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Lucky Nuts
12-06-21, 17:07
Thanks for your answer. In fact, I just tried to send you a private email but I can't join pictures.

I'll try again to upload the picture here but I'm scared Admin delete again.

If you can help me with her, it would be very nice.

Thanks to let me know that the normal price is about 200 000 pesos which is less 50 Euros. But are the girls very sexy when you pay that amount?

For these holidays I was thinking to spend about 300 euros per day.

I don't know what you think.
Yes the facebook girls are sexy and perform very well for 200 mil pesos in hopes that you will want to see them again.

The most you should spend for a session is 320 or 330 mil pesos. That's the price for a session at either Club La Isla (open late nights) or a place called Loutron (open afternoon / evenings). So you probably won't be spending as much as you budgeted unless you are overpaying or have several sessions every day. OR if you prefer to take girls from Club Gusto as they are well known for overcharging.

12-06-21, 17:14
Yes the facebook girls are sexy and perform very well for 200 mil pesos in hopes that you will want to see them again.

The most you should spend for a session is 320 or 330 mil pesos. That's the price for a session at either Club La Isla (open late nights) or a place called Loutron (open afternoon / evenings). So you probably won't be spending as much as you budgeted unless you are overpaying or have several sessions every day. OR if you prefer to take girls from Club Gusto as they are well known for overcharging.How can you find the girls on facebook? Do you have some names to give me? I don't know any girl on facebook from Colombia.

In fact till now, I always monger in Thailand and Cambodia but it will me my first time in Colombia.

Jose Flores
12-06-21, 19:43
Do you guys know of any motels / hotels for short term (2 hours) stays around Parque Lleras and what I would be expecting to pay in general?

12-06-21, 20:42
Wait. There is a sports bar there? How long has it been there? I stay at the San Peter when I stay in Laureles. I loved the JM Grill on the first floor. They had GOOD BREAKFAST. But they closed in 2019.Just opened in first weekend of October. I was there when owner had soft opening. Couple from Texas opened it. He was going through hiring end of September. It is good spot for states people to hang out.

12-06-21, 20:48
Maybe because they are png's? Not sure what I am doing different. I can't believe they are being censored by admin, they are not controversial. I will try to post them again.

Of course, yes, what TK wrote was a common sense, mature way of approaching the value of any long term relationship. As if often the case, my writing lets me down, especially when I am doing it at 4 AM, jaja. I was referring to a long distance relationship with a chica who a mongerer met here, and then wanted to maintain after her returned to the states. Cutting off support, especially as a temporary step while you gauge the chica's response, can provide valuable information. You can always go back to whatever level of support you like.

I have met too many guys who on the belief that some chica they briefly met here is madly in love with them, sends the girl money after they leave. That's fine, that's up to you, the vast majority of the time she will be playing you, usually with multiple guys. A lot of that depends upon how you met her, as a regular girl versus someone who was hanging out in front of the Vera Cruz Church. That would be your selection bias.

One reason Catgirl and I have made is more than two years is she passed that test. After I first met her and returned home, I refused to send her any support. But over time, I saw how little money she made after a ten or twelve hour work day. Sometimes she would come home with 30 mil COP in her pocket after eating, which is chump change for lot of guys from the USA. And then a couple of her jobs were so freakin' dangerous (e,g, working in a gold mine) that it scared me. And then when I returned to MDE she was always so tired from working that we barely had fun. So I decided to support her and it was a great decision. She stuck by me way before that point and since then during breaks of my support.

I have other girlfriends from MDE who ask me and I refuse them help, but they still want to see me when I come to MDE. The easiest way to handle it is to make it black and white and not give any girls anything extra, but I was reading here about someone who was interested in a more meaningful relationship with the local girls, and that is what sparked me. And call me crazy, but I see life as more of a continuum with shades of gray.

Great feedback! I liked your suggestion about living with her, albeit that is a drastic step. You can learn mountains (pardon the pun) of info about how these people live and breathe when you stay with them, even short term. I have stayed on the sides of mountains more than a few times in the lower and lowest stratas of housing in MDE. Also I have stayed out in the country in a remote mountain top village, and in two different mega-apartment complexes you can see from a distance on the mountain sides in MDE, and I loved it. But I do NOT recommend that for everyone. You have to have your wits about you in those situations, know your way around a little, know how to blend in, and definitely be with people you trust.

I stand by my little acid test, that if you stop sending a chica here money and then you stop hearing from her, you have good intel. You are right TK, she may find a substitute, so like 90% of life, timing is everything. You can always choose to go back to gifting her, that may be the right way to keep her, or you may soon be awarded your first of many degrees from Fool's College. My main point is there are many girls here worth pursuing, but because of selection bias, don't expect to be finding them in the places we commonly discuss here.

The right chica from MDE will show you much more appreciation, emotionally and physically than her counterpart in the USA. Calling them all golddiggers is misguided, because their need is genuine. Colombia is not the land of opportunity that exists in USA, where drive and talent get rewarded. You can have all those things in Medellin and still be suppressed and beat down by the system. If you judge these girls using the values you absorbed from the USA you will get the an inaccurate viewpoint.

Photos, I hope they all upload this time. The preggo is ready to pop. For those of you who follow me, she goes back over two years with me, second only to Catgirl in length of time. That is Amazonia and she held down my Numero Two spot longer than anyone until she got pregnant and moved back to her village five hours away. Well, her due date is this month, and she is back in Medellin waiting to deliver. I would fly over to MDE right now just for her and dip my wick in that prime preggo pussy, but I am down to the wire on the days left on my 2021 tourist visa. Ostee Out!

12-06-21, 22:10
I will be in MDE right after new year. Anyone planning a trip in the first 2 weeks in Jan, PM me if you want to exchange info. Or plan for a meet up.

Captain Solo
12-07-21, 01:38
Flew in Sunday night, went to the fancy Andre's Carne de Rez bar and restaurant for a $20 T Bone steak. It was served on hot iron plate, medium, tough, too much gristles, could not cut through with a sharp knife, had to chew on and swallow large pieces. After some fierce hand to hand combat had to give up 3/4 of the steak. Colombians need to develop their cuisine a lot more. I am famish here in Colombia for the last 2 weeks.

Had to buy new luggage. A cab driver drove me to Botero Shopping Mall, an area with hundreds thousands shoppers, tens thousands shops and street carts, nice, clean, civilized, the liveliest scene I have seen in Colombia, may be 50 x the foot traffic in Candelaria area in Bogota.

Before I could find a luggage shop, noticed hundreds of girls leaning on walls in front of little sex hotels. They were scattered but about 100 stand around the church of Vera Cruz, most were kind of heavy for my taste, but quite a few hot spinners whom I would pork at the drop of a hat. Medellin beats all other Colombia cities in quantity and quality of girls, also beat Tijuana by a wide margin.

This cute spinner Daniela in her white short was on the street playing with her friends. Took her to the hotel next door, 300 pesos for CBJ CFS, room costs 10 K Cops or $2. 5. She was fun and sexy in bed. Pumped her a long time. She was moaning, had her arms and legs wrapped around me for security.

Medellin has lots of hot girls working in shops. Most are nice, fun, polite, speak Spanish with high modulation and drawn out vowels like Italians in a charming way. They were also fun and flirting non stop. Guys should be able to find many nice, fun, pretty GFs here.

12-07-21, 02:05
Don't forget option 3. She continues to see #1, while she convinces #2 that he is the man. And he supports her. #1 could be a Colombiano or a gringo. #2 is almost always a gringo, especially one who does not live in MDE, so can't track her moves.

Got to disagree with this Osteo. You are not empathising with their situation. A girl might be in to you, but she is in a difficult financial situation. If you cut all support then you will force her to make a decsion -.

1. see a guy that she is in to and that could support her but chooses not to do so.

2. seek another guy that does support her.

If she is in a desperate financial situation, she will obviously choose option 2, despite how much she is in to you.

A far better way to judge a girl is to live with her, and / or take the time to understand her life situation and to respond accordingly.

12-07-21, 06:43
We all have our own selection bias and we are all biased from our own experiences, that's only natural. I got a nice reminder of that when I was on a roll here last visit earlier this year extolling the virtues of the pink shit, and how great it made sex and how the chicas all loved it. Then I met up in person with another member here, nice guy, who told me that on my recommendation he tried the pink shit, twice even, didn't hate it, didn't particularly like it. Even more strangely to me, he said half the chicas he offered it to didn't want anything to do with it. Great feedback and I suddenly realized, clearly I oversold the concept. Through my own selection bias I was (subconsciously?) picking out the chicas who I knew would like it and run with it. I literally never met a chica who didn't at least try it and 90% of them came back for more. I am not trying to convince anyone and we could be talking about Tussi or negro cono or Paisa pussy, it doesn't matter. I am saying that was a good example of my own selection bias and how that did not transfer over to the next guy's experience.

What I would suggest mongers do is get some good quality pink stuff and keep it just in case. Guys, don't do it yourself if you are not into drugs, keep it for the ladies. If you feel like she is a party girl and is into substances, go ahead and offer some to her. Most likely she will outperform in bed and will be more motivated to see you again. I always keep some booze at my airbnb along with something to munch on, as it makes my sessions much more pleasurable. From now on I will try to add pink shit to the list.

12-07-21, 08:26
Yes -- reimbursement of ATM fees. Works at most Colombian ATM machines.What is a CS card?

12-07-21, 13:15
This last few days here I've noticed and heard from others of difficulty getting cabs all around town, probably because everyone is out shopping, and there is a shortage of cabs.

Very difficult around Botero Plaza, it's best to look for guys hailing cabs for people and show them some coins, that will excite them, they will get you a cab.

The Metro has also been jacked up as well, with not as many trains running and packed.

Yesterday I arrived at the Poblado Metro station at 11 AM and barely was able to get in a car headed to Centro, and at the next stop Industrials, only about a third of the people on the Platform were able to get in.

I've never seen anything like this late on a Monday morning, as what I witnessed is pretty much what occurs during rush hours.

Also lots of places to eat, at least the nicer ones in Laureles and Poblado are checking for Vaccine cards, kind of a total joke though, as they don't really look at them.

12-07-21, 13:22
Before I could find a luggage shop, noticed hundreds of girls leaning on walls in front of little sex hotels. They were scattered but about 100 stand around the church of Vera Cruz, most were kind of heavy for my taste, but quite a few hot spinners whom I would pork at the drop of a hat.
Are you sure you weren't hallucinating and / or having a wet dream? LOL.

Nil Admirari
12-07-21, 13:44
Just opened in first weekend of October. I was there when owner had soft opening. Couple from Texas opened it. He was going through hiring end of September. It is good spot for states people to hang out.Sounds to have been a case study in Latin American bureaucracy. When I was staying at the San Peter Apartments back in May, the Sports Bar owner told me that he was expecting his Medellin city business permit "any day now" and had his soft opening tentatively scheduled for a day or two after my departure.

12-07-21, 14:29
.....There is one, super-simple, obvious, easy, fail-safe and time-tested way to tell if a chica is really into you or not for those of you looking for more of a relationship and not just a wet mudhole to fuck. For some reason a lot of guys are too simple-minded or blinded to do it or see it. Stop all support, direct and indirect, money and gifts, and see if she sticks by you......Stop all support, direct and indirect, money and gifts to your wife and see if she sticks by you.

Fun Luvr
12-07-21, 14:50
What is a CS card?Charles Schwab.

12-07-21, 14:53
What is a CS card?Title is the answer. Highly recommended debit card.

