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07-07-21, 14:39
Wasn't sure where to drop this post. Staying at Energy and wondering if anyone that's stayed here has used the COVID test tent right across the street for US travel requirements. Seems awfully convenient if yes.

07-07-21, 15:19
I got a couple of E-mails asking me what I meant about scoring with chicas (of course, always at least 18 yo) who had "daddy complexes. " At first I thought the E-mails were being sarcastic, which I always appreciate, but apparently the questions were genuine. As the saying goes, for every one person who asks a question like that, there are ten more who want to know the same thing but are too preoccupied to write.

Jung, who was a giant in the field of psychiatry, probably only second to Freud, coined the phrase Electra Complex for a daughter sexually attracted to her father. I modified this phrase to Electra Complex in Absentia, to account for the large percentage of girls who were raised in a home without a stable father figure. The theory is that subconsciously those girls are yearning for paternal love and approval that they did not get growing up. Once they are old enough to act out, they will subconsciously fulfill that need by having sex with someone old enough to be their father. That is what I meant by there being two kinds of girls in the world, those who like older men, and those who don't. And being half-way home when a girl I just met describes a broken home without a father figure. Next time you are with a adult girl young enough to be your daughter or younger, and you get the feeling she is into you more than you would expect, ask her about here dad. Donuts to dollars, he wasn't around.

The course of events is fairly predictable with a girl like this. Early trip to the bedroom, then nothing in common to talk about the next morning, and the relationship quickly fizzles out due to boredom on both sides, and her realization that is nothing too special about you other than you like pussy. Ostee Out.

Nil Admirari
07-07-21, 15:31
One of the best posts on this forum. Clear, well said, and straight to the point. Kudos for you.I agree with Black Page. Compliments to Rextor for a post that stands out for its saneness, tone, and clarity.

Nil Admirari
07-07-21, 15:41
This report (something of a longish, but overdue disgorge) follows on (and, I hope, complements) my fairly two recent (also lengthy) posts ("Sex Life of a Geezer" and "An Octogenarian on the Prowl in Medellin" Again, my reporting is based on three extended visits to Medellin, each about a year apart, the latest having just concluded about a month ago. In this post I provide my personal take on the main mongering venues in town: the Mansion, Gustos, the strip clubs, the casas / spas, and two major streetwalker locations—Parque Lleras and El Centro. I hope that this Medellin Magic Mystery Tour will prove helpful to a few prospective first timers and newly arrived mongers--and perhaps of some entertainment value for the more veteran Medellin hands as well. Per my prior post, as an old guy who's only stimulated to get it up a few times a week, I usually am visiting these venues to recruit new candidates for my select, "keeper" rotation of chicas who visit my apartment regularly—rather than as a perpetually horny younger guy, content to secure a satisfactory, one-time lay, and quickly move on to the next. The following survey reflects this perspective.

The Mansion.

For my second visit to Medellin (in early 2020), just out of curiosity (I speak pretty fluent Spanish and already knew my way around the city), I booked the Mansion for several days before moving into the apartment that I had reserved in Laureles. If one can afford it, there is an attractive novelty to staying in what is a combination of a decent, three-star hotel and defacto brothel (albeit, one with independent chicas). And located just off of an up-scale, commercial street, with some quality restaurants, and within (longish but doable) walking distance of the Parque Lleras scene. At least from Thursday through Saturday, I always found a handful of chicas hanging out by the pool from the late morning through afternoon, and from a half dozen to a dozen or more available in the bar during the evening. That said each day I spotted at most one or two girls that I would rate as from the high 7's to an 8 in looks. (See my prior post for how I calibrate such ratings—one man's nine being another man's 7). On arrival, I had one decent chica session for, as I recall, 150 k. Also, on my last night there, I zeroed in on a girl I would rate an 8+, even a low 9 (beautiful pouty, sex-kitten looks and a killer body) who, much against my better judgement, I agreed to pay 250 k–even though I didn't get a positive vibe and it took a prolonged negotiation to get agreement to DFK and BBBJ. (A case of penis erectus overriding one's brain—and it being my last night at the Mansion after having taken a complete pass on the chica selection the two days prior.) In the room, she proved to be a total turn-off—shades of an FDA food inspector, taking out the handy-wipes to clean off my pecker and examine it minutely for disease before deigning to privilege it with her lips.

As others have mentioned, for a first-time visitor to Medellin, especially a non-Spanish speaker, the Mansion, all said and done, is a good bet for those who want to get the lay of the Medellin landscape from the other guys hanging out there (some of whom have been making repeat visits for years and can prove to be interesting company as well—e. G. One morning over breakfast I was somewhat surprised to find that the guy across the table was a law professor from a well-known university who visits the Mansion annually). But recognize that you'll be paying a premium for a decent, but smallish, so-so hotel room. The pool area and bar itself are nothing special in terms of ambiance—yet intimate and cozy in a way that makes it easier to check out (and chat-up) the chicas when compared with the local nightclubs.

Even if you stay elsewhere, you might find it worth your while (e. G. To collect some WhatsApp numbers) to make a visit and fork out the steepish entry-charge (50 k) for non-guests who patronize the bar or pool. But probably best to do so on a Friday or Saturday night.


As suggested by my prior post, Gustos might well be my preferred mongering destination in Medellin if it were not that many, perhaps most all, of the hotter chicas there aspire to operate in the dollar economy. It's the closest thing in Medellin to a popular, disco dance club populated with numerous independent working girls (30 or more on a busy night) available for take-out: usually a couple of 8's by my standard, and several 7's, perhaps somewhat older on average than the girls you'll find in the casas. Once you've paid the entry fee (10,000 pesos? May have gone up to 20 k) and been wrist-banded, no one bugs you to buy drinks—and one can leave, check out the Parque Lleras streetwalker scene just outside (more on that below), and re-enter whenever. Gustos's balcony provides a quiet enough refuge from the mega-decibel music, where one can have a normal conversation with the chica of your choice before deciding on your next move.

I've visited on several occasions, just to window-shop with the hope of obtaining the contact info for a hottie or two, and then later by WhatsApp trying (so far in vain) to obtain a more normal peso rate to visit me during a slow time of the day and week. That said, my visits have been on the early side (10:30 to midnight). Perhaps someone with the stamina to hang out closer to closing time, could negotiate a reasonable, on-the-spot deal with a chica who has had a slow evening up to that point. One night, a woman that I'the chatted up, and who seemed pretty indifferent at the time, sent me an eager WhatsApp at 4 AM promising the moon (the new message ping waking me up from a sound slumber.).

Recently, I did follow up by WhatsApp with one quite sophisticated beauty, a genuine 9 rarity, who responded from a luxury resort in Cancun, Mexico (sexy photo with yachts in the background). For the first time I decided to postpone discussing price till the lady (when back in Medellin) came to my place, on the bet that she might be more inclined to agree on a reasonable rate once she'the invested the effort to visit me. However, after some flirtatious back and forth on WhatsApp, confirming GFE, and setting a date for a get-together, she emailed me "Tú vas a pagarme 300 dolares? And stuck to it. So much for that. But I haven't given up, and most likely will try the Gustos scene again on my return to Medellin.

The Strip Clubs.

Although I don't particularly enjoy hanging out in these clip joints, they do lend themselves to trolling for new talent—be it by spotting a standout on the strip pole runway, by chatting over a drink, by enjoying a lap dance, or by springing for a FS "trial-run" session on the premises. I met three of my latest "Keeper" rotation at strip clubs, two at Luna Lunera and one at Conejitos in El Centro. If I'm inclined to session in the club, and just feeling cheap, I find that I can, first, have a leisurely chat with a targeted lady without buying her a drink by saying that I'd rather give her a generous propina (tip) if we have "buena química / trato de novia (GFE) en la cama".

At present the two priciest clubs (La Isla and Fase II), offer by far the largest and best quality chica selection (20 to 30 or so at prime times; almost always a few 8's; occasionally a 9), though sometimes I've left each of these clubs without having spotted any babe worth approaching. I've had a couple of quite good sessions at La Isla (300 k for 40 minutes if I recall) but no luck in negotiating acceptable terms for a follow-up visit to my place. (Disclosure: I'm on the short side, and generally will take a pass on the gorgeous (5'10 and over) amazon. So I may well be overlooking a number of otherwise, super-hot chicks as a result—and somewhat underestimating the prevalence of 8's and 9's.)

Two downsides of all the clubs for me: the music level poses a challenge to having a decent conversation (especially for a somewhat hearing-impaired geezer like myself), and, depending on the room configuration and the inclination of the girls to circulate, I find there's some difficulty of getting a good look at all the talent. In similar clubs in Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Mexico, a waiter will arrange a casa style line-up at your table, and / or, every half-hour or so, all the chicas will be herded onto stage center for a gyrating dance number intended to encourage the customers to each make a selection. I imagine that in the Medellin clubs one could request a personal line-up review, but I've never had one volunteered and I've never asked for or witnessed one. The waiters do, of course, offer to bring individual chicas to your table (or, without being asked, will shepherd one or two girls over for your perusal). And, in some clubs, at least a number of the girls will wander from table to table to try to gin up business. But as often as not, many stay seated on the far side of the room or in darkened corners of the club where it's hard to inspect the goods.

I will sometimes meander about the premises to get a closer look at the ladies, but (except when a trip to the men's room provides a pretext for such a tour) one often feels self-conscious roaming around given that the other male clients all remain rooted to their tables. Interestingly, La Isla on a busy night (with large table groupings mingling and dancing in the aisles), lends itself better than the other clubs to circling the room inconspicuously and surveying from close up all the ladies available. As an anecdotal aside: on two evenings at La Isla during curfew-free, late February / early March, I witnessed several high-rollers (sad to say, fellow USA gringos) standing on a table and sprinkling dozens of peso notes in the air as a swarm of working-girls crawled after them on the floor—a truly cringe-worthy scene.

The two major, mid-level clubs (Luna Lunera, nd Grill San Diego) have cut their floor areas by more than half (compared to when I visited them in early 2020, pre-pandemic days). Each had a relatively small selection (8 to 15 chicas) on my visits this year (when they still remained open late evenings prior to the April curfews). In the case of San Diego, if one decides to bed one of the girls, one now has to take a taxi to an apartment several blocks away rather than sessioning on the premises. Half-hour to one-hour sessions are a good deal cheaper at these two clubs when compared with Fase II and La Isla (at Luna Lunera I paid 170 for half an hour). However, they are just about as expensive as the larger, and tonier clubs if one only wants to hang out and perhaps buy a copa or two for the ladies. Grill San Diego, to my annoyance, in addition to an entry charge, insists that you fork out 30 k pesos for a three-beer minimum. At both the high and mid-level strip clubs, some girls have been unwilling to provide DFK / BBBJ even for an up charge or tip; others have agreed for 50 k, but have given me the impression that doing so is frowned upon by the management.

One can also make the rounds of a number of smaller and seedier strip joints in El Centro including (from West to East), Taberna Hilton, Grill Occidental, Conejitos (Playmates Bar Show), and, the. Side-by-side, Clubs Maracaibo, and Barre Ejecutiva. As I recall, there's no entry charge at any of the above and drinks (including copas for the ladies) are quite cheap. All have had at least some chica selection when I've dropped in late afternoons, Conjitos being the most populated and by far the liveliest. With the exception of meeting my Venezuelan "keeper" at Conejitos (a one-time fluke? Or the promise of other hidden gems just waiting to be found? I personally have never been super turned on by any of the chicas in these El Centro clubs. (In early 2020 I paid my Venezuelan 80 k for a half hour, test -drive in an upstairs room, plus a propina for BBBJ) I've felt comfortable visiting Conejitos at night if dropped off by taxi at the door. A year or so ago I recall walking late after dark a few deserted blocks from there to Club Maracaibo / Barre Ejecutiva and back again, but, based on the more recent BM advise on this thread, I might abstain from doing so in the future.

In all the clubs, be they up-scale or low-brow, the strippers circulate for tips after performing, so be prepared with a goodly supply of small (1 or 2 k) bills. (To my amusement, on a couple of occasions at Fase II when I've paid for the entry fee or a beer with a 50 k bill, I've received my change in the form of a thick wad of 2,000 pesos notes—the management's not so subtle encouragement for one to take care of the help.) Some of the clubs have unmetered cars available if you don't want to wait for an Uber or Didi when heading home, but be sure you know the normal taxi rate for your trip and agree up front on the price.

Parque Lleras Street Walkers.

Whenever I happen to visit Gustos or to be in Poblado late afternoon or evening for some other reason, I check out the Parque Lleras street walking talent—mostly concentrated on the west side of the park, just across the road from the Gustos entrance —though some occasionally I've found working girls on the benches of the park's interior, on the downhill side of the park, and on the side-street leading to Calle 10. Usually only a few if any working girls will appear before 9 or 10 PM. As noted in my prior post, I did find Stefani, now one of my rotating "keepers", strolling park-side: a euro-looking, honey blond, by far the best-looking woman I've seen plying her trade on the street in Medellin. Another street walker whom I had approached a few minutes before spotting Stefani, had asked for $200 USD. And wouldn't budge. Still stunned by sticker shock, when Stefani only requested 200 k pesos with no upcharge for DFK / BBBJ, I accepted even though I normally would have bargained for 150. Caddy-corner to Gustos on the south side of the park is a usually crowded disco with seemingly much younger chicas than those that pay the cover to enter Gustos, many hanging around outside the entrance as well. I don't think there are many (if any) working girls there, but a younger guy with some game and passable Spanish might score.

The Casas and Spas.

Once or twice monthly, I like to make the rounds of the large concentration of bargain-basement casas located to the east and north-east of Plaza Botero and Parque Bolivar and a 10 to 15 minute walk east / south-east of the Prado Metro. I usually schedule my forays for late morning, with the expectation that each establishment's full complement of chicas will have shown up by then and still be feeling relatively fresh, while the peak-hour for clients likely occurs from lunch-time onward.

This spring I also made a couple of visits, each, to two of the more upscale spas convenient to my apartment in Laureles—Spa Fantasias Energy (a short walk from the Estadio Metro and across to the far side of the Unidad Deportiva (Sports Complex) Atanasio Giraudot, and Eros Spa (anshort taxi drive away). Back in early 2020 I also checked out (several times each) two smaller casas each within just two blocks of the San Peter Apartments (one on Calle 42 and the other on Carrera 70 A). At the time, I took a pass on the chica selection and I think they have since both closed.

For comprehensive listings of the casa / spa options, it's worth reposting Mojo Bandit's recent reminder that "there is a thread that can be found in the User Blog section of the Colombia Forum that is called "Medellin Map and List" and within this forum are two great tools the "Medellin Map" and the "Medellin Chica List". Also, the "adultsearch" website provides a pretty comprehensive "erotic massage parlor" listing (see: https://colombia.adultsearch.com/medellin/erotic-massage-parlor).

Here is my take on take on some of the variables to consider when compiling your personal short-list of best-bet, Medellin casas:

Chica Selection—Quantity and Quality.

By my somewhat tough grading scale (again, see my prior post), with only one exception, I've never found a beauty rating a 9, let alone a ten, at any of the spas including two visits to Loutrons. The one exception, back in early 2020, a very personable, Julie Christie look-alike blond at Fantasias Energy who, sad to say, adamantly refused to offer BBBJ or DFK, despite a generous propina offer. I still have lingering regrets at having taken a pass. I've found Fantasias Energy to be the most reliable casa in terms of size and quality of lineup, with Spa Eros not too far behind. During my two (one year-apart) visits to Loutrons, only three or four chicas were working, all 7's or 8's, albeit seemingly in their late 20's.

On the other hand, at any of the casas with a decent sized line-up the day of your visit (say eight or more working girls) there is a good shot (but no guarantee) of finding an 8 or two, and almost for sure a seven who radiates some genuine good nature, latina vitality and sexuality, with the promise of an enjoyable romp in the sack. When checking out the casa circuit just east / northeast of El Centro, I always start at New Life, since it offers by far the largest chica selection (often a dozen or more)—but I've either left immediately on finding it too crowded with other guys (even at 10:30 AM), or I simply haven't found anyone in the line-up to my taste. However, after striking out at New Life, I've had good GFE sex with chicas at several nearby casas (Dulce Compañias, Club Amigas Sexy, and Zandalay--where I found one addition to my visiting, keeper rotation this year). Aiffe, just a block and a half from New Life, during my two recent visits, had a half-dozen or more working girls, but none rating more than a 5 to 6 at best.

On the other hand, I can recall at least two times during my stay this year of having visited most all of the above casas during a single day, and not finding anyone to my "keeper" potential liking to take to a room for a test drive. NOTE: When I toured the New Life to Zandalay circuit in March / early April, casas Divini, Safari, Bar Celona de Masajes, Case de Piedra (Linda Chicas) all were padlocked; Pamelas, where I had some good sex in 2020, has closed altogether (or moved, perhaps).

Pricing, Including Upcharges.

In the lower-end casas, pricing typically ranges from about 50 k for a half-hour to 90 k for an hour. Eros, at 70 k per hour, something of a bargain, given its somewhat more upscale location and chica quality. Fantasias Energy's pricing (140 k / hour) is comparable to that of Luna Lunera / Grill San Diego, Loutron's pricing is comparable to Las Islas / Fase Dos (300 k plus).

Two of the casas I've visited have their price lists posted on a wall-New Life in the reception area, and Eros Spa, in the room, with the list including up-charges for extras such as BBBC for 30 k and, surprisingly, for anal as well. At even some of the bargain casas (e. G. Zandalay's) I've been quoted seemingly fixed-by the house upcharges of 50 k each for BBBJ and DFK, more than doubling the base session cost. At Fantasias Energy, the same. However, at other casas (Amigas Sexy and Dulce Campañia) chicas have delivered GFE (including "sexo sin condóm") for the promise of an unspecified, but generous propina, and have been happy with 20 or 30 k—and perhaps would have provide the same GFE service without any tip having been offered. During my two Loutron visits I walked out on finding that my chosen chica refused DFK / BBBJ on any terms—perhaps per a strict house policy.

Mode of Presentation—a variable which may matter to some mongers.

The casas have two styles of presenting their chica selection to clients. In most, the ladies are paraded out one at a time for your inspection, either all queued up in the viewing area or each waiting out of sight for her turn to twirl in front of you and flash some boob for your inspection.

With ten or more chicas in the line-up, you have to pay attention to remember the name of your favorite, especially if you find yourself changing your mind several times as the parade progresses. At Spa Fantasias Energy, the chicas sport matching chemises, and, as an aid to aging memories, each girl has a large number sewn onto her outfit—a practice I recall New Life as having begun as well.

At some others (notably Eros Spa) the ladies are crowded before you all together at the same time, so you have to make your selection while the ones that you have rejected look on, a procedure I find to be somewhat awkward (flash back to teen-age memories of how we used to choose teams for pick-up basketball).

At Loutrons and Fantasias Energy you are seated in a private viewing area; New Life has a few semi-private booths as part of the entry seating area. In all the other casas you view the chicas and make your selection in a common reception room. I only will session with chicas after having the chance to chat, both to confirm a sympathetic vibe and the availability of threshold GFE (by my definition, to include DFK and BBBJ). I've always found that the casa's mamasan (or maître de) will always let me interview my selected chica someplace reasonably private before agreeing to take her to a room. If you decide to leave without booking a session, many, if most casas, have a modest (5 k) viewing charge if you haven't purchased a drink.

Amenities and cleanliness.

As mentioned by another poster recently, most all the casas, including those at the lowest end, are reasonably clean (including towels, sheets, showers—some surprisingly hot ones in joints where you'the least expect it)—compared with what you may have experienced in other Latin American countries. New Life and Eros Spa actually require that you to take a shower at the beginning of the session. Of the casas on the east / northeast of El Centro circuit, New Life and Zandalay have the best physical set ups, albeit still fairly barebones. (As I recall, at Zandlay. A large aquarium graces its reception area.) Most lack music in the rooms (for me a negative--I often enjoy launching a chica session by having her dance for my pleasure and twerk on my lap.) Unlike most Love Motels, as far as I can recall, none of the casa rooms have TVs with porn channels. Fantasias Energy occupies a nicely furnished townhouse on prosperous commercial strip; Eros Spa can be found on the third floor of a modern, mid-rise building with a security guard at ground level. Loutron (located in a mansion well to the southeast of Poblado, by some reports, a former farm house once owned by Pablo Escobar), even if outside your price range preference, may be worth one visit, if only to check-out t (to the best of my knowledge) the one casa in Medellin with more of the feel of a truly, upscale brothel.

El Centro Streetwalker And Bar Scene.

More or less once, every two or three weeks during my Medellin stays, I have visited el Centro in mid to late afternoon, usually making at least a couple of tours that combine a loop around the Vera Cruz church block, a saunter back through Plaza Botero itself, and then a lap on the north side of DeGreiff / Raudaul—most often interspersed with a beer or Gatorade in Conejitos. I've chatted up a few streetwalkers while making these rounds, but have yet to pull the trigger--or spotted any no-doubt-about-it, potential "keeper" material. (I can visualize the hardcore El Centro rats rolling their eyes as they read this.) A couple of times I've spotted a quite, one-time-doable young lady by my standards, but have passed on the hopes of spotting someone more tempting, and then, on quickly doubling back have found that my choice has already taken off with another client. You definitely have to be prepared to strike fast with any relatively attractive girl who strikes your fancy.

In addition to Plaza Botero itself, the best-looking prospects that I've spotted in El Centro have been hanging out right at the NW corner of Calle 51 and Carrera 53, (aka Avenida Cundunamarca; a mystery why that corner in particular), and, especially, in two of the larger bars on the left side of the block of Carrera 53 just north of DeGreiff and the Taberna Hilton club. These bars are open to the street thereby giving you a pretty good view of the chicas and patrons inside—during my latest tours usually up to 15 or so quite young (some underage?) looking girls and only two or three male customers. By contrast, I've found only a bottom-of-the barrel chica selection in the other bars on DeGrieff and side blocks to the north (including Taberna Hilton, itself, as well as Grill Ocidental. And Taberna Victoria). Behind the Veracruz Church, the block on Carrera 53 between Calles 51 and 52 (to me the true El Centro ground zero) has a much raunchier feel, both on its jostling with low-life side-walks, and in the elbow-to-elbow, hole-in-the wall bars, each with a high ratio of male drinkers to putas (generally looking much the worse for wear than in the Raadaul area).

Overall, I haven't given up on finding the hidden gems that others on this thread claim to have snatched from the mean streets of El Centro (especially while the large infusions of Vennie refugees continue to refresh the ranks)–and, from time to time, just enjoy the titillating (sex-is-in-the-air) seediness of the bar / streetwalker scene itself.

A Final Note on Short-term Hotels and Love Motels.

In Medellin I've never used any of the love motels typical of most Latin American Cities, (which cater especially to the many young adults still living at home and needing a discrete place to tryst with their novias), but many options can be found by a quick Google search. Other BM posters have recommended a number of short-term hotels in El Centro (typically about 15 k for a room). When the San Peter Apartments refused to accept my Venezuelan's ID ("cedula" she and I tried out three or so hotels just a block or two away that had no trouble with her document and rented out quite decent (hot showers, stereo music, porn TV), but quite cramped rooms for 30 k short-term (in Spanish, "habitación occasional" o "a corto plazo" We later settled on the Hotel Golden Suites, a ten minute walk away on Avenida Nutibara which offers quite generous sized rooms, also 30 k for up to 3 hours (with a discount card that I requested after each visit).

This concludes my brain-dump of a high-road / low-road tour of the varied mongering venues in Medellin. For any newcomer who's had the patience to wade through the above verbiage, I hope that you found some info of help in leading you to your own Paisa Pussy-Promised Land, no matter how you may personally rock and roll.

07-07-21, 15:50
Isn't Argentina pretty great now with the dollar blue exchange rate?

You can get escorts for $10-$20 and top tier ones for $80-$100 pretty much.Yes, the dollar is very strong in Argentina.

That's the good.

The tough part is, most or all of the PFP has gone underground, ever since the "cleansing" several years back.

This leads to lots of deception, fakes, etc.

I have a go to lady, who helps me find what I want, and she did me right again this trip.

However, I miss the clubs and brothels of the past in BA.

It's a shame really, used to rock!

07-07-21, 17:10
Being vaccinated reduces your peak viral load, which means that there is less free virus floating around in your respiratory system, which means that when you cough fewer viral particles will be ejected, which makes it less likely that someone will get infected. In other words, vaccination absolutely makes a difference on both the giving and receiving ends.

The group of people whoare not vaccinated despite having the means and opportunity are, as a whole, partly responsible for the continuation of the pandemic and deaths of thousands. It's so selfish and entitled, there are countless millions in Colombia who would do almost anything to get a vaccine and so many privileged westerners decide not to get it. Sad.There is actually a much more quickly spread, more deadly pandemic associated with COVID. It has reached Black Death level infection in places like the US and Brazil. It's called IGNORANCE. None of this is new science. We've known about quarantining and masks since the 14th Century, if not before. We've eradicated smallpox and nearly eradicated polio, as well as a number of other historically devastating diseases. The only bright side possible among the anti-vax stupidity that pervades a good part of this world is the fact that in the US the only people currently getting sick and dying from COVID are the 30% not vaccinated.

Bottom line? If you have access to the vaccine, GET IT, IDIOT!! Here's hoping other nations follow the lead of the US and others by sending unneeded vaccines to places like Colombia (2. 5 million vaccines delivered from the US to Colombia within the last week) so all of us can benefit from watching a section of the population kick the bucket as a result of their own stupidity. Let's hear it for Charles Darwin!!

07-07-21, 17:11
One of the best posts on this forum. Clear, well said, and straight to the point. Kudos for you.

Mr. E, on many topics you make very reasonable statements. Trust me: your statement above is 100% wrong instead. It is a medical fact, not an opinion. Saying a triangle has 4 sides is not a matter of opinions. It is wrong, period.

Contributing to spreading wrong facts may have serious consequences, because some people may believe it, just because expressed well, then harm themselves and others.Well said, sir.

