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06-28-21, 01:34
I decided to make this trip different, yes I'm here with $5 k cash in hand plus a lot more that I can allocate, but I am tired of being a bank account. Meaning these girls put on a nice front, nice show, then really they aint worth shit. I know they're hoes and I'm not looking for love nor relationships. If I mention love here, I'm just screwing around and joking.

Standby for day 2.Cool report!

And I agree with your assessment, I'm on the same wavelength.

06-28-21, 01:55
From anyone's past experience, how many prospects do you tend have going a trip and I'm curious what is the flake rate you can expect?The majority of them will flake on you. Not to worry, only takes one or two girls you like to get the ball rolling. Tell them they can give your phone number out to their "friends. " You'll have your hands full in no time. Wash, rinse, repeat, and enjoy.

06-28-21, 02:36
So she's late, an hour late now. And it's past 9 Pm. I wrote her and said I'm leaving and to cancel, and then she claim she's 15 minutes away. Then 30 minutes later, 9:40 sh. Still no show, and said 15 minutes away again LOL. At that point I said this is it. I am DONE, AND DONE.We hear a lot of talk here about "culture" and "going with the flow," but try leaving one of them waiting and see how fast your phone blows up, usually within a minute of the appointed time. I tell them all that if they are more than 30 minutes late that the appointment is automatically cancelled.

Lucky Nuts
06-28-21, 05:52
Once you get to the Mansion, just down the hill is La Strada Centro Comercial (Mall). I'm not sure what all is still open inside, but there is a Parmessano restaurant there which serves decent Italian food. There's also a Burger King.

Not far from there are the Oviedo and Santa Fe malls. Each has lots of different restaurants. Crepes and Waffles is pretty good and there's a location in both malls.Directly above Burger King is The Taco House which has burritos very similar to Chipotle and the guac is no upcharge LOL. It's one of my regular stops when I'm staying in Poblado. BTW the Burger King appeared to be closed all winter until I left in March anyhow.

06-28-21, 06:12
Am I going to need a copy of my passport to check into the ST motels in Centro?The answer is no.

But I always carry a copy of my passport.

As a 6'3 white guy with blonde hair is there any hiding the fact that I'm a Gringo,. Thus if I show up in my shorts and t shirt will I be causing myself any undue trouble?Most people would disagree with my opinion. But if done correctly, it's fine. No problem.

If you look and sound like a tourist, then you will be treated like a tourist, so I say dress like a tourist (with shorts). These days, IMO, it's not too bad of a social faux pax. No one stares at you if you wear shorts.

People here say that you will be a target. But we're targets anyway. IF you are smart, it will be fine. I would only stay in the crowded areas and always Uber.

People here say that you will be overcharged. Most/all girls will not ask for a higher price because you are wearing shorts. Regardless, know the market and pay accordingly. That's why reading this forum has great benefits.

People here say that you will be targeted by the police. IMO, I don't think so. I don't think the police are targeting the tourists. Posters here complained about being searched. But were they dressed as locals? I never see the police target business looking guys with their sports jacket. I see the police target young, "street" looking guys. The cops point, and the guys don't say a word. No whining about rights. The cops search them, and then let them go. Note to whoever plans to carry party favors. The police ALWAYS check inside of your hat during a search.

06-28-21, 07:06
...Why would you go to a foreign country and not even consider learning some of the basics of the language? WTF is wrong with you people??Not that easy my friend! Learning a new language is difficult for some, and too much work. There are so many translation apps around to take care of that, and they work well.

Having said that, I am one of those who enjoys picking up a new language, but I don't blame those who choose not to go through the hassle.

06-28-21, 07:22
I know this place was recently open and doing very well.How could you know anything? You have never been to Colombia!

06-28-21, 07:50
I usually do a couple of trips to Medellin every year, since 2013. This is my 2nd trip this year. Early on I used to eagerly sample different chicks, going for quantity over quality. Tried casas, FaseDos, La Isla, parque LLeras, and strip clubs in centro.

But for the past few years, I changed my MOP and now I look for quality over quantity. I use mostly FB chicks these days and when I find one I like I add her to my rotation. I have now about 8 girls in my rotation. Every trip or so, one is gone. I am also constantly looking for new blood, but only one or two per trip. I am very pleased with this new way of enjoying my chicks. I get more GFE, more services, and get to know the girls better. I have a rule of no money without service, I. E. No loans. I am willing to give more citas to a girl in needs instead. For example, I generally allow a girl to spend the night, thereby earning 2 citas worth of earnings.

On this trip, I went twice to parque LLeras. The first time, it was raining but I managed to find 2 cuties, but I had 2 citas that day and I was done. I got their contact, hoping to connect with them another time. The 2nd time there was no rain but I was not able to find any one interesting that night. It has been raining quite a bit and that made it pretty hard to monger in the park. I did not try Gusto this time, as the girls in there don't appeal to me that much. Dressed to kill but fakeness all over. I also did not try Fase Dos nor La Isla on this trip. I was pretty much tied up with my FB chicks and fairly satisfied with them. They kept me busy and I was happy with the results.

Sorry, no contact and no pics to share.

Mr Enternational
06-28-21, 09:06
As a 6'3 white guy with blonde hair is there any hiding the fact that I'm a Gringo,. Thus if I show up in my shorts and t shirt will I be causing myself any undue trouble?Don't matter what you do, you are going to stick out and people will know you are not from there. Wear what you are comfortable in. I am a normal Black guy. Yesterday I was at the beach in Santa Marta. My entire body except for my head and neck was under the water. A 14 year old girl swam up to me and said, "What's up man? What's up bro?" Inside I was dying laughing but I said "Como?" Then she swam off like she was embarrassed.

A couple of minutes later she swam back over and I talked to her. I told her that I was in fact from the States. She seemed really smart and had her 5 year old brother along who could swim like a fish. My girl also had a conversation with her and found out they are really poor and do not even have electricity in their house.

I keep trying to put this blend in myth to bed. Now if a Black dude on the coast where all the Black Colombians are sticks out like a sore thumb with only his head sticking out of the water, really what chance is there for any foreigner walking the street to blend in?

Mr Enternational
06-28-21, 09:17
I just bought my ticket from Pereira to Medellin a minute ago. I will be there from Friday until Monday. Almost booked a King Room at the Nutibara for $112 for those 3 days. Came back on here to do some more research though. I am used to only paying 35 K per day at a place I stay in right down the street. If anybody needs help braving downtown during that time then hit me up.

06-28-21, 13:15
Think I might join you. I haven't done much trawling in MDE for a coupla years and am keen to explore some street life in Centro. 3 nights sounds like a plan. I have another friend here. Will ask him if he wants to join.

I just bought my ticket from Pereira to Medellin a minute ago. I will be there from Friday until Monday. Almost booked a King Room at the Nutibara for $112 for those 3 days. If anybody needs help braving downtown during that time then hit me up.

06-28-21, 13:24
Don't matter what you do, you are going to stick out and people will know you are not from there. I quite like sticking out like a sore thumb. Makes you more approachable. I am not convinced that foreigners are targetted on the street. I think criminals will identify whoever they see as easy victims, doesn't matter where you are from. Vendors though are a different story.

Nil Admirari
06-28-21, 13:44
I keep trying to put this blend in myth to bed. Now if a Black dude on the coast where all the Black Colombians are sticks out like a sore thumb with only his head sticking out of the water, really what chance is there for any foreigner walking the street to blend in?Seņor Enternational,

Much truth in what you say, and an entertaining illustration of your point. That said, as a short guy and a gringo, with an anywhere from the Mediterranean type face, when in Medellin every couple of weeks or so I get stopped in the street by a native Paisa who asks me for directions--and then does a double-take when they hear my accent.

06-28-21, 14:13
I quite like sticking out like a sore thumb. Makes you more approachable. I am not convinced that foreigners are targetted on the street. I think criminals will identify whoever they see as easy victims, doesn't matter where you are from. Vendors though are a different story.Foreigners, particularly North Americans and Euros are generally targeted more because they are considered wealthy and more likely to be carrying a good amount of cash and a nice phone. And when a phone and 100 bucks or so is nothing to that foreigner then they are seen as less likely to put up a fight over it. Go ahead and "stick out like a sore thumb" though. Do it your way as everyone ultimately makes their own decisions, while the more vocal posters have usually already made up their minds.

BTW there's middle grounds between fully blending in, which is near impossible for some, and loudly advertising what you are and where you're from. That's where you find common sense and good advice.

06-28-21, 15:01
Am I going to need a copy of my passport to check into the ST motels in Centro? I normally don't bring my passport out of the safe with me from Poblado. Any tips on picking up girls in Centro? As a 6'3 white guy with blonde hair is there any hiding the fact that I'm a Gringo,. Thus if I show up in my shorts and t shirt will I be causing myself any undue trouble?Some of the ST hotels in El Centro, like the Premium Plaza or Calle Real will not allow you in unless you have an ID and your Chica does which they record in a log. Get a couple of color copies of your Passport and have them laminated to carry with you.

Unfortunately your going to stick out like a sore thumb in El Centro, so it really doesn't matter what you wear there. Just don't carry anything that your not willing to lose such as a USA smart phone, credit cards, or lots of cash. You won't need much money there anyways.

Your going to get a lot of attention in El Centro with the blond hair and being so tall, so be prepared for some Chicas, at least the ones that bang foreigners to give you the "eye", and a few may even approach you which is not the "norm" for the locals.

06-28-21, 15:54
Rode my bike through Botero yesterday because it was actually a sunny day and I wanted to ride around town. It has been raining damn near everyday so it was good to get out. Talent was soso. Probably because it was Sunday and early afternoon.

06-28-21, 17:08
Don't matter what you do, you are going to stick out and people will know you are not from there. Wear what you are comfortable in. I am a normal Black guy. Yesterday I was at the beach in Santa Marta. My entire body except for my head and neck was under the water. A 14 year old girl swam up to me and said, "What's up man? What's up bro?" Inside I was dying laughing but I said "Como?" Then she swam off like she was embarrassed.On the topic of beaches, any recommendations. I might hop to a coastal city since I'm itching for a beach view but none to be had here in Medellin. Is Santa Marta good? I heard Tayrona is where the nice beaches are at so maybe make a few day trips out of that?

06-28-21, 17:17
BTW there's middle grounds between fully blending in, which is near impossible for some, and loudly advertising what you are and where you're from. That's where you find common sense and good advice.I am not closed minded about it. I try to keep an open mind about things and follow the evidence. "Good advice" should follow the evidence too. I have been here 4 years without ever having a problem in the street, but I would be willing to change my opinion if anyone can show me evidence that foreigners are subject to more street crime than locals. I hear this a lot on social platforms but no one has ever demonstrated it. In fact, the available crime stats show that criminals target Centro and nearby areas, and not Poblado, where rich people and foreigners mostly stay. The opposite of what you allude to. So I just put it down to personal perception of risk until someone can show me otherwise.

06-28-21, 17:53
I'll be back during the flower festival, does anyone have any recommendations on things to do during.

06-28-21, 18:16
Seor Enternational,

Much truth in what you say, and an entertaining illustration of your point. That said, as a short guy and a gringo, with an anywhere from the Mediterranean type face, when in Medellin every couple of weeks or so I get stopped in the street by a native Paisa who asks me for directions--and then does a double-take when they hear my accent.Contrary to what many believe, lots of gringos can pass as Colombians when their mouths are shut. Not being tall, looking somewhat Mediterranean, no blond hair / blue eyes, and yes, some can blend in as long as they dress accordingly.

06-28-21, 18:22
I'll be back during the flower festival, does anyone have any recommendations on things to do during.The antique car parade is pretty cool. Also a trip to Parque del Norte during the flower festival is interesting.

06-28-21, 18:34
I am not closed minded about it. I try to keep an open mind about things and follow the evidence. "Good advice" should follow the evidence too. I have been here 4 years without ever having a problem in the street, but I would be willing to change my opinion if anyone can show me evidence that foreigners are subject to more street crime than locals. I hear this a lot on social platforms but no one has ever demonstrated it. In fact, the available crime stats show that criminals target Centro and nearby areas, and not Poblado, where rich people and foreigners mostly stay. The opposite of what you allude to. So I just put it down to personal perception of risk until someone can show me otherwise.Actually you have a better chance of getting robbed in Poblado versus El Centro and Paulie enumerated some of the reasons why foreigners are better targets than locals.

The reality of all of this is, and with you having four years of no incidents, is that you may become complacent, and when you least expect it, boom you get jacked up.

If anything I have learn't about Medellin in particular is, that you can never "let your guard down", as typically you will get jacked up when you least expect it as I'm mentioning again.

There have been countless reports of guys getting jacked on the Medellin thread over the years, myself included.

So my advice to everyone is again.

'Never let your guard down'.

And I'm not just talking about the street, but with the Chicas as well, and that's a whole other topic of it's own.

06-28-21, 19:58
I monger in NYC and have been for a couple of years now. Sorry for my lack of respect points on this website but tbh this isn't my forte'.

Anyways, end of August I plan to travel to Colombia or DR strictly for mongering. I am a young guy, traveling solo most likely, speak Spanish, am Peruvian (so I blend in pretty well at least in Colombia), and going to carry $3000 total.

I am leaning towards Colombia because I prefer skinny women but a (expert) monger friend of mine says to try DR because its cheaper and things are closer together.

Taking covid restrictions into consideration, which country do you recommend with my ideals and budget?

I'm a little leas versed with Colombia. I don't know the chica prices. Is it expensive? Where should I land if I want to go to the beach as well? Are the beach and chicas mutually exclusive? I know in DR they come hand in hand. Hotel? Food? What are the prices for those in Colombia. I can defend myself so I don't worry too much about dangers of Colombia.

Anyways, thank you for your help!

As a trade, I can offer monger info on Peru, Lima.

06-28-21, 20:20
Some of the ST hotels in El Centro, like the Premium Plaza or Calle Real will not allow you in unless you have an ID and your Chica does which they record in a log. Get a couple of color copies of your Passport and have them laminated to carry with you.I don't know if it changed or the person was in bad mood, but back in April the Premier Plaza didn't allow me in with laminated copy of passport (it never happened before), so since then I was using Zona Rosa.

06-28-21, 22:32
I don't know if it changed or the person was in bad mood, but back in April the Premier Plaza didn't allow me in with laminated copy of passport (it never happened before), so since then I was using Zona Rosa.I have a friend who had the same experience as you and he won't patronize the place. Seems as though maybe in the past a newer staff person might not have been instructed as to what to accept at the time, but I have never had a problem with a photocopy only of my ID. And it seems as though up until recently they didn't even keep a written log of short time guests either. And as your aware, Zona Rosa doesn't even check ID's as long as the Chicas appear to be of legal age, at least that has been my experience there, but I'm a preferred customer as I tip all the help 1,000 Pesos each, and when I check in with one of my skanks, they automatically given me a second towel and bar of soap without asking. LOL.

Just Incognito
06-29-21, 00:52
I'll be back during the flower festival, does anyone have any recommendations on things to do during.I was there 2-3 years ago. Cool event. Go to the botanical gardens and to the flower farm in Santa Elena. Lots of events -street fairs, parades, the classic car parade etc all over town for a week or so. Day and Night. Your hotel front desk or Air BNB host will know where things are happening.

One day, I met up with a Tinder girl at the Botanical Gardens-its right off the Metro, so made it easy to met up, check our vibe, and decide if we wanted to hang out. She was a total babe-better in person than in photos and she could maintain a conversation with me in Spanish. A rare good tinder experience that turned into an all nighter with her sexy 'friend' meeting up with us that evening LOL. Made me like the flower festival.

Centro Comercial Santa Fe and some of the other malls had cool flower displays and flowers all around. Like I said, your hotel front desk people or airbnb host will let you know where / when events related to the festival are happening.

There were an insane amount of people at the classic car parade and at the main flower parade when I was there--like everyone packed into each other crazy tight in the streets everywhere--it was funny and ridiculous how crowded some events were-I don't know how that works or could happen this year--especially with the lack of vaccines in Colombia so far.

06-29-21, 01:30
First time in Medellin. Just visited Loutron and holy shit. It's expensive but definitely a must visit at least once. The way they have the line up of girls come out and present themselves is something out of a fucking movie. Every girl either a 8, 9, or 10. It's about double the cost of a standard lay in Poblado and not exactly GFE, but I can finally say I fucked a solid 10. I really don't think it can get much better.

If the girls provided full GFE, I would not look twice at the price. This is my type of mongering. No BS. No wasting time searching for a decent looking girl, or waiting for a girl who shows up 2 hours late. Just solid 10's quite literally fucking spoon fed to you. Wow.

06-29-21, 01:36
So my advice to everyone is again.

'Never let your guard down'.
I don't disagree with you at all. I am a potential target like everyone else and I always have my eyes open. But I don't believe I am any more of a target for being a foreigner, that's all. *kisskiss*.

06-29-21, 01:41
I am leaning towards Colombia because I prefer skinny women but a (expert) monger friend of mine says to try DR because its cheaper and things are closer together.

Taking covid restrictions into consideration, which country do you recommend with my ideals and budget?

I'm a little leas versed with Colombia. I don't know the chica prices. Is it expensive? Where should I land if I want to go to the beach as well? Are the beach and chicas mutually exclusive? I know in DR they come hand in hand. Hotel? Food? What are the prices for those in Colombia. .I prefer Santa Marta in Colombia. Its cheaper all round, its got great beaches, plenty of chicas, everything in walking distance, safer. In fact it makes up for lots of the advantages that DR would have over MDE.

I imagine downtown MDE is similar price to Santa Marta, but TBH I know where I would rather spend a holiday. By the beach, or constantly looking over my shoulder and dodging taxis.

How long do you expect your USD 3 k to last?

06-29-21, 01:57
I did do some basic duo lingo a few days before and relying on Google translate beyond that. My go to phrases right now are "hola", "gracias", "cuanto cuesta", "ok", "vamos", and "no hablo Espanol" LOL. But yeah the problem is that I can't understand any conversation because of the accent and how fast people speak.You don't need it, I just use google translate and get by in Colombia just fine.

06-29-21, 02:15
I prefer Santa Marta in Colombia. Its cheaper all round, its got great beaches, plenty of chicas, everything in walking distance, safer. In fact it makes up for lots of the advantages that DR would have over MDE.

I imagine downtown MDE is similar price to Santa Marta, but TBH I know where I would rather spend a holiday. By the beach, or constantly looking over my shoulder and dodging taxis.

How long do you expect your USD 3 k to last?Good question. I forgot to mention ill be staying around 2 weeks perhaps 3.

I just saw videos of Cartagena Colombia and the beach looks amazing. There's a lot to consider in Colombia, but its very far apart. In DR, a cruise or taxi will take you where you need to go.

Thanks for your intel.

06-29-21, 02:15
Are the beach and chicas mutually exclusive? You can go to Cartagena.

Click View Original Post to go to Cartagena thread

06-29-21, 02:25
I prefer Santa Marta in Colombia. Its cheaper all round, its got great beaches, plenty of chicas, everything in walking distance, safer. In fact it makes up for lots of the advantages that DR would have over MDE.

I imagine downtown MDE is similar price to Santa Marta, but TBH I know where I would rather spend a holiday. By the beach, or constantly looking over my shoulder and dodging taxis.

How long do you expect your USD 3 k to last?Good question. I forgot to mention I'll be staying around 2 weeks perhaps 3.

I just saw videos of Cartagena Colombia and the beach looks amazing. Theres a lot to consider in Colombia, but its very far apart. In DR, a cruise or taxi will take you where you need to go.

Thanks for your intel.

06-29-21, 04:40
I monger in NYC and have been for a couple of years now. Sorry for my lack of respect points on this website but tbh this isn't my forte'.

Anyways, end of August I plan to travel to Colombia or DR strictly for mongering. I am a young guy, traveling solo most likely, speak Spanish, am Peruvian (so I blend in pretty well at least in Colombia), and going to carry $3000 total.

I am leaning towards Colombia because I prefer skinny women but a (expert) monger friend of mine says to try DR because its cheaper and things are closer together.

Taking covid restrictions into consideration, which country do you recommend with my ideals and budget?

I'm a little leas versed with Colombia. I don't know the chica prices. Is it expensive? Where should I land if I want to go to the beach as well? Are the beach and chicas mutually exclusive? I know in DR they come hand in hand. Hotel? Food? What are the prices for those in Colombia. I can defend myself so I don't worry too much about dangers of Colombia.

Anyways, thank you for your help!

As a trade, I can offer monger info on Peru, Lima.Never been to DR so can't comment on that. Was thinking about going recently but there is a curfew there right now, make sure it's lifted before you go there. Prices seem pretty high from the posts I've seen.

As others have mentioned, if you want beaches in Colombia, try Cartegena or Santa Marta. Beaches are crap in Cartegena except for Playa Blanca, and you will be harassed not stop by touts any where you go. Prices for girls in Cartegena were about $70 to $100 for girls in clock tower area pre pandemic. Not sure now. There are several clubs close to the clock tower with similar prices.

Prices vary widely in Medellin. At Faces Dos US $70 for about 40 min, nice rooms. At La Isla US $100 for 1 hour, nice rooms. Hotness of girls vary greatly but you can find some stunners here. In the Centro area, girls are US $20 or $3 o. Difficult to find hot girls in centro though. If you stay at the Mansion Hotel, it costs about $100 to bring the girl to your room. At Gusto at parke Llierass, $100 to $200 or more, but I would avoid as it's a ripoff. Street hookers in the actual park US $70 to $100.

In Bogota prices differ greatly between north or south or city. The north is the rich area so the clubs are more expensive. The main red light district is the Santa Fe area in the south. This is in a ghetto area. Lots of girls here with lots of hot Venezuelans. Girls are US $25 for 20 minutes. You can pay extra for extended time.

This is the main area you want to stay at on a small budget. There is one mid level club in Chapinero called LA49 but girls are US $100, so not worth it. There are several clubs in the north, but the one with the hottest girls is Lidos. It costs $70 just to take a girl from the club and girl will probably charge $150 short time or $300 all night. These numbers could vary quite a bit based on the girl. So you are paying close to US prices, but with much hotter girls than you could get in the US for similar prices.

Hotels are pretty cheap in Bogota right now, you can get decent places for $30/ night and very nice places for $70/ night. I would guess this is cheaper than DR. Food is cheap, prices for normal food is negligible and high end restaurants are also pretty reasonable. Uber is ridiculously cheap, like $5 for a 45 minute trip across town.

06-29-21, 04:56
Hi guys,

I've been mongering for about 10 years, in the States and extensively when I lived in Asia. Have never been to South America before and have the chance to line up a 7-day (or so) inaugural visit in the next couple of weeks. I plan to spend it all in Medellin so I've been reading and watching vids to make a plan of action. Really appreciate the work the posters here have put in to give us all assistance. Just Googling things like "guest friendly hotels Medellin" didn't return the amount of results I expected. It is super easy to find all that basic info, on a number of different sites, for the main Asian mongering destinations like the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, etc. So again the help provided here is crucial to me as I work to plan for this mongering trip.

I've seen a couple hotels mentioned here that should be guest friendly: specifically Hotel Nutibara, Hotel Dorado la 70, Hotel Medellin Plaza (Mansion? And Hotel Haven. From the basic research, I was thinking Hotel Nutibara could be the best selection for guaranteed guest friendly, but the "not safe outside after 10 pm" kind of has me thinking twice. I spent a lot of time in sketchy parts of Manila and although pickpockets and swarming street kid picket-pocket "gangs" were an issue one had to be aware of. I never felt or heard anyone suggest that after 10 pm the area near my hotel was a 'no-go zone'. I wonder if anyone with possible experience in a city like Manila would compare the Plaza Botero, El Centro, and the general area around Hotel Nutibara in particular to Manila? When I hear "be off the streets by 10 pm" South American stereotypes of Archer (TV) style paramilitaries jump into my head LOL.

Other than that, appreciate the info in this thread. Looking up flights from where I am in the US, studying about the districts / areas of Medellin overall, the Colombian peso / the cost for the chicas, and generally occupying my restful summer with these plans. Fingers crossed I'll be in Medellin in a couple weeks. Thanks.

06-29-21, 06:01
I monger in NYC and have been for a couple of years now. Sorry for my lack of respect points on this website but tbh this isn't my forte'.

Anyways, end of August I plan to travel to Colombia or DR strictly for mongering. I am a young guy, traveling solo most likely, speak Spanish, am Peruvian (so I blend in pretty well at least in Colombia), and going to carry $3000 total.

I am leaning towards Colombia because I prefer skinny women but a (expert) monger friend of mine says to try DR because its cheaper and things are closer together.

Taking covid restrictions into consideration, which country do you recommend with my ideals and budget?

I'm a little leas versed with Colombia. I don't know the chica prices. Is it expensive? Where should I land if I want to go to the beach as well? Are the beach and chicas mutually exclusive? I know in DR they come hand in hand. Hotel? Food? What are the prices for those in Colombia. I can defend myself so I don't worry too much about dangers of Colombia.

Anyways, thank you for your help!

As a trade, I can offer monger info on Peru, Lima.I tried to PM you but couldn't. Can you open up your PMs or request for access on that.

06-29-21, 06:10
I tried to PM you but couldn't. Can you open up your PMs or request for access on that.Says I need a subscription to utilize the PM system. Don't think I'm doing that anytime soon. If its not too much to ask, is it possible to put your info on here? [Deleted by Admin]

Thank you for your consideration. I appreciate it.

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it was an attempt by the author to encourage members to CONTACT HIM on ANOTHER WEBSITE. In the future, please refrain from posting requests for forum members to contact you on another website. Thanks!

06-29-21, 12:37
I don't agree that the Dominican Republic is cheaper than Colombia. Depending on your departure location, airfare to the Dominican Republic can be cheaper than airfare to Colombia because there is more competition among the airlines. The Dominican Republic is among the the world's most popular tourist destinations. That demand and the higher percentage of imported goods versus locally produced goods are reasons behind the higher costs for consumer goods in the Dominican Republic. So despite the airfare you will find Colombia affordable once you get there. . As for thick, thin, 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-10, check the pictures here and compare the prices. From cheapest to most expensive, Medellin casas range from US $14 to US $39. GBP is known to be one of Santo Domingo's cheapest casas. The cost there is US $26. It is much more comparable to the US $14 Colombia casas, except in those Medellin casas at almost half the price you will find these things that GBP does not offer: running water, soap, towels. I hope you try both and let us know what you think.

Good question. I forgot to mention I'll be staying around 2 weeks perhaps 3.

I just saw videos of Cartagena Colombia and the beach looks amazing. Theres a lot to consider in Colombia, but its very far apart. In DR, a cruise or taxi will take you where you need to go.

Thanks for your intel.

06-29-21, 12:41
First time in Medellin. Just visited Loutron and holy shit. It's expensive but definitely a must visit at least once. The way they have the line up of girls come out and present themselves is something out of a fucking movie. Every girl either a 8, 9, or 10. It's about double the cost of a standard lay in Poblado and not exactly GFE, but I can finally say I fucked a solid 10. I really don't think it can get much better.

If the girls provided full GFE, I would not look twice at the price. This is my type of mongering. No BS. No wasting time searching for a decent looking girl, or waiting for a girl who shows up 2 hours late. Just solid 10's quite literally fucking spoon fed to you. Wow.What is the rate at Loutron?

06-29-21, 12:43
Hit me up on instant messaging. I haven't been to Lima in quite a few years and I am interested. I can give you some Medellin background.

I monger in NYC and have been for a couple of years now. Sorry for my lack of respect points on this website but tbh this isn't my forte'.

Anyways, end of August I plan to travel to Colombia or DR strictly for mongering. I am a young guy, traveling solo most likely, speak Spanish, am Peruvian (so I blend in pretty well at least in Colombia), and going to carry $3000 total.

I am leaning towards Colombia because I prefer skinny women but a (expert) monger friend of mine says to try DR because its cheaper and things are closer together.

Taking covid restrictions into consideration, which country do you recommend with my ideals and budget?

I'm a little leas versed with Colombia. I don't know the chica prices. Is it expensive? Where should I land if I want to go to the beach as well? Are the beach and chicas mutually exclusive? I know in DR they come hand in hand. Hotel? Food? What are the prices for those in Colombia. I can defend myself so I don't worry too much about dangers of Colombia.

Anyways, thank you for your help!

As a trade, I can offer monger info on Peru, Lima.

06-29-21, 12:45
This is rock solid advice. Ignore it at your peril.

Actually you have a better chance of getting robbed in Poblado versus El Centro and Paulie enumerated some of the reasons why foreigners are better targets than locals.

The reality of all of this is, and with you having four years of no incidents, is that you may become complacent, and when you least expect it, boom you get jacked up.

If anything I have learn't about Medellin in particular is, that you can never "let your guard down", as typically you will get jacked up when you least expect it as I'm mentioning again.

There have been countless reports of guys getting jacked on the Medellin thread over the years, myself included.

So my advice to everyone is again.

'Never let your guard down'.

And I'm not just talking about the street, but with the Chicas as well, and that's a whole other topic of it's own.

06-29-21, 13:09
Botaniko is gone. The former owner is now running a Nina Simone themed restaurant in the space that used to be Cafe Colombo Credenza on the 10th floor of the Colombo-Americano building.

Versalles is open don't know about any of the rest of them.

06-29-21, 13:31
Hacienda is going strong and so is the Hato Viejo chain. It will be a while before Botero hotel reopens if it ever does. I read that the Ayenda chain went bankrupt. The legendary Versalles is open. Years ago I bought an empanada at the front counter. I later gave it to a homeless guy in Parque Bolivar because I noticed a cockroach walking across the merchandise as the counter lady reached into the display case to get the empanada. I haven't fucked with the place since then. It's not necessarily any less clean than other places but I can't shake the memory. A couple of doors down the hill from the old Botaniko location is a nice little Colombian place called Vendimia. It's very clean and it uses fresh ingredients to make dishes very much like what Botaniko used to make. They get a lot of the same customers who work at the nearby clinics that Botaniko used to get. There is a long lineup at an EPS clinic next door that hides the entrance. If you like Botaniko you will like the food there.