12-07-21, 15:48
The great American philosopher Snoop Dogg said it best in the 90's: "you can't turn a hoe into a housewife". Personally, I think references on this site and others like it to "girlfriend" and "girlfriend experience" are misguided and misleading. I find it amusing and telling how rarely there are references to "wife" or "spouse experience". The reason in my opinion is few of us have any interest in that sort of experience, especially if we've been there and done that. I believe the references to "girlfriend (experience)" are misguided attempts to saddle providers with the responsibilities (physical, emotional, and loyalty) of a wife without accepting any of the same as a husband. That's real talk.

There are all kinds of "regular" girls, meaning non Play 4 Pay (or is it Pay 4 Play? Whatever), with whom you can maintain a satisfying, fulfilling relationship between visits to our beloved Medellin, I use Whassap for the free phone and video calls. I've done it, continue to do it. But if you are finding those girls standing around in front of the Vera Cruz Church or at your friendly neighborhood casa, then don't expect a high quality relationship. I've posted before that the best way to meet a "normal" girl is look for one while she is at work. She has a job. She has some sense of responsibility. She is still Colombian so more than likely she loves to fuck as much as you do. When guys here write absolute truths about all the women they meet in MDE, ask yourself in what kind of pool are they swimming? I have the full range of chicas in my ranked line-up from conservative working girl who does not expect anything extra to full-time puta drug dealer and user, who BTW is hawt as fuck. They all have their place. Don't try to put a square peg in a round hole. Or if you prefer a Biblical reference, don't try to make a silk purse out a sow's ear.

There is one, super-simple, obvious, easy, fail-safe and time-tested way to tell if a chica is really into you or not for those of you looking for more of a relationship and not just a wet mudhole to fuck. For some reason a lot of guys are too simple-minded or blinded to do it or see it. Stop all support, direct and indirect, money and gifts, and see if she sticks by you. That approach is a little over-simplistic because of the culture, if the girl thinks you really love her, then even regular girls see money and giving as a sign of true love, so there is some cross-over. But for the most part, it's a simple and accurate barometer, especially for chicas you have known for awhile. If you want a regular girlfriend and you open with, "I am never going to give you anything" that is not the recipe for success either, jajaja.

We all have our own selection bias and we are all biased from our own experiences, that's only natural. I got a nice reminder of that when I was on a roll here last visit earlier this year extolling the virtues of the pink shit, and how great it made sex and how the chicas all loved it..

12-07-21, 15:50
Shop around, there are several options out of Europe and the US that offer the same deal or better.

Charles Schwab.

12-07-21, 16:44
This cute spinner Daniela in her white short was on the street playing with her friends. Took her to the hotel next door, 300 pesos for CBJ CFS, room costs 10 K Cops or $2. 5. She was fun and sexy in bed. Pumped her a long time. She was moaning, had her arms and legs wrapped around me for security.
COP 300 is a very good price.

Mr Enternational
12-07-21, 20:00
There is one, super-simple, obvious, easy, fail-safe and time-tested way to tell if a chica is really into you or not for those of you looking for more of a relationship and not just a wet mudhole to fuck. For some reason a lot of guys are too simple-minded or blinded to do it or see it. Stop all support, direct and indirect, money and gifts, and see if she sticks by you. That approach is a little over-simplistic because of the culture,The only culture this is from is hooker culture. Why not get a normal girlfriend in the first place that you don't need to pay? Sounds too much like some underhanded snake shit to have a chick that you pay then want to take the payment away.

I have a Venezuelan chick that makes US $8 per day that comes to see me everyday after work. I gave her $25 so she would have money for the taxi to get back and forth and she thought I was crazy. She gave the money back and said me giving her that made her really uncomfortable because it felt like I was paying her.

12-08-21, 00:28
COP 300 is a very good price.Must be a misprint since 300 COPS is less than 10 cents. No fkn way but got a good laugh out of it.

Captain Solo
12-08-21, 00:33
Sorry typo error.

Street girls at Plaza Botero all ask for 30-40 K Cops.

At noon time there were lots of heavy girls with big butts and thick thighs, but also 5 or 6 pretty spinners like Daniela, looking young, fresh much prettier than the tattooed, heavy and hardened ho's around Parc LLeras Monday night.

Took a pretty girl, Camilla, at Parc Lleras back to my hotel In Santa Fe. She kept increasing prices and terms, then her pussy had dead fish odors. I will drink with the bros at P Lleras but will go to P Botero for girls, nice, normal, no tats, very low rates. Spinner Daniela has been texting me all day to meet again.

Captain Solo
12-08-21, 01:45
Was drinking with a couple bros at Licores Express in front of Gusto Discotech. About 30 girls were hanging out in front of the bar, most heavy and chunky with big butt, thick thighs, lots of big tats, a few spinners, seemed hardened ghetto hhos, seemed not my type. They all want 300 K Cops or $75 for an hour and 300 K cops for half. I did not like any and was waiting for more to show by midnight.

A bro was waiting for his pretty young girl, short hair, pretty face, looking like French actress Nana Moscouri. She brought winggirl Camilla. The bros bought them drinks and dinner. They were eating big.

Camilla is skinny, light soft skin, fine bones, very pretty face with high straight nose about mid 20's with 2 kids. I liked her pretty face and slim figure in loose exercise sweats, asked her how much for TLN, she said quiniento. I confirmed with her twice and talked to the bros, 500 K Cops or $125 is a good deal for TLN. When they finished eating, we wanted to go to our hotels. Camilla said she meant $500 not 500 K cops. After some persuasion which she did not budged, I left her and walked out to the Parc, talking to a few spinners for 200 K cops ST. That put some fear into her. She told the bro she would go with 500 K Cops.

We got in a cab parked next to the bar. She seemed to know those cabbies. The cab driver was a shady-looking guy wanted 30 K to drive to Santa Fe, about 1 miles South. I should have ordered UBER to be safe. He immediately wanted to sell a pack of 4 mota joints, said the girl wanted them. I strongly declined again and again. He was driving fast, aggressively. We nearly got hit on the side by another car at an intersection. Got to the hotel, got change from him. He was confused, very slow, obviously stoned. Should have taken UBER, safer. She could be in cahoot with those shady cabbies to rob guys.

The hotel had no reception at night. Just unlock in bring girls in. She took off her sweat pants showing a pair of long, slender, shapely, sexy legs. Mi gusto mucho. She wanted payment. I told her despues but she would not budge. After some arguments, I put my short back on, signaling I wanted her to leave. The she relented, wanted 250 K cops for una hora con propina. I showed her the start time on my phone, 1:12 AM.

Her boobs were nice, soft, perky, global with tiny pink nips, mi gusto mucho. I was sucking her nips and rubbing her clit. Her body stiffened up; her pussy was flowing fluid, then the stinky, fishy odors started to spread. I asked her to shower. She quickly went, 1 AM cold air, no hot water; she took a long, cold one. Dried up, back to bed. She put on my condom and refused to blow, jacked me instead. I rubbed her clit again. She got wet, no odor, moaning softly with eyes closed, lips quivering, whispered she wanted me to go slow.

I had split 25 MG of V with the bro at the bar, so had a quick erection. She did a poor CG job. After a few minutes, I just pinned her down and penetrated her snug, wet pussy, a good fit, very sensual. Her butter soft light skin and young, supple body felt delicious in my arms. I alternated deep penetration with quick short strokes with slow long strokes. She was in a trance with eyes closed, moaning softly, arms squeezing, but no besos.

I pumped her for a long time, her pussy felt so good, asked her a few times it sex was good. She nodded and never rushed. Fluid was foaming on her pink pussy, and the fishy odor came out again. I kept pumping and she kept moaning for about half hour before I popped big.

She came back from the shower. I said I wanted a second pop. She refused, said one hour or two, the deal is only 1 pop. Time runs out and deal is over after the pop. Kept arguing with no agreement. She put on her clothes. I went to the shower to take of the dead fish condom. When I ducked out, she had moved about 5 feet and was hovering on top of my open luggage which had only clothes. She quickly retreated to her spot. I had hidden wallet and phone. Gave her 200 K. She was looking at me with pleading eyes but I would never give difficult, hardened hoes propinas. Save it for the nice, sweet girls. I did not want to see her again, so no tel, no pics. She's very pretty, with a fine body, but has risky attitudes.

I took her down to the street. She walked down the long, dark and deserted street by the hotel. I took 2 seconds to secure the front door and walked out to the street to see if she had gone OK, but she already vanished like a ghost.

The bro said Lleras girls are hardened and play some stupid and ugly games. To me young hot street girls at Plaza Botero are more real, nicer, straighter, less tricky and less expensive than Lleras hos with bad attitudes, big tattoos and stinky pussies.

12-08-21, 01:48
I am not suggesting anyone set up some poor needy Colombian chica for a tailspin by pulling the rug out from under her, and then sadistically watch her do a nosedive. I am suggesting as a test and with cause, you can tell a girl who you support, maybe only partially, maybe only slightly, that you will no longer be helping her, and her response can be very revealing. Ten seconds later you can return to baseline or whatever you choose.

References to wives confuse me because yes, these are girlfriends, emphasis on multiple and I am not pretending to be monogamous with any of them. And their need is genuine, this is not a culture specific to Play 4 Pay, this is Colombian culture and how 80% of these girls live.

I met more than a few guys who fell into this pattern of assistance, and have never seen the handwriting on the wall for what it is, which is the girls' only interest in them is financial. That may seem obvious or even laughable to you or me, but if you have talked to a gringo with this mindset, they can be very delusional. I am writing to those guys in case this thought has not occurred to them before.

Sending or giving money to a girl for reasons other than you believe she is madly in love with you, is a separate subject.

Finally, another thing I have noticed about these girls, both those I have assisted and have not, they somehow make it through all their most dire predictions. Their stories of what will happen to them if they don't get whatever needed support is full of predictions of homelessness, starvation, illness, and yes even death from lack of medical care. But guess what? Somehow and someway even when they don't get the money from you that they must have to survive, they don't get kicked out their apartment, they don't starve, they don't bleed to death, and they don't lose custody of their children.

Colombianas somehow always seem to manage to live for another day, and are ready for whatever or whoever comes next. I am pointing that out for the guys who might feel guilty, when they shouldn't. As is usually the case with me, the guys who glean info from me are not the frequent fliers here who already have everything figured out for themselves, and who I would point out represent a minority, albeit vocal, and I include myself in that group. I can't prove it, but I believe in the silent majority here and that's my audience. Although, I always welcome feedback.

I almost sound like I am arguing against now myself because I believe that if you want to, cultivating long term relationships with the right girls from Medellin can be very rewarding. That was on my mind in the beginning. But as I developed the thought, I didn't want to see a less experienced monger get hooked for supporting some of these very clever girls. Unpredictably, for me at least, the focus became the one paragraph with my little acid test about telling the girl you will withhold support, that I considered to be tangential to my main points. I'll take the blame for the sucky writing, jajaja.

12-08-21, 02:21
Flew in Sunday night, went to the fancy Andre's Carne de Rez bar and restaurant for a $20 T Bone steak. It was served on hot iron plate, medium, tough, too much gristles, could not cut through with a sharp knife, had to chew on and swallow large pieces. After some fierce hand to hand combat had to give up 3/4 of the steak. Colombians need to develop their cuisine a lot more. I am famish here in Colombia for the last 2 weeks.Thanks for the review but as an aside. You will notice if you drive out of the city that any pasture land is on about a 30 degree pitch. This gives the cattle lots of exercise and prolly makes them healthy as fuck when they get smashed in the melon. Unfortunately it makes them tough as fuck- in Colombia, Ecuador or Peru if you want a good steak you can pay extra FR US or Argy beef. Otherwise, make sure your knife is sharp, order well cooked (BLEH!) and chew each bite 100 times.