07-07-21, 17:16
No, I have not been vaxed. Haven't been home since New Year, and not really interested in the vax, anyway. One buddy has been vaxed, and both have had COVID. One got it a year ago, so he's not 100% confident, and doesn't want to spend his vacation quarantined, but it sounds like he's going to roll the dice.

I woke up today feeling fine. Congestion has improved, and fatigue is gone.

Based on JjBee62's terrible experience and information, it seems any test I do in the next 24 hours would come back positive. Thus, maybe I need to just make the decision based on how I feel. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but if I feel 100% in the morning, and my buddies have no worries. I'll probably consider going out. What could go wrong? Last time I was excited to go out in Medellin, I spent two days and $1800 replacing an iPhone!

Thanks to all for the comments, advice, & info. Not something I want to spend a half a day researching on Google!Nobody got their shot (s) a year ago. They didn't even have one for use until late Fall. What could go wrong? You're stupid ass could transmit to someone's mom or grandma who DOES die of it. Here's to herd immunity and it's accompanying attrition among the 3%ers.

07-07-21, 17:44
The truth is nobody knows anything yet. Just like they said you can get it easily from surfaces which turned out to be bunk. Only n95 can help you. But wait medical staff are running out so yea, those cloth masks work fine too. Oh BTW we found out it's difficult to get it from surface contact. And on and on. Let people make their own choices on what they put in their body. You got the vaccine so you're safe right? I'm 39,smoke, drink, treat my body like a dumpster and have had colds worse than covid. If you want to be the Guinea pig to a rushed vaccine that would normally take years to be studied and approved then by all means do you, but I'll wait it out.Do as you wish, but do it based on facts, not myths. The vaccines weren't "rushed." We came with a ten year head start on MRNA studies. We've also developed ways to conduct clinical trials more rapidly, and responses from the public with participation in the same has been huge and unprecedented.


P.S. We do know something about transmission and prevention of the same, through studies and experience as the pandemic has progressed, as is common with science, so to say that "nobody knows anything yet" is simply incorrect.

John Clayton
07-07-21, 17:45
...What could go wrong? ...May I humbly add to that? This is an RNA virus, which mutates at an alarming rate. A coupla' three weeks ago, the Republicans were raging against "gain of function" experiments in different virology labs. We are currently participating in a massive, worldwide gain of function experiment, dwarfing anything that ever happened in any lab. The delta variant is not that virulent; however, the epsilon, zeta or the omega could be. The only way we have to get back to normal is to crush the virus to zero.

07-07-21, 17:51
Thanks for the thorough report.

07-07-21, 18:46
The truth is nobody knows anything yet. Just like they said you can get it easily from surfaces which turned out to be bunk. Only n95 can help you. But wait medical staff are running out so yea, those cloth masks work fine too. Oh BTW we found out it's difficult to get it from surface contact. And on and on. Let people make their own choices on what they put in their body. You got the vaccine so you're safe right? I'm 39,smoke, drink, treat my body like a dumpster and have had colds worse than covid. If you want to be the Guinea pig to a rushed vaccine that would normally take years to be studied and approved then by all means do you, but I'll wait it out.So, you prefer to do nothing at all than take what is a tiny risk?

I don't fully trust the vaccine, but I am no medial expert so if they say it is fine then my opinion counts for nothing. I would rather take a slightly dodgy vaccine that do F all.

Just let everyone else get the vaccine then because that will benefit you. Selfish.

If our ancestors hadn't taken risks with vaccines that they new very little about, we'd probably all be dead by now. But it's OK. Let everyone else put themselves out. Be a selfish TW at T.

07-07-21, 18:46
The truth is nobody knows anything yet. I'm 39, smoke, drink, treat my body like a dumpsterThanks for the perfect set-up. "Nobody knows anything"? That is a garbage can statement. At least you're consistent.

07-07-21, 19:44
May I humbly add to that? This is an RNA virus, which mutates at an alarming rate. A coupla' three weeks ago, the Republicans were raging against "gain of function" experiments in different virology labs. We are currently participating in a massive, worldwide gain of function experiment, dwarfing anything that ever happened in any lab. The delta variant is not that virulent; however, the epsilon, zeta or the omega could be. The only way we have to get back to normal is to crush the virus to zero.Absolutely- thanks for adding that. It's just insanity not to get the vaccine without any rational explanation for avoiding it.

07-07-21, 19:46
The truth is nobody knows anything yet. Just like they said you can get it easily from surfaces which turned out to be bunk. Only n95 can help you. But wait medical staff are running out so yea, those cloth masks work fine too. Oh BTW we found out it's difficult to get it from surface contact. And on and on. Let people make their own choices on what they put in their body. You got the vaccine so you're safe right? I'm 39,smoke, drink, treat my body like a dumpster and have had colds worse than covid. If you want to be the Guinea pig to a rushed vaccine that would normally take years to be studied and approved then by all means do you, but I'll wait it out.Absolute rubbish. Thanks for such a textbook exhibition of Dunning Kruger.

Mr Enternational
07-07-21, 19:59
It's just insanity not to get the vaccine without any rational explanation for avoiding it.That may well be true, but after countless women in multiple cities of 9 countries multiple times, I am still negative as of 2 hours ago. And remember that I was trolling centro and seen no parts of Poblado.

Jj got the vaccine, went to 1 city, had lunch with 3 chicks, and turned up positive. What went wrong?

07-07-21, 20:35
Wasn't sure where to drop this post. Staying at Energy and wondering if anyone that's stayed here has used the COVID test tent right across the street for US travel requirements. Seems awfully convenient if yes.I have used it twice great service and quick results.

07-07-21, 20:56
Absolute rubbish. Thanks for such a textbook exhibition of Dunning Kruger.Welcome doc.

07-07-21, 21:44
It's just insanity not to get the vaccine without any rational explanation for avoiding it.It could be true but not necessarily. Insanity is a subset of irrationality but it's not the same thing. .

07-07-21, 21:50
If our ancestors hadn't taken risks with vaccines that they new very little about, we'd probably all be dead by now. But it's OK. Let everyone else put themselves out. Be a selfish TW at T.Which disease / virus do you think would have wiped out the human race if we had not been vaccinated? I must have missed that one. .

On the subject of selfishness. What do you think about the fact that the majority of people around the world are likely to remain unvaccinated. And that the virus is likely to mutate, meaning that those people that are want vaxxes are likely to need a new one every XX months / years? When you factor those issues in, do you think its selfish really? Seems to me like there is a large slice of exploitation in this.

Black Page
07-07-21, 22:06
Which disease / virus do you think would have wiped out the human race if we had not been vaccinated? I must have missed that oneIndeed! You missed smallpox and poliomyelitis, because you ancestors were vaccinated.
Not enough to wipe out the human race, but if you get smallpox you regret you did not get the shot. (I am not sure you know poliomyelitis and its effects. It's a difficult word).

07-07-21, 22:46
In Medellin, this is all too real. I would say most of my chicas with whom I click (and with whom I am likely to repeat) have daddy issues. And to me, I am their daddy. For some of them, I make them call me papi. I am 55, so it works. These girls want to feel some affection (fake love) that they never had. Some of them are willing to do things that others are not. They seem to crave the attention of an older male. And I find that they are usually very reasonable with their price. Because for them, it's about money, but also about getting something they always wanted but never had. The attention of an older man.

Jung, who was a giant in the field of psychiatry, probably only second to Freud, coined the phrase Electra Complex for a daughter sexually attracted to her father. I modified this phrase to Electra Complex in Absentia, to account for the large percentage of girls who were raised in a home without a stable father figure. The theory is that subconsciously those girls are yearning for paternal love and approval that they did not get growing up. Once they are old enough to act out, they will subconsciously fulfill that need by having sex with someone old enough to be their father. That is what I meant by there being two kinds of girls in the world, those who like older men, and those who don't. And being half-way home when a girl I just met describes a broken home without a father figure. Next time you are with a adult girl young enough to be your daughter or younger, and you get the feeling she is into you more than you would expect, ask her about here dad. Donuts to dollars, he wasn't around.

The course of events is fairly predictable with a girl like this. Early trip to the bedroom, then nothing in common to talk about the next morning, and the relationship quickly fizzles out due to boredom on both sides, and her realization that is nothing too special about you other than you like pussy. Ostee Out.

Pinga 98
07-08-21, 00:01
This report (something of a longish, but overdue disgorge) follows on (and, I hope, complements) my fairly two recent (also lengthy) posts ("Sex Life of a Geezer" and "An Octogenarian on the Prowl in Medellin"
Thank you Nil for an extensive beautifully written report. I can imagine how much time it must have taken to write all this in an organized fashion. I have visited Medellin several times and still found your report informative.

07-08-21, 01:17
How am I selfish and entitled for not getting the vaccine? Currently, there are only so many to go around (not enough). For now I choose to let another have my dose and I will get mine later. So in reality I may save another life and thus I am a super hero. Many health care professionals are scared to get the vaccine. That should make you wonder why.

Some perspective:

Global freezing in the 1970's. Yeah, go look it up. Global heating in the 2020's. 50 years is a mere nanosecond in perspective of the planet's life time. But I agree with it if you simple consider how much of the planet we build and pave over every minute of the day. Remember AIDS in the 1980's? Based on all the scientific data half the planet was going to die. Hmmm. That did not happen.

07-08-21, 02:25
Indeed! You missed smallpox and poliomyelitis, because you ancestors were vaccinated.
Not enough to wipe out the human race, but if you get smallpox you regret you did not get the shot.Yes I missed those bcos they didn't meet the criteria for a disease / virus that would wipe out eh human race, which was the claim. Sure, you can say it is just rhetorical flourish to advance an argument, but others would say its a flat out lie on a very hot topic.

Plenty of people are quick to push vax as if its a solution. Many push it as if its the only solution. And many criticise and insult others who have not caved in to the mainstream vax solution. But if you consider the long term outcome in trying to vax against a virus that rapidly mutates, and the disgusting patent laws that are condemning hundreds of thousands of people to death around the world. I must say its not a solution that I want to support, without even considering my own moral resistance to vivisection.

07-08-21, 02:33
Since I've been diagnosed on this board with Dunning Krueger syndrome, along with others, I'm having difficulty comprehending what I have been observing over the last four days being at ground zero most days from about 10 AM until 7 PM. Before the arrival of the Venezuelans, there were few if any girls out working in the mornings, now there's quite a few out at 10 AM, and primarily Venezuelans.

On Tuesday I went with one of my new spinners, a Colombiana, who has only been working for three months in El Centro. Compared to all the other girls working the streets I would peg her at in the lower bracket of the upper third of Chicas beauty wise working the streets, when I took her, she was happy, but very sad telling me how hard it was to get clients, and how the Venezuelans where driving the prices down. She also said that she has noticed a large increase in the amount of girls working over the last three months which has also been noticed by others as evidenced by the herds and groupies of girls, primarily the Venezuelans.

On Wednesday at 5 PM there were lots of girls out, so I decided to closely observe which girls were getting pulled, and whom was pulling them. So of course I observed the hotter Chicas getting pulled, and the "pullers" where primarily guys over forty. There are so many girls out working, and what would also appear to be an equal amount of loser boyfriends out as well. I see so many of these girls walking around with their loser boyfriends.

It's obvious that there are no guys the same ages as the girls working pulling them, but only older guys, yet the percentage of older guys physically out on the streets seems to be very low.

I've also noticed an increased degree of desperation with the girls working the streets, more so than months ago, and before the Pandemic, and the lower tier girls are struggling due to the invasion of the Venezuelans.

So perhaps others here have a "take" on El Centro, and perhaps can better articulate what I am observing, as it just is getting more and more packed with girls, and mongers as well, but not in the same proportion. It's mind boggling with so many available, and seems that a lot of prettier ones have been showing up lately compared to six months ago. I used to comment on all the Venezuelan beached whales I would observe, and now that has changed as well.

So I'm curious what others think about what I have been observing.

07-08-21, 02:45
That may well be true, but after countless women in multiple cities of 9 countries multiple times, I am still negative as of 2 hours ago. And remember that I was trolling centro and seen no parts of Poblado.

Jj got the vaccine, went to 1 city, had lunch with 3 chicks, and turned up positive. What went wrong?Your in the minority regarding not getting vaccinated, and you may have already been infected and didn't know it.

Almost seems like your bragging about not being vaccinated, going with multiple women in numerous Countries, yet not getting infected, at least yet.

I wouldn't advise anyone to come to Colombia that hasn't been vaccinated.

And nobody knows, including JB2 where he got infected as he reported.

07-08-21, 03:13
Yes I missed those bcos they didn't meet the criteria for a disease / virus that would wipe out eh human race, which was. I must say its not a solution that I want to support, without even considering my own moral resistance to vivisection.There is no way to argue with stupidity. You prove this here. Bull dozing a more constructive solution. IMHO you should not be able to even get on a plane.

John Clayton
07-08-21, 03:53
Y...Plenty of people are quick to push vax as if its a solution. Many push it as if its the only solution. And many criticise and insult others who have not caved in to the mainstream vax solution. But if you consider the long term outcome in trying to vax against a virus that rapidly mutates, and the disgusting patent laws that are condemning hundreds of thousands of people to death around the world. I must say its not a solution that I want to support, without even considering my own moral resistance to vivisection.Here's a reason:


Mojo Bandit
07-08-21, 06:59
trying to vax against a virus that rapidly mutates, .It is only mutating in people that are not vaccinated. That is the point. The unvaccinated are mutation factories for the virus, the more it duplicates in unvaccinated people the more it knows how better to survive and its offspring are armed with new weapons, in vaccinated people it does not multiple enough for that learning process to take place.

This is from the Journal of the American Medical Association https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2777785.

"One reason SARS-CoV-2 is throwing out variants and will continue to do so is because relatively few people globally have been vaccinated, Norman Baylor, PhD, a former director of the FDA's Office of Vaccines Research and Review, noted in an interview. "This virus is like, 'Yep, I've got plenty of people I can infect, and the more I replicate, the more I can mutate, Baylor said. ".




07-08-21, 13:04
Just a friendly reminder to everyone. Medellin to the airport should cost 80 mil pesos. I got a taxi from new life to the airport and the taxi driver recognized me from new life. About 5 minutes into the ride he starts talking about tolls. He tries to tell me it costs more to go to the airport than come from it, and a bunch of other lies. He asks me for 100 mil pesos plus 25 each way for toll. I called him out and said every time I'm here they charge me 80 mil and there's a freaking sign in every taxi to never pay more than 80 mil pesos without paying toll. I notice there's no sign in his taxi. I ask to get out immediately. Then he tells me he works at new life and he always sees me take up multiple girls and he is talking about pesos not dollars. I visit new life regularly and make visits to Medellin regularly. I know if he works at new life he is very new. I call him out on his shit again and offer him 100 mil pesos because I usually tip a lot more for taxis to and from the airport. He accepts but keeps talking and I just ignore him on the rest of the ride.

I messaged new life about him and hopefully he got fired but just in case. He is a bald and speaks a decent amount of English. If he still works at new life watch out. He might try to charge a fake fees or some other scammy shit. Remember taxi rides to and from the airport are 80 mil pesos.

This is how prices creep up. Scams and people thinking they can get away with it. Then one day prices are the same as in the states. I regret offering him 100 mil pesos as he will think he can get away with more when he tries to scam people.

07-08-21, 14:05
There is no way to argue with stupidity. You prove this here. Bull dozing a more constructive solution. IMHO you should not be able to even get on a plane.Unfortunatyely the stupidity is all yours, in buying in to a solution that can not possibly work, then condemning others that don't buy in to your shortsightedness.

07-08-21, 14:18
Here's a reason:
https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/07/us/maryland-unvaccinated-covid-deaths/index.htmlYes I don't doubt it. The vaccine will help those that have been vaccinated and help prevent them from dying from the current variants of COVID. As would being in good health, as would following a healthy diet (research shows 73% improvement in covid outcomes), as would not being old, living in a cave, never travelling again, wearing a mask. None of it is a guarantee but there are quite a few things one can do to improve the outcome.

But the issue is with the politics around world health. You can vax 100% of people in USA but if you ignore than 7 billion people living elsewhere, you cannot eradicate a virus unless you vax everyone at the same time. This is not even a goal of the rich countries. They just want to make money from the patents. So the virus will mutate and the vax will no longer work, and the political decisions will come back and bite the rich countries in the arse. All I can see is a future of constant border / restrictions / annual vaxxes for the rich and death for the poor. That's not a utopia I am willing to buy in to.

I am also anti-vivisection, which is smthg no one even considers. Plus I follow a healthy diet, thus giving me 73% extra protection according to studies. That's almost as good as a vax! Haha.

07-08-21, 14:24
It is only mutating in people that are not vaccinated. That is the point. The unvaccinated are mutation factories for the virus, the more it duplicates in unvaccinated people the more it knows how better to survive and its offspring are armed with new weapons, in vaccinated people it does not multiple enough for that learning process to take place.

"One reason SARS-CoV-2 is throwing out variants and will continue to do so is because relatively few people globally have been vaccinated, Norman Baylor, PhD, a former director of the FDA's Office of Vaccines Research and Review, noted in an interview. "This virus is like, 'Yep, I've got plenty of people I can infect, and the more I replicate, the more I can mutate, Baylor said. ".Again, I don't doubt that. I am not anti-science at all. But I am not putting 2 and 2 together to make 6. .

As I mentioned in a previous post, and as the people mention in your quotes, there are not enough people vaxd to prevent mutation. And since that is not even a serious goal of the international community, it will never be achieved. So we have a bunch of selfiish countries that implement policies that will kill their own citizens in the future and that will require buy-in to a never ending cycle of annual vaccines. Do you think that is a satisfactory outcome? I would rather learn to live with the virus, as millions and millions of people already have, myself included, no doubt.

07-08-21, 14:34
Again, I don't doubt that. I am not anti-science at all. But I am not putting 2 and 2 together to make 6. .

As I mentioned in a previous post, and as the people mention in your quotes, there are not enough people vaxd to prevent mutation. And since that is not even a serious goal of the international community, it will never be achieved. So we have a bunch of selfiish countries that implement policies that will kill their own citizens in the future and that will require buy-in to a never ending cycle of annual vaccines. Do you think that is a satisfactory outcome? I would rather learn to live with the virus, as millions and millions of people already have, myself included, no doubt.You're right. You're putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 22. The problem with mutation is that eventually it can mutate into something no longer vulnerable to the vaccine and we're at ground zero. Your batshit crazy conspiracy about the "buy in" of annual vaccines is just that. As population puts more and more stress on wild spaces and interaction between wild species and civilization increases, these pandemics will become more common and the need for vaccines more vital. As much as you love your Ayn Rand philosophies and adhere to a "me first" mentality, millions and millions of people haven't "lived" with the virus, but millions and millions have died premature deaths. Yes, you are an ignorant imbecile with a terminal case of Dunning Kruger.

07-08-21, 14:38
Unfortunatyely the stupidity is all yours, in buying in to a solution that can not possibly work, then condemning others that don't buy in to your shortsightedness.I truly wish the threshold of your intelligence was high enough to grasp the facts in this situation. Unfortunately, you don't have the level of IQ necessary to understand that you don't have the necessary level of IQ to understand the issue.

Dunning-Kruger Effect.

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people wrongly overestimate their knowledge or ability in a specific area. This tends to occur because a lack of self-awareness prevents them from accurately assessing their own skills.

07-08-21, 14:44
I got a couple of E-mails asking me what I meant about scoring with chicas (of course, always at least 18 yo) who had "daddy complexes. " At first I thought the E-mails were being sarcastic, which I always appreciate, but apparently the questions were genuine. As the saying goes, for every one person who asks a question like that, there are ten more who want to know the same thing but are too preoccupied to write.

Jung, who was a giant in the field of psychiatry, probably only second to Freud, coined the phrase Electra Complex for a daughter sexually attracted to her father. I modified this phrase to Electra Complex in Absentia, to account for the large percentage of girls who were raised in a home without a stable father figure. The theory is that subconsciously those girls are yearning for paternal love and approval that they did not get growing up. Once they are old enough to act out, they will subconsciously fulfill that need by having sex with someone old enough to be their father. That is what I meant by there being two kinds of girls in the world, those who like older men, and those who don't. And being half-way home when a girl I just met describes a broken home without a father figure. Next time you are with a adult girl young enough to be your daughter or younger, and you get the feeling she is into you more than you would expect, ask her about here dad. Donuts to dollars, he wasn't around.

The course of events is fairly predictable with a girl like this. Early trip to the bedroom, then nothing in common to talk about the next morning, and the relationship quickly fizzles out due to boredom on both sides, and her realization that is nothing too special about you other than you like pussy. Ostee Out.Neither Jung nor Freud are considered as central to psychology as they once were; Freud's oedipal theories have been roundly dismissed by the psychiatric community. Rather than having a daddy fixation, do you think it's possible these women might be smart enough to know that older guys have more disposable income and are more likely to treat them in the manner they prefer? The ratio of old rich men compared to young rich men is exponential. There's an undercurrent of misogyny just in your question- you imply that these women are driven by psychological need rather than intellectual strategy. It doesn't take Freud to figure out that if you're going to fuck for money, fuck someone who has money.

07-08-21, 14:50
In Medellin, this is all too real. I would say most of my chicas with whom I click (and with whom I am likely to repeat) have daddy issues. And to me, I am their daddy. For some of them, I make them call me papi. I am 55, so it works. These girls want to feel some affection (fake love) that they never had. Some of them are willing to do things that others are not. They seem to crave the attention of an older male. And I find that they are usually very reasonable with their price. Because for them, it's about money, but also about getting something they always wanted but never had. The attention of an older man.You probably think that stripper thinks you're cute, too. ITS A FUCKING BUSINESS. ANYONE IN BUSINESS KNOWS OLDER PEOPLE ARE GENERALLY MORE FINANCIALLY SECURE. They're making a simple calculation that if they're going to fuck for money, they are going to fuck someone that HAS money. If you'll notice, their boyfriends are spending the money you're paying them to fuck you- and they ALL have local boyfriends. They also tend to like older guys because they're less likely to be violent.

07-08-21, 14:54
Which disease / virus do you think would have wiped out the human race if we had not been vaccinated? I must have missed that one. .

On the subject of selfishness. What do you think about the fact that the majority of people around the world are likely to remain unvaccinated. And that the virus is likely to mutate, meaning that those people that are want vaxxes are likely to need a new one every XX months / years? When you factor those issues in, do you think its selfish really? Seems to me like there is a large slice of exploitation in this.By the end of the year, the vast majority of people will be vaccinated. Most don't feel the privilege you demonstrate, and are literally dying to get their vaccines. Yes, there are about 30% of pure ignorance out there who simply won't get it, but many of them will die. So be it. The Black Plague killed up to 90% of the population and changed the world order from one of peasantry to wage labor. Had they not utilized quarantines (some villages would lock infected people in their homes and starve them to death, others would fire on any strangers approaching the community) the plague might well have decimated entire regions, like it did in Asia.

07-08-21, 14:57
It could be true but not necessarily. Insanity is a subset of irrationality but it's not the same thing. .Stupidity and ignorance, as demonstrated so definitively by you, isn't a subset of anything other than a dearth of cognitive ability. You're simply not smart enough to understand what you're talking about.

07-08-21, 15:00
That may well be true, but after countless women in multiple cities of 9 countries multiple times, I am still negative as of 2 hours ago. And remember that I was trolling centro and seen no parts of Poblado.

Jj got the vaccine, went to 1 city, had lunch with 3 chicks, and turned up positive. What went wrong?The vaccine isn't a magic wand that you wave and PRESTO! CDC recommends waiting two weeks prior to interactions to allow the antibodies to actually multiply in your body and provide protection. This is the problem incurred when people of substandard intelligence try to fight over their weight class.

07-08-21, 15:14
This report (something of a longish, but overdue disgorge) ...Being under self confinement in sex prison I do appreciate such reports of distinction such that I don't really mind the vax vs anti-vax debate.

07-08-21, 15:33
Again, I don't doubt that. I am not anti-science at all. But I am not putting 2 and 2 together to make 6. .

As I mentioned in a previous post, and as the people mention in your quotes, there are not enough people vaxd to prevent mutation. And since that is not even a serious goal of the international community, it will never be achieved. So we have a bunch of selfiish countries that implement policies that will kill their own citizens in the future and that will require buy-in to a never ending cycle of annual vaccines. Do you think that is a satisfactory outcome? I would rather learn to live with the virus, as millions and millions of people already have, myself included, no doubt.Not worth debating any more here. I have often said, people who post have their minds made up already, it's not as if anyone here is asking whether or not they should get vaccinated. As long as we live in a free country then people are free to make bad decisions, even when it is against the greater public good. Psychologically, many if not most people with these viewpoints already feel marginalized by society for other reasons, economically, politically, religiously, other scientific fringe beliefs (he keeps bring up vivisection and patent medicines). By going against the grain of the popular common sense opinion, they feel empowered and it compensates for the other issues and internal conflicts in their fringe belief systems. Control is the issue for them, not science or outcomes or greater good. They already feel persecuted, ignored and marginalized and this is how they compensate.

07-08-21, 16:12
This report (something of a longish, but overdue disgorge).But guys around here seem to like long reports. And I can be long winded and an attention-seeking myself. Your posts remind me why professional writing is always edited. The take-home for me is you seem to really enjoy yourself, and that's cool in this sport at any age.

07-08-21, 16:23
I truly wish the threshold of your intelligence was high enough to grasp the facts in this situation. Unfortunately, you don't have the level of IQ necessary to understand that you don't have the necessary level of IQ to understand the issue.
Dunning-Kruger Effect.
I didn't measure it myself, I had it tested several times. My IQ is 142. I am fine with that.

You seem happy to throw insults but you haven't given any details as to why you think my POV is stupid. Well, at least nothing that makes any sense. Please explain why you think my opinion is stupid. I am good at listening and always happy to learn. Hence my IQ.

