be with other guys when I am gone. Becomes "what the hell is she doing fucking some other guy after I gave her all that extra money" I have seen guys who were nothing less than crazy infatuated with a chica is taking his money and still taking dates with other guys because he did not understand the situation. When I say crazy infatuated I mean "crazy".

I would be making trips to Colombia and having tryouts and interviews before decided to accept a arrangement with a chica just to be sure she is not evil or batshit crazy for starters.

I have read one board member who said he spent time with a chica in Colombia and would just bring her some panties and pay some of her bills while he was there but I think he stumbled on to that deal somehow, I cannot remember all the details. So its possible but it is hard to find when you are just searching online. You mentioned primarily using SA but the Colombian cupid is another site where you can chat with women in real time. I feel like the majority there are looking to get married but there are pros on their and semi pros but they are harder to find. But if you are sixty and chicas under 30 start sending you interest or respond to your overtures. Guess what? Either pro or semi pro.

Maybe their are members who have direct experience with SA, I do not, these days I am strictly P4 P. But I thought since not much had been said about your query I would throw my two cents in.

Gringo Trooper
09-30-20, 04:19
I am a US citizen from New York City. I am divorced 8 years and 60 years old, but could pass for 45. I am white, blue eyes, athletic.

I am interested in someone 18 to 25, very beautiful and sexy for a long term relationship, love, affection and romance. I am lonely.I hope you find what you're looking for buddy.

However, I looked at your posts over the last 5 years. And each year you say the same thing and propose the same question to the boards members. Just in a different country each time.

Obviously something needs to change. If you want a sexy girl in that age range it's going to cost money (m-o-n-e-y).

If I were you I would try to increase your bankroll as much as you can. First you get the money, then you get the girl. No shortcuts or cheap ways about it.

I wish the best for you my friend.

09-30-20, 04:21
I am a US citizen from New York City. I am divorced 8 years and 60 years old, but could pass for 45. I am white, blue eyes, athletic and I want to learn Spanish.

I am looking for a girlfriend in Medellin. Sex is NOT required. I am interested in someone 18 to 25, very beautiful and sexy for a long term relationship, love, affection and romance. I am lonely.

I would like to visit Medellin for a month once or twice a year. We would stay together in nice airbnb. I would give my girlfriend $250 USD each month we are together and $100 USD when we are separated however I would like to video chat or text message often.

I don't care if she's with other men when I am out of the country.

Does this sound realistic in terms of the compensation? Would Seeking Arrangements be the best website?I know others have responded to your post, and irrespective of what your looking for, and what it costs, I have never heard of a monger coming to Medellin not to have sex or require it as part of an arrangement. I am going to have to assume you have a personal reason for this. With this being said, and your desire to learn Spanish, you might want to try to find a student, versus a "pro", perhaps someone in the process of learning English who can tutor you and vice versa. As far as the $ 250 a month, if that is a number driven by your budget, you should lower your expectations as far as physical beauty (a 6 versus a 10) which is in the eye of the beholder.

09-30-20, 05:27
I agree with pretty much everything you said.

If I were him, I would hit the dating sites and just come down and meet some girls. Don't talk about money or arrangements. Just have a good time. But in the end expect that you'll be dishing out money for the girl, but don't write it up in a contract.I am getting a feeling that rather than $250 a month for a sugar baby, a starting price would be $1000. Is that reasonable? That is still a definite possibility for me. I am talking about using Seeking Arrangement. There seem to be tons of Medellin girls on there now.

I guess my feeling is that the difference between a sugar baby and a prostitute is safety. A sugar baby is going to be staying in a nice a condo with a man who she has gotten to know, who is clean (physically and also clean drug wise), polite, non-violent etc. She's not taking much of a risk of being beaten up or ending up with her dismembered torso in dumpster, which I assume is a factor which street walkers have to add into their prices.

Besides that, if she's a "regular" girl, in college for example, there isn't the stigma of walking the streets and being seen by people who know her. She's just hanging out with her American "papi". Maybe a little embarrassing, but no different than Melania Trump.

Plus you are "buying in bulk" which should get a discount.

About sex, I mean it's not a must for me. For that, I can just watch porn and masturbate. We'll see how we feel about each other. I am looking mainly for the emotional connection. That's important.

Please comment if I am getting this right or not.

Mr Enternational
09-30-20, 05:55
I guess my feeling is that the difference between a sugar baby and a prostitute is safety. A sugar baby is going to be staying in a nice a condo with a man who she has gotten to know, who is clean (physically and also clean drug wise), polite, non-violent etc. She's not taking much of a risk of being beaten up or ending up with her dismembered torso in dumpster, which I assume is a factor which street walkers have to add into their prices.Where does that feeling come from? A person is more likely to get beat and/or killed by someone they know period. Beating and killing does not draw the line at what kind of dwelling someone stays in and if they wash their ass or not as your feelings are leading you to believe.

I spend $15 on a chick for 1 hour or whatever. You are talking about spending $1000 on a chick for 1 month PLUS all the other expenses you will incur due to her being with you. Seems like you would be more likely to do beating and killing than I would be. I am only there long enough for the fucking then it is hug and see you next time. You are there seeing all of her bad habits and long enough to possibly feel you are wasting $1000 on a no good broad that you realize you really can not stand. Then the Mr. Hyde comes out and you start mistreating her mentally, and beating her, and dismembering torsos. Your familiarity will breed contempt, whereas me and the girl as strangers will be like ships passing in the night.

09-30-20, 08:16
Where does that feeling come from? A person is more likely to get beat and/or killed by someone they know period. Beating and killing does not draw the line at what kind of dwelling someone stays in and if they wash their ass or not as your feelings are leading you to believe.Would you really feel safer if your 18 year old daughter were a streetwalker rather than your 18 year old daughter living with her boyfriend? Therefore streetwalkers charge high prices because there are few women who want to do that unless they get paid pretty well.

If woman is with a person whose passport she has a photo of and she has his address and phone number and she's texted all that to her friends and relatives, I think she has better odds of seeing the sun come up than if she just walks off with a total stranger and all the police would have to go on is other hookers saying "She left with some guy with brown hair".

And this is more true once some of her friends and relatives actually meet the guy, as would I think happens in a long term sugar relationship.

09-30-20, 09:15
I am getting a feeling that rather than $250 a month for a sugar baby, a starting price would be $1000. Is that reasonable? That is still a definite possibility for me. I am talking about using Seeking Arrangement. There seem to be tons of Medellin girls on there now.

I have never asked for full time arrangement so I don't know the rate they are expecting. I suspect for full time arrangement, it may be more of taking care of all her need, or her family, it could cost more, or it could cost less.

For US$1000, you may get 2 or 3 part time arrangements that are a few hours at a time. It's not practical to jump directly to full time arrangement. You can make a part time arrangement to see where it leads. If you do find one with connection, it may cost less than you are expecting.

I guess my feeling is that the difference between a sugar baby and a prostitute is safety. A sugar baby is going to be staying in a nice a condo with a man who she has gotten to know, who is clean (physically and also clean drug wise), polite, non-violent etc. She's not taking much of a risk of being beaten up or ending up with her dismembered torso in dumpster, which I assume is a factor which street walkers have to add into their prices.

Besides that, if she's a "regular" girl, in college for example, there isn't the stigma of walking the streets and being seen by people who know her. She's just hanging out with her American "papi". Maybe a little embarrassing, but no different than Melania Trump.

The problem is there are many people fit that description and are willing to be generous. You are basically dating a girl who has issues so don't expect it to be a simple monetary transaction long term.

Plus you are "buying in bulk" which should get a discount.

To the SB, it may mean a completely different thing which means taking care of her whole family. You can get a discount in that case if you do it for a full year, but probably not one month at a time

What you want is not the norm. Even if it works for someone, it does not mean it will work for you. I think you need to try it to find out on your own.

09-30-20, 11:26
Considering the huge of number Medellin girls on SA, I'm a little surprised that more people don't have more detailed information.

I guess I will have to come over and explore.

09-30-20, 11:55
Considering the huge of number Medellin girls on SA, I'm a little surprised that more people don't have more detailed information.

I guess I will have to come over and explore.That is what I will do and report back to fill in the blanks. You can pay the premium membership fee and chat with girls to make emotional connection now. I think you will have some takers for $100 platonic relationship before your arrival.

09-30-20, 12:39
Considering the huge of number Medellin girls on SA, I'm a little surprised that more people don't have more detailed information.

I guess I will have to come over and explore.Is because you keep asking questions that others cannot answer for you. You described yourself as being very attractive in Waspy, Anglo-Saxon sort of way. Great. The girls like that down there. That also puts a bullseye on you for more nefarious activities. You sound inexperienced and "lonely" to use your own words. The chicas will smell that like a shark smells blood. I am not trying to scare you off. But take it slow. I would recommend against going down to Medellin with some sort of preconceived master plan of finding a novia for XXX pesos to be your GFE on a monthly basis or whatever it is you are trying to set up. ALL the great girl things that have happened to me in Medellin, and other continents, were more or less unplanned. I was in the right place at the right time. Chance favors the prepared mind. And then you have this theme of trying to cheap out on prices. Do you think that helps your cause? I dunno, maybe you need a wingman or someone who can show you the ropes. I think you are setting yourself up for disappointment and hopefully nothing worse. But don't let me dissuade you. That is the point. You have to make your own way. There are some basic principles but there is not a formula for success and happiness. My best Gringo friend committed suicide in Medellin because he thought he would find all the sex and love he wanted, and when he didn't, and got trapped by the quarantine, it was too depressing for him. That's a real downer to post here but I think it's germane. If you are unhappy where you are now, don't expect Medellin to be some of kind of magic bullet. I was very happy before discovering Medellin, and now I am happier than I have ever been in my entire life. I hope you find what you want, but there is usually no such thing as geographical happiness, short of getting released from prison, jajaja.

09-30-20, 13:31
This is a personal question for you as it relates to me as well. Do you worry about one of the women coming over might be infected? I know you must have some concerns and am curious if you don't mind sharing your thoughts on this.

I'm slated to return in a few weeks and am having some doubts because of how I roll, and am trying to put things in perspective, albeit how I roll will have to be modified. I almost look at things right now as a roll of the dice, perhaps Russian Roullette in returning. The thought of getting COVID in Colombia is a boner killer for sure and could turn out to be a nightmare being in a foreign Country. Albeit there are probably lots of arguments that wouldn't be the case.

Maybe others have an opinion as I am ready to pillage in El Centro, yet very apprehensive to return just yet.Surfer, in a word, "No" - Although, I don't worry about things like that, much. I'm more worried about the old lady with her mask around her neck that coughed towards me on La 70, yesterday. At least a 18-21 yo Paisa chick could give me a nice going away present, with the COVID. The sense I get down here is that the Colombians are fearful of the virus. Maybe not the zombies lurking in your dark corners of Centro, but the average Paisa. I have had several girls say they had a sore throat or fever or lived with an older / younger family member and put themselves into isolation. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, and again, remember, I am in my 30's. Maybe that is also a factor, or maybe it's just personality / mentality. I think the same girl that would drug and rob you is the same girl that would knowingly put you at danger of contracting the virus. The girl that you have a great session with and goes back to her normal life is not the same person.

I won't call you a pussy for being careful, and you know your risk level far better than I, but to be honest, I may have already had it, down here.

Considering the huge of number Medellin girls on SA, I'm a little surprised that more people don't have more detailed information.

I guess I will have to come over and explore.HarryD (love this nickname), I have had what you are looking for twice, in the last 6-7 months. I could have had it a few other times, as well. I believe the freebies cost more than the putas, in the long run, but that seems to be more the type in which you are looking for. So, yes, you can sift through SA and find some one. $1000 is too much, $250 is too little. I had an 18 yo for maybe 400 k / mo, but add in food, drinks, drugs, taxis, gifts, and you start inching towards $1000. I, personally, think the best route for you would be to come down to Medellin. Go out for coffee, go cruise the mall, go out for dinner, take in a night at La 70 or Mercado del Rio, and see what you can find. Start the relationship off platonic, if you want it to be platonic. See what she is like, what her needs are, and establish your allowance based on her, rather than what a bunch of BM's think the average is. You might be able to find a waitress, a store clerk, or talk to a cutie that recommends her aunt or neighbor. It might be a fun process, compared to thinking some one is going to be a great match because they, literally, have all the boxes checked. In reality, it might not be as great of a fit as SA wants you to believe. If you run into some one that speaks English (a Paisa), explain your situation and see if they know some one that might be worth meeting, or could point you in the right direction.

What you are looking for is not what most members are on this forum to find information about. So, go take a journey. Report back to us when some hot 19 yo has recommended her mom, and don't forget to include information on where we can find the daughter! We can all be one big happy family.

P.S. - SJobs?!?!?!? Has anyone checked the local paper? No reports? Anyone want to take it upon themselves to unveil this fraud? Not sure if I'm more confused by the SJobs saga, or what I watched on tv, last night!

09-30-20, 13:36
I am a US citizen from New York City. I am divorced 8 years and 60 years old, but could pass for 45. I am white, blue eyes, athletic and I want to learn Spanish.

I am looking for a girlfriend in Medellin. Sex is NOT required. I am interested in someone 18 to 25, very beautiful and sexy for a long term relationship, love, affection and romance. I am lonely.

I would like to visit Medellin for a month once or twice a year. We would stay together in nice airbnb. I would give my girlfriend $250 USD each month we are together and $100 USD when we are separated however I would like to video chat or text message often.

I don't care if she's with other men when I am out of the country.

Does this sound realistic in terms of the compensation? Would Seeking Arrangements be the best website?This forum is primarily dedicated to hobby sex, sex for sport and recreation, partying, those who seek variety of experiences. It is not your best resource for what you describe to be looking for. If you send a pm To me I will be happy to give you some advice for what it is worth.

09-30-20, 14:56
I am a US citizen from New York City. I am divorced 8 years and 60 years old, but could pass for 45. I am white, blue eyes, athletic and I want to learn Spanish.

I am looking for a girlfriend in Medellin. Sex is NOT required. I am interested in someone 18 to 25, very beautiful and sexy for a long term relationship, love, affection and romance. I am lonely.

I would like to visit Medellin for a month once or twice a year. We would stay together in nice airbnb. I would give my girlfriend $250 USD each month we are together and $100 USD when we are separated however I would like to video chat or text message often.

I don't care if she's with other men when I am out of the country.

Does this sound realistic in terms of the compensation? Would Seeking Arrangements be the best website?To be honest, that would fly in Cuba. I am not too sure in medellin though.

El Mechanico
09-30-20, 15:08
$250 for a whole month? Colombia is poor but not that poor.During that month, I doubt he will make her pay rent, food, drinks, gifts, utilities, laundry etc. , etc. , etc. I know these things don't get her rent paid but if she doesn't have to pay rent, this may be a suitable arrangement for some.

El Mechanico.

Member #4665
09-30-20, 15:28
During that month, I doubt he will make her pay rent, food, drinks, gifts, utilities, laundry etc. , etc. , etc. I know these things don't get her rent paid but if she doesn't have to pay rent, this may be a suitable arrangement for some.

El Mechanico.Some flexibility he could get a better deal than a full-time living. For example, how about considering seeing her multiple dates during the month but not a full-time 30 day live in. Dedicate other days to working and to your career. The days she is not there you can be happy Thinking about her and remembering her kindness. Let her date other guys that way she already has a high income and you don't have to pay For this. Even when you're in Columbia use WebCam chat. This will be cheap but it will strengthen your relationship With conversation. It will still be just as good if she doesn't stay over the complete 30 days. And it will be more affordable. At the beginning you may have to pay a little bit more to lure her with an attractive offer. Then if both of you decide to make this a repeat relationship then you can go closer to standard prices.

09-30-20, 15:59
To be honest, that would fly in Cuba. I am not too sure in medellin though.Honestly, that is really where I want to go, however the damn country is still closed. I have been chatting with a bunch of Cuban girls online (I will confess, in many cases I sent a $20 USD phone recharge) and the situation there sounds really desperate. The news media confirms this.

Holguin has the lightest skinned people in Cuba (my personal preference; I even have a real blonde Cuban facebook friend) and is in the poorer eastern part of the island. There are tons of attractive girls from Holguin on Latin American Cupid. I have a feeling that right now, a good meal, a hot shower and some beer would get you a lot of attention. Additionally, I really don't like implants, which are much rarer in Cuba.

I think I'm going to try and hold out for Cuba. Medellin might not be my cup of tea.

09-30-20, 16:14
Honestly, that is really where I want to go, however the damn country is still closed. I have been chatting with a bunch of Cuban girls online (I will confess, in many cases I sent a $20 USD phone recharge) and the situation there sounds really desperate. The news media confirms this.

Holguin has the lightest skinned people in Cuba (my personal preference; I even have a real blonde Cuban facebook friend) and is in the poorer eastern part of the island. There are tons of attractive girls from Holguin on Latin American Cupid. I have a feeling that right now, a good meal, a hot shower and some beer would get you a lot of attention. Additionally, I really don't like implants, which are much rarer in Cuba.

I think I'm going to try and hold out for Cuba. Medellin might not be my cup of tea.Just to let you know that I live in Cuba. Be very careful with the phone recharge please and stay away from cupid too. If you have to use any app, I would recommend badoo. Install it and change your location to Cuba and try your luck there. Happy to share any tips with you if you need any. Good luck!

