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Member #4729
10-16-21, 19:05
Over tourism, with an influx of newbie mongers, is clearly one of the main sources of this problem, but it is clearly having impacts on Medellin beyond mongering in general. For example, the guys selling soccer jerseys and other random stuff were more aggressive than they were even just a few months ago in July. They seemed to be offended that I did not want to buy their stuff, as if they were somehow entitled to a sale. Even the guys selling soda from carts in Centro asked for tips for selling me soda during my street meat runs and seemed offended when I disregarded their requests. This does not sound like the Medellin that I came to know and love; it is now more like over touristed places, such as Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.Over-aggressive and abundant hawkers are a visible and powerful street-level indicator of what is also happening in a private sex transactions. It looks like Medellin is at the tipping point- and as you say as soon as the prices are quoted in USD, that's a wrap.

This summer I saw multiple gringo's paying for jerseys / trinkets and in restaurants with USD. If you are so f-ing lazy that you can't be bothered to change your currency, then just stay home dude.

Looks to me like the scene is cooked and any competitive advantage it might've had is now gone. As I've noted before, this is not exactly an easy scene to begin with. In LATAM, I much prefer Brazil and don't mind the higher cost of getting there. Keeps the riff-raff out.

10-16-21, 19:06
...The girl's story you heard was clearly wrong. He was staying in a very high-end hotel not an Air BnB. .....The story comes out the same if you replace the AirBnb with hotel. There is nothing to gain by replacing hotel with Airbnb. I am guessing the point is if the girl is not part of it, a clarification will be helpful to the girl. I know Otee's posting as it happened and the presumed facts can change once more evidences are known.

I don't know why you guys are approaching girls when you already think they are too young. You will get noticed.

10-16-21, 19:53
The story comes out the same if you replace the AirBnb with hotel. There is nothing to gain by replacing hotel with Airbnb. I am guessing the point is if the girl is not part of it, a clarification will be helpful to the girl. I know Otee's posting as it happened and the presumed facts can change once more evidences are known.

I don't know why you guys are approaching girls when you already think they are too young. You will get noticed.Seriously? You think an Air BnB and an upscale hotel are the same? Her story smacks of lies. Most AirBnBs don't have porteros, (some do) most owners wouldn't dream of calling the police if they saw someone bringing a girl to their room that appeared too young. They might very well tell the guy to get the fuck out afterwards. Now that wouldn't surprise me at all. BTW even if the cops followed her to the AirBnB how did they get in? How did they know what room he was in? None of her story makes sense.

BUT he was staying in a high end hotel with a 24 hour registration desk and a 24 hour security guard inside. Girls don't go up to someone's room they have to register and the staff would simply not grant her entrance if they were suspicious of her cedula. So for her story to make sense the cops followed her from El Centro to this luxury hotel in Laureles and followed her into the hotel and waited for her to register and then asked what room she went to and went up there.

OR maybe a more reasonable possibility is that she was working with those guys for a cut of the extortion even though she actually was of age. If you think about it. That is the only thing that makes much sense.

10-16-21, 19:53
Unfortunately there was another group of Middle Eastern-looking guys who decided to "make it rain" - and not in COP, but in USD (facepalm). This USD rain lasted an unusually long period of time, as they stretched it out in dribs and drabs, and it consumed the attention of about half of the girls in the club at the time. I had only had two sessions at the club by that point in the night and was still looking for a third, but I could not get it because the USD rain distracted so many of the girls, including a few of my candidates. The irony is that the girls probably could have made more money if they had tried to work for back room sessions with or at least get girlie drinks out of other guys, instead of chasing the small bills that these clowns were throwing around. And, as far as I could tell, these Middle Eastern-looking guys did not even try to fuck any of the girlsIdiots probably have a target on their backs now. Prime candidates to get robbed, developing countries are the wrong place to do this.

Mr Enternational
10-16-21, 19:56
I've actually never been to a casa or strip club I'm Colombia. But I definitely keep low key and don't lease around central. All you "seasoned mongers" can have el centro. My pussy ass will stay with what I know and where it's safe amongst people I trust.But you did not always know what you know or know the people you trust now. At one time those things and people were unknown and new to you as well. So how do you decide the things and people that you will learn about and get to know?

Mr Enternational
10-16-21, 20:11
These folks have no business travelling internationally and if they do are subject to the natural laws of predator v. S. Prey. Lolol.None of us were born with the knowledge we have today. I speak 5 languages and when someone asks me how I learned them I say 1 word at a time, same as the first one when you were a kid. Or you could just keep your mouth closed and not even try and not learn shit.

The person is doing the right thing by asking advice and collecting information before such undertakings instead of just staying home wallowing in ignorance as you propose. You have to start somewhere; or maybe you are different than every other mf that has been born on this planet. Even predators started out as prey or are prey to other predators.

10-16-21, 20:20
You can lump all recreational drug use into one big pile or you can have a Discerning mind and realize that there's a wave coming in the future of performance-enhancing drugs just as in the same way a lot of you right now are taking antidepressants or mood stabilizers to improve deficits. But in the near future, pharmaceutical companies will be selling drugs as mental and intellectual performance enhancers to people without any perceived mental health or physical diagnosis.
Lots of studies coming out on the benefits of psychedelics / MDMA therapy. Funny how people demonize "drugs", yet are fine with caffeine / alcohol. I've enjoyed reading your adventures in MDE.

Member #4740
10-16-21, 20:53
If anyone want girlfriendly App directly on the Action I recommend this App. The real location is https://goo.gl/maps/QT3KtrfWfGp3whtU9.

Airbnb will give you fake location. No human security in entrance, only electronic access code to the doors.

Type "WalkScore 100 in Poblado ♥ 150 Mb WiFi ●Wash+Dryer" on search or use the link.


I didn't like the street girls so I moved on. Beside you walk in this hill area like a goat. Girls will talk to you as soon as you go down from the App after 8 PM.

10-16-21, 21:00
These two posts made me LOL. I'm definitely observing many of the same things as you are.

- General price inflation, including chica price inflation, if Davivienda ATMs now allowing 2 million COP withdrawals are any indication. Normal FB price seems to be 200 k + taxi now, with a few accepting lower.

- Repeats from prior trips are often not worth it. So far I met with 3 from my prior trip. 2 got fatter, 2 of them became more hardcore / mercenary / gave worse service, all of them wanted more money than before. See attached screenshots.

- Girls appear to be looking for different offers at the same time while negotiating with you. Ex: you give them the price, and they disappear for a few minutes before accepting your offer.

- Please keep the FB scene an open secret and don't tell random dudes about FB. Keep the ones who don't do their homework on Tinder, clubs, SA.

- Once a girl has been in the scene for some time and is above average looking, watch her price go up and service go down.The first time I was offered 2 million COP as an option at a Davivienda ATM was nearly 4 years ago. Initially I thought it was just because of the Christmas season. Three years ago I saw it at all the Davivienda ATMs I used, but others, using cards from other banks could only draw a smaller amount. This past June 2 million was offered for both of my banks, and it appears it's available for most now. I'm not sure something Davivienda started doing at the end of 2017 is an indication of recent changes.

As for the degradation of Facebook, I can only speak for my experiences and I haven't seen the same things. However, my approach might be different. I don't treat it as a transaction. With most girls I have a short, normal conversation and set up a time. I'll ask what she likes to drink and make sure the time is good for her.

What I don't discuss is service. I don't list out my requirements or expectations. The reason I don't discuss requirements is because I don't have any. Each one is unique and I would rather let things develop naturally depending on the girl.

Obviously, if you have certain requirements that won't work, but once you start listing your requirements you change the nature of the encounter. My (probably wrong) opinion is that may be the source of the problem people seem to have with Facebook.

Just today some girl hit me up from Facebook. I've never talked to her before, but it quickly becomes obvious she's offering P P. Then she says something that I've seen a few times: "I'm not a puta, I'm just doing this out of necessity. " That's the mindset of many Facebook girls. I could have pointed out that most putas are just doing it out of necessity, but there's no benefit. If she feels more comfortable pretending that I'm just a friend who gives her money after she fucks me, I'm good with that.

Once you start listing the things she's going to do to you, it's just work. Again my opinion is that is an excuse to be late, to not put forth her best effort and to ask for more money.

I developed those opinions when I was doing a lot of one night stands everywhere I went in the US, with women I met online. The worst experiences were when either me or the girl would try to set up a list of expectations. The best ones were when I just said that we would just see what happens.

10-16-21, 22:55
... None of her story makes sense....That is the point that there is nothing to gain by lying.

Hey, this is not my fight. They are using the translator so L69 could have misunderstood.

... Using a translator she said something to the effect that you were renting an apartment (AirBnB) and that she is 19 but looks young so the owners of the apartment called the police....The other way to run the scam is to provide a fake ID to an underage girl, then bust the offender in the room with real ID.

I think Ostee is true to his post like he said he would so I am not questioning his report.

... So for her story to make sense the cops followed her from El Centro to this luxury hotel in Laureles and followed her into the hotel and waited for her to register and then asked what room she went to and went up there.

...Two days after the incident I was outside and I heard someone whistling me down and it was the investigator and he came over and started making small* talk with me like he was a good friend. * Then he proceeded to describe seeing me the day before and in detail the girl I was with as we were walking to dinner. * That gave me an uneasy feeling to say the least.....

10-16-21, 23:25
Trying to share sensitive information on the hopes that it can benefit others can prove to be not worth the effort here, and you won't be seeing as much of that from me in the future. People can't see the broad strokes and get quagmired in the minutiae.

My guy is confirmed Bogota policia. I also learned how they targeted me and no one here got it right and neither did I until I was told how. And then it made perfect sense.

But there are too many swine around here for me to cast those pearls. I am done with that at least until I rest up some.

And thank you for all the free advice but I never asked for any.

People seem to forget I've never been happier. 'm happy as I can possibly be and happier than I ever thought I would be and I'm not trying to change a thing.

And yes you are correct I don't give a shit about keeping a low profile. Still don't.

But how careless was I really? I chatted this girl up for 3 days before I fucked her in El Centro, and then only after I confirmed that she had a genuine cedula that showed she was 19. Then finally I took her back to my hotel.

Then I got stung in a way that someone here who should know said he's never heard of happening in Medellin before, only in Bogota. Hmmmmm, wait a minute, my guy is from Bogota. So am I among the first or possibly even the first guy to fall prey to this scam in Medellin, who knows?

I would say not unexpected and perhaps not a surprise if someone was going to get hit it would be me, because of my high profile, but I would not say careless or stupid, but that mostly a matter of opinion.

The main lesson I learned directly related to the event was that just because a girl is of legal age that's not enough to protect you in the short-term. You may win the court battle but it's not worth the aggravation.

The biggest lesson I learned overall is the surprisingly high number of numbnuts who post here. Projection is a rampant defense mechanism here. I'm not trying to change one thing in my life. I'm happy with my life and happy with how things are.

Finally I'm not trying to have the last word but I suggest we drop this topic. This dead horse has been flogged into dogmeat.

10-16-21, 23:58
Does someone have experience with finding Freelancer in Medellin through Tinder? I read here a lot about Facebook, but not about using Tinder for that.

Is this also a possible way for Hunting? Please share your experience. Because I'm not so into facebook and I'm thinking about tinder Gold for Hunting there, but I don't know if this brings success in Medellin.I've done it before. You can meet some nice girls on there, but you have to use coded language about what you're looking for. If it seems like she is wanting sugar or just "having fun" then you have to move the conversation over to Whatsapp or Instagram or Facebook. Never use words like prostitution or escorting or anything like that on Tinder, you'll get banned.

10-17-21, 01:01
Unfortunately there was another group of Middle Eastern-looking guys who decided to "make it rain" - and not in COP, but in USD (facepalm). This USD rain lasted an unusually long period of time, as they stretched it out in dribs and drabs, and it consumed the attention of about half of the girls in the club at the time. I had only had two sessions at the club by that point in the night and was still looking for a third, but I could not get it because the USD rain distracted so many of the girls, including a few of my candidates. The irony is that the girls probably could have made more money if they had tried to work for back room sessions with or at least get girlie drinks out of other guys, instead of chasing the small bills that these clowns were throwing around. And, as far as I could tell, these Middle Eastern-looking guys did not even try to fuck any of the girls.I'm friends on FB and follow a bunch of Medellin Semi-Pros / THOTS / Talent and for the past few months a bunch of them have been posting pictures of themselves in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. I would not be surprised if those guys are importing their port-a-potties from South America now.

10-17-21, 01:07
Trying to share sensitive information on the hopes that it can benefit others can prove to be not worth the effort here, and you won't be seeing as much of that from me in the future. People can't see the broad strokes and get quagmired in the minutiae.

My guy is confirmed Bogota policia. I also learned how they targeted me and no one here got it right and neither did I until I was told how. And then it made perfect sense.

But there are too many swine around here for me to cast those pearls. I am done with that at least until I rest up some.

And thank you for all the free advice but I never asked for any.

People seem to forget I've never been happier. 'm happy as I can possibly be and happier than I ever thought I would be and I'm not trying to change a thing.

And yes you are correct I don't give a shit about keeping a low profile. Still don't.

But how careless was I really? I chatted this girl up for 3 days before I fucked her in El Centro, and then only after I confirmed that she had a genuine cedula that showed she was 19. Then finally I took her back to my hotel. .Glad you are back home Ostee. I try to keep my mouth shut around here because I'm a fucking noob so I just quietly RTFT everyday and try to remain in lurking status but one thing that's been bugging me that I can't shake is the picture someone somehow secretly managed to take of you in a restaurant a while back. Could have been nothing, but it bugged me then and it's starting to bug me even more now. Really hope there isn't anyone outside this forum that knows more about your adventures than we do. Anyway, I don't want to freak you out and you know what you're doing so I won't say any more. Always appreciate your contributions to the forum - - I've learned a lot from you and although I'll miss your epic tales I'm glad you're back home so you can keep low for a bit, rejuvenate, and most importantly relax. Take care & stay safe!

10-17-21, 01:08
I also learned how they targeted me and no one here got it right and neither did I until I was told how. And then it made perfect sense.
But how careless was I really? I chatted this girl up for 3 days before I fucked her in El Centro, and then only after I confirmed that she had a genuine cedula that showed she was 19. Then finally I took her back to my hotel.
The biggest lesson I learned overall is the surprisingly high number of numbnuts who post here. Projection is a rampant defense mechanism here. I'm not trying to change one thing in my life. I'm happy with my life and happy with how things are.More careful than most, I suspect Osteo. More careful than I, that's for sure. Jeje.

Would love to hear the real story behind one day.

Yes, there are plenty of "numbnuts " here. Don't like to paint everyone with the same brush, but it seems that there is a common trait among USAns. If they don't agree with you or don't like what you say, they insult you. They tell you you're dumb before they even understand the situation, then they go on to tell you how you should have dealt with it. Totally obnoxious.

I know it's a generalistaion. Some of my best friends are from USA, it's just a too common theme from their culture.

Anyway, stay well and recharge.

10-17-21, 02:54
To be clear, I am not recommending this.

But I am sure you know, if you wish to get a little pay-back on this cop who basically stole from you, there are very cheap and easy ways to take care of it. Don't think I haven't been tempted on occasion.

Trying to share sensitive information on the hopes that it can benefit others can prove to be not worth the effort here, and you won't be seeing as much of that from me in the future. People can't see the broad strokes and get quagmired in the minutiae.

My guy is confirmed Bogota policia. I also learned how they targeted me and no one here got it right and neither did I until I was told how. And then it made perfect sense.

But there are too many swine around here for me to cast those pearls. I am done with that at least until I rest up some.

And thank you for all the free advice but I never asked for any.

People seem to forget I've never been happier. 'm happy as I can possibly be and happier than I ever thought I would be and I'm not trying to change a thing.

And yes you are correct I don't give a shit about keeping a low profile. Still don't.

But how careless was I really? I chatted this girl up for 3 days before I fucked her in El Centro, and then only after I confirmed that she had a genuine cedula that showed she was 19. Then finally I took her back to my hotel.

Then I got stung in a way that someone here who should know said he's never heard of happening in Medellin before, only in Bogota. Hmmmmm, wait a minute, my guy is from Bogota. So am I among the first or possibly even the first guy to fall prey to this scam in Medellin, who knows?

I would say not unexpected and perhaps not a surprise if someone was going to get hit it would be me, because of my high profile, but I would not say careless or stupid, but that mostly a matter of opinion.

The main lesson I learned directly related to the event was that just because a girl is of legal age that's not enough to protect you in the short-term. You may win the court battle but it's not worth the aggravation.

The biggest lesson I learned overall is the surprisingly high number of numbnuts who post here. Projection is a rampant defense mechanism here. I'm not trying to change one thing in my life. I'm happy with my life and happy with how things are.

Finally I'm not trying to have the last word but I suggest we drop this topic. This dead horse has been flogged into dogmeat.

10-17-21, 03:05

They are in the thumbnail, also at 2:01.The street behind the church # 51-30. Hotel Channel. She stands at the bottom. Fake boobs. Pretty face and smile. 5 foot. She would not go to my hotel around the corner and I have bias against using that hotel. Do not remember her asking price.

Elvis 2008
10-17-21, 03:22
And this last part will sound insane because I'm giving advice about this but it's something I've said before in the past. If you ever stuck in a legal situation in another country it doesn't matter where and you have the opportunity to get out short and quick always take that opportunity, do not ever prolong it, don't try to stand up for what is right it's misguided, you always end up paying more in the end.
I think that is great advice anywhere you are.

I have been in CTG twice with my gal, and she is from there. She has issues with her mother, and we passed by her place. I said do you want to say Hi? She said no. Sure enough, someone caught us and posted it on social media, and her mother was tipped off.

Next time we are there, her mother sees us and she texts my gal later. And what does CTG have like a million people, and I am there for like 10 days total? Hell, we ran into three of her friends just being out and about.

My point is if I could not stay anonymous with my gal for 10 days, what was the chances you were seeing all those women, doing all those drugs, and buying them stuff like scooters? It seems like someone was bound to take notice and try to make a play.

I used to go to strip clubs about once a week. I ran into some bouncer type one time that I could not for the life of me place, and he ran through every woman I had been with and what my rep was at a few of the clubs. I was like, "And who the fuck are you?" I am just not sure how anonymous anyone can really be anymore.

10-17-21, 03:59
That is the point that there is nothing to gain by lying.

Hey, this is not my fight. They are using the translator so L69 could have misunderstood.

The other way to run the scam is to provide a fake ID to an underage girl, then bust the offender in the room with real ID..The good ok' switcharoo. A restaurant on the beach in Cartagena got me with this BS. They gave me a menu, I ordered. Then when the tab came out, it was 3 x the price, I asked for the menu again, then they gave me one with 3 x the price of the original menu Jajajja.

10-17-21, 10:56
I had heard and read before this trip that an influx of newbies was responsible in large part for the deterioration of the Medellin scene, snip

Unfortunately there was another group of Middle Eastern-looking guys who decided to "make it rain" - and not in COP, but in USD (facepalm). This USD rain lasted an unusually long period of time, as they stretched it out in dribs and drabs, and it consumed the attention of about half of the girls in the club at the time. I had only had two sessions at the club by that point in the night and was still looking for a third, but I could not get it because the USD rain distracted so many of the girls, including a few of my candidates. The irony is that the girls probably could have made more money if they had tried to work for back room sessions with or at least get girlie drinks out of other guys, instead of chasing the small bills that these clowns were throwing around. And, as far as I could tell, these Middle Eastern-looking guys did not even try to fuck any of the girls.

Suffice is to say that my next Colombia trip will be to Bogota or Cali.

This is why we can't have nice things.Other FB boards are saying much worse about an influx foreigners looking for cocaine and ho's asking for advice etc. Loose lips sink ships.

10-17-21, 14:35
Hey everyone,

First I wanted to thank everyone for their reports, I feel like I know the area already.

I am visiting Medellin from 10/31 - 11/5.

I picked hotel Duparc because of location but was thinking of switching to energy living, thoughts?

I am 35 lots of tats and have pretty good success in dr picking up local girls in the mall. Is the mall a good spot to get WhatsApp in Medellin?

Is Fase dos or la Isla worth it?

Are the escorts listed online real pics usually, or cat fish?

I am a noobie so any advice you have?

I read online that I can buy a prepaid phone in the airport, is that true? I have a burner phone in the states but not sute if it will work there.

Best clubs to visit? I read gusto and luxury?

I will be sure to post a in depth trip report. I use take me back to Sosua for DR, I promise I will here.

Is mansion worth it? I was going to book 2 nights there so then I have access to it, but I already booked my full stay at Duparc, is that even worth it?

10-17-21, 14:44
Other FB boards are saying much worse about an influx foreigners looking for cocaine and ho's asking for advice etc. Loose lips sink ships.The sky is always falling according to someone. People have been claiming that Medellin is doomed for as long as I've been on ISG. The same claims happen everywhere over everything. Look at every US election. No matter who wins one group is convinced the world is about to end and another believes it's going to be all puppies and rainbows.

Twenty years ago I was a strip club aficionado. In my favorite local club everyone knew me. I wasn't a big spender, but I was a dependable customer. I was always friendly and polite and treated everyone right. Every now and then some group would come in and make it rain. The newer girls would flock to that table hoping to have a big night. The better dancers mostly kept to their regulars, because they knew that that group wouldn't be back, but the regulars were there every week.

Right now there are crowds making it rain. In another 6 months they'll be throwing their money somewhere else.

10-17-21, 15:28
Other FB boards are saying much worse about an influx foreigners looking for cocaine and ho's asking for advice etc. Loose lips sink ships.Its sad what's happening in Medellin now. However, I really can't blame the mongers as many other destinations in the world are either closed or not up to their pre-covid standards. I remember my great times in the past in destinations like China, Singapore, Argentina, etc. which in their day attracted numerous hoards of mongers, now all gone well before covid. Will Colombia join the list?

10-17-21, 15:45
Trying to share sensitive information on the hopes that it can benefit others can prove to be not worth the effort here, and you won't be seeing as much of that from me in the future. People can't see the broad strokes and get quagmired in the minutiae.

My guy is confirmed Bogota policia. I also learned how they targeted me and no one here got it right and neither did I until I was told how. And then it made perfect sense.

But there are too many swine around here for me to cast those pearls. I am done with that at least until I rest up some.

And thank you for all the free advice but I never asked for any.

People seem to forget I've never been happier. 'm happy as I can possibly be and happier than I ever thought I would be and I'm not trying to change a thing.

And yes you are correct I don't give a shit about keeping a low profile. Still don't..Osteo,

I've told you before, I really do enjoy reading your posts, its entertaining to read about your "over the top" and "on the edge" lifestyle. Personally I don't know you or care about you, and if your behavior leads to your demise, that was your choice, bless you either way. You post very regularly about your reckless behavior and your last adventure almost landed you in jail, but more importantly people who consistently engage in this type of reckless behavior could have a very real impact on how the game is played in Medellin. There is already a strong movement against sex tourism there in the city, you can look up the recent Medellin news clips on youtube. If we all start treating Medellin like its a game of Grand Theft Auto, eventually authorities are going to pay much more attention to the single gringos who are clearly there to take advantage of cheap drugs and prostitutes and have little respect or regard for anything else in the city. [Deleted by Admin]. This is going to just encourage more members / readers / mongers to act like assholes on vacation down there, until it gets to the point the authorities crackdown on prostitution and Medellin turns into Havana. A gringo can't even walk down the street with a girl in Havana without a cop harassing you. It also makes gringos targets, more wreckless gringoes will lead to more predatory scams to shake them down, especially in a poverty stricken nation. [Deleted by Admin] on the forum, etc.

