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01-30-21, 18:14
One possibility is the Colombia court has determined the child support. Then it is easier to get US court to cooperate assume both countries are in some international convention. So this is very possible.

I think it will be difficult to get US court to cooperate without a Colombia court judgement. They will be overwhelmed by cases out of nowhere if they do. The other way is to sue in US court but that is going to be costly and US lawyers will want to be paid first in the form of retainer which will be a large sum of money by Colombia standard. I think this maybe what Surfer was thinking.Making baby outside USA is not a crime. Despite international deals and co operations Paternity is not taken seriously. Besides taking a DNA test is voluntary unless it is court ordered. No court will order it unless harm is fone to a USA citizen. In USA citizen case court order of child support can be enforced. Nobody can force a USA citizen to send child support to a foreign individual.

Caveat is if the girl gives your name to their immigration and if they take it seriously can file a case and when you try to enter can be arrested and forced to get a dna test. Will they go to all this length to support a child when they have their hands full catching real criminals is an open question.

Making babies and supporting the child is a moral obligation.

01-30-21, 19:03
Making baby outside USA is not a crime. Despite international deals and co operations Paternity is not taken seriously. Besides taking a DNA test is voluntary unless it is court ordered. No court will order it unless harm is fone to a USA citizen. In USA citizen case court order of child support can be enforced. Nobody can force a USA citizen to send child support to a foreign individual.

Caveat is if the girl gives your name to their immigration and if they take it seriously can file a case and when you try to enter can be arrested and forced to get a dna test. Will they go to all this length to support a child when they have their hands full catching real criminals is an open question.

Making babies and supporting the child is a moral obligation.Are you responding to my post?

Nobody can force a USA citizen to send child support to a foreign individual.The child is a US citizen by birth.

What you are saying is if a US citizen go to Canada and get a Canadian pregnant, nobody can enforce the child support?

01-30-21, 20:14
Making baby outside USA is not a crime. Despite international deals and co operations Paternity is not taken seriously. Besides taking a DNA test is voluntary unless it is court ordered. No court will order it unless harm is fone to a USA citizen. In USA citizen case court order of child support can be enforced. Nobody can force a USA citizen to send child support to a foreign individual.

Caveat is if the girl gives your name to their immigration and if they take it seriously can file a case and when you try to enter can be arrested and forced to get a dna test. Will they go to all this length to support a child when they have their hands full catching real criminals is an open question.

Making babies and supporting the child is a moral obligation.Not according to the federal agency overseeing the collection and enforcement of international child support obligations.

USA Department of Health and Human Services Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE).

330 see Street SW.

Washington, DC 20201.

Tel: (+1) 202-401-5722.

Fax: (+1) 202-401-5655.

Email: ocseinternational@acf.hhs.gov.

Website: http://acf.hhs.gov/programs/css.

The issue of child support enforcement is a high priority to the United States. At the Department of State we:

Provide information through the Consular Affairs Internet home page;.

Deny passport services, except for direct return to the United States, to persons the USA Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Child Support Enforcement (HHS / ACF / OCSE) certifies as $2500 or more in arrears.

Encourage foreign countries to join the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (Hague Child Support Convention); and.

Facilitate communication among parents, USA States, foreign countries, and other USA Government agencies on this important subject.

HHS / ACF / OCSE is the USA Central Authority for child support agreements, including the Hague Child Support Convention. Questions about international child support enforcement may be directed to HHS / ACF / OCSE.


Mr Enternational
01-30-21, 20:19
The child is a US citizen by birth.Incorrect. The child is not a US citizen until the father who is a US citizen takes it to the embassy and claims it as his child.

01-30-21, 20:35
Are you responding to my post?

The child is a US citizen by birth.

What you are saying is if a US citizen go to Canada and get a Canadian pregnant, nobody can enforce the child support?Proof is in the pudding as they say. So DNA test is all important.

Having said that I met a American living in Angeles city. I was going to MNila in fly the bus van. This guy got on in one of the stops with his Philippine wife and daughter sending him off. Daughter looks Caucasian. He was going to Guam to meet USA immigration authority plead his case. He said he has been trying to get his daughter USA citizenship for last two years at USA embassy in Manila. He told me he has embassy recommended DNA test done and it proved he is the father but there were more issues. One of them was where he met the mother and if she was working in a bar. Indeed she was. Application was denied maybe there were other issues as well. At this point because he was a veteran he went through his Army channel who made a request to immigration to examine again and he was granted a hearing in Guam no less. He asked me if I looked at his daughter and look wise she did look Caucasian. It only goes to show DNA test is not a done thing of proof.

With Canada I guess it could be different. Canadian lawyer maybe glad to accept the case and cross the border and go to the Supposedly Father location and file for child support. Do not know if the judge will order a DNA test and decide for child support. Still the chances of child getting support in timely manner is up to debate. There are millions of deadbeat dads in America itself. How a Canadian lawyer will continually spend money to force the issue is hard to fathom.

An American judge will not entertain a DNA test done in other countries. Once again even if the girl hires an American lawyer (expensive proposition with no guarantee) and the lawyer is successful in getting child support order there is no way it is a done deal.

01-30-21, 20:42
It is my understanding that in Colombia, the amount of child support to be paid is based on the strata in which the mother lives. As for enforcement against a gringo, who knows. But morally I would at least pay what's required. And perhaps more since it would not be the child's fault he or she is born. But I hope not to ever have that situation!

Both Robert and Boyd (the Mansion) have kids with Colombian women, although neither are married to the mother. I will ask Boyd about child support, as I am curious.

Making baby outside USA is not a crime. Despite international deals and co operations Paternity is not taken seriously. Besides taking a DNA test is voluntary unless it is court ordered. No court will order it unless harm is fone to a USA citizen. In USA citizen case court order of child support can be enforced. Nobody can force a USA citizen to send child support to a foreign individual.

Caveat is if the girl gives your name to their immigration and if they take it seriously can file a case and when you try to enter can be arrested and forced to get a dna test. Will they go to all this length to support a child when they have their hands full catching real criminals is an open question.

Making babies and supporting the child is a moral obligation.

01-30-21, 21:05
so she was eagerly waiting for me and off we went high into the hills / mountains of las Palmas, very exciting and very different as I am fucking her with the view of night time Medellin as she is hanging onto a railing doing her doggy style. She wanted me to take her home to barrio popular or near there but I found a taxi for her and her 10 mil extra. It was raw and real and in the open, what an experience.I hope your feeling better, and if you caught COVID, it won't be bad for you so you can resume your daily routine.

"It was raw and real and in the open, what an experience" those are your words, in your post, that struck a cord with me.

Sometimes we have sexual experiences that are almost surreal, and I'm not talking about doing threesomes or foursomes or having a harem, all good stuff of course, but when you encounter someone and have sex somewhere in a very different venue versus a bedroom or a Hotel.

I can remember once while in Mexico many years ago I was in the Caribbean with a girlfriend on an Island with a small wooden deserted pier, and my girlfriend had me laydown on the pier, and it was a crystal clear night with a million stars out, and I just layed there with the crystal clear water all around and gazed at the stars while she blew me. It was like being on another planet, so I can totally relate to what you experienced, and I'm sure what you experienced is among others you have experienced in the past that have been etched into your memory.

I have about half a dozen sexual experiences that have left an indelible imprint in my mind, and are priceless.

01-30-21, 21:14
Incorrect. The child is not a US citizen until the father who is a US citizen takes it to the embassy and claims it as his child.That is under normal circumstance. I just look it up and there is a whole section on state department web site about how to get citizenship for a child.

Under the context, in the previous post, the paternity is supposed to have already been established, otherwise it does not make sense for judge to determine child support.

My post is not saying this is easy but it is possible under certain scenario without costing a fortune.

The Tall Man
01-30-21, 21:34
It is my understanding that in Colombia, the amount of child support to be paid is based on the strata in which the mother lives. As for enforcement against a gringo, who knows. But morally I would at least pay what's required. And perhaps more since it would not be the child's fault he or she is born. But I hope not to ever have that situation!

Both Robert and Boyd (the Mansion) have kids with Colombian women, although neither are married to the mother. I will ask Boyd about child support, as I am curious.Interesting topic.

In the past 10 years here in Medellin I, like a thousand others, have met hundreds if not more than a thousand single mothers raising their kids as the Colombian biological father just fucks them and when they get pregnant find another.

I personally know one paisa who had a baby with a costeno who lived in Medellin, he has had 9 baby's with 8 different women and this in not out of the realm of normal by any measure rather the culture ingrained in the majority of the women is that them getting pregnant with such a guapo is like wining a lottery.

He does not pay a dime for any of the 9 kids and as this information is now 3 years old chances are that he has had 4 to 6 more babies.

And this guy is not necessarily attractive rather in fact he is chubby, about 40 yo now, and drives a delivery truck.

Other single moms I know personally, most are in starta 2 to 4, if they get something from the biological father it is about 150 mil a month.

I have also met a few gringo (from Canada) biological fathers and my experience is that they too, even though they have the means to support their baby / kid the find good lawyers to get them out of payment.

Now I have a real twist to this pregnancy thing.

I happen to have an extremely rare color of eyes which are not only rare in the worlds population but especially so in Colombia.

So I often have young and very fertile paisas and Venezuelans, once I get to know them, ask me if I would impregnate them as in their words "I would have the dream baby with your European traits and very rare color eyes", this is no joke as this is a regular occurrence and they are serious.

So I need to be careful. In the past 2 month alone I have had 3 serious offers to impregnate them, they even go so far as saying that they will not hold me financially responsible, right!

The Tall Man.

01-31-21, 00:08
I commented before about Soft Swirl's tiny pussy, for a girl who is not small by any stretch, pardon the pun. New fotos from today. La Gacela who is recovering from COVID keeps saying she's coming over but then feels worse as the day lengthens. She made it here once for about an hour, would not let me fuck her, said she still felt too sick. I tried to remind her in my fractured Spanglish that a chica has a sex organ that is mainly a potential space and all she needs to do is permit access. She laughed and kept her legs crossed. That is Soft Swirl holding the Fruit Frappe made on the street with hand-shaved ice, fresh fruit, and some other flavored thick liquids. Tart, not sweet. Soft Swirl was here for 7 hours, one Frappe, split a sandwich for lunch and gave her the other half to take home, one Michelada drink, 100 mil COP which included transport taxi or Metro her call, hotel guest fee 20 mil COP.

I unblocked Cat Girl and immediately got WhassApped about 30 times. Have not spoken to her. Promised the other girls I would blow her off for at least another week. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One. Flame did not spend the night for a change, complaining that I have humiliated her but not paying her enough. I called her bluff, spent last night alone. She is asking to come over tonight for the same deal as usual. Soft Swirl's blow job technique is slowly but steadily improving. She openly admits that she it out of practice, but wants to get it back.

01-31-21, 01:31
Usually I don't need photos, but those are nice!

I commented before about Soft Swirl's tiny pussy, for a girl who is not small by any stretch, pardon the pun. New fotos from today. La Gacela who is recovering from COVID keeps saying she's coming over but then feels worse as the day lengthens. She made it here once for about an hour, would not let me fuck her, said she still felt too sick. I tried to remind her in my fractured Spanglish that a chica has a sex organ that is mainly a potential space and all she needs to do is permit access. She laughed and kept her legs crossed. That is Soft Swirl holding the Fruit Frappe made on the street with hand-shaved ice, fresh fruit, and some other flavored thick liquids. Tart, not sweet. Soft Swirl was here for 7 hours, one Frappe, split a sandwich for lunch and gave her the other half to take home, one Michelada drink, 100 mil COP which included transport taxi or Metro her call, hotel guest fee 20 mil COP.

I unblocked Cat Girl and immediately got WhassApped about 30 times. Have not spoken to her. Promised the other girls I would blow her off for at least another week. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One. Flame did not spend the night for a change, complaining that I have humiliated her but not paying her enough. I called her bluff, spent last night alone. She is asking to come over tonight for the same deal as usual. Soft Swirl's blow job technique is slowly but steadily improving. She openly admits that she it out of practice, but wants to get it back.

01-31-21, 01:36
That's a great pussy she has. Exactly my type. I would eat that for hours.

I commented before about Soft Swirl's tiny pussy, for a girl who is not small by any stretch, pardon the pun. New fotos from today. La Gacela who is recovering from COVID keeps saying she's coming over but then feels worse as the day lengthens. She made it here once for about an hour, would not let me fuck her, said she still felt too sick. I tried to remind her in my fractured Spanglish that a chica has a sex organ that is mainly a potential space and all she needs to do is permit access. She laughed and kept her legs crossed. That is Soft Swirl holding the Fruit Frappe made on the street with hand-shaved ice, fresh fruit, and some other flavored thick liquids. Tart, not sweet. Soft Swirl was here for 7 hours, one Frappe, split a sandwich for lunch and gave her the other half to take home, one Michelada drink, 100 mil COP which included transport taxi or Metro her call, hotel guest fee 20 mil COP.

I unblocked Cat Girl and immediately got WhassApped about 30 times. Have not spoken to her. Promised the other girls I would blow her off for at least another week. Tomorrow Is Promised To No One. Flame did not spend the night for a change, complaining that I have humiliated her but not paying her enough. I called her bluff, spent last night alone. She is asking to come over tonight for the same deal as usual. Soft Swirl's blow job technique is slowly but steadily improving. She openly admits that she it out of practice, but wants to get it back.

01-31-21, 02:11
That's a great pussy she has. Exactly my type. I would eat that for hours.She has my favorite pussy to eat. Smooth as glass on the inside, none of that HPV-cobblestone shite. I'll take some fotos next time, after she's been opened up a bit from my tongue.

Foto Of Soft Swirl Leaving the Hotel After Below.

01-31-21, 03:42
That's a great pussy she has. Exactly my type. I would eat that for hours.It looks so tiny that unless you have a pencil thick Johnson you might not even be able to penetrate her, I can only imagine how tight she must be. And once fully inserted, if it's smooth, and silky wet, a guy might not last very long under those unbearable conditions, especially if he's bare-backing her.

01-31-21, 03:49
I commented before about Soft Swirl's tiny pussy, for a girl who is not small by any stretch, pardon the pun.If your not bare-backing her, there may be some board members very disappointed in you!

01-31-21, 04:45
Incorrect. The child is not a US citizen until the father who is a US citizen takes it to the embassy and claims it as his child.If the parents are not married, even the declaration of fatherhood may not be enough. The Embassy may demand a DNA test from the child and the father from a lab or the Embassy's choosing. I've seen this happen in the Philippines, and I assume that it's a US State Department rule worldwide.


01-31-21, 06:14
I've been elsewhere in Colombia, but trying to get to Medellin for a while. I have an unexpected free week next week and seems like it could be a good opportunity to go. I'd be flying from the US for. 5 night trip. I'm comfortable with Spanish and can get around the scene fine, but with COVID and the testing requirements is it a really bad idea right now?

Mr Enternational
01-31-21, 10:08
If the parents are not married, even the declaration of fatherhood may not be enough. The Embassy may demand a DNA test from the child and the father from a lab or the Embassy's choosing. I've seen this happen in the Philippines, and I assume that it's a US State Department rule worldwide.

GE.Yes of course I am not saying that you can just gather up any children and take them down to the embassy claiming them as your own. There is a process to be gone through. I am just saying that the kid is not automatically a US citizen just because the father is. So the mother can't just go down to the embassy saying little Timmy is here to get a US passport because Scott from Texas is his daddy.

01-31-21, 14:48
How easy is it to find?





01-31-21, 16:39
Interesting topic.

In the past 10 years here in Medellin I, like a thousand others, have met hundreds if not more than a thousand single mothers raising their kids as the Colombian biological father just fucks them and when they get pregnant find another.

I personally know one paisa who had a baby with a costeno who lived in Medellin, he has had 9 baby's with 8 different women and this in not out of the realm of normal by any measure rather the culture ingrained in the majority of the women is that them getting pregnant with such a guapo is like wining a lottery.

He does not pay a dime for any of the 9 kids and as this information is now 3 years old chances are that he has had 4 to 6 more babies.

And this guy is not necessarily attractive rather in fact he is chubby, about 40 yo now, and drives a delivery truck.

Other single moms I know personally, most are in starta 2 to 4, if they get something from the biological father it is about 150 mil a month.

I have also met a few gringo (from Canada) biological fathers and my experience is that they too, even though they have the means to support their baby / kid the find good lawyers to get them out of payment.

Now I have a real twist to this pregnancy thing.

I happen to have an extremely rare color of eyes which are not only rare in the worlds population but especially so in Colombia.

So I often have young and very fertile paisas and Venezuelans, once I get to know them, ask me if I would impregnate them as in their words "I would have the dream baby with your European traits and very rare color eyes", this is no joke as this is a regular occurrence and they are serious.

So I need to be careful. In the past 2 month alone I have had 3 serious offers to impregnate them, they even go so far as saying that they will not hold me financially responsible, right!

The Tall Man.My greatest fear about impregnating a Colombian chica and not fulfilling fatherly duties is that she has a daughter who then becomes a working girl and then have you guys banging my daughter.

Brotha LuvBone
01-31-21, 17:07
My greatest fear about impregnating a Colombian chica and not fulfilling fatherly duties is that she has a daughter who then becomes a working girl and then have you guys banging my daughter.I have been following posts for weeks, and I must say, that is the funniest (yet sad), thing I have heard on here!

It begs the question, who's to be sure it's not your own progeny?

The Tall Man
01-31-21, 17:08
How easy is it to find?




Other?Everywhere, all of the above.

The Tall Man.

01-31-21, 17:39
Jajajajajaja. And even worse is if you don't know the daughter and you actually pick her out of a casa line-up. Geez. I can't imagine.

My greatest fear about impregnating a Colombian chica and not fulfilling fatherly duties is that she has a daughter who then becomes a working girl and then have you guys banging my daughter.

01-31-21, 17:40
The question really is. Would you really want to bareback a chica in centro or casas? Lots of action on those girls.

I like BBFS, although I'm selective. I stick to my known FB girls and non-pros and might consider with the right SA girl (if I used SA).

But it's always a risk.

How easy is it to find?





01-31-21, 19:24
Facebook girls and "non-pros" are less active. In some cases maybe.

The question really is. Would you really want to bareback a chica in centro or casas? Lots of action on those girls.

I like BBFS, although I'm selective. I stick to my known FB girls and non-pros and might consider with the right SA girl (if I used SA).

But it's always a risk.

01-31-21, 19:59
How easy is it to find?




Other?Peso speaks.

01-31-21, 20:21
I've been elsewhere in Colombia, but trying to get to Medellin for a while. I have an unexpected free week next week and seems like it could be a good opportunity to go. I'd be flying from the US for. 5 night trip. I'm comfortable with Spanish and can get around the scene fine, but with COVID and the testing requirements is it a really bad idea right now?There's not a lot of good mongering locations currently available around the world as good as Colombia right now. Your going to need to be tested literally anywhere you go right now in the world in both directions, and for a short duration stay, if you were to get infected, you would at least be home in the USA before you knew it. And in reality COVID is much worse in the USA right now than in Medellin. And currently I'm not aware of any more lockdowns, so is it a bad idea? If the cost of getting tested isn't an issue for you this might be an excellent time to come down, especially seeing that you've been to Colombia before. Hopefully this helps.

01-31-21, 20:33
My greatest fear about impregnating a Colombian chica and not fulfilling fatherly duties is that she has a daughter who then becomes a working girl and then have you guys banging my daughter.Get that vasectomy my man. Got one three years ago and it's been downright LIBERATING. Fucking bareback without a single worry of "is she on birth control" or "what if pulling out doesn't work this time" is on a whole 'nother level. Don't need to take the girls' word for birth control anymore. Don't need to buy them plan be anymore.

01-31-21, 20:44
The question really is. Would you really want to bareback a chica in centro or casas? Lots of action on those girls.

I like BBFS, although I'm selective. I stick to my known FB girls and non-pros and might consider with the right SA girl (if I used SA).

But it's always a risk.On the plus side, antibiotics are cheap and readily available.

The way I look at it now is:

1. If a working girl doesn't even ask about a condom, she's barebacking with everyone.

2. If a working girl will bareback with you for a price, she'll bareback with anyone for that price or less.

3. If a non-pro doesn't mention condoms, she's either using birth control or hoping to get a gringo husband the old fashioned way (getting pregnant).

Number 1 and 2 mean there's too much of a risk I'll be taking antibiotics. Number 3 is not something I'm looking for. Unless I know she's on some birth control, I'm putting one on. If you buy decent condoms, the difference in sensation is all in your mind.

My opinion with street girls is that you want the simplest deal possible. While she might agree to anything on the street, in the room, she might not agree, or want to negotiate. When someone is going to knock on the door in 20-30 minutes, is it worth spending 5 minutes trying to work out how much more it's going to cost?

In a casa, again you're on the clock. Everything has to be negotiated after the timer starts. Keep it simple and find out if the girl is worth getting a number from.

The time and place to work on all the extras is when the girl is in your place. That's when you have time to deal with getting all the extras you want.

01-31-21, 21:59
Everywhere, all of the above.

The Tall Man.Awsome! Buying ticket thanks for the reports and replies!

01-31-21, 22:08
How easy is it to find?




Other?With Casas you can talk to the girl before you get into the room. Negotiate about no condoms, BBBJ / BBFS, swallow, etc. I saw this old guy at New Life who loved BBFS and spoke about a couple girls he got with that allowed no condom for a tip at the end.

That being said, I got crown condoms and they're pretty good but I could still feel the difference between BBFS / BBBJ and with the condom. However this girl put lube on my pecker before she put the condom on once and WOW, I couldn't tell the difference during sex. The feeling of semen after sex is not great but I'm still not craving BBBJ / BBFS. I'll probably still get it from girls I rent for a few days at a time but def not looking for it in casas anymore.

I've been thinking about hitting up Venezuela again soonish. Feels like an untapped market. The food is probably as bad as I remember but looking at SA, I could probably have a harem like environment if I planned it right. Anyone hit up Venezuela or the border cities recently?

01-31-21, 22:15
If you buy decent condoms, the difference in sensation is all in your mind. All due respect but I beg to differ on this one.

Of all the condoms I've tried, the closest to wearing nothing for me personally has been the Skyn Feel Everything and the Trojan Natural Lamb condoms, however the later only prevent pregnancy, but do not protect against STD's.

I believe there is a significant difference in sensation when either getting a blow job or barebacking a Chica without a condom, versus using a condom, at least for me personally, and believe most guys on this board would agree with this, albeit I'm not condoning bare-backing given the risks of doing so.

01-31-21, 22:45
If you buy decent condoms, the difference in sensation is all in your mind.I've seen this claim before. There's some excellent condom brands these days, but nothing equals au natural.

01-31-21, 23:00
My opinion with street girls is that you want the simplest deal possible. While she might agree to anything on the street, in the room, she might not agree, or want to negotiate. When someone is going to knock on the door in 20-30 minutes, is it worth spending 5 minutes trying to work out how much more it's going to cost? Odds are very high that's what's negotiated in the street will be honored in the room. Skipping all negotiations out of fear of an argument in the room simply isn't the way to go, especially for mongers that have a service that is important to them, like BBBJ. We know that CBJs feel exactly the same to you, but for others that isn't the case.