09-30-20, 16:42
Cuba is outstanding but the women do not compare to Colombia not even close, not for looks or even feigned sweetness. And there is a rough edge to Colombia that Cuba does not have. Been to both many times.

Honestly, that is really where I want to go, however the damn country is still closed. I have been chatting with a bunch of Cuban girls online (I will confess, in many cases I sent a $20 USD phone recharge) and the situation there sounds really desperate. The news media confirms this.

Holguin has the lightest skinned people in Cuba (my personal preference; I even have a real blonde Cuban facebook friend) and is in the poorer eastern part of the island. There are tons of attractive girls from Holguin on Latin American Cupid. I have a feeling that right now, a good meal, a hot shower and some beer would get you a lot of attention. Additionally, I really don't like implants, which are much rarer in Cuba.

I think I'm going to try and hold out for Cuba. Medellin might not be my cup of tea.

09-30-20, 16:52
I am actually getting nervous myself have reservation since finalized my trip. Thinking Kenya has 800 deaths while Colombia is 5th highest in the world or latin america. I am in my fifties though I can run laps around you slapshot and look better LOL. But it would be devastating to catch it and wind up in the hospital. I am thinking about buying a temperature gun. Test before entry LOL but serious as f**k. Impulsuve thoughts.

Surfer, in a word, "No" - Although, I don't worry about things like that, much. I'm more worried about the old lady with her mask around her neck that coughed towards me on La 70, yesterday. At least a 18-21 yo Paisa chick could give me a nice going away present, with the COVID. The sense I get down here is that the Colombians are fearful of the virus. Maybe not the zombies lurking in your dark corners of Centro, but the average Paisa. I have had several girls say they had a sore throat or fever or lived with an older / younger family member and put themselves into isolation. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, and again, remember, I am in my 30's. Maybe that is also a factor, or maybe it's just personality / mentality. I think the same girl that would drug and rob you is the same girl that would knowingly put you at danger of contracting the virus. The girl that you have a great session with and goes back to her normal life is not the same person.

I won't call you a pussy for being careful, and you know your risk level far better than I, but to be honest, I may have already had it, down here.

HarryD (love this nickname), I have had what you are looking for twice, in the last 6-7 months. I could have had it a few other times, as well. I believe the freebies cost more than the putas, in the long run, but that seems to be more the type in which you are looking for. So, yes, you can sift through SA and find some one. $1000 is too much, $250 is too little. I had an 18 yo for maybe 400 k / mo, but add in food, drinks, drugs, taxis, gifts, and you start inching towards $1000. I, personally, think the best route for you would be to come down to Medellin. Go out for coffee, go cruise the mall, go out for dinner, take in a night at La 70 or Mercado del Rio, and see what you can find. Start the relationship off platonic, if you want it to be platonic. See what she is like, what her needs are, and establish your allowance based on her, rather than what a bunch of BM's think the average is. You might be able to find a waitress, a store clerk, or talk to a cutie that recommends her aunt or neighbor. It might be a fun process, compared to thinking some one is going to be a great match because they, literally, have all the boxes checked. In reality, it might not be as great of a fit as SA wants you to believe. If you run into some one that speaks English (a Paisa), explain your situation and see if they know some one that might be worth meeting, or could point you in the right direction.

What you are looking for is not what most members are on this forum to find information about. So, go take a journey. Report back to us when some hot 19 yo has recommended her mom, and don't forget to include information on where we can find the daughter! We can all be one big happy family.

P.S. - SJobs?!?!?!? Has anyone checked the local paper? No reports? Anyone want to take it upon themselves to unveil this fraud? Not sure if I'm more confused by the SJobs saga, or what I watched on tv, last night!.

09-30-20, 17:19
Honestly, that is really where I want to go, however the damn country is still closed. I have been chatting with a bunch of Cuban girls online (I will confess, in many cases I sent a $20 USD phone recharge) and the situation there sounds really desperate. The news media confirms this.

Holguin has the lightest skinned people in Cuba (my personal preference; I even have a real blonde Cuban facebook friend) and is in the poorer eastern part of the island. There are tons of attractive girls from Holguin on Latin American Cupid. I have a feeling that right now, a good meal, a hot shower and some beer would get you a lot of attention. Additionally, I really don't like implants, which are much rarer in Cuba.

I think I'm going to try and hold out for Cuba. Medellin might not be my cup of tea.Holguin has some nice white girls, I do confirm that, but it's hard to find a casa that you let bring in the girls without registration. And prices were high, they were asking 40 CUC last year this time, that you could negotiate down to 30, but not for the night, for a round. And it's a small city, there aren't many girls. I have been also in Santiago, what a shit hole of a place. For mongering IMHO, the only option is l'Habana. Best girls and easy to find a casa particular. But Colombia is cheaper, at least accommodation and food are cheaper.

Apps are useless because people can use Internet only using Wi-Fi in proximity of a parqueo. You can't arrange the meeting. In Cuba 80% of the girls are willing to accept money for sex, maybe 90%. So what do you need an app for? You stop any girl you like, you offer a beer, and she will offer the service. And I even got it for free when I have been there.

I agree, probably now in Cuba girls are desperate, because the locals can't afford to pay and there aren't tourists. Also girls in Cuba don't get a client every day. Sometimes they get 2, sometimes they don't get any at all. I mean, prostitutes in Cuba just go with the tourists, in Colombia, like in any other country, they go with locals also.

09-30-20, 17:24
When I girls start in the game, they start with local guys then move up to facebook or casas. From that they lead to SA and online escorts. As they get higher in the game, they also charge more. SA is not free but if you have no other options, use it.

Considering the huge of number Medellin girls on SA, I'm a little surprised that more people don't have more detailed information.

I guess I will have to come over and explore.

09-30-20, 17:25
I am actually getting nervous myself have reservation since finalized my trip. Thinking Kenya has 800 deaths while Colombia is 5th highest in the world or latin america. I am in my fifties though I can run laps around you slapshot and look better LOL. But it would be devastating to catch it and wind up in the hospital. I am thinking about buying a temperature gun. Test before entry LOL but serious as f**k. Impulsuve thoughts..Blakman we are almost on the same page / similar as odd as that may seem.

[Deleted by Admin]

Getting back to your concerns, yes the stat's are scary for Colombia and I have a scheduled departure for the 14th and am re-thinking / analyzing how I roll. I'm thinking to stay away from the Cesspool (El Centro) albeit it's always been my playground and have three candidates willing to move into my apartment, albeit I couldn't have all three at the same time as much as I would like too however the three would never mix, and the other tenants, my neighbors, and the Porteros would be aghast. I'm an oddity being the only gringo in the building and have never been seen parading an army of girls in and always maintaining a low profile. My thinking is to move one of my candidates in and then send her home a few days a week and meet up with others in town somewhere. I want to reduce my exposure to others as much as possible, but these women come and go who knows who their exposed to.

I'm sitting on the fence chomping at the bit but reluctant.

09-30-20, 17:29
Being a monger, there are risks that we take: getting robbed, people not liking us, diseases, etc. But now we have Covid. I'm curious in how many guys will see their normal girls and do the normal activities and how many will severely modify their behavior due to health risks.

09-30-20, 18:00
I am actually getting nervous myself have reservation since finalized my trip. Thinking Kenya has 800 deaths while Colombia is 5th highest in the world or latin america. I am in my fifties though I can run laps around you slapshot and look better LOL. But it would be devastating to catch it and wind up in the hospital. I am thinking about buying a temperature gun. Test before entry LOL but serious as f**k. Impulsuve thoughts.
Fifth highest in LA / SA sounds about right. In the US we can social distance for the most part. The intention of being in Colombia is somewhat different. It's risky. Wish this thing would just go away.


Mr Enternational
09-30-20, 19:27
Considering the huge of number Medellin girls on SA, I'm a little surprised that more people don't have more detailed information.

I guess I will have to come over and explore.It is because most people are not trying to be with the same paid chick long term like that, especially in a mongering metropolis like Medellin. The idea of paying is so you will have no hassles and can quickly change out chicks. People that want something long term would probably just establish a relationship with a normal girlfriend that they did not have to pay. Or at least that is my case. I pay to fuck hookers. Everything else (take trips, movies, dinner, etc) I do with chicks that are not hookers.

Member #4665
09-30-20, 19:37
And then you have this theme of trying to cheap out on prices. Wise words. If the guy is picky choosy he will have to pay more to get what he wants. If the guy is happy with any girl he can start with standard prices. And if you pay more at the beginning after a while if you become a repeat customer you can go back to standard prices but if the girl is not interested in continuing to see the guy then the surplus he paid at the beginning will be lost. But if you ever find something you really like them pay more so she will be happy and she will stick to you like a magnet.

If the dude wants relationships and friendships Speaking the same language as the woman is absolutely necessary. Some girls in Qubec speak English. the economy In Qubec is not so bad so the prices are lower Which is a good thing , particularly when compared toUltra expensive places like San Francisco and New York.

09-30-20, 19:55
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09-30-20, 22:00
Considering the huge of number Medellin girls on SA, I'm a little surprised that more people don't have more detailed information.

I guess I will have to come over and explore.I used SA my 1st trip to MED and not on the next 3 trips, they deal mostly with gringos and try to charge more (1 on SA quoted me 5 million pesos) plus the photos may be out of date as they were with one of my SA dates. Too easy to cruise the strips clubs and red light blocks and Casa's to meet girls.

09-30-20, 22:03
Would you really feel safer if your 18 year old daughter were a streetwalker rather than your 18 year old daughter living with her boyfriend? Therefore streetwalkers charge high prices because there are few women who want to do that unless they get paid pretty well..Yeah you have that backwards, in both Colombia and the US the cheapest sex workers are the streetwalkers by far, full service $40 and up in the US, $10 and up in Colombia.

09-30-20, 22:29
It is because most people are not trying to be with the same paid chick long term like that, especially in a mongering metropolis like Medellin. The idea of paying is so you will have no hassles and can quickly change out chicks. People that want something long term would probably just establish a relationship with a normal girlfriend that they did not have to pay. Or at least that is my case. I pay to fuck hookers. Everything else (take trips, movies, dinner, etc) I do with chicks that are not hookers.I agree, you don't want to spend additional money on a hooker. What for? You spend money on a normal girl, because you want to fuck her for free. I do the same.

Steve 9696
09-30-20, 23:56
It is because most people are not trying to be with the same paid chick long term like that, especially in a mongering metropolis like Medellin. The idea of paying is so you will have no hassles and can quickly change out chicks. People that want something long term would probably just establish a relationship with a normal girlfriend that they did not have to pay. Or at least that is my case. I pay to fuck hookers. Everything else (take trips, movies, dinner, etc) I do with chicks that are not hookers.The SA scene IMO is inversely proportional to the local in person choices. In the US where pussy is illegal and pricey SA is the best game in town. In Medellin where the choices boggle the mind SA use will be soft. Just don't need it as bad.

10-01-20, 00:52
Just to let you know that I live in Cuba. Be very careful with the phone recharge please and stay away from cupid too. If you have to use any app, I would recommend badoo. Install it and change your location to Cuba and try your luck there. Happy to share any tips with you if you need any. Good luck!I myself have been chatting with a few chicas that I met thru cupid, and most of them use fake pics. I even had one that used pic of a chica that I met on colombiancupid, called her on it and I got blocked. My question is, are they able to resell those recargas for real currency?

10-01-20, 01:08
The SA scene IMO is inversely proportional to the local in person choices. In the US where pussy is illegal and pricey SA is the best game in town. In Medellin where the choices boggle the mind SA use will be soft. Just don't need it as bad.Please pardon the interruption in the regular programming but can one of you find chaps please translate SA? Thanks in advance!

10-01-20, 01:43
Cuba is outstanding but the women do not compare to Colombia not even close, not for looks or even feigned sweetness. And there is a rough edge to Colombia that Cuba does not have. Been to both many times.I don't know where you hung out in Cuba, but the women can be very hot. I would say Brasil / Colombia / Venezuela are pretty much tops in the World for looks, but Cuba is only a hair behind. That said, I wouldn't advise Mr Dubois to do what he's planning in Cuba. Cuba really is not an easy place to set up shop. Simple things like accessing your money are a pain in the ass in Cuba. Then you have the whole thing with girls dodging the police.

I think Medellin would be a great place for him to try things out. However, I agree with what Osteoknot wrote earlier. He should forget this preconceived masterplan he has. Just go down there for a few weeks and check things out (maybe wait til Covid blows over). It might not be a bad idea to sign up for a Spanish class at one of the universities. That way he can meet some other friendly people who might be able to introduce him to others. Colombians can be very nice if they know you and trust you. I have a good friend in my City in the US that's from MDE and he has introduced me to his family that lives there and they have in turn introduced me to other locals. But you're not likely to "meet" these Colombians on SA. You're likely to meet sharks.

I think what he wants could be possible. But he's probably not going to find it by posting an ad on SA explicitly laying it out. Most girls on there will sniff out his neediness pretty easily and take advantage of him. He needs to get to know some nice people on the ground (both Gringos and Colombianos).

Gringo Trooper
10-01-20, 01:52
I don't know where you hung out in Cuba, but the women can be very hot. I would say Brasil / Colombia / Venezuela are pretty much tops in the World for looks, but Cuba is only a hair behind.You're absolutely right as to all 4 places. They can just check out the Cuba photos thread (the chicas look amazing).

I've also noticed women in Argentina to be very attractive, great bodies, however, I find them to be annoying AF.

10-01-20, 04:10
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10-01-20, 04:24
Please pardon the interruption in the regular programming but can one of you find chaps please translate SA? Thanks in advance!Sugar Daddy website, called Seeking Arrangements.


Mr Enternational
10-01-20, 04:40
Please pardon the interruption in the regular programming but can one of you find chaps please translate SA? Thanks in advance!It is a sugar daddy/baby website called Seeking Arrangement.

10-01-20, 08:53
What did they look at when checking the PCR test? I just did a PCR-RT test to check how long my lab took and they took around 3 days, which is less than the 96 hours the Colombia gov requires but still a little close for comfort. I'll do one again 4 days from my flight. How thoroughly do they check the test? Do they call the clinic up to make sure everything matches up or is it more of a wave through?They look if it is positive or negative. They look for words PCR They see the collection time of the sample is within 96 hours. That is all.

10-01-20, 11:30
One thing to keep in mind, if you buy a home it is yours, plus with your mindset of retiring girls when they turn 21 or 22, you must never allow them to know where you live, as generous as you claim that you are, you will never get rid of them and they will continue to try and see you regardless of your retirement plan for them. Many chics tell me that they came by my old place every time I visit Centro and I remind them that I no longer live there and my girlfriend lives with me now, so I will not allow anyone to know where I live. Not only this, if the girl knows where you live she has unlimited time to plan on how to have her friend rob you and extort you. If mongering is your main objective, it will always be best that you have an AirBnb or an apartment for a short time. The less these girls know about you the better, Pollo Negro is out!I don't get it. I pay a hooker for a couple of hours and then it's possible to come to my place again some other day whether I want to or not? Doesn't she understand that it's business and nothing more? If someone lives in an apartment with security or in a condo how can she come to my house and rob me uninvited? I am just asking those questions to understand how it works.

Mojo Bandit
10-01-20, 13:16
I am getting a feeling that rather than $250 a month for a sugar baby, a starting price would be $1000. Is that reasonable? That is still a definite possibility for me. I am talking about using Seeking Arrangement. There seem to be tons of Medellin girls on there now.

I guess my feeling is that the difference between a sugar baby and a prostitute is safety. A sugar baby is going to be staying in a nice a condo with a man who she has gotten to know, who is clean (physically and also clean drug wise), polite, non-violent etc. She's not taking much of a risk of being beaten up or ending up with her dismembered torso in dumpster, which I assume is a factor which street walkers have to add into their prices.

Besides that, if she's a "regular" girl, in college for example, there isn't the stigma of walking the streets and being seen by people who know her. She's just hanging out with her American "papi". Maybe a little embarrassing, but no different than Melania Trump.

Plus you are "buying in bulk" which should get a discount.

About sex, I mean it's not a must for me. For that, I can just watch porn and masturbate. We'll see how we feel about each other. I am looking mainly for the emotional connection. That's important.

Please comment if I am getting this right or not.I think $1000 is probably too much, I said double the 250 not quadruple it LOL, this is Colombia we are talking about you don't have to scale up that much.

Street walkers in Colombia charge less because there is so much competition, remember it is legal in Colombia. The fact that you are buying in bulk is actually going to have reverse effect because for the time that you are there they are going to have to sacrifice a lot time with family and friends etc, a street walker does not sacrifice more than an hour at a time. You say you want an emotional connection but I will tell you that you may never know if you actually have one because they will pretend, which would be fine with me if I were looking for a sugar baby.