Planning my 5th trip later this year.

My cheap go to, 24 HR, Braza Pan behind Nutibara Hotel on the corner next to the Metro? (corner of Maracaibo & Bolivar).

My cheap seafood across from the SW corner of Parque Bolivar, Ostras Marbella? (Calle 54 & Carr 49).

My fav breakfast place on Carr 49, walking street Paseo Junin, Versalles Restaurante why Pasteleria?

And my fav higher end food in Centro:

Hacienda. Junin?

Cafe Colombo Credenza?

I think I already heard Botanko Bistro (next to Casa New Life) closed.

Also if they reopen Hotel Botero let me know! Will do Hotel Nutibara otherwise but I love the top floors in the Botero facing west, great view, good breeze and less noise up high.

06-29-21, 17:43
What is the rate at Loutron?330 k + tip so about $100 usd.

06-29-21, 18:43
What is the rate at Loutron?It's around 300 K. It was a little less when I visited. There is an added taxi / car cost, for me it is more than 30 K for round trip.

The procedure described is standard for most casas. Most people probably will be overwhelmed during first visit so enjoy it while it lasts. I think it won't be as easy to find 10 or 9 for many after acclimated to the scene.

06-29-21, 19:07
I never felt or heard anyone suggest that after 10 pm the area near my hotel was a 'no-go zone'. There are many bars and clubs still open during normal time so it is not exactly no-go. You just need to know where you are going and keep moving toward your destination. You can study and walk around the area during day time when the street is busy and safer. You will feel more comfortable at night without needing to check map.

For where to stay, you can check the posts and the posters to see which one fit your mongering style. They are quite different. Mansion is a good choice if you can get a room for a few days.

06-29-21, 19:29
I don't know if it changed or the person was in bad mood, but back in April the Premier Plaza didn't allow me in with laminated copy of passport (it never happened before), so since then I was using Zona Rosa.With travels to seven continents. Whoever hotel clerk is asking for that I think is on a little power trip. Either the real one of a paper copy of your passport would usually cover all eventualities. In fact, you should not go out on the street with your real passport. I have my passport foto page copied on one side, and the visa page copied on the other. Color not necessary either. I have used the same copy until it was dogeared and falling apart and no one gave a shite including random stops by policia. One of my many little travel hacks is to have a copy made at the hotel front desk at time of check in, when you have to show your passport. I have always been able to get a copy this way without a problem, and I usually tip a 2 mil COP note or fifty cents.

Mr Enternational
06-29-21, 19:36
The Dominican Republic is among the the world's most popular tourist destinations.This is purely because of the resorts of Punta Cana. A school teacher that I mess with in Santa Marta just got back a couple of days ago. "lindo🇩127476;, Punta Cana, y sus pueblitos. Quiero volver cuando no haya restricciones".

Colombia is way cheaper than DR. I just paid a taxi in Barranquilla $10 to take me from my hotel 10 minutes to the wash house to pick up my laundry, then 40 minutes to the airport. In DR a taxi will want $25 to go from the airport in Santo Domingo 10 minutes down the road to Boca Chica.

06-29-21, 19:49
A Seeking girl, "Dana" is a decent-looking redhead that also sent a quick video of her friend who looked good. We got to the point of compensation, and I let her make the first move. She said, "Well, you paid $99/ month to find girls who want an agreement. We want 300 USD each. Anything less and we aren't interested. " I laughed and recommended she start getting ready to go to Gusto for the night. The interesting part was it was the first time a chica had mentioned the cost of a Seeking membership. She severely over-shot, but I respected her approach.

I went back & forth with Dos Santos Cantina in Provenza, and finally ended up getting a dinner reservation, 3 weeks out, for 7p. There was nothing available sooner, aside from lunch, and nothing available later in the evening. So, if anyone is heading into town for a week trip, and wants to have a date night, check it out well before arriving. Not sure if you could go at lunch and grease the hostess.

CoinSlot asked Pinky right as she arrived the other night if I fuck other chicks. Pinky said no, only trios or 4s with her. CoinSlot then told her since they are friends, which they are not, that she has to show her our conversation. She said she doesn't want her to be with a bad guy. The truth is, CoinSlot relentlessly messages me asking to come over. In fact, just a couple days before our last trio, she wanted to come over while Pinky was at classes and the gym. Pinky said CoinSlot told her several times that she wants a rich boyfriend and that I am good-looking. She's fucking stupid; like, asking if AM or PM is the evening stupid. Although, this is next level stupid. 1) She loses out on my 150k average of paying her between quickies or trios, and 2) She doesn't get anything out of spilling the beans.

Has anyone been to La Isla, recently? I would assume they're back at 100% but I have noticed that they aren't using the search lights at night.

06-29-21, 20:58
Botaniko is gone. The former owner is now running a Nina Simone themed restaurant in the space that used to be Cafe Colombo Credenza on the 10th floor of the Colombo-Americano building.Oh man, I loved dinner on the balcony at Cafe Colombo!. Great food, great sangria, not bad prices. I took a little wookie to dinner there, she turned into a butterfly later. LOL.

Also a shot of the breakfast at Versailles.

Fun Luvr
06-29-21, 22:53
With travels to seven continents. Whoever hotel clerk is asking for that I think is on a little power trip. Either the real one of a paper copy of your passport would usually cover all eventualities. In fact, you should not go out on the street with your real passport. I have my passport foto page copied on one side, and the visa page copied on the other. Color not necessary either. I have used the same copy until it was dogeared and falling apart and no one gave a shite including random stops by policia.What do you think a laminated copy is? It is a paper copy covered in plastic so it doesn't get dogeared. Maybe you are thinking of the passport card.

Also, the OP said the desk clerk would not accept the laminated copy. He didn't say that person asked for anything.

06-29-21, 23:11
There are many bars and clubs still open during normal time so it is not exactly no-go. You just need to know where you are going and keep moving toward your destination. You can study and walk around the area during day time when the street is busy and safer. You will feel more comfortable at night without needing to check map.

For where to stay, you can check the posts and the posters to see which one fit your mongering style. They are quite different. Mansion is a good choice if you can get a room for a few days.I would also say that the cutoff time to be wandering around El Centro is about 8 pm. That's when most of the businesses have closed and most of the streets are deserted. After that it's best to know exactly where you're going.

06-29-21, 23:20
With travels to seven continents. Whoever hotel clerk is asking for that I think is on a little power trip. Either the real one of a paper copy of your passport would usually cover all eventualities. In fact, you should not go out on the street with your real passport. I have my passport foto page copied on one side, and the visa page copied on the other. Color not necessary either. I have used the same copy until it was dogeared and falling apart and no one gave a shite including random stops by policia. One of my many little travel hacks is to have a copy made at the hotel front desk at time of check in, when you have to show your passport. I have always been able to get a copy this way without a problem, and I usually tip a 2 mil COP note or fifty cents.Lets think out of the box on this one.

A laminated or plastic covered color copy of your ID makes the ID look more credible versus black and white especially with the Police, and you can get it wet and it won't dog ear and de-grade.

Even better yet what I have done is had photocopy's of all my ID's reduced down to business card size front and back so they are the size of a credit card, and fit right into my wallet.

Makes things a lot easier to whip out than a big folded piece of paper that besides getting dog eared may get wet and the ink runs and ruins it. I have been caught is some downpours in Medellin and have been soaking wet so another reason to laminate.

Fun Luvr
06-30-21, 04:40
... Prices vary widely in Medellin. At Faces Dos US $70 for about 40 min, nice rooms. At La Isla US $100 for 1 hour, nice rooms. Hotness of girls vary greatly but you can find some stunners here. In the Centro area, girls are US $20 or $3 o. Difficult to find hot girls in centro though. If you stay at the Mansion Hotel, it costs about $100 to bring the girl to your room. At Gusto at parke Llierass, $100 to $200 or more, but I would avoid as it's a ripoff. Street hookers in the actual park US $70 to $100. ...I think the information posted here should be accurate to the best of the poster's knowledge. I haven't been to Fase Dos or La Isla, so I won't post prices. The normal prices in Centro are 30,000 (US $8. 50) and 40,000 (US $11). You have to add the price of a room to that, and that should be an additional $5 to $8. At the Mansion, most of the ladies will do short time for 200,000 (US $56) All night should be less than US $100. Some of the ladies at Gusto will ask for ridiculous amounts, up to US $350. Most can be had for around $80 or less. Most of the street walkers around Parque Lleras will go for 250,000 (US $70) or less for an hour or two.

For reference, today's exchange rate is 3768 COP for US $1. My numbers are at a lower rate than that because I know many people use exchange houses which give a lower than market rate.

Lucky Nuts
06-30-21, 05:26
Hi guys,

I've been mongering for about 10 years, in the States and extensively when I lived in Asia. Have never been to South America before and have the chance to line up a 7-day (or so) inaugural visit in the next couple of weeks. I plan to spend it all in Medellin so I've been reading and watching vids to make a plan of action. Really appreciate the work the posters here have put in to give us all assistance. Just Googling things like "guest friendly hotels Medellin" didn't return the amount of results I expected. It is super easy to find all that basic info, on a number of different sites, for the main Asian mongering destinations like the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, etc. So again the help provided here is crucial to me as I work to plan for this mongering trip.

I've seen a couple hotels mentioned here that should be guest friendly: specifically Hotel Nutibara, Hotel Dorado la 70, Hotel Medellin Plaza (Mansion? And Hotel Haven. From the basic research, I was thinking Hotel Nutibara could be the best selection for guaranteed guest friendly, but the "not safe outside after 10 pm" kind of has me thinking twice. I spent a lot of time in sketchy parts of Manila and although pickpockets and swarming street kid picket-pocket "gangs" were an issue one had to be aware of. I never felt or heard anyone suggest that after 10 pm the area near my hotel was a 'no-go zone'. I wonder if anyone with possible experience in a city like Manila would compare the Plaza Botero, El Centro, and the general area around Hotel Nutibara in particular to Manila? When I hear "be off the streets by 10 pm" South American stereotypes of Archer (TV) style paramilitaries jump into my head LOL.

Other than that, appreciate the info in this thread. Looking up flights from where I am in the US, studying about the districts / areas of Medellin overall, the Colombian peso / the cost for the chicas, and generally occupying my restful summer with these plans. Fingers crossed I'll be in Medellin in a couple weeks. Thanks.I've roamed the streets of the SE Asia countries you mentioned and others as well late at night and never even thought about safety issues. I've walked the seedy parts of Manilia late night and never had issues with kid "gangs" or pickpockets or anything like that. Always felt totally safe throughout SE Asia day and night. It's an apples and oranges comparison imo. El centro Medellin already had crime issues at night before the influx of Venezuelanos and pre-covid. Now after these events there's even more very desperate people walking the streets. Chicas are selling ass for a few dollars worth of pesos so that gives you an idea of the desperation.

Where to stay depends on your style of finding girls and at what price point. If you want the bargain basement prices of street walkers then yeah stay at Nutibara. At night you could walk to the couple clubs that are very close (and also inexpensive) probably without problems. But I wouldn't venture far from Plaza Botero at night. And I haven't even been there at night for a few years so not sure how much it's changed.

If you're not looking for street walkers and plan to use agencies or social media or casas or Fase Dos/La Isla type nicer clubs and want a decent lodging place in a safe neighborhood at a pretty cheap price check out San Peter apartments in Laureles. You should be able to find it on airbnb. They allow you to check in girls for visits at no cost.

If you want to go higher end on both lodging and chicas stay near Parque Lleras at Haven Hotel or Hotel M. The later has chicas available on site but is overpriced for the lodging. Haven is very close to Parque Lleras where you can find a lot of action but at a higher price point.

Maybe you want to mix it up with a couple nights here and a couple nights there. Probably a good way to do a first visit. Enjoy and please write up a report with your experiences in Medellin.

06-30-21, 06:27
Blade 2001 is a flat-out liar regarding the mansion hotel, $ 100 for a chica, bullshit information. What a fucking liar. 200 k, approx $ 57 us is the true price. I know, I just got laid there recently. So stfu with your lies.

06-30-21, 06:39
Blade 2001 should stop trying to damage businesses in mde by posting incorrect information. I know the mansion girls want 200 k or so, less than $60 usd, not the $100 usd blade 2001 alleges. Is he a jealous loser, a rival lying businessman, a troll, or someone who can't get laid for $500? Quien sabe? Pos.

06-30-21, 11:39
Hi members,

I want to spend my birthday which is the 9th of July.

I have reservation for flights.

Arrival to Medellin is 8th in the evening.

Leaving on the 12th early morning.

I'm a bit confused as to where I should stay.

Money is not an issue as I like to go to nice places.

I also want to check out El Centro.

Any experience guys can help me here.

All drinks on me.


06-30-21, 12:25
Lets think out of the box on this one.

A laminated or plastic covered color copy of your ID makes the ID look more credible versus black and white especially with the Police, and you can get it wet and it won't dog ear and de-grade.

Even better yet what I have done is had photocopy's of all my ID's reduced down to business card size front and back so they are the size of a credit card, and fit right into my wallet.

Makes things a lot easier to whip out than a big folded piece of paper that besides getting dog eared may get wet and the ink runs and ruins it. I have been caught is some downpours in Medellin and have been soaking wet so another reason to laminate.Just remember that in some countries (Mexico is one), color copies of IDs are considered illegal.

The Tall Man
06-30-21, 13:50
Blade 2001 is a flat-out liar regarding the mansion hotel, $ 100 for a chica, bullshit information. What a fucking liar. 200 k, approx $ 57 us is the true price. I know, I just got laid there recently. So stfu with your lies.
Blade 2001 should stop trying to damage businesses in mde by posting incorrect information. I know the mansion girls want 200 k or so, less than $60 usd, not the $100 usd blade 2001 alleges. Is he a jealous loser, a rival lying businessman, a troll, or someone who can't get laid for $500? Quien sabe? Pos.Calm down lad, looks like you have a dog in this fight, hehehehehe. I don't know either of you but 'let it go' otherwise you are just fueling the flame.

My gawd don't you have better things to do with your time and energy. One persons experience could be and usually is very different than another.

Just saying.

The Tall Man.

06-30-21, 14:49
So I'm going to start this off with my travel.

I wake up a 3 am and head to the airport for a 5 am flight to FL. I make it to the airport and stand in line because I was having issues with my passport. I was told that I didn't fill-out the Columbia travel paperwork so this caused me to almost miss my flight. Fast forward to landing in Columbia and my phone did not work. I had to pay a Colombian $5 usd to navigate me to my driver I had already had requested from the mansion. The drive to the city was beautiful and I took a lot of pictures. I arrived at the mansion and was greeted and shown my room (M1) for the first night. I took a quick shower and walked around outside taking it all in as a first-timer. After about an hour I returned and saw a couple of beautiful woman walking around the mansion and sat a spoke with them for another hour. Decided to bust my Columbia virginity and took a young woman back toy room and had an OK time. Long story short none of the mansion girl could get me to cum. After that's session I texted my tour-guide and made plans to hit the town. I leave the mansion around 8 pm and head to a strip club that I can't remember the name of and the woman was only (100 k) per. I managed to bang the second hottest girl in the building, she still is the best sex I had overall. After that we hit up gustó and walked the park. That ended my first night in Medellin.

I stayed a total of 5 days and will write them individual as time permits.

06-30-21, 15:28
Blade 2001 should stop trying to damage businesses in mde by posting incorrect information. I know the mansion girls want 200 k or so, less than $60 usd, not the $100 usd blade 2001 alleges. Is he a jealous loser, a rival lying businessman, a troll, or someone who can't get laid for $500? Quien sabe? Pos.Did someone forget to tell you which head the condom goes on? Lighten up Frances. While he might have overstated the price at the Mansion, I doubt that it's going to force them out of business.

06-30-21, 17:55
Was downtown yesterday checking out some hotels. Got some good info. Decided to stop by Amigas since I was near there. Picked a Venezolana with a phat ass. Told me $20 mil tip for BBBJ. No problem. I love BBBJs and I was in the mood to stroke for awhile so I wanted a nice lube.

For some reason, she focused on licking my balls and licking and sucking that piece of real estate between my balls and my ahole. I was ready to bust in her mouth but she wanted to stroke so she got on top with her phat ass facing me and went aggressive doggie style. I was already ready to bust from the BBBJ so it wasn't long before I busted a wad. I stayed hard but the rubber was full so I called it a day.

I've gotten some really good BBBJs the last few times I've mongered. Will probably do another session this week and maybe head to Pereira over the weekend since the weather seems to be getting better in Antioquia.

06-30-21, 18:16
For some reason, she focused on licking my balls and licking and sucking that piece of real estate between my balls and my ahole..We used to and maybe some still do call it Taint on a woman because it Taint pussy and it Taint azhole. Similar for us taint this and it taint that.

06-30-21, 23:19
This is purely because of the resorts of Punta Cana. A school teacher that I mess with in Santa Marta just got back a couple of days ago. "lindo🇩127476;, Punta Cana, y sus pueblitos. Quiero volver cuando no haya restricciones".

Colombia is way cheaper than DR. I just paid a taxi in Barranquilla $10 to take me from my hotel 10 minutes to the wash house to pick up my laundry, then 40 minutes to the airport. In DR a taxi will want $25 to go from the airport in Santo Domingo 10 minutes down the road to Boca Chica.The women are beautiful in DR, but the culture sucks. I've never been anyplace I've felt like everything was for sale. Everyone's a hustler, especially the women. I couldn't agree more- Stay in Colombia!

06-30-21, 23:32
Hi members,

I want to spend my birthday which is the 9th of July.

I have reservation for flights.

Arrival to Medellin is 8th in the evening.

Leaving on the 12th early morning.

I'm a bit confused as to where I should stay.

Money is not an issue as I like to go to nice places.

I also want to check out El Centro.

Any experience guys can help me here.

All drinks on me.

Sureman.I would stay at a nice Airbnb and ask if it's ok to have visitors over. Another option would be Dan Carlton seems like a nice hotel and from what I've read here it's girl friendly.

06-30-21, 23:55
I was recently in Colombia and in out of MDE on several occasions. First up was Veronica 1, a Venezolana from Photoprepagos. She was working out of one of those many places where a bunch of young girls have set up their own casa more or less. Location was the white metal door immediately to the right of the front door to Spa Energy on Carrera 74 in the Estadio neighborhood. Firm gordibuena type with flawless Latina skin, the long, silky black hair that really floats my boat, and a gorgeous Latina face. Excellent service with a superb BBBJ. 110 COP for the hour might as well have been free.

Next up was Carolina, a girl I met at Energy several years ago and have kept in touch with. Came to my hotel and provided the same awesome service as in the past.

Then I had a Saturday afternoon session with Veronica 2, a Barranquillera who I saw on Photoprepagos and who had very good reviews on the catadorcolombia site. She was what I think of as the Colombian special. Sweet, sexy, beautiful, with gorgeous long dark hair, a smoking body, and very enthusiastic. Excellent GFE for 150 k. She was at yet another of those anonymous casas in Laureles, Cra 80 b #34 c-34. I repeated with her later and it was even better the second time around.

Then it was another photoprepagos girl, Salome, who was a petite morena spinner. Her attractiveness, body, and BBBJ gave her great potential, but she was one of those somewhat fidgety types who couldn't seem to relax. Not a bad experience for 130 K for the hour, but not recommended when there are so many better options.

Then repeated with Veronica 1 and had another excellent session. Then it was Isabella, another photoprepagos girl. Morena with a nice body, a cute face, and a friendly and sexy attitude. 150 k for a very good hour of GFE.

Finally I made a trip to Energy, sort of for old times sake. About 12 girls working, but only 2 that worked for me. Went with Luna, a petite and cute paisa with a slightly thick but firm body and a pair of near perfect tits. Good service for 140 k for the hour but not as good as my photoprepagos girls. MDE remains a favorite for the abundance of beautiful and sexy women.

07-01-21, 03:48
Today was my first day in Medellin, I came in a day earlier than planned.

Getting through immigration took about 45 minutes as two other planes arrived at the same. I walked outside and took an official white taxi for 80,000 to Haven near Parque Lleras. Came to my room to get situated and then took an Uber to Fantasias Energy Spa right before 5 so traffic was heavy. Uber is super cheap here. Service at Energy is 140 K for an hour, I opted for $190 for two cups for the hour. They said two girls are 230 K.

So you sit down in the waiting room and then the girls come out one by one to introduce themselves and open their robes so you can see them in their sexy lingerie. They tell you their name and their number. They had about 10 girls available when I went. The girls range from 6's, 7's, and 8's maybe 9 in my book. I thought 2 or 3 were super hot. I went with a 23 year old cutie with a sexy body and great smile.

Once you're in the room the girl first gives you a message for about 10 minutes and then gives CBJ followed by sex. My girl had a great attitude and was sweet. When you finish you can take a shower and get dressed. I really enjoyed the experience.

I then caught an Uber to my hotel and walked to Mondongos for dinner. After dinner I walked to Parque Lleras to check out the scene but it was kinda quiet since it's Wednesday and I was there kind of early. There were a few working girls hanging out together and they cat call you over LOL. Tomorrow I am going to ride the metro to centro and check out plaza Botero and surroundings. Will probably go to Bendito Seas at night for ladies night.

07-01-21, 05:46
I've been planning out my first over seas monger session to Medellin.

Right now, my plan is a 5 or 6 day trip in August or September, budget around 3 k usd. I plan to use the FB method for most of my chicas, so I'm thinking of the hotel Loyds over the mansion. Though if there is a fee, switching to the San Paolo apartment Airbnb would probably be cheaper.

It would be fun to hit the Hing Kong style strip clubs; thinking of finding a guide to get the best bang for my buck.

Finally I'll probably splurge on a pro on the first night, someone easy to deal with for an overnight session.

Captain Solo
07-01-21, 06:35

Very exciting report. Really like the GDEs and addresses of casas.

Where do you find photoprepagos girl?

Mr Enternational
07-01-21, 14:35
Where do you find photoprepagos girl?You find them on photoprepagos.com.

Mr Enternational
07-01-21, 14:40
Right now, my plan is a 5 or 6 day trip in August or September, budget around 3 k usd.Maybe if you are buying a house then it will be possible to spend that much money in that amount of time. I have been in Colombia for 9 days and have not spent that much in 3 cities and with rather expensive dental work.

07-01-21, 15:51
I've been planning out my first over seas monger session to Medellin.

Right now, my plan is a 5 or 6 day trip in August or September, budget around 3 k usd. I plan to use the FB method for most of my chicas, so I'm thinking of the hotel Loyds over the mansion. Though if there is a fee, switching to the San Paolo apartment Airbnb would probably be cheaper.

It would be fun to hit the Hing Kong style strip clubs; thinking of finding a guide to get the best bang for my buck.

Finally I'll probably splurge on a pro on the first night, someone easy to deal with for an overnight session.3 k over 6 days is a lot. The most expensive sessions here are like $100 tops. You can and should ball out with that budget. Definitely visit loutron (top casa), fase dos (top strip club), and consider staying at the mansion anyways if it's your first time. Really easy intro to everything especially if you don't speak Spanish. Another option is to go with a really expensive and fancy hotel suite. Even if you fuck solid 10 loutron chicks 3 times a day, I don't think you're spending 3 k over 5 days LOL. Welcome to Colombia.

07-01-21, 16:54
Maybe if you are buying a house then it will be possible to spend that much money in that amount of time. I have been in Colombia for 9 days and have not spent that much in 3 cities and with rather expensive dental work.Sounds better than the reverse problem, LOL.

I can only add another day at most though.

I budgeted way more than I might need for hotels though.

It seems like labor day doubles the normal prices, which was near when I was planning to go.

07-01-21, 17:43
I would stay at a nice Airbnb and ask if it's ok to have visitors over. Another option would be Dan Carlton seems like a nice hotel and from what I've read here it's girl friendly.Hi,

Thanks I leaning towards San Peters apartment.

Location is good who ever will be around mty dates are welcome to go and hang out.

07-01-21, 18:13
Anyone know what ever happened to.

AleXandra https://www.facebook.com/natalia.aguilarlopez.5.

Leidy Baron.

Enlly Florez https://www.facebook.com/Enllym.florez.

I have not seen any of them in a while because their prices continue to go up while the service stayed the same or got worse. Seems that all of them have sugar daddies and / or guys who send them money, although one of them (Enlly) will never admit it.

07-01-21, 22:05
I saw news some can use in the newspaper today. Avianca has two new direct flights from Medellin. Today the 4 times per week flights to Punta Cana began. The other new route is Medellin-Cancun. We can nickname that second route the "Slapshot Express".

07-01-21, 22:46
A few years back a couple very enterprising ladies were offering rides into town from the airport, including "party favors" when they arrive at the airport. Does anyone know if this is still a thing, and maybe even have a number?

07-01-21, 22:51
I've been planning out my first over seas monger session to Medellin.

Right now, my plan is a 5 or 6 day trip in August or September, budget around 3 k usd. I plan to use the FB method for most of my chicas, so I'm thinking of the hotel Loyds over the mansion. Though if there is a fee, switching to the San Paolo apartment Airbnb would probably be cheaper.

It would be fun to hit the Hing Kong style strip clubs; thinking of finding a guide to get the best bang for my buck.

Finally I'll probably splurge on a pro on the first night, someone easy to deal with for an overnight session.Do NOT bring that kind of cash over. Lots of credit cards offer no cost international use- use your card wherever you can. Much better to spend a little extra on ATM fees than to have a $2-3k wad in your pocket or hotel room. DO NOT FLASH CASH. I know in the states you can garner a lot of attention in a club by throwing tips around, but could get you killed in Colombia. If you're going to be drinking, make sure you're with a group of trusted friends. Be careful of "guides"; if they're not well recommended they're probably the first one ready to thump you on the head. Have fun, but don't confuse how you behave in the states to how you behave in Colombia. They have some hardcore MFs in Colombia that can eat Hells Angels for breakfast.

07-01-21, 23:00
Hey guys- I'm old school and need a little help. What keywords are you using to identify FB girls?

07-01-21, 23:02
Hey guys, debating a trip between Tijuana and Colombia right now.

Was wondering what the current curfew or closing times are for Fase Dos and La Isla. I'm generally a fan of the Hong Kong style clubs, and my favorite nighttime option while in Colombia are Fase / LaIsla so this is a big deal for me. Also is what's the curfew situation in Parque Lleras?

07-01-21, 23:42
I've been planning out my first over seas monger session to Medellin.

Right now, my plan is a 5 or 6 day trip in August or September, budget around 3 k usd. I plan to use the FB method for most of my chicas, so I'm thinking of the hotel Loyds over the mansion. Though if there is a fee, switching to the San Paolo apartment Airbnb would probably be cheaper.

It would be fun to hit the Hing Kong style strip clubs; thinking of finding a guide to get the best bang for my buck.

Finally I'll probably splurge on a pro on the first night, someone easy to deal with for an overnight session.Go to Gustos pop a bottle of Dom Perignon and get 2 girls for an all nighter and you'll spend 1500 $ in one night LOL.

If you want a pro for the night with your budget go to La Isla. You can dine in or take out.

I don't do Gustos anymore since the talent level has really gone down and this is the time of year the dimes are in Cancun or Ecuador or Panama working. Gustos is usually good in the fall.

I would recommend Airbnb and book at Energy Living. No fees to bring girls and security is top notch.

Also if you lounge in the lobby you can have your pick of Facebook girls coming in and out of the building.

You can end up spending 500 $ for your trip or you can end up spending 5 k for your trip. All depends on how you want to roll.

07-01-21, 23:44
I'm planning a trip back down to MDE in the next 1-2 months. Will be my 4th visit, and this time I'm planning to settle in a bit and stay for a at least a month. I've previously stayed at the St. Peter Apartments off of La 70 which was great in terms of convenience, security, and being chica friendly. This time, I'm looking for something a bit more comfortable, with good setup space for working remotely over a longer period of time, and is also chica friendly.

Wondering if anyone has any advice from past experience, or recommendations on where to stay that fit the criteria and are also chica friendly? Would definitely appreciate the tips, either in the forum or via DM.


07-01-21, 23:51
Anyone know what ever happened to.
Enlly Florez https://www.facebook.com/Enllym.florez.
I knew her very well. Still lives w her mum in Pop Uno. Has a BF. Good fun if you like to drink all night but an average lay.

07-01-21, 23:52
Hey guys- I'm old school and need a little help. What keywords are you using to identify FB girls?None. Just look thru the friend lists of known prepagos and mongers.

07-01-21, 23:53
Go to Gustos pop a bottle of Dom Perignon and get 2 girls for an all nighter and you'll spend 1500 $ in one night LOL.

If you want a pro for the night with your budget go to La Isla. You can dine in or take out.

I don't do Gustos anymore since the talent level has really gone down and this is the time of year the dimes are in Cancun or Ecuador or Panama working. Gustos is usually good in the fall.

I would recommend Airbnb and book at Energy Living. No fees to bring girls and security is top notch.

Also if you lounge in the lobby you can have your pick of Facebook girls coming in and out of the building.

You can end up spending 500 $ for your trip or you can end up spending 5 k for your trip. All depends on how you want to roll.Better yet find a charity online and send them $1500, trust me youll feel better after the fact.

Or just find some beggars in MDE and hand out a couple hundred 50 mil notes, I rather do that then waste a 1 cop in Gustos.

2800000 cop for a bottle LOL.

The place is a complete joke and so is La Isla.

Only a complete fool would waste any money in either.

07-02-21, 00:05
Hey guys- I'm old school and need a little help. What keywords are you using to identify FB girls?Try these as the starting point to build your list.

Try these as the starting point to build your list. This is not recommendation for girls.

2 here


AleXandra https://www.facebook.com/natalia.aguilarlopez.5.

Leidy Baron.

Enlly Florez https://www.facebook.com/Enllym.florez.

And some helpful posts


07-02-21, 00:48
Guys thanks for the posts. Even for those not mongering, you guys give info up to date for guys like myself who have not partaken. Especially with covid shutdowns, protests etc.

I tried something different. I used chaturbate to message sexy girls and paid for their WhatsApp's. (I can see eyes rolling, but this is just an experiment) will be in Medellin in a few weeks, so we shall see if any meet up. Let's wait and see. I am definitely not depending on them.