In a casa, again you're on the clock. Everything has to be negotiated after the timer starts. Keep it simple and find out if the girl is worth getting a number from. An extra service, like BBBJ, can be negotiated inside of 30 seconds. She can waste more time than that taking a long shower so 30 seconds or a minute to pin down what you want is nothing. Plus screw the clock when going over the 30 minutes will cost you an extra three to ten dollars. LOL.

01-31-21, 23:31
De to the city. Me and a buddy of mines are going. Any tips on what to expect! Do's and don'ts in the city?

Any info would be appreciated.

02-01-21, 01:34
If you buy decent condoms, the difference in sensation is all in your mind.The most important thing you can not feel and that is wetness. Feeling that she is wet between her legs is a huge turn on meaning she is ready and wants it.

02-01-21, 01:37
De to the city. Me and a buddy of mines are going. Any tips on what to expect! Do's and don'ts in the city?

Any info would be appreciated.You will have a horrible time because you have obviously done no research what-so-ever to ask such a huge generic shotgun blast type of question. Some people are so amazing!

02-01-21, 01:43
On the plus side, antibiotics are cheap and readily available.

The way I look at it now is:

1. If a working girl doesn't even ask about a condom, she's barebacking with everyone.

2. If a working girl will bareback with you for a price, she'll bareback with anyone for that price or less.

3. If a non-pro doesn't mention condoms, she's either using birth control or hoping to get a gringo husband the old fashioned way (getting pregnant).

Number 1 and 2 mean there's too much of a risk I'll be taking antibiotics. Number 3 is not something I'm looking for. Unless I know she's on some birth control, I'm putting one on. If you buy decent condoms, the difference in sensation is all in your mind.

My opinion with street girls is that you want the simplest deal possible. While she might agree to anything on the street, in the room, she might not agree, or want to negotiate. When someone is going to knock on the door in 20-30 minutes, is it worth spending 5 minutes trying to work out how much more it's going to cost?

In a casa, again you're on the clock. Everything has to be negotiated after the timer starts. Keep it simple and find out if the girl is worth getting a number from.

The time and place to work on all the extras is when the girl is in your place. That's when you have time to deal with getting all the extras you want.There's a fb girl who barebacks. I did the first 2 x I saw her but after seeing the way she is with everyone else on top of her wreckless behavior I have decided to stop seeing her.

Luckily I never got anything but it was only a matter of time.

02-01-21, 02:11
There's not a lot of good mongering locations currently available around the world as good as Colombia right now. Your going to need to be tested literally anywhere you go right now in the world in both directions, and for a short duration stay, if you were to get infected, you would at least be home in the USA before you knew it. And in reality COVID is much worse in the USA right now than in Medellin. And currently I'm not aware of any more lockdowns, so is it a bad idea? If the cost of getting tested isn't an issue for you this might be an excellent time to come down, especially seeing that you've been to Colombia before. Hopefully this helps.Thank you so much. That is a good way to look at it.

02-01-21, 03:20
I got to thinking after chica with no tattoos left, I don't think I noticed any piercings, either. Brought her back for an encore. Sure 'nuff. No tattoos. No piercings. None, nada, nunca, zero. Can't recall last time if ever I saw a chica with no tats and no piercings. Her new nickname is. . . . Piel Perfecta. Using Spanish for the alliteration.

02-01-21, 03:59
I'll be in Medellin February 10-17th if anyone wants to grab a beer! Was in Medellin the year before last for a couple weeks so pretty familiar with the Chica scene there and I have a great driver / guide who will be on service if need be. Send me a message if you want to meet up!

02-01-21, 04:08
Odds are very high that's what's negotiated in the street will be honored in the room. Skipping all negotiations out of fear of an argument in the room simply isn't the way to go, especially for mongers that have a service that is important to them, like BBBJ. We know that CBJs feel exactly the same to you, but for others that isn't the case.

An extra service, like BBBJ, can be negotiated inside of 30 seconds. She can waste more time than that taking a long shower so 30 seconds or a minute to pin down what you want is nothing. Plus screw the clock when going over the 30 minutes will cost you an extra three to ten dollars. LOL.Jbee2 was not suggesting to negotiate inside the room for a BBBJ, but was pointing out what might happen if not negotiated before going to the room.

As far as negotiating for a BBBJ, I don't ever negotiate this with SW's. It's to be included or I don't go to the room with them. Unless the SW is adamant about not doing it, they will typically fold when told "adios" if they won't do it. I also don't ever negotiate time with a SW, and if they bring this up during the negotiation, I don't go with them as its's a red flag.

The locals, meaning the Colombians, just tell the SW's what they are willing to pay, and they can take it or leave it. There really isn't that much negotiating necessary with the SW's, most of them are just happy to get somebody to go with them, and the smarter ones know a gringo is more inclined to pay more and tip versus the locals.

02-01-21, 14:29
I got to thinking after chica with no tattoos left, I don't think I noticed any piercings, either. Brought her back for an encore. Sure 'nuff. No tattoos. No piercings. None, nada, nunca, zero. Can't recall last time if ever I saw a chica with no tats and no piercings. Her new nickname is. . . . Piel Perfecta. Using Spanish for the alliteration.You sir are my hero.

02-01-21, 14:31
You sir are my hero.Please tell me you hit that raw.

02-01-21, 14:58
I have been following posts for weeks, and I must say, that is the funniest (yet sad), thing I have heard on here!

It begs the question, who's to be sure it's not your own progeny?Way back in the early 2000´s I met this twenty-something year old girl socially. She had exactly the type of look I liked. She immediately took to me. We went on a date and subsequently DFK'd. Nothing, nada. I usually get harder from DFK than CBJ. I realized that even though she had all the specs of girls that I like I just did not take to her. Nothing was wrong with me as soon after I had normal relations with another girl who was older and less good looking. I avoided her and she eventually told me that I hurt her. Rather inexplicable.

02-01-21, 15:59
I got to thinking after chica with no tattoos left, I don't think I noticed any piercings, either. Brought her back for an encore. Sure 'nuff. No tattoos. No piercings. None, nada, nunca, zero. Can't recall last time if ever I saw a chica with no tats and no piercings. Her new nickname is. . . . Piel Perfecta. Using Spanish for the alliteration.I've been watching this board as I plan my first trip, and those pictures make me want to book my flight for this afternoon! And she wears glasses! My oh my.

02-01-21, 16:44
I've been elsewhere in Colombia, but trying to get to Medellin for a while. I have an unexpected free week next week and seems like it could be a good opportunity to go. I'd be flying from the US for. 5 night trip. I'm comfortable with Spanish and can get around the scene fine, but with COVID and the testing requirements is it a really bad idea right now?I would say yes. I have been traveling quite a bit myself. (I am enjoying perks of traveling without crowds in airline lounges, shorter lines, easy to find mileage tickets and upgrades on flights etc) And the testing is also not a huge hassle. I have done it so many times now, I am used to it. Testing on US soil is free. Returning from CO, get an Antigen test for 160,000 mil pesos. Results are emailed within a few hours or within 24 hours. Do the online declaration forms several hours before departure. A good friend of mine almost missed his flight coming in to CO because he could not find USA on the pull down menu. Look for Estados unidos. LOL. Happy and safe travels.

02-01-21, 16:47
Get that vasectomy my man. Got one three years ago and it's been downright LIBERATING. Fucking bareback without a single worry of "is she on birth control" or "what if pulling out doesn't work this time" is on a whole 'nother level. Don't need to take the girls' word for birth control anymore. Don't need to buy them plan be anymore.Best money I ever spent. Didn't even take my shoes off; pushed my pants down and laid on the table and ten minutes later, I was getting ready to leave. Took one ibuprofen for pain in the afternoon and that was it. Huge improvement in sexual satisfaction, never having to worry about a pregnancy. GET A VASECTOMY.

02-01-21, 17:13
You will have a horrible time because you have obviously done no research what-so-ever to ask such a huge generic shotgun blast type of question. Some people are so amazing!This is the most polite way of saying to read the fucking forum I've ever read!

02-01-21, 22:00
My greatest fear about impregnating a Colombian chica and not fulfilling fatherly duties is that she has a daughter who then becomes a working girl and then have you guys banging my daughter.OMG, I'm crying! Thank you Turgid for that.

02-02-21, 01:42
In the last three trips, I have been to casas across multiple neighborhoods, got FB chicks to visit from Bello to Robledo, have been able to navigate Gustos and Park Lleras.

I have also had some luck with mileroticos- mostly flakes from chicas and got scared once when unable to locate a chica house in Envigado at 11 in the night.

Last year I made an account in CC but did not pay and never been able to connect with girls over CC. I am planning to pay and play with it now since I got a trip up in a few weeks.

Hoping to harvest some GFE providers or semi-pros. Unfortunately perennial issues still apply. Not able to spend a ton of time weeding through fake profiles or chat extensively. Poor Spanish skills, can start and hold small conversations but that's it. Perhaps I should skip CC and and spend the time and effort to improve my Spanish skills. Mongers with CC experience, please advise.

02-02-21, 03:35
Please tell me you hit that raw.I hit them both raw / bareback. Soft Swirl and Piel Perfecta. They have both offered up their asses. I'm in no hurry but will post graphic shots when it happens.

Sexy Dexy spent all afternoon here yesterday. Killer fotos coming of her incredible tiny ass in PINK and slot pussy. La Gacella was supposed to spend the night tonight which would have been our first night together, but she wimped out at the end again. She is still not recovered from COVID, plus I wouldn't put it past her to be practicing a little cock-blocking to try and keep me alone at nights. But we know who is always good for a last minute let's-fuck-get-high-and-bring-a-friend, Flame is on her way over now for the cost of a taxi, guest fee, get high, and I bought snacks so no domicilio tonight. BTW, you give a chica a roll of TP and she will act like it's made of gold leaf. The chicas steal the TP all the time so I just give them a roll, jajajajajaa.

Check out this foto of Soft Swirl entering my hotel. Look at that effin posture. Purrfekt. She did not know anyone was watching. 100% natural. La Gacela supine.

Ostee Out.

02-02-21, 04:07
In the last three trips, I have been to casas across multiple neighborhoods, got FB chicks to visit from Bello to Robledo, have been able to navigate Gustos and Park Lleras.

I have also had some luck with mileroticos- mostly flakes from chicas and got scared once when unable to locate a chica house in Envigado at 11 in the night.

Last year I made an account in CC but did not pay and never been able to connect with girls over CC. I am planning to pay and play with it now since I got a trip up in a few weeks.

Hoping to harvest some GFE providers or semi-pros. Unfortunately perennial issues still apply. Not able to spend a ton of time weeding through fake profiles or chat extensively. Poor Spanish skills, can start and hold small conversations but that's it. Perhaps I should skip CC and and spend the time and effort to improve my Spanish skills. Mongers with CC experience, please advise.Your probably better off to work on your Spanish skills as CC will probably be a waste of time for unless your young, handsome, and fluent in Spanish, as the members, with exception of a few, are semi-pros.

Mojo Bandit
02-02-21, 06:28
Came across this article that discusses the various places in Medellin to get a Covid test.


Here is an excerpt " We recommend Clinica Las Americas in Beléand, which has a drive through test with relatively fast results. One Medellin Guru reader went at 9 am for a PCR test and had results in 5 hours but this depends on how busy the lab is. Normal processing is up to 48 hours. Clinica Las Americas has a lab onsite. So, there is no need to send the test to a lab elsewhere. ".

02-02-21, 17:49
Came across this article that discusses the various places in Medellin to get a Covid test.


Here is an excerpt " We recommend Clinica Las Americas in Beland, which has a drive through test with relatively fast results. One Medellin Guru reader went at 9 am for a PCR test and had results in 5 hours but this depends on how busy the lab is. Normal processing is up to 48 hours. Clinica Las Americas has a lab onsite. So, there is no need to send the test to a lab elsewhere..Another option is to get tested at the Airport. They just started offering both Antigen and PCR tests there and you need a boarding pass to get tested.

I see this as a good alternative for the antigen test being able to get quick turnaround time a few hours before a flight, however the PCR test takes a while, hence better to get the day before departure in town. There's an article in yesterdays Vivir In Pobaldo about all of this, and the Clinica Las America you mentioned, did you mean Bellen versus Beland, as I'm not aware of this barrio.

02-02-21, 18:35
Came across this article that discusses the various places in Medellin to get a Covid test.


Here is an excerpt " We recommend Clinica Las Americas in Beland, which has a drive through test with relatively fast results. One Medellin Guru reader went at 9 am for a PCR test and had results in 5 hours but this depends on how busy the lab is. Normal processing is up to 48 hours. Clinica Las Americas has a lab onsite. So, there is no need to send the test to a lab elsewhere. ".My flight out was on a Monday and I needed test results within 72 hours of landing in Europe. Got my girl to call Proanalabs on Cr. 49 also mentioned in the article you referenced. They confirmed they opened on Sat from 7-9 am and would have results back either that same night or the next day which I was worried about because I did not think there would be any lab processing over the weekend. I left my apartment at 8 am and did not check my email as the wifi was down. Proanalabs were very friendly and professional, I had to use the translator to explain that I wanted to take the test as late as possible as I would be close to my 72 hour limit, she explained that the latest would be 9 am.

Got back to my apartment and checked my email, there was an email at 7. 30 from KLM saying they changed my flight from Monday to Tue which would invalidate my test, 30 minutes before I left and I always check why emails in the morning. Luckily KLM which I recommend were great and suggested I fly out on Sunday so my test would still be valid.

Later that Sat night while having a nice dinner out with the girl I got the negative results back with the test time at 1330. Total damage 240,000. Excellent service from them which I recommend.

Your probably better off to work on your Spanish skills as CC will probably be a waste of time for unless your young, handsome, and fluent in Spanish, as the members, with exception of a few, are semi-pros.Surfer I would partly agree with you. Tomorrow I will do a full write on my whole experience but for now I will just respond to the OPs q about CC. My experience with CC was hit and miss. Talked to a girl for weeks before arriving, she was a total letdown, she stayed over night and I didn't even bang her. Also very briefly talked to another girl, just a few quick exchanges before travelling. Without putting any more effort in I just asked if she wanted to come over during lock down and she agreed, she became my most regular and reliable girl with no mention of fees and she really made my trip.

My advice would be to not waste any time on CC before your trip. Whilst your're there and actually in Medellin girls will be more responsive. I think the long drawn out conversations over weeks are just a time killer. And really not beneficial. When you're there just a few quick messages and ask them to meet you there really is no need to set up anything ahead of time, most of these girls are doing nothing anyway. Also CC is a great way to improve your Spanish and pick up some useful phrases.

Mr Enternational
02-02-21, 19:24
Last year I made an account in CC but did not pay and never been able to connect with girls over CC. I am planning to pay and play with it now since I got a trip up in a few weeks.

Hoping to harvest some GFE providers or semi-pros.If you are looking for normal chicks to date then Cupid is the way. But since you are looking for hookers then you are marching in the wrong direction. Sure there will be a few scattered about, but who goes to an Indian restaurant looking for a steak when they could just pull up in a Brazilian steakhouse and have a plentiful variety of steaks to choose from. Go get your hookers from the places you already know that hookers are.

When you're there just a few quick messages and ask them to meet you there really is no need to set up anything ahead of time, most of these girls are doing nothing anyway.Most hookers are doing nothing anyway. Regular chicks have jobs to go to and are busy. I do not know 1 normal chick in Colombia that just sits around everyday. Every chick I know either has a job or is in school. And it has been that way since my first day setting foot in Colombia 16 years ago.

02-02-21, 22:32
Not according to the federal agency overseeing the collection and enforcement of international child support obligations.

USA Department of Health and Human Services Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE).

330 see Street SW.

Washington, DC 20201.They revoked my Passport, I fought and got that back and they went after my professional license and drivers license.

If you hunt or fish they revoke those licenses et al, as well.

02-03-21, 02:18
It looks like you are well prepared for the anal adventure with that Costco sized supply of toilet paper.

I hit them both raw / bareback. Soft Swirl and Piel Perfecta. They have both offered up their asses. I'm in no hurry but will post graphic shots when it happens.

Sexy Dexy spent all afternoon here yesterday. Killer fotos coming of her incredible tiny ass in PINK and slot pussy. La Gacella was supposed to spend the night tonight which would have been our first night together, but she wimped out at the end again. She is still not recovered from COVID, plus I wouldn't put it past her to be practicing a little cock-blocking to try and keep me alone at nights. But we know who is always good for a last minute let's-fuck-get-high-and-bring-a-friend, Flame is on her way over now for the cost of a taxi, guest fee, get high, and I bought snacks so no domicilio tonight. BTW, you give a chica a roll of TP and she will act like it's made of gold leaf. The chicas steal the TP all the time so I just give them a roll, jajajajajaa.

Check out this foto of Soft Swirl entering my hotel. Look at that effin posture. Purrfekt. She did not know anyone was watching. 100% natural. La Gacela supine.

Ostee Out.

02-03-21, 04:14
They revoked my Passport, I fought and got that back and they went after my professional license and drivers license.

If you hunt or fish they revoke those licenses et al, as well.This is getting confusing, Federal and State authorities were after you taking away your Passport and going after your other licenses.

It would be good to know what happened to you so others don't find themselves in this predicament.

From what you described, somebody could lose their forms of identity lterally grounding you, like being put on a no fly list.

02-03-21, 06:12
Uber going strong during COVID. Yeah, we all know the chicas ask for taxi fare home and keep the change. Uber seems stronger to me now than before when I was here in 2019. I haven't sent a chica all the out to Bello yet, but my average Uber bill to send a chica home is less than 3 bucks. That's about half the 20 mil COP they usually ask for. I got no problems with saying Uber or No. Ciao', Ostee.

We don't say "Counterfeit" in Colombia King of the Counterfeiters, we say "Replicas" because it sounds better. These knock-off sunglasses for Flame bought El Centro way, were the bomb. 6 bucks, very high quality.

02-03-21, 06:44
I would tell you Sexy Dexy has a small slot pussy but after Soft Swirl, that would be anticlimactic. She has been as high as Number Three and as low as Number Six in my line-up. She and Soft Swirl are a toss-up at Positions 3 & 4, right now. Recall, Numero Uno is vacant.

02-03-21, 14:53
Wanted to get you guys opinion on something. I am scheduled to fly to Medellin very shortly, but I am nervous and considering canceling my trip altogether. I have visited twice before and have had issues in the city where I am talk to a girl that is interested in selling the goods and we start to talk about what I want sexually, dinero amounts, maybe I show some pics on my phone to explain sex details that I want because my Spanish is not good. Then we agree and I say "yes, let's go to my apartment". I mention that she will need to show her cedulla to get into the building because there is a porter. That is usually the way I comfortably ask for ID. But a few times the chica will tell me she doesn't have a cedulla because she is "not eligible enough yet" and she tells me a DOB that is lower than required for this arrangement. Of course I stop and say "sorry, I don't do that", and I walk away from that situation like anyone else would, and the conversation disappears forever. Now my worry; I have been meeting FB chicas the past year, and I have had this same situation happen, but it's all happened over FB chat, and that stuff is recorded forever. In most cases the bio she has on her Facebook page is wrong and says her DOB is some older date, or sometimes there is no date at all. This has happened to me a few different times out of several hundred chicas that I have messaged over the past year. Sadly this is well into the conversation when she tells me this taboo news, or I discover it from some other chica that knows her and sees her on my friend list. In these cases I respond the same way as I would in person by telling them "no, sorry, I can't do that". I try to keep it polite to avoid any issue before I wrap up the conversation. But with Big Tech these days, I am worried this may flag something or cause me to end up in a room in Customs in Bogota and getting put in hole full of murders for 5 years. I am not trying to do anything unethical. Facebook has never blocked me and these chicas lie about everything and change their FB names and bio information, so it's un-nerving when this happens. I want to be legit and have a good vacation, but the fact this has happened more than once and lord knows how many I talked to that I never knew about, I wondering if anyone has heard of a problem from this or if I am overly paranoid.

02-03-21, 16:48
I'm not sure what you are worried about. Sounds like you're doing everything right. You're asking age, when you find out they are under age, you politely decline.

So. 1. You're not doing anything wrong. 2. I think you're giving Colombia police a bit too much credit. They have better things to do that to go monitor facebook for guys looking for sex. Sex is part of the culture in Colombia.

Wanted to get you guys opinion on something. I am scheduled to fly to Medellin very shortly, but I am nervous and considering canceling my trip altogether. I have visited twice before and have had issues in the city where I am talk to a girl that is interested in selling the goods and we start to talk about what I want sexually, dinero amounts, maybe I show some pics on my phone to explain sex details that I want because my Spanish is not good. Then we agree and I say "yes, let's go to my apartment". I mention that she will need to show her cedulla to get into the building because there is a porter. That is usually the way I comfortably ask for ID. But a few times the chica will tell me she doesn't have a cedulla because she is "not eligible enough yet" and she tells me a DOB that is lower than required for this arrangement. Of course I stop and say "sorry, I don't do that", and I walk away from that situation like anyone else would, and the conversation disappears forever. Now my worry; I have been meeting FB chicas the past year, and I have had this same situation happen, but it's all happened over FB chat, and that stuff is recorded forever. In most cases the bio she has on her Facebook page is wrong and says her DOB is some older date, or sometimes there is no date at all. This has happened to me a few different times out of several hundred chicas that I have messaged over the past year. Sadly this is well into the conversation when she tells me this taboo news, or I discover it from some other chica that knows her and sees her on my friend list. In these cases I respond the same way as I would in person by telling them "no, sorry, I can't do that". I try to keep it polite to avoid any issue before I wrap up the conversation. But with Big Tech these days, I am worried this may flag something or cause me to end up in a room in Customs in Bogota and getting put in hole full of murders for 5 years. I am not trying to do anything unethical. Facebook has never blocked me and these chicas lie about everything and change their FB names and bio information, so it's un-nerving when this happens. I want to be legit and have a good vacation, but the fact this has happened more than once and lord knows how many I talked to that I never knew about, I wondering if anyone has heard of a problem from this or if I am overly paranoid.

02-03-21, 17:01
Wanted to get you guys opinion on something. I am scheduled to fly to Medellin very shortly, but I am nervous and considering canceling my trip altogether. I have visited twice before and have had issues in the city where I am talk to a girl that is interested in selling the goods and we start to talk about what I want sexually, dinero amounts, maybe I show some pics on my phone to explain sex details that I want because my Spanish is not good. Then we agree and I say "yes, let's go to my apartment". I mention that she will need to show her cedulla to get into the building because there is a porter. That is usually the way I comfortably ask for ID. But a few times the chica will tell me she doesn't have a cedulla because she is "not eligible enough yet" and she tells me a DOB that is lower than required for this arrangement. Of course I stop and say "sorry, I don't do that", and I walk away from that situation like anyone else would, and the conversation disappears forever. Now my worry; I have been meeting FB chicas the past year, and I have had this same situation happen, but it's all happened over FB chat, and that stuff is recorded forever. In most cases the bio she has on her Facebook page is wrong and says her DOB is some older date, or sometimes there is no date at all. This has happened to me a few different times out of several hundred chicas that I have messaged over the past year. Sadly this is well into the conversation when she tells me this taboo news, or I discover it from some other chica that knows her and sees her on my friend list. In these cases I respond the same way as I would in person by telling them "no, sorry, I can't do that". I try to keep it polite to avoid any issue before I wrap up the conversation. But with Big Tech these days, I am worried this may flag something or cause me to end up in a room in Customs in Bogota and getting put in hole full of murders for 5 years..Just use your common sense and you will be fine. I've never used Facebook but am assuming you have a way to exchange pictures perhaps before meeting like thru Whatsapp. Perhaps you tell them to send you a photo of their Cedula prior to meeting, and tell them the building requires this or you cannot meet them. This should allay any concerns you have if anyone was truly monitoring you, and will hopefully weed out the bad actors.