12-08-21, 02:30
However she is worth friending on FB I think because she is friends with almost every MED girl I friend on FB. If she looks as good naked as she does in her pics I'd probably do her once even if she just laid there. LOL.I'm going for a few weeks tomorrow. She was on my TDL but ya. I am seeing that she is also mutual friends with a lot of other girls who are hot af. Anyone want to comment if there is a culture of shitty service with these girls. That may be my answer also. They are pretty much straight up ho's but ya. I know. Not completely- it could be a YMMV thing.

12-08-21, 02:32
Shop around, there are several options out of Europe and the US that offer the same deal or better.Really? Name a better option for US citizens. Schwab is completely fee free, has no minimum balance, refunds all ATM fees all over the world immediately (some posters say the fees back at the end of the month but I get them back immediately), pays competitive interest on cash balances, and has no sales commissions if you do want to invest. E-Trade refunds all ATM fees but turns around and charges a 1% "foreign transaction fee." Both Schwab and E-Trade do charge 1% on foreign purchases made with a debit card but there is never a reason to do that. Also, my CS card was compromised when I was in Bum Fuck, Honduras and they overnighted me a new card via DHL. I saw on the envelope it cost almost $115 US. You can lock and unlock the card on the website.

So anything better than Charles Schwab must be really, really good, so please let us know.

Captain Solo
12-08-21, 02:59
I booked in a converted Spanish mansion next to Santa Fe mall. Agoda advertised it as right at the edge of Parc Lleras but it's about 1 mile South right on Carr Poblano or 43 A. It's nice, green, clean, unhurried neighborhood.

The place is an old Spanish colonial building with red clay tiles. The place is decorated with old pics of naked women, just like an old bordello. An old woman and her charming, educated late 20's daughter run the place. They were very polite and helpful, more like living with Spanish high society than a hotel. They gave me 3 keys for the front door and room, said no one is around after 9 at night, so I have to lock up. Can sneak all kinds of girls in at night hehe.

After many disappointments with food in BOG and MDE, I found the 30 or so places in Santa Fe food court fresh, delicious and cheap. You can have 3 meals a day here from 9 - 9. Took UBER ride to Parcs Lleras, only 10 minutes, 20 K Cops at night. Ha Long at P Lleras has a good menu with good, hot, aromatic Pho, open 12 to 11. But the civies in Santa Fe mall are almost all heavy and chunky with big butts, thick thighs by their mid 20's, no slim, lanky Spanish beauties here.

Took a 49 K cops ($12) Charter why Turismo city tour, 7-hour Spanish-only van tour, pick up and delivery to hotel, walking to most noteworthy spots, including the replica of indigenous village El Pueblito on the mountain top, Metro ride and Metro cable ride to the Eastern mountain top. Lots of fun, cheap and so worth it.

Except the slimy and grimy areas in El Centro and around Parc Lleras, Medellin is nice, clean, lush green, well kept, with majestic mountain ranges, beautiful sceneries, worth visiting just for sight seeing alone, far better than Bogota in every aspect.

The bros should forget about the rotten Lleras pussies, get out of the hotel rooms and do some sight seeing, mingling with the nice, helpful, gracious people of Medellin.

12-08-21, 03:08
I am not suggesting anyone set up some poor needy Colombian chica for a tailspin by pulling the rug out from under her, and then sadistically watch her do a nosedive.
Unpredictably, for me at least, the focus became the one paragraph with my little acid test about telling the girl you will withhold support, that I considered to be tangential to my main points. I'll take the blame for the sucky writing, jajaja.Hehe. I am sticking w my original suggestion. Treat people like human beings, and they are more likely to treat you like one. Try to understand their situation and the factors that guide their decisions.

I have a friend from USA that has a "GF" here. They are always arguing and finishing. He gets frustrated bcos he says he "gives her everything she could want" - he "takes care of her" when he is here, she has "all she wants". But the truth of the matter is that he does no such thing bcos he lacks all ability to understand her situation. She has a child and is young. She is a SW. She can take care of herself and her child already. So why should she sacrifice that? What happens if they finish? He is offering her no security, no future, nothing extra to what she has already. In fact, he is taking her best years when she could meet someone that is willing to secure her future. So she is actually wasting her time on him bcos he doesn't understand her needs or is willing to help her.

He is just too blinded to see things from her persepctive. He thinks she is a selfish bltch that just wants money. She is a nice girl. She is being reasonable. She is thinking of her future.

12-08-21, 05:14
How can you find the girls on facebook? Do you have some names to give me? I don't know any girl on facebook from Colombia.

In fact till now, I always monger in Thailand and Cambodia but it will me my first time in Colombia.Bro add me on your facebook, my faux profile is frank wright. I have a thousand FB girls. 90% are dimes. I will add you.

12-08-21, 07:42
Taking Viagra cuts the risk of Alzheimer's by up to 69 percent?

I dunno, I did not do a deep dive and one of my ex-professional level critiques of the evidence but this is just too good to not throw it against the wall and see what sticks, jajajaja.


12-08-21, 08:51
I live in Los Angeles and I have been enjoying the scene in Tijuana for over 30 years. Lot's of great options but you really never have to leave Hong Kong. The owners really get it. During the lockdown from Covid they almost doubled the size of the club by expanding into the adjacent properties. On a typical weekend night, there must be at least 150 girls. Also, I think because of the overall hit to the Mexican economy, there have never been more beautiful girls than right now. That said I'm ready for some new adventures and I am landing in Medellin the 3rd week of January. Would appreciate anyone that already knows the ropes there and will be there during that time to contact me.

Elvis 2008
12-08-21, 09:01
I am not suggesting anyone set up some poor needy Colombian chica for a tailspin by pulling the rug out from under her, and then sadistically watch her do a nosedive. I am suggesting as a test and with cause, you can tell a girl who you support, maybe only partially, maybe only slightly, that you will no longer be helping her, and her response can be very revealing. Ten seconds later you can return to baseline or whatever you choose.

References to wives confuse me because yes, these are girlfriends, emphasis on multiple and I am not pretending to be monogamous with any of them. And their need is genuine, this is not a culture specific to Play 4 Pay, this is Colombian culture and how 80% of these girls live.Yeah, you really do not get it. Pulling money away from a woman is a john move. And if you feel the need to pull money to get clarity on a woman, let me help you out, she is a ho. Period. All you are really doing is asking her to be a better actress.

12-08-21, 09:02
Title is the answer. Highly recommended debit card.Oh I see. Thanks. Forgive my ignorance, but this is the card you'd get stateside? Basically open a charles schwab account prior to travel?

12-08-21, 09:33
Bro add me on your facebook, my faux profile is frank wright. I have a thousand FB girls. 90% are dimes. I will add you.LOL there's about a thousand frank wrights man.

12-08-21, 12:44
Hehe. I am sticking w my original suggestion. Treat people like human beings, and they are more likely to treat you like one. Try to understand their situation and the factors that guide their decisions.

I have a friend from USA that has a "GF" here. They are always arguing and finishing. He gets frustrated bcos he says he "gives her everything she could want" - he "takes care of her" when he is here, she has "all she wants". But the truth of the matter is that he does no such thing bcos he lacks all ability to understand her situation. She has a child and is young. She is a SW. She can take care of herself and her child already. So why should she sacrifice that? What happens if they finish? He is offering her no security, no future, nothing extra to what she has already. In fact, he is taking her best years when she could meet someone that is willing to secure her future. So she is actually wasting her time on him bcos he doesn't understand her needs or is willing to help her.

He is just too blinded to see things from her persepctive. He thinks she is a selfish bltch that just wants money. She is a nice girl. She is being reasonable. She is thinking of her future.100% on this. The vast majority of the time we, the "boyfriend", have no idea of either the cost that the GF is facing, and how she is to live her life. If you want a GF here or in CR or anywhere similar and you want it exclusive, etc. Be prepared to be married basically. Otherwise give her the freedom to manage her future by not expecting her to be exclusive to you, etc.

12-08-21, 17:52
Oh I see. Thanks. Forgive my ignorance, but this is the card you'd get stateside? Basically open a charles schwab account prior to travel?Well I did it from USA on internet so I assume probably from anywhere but go to their website to find out more. Card was sent to my home and opening the account was easy enough. I have only made a couple deposits so I don't know much more but they have great customer service that can answer all your questions.

12-08-21, 20:28
This is funny. Charles Schwab is like a religion on this website. I won't respond to what reads like a product promotion brochure other than to say I stand by my post. My advice was to shop around. Anyone who doesn't want to do that can base their personal finance decisions on what is posted on a punter web site, good luck with that.

Really? Name a better option for US citizens. Schwab is completely fee free, has no minimum balance, refunds all ATM fees all over the world immediately (some posters say the fees back at the end of the month but I get them back immediately), pays competitive interest on cash balances, and has no sales commissions if you do want to invest. E-Trade refunds all ATM fees but turns around and charges a 1% "foreign transaction fee." Both Schwab and E-Trade do charge 1% on foreign purchases made with a debit card but there is never a reason to do that. Also, my CS card was compromised when I was in Bum Fuck, Honduras and they overnighted me a new card via DHL. I saw on the envelope it cost almost $115 US. You can lock and unlock the card on the website.

So anything better than Charles Schwab must be really, really good, so please let us know.

12-08-21, 20:33
As of December 14, 2021 there will be new testing and vaccination requirements to enter Colombia. You will have to be a resident to get in if you don't have at least one documented vaccination. The health ministry's announcement released last night was characteristically wish washy about the testing requirement. If you are a tourist or business visitor, you must have at least one vaccination. You must also have a PCR test nor more than 72 hours old. The wishy washy part is whether the PCR test will also be required for people who have two or more vaccines. Let the re-interpretation, "should I still come" and live free or die debates begin.

12-09-21, 00:12
As of December 14, 2021 there will be new testing and vaccination requirements to enter Colombia. You will have to be a resident to get in if you don't have at least one documented vaccination. The health ministry's announcement released last night was characteristically wish washy about the testing requirement. If you are a tourist or business visitor, you must have at least one vaccination. You must also have a PCR test nor more than 72 hours old. The wishy washy part is whether the PCR test will also be required for people who have two or more vaccines. Let the re-interpretation, "should I still come" and live free or die debates begin.If you have a layover before your connecting flight to MDE, you might be able to get tested at the airport. Miami does in the Central terminal I recall.

12-09-21, 01:17
This is funny. Charles Schwab is like a religion on this website. I won't respond to what reads like a product promotion brochure other than to say I stand by my post. My advice was to shop around. Anyone who doesn't want to do that can base their personal finance decisions on what is posted on a punter web site, good luck with that.If you can't get schwab get starling, but schwab is better as they refund ATM fees. Zero margin and zero fees is as good as it gets (and it gets far worse). Srsly, if you know any better deals please let us all know, I'll apply immediately, I hate paying bank or any other fees.

12-09-21, 01:23
I've read and heard Laureles isn't as safe as it was pre-pandemic. I like the neighborhood because good restaurants and markets are within walking distance (without the hills of El Poblado). I'm typically not afraid anywhere I want to go in Colombia, but I know Bogota far better than Medellin. Any thoughts on the notion that Laureles is more dangerous now? Thanks.

12-09-21, 01:26
Pluses and Minuses of Brokerage Firm DEBIT Cards.

- Create a Second Account with a Separate, Unlinked Debit Card.

A number of brokerage firms offer debit cards with no foreign ATM fees charged to your account. In comparison, my bank does charge a fee for international withdrawal. At $2 - $5 per withdrawal, that's a big savings.