07-08-21, 16:26
By the end of the year, the vast majority of people will be vaccinated. .Thats just so incorrect and demonstrates that you didn't really read what I wrote. You are clearly attacking a POV which I do not hold.

The vast majority of people will remain unvaccinated forever. You seem to be equating your own little societal bubble with what's going on in the greater world outside. Thats the problem. Unless you want to live in a world where you cut yourself off to most of the world and constantly have vaccines, your theory doesn't work.

07-08-21, 16:42
I didn't measure it myself, I had it tested several times. My IQ is 142. I am fine with that.

You seem happy to throw insults but you haven't given any details as to why you think my POV is stupid. Well, at least nothing that makes any sense. Please explain why you think my opinion is stupid. I am good at listening and always happy to learn. Hence my IQ.Seriously you really must mean 42.

Member #4729
07-08-21, 17:01
They're making a simple calculation that if they're going to fuck for money, they are going to fuck someone that HAS money. They also tend to like older guys because they're less likely to be violent.I think this is absolutely true- as a business decision it's much more shrewd to seek out and cater to an older crowd. A lot of young mongers think that they should get discounts or freebies for being young / fit / attractive. With a semi-pro that might work- but a real pro doesn't have time for such nonsense.

On the flip side- "Daddy Issues" are a real thing- but its hard to put a number on it. My estimate would be that roughly 30-40% of the working girl population has unresolved Father issues stemming from neglect / abuse / etc and in general these girls with no father figure are more sexualized and promiscuous.

07-08-21, 17:04
So I'm curious what others think about what I have been observing.And that is the only constant is change, reports are biased and out of date within a week, you never know what will be the latest trend or newest angle. Being observant as you are, and flexible gives you the best opportunities.

Member #4729
07-08-21, 17:08
I've been mongering in Brazil for 7 weeks although just arrived in Colombia roughly a week ago. I quickly noticed that Relative to Rio de Janeiro, there seems to be more economic disruption here- in Bogota half the buildings are empty or for sale, and in both cities (Bog+Med), destitute people will literally beg for your scraps of food as you are leaving a restaurant. There was plenty of homelessness in Rio, but the amount of street begging, and in particular just for food by legitimately hungry people as opposed to some sort of aggressive panhandling by a street urchin- is much greater in Colombia.

My question to the experts here- pre-covid: was there the same presence of begging and desperation in the streets, or is this a new development?

A follow up question- if it is indeed the case that Colombians are suffering disproportionately- why have SW prices, particularly in Bogota seem to have risen to unrealistic levels? One would surmise the opposite to be true.

07-08-21, 17:15
Here's a reason:

https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/07/us/maryland-unvaccinated-covid-deaths/index.htmlHe has what I call the "Burning House" argument. If someone's house catches on fire you let it burn and you don't try to put out the fire or save lives because you can't prevent all fires in the future. Obviously, a ridiculous and irrational viewpoint.

07-08-21, 17:16
Neither Jung nor Freud are considered as central to psychology as they once were; Freud's oedipal theories have been roundly dismissed by the psychiatric community. Rather than having a daddy fixation, do you think it's possible these women might be smart enough to know that older guys have more disposable income and are more likely to treat them in the manner they prefer? The ratio of old rich men compared to young rich men is exponential. There's an undercurrent of misogyny just in your question- you imply that these women are driven by psychological need rather than intellectual strategy. It doesn't take Freud to figure out that if you're going to fuck for money, fuck someone who has money.Not sure I entirely agree with your reasoning. If that's the case, why is it that slightly older women say in their later 20's who one could argue have been around the block more and figured out the game better don't seem to act the same way. I have observed things close to what osteoknot talks about. Whether coincidence or real I will not know. However growing up without a father leaves a void in a child's life, girls included. I do think it manifests with sexual promiscuity and an affinity to older men. Heck Medellin is proving that out on a grand scale to our benefit.

07-08-21, 17:29
How do they work? For example if I wanted to marry call a girl over do I pay her before or after?

07-08-21, 17:38
Not worth debating any more here. I have often said, people who post have their minds made up already, it's not as if anyone here is asking whether or not they should get vaccinated. As long as we live in a free country then people are free to make bad decisions, even when it is against the greater public good. Psychologically, many if not most people with these viewpoints already feel marginalized by society for other reasons, economically, politically, religiously, other scientific fringe beliefs (he keeps bring up vivisection and patent medicines). By going against the grain of the popular common sense opinion, they feel empowered and it compensates for the other issues and internal conflicts in their fringe belief systems. Control is the issue for them, not science or outcomes or greater good. They already feel persecuted, ignored and marginalized and this is how they compensate.Once again a quite astute observation osteo. But to me this is such a public health issue that I feel it's fair to say, if you choose not to get vaccinated, you don't get to put other vulnerable people at risk. So you can't board a plane unless maybe it's your private plane. You have to wear a mask in a public space etc. So effectively this is not about them in as much as it is about their impact on those around them. They are the reason this thing will linger. As to the rest of the world, yeah there are plenty places where the vaccine supply will catch up, and I predict enough people will either get it or get the acquired immunity by end of 2022. Yes variants pose a risk, but that risk is accelerated where it is raging wild. Most of these variants have emerged in countries where it raged, I. E. India Brazil etc. And they were not vaccinated as a population much by that time. They are random events but random event also happen with certain odds and when it's raging it's just more likely.

07-08-21, 17:44
Not worth debating any more here. I have often said, people who post have their minds made up already, it's not as if anyone here is asking whether or not they should get vaccinated. As long as we live in a free country then people are free to make bad decisions, even when it is against the greater public good. Psychologically, many if not most people with these viewpoints already feel marginalized by society for other reasons, economically, politically, religiously, other scientific fringe beliefs (he keeps bring up vivisection and patent medicines). By going against the grain of the popular common sense opinion, they feel empowered and it compensates for the other issues and internal conflicts in their fringe belief systems. Control is the issue for them, not science or outcomes or greater good. They already feel persecuted, ignored and marginalized and this is how they compensate.
Once again a quite astute observation osteo. But to me this is such a public health issue that I feel it's fair to say, if you choose not to get vaccinated, you don't get to put other vulnerable people at risk. So you can't board a plane unless maybe it's your private plane. You have to wear a mask in a public space etc. So effectively this is not about them in as much as it is about their impact on those around them. They are the reason this thing will linger. As to the rest of the world, yeah there are plenty places where the vaccine supply will catch up, and I predict enough people will either get it or get the acquired immunity by end of 2022. Yes variants pose a risk, but that risk is accelerated where it is raging wild. Most of these variants have emerged in countries where it raged, I. E. India Brazil etc. And they were not vaccinated as a population much by that time. They are random events but random event also happen with certain odds and when it's raging it's just more likely.The voices of reason! If you read these two posts and you think you have good reason for a contrary view. Well. You're mistaken.

Mr Enternational
07-08-21, 17:44
I quickly noticed that Relative to Rio de Janeiro, there seems to be more economic disruption here- in Bogota half the buildings are empty or for sale, and in both cities (Bog+Med)Depends on the apple. In Curitiba, Brazil there were tons of empty places with for rent and for sale signs. Rio is way bigger than Bogota and Medellin. Curitiba is smaller than Bogota and bigger than Medellin. I do not think I know any Brazilians that lost jobs due to the pandemic.

A follow up question- if it is indeed the case that Colombians are suffering disproportionately- why have SW prices, particularly in Bogota seem to have risen to unrealistic levels? One would surmise the opposite to be true. One from the first world may surmise that. In Latin America and Southeast Asia, if business is bad then you raise prices to make up for the loss.

Member #4729
07-08-21, 18:03
One from the first world may surmise that. In Latin America and Southeast Asia, if business is bad then you raise prices to make up for the loss.This is absolutely true- I noticed this when visiting Pattaya off season- the girls had less work and so were demanding more money- an interesting way of wagging the dog!

There is a strange sort of logic to it, but only if the whole lot of girls stick to the plan- otherwise the racket breaks down. A good contrarian indicator nonetheless, and your point about Rio being a big city is spot on as well- I didn't venture into the whole country so my sample size is limited.

I do recall that the Brazilian government was able to provide some public assistance during the pandemic and Copacabana I remember seeing some food give-aways so my general hunch is that the Brazilian government is in a better position- the recent riots in Colombia would also re-enforce this notion.

Let's always remember too that for the hardcore pro working girl it's all about the money. An uneducated girl from the country can make 300 cop in 1 hour, while it takes her brother / father a week to make that driving an uber.

07-08-21, 18:29
I've been mongering in Brazil for 7 weeks although just arrived in Colombia roughly a week ago. I quickly noticed that Relative to Rio de Janeiro, there seems to be more economic disruption here- in Bogota half the buildings are empty or for sale, and in both cities (Bog+Med), destitute people will literally beg for your scraps of food as you are leaving a restaurant. There was plenty of homelessness in Rio, but the amount of street begging, and in particular just for food by legitimately hungry people as opposed to some sort of aggressive panhandling by a street urchin- is much greater in Colombia.

My question to the experts here- pre-covid: was there the same presence of begging and desperation in the streets, or is this a new development?

A follow up question- if it is indeed the case that Colombians are suffering disproportionately- why have SW prices, particularly in Bogota seem to have risen to unrealistic levels? One would surmise the opposite to be true.Its bizarre and disturbing to walk down the street with a small btl of water with just a little in it, and very dirty beggars will, plead with you for it? WTF is going on.

I never see water fountains anywhere, where do they get water? They are very dirty so I guess water is not easy to get, except for the old naked woman I saw sitting on the curb near Parque Bolivar one day.

Someone took a large black glad garbage bag and filled it about 50% with water, and she was sitting on the curb washing her tits ass and pussy, it was a disturbing site.



07-08-21, 21:23
Every dogma has its day especially in the field of psychology. But before Freud, the theory of an active subconscious was not known. So it's easy to forget his pure genius for its day, about a hundred years ago. The only mental health diagnosis when Freud began his career was insanity. So taken in context, his theories were revolutionary and groundbreaking. By modern standards, psychoanalysis is not relevant, practical nor an effective therapy, where "breakthroughs" are often measured in decades. Jung stood on the shoulders of Freud and labeled young daughters' sexual attraction for fathers as the Electra Complex. I named the Electra Complex in Absentia to try and make it more relevant to modern culture and broken homes. The idea that young women growing up without father figures act out in varying degrees with sexual substitution, especially in the pay for play world, is not much of a stretch. A lot of mongers can relate to it with real world experience, including every time a chica calls me Pappi or Daddy without my prompting.

07-08-21, 22:58
[]Its bizarre and disturbing to walk down the street with a small btl of water with just a little in it, and very dirty beggars will, plead with you for it? WTF is going on.I never see water fountains anywhere, where do they get water? [/URL]] Very rarely will you ever see a Colombian with a bottle of water in their hand, to expensive at about 2,000 K, however you will see Colombians with bags of water that cost 500 K and are sold by everyone, and lots of vendors selling water drinks.

I believe the reason water fountains don't exist is because when the infrastructure was built in most places many years ago they didn't have potable water, hence no drinking fountains.

And very few cities in Colombia do have potable drinking water, yet Medellin does, albeit sometimes it has an odor / color to it.

Member #4729
07-08-21, 23:34
So perhaps others here have a "take" on El Centro, and perhaps can better articulate what I am observing, as it just is getting more and more packed with girls, and mongers as well, but not in the same proportion. It's mind boggling with so many available, and seems that a lot of prettier ones have been showing up lately compared to six months ago. I used to comment on all the Venezuelan beached whales I would observe, and now that has changed as well.

So I'm curious what others think about what I have been observing.I was in Centro today from about 2:30-4:00 and I would agree with your assessment. The last time I was in the field was right before the pandemic Dec / Jan 19/20 and the pickings were as you described. The girls today were in much greater quantity and quality-whereas before I might see one girl I would session, today I saw at least 4 or 5. Many of them nubile and slim with nice faces as opposed to the wall to wall busted mugs and donkey butts from pre-covid.

I think you nail the causality as well- the influx of Venezuelans combined with continued economic distress has created a situation where many are drawn to the profession out of sheer necessity and naturally this rises the talent level. I read an article recently that the Colombian middle class (already small) has shrunk by as much as 25% over the past year.

As for who is pulling them- I saw a lot of locals engaging, mostly on the older side. I did not see any other grino mongers today- but it was just a couple hours in one day.

Mr Enternational
07-09-21, 01:31
They are very dirty so I guess water is not easy to get, except for the old naked woman I saw sitting on the curb near Parque Bolivar one day.

Someone took a large black glad garbage bag and filled it about 50% with water, and she was sitting on the curb washing her tits ass and pussy, it was a disturbing site.I guess she was too lazy to go down to the very public showers that they have set up only a few blocks down. And I do mean public. Noticed it the other day when me and another BM were in a taxi heading to my favorite casa.

It was a metal fence, but in the pipe along the top there were plenty of holes for water to come out. They had water connected to one end so the "showers" sprayed onto the sidewalk. There were tons of homeless people and addicts on the block.

Now I will hang out and walk around Botero Park and Raudal 24 hours, but there is NO WAY IN HELL I am even walking around that way at high noon. People that are scared of Botero would just fall dead on the spot if they saw that block.

07-09-21, 03:28
Hey guys,

Hoping to get some insight from the more experienced. I recently happened to connect with 1 out of the 500,000 Colombian cam girls on CB. We're both the same age (mid 20's) and as Medellin has naturally spiked my interest from lurking this forum the past couple months, the topic of Medellin came up as we chatted away on the site. She (like many) absolutely loves the city and since she was a cool girl, I suggested I fly her out so she can join me for some partying & we fuck each other's brains out in an Airbnb. All funds on me. It would be good to have someone acquaint me to the area because I don't speak a lick of Spanish. She seemed into it and since I tipped her kind of shit on the camming site, I tried to reassure her by letting her know I could pay her (I had a 3-4 day sugar daddy scenario in mind). Not sure if our Google Translate conversation just didn't get my point across but she seemed confused and asked "why do you feel the need to pay a friend to hang out"?

I get her point but what these girls don't know is that I've also paid escorts to piss in my mouth and gulped it down with a smile.

Since we've exchanged light contact information (just Insta, nothing serious) we obviously still have time to plan the specifics of a possible trip, but I was just hoping to get some vets input on how fucking stupid of an idea this is? Being that I don't speak a lick of Spanish yet, I never planned on hanging out in Medellin too long. Since I've never been to SA the intention of the trip has always been to dip my feet in the water; a bit of partying / sight seeing, getting to know other nomads at some cultural exchange events, and maybe meeting a couple girls off Seeking Arrangements (although as you can imagine, this cam girl is such a stunner I'd honestly have no interest in any other girl in the entire country if our getaway does go through).

Would greatly appreciate any input or someone slapping some sense onto me if I'm wearing tinted glasses and this is a horrible idea. Thanks guys.

07-09-21, 04:56
I've been mongering in Brazil for 7 weeks although just arrived in Colombia roughly a week ago. I quickly noticed that Relative to Rio de Janeiro, there seems to be more economic disruption here- in Bogota half the buildings are empty or for sale, and in both cities (Bog+Med), destitute people will literally beg for your scraps of food as you are leaving a restaurant. There was plenty of homelessness in Rio, but the amount of street begging, and in particular just for food by legitimately hungry people as opposed to some sort of aggressive panhandling by a street urchin- is much greater in Colombia.

My question to the experts here- pre-covid: was there the same presence of begging and desperation in the streets, or is this a new development?

A follow up question- if it is indeed the case that Colombians are suffering disproportionately- why have SW prices, particularly in Bogota seem to have risen to unrealistic levels? One would surmise the opposite to be true.Isn't Brasil the richest country in Latin America?(GDP).

I'm guessing being "poor in a richer country" isn't as hard as being "poor in a poorer country" like say Colombia.

07-09-21, 05:02
]you will see Colombians with bags of water that cost 500 KAre you saying the bags of water are safe to drink? I would like to know.

I remember the first time I saw a little bag of water in Medellin, and thinking how strange.

07-09-21, 05:29
The price of cop is dropping nicely.

Does anyone know of a cost effective way to buy cop online and have it delivered FedEx to your casa in USA?

I looked at Chase Citi and BofA and some BS online currency services but the rates are all shitty.

I would like to get 5000-10000 usd its getting close to 4000.

07-09-21, 15:38
He has what I call the "Burning House" argument. If someone's house catches on fire you let it burn and you don't try to put out the fire or save lives because you can't prevent all fires in the future. Obviously, a ridiculous and irrational viewpoint.Another one that strawman's my POV. I never said we should do nothing. I was simply reflecting on the current international policy and that it is not going to get us where we all want to be. The vax policy is not going to eliminate the virus, the virus will mutate, and we will have to live with it. In what way does that imply I think we should do nothing or that I am privileged? It doesn't. If you think so, then you are inventing meaning to the words that I wrote.

07-09-21, 18:39
It was a metal fence, but in the pipe along the top there were plenty of holes for water to come out. They had water connected to one end so the "showers" sprayed onto the sidewalk. There were tons of homeless people and addicts on the block.

NO WAY IN HELL I am even walking around that way at high noon. People that are scared of Botero would just fall dead on the spot if they saw that block.I didn't have quite the same reaction as you. Mind you, I did not jump out of my taxi to go take a tour, but I would not hesitate to walk down that street in broad daylight, which I saw more as a curiosity and public service, and not as any threat. Shows to go ya how we can interpret situations differently. Call me nuts, but I would say folks who are in the middle of bathing are preoccupied, jaja.

Your story reminded me of the time I got off a Greyhound Bus in Port Authority, New York City, when a homeless guy appeared out of the blackness of a subway tunnel. The best way I can describe his appearance is that he had on clothing but none of it was visible because he was covered in layers and sheets of brown crust, and barefooted. He smelled so bad of urine and feces that people were literally throwing coins to get him to move in a different direction. He got within 20 feet of me at a fast food counter and the odor was still overpowering. Everyone moved back. The servers shoved food and drink at him and did not take his money, they would not go near him. He smiled blithely, took his food and skulked away.

I vote for the sidewalk showers instead of it ever getting to the point of that poor soul. I will never forget his sight and smell. As tragic as anything I have seen in the Third World.

07-09-21, 18:50
I wish I had an answer, but I do not. But I share your interest in this question. I always bring home COP for my next trip, but at this exchange rate, I'd love to lock it in by buying several thousand USD of COP to have. Without having to take the bad rates offered in the USA By banks and currency dealers. There has got to be a way. Maybe open an account with Allianz (have to look up the name) in Colombia. Transfer USA Dollars. Convert to COP. You only pay a small rate to withdraw. I think this is easier than trying to open a bank account with a traditional Colombian bank, but it still involves paperwork. Got to be a better way.

The price of cop is dropping nicely.

Does anyone know of a cost effective way to buy cop online and have it delivered FedEx to your casa in USA?

I looked at Chase Citi and BofA and some BS online currency services but the rates are all shitty.

I would like to get 5000-10000 usd its getting close to 4000.

07-09-21, 19:12
Well, we went into the deep end, there, didn't we?!

13 days since infection, 6 days since a stuffy nose.

Thanks to many for the opinions, advice, information. Sorry to start the shit show, but I know several here are far more educated in the subject, and I don't believe everything I read on the internet.

Pinky tested negative before going home for a week. We had been sleeping in separate rooms, and trying to avoid contact so she wouldn't get the virus. My cleaning lady has been wearing a mask all week. Can any of the resident virologists confirm I should be able to return to normal life in the next few days, here?

I did go out, yesterday, to milk the Scotiabank ATM with the USD at 3,840 COP.

If anyone wants to order liquor from Rappi, use Turbo Licores. 24 beers, 12 Smirnoffs, & a bottle of rum arrived 10 minutes after placing the order.

Osty that Bogota chica is nice to look at! Thanks for the photos.

Oh shit! I was talking to a Vennie, last night, that said she is leaving this weekend for Mexico, where she will pay a coyote and sneak into the US with a fake visa through Texas, then look for work in Denver. She is a single mom with a 7 year old son who is going with her. Wild to hear this first-hand.

Anyone tried the new massage place on Calle 10, on the corner across from the new hotel a block down from Charlee?

Cheers, boys!

07-09-21, 19:14
Hey guys,

Hoping to get some insight from the more experienced. I recently happened to connect with 1 out of the 500,000 Colombian cam girls on CB. We're both the same age (mid 20's) and as Medellin has naturally spiked my interest from lurking this forum the past couple months, the topic of Medellin came up as we chatted away on the site. She (like many) absolutely loves the city and since she was a cool girl, I suggested I fly her out so she can join me for some partying & we fuck each other's brains out in an Airbnb. All funds on me. It would be good to have someone acquaint me to the area because I don't speak a lick of Spanish. She seemed into it and since I tipped her kind of shit on the camming site, I tried to reassure her by letting her know I could pay her (I had a 3-4 day sugar daddy scenario in mind). Not sure if our Google Translate conversation just didn't get my point across but she seemed confused and asked "why do you feel the need to pay a friend to hang out"?

I get her point but what these girls don't know is that I've also paid escorts to piss in my mouth and gulped it down with a smile..I rapidly ready your post a few times and I can't tell for sure who is flying from where to meet where. Doesn't really matter too much, the advice is the same.

You are over-committed with a girl you barely know and already admitted to having communication issues. Really bad idea. The kind of meeting you are describing is something you build up to with someone you have gotten to know over time and or fucked before, or is a high priced escort which defeats the purpose of being in Colombia in the first place, IMO. Within ten minutes of being in the same room, IF she even shows, you might find out you don't like each other, or worse, as she might have criminal intentions as in drug you or steal from you.

AND the counterpoint, it is totally unnecessary. Once you find yourself in Medellin, there is a smorgasboard of girls awaiting you and all different kinds of ways to meet them. I know you wrote you would not be interested in other chicas but that is a counter productive viewpoint, once you are here. Flying to Medellin with the plan to meet one chica only is like going to DisneyWorld to pay for the parking and then never getting out of your car.

Don't ever fly or agree to meet one girl anywhere in South America. Always have at least three options lined up based on the standard flake rate of these chicas not showing. Your back up plan may be going to monger on foot at Ground Zero in El Centro, but you need options.

If your chica tells you she has never been on a plane before, and you send her a ticket, 99% chance she ain't going to be on that plane. They don't make a profit by not showing, but the task is too daunting for them. There is so much pussy and Gringos available that it makes arrangements like what you are describing, unnecessary, cumbersome, and too much trouble. I know it's easy to get caught up in the thrill and the fantasy. That will sustain you for about five minutes once you meet.

Wait, I'm not done. Slappity, slap, slap, slap.

07-09-21, 19:26
I was talking to one of my chica friends today and she reminded me of how much she likes anal. I'm not a huge anal lover, but I do like it on occasion, especially if I can convince a chica to do it who has not done it before. I like the fact that is' kind of taboo with a lot of chicas in Medellin. I have a few girls who do it. I have a few others I'm working on. Starting with some rubbing and then some finger penetration. Trying to explain to them how good it will feel because of the number of nerves located there. And telling them I know some girls who can orgasm from anal (which I do). At any rate, if anyone is looking for anal, PM me. I really don't want to give names here, as most of these girls are not broadcasting their willingness to do it. But I can maybe give you a couple of names in PM.

Just a few caveats: these are FB girls, so if you are looking for anal for 50 mil, forget it. On the other hand, they charge reasonable prices, because after visiting Medellin for 16 years, I'm paying the price I want and know is fair. You will not catch me paying the 200+ a lot of guys pay. Also, these girls are not anal porn stars. They are not rimmed out. So it you want to jackhammer a chica in the ass, find a hardcore that is already wearing Depends. Finally, my dick is average size. If your dick is too long or fat, these chicks might get scared. So again, you need to find the true anal pros. These are just nice girls who were willing to try something new and liked it, at least when I did it to them.

07-09-21, 19:36
Osty that Bogota chica is nice to look at! Thanks for the photosI keep finding one-off photos of her mixed in with the other photos in my phone.

I failed to mention but I bet you will not be surprised to hear, she's a Vennie. She looks it, too.

I lost touch with her. My Gringo acquaintances tell me I lost my mind for not keeping her close. Sometimes it's just not in the cards. The memories are fantastic and undiluted.

John Clayton
07-09-21, 19:39
...but at this exchange rate, I'd love to lock it in by buying several thousand USD of COP to have...I don't think the long term outlook for COP / USD is great. The current one year forecast is 4031.

Mojo Bandit
07-09-21, 21:38
Okay fess up, which one of you gringos got so desperate to know what it was like to drive in Medellin that you decided to do it in style and stole the 2017 Mercedes Benz AMG C63 S Coupe. I just want to say that who ever you are you have excellent taste in cars but really poor judgement about what type of car to steal. Is it any wonder that you got caught since how many white Mercedes AMGs are running around in Medellin? And you might want to case the place for cameras instead of just knocking on the door to make sure no one is there? Anyway I write this sarcastically because even if you do read this forum you are not reading this right now because I am pretty sure you are still in jail.

Video of guy breaking gringo breaking huge glass door, cleaning out a path and then moving a motorcycle and then a truck to create the room to drive the car out.


07-09-21, 21:43
I wish I had an answer, but I do not. But I share your interest in this question. I always bring home COP for my next trip, but at this exchange rate, I'd love to lock it in by buying several thousand USD of COP to have. Without having to take the bad rates offered in the USA By banks and currency dealers. There has got to be a way. Maybe open an account with Allianz (have to look up the name) in Colombia. Transfer USA Dollars. Convert to COP. You only pay a small rate to withdraw. I think this is easier than trying to open a bank account with a traditional Colombian bank, but it still involves paperwork. Got to be a better way.Easier said than done transferring US Dollars into Colombia via Allianza, when I opened my account with them I had to be vetted in person and bring copies of my USA tax returns. And than the transferring of USD into Colombia can get quite involved as well depending on the amount and what the monies are to be used for which has strict government controls and documentation requirements. A better option would be if you could open a Bancolombia bank account somehow when your in Colombia, and then withdraw funds using ATM machines and make cash deposits into your Bancolombia account when the exchange rate is good when your in Country.

