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07-22-21, 04:07
Time is money? Really? Doesn't it take time to make money also or do you like suggesting as long as you aren't in a mongering city.

It falls out of the sky like manna from the heavens.

"I don't get overcharged" time is money jajajajajaaaa.

Like its ever an either or proposition, how about not getting overcharged and returning home having more money in ones possession.

Then you can spend less time working to replace it, and spend more time making and saving more for future putas (as opposed to replacing what was lost being overcharged).

Sounds like your mentality is lose lose vs win win.Someone with a lot of time on his hands, but no money would clearly miss the point I was making. Not surprised.

07-22-21, 04:51
I am pretty sure its because I am picky but Cartagena was looking like a burst and Colombia was looking like one of those one of a life time trip.Thank you for a realistic report. I read it with pain but a great read, LOL. It almost seems like you were in a desert.

The pink powder is tusi.

07-22-21, 05:18
I guess it comes down to what you value more: time vs money.

I don't have the luxury to stay in Colombia for a month+ long trip like you and surfer (more like 5-7 days). So I value my time over money, and would rather stick with the parque Lleras area as there's a higher concentration of 8+ vs el centro. If I was staying there for several weeks at a time, I would definitely have a different strategy to stretch the dollar.When I'm in Colombia, neither time nor money is high on my list of priorities. Top of the list are the experiences. Next up are the memories. I go to Colombia to get away from my 70 hour work weeks. If I'm fretting over time it defeats the purpose.

Personally, I don't pull girls from the street, El Centro or Parque Lleras, although I've used the casas and strip clubs. However, I try to spend time in both places, for the ambiance.

All I was saying is that there are surprising gems to be found in the most unlikely places. But like most gems, you need to dig for them.

Just Incognito
07-22-21, 05:25
Look who showed up in Cuba. Again in my suggested friends field and again for a about 10 seconds I admit I was having sugar plum fantasies dancing in my head until I realized she was a clone! (P. S. For lurkers and people who read things for their face value. These profiles are examples of someone stealing someone else's likeness and then trying to hustle you).

Cuban clone.


Colombian clone.


Original DNA donor.


"The model and influencer Laura Rodrguez, mostly known as "Laurys Dyva" or "Miss Pynandi", has been criticized for a long time because she would have bought followers on Instagram and that through that she reached 3,500,000 followers".That is too funny!

07-22-21, 05:59
For those that have been to both Cartagena and Medellin: are there vendors and locals following you around in Medellin, just like they do in Cartagena? Had a guy try to put his arms around me and hug me; I did a quick 360 spin and then walked away.

07-22-21, 06:18
Bottom feeders! I resemble that remark. LOL!

Yes good advice, El Centro is only for bottom feeders!

This Friday I have a friend arriving, he was in Medellin about four years ago before the invasion of the Venezuelans, and is street rat with longer whiskers then me.

I tried to explain to him how much things have changed at "ground zero" with the herds of girls during prime time between 4-6 PM, and I told him as weird as this may sound, but it's kinda like in front of the parking lot to the Nana Plaza Hotel.

He got all giddy when I told him this.

07-22-21, 06:20
Pussy was never meant to be bought online, I don't buy food or clothes or cars online either.

Nevermind all the bait and switch, F2F is the only way to go, espec if you're working from a position of strength jajajaaa.

Some might prefer to shop behind the curtain of the portal one is using.

Speaking of curtains, I think its funny, in some of the casas in MDE, they have a curtain the putas hide behind, be careful.

If there's a dood sitting to see the viewing they don't want to go with they won't come out and you won't see them either jajajajaja.Nothing was originally meant to be done online. Banking? Investing? Doing research? Getting reviews? However, I'd much rather spend 30 seconds doing my banking online than to waste an hour to stand in front of someone while they access the same information.

And instead of walking to 5 casas trying to find the girl I want, paying the 3 k viewing fee at each and wasting an hour, I'd rather spend 5 minutes to make a choice from over 600 women, all without putting on my pants.

Bait and switch isn't really an issue on Facebook. Most of us would notice if the girl who showed up wasn't the same as the one who has 300 pics posted.

And here's the clincher. When you figure a round trip taxi ride, spending an hour or more trying to find the right girl, it's cheaper in time and money to have the Facebook girl meet you at a bar. You have a beer and decide whether to take her, or give her taxi money and exercise a different option.

It gets better. There are times when I'm out and I see a girl from Facebook. Happened last year at Patrick's. Now I know that the entire group she's with are probably working girls.

And it gets even better. If I want to go down the rabbit hole, I can dig up the third cousin of some working girl, who just celebrated her 18th birthday 3 weeks ago and she has no gringo friends.

This is getting redundant. Before meeting a girl, I know if she has kids, if she has a dog, what she likes to drink, what drugs she does, what music she likes and so much more. And if she has kids, I already know if her stomach is wrecked.

Guess what? More of that better shit. This last trip my flight to Bogota passed Medellin at the perfect time. It was after sunset so the city was all lit up, but there was still lots of color in the sky. Snapped the picture and stuck it on Facebook. By the next morning, 22 girls had hit me up on Messenger, wanting to know me. Where else can you get that much attention for 5 seconds of effort?

Why stop there? I haven't bothered trying to add Facebook girls in almost 2 years. Instead they add me, sometimes 40-50 a week. Then I decide which ones I'm interested in. Because my list has grown so large, I get requests from other cities and other countries. Had one last year from Costa Rica. She sent a bunch of photos and videos and told me to let her know if I visit CR.

One last benefit. I don't have to waste any time just to find out the girl won't come down to my price. It takes 10 seconds to settle that.

Mojo Bandit
07-22-21, 08:07
Hello guys,

I have decided to share a little trip report about my first visit to Colombia.

.Thank you very much for taking the time to give such a detailed report on your trip, this was obviously above and beyond the usual efforts. In fact you did such a detailed and honest job that I hate to say anything critical so please be assured that this is only a suggestion. Some guys go only to Medellin and some guys go only to Cartagena, some also go to both. But that means that some people only read the Cartagena Reports thread, and some people only read the Medellin Reports thread, but you have your report on both cities in the Medellin Reports thread, You obviously do not need to write anything else but maybe copy the Cartagena part of the report and paste it in the Cartagena Reports thread.

07-22-21, 12:53
Thank you for a realistic report. I read it with pain but a great read, LOL. It almost seems like you were in a desert..I read it with pain.

Well, your concision is "painful". Jajajajaja.

Mr Enternational
07-22-21, 12:59
When I got to the pharmacy, the pharmacist can't understand my hand gesture for bandage, luckily there was an expat their to help me out. Also, trying to use google translate on a phone, to read the menu on another phone looks super dumb. I am now working on my Spanish and planning a return trip to Medellin in October.LOL. Man that was a great report. Looks like you made a lot of memories and gained a lot of experience.

07-22-21, 13:06
Of course man, you do you and who care what other say. Honestly, I still walk el Centro once a while but always walk away disappointed. Once a while, I see members posted that they met a 9 in Centro for have her for 30 k or something. I'm like FUCK, I want a 9 for 30 k and I walked around then walked away disappointed.

I'm just saying, base on the scale that was post recently. It's hard to find a 7 in el Centro. You can forget the 9-10. Some members posted meeting 9-10 in Centro, they use a different scale. I'm sure once a while you find a unicorn, that is like hitting the lottery. For a normal Joe, that visit Medellin once a while you're not going to find that. It's better to use different venue (FB, Casa, etc.).Centro most definitely is not for guys whose preferences are for very hot and pretty chicas, albeit there are a few. For guys without a "must" to have a killer pretty faced Chica, there's a lot to be had there, if you have the time and patience to work the place.

07-22-21, 13:22
I like them young and unspoiled if I can get them. I have had a few high school girls myself. They are 18, but still in school. For me, that makes it extra hot. If you can get them to wear their uniform, all the better. The HS girls I've had are not prepagos (at least not yet), so getting them fresh with no baby damage, cellulite, fat without much mileage is great. They often lack some experience, but that's where the teaching comes into play. And that can be fun also, especially when they are open to learning.I like them around 30, not an 18 year old cheerleader that can't take the lumber. A nasty horny 30 year old will give me a run for my money, an 18 year old will just be to giggly for me. On the other hand though, an 18 year old as you described with a killer body can be a hell of a turn if you engage them to explore their sexuality. I find it interesting how varied everyone's personal tastes are in women, with no taste being right or wrong.

07-22-21, 13:30
Final through, There is really no Asian's in Colombia, I saw probably a handful during the 8 days I was there. Medellin weather is amazing. You can get by with no Spanish but you really don't want to. One night I walk out to grub my friend some bandage, because he cut his finger and I didn't bring my phone. When I got to the pharmacy, the pharmacist can't understand my hand gesture for bandage, luckily there was an expat their to help me out. Also, trying to use google translate on a phone, to read the menu on another phone looks super dumb. I am now working on my Spanish and planning a return trip to Medellin in October.Great report, we usually see first time reports asking stupid questions which could of been answered if the poster had RTFF.

Anyways, working on your Spanish will greatly enhance your experience's in Colombia which you figured out.

07-22-21, 17:57
My fifth visit to Medellin (MDE) was my least satisfying trip there so far. I attribute this sub-par experience to: 1) unfavorable trends in the Facebook scene; 2) the loss of intel on individual Facebook girls due to the breakdown of a MDE-specific forum that I previously used to find reputable talent; and 3) my search for "fresh meat" among previously unknown Facebook girls. The combination of higher prices and lower quality and reliability on Facebook lowers MDE's ranking in my book, closer to that of Bogota. I will still return to MDE, but with a more conservative approach. If nothing else, this trip taught me the value of the many good contacts that I have developed there over the years.

I had hoped to return to MDE earlier in 2021, but the combination of Colombian and USA Testing requirements deterred me. By the time that I overcame this reluctance, MDE renewed restrictions for Easter and then riots started. The coast was clear in June, with the lifting of MDE restrictions and the PCR requirement and the end of riots. I fulfilled the USA Test requirement with an at-home antigen test from a USA Lab. I bought them online, took one to MDE, and did it in my crib with the lab via webcam. This resolved my concerns about a botched test yielding a false positive and triggering quarantine.

I would normally choose my lineup by using a mongering forum focused on MDE, with reviews of Facebook girls. That forum is still online but unusable due to technical problems that its owner has not fixed. The loss of this intel was a major blow to my pipeline. Without an intel-based choice of new prospects, I decided to make a virtue out of necessity and focus on "fresh meat," or girls with no track record. I have heard enough mongers lament the focus of so many guys on a handful of well-known girls and praise the virtue of finding their own pristine gems that I decided to try it more than before.

I saw the first signs of negative changes in the local Facebook scene on my last (November 2020) trip. I thought at the time that those few experiences were: random flukes; the occasional downside of seeking "fresh meat;" or temporary hiccups on the road to recovery from one of the world's longest lockdowns. These problems persisted and worsened since my last trip, perhaps due to the combination of renewed restrictions and the riots this spring. Many mongers have feared MDE would become another Costa Rica; perhaps that day has finally come. I believe that the precipitating factor was not hordes of ill-advised gringos, but the general insanity and ridiculousness of the past year and half.

The most measurable change has been the increase in many Facebook girls' asking prices. Historically, only a small fraction of girls would ask for more than the usual 150 k-200 k COP plus taxi, for which there was typically some clear reason, such as appearance, reputation, or special services. On this trip, the proportion of girls asking for more than the historic norm without an obvious justification grew massively. Such quotes of 250-300 k were almost as common as those in the historic price range. This upward trend was less common among better-known girls, who usually respected historic prices. Perhaps this shift is due in part to an influx of new girls motivated by economic hardship. The economic deprivation of the past year and half must be a major factor across the board, as the girls seek to make up for lost income by increasing prices. Economic logic would suggest lowering prices in response to low demand, but since when does logic have any role in their thinking?

One of the sharper girls suggested that increased COP prices were adjustments for changes in the USD-COP exchange rate in the past year and a half, during which COP has lost much of its value against USD. It was stable at around 3000:1 for a long time but has decreased to around 3800:1 in the past year and a half of economic insanity. In other words, some have started pegging the COP prices to the USD.

Some of them took this practice further and simply quoted prices in USD. That happened a few times on my last trip and even more on this trip. I asked them about this and they said that they acquired that habit in Panama, from which they had returned to MDE after lockdowns and restrictions disrupted the scene there. These prices, usually $100 USD, were even more inflated than increased COP prices.

The rise of web cam work and the online sale of sexual content by many Facebook girls as an alternate source of income due to lockdowns and other restrictions may have changed earning expectations. One of them justified higher prices by claiming that she could earn as much from online sex work as the historic normal prices for citas, but from the comfort of her home and without having to fuck gringos.

The riots earlier this year must have had some impact on the scene, beyond the loss of income from foreign mongers staying home for safety reasons. Perhaps it filled their heads with bad social or economic ideas or encouraged them to assert their perceived rights and interests. One girl's Facebook profile warned supporters of President Duque and Colombian police that she would not speak to them, in an uncanny echo of statements about Trump supporters that many USA Women include on their social media and dating profiles. I also noticed USA -influenced graffiti in MDE, such as "ACAB," or "All Cops Are Bastards. " Considering the damage that such ideas are doing to our own society, it would not be surprising if their export to Colombia is damaging and corrupting that society as well.

There has clearly been a negative change in many Facebook girls' attitudes. Before, one key factor that had repeatedly brought me back to MDE, more than any other mongering destination, was the way that the girls treated me and their GFE vibe. The girls were generally nicer to me and more pleasant company than elsewhere. While I could still certainly find many GFE vibes on this trip, never before have I dismissed so many online prospects because of bad vibes and unpleasant attitudes that I sensed.

Even more frustrating was the notorious paisa flakiness. It is a long-standing problem that I saw before; I had learned to accept a certain modicum of flakiness, e. G. Arriving 15-20 minutes late, as "the nature of the beast. " On this trip the flakiness skyrocketed off the charts and was more egregious than I had ever seen. Less than half of the citas that I arranged actually occurred. They just blew me off without following up, or they failed to contact me to confirm or cancel within a window of time that I had specified. I used to think that this flakiness was a cultural feature or due to Third World logistical challenges, but now I recognize that it is just disrespect. This realization lowered my opinion of MDE.

For example, one girl that blew off our cita had the chutzpah to contact me a few days later to ask if I still wanted a cita. I told her that she was persona non grata due to her failure to cancel responsibly, as we had agreed. Another girl told me an obvious lie. She claimed that she had overslept and just woken up (as if that were a valid excuse! But I had seen on WhatsApp that she had read and ignored my earlier message when she was supposedly sleeping. Only one girl canceled responsibly, with many hours of advance notice more than what I had asked; she arrived on time for the rescheduled cita.

This trip was the first time that I encountered blatant dishonesty in the form of catfishing or bait-and-switch. Two of the girls that showed up for citas were not the girls from their Facebook photos. One of them resembled the girl in the photos enough that she might have been a much less attractive sister or cousin. The other one was cute but a totally different body type from the girl in the photos. In both cases the girls were slow to remove face masks after exiting taxis, presumably in an effort to continue the deception as long as possible as if they thought that I would not eventually notice! Another girl did match her photos but reneged on our agreement for a specific service. The catfishing rattled my confidence in the Facebook pipeline, which I had come to trust to some degree on prior trips. Girls might have had unduly flattering but otherwise genuine pictures or found ways to hide their physical flaws before, but it was not until this trip that I had to wonder if they were totally fake.

For those citas that did occur, the quality of the performances was down on average, particularly with "fresh meat. " I attribute this lower-quality performance to either half-assed attitudes or a lack of erotic skills, depending on the girl. With that said, I did find some good performers among the girls that were new to me but had some track record with other mongers. I will add them to my roster for future trips.

A few days into my week-long trip, it became clear that my strategy was not working. I abandoned my quest for "fresh meat" and limited myself to Facebook girls that I had seen before, or that already had reputations. This shift salvaged the trip and made it worthwhile. Their performances were closer to what I had previously experienced. I also did two overnight citas with girls that I had seen before, one of whom will become a regular overnighter for future trips. Another one of my girls from a previous trip has improved her skills quite a bit since I last saw her, so I will make her a priority on future visits.

I had two backups for when Facebook citas flaked: Centro street meat during the day and La Isla at night. I found a stacked Venezuelan "diamond in the rough" in Centro. She delivered an enthusiastic performance at a fraction of the price that Facebook girls sought. We spent so much time together that the short-time hotel staff came to kick us out of the room, but she did not ask for more money. I got her contact details and hope to invite her to my crib on a future trip, once Venezuelans in Colombia are legally documented. This contrast with my Facebook experience reminded me of the virtues of street meat and made me look forward to my next visit to Bogota's Santa Fe district. La Isla yielded two good sessions on a predictably busy Saturday night but was less productive during the week.

On a separate note, I was more successful in getting girls to agree to BBBJ than on any other prior MDE trip. I only had to discard a few online prospects because they insisted on CBJ. I think that this greater success was due to a change in my approach. I previously used conjugations of the phrase "chupar sin condon," in the interest of maximum clarity. This time I used the subtler phrase "oral natural," taking a more delicate, indirect approach to what some girls view as a sensitive issue.

Some mongers predicted that they would find huge numbers of hot girls eager to fuck their brains out at rock-bottom prices once this insanity subsided and mongering resumed with some semblance of normalcy. Suffice it to say that, not only were these predictions wrong, but the opposite may turn out to be true in some cases. It would be ironic if the prediction of MDE turning into Costa Rica came true not because of clueless gringo hordes killing the market, but in connection with their extended absence.

A key selling point of MDE's Facebook scene for me was that it yielded consistent but moderate quality at medium prices, compared to the extremes of Cartagena and Bogota. I now find this selling point to be less true than before, as prices increase while quality and reliability decrease. It is frustrating and ironic to sit in your crib with many hot girls blowing up your phone for a cita as you wait around for the one that you chose to not show up, or to show up an hour late and deliver a half-assed performance at a higher price. This frustrating irony makes Santa Fe in Bogota, with its lower prices and the opportunity to scope out and pull girls in person and on the spot, an increasingly appealing alternative. The many stacked girls in Santa Fe are also a better fit for my personal tastes than the MDE flacas.

I will return to MDE with more conservative Facebook lineups. I used to default to girls that were new to me and only repeated with girls I already knew as backup. In the future, girls I already know will be priorities, as I know enough of them by now to rely on that talent pool. I will continue to seek new girls but focus on those with good reputations. I will make "fresh meat" a low priority and vet a much smaller number of unknown girls more vigorously. Of course, that task would be more productive if someone could fix that broken MDE forum. It would be a shame to lose such an intel goldmine.

Fun Luvr
07-22-21, 18:37
... are there vendors and locals following you around in Medellin, just like they do in Cartagena?No. No more commend necessary.

07-22-21, 19:13
Thank you for taking the time to write about facebook. Based on your report I see two primary options for you:

1. continue mining the depths of facebook in search of satisfaction.

2. begin to explore the world beyond facebook.

I look forward to seeing how it plays out. I would like to suggest that five facebook centric visits don't likely offer representative experiences of what Medellin has to offer. I have some acquaintances who also swear by facebook. For what it's worth the trends I notice in how they evaluate their experiences (in order of descending priority) center on how much time the facebook girl is with them, whether or not they get an uncovered blow job, and cost.

My fifth visit to Medellin (MDE) was my least satisfying trip there so far. I attribute this sub-par experience to: 1) unfavorable trends in the Facebook scene; 2) the loss of intel on individual Facebook girls due to the breakdown of a MDE-specific forum that I previously used to find reputable talent; and 3) my search for "fresh meat" among previously unknown Facebook girls. The combination of higher prices and lower quality and reliability on Facebook lowers MDE's ranking in my book, closer to that of Bogota. I will still return to MDE, but with a more conservative approach. If nothing else, this trip taught me the value of the many good contacts that I have developed there over the years.

I had hoped to return to MDE earlier in 2021, but the combination of Colombian and USA Testing requirements deterred me. By the time that I overcame this reluctance, MDE renewed restrictions for Easter and then riots started. The coast was clear in June, with the lifting of MDE restrictions and the PCR requirement and the end of riots. I fulfilled the USA Test requirement with an at-home antigen test from a USA Lab. I bought them online, took one to MDE, and did it in my crib with the lab via webcam. This resolved my concerns about a botched test yielding a false positive and triggering quarantine..

07-22-21, 19:27
Hello guys,

The trip was 3 days in Cartagena and 5 days in Medellin and I was traveling with 3 other friends.

.Saw you guys in the Hotel and in the Bank next to the Hotel. I told you not to withdrawl money in US Currency if you remember. looks like you all had fun: the.

07-22-21, 19:35
Someone with a lot of time on his hands, but no money would clearly miss the point I was making. Not surprised.For not sharing your non-existent "point" jajajajajaaaaaa.

07-22-21, 19:40
Speaking from first-hand experience? This one actually sounds plausible.If you want me to flex my ego for you, I will.

Trust me if I go in there, they are all cumming out for me jajajajjajajaaaa, I know this from experience with other mongers around the world.

We go in separately and the line up has less hot putas for some of them, but more for me.

Never vice versa.

Some very hot putas only work in places with this option so they don't need to go with mongers like you!

07-22-21, 19:45
I like them around 30, not an 18 year old cheerleader that can't take the lumber. A nasty horny 30 year old will give me a run for my money, an 18 year old will just be to giggly for me. On the other hand though, an 18 year old as you described with a killer body can be a hell of a turn if you engage them to explore their sexuality. I find it interesting how varied everyone's personal tastes are in women, with no taste being right or wrong.Unless you are just being facetious, most 30 yo putas around the world have too much cock mileage for me, and god knows how many babies they've shit out.

Regardless of how grande we are, 18 yo vaginas can take it, they were made to push out babies the size of basketballs LOL.

Unless you're talking about that midget that hangs around parque Bolivar.

I think if I stuck it in her, I would push her organs out of her mouth and asshole jajjajaja.

07-22-21, 20:03
It's a roll of the dice man. But this is something simple you can do: agree to pay for "el carro" (DiDi, InDriver, Uber) and from your place. If the chick shows up not looking like her photos, or if you get that the vibe is off, do not try to engage in sex and just tell her you will give her money for her taxi back home. No harm, no foul.

Don't always go by vibe though. Some chicas arrive and we don't have much to say. But then it ends up being a wild time in the sack and turns out to be something you almost missed out on, LOL.Well put. Maybe I've been jumping the gun too much. Cause on the flipside sometimes really cute girls you have a great connection with are terrible in bed. It's unfortunate those don't always correlate jaja.

07-22-21, 20:14
My fifth visit to Medellin (MDE) was my least satisfying trip there so far. I attribute this sub-par experience to: 1) unfavorable trends in the Facebook scene; 2) the loss of intel on individual Facebook girls due to the breakdown of a MDE-specific forum that I previously used to find reputable talent; and 3) my search for "fresh meat" among previously unknown Facebook girls. The combination of higher prices and lower quality and reliability on Facebook lowers MDE's ranking in my book, closer to that of Bogota. I will still return to MDE, but with a more conservative approach. If nothing else, this trip taught me the value of the many good contacts that I have developed there over the years.

I had hoped to return to MDE earlier in 2021, but the combination of Colombian and USA Testing requirements deterred me. By the time that I overcame this reluctance, MDE renewed restrictions for Easter and then riots started. The coast was clear in June, with the lifting of MDE restrictions and the PCR requirement and the end of riots. I fulfilled the USA Test requirement with an at-home antigen test from a USA Lab. I bought them online, took one to MDE, and did it in my crib with the lab via webcam. This resolved my concerns about a botched test yielding a false positive and triggering quarantine.First off yes that mde forum with FB girls was a huge help. Too bad. Maybe it will revive.

I stated in my two month trip in January that this was happening. The "in demand" girls of FB will not budge off 250 mil. And I would see their hottest friends and that's an additional 50 mil commission.

For me the convenience of FB girls is discretion.

During the peak of the pandemic the girls found a way to make money in other ways.

I don't see these girls coming down in price until they become real real desperate.

There's at least 3 girls that were on Vane's list 3 years ago that are now charging 500 mil and up and totally full of themselves.

I give them credit for their hustle and being smart enough to better their life. But it does become unfortunate for mongers.

But 250 mil now and 200 mil a few years ago is about the same damage in USD.

07-22-21, 20:24
Centro most definitely is not for guys whose preferences are for very hot and pretty chicas, albeit there are a few. For guys without a "must" to have a killer pretty faced Chica, there's a lot to be had there, if you have the time and patience to work the place.It depends on what "Centro" you are talking about. All you do is street, and regarding that, probably what you say is true. Regarding the downtown casas and strip clubs, there's more than "a few," and they tend to be natural.

As to the "very hot and pretty chicas" in the tourist areas, well, often once the clothes come off she's Frankenstein's daughter with scars to prove it, and that 9 suddenly becomes a 2. Further downgrades may be in order once the makeup is removed. Yet admittedly, after some drinks, a lot of guys aren't going to notice or care. Wink.


07-22-21, 20:31
Facebook and discretion are mutually exclusive. Even Zuckerberg admits it now.

First off yes that mde forum with FB girls was a huge help. Too bad. Maybe it will revive.

I stated in my two month trip in January that this was happening. The "in demand" girls of FB will not budge off 250 mil. And I would see their hottest friends and that's an additional 50 mil commission.

For me the convenience of FB girls is discretion.

During the peak of the pandemic the girls found a way to make money in other ways.

I don't see these girls coming down in price until they become real real desperate.

There's at least 3 girls that were on Vane's list 3 years ago that are now charging 500 mil and up and totally full of themselves.

I give them credit for their hustle and being smart enough to better their life. But it does become unfortunate for mongers.

But 250 mil now and 200 mil a few years ago is about the same damage in USD.

07-22-21, 20:33
Great report, we usually see first time reports asking stupid questions which could of been answered if the poster had RTFF.

Anyways, working on your Spanish will greatly enhance your experience's in Colombia which you figured out.What did you use to learn Spanish? Private tutor? Classes? Language learning app like Duolingo?

Member #4729
07-22-21, 20:36
My fifth visit to Medellin (MDE) was my least satisfying trip there so far. I attribute this sub-par experience to: 1) unfavorable trends in the Facebook scene; 2) the loss of intel on individual Facebook girls due to the breakdown of a MDE-specific forum that I previously used to find reputable talent; and 3) my search for "fresh meat" among previously unknown Facebook girls. The combination of higher prices and lower quality and reliability on Facebook lowers MDE's ranking in my book, closer to that of Bogota. I will still return to MDE, but with a more conservative approach. If nothing else, this trip taught me the value of the many good contacts that I have developed there over the years.
Thanks. This was a very interesting, thorough and analytic report- the verbiage was similar to the deliverables from a professional consultancy firm. I wonder what your career is.

My question is: why- given all the trouble with online methodologies- do you revert to them? There is a way to avoid flaking and catfishing- pull from Lleras, Gustos, Fase Dose, the Casa's, etc. The girls are there- observable and available to interact. You know what you are going to get physically and in terms of service.

In a way this is a general question to all the Medellin lovers as well. I don't really see how this scene can be considered superlative when so much of it is based on bird-dogging insta, tinder, SA, facebook etc, and setting yourself up for disappointment, flakery, catfishing, etc. That seems like all I've been reading about here lately. Bottom line- too much time and mental energy is wasted in the procurement process. And as you say- flaking is not simply a cultural feature- it's just blatant disrespect. I cannot engage in transactions where my value is consistently dis-regarded.

Earlier this summer I was in Brazil, and have previously traveled extensively in SEA. After experiencing all three of these regions, my feeling is Colombia / Caribbean is the weakest generally- and especially for mongers who do not have the time to deal with the aforementioned BS of chasing girls online and just sitting hopelessly at home as they fail to show or otherwise flake. In a terma in Brazil, you go there, select a girl and fuck. In soi 6 in Pattaya- the girls is there, you select her, and fuck. In bars in Angeles City- you go- select a girl- bring her back, fuck. None of these options involve pacing back and forth in your room like some hopeless chump-hoping that she will actually show. None of these options involve being confused with fake photos. None of these options are marred by uncertainty as to what acts will be performed as that is all communicated up front.