One warning though about brokerage debit cards. Unlike credit cards, you and not the institution are on the hook for theft or fraud. So I would recommend a second brokerage account with just enough cash for your needs while abroad. (You can always keep the account balance low and transfer more money to the account.) By creating this second account, if you debit card is stolen, or hopefully it is not the case that you are held up at an ATM and forced to keep making withdrawals, the thieves do not have access to your entire brokerage account assets.

The last step in this process is requesting a separate, unlinked debit card that only can withdraw from the second account. If the debit card is linked to both accounts, this defeats the purpose of creating a second account.

Captain Solo
12-09-21, 01:48
Here's Camilla's face.

I would have given her a lot more if she had no played hard ball all the time, also tried to get into my luggage. And fishy pussies are not for me.

Captain Solo
12-09-21, 02:17
Went sight seeing with Metro and cable cars. You can get to all major attractions quickly and cheaply. Came back to P Botero for food and girls. Its' the liveliest spot in MDE with thousands of shops and tens of thousand people milling around the blocks around Beerio Metro station.

Lots of girls were hanging out and front of the church. Policias with patrol cars were in the plaza but they did not bother the hos. I took a couple pics of policias with cars and putas next to them, looked hilarious. When I snapped the girl in black short, she protested loudly shouting. I told her I would call policia; 2 came over. I explained that I was snapping the church thinking policias would be on my side but they told me no pics. Did not know when MDE had that la win place. Meanwhile the puta was shouting and a crowd of 20 surrounded me. Policias shouted at puta to shut up.

I kept arguing but policias insisted no pics. He wanted me to go to the station and took out his cuff. Damn. I said OK, no pic, delete what you want. They went through the pics, laughing at those with putas surrounding patrol car. They deleted all girls pics, but left a few with the church. I took off.

Later they arrested and put her in the back seat. Her friends followed and talked to her thorough the window. Looked like they told her to leave the front of the church and she acted up. After that no girls would stand at the front door of the church.

There were lots of hot young spinners around the church, on streets around P Botero, beat P Lleras by a very wide margin. One spinner with frizzy blonde hair looked so sweet but told me to wait while she went into her hotel. I quickly picked another young slim spinner among several, 30 K cops ($7. 50) for her and 7 cops for a pretty nice, clean, bright room. I was tired with all the walking but her CBJ was pretty good, got a quick hard on. She was very pleasant, fun and sexy, moaning and gasping for breath through the long session, said "Muy rico".

She gave me her tel but no pic. There are so many hot spinners around P Botero even in day time, never short of selection, far better than the heavy tattooed hoes at P Lleras.

12-09-21, 03:48
[QUOTE=CaptainSolo;2635819]Went sight seeing with Metro and cable cars. You can get to all major attractions quickly and cheaply. Came back to P Botero for food and girls. Its' the liveliest spot in MDE with thousands of shops and tens of thousand people milling around the blocks around Beerio Metro station.

Lots of girls were hanging out and front of the church. Policias with patrol cars were in the plaza but they did not bother the hos. I took a couple pics of policias with cars and putas next to them, looked hilarious. When I snapped the girl in black short, she protested loudly shouting. I told her I would call policia; 2 came over. I explained that I was snapping the church thinking policias would be on my side but they told me no pics. Did not know when MDE had that la win place. Meanwhile the puta was shouting and a crowd of 20 surrounded me. Policias shouted at puta to shut up.

I kept arguing but policias insisted no pics. He wanted me to go to the station and took out his cuff. Damn. I said OK, no pic, delete what you want. They went through the pics, laughing at those with putas surrounding patrol car. They deleted all girls pics, but left a few with the church. I took off.

Later they arrested and put her in the back seat. Her friends followed and talked to her thorough the window. Looked like they told her to leave the front of the church and she acted up. After that no girls would stand at the front door of the church./QUOTE]Is CBJ the normal? Or is BBJ the norm? Or must negotiate upfront? Thanks sounds like the place is heating up with hot new girls, also what's the cleanest st hotel around their with hot water would be great and what should that room cost! Thanks.

12-09-21, 03:56
I doubt she could pass a drug test.

Here's Camilla's face.

I would have given her a lot more if she had no played hard ball all the time, also tried to get into my luggage. And fishy pussies are not for me.

12-09-21, 04:55
I've read and heard Laureles isn't as safe as it was pre-pandemic. I like the neighborhood because good restaurants and markets are within walking distance (without the hills of El Poblado). I'm typically not afraid anywhere I want to go in Colombia, but I know Bogota far better than Medellin. Any thoughts on the notion that Laureles is more dangerous now? Thanks.Cab driver also told me the same about Laureles. Less safe than pre pandemic.

12-09-21, 04:58
I live in Los Angeles and I have been enjoying the scene in Tijuana for over 30 years. Lot's of great options but you really never have to leave Hong Kong. The owners really get it. During the lockdown from Covid they almost doubled the size of the club by expanding into the adjacent properties. On a typical weekend night, there must be at least 150 girls. Also, I think because of the overall hit to the Mexican economy, there have never been more beautiful girls than right now. That said I'm ready for some new adventures and I am landing in Medellin the 3rd week of January. Would appreciate anyone that already knows the ropes there and will be there during that time to contact me.Have fun HK sucks now imo. It peaked in 2012-2016. Barely any hot girls in there now compared to before. I have high standards though. Medellin and Bogota is levels above Tijuana imo in terms of easily finding hot girls with good attitudes.

12-09-21, 05:12
One warning though about brokerage debit cards. Unlike credit cards, you and not the institution are on the hook for theft or fraud. So I stuck my card in an ATM / cash machine / cajero in Nicaragua and then went immediately to Honduras. Someone in Nicaragua withdrew several thousand dollars over the weekend, even more than the balance in the account (because I had margin privileges). Schwab made good on the money after a brief investigation and sent me a new card to the small town in Honduras where I was staying, overnighting it. Now I don't know about a kidnapping type of situation but for unauthorized withdrawals, unless you gave someone your password, you're not liable as long as you report it promptly. They can hold you liable for the first $50 but typically they don't. It's $500 if you don't notify within two business days (but I did).

12-09-21, 05:32
Here's Camilla's face.

I would have given her a lot more if she had no played hard ball all the time, also tried to get into my luggage. And fishy pussies are not for me.You can find better quality at New Life. Way cheaper hotel visits too.

12-09-21, 06:00
LOL there's about a thousand frank wrights man.Yeah but they have chicas LOL. I added like ten dudes today.

12-09-21, 12:34
Went sight seeing with Metro and cable cars. You can get to all major attractions quickly and cheaply. Came back to P Botero for food and girls. Its' the liveliest spot in MDE with thousands of shops and tens of thousand people milling around the blocks around Beerio Metro station.

Lots of girls were hanging out and front of the church. Policias with patrol cars were in the plaza but they did not bother the hos. I took a couple pics of policias with cars and putas next to them, looked hilarious. When I snapped the girl in black short, she protested loudly shouting. I told her I would call policia; 2 came over. I explained that I was snapping the church thinking policias would be on my side but they told me no pics. Did not know when MDE had that la win place. Meanwhile the puta was shouting and a crowd of 20 surrounded me. Policias shouted at puta to shut up.

I kept arguing but policias insisted no pics. He wanted me to go to the station and took out his cuff. Damn. I said OK, no pic, delete what you want. They went through the pics, laughing at those with putas surrounding patrol car. They deleted all girls pics, but left a few with the church. I took off.

Later they arrested and put her in the back seat. Her friends followed and talked to her thorough the window. Looked like they told her to leave the front of the church and she acted up. After that no girls would stand at the front door of the church.

There were lots of hot young spinners around the church, on streets around P Botero, beat P Lleras by a very wide margin. One spinner with frizzy blonde hair looked so sweet but told me to wait while she went into her hotel. I quickly picked another young slim spinner among several, 30 K cops ($7. 50) for her and 7 cops for a pretty nice, clean, bright room. I was tired with all the walking but her CBJ was pretty good, got a quick hard on. She was very pleasant, fun and sexy, moaning and gasping for breath through the long session, said "Muy rico".

She gave me her tel but no pic. There are so many hot spinners around P Botero even in day time, never short of selection, far better than the heavy tattooed hoes at P Lleras.The picture thing in that area may be related to the zoning of it as a "zona de tolerencia". When we went on a bus tour by that area (behind the museum) we were told the same thing. Don't take pictures here out of respect for the sex workers. But they did not say it was a law.

There have been a lot of guys doing picture tours and putting it on Youtube and places like that, and I would not be surprised it the government wanted to quash some of that. They do not want to be seen as a sex tourism destination.

12-09-21, 13:29
It's official. A taxista spoke. But seriously, I don't know that crime statistics back any of this up but I do know it's helpful to be reminded guys should not let their guard down because they are surrounded by things and people that feel familiar. This is a big city people, crime can happen at any time. You have to maintain, or develop, some situational awareness to reduce the risk.

Cab driver also told me the same about Laureles. Less safe than pre pandemic.

12-09-21, 13:33
I can't make new life comparisons because I haven't been in the place in several years but providers at other Centro casas are comparable to Camila the smelly luggage burglar. The real point is you would have to explore beyond Poblado to discover any of this.

You can find better quality at New Life. Way cheaper hotel visits too.

Captain Solo
12-09-21, 13:52

The tour I took had families and young children. They took us to the large Botero's sculptures but avoided areas where girls hang out.

The 2 policias were laughing at the pics. They left those with the church and girls with no clear faces. Overall they were decent. It's interesting how Medellin government is so tolerant of prostitutes working in front of churches in a heavily touristic area. But later they found some causes to arrest the vocal puta. I just wanted to show how funny the situation was, not to harm them. People in Medellin are very nice, helpful, mellow.

12-09-21, 14:18
The picture thing in that area may be related to the zoning of it as a "zona de tolerencia". When we went on a bus tour by that area (behind the museum) we were told the same thing. Don't take pictures here out of respect for the sex workers. But they did not say it was a law.

There have been a lot of guys doing picture tours and putting it on Youtube and places like that, and I would not be surprised it the government wanted to quash some of that. They do not want to be seen as a sex tourism destination.Yes, and because of all the video's, Medellin is top on the charts as a go to venue.

With the invasion of the SEA guys, and now were getting a surge of Tijuana guys arriving, if you go back earlier this year, back in February, it was very different, and I have not noticed any shortage of girls, if anything seems likes the ratio of women increases weekly, even with the surge of new guys showing up.

The place will never be the same, but that's a given.

Captain Solo
12-09-21, 14:50

This is my first time in Medellin, staying at a small hotel next to Santa Fe mall, so I don't know much. Perhaps bros with more experiences can answer your questions.

Botero street girls all expected to go to my hotel, seems to happen a lot. The girls are young, nice and easy going, not hardened, so BBBJ and BBFS can potentially be negotiated for small propinas.

The ST hotel rooms near Botero were fairly nice, clean, well lighted, about 2* level, better than rooms in Bogota and much, much better than the tiny shitholes in Panama with toilets right next to the beds. I had no problems bagging street girls there for convenience.

A few bros also PM me about decent GF hotels near Botero Plaza. Would be very nice to take hot spinners for TLNs and touring MDE. Perhaps local bros can help us out.

I walked all over Medellin, mixing with locals. The average people in Medellin are very friendly, honest, kind, smiling, cheerful, patient, helpful, a tolerant and almost noble people. Medellin is nice, clean, lush green with beautiful landscapes, breath-taking sceneries and exotic culture. With so many hot spinners near Botero Pl, I would just skip Bogota and visit MDE again.

Captain Solo
12-09-21, 15:04

Your PM quota is exceeded.