I think what some other members are telling you is on point. Instead instead of asking us guys who only do pay and play on a single time basis because we like a variety and we like to see them leave in the morning or sooner. You need to start talking to the chicas. Get yourself on the actual dating sites. Stay away from SA for now, just get on Colombian cupid and Latin American Cupid and start talking. I have been talking with latinas for over 15 years and used these sites frequently. I tried different things in describing myself to try to get their attention. Like romantic and affectionate etc but if you want to get those semi-pros to pay attention use the word "generous" in your description. I was younger when I used these sites a whole lot and they were a better source when I was younger just to find chicas who were willing to date a gringo that was blowing through town, the best luck I had there was Mexico City, once I started on Colombia and I was older I discovered that many or most of the chicas that interacted with me were pros or semi-pro. One of the first chicas I banged in Colombia was off Latin American Cupid. Gorgeous! - There was never any discussion about money while we talked online just about how great it was going to be to meet and I probably steered the conversation to how much I wanted her etc, then when she showed up at my apartment the morning after I got to Colombia, she walked in the door and I took her clothes off in the foyer and carried her to the bed and then after as we were we getting dressed she explained to me that she needed an outfit for her son for the upcoming Easter holiday activity so I walked with her to the ATM and gave her like 100 k cop and she got in a taxi and I never saw her again.

I feel like your best bet is to find a semi pro. You want to be upfront about what you are looking for and you have to be prepared to talk to a hundred chicas. There are hundreds of them online so it can be a full time job just trying to talk to them. Plus you you are constantly having to copy and paste in Google Translate so you are going to pick up some Spanish while you do. There are at least 6 cities in Colombia to choose and they all have their pros and cons, for mongering it is Medellin and Cartagena that are the most popular but for your purposes you can pick any major city and just start talking to chicas there. Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Cartagena, Santa Marta, Bucaramanga (Bucaramanga has over a million people and a Goldilocks climate like Medellin. Not too hot not too cold) Cartagena is the most beautiful and also the most hot and the most expensive. Bogota probably has the nicest walkable neighborhood but its elevated and kind of cool weather I think if you do you are likely to find what you want, but then you have to actually get your ass down to Colombia and research in person to see what you are actually dealing with, so I would hedge.

The reality is that what you are looking for may not be what you like when you find it. Or to put it another way you may find something that you like that you did not look for. That's not some philosophy off a fortune cookie, that's just how life works out sometimes but for sure you are not going to know if you do not start communicating with some chicas there and you do not have to leave you house to do that. Just sign up to the sites I mentioned and start talking. Be prepared to have to just keep moving from one girl to the next and do not be discouraged when you have to.

10-01-20, 13:48
Fifth highest in LA / SA sounds about right. In the US we can social distance for the most part. The intention of being in Colombia is somewhat different. It's risky. Wish this thing would just go away.

https://www.statista.com/statistics/1104709/coronavirus-deaths-worldwide-per-million-inhabitants/Fifth highest in world is right I think.

10-01-20, 14:23
Fifth highest in world is right I think.Colombia is behind US, Brazil, India, Russia and ahead of every other country in the world!

10-01-20, 14:25
HarryD, you can definitely find what you are looking for. It may cost a little more than your ideal, but it is very doable. LOTS of women here would love an arrangement similar to what you suggest. I recommend Colombian Cupid. But my best advice, is study Spanish. This goes for any visitor. An hour spent studying Spanish at home, before coming to MED, is more useful than an hour messaging girls off of whatever app or webpage. The more Spanish one knows, the better connection can be had with the chicas. Come on down and good luck, I know you can find her.

My GF had a "boyfriend" for a few years when she was in university. Older dude who sent money every month ($1 k!) By everything she describes, it was a SB relationship, but to her, he was her BF. Colombian girls are totally cool with it. She's a big advocate to her friends, that they need to seek out gringos. A gringo BF can really improve a girl's lifestyle, and they are grateful.

I am a US citizen from New York City. I am divorced 8 years and 60 years old, but could pass for 45. I am white, blue eyes, athletic and I want to learn Spanish.

I am looking for a girlfriend in Medellin. Sex is NOT required. I am interested in someone 18 to 25, very beautiful and sexy for a long term relationship, love, affection and romance. I am lonely.

I would like to visit Medellin for a month once or twice a year. We would stay together in nice airbnb. I would give my girlfriend $250 USD each month we are together and $100 USD when we are separated however I would like to video chat or text message often.

I don't care if she's with other men when I am out of the country.

Does this sound realistic in terms of the compensation? Would Seeking Arrangements be the best website?

10-01-20, 15:11
It is because most people are not trying to be with the same paid chick long term like that, especially in a mongering metropolis like Medellin. The idea of paying is so you will have no hassles and can quickly change out chicks. People that want something long term would probably just establish a relationship with a normal girlfriend that they did not have to pay. Or at least that is my case. I pay to fuck hookers. Everything else (take trips, movies, dinner, etc) I do with chicks that are not hookers.This.

I can't remember where I heard it, but you don't pay women for sex. You pay women to leave afterwards. If you want a relationship, you shouldn't be paying. At least in the short-term. Relationships always ending up costing more in the long run LOL. FWIW, HarryD, you should easily be able to find what you're looking for through normal dating apps. The idea of a somewhat stable relationship with a financially independent foreigner is much more appealing to a lot of women than $250/ month.

10-01-20, 15:17

I can't remember where I heard it, but you don't pay women for sex. You pay women to leave afterwards. If you want a relationship, you shouldn't be paying. At least in the short-term. Relationships always ending up costing more in the long run LOL. FWIW, HarryD, you should easily be able to find what you're looking for through normal dating apps. The idea of a somewhat stable relationship with a financially independent foreigner is much more appealing to a lot of women than $250/ month.The saying is you don't pay a puta for sex, you pay her to leave afterwards. And I agree a steady relationship is usually way more expensive than pay-for-sex.

10-01-20, 15:21
It is a sugar daddy/baby website called Seeking Arrangement.Considering how widespread and international "Seeking Arrangements" is, and is probably mentioned on most Forums here. Maybe Admin does not do it because it's commercial?

10-01-20, 16:23
Simple question gentlemen-would you go to Medellin, the DR or Brazil (or another location) if you had a week long vacation (coming from the USA). I've got the money for the flight and the week off and I need a mongering vacation badly. It seems most countries are opening up and I am not going to let COVID stop me.


10-01-20, 16:32
They look if it is positive or negative. They look for words PCR They see the collection time of the sample is within 96 hours. That is all.Hey buddy. Nice seeing you around. Are you in medellin now?

10-01-20, 16:54
Being a monger, there are risks that we take: getting robbed, people not liking us, diseases, etc. But now we have Covid. I'm curious in how many guys will see their normal girls and do the normal activities and how many will severely modify their behavior due to health risks.But a mongerer lifestyle has inherent risks higher than COVID IMO. Yes, the risks are additive, but worrying about it too much is like an obese person obsessing on carbohydrates without losing a pound. For me, no behavior mod is necessary, but that is a personal decision and not a recommendation.

10-01-20, 17:21
Hi gents,

Long time browser, infrequent poster. I went back several pages for recent (post covid) info / trip reports. I see there's allot of talk of seeking arrangements and Cuba, but just curious about a few things as those topics are not related to what I'm after.

Has anyone recently been? If so, how is the casa scene? I'm typically a cheap charlie and like my cheap BJ's, but am fair and will pay market price. What's the scene like currently, what's open, and what has changed if anything? I'd like to go for a couple of days next week.

Not being able to go to Thailand almost feels crippling to me and I've always wanted to monger in MDE.

10-01-20, 17:55
The reality is that what you are looking for may not be what you like when you find it. Or to put it another way you may find something that you like that you did not look for. That's not some philosophy off a fortune cookie, that's just how life works out sometimes.Well said MB.

10-02-20, 01:35
Simple question gentlemen-would you go to Medellin, the DR or Brazil (or another location) if you had a week long vacation (coming from the USA). I've got the money for the flight and the week off and I need a mongering vacation badly. It seems most countries are opening up and I am not going to let COVID stop me.

Showdown.1) Brazil 2) Medellin 3) Dom Rep in that order. Brazil is mostly open with less hassle to get in and out.

10-02-20, 01:43
1) Brazil 2) Medellin 3) Dom Rep in that order. Brazil is mostly open with less hassle to get in and out.I agree with this order. That said, if you only have a week, I'm not sure that long flight to Brasil makes sense. As much as I love Brasil, the flight is a killer.

Member #4665
10-02-20, 02:00
I agree with this order. That said, if you only have a week, I'm not sure that long flight to Brasil makes sense. As much as I love Brasil, the flight is a killer.Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil is number 1 hands-down baby.

You know there is a whole escort scene to be discovered besides Rio and So Paulo check out the local forms for Curitiba which is way down south to see how hot the scene is nowadays. Use the Google Chrome automatic translator.


Also have you considered Argentina's? Do some research intensive and then tells us if Argentina is better. Does anyone know how good Argentina is?any personal experience? Thanks in advance.

10-02-20, 03:48
Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil is number 1 hands-down baby.

You know there is a whole escort scene to be discovered besides Rio and So Paulo check out the local forms for Curitiba which is way down south to see how hot the scene is nowadays. Use the Google Chrome automatic translator.


Also have you considered Argentina's? Do some research intensive and then tells us if Argentina is better. Does anyone know how good Argentina is?any personal experience? Thanks in advance.Forget Argentina for mongering, total waste of time unless your into high end women and it's expensive. Was in Mendoza and BA in February, raunchy street scene (s) and no Casa's as they apparently shut them down a few years back. Better option is Montevideo in Uruguay, casa's all over town, yet no street scene.

Best meats and wines on the planet for almost nothing in Argentina, and don't miss Patogonia, but it's not a great place to monger, at least the way I roll.

Gringo Trooper
10-02-20, 04:00
Also have you considered Argentina's? Do some research intensive and then tells us if Argentina is better. Does anyone know how good Argentina is?any personal experience? Thanks in advance.Yes, I used to live in Argentina. The women are super attractive, not quite as stunning as Venezuelan women, but yes, they are hot and have amazing bubble butts.

When I was down there (years ago), Argentina's culture was different. The women were more religious and into long term relationships.

I dated and smashed a few non-pros, because I was young and I had not gotten into the P4P game yet.

Nowadays, women in Argentina are sluttier. You can find hookers in Buenos Aires (and likely other large cities in AR).

No disrespect to anyone here from Argentina because I do love the country and the people were more than welcoming to me.

However, I found the women to be annoying AF. If anyone here has experience with Argie women, you know what I'm talking about.

During the last 6 months, I changed my tinder location to every major city in Argentina and talked to hundreds (likely a thousand) of chicas from Argentina (because I still find them super attractive).

End result is that the non-pros I met are still super annoying and I have only kept in touch and talk to one chica down there. She was going to visit the States this year, but Covid has likely put that on hold.

10-02-20, 04:14
Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil is number 1 hands-down baby.

You know there is a whole escort scene to be discovered besides Rio and So Paulo check out the local forms for Curitiba which is way down south to see how hot the scene is nowadays. Use the Google Chrome automatic translator.


Also have you considered Argentina's? Do some research intensive and then tells us if Argentina is better. Does anyone know how good Argentina is?any personal experience? Thanks in advance.Brazil hands down the Best imo.

I'm here now, love it!

Argentina used to be great. Gone way down hill, even before COVID, with an anti prostitution president or ex president.

Mostly online and lots of scams, bait and switch.

Lucky Nuts
10-02-20, 08:50
Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil is number 1 hands-down baby.

You know there is a whole escort scene to be discovered besides Rio and So Paulo check out the local forms for Curitiba which is way down south to see how hot the scene is nowadays. Use the Google Chrome automatic translator.


Also have you considered Argentina's? Do some research intensive and then tells us if Argentina is better. Does anyone know how good Argentina is?any personal experience? Thanks in advance.I went to Buenos Aires for two weeks but only stayed for 3 days. Argentina is not a destination for our hobby. Cross it off the list!

10-02-20, 09:42
I agree with this order. That said, if you only have a week, I'm not sure that long flight to Brasil makes sense. As much as I love Brasil, the flight is a killer.With the flight being a killer from the USA and I only have a week where would you go other than Brazil? The #2 choice Medellin?


10-02-20, 10:03
Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil tarara Brazil is number 1 hands-down baby.

You know there is a whole escort scene to be discovered besides Rio and So Paulo check out the local forms for Curitiba which is way down south to see how hot the scene is nowadays. Use the Google Chrome automatic translator.


Also have you considered Argentina's? Do some research intensive and then tells us if Argentina is better. Does anyone know how good Argentina is?any personal experience? Thanks in advance.Your Youtube link is about soccer. I am confused.


10-02-20, 15:22
Hey fellow mongers,

Long time reader, first time posting. I've just started on the international scene early last year taking several trips to Thailand last year and the discovering my new. Closer paradise Medellin back in Feb. I've bought my tickets for the end of October and I wanted to know if anyone has stayed at Travelers Orange Suites near Lleras? Is it guest friendly?

10-02-20, 16:36
With the flight being a killer from the USA and I only have a week where would you go other than Brazil? The #2 choice Medellin?

ShowdownMedellin. Unless you have to have beach.

10-02-20, 17:09
Medellin. Unless you have to have beach.Brazil is number 2 for covid. Stay away.

Sao Paulo has some excellent casas and high end chica bars. Rio imo has many overrated termas. The massage places are tiny but filled with many options. Prices are ridicoulsly low.

10-02-20, 17:14
I went to Buenos Aires for two weeks but only stayed for 3 days. Argentina is not a destination for our hobby. Cross it off the list!Yes -- Argentina was outstanding 10-15 years ago. The city is nice and easily navitagatible but lacks energy.

10-02-20, 17:14
I've done 2 trips to Colombia: Both to Bogota. I was pretty impressed and happy with both the Santa Fe street scene and the escorts on photosprepagos. I was a little disappointed in the higher end nightclubs. But overall, I was happy there.

I've done a good bit of reading. But how does Medellin compare? Will I be blown away by any particular element of the scene down there?

10-02-20, 17:15
I've done 2 trips to Colombia: Both to Bogota. I was pretty impressed and happy with both the Santa Fe street scene and the escorts on photosprepagos. I was a little disappointed in the higher end nightclubs. But overall, I was happy there.

I've done a good bit of reading. But how does Medellin compare? Will I be blown away by any particular element of the scene down there?Medellin. Better weather and more options.

10-02-20, 17:49
I've done 2 trips to Colombia: Both to Bogota. I was pretty impressed and happy with both the Santa Fe street scene and the escorts on photosprepagos. I was a little disappointed in the higher end nightclubs. But overall, I was happy there.

I've done a good bit of reading. But how does Medellin compare? Will I be blown away by any particular element of the scene down there?No. Bogotá has a larger scene. More high-end, more low-end. But I'm confident you'll prefer the weather in MDE.

Black Page
10-02-20, 17:57
Yes, the risks are additiveAnd also addictive, for most of us. Unfortunately, I must say, both addictive and addittive.

Black Page
10-02-20, 18:04
The thought of getting COVID in Colombia is a boner killer for sure and could turn out to be a nightmare being in a foreign Country.You are one of the few ones who are really considerate here. The good thing is that now Insurance Companies are offering coverage for COVID and related expenses in a foreign country, but still just thinking about me stranded 10,000 km from home, under quarantine for several weeks, even hospitalized, fully kills all my desires to travel. I am killed by the thought of having to carry all this at home, imagine abroad.

10-02-20, 19:00
You are one of the few ones who are really considerate here. The good thing is that now Insurance Companies are offering coverage for COVID and related expenses in a foreign country, but still just thinking about me stranded 10,000 km from home, under quarantine for several weeks, even hospitalized, fully kills all my desires to travel. I am killed by the thought of having to carry all this at home, imagine abroad.I don't think others would consider me to be considerate, perhaps more of a pussy by some.

I believe that our similar philosophies are in the minority on this board.

Of which I attribute to age more or less, with the younger guys not as concerned as the older mongers.

As far as Insurance goes, I got a quote for a policy with no deductible for two months from GeoBlue at around $ 600 everything covered for my return scheduled for the 14th of this month, but am re-thinking things.

As much as I miss my darlings in Medellin, and I have a few that would stay with me in my apartment, although a lot of the things I used to do before the Pandemic outside of mongering have been curtailed, and I suspect there may be another lockdown in the coming months, at least that is what is occuring in Europe after re-opening for the Summer and seems to be a recurring theme around the world upon re-opening.

I've even thought about having a few of my Chicas get an antibody test prior to seeing them, albeit the rub is I would have to pay for it and arrange it beforehand.

Given how I have rolled in the past, riding the METRO and BUS's, scouring the streets taking up multiple Chicas to the room most days from the bowels of EL Centro, well that would be out of the question at least for me upon returning. However for other guy's, no sweat at all, bring them on!

So if I return I'm going to be rolling totally different, and upon arriving in El Centro it's going to be hard to resist all of the women available of which it's a total bonaza given the dire straits everyone is in.

10-02-20, 19:17
It's best to stay home in some cases. In 60 million other cases of course Colombia is home. I understand both perspectives but identify with one more than the other.

You are one of the few ones who are really considerate here. The good thing is that now Insurance Companies are offering coverage for COVID and related expenses in a foreign country, but still just thinking about me stranded 10,000 km from home, under quarantine for several weeks, even hospitalized, fully kills all my desires to travel. I am killed by the thought of having to carry all this at home, imagine abroad.

10-02-20, 19:18
I agree with you about the weather. Your other statement makes me wonder if you've ever been active in Bogota.

Medellin. Better weather and more options.

10-02-20, 22:41
Your Youtube link is about soccer. I am confused.

Showdown.LOL. Maybe the jokes on us.

10-03-20, 01:28
With the flight being a killer from the USA and I only have a week where would you go other than Brazil? The #2 choice Medellin?