Going to hit loutron, energy, and the strip clubs at night. However, since I have local friends and speak Spanish am going to try the pick up route on the weekends at the bars.

I have seen many using photopreoagos. I never have. Is there any noticeable difference (except for price) between a chica who charges 100 versus one who charges 300? Secondly when you do contact them, are face pics sent as I do not want any bait and switches when I travel to their places.

07-02-21, 01:18
Do NOT bring that kind of cash over. Lots of credit cards offer no cost international use- use your card wherever you can. Much better to spend a little extra on ATM fees than to have a $2-3k wad in your pocket or hotel room. DO NOT FLASH CASH. I know in the states you can garner a lot of attention in a club by throwing tips around, but could get you killed in Colombia. If you're going to be drinking, make sure you're with a group of trusted friends. Be careful of "guides"; if they're not well recommended they're probably the first one ready to thump you on the head. Have fun, but don't confuse how you behave in the states to how you behave in Colombia. They have some hardcore MFs in Colombia that can eat Hells Angels for breakfast.Thanks, I am a pretty trusting guy, so I'll change my plans to visiting the phase club in the afternoon rather then try to save money there.

There's a small number of recommended guides here, though the information is a bit old.

07-02-21, 01:35
Anyone know what ever happened to.

AleXandra https://www.facebook.com/natalia.aguilarlopez.5.

Leidy Baron.

Enlly Florez https://www.facebook.com/Enllym.florez.

I have not seen any of them in a while because their prices continue to go up while the service stayed the same or got worse. Seems that all of them have sugar daddies and / or guys who send them money, although one of them (Enlly) will never admit it.Leidy still posts on Instagram occasionally.

07-02-21, 02:08

Thanks I leaning towards San Peters apartment.

Location is good who ever will be around mty dates are welcome to go and hang out.I really like San Peter. Great location and staff was friendly and helpful. The only negative part last time I was there was that you could only have one guest at a time because of covid. So threesomes where not an option there. Does anyone know if this is still the case?

07-02-21, 03:16
Anyone know what ever happened to.

AleXandra https://www.facebook.com/natalia.aguilarlopez.5

Leidy Baron.

Enlly Florez https://www.facebook.com/Enllym.florez

I have not seen any of them in a while because their prices continue to go up while the service stayed the same or got worse. Seems that all of them have sugar daddies and / or guys who send them money, although one of them (Enlly) will never admit it.If you had a sugar daddy who sent you money, would you admit it? Would you admit it to other sugar daddies who also wanted to send you money?

The first rule of having lots of sugar daddies is to make sure each one thinks they are the only one.

If a girl is able to find herself a sugar daddy, someone to make sure she doesn't have to sell her pussy on a daily basis, more power to her. If she can find 5 sugar daddies, even better. That's 5 guys each spending 5 times as much on one girl who is no longer worth paying for. Makes all the other girls work harder for less.

07-02-21, 03:38
I used to also. Just lost touch with her. Knew her mom. Visited a neighborhood a few times. You assessment is totally consistent. Loves to drink (and eat), but average lay (unmotivated). Not surprised she found a gringo BF to support her lifestyle. Probably explains why I don't get RFM any more!

I knew her very well. Still lives w her mum in Pop Uno. Has a BF. Good fun if you like to drink all night but an average lay.

07-02-21, 07:25
I really like San Peter. Great location and staff was friendly and helpful. The only negative part last time I was there was that you could only have one guest at a time because of covid. So threesomes where not an option there. Does anyone know if this is still the case?In may they were allowing 2 guests at a time. May have relaxed further now.

07-02-21, 07:26
Lets think out of the box on this one.

A laminated or plastic covered color copy of your ID makes the ID look more credible versus black and white especially with the Police, and you can get it wet and it won't dog ear and de-grade.

Even better yet what I have done is had photocopy's of all my ID's reduced down to business card size front and back so they are the size of a credit card, and fit right into my wallet.

Makes things a lot easier to whip out than a big folded piece of paper that besides getting dog eared may get wet and the ink runs and ruins it. I have been caught is some downpours in Medellin and have been soaking wet so another reason to laminate.Don't get too fancy. Don't buy a specific laminating product that you can only use once or twice. Buy a roll of clear Scotch brand packing tape for mucho laminations. Yes, it will overlap once or twice when you use it for laminating. Who cares. Apply in parallel broad strokes (obvio) to both sides, press out the air bubbles with the back of a spoon or some such similar implement. Trim edges. Done it many times, just not to my passport copy. The reasons you listed for making your passport copy look more official are the exact reasons I don't like to do it, but to each is own. I don't want it to be convenient and easy for them to examine my documents. Whether or not that is the correct approach is debatable and maybe even pointless.

Let me tell you what every cop has done for the half-dozen or so times I was stopped to show ID in Medellin. I look Hispanic. Or I get French a lot, I think because of the long hair. As soon as they saw my beat-up, folded paper copy of a passport, they would ask "De donde?" I would say "Soy un Gringo de Stados Unidos" or I am a Gringo from the United States, with a smile in a way to suggest I am not taking myself too seriously. They would pay a cursory glance at my paper copy if they even unfolded it, and instead turned their to attention onto my girl or friends, and run a quick identity check off my companions' cedula numbers. Mind you, I had not done anything wrong in those situations, and that's a different scenarlo. The impression I have gotten from routine random stops by policia is that they are more interested in their own citizens than they are us. Granted, that observation is off a very small sample size with lots of variables unaccounted for, and I am sure others have varied experiences.

07-02-21, 08:11
A few years back a couple very enterprising ladies were offering rides into town from the airport, including "party favors" when they arrive at the airport. Does anyone know if this is still a thing, and maybe even have a number?I knew one, but dropped her after she became unreliable. However, she is a nice girl, friendly, and always ready to offer more services, but I am not sure if she is still doing that. Her name is Vico Zul, and known as Victoria Zul in FB.

07-02-21, 09:20
Great to see the travel in and out of Medellin and Colombia normalizing. Hope it sticks. Here is my two cents on Colombian pesos that I would have found helpful on my first trip there:

The price gap for certain "services" has narrowed between US dollars and Colombian pesos, sometimes creating confusion, usually when the chica is trying to pull a con. Fucking and sucking is still a great bang for the buck, pun intended, in Colombia and will be way past the time I die. With the girls, always make clear you are discussing the price in COP (Colombian pesos) preferably, and not USD. Some girls will try to cheat you this way by telling you they meant their price was in USD. Trying to get out of it post hoc is not pleasant to say the least, and sometimes not safe.

When writing, such as here on this Website, this nomenclature removes all doubt and leaves no room for interpretation. For example, 20 mil COP. That would be 20,000 Colombian pesos. Mil is Spanish for thousand, not million, a sometimes error. COP is the international three letter currency abbreviation for Colombian peso, NOTHING to do with the Mexican peso. USD is United States Dollars.

Like in other countries where a standard number of zeros appears after the denomination, Vietnam comes to mind, the zeros end up being ignored. So your 50 mil COP note in your pocket (close to ten bucks USD) is technically 50,000 Colombian pesos, but is referred to as a cincuenta or a fifty. I have often heard the 100 mil COP note referred to as an American twenty, plus a little more. Another baseline you may want to keep in the back of your mind is a million COP is roughly a little less than $300 USD.

Keep in mind that the exchange rate does vary enough to keep track of and even consider timing your withdrawals if you are going to be making frequent trips to the ATM. You want to refuse the conversion rate at the ATM, that is simply a surcharge that you do not have to pay. The majority of the ATM's will still dispense money even after you refuse their conversion rate.

Colombians don't use commas with numbers, they use periods. For example, one million you are used to seeing this 1,000,000. 00, in Colombia it will be written like this 1. 000.000. 00 with all periods. Weird at first but easy to get used to. The spaces were added by this Website's fucked up auto-editor, which needs to be turned off.

Finally, I heard a Colombiana refer to herself as a millionaire, meaning she had roughly $300 USD to her name, jajajja. She was indignant because I would not buy her dinner so she told me was a millionaire, . Jajaja.

A few random gratuitous fotos from my last trip. I will be there soon, making new experiences and fotos. I have heard varied opinions on what a "typical" Paisa looks like. The girls I know and love who are Paisa, if their cheekbones were any higher, their face would be touching the ceiling, jajaja.

07-02-21, 10:24
I would stay at a nice Airbnb and ask if it's ok to have visitors over. Another option would be Dan Carlton seems like a nice hotel and from what I've read here it's girl friendly.Right up your alley.

07-02-21, 14:44
Sounds cool, but unreliability is a killer, don't want to be stuck at an airport for hours.

07-02-21, 17:35
On the topic of beaches, any recommendations. I might hop to a coastal city since I'm itching for a beach view but none to be had here in Medellin. Is Santa Marta good? I heard Tayrona is where the nice beaches are at so maybe make a few day trips out of that?I just left Santa Marta was there for 4 days it is hot as a mfer there thank goodness for the ocean breeze other than that great place.

07-02-21, 18:28
The Colombia Migracion form for entry into the country has changed. They are now asking whether you have been vaccinated or not, and whether you have a record of it. This begs the question, is there a requirement forthcoming that all visitors must be vaccinated to enter the Country.

Today I logged into the Checkmig site to register for my flight tomorrow back to Medellin. The system did not have my AVIANCA flight in their system, I don't know why, so I said I had a private flight to get to the next page in the registration process. I got bumped off about four times when their platform went down, but finally go thru on the fith attempt and got the registration form.

I don't know what would of happend if I had answered no to the vaccine questions, I've been vaccinated, maybe the government is contemplating a change, who knows.

Just a heads up for anyone not vaccinated, hopefully not an issue.

07-03-21, 00:11
If you had a sugar daddy who sent you money, would you admit it? Would you admit it to other sugar daddies who also wanted to send you money?

The first rule of having lots of sugar daddies is to make sure each one thinks they are the only one.

If a girl is able to find herself a sugar daddy, someone to make sure she doesn't have to sell her pussy on a daily basis, more power to her. If she can find 5 sugar daddies, even better. That's 5 guys each spending 5 times as much on one girl who is no longer worth paying for. Makes all the other girls work harder for less.Maybe some of the sugar daddies amongst us can weigh in on this. If a guy is sending a Chica every month or week, or whatever it is, what happens if a girl has more than one sugar daddy, and two or more of the sugar daddies are in town at the same time. I would think a "smart" sugar daddy would have an arrangement, at least I would, that when daddy is in town, the girl is only with daddy, not with other daddies.

But maybe I'm missing something here?

07-03-21, 01:37
In may they were allowing 2 guests at a time. May have relaxed further now.Really? That's great to hear! I'm planing on heading down next month and this is awesome news.

07-03-21, 03:43
Depending on the girl, one "daddy" can be described to another daddy as "sick child or other relative", "college class", "hair salon appointment" or whatever else she senses will keep the mailbox money flowing.

Maybe some of the sugar daddies amongst us can weigh in on this. If a guy is sending a Chica every month or week, or whatever it is, what happens if a girl has more than one sugar daddy, and two or more of the sugar daddies are in town at the same time. I would think a "smart" sugar daddy would have an arrangement, at least I would, that when daddy is in town, the girl is only with daddy, not with other daddies.

But maybe I'm missing something here?

07-03-21, 08:04
I used to also. Just lost touch with her. Knew he rmom. Visited a neighborhood a few times. You assessment is totally consistent. Loves to drink (and eat), but average lay (unmotivated). Not surprised she found a gringo BF to support her lifestyle. Probably explains why I don't get RFM any more!I still have her on Instagram and both of her accounts on Facebook. I haven't paid attention but can't remember ever seeing a picture of her with a gringo.

He is probably one of many sugar daddies or she is at least still working behind her sugar daddy's back.

When I met her mum it did make me think of many beautiful, disgusting scenarios.

Mr Enternational
07-03-21, 08:19
I would think a "smart" sugar daddy would have an arrangement, at least I would, that when daddy is in town, the girl is only with daddy, not with other daddies.

But maybe I'm missing something here?A smart sugar daddy would not have an arrangement. A smart sugar daddy would have a key to the place he is paying for or helping with the bills. A smart sugar daddy would never announce when he is showing up. I am not a sugar daddy, but Iive by 1 and 3. There is no way I would be a sugar daddy without having a key to the place my money was going.

07-03-21, 14:55
Maybe some of the sugar daddies amongst us can weigh in on this. If a guy is sending a Chica every month or week, or whatever it is, what happens if a girl has more than one sugar daddy, and two or more of the sugar daddies are in town at the same time. I would think a "smart" sugar daddy would have an arrangement, at least I would, that when daddy is in town, the girl is only with daddy, not with other daddies.

But maybe I'm missing something here?Yes. You're afflicted with Dunning Kruger Syndrome, which means you're just a tad shy of the cognitive level necessary to resolve your current conundrum. The only time you have your Sugar Baby is when she's with you. It's kind of like having a condo in Cancun- you really don't think they hold that baby open and clean for you until it's your time to vacation again, do you? The business model is the same. Now, a good Sugar Baby knows what's what, and will go out of her way to make you feel like the sun rises and sets out of your ass. A smart Sugar Baby will have a couple dozen Sugar Daddies on line and keep them all smiling with top notch GFE service. Nobody said it was easy. These girls are businesswomen, and some of them are probably doing better than you are, if given allowances for cost of living and whatnot. If you have a Sugar Baby who leaves you wondering how many other guys there are or "double books" you, time to look for a new Sugar Baby. If you're worried about who's been there before you, you need to find you a nice spinster at the Catholic Hall Bingo Night and stick with her.

07-03-21, 15:29
I really like San Peter. Great location and staff was friendly and helpful. The only negative part last time I was there was that you could only have one guest at a time because of covid. So threesomes where not an option there. Does anyone know if this is still the case?Have things changed for the better or something? I've never stayed there, but friends do. And my god seriously f that place. My friends were getting ready (3 of them all staying there) and I wanted to go up to one of their rooms to wait 10 minutes. Photocopy of my passport wasn't enough, full color photo of my passport e-mail PLUS my US drivers' license wasn't enough. I wasn't allowed in the fucking building! I have had my passport stolen before, there is no way I'm casually carrying in my pocket for a 6 month stay in Colombia.

I can't even believe it is legal that you can own property & some 3rd party can arbitrarily restrict egress and ingress to your home (one of my contacts owns there, other guys rented just 1 week).

07-03-21, 15:42
Have things changed for the better or something? I've never stayed there, but friends do. And my god seriously f that place. My friends were getting ready (3 of them all staying there) and I wanted to go up to one of their rooms to wait 10 minutes. Photocopy of my passport wasn't enough, full color photo of my passport e-mail PLUS my US drivers' license wasn't enough. I wasn't allowed in the fucking building! I have had my passport stolen before, there is no way I'm casually carrying in my pocket for a 6 month stay in Colombia.

I can't even believe it is legal that you can own property & some 3rd party can arbitrarily restrict egress and ingress to your home (one of my contacts owns there, other guys rented just 1 week).Just in case you were not aware their is this thing going around called covid, not sure if you heard about it, now after you hear about what's going on, pitcher you and your family living in that building, would you want to protect them, or fuck that place for trying to keep dirty infected people (that are boning dirty hookers all day long) out of building! Hmmm.

07-03-21, 15:46
Have things changed for the better or something? I've never stayed there, but friends do. And my god seriously f that place. My friends were getting ready (3 of them all staying there) and I wanted to go up to one of their rooms to wait 10 minutes. Photocopy of my passport wasn't enough, full color photo of my passport e-mail PLUS my US drivers' license wasn't enough. I wasn't allowed in the fucking building! I have had my passport stolen before, there is no way I'm casually carrying in my pocket for a 6 month stay in Colombia.

I can't even believe it is legal that you can own property & some 3rd party can arbitrarily restrict egress and ingress to your home (one of my contacts owns there, other guys rented just 1 week).You would think that an owner could dictate who can come and go into an apartment they own. But all buildings have the equivalent of homeowners associations, along with rules that all owners must abide by. And the enforcers of these rules at time's besides the rental agencies are the porteros (guards) in the building. In some buildings there are fines levied against the owners for repeatedly violating the rules such as noise. Colombia is not like the USA when it comes to property, especially apartments.

07-03-21, 15:50
Yes. You're afflicted with Dunning Kruger Syndrome, which means you're just a tad shy of the cognitive level necessary to resolve your current conundrum..This sounds like a very serious malady I am afflicted with. Maybe I need a frontal lobotomy to be a sugar daddy! LOL.

07-03-21, 16:02
Maybe some of the sugar daddies amongst us can weigh in on this. If a guy is sending a Chica every month or week, or whatever it is, what happens if a girl has more than one sugar daddy, and two or more of the sugar daddies are in town at the same time. I would think a "smart" sugar daddy would have an arrangement, at least I would, that when daddy is in town, the girl is only with daddy, not with other daddies.

But maybe I'm missing something here?Just my opinion. The sugar daddy arrangement is not for the benefit of the sugar daddy. How could it be? Where's the benefit of paying for something for 6 months that you only get to use for 6 days? Even if you had the ability to keep the girl locked down except when she's with you, how do you benefit?

I've got no problem with sending money, but the only real benefit for the sender is the same warm fuzzy feeling you might get from feeding the homeless or any other act of charity. You're not buying loyalty, or real emotion.

07-03-21, 16:36
Have things changed for the better or something? I've never stayed there, but friends do. And my god seriously f that place. My friends were getting ready (3 of them all staying there) and I wanted to go up to one of their rooms to wait 10 minutes. Photocopy of my passport wasn't enough, full color photo of my passport e-mail PLUS my US drivers' license wasn't enough. I wasn't allowed in the fucking building! I have had my passport stolen before, there is no way I'm casually carrying in my pocket for a 6 month stay in Colombia.

I can't even believe it is legal that you can own property & some 3rd party can arbitrarily restrict egress and ingress to your home (one of my contacts owns there, other guys rented just 1 week).I have stayed there a couple times now and I really liked the area, rooms and staff. I have only rented though. They only ask me for the passport during check in and I certainly don't carry my passport out side the apartment. They do ask for ID for guest coming in passport or cedula, but has to be the real thing no photo copies. I can see how this would be annoying if you owned one of the units and you couldn't bring a guest in.

07-03-21, 18:14
Now that's dropping some real knowledge on the totally clueless! Force me to post.

Depending on the girl, one "daddy" can be described to another daddy as "sick child or other relative", "college class", "hair salon appointment" or whatever else she senses will keep the mailbox money flowing.

07-03-21, 20:00
A smart sugar daddy would not have an arrangement. A smart sugar daddy would have a key to the place he is paying for or helping with the bills. A smart sugar daddy would never announce when he is showing up. I am not a sugar daddy, but Iive by 1 and 3. There is no way I would be a sugar daddy without having a key to the place my money was going.Having a key isn't much help. Whoever is living there will still bring whoever they want, in and out, at will. And at any point, everything you've bought is liable to disappear, along with the girl.

Been through that with a wife. I was gone literally all the time. She did whatever she wanted, came and went, spent the money I was earning and wasn't much I could do about it. When she'd gotten all she could, she loaded up everything she wanted in a you-Haul and left a note on the counter with the phone number of the lawyer who had the divorce papers. I learned about it through email.

Paying for something you don't have direct control of means you're just a bystander to whatever happens.

07-03-21, 20:08
I still have her on Instagram and both of her accounts on Facebook. I haven't paid attention but can't remember ever seeing a picture of her with a gringo.

He is probably one of many sugar daddies or she is at least still working behind her sugar daddy's back.

When I met her mum it did make me think of many beautiful, disgusting scenarios.I just recently spent over 3 days with 3 of 4 different girls (which ones were with me varied). We went to 3 different places that provided a lot of photo opportunities. A lot of pictures were taken, including a lot of pictures of me. Not one single picture of me ended up in any of their Facebook or Instagram posts. No mention, no tags, nothing, which is exactly what I expected.

We're just the ones who provide them the opportunity to take all those great photos, but that's as far as our usefulness goes.

07-03-21, 20:09
Depending on the girl, one "daddy" can be described to another daddy as "sick child or other relative", "college class", "hair salon appointment" or whatever else she senses will keep the mailbox money flowing.Sometimes I think I'm too cynical. Other times I realize there's no such thing.

07-03-21, 20:33
......that are boning dirty hookers all day long.....I don't know who you sleep with but none of the girls I see are in the least bit dirty. LOL.


07-03-21, 21:21
Just my opinion. The sugar daddy arrangement is not for the benefit of the sugar daddy. How could it be? Where's the benefit of paying for something for 6 months that you only get to use for 6 days? Even if you had the ability to keep the girl locked down except when she's with you, how do you benefit?Another approach is to put a girl on retainer with the arrangement being that when Daddy is in town, the girl is on call for him the entire time if wanted by Daddy. Of course paying for six months for six days doesn't make sense unless the monthly payment amount is low, and the Daddy is so smitten by the girl that he has no problem paying the money.

The ideal situation might be for a guy who spends more like six months a year in the Country, and has a favorite he want's to help out.

But the Daddy has to be able to accept that when he's away, the girl will do what she's going to do and not be bothered with it.

And the benefit for the sugar daddy is having someone basically on call they like being with when there around.

Not sure if this is a "true" sugar daddy arrangement, but may make sense depending on the parties and the monies involved.

07-03-21, 21:22
Where can I go to get a test before the flight back to the US other than the airport? I saw someone posted https://cendiatra.com/. Are there any others and can I set up an appointment fot them to come to my hotel or AirBnB?


07-03-21, 21:23
Some of you guys have a really, really warped sense of reality. No wonder you you loiter on forums like these haha.

If you like a girl and want to support her bcos she needs help, what's wrong with that? Isn't that how all relationships work?

Why would you think that entitles you to "lock her up", enslave her to you? Is that how a successful relationship works?

You can go round and FK who you want, so can she. If you have an open relationship, all well and good. If you demand she only has sex when you turn up while you want to screw around. Good luck with that, you will surely get what that unreasonable demand deserves. If you want to marry her and have a monogamous relationship, do the paperwork and make it happen.

Otherwise, just enjoy what you have and don't beat yourself up if you feel like helping someone.

07-03-21, 23:20
Some of you guys have a really, really warped sense of reality. No wonder you you loiter on forums like these haha.

If you like a girl and want to support her bcos she needs help, what's wrong with that? Isn't that how all relationships work?

Why would you think that entitles you to "lock her up", enslave her to you? Is that how a successful relationship works?

You can go round and FK who you want, so can she. If you have an open relationship, all well and good. If you demand she only has sex when you turn up while you want to screw around. Good luck with that, you will surely get what that unreasonable demand deserves. If you want to marry her and have a monogamous relationship, do the paperwork and make it happen.

Otherwise, just enjoy what you have and don't beat yourself up if you feel like helping someone.You seem to have completely missed the point.

Helping someone out and being a sugar daddy are 2 completely unrelated things. I help people out all the time, in many different ways, not only by giving them money. There's no expectation of anything in return. I'm helping the person out simply because I want to help them, not because they will like me, or do something to benefit me.

Being a sugar daddy is the act of buying something. You're buying access, a certain type of behavior, certain favors. If the money stops the arrangement stops. If the other person isn't fulfilling their end of the bargain, the money stops, at least in an ideal world. Unfortunately, many guys feel that if they pour more money in, things will somehow improve.

To further confuse things you want to toss in "successful relationship" as a red herring? Normal relationships don't begin with "how much will I have to pay you to fuck me?" Nor do they continue with "how much do you need each month to be willing to keep fucking me?

Imagine this. Imagine paying every month to rent a car that you can have free use of whenever you're in Medellin. Every month you pay the maintenance, insurance and parking for the car. If anything unexpected comes up, you have to pay more. One thing, you don't own the car.

None of this changes the number of days you're able to be in Medellin. None of this guarantees the car will be available when you need it. None of this guarantees it will remain in the same condition you left it. You have no way to control who drives it or when. All you're buying is the hope the car will be available and in good condition each time you return.

You can make whatever rules you want, but you have no way to enforce those rules. However, none of the rules are unreasonable. If you're paying for something, you are certainly entitled to set limits. And you're not obligated to observe those limits. Is your employer required to work the same schedule as you? Is he limited to the same compensation and benefits? Of course not. He's writing the checks, he decides which rules apply to whom.

If someone wants to find a girl in Medellin to marry and settle down with, more power to them. Most are going to eventually learn they made an expensive mistake, but that's their problem.

If someone wants to maintain a sugar baby in Medellin, again, more power to them. The other mongers in Medellin will appreciate their girl having a better phone to send them pictures with, not to mention all the nice lingerie.

If someone wants to send money to help out girls in Medellin, great. I'm sure they all appreciate it.

However, if you are having trouble differentiating between these 3, completely unrelated activities, you probably need to hire someone to slap some sense into you, because trying to go from giving charity, to being a sugar daddy, to being a husband is a guaranteed disaster.

Mojo Bandit
07-03-21, 23:46
If you like a girl and want to support her bcos she needs help, what's wrong with that? Isn't that how all relationships work?
I think that sentence says everything that is wrong with the situation. Is anyone really solely motivated to send money to a chica because she needs help? Would they do the same for a chica who was not in the least bit attractive. No I don't thinks so. There is no reality in that ideal. I have nothing against the ideal but no its not happening. There may be guys who see it as a dual motivation, partly motivated by the ideal that she needs help and partially by wanting to fuck her but if she stops fucking him is he still going to give her money?

Bottom line is that unless you met the chica and had some non transactional relationship with her first before the ideal of sending her money, then you are in a relationship with the chica based on money. If you do not spell out to her what your expectations are then you should not have any expectations (and those expectations should be realistic, if you think she is going to stay chaste while you are not around, that is naïve) but expecting her to spend all her time with you while you are in town is reasonable. She is like a timeshare that you make lease payments on.

Anyone who gets involved on any level with a chica that is a prepago and then gets upset at any point down the road that she fucked some other guy is living out Aesop's Fable about the Farmer who revived a freezing viper back to life by sticking it in his coat to warm it, and when the viper got reinvigorated it bit the farmer. Because that is its nature. I am not saying that chicas are snakes, some of them are really sweet, but it is their nature to fuck other guys, and if anyone expects anything else or get their feelings hurt then they have totally misjudged the nature of the situation.

Frank Lucas
07-04-21, 02:07
You would think that an owner could dictate who can come and go into an apartment they own. But all buildings have the equivalent of homeowners associations, along with rules that all owners must abide by. And the enforcers of these rules at time's besides the rental agencies are the porteros (guards) in the building. In some buildings there are fines levied against the owners for repeatedly violating the rules such as noise. Colombia is not like the USA when it comes to property, especially apartments.This is why I decided not to buy in a building in Medellin but bought a house instead. No stupid people or rules to deal with so far.

07-04-21, 02:34
Just my opinion. The sugar daddy arrangement is not for the benefit of the sugar daddy. How could it be? Where's the benefit of paying for something for 6 months that you only get to use for 6 days? Even if you had the ability to keep the girl locked down except when she's with you, how do you benefit?

I've got no problem with sending money, but the only real benefit for the sender is the same warm fuzzy feeling you might get from feeding the homeless or any other act of charity. You're not buying loyalty, or real emotion.So with this comment.

Are some men really sending these SA girls money on a monthly basis? This is absurd and anyone who does this deserves a ban from Colombia, a ban from this forum, have his penis removed and swapped for a vagina. Or replace it with a blank space with a thumbs down tattoo LOL.

Seriously fellas. When you join SA, it does state no PPM (pay per meet) as a way to discourage prostitution on the site as they don't want to get shut down. Hence why most people do Monthly / Weekly allowances. But you can make arrangements without buying into a subscription. A monthly allowance is popular in the states, but most guys who does this see the girl regularly. But overseas fellas, really? Unless you live there and make plan to see her like twice a week, three times a week, then why would you do this and what's the upside? Charity or just cause you can?. Nuff said. Like someone else wrote earlier no wonder why some join this site. The guidance seekers, the leachers, as Simps will always be Simps. I can't get surprised enough on what men do in desperation for affection, in this case fake affection from women who share themselves everywhere, probably kissing you with my sperm still leaking on side of her lips.

07-04-21, 03:06
Yeah, mom looks pretty good. And better than ever since she lost weight in the last year. I had always heard that she would bang for money, but never got in a position to try. Had her in the jacuzzi with Enlly a few times, but that's as far as it went. Too bad. Enlly is very good about never posting fotos with gringos. Keeping it tight like that allows her to have multiple sugars or boyfriends and bring in money from multiple sources.

I suspect Leidy Barone and AleXandra are the same, but are a little more premium.

I still have her on Instagram and both of her accounts on Facebook. I haven't paid attention but can't remember ever seeing a picture of her with a gringo.

He is probably one of many sugar daddies or she is at least still working behind her sugar daddy's back.

When I met her mum it did make me think of many beautiful, disgusting scenarios.

07-04-21, 03:08
You seem to have completely missed the point.

Helping someone out and being a sugar daddy are 2 completely unrelated things. I help people out all the time, in many different ways, not only by giving them money. There's no expectation of anything in return. I'm helping the person out simply because I want to help them, not because they will like me, or do something to benefit me.

Being a sugar daddy is the act of buying something. You're buying access, a certain type of behavior, certain favors. If the money stops the arrangement stops. If the other person isn't fulfilling their end of the bargain, the money stops, at least in an ideal world. Unfortunately, many guys feel that if they pour more money in, things will somehow improve.

To further confuse things you want to toss in "successful relationship" as a red herring? Normal relationships don't begin with "how much will I have to pay you to fuck me?" Nor do they continue with "how much do you need each month to be willing to keep fucking me?