Would be very nice to find girls hotter than Camilla in casas. Any place outside Poblado would be less risky than P Lleras, markets in Centro, P Botero.

Please post pointers and addresses where to find casas. Can take UBER and visit a few. Thanks.

Captain Solo
12-09-21, 16:02
Found Doncolombia.com which lists several casas in Ell Centro, New Life, Zandaly, Fantasia Energy, Shanti Spa. Prices about 90 K cops or $25 for an hour. Not a bad deal. They are all near P Botero, except Fantasia on the West side of city.

Also found a list of good restaurants around P Botero. This is a fun place to hang out for girls, food, shopping.

12-09-21, 16:12
Information is power. No one should find out about these kinds of liabilities after the fact. As I said originally, it's helpful to shop around rather than base personal finance decisions on what most on a punter website say is the best way to go. If you decide to take on this kind of risk it's a good idea to keep track of your account status and read the fine print of the cardholder agreement. Before anyone asks, no I am not going to make specific recommendations for alternatives. As I stated, there are alternatives that are generally as good or better but how much better is going to vary according to personal circumstances so I'm not going to recommend because I don't know other guys' personal circumstances. I agree the advice about limiting exposure by isolating the card to an account with no links to other funding.

So I stuck my card in an ATM / cash machine / cajero in Nicaragua and then went immediately to Honduras. Someone in Nicaragua withdrew several thousand dollars over the weekend, even more than the balance in the account (because I had margin privileges). Schwab made good on the money after a brief investigation and sent me a new card to the small town in Honduras where I was staying, overnighting it. Now I don't know about a kidnapping type of situation but for unauthorized withdrawals, unless you gave someone your password, you're not liable as long as you report it promptly. They can hold you liable for the first $50 but typically they don't. It's $500 if you don't notify within two business days (but I did).

12-09-21, 16:21
I think the youtube thing will eventually run its course. I honestly hope it doesn't take someone getting injured or worse. I'm hoping Google will cut or eliminate monetization payments to the growing hordes of gopro camera jockeys because civil legal judgments wreck the business model. Some of you may remember the early days of street view in Google maps when nothing was blurred in the images. Guys would be on the Internet with their faces visible as they walked in or out of casas. Now of course certain parts of the street view images are blurred. Building numbers, faces, license plates. It's only a matter of time until privacy laws catch up to youtube. I've had more than a few girls complain to me about being unwitting content on youtube.

Yes, and because of all the video's, Medellin is top on the charts as a go to venue.

With the invasion of the SEA guys, and now were getting a surge of Tijuana guys arriving, if you go back earlier this year, back in February, it was very different, and I have not noticed any shortage of girls, if anything seems likes the ratio of women increases weekly, even with the surge of new guys showing up.

The place will never be the same, but that's a given.

Captain Solo
12-09-21, 17:40
Google search, made a list of casas and best restaurants near plaza Botero. One hour session costs 90 K cops or $22. If the girls are hot it would be very good deal.

Uber ride from Santa Fe mall only 12 K cops or $3. Will hit casas, fine dining, street girls, repeat.

Life is good and sexy.

12-09-21, 17:58

Last covid shot must be within 14 days of arrival for non Colombian citizens.

12-09-21, 18:29
Went sight seeing with Metro and cable cars. You can get to all major attractions quickly and cheaply. Came back to P Botero for food and girls. Its' the liveliest spot in MDE with thousands of shops and tens of thousand people milling around the blocks around Beerio Metro station.

Lots of girls were hanging out and front of the church. Policias with patrol cars were in the plaza but they did not bother the hos. I took a couple pics of policias with cars and putas next to them, looked hilarious. When I snapped the girl in black short, she protested loudly shouting. I told her I would call policia; 2 came over. I explained that I was snapping the church thinking policias would be on my side but they told me no pics. Did not know when MDE had that la win place. Meanwhile the puta was shouting and a crowd of 20 surrounded me. Policias shouted at puta to shut up.

I kept arguing but policias insisted no pics. He wanted me to go to the station and took out his cuff. Damn. I said OK, no pic, delete what you want. They went through the pics, laughing at those with putas surrounding patrol car. They deleted all girls pics, but left a few with the church. I took off...Is CBJ the normal? Or is BBJ the norm? Or must negotiate upfront? Thanks sounds like the place is heating up with hot new girls, also what's the cleanest st hotel around their with hot water would be great and what should that room cost! Thanks.

Captain Solo
12-09-21, 22:10
After viewing a dozen huge women in New Life, I walked to P Botero which is only 800 meters or 20 minutes away per Maps, but Maps is useful only if you can fix North, South headings, difficult any time of the day as Colombia is right next to the equator on the South side. My navigation skills went to shit. Fortunately people in Medellin is very nice and helpful. An old lady stuck half her body out of the moving bus' window to shout directions to me. This people has class. I really like them.

Got in Hato Viejo, one of the best rated rest in town for lunch. It was crowded with an upper class clientele. Seeing how hard they were cutting their steaks, I tried fried fish, which was good. They served chicharron, nuggets of fried pork bellies, as snack. They were hard as rock. 49 K for fish plus 12.5 K cops for a local beer, way too expensive and not as good as street food.

Walked to the old church at P Botero. Hundreds regular girls were scattered but none inside the church's courtyard. No policia cars were seen. Saw one of the sweetest-looking girl playing with her friend. She insisted on 50 K Cops, about $25, walked with her to the 10 K see hotel. Her face is pretty with pouty lips, her body is slim but filled out with all the curves and smoothest pinkish skin. No blemish, non tats, Her boobs were full b, real, global, perky and spongy like balloons. She speaks with a sweet accentuated and drawn out accent like Italians, very sweet, innocent, trusting. Very rarely have I seen such a sweet-looking girl.

Got her tel. May be taking her all night. P Botero is my favorite hunting ground. Will try to find decent hotels nearby for future visits.

Elvis 2008
12-09-21, 22:14
Lots of girls were hanging out and front of the church. Policias with patrol cars were in the plaza but they did not bother the hos. I took a couple pics of policias with cars and putas next to them, looked hilarious. When I snapped the girl in black short, she protested loudly shouting. I told her I would call policia; 2 came over. I explained that I was snapping the church thinking policias would be on my side but they told me no pics. Did not know when MDE had that la win place. Meanwhile the puta was shouting and a crowd of 20 surrounded me. Policias shouted at puta to shut up.

I kept arguing but policias insisted no pics. He wanted me to go to the station and took out his cuff. Damn. I said OK, no pic, delete what you want. They went through the pics, laughing at those with putas surrounding patrol car. They deleted all girls pics, but left a few with the church. I took off.

Later they arrested and put her in the back seat. Her friends followed and talked to her thorough the window. Looked like they told her to leave the front of the church and she acted up. After that no girls would stand at the front door of the church.Great story and intel CS. I think your reports are distinction worthy.

As far as the pic story, when I was on Woodman's tour, he said not to take pics and I think that Colombia not wanting to be known as a sex destination is the reason why. It also explains why customs is looking at the phones of some guys.

Someone said the Santa Fe clubs are no comparison to Hong Kong in Tijuana, but they are a different animal. There are some hotties in some SF clubs but on average HK is more expensive and the quality of the women is better.

I think La Isla in Medellin has a little higher quality than HK and is a little cheaper than HK. If you have time, I would check it out. I would be interested in what you think.

12-09-21, 22:47
As of December 14, 2021 there will be new testing and vaccination requirements to enter Colombia. You will have to be a resident to get in if you don't have at least one documented vaccination. The health ministry's announcement released last night was characteristically wish washy about the testing requirement. If you are a tourist or business visitor, you must have at least one vaccination. You must also have a PCR test nor more than 72 hours old. The wishy washy part is whether the PCR test will also be required for people who have two or more vaccines. Let the re-interpretation, "should I still come" and live free or die debates begin.They posted a list of acceptable vaccines and for the US, the list Pfizer. Moderna is listed but countries it says Canada and Switzerland. Does that mean that Moderna isn't accepted from the US? That seems like an oversight.

12-09-21, 23:14
I can't make new life comparisons because I haven't been in the place in several years but providers at other Centro casas are comparable to Camila the smelly luggage burglar. The real point is you would have to explore beyond Poblado to discover any of this.You can't complete eliminate the risks, but you can mitigate them by minimizing the amount of time you spend walking the streets. I try to taxi everywhere to reduce the risk. My biggest fear in Laureles is not on 70, but those side streets that are almost completely dead, even during the day, like when you turn on the block for San Peter apartments. It's about 200 feet from the corner to the building but there is usually nobody there, and would be an easy place for a guy to wait hidden for a robbery.

Captain Solo
12-10-21, 01:46

Hot water is probably avail in 4 or 5 star hotels. I have not had hot water in any hotels or massage joints in Colombia.

Botero Colombian street girls are nice, sweet, easy going. A few have calling and texting me to meet up again, but there are many sweet pretty spinners even in day time. Potentially BBBJ and BBFS can be easily negotiated with small propinas.

12-10-21, 03:11

Last covid shot must be within 14 days of arrival for non Colombian citizens.I think you read that wrong. It says the last shot had to have been administered 14 days before your trip. If you got the vaccine less than 14 days before your trip then you need a PCR test too.

Cocr Brotheler
12-10-21, 03:16

When it gets dark anywhere even Poblado the creatures come out at night. When I walked la 70 last (several years ago) even with other people around just got that hair stand up on the back of my neck feeling. There's enough druggers out high on whatever and coming up begging for $ to where I always have my guard up. Only place I felt safe at night in Medellin is Lleras but tourist overpriced area.

Laureles and nearby Estadio during the day I feel safe walking around.

12-10-21, 03:33

Last covid shot must be within 14 days of arrival for non Colombian citizens.No, last COVID shot must not have been within 14 days of arrival. Last COVID shot has to be MORE than 14 days from the date of arrival. Or else you must be tested. To put another way, you have to complete the vaccination cycle at least 14 days before you arrive in Colombia.

Cocr Brotheler
12-10-21, 03:37

A Lleras scammer scammed me last visit too.

12-10-21, 03:42
Are these examples of the possible benefits and rewards from longer term and long distance relationships with chicas from Medellin, or is that just a banana in my pocket, jajajaja?

The question is rhetorical, I feel fortunate to know both these girls long-term from MDE, and that's the only interpretation that matters.

Both these chicas Whassap' me in the past couple of days.

One of my rock-solid regulars and a chica I have been fucking for over two years here is Scarlet. I have posted about her here too many times to count.

Scarlet sent me a five-second video on Whassap of her on the bus, wish I could post it, although I would not show her face so I guess I am lying. Anywho, the last two seconds of the video she pans back two rows over to the other aisle, where this really cute chica blows a kiss to the camera. I won't say she blew ME a kiss because she has never met me.

So I says to her, I says, "Is the cute girl in the background for me?" sort of as a joke, but hoping.

I will translate.

"Obviously," Scarlet replies.

Feigning innocence, I say, "Not obviously, I would not want to assume such a thing."

She says, "Yes, my love she is very good at sex and a very good person, I know that you will like her and enjoy her very well, we will have a great time. ".

Dudes, I say it all the time but it never gets old for me, "We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto."

Shite like that never happens to me in the USA. Not only that, Scarlet's gestures (plural, she constantly brings me a steady stream of surprisingly hawt new chicas) is done with a sincerity that has to felt to be believed. Her motives are financial and my happiness, and she reads me pretty well, jajaja. She passed my acid test recently discussed here a long time ago, making that point moot.