ShowdownMost of the flights from the US are overnight, it's very convenient. Argentina is a no go now, they are in extremely bad shape, but USD cash goes long way. Rio has a great natural setting, may be a perfect place for a week.

10-03-20, 02:45
Most of the flights from the US are overnight, it's very convenient. Argentina is a no go now, they are in extremely bad shape, but USD cash goes long way. Rio has a great natural setting, may be a perfect place for a week.Convenient if you can sleep on a plane. I unfortunately lost the ability to do that years ago.

10-03-20, 02:48
Hey fellow mongers,

Long time reader, first time posting. I've just started on the international scene early last year taking several trips to Thailand last year and the discovering my new. Closer paradise Medellin back in Feb. I've bought my tickets for the end of October and I wanted to know if anyone has stayed at Travelers Orange Suites near Lleras? Is it guest friendly?I stayed there one day because my original airbnb got canceled upon arrival, they tried to charge me 50% nightly rate for each guest I bring in. I was told that most hotels around that area will charge you extra for bringing in guests.

10-03-20, 04:38
I too have come to the conclusion about wearing shorts, certainly was not the thing to do on my first visit and long stays in Bogota in the early 1990's and also was somewhat frowned upon here in Medellin on my first visits 10 years ago BUT times have changed and I see many Colombians wearing shorts all around town, especially the locals in the pueblos and especially on a warm weekend.

Yes bring the shorts and you will thank us later for that advice.

Much love and respect to all.

The Tall Man.That may be true in Medellin but not in Bogota. I've been to Bogota dozens of times over the years and I only see shorts in the city on skate boarders and kids. You will stand out for sure and maybe a mark for the ever increasingly crime in Bogota.

Gringo Trooper
10-03-20, 04:52
That may be true in Medellin but not in Bogota. I've been to Bogota dozens of times over the years and I only see shorts in the city on skate boarders and kids. You will stand out for sure and maybe a mark for the ever increasingly crime in Bogota.And here we go again, hopefully we can put all the shorts discussions behind us after this year. LOL.

Shorts. The difference between life and death!

10-03-20, 05:30
That may be true in Medellin but not in Bogota. I've been to Bogota dozens of times over the years and I only see shorts in the city on skate boarders and kids. You will stand out for sure and maybe a mark for the ever increasingly crime in Bogota.The average high temp in Bogota is 65 F. Why would you want to wear shorts?

10-03-20, 08:05
Hey fellow mongers,

Long time reader, first time posting. I've just started on the international scene early last year taking several trips to Thailand last year and the discovering my new. Closer paradise Medellin back in Feb. I've bought my tickets for the end of October and I wanted to know if anyone has stayed at Travelers Orange Suites near Lleras? Is it guest friendly?Do you like Medellin or Bangkok more and why?

10-03-20, 14:33
Shorts could be a risk factor by making you stand out as a Gringo target. Maybe, maybe not, depends on the setting. But it is a variable you can control. So once again, good to hear feedback but ultimately it is a personal decision. If you are risk adverse, then you modify the risk factors you can control. If I were blonde and blue eyed and six feet tall like our friend Harry I prob would not wear shorts at 2 AM in El Centro or climbing the steps up the side of San Javier barrio in the dark. I look Hispanic and can blend in and have hung out with impunity in the highest risk locales. My ex-best Gringo friend, the one who did himself in, was a classic Ginger and would not accompany me to my novia's house just off Juan XXIII station because he believed his looks made him a target. I would not want to be around him if he were wearing shorts in that neighborhood. Now he's dead but his risk factor was depression, not all the shit we talk about. People do that, they become numb to their baseline risk (The Mongering Lifestyle) and focus on other risk factors to deflect their reality. BTW, having a chica who you know on your arm (Colombians don't hold hands) is a great buffer, IMO. "They" will usually leave you alone if you are with a chica, who you trust of course.

My first week in Medellin I was on Avenida 70 the touristy corridor and two not-cute chicas walked up to me and started speaking English. American Jehova's witnesses jajajajaja. And they readily admitted to scoping me out because I was wearing shorts and sandals. After that, I always wear long pants and shoes. And another BTW, the FIRST thing a regular Colombiana judges you by, is your shoes. A sex worker won't care but if you ever want to go for a regular girl, just sayin'.

I'll throw in some gratuitous ass. Not just any ass. Sexy Dexy is my Number 3 girl, a rare natural blonde Venezuelan. Of course each girl has a strength, and for Dexy, I tell her she has a purrfekt ass. Lots of room for personal taste there, bigger, smaller, whatever. But this is my my prototype of a purrfekt ass. If you are paying reeaal close attention you will notice the floor and bed is the same in all my photos so far, so that says something jaja. Skater Chic's ass is right there with Sexy Dexy, maybe tied, but Skater Chic's ass was almost a tad too muscular to claim the crown. Plus, Skater Chic ghosted me so I can't claim her among my regulars.

10-03-20, 14:59
Hi guys,

The flight is on (for now), I reserved an apartment. I have to be tested for COVID. I got the kit yesterday. I have a question regarding the transport. I will arrive at the airport around midnight. I know there is a bus, but I don't know where it stops. I will stay in Laureles. I don't want to walk at 2 AM with my luggage around the city. Any advice or suggestion? I also don't want to pay 50 dollars for a taxi from the airport.

10-03-20, 15:28
Hey fellas hope all is well and safe. Been following since 2014 haven't posted in a while. Hoping anyone out there with some recent experience can give a tip or two. Thinking of going to Cancun. Bringing one of my long time favorites from Medellin. Quick 5 day getaway. Anyone know what the chica will need to have in hand at the airport to be able to get through immigration? Besides plane ticket and passport and that form you fill out on the plane? I know they've been known to harass Paisas. But she be traveling with me together any info greatly appreciated. Can't wait to hit up the mansion possibly early 2021 ! Thanks fellas.

10-03-20, 15:30
Hey fellas hope all is well and safe. Been following since 2014 haven't posted in a while. Hoping anyone out there with some recent experience can give a tip or two. Thinking of going to Cancun. Bringing one of my long time favorites from Medellin. Quick 5 day getaway. Anyone know what the chica will need to have in hand at the airport to be able to get through immigration? Besides plane ticket and passport and that form you fill out on the plane? I know they've been known to harass Paisas. But she be traveling with me together any info greatly appreciated. Can't wait to hit up the mansion possibly early 2021 ! Thanks fellas.There are no entry requirements for Mexico. No PCR test needed. As far as I know Colombians can enter Mexico visa free.

10-03-20, 16:23
I've done 2 trips to Colombia: Both to Bogota. I was pretty impressed and happy with both the Santa Fe street scene and the escorts on photosprepagos. I was a little disappointed in the higher end nightclubs. But overall, I was happy there.

I've done a good bit of reading. But how does Medellin compare? Will I be blown away by any particular element of the scene down there?"City of Eternal Spring?" Everything else in Bogota you simply multiply by a factor of 2 or 3 compared to Medellin, good or bad. Soooooo there are probably 3 X the number of nightclubs in Bogota and if that's your barometer then you will not be "blown away" by Medellin.

Elvis 2008
10-03-20, 16:50
Hey fellas hope all is well and safe. Been following since 2014 haven't posted in a while. Hoping anyone out there with some recent experience can give a tip or two. Thinking of going to Cancun. Bringing one of my long time favorites from Medellin. Quick 5 day getaway. Anyone know what the chica will need to have in hand at the airport to be able to get through immigration?She will need $500 cash minimum on her, reservation at a hotel or airbnb, and a reason to go. It is best if the reason is visiting a friend (other than you if there is a big difference in ages) or going to some kind of an event. And finally, stay clear of Mexico City. They hassle travelers the most. I had one gal who had her shoes stolen and luggage broken into while being kept in some kind of jail in the Mexico City airport. It was the worst few days of her life.

And NCal, you can get a feeling of what to be expected based on how your gal has been treated in hotels. To me, it has been an interesting experiment in seeing how hotels have treated the women / sugar baby types I have met on seeking.com/ SA. About 40% of the women I have seen, maybe because of their age and definitely because of their appearance, gave off a working girl vibe and hotel management became angered and wanted guest fees. While other women elicited almost a joyous response in hotel staff announcing my GF / fiancé type had arrived.

I have since realized that it really is up to the woman to sell that the relationship is not strictly pay for play. If she has not been able to sell herself as not being a prostitute with hotels, I would not bother with even attempting to bring her to Mexico.

Of the four I have tried to get into Mexico, one from Peru who was Venezuelan and three Colombians, the Venezuelan and only one of the Colombians got through.

On my most recent trip, that same Colombian woman visited me in my hotel. I had said to the hotel that I would have a guest but did not even give her name. Even with the difference in our ages, this woman not only got by hotel management, she was able to get them to let her on the elevator which meant someone had to approve her coming to my floor and showed up at my door. Although management did call me to let me know she arrived, she had completely charmed them.

Two of the three times the Venezuelan made it through though she was hassled. I was late to pick up the above Colombian woman because she made it through Mexican customs, which did not surprise me. What truly stunned me is that she made it through in 5 minutes! When I asked her how she did it, she just told me, "You just have to know how to carry yourself."

10-03-20, 19:30
Hey fellas hope all is well and safe. Been following since 2014 haven't posted in a while. Hoping anyone out there with some recent experience can give a tip or two. Thinking of going to Cancun. Bringing one of my long time favorites from Medellin. Quick 5 day getaway. Anyone know what the chica will need to have in hand at the airport to be able to get through immigration? Besides plane ticket and passport and that form you fill out on the plane? I know they've been known to harass Paisas. But she be traveling with me together any info greatly appreciated. Can't wait to hit up the mansion possibly early 2021 ! Thanks fellas.Its hurricane season bro.

10-03-20, 19:43
The shorts thing is a recurring topic. Your point is well taken about the Bogota climate but I've come to realize that for some wearing shorts is a kind of reminder that they are not at work more than it is about comfort or hot temperatures. The last time this came up someone mentioned they were angry when they saw people wearing shorts around Medellin after they were advised against it and decided to leave shorts at home. I wear them on the way back and forth to the gym or if it's an exceptionally warm day I might wear them on a supermarket run. Unless I'm doing either of those or exercising outdoors I don't feel the need.

The average high temp in Bogota is 65 F. Why would you want to wear shorts?

10-03-20, 20:01
Hi guys,

Anyone got news on lleras park as far as clubs and bars open. Girls flocking there at night time for business. Also does Poblado or lleras park have casas in the area.

10-03-20, 21:01
Do you like Medellin or Bangkok more and why?I love Thailand because I feel like a god there. I'm 6'3, youngish looking, and all around nice guy. For the first time in my life I felt like the pretty girl at the party that everyone wants to fuck. Those girls will Clean you up in the shower, fuck you, then massage you. After all of that they'll do your laundry. Bangkok is a lot of fun but the real action is in Pattaya. Love the soapy massages. There was never a point that I didn't feel safe.

My first and only trip to Medellin was in February. Met up with an amazing driver named Estef through Craigslist. She took me everywhere and made sure I wasn't being scammed. Speaks English very well. She saved my ass from the policia once as well—long story. The women there are so sexy and hot. Girls that would never look at you once in the states unless you were jacked and loaded with money. They are very sexual and sensual. There were a couple of girls that were so good with GFE I was crushed when they left the next day. Weather is perfect there where as in Bangkok is blazing hot and humid. The one downside to Medellin is you really need to be careful. There's a lot of scammers and the policia will always take their side. But money talks.

10-03-20, 21:08
Hi guys,

The flight is on (for now), I reserved an apartment. I have to be tested for COVID. I got the kit yesterday. I have a question regarding the transport. I will arrive at the airport around midnight. I know there is a bus, but I don't know where it stops. I will stay in Laureles. I don't want to walk at 2 AM with my luggage around the city. Any advice or suggestion? I also don't want to pay 50 dollars for a taxi from the airport.In normal times (and I have no idea what its like now in time of covid) you can get two different busses from the airport. One that goes to San Diego Mall and one that goes to near the Nutibara hotel in El Centro.

If you were arriving in the day time and you wanted to be as cheap as possible I would recommend taking a bus to San Diego mall then a taxi to wherever you want to go in Laureles (you get off at 1st bus stop, cross the street and there is a taxi rank at the entrance to the mall).

If your arriving at midnight take a taxi. There is a fixed cost. Last time I checked it was 80,000 COP which is 21 USD at current rates. If you took the bus to San Diego (12,000 COP) and then got a taxi to laureles (maybe 20,000 COP?) you would save maybe 40 K cop but at that time of night in my opinion its a bit too dicy to be looking for a taxi around San Diego.

Uber by the way is pretty crap in Medellin and is very hard to get at the airport as the taxi drivers take great offence if anyone other than them picks passengers up.

Beat, EasyTaxi, or Cabily are all good apps for getting taxi's when going point to point in Medellin (but not great for airport pickup).

10-03-20, 22:06
Hi guys,

The flight is on (for now), I reserved an apartment. I have to be tested for COVID. I got the kit yesterday. I have a question regarding the transport. I will arrive at the airport around midnight. I know there is a bus, but I don't know where it stops. I will stay in Laureles. I don't want to walk at 2 AM with my luggage around the city. Any advice or suggestion? I also don't want to pay 50 dollars for a taxi from the airport.El Centro and not the bus to San Diego Mall at 2 AM, and deal with getting to Laureles the next day by train after the sun is nice and high in the sky. Be prepared to pay 13,000 pesos as you exit the bus. In El Centro, you will get off on a little side street right at a 24 hour cafe if you're hungry. Across the street over you shoulder is a brothel but they will be closed at 2 AM. By far your best choice and a no-brainer as far I am concerned, is you will be immediately behind the NutiBara Hotel, arguably the nicest hotel in El Centro, and their prices recently have been great, between $21 and $25 per night for Medellin's version of a luxury hotel. At 2 AM, you will not be able to cut through the La Raza BBQ restaurant to get to the NutiBara lobby. You will walk around the same building where you see the La Raza, left of right doesn't matter, to the front entrance of the NutiBara, probably about 300 yards. Not dicey if you don't stray. I don't know if you have been to Medellin before, but you are directly across from Botero Park and I would not hesitate to stay at the NutiBara and explore from there, in the center of the Center, El Centro. I dunno, I would rest up at the Nutibara and then reconnoiter Laureles the next day during daylight hours.

More fotos of Sexy Dexy. Her pussy and face are just as good as her ass. And she has that all-important fun-loving, down-for-anything personality. She's a 9. She is not a sex worker, she sells coffee full time in the Parque.

10-03-20, 22:13
Pattaya was great. Perfect set up to be a monger. Agree totally. That 20 HR flight is a monster. Coming was longer. Jet lag galore. But party til 8 am was memorable.

I love Thailand because I feel like a god there. I'm 6'3, youngish looking, and all around nice guy. For the first time in my life I felt like the pretty girl at the party that everyone wants to fuck. Those girls will Clean you up in the shower, fuck you, then massage you. After all of that they'll do your laundry. Bangkok is a lot of fun but the real action is in Pattaya. Love the soapy massages. There was never a point that I didn't feel safe.

My first and only trip to Medellin was in February. Met up with an amazing driver named Estef through Craigslist. She took me everywhere and made sure I wasn't being scammed. Speaks English very well. She saved my ass from the policia once as welllong story. The women there are so sexy and hot. Girls that would never look at you once in the states unless you were jacked and loaded with money. They are very sexual and sensual. There were a couple of girls that were so good with GFE I was crushed when they left the next day. Weather is perfect there where as in Bangkok is blazing hot and humid. The one downside to Medellin is you really need to be careful. There's a lot of scammers and the policia will always take their side. But money talks..

10-03-20, 23:15
Another data point on entering Colombia from the US. I flew Spirit from Fort Lauderdale to Medelling on Saturday. Y'all going through Spirit. Make sure to get there early, they are checking PCR tests at the counter, so there's a long line. The things they are checking are the presence of the word PCR and the date of the test. I would highly recommend printing out your PCR results. Upon entering Colombia, they checked my PCR test results again at the jet bridge, along with the email confirmation after filling out the CheckMig thing on the immigration Colombia site. Other than that, everything's the same. Colombia is more or less open from a non-mongering perspective. I think bars are still closed.

Working on lining up a couple of SA chicks, but most of my time will be spent with my novia who I haven't seen for 6 months. Who I actually found on SA too haha, but now it's more of a legit / non P4P relationship.

10-04-20, 00:09
Most of the flights from the US are overnight, it's very convenient. Argentina is a no go now, they are in extremely bad shape, but USD cash goes long way. Rio has a great natural setting, may be a perfect place for a week.Well it seems most are suggesting I go to Bogota. So I will book the ticket. I need to find a hotel near Santa Fe that will allow guest if I want that. And I will get a subscription to Colombia Cupid and hope that works as well. Any other suggestions?


10-04-20, 00:43
Its hurricane season bro.Thanks for the info. Yes I'm going on January. After hurricane season. It does sound a bit complicated. I guess I've got some work to do make sure everything turns out good. Thanks for the info greatly appreciated!!