Imagine this. Imagine paying every month to rent a car that you can have free use of whenever you're in Medellin. Every month you pay the maintenance, insurance and parking for the car. If anything unexpected comes up, you have to pay more. One thing, you don't own the car..Haven't been on here in a minute. Sugar daddy. Charity. Whatever hardship or problem they are going through sounds like a personal problem. Not mine. They can starve for all I care. Yet somehow these broads are like roaches surviving a nuclear bomb because no matter how many times you hear a btch has no milk to feed her baby or she hasn't eaten in days. Somehow months later this btch still breathing and asking for assistance from her gringo cajeros. Any guy that thinks otherwise in my opinion es un flojo. Idk if we're allowed to use the s word. From what I've seen personally and from experiences from many others is that no matter how many times you help them with their problems when you actually have an issue yourself they will be no where to be found. And yah yah there are exceptions but let's face it with all these guys bringing over that westernized pedestalizing mentality most look at gringos as un cajero. If you think you are special and that your game is that tight or that you found yourself that unicorn then hey carry on with whatever helps you sleep at night. But to me you are either paying for it hourly in person or your supporting a puta overseas while one of us keeps her warm for you. Or worse your flying these broads to you. Also, I know some on this board like to pretend they aren't doing the exact things they are admonishing. Unless you bagging these thots for free you got nothing to brag about.

07-04-21, 03:08
So true. They would never admit that all of the nice places they good, food they eat, and drinks they drink are paid for by gringos. It's one big fantasy and these girls are always trying to one up the other. Very competitive. And "boyfriends" are never disclosed.

I just recently spent over 3 days with 3 of 4 different girls (which ones were with me varied). We went to 3 different places that provided a lot of photo opportunities. A lot of pictures were taken, including a lot of pictures of me. Not one single picture of me ended up in any of their Facebook or Instagram posts. No mention, no tags, nothing, which is exactly what I expected.

We're just the ones who provide them the opportunity to take all those great photos, but that's as far as our usefulness goes.

Mr Enternational
07-04-21, 03:13
Are some men really sending these SA girls money on a monthly basis? This is absurd and anyone who does this deserves a ban from Colombia, a ban from this forum,Sorry brother. This is neither a Seeking Arrangement thing nor a Colombia thing. This is more a pussy over man thing.

A hooker/porn chick in the golden age of Rio named Lebara used to take guys to her house a couple of hours away in Petropolis. My buddy went and said there was a stack of Western Union papers on top of a brand new China cabinet some guy just bought. Her mom grabbed the stack and asked her if my buddy knew how to fill the form out so he could send money too.

A buddy in the States is from Thailand. He was sending money back to his hometown to his girlfriend that turns out had another boyfriend. We could go on forever with these sending money stories that have been being created since the dawn of man being able to send money to women. I do not get it myself, but it always has been and always will continue to be a thing.

P. S. 1. I know gay guys that do the same shit, so it is actually more than a man-pussy thing. 2. I just googled Lebara and some old pictures came up.

07-04-21, 03:30
Sorry brother. This is neither a Seeking Arrangement thing nor a Colombia thing. This is more a pussy over man thing.

A hooker/porn chick in the golden age of Rio named Lebara used to take guys to her house a couple of hours away in Petropolis. My buddy went and said there was a stack of Western Union papers on top of a brand new China cabinet some guy just bought. Her mom grabbed the stack and asked her if my buddy knew how to fill the form out so he could send money too.

A buddy in the States is from Thailand. He was sending money back to his hometown to his girlfriend that turns out had another boyfriend. We could go on forever with these sending money stories that have been being created since the dawn of man being able to send money to women. I do not get it myself, but it always has been and always will continue to be a thing.

P. S. 1. I know gay guys that do the same shit, so it is actually more than a man-pussy thing. 2. I just googled Lebara and some old pictures came up.I have never (regrettably) been to Colombia, and at my age it's not likely I'll ever go. I do, however, live in the Philippines where identical scenarios to that described above, play out every day. There are lots of variations on the theme, and they never fail to attract the gullible. I cannot recall how many times I have warned newbies here that they are being played, and in every case, I've been ignored, typically provoking a response such as: "I hear what you're saying, and I appreciate it, but this girl is different. " It has gotten to the point where I've simply stopped trying to warn anyone. Maybe the tendency to fall for these scams is a universal willingness to engage in willing suspension of disbelief.


Mr Enternational
07-04-21, 03:39
A lot of pictures were taken, including a lot of pictures of me. Not one single picture of me ended up in any of their Facebook or Instagram posts. No mention, no tags, nothing, which is exactly what I expected.It is what you expected, but is it what you wanted? You say that as if you were hoping they would post you and mention you. Only if it was some platonic friend would I mind a chick posting and tagging me. Chicks that I have interest in or am in a relationship with I have never added as a friend on facebook. I look at it as something for me and my friends and acquaintances. To me adding a chick I am involved with to my facebook is like bringing her to guys' poker night.

07-04-21, 03:42
Where can I go to get a test before the flight back to the US other than the airport? I saw someone posted https://cendiatra.com/. Are there any others and can I set up an appointment fot them to come to my hotel or AirBnB?

Thanks.I took an Uber late in the afternoon here, I get there in the pouring rain jump out and they wouldn't let me in without my passport, this was at 3 pm they close at 4 pm.

So I returned the next day at 3 pm with my passport, they said I would have to return in the morning for the printed results, I returned in the morning again without my passport.

And they didn't want to give me the results w / o my passport, I explained I would miss my flight, and they gave me the results.

They are right around the corner from Zandaly casa.

https://www.google.com/maps/place/Centrolab+I. P.S. / at 6. 254787,-75.5633598,15 z / data=!4 m5!3 m4!1 s0 x0:0 x3813 b3 f6 c843 ee3 b!8 m2!3 d6. 254787!4 d-75.5633598.

Post-script bring your passport.

07-04-21, 03:59
Sorry brother. This is neither a Seeking Arrangement thing nor a Colombia thing. This is more a pussy over man thing.

A hooker/porn chick in the golden age of Rio named Lebara used to take guys to her house a couple of hours away in Petropolis. My buddy went and said there was a stack of Western Union papers on top of a brand new China cabinet some guy just bought. Her mom grabbed the stack and asked her if my buddy knew how to fill the form out so he could send money too.

A buddy in the States is from Thailand. He was sending money back to his hometown to his girlfriend that turns out had another boyfriend. We could go on forever with these sending money stories that have been being created since the dawn of man being able to send money to women. I do not get it myself, but it always has been and always will continue to be a thing.

P. S. 1. I know gay guys that do the same shit, so it is actually more than a man-pussy thing. 2. I just googled Lebara and some old pictures came up.It's not even a pussy thing.

Webcams generate about $7 billion a year and strong growth is projected to continue for at least several more years. While there are plenty of webcam models who are selling pussy on the side, most of the successful ones never meet any of the guys who support them. These are women who are working 20-30 hours a week and pulling in $100 k annually and up. Each one of them has one or more guys who is spending well over $1000 monthly on them and who has done so for years. That money buys a few private photos and videos, along with some form of direct message contact, but rarely includes their actual phone or Whatsapp number. If they do give out a number, it's often one that's used purely for business.

What it doesn't buy is sex, or even a real date. One of my closest friends has been doing this for years, and in all that time, she's met one customer. He spent a few thousand dollars on a vacation and got to have lunch with her. And after 5 years, he's still spending money on her every time she's online.

What's going on is no different than your high school buddy who got married straight out of highschool and is still with the same woman. Most guys are looking for someone who makes them feel special. They dump money on strippers, hookers and webcam models because those women are professionals at making guys feel special. The guy who is still happily married after 30 or 40 years is no different.

It carries over in lots of areas. Waitresses, hairdressers, masseuses and so many more, if they can make their customers feel special, they make more money and the customers keep coming back.

If we're being honest, most of us have walked that road at some point in our life. Whether it was throwing gifts and attention at the highschool sweetheart, or making it rain at the strip club.

Some get over it and some never do.

Mr Enternational
07-04-21, 04:00
If someone wants to maintain a sugar baby in Medellin, again, more power to them. The other mongers in Medellin will appreciate their girl having a better phone to send them pictures with, not to mention all the nice lingerie.I used to mess with a chick in Cali. I was going down and she asked me if I wanted to see her in a nurse outfit, schoolgirl outfit, or something else. Whatever I chose she showed up with. She told me she needed money to pay for the outfit.

We took a taxi for her to go to a job interview. She did not know the address of the place so she had to use my phone to check her email. She did not sign out. She went into the interview and I stayed outside reading her email.

She had gone to Bogota to see an Arab guy and had taken pictures in the hotel with him in the same outfit she was trying to get me to pay for. All I could do was laugh. We are still friends and still talk every now and then (she lives in London now), but I have never let her know about the stuff that I found out from reading her emails. To be fair, we did not have a monogamous relationship; it is just the fact of her trying to get me to pay for some shit she already had that she was acting like she bought especially for me.

Mr Enternational
07-04-21, 04:33
Surgeried chick from Cali that I hit at Raudal today. Tons of people out today and yesterday. She would not let me take a picture in the room, so I snuck one when we got back outside. 50K for her 16K for the room. She said 500K for all night. Maybe she thought I was staying in Poblado.

07-04-21, 04:41
This is why I decided not to buy in a building in Medellin but bought a house instead. No stupid people or rules to deal with so far.The only downside to a house versus an apartment is the added level of security for properties with Porteros. Nobody will be getting into the building that doesn't belong there, so for guys that can deal with the rules it makes sense.

As an example, I have a friend who bought an apartment in a small building in Laureles, with no security, and know he wishes he hadn't as he is reluctant to bring Chicas over, albeit a few, in fear someone might try to rob him.

07-04-21, 06:09
so it is actually more than a man-pussy thing. My buddy's full time maid sends all her salary back to her boy friend who is building a house in her home town. My buddy keeps telling her to keep half for herself but she does not listen. Not sure how it will end up.

07-04-21, 07:14
I don't know who you sleep with but none of the girls I see are in the least bit dirty. LOL.

Ymmv.Good for you, I'm also sure all them hot clean looking girls are for sure only fking you, so their not dirty, hmmm hmmm! Oh and by the way so your sure, I bang the similar dirty hookers you have displayed only differences is you don't think yours are dirty, and I know what mine all are! LOL! Stay safe! And of course Ymmv.

07-04-21, 07:42
Weird thing about Colombia and this group of great mongers, 1. If you're not in Poblado, you're not banging the best chics. 2. Only the select few members find the diamonds in Parque Botero. 3. No one ever spends more than 35,000 pesos for sex in centro. Thanks to Mr Enternational for keeping it honest with the 50,000 pesos and 16,000 pesos for the room. 4 if you use seeking then you have most definitely found the best chics in Medellin. 5. if you haven't stayed at the Mansion then you're missing out on one hell of an experience. 6. if you invest in any property, its a lost, regardless, even if you just want a place to call your own and store items when you leave the country. 6. don't every mention money on this board, otherwise your arrogant, cocky, and usually broke, according to those with the most money and largest opinions. 7 did I mention that you are the scum of the earth if you are banging chics in centro bareback? 8. No chic from centro has ever made it Parque lleras and asked for 10 times the rate that she receives in Centro. 9. No one from the board ever spends more money on a room than he does Pu $$why, because the room and location, usually Poblado / Laureles will get you a skinny chic with flawless skin and perfect ass, this happens all of the time. 10. Never take anything that I post as valid information, because most of my adventures and girls are not real or exist, I have only been traveling to Medellin for 4 years now.

P.S, I will be back in Medellin at the end of the month, mostly for relaxation and business, I have one day to goof off and then I am tucked away with my girlfriend for a week. Every goal that I set after leaving Medellin in November of 2020 I have met and exceeded. Covid has created more opportunity than ever in certain professions. Hope everyone who is in Medellin is having a blast and enjoying the mongering trip that they planned and not attempting to live up anyone's expectation from this board, each monger is different and each adventure will have different results. As always, Pollo Negro is out!

07-04-21, 08:14
It is what you expected, but is it what you wanted? You say that as if you were hoping they would post you and mention you. Only if it was some platonic friend would I mind a chick posting and tagging me. Chicks that I have interest in or am in a relationship with I have never added as a friend on facebook. I look at it as something for me and my friends and acquaintances. To me adding a chick I am involved with to my facebook is like bringing her to guys' poker night.It's what I expected and what I wanted. I have no desire for any of the girls to tag me, or mention me. I get my pleasure from the time I spend, not from the girls telling their friends about it.

There was one Facebook girl in Medellin about 4 years ago who was hoping for another date, or maybe something more that tagged me in a couple of photos, that I wasn't in and had nothing to do with, trying to get my attention. She kinda stalked me one night at a party, but I didn't give her any encouragement and eventually she went away.

07-04-21, 09:22

If a girl is able to find herself a sugar daddy, someone to make sure she doesn't have to sell her pussy on a daily basis, more power to her. If she can find 5 sugar daddies, even better. That's 5 guys each spending 5 times as much on one girl who is no longer worth paying for. Makes all the other girls work harder for less.I've had girls here in Colombia and in Venezuela on social media tell me they are looking for a sugar daddy and I block / delete them immediately. Too many available women / freaks out here for me to be giving chicas money for the hell of it. Of course, if we are together hanging out, I'll look out and make sure we have a good time. But, I ain't trying to be your daddy or your baby's daddy either.

I know some older dudes here that have taken on live-in GFs and they pay for everything, but that seems different to me because the chica lives with them, they do everything together and the dudes can still creep when they want to.

Sending some babe money in another country. Never saw the logic in that, unless dude is into charity. Nothing wrong with charity, if that is your thing. I remember they used to call them Western Union Novios / Captain SAHs.

07-04-21, 14:43
You seem to have completely missed the point.

Helping someone out and being a sugar daddy are 2 completely unrelated things. I help people out all the time, in many different ways, not only by giving them money. There's no expectation of anything in return. I'm helping the person out simply because I want to help them, not because they will like me, or do something to benefit me.

Being a sugar daddy is the act of buying something. ...

However, if you are having trouble differentiating between these 3, completely unrelated activities, you probably need to hire someone to slap some sense into you, because trying to go from giving charity, to being a sugar daddy, to being a husband is a guaranteed disaster.Yes, I am having trouble differentiating between the situations bcos I don't believe there is any difference between them. It's all about perspective. It seems that you want to define Sugar Daddy as someone that suppprts a girl and enslaves her with rules. If that's your definition then fine. We disagree on the definition. I would say that anyone looking in on a relationship from the outside and sees an older guy supporting a younger woman from afar, would say that is a sugar daddy. Rules don't come in to it. And that is how I would describe a sugar daddy too. Merriam-Webster seems to agree with me at least: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sugar%20daddy.

07-04-21, 15:36
I don't know who you sleep with but none of the girls I see are in the least bit dirty. LOL.

Ymmv.Wolf, great photos.

If you can pm me the contact info on the chica black hair removing her panties with black bra still on, mucho gracias.

You got good taste in chicas.

07-04-21, 16:46
My buddy's full time maid sends all her salary back to her boy friend who is building a house in her home town. My buddy keeps telling her to keep half for herself but she does not listen. Not sure how it will end up.You can't talk logic or reason to many women. The hamster in their brains keeps on spinning. She is a maid fir a reason. It's a train wreck at times, hopefully she made the correct choice.

At fase 2 I remember telling a girl she can be my empleada (maid) and I will pay her more than she makes there. I forgot the details as this was a few years back, and she looks at me in a disgusted way. Just this past weekend, I was using a cam site, and seeing if I can get the girls whatsapp for free. I told her I would buy her a new outfit at studio f to go out, a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant and a night out at a place on las Palmas. She tells me, she wants the equivalent of $75 for her whatsapp. Well, aside from the fact that she is probably a scammer who will make up excuses to not meet up after the exchange of numbers she is where she is at for many reasons. 1 is they live in the present and cannot think of the future. Her math is not so good, a decent outfit in. Studio F is worth more than $75. It becomes comical at times.

Guys, try it out yourselves. Next time you are in a strip club or casa etc, ask your girl on average per month, how much she makes and how many days she works. For example, she says 2 million pesos a month more or less. Then offer her to be your empleada for that. She will probably say no. Zero chance of catching an std, normal hours, dignified job where she can tell her family etc, does not have to have sex with men she is disgusted to look at. Meanwhile she prefers to work late nights on the weekends while her friends are out, hanging around on her cell phone, waiting until the end of the night to make $50? Sometimes more and even at times nothing, minus taxi etc. Maybe a captain save a ho will show up, but odds are against that. Of course, personally I would not trust her to be alone in my house, but even if I did, they probably would be lousy at their jobs anyhow.

None of us are perfect. I do stupid things and acknowledge it. I used to wait in long lines at clubs. Today, hell no. Thinking like many. Men go to clubs looking for sex. While women go to clubs looking for simps. For those who like the sugar lifestyle, to each their own. I prefer to rent for a day or 2 and return.

07-04-21, 17:01
Yes, I am having trouble differentiating between the situations bcos I don't believe there is any difference between them. It's all about perspective. It seems that you want to define Sugar Daddy as someone that suppprts a girl and enslaves her with rules. If that's your definition then fine. We disagree on the definition. I would say that anyone looking in on a relationship from the outside and sees an older guy supporting a younger woman from afar, would say that is a sugar daddy. Rules don't come in to it. And that is how I would describe a sugar daddy too. Merriam-Webster seems to agree with me at least: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sugar%20daddy.Agreed, Paying for anything you're not using you are all of those terms and beyond pathetic. I may have 2 phD and an MD but I can see the alumni of Clown you are the strong on this board.

07-04-21, 17:41
Weird thing about Colombia and this group of great mongers, 1. If you're not in Poblado, you're not banging the best chics. 2. Only the select few members find the diamonds in Parque Botero. 3. No one ever spends more than 35,000 pesos for sex in centro. Thanks to Mr Enternational for keeping it honest with the 50,000 pesos and 16,000 pesos for the room. 4 if you use seeking then you have most definitely found the best chics in Medellin. 5. if you haven't stayed at the Mansion then you're missing out on one hell of an experience. 6. if you invest in any property, its a lost, regardless, even if you just want a place to call your own and store items when you leave the country. 6. don't every mention money on this board, otherwise your arrogant, cocky, and usually broke, according to those with the most money and largest opinions. 7 did I mention that you are the scum of the earth if you are banging chics in centro bareback? 8. No chic from centro has ever made it Parque lleras and asked for 10 times the rate that she receives in Centro. 9. No one from the board ever spends more money on a room than he does Pu $$why, because the room and location, usually Poblado / Laureles will get you a skinny chic with flawless skin and perfect ass, this happens all of the time. 10. Never take anything that I post as valid information, because most of my adventures and girls are not real or exist, I have only been traveling to Medellin for 4 years now.It's so funny how your last item is the one that's correct. Mostly nonsense is what you just wrote. Mongering has no rules, no laws, no set pricings as these women aren't robots.

Stop writing rules or thinking you know it all. You said some here are arrogant and you actually meet the exact definition of arrogant with this list LOL.

- I'm in Medellin now, and met at last 3 chicas so far which I would rate a solid 8 (Fair rating w over 10 years of mongering) - met them in centro then I see them at night in parque Lleras. This is fact, period, any opinion is irrelevant. They go from the 30-50 k pricing to asking me 200 minimo in lleras, had to remind them hey I need centro pricing. I was with my boys and shit was funny as heck, then settled with one for 100 an HR, she was you're right. And gave me a centro discount at night haha. This hobby is fun, it's flex, just use your skills for maneuvering, manipulating and negotiating with WG and you'll be fine.

- Stop this BS with the hold the line crap. I've read hundreds of reports here where dudes pay 30 k in centro + 30 k+ tip. I always pay 50 k min plus hotel. I do the same in newlife and other casas, and when I go back they remember that. These girls often whisper to me on a voluntary basis that they prefer fucking gringos than the locals. Photoprepago girls tell me the same thing. Why, because we tip, because we are more caballeros (gentlemen). This is coming from them and we should be proud of that as foreigners. So tipping $2-$10 worth of pesos is nothing for fck's sake. You're mocking guys who maybe broke but you just told the world you're cheap and broke LOL.

- Also poblado is just more expensive and more safe perhaps for the chomps. Nothing special. The girls are just as hot in other places. Went to Barra Ej club last night, block from Nutibara, place was filled 6/7's, with many 8's and a couple 9's at least. Only 80 k to bang, 5 k beer. Poblado 25 k beer in Gusto and 300-700 k for a rundown hoe with extra make up. That's what you call hotter? Nah, you just pay extra for the location since Poblado is more beautiful and the bars are a bit more fancy, not the girls. The girls are just the same. Nightly I can count at least 50 centro chicas circling lleras lmao.

- I agree, the mansion is for losers and newbies only.

- I use seeking and agreed (just got to have patience, I closed it but may give another shot), the hottest girls in Medellin hands down, non pros, clean and let me bang raw and nut inside LOL. A 9 came two days ago from 7 pm to 10 am next day, went to dinner, bars, dance, 3 rounds all BBFS, only 200 k next day. She's happy and returning tonight.

- I met a vet who nearly lives here, and said there are like 100+ casas in Medellin incl strip clubs, etc. The Medellin map from this board doesn't have even half of those. So just explore and don't think you've seen it all. If you hate arrogance then just don't sound like one. I only speak of what I know for facts, and stay open to learn.

I have reports coming. Medellin is LIT right now. Come down fellas.

07-04-21, 17:56
Sorry brother. This is neither a Seeking Arrangement thing nor a Colombia thing. This is more a pussy over man thing.You're 100% right. I mentioned SA since there was an ongoing discussion about it. Went to Costa Rica few years back, met this chica and went full GFE, BBFS, CIM, everything. Then found out she had an American fiancee, western union novio sending her money every month. Then she got married and even sent me pictures of her wedding on Fb LOL. I said congrats and asked when will you be avail again? LOL, she replied and said soon. And yes met her again on following trip, she works in Del Rey hotel without her hubby's knowledge. I guess after honeymoon was over and when the dude returned to the state.

Lots of simps do this also in the DR, many of these chics have western union papis. Sometimes it's helpful and I've gotten better discounts from these girls cause they're not desperate, also they're not banging 10 dudes a day and they become very selective bc they got cash coming weeky. So technically those daddies are helping us fellas. I get better svc from these girls, they dress better, smell better, and definitely tigher. All because of the daddies.

I guess I should say a big thank you LMAO.

Black Page
07-04-21, 18:32
For those who like the sugar lifestyle, to each their own. I prefer to rent for a day or 2 and return.Best quote I can cite about our hobby is "Men do not pay women for sex, but to see them disappearing after sex".

Besides regular P4P activities, I am one who did spend money to have a girl pretending to be my girlfriend, then I started wondering "what am I doing here?" and I evolved, starting to offer money to 2 girls, to pretend they are my 2 girlfriends and we are a happy trio. All this only in Batam, Indonesia, because there local girls really can make you feel they are girlfriends with benefits, and never in Colombia, because in Colombia girls are very clear it's a business arrangement.

With all this, everytime I finish the deed I start wondering "who is this girl sleeping here? Who's next?" and I go back to the Wise Statement above.

07-04-21, 18:48
She is a maid fir a reason.She is a migrant worker. By going to another country, she makes at least 4 times more which is also much more than a college graduate makes in her home town.

07-04-21, 18:53
It seems that you want to define Sugar Daddy as someone that suppprts a girl and enslaves her with rules.I don't see anything he said fit the definition.


Mr Enternational
07-04-21, 18:56
Guys, try it out yourselves. Next time you are in a strip club or casa etc, ask your girl. Then offer her to be your empleada for that. She will probably say no. Zero chance of catching an std, normal hours, dignified job where she can tell her familyThis is ridiculous. You are hiring her because she is a hooker and not because of her skills as a maid. So what is the difference between her getting paid at the club and getting paid at your house? If you were really interested in a maid then you would put out an ad for an actual maid instead of trying to turn a hooker into one. I once paid a hooker to clean my place and it turned out horrible. I could see why she was a hooker and not a cleaner. And what did she tell me? You can't say I didn't warn you. That she did. People know their own strengths and weaknesses. If they wanted regular jobs, then they would have signed up for them just like the majority of the population. You can't turn a hooker into a housewife or a housekeeper.

etc, does not have to have sex with men she is disgusted to look at.Did you take into account that she may have said no because she was disgusted to look at you, or it is only other men she could be disgusted to look at?

Meanwhile she prefers to work late nights on the weekends while her friends are out, hanging around on her cell phone, waiting until the end of the night to make $50?We all have our preferences. Don't try to force on them the preferences you think they should have.

07-04-21, 19:49
Did you take into account that she may have said no because she was disgusted to look at you, or it is only other men she could be disgusted to look at?

We all have our preferences. Don't try to force on them the preferences you think they should have.While I agree with this for the most part. I do think is it more common in Colombia for men to be fucking their maids, secretaries and so on than in the US where such things are frowned upon and even illegal and often can come back when relationships go sideways, and lead to the downfall of people in higher positions. I have seen this girl that works cleaning houses 2-3 times a week, she gets paid 80 mil for a full days work (what she told me). I was giving her 150 mil for a couple of hours but of course I was not there all the time, and I know she does the same with other mongers as well. But she uses this more to augment her income as a maid than replace it, I could never figure out why not just working girl a little more as the 80 mil wasn't much. I asked her directly once and she said well she likes cleaning houses and thinks hard work is good for her, and also that's what her daughter thinks she does for a living. So they all have their reasons, and I don't mess with that or try and use my financial position to change the status quo.

All I know though is if I was living there, she would be cleaning my house. Jajaja.

07-04-21, 19:53
You can't talk logic or reason to many women. The hamster in their brains keeps on spinning. She is a maid fir a reason. It's a train wreck at times, hopefully she made the correct choice.

At fase 2 I remember telling a girl she can be my empleada (maid) and I will pay her more than she makes there. I forgot the details as this was a few years back, and she looks at me in a disgusted way. Just this past weekend, I was using a cam site, and seeing if I can get the girls whatsapp for free. I told her I would buy her a new outfit at studio f to go out, a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant and a night out at a place on las Palmas. She tells me, she wants the equivalent of $75 for her whatsapp. Well, aside from the fact that she is probably a scammer who will make up excuses to not meet up after the exchange of numbers she is where she is at for many reasons. 1 is they live in the present and cannot think of the future. Her math is not so good, a decent outfit in. Studio F is worth more than $75. It becomes comical at times.

Guys, try it out yourselves. Next time you are in a strip club or casa etc, ask your girl on average per month, how much she makes and how many days she works. For example, she says 2 million pesos a month more or less. Then offer her to be your empleada for that..You're viewing things from a fucked up perspective. Let's take the Fase Dos girl as an example.

Talk to any stripper, if you can get into the friend zone with them you'll hear about all the crazy propositions they get. An old stripper friend from Albuquerque told me about a guy who had driven a couple hundred miles to go to the club. He brought along a diamond ring he claimed was worth $20 k, looking for a stripper who would agree to marry him. That's just one of the tamer stories.

Every stripper knows exactly why you're in the club. Nobody goes to a strip club looking for a maid, or a secretary. They're all there looking for someone to fuck. And the girls are there for the same reason, to get guys to pay them to fuck. You know what every one of them thinks when you offer to hire them to do something else? They think you're trying to fuck them for free and get them to clean your house while they're at it.

She would have to be incredibly naive to fall for something like that. At the club she knows what she has to do and she's guaranteed to get paid. She doesn't have to worry about spending all day cleaning someone's house, having to fuck him by his rules and then find out she has to repeat for 6 days before getting paid.

On to your attempts on a cam site to get a girl's Whatsapp for free. She's clearly much smarter than you give her credit for, and I've got about 10 years experience along with a year working with webcam models to back that up.

Every webcam model, every time they broadcast, gets plenty of "if you give me something for free, I will pay you later, more than you would normally get. " Those are called freeloaders. I've seen 10,000 of those offers, ranging from $5 to $100,000, if I've seen one. If she's selling her Whatsapp number, which usually goes directly to a phone carried by her handler, it's simple, you spend the money and get the number. Then you get to try to convince some Colombian guy to let you fuck his model.

Why would anyone think there's some exception out there? Do you go into restaurants, and instead of paying, tell them you'll send over some headphones next week which are worth more than the price of the meal? Does your cellphone provider let you pay the bill by sending them some clothes from Amazon?

So why is a girl being stupid if she won't accept a promise, from a complete stranger, for something she can't use to pay her bills. She's not on webcam to get new clothes. She's on webcam to get paid. She would be stupid to accept such an offer.

Understand this. If she has managed to stay on webcam for 4 months, she's almost guaranteed to be making good money by Colombian standards. She doesn't need to fuck anyone, doesn't need to spend time with people she doesn't like and she's making more, consistently, than she ever made selling pussy. While you might be able to woo her, either she'll turn out to not be worth the effort, or you'll spend at least 20 times as much as just going out and finding a hooker.

Instead of claiming the girls are stupid because they won't let you scam them, why don't you do something smarter? If you're looking for a maid, go to an employment agency that provides maids. If you're looking for someone to pay for sex, go find a prostitute. If you're looking for someone to buy clothes for, go find yourself a girlfriend.

If you think women go to clubs to look for "simps" and you're still going to clubs looking for girls, well that's a pretty easy equation to solve.

07-04-21, 20:37
This is ridiculous. You are hiring her because she is a hooker and not because of her skills as a maid. So what is the difference between her getting paid at the club and getting paid at your house? If you were really interested in a maid then you would put out an ad for an actual maid instead of trying to turn a hooker into one. I once paid a hooker to clean my place and it turned out horrible. I could see why she was a hooker and not a cleaner. And what did she tell me? You can't say I didn't warn you. That she did. People know their own strengths and weaknesses. If they wanted regular jobs, then they would have signed up for them just like the majority of the population. You can't turn a hooker into a housewife or a housekeeper.

Did you take into account that she may have said no because she was disgusted to look at you, or it is only other men she could be disgusted to look at?

We all have our preferences. Don't try to force on them the preferences you think they should have.Dude you totally missed my point. I could care less if she was disgusted with me, why the personal attack? Maybe she had a session with you and felt put off by maid offers. You see how that is uncalled for? Did you even bother reading the previous post about the maid sending money to her boyfriend and how that might not be the best idea. Listen, you do not know me nor do know you. I would never hire her period. Read the post beforehand before you start to insult people you do not know.