Again, it begs the question as to why Medellin lovers continue to put up with this format and the destination in general? Are they simply unware there are other options? Doesn't seem likely as many contributors here are extremely well traveled and experienced. Maybe the answer is that many people are able to make the online work for them- to which I say good job.

Perhaps someone with experience in multiple regions like me can chime in as to what makes Medellin / Colombia so special given the above considerations. Personally I don't see it and will be only returning if other options are unavailable.

07-22-21, 20:41
For those that have been to both Cartagena and Medellin: are there vendors and locals following you around in Medellin, just like they do in Cartagena? Had a guy try to put his arms around me and hug me; I did a quick 360 spin and then walked away.I haven't been to Cartagena, but I experienced that problem in Sosua. I've rarely had touts, vendors or beggars, who wouldn't leave me alone after a few seconds, in Medellin. One guy at the Prado metro station got pretty loud and slightly threatening until I stood up and told him to fuck off. But the Prado metro station probably isn't the best place to hang out waiting for someone.

A few in Parque Lleras don't give up easily, but nothing too annoying.

07-22-21, 21:00
Centro most definitely is not for guys whose preferences are for very hot and pretty chicas, albeit there are a few. For guys without a "must" to have a killer pretty faced Chica, there's a lot to be had there, if you have the time and patience to work the place.I'm going to disagree, slightly.

There are hot and pretty chicas everywhere in Medellin. Whether or not they are available is a different story. If you find yourself in a place where you don't see any hot and pretty chicas, ask the guy standing next to you to take his hand off your dick so you can get out of the gay bar you accidentally walked into.

However, there are guys who can't handle the rawness of El Centro. Nothing wrong with that, it's more of an acquired taste. It can be intimidating, especially for those who speak no Spanish.

No matter where you source your chicas in Medellin, you've got some sifting to do. There used to be a girl working Parque Lleras that I called Frankenstein. Bad plastic surgery all over. She would have had trouble making money in the Veracruz alley, but every night she was working Lleras.

If you go to the Mansion there will be some who won't meet your minimum requirements. Same with Gusto, La Isla and everywhere else. Maybe Loutron is an exception. And we all know that the casas are hit or miss. Facebook, Tinder, Photoprepagos, even SA, has winners and losers.

My advice is to find the environment which suits you, rather than chasing everywhere looking for the gem someone else found. Whether your ideal environment is Gusto or Raudal, if you put in the time, you'll find what you're looking for.

07-22-21, 21:06
They like you, you bring money into their country.I didn't go back to read exactly what I wrote, but I am pretty sure I indicated I was talking about my immigration attorney in the USA. He's from Bogota, he's never been to Medellin, and I've already promised to hook him up. So even though what you say may be true, it does not apply to this example. But thank you for playing.

Now to the important shite, I will have boots on the ground in MDE in 48 hours, if the Cosmic Blueberry Muffin is willing. Other than a face mask, I am not anticipating any special requirements on the way down. American Airlines is trying to get me to sign up for free "Veri-Fly" where you upload all you medical documentation on-line. I dunno, if I have time maybe I will give it a whirl.

Gratuitous foto, I was at the laundramat doing the last load before travel, and mi novia video called me on Whassap, and for the first time it dawned on me I could grab screenshots. That's our second dog, the first one got run over by a moto. I don't know anyone who has gotten run over by a car in Medellin. I know three people who got hit by motos while traffic was stopped, but the motos were zinging in between the lanes. Watch out for that, it's dangerous.

07-22-21, 22:06
For those that have been to both Cartagena and Medellin: are there vendors and locals following you around in Medellin, just like they do in Cartagena? Had a guy try to put his arms around me and hug me; I did a quick 360 spin and then walked away.It was a huge problem in Cartagena, crazy amount of vendor who tries to grub me. It was much better in Medellin, there are still vendor but I haven't had anyone who followed me for a few blocks. Its usually ask twice then walk away.

07-22-21, 22:19
My question is: why- given all the trouble with online methodologies- do you revert to them? Bottom line- too much time and mental energy is wasted in the procurement process. And as you say- flaking is not simply a cultural feature- it's just blatant disrespect.I consider Medellin the best mongering destination I have been to on seven continents. Technically, I could not find any mongering in Antarctica. But I don't have any social media accounts, and I agree with you that I would not be happy with many of the mongering experiences described here. I have a Colombian girlfriend, but I still monger my brains out when she does not know I am in town. And girls don't flake on me because 80-90% are repeats. I disagree to say it's not cultural. Being late for a Colombiana is considered normal and they do it because they think it increases desire, and if you really want them, you will wait. When it comes to hardcore prepagos, it simply boils down to pesos and you have to accept that you have competition and no loyalty with a new girl.

Being frustrated over chicas flaking is pointless. What is more realistic, that the mores of entire country will change to meet your non-Colombian expectation or that you adapt? Or you can choose not to adapt and travel elsewhere, that's your choice. Tell them you want to see them two hours before you really do and it evens out, jajaja.

What makes a mongering destination special for one individual can include a lot of personal factors that don't translate to others. The stars align, certain pieces to the puzzle fall in place. There may not be any such thing as Utopia, Nirvana, Heaven-On-Earth, Shangrila, Shambala, or the Garden of Eden, but Medellin will be as close as it gets for me on this planet. I can easily believe it might not be that way for others. I would like to keep MDE under the radar, if it was up to me and deflect Gringos elsewhere. So please, go ahead, tell everyone they can do better than MDE. Ostee Out.

07-22-21, 22:34
A key selling point of MDE's Facebook scene for me was that it yielded consistent but moderate quality at medium prices, compared to the extremes of Cartagena and Bogota. I now find this selling point to be less true than before, as prices increase while quality and reliability decrease. It is frustrating and ironic to sit in your crib with many hot girls blowing up your phone for a cita as you wait around for the one that you chose to not show up, or to show up an hour late and deliver a half-assed performance at a higher price. This frustrating irony makes Santa Fe in Bogota, with its lower prices and the opportunity to scope out and pull girls in person and on the spot, an increasingly appealing alternative. The many stacked girls in Santa Fe are also a better fit for my personal tastes than the MDE flacas.One of the things I am still confuse about facebook is which one of the girls to approach. I did the add contact, go through their friend list, find other people to add for weeks now and I have about 400+ contact. I also read from the forum, the one showing money, devil horns are usually available. However there are tons with just pictures of themselves and it just seem impossible for me to tell. I tried messaging them before my last trip, and some ignore, which I just take it as they know what's going on and is not interested, but some answer 3 or 4 days later. I was also assume the ones that said in a relationship, married etc is not available, but the girl I pull from Parque Lleras added me on facebook, and it said married and their are tons of picture of her and who I assume is her husband.

07-23-21, 00:11
Thanks. This was a very interesting, thorough and analytic report- the verbiage was similar to the deliverables from a professional consultancy firm. I wonder what your career is.

My question is: why- given all the trouble with online methodologies- do you revert to them? There is a way to avoid flaking and catfishing- pull from Lleras, Gustos, Fase Dose, the Casa's, etc. The girls are there- observable and available to interact. You know what you are going to get physically and in terms of service.

In a way this is a general question to all the Medellin lovers as well. I don't really see how this scene can be considered superlative when so much of it is based on bird-dogging insta, tinder, SA, facebook etc, and setting yourself up for disappointment, flakery, catfishing, etc. That seems like all I've been reading about here lately. Bottom line- too much time and mental energy is wasted in the procurement process. And as you say- flaking is not simply a cultural feature- it's just blatant disrespect. I cannot engage in transactions where my value is consistently dis-regarded.

Earlier this summer I was in Brazil, and have previously traveled extensively in SEA. After experiencing all three of these regions, my feeling is Colombia / Caribbean is the weakest generally- and especially for mongers who do not have the time to deal with the aforementioned BS of chasing girls online and just sitting hopelessly at home as they fail to show or otherwise flake. In a terma in Brazil, you go there, select a girl and fuck. In soi 6 in Pattaya- the girls is there, you select her, and fuck. In bars in Angeles City- you go- select a girl- bring her back, fuck. None of these options involve pacing back and forth in your room like some hopeless chump-hoping that she will actually show.You will never find me waiting for any female espec not some 3rd world puta.


07-23-21, 00:57
I'm going to disagree, slightly.

My advice is to find the environment which suits you, rather than chasing everywhere looking for the gem someone else found. Whether your ideal environment is Gusto or Raudal, if you put in the time, you'll find what you're looking for.Agree for the most part. Ever monger rolls differently and the beauty of MDE is it's quite versatile.

The Centro debate will never rest. It's been going on since I've ever been on this board and I suspect it will keep rumbling along. What I can say is that the best way to settle it for yourself is to go and actually see it for yourself. Walking tours happen daily and all sorts of tourists do them during the day, if you are scared just go on one of those, you will get a flavor for it just walking around and see a few of the available chicas around the church and botero plaza area. I went once and all I saw were 3-6's. But the intrigue of the place meant that one day as I was returning from Parque arvi I decided to give it one more spin, I was alone and covered the real estate discussed here a couple of times. I actually saw a doable chica or two but to me the mix of factors was not worth it for the relative paucity of talent. But if I was a cost conscious Monger that would be where I would hunt for my treasure. Gustos same thing, done it once and decided meh, not my cup of tea. Again I found myself in agreement with the folks that said mostly dolled up 6-7's looking like 8-9's after a couple of beers (but that was just my conclusion). In fact it doesn't even get going till like 10-11 pm so you better be up to rolling past midnight at the very least. As I get older, my sleep is worth more than that for me. So maybe I am just a lazy monger. LOL. Facebook seems to be where I found the happy medium. There are issues there too, the flakes, the fakes, the promise the world and then not deliver in the room, the lack of chemistry (either side) and on and on discussed here are real, but I think over time, you find the ones that work for you. You may need to screen and cycle 3-4 for every keeper but once you've got your keeper it's great for you as well as them. I considered booking the mansion this time as it was available up to 2wks before my trip, but in the end decided I don't want potential Covid exposure to dozens of other likely maskless people, so passed.
I tried SA this time, and found it to be somewhat of a waste of time. Some have ridiculous expectations, some are very photoshopped, some flake big time, some are new to this and super timid, and frankly a waste of time if you are a short time visitor, and on and on. That said if I lucked out and found my gem, I may have been singing a different tune.

I have 2 comments on the casa scene. I went to Loutron last time, just to say I did it. The chicas are better quality than any other casa. But TBH I only saw 2 chicas I really wanted to do, and they were always in rotation, and I had to wait my turn, they may have been fucking 8-10 dudes a day. Also the sex is somewhat detached and limited with full condom for BJ even, no kissing, and many limitations. That is a bone killer for me. Chicapaisas I went to this trip and they wanted a 20 mil fee if I didn't pick any of the 3 chicas line up, which was total BS, I texted and told them I was interested in one of their girls but since they obscure faces, I would confirm once I got there. Well If I didn't get there 30 mins later, text them from the front door and get told one chica (not the one I wanted) is available, when I texted enquiring why she said 3 were, usual BS about they are busy. Fuck that, it's basically shitty customer service and just based on your fucking luck. Not impressed. They texted me later saying all available 2 hrs later but I would not go back there.
I walked around the area a bit (a middle class laureles neighbourhood) and found a family owned restaurant and ordered me a nice Colombian meal. 20 mil including tip and at least partially salvaged my outing. Historically I have preferred the laureles casas, as even though priced at a premium more like 100-160 mil range, I have felt the quality of chicas and facilities to be more to my liking. I also think there are many UTR ones that advertise on local boards and PP that don't get discussed here if there are any adventurous mongerers.

I am taking it sort of slow this trip, because I have a couple of chicas keeping me busy, one my fave comes every other night. I have ended up sampling newly 3 off of FB and 1 off SA this trip. I usually go with other monger referred FB chicas, which is interesting because, what one delivered for the monger who told me about her, she didn't even go 1/2 way on with me. She then said she does this once a week at most, and funny enough we cross paths in the lobby the very next day. Jajaja. Another one came, delivered a rock star experience, certainly exceeded my expectations, and left seemingly all happy and saying she will send me 2 chica referrals and then has stopped responding. Who the hell knows with them.
Other than chicas, I enjoy walking in the weather, the natural juices, rappi is a dream, all the services in Rio sur are nice, worked out a few times. Read quite a bit and will be watching a bit of olympics. A decent trip so far to get away after a 1.5yr hiatus.

I have 4 more days left and my biggest worry right now is just hoping my damn Covid test is neg. this weekend. I have had zero symptoms but all this talk of asymptomatic breakthrough infections is shitty and a disruptive scenario no one wants to deal with.

Member #4729
07-23-21, 01:01
I can't speak for many but I think the proximity to the USA is a big draw, beyond that I won't speculate.I think that's a huge part of it.

It takes 26 hours or so to get to Bangkok from the East Coast of the US, and most flights to Rio / Sao Paolo are going to be painful red-eyes that leave you exhausted for a day or so after. A 3 hour hop from Miami is no big deal.


There are many youtubers that make content about living the good life as a man in Colombia (and the DR) and people tend to follow the herd. For whatever reason most of these channels seem to cater to Black American men (BlackMan Travels, Barber TV World, TaylorMade Dreams, Mr Flipflop, Czech in Effect, Young Waz). There's useful content and the creators are chill dudes so I watch them nonetheless even if I'm not the target audience. A couple of the same type guys make content about Brazil but its much less. Youtubers in Philippines don't focus on mongering or the hobby per se, and are more geared towards retirees- and Thailand youtubers also seem a bit older and cater to a British audience and the obnoxious and much reviled Digital Nomad / Backpacker set.

07-23-21, 01:08
I would like to keep MDE under the radar, if it was up to me and deflect Gringos elsewhere. So please, go ahead, tell everyone they can do better than MDE. Ostee Out.Too late for that wishful thinking, Lol.

P.S, I was saying the same thing 20 years ago, when there were military checkpoints coming down the hill from Rio Negro.

Also, Brazil is by far my favorite, however, Colombia continually draws me back.

07-23-21, 01:36
I was also assume the ones that said in a relationship, married etc is not available, but the girl I pull from Parque Lleras added me on facebook, and it said married and their are tons of picture of her and who I assume is her husband.It's very common in Latin America for the boyfriend / husband to pimp their girlfriend / wife out to gringos for $$.

07-23-21, 01:44
IMO it is, will I return to Colombia? Maybe? I just cancelled my flight for next week due to some important work and family issues.

I liked MDE but when I was there I was looking around thinking, this really doesn't seem like the same place I read about.

When other places open up, I can't wait to visit them.

When I read posts I try to filter them for sweet lemons / sour grapes bias.

I can't speak for many but I think the proximity to the USA is a big draw, beyond that I won't speculate.

I found the weather in MDE to be very overrated, the city as well, it is such a small city, I seriously doubt I could ever spend more than a week or 2 there.

Nevermind living there.

I need 10 20 30 or even 40 million people not tiny ass MDE.I did not like it at all. Yes, over hyped. To me Mexico is a much better option.

07-23-21, 01:46
Common sense is suddenly a requirement for prostitution? That's going to change everything!

If all those hookers are now using common sense, expect the cheapest ones to start charging at least $100 for a quickie...Lots of common sense here. I knew you could do it! *smile*.

07-23-21, 01:46
Perhaps someone with experience in multiple regions like me can chime in as to what makes Medellin / Colombia so special given the above considerations. Personally I don't see it and will be only returning if other options are unavailable.Just wanted to throw my two cents in about this topic. I have personal been to Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau, Philippine, Indonesia and Colombia. They are all unique in their own way.

I think Colombia's biggest draw compare to all these other countries for me are.

1) distant travel, 5 hour flight and 20+ hour flight makes a huge different. One I can play a 3 to 5 days trip easy, the other I don't want to go unless I have 2+ weeks and the long flight takes a lot of out you.

2) Weather in Medellin are great, at least compare to all these other countries, which I avoid in the summer time and then their are the monsoon season.

3) I think the biggest draw is that the amount of options in Medellin. I am reading the forum and seeing how some claim they are casa only, some are only going to high end clubs, while others go to centro and some said they are tinder and facebook only, but I don't think their are many other countries which have an many choices. Thailand and Philippine are mainly GoGo with some freelancer, Indonesia and Macau are almost all spa, although they have different types of spar. That is very appealing because I feel like everything has their type and what I think its pretty is very different from what other think. I still remember about 10 years ago, when I first visited Thailand. I walk into this gogo bar with my friend. Two guys there just throwing money at what I consider the two ugliest girl in the bar and I just sit down with my beer complete stun. There was probably like 30 girls in that bar. These two guys were stuck to those girls and they had the biggest grin on their face.

Obviously Medellin will have his problems too, the main one for me is the lack of English even at the most touristy spot. I have never felt like I couldn't survive without google translate in any other country. More then half of the restaurant in EL Poblado didn't have a English menu and this was the first time I have seen how flaky girls can get. Obviously girls are always late, regardless of where you are, but they don't usually just disappear when you have a meeting time.

Side note, If any one would like to share some contacts in Medellin, it would be greatly appreciated.

07-23-21, 02:30
It was a huge problem in Cartagena, crazy amount of vendor who tries to grub me. It was much better in Medellin, there are still vendor but I haven't had anyone who followed me for a few blocks. Its usually ask twice then walk away.My worst experience for being dogged by vendors was in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, also known as Saigon. I swear to gawd they would even call other vendors on the street ahead of me and give them advance notice. They would say shite like, "You bought from her, why you no buy from me? Unbelievable. As always, stay respectful, keep your cool, don't do anything that makes them lose face. Much the same as the hawkers on the street in Medellin, if you give them a nod or a friendly smile, it goes a long way. Don't give them dirty looks. Don't be an Ugly American. For the restaurant ones, memorize, "Acabo de comer" or "I just ate" and pat your stomach, and they will give you back a genuine smile of acknowledgement and then leave you alone. You should realize, if you look and are dressed like a Gringo, and especially if you have a girl with you, the street hawkers will see you coming before you see them. You are USDA Prime Choice.

07-23-21, 02:35
Perhaps someone with experience in multiple regions like me can chime in as to what makes Medellin / Colombia so special given the above considerations.Girls are younger, cheaper and you can get everything else delivered which is not easy to do in most other places.

07-23-21, 02:35
Thanks. This was a very interesting, thorough and analytic report- the verbiage was similar to the deliverables from a professional consultancy firm. I wonder what your career is.

Perhaps someone with experience in multiple regions like me can chime in as to what makes Medellin / Colombia so special given the above considerations. Personally I don't see it and will be only returning if other options are unavailable.Sure, ease of getting there. I have a couple destinations I like better than MDE, but the trip is a hassle. It counts for a lot to be able to leave the US in the morning and arrive to your destination with a few hours of sunlight left in the day. Plus Spanish is my only language.

07-23-21, 02:37
One of the things I am still confuse about facebook is which one of the girls to approach.If a girl has gringo friends then it is likely she is available. Did you make a post on FB to indicate you are in Medellin after you arrived?

07-23-21, 02:54
If a girl has gringo friends then it is likely she is available. Did you make a post on FB to indicate you are in Medellin after you arrived?That's an interesting idea. I did not make a post of FB, I was worry that too many people would bother me and I added a bunch of people on FB that I had no interest to go out with. Also lots of them has close friend list too, so no way to know if they have gringo friends.

07-23-21, 03:37
Too late for that wishful thinking, Lol.

P.S, I was saying the same thing 20 years ago, when there were military checkpoints coming down the hill from Rio Negro.

Also, Brazil is by far my favorite, however, Colombia continually draws me back.You can keep Sao Paulo. But Rio. Accessible only by tunnel. Copa Cabana. Ipanema. The way the city is on those great beaches and backs right up to the mountains. I have not been there in ages, HELP was still open last time I was there.

But the draw for me is Medellin. Probably because I came here first for a girl.

07-23-21, 03:49
Such quotes of 250-300 k were almost as common as those in the historic price range.

Even more frustrating was the notorious paisa flakiness. It is a long-standing problem that I saw before; I had learned to accept a certain modicum of flakiness, e. G. Arriving 15-20 minutes late, as "the nature of the beast. " On this trip the flakiness skyrocketed off the charts and was more egregious than I had ever seen. Less than half of the citas that I arranged actually occurred. They just blew me off without following up, or they failed to contact me to confirm or cancel within a window of time that I had specified. I used to think that this flakiness was a cultural feature or due to Third World logistical challenges, but now I recognize that it is just disrespect. This realization lowered my opinion of MDE.

For example, one girl that blew off our cita had the chutzpah to contact me a few days later to ask if I still wanted a cita. I told her that she was persona non grata due to her failure to cancel responsibly, as we had agreed. Another girl told me an obvious lie. She claimed that she had overslept and just woken up (as if that were a valid excuse! But I had seen on WhatsApp that she had read and ignored my earlier message when she was supposedly sleeping. Only one girl canceled responsibly, with many hours of advance notice more than what I had asked; she arrived on time for the rescheduled cita.You need to go back and read the forum posts. The girls are desperate, starving, and will take low offers to get money. Well that is from all the idiots out there. I had a girl claim the same BS when she had 2 new tattoos with that protective gel still on them. I stayed at a ST hotel with a big window for 3+ months. Saw a girl come to hotel with a guy. When she was done with him she visited me right after (not even leaving the building). Then 15 minutes later I am leaving and pass her and her new customer going up in the stairwell. These guys are stupid and believe the girls' lies or are having sex with ugly girls. I was there during the entire lockdown in Barranquilla and Medellin and the girls were flaky then too.

So funny you use the word "Flakiness" which most guys have repeated over and over again. Me too. I have countless examples. But Mr. Enternational in prior post has informed us that we are using the word incorrectly. Just warning you if he corrects you. HAHA!

07-23-21, 03:56
Day Seven. We meet up with Victor, the taxi driver we meet at the airport and went to Guntape. He quote 100 usd for the whole trip, and I think it was a great deal. He drove us to everything we wanted to see, walked us around. Gave good suggestion for foods to eat. When we came back, my friend wanted to tip him 100 usd. I told him a 100% is crazy, but he refuse to back down and wanted to pay with his money. .I'm going to have to assume that if you had a driver all day you had to have stopped at the Penol and climbed it perhaps. I was there on Thursday, and prior to that the first time I went there almost 15 years ago, there was only one set of stairs made out of wood in some areas and stone cement steps. I again visited about five years ago, and they had an uphill and downhill set of stairs they had put in about 13 years ago but still just only a gravel access road and parking area. I was quite shocked to see how much it's been developed including the new paved access road and parking area. Along with new multiple level buildings with a two floor food court, more restaurants, and more stores. And upon climbing the Penol and returning after about 1,500 steps, to exit you have to go thru a maze of shops and walk by restaurants to leave. Things have changed so much over the years.

07-23-21, 03:58
I wanted to visit but read some comments from some sites and changed my mind. (My comments).

1) Do not come here on a holiday weekend. We attempted to come another weekend and made it all the way to the Santa Domingo station and was told the park was closed due to max capacity of visitors.

(The park is massive. No reason to have any max capacity other than getting the people out and home using the metro or buses.).

2) After spending 26000 COP to get there, and double checking the park hours, we were told by park staff that the park would not open till 11.30. So we saw nothing and did not want to spend two and a half hours touring their souvenir shop, while waiting for the park to open.

3) The man in the tourist booth told us that the guides were in some sort of class / training and so our only option was to walk on a paved road to a picnic site. I asked where we could get a good view of the city and he said the only lookout point was closed.

4) We wanted to walk to a lagoon on the map. Main road gets there. Very simple and straightforward. 20 minutes maximum. Stopped by police and forced to join a walking tour (free, mind you) we had to stay with this group, escorted by 2 mounted police and weren't allowed to separate for own own safety. 20 min walk turned into a painful 3 HR tour to get to a lagoon that had been dry for months.

Here was a Laguna a couple kilometers down the road but the police wouldn't let us walk that far because it was 3 pm.

5) You may get robbed on the trails! Hopefully the park put up warning signs after this most recent incident but we found out too late that it had already happened to others before us. My Mother and I were on the Archaeological trail not far from our larger group of friends when suddenly a guy appeared out of the forest with a gun, he snatched my phone out of my hand and proceeded to unzip my Mom's shirt pockets searching for her valuables, he stole her phone too and took all of her cash. We were lucky we weren't harmed and he gave her back her passport after we pleaded for it in our limited Spanish.

(No where is safe in this country. Starting to really wear and grind on me. Sad! I had hoped to put on my headphones on and relax on a 7+ mile hike.)

6) The park is horribly organized, and actively discourages visitors from exploring the park. We arrived by the cable car, spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to get to the hiking trails shown on the maps. You can't, and even if you could you need a paid guide.

(I hate guided tours. Took one guide to a waterfall and lost the female guide because she stopped to chat with someone and I kept going. My money. My time.)

7) We looked for some information / map, no luck.

(I can not find a decent map on their website, Google search, or Google maps. The place is huge to be there without a good map.).

8) We crossed noisy locals with noisy loudspeakers.

(That would ruin any trip any where at any time.)

07-23-21, 04:04
Plus Spanish is my only language.Dayumm, your English comes across quite well. Jajajajajaja.

07-23-21, 04:10
What did you use to learn Spanish? Private tutor? Classes? Language learning app like Duolingo?Interesting question and although I've been told I'm fluent in Spanish, I don't think so about half the time, but do understand a lot, and getting there was a big struggle and languages don't come easy to me. How I got to being where I am at now involved everything you mentioned which included Rosetta Stone, classes at EAFIT thru level 7, and a private tutor 2 hours a day for about two months. For someone who can stay in Medellin for extended periods of time, I would recommend a "formal" class room setting such as EAFIT to get the basics down. After that switch to a private tutor if you can afford it.

07-23-21, 04:18
Unless you're talking about that midget that hangs around parque Bolivar.

I think if I stuck it in her, I would push her organs out of her mouth and asshole jajjajaja.As far as a midget working Parque Bolvar I rarely go there, and have yet to see a working midget in El Centro, and I'm not talking about a dinky spinner, however there was a midget in Cucuta working I saw a few years back.

07-23-21, 04:29
Thank you for taking the time to write about facebook. Based on your report I see two primary options for you:

1. continue mining the depths of facebook in search of satisfaction.

2. begin to explore the world beyond facebook.

I look forward to seeing how it plays out. I would like to suggest that five facebook centric visits don't likely offer representative experiences of what Medellin has to offer. I have some acquaintances who also swear by facebook. For what it's worth the trends I notice in how they evaluate their experiences (in order of descending priority) center on how much time the facebook girl is with them, whether or not they get an uncovered blow job, and cost.I have explored non-Facebook options in my five Facebook-centric trips to Medellin. As I mentioned in my report, I found that the ones that work best for me are Centro street meat and La Isla. I dislike casas because of the lack of opportunities to screen girls before selection for chemistry and for openness to BBBJ, which is a critical requirement for me. I have tried Fase II several times but the talent pool there does not suit my preferences in female body types. La Isla does, however, suit my taste in female body types and it is my go-to option for strip clubs. I also liked the talent pool in the Centro strip clubs but was wary of going there alone at night and also could not live with the pervasive CBJ culture there. In fact, the pervasive CBJ culture in most of the non-Facebook mongering options in Medellin is one of several reasons why Facebook is the most viable option for me, despite its numerous flaws. Centro street meat works for me because I can ask around until I find a girl that will BBBJ.

07-23-21, 04:30
I have been to Cartagena several times. With family, with chicas, and by myself. While I love the Old City, I've pretty much soured on the rest of it. The beach is nothing to me, because I live in Florida and have better sand and cleaner water. And I can't stand the touts who will not give up. Even if you have your eyes closed or your hat over you head. They will wake you up. I especially hate the massage ladies. When I am there, I am more likely to stick to the hotel pool during the day and enjoy the Old CIty at night when it's cooler. But I'm not in any hurry to return there.

I rarely have issues with touts in Medellin. Now if I was in centro all of the time, I imagine it might be different. When I do get approached by someone in Laureles, a quick "no gracias" does the trick. Never had anyone follow me. My only annoyance is in Poblado. Especially near the Parque. Seems like everyone is selling something or begging for money. It gets old. Some will go away with a "no gracias" but some are very persistent. I used to enjoy sitting at a table by the side walk at Beer Company and watching the action. But now I am more likely to sit in the middle to avoid the pests. Although some restaurants seem to have no problem allowing these touts to walk right in and solicit you at your table, which I find very annoying.