10-04-20, 00:47
The shorts thing is a recurring topic. Your point is well taken about the Bogota climate but I've come to realize that for some wearing shorts is a kind of reminder that they are not at work more than it is about comfort or hot temperatures. The last time this came up someone mentioned they were angry when they saw people wearing shorts around Medellin after they were advised against it and decided to leave shorts at home. I wear them on the way back and forth to the gym or if it's an exceptionally warm day I might wear them on a supermarket run. Unless I'm doing either of those or exercising outdoors I don't feel the need.I live in the South now and the only time I wear shorts to Bogota is on the plane, there and back. But hey, what ever floats your boat. My personal preference is to not stand out in Bogota. I speak pretty good Español and I just as soon blend into the mix than to draw unnecessary attention to myself. In the room, around the hotel hell yea, Comfort baby!

10-04-20, 01:00
Well it seems most are suggesting I go to Bogota. So I will book the ticket. I need to find a hotel near Santa Fe that will allow guest if I want that. And I will get a subscription to Colombia Cupid and hope that works as well. Any other suggestions?

Showdown.I like Bogota, a city of around 9 million people today, half of them women, 4. 5 million women is a lot of talent to chase. No city in Colombia can offer these kind of odds. I have an apartment in Chico Norte near Parque 93 and one of my favorite things to do is to sit out front of the hotel at lunch time and 5/6 pm and watch all the secretary's walk by. I've actually hooked a few this way. Open your mouth and say Hi! You would be surprised how open and friendly the Colombian women are if you act like a normal person, and oh yea it helps to speak the language. As far as Santa Fe goes, message Woodman, he was very helpful my first visit to SF years ago.

Mr Enternational
10-04-20, 01:29
Well it seems most are suggesting I go to Bogota. So I will book the ticket. I need to find a hotel near Santa Fe that will allow guest if I want that. And I will get a subscription to Colombia Cupid and hope that works as well. Any other suggestions?What the duck. In which posts did you see that because I literally saw no one suggest Bogota. You did not even ask about Bogota. You asked about Brazil, Medellin, and Dominican Republic. People only started talking about Bogota when another poster asked for a comparison between Medellin and Bogota.

I doubt anyone would suggest Bogota over Medellin, especially for a first timer. There is nothing in Bogota remotely geared towards foreigners so if you do not speak Spanish you could be in for a less than good time. Bogota is not a vacation destination and it is cold on top of that. Most people suggested Brazil. And some said if the flight to Brazil is too long or the Covid scares you then Medellin. Nobody even mentioned Dominican Republic or Bogota in reference to your question.

10-04-20, 02:16
I will arrive at the airport around midnight. I know there is a bus, but I don't know where it stops. I will stay in Laureles.

MaliBog420's reply is a good one. I will take his advice.

The druggy zombies usually come out at that hour around the bus stop in El Centro. Think about Walking Dead. They will try to help you with your luggage for tip. I would avoid arriving at El Centro late at night if you don't know how to handle it. At San Diego Mall at that hour, you may see something similar but instead of zombies, you will see just normal people or kids which should not be a problem for you. Carry some small bills for tips just in case.

10-04-20, 02:22
Bars are NOT closed. Clubs / discos are closed.

In Lleras, for example, Beer Store and Lleras Town were open when I was there. Only thing is that they close earlier. Several bars on La 70 were open.

I think bars are still closed.


10-04-20, 02:56
A they are checking PCR tests at the counter, so there's a long line. The things they are checking are the presence of the word PCR and the date of the test. I would highly recommend printing out your PCR results. Upon entering Colombia, they checked my PCR test results again at the jet bridge, along with the email confirmation after filling out the CheckMig thing on the immigration Colombia site.Of course I am not suggesting anyone do this, but couldn't anyone print out a test result themselves on their word processor and turn it in, as long as it says PCR negative and has a recent date?? Makeup the name of a lab? LOL.

10-04-20, 03:52
Long time reader, first time poster. I'm getting ready to finally get back to paradise after waiting over a year because of the madness that the world is going through. Due to a very tight schedule, I'll only be staying a couple days, as I need to get back to the US. Has anyone gone since the reopening of international flights and returned home to the US? Any issues upon arrival? Any issues at departure, like flight delays? Thanks for any info.

10-04-20, 04:42
MaliBog420's reply is a good one. I will take his advice.

The druggy zombies usually come out at that hour around the bus stop in El Centro. Think about Walking Dead. They will try to help you with your luggage for tip. I would avoid arriving at El Centro late at night if you don't know how to handle it. At San Diego Mall at that hour, you may see something similar but instead of zombies, you will see just normal people or kids which should not be a problem for you. Carry some small bills for tips just in case.The taxi from the airport to whatever destination in the city is $21.

Black Page
10-04-20, 08:45
Hi guys,

The flight is on (for now), I reserved an apartment. I have to be tested for COVID. I got the kit yesterday. I have a question regarding the transport. I will arrive at the airport around midnight. I know there is a bus, but I don't know where it stops. I will stay in Laureles. I don't want to walk at 2 AM with my luggage around the city. Any advice or suggestion? I also don't want to pay 50 dollars for a taxi from the airport.FIrst, I doubt you could get a "kit" for a PCR test at home. Second, a taxi from MDE airport to city is 75 k, which is 20 USD.
It leaves me speechless to imagine someone first time in Colombia arriving to the Medellin airport at midnight, wait for a bus to stay cheap, arrive behind Nutibara at 1:30 am, look around for a taxi to reach Laureles, etc. etc.

10-04-20, 09:41
FIrst, I doubt you could get a "kit" for a PCR test at home. Second, a taxi from MDE airport to city is 75 k, which is 20 USD.
It leaves me speechless to imagine someone first time in Colombia arriving to the Medellin airport at midnight, wait for a bus to stay cheap, arrive behind Nutibara at 1:30 am, look around for a taxi to reach Laureles, etc. etc.Home PCR Covid test kits are common. You can buy them in grocery stores in some states and I just checked, they all are over Amazon. I don't know about the timing the results, etc. But that's his problem, not mine. So when you start by saying that you don't believe him, that discredits your advice more than his actions in this example. Taking a bus to El Centro from the airport is exactly what I did my first time to Medellin, after midnight, except I stayed at Hotel Botero on the same street. No big deal. Chillax. Obviously, you wouldn't do it that way. You were right about one thing, the taxi fare and that was good to point out since his estimate was pretty far off.

10-04-20, 11:23
FIrst, I doubt you could get a "kit" for a PCR test at home. Second, a taxi from MDE airport to city is 75 k, which is 20 USD.
It leaves me speechless to imagine someone first time in Colombia arriving to the Medellin airport at midnight, wait for a bus to stay cheap, arrive behind Nutibara at 1:30 am, look around for a taxi to reach Laureles, etc. etc.Ditto on the midnight bus, a very bad idea. Not a good idea for a seasoned Colombian traveler let lone a newbee. Not sure of your budget but saving money on a midnight bus tour is just stupid.

10-04-20, 11:43
Of course I am not suggesting anyone do this, but couldn't anyone print out a test result themselves on their word processor and turn it in, as long as it says PCR negative and has a recent date?? Makeup the name of a lab? LOL.It's doable, anyone can download a a test result template from the internet and change the wording through photoshop. Upload it to the migracion app, the officials are not looking for the authenticity of the Test result.

10-04-20, 12:40
What the duck. In which posts did you see that because I literally saw no one suggest Bogota. You did not even ask about Bogota. You asked about Brazil, Medellin, and Dominican Republic. People only started talking about Bogota when another poster asked for a comparison between Medellin and Bogota.

I doubt anyone would suggest Bogota over Medellin, especially for a first timer. There is nothing in Bogota remotely geared towards foreigners so if you do not speak Spanish you could be in for a less than good time. Bogota is not a vacation destination and it is cold on top of that. Most people suggested Brazil. And some said if the flight to Brazil is too long or the Covid scares you then Medellin. Nobody even mentioned Dominican Republic or Bogota in reference to your question.I read Combo and ShadowJ post saying they thought Bogota was better. Whether they directly answered my post or not it did answer a question I had. Also what attracts me is the street scene in Bogota (Santa Fe) and there does not appear to be one in Medellin.

Mr Enternational
10-04-20, 12:46
Of course I am not suggesting anyone do this, but couldn't anyone print out a test result themselves on their word processor and turn it in, as long as it says PCR negative and has a recent date?? Makeup the name of a lab? LOL.Some buddies of mine were photoshopping one person's test and it worked fine. Just change the name and date. If you were like me and didn't know how to photoshop then they would charge $50 to do it for you.

Mr Enternational
10-04-20, 12:56
I read Combo and ShadowJ post saying they thought Bogota was better. Whether they directly answered my post or not it did answer a question I had. Also what attracts me is the street scene in Bogota (Santa Fe) and there does not appear to be one in Medellin.Shadow J said he had never been to Medellin and asked for a comparison. Combo only said Bogota was bigger, he did not say it was better.

If you are after Santa Fe then you would be right in that aspect. While I love that place, I hate the Bogota weather. It is not customary to take chicks back to your room. You just fuck them at the rooms they are in front of or at the clubs they are working at. Unless you are taking them long time. I have never gotten one long time, but of all the ones I have asked about it, I have been able to settle on 100,000 with them for LT. (Of course they start higher, but I have never been one to take the first price I am given.) But if it was a club girl then you would have to wait until she finished work at 2am or whatever.

10-04-20, 14:40
Shadow J said he had never been to Medellin and asked for a comparison. Combo only said Bogota was bigger, he did not say it was better.

If you are after Santa Fe then you would be right in that aspect. While I love that place, I hate the Bogota weather. It is not customary to take chicks back to your room. You just fuck them at the rooms they are in front of or at the clubs they are working at. Unless you are taking them long time. I have never gotten one long time, but of all the ones I have asked about it, I have been able to settle on 100,000 with them for LT. (Of course they start higher, but I have never been one to take the first price I am given.) But if it was a club girl then you would have to wait until she finished work at 2am or whatever.Thanks for all the info Mr E. I looked up what you said about Bogata and it appears you are right about Medellin. Is Medellin mostly massage parlor type action? If I fly down there I want to be sure I have a point and click type situation. I don't want to have to hunt for it via the internet.


10-04-20, 16:02
Thanks for all the info Mr E. I looked up what you said about Bogata and it appears you are right about Medellin. Is Medellin mostly massage parlor type action? If I fly down there I want to be sure I have a point and click type situation. I don't want to have to hunt for it via the internet.
Medellin has street scenes. Mainly in El Centro that is discussed often here but it is basically a day time action. The other is casa. I guess that is what you call massage parlor. You can go to strip clubs at night. If you just want to fuck a lot and don't mind everything else, pick Santa Fe. It has far larger number of better quality girls in a small area that also has many strip clubs. It probably will be difficult if you don't speak Spanish.

I think it is better to wait to make the strip to avoid disappointment. It is hard to tell what is available now.

The Tall Man
10-04-20, 16:16
I don't want to sound like Chicken Little with this warning but rather out of a sense of duty to let all my comrades know to be safe, aware and understand the new risks with visiting centro and the surrounding areas.

God only knows how much time I have spent in Plaza Botero both in the daytime and also many nights (in the clubs) in the past mainly 3 plus years, especially before the China virus then again with the quarantine finished re-started my visits to numerous times each week so it is a place that I like to frequent to "round-out" my mongering activities here in Medellin. I have met a lot of good chicas and have enjoyed much fun over this time.

Just in the past 2 weeks the desperation, if I can use that words to describe the situation, has become completely apparent by the number of robberies and muggings that I have personally witnessed with my own eyes, usually a few each hour and in broad daylight with people all around. I don't understand why they have removed the Tourist Police tent that use to sit in the front of the museum and which everyone could clearly see at least a presence of the police or why you do not see any Tourist Police making rounds like before the China virus, did the mayor de-fund this?

My wingman, who frequents centro almost daily, tells me just a few days ago this week he witnessed a dozen plus muggings and robberies again in daytime all within a time frame of about 5 hours - 5 fucking hours!. There were so many occurring by the centro gangs at the same time that the police, let me say the police who give a shit about cleaning out the Venezuelan trash punk kids gangs out of the park, had to resort to handcuffing the gang member to the nearest secure iron railing so they could run to the next mugging that was happening just around the corner.

So the threat is real and yes it is organized by gangs (both paisa and Venezuelan) for the most part with the street bitches working in union with them, perhaps out of force or wanting to participate in part of the loot. They all carry knifes on their person, some 2 or more knifes, and they have no hesitation to use them to make you leak, hehehe.

Of course there is also the rouge homeless drug glue sniffing piece of shit trying to take advantage of an opportunity but we all need to watch out for both. Again my opinion has shifted over time to now I believe that it is all organized.

You need to know that the moment any gringo walks into the area they (the GANGS) and every working girl all know this and we are being watched and they will pounce the moment your let your guard down.

Suggest to always visit with a buddy or two, or three and keep your head on a swivel and stay constantly aware of everything around you. Do not pull your cell phone out unless your completely aware of your surroundings. Never carry more money than you need to have a bite to eat and to fuck a few of the bitches. Dress down and always be mindful of your surroundings.

I have many details which reinforce these strong opinions and position and hence this strong warning on this situation but because of a variety of reasons (confidentiality) I will not publicly disclose. Just be safe guys.

And yes I will still visit centro and play albeit with a renewed sense of awareness and a give a shit attitude for anyone and everyone that passes you, they are not your friends rather your a target so I have this mind set when I visit. If anyone invades my personal space, that being about a little more than an arms reach I will become mid evil on their ass. This is a message that I have been sending and handing out and will become, I should say has already become second nature.

Much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.

10-04-20, 17:35
You would use the San Diego bus to get to Laureles. I doubt the combuses will be running that late with the reduced flight schedules. The alternatives are not necessarily a lot safer. It's easier to get Shanghaied alone in a taxi. If one of you guys has a driver you know that might help the original poster.

Ditto on the midnight bus, a very bad idea. Not a good idea for a seasoned Colombian traveler let lone a newbee. Not sure of your budget but saving money on a midnight bus tour is just stupid.

10-04-20, 17:38
I read Combo and ShadowJ post saying they thought Bogota was better. Whether they directly answered my post or not it did answer a question I had. Also what attracts me is the street scene in Bogota (Santa Fe) and there does not appear to be one in Medellin.In my opinion, the "street scene" if you include the Veracruz area, the park in front of the Museum, the backside of the Veracruz Church, and the Avenida de la Grief area in downtown El Cenro of Medellin has way more women available than the Santa Fe Area, and is less unionized. That's at least my observation of things after spending three days visiting the Santa Fe area a few years back. And again it's a matter of how you roll. Most of the girls in the Santa Fe area at least when I was there were pretty much working in front of the Hotels they used, whereas in Medellin a lot of the women float around more walking around the area's I mentioned. I was looking for street walkers and didn't find a lot that weren't specifically associated with one Hotel. It was very different and one club advertised that they just Paisas in it. It will boil down to personal preference for you. If your a point and shoot, 30 minute, slam bam thank you type of guy you might prefer it over the Medellin street scene regardless of the pro's and con's of Bogota besides mongering which is a whole other subject. I personally won't go back to Bogota, the weather wasn't so much an issue, yet so big and crowded and hard to get around. Perhaps you should visit Bogota a few days and then go to Medellin. A lot of other guys in the past have grappled with the decision your trying to make, and invariably when they go to Medellin first and then Bogota, they wish they had stayed in Medellin.

10-04-20, 19:09
Hi guys,

Anyone got news on lleras park as far as clubs and bars open. Girls flocking there at night time for business. Also does Poblado or lleras park have casas in the area.I made a brief visit to Parque Lleras last Sunday afternoon out of curiosity. I had not ventured over there since February. Posters here are going to tell you. "bars are open", and technically that is true. There are a few still operating on the weekend. But, the place is devastated. On my walk-through, I surmised that at least 4 out 5 of the restaurants, charcuterias, and licoreras we all used to enjoy are closed. And looking like they will never re-open. It is in no way what you remember or have heard about.

I can't give a personal account, but I highly doubt the place is full of working girls on the week-end due to what I described above.

Even the beautiful Hotel Charlee is shuttered. Its a bit startling to see all of this to those of us with fond memories of nights out there through the past.

The managers hanging out in one restaurant told me they plan to re-open but have no time table.

Calle 10 and Provenza looked a bit less damaged. I ate in Jay-Way (pron. Yah-wheh) Mexican restaurant / bar on Calle 10. The food was good and priced right. I found it irritating though that they do no have menus. You've got to scan a QR panel to see the menu on a smartphone.

In spite of all this, I spotted porky, pink, loud gringos in more than 1 place.

There have never been casas (locally known as "Salas") in Poblado.

10-04-20, 20:17
Hi guys,

The flight is on (for now), I reserved an apartment. I have to be tested for COVID. I got the kit yesterday. I have a question regarding the transport. I will arrive at the airport around midnight. I know there is a bus, but I don't know where it stops. I will stay in Laureles. I don't want to walk at 2 AM with my luggage around the city. Any advice or suggestion? I also don't want to pay 50 dollars for a taxi from the airport.I respect the advice of my fellow mongers but I double down on my advice and speak from direct experience. I lived on that street for more than 4 months, in Hotel Botero, an apartment, and I stayed at the Nutibara as well. The corner where the bus stops is safe because of the bus workers and the 24-hour caf there is well lit, and there are regular people inside. The owner shoos away the riff-raff. Sit down, grab a bite, and they will help you if you need it. You cross the street and you are at the Nutibara but you have to walk around the closest corner to get to the front entrance that time of night. The sidewalk will take you right to the front door. As long as you don't wander you will be fine. There are taxi cabs at the caf corner where the bus lets you off and if you are so inclined, you could pay the minimum taxi fare, I think it's 3000 (less than $1) to drive you around the building to the front door of the Nutibara. Don't head off in the wrong direction. At that time of night, toting luggage would make you a target for getting "rolled" by the Venezuelan hoods and trannies who control a few blocks over from the Nutibara.