I sincerely do thank you for sharing the story about your shakedown, that is very valuable information which should be shared and puts a good warning out to other members about the possible dangers of Medellin. I am also being over cautious in my post and I apologize if it comes off as harsh, but I think its very important to state posts like these to remind people that Medellin is a great place, but things can change quickly in just a few years.

If we all play the game safely, the game will be there for us longer and its a safer, cheaper, more enjoyable game to play. You as a player will also last longer. As I have said before, keep your head down and enjoy the ride. The forum should focus on the sharing of information for the safety and enjoyment of us mongers. Not a tool used to contribute to our own demise.[Deleted by Admin]

I was warned by a moderator before for a similar post. The moderator claimed I am discouraging people from posting. I am not discouraging people from posting, I am promoting monger safety. None of us want to end up in the situation Osteo was in, and it should be stated here for all readers to see. I don't see anything wrong with my post, and hopefully it is allowed to be posted.

10-17-21, 16:11
I 100% support the interest of many in La Isla, Gustos etc. I have some doubts about how fair it is to complain about big spenders in a business that directly caters to that market segment. I do understand that big spenders have a lot more impact in Lleras / Gustos / LaIsla etc than they do in the gritty world of Centro rats. I recently heard about new restrictions in Lleras aimed at reducing the number of providers. If the restrictions push them back to Plaza Botero or the late night San Diego scene, well so be it.

I had heard and read before this trip that an influx of newbies was responsible in large part for the deterioration of the Medellin scene, but it was not until last week that I saw it with my own eyes. I always travel solo and usually steer clear of other gringos (except when I stayed at the Mansion as a newbie, when the camaraderie was extremely helpful and supportive). My latest choice of lodging. Provenza Lofts. Exposed me to other gringos more than usual.

One of a group of three guys staying there saw the girls that I was having over when I came out to pay the hoes' taxis; he was on the front porch smoking a lot. Apparently they thought that my lineup was unbelievably smoking hot. They seemed to think that I was some sort of James Bond of mongering.

I explained to them that I thought that my lineup for this trip was actually sub-par by Medellin standards, or at least compared to my previous trips. They asked where I was finding girls, as they seemed to think that Parque Lleras, Gusto, and Tinder were the best places to look (facepalm). I warned them to avoid Lleras and Tinder girls for security reasons and to avoid Gusto for price reasons. They were vaguely aware of Facebook as a source of hoes and had no knowledge of typical / historical pricing there.

I ran into them again when I was catching my Uber to La Isla on my last Saturday night. They were aware of Fase II, but I explained to them that La Isla had the best talent in town. Lo and behold, they showed up at La Isla hours later..

10-17-21, 16:21
If you search the comment history of those groups you will find that sort of finger pointing going back 10+ years.

Other FB boards are saying much worse about an influx foreigners looking for cocaine and ho's asking for advice etc. Loose lips sink ships.

10-17-21, 16:55
The street behind the church # 51-30. Hotel Channel. She stands at the bottom. Fake boobs. Pretty face and smile. 5 foot. She would not go to my hotel around the corner and I have bias against using that hotel. Do not remember her asking price.All hot girls are in Colombia.

10-17-21, 16:58
A bit of real talk, those of you who have been here or been coming here since the 90's should know that 2016 FARC peace accord and ceasefire was the inflection point that led to the level of tourism (all types, including punters) that we see today. History will give the liberal administration that preceded Ivan Duque credit for turning around Colombia's image of unbridled terrorism and mayhem and growing in the tourism sector. If you were here during the lockdown you would have seen the increase in disaffected young people joining FARC like groups and FARC like groups engaging in a campaign of assassinations of rural social and political leaders become the number 2 news story behind the pandemic. It was not a story at all in international media. Reports about the severe economic decline caused by the pandemic did show up in the international media. That economic decline continues but now that the pandemic is under better control it is only affecting the lower strata of the population.

In spite of all of this, there has been a noticeable uptick in punter arrivals. It's noticeable even in grimy Centro. In my opinion, the impact is much greater in more upscale and gringo centric venues. In Centro, even though there are many more gringos than in the past, their impact is minimal. The Centro scene and its cost is unchanged in my experience. Now, a prediction. In the run up to the national election there will be an increasing number of the traditional street demonstrations. Several metro and bus routes were disrupted by them yesterday afternoon. This election will be the first (and hopefully the last) with a pandemic in flight. I expect the ongoing economic pressure will ratchet up the intensity and quantity of street demonstrations and possibly riots. I should not have to point out the impact that will have on punter and mainstream tourism. On another front, Colombia's right wing media are propping up its preferred candidates with now familiar demagogic commentary about immigration, race, and poverty.

Hmmm I've been saying that since after 1999 when I was the only gringo in town, except maybe the Tall man maybe, Lol.

Times change though, either roll with it or move on I guess.

I'll always enjoy Medellin, though it's far from my favorite place anymore.

10-17-21, 17:01
These two posts made me LOL. I'm definitely observing many of the same things as you are.

- General price inflation, including chica price inflation, if Davivienda ATMs now allowing 2 million COP withdrawals are any indication. Normal FB price seems to be 200 k + taxi now, with a few accepting lower.

- Repeats from prior trips are often not worth it. So far I met with 3 from my prior trip. 2 got fatter, 2 of them became more hardcore / mercenary / gave worse service, all of them wanted more money than before. See attached screenshots.

- Girls appear to be looking for different offers at the same time while negotiating with you. Ex: you give them the price, and they disappear for a few minutes before accepting your offer.

- Please keep the FB scene an open secret and don't tell random dudes about FB. Keep the ones who don't do their homework on Tinder, clubs, SA.

- Once a girl has been in the scene for some time and is above average looking, watch her price go up and service go down.Finished my second trip in first week of October. I have noticed and experienced same that things changed so quickly since I went in June. Just in 4 months. In June I paid 120 mil to 150 mil cop. Now they want 200 to 250 mil. Now some here will argue that everything went up around the globe and inflation and gas prices. But there's is more supply and competition if you will. Between vennies and paisa. So price should be down. Conversion from USD to Paisa is same. In centro cops are randomly stopping people to search. And in casas I saw more locals visiting then tourists. On the streets saw more Venezuelans selling candy everywhere.

I am impressed that every body wears masks and some business would ask you to wear. I travelled by Metro a lot. All the bars were busy during week end. I find Medellin restaurants more cleaner and well kept then USA. Staff is always well dressed, they clean their counters and kitchen every few minutes.

10-17-21, 17:09
It's completely unfair to use a broad brush to paint guys as numbnuts. It's true in my case but that doesn't mean it's the case for most others.

More careful than most, I suspect Osteo. More careful than I, that's for sure. Jeje.

Would love to hear the real story behind one day.

Yes, there are plenty of "numbnuts " here. Don't like to paint everyone with the same brush, but it seems that there is a common trait among USAns. If they don't agree with you or don't like what you say, they insult you. They tell you you're dumb before they even understand the situation, then they go on to tell you how you should have dealt with it. Totally obnoxious.

I know it's a generalistaion. Some of my best friends are from USA, it's just a too common theme from their culture.

Anyway, stay well and recharge.

10-17-21, 17:12
"Keep the facebook scene a secret"? Is that a sarcastic comment? The facebook scene is about as secret as Lleras girls.

These two posts made me LOL. I'm definitely observing many of the same things as you are.

- General price inflation, including chica price inflation, if Davivienda ATMs now allowing 2 million COP withdrawals are any indication. Normal FB price seems to be 200 k + taxi now, with a few accepting lower.

- Repeats from prior trips are often not worth it. So far I met with 3 from my prior trip. 2 got fatter, 2 of them became more hardcore / mercenary / gave worse service, all of them wanted more money than before. See attached screenshots.

- Girls appear to be looking for different offers at the same time while negotiating with you. Ex: you give them the price, and they disappear for a few minutes before accepting your offer.

- Please keep the FB scene an open secret and don't tell random dudes about FB. Keep the ones who don't do their homework on Tinder, clubs, SA.

- Once a girl has been in the scene for some time and is above average looking, watch her price go up and service go down.

10-17-21, 17:39
Sorry you went through this man. Thanks for being honest about being extorted by the cops due to your carelessness and complacency. Most guys would be too embarrassed to say anything. You can only tempt the devil so many times without getting caught! And dude WTF is wrong with you? Did your balls drop! You really think he's your "friend" after stealing from you like a punk *****? If you truly believe that he's your friend and you have "police" protection / extortion you are delusional.

We all need to be more diligent and cautious. Based on what I read you gents need to be more selective! Interview interview interview. Only if you vibe with the chica and there's mutual chemistry do you take her back to your place. Watch her like a hawk! Only after a few sessions and trust is established can you let your guard down. Worst case going a few nights without getting laid won't kill you. Or, you can go to a casa or strip club.

Me personally, I have never done neither because I enjoy the hunt just like anyone else. But I'm selective and bang less girls in a month then most of you in a week or a day! LOL. You hardcore "seasoned" mongers can keep your el centro while my pussy ass will stay where I'm familiar amongst people I know. Safety is always more important than pussy. This ain't USA or Europe. This is Colombia, la jungla baby!

https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/colombia-safety/Clicked the link and read the article seems very familiar.

The author is giving us a list of do's and don'ts after his friend was robbed (x3) last at gunpoint, and he was too, then stabbed.

The author tells us he would still return to Colombia but change his ways.

What's that famous north flowing river in Africa called? Denial.

Could be the addiction some of us here have called Puszy a. K. a. Quim on the cranium.

Maybe all we can do sometimes is to suggest, allude to, or just watch the downward spiral, not unlike seeing a beautiful crack hore get skinnier and waste away as time passes.

What can be done? Pokemon, save 'them all?

You can get an extensive list of do's and don'ts tattooed to your forearm, or committed to memory.

But if your a foreigner in Medellin and can be identified as such from your appearance and language to your dress or mannerisms, You may as well have a neon flashing bullseye target on your back complete with audio that says "yes im a gringo with money or bank card how will you separate me from it ? " LOL.

Famous last words. It won't happen to me - Just keep your head on a swivel- I'm very careful- those other guys are stupid- it is what it is- it won't happen again- it doesn't bother me- I'm in control- just stay positive- I just RTFF. Lol

10-17-21, 17:42
I will be in Medellin Oct. 31-nov7 if anyone wants to hook up.

10-17-21, 18:02
Finished my second trip in first week of October. I have noticed and experienced same that things changed so quickly since I went in June. Just in 4 months. In June I paid 120 mil to 150 mil cop. Now they want 200 to 250 mil. Now some here will argue that everything went up around the globe and inflation and gas prices. But there's is more supply and competition if you will. Between vennies and paisa. So price should be down. Conversion from USD to Paisa is same. In centro cops are randomly stopping people to search. And in casas I saw more locals visiting then tourists. On the streets saw more Venezuelans selling candy everywhere.

I am impressed that every body wears masks and some business would ask you to wear. I travelled by Metro a lot. All the bars were busy during week end. I find Medellin restaurants more cleaner and well kept then USA. Staff is always well dressed, they clean their counters and kitchen every few minutes.Cops have always been stopping and searching random people. This is nothing new. There are also always more locals than tourists in the casas. It might seem different if you only visit New Life and get there at the wrong time, but their bread and butter income is from the locals.

Fun Luvr
10-17-21, 18:04
I read online that I can buy a prepaid phone in the airport, is that true? I have a burner phone in the states but not sute if it will work there.

Is mansion worth it? I was going to book 2 nights there so then I have access to it, but I already booked my full stay at Duparc, is that even worth it?I don't think you can buy a prepaid phone at the airport. If you have an unlocked GSM phone that works in the US, it should work in Medellin.

My suggestion is to visit the Mansion bar one evening and see for yourself if you think the atmosphere is worth the higher price for a room that is not up to the standards of most good hotels. You have to pay an entrance fee at the bar.

10-17-21, 18:35
I will be in Medellin Oct. 31-nov7 if anyone wants to hook up.I will be there Oct. 31 till nv 7, I have chica thru Colombia cupid. Com good place, mine wants to have sex she said. Nice looking 28 one kid I will be staying at the Dann Carlton near the park very nice place. 67 $ per night let me know if hook up Ron.

10-17-21, 18:52
A bit of real talk, those of you who have been here or been coming here since the 90's should know that 2016 FARC peace accord and ceasefire was the inflection point that led to the level of tourism (all types, including punters) that we see today. History will give the liberal administration that preceded Ivan Duque credit for turning around Colombia's image of unbridled terrorism and mayhem and growing in the tourism sector. If you were here during the lockdown you would have seen the increase in disaffected young people joining FARC like groups and FARC like groups engaging in a campaign of assassinations of rural social and political leaders become the number 2 news story behind the pandemic. It was not a story at all in international media. Reports about the severe economic decline caused by the pandemic did show up in the international media. That economic decline continues but now that the pandemic is under better control it is only affecting the lower strata of the population.

In spite of all of this, there has been a noticeable uptick in punter arrivals. It's noticeable even in grimy Centro. In my opinion, the impact is much greater in more upscale and gringo centric venues. In Centro, even though there are many more gringos than in the past, their impact is minimal. The Centro scene and its cost is unchanged in my experience. Now, a prediction. In the run up to the national election there will be an increasing number of the traditional street demonstrations..My biggest concern with the upcoming election is who is elected, and how it will effect foreigners and tourism after the election.

There could be some very unpleasant changes on the horizon.

Hopefully the candidate elected is not anti-American as that will be bad news.

10-17-21, 19:06
FYI the vast majority of crime victims here are Colombian. It's true that the vast majority of crime victims we read about on this and other gringo websites are not Colombian. That said, it's also true Colombians or foreigners are all vulnerable to crimes and we should all do what we can to control the risk.

Clicked the link and read the article seems very familiar.

The author is giving us a list of do's and don'ts after his friend was robbed (x3) last at gunpoint, and he was too, then stabbed.

The author tells us he would still return to Colombia but change his ways.

What's that famous north flowing river in Africa called? Denial.

Could be the addiction some of us here have called Puszy a. K. a. Quim on the cranium.

Maybe all we can do sometimes is to suggest, allude to, or just watch the downward spiral, not unlike seeing a beautiful crack hore get skinnier and waste away as time passes.

What can be done? Pokemon, save 'them all?

You can get an extensive list of do's and don'ts tattooed to your forearm, or committed to memory.

10-17-21, 20:01
... I travelled by Metro a lot. All the bars were busy during week end. I find Medellin restaurants more cleaner and well kept then USA. Staff is always well dressed, they clean their counters and kitchen every few minutes.I think most tourists when they are in Medellin are automatically considered at least upper middle class and will be staying in better area. That conclusion is maybe only partially true.

10-17-21, 20:10

I've told you before, ... your last adventure almost landed you in jail,..If he wants safety, he would stay home. Besides, he explained a few times already and one can see his mindset about life is different from yours. In the context of this instance, did he do anything unusual?

10-17-21, 20:32
If he wants safety, he would stay home. Besides, he explained a few times already and one can see his mindset about life is different from yours. In the context of this instance, did he do anything unusual?Whatever he wants to do it's his life, I enjoy most of his posts, he's a true wild man but playing a very dangerous game, but for the life of me can't understand why you would want to be friends with someone that extorted 1,000 $out of him and acts like no big deal, very weird!

10-17-21, 23:37
More careful than most, I suspect Osteo. More careful than I, that's for sure. Jeje.

Would love to hear the real story behind one day.

Yes, there are plenty of "numbnuts " here. Don't like to paint everyone with the same brush, but it seems that there is a common trait among USAns. If they don't agree with you or don't like what you say, they insult you. They tell you you're dumb before they even understand the situation, then they go on to tell you how you should have dealt with it. Totally obnoxious.

I know it's a generalistaion. Some of my best friends are from USA, it's just a too common theme from their culture.

Anyway, stay well and recharge.It's obvious that you have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to Americans, with this "USAns" nonsense. Claiming to have American friends doesn't redeem that, and in fact, to borrow a phrase, is "totally obnoxious."

Sadly some people are stupid, with a higher ratio of the same among mongers for whatever reason. One should expect the stupidity to be demonstrated with reason and evidence, but cannot always expect tactfulness. Expecting the same just makes one appear as a whiner.

Mojo Bandit
10-17-21, 23:59
Later that day her friend appears and I inform her of the same thing. Using a translator she said something to the effect that you were renting an apartment (AirBnB) and that she is 19 but looks young so the owners of the apartment called the police.
I am not taking sides in this discussion per se. But I will say this: what the girl says about the apartment owner call the police makes sense. The law says that if the owner allows there to be a minor in an apartment without their parent present then they government can confiscate the apartment. So owners are going to have a hair trigger when it comes to calling the police if they suspect anything in order to protect their investment.

10-18-21, 00:06
"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!

Hunter S. Thompson, The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967."

Another El Centro find from my most recent trip to Medellin. She is atypical. Sweet, clean, smarter than average. But I've never met a girl in El Centro who was innocent, even the new ones. But she's good enough to get a number in my line up somewhere around number 11 or 12, I haven't sorted that out lately. I need to redo my line up. There was some seismic shifts this last trip due to everything from pregnancy to lesbianism to death in the immediate family. But my system still works in fact it has served me exceedingly well through Covid and anything the world has thrown at us, and I'm not ready to give it up anytime soon. I'm not going to waste my time and energy explaining my system at this time plus I don't think it would work well for anyone else it's sort of wrapped around my own unique, some would say warped, mentality.

Anywho check out Sunny below. I call her Sunny because of her great disposition and round bright face. Her sexuality feels 100% natural. As in the one photo where she is airing out her pussy after I gave her a good hard pounding in The Real, the closest El Central Love Motel to the front door of the Veracruz Church. Between the three, the Zona Rosa, the Premiere, and the Real, the Real is the busiest and the most professional. And fun. I haven't found a girl behind the desk or a maid in the Real yet, who won't flirt.

10-18-21, 01:03
Wanted to know or any tips anyone had to get in touch with the fb chicas and any recommendations anyone might have?

Thank you in advance.

10-18-21, 01:33
My biggest concern with the upcoming election is who is elected, and how it will effect foreigners and tourism after the election.

There could be some very unpleasant changes on the horizon.

Hopefully the candidate elected is not anti-American as that will be bad news.I don't think you have to worry about this, even if the candidate that is anti-American got elected. He would wants limited American Government involve in the country but probably not tourists. Tourists bring money and why would anyone be against that? Do you really think the new president give a fuck if more Americans come to Colombia to do spend money (tourism, drugs, pros, etc.) and possibly extorted by the local? It just helps the local economy, probably solidify his position.

10-18-21, 01:38
An anti-American is highly unlikely. Both the left and right are keen to deal with America, albeit in different ways.

Guys on the right like Duque favor the large corporations of the US and other wealthy countries. They have consistently given multinational industrial companies a free hand to exploit land and natural resources. Part of the reasoning has been that it's a way to prevent the armed groups like FARC from engaging in illegal mining along with their other revenue streams (drugs and kidnappings). For the rural population it's like choosing between the measles or the mumps. The armed groups and the big multinationals have both engaged in land grab abuses and horrific environmental crimes.

The left of course will play ball with the US to get foreign aid and loan guarantees. It's not like either end of the political spectrum is going to impose immigration bans on Americans. I don't see that happening.

My biggest concern with the upcoming election is who is elected, and how it will effect foreigners and tourism after the election.

There could be some very unpleasant changes on the horizon.

Hopefully the candidate elected is not anti-American as that will be bad news.

10-18-21, 01:48
Whatever he wants to do it's his life, I enjoy most of his posts, he's a true wild man but playing a very dangerous game, but for the life of me can't understand why you would want to be friends with someone that extorted 1,000 $out of him and acts like no big deal, very weird!Agreed! He can do what he likes and good luck with that. I enjoy his adventures through his posts but I rather not be in his shoes. I like pussies as much as he does but not the risk he's taking. I always try to keep a low profile but I stand out like a sore thumb. What happened to him only reinforce my thinking about keeping a low profile and apparently what I posted offended him (not my intention). As far as I'm concerned we're all here to learn to stay safe while have fun in Colombia, at least that what I'm here for.

10-18-21, 02:53
An anti-American is highly unlikely. Both the left and right are keen to deal with America, albeit in different ways.Well if a guy similar to Chavez in Venezuela gets elected I don't see things boding well for tourism, but that's just my opinion.

And a lot of the voters are sick of Duque of the right who can't run again, so there's a good chance somebody from the left might be elected.

10-18-21, 02:58
If he wants safety, he would stay home. Besides, he explained a few times already and one can see his mindset about life is different from yours. In the context of this instance, did he do anything unusual?His mindset is his business. Like I said, bless him and wish Osteo the best. The point of my post is, members don't need to write about every fucked up self destructive thing they do and post it on the forum for every John, Joe, and Mike to read. Then the readers go down there and act in a similar manner. Eventually its going to have an impact on our travels to the city of Eternal Spring. Osteo seems like a tough guy to say the least, I am sure he could careless about one members suggestion, and I apologize if it seemed like I singled him out to make my point.

10-18-21, 03:05
All hot girls are in Colombia.MedMad asked where a certain girl was located that he saw on a Youtube video so I told him. So what exactly are you trying to say? Nothing important I would guess.

10-18-21, 03:12
Wanted to know or any tips anyone had to get in touch with the fb chicas and any recommendations anyone might have?

Thank you in advance.Hi bud, welcome, their is sooooooooo much information how to do that on here, should be very easy to find, I have tons for you to start with, I'll PM some to get started!

10-18-21, 03:18
People who follow me know I will post WhatsApp transcripts every now and then because I think they can be illustrative and sometimes entertaining. Sunny has been messaging me more than once a day ever since I got back to the states, and she finally got around to asking me for money. This is mainly for the newbies out there.

If you are seeing a puta regularly she will ask you for extra money as sure as there is night and day. Be ready for it. If you're a newbie you will not believe how persuasive and sincere they will sound. They will say anything if they think it gets them an extra peso. When the rent is due every Colombian girl has a mother or baby in the hospital usually with some form of uncontrolled bleeding, jeje.

That's up to you how you handle it, but it's important to set realistic expectations, limits and boundaries early on and this is an example of that.

The simplistic response would be to just say no, which works and the way a lot of the more Neanderthal type guys here would handle it. But if you like her and you want to continue fucking her, then I believe an actual dialogue keeps the dynamic alive even if the content is not what she wants to hear. And as you can see I will take the opportunity to plant seeds that might pay off down the line, jajaja.

Her name is listed as below because that's how Google translated it from El Centro Jackie, which is how she is listed in my contacts. I need to change that to Sunny, jajaja.

10/15, 10:43 PM The Jackelinne Center: Asti.

10/15, 10:43 PM The Jackelinne Center: I need your help.

10/15, 10:43 PM The Jackelinne Center: Please.

10/15, 11:53 PM Ostee: No, I know what you're going to say next, No way, No, I won't give you any extra money, forget it, forget it.

10/15, 11:53 PM Ostee: Is that clear enough for you or do I need to explain more?

10/15, 11:53 PM The Jackelinne Center: Please.

10/15, 11:57 PM] The Jackelinne Center: Please Ostee, I will give you my ass next time we meet.

10/15, 11:55 PM Ostee: Maybe after I fuck your ass, after the 10th time I'll give you an extra 20 thousand, jajaja.

10/15, 11:56 PM Ostee: But first you have to let me put my milk up your ass 10 times.