It was a huge problem in Cartagena, crazy amount of vendor who tries to grub me. It was much better in Medellin, there are still vendor but I haven't had anyone who followed me for a few blocks. Its usually ask twice then walk away.

07-23-21, 04:40
Thanks. This was a very interesting, thorough and analytic report- the verbiage was similar to the deliverables from a professional consultancy firm. I wonder what your career is.

My question is: why- given all the trouble with online methodologies- do you revert to them? There is a way to avoid flaking and catfishing- pull from Lleras, Gustos, Fase Dose, the Casa's, etc. The girls are there- observable and available to interact. You know what you are going to get physically and in terms of service.

In a way this is a general question to all the Medellin lovers as well. I don't really see how this scene can be considered superlative when so much of it is based on bird-dogging insta, tinder, SA, facebook etc, and setting yourself up for disappointment, flakery, catfishing, etc. That seems like all I've been reading about here lately. Bottom line- too much time and mental energy is wasted in the procurement process. And as you say- flaking is not simply a cultural feature- it's just blatant disrespect. I cannot engage in transactions where my value is consistently dis-regarded..Yes, your guess about my employment history is not far from the mark.

To answer your question. Yes, the factors that you mention are significant downsides to Internet pipelining, and they are one of the main reasons that I have not returned to Medellin more frequently than I have over the past five years. I have a strong preference for in-person mongering for all of the reasons that you described. But Facebook in Medellin clearly offers the best combination and balance of talent, service, and pricing of the various options in Medellin, despite the numerous flaws of Facebook pipelining that you correctly identified. The main considerations for me are the GFE aspect of the service and BBBJ, both of which can be hard to find in the many other in-person mongering options outside Medellin, such as the casas and the strip clubs. CBJ is generally a show-stopper for me, so those options do not work well for me.

So then you might ask, why go to Medellin at all then? Well, for the time being at least, there are not that many other places to go due to travel and public health restrictions. If I could go anywhere in the world right now to monger, I would go to Pattaya or the FKKs of Frankfurt, but those are probably not feasible for now. Colombia is only a few hours flight away from me and has few restrictions in place right now. And, as I mentioned in my report, this latest experience with a more pronounced version of Internet pipelining's numerous downsides will probably shift the balance of time that I spend in Colombia away from Medellin and toward Bogota, where I can monger in person in the Santa Fe red light district.

07-23-21, 07:13
Thanks. This was a very interesting, thorough and analytic report- the verbiage was similar to the deliverables from a professional consultancy firm. I wonder what your career is.

My question is: why- given all the trouble with online methodologies- do you revert to them? There is a way to avoid flaking and catfishing- pull from Lleras, Gustos, Fase Dose, the Casa's, etc. The girls are there- observable and available to interact. You know what you are going to get physically and in terms of service.

In a way this is a general question to all the Medellin lovers as well. I don't really see how this scene can be considered superlative when so much of it is based on bird-dogging insta, tinder, SA, facebook etc, and setting yourself up for disappointment, flakery, catfishing, etc. That seems like all I've been reading about here lately. Bottom line- too much time and mental energy is wasted in the procurement process. And as you say- flaking is not simply a cultural feature- it's just blatant disrespect. I cannot engage in transactions where my value is consistently dis-regarded...Somewhere, in one of my closets, I have an old pair of Red Wing boots, size 11.5. Those boots feel great on my feet. Do you think they will fit everyone else as well as they fit me? Not every mongering destination fits everyone the same. If Medellin isn't a good fit, don't waste your time trying to figure out why other people like it. Go where you are happier.


In Medellin there are the casas and strip clubs. The girls are right there. You just pick one and go fuck. The street girls are right there. Just pick one and go fuck. The girls in Gusto and the Mansion, you guessed it. If the Facebook thing isn't working for you, why sit and complain? Hop in a taxi and go fuck It's not as if Facebook is the only option.

I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but you have no value in Medellin until you establish your value That's just the nature of the beast.

There are hundreds, possibly thousands of guys reading this board every day, who have no intention of ever visiting Medellin. However, they do want to talk to the girls. Every girl on Facebook in Medellin gets messages from guys that are pure bullshit. Guys trying to get pictures, guys setting up fake dates, guys insulting them or threatening them. As a new guy you have no credibility. Your Facebook page probably has very little content and nobody can recommend you.

This has been mentioned before. Just as the mongers share information about the girls, the girls share information about us. Until some of the girls get to know you, you're still an unknown risk.

There are ways to establish a reputation, which greatly reduces the issues. The first way is to get another monger to recommend you. If that's not an option, make your Facebook more active. My mongering Facebook, as several can attest, is the same Facebook I use for family and friends. There's no question that I'm a real person. This isn't an option for most people. However, by posting photos and tagging your location in Medellin, you will get a lot more responses. Anyone can send a message, but a picture of a well known landmark goes a long way towards establishing credibility.

To close, nothing makes Medellin superlative. It's got an excellent climate, it's inexpensive, the people are friendly, but it's not going to fit everyone.

07-23-21, 07:20
IMO it is, will I return to Colombia? Maybe? I just cancelled my flight for next week due to some important work and family issues.

I liked MDE but when I was there I was looking around thinking, this really doesn't seem like the same place I read about.

When other places open up, I can't wait to visit them.

When I read posts I try to filter them for sweet lemons / sour grapes bias.

I can't speak for many but I think the proximity to the USA is a big draw, beyond that I won't speculate.

I found the weather in MDE to be very overrated, the city as well, it is such a small city, I seriously doubt I could ever spend more than a week or 2 there.

Nevermind living there.

I need 10 20 30 or even 40 million people not tiny ass MDE.You're from Chicago and the weather in Medellin is overrated? It has 2 seasons. Either it rains some everyday, although rarely all day, and the temperature is between 58-82°, or it doesn't rain for 8 weeks and the temperature is between 60-88°, with low humidity and a nice breeze nearly every afternoon.

Sometimes the storms are severe, which is a good time to be sitting on the balcony with a nice chica.

Having stood on hot asphalt, with temperature and humidity at 95, and trudged through snow with wind chills at -40° in Chicago, I'll take Medellin weather.

07-23-21, 09:01
One of the things I am still confuse about facebook is which one of the girls to approach. I did the add contact, go through their friend list, find other people to add for weeks now and I have about 400+ contact. I also read from the forum, the one showing money, devil horns are usually available. However there are tons with just pictures of themselves and it just seem impossible for me to tell. I tried messaging them before my last trip, and some ignore, which I just take it as they know what's going on and is not interested, but some answer 3 or 4 days later. I was also assume the ones that said in a relationship, married etc is not available, but the girl I pull from Parque Lleras added me on facebook, and it said married and their are tons of picture of her and who I assume is her husband.You approach any of them that you are interested in. Use some diplomacy.

You greet them, compliment them, tell them when you will be in Medellin and tell them you want to see them.

07-23-21, 16:33
Has anyone got any information on the tinto girls on Plaza Berrio? There was some speculation that some were doubling as prepagos, but I never heard much in regard to anyone having luck with one. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

07-23-21, 16:35
My worst experience for being dogged by vendors was in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, also known as Saigon. I swear to gawd they would even call other vendors on the street ahead of me and give them advance notice. They would say shite like, "You bought from her, why you no buy from me? Unbelievable. As always, stay respectful, keep your cool, don't do anything that makes them lose face. Much the same as the hawkers on the street in Medellin, if you give them a nod or a friendly smile, it goes a long way. Don't give them dirty looks. Don't be an Ugly American. For the restaurant ones, memorize, "Acabo de comer" or "I just ate" and pat your stomach, and they will give you back a genuine smile of acknowledgement and then leave you alone. You should realize, if you look and are dressed like a Gringo, and especially if you have a girl with you, the street hawkers will see you coming before you see them. You are USDA Prime Choice.Have you been to Pattaya, Cancun or Cabo San Luca? They stick on you like leeches.

07-23-21, 16:59
Has anyone got any information on the tinto girls on Plaza Berrio? You will find some posts if you search for algo mas. Surfer has a post that he hooked up with one not long ago.

07-23-21, 17:20
That's an interesting idea. I did not make a post of FB, I was worry that too many people would bother me and I added a bunch of people on FB that I had no interest to go out with.It is to help with your original question. If the girl contacts you, then maybe she is trying to go out with you. You can just not reply to anyone who you have no interest in going out with.

Also lots of them has close friend list too, so no way to know if they have gringo friends.Have you checked the who "liked" or replied to their posts?

Nil Admirari
07-23-21, 17:56
I dislike casas because of the lack of opportunities to screen girls before selection for chemistry and for openness to BBBJ, which is a critical requirement for me. As I've posted a couple of times in the past, at the Medellin casas, after choosing a girl from the line-up, I always ask (and have never been refused) to speak with the chica in private before I commit to paying up and heading to a room with her. In some places (Fantasia Energia; Eros Spa) the chat takes place in a private space; in others in the quietest corner of the reception area. A long enough chat to get at least some feel for chemistry, and always enough to clarify the availability of BBBJ and DFK).

Member #4729
07-23-21, 18:27
In Medellin there are the casas and strip clubs. The girls are right there. You just pick one and go fuck. The street girls are right there. Just pick one and go fuck. The girls in Gusto and the Mansion, you guessed it. If the Facebook thing isn't working for you, why sit and complain? Hop in a taxi and go fuck It's not as if Facebook is the only option.

I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but you have no value in Medellin until you establish your value That's just the nature of the beast.

There are hundreds, possibly thousands of guys reading this board every day, who have no intention of ever visiting Medellin. However, they do want to talk to the girls. Every girl on Facebook in Medellin gets messages from guys that are pure bullshit. Guys trying to get pictures, guys setting up fake dates, guys insulting them or threatening them. As a new guy you have no credibility. Your Facebook page probably has very little content and nobody can recommend you..This was a great, thoughtful response- you write with intelligence- thanks.

As GringoItaliano has mentioned, the pervasive culture of CBJ in the F2 F options is a stumbling block. I've pretty much been pulling from LLeras for the past few weeks- which has absolutely been yielding fruit as far as securing BBBJ and CIM at a reasonable price, but the Lleras talent pool is limited and you're not going to find great service in the providers even if you ostensibly "get what you want". At this point I think I've fucked all 7 girls that are regulars there that I like (a couple 3, 4, 5 times) and have just run out of juice.

You make some great points as well about Facebook- the implication being that you have to put in time and work to make it an effective tool.

Here's the thing- personally I don't want to put in time or work- I do that in my real life where I bust my ass off to generate time and money for my trips. On my own time, I want to pay money to a provider and get laid. I don't want to pine away at a computer screen trying desperately to lure a SW into my web of desperation.

Here's how it should work IMO: man makes money, man choses woman, man pays woman, man fucks woman.

No "establishing reputation", no including pictures of known landscapes, no realistic looking profile-etc etc. I didn't need to do any of that junk in Pattaya, Bangkok, Angles City, Subic, to have amazing BBFS with hot spinners every day of the week.

Ultimately we concur, and indeed there seems to be an emergent consensus here: Medellin is not for everyone so if its not for you- chill the F out and allow the people that like it to enjoy it! I'm totally down with that and I won't whine and winge on here any further. Promise.

When SEA is back as a realistic destination, you boys know where I will be!

07-23-21, 18:37
As far as a midget working Parque Bolvar I rarely go there, and have yet to see a working midget in El Centro, and I'm not talking about a dinky spinner, however there was a midget in Cucuta working I saw a few years back.I'm pretty sure we are talking about the same puta, you called her a midget so I did.

I toured plaza Botero a couple times and saw her there also, But spent more time walking around the casas and would go to Qbano for lunch across from Parque bolivar and would see her there.

Both are pretty bizarre scenes, one day walking past the bike rentals in Botero I look to my left 10 meters and some tranny was squatting and wiping his ass on the edge of the grass, at like high noon no less.

I walk a bit further by the church, what looked like a homeless guy, was standing maybe 20 feet behind 2 moto cops on their bike.

Pissing straight up into the air, for what seemed like 10 minutes LOL.

I should of videoed it.

Yes, it can be an entertaining scene.

07-23-21, 19:44
This was a great, thoughtful response- you write with intelligence- thanks.

As GringoItaliano has mentioned, the pervasive culture of CBJ in the F2 F options is a stumbling block. I've pretty much been pulling from LLeras for the past few weeks- which has absolutely been yielding fruit as far as securing BBBJ and CIM at a reasonable price, but the Lleras talent pool is limited and you're not going to find great service in the providers even if you ostensibly "get what you want". At this point I think I've fucked all 7 girls that are regulars there that I like (a couple 3, 4, 5 times) and have just run out of juice.

You make some great points as well about Facebook- the implication being that you have to put in time and work to make it an effective tool.

Here's the thing- personally I don't want to put in time or work- I do that in my real life where I bust my ass off to generate time and money for my trips. On my own time, I want to pay money to a provider and get laid. I don't want to pine away at a computer screen trying desperately to lure a SW into my web of desperation.
Medellin is not for everyone so if its not for you- chill the F out and allow the people that like it to enjoy it! I'm totally down with that and I won't whine and winge on here any further.

You're just asking what's with all they hype?

I don't see what's wrong with discussing the pros and cons of a city.

For those that have not made the choice yet, I see it as a great service to them.

Why make anyone with "any" interest fly there and use vacation time from work only to find it blows?

Let them read the debate and decide, maybe they can do more research and find a better fit elsewhere instead.

Stifling debate is never a good thing, if the forum serves any purpose shouldn't it provide that debate? Instead endless posts full of bullshit blurred face photos and (as opposed to letting the cheerleaders promote it 24/7).

07-23-21, 20:13
Has anyone got any information on the tinto girls on Plaza Berrio? There was some speculation that some were doubling as prepagos, but I never heard much in regard to anyone having luck with one. Anyone have any thoughts on this?Thoughts no, but facts yes. A large group of the tinto girls congregate on the stair landing midway up to the Parque Berrio Metro Station. Almost seems like headquarters for them but they are all over the place. To be successful in puliing one you need to have Spanish speaking skills, if you don't good luck.

How I have approached this in the past is if I see a Tinto girl I would consider doing, I walk up to them, buy a coffee and start talking to them, joke around a bit, and see how they respond, if they are interested in speaking with you, take the discussion a little further and perhaps tell them your available and at that point they will let you know if going to the room with them is on the menu.

Keep in mind that on a good day these girls will make 20,000 COP selling coffee, and the first Tinto girl I went with after chit chatting told me 20 K and she was okay looking. You have to keep in mind that the Tinto girls are not like most of the other girls standing around selling their bodies, so it can be very different with them. If they have an opportunity to make 20 K or more for an hour's work some of them will go for it. However I have to stress again that you better speak some Spanish and have some game, because selling coffee is their primary source of income versus going to the room. And most of them don't go to the room or they wouldn't be selling coffee.

Now the candy girls, well that's a whole other ballgame.

07-23-21, 20:19
Has anyone got any information on the tinto girls on Plaza Berrio? There was some speculation that some were doubling as prepagos, but I never heard much in regard to anyone having luck with one. Anyone have any thoughts on this?Thoughts no, but facts yes.

A large group of the tinto girls congregate on the stair landing midway up to the Parque Berrio Metro Station. Almost seems like headquarters for them but they are all over the place. To be successful in pulling one you need to have Spanish speaking skills, if you don't, good luck.

How I have approached this in the past is if I see a Tinto girl I would consider doing, I walk up to them, buy a coffee and start talking to them, joke around a bit, and see how they respond, if they are interested in speaking with you take the discussion a little further and perhaps tell them your available and at that point they will let you know if going to the room with them is on the menu.

Keep in mind that on a good day these girls will make 20,000 COP selling coffee, and the first Tinto girl I went with after chit chatting told me 20 K and she was okay looking. You have to keep in mind that the Tinto girls are not like most of the other girls standing around selling their bodies, so it can be very different with them. If they have an opportunity to make 20 K or more for an hour's work some of them will go for it. However I have to stress again that you better speak some Spanish and have some game, because selling coffee is their primary source of income versus going to the room.

Now the candy girls, well that's a whole other ballgame.

Hopefully this will help in your quest to do a tinto girl.

07-23-21, 21:50
As I mentioned in my report, I found that the ones that work best for me are Centro street meat and La Isla. I dislike casas because of the lack of opportunities to screen girls before selection for chemistry and for openness to BBBJ, which is a critical requirement for me. I have tried Fase II several times but the talent pool there does not suit my preferences in female body types. La Isla does, however, suit my taste in female body types and it is my go-to option for strip clubs. I also liked the talent pool in the Centro strip clubs but was wary of going there alone at night and also could not live with the pervasive CBJ culture there. In fact, the pervasive CBJ culture in most of the non-Facebook mongering options in Medellin is one of several reasons why Facebook is the most viable option for me, despite its numerous flaws. Centro street meat works for me because I can ask around until I find a girl that will BBBJ.As a reference. What kind of body types do you prefer? Looking to narrow down my options when I get there.

07-23-21, 23:23
Has anyone got any information on the tinto girls on Plaza Berrio? There was some speculation that some were doubling as prepagos, but I never heard much in regard to anyone having luck with one. Anyone have any thoughts on this?Most of them do ratos besides selling coffee. That's all I've been doing along with the candy girls. They get really into it because naturally girls want to fuck at that age and you kind of did the hunt, she wasnt an obvious hooker. The going rate is 30 k +6 k room, or just 30 k. But it's different with these girls, they really get into it.

Today a girl tried to sell me chocolates in front of the museum and I said no I don't want diabetes. I had watched her for 5 minutes and her body was flawless, solid 9 but a 7 with face. Vennie who got here a month ago. I asked her why a girl so beautiful is selling candy and she says no she would rather work hard and not sell her body.

So I invited her for a beer at my go to bar behind th emuseum with the yellow walls near the end idk the name, did the song and dance, like meeting a random girl at the bar. I asked if she wanted a trago and she said yea so I was thinking alright damn this girl is a freak. We finish drinking I ask if she wants to spend a rato with me, she said yea. I didn't ask price.

We go to the room and I pay 6 k and we get in she immediatly starts DFK and we go to the shower and do handstuff. Long story short I came twice and was in there for at least 50 minutes, no knock ever came. We were drenched in sweat. Her name is maria I found out after. Gave her 40 k.

I have been selfishly keeping the candy girl and tinto girl (not so secret) to myself sorry, hahahahhaaha. But yea like surf said spanish is def necessary or good luck.

Top 10 sex of my life, and you dirty mongers out there know top ten means really damn good.

Also went to casa Cuba on calle 59 and carr 47, it moved. now called milenios. You go a block north to carr 48 and take a left downhill, you will see a giant parking lot sign. Walk in and go up stairs to left. Sebastian the pimp dude still runs it, and yea ALWAYS BBBJ. 70 k HR 45 k 30 min. Good talents, solid sevens but not as good as zandlay. Really nice rooms. Dulce compania has been good talent too.

07-23-21, 23:53
I wanted to visit but read some comments from some sites and changed my mind. (My comments).

1) Do not come here on a holiday weekend. We attempted to come another weekend and made it all the way to the Santa Domingo station and was told the park was closed due to max capacity of visitors.

(The park is massive. No reason to have any max capacity other than getting the people out and home using the metro or buses.).

2) After spending 26000 COP to get there, and double checking the park hours, we were told by park staff that the park would not open till 11.30. So we saw nothing and did not want to spend two and a half hours touring their souvenir shop, while waiting for the park to open.

3) The man in the tourist booth told us that the guides were in some sort of class / training and so our only option was to walk on a paved road to a picnic site. I asked where we could get a good view of the city and he said the only lookout point was closed.

4) We wanted to walk to a lagoon on the map. Main road gets there. Very simple and straightforward. 20 minutes maximum. Stopped by police and forced to join a walking tour (free, mind you) we had to stay with this group, escorted by 2 mounted police and weren't allowed to separate for own own safety. 20 min walk turned into a painful 3 HR tour to get to a lagoon that had been dry for months.

Here was a Laguna a couple kilometers down the road but the police wouldn't let us walk that far because it was 3 pm.I have been to Parque Ari twice, both on a Sunday and enjoyed it.

After you get off the cable car walk to the road and about a 100 ft to the left funky jingle buses (free) will take you to the butterfly garden where there is a lake you can rent rowboats and a open air restaurant with OK food. The view from the metro car is worth the ride also. 1st trip me and buddy took 2 Conejitas girls and went on the rowboats and 2nd time took a Fase II cutie but it rained hard.

07-24-21, 00:41
Most of them do ratos besides selling coffee. That's all I've been doing along with the candy girls. They get really into it because naturally girls want to fuck at that age and you kind of did the hunt, she wasnt an obvious hooker. The going rate is 30 k +6 k room, or just 30 k. But it's different with these girls, they really get into it.

Today a girl tried to sell me chocolates in front of the museum and I said no I don't want diabetes. I had watched her for 5 minutes and her body was flawless, solid 9 but a 7 with face. Vennie who got here a month ago. I asked her why a girl so beautiful is selling candy and she says no she would rather work hard and not sell her body.

So I invited her for a beer at my go to bar behind th emuseum with the yellow walls near the end idk the name, did the song and dance, like meeting a random girl at the bar. I asked if she wanted a trago and she said yea so I was thinking alright damn this girl is a freak. We finish drinking I ask if she wants to spend a rato with me, she said yea. I didn't ask price.

We go to the room and I pay 6 k and we get in she immediatly starts DFK and we go to the shower and do handstuff. Long story short I came twice and was in there for at least 50 minutes, no knock ever came. We were drenched in sweat. Her name is maria I found out after. Gave her 40 k..You rock- great report! There should be another level of senior member for aces like you!

07-24-21, 00:43
Thoughts no, but facts yes.

A large group of the tinto girls congregate on the stair landing midway up to the Parque Berrio Metro Station. Almost seems like headquarters for them but they are all over the place. To be successful in pulling one you need to have Spanish speaking skills, if you don't, good luck.

How I have approached this in the past is if I see a Tinto girl I would consider doing, I walk up to them, buy a coffee and start talking to them, joke around a bit, and see how they respond, if they are interested in speaking with you take the discussion a little further and perhaps tell them your available and at that point they will let you know if going to the room with them is on the menu.

Keep in mind that on a good day these girls will make 20,000 COP selling coffee, and the first Tinto girl I went with after chit chatting told me 20 K and she was okay looking. You have to keep in mind that the Tinto girls are not like most of the other girls standing around selling their bodies, so it can be very different with them. If they have an opportunity to make 20 K or more for an hour's work some of them will go for it. However I have to stress again that you better speak some Spanish and have some game, because selling coffee is their primary source of income versus going to the room.

Now the candy girls, well that's a whole other ballgame.

Hopefully this will help in your quest to do a tinto girl.Q bueno! Now you have me wondering about the candy girls. Jajajaja.

07-24-21, 02:39
I'm pretty sure we are talking about the same puta, you called her a midget so I did..I know we are talking about the same puta, the dinkiest spinner with jet black straight hair that hangs in front of the park. Definitely not a midget as all things are in proportion, and I always check her out, and have thought about trying it out, but even though she is so dinky, who knows how tight she is, she might open up like a house when you put it in her.

Today at about 5 PM while in Centro I noticed her heading to a Hotel with what looked like a gringo body builder at least twice her height and weight. My bet is he was hoping that she is as tight as a drum, and that she was going to make him squeal.

07-24-21, 02:46
I am sure we have all had girls (who we have not had to pay for) who we really only wanted for sex. I know I have. I can remember one girl I knew who came over the go swimming, but before she could get in the pool, I fucked her. She was mad because she wanted to go swimming! Jajaja.

At any rate, one of my Paisa non-pros (20 years old) came over the other day after her classes were finished. She told me she was coming to get her orgasm. And she was not lying. She arrived. We had some muffins from Starbucks and talked a little about her classes and her family. She is currently in hot water with her parents because she told them about me (I am 55). But after finishing off the muffin and the small talk, she took me straight to bed. She said she had to get home to meet the landlord (since her sister was working) and she wanted to make the most of the time we had. No time for much kissing or sucking of her small, but sweet breasts. Oh no. She wanted her orgasm. So I went down on her and, as usually, she has a strong orgasm and juices up. I then fuck her as much as I could. She likes to play this little game. She insists on me using a condom. But then I always put a lot of lube on my dick before putting on the condom (and she sees that), so eventually the condom slips off or I just pull it off. She knows, but never says anything. I guess she just wants to act proper and safe, but she really want skin. She's relatively inexperienced, but she knows what she wants from me and I'm happy to oblige. I still do not understand why a girl of 20 wants to be fucked by a gringo of 55, especially since she's not a prepago and I don't pay her for seeing me. Go figure. I guess it's because I treat her nice and compliment her.

As I thought about her after she left, I realized that she was pretty much using me for sex and her orgasm! The difference between me and a lot of chicas in the USA, is that I am happy to oblige whereas the chicas get mad. I'm not complaining, just kind of chuckling about it.

07-24-21, 02:53
Q bueno! Now you have me wondering about the candy girls. Jajajaja.The candy girls are all Puta's, no doubt about it.

They walk around asking for chump change for a piece of candy, yet their motives are to hopefully snag a client when a guy hands over a few coins.

I employ the same tactics with the candy girls as I do with the tinto girls, if I see one I like, I give them some coins so I can closely check them out and take it from there.

Again Spanish speaking skills a must, and I most definitely have had some great experiences with candy girls.

07-24-21, 03:09
I still do not understand why a girl of 20 wants to be fucked by a gringo of 55, especially since she's not a prepago and I don't pay her for seeing me. Go figure. I guess it's because I treat her nice and compliment her.As I thought about her after she left, I realized that she was pretty much using me for sex and her orgasm!.She is most definitely using you, and what a terrible position to be in, but most probably she is with you because her past boyfriends have probably been speedy Gonzales types, and have had no interest in getting her off, where as I can only surmise you make every effort to please her, and are turned on by being with someone 35 years younger than you, and because you are giving her the attention she needs, versus her loser boyfriends, that is why she is with you.

So that's what I figure is going on, and it must be rough being taken advantage of by her. LOL.

07-24-21, 03:31
I have been to Parque Ari twice, both on a Sunday and enjoyed it.

After you get off the cable car walk to the road and about a 100 ft to the left funky jingle buses (free) will take you to the butterfly garden where there is a lake you can rent rowboats and a open air restaurant with OK food. The view from the metro car is worth the ride also. 1st trip me and buddy took 2 Conejitas girls and went on the rowboats and 2nd time took a Fase II cutie but it rained hard.That does not help. You stayed in the main touristy area where a guide or map is not needed. I want to take a 7+ mile hike away from people and listen to music on my head phones. I will stay all day with most of that time miles away from the main entrance. Sounds like you stayed in the main area to row row row your boat, ate, then went home. Maybe a 3-4 hour visit tops.

07-24-21, 03:32
I wanted to visit but read some comments from some sites and changed my mind. (My comments).

1) Do not come here on a holiday weekend. We attempted to come another weekend and made it all the way to the Santa Domingo station and was told the park was closed due to max capacity of visitors.

(The park is massive. No reason to have any max capacity other than getting the people out and home using the metro or buses.).

2) After spending 26000 COP to get there, and double checking the park hours, we were told by park staff that the park would not open till 11.30. So we saw nothing and did not want to spend two and a half hours touring their souvenir shop, while waiting for the park to open.

3) The man in the tourist booth told us that the guides were in some sort of class / training and so our only option was to walk on a paved road to a picnic site. I asked where we could get a good view of the city and he said the only lookout point was closed.

4) We wanted to walk to a lagoon on the map. Main road gets there. Very simple and straightforward. 20 minutes maximum. Stopped by police and forced to join a walking tour (free, mind you) we had to stay with this group, escorted by 2 mounted police and weren't allowed to separate for own own safety. 20 min walk turned into a painful 3 HR tour to get to a lagoon that had been dry for months.

Here was a Laguna a couple kilometers down the road but the police wouldn't let us walk that far because it was 3 pm.I think I've been to Parque Arvi 6 or 7 times and never experienced any of those issues. Twice I took a girl along, which can be fun. Best time to go is midmorning early in the week. After you switch metrocables at Santo Domingo you'll probably have a car to yourself, which is where bringing the right girl along gets fun.