Prior to the beginning of the Pandemic when the exchange rate was over 4100 COP to the USD, I was withdrawing money everyday using two ATM cards and making cash deposits into my Bancolombia account and getting as good a rate as Allianza was offering with no paperwork / attorneys involved which I posted about at the time.

Maybe somebody else has figured out how to get in on on a good exchange rate while out of the Country but I haven't heard of it as yet.

07-09-21, 21:47
Hey guys,

Hoping to get some insight from the more experienced. I recently happened to connect with 1 out of the 500,000 Colombian cam girls on CB. We're both the same age (mid 20's) and as Medellin has naturally spiked my interest from lurking this forum the past couple months, the topic of Medellin came up as we chatted away on the site. She (like many) absolutely loves the city and since she was a cool girl, I suggested I fly her out so she can join me for some partying & we fuck each other's brains out in an Airbnb. All funds on me. It would be good to have someone acquaint me to the area because I don't speak a lick of Spanish. She seemed into it and since I tipped her kind of shit on the camming site, I tried to reassure her by letting her know I could pay her (I had a 3-4 day sugar daddy scenario in mind). Not sure if our Google Translate conversation just didn't get my point across but she seemed confused and asked "why do you feel the need to pay a friend to hang out"?

I get her point but what these girls don't know is that I've also paid escorts to piss in my mouth and gulped it down with a smile.

Since we've exchanged light contact information (just Insta, nothing serious) we obviously still have time to plan the specifics of a possible trip, but I was just hoping to get some vets input on how fucking stupid of an idea this is? Being that I don't speak a lick of Spanish yet, I never planned on hanging out in Medellin too long.If you've been lurking on the forum for a couple of months you already know the answer to your question, since this subject gets beaten to death about 4 times a year.

1. Exchanging Instagram accounts isn't trading contact information. If she was giving you her contact information you would have her Whatsapp. Giving you her Instagram is the same as a stripper telling you that you can come and see her at the strip club.

2. While it may seem so, webcam models are no different from any other girl. They're not more exotic, more interesting or more desirable. They're just normal, average Colombian girls who work on webcam instead of somewhere else. I speak from the experience of sharing an apartment with a Colombian webcam model for 9 months in Medellin.

3. You're a customer. If you support her frequently on webcam, if you're entertaining and interesting, you might become a preferred customer, but you will always be a customer. If she agrees to do what you want her to do, it's only because the money you're spending makes it a good business decision.

4. There are thousands of women in Medellin who will happily do what you are trying to do. And it's an incredibly bad idea to do it with any of them. It's simple, you have zero knowledge of any of them. You don't know whether or not they will perform to your standards, whether they'll do the things you want and whether they'll make it enjoyable. You sample first. Try a girl for an hour, then for a few hours and then for longer. Committing to anything longer than a short date is almost certainly a mistake.

5. You're obviously not interested in making your proposition workable. If you were committed to it, your first question would have been about learning enough Spanish to communicate with the girl. While it's possible to get by without Spanish, spending several days alone with another person, when neither of you speaks the other's language gets tedious very quickly.

6. There's about an 80% chance you haven't even talked to the girl. Most Colombian webcam models work for a webcam studio. When they are on webcam they have a monitor working with them. The monitor uses a back office program so they can see everything that's on the model's screen and respond to chat messages, tip notes and private messages. There are a couple of reasons for this. Most of the models don't know much English. So the monitor translates and either messages them what to say, or just replies for them. This provides the illusion that you're having a conversation with the model. The other main reason is that the studio makes money off the model. If the model is using their equipment to make money on the side, they lose out. So the monitor is there to make sure all income comes through the studio. Often the monitor also controls the model's social media. That means the person you're actually talking to is probably a man whose job is to make sure the model gets as much money from you as possible.

When you're serious about going to Colombia to have a good time, get back to us.

07-09-21, 22:12
I'm walking around near the casas, I didn't session at any of them, the putas look too old and worn out espec New Life.

And I don't like how they look like they micro manage the places, def not my scene, but I went window shopping a few times.

Also if you charge for a viewing the odds of me ever spending money there drops to close to 0%.

So I'm bored and my old body is aching, I decide to try to find a legit massage, I ask around nobody has any ideas.

So I grab a nice pollo burrito and frozen lemonade at Qbano across from Parque Bolivar.

And I walk some of the streets over there and run across what looks like a large ass professional bldg, so I speculate.

Maybe they have some salons inside? I go in and what do you know on the 1st floor they have a nail salon, I go in and ask the girl.

If they do massage she says yes, 70 mil I think hell yes, there were 2 girls her and another around 20 yo so I thought I will get 1 of the 2.

I go into a room and get undressed and put my clothes under the table (big mistake) I have 20 100 usd bills and just got 2000000 pesos from the ATM in my pocket.

Well anyway a woman comes in to do the massage and I look over and she looks old, I'm like WTF old? Late 50's?

I'm a bit pissed off, so I just go with it, she has the weakest hands I've ever seen, I asked for more pressure a few times, it did no good.

But wouldn't you know after awhile I'm loving her hands they are so gentle, I've never had a massage so gentle, she's doing my ass crack taint balls, everything.

Its simply heavenly, some chica comes in and they are yapping in espanol, it was one of the best massages I ever got, she played with my balls taint perineum and anus.

For at least 45 minutes, I didn't ask for anything else LOL.

Finally she finishes it seemed like 2 hours of bliss, I figure, I should give her at least 50 mil tip.

Before I get off the table, I can hear her saying chao and leaving the shop? I'm like wtf no tip?

I get off the table and look down and my clothes are gone, I panicked.

$2000 usd and 2000000 cop gone?

I head towards the hallway and next to the door.

Somebody hung up my clothes on hooks, I checked my pockets and my money is all there, if only they knew jajajajaaaaaaaaaa (isn't that about a years salary?

So I did exchange whatsapp with her before she leaves.

And the next day she starts stalking me asking of she can visit my hotel or if I will visit her shop.

Then she starts trying to video call me everyday on whatsapp, so I'm trying to chase her away.

So one day I write I'm looking for a novia, that wants me to poop in her mouth? She responds, I need to goto Asia for that.

I say but I'm in Mde so she asks how much I will pay?

I say I don't pay novias.

She still trys to whatsapp call me almost everyday LOL, I really should just block her jajajajaja.

07-09-21, 22:33
I wish I had an answer, but I do not. But I share your interest in this question. I always bring home COP for my next trip, but at this exchange rate, I'd love to lock it in by buying several thousand USD of COP to have. Without having to take the bad rates offered in the USA By banks and currency dealers. There has got to be a way. Maybe open an account with Allianz (have to look up the name) in Colombia. Transfer USA Dollars. Convert to COP. You only pay a small rate to withdraw. I think this is easier than trying to open a bank account with a traditional Colombian bank, but it still involves paperwork. Got to be a better way.If nobody knows of a solution in USA.

What if on my next visit, I get 2000000 cop from the ATM daily then mail a huge stack to the USA.

It would have to be insured so, FEDex in MDE? Or DHL?

Also it would have to be legal.

If you go over the legal limit and it goes missing you're fucked.

07-09-21, 23:37
I don't think the long term outlook for COP / USD is great. The current one year forecast is 4031.I'm thinking back to the guys who stocked up on pesos last year when the rate went from 3000 to 3500. About 10 days later it was 4400.

I'm not the ISG investment guru, but it seems like a bad investment to me. Sure you might get a better rate today than you can get next year, but even if you do, you've lost the use of that capital until you manage to spend enough time in Colombia to go through a ridiculous amount of pesos. $5,000-$10,000 worth? I just spent 23 days, rented a car for 12 days, spent 11 extra days in an expensive airport hotel, and splurged when hanging out with my friends, plus encountered about $700 of other unexpected costs and still spent less than $3500.

Then there's the risk. Personally I'm uncomfortable carrying around enough cash for a Colombian to buy 2 houses.

If I was tight with my money, never overpaying, and all that, I could easily stretch $5,000 to last 2 months, probably 3.

07-10-21, 06:42
Would it be reasonable to hire a guide to take me to relevant places for a non Spanish speaking gringo. We had something like that in Cuba who would also drive us and negotiate prices. If so does anybody know of a reputable person. Looks like someone in other forums is offering similar services too.

07-10-21, 15:12
Had a pretty good day on Friday in Medellin and got three loads off. Hit the pool in Bellen in the morning and swam laps, was at ground zero around noon and went with an old time regular I had benched for giving a "bad performance" during a session before the Pandemic. She had been asking me to take her over the last year and I had been blowing her off every time, so I finally told her why she had been benched, and gave her another shot, and she performed well, so I might put her back in the rotation.

I typically don't repeat ever, or give Chicas a second chance if I don't have a good session with them the first time, but sometimes Chica's will perform well that you repeat with, and then give a shitty performance. So sometimes you have to bench them, and once they've been benched they know the drill, but I rarely have this issue with my crew of street skanks.

Returned to ground zero around 4:30 PM and the place was packed, not only with Chicas, but with more gringo's then I have ever seen before. The word is definitely out about Medellin worldwide and I believe a lot of the mongers whose preference is Asia have been and are coming here now. Anyways, I ran into one of my Chicas and had a great session and afterwards we walked up to Periodista Park, aka Stoners Park, and what a crowd. Jam packed full with most people smoking joints, sipping on beers, and snorting coke. My Chica bought a joint from one of the vendors. Prices for a single joint were 2,000 Pesos, for a larger joint rolled in something other than paper were 5,000 Pesos, and a baggie of Coke 7,000 Pesos. My Chica smoked a bit, I didn't, but I bought a large beer that we split.

Afterwards we went to dinner and headed back down to ground zero at around 8:30 PM and checked into the Zona Rosa and watched the soccer match that Colombia won over Peru 3 to 2 in the last couple of minutes. Afterwards we had another great session and I wasn't sure if I was going to finish being a senior citizen, but she got the job done so it was a good day, three finishes in nine hours. Afterwards I walked her to the bus station near the Nuitibarra Hotel and ground zero was a bit spooky, with a few girls, zombies, and other "things" walking around the Veracruz Church area.

Just Incognito
07-10-21, 16:06
I am finally able to return to Medellin and got my flights booked! 2 weeks in August. Its been since just before the pandemic started, so I am more than ready. I have 4 of my girls in line and waiting for me and I will pick up the rest while there. Next step: booking a place to stay.

If anyone could send me info about a place to stay, I want to change it up from my previous few visits.

Here is what I am hoping for: Balcony (makes weed smoking easier), hot tub / jacuzzi-makes entertaining my girls easier, 24 hour security / safe area, chica friendly (obviously). Reasonable price. 1 or 2 bedrooms.

Any suggestions / tips would be appreciated. I know people hesitate to share good properties because you never know which monger will ruin things for everyone. I get it. I also know that I am not the guy who will ruin it for anyone. So, if anyone has a suggestion--I would appreciate it. I found a great Air BnB I am interested in--but no security in the building--which is fine for my regulars / repeats. But not if I meet a random somewhere.

My tentative plan: 1st week in Medellin, then a few days out of town: Guatape, or the hot springs like 2-3 hours south (Thermales de Cabral? I think is the name). Also looking for good suggestions for places to take a girl for a couple of nights. Jardin might be too far-but its on the list. Guatape is the popular spot. There's got to be other cool romantic spots outside the city for a night or 2??

07-10-21, 16:43
If nobody knows of a solution in USA.

What if on my next visit, I get 2000000 cop from the ATM daily then mail a huge stack to the USA.
It would have to be insured so, FEDex in MDE? Or DHL?

Also it would have to be legal.

If you go over the legal limit and it goes missing you're fucked.That should work out great! 4 years ago the cost to send the smallest overnight envelope to Medellin by UPS was $121 dollars. Assuming you can get a rate of 4000 to 1, that means you'll spend a minimum of $621 to get $500 worth of pesos. That equals an exchange rate of 3220 to 1 which is 600 COP per dollar less than you can currently get at the airport, the worst place to buy COP.

I suppose you could fit several 2 million peso stacks in the envelope, but then you have to pay the insurance on top of the base charge of $121, or whatever it's up to now. I guess, if you crammed enough in, you could maybe end up with an effective rate of 3600 COP per dollar, still much worse than what's currently available without speculation.

The upside is, if the rate returns to 1900 to 1 like it was 6 years ago, you'll save hundreds of dollars. The downside is, it'll have to drop to the lowest rate in the past 2 years in order for you to break even (not counting the money you lose by tying up capital in a currency that you can only use in Colombia).

Unless you're desperate to get enough money to afford a trip to Medellin, what's the advantage? For guys living in Colombia, especially on a fixed income, it makes sense to get pesos when the rate is best, but even they can't risk too much. If they stock up on pesos when the rate hits 4000, they screwed themselves when it goes to 4500.

Guys who are there frequently, especially for extended stays, can save a bit by properly timing withdrawals, but most treat it like buying bread at the store. If the bread is on sale, maybe you buy an extra loaf, but you don't buy 40 extra loaves.

Mr Enternational
07-10-21, 17:55
I'm thinking back to the guys who stocked up on pesos last year when the rate went from 3000 to 3500. About 10 days later it was 4400. I'm not the ISG investment guru, but it seems like a bad investment to me.Of course it is a horrible investment to hoard currency, especially if it is not a major currency. That post was spot on. The people in these countries are trying to hoard USD, Euro, GBP. Meanwhile outsiders are trying to hoard COP.

Errol Flynn
07-10-21, 18:10
Would it be reasonable to hire a guide to take me to relevant places for a non Spanish speaking gringo. We had something like that in Cuba who would also drive us and negotiate prices. If so does anybody know of a reputable person. Looks like someone in other forums is offering similar services too.If you don't speak Spanish, an English speaking guide with a car is a good way to see the sights (maybe not negotiate as much as safely get you places). Most normal Colombians are decent people. And most Colombian males have no problem with our hobby.

There is a list in the "Medellin Guides. " section (surprise surprise). I personally like Jimmy (a former NYC cabbie) although it's been many years since I used him.

When you're done, WRITE A REPORT. You owe us now.

07-10-21, 18:14
I am finally able to return to Medellin and got my flights booked! 2 weeks in August. Its been since just before the pandemic started, so I am more than ready. I have 4 of my girls in line and waiting for me and I will pick up the rest while there. Next step: booking a place to stay.

If anyone could send me info about a place to stay, I want to change it up from my previous few visits.

Here is what I am hoping for: Balcony (makes weed smoking easier), hot tub / jacuzzi-makes entertaining my girls easier, 24 hour security / safe area, chica friendly (obviously). Reasonable price. 1 or 2 bedrooms.

Any suggestions / tips would be appreciated. I know people hesitate to share good properties because you never know which monger will ruin things for everyone. I get it. I also know that I am not the guy who will ruin it for anyone. So, if anyone has a suggestion--I would appreciate it. I found a great Air BnB I am interested in--but no security in the building--which is fine for my regulars / repeats. But not if I meet a random somewhere.

My tentative plan: 1st week in Medellin, then a few days out of town: Guatape, or the hot springs like 2-3 hours south (Thermales de Cabral? I think is the name). Also looking for good suggestions for places to take a girl for a couple of nights. Jardin might be too far-but its on the list. Guatape is the popular spot. There's got to be other cool romantic spots outside the city for a night or 2??If stairs don't bother you, the place I just stayed at might be worth considering. The big downside is that it's on the 5th floor with no elevator. Nice sized balcony, jacuzzi just off the balcony, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. It's in a quiet, safe area at the south end of Envigado. I think it cost me about $60 per night.

The other downside, at least for you, is the lack of security. There is a locked door at the entrance to the building and you can buzz in any guests (which beats going down and back up the stairs). For me, I preferred that because at one point I had 4 girls come over to hangout and eat pizza. Would have sucked to have a security guard tell me I could only have 1 or 2 at a time.

It's listed as La Esencia apartment on Booking.

07-10-21, 18:42
If you don't speak Spanish, an English speaking guide with a car is a good way to see the sights (maybe not negotiate as much as safely get you places). Most normal Colombians are decent people. And most Colombian males have no problem with our hobby.

There is a list in the "Medellin Guides. " section (surprise surprise). I personally like Jimmy (a former NYC cabbie) although it's been many years since I used him.

When you're done, WRITE A REPORT. You owe us now.👍.

Well said.

07-10-21, 18:52
The word is definitely out about Medellin worldwide and I believe a lot of the mongers whose preference is Asia have been and are coming here now..You do a great job promoting it jajaja you should get on the payroll for the Plaza Botero Puta Chamber of Commerce jajajaaja.

In any case I spent 6 weeks in Col and I like it, I love Asians P4P scene and the putas there but if it doesn't reopen for another year or doesn't rebound for a few years, I won't be that upset.

Asia is a very long flight, and I am not a big fan of the jungle heat and humidity 24/7 or the monster cockroaches and monster sized rats.

Colombia is good, its not perfect, my biggest issue is the espanol, not sure how easily I can pick up a new language at my age?

I think Latinas / Latinos are much much nicer people if you ask me then say those in the Land of fake smiles jajajaja.

I am white, I don't think many non sex workers in Asia like whites that much? But I don't get that vibe in Latin America, in fact its the exact opposite.

I feel very very welcome!!

07-10-21, 18:54
Medellin has metro and Uber that makes it easy to get around town. I have used guides and guided tour for sight seeing. I use trip advisor for that.

Would it be reasonable to hire a guide to take me to relevant places for a non Spanish speaking gringo. We had something like that in Cuba who would also drive us and negotiate prices. If so does anybody know of a reputable person. Looks like someone in other forums is offering similar services too.Most established places have a fixed price. You can read this list to get an idea. If you go to El Centro, even if you are being over charged double, it is still only about 60 mil, probably still cheaper than hiring a guide and you will experience something new. I am not sure a guide will be helpful in negotiating price in Gusto. Someone else can chime in, does this fall into a gray area that is similar to hiring a pimp?

Medellin Map and List

I checked all the places I could find and added dates to them.

So, Come on guys give us the latest's information on each Place.

https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&mid=1UxdkQ9-vm36hqZmjE87YQcheNFdWBiKd&ll=6.224431961843611%2C-75.55156482421874&z=13You can also check out Mansion where you can meet other mongers and learn things from.

Here is the website. It has room rates and the phone number.


07-10-21, 20:27
I rapidly ready your post a few times and I can't tell for sure who is flying from where to meet where. Doesn't really matter too much, the advice is the same.

You are over-committed with a girl you barely know and already admitted to having communication issues. Really bad idea. The kind of meeting you are describing is something you build up to with someone you have gotten to know over time and or fucked before, or is a high priced escort which defeats the purpose of being in Colombia in the first place, IMO. Within ten minutes of being in the same room, IF she even shows, you might find out you don't like each other, or worse, as she might have criminal intentions as in drug you or steal from you.

AND the counterpoint, it is totally unnecessary. Once you find yourself in Medellin, there is a smorgasboard of girls awaiting you and all different kinds of ways to meet them. I know you wrote you would not be interested in other chicas but that is a counter productive viewpoint, once you are here. Flying to Medellin with the plan to meet one chica only is like going to DisneyWorld to pay for the parking and then never getting out of your car..
If you've been lurking on the forum for a couple of months you already know the answer to your question, since this subject gets beaten to death about 4 times a year.

1. Exchanging Instagram accounts isn't trading contact information. If she was giving you her contact information you would have her Whatsapp. Giving you her Instagram is the same as a stripper telling you that you can come and see her at the strip club.

2. While it may seem so, webcam models are no different from any other girl. They're not more exotic, more interesting or more desirable. They're just normal, average Colombian girls who work on webcam instead of somewhere else. I speak from the experience of sharing an apartment with a Colombian webcam model for 9 months in Medellin.

3. You're a customer. If you support her frequently on webcam, if you're entertaining and interesting, you might become a preferred customer, but you will always be a customer. If she agrees to do what you want her to do, it's only because the money you're spending makes it a good business decision.

4. There are thousands of women in Medellin who will happily do what you are trying to do. And it's an incredibly bad idea to do it with any of them. It's simple, you have zero knowledge of any of them. You don't know whether or not they will perform to your standards, whether they'll do the things you want and whether they'll make it enjoyable. You sample first. Try a girl for an hour, then for a few hours and then for longer. Committing to anything longer than a short date is almost certainly a mistake.

5. You're obviously not interested in making your proposition workable. If you were committed to it, your first question would have been about learning enough Spanish to communicate with the girl. While it's possible to get by without Spanish, spending several days alone with another person, when neither of you speaks the other's language gets tedious very quickly..Thank you so much for the wake up call guys. Time for me to shut the hell up and go back to lurking. I don't think I'm overcommitted (you guys definitely saved me from it though!) because ultimately, spending $100 to fly a girl over from Bogota or wherever the fuck is no big deal. Funny thing about Whatsapp is that exchanging that was actually my initial suggestion to her but she told me that it charges her too much data (which I knew was bullshit) and opted for Instagram instead. Her Instagram is definitely a promotional work account rather than her personal, so that already lowered my expectations and led me to turn to you guys. Only reason I was still semi-curious is because I barely spent like $3 worth of tokens I had left over on the cam site from months ago on her which I told her were my last and she understood & was still intrigued in the logistics / planning of the trip rather than trying to squeeze more cash out of me.

I just pray that Colombian girls are as good at making you feel *that* way (you guys know what I'm talking about) irl as they are on camming sites.

And don't worry guys, I won't be the stupid fuck going there expecting everyone to speak English. As I said, I'm still a couple months away from the trip so I am going to at least make an attempt to learn a bit of Spanish before my departure. I have a feeling that the Chicas who speak only Spanish fuck better than bilingual girls anyhow.

Thanks again for taking the time to educate and write such extensive replies!

07-10-21, 22:04
Hey Surfer500,

Always happy to read when you mention the swimming piece. I asked you a while back about swimming venues.

Finally, after 23 years of absence, I will be returning to Medellin (2nd and 3rd week) and give it another try.

Am 49 from Switzerland, fluent in various languages, open minded, chilled and a streetwalker rat.

Let me know if you are interested in hooking up for some laps in the pool and a subsequent centro stroll (bills on me.

I travelled extensively in the Caribbean, South America and Africa (last 16 years exclusively in East Africa) and am happy to share great stories.

As you may can imagine, I am interested to get good intel from a vet while my boots are on the ground. I would be damned thrilled and appreciative if you have some time to spare. If not, I do understand, my approach seem to come across a bit odd.

Thanks and cheers my fellow swimmer.

07-10-21, 22:34
Of course it is a horrible investment to hoard currency, especially if it is not a major currency. That post was spot on. The people in these countries are trying to hoard USD, Euro, GBP. Meanwhile outsiders are trying to hoard COP.You should have around $100 in pesos on hand though every time you come to Colombia just to pay for the taxi especially if your flight is delayed late at night and no currency exchange is available.

Ho Lover1
07-11-21, 00:07
Maybe they have some salons inside? I go in and what do you know on the 1st floor they have a nail salon, I go in and ask the girl.

If they do massage she says yes, 70 mil I think hell yes, there were 2 girls her and another around 20 yo so I thought I will get 1 of the 2..Did you get the address of this nail salon?

07-11-21, 00:18
Did you get the address of this nail salon?Send me a PM.

07-11-21, 00:29
Thanks and cheers my fellow swimmer.I met up with the Masters swimming team, and had a great time swimming their workouts with them. They swim in the aquatic complex at Estadio. Great folks and very welcoming. I'm taking my vacation to Cartagena this year, but next time I'm in Medellin I plan to swim with them again!

07-11-21, 02:18
Hey Surfer500,

Always happy to read when you mention the swimming piece. I asked you a while back about swimming venues.

Finally, after 23 years of absence, I will be returning to Medellin (2nd and 3rd week) and give it another try.

As you may can imagine, I am interested to get good intel from a vet while my boots are on the ground. I would be damned thrilled and appreciative if you have some time to spare. If not, I do understand, my approach seem to come across a bit odd.

Thanks and cheers my fellow swimmer.Send me a PM a few days before you arrive, and if I'm in town I will gladly meet up with you to swim some laps. And afterwards, we can hit El Centro and ride some of the Chicas!

07-11-21, 02:20
You should have around $100 in pesos on hand though every time you come to Colombia just to pay for the taxi especially if your flight is delayed late at night and no currency exchange is available.The current taxi fare is 80,000 pesos to Poblado, I think you meant to say 100,000 Pesos.

07-11-21, 02:22
I have a feeling that the Chicas who speak only Spanish fuck better than bilingual girls anyhow.!You got that right!

07-11-21, 02:32
If stairs don't bother you, the place I just stayed at might be worth considering. The big downside is that it's on the 5th floor with no elevator. Nice sized balcony, jacuzzi just off the balcony, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. It's in a quiet, safe area at the south end of Envigado. I think it cost me about $60 per night.

The other downside, at least for you, is the lack of security. There is a locked door at the entrance to the building and you can buzz in any guests (which beats going down and back up the stairs). For me, I preferred that because at one point I had 4 girls come over to hangout and eat pizza. Would have sucked to have a security guard tell me I could only have 1 or 2 at a time.

It's listed as La Esencia apartment on Booking.Sounds like a nice set up with three bedrooms.

So when you had the four girls come over to hangout and eat pizza, I'm assuming you banged each one of them, maybe even did some muff diving, and perhaps had two or three of them waiting their turn in one of the other two bedrooms while you were busy.

This is what I would of done! LOL.

07-11-21, 05:42
You do a great job promoting it jajaja you should get on the payroll for the Plaza Botero Puta Chamber of Commerce jajajaaja.

In any case I spent 6 weeks in Col and I like it, I love Asians P4P scene and the putas there but if it doesn't reopen for another year or doesn't rebound for a few years, I won't be that upset.

Asia is a very long flight, and I am not a big fan of the jungle heat and humidity 24/7 or the monster cockroaches and monster sized rats.

Colombia is good, its not perfect, my biggest issue is the espanol, not sure how easily I can pick up a new language at my age?

I think Latinas / Latinos are much much nicer people if you ask me then say those in the Land of fake smiles jajajaja.