07-04-21, 20:46
Good for you, I'm also sure all them hot clean looking girls are for sure only fking you, so their not dirty, hmmm hmmm! Oh and by the way so your sure, I bang the similar dirty hookers you have displayed only differences is you don't think yours are dirty, and I know what mine all are! LOL! Stay safe! And of course Ymmv.Well to me number of sex partners does not equal dirty / clean, number of showers and frequency of clothes washing does.


07-04-21, 21:07
Hey guys, long time lurker here. I have read almost this thread and the Bogota one. I currently live in Mexico, in my mid 20's and work remote. I was planning on heading to Colombia to cut down living costs and to date better looking women. I do p4p about 5-6 times a year mostly because I'm a cheap bastard. Prices in Colombia seem very low though.

Any recommendations for someone who wants to date normal women (non p4p) and wants options for cheap sex to supplement normal dating?

Paying 50 k for a quickie at centro seems tempting but it doesn't seem like a good area to stay, I plan to stay for 3-6 months and then move on to another country. I was thinking of renting an apartment in Laureles, is this a suitable area for p4p too? (I don't plan to pay more than $50 per session).

I would say my total monthly budget overall is $1000, but trying to keep it as low as possible as long as I can rent an apartment to myself with a kitchen in a not so bad location and have sex around 2-3 times a week at least. I don't drink, do drugs or party.

Here in Mexico I normally spend between $10-30 per date with a non pro, so obviously it is way cheaper than p4 p which costs about $70 at least.

I guess my question would be, with a dating / monger budget as small as mine ($200-$300 monthly) does it make sense to do p4p in casas, street, the not so often good looking prepago for 100-200 k or should I just stick to regular dating? I speak fluent Spanish and have no trouble getting sex the regular way but nowhere near the quality of some of these prepagos.

07-04-21, 21:28
While I agree with this for the most part. I do think is it more common in Colombia for men to be fucking their maids, secretaries and so on than in the US where such things are frowned upon and even illegal and often can come back when relationships go sideways, and lead to the downfall of people in higher positions. I have seen this girl that works cleaning houses 2-3 times a week, she gets paid 80 mil for a full days work (what she told me). I was giving her 150 mil for a couple of hours but of course I was not there all the time, and I know she does the same with other mongers as well. But she uses this more to augment her income as a maid than replace it, I could never figure out why not just working girl a little more as the 80 mil wasn't much. I asked her directly once and she said well she likes cleaning houses and thinks hard work is good for her, and also that's what her daughter thinks she does for a living. So they all have their reasons, and I don't mess with that or try and use my financial position to change the status quo.

All I know though is if I was living there, she would be cleaning my house. Jajaja.The cultural differences embrace behaviors here (in Medellin) that would be politically inocorrect at the very least, more often clearly illegal in the USA. I am thinking of George in that Seinfeld episode when he is banging the maid in his office at the New York Yankees Stadium and later when he is sitting across the desk from is superior getting fired, he claims not to know that sort of behavior was frowned upon. If George was in Medellin, no problema, jajajaja.

You also illustrated an excellent example of why all women who accept money for sex are NOT the same in Colombia. The best ones, for me, are like your housekeeper, who have a full time job. But my reach and goals are different from a short stay, one time visitor, since my long term goal is dual residency. I feel your skepticisim, 80 mil COP per day sounds a little high to me for your maid's baseline salary. My Number Two chica Amazonia works full time in one of the four star hotels in Poblado and she makes 250 a week, working 6 days, some of her days are 12 hours. There isn't any such thing as employee rights and they work her hard all the time because there are so many other Colombianas waiting in tbe wings for her job.

If any of these chicas can find a steady gringo to fuck 1.5 times per week (jeje), that basically doubles their quality of life. Salmon instead of tuna. Porterhouse instead of hamburger. AND most of these girls have a kid, and nothing motivates a young mom to go out and sell her wet holes than believing her bambino needs some medicine or clothing. Finally, as you intimated, these girls don't want to be viewed as sex workers because of family and friends. I am not casting aspersions in the direction of any El Centro skank. There is something wonderfully dedicated and "pure" about those chicas, without the smokescreen. Medellin is a morgasbord of options for meeting and fucking girls, prepago and not, more options and variety here than anywhere I have been in the world. I would love to hear it if you know of someplace that beats Medellin for that.

Whenever I have the time I post gratuitous fotos. My readership enjoys them. If it bugs you, then put me on your Ingore List by all means. I have this feeling inside me that another penis picture or two is way past due so consider yourself forewarned, jajajaja.

07-04-21, 21:31
I took an Uber late in the afternoon here, I get there in the pouring rain jump out and they wouldn't let me in without my passport, this was at 3 pm they close at 4 pm.

So I returned the next day at 3 pm with my passport, they said I would have to return in the morning for the printed results, I returned in the morning again without my passport.

And they didn't want to give me the results w / o my passport, I explained I would miss my flight, and they gave me the results.

They are right around the corner from Zandaly casa.

https://www.google.com/maps/place/Centrolab+I. P.S. / at 6. 254787,-75.5633598,15 z / data=!4 m5!3 m4!1 s0 x0:0 x3813 b3 f6 c843 ee3 b!8 m2!3 d6. 254787!4 d-75.5633598.

Post-script bring your passport.Thanks a bunch.

07-04-21, 22:43
The Colombia Migracion form for entry into the country has changed. They are now asking whether you have been vaccinated or not, and whether you have a record of it. I think we made this call weeks ago. Thanks for the post. The handwriting is on the wall. Did you see this headline story in the Wall Street Journal earlier this month? South America is considered the hotbed for Covid in the world right now. I think we will see return of travel restrictions for another round or two before we normalize which basically equates to enough of the world getting vaccinated. The vaccine works, the proof is there already. Sorry naysayers, you will have to remove your foot from your mouth on this one. And I will not debate that issue because that would mean you are not informed enough to recognize that you have already lost this argument.

I am traveling with my vaccine record, obvio.

I had premature uploading my previous post without my usual gratuitous fotos, so here there are.

The Black&White foto es mi novia, also known as Catgirl who gets some bonafide petite modeling jobs except she has gotten lazy around my USD's, that's fine with me.

That's Secret flashing the gang signs and she does consider herself a Bello gangster. I would not suggest getting on her bad side. She also rocks the Victoria's Secret underwear, which is where I got her name.

The next foto are my two favorite sisters to fuck at the same time. Last time I was drilling the one in bed in side spooning position while her sister sat on the edge of the bed and carried on a normal converstion as if nothing unusual was going on, jajaja total turn on.

The next foto is a girl I flew to Cali to fuck which usually I won't do considering the unlimited supply of trim in MDE, but her body is 9. 5, including her breasts that don't show in that foto, and she let me stay in her apartment which was cool. Notice the little bag of pink accidentally stuck to the back of her leg, jajaja we were looking for that and first noticed it in the foto.

The last foto is a pussy from a girl I picked up in Cali same trip. She was a window washer girl at a busy intersection, and not trying to sell trim on the side. This was obvious because of all the time it took me to extract her from her posse of friends at the corner, so it did NOT appear as though she was leaving with me to go have sex for money. That just made it more fun, and look at that pussy. Tight, clean, relatively low mileage, and definitely did the trick even though I was wearing an industrial strength Colombian condom. Ostee pearl #412, bring your condoms with you from the USA or wherever. The difference between a high quality and low quality condom is like night and day. For those of you who see condoms as a boner killers, two words. Trojan Gold. Yes, expensive, but worth it. Just try it and get back to me.

07-04-21, 23:01
Had a great time in Centro. Arrived around 12. Walked the circuit plenty of times to get oriented. Realized where the intersection of 52 and 52 was. This is my kind of set up. Similar to Pattaya except it's a square. Tons of girls. Low rates. Had a short stay at and enjoyable interlude with a 21 year old flaca de Venezuela. Very nice girl. Wanted to do it more even after I finished quickly. Did what I could but at 54. I'm. Not a young buck anymore. Lots of girls making eye contact the whole time. It took me hours to pick the right one. But could have been happy with at least 8 of the girls within the first hour of arrival. There are underage girls there. Be careful. People were friendly. Weed all over. Trannies. Bullshit artists. People trying to make a buck. I stayed about four hours. Going tomorrow for more fun.

07-05-21, 00:32
I just booked my ticket from Guyana to Miami at a cost of 601.

From Miami cost is 291.

Arriving in Miami at around 12 noon.

Leaving Miami at 540 pm arriving at 804 pm.

Have made arrangements for a taxi pick up for 80.000 peso to San Peter apartment.

Seem like a good price as this is my first trip to Medellin.

My 60th birthday is 9th July.

So hope to meet up some guys for some drinks.


07-05-21, 01:58
Thanks a bunch.I suggest this place, my fault I just don't carry my passport, I took it out of the safe and put it back in 5 minutes before I went to the lab.

I was hoping I didn't need it, here's some background.

When I got my PCR test in Chicago, I went with zero ID, I walk in the guy asks nose or mouth with the swab? I say mouth, he asks do you want to do it or me? I say me of course.

I put it on the tip of my tongue for a millisecond, and hand it back to him, wishful thinking led me to leave the passport behind, I worried more about losing it than needing it.

BTW they do stick the swab up your nose I was shocked? WTF jajajaaa.

I recd the Moderna vax last summer.

I hope they drop the testing shit soon and the mask for flying.


07-05-21, 02:49
Instead of claiming the girls are stupid because they won't let you scam them, why don't you do something smarter? If you're looking for a maid, go to an employment agency that provides maids. If you're looking for someone to pay for sex, go find a prostitute. If you're looking for someone to buy clothes for, go find yourself a girlfriend.That's exactly I read the OP's post. Good summary JJ!

We should file that guy's post under "stuff broke troll-mongers say", LOL!

07-05-21, 02:49
Hey guys, long time lurker here. I have read almost this thread and the Bogota one. I currently live in Mexico, in my mid 20's and work remote. I was planning on heading to Colombia to cut down living costs and to date better looking women. I do p4p about 5-6 times a year mostly because I'm a cheap bastard. Prices in Colombia seem very low though.

Any recommendations for someone who wants to date normal women (non p4p) and wants options for cheap sex to supplement normal dating?

Paying 50 k for a quickie at centro seems tempting but it doesn't seem like a good area to stay, I plan to stay for 3-6 months and then move on to another country. I was thinking of renting an apartment in Laureles, is this a suitable area for p4p too? (I don't plan to pay more than $50 per session).

I would say my total monthly budget overall is $1000, but trying to keep it as low as possible as long as I can rent an apartment to myself with a kitchen in a not so bad location and have sex around 2-3 times a week at least. I don't drink, do drugs or party..Well, if I could go back in time and talk to my mid 20's self, and I had the possibility to work remotely (not as common 35 years ago, I'd have some simple advice.

First I'd tell myself to start learning Spanish, but you've already got that covered. Then I'd tell myself to take some classes and improve my dance skills.

After that I wouldn't even worry about P4P, except if I happened to get bored. At your age, fluent in Spanish, you're a hot commodity in Medellin. If you can dance, you'll draw women like flies, except there aren't many flies in Medellin.

Food is cheap in Colombia, especially if you stick to basics and cook for yourself. The hard part will be finding an apartment that maximizes your bang per buck. Local transportation is cheap as well.

If you focus on the non-pros, you'll probably be kept busy enough to keep your mind off P4P. And you can probably cut that average date cost as well.

07-05-21, 03:05
Dude you totally missed my point. I could care less if she was disgusted with me, why the personal attack? Maybe she had a session with you and felt put off by maid offers. You see how that is uncalled for? Did you even bother reading the previous post about the maid sending money to her boyfriend and how that might not be the best idea. Listen, you do not know me nor do know you. I would never hire her period. Read the post beforehand before you start to insult people you do not know.If you're able to assume that the girls are disgusted by most of their customers, which pretty much means everyone on ISG, why is it improper for someone to float the possibility that a girl might be disgusted by you? Is it just everyone else here who is disgusting, with you being the only exception?

Mr. E's point is perfectly valid. Why would you try to turn a hooker into a housekeeper? Why would you expect a hooker to jump at the chance to become a housekeeper for a complete stranger? Perhaps there's a reason why she's not already a housekeeper. Maybe she hates cleaning. Maybe she can't stomach cleaning toilets. Perhaps she realizes there is absolutely no upside to becoming a maid.

While being a hooker has it's drawbacks, it at least allows her to dream. Every hooker in Medellin knows of some girl who went off to live with some rich customer. Each one knows someone who gets expensive gifts, trips to exotic places and lots of money. How often do you think that happens to maids in Colombia?

If being a maid in Colombia is so fantastic, any woman should jump at the opportunity, why haven't you started your own maid service? You could clean houses for gringos and get all those wonderful benefits for yourself.

Errol Flynn
07-05-21, 05:31
I do think is it more common in Colombia for men to be fucking their maids, secretaries and so on than in the US where such things are frowned upon and even illegal and often can come back when relationships go sideways, and lead to the downfall of people in higher positions.I happen to live in the playground of the Hollywood rich and famous. A few years back, a young woman I knew (early 20's at the time and very hot, but knew it) got hired by a 40 something major television star and his wife to be their au pair. Sorry I can't name him, but by most standards I think he would be considered extremely handsome. Of course he was rich. Whether he was charming or an asshole I really don't know. What I do know, is that the most natural and obvious thing happened. He and the au pair hooked up. Duh. Then his wife found out, and fired the au pair. My friend hired Gloria Allred and got a major settlement, really didn't have to work, so went looking for her next rich guy.

Of course the guy would want to fuck her, and of course she would want to let him (see Clinton, Bill) and of course the wife would be upset. But only in America could she then sue them and not be called a working girl, but a victim. (and I kinda like her).

Mr Enternational
07-05-21, 06:31
Dude you totally missed my point. I could care less if she was disgusted with me, why the personal attack?It was not a personal attack. It was a play off what you said. Did you even read your own post? I even quoted it, but here it goes again.

does not have to have sex with men she is disgusted to look at.I was simply saying that you could have been one of the men that you wrote about.

Mr Enternational
07-05-21, 06:38
If we're being honest, most of us have walked that road at some point in our life. Whether it was throwing gifts and attention at the highschool sweetheart, or making it rain at the strip club.That is something that I can say I have never been a party to. I have always been a player and my last year in high school I was a DJ at the strip club. So while dudes were tipping the chicks, the chicks had to tip me.

07-05-21, 06:40
First time in Medellin. Just visited Loutron and holy shit. It's expensive but definitely a must visit at least once. The way they have the line up of girls come out and present themselves is something out of a fucking movie. Every girl either a 8, 9, or 10. It's about double the cost of a standard lay in Poblado and not exactly GFE, but I can finally say I fucked a solid 10. I really don't think it can get much better.

If the girls provided full GFE, I would not look twice at the price. This is my type of mongering. No BS. No wasting time searching for a decent looking girl, or waiting for a girl who shows up 2 hours late. Just solid 10's quite literally fucking spoon fed to you. Wow.What were the rates?

07-05-21, 06:47
330 k + tip so about $100 usd.That's not bad at all to smash a 10.

Elvis 2008
07-05-21, 07:18
Best quote I can cite about our hobby is "Men do not pay women for sex, but to see them disappearing after sex".

Besides regular P4P activities, I am one who did spend money to have a girl pretending to be my girlfriend, then I started wondering "what am I doing here?" and I evolved, starting to offer money to 2 girls, to pretend they are my 2 girlfriends and we are a happy trio. All this only in Batam, Indonesia, because there local girls really can make you feel they are girlfriends with benefits, and never in Colombia, because in Colombia girls are very clear it's a business arrangement.

With all this, everytime I finish the deed I start wondering "who is this girl sleeping here? Who's next?" and I go back to the Wise Statement above.Nothing personal, BP. I could have quoted five posts with the same sentiment. Thing is I have posted more about this subject than anyone. I have posted about my successes more than anyone on seeking.com, SA, and others have followed in my footsteps.

So let me repeat my story. I have been at this a long time, and seeing hookers got old. I would enjoy someone's company and I hated the clock running. I get the comment about paying not for sex but for women to leave, but in my cases with the best working girls, I wanted the dates to be longer and did not want to be paying hourly rates that were really rates for sex.

Back in 2009, the Great Recession hit, and I explored the SB concept and have stayed with it since then. Desirable women were without work and money, and several hotties were not gung ho to do prostitution but they were willing to do a form of P4 P if it could be kept quiet and the women did not feel like sluts, I. E. They really liked the guy. What a SD does for a woman is money and something else. For a SB it is sex and something else. That is it. People always want to say at its core SD SB relationships are P4P and for some that is true. For others and with me, it is not.

In the USA a few years ago, new prostitution laws were passed and seeking.com/ SA had to change its appearance. They kicked off anyone who requested pay per meet (but just in the USA). In Colombia, I would get offers all the time from women who did not want to be kicked off.

When I have a real SB, I do not want them to leave. I enjoy their company, and they enjoy mine. I lectured women all the time on the site if you are interested in my money and not me, I am not interested in you. Most would actually respond to that positively.

As for the rules, anything goes. There is no rule about exclusivity, or time, or condoms or anything. You do whatever the fuck you two agree to.

So you are hanging with women who are working girls, and you treat them like they are. There is nothing wrong with that, and you may get some very skilled women, but I have not met many working girls who are quality people who I want to hang out with very long.

And while you are banging working girls, I was banging models, lawyers, doctors, engineers ETC. If a girl really likes me, guess what? She does not want to take money from me. I flew in a Colombian lawyer from Villavicencio and gave her $300 for 3 days company and she tried to give it back to me. She later told me she loved me. I insisted she take the money and calmed her down and told her it was infatuation not love. Did that ever happen with some centro chica to anyone here? Offer to give back $300?

A good SB SD relationship is harder to find than a good john working girl relationship but the sex is better, the companionship is better, and it is a richer and often cheaper experience. At the end of the day, fucking working girls gets pretty old. It is like fast food, satisfies a craving and little more. Why would you want to pay a quality woman, a quality companion, to leave? Some if not most of my best times with my SBs have been outside of the bedroom. I like to think quality women have some value besides their three orifices.

So you all can go on your rampages, rail against sugar daddies all you want, but the concept is not a threat to the women you are seeing ("Hey daddy, buy me a Iphone" does not mean you have a SB, just a greedy working girl), and it is going to continue whether you like it or not. Yes, guys having higher quality companionship, fucking better looking women, having better sex for often less money is going to win out in the end. Surprise!

07-05-21, 08:19
Maybe some of the sugar daddies amongst us can weigh in on this. If a guy is sending a Chica every month or week, or whatever it is, what happens if a girl has more than one sugar daddy, and two or more of the sugar daddies are in town at the same time. I would think a "smart" sugar daddy would have an arrangement, at least I would, that when daddy is in town, the girl is only with daddy, not with other daddies.

But maybe I'm missing something here?A Smart Sugar Daddy assumes he is one of several, doesn't care, as long as the pussy is at his beck and call, and on demand when he wants it. The amount he spends is inconsequential or the proverbial drop in the bucket. He doesn't think he is love. He is paying because for whatever reason, that particular piece of poontang scratches an itch he's got, and he doesn't want or need to shop around.

The Sugar Daddy who has it bad, is delusional, believes he is the only one, and the worst part of all, is spending money he can't afford, and believes the relationship is based on love. I knew a blue-collar Gringo who was sending half his take home to a girl who probably could barely stand his touch.

I can hear guys saying, a Smart Sugar Daddy is an oxymoron because no one with any real brains would be in that position to begin with. That's why I stressed the point that the money is not even a blip on his radar and he doesn't care what other people think.

I know this chica in Bogota who universally gets compliments as the most beautiful girl I have fucked in Colombia. Posting a picture of her is kind of a moot point because by the time I blur her face out, the nuances of her amazing beauty will be lost, but I will put a few screenshots and you will have to let your imagination do the rest. She speaks English, is in college, and knows how to behave perfectly in public. She has been groomed by the same sixty-something year old Gringo who paid her mom for her virginity when when she was fifteen. Now she is 23, in college, nice apartment, he pays her tuition and expenses. She told me the whole story on a long weekend we spent together in Bogota. She fucked me for some extra cash that she did not want to ask her Sugar Daddy for. And for the first time in their eight year relationship, she told me he was getting "a little rough" whatever the fuck that means, so she was shopping around for a new Sugar Daddy. Not my forte but a great short term fuck. He lives in Miami and flies in one three-day weekend per month. So there's one example.

07-05-21, 12:04
Of course the guy would want to fuck her, and of course she would want to let him (see Clinton, Bill) and of course the wife would be upset. But only in America could she then sue them and not be called a working girl, but a victim. (and I kinda like her).That is why I say sex is being used as a weapon in the US. It's as much within many marriages as outside. It's a definite tool in the gender wars.

07-05-21, 14:35
How do you get by getting bareback services in centro? Do they feel unsafe / offended if you mention it and what percentage do you guys reckon would accept it for a 30 k tip, I plan on taking PrEp with me so inb4 don't do bare, thanks.

07-05-21, 17:48
I am planning my first trip to Medellin in September or October. I have stayed in Costa Rica before at the Sportsman's Lodge and am looking for a similar experience. Low key, kind of quiet, food and beverages available in or nearby, safe and secure and enough girls to choose from to have some variety and keeping it interesting. Even some girls around if you feel the urge mid-day. I am not interested in the late night nightclub scene, pursuing and finding the ultimate 20 year old cover model, wandering the streets at night, negotiating the lowest ultimate price, or getting on a dating app. I speak little or no Spanish. Any suggestions for a similar experience? I've heard mention of Mansion?

07-05-21, 17:48
How do you get by getting bareback services in centro? Do they feel unsafe / offended if you mention it and what percentage do you guys reckon would accept it for a 30 k tip, I plan on taking PrEp with me so inb4 don't do bare, thanks.Everything is negotiable. Success depends on you. No one can tell you how successful you will be. If you find someone desperate enough, they might accept 30 K. There is something for every budget. Good luck!

Mr Enternational
07-05-21, 17:59
How do you get by getting bareback services in centro? Do they feel unsafe / offended if you mention it.How do you offend a sex worker by talking about sex? It is like offending the cashier at McDonald's by asking for cheese on your burger.

07-05-21, 18:57
How do you offend a sex worker by talking about sex? It is like offending the cashier at McDonald's by asking for cheese on your burger.Mr. E you've simplified your take on the issue of guys approaching Chicas for bareback sex.

And the reality is that asking to bareback a Chica in some instances and in lot's of Countries will offend a sex worker where sex is highly regulated. In New Zealand as an example there's posters in the rooms regarding the use of condoms.

As your aware sex in Colombia is not regulated, yet some Chicas will get offended if asked to bareback here. Put yourself in their shoes, a guy comes along and wants to bareback them, and for all they know the guy could have Herpes, Genital Warts, HIV, to name a few and don't want to take the risk of acquiring an STD, and hence would be offended by being asked.

Today I was under the Parque Berrio Metro station talking with a Chica and this very subject came up indirectly. I asked her how much for her services, she said 30 K, and then in Spanish I said que es incluido meaning what was included, and then she said all the sex was with a preservativo (condom) and was very adamant about it. She apparently didn't understand what I asked in Spanish, and may of thought I was saying does that include a condom confusing "incluido" with "condon" in Spanish.

07-05-21, 19:19
How do you get by getting bareback services in centro? Do they feel unsafe / offended if you mention it and what percentage do you guys reckon would accept it for a 30 k tip, I plan on taking PrEp with me so inb4 don't do bare, thanks.If your going to bareback any Chicas in El Centro, why would you even be concerned whether the girls feel unsafe or are offended. If they agree to it, you shouldn't be concerned, and in Colombia, it's very common for guys to ask for it, so it won't come as a surprise to them like it would be in other Countries.

As far as what percentage of the Chicas that will go bareback, well that in most cases will be a function of what your willing to pay, and how much they want.

Right before the Pandemic, and out of curiosity only, I asked a Chica in El Centro how much more to bareback her, and she said it was expensive and would be an upcharge of 5 K.

So to answer your question whether 30 K would be enough, well if the Chica is going for 30 K, then that's a huge amount of money to offer. With a 30 K girl, start at 15 K, and see if she bites.

If not, double down at 30 K and you will probably get to cream pie her!

07-05-21, 19:22
Trip Summary Update June 27-July 4th: SA, Casas, centro, Lleras, street pickup, group hang out, heartbreak, betrayal, gay parade, police called.


Enjoying my trip so far, and this is rather a summary instead of a day by day breakdown. After the first day on my previous report with the late SA chica drama that I had to cancel, apologies came in order from both sides and we re-arranged a meet. She's 25, maybe 7. 5/8, personality 10. We've met 2 times so far, full GFE, BBBJ / BBFS, all good, for an evening till next morning damage 200 k. Then I met with one of my 10's twice also, dinner date + overnight, 20 years, 10 all around college student, Full GFE, first date w condom cost $0, second date BBFS, damage 200 k. I have one more 10 that made contact also, we have a date set for this week. No longer an active member but were the few I kept in roster and had build a relationship with. I've also made the effort to approach couple non pros in the streets while walking around, and one cute morena waitress. We are in discussion and setting some dates, they want to take me out to some parks, one is a sweet couple so a possible threesome is in order, all free.

Daily chicas: Averaging 2-3 daily.

Centro chicas:

Met a buddy from my flight and another from the hotel, we stroll through Centro quite a few times, drink beers and talk to chicas. I haven't use their short time hotels but invited few so far to mine (Nutibara) and 50 k each round. Best time for Centro is afternoon between 3-7 PM, entire wall of Veracruz church and past it to the main intersection is crazy with chicas. If you stand around and walk around a little by the bars and in that area, you should be able to see many within your taste, many 6-8 range or even better rarely. White / Blacks, Colombianas but mostly Venezolanas, young, old, some could be underage I don't know. At times I would ask a super young looking one their age they always say 18/19 with IDs. But still be careful. Some will ask 50 k incl hotel, some ask for 30/35 k + hotel which is about 15 k so it's the same thing. Last night I walked around past 9 pm, there were kids playing in plaza botero, no cops but didn't feel any danger. Walkd through busy intersection and saw a hottie who's at least a solid 8, took number but went to parque lleras to see what was going on there.

Casa runs:

Buddy came nearly daily to my hotel via Uber, then walkd together to New Life, if nothing's appealing we'd walk to Amiga de Sexy couple blocks away. Zandaly is also within a shorter walking distance, and we've also visited Energy. Energy had a short line up and we were told they do outcalls now so most of the hot girls were not there, kinna was disappointed.

New Life: You pay after you finish, 55 k for 30 min.

Amiga sexy: Pay upfront: 50 k for 30 min.

Zandaly (has best line up, Andrea's my fav and solid 8) 50 k /30 min, 85 k / HR.

Energy: Massage incl, 140 k / HR.

Strip Clubs:

I didn't visit La Isla / Face 2 yet, but did some runs on those rundown centro strip clubs like Conejitas (banged for 100 k, maybe a 7). Buddy banged one at Hilton Grill, 72 k, solid 8, I banged two from Barra Ejecutiva, all walking distance, solid 8, 80 k, then she came to my hotel again for same pricing and spent more time. There are still several clubs I wish to visit, just so little time. During each club visit, Centro, Llera, I always end up adding 5 hot chica numbers on my phone, and definitely not enough time to bang them all.

Parque Lleras:

I visit Lleras every other night, my first encounter upon arrival of my trip was from there on my first report. Parque lleras is what it is, some here will swear it's the best place on the planet and it's not. Gusto's quality has gone down, last night cost to enter was 20 k, me and buddy walked right out. I did get a couple numbers from a previous visit that I may do biz with. Met several chicas there and saw several from Centro. This happens when you stay close to Centro and walk around a lot, you become familiar with the faces especially if you've exchanged numbers with them. I mean many of them. If I didn't know many times I'd pay the 150 k /250 k they're asking in lleras, but hard for me to justify when I can get them in Centro for 30. The ones not from centro I've had good and bad experience with. Good experience mean I paid 150 k, GFE, no drama, muy carinosa, all went well. Then last night, met this brunette from Col, 22, at first she appeared sweet and interesting, but there were red flags which I fully ignored, and I will write why I missed those since there were some major distractions in the park last night.

Police called. Night of 7/4th, 2: AM.

So w / the 22 year old brunette from lleras, we agreed on 200 k after she asked for 250. We spent maybe 30 minutes together, talking, bought her a beer, danced very briefly. We stood both inside and outside of a bar next to Gusto, and entire time she kept on saying she's really good in sex, she really want some, and kept on insisting on going. She was also giving me those quick kisses on the lips, trying to seduce me. Now mind you, I am no expert but I am no newbie either. My spidey senses are normally intact, and the usual me would reject her in a heartbeat. Girls like that always offer bad service, always a major disappointment, plus she smokes weed. We took a cab to the hotel, she was talking shit about oh why do you stay downtown and not Poblado? It's ugly here, blah blah, more redflags (she lives in Poblado and dresses fancy). All things I shouldn't ignore but I did, again you will see why soon I wasn't on my game.

So after she got in the room, I put some music, then she took off one side of her dress then asked for the money upfront. This is something I never do, and will never do unless I'm in a professional establishment like a brothel or strip club. So I explained politely that you know damn well I can pay you, let's do business and you'll get paid, hard no from her, and hard no from me. Immediately I said well get the fuck out. She called police, or wanted 150 k for her time LOL. I'm not going to do that either and offered 50 k and she declined. Police came w / in 10 minutes with hotel clerk. There were two of them, both started listening to my side of the story first, then one who was aggressive walked away to listen to her side, not sure what she said he immediately came in my face and said you pay her, or handcuff, said that in Spanish. Thankfully I speak a little, nearly fluent, I was able to defend myself and explained she's been in my room for 5 minutes, and in the club for 30 minutes talking only and people normally don't pay for that. Then the aggressive fucker said this is Colombia. I had to reiterate that normally it's not the way things go in Colombia. Talking to someone for few minutes doesn't warrant payment.

This is the big difference with Dominican Rep, Costa Rica and Colombia. In DR and CR you get more protection as a tourist then in Colombia. In Colombia the only thing they love is your money, but you get no protection, and in fact it is a dangerous country if you don't know how to move. No one cares in Col. In DR, If I mention police the chica would run. Here I almost got locked up for me getting robbed.