The lack of a decent map is a minor problem. There are some decent restaurants up there. Nothing special, just comida tipica.

07-24-21, 03:53
I am sure we have all had girls (who we have not had to pay for) who we really only wanted for sex. I know I have. I can remember one girl I knew who came over the go swimming, but before she could get in the pool, I fucked her. She was mad because she wanted to go swimming! Jajaja.

At any rate, one of my Paisa non-pros (20 years old) came over the other day after her classes were finished. She told me she was coming to get her orgasm. And she was not lying. She arrived. We had some muffins from Starbucks and talked a little about her classes and her family. She is currently in hot water with her parents because she told them about me (I am 55). But after finishing off the muffin and the small talk, she took me straight to bed. She said she had to get home to meet the landlord (since her sister was working) and she wanted to make the most of the time we had. No time for much kissing or sucking of her small, but sweet breasts. Oh no. She wanted her orgasm. So I went down on her and, as usually, she has a strong orgasm and juices up. I then fuck her as much as I could. She likes to play this little game. She insists on me using a condom. But then I always put a lot of lube on my dick before putting on the condom (and she sees that), so eventually the condom slips off or I just pull it off. She knows, but never says anything. I guess she just wants to act proper and safe, but she really want skin. She's relatively inexperienced, but she knows what she wants from me and I'm happy to oblige. I still do not understand why a girl of 20 wants to be fucked by a gringo of 55, especially since she's not a prepago and I don't pay her for seeing me. Go figure. I guess it's because I treat her nice and compliment her.Great post!

07-24-21, 04:58
My mongering Facebook, as several can attest, is the same Facebook I use for family and friends. There's no question that I'm a real person. This isn't an option for most people. However, by posting photos and tagging your location in Medellin, you will get a lot more responses. Anyone can send a message, but a picture of a well known landmark goes a long way towards establishing credibility..Wow. I'm assuming you have your friends list hidden so that friends / family cannot see all the Medellin chicas you are friends with?

07-24-21, 05:05
The difference between me and a lot of chicas in the USA, is that I am happy to oblige whereas the chicas get mad. I'm not complaining, just kind of chuckling about it.So are you a women? Is she a lesbian? You confused me.

07-24-21, 07:55
I did not like it at all. Yes, over hyped. To me Mexico is a much better option.Are some of my favorite putas on the planet.

They really know how to make a man happy! With the best food in the world.

The pussy and food are an unbeatable combo, I know of no other place on the planet that can compete with that one two punch!

07-24-21, 16:28
Oops. I can see the confusion. No, I am an old fart gringo. 55. Sorry.

So are you a women? Is she a lesbian? You confused me.

07-24-21, 16:58
How odd that you post on the Medellin thread endlessly. Medellin has less than 3 million people but you require a city of 10+ million. You say you could never stay in Medellin for more than 1 or 2 weeks yet you post like you have been coming here for years. You have never been here! So why on earth do you post so much here?

There is NO midget at Bolivar Park or Botero. Bolivar Park has some girls once in a while, like very rare. I know one girl I did in Botero and saw her at Bolivar twice. I have eaten lunch half a block away twice a week for 3 months. It is mostly trans at the park and the surrounding area. There is a small thin older girl that everyone has seen at Botero but she is not a midget. You are the biggest liar.

I am in Manizales now. Then visiting Pereira and Armenia. But will not post what I do or do not find. Why bother when this site is flooded with so many guys' BS and none of these guys are kicked off / out.Damn I was really hoping there was a midget LOL.

07-24-21, 18:06
[Deleted by Admin] any time.)[/QUOTE]One more privileged, whining gringo. You're an embarrassment to decent mongers.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

07-24-21, 18:37
Yes, I feel like such a piece of meat! Jajajajajajaj.

So that's what I figure is going on, and it must be rough being taken advantage of by her. LOL.

07-24-21, 19:05
Wow. I'm assuming you have your friends list hidden so that friends / family cannot see all the Medellin chicas you are friends with?There are some things in my security settings which limit my exposure to some degree, but that's only of minimal use. My main protection is that I don't care what family and friends think.

07-24-21, 19:10
I find myself posting this every few months. Be advised that facebook spends huge amounts of money and engineering time to eliminate privacy. For example, even if you have never had a facebook account or never accessed the site, facebook has access to all manner of data about you. Facebook can source the data (location, contacts, web site visits, e-commerce purchase history) via users you interact with through other channels (fixed or mobile phones, SMS, whatsapp, instagram, e-mail, and web sites among other methods). You can take measures to slow down and limit the quantity of data about you that facebook collects, shares, and uses but you can't really prevent it. Some believe multiple or "burner" facebook accounts prevents family and friends discovering that you communicate with Colombian providers, but they don't. Facebook algorithms gradually present "people you may know" profiles to people from whom some believe their secondary accounts are hidden. Facebook does it gradually so unwitting users don't realize what's happening right away. Depending on how curious or suspicious your "civilian" contacts are they may pursue one of the algorithm generated profile suggestions. Once they do, the suggestions multiply and eventually the burner profile is discovered via the contact suggestions or directly as a contact suggestion.

So what is the constructive recommendation? If it would be a problem to be discovered to be a facebook punter then you are best served to choose whether you want to use facebook with friends and families or with providers. If you do both you will eventually be found out. Please direct all blowback to facebook. I don't make their rules.

Wow. I'm assuming you have your friends list hidden so that friends / family cannot see all the Medellin chicas you are friends with?

07-24-21, 19:13
Are some of my favorite putas on the planet.

They really know how to make a man happy! With the best food in the world.

The pussy and food are an unbeatable combo, I know of no other place on the planet that can compete with that one two punch!I agree with you about the food in Mexico, however the Mexican puta's don't even come close to the Colombian Putas at least in my opinion.

07-24-21, 19:28
I think I've been to Parque Arvi 6 or 7 times and never experienced any of those issues. Twice I took a girl along, which can be fun. Best time to go is midmorning early in the week. After you switch metrocables at Santo Domingo you'll probably have a car to yourself, which is where bringing the right girl along gets fun..The "right" girl meaning one that gives you head and / or perhaps lets you bang her on the ride? Now that's a fun girl!

I remember once almost banging a Chica in the DR when we were in a deserted movie theatre together, and it was tempting, and she was game, but I chickened out.

Perhaps in your case the issue becomes if you were to have some fun alone in the car together, do you do it on the ride up or down or maybe both ways! LOL.

07-24-21, 19:33
Why is he privileged? Because he took time out to write in detail what happened to him in the Medellin area?

I love Colombia but that does not mean I don't acknowledge and agree there are dangers and pitfalls living here. He took time out to write about his bad experience and was honest.

One more privileged, whining gringo. You're an embarrassment to decent mongers..

07-24-21, 19:38
So what is the constructive recommendation? If it would be a problem to be discovered to be a facebook punter then you are best served to choose whether you want to use facebook with friends and families or with providers. If you do both you will eventually be found out. Please direct all blowback to facebook. I don't make their rules.I'm not on Facebook, and I know lot's of other people who are not on it all for the very same reasons you point out. And for the younger punters with long working careers ahead of them, some companies do "social media" backround checks on job applicants as well, so just something else for guys to be concerned about besides family and friends potentially discovering your a punter.

07-24-21, 19:46
I know we are talking about the same puta, the dinkiest spinner with jet black straight hair that hangs in front of the park. Definitely not a midget as all things are in proportion, and I always check her out, and have thought about trying it out, but even though she is so dinky, who knows how tight she is, she might open up like a house when you put it in her.

Today at about 5 PM while in Centro I noticed her heading to a Hotel with what looked like a gringo body builder at least twice her height and weight. My bet is he was hoping that she is as tight as a drum, and that she was going to make him squeal.I cannot stop laughing reading this!

My stomach is hurting.

He's prob an ISG member, I hope he records it with his fone, I wish there was an option to upload video here.

We could have a competition for best videos, ala Americas funniest home videos Colombia style! (but no puta face blurring allowed).

I have made some awesome videos in BKK and Mexico.

So why is it most putas freak out when I pull out my camera fone in Bogota or MDE?

Muchas gracias mi amigo, I love your sense of humor!

07-24-21, 20:22
I find myself posting this every few months. Be advised that facebook spends huge amounts of money and engineering time to eliminate privacy. For example, even if you have never had a facebook account or never accessed the site, facebook has access to all manner of data about you. Facebook can source the data (location, contacts, web site visits, e-commerce purchase history) via users you interact with through other channels (fixed or mobile phones, SMS, whatsapp, instagram, e-mail, and web sites among other methods). You can take measures to slow down and limit the quantity of data about you that facebook collects, shares, and uses but you can't really prevent it. Some believe multiple or "burner" facebook accounts prevents family and friends discovering that you communicate with Colombian providers, but they don't. Facebook algorithms gradually present "people you may know" profiles to people from whom some believe their secondary accounts are hidden. Facebook does it gradually so unwitting users don't realize what's happening right away. Depending on how curious or suspicious your "civilian" contacts are they may pursue one of the algorithm generated profile suggestions. Once they do, the suggestions multiply and eventually the burner profile is discovered via the contact suggestions or directly as a contact suggestion.

So what is the constructive recommendation? If it would be a problem to be discovered to be a facebook punter then you are best served to choose whether you want to use facebook with friends and families or with providers. If you do both you will eventually be found out. Please direct all blowback to facebook. I don't make their rules.Not just Facebook, but you are correct. The biggest issue is that all of your normal contacts will eventually start showing up as suggested contacts to all the chicas and then they start getting friend requests from the girls.

Several years ago I did an online search for forklift batteries, I can't remember why. Within a few days I started receiving emails about everything forklift. Forklift rentals, sales, parts and service. For several years I was receiving a dozen or more every week.

It's all interconnected.

07-24-21, 20:23
The "right" girl meaning one that gives you head and / or perhaps lets you bang her on the ride? Now that's a fun girl!

I remember once almost banging a Chica in the DR when we were in a deserted movie theatre together, and it was tempting, and she was game, but I chickened out.

Perhaps in your case the issue becomes if you were to have some fun alone in the car together, do you do it on the ride up or down or maybe both ways! LOL.Both. You have to do it on the ride up, in case you don't s car to yourself on the way back down.

07-24-21, 21:19
Sometimes it pays to have good relationships with your chicas.

The other night I took two of my chicas to Ibiza. The stupid jacuzzi in my apartment that I rented (from whom I won't say) had no hot water. So we wanted to enjoy the jacuzzi and chose Ibiza (note: those Jacuzzi are not really big enough for 3, but we made due). At any rate, took an Uber. I had my phone on my lap and a bag of booze on the floor of the front seat. Apparently when I got out of the car, I reached for the bag and my cell phone fell off my lap. I did not realize it until the Uber was gone. And of course since he had my phone, I could not get the information I needed to contact him. My two chicas were very helpful. They continued to call the phone and send messages to the phone by Whatsapp. Finally someone answered. The phone had apparently ended up in San Antonio de Prado (well south of Ibiza, which is in Itagui). I really don't think it was the Uber driver. I think some chicos used the Uber to go home and happened to find my phone. At any rate, they demanded ransom for the phone. We started at 100 mil and agreed on 200 mil. Good deal for them (since they had done nothing more than take a phone that did not belong to them. I gave them papaya and they took it) and a great deal for me, who would not have to buy a new phone and would not lose my fotos and contacts.

The girls offered to go to San Antonio to retrieve my phone. One of the girls called a friend of hers to take them. They did not want me to go because they said it was too dangerous. And the truth is they were probably right. So I let them go with the 200 mil. It took a while, but eventually they returned with the phone. I owe them a lot. Most chicas would not have gone out of their way to help a gringo out like that. But I've known them a while and we have had some good times (one is one of my non-pros and the other is her friend).

So the lesson is that sometimes treating these girls nicely can come back to benefit you just when you least expect it.

As for me. Stupid. Never had this happen in all of the year I've been going to Colombia. Never got help up. Never lost anything. I am thankful to these girls and their friend the driver.

07-24-21, 21:41
The lesson is back up any phone content you don't want to lose. A spare phone and SIM card also take a lot of stress out of situations like that. Thanks for your post.

Sometimes it pays to have good relationships with your chicas.

The other night I took two of my chicas to Ibiza. The stupid jacuzzi in my apartment that I rented (from whom I won't say) had no hot water. So we wanted to enjoy the jacuzzi and chose Ibiza (note: those Jacuzzi are not really big enough for 3, but we made due). At any rate, took an Uber. I had my phone on my lap and a bag of booze on the floor of the front seat. Apparently when I got out of the car, I reached for the bag and my cell phone fell off my lap. I did not realize it until the Uber was gone. And of course since he had my phone, I could not get the information I needed to contact him. My two chicas were very helpful. They continued to call the phone and send messages to the phone by Whatsapp. Finally someone answered. The phone had apparently ended up in San Antonio de Prado (well south of Ibiza, which is in Itagui). I really don't think it was the Uber driver. I think some chicos used the Uber to go home and happened to find my phone. At any rate, they demanded ransom for the phone. We started at 100 mil and agreed on 200 mil. Good deal for them (since they had done nothing more than take a phone that did not belong to them. I gave them papaya and they took it) and a great deal for me, who would not have to buy a new phone and would not lose my fotos and contacts..

07-24-21, 22:56
Can we add the metrocables to the list of Medellin's features which you know nothing about?

There are no cameras on the metrocables. They wouldn't do much good anyway. The metrocables have tinted and scratched plexiglass windows. It's difficult to see through. It's my biggest complaint about the metrocables, because it's difficult to take any good pictures.I think by now, the regulars on this forum knows that he's never been to MDE or the several other monger destination he claims to have been. Afterall, when you've asked him to prove to you in-person that he can pull a chica for free (as he claims), he said he already had a BKK trip booked so he couldn't go to MDE. Then on here, he claims to have been in MDE for weeks jajajaja.

07-25-21, 00:04
Agree. This one was all on me. I gave papaya. I should just get a burner. I actually had another phone with me and was planning to use it for Whatsapp and fotos, but I guess the phone is now outdated enough that Whatsapp would not allow me to update the software and use it. Never thought I'd lose my phone in an Uber between Poblado and Ibiza. I am usually paranoid about keeping my phone and money safe.

The lesson is back up any phone content you don't want to lose. A spare phone and SIM card also take a lot of stress out of situations like that. Thanks for your post.

07-25-21, 00:33
Definitely not a midget as all things are in proportion, and I always check her out, and have thought about trying it out, but even though she is so dinky, who knows how tight she is, she might open up like a house when you put it in her.Midgets are proportional, by definition. Think Wizard of Oz. Dwarves are achondroplastic, have normal torso, head and neck, but the limbs and digits are "not in proportion" you might say. There are cultural differences, but because Americans tend to be on the taller side, anyone under 4' 10" and proportional, is a midge. Although, all these terms are probably politically incorrect these days, I can't keep track.

I know the girl of which we speak. I will take her for a twirl. You're right about that, impossible to predict, she could be tiny and tight down there, although doubtful because of her chosen profession, or she could have echo caverns and you might need a life line to keep from falling in and getting lost.

07-25-21, 01:35
Seamless, painless trip to Medellin. The American Airlines Boeing 787's are comfy and I can sleep in their main cabin seats. Large plane, nine people wide.

The only document other than my passport I was asked to show was the Migracion Form you fill out on line between one and 48 h before your first flight. I will post the link here in case you want to save it like I do in my Medellin file. Other than that, all I had to do was flash a passport and be on my way.


Interestingly, as I think Surfer or someone useful here who is worth the space they occupy, the form is now asking if you are vaccinated, and do you have documentation of it? The handwriting is on the wall.

I often take the bus from the airport to El Centro, that drops off behind the Nutibara, but I had a flashy new French roll-on bag stuffed with presents for mi novia, with the tags still on it that screamed "snatch me" from 25 meters away. So I took one of those prepaid rides where the driver is waiting for you with a little sign with your name on it after you get thru customs. Total price for the ride, 110 mil COP but worth the door-to-door hassle free delivery. Driver knew my destination before we met.

Fuck, a limo ride like that in the states would be two hundred bucks easy. I booked the ride at the same time I made my hotel reservation. Interestingly, if I tried to book the ride later through the hotel, the price was double. Booking.com gives you the option on check-out after you make your hotel reservation to reserve the white glove service ride. My driver spoke decent English but my Spanish was better than his English, jaja.

I was supposed to stay with Soft Swirl tonight, but her mother died yesterday of Covid. For real. Mom was unvaccinated of course, virtually all the people dying now are unvaccinated. Adds an extra layer of stupidity on top of the ignoramuses who "choose" not to be vaccinated.

My readership knows I am an Ayenda kinda guy, and they continue not to disappoint. My first time at this Ayenda, two blocks off Avenida 70 and around the corner from Exito.

The room is small and basic. I booked it as a back up just in case something untoward happened, although the death in the family I mentioned above was a little extreme. None of my other chicas know I am here yet. That news goes out one chica at a time, lowest to highest ranking.

I have already asked the cute-as-a-button maid here out to dinner, but not Ugly American style. You have to do it on the down-low so she doesn't get fired. In our little circle, we call it, "Don't pull a Jamie" who got a maid fired from an upscale Medellin hotel by banging her in his room. The maid here is so cute. She hasn't said yes yet but I didn't give her a chance to say no, jajaja. I will report success or failure. I am not here to impress, only to share another way we peel the layers off this onion we call Medellin.

Not shown in the room foto, a private bath, nice sized shower, hot water, clean, secure, 24 hour desk, and a TV with perfect reception. Like all Ayendas, guest friendly. Great neighborhood, seems like every third storefront is a cafe. Strongest WiFi I've had to date in Colombia, and I am the end of the hallway which is often a weak spot for WiFi.

Here's the best part, going by today's exchange rate, less than $8 per night. I get a double discount, not sure exactly what someone else's rate might be.

Colombia has the best fruits, can't name them yet but I love these. Thanks Villainy. Your tips and advice are always rock solid. Ostee Out. Gawd it feels great to be back.

07-25-21, 01:36
Arriving August 13th and staying until August 22. Flying Sprit from Houston, hope that was not a mistake. This is my 7th trip and my last one was before the pandemic in March 2020. Not sure where I am staying yet. Anyone else going to be there during my trip.

07-25-21, 02:04
Man centro was fucking packed to the gills today.

But there wasnt the usual decent talent you see during weekday afternoons. Really had to hunt. Tons of guys, think it was a supply and demand thing.

Got there at high noon and left at 630 pm LOL. 2 sidenofilos total.Was just getting bad luck after bad luck. First girl too loose, 2nd didn't want it all the way in, 3rd didn't want lube, etc.

This literally never happens, I'm usually done after 2 girls, one for the primer, the other to finish, guess it is variance.

So ended up spending about 200 k with 6 diff girls. I think I did an hour of solid fucking.

Finally busted in doggy with a big booty vennie named mariana, I was smashing and smashing and I'm like damn this is some good pussy, then I see red on my dick, hahahahahah.

Nothing like period pussy. Finished finally, bed looked like a murder scene LOL. She said she "didn't know" . Yea ok ***** you can't feel that heavy flow ahhahahaha.

Anyways it's always a good day in centro, you really are in the wild, people will upcharge you left and right. Girls tell me when they talk to a gringo they start at 50, and ask 60,70, etc. I refuse to pay over 40 unless I don't have any smaller bills. I got asked twice if I was mexican today, so that is more or less where my spanish is.

Saw quite a few gringos otg, the dude in the Ohio state t shirt with a friend and two older guys around 70, one with a mustache, if you're on here dm me lets meet up.

07-25-21, 02:23

Those are comments from a travel site that I shared. I am complaining if 2 things are indeed true. One is that their are no decent maps for such a huge park which is a huge problem if I am on the far side of the park and need to quickly return to the entrance before closing. Two is if I need to have a guide if I want to really explore and trek the miles I am used to on such outings. The guys that have posted all mentioned bringing girls with them that implies they did not stay all day or do anywhere near the walking I have planned so nobody can answer my 2 worries. How in the world does my post make me privileged? Whining about a mandatory guide is justified because I go to nature to be alone and relax, and a guide would defeat that goal. Embarrassment to mongers? I am commenting on a touristy outing alone which has nothing to do with mongering.

07-25-21, 04:10
Man centro was fucking packed to the gills today.

But there wasnt the usual decent talent you see during weekday afternoons. Really had to hunt. Tons of guys, think it was a supply and demand thing.

Got there at high noon and left at 630 pm LOL. 2 sidenofilos total.Was just getting bad luck after bad luck. First girl too loose, 2nd didn't want it all the way in, 3rd didn't want lube, etc.

This literally never happens, I'm usually done after 2 girls, one for the primer, the other to finish, guess it is variance.

So ended up spending about 200 k with 6 diff girls. I think I did an hour of solid fucking.

Finally busted in doggy with a big booty vennie named mariana, I was smashing and smashing and I'm like damn this is some good pussy, then I see red on my dick, hahahahahah.

Nothing like period pussy. Finished finally, bed looked like a murder scene LOL. She said she "didn't know" . Yea ok ***** you can't feel that heavy flow ahhahahaha..I was in Centro today around 5 PM and the place was packed as usual like it typically is on a Saturday. I've never gone thru six girls in a day in Centro but have had gone thru 3 in a day on many occasions. And basically for some of the same reasons you experienced. Some girls so loose that your dick is just flopping against the sides with no traction or sensation, than you have the girls doing the cock block maneuver, and the girls dry as hell refusing the lube.

Sounds like you were on a roll today, and got to cap it off with a girl who knew she was on her period, but at least you finally busted a nut.

What's nice about Centro though is that if you don't blow a load with a girl, you just go outside and grab another one.

And burning thru 200 K for six girls, that's chump change.

07-25-21, 04:20
Man centro was fucking packed to the gills today.

But there wasnt the usual decent talent you see during weekday afternoons. Really had to hunt. Tons of guys, think it was a supply and demand thing.

Got there at high noon and left at 630 pm LOL. 2 sidenofilos total.Was just getting bad luck after bad luck. First girl too loose, 2nd didn't want it all the way in, 3rd didn't want lube, etc.

This literally never happens, I'm usually done after 2 girls, one for the primer, the other to finish, guess it is variance.

So ended up spending about 200 k with 6 diff girls. I think I did an hour of solid fucking.

Finally busted in doggy with a big booty vennie named mariana, I was smashing and smashing and I'm like damn this is some good pussy, then I see red on my dick, hahahahahah..You may see me out there tomorrow. Depends where Soft Swirl's head is at and it's too soon to let the other chicas in my line up know I am here. Wait, another exception, La Gacella, who became Amazonia after she gained 10 kg. She gained the weight on purpose to make herself stronger for the grueling hotel job she had in Poblado. She was my Numero Dos chica, regular girl, never took a centavo in her life for sex. I bought her a refridgerator once after I fucked her twenty times, jajaaja. Anywho, she moved back to her home village five hours outside of MDE. She says she wants to bus in and meet me. I don't care about the price of the bus ticket but not sure I want to be waiting around like that. But she was Number Two. A sweeter chica I never met. I can't believe I am in Medellin and still posting old fotos, but I have some good ones of Amazonia. See below, they are all her. Super tight low mileage pussy and she gave me her asshole virginity. Fuck, now I would like to see her. The fotos with her clothes on strolling down the metro station is when she was still muy flaca and La Gacela with a body any NYC runway fashion model would envy. I love her both ways, skinny and thicker. Just like the header on this post, ya' got to adapt.

07-25-21, 06:30
Alright boys I've always wanted to go to Medellin. Never been. I've got a nice lineup of facebook chics (don't know their price) who have agreed meet up. I have had some success on Tinder and have one SA chic who has stayed in touch with me for months. But some of you guys got me thinking the action is better in Bogota. Now I know Bogota well just did 23 days there and I have an awesome lineup of chicas there who are just fantastic all around, a great cabbie, great airbnb restaurants etc. So ID be interested to get some input.

07-25-21, 15:50
Agree. This one was all on me. I gave papaya. I should just get a burner. I actually had another phone with me and was planning to use it for Whatsapp and fotos, but I guess the phone is now outdated enough that Whatsapp would not allow me to update the software and use it. Never thought I'd lose my phone in an Uber between Poblado and Ibiza. I am usually paranoid about keeping my phone and money safe.I have two I phones with different USA phone numbers here, however I rarely take them out anywhere. However I do have a burner phone, not a smart phone, that I carry with me. Albeit it is only good for calls and texting, and I do communicate primarily via Whatsapp on my I phones with my Chicas, I like you am very paranoid about losing one of my I phones, as they are my lifeline to the USA, hence I've been able to survive without having a smart phone on me when I'm out. I have friends that have told me to get a cheap smart phone versus the burner phone which I may consider doing, but have been able to survive with my burner phone. If it gets lost which happened once, it's registered with Claro, I pay a few dollars for a replacement SIM card and just buy a new one.

07-25-21, 17:44
Alright boys I've always wanted to go to Medellin. Never been. I've got a nice lineup of facebook chics (don't know their price) who have agreed meet up. I have had some success on Tinder and have one SA chic who has stayed in touch with me for months. But some of you guys got me thinking the action is better in Bogota. Now I know Bogota well just did 23 days there and I have an awesome lineup of chicas there who are just fantastic all around, a great cabbie, great airbnb restaurants etc. So ID be interested to get some input.Wish I could give ya some info but first timer to MDE also, also booked Santa Marta and Pereira. Next time I will be going to Bogota.

07-25-21, 20:10
Arriving August 13th and staying until August 22. Flying Sprit from Houston, hope that was not a mistake. This is my 7th trip and my last one was before the pandemic in March 2020. Not sure where I am staying yet. Anyone else going to be there during my trip.I flew Spirit out of Charlotte March 2021, no issues. Enjoy the trip my friend, I'm jealous.

07-25-21, 22:06
I know this has been mentioned here before, but by far the UberComfort option has been turning out to be the most reliable in regards to trying to get a ride for either your chica or yourself.

Also, the vehicles almost always turn out to be larger. It's more expensive than UberYa, but overall it's just a better service experience. Pretty much what you would expect for a standard Uber car in the US.

07-25-21, 23:22
I got a call Saturday on my Colombian burner phone from a Chica I hadn't spoken with or been with in three years. Very odd that a Chica would be trying to reach out to someone after three years but I got the call and distinctly remembered her.

I had gone with her about half a dozen times before, and she's currently 29 now, so I told her to meet me in front of the Nutibara Hotel at 1 PM on Sunday for a rato. I took her to Hotel Deseos and knew exactly what I was in for. She was, and still is, a bonafide swallower. She has always demanded that after banging her that I come in her mouth. So no different than the times before, I banged her for awhile, and then was instructed iit was time for the grand finale which included her sucking every last drop out of me, swallowing all my gizz, then giving me a look of satisfaction, and then laying in my arms.

I currently, with her back in the line-up, have two bonafide / certified swallowers in my stable, or maybe given their specialty, the bullpen.

I think finding swallowers is harder than finding the elusive 9-10's everybody talks about.

And I don't understand what turns the swallowers on, I know my cum does not taste like a vanilla shake, so it can't be because it tastes good!

07-26-21, 00:43
Just returned from a short trip and wanted to share few noticeable changes for future travelers.

Have visited this city about two and half years ago and haven't noticed much of change.

Uber- Experienced very long wait for each requested trips. Not sure what is causing this issue but it was really annoying to wait for the drivers 10-15 minute which was normal. Tried Didi and it did not help much.

ATM- Used Davivienda exclusively and able to get 2,000,000 pesos with Charles Schwab card. When screen shows the currency exchange rate, just decline which I was getting close to 3,800 k to dollar.

Mask- Prepare to wear a mask at all times (except in clubs).

Covid testing- Highly recommend this place and they come to your place of stay for Antigen covid.

150 k and https://www.proanalab.com/.

Fase Dos- On-site session cost from 190 k to 300 k and there are two minimum drink requirements. My previous visits did not have much of pretty girls but this time, quality was better and had more girls than last time.

La Isla- In my past trips, never found any stunners in this club but really saw some 8-9's on my visits.