I am white, I don't think many non sex workers in Asia like whites that much? But I don't get that vibe in Latin America, in fact its the exact opposite.

I feel very very welcome!!As soon as Bangkok and Pattaya in Thailand opens fully back up, I'll be back!

So very different than Colombia for sure, and so exotic and off the wall. I've always had a great time pulling walkers off the street in front of the Nana Plaza in Bangkok and off of Beach road in Pattaya.

The flight is a pain in the ass for sure, but if you go business class not so bad. Other big differences of course are the language, I never have had any issues there as English is widely spoken so that is a big difference with Colombia, and of course it's much safer there as well. And as far Asians in Asia not liking non-Asians, very true indeed.

And the Philippines, well that's a whole different story, probably more like Colombia in some ways, and I've enjoyed myself there as well and will go back as soon as it opens back up as well.

But for now, Medellin is my home base.

07-11-21, 06:03
Thanks again for taking the time to educate and write such extensive replies!Another user here named Orgasmico wrote, "Everything is negotiable. Success depends on you. No one can tell you how successful you will be."

As long as you stay safe, no one else gets hurt, and you can look in the mirror and honestly feel no regrets, then it's all good. Have fun.

Guys here usually say never send a chica money. I took a chance one time and sent a little honey 150 mil COP, a measly 40 bucks. In hindsight, I believe she was telling the truth because no asks for such a small amount of money if they are running a scam. The real reason I believed her, the payoff was there when I flew to see her a week later in Bogota, and her gratefulness was worth five times more than the 150 mil COP I fronted her, and she was one of the hottest chicas I ever banged in my life.

07-11-21, 13:41
Ill be in MDE this Tuesday 6/13/21 (1st time) anyone there and wants to meet up for a cold one and maybe hit some places pm me. I am fluent in espanol.

07-11-21, 13:49
Are you saying the bags of water are safe to drink? I would like to know.

I remember the first time I saw a little bag of water in Medellin, and thinking how strange.Very safe indeed, Coca Cola has a big market share of the bagged water market in Colombia.

Just Incognito
07-11-21, 14:19
Ill be in MDE this Tuesday 6/13/21 (1st time) anyone there and wants to meet up for a cold one and maybe hit some places pm me. I am fluent in espanol.Are you going back in time? June 13th was a month ago.

07-11-21, 16:14
Would it be reasonable to hire a guide to take me to relevant places for a non Spanish speaking gringo. We had something like that in Cuba who would also drive us and negotiate prices. If so does anybody know of a reputable person. Looks like someone in other forums is offering similar services too.Well you could go to "Real City Tours" and take the walking tour which is all in the El Centro area. They have other tours as well.


They have a guide and you will be in a group of some number of people. The tour is in English. You will spend about 4 hours going through the downtown area and learning a lot about the history of Medellin. Best of all they don't charge for the tour but at the end they will ask for a "donation" and I think everyone gives 25-30 mil. I found it interesting and well worth the investment in time and the very inexpensive cost.

07-11-21, 16:25
It's convenient to have a few pesos on hand so you can proceed out of the terminal immediately after you clear customs but $100 in pesos is more than I think anyone needs. The bus into town costs 13,000 pesos. There is free WIFI in the airport. You can use it to order an uber, Didi, or yellow taxi (Coopebombas), all of which accept charge cards. All that aside, the central question I have is what would prevent anyone from using one of the 10 or so ATM machines that are available 24/7 in the terminal?

You should have around $100 in pesos on hand though every time you come to Colombia just to pay for the taxi especially if your flight is delayed late at night and no currency exchange is available.

07-11-21, 16:28
Wanted to know if anyone can recommend few more places other than the usual (New life, energy, loutron, fas dos, la lsia, barra ejecutiva, etc).

I know World 69 map has most of places but any feedback will be appreciated.

And, is there other club other than Gusto that have working girls are available around Parque Lleras?

Read post where some beer club might have some but wanted to confirm.

Will be in Medellin next week so feel free to shoot me a message if anyone wants to grab a beer and try few places.

07-11-21, 16:59
Ill be in MDE this Tuesday 6/13/21 (1st time) anyone there and wants to meet up for a cold one and maybe hit some places pm me. I am fluent in espanol.I think you missed your flight in June (6), LOL.

07-11-21, 17:25
How is knowledge of Spanish more of a concern for you than knowledge of Asian languages? Is English more widely spoken in places you frequent in Asia than it is in Colombia?

You do a great job promoting it jajaja you should get on the payroll for the Plaza Botero Puta Chamber of Commerce jajajaaja.

In any case I spent 6 weeks in Col and I like it, I love Asians P4P scene and the putas there but if it doesn't reopen for another year or doesn't rebound for a few years, I won't be that upset.

Asia is a very long flight, and I am not a big fan of the jungle heat and humidity 24/7 or the monster cockroaches and monster sized rats.

Colombia is good, its not perfect, my biggest issue is the espanol, not sure how easily I can pick up a new language at my age?

Mr Enternational
07-11-21, 17:38
A little more perspective for the guys with sugar babies (not that it will make any difference). Quote from an article on the Colombians responsible for killing the PM of Haiti.

"A former officer in Colombia's army, who asked not to be identified, said that a mercenary who traveled abroad could easily be paid about $2,700 a month, compared with a military salary of about $300 a month even for soldiers with years of combat experience."

07-11-21, 17:49
The current taxi fare is 80,000 pesos to Poblado, I think you meant to say 100,000 Pesos.No 100 dollars = 380,000 at the current rate and that should be enough to get the taxi ride and a few necessities, even if you arrive late and don't want to visit an ATM in the dark hours.

07-11-21, 17:53
A little more perspective for the guys with sugar babies (not that it will make any difference). Quote from an article on the Colombians responsible for killing the PM of Haiti.

"A former officer in Colombia's army, who asked not to be identified, said that a mercenary who traveled abroad could easily be paid about $2,700 a month, compared with a military salary of about $300 a month even for soldiers with years of combat experience."You do not want to get on the bad side of Colombians. They play hardball, as do Mexicans.

Just Incognito
07-11-21, 17:55
If stairs don't bother you, the place I just stayed at might be worth considering. The big downside is that it's on the 5th floor with no elevator. Nice sized balcony, jacuzzi just off the balcony, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. It's in a quiet, safe area at the south end of Envigado. I think it cost me about $60 per night.

The other downside, at least for you, is the lack of security. There is a locked door at the entrance to the building and you can buzz in any guests (which beats going down and back up the stairs). For me, I preferred that because at one point I had 4 girls come over to hangout and eat pizza. Would have sucked to have a security guard tell me I could only have 1 or 2 at a time.

It's listed as La Esencia apartment on Booking.I will look into it.

Found another good option on Air bnb.

Torn on how important security is in the building for me.

07-11-21, 17:59
The office of the mayor of Medellin sponsored a day long cultural event in Plaza Botero. While crawling along my usual paths yesterday I was struck by the high quantity of civilians and the higher than normal quantity of providers. Many of the regulars were forced behind and alongside the church because more than half the plaza was blocked by stages and lighting platforms. A small orchestra and several other bands performed. An artist created a large chalk drawing in the open area between the museum and the Palacio de la Cultura. The weather was pleasant. I can confirm Surfer's observations about the sheer number of girls out, including some new faces. I expect it will be even more noticeable when the stage and performance equipment are gone.

07-11-21, 18:27
And as far Asians in Asia not liking non-Asians, very true indeed..Yes I was in Col for 6 weeks and they are very very nice people, I felt genuinely liked by them and I genuinely liked them in return.

Even if I didn't like the p4 p I'm sure I would still return to visit.

I really need to see the rest of SA (Lima Santiago Argentina Brasil Montevideo Caracas) Punta Del Este anyone??

It depresses me to think about Nana on a Friday or Sat night, I sure hope it survives the Chinese / CCP virus.


Business class to BKK= very smart monger!

07-11-21, 18:36
A little more perspective for the guys with sugar babies (not that it will make any difference). Quote from an article on the Colombians responsible for killing the PM of Haiti.

"A former officer in Colombia's army, who asked not to be identified, said that a mercenary who traveled abroad could easily be paid about $2,700 a month, compared with a military salary of about $300 a month even for soldiers with years of combat experience."And that $300/ month is easily more than the typical Colombian makes.

07-11-21, 19:15
No 100 dollars = 380,000 at the current rate and that should be enough to get the taxi ride and a few necessities, even if you arrive late and don't want to visit an ATM in the dark hours.Actually 380,000 COP will get you ten fucks including the room in El Centro, but after deducting 80,000 COP for the taxi ride your down to nine fucks, or perhaps I should say the "necessities".

07-11-21, 19:21
Is English more widely spoken in places you frequent in Asia than it is in Colombia?In Thailand the majority of the working women speak English. I have never ever had an issue there related to not being able to communicate with people, versus here in Medellin and struggling at times trying to understand.

07-11-21, 19:23
The price of cop is dropping nicely.

Does anyone know of a cost effective way to buy cop online and have it delivered FedEx to your casa in USA?

I looked at Chase Citi and BofA and some BS online currency services but the rates are all shitty.

I would like to get 5000-10000 usd its getting close to 4000.No one can predict the future, but in all likelihood, the Col Peso will continue to weaken in the near future. The country is in desperate condition. I'd be more worried about things devolving back to the violence pre-2000 than about the currency strengthening.

Between trips, I wouldn't hold more than 100 mil or so Pesos.

07-11-21, 19:38
The office of the mayor of Medellin sponsored a day long cultural event in Plaza Botero. While crawling along my usual paths yesterday I was struck by the high quantity of civilians and the higher than normal quantity of providers. Many of the regulars were forced behind and alongside the church because more than half the plaza was blocked by stages and lighting platforms. A small orchestra and several other bands performed. An artist created a large chalk drawing in the open area between the museum and the Palacio de la Cultura. The weather was pleasant. I can confirm Surfer's observations about the sheer number of girls out, including some new faces. I expect it will be even more noticeable when the stage and performance equipment are gone.https://feastio.com/best-restaurants-medellin/

How about the Mercado Del Rio?

07-11-21, 19:46
No one can predict the future, but in all likelihood, the Col Peso will continue to weaken in the near future. The country is in desperate condition. I'd be more worried about things devolving back to the violence pre-2000 than about the currency strengthening.

Between trips, I wouldn't hold more than 100 mil or so Pesos.But I have more than 100 mil in my wallet and I'm in Chicago jajaja.

I have lots of foreign cash in my desk, Russian, Euros, Thb PHP MEX COP.

I think its cheaper to save it for a next visit then to pay to cash it back after you just paid to switch it.

Best to wait until one thinks the COP has hit bottom then buy a bunch.

If I lived there I would get 50-100 kusd when that happens jajajaja.

And just redeposit it like Surf suggests.

Silver Turtle
07-11-21, 20:15
How about the security condition there? I saw several videos showing that 4-10 punk kids chalking and attacking pedestrians, including olds and women, to steal $2-10. Other people, 20-50 people, did nothing and they were just watching the robberies. I don't know if one victim got killed or not. My friends who live at the Botero area witnessed the robberies in the videos and told me that there are many robberies days and nights now.

Since I've been diagnosed on this board with Dunning Krueger syndrome, along with others, I'm having difficulty comprehending what I have been observing over the last four days being at ground zero most days from about 10 AM until 7 PM. Before the arrival of the Venezuelans, there were few if any girls out working in the mornings, now there's quite a few out at 10 AM, and primarily Venezuelans.

On Tuesday I went with one of my new spinners, a Colombiana, who has only been working for three months in El Centro. Compared to all the other girls working the streets I would peg her at in the lower bracket of the upper third of Chicas beauty wise working the streets, when I took her, she was happy, but very sad telling me how hard it was to get clients, and how the Venezuelans where driving the prices down. She also said that she has noticed a large increase in the amount of girls working over the last three months which has also been noticed by others as evidenced by the herds and groupies of girls, primarily the Venezuelans..

07-11-21, 20:40
I'm thinking back to the guys who stocked up on pesos last year when the rate went from 3000 to 3500. About 10 days later it was 4400.

I'm not the ISG investment guru, but it seems like a bad investment to me. Sure you might get a better rate today than you can get next year, but even if you do, you've lost the use of that capital until you manage to spend enough time in Colombia to go through a ridiculous amount of pesos. $5,000-$10,000 worth? I just spent 23 days, rented a car for 12 days, spent 11 extra days in an expensive airport hotel, and splurged when hanging out with my friends, plus encountered about $700 of other unexpected costs and still spent less than $3500.

Then there's the risk. Personally I'm uncomfortable carrying around enough cash for a Colombian to buy 2 houses.

If I was tight with my money, never overpaying, and all that, I could easily stretch $5,000 to last 2 months, probably 3.Great advice as always. It may seem cheap now, but it can get cheaper; seems to be the pattern in Latin America: Venezuela - Argentina - Colombia (next)? The government would likely have to print more money which will devalue the currency further. I read somewhere that only 1.6 m Colombians pay income taxes out of a population of 50 m.

Mr Enternational
07-11-21, 20:40
How is knowledge of Spanish more of a concern for you than knowledge of Asian languages? Is English more widely spoken in places you frequent in Asia than it is in Colombia?English is definitely more widely spoken in Asia than in Colombia. You would have to go well off the beaten tourist path in Asia to be desperate to know what someone was saying.

Funny thing that happens to me a lot. When I am somewhere that I speak the local language I guess people look at me and assume I do not. Because when I start talking to them in Spanish or Thai or Portuguese or French, the first thing they say is I don't speak English. I will say but I am speaking in Spanish, etc. They are not listening for me to speak their language, they are just waiting for their turn to say they do not speak what they assume to be mine.

07-11-21, 20:41
But I have more than 100 mil in my wallet and I'm in Chicago jajaja.

I have lots of foreign cash in my desk, Russian, Euros, Thb PHP MEX COP.

I think its cheaper to save it for a next visit then to pay to cash it back after you just paid to switch it.

Best to wait until one thinks the COP has hit bottom then buy a bunch.

If I lived there I would get 50-100 kusd when that happens jajajaja.

And just redeposit it like Surf suggests.Agreed. I just threw out 100 k as a general minimal amount. I certainly don't cash out my FX back into USD when returning to the US, so I have odd amounts of Col Peso, Brasilian Real, etc.

Good luck calling a bottom (or top) in any currency, stock, or other asset.

I'm also in and from Chicago.

07-11-21, 20:44
Very safe indeed, Coca Cola has a big market share of the bagged water market in Colombia.Probably it was the drugs, jaja.

I posted the first photo earlier writing that this chica from Cali had as good a body and sweet pussy as I have ever pressed but the original foto didn't show her boobs. Then I stumbled across these two photos of her spectacular boobs. Her face is cute, a solid 7, but dayummm, her body and her pussy were a 9.5. Unfortunately, she is the craziest girl I've ever banged in Colombia to the point of being unstable so no plans to repeat. Depends how horny I get for that body and pussy. She asked me to fly her to MDE a bunch of times. I have her blocked now because all her communications degraded into tirades, but we have been thru several cycles of that over the past two years. Always interesting to learn about oneself and how much I will put up with for some exceptional poontang, jaja.

That's a vanilla soft serve ice cream cone in her hand in the one photo.

The Highlander
07-11-21, 20:47
I know I'm not Brad Pitt but it annoys me when girl takes her phone out to arrange her other appointments. I'm thinking then inside my head: WTF wait till our session is over. I never say anything, I don't know if it's worth it.

07-11-21, 20:50
Has anyone been to adult movie theaters and gotten to have sex or fool around with a girl? I'm thinking of bringing a friend and was curious if I could have sex in the theater.

I asked her about regular movie theaters and she said they have cameras watching.

John Clayton
07-11-21, 20:52
Has anyone been to adult movie theaters and gotten to have sex or fool around with a girl? ...Do they even exist?

07-11-21, 21:04
I think you missed your flight in June (6), LOL.LMA0. I ment July 13th.

07-11-21, 21:57
As soon as Bangkok and Pattaya in Thailand opens fully back up, I'll be back!"Flight booked for Medellin! This is going to improve my mood by leaps and bounds. Before I discovered Medellin, I was aiming for SE Asia, Cambodia or Laos (Thailand is great place to visit, but the time to move there has passed). The girls, the lifestyle, the cost of living are about the same in Colombia and SE Asia. Well, the Colombian and Venezuelan girls are way better looking in the face, and if big boobs and asses are your thang, those are harder to find in SE Asia. The other HUGE differences are travel time, cost of travel, and language. I will leave here at 7 AM and have boots on the ground in Medellin by 1 PM, for 20 K freq flier miles. And learning Spanish is a helluva lot easier than any Asian language. However, a lot more English is spoken in Thailand than in Colombia, not as sure about Cambodia, I never got embedded. And it takes two days get there, and tons of jet lag. Medellin is in the same time zone as us, and when I am not using freq flier miles, tickets are in the low hundreds, not thousands".

Gratuitous fotos.

07-11-21, 22:07
If you don't speak Spanish, an English speaking guide with a car is a good way to see the sights (maybe not negotiate as much as safely get you places). Most normal Colombians are decent people. And most Colombian males have no problem with our hobby.

There is a list in the "Medellin Guides. " section (surprise surprise). I personally like Jimmy (a former NYC cabbie) although it's been many years since I used him.

When you're done, WRITE A REPORT. You owe us now.Thank you.

07-12-21, 04:14

How about the Mercado Del Rio?The restaurants at Mercado del Río are pretty good, but nothing spectacular. There's also Mercado de Tranvía up the hill from El Centro. Same owners, similar restaurants. Just take the Tranvía from the San Antonio station.

07-12-21, 04:23
Do they even exist?There was one in Bogota. I don't know if it's still there.

07-12-21, 05:18
Has anyone been to adult movie theaters and gotten to have sex or fool around with a girl? I'm thinking of bringing a friend and was curious if I could have sex in the theater.

I asked her about regular movie theaters and she said they have cameras watching.Not in Medellin, but I did it once in a regular movie theater in the US with a sugar baby. It was our first date. The place wasn't full, and there was no one with in 4 seats of us to sides. She put her jacket in her lap and I finger fucked her and made her cum. After the movie, she blew me in the car and swallowed the load. It was pretty exciting with the fear of getting caught. LOL.

07-12-21, 05:55
How about the security condition there? I saw several videos showing that 4-10 punk kids chalking and attacking pedestrians, including olds and women, to steal $2-10. Other people, 20-50 people, did nothing and they were just watching the robberies. I don't know if one victim got killed or not. My friends who live at the Botero area witnessed the robberies in the videos and told me that there are many robberies days and nights now.That area is a major tourist attraction. It should be safe if you see many tourists and police around unless you standout for some reason to make people target you. If you don't see police and is not sure, then it is better to leave the area.

I think the situation you mention is when the police were not there during the protest period. Some robbers were caught recently, the mayor had an announcement out a few days ago.

07-12-21, 06:31
Do they even exist?It does in Bangkok but it is filthy.

07-12-21, 06:33
In Thailand the majority of the working women speak English. I have never ever had an issue there related to not being able to communicate with people, versus here in Medellin and struggling at times trying to understand.I met one who did not speak English and the first sentence she spoke after entering my room was "I don't speak English" in English. And I replied that "I don't speak Thai" in Thai back to her. haha

07-12-21, 14:13
Thanks for that, I had no way to know. I might be the only member of this forum who has been to Thailand but has never been with a provider there. It was years ago but the frustration still lingers. It was the only time I could not get away from colleagues during a business trip long enough to have some fun.

In Thailand the majority of the working women speak English. I have never ever had an issue there related to not being able to communicate with people, versus here in Medellin and struggling at times trying to understand.

Just Incognito
07-12-21, 15:38
Found a girl on Facebook: Dulce Miel (Sweet Honey). Amazing body. Almost too good to be true. We've been messaging. Anyone have any inside intel. On her?

07-12-21, 16:21
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

07-12-21, 16:42
r. I read somewhere that only 1.6 m Colombians pay income taxes out of a population of 50 m.And of the ones that do pay income taxes, most lie and cheat about their income and expenses because the taxation rates are so high. DIAN, the Colombian governments equivalent to the IRS levies a 35% tax, as an example, on income properties of the net profits after all expenses. Hence the property owners lie about what the expenses and income are, and a good Colombian accountant will know how to play within the DIAN system, knowing what type of percentages within a range that DIAN would be looking for in taxes. DIAN also has "wealth tax" adding more taxes on those individuals with a net worth as measured by their criteria for anyone worth more than 5 Billion pesos. And as far as those who pay no income taxes, meaning basically every single Colombian, they are all hit with the IVA tax on consumption items that Dugue tried to change besides other things resulting in all the upheavels in the Country.

07-12-21, 17:21
I've never stayed at the mansion but thinking about it for my next trip. A couple questions. At the pool, are the girls allowed to go topless or naked? Can guests play with the girls at the pool or do you have to conduct any sex acts in the room?

Nil Admirari
07-12-21, 18:28
I've never stayed at the mansion but thinking about it for my next trip. A couple questions. At the pool, are the girls allowed to go topless or naked? Can guests play with the girls at the pool or do you have to conduct any sex acts in the room?I regret to report that (at least during my 5 day stay at the Mansion back in early 2020), behavior poolside was pretty sedate. From at least late morning on, one would usually find 4 to 8 guys / gals seated on comfortable benches grouped facing each other in a shaded corner of the modest -sized patio in which the pool itself is located. A comfortable, relaxed setting for chatting up a few working girls, but no nudity (partial or full) or even public making-out that I can recall. One would normally have to take a chica aside elsewhere (E. G the adjoining lobby area) for a private conversation about prices and services. The pool itself is small and barebones, and I don't remember seeing anyone making the plunge.

Perhaps another BM who has stayed there had a different experience and can provide a more encouraging response to your query.

Charm City Dave
07-12-21, 20:30
I've never stayed at the mansion but thinking about it for my next trip. A couple questions. At the pool, are the girls allowed to go topless or naked? Can guests play with the girls at the pool or do you have to conduct any sex acts in the room?There is no nudity at the pool. They get complaints from the neighbors as it is. At night in the bar there will be strip shows and some girls will sometimes get a little more wild, especially if guys are tipping them to do so.

07-12-21, 21:16
Hey gents,

Going to Medellin on Thursday and besides my usual routine (Lleras girls, El Centro, and strip clubs) I would like to explore non-pro and semi-pro scenes. I'm working a couple of Tinder girls, but we all know how flaky they are, so two girls is nothing. My Spanish is extremely limited but it won't stop me LOL. I will be staying in Laureles this time. So what are my options besides Tinder? Any bars / clubs / malls / parks / etc with non-pros you would recommend? Tinder tips would also be appreciated.


07-12-21, 21:29
Found a girl on Facebook: Dulce Miel (Sweet Honey). Amazing body. Almost too good to be true. We've been messaging. Anyone have any inside intel. On her?She's just a scammer trying to get guys to send her money. Her Facebook story every day is 1 picture, 1 screen that asks who can do her a favor at the Olimpico supermarket and 1 screen that says "I need money. " There is another girl, although I don't recall her name who posts the same thing (with picture of a different girl). I tried more than a year ago to get a video call or a specific picture which would prove who I was talking to, with no luck.

That makes me believe that both girls are just a collection of pictures some guy is using to get gringos to send him money.

Husker Dude
07-12-21, 21:44
I regret to report that (at least during my 5 day stay at the Mansion back in early 2020), behavior poolside was pretty sedate. From at least late morning on, one would usually find 4 to 8 guys / gals seated on comfortable benches grouped facing each other in a shaded corner of the modest -sized patio in which the pool itself is located. A comfortable, relaxed setting for chatting up a few working girls, but no nudity (partial or full) or even public making-out that I can recall. One would normally have to take a chica aside elsewhere (E. G the adjoining lobby area) for a private conversation about prices and services. The pool itself is small and barebones, and I don't remember seeing anyone making the plunge.

Perhaps another BM who has stayed there had a different experience and can provide a more encouraging response to your query.You are absolutely correct with your statements. I was there in Jan 2021 & again just last week for the 4th July party. No nudity at the pool at all. The water is too cold for most everyone to get in the water anyways. The bar at the pool is finished and is open about noon til 6 pm.

07-12-21, 22:37
How is knowledge of Spanish more of a concern for you than knowledge of Asian languages? Is English more widely spoken in places you frequent in Asia than it is in Colombia?In BKK I spent 10 weeks and I think I met one puta that didn't speak any English, most people speak at least 10-20% fluency.

In the Philippines English is an official language and it would be tough to find someone in the cities that didn't speak English.

You would have to head deep into the provinces IMO.

Its like in Germany maybe 95% of the putas are Romanian and they are about 99% fluent in ingles.

I met 1 in 10 weeks of FKK Sodom and Gomorrah fucking that spoke zero ingles.

Tijuana and Cancun is doable, they speak just enough to get your money, maybe 10-20% fluency.

In Russia I spent 5 weeks and didn't meet 1 puta that knew 1 damn word of ingles BTW Colombia isn't any better.

Since this topic came up, can anyone say where putas speak English a lot and where they don't? Mr E? How about Rio?

Lima? Argentina? Sao Paulo? Santiago?

Mojo Bandit
07-12-21, 23:12
Hey gents,
I would like to explore non-pro and semi-pro scenes.... So what are my options besides Tinder? Colombiancupid DOT com Lots of semi pros, I have had a few that just looking for a one time score even, you just need to work the conversation in that direction. "I am not looking for a serious relationship but I will help you. Blah blah blah" and set some boundaries so you do not present yourself as an ATM machine. Seeking Arrangements DOT Com, state what you expect and what you are willing to give, again set your boundaries.

07-13-21, 00:02
I've never stayed at the mansion but thinking about it for my next trip. A couple questions. At the pool, are the girls allowed to go topless or naked? Can guests play with the girls at the pool or do you have to conduct any sex acts in the room?No chicas in bikinis splashing around the pool. In fact it's very rare that anyone even goes in the pool as the water is beyond ice cold. Morever, the whole area by the pool is covered so there is no sunlight.