10/15, 11:57 PM The Jackelinne Center: Really.

10/15, 11:57 PM The Jackelinne Center: How bad you are, sometimes you are so rude.

10/15, 11:57 PM The Jackelinne Center: Well, I have to pay rent on Monday.

10/15, 11:57 PM The Jackelinne Center: And I don't have the full money.

10/15, 11:57 PM The Jackelinne Center: Lend me.

10/15, 11:57 PM The Jackelinne Center: And I pay you back.

10/15, 11:58 PM The Jackelinne Center: The money, I know that's nothing to you.

10/15, 11:58 PM The Jackelinne Center: And it's a lot to me.

10/15, 11:58 PM The Jackelinne Center: Help me please.

10/15, 11:59 PM The Jackelinne Center: Excuse me, sorry, but I need your help.

10/15, 11:59 PM Ostee: Here is my answer for you.

I blocked her.

The next afternoon, I unblocked her.

10/16, 2:48 PM Ostee: Do you get the message?

10/16, 2:48 PM Ostee: Don't ask me for money just because I fucked you a couple of times.

10/16, 2:49 PM Ostee: I help girlfriends, I'll give girlfriends money sometimes, but guess what? You are not a girlfriend.

10/16, 8:04 PM The Jackelinne Center: Ok that's fine. Excuse me.

10/16, 8:42 PM Ostee: Okay, now, you know.

I was probably a little ass-holier-than-thou necessary, but I had a feeling that would work with her and that she would still come back for more fucking. I guess I won't know that for sure until I return to Medellin, hopefully sooner than later. Don't ever feel guilty about not giving a puta rent or food money, she's asking 10 other guys at the same time and whether you give her the money or not, is not going to determine whether or not she eats or stays in her apartment, they always work it out. And do you think if she gets the money she will stop asking you? She will take as much as she can get from as many different sources as she can. Ostee Out.

10-18-21, 03:46
The Real, the closest El Central Love Motel to the front door of the Veracruz Church. Between the three, the Zona Rosa, the Premiere, and the Real, the Real is the busiest and the most professional. And fun. I haven't found a girl behind the desk or a maid in the Real yet, who won't flirt.Stayed at Botero Real for 2.5 months before I went on a trip and then they changed it to short time only. Place is taking a beating with so many people. Had the best room in Centro. Don't believe me. If the room #201 is clean and available or waiting to be cleaned, walk in and look out the large window I had. You can see everything. Some idiot will comment that the view from the Premier Plaza balcony is just as good. Nope. I did not have to share my view. I did not have to leave my room. I could watch the parade brushing my teeth, shaving, in the middle of the night to pee, etc.

Two receptionists. One is hot but married. The other is pretty and I have seen her with a hotel customer in the past. She flirts too much with me and I am sure I could have her but not my type. The oriental eyed cleaning girl is pregnant. There is a really light colored girl with black features that is also hot that I do not know. Sadly, the hot receptionist and the two cleaning girls I find hot will not go with me. They know how many girls I would take when I was there and now when I visit with my temporary 30 minute girlfriends. I do not think they will go with anyone to be honest. I think there is only one girl there that will not flirt. I had fun staying there. Now all the other hotels are ruined for me.

Side note of some interest. There is a group of guys that own Botero Real. Walk down the alley way on the side of the church. Turn left at the casino and the first short time hotel they own that too. Did not know that until the owner said Hello, to me when I took a girl there and he was in the office. Always good to know the owner of the hotel in case a problem arises. They also own the hotel as you leave the park near Nutribara Hotel following the metro, on the left with the huge balcony. One of the owners showed it to me but it was dirty with cockroaches.

10-18-21, 03:47
I know I can't get everything, but I want to get the best I can. 7 and up in looks are fine. I'll pay more for better service (BBBJ for example).

I've read the forum and have heard of New Life and Zandalay.

Are there clubs similar to HK in Tijuana? I read about La Isla, but any other options?

Any other recommendations? Hablo espanol. Thanks!

10-18-21, 08:20
It's obvious that you have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to Americans, with this "USAns" nonsense.
Sadly some people are stupid, with a higher ratio of the same among mongers for whatever reason. One should expect the stupidity to be demonstrated.Thanks for proving my point. Case closed.

10-18-21, 12:52

What are chances of finding a finding a wingman for first day orientation (tour of cases in centro) if I am staying in Mansion?

If anyone has any recommendations for an English speaking wingman who can give me a hand for couple of hours to understand the physical lay of land in El Centro casas, please PM me. Thank you.

10-18-21, 13:44
I don't think you can buy a prepaid phone at the airport. If you have an unlocked GSM phone that works in the US, it should work in Medellin.

My suggestion is to visit the Mansion bar one evening and see for yourself if you think the atmosphere is worth the higher price for a room that is not up to the standards of most good hotels. You have to pay an entrance fee at the bar.So I just go to say bestbuy in the states, buy a unlocked GSM phone, then when I get there it will work? I read online needing to buy a prepaid claro simcard or something?

That is good yo know about the mansion, I thought I had to rent a room to come in. Wanted to scope it out. I am staying at Duparc, which I think is close.

Any other advice for a first timer in Medellin?

This board has been great. I will definitely post a in depth report!

10-18-21, 16:54
Does anyone know the two girls on the left in this video?

They are in the thumbnail, also at 2:01.I saw her the other day and when I saw her ass I remembered the other problem huge reason I never went with her. I hate ass implants. They look so damn stupid.

10-18-21, 17:39
What are chances of finding a finding a wingman for first day orientation (tour of cases in centro) if I am staying in Mansion?
.I usually go thru one time per week these days. We could make a plan. And my Ingles es ok, I zink.

When do you arrive and when do you want to go thru?

Fun Luvr
10-18-21, 20:15
So I just go to say bestbuy in the states, buy a unlocked GSM phone, then when I get there it will work? I read online needing to buy a prepaid claro simcard or something?

Any other advice for a first timer in Medellin?You have to buy a sim card from one of the carriers in Colombia. I think Claro and Tigo are the largest carriers. Ask them to register your phone when you buy the sim card. Take a copy of your passport with you when you go to buy the card. Some people have posted ways to buy a cell service here in the US that works internationally, but I don't have any experience with those. If you plan to buy a phone in the US, I recommend you look on Ebay. I bought one like this and it works fine in Medellin: https://www.ebay.com/itm/174373371985.

Be careful picking up chicas around Parque Lleras. Do not pay more than 250,000 COP even for the best looking ones. Don't leave any valuables where a chica can get to them. One from Parque Lleras stole my eyeglasses, of all things. The eyeglasses were old and not worth much. Even the case was cloth.

It is usually best to use ATM's to get cash. If your card issuer charges too much in fees, exchange dollars at a cambio. You can search the internet for "Money exchanges Medellin" to check their websites for their exchange rate. Check xe.com for the current exchange rate and use that as a guide. At the cambios, you should receive within 100 COP of the current rate.

10-18-21, 20:34
You have to buy a sim card from one of the carriers in Colombia. I think Claro and Tigo are the largest carriers. Ask them to register your phone when you buy the sim card. Take a copy of your passport with you when you go to buy the card. Some people have posted ways to buy a cell service here in the US that works internationally, but I don't have any experience with those. If you plan to buy a phone in the US, I recommend you look on Ebay. I bought one like this and it works fine in Medellin: https://www.ebay.com/itm/174373371985.

Be careful picking up chicas around Parque Lleras. Do not pay more than 250,000 COP even for the best looking ones. Don't leave any valuables where a chica can get to them. One from Parque Lleras stole my eyeglasses, of all things. The eyeglasses were old and not worth much. Even the case was cloth.

It is usually best to use ATM's to get cash. If your card issuer charges too much in fees, exchange dollars at a cambio. You can search the internet for "Money exchanges Medellin" to check their websites for their exchange rate. Check xe.com for the current exchange rate and use that as a guide. At the cambios, you should receive within 100 COP of the current rate.Thanks man! My biggest issue so far is worrying about my phone coverage. I fly out 10/31, was going to buy a phone next week for the trip. Good id3 a, I will definitely lock everything up. Do not want anyone snagging my raybans haha.

I was just going to bring usd and convert somewhere there. Is that a ok idea?

10-18-21, 22:01
Well if a guy similar to Chavez in Venezuela gets elected I don't see things boding well for tourism, but that's just my opinion.

And a lot of the voters are sick of Duque of the right who can't run again, so there's a good chance somebody from the left might be elected.Surf makes a great point.

Venezuela was rockin' back in the day.

Similar to Colombia today actually.

I had an apartment in downtown Caracas.

To me it was the best place on earth, for girls and fun.

Then along came Chavez, and the place went to shit.

Anti-American, economic disaster, high crime, etc.

I had to literally run out of there.

10-18-21, 22:27
An anti-American is highly unlikely. Both the left and right are keen to deal with America, albeit in different ways.
Guys on the right like Duque favor the large corporations of the US and other wealthy countries. They have consistently given multinational industrial companies a free hand to exploit land and natural resources.
Good to see someone talking sense here. The issue is that a country is labelled as "anti-American" by the US govt and in the US media if they stop allowing USA companies that free hand to plunder all the resources. Just look around the world. Every country that is rich in resources around the world is either a US-sychophant or an enemy of the state. If Colombia were to elect Petro as the next president, he would need to walk a fine line not to upset the apple cart. His party is called "Humane Colombia". Sounds like trouble brewing to me. How dare he put the needs of the people before the needs of the wealthy?

Right, time to get back to playing my new fave game, Mafia City. Haha.

10-18-21, 22:53
You have to buy a sim card from one of the carriers in Colombia. I think Claro and Tigo are the largest carriers. Ask them to register your phone when you buy the sim card. Take a copy of your passport with you when you go to buy the card. Some people have posted ways to buy a cell service here in the US that works internationally, but I don't have any experience with those. If you plan to buy a phone in the US, I recommend you look on Ebay. I bought one like this and it works fine in Medellin: https://www.ebay.com/itm/174373371985.

Be careful picking up chicas around Parque Lleras. Do not pay more than 250,000 COP even for the best looking ones. Don't leave any valuables where a chica can get to them. One from Parque Lleras stole my eyeglasses, of all things. The eyeglasses were old and not worth much. Even the case was cloth.

It is usually best to use ATM's to get cash. If your card issuer charges too much in fees, exchange dollars at a cambio. You can search the internet for "Money exchanges Medellin" to check their websites for their exchange rate. Check xe.com for the current exchange rate and use that as a guide. At the cambios, you should receive within 100 COP of the current rate.I just ordered that exact phone. So do you buy a sim card in the states, do you just register it under a different name? Did you have to go to a phone store for this, or can you buy it at a Walmart or something?

Back in college I used to buy burner phones from CVS little virgin mobile flip phones. This is a lot more complex haha!

10-18-21, 23:58
What's the guest policy at dam Carlton? Are they a real pain about it?

10-19-21, 00:05
I just ordered that exact phone. So do you buy a sim card in the states, do you just register it under a different name? Did you have to go to a phone store for this, or can you buy it at a Walmart or something?

Back in college I used to buy burner phones from CVS little virgin mobile flip phones. This is a lot more complex haha!Claro has like 50% of the market in Colombia, so that's your best option. Take a look around the Airport, you might be able to find a kiosk where they can set you up, or the gift shop might be able to do it, otherwise you'll just have to go to any shopping mall and visit one of their stores. You're going to need to show your passport and give them address to register the SIM card- your hotel or Airbnb will work.

What you actually need is just the mobile internet and a phone number to bind some services to. Any communication you're going to be doing in Colombia will be through WhatsApp (at least most of it). You can just setup a Google Voice or some other VOIP service provider that will give you a phone number and setup your WhatsApp to use that number. It will give you an extra layer of privacy.

10-19-21, 00:48
His mindset is his business. Like I said, bless him and wish Osteo the best. The point of my post is, members don't need to write about every fucked up self destructive thing they do and post it on the forum for every John, Joe, and Mike to read. Then the readers go down there and act in a similar manner. Eventually its going to have an impact on our travels to the city of Eternal Spring. Osteo seems like a tough guy to say the least, I am sure he could careless about one members suggestion, and I apologize if it seemed like I singled him out to make my point.I have several reasons why I disagree.

1. A blister is worth 1000 words. No that's not a typo. It doesn't matter how many times you tell someone they're going to get burned, they won't listen until they get that first blister. People doing inadvisable things and dealing with the consequences is helpful for others.

2. Equal opportunity. I don't recall you suggesting people don't post about BBFS, other drug use, using testosterone shots, or any of the other potentially risky behaviors. Osteo has as much right as all of us to screw up.

3. Those posts are more useful than many. How much useful information is in one of the "had one of my non-pros come over last night, fucked for 5 hours and she didn't ask for anything?" Too many of the posts boil down to "Worship me because I got laid." While his posts also contain that, there are also lessons to be learned.

10-19-21, 01:01
According to a video posted two days ago by Passport Dog, the local government wants the area to become more family oriented and the working girls banned. In the video it seems to be indeed the case. I am suspicious of his claims for I suspect this is something they are doing for Halloween and once that has passed, everything back to normal. I did not see any other news or comments about this. Any updates would be apricated. I am planning on staying in the area beginning at the end of this year.

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcB3jAdDrmE.

10-19-21, 01:19
I see your point. There isn't anyone like Chavez or even Maduro with national support. Gustavo Petro is the closest Colombian equivalent but in spite of his rebel guerilla past he doesn't support radical land reform or expropriation of corporate assets. I don't honestly think the tourism sector is on Petro's radar because it is such a small part of the economy compared to agriculture, mining, and manufacturing. Over a four year term of a far left administration I would not be surprised to see the cost of chain lodging and airfares increase because of the likelihood of tax increases. I agree there is quite a lot of Duque fatigue. Mayor Quintero had a viable path to be a liberal President but he self destructed with a series of head scratching moves with the public utilities. As a political figure he is a dead man walking.

Well if a guy similar to Chavez in Venezuela gets elected I don't see things boding well for tourism, but that's just my opinion.

And a lot of the voters are sick of Duque of the right who can't run again, so there's a good chance somebody from the left might be elected.

Fun Luvr
10-19-21, 05:13
I just ordered that exact phone. So do you buy a sim card in the states, do you just register it under a different name? Did you have to go to a phone store for this, or can you buy it at a Walmart or something?

Back in college I used to buy burner phones from CVS little virgin mobile flip phones. This is a lot more complex haha!You have to buy a sim card in Colombia and any other country where you plan to use the phone. A card with some minutes and data is less than $5 in Medellin. You have to register it under the name on your passport. I think the Exito on Calle 10 in Poblado sells sim cards on the second floor. Exito is similar to Walmart.

The phone you ordered looks like the back doesn't come off to gain access to the sim slots. Looking at the front, around the lower right corner there is a little slot where you can use your thumb nail or something similar to separate the back from the phone.

10-19-21, 05:28
Has anyone used Pasion Prepagos? Any thoughts?

10-19-21, 13:45
You have to buy a sim card in Colombia and any other country where you plan to use the phone. A card with some minutes and data is less than $5 in Medellin. You have to register it under the name on your passport. I think the Exito on Calle 10 in Poblado sells sim cards on the second floor. Exito is similar to Walmart.

The phone you ordered looks like the back doesn't come off to gain access to the sim slots. Looking at the front, around the lower right corner there is a little slot where you can use your thumb nail or something similar to separate the back from the phone.In the states then, where did you buy the sim card?

10-19-21, 15:42
You have to buy a sim card in Colombia and any other country where you plan to use the phone. A card with some minutes and data is less than $5 in Medellin. You have to register it under the name on your passport. I think the Exito on Calle 10 in Poblado sells sim cards on the second floor. Exito is similar to Walmart..The Exito on Calle 10 in Poblado sells lots of cell phones with representaives of the vendors such as Samsung and others working there as well. The phone section is located on the first floor by the main entrance from the parking structure. I know there has been a lot of talk about guys buying phones in the States and than buying a SIM card in Colombia.

I advise against this. The phones are just as cheap in Colombia, and if you buy a phone in Colombia it should be glitch free and the vendors will totally set you up. And the data plans like you mention are cheap.

And you can buy a very basic cheap smart phone for as low as 200 K in Centro all set up with Whatsapp ready to go.

I bring this up for some to consider, especially for guys like me who are not technically savvy.

Fun Luvr
10-19-21, 16:39
According to a video posted two days ago by Passport Dog, the local government wants the area to become more family oriented and the working girls banned. In the video it seems to be indeed the case. I am suspicious of his claims for I suspect this is something they are doing for Halloween and once that has passed, everything back to normal. I did not see any other news or comments about this. Any updates would be apricated. I am planning on staying in the area beginning at the end of this year.

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcB3jAdDrmE.That video is garbage. He is trying to discourage people so they will pay him for a tour.

10-19-21, 17:33
He should try harder to pronounce the park's name correctly because it would make him seem more credible as a guide or observer if that is what he is trying to do. It doesn't much matter to me personally whether or not the park is "over" as he said. For those who are interested in the Lleras scene, I don't think you have much to worry about. The worst case scenario is the vendor tents and police restrictions will only move the scene and the bars that support it a few streets away. Most of the Lleras businesses have been shuttered since the pandemic anyway. Wherever the punters go the bars and girls will follow, and wherever the bars and girls go the punters will follow.

Mayor Quintero doesn't seem to be a very strategic decision maker based on his history since he was elected. In this case, I wonder if the idea is once the girls and punters are gone restaurants and craft shops catering to families are going to line up to pay Poblado rents. If that were to happen, and I highly doubt it will, how would these business fund their expenses selling bandejas paisa and coconut lemonades to families?

That video is garbage. He is trying to discourage people so they will pay him for a tour.

10-19-21, 21:09
That video is garbage. He is trying to discourage people so they will pay him for a tour.You k ow what my amiga told me the same thing. She said they were cracking down as well. Maybe some truth to thus as well.

10-19-21, 21:30
I keep hearing don't pay more than 200 -250 mil pesos, is that per HR or date or night?

Please specify haha.

10-19-21, 22:18
According to a video posted two days ago by Passport Dog, the local government wants the area to become more family oriented and the working girls banned. In the video it seems to be indeed the case. I am suspicious of his claims for I suspect this is something they are doing for Halloween and once that has passed, everything back to normal. I did not see any other news or comments about this. Any updates would be apricated. I am planning on staying in the area beginning at the end of this year.

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcB3jAdDrmE.How could anyone watch him for more than 30 seconds? I managed 2 minutes and that was a struggle.

I don't know what the rest of the video shows, but towards the beginning he's just following around normal girls and it looks to be fairly early. If you want to show me there are no more working girls in Parque Lleras, do it at 11 pm, not 8 pm when the girls haven't shown up yet.

As for making it more family friendly, I'm not sure there's a big push to make discos and dance clubs pumping out music at 110 decibels more attractive to children. Personally I've never been in a night club at 2 am and thought "what would really make this place great is a bunch of screaming children."

And have you ever experienced Halloween in Parque Lleras? It's damn near impossible to tell which ones are the hookers.

10-19-21, 22:19
According to a video posted two days ago by Passport Dog, the local government wants the area to become more family oriented and the working girls banned. In the video it seems to be indeed the case. I am suspicious of his claims for I suspect this is something they are doing for Halloween and once that has passed, everything back to normal. I did not see any other news or comments about this. Any updates would be apricated. I am planning on staying in the area beginning at the end of this year.

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcB3jAdDrmE.According to a few girls I know from the scene, it seems to be correct. They want to remove the girls from there soon.

Anyways, if they have to go away from there, I am pretty sure an new location will rise-up.

10-19-21, 23:19
You k ow what my amiga told me the same thing. She said they were cracking down as well. Maybe some truth to thus as well.Is anyone there now that can confirm this? I have a trip planned for 10/31-11/5, wondering if I should pick another destination?

10-19-21, 23:48
I keep hearing don't pay more than 200 -250 mil pesos, is that per HR or date or night?

Please specify haha.Pay what you want. That's what everyone else, including the guys who keep saying not to pay more than 200-250 k, does.

If a girl asks for more than you're willing to pay, politely tell her the price you pay, thank her for her time and move on.

As for how long, that also depends on you. Some guys want the girl to leave as soon as they're finished. Some guys like for the girl to hang around. If you want her to stay all night, you'll usually have to pay more than 250 k. However, if you're paying 200-250 k, and you want the girl to stay for more than 60 minutes, it's often not going to be a problem.

10-20-21, 00:29
How could anyone watch him for more than 30 seconds? I managed 2 minutes and that was a struggle.

I don't know what the rest of the video shows, but towards the beginning he's just following around normal girls and it looks to be fairly early. If you want to show me there are no more working girls in Parque Lleras, do it at 11 pm, not 8 pm when the girls haven't shown up yet.

As for making it more family friendly, I'm not sure there's a big push to make discos and dance clubs pumping out music at 110 decibels more attractive to children. Personally I've never been in a night club at 2 am and thought "what would really make this place great is a bunch of screaming children."

And have you ever experienced Halloween in Parque Lleras? It's damn near impossible to tell which ones are the hookers.To funny he's a clown, the funniest part is where he says he "lost" the girl on the bus} Lost} on a small bus! When clearly in video she pretty much told him to funk off!

10-20-21, 02:34
According to a video posted two days ago by Passport Dog, the local government wants the area to become more family oriented and the working girls banned. In the video it seems to be indeed the case. I am suspicious of his claims for I suspect this is something they are doing for Halloween and once that has passed, everything back to normal. I did not see any other news or comments about this. Any updates would be apricated. I am planning on staying in the area beginning at the end of this year.

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcB3jAdDrmE.Well, I did a more through search (note to self, use Spanish next time) of the local news and found some hits. About four months ago articles began to appear about the issues in the area in regards to sex workers. Then last week, a really stupid Dutchman leads his lady in skimpy lingerie on a chain through the area for a web cam stunt, adding yet more fuel to this fire. So, now we have an official push by the government to return the area back the way it was before the invasion of dirty foreigners and working girls. Sign, I was looking forward to sitting at a decent bar and watching the action, maybe even take a girl or two of other plans fell through.

Link to the idiot Dutchman: https://es.noticias.yahoo.com/alcalde-medell%C3%ADn-pide-expulsi%C3%B3n-holand%C3%A9s-002523970.html.

10-20-21, 05:28
You make a post warning guys to avoid a girl because of a police underage set-up. But you only supply one very poorly angled face shot which does not help anyone. The guys that have been with her can tell who she is and had no problems with her so will see her again (me for one). The guys who need to know the most are the new guys who can not use that picture to identify her.

The weakest link in any chain will break. It could have been the taxi driver, receptionist, room cleaner, the person in the room next door, or the girl you were with. I suspect it was not the girl you accused. If she was not the one you should try your very best to act like an adult man and make a correction. Example, I accused the cane guy of getting the police. I was so sure because he said it in the hotel lobby, went to the outside window looking for police, and then yelled it going down the stairs. But was informed later by the receptionist and the cane guy's buddy who is a board member here that she was the one who got the police involved.

You post endless trivial things such as pictures of mostly the same girl over and over. Truthfully, I have no idea because no faces are showing. You post a long Whatsapp text about a girl asking for money. You post about your car and even supply pictures for god knows what reason. How shallow are you exactly?