Massage- After all the sex, just wanted a relaxing legitimate massage. Found Jade Spa close to my place in Poblado and it was complete waste of time and money. They also offer oral service along with massage but you can tell masseuses weren't professionals. Would not recommend.

Centro Casa- Always mind blowing that you can have sex with decent looking next-door type in professional establishment for less than $15. You can never go wrong with New Life, Amiga Sexy and Zandaly which are all walking distance to each other. Saw similar faces from last trip (that is a lot of dicks) but they are much more to pleasant than Gusto sharks.

Gusto / LLeras Park- Gusto girls were asking 200 USD and Lleras Park girls were asking 100 USD. Usually joked with them 200/100 Colombian pesos are amazing prices and many did not find it funny. Realistically, most of them take 200-250 k.

Enjoy guys and stay safe!

07-26-21, 00:44
Ok everyone, feel like it's time to give back a little to the community. I've been on this board for a long time and have sucked up information about multiple countries, but probably none more than Colombia. I actually wound up here (Medellin) by complete accident about 4 years ago and decided to park it for a while with a girlfriend. After that didn't work out, I spent some more time here alone, but didn't participate in many activities. I do know the scene here, and with the exception of Facebook, which I popped my cherry on today, I have sampled or observed all the various ways we operate.

My Spanish is OK now. It used to be much better, but after leaving for a number of years, it has faded on me. It's all in there, just need to hit the books to get back in full business. I can survive and make conversation anywhere I go though. I know the city. I know the places outside the city, and know a few other cities in the country fairly well. I know the different personalities of people from different cities, understand the differences between the social classes etc. I decided to come back here just for a post covid change of scenery from home (and after breaking up with my GF, who happens to be a Paisa. That moved to the US when she was 9). So, let the games begin.

Day 0 (Thursday): Make sure if you are on American you do the Verifly and CheckMig online 24 hours before you go. I don't know what would have happened if I didn't, but I had zero issues at the airport and not having to fill out the paperwork on the plane was nice. Packed the most nondescript clothes I had, travel watch, travel phone, laminated copies of passport, hygiene essentials, computer with VPN, Youtube TV, and a HDMI cord. Had only 60 mil left over in my travel wallet, so I knew I'd need cash. I didn't bring any USD, just the $20 bucks I usually carry around if I have to tip someone someplace. Get it at the airport.

Day 1 (Friday): Flights were a piece of cake. No drinks on the plane sucked ass, but I had some mini bottles in my carry on and lounge access. Hit the ATM in departures when I arrived and cleared customs, had a Club Colombia, and then got in the taxi line. Rates were as advertised, (80 mil). A nostalgic ride from the airport, the city lights I used to stare at from my old apartment are as beautiful as ever. The new tunnel is awesome, super fast and less dangerous. Almost took the fun out of the ride. Arrived at a hotel late, near where I used to live in Laureles. Aside from masks, not much different so far.

Day 2 (Saturday): I have a new "travel phone" and lost my old Colombian SIM, so I got up early and went to Claro in Los Molinos to get a SIM Card and get it registered. This is important if you don't want to get locked out of your phone after 10 days or 2 weeks. They will snag your IMEI number and you'll eventually get locked off the grid if you don't register the SIM Card. The mall was normal except for the masks that everyone is wearing. I found it humorous that in a country where so many people do things that skirt the bounds of legality (smoking weed in public, bribes, tampering with electric mains, etc), that everyone is wearing a mask all the time. Like why did we decide to follow this law 100%? I chucked about it and still make jokes about it with chicas. Anyway, Claro was packed and slow, but I got it done for 23 mil. Then I hit a store outside the mall and loaded up on data (40 mil). Phone works like a champ.

I declared this to be MILF day. I like all types and sometimes I just get the urge for an older voluptuous woman, especially a Colombiana. For some reason, even a heavy Colombian carries weight on a very tight body. I also love tits. Of all types. Large. So, two MILFs off Mileroticos. Threw a little charm and got everything I wanted without extra pay. Everything on the table and covered sex, just what I wanted. Damage for the day was 200 mil, including my taxis to and from. Total GFE, no rush, no talking about the clock, just lots of good sex.

Day 3 (Sunday and today). I declared this to be "chica day" and this was where I popped my Facebook cherry. So, I decided to try the FB scene which was something I didn't do before. New account, few photos, nothing to link me to real life, and after 2 weeks I had 200+ friends before I arrived here. I threw out a few "stories" on my account (like the girls do) and counted down the days. I would ask things like "who wants to meet me?" and post it on a photo of me in my pool or having a drink in my hot tub. Oh my fucking god, I was overwhelmed. Like blown away. Too many responses. For reference I'm mid 40's, fit, considered attractive back home, but nothing over the top. Anyway, I had a lot to go through and quickly found what you guys have been saying about asking prices. Got a lot of 400 mil, 300 mil plus taxi answers. It actually pissed me off. I'd counter with 150 mil and taxi one way. Some bailed, some stuck around and agreed on 200 mil and taxi one way. They are on the back burner. Not sure I'm cool with that yet. The winner of the day was a 22 yo student who said nothing about money whatsoever. I even told her to text me when she got here and I'd pay her taxi. She paid it before I could get downstairs. Back to room and game on. Total GFE and she was legit into it. She was a cumming wet mess by the time I came (which was after like 45 minutes as there was no rush). Showered up and went to a nice lunch, then back to the room. She had to go study and watch the Olympics with her mom, so I gave her 250 mil for her and her taxis. She lives in Bello, so 50 k of that is taxi money. It was a setup for the rest of the week, in which her rates will go down if she gets paid at all. I rested again and found a venny on mileroticos that is 19. It was a wham bam setup, more so than the milfs yesterday which were independent, a casa with about 5 girls in it. 60 mil, and while it wasn't GFE, the look of a 19 y / o kissing and staring at you while you pound her is great.

So, Facebook accomplished. I've officially sampled it all. Thoughts so far are this, it's definitely different. They really want to be there. I probably could have given her 150 mi and she'd have been happy, but the fact she asked for nothing was something that sucked me in. It's either a good play or I'm a sap. Maybe both. I know what that kind of money gets you in Bello, and I know what it means to me in the US. Then again, I know what I can get for that here, so I'm kinda torn. I'll have to sleep on it and see if I'm going fishing on FB anymore. They are still blowing up my messenger and Whatsapp, even the ones I said "no way, too expensive" to.

Tomorrow I'll get an early start and hit el centro and the maybe the casas. Also there are a few well reviewed chicas on Mileroticos and Photoprepagos. If you haven't already figured it out, google the number and see what comes up. Often it will be a review on a local forum. You can translate it. IF its one you can't access without an account, try viewing the cached version (click on three dots next to the link and then click "cached" You can translate that and see what the locals think.

More to follow.

Mojo Bandit
07-26-21, 01:53
Alright boys I've always wanted to go to Medellin. Never been. But some of you guys got me thinking the action is better in Bogota.I cannot claim to be an expert on Bogota though I have researched it which would include being read up on the Bogota reports thread. But here is the thing, you are asking people in the "Medellin Reports" thread and so there is probably going to be some biased. I know from reading reports that there are a few people who do both and hopefully they will jump in with their opinion. But they may not even see your post in this thread before it gets burried by the other posts.

I will offer this suggestion. I think that the place that is best for mongering has probably been established over time meaning that the word has probably gotten out. Since I think it is reasonable to assume that the people who make reports on this board are a reasonable sample of all mongers then it stands to reason that the thread with the most post is probably the most popular place, and it would make since to me that it earned its popularity. So you can look at the from page of the Colombia Forum where it shows the list of threads and it also shows how many reports are in each thread. Currently Medellin has 47,869 reports compared to Bogota's 10,067 reports.

That does not mean that there may not be factors of mongering or otherwise that different people may like or dislike that is individual to them and that place. Bogota has colder weather, Medellin has Goldilocks weather, El Centro in Medellin dies down at night, but Santafe in Bogota seems to start kicking at night, etc etc I have read reports that say that Bogota has a larger and wider options than Medellin but that does not explaing why there are 25% as many reports coming out of Bogota. I am curious about this myself.

07-26-21, 03:07
I cannot claim to be an expert on Bogota though I have researched it which would include being read up on the Bogota reports thread. But here is the thing, you are asking people in the "Medellin Reports" thread and so there is probably going to be some biased. I know from reading reports that there are a few people who do both and hopefully they will jump in with their opinion. But they may not even see your post in this thread before it gets burried by the other posts..Yeah that bias is actually what I want bc I'm very familiar with Bogota. But I like your posts and appreciate your input.

07-26-21, 03:15
Alas my near 2 wk trip comes to an end. Neg. Covid test in hand, all exit formalities complete, I am on my way out.

MDE is back to normal essentially, other than some masks and light extra sanitation efforts people have returned to pre pandemic norms. And seeing that the Covid numbers in Colombia are trending lower and vaccination rates trending up, Colombia may just be 6 mths behind the US. I read somewhere that 24 M people have had at least 1 shot. Considering their size of 51 M or so, they don't seem far behind the US in this area. This does seem to be impacting the numbers. That said I think the delta variant is not as prevalent here and the president just announced the identification of the first case here 2 days ago. Implication (at least my read FWIW), the next 4-6 wks will be the best time to come. The riots also seem to have quelled after the total reopening. The paro on 7/20 Colombia Independence Day was basically a non event other than a few by all accounts peaceful marches.
I saw a fair number of gringos, more Americans but very few Europeans compared to prior trips and the chicas also seemed to be busy, some of the popular FB chicas were taking their sweet time responding etc.

Agree with the Poster that said Davivienda ATM is a great option if you have a good withdrawal ATM card set up. I too got over 3800 rate each time I withdrew. I took out 2 million at a time as well and held the cash in my hotel safe, keeping about 300 mil at a time on me. Perhaps someone more observant and who withdraws more often than me can comment, but I got the impression they use the closing rate from the day before at the dispensation. If confirmed, it's useful as the day to day fluctuation can be a 1% or so. I used an old iPhone set up with a separate Apple ID to my real one. Some issues with payments / apps etc. But since I had my Verizon phone with me in the safe as well, it was easy to navigate.

FB chicas can still be had for 150 mil plus taxi, but expect it to be 1 HR and 1 pop. I had no issue getting BBBJ with any of the chicas this trip, and 1/2 did CIM a well. Ask any more and they wanted to be compensated. Personally I think always best to let the first session be just that, and then assess the chemistry, performance and other such attributes. I have come to agree with Osteo, Usually subsequent less reserved sessions are when the freaks emerge.

That said more were wanting 200 mil, 250 mil or even 300 mil than ever before. I agree with much of what GringoItaliano said in his post on the changes to the FB scene. I have also observed (and it could just be anecdotal) that there are more gringos locking chicas into pay as you go contracts where they pay per trip with them, and come down bimonthly or monthly and fly them to their resort in CTG or other such places. This then lets the chica be more selective in her week to week encounters and perhaps at a higher price point and more flaky than would otherwise be the case, as her monthly needs are pretty much already met. Just my observation based on convo with 3 chicas this trip.

As I said I somewhat limited my mongering this trip as I figured exposure to 7 or so chicas in my apartment is better than 15 from a Covid risk perspective. So a couple of them had a few repeats. I also did not visit strip clubs etc. As I usually do due to same concerns.

I was not as much concerned about my personal Covid risk as I'm in decent health and double vaccinated, but more about the impact an asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic positive test and subsequent quarantine like JJBee had to endure would have on my work and other obligations.

IDIME is a perfect and reliable location to get your exit Covid antigen test at an unbelievable 50 mil price(I mean really at less than $15US). My result was emailed within 3 hrs, but I was told it could be up to 24 hrs. Have your hotel front desk schedule it for you calling 6046646 and just show up at the right time, it's that easy. I was out of there in less than 20mins. For anyone staying in the Mila de Oro conglomeration of hotels and apartments it's a no brainer. The in your room options mentioned here are probably also good if you are seeking the convenience of not leaving your room, though I can't personally vouch for them. Pretty much any hotel from desk can point you in the right direction if you ask.
Stay safe and monger on fellas.

07-26-21, 03:33
I just did 23 days in Bogota. I had Good success with Tinder. I bit the bullet and paid for Tinder platinum and didn't regret it. I hope to have the time to put a detailed report on Bogota thread. It obviously depends on what you are looking for. I was on a roll with Tinder and was setting up a lot of dates when I went down with the Rona. It is a real risk down here so be aware. Anyway three of the best chicas I found were off Tinder. And I would have pulled more if I hadn't gotten sick. There is variety. Some chicas are open about working and some play the more serious types. Of the three two were working and one never asked me for a peso. She was the best of them all. A genuine sweetheart with whom I had perhaps one of the greatest experiences with in my 22 years of doing this. Anyway now I'm prepping for Medellin. The girls on Tinder often put their IG ids on the Tinder profile so this is a possible way of starting your IG list but don't quote me on that. I had lined up chicas on Facebook years ago, and they are working still. Back to Tinder, in just a few hours I have fished out some treasures on Tinder and set up dates. Between them, my facebook lineup and chicas I connected with months ago on SA, I have plenty to keep me busy for my time in Medellin. As a disclaimer I am Colombian and I speak fluent Spanish. But I think you can be successful on Tinder with a translator. I keep it simple with them tell them I'm coming down and want to take them out for coffee. If they are working they'll let you know at some point. They will ask you what you are looking for too. Of course only you know that. Sex is easy enough to find down there, so I don't mind hanging out with these chicas even if I don't bang them. So well see I've decided I'm going to Medellin 2nd week of Aug. Maybe see you there.

07-26-21, 03:48
Agree with the Poster that said Davivienda ATM is a great option if you have a good withdrawal ATM card set up. I too got over 3800 rate each time I withdrew. I took out 2 million at a time as well and held the cash in my hotel safe, keeping about 300 mil at a time on me. Perhaps someone more observant and who withdraws more often than me can comment, but I got the impression they use the closing rate from the day before at the dispensation. If confirmed, it's useful as the day to day fluctuation can be a 1% or so. I used an old iPhone set up with a separate Apple ID to my real one. Some issues with payments / apps etc. But since I had my Verizon phone with me in the safe as well, it was easy to navigate..Wait for real you pulled out 2 mil in one pop at Davidienda at that rate? I thought ServiBanco was the highest at 1 mill and they burn you on the rate. Can you expand on this? Did you have to make multiple withdrawals or was it all at once 2 mil? At Davideinda? Wow.

07-26-21, 03:50
Sorry guys I meant Instagram not snapchat.

07-26-21, 04:30
Just returned from a short trip and wanted to share few noticeable changes for future travelers.

Have visited this city about two and half years ago and haven't noticed much of change.

Uber- Experienced very long wait for each requested trips. Not sure what is causing this issue but it was really annoying to wait for the drivers 10-15 minute which was normal. Tried Didi and it did not help much.

ATM- Used Davivienda exclusively and able to get 2,000,000 pesos with Charles Schwab card. When screen shows the currency exchange rate, just decline which I was getting close to 3,800 k to dollar.

Mask- Prepare to wear a mask at all times (except in clubs).Thank you for the very nice and informative report.

Elvis 2008
07-26-21, 04:57
Alright boys I've always wanted to go to Medellin. Never been. I've got a nice lineup of facebook chics (don't know their price) who have agreed meet up. I have had some success on Tinder and have one SA chic who has stayed in touch with me for months. But some of you guys got me thinking the action is better in Bogota. Now I know Bogota well just did 23 days there and I have an awesome lineup of chicas there who are just fantastic all around, a great cabbie, great airbnb restaurants etc. So ID be interested to get some input.Thing with Medellin is that it is a sex destination. Almost all the women and most of the hotels are geared up to fleece the sex tourists there. It is a great place to be banging working girls who are 9's or 10's looks wise. It is hard to find any strip clubs in the world now that rank up their with La Isla, maybe Hong Kong in Tijuana. Thing is I have always left Medellin with a bad taste in my mouth. It is like eating fast food. It feels good during but not so great after. But if it is a numbers thing, and if you want to bang as many hotties as you can, you should go and have at it. It is tough to beat, only Sao Paulo has it beat IMO.

Thing is the women are really, really shallow there. The Bogota women are friendlier and more grounded IMO, but the best women sex wise and with decent character IMO are not found in Bogota or Medellin. They are found on the coast. The three best fucks I have had in Colombia have been in Barranquilla or with women who were from there. It is harder to find them as there are not as many of them, but if you want to fuck a woman who really moves like Shakira, you should visit the city where she is from.

07-26-21, 05:32
Just returned from a short trip and wanted to share few noticeable changes for future travelers.

Have visited this city about two and half years ago and haven't noticed much of change.

Uber- Experienced very long wait for each requested trips. Not sure what is causing this issue but it was really annoying to wait for the drivers 10-15 minute which was normal. Tried Didi and it did not help much.

ATM- Used Davivienda exclusively and able to get 2,000,000 pesos with Charles Schwab card. When screen shows the currency exchange rate, just decline which I was getting close to 3,800 k to dollar.

Mask- Prepare to wear a mask at all times (except in clubs).

Covid testing- Highly recommend this place and they come to your place of stay for Antigen covid.

150 k and https://www.proanalab.com/.

Fase Dos- On-site session cost from 190 k to 300 k and there are two minimum drink requirements. My previous visits did not have much of pretty girls but this time, quality was better and had more girls than last time.For future reference, for an excellent massage go to Rio Sur mall. There are 4 or 5 massage places and the massage is excellent. They also offer happy endings, but the upcharge is high.

07-26-21, 07:25
Just turned Monday after midnight now, I got here Saturday afternoon. Maybe this will get posted by Friday, geez, jjeje. The travel gods decided to inflict me with some sort of infectious bug that made it a very bad idea to venture more that 10 meters away from a toilet. The worst of that is over. Scarlet came to the rescue, with fluids, soup. She ordered Rappi, no glitches, she placed the order and I handed her the cash, couldn't be simpler.

The guest fee of $5 for Scarlet made quite a big percentage increase on the price of the room at under $8 per night, but I'm not complaining. I am quite comfortable here and I just extended my stay for three more nights at this particular Ayenda. I have my sights set on two others. Always a good idea to switch hotels after a critical mass of chicas have visited. This prevents unannounced surprise visits. Although I can see the opportunity there for a three-way. Happened once. Couldn't get a Uber after midnight. Fallback was a regular taxi.

I'm on the top floor in the back, feels safe, but there is no security lock on the door. Have not run across that before. So my Rube Goldberg set up shown in the foto is the desk chair up against the open bathroom door which provides an effective block.

Hopefully I regain a lot of strength tomorrow. I was weak as a kitten, rolling over in bed was an effort. At least I can get vertical again.

Chicas the world over are loco. I told Soft Swirl I was sympathetic to her grief but that I could not wait around for her to work through it. Within the hour, she is Whassapping me, and asking me who am I with? Novias, geez. Prepagos always cost less in the long run and are less of hassle but I am a sucker for the emotional baggage.

07-26-21, 11:17
I was supposed to stay with Soft Swirl tonight, but her mother died yesterday of Covid. For real. Mom was unvaccinated of course, virtually all the people dying now are unvaccinated. Adds an extra layer of stupidity on top of the ignoramuses who "choose" not to be vaccinated.Wow you're kind of cold hearted towards Soft Swirls mothers death and people who are not vaccinated. I wonder how she would feel about you if she read how you felt about someone who is unvaccinated like her mother that eventually passed away.

07-26-21, 15:06
....What's nice about Centro though is that if you don't blow a load with a girl, you just go outside and grab another one....Great fun. I remember one time going through 4 girls at New Life consecutively and the papasan not batting an eyelid.

Mr Enternational
07-26-21, 15:40
The lesson is back up any phone content you don't want to lose. A spare phone and SIM card also take a lot of stress out of situations like that. Thanks for your post.Seems more like the lesson is not to sit your phone on your lap in a taxi. I had a habit of putting mine under my leg. I was in the Philippines one night and headed back to the condo with my girl. I had one phone under my leg and the other in my pocket. I was tired and fell asleep. When we got to the condo I woke up and got out. After I walked into the building, I realized that I had left my phone. I tried to reach the driver with my other phone, but like CL said, it has to be the phone that you called the Uber with. I sent a message to customer service and they got in touch with the driver, but he said he did not see it. One month old $1000 Note 9 down the drain. Lesson learned to always keep my phone in my pocket or my hand when I am in a taxi.

07-26-21, 18:01
Wow you're kind of cold hearted towards Soft Swirls mothers death and people who are not vaccinated. I wonder how she would feel about you if she read how you felt about someone who is unvaccinated like her mother that eventually passed away.I think he's saying shame on the people here who refuse to get vaccinated when people really need a vaccine are dying. My condolences to the whole Soft Swirl family.

07-26-21, 18:01
Wow you're kind of cold hearted towards Soft Swirls mothers death and people who are not vaccinated. I wonder how she would feel about you if she read how you felt about someone who is unvaccinated like her mother that eventually passed away.#Cold hearted, sarcastic, attention whoring, asshole, present and accounted for. NTMU.

07-26-21, 18:21
Wait for real you pulled out 2 mil in one pop at Davidienda at that rate? I thought ServiBanco was the highest at 1 mill and they burn you on the rate. Can you expand on this? Did you have to make multiple withdrawals or was it all at once 2 mil? At Davideinda? Wow.The max amount per withdrawal at Davivienda ATMs is 2 million COP. Actually I think it's 2,000,020. Last November, it depended on the bank card you were using. One of my cards could pull 2 million but the other only 400 k. However, last month both allowed up to 2 million.

Banco Pichincha also allows up to 1 million and you can make multiple withdrawals without starting a new transaction (unless that has changed in the last 3 years).

07-26-21, 18:26
Just turned Monday after midnight now, I got here Saturday afternoon. Maybe this will get posted by Friday, geez, jjeje. The travel gods decided to inflict me with some sort of infectious bug that made it a very bad idea to venture more that 10 meters away from a toilet. The worst of that is over. Scarlet came to the rescue, with fluids, soup. She ordered Rappi, no glitches, she placed the order and I handed her the cash, couldn't be simpler.

The guest fee of $5 for Scarlet made quite a big percentage increase on the price of the room at under $8 per night, but I'm not complaining. I am quite comfortable here and I just extended my stay for three more nights at this particular Ayenda. I have my sights set on two others. Always a good idea to switch hotels after a critical mass of chicas have visited. This prevents unannounced surprise visits. Although I can see the opportunity there for a three-way. Happened once. Couldn't get a Uber after midnight. Fallback was a regular taxi.

I'm on the top floor in the back, feels safe, but there is no security lock on the door. Have not run across that before. So my Rube Goldberg set up shown in the foto is the desk chair up against the open bathroom door which provides an effective block.I'd recommend getting a Covid test ASAP. It was probably just a bit of food poisoning, but diarrhea and weakness were 2 of the symptoms I experienced. Much easier to get a test and be clear than to have several chicas with sick mothers.

07-26-21, 18:33
Seems more like the lesson is not to sit your phone on your lap in a taxi. I had a habit of putting mine under my leg. I was in the Philippines one night and headed back to the condo with my girl. I had one phone under my leg and the other in my pocket. I was tired and fell asleep. When we got to the condo I woke up and got out. After I walked into the building, I realized that I had left my phone. I tried to reach the driver with my other phone, but like CL said, it has to be the phone that you called the Uber with. I sent a message to customer service and they got in touch with the driver, but he said he did not see it. One month old $1000 Note 9 down the drain. Lesson learned to always keep my phone in my pocket or my hand when I am in a taxi.Before I get out of any car, I do a pocket check. I do the same before leaving any place. Phone, keys, wallet. I've spaced off and left my phone or wallet at home when I was headed to work and didn't realize it for 30 minutes. Now I check each pocket for the correct contents, every time.

Fun Luvr
07-26-21, 18:33
Wait for real you pulled out 2 mil in one pop at Davidienda at that rate? I thought ServiBanco was the highest at 1 mill and they burn you on the rate. Can you expand on this? Did you have to make multiple withdrawals or was it all at once 2 mil? At Davideinda? Wow.It's only with some of Davivienda's ATM's, and you can get 2 million in one transaction.

07-26-21, 19:09
What I like about Davivienda is that you can withdraw larger amounts, as noted below. I used them twice in Poblado (across the street from Parque Poblado) on my trip last week. The first time I took 800 mil and it gave it to me in 20's. Which was great (I always need change). The second time I took 1 million and got shorted by 200 mil (but no real way to prove it). I had previously used the machine in Laureles on multiple occasions. Only had an issue once (in April). The machine gave me no money, but hit my account for it. I disputed it with Schwab and got it back.

Historically I have used BanColombia or Bank of Bogota and never had issues with being shorted money or not getting my money at all. So Davivienda seems to have it's plusses and minuses. Just a warning.

It's only with some of Davivienda's ATM's, and you can get 2 million in one transaction.

07-26-21, 19:17
I am a bit paranoid so I never withdraw more than 600 k at a time and have 3 debit cards.

I keep them locked up when not in use. I actually had a situation here in the states where I deposited cash in my TD account. The TD ATM machine took my money and kept my debit card with no receipt. I was able to get it straightened out but it took 2 weeks.

What I like about Davivienda is that you can withdraw larger amounts, as noted below. I used them twice in Poblado (across the street from Parque Poblado) on my trip last week. The first time I took 800 mil and it gave it to me in 20's. Which was great (I always need change). The second time I took 1 million and got shorted by 200 mil (but no real way to prove it). I had previously used the machine in Laureles on multiple occasions. Only had an issue once (in April). The machine gave me no money, but hit my account for it. I disputed it with Schwab and got it back.

Historically I have used BanColombia or Bank of Bogota and never had issues with being shorted money or not getting my money at all. So Davivienda seems to have it's plusses and minuses. Just a warning.

07-26-21, 19:33
#Cold hearted, sarcastic, attention whoring, asshole, present and accounted for. NTMU.You pretend to be a dick but if you're sticking with one girl like that you can't really be.

07-26-21, 20:35
You pretend to be a dick but if you're sticking with one girl like that you can't really be.You do understand that he has 8 women in his stable and he hides from his number 1 until he's worn out from the other 7, plus the occasional stray girl.

07-26-21, 20:57
I am a bit paranoid so I never withdraw more than 600 k at a time and have 3 debit cards.

I keep them locked up when not in use. I actually had a situation here in the states where I deposited cash in my TD account. The TD ATM machine took my money and kept my debit card with no receipt. I was able to get it straightened out but it took 2 weeks.Basically you want at least two sets of cards that you keep in two separate places such that if one set gets stolen, you are still functional. Even when traveling en route, keep these cards separately, one on your person, one in bag, por ejemplo. Not identical cards but more than one debit card, etc. And JFC, don't walk around with your passport. A paper copy, preferably but not necessarily with your visa stamp one one side. I am from the school of a dog-eared black and white copy of your pasaporte does the trick. Other respected members here (that I do not claim to be) will tell you to get a laminated color copy. They always copy your passport at hotel check-in, just ask them for an extra copy, I have never been turned down.

After a slow start, I am gaining momentum. Scarlet took a break from nursing me back to health yesterday and ran home. I am 80% back to normal after some infectious GI virus knocked me on my ass for 24 h that I picked up en route, probably in the Miami airport. I KNOW Scarlet will be back because she forgot her treasured iPhone cargador, jaja. I just Whassapped her that I am ready to fuck and suck but that she will need to do most of the work until I am fully recovered, jaja.

Soft Swirl is Whassapping me continuously ever since I told her I was moving on without her. I will probably contribute to her mother's funeral expenses since she had novia status in my line-up and was not a prepago. I told her I gave my dad a pauper's funeral and didn't spend one dime on him so why should I pay anything for her mom? But I can't expect her to follow suit with those kind of emotions. I did not see my dad once in the 15 years before he died. Not that we hated each other, but I am second generation mongerer and there was too much competition between us for girls and drugs. Hardcore.

Amazonia says she is catching the bus in from her village tomorrow to see me for the price of a bus ticket, much less than prepago would charge but of course I will end up feeding her, etc. Novia's always cost more. Be smart, not dumb like me, stick with the prepagos.

Love the fresh fruits in Colombia. Fresh cut mango for lunch, fifty cents or 2 mil COP. Street food. The cheapest way to roll for top quality, healthy, safe food in Colombia.