Guys sit around a table chatting and the girls generally wear jeans. The pool is useless, other than for pictures on the website.

That said, if you want a nice pool, you can walk up the hill to el Castillo (their other house) and use that pool which IMO is quite nice. But it's unlikely there will be any girls hanging out. I generally head up there at least once every visit to enjoy a swim.

07-13-21, 01:23
No chicas in bikinis splashing around the pool. In fact it's very rare that anyone even goes in the pool as the water is beyond ice cold. Morever, the whole area by the pool is covered so there is no sunlight.

Guys sit around a table chatting and the girls generally wear jeans. The pool is useless, other than for pictures on the website.

That said, if you want a nice pool, you can walk up the hill to el Castillo (their other house) and use that pool which IMO is quite nice. But it's unlikely there will be any girls hanging out. I generally head up there at least once every visit to enjoy a swim.For 10 weeks, fucking every single day.

I think he wants Oase, go there ASAP the pool is awesome, I would be in the pool naked with 10 very very hot girls ages 18-19 all naked, playing with a beach ball.

You can fuck any one you want, or all of them at once, you can fuck every puta in the place non stop.

In the pool, on the grass in the hot tub, everywhere and anywhere you want.

I hit several FKKs they are similar but also very different.

I went to do 50 putas for my 50th bday, I had to fly home after 6 weeks for a couple minutes and I flew right back jajaja.

It was good bday gift to myself.

Would I do it again? Probably not.

I'm German but not the biggest fan of Germany, I love BKK, surf called it exotic and off the wall, jajaja.

That's a great way to put it, I love Latinas as well.

FKK doesn't have a lot of Deustch putas, they are mostly Romanian gypsies.

Some are hot and very sweet, many are mercenary savages LOL.

But everyone should check it out at least once YOLO.

07-13-21, 01:28
Found a girl on Facebook: Dulce Miel (Sweet Honey). Amazing body. Almost too good to be true. We've been messaging. Anyone have any inside intel. On her?I think she told me she was in Armenia not Medellin a while ago.

07-13-21, 02:53
I am here on the beach on the east coast of Florida for a week. I love coming here to relax, enjoy some seafood, and be right on the beach (which is how I grew up). Today I took a walk on the beach. I admit that it was overcast, so not sunbathing weather. But I was horrified at what I saw. Fat, fat, and more fat. Disgustingly fat. I'm fat too, but at least I have muscular legs and shoulders and don't have that huge beer gut (and I'm talking about women and men here! White, black, hispanic. So many fat. Even the kids are often fat. And the white folks are WHITE. Granted, this is a tourist town and being a Monday, these folks are not local. And because the sun was not out, the typical young local chicas who would normally be tanning were not here today. I thank my lucky stars that I have the time and Money to go to Medellin regularly. Young, hot chicas giving great service.

And a comment about Tinder. I have been "using" it on and off for a few years. What a waste of time! I get lost of messages from the younger chicas (18-24) and, of course, they want more money than I will pay (I laugh and tell them that I've been going to Medellin for 16 years and would never pay what the short-timers or newbies pay). I can count on one hand the number of Tinder chicas I've actually seen in person and most all have been a disappointed. I set my age range from 18-40. And I am sometimes impressed with the chicas in their 30's. But when I message them, they usually do not respond. I imagine they are looking for something more serious and assume that since I'm a gringo, I just want sex. I still swipe from time to time just to see who's one (see a lot of my FB friends on their also), but as far as being something that has yielded a lot of great experiences. Waste of time. If you don't have the time, stick to Centro, FB, casas, or strip clubs (depending on what you like and how much you want to spend) and skip Tinder.

07-13-21, 03:05
...Since this topic came up, can anyone say where putas speak English a lot and where they don't? Mr E? How about Rio? Lima? Argentina? Sao Paulo? Santiago?I think you listed all the places around the world where English is spoken to a varying degree by working girls. I may add Dubai to that list.

IMO, Rio, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires are all like Colombia, I. E. Very little English. I have not been to Lima yet but I assume it's the same deal, no English.

07-13-21, 03:21
I think she told me she was in Armenia not Medellin a while ago.If it's a she.

07-13-21, 03:59
I think you listed all the places around the world where English is spoken to a varying degree by working girls. I may add Dubai to that list.

IMO, Rio, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires are all like Colombia, I. E. Very little English. I have not been to Lima yet but I assume it's the same deal, no English.Montreal, no Ingles.

07-13-21, 04:08
Hey guys,

I've been researching but I'm still not quite set on a mongering budget, do you reckon 2 K USD (Flights and accommodation aside ofc) would be doable? BTW I plan on girl a day in centro area as I'll be staying at Nutibara.

Also, it would be helpful to disclose how much you guys budget too, thanks!

Just Incognito
07-13-21, 04:50
She's just a scammer trying to get guys to send her money. Her Facebook story every day is 1 picture, 1 screen that asks who can do her a favor at the Olimpico supermarket and 1 screen that says "I need money. " There is another girl, although I don't recall her name who posts the same thing (with picture of a different girl). I tried more than a year ago to get a video call or a specific picture which would prove who I was talking to, with no luck.

That makes me believe that both girls are just a collection of pictures some guy is using to get gringos to send him money.When she messaged me that's why I asked about her--my spidey senses knew to stay away.

I'm sticking with my known stable LOL.

07-13-21, 06:41
Colombiancupid DOT com Lots of semi pros, I have had a few that just looking for a one time score even, you just need to work the conversation in that direction. "I am not looking for a serious relationship but I will help you. Blah blah blah" and set some boundaries so you do not present yourself as an ATM machine. Seeking Arrangements DOT Com, state what you expect and what you are willing to give, again set your boundaries.All women are either pros or semi-pros.

Lucky Nuts
07-13-21, 06:51
I think she told me she was in Armenia not Medellin a while ago.Ditto. Told me she lives in Armenia which is a couple hours south of Medellin.

07-13-21, 06:52
I think you listed all the places around the world where English is spoken to a varying degree by working girls. I may add Dubai to that list.

IMO, Rio, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires are all like Colombia, I. E. Very little English. I have not been to Lima yet but I assume it's the same deal, no English.Costa Ricans for the most part are fluent in English. P4P costs a lot more than Colombia tho.

Mojo Bandit
07-13-21, 08:50
Found a girl on Facebook: Dulce Miel (Sweet Honey). Amazing body. Almost too good to be true. We've been messaging. Anyone have any inside intel. On her?

Not almost too good to be true. Completely too good to be true!

I messaged with her a little a couple years ago. Once I get her on Whatsapp she tried to hit me up for money. Sent me a photo of an empty refrigerator saying her kid was starving, blah blah. (by then I just smelled the scam of course, none of her photos look like Colombia and girls that look like that are rarely lacking work) I brought her to the boards attention like you because I wanted her to be real LOL.

Then I did some Google Image searches if her photos and found images of her scattered on various pages. If you do a google image search of the photo of her ass where "she" is laying on the beach and you cannot see her face and there are a lot of tall buildings and some mountains in the background. That photo search pulls a few dozen copies of that photo from various sites, when I google searched the one where she is in pigtails and looked at 'similar images' I saw the one that is exactly the same and that took me to the Twitter page of "Laury Dyva" AKA Laura Rodriguez.

I do not know who we talk to on messenger but I am fairly sure that the girl in photos is in Paraguay.



http://www.epa.com.py/2020/03/05/laurys-diva-ahora-si-puedo-decir-que-soy-oficialmente-la-reina-de-instagram-en-paraguay/ (a short video of her talking included here).

I am posting her FB link because the girl essentially tried to scam me a couple of years ago. And the photos are not her, unless you are talking to a different Sweet Honey

07-13-21, 12:21
Its like in Germany maybe 95% of the putas are Romanian and they are about 99% fluent in ingles.
I found your info accurate except this made me wonder what Germany you went to. I put 2000 km on the rental car driving to the far corners of that country for pussy, and if there was one common theme, it was Romanian women confused as all fuck as to what the hell I was doing there when I can't speak a word of German. They expected me to know at least the basics like to ask for water or say numbers, as they treated English as no less aliens than Mandarin.

I did get good service though, like, i had zero complaints which is supposed to be the opposite of what most say to expect from Romanians

07-13-21, 13:30
I found your info accurate except this made me wonder what Germany you went to. I put 2000 km on the rental car driving to the far corners of that country for pussy, and if there was one common theme, it was Romanian women confused as all fuck as to what the hell I was doing there when I can't speak a word of German. They expected me to know at least the basics like to ask for water or say numbers, as they treated English as no less aliens than Mandarin.

I did get good service though, like, i had zero complaints which is supposed to be the opposite of what most say to expect from RomaniansWhat clubs did you go to?

Did you spend time in the Frankfurt clubs? How about NRW?

07-13-21, 17:22
Montreal, no Ingles.I mongered in Montreal and Quebec. From my recollection, in Montreal folks spoke English when they wanted to, I. E. Trying to sell you something. Quebec not so much, where I got the feeling that they refuse to speak that language with foreigners. The funny part is that I speak French yet I had a hard time understanding the folks in Quebec. Their French is so old and their accent so different.

07-13-21, 18:06
Hey guys,

I've been researching but I'm still not quite set on a mongering budget, do you reckon 2 K USD (Flights and accommodation aside ofc) would be doable? BTW I plan on girl a day in centro area as I'll be staying at Nutibara.

Also, it would be helpful to disclose how much you guys budget too, thanks!My standard budget is $100 per day plus airfare and lodging. I rarely spend that much and some days I spend less than $20. However, I'd much rather get towards the end of my stay and have plenty left over than to have to watch every peso for the last week just to have enough left to get to the airport.

07-13-21, 18:15
Ditto. Told me she lives in Armenia which is a couple hours south of Medellin.Ten hours south of Medellin.

07-13-21, 18:26
So I decided to try out a Hotel in Poblado as a change up to the Zona Rosa in El Centro. Right now many of the Hotels in Medellin, and I am not talking about the Love Hotels in El Centro, have been heavily discounting their pricing, especially in Poblado. So on Sunday I decided to treat one of my Chicas to an afternoon / evening / morning in Poblado at a Hotel and started searching on booking. I found the Dann Carlton on Avenida Poblado a few blocks down from Calle 10, and very close to Parque Poblado and a few blocks from Lleras. For $ 46 USD I got a room with a king size bed, a nice view, and breakfast for two. The room was nicely appointed, big flat screen, comfy bed with lots of pillows and a good height for doggie as you can stand up at the end of the bed and prop your Chica up with pillows to get the perfect elevation! Nice pool area and they had a sauna as well, with beers at 10 K poolside. I don't now if this is really a Chica friendly hotel or not as I checked in with my Chica, and didn't see any other mongers there. For dinner I went to the Indian restaurant named Zaaika right around the corner on Calle 8 which is the best Indian restaurant in town as far as I am concerned and open on Sundays as well. As an alternative to taking a Chica out of town, this Hotel had a large pool, a heated Jacuzzi, and a steam room. And there are other Hotels in Poblado that do as well. Chicas love hanging at pools, so instead of the hassle of travelling on a bus out of town, it doesn't get much cheaper than this with all the amenities of a resort out of town.

Just Incognito
07-13-21, 18:44
Not almost too good to be true. Completely too good to be true!

I messaged with her a little a couple years ago. Once I get her on Whatsapp she tried to hit me up for money. Sent me a photo of an empty refrigerator saying her kid was starving, blah blah. (by then I just smelled the scam of course, none of her photos look like Colombia and girls that look like that are rarely lacking work) I brought her to the boards attention like you because I wanted her to be real LOL.

Then I did some Google Image searches if her photos and found images of her scattered on various pages. If you do a google image search of the photo of her ass where "she" is laying on the beach and you cannot see her face and there are a lot of tall buildings and some mountains in the background. That photo search pulls a few dozen copies of that photo from various sites, when I google searched the one where she is in pigtails and looked at 'similar images' I saw the one that is exactly the same and that took me to the Twitter page of "Laury Dyva" AKA Laura Rodriguez..It took one reply from her to get my spidey senses buzzing. Something seemed off. Then she messaged me again and I posted here. She is now deleted and blocked for me. I had a feeling-it doesn't take too long to be able to sense the BS from the real.

Now, everyone here should know.

I'll be sticking with my stable and their friends instead of new FB chicas for this trip LOL.

Thanks for the information and the confirmation of my suspicions.

Mr Enternational
07-13-21, 19:22
I mongered in Montreal and Quebec. But Montreal is in Quebec. Unless you mean Quebec City.

Lucky Nuts
07-13-21, 19:24
Ten hours south of Medellin.Well it's 163 miles or 263 kms. I suppose the time to travel it depends on your mode of transportation.

John Clayton
07-13-21, 19:27
Well it's 163 miles or 263 kms. I suppose the time to travel it depends on your mode of transportation.It's a twisty road!

07-13-21, 21:08
I have stayed at the Dann Carlton Belfort a few times. I register for two guests. So my first girl each day was free, but if you have a second girl on the same day, the charge was 99 mil. The first girl each day did not have to be the same one.

So I decided to try out a Hotel in Poblado as a change up to the Zona Rosa in El Centro. Right now many of the Hotels in Medellin, and I am not talking about the Love Hotels in El Centro, have been heavily discounting their pricing, especially in Poblado. So on Sunday I decided to treat one of my Chicas to an afternoon / evening / morning in Poblado at a Hotel and started searching on booking. I found the Dann Carlton on Avenida Poblado a few blocks down from Calle 10, and very close to Parque Poblado and a few blocks from Lleras. For $ 46 USD I got a room with a king size bed, a nice view, and breakfast for two. The room was nicely appointed, big flat screen, comfy bed with lots of pillows and a good height for doggie as you can stand up at the end of the bed and prop your Chica up with pillows to get the perfect elevation! Nice pool area and they had a sauna as well, with beers at 10 K poolside. I don't now if this is really a Chica friendly hotel or not as I checked in with my Chica, and didn't see any other mongers there. For dinner I went to the Indian restaurant named Zaaika right around the corner on Calle 8 which is the best Indian restaurant in town as far as I am concerned and open on Sundays as well. As an alternative to taking a Chica out of town, this Hotel had a large pool, a heated Jacuzzi, and a steam room. And there are other Hotels in Poblado that do as well. Chicas love hanging at pools, so instead of the hassle of travelling on a bus out of town, it doesn't get much cheaper than this with all the amenities of a resort out of town.

07-13-21, 21:43
A Montreal rock club that was very popular during the 1990's was called "Foufounes Electricques". It's not a name that would work in France.

I mongered in Montreal and Quebec. From my recollection, in Montreal folks spoke English when they wanted to, I. E. Trying to sell you something. Quebec not so much, where I got the feeling that they refuse to speak that language with foreigners. The funny part is that I speak French yet I had a hard time understanding the folks in Quebec. Their French is so old and their accent so different.

07-13-21, 21:45
Hey guys,

I've been researching but I'm still not quite set on a mongering budget, do you reckon 2 K USD (Flights and accommodation aside ofc) would be doable? BTW I plan on girl a day in centro area as I'll be staying at Nutibara.

Also, it would be helpful to disclose how much you guys budget too, thanks!$2,000/30=$66 a day.

That will feed you and get a Centro girl a day for sure.

My budget is usually $200 a day but I like to shop, eat at some nicer restaurants and hit also hit the Hi end strip clubs and the centro clubs and avg 2.5+- girls a day + some day trips / over night girls but I am only there for 6 days usually.

07-13-21, 21:48
You know I might just try this for a change of pace. I fully agree about Zaaika also. They give nice size portions too.

So I decided to try out a Hotel in Poblado as a change up to the Zona Rosa in El Centro. Right now many of the Hotels in Medellin, and I am not talking about the Love Hotels in El Centro, have been heavily discounting their pricing, especially in Poblado. So on Sunday I decided to treat one of my Chicas to an afternoon / evening / morning in Poblado at a Hotel and started searching on booking. I found the Dann Carlton on Avenida Poblado a few blocks down from Calle 10, and very close to Parque Poblado and a few blocks from Lleras. For $ 46 USD I got a room with a king size bed, a nice view, and breakfast for two. The room was nicely appointed, big flat screen, comfy bed with lots of pillows and a good height for doggie as you can stand up at the end of the bed and prop your Chica up with pillows to get the perfect elevation! Nice pool area and they had a sauna as well, with beers at 10 K poolside. I don't now if this is really a Chica friendly hotel or not as I checked in with my Chica, and didn't see any other mongers there. For dinner I went to the Indian restaurant named Zaaika right around the corner on Calle 8 which is the best Indian restaurant in town as far as I am concerned and open on Sundays as well. As an alternative to taking a Chica out of town, this Hotel had a large pool, a heated Jacuzzi, and a steam room. And there are other Hotels in Poblado that do as well. Chicas love hanging at pools, so instead of the hassle of travelling on a bus out of town, it doesn't get much cheaper than this with all the amenities of a resort out of town.

Just Incognito
07-13-21, 22:44
You know I might just try this for a change of pace. I fully agree about Zaaika also. They give nice size portions too.I love Zaaika. Great food. Fair price.

I have stayed at a nice enough place in Poblado a few times in the last few years. Some places have full kitchens, balconies, security and about 600 sq feet of space for like 40 bucks a night now. Check out Affinity Aparta Hotel for example.

I think Dan Carlton is no chica fee in the day, but like 30 or 40 bucks if she is there after 9 or 10 pm. I think that's how several of the Poblado hotels are. Makes sense since if a girl is there in the night she is more likely to use things like towels / soaps and other amenities the hotel is paying for, hence the chica fee only at night.

07-13-21, 23:33
I had to postpone my trip 1 week due to some personal issues. I will be there next week starting Monday July 19. My first trip there. If there is anyone that wants to meet up and go have some cold ones and have some fun, send me a pm.

07-13-21, 23:33
Question for this August for MDE (and Pereira, Manizales, coffee area): Is there still a curfew or 'pico' regime? Which major public and hobby venues are closed, if any? Will the annual Flower Festival take place in person? (it has been reported that 'yes' 12th to 20th of the month; however, I can't find a schedule or see a confirmation to this fair). Overall I want to access if things have returned to normalcy (pandemic wise) or have not yet.

07-13-21, 23:43
Well it's 163 miles or 263 kms. I suppose the time to travel it depends on your mode of transportation.Depending on whether or not Google Maps decides to take a detour off road, it's a solid 8 hours.

07-13-21, 23:44
Question for this August for MDE (and Pereira, Manizales, coffee area): Is there still a curfew or 'pico' regime? Which major public and hobby venues are closed, if any? Will the annual Flower Festival take place in person? (it has been reported that 'yes' 12th to 20th of the month; however, I can't find a schedule or see a confirmation to this fair). Overall I want to access if things have returned to normalcy (pandemic wise) or have not yet.Here's your confirmation. https://www.alertapaisa.com/noticias/valle-de-aburra/la-feria-de-las-flores-2021-no-tendra-restricciones-y-se-realizar-con.

07-13-21, 23:46
Well it's 163 miles or 263 kms. I suppose the time to travel it depends on your mode of transportation.I don't know how long it's been since you've driven it, but it took me 8 hours to get from Pereira to Medellin due to massive construction. Google maps still shows it as being under construction and taking 8 hours. Maybe you know a better route?

07-13-21, 23:48
Well it's 163 miles or 263 kms. I suppose the time to travel it depends on your mode of transportation.LOL. You can't drive in Colombia like you do in Missouri. Just because something in only 263 klicks away doesn't mean you can get there driving a steady 70 mph. It's like driving the backroads of Colorado. Figure an average of 35 mph.

07-13-21, 23:53
Question for this August for MDE (and Pereira, Manizales, coffee area): Is there still a curfew or 'pico' regime? Which major public and hobby venues are closed, if any? Will the annual Flower Festival take place in person? (it has been reported that 'yes' 12th to 20th of the month; however, I can't find a schedule or see a confirmation to this fair). Overall I want to access if things have returned to normalcy (pandemic wise) or have not yet.My experience, although it was truncated by Covid, is that mostly things have returned to normal as compared to last November. Almost no place is checking customer temperatures, only a few places require you to use hand sanitizer and less people are wearing masks. The crowds are still not fully returned to Parque Lleras, but it's open late. The Pico and cédula is gone along with the curfew and, while masks are still the norm it's a little more relaxed now.

There are a lot of businesses around Parque Lleras which have closed and not reopened, the same is likely true other places around the city. Overall I'd say it's about 80% back.

I drove through Pereira, but didn't stop. It looked like there were a lot of people out after 8 pm on a Thursday night.

07-14-21, 00:17
Hey guys,

I've been researching but I'm still not quite set on a mongering budget, do you reckon 2 K USD (Flights and accommodation aside ofc) would be doable? BTW I plan on girl a day in centro area as I'll be staying at Nutibara.

Also, it would be helpful to disclose how much you guys budget too, thanks!Although still cheap by USA standards. I only mention it because you asked about budgeting. Welcome.

How much is an extra fuck or blow job or two per day worth to you? Because it's doable if you stay in a less expensive but still clean and comfortable hotel. Granted, a lot of hotels are deeply discounted now with "Gateway Deals" going on, which supposedly will continue through the end of September. I just checked and rooms at the Nutibara are going for $33 per night for double occupancy (no guest fee for first girl each day) which is a very nice rate. Your call.

I will be staying at a nice property (not in El Centro) with all that I need. I am not looking to monger from my hotel, which has WiFi. 24 hour desk, bar, Two beds, I like to use one bed to lay out my stuff, flat screen satellite TV. I booked single occupancy because the first week I am there I will more than likely be staying with a few different chicas, but for $9 a night it's worth it to have a home base in a safe part of town and not lug all my stuff with me from fuck fest to fuck fest. Once I decide to let mi novia know I am in town, I will switch hotels or at least rooms so when she arrives everything looks fresh and then pay the double occupancy rate.

Consider this, keep your Nutibara room at least for the first couple of nights, and do a little reconnoitering for other hotels during the light of day. There are a lot of hotels on the block behind Nutibara and walking South, toward the business district, toward Simon Bolivar Park. You would not notice a lot of these hotels unless you are looking for them tucked in between the stores and restaurants. I have stuck my head in several and stayed at a few, and there are some gems. Don't continue East or deep straight back from Nutibarra or you will run into one of the most dangerous areas of El Centro, the Venezuelan and tranny district. In other words, don't explore in the direction opposite of Botero Park for more than two blocks. If you start seeing a lot of trannies standing out on the sidewalk, don't freak out but you might want turn around. Unless that's your thing.

If you don't speak Spanish, write a few questions down, "How much is a room? How much is the guest fee? Can I see your best room? Can I have this room if I move in today?" Take a foto of the front of the hotel (always aware of your surroundings, don't get your phone snatched), it's safe to pull your phone out for a quick pic. Write down the answers on the back of a business card from the hotel. Then go back to the comfort and safety of your Nutibara room, and decide if it's worth switching or not. Have fun. Good luck. Worst thing that happens, you get to learn the neighborhood better and you stay put. Even the Vennie section should not give you problems in the light of day if you have street smarts.

Gratuitous fotos, all six fotos are the same chica, and one of my faves in my line-up. Hopefully she will be an early hook up when I return this month. She is sitting on my face and taking selfies in a mirror that I bought at the Dollar Store next door and had hotel maintenance hang. Actual cost of mirror plus install, less than ten bucks. ROI from chicas watching themselves and getting horny, and doing shite like taking videos without my knowledge while sitting on my face, priceless, jajaja.

07-14-21, 02:30
And as far Asians in Asia not liking non-Asians, very true indeed.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m4kFbPCd6Q

Mr Enternational
07-14-21, 03:05
Question for this August for MDE (and Pereira, Manizales, coffee area): Is there still a curfew or 'pico' regime?I just got back from Pereira. Don't know how late you plan on hanging out, but things close there pretty early. Not that there is any curfew, but it is not that type of party all night town. It is pretty quiet and people hang out in the squares and parks until about 8:30 or 9 then go in to get ready for the next day.

07-14-21, 03:23
Clear your private messages, want to check in with you. Thanks.

07-14-21, 16:25
Clear your private messages, want to check in with you. Thanks.Ya! Thanks for the heads up.

07-14-21, 16:36
Bottom line, if you don't mind where your seated, can travel with very little, along with not being served any food and drinks while in flight, Viva is the way to go. And you'll never hear them before landing say to return your seat to it's upright position as none of the seats recline.

Viva air is very organized and slick, I decided to fly with them to Cartagena as their pricing was so cheap for a roundtrip ticket, $ 75 USD. Navigating their website was like a maze with three options, one with they choose the seat for you and only a small carry on allowed that fits under the seat, and two other options that allow overhead bag space and checked baggage at an astronomical expense. I opted for the cheapest option yet during the process they kept adding all kinds of add on's like special assistance and other stuff which I figured out how to delete before paying. I packed a very small bag as shown in the photo, and all passengers with carry on's have to insert their bag in one of the size openings they had. My bag easily fit in the free size, but it was hilarious watching other people trying to fit oversize bags in the smaller size, akin to trying to fit a gallon of water into a quart jar. And Viva was Johnny on the spot collecting a handsome ransom for those who didn't pay for baggage before hand. As far as the seat assignments which I didn't pay for, they allow you to check in up to 48 hours before and I did within 40 hours and they assigned me to row 3 in the front of the plane, and when I checked in for my return flight I did it about 32 hours before and was seated in row 9, so I think they assign seats in the front of the plane to those who check in early, kind of like that Southwest model to a certain degree. Boarding the flight was from the rear to front and the flight took off five minutes early, no onboard service, yet only a forty five minute flight.

Upon arriving in Cartagena, my Chica showed up early as well at my Hotel, and was dressed to the nines compared to my El Centro street skanks. I hadn't been with her in a while and was treated to a strip tease with her red lingere, she did some modeling for me in her outfits, and we had a great evening together.

In the morning to my surprise I noticed a left hand surf break right in front of the Hotel and wish I had my board with me, but can only imagine what Viva would of charged for that. Regardless, I brought my surf flippers with me and went bodysurfing in the morning, then jumped my Chicas bones, ate breakfast, and am chilling out for another day.