Mr Enternational
02-03-21, 17:51
Not according to the federal agency overseeing the collection and enforcement of international child support obligations.

USA Department of Health and Human Services Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE).That is for child support orders for children inside the USA when you are outside the USA, not kids that you made abroad.

Happened to my cousin. He was living in Malaysia with his wife. He went to the embassy to get more pages in his passport and they confiscated it because he owed like $30,000 in back child support. They told him when he gets ready to go back to the USA then he could come get a temporary passport to travel on.

I told him to buy a ticket to a different city, because if he came directly to our city then immigration would probably arrest him and turn him over to local cops. If he cleared immigration in another city then that would not happen. When I went to court with him they unsuspended his drivers license so he could work, but told him there was no way he was getting another passport until the money was paid up.

02-03-21, 18:33
This is getting confusing, Federal and State authorities were after you taking away your Passport and going after your other licenses.

It would be good to know what happened to you so others don't find themselves in this predicament.

From what you described, somebody could lose their forms of identity lterally grounding you, like being put on a no fly list.If you owe 1 penny over $2500 usd your passport is revoked period.

If you want it back, they will return it, when they receive proof the balance is $0 period no payment plans will be made jajajajajaaaaaaa.

I believe I owed $70 k, don't ask me to write everything that happened it would take up 50 pages here (it took me several months to get my passport back).

No fly list? Exactly, you aren't going anywhere (that's the whole point).

And if you are living overseas, you can get home, but you aren't flying out until that balance is $0.

02-03-21, 21:36
If you owe 1 penny over $2500 usd your passport is revoked period.

If you want it back, they will return it, when they receive proof the balance is $0 period no payment plans will be made jajajajajaaaaaaa.

I believe I owed $70 k, don't ask me to write everything that happened it would take up 50 pages here (it took me several months to get my passport back).

No fly list? Exactly, you aren't going anywhere (that's the whole point).

And if you are living overseas, you can get home, but you aren't flying out until that balance is $0.Okay I didn't mean to pry into your personal situation so it was a a child support issue that's what I was confused about.

02-03-21, 23:51
Wanted to get you guys opinion on something. I am scheduled to fly to Medellin very shortly, but I am nervous and considering canceling my trip altogether. I have visited twice before and have had issues in the city where I am talk to a girl that is interested in selling the goods and we start to talk about what I want sexually, dinero amounts, maybe I show some pics on my phone to explain sex details that I want because my Spanish is not good. Then we agree and I say "yes, let's go to my apartment". I mention that she will need to show her cedulla to get into the building because there is a porter. That is usually the way I comfortably ask for ID. But a few times the chica will tell me she doesn't have a cedulla because she is "not eligible enough yet" and she tells me a DOB that is lower than required for this arrangement. Of course I stop and say "sorry, I don't do that", and I walk away from that situation like anyone else would, and the conversation disappears forever. Now my worry; I have been meeting FB chicas the past year, and I have had this same situation happen, but it's all happened over FB chat, and that stuff is recorded forever. In most cases the bio she has on her Facebook page is wrong and says her DOB is some older date, or sometimes there is no date at all. This has happened to me a few different times out of several hundred chicas that I have messaged over the past year. Sadly this is well into the conversation when she tells me this taboo news, or I discover it from some other chica that knows her and sees her on my friend list. In these cases I respond the same way as I would in person by telling them "no, sorry, I can't do that". I try to keep it polite to avoid any issue before I wrap up the conversation. But with Big Tech these days, I am worried this may flag something or cause me to end up in a room in Customs in Bogota and getting put in hole full of murders for 5 years. I am not trying to do anything unethical. Facebook has never blocked me and these chicas lie about everything and change their FB names and bio information, so it's un-nerving when this happens. I want to be legit and have a good vacation, but the fact this has happened more than once and lord knows how many I talked to that I never knew about, I wondering if anyone has heard of a problem from this or if I am overly paranoid.https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/fbi-shooting-florida/2021/02/03/id/1008537/

They record every key stroke.

02-04-21, 00:49
Hello fellow mongers,

I am new to this page and will be traveling to Colombia for the first time next month. I have been following some of your threads and many of you guys mentioned using Facebook to connect with chicas.

How exactly do you guys do this? Any advice would be helpful.

02-04-21, 03:40

They record every key stroke.Yea, I agree with the recorded keystrokes. That's what I mentioned in my post and that's indeed the part that bugs me. But this person in the article is a total pedo sicko trying to exploit it, proactively peruse this activity and assist millions of others in doing the same. He belongs in jail. I would imagine his door would be kicked down in Colombia too, as it should be. Everyone gets caught in a bad situation, and with FB and Instagram and other platforms having that data, even for the slightest issues, it just sucks. Millions or 10's of millions of people must be subject to exposure for anything under the sun. If this is what kind of activity is going on in the world, I see where I am making every effort to avoid it. WOW.

02-04-21, 03:47
Hello fellow mongers,

I am new to this page and will be traveling to Colombia for the first time next month. I have been following some of your threads and many of you guys mentioned using Facebook to connect with chicas.

How exactly do you guys do this? Any advice would be helpful.Great question! This post will give you some info.


02-04-21, 03:48
This has happened to me a few different times out of several hundred chicas that I have messaged over the past year.Several hundred chicas over a year?

02-04-21, 03:51
I'm not sure what you are worried about. Sounds like you're doing everything right. You're asking age, when you find out they are under age, you politely decline.

So. 1. You're not doing anything wrong. 2. I think you're giving Colombia police a bit too much credit. They have better things to do that to go monitor facebook for guys looking for sex. Sex is part of the culture in Colombia.It is the concern of discussing the topic of prepaid & negotiation of dinero before I know they are not able to do it. Obviously I will walk away the moment I discover that they are under the limit, but I hope the damage is not already done. That's is my worry. Again; I would never ever do the act with someone that is not able to do so!

02-04-21, 04:31
If you are looking for normal chicks to date then Cupid is the way. But since you are looking for hookers then you are marching in the wrong direction. Sure there will be a few scattered about, but who goes to an Indian restaurant looking for a steak when they could just pull up in a Brazilian steakhouse and have a plentiful variety of steaks to choose from. Go get your hookers from the places you already know that hookers are.

Most hookers are doing nothing anyway. Regular chicks have jobs to go to and are busy. I do not know 1 normal chick in Colombia that just sits around everyday. Every chick I know either has a job or is in school. And it has been that way since my first day setting foot in Colombia 16 years ago.Speaking of Colombian Cupid, I have an account and today received a message saying hola from "Vale" 21 years old. I typically don't get messages from Chicas 1/3 of my age like I would on Tinder so started a dialogue with her asking her what she's looking for on Cupid and she sends me her Whatsapp number and says she will tell me upon contacting her. Quite frankly she's not in my desired age bracket, but probably fits into most others. Cupid as you mentioned is for guys looking for normal chics to date, with a few exceptions.

I'm going to contact Vale just for shit and giggles knowing that she's looking for a sugar daddy. Just for the fun of it I will tell her I'm only interested in "ratos" in El Centro, and offer her like 60 K to meet me there, and who knows, maybe she will bite, but I'm not betting the farm on it.

02-04-21, 05:36
Checked out the scene tonight. The park itself was pretty much dead. All the girls seemed to concentrate in front of Gustos and Lleras park club. I have not seen a single good looking WG. Most are just ugly and not deserve the money they ask. Others are average. Some of these sharks were too annoying, following me around the block. I don't know how you guys hunt there. Overhead multiple times "cien dollares".

The area a few blocks away where Bastardos, Gato, etc. Are at, is full of people, mostly locals, including good looking pros (or non-pros, I don't know). Way better place to approach girls if you speak Spanish.

02-04-21, 05:45
So the report a few pages back where an ISG member was stabbed in El Centro. Is that common? I remember reading it was early evening and he was jumped and stabbed.

Is El Centro like relatively safe if you go there on your own around early afternoon?

Just asking because I will be making my way down to CO soon and I would like to see and monger in that area a little bit.

Thank you.

02-04-21, 07:02
First off, let me say thank you to Tall Man, for allowing me to borrow 2 of his chicas and for them to be so reliable and responding so fast and the ability to find my location without a glitch.

Let me be clear to explain how I entered Medellin and how I left Medellin after spending 3 days in the city of Eternal Spring. I took a PCR test on Jan 26th, received my results on Jan 28th and used these results to get onto a plane on Jan 29th, 2021. At 12 am on Jan 29th, I took another PCR test before I left America and entered the Ft Lauderdale airport at 8 am. I received the results from my Jan 29th PCR test on Sunday, Jan 31st, I used the results of the Jan 29th exam to leave Medellin on Monday, Feb 01,2021. That is how you can successfully spend a weekend in Medellin without having a glitch due to covid. (My environment, assures that I test 3 times a week, so I do not have to pay for any exams, they are all free of charge!

I landed at 2:15 pm on Friday Jan 29th and I exited the airport around 3:00 pm, mostly due to slow passengers and it seems that my luggage was the last suitcase to leave the luggage claim. Took the 13 mil bus to Hotel Nutibarra, grabbed a cab and my AirBnB was only 6 mil taxi ride away and the owner of the AirBnB knows me very well, as I stayed there about 5 months during the start of the quarantine last March 2020.

I have a really good friend who is young and fairly wealthy and was anticipating that I would return just as I said I would and he met me at the AirBnB. Around 4:30 pm. Had a few girls from Tall Man and I gave them a call and they were there within minutes. My friend called 2 chicas from La Vane and we had 4 chics in the AirBnB by 5 pm. We banged all 4 of them and put them out by 8 pm and had 4 more chics at the Apartment by 8:30 pm.

Once again it was on, party party party and nothing but butt naked chics, great Vodka, Tequila and Aguila Cervezas. My friend would bang his two, I would bang my two and then we would switch and after all 4 girls were banged, we would put them out and call for 4 more. So at 12:30 am, I called for 2 of reliable chics and my friend called for 2 more of La Vane chics and once again, the party started all over again. I bang my two, he bang his two and we would switch and finally, at 4 am, I received a text from my Dentist telling me that my appointment had been changed from 12 noon to 7 am, so we sent the final 4 girls home and fell asleep.

At 6 am, I awoke, took a shower, grabbed a taxi and headed to Poblado to see my Dentist as I had a minor malfunction with one of my implants. Back in December I was eating some steak or some hard candy and one of my molars began to wiggle, finally at the end of December the entire tooth came out, so I sent my Dentist a video to show him that my tooth had came loose and finally had came out and he told me not to worry, to show up and he would fix it within a few minutes. On Saturday, My dentist realized that he did not have the right screw to fix my molars so he immediately ordered the screw and he told me not to worry that the 2 screws would been later on Saturday or I could come back in the afternoon or wait to take another appointment early Sunday morning, I decided to take another appointment Sunday, and I left his office about 9 am and called 2 more chics from my list of girls and headed back to my AirBnB.

I was on a very tight schedule and I knew that I would be checking in with my real girlfriend and I had to check in by 5 pm. So after calling 2 more of my reliable chics, I returned to the AirBnb and waited for them to check in. They were running late and I thought that I might not get any more sex in before I had to check in with my real girlfriend. I called Ana, the thin chic with the beautiful breast and the high energy, she confirmed and told me that she was on the way, I called the other two chics and canceled as they were running late and I had no time to lose or play. Ana Came over and it was a real porn show from the time that she showed up until she left. She came over at about 10:30 am and did not leave until 4 pm. We screwed all over the AirBnB from the living room to the balcony. Absolutely loved the date that she and I had.

I took a shower, put on some new clothes, and grabbed my suitcases and headed to my Apartment, my real girlfriend had been calling for the last 2 days and I gave her excuses that my phone was down and the camera had broken and that I was trying to repair it. She never knew I was coming. I pulled up in the taxi and began to walk to my apartment and my neighbor noticed me before my girlfriend did and she told my girlfriend, your guy has returned, she jumped up screaming and elated to see me. We went into my apartment and into our bedroom and I sent the rest of the family to the store to buy groceries for dinner and for a big feast on Sunday.

The apartment and furniture looked brand new, as it had just been bought last August, nothing out of place, and everything was all well at home. My girl never took her hands off of me the rest of the visit. This is why I had full day and a few hours of fun before checking in with my real girlfriend. I put some safety measures in place, I collected some money that was owed to me by many of my friends, and I even made a good amount of money on items that I brought with me from the US. On Sunday I returned to my dentist office and I had my implants fixed within 45 minutes and they now feel as good as new. It was a really great visit. 30 hours, banged 13 chics, not including my real girlfriend. I got to hang out with my good friend who has plenty of cash and does not penny pinch and we had our way with some beautiful girls. I will return soon, by June, but more than likely April, and if need be, I will return sooner. Medellin is definitely a gold mine if you have a list of girls readily available and you have built up a stable of reliable girls. So don't tell me that you can't go to Medellin for a weekend trip and return to the US with the corona epidemic going on. I will post some photo's later, I just wanted to post my review before I forgot all that I had accomplished on a weekend trip to Medellin. Pollo Negro is out!

02-04-21, 07:11
Soft Swirl is one in a hundred thousand. Don't forget, her nickname comes from the fact that she consistently gave me the best blowjobs of my life on my first trip here. Plus, that incredible micro-pussy. And three-hole access.

Her blow jobs are not the same yet but they are getting better every time. She told me her mouth muscles need to be exercised back into shape. Raises hand.

She is not some used up skank who has a hundred thousand more miles on her since I last saw her. Regular Girl. Venezuelan Refugee. College educated. Intelligent. She was an accountant in Venezuela. Now she sells coffee from a cart. She has a beautiful face, too.

Here is our Wassap verbatim en Ingles from earlier today. She initiates sex more than I do. My Spanglish is just that, so the translation is straight up Google.

If you think she enjoys being photographed, that would be correct. Note the upgrades. Flavored carbonated water and Oreos now instead of tap water in a bottle, jajajajjajaa. She loves the NYC T. They all do.

{10:23 AM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: Why don't you ask me to suck your penis 3 hours straight like before?

{10:24 AM, 3/2/2021} Ostee: Will you suck my penis for 3 hours straight like before?

{10:24 AM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: Do you feel better now?

{10:24 AM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: Yes.

{10:24 AM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: Hahaha.

{10:24 am, 2/3/2021} Ostee:

{10:25 AM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: I must please you, I don't want anyone else to do better.

{10:25 AM. , 3/2/2021} Ostee:

{2:03 PM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: I'm walking back to the hotel now.

{2:03 PM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: I'm on my way there.

{2:04 PM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: I already gave the child to my mother.

{2:04 PM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: 12 more minutes.

{2:04 PM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: You were very fast.

{2:10 PM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: Yes, it's you who walks slowly, not me.

{2:10 PM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: Hahahaha.

{2:23 PM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: Hahahaha I'm torture.

{2:24 PM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: Take off all your clothes and wait for me naked.

{2:27 PM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: Ready.

Remember I was the Boss at first, and now?

02-04-21, 07:43
Checked out the scene tonight. The park itself was pretty much dead. All the girls seemed to concentrate in front of Gustos and Lleras park club. I have not seen a single good looking WG. Most are just ugly and not deserve the money they ask. Others are average. Some of these sharks were too annoying, following me around the block. I don't know how you guys hunt there. Overhead multiple times "cien dollares".

The area a few blocks away where Bastardos, Gato, etc. Are at, is full of people, mostly locals, including good looking pros (or non-pros, I don't know). Way better place to approach girls if you speak Spanish.I've been to Lleras twice in the past 2 weeks and Gustos once. Nothing worth even looking at.

As of now La Isla probably has the best looking girls. But they're asking for 300 usd with exit fee of 180 mil. Lmao.

02-04-21, 08:56
One of the things I love about SE Asia is the cheap massages.

How much is a good legit massage in Medellin?

02-04-21, 18:54
It is the concern of discussing the topic of prepaid & negotiation of dinero before I know they are not able to do it. Obviously I will walk away the moment I discover that they are under the limit, but I hope the damage is not already done. That's is my worry. Again; I would never ever do the act with someone that is not able to do so!
Now you sound just like the other guy who cut his vacation short.

It seems this is a frequent occurrence to you. I think you should just avoid the girl if you think you need to check the cedula to find out her age.

02-04-21, 21:19
So the report a few pages back where an ISG member was stabbed in El Centro. Is that common? I remember reading it was early evening and he was jumped and stabbed.

Is El Centro like relatively safe if you go there on your own around early afternoon?

Just asking because I will be making my way down to CO soon and I would like to see and monger in that area a little bit.

Thank you.Whenever I'm in Medellin I routinely take afternoon walks around El Centro, often alone. Haven't been stabbed yet.

02-04-21, 21:36
One of the things I love about SE Asia is the cheap massages.

How much is a good legit massage in Medellin?Full hour is about 100 k, although some run specials down to 70 k. The massage is legit and excellent and most of the girls I've seen working are very attractive. Happy endings and sometimes more available for an added charge. How much depends on the girl, but compared to most of the sex available in Medellin, it's overpriced.

If you really enjoy the massage, I feel the price is worth it. Anything extra, depends on how much you enjoy that.

Go to Centro Comercial Río Sur, it's on Avenida Poblado. There are 3 spas inside which specialize in massage for men and another one which is geared towards women, but accepts men.

02-04-21, 21:41
It is the concern of discussing the topic of prepaid & negotiation of dinero before I know they are not able to do it. Obviously I will walk away the moment I discover that they are under the limit, but I hope the damage is not already done. That's is my worry. Again; I would never ever do the act with someone that is not able to do so!There's a simple solution. Ask about age first.

The rest of it I wouldn't worry about.

02-05-21, 00:29
60 K for Sugar Daddy would be a great deal. Keep us posted.

Speaking of Colombian Cupid, I have an account and today received a message saying hola from "Vale" 21 years old. I typically don't get messages from Chicas 1/3 of my age like I would on Tinder so started a dialogue with her asking her what she's looking for on Cupid and she sends me her Whatsapp number and says she will tell me upon contacting her. Quite frankly she's not in my desired age bracket, but probably fits into most others. Cupid as you mentioned is for guys looking for normal chics to date, with a few exceptions.

I'm going to contact Vale just for shit and giggles knowing that she's looking for a sugar daddy. Just for the fun of it I will tell her I'm only interested in "ratos" in El Centro, and offer her like 60 K to meet me there, and who knows, maybe she will bite, but I'm not betting the farm on it.

02-05-21, 02:20
60 K for Sugar Daddy would be a great deal. Keep us posted.Just started dialogue with her but am not holding my breath.

02-05-21, 02:26
I'm planning a visit to Santa Marta next month and am curious as to what the travel requirements are for in country flights. Do you have to have an App on your phone? Do you have to have a Colombian phone number? And if you don't have a Colombian number will the App work on a USA cell phone. Oh, and one of the reasons I'm going there is to do some sucking.

02-05-21, 10:56
This falls under I don't want to see pics of your dick--. There is a photo section for that kind of thing Otherwise of course she initiates. She wants money. This is what happens.

Soft Swirl is one in a hundred thousand. Don't forget, her nickname comes from the fact that she consistently gave me the best blowjobs of my life on my first trip here. Plus, that incredible micro-pussy. And three-hole access.

Her blow jobs are not the same yet but they are getting better every time. She told me her mouth muscles need to be exercised back into shape. Raises hand.

She is not some used up skank who has a hundred thousand more miles on her since I last saw her. Regular Girl. Venezuelan Refugee. College educated. Intelligent. She was an accountant in Venezuela. Now she sells coffee from a cart. She has a beautiful face, too.

Here is our Wassap verbatim en Ingles from earlier today. She initiates sex more than I do. My Spanglish is just that, so the translation is straight up Google.

If you think she enjoys being photographed, that would be correct. Note the upgrades. Flavored carbonated water and Oreos now instead of tap water in a bottle, jajajajjajaa. She loves the NYC T. They all do.

{10:23 AM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: Why don't you ask me to suck your penis 3 hours straight like before?

{10:24 AM, 3/2/2021} Ostee: Will you suck my penis for 3 hours straight like before?

{10:24 AM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: Do you feel better now?

{10:24 AM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: Yes.

{10:24 AM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: Hahaha.

{10:24 am, 2/3/2021} Ostee:

{10:25 AM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: I must please you, I don't want anyone else to do better.

{10:25 AM. , 3/2/2021} Ostee:

{2:03 PM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: I'm walking back to the hotel now.

{2:03 PM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: I'm on my way there.

{2:04 PM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: I already gave the child to my mother.

{2:04 PM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: 12 more minutes.

{2:04 PM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: You were very fast.

{2:10 PM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: Yes, it's you who walks slowly, not me.

{2:10 PM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: Hahahaha.

{2:23 PM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: Hahahaha I'm torture.

{2:24 PM, 2/3/2021} Soft Swirl: Take off all your clothes and wait for me naked.

{2:27 PM, 2/3/2021} Ostee: Ready.

Remember I was the Boss at first, and now?

02-05-21, 16:12
Medellin is definitely a gold mine if you have a list of girls readily available and you have built up a stable of reliable girls.Yessss, you described my "system " that I left in place after my first trip. All I did was add rankings and some tweaking for personal preference and fun. Anyone can do it. True, I am a special, unique individual, just like everyone else, jajaja. Now, I am having "too much" fun as my friends back in the Estados Unidos tell me. I responded there is no such thing as too much fun.

Here is some new pussy from yesterday, can't really explain why they have all been so small lately, other than They say things come in threes, jajajaaa. Body 9, pussy 9, and I don't hand out tens. Face 7, personality 8 super eager to please. Check out her small pearly clit and the small hole.

02-05-21, 16:23
Just started dialogue with her but am not holding my breath.Jajajaja, welcome to the Club. Kidding of course, I hope for the best possible outcome that you desire. Your calm, rational and knowledgeable input is appreciated. I know it's not easy in the middle of this morass. I have learned a thing or two from you that I can apply to my other situations on the Web.

Gratuitous Foto, might be a repeat but wanted to show that you can fit a dick in Soft Swirl's tiny pussy, jeje.

02-05-21, 16:37
Yessss, you described my "system " that I left in place after my first trip. All I did was add rankings and some tweaking for personal preference and fun. Anyone can do it. True, I am a special, unique individual, just like everyone else, jajaja. Now, I am having "too much" fun as my friends back in the Estados Unidos tell me. I responded there is no such thing as too much fun.