You finally have a chance to post some real information but refuse to do so because people will make fun of you, and yet you are not afraid to die and live your life blah blah blah. You are a class act. Myself and others called you out and hurt your feelings so you acting like a child who will not let us play with your toys. My guess is that you act like you post. You rubbed someone the wrong way and they called the police just to piss you off and not to get money. The police once there just decided to make their visit worthwhile. Basically, was not planned but too good a chance to pass up since they spotted the drugs and knew by your persona that they had a sucker. You try to show off like a teeny-bopper you have girls, drugs, money, sports car on this site. Police took note of things at your place and stuff I am sure that came out of your mouth. In essence, in the case of "Who don't it" - You did it. Case solved.

I will share. I was set up twice with the young girl scenario in the Philippines. First time was real CDIG (their FBI) when the caught me outside my apartment complex with a girl. They let me go after 10 hours right before the next shift was to start because nothing happened. Few days later found out it was a girl I had been with 5 times and her sister twice. She told me she was mad because I would not take any of the age 25+ girls she offered. That was the only reason. Nothing I did or had showed I had money. I used the old Nokia 3310 for 3 years. Some of you guys are laughing because you know it. All the girls had a better phone than I had.

Second time was a girl who would introduce me to friends but she was stopping that and wanted a large payday. She said the girl I was with was young and she told her parents and they will call the police unless money is paid. It was all a bluff but stressful as hell none the less. She kept this up for days. I was targeted because "you are the company you keep". But none were my buddies but the "bamboo hotline" knew we all knew each other and vice versa. My neighbor got set-up 2-3 times. Another guy I knew and spoke to from time to time was set-up 3 times. He would give money if the girls said their mommy was sick in the hospital. My only buddy also was being threatened at the same time using the same girl. I told him I would take care of it and do nothing because I was there and he was out of the country safe. Stupid at $$ buddy sent her some money which caused her to try longer and harder on me. That is why I do not buddy up with guys.

Litmus Smut
10-20-21, 15:21
According to a few girls I know from the scene, it seems to be correct. They want to remove the girls from there soon.

Anyways, if they have to go away from there, I am pretty sure an new location will rise-up.I will be in Medellin for Halloween and will share my findings about how the park looked. Scant information about the park's fundamental change aside from the YT video. There was some publicity stunt with a girl walking around in lingerie on the Medellin news that caused a commotion, mention of the park overrun with freelancers in the local media, and the mention of an underage curfew.

More power to people that want to live in a clean, peaceful city, but if it is true, a bummer to the monger community. If true, I. E. A draconian clamp down on street freelancers, I see that as a mistake. There must be several interested parties at play from the hotels, the restaurants, the bars that would counter the call to remove freelancers. Parque Lleras' strategic advantage is those 3 elements plus the access to cheap, easy sex. Take the cheap and / or easy away and you have another nice, but otherwise forgettable part in a city no one will normally think of, or consider once travel resumes to normal. It makes me got to wonder, if they sacrificed the tourist magnet of the street trade, will the local Colombians fill the void.

For me, I booked a room near to Parque Lleras because it provides me another option. I don't want to go to far from my hotel at midnight? Casas are closed at 8 pm? Then a stroll around the park with a quick, short walk back to the hotel will suffice. Take away cheap and easy, and all the hotels in the area are going to go bankrupt.

I don't believe Parque should turn into a cesspool, but the model has been built up and proven successful. Perhaps with the right adjustment will help, but usually when government regulates business, the result is less than amazing.

10-20-21, 17:45
If you are not willing or able to source girls from locations other than Parque Lleras I think you should cancel your visit.

Is anyone there now that can confirm this? I have a trip planned for 10/31-11/5, wondering if I should pick another destination?

10-20-21, 19:49
Well, I did a more through search (note to self, use Spanish next time) of the local news and found some hits. About four months ago articles began to appear about the issues in the area in regards to sex workers. Then last week, a really stupid Dutchman leads his lady in skimpy lingerie on a chain through the area for a web cam stunt, adding yet more fuel to this fire. So, now we have an official push by the government to return the area back the way it was before the invasion of dirty foreigners and working girls. Sign, I was looking forward to sitting at a decent bar and watching the action, maybe even take a girl or two of other plans fell through.

Link to the idiot Dutchman: https://es.noticias.yahoo.com/alcalde-medell%C3%ADn-pide-expulsi%C3%B3n-holand%C3%A9s-002523970.html.I wouldn't worry too much about it. These sort of things happen all the time. Everyone gets all excited for a few weeks and then it's all forgotten.

A few years back some gringo posted a video smoking a joint on the Metrocable. There was a big uproar about disrespecting the culture. Other than him being kicked out of Colombia nothing changed.

Also a few years back some gringo was making videos, teaching guys how to get Colombian women. Mostly he was telling people to insult the women, grab them, grope them. Again a lot of noise but the only action taken was the police taking him to the airport and telling him he's not welcome to return.

Four years ago the Mayor of Cartagena said he was going to cancel the Exxxotica convention, which is an annual webcam and porn convention. He made a lot of noise about drugs and prostitution, but the convention went on as scheduled and still happens every year.

Last year it was 3 people caught faking Covid test results. Only noticeable change was the removal of the 3 from Colombia.

For the most part the working girls in Parque Lleras are unobtrusive. They aren't in your face, or grabbing guys. They hang out in small groups and say Hello, to passing gringos.

10-20-21, 19:56
I will be in Medellin for Halloween and will share my findings about how the park looked. Scant information about the park's fundamental change aside from the YT video. There was some publicity stunt with a girl walking around in lingerie on the Medellin news that caused a commotion, mention of the park overrun with freelancers in the local media, and the mention of an underage curfew.

More power to people that want to live in a clean, peaceful city, but if it is true, a bummer to the monger community. If true, I. E. A draconian clamp down on street freelancers, I see that as a mistake. There must be several interested parties at play from the hotels, the restaurants, the bars that would counter the call to remove freelancers. Parque Lleras' strategic advantage is those 3 elements plus the access to cheap, easy sex. Take the cheap and / or easy away and you have another nice, but otherwise forgettable part in a city no one will normally think of, or consider once travel resumes to normal. It makes me got to wonder, if they sacrificed the tourist magnet of the street trade, will the local Colombians fill the void..I'm just remembering something else. I believe it was 5 or 6 years ago that they decided to remove all the prostitutes from the park. It was sometime before I first went to Medellin. I don't know how successful they were, or how long it lasted, but it certainly wasn't a permanent change.

Litmus Smut
10-20-21, 21:36
YouTube Link. Skip to 6:30 for two stories about Parque Lleras.


Also, condolences to the headline of the story. Two guys were killed. They were probably pussy hounds, too.

First story of 6:30 is mention of the Dutch guy that strolled with a girl on a leash in the park. It is doubtful his actions was either the catalyst or straw that broke the camel's back, but he did not help. His attempt at social media clout may get him kicked out of Colombia. Why would a Dutch dude brag about prostitution when he comes from a country dripping with prostitution? Dunno.

Second story is the arrival of the tents that the YouTuber selling "tour services" mentioned of. Probably not the end of street life (so don't rush off to buy your tour tickets just yet), but an attempt at change. The arrival of the tents is a push to make the area more family friendly with the sale of food, something mentioned several times on this board and in the newspapers. From what I could see from the tourist's video, it looked like the same type of knick knacks that you get at a fruit fest anywhere in the world.

If like most cities with street fair, the tents will be there for a while, then gone. There there. Then gone. Repeat. Repeat. It will probably be luck of the draw of when you visit. You go when the tents are there, then probably street lancers in the surround streets or bars. If they are not there, business as usual in the park.

10-20-21, 23:13
I saw her the other day and when I saw her ass I remembered the other problem huge reason I never went with her. I hate ass implants. They look so damn stupid.LOL yea, some of them look ridiculous. Skinny thighs with a huge fake booty LOL.

10-21-21, 00:12
Nice hotel have stayed several times guest policy is in place need cedula to get her in but I think it is like 100 k if they stop you at the elevators.I am booked there. It's definitely chica friendly? If I have more than 1 day they told me 130 K extra per person.

It looks like a awesome location which is why I choose it. No pool kind of sucks though.

I was debating switching to energy living, but it looks like it's far from parque Lleras.

Mojo Bandit
10-21-21, 01:55
Well, I did a more through search (note to self, use Spanish next time) of the local news and found some hits.
.I do not know if you already do this or not but I seem to get better results related to local news in Colombian when I change my Google region search settings to Colombia.

To do so: From the home page of Google go: Settings. Search Settings. Scroll down to find Regions Settings. Expand that and find Colombia click on it - then hit save - then it goes back to the home page and shows this below the search box and and the seach buttons - Google offered in: Espaol (Latinoamrica), so you can search locally in Colombia and in Spanish.

(when you want to change it back it is the same process but in the list if regions it has at the top "Current Region" so you do not have to go looking for USA or whatever your home country is.

Again you may already be doing this but it cuts out all the stupid shit that can come up like the moslty US based news sources reporting or like Columbia South Carolina , Columbia University etc

10-21-21, 02:14

What is the best area / type of establishment / venues to meet older paisas? 30-40 ish. I'm hoping to avoid El centro and there must be a few clubs / bars / casas where the older prepagos tend to congregate?

Fun Luvr
10-21-21, 03:06
I'm just remembering something else. I believe it was 5 or 6 years ago that they decided to remove all the prostitutes from the park. It was sometime before I first went to Medellin. I don't know how successful they were, or how long it lasted, but it certainly wasn't a permanent change.I think it is still in effect. They prohibited soliciting and alcohol consumption "in the park". The park is a very small area. The prostitutes and drinkers just moved to the sidewalks around and near the park. The last few times I have been there, I have not observed anyone soliciting or drinking alcohol in the park.

10-21-21, 04:36
I just landed in Medellin from Mexico City where I had loads of fun with both escorts and normie mexicanas / gringas. Mexico city seems quite safe compared to Medellin. I stayed in an Airbnb with no doorman / security and never had issues with any of the girls. I met a lot of foreigners there and never heard of anyone getting drugged / robbed / pickpocketed or anything like that. I felt so safe that I often walked around in the middle of the night tipsy with airpods in my ears basically being deaf (probably a dumb thing to do in any city but you get the idea). The only people who might try to rob / extort you are the police but you can usually see them early enough and cross to the other side of the road hahaha.

In any case, I'll only be here for the next four days and would like to fuck a couple / several girls. Like the title says I am solo, speak barely any Spanish, have never been to Colombia before, and have zero experience with SW's. Additionally, the Airbnb I booked explicitly prohibits bringing prostitutes (they even made me sign a piece of paper haha) so I can't bring girls there. Should had explicitly asked before booking, but didn't because their description mentioned that you could bring guests. Very sneaky of them.

So the remaining options seem to be mileroticos / prepagos + short term love hotels and hope not all of them are bait& switches, or just visiting casas.

I've been compiling a list of casas; zandaly, tantra and new life seem to be the most popular. Also clubs like La Isla although my lack of Spanish might be a problem in a loud environment?

I'm probably just being a pussy and overthinking it, but any advice would be most welcome!

10-21-21, 04:39
Well, I did a more through search...I read that it was the girl's idea to promote her online content. She is a web cam model or something.

10-21-21, 04:42
..I see that as a mistake. ..How about making it a RLD?

10-21-21, 04:45
If anyone want girlfriendly App directly on the Action I recommend this App. The real location is https://goo.gl/maps/QT3KtrfWfGp3whtU9.

Airbnb will give you fake location. No human security in entrance, only electronic access code to the doors.

Type "WalkScore 100 in Poblado ♥ 150 Mb WiFi ●Wash+Dryer" on search or use the link.


I didn't like the street girls so I moved on. Beside you walk in this hill area like a goat. Girls will talk to you as soon as you go down from the App after 8 PM.It's funny, I'm sitting here in this exact Airbnb as I read your post. I was like, this is it. But I can confirm everything you just posted. I arrived today. Stepped outside to meet the food delivery guy. It was 10 pm I was only out there for 3 minutes max before a beautiful chica approached. Got her WhatsApp. She'll be over after I eat.

Only downside is it's loud / noisy here. But that doesn't bother me much. Happy hunting.

10-21-21, 05:14
I think it is still in effect. They prohibited soliciting and alcohol consumption "in the park". The park is a very small area. The prostitutes and drinkers just moved to the sidewalks around and near the park. The last few times I have been there, I have not observed anyone soliciting or drinking alcohol in the park.I saw quite a few in the park in June. I know the no drinking in the park dates back at least 4 years. Had a cop tell me we couldn't drink in the park, so we walked across the street and sat down to finish our beers.

Litmus Smut
10-21-21, 05:51
How about making it a RLD?Such as opening offices on river? Interesting thought.

10-21-21, 06:13
I went to eat at 37 Park and walked around for a bit after ( 11 pm). I was not impressed. I know its Wednesday but still. Most chicas were 6 with a couple 7's. Wanted 200-300 k. I wasn't planning on mongering and they didn't even come close to changing my mind.

I'm working 10 girls on FB and plan on checking out Centro tomorrow or Friday.

10-21-21, 16:10
I know a guy first hand very recently left Medellin and Migracion searched his phone for suspicious photos. Considering my recent events I very much appreciated his Intel and I moved all my photos to the Cloud such as Google Photos or OneDrive before I left Colombia. Takes a couple of minutes and then you have up to 30 or 60 days to restore them back. The fotos did not all restore to the way I had them organized but at least all my photos we're all still there.

All my photos are legal and all the girls are legal age but that is not enough to keep you out of trouble, initially. The most foolproof method would be not to have any photos but that's not going to happen with me, so save your breath.

In fact, while we're on the topic I cannot think of many human endeavors more futile than offering advice when none was asked for. If you think about it, how often have you followed unsolicited advice? Very rarely would be the normal answer, and even when you ask for advice you get so much varied and different responses on a board like this that you probably only end up paying attention to what? 1%, 5%, maybe 10% at the most? I think it often says more about people giving the advice and their need for self validation.

I'm the person who I want to be. Life is not perfect, there will be speed bumps, but I am happier than I've ever been any other time in my life and I keep getting happier. Suggesting change or like my ex-wife would say, I could change because I'm leaving an amoral life really falls on deaf ears because why would I want to be less happy?

Anywho, speaking of photos I thought I lost a few of these but they were just in a different spot when I restored them from the Cloud.

I posted about this Ground Zero chica once already because of her fantastic lips and blowjob abilities. I also give her body a 9. All the photos are her. She gave the best doggy that I had last trip. She got a little shy when I tried to take a photo of her maxed out in perrito position, with her ass spread as far as she could, head down as low as it would go, and her legs almost in a full split while in doggy. You can still tell from the position shown that she's a natural at it. Her super tight nineteen-year-old pussy didn't hurt either.

A couple of other points worth mentioning, I think I've said it here before, trannies give the best Intel in any public mongering venue. Everything from who's hot, who's not and dangers and pitfalls to avoid. To wit, the chica in these photos, her brother or sister if you want to look at it that way is a tranny and that's how I hooked up with her. After he learned then I was not going to have sex with a tranny he steered me directly toward his sister, and she was hawt as fuck, the girl in these fotos.

She was a little smelly one time, bit not the dreaded fishy twat. I suggested she jump in the shower for a couple of minutes with some soap and she took absolutely no offense in fact I've never had a girl in Medellin mind if I ask her to do a quick 3-point wash (pits and crotch), also known as a French douche, and also known as a blank bath using a word that is not allowed here by admin.

One time I had a girl tell me my skin was saggy after she got out of the shower that I had suggested. We both had a good laugh about it I think that was her way of getting back at me a little bit but it was funny.

I don't believe in making plans around such activities but I will definitely welcome the chance to bang this puta again. She's also the one I said that I don't trust but that doesn't mean you can't have a good time even with a girl you don't trust. You just don't put yourself in a position where she can take advantage of you, in other words, don't turn your back on your stuff when she's in the room. Ostee Out.

10-21-21, 18:38
I went to eat at 37 Park and walked around for a bit after ( 11 pm). I was not impressed. I know its Wednesday but still. Most chicas were 6 with a couple 7's. Wanted 200-300 k. I wasn't planning on mongering and they didn't even come close to changing my mind.

I'm working 10 girls on FB and plan on checking out Centro tomorrow or Friday.I am coming for my first trip on 10/31 , pretty excited and nervous at the same time. I used to go to Montreal a lot. I started to go to DR. This will be my first time in Medellin. The post from passport guy about Lleras has me thinking I should not have booked near Lleras, but I think it will still be a lot of fun.

I plan on roaming the malls the first day to collect WhatsApp's, that always works well for me. I am 35, and decent looking. I do well at home but never been with a Colombian. So I figured the best place is Colombia hahah.

I just wanted to thank everyone that posts here. It helped me pick my area, hotel, phone, you all have helped me more than you can imagine. I am going to return the favor by posting a good report.

If anyone is there between 10/31 - 11/5, let me know.

As always all tips of places I should go is appreciated.

My hotel said 1 guest per day is free, additional is 130 k. I saw Ibiza motel is 105 k and has a pole in the room, anyone been there? Looks good for my 2nd or 3rd girl each day.

10-21-21, 18:40
I forgot to ask, any prepagos websites you guys think are best? I know in Montreal I used euphoria, but some other sites there post fake pics. Is that a issue in Medellin?

10-21-21, 19:38
I went to eat at 37 Park and walked around for a bit after ( 11 pm). I was not impressed. I know its Wednesday but still. Most chicas were 6 with a couple 7's. Wanted 200-300 k. I wasn't planning on mongering and they didn't even come close to changing my mind.

I'm working 10 girls on FB and plan on checking out Centro tomorrow or Friday.Damn 6's don't deserve 200 k+, I wonder if Cartagena has gotten just as bad.

10-21-21, 21:03
Continuin on the theme of minors and vigilant neighbours.

I had a call from the owner of the aprtment that I rent. He said that the neighbours had told him that I had some students in the apartment and that, not only wss it against the house rules, but that I must be very carefukl because I can get in to a lot of trouble.

I had to remind him that I live with 4 other people, 3 of whom are children, and that if they had brought back adults to play with instead of their young friends, then that would have been more of a concern. Hehe.

10-21-21, 22:41
I'm just remembering something else. I believe it was 5 or 6 years ago that they decided to remove all the prostitutes from the park. It was sometime before I first went to Medellin. I don't know how successful they were, or how long it lasted, but it certainly wasn't a permanent change.It may be possible that there was some backlash from the business establishments around the park regarding the prostitutes. Parque Lleras is the established "tourist" venue or Zona Rosa for Medellin as called out on the street signs leading up to it on Calle 10.

The prostitutes of LLeras are an attraction of the park for foreign visitors that want to see what some Colombian prostitutes look like. LOL if they only knew, and if they weren't allowed, it would lose some of its it's allure, hence my theory that there may of been some backlash from the establishments around the park, not that they should be banned, but allowed.

I can remember while attending classes at EAFIT that Parque LLeras always came up with discussions of the prostitutes working there. Yet they never mentioned any of the other monger destinations such as Centro.

Maybe I'm all wet on this.

10-21-21, 23:58
I don't frequent Parque Lleras often but the few times I have been there I have enjoyed the establishments that offer live music. One place had a great salsa band and was full of mostly colombians dancing and dining. Other places also offered live entertainment with mostly tourist having a good time. I would welcome the cleanup of the park of the prostitutes roaming the streets looking for Johns. It only brings drug dealers and thiefs to the area. The sorounding establishments will do just fine without them. Hopefully the Colombian authorities take stronger action in lleras before it becomes another el centro.

It may be possible that there was some backlash from the business establishments around the park regarding the prostitutes. Parque Lleras is the established "tourist" venue or Zona Rosa for Medellin as called out on the street signs leading up to it on Calle 10.

The prostitutes of LLeras are an attraction of the park for foreign visitors that want to see what some Colombian prostitutes look like. LOL if they only knew, and if they weren't allowed, it would lose some of its it's allure, hence my theory that there may of been some backlash from the establishments around the park, not that they should be banned, but allowed.

I can remember while attending classes at EAFIT that Parque LLeras always came up with discussions of the prostitutes working there. Yet they never mentioned any of the other monger destinations such as Centro.

Maybe I'm all wet on this..

10-22-21, 01:07
Parque Lleras is the established "tourist" venue or Zona Rosa for Medellin as called out on the street signs leading up to it on Calle 10.
The prostitutes of LLeras are an attraction of the park for foreign visitors.I must confess that I have not been to Lleras in along time, but from memory that % of revellers in lleras that are foreigners was very low. The foreigners tended to go to a small handfull of places, but there were streets packed full of clubs and bars of Colombians. So I am not sure how much Poblado or Lleras really needs the foreigners.

10-22-21, 01:08
If anyone is there between 10/31 - 11/5, let me know.ColomboAnthony, I'll be there 11/1 - 11/8. Staying at Hotel M. For some reason, I don't have the option to PM you. If you are able to PM me, send me a message. Perhaps we can meet up.

10-22-21, 02:25
...My hotel said 1 guest per day is free, additional is 130 k. I saw Ibiza motel is 105 k and has a pole in the room, anyone been there? Looks good for my 2nd or 3rd girl each day.Can you please give us the name of this hotel that restricted you to one free guest per day? Thanks.

10-22-21, 02:31
Can you please give us the name of this hotel that restricted you to one free guest per day? Thanks.Hotel Du Park, however I think they quoting him a higher price on 2 Ed guest, could be wrong but I think it's 50 or 70 k if I remember right, nice hotel, get the balcony rooms, I'm sure it's one of them hotels best to book directly instead of third party, if not book directly I think they " try" to charge you even for first quest (if my memory is correct) but guys always make sure you book room for 2 people! Travel safe!

10-22-21, 02:32
Can you please give us the name of this hotel that restricted you to one free guest per day? Thanks.Hotel duparc. First guest free, every other one is 130 k.

Maybe I made a bad choice there LOL.

10-22-21, 05:43
I forgot to ask, any prepagos websites you guys think are best? I know in Montreal I used euphoria, but some other sites there post fake pics. Is that a issue in Medellin?Photoprepagos and Mileriticos are probably your best bet.

10-22-21, 07:30
In fact, while we're on the topic I cannot think of many human endeavors more futile than offering advice when none was asked for. If you think about it, how often have you followed unsolicited advice? Very rarely would be the normal answer, and even when you ask for advice you get so much varied and different responses on a board like this that you probably only end up paying attention to what? 1%, 5%, maybe 10% at the most? I think it often says more about people giving the advice and their need for self validation.Giving unsolicited advice, especially on a board like this is an incredibly productive endeavor. You should recognize that since your posts almost always contain unsolicited advice.

If I give advice based upon what I read in one post, it's not just intended for the person I'm responding to. In many cases I realize the poster would never accept advice from me. However, there are dozens of others reading the board and 1 or more might find the advice helpful. Even the most experienced monger still has much to learn.

However, learning requires giving up the notion that you already know everything.

10-22-21, 09:25
I know a guy first hand very recently left Medellin...Nice pics brother. She's def got a body on her. Was she a working girl or someone you just gamed out in the wild? If she was a pro, how much was she? I've never been to Colombia, but am eager to go after a buddy of mine recently returned from Medellin, although he was there with his fiance and didn't monger, he said the place was amazing as far as everything else goes.

10-22-21, 14:48
I don't frequent Parque Lleras often but the few times I have been there I have enjoyed the establishments that offer live music. One place had a great salsa band and was full of mostly colombians dancing and dining. Other places also offered live entertainment with mostly tourist having a good time. I would welcome the cleanup of the park of the prostitutes roaming the streets looking for Johns. It only brings drug dealers and thiefs to the area. The sorounding establishments will do just fine without them. Hopefully the Colombian authorities take stronger action in lleras before it becomes another el centro.