By the time I left El Centro I could walk into the heart of the beast from Botero in the opposite direction of the Nutibara to visit two bisexual female Venezuelan roommates who were friends of mine. Everyone left me alone because I was known by then, and protected by the Venezuelan muscle. My point is maybe I am a little crazy and cavalier with my advice and you should take that into account. I've been to all 7 continents and mongored on six of them (there are no sex workers on Antarctica) and I never had a lick of trouble. Now that I think about it, maybe you should do the opposite of what I say, jjajajajaja I have been incredibly lucky, all my life.

The taxi from the airport is a lot cheaper than you stated but that price quote would probably not get you to your apartment in Laureles. You should have a clear understanding how much it will cost before you get in the taxi. Pencil and paper comes in handy. Write down the address and have the driver write the amount for the fare, and don't get in unless he does.

I have not been to Medellin since the beginning of the Covid crisis, and trouble areas can change. But the months I spent at Hotel Botero just before the crisis, I saw that immediate area around the bus stop and Nutibara getting safer, not worse. Your call.

Fotos are of the Venezuelan Roommates mentioned above, skinny Minnie and Choco-Thik. Their contrast of their asses was made to order and yet another too-good-to-be-true Medellin experience, jeje.

10-04-20, 20:17
Shadow J said he had never been to Medellin and asked for a comparison. Combo only said Bogota was bigger, he did not say it was better.

If you are after Santa Fe then you would be right in that aspect. While I love that place, I hate the Bogota weather. It is not customary to take chicks back to your room. You just fuck them at the rooms they are in front of or at the clubs they are working at. Unless you are taking them long time. I have never gotten one long time, but of all the ones I have asked about it, I have been able to settle on 100,000 with them for LT. (Of course they start higher, but I have never been one to take the first price I am given.) But if it was a club girl then you would have to wait until she finished work at 2am or whatever.Yup. Bogota is a much larger city and as such has way more offerings for our hobby. It has way more high-end clubs, and way more low-end options also. But Medellin for most foreigners is a much more pleasant city to visit. The weather is a big part of that. But also, the people are more friendly, and the city is easier to get around.

I agree with Mr. E. I go on vacation for balmy weather as well as pussy.

Mojo Bandit
10-04-20, 21:02
Hi guys,

Anyone got news on lleras park as far as clubs and bars open. Girls flocking there at night time for business. Also does Poblado or lleras park have casas in the area.This guy is in Medellin and he made this video not this past Saturday but a week ago Saturday, he does a pretty good walk around.


10-04-20, 21:03
Anyone stayed in this area before. How is it? Feedback welcome.

10-04-20, 21:09
Scares me a little that some are not wearing masks. I won't be too far from the park. This trip will certainly have its reservations

This guy is in Medellin and he made this video not this past Saturday but a week ago Saturday, he does a pretty good walk around.


10-04-20, 21:17
It's doable, anyone can download a a test result template from the internet and change the wording through photoshop. Upload it to the migracion app, the officials are not looking for the authenticity of the Test result.Sure, good luck to find one, especially in Europe.

10-04-20, 21:25
From what several people that are on the ground in Medellin are saying, the ground game (bars, parks and clubs) is still recovering and will be for some time yet. Does anyone know how the online game is doing? (SA, Tinder or FB). Is that something that is a option for someone that's planning to go to Medellin in the near future? Or is it just a waste? Any advise from people that are in the scene right now is always appreciated.

10-04-20, 21:41
FIrst, I doubt you could get a "kit" for a PCR test at home. Second, a taxi from MDE airport to city is 75 k, which is 20 USD.It's not a test you do at home: they send you a kit to take the samples, you send back to the lab. You receive the result and certificate COVID-19 Fit for Flight, 2 days later. You can't do a PCR test at home, because PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction, a technique invented by Kary Mullis, who got the Nobel prize for that. It amplifies the segments of DNA. You need special equipment to perform PCR, only a lab can do that.

10-04-20, 21:42
Anyone stayed in this area before. How is it? Feedback welcome.The Manila barrio is located to the left of Calle 10 as your going up the hill from the Poblado Metro station opposite EXITO. And prior to the Pandemic, there were several good restaraunts there. As far as accomodations, there are a few hotels, and I'm sure there are apartments reasonably priced for rental there. The location is excellent as far as walking access to LLeras no more than ten minutes up the hill and ten minutes down the hill to the Metro Station. If your looking for a place to stay, besides the Manila barrio, there are the Astorga and Patio Bonito barrios directly to the right side of the EXITO on the right side of Calle 10 going up the hill. The Astorga barrio is located directly below Parque Poblabo and Avenda Poblado, and is where all the young Colombians (not tourists) hang on the weekends versus Lleras. These three barrios are excellent locations, and are often times over looked as places to stay, all within easy walking access to the night life district around Lleras, the Metro, and hundreds of places to eat and party.

10-04-20, 21:58
I respect the advice of my fellow mongers but I double down on my advice and speak from direct experience. I lived on that street for more than 4 months, in Hotel Botero, an apartment, and I stayed at the Nutibara as well. The corner where the bus stops is safe because of the bus workers and the 24-hour caf there is well lit, and there are regular people inside. The owner shoos away the riff-raff. Sit down, grab a bite, and they will help you if you need it. You cross the street and you are at the Nutibara but you have to walk around the closest corner to get to the front entrance that time of night. The sidewalk will take you right to the front door. As long as you don't wander you will be fine. There are taxi cabs at the caf corner where the bus lets you off and if you are so inclined, you could pay the minimum taxi fare, I think it's 3000 (less than $1) to drive you around the building to the front door of the Nutibara. Don't head off in the wrong direction. At that time of night, toting luggage would make you a target for getting "rolled" by the Venezuelan hoods and trannies who control a few blocks over from the Nutibara.

By the time I left El Centro I could walk into the heart of the beast from Botero in the opposite direction of the Nutibara to visit two bisexual female Venezuelan roommates who were friends of mine. Everyone left me alone because I was known by then, and protected by the Venezuelan muscle. My point is maybe I am a little crazy and cavalier with my advice and you should take that into account. I've been to all 7 continents and mongored on six of them (there are no sex workers on Antarctica) and I never had a lick of trouble. Now that I think about it, maybe you should do the opposite of what I say, jjajajajaja I have been incredibly lucky, all my life.

The taxi from the airport is a lot cheaper than you stated but that price quote would probably not get you to your apartment in Laureles. You should have a clear understanding how much it will cost before you get in the taxi. Pencil and paper comes in handy. Write down the address and have the driver write the amount for the fare, and don't get in unless he does.

I have not been to Medellin since the beginning of the Covid crisis, and trouble areas can change. But the months I spent at Hotel Botero just before the crisis, I saw that immediate area around the bus stop and Nutibara getting safer, not worse. Your call.

Fotos are of the Venezuelan Roommates mentioned above, skinny Minnie and Choco-Thik. Their contrast of their asses was made to order and yet another too-good-to-be-true Medellin experience, jeje.At midnight, my experience is the majority of taxis and Uber would not even come to the bus stop. That should tell you something. There maybe one worker left in the cafe and they are not there to protect passages. I also think most shops in that area will not interfere with a crime. It will be an unpleasant and perhaps scary experience even if you know it is safe. You are experienced so it is fine for you but it is not a good advice to a newbie. Besides the bus may not be running.

There are two types of taxis at the airport. The cheaper one is shared taxi that works like bus. That is not what other members suggested.

10-04-20, 22:11
Had two trips booked for November to Medellin. Spirit Airlines contacted me today to inform me that both flights had been cancelled. I am assuming they are cutting back on flights due to low demand. I rebooked my one trip with spirit and used the voucher. I also now have to travel to a different city for my return flight which is a pain in the ass. I cancelled my other trip and just received the refund. Just giving people a heads up if your choosing airlines. I am not a fan of Spirit.

10-04-20, 22:18
I respect the advice of my fellow mongers but I double down on my advice and speak from direct experience. I lived on that street for more than 4 months, in Hotel Botero, an apartment, and I stayed at the Nutibara as well. The corner where the bus stops is safe because of the bus workers and the 24-hour caf there is well lit, and there are regular people inside. The owner shoos away the riff-raff. Sit down, grab a bite, and they will help you if you need it. You cross the street and you are at the Nutibara but you have to walk around the closest corner to get to the front entrance that time of night. The sidewalk will take you right to the front door. As long as you don't wander you will be fine. There are taxi cabs at the caf corner where the bus lets you off and if you are so inclined, you could pay the minimum taxi fare, I think it's 3000 (less than $1) to drive you around the building to the front door of the Nutibara. Don't head off in the wrong direction. At that time of night, toting luggage would make you a target for getting "rolled" by the Venezuelan hoods and trannies who control a few blocks over from the Nutibara.

By the time I left El Centro I could walk into the heart of the beast from Botero in the opposite direction of the Nutibara to visit two bisexual female Venezuelan roommates who were friends of mine. Everyone left me alone because I was known by then, and protected by the Venezuelan muscle. My point is maybe I am a little crazy and cavalier with my advice and you should take that into account. I've been to all 7 continents and mongored on six of them (there are no sex workers on Antarctica) and I never had a lick of trouble. Now that I think about it, maybe you should do the opposite of what I say, jjajajajaja I have been incredibly lucky, all my life.

The taxi from the airport is a lot cheaper than you stated but that price quote would probably not get you to your apartment in Laureles. You should have a clear understanding how much it will cost before you get in the taxi. Pencil and paper comes in handy. Write down the address and have the driver write the amount for the fare, and don't get in unless he does.

I have not been to Medellin since the beginning of the Covid crisis, and trouble areas can change. But the months I spent at Hotel Botero just before the crisis, I saw that immediate area around the bus stop and Nutibara getting safer, not worse. Your call.Thank you, this is the most constructive post I read. I took note. Once at the airport I will get some money from the ATM, then I will then check the bus timetable, and if there is a bus soon I will take it, and then I will take a taxi from the bus stop to reach my apartment. If I have to wait too long for the bus, then I'll negotiate a price for the taxi. The day after, first thing in the morning, I will buy a SIM card, and I will put into the cheap Android phone I bought.

10-04-20, 22:24
I don't want to sound like Chicken Little with this warning but rather out of a sense of duty to let all my comrades know to be safe, aware and understand the new risks with visiting centro and the surrounding areas.

God only knows how much time I have spent in Plaza Botero both in the daytime and also many nights (in the clubs) in the past mainly 3 plus years, especially before the China virus then again with the quarantine finished re-started my visits to numerous times each week so it is a place that I like to frequent to "round-out" my mongering activities here in Medellin. I have met a lot of good chicas and have enjoyed much fun over this time.

Just in the past 2 weeks the desperation, if I can use that words to describe the situation, has become completely apparent by the number of robberies and muggings that I have personally witnessed with my own eyes, usually a few each hour and in broad daylight with people all around. I don't understand why they have removed the Tourist Police tent that use to sit in the front of the museum and which everyone could clearly see at least a presence of the police or why you do not see any Tourist Police making rounds like before the China virus, did the mayor de-fund this?.This is a bit chilling to say the least which I am not looking forward to witnessing upon my return within a few weeks. Prior to the Pandemic, the sight of gringos was music to the ears of the hookers hoping for a client, and yes robberies were always occurring, but not even close to what you've described. The way you've described this, it's as though someone is bleeding in the Ocean and the Sharks are circling. I remember something literally identical to what you have described in Tijuana which you might recall. I think it was about 10 years ago there were a lot of cops getting taken out in Zona Norte the red light district there, and the cops stopped patrolling the area. Than what happened gangs of guys would take people out on the sidewalk by doing a choke-hold. And it wasn't just gringos but Mexicans getting hit as well. I remember witnessing an older Mexican getting robbed right in front of a barbershop and the guys didn't even run away as there were no police and nobody did anything. When I would be there I wouldn't even walk on the sidewalk, but stayed in the street to avoid getting taken out. The gangs would walk on the sidewalk and would literally glare / dare me to walk on the sidewalk to rob me.

Your advice to go with others is warranted, and for those contemplating going alone, if your an obvious gringo with limited experience in El Centro, not a good idea to venture there as you have pointed out and hopefully others will take your advice as the knives are for real and you will be easy prey.

10-04-20, 22:25
At midnight, my experience is the majority of taxis and Uber would not even come to the bus stop. That should tell you something. There maybe one worker left in the cafe and they are not there to protect passages. I also think most shops in that area will not interfere with a crime. It will be an unpleasant and perhaps scary experience even if you know it is safe. You are experienced so it is fine for you but it is not a good advice to a newbie. Besides the bus may not be running.

There are two types of taxis at the airport. The cheaper one is shared taxi that works like bus. That is not what other members suggested.Wow guys, I have to say I'm impressed. I mean, I wonder why you all go to Colombia if you are so scared to get robbed any minute, or stabbed or kidnapped. Stay safe at home in USA, when a guy can buy an AK-47 or any fuckin automatic gun and do a massacre in a school, just because he is annoyed. I'm sure I can get a taxi in Medellin ANY time, night and day. It looks like they are all waiting for me at the bus stop, I mean, the main bus stop for the bus coming from the airport. Come on.

10-04-20, 22:27
Had two trips booked for November to Medellin. Spirit Airlines contacted me today to inform me that both flights had been cancelled. I am assuming they are cutting back on flights due to low demand. I rebooked my one trip with spirit and used the voucher. I also now have to travel to a different city for my return flight which is a pain in the ass. I cancelled my other trip and just received the refund. Just giving people a heads up if your choosing airlines. I am not a fan of Spirit.COPA will have service from Panama City to Medellin starting on the 12th of this month. And AVIANCA from I believe Miami as well this month.

10-04-20, 22:34
You would use the San Diego bus to get to Laureles. I doubt the combuses will be running that late with the reduced flight schedules. The alternatives are not necessarily a lot safer. It's easier to get Shanghaied alone in a taxi. If one of you guys has a driver you know that might help the original poster.Combuses.com, they said they buses run 24 hours coming from the airport, but I would rather pay the 75000 pesos to get to my hotel.

10-04-20, 22:37
At midnight, my experience is the majority of taxis and Uber would not even come to the bus stop. That should tell you something. There maybe one worker left in the cafe and they are not there to protect passages. I also think most shops in that area will not interfere with a crime. It will be an unpleasant and perhaps scary experience even if you know it is safe. You are experienced so it is fine for you but it is not a good advice to a newbie. Besides the bus may not be running.

There are two types of taxis at the airport. The cheaper one is shared taxi that works like bus. That is not what other members suggested.The thought of trying to be a Cheap Charlie in the early hours of the morning amazes me. Who ever started this post about how to get from the Airport to Laureles via buses after midnight probably shouldn't be venturing to Medellin.

It's a no brainer, get in a cab at the Airport directly to Laureles. I can only imagine a first time visitor, a gringo, with no Spanish speaking skills attempting this. He will be lucky to have any of his belongings left after arriving in El Centro.

10-04-20, 22:43
Got a nice place in that area. Notice its 12 minutes or less to all the good spots. The policy says no noise after 9 pm. I hope the the building is ready for tony the tiger LOL. I am interested in exploring the strip joints in centro. Just one time though. My stomach cannot take being a regular LOL.

The Manila barrio is located to the left of Calle 10 as your going up the hill from the Poblado Metro station opposite EXITO. And prior to the Pandemic, there were several good restaraunts there. As far as accomodations, there are a few hotels, and I'm sure there are apartments reasonably priced for rental there. The location is excellent as far as walking access to LLeras no more than ten minutes up the hill and ten minutes down the hill to the Metro Station. If your looking for a place to stay, besides the Manila barrio, there are the Astorga and Patio Bonito barrios directly to the right side of the EXITO on the right side of Calle 10 going up the hill. The Astorga barrio is located directly below Parque Poblabo and Avenda Poblado, and is where all the young Colombians (not tourists) hang on the weekends versus Lleras. These three barrios are excellent locations, and are often times over looked as places to stay, all within easy walking access to the night life district around Lleras, the Metro, and hundreds of places to eat and party..

10-04-20, 22:52
Scares me a little that some are not wearing masks. I won't be too far from the park. This trip will certainly have its reservations

.You're going to be boning multiple chicas and you're worried about people not wearing masks?

10-04-20, 23:02
Getting ready for my next trip to MDE on October 21. Looking at my list and checking it twice. Too many chicas, not enough time.

Funny thing. I recently started seeing postings for a chica that for a brief time visited the mansion about 4 years ago. She was young and prime. So I have seen some posts on FB and I've always wanted to bang her. So I messaged her. Sure enough, she still work. She still looks good. I still want to bang her. I asked her price. 300 mil for one hour! Jajajajaja That does not even justify a reply. Too bad.

I saw where one guy posted that if he could not get the bus from the airport, he would 'negotiate" with a taxi. Really? Good luck to you. Maybe you can negotiate with a gypsy taxi and take your chance. The white taxi are safe, but they are at a fixed rate (85 mil when using the tunnel. 65 mil on the return).