Assuming she pans out, gawd only knows, I will pay the new chica from the "back of the bus" between 100-150 COP for an encounter that will last anywhere between 2-4 or more hours, depending on the vibe. Scarlet fucks me for free but as she well knows, she has worked her way solidly into the Top 3 of my rankings, doing stuff like this, bringing me girls without asking, which classifies her as a novia and therefore she gets bennies.

Next example, overall I have been with this preggo chica even longer than Scarlet, second only to mi numero uno novia, Catgirl.

She is due on the 26th, I arrive on the 24th. She would be completely justified in telling me that she is too miserable from pregnancy to have sex.

Instead, she wrote, "I know you love the feel of my pregnant pussy (softer and tighter at the same time which only happens during pregnancy, thank you progesterone) so I will come to your hotel as quick as I can." She has never been P4P, she was a regular girl who had a regular full time job before she got knocked up. The last time I sent her money was so she could get a cheap bus ticket from her village to her Aunt's house in Medellin, and wait for the baby to come. The thought of telling her I would withhold support has never crossed my mind because she very rarely ever asked me for anything.

Then she added, "One of my fantasies is to hold the baby while you fuck me." Wow, just wow. All bases covered, before and after. I am thinking the spooning position is going to be the way to go for that, jajajaja. My good mongering buddy Villainy added I need to breast feed on one side while the baby is on the other, jajaja, I like the way you think Villainy!

We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto. If I sound excited it is because I have been in the USA now for almost 2 months where it takes four times the effort to get results that generally do not come anywhere near the fun factor of Medellin.

Photos are all of the same girl in both a pregnant and pre-preggo state.

Ostee Out, and don't forget to Keep On Keepin' On.

Elvis 2008
12-10-21, 03:51
They posted a list of acceptable vaccines and for the US, the list Pfizer. Moderna is listed but countries it says Canada and Switzerland. Does that mean that Moderna isn't accepted from the US? That seems like an oversight.Nah, they are using Moderna in Colombia. It is fine.

12-10-21, 05:17
The picture thing in that area may be related to the zoning of it as a "zona de tolerencia". When we went on a bus tour by that area (behind the museum) we were told the same thing. Don't take pictures here out of respect for the sex workers. But they did not say it was a law.

There have been a lot of guys doing picture tours and putting it on Youtube and places like that, and I would not be surprised it the government wanted to quash some of that. They do not want to be seen as a sex tourism destination.This is what happened in Sosua. Things went along happily until guys just had to start putting stuff all over youtube and FB. The locals got upset and they have been trying to clean up the place for the last 5 or 6 years. They haven't really but man do they screw things up- the same thing will happen here. Keep things to forms like this. This is exactly what got Cuba Dave thrown in jail in Costa Rica. Everyone knows what goes on but they don't want it screamed out to the world.

Captain Solo
12-10-21, 05:22
Had a hard time finding UBER drivers for La Isla at 7. They kept canceling due to congested traffic to the tunnel heading to the airport. Finally found one, after much congested traffic go to La Isla about 8.

20 M Cops ($5) cover. The club is a converted warehouse w high ceiling, about 6,000 SF with a strip stage in the center, booths and long lounging couches around, flat lightings, no decorations. Music was thumping but there was no show, only 6 guys and 2 girls in dresses sitting idly. I felt disappointed. 6 to 8 meseros were sitting on couches not dong anything, not pushing me to buy drinks.

Girls kept coming in to work through the back door to their dressing room. I sneaked a view and found a dozen girls with their street clothes off, putting on make up. They were almost all hefty with big butts, big boobs, thick thighs, lots of tats, plain faces, a few blacks. Beers are 33 M cops or $8 for guys and girls. Session costs 320 M cops or $80 including room. There were 2 skinny girls but their faces looked old, bodies plastered with tats, not interested.

I went to the manager, a big guy looking half African, no show, I wanted my money back to go home. He said money was gone, would never come back, give him 10 minutes to put on a show. 10 minutes later there was still no show. 5 minutes later he put a fairly chubby girl on stage, about a 3 on HK's scale in looks and dance. Eventually about 10 girls in dresses came out sitting by themselves on the couches, not looking at guys, not going around flirting. Was looking hard but could not find one worth a session for any money, I went to the manager again asking for my money back. He said wait a minute, brought out a cute, smiling girl for me, about 5'5 160 lbs. She looked cute but was still too heavy for my taste, not interested. There were still no strippers, no show, it got very boring.

I decided to leave to go to the next stop, booked UBER but no drivers wanted to go up to that area, kept canceling. La Isla has club cars driving guys back to downtown for 25 M Cops or $6 but I did not want to give them more money, rather waited for UBER while viewing the club.

After half hour a UBER driver showed up. I wanted to check out Plaza Botero for actions at night. I wasted my time and money at La Isla, would never go back.

Captain Solo
12-10-21, 05:40
UBER driver drove me to Plaza Botero. All shops had closed, the entire area looked dark and deserted. The driver warned me, this area very dangerous, no cabbies would drive to this area at night, I could be stuck without a safe way to get out of the area among hundreds shady people.

I asked driver to park and wait for me 5 minutes, walked to the church area to survey the situation. The streets were totally dark. Dozens guys scurried around with about 20 bad-looking girls leaning on walls. There were no signs of policia presence. This area looks obviously very high risk. If you cannot find a taxi to get out, you may not live to tell the story.

Driver said girls and their pimps in this area would beat up and rob guys. Locals never go here at night. He said if you want to see girls skinnier and prettier than those in La Isla, Club Luna Lunera on carr 33 has them. We headed to Luna Lunera.

Captain Solo
12-10-21, 06:02
Drove around and around, Medellin is a huge city, got to Luna Lunera about 10. Told driver to wait 5 minutes while I go in to check it out.

It's a small club, about 2,000 SF, claims to open 24/7 with 15 M Cops or $4 cover. No client, about 8 girls were sitting around, average sizes, looking pretty good to my taste. No strip show, no beers sold, only liquor, the cheapest is a 120 M cops or $30 half bottle of rum to drink with girls. Knowing bar girls' tricks, they would knock their drinks down fast so you keep having to buy more bottles to sit with them, Girls cost 200 and Cops or $50 including room.

The girls seemed hungry for business. They all got up, shyly walked out, looking at me, smiling shyly but no talk, no touches, no flirting. A few looked hot and charming enough for sessions. Girls are more like my taste and could be fun companies. The place is more like a bordello where you can drink and meet the girls.

This club feels nice, has good potentials but had no client on Thursday night, so they must be hungry.

12-10-21, 06:17
I have a Chucky Schwab card and use it all the time in Medellin. As I recall in order to get their card I had to open two accounts with them, brokerage and checking, and keep a balance in the checking account only, I don't remember if there was a minimum balance. Then I incidentally mentioned to my Wells Fargo banker the deal I had with Chuck, and he gave me the exact same deal on my Well Fargo debit card. Well, maybe not exactly the same, there is some theoretical maximum number of transactions per week or month that I have never exceeded, and a minimum balance may be required.

Just like a razor blade can only get so sharp, and you can only shave so close no matter how many blades you stack together, a debit card in Medellin is "as good as it gets" if it sets the conversion rate at an index without a margin; the bank you are drawing on in the states does not charge you any "international" fees; and your bank refunds any service charges the bank in Colombia is trying to impose. At that point, all cards are equal, it doesn't matter what they are called but Chucky has the rep until too many low ballers go there to get a card and they decide to no longer offer that level of service, which is their right to do at any moment.

These are debit cards so there should not be any annual fee for using them. Don't forget, if you stick your Visa or Mastercard credit card in the slot for cash, you will most likely get hit with a very high cash advance percentage rate, easily in the mid 20's. Ha, to me that's loan sharking, but you know, the big banks get their way.

As it has been told many times here but bears repeating, no matter what debit card you are carrying, you should refuse the conversion rate when the prompt comes up on the screen when you are withdrawing cash at the ATM. That is simply an additional mark-up from the bank whose ATM you are using. I won't say the transaction always works when you refuse it, but 90% of the time it does. And if you are trying to draw out upper limit amounts, the same ATM can vary day to day quite a bit depending on the one you use, both on maximum amount per transaction, and maximum number of transactions per day or total amount per day.

Gratuitous fotos, six different chicas all at or from Ground Zero costing between 30-150 mil, NOT counting hotel fees or guest charges. Let's not forget, we're all here to feel good or it's not worth it.

12-10-21, 07:45
It's official. A taxista spoke.

I know right? Toss up Taxista or a random monger on a monger board. I'll take the local Colombian's advice on this one

12-10-21, 15:19
Had a hard time finding UBER drivers for La Isla at 7. They kept canceling due to congested traffic to the tunnel heading to the airport. Finally found one, after much congested traffic go to La Isla about 8.

20 M Cops ($5) cover. The club is a converted warehouse w high ceiling, about 6,000 SF with a strip stage in the center, booths and long lounging couches around, flat lightings, no decorations. Music was thumping but there was no show, only 6 guys and 2 girls in dresses sitting idly. I felt disappointed. 6 to 8 meseros were sitting on couches not dong anything, not pushing me to buy drinks.

Girls kept coming in to work through the back door to their dressing room. I sneaked a view and found a dozen girls with their street clothes off, putting on make up. They were almost all hefty with big butts, big boobs, thick thighs, lots of tats, plain faces, a few blacks. Beers are 33 M cops or $8 for guys and girls. Session costs 320 M cops or $80 including room. There were 2 skinny girls but their faces looked old, bodies plastered with tats, not interested.

I went to the manager, a big guy looking half African, no show, I wanted my money back to go home. He said money was gone, would never come back, give him 10 minutes to put on a show. 10 minutes later there was still no show. 5 minutes later he put a fairly chubby girl on stage, about a 3 on HK's scale in looks and dance. Eventually about 10 girls in dresses came out sitting by themselves on the couches, not looking at guys, not going around flirting.Just a tip for fellow mongers overseas, never ask for your money back, especially if it's a meager cover charge. It might be ok to ask for some type of credit if you have some bad experience, but asking for your money back as a tourist with money who comes here to fuck women while these workers are living on poverty wages, makes you look like a cheapskate and someone worth robbing. Don't make yourself a target.

12-10-21, 15:21
.... The average people in Medellin are very friendly, honest, kind, smiling, cheerful, patient, helpful, a tolerant and almost noble people. Medellin is nice, clean, lush green with beautiful landscapes, breath-taking sceneries and exotic culture. With so many hot spinners near Botero Pl.....Mexico is in danger of losing a regular.

Elvis 2008
12-10-21, 15:46
Girls kept coming in to work through the back door to their dressing room. I sneaked a view and found a dozen girls with their street clothes off, putting on make up. They were almost all hefty with big butts, big boobs, thick thighs, lots of tats, plain faces, a few blacks. Beers are 33 M cops or $8 for guys and girls. Session costs 320 M cops or $80 including room. There were 2 skinny girls but their faces looked old, bodies plastered with tats, not interested.

I went to the manager, a big guy looking half African, no show, I wanted my money back to go home. He said money was gone, would never come back, give him 10 minutes to put on a show. 10 minutes later there was still no show. 5 minutes later he put a fairly chubby girl on stage, about a 3 on HK's scale in looks and dance. Eventually about 10 girls in dresses came out sitting by themselves on the couches, not looking at guys, not going around flirting. Was looking hard but could not find one worth a session for any money, I went to the manager again asking for my money back. He said wait a minute, brought out a cute, smiling girl for me, about 5'5 160 lbs. She looked cute but was still too heavy for my taste, not interested. There were still no strippers, no show, it got very boring.