.Yea, and then the weekend warriors will flock to veracruz and the perimeter of calle 47-carr 45 , hell even walking around new life / aikeme these days looks like some parts of nyc with all the gringos. I for one am a full supporter of the gringo containment area known as lleras:

Been doing strictly casas lately, one or two a day for the past month. It's the best place to monger tbh, gotten sick of the centro st bullshit, they are getting too seasoned and don't have incentive to provide good service for fear of getting fired like casa girls, though I do have my regualrs don't get me wrong.

At casas after a few sessions you get contact info and sesh at your place. . just had a BBFS for 200 k, she had school in the am, skipped work, came at 3 pm, sex, sex, dinner, sex, taxi home. Not mentioning the casa she's from because of all the gossipy girdies we've had here on the past, with mongers showing putas these posts. Smh.

10-22-21, 18:36
Yea, and then the weekend warriors will flock to veracruz and the perimeter of calle 47-carr 45 , hell even walking around new life / aikeme these days looks like some parts of nyc with all the gringos. I for one am a full supporter of the gringo containment area known as lleras:

Been doing strictly casas lately, one or two a day for the past month. It's the best place to monger tbh, gotten sick of the centro st bullshit, they are getting too seasoned and don't have incentive to provide good service for fear of getting fired like casa girls, though I do have my regualrs don't get me wrong.

At casas after a few sessions you get contact info and sesh at your place. . just had a BBFS for 200 k, she had school in the am, skipped work, came at 3 pm, sex, sex, dinner, sex, taxi home. Not mentioning the casa she's from because of all the gossipy girdies we've had here on the past, with mongers showing putas these posts. Smh.Medellin over the past six months has been over-run with foreigners because Asia has been shut down, and the outfall as you mention is there are groups of what I call "gringo hunters", the seasoned ones you mentioned charging higher prices and giving shitty service because they can get away with it with the foreigners, but the locals won't tolerate it, albeit there are still plenty of good servicing chicas available to be found in Centro.

The good news though, and hopefully is a success, is that Thailand is opening up next month, and if successful, and not a bust like Phuket, will be welcome news. And hopefully the Phillipines will open up next year sometime as well.

Very wishful thinking perhaps on my part as COVID has been so unpredictable, but if and when Asia opens back up, hopefully this will result in less foreigners coming to Medellin, and a subsequent adjustment of attitudes and pricing that has occurred within the last six months in Medellin.

Prime time in Medellin was earlier this year before the onslaught of newbie mongers paying too much and polluting lots of the Chicas working Centro.

10-22-21, 19:03
Hotel duparc. First guest free, every other one is 130 k.

Maybe I made a bad choice there LOL.I just checked in here today also.

10-22-21, 21:46
Yea, and then the weekend warriors will flock to veracruz and the perimeter of calle 47-carr 45 , hell even walking around new life / aikeme these days looks like some parts of nyc with all the gringos. I for one am a full supporter of the gringo containment area known as lleras:

Been doing strictly casas lately, one or two a day for the past month. It's the best place to monger tbh, gotten sick of the centro st bullshit, they are getting too seasoned and don't have incentive to provide good service for fear of getting fired like casa girls, though I do have my regulars don't get me wrong.

At casas after a few sessions you get contact info and sesh at your place. . just had a BBFS for 200 k, she had school in the am, skipped work, came at 3 pm, sex, sex, dinner, sex, taxi home. Not mentioning the casa she's from because of all the gossipy girdies we've had here on the past, with mongers showing putas these posts. Smh.What casas are your favorites Johnny?

10-22-21, 21:50
Yea, and then the weekend warriors will flock to veracruz and the perimeter of calle 47-carr 45 , hell even walking around new life / aikeme these days looks like some parts of nyc with all the gringos. I for one am a full supporter of the gringo containment area known as lleras:

Been doing strictly casas lately, one or two a day for the past month. It's the best place to monger tbh, gotten sick of the centro st bullshit, they are getting too seasoned and don't have incentive to provide good service for fear of getting fired like casa girls, though I do have my regualrs don't get me wrong.

At casas after a few sessions you get contact info and sesh at your place. . just had a BBFS for 200 k, she had school in the am, skipped work, came at 3 pm, sex, sex, dinner, sex, taxi home. Not mentioning the casa she's from because of all the gossipy girdies we've had here on the past, with mongers showing putas these posts. Smh.What casas do you think are the best? I read on these board la isla and fase dos?

I am coming for my first trip soon.

10-22-21, 23:28
I have always frequented South East Asia, but due to restrictions I'm trying to plan a different area for traveling next week. If anyone is familiar with the scene in Thailand with bar girls (aka working girls), are their a lot if working girls in the bars at Parque Lleras? I mean ones that hang around and just want a guy to buy him a couple drinks while they have fun with you before heading to a hotel?

If anyone has been around places like the Nana area of Bangkok, you'll know what I mean. Is this area of Medellin sort of like a Colombian version of that? On YouTube, I mostly just see that there are girls in the streets, but I'm not sure if there are certain bars that many of them just hang out in around there.

It may not really exist and I'm just looking to see if this is part of the scene. That's really more of my style and what I enjoy.

10-23-21, 00:45
I just checked in here today also.How do you like it? I picked it because of the location. How is Parque Lleras?

10-23-21, 02:03
What casas do you think are the best? I read on these board la isla and fase dos?

I am coming for my first trip soon.La Isla and Fase Dos are strip clubs, not casas.

10-23-21, 03:13
...If anyone is familiar with the scene in Thailand with bar girls (aka working girls), are their a lot if working girls in the bars at Parque Lleras? I mean ones that hang around and just want a guy to buy him a couple drinks while they have fun with you before heading to a hotel?...I am also familiar with bar environment in Bangkok and Pattaya. IMO, Medellin does not offer the same setting. You will find more of a strip club setting. The most famous ones being Fase Dos and La Isla. There are some strip clubs also in centro but you have to be a bit careful there. Plus the ones in centro tend to be a bit sleazy.

Mr Enternational
10-23-21, 03:19
I have always frequented South East Asia, but due to restrictions I'm trying to plan a different area for traveling next week. If anyone is familiar with the scene in Thailand with bar girls (aka working girls), are their a lot if working girls in the bars at Parque Lleras? I mean ones that hang around and just want a guy to buy him a couple drinks while they have fun with you before heading to a hotel?

If anyone has been around places like the Nana area of Bangkok, you'll know what I mean. Is this area of Medellin sort of like a Colombian version of that? On YouTube, I mostly just see that there are girls in the streets, but I'm not sure if there are certain bars that many of them just hang out in around there.There are only like 2 bars with hookers. Gustos and there is another that people mention sometimes. Many people have the opinion that hookers in this area are way overpriced and I can see it being this way because it is the area that most of the foreign tourists stay. So tourist prices it is. In almost every other place in Medellin you can get chicks much cheaper. Nothing at all like Nana. Parque Lleras is a rectangular park with streets surrounding the perimeter. On the other sides of the streets are bars, restaurants, stores, Starbucks. It is just full of normal people and sometimes you can find the odd hooker trolling for foreigners.

10-23-21, 03:31
I remember once several years meeting a chica at Fase Dos and inviting her over to my small hotel in Parque Lleras a few nights later. She showed up dressed really weird with high colorful socks pulled up over her jeans up to her knees and generally looking like a hooker. After the deed, we went somewhere in area but can't remember the particulars though I could hear other normal chicas snickering at her due to her dress style.

This would never happen in the main entertainment districts in Bangkok like Nana or on lower Sukhumvit Boulevard. The reason being almost all the girls are on the make to one degree or the other. That is not necessarily the case in Parque Lleras.

And, no, there are no dance or go- go clubs where girls dance around half nude on tabletops or stages like in Bangkok. These are places where you go in and pay a barfine and take them back to your hotel. This type of scenario does not exist in MDE.

I am also familiar with bar environment in Bangkok and Pattaya. IMO, Medellin does not offer the same setting. You will find more of a strip club setting. The most famous ones being Fase Dos and La Isla. There are some strip clubs also in centro but you have to be a bit careful there. Plus the ones in centro tend to be a bit sleazy.

10-23-21, 04:14
If anyone is familiar with the scene in Thailand with bar girls (aka working girls), are their a lot if working girls in the bars at Parque Lleras? I mean ones that hang around and just want a guy to buy him a couple drinks while they have fun with you before heading to a hotel?
If anyone has been around places like the Nana area of Bangkok, you'll know what I mean. Is this area of Medellin sort of like a Colombian version of that?.Cra 53 with CL 52 in Centro has some "girlie bars" , but they are very basic. Busy but basic. They are day time bars. Also close to there are quite a few clubs like the go-go bars in Thailand. Again, basic, but they also have rooms on site, as well as take out if you prefer. In fact, all cities in Colombia have this set up (clubs with working girls).

Nothing in Poblado like that. Medellin is just a South American city. It has prostitution bcos all cities in South America have prostitution. It is not a tourist destination built on sex tourism like Pattaya or other places to a lesser extent. For this reason, among others, I prefer the coast and Sta Marta to MDE, bcos they are more tourist orientated, and sex tourism is more convenient for tourists.

10-23-21, 04:18
And, no, there are no dance or go- go clubs where girls dance around half nude on tabletops or stages like in Bangkok. These are places where you go in and pay a barfine and take them back to your hotel. This type of scenario does not exist in MDE.All the clubs in Centro are exactly like that. However, they are pretty basic compared to SE Asia. They provide mostly for locals, so the prices are local and the facilities are local too.

10-23-21, 04:24
Does anyone here know the current guest policy for Hotel Haven?

10-23-21, 05:03
... Is this area of Medellin sort of like a Colombian version of that..You should be checking out Santa Fe, Bogata but they are not the same.

10-23-21, 05:20
When I answered the posters question, I was referring to Poblado and / or Parque Lleras area so should have been more specific. Like others noted, there are more basic set ups in MDE but these pale in comparision to Bangkok go go's etc especially regarding the pure quality of the girls. Some of these places are very nice too. They are also open at night but not during the day. In the daylight hours, one can go to a massage place or dial up an escort.

There is one area in Bangkok called Nana Entertainment Plaza. It's comprised of three floors of bars and go / go's with girls in all for the taking. They call it the worlds largest adult playground on their sign. Nearby is the infamous Soi Cowboy, a one block stretch of wall to wall clubs. There is no place in world quite like it.

It should be noted that all of these clubs are closed now due to COViD and there is talk about opening sometime in December.

10-23-21, 05:25
I have a very uneasy feeling about those youtube videos. Nothing good can come out of them. It is bad for the hobby.Agreed. Sex tourists bragging, explaining about their exploits. Stupid and yet often accurate (crappy) videos are bad. I still do not comprehend the word "hobby" used here on the forum.

10-23-21, 05:32
When I answered the posters question, I was referring to Poblado and / or Parque Lleras area so should have been more specific. Like others noted, there are more basic set ups in MDE but these pale in comparision to Bangkok go go's etc especially regarding the pure quality of the girls. Some of these places are very nice too. They are also open at night but not during the day. In the daylight hours, one can go to a massage place or dial up an escort.

There is one area in Bangkok called Nana Entertainment Plaza. It's comprised of three floors of bars and go / go's with girls in all for the taking. They call it the worlds largest adult playground on their sign. Nearby is the infamous Soi Cowboy, a one block stretch of wall to wall clubs. There is no place in world quite like it.

It should be noted that all of these clubs are closed now due to COViD and there is talk about opening sometime in December.This should slow down the sex tourists from visits to Medellin. LOL (I hope).


10-23-21, 05:53
There is one area in Bangkok called Nana Entertainment Plaza. It's comprised of three floors of bars and go / go's with girls in all for the taking. They call it the worlds largest adult playground on their sign. Nearby is the infamous Soi Cowboy, a one block stretch of wall to wall clubs. There is no place in world quite like it.I consider Pattaya's walking street to be even wilder.

10-23-21, 07:20
There are only like 2 bars with hookers. Gustos and there is another that people mention sometimes. Many people have the opinion that hookers in this area are way overpriced and I can see it being this way because it is the area that most of the foreign tourists stay. So tourist prices it is. In almost every other place in Medellin you can get chicks much cheaper. Nothing at all like Nana. Parque Lleras is a rectangular park with streets surrounding the perimeter. On the other sides of the streets are bars, restaurants, stores, Starbucks. It is just full of normal people and sometimes you can find the odd hooker trolling for foreigners.On any given night you can find hookers in any of the Lleras clubs. I've been approached in several, even had a couple of girls try to get me and another monger to come into a place we were just walking past. I've also been approached by hookers in Club Fahrenheit.

However, the only 2 clubs where you'll always find hookers are Gusto and Lleras Park.

10-23-21, 07:30
Agreed. Sex tourists bragging, explaining about their exploits. Stupid and yet often accurate (crappy) videos are bad. I still do not comprehend the word "hobby" used here on the forum.Hobby sounds better than "I pay young women to fuck me."

I don't think most of the guys making videos are accomplished sex tourists. There was Cuba Dave years ago, but I think he learned his lesson in Costa Rica. The guys making videos now think they're going to start getting millions of views so they can live off of the revenue.

10-23-21, 09:16
Medellin over the past six months has been over-run with foreigners because Asia has been shut down, and the outfall as you mention is there are groups of what I call "gringo hunters", the seasoned ones you mentioned charging higher prices and giving shitty service because they can get away with it with the foreigners, but the locals won't tolerate it, albeit there are still plenty of good servicing chicas available to be found in Centro.

The good news though, and hopefully is a success, is that Thailand is opening up next month, and if successful, and not a bust like Phuket, will be welcome news. And hopefully the Phillipines will open up next year sometime as well.

Very wishful thinking perhaps on my part as COVID has been so unpredictable, but if and when Asia opens back up, hopefully this will result in less foreigners coming to Medellin, and a subsequent adjustment of attitudes and pricing that has occurred within the last six months in Medellin.

Prime time in Medellin was earlier this year before the onslaught of newbie mongers paying too much and polluting lots of the Chicas working Centro.Good logic behind your theory, definitely makes a lot of sense. Is it easy to pull "normal" girls from places like malls, shopping centers, gyms, bars / clubs that may be semi pros or someone you can just throw a few bucks after a good night out together?

10-23-21, 12:58
Bangkok and other Thai cities considered in the red zone may be opening for tourism on November 1, however, entertainment venues have still not been given permission to open. They are lowering the curfew hours, allowing restaurants to serve alcohol, reducing or eliminating the quarantine provisions for those fully vaccinated etc. I think it's possible they may start allowing bars and clubs to open on December 1 in time for high season as they Covid numbers are decreasing in Bangkok though areas of the north are still having problems, such as Chiang Mai.

This should slow down the sex tourists from visits to Medellin. LOL (I hope).


10-23-21, 12:58
This should slow down the sex tourists from visits to Medellin. LOL (I hope).

https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailand-allow-quarantine-free-travel-46-countries-pm-says-2021-10-21/Not much. You still have to take one covid test on arrival and are not allowed to leave your hotel until you are negative. It should only take a day, but If you end up positive you are locked down into a mandatory 2 week hospital stay even with no symptoms.

This is what keeps me and others away.

It is an improvement though from the 3 covid tests in a two week quarantine. However, I won't risk a two week hospital quarantine for testing positive.

10-23-21, 13:00
It may be possible that there was some backlash from the business establishments around the park regarding the prostitutes. Parque Lleras is the established "tourist" venue or Zona Rosa for Medellin as called out on the street signs leading up to it on Calle 10.

The prostitutes of LLeras are an attraction of the park for foreign visitors that want to see what some Colombian prostitutes look like. LOL if they only knew, and if they weren't allowed, it would lose some of its it's allure, hence my theory that there may of been some backlash from the establishments around the park, not that they should be banned, but allowed.

I can remember while attending classes at EAFIT that Parque LLeras always came up with discussions of the prostitutes working there. Yet they never mentioned any of the other monger destinations such as Centro.

Maybe I'm all wet on this.Zona Rosa is for dining, entertainment, nightlife. For the city. Tourism has developed that is focused there, but it is not primarily that. Try walking around Friday or Saturday night. Pre-pandemic anyway. Probably 50 thousand locals over the course of the evening, and the obvious tourists cannot be even noticed. Nor can the prostitutes, unless that is what you are looking for. There have been times in the past few years when there were virtually no prostitutes on the streets there. They were chased out as due to some desire to clean up the area from local / city politics. There are some very strong moves in Medellin to crack down on sex tourism, and many hotels in the area are signed up in a campaign to rid the country basically of sex tourism. So if anything it is viewed as unsavory, and may be tolerated, but at any time there may be a campaign to chase them out of the area. In any case I don't think prostitution is viewed as a desirable thing by local businesses, any more than street beggars are viewed as good for the area.

10-23-21, 13:49
Does anyone here know the current guest policy for Hotel Haven?I was recently there for 3 weeks. No issue or fee for having a chica visit. I did not, however, ever have more than one at a time. So if you are planning on multiples at the same time, there could be a cost I'm unaware of.

10-23-21, 15:05
Agreed. Sex tourists bragging, explaining about their exploits. Stupid and yet often accurate (crappy) videos are bad. I still do not comprehend the word "hobby" used here on the forum.For some it may not be a hobby. For me it is. Dictionary definition of hobby: "an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure. ".

10-23-21, 15:19
What casas do you think are the best? I read on these board la isla and fase dos?

I am coming for my first trip soon.Haha my friend you don't see the irony in asking this on a completely public forum that every tom dick and harry can read after my post about gringo/weekend warrior containment?

Not to be a dick, well yea I guess kinda, dm me if you want the best casas and which girls to pick. I've been thru almost all of them at each place.

For casas, in general theyre all good besides yakuza and natalia. But there are good fucks to be had there too. Use the map to see them. Theyre all in like a 10 block radius.

10-23-21, 15:30
.... I would welcome the cleanup of the park of the prostitutes roaming the streets looking for Johns. It only brings drug dealers and thiefs to the area......Drug dealers and thieves go anywhere people are gathered together, namely regular clubs, casinos etc. Not just among prostitutes. I would not want to deprive women of the right to earn a living. Why not exhort the police to apprehend the drug dealers and thieves?

10-23-21, 15:38
This should slow down the sex tourists from visits to Medellin. LOL (I hope).

https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailand-allow-quarantine-free-travel-46-countries-pm-says-2021-10-21/I'm just curious. When people here are dissing gringos, are you referencing non-seasoned mongers who are visiting Medellin? Or western tourists in general, however seasoned?

10-23-21, 15:47
Haha my friend you don't see the irony in asking this on a completely public forum that every tom dick and harry can read after my post about gringo/weekend warrior containment?

Not to be a dick, well yea I guess kinda, dm me if you want the best casas and which girls to pick. I've been thru almost all of them at each place.

For casas, in general theyre all good besides yakuza and natalia. But there are good fucks to be had there too. Use the map to see them. Theyre all in like a 10 block radius.I understand, doesn't look like I can message though, I wish I could pay for a membership using my visa giftcard LOL.

Can you point me to the map you're talking about?

Sorry again for my noob questions!

10-23-21, 16:55
...Can you point me to the map you're talking about?...Easy, just do a search and you will find the link to the map. It has been discussed so many times in this forum.

Also, regarding the casas, no need to ask for the best. They change all the time, and it's best to check them out on your own. Among the most popular among gringos, New Life and Zandalay. I personally always had a good time at New Life, a big line up makes it easier to find what you like.

10-23-21, 18:55
Easy, just do a search and you will find the link to the map. It has been discussed so many times in this forum.

Also, regarding the casas, no need to ask for the best. They change all the time, and it's best to check them out on your own. Among the most popular among gringos, New Life and Zandalay. I personally always had a good time at New Life, a big line up makes it easier to find what you like.Are you doing search in thread? I tried *casa map* but did not have any results. What keywords are you searching?

10-23-21, 20:08
I was recently there for 3 weeks. No issue or fee for having a chica visit. I did not, however, ever have more than one at a time. So if you are planning on multiples at the same time, there could be a cost I'm unaware of.Do the hotels take a girl's ID at the front desk when she comes to visit you, like they do in Thailand? Basically when she leaves she goes to the front desk to pick up her ID and the front desk calls your room to make sure you're ok and not incapacitated or drugged or robbed. Is this a practice in Colombia or not?

Mr Enternational
10-23-21, 20:25
Haha my friend you don't see the irony in asking this on a completely public forum that every tom dick and harry can read after my post about gringo/weekend warrior containment?

Not to be a dick, well yea I guess kinda, dm me if you want the best casas and which girls to pick. I've been thru almost all of them at each place.You do not see the irony in telling a total stranger something secret in private then he goes and discloses it to the public?

10-23-21, 21:32
Usually they will take a photocopy.

10-23-21, 22:19
I have always frequented South East Asia, but due to restrictions I'm trying to plan a different area for traveling next week. If anyone is familiar with the scene in Thailand with bar girls (aka working girls), are their a lot if working girls in the bars at Parque Lleras? I mean ones that hang around and just want a guy to buy him a couple drinks while they have fun with you before heading to a hotel?

If anyone has been around places like the Nana area of Bangkok, you'll know what I mean. Is this area of Medellin sort of like a Colombian version of that? On YouTube, I mostly just see that there are girls in the streets, but I'm not sure if there are certain bars that many of them just hang out in around there.

It may not really exist and I'm just looking to see if this is part of the scene. That's really more of my style and what I enjoy.For those who are frequent visitors to Pattaya / AC and are here looking to try Medellin, here are a few points for you:

1. If you don't have at least some Spanish, this is going to be a bit difficult / awkward and quite different than what you might be used to. If you are into GFE, this might be next to impossible with no Spanish. This also applies to simple everyday tasks.

2. If heavy drinking every night and the ability to carelessly stagger home completely annihilated is a mandatory part of your holiday, this might not be for you.

3. If wandering around bars full of other foreigners and chatting it up all night and socializing with them is a big part of what you enjoy on holiday, this might not be what you are used to.

4. If anything beyond walking down soi 6 and picking a partner is too much work / you have zero game, you might find Medellin to be labor intensive.

5. If you aren't resourceful or able to use technology to help find your way around, you might struggle. As others have said, this is a normal city that was not built around tourism. There isn't a "red light district" like you might be used to.

10-23-21, 22:59
Do the hotels take a girl's ID at the front desk when she comes to visit you? Basically the front desk calls your room to make sure you're ok and not incapacitated or drugged or robbed. Is this a practice in Colombia or not?Some do. It varies from place to place. You can always ask them to do that.

Fun Luvr
10-23-21, 23:21
Are you doing search in thread? I tried *casa map* but did not have any results. What keywords are you searching?http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?4002-Medellin-Map-and-List

10-24-21, 00:41
Usually they will take a photocopy.

Some do. It varies from place to place. You can always ask them to do that.Thanks for the info fellas. Good to know. Not that I'm scared, but just reading reports of people getting drugged and all that jazz I was curious if hotels are accustomed to something like this.

10-24-21, 00:56
Thanks for the info fellas. Good to know. Not that I'm scared, but just reading reports of people getting drugged and all that jazz I was curious if hotels are accustomed to something like this.Insist on girl ID being copied. Saves you headaches. Angels may look sexy but inside them who know what is lurking?

10-24-21, 02:01
I've had decent luck in South America with girls from various websites and I have a couple of possibilities in Medellin. If they flake I'm prepared to bolt to a few nearby casas in Poblado, Dharma Spa is closest or maybe Om Spa for Men. A bit farther away are Do Spa and Absolute Spa for Men. I haven't seen these spas mentioned but it anyone has some info please send.