I lost a lot of weight since I retired and got my fat ass out from under a desk a couple of years ago. I brought clothes with me to wear that need to be altered. I will return to a seamstress here I have used before, for top quality work at a fraction of the cost. The price is so cheap sometimes I offer to pay double for same day service.

The views are from my hotel rooftop. I am only two blocks off of Avenida 70, but with a neighborhood feel. Love it here. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

07-27-21, 00:08
I cannot claim to be an expert on Bogota though I have researched it which would include being read up on the Bogota reports thread. But here is the thing, you are asking people in the "Medellin Reports" thread and so there is probably going to be some biased. I know from reading reports that there are a few people who do both and hopefully they will jump in with their opinion. But they may not even see your post in this thread before it gets burried by the other posts.

I will offer this suggestion. I think that the place that is best for mongering has probably been established over time meaning that the word has probably gotten out. Since I think it is reasonable to assume that the people who make reports on this board are a reasonable sample of all mongers then it stands to reason that the thread with the most post is probably the most popular place, and it would make since to me that it earned its popularity. So you can look at the from page of the Colombia Forum where it shows the list of threads and it also shows how many reports are in each thread. Currently Medellin has 47,869 reports compared to Bogota's 10,067 reports.

I sort of disagree. Bogota has way more action as far as mongering. The reason more guys go to MDE is because, for most of us, it's an easier, friendlier, and more pleasant city.

Mojo Bandit
07-27-21, 00:53
Please provide references to the scientific studies that support your claims. This sounds more like CNN propaganda and fear mongering. If you're not vaccinated you will get it. Please cite your source. Your implication is if you got get vaxxed you won't get it and that is provably false. Data out of Israel says vaccine is only 38% effective against variants so. That builds confidence now doesn't it? And incidentally torpedos your claim.
: people who don't trust big pharma and their taxpayer funded rushed research and vaccine or people who believe they are nobly working with governments for the health of all humans? Where is my eye roll emoji when I need it?https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/23/delta-variant-pfizer-covid-vaccine-39percent-effective-in-israel-prevents-severe-illness.html

Did you read the whole article that you cited? This is what else the article that you just cited said:

"The two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data. " That 38% number does not mean that the vaccine is not effective in helping people,

so your statement "Data out of Israel says vaccine is only 38% effective against variants" is false without reading the other information. A lot of people have been quoting these figures out of Isreal without the context.

Part of the reason we see these numbers coming out of Israel is again because people are taking them out of context: in Isreal because they have 85% of their population vaccinated, it creates a data biasd

https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/5-things-to-know-delta-variant-covid#text=Delta%20 is%20 spreading%2050%25%20 faster, CoV%2 D2%2 C%20 he%20 says.

"It's actually quite dramatic how the growth rate will change," says Dr. Wilson. Delta is spreading 50% faster than Alpha, which was 50% more contagious than the original strain of SARS-CoV-2.


"The variant is highly contagious, largely because people infected with the delta strain can carry up to 1,000 times more virus in their nasal passages than those infected with the original strain, according to new data.

07-27-21, 01:23
I sort of disagree. Bogota has way more action as far as mongering. The reason more guys go to MDE is because, for most of us, it's an easier, friendlier, and more pleasant city.Medellin has the Numero Uno reason people who can afford to do so, relocate to live (particularly old farts) - A near purrfekt climate. They don't call it the City of Eternal Spring or The City of Flowers for no reason at all. When I first came here I had no clue it was a mongering destination. And my novia has told me her number one fear from me visiting has been realized. Didn't take long for me to start acting like a kid in the candy store. She don't love it, but there is a certain amount of mongering behavior that is accepted by many girlfriends and wives here. There is a saying in Medellin about guys, loosely translated, "It's okay to cheat, just don't do it up front. " By "up front" that means in a way that obviously embarrasses the wife or main girlfriend. Keep it on the down-low or in the background. We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto.

07-27-21, 02:57
I sort of disagree. Bogota has way more action as far as mongering. The reason more guys go to MDE is because, for most of us, it's an easier, friendlier, and more pleasant city.I think there are a lot of factors to consider. For one, the Medellin thread has a lot more posts which probably don't belong here (like this one). For another, with the Facebook girls in Medellin you get a lot more guys who are using online sources. Bogota is more focused on the red light establishments.

Bogota also has altitude and climate working against it. There's also the perceived danger of Santa Fe, which is a large part of the mongering scene in Bogota, whereas Veracruz and Raudal are a much smaller segment of Medellin's options.

As with most things it will really boil down to personal preference.

Ho Lover1
07-27-21, 03:33
I lost a lot of weight since I retired and got my fat ass out from under a desk a couple of years ago. I brought clothes with me to wear that need to be altered. I will return to a seamstress here I have used before, for top quality work at a fraction of the cost. The price is so cheap sometimes I offer to pay double for same day service.!Do you have the address of the seamstress. Lots of clothes for her to alter when I am there in August.

07-27-21, 03:38
Do you have the address of the seamstress. Lots of clothes for her to alter when I am there in August.There are plenty to be found. Many also offer laundry service, although it typically takes a day.

07-27-21, 03:41
I sort of disagree. Bogota has way more action as far as mongering. The reason more guys go to MDE is because, for most of us, it's an easier, friendlier, and more pleasant city.That's what the general consensus here seems to be. I'm leaning towards Medellin at this point bc I've lined up some very interesting chicas, but I have an awesome lineup in Bogota. Thanks for your your input.

07-27-21, 03:57
I sort of disagree. Bogota has way more action as far as mongering. The reason more guys go to MDE is because, for most of us, it's an easier, friendlier, and more pleasant city.He said it is more popular, not more options. Besides, I think Bogota no longer has a similar place like La Isla at similar price point.

07-27-21, 04:44
Do you have the address of the seamstress. Lots of clothes for her to alter when I am there in August.There are hundreds if not thousands of "costureras" in Medellin. Colombians are known for their detailed hand work and you will do fine to pick one at random. I hesitate to recommend mine because all she has done for me is take in some waistlines and hem some pants. And put some zippers on pockets (pick-pocket deterrents). I am not saying she can tailor a suit but if you are dead set against finding your own, she is at "De Luze" Kra 69 #C3-27 one block off Avenida 70. My master bath at home is bigger than her shop. If five guys from here give her business she will be swamped, jajaja. She speaks zero English, as per usual.

Gratuitous foto from this evening. Turned one girl away. My Spanish failed me and Scarlet told one of her friends to head on over and meet us in my room for a party but I am less than 24 hours out from the stomach virus and not ready to try for any Mattress Olympic Gold Medals, just yet. I caught the girl en route on Whassap and told her politely to please go back home until further notice. Since she is a regular in my line-up, no problema. She is not a novia, but one of my fave prepagos (Silky). I will tip her extra when I do see her to make up for her trouble. Four girls waiting to come over tomorrow, I'll be happy with two at this point. Just getting warmed up.

07-27-21, 04:47
I sort of disagree. Bogota has way more action as far as mongering. The reason more guys go to MDE is because, for most of us, it's an easier, friendlier, and more pleasant city.Very true. More variety, better bargains.

Will go to Medellin soon, but rather go to Bogota, just because there is much more action than in Medellin. Bogota may seem cold, populous, and too big, but you have to go take it block by block to discover those little joys. People think Bogota is full of Bogotanos but its actually a melting pot of Colombia. And some of south America. The people of Bogota are not cold, nor unfriendly, just super busy. As oppose to the paisas that commonly say "SIN AFAN" meaning not to rush. However, my best conversations have been with the rolos in ubers, parks, and bars, that is when they got the time. You as the traveler, monger, or whatever position unconstrained by time isn't shackle to work or to make a deadline. Medellin's culture is laidback, as oppose to Bogota being more ambitious.

Then again, this is my perception after years of being in those cities. I hardly post here because this subjective shit is infinitely debatable.

07-27-21, 06:59
He said it is more popular, not more options. Besides, I think Bogota no longer has a similar place like La Isla at similar price point.At this point I'm rolling with Medellin. I have an interesting lineup of QTs from FB, SA and Tinder ready to go. I've been chatting with them via whatsapp and fb messanger. One chica is already making plans to be there when I arrive and stay with me overnight. I met her on SA months ago and we stayed in touch. She's got a great body and I love her long black hair. We facetime on Whatsapp and I'm happy to have her lined up for the first day. I got so many Tinder chics I can't keep up with messaging them so I'm focusing on the hottest one or ones who I am attracted to most. I hope to make it to La Isla at some point.

07-27-21, 07:20
For future reference, for an excellent massage go to Rio Sur mall. There are 4 or 5 massage places and the massage is excellent. They also offer happy endings, but the upcharge is high.I availed myself of one pretty much every other day. Great massages as well. Zen and Dharma are on the 5th floor. Om spa on the 4th and Dan spa on the 3rd. Garage spa used to be in the 2nd floor but I did not see it this time. Maybe they closed or relocated. 100 mil for a regular relaxing massage and well worth it. They have weekend specials and you can get a 4 hands massage for 140 mil at Zen I believe. They all do he but the up charge is between a 50-80 mil tip and I pretty much was always offered and said no hoy. There are also nail places if you want your nails filed and you can also get a nice haircut and shave.

07-27-21, 07:25
Wait for real you pulled out 2 mil in one pop at Davidienda at that rate? I thought ServiBanco was the highest at 1 mill and they burn you on the rate. Can you expand on this? Did you have to make multiple withdrawals or was it all at once 2 mil? At Davideinda? Wow.Yes all at one time, and got 3833:1 to be precise. It's now 3913 I see. It really minimizes friction costs.

07-27-21, 07:27
The Monger's Dilemma:

So the for me the monger's dilemma has always been do you invest more time in one girl with whom you have connected strongly and you know is a good time or do you monger. Most of my trips have been a mixture of both, but over the years I tended towards the former: that is invest in the sure things. I remember my first mongercation to DR back in 1999. I was in Boca Chica with a moto guy I befriended it was late afternoon down on the strip and I saw this long black hair big booty beauty DR hottie standing out in front of one of the bars. I'm a sucker for long black hair. I got her on that moto back to my hotel and we didn't separate. $100 a day: all day all night she stayed with me. It was great. She wound up crying when I left. AltaGracia. (High Grace) was her name. We had a great time and I banged her 4 to 5 times a day. (ah youth. Those were the days) I ran into her again years later and she still remembered that I ravaged her 5 x a day. Anyway, I've been thinking about this love in the time of covid situation. People have a lot of confidence in the vaccines and that's great if you think you won't get sick, disregard this post. But if you want to minimize exposure perhaps considering the go with the one you know strategy might be the safer bet. Obviously these chicas are getting exposed the harder they work. And I recognize that finding a girl to stay with and not leave you isn't easy and perhaps not totally necessary in terms of being with you 24/7, but it might be a consideration if you want to reduce your risk of exposure to the Rona. Can't guarantee she isn't doing side jobs when she's not with you but again it depends who you find. Such arrangements can be made and I've had chicas whose company I enjoyed and I didn't mind playing honeymoon for the time I was in a place. In fact I had a lot of experiences like this where they don't want to leave. So these are just some thoughts I had and thought some of you guys might add your own. At this point, I had the Colombian Rona (I wrote about my experience with the Rona in the Bogota thread if you want to hear more about that) so I'm not that concerned, but nevertheless it's still something I am taking into consideration. I already have the possibility of setting something like this up because I've laid the groundwork for it and have a chica who is willing. She is planning all these little mini trips for us. Anyway, might be an interesting conversation to hear you guys' thoughts. Ill be down in Medellin second week in Aug FYI.

07-27-21, 07:28
Yes all at one time, and got 3833:1 to be precise. It's now 3913 I see. It really minimizes friction costs.Bro this is fantastic. Do you remember where this ATM was located?

07-27-21, 10:55
Basically you want at least two sets of cards that you keep in two separate places such that if one set gets stolen, you are still functional. Even when traveling en route, keep these cards separately, one on your person, one in bag, por ejemplo. Not identical cards but more than one debit card, etc. And JFC, don't walk around with your passport. A paper copy, preferably but not necessarily with your visa stamp one one side. I am from the school of a dog-eared black and white copy of your pasaporte does the trick. Other respected members here (that I do not claim to be) will tell you to get a laminated color copy. They always copy your passport at hotel check-in, just ask them for an extra copy, I have never been turned down.

After a slow start, I am gaining momentum. Scarlet took a break from nursing me back to health yesterday and ran home. I am 80% back to normal after some infectious GI virus knocked me on my ass for 24 h that I picked up en route, probably in the Miami airport. I KNOW Scarlet will be back because she forgot her treasured iPhone cargador, jaja. I just Whassapped her that I am ready to fuck and suck but that she will need to do most of the work until I am fully recovered, jaja.Loving the updates of your trip. Glad you were able to recover quickly. Would be interested to know how you met these novias and how long you've known them? Have fun & stay safe.

07-27-21, 11:22
The Monger's Dilemma:

So the for me the monger's dilemma has always been do you invest more time in one girl with whom you have connected strongly and you know is a good time or do you monger. Most of my trips have been a mixture of both, but over the years I tended towards the former: that is invest in the sure things. I remember my first mongercation to DR back in 1999. I was in Boca Chica with a moto guy I befriended it was late afternoon down on the strip and I saw this long black hair big booty beauty DR hottie standing out in front of one of the bars. I'm a sucker for long black hair. I got her on that moto back to my hotel and we didn't separate. $100 a day: all day all night she stayed with me. It was great. She wound up crying when I left. AltaGracia. (High Grace) was her name. We had a great time and I banged her 4 to 5 times a day. (ah youth. Those were the days) I ran into her again years later and she still remembered that I ravaged her 5 x a day. Anyway, I've been thinking about this love in the time of covid situation. People have a lot of confidence in the vaccines and that's great if you think you won't get sick, disregard this post. But if you want to minimize exposure perhaps considering the go with the one you know strategy might be the safer bet. Obviously these chicas are getting exposed the harder they work. And I recognize that finding a girl to stay with and not leave you isn't easy and perhaps not totally necessary in terms of being with you 24/7, but it might be a consideration if you want to reduce your risk of exposure to the Rona..If you think seeing one girl for an extended period of time reduces your risk more than getting vaccinated, there's not much to discuss.

You are correct about one thing. Since you've recently recovered you probably have more immunity than an unvaccinated person who hasn't recently recovered. However, based on when and where you were infected, there's a good chance you were infected with the original, alpha variant. By the time you return the delta variant will most likely be the predominant risk. You're prior infection may not provide as much immunity as you believe.

Let's discuss it in relation to your risk of getting some sort of infection from a girl.

Depending on the length of your stay, you have equal or less risk of becoming infected from a girl you see multiple times, versus a girl you see once for multiple days. This is due to the lag time between being infected and becoming contagious, along with length of exposure. There's also some chica psychology involved.

Let's say you've arranged to spend 5 days with a girl for $100 per day. If she cancels because she's sick, she misses out on $500. If she can make it through 2 days, she has a reasonable chance of collecting the full amount. Because it takes 4-7 days from infection to become contagious (and symptomatic) your initial risk period is up to 12 days (7 days before she comes over and the 5 days she's there. Because you're in close contact for the entire time, your risk of infection is high. However, she can remain infectious for up to 2 weeks after becoming contagious. Because of the financial incentive, your risk now extends to 26 days. If she becomes infected 21 days or less before meeting you, every day she is with you puts you at risk.

However, if you set up a short time session with a girl, the financial incentive to come, even though she has symptoms, is less, especially if she hopes to be recovered before you leave. If you schedule a second session with her, and she had no symptoms the first time, then chances of her becoming infectious between the dates is not as high as her chance of being infectious before the first date. Did that make sense?

Many here can attest to the chica psychology portion. Many of us have had a girl come over when she was on her period. Then she acts surprised when your sheets look like a crime scene. She knew she was on her period, but as long as you get the dick in before you notice the blood, she's going to get paid.

That scenario has happened to me on at least 3 occasions. However, last November I had something worse happen. The girl in question was one I had been in contact with for 7 months. She had 3 different jobs that she worked and at that time was rarely taking customers. A day after she came over I came down with strep throat. Fortunately, with the right antibiotics, I was no longer contagious 2 days later and almost completely recovered after 4 days. After she found out I had gotten sick she admitted that she had a bad sore throat on the night she came over.

Now imagine if instead of strep, she had Covid. This was before the vaccine was available. If you have been reading the threads you know that I tested positive, in Bogota, on the same day you arrived in Bogota. I received both jabs of the Pfizer vaccine in March and my symptoms were as bad or worse, based on your report, as yours. As Mojo Bandit pointed out, the Pfizer vaccine is 91% effective at preventing serious illness. Considering how ill I was, had I become infected before vaccination, there's a good chance I wouldn't have survived.

Disregarding the risk of illness, whether you prefer the honeymoon scenario for the short session is a matter of personal preference.

07-27-21, 13:23
The Monger's Dilemma:So the for me the monger's dilemma has always been do you invest more time in one girl with whom you have connected strongly and you know is a good time or do you monger. Anyway, might be an interesting conversation to hear you guys' thoughts. Ill be down in Medellin second week in Aug FYI.Not sure how this is a mongers dilemma if someone is coming down to spend all their time with one girl. Every guy has a different "risk tolerance" as evidenced by the many posts since the Pandemic. Prior to the vaccines coming out, I came down to Colombia and was very concerned about getting infected, and tried to limit my exposure to people as much as possible such as not riding the METRO, yet after being vaccinated, I have thrown caution to the wind. Spending lots of time with one or two girls, and shorter periods of time with other girls is how I have been rolling this past month in Medellin, maybe a mixture like this will work for you.

07-27-21, 13:57
If your in Colombia now is a good time to hit the ATM's with the exchange rate topping 3900 today.

Nil Admirari
07-27-21, 14:28
Bro this is fantastic. Do you remember where this ATM was located?This recommendation based on the following BM post from back in February: "I use Scotiabank Colpatria ATM's. They do not charge any fees, and you can withdraw 4,500,000 COP per day (five 900,000 withdrawals). . BBVA does not charge fees, but their withdrawal limits are lower. Davivienda doesn't charge fees, but there have been reports that they will withdraw money from your account without dispensing any money. Maybe they have fixed that problem.

ScotiaBank Colpatria locations: There's one on Avenida Poblado North of Oviedo. There's one on Calle 33 west of UPB. There's on at San Diego mall. That's all I know of offhand. There is one in the Jumbo near Estadio in Laureles. There is one over by Parque Laureles also. Google it.

I typically take out $ 5,400,000 Colombian Pesos at a time with two ATM cards from the Scotia machine at the EXITO on Calle 10. There is a security card (sic: guard) right there because it's at the upper entrance to the store. When I am done, I walk into the store and go shopping. ".

Concluding note: ScotiaBank Colpatria ATMs differ in limits / fees from ScotiaBanks without the "Colpatria" link. I used the ScotiaBank Colpatria ATM inside the large Laureles Exito, in financial services mezzanine accessed from the rear of the store. I was able to make the five withdrawals all at the same time; no need to leave and return.

07-27-21, 14:57
... I reached for the bag and my cell phone fell off my lap. I did not realize it until the Uber was gone.....Some years ago I took a taxi from an FKK to the Darmstadt railway station in Germany. When we arrived I argued with the driver about the fare he requested which was more than I usually paid; ended up paying any way. When I got out of the car he called me (I was like, what now!). He was holding my phone in his hand, it had dropped out of my pocket on to the seat. I gave him a 5 euro tip.

07-27-21, 15:01
My third night but really my first night in action because of some purgatory GI virus that glommed onto me en route. I wasn't looking for it but Scarlet was almost begging for the pink shit, one delivery later we had ourselves a Triple XXX all nighter, no sleep, not one wink. I have been in MDE for 3 day and I have only fucked one girl and I couldn't be happier. First and foremost, this is a temporary situation, I am in recovery mode. And the one girl I was with I happen to know every square centimeter of her body like a road map. She keeps asking me to let her bring more girls in but I am not ready, I was so weak yesterday at one point I literally could not roll over in bed. Soft Swirl has agreed to let me come visit. Amazonia is supposedly bussing in today. Silky, the girl I turned back last night is ready to jump right back on it this morning, with Scarlet and I promise some scorching girl on girl. An outlier, Valentina supposedly want to come over this evening because Scarlet told her I munch a mean pussy. I know this girl, never fucked her, she is hotter than shit, married, will scratch your eyes out if she sees a camera pointed her direction, but I have managed to snap a few in the past. Supposedly for some pink shit she will "let" me eat her pussy. You will never see this girl selling herself anywhere, she is playing the role of the good Colombian housewife, if there is such a thing. Her husband works second shift, so she is supposed to head over around 5. I am setting myself up for huge failure by telling you guys this because they all might not show! I will keep it real for you.

Question on that photo, is that a natural color for the inside of a poop chute? I'm asking because I really want to know. My dick has been in it bareback.

07-27-21, 15:31
This recommendation based on the following BM post from back in February: "I use Scotiabank Colpatria ATM's. They do not charge any fees, and you can withdraw 4,500,000 COP per day (five 900,000 withdrawals). . BBVA does not charge fees, but their withdrawal limits are lower. Davivienda doesn't charge fees, but there have been reports that they will withdraw money from your account without dispensing any money. Maybe they have fixed that problem.

ScotiaBank Colpatria locations: There's one on Avenida Poblado North of Oviedo. There's one on Calle 33 west of UPB. There's on at San Diego mall. That's all I know of offhand. There is one in the Jumbo near Estadio in Laureles. There is one over by Parque Laureles also. Google it.

I typically take out $ 5,400,000 Colombian Pesos at a time with two ATM cards from the Scotia machine at the EXITO on Calle 10. There is a security card (sic: guard) right there because it's at the upper entrance to the store. When I am done, I walk into the store and go shopping. ".

Concluding note: ScotiaBank Colpatria ATMs differ in limits / fees from ScotiaBanks without the "Colpatria" link. I used the ScotiaBank Colpatria ATM inside the large Laureles Exito, in financial services mezzanine accessed from the rear of the store. I was able to make the five withdrawals all at the same time; no need to leave and return.Do a Google search with the phrase "Scotiabank Colpatria ATM". I ended up with about 20 Scotiabank Colpatria ATMs, all over Medellin.

07-27-21, 15:33
Some years ago I took a taxi from an FKK to the Darmstadt railway station in Germany. When we arrived I argued with the driver about the fare he requested which was more than I usually paid; ended up paying any way. When I got out of the car he called me (I was like, what now!). He was holding my phone in his hand, it had dropped out of my pocket on to the seat. I gave him a 5 euro tip.He deserved lots more!

07-27-21, 15:35
He said it is more popular, not more options. Besides, I think Bogota no longer has a similar place like La Isla at similar price point.Don't forget that the weather is better and the women more beautiful in Medellin. You just can't beat a paisa for pure sexy.

07-27-21, 16:14
My friends and I planned a trip to Medellin and arranged everything, including tickets, Airbnb, and other fun plans. We were all fully vaccinated in April. With Covid-19 surging in the USA, how safe it is to travel to Medellin between Aug 12th to Aug 25th.

Thank you.

07-27-21, 17:02
If your in Colombia now is a good time to hit the ATM's with the exchange rate topping 3900 today.A buddy said one of his local gringo contacts that's very in-tune with exchange rates, stock market, discount prices, etc. Told him that if the Peso hits (for example) 3800 on Friday night, you will likely see that reflected in ATM withdrawals on Monday night. Does anyone have more info about the typical delay times as far as the exchange rate vs exchange rate in ATMs?

A couple buddies of mine said you can pull out 1. 9 M in a single withdrawal at the blue Banco Caja Social on Calle 10 by ChupaShots, Gusto, Envy, etc. I'm not sure the daily max, and one of them uses Charles Schwab so he isn't concerned with fees.

07-27-21, 17:48
Safe as it's going to be for a while, which is good enough. I have been traveling to Medellin back and forth since they re-opened the border last year. I was not vaccinated when I first started going, but got vaccinated last March. I've had no problems. Now I try not to be stupid. I wear my mask when I am out. I use the gel that most places provide.

That said, you also have to consider "safe" beyond COVID. Medellin is relatively safe if you don't go to the wrong area, particularly at night. It is relatively safe is you try not to stick out like a sore thumb (although that's not always easy for a gringo) and you behave your self (trying not to be too loud and obnoxious, drawing unwanted attention to yourself). Pay attention to your surroundings and to your drinks. If you are staying in Poblado, there is some risk because thieves know that's where the "rich gringos" stay. Gringos in Parque Lleras stand out. So just use common sense. In my 16 years of going, the worst thing that ever happened to me was leaving my cell phone in an Uber. Never had anything stolen from me or my apartment. Never got shaken down by the cops. Never had drugs blown in my face. If your "fun plans" include going to poor barrios or ingesting a lot of drugs or booze, re-think some of those plans or at least be smart about it. I assume you are newbies, so know your limits until you have been to MDE a few times and feel more comfortable.

My friends and I planned a trip to Medellin and arranged everything, including tickets, Airbnb, and other fun plans. We were all fully vaccinated in April. With Covid-19 surging in the USA, how safe it is to travel to Medellin between Aug 12th to Aug 25th.

Thank you.

07-27-21, 17:57
If your in Colombia now is a good time to hit the ATM's with the exchange rate topping 3900 today.As I write this, the XE.com rate is 3,918 and that is higher than the rate has been in a year. However, you can rush to the ATMs but due to wide spread disinformation that is NOT what you will get. It doesn't depend on the bank, it doesn't depend on anything. Visa sets the exchange rate every night at midnight. That is the rate you get from the ATM when you make a debit card withdrawal. (I'm assuming you are getting your withdrawal from a bank that doesn't charge a fee. Like Copatria, or BBVA or Davienda or Banco Pinchinata).

So, even though the international exchange rate is at 3,918 (that is what the XE rate is) the Visa rate for today is 3,874 and THAT is exactly what you will get (absent fees). I would wait until tomorrow and I would expect the Visa rate to edge up some more. (As long as the XE rate doesn't come down from here).

A few other pointers, if the menu asks you if you want the bank rate or the secured rate or the "whatever" rate just say NO. The default rate is the Visa rate it will always be higher and that is what you want. The bank is offering you a chance to give them some extra money with their "preferred rate" or "secured rate" or whatever they call it.

Next pro tip. Don't go to money-changers or on-line transferees. They will advertise very low fees but they make their money by giving you a lower exchange rate. Western Union will charge you fees AND give you a horrible exchange rate. On a 1,000 dollar send you can expect to lose 250-300 mil vs doing he ATM withdrawal. Just think, 300 mil if you are getting high end FaceBook girls that is close to 2 citas. If you are getting more economical girls in El Centro that could be up to 7 or 8 sessions (adding in your short-term hotel charge). If you are hitting a medium level casa that could be 5 sessions.

07-27-21, 18:02
Question on that photo, is that a natural color for the inside of a poop chute? I'm asking because I really want to know. My dick has been in it bareback.It almost appears as though the discoloration at the entrance to the "poop chute" is slight bruising as a result of somebody barebacking her. Perhaps you took this photo after pounding her in the backdoor? LOL.

Fun Luvr
07-27-21, 18:38
A buddy said one of his local gringo contacts that's very in-tune with exchange rates, stock market, discount prices, etc. Told him that if the Peso hits (for example) 3800 on Friday night, you will likely see that reflected in ATM withdrawals on Monday night. Does anyone have more info about the typical delay times as far as the exchange rate vs exchange rate in ATMs?It has been my experience that the ATM rate will lag the mid-market exchange rate by one business day. Today's (Tuesday) closing rate should be reflected at the ATM's Thursday until 5 or 6 pm. I haven't determined the cut over time, but I know it is before 7 pm. If you take Surfer's advice and withdraw today, you should get about 3873 to 1. If you wait until tonight or tomorrow, you should receive about 3911 to 1. The value of the dollar is still going up today; so, if I were in Medellin, I would not not withdraw any large amount until the rate falls. Then I would have one full day to withdraw large amounts.

07-27-21, 19:41
Disregarding the risk of illness, whether you prefer the honeymoon scenario for the short session is a matter of personal preference.Yes. For sure. No debate here.