Ready to go back again. I have so much more to accomplish.

Black Page
10-04-20, 23:03
Thank you, this is the most constructive post I read. I took note.Good luck then! Constructive or destructive, you'll see with your own eyes. At least you have been warned.

I just wonder: if saving 12 USD is so important to you (taxi fare MDE-Laureles - bus fare MDE-Centro - taxi fare Centro-Laureles), how much are you going to spend with girls over your whole stay? Also, I understand "time is money" is not for you.

10-04-20, 23:20
At midnight, my experience is the majority of taxis and Uber would not even come to the bus stop. . Besides the bus may not be running.

There are two types of taxis at the airport. The cheaper one is shared taxi that works like bus. That is not what other members suggested.Last time I was at the Botero my Fase Dos girlie caught the last bus of the night at 10 pm, she was headed to Rio Negro. Possibly that bus makes the return trip with passengers but midnight might be too late for that.

10-04-20, 23:24
Thank you, this is the most constructive post I read. I took note. Once at the airport I will get some money from the ATM, then I will then check the bus timetable, and if there is a bus soon I will take it, and then I will take a taxi from the bus stop to reach my apartment. If I have to wait too long for the bus, then I'll negotiate a price for the taxi. Don't think they have a bus timetable, there are usually 2 buses at the curb, one goes to Centro behind the Nutribara and the other to San Diego. Just ask which is which, they leave when they get mostly full. They look like this:

10-04-20, 23:37
In my opinion, the "street scene" if you include the Veracruz area, the park in front of the Museum, the backside of the Veracruz Church, and the Avenida de la Grief area in downtown El Cenro of Medellin has way more women available than the Santa Fe Area, and is less unionized. That's at least my observation of things after spending three days visiting the Santa Fe area a few years back. And again it's a matter of how you roll. Most of the girls in the Santa Fe area at least when I was there were pretty much working in front of the Hotels they used, whereas in Medellin a lot of the women float around more walking around the area's I mentioned. I was looking for street walkers and didn't find a lot that weren't specifically associated with one Hotel. It was very different and one club advertised that they just Paisas in it. It will boil down to personal preference for you. If your a point and shoot, 30 minute, slam bam thank you type of guy you might prefer it over the Medellin street scene regardless of the pro's and con's of Bogota besides mongering which is a whole other subject. I personally won't go back to Bogota, the weather wasn't so much an issue, yet so big and crowded and hard to get around. Perhaps you should visit Bogota a few days and then go to Medellin. A lot of other guys in the past have grappled with the decision your trying to make, and invariably when they go to Medellin first and then Bogota, they wish they had stayed in Medellin.I just came back from making a lap around the vera cruz area. I have to respectfully disagree. If you're specifically talking about the vera cruz area, it doesn't compare to santa fe in my opinion. I've walked that area so many times over the years always hoping for something to catch my eye. I've never screwed anyone in the vera cruz (the perimeter of the church block). Santa fe on the other hand, theres rarely ever a time I don't see something I like there.

10-04-20, 23:41
The thought of trying to be a Cheap Charlie in the early hours of the morning amazes me. Who ever started this post about how to get from the Airport to Laureles via buses after midnight probably shouldn't be venturing to Medellin.

It's a no brainer, get in a cab at the Airport directly to Laureles. I can only imagine a first time visitor, a gringo, with no Spanish speaking skills attempting this. He will be lucky to have any of his belongings left after arriving in El Centro.Take advice from a cheap charlie. Take the cab.

If its daytime however. The bus is just fine. I took it the other day. Every other seat is blocked off and they give you a tag for your luggage so no one else takes it.

Black Page
10-05-20, 00:04
Wow guys, I have to say I'm impressed. Trust me at least on this: WE are way more impressed by your sequence of comments than you by our advice notes.

Seeing is believing, so good luck with the bus, but especially do not miss to have an entertaining and instructive walk around the streets of Centro after midnight, once you are settled in Medellin.

10-05-20, 00:04
I don't want to sound like Chicken Little with this warning but rather out of a sense of duty to let all my comrades know to be safe, aware and understand the new risks with visiting centro and the surrounding areas.

God only knows how much time I have spent in Plaza Botero both in the daytime and also many nights (in the clubs) in the past mainly 3 plus years, especially before the China virus then again with the quarantine finished re-started my visits to numerous times each week so it is a place that I like to frequent to "round-out" my mongering activities here in Medellin. I have met a lot of good chicas and have enjoyed much fun over this time.

Just in the past 2 weeks the desperation, if I can use that words to describe the situation, has become completely apparent by the number of robberies and muggings that I have personally witnessed with my own eyes, usually a few each hour and in broad daylight with people all around. I don't understand why they have removed the Tourist Police tent that use to sit in the front of the museum and which everyone could clearly see at least a presence of the police or why you do not see any Tourist Police making rounds like before the China virus, did the mayor de-fund this?

My wingman, who frequents centro almost daily, tells me just a few days ago this week he witnessed a dozen plus muggings and robberies again in daytime all within a time frame of about 5 hours - 5 fucking hours!. There were so many occurring by the centro gangs at the same time that the police, let me say the police who give a shit about cleaning out the Venezuelan trash punk kids gangs out of the park, had to resort to handcuffing the gang member to the nearest secure iron railing so they could run to the next mugging that was happening just around the corner.

So the threat is real and yes it is organized by gangs (both paisa and Venezuelan) for the most part with the street bitches working in union with them, perhaps out of force or wanting to participate in part of the loot. They all carry knifes on their person, some 2 or more knifes, and they have no hesitation to use them to make you leak, hehehe..I defer to this post, Tall Man's info is more up-to-date than mine.

10-05-20, 00:21
Thank you, this is the most constructive post I read. I took note. Once at the airport I will get some money from the ATM, then I will then check the bus timetable, and if there is a bus soon I will take it, and then I will take a taxi from the bus stop to reach my apartment. If I have to wait too long for the bus, then I'll negotiate a price for the taxi. The day after, first thing in the morning, I will buy a SIM card, and I will put into the cheap Android phone I bought.I did not recommend you bus into El Centro to catch a taxi to Laureles at 2 AM. My point was that you could get safely to the Nutibara Hotel from the airport, by bus. If you are not going to do the Nutibara, then given what Tall Man posted, I think you should take a taxi directly from the airport. I have not been to Medellin since Covid and I would take Tall Man's "Chicken Little" post to heart. His info is more up-to-date and concerning about the current state in Medellin. I on the other hand am a crazy, sarcastic, attention whoring asshole who probably should have been dead or seriously injured at least half-a-dozen times. And that is just in the past week jajajaja. I'm kidding, but always consider your source. Good Luck. I'd rather be lucky than good, and I have been.

10-05-20, 00:32
I just came back from making a lap around the vera cruz area. I have to respectfully disagree. If you're specifically talking about the vera cruz area, it doesn't compare to santa fe in my opinion. I've walked that area so many times over the years always hoping for something to catch my eye. I've never screwed anyone in the vera cruz (the perimeter of the church block). Santa fe on the other hand, theres rarely ever a time I don't see something I like there.I don't think we have a disagreement here. I wasn't talking about the Veracruz area alone, but the surrounding areas as well including Avenida de la Grief, the park in front of the museum, and the backside of the church in terms of total numbers of girls available compared to Santa Fe, versus the quality of the girls which your commenting on I believe.

It's totally different in Santa Fe as your aware, there's no adjacent park, it's more of a dedicated red light area, and there's no big influx of people thru the area (tourists, locals) like in Medellin.

As far as what you see that you like, and what I see that I like, well that is where the difference lies.

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get near any of the Chicas I go with but perhaps a few of them if any, and I most probably wouldn't waste my time with any of the ones you go with either. And there's nothing wrong with that at all.

For the way I roll, Santa Fe just didn't do it for me, and albeit there are some nice line-ups there, it felt a bit unionized with the girls hanging out in the front of the Hotels.

Everybody rolls different here, with no way being the right way.

10-05-20, 00:39
I haven't stayed there but I used to frequent several restaurants. Most of those haven't reopened yet. The neighborhood is popular with young foreigners. It looks like what the Colombians call a "traditional barrio" but its proximity to Parque Poblado and Parque Lleras attracts the young Euros, South Americans, and a smattering of US / Canada gringos. You will note the cost of rooms and apartments is much lower there than in the Poblado towers. As always, shop around, ask questions, and try to get as many photos as you can. Don't accept wide angle lens photos or photos taken at an odd angle because it is usually a sign the owner is hiding something.

Anyone stayed in this area before. How is it? Feedback welcome.

10-05-20, 01:16
I don't know my thoughts once I get there. But for now I have reservations. I paid my money to airbnb and no refund for longer than 30 days so I am all in on this trip. But for now I have reservations.

You're going to be boning multiple chicas and you're worried about people not wearing masks?.

Mr Enternational
10-05-20, 01:24
Once at the airport I will get some money from the ATM, then I will then check the bus timetable, and if there is a bus soon I will take it, and then I will take a taxi from the bus stop to reach my apartment. If I have to wait too long for the bus, then I'll negotiate a price for the taxi.What bus timetable? I guess you are talking about me. You do not have a choice but to take a taxi. The bus stops at midnight and starts back up at 3:30 am.

I have never taken a taxi. I have only taken the bus when staying downtown and bus taxi combo when staying in Laureles as you were trying to do. For future reference it is not hard. There are 2 possible buses outside, Centro and San Diego. You walk up to the guy standing next to the bus and ask, San Diego? If he says si, you go to the back of the bus so that he can put your luggage inside and give you a green reusable rubber claim number for it. You take the San Diego bus and when you see people getting off that is where you get off. Usually there are taxis waiting right there for people getting off of the bus. You do not even have to cross the street.

For reverse order you can search for my post from the first few days in February complete with pictures.

10-05-20, 01:26
You're going to be boning multiple chicas and you're worried about people not wearing masks?Take a chance with one say once a day (shows how old I am) versus. It depends where people are not wearing masks. But if you take riding the metro, for example, you may be in close proximity to hundreds. So you pick where you want to take your chances. Perhaps on the metro they all wear masks. But even so you can be in such close proximity that I think the risks would be many many times higher than once a day with one chica.

Mr Enternational
10-05-20, 01:32
I just came back from making a lap around the vera cruz area. I have to respectfully disagree. If you're specifically talking about the vera cruz area, it doesn't compare to santa fe in my opinion.Ditto that. Santa Fe is the greatest street scene in the world. There are hundreds of chicks over more than 6 square blocks. I can not think of any other place in the world I would rather be on a Friday night.

10-05-20, 01:39
The thought of trying to be a Cheap Charlie in the early hours of the morning amazes me. Who ever started this post about how to get from the Airport to Laureles via buses after midnight probably shouldn't be venturing to Medellin.

It's a no brainer, get in a cab at the Airport directly to Laureles. I can only imagine a first time visitor, a gringo, with no Spanish speaking skills attempting this. He will be lucky to have any of his belongings left after arriving in El Centro.San Diego bus, taxis, shared white taxis, private SUV transports, over the years I've used them all. But, I don't understand the penny-pinching endangerment angle upon arrival. Did you travel all this way to have a good time or fret about money from day 1? There are a number of friendly females who will warmly greet you in the airport as you pass through baggage pick-up. Then, take you directly to your accommodations, or stop to eat/drink with you, in their car, and get your visit started with a "bang" . If you've been away for a while, or if you're new, this is absolutely the best way to arrive. I kinda doubt they want to go into the depths of the el centro night with you though.
Arrive safely, minimal hassle, and satisfied. Pinch pesos the next day.

Gringo Trooper
10-05-20, 01:49
The Manila barrio is located to the left of Calle 10 as your going up the hill from the Poblado Metro station opposite EXITO.I know the barrio because I went to a farmacia right there (it was cheap, but they had the worst off brand selection).

Just a heads up, this is where a forum member recently got robbed (see his previous posts for reference).

Personally, I don't like this area because I felt it was poorer and it felt shady, in my opinion.

Black Page
10-05-20, 01:56
If I have to wait too long for the bus, then I'll negotiate a price for the taxi. And I missed to spot this other pearl of yours. You come fresh to Medellin at midnight, and you figure yourself negotiating a price with taxi drivers at the airport? In Spanish or English? At the curb, or you wonder to walk out to get a cheaper price? FYI: The fare is fixed flat: 75 k. And also in city, taxis are metered.

10-05-20, 02:19
My greatest advice to anyone who comes here during these times, make sure you have an exit plan or some way to earn money while you are here. I would hate to have been here for an extended time and couldn't leave other than on a humanitarian flight. I would hate to come here and accidently contract covid and have to wait it out. I have adjusted well and I plan on leaving next month after my last dental appointment. I really had a great plan when I came this time and fortunately everything worked in my favor and I actually made a ton of money by working from Medellin. One perk from renting my apartment for a year is this, next year when I attempt to rent another apartment, I now have a rental history and I will be able to rent another apartment at the Colombian rate, the same guy who rented me this apartment will vouch for my lights, water, gas on my new apartment. So even with the pandemic, I found a way to make the best of the situation.

Centro, the place I love and know like the back of my hand. If any of you want a stern warning, take notice to the post from Tall Man. I absolutely love centro, but I rarely travel to centro anymore. The robberies are at an all time high, Tall Man is not lying. But everyone has to take their own risks. I am able to handle myself with the best of the grimy people, grew up in the slums, but truth is, I do not want to be injured or killed in Centro over $30-20,000 pesos maximum. I have stated many times that crime rate is at an all time high in Centro, but its your life your risk, have at it. I will drop a link to a fight that occurred on Sept 30th in the park with the infamous Mimi. Like Tall Man said, the tourist police are no longer front and center like they used to be and there is no longer a green tent to locate them that was once in front of the Museum De Antioquia. My honest opinion is this, there are not many gringos here and that is less opportunity for the tourist police to rip off gringos, so they just allow the Colombians and Vennies to go at each other like wild savages. The smart gringos are staying away from Centro, so most of the robberies are occurring amongst the locals.

I have friends who are coming down this week, and I can tell you this, they had to set up a PCR covid exam to come to Medellin, I then helped them to setup PCR Exam for them to take before they leave to go back to the airport in Rio Negro, so even on a 7 day trip, they had to have there schedules set to have exams taken to coincide with their flight schedule. I have also set up a date to have my covid exam taken before I leave the country to head back home. So I really don't see how it would be possible to do the 3 day weekends that I was so famous for anymore unless the same day that you arrive you are tested again and have your results in hand on the next two days to board the plane back to the US. I can tell you this, the exam here is about $310,000 pesos and they deliver the results in a 24-48 hour turn around time. The girls are still here, the risks are just a little bit higher, I mostly go out for food and stay in my own lane. You can definitely learn a lot when you are stuck anywhere for 8 months. Check out the video below and it will show 2 girls fighting and not one tourist police in sight for over 3-5 minutes. Everyone be safe! Pollo Negro is out!!


10-05-20, 02:36
It's true the robberies and petty crimes are way up since the pandemic started. One incident from a few months back that really stands out was when the tourist police confiscated a knife from one of the street hustlers in Botero Plaza. The guy was unusually tall, close to 2 meters, but the kitchen knife the police took from the guy was so long I could not understand how he could carry it around hidden without cutting himself. Most of the girls carry personal protection (razor blades and small knives mostly). We've all read the accounts of guys getting robbed in and around the plaza. So you have to stay alert or stay away.

My greatest advice to anyone who comes here during these times, make sure you have an exit plan or some way to earn money while you are here. I would hate to have been here for an extended time and couldn't leave other than on a humanitarian flight. I would hate to come here and accidently contract covid and have to wait it out. I have adjusted well and I plan on leaving next month after my last dental appointment. I really had a great plan when I came this time and fortunately everything worked in my favor and I actually made a ton of money by working from Medellin. One perk from renting my apartment for a year is this, next year when I attempt to rent another apartment, I now have a rental history and I will be able to rent another apartment at the Colombian rate, the same guy who rented me this apartment will vouch for my lights, water, gas on my new apartment. So even with the pandemic, I found a way to make the best of the situation.

10-05-20, 02:49
I don't want to sound like Chicken Little with this warning but rather out of a sense of duty to let all my comrades know to be safe, aware and understand the new risks with visiting centro and the surrounding areas.

And yes I will still visit centro and play albeit with a renewed sense of awareness and a give a shit attitude for anyone and everyone that passes you, they are not your friends rather your a target so I have this mind set when I visit. If anyone invades my personal space, that being about a little more than an arms reach I will become mid evil on their ass. This is a message that I have been sending and handing out and will become, I should say has already become second nature.

Much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.Sounds like a fun time! LOL.


Thanks for the update TM.

Think I'll maintain myself in Brazil for the time being.

I love cruising Centro.

Been doing it since New Life was a 1 room brothel! LOL.

I was on full alert pre Covid, now with this report on gang attacks, no tourist police, etc, I'll give Medellin time to simmer down a bit and enjoy the garotas in Rio / SP.

10-05-20, 03:41
All the feedbacks, reviews have been positive. But will keep the robbery and your oppinion active in my mind. I will have to figure it out. I felt so safe in laureles but wanted be in the poblado area to be exposed to something new. Maybe more taxi less walking in that area. Gringo trooper. I love off brand/generic prescripts. Its perfect for a cheapy charlie like myself lol.