I believe it was her intention in the first place, to tease, then run away with some free cash. This has been attempted before and happened once to me Mde, and prev chica left with taxi money, but never had one with audacity to actually call the police. She was arrogant, very loud and very vulgar. Her name is ROSA, long dark hair, has braces, almost petite, would rate her maybe a 7, lives in Poblado. So if you run into her, beware. I've seen guys made chicas send everything negotiated in their whatsapp, and I at times thought those were excessive, but now I'm thinking about doing the same, including mentioning in writing if you'll pay upfront or after. The thing is, this will happen 1 out of 10 or 1 out of 20 times. So it is rare, but when it does happen your entire vacation could be ruined. I notice this is also why many vets have a set of trusted chicas in their roster, and repeat with only with those and I don't blame them. My previous trips I didn't do that, and now learning from wiser vets and doing the same. Making of list and saving all good chicas, and when I return to simply go through the list that way no unexpected malicious behaviors, then can still do casa runs and club runs since those are in a business settings and won't rob you.

So one of the cop who was decent, agreed with me and understood my position, suggested that I just pay her half. So I paid her 100 k and she left cursing out loud, I replied and wished her happiness for stealing $28.

Why her, gay parade in Parque Lleras.

The entire city had a major parade all day, July 4th, and today is a holiday, many businesses are closed etc. So at first I thought it was some simple street parties, started around the centro area which I accidently took part of walking from one of my casas. Took some vids, shots, rested in hotel then a quick stroll through the plaza and then Lleras. While in Lleras, I was shocked the celebrations arrived at the park. AND found out it was mainly a gay parade. I am not homophobic, no issues with gays. But I was disturbed that they chose parque Lleras. I mean there were hundreds, music, stages, dances, dudes in dresses and skirts twerking all over the place. Many hit of me, and I'd be offended if they didn't since I look good LOL. So I arrived there like 9:20 p and parties lasted till 1-2 AM but the park / club stayed open till 4 a just like weekend being a pre-holiday.

Myself and many other mongers were talking and joking about the many dudes holding hands, drag queens, trans, and we were concerned about taking one home accidently as a joke. But still was a sight to see, dudes dancing and grinding on each other in the bar I was at. So this is why I wasn't focused and wasn't on my best game to detect this chica's bullshit. Otherwise this wouldn't happen to me. It was still an entertaining night, just didn't get laid and spent 240 k total for the night LOL. 100 k for her time and 140 k in street beer / taxi. Not my best night, but still could've been worse by me going to jail because I almost grabbed the ***** to throw her out of my hotel room when she didn't want to leave. Thankfully I wasn't drunk and thought hard on things. I won't let these few bad apples change my overall opinion on women in Colombia. Because most are genuinely kind and worth being with, pros or not. This is no different than the states where a hooker would arrive, asked for money upfront to pay taxi, walk out and never come back. You can't call the police since it's illegal and this happens many many times when you pay the wrong ***** upfront. This is one of cons or the price we pay for pleasure.

Heartbreak / betrayal.

This title "Heartbreak" is rather for entertainment. The buddy I met from the plane and many others I've already hangd with will immediately tell you one thing for sure about me, that I'm a hardcore MF, insensitive and ruthless at times. I use logic above all emotions, but overall try to play fair.

So in this story, met a solid 8 initially in Centro while few buddies and I were hanging out. She's 27, has a younger sister who's even hotter, from Venezuela. It's possible some of you have met them. I met those two again, including a whole posse also while at Parque Lleras at nights, numbers already exchanged since the centro meet. Then this past Thurs morning she contacted me to see if I wantd to take her after she saw me both in Centro then Lleras prev day, I offerd 100 k for an HR, she counter with 250 k min, then I advised her hey I met you frist at Centro, and we all know the going rate and that's what I'll pay, so she counted again with 120/ HR, and two hours 240 k. I took the 2 hours option incl taxi since she was coming directly from home (lives in Poblado). Came and spent 3 hours, very friendly, great session, two rounds, 240 k. She was very relaxed, didn't even want to leave, and we only left the room since buddy was on his way to grab lunch together. So I invited her, we all ate lunch together, chilled, laughed, then she proposed to take me out to Guatape on Sat, would spend the night both Fri and Sat at no charge although I had plan to compensate her properly. When she was in the room, we did talk about a lot things, family, etc. She was ok to become friends, and we had a good vibe. I almost forgot I was dealing with a WG. Oh well. This is the friendly part of me. When I meet someone who opens up, I open up also and share a bit and allow them in my circle.

So during lunch, buddy mentioned and asked about her sister since we all saw the sister in the street, prob a solid 8. 5/9, then she said after lunch she'll go find the sister, and can meet us later at Lleras for a double date. Date was solid, as I we had plan to take them to Lleras park club, get a bottle etc. We did something like that the night before with two chicas from Lleras. When we arrived at the park, buddy she's her, crossed the street and got her attention, and pointed her to me from across, she saw me, waived and I waived back thinking she'll come talk to me to figure out where we're going the 4 of us. Suddenly some other dude grabbed her and they talkd for a while. At first I thought she was giving out her number, she's a WG and no biggie, but she did the worst thing you can imagine. First, I saw the guy she's talking to staring at me incl a friend of his, not sure what she told them, perhaps she has a date with me, guy seemed over agitated and was negotiating very hard LOL. Then walked to a bar and bought her a drink. While I'm waiting across with my buddy, a beautiful Vennie came to talk to me and proposed me, I declined. But when I decl a girl, sometimes I say things like, maybe later. Then I notice the girl who came to propose is a friend of my date, so I'm being set up, my date sent another girl my way so she can go away with the aggressive dude? Yikes!!

She did just as I imagined, she walked away with the guy. After a while, in disappointment, took the courage to go ask the younger sister what happened, sister said my date thought I agreed to go with the friend. I'm like that BS, and she did that as a way to not look so guilty, to manipulate. I almost took the younger sister home instead as a revenge, but I didn't even want to mess with that crew. To me it's disrespectful. I don't expect complete honor among working girls, but still a little decency goes a long way. Because there was absolutely no reason for it, I got money just like that guy she left with, plus we had plans for many more dates. It's true WG aren't smart. They'd rather make quick buck now, and lose out of a more stable source including a friendship. First, you can't truly break someone's heart unless they're in love with you, so I wasn't heartbroken, but definitely felt betrayed in some form.

Later that night we had a heated discussion via text as to what happened. She sounded very convinced that I accepted her friend's offer, or she's a good manipulator, especially since it's her friend that came to me. What a coincidence? Then she immediately came to tell you? Whatthefuckever I wasn't born yesterday. Then claimed that's why she left with the guy. I'm like you couldn't even approach me to confirm? We broke bread together earlier, we bonded, I deserved at least that. Your girl came and talkd to me for two minutes, and you're telling you were willing to walk away with another guy in front of me, without a word? In fact, while we were in bed earlier, I even told her how I turn women down, by telling them later cause I don't want to be rude sometimes and laughed that it's a terrible way. Now you're telling me I told your friend maybe later, and you believed it? Made no sense. Anyhow, she apologized, but obvio all future dates are cancelled. I don't care if she fucks 20 guys a day, but when it's my turn, it's my turn. If I have to wait for another guy, and you skip me right in front of me, you're trash. I did exchange some harsh words, and was my error once more to think a hoe can have honorable words.

Here for two more weeks, and definitely won't make those rusty mistakes again. Few months out of the game will do this to you. Or being too happy enjoying yourself will make you let your guard down till you're reminded with a heavy cost. These issues do not occur with non-pros, and my romantic side always get the best of me trying to treat hookers like women. I always defend them when men treat them like trash on here, and this is what I get. So no more. *****s are working girls, don't try to domesticate them, don't marry them, don't take them on dates, negotiate everything upfront, in writing is even better (suggested by the police that came even). Don't make the mistakes I made. Still having a blast.

07-05-21, 19:34
Well, if I could go back in time and talk to my mid 20's self, and I had the possibility to work remotely (not as common 35 years ago, I'd have some simple advice.

First I'd tell myself to start learning Spanish, but you've already got that covered. Then I'd tell myself to take some classes and improve my dance skills.

After that I wouldn't even worry about P4P, except if I happened to get bored. At your age, fluent in Spanish, you're a hot commodity in Medellin. If you can dance, you'll draw women like flies, except there aren't many flies in Medellin.

Food is cheap in Colombia, especially if you stick to basics and cook for yourself. The hard part will be finding an apartment that maximizes your bang per buck. Local transportation is cheap as well.

If you focus on the non-pros, you'll probably be kept busy enough to keep your mind off P4P. And you can probably cut that average date cost as well.I think all of your advice is correct for a guy in his twenties, albeit he said he only had a budget of $ 1,000 a month, so this begs the question with him being a foreigner if he will really be able to attract non-pros compared to local guys that might have a similar disposable income.

The Chicas here love guys that can wine and dine them, so for a guy in his twenties with lots of cash that takes your good advice, they should have it made in the shade.

07-05-21, 20:43
Granted I don't get the complete picture because all three have been on my Ignore List from early on. And I don't give it more than a passing notice, but MarquisdeSade1, MaddTraveler, and MiamiSammy scream at me as the same skewed individual. The purpose appears to be mainly piling on, validating, and furthering his own viewpoints and agenda. In other words the height of insecurity. Just like when a septic tank overflows, I still get exposed to his seepage when his posts are included in other users' replies. Mood stabilizer drugs could play a helpful role here. Or something. Maybe a long walk off a short pier, jajajaja.I don't know you nor recalled what I did or said to you. I just notice my username in your post. My dude, I own multiple businesses incl internet ventures. I don't use social media, and this platform and couple others are the only ones I use to share and read intel on our hobby. Meaning, unless something is making me money, it doesn't interest me much. So what benefit would I have to troll here, waste time or to have multiple accounts? You're nuts.

If 3 different users disagree with on some BS you wrote, the logical thing to do is question yourself, that maybe stop posting your garbage that make 3 diff users disagree with you instead of having illusions that we're all the same person. I find that pathetic, no merit whatsoever. Normally I ignore retards, but I just wanted to make it clear for the records.

Your next attack will be reported and hopefully Admin will take note.

07-05-21, 20:51
Everything is negotiable. Success depends on you. No one can tell you how successful you will be.I would add, there is a ton of good advice here, but one of the most valuable pieces of life advice I got many years ago, from a person I barely met in passing was when she told me, "Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do it". You determine your course, not others. When someone tells you it can't be done, they are really projecting themselves into the situation and saying, "I haven't done it, and I don't know how to do it". That doesn't mean it necessarily has to stop you or that you won't succeed.

Heck, I have been told at every major turning point of my life here in Medellin by family, advisors, and naysayers, "Stop, don't do it, turn back, you're crazy, it won't work, you're in danger. " Could it all still blow up on me? Perhaps, but the likelihood appears to be less and less as time goes by, relationships solidify, patterns are formed, trust is built. You can't be ridiculous about it. And you have to know yourself. No matter what my future holds, I have no regrets, and the epithet on my headstone will read, "If I Die Tomorrow, I Die A Happy Man. "

This is hilarious and serindipitous, I Googled "epithet" on line for the spelling (had it right), and this was the example given, "Old men are often unfairly awarded the epithet "dirty".

Gratuitous fotos. One more foto of BarbBogota from my recent Sugar Daddies post, the other four are mi novia around our old apartment in Medellin.

Errol Flynn
07-05-21, 21:11
I am planning my first trip to Medellin in September or October. I have stayed in Costa Rica before at the Sportsman's Lodge and am looking for a similar experience. Low key, kind of quiet, food and beverages available in or nearby, safe and secure and enough girls to choose from to have some variety and keeping it interesting. Even some girls around if you feel the urge mid-day. I am not interested in the late night nightclub scene, pursuing and finding the ultimate 20 year old cover model, wandering the streets at night, negotiating the lowest ultimate price, or getting on a dating app. I speak little or no Spanish. Any suggestions for a similar experience? I've heard mention of Mansion?You heard right, all you really need.

Beyond that I suggest you RTF.

07-05-21, 21:16
How do you offend a sex worker by talking about sex? It is like offending the cashier at McDonald's by asking for cheese on your burger.But yeah, this dude is going to want to lose some inhibition. I am all for spontaneity in sex and goin' with the flow but in general the more specific you can be with a prepago, especially a new one, the happier all parties concerned will be.

07-05-21, 21:41
Welp, looks like I have COVID. I had a domicilio come over on a Sunday, yes, you read that right. It took about an hour to find a company doing testing on Sunday, or even Monday on a Festivo, for that matter.

+57 314 643 7513 in WhatsApp // 150 k for the antigen test // immediate results then emailed in less than 24 hours.

I have extremely mild symptoms. I woke up a couple mornings with a dry throat / mouth and some congestion. I noticed a shortness of breath on my 20 minute walk up the hill to Tesoro Smart Fit, and decided to get tested. I have a couple buddies arriving mid-week, and Pinky is set to go home at the same time to see her family. My energy level is a bit low, and I have some congestion. That's about it.

I was notified on Saturday that a gringo I went out with the past Saturday had two nights of chills and night sweats, and got a positive test result. I told him I was fine, and couldn't be sure about my mild symptoms because of partying for a couple nights. Anyway, we had gone out to eat then to a club with Pinky and her friend. The girls have no symptoms. I've had a couple 3somes and none of the girls have any symptoms.

If I contracted it last Saturday, I'm 9 days in. I had "symptoms" maybe starting Friday, without realizing it. Any experts here hahahahahahaha ok ok, any experts that actually know what the fuck they're talking about? My buddies arrive Wednesday. If I wake up symptom-free, tomorrow, and get a negative test tomorrow night or Wednesday morning, am I ok to host one of them and go out? I don't want to be that asshole that goes out with COVID. I also don't want to have my buddy stranded at a hotel or AirBnB with no guide and no Spanish, but it is what it is. Should I get a second test, or just be conservative and isolate?

The guy who tested positive told me zinc, Vitamin the, hydrate, eat protein, Tylenol. Any other tricks?

I have had 25 hangovers worse than my current symptoms, in this calendar year.

I, and many others, will probably regret this post! Apologies in advance! I just feel like the first page of Google results might be as misleading as what's to follow, here, and this will certainly be more entertaining.

07-05-21, 22:05
Welp, looks like I have COVID. Will you need to have the result of a negative antigent test before you fly anywhere out of the country and how long will that take?

07-05-21, 22:41
Yes, security is more complicated in a single unit dwelling. Home invasion is more of a risk for example. You can mitigate the risk with cameras and other security systems of the type that are very common in Medellin apartment buildings. Many of the rules in apartment buildings are for security purposes.

The only downside to a house versus an apartment is the added level of security for properties with Porteros. Nobody will be getting into the building that doesn't belong there, so for guys that can deal with the rules it makes sense.

As an example, I have a friend who bought an apartment in a small building in Laureles, with no security, and know he wishes he hadn't as he is reluctant to bring Chicas over, albeit a few, in fear someone might try to rob him.

07-05-21, 22:44
First post, but been following the Forum for a while!

Just wanted to pitch in my two cents regarding Sugar Daddy Sugar Baby relationships.

I was raised in Costa Rica, but with a foreign background, and live here permanently. I'm in my mid forties, divorced, not bad looking and work out a lot and generally take care of myself.

I have always loved the P4 P scene and have enjoyed in many countries for quite a few years now. I'm planning to go to Medellin probably closer to the end of the year, but have already started doing my homework on the forum.

I've had two successful SB-SD relationships, a good one of just a couple of months and the other around 7 months, which was truly excellent. I would like to share my experience of the later.

Costa Rica is a small country and everybody knows each other. This isn't good for an open P4P scene, and I take care that I'm not seen enjoying this delightful hobby as I'm know as quite a respected person (little does everybody know!

I looked into SB relationships more to have a beautiful girl on call to go to the movies, out to dinner or to the beach, have a good time, but then have good fuck afterwards. After a little learning process with the first girl, I met a 24-year-old girl who was in college (I knew her Mom quite well). They were in a little financial hardship and she maybe couldn't attend college anymore. She was smart, sweet, educated and beautiful (9 in my opinion, true girlfriend material if that is what I wanted), with low mileage (non-puta background). I told her I could help her out financially so she could carry on in college and she asked immediately what I wanted from her. I told her in a very polite manner what I expected, she gave it a little thought and agreed.

We then went out to lunch, went over the details, I wrote up an agreement which I sent her and she agreed to via email (lessons learnt from the first time! I agreed to pay her $1,000 a month, sort of what she would have made if she would have dropped college to get a job. On my side, she would be "on call" and go out with me for meals, spend the night, go to parties, to the beach, or if I just wanted a quick fuck. In the agreement I would respect her college timetable, she needed to get a STD test before hand and basically made it clear that I was paying for her to leave when I wanted (lessons learned from first experience). I included a two week trial period, to see if she was good in the sack as well.

I would actually present her to people as my Novia and could take her to a party with friends, or a business lunch without any trouble then take her back to my place and fuck her brains out and send her home or let her stay based on my mood. If she was with PMS or something I would tell her that I had no intention of seeing her. This would remind her of our agreement and she actually said something one day, and I told her that I wasn't looking for the complications of a formal novia relationship. I called the shots. I would generally see her at least twice a week.

Had some really good fuck sessions with her. We once went to the beach for a week and got her into anal, which she hadn't done before. During the literally down times, I enjoyed her company and had some very good conversations with her as well.

After about six months, she was starting her final semester in college (which was going to be a lot of work for her), the novelty had worn off for me, we had gotten into a little routine (COVID struck), so I paid for the last semester, gave her a little extra and finalized our agreement. She invited me out a couple of months ago, once she had graduated and got a regular job to thank me for all the help, told me that she wouldn't have been able to do it without my help (and gave me a nice fuck afterwards for old times sake! We both agreed that we had a win-win relationship.

After a lot of thinking, in my agreement with her (but I think it depends on the girl), I put that if I fucked somebody else, it would be with a condom. I didn't add anything on her side, which could easily mean that she could fuck anybody without condom or not be able to fuck out of the agreement. If she fucked somebody on the side, I wouldn't care, but didn't want the agreement to explicitly allow it.

I'm now on the look out for another diamond like this one, but these things take time to find, but I'm in no rush.

That is my definition of a Sugar Daddy Sugar Baby relationship, not sending money overseas. This world has a lot to offer and different people enjoy it in different ways. I would never send a girl in MDE a new Iphone or money knowing that I'm not going to see her in six months, but if that is what makes others happy they can splurge their money in any way they want. Some might not agree with my arrangement, but I enjoyed it very much and think it was money well spent.

07-05-21, 23:10
So w / the 22 year old brunette from lleras, we agreed on 200 k after she asked for 250. We spent maybe 30 minutes together, talking, bought her a beer, danced very briefly. We stood both inside and outside of a bar next to Gusto..

So after she got in the room, I put some music, then she took off one side of her dress then asked for the money upfront. This is something I never do, and will never do unless I'm in a professional establishment like a brothel or strip club. So I explained politely that you know damn well I can pay you, let's do business and you'll get paid, hard no from her, and hard no from me. Immediately I said well get the fuck out. She called police...Same thing happened to me one time a coupla years ago w a chica from Gusto. Never been back there since. I don't get good vibes from dressed up bitches. I prefer the humble types.

07-05-21, 23:13
I'm sorry about the diagnosis and I wish you a speedy recovery Slapshot. Were you vaccinated?

Welp, looks like I have COVID. I had a domicilio come over on a Sunday, yes, you read that right. It took about an hour to find a company doing testing on Sunday, or even Monday on a Festivo, for that matter.

+57 314 643 7513 in WhatsApp // 150 k for the antigen test // immediate results then emailed in less than 24 hours.

I have extremely mild symptoms. I woke up a couple mornings with a dry throat / mouth and some congestion. I noticed a shortness of breath on my 20 minute walk up the hill to Tesoro Smart Fit, and decided to get tested. I have a couple buddies arriving mid-week, and Pinky is set to go home at the same time to see her family. My energy level is a bit low, and I have some congestion. That's about it.

I was notified on Saturday that a gringo I went out with the past Saturday had two nights of chills and night sweats, and got a positive test result. I told him I was fine, and couldn't be sure about my mild symptoms because of partying for a couple nights. Anyway, we had gone out to eat then to a club with Pinky and her friend. The girls have no symptoms. I've had a couple 3somes and none of the girls have any symptoms.

If I contracted it last Saturday, I'm 9 days in. I had "symptoms" maybe starting Friday, without realizing it. Any experts here hahahahahahaha ok ok, any experts that actually know what the fuck they're talking about? My buddies arrive Wednesday. If I wake up symptom-free, tomorrow, and get a negative test tomorrow night or Wednesday morning, am I ok to host one of them and go out? I don't want to be that asshole that goes out with COVID. I also don't want to have my buddy stranded at a hotel or AirBnB with no guide and no Spanish, but it is what it is. Should I get a second test, or just be conservative and isolate?.

07-05-21, 23:15
Welp, looks like I have COVID...Well think positively. At least you earned it! .

I think a huge proportion of the general population have already had COVID in Colombia, especially those that work in close contact w others, so that is probably why the girls have no symptoms. .

I had similar symptoms in Colombia a couple of times over the past year. Am also pretty sure I had it too though I never bothered to get tested.

You could maybe tell your buddy of your circumstances and see what he says. Not everyone is scared of contracting the virus. Even if he is concerned, has he been vaxd?

07-05-21, 23:24
If I wake up symptom-free, tomorrow, and get a negative test tomorrow night or Wednesday morning, am I ok to host one of them and go out?You need to get a PCR test. I think they should be able to tell you whether you are infectious or not based on the CT value. Good luck!

07-05-21, 23:27
I am planning my first trip to Medellin in September or October. I have stayed in Costa Rica before at the Sportsman's Lodge and am looking for a similar experience. Low key, kind of quiet, food and beverages available in or nearby, safe and secure and enough girls to choose from to have some variety and keeping it interesting. Even some girls around if you feel the urge mid-day. I am not interested in the late night nightclub scene, pursuing and finding the ultimate 20 year old cover model, wandering the streets at night, negotiating the lowest ultimate price, or getting on a dating app. I speak little or no Spanish. Any suggestions for a similar experience? I've heard mention of Mansion?You don't need to waste time on anything else. Go to the Mansion. Google Hotel M Medellin.

07-05-21, 23:32
I just spent 3 nights at Hotel Nutibara. It is the first time I have stayed in El Centro although I have spent plenty of time before walking the streets during the day and visiting the casas.

I really enjoyed the vibe en Centro. In some ways it looks like a European city, but with the chaos of a busy Asian city. People are for the most part very friendly and "real", there is a lot of energy about the place. Bit of a freak show though. Many crazy looking people about.

Lots of bars to drink, girls on most corners, in the bars and in all the short term hotel doorways. Plenty of casas and chica-bars. Personally, I found better choices in the casas, and there isn't that much difference in price between casas and street workers.

I stayed at Hotel Nutibara. Again a decent choice. Reasonable price, if dated rooms. Nice staff, no worries with bringing girls.

I felt perfectly safe in the day time. So many people about. The sun sets quickly and the place empties fast though, but at least there are plenty of bars within a couple of blocks of the hotel.

My main concern was food. It is absolutely dreadful. No choices apart from fast food Colombian style which I would never eat. There are a couple of places nearby within walking distance but they are lunch-only places, plus not open on Sundays or festivos. So the next time I will book for midweek. .

Overall, definitely an experience that I would repeat. Centro of Santa Marta is still my preferred choice because at least I can least well there.

07-05-21, 23:56
Trip Summary Update June 27-July 4th: SA, Casas, centro, Lleras, street pickup, group hang out, heartbreak, betrayal, gay parade, police called.


Enjoying my trip so far, and this is rather a summary instead of a day by day breakdown. After the first day on my previous report with the late SA chica drama that I had to cancel, apologies came in order from both sides and we re-arranged a meet. She's 25, maybe 7. 5/8, personality 10. We've met 2 times so far, full GFE, BBBJ / BBFS, all good, for an evening till next morning damage 200 k. Then I met with one of my 10's twice also, dinner date + overnight, 20 years, 10 all around college student, Full GFE, first date w condom cost $0, second date BBFS, damage 200 k. I have one more 10 that made contact also, we have a date set for this week. No longer an active member but were the few I kept in roster and had build a relationship with. I've also made the effort to approach couple non pros in the streets while walking around, and one cute morena waitress. We are in discussion and setting some dates, they want to take me out to some parks, one is a sweet couple so a possible threesome is in order, all free.

Daily chicas: Averaging 2-3 daily.

Centro chicas:

Met a buddy from my flight and another from the hotel, we stroll through Centro quite a few times, drink beers and talk to chicas. I haven't use their short time hotels but invited few so far to mine (Nutibara) and 50 k each round. Best time for Centro is afternoon between 3-7 PM, entire wall of Veracruz church and past it to the main intersection is crazy with chicas. If you stand around and walk around a little by the bars and in that area, you should be able to see many within your taste, many 6-8 range or even better rarely. White / Blacks, Colombianas but mostly Venezolanas, young, old, some could be underage I don't know. At times I would ask a super young looking one their age they always say 18/19 with IDs. But still be careful. Some will ask 50 k incl hotel, some ask for 30/35 k + hotel which is about 15 k so it's the same thing. Last night I walked around past 9 pm, there were kids playing in plaza botero, no cops but didn't feel any danger. Walkd through busy intersection and saw a hottie who's at least a solid 8, took number but went to parque lleras to see what was going on there.

Casa runs:

Buddy came nearly daily to my hotel via Uber, then walkd together to New Life, if nothing's appealing we'd walk to Amiga de Sexy couple blocks away. Zandaly is also within a shorter walking distance, and we've also visited Energy. Energy had a short line up and we were told they do outcalls now so most of the hot girls were not there, kinna was disappointed.

New Life: You pay after you finish, 55 k for 30 min.

Amiga sexy: Pay upfront: 50 k for 30 min.

Zandaly (has best line up, Andrea's my fav and solid 8) 50 k /30 min, 85 k / HR.

Energy: Massage incl, 140 k / HR.

Strip Clubs:

I didn't visit La Isla / Face 2 yet, but did some runs on those rundown centro strip clubs like Conejitas (banged for 100 k, maybe a 7). Buddy banged one at Hilton Grill, 72 k, solid 8, I banged two from Barra Ejecutiva, all walking distance, solid 8, 80 k, then she came to my hotel again for same pricing and spent more time. There are still several clubs I wish to visit, just so little time. During each club visit, Centro, Llera, I always end up adding 5 hot chica numbers on my phone, and definitely not enough time to bang them all.

Parque Lleras:

I visit Lleras every other night, my first encounter upon arrival of my trip was from there on my first report. Parque lleras is what it is, some here will swear it's the best place on the planet and it's not. Gusto's quality has gone down, last night cost to enter was 20 k, me and buddy walked right out. I did get a couple numbers from a previous visit that I may do biz with. Met several chicas there and saw several from Centro. This happens when you stay close to Centro and walk around a lot, you become familiar with the faces especially if you've exchanged numbers with them. I mean many of them. If I didn't know many times I'd pay the 150 k /250 k they're asking in lleras, but hard for me to justify when I can get them in Centro for 30. The ones not from centro I've had good and bad experience with. Good experience mean I paid 150 k, GFE, no drama, muy carinosa, all went well. Then last night, met this brunette from Col, 22, at first she appeared sweet and interesting, but there were red flags which I fully ignored, and I will write why I missed those since there were some major distractions in the park last night.

Police called. Night of 7/4th, 2: AM.

So w / the 22 year old brunette from lleras, we agreed on 200 k after she asked for 250. We spent maybe 30 minutes together, talking, bought her a beer, danced very briefly. We stood both inside and outside of a bar next to Gusto, and entire time she kept on saying she's really good in sex, she really want some, and kept on insisting on going. She was also giving me those quick kisses on the lips, trying to seduce me. Now mind you, I am no expert but I am no newbie either. My spidey senses are normally intact, and the usual me would reject her in a heartbeat. Girls like that always offer bad service, always a major disappointment, plus she smokes weed. We took a cab to the hotel, she was talking shit about oh why do you stay downtown and not Poblado? It's ugly here, blah blah, more redflags (she lives in Poblado and dresses fancy). All things I shouldn't ignore but I did, again you will see why soon I wasn't on my game.

So after she got in the room, I put some music, then she took off one side of her dress then asked for the money upfront. This is something I never do, and will never do unless I'm in a professional establishment like a brothel or strip club. So I explained politely that you know damn well I can pay you, let's do business and you'll get paid, hard no from her, and hard no from me. Immediately I said well get the fuck out. She called police, or wanted 150 k for her time LOL. I'm not going to do that either and offered 50 k and she declined. Police came w / in 10 minutes with hotel clerk. There were two of them, both started listening to my side of the story first, then one who was aggressive walked away to listen to her side, not sure what she said he immediately came in my face and said you pay her, or handcuff, said that in Spanish. Thankfully I speak a little, nearly fluent, I was able to defend myself and explained she's been in my room for 5 minutes, and in the club for 30 minutes talking only and people normally don't pay for that. Then the aggressive fucker said this is Colombia. I had to reiterate that normally it's not the way things go in Colombia. Talking to someone for few minutes doesn't warrant payment.

This is the big difference with Dominican Rep, Costa Rica and Colombia. In DR and CR you get more protection as a tourist then in Colombia. In Colombia the only thing they love is your money, but you get no protection, and in fact it is a dangerous country if you don't know how to move. No one cares in Col. In DR, If I mention police the chica would run. Here I almost got locked up for me getting robbed.