Interesting analysis. Definitely thorough. I have had adventures where the girl picks me up at the airport and we don't separate. In fact, I had 2 like that pre pandemic in Bogota. In 2019. I've had many like this over the years on Brazil, Costa Rica, DR, Colombia, which are my stomping grounds. So for example, I have a chica now with whom I know there is a good probability I can do the honeymoon scenario. If I were to start with her and stay for 21 days, I'm thinking risk of exposure is low and there is way more than enough time to know if there are any problems.

07-27-21, 20:19
That scenario has happened to me on at least 3 occasions. However, last November I had something worse happen. The girl in question was one I had been in contact with for 7 months. She had 3 different jobs that she worked and at that time was rarely taking customers. A day after she came over I came down with strep throat. Fortunately, with the right antibiotics, I was no longer contagious 2 days later and almost completely recovered after 4 days. After she found out I had gotten sick she admitted that she had a bad sore throat on the night she came over.This exact situation happened to me as well except in Bangkok back in November 2019 right before covid became full-blown. I didn't even notice anything until afterwards when I noticed her coughing a bit. I went down with flu-like symptoms about a day later for about 2 weeks which ruined the rest of the trip. Chills, coughing, swollen lymph nodes, liquid stool, excessively tired. You can bet with those symptoms I went to get tested for HIV but thankfully it wasn't the case.

07-27-21, 20:48
Yes. For sure. No debate here.

Interesting analysis. Definitely thorough. I have had adventures where the girl picks me up at the airport and we don't separate. In fact, I had 2 like that pre pandemic in Bogota. In 2019. I've had many like this over the years on Brazil, Costa Rica, DR, Colombia, which are my stomping grounds. So for example, I have a chica now with whom I know there is a good probability I can do the honeymoon scenario. If I were to start with her and stay for 21 days, I'm thinking risk of exposure is low and there is way more than enough time to know if there are any problems.Perhaps I wasn't clear. Your risk, from her, begins 21 days before you come in contact with her. That's because on any of those days she could become infected and still be contagious when you meet her. By spending 21 days with her, your risk period extends to 42 days.

Also, as many here have attested to, agreeing to a long term arrangement with someone you've never been with is not the best idea. I personally couldn't imagine any agreement of 21 days. For one thing, you've got a 75% chance of having to deal with her period. Not really my idea of a good time to be locked in with a girl who spends 3 days alternating between, crying, yelling and doing everything possible to annoy me, before telling me that she refuses to have sex for the next 5-7 days.

However, that's just me. If I'm paying someone to have sex with me, I have no desire to pay for the privilege of putting up with their hormonal tantrums.

07-27-21, 22:18
Perhaps I wasn't clear. Your risk, from her, begins 21 days before you come in contact with her. That's because on any of those days she could become infected and still be contagious when you meet her. By spending 21 days with her, your risk period extends to 42 days.

Also, as many here have attested to, agreeing to a long term arrangement with someone you've never been with is not the best idea. I personally couldn't imagine any agreement of 21 days. For one thing, you've got a 75% chance of having to deal with her period. Not really my idea of a good time to be locked in with a girl who spends 3 days alternating between, crying, yelling and doing everything possible to annoy me, before telling me that she refuses to have sex for the next 5-7 days.

However, that's just me. If I'm paying someone to have sex with me, I have no desire to pay for the privilege of putting up with their hormonal tantrums.I will concede 21 days is a lot. But I've been at this a long time and maybe I've been lucky but I had really great experiences investing in women who at least pretended to show genuine interest and who I knew were a solid good time. But everyone must decide on how he wants to play it.

07-27-21, 23:26
Been having some great sessions of late, but today was extra extra. Picked a chica out of the lineup that I kinda felt gave me a special kinda look like she was feelin me. Can't explain it, but it was something I felt intuitively.

When we got back to the room, she asked me what I liked. I told her BBBJ. She said no problem but we had to use the condom for regular sex. Didn't mention a propina or anything like that. Grabbed my dick and went to work. Licking and gently sucking my balls, massaging and jerking at the same time, etc. I had to stop her after about 10 minutes because it was feeling so good I was about to bust. So I asked her if she wanted me to bust in her mouth and she said if I did she would take it all, no problem. She want back to work and I eventually busted in her mouth. She kept on sucking after I nutted and I got hard again.

She then asked if I wanted her to put the condom on me. I said yes and we started to smash. This was the first time I was attempting to get 2 nutts out of a half hour session and on top of that I was already in heaven from BBBJCIM. She got on top and rode me and was kissing me all over my neck passionately. I was thinking to myself, if she didn't blow bugles for a living I would have probably kissed her lips because the vibe was there. Anyway, did doggie style and everything was nice and tight. Then finished off missionary because I wanted to see her face while I was inside her. She was sucking and licking my body while I was stroking and she got the 2nd nutt out of me (pictured below).

It blows my mind how sweet a lot of these girls are and also what big freaks they are and how they love to fck.

07-27-21, 23:31
Been having some great sessions of late, but today was extra extra. Picked a chica out of the lineup that I kinda felt gave me a special kinda look like she was feelin me. Where was your session?

07-28-21, 00:56
Been having some great sessions of late, but today was extra extra. Picked a chica out of the lineup that I kinda felt gave me a special kinda look like she was feelin me. Can't explain it, but it was something I felt intuitively.

When we got back to the room, she asked me what I liked. I told her BBBJ. She said no problem but we had to use the condom for regular sex. Didn't mention a propina or anything like that. Grabbed my dick and went to work. Licking and gently sucking my balls, massaging and jerking at the same time, etc. I had to stop her after about 10 minutes because it was feeling so good I was about to bust. So I asked her if she wanted me to bust in her mouth and she said if I did she would take it all, no problem. She want back to work and I eventually busted in her mouth. She kept on sucking after I nutted and I got hard again.

She then asked if I wanted her to put the condom on me. I said yes and we started to smash. This was the first time I was attempting to get 2 nutts out of a half hour session and on top of that I was already in heaven from BBBJCIM. She got on top and rode me and was kissing me all over my neck passionately. I was thinking to myself, if she didn't blow bugles for a living I would have probably kissed her lips because the vibe was there. Anyway, did doggie style and everything was nice and tight. Then finished off missionary because I wanted to see her face while I was inside her. She was sucking and licking my body while I was stroking and she got the 2nd nutt out of me (pictured below).

It blows my mind how sweet a lot of these girls are and also what big freaks they are and how they love to fck.I'm a firm believer, especially at the casas, to look for the girl with the right attitude, rather than the girl with the right face or body.

I still regret passing on a girl who was at Sexxy Amigas, several times, because I was only there showing other mongers around.

07-28-21, 01:01
Been noticing that there has been a sharp rise in bait & switch. It's more pronounced in laureles where Venezuelan lure you to an apartment with false Colombian models that look very real in photos. Like they lift them from places you wouldn't expect. Last week 3 times! There is one location to avoid it is Calle 33 65 b-44. Walked in, 2 girls with baby damage in cheap lingerie answer and try to get me to come in when I clearly say I want the girl in the photos. Then after I leave I get a text from s girl "oh see this is me. " I go "what happened to the tattoo on your shoulder in your photo" then they are like "ok I'm a look a like " such a waste, went to energy instead which was ok but still. Don't let your little head make the decision to settle for a b&s when you go somewhere else in 30 min.

07-28-21, 01:10
Been noticing that there has been a sharp rise in bait & switch. It's more pronounced in laureles where Venezuelan lure you to an apartment with false colombian models thst look very real in photos. Like they lift them from places you wouldn't expect. Last week 3 times! There is one location to avoid it is Calle 33 65 b-44. Walked in, 2 girls with baby damage in cheap lingerie answer and try to get me to come in when I clearly say I want the girl in the photos. Then after I leave I get a text from s girl "oh see this is me. " I go "what happened to the tatto on your shoulder in your photo" then they are like "ok I'm a look a like " such a waste, went to energy instead which was ok but still. Don't let your little head make the decision to settle for a be&s when you go somewhere else in 30 min.This is the M. O. With chicas. They pay like 40 k to a guy who airbrushes their body and sometimes face, removing tatts so their family can't identify them. a casa girl who went this route told me she made way more money

It's like gambling 50-60 k on mileroticos, it's pretty fun to see what your going to get when the door opens.

overall, not worth using mileroticos/skokka/photoprepagos imo, if you need to bust a nut at night just go to a club where you can see them in person. online has been shittiest sessions ime.
cant build rapport before really either and they arent as worried about losing their jobs as casa girls ime, not as much oversight.

I posted this a while back, but i was blackballed essentially from one of those brothels in laureles, they were fucking with me because i went their everynight for a week with a diff girl. would never happen in a casa.

07-28-21, 01:11
Been noticing that there has been a sharp rise in bait & switch. It's more pronounced in laureles where Venezuelan lure you to an apartment with false colombian models thst look very real in photos. Like they lift them from places you wouldn't expect. Last week 3 times! There is one location to avoid it is Calle 33 65 b-44. Walked in, 2 girls with baby damage in cheap lingerie answer and try to get me to come in when I clearly say I want the girl in the photos. Then after I leave I get a text from s girl "oh see this is me. " I go "what happened to the tatto on your shoulder in your photo" then they are like "ok I'm a look a like " such a waste, went to energy instead which was ok but still. Don't let your little head make the decision to settle for a be&s when you go somewhere else in 30 min.LOL reminds me of China. They were doing this in Shanghai, a pamphlet of beautiful women to choose from. This is why I only go to well reviewed casas / spas / FKK clubs.

07-28-21, 01:14
With fb and tinder it is fairly easy, sw and casa way harder unless they sniff glue.

Been going to an (unnamed) casa past few weeks seeing same girl. Today got an hour and spooning during intermission she was grinding and put it in with her hand.

Never have I seen girls that want to fuck and get fucked liked paisas, other than cariocas in rio. Finished inside, forgot to ask if she was on the pill. Ha.

Lots of gringos in veracruz today in their 50's and 60's, saw like 7. Is this the new east asia? Seems the "danger" of centro isn't scaring anyone.

07-28-21, 02:10
Been having some great sessions of late, but today was extra extra. Picked a chica out of the lineup that I kinda felt gave me a special kinda look like she was feelin me. Can't explain it, but it was something I felt intuitively.

When we got back to the room, she asked me what I liked. I told her BBBJ. She said no problem but we had to use the condom for regular sex. Didn't mention a propina or anything like that. Grabbed my dick and went to work. Licking and gently sucking my balls, massaging and jerking at the same time, etc. I had to stop her after about 10 minutes because it was feeling so good I was about to bust. So I asked her if she wanted me to bust in her mouth and she said if I did she would take it all, no problem. She want back to work and I eventually busted in her mouth. She kept on sucking after I nutted and I got hard again.

She then asked if I wanted her to put the condom on me. I said yes and we started to smash. This was the first time I was attempting to get 2 nutts out of a half hour session and on top of that I was already in heaven from BBBJCIM. She got on top and rode me and was kissing me all over my neck passionately. I was thinking to myself, if she didn't blow bugles for a living I would have probably kissed her lips because the vibe was there. Anyway, did doggie style and everything was nice and tight. Then finished off missionary because I wanted to see her face while I was inside her. She was sucking and licking my body while I was stroking and she got the 2nd nutt out of me (pictured below).

It blows my mind how sweet a lot of these girls are and also what big freaks they are and how they love to fck.Damn man, that sounds like an incredible session. I'm pretty new to this whole thing, but in my limited experience going with girls that give you a look or a certain smile seem to better than simply the ones you think are cute.

07-28-21, 02:19
This is the M. O. With chicas. They pay like 40 k to a guy who airbrushes their body and sometimes face, removing tatts so their family can't identify them. a casa girl who went this route told me she made way more money

It's like gambling 50-60 k on mileroticos, it's pretty fun to see what your going to get when the door opens.

overall, not worth using mileroticos/skokka/photoprepagos imo, if you need to bust a nut at night just go to a club where you can see them in person. online has been shittiest sessions ime.
cant build rapport before really either and they arent as worried about losing their jobs as casa girls ime, not as much oversight.

I posted this a while back, but i was blackballed essentially from one of those brothels in laureles, they were fucking with me because i went their everynight for a week with a diff girl. would never happen in a casa.Have been gambling a bit this last week with mileroticos and you are 100% right. Each time so far the girl has looked v different, and a lot of the times their faces are blurred "for privacy" so you kinda are taking a shot in the dark.

Realized that there are a lot of unmarked brothels in Laureles, and often you can tell beforehand if the girl is working at one because when you text they'll respond with the same copied and pasted message.

Admittedly, I like how easy those online services are to use. The girls respond super quick over whatsapp and I can negotiate with them exactly what I want and then make it happen.

To be fair, I've only used mileroticos. So maybe some of the others are more accurate.

07-28-21, 02:50
That's for damn sure! And that's why I love MDE.

So many examples run through my mind. One that is always love is when I had three chicas lay in my bed after we enjoyed the jacuzzi for a while. The first girl is a pro most of you would know. The second one was a newbie prepago. The third one was a clear non-pro (who I still see to this day). At any rate, all three of them were masturbating in bed with various vibrators. I took a shine to the non-pro (of course, since I had been with the pro several times before and the newbie didn't interest me much). I got hard watching her go at it. I moved over to that side of the bed and was stroking it (was not sure if I could disturb her without ruining the mood. I really wanted to lick her or even fuck her). All of a sudden I shot my wad and it was a good one. It plastered the side of her face. Imagine if that would happen to most chicas in the USA I felt bad and I expect her to either get mad or at least to stop what she was doing. But she was a champ and kept on rubbing. I took a towel and wiped off her face and watched her until she finished. That was the beginning of a beautiful non-pro friendship!

It blows my mind how sweet a lot of these girls are and also what big freaks they are and how they love to fck.

07-28-21, 03:11
Lots of gringos in veracruz today in their 50's and 60's, saw like 7. Is this the new east asia? Seems the "danger" of centro isn't scaring anyone.I've noticed more gringos in Centro then I have ever seen before, and basically with Asia being shut down (Thailand / Philippines) guys are showing up here and there are a lot more than 50/60 year olds mongering in El Centro.

As far as the "dangers" of El Centro, I suspect most with any street smarts should be able to surmise how dicey El Centro is and act accordingly, at least you would think.

07-28-21, 03:47
I've noticed more gringos in Centro then I have ever seen before, and basically with Asia being shut down (Thailand / Philippines) guys are showing up here and there are a lot more than 50/60 year olds mongering in El Centro.

As far as the "dangers" of El Centro, I suspect most with any street smarts should be able to surmise how dicey El Centro is and act accordingly, at least you would think.How does risk level in El Centro compare to Santa Fe?

07-28-21, 07:22
Silky and Valentina showed up together, they all three know each other and I have known all three girls since my first time here two years ago. Amazonia Whassapped me about her cousin found being dead and tortured in the river by the cartel, so she was a no-show. You might find Silky if you are getting the braces on your teeth adjusted, where she works 54 hours per week. And Valentina is a kept hot bored housewife who answers any and every compliment about how fucking hot she is, with "Siempre" meaning always. She was watching the clock closely but I flashed a 20 mil COP note in front of her after she had her clothes on, and she dropped to her knees as fast as she could to start sucking until her Didi ride arrived, jajaja. Scarlet was supposed to stay over ght novia style but she got a hystericus hispanicus phone call from her mom and bailed on me. All that sex made me more horny so I dipped into my line-up and called one of the hottest ever, Flame, 88 pound Vennie, who is bathing and just showed up, she is smoking a blount on the terrace and then I will soldier on, jeje.

All new original fotos from this evening's happenings.

07-28-21, 09:27
On a 1,000 dollar send you can expect to lose 250-300 mil vs doing he ATM withdrawal. Just think, 300 mil if you are getting high end FaceBook girls that is close to 2 citas. If you are getting more economical girls in El Centro that could be up to 7 or 8 sessions (adding in your short-term hotel charge). If you are hitting a medium level casa that could be 5 sessions.I didn't pay close enough attention to this stuff until Villainy broke it down for me in terms to which I could relate. He told me how much free pussy I was giving away and that got my attention, and I changed my behavior patterns. Thanks again, Villainy. Listen to the Numbers Man.

07-28-21, 12:38
A normal conversation in Medellin when you wake up next to your half-Colombian, half-Mexican hot as fuck girlfriend and she asks, what are we doing?

"Get money.

Get drugs.

Get girls.

Fuck like wild animals all day".

She says, "sounds good".

Obvio, translated.

07-28-21, 14:07
How does risk level in El Centro compare to Santa Fe?You should consider the "risk level" the same in both places, regardless of whether one is safer than the other. In other words you need to never let your guard down anywhere in Colombia, as when you least suspect it, you can get jacked up.

As an example about two years ago I was walking with one of my Chicas from the EXITO in Poblado during a very heavy rain downpour and two guys on a motorcycle pull up, one gets off and puts a gun to my Chicas head and takes her bag and gets back on the motorcycle and off they go. They didn't mess with me, and it happened in all of five seconds and it was raining so hard you would never think that something like that could happen in those circumstance's, yet it did, hence my warning to never let your guard down, irrespective of where you are in Colombia.

07-28-21, 14:27
My dear mongers,

Can you tell me your experience staying at Hotel Nutibara (in terms of easy access to pussy)?

Can I bring chicas to my room without paying extra at the front desk?

I plan to bring 2 or 3 chicas (not at the same time) to my room each day.

I heard staying on the 10th floor is better.

Thanks in advance!

07-28-21, 14:39
This is the M. O. With chicas. They pay like 40 k to a guy who airbrushes their body and sometimes face, removing tatts so their family can't identify them. a casa girl who went this route told me she made way more money

It's like gambling 50-60 k on mileroticos, it's pretty fun to see what your going to get when the door opens.

overall, not worth using mileroticos/skokka/photoprepagos imo, if you need to bust a nut at night just go to a club where you can see them in person. online has been shittiest sessions ime.
cant build rapport before really either and they arent as worried about losing their jobs as casa girls ime, not as much oversight.

I posted this a while back, but i was blackballed essentially from one of those brothels in laureles, they were fucking with me because i went their everynight for a week with a diff girl. would never happen in a casa.Where is the brothel in Laureles?

07-28-21, 14:49
How does risk level in El Centro compare to Santa Fe?Which Santa Fe are you asking about?

07-28-21, 14:52
I see it differently then most of you.
The top 10% are 10's. So 10-10's out of a every hundred chicks.
I think the best we can do is to say something is great, ok or rubbish. Any finer comparision is a 5 pound bag of shyte in a 3 pound shit bag.

07-28-21, 15:06
Can't believe I never found this forum previously. Anyway, long time hobbiest. Used to be a fan of CR but that place has changed drastically. Heading to first trip with primo to Medellin today. Been reading Elvis' posts on here and he's spot ON. Elvis, If you're in CO between now and August 8, would love to buy you a cervesa and have some laughs. I think we'd all get along well! Anyway, will post trip report when finished. Anyone feel free to shoot me a message! Good to always meet fellow members. Cheers!

I am like you. I think it has more to do with people and money than age though. I have seen seniors who are picky, and I was as well.

Of all the stupid shit I have read on this forum, the worst is that Colombian women really want to hang with their broke ass novios. Daga, you are young, able to get to Colombia and do not think $100 is that much money. Your income potential is in the millions. You are a very high value asset but you have been beaten down by American women and society so much, you do not get what an asset you really are. I repeat. You do not get what a stud you are.

I almost let my current novia slip through my hands because she was too good to be true: a 10 in looks, a 10 in sex, and the highest sex drive I have ever seen. She fucked the shit out of me and did not ask for a dime.

She has modeled since age 14, has a job in government, and she has her own money. I do not think she is a unicorn. A friend of mine who I had kept my life hidden from asked about why I travel so much. I broke down and told him everything. I thought he was married, but he is divorced and was thrilled at what I told him..

07-28-21, 16:53
That would be Bogota.

Which Santa Fe are you asking about?

07-28-21, 17:48
Can't believe I never found this forum previously. Anyway, long time hobbiest. Used to be a fan of CR but that place has changed drastically. Heading to first trip with primo to Medellin today. Been reading Elvis' posts on here and he's spot ON. Elvis, If you're in CO between now and August 8, would love to buy you a cervesa and have some laughs. I think we'd all get along well! Anyway, will post trip report when finished. Anyone feel free to shoot me a message! Good to always meet fellow members. Cheers!Ill be there at the same time. You can't get pms.

07-28-21, 17:48
Which Santa Fe are you asking about?Sorry Bogota.

07-28-21, 18:14
Sorry Bogota.Bogota. Now I am out of my depth. Haha. I thought you meant Santa Fe de Antioiquia or Santa Fe Mall in MDE.

07-28-21, 18:23
I think the best we can do is to say something is great, ok or rubbish. Any finer comparision is a 5 pound bag of shyte in a 3 pound shit bag.If you want to rate a chica with a number post at least one non blurred foto of her face.

If not at the very least google images of a similar female of something comparable so we have a reference point what a 9 is to you or a 10 or whatever.

07-28-21, 19:50
Hi gents,

Are there any over the counter supplements I can buy in Medellin to increase semen volume or enhance orgasms? I've been on a sex marathon recently and need some help) Also, always wanted to try tussi. Any pros / cons?


07-28-21, 19:51
Where is the brothel in Laureles?I am not asking for the address per say, just where I can go to find out how to make contact with them. I am planning on staying in that area in a few weeks.

07-28-21, 19:57
Also, always wanted to try tussi. Any pros / cons?
In my experience, it's the worst drug I have tried. Makes me behave like an arsehole, fell like an arsehole, and it does not go well with sex. Sex or tusi, never both. It's also super-expensive. Other than that, it's wonderful. .

So if you have a GF and its her period, give it a try! Haha.

07-28-21, 20:49
What happened to Scotty from Mansion? The Romanian taxi driver from NY who would spend months there. Just got an e-mail he died and some candle light vigil is tonight. Any word on how and where it happened? Covid?

07-28-21, 20:51
Hi gents,

Are there any over the counter supplements I can buy in Medellin to increase semen volume or enhance orgasms? I've been on a sex marathon recently and need some help) Also, always wanted to try tussi. Any pros / cons?

Thanks.Go buy some testosterone over the counter at any pharmacy in MDE. Apparently it comes with a needle. There is also a 30 day pill supply that someone mentioned awhile back, I forget the name.

07-28-21, 21:00
Hi gents,

Are there any over the counter supplements I can buy in Medellin to increase semen volume or enhance orgasms? I've been on a sex marathon recently and need some help) Also, always wanted to try tussi. Any pros / cons?

Thanks.If you like ecstasy or ketamine, you'll likely enjoy tussi as it feels like a combination of both. But, as JustTK said, don't take it during sex, you'll have a difficult time keeping an erection due to stim dick.

Also, depending on the dealer, there's a drastic difference in potency. The high also doesn't last very long, similar to cocaine.

07-28-21, 22:00
Hi gents,

Are there any over the counter supplements I can buy in Medellin to increase semen volume or enhance orgasms? I've been on a sex marathon recently and need some help) Also, always wanted to try tussi. Any pros / cons?

Thanks.Sorry- no silver bullets. If you're going to be a marathoner, you're going to have to train.

07-28-21, 22:15
Where is the brothel in Laureles?Which one? Laureles is sprinkled with pro and semi-pro girls sharing fuck pads for a little extra cash. Half the girls on Tinder are in Laureles, the other half in Poblado.

Elvis 2008
07-28-21, 22:51
Hi gents,

Are there any over the counter supplements I can buy in Medellin to increase semen volume or enhance orgasms? I've been on a sex marathon recently and need some help) Also, always wanted to try tussi. Any pros / cons?

Thanks.Any stimulants will enhance feeling. To increase sperm volume, go for the veggies. It is hard to find in Colombia but celery juice, V8, and Clamatto really help with sperm volume.

07-28-21, 23:45
Found the missing piece to my difficult puzzle of staying in Centro. Govindas.

They have 3 restaurants in Centro - 2 up on La Playa. Open 7 days per week - 10 am - 7 pm and 11 am to 11 pm. Other is on the 3rd floor, directly opposite the entrance to Veracruz Iglesia. How convenient for spotting dessert at lunch time! Well, that's my plan. The 3rd one is only open Mon-Sat, 10 am - 530 pm.

07-28-21, 23:59
Hi gents,

Are there any over the counter supplements I can buy in Medellin to increase semen volume or enhance orgasms? I've been on a sex marathon recently and need some help) Also, always wanted to try tussi. Any pros / cons?

Thanks.Volume pills by Leading Edge Health works wonders. All natural but they only deliver in the states.

07-29-21, 01:01
Has anyone taken girls back home from Loutron? If so how much did that set you back?

The Highlander
07-29-21, 01:16
How much you usually pay them? Do you know nice rental place with jacuzzi?

Silky and Valentina showed up together, they all three know each other and I have known all three girls since my first time here two years ago. Amazonia Whassapped me about her cousin found being dead and tortured in the river by the cartel, so she was a no-show. You might find Silky if you are getting the braces on your teeth adjusted, where she works 54 hours per week. And Valentina is a kept hot bored housewife who answers any and every compliment about how fucking hot she is, with "Siempre" meaning always. She was watching the clock closely but I flashed a 20 mil COP note in front of her after she had her clothes on, and she dropped to her knees as fast as she could to start sucking until her Didi ride arrived, jajaja. Scarlet was supposed to stay over ght novia style but she got a hystericus hispanicus phone call from her mom and bailed on me. All that sex made me more horny so I dipped into my line-up and called one of the hottest ever, Flame, 88 pound Vennie, who is bathing and just showed up, she is smoking a blount on the terrace and then I will soldier on, jeje.

All new original fotos from this evening's happenings.

07-29-21, 01:25
Volume pills by Leading Edge Health works wonders. All natural but they only deliver in the states.Probably not going to find this in Colombia, but Ill share anyway. Mix one part ashwaganda powder one part Gokshura (tribulus terrestris) powder and half part kapikachu in a container. Go down to ChinaTown and find Shou Wu Chi in bottles. Take 10 g of powder (roughlly tbs) in warm water with 30 ML of the shou Wu Chi (see attached image). Boyz I have given this to my buddies who have had vasectomies and have complained of low sperm production and it will boost your semen production for sure. It will also strengthen your nervous system and your reproductive system, kidneys etc. Mixture doesn't taste the best but its not terrible. You can mix it with some honey if needed. The other thing I recommend is taking down some Mahanarayan or Ashwagandha Bala oil and finding some hottie to rub your gonads down with it regularly. If you need help sourcing pm me.

If I were in Colombia without my herbal boosters I would recommend finding the highest quality milk you can. Find some raw almonds that don't look like theyve been sitting there for decades (not stale). If you can find it and aren't cheap get some saffron, which might not be easy to find and high quality sugar. They have panela there that should work great but in comes in blocks. Soak ten almonds over night, peel them and put them in the blender with warm (not cold milk) Add a pinch of saffron pinch of nutmeg and a pinch of sugar. Take this at night or in the morning on an empty stomach. The saffron is an aphrodisiac and will stimulate production of semen. I have also used this recipe replacing the milk with Vthrive Grass Fed whey protein from Vitamin Shoppe which of course I take with me. Its super high quality and can't recommend it enough but you can use your favorite whey protein and make as you usually do with these ingredients. Nutmeg is optional if you can't find it. It's not going to work over night like a testosterone injection might but give it time and definitely take if you are releasing often.

Garlic and onions help too:

Mix a cup of warm milk with a qtr cup water and a clove of chopped garlic boil down to one cup gently. Drink at night. (if you can stomach it hahahaha).

I know we'll get the naysayers out there, but I have done all this and have had chics grab the condem at the end of a session and marvel at the quantity of semen at the tip. All I can suggest is try it.

The other thing is hit the gym. Do some deadlifts, squats, bench, military press, pull ups. The big five. That will help a lot along with all the above.

07-29-21, 01:31
Found the missing piece to my difficult puzzle of staying in Centro. Govindas.

They have 3 restaurants in Centro - 2 up on La Playa. Open 7 days per week - 10 am - 7 pm and 11 am to 11 pm. Other is on the 3rd floor, directly opposite the entrance to Veracruz Iglesia. How convenient for spotting dessert at lunch time! Well, that's my plan. The 3rd one is only open Mon-Sat, 10 am - 530 pm.Dude awesome. Thanks for this.