Here is some new pussy from yesterday, can't really explain why they have all been so small lately, other than They say things come in threes, jajajaaa. Body 9, pussy 9, and I don't hand out tens. Face 7, personality 8 super eager to please. Check out her small pearly clit and the small hole.Goodness gracious. Those are super nice. I am green with envy. So eager to return back to medellin, once this madness gets better. Thanks for sharing it with us not so lucky mongers.

Brotha LuvBone
02-05-21, 17:05
Jajajaja, welcome to the Club. Kidding of course, I hope for the best possible outcome that you desire. Your calm, rational and knowledgeable input is appreciated. I know it's not easy in the middle of this morass. I have learned a thing or two from you that I can apply to my other situations on the Web.

Gratuitous Foto, might be a repeat but wanted to show that you can fit a dick in Soft Swirl's tiny pussy, jeje.Hot Damn,

That hip to waist ratio seems to defy the laws of human anatomy.

02-05-21, 17:30
System. Is you pay money and girls lfet you f*uck them abuse them in ways that they would never let their boyfriends.

You're a trick never forget it.

Yessss, you described my "system " that I left in place after my first trip. All I did was add rankings and some tweaking for personal preference and fun. Anyone can do it. True, I am a special, unique individual, just like everyone else, jajaja. Now, I am having "too much" fun as my friends back in the Estados Unidos tell me. I responded there is no such thing as too much fun.

Here is some new pussy from yesterday, can't really explain why they have all been so small lately, other than They say things come in threes, jajajaaa. Body 9, pussy 9, and I don't hand out tens. Face 7, personality 8 super eager to please. Check out her small pearly clit and the small hole.

02-05-21, 17:54
Yessss, you described my "system " that I left in place after my first trip. All I did was add rankings and some tweaking for personal preference and fun. Anyone can do it. True, I am a special, unique individual, just like everyone else, jajaja. Now, I am having "too much" fun as my friends back in the Estados Unidos tell me. I responded there is no such thing as too much fun.

Here is some new pussy from yesterday, can't really explain why they have all been so small lately, other than They say things come in threes, jajajaaa. Body 9, pussy 9, and I don't hand out tens. Face 7, personality 8 super eager to please. Check out her small pearly clit and the small hole.OMG, are these are friends of friends? I'm going to be wandering all over Medellin looking for that face. Wow!

02-05-21, 17:59
What's a good drop off point on La 70?

02-05-21, 19:05
It is the concern of discussing the topic of prepaid & negotiation of dinero before I know they are not able to do it. Obviously I will walk away the moment I discover that they are under the limit, but I hope the damage is not already done. That's is my worry. Again; I would never ever do the act with someone that is not able to do so!Maybe you should go for mid 20's, instead of legal "teens". This is a common problem for guys who look for 18-19 year olds. I assume that they sometimes inadvertently hook up with underage girls, especially those in apartments without reception.

02-05-21, 19:09
What's a good drop off point on La 70?Depends on where you're going but the intersection of San Juan and La 70 puts you in a decent place and everyone knows where it is. Two main thoroughfares.

02-05-21, 19:20
What's a good drop off point on La 70?Use a side street. 90% chance you will be fine if they stop on La 70 with blinkers, but if the police roll up on you, Bad Day At Black Rock, you will be removed from the car with a pat down and car searched. Not worth the risk. I've watched it in person from my hotel window numerous times. If they stop on La 70, I send a chica out. Don't get in the car unless you know them. Do smooth hand shake exchange reaching inside car. You will stand out no matter how you do it. Best way is for them to park and you both sit somewhere public. But most drop off guys won't do that unless you have a rep with them already, they want a quick in and out like a 30 mil COP El Centro skank. That's everything I know.

02-05-21, 22:56
This falls under I don't want to see pics of your dick--. There is a photo section for that kind of thing Otherwise of course she initiates. She wants money. This is what happens.We are all adults, you don't like seeing another man's johnson, stroll pass, it, speaking about arouses suspect behavior. It comes with the territory of seeing girls who are being banged! Pollo negro is out!

02-05-21, 23:07
What's a good drop off point on La 70?If you're talking about a good place to have a taxi or Uber drop you off, Have them come on San Juan and pull into the gas station at La 70. If you're talking about having a chica dropped off for you to meet away from your apartment, that will also work, or at the Estadio Metro station.

02-06-21, 00:03
Depends on where you're going but the intersection of San Juan and La 70 puts you in a decent place and everyone knows where it is. Two main thoroughfares.I was thinking drop off from airport. Duh.

02-06-21, 00:44
I was thinking drop off from airport. Duh.Didn't want to see a guy take an unnecessary risk, better safe than sorry. It's all good.

The one commonality in this game of individuality is we should have each others backs.

New Foto From Today.

Close up of Soft Swirl's Pussy.

02-06-21, 02:23
Didn't want to see a guy take an unnecessary risk, better safe than sorry. It's all good.

The one commonality in this game of individuality is we should have each others backs.You are so right! We're all in this together and a little help is part of what we do.

P.S. very nice poos! I love the no big slippers too.

02-06-21, 05:52
Yessss, you described my "system " that I left in place after my first trip. All I did was add rankings and some tweaking for personal preference and fun. Anyone can do it. True, I am a special, unique individual, just like everyone else, jajaja. Now, I am having "too much" fun as my friends back in the Estados Unidos tell me. I responded there is no such thing as too much fun.

Here is some new pussy from yesterday, can't really explain why they have all been so small lately, other than They say things come in threes, jajajaaa. Body 9, pussy 9, and I don't hand out tens. Face 7, personality 8 super eager to please. Check out her small pearly clit and the small hole.How much does a girl of her looks cost for 1 h or overnight?

I have never been to Colombia and I do not speak any spanish whatsoever but I heard many good things from my Monger friends and would like to visit Medellin for 2 weeks.

Are there certain hotspots where one can just have a look and then pick a lady or is it spread out and kinda underground? I have checked on photoprepagos but around 60%-70% of the girls really don't look that great to me. Tinder is full of stunners but I reckon its going to be near impossible to find one that would agree to pay2 play.

02-06-21, 08:22
How much does a girl of her looks cost for 1 h or overnight?

I have never been to Colombia and I do not speak any spanish whatsoever but I heard many good things from my Monger friends and would like to visit Medellin for 2 weeks.

Are there certain hotspots where one can just have a look and then pick a lady or is it spread out and kinda underground? I have checked on photoprepagos but around 60%-70% of the girls really don't look that great to me. Tinder is full of stunners but I reckon its going to be near impossible to find one that would agree to pay2 play.You really, really need to invest some time in reading the forum. There's a great deal you should learn before taking the plunge. Once you have a better grasp of the fundamentals you can ask targeted questions about specific subjects.

While you're at it do an honest assessment of what you want. What's your comfort zone? Not knowing the language or the country can be intimidating and frustrating. What's your ideal experience?

To answer your question, I usually pay around $60 for a girl I would consider comparable. Depending on my mood and schedule she'll stay from 1 to 4 hours, even longer at times.

Finding a girl on Tinder who will do pay for play is about as hard as finding a fat woman at an Alabama Walmart. There have been some safety concerns involving Tinder girls in recent years.

The only thing underground in Medellin are parking garages and the Grill Nueva strip club. Prostitution is mainstream.

My preferred source for women is Facebook. Scroll back through the messages and you'll find Nounce's post with a link to my post on how to get started.

02-06-21, 10:15
How much does a girl of her looks cost for 1 h or overnight?

I have never been to Colombia and I do not speak any spanish whatsoever but I heard many good things from my Monger friends and would like to visit Medellin for 2 weeks.

Are there certain hotspots where one can just have a look and then pick a lady or is it spread out and kinda underground? I have checked on photoprepagos but around 60%-70% of the girls really don't look that great to me. Tinder is full of stunners but I reckon its going to be near impossible to find one that would agree to pay2 play.An hour would be 150, Overnight 300, plus taxi, plus tip if you were so inclined. All numbers are in mil COP so 150=150.000 or about $43. I am not a good one to ask about hotspots. Spend some time reading pages of the forum and you will learn a lot.

Foto of new girl.

I'm bettin' someone recognizes the hair.

Mr Enternational
02-06-21, 11:34
I have checked on photoprepagos but around 60%-70% of the girls really don't look that great to me. Tinder is full of stunners but I reckon its going to be near impossible to find one that would agree to pay2 play.Funny. All of those broads look the same to me. Maybe it is because on Tinder chicks tend to use internet-model-style pictures that it is throwing you off.

I don't know what kind of radar you are using, but 95% of the chicks on Tinder are P2P. All it is is a photoprepagos without the porn pics. Also the ones on Tinder like to pretend like they are not hookers and will try to charge you 3X more. Photoprepagos is just I am a hooker and it will cost you 100,000 pesos.

02-06-21, 12:01
Free if you are good-looking of course. Otherwise about $25. She can suck dick for 3 hours without getting lock jaw so you might have to buy her an ice cream cone.

How much does a girl of her looks cost for 1 h or overnight?

I have never been to Colombia and I do not speak any spanish whatsoever but I heard many good things from my Monger friends and would like to visit Medellin for 2 weeks.

Are there certain hotspots where one can just have a look and then pick a lady or is it spread out and kinda underground? I have checked on photoprepagos but around 60%-70% of the girls really don't look that great to me. Tinder is full of stunners but I reckon its going to be near impossible to find one that would agree to pay2 play.

02-06-21, 20:10
Maybe you should go for mid 20's, instead of legal "teens". This is a common problem for guys who look for 18-19 year olds. I assume that they sometimes inadvertently hook up with underage girls, especially those in apartments without reception.I agree. And luckily I have always had a porter that copies and checks ID's. But a recent situation that really has be freaked out is from a chica that said on her FB bio that she was 20. I asked her directly in the chat about age, and she said 20 or 21 if I recall. We talked money, sexual details, time frames, etc. But then I was home on my larger computer looking closer and I started to suspect the obvious from her photos. On the next reply I asked "tienes cedulla"? I said it was required for this type of arrangement and I would need to see it and my apartment porter will require it for entry. I meant that I wanted to see it in person in Medellin, but she immediately sends me a full picture of one of those Colombian white ID cards and I see no DOB on it that I recall. But it is not a cedulla! And I am thinking "great, you just sent all your ID info with a photo on a FB message that might prove you are not legit". I told her that this is not a cedulla and "sin cédulla, sin cita". I get this story from her that Colombia is delayed getting cedullas issued out and it's not her fault, etc. But I know this is a lie. They aren't delayed for 2 years. No way. The next day I open the message chat and there is a notification that she now has limited access to receive messages, and I am not able to unsend any of the old messages from our past communication. Which I have never had a problem doing before. And then I freak out! All I could do was delete my side of the message chat and block her. I am assuming something got flagged or reported. So this is what has me worried about traveling now. Am I over thinking this, or is this legit reason for concern if I go ahead with my trip? The fact that pay for play was discussed and arranged is what bothers me. Like Jjbee62 said, asking first is probably best, but I can't undo what is already done if there turns out to be a problem.

02-06-21, 20:51
So I am up to speed on the 96 hour PCR test and the check mig form, but what about this Corona App I am reading about?. Apparently there is a phone app you have to download to if you are traveling to the interior of Colombia. First, I am not sure what defines "the interior" of Colombia. If I land in Bogota and then transfer to my final flight to Medellin is that considered "interior travel"? Apparently you have to update on it everyday for 14 days. I am reading about it on the Avianca website. Anyone know what this is?

02-07-21, 00:03
This was a great weekend Trip, banged many chicas and had my dental implants repaired, Pollo Negro is out!

Mojo Bandit
02-07-21, 02:07
Surfer posted this question before and no one has volunteered any info, then he posted in the Colombia / Travel Coronavirus Updates and the main Admin flagged his post in what sounds like an error to me but anyway he has a good question so I am reposting because it is a good question.

Surfer says "I'm going to be travelling from MDE to Santa Marta next month. Is there a requirement that you have a Colombian App on your phone to get into the airport to board a domestic flight. Will the App work on a USA cell phone, if not, how is this handled. In other words if you don't have a Colombian cell number on a smartphone will you be able to get inside the airport. Nature of trip is to suck on those nipples besides penetrating some holes. Any help would be appreciated. ".

02-07-21, 02:40
Surfer posted this question before and no one has volunteered any info, then he posted in the Colombia / Travel Coronavirus Updates and the main Admin flagged his post in what sounds like an error to me but anyway he has a good question so I am reposting because it is a good question.

Surfer says "I'm going to be travelling from MDE to Santa Marta next month. Is there a requirement that you have a Colombian App on your phone to get into the airport to board a domestic flight. Will the App work on a USA cell phone, if not, how is this handled. In other words if you don't have a Colombian cell number on a smartphone will you be able to get inside the airport. Nature of trip is to suck on those nipples besides penetrating some holes. Any help would be appreciated. ".I know that chick in the pink. Talked to her on FB and have seen her in Gustos. She can be had for 200-250 mi for 2-3 hour and 2 pumps based on my convo with her. Don't give her the gustos price for 300 mil for 1 pump. Her tits are pretty amazing in person. I haven't boned her, but she has a hard bod and looks good in person.

02-07-21, 03:04
Didn't want to see a guy take an unnecessary risk, better safe than sorry. It's all good.

The one commonality in this game of individuality is we should have each others backs.

New Foto From Today.

Close up of Soft Swirl's Pussy.My apologies, I was getting a uber and was curious for where I should have them drop me off at. This is the 4th time I've been to Colombia and never been down to LA 70.

Another note, I currently have a 24 why / o gorgeous chica I met on Seeking arrangement coming over (I did a one month membership at a "discount" for $60). I asked her a price multiple times and she insist she isn't a prepago. Which could be true but still a little nervous because it's always something, I've been here multiple times from 2 weeks to a month each time. Luckily I decided to pay a little extra and do energy living this trip, so I do feel safe in that boat. I will update tomorrow and let everyone know how it went.

02-07-21, 03:05
So I am up to speed on the 96 hour PCR test and the check mig form, but what about this Corona App I am reading about?. Apparently there is a phone app you have to download to if you are traveling to the interior of Colombia. First, I am not sure what defines "the interior" of Colombia. If I land in Bogota and then transfer to my final flight to Medellin is that considered "interior travel"? Apparently you have to update on it everyday for 14 days. I am reading about it on the Avianca website. Anyone know what this is?Just landed here on Thursday, there was nothing about a corona app. Pcr test, and migracion form was all I needed.

02-07-21, 03:08
I agree. And luckily I have always had a porter that copies and checks ID's. But a recent situation that really has be freaked out is from a chica that said on her FB bio that she was 20. I asked her directly in the chat about age, and she said 20 or 21 if I recall. We talked money, sexual details, time frames, etc. But then I was home on my larger computer looking closer and I started to suspect the obvious from her photos. On the next reply I asked "tienes cedulla"? I said it was required for this type of arrangement and I would need to see it and my apartment porter will require it for entry. I meant that I wanted to see it in person in Medellin, but she immediately sends me a full picture of one of those Colombian white ID cards and I see no DOB on it that I recall. But it is not a cedulla! And I am thinking "great, you just sent all your ID info with a photo on a FB message that might prove you are not legit". I told her that this is not a cedulla and "sin cdulla, sin cita". I get this story from her that Colombia is delayed getting cedullas issued out and it's not her fault, etc. But I know this is a lie. They aren't delayed for 2 years. No way. The next day I open the message chat and there is a notification that she now has limited access to receive messages, and I am not able to unsend any of the old messages from our past communication. Which I have never had a problem doing before. And then I freak out! All I could do was delete my side of the message chat and block her. I am assuming something got flagged or reported. So this is what has me worried about traveling now. Am I over thinking this, or is this legit reason for concern if I go ahead with my trip? The fact that pay for play was discussed and arranged is what bothers me. Like Jjbee62 said, asking first is probably best, but I can't undo what is already done if there turns out to be a problem.You did all the right things, you're fine dude.

02-07-21, 03:34
Surfer posted this question before and no one has volunteered any info, then he posted in the Colombia / Travel Coronavirus Updates and the main Admin flagged his post in what sounds like an error to me but anyway he has a good question so I am reposting because it is a good question.

Surfer says "I'm going to be travelling from MDE to Santa Marta next month. Is there a requirement that you have a Colombian App on your phone to get into the airport to board a domestic flight. Will the App work on a USA cell phone, if not, how is this handled. In other words if you don't have a Colombian cell number on a smartphone will you be able to get inside the airport. Nature of trip is to suck on those nipples besides penetrating some holes. Any help would be appreciated. ".I don't have a Colombian number and I have the app on my phone and it works no problem.

As far as I am aware you don't need the app to travel, unless that has changed in the last few weeks.

02-07-21, 04:10
Surfer posted this question before and no one has volunteered any info, then he posted in the Colombia / Travel Coronavirus Updates and the main Admin flagged his post in what sounds like an error to me but anyway he has a good question so I am reposting because it is a good question.

Surfer says "I'm going to be travelling from MDE to Santa Marta next month. Is there a requirement that you have a Colombian App on your phone to get into the airport to board a domestic flight. Will the App work on a USA cell phone, if not, how is this handled. In other words if you don't have a Colombian cell number on a smartphone will you be able to get inside the airport. Nature of trip is to suck on those nipples besides penetrating some holes. Any help would be appreciated. ".Yikes I need to up my game, those are some cuties, but the truth is there out of my league as I like them rough around the edges!

Just so others are aware, domestic flights within Colombia right now are dirt cheap. Round trip fares from Medellin to both Santa Marta and San Andres midweek in March as low as $ 85 roundtrip. I haven't been to San Andres yet, so am thinking of going there as well. And there is excellent SW mongering opportunities to be had in Santa Marta.

02-07-21, 04:19
So I am up to speed on the 96 hour PCR test and the check mig form, but what about this Corona App I am reading about?. Apparently there is a phone app you have to download to if you are traveling to the interior of Colombia. First, I am not sure what defines "the interior" of Colombia. If I land in Bogota and then transfer to my final flight to Medellin is that considered "interior travel"? Apparently you have to update on it everyday for 14 days. I am reading about it on the Avianca website. Anyone know what this is?Same exact question I've been asking.

Lucky Nuts
02-07-21, 04:59
Surfer posted this question before and no one has volunteered any info, then he posted in the Colombia / Travel Coronavirus Updates and the main Admin flagged his post in what sounds like an error to me but anyway he has a good question so I am reposting because it is a good question.

Surfer says "I'm going to be travelling from MDE to Santa Marta next month. Is there a requirement that you have a Colombian App on your phone to get into the airport to board a domestic flight. Will the App work on a USA cell phone, if not, how is this handled. In other words if you don't have a Colombian cell number on a smartphone will you be able to get inside the airport. Nature of trip is to suck on those nipples besides penetrating some holes. Any help would be appreciated. ".I flew to Santa Marta last weekend. All I had was a copy of my boarding pass and passport of course and nothing more on my phone. As I went thru the line to enter the airport terminal they told me I needed some app and I don't think it was checkmig. I said I'm just going to Santa Marta for the weekend. She was distracted by others and waved me through. After that there were no more questions. I figured since I'm a gringo she thought I was leaving the country and needed something else maybe it was checkmig I dunno.

Be sure to take a paper photocopy of your passport to get access to the beach. It's a very strange and useless covid thing they are doing there. My hotel told me I had to use an app to get a beach reservation but the app never worked and I had no isssue just showing the paper copy of my passport. If you carry your phone to the beach which I don't you could probably use a photo of your passport.

If you fly Viva Air be aware they are sticklers about carry-on luggage coming back to Medellin. I flew to Santa Marta with both a backpack and a small duffle bag with no questions asked. When I tried to return the same way they wanted me to pay for the second item. After a long discussion I had to stuff my backpack into my duffle bag to only have one item still under 10 kg. I carried a folder, laptop and a book separately and that was ok but no second bag allowed LOL. Again they may have tried to treat me differently since I was a gringo but I'm not sure why they are so hard ass there compared to Medellin.

02-07-21, 14:02
had my dental implants repaired,I'm thinking about traveling for some dental work coupled with some fun. What dentist did you use and were you happy with their work?

02-07-21, 16:00
This was a great weekend Trip, banged many chicas and had my dental implants repaired, Pollo Negro is out!Wow they all look great. Any chance you could share contacts?

02-07-21, 20:04
I flew to Santa Marta last weekend. All I had was a copy of my boarding pass and passport of course and nothing more on my phone. As I went thru the line to enter the airport terminal they told me I needed some app and I don't think it was checkmig. I said I'm just going to Santa Marta for the weekend. She was distracted by others and waved me through. After that there were no more questions. I figured since I'm a gringo she thought I was leaving the country and needed something else maybe it was checkmig I dunno.

Be sure to take a paper photocopy of your passport to get access to the beach. It's a very strange and useless covid thing they are doing there. My hotel told me I had to use an app to get a beach reservation but the app never worked and I had no isssue just showing the paper copy of my passport. If you carry your phone to the beach which I don't you could probably use a photo of your passport.

If you fly Viva Air be aware they are sticklers about carry-on luggage coming back to Medellin. I flew to Santa Marta with both a backpack and a small duffle bag with no questions asked. When I tried to return the same way they wanted me to pay for the second item. After a long discussion I had to stuff my backpack into my duffle bag to only have one item still under 10 kg. I carried a folder, laptop and a book separately and that was ok but no second bag allowed LOL. Again they may have tried to treat me differently since I was a gringo but I'm not sure why they are so hard ass there compared to Medellin.I checked the Avianca website to see what their requirements were for domestic air travel and it says you have to utilize the Corona App putting in your flight and then report once a day in the Corona App for fourteen days upon arrival at your destination. I'm still not sure if this APP will work with a foreign cell number and if this is all true I find it disturbing being potentially tracked by Big Brother and I won't be signing up for it. And totally weird needing a reservation to go the beach in Santa Marta, so I'm assuming you could walk along the Malecon?

And your information about Viva Air is good for others to know. They totally suck as far as I am concerned, worse than Spirit, it's almost like you have to pay to use the restroom.

My biggest concern is taking a domestic flight and being denied entry into the airport because I don't have their APP, there must be a work around for this. What happens to those who don't have smart phones.

Hopefully others can shed some light on this.

02-07-21, 20:07
I don't have a Colombian number and I have the app on my phone and it works no problem.

As far as I am aware you don't need the app to travel, unless that has changed in the last few weeks.Can you expand on how you have used the APP, did you take a domestic flight and utilize it to gain access to the Airport, by reporting your flight on it. Any information would be helpful.

02-07-21, 20:11
I flew to Santa Marta last weekend. All I had was a copy of my boarding pass and passport of course and nothing more on my phone. As I went thru the line to enter the airport terminal they told me I needed some app and I don't think it was checkmig. I said I'm just going to Santa Marta for the weekend. She was distracted by others and waved me through. After that there were no more questions. I figured since I'm a gringo she thought I was leaving the country and needed something else maybe it was checkmig I dunno.

Be sure to take a paper photocopy of your passport to get access to the beach. It's a very strange and useless covid thing they are doing there. My hotel told me I had to use an app to get a beach reservation but the app never worked and I had no isssue just showing the paper copy of my passport. If you carry your phone to the beach which I don't you could probably use a photo of your passport.