I believe it was her intention in the first place, to tease, then run away with some free cash. This has been attempted before and happened once to me Mde, and prev chica left with taxi money, but never had one with audacity to actually call the police. She was arrogant, very loud and very vulgar. Her name is ROSA, long dark hair, has braces, almost petite, would rate her maybe a 7, lives in Poblado. So if you run into her, beware. I've seen guys made chicas send everything negotiated in their whatsapp, and I at times thought those were excessive, but now I'm thinking about doing the same, including mentioning in writing if you'll pay upfront or after. The thing is, this will happen 1 out of 10 or 1 out of 20 times. So it is rare, but when it does happen your entire vacation could be ruined. I notice this is also why many vets have a set of trusted chicas in their roster, and repeat with only with those and I don't blame them. My previous trips I didn't do that, and now learning from wiser vets and doing the same. Making of list and saving all good chicas, and when I return to simply go through the list that way no unexpected malicious behaviors, then can still do casa runs and club runs since those are in a business settings and won't rob you.

So one of the cop who was decent, agreed with me and understood my position, suggested that I just pay her half. So I paid her 100 k and she left cursing out loud, I replied and wished her happiness for stealing $28.

Why her, gay parade in Parque Lleras.

The entire city had a major parade all day, July 4th, and today is a holiday, many businesses are closed etc. So at first I thought it was some simple street parties, started around the centro area which I accidently took part of walking from one of my casas. Took some vids, shots, rested in hotel then a quick stroll through the plaza and then Lleras. While in Lleras, I was shocked the celebrations arrived at the park. AND found out it was mainly a gay parade. I am not homophobic, no issues with gays. But I was disturbed that they chose parque Lleras. I mean there were hundreds, music, stages, dances, dudes in dresses and skirts twerking all over the place. Many hit of me, and I'd be offended if they didn't since I look good LOL. So I arrived there like 9:20 p and parties lasted till 1-2 AM but the park / club stayed open till 4 a just like weekend being a pre-holiday.

Myself and many other mongers were talking and joking about the many dudes holding hands, drag queens, trans, and we were concerned about taking one home accidently as a joke. But still was a sight to see, dudes dancing and grinding on each other in the bar I was at. So this is why I wasn't focused and wasn't on my best game to detect this chica's bullshit. Otherwise this wouldn't happen to me. It was still an entertaining night, just didn't get laid and spent 240 k total for the night LOL. 100 k for her time and 140 k in street beer / taxi. Not my best night, but still could've been worse by me going to jail because I almost grabbed the ***** to throw her out of my hotel room when she didn't want to leave. Thankfully I wasn't drunk and thought hard on things. I won't let these few bad apples change my overall opinion on women in Colombia. Because most are genuinely kind and worth being with, pros or not. This is no different than the states where a hooker would arrive, asked for money upfront to pay taxi, walk out and never come back. You can't call the police since it's illegal and this happens many many times when you pay the wrong ***** upfront. This is one of cons or the price we pay for pleasure.

Heartbreak / betrayal.

This title "Heartbreak" is rather for entertainment. The buddy I met from the plane and many others I've already hangd with will immediately tell you one thing for sure about me, that I'm a hardcore MF, insensitive and ruthless at times. I use logic above all emotions, but overall try to play fair.

So in this story, met a solid 8 initially in Centro while few buddies and I were hanging out. She's 27, has a younger sister who's even hotter, from Venezuela. It's possible some of you have met them. I met those two again, including a whole posse also while at Parque Lleras at nights, numbers already exchanged since the centro meet. Then this past Thurs morning she contacted me to see if I wantd to take her after she saw me both in Centro then Lleras prev day, I offerd 100 k for an HR, she counter with 250 k min, then I advised her hey I met you frist at Centro, and we all know the going rate and that's what I'll pay, so she counted again with 120/ HR, and two hours 240 k. I took the 2 hours option incl taxi since she was coming directly from home (lives in Poblado). Came and spent 3 hours, very friendly, great session, two rounds, 240 k. She was very relaxed, didn't even want to leave, and we only left the room since buddy was on his way to grab lunch together. So I invited her, we all ate lunch together, chilled, laughed, then she proposed to take me out to Guatape on Sat, would spend the night both Fri and Sat at no charge although I had plan to compensate her properly. When she was in the room, we did talk about a lot things, family, etc. She was ok to become friends, and we had a good vibe. I almost forgot I was dealing with a WG. Oh well. This is the friendly part of me. When I meet someone who opens up, I open up also and share a bit and allow them in my circle.
.Colombia has some of the most dishonest putas on the planet.

I always tell them I pay after you make me orgasm.

So this putas says OK, and I ignored some red flags.

Like she had some tats on her arms, so I take her to a st room and she wants the money NOW I tell no way sand he walks out and.

Starts screaming to the guy at the desk in espanol, we were in the room less than 1 min.

Never took shoes off or even sat on the bed, I go to the desk and ask for my money for the room and he chuckles like I'm insane.

She's standing at the door with a big smirk, wow she got me LOL they get to split the room fee LOL.

I've never seen another country on the planet where this happens, but I did just hear some horror stories from a guy I know in Sousa, so I guess they have competition.

I always defend them when men treat them like trash on here, and this is what I get.

Karma is a beech bro jajajjajajajaaaa.

07-06-21, 00:22
Welp, looks like I have COVID. I had a domicilio come over on a Sunday, yes, you read that right. It took about an hour to find a company doing testing on Sunday, or even Monday on a Festivo, for that matter.

+57 314 643 7513 in WhatsApp // 150 k for the antigen test // immediate results then emailed in less than 24 hours.

I have extremely mild symptoms. I woke up a couple mornings with a dry throat / mouth and some congestion. I noticed a shortness of breath on my 20 minute walk up the hill to Tesoro Smart Fit, and decided to get tested. I have a couple buddies arriving mid-week, and Pinky is set to go home at the same time to see her family. My energy level is a bit low, and I have some congestion. That's about it.

I was notified on Saturday that a gringo I went out with the past Saturday had two nights of chills and night sweats, and got a positive test result. I told him I was fine, and couldn't be sure about my mild symptoms because of partying for a couple nights. Anyway, we had gone out to eat then to a club with Pinky and her friend. The girls have no symptoms. I've had a couple 3somes and none of the girls have any symptoms.

If I contracted it last Saturday, I'm 9 days in. I had "symptoms" maybe starting Friday, without realizing it. Any experts here hahahahahahaha ok ok, any experts that actually know what the fuck they're talking about? My buddies arrive Wednesday. If I wake up symptom-free, tomorrow, and get a negative test tomorrow night or Wednesday morning, am I ok to host one of them and go out? I don't want to be that asshole that goes out with COVID. I also don't want to have my buddy stranded at a hotel or AirBnB with no guide and no Spanish, but it is what it is. Should I get a second test, or just be conservative and isolate?

The guy who tested positive told me zinc, Vitamin the, hydrate, eat protein, Tylenol. Any other tricks?

I have had 25 hangovers worse than my current symptoms, in this calendar year.

I, and many others, will probably regret this post! Apologies in advance! I just feel like the first page of Google results might be as misleading as what's to follow, here, and this will certainly be more entertaining.I guess I'm the most recent expert on the subject since I just got a certificate of recovery today.

Assuming your positive test was not a false positive, then you are likely to test positive for several weeks. You can get tested again to confirm, but you can't really use the test to determine when you're no longer contagious.

My rough calculation goes like this:

Add 5 days to the day when you were likely exposed. That should also be when you start showing symptoms. Any time after that, you are probably going to test positive, probable minimum 5 weeks, and you're probably contagious. However, 10-14 days after you start showing symptoms you should no longer be contagious. So, between 2 weeks and 19 days, after exposure should be the end of your contagious period.

My own experience went roughly like this. About June 7 I was most likely exposed. Around June 10 I had some congestion, nothing serious. June 12 I had some serious issues. I assumed (incorrectly) it was just exhaustion, since the doctors couldn't find any reason for my collapse. I wasn't tested and seemed much better after 2 days of rest.

June 15 I decided to take my trip, since I was feeling better and hadn't considered Covid as a possibility, since I was vaccinated in March. By June 17 shortness of breath was starting to be a problem, but I passed it off as the result of having to climb 5 flights of stairs to get to the apartment. Spent time with some girls I know, sightseeing and hanging out from June 18-23.

On June 25 I got tested for my return flight, positive. By that time, because my symptoms had continued to worsen, I had began to consider the possibility of Covid. Went into quarantine in my hotel. Symptoms continued to worsen until the night of June 30, when I felt bad enough to call an ambulance. After being checked out by a doctor in my hotel, he determined I didn't need further medical care. By Thursday July 1 my symptoms began to fade. Since then, I'm almost symptom free, except for an occasional cough. Today I managed to get out and walk over 6 miles in Bogota, although I needed to take a lot of breaks and the effort wiped me out.

Approximately 5 days after the last time she saw me, one of the girls came down with symptoms. She was the one who was closest with me and spent the most time with me. She's been isolating and other than a cough has had mild symptoms.

Whether or not to go out with your buddies is up to you. If you wear a mask in the cab, keep reasonable distance as much as possible, it's unlikely you'll infect them. At least that's my opinion.

07-06-21, 01:19
I just saw a notice today that American Airlines is going to begin a direct flight from Miami to San Andres Island beginning in December. That might be useful for some of you.

Also just found out that 2 of the girls I know from Medellin are coming to Bogota to see me tomorrow. Hopefully one of them is going to test my recovery.

Mojo Bandit
07-06-21, 03:29
My main concern was food. It is absolutely dreadful. Did you try using Rappi?

07-06-21, 03:56
Welp, looks like I have COVID. I had a domicilio come over on a Sunday, yes, you read that right. It took about an hour to find a company doing testing on Sunday, or even Monday on a Festivo, for that matter.

+57 314 643 7513 in WhatsApp // 150 k for the antigen test // immediate results then emailed in less than 24 hours.

I have extremely mild symptoms. I woke up a couple mornings with a dry throat / mouth and some congestion. I noticed a shortness of breath on my 20 minute walk up the hill to Tesoro Smart Fit, and decided to get tested. I have a couple buddies arriving mid-week, and Pinky is set to go home at the same time to see her family. My energy level is a bit low, and I have some congestion. That's about it.

I was notified on Saturday that a gringo I went out with the past Saturday had two nights of chills and night sweats, and got a positive test result. I told him I was fine, and couldn't be sure about my mild symptoms because of partying for a couple nights. Anyway, we had gone out to eat then to a club with Pinky and her friend. The girls have no symptoms. I've had a couple 3somes and none of the girls have any symptoms.

If I contracted it last Saturday, I'm 9 days in. I had "symptoms" maybe starting Friday, without realizing it. Any experts here hahahahahahaha ok ok, any experts that actually know what the fuck they're talking about? My buddies arrive Wednesday. If I wake up symptom-free, tomorrow, and get a negative test tomorrow night or Wednesday morning, am I ok to host one of them and go out? I don't want to be that asshole that goes out with COVID. I also don't want to have my buddy stranded at a hotel or AirBnB with no guide and no Spanish, but it is what it is. Should I get a second test, or just be conservative and isolate?

The guy who tested positive told me zinc, Vitamin the, hydrate, eat protein, Tylenol. Any other tricks?

I have had 25 hangovers worse than my current symptoms, in this calendar year.

I, and many others, will probably regret this post! Apologies in advance! I just feel like the first page of Google results might be as misleading as what's to follow, here, and this will certainly be more entertaining.Best of luck! I got it last July in Tijuana but had mild symptoms and didn't get tested until I lost taste or smell. I think what you're doing is great, it affects everyone differently so hopefully you only get mild symptoms as I did.

07-06-21, 04:02
I am planning my first trip to Medellin in September or October. I have stayed in Costa Rica before at the Sportsman's Lodge and am looking for a similar experience. Low key, kind of quiet, food and beverages available in or nearby, safe and secure and enough girls to choose from to have some variety and keeping it interesting. Even some girls around if you feel the urge mid-day. I am not interested in the late night nightclub scene, pursuing and finding the ultimate 20 year old cover model, wandering the streets at night, negotiating the lowest ultimate price, or getting on a dating app. I speak little or no Spanish. Any suggestions for a similar experience? I've heard mention of Mansion?Welcome to ISG, TravelDog99.

There are over 47000 posts here in the Medellin forum, many with the advice and help that you are seeking. Please go back many pages and read, read, read, and if after all of your reading you still have questions, please post them here in the forum, and we will do our best to help you.

Remember that when you return from Medellin, write a trip report. Mongers who ask many questions and beg for help here on ISG, but who then don't contribute trip reports, and frequently ignored on this website.

Again, welcome to ISG. We look forward to reading your trip reports.

07-06-21, 04:06
How do you get by getting bareback services in centro? Do they feel unsafe / offended if you mention it and what percentage do you guys reckon would accept it for a 30 k tip, I plan on taking PrEp with me so inb4 don't do bare, thanks.I've worn one condom in my past two trips ( 19 days). Some will do it, some will not. You won't know until you ask LOL.

07-06-21, 04:23
Trip Summary Update June 27-July 4th: SA, Casas, centro, Lleras, street pickup, group hang out, heartbreak, betrayal, gay parade, police called.

Heartbreak / betrayal.

This title "Heartbreak" is rather for entertainment. The buddy I met from the plane and many others I've already hangd with will immediately tell you one thing for sure about me, that I'm a hardcore MF, insensitive and ruthless at times. I use logic above all emotions, but overall try to play fair.

So in this story, met a solid 8 initially in Centro while few buddies and I were hanging out. She's 27, has a younger sister who's even hotter, from Venezuela. It's possible some of you have met them. I met those two again, including a whole posse also while at Parque Lleras at nights, numbers already exchanged since the centro meet. Then this past Thurs morning she contacted me to see if I wantd to take her after she saw me both in Centro then Lleras prev day, I offerd 100 k for an HR, she counter with 250 k min, then I advised her hey I met you frist at Centro, and we all know the going rate and that's what I'll pay, so she counted again with 120/ HR, and two hours 240 k. I took the 2 hours option incl taxi since she was coming directly from home (lives in Poblado). Came and spent 3 hours, very friendly, great session, two rounds, 240 k. She was very relaxed, didn't even want to leave, and we only left the room since buddy was on his way to grab lunch together. So I invited her, we all ate lunch together, chilled, laughed, then she proposed to take me out to Guatape on Sat, would spend the night both Fri and Sat at no charge although I had plan to compensate her properly. When she was in the room, we did talk about a lot things, family, etc. She was ok to become friends, and we had a good vibe. I almost forgot I was dealing with a WG. Oh well. This is the friendly part of me. When I meet someone who opens up, I open up also and share a bit and allow them in my circle.

So during lunch, buddy mentioned and asked about her sister since we all saw the sister in the street, prob a solid 8. 5/9, then she said after lunch she'll go find the sister, and can meet us later at Lleras for a double date. Date was solid, as I we had plan to take them to Lleras park club, get a bottle etc. We did something like that the night before with two chicas from Lleras. When we arrived at the park, buddy she's her, crossed the street and got her attention, and pointed her to me from across, she saw me, waived and I waived back thinking she'll come talk to me to figure out where we're going the 4 of us. Suddenly some other dude grabbed her and they talkd for a while. At first I thought she was giving out her number, she's a WG and no biggie, but she did the worst thing you can imagine. First, I saw the guy she's talking to staring at me incl a friend of his, not sure what she told them, perhaps she has a date with me, guy seemed over agitated and was negotiating very hard LOL. Then walked to a bar and bought her a drink. While I'm waiting across with my buddy, a beautiful Vennie came to talk to me and proposed me, I declined. But when I decl a girl, sometimes I say things like, maybe later. Then I notice the girl who came to propose is a friend of my date, so I'm being set up, my date sent another girl my way so she can go away with the aggressive dude? Yikes!!

She did just as I imagined, she walked away with the guy. After a while, in disappointment, took the courage to go ask the younger sister what happened, sister said my date thought I agreed to go with the friend. I'm like that BS, and she did that as a way to not look so guilty, to manipulate. I almost took the younger sister home instead as a revenge, but I didn't even want to mess with that crew. To me it's disrespectful. I don't expect complete honor among working girls, but still a little decency goes a long way. Because there was absolutely no reason for it, I got money just like that guy she left with, plus we had plans for many more dates. It's true WG aren't smart. They'd rather make quick buck now, and lose out of a more stable source including a friendship. First, you can't truly break someone's heart unless they're in love with you, so I wasn't heartbroken, but definitely felt betrayed in some form.

Later that night we had a heated discussion via text as to what happened. She sounded very convinced that I accepted her friend's offer, or she's a good manipulator, especially since it's her friend that came to me. What a coincidence? Then she immediately came to tell you? Whatthefuckever I wasn't born yesterday. Then claimed that's why she left with the guy. I'm like you couldn't even approach me to confirm? We broke bread together earlier, we bonded, I deserved at least that. Your girl came and talkd to me for two minutes, and you're telling you were willing to walk away with another guy in front of me, without a word? In fact, while we were in bed earlier, I even told her how I turn women down, by telling them later cause I don't want to be rude sometimes and laughed that it's a terrible way. Now you're telling me I told your friend maybe later, and you believed it? Made no sense. Anyhow, she apologized, but obvio all future dates are cancelled. I don't care if she fucks 20 guys a day, but when it's my turn, it's my turn. If I have to wait for another guy, and you skip me right in front of me, you're trash. I did exchange some harsh words, and was my error once more to think a hoe can have honorable words.

Great report man, I'm so behind on all mine LOL. I feel you on somewhat feeling betrayed. A lot all girls are not like that, but for the ones that are I feel like it's just something their taught growing up or getting into this. They don't even notice what they're doing is wrong. For me, I have a couple regular girls who some don't even charge me anymore. I'll get them business but other than me and those guys they try to act like they aren't fucking others LOL. One girl even told a dude I sent her way to not tell me we were together lmao. I also don't care if they're fucking around, focus on me when you're with me and don't try to make me look like a fool when you obviously know I'm fine with your work.

For the cop situation that's tough man, I've had that about twice but I was in Poblado and the girl left nicely without any drama when I said no. Having a stable of girls is beneficial, some I have for free, the others spend the night for cheaper than I had an hour date the first time I met them.

07-06-21, 04:49
I, and many others, will probably regret this post! Apologies in advance! I just feel like the first page of Google results might be as misleading as what's to follow, here, and this will certainly be more entertaining.The CDC had previously put out some guidance about asymptomatic and I think at least 10 days post infection, but that has been changing and with testing far more readily available most people are erring on the side of getting tested. For someone like you who I presume works out regularly and is fairly immunocompetent you should not have issues clearing the virus. Also were you vaccinated? If so you will probably also clear it sooner. But the PCR test is the sensitive one, it also usually takes a day or so to come back. If your PCR is negative you should be good to go. For those who are immune deficient they may not clear virus as well and virus / remnants may linger long after the disease has passed. That's why the CDC put in that doctors note option.

07-06-21, 12:48
Did you try using Rappi?Good point. No I didn't. I have already rejected those delivery services. They are fine if you order something straight from their menus, but as soon as you make a special request, you can almost guarantee it will turn in to a disaster. Nearly all my orders are special requests and I found I had to return the food or fight for a refund over half the time.

07-06-21, 13:41
Good point. No I didn't. I have already rejected those delivery services. They are fine if you order something straight from their menus, but as soon as you make a special request, you can almost guarantee it will turn in to a disaster. Nearly all my orders are special requests and I found I had to return the food or fight for a refund over half the time.Yes it's a fact. Colombia is not much attuned to high maintenance tourists.

07-06-21, 14:25
I arrived mid-day Sunday, and the weather has been incredible with no rain. During the day there has been scattered clouds blocking the sun most of the time resulting in cool temps along with nice breezes. And the evenings have been just as nice with the difference being there's literally no humidity, alfresco all day and night except when the clouds are not blocking the sun during the day. The weather at times in Medellin is so incredible and one of the major attractions of this City besides the women available.

Since arriving I've had three nice sessions with some of my regulars in El Centro, and things seem pretty much the same as about three weeks ago, but apparently this last Saturday it was off the charts, and during my time in El Centro on Sunday and Monday I noticed some new talent out, and also have noticed more girls working under the Parque Berrio Metro Station whom are primarily Venezuelans.

I've also noticed an uptick in what some of the girls are asking for, and believe given the influx of mongers in El Centro, and there appears to be more mongers than ever before, that the smarter girls are now quoting higher prices to the foreigners which is inevitable.

07-06-21, 14:42
Welp, looks like I have COVID.
I, and many others, will probably regret this post! Apologies in advance! I just feel like the first page of Google results might be as misleading as what's to follow, here, and this will certainly be more entertaining.Nothing to regret about your post and your fortunate to only have mild symptoms and hopefully you won't loose your sense of smell and taste. I don't know if you were vaccinated or not, and if you were, it's disturbing, and if so, your not alone as Jb2 was vaccinated and caught COVID, hopefully he's home now.

As I have mentioned before, I believe nobody should be coming to Colombia if they haven't been vaccinated as the infection rate is still very high here.

I'm vaccinated and basically have thrown caution to the wind here, meaning I'm on the Metro daily packed in like a sardine, interacting with girls on the streets, rolling around on Hotel beds in El Centro, and eating in restaurants, etc.

Anyways, hopefully you'll clear being infectious and can have your friends visit you soon.

07-06-21, 16:28
Trip Summary Update June 27-July 4th: SA, Casas, centro, Lleras, street pickup, group hang out, heartbreak, betrayal, gay parade, police called.


Enjoying my trip so far, and this is rather a summary instead of a day by day breakdown...Great reporting!

Good read, thanks!


I'm in Argentina at the moment, for business, it's a shell of its former days.

Back to Brazil tomorrow.

Thank you Jesus! LOL.

07-06-21, 17:59
As I have mentioned before, I believe nobody should be coming to Colombia if they haven't been vaccinated as the infection rate is still very high here.

Anyways, hopefully you'll clear being infectious and can have your friends visit you soon.

I guess I'm the most recent expert on the subject since I just got a certificate of recovery today.

Assuming your positive test was not a false positive, then you are likely to test positive for several weeks. You can get tested again to confirm, but you can't really use the test to determine when you're no longer contagious.

Whether or not to go out with your buddies is up to you. If you wear a mask in the cab, keep reasonable distance as much as possible, it's unlikely you'll infect them. At least that's my opinion.

You need to get a PCR test. I think they should be able to tell you whether you are infectious or not based on the CT value. Good luck!

Well think positively. At least you earned it!

You could maybe tell your buddy of your circumstances and see what he says. Not everyone is scared of contracting the virus. Even if he is concerned, has he been vaxd?No, I have not been vaxed. Haven't been home since New Year, and not really interested in the vax, anyway. One buddy has been vaxed, and both have had COVID. One got it a year ago, so he's not 100% confident, and doesn't want to spend his vacation quarantined, but it sounds like he's going to roll the dice.

I woke up today feeling fine. Congestion has improved, and fatigue is gone.

Based on JjBee62's terrible experience and information, it seems any test I do in the next 24 hours would come back positive. Thus, maybe I need to just make the decision based on how I feel. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but if I feel 100% in the morning, and my buddies have no worries. I'll probably consider going out. What could go wrong? Last time I was excited to go out in Medellin, I spent two days and $1800 replacing an iPhone!

Thanks to all for the comments, advice, & info. Not something I want to spend a half a day researching on Google!

07-06-21, 18:20
Great reporting!

Good read, thanks!


I'm in Argentina at the moment, for business, it's a shell of its former days.

Back to Brazil tomorrow.

Thank you Jesus! LOL.Isn't Argentina pretty great now with the dollar blue exchange rate?

You can get escorts for $10-$20 and top tier ones for $80-$100 pretty much.

07-06-21, 18:26
Great report man, I'm so behind on all mine LOL. I feel you on somewhat feeling betrayed. A lot all girls are not like that, but for the ones that are I feel like it's just something their taught growing up or getting into this. They don't even notice what they're doing is wrong. For me, I have a couple regular girls who some don't even charge me anymore. I'll get them business but other than me and those guys they try to act like they aren't fucking others LOL. One girl even told a dude I sent her way to not tell me we were together lmao. I also don't care if they're fucking around, focus on me when you're with me and don't try to make me look like a fool when you obviously know I'm fine with your work.

For the cop situation that's tough man, I've had that about twice but I was in Poblado and the girl left nicely without any drama when I said no. Having a stable of girls is beneficial, some I have for free, the others spend the night for cheaper than I had an hour date the first time I met them.The "betrayal" situation is quite easy to understand if you accept one of the cultural idiosyncrasies of Colombians. They don't like to say "no."

This applies not only to chicas, but to most Colombians. Giving a direct "no" goes against their nature. This is one of the reasons why so many girls flake or show up 2 hours late. They set up to meet you at 8 pm, but they know that mom won't be home to watch the kids until 9, so they tell you yes and make excuses for 2 hours because it's easier than saying "no, I can't be there until 10."

And when you're sitting in the bar, watching the girl who is coming to you, and she gets approached by another guy, who wants a roll right now, it's easier to go with him and make excuses to you, than to tell him "no."

This can be maddening if you're trying to do business in Colombia. You have a meeting, seems like it went well, you set up a follow-up meeting and they don't show. When you call, there's excuses and it was a misunderstanding, but they'll rarely come out and say they aren't interested. Instead you end up chasing your tail for 2 months.

There are ways you can lessen the problems with this. One way is to ask the girls what time works for them. If she says she can arrive at 10, expect 10:30 and she'll probably be there or close. If the time she says won't work for you, don't waste your time trying to get her there earlier. Just set her up for another day and move down the list.

07-06-21, 18:36
Hey guys,

After getting robbed by cops recently in Mexico, I wanted to ask if it's common in Colombia for cops to use street walkers as "bait" to try to squeeze some dollars out of you. This is very common in Mexico.

07-06-21, 18:37
Colombia has some of the most dishonest putas on the planet.

I always tell them I pay after you make me orgasm.

So this putas says OK, and I ignored some red flags.

Like she had some tats on her arms, so I take her to a st room and she wants the money NOW I tell no way sand he walks out and.

Starts screaming to the guy at the desk in espanol, we were in the room less than 1 min.

Never took shoes off or even sat on the bed, I go to the desk and ask for my money for the room and he chuckles like I'm insane.

She's standing at the door with a big smirk, wow she got me LOL they get to split the room fee LOL.

I've never seen another country on the planet where this happens, but I did just hear some horror stories from a guy I know in Sousa, so I guess they have competition.

I always defend them when men treat them like trash on here, and this is what I get.

Karma is a beech bro jajajjajajajaaaa.I know man, it is Karma. Unless it's family or wifey, no more bruh. Do as you please. After you nut feel free to stick 20 inches of your foot down their throat, I'm done caring LOL.

07-06-21, 18:44
Welp, looks like I have COVID. I had a domicilio come over on a Sunday, yes, you read that right. It took about an hour to find a company doing testing on Sunday, or even Monday on a Festivo, for that matter.

+57 314 643 7513 in WhatsApp // 150 k for the antigen test // immediate results then emailed in less than 24 hours.Sorry to hear that bro. I know the PCR test costs a bit more, but that's the one I would recommend you take since it's more accurate. The antigen is more like an antibody detection and doesn't really test the actual virus, maybe someone can post more details on that. For ex, some folks who's been vaccinated, still can show positive (false positive) with the antigen test, hence why the PCR is recommend especially if you're vaccinated. I know you said you weren't. Also I wouldn't recommend going out quite yet, since you apparently are asymptomatic and could easily pass it to your friends and who knows what might happen to them. It's obviously careless IMO.

One thing that frustrate me right now in Medellin is like 50% of people almost forget if Covid is still around and rising. Gringos and locals alike walks to people and shaking hands, and I have to consistently push people away unless I know them. Still uncomfortable with dudes I know. I'm like you can say what's up without a handshake bruh. When I'm in parque Lleras in some parts every 10 minutes someone want to shake my hands, incl homeless people, and I say no COVID COVID and I watch their reaction backing up thinking I got it LOL. People are soooo stupid. Just be careful and get well.

07-06-21, 18:46
No, I have not been vaxed. Haven't been home since New Year, and not really interested in the vax, anyway. One buddy has been vaxed, and both have had COVID. One got it a year ago, so he's not 100% confident, and doesn't want to spend his vacation quarantined, but it sounds like he's going to roll the dice.

I woke up today feeling fine. Congestion has improved, and fatigue is gone.

Based on JjBee62's terrible experience and information, it seems any test I do in the next 24 hours would come back positive. Thus, maybe I need to just make the decision based on how I feel. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but if I feel 100% in the morning, and my buddies have no worries. I'll probably consider going out. What could go wrong? Last time I was excited to go out in Medellin, I spent two days and $1800 replacing an iPhone!

Thanks to all for the comments, advice, & info. Not something I want to spend a half a day researching on Google!Anyone refusing the vaccine at this point, considering 3,5000,000,000 shots have been given safely with a profound effect in the spread of the disease, is not only a selfish POS but a public health threat.

07-06-21, 19:05
Quick question for a first timer in MDE. How far is it from centro to Lleras and then to Poblado? Just trying to get some perspective. Thanks.

07-06-21, 19:09
No, I have not been vaxed.... Not something I want to spend a half a day researching on Google!Never thought much of your posts and now I'm even more sure that you are the kind I avoid.

Much easier for you to spread the Virus than to take the time and effort to avoid doing so.

07-06-21, 19:35
Anyone refusing the vaccine at this point, considering 3,5000,000,000 shots have been given safely with a profound effect in the spread of the disease, is not only a selfish POS but a public health threat.While I'm clearly in favor of getting the vaccine, people are going to do what people are going to do. My uneducated opinion, considering my medical history, and the difficulties I experienced even though I'm vaccinated, is that I would be in ICU somewhere right now, with about a 5% chance of survival, if I wasn't vaccinated.

And everyone on this board is a public health threat. We're out fucking multiple partners, almost all who are unvaccinated and many are having unprotected vaginal and even anal sex. And let's not forget the recent discussion of the joys of actually eating other people's shit.

It's easy to sit on your throne and point the finger at others, but if you're mongering, you're no better than anyone else who's mongering, regardless of vaccination status. I've already proven a vaccinated person can get infected and I've proven a vaccinated person can infect someone else, even without kissing or having sex with them.