I decided to leave to go to the next stop, booked UBER but no drivers wanted to go up to that area, kept canceling. La Isla has club cars driving guys back to downtown for 25 M Cops or $6 but I did not want to give them more money, rather waited for UBER while viewing the club..Wow, that was not what is was like for me at all. There were two women when I was there I would put in the 9 or 10 category and plenty of 8's. I saw one fit girl work the pole as well as any gymnast in the world. Sorry I suggested it, and you had a bad time.

12-10-21, 15:47
... after much congested traffic go to La Isla about 8..... I wasted my time and money at La Isla, would never go back. Unless something has changed, I think you went too early.

Captain Solo
12-10-21, 15:49

I go to Tijuana just about every weekend because of convenience, and it sure beats the LA ghettos with lots of violent crimes, ugly, skanky, hardened WGs.

People in Medellin show a lot of love to each other and to their children in public. Their children are nice, clean, well cared for, balanced, happy. They are friendly, honest, patient and helpful to strangers like me. Compared to other peoples in America, Europe, Asia, the average people in Medellin are civilized and good citizens.

I would want to do a few trips to MDE every year.

Captain Solo
12-10-21, 16:07
It's in a semi residential area with a blue front door. Went through 3 layers of locked steel doors and headed upstairs.

A few couches and booths surround a small lobby. Signs on the walls say 55 M Cops or $14 half hour, 90 M or $23 full hour, beers 5 M. The woman manager said, will bring up girls, remember their names or numbers.

I sat in a booth drinking a beer. A dozen girls climbed up the stairs, went in the booth, said Hi and their names. They were older, like mid 30's, all huge with big butts, big boobs, tattoos looking crude, a few blacks. They looked like the huge bulbous Botero's sculptures. The selection was the worst in Colombia to my taste. A couple guys went in next and they repeated the process of walking up the stairs to introduce themselves, lots of climbing. Guys looked happy taking big girls for banging.

I paid for the beer and walked down through 3 buzzed steel door, felt like I was in a prison. Walked out to the nice, clean streets towards Plaza Botero, tried to erase the images of huge, bulbous women from my memory.

12-10-21, 16:10
As it has been told many times here but bears repeating, no matter what debit card you are carrying, you should refuse the conversion rate when the prompt comes up on the screen when you are withdrawing cash at the ATM. That is simply an additional mark-up from the bank whose ATM you are using. I won't say the transaction always works when you refuse it, but 90% of the time it does. And if you are trying to draw out upper limit amounts, the same ATM can vary day to day quite a bit depending on the one you use, both on maximum amount per transaction, and maximum number of transactions per day or total amount per day.After refusing the conversion rate what next? Is there another option or just proceed? Do they give the conversion rate that they are offering and is it that much lower than what you get after refusing? It's been a couple years since I've been there and I just don't remember being offered a conversion rate. But knowing all this now will help when I get back next month. Thanks.

Captain Solo
12-10-21, 16:16
The area around Plaza Botero and Metro stop Beerios is the busiest and liveliest in Medellin with thousands shops and hundreds thousands people walking in the day time, but at night all shops are closed, lights turned off, the whole area is dark and deserted, only vagrants scurrying in the dark.

Forget about finding any decent hotels near P Botero; there are none. The bros should stay in decent GF hotels in Poblado or Laureles, cab to Botero in the day time, bag a few hot girls, get their tels, then negotiate visits at night in the hotels.

A few hot Botero girls have been calling and texting me at all hours to hook up.

Captain Solo
12-10-21, 16:50

I was there until about 9 pm. 3 groups of guys were sitting with girls, but fee people bought drinks.

I saw about 20 girls, all too heavy for me. The girls selection, fun and sexy factors are about 30 percent of Hong Kong club in Tijuana.

12-10-21, 17:19
Search the forum for "casa" all the filthy details are here. I will clean up my private messages. I didn't know guys can't slide up in my DMs. Well, maybe I should leave it the way it is. Just kidding, I will clean it up.


Your PM quota is exceeded.

Would be very nice to find girls hotter than Camilla in casas. Any place outside Poblado would be less risky than P Lleras, markets in Centro, P Botero.

Please post pointers and addresses where to find casas. Can take UBER and visit a few. Thanks.

12-10-21, 17:22
Drove around and around, Medellin is a huge city, got to Luna Lunera about 10. Told driver to wait 5 minutes while I go in to check it out.

It's a small club, about 2,000 SF, claims to open 24/7 with 15 M Cops or $4 cover. No client, about 8 girls were sitting around, average sizes, looking pretty good to my taste. No strip show, no beers sold, only liquor, the cheapest is a 120 M cops .I went to both clubs on my last two trip. Went to Luna first at 8 pm. Bouncer told me that most of girls start arriving between 10 and 11 pm. So went to Isla right from there. Same situation. That's why joint was not humming. Locals and girls start coming in after 10. Day time conejitas in centro not bad. But always buys due to central location.

12-10-21, 17:24
You can negotiate better deals at Luna during daytime hours. They do operate 24/7. I guess it boils down to whether the goal is the girls or the lights, music, and the bro show.

I went to both clubs on my last two trip. Went to Luna first at 8 pm. Bouncer told me that most of girls start arriving between 10 and 11 pm. So went to Isla right from there. Same situation. That's why joint was not humming. Locals and girls start coming in after 10. Day time conejitas in centro not bad. But always buys due to central location.

12-10-21, 17:26
On behalf of the brotherhood of Centro rats, Mexico's loss is our gain.

Mexico is in danger of losing a regular.

12-10-21, 17:31
Next time at that hour try Conejitas, Barra Ejecutiva, which are both very close to Plaza Botero. The taxista did not suggest them because he would lose the fare for the trip to Laureles. 80 K room included or you can take them out for a little more than twice that amount.

Had a hard time finding UBER drivers for La Isla at 7. They kept canceling due to congested traffic to the tunnel heading to the airport. Finally found one, after much congested traffic go to La Isla about 8.

20 M Cops ($5) cover. The club is a converted warehouse w high ceiling, about 6,000 SF with a strip stage in the center, booths and long lounging couches around, flat lightings, no decorations. Music was thumping but there was no show, only 6 guys and 2 girls in dresses sitting idly. I felt disappointed. 6 to 8 meseros were sitting on couches not dong anything, not pushing me to buy drinks.

Girls kept coming in to work through the back door to their dressing room. I sneaked a view and found a dozen girls with their street clothes off, putting on make up. They were almost all hefty with big butts, big boobs, thick thighs, lots of tats, plain faces, a few blacks. Beers are 33 M cops or $8 for guys and girls. Session costs 320 M cops or $80 including room. There were 2 skinny girls but their faces looked old, bodies plastered with tats, not interested..

12-10-21, 17:50
Unless something has changed, I think you went too early.You went too early. Best after 11.

12-10-21, 18:05
OK. So I am Canadian (which is not anyone's fault, even my own) - once the weather hits 20 deg see. We want our shorts on. I know this is not really done here. I went to Centro yesterday in my long pants. I was wishing I had shorts on especially after the Venni I found marched me all over the map getting a hotel room. More on that later- I only saw two other males wearing shorts (both gringos) - I mean there is no disguising who I am or what I'm up to. I'm Caucasian AF, built on a larger scale, 60 yo single male so it is not really a matter of fitting in. Ain't going to happen- but I don't want to be disrespectful and I don't want to be thought of as an ugly tourist. Though come to think of it that would be a fair description. I was here about 5 years ago and I didn't worry about it much and there were times my bare legs did make me a bit uncomfortable. Any thoughts comments?

12-10-21, 18:26
If you aren't a resident you can get in with at least one vaccine and a negative PCR test. Both have to happen within the established time limits of 14 or more days before the date of flight for the vaccine and no more than 72 hours before the flight for thee PCR test. Pro tip: don't rely on dodgy translations from Chinese web sites for information about Colombia.

No, last COVID shot must not have been within 14 days of arrival. Last COVID shot has to be MORE than 14 days from the date of arrival. Or else you must be tested. To put another way, you have to complete the vaccination cycle at least 14 days before you arrive in Colombia.

12-10-21, 18:29
Crikey, you are a full on Centro rat.

After viewing a dozen huge women in New Life, I walked to P Botero which is only 800 meters or 20 minutes away per Maps, but Maps is useful only if you can fix North, South headings, difficult any time of the day as Colombia is right next to the equator on the South side. My navigation skills went to shit. Fortunately people in Medellin is very nice and helpful. An old lady stuck half her body out of the moving bus' window to shout directions to me. This people has class. I really like them.

Got in Hato Viejo, one of the best rated rest in town for lunch. It was crowded with an upper class clientele. Seeing how hard they were cutting their steaks, I tried fried fish, which was good. They served chicharron, nuggets of fried pork bellies, as snack. They were hard as rock. 49 K for fish plus 12.5 K cops for a local beer, way too expensive and not as good as street food..

12-10-21, 18:58
Mexico is in danger of losing a regular.Unfortunately, this is an understatement.

Many of the SEA guys, and now the Tijuana guys, who have spent some time here, will most probably not be spending as much time in Tijuana or in SEA when it fully re-opens.

Case in point, I have a buddy here who before the Pandemic was an Angeles City and Bangkok guy. And he swore how the Philippines was the best place on the planet for women. Know he has changed his tune, and says he likes Colombia more, and would rather be in Colombia versus SEA. Easy to understand why, it's close, and inexpensive.

Can you blame anyone who show's up here, see's what can be had, and not like the place. The two big issues for everyone though, and not obstacles that can't be overcome, are danger and the language.

Errol Flynn
12-10-21, 19:32
I was here about 5 years ago and I didn't worry about it much and there were times my bare legs did make me a bit uncomfortable. Any thoughts comments?When in Rome do as the Romans. Don't wear shorts in Medellin except at the swimming pool. It is not only disrespectful, it pegs you as not just a foreigner, but a clueless one.

12-10-21, 19:32
UBER driver drove me to Plaza Botero. All shops had closed, the entire area looked dark and deserted. The driver warned me, this area very dangerous, no cabbies would drive to this area at night, I could be stuck without a safe way to get out of the area among hundreds shady people.

I asked driver to park and wait for me 5 minutes, walked to the church area to survey the situation. The streets were totally dark. Dozens guys scurried around with about 20 bad-looking girls leaning on walls. There were no signs of policia presence. This area looks obviously very high risk. If you cannot find a taxi to get out, you may not live to tell the story.

Driver said girls and their pimps in this area would beat up and rob guys. Locals never go here at night. .Whatever the UBER driver told you makes no sense at all.

There are no pimps working with the girls you witnessed. In other words, the girls don't have Padrotes like the street girls do in Tijuana.

Additionally, very few girls are out working late in the area described for fear of being robbed, so the girls you witnessed are primarily hard core druggies, and sacaleros, who of course are available, which you could have your way with if you wanted to, and we are talking like in the 15-20 K range as they would be so spaced out they would have no clue what they were doing.

You also said you were concerned about getting stuck among hundreds of shady people, yet said it was deserted. ?

And your correct that locals don't visit that area in the evenings because the place transforms with all the sacaleros, zombies, druggies, and homeless people out. There actually also out there during the day as well, but hardly noticeable, because there are so many other people out.

Your smart to stay away from the Veracruz area in the later evenings when everything is shut down.

12-10-21, 19:35
When in Rome do as the Romans. Don't wear shorts in Medellin except at the swimming pool. It is not only disrespectful, it pegs you as not just a foreigner, but a clueless one.Actually lots of people wear shorts on Sundays and Holidays.

12-10-21, 19:50
Unfortunately, this is an understatement.

Many of the SEA guys, and now the Tijuana guys, who have spent some time here, will most probably not be spending as much time in Tijuana or in SEA when it fully re-opens.