If you fly Viva Air be aware they are sticklers about carry-on luggage coming back to Medellin. I flew to Santa Marta with both a backpack and a small duffle bag with no questions asked. When I tried to return the same way they wanted me to pay for the second item. After a long discussion I had to stuff my backpack into my duffle bag to only have one item still under 10 kg. I carried a folder, laptop and a book separately and that was ok but no second bag allowed LOL. Again they may have tried to treat me differently since I was a gringo but I'm not sure why they are so hard ass there compared to Medellin.Same here, I did a ten day trip mid January, landed in Barranquilla, from there went to Medellin then ended in Cali. I saw a few people got moved to the side because they didn't have the app, but I was let in once I showed my passport they probably thought I was flying internationally.

Mojo Bandit
02-07-21, 20:24
Yikes I need to up my game, those are some cuties, While the first photo is a contact of mine in Medellin the photo of the two chicas in Santa Marta I pulled off some guys travel blog LOL, I just copied your ideal that a post with photos would get more attention.

I flew to Santa Marta last weekend. All I had was a copy of my boarding pass and passport of course and nothing more on my phone. As I went thru the line to enter the airport terminal they told me I needed some app and I don't think it was checkmig. I said I'm just going to Santa Marta for the weekend. She was distracted by others and waved me through. After that there were no more questions. I figured since I'm a gringo she thought I was leaving the country and needed something else maybe it was checkmig I dunno.

Thank you Lucky Nuts, I think this pretty much answers the original question. I would imagine that if you needed something to travel domestically that they would ask yo about it when you are boarding? Does this make sense to everyone reading this?

02-07-21, 20:33
Hello gents,

I'm flying into MDE tonight will be there until the 15th, anybody want to grab a drink or do the street / casa scene? Share some stories.I'll be getting into Medellin on Feb 10, if you want to get a beer and share some stories / info. Send me a PM.

02-07-21, 20:45
While the first photo is a contact of mine in Medellin the photo of the two chicas in Santa Marta I pulled off some guys travel blog LOL, I just copied your ideal that a post with photos would get more attention.Yes I like them a little rough along the edges and the pictures of the Chicas you posted are not my cup of tea, but I know some other guys wouldn't kick my little sweetheart in Santa Marta to the curb, albeit having to have a reservation to go to the beach and potential air travel hassles is damping my mood to fly there. I get messages from her daily and she's a nasty thing.

Mr Enternational
02-07-21, 22:03
I would imagine that if you needed something to travel domestically that they would ask yo about it when you are boarding? Does this make sense to everyone reading this?Nope. They would ask you for it way before that. For examples, if you need a visa or covid test, you are asked for it when you check in and before you have gone through security.

02-08-21, 02:17
This was a great weekend Trip, banged many chicas and had my dental implants repaired, Pollo Negro is out!Great pictures but, did you go to Colombia for dental work?

02-08-21, 03:22
For those of you who have the Charles Schwab debit card, which ATMs do you use for the best rates? Also if you could include whether or not you accept the provided currency exchange rate, much thanks!

Mr Enternational
02-08-21, 04:27
For those of you who have the Charles Schwab debit card, which ATMs do you use for the best rates? Also if you could include whether or not you accept the provided currency exchange rate, much thanks!Any machine. Do not accept the rate. I even fucked up last month and clicked yes on a $15 commission and $7.99 fee on a machine in Mexico and Schwab gave all of it back to me last week.

02-08-21, 04:31
For those of you who have the Charles Schwab debit card, which ATMs do you use for the best rates? Also if you could include whether or not you accept the provided currency exchange rate, much thanks!This kind of question gets raised all the time and people just don't understand how it works. (For US cardholders only, Europe is different and I can't pretend to know how their system works).

You get the Visa Exchange Rate when you withdraw money. So, if you go to a bank that charges a fee (BanColombia, Servibanca etc) you still get the Visa Exchange Rate but they charge a fee so you.

Get a little less, but, of course, Schwab reimburses those fees at the end of the month.

As far as banks that don't charge a fee (Colpatria, BBVA, Banco Pichincha, Banco Davivienda) you will get the same Visa Exchange Rate.

So what is the Visa Exchange Rate? It is set daily based on the international exchange transactions (XE.com will show you what the international exchange rate is at any moment in time). The Visa rate.

For the next day is set around midnight. It will be the same rate all day long because they only update it daily. On Friday night they set the rate for the weekend. It won't change until Monday at midnight.

Which means the rate stays the same for 3 days.

So, in theory if you look at the XE rate and you see the dollar is slumping you can withdraw funds and you will be better off than if you wait until the next day.

Next point you never, ever, not ever accept the currency exchange rate that the bank offers. If they offer it you say NO. Why? Because that rate is 5% (or more) less than the Visa Exchange Rate.

They ask this question because some uninformed people accept and it is just a give away.

That should about cover it.

Mr Enternational
02-08-21, 04:37
Another note, I currently have a 24 why / o gorgeous chica I met on Seeking arrangement coming over (I did a one month membership at a "discount" for $60). I asked her a price multiple times and she insist she isn't a prepago. Which could be true but still a little nervous because it's always something,You asked; she said she was not. Why do you have concerns about going on a regular date with her? I probably would not even have asked the first time. I just have normal conversations with people. If they are P4P then it will come out in the wash. I am flexible and am just looking for good times no matter how they come, but I know some guys are only looking for P4P.

02-08-21, 05:12
You asked; she said she was not. Why do you have concerns about going on a regular date with her? I probably would not even have asked the first time. I just have normal conversations with people. If they are P4P then it will come out in the wash. I am flexible and am just looking for good times no matter how they come, but I know some guys are only looking for P4P.Really? I go right for PFP. In my experience 99% are all down for it. Some look for boyfriends, but they all want the money and seem down for it if the deal is right.

Fun Luvr
02-08-21, 06:04
For those of you who have the Charles Schwab debit card, which ATMs do you use for the best rates? Also if you could include whether or not you accept the provided currency exchange rate, much thanks!I use Scotiabank Colpatria ATM's. They do not charge any fees, and you can withdraw 4,500,000 COP per day (five 900,000 withdrawals). I know Schwab will refund any fees charged by the banks as long as the fees are specified separate from the amount you receive, but I don't want to reward a bank for charging fees that other banks don't charge. BBVA does not charge fees, but their withdrawal limits are lower. Davivienda doesn't charge fees, but there have been reports that they will withdraw money from your account without dispensing any money. Maybe they have fixed that problem.

Lucky Nuts
02-08-21, 06:15
And totally weird needing a reservation to go the beach in Santa Marta, so I'm assuming you could walk along the Malecon?Here's the link my hotel told me I needed to use to make a beach reservation. It's suppose to work after midnight for visiting the beach that date. Never worked for me but I had no problem entering thru the checkpoint using just my passport photocopy.


I always go to Rodadero Beach near Santa Marta. They now have both the beach and the malecon fenced off so you need to enter thru a checkpoint. Beach road is closed to vehicular traffic and is now the pedestrian walkway. A couple cars are allowed for whatever special reasons along with the horse and buggy carriages.

02-08-21, 06:59
Davivienda doesn't charge fees, but there have been reports that they will withdraw money from your account without dispensing any money. Maybe they have fixed that problem.Reportedly there have recently been some issues with what's called "cash trapping" in Colombia. That may not be the problem, but is something to keep in mind.



02-08-21, 07:40
I use Scotiabank Colpatria ATM's. They do not charge any fees, and you can withdraw 4,500,000 COP per day (five 900,000 withdrawals). I know Schwab will refund any fees charged by the banks as long as the fees are specified separate from the amount you receive, but I don't want to reward a bank for charging fees that other banks don't charge. BBVA does not charge fees, but their withdrawal limits are lower. Davivienda doesn't charge fees, but there have been reports that they will withdraw money from your account without dispensing any money. Maybe they have fixed that problem.Can you go to banks with USD and exchange it?

I rather go to banks and get 100 mil notes.

02-08-21, 07:50
Great pictures but, did you go to Colombia for dental work?Yes and No, I came to Medellin to meet girls, in the process, I found out that many of the girls in Medellin had perfect teeth, I wanted to know how they did it and was introduced to a cosmetic dentist. I did a consult, got a price and the rest is history, I am more than satisfied with my results. Most of the people who see me in the US are amazed at the quality of work that the dentist in Medellin did, if you would like his information you'll have to PM me, if not a member then it will be difficult to make contact. There are many dentist you can see in Medellin, I am more than pleased with the once I was recommended. Hope this helped out a little bit, Pollo Negro is out!

02-08-21, 08:24
Can you go to banks with USD and exchange it?

I rather go to banks and get 100 mil notes.I suspect that Colombian banks, if they will do currency exchange will only do it for their account holders. From my research 2 years ago I found that US banks were all over the place with exchange rates. Huge differences.

If I need currency exchange in Medellin, I go to Oviedo mall. There are several Cambios and most have their current rate displayed, so you can compare without going inside.

100 mil notes? Give me 50's. They're easier to break so I can get enough small bills.

Fun Luvr
02-08-21, 16:26
Can you go to banks with USD and exchange it?

I rather go to banks and get 100 mil notes.I think you have to have an account at the bank in order to exchange USD's.

02-08-21, 18:48
These fotos after I was giving it to her straight up fucking and oral for about an hour, which pulls her lips out. She wanted me to tell you guys that she loves it if you enjoy looking at her pussy. I've asked her twice if she wanted me to put her contact info out there and she said no. But she gets turned on by the thought of a bunch of mongerers staring at her pussy. As you can see, she was happy to assist. She is very tight, and has good muscle control. I told her next I was going to "six-pack" her with one hand doggy style, my thumb in her ass and finger in her pussy at the same time, and she just giggled. More fotos to follow.

02-08-21, 20:42
This kind of question gets raised all the time and people just don't understand how it works. (For US cardholders only, Europe is different and I can't pretend to know how their system works).

You get the Visa Exchange Rate when you withdraw money. So, if you go to a bank that charges a fee (BanColombia, Servibanca etc) you still get the Visa Exchange Rate but they charge a fee so you.

Get a little less, but, of course, Schwab reimburses those fees at the end of the month.

As far as banks that don't charge a fee (Colpatria, BBVA, Banco Pichincha, Banco Davivienda) you will get the same Visa Exchange Rate.

So what is the Visa Exchange Rate? It is set daily based on the international exchange transactions (XE.com will show you what the international exchange rate is at any moment in time). The Visa rate.

For the next day is set around midnight. It will be the same rate all day long because they only update it daily. On Friday night they set the rate for the weekend. It won't change until Monday at midnight.

Which means the rate stays the same for 3 days.

So, in theory if you look at the XE rate and you see the dollar is slumping you can withdraw funds and you will be better off than if you wait until the next day.

Next point you never, ever, not ever accept the currency exchange rate that the bank offers. If they offer it you say NO. Why? Because that rate is 5% (or more) less than the Visa Exchange Rate.

They ask this question because some uninformed people accept and it is just a give away.

That should about cover it.Wait, so you're saying that I have an option of declining the conversion rate that the ATM displays? The ATM usually informs me that in addition to the flat fee (which Schwab reimburses) there is a 5-7% conversion fee. We can actually decline that and still get cash out of Colombian ATMs? I was under the impression that declining the rate means that you the transaction wouldn't be processed.

02-08-21, 20:54
You asked; she said she was not. Why do you have concerns about going on a regular date with her? I probably would not even have asked the first time. I just have normal conversations with people. If they are P4P then it will come out in the wash. I am flexible and am just looking for good times no matter how they come, but I know some guys are only looking for P4P.You are exactly right, It was a great time and up all night. I guess my biggest concern was this was 10 or 11 pm when she finally showed up. We had a blast though, no p4 p. Ill leave a good detailed trip report when I get back to the hotel. Currently in El Centro and just left Zendaya.

Orgasm Donor
02-08-21, 21:29
I was looking at prepago ads on Milroticos and Photoprepagos I am seeing ads for some top-tier looking prepagos for average 60,000 COP for an hour?! That's like $17.00 USD!

Is this for real? Have the prepagos really become this desparate? That really puts the pandemic into economic perspective for Colombia. WOW!

02-08-21, 21:42
This is how I understand it:

- 90-Day maximum stay.

- 180 days maximum in a calendar year.

- 90-Day permit can be extended online to 180 days.

My question is:

Can I leave the country on Day 90, and return for another 90, without applying for an extension? I believe the answer to be yes, but maybe some one knows for sure or has done this before.

My current apartment lease & my 90 days coincide. I was thinking about going to Brazil for a week or two, then coming back for another 3 months. Then, maybe looking into a longer-term visa option.

Has anyone tried the motels on Nutibara, just north of Calle 33? Golden Suites and Mocca Suit. I believe both have jacuzzi rooms. Not sure how the pricing compares to other options, nor if they have been reported on prior. Below is a copy / paste from Golden Suites' FB page...

Todos lo miercoles tenemos el 40% de descuento

Estos son LOS precios con el descuento aplicado.


Sencilla 27.000.
Baera. 33.000.
Turco. 33.000.
Jacuzzi 39.000.
Suite. 45.000.


Sencilla 33.000.
Baera 39.000.
Turco. 39.000.
Jacuzzi 45.000.
Suite 51.000.

Mr Enternational
02-08-21, 21:42
I was looking at prepago ads on Milroticos and Photoprepagos I am seeing ads for some top-tier looking prepagos for average 60,000 COP for an hour?! That's like $17.00 USD!

Is this for real? Have the prepagos really become this desparate? That really puts the pandemic into economic perspective for Colombia. WOW!That is not desperate. That is a normal price if you are a local. Foreigners have been paying a jacked up price for so long, that when they see the normal price they think something is wrong.

Mr Enternational
02-08-21, 21:46
Wait, so you're saying that I have an option of declining the conversion rate that the ATM displays? The ATM usually informs me that in addition to the flat fee (which Schwab reimburses) there is a 5-7% conversion fee. We can actually decline that and still get cash out of Colombian ATMs? I was under the impression that declining the rate means that you the transaction wouldn't be processed.LOL. Declining the rate does not mean declining the transaction. Accepting the rate means consenting to being ripped off.

Orgasm Donor
02-08-21, 21:46
I had some work done in Medellin, a crown and a couple fillings redone. At this particular office there must have been 5 or 6 chairs, a dentist working each one. So I wasn't sure of the skill of the dentist that was assigned to me. The fitting of the crown was just adequate. Maybe their strong point is cosmetic dentistry? Anyhow, fast forward a year I went to Tijuana to get a emergency root canal (try finding a San Diego dentist on a Saturday) got an appointment, root canal and permanent crown and was out of there in 5 hours! The really made it great was the crown was computer modeled in a machine and was a PERFECT FIT on the first try! That is the hard part with crowns is when you already been in the chair for hours and you are exhausted and doing that painfully tedious final fitting you have to live with. Just saying if you can find an office with computer modeled crowns that is the ticket. I don't know if they have that technology in Medellin yet. Oh, and in Tijuana it was $700. In the USA it could have been $7000.

Yes and No, I came to Medellin to meet girls, in the process, I found out that many of the girls in Medellin had perfect teeth, I wanted to know how they did it and was introduced to a cosmetic dentist. I did a consult, got a price and the rest is history, I am more than satisfied with my results. Most of the people who see me in the US are amazed at the quality of work that the dentist in Medellin did, if you would like his information you'll have to PM me, if not a member then it will be difficult to make contact. There are many dentist you can see in Medellin, I am more than pleased with the once I was recommended. Hope this helped out a little bit, Pollo Negro is out!

Steve 9696
02-08-21, 21:49
Wait, so you're saying that I have an option of declining the conversion rate that the ATM displays? The ATM usually informs me that in addition to the flat fee (which Schwab reimburses) there is a 5-7% conversion fee. We can actually decline that and still get cash out of Colombian ATMs? I was under the impression that declining the rate means that you the transaction wouldn't be processed.Yes. This is a worldwide thing not just Colombia. There are usually two options when you make a withdrawal. One is that the local bank does the conversion at a bad rate. The other is that YOUR bank does the conversion at the competitive spot rate more or less. They try to word it so it confuses you and you pick the wrong one imo!

You want the one that is something like "bill in Pesos" or whatever the local currency is. If you choose the one that is "convert USD" or whatever that's the local rip off. Read carefully. But in essence you want to withdrawal pesos billed in Pesos. Anything that is conversion or has USD on it is likely the bad one.

02-08-21, 21:50
I suspect that Colombian banks, if they will do currency exchange will only do it for their account holders. From my research 2 years ago I found that US banks were all over the place with exchange rates. Huge differences.

If I need currency exchange in Medellin, I go to Oviedo mall. There are several Cambios and most have their current rate displayed, so you can compare without going inside.

100 mil notes? Give me 50's. They're easier to break so I can get enough small bills.Bancolombia will exchange USD to COP for non-account holders, albeit they will hose you on the exchange rate.

02-08-21, 21:53
You really, really need to invest some time in reading the forum. There's a great deal you should learn before taking the plunge. Once you have a better grasp of the fundamentals you can ask targeted questions about specific subjects.

While you're at it do an honest assessment of what you want. What's your comfort zone? Not knowing the language or the country can be intimidating and frustrating. What's your ideal experience?

To answer your question, I usually pay around $60 for a girl I would consider comparable. Depending on my mood and schedule she'll stay from 1 to 4 hours, even longer at times.

Finding a girl on Tinder who will do pay for play is about as hard as finding a fat woman at an Alabama Walmart. There have been some safety concerns involving Tinder girls in recent years.

The only thing underground in Medellin are parking garages and the Grill Nueva strip club. Prostitution is mainstream.

My preferred source for women is Facebook. Scroll back through the messages and you'll find Nounce's post with a link to my post on how to get started.Really appreciate the reply. I will definitely spend some more time reading up on things in the forum. In general I am quite "adventurous" when it comes to new places and not knowing the language. I tried the p2 p scene in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and loved it.

Been to Ukraine and Thailand multiple times but Ukraine didn't blow my mind in terms of service and Thailand is getting stale at this point (been 7 times).

What I'm looking for is preferrably young girls (20-24) with pretty faces and decent bodies on a budget. Not necessarily because I don't have money but rather if I already decide to go on a mongering trip then I really want to go ham and have like 3-4 girls a day (if I have the power for it) and tip for good service. Not really feasible for me if the starting fees are already 100 USD plus for example.

Thats why I think Colombia might be a good fit for me if I don't end up getting robbed or stabbed.

Pretty face good hygiene and young age are really my only requirements.

Anyway I appreciate the help and will read up some more.

02-08-21, 22:00
This is how I understand it:

- 90-Day maximum stay.

- 180 days maximum in a calendar year.

- 90-Day permit can be extended online to 180 days.

My question is:

Can I leave the country on Day 90, and return for another 90, without applying for an extension? I believe the answer to be yes, but maybe some one knows for sure or has done this before.

My current apartment lease & my 90 days coincide. I was thinking about going to Brazil for a week or two, then coming back for another 3 months. Then, maybe looking into a longer-term visa option.Technically speaking, once you exit the Country, upon re-entering, you would not be able to extend your previous visa upon entry.

So I think your question is, and what you meant is, "upon leaving the Country, and returning back within a few weeks, is there going to be an issue with Migracion giving you another visa for 90 days. And I don't know the answer to that.

02-08-21, 22:04
I was looking at prepago ads on Milroticos and Photoprepagos I am seeing ads for some top-tier looking prepagos for average 60,000 COP for an hour?! That's like $17.00 USD!

Is this for real? Have the prepagos really become this desparate? That really puts the pandemic into economic perspective for Colombia. WOW!It is real: here is the screenshot of Whatsapp convo with Eros Spa (2 month ago before they started charging additional 10 K for the room) and some of the pictures they sent.
P.S. And that hour includes CBJ and 2 leches (if you can do it), 30K additional for BBBJ.

02-09-21, 00:02
Really appreciate the reply. I will definitely spend some more time reading up on things in the forum. In general I am quite "adventurous" when it comes to new places and not knowing the language. I tried the p2 p scene in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and loved it.

Pretty face good hygiene and young age are really my only requirements.

Anyway I appreciate the help and will read up some more.I kind of feel the same about the pretty faces younger and good hygiene. Can't blame those standards.

But. He does have a question the board might help with. I have been looking at Airbnbs and almost all now are "no prostitution" And that sucks, but that seems to be the most common policy. How to get around that? You can rent an airbnb for under 1 k easy for the month, but you are only doing incall at most of these places from the reading of things.

Even if this topic has been covered it is relevant as of 2021 so what is work around?

02-09-21, 00:20
It's all about the porteros or security. Just treat them well and you probably won't have an issue. Tell the girls to dress normal, not like a hooker. Maybe you meet them outside and accompany them in. When I rent, I always rent for two people. Be careful of buildings that limit the number of guests you can have in your time there.

I kind of feel the same about the pretty faces younger and good hygiene. Can't blame those standards.

But. He does have a question the board might help with. I have been looking at Airbnbs and almost all now are "no prostitution" And that sucks, but that seems to be the most common policy. How to get around that? You can rent an airbnb for under 1 k easy for the month, but you are only doing incall at most of these places from the reading of things.

Even if this topic has been covered it is relevant as of 2021 so what is work around?

02-09-21, 00:40
Yes. This is a worldwide thing not just Colombia. There are usually two options when you make a withdrawal. One is that the local bank does the conversion at a bad rate. The other is that YOUR bank does the conversion at the competitive spot rate more or less. They try to word it so it confuses you and you pick the wrong one imo!

You want the one that is something like "bill in Pesos" or whatever the local currency is. If you choose the one that is "convert USD" or whatever that's the local rip off. Read carefully. But in essence you want to withdrawal pesos billed in Pesos. Anything that is conversion or has USD on it is likely the bad one.Excellent explanation of a confusing process. Some ATMs will exit the transaction when you decline the offered rate. Most Bancolombia cajeros will carry out the transaction after you decline the USD conversion offered. But, some of their machines do not continue if you decline the conversion. It may be a software issue. Download the OANDA currency converter app to follow exchange and commission rates daily.

02-09-21, 00:43
I was looking at prepago ads on Milroticos and Photoprepagos I am seeing ads for some top-tier looking prepagos for average 60,000 COP for an hour?! That's like $17.00 USD!

Is this for real? Have the prepagos really become this desparate? That really puts the pandemic into economic perspective for Colombia. WOW!You're catching on. And, those rates are nothing new with the alleged virus problem. The economy here is weak to say the least. Have fun, show respect and gratitude, and don't be an ass.

02-09-21, 00:46
Bancolombia will exchange USD to COP for non-account holders, albeit they will hose you on the exchange rate.The cambiar houses are going for around 3250 to 1.

Chase is giving me the same once all the fees are added up.

I'the Banco Colombia offers the same rather change out the usd I have here.

02-09-21, 01:16
Excellent explanation of a confusing process. Some ATMs will exit the transaction when you decline the offered rate. Most Bancolombia cajeros will carry out the transaction after you decline the USD conversion offered. But, some of their machines do not continue if you decline the conversion. It may be a software issue. Download the OANDA currency converter app to follow exchange and commission rates daily.God, my dumb ass has been being ripped off consistently for the past year then. When I'm paying at a restaurant with my credit card I always decline the conversion, but didn't know I can decline for ATMs too. As you said, maybe I just need to try a few more that don't decline me if I reject the conversion.