Life is good in Colombia.

07-14-21, 16:55
Although still cheap by USA standards. I only mention it because you asked about budgeting. Welcome.

How much is an extra fuck or blow job or two per day worth to you? Because it's doable if you stay in a less expensive but still clean and comfortable hotel. Granted, a lot of hotels are deeply discounted now with "Gateway Deals" going on, which supposedly will continue through the end of September. I just checked and rooms at the Nutibara are going for $33 per night for double occupancy (no guest fee for first girl each day) which is a very nice rate. Your call.

I will be staying at a nice property (not in El Centro) with all that I need. I am not looking to monger from my hotel, which has WiFi. 24 hour desk, bar, Two beds, I like to use one bed to lay out my stuff, flat screen satellite TV. I booked single occupancy because the first week I am there I will more than likely be staying with a few different chicas, but for $9 a night it's worth it to have a home base in a safe part of town and not lug all my stuff with me from fuck fest to fuck fest. Once I decide to let mi novia know I am in town, I will switch hotels or at least rooms so when she arrives everything looks fresh and then pay the double occupancy rate.

Consider this, keep your Nutibara room at least for the first couple of nights, and do a little reconnoitering for other hotels during the light of day. There are a lot of hotels on the block behind Nutibara and walking South, toward the business district, toward Simon Bolivar Park. You would not notice a lot of these hotels unless you are looking for them tucked in between the stores and restaurants. I have stuck my head in several and stayed at a few, and there are some gems. Don't continue East or deep straight back from Nutibarra or you will run into one of the most dangerous areas of El Centro, the Venezuelan and tranny district. In other words, don't explore in the direction opposite of Botero Park for more than two blocks. If you start seeing a lot of trannies standing out on the sidewalk, don't freak out but you might want turn around. Unless that's your thing..Nice pics parcero, regarding the selection of nutibara though, it seems the only GF friendly budget hotel / BnB available in very close vicinity to el centro, so I thought staying elsewhere would incur daily travel costs to and from el centro for the mongering experience and this net cost would surpass the amount I would be spending at nutibara which would allow me to be walking distance away from the chicas.

Now I know I'm a newbie and don't know every spot so any recommendations from you vets will be considered.

Mojo Bandit
07-14-21, 18:18
Viva air is very organized and slick,

Upon arriving in Cartagena, my Chica showed up early as well at my Hotel, and was dressed to the nines compared to my El Centro street skanks.
Life is good in Colombia.Thanks for the detailed report on Viva air. I am suggesting that maybe since you should also post this in the Cartagena thread.

07-14-21, 18:44
Nice pics parcero, regarding the selection of nutibara though, it seems the only GF friendly budget hotel / BnB available in very close vicinity to el centro, so I thought staying elsewhere would incur daily travel costs to and from el centro for the mongering experience and this net cost would surpass the amount I would be spending at nutibara which would allow me to be walking distance away from the chicas.

Now I know I'm a newbie and don't know every spot so any recommendations from you vets will be considered.You are staying 30 days. I think you can book a couple of days and negotiate for the rest of the stay with Nutibara for better rate after you arrive. Also have a backup plan if this does not work out.

If you utilize Metro, the transportation cost is low. I personally won't stay elsewhere if my focus is El Centro.

07-14-21, 18:52
Delayed report of my Medellin trip. Medellin looks like its 80 percent back to normal. For anyone on the fence about going, stop doubting it. Book your ticket ASAP before everything shuts down again. I stayed in the Poblado area and everyone was out at night till very late night. Only thing I did different this time from the usual trips was not go in Gusto's as much. In my opinion you can find just as good options in the other club nearby " Lleras Park". Crowd is lively, and everything else is cheaper then Gusto. Only use Gusto as an option to get contacts from all the 8/9/10's in there. Cartagena is next.

07-14-21, 20:31
Nice pics parcero, regarding the selection of nutibara though, it seems the only GF friendly budget hotel / BnB available in very close vicinity to el centro, so I thought staying elsewhere would incur daily travel costs to and from el centro for the mongering experience and this net cost would surpass the amount I would be spending at nutibara which would allow me to be walking distance away from the chicas.

Now I know I'm a newbie and don't know every spot so any recommendations from you vets will be considered.But there are a lot of small hotels within convenient walking distance of El Centro. A few even closer to Ground Zero. My reply was specific to you, and any one new to an area. I was mainly sharing how I "scope out" a place when I first arrive. I also used to stay at Hotel Botero which was within spitting distance of Nutibara, but they shut down. In that same block across the street and immediately behind the Nutibara (way before you are too deep in the Vennie section) I can see four hotels in my minds eye. One of them is immediately adjacent to a the small brothel on that block within 100 meters of the back of the Nutibara. Believe me, all the hotels in that vicinity are guest friendly. I recommend that small brothel, as usual, the door is unmarked but always open at a slant so the girl at the desk can watch the street off the reflection of the mirrored door. The brothel is not well known, halfway down the short block on Carrera 50 a, as you exit the back of Nutibara thru the BBQ restaurant, cross Avenida Maracaibo and angle slightly left. There is a 24 hour bakery and store on the corner. The brothel prices are good, when I was there exactly the same as New Life. It's small, sometimes only four girls. And if you need a nice quiet room to do your banging, feget about it. But you can take the girl back to your room. They will call you within the minute your time is up, and if the girl is not out the door right away, someone from the brothel will be knocking on your door. I made that place a last stop many times on my way home. I got very well known in there and the manager and the girls told me that brothel was a "first stop" for many new girls that came to Medellin from the countryside to learn the ropes. That translates to some nice fresh trim.

If you go into a hotel lobby and you see a ton of signs warning against sexploitation, then you are in the right spot. In my experience those hotels are usually the best for mongering, jajajaja but they put up a big front for the policia. I am trying to be funny but it's true. My favorite short term by-the-hour Love hotel within walking distance from Nutibara and caddy-corner from Simon Bolivar Park has signs everywhere about warnings against sexual exploitation, and they never checked ID on anyone, if you catch my drift.

I get a good vibe from you that you will enjoy yourself without any major issues, and the kind of mongerer who is a pleasure to assist. I am simply presenting options. I hope you get some feedback from other vets here.

Gratuitous fotos of the three Vennies I will be with for a long weekend. Surfer dude, I like your idea of the all inclusive resort in Poblado instead of bussing to Guatape. I have never set foot in Poblado, avoided it in fact, but maybe now is the time, at these prices.

07-14-21, 20:35
in Cartagena, my Chica showed up early as well at my HotelThat alone, is fucking amazing, jaja.

Member #4729
07-15-21, 00:52
So I'm sitting in Gourmet Burger near Lleras and two young gringos come sit down next to me because, well- there is nowhere else to sit frankly. Eyeing them over I think to myself these are probably two dumb Miami club kids down for a week on stimulus checks or other such goombah scheme. One of them is decked out in gold jewelry- watch, bands, necklace etc, which if real would probably be in the 5 figure range. This would not be advisable in Rio de Janeiro but maybe Medellin is a different animal? Please weigh in. The thing is he doesn't look like a dug dealer necessarily, a bit too timid. He's complaining about something that got in his eyes and looks like he's crying. I almost consider warning him about the danger of walking around with that kind of bling but I wisely keep my trap shut. Eventually I start talking to them and sure enough- they are from Miami. Duh. How long are you down here for I ask? Oh, we live here, for ten years now. I'm stunned back into silence spend the rest of my burger time thinking about how these guys could be employed-in poverty stricken Colombia-such that they seem to be doing this well. I'm not sure if Colombia needs any more drug dealers- so my best guess is that they are involved in the club scene somehow as promoters or DJ's. Even this though, defies reason as it's not clear to me that a gringo DJ or promoter could really thrive to the extent that you would be walking around with those kind of chains. Anyone have any guesses?

On another note- Lleras has been great, I've been pulling from there nightly for an average of 100-200 mil for somewhat attractive ladies who will do BBBJ and CIM. Additionally I've enjoyed walking around Centro but am hesitant to pull the trigger because many of the SW appear to be "undocumented" and I also notice a police presence in the area. My recent experiences in Brazil lead me to believe Gringos will be targeted and "milked" in such environments. If anyone would like to PM me or whatsapp and give me some tips on how to negotiate this I would be much obliged.

07-15-21, 06:25
Nice pics parcero, regarding the selection of nutibara though, it seems the only GF friendly budget hotel / BnB available in very close vicinity to el centro, so I thought staying elsewhere would incur daily travel costs to and from el centro for the mongering experience and this net cost would surpass the amount I would be spending at nutibara which would allow me to be walking distance away from the chicas.

Now I know I'm a newbie and don't know every spot so any recommendations from you vets will be considered.There are places if options, of varying quality within a reasonable daytime walk to the El Centro street action. You can find rooms for less than half what Nutibara charges.

However, have you considered what you'll be doing with the rest of your time? If all I was doing in El Centro was pulling 1 Street girl a day, I wouldn't stay there.

The cost of a street girl is about $8 if you take her to the Nutibara, which means each day you spend $41. The same girl in a short time room is $11. If you get a $20 hotel in Laureles and spend $1.50 for a round trip metro ride, you get the same thing and save $10 a day. Plus you're in an area you can walk around at night, with lots of food options.

07-15-21, 06:37
But there are a lot of small hotels within convenient walking distance of El Centro. A few even closer to Ground Zero. My reply was specific to you, and any one new to an area. I was mainly sharing how I "scope out" a place when I first arrive. I also used to stay at Hotel Botero which was within spitting distance of Nutibara, but they shut down. In that same block across the street and immediately behind the Nutibara (way before you are too deep in the Vennie section) I can see four hotels in my minds eye. One of them is immediately adjacent to a the small brothel on that block within 100 meters of the back of the Nutibara. Believe me, all the hotels in that vicinity are guest friendly. I recommend that small brothel, as usual, the door is unmarked but always open at a slant so the girl at the desk can watch the street off the reflection of the mirrored door. The brothel is not well known, halfway down the short block on Carrera 50 a, as you exit the back of Nutibara thru the BBQ restaurant, cross Avenida Maracaibo and angle slightly left. There is a 24 hour bakery and store on the corner. The brothel prices are good, when I was there exactly the same as New Life. It's small, sometimes only four girls. And if you need a nice quiet room to do your banging, feget about it. But you can take the girl back to your room. They will call you within the minute your time is up, and if the girl is not out the door right away, someone from the brothel will be knocking on your door. I made that place a last stop many times on my way home. I got very well known in there and the manager and the girls told me that brothel was a "first stop" for many new girls that came to Medellin from the countryside to learn the ropes. That translates to some nice fresh trim..This is all good except for 1 very important thing. If the hotel has signs saying "No sex tourism" you're better off going somewhere else. I've seen with my own eyes what happens when someone tries to bring in a girl.

When you've paid in advance for several days, or weeks, you're not going to be happy to learn you have to go to a different hotel every time you want to get laid.

07-15-21, 15:09
.....so my best guess is that they are involved in the club scene somehow as promoters or DJ's. Even this though, defies reason as it's not clear to me that a gringo DJ or promoter could really thrive to the extent that you would be walking around with those kind of chains. Anyone have any guesses?....Sounds to me like he's living off inheritance and brought his buddy along.

07-15-21, 16:01
So I'm sitting in Gourmet Burger near Lleras and two young gringos come sit down next to me because, well- there is nowhere else to sit frankly. Eyeing them over I think to myself these are probably two dumb Miami club kids down for a week on stimulus checks or other such goombah scheme. One of them is decked out in gold jewelry- watch, bands, necklace etc, which if real would probably be in the 5 figure range. This would not be advisable in Rio de Janeiro but maybe Medellin is a different animal? Please weigh in. The thing is he doesn't look like a dug dealer necessarily, a bit too timid. He's complaining about something that got in his eyes and looks like he's crying. I almost consider warning him about the danger of walking around with that kind of bling but I wisely keep my trap shut. Eventually I start talking to them and sure enough- they are from Miami. Duh. How long are you down here for I ask? Oh, we live here, for ten years now. I'm stunned back into silence spend the rest of my burger time thinking about how these guys could be employed-in poverty stricken Colombia-such that they seem to be doing this well. I'm not sure if Colombia needs any more drug dealers- so my best guess is that they are involved in the club scene somehow as promoters or DJ's. Even this though, defies reason as it's not clear to me that a gringo DJ or promoter could really thrive to the extent that you would be walking around with those kind of chains. Anyone have any guesses?There's a lot of gringos that live in Poblado and rarely leave Poblado. No surprise to me what you witnessed, albeit how they survive and whether they actually have lived in Medellin is suspect. They may have been blowing smoke telling you that, and are just visitors. And highly unlikely there drug dealers or DJ's, sounds like a bunch of dumb guys as you surmised.

07-15-21, 17:49
Good to know that prices are floating down in Lleras. Back to something more reasonable and normal. But I also suspect that the girls become good at "profiling" also and may vary their rates based on what they see. Loud-mouth gringo wearing short? More money? Gringo wearing jewelry? More money. Gringo staying at the Charlee or the house of putas (Energy). More money. Drunk gringo. More money. Gringo walking out of Gustos. More money. But if you are low-key, are willing to walk away, don't stick out as much as most gringos. You should get a better deal. And your post shows this. That price for good service (I. E. , BBBJ and CIM) is reasonable relative to FB and definitely below Gusto's, Tinder, and what chicas in the Parque had been asking 6 months ago. These chicas seem to view the rules of supply and demand totally opposite of what's rational.

On another note- Lleras has been great, I've been pulling from there nightly for an average of 100-200 mil for somewhat attractive ladies who will do BBBJ and CIM. Additionally I've enjoyed walking around Centro but am hesitant to pull the trigger because many of the SW appear to be "undocumented" and I also notice a police presence in the area. My recent experiences in Brazil lead me to believe Gringos will be targeted and "milked" in such environments. If anyone would like to PM me or whatsapp and give me some tips on how to negotiate this I would be much obliged.

07-15-21, 18:09
Has anyone stayed at that hotel Lleras 10 and does anyone know if it's chica friendly? I've reached out to them but no answer.

07-15-21, 18:25
Has anyone stayed at that hotel Lleras 10 and does anyone know if it's chica friendly? I've reached out to them but no answer.I was there this past March. It is good. Completely chica friendly. Note: cash payment direct at hotel is cheapest.

07-15-21, 18:41
Has anyone stayed at that hotel Lleras 10 and does anyone know if it's chica friendly? I've reached out to them but no answer.Maybe this way is better? https://www.facebook.com/HotelLlerasMedellin/.

Member #4729
07-15-21, 18:54
Good to know that prices are floating down in Lleras. Back to something more reasonable and normal. But I also suspect that the girls become good at "profiling" also and may vary their rates based on what they see. Loud-mouth gringo wearing short? More money? Gringo wearing jewelry? More money. Gringo staying at the Charlee or the house of putas (Energy). More money. Drunk gringo. More money. Gringo walking out of Gustos. More money. But if you are low-key, are willing to walk away, don't stick out as much as most gringos. You should get a better deal. And your post shows this. That price for good service (I. E. , BBBJ and CIM) is reasonable relative to FB and definitely below Gusto's, Tinder, and what chicas in the Parque had been asking 6 months ago. These chicas seem to view the rules of supply and demand totally opposite of what's rational.You are absolutely right about all of this. Before my current stay in Colombia I was in Rio de Janeiro for seven weeks, where the contingent of gringos is characteristically different and less easy to fleece. Generally speaking the Rio Monger is a little more sophisticated, experienced, and appreciative of the value of being low key-it's harder to travel to, there is an additional language barrier, and so usually its a more experienced type that is able to make the trip. In this scenario, DR is the easiest and most full of boneheads, Colombia is the middle ground, and Brazil is the farthest shore. At this point hurt and upset Medellin BM are going to start throwing a fit- relax, I'm not talking about you. And don't get me wrong, guys (gringos and locals) will post up in Rio termas with bottles and cheese spreads and just piss it away now and then (I'm certainly guilty of this) - but what I see in Medellin is just a lot more tacky mongers with little or no experience goofing off trying to impress their friends. A club like Gustos pretty much feels like south beach full of rich kid New Yorkers except for the fact that its full of girls that you can afford (albeit still overpriced).

To your point, SW have an extremely sensitive radar that can pick up on all of this- the many guys that do come here without really any concern / awareness for price points are easy pickings. Conversely I've noticed that the girls in LLeras are very easy to bargain down if you start to walk away, and repeats are even easier. I had a SW come down from 200 mil to 100 mil because it was late on a Sunday night and she needed the money- she was at my place in 5 min. I said to her- "that's our price now"- which she objected to but finally accepted.

It's a good situation currently, but as travel restrictions open up I expect the knuckleheads to flood in and break the market. This is inevitable and to argue otherwise is to be willfully naive. I'm thinking there is a nice window for another 3-4 months but come November / December it's just going to be a lot of dumb money whales beached up in the Parque bleeding cash all over the place. Good for the girls, bad for the dedicated hobbyist.

07-15-21, 19:07
So I'm sitting in Gourmet Burger near Lleras and two young gringos come sit down next to me because, well- there is nowhere else to sit frankly. Eyeing them over I think to myself these are probably two dumb Miami club kids down for a week on stimulus checks or other such goombah scheme. One of them is decked out in gold jewelry- watch, bands, necklace etc, which if real would probably be in the 5 figure range. This would not be advisable in Rio de Janeiro but maybe Medellin is a different animal? Please weigh in. The thing is he doesn't look like a dug dealer necessarily, a bit too timid. He's complaining about something that got in his eyes and looks like he's crying. I almost consider warning him about the danger of walking around with that kind of bling but I wisely keep my trap shut. Eventually I start talking to them and sure enough- they are from Miami. Duh. How long are you down here for I ask? Oh, we live here, for ten years now. I'm stunned back into silence spend the rest of my burger time thinking about how these guys could be employed-in poverty stricken Colombia-such that they seem to be doing this well. I'm not sure if Colombia needs any more drug dealers- so my best guess is that they are involved in the club scene somehow as promoters or DJ's. Even this though, defies reason as it's not clear to me that a gringo DJ or promoter could really thrive to the extent that you would be walking around with those kind of chains. Anyone have any guesses?.I'm guessing they don't want to hear advice about wearing shit like that, so they have a preset lie, he I've lived here 35 fucking yrs don't tell me shit jajajaja.


07-15-21, 21:03
I was there this past March. It is good. Completely chica friendly. Note: cash payment direct at hotel is cheapest.Thanks for the info, I made the reservation!

07-15-21, 23:15
Good to know that prices are floating down in Lleras. Back to something more reasonable and normal. But I also suspect that the girls become good at "profiling" also and may vary their rates based on what they see. Loud-mouth gringo wearing short? More money? Gringo wearing jewelry? More money. Gringo staying at the Charlee or the house of putas (Energy). More money. Drunk gringo. More money. Gringo walking out of Gustos. More money. But if you are low-key, are willing to walk away, don't stick out as much as most gringos. You should get a better deal. And your post shows this. That price for good service (I. E. , BBBJ and CIM) is reasonable relative to FB and definitely below Gusto's, Tinder, and what chicas in the Parque had been asking 6 months ago. These chicas seem to view the rules of supply and demand totally opposite of what's rational.What about if they like you or not?

More I make a lady laugh, smile, and make her feel comfortable the better deals I usually seem to strike. Everywhere I have ever traveled. Just saying I think it is the ultimate X factor.

07-15-21, 23:27
What about if they like you or not?

More I make a lady laugh, smile, and make her feel comfortable the better deals I usually seem to strike. Everywhere I have ever traveled. Just saying I think it is the ultimate X factor.If they like you, the price will be much lower or even free, and the service will be way better than those that get charged the huge gag factor surcharges.

Aka what I call "honeymoon sex" for free or damn near it LOL.

07-16-21, 00:37
Not sure if you can get a working girl in Lleras (or on the street or in GUsto's etc.) to go for free. But you never know. There are definitely some nice, normal chicas who will fuck you for free. They appreciate you treating them with respect and enjoying a meal or a drink. Especially chicas who have had bad experiences with Colombianos (which is most of them). It just really depends on how bad a girl needs money. She may really like you, yet she has bills to pay. Sometimes I go with a girl who asks for nothing, but I give her something at the end because I know she needs it (and it also relieves my guilt of knowing that we'll never have anything serious).

If they like you, the price will be much lower or even free, and the service will be way better than those that get charged the huge gag factor surcharges.

Aka what I call "honeymoon sex" for free or damn near it LOL.

07-16-21, 00:54
Not sure if you can get a working girl in Lleras (or on the street or in GUsto's etc.) to go for free. But you never know. There are definitely some nice, normal chicas who will fuck you for free. They appreciate you treating them with respect and enjoying a meal or a drink. Especially chicas who have had bad experiences with Colombianos (which is most of them). It just really depends on how bad a girl needs money. She may really like you, yet she has bills to pay. Sometimes I go with a girl who asks for nothing, but I give her something at the end because I know she needs it (and it also relieves my guilt of knowing that we'll never have anything serious).If a hooker gives me a freebie, I take it! Why? Not just because it saves me money, but for some reason she wanted it to be not about money, I get that.

I appreciate the gesture, so I don't ruin it for her by forcing money on her or surreptitiously slipping it into her purse and turning it into just another "trick" for her.

Maybe respect her wishes and give the money to the next one instead, she obviously isn't starving if she's doing freebies.

07-16-21, 01:15
I am looking at making my first trip in the first week of August and staying at San Peter Apartments. I eat a heavy meat diet and enjoy restaurants like Mr. Pampas in Tijuana and Fogo De Chao in the States. Is there any similar restaurants in Medellin?

Also, if anyone has any thoughts on San Peters apartments good or bad? I mostly want to check out all the casas and street girls in Centro but don't want to stay in that area at night, so staying in Laureles at San Peter.

I realize I don't have many posts here. I used to go to Thailand exclusively before covid 19 and posted on the addicts boards under a different name. I will definitely contribute to the board more now.

07-16-21, 02:14
I was there this past March. It is good. Completely chica friendly. Note: cash payment direct at hotel is cheapest.Whatever you do, don't book on Hotelopia. It's a ripoff.

07-16-21, 03:50
I keep hearing about how expensive some girls have gotten, how they're running scams, how they're undependable- pretty much every ***** in the book. I just want to remind all the privileged whiners out there that you're getting world class pussy at bargain basement prices- even if you're paying 500 mil. That's $131. You can hardly get a skanky meth working girl for that kind of scratch in Cleveland. Are the girls looking to come out on top? You bet your ass they are. They're in business. I think it's pretty obvious that better than half the guys here don't think about these girls for two seconds once they tuck their henry back in their pants- why do you think they should GAF about you? Stop the whining and understand Medellin for the paradise it is. Sure, you can get cheap pussy in Thailand and The Philippines, but you got to start with better than $1 k just for airfare. Stop WHINING. These girls are the BOMB. It's top shelf pussy and all the drinks are half price.

07-16-21, 04:22
I also notice a police presence in the area. My recent experiences in Brazil lead me to believe Gringos will be targeted and "milked" in such environments. Zebra, the police presence is normal and they are there to keep the place safe for tourista and should not bother you. You don't want to be there when the police are gone. As for negotiation, try look up Surfer's posts. He has more posts like this one.

While walking around I did notice a good police presence yet after hearing what I heard from my Chica I paid much more attention as to who was around me. Anyways, I saw lot's of familiar hard core putas out and was thinking that it would be nice to do a spinner if I could find one. And the God's were with me. While walking around by the corner with the ice cream store and the Casino there was this little dinky thing. A size boobs and a little bubble gum butt, a Paisa, whom I had never seen working in El Centro. She was not a beauty queen face wise but not ugly, but a tight body with a flat stomach, and I envisioned pounding her in doggie and her riding me! So After chatting with her instead of making an offer to go arriba I just asked her how much. Twenty mil she says and I asked her for clarification as to exactly what that included. She said it included her blowing me and all kinds of positions.

07-16-21, 04:23
The hard thing is knowing if she really wants to give it to you for free. Or she just wants to be cool about it an not mention money. If the girl is a prepago, odds are that she expects some money. Not saying you can't get a prepago for free, especially if you've seen her before and treated her nice. But how do you know? That's my only question. Tough call.

On the other hand, non-pros regularly will give it for free because it's the culture. They are very much into sex. Not the hang-ups you see in the USA And if you are nice to them and compliment them (the Paisa weakness. Their vanity), getting free sex is not out of the ordinary.

If a hooker gives me a freebie, I take it! Why? Not just because it saves me money, but for some reason she wanted it to be not about money, I get that.

I appreciate the gesture, so I don't ruin it for her by forcing money on her or surreptitiously slipping it into her purse and turning it into just another "trick" for her.

Maybe respect her wishes and give the money to the next one instead, she obviously isn't starving if she's doing freebies.

07-16-21, 04:27
If they like you? How would you know? These girls will say and do what they have to do to get the business. When she laughs, maybe she's not laughing with you, but at you (not referring to you specifically, but in general). I agree that being pleasant and having good hygiene and making them feel comfortable and stroking their ego makes the experience better. Maybe it lowers the price, but I think most girls will work for as much as they think they can get. And some will negotiate down and some won't. You really don't know if you are getting a deal unless you somehow know what she really wants to get paid. What is a "better deal"? How do we know? All that said. Never hurts to be nice and gentleman (to the extent we can, given that we all want to fuck their brains out).

What about if they like you or not?

More I make a lady laugh, smile, and make her feel comfortable the better deals I usually seem to strike. Everywhere I have ever traveled. Just saying I think it is the ultimate X factor.

07-16-21, 04:32
Landed late y'day having almost missed my connection in Miami. 1 HR connection ended being 30 min and if those sun of guns didn't change arrival gate to 63 a full 60 gates away!