10-24-21, 02:15
You will love Gustos for sure in Parque lleras.

10-24-21, 04:09
For those who are frequent visitors to Pattaya / AC and are here looking to try Medellin, here are a few points for you:

1. If you don't have at least some Spanish, this is going to be a bit difficult / awkward and quite different than what you might be used to. If you are into GFE, this might be next to impossible with no Spanish. This also applies to simple everyday tasks.

2. If heavy drinking every night and the ability to carelessly stagger home completely annihilated is a mandatory part of your holiday, this might not be for you.

3. If wandering around bars full of other foreigners and chatting it up all night and socializing with them is a big part of what you enjoy on holiday, this might not be what you are used to.

4. If anything beyond walking down soi 6 and picking a partner is too much work / you have zero game, you might find Medellin to be labor intensive.

5. If you aren't resourceful or able to use technology to help find your way around, you might struggle. As others have said, this is a normal city that was not built around tourism. There isn't a "red light district" like you might be used to.It's unfortunate that this wasn't posted here several months ago as boatloads of guys with many of the traits / characteristics you've described have been showing up in Medellin over the last six months and have been polluting and corrupting El Centro along with other venues.

Hopefully Asia will successfully re-open soon so these guys can return there.

10-24-21, 04:49
For those who are frequent visitors to Pattaya / AC and are here looking to try Medellin, here are a few points for you...Excellent summary! Right on the money.

10-24-21, 07:12
Excellent summary! Right on the money.I don't think it is all accurate. GFE is not that hard to get. It depends on the venue. If one goes to mansion, one likely will get it. When compare to BKK which the poster replied to, I would say MDE is even easier to get GFF from better looking girls. The RLD in SE Asia is geared toward foreigners while the RLD in MDE is for locals.

10-24-21, 08:13
I haven't posted much, because you have to allow the so called ground zero guys to have a say about Medellin. You can listen to them or you can put boots on the ground yourself and get your own feet wet. All I can see across the board is that mongers are complaining about the price that girls are charging? Medellin in not like Pattaya, too many gringos, other mongers are too wide open and they usually get that they deserve. Some are saying that the girls are lazy and too stupid to really earn in coin.

The only things that I know about Pattaya are, its a 25 hour flight or longer to get there. Its located in South East Asia, and according to all of the complaining in the Medellin group, the girls are more readily available. Many have told me that Pattaya is quite a bit more expensive than Medellin. Only Mr E has explained to me, how it could be cheaper and ways to counter the expenses in Pattaya. For now, I am always 3.5 hours away from Medellin with a ticket cost of around $175 round trip, I have no complaints about the City of Eternal Spring.

I was in Medellin from Oct 7th until Oct 11th, I didn't really notice any changes and my home and clothes and items were still intact. What I have noticed is that many mongers are complaining when they clearly have options. Bars, Casas, Strip clubs, Domicillios, and the Streetwalkers, but no, we must complain because that what we do when we do not get our way. Every place does not have to be Americanized in order to be a great place to visit. I can tell you many things that I hate about Medellin but I want, because I can tell you about how much I love the great variety of chicas that are available for sex in this city.

If you do not have a $100 dollars a day to invest in this hobby, why are you in it? In Medellin you can get laid in a nice casa in centro for $22 US and you are complaining? I can't figure out the logic. Many of you are do ant****ial that you have no problem telling other board members just how much you hate fellow Americans, I absolutely love reading every story about how other gringos in the area annoy you and you hate to be around them. Simple solution, don't acknowledge them, keep It moving, you came to monger, not a meet and greet.

Clearly the majority of the board members are older European guys who are on fixed incomes because there is no way possible that you have been in America, still working and you are complaining about prices of girls. If your social security check ain't cutting it, stay in your lane, if that pension ain't allowing you to get your Hugh Heffner on, stay in your lane. Pay for what you can afford not what you think you deserve, that's where many mongers go wrong, but hey, who cares if you go in debt trying to monger in a 3rd world country. Anyone on this board who still has a job and can say that they have not done incredible numbers, then you must have called in to work 3 out of the 5 days you were scheduled to work. Even if I could return to Medellin right now I would not do it, due to the amount of money I am currently earning in the USA. My target for another 6 month vacation is next June or July, but every 50-60 days, I will sneak into Medellin and back to the USA like I never left.

If you can write these post and convince readers that you have a well diverse 401 k plan, then you can pay the small increase that some of these girls are asking. It just goes to show, just because you have the ability to command the English language, clearly it has nothing to do with your ability to earn and save money. Who's complaining about price if you are out here living the dream? Mongers have to stop being so abrasive that we allow ourselves to be so profound even in our posts that we just lose it. If you are too cantankerous to be around yourself, then tell other board members, don't try and meet up with them. I wish all of you SEA lovers nothing but the best and I hope you leave Medellin with no intention to return.

On a more informative note, when leaving Medellin, lately I have seen a big increase in the airlines waiting until you enter into the tunnels headed to the plane and then snatching you aside for a strip search, computer search and a phone search, looking for inappropriate photos. Be mindful, I have no idea what they can do if they catch you with photos of girls in the nude, I just know they aren't checking people's laptops, phones, and cavity searches for their health. Everyone stay safe, Pollo Negro is Out!

10-24-21, 08:45
Insist on girl ID being copied. Saves you headaches. Angels may look sexy but inside them who know what is lurking?The girls usually have no problem with giving their ID?

10-24-21, 08:48
I don't think it is all accurate. GFE is not that hard to get. It depends on the venue. If one goes to mansion, one likely will get it. When compare to BKK which the poster replied to, I would say MDE is even easier to get GFF from better looking girls. The RLD in SE Asia is geared toward foreigners while the RLD in MDE is for locals.For me personally I usually get GFE with almost every girl, whether a hooker or not. Reason being is I give them BFE instead and they love it so they naturally act accordingly.

10-24-21, 11:14
I consider myself a truth-seeker and a man-of-my-word, and I promised a napkin sketch of the Law of Supply and Demand a while back. There has been a lot of discussion lately here about the influx of sex tourists, so maybe the timing is right. Most readers here won't get it or will remain stuck in their previous mode of thinking. If a few become enlightened then it's worth it.

As an example and to introduce the concept, we will start with pizzas. If you cannot understand the first graph, then you can only accept it on faith and my word that what I am telling you is true. If you cannot understand the graph, then you cannot form an intelligent argument against supply and demand, plain and simple. See foto.

The "Law" of Supply and Demand" was first introduced as a theory over 100 years ago when it won the Nobel prize in economics. If anyone wants to do some fact checking feel free because I am not using Google, just memory. In fact, one of my rules is if I have to do too much research on the Internet, then I am not qualified to discuss the subject. But that's just me.

The initial Theory was elevated to a Law because for over 100 years, there has never been one exception shown to this Law, in a free market. Whether it is a multinational Malaysian conglomerate or a mud hut in Uganda selling dung beetles, The Law of Supply and Demand is inviolate. There are some common pitfalls in understanding supply and demand, and all have been on display here on this board.

Thinking that somehow your market, meaning our puta market is 'unique' and the Law does not apply, is not true. That's called the personalization pitfall. Discrediting the entire field of economics in an effort to ignore the truths, that is called poisoning the well. Economics may not be a science, but discernment is required to understand what has strength and validity and what does not.

Applying personal experience to disprove this point is statistically invalid. No one individual's random, biased, experience can come close to achieving the number of examples needed to have a sample size of sufficient power. That would take a team of researchers posted at all the entrances to Ground Zero with counters, the same at the hotels, interviewing all dicks and wet holes, completed over a defined period of time, with huge assumptions about accuracy of interview information obtained.

Put simply, the price you pay has nothing to do with setting the price in a free market. The only possible toehold I could see for an argument against The Law applying to the puta market at Ground Zero is that is it not a free market. But not one person here has tried that approach, which further shows me, those who don't believe in this don't understand the concept against which the are arguing. See the second supply and demand graph for mongering at Ground Zero.

The market sets the price solely based on the supply and demand for pussy. I have seen a slight sense of comprehension in people starting to grasp this concept here, when the discussion focuses more on the number of new gringos entering the market. Yes, that is the key. The quantity of dicks creates the demand and the response of the supply of wet holes determines the equilibrium point. Then a line parallel to the x axis from this equilibrium point determines price where it crosses the why axis. Payment does not enter into the equation, anywhere. Payment has nothing to do with price.

The two greatest fallacies about price are that payment and cost go into determining price, but they do not. Both are independent variables. Cost is a separate discussion.

Not one person here has mounted an argument that could be carried beyond one or two steps without collapse. What the naysayers here do is argue against concepts they don't begin to understand. Knowing what you don't know is a higher intellectual function and usually harder than knowing what you do know, and this topic has been a good example here.

So I thank you guys for making me feel smarter than I probably really am. I was and am still shocked and surprised that I am the only one here who has posted accurately about this topic. I am not an economist. This is not in my wheelhouse. When I said I took one economics course over 25 years ago it was to make the point that I was not the expert. But I know enough about it to tell you the truth. One of these days an actual economist will join this board and validate everything I have said about this. Most will still not change their minds.

Finally, why does it matter? I honestly don't care if you think I am right or not. I check my ego at the door although that is also constantly misinterpreted here. No matter what you believe, you and others are not having any effect on price by what you pay, which adds to the utter futility of having any angst over whether or not you pay 10 mil COP too much of not. That is laughable on more than one level.

The only effect you can have as an individual on price is solely from showing up. The reason it matters is because no mongerer has a right to tell another mongerer the amount he should or should not be paying for any service in this or any sex market that is unregulated and is without barriers of entry or exit for dicks and wet holes. Especially when that sentiment it is wrapped in a message that somehow a mongerer is doing something "wrong" and should feel guilty if he pays too much. Hogwash. I won't stand by and let others cast unfounded negative aspersions at other people when they are so clueless themselves.

Probably mongerers who do not understand supply and demand are afraid they are getting priced out of the market, I really don't know. If that is your concern, your only possible effective course of action would be to disseminate information that discourages gringos from coming here for sex tourism in the first place. Tell them it's dangerous and that STD's are rampant and crime is out of control. If you can get the number of gringos to go down, that could drive price down. The price they pay once they get here has nothing to do with what you pay. That is set by market forces. Yes, you may get priced out because as Medellin grows in popularity, more sex tourists will come here and that increases demand. If there is a compensatory increase in supply of wet holes, both lines on the graph are shifted an equal distance to the right and the equilibrium point, or price, does not change.

Before someone tries to bring it up, the gringo or tourist market being smaller than the local market has nothing to do with this, unless possibly you want argue that a puta cannot tell the difference between a Colombian and a Gringo, jaja. In the interest of space and trying to keep it as simple as possible, I won't explain that further at this point.

You may recall I don't respond to individual posts. Keeping it real for you guys, and of course, as always, Keep on Keepin' On! Wednesday will be three weeks back in the states for me and I am having a blast here, too. No drugs, more gym time. My ex-wife just flew in for a nine day visit. We had an awesome first day at a Pride Festival, the South Carolina State Fair, and a Vanilla Ice concert. Vanilla Ice put out some incredibly positive vibes. Got to respect a guy who had the biggest one-hit wonder of the world back when he was 22 yo, invested his money into a successful home remodeling company in Miami, then turned that into a reality show that is in it tenth season on the DIY network. Wow. Headed out to the beaches for a week, first Myrtle, then Folly. Got my Z car running purrfektly for the trip. Life is Good.

I will start working on my immigration visa when I get back from the beach. I plan on going through the Colombian Consulate in Atlanta, which is the closest one to me. The reason for the immigration visa instead of a tourist visa is six months per year as I have done for the last two years in Medellin, is not enough! Ostee Out.

Mojo Bandit
10-24-21, 11:16
Insist on girl ID being copied. Saves you headaches. Angels may look sexy but inside them who know what is lurking?I copied this meme off the FB page of a Medellin chica. I think it somes up what you are saying and they feel about it LOL.

10-24-21, 13:34
Reason being is I give them BFE instead and they love it so they naturally act accordingly.Hehe, I like that answer. BFE. Good response.

10-24-21, 13:36
I a Medellin chica. I think it somes up what you are saying and they feel about it LOL.Haha, but shouldn't this be the other way round. The reflection s / be the angel? Maybe I am overthinnking this. Hehe.

10-24-21, 14:13
Unfortunately when you have street prostitution you will certainly have drugs and crime. Yes, you will always have drug dealers and thieves where there is gambling. But it certainly can be better controlled by eliminating the street prostitution. Depriving the women of their rights? You have to be kidding. They can sell themselves by other means. I saw a growing amount of el centro rats making there way to Lleras. This a reason to be concerned. Parque Lleras has some very good places to enjoy. It needs to be cleaned up before it becomes a dump.

Drug dealers and thieves go anywhere people are gathered together, namely regular clubs, casinos etc. Not just among prostitutes. I would not want to deprive women of the right to earn a living. Why not exhort the police to apprehend the drug dealers and thieves?.

10-24-21, 15:02
I agree as well. With some of the more hardened ones you might get a cold response but the vast majority who are in it for the short term respond well to being treated well. It is a two way street.

Hehe, I like that answer. BFE. Good response.

10-24-21, 16:33
Leaving soon for my first trip, pretty excited.

I bought the blu v70 dual simcard, going to buy a sim next week for here, create tinder, and then get a sim there for a Colombian # as well.

Will be walking around Lleras for night life, and my plan is strip clubs during the day.

How is la Isla / Fase dos during the day??

If that doesn't work well going to try the casa map on here (thanks again fun luvr for the link).

Pretty excited, I've been to DR, and Montreal so far. This is going to be pretty different.

At the same time nervous because I'll be roaming around solo. But I roamed around DR and didn't have any issues.

Montreal is extremely safe so no worries there.

What do you guys think of my plan? Any places you'd definitely hit? I'll be there for 5 days.

Thanks again for all the information everyone!

10-24-21, 16:46
... Depriving the women of their rights? You have to be kidding....I did not say "Depriving the women of their rights". What I said was "depriving the women of their right to make a living". A subtle difference of which you are cunningly aware.

A woman should be free to choose how she wants to earn her livelihood as long as she is hurting no one.

10-24-21, 16:47
Leaving soon for my first trip, pretty excited.

I bought the blu v70 dual simcard, going to buy a sim next week for here, create tinder, and then get a sim there for a Colombian # as well.

Will be walking around Lleras for night life, and my plan is strip clubs during the day.

How is la Isla / Fase dos during the day??

If that doesn't work well going to try the casa map on here (thanks again fun luvr for the link).

Pretty excited, I've been to DR, and Montreal so far. This is going to be pretty different.

At the same time nervous because I'll be roaming around solo. But I roamed around DR and didn't have any issues.

Montreal is extremely safe so no worries there.

What do you guys think of my plan? Any places you'd definitely hit? I'll be there for 5 days.

Thanks again for all the information everyone!I also found a awesome love motel called Ibiza motel on google, has a strip pole right in the room.

Figured once I get some whatsapp this place might be more fun than my hotel LOL.

There seems to be good escort sites to, hopefully the girls really look like the pictures though.

I'm 35 lots of tats usually vibe good with the girls in DR / Montreal, end up smoking and chillin.

Anyone have experience with these sites? Good experiences or bad?




Will make sure to post a good review while I'm there, if anyone else is there 10/31 - 11/5 let me know, can link up for some food / drinks!

10-24-21, 17:18
...Will be walking around Lleras for night life, and my plan is strip clubs during the day.

...How is la Isla / Fase dos during the day??

...At the same time nervous because I'll be roaming around solo. But I roamed around DR and didn't have any issues...Strip clubs during the day? Never done that. Check at what time they open. Most folks stick with casas or free lancers during the day. An alternative would be to do a cita with an FB girl or someone you already met. I do mostly citas with FB girls during the day.

I think you should forget about Isla / Fase Dos during the day. They don't get going until late at night.

Medellin is probably not as safe as Montreal, but it's safe enough with common sense. I mongered in both Montreal and Quebec city. I felt very safe there but I am also comfortable in Medellin. Just use your common sense.

10-24-21, 17:47
...GFE is not that hard to get. It depends on the venue. If one goes to mansion, one likely will get it. When compare to BKK which the poster replied to, I would say MDE is even easier to get GFF from better looking girls. The RLD in SE Asia is geared toward foreigners while the RLD in MDE is for locals.I read it differently. I understood him to state that GFE is easier and better in SEA than in Medellin. In SEA, most girls speak some English, and that's a prerequisite for meaningful GFE. Not the case in Medellin. Hence, one has to learn Spanish and that takes time.

Now, if you tell me that it's easier to get GFE in Medellin, than say Thailand, I would strongly disagree, based on my personal experience, and I have taken 25+ trips to both countries. IMO, Thailand is the best in the world in the GFE area. Heck, I even find Brazil better in this area than Medellin. To be fair, Brazil should be compared to SEA.

When I started coming to Medellin back in 2013, I did the mansion on several trips before switching to apartments. Even at the mansion, speaking Spanish makes a big difference.

10-24-21, 18:12
...I am still shocked and surprised that I am the only one here who has posted accurately about this topic. I am not an economist. This is not in my wheelhouse...Still shocked and surprised? Well, you have to realize my friend that this forum is about pussy, where to find it and how much it costs. For those who want to discuss economics and the law of supply / demand, there are plenty of forums where these ideas are widely discussed. Or one can buy a book or two about Warren Buffett and learn all there is to learn in this area.

At any rate, that was a good effort from your part, and I am sure many folks here will be thankful.

10-24-21, 18:21
Strip clubs during the day? Never done that. Check at what time they open. Most folks stick with casas or free lancers during the day. An alternative would be to do a cita with an FB girl or someone you already met. I do mostly citas with FB girls during the day.

I think you should forget about Isla / Fase Dos during the day. They don't get going until late at night.

Medellin is probably not as safe as Montreal, but it's safe enough with common sense. I mongered in both Montreal and Quebec city. I felt very safe there but I am also comfortable in Medellin. Just use your common sense.On google it showed them as 24 hours, but maybe not a good idea then. I didn't line up any FB girls yet, but going to line up some on tinder once I get this sim card in.

I like to do my stuff during the day, and hit the clubs for normal girls at night, at least that's what I do in DR / Montreal, usually pretty good success. If I fail then around 3 AM I start texting paid girls LOL.

During the day I love to smoke, get a massage, eat some molly, and have incredible sex. Then usually take a nap around 4-5 , conk out till 10-11, and drink time.

10-24-21, 18:45
Strip clubs during the day? Never done that. I think you should forget about Isla / Fase Dos during the day. They don't get going until late at night.
Some of the strip clubs en Centro are open during the day. If you want a bit of a tour of centro one day, let me know. I don't charge high fees. A couple of beeers wkill do it. Hehe. Am living here for a while longer so will be around.

10-24-21, 19:06
...Now, if you tell me that it's easier to get GFE in Medellin, than say Thailand...

My reply has to do with the generalization in the original post. I tried to qualify everything I said. I never said Thailand as a whole. BKK specifically, go to Thermae, it is a hit and miss. Go to Baccara and one might encounter the most popular girls pick or reject you, not the other way around, and they don't even come down the stage to be charmed. And usually there is a time limit on both and they may not go with you for ST if your hotel is too far.

10-24-21, 19:08
Some of the strip clubs en Centro are open during the day. If you want a bit of a tour of centro one day, let me know. I don't charge high fees. A couple of beeers wkill do it. Hehe. Am living here for a while longer so will be around.There are several casas further north with setup more like a bar that open during daytime.

10-24-21, 19:54
Some of the strip clubs en Centro are open during the day. If you want a bit of a tour of centro one day, let me know. I don't charge high fees. A couple of beeers wkill do it. Hehe. Am living here for a while longer so will be around.JustTk I'am also going to be in MDE in couple weeks. I've been there 4 x over last 5 years just not familiar with Centro outside of New Life. Any recommendations for a first stop to check out in Centro?

10-24-21, 20:36
I'am just not familiar with Centro outside of New Life. Any recommendations for a first stop to check out in Centro?I think its difficult to say. A casa is "good" for me if I find what I want. I don't need 20 or 30 girls in a line up if I find one that grabs my attention. I tend to have a few favourites while a partiicular girl is there. If she moves on, I might move on too. If I was in your situation, I would just try 2-3 per day. If you choose wisely, you can explore clusters where you don't need to travel far between them, in search of smthg you want.

10-24-21, 20:50
I also found a awesome love motel called Ibiza motel on google, has a strip pole right in the room.

Figured once I get some whatsapp this place might be more fun than my hotel LOL.

There seems to be good escort sites to, hopefully the girls really look like the pictures though.

I'm 35 lots of tats usually vibe good with the girls in DR / Montreal, end up smoking and chillin.

Anyone have experience with these sites? Good experiences or bad?




Will make sure to post a good review while I'm there, if anyone else is there 10/31 - 11/5 let me know, can link up for some food / drinks!I been to Ibiza, place is very nice. You won't be disappointed. Only downside is its a 15 minute drive from Parque Lleras in good traffic. Its been two years since I was there, so maybe I m a bit off on the distance. Mileroticos is a gamble and not worth it unless you have no other options, I have had girls show up with no ID, girls show up looking like skanked out druggies, girls show up and way overweight. I wouldn't recommend mileroticos. Your plan of using strip clubs during the day and Parque Lleras as night is a good way to go. Get a Colombian burner number your first day there and get some contacts your first night. Then your set, all the girls you can handle. Club Faison is a good after hours place as well. I have never had a bad time in a Colombian Strip Club, sometimes they are fun, and sometimes they are outrageously fun.

10-24-21, 22:00
I don't think it is all accurate. GFE is not that hard to get. It depends on the venue. If one goes to mansion, one likely will get it. When compare to BKK which the poster replied to, I would say MDE is even easier to get GFF from better looking girls. The RLD in SE Asia is geared toward foreigners while the RLD in MDE is for locals.I agree with you. GFE is more common based on my experience in Colombia than it is with the bar girls in Thailand that are eager to head back to the bar for more clients.

10-24-21, 22:20
Some of the strip clubs en Centro are open during the day. If you want a bit of a tour of centro one day, let me know. I don't charge high fees. A couple of beeers wkill do it. Hehe. Am living here for a while longer so will be around.Sounds perfect kind of wingman.

10-24-21, 23:08
I've never been to Thailand. Are most of the girls under 30 usually ok with prostitution as a semi pro at minimum. By semi pro I mean are there girls that want to make extra money but don't want to work at the bars. Instead they are cashiers at the mall or restaurant and wait for the right tourist to come along.

I have this image in my mind that all girls in Thailand that work at a mall or restaurant or okay with pay for play if you are dressed nice and are clean. Am I wrong?

10-24-21, 23:19
On a more informative note, when leaving Medellin, lately I have seen a big increase in the airlines waiting until you enter into the tunnels headed to the plane and then snatching you aside for a strip search, computer search and a phone search, looking for inappropriate photos. Be mindful, I have no idea what they can do if they catch you with photos of girls in the nude, I just know they aren't checking people's laptops, phones, and cavity searches for their health. Everyone stay safe, Pollo Negro is Out!Interesting point as have noticed this on my last departure which was about a month ago.

10-24-21, 23:25
I read it differently. I understood him to state that GFE is easier and better in SEA than in Medellin. In SEA, most girls speak some English, and that's a prerequisite for meaningful GFE. Not the case in Medellin. Hence, one has to learn Spanish and that takes time.