02-09-21, 02:20
The cambiar houses are going for around 3250 to 1.

Chase is giving me the same once all the fees are added up.

I'the Banco Colombia offers the same rather change out the usd I have here.You will always get a better rate using an ATM versus exchanging USD in Colombia for Pesos. I understand some guys won't do that for personal reasons like a wife at home who handles the finances, guys not wanting anybody to be able to see the withdrawals being made, but in an emergency, such as the ATM cards not working, or being lost / stolen, it is always a good idea to have some USD while outside the USA. I personally have at least $ 2,000 in USD locked up in my security box, and carry two ATM's from different banks in case one doesn't work, and two credit cards as well, but unless I'm making a major purchase for something, I always pay in cash.

02-09-21, 03:16
I was looking at prepago ads on Milroticos and Photoprepagos I am seeing ads for some top-tier looking prepagos for average 60,000 COP for an hour?! That's like $17.00 USD!

Is this for real? Have the prepagos really become this desparate? That really puts the pandemic into economic perspective for Colombia. WOW!You probably need to recalibrate your top tier expectations. Both those sites are known for bait and switch, however 60 k is a reasonably easy price to find. There are some casas in Laureles that offer an hour for 60 k. El Centro casas are around 50 k for 30 minutes. You should have no trouble finding what you're looking for at 200 k or less. It all depends on what you're looking for and where you're looking.

02-09-21, 03:17
This is how I understand it:

- 90-Day maximum stay.

- 180 days maximum in a calendar year.

- 90-Day permit can be extended online to 180 days.

My question is:

Can I leave the country on Day 90, and return for another 90, without applying for an extension? I believe the answer to be yes, but maybe some one knows for sure or has done this before.

My current apartment lease & my 90 days coincide. I was thinking about going to Brazil for a week or two, then coming back for another 3 months. Then, maybe looking into a longer-term visa option..Yes, you can do that. I think technically you need to leave the country for a day to reset your 90 days.

02-09-21, 03:31
I kind of feel the same about the pretty faces younger and good hygiene. Can't blame those standards.

But. He does have a question the board might help with. I have been looking at Airbnbs and almost all now are "no prostitution" And that sucks, but that seems to be the most common policy. How to get around that? You can rent an airbnb for under 1 k easy for the month, but you are only doing incall at most of these places from the reading of things.

Even if this topic has been covered it is relevant as of 2021 so what is work around?There are plenty of options available. All depends on your price range. San Peter Apartments in Laureles is about $30 per night. They are chica friendly, although only one guest is allowed in your apartment at a time. All girls require a cedula.

There are hotels in El Centro which provide reasonable rooms for under $20 per night and you can probably make a deal for a month stay. At a higher level you can check out Lifeafar. They have a lot of options.

02-09-21, 03:44
Really appreciate the reply. I will definitely spend some more time reading up on things in the forum. In general I am quite "adventurous" when it comes to new places and not knowing the language. I tried the p2 p scene in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and loved it.

Been to Ukraine and Thailand multiple times but Ukraine didn't blow my mind in terms of service and Thailand is getting stale at this point (been 7 times).

What I'm looking for is preferrably young girls (20-24) with pretty faces and decent bodies on a budget. Not necessarily because I don't have money but rather if I already decide to go on a mongering trip then I really want to go ham and have like 3-4 girls a day (if I have the power for it) and tip for good service. Not really feasible for me if the starting fees are already 100 USD plus for example.

Thats why I think Colombia might be a good fit for me if I don't end up getting robbed or stabbed.

Pretty face good hygiene and young age are really my only requirements.

Anyway I appreciate the help and will read up some more.Your requirements shouldn't be a problem. Hygiene has never been a problem for me, although others have encountered some odor issues. Sending them to the shower when they arrive will usually fix any minor problems.

Age range also isn't a problem. There are always new girls coming on the scene. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the bodies and the faces.

Prices at the low end run about 60 k per hour and you will have almost unlimited options below 200 k. You can spend more, but it's not necessary. There's also no need to tip for good service. Although some of the casa girls ask for tips, Colombia really isn't a big tipping culture.

02-09-21, 04:23
This is the bank ATM I usually default to. Sadly I have never studied the conversion rate. Since it is pretty much in the park, I'd guess it is a high exchange. Anyone have any ideas?

Lucky Nuts
02-09-21, 04:27
I kind of feel the same about the pretty faces younger and good hygiene. Can't blame those standards.

But. He does have a question the board might help with. I have been looking at Airbnbs and almost all now are "no prostitution" And that sucks, but that seems to be the most common policy. How to get around that? You can rent an airbnb for under 1 k easy for the month, but you are only doing incall at most of these places from the reading of things.

Even if this topic has been covered it is relevant as of 2021 so what is work around?Energy Living is very guest friendly. There's a hotel named Haven Hotel or Haven A Design Hotel near Lleras that is very guest friendly. There are a couple small apartment rental outfits near Lleras one called Pablado Rentals and another called Victory Boutique both very guest friendly. And San Peter Apartments is a good and cheap chica guest friendly option if you don't mind staying in Laureles rather than in Pablado.

And of course there's always Hotel M aka the mansion. Their sister building located a block uphill "the castillo" is quieter than the main mansion building. You can "bring your own" chicas if you like rather than pulling from their bar.

Lucky Nuts
02-09-21, 04:35
Technically speaking, once you exit the Country, upon re-entering, you would not be able to extend your previous visa upon entry.

So I think your question is, and what you meant is, "upon leaving the Country, and returning back within a few weeks, is there going to be an issue with Migracion giving you another visa for 90 days. And I don't know the answer to that.Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question because it seems so simple to me. The policy is no more than 180 days per calendar year. I often come for a month or two then go home for a couple weeks or three and come back for another month or two. All that matters is no more than 180 total days per year in country. What am I missing here?

02-09-21, 04:50
So does anyone pack sex toys when they visit? The last few years I have come with a few lingerie outfits for chicas (mainly for my benefit) some handcuffs, vibrators, even have one girls that likes ball gags and anal toys. I have never been checked in my bags. I don't want to push my luck, or look like a sex toy shop exploded out of my bags. It's nothing illegal that you can't buy in any sex shop or on Amazon, but I don't like red flags or anything what will get me booted out or rejected from coming. I know they sell some of this stull locally, but if I have it, why buy it twice. Anyone run into uncomfortable searches or problems?

02-09-21, 07:07
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question because it seems so simple to me. The policy is no more than 180 days per calendar year. I often come for a month or two then go home for a couple weeks or three and come back for another month or two. All that matters is no more than 180 total days per year in country. What am I missing here?You understood it. The limit is 180 days per calendar year, although they only give 90 days for each entry. Every time you enter the country you have 90 days, unless 90 days will put you over 180. However, I don't know how closely they look at that. It's possible you're entrance stamp will give you more days than you can legally stay (for guys who spend a lot of time in Colombia).

If you want to maximize your stay, without applying for the 90 day extension, you just need to go to any other country for a day or more. Once you reenter you have another 90 days. Again, watch for the cumulative total. There is a fine for overstaying.

I do know that the math doesn't always work out. I entered for 90 days, extended for 90 days and then got a 6 month student visa, which expired 371 days after I originally entered.

02-09-21, 07:11
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question because it seems so simple to me. The policy is no more than 180 days per calendar year. I often come for a month or two then go home for a couple weeks or three and come back for another month or two. All that matters is no more than 180 total days per year in country. What am I missing here?That's exactly how it was on my first trip here in 2019. Pre-Covid. I get the sense that it is harder to extend the tourist visa now from 90 to 180 days because of Covid. You need some sort of reason. That is unverified. I am here one month to the day. Same thing happened to me last time. So much fucking fun, blinked twice, visa time used up. Jan 1 hits the reset button. I have not verified this info this trip yet other than I know I am on a 90 day visa at the present time.

Gratuitous Fotos.

Chica does not like me to take fotos because she is married but she is hot as fuck and she did my hair with a friend and more.

Mojo Bandit
02-09-21, 09:30
Really appreciate the reply. I will definitely spend some more time reading up on things in the forum.

Been to Ukraine and Thailand multiple times but Ukraine didn't blow my mind in terms of service and Thailand is getting stale at this point (been 7 times).

What I'm looking for is preferrably young girls (20-24) with pretty faces and decent bodies on a budget. Not necessarily because I don't have money but rather if I already decide to go on a mongering trip then I really want to go ham and have like 3-4 girls a day (if I have the power for it) and tip for good service. Not really feasible for me if the starting fees are already 100 USD plus for example.

Thats why I think Colombia might be a good fit for me if I don't end up getting robbed or stabbed.

.I would highly recommend going back to start reading at leas a year and a half ago but then skip from March 2020 to around October 2020 because we mongers were mostly locked out of the country. 100 USD more than anyone should be paying in Colombia for sure, I pay about 60 USD for the in call chicas off FB that come to my apartment, I think if you want to do 3-4 a day you may want to do the El Centro thing, you want to read posts by Surfer500, PolloNegro, Nounce, The Tall Man, I am not an El Centro regular so I can not speak from experience about the safety but it can be dangerous but those guys I listed know better.

02-09-21, 15:20
For those of you who have the Charles Schwab debit card, which ATMs do you use for the best rates? Also if you could include whether or not you accept the provided currency exchange rate, much thanks!Thats the only card I use when I travel. I have been using any ATM I want as the fees are refunded at the end of the month. Yes, there could be slightly better rates, but I am not splitting hairs here.

02-09-21, 17:23
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question because it seems so simple to me. The policy is no more than 180 days per calendar year. I often come for a month or two then go home for a couple weeks or three and come back for another month or two. All that matters is no more than 180 total days per year in country. What am I missing here?This is the policy as written, but where it get's murky depends on the timing of visits during the calendar year, how many calendar days of each visit, and upon entering the Country, does the immigration officer tabulate how many days the visitor has already spent in the Country, and / or does their system automatically have a total for this. I'm sure others have had experience with this, such as not being issued a 90 day visa on arrival but for something less most probably happening when arriving in the last quarter of the year as they have already spent a lot of time in the Country. In other words hypothetically a visitor has already visited the Country for say 120 days during the year arrives in November, technically he should not be given a 90 day visa, but I wonder how "loose" the Colombian immigration tracking system is. Sometimes it's almost as though the officers swipe your Passport, no red flags, put in a stamp in it, mark 90 days on it, and the waive the next person forward.

02-09-21, 18:06
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question because it seems so simple to me. The policy is no more than 180 days per calendar year. I often come for a month or two then go home for a couple weeks or three and come back for another month or two. All that matters is no more than 180 total days per year in country. What am I missing here?

Yes, you can do that. I think technically you need to leave the country for a day to reset your 90 days.Thanks. I think I'm clear. I just didn't want to run into any unexpected issues upon return, if I decide to leave. If I stay past 90 days, I need an extension or other visa. If I exit prior to the 91st day, the only thing to worry about at that point is the 180-day per calendar year maximum.

Husker Dude
02-09-21, 18:14
So does anyone pack sex toys when they visit? The last few years I have come with a few lingerie outfits for chicas (mainly for my benefit) some handcuffs, vibrators, even have one girls that likes ball gags and anal toys. I have never been checked in my bags. I don't want to push my luck, or look like a sex toy shop exploded out of my bags. It's nothing illegal that you can't buy in any sex shop or on Amazon, but I don't like red flags or anything what will get me booted out or rejected from coming. I know they sell some of this stull locally, but if I have it, why buy it twice. Anyone run into uncomfortable searches or problems?I've always brought vibrators on my trips both to Medellin and Dominican Republic, sometimes 2 toys, never a problem in 10 years, multiple trips per year. Chicas love them!

02-09-21, 20:18
Really appreciate the reply. I will definitely spend some more time reading up on things in the forum. In general I am quite "adventurous" when it comes to new places and not knowing the language. I tried the p2 p scene in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and loved it.

Been to Ukraine and Thailand multiple times but Ukraine didn't blow my mind in terms of service and Thailand is getting stale at this point (been 7 times).

What I'm looking for is preferrably young girls (20-24) with pretty faces and decent bodies on a budget. Not necessarily because I don't have money but rather if I already decide to go on a mongering trip then I really want to go ham and have like 3-4 girls a day (if I have the power for it) and tip for good service. Not really feasible for me if the starting fees are already 100 USD plus for example..I think you need to be prepared to modify your expectations for a first time visitor to Medellin in expecting to bang 3-4 girls a day. This is easily 100% doable, no problem, but depending on your criteria for the girls, the surrounding (s), language issues, mongering venue's locations, etc. You may not achieve this. If you have a high bar for the quality of the girls, and a low tolerance in a questionable environment, and no Spanish speaking skills, El Centro will probably disappoint you, and it does for most. The first visit for most guys is a total eye opener and there is a wealth of information here, but a lot of the posts are piled high and deep including mine.

02-09-21, 21:20
Context: Second time in Colombia, first time I didn't really monger. I can pass for Colombian and speak very good Spanish, but I def don't have that paisa accent so if I talk they know I'm farang.

Friday afternoon got to my Airbnb with a large lovely terrace, no door man, just a few blocks from Lleras. Shortly after my first girl came, a member who I contacted went above and beyond the call of duty to hook me up with a sexy 19 yr old with a natural body, taller, long hair, small but nice breasts. This guy is like the patron saint of ISG MDE, like Juan from CDMX, or Captain from Tijuana. She was the best deal of the weekend including BBBJ, 150 k COP dos leches. Later that afternoon I went to Lleras and met up with an ISG member. A guy who loves SA, he gets a real good GFE from it. We were walking down calle 10 at close to midnight and a group of transsexuals playfully grabbed his phone from his pants and scattered. We confronted them but there were several and they ran like roaches. I spoke to several working girls who have been robbed by transsexuals, don't let them get anywhere near you! Lleras started to die after midnight. Sadly. Found a sexy tall Venezuelan morena, she was 21,250 K but I after a few positions she started to bleed (period), so I said no finish me in the mouth and Ill give you 150, she didn't want to do BBBJ so we CBJ CIM. We talked a lot about love and relationships after, she has the most flawless skin.

Saturday: Went to El Centro because I wanted to be an RN and earn the badge of Centro Rat and fuck a girl for $10. You gringos who go here. Damn respect this place is wild, densely packed with scary faces, I would say don't go here, why? In Tijuana ZN there are 3-5 decent SW out of 50 but here I saw* maybe 3 out of hundreds. I was told by my girls that they never go. But as for me I will go back with my burner phone and wallet see if anything looks fun, I will be doing more for the thrill of the experience rather than just sex. At around 11 pm me and SA dude went to Gustos, wow people talk shit about it but it's the bomb, got a few contacts from here. Even if I was gay this place is just fun atmosphere, like a brothel in disguise. With hot girls dancing like its a regular club, these no pressure, drinks are good though expensive for Colombia. Lots of hot girls but they are very much pros, not innocent at all one girl quoted me 400 k. I will def go back to Gustos next weekend just to flit and tease girls" Estoy enamorado pero no tengo dinero que hacemos", LOL? Back at Lleras around midnight SA guy and I chased after this sexy piasa with a gold dress, long legs, long black girl, pierced nipples, 21,300 K CBJ. She was the most passionate of the weekend. She really enjoyed making out and said she liked my body (lies).

Sunday: Called a Gustos girl from the night before. One that SA guy number closed, she was 22.300 k* BBBJ, she was with me for like 3 hours, she was a pro, very plastic (not my type), but all these long sessions with girls got me drained! These four sessions were long sweaty and intense. Not quickies, I was disappointed at my stamina and she was very patient with me. Afterwards we smoked a blunt she brought on my large terrace, I don't really smoke and got super high LOL, getting high with prostitutes in MDE at my airbnb, the moment was surreal. Damn we had so much conversation, I got to know her, her life, and all about Gustos.

With all girls I showered before and after, I would never bareback a prostitute, some of you are wild!* Drank with all of them. After being with just four and having all the poison drained I feel more compassion for them. I helped some of them get more clients in the little time I was here. Word of mouth is powerful, that's why I use these forums. All girls on all mediums have asked from 150-400 with 250 being the average. Damn Colombia might have the hottest girls in the world. Ill be on the hot train going downtown and see dimes hotter than anywhere, but they are all non-working girls. #1 advice is learn Spanish to make a connection with the girl and treat them with love. When I was in Thailand learning a few phrase to flirt with working girls and civies got me far! Monday was a rest day, today I am back at it again.

Be clean, stay nasty.

02-09-21, 21:23
I was leaving CTG in Dec and they asked to open my bag, which was my only bag / carry on. I had some handcuffs, play not real. Showed them they were not real but they still took them. They said not permitted on the plane.

So does anyone pack sex toys when they visit? The last few years I have come with a few lingerie outfits for chicas (mainly for my benefit) some handcuffs, vibrators, even have one girls that likes ball gags and anal toys. I have never been checked in my bags. I don't want to push my luck, or look like a sex toy shop exploded out of my bags. It's nothing illegal that you can't buy in any sex shop or on Amazon, but I don't like red flags or anything what will get me booted out or rejected from coming. I know they sell some of this stull locally, but if I have it, why buy it twice. Anyone run into uncomfortable searches or problems?

02-09-21, 21:35
So does anyone pack sex toys when they visit? The last few years I have come with a few lingerie outfits for chicas (mainly for my benefit) some handcuffs, vibrators, even have one girls that likes ball gags and anal toys. I have never been checked in my bags. I don't want to push my luck, or look like a sex toy shop exploded out of my bags. It's nothing illegal that you can't buy in any sex shop or on Amazon, but I don't like red flags or anything what will get me booted out or rejected from coming. I know they sell some of this stull locally, but if I have it, why buy it twice. Anyone run into uncomfortable searches or problems?All the time. At first I used to be uncomfortable and would pack them in a checked bag worried about the screener judging me and getting pulled to the side. It's never happened. I imagine now TSA screeners are desensitized. I remember one time heading to Thailand with w all kinds of toys and condoms. I'll never forget how wide the TSA lady's eyes got. I was thinking yep. That's probably my bag. Funniest shit ever to see and I had to keep from busting out laughing.

02-09-21, 23:18
Thats the only card I use when I travel. I have been using any ATM I want as the fees are refunded at the end of the month. Yes, there could be slightly better rates, but I am not splitting hairs here.This is what I do. Open an account with Bancolombia or any other bank and when you open it let them know that you are a foreigner but want to send money to yourself from usa or wherever you live. Ask them to open the account that does not charge you monthly maintenance fee. Meaning a savings account. If you want to travel to Colombia then all you have to do is having someone to send you money from USA to that account. In my personal case I am friends with the lady that has an agency to send money and works for a western union or vigo agency. I only keep sending to that account no more than 300 dollars each time. I just sent her a text message and she sends me money to my bancolombia card. That is the best way to obtain a good exchange rate and to keep your money safe. If you loose your wallet you just go to the bank and request a replacement. If they thieves take your money they won't take more than the 300 dollars that you have there. I hope this helps. I have city card and capital one that works also there but I prefer to use the bancolombia card to get cash.

02-09-21, 23:45
I even offered her a high starting point. Wtf is going on with these fb chicas.

I'm always one to say spend what you want. But there is a market price for certain types of girls.

Fb chicas should be 300 at most if she's hot.

I have had to pay in the 400 range for a really hot one. It's getting worse by the day. Rather go to la isla and just pay 2-300 usd for a dime.

Mr Enternational
02-10-21, 00:19
I even offered her a high starting point. Wtf is going on with these fb chicas.

I'm always one to say spend what you want. But there is a market price for certain types of girls.

Fb chicas should be 300 at most if she's hot.

I have had to pay in the 400 range for a really hot one. It's getting worse by the day.Nothing but the chickens coming home to roost. Y'all asked for it and that is what y'all are getting. Hindsight will be 20/20 on what does and does not affect the market. Let the good times roll, big spenders! Oh NOW there is a market price for certain girls? But back home it would cost... LOL.

02-10-21, 00:22
Nothing but the chickens coming home to roost. Y'all asked for it and that is what y'all are getting. Hindsight will be 20/20 on what does and does not affect the market. Let the good times roll, big spenders!Soon these guys will price themselves out of their own budget and go to centro and offer 30-40 k girls 2-300 mil. Smfh.

02-10-21, 00:31
I even offered her a high starting point. Wtf is going on with these fb chicas.

I'm always one to say spend what you want. But there is a market price for certain types of girls.

Fb chicas should be 300 at most if she's hot.

I have had to pay in the 400 range for a really hot one. It's getting worse by the day. Rather go to la isla and just pay 2-300 usd for a dime.You pay what you choose to pay, if you loved the experience then it was a good investment. I have some good news though, they finally caught the centro theft gang and sentenced them also. Absolutely proud that the Colombian authorities apprehended these thieves, via video surveillance and by the past Monday the entire gang was sentenced to 18 months. Karma & cameras are a WG. It will deter future gangs from targeting gringos in parque botero and parque Berrios. Pollo negro is out!

02-10-21, 00:49
You pay what you choose to pay, if you loved the experience then it was a good investment. I have some good news though, they finally caught the centro theft gang and sentenced them also. Absolutely proud that the Colombian authorities apprehended these thieves, via video surveillance and by the past Monday the entire gang was sentenced to 18 months. Karma & cameras are a WG. It will deter future gangs from targeting gringos in parque botero and parque Berrios. Pollo negro is out!I agree. People can pay what they want.

But when a fb girl starts asking for 200-300 usd many guys including the ones paying it are going to price themselves out in the future.

I'll pay 300-500 usd for a real model but for a fb girl? No shot.

02-10-21, 01:08
You pay what you choose to pay, if you loved the experience then it was a good investment. I have some good news though, they finally caught the centro theft gang and sentenced them also. Absolutely proud that the Colombian authorities apprehended these thieves, via video surveillance and by the past Monday the entire gang was sentenced to 18 months. Karma & cameras are a WG. It will deter future gangs from targeting gringos in parque botero and parque Berrios. Pollo negro is out!Good news for sure, but a bit misleading, because they will never catch them all!, and I doubt it's going to deter any thug thinking punk, with others only getting 18 months, but if I'm wrong at least we have 18 months of safe play, before they return, travel safe and have fun guys.

02-10-21, 01:15
I even offered her a high starting point. Wtf is going on with these fb chicas.

I'm always one to say spend what you want. But there is a market price for certain types of girls.

Fb chicas should be 300 at most if she's hot.

I have had to pay in the 400 range for a really hot one. It's getting worse by the day. Rather go to la isla and just pay 2-300 usd for a dime.No quiero dos dias contigo amor, solo un rato.

All I can say is you're talking to the wrong ones.

02-10-21, 01:20
I even offered her a high starting point. Wtf is going on with these fb chicas.

I'm always one to say spend what you want. But there is a market price for certain types of girls.

Fb chicas should be 300 at most if she's hot.

I have had to pay in the 400 range for a really hot one. It's getting worse by the day. Rather go to la isla and just pay 2-300 usd for a dime.Wow. I must be working in a different pool of data than you are. I always throw my offer up front, tell them how long, what I want, usually 2 pumps at least. Then I show some pics of some kinky sex that I like and they either agree or pad a few more bucks on and then I decide or decline accordingly. 150-200 mil for 1-2 hours max (in my experience) on FB, and even 300-350 mil can get all night in a lot of cases. Even chicks that want 300 mil for 3-4 hours is pushing it for me. And you always remember that they are going to throw that taxi crap on you at the end, so I already have the capped off from my base offer because I know its coming. But I have had a couple want absurd money like that, but I just laugh at them and tell them to message me if they change their mind. And often they will a few days later. That's crazy prices for 700. And I sure home he ain't talking USD! Haha.