Arrived late to hotel and got only a little sleep. Met a seeking girl 9/10 in pics and 7/10 in person, but a relative newbie to this, said she had one Colombians agreement before but not with a extranjero. Sex was meh, mostly because she was a bit timid, but otherwise she was fun and helpful. She helped me with a few errands. I got us lunch via rappi, and she stayed for almost 6 hrs total. Money discussion never came up. I saw her bidding on indriver and her bid went all the way to 15 min before it was accepted. She took uber on her dime als this morning. I just gave her 170 mil. Not sure if I will be calling her back.

I then called one of my old faves, who came in time, rocked it and left with her small gift of skull candy ear buds and I gave her the 150 mil I always give her. Honestly is more like meeting up with a friend. She will be back a few times and I will pay no more than 150 mil, and there will be no discussion about it.
On another note, one of my chicas is out with Covid, and another one is waiting on her results. So clearly there is a real spread in this cochlea.

99% of folks are wearing masks, vaccines are gaining ground, now at 35-39 age cohort. But the economy my is mostly open. Don't know for certain but this thing maybe cresting.

07-16-21, 04:49
Whatever you do, don't book on Hotelopia. It's a ripoff.Sorry to hear you got ripped off. Make it a learning experience for yourself.

Staying at non-branded hotels in Medellin, cash is preferred and reservations seldom are necessary.

07-16-21, 04:50
I happened to be in the area and took some laps around Parque Lleras as 9 PM on Thursday night. Some of the access to the park is shutdown on one side, but totally open on the Gusto side. Lots of SW's, I counted at least twenty of them out working and some where hidden on the side streets as well. Not much to say about them, pretty average girls, and nothing really stuck out to me, not skanky enough, LOL, nor did I see any that work El Centro as well, and I didn't even bother talking with any of them or finding out how much they wanted. Based on what I saw in the ten minutes I was there, you could easily find just as pretty ones in El Centro at a fraction of whatever they would be asking for in Lleras. But of course you would be out of luck at 9 PM fin El Centro finding much of anything, so for a night time street scene venue, it's about as good as it's going to get, and if guys are pulling girls for as low as 100 K as someone else posted, than at an exchange rate of 3,800 COP or about $ 27 USD that's actually a pretty good deal, and although I don't patronize Lleras, the girls working the place are going to have to be much more polished and aggressive to get clients in Lleras versus El Centro.

07-16-21, 05:09
The hard thing is knowing if she really wants to give it to you for free. Or she just wants to be cool about it an not mention money. If the girl is a prepago, odds are that she expects some money. Not saying you can't get a prepago for free, especially if you've seen her before and treated her nice. But how do you know? That's my only question. Tough call.

On the other hand, non-pros regularly will give it for free because it's the culture. They are very much into sex. Not the hang-ups you see in the USA And if you are nice to them and compliment them (the Paisa weakness. Their vanity), getting free sex is not out of the ordinary.Well, I don't know what goes on inside the crazy little minds of the putas, but I think its safe to say, no matter what country you are in, if a puta doesn't know how to do anything else in this world.

She knows how to ask a guy for money jajajajajaaaa.

I think you may be over complicating it.

I think sometimes putas just want to fuck someone and not get paid, so they feel human and not a fuck doll for money 24/7.

I feel in BKK if you go past a puta that likes you and there are 99 other putas standing around, she may just want to fuck you as a source of pride LOL.

She may have done you for free but at least she got you jajaja the other 99 didn't.

Asia is a weird place, with the concepts of "face" and pride, they have some very unhealthy attitudes towards many things IMO.

07-16-21, 05:25
I am looking at making my first trip in the first week of August and staying at San Peter Apartments. I eat a heavy meat diet and enjoy restaurants like Mr. Pampas in Tijuana and Fogo De Chao in the States. Is there any similar restaurants in Medellin?

Also, if anyone has any thoughts on San Peters apartments good or bad? I mostly want to check out all the casas and street girls in Centro but don't want to stay in that area at night, so staying in Laureles at San Peter.

I realize I don't have many posts here. I used to go to Thailand exclusively before covid 19 and posted on the addicts boards under a different name. I will definitely contribute to the board more now.Amarelo Rodizio Carrera 43 b# 11- 12 piso 2 y 3 Poblado Calle de la Buena Mesa.

Rodizio Carioca Carrera 36 8 a - 117 Laureles.

07-16-21, 07:21
I'm going to be in Medellin in tomorrow for 10 days. Need to get a covid test within 3 days of my flight back to the US. Where do you guys recommend in Medellin? Needs to be antigen or NAaT.

07-16-21, 07:41
Actually I read that Medellin airport has antigen testing that gives results in 40 minutes. Anyone have experience with this first hand?

Nil Admirari
07-16-21, 12:42
Also, if anyone has any thoughts on San Peters apartments good or bad? I mostly want to check out all the casas and street girls in Centro but don't want to stay in that area at night, so staying in Laureles at San Peter.The San Peter Apartments are well managed, well equipped, and well located (just a few doors from the lively La 70, block and a half from Exito super market, short walk to classier restaurants / bars on / near Avenida Nutibara, 10 minute walk to the Metro and a major sports complex. The only real knock on the San Peer is late night noise (super high decibel music) emanating from a couple of neighboring bars--I've met several mongers who moved out for that reason. There are three different floor plans available on each floor. The efficiencies on the frontside of the building are closest to the offending bars; in the one bedroom apartments, the music is louder in the living rooms than the bedrooms. As a geezer somewhat hard of hearing, the noise hasn't bothered me, but there's no escaping it altogether.

Management is quite girl friendly but also super strict on IDs--I've had seemingly legit cedulas of two Venezuelan chicas rejected. There are a small bar and restaurant off the lobby where one could sometimes meet other tenants, but they were both closed during the pandemic and remained shut when I departed in late May. (The restaurant had shut down pre-Covid; perhaps has reopened by now).

07-16-21, 18:19
I feel in BKK if you go past a puta that likes you and there are 99 other putas standing around, she may just want to fuck you as a source of pride LOL.

She may have done you for free but at least she got you jajaja the other 99 didn't.

Asia is a weird place, with the concepts of "face" and pride, they have some very unhealthy attitudes towards many things IMO.There are plenty of girls not getting customers so it is not likely to affect her pride but she might feel embarrassed "lose face" if she lowers her price in front of others to go with a customer.

From my observation in BKK, there is very little chance a monger can get freebie when the girl is working. For a girl somewhat popular, they can pick the customer they want to go or spend more time with and still get paid because there are simply too many mongers that the number is in their favor.

07-16-21, 18:21
I have no idea how to read minds. But I do well at reading body language. I also do well at reading kindness and happiness, and good vibes.

Am I still going to pay? Probably. Am I still looked at as a transaction? Of course. Do they still need money? Well yeah of course.

However, when a girl is into it. She is getting off in someway, she is happy in that moment, and she keeps wanting to come back for more. And that makes me happy. Which is much of the reason I enjoy our hobby.

We have all had girls with shitty attitudes, or who just lay there, or who rip you off, or flake or no show. When she likes you these things usually are not things to worry about.

07-16-21, 18:32
I keep hearing about how expensive some girls have gotten, how they're running scams, how they're undependable- pretty much every ***** in the book. I just want to remind all the privileged whiners out there that you're getting world class pussy at bargain basement prices- even if you're paying 500 mil. That's $131. You can hardly get a skanky meth working girl for that kind of scratch in Cleveland. Are the girls looking to come out on top? You bet your ass they are. They're in business. I think it's pretty obvious that better than half the guys here don't think about these girls for two seconds once they tuck their henry back in their pants- why do you think they should GAF about you? Stop the whining and understand Medellin for the paradise it is. Sure, you can get cheap pussy in Thailand and The Philippines, but you got to start with better than $1 k just for airfare. Stop WHINING. These girls are the BOMB. It's top shelf pussy and all the drinks are half price.It's beginning to seem there should be a separate area for guys who's first question is what does it cost.

I've been here 10 days. (more in Bogota) Never a thought of going to central. If you can't afford $100, fine but if you can, Colombia will give you memories of unbelievably gorgeous women to last a lifetime. I have too much to accomplish before I return to Bogota Monday or I would give you details / photos. If anyone has a contact for a bilingual driver. Send me a PM!!

07-16-21, 18:35
There are plenty of girls not getting customers so it is not likely to affect her pride but she might feel embarrassed "lose face" if she lowers her price in front of others to go with a customer.

From my observation in BKK, there is very little chance a monger can get freebie when the girl is working. For a girl somewhat popular, they can pick the customer they want to go or spend more time with and still get paid because there are simply too many mongers that the number is in their favor.I didn't mention "losing face" I was talking about "flexing"/ showing off or gaining face jajajajaa.

Very little chance a monger can get a freebie from working girls? I agree, most are hungry, but in my experience if its going to happen it will probably be in Asia.

Whether she is popular or not isn't so much the issue or not, the original poster brought up the variable of them liking you, which I think can be a huge X factor.

I could even speculate further that the more popular girls are more likely to do a freebie, probably because they always have money in their purse?

I think most putas really like sex as a generalization.

So if they see someone they like, they might do something out of the ordinary to get them.

How hard would it be for a hot puta to snag a monger for free? Like taking candy from a baby jajajajajajaa.

I hate when they do this, but here's an example.

You're laying in bed after fucking and they take their fone and call one of their friends to to do a video call with you in the frame.

What's that all about?

07-16-21, 18:57
Quick Final update on my Trip. Summary.

- Medellin right now imo is the best spot hands down in LA for single men to travel, as far as distance, women avail, cost.

- Past few days since last update been dating my non-pros from SA every other day.

- Hooked up with new bud from Hotel and been hunting together showing him the way of Centro. Lately been getting lucky with some new chicas, only 10 k extra for BBBJ / BBFS if I wanted LOL.

They love me since when I see them in parque Lleras I offer them drinks LOL. Got on the good side of quite a few of them.

- Visit Lleras every few night to hang w other dudes and see new faces. Found a couple dimes in Lleras club, standard rate is 250 k-300 k hour /600 k night. Centro is still same 30 k-50 k 30 minutes, or negotiate for longer.

- I made up with the sister who stood me up, we reconciliated, and found out they have a 3rd sister. Met in Centro. Yes I banged all 3.

- My non-pros took me to some nice restaurants I didn't know about in Laureles, in fact in an area much nicer than Poblado and slightly more affordable. One of the restaurants was Olivia Pizzería Laureles. Google search it, the entire area near that restaurant have lots of others which I also visited. Also check out La Bodeguita Havanera, a very cozy Cuban Bar / Restaurant with good music and cocktails. Location is super amazing, clean and safe. I can easily see myself moving to that area especially since outside of Poblado.

- two days ago went to Luna Lunera, 24 HR strip club at 2 am with a buddy from lleras, got sick from their liquor w upper throat dryness. 120 k bottle but may have been some bootleg liquor. Place was kinna lame but my dude still got lucky, chica cost 210 k 30 minutes, no takeout but she managed to walk to a gas station and met him there since she couldn't go to his uber per club rules LOL. He said damage was 300 k for several hours.

- I was panicking w upper throat issue and took my Covid test today and Negativo. So returning Sun. Today and Tomorrow bottles and shots on me at Lleras club. , about to meet w one of my fav chica next hour, 150 k all BBFS, have a threesome set for tonight after club 200 k each chica. Same tomorrow on last day.

- Careful with some reports you read on here. Lots of false / confused info, just come and explore yourself, use the map and go hunting. Heck don't try to know everything, when you get here you can even ask taxi drivers, locals, other mongers you meet in lleras and you'll get to the hot spots.

- If you're here or planning to come just be safe. People piss me off trying to shake my hands everywhere I go so I have to keep pushing people away, even some taxi drivers ain't wearing masks. Glad I didn't catch nothing but beware you cannot return if you test positive, so wear your masks, avoid shaking hands, wash your hands frequently, drinks lots of fluid, vitamin see, and lots of pussy. I think the last one is what helped me LOL.


07-16-21, 18:59
You're laying in bed after fucking and they take their fone and call one of their friends to to do a video call with you in the frame.

What's that all about?Well it's not about them showing off the "stud" that they got to bang, but all about bragging rights for snagging a paying client.

07-16-21, 19:48
Well it's not about them showing off the "stud" that they got to bang, but all about bragging rights for snagging a paying client.But you were a freebie jajajajajajaja.

So do they lie? And say how much they overcharged you? Jajajajaaaaaaaaa.

07-16-21, 20:03
I know Colombia isn't requiring one to enter but I'm flying out of JFK and just want to make sure there are no requirements on the US side on flying out?

07-16-21, 20:55
What about if they like you or not?

More I make a lady laugh, smile, and make her feel comfortable the better deals I usually seem to strike. Everywhere I have ever traveled. Just saying I think it is the ultimate X factor.My last trip to Colombia I believe twice I would have been robbed, both times by a gang, once in Cali, once in El Centro, the first by a group of teens, the latter by four of the biggest trannies you ever saw. I'll spare you the details, but by making them laugh and not acting like a stupid ugly American, they deferred to a different mark. If you want to be loved, be loveable.

07-16-21, 21:01
I happened to be in the area and took some laps around Parque Lleras as 9 PM on Thursday night. Some of the access to the park is shutdown on one side, but totally open on the Gusto side. Lots of SW's, I counted at least twenty of them out working and some where hidden on the side streets as well. Not much to say about them, pretty average girls, and nothing really stuck out to me, not skanky enough, LOL, nor did I see any that work El Centro as well, and I didn't even bother talking with any of them or finding out how much they wanted. Based on what I saw in the ten minutes I was there, you could easily find just as pretty ones in El Centro at a fraction of whatever they would be asking for in Lleras. But of course you would be out of luck at 9 PM fin El Centro finding much of anything, so for a night time street scene venue, it's about as good as it's going to get, and if guys are pulling girls for as low as 100 K as someone else posted, than at an exchange rate of 3,800 COP or about $ 27 USD that's actually a pretty good deal, and although I don't patronize Lleras, the girls working the place are going to have to be much more polished and aggressive to get clients in Lleras versus El Centro.No offense cause I know you mean well. But your info is wayyyy offf my dude. I was at Lleras last night from 9 p till 1:30 a till I went to Face 2.

Most girls don't show till 11 p or later on Thursdays-Saturdays since the clubs close later at 4 am.

Also, it was raining from 8-9 pm when I arrived till I left. On and off really hard. So most girls where inside the clubs especially Lleras club. Every bar / club were full of chicas, lots and lots of dimes. You are right on pricing, and it's so funny inside the club they'll ask 250-300, outside some will start at 150.

This is what I meant in my last post with misleading intel. 10 minutes in the park early, while it was raining which you forgot to mention, is not a true and fair eval.

07-16-21, 21:52
Yes, it does. But it's a pain in the ass. First, you need to go to the airport early, because you don't want to get stuck waiting for your results and then end up in a line just to get into the airport only to stand in another line to check-in and then go through security check and immigration. Second, the location of the testing is not convenient. It is on the lower level of the airport. Outside. Toward the exit. If you know you are going to use it, instruct your taxi driver to drop you off there. The first time I planned to use it, I had no idea where it was located. I assumed it was in the airport. So I waited in a long line just to get into the airport, only to find that I had to go down a floor, exit the airport, walk to the tent. And then stand in line again to get back into the airport when I was done. Third, the results usually come back in about 30 minutes. The wild card is how long it takes you to get the test itself. You have to register, which can be a pain. The people doing the registration do not speak English, so if you have the typical tourist in front of you who speaks no Spanish, the registration process is very slow. Once registered, you go to the other tent to get the test. Both times that was fast. And then you wait. If you chose to wait for hard copy results, you sit outside on the curb or sidewalk. There is no "waiting areas. ".

I only used the site the second time because I made a last minute change in flight and had no real other option The antigen test costs 90 mil, which is high. But you are paying for the convenience. The other times I have gotten the test elsewhere. There are testing sites around the city (the USA Embassy web site has a list). When I stayed in Laureles, I used the La America clinic. In Pobadlo, I use Poblado clinics. If you plan in advance, you can get it done domocilio.

Actually I read that Medellin airport has antigen testing that gives results in 40 minutes. Anyone have experience with this first hand?

07-16-21, 22:04
No offense cause I know you mean well. But your info is wayyyy offf my dude. I was at Lleras last night from 9 p till 1:30 a till I went to Face 2.

Most girls don't show till 11 p or later on Thursdays-Saturdays since the clubs close later at 4 am.

Also, it was raining from 8-9 pm when I arrived till I left. On and off really hard. So most girls where inside the clubs especially Lleras club. Every bar / club were full of chicas, lots and lots of dimes. You are right on pricing, and it's so funny inside the club they'll ask 250-300, outside some will start at 150.

This is what I meant in my last post with misleading intel. 10 minutes in the park early, while it was raining which you forgot to mention, is not a true and fair eval.I was there exactly at 9 PM and it started to rain around 10 minutes later. While walking down Calle 10 the rain started to get harder and harder. What I witnessed was accurate in terms of what I saw. Did you notice that one side of Lleras was closed. I had dinner with a friend who lives a few blocks away and the rain didn't start until right after 9 PM. I didn't go inside any of the clubs and can only imagine that the ones outside, approximately 20 had no umbrellas with them must of entered the clubs. Maybe not enough potential clients inside of them, hence they were outside. I have no experience with the Clubs around Lleras, but was surprised to see so many outside on the street at 9 PM immediately before the rain started. There were also girls on the side streets leading up to Lleras, did you notice them? Seemed odd to me so many out at 9 PM, but that's what I saw. As far as pricing, I have no clue except by what I read by others here.

07-16-21, 22:09
- If you're here or planning to come just be safe. People piss me off trying to shake my hands everywhere I go so I have to keep pushing people away, even some taxi drivers ain't wearing masks. Glad I didn't catch nothing but beware you cannot return if you test positive, so wear your masks, avoid shaking hands, wash your hands frequently, drinks lots of fluid, vitamin see, and lots of pussy. I think the last one is what helped me LOL..So this begs the question, did you wear a mask while banging your Chicas? LOL.

07-16-21, 22:23
I only used the site the second time because I made a last minute change in flight and had no real other option The antigen test costs 90 mil, which is high. But you are paying for the convenience. The other times I have gotten the test elsewhere. There are testing sites around the city (the USA Embassy web site has a list). When I stayed in Laureles, I used the La America clinic. In Pobadlo, I use Poblado clinics. If you plan in advance, you can get it done domocilio.Just helping fellow travelers with the right info:

Per US embassy site Antigen test cost is $40-$45 USD in Medellin which is 150-180 k. In my Hotel they had an domicilio option for 150 k = $40 approx which they took a while to respond, so I went to Pablo Tabon Uribe Hospital instead and paid 180 k = $47 USD, 1 HR result via email. The cost is clear in the doc per testing site. No argument needed.

If the pricing at the Airport is truly 90 Mil = $24 or half the price of All other sites in Mde, which you still said it's High, I'd say it's a bargain. But honestly I doubt it's that cheap. There is a test "Anticuerpo = Antibody" test not valid for travel which usually is around 90 k. Just FYI.

07-16-21, 22:31
There are plenty of girls not getting customers so it is not likely to affect her pride but she might feel embarrassed "lose face" if she lowers her price in front of others to go with a customer.

From my observation in BKK, there is very little chance a monger can get freebie when the girl is working. For a girl somewhat popular, they can pick the customer they want to go or spend more time with and still get paid because there are simply too many mongers that the number is in their favor.A few weeks back sum fool wrote his friend offered sum puta in MDE 3 million fucking pesos isn't that 6 mos salary (and he wrote "good for him" LMAO), I'm guessing that wasnt his starting bid? She really really didn't want to fuck him.

I see it all the time the most unattractive mongers among us (sorry someone has to be bottom LOL) will gravitate towards the more "attractive" putas in most venues.

They will get sodomized on price, and probably the worst service possible, but hey they got to walk out with her.

And everyone saw him leave with her jajajajaaaaa its all about generating "face" for sum.

So I'm guessing sum putas get tired of servicing the lower end of the monger ladder?

And when they see a monger they want to fuck, they don't care about the money aspect?

07-16-21, 23:01
I'm going to be in Medellin in tomorrow for 10 days. Need to get a covid test within 3 days of my flight back to the US. Where do you guys recommend in Medellin? Needs to be antigen or NAaT.I asked at my hotel and they suggested the below which worked out quite well. I just swung by on my way from Lleras to Centro. There was some construction nearby and I needed a copy of my passport (had a pic on my phone thankfully) for registration, but aside from that it was quick and very professional. They gave me a print out and sent an email when I asked. $80 k / $20.

Centro Medico BlueCare. Las Palmas.

Calle 26 #38-26, Avenida las palmas, Torre 3, piso 13, Edificio Bio26, TEL: (4) 604-1445.

Hours: Mon to Fri (7 am-4 pm), Sat (7 am-11:30 am), Sun (CLOSED).

Other alternative (they come to you).

Xpress LAb.

Whatsapp: +57 300 202-1644.

Price: PCR ($280 k), Antigen ($160 k).


07-16-21, 23:33
I asked at my hotel and they suggested the below which worked out quite well. I just swung by on my way from Lleras to Centro. There was some construction nearby and I needed a copy of my passport (had a pic on my phone thankfully) for registration, but aside from that it was quick and very professional. They gave me a print out and sent an email when I asked. $80 k / $20.

Centro Medico BlueCare. Las Palmas.

Calle 26 #38-26, Avenida las palmas, Torre 3, piso 13, Edificio Bio26, TEL: (4) 604-1445.

Hours: Mon to Fri (7 am-4 pm), Sat (7 am-11:30 am), Sun (CLOSED).

Other alternative (they come to you).

Xpress LAb.

Whatsapp: +57 300 202-1644.

Price: PCR ($280 k), Antigen ($160 k).

Chicago.IDIME labs, Torre Oviedo (opposite Sante Fe mall) only charge 50 k for the Antigen test. I got my results via email the following morning.

No appointment necessary.

07-17-21, 00:05
Your experience is your experience, but trust me and my 16 years of experience including monthly trips to Medellin other than when the border closed. The airport site is simply a pain in the ass. It's an option, but a pain in the ass. You can get it cheaper elsewhere, but cost is not really the issue so much as convenience and comfort. Domicilio is the most convenient, but usually the most expensive. And I agree that you need to be careful with what test your get. You can get the PCR, but it's unnecessary. The alternative, which is cheaper and is still accepted is antigeno. You imply that I did not give the "right" information. But you are "wrong" about that. I don't talk about what I do not know.

Just helping fellow travelers with the right info:

Per US embassy site Antigen test cost is $40-$45 USD in Medellin which is 150-180 k. In my Hotel they had an domicilio option for 150 k = $40 approx which they took a while to respond, so I went to Pablo Tabon Uribe Hospital instead and paid 180 k = $47 USD, 1 HR result via email. The cost is clear in the doc per testing site. No argument needed.

If the pricing at the Airport is truly 90 Mil = $24 or half the price of All other sites in Mde, which you still said it's High, I'd say it's a bargain. But honestly I doubt it's that cheap. There is a test "Anticuerpo = Antibody" test not valid for travel which usually is around 90 k. Just FYI.

07-17-21, 00:18
If the pricing at the Airport is truly 90 Mil = $24 or half the price of All other sites in Mde, which you still said it's High, I'd say it's a bargain. But honestly I doubt it's that cheap. There is a test "Anticuerpo = Antibody" test not valid for travel which usually is around 90 k. Just FYI.This is the ad.

07-17-21, 00:34
This is the ad.As I stated if true it's a great deal. I never stated you lied, just surprised you said it was high, when in fact it's half of the price of all of of the ones in the official list from the Embassy. I'm like I paid 180 k, you paid 90 and now an Ad that shows 80 and you claim it's High LOL. How? I want to go back to the hospital and fight for my money back now LOL.

07-17-21, 00:53
Just helping fellow travelers with the right info:

Per US embassy site Antigen test cost is $40-$45 USD in Medellin which is 150-180 k. In my Hotel they had an domicilio option for 150 k = $40 approx which they took a while to respond, so I went to Pablo Tabon Uribe Hospital instead and paid 180 k = $47 USD, 1 HR result via email. The cost is clear in the doc per testing site. No argument needed.

If the pricing at the Airport is truly 90 Mil = $24 or half the price of All other sites in Mde, which you still said it's High, I'd say it's a bargain. But honestly I doubt it's that cheap. There is a test "Anticuerpo = Antibody" test not valid for travel which usually is around 90 k. Just FYI.If your travelling to the USA, the antigeno test is accepted and most people opt for it than the PCR test because it's so inexpensive and quick. Yet your saying that this test is not valid for travel, yet that is what you got tested for?

07-17-21, 01:17
I was there exactly at 9 PM and it started to rain around 10 minutes later. While walking down Calle 10 the rain started to get harder and harder. What I witnessed was accurate in terms of what I saw. Did you notice that one side of Lleras was closed. I had dinner with a friend who lives a few blocks away and the rain didn't start until right after 9 PM. I didn't go inside any of the clubs and can only imagine that the ones outside, approximately 20 had no umbrellas with them must of entered the clubs. Maybe not enough potential clients inside of them, hence they were outside. I have no experience with the Clubs around Lleras, but was surprised to see so many outside on the street at 9 PM immediately before the rain started. There were also girls on the side streets leading up to Lleras, did you notice them? Seemed odd to me so many out at 9 PM, but that's what I saw. As far as pricing, I have no clue except by what I read by others here.Yoooo, clubs were so packed with Gringos it was shoulder to shoulder. The thing about Lleras, many of the chicas simply Cannot or Not allowed to enter the clubs. The ones that enter are technically working for the club, hence asking for drinks to generate profit for the club etc and stick to certain rules and pricing (Gusto, Llera club mainly). Also many of the Venezolanas aren't allowed to enter, unless they're with a gringo. I had to sneak some in to use restroom, etc. But 9-10 p is way to early to bounce, the best honeys start showing up around 11/12. Some of those hop straight out of a taxi to inside quickly, so go in next time. I'm always surprised to see some of those myself cause I never see them in the street. If you get a table even better, most will join you for dancing or free lap dance trying to get your biz, or just walk around and collect digit it's worth it.