Now, if you tell me that it's easier to get GFE in Medellin, than say Thailand, I would strongly disagree, based on my personal experience, and I have taken 25+ trips to both countries. IMO, Thailand is the best in the world in the GFE area. Heck, I even find Brazil better in this area than Medellin. To be fair, Brazil should be compared to SEA.

When I started coming to Medellin back in 2013, I did the mansion on several trips before switching to apartments. Even at the mansion, speaking Spanish makes a big difference.I think the reason its harder in Medellin is because in general most people in south america don't speak english. In Thailand I pretty much can live there all my life without knowing Thai and its as if I never left the states, especially the street hookers. In Pattaya they even learned to speak Russian to cater to all the Russian tourists.

But I think if you speak fluent or intermediate spanish and have somewhat of a game you should be able to have a GFE with a girl in Colombia.

also, what is SEA you keep referring to?

10-24-21, 23:32
On a more informative note, when leaving Medellin, lately I have seen a big increase in the airlines waiting until you enter into the tunnels headed to the plane and then snatching you aside for a strip search, computer search and a phone search, looking for inappropriate photos. Be mindful, I have no idea what they can do if they catch you with photos of girls in the nude, I just know they aren't checking people's laptops, phones, and cavity searches for their health. Everyone stay safe, Pollo Negro is Out!What if you refuse to unlock your phone for them or your laptop? They can't get into either of mine because mine are encrypted so good luck to them.

10-25-21, 00:18
also, what is SEA you keep referring to?SEA is South East Asia. Usually in this forum it means Thailand and Philippines and Vietnam.

10-25-21, 00:55
I agree as well. With some of the more hardened ones you might get a cold response but the vast majority who are in it for the short term respond well to being treated well. It is a two way street.Can it truly be considered GFE if you don't have to spend 30 minutes trying to figure out the only restaurant where she will eat after she has repeatedly told "just pick anywhere" and then told you no to every place you suggested?

Mr Enternational
10-25-21, 01:06
also, what is SEA you keep referring to?SEA means Southeast Asia.

10-25-21, 01:30
I haven't posted much, because you have to allow the so called ground zero guys to have a say about Medellin. You can listen to them or you can put boots on the ground yourself and get your own feet wet. All I can see across the board is that mongers are complaining about the price that girls are charging? Medellin in not like Pattaya, too many gringos, other mongers are too wide open and they usually get that they deserve. Some are saying that the girls are lazy and too stupid to really earn in coin.

The only things that I know about Pattaya are, its a 25 hour flight or longer to get there. Its located in South East Asia, and according to all of the complaining in the Medellin group, the girls are more readily available. Many have told me that Pattaya is quite a bit more expensive than Medellin. Only Mr E has explained to me, how it could be cheaper and ways to counter the expenses in Pattaya. For now, I am always 3.5 hours away from Medellin with a ticket cost of around $175 round trip, I have no complaints about the City of Eternal Spring.The actual airlines are checking phones, computers, and performing strip searches? Is it the airlines or airport security? What exactly do you mean by strip search and cavity search? Please elaborate on what you saw because I am shocked by this? I have never heard of airlines doing anything like this, I know they looked for large amounts of drugs and weapons and shit like that, but I had no clue they were searching date on our personal electronics?

You saw them pull people aside and perform these searches or someone you know told you about this?

If you could elaborate on this, it would be greatly appreciated?

10-25-21, 01:37
I consider myself a truth-seeker and a man-of-my-word, and I promised a napkin sketch of the Law of Supply and Demand a while back. There has been a lot of discussion lately here about the influx of sex tourists, so maybe the timing is right. Most readers here won't get it or will remain stuck in their previous mode of thinking. If a few become enlightened then it's worth it.

As an example and to introduce the concept, we will start with pizzas. If you cannot understand the first graph, then you can only accept it on faith and my word that what I am telling you is true. If you cannot understand the graph, then you cannot form an intelligent argument against supply and demand, plain and simple. See foto.

The "Law" of Supply and Demand" was first introduced as a theory over 100 years ago when it won the Nobel prize in economics. If anyone wants to do some fact checking feel free because I am not using Google, just memory. In fact, one of my rules is if I have to do too much research on the Internet, then I am not qualified to discuss the subject. But that's just me..You are a forum treasure, please never stop posting.


10-25-21, 02:02
The actual airlines are checking phones, computers, and performing strip searches? Is it the airlines or airport security? What exactly do you mean by strip search and cavity search? Please elaborate on what you saw because I am shocked by this? I have never heard of airlines doing anything like this, I know they looked for large amounts of drugs and weapons and shit like that, but I had no clue they were searching date on our personal electronics?

You saw them pull people aside and perform these searches or someone you know told you about this?

If you could elaborate on this, it would be greatly appreciated?I suspect he (and others) are just trying to dissuade the 'gringos' that everyone seems to hate so much. Although why they would particularly be concerned with strip / phone / computer searches than than the "true" Colombian mongers is beyond me. Honestly, never felt so unwelcome or unwanted on a mongering forum before. I've been to SEA many times and want to expand my mongering adventures but my history and lack of experience with all things Colombia I guess makes me one of the stereotypical 'gringos' that everyone hates.

El Viajero
10-25-21, 02:16
Leaving soon for my first trip, pretty excited.

I bought the blu v70 dual simcard, going to buy a sim next week for here, create tinder, and then get a sim there for a Colombian # as well.

Will be walking around Lleras for night life, and my plan is strip clubs during the day.

How is la Isla / Fase dos during the day??

If that doesn't work well going to try the casa map on here (thanks again fun luvr for the link).

Pretty excited, I've been to DR, and Montreal so far. This is going to be pretty different.

At the same time nervous because I'll be roaming around solo. But I roamed around DR and didn't have any issues.

Montreal is extremely safe so no worries there.You will have a great time! With a bit of experience (which you already have in other countries) you will have a head start. One thing I would suggest. Learn some basic Spanish. In general people in Medellin don't know much English, even if you only have the basics down it will really help and make your interactions that little bit better.

10-25-21, 02:17
I suspect he (and others) are just trying to dissuade the 'gringos' that everyone seems to hate so much. Although why they would particularly be concerned with strip / phone / computer searches than than the "true" Colombian mongers is beyond me. Honestly, never felt so unwelcome or unwanted on a mongering forum before. I've been to SEA many times and want to expand my mongering adventures but my history and lack of experience with all things Colombia I guess makes me one of the stereotypical 'gringos' that everyone hates.Nah been reading the forum awhile, PolloN ain't the type to make some shit up. I did a google search and the airlines do have the authority to check all your shit. I got nothing illegal to hide but I would rather not have people in the government see my porn and mongering / prostitute searches on my phone and computer haha.

El Viajero
10-25-21, 02:28
I also found a awesome love motel called Ibiza motel on google, has a strip pole right in the room.

Figured once I get some whatsapp this place might be more fun than my hotel LOL.

There seems to be good escort sites to, hopefully the girls really look like the pictures though.

I'm 35 lots of tats usually vibe good with the girls in DR / Montreal, end up smoking and chillin.

Anyone have experience with these sites? Good experiences or bad?




Will make sure to post a good review while I'm there, if anyone else is there 10/31 - 11/5 let me know, can link up for some food / drinks!The tats should do well with the chicas, they usually have a few so good talking point. I've used La Celestina in Bogota a couple of years ago and the girls were really high quality (if a little expensive compared to casas and even strip clubs). Check out:


This site is hit and miss but you can find a few gems, I've had some great times when living in both Bogota and Medellin with this website. If you have time on your hands you can see reviews of girls from these kinds of sites here:


My Spanish isn't the best but I think if you translate into English it should be OK?

Research is the name of the game, you will learn a lot in your 5 days, the more research you do now the more time you save when boots are on the ground, enjoy!

Elvis 2008
10-25-21, 02:38
The market sets the price solely based on the supply and demand for pussy. I have seen a slight sense of comprehension in people starting to grasp this concept here, when the discussion focuses more on the number of new gringos entering the market. Yes, that is the key. The quantity of dicks creates the demand and the response of the supply of wet holes determines the equilibrium point. Then a line parallel to the x axis from this equilibrium point determines price where it crosses the why axis. Payment does not enter into the equation, anywhere. Payment has nothing to do with price.

The two greatest fallacies about price are that payment and cost go into determining price, but they do not. Both are independent variables. Cost is a separate discussion.

Probably mongerers who do not understand supply and demand are afraid they are getting priced out of the market, I really don't know. If that is your concern, your only possible effective course of action would be to disseminate information that discourages gringos from coming here for sex tourism in the first place. Tell them it's dangerous and that STD's are rampant and crime is out of control. If you can get the number of gringos to go down, that could drive price down. The price they pay once they get here has nothing to do with what you pay. That is set by market forces.Ostee,

Let me tell you what I agree with you about. An individual monger does not set the market. People are going to pay what they are going to pay, and it really is no one else's right to come along and tell them what to pay. As I have said, if you rag on a monger for paying too much, he is going to lie and say he paid less or not post at all.

Thing is though you are making a mistake because the law of supply and demand (really the law of supply and demand and price) cannot apply to an opaque market. Is pussy all the same? Hell no. I have spent a $1000 for a 2 hour session and been happy and spent $20 and felt ripped off. It is not just pussy. What we really talking about is a woman's ability to perform well. Reviews help the market be efficient but I do not know how many reviews there are in Medellin of individual women.

But for a lot of foreigners, the #1 cost is not money but time. If my hotel and airplane cost is $1000 for 5 days in Medellin, my cost is $200 per day so why in the hell would I give up a girl I am in lust with for an extra $10 or $20 or even $50? Guys here can ***** about these "foreigners" all they want but it is not going to change anything.

Getting lower prices though by lying to other men? You say that the law of supply and demand is absolute and then you think that you can subvert it with lying? Come on. A much better solution is to get away from the tourist areas. Then you have a lower number of men to compete with. When I was in Cali and used seeking.com, the two women I saw had not dated anyone else, and I could have paid them almost anything I wanted because there was no market. Yes, Medellin has an almost ruthless market where women try to suck men dry, and that is one of the things I do not like about it.

Also unlike a coffee bean, the value of pussy goes down the more a woman uses it as does her self-esteem. You have not delved into that emotional aspect.

So instead of lying, what I did was create my own market. Here is what I am offering you for your pussy, and it is not just money. You are giving some women something of value when you offer them a chance not to be banging a dozen dudes per day. There is also value in taking money for sex and not looking like a WG to many women. And then you can also see what a woman's needs are and use the money you would have given her in a more effective manner than she would which has value as well.

So if you are unhappy with Medellin, then you should go to an area where the supply and demand is more in your favor or create your own market. Lying about market conditions is just silly and wouldn't work.

What was the theme of the book, "Who moved my cheese?" If you are unhappy with the cheese you are getting, then get off your ass and go look for some more.

10-25-21, 03:52
I suspect he (and others) are just trying to dissuade the 'gringos' that everyone seems to hate so much. Although why they would particularly be concerned with strip / phone / computer searches than than the "true" Colombian mongers is beyond me. Honestly, never felt so unwelcome or unwanted on a mongering forum before. I've been to SEA many times and want to expand my mongering adventures but my history and lack of experience with all things Colombia I guess makes me one of the stereotypical 'gringos' that everyone hates.There are lots of nasty pieces of work on this forum. Its the USA race to extremism. Love or hate, no place in between. That is the new zietgiest. I can only suggest you ignore them and chat with the firiendlier people.

10-25-21, 04:35
Time to lighten it up after my most recent post about Supply & Demand. Geez that was heavy handed but it seemed like a good idea at the time when I wrote it at 4 AM last night. I couldn't sleep because my ex-wife in bed next to me got drunk off her ass at the Pride Festival and Vanilla Ice concert and her snoring was rattling the windows, jajajaja.

Scarlet bought over the tall Purrfekt Paisa (not to be confused with the much smaller Purrfekt Piel) four or five times during my last visit to MDE. She would typically ask me at the last minute when she was "en camino" or on her way over, did I want her to stop by and pick up Purrfekt Paisa? At first I acted ambivalent mainly to keep the price point low, but inside I would be thinking, "Hell, yeah!" Jajajaja.

The three of us all got along great and after the first couple of sessions I dropped all pretenses. I remember one of those first sessions Purrfekt Paisa never got naked, I don't think I touched her. Purrfekt Paisa obviously enjoyed watching me bonk and eat out her friend, Scarlet. That may sound strange to some mongers, letting a girl come over like that and not having sex with her (I think I paid her 100 mil COP that time, and she was happy to get it), but it worked out great in the end, trust me. I like to see girls on a repeat basis and I want them to feel safe and be able to trust me, and I will cultivate that relationship. Personal preference, and it is consistent with my goal to spend lots of time in MDE.

When the sex gets hot and heavy with the three of us, I pay Purrfekt Paisa 150 mil COP. She was great about not watching the clock. The last time she came she stayed for four hours, and I tipped her 20 mil COP for a total of 170 mil. Scarlet tells me, and I believe her, that she enjoys the opportunity to catch up with her friends during our three-ways. I don't think it works out for her to do it on her own as easily.

Purrfekt Paisa is one of the few chicas with whom I have to be aware enough to catch myself from staring at her raw beauty. Of course that is subjective, but each time she has been with Scarlet and I, there have been brief moments when her beauty stuns me. I don't put girls on pedestals but I can appreciate their physical beauty in much the same way I would a fine work of art.

I don't have any way to get in touch with Purrfekt Paisa except thru Scarlet. Out of respect for Scarlet I would not see Purrfekt Paisa on my own. At least not yet. I have ended up having solos with chicas Scarlet initially brought over for three-ways, but when that happens they do not supplant Scarlet in her Number Two ranking, demz the rulez. That may also sound strange at first but the trust it creates between Scarlet and I means she continues to bring me a steady string of sexy, good looking girls, such as Hot Housewife, Silky, Sexy-ologist, and Vanessa who come to mind off the top of my head, and I am sure there are more. Ostee Out and Keep On Keepin' On! Don't forget I love you guys whether you feel it or not!

10-25-21, 04:39
There are lots of nasty pieces of work on this forum. Its the USA race to extremism. Love or hate, no place in between. That is the new zietgiest. I can only suggest you ignore them and chat with the firiendlier people.Yeah yeah, You seem to be the real hater here.
Like a broken record, Lol.
Maybe it's time to look in the mirror.
Case closed.

10-25-21, 04:40
I suspect he (and others) are ..You mean PN and Ostee? Ostee is the other gringo who said he backuped everything to the cloud to avoid being checked. Take this information and make good use of it. Don't keep any photos that are illegal to be searched.

What if you refuse to unlock your phone for them or your laptop? They can't get into either of mine because mine are encrypted so good luck to them.

I think you are forgetting you are in a foreign country and they can stop you from boarding.

10-25-21, 04:53
I've never been to Thailand. Are most of the girls under 30 usually ok with prostitution as a semi pro at minimum. By semi pro I mean are there girls that want to make extra money but don't want to work at the bars. Instead they are cashiers at the mall or restaurant and wait for the right tourist to come along.You can search Thermae on youtube to find some videos. This is the place you will find them. Girls with day job.

I have this image in my mind that all girls in Thailand that work at a mall or restaurant or okay with pay for play if you are dressed nice and are clean. Am I wrong?This I think you are wrong, especially if it is outside of RLD.

10-25-21, 06:41
I've never been to Thailand. Are most of the girls under 30 usually ok with prostitution as a semi pro at minimum. By semi pro I mean are there girls that want to make extra money but don't want to work at the bars. Instead they are cashiers at the mall or restaurant and wait for the right tourist to come along.

I have this image in my mind that all girls in Thailand that work at a mall or restaurant or okay with pay for play if you are dressed nice and are clean. Am I wrong?I've also never been to Thailand. My opinion is that when most guys are talking about semi-pros they're just pros who also work another job. It's the same as when they talk about university students.

Did she accept money for sex? She's a prostitute. She might be a part time prostitute. She might be a prostitute who also owns a business. She might be a prostitute who has a taxable source of income. She might even be a prostitute pursuing higher education, but if you're paying her for sex, you get the picture.

Another of my opinions is that offering some woman money for sex while she is working a job unrelated to sex work, is not often a good idea. It's something to tiptoe around. And you need to read the room. You might just offend someone who wanted to get together with you.

10-25-21, 07:45
You saw them pull people aside and perform these searches or someone you know told you about this?This is exactly what happened to me when I left Medellin but I wouldn't call it a strip search. My name was called over the intercom as the plane was preparing to board. I came to the counter and was told to walk down the tunnel and stop to see the security people prior to boarding the plane. I was told to remove any electronic devices and empty my pockets. I was given a police worthy pat down. By that I mean it was as invasive as a non strip search could be. I had to remove my shoes so they could be searched and my socks were checked as well. The people performing the searches appeared to be airport security as opposed to police. I was told that I was "randomly selected". However, the only other people I witnessed being searched were non-Colombians.

The only electronic devices I had were two cell phones and they did not ask me to unlock either one. After finding nothing, I was allowed to board the plane.

10-25-21, 11:37
You can search Thermae on youtube to find some videos. This is the place you will find them. Girls with day job.

This I think you are wrong, especially if it is outside of RLD.The last time I was in BKK (about 2 years ago) I went by Therame cafe about 5 times, I had good success! Most have a regular job and are looking for extra money. I was one of the very few non-Asian there and it's very obvious to me they prefer Asian customers but I was able to have a good time. I think the damage was about 2500 baht or $75 for all night. Service was good but Latin women are hotter in bed and more passionate. I have no clue how it is today.

10-25-21, 12:28
If you have a chance to spend a week in Medellin, then is it worth checking out Bogota for 2 days on your way back to US? Is the Monger scene big enough in Bogota to warrant a visit or once you have explored Medellin you have already hit the best that Colombia has to offer?

Please advise.

10-25-21, 14:16
I am not too familiar with casa scene in Centro yet and unfortunately can speak only little bit of dirty Spanish LOL.

I want to ask you guys as to how do you negotiate extras such as DFK or Threesomes? Is this something you have to talk to "manager" before having a look at the girls?

Or do you need to negotiate with the ladies directly in the room?

Another thing I am not sure about is how to ensure that the woman I am choosing offers DFK, DATY, 69, chupa sin condom etc.

Can the experts please advise this casa virgin?

Thanks in advance.

10-25-21, 14:46
I also found a awesome love motel called Ibiza motel on google, has a strip pole right in the room.

Figured once I get some whatsapp this place might be more fun than my hotel LOL.

There seems to be good escort sites to, hopefully the girls really look like the pictures though.

I'm 35 lots of tats usually vibe good with the girls in DR / Montreal, end up smoking and chillin.

Anyone have experience with these sites? Good experiences or bad?




Will make sure to post a good review while I'm there, if anyone else is there 10/31 - 11/5 let me know, can link up for some food / drinks!I had not run across "Lacelestina" until your post. If all those girls are for real then it's a great site. I texted the WA number and the service answered, not the girl. My problem with the site is that there is very little information on what the girls will actually do. That makes me a little suspicious when you can't negotiate for a level of service until the girl arrives. There are a couple that I would really like to try but I hesitate with so little info.

10-25-21, 16:06
This is good advice from Nounce and Pollo Negro. I was in Medellin just a couple of months before the Covid shutdown. In the airport, I and a few others were picked to come out of the line and have our luggage thoroughly searched. They asked me to log onto my laptop and quickly glanced at it and let me proceed to board. I was there again just a month ago and it did not happen. Luck of the draw I guess.

You mean PN and Ostee? Ostee is the other gringo who said he backuped everything to the cloud to avoid being checked. Take this information and make good use of it. Don't keep any photos that are illegal to be searched.

I think you are forgetting you are in a foreign country and they can stop you from boarding.

10-25-21, 16:30
In the airport, I and a few others were picked to come out of the line and have our luggage thoroughly searched. They asked me to log onto my laptop and quickly glanced at it and let me proceed to board..Although its a possibility, I really doiubt they are looking for photos. The police have more pressing matters in Colombia. I imagine they might be looking for evidence of more serious crimes like child trafacking rings, drug smuggling etc. It could be that they find photos by chance, but I doubt that is the goal.

10-25-21, 16:32
I suspect he (and others) are just trying to dissuade the 'gringos' that everyone seems to hate so much. Although why they would particularly be concerned with strip / phone / computer searches than than the "true" Colombian mongers is beyond me. Honestly, never felt so unwelcome or unwanted on a mongering forum before. I've been to SEA many times and want to expand my mongering adventures but my history and lack of experience with all things Colombia I guess makes me one of the stereotypical 'gringos' that everyone hates.No, they're giving you a friendly warning to not keep photos of chicas on your phone or laptop. If the authorities want to, they can put you through hell trying to prove things about those girls. It's happened before.

FWIW, I see no reason to take fotos of girls I'm with. But if I did, I would load them to the cloud and get them off my device before going through airport security.

10-25-21, 18:30
I had not run across "Lacelestina" until your post. If all those girls are for real then it's a great site. I texted the WA number and the service answered, not the girl. My problem with the site is that there is very little information on what the girls will actually do. That makes me a little suspicious when you can't negotiate for a level of service until the girl arrives. There are a couple that I would really like to try but I hesitate with so little info.They detail all the information under services. What more did you want.

10-25-21, 19:22
If you have a chance to spend a week in Medellin, then is it worth checking out Bogota for 2 days on your way back to US? Is the Monger scene big enough in Bogota to warrant a visit or once you have explored Medellin you have already hit the best that Colombia has to offer?

Please advise.If I were you I would skip Bogota. A week in Medellin is not a lot of time so definitely spend the extra 2 days in Medellin. Bogota is a big city and IMHO people are not as warm as people from Medellin

10-25-21, 19:42
If you have a chance to spend a week in Medellin, then is it worth checking out Bogota for 2 days on your way back to US? Is the Monger scene big enough in Bogota to warrant a visit or once you have explored Medellin you have already hit the best that Colombia has to offer?

Please advise.The answer is definitely yes, or definitely no, although it could be just maybe.

There are a lot of things to consider.

If you're flying from Atlanta, Delta has a daily non-stop to and from Bogota. I believe there are also non-stops from Houston, Miami and Orlando (on Spirit). I think Medellin only has non-stop flights from Miami and Orlando.

I prefer Delta, but I also prefer Medellin. My next trip I might spend my last 2 days in Bogota and return on Delta, but fly into Medellin on American. So where you're coming from and returning to might be a reason to spend 2 days in Bogota. Or it might be a reason to avoid Bogota.

If you prefer the street girls over other venues, you might want to spend 2 days in Bogota to compare. You might find it more to your liking than Medellin.

If you're wanting to take some touristy photos to show people who ask about your trip, you might want to spend 2 days in Bogota. In a few hours you can visit Monserrate and the Gold Museum and you'll have plenty of pictures to show. Or you could stay in Medellin and visit Comuna 13 and Parque Arvi.

If you're just going for the women, there's no need to split your trip. It's unlikely you'll go through all the talent in Medellin in a week.

10-25-21, 20:07
I am not too familiar with casa scene in Centro yet and unfortunately can speak only little bit of dirty Spanish LOL.

I want to ask you guys as to how do you negotiate extras such as DFK or Threesomes? Is this something you have to talk to "manager" before having a look at the girls?

Or do you need to negotiate with the ladies directly in the room?

Another thing I am not sure about is how to ensure that the woman I am choosing offers DFK, DATY, 69, chupa sin condom etc.

Can the experts please advise this casa virgin?

Thanks in advance.My method for getting those things is to not go to the casas. Those are all things which are pretty easy to get through Facebook girls.