02-10-21, 01:26
I agree. People can pay what they want.

But when a fb girl starts asking for 200-300 usd many guys including the ones paying it are going to price themselves out in the future.

I'll pay 300-500 usd for a real model but for a fb girl? No shot.My favorite are the ones that send you the price chart photo. And of course its ridiculous numbers and all in USD. Haha.

02-10-21, 01:54
I agree. People can pay what they want.

But when a fb girl starts asking for 200-300 usd many guys including the ones paying it are going to price themselves out in the future.

I'll pay 300-500 usd for a real model but for a fb girl? No shot.Anyone can pay what they want, the right price for a FB chica is 150-200 mil in MDE. Maybe add 20-30 mil taxi / tips if desired.

Why? That is at or above above the casas, and the mileroticos and photoprepagos sites and most local dudes are paying 60 mil. Many have mentioned this price here, and JJbee and others have even put in the exact verbiage they use to help punters negotiate, but too many guys think with their little head and want to bid it up and get ahead of the crowd, well there is no end to that game and eventually you have chicas getting it in their head that x or why is the right price. Just the way it goes.

That said if you want to be successful, you have to move with the times, and I did see resistance to 150 mil last time I was there, my regulars I didn't even discuss price and they just accepted the 150 plus propina I paid, but the newer acquaintances were pushing for 200 mil. I did not have to 250 mil. But this was just before the pandemic. I don't know if its changed dramatically since.

02-10-21, 02:10
Anyone can pay what they want, the right price for a FB chica is 150-200 mil in MDE. Maybe add 20-30 mil taxi / tips if desired.

Why? That is at or above above the casas, and the mileroticos and photoprepagos sites and most local dudes are paying 60 mil. Many have mentioned this price here, and JJbee and others have even put in the exact verbiage they use to help punters negotiate, but too many guys think with their little head and want to bid it up and get ahead of the crowd, well there is no end to that game and eventually you have chicas getting it in their head that x or why is the right price. Just the way it goes.

That said if you want to be successful, you have to move with the times, and I did see resistance to 150 mil last time I was there, my regulars I didn't even discuss price and they just accepted the 150 plus propina I paid, but the newer acquaintances were pushing for 200 mil. I did not have to 250 mil. But this was just before the pandemic. I don't know if its changed dramatically since.I was never grandfathered into the 150 mil.

When I first started it was 200 mil. I do live very far for many of these girls. And round trip taxi can be upwards of 40 mil.

With that said 200 with taxi is still doable.

But it seems like all the hotter ones are definitely going insane on prices and even a couple I don't even consider that hot going off the rails.

02-10-21, 02:27
This is what I do. Open an account with Bancolombia or any other bank and when you open it let them know that you are a foreigner but want to send money to yourself from usa or wherever you live. Ask them to open the account that does not charge you monthly maintenance fee. Meaning a savings account. If you want to travel to Colombia then all you have to do is having someone to send you money from USA to that account.So if I have this correct, you're saying that you can walk into any Colombian bank, inform them that your a foreigner (hard to believe they wouldn't know) , and be able to open a savings account with no maintenance fees. This is not as easy as you think. Bancolombia has no "free" savings accounts as they charge monthly maintenance fees along with other fees, and being able to make a direct transfer from an American bank to a Colombian bank requires that the USA bank has an existing relationship with the Colombian bank. Wells Fargo has a relationship with Bancolombia with strict dollar amount transfer limits and I bank with them in Colombia and WF in the USA, and it took me a few months to get set up to do this, as they needed to confirm the accounts on both ends. And at the end of the day the exchange rate was so bad I never utilized it, so I would just pull money out of my USA accounts with my ATM cards and deposit into my Bancolombia account.

Additionally, no Colombian bank will allow a foreigner to open a bank account without a Colombian Cedula, with the one exception I'm aware of, where a foreigner can open an account with their Passport, which I did as a student at EAFIT in the Bancolombia branch at the University. If any foreigner shows up with their Passport at a Colombian bank expecting to be able to open a bank account, it's highly unlikely there going to be able to do so.

So if you have done what you say you've done, which bank in the USA was it, and to which bank was the money transferred to in Colombia, as this would be very helpful for others to know.

02-10-21, 02:57
I even offered her a high starting point. Wtf is going on with these fb chicas.

I'm always one to say spend what you want. But there is a market price for certain types of girls.

Fb chicas should be 300 at most if she's hot.

I have had to pay in the 400 range for a really hot one. It's getting worse by the day. Rather go to la isla and just pay 2-300 usd for a dime.300 K COP for how long?

02-10-21, 02:59
Anyone has any recommendations for places that are good for dating? I plan to take a SA girl on 2/14 but don't know where to do during the day time?

02-10-21, 04:19
Is seeking arrangements any good in Medellin? Seeing a few girls on there that looked better than what I would normally come across the last time I visited.



I also saw two dime pieces in the Bogota section as well. Let's say I wanted to visit Medellin for a week or two and use the website to basically rent a GF for that time period, good website to arrange such a thing or no?

02-10-21, 04:54
Nothing but the chickens coming home to roost. Y'all asked for it and that is what y'all are getting. Hindsight will be 20/20 on what does and does not affect the market. Let the good times roll, big spenders! Oh NOW there is a market price for certain girls? But back home it would cost... LOL.Yup. In a country where the typical person makes about $250 USD a month, guys are insane to pay these prices.

02-10-21, 05:43
This will be my first time ever in a Latin country and my Spanish is very minimal but I've read a good amount of this board and watched some youtube videos. Excited to go and test my luck! With that being said anyone mind sharing a couple of reliable curvy fb chicas?

Lucky Nuts
02-10-21, 05:43
So does anyone pack sex toys when they visit? The last few years I have come with a few lingerie outfits for chicas (mainly for my benefit) some handcuffs, vibrators, even have one girls that likes ball gags and anal toys. I have never been checked in my bags. I don't want to push my luck, or look like a sex toy shop exploded out of my bags. It's nothing illegal that you can't buy in any sex shop or on Amazon, but I don't like red flags or anything what will get me booted out or rejected from coming. I know they sell some of this stull locally, but if I have it, why buy it twice. Anyone run into uncomfortable searches or problems?My checked suitcase got flagged for screening on my way to Medellin early January. It contained about 50 pieces of assorted lingerie I buy from China on Ebay for a dollar or two each. Also had a few blindfolds in there and one was a super bright pink one. They placed that bright pink blindfold on top of the notification paper they always slap inside the suitcase when it's flagged. Cracked me up! I could only imagine how much fun and laughs they had as they searched my bag.

Another time a couple years ago after a one week trip here and they completely took apart my carry on suitcase at the MDE airport checkpoint into the secured area. Probably got flagged for coming and going so often. I'll never forget how they took a screwdriver to the wheels on the bottom to see if the hubs would pop out. Inside the roller bag I did have a small vibrator. Again they surprised me instead of just setting it aside they turned it on to make sure it was in fact an operational vibrator.

We are not doing anything wrong here. We are putting lots of cash into the economy here to those who need it most. All the focus in airport searches is for narcotics as it should be. Relax Kavin!

Lucky Nuts
02-10-21, 06:16
I even offered her a high starting point. Wtf is going on with these fb chicas.

I'm always one to say spend what you want. But there is a market price for certain types of girls.

Fb chicas should be 300 at most if she's hot.

I have had to pay in the 400 range for a really hot one. It's getting worse by the day. Rather go to la isla and just pay 2-300 usd for a dime.I don't know this chica and only have two mutuals with her. But I know and see many of the most popular (hottest) FB chicas. The going rate is 200 mil plus Ubers for the hot (thin and pretty) ones. The less hot ones (thicker chicas) will visit for 150 mil plus Ubers. I only know one chica that refuses to visit for 250 mil total including Ubers. I was going to post her name but rather not give her exposure to the big spenders. Should add I only ask for 1. 5 hours and one leche at this price. I'm usually more anxious for them to leave than they are at that point.

And if you're closer in age to them than I am and willing to provide the party favors they all ask about I would think the price is lower than 200 mil plus Ubers and and they would stay a good long while.

02-10-21, 07:41
I don't know this chica and only have two mutuals with her. But I know and see many of the most popular (hottest) FB chicas. The going rate is 200 mil plus Ubers for the hot (thin and pretty) ones. The less hot ones (thicker chicas) will visit for 150 mil plus Ubers. I only know one chica that refuses to visit for 250 mil total including Ubers. I was going to post her name but rather not give her exposure to the big spenders. Should add I only ask for 1. 5 hours and one leche at this price. I'm usually more anxious for them to leave than they are at that point.

And if you're closer in age to them than I am and willing to provide the party favors they all ask about I would think the price is lower than 200 mil plus Ubers and and they would stay a good long while.The real hot ones and again this is based on my taste are all not even using fb anymore. They're using Instagram and only fans.

The ones that are readily available now for me anyway, are not worth my time or money. But to each their own.

02-10-21, 08:05
I don't know this chica and only have two mutuals with her. But I know and see many of the most popular (hottest) FB chicas. The going rate is 200 mil plus Ubers for the hot (thin and pretty) ones. The less hot ones (thicker chicas) will visit for 150 mil plus Ubers.My only rebuttal is assuming that every monger views skinny European chicas as Hot and all thicker girls as less hot. I really think when some BM's post these statements they are projecting the kind of girls they like on the individual who reads the post. I do not want a skinny petite little woman. I want a big butt and I cannot lie! Pollo Negro is out!

02-10-21, 09:53
They may not have the smallest asses or tightest pussies or Dream Queen Cum Bodies, but they fuck for real and they have personality and enthusiasm and that can make all the difference. And when the lights are off you ain't goin' by looks, just by feel. Oh yeah, and they fuck for free.

02-10-21, 12:06
Multiple posters have suggested that FB pricing had changed since the covid lockdown. In my opinion, with lockdown thinning monger numbers it should be the opposite. Anyways, I am seeing more than a few good looking paisa girls on mileroticos ask 60 k to 150 k. Some of these girls are way hotter than FB girls. I think the platform enables pricing. Yesterday I was chatting with a girl who was at best 6 or7 on FB and she asked for 300 K. LOL.

02-10-21, 13:35
I even offered her a high starting point. Wtf is going on with these fb chicas.

I'm always one to say spend what you want. But there is a market price for certain types of girls.

Fb chicas should be 300 at most if she's hot.

I have had to pay in the 400 range for a really hot one. It's getting worse by the day. Rather go to la isla and just pay 2-300 usd for a dime.LOL. Welcome to someone who doesn't need your money. My bet is she is probably making pretty damn good money not fucking anyone. Thanks to selling videos and pics and that bullshit. Screw the guys payiing for that shit. Bye bye medellin market. Enjoy medellin while you can folks. Tiimes change and even the big spenders will one day realize they've been outspent by others.

Lucky for me I prefer the less "attractive" "thick" girls who come over for 150 k.

Mr Enternational
02-10-21, 14:03
The going rate is 200 mil plus Ubers for the hot (thin and pretty) ones.

The real hot ones... They're using Instagram and only fans.

LOL. Welcome to someone who doesn't need your money. My bet is she is probably making pretty damn good money not fucking anyone. I think you are talking about the super hot ones. They will come, but only when summoned by bat signal.

Mr Enternational
02-10-21, 17:17
My buddy just sent me an article where 5 Americans were robbed inside of their Poblado hotel just before 6 am Monday. The robbers were dressed as law enforcement. It leaves several unanswered questions. I would assume there were room invasions seeing the time it was and the things they got away with. 2 passports, $6200, $52,600 in jewelry (why even bring that to the country), and $8400 worth of cell phones and clothes.

This is why I do not answer fixed phones or doors if I am not expecting anyone. A few weeks ago in the Domimican Republic I was staying in an airbnb and someone kept knocking on the door one night. I was not saying a word to let anyone know I was inside. My girlfriend kept trying to go answer the door. I finally had to snatch her ass after I kept telling her not to but she kept insisting. The next day I found that it turned out to be the landlord that was looking for a key. MF you better send a message in whatsapp. Don't just come banging on the door for 1 hour. Even in the States I don't answer my door without a gun in hand; this story is exactly why.


Black Page
02-10-21, 17:33
Even in the States I don't answer my door without a gun in hand; Especially in the USA! In most civilized countries you will not even consider to own a gun.

02-10-21, 18:15
They may not have the smallest asses or tightest pussies or Dream Queen Cum Bodies, but they fuck for real and they have personality and enthusiasm and that can make all the difference. And when the lights are off you ain't goin' by looks, just by feel. Oh yeah, and they fuck for free.Most of the guys on this board, perhaps 99% of them wouldn't go with the girl whose pictures you posted, even if for free. Although I wouldn't do your "friend", even if it was for free, I do have a few girls of higher quality with nicer bodies that most guys on this board wouldn't do either because there not beauty queens face wise. But once the lights are dimmed, you have to ask the question, what's the real difference at times, your typically not fucking their faces.

Attitude, performance, enthusiasm, and personality negate how pretty a girls face needs to be at least for me but for others their selection criteria starts with how pretty of a face they have, and there is noting wrong with that.

I can totally relate to where your coming from.

02-10-21, 18:45
Is seeking arrangements any good in Medellin? Seeing a few girls on there that looked better than what I would normally come across the last time I visited.



I also saw two dime pieces in the Bogota section as well. Let's say I wanted to visit Medellin for a week or two and use the website to basically rent a GF for that time period, good website to arrange such a thing or no?It's good but it really depends on your style and taste. The pictures may not be accurate. I usually will skip these two, especially the ones with long gift list. So I told her I am going to buy her a new pair of pants if I see her to replace the one she was wearing that was torn. She took the humor well.

Elvis 2008
02-10-21, 20:07
Is seeking arrangements any good in Medellin? Seeing a few girls on there that looked better than what I would normally come across the last time I visited.

I also saw two dime pieces in the Bogota section as well. Let's say I wanted to visit Medellin for a week or two and use the website to basically rent a GF for that time period, good website to arrange such a thing or no?No, if you are there for a week, seek out the working girls and find one you look and rent her out.

Seeking girls no show, have fake or exaggerated pics, can be excessively greedy, and might not fuck you. About one in four are keepers. If you are planning on only seeing her for one week, you are wasting your time. Purpose of seeking is long term.

02-10-21, 20:46
Why would a foreigner who is not operating a business or purchasing property need a Colombian bank account? Every once in a great while I use it to pay a business that doesn't accept credit cards sort of a barrio paypal. Everybody accepts cash of course.

So if I have this correct, you're saying that you can walk into any Colombian bank, inform them that your a foreigner (hard to believe they wouldn't know) , and be able to open a savings account with no maintenance fees. This is not as easy as you think. Bancolombia has no "free" savings accounts as they charge monthly maintenance fees along with other fees, and being able to make a direct transfer from an American bank to a Colombian bank requires that the USA bank has an existing relationship with the Colombian bank. Wells Fargo has a relationship with Bancolombia with strict dollar amount transfer limits and I bank with them in Colombia and WF in the USA, and it took me a few months to get set up to do this, as they needed to confirm the accounts on both ends. And at the end of the day the exchange rate was so bad I never utilized it, so I would just pull money out of my USA accounts with my ATM cards and deposit into my Bancolombia account.

Additionally, no Colombian bank will allow a foreigner to open a bank account without a Colombian Cedula, with the one exception I'm aware of, where a foreigner can open an account with their Passport, which I did as a student at EAFIT in the Bancolombia branch at the University. If any foreigner shows up with their Passport at a Colombian bank expecting to be able to open a bank account, it's highly unlikely there going to be able to do so.

So if you have done what you say you've done, which bank in the USA was it, and to which bank was the money transferred to in Colombia, as this would be very helpful for others to know.

02-10-21, 20:54
I usually will skip these two, especially the ones with long gift list. She blocks me on Seeking after she confirmed I was on her wp. This is not unusual but she did a weird thing that she changed her user name before blocking me.

02-10-21, 20:59
$52,600 in jewelry and $8400 worth of cell phones and clothes.Fancy name brand clothes. I am sure they had their expensive phones out texting, talking, and taking pictures. And all that jewelry. They were begging to be robbed and some guys did what they asked for. These guys were so far beyond stupid that I can not calculate it on my computer. Let us just say, "Infinity and Beyond".

They deserved it plain and simple.

02-10-21, 21:01
They may not have the smallest asses or tightest pussies or Dream Queen Cum Bodies, but they fuck for real and they have personality and enthusiasm and that can make all the difference. And when the lights are off you ain't goin' by looks, just by feel. Oh yeah, and they fuck for free.Man I think you are doing really well without much Spanish.

02-10-21, 22:37
LOL. Welcome to someone who doesn't need your money. My bet is she is probably making pretty damn good money not fucking anyone. Thanks to selling videos and pics and that bullshit. Screw the guys payiing for that shit. Bye bye medellin market. Enjoy medellin while you can folks. Tiimes change and even the big spenders will one day realize they've been outspent by others.

Lucky for me I prefer the less "attractive" "thick" girls who come over for 150 k.Yea the guys who pay for virtual relationships is so unreal.

Like how did you become intelligent enough to make a good living yet this dumb when it comes to women. Makes no sense.

It's like their offended to be offered pay for play then come out and say some dumb shit like I won't come out for less than 600 mil.

Meanwhile they use to charge 200-250.

I'm all for people bettering themselves in life. But don't play stupid and act disrespectful when we both know exactly what we're doing here.

02-10-21, 22:39
My only rebuttal is assuming that every monger views skinny European chicas as Hot and all thicker girls as less hot. I really think when some BM's post these statements they are projecting the kind of girls they like on the individual who reads the post. I do not want a skinny petite little woman. I want a big butt and I cannot lie! Pollo Negro is out!Fortunately, the bajitas are lower priced.

02-11-21, 00:16
Man I think you are doing really well without much Spanish.Thanks for the compliment, particularly from you. The Google Translate Web page will still give you voice translation when the App will not, if your WiFi or Internet connection is weak, so I keep both ready. You can always use the text translation function as long as you have any Internet or WiFi. I went through at least three dedicated pocket translator devices before my novia Cat Girl stomped my last one to death when she saw fotos on my fone she did not like for the umpteenth time, jajaja.

The Google Translate App is my Go To. If you decide to buy a pocket translator (Amazon, obvio), I suggest one that does NOT always require a WiFi connection and can function from memory. The Google Translate App is far from purrfekt, and can even get a little glitchy or wonky at times. IMO, they tried to install too many features in the Google Translate App instead of just concentrating on converting conversational Spanish in real time.

With that local chica last night, way more than half the time we did not have to use the translator. When two bodies want to fuck, the language is universal, jajajaa. In the one month I have been here I am speaking a lot more Spanish than when I arrived. It takes effort. If we go by the conventional functional fluency standard of 5,000 words for native speakers without higher education, then I am probably 20% fluent. At 2,500 words you can almost always get your meaning across although the translation would be awkward and even comical. I have been lazy and not applied myself as I could have. Finding a chica who likes to teach you Spanish and correct your pronunciation is gold. I am already getting laid to my heart's content, so it's hard to get motivated with Spanish lessons, and I understand why mongers don't bother. But language fluency is a game changer, that is obvio.

I am relocating here permanently. I will quickly become fluent by osmosis. The possibilities then boggle even my mongering mind. Last night, I was fantasizing about sitting here on my balcony and randomly hailing down pussy as they walk by, jajajaja. Nice fantasy with the potential of becoming reality. Ostee Out.

Cat Girl and I reconnected yesterday for the first time this trip in El Centro. Her ass got fat but she is still hot as fuck. She had one of her hot bisexual novias with her, see foto. After she ghosted me by being in Cartagena (on my dime) when I arrived here a MONTH ago, I told her that I vacated her Number One spot in my line-up, and the best I can do is work her back in at Number Five, jaja. She has to earn her Numero Uno position back. She told me to fuck off.

I managed to stave off the tears of joy when I first saw her at the El Gato statue at Botero Park. I still love her so we will do the dance for a while and see where that leads but I will never lose self-respect for any other human, and I love my options. Her latest novia is hot as fuck and I want a three-way. Tall, tiny ass, and she draped herself all over me while we walked El Centro with Cat Girl on my other arm. As Always, Life Is Beyond Good In Medellin. Cat Girl has already countered with, I can have other chicas as long as I do not get her "sick," meaning STD's. Medellin is the cleanest locale I have ever mongered, on six continents, laid on seven. The United States is waaaaaaay more risky for disease than here, which is yet another good argument for legalization of prostitution.

Some Random Recent Fotos. I Have Given Up Trying To Keep Up With Posting Fotos.

02-11-21, 00:16
Fancy name brand clothes. I am sure they had their expensive phones out texting, talking, and taking pictures. And all that jewelry. They were begging to be robbed and some guys did what they asked for. These guys were so far beyond stupid that I can not calculate it on my computer. Let us just say, "Infinity and Beyond".

They deserved it plain and simple.I went on another board and told guys that making it rain 2 k bills in La Isla that it's not a good idea.

You don't go to another country and flash your goods and show off.

"The loudest in the room is always the weakest".

These guys come to a poorer country and think they're going to show up locals?? They don't realize many Colombians don't fuck around.

I'm not saying don't dress nice or have a little flash in your fashion. But NEVER bring your valuables such as a watch or real shiny jewelry.

If I bring my 50 k Rolex my arm woulda been chopped off for sure. I respect the country and it's people. And try to respect other mongers by keeping the price within reason.

But it's obvious this trip with guys who came across some new money don't know how to act.

02-11-21, 00:28
Why would a foreigner who is not operating a business or purchasing property need a Colombian bank account? Every once in a great while I use it to pay a business that doesn't accept credit cards sort of a barrio paypal. Everybody accepts cash of course.They should not need one whatsoever, but another poster was talking about how easy it is for a foreigner to open a bank account in Colombia which isn't the case.

02-11-21, 00:57
Or an insurance ripoff.

I went on another board and told guys that making it rain 2 k bills in La Isla that it's not a good idea.

You don't go to another country and flash your goods and show off.

"The loudest in the room is always the weakest".

These guys come to a poorer country and think they're going to show up locals?? They don't realize many Colombians don't fuck around.

I'm not saying don't dress nice or have a little flash in your fashion. But NEVER bring your valuables such as a watch or real shiny jewelry.

If I bring my 50 k Rolex my arm woulda been chopped off for sure. I respect the country and it's people. And try to respect other mongers by keeping the price within reason.

But it's obvious this trip with guys who came across some new money don't know how to act.

02-11-21, 01:11
Multiple posters have suggested that FB pricing had changed since the covid lockdown. In my opinion, with lockdown thinning monger numbers it should be the opposite. Anyways, I am seeing more than a few good looking paisa girls on mileroticos ask 60 k to 150 k. Some of these girls are way hotter than FB girls. I think the platform enables pricing. Yesterday I was chatting with a girl who was at best 6 or7 on FB and she asked for 300 K. LOL.Why'all need to start throwing some of these ads back in their faces. 150-200 mil is a fair rate on FB that has stood for many years. Agree that is makes zero sense that it goes up during this pandemic time, but ultimately people will charge what is paid.