I know the barrio because I went to a farmacia right there (it was cheap, but they had the worst off brand selection).

Just a heads up, this is where a forum member recently got robbed (see his previous posts for reference).

Personally, I don't like this area because I felt it was poorer and it felt shady, in my opinion..

The Tall Man
10-05-20, 03:45
I did not recommend you bus into El Centro to catch a taxi to Laureles at 2 AM. My point was that you could get safely to the Nutibara Hotel from the airport, by bus. If you are not going to do the Nutibara, then given what Tall Man posted, I think you should take a taxi directly from the airport. I have not been to Medellin since Covid and I would take Tall Man's "Chicken Little" post to heart. His info is more up-to-date and concerning about the current state in Medellin. I on the other hand am a crazy, sarcastic, attention whoring asshole who probably should have been dead or seriously injured at least half-a-dozen times. And that is just in the past week jajajaja. I'm kidding, but always consider your source. Good Luck. I'd rather be lucky than good, and I have been.Thanks Osteoknot for the confidence in my post regards the safety issues, it is unfortunately true. (You too PN).

The original poster also needs to consider that the Hotel Botero has been shuttered closed for many months and so at night that street (Cr 53 a) is now even worse off as there are no lights coming from the hotel or people / hotel staff that are around.

The other consideration is that although buses do use the rear street of the Nutibara hotel (where the Hotel Botero / Cr 50 a dead ends into CL 53) but because of the reduced bus transports there have been much less activity especially at night so this area is dead albeit for the drugged out glue sniffing homeless drug addicts, whom you need to watch out for.

I was last driving my car on this exact street about one week ago at about 11 pm to 12 am and there were no buses parked hence no bus drivers and no activity. I would not even stop my car nor roll down the windows it is that sketchy of a place at night.

Be safe all!

The Tall Man.

10-05-20, 03:51
I know the barrio because I went to a farmacia right there (it was cheap, but they had the worst off brand selection).

Just a heads up, this is where a forum member recently got robbed (see his previous posts for reference).

Personally, I don't like this area because I felt it was poorer and it felt shady, in my opinion.This barrio actually has become gentrified over the past five years, and the property values had skyrocketed, with a lot of monies going into development before the Pandemic. However, I don't recall seeing any really "seedy" areas in the barrio though with the exception of some older buildings, and don't really consider it poor per se, but it is in Poblado, and technically speaking with some Strata 4 housing it is poor compared to the other barrios in Poblado. As far as getting robbed, that's normal, no different than in the Patio Bonito area, getting robbed is rampant all over Poblado, just not as publicized.

The Tall Man
10-05-20, 03:57
Sounds like a fun time! LOL.


Thanks for the update TM.

Think I'll maintain myself in Brazil for the time being.

I love cruising Centro.

Been doing it since New Life was a 1 room brothel! LOL.

I was on full alert pre Covid, now with this report on gang attacks, no tourist police, etc, I'll give Medellin time to simmer down a bit and enjoy the garotas in Rio / SP.Your welcome Balboa, I wish I could say it differently but it is what it is and yes I too hope that it will simmer down with time. I am already mixing up my routine a bit so I will spend more time on other venues (i.e. I just had 2 paisa civies over to my apartment this evening for music, food and drinks, just playing around and may invite one of the two over in the coming weeks for a one on one).

Now a reverse question for you, I visited Rio twice but this was exactly 20 years ago (HELP days) and my two wingmen here in Medellin frequent Brazil often and so over lunch this past week we got onto the subject of making a visit in December, one week in Rio and then one week in SP.

Questions: 1. Where are you at in Brazil? 2. A quick update on the P4 P scene there? 3. The current virus conditions? 4. Any serious safety concerns? 5. Cost of pussy there?

Thanks in advance!

The Tall Man.

10-05-20, 03:59
Someone posted that a COVID test would be necessary to leave Colombia, I believe it was Pollo Negro. Can someone clarify this? I understand that Panama is requiring this for entry into their Country, along with other Countries, but wasn't aware that this might be a requirement to fly back to the USA, at least right now. I asked COPA about this and they told me to transit thru Panama at the airport no COVID test was necessary.

So the question is, do you need a COVID test to take a departing flight from Colombia to the USA.

Yes or no, and if yes, where did you get this information.

10-05-20, 04:08
Ditto that. Santa Fe is the greatest street scene in the world. There are hundreds of chicks over more than 6 square blocks. I can not think of any other place in the world I would rather be on a Friday night.What are you smoking Mr. E, Pattya hands down has not hundreds but thousands of chicks in less than 6 square blocks. Oh, never mind, I guess because the women are all sitting in bar stools alongside the roads it's not considered a street scene. Are you saying you would rather be in Bogota on a Friday night versus Pattya?

10-05-20, 04:16
All the feedbacks, reviews have been positive. But will keep the robbery and your oppinion active in my mind. I will have to figure it out. I felt so safe in laureles but wanted be in the poblado area to be exposed to something new. Maybe more taxi less walking in that area. Gringo trooper. I love off brand/generic prescripts. Its perfect for a cheapy charlie like myself lol..Before the Pandemic, there were lot's of people out on the streets walking and eating at the restaurants. It's close to everything and a small barrio maybe 1/2 kilometer in width that taking a taxi within the barrio itself might not make sense, albeit coming from say Lleras with a Chica in tow it may make sense. You will understand what I'm saying when you arrive.

10-05-20, 04:25
I haven't stayed there but I used to frequent several restaurants. Most of those haven't reopened yet. The neighborhood is popular with young foreigners. It looks like what the Colombians call a "traditional barrio" but its proximity to Parque Poblado and Parque Lleras attracts the young Euros, South Americans, and a smattering of US / Canada gringos. You will note the cost of rooms and apartments is much lower there than in the Poblado towers. As always, shop around, ask questions, and try to get as many photos as you can. Don't accept wide angle lens photos or photos taken at an odd angle because it is usually a sign the owner is hiding something.The truth is that most photos of apartments for rental are taken with a wide angle lens to make things look much larger than they are. And in Manila there are not a lot of tall buildings to begin with. A bigger concern for people renting apartments which photos's don't reveal are how noisy the apartment is meaning is it directly over a street and whether there is AC which typically will be required on upper units with a lot of windows facing to the west. Asking questions about these things as you suggested is imperative.

Mojo Bandit
10-05-20, 04:41
Anyone stayed in this area before. How is it? Feedback welcome.I have not stayed there but walked around there some -its some of the flatter part of Poblado so its very walkable. There are a lot of hostels and restaurants in that area. I ate a place called El Güero Taqueria on the northeast corner of Calle 12 and Carrera 43 e, it was decent tacos. There is another Mexican place that some BMs rave about in Manila called Chilaquiles Manila at Calle 12 # 43 D but Google maps says that one is temporarily closed. There is also an Argentinian steak house called Restaurante Malevo on Carrera 43 e just north of Calle 11 a. Never been there either but I rarely hit an Argentinian place that I do not like. Even that cruddy Requismos in Cartagena serves some decent grilled meat with chimi churi. And this place Restaurante Malevo seems to have some decent looking empanadas which I think are probably better than the Colombian ones.

Here is a guy giving a tour of Manila. Its very long but you can jump to like the 15 minute mark because he is walking to there from the Metro for that long. It will give an good feel for what the area looks like. This video is when they were still in partial lockdown so it not very lively there then. Its probably picking up a little now.


Elvis 2008
10-05-20, 04:55
So the question is, do you need a COVID test to take a departing flight from Colombia to the USA.

Yes or no, and if yes, where did you get this information.No, you do not need another Covid test to leave Colombia for the USA.

The form that you filled out necessary to enter Colombia and was emailed to you will be checked again before you leave for some reason.

I know because I have entered and left Colombia from the USA.

10-05-20, 04:55
Don't believe everything you read right away. Fish around for confirmation or the truth.

Someone posted that a COVID test would be necessary to leave Colombia, I believe it was Pollo Negro. Can someone clarify this? I understand that Panama is requiring this for entry into their Country, along with other Countries, but wasn't aware that this might be a requirement to fly back to the USA, at least right now. I asked COPA about this and they told me to transit thru Panama at the airport no COVID test was necessary.

So the question is, do you need a COVID test to take a departing flight from Colombia to the USA.

Yes or no, and if yes, where did you get this information..

10-05-20, 05:04
Wow guys, I have to say I'm impressed. I mean, I wonder why you all go to Colombia if you are so scared to get robbed any minute, or stabbed or kidnapped. Stay safe at home in USA, when a guy can buy an AK-47 or any fuckin automatic gun and do a massacre in a school, just because he is annoyed.I think you read too much into my posts. You are saying things that I never said.

I am only telling you what to expect so you are ready for it. I said to keep some small bills as tips to get rid of undesirable people in those areas, not weapons. If you want to take bus, use the information provided to prepare for that, otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it. The other poster confused about taxi that is the reason I replied again to provide information.

Once you become familiar with the whole area, you will see a migration pattern, day and night are completely different.

I'm sure I can get a taxi in Medellin ANY time, night and day.

If you are smart, you would not pick a location with addicts and where you have to wait a long time to get taxi at midnight. There is a difference in safety level to wait for a taxi at the bus stop and wait at the triangle area where nothing can hide in front of the Nutibara Hotel late at night.

It looks like they are all waiting for me at the bus stop, I mean, the main bus stop for the bus coming from the airport. Come on.That maybe what is happening because the passengers are with luggage and they help you to get tip whether you like it or not.

10-05-20, 05:09
Tools required: Pencil & Paper. This works in any country where the letters and characters are the same as English. In other words, it don't work in Tokyo, Russia. . .

Write Address on Piece of Paper (Pitfall: Many Medellin taxi drivers are illiterate).

Say, "Cuanto Es?" (Kwon-toe S?) and motion the pencil and paper to the driver.

If he writes down an acceptable number, get in. If not, you can write down a counter offer or move on to the next driver.

Yes, the taxi's are metered but they can stick to any deal they want. And just about any major American City is worse, but I don't trust meters.

BTW, I have used this method to pay MORE than expected, when I needed to go to my Girlfriend's house and they didn't want to drive all the way to the top of the mountain. I would add another 10 thousand and say "a la cima de la montaa" so they didn't "stop short" and leave me with ten stories of stairs to climb.

Photos are the view from my girlfriend's front door looking down the mountain; the second photo is looking back up at her open front door at night from where the girl was standing in the first pic; and the third photo is the view out her "back door. " Many of the lowest rent homes on the sides of the mountains ironically have these "million dollar" views. There were definitely places on the climb to my girlfriend's house that if you did not watch your step, it could be your last. I never went there drunk or high for fear of falling.

If you guys behave I will post photos of my Number One girl, my girlfriend, maybe jeje.

10-05-20, 05:13
The guy was unusually tall, close to 2 meters, but the kitchen knife the police took from the guy was so long I could not understand how he could carry it around hidden without cutting himself. That may be the same knife I saw last year when I witnessed a fight just a few feet from me. The group usually are confined in the outer area by the Metro when the tourist police was around. I guess now they roam free.

Mr Enternational
10-05-20, 05:18
What are you smoking Mr. E, Pattya hands down has not hundreds but thousands of chicks in less than 6 square blocks. Oh, never mind, I guess because the women are all sitting in bar stools alongside the roads it's not considered a street scene. Exactly. I am talking street walker scene, not bar girl scene. Otherwise of course it would be Pattaya.

Gringo Trooper
10-05-20, 05:33
Before the Pandemic, there were lot's of people out on the streets walking and eating at the restaurants. It's close to everything and a small barrio maybe 1/2 kilometer in width that taking a taxi within the barrio itself might not make sense, albeit coming from say Lleras with a Chica in tow it may make sense. You will understand what I'm saying when you arrive.Good feedback from both of you gents. Blackman, you're going to have a great time and we look forward to your report.

That's technically exactly what I do down there, I stay about 5 blocks (sometimes more) away from Calle 10 and the bars, which is close enough to walk, and quiet enough where I can sleep without noise from the Lleras bars.

10-05-20, 05:36
The reviews were exactly as you described. I am suprised of the mention of majority foreigners. I thought being in the lower parts of poblado was locals. I think I will enjoy it. Certainly will post my experience. Thanks again.

I have not stayed there but walked around there some -its some of the flatter part of Poblado so its very walkable. There are a lot of hostels and restaurants in that area. I ate a place called El Gero Taqueria on the northeast corner of Calle 12 and Carrera 43 e, it was decent tacos. There is another Mexican place that some BMs rave about in Manila called Chilaquiles Manila at Calle 12 # 43 D but Google maps says that one is temporarily closed. There is also an Argentinian steak house called Restaurante Malevo on Carrera 43 e just north of Calle 11 a. Never been there either but I rarely hit an Argentinian place that I do not like. Even that cruddy Requismos in Cartagena serves some decent grilled meat with chimi churi. And this place Restaurante Malevo seems to have some decent looking empanadas which I think are probably better than the Colombian ones.

Here is a guy giving a tour of Manila. Its very long but you can jump to like the 15 minute mark because he is walking to there from the Metro for that long. It will give an good feel for what the area looks like. This video is when they were still in partial lockdown so it not very lively there then. Its probably picking up a little now.


Tomcat 88
10-05-20, 05:37
Candy House, Calle 11 A # 43 B-27, is an upscale brothel in El Poblado. Nice decor, bar, classy chicas. And I always figure where there's one, there're more.

10-05-20, 06:33
The reviews were exactly as you described. I am suprised of the mention of majority foreigners. I thought being in the lower parts of poblado was locals. I think I will enjoy it. Certainly will post my experience. Thanks again..The lower parts of Poblado, below Avenida Poblado on both sides of Calle 10 with the Manila barrio to the North and Astorga and the Patio Bonito barrio to the South are inhabited by locals who live there, yet, and prior to the Pandemic, numerous high quality restaurants existed that foreigners would patronize. Unfortunately a lot of the best places are gone. In Manila there was a Mexican place called Chilaqulies that actually made black refried beans and homemade tortillas, mole, carnitas, etc, that no other Mexican place in Medellin had, and they used to be in Patio Bonito, moved to Manila, and are now gone but have a restaraunt I think in Envigado. I would eat there twice a week as it was the best Mexican food around. In Astorga they had a five star restaurant called BARCAL. I enjoyed dinig there on a few occasions albeit it was very expensive, and it's gone now as well. For good steaks, forget Malevo in Manila if still open, terrible meat, yet try Cambiloche in Patio Bonito if still open. For good Italian there's Graspa de UVA in Astorga and hopefully they haven't closed. My point here is that there are a lot of great places to eat besides around LLeras which a lot of people patronize and I can't recommend, not a single one of them, however in and around Provenza there's some great places like Taboon, a middle eastern place with Colombain belly dancers, and they are open!

10-05-20, 07:40
Anyone notice Spirit Airlines canceled your future trip reservations?. I'm heading down in November and out if the blue my flight just got canceled. I'm meeting a few friends from different cities / states in the US. DC, , Virgin Islands etc etc. All of our flights were nixed. If you go on the sight it says no availability until Nov 19.

I contacted Spirit because I figured it might of had something to do with the fact I payed $90 for my flight. Maybe due to demand the bumped us all for a higher price ticket buyer.


Here's the skinny: Basically the flight schedules changed. The earliest flight that lands in FLL by Spirit per the rep has changed to 2 pm. So you would miss that 10:30 am flight that heads to Colombia. The work around is call the regular number. You will have a credit tied to your old booking number. Request a $50 voucher for your inconvenience. Then have them schedule your flight from FLL to MDE. Flights like $80 as if today for me. Book your own ticket separate to get you down to FLL. I got a $60 rt flight with another economy line. That would get me there by 8:05 am which is more than enough time to catch that now 11 am flight to MDE or CTG. I used the rest of the credit to bump up to the big comfy seats LOL. With a few dollars credit to spare for later. I am actually now flying a day before so I can get my Video test done there in FLL at that place mentioned in the board. Results in 12 to WR HOURS (PCR). I contacted them and they desk assured me the results would be in the lab and results back same night as long as I'm there by 2 pm. Hope this helps anyone that recently received a spirit cancellation. MDE flights are still happening. Just need a little extra effort. Good luck. Don't let the connection times be your demise. I wish they would have told me all this in the email besides a email saying we canceled your flight and you now have a credit for future bookings after Nov 19 LOL. Supposedly that is just the day the schedules will resync for connections.

10-05-20, 08:04
It's not a test you do at home: they send you a kit to take the samples, you send back to the lab. You receive the result and certificate COVID-19 Fit for Flight, 2 days later. You can't do a PCR test at home, because PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction, a technique invented by Kary Mullis, who got the Nobel prize for that. It amplifies the segments of DNA. You need special equipment to perform PCR, only a lab can do that.Nooooooot true I have a PCR test sitting on my lap as we speak. Sending it back Monday morning and results are expected 2 day turn around. Visit the site Pixel by Lab Corp for more details. Also it's covered by insurance. $0 out of pocket. There are about 9 different sites that offer this service. This was the only one that didn't require you to pay for the kit and took insurance.

10-05-20, 09:05
Don't believe everything you read right away. Fish around for confirmation or the truth.

.If your flying within Colombia to San Andres and some other smaller airports from Colombia you will need a test.


The reasoning here is that there are many areas of Colombia, Usually the smaller remote areas that have no or very little cases of covid to keep them safe from invection.