There used to be a casa where, if Nancy knew you and liked you, you could just about guarantee you would get the kind of service you want. However, I haven't seen a report about Lindas Chicas in a long time. If they are still open, getting Nancy to like you isn't going to be easy.

I wouldn't even try to get most of those things at a casa in one visit. Instead, if I wanted to go the casa route, I'd sample girls until I found one I clicked with and then build from there, either by getting her to come to my place when not working, or by offering tips for her to add to her repertoire on your next visit. It might take you a few sessions to get it all. Once you have her at the level you want, talk to her about a threesome and be specific with what you want. Let her pick the other girl and let her know you'll be generous if it exceeds your expectations.

DATY and 69 I've not had a problem getting in casas. BBBJ and DFK I've rarely gotten in casas. One notable success was a girl I picked solely for her attitude. Before she could reach for the condom for CBJ I went down on her and apparently I did it right. She went from light kisses to tonguing my tonsils, gave a long enthusiastic BBBJ and then fucked me like a Nine Inch Nails song. We were in one of the street front rooms at Energy Spa and there were probably people stopping in the street because of the noise.

One thing is, I will never negotiate for DFK or BBBJ. If I've got to negotiate a price for those things, it's not worth it. She's only going to do enough to get paid. I feel the same way about the faked orgasms. If it's real, great. If she's just faking it, forget it.

10-25-21, 20:22
I had not run across "Lacelestina" until your post. If all those girls are for real then it's a great site. I texted the WA number and the service answered, not the girl. My problem with the site is that there is very little information on what the girls will actually do. That makes me a little suspicious when you can't negotiate for a level of service until the girl arrives. There are a couple that I would really like to try but I hesitate with so little info.And if the mail I just got from Publisher's Clearing House is for real, I'm going to be retiring soon!

I'm going to use the rental car analogy again.

When you reserve a rental car, you pick the class of car you want. The company probably has 2 or 3 models in that class and several of each. The car you actually get will probably be in the range of the car you wanted, but it may be the wrong color, it may have some dings or scratches, but it's going to meet the basic requirements. What car you get depends on what car is available. If you wanted a BMW X5 SUV but the only car they have available is a Kia Picanto, you're either going to be driving a Kia, or you have to start the process over.

And when you go through a service to get a girl, the girl you get will be the girl who is available. She might be the girl you wanted, she might be better than the girl you wanted, or she might be worse. She might be willing to do everything you want, or not. But the service knows, once the girl is standing at your door, they're getting paid.

10-25-21, 20:28
Although its a possibility, I really doiubt they are looking for photos. The police have more pressing matters in Colombia. I imagine they might be looking for evidence of more serious crimes like child trafacking rings, drug smuggling etc. It could be that they find photos by chance, but I doubt that is the goal.The police have more pressing matters everywhere, but they always seem to make time for other things. Locally we've set a new record for murders for the last 3 years. This year we broke last year's record in September. Yet the police still found time to set up and arrest a 60 year old Chinese woman for giving a handjob.

What they're looking for or doing doesn't need to make sense.

10-25-21, 20:33
I arrived Saturday, will be staying for the week.

If any one wants to hunt with a wingman let me know, I am mainly into casas.

10-25-21, 21:13
I lost my old account login information so this is my new account. This trip I'm trying out regular SeekingArragement girls, figured I'd see what the $100/ month membership gets me. Well, I got 4 phone numbers of some girls 20-33 years old interested in me and a sugar daddy arrangement.

Where are some nice spots to bring these girls out to for the first time meeting to feel them out, and see if I want to bring them back to my hotel? Was thinking of some nice dining, cocktails, cool places to hang-out, maybe some dancing. I have afternoon and also evening dates. I think for the afternoon dates, it would be a nice spot to hang out. For the evening, I'd take them out drinking and also a nice dinner.

Recommendations for spots?

10-25-21, 21:20
If you have a chance to spend a week in Medellin, then is it worth checking out Bogota for 2 days on your way back to US? Is the Monger scene big enough in Bogota to warrant a visit or once you have explored Medellin you have already hit the best that Colombia has to offer?

Please advise.There are many times more working girls in Bogota than in Medellin. It is 5 or more times the size of Medellin though. So it makes sense.

10-25-21, 21:55
I am not too familiar with casa scene in Centro yet and unfortunately can speak only little bit of dirty Spanish LOL.

I want to ask you guys as to how do you negotiate extras such as DFK or Threesomes? Is this something you have to talk to "manager" before having a look at the girls?

Or do you need to negotiate with the ladies directly in the room?

Another thing I am not sure about is how to ensure that the woman I am choosing offers DFK, DATY, 69, chupa sin condom etc.

Can the experts please advise this casa virgin?

Thanks in advance.After you see the lineup you can ask the mamasan or whatever to see the girl you are interested in and see what all she's willing to do and how much extra she wants. They'll send you the girl for this, but it's unusual. The price is so low for a half hour, $13 that most guys will just take what they can get for that if they cannot come to terms on the rest in the room. You might be able to get all of the above for 100 mil extra, while some will just want to do the chupa sin condom for 50 mil more.

As I've said before, the Medellin casas aren't much given to GFE though it can happen. The BBBJ for whatever reason can be easier to come by than the deep kissing or DATY.

10-25-21, 22:32
... then is it worth checking out Bogota for 2 days on your way back to US? ..Get a tour from Woodman09. It will be worth it for the experience, then you can decide yourself for future trip.

El Viajero
10-25-21, 23:25
I had not run across "Lacelestina" until your post. If all those girls are for real then it's a great site. I texted the WA number and the service answered, not the girl. My problem with the site is that there is very little information on what the girls will actually do. That makes me a little suspicious when you can't negotiate for a level of service until the girl arrives. There are a couple that I would really like to try but I hesitate with so little info.The couple of times I used this site I cleared everything with the service first and the girl absolutely complied with everything when I met her, I had two or three solid sessions. I would suggest giving it a go as one of the girls I met in Bogota was so hot and compliant I still think about that time a couple of years later, she was incredible hot and fucked like an animal. It's a lot more expensive now than it was but if you see a girl you really like the look of my advice would be go for it, risk it not going well and then report back here, I have no regrets although since then have generally preferred cheaper more 'normal' looking chicas (just my personal preference).

10-25-21, 23:35
The White House released new plans today that take a layered approach to improve the safety of international travel to the United States ahead of the busy Thanksgiving travel season.

Starting November 8, international travelers flying into the US will be required to show proof of vaccination, or prove that they meet very limited exemption requirements.

Along with a vaccination record — which can be a digital or paper certificate — vaccinated passengers and children traveling with them will also have to show that they've gotten a negative COVID-19 test within 3 days of boarding the plane.

Travelers will also need to prove that they were vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by the US or the World Health Organization (WHO) for emergency use.

International passengers who can't show proof that they are fully vaccinated and qualify for an exemption will have to provide negative test results within a day of departure.

Unvaccinated US citizens or lawful permanent residents will need a negative test within 1 day of departure.

10-25-21, 23:52
Didn't know that October is the one of the rainiest months and one of the months with the least number of sunshine hours. The afternoon rains makes a lot of places a muddy mess and makes going out just a little more uncomfortable. A little research beforehand would have told me, but the whole City of Eternal Spring thing and the city being near the equator caught me off guard. Was here in December and January previously and those were definitely better months unless you prefer rain and darkness.

10-26-21, 00:51
I've also never been to Thailand. My opinion is that when most guys are talking about semi-pros they're just pros who also work another job. It's the same as when they talk about university students.

Did she accept money for sex? She's a prostitute. She might be a part time prostitute. She might be a prostitute who also owns a business. She might be a prostitute who has a taxable source of income. She might even be a prostitute pursuing higher education, but if you're paying her for sex, you get the picture.

Another of my opinions is that offering some woman money for sex while she is working a job unrelated to sex work, is not often a good idea. It's something to tiptoe around. And you need to read the room. You might just offend someone who wanted to get together with you.That's my point. A semi pro, and there has been a lot of debate here on if the term should even exist, is a girl that doesn't work at a high mileage bar. That would be Hong Kong in Tijuana, a terma in Brazil, or a casa or strip club in Medellin. You get the picture. It's a girl in a customer service industry that sees a tourist she is attracted too and flirts very heavy to get him to pay her for the night. The guy should know what's up.

El Moreno 92
10-26-21, 00:53
...... Locally we've set a new record for murders for the last 3 years. This year we broke last year's record in September. .....Medellin? What are the numbers?

10-26-21, 02:11
They detail all the information under services. What more did you want.Most details listed very few services compared to photoprepagos. I didn't see a lot of besos boca etc in those descriptions of services but I'm betting most of the girls would say that they will do that. Whether or not they actually will is another issue. Thanks for all the replies. Whether it's an agency or casa I will write a report. I'll be in Poblado in a few days.

10-26-21, 02:14
Medellin? What are the numbers?No. Not Medellin. Locally for me. The 60 year old Chinese woman getting arrested for giving a handjob should have been a dead giveaway I wasn't talking about Medellin.

10-26-21, 02:23
I lost my old account login information so this is my new account. This trip I'm trying out regular SeekingArragement girls, figured I'd see what the $100/ month membership gets me. Well, I got 4 phone numbers of some girls 20-33 years old interested in me and a sugar daddy arrangement.

Where are some nice spots to bring these girls out to for the first time meeting to feel them out, and see if I want to bring them back to my hotel? Was thinking of some nice dining, cocktails, cool places to hang-out, maybe some dancing. I have afternoon and also evening dates. I think for the afternoon dates, it would be a nice spot to hang out. For the evening, I'd take them out drinking and also a nice dinner.

Recommendations for spots?It would be helpful, if you're looking for recommendations, to post what area of Medellin you'll be staying in. Recommendations in Provenza aren't so helpful if you're staying in Laureles.

Assuming you'll be somewhere close to Parque Lleras an excellent night time dinner and drinks place is El Botanico. Don't get it confused with La Botanica which is a decent place to meet for lunch. El Botanico is a bit pricey, but if you're going the sugar daddy route, it should be within your budget.

10-26-21, 02:37
Thank you to everyone who put me right about the airport search comments. I guess I wasn't feeling the love in the forum as a newbie to Colombian mongering and I read too much into the comments. Sorry.

I have nothing to hide at the airport. And I keep my mongering private, and don't feel the need for explicit photos. It's just not my thing.

I know I will stand out like a sore thumb as a (celtic) gringo. So I'll expect the extra attention when I leave!

10-26-21, 03:26
This is exactly what happened to me when I left Medellin but I wouldn't call it a strip search. My name was called over the intercom as the plane was preparing to board. I came to the counter and was told to walk down the tunnel and stop to see the security people prior to boarding the plane. I was told to remove any electronic devices and empty my pockets. I was given a police worthy pat down. By that I mean it was as invasive as a non strip search could be. I had to remove my shoes so they could be searched and my socks were checked as well. The people performing the searches appeared to be airport security as opposed to police. I was told that I was "randomly selected". However, the only other people I witnessed being searched were non-Colombians.

The only electronic devices I had were two cell phones and they did not ask me to unlock either one. After finding nothing, I was allowed to board the plane.Was that an international flight to US or domestic? I believe chances are less if its a domestic flight. But cannot rule it out completely.

10-26-21, 04:56
Tried a few casas from the map at noon period.

-Amonia: all 5 or less, about 9 girls, nothing caught my eye.

-Paris club: closed.

-Travesias: even poorer selection, passed.

-Club de amiga sexy: one 7 girl had a nice smile, called Paula, had a good personality and willing to please.

I walked around afterwards, coffee etc, checked the bars north of boteri plaza at 3 pm, nothing to talk about as I only took a glance and there was no action, maybe I'll check later next time.

Rest some then shopped some stuff for a tinder date, she apologized because of some life shit, I called one of the street walkers I got her number while shopping.

We agreed on 300 k for as long as I want, but she gets up to leave after first shot, we had a fight because she wouldn't take 150 k because it was less than an hour.

Sent her out yelling with 200 k.

Sex was amazing, she had a slim tall body 170 cm and short hair, just the way I like.

Raining heavy outside, doubt there is any street action but I'll go out to explore and pick up numbers for emergency's.

No Spanish at all, so I am just that dumb ignorant gringo who acts like rules don't apply LOL, sweet Colombian people always trying to help, I bet I would be shot if I pulled same no-English acts in Texas LOL.

10-26-21, 05:09
My interpretation of the Medscape story below, when you return to the USA starting Nov 8 you will need to show:

Proof of vaccination and negative Covid test within 72 hours of boarding the plane. That was the same as before except they have added proof of vaccination.

If you haven't been vaccinated then the negative Covid test result has to be within 24 hours, instead of 72 hours as before. I guess that is sort of their way of penalizing those who are not vaccinated.

Please correct me if you have a different take on it or I am missing something.

And you can basically forget about the "limited exemptions." Those are rare situations such as you are in a study about Covid, or you have a documented severe allergy to the vaccine, and a few other very circumstances that will not apply to members here 99.994252259% of the time.

The White House released new plans today that take a layered approach to improve the safety of international travel to the United States ahead of the busy Thanksgiving travel season.

Starting November 8, international travelers flying into the US will be required to show proof of vaccination, or prove that they meet very limited exemption requirements.

Along with a vaccination record which can be a digital or paper certificate vaccinated passengers and children traveling with them will also have to show that they've gotten a negative COVID-19 test within 3 days of boarding the plane.

Travelers will also need to prove that they were vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by the US or the World Health Organization (WHO) for emergency use.

International passengers who can't show proof that they are fully vaccinated and qualify for an exemption will have to provide negative test results within a day of departure.

Unvaccinated US citizens or lawful permanent residents will need a negative test within 1 day of departure.News like this deserves some random, gratuitous fotos, jeje. Now that I saw the foto again, the 3-ways with Hot Housewife, we are in the last foto, were just as hot as the ones with Purrfekt Paisa I posted earlier. Toss up, jeje. And the hottie in the striped pants in the next to last foto, she is another chica who Scarlet brought over for a 3-way that I had forgotten about because she only came over twice, but who I would love to see again for a third, fourth, or fifth or more times again. She rocks lingerie as good as any chica I have met. And remember Sunny? That is her in the bathroom in the white mini-skirt, on our first "date" together in a Love Motel, I think the Zona Rosa opposite the Vera Cruz church. That is the landmark church at Ground Zero, also shown in a separate foto. Sunny is vying for a numbered position in my line-up and she might get it but I cannot bring her in higher than number ten, maybe number nine. Good for me, don't know if she will be happy with that. We will see. Don't have to decide any of that before I return to Medellin.

10-26-21, 07:39
I think you are forgetting you are in a foreign country and they can stop you from boarding.Sure, they can. They can't keep me from leaving the country, that's kidnapping. Also an international issue since I would be straight on my way to the embassy. Believe it or not, the embassy actually sticks up for your interests.

10-26-21, 07:42
The couple of times I used this site I cleared everything with the service first and the girl absolutely complied with everything when I met her, I had two or three solid sessions. I would suggest giving it a go as one of the girls I met in Bogota was so hot and compliant I still think about that time a couple of years later, she was incredible hot and fucked like an animal. It's a lot more expensive now than it was but if you see a girl you really like the look of my advice would be go for it, risk it not going well and then report back here, I have no regrets although since then have generally preferred cheaper more 'normal' looking chicas (just my personal preference).

How much money we're talking about in USD for girls from Lacelestina?

edit: never mind. found their site. prices aren't terrible. between $65-$85 for higher end broads. but the real discount is in the 5 hour slots, under $200. that's not bad for some girls of that caliber. i know that that's still much higher than a street/bar girl, but its not gonna make me broke. you should see what these craigslist whales charge here in the states lol.

10-26-21, 07:42
Was that an international flight to US or domestic? I believe chances are less if its a domestic flight. But cannot rule it out completely.Medellin to USA.

10-26-21, 13:51
Sure, they can. They can't keep me from leaving the country, that's kidnapping. Also an international issue since I would be straight on my way to the embassy. Believe it or not, the embassy actually sticks up for your interests.Yes, they can keep you from leaving the country. It's not called kidnapping, it's called detention and it's perfectly legal. It happens all the time all over the world. Just recently a UK citizen was detained in the UAE because they found some bottles of CBD vape fluid in the trunk of his car. He could end up spending the next 25 years in prison.

If you get pulled aside for a search at the airport, it's in your best interest to comply and to have anything illegal. It's also in your best interest to not start threatening them with the embassy. You smile, make some small talk and show them you aren't involved in anything illegal. Because the "you can't touch me or I'll tell my embassy" attitude will not only ruin your day, it puts a target on every gringo.

10-26-21, 14:04
Didn't know that October is the one of the rainiest months and one of the months with the least number of sunshine hours. The afternoon rains makes a lot of places a muddy mess and makes going out just a little more uncomfortable. A little research beforehand would have told me, but the whole City of Eternal Spring thing and the city being near the equator caught me off guard. Was here in December and January previously and those were definitely better months unless you prefer rain and darkness.Says it is supposed to rain my entire trip 10/31 - 11/5, is it rain all day there? Or like jamacia where it comes and goes?

Definitely will be a bummer, I was debating rerouting to DR for nice weather but I have never tried Colombia, so I think to keep plans is best.

10-26-21, 15:42
Sure, they can. They can't keep me from leaving the country, that's kidnapping. Also an international issue since I would be straight on my way to the embassy. Believe it or not, the embassy actually sticks up for your interests.Wish you can take this post back, everything in it sounds like the exact person they look for! Good luck with your kidnapping claim and let us all know how quickly the embassy helped you out (they should be their within 20-30 minutes) oh and believe me they can and will stop you from leaving the country and make you miss your flight, the minute you open your mouth with your kidnapping and embassy claims, I'm guessing you never been their?

10-26-21, 16:23
Says it is supposed to rain my entire trip 10/31 - 11/5, is it rain all day there? Or like jamacia where it comes and goes?

Definitely will be a bummer, I was debating rerouting to DR for nice weather but I have never tried Colombia, so I think to keep plans is best.I am there right now, it is very nice and bright weather all morning and afternoon, then raining sporadically all evening and night, I actually find it enjoyable and refreshing.

10-26-21, 16:38
Tried a few casas from the map at noon period.

-Amonia: all 5 or less, about 9 girls, nothing caught my eye.

-Paris club: closed.

-Travesias: even poorer selection, passed.

-Club de amiga sexy: one 7 girl had a nice smile, called Paula, had a good personality and willing to please.

I walked around afterwards, coffee etc, checked the bars north of boteri plaza at 3 pm, nothing to talk about as I only took a glance and there was no action, maybe I'll check later next time.

Rest some then shopped some stuff for a tinder date, she apologized because of some life shit, I called one of the street walkers I got her number while shopping.

We agreed on 300 k for as long as I want, but she gets up to leave after first shot, we had a fight because she wouldn't take 150 k because it was less than an hour.

Sent her out yelling with 200 k.Thanks for sharing info about casas. Please do let us know which ones you visited and liked.

10-26-21, 16:45
I suspect he (and others) are just trying to dissuade the 'gringos' that everyone seems to hate so much.Honestly, never felt so unwelcome or unwanted on a mongering forum before. I've been to SEA many times and want to expand my mongering adventures but my history and lack of experience with all things Colombia I guess makes me one of the stereotypical 'gringos' that everyone hates.To give you a little perspective. Up until the Pandemic, El Centro in Medellin was not being frequented with many foreigners, albeit there has been quite an increase over the past five years, but nothing like during the last six months. This has occured as a result of SEA being closed, and a lot of the mongers who frequent SEA have shown up in Medellin. As your aware mongering in SEA is very different than in Colombia. Unfortunately with all the newbie Colombian mongers here, some of the girls working in Centro have become what I call "gringo hunters" as the newbie Colombian mongers have been paying more and the girls coming up with rules and time constraints, and all kinds of other crap that didn't exist before.

So if you can put yourself in my shoes it's upsetting, at least for me selfishly to see what is happening here, albeit it doesn't really effect me personally to much. Up until a few years ago I considered Centro to almost be like a private playground reserve, being one of a handful of foreigners enjoying it, while most people were staying away. You also need to be cognizant that Colombia is not like SEA, with the main difference being that in SEA all the clients are foreigners versus in Centro the clients are all locals. Hence seeing a potential transformation in Centro is unsettling, but will never happen, and hopefully SEA will fully re-open and the crowds will return there. And don't get me wrong, I love Beach Road in Pattaya, and can't wait to return as well.

So the landscape has changed a bit, not to the good in my opinion, which I'm sure others share, but on the other hand I understand that you "SEA" guys basically have not had many other mongering choices in a sense and have come to Colombia.

Please don't take anything you read here on this board personally, and you need some pretty thick skin at times.

Ghost 1
10-26-21, 17:12
First off I love the map that was put together and updated, I got the one from the Rio thread and it was essential for the trips I took last year.

I'm heading to medellin for Christmas / new years, and have been ramping up my research as it will be my first trip, my issue lies withing weeding through all the info on the map.

So my question is, is there a way to navigate just the casas, nightclubs, strip clubs? Essentially the places that have girls to either pay for or freelancers to pick up. It seems like there's tons of places like love motels, swingers clubs, hotels, SW areas, and the icons crossover from different places.

If there's a way to turn on certain icons on the map I'm not finding it, I could alter the map if I know the places and condense it for anyone looking for a simpler map, but these places are not clear to me.

Any advice here is greatly appreciated.

10-26-21, 17:24
Tried a few casas from the map at noon period.

We agreed on 300 k for as long as I want, but she gets up to leave after first shot, we had a fight because she wouldn't take 150 k because it was less than an hour.

Sent her out yelling with 200 k.

Sex was amazing, she had a slim tall body 170 cm and short hair, just the way I like.

No Spanish at all, so I am just that dumb ignorant gringo who acts like rules don't apply LOL, sweet Colombian people always trying to help, I bet I would be shot if I pulled same no-English acts in Texas LOL.One of the most basic guidelines in this hobby is don't make a deal for long-time if you haven't sampled the chica short-time first. There are multiple reasons, which have been explained on this forum.

Says it is supposed to rain my entire trip 10/31 - 11/5, is it rain all day there? Or like jamacia where it comes and goes?

Definitely will be a bummer, I was debating rerouting to DR for nice weather but I have never tried Colombia, so I think to keep plans is best.The weather forecast for most days in Medellin is rain, regardless of time of year. That doesn't mean you won't have nice weather. It just rains a lot, though sometimes for short duration and / or overnight.

How much money we're talking about in USD for girls from Lacelestina?

edit: never mind. found their site. prices aren't terrible. between $65-$85 for higher end broads. but the real discount is in the 5 hour slots, under $200. that's not bad for some girls of that caliber. i know that that's still much higher than a street/bar girl, but its not gonna make me broke. you should see what these craigslist whales charge here in the states lol.The fact that they advertise with USD prices is bothersome. Not saying it can't be a good time. And I wouldn't commit to more than one hour with a chica I haven't sampled previously.

10-26-21, 17:25
This has occured as a result of SEA being closed, and a lot of the mongers who frequent SEA have shown up in Medellin. As your aware mongering in SEA is very different than in Colombia. Unfortunately with all the newbie Colombian mongers here, some of the girls working in Centro have become what I call "gringo hunters" as the newbie Colombian mongers have been paying more and the girls coming up with rules and time constraints, and all kinds of other crap that didn't exist before.Finally someone says it. I expect markets to self-normalize once SEA opens back up again. I don't think you'll see a sharp drop-off in prices, but we will get a gradual return back down to a new baseline. It will take about 8-10 months after SEA opens back up.