02-11-21, 02:43
This is how I understand it:

- 90-Day maximum stay.

- 180 days maximum in a calendar year.

- 90-Day permit can be extended online to 180 days.

My question is:

Can I leave the country on Day 90, and return for another 90, without applying for an extension? I believe the answer to be yes, but maybe some one knows for sure or has done this before.

My current apartment lease & my 90 days coincide. I was thinking about going to Brazil for a week or two, then coming back for another 3 months. Then, maybe looking into a longer-term visa option.

Has anyone tried the motels on Nutibara, just north of Calle 33? Golden Suites and Mocca Suit. I believe both have jacuzzi rooms. Not sure how the pricing compares to other options, nor if they have been reported on prior. Below is a copy / paste from Golden Suites' FB page...

Todos lo miercoles tenemos el 40% de descuento

Estos son LOS precios con el descuento aplicado.


Sencilla 27.000.
Baera. 33.000.
Turco. 33.000.
Jacuzzi 39.000.
Suite. 45.000.


Sencilla 33.000.
Baera 39.000.
Turco. 39.000.
Jacuzzi 45.000.
Suite 51.000.Nutibara is great. Right at the centro where the action is. Somewhat old fashion and noisy but the shuttle from the airport stops right there.

Ho Lover1
02-11-21, 03:31
I want to meet up with a couple of Photoprepagos on my next trip. Ad says they don't have a phone and to phone number X. Does anyone know how to contact them.

02-11-21, 03:48
Most of the guys on this board, perhaps 99% of them wouldn't go with the girl whose pictures you posted, even if for free. Although I wouldn't do your "friend", even if it was for free, I do have a few girls of higher quality with nicer bodies that most guys on this board wouldn't do either because there not beauty queens face wise. But once the lights are dimmed, you have to ask the question, what's the real difference at times, your typically not fucking their faces.

Attitude, performance, enthusiasm, and personality negate how pretty a girls face needs to be at least for me but for others their selection criteria starts with how pretty of a face they have, and there is noting wrong with that.

I can totally relate to where your coming from.After a few Coronas and five bolsitas of the Pink Shit, I thought her face was pretty, see foto. Rose Colored Beer Goggles, OMG, jjajjajajaa.

I can't believe I am saying this but I was getting a little bored with the gorgeous chicas. After last night, I am ready to call the First String back in, jajajajaa. But I will see her again. Talk about eager to please, Wau. And here's something that never happens with a working girl. I did not have a 10 mil COP note to top off the 260 tab when we re-upped. She chimed in, "Lo Tengo." The amount of money is not the point. A Regular Girl, like any other normal human being, can appreciate the situation and she was willing to chip in. That is one way you know you are with a Regular Girl and not a puta.

You said you value body over face. I get it. Everyone has that special itch in their brawn that they want scratched. When I was in my teens and 20's I would not fuck a girl if she did not look Cross-Fit. Now, call it age, experience, evolution, whatever. I have not lowered my standards. I have gained appreciation. IMO, one of the characteristics that separates a "pro" from an amateur in this game is the guy who can appreciate the widest variety of chicas. Then Everyone Is Happy. Ostee Out. P.S. Typically, I do fuck their face, jajajajaa.

02-11-21, 04:00
Nutibara is great. Right at the centro where the action is. Somewhat old fashion and noisy but the shuttle from the airport stops right there.I think he is asking about love motels in another place.

02-11-21, 08:08
The board gets stranger and stranger as we continue to monger. Mongers should be held accountable for getting hookers pregnant. Then Mongers should get vasectomy, because it's the best money some of you have spent. Then the big spenders are being robbed and it's only because they deserve it. Then if you make it rain then you are asking for trouble because you are in a poor country. If you make a statement with fashion or money then you are weak because you are the loudest person in the room. Some of the bold statements made in the forum truly show the reasons that we live in such a crazy world right now.

Why can't we as mongers live and let live? I believe that it is just too much for one's ego to come to a rationalization that some people are just different than others. It is as simple as that, nothing more. I do not have to pay $300,000 pesos to bang a skinny European looking chic just to fit in or say that she is a hot girl, only if I fit into your group of rating chicas. Everyone is not the same, the posts are quite entertaining, but may of the posts are definitely biased and coming from a certain age group and a group that desires a certain type of skinny petite European looking chic. If that's your thing, then claim it, own it, and make sure you enjoy it, but don't make that the standard of chicas for guys who desire a different kind of girl.

You cannot continue to live in Poblado and Laureles and want the hottest chicas at Parque Botero prices, you have to get you conceited a$$es up and put in ground work to find what you want at a reasonable price. The entire foolishness is pure unnecessary comedy. You are not going to make me believe that you have the finances of owning 6 figure toys and homes and you are out in Colombia complaining about blowing less than $10 k usd in 4-5 months.

The most outspoken guys with the most senior years are usually the most seasoned mongers with the least amount of money to throw around. If you are going to monger, monger but please stay in your lane and stay in your spending range. Many of you are clearly showing that you are cheap, lazy and hate to even think that you are over spending on a girl who you already feel is beneath you. Why not just find the girl that you want, have a session with her, make it memorable and keeping moving? Is that too much to ask? No matter how much or how little you spend, it will never effect my bottom line and clearly it doesn't effect others, cause there is too much complaining about how the new spenders are going to ruin the going rate. If you build a great selection of girls you don't have to worry about that. To all of the guys in Medellin who are having success, monger on! I plan to return to Medellin by April, and then Again every 2 months until the end of the Year. My sole purpose for returning to the USA is to gather up resources to make my stay in Medellin that much more comfortable. Pollo Negro is out!

02-11-21, 08:58
I went on another board and told guys that making it rain 2 k bills in La Isla that it's not a good idea.

You don't go to another country and flash your goods and show off.

"The loudest in the room is always the weakest".

These guys come to a poorer country and think they're going to show up locals?? They don't realize many Colombians don't fuck around.

I'm not saying don't dress nice or have a little flash in your fashion. But NEVER bring your valuables such as a watch or real shiny jewelry.

If I bring my 50 k Rolex my arm woulda been chopped off for sure. I respect the country and it's people. And try to respect other mongers by keeping the price within reason.

But it's obvious this trip with guys who came across some new money don't know how to act.There are places in Colombia where you can rub shoulders with the wealthy but a mongering place is not the place.

02-11-21, 17:27
Hey everyone!

There goes my first post ever on this site in form of the first mongering experience I had in Colombia (Medellin) yesterday, along with a brief little instruction of who I am & how I went to Medellin.

I am a 29 years young guy from Germany and of Half Greek origin (not a typical German guy), pretty open minded & in love with women of any sizes, shapes & colors.

Yesterday I (finally*) arrived at my pretty nice hotel, which is located close to the city center. My room has a good size, and comes with a double-bed, a sounds system, a big LCD-Flat TV & last but not least a big Jacuzzi, which can easily fit around 8 persons, and is located right in the middle of the room. So my accommodation basically has everything it needs for some fun hours with the local beauties.

*The way to Medellin was pretty much a horror trip. At first we arrived from Munich in Amsterdam without a hassle, but the flight has been cancelled after a waiting time of around 5 hours with all the people already on board because they had troubles to tank the plane at first and then we were not allowed to the destination airport since the arrival would have been outside the official working hours. In the end this part has been solved in an ok way tho because they arranged a new flight ticket and a nice stay in the Hyatt Place in Amsterdam including a free meal and breakfast. I intended to book an escort already there, but since it was close to 8 were they have their lockdown set in the Netherlands, unfortunately without any luck. I have to admit that they have a pretty nice selection of stunning ladies there according to the offers. But back to the trip: With the new ticket the real horror began: Our flight was set to go via Ecuador and after an estimated 14 hours flight we were forced to stay in the airport, without the possibility to leave or an option to book a room, trapped for over 8 hours in the terminal of this sh*tty little airport. So being awake for around 32 hours, because it was nearly impossible to sleep / crash at this little but crowded airport we arrived in Bogota (where my seat was in the last row right next to a super pretty girl, age 25, from Cali with who I talked and since she turned me on so much I got a boner which she obviously liked: D), and then finally in Medellin. I directly took the (white) taxi for a total of 80.000 which goes via the tunnel system and arrived at the hotel at around noon. I originally intended to go to sleep right away because I was so super done after this horrible travelling experience, but decided to take a shower (Finally after 32 hours) and go out to get me an adapter from EU to US, something to eat and just to walk around a bit to get to know the city better. My first impression of the city was pretty awesome and it became evident right away that I pretty much was "rich" there, with the money I have on me there and the shoes I am wearing. I was recommended by friendly people to be aware of people stealing stuff, etc. And the friendly by the way pretty sexy but engaged lady who sold me the adapters even asked me to hand her the 50 Euro bill, asking her man to come and to look at it, because they have not seen it before. : the I paid 5. 000 for the two adapters.

In the grocery store all of the girls were around me, and I started conversations with two of them, getting my first numbers in, but with me not having any Spanish Speaking Skills and them not speaking English, it was basically impossible to properly communicate with them and they were pretty decent after removing the face mask, but not so much my type.

The Experience:

Anyways, back in the hotel I decided to look up what the online "escort" directories have in store for me and booked my first girl. Jessica. She is a pretty beautiful young woman and we got along before and after the sex absolutely well, even with the lack of a common language. All with the help of google translator and an obviously (I did not understand anything but she explained it via translator to me) fu*ked up but funny family court show which was on TV after we had fun together. Overall it was pretty good (rather okay), since she was beautiful and I loved how she moaned with that pretty face while I fu*ked her, but for my taste she did too much in the beginning by trying to control everything (I do). I do not like this at all and made it clear from the very beginning. Her pussy was nice tho and she already was super wet since I decided to let her pick a song on YouTube on my Laptop and stroke her ass and pussy in the meantime while she was bending over, rubbing my hard dick on her. I love to let them pick songs on my laptop. And I love to lick ass, but she would not let me, even though she was freshly showered. She also had her hand between her legs all the time, since my dick was too big to handle for her. The condom was pretty tight too. She gave a fantastic blowjob tho, and after around 20 minutes of fucking and 10 minutes of a nice blowjob (everything with condom) I finished in the condom and we laid together in the bed for another 10 to 20 minutes, just talking (she told me about her son), watching tv, drinking a beer and stroking each other (not on a sexual basis, but rather an emotional one). She made clear that she wanted to see me again, but next time even with her friend. Since I like as a person but am not too happy with the sexual experience I think this will not happen tho. This 1 hour experience has cost me 200.000 including the taxi fee of 50 k.

On my Trip to Medellin I got to know a super cool dude from Switzerland at the airport in Amsterdam, who already knows some guy in Medellin who has good connections to local girls and more. He is the owner of a hostel in El Poblado. We exchanged numbers and since we can communicate in German Language it's just optimal. He texted me today, asking me if I already had some fun, sending him the pic I have attached to this and he sent me one as well: the. We will meet today to explore the night life in the city center a bit and I am pretty sure my next post will be up at the latest by tomorrow.

02-11-21, 17:52
I can't believe I am saying this but I was getting a little bored with the gorgeous chicas. After last night, I am ready to call the First String back in, jajajajaa. But I will see her again. Talk about eager to please,Perhaps to articulate this a little bit more, a lot of times I have an affinity for a certain body type, almost like going into an ice cream shop and trying to decide what flavor to enjoy.

Whenever I head over to the "playground", which is my nickname for El Centro, sometimes I'm in the mood for a dinky little spinner whose little butt cheeks are the size of grapefruits which I can hold in each hand while pounding them in doggy, or a Chica with boobs the size of large cantalopes I can spar with while being ridden and there's no shortage of them there, or a very tall thin Chica which are a bit rarer, or a Morena but not as many there though, or a very "white" Chica.

And of course there's all the others available, like the pregnant Chicas, the deaf mutes, and the Sacaleros. And yes, I've sampled them all, just like being in an ice cream shop.

02-11-21, 19:00
Nutibara is great. Right at the centro where the action is. Somewhat old fashion and noisy but the shuttle from the airport stops right there.He's talking about Avenida Nutibara, which is the eastern diagonal that runs by UPB in Laureles near La 70.

02-11-21, 20:40
Perhaps to articulate this a little bit more, a lot of times I have an affinity for a certain body type, almost like going into an ice cream shop and trying to decide what flavor to enjoy.

Whenever I head over to the "playground", which is my nickname for El Centro, sometimes I'm in the mood for a dinky little spinner whose little butt cheeks are the size of grapefruits which I can hold in each hand while pounding them in doggy, or a Chica with boobs the size of large cantalopes I can spar with while being ridden and there's no shortage of them there, or a very tall thin Chica which are a bit rarer, or a Morena but not as many there though, or a very "white" Chica.

And of course there's all the others available, like the pregnant Chicas, the deaf mutes, and the Sacaleros. And yes, I've sampled them all, just like being in an ice cream shop.I love the Freaky Deaky shite too. I have got to get out more. But the chicas are simply making it too damn easy. Domicilio Cono and Mamada. I just walked to the Big Exito down by SurAmerica and back, and OMG the number of gorgeous chicas I saw. Would take me 3-4 days to see that much cute poontang back in the states that I saw in an hour. I am BEGGING my girls to let me out of my Room, stop fucking and sucking me, there must be more to life than sex, drugs, and Whatever-That-Music-Is-Called-You're-Playing. Don't tell me to stop paying, because that is not the issue. I am turning them away two days in advance now. I'm going to have to run two rooms tonight the Chicas are overlapping. I am wrapping my Johnson is salve and panitos between rounds. Ostee Out. If I Die Tomorrow I Die A Happy Man. Two of the girls I was fucking this morning are Web camming girl-on-girl as I write this, I am watching them on another window. Can I post their link here or is that verbotten? IDK.

Gratuitous Recent Foto.

02-11-21, 23:22
Going to check them out tonight. What's a good time to get there? I don't want to get there early and it's slow.

02-11-21, 23:35
The funny thing is I'll pay the 350 but with service expected to be mediocre at best. No shot.

02-11-21, 23:36
Hey everyone! I am pretty sure my next post will be up at the latest by tomorrow.A lot better than my first post was here, not so long ago. Fortunately for me, it's not a contest, jaja. Like me, I can tell you are not new to the game. Welcome. Sorry to hear about your travel troubles. Better fotos needed next time, jaja. Welcome.

Gratuitous Foto From This Morning Of 18 yo Chub Slot Pussy.

02-12-21, 00:24
The funny thing is I'll pay the 350 but with service expected to be mediocre at best. No shot.You can't be serious about paying $ 350 USD let alone 350 K which wasn't even on her menu in Colombian Pesos. And even the blowjob is covered? Is this a Fayboo Chica, and if not, where did you find her. Anytime a Chica in Colombia quotes in USD, it's a red flag, a very big flag, besides having a menu for time. Maybe she should of had an "upcharge menu" as well, kind of like in other venues around the world.

I have no experience with Fayboo Chicas, but this might be how things are evolving, as they are very slowly catching up with the rest of the world. If you consider other mongering destinations in the world, it doesn't get much cheaper than in Colombia, albeit I can't speak for any African countries, but hands down Colombia price wise has got Asia and Europe beat with a few exceptions.

02-12-21, 00:59
Perhaps to articulate this a little bit more, a lot of times I have an affinity for a certain body type, almost like going into an ice cream shop and trying to decide what flavor to enjoy.

Whenever I head over to the "playground", which is my nickname for El Centro, sometimes I'm in the mood for a dinky little spinner whose little butt cheeks are the size of grapefruits which I can hold in each hand while pounding them in doggy, or a Chica with boobs the size of large cantalopes I can spar with while being ridden and there's no shortage of them there, or a very tall thin Chica which are a bit rarer, or a Morena but not as many there though, or a very "white" Chica.

And of course there's all the others available, like the pregnant Chicas, the deaf mutes, and the Sacaleros. And yes, I've sampled them all, just like being in an ice cream shop.Just be careful in the Veracruz alley, unless you like nuts on your ice cream.

02-12-21, 01:54
Got a place at ground zero.

Nothings changed at all about MDE, organized chaos, don't really notice covid besides the masks which no one cares about in comparison to the states.

Zandalays this AM, andrea, 23 yo vennie spinner, 50 k 30 min. Amazing service. No bellly fat and fat little ass. Mamasan was being bitchy, or curt I guess, but I don't blame her with all the guys that go in there. I'd be short w customers too. Reccomend. All sevens and eights.

Had lunch then went to chicas amigas sexy on carr 45 d. Juliana, thick paisa, green hair, great personality. Always pick the girls on how they greet you when theyre presented. Not looks. The hot ones are tired of getting picked and give shitty service ime. The solid 7's with bubbly personalitys put in the extra effort. Great service. 5 girls here, mostly 7's. Reccomend.

50 k 30 min.

Nap then went to yakuza next to nutribara. Lorena, thicc and blue eyes. 60 k 30 min. They raised price 10 k from last time. They also redid the inside, a lot nicer.

Great service. Reccomend.

Walked to behind veracruz and had a couple beers and sat for two hours around 430-630. Be careful, I saw probably 5+ 15 year olds. If you have to ask for cedula, I prolly wouldn't do it. Tons of lookers, ill go back in the am for service. Saw this black gringo and his friend walking with a go pro on his head and a gold chain. Let's see how long that lasts.

I was pretty tired afer cumming 3 x already but went to taberna victoria. Don't reccomend. Beers 6 k, I had 3 diff chicks come up to me and ask ME to buy them a drink lmao. I said no. I walked to a skinny pale venny in the corner on the phone and asked to go with her, she shrugged and said yea. I knew I was fucked but too late. If theyre attitude isn't there it won't be good imo.

40 k for 30 min.

Her body was a 9, no fat and nice be cups and fat ass, but she wasnt into it at all. I couldn't get hard. She was undressed and I was feeling her up but I was spent, and she wasnt into it. Lmao. Jerking my dick while she stood there naked as I felt her up. Oh well I took the L. LOL.

She was annoyed when I said I was getting dressed but I don't blame her. Not many lookers at this place. All 6's more or less and mostly women in their 30's. Not going back. Don't recc.

Walked through raudal around 730 or so after and a ton of model looking paisas, fake tits if you like that. If you look like a gringo I don't reccomend going here after dark, or botero for that matter.

If anyone wants any specifics on the ground here, let me know. You guys helped me out a lot.



02-12-21, 02:09
The funny thing is I'll pay the 350 but with service expected to be mediocre at best. No shot.Thanks for the info: you saved me some time, she was on my ToBeFucked list, not anymore (2 red flags: 1. USD 2. Hours).

02-12-21, 02:28
Pm me let's exchange some info.

I'm on 19 different girls and need some new blood.

Still got a month left.

My 500 mil + girls are only good for once a week.

02-12-21, 03:53
Pm me let's exchange some info.

I'm on 19 different girls and need some new blood.

Still got a month left.

My 500 mil + girls are only good for once a week.Therein lies the problem friend: you burned through all of your contacts by constantly overpaying it seems.

Why would someone want to share their gems with you that they are currently paying 150 k for, only to have those same gems now demanding 500 k after coming across the likes of you, LOL?

Lucky Nuts
02-12-21, 05:26
I want a big butt and I cannot lie! Pollo Negro is out!LOL that is funny. I can hear the beat.

We met in el centro Peter and you seemed quite enamored with the flacas too jaja. (Tell the truth if you "cannot lie" jajaj) But I wasn't trying to say what any individual guy should like but instead trying to inform guys using facebook the going rates which are probably a result of suppy and demand.

02-12-21, 06:42
The funny thing is I'll pay the 350 but with service expected to be mediocre at best. No shot.This one is just a joke. Its like she copy and pasted that price list from some weekend warrior website.

I just unfriended her so I don't make an error and pick her in the future, even if she agreed for 150 mil I would want to save myself the trouble. Too many options there to be dealing with princesses like this. You are good to consider to offer her 350mil. Respect.

So my guess is she webcamming or some such thing and not really in need of cash, but hey if its an easy pass doing a half ass session to get an average months salary in MDE she will go for it. The 50 mil mas taxi is like the cherry on the cake, as if she hasn't insulted you with that price list already. Maybe you should send her to Gustos so she can slowly come back to orbit.

Guaranteed bad service and attitude in a best case scenario and disagreement / conflict / trouble and disturbing of the peace in a worse one.

02-12-21, 07:05
This one is just a joke. Its like she copy and pasted that price list from some weekend warrior website.

I just unfriended her so I don't make an error and pick her in the future, even if she agreed for 150 mil I would want to save myself the trouble. Too many options there to be dealing with princesses like this. You are good to consider to offer her 350mil. Respect.

So my guess is she webcamming or some such thing and not really in need of cash, but hey if its an easy pass doing a half ass session to get an average months salary in MDE she will go for it. The 50 mil mas taxi is like the cherry on the cake, as if she hasn't insulted you with that price list already. Maybe you should send her to Gustos so she can slowly come back to orbit.

Guaranteed bad service and attitude in a best case scenario and disagreement / conflict / trouble and disturbing of the peace in a worse one.These girls get the princess attitude because some dumb prick treats them this way with the gifts money trips and etc.

I don't mind a girl trying to better her financial situation in life. If she believes she's worth 3-400 mil that's her price and that's fine.

But to charge that price and not offer a good menu of services, I agree she's out of touch with reality.

But in the end as sure as we age she will get humbled. It's the cycle of life for prepagos.

Lucky Nuts
02-12-21, 07:18
Why can't we as mongers live and let live? With all due respect for the intel you've provided us on el centro I'm 100 percent with you on this philosphy PN. But I haven't seen any posts of guys looking for "skinny European looking" chicas or even a racially veiled request looking for that. Could you provide a link or copy and paste where you saw this? Thanks!

02-12-21, 08:06
Nothings changed at all about MDE, organized chaos, don't really notice covid besides the masksFue mi parte favorita. But If I understood you correctly you are saying they care more about masks in the USA than here? I am from SC and it is the exact opposite. The general population here cares waaaaaay more about the masks here than they do back where I came from down south in SC, a month ago. Ciao'.

Gratuitous Foto I took this trip.

02-12-21, 08:18
You can't be serious about paying $ 350 USD let alone 350 K which wasn't even on her menu in Colombian Pesos. And even the blowjob is covered? Is this a Fayboo Chica, and if not, where did you find her. Anytime a Chica in Colombia quotes in USD, it's a red flag, a very big flag, besides having a menu for time. Maybe she should of had an "upcharge menu" as well, kind of like in other venues around the world.

I have no experience with Fayboo Chicas, but this might be how things are evolving, as they are very slowly catching up with the rest of the world. If you consider other mongering destinations in the world, it doesn't get much cheaper than in Colombia, albeit I can't speak for any African countries, but hands down Colombia price wise has got Asia and Europe beat with a few exceptions.I meant I would pay the 300 mil and taxi for 50 if I got what I wanted.

02-12-21, 08:55
let alone 350 K which wasn't even on her menu in Colombian Pesos. It's 300 pluse 50 for taxi.