07-06-21, 19:35
From my Sugar Daddies post. She was and maybe still is, in a classic long term, Sugar Daddy relationship with a gringo in his sixties who flies in one long weekend per month from Miami to bang her brains out. The Sugar Daddy bought her virginity from her mother when she was 15 years old. She sent this foto to me the first time before we met. I must have met her on line since she was in Bogota and I was in Medellin. Pictures don't seem to do justice, but her beauty was one for the ages. I also just remembered, SHE was the first one I ever pulled that little trick of having her enter the room, drop to her knees, and start sucking without saying a word the first time we met. That same scenario played out during my last trip to Medellin with Sort Swirl, as was posted here, but BarbBogota was the first. So far, those are the only two chicas with whom I have done that, but I am sure not the last. I will look for that transcript, it is really nasty and fun.

Mr Enternational
07-06-21, 20:46
Anyone refusing the vaccine at this point, considering 3,5000,000,000 shots have been given safely with a profound effect in the spread of the disease, is not only a selfish POS but a public health threat.How is that? Being vaccinated does not stop you from contracting or spreading the virus. It only stops you from getting seriously ill and dying. A person with or without the vaccine is the same public heath threat. So the only person that someone could be hurting because they did not get the vaccine is themselves.

"COVID 19-vaccines are effective. They can keep you from getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines also help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19. Getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you.

This stuff from the CDC says can and may. It does not say will. If that was the case then Jj, who has already been vaccinated, would not have needed to be quarentined the other day after he tested positive for the virus.

Mr Enternational
07-06-21, 20:56
The "betrayal" situation is quite easy to understand if you accept one of the cultural idiosyncrasies of Colombians. They don't like to say "no."

This applies not only to chicas, but to most Colombians. Giving a direct "no" goes against their nature.I was supposed to meet up with a chick in Bogota today. Yesterday she told me that we could meet up sometime after noon today and I said ok. I hit her up at 10am today to ask what time we were going to get together. She said she thought me saying ok meant no. In what the fuck world does saying ok mean no? So if I wanted to mean ok what would I have had to say? I say what I mean. I don't say shit in a secret code for you to figure out and assume what I mean. Dealing with stupid mfs like this makes me want to be monogamous.

07-06-21, 21:54
Quick question for a first timer in MDE. How far is it from centro to Lleras and then to Poblado? Just trying to get some perspective. Thanks.Parque Lleras is in Poblado. From Parque Lleras to El Centro is about 5 miles. From the south end of Poblado add about 4 more miles.

07-06-21, 22:37
Quick question for a first timer in MDE. How far is it from centro to Lleras and then to Poblado? Just trying to get some perspective. Thanks.From El Centro to LLeras its about 5 km or 3.1 Miles, from Poblado to El Centro its closer but not by much, I would say 4.8 Km or 3 Miles. Hope this helps.

07-06-21, 23:05
I was supposed to meet up with a chick in Bogota today. Yesterday she told me that we could meet up sometime after noon today and I said ok. I hit her up at 10am today to ask what time we were going to get together. She said she thought me saying ok meant no. In what the fuck world does saying ok mean no? So if I wanted to mean ok what would I have had to say? I say what I mean. I don't say shit in a secret code for you to figure out and assume what I mean. Dealing with stupid mfs like this makes me want to be monogamous.While there's no sure fire way, because chicas are going to be chicas, try something like "Te vere a la 1 mas o menos manaņa. Esta bien? Confirmare la hora en la maņana.

I will see you around 1 tomorrow, okay? I'll confirm the time in the morning.

That won't guarantee she's going to show, but it ensures she understands your intent.

That's in my rules to live by, along with always confirming the girl is talking pesos and not dollars.

Black Page
07-06-21, 23:18
How is that? Being vaccinated does not stop you from contracting or spreading the virus.You lecture on a topic that has not been understood yet by top virology scientists and schools, and you do that exhibiting such a self-confidence like if you were stating demonstrated theorems. All this matter has still to be understood, and science does it starting from empirical facts.

Indeed, there is some evidence that being vaccinated, that is having some immunity, DOES protect to some extent also from being infected. Otherwise, how could one / we even mention herd immunity?

To what extent, it has still to be assessed. Vaccines have been out for less than one year. Nothing. To make the matter even more complex to assess, variants are more or less resistant. The system is quickly changing, before we understand the parameters.

The origin of your claim, very common around, is that statistical facts in vaccine trials and mass vaccinations have been mostly collected by counting those who fell sick, not doing a PCR to all those who were vaccinated (impossible in practice).
Most plausible conjecture is that vaccines protect to a less extent from infection, than from falling seriously sick, but this does not mean that there is no protection against infection.

I prevent a wrong claim: immunity from vaccine is stronger and more effective than from having been sick. At least this is a well known fact, demonstrated for most vaccines that have been used so far. There is some good reason that justifies that, because of how a vaccine works.

In conclusion: vaccinating say 90% of a population DOES protect also the 10% who could not be vaccinated, or (shame on them) refused it. The bad thing is that we will be never able to vaccinate 90% of world population.

Black Page
07-06-21, 23:31
Quick question for a first timer in MDE. How far is it from centro to Lleras and then to Poblado? Just trying to get some perspective. Thanks.What about Google Maps?

Mr Enternational
07-06-21, 23:43
You lecture on a topic that has not been understood yet by top virology scientists and schools, and you do that exhibiting such a self-confidence like if you were stating demonstrated theorems.Not at all. I do not know shit about viruses or medicine, but I do know English and I know how to read and understand it. What I stated is from what is said on the CDC website (my reason for putting in quotation what I directly copied and pasted and saying this stuff from the CDC) and has nothing to do with my thoughts, beliefs, or self-confidence. So if there is a dispute, take it up with them. I do not have a dog in the fight.

07-06-21, 23:44
I know man, it is Karma. Unless it's family or wifey, no more bruh. Do as you please. After you nut feel free to stick 20 inches of your foot down their throat, I'm done caring LOL.I'm in a strip club in the US waiting for a puta in the back room, I'm sitting at the bar the place is empty, she texts me saying she will be out in 2 minutes.

I did her several times in the past, so I see she starts walking towards me and WHAM it happens, she sits down with some old guy I didn't even notice sitting in the corner.

I was like WTF? She was smoking hot A true 10.

So instead of just leaving because I'm pissed, I walk up to the table and say what are you doing, and she says I'm talking to this gentleman, don't be rude! Jajajaja.

I was furious, not offended or hurt just pissed, I'm guessing he didn't even take her.

She probably just thought she could try to snag him and get still get me jajaja.

She was a solid 10 and she fucking knew it.

I blocked her number and didn't go back to that club for a few years.

07-06-21, 23:52
You lecture on a topic that has not been understood yet by top virology scientists and schools, and you do that exhibiting such a self-confidence like if you were stating demonstrated theorems. All this matter has still to be understood, and science does it starting from empirical facts.

Indeed, there is some evidence that being vaccinated, that is having some immunity, DOES protect to some extent also from being infected. Otherwise, how could one / we even mention herd immunity?

To what extent, it has still to be assessed. Vaccines have been out for less than one year. Nothing. To make the matter even more complex to assess, variants are more or less resistant. The system is quickly changing, before we understand the parameters.

The origin of your claim, very common around, is that statistical facts in vaccine trials and mass vaccinations have been mostly collected by counting those who fell sick, not doing a PCR to all those who were vaccinated (impossible in practice).
Most plausible conjecture is that vaccines protect to a less extent from infection, than from falling seriously sick, but this does not mean that there is no protection against infection..This all makes perfect sense to me, which means someone is going to come along saying it's all garbage because of something they read from a guy who never took a science class.

Now let me throw a wrench at it.

I (vaccinated) caught Covid (most likely) from my brother, even though I probably was only within 6 feet of him for under a minute while he was contagious. I was probably contagious for nearly 3 weeks (unaware I was infected for the first 2+ weeks). During that time I spent at least 8 hours within 6 feet of 3 women and 2 hours in that range with a fourth, plus 2 hours having sex with a fifth. Only one has become infected. She was the one of the first 3 who had the lowest average distance from me.

Had I known of my infection, 1 less person would have been infected (assuming she won't infect anyone during her infectious period. If I had not been vaccinated, I probably would have been tested sooner, cancelled my trip and not infected anyone else.

On the other hand, if, being vaccinated, I had been asymptomatic, I would have been in closer contact with several other women, possibly infecting more, who could pass on the infection.

While the vaccine does reduce the chance of spread, it is not a perfect solution. There will be situations where, on a local scale, a vaccinated person will infect more people than if they were unvaccinated.

To try to make it clearer let's talk seatbelts. Seatbelts save lives. If you compare 100,000 accidents where everyone wore a seatbelt with 100,000 accidents where nobody wore a seatbelt, the benefits are obvious and undeniable. However, there are accidents where people die because they were wearing a seatbelt.

It's simple. For the overall public good, the more people who get vaccinated (and wear seatbelts) the better. But on the micro scale, for a small number of people, getting vaccinated (or wearing a seatbelt) will make things worse.

07-07-21, 00:02
This is word for word, no translation required because she is fluent in English. I can't believe it has been almost two years already. The auto editor here changes some words automatically, I was not calling her a "working girl" jajaja.

{2:34 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: Love, I have an emergency, can you send me money?

{2:37 PM, 10/01/2019} Barbara Bogot: Please.

{2:39 PM, 1/10/2019} My information: not a peso, not a dime.

{2:40 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: Thank you.

{2:40 PM, 10/1/2019} My information: If we had already met and I liked you, if your holes were tight and sweet, maybe.

{2:41 PM, 10/1/2019} Barbara Bogot: I need 100 pesos, I'm very sick, please help.

{2:44 PM, 10/1/2019} My information: Are you really asking for 100 pesos?

{2:45 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: Okay, I don't bother you.

{2:46 PM, 1/10/2019} My information: What I mean is that that amount is so small that I can't even send that amount. That is roughly. 03 cents American, you must mean more.

{2:46 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: 100,000 love.

{2:47 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: I have strong migraines and I want to go to the doctor to help me I have 3 days without eating because the headache is so strong that I can't even eat.

{2:49 PM, 1/10/2019} My information: Migraines are horrible, but I have heard all the working girl tricks and lies from girls like you before and I think you are a lying * just like the rest of them.

{2:49 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: Okay Thank you.

{2:51 PM, 10/1/2019} My information: But if you promise never to ask for money again, I will send it to you and we will still see each other to fuck. Of course, fucking is a separate arrangement. I don't expect you to do it all for free but I will ask for some extras.

{2:52 PM, 10/1/2019} Barbara Bogot: I promise not to do it anymore, I don't usually do this but I am desperate since I can't work and the migraine is very horrible I am crying from the pain for 3 days.

{2:54 PM, 1/10/2019} My information: I will send it Western Union. I need your exact name as it appears on the government ID that you will use to collect the money.

{2:55 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: Thank you my love, really.

{2:55 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: The name is XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXX.

{2:56 PM, 1/10/2019} My information: I have never been told the truth from any of you girls about needing money, I have heard it all from sick mothers to sick children, for birthdays, for travel to funerals, but it is worth paying you this small amount knowing you will not ask me again and knowing you will feel like you owe me when we fuck you will spread your holes extra wide open.

{2:56 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: I will do that and more.

{2:59 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: I can only tell you that in this world of porn there are many bad and experienced people, I cannot say that I am not like that since you do not believe me but I only wait for the moment in that we can meet to prove the person that I am, maybe not to have a relationship but to create a bond of complicity and friendship, and that brings confidence, is little by little but I will succeed.

{3:02 PM, 1/10/2019} My information: Wait, I'll try to send the money now, it will take several minutes. Then you will need the tracking number. My number one working girl is in bed next to me right now. I hope you are happy because she is watching everything I do. Of course now I'm going to have to give this working girl twice as much money as I give you, hahahaha.

{3:03 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: Ok love, I'm waiting for you.

{3:05 PM, 10/1/2019} My information: I'll say one thing, you talk and write better than most sluts. You have a brain in your head. But you're still a working girl to me who does what working girls naturally do that is ask for money for doing nothing.

{3:11 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: And I'll always be your working girl.

{3:11 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: That won't change.

{3:11 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: I just won't be an empty working girl.

{3:13 PM, 1/10/2019} My information: wait.

{3:14 PM, 1/10/2019} My information: I'm doing it.

{3:14 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: Yes love.

{3:19 PM, 10/1/2019} My information: OK very important we get your name exactly right or they will not release the money.

{3:24 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: Yes love.

{3:24 PM, 10/1/2019} My information: I'm sure that a liar working girl like you is already familiar with the process, but I'll tell you anyway:

{3:26 PM, 10/1/2019} My information: The tracking number is XXX XXX XXXX.

{3:26 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: And whoever sends love will ask me.

{3:27 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: Thank you my love.

{3:27 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: I am the luckiest lying working girl.

{3:27 PM, 10/1/2019} My information: The exact amount is 150,000 COP. I gave you extra because in my experience, working girls are too stupid to know how much they need.

{3:28 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogot: Thank you daddy.

{3:29 PM, 10/1/2019} My information: With a 1% chance you are telling the truth, I hope you feel better. Migraines are horrible.

{3:30 PM, 10/1/2019} Barbara Bogota: Migraines are hereditary and as my mother suffered too, they are even accompanied by vomiting.

{3:30 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogota: Thank you love.

{3:31 PM, 1/10/2019} My info: In exchange for this favor, when we finally meet, I will expect you to fall to your knees and start sucking before we ever exchange any words.

{3:31 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogota: This will be my love.

{3:32 PM, 1/10/2019} My info: I am serious, I will open the hotel door and if one word leaves your mouth before you drop to your knees and start sucking, I close the door on your face and send you home without taxi fare.

{3:31 PM, 1/10/2019} Barbara Bogota: Your working girl will not disappoint you, I will do as I am told.

She did exactly that.

07-07-21, 00:19
No, I have not been vaxed. Haven't been home since New Year, and not really interested in the vax, anyway. One buddy has been vaxed, and both have had COVID. One got it a year ago, so he's not 100% confident, and doesn't want to spend his vacation quarantined,
Based on JjBee62's terrible experience and information, it seems any test I do in the next 24 hours would come back positive. Thus, maybe I need to just make the decision based on how I feel!If you think you have it, get tested immediately. If you get a positive test result: wait exactly 14 days, then have doctor certify you recovered. Then, with the test result together with the doctor cert, you can travel without need to test for the next 90 days! For doc: Las Vegas Clinic in Poblado, Dr. Mauricio Alvarado. He specializes in covid. Walk in, $50 and he has you covered. Too many people talking out their ass on the forum. But, if you have it, thing to do is check into the best hotel you can afford for a week, one with proper infrastructure, room service and decent restaurant. Get some doloff. Even if its nothing but the fricking flu, with your immune system fighting covid, you are susceptible to picking up something else that can fuck you up. And face it, the casa rooms -- airless, fetid -- are full of virus. Don't think for a second the chicks don't have it. And if you think they'd tell you then you're a fool. Doctor Mauricio has some advice on that: no Colombian will tell you they have or had it.

Black Page
07-07-21, 00:25
Not at all. I do not know shit about viruses or medicine, but I do know English and I know how to read and understand it. What I stated is from what is said on the CDC website (my reason for putting in quotation what I directly copied and pasted and saying this stuff from the CDC) and has nothing to do with my thoughts, beliefs, or self-confidence. So if there is a dispute, take it up with them. I do not have a dog in the fight.Ok. So I adjust my first words as "You SEEM to lecture on a topic. ".

You have read the CDC text. You have noted the "may" and "can". They are there, because of what I tried to explain. They do not write as "Being vaccinated does not stop you from spreading the virus" or "Being vaccinated stops you from spreading the virus". They write as "Being vaccinated MAY stop you from contracting or spreading the virus. ", where "may" means "it's possible".

The short story is that there is evidence that vaccines protect also from contracting, to some extent, but to what extent it is still not known. Most likely, to a lower degree than from falling sick, but there is some protection.

The reason why I am persistent in this is that we read too often the bullshit "If I don't get vaxxed it's my problem if I get sick, others should not tell me what to do, because however vaxxed or not I still spread the virus around, and for them it is the same". NO, it is NOT the same.

The truth is that not all infectious diseases behave the same. Therefore, only empirical evidence will help to understand.

07-07-21, 00:25
It's more about traffic than distance in my opinion. In the middle of the night the trip takes 15 to 20 minutes. I can take twice that long during rush hour. Savvy drivers cut through Little Caracas up the hill from San Diego to avoid the backups on La Oriental.

Parque Lleras is in Poblado. From Parque Lleras to El Centro is about 5 miles. From the south end of Poblado add about 4 more miles.

07-07-21, 00:30
No, I have not been vaxed. Haven't been home since New Year, and not really interested in the vax, anyway.
I woke up today feeling fine. Congestion has improved, and fatigue is gone.

Thanks to all for the comments, advice, & info. Not something I want to spend a half a day researching on Google!That is just not cool bro. Even if you "feel fine" you could be carrying covid19 virus in your nasopharyngeal cavity especially so close from symptoms onset and then spread it via respiratory droplets. So waiting the time like JJb or getting the PCR test to know you have cleared is the only safe way to do it. Otherwise you could inadvertently infect someone and that person could be dead a couple weeks later. You may never even know about it, but like I said, do you want that karma. Anyway, I think everyone has said their bit, just be smart. And re the vaccine, its been over a year and over 3 B doses given worldwide. Do you not want to be part of the solve so we can return to pre Covid times? Do your part.

07-07-21, 01:26
That is just not cool bro. Even if you "feel fine" you could be carrying covid19 virus in your nasopharyngeal cavity especially so close from symptoms onset and then spread it via respiratory droplets. So waiting the time like JJb or getting the PCR test to know you have cleared is the only safe way to do it. Otherwise you could inadvertently infect someone and that person could be dead a couple weeks later. You may never even know about it, but like I said, do you want that karma. Anyway, I think everyone has said their bit, just be smart. And re the vaccine, its been over a year and over 3 B doses given worldwide. Do you not want to be part of the solve so we can return to pre Covid times? Do your part.Very well put GH! I was maybe a little crude but your words will hopefully be taken since you put it a non confrontation way. Next time I'll count to 10 like I was told in my 1 on 1 anger management that made sense but I never do so. Hard to teach an old dog.

I hope Slap Shot doesn't get any sicker and doesn't spread the Virus to anyone.

07-07-21, 01:27
You have read the CDC text. You have noted the "may" and "can". .Like many other discussions, people generalize a specific scenario. Vaccine being not 100%, people can generalize the imperfection. The bottom line is vaccines reduce death and serious illness, and also reduce infection. There are plenty of research on these. You need to make your point from the imperfection, then people can't generalize the specific against your point unless it is false.

07-07-21, 01:30
I suspected as much. I hope you reconsider your vaccination posture.

No, I have not been vaxed. Haven't been home since New Year, and not really interested in the vax, anyway. One buddy has been vaxed, and both have had COVID. One got it a year ago, so he's not 100% confident, and doesn't want to spend his vacation quarantined, but it sounds like he's going to roll the dice.

I woke up today feeling fine. Congestion has improved, and fatigue is gone.

Based on JjBee62's terrible experience and information, it seems any test I do in the next 24 hours would come back positive. Thus, maybe I need to just make the decision based on how I feel. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but if I feel 100% in the morning, and my buddies have no worries. I'll probably consider going out. What could go wrong? Last time I was excited to go out in Medellin, I spent two days and $1800 replacing an iPhone!

Thanks to all for the comments, advice, & info. Not something I want to spend a half a day researching on Google!

07-07-21, 01:43
The "betrayal" situation is quite easy to understand if you accept one of the cultural idiosyncrasies of Colombians. They don't like to say "no."

This applies not only to chicas, but to most Colombians. Giving a direct "no" goes against their nature. This is one of the reasons why so many girls flake or show up 2 hours late. They set up to meet you at 8 pm, but they know that mom won't be home to watch the kids until 9, so they tell you yes and make excuses for 2 hours because it's easier than saying "no, I can't be there until 10.".So true what you have brought up about Colombians not wanting to say no. They don't like conflict and are not direct as you have mentioned, and I find it maddening at times.

07-07-21, 01:45
Hey guys,

After getting robbed by cops recently in Mexico, I wanted to ask if it's common in Colombia for cops to use street walkers as "bait" to try to squeeze some dollars out of you. This is very common in Mexico.I have heard of stings using underage streetwalkers where basically you have to pay your way out of it. I have not experienced that personally. That is why you ask to see her ID if you think the girl is young, but even that is not fool proof because in a sting she can use two different ID's. The "yellow shirts" or the cops who ride bicycles had a bad rep a couple of years ago on Avenida 70 for stopping you and emptying your wallet, but that seems to have died down. That happened to a couple of my Gringo acquaintances.

You will read here, don't carry more money than you are willing to lose in a robbery. I always change that to, carry at least enough money so you can pay off the policia without having to take a trip to the station. 300 mil COP will usually suffice, of course it depends on the situation. You don't have to say anything, just hand them your wallet, they will liberate the money themselves, jaja.

Gratuitous fotos.

Mr Enternational
07-07-21, 02:02
The bottom line is vaccines reduce death and serious illness, and also reduce infection.Exactly. Therefore to brand people without the vaccine with a scarlet letter is absurd. The only way to give it is if you got it. You can get it and give it whether you are vaccinated or not. If you have the vaccine YOUR chances are reduced on the receiving side, but they are the same as those without the vaccine on the giving side. They don't say if you don't get the vaccine you are going to give covid to someone. They don't say if you do get the vaccine you can not give covid to someone. You get the vaccine to protect yourself, not for you to protect other people.

07-07-21, 02:16
The truth is nobody knows anything yet. Just like they said you can get it easily from surfaces which turned out to be bunk. Only n95 can help you. But wait medical staff are running out so yea, those cloth masks work fine too. Oh BTW we found out it's difficult to get it from surface contact. And on and on. Let people make their own choices on what they put in their body. You got the vaccine so you're safe right? I'm 39,smoke, drink, treat my body like a dumpster and have had colds worse than covid. If you want to be the Guinea pig to a rushed vaccine that would normally take years to be studied and approved then by all means do you, but I'll wait it out.

07-07-21, 02:51
Thank you for stating what many here don't appreciate. We hobbyists are, on average, more of a health threat than the average person. Having sex with many partners (who themselves have sex with many partners) is a great way to spread lots of things (and not just STDs and Covid).

While I'm clearly in favor of getting the vaccine, people are going to do what people are going to do. My uneducated opinion, considering my medical history, and the difficulties I experienced even though I'm vaccinated, is that I would be in ICU somewhere right now, with about a 5% chance of survival, if I wasn't vaccinated.

And everyone on this board is a public health threat. We're out fucking multiple partners, almost all who are unvaccinated and many are having unprotected vaginal and even anal sex. And let's not forget the recent discussion of the joys of actually eating other people's shit.

It's easy to sit on your throne and point the finger at others, but if you're mongering, you're no better than anyone else who's mongering, regardless of vaccination status. I've already proven a vaccinated person can get infected and I've proven a vaccinated person can infect someone else, even without kissing or having sex with them.

07-07-21, 03:10
Exactly. Therefore to brand people without the vaccine with a scarlet letter is absurd. The only way to give it is if you got it. You can get it and give it whether you are vaccinated or not. If you have the vaccine YOUR chances are reduced on the receiving side, but they are the same as those without the vaccine on the giving side. They don't say if you don't get the vaccine you are going to give covid to someone. They don't say if you do get the vaccine you can not give covid to someone. You get the vaccine to protect yourself, not for you to protect other people."It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt" Do yourself a favor and back out quietly. Your misunderstanding and lack of comprehension on the topic is legion.

07-07-21, 03:26
Welp, looks like I have COVID. I, and many others, will probably regret this post!Jajajajaja. You called it.

07-07-21, 04:50
Exactly. Therefore to brand people without the vaccine with a scarlet letter is absurd. The only way to give it is if you got it. You can get it and give it whether you are vaccinated or not. If you have the vaccine YOUR chances are reduced on the receiving side, but they are the same as those without the vaccine on the giving side. They don't say if you don't get the vaccine you are going to give covid to someone. They don't say if you do get the vaccine you can not give covid to someone. You get the vaccine to protect yourself, not for you to protect other people.

Being vaccinated reduces your peak viral load, which means that there is less free virus floating around in your respiratory system, which means that when you cough fewer viral particles will be ejected, which makes it less likely that someone will get infected. In other words, vaccination absolutely makes a difference on both the giving and receiving ends.

The group of people whoare not vaccinated despite having the means and opportunity are, as a whole, partly responsible for the continuation of the pandemic and deaths of thousands. It's so selfish and entitled, there are countless millions in Colombia who would do almost anything to get a vaccine and so many privileged westerners decide not to get it. Sad.

Lucky Nuts
07-07-21, 05:57
I'm a cheap bastard. Prices in Colombia seem very low though.

Any recommendations for someone who wants to date normal women (non p4p) and wants options for cheap sex to supplement normal dating?

The best option for cheap sex imo are the casas in el centro. During the daytime hours it's quite safe to visit these places. New Life, Chicas Amigas and Zandaly are all within a few blocks of each other and all are inexpensive. Visit often to find the hot chicas that work one day per week or maybe even less.

Just Incognito
07-07-21, 13:46
Being vaccinated reduces your peak viral load, which means that there is less free virus floating around in your respiratory system, which means that when you cough fewer viral particles will be ejected, which makes it less likely that someone will get infected. In other words, vaccination absolutely makes a difference on both the giving and receiving ends.

The group of people whoare not vaccinated despite having the means and opportunity are, as a whole, partly responsible for the continuation of the pandemic and deaths of thousands. It's so selfish and entitled, there are countless millions in Colombia who would do almost anything to get a vaccine and so many privileged westerners decide not to get it. Sad.Yes, exactly!

I think of getting vaccinated as the same as volunteering to go to war after Pearl Harbor. True patriots went, took a risk, and stood up to a very bad thing for the sake of their country and the world. Other people stayed home, cowered, complained and did nothing to help win WW2.

People getting vaccinated are patriots standing up, taking a small risk, for the greater good. People refusing the vaccine: the selfish ones who stay home and let other people fight the bad guys for them--while pretending they are doing so because they somehow know more than the top scientists who have dedicated their lives to this stuff.

I have had a couple of my Medellin girls comment at how pissed off / frustrated they are that they are desperate for the vaccine--but can't get it, while a bunch of idiot armchair experts with no real knowledge or training refuse to be part of the solution by refusing the vaccine. If you ever wonder why there is so much animosity against America from around the world--even though America, on the whole, does more good than anyone, politicizing the pandemic and refusing the vaccines based on nothing but nonsensical conjecture is a reason why. Too many selfish Americans who just don't understand that we get vaccinated not just for ourselves--but to reduce transmission rates for everyone.

Just Incognito
07-07-21, 13:59
Exactly. Therefore to brand people without the vaccine with a scarlet letter is absurd. The only way to give it is if you got it. You can get it and give it whether you are vaccinated or not. If you have the vaccine YOUR chances are reduced on the receiving side, but they are the same as those without the vaccine on the giving side. They don't say if you don't get the vaccine you are going to give covid to someone. They don't say if you do get the vaccine you can not give covid to someone. You get the vaccine to protect yourself, not for you to protect other people.But if you are vaccinated your ability to transmit the virus is reduced greatly!

Vaccinated people are part of the solution. Non-vaccinated people, right now, are the problem.

Just accept that, own it, and make whatever decision you make knowing that. Its an undeniable fact. And its people's right to be part of the problem since the vaccines aren't mandated.

My hope: All nations and airlines / ships / public transports will only allow properly vaccinated people to pass through their borders or get on their planes / trains / mode of transport. The exceptions only being: provably recently recovered cases or people who can somehow prove immunity to covid-19.

I have been to places where a yellow fever vaccine was mandated or I could not enter. Same should be with covid at all border crossings and public gatherings of more than 50 people.

You have a right not to be vaccinated, and govts. Should have the right to exclude you from public gatherings if you choose to not be vaccinated IMO.

Also, If the US just took 5% of it military budget for 1 year and shifted it to vaccine production and development--the whole planet could probably be vaccinated with a year or 2--and the USA would have a lot more peace if it did this.

Okay, back to chicas: I've had 2 of my Medellin girls ask if they could come stay with me for the next 3 months or so just so they could get vaccinated! True story. 1 chick said if I paid for her flight and supported her where I live for 3 months (how long you have to be where I am to be fully vaccinated) she would arrive with std papers showing she was clean (and I would have to show her my tests) and we could be barebacking anything goes the whole time she is with me.

All she wants: I pay for her expenses, she gets vaccinated-so I help her through the system I am in, and I give her 1000 dollars total for the 3 months--she asked this just so she could pay her bills and help her family while she is gone. Its basically 10 bucks a day plus a 400 dollar flight and I get a hot 28 year old, no kid, gorgeous blond paisa in my bed for 3 months. Yet, I am debating it because it would be hard to hide that from my community and could create other potential dramas, or go sour. Plus, if I want to go somewhere in the next 3 months--I will be locked in with her here. This story gives an example of how desperate and desirous to get vaccinated many Colombianas are. Tis girl just wants to get away from Colombia for some time and have a vacation as well. I may pull the trigger--we are still deciding.

Black Page
07-07-21, 14:18
Being vaccinated reduces your peak viral load, which means that there is less free virus floating around in your respiratory system, which means that when you cough fewer viral particles will be ejected, which makes it less likely that someone will get infected. In other words, vaccination absolutely makes a difference on both the giving and receiving ends.
The group of people whoare not vaccinated despite having the means and opportunity are, as a whole, partly responsible for the continuation of the pandemic and deaths of thousands. It's so selfish and entitled, there are countless millions in Colombia who would do almost anything to get a vaccine and so many privileged westerners decide not to get it. Sad.One of the best posts on this forum. Clear, well said, and straight to the point. Kudos for you.

If you have the vaccine YOUR chances are reduced on the receiving side, but they are the same as those without the vaccine on the giving side.Mr. E, on many topics you make very reasonable statements. Trust me: your statement above is 100% wrong instead. It is a medical fact, not an opinion. Saying a triangle has 4 sides is not a matter of opinions. It is wrong, period.

Contributing to spreading wrong facts may have serious consequences, because some people may believe it, just because expressed well, then harm themselves and others.