07-29-21, 01:47
Probably not going to find this in Colombia, but Ill share anyway. Mix one part ashwaganda powder one part Gokshura (tribulus terrestris) powder and half part kapikachu in a container. Go down to ChinaTown and find Shou Wu Chi in bottles. Take 10 g of powder (roughlly tbs) in warm water with 30 ML of the shou Wu Chi (see attached image). Boyz I have given this to my buddies who have had vasectomies and have complained of low sperm production and it will boost your semen production for sure. It will also strengthen your nervous system and your reproductive system, kidneys etc. Mixture doesn't taste the best but its not terrible. You can mix it with some honey if needed. The other thing I recommend is taking down some Mahanarayan or Ashwagandha Bala oil and finding some hottie to rub your gonads down with it regularly. If you need help sourcing pm me.

If I were in Colombia without my herbal boosters I would recommend finding the highest quality milk you can. Find some raw almonds that don't look like theyve been sitting there for decades (not stale). If you can find it and aren't cheap get some saffron, which might not be easy to find and high quality sugar. They have panela there that should work great but in comes in blocks. Soak ten almonds over night, peel them and put them in the blender with warm (not cold milk) Add a pinch of saffron pinch of nutmeg and a pinch of sugar. Take this at night or in the morning on an empty stomach. The saffron is an aphrodisiac and will stimulate production of semen. I have also used this recipe replacing the milk with Vthrive Grass Fed whey protein from Vitamin Shoppe which of course I take with me. Its super high quality and can't recommend it enough but you can use your favorite whey protein and make as you usually do with these ingredients. Nutmeg is optional if you can't find it. It's not going to work over night like a testosterone injection might but give it time and definitely take if you are releasing often..Seriously? If you're using a condom WTF is the point jajajajajajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

07-29-21, 02:23
Same pattern as last time. I start out trying to keeping up with daily posts, then get lapped by the girls and the drugs and the posts lagging confuses my already challenged brain. If you can make sense out of it I will do my best to soldier on. This Ayenda hotel was not intended to be party central, but a place to store my stuff while I was out and about. Well, best laid plans of mice and men and all that, ended up having a couple of sweat box marathons in this cubby hole. Switching hotels tomorrow, nothing wrong here, oh the WiFi showed some chinks in it's armor but still going strong. Sexy Dexy just left. I six-packed her ass up to the knuckles in the one foto for this board, told her I needed a hardcore shot, jaja. She let out a good little scream for the violation of her virgin asshole that she has promised me at my pleasure. They don't come any hotter than Sexy Dexy. She would make a little pile of sawdust out of the average guy on a mongering board. Scarlet just arrived after a brief stay away, she is braiding my hair while I type this, see foto. Haven't slept a wink past two nights, that's got to change tonight or the hallucinations will get intrusive, jajaja. I am just starting to hit my stride. Ostee Out.

07-29-21, 02:34
I am not asking for the address per say, just where I can go to find out how to make contact with them. I am planning on staying in that area in a few weeks.There are a ton. Check out the Medellin lists and they've got a bunch. I've been doing some "research" as it were lately and stumbled on a few that might not be on there. PM me and I can give you a few ideas.

07-29-21, 02:55
How much you usually pay them? Do you know nice rental place with jacuzzi?There were three girls. Scarlet, the anchor girl, the chubby one with red hair, was attached because she has novia status in my line up and I don't pay her for sex which means she costs more than a prepago. BUT you can fuck her while she's sleeping, she spends the night if you want, and you can do it to her as many times in as many holes as you want and she can't say no, at least that is how I negotiated it. And she does things like line up four-way action that you saw in the photos. The hot cream dream housewife I gave 50 mil COP so I could eat out her pussy and and ass in missionary and doggy. Last trip she said she would let me do it for free based on what she heard about my pussy and ass eating skills, but then we lost momentum. She is hawt as fuck so I paid the ticket price of 50 mil COP for the show. She has already Whassapped me and said she liked it and wants to come back for more, "no charge", jajaja. She has good blowjob skills and I will trade her 2:1, eating pussy for blowjob minutes, which is fair because I am licking a potential space and she has to gag cock down her throat. I gave her 20 mil COP after she put her clothes on to give me a bareback BJ until her taxi arrived, and I gave her 40 mil COP taxi fare total for both ways, and she probably put 30 mil COP of pink shit up her nose. The other girl was a class act, clean, tight, she works 54 hours a week in an orthodontist's office and only puts out for my girlfriend's special requests, I gave her 250 mil COP including tip and taxi, she stayed over 4 hours and wants to take a "free" (expenses only) trip with my girlfriend and me to the beach as one result. Does that help?

07-29-21, 03:44
If you want to rate a chica with a number post at least one non blurred foto of her face.

If not at the very least google images of a similar female of something comparable so we have a reference point what a 9 is to you or a 10 or whatever.While I definitely get tired of the countless "perfect 10" claims, neither of these is a good idea.

Unless you've asked the girls permission, posting an unblurred photo of a girl, especially a photo you took, is likely to bite you on the ass. Chances are, someone on ISG knows her. Unfortunately, there's always some Dudley DoRight who will run to the girl and tell her about the picture. Now the "10" you were so proud of is blowing up your WhatsApp.

That might not seem like a big deal to you, but you can almost guarantee she's sending your info and the story to every prepago she knows, and there's no more than 3 degrees of separation between every prepago in Medellin. You can quickly find good pussy in Medellin as scarce as skinny girls with all their teeth in a midwest Walmart.

Posting a picture of a look alike celebrity is useless. Here's an example I know a former webcam model in Medellin who looks like a young Natalie Portman with an expensive boob job. That's a true story. However, you have nothing to go on except my word. For all you know she could be fat and ugly. Do you think anyone is going to tell you their perfect 10 looks like Roseanne Barr?

Accept that almost every time someone posts about a "10" she's probably no more than a "7."

Why obsess on making sure everyone knows how incredible some woman looks. Are you sharing her info? If not she could be a 10 or a 1 and it doesn't matter to anyone else. Is anyone here losing sleep because they're worried Balboa is fucking an ugly chick? Is anyone developing an ulcer because Surfer500 might be with a girl with a flat ass!

If the information you're sharing is no help to anyone else, don't dwell on it. Stick with the stuff that's going to help others maximize their experience in Medellin.

07-29-21, 04:19
Volume pills by Leading Edge Health works wonders. All natural but they only deliver in the states.I tried Semenax and it worked well. Was wondering if I could get a similar product here, but it seems like there is nothing available.

07-29-21, 04:32
Probably not going to find this in Colombia, but Ill share anyway. Mix one part ashwaganda powder one part Gokshura (tribulus terrestris) powder and half part kapikachu in a container. Go down to ChinaTown and find Shou Wu Chi in bottles. Take 10 g of powder (roughlly tbs) in warm water with 30 ML of the shou Wu Chi (see attached image). Boyz I have given this to my buddies who have had vasectomies and have complained of low sperm production and it will boost your semen production for sure. It will also strengthen your nervous system and your reproductive system, kidneys etc. Mixture doesn't taste the best but its not terrible. You can mix it with some honey if needed. The other thing I recommend is taking down some Mahanarayan or Ashwagandha Bala oil and finding some hottie to rub your gonads down with it regularly. If you need help sourcing pm me..Yeah I don't think a China Town exists anywhere in Colombia that I am aware of, but whatever all those ingredients are which I have never heard of before sound like they most definitely would do something to you. And those oils, what the hell is in them?

07-29-21, 04:34
I tried Semenax and it worked well. Was wondering if I could get a similar product here, but it seems like there is nothing available.I would just do testosterone shots at 100 mgs. They sell those at all pharmacies. Combine that with see and V and you're ready to go.

07-29-21, 05:05
Found the missing piece to my difficult puzzle of staying in Centro. Govindas.

They have 3 restaurants in Centro - 2 up on La Playa. Open 7 days per week - 10 am - 7 pm and 11 am to 11 pm. Other is on the 3rd floor, directly opposite the entrance to Veracruz Iglesia. How convenient for spotting dessert at lunch time! Well, that's my plan. The 3rd one is only open Mon-Sat, 10 am - 530 pm.Well I was a bit lost and starving in Centro one day and one of those hawkers with menus snagged me up to the segundo piso for some seafood.

Don't bother that place sucks, I think the bill was 60 mil for lunch.

Elvis 2008
07-29-21, 05:38
Can't believe I never found this forum previously. Anyway, long time hobbiest. Used to be a fan of CR but that place has changed drastically. Heading to first trip with primo to Medellin today. Been reading Elvis' posts on here and he's spot ON. Elvis, If you're in CO between now and August 8, would love to buy you a cervesa and have some laughs. I think we'd all get along well! Anyway, will post trip report when finished. Anyone feel free to shoot me a message! Good to always meet fellow members. Cheers!I was in Cancun today with my gal for a quick run. See the pic. I will be meeting back up with her on August 7 but in Cartagena. I will be in Bogota showing another guy the ropes August 10 in Bogota. I am not sure if that works for you, but if you want to meet me and the woman of my dreams and see what the fuss is all about, shoot me a PM.

I do not discourage guys from banging all the hos they can until the right one comes along. It is just hard to find the right one, and I am living proof of that. I never thought I would settle on one. Thing is if I was with any other woman right now sexually, it would be a letdown. She likes it more than I do, and the woman likes to go at it for hours. It is funny not running to the ATM machine anymore to buy off some ho type.

I will say that what has surprised me about her is that it is not going to a new country or the opportunity of wealth in a new country that has mattered to me. The sappy part is that really is about me. I brought my son to Mexico to meet her and he kind of got tired of her hanging all over me. Within a minute, people can detect if your relationship is real or not. Anyway, what is going to get her to go with you is being with you IMO. That is how customs wants it too. Fortunately, she is North of 30 so parents do not figure into the equation as much as a younger one will.

I got to tell you too if you can get a hottie over 30, they are the freaking bomb in bed. They are a lot harder to find but if you do, damn.

I think the thing to keep in mind is the women in Colombia are just as cynical about a long distance relationship. The good thing is that Colombia is a 3 hour flight from Cancun and it is 2 hours from my place. I think this is our fifth or sixth trip and the fares are not too bad both ways. Wingo has been very good to us.

Anyway, I really think it is the mindset. If you think you are a loser and have to pay women for sex and that the Colombian women really want to hang out with Colombian men, that is what you will get. On the other hand, if you think a deserve a Colombian hottie and really think you are worthy of one, IMO you will find one. I almost blew it with this one because I did not think I was worthy.

Thing is even guys here downplay what they have in the world market: educated, stable, with some money if not wealthy, and they watch all these Hollywood flicks where the hot women go with the hot men. Thing is that my hottie had a Colombian guy like that, and he abused her, and that is very common from what I have heard. The guys here are so much better than they have been led to believe. Thing is so many guys here have been johns for so long they do not know how to act differently.

Honestly, I did not do the sugar baby thing out of emotion. I did it because the sex was way better. If there is no monetary component at all though, well, that is a different level all together, at least with this one. If you really want GFE, try getting a GF for God's sake.

07-29-21, 05:41
Found the missing piece to my difficult puzzle of staying in Centro. Govindas.

They have 3 restaurants in Centro - 2 up on La Playa. Open 7 days per week - 10 am - 7 pm and 11 am to 11 pm. Other is on the 3rd floor, directly opposite the entrance to Veracruz Iglesia. How convenient for spotting dessert at lunch time! Well, that's my plan. The 3rd one is only open Mon-Sat, 10 am - 530 pm.You mean Govinda's, the Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant that used to be adjacent to the Veracruz cathedral? Did they just open the third floor at the building across from Veracruz Iglesia? I love to sit up there on the second floor and have coffee, but didn't realize there was a third floor.

Elvis 2008
07-29-21, 05:41
Forgot the meaningless pic.

Iguana Six
07-29-21, 07:16
Anyone been there lately?

07-29-21, 07:18
What happened to Scotty from Mansion? The Romanian taxi driver from NY who would spend months there. Just got an e-mail he died and some candle light vigil is tonight. Any word on how and where it happened? Covid?No idea how or where. For that matter didn't know who. Just saw a few different Facebook girls posting pics and videos along with RIP.

07-29-21, 14:43
Anyone been there lately?Do you mean Casa Aishe?

07-29-21, 19:21
You mean Govinda's, Did they just open the third floor at the building across from Veracruz Iglesia? didn't realize there was a third floor.Its def 3rd floor by my reckoning. That is the grd flr is flr 1.

07-29-21, 19:38
You mean Govinda's, the Hare Krishna vegetarian restaurant that used to be adjacent to the Veracruz cathedral? Did they just open the third floor at the building across from Veracruz Iglesia? I love to sit up there on the second floor and have coffee, but didn't realize there was a third floor.I guess that explains the Hare Krishna performance I saw next to Iglesia Veracruz a few years ago.

07-29-21, 22:28
All this talk of peso conversion rates and ATM adventures got me curious. And greedy. I popped into the nearest Davivienda branch this afternoon and used a couple of debit cards I have attached to US $ accounts. One card offered withdrawal options of up to 2 million pesos. The other offered only up to 400,000 pesos. The lower withdrawal limit surprised me because I've used the same card with the same account at Bancolombia ATMs that let me withdraw 600,000 or more. Davivienda did not assess an ATM transaction fee with either card. It did offer a currency conversion rate of something like 3,700 or so which I declined. All in the conversion rate I got for my withdrawal was 3,902. By this time next week the rate could be better than the 4,000 I remember from May 2020.

07-30-21, 00:16
I popped into the nearest Davivienda branch this afternoon and used a couple of debit cards I have attached to US $ accounts. One card offered withdrawal options of up to 2 million pesos. The other offered only up to 400,000 pesos. .Its only some of their ATms that give 2. 000.000. Others have 400.000 limit.

07-30-21, 00:33
Its only some of their ATms that give 2. 000.000. Others have 400.000 limit.Davivienda won't allow Chase debit cards to withdraw more than 400 at any of their atms. Citi debit cards are allowed 2 million at their atms. This is per transaction.

With Banco Colombia both chase and Citi are allowed up to 600 mil per transactions.

This is my experience.

07-30-21, 00:39
Its only some of their ATms that give 2. 000.000. Others have 400.000 limit.It also depends on your bank. Last year I had the same experience. One card I could only get 400 k at Davivienda, the other I got 2 million.

The 400 k card I could get 600 k at Bancolombia and 900 k at Scotiabank Colpatria.

This year I was able to pull 2 million with either card.

07-30-21, 02:09
All this talk of peso conversion rates and ATM adventures got me curious. And greedy. I popped into the nearest Davivienda branch this afternoon and used a couple of debit cards I have attached to US $ accounts. One card offered withdrawal options of up to 2 million pesos. The other offered only up to 400,000 pesos. The lower withdrawal limit surprised me because I've used the same card with the same account at Bancolombia ATMs that let me withdraw 600,000 or more. Davivienda did not assess an ATM transaction fee with either card. It did offer a currency conversion rate of something like 3,700 or so which I declined. All in the conversion rate I got for my withdrawal was 3,902. By this time next week the rate could be better than the 4,000 I remember from May 2020.My bank doesn't charge a fee either, so if this is true I could withdraw even 400,000 at a pop with no problem worrying about fees. But if this intel is from 2020 things may have changed.

Just Incognito
07-30-21, 05:00
Its def 3rd floor by my reckoning. That is the grd flr is flr 1.I've been going to Govindas on the 3rd floor there for t least a couple / few years--its not new there. Its a great deal for a vegan meal with fun people watching too.

07-30-21, 05:45
Passed out while Scarlet and one other chica was here. Hotel phone ringing. Secret downstairs. First time this trip. I grab my cell there's about 20 unanswered calls from her. Now someone knocking, maid saying I have to check out, my reservation ended and hotel is full. Run downstairs in boxers and a T shirt, ask the girl at reception for an hour to check out. Secret follows me up, takes her two seconds to drop her jeans and point her pussy and ass at my tongue. I give her oral for about ten minutes, then we jump up and pack, go on line reserve room at hotel within walking distance on Avenida 70. Unpack the new room, Secret starts working me hard for money, while we are having sex, as hard as I have seen her, for get this, one day only special price teeth whitening in Poblado "Smile of the Stars". I start with a hard and flat no but she won't quit. Starts making promises. She is a well traveled higher end FB chica drug dealer from Bello who gets way too high off her own supply that I met when I bought some pink shit from her last trip. Somehow our relationship morphed into this arrangement where I buy all the pink she uses while we have sex and she fucks me for free. She likes the way I eat pussy and ass which I noticed is kind of recurring theme for me. I am pretty good at it, solid 8, I can read a girl pretty good if she wants hard or soft, fast or slow, I think it's mainly lack of competition from the Colombian locals, IDK. Anywho, long story longer, by the time I cough up for her 18th birthday that occurred while I was gone, the drugs she used and will use during our 24 hours together, and the teeth whitening, I handed her a million pesos. We went to Poblado and got the teeth whitening treatment and the results were spectacular, way better than I expected, and I would have to say, worth every peso. In return, she promised to give me GFE and be my sexual slave overnight. But when we got back to the hotel in the Uber driven by her "friend" I jumped out of the car and she didn't, sped off and messaged me about getting clothes and I'm sure that will be the last time I see her tonight. I knew the deal was sketchy when I was banking on future promises which usually do not work out well with Colombianans. Oh well, willing participant maybe a little disappointed but I am running on fumes, with no regrets, I've only slept about 3 hours out of the last sixty so probably I am better off catching up on some sleep and replenishing strength for a new day.

07-30-21, 11:27
Pouring rain outside. I love the night time rains this time of year in Medellin. More good and bad about Secret. She returned drunk in the middle of the night at 3:30 AM but she was with her best friend and bisexual lover and I wouldn't go down to the front desk to retrieve them. She promised some hot girl on girl but I have met her lover before and she is a turn-off for me, sloppy overweight, smelled bad before, left dirt marks on my towels, so fugit. The more bad news was turned out Secret stole another 110.000 mil COP out of my wallet. My bad for leaving her in my room alone with my wallet and telling her the money was there as a test of trust, but you might as well put a piece of cheddar cheese in front of a starving rat. So in total, she got me for 1.110.000 mil COP for a couple of hot brief sex sessions but the result from her smile make over were spectacular and I love making an already hot chica even more beautiful. Secret is a total pro, makes sex like a porn star, and knew every second she had the advantage over me because of my sleep deprivation and drug addled mind. She smells weakness and opportunity like a shark smells blood in the water. I enjoy sparring with her and it's a pleasure to watch a pro at work against a seasoned veteran like me and still take me to school.

My Numero Uno Catgirl pretty much assumes I am in Medellin at this point because of the number of consecutive unanswered Whassap video calls she had made to me. But she is resigned to letting me have my fun before I officially "arrive" on Sunday, at which point she will pretty much have my undivided attention unless we do some multiple girl on girl. Construction continues on our casa in the mountains, she sent me photos of the latest materials shipped which of course I paid for. Scarlet called to come over, I told her I was busy. Hot Housewife Whassapped me twice asking if I will eat her out again, as soon as possible, this time for free.

I want to fuck a couple more of my regular girls before I hook up with Catgirl. After I hit send on this, I will Whassap Purrfekt Piel, who is a great three-hole access fuck for cheap. Soft Swirl invited me over to her casa this morning to fuck but I could tell her heart wasn't in it, she is devastated by her mother's recent death. I am not in the mood to go exploring some mountain side Strata 6 I have never been to before. I lost count of the number of times Soft Swirl has fucked me for free but this is what I mean by novias costing more then prepagos, I deposited a million pesos in her bank account to pay for her mom's funeral expenses and keep her afloat for a couple of months. Her mom was her child care and now she's fucked because she can't go to work if there's no one to watch her son. I told her I would catch up with her next time I am in town.

Fotos include my finger up Sexy Dexy's ass, Soft Swirl dressed in her orthodontist tech uniform, Secret pulling up porn on my laptop to watch while we fuck, Sexy Dexy's tight muscular little Vennie pussy.

Fun Luvr
07-30-21, 11:59
My bank doesn't charge a fee either, so if this is true I could withdraw even 400,000 at a pop with no problem worrying about fees. But if this intel is from 2020 things may have changed.That is current intel.

07-30-21, 14:47
I'm very interested in visiting Medellin for my next trip.

What I know so far, that there should be many nice chicas available and the prices seem almost the same like in Sosua.

But I was really not satisfied with the service in Sosua.

I missed the GFE. There was mostly cold, professional and rushed service and after the deed often discussions, that they want more money or they have to go now and shit like that.

And I missed things like kisses, DFK and DATY. Only very few chicas there gave me things like that. And only with one or two I wanted to do DATY because their pussies were so so.

How easy is it to get things like that in Medellin / Colombia? Are they eager to kiss and give GFE? Do they have, nice and shaved pussies which I can enjoy eating out?

Which Girls are giving better Service? Street or Facebook / Tinder?

I don't find the Answer for these Questions the last few Pages and I'm hoping, that someone could answer this.

Iguana Six
07-30-21, 15:29
Do you mean Casa Aishe?Yes, I do.

07-30-21, 15:35
I guess that explains the Hare Krishna performance I saw next to Iglesia Veracruz a few years ago.There's actually daily performances, all quite entertaining amidst all the hookers with a circus like atmosphere.

07-30-21, 16:15
I've been going to Govindas on the 3rd floor there for t least a couple / few years--its not new there. Its a great deal for a vegan meal with fun people watching too.Okay, I"m a little confused. Govindas used to be at the very end of Botero Plaza facing north on the third floor. The church was to the left, but the last time I was in Medellin they had either replaced or given a facelift to that building. There's also a restaurant on the second floor of the building that's directly across the street / plaza from the church. Which building is Govinda's in? I'm an omnivore, so I really appreciate a good vegetarian meal (especially at those prices). I'd love to find it again. Here's a pic of the old Govindas- is it still in the same building, they just did a facelift over it? I'm SO confused!!

07-30-21, 17:31
Went to check out La Isla last night (Thursday). Just because I haven't been there for a long time. Also had hopes to find a top quality girl to session with. Arrived around 12:00 AM, paid 20 mil cop entrance fee and got in. The place looked busy but the talent I was hoping to see was not there. No 9's and 10's. Maybe two or three 8's. The rest are just meh. What I noticed is that a couple of best looking 8's left 15-20 minutes after I got there. Either they worked an early shift and had to leave early, or they were just taken out by high rollers. Every 7-10 minutes I was bothered by unattractive girls asking for propina. I did tip a couple of times, but then it became so annoying that I started to refuse politely. Once the 2 hottest girls left, there was pretty much no good talent to choose from. The best looking ones 7. 5's were hanging out with dudes in VIP sections. If you are a regular guy like myself who doesn't party hard and is not a weekend warrior, you have really low chances of scoring a hot, popular 8+ girl. They are always busy, surrounded by rich locals or gringos, and one need to put a lot of time and effort to pull them off. After 1 AM the men vs women ratio got worse, I finished my 30 k Smirnoff Ice and called it a night. Oh, and the girls performing on stage were the worst looking ones. My understanding is that good looking ones don't need to strip on stage as they have other ways of making money.

07-30-21, 17:33
Most of my chicas are what are best described as FB girls. FB girls usually give good GFE. The kissing is hit or miss. SOme are really into it and some think a kiss is just pushing their closed lips against yours. Best to ask a girl when negotiating before the date. I come out and tell them that I like to kiss and ask them if they are into it. It is a rarity to find a chica in Medellin who does not have a nice, shaved pussy. These girls tend to take pride in their appearance and hygiene. Most of them like to be eaten out (again, I'm talking FB girls).

Better service? I guess it depends. If you want to fuck and fuck cheap, go with a streetwalker or a casa girl. FB girls will be more expensive, but you're more likely to get DFK, BBBJ, and / or BBFS plus GFE. I can't speak for Tinder. My impression is that most of these girls are pros who generally want more money than the average FB girl. I have only seen two girls from Tinder and I made sure they were no pros. The first one, several years ago, came over, had a beer, and let me lick her clit. No money. I guess she just wanted to get licked. The second one was very recent. He is not a pro. I had no expectations of sex on the first date, But I got her in the jacuzzi. Which led to a massage. Which lead to her pussy getting super wet. Which led to me fucking her and plenty of ass play. No money. Just some cheap Rappi.

How easy is it to get things like that in Medellin / Colombia? Are they eager to kiss and give GFE? Do they have, nice and shaved pussies which I can enjoy eating out?

Which Girls are giving better Service? Street or Facebook / Tinder?

I don't find the Answer for these Questions the last few Pages and I'm hoping, that someone could answer this.

07-30-21, 18:29
Most of my chicas are what are best described as FB girls. FB girls usually give good GFE. The kissing is hit or miss. SOme are really into it and some think a kiss is just pushing their closed lips against yours. Best to ask a girl when negotiating before the date. I come out and tell them that I like to kiss and ask them if they are into it. It is a rarity to find a chica in Medellin who does not have a nice, shaved pussy. These girls tend to take pride in their appearance and hygiene. Most of them like to be eaten out (again, I'm talking FB girls).

Better service? I guess it depends. If you want to fuck and fuck cheap, go with a streetwalker or a casa girl. FB girls will be more expensive, but you're more likely to get DFK, BBBJ, and / or BBFS plus GFE. I can't speak for Tinder. My impression is that most of these girls are pros who generally want more money than the average FB girl. I have only seen two girls from Tinder and I made sure they were no pros. The first one, several years ago, came over, had a beer, and let me lick her clit. No money. I guess she just wanted to get licked. The second one was very recent. He is not a pro. I had no expectations of sex on the first date, But I got her in the jacuzzi. Which led to a massage. Which lead to her pussy getting super wet. Which led to me fucking her and plenty of ass play. No money. Just some cheap Rappi.Many Thanks for this explanation! This helps me a lot. I think FB Girls are more the kind of what I'm looking for.

How is this working with these FB Girls? I read the last few pages, it was mentioned often, but I still don't understand how this works.

07-30-21, 18:46
Every 7-10 minutes I was bothered by unattractive girls asking for propina. I did tip a couple of times, but then it became so annoying that I started to refuse politely.Those are strippers asking for tip after dance. It is easier to just tip them.

07-30-21, 19:29
Went to check out La Isla last night (Thursday). Just because I haven't been there for a long time. Also had hopes to find a top quality girl to session with. Arrived around 12:00 AM, paid 20 mil cop entrance fee and got in. The place looked busy but the talent I was hoping to see was not there. No 9's and 10's. Maybe two or three 8's. The rest are just meh. What I noticed is that a couple of best looking 8's left 15-20 minutes after I got there. Either they worked an early shift and had to leave early, or they were just taken out by high rollers. Every 7-10 minutes I was bothered by unattractive girls asking for propina. I did tip a couple of times, but then it became so annoying that I started to refuse politely. Once the 2 hottest girls left, there was pretty much no good talent to choose from. The best looking ones 7. 5's were hanging out with dudes in VIP sections. If you are a regular guy like myself who doesn't party hard and is not a weekend warrior, you have really low chances of scoring a hot, popular 8+ girl. They are always busy, surrounded by rich locals or gringos, and one need to put a lot of time and effort to pull them off. After 1 AM the men vs women ratio got worse, I finished my 30 k Smirnoff Ice and called it a night. Oh, and the girls performing on stage were the worst looking ones. My understanding is that good looking ones don't need to strip on stage as they have other ways of making money.I was there a couple times either on Fri or Sat nites.

The place sucks the puta quality is horrible, if I owned that place it would be packed jajaja.

I like the little side bars they have outside with the bean bags, with the view, that's ok.

But in looking at what's wrong with Gustos La Isla Faze 2 I'm guessing there are just too many venues and puta formats in MDE and not enough hot putas.

It really dilutes them, and what smoking hot 18 yo puta wants to sit in that place 8 hrs a night.

I'm sure there are easier ways to sell pussy in MDE.

Gustos and La Isla are a joke for lame ass mongers that think the quality of the puta can be measured by how much she overcharges you jajajaja (see 3 million pesos, "good for him" post).

I went to Gustos 3 fucking weekends and La Isla 2 weekends and I don't think I ever saw a puta under 30 yo? High BMI high mileage puta retirement homes, the both of them!