Case in point, I have a buddy here who before the Pandemic was an Angeles City and Bangkok guy. And he swore how the Philippines was the best place on the planet for women. Know he has changed his tune, and says he likes Colombia more, and would rather be in Colombia versus SEA. Easy to understand why, it's close, and inexpensive.

Can you blame anyone who show's up here, see's what can be had, and not like the place. The two big issues for everyone though, and not obstacles that can't be overcome, are danger and the language.To each his own. But imo the girls in Pi are just average unattractive vs Colombians. I think its more of a low hanging fruit mentality. No language barrier and cheap but unattractive girls surrounding you asking for your $ for a cheap lay.

12-10-21, 20:01
Next time at that hour try Conejitas, Barra Ejecutiva, which are both very close to Plaza Botero. The taxista did not suggest them because he would lose the fare for the trip to Laureles. 80 K room included or you can take them out for a little more than twice that amount.Agreed, there are decent bars and clubs near Botero, including: Conejitas, Grill Nueva, Bar Maracaibo, and Barra Ejecutiva, all within walking distance of Plaza Botero.

Fun Luvr
12-10-21, 20:02
After refusing the conversion rate what next? Is there another option or just proceed? Do they give the conversion rate that they are offering and is it that much lower than what you get after refusing? It's been a couple years since I've been there and I just don't remember being offered a conversion rate. But knowing all this now will help when I get back next month. Thanks.Most machines will dispense the cash after declining the conversion. Some will terminate the transaction. You will get the exchange network (either Visa or Mastercard) rate, which is much better than the bank's rate. I think the ATM's that offer the exchange rates have only been doing that within the last year or two. Some don't offer.

12-10-21, 21:26
Most machines will dispense the cash after declining the conversion. Some will terminate the transaction. You will get the exchange network (either Visa or Mastercard) rate, which is much better than the bank's rate. I think the ATM's that offer the exchange rates have only been doing that within the last year or two. Some don't offer.Perfect answer. Thanks FL. Hopefully the one across the street will be fine. Bancolombia I think. 3 machines available.

12-10-21, 21:30

I was there until about 9 pm. 3 groups of guys were sitting with girls, but fee people bought drinks.

I saw about 20 girls, all too heavy for me. The girls selection, fun and sexy factors are about 30 percent of Hong Kong club in Tijuana.Much too early. I would say after 1 am is probably the peak time. In my opinion, La Isla isn't really a good destination if you're going solo. Go with a group of friends, get a bottle, enjoy the show and spend 3 or 4 hours, before picking a girl, or don't pick one at all.

If you're going early, or going solo, Club Maracaibo in El Centro is a better option, although it will also have a limited selection if you're too early.

12-10-21, 21:43
Medellin is no longer a secret haha. Even if Medellin gets overrun by gringos, which has been discussed for years now in pre pandemic times, there's still lots of surrounding areas that will probably never be on any gringo's list. I'm sure you guys know what area I'm talking about. Yup, Bello! Just take that metro on the Niquia line, get off at Madera, Bello, or Niquia and you'll have a blast! Everything is calmer and cheaper and more authentic and more dangerous (wink, wink). And hot non pros can be had if you have some game, speak decent Spanish, can make them laugh, and not an old fart (no offense).

Unfortunately, this is an understatement.

Many of the SEA guys, and now the Tijuana guys, who have spent some time here, will most probably not be spending as much time in Tijuana or in SEA when it fully re-opens.

Case in point, I have a buddy here who before the Pandemic was an Angeles City and Bangkok guy. And he swore how the Philippines was the best place on the planet for women. Know he has changed his tune, and says he likes Colombia more, and would rather be in Colombia versus SEA. Easy to understand why, it's close, and inexpensive.

Can you blame anyone who show's up here, see's what can be had, and not like the place. The two big issues for everyone though, and not obstacles that can't be overcome, are danger and the language.

Captain Solo
12-10-21, 22:05

Allegedly a few bars cater to truckers near the wholesale market, but not too many girls and not too attractive.

12-10-21, 22:09
Hey guys,

It's been a while since I last checked out Seeking Arrangements. I'm noticing that a large number of profiles are written in English now. The last time I visited the site just a couple months ago I do not recall it being this extreme. I clearly recall using Google translate to read most girls profiles. Now it seems just about every girls profile is written in English. Is the site banning non-English profiles now? Could definitely just be me but if I didn't know any better SA would almost make me believe every Colombiana is an English major hahah. Just curious if any other users have noticed less SA profiles written 100% in Spanish?

12-10-21, 22:11
OK. So I am Canadian (which is not anyone's fault, even my own) - once the weather hits 20 deg see. We want our shorts on. I know this is not really done here. I went to Centro yesterday in my long pants. I was wishing I had shorts on especially after the Venni I found marched me all over the map getting a hotel room. More on that later- I only saw two other males wearing shorts (both gringos) - I mean there is no disguising who I am or what I'm up to. I'm Caucasian AF, built on a larger scale, 60 yo single male so it is not really a matter of fitting in. Ain't going to happen- but I don't want to be disrespectful and I don't want to be thought of as an ugly tourist. Though come to think of it that would be a fair description. I was here about 5 years ago and I didn't worry about it much and there were times my bare legs did make me a bit uncomfortable. Any thoughts comments?You need the right pants. Only HAGGAR makes pants (chinos) light enough be worn in hot weather. $30 I have worn them in at least 90 degree weather with very little issue.

12-10-21, 22:36
I was here about 5 years ago and I didn't worry about it much and there were times my bare legs did make me a bit uncomfortable. Any thoughts comments?My suggestion is to get those legs bared as often as possible and work on your tan. Then they won't look so pasty and ugly. Hehe.

I wear shorts all the time, usually loud ones. I also wear flip flops, and I don't give a fck if I stand out like a sore thumb. Which if you knew my height, I really can't avoid. I think the extra attention works in my favour. I have never experienced a disadvantage of not dressing or looking like a local in Colombia. Quite the opposite. For example, the police tend to give you a wide berth.

I understand, people need to do what they feel comfortable with. I just don't understand why people would want to dress like sheeple. But by all means, go buy urself a baggy jacket like the coke dealers wear, and a gorda that 90% of Colombian men wear. You will look. Really. Cool. Hehe.

12-10-21, 23:14
It's in a semi residential area with a blue front door. Went through 3 layers of locked steel doors and headed upstairs.

A few couches and booths surround a small lobby. Signs on the walls say 55 M Cops or $14 half hour, 90 M or $23 full hour, beers 5 M. The woman manager said, will bring up girls, remember their names or numbers.

I sat in a booth drinking a beer. A dozen girls climbed up the stairs, went in the booth, said Hi and their names. They were older, like mid 30's, all huge with big butts, big boobs, tattoos looking crude, a few blacks. They looked like the huge bulbous Botero's sculptures. The selection was the worst in Colombia to my taste. A couple guys went in next and they repeated the process of walking up the stairs to introduce themselves, lots of climbing. Guys looked happy taking big girls for banging.

I paid for the beer and walked down through 3 buzzed steel door, felt like I was in a prison. Walked out to the nice, clean streets towards Plaza Botero, tried to erase the images of huge, bulbous women from my memory.Wow. Your experience is very different than anything I have had. I've sat in the waiting area and the chicas are paraded in from the back, and there were a complete variety to suit anyone's taste. I've seen as many as 30 in the morning around 11 or 11:30, with lots that do not come anywhere near to fitting your description. Perhaps Covid has removed all the 19 and 20 year olds.

12-10-21, 23:14
Crikey, you are a full on Centro rat.I feel I have to applaud your eloquence.

12-10-21, 23:17
My suggestion is to get those legs bared as often as possible and work on your tan. Then they won't look so pasty and ugly. Hehe.I thank you for your opinion and for the record. My drumsticks are not too pasty or ugly.

12-10-21, 23:32
Hit up Barrio Obrero and it'll change your mind about nightlife and chica quality in Bello.


Allegedly a few bars cater to truckers near the wholesale market, but not too many girls and not too attractive.

Captain Solo
12-11-21, 01:02
Rice rocket.

Is that area and the southern end of metro line A dangerous at night?

Too late this time but may be next.

The Tall Man
12-11-21, 01:16
Much too early. I would say after 1 am is probably the peak time. In my opinion, La Isla isn't really a good destination if you're going solo. Go with a group of friends, get a bottle, enjoy the show and spend 3 or 4 hours, before picking a girl, or don't pick one at all.

If you're going early, or going solo, Club Maracaibo in El Centro is a better option, although it will also have a limited selection if you're too early.JjBee62, club Maricaibo has been closed since the beginning of this year but right next door is Barra Executiva, probably the one your thinking about.


Fun Luvr
12-11-21, 01:31
Perfect answer. Thanks FL. Hopefully the one across the street will be fine. Bancolombia I think. 3 machines available.Bancolombia now charges an ATM fee. Davivienda and Scotiabank Colpatria do not charge fees. BBVA bank may not charge fees. I haven't used their ATM's for a while. There was no fee the times I used them, but the max withdrawal was low, I think 400 mil.

12-11-21, 01:35
Arrived from Manizales with bus it takes around 5. 5 hours with all road works on the way. Take a taxi from bus terminal to hotel nutibara it was fully booked no rooms walk to hotel Normandia this hotel is gone for now they doing some construction works inside (pity I would be happy to stay close to Botero plaza) check on booking and see hotel ayenda 1246 3 h close to centro comercial el punto have some rooms decided to walk here. When I come around 3 pm many people was inside waiting for check in. I ask do they have the rooms the guy ask me do I have reservation I said no. He told me to sit and wait till other people finish check in. When all people finish check in its almost one hour gone. I went to reception and ask do they have rooms again the girl told me they don't have only with reservation. She makes me angry I start to shout and said so why you didn't tell me before I was waiting here almost one hour for nothing. I said this guy told me to wait here and now you telling me its no room. They start to talk something between each other and start to look into computer and ask for how long I want stay? I said for 3 days (I was thinking its will be hard to find another better hotel on weekend if I check out tomorrow better stay till Monday). They give me room with jacuzzi inside the room for 85 k per night, but this hotel is noisy all sides of hotels faces main street with a lot of traffic even I am at 11 floor still plenty of noise, also WIFI not secured and weak, so I have 3 days to find something better as I plan to stay el centro 2 weeks or up to 1 month if I like and not get bored. At 6 pm walk to see how is street life in plaza Botero was plenty girls around I like at least 2 or 3 of them after make my way to Veracruz also was busy with girls see few cute ones. As I was tired after bus trip so didn't take any girls nowhere to rush will have time for all of them.

P. S Anyone can recommend me a quiet hotel with fast WIFI between 60-100 k per night or some Airbnb at all centro or close to it like up to 1 km around from plaza Botero? Or anyone for a meeting to check some casas or street girls or have some beer give me a shout.

12-11-21, 01:48
Bancolombia now charges an ATM fee. Davivienda and Scotiabank Colpatria do not charge fees. BBVA bank may not charge fees. I haven't used their ATM's for a while. There was no fee the times I used them, but the max withdrawal was low, I think 400 mil.Bancolombia has been charging an ATM fee for quite a while now. I think it is 16 mil irrespective of the amount withdrawn but their max is 600 mil. BBVA doesn't charge a fee but the max withdrawal is 300,000 but you can go at it for several iterations it just takes time.

Colpatria (Scotiabank) doesn't charge a fee and the max withdrawal is 900,000 in one transaction. Sometimes you can do multiples and sometimes not.

Davienda doesn't charge a fee. Can't tell you about max withdrawals because it seems to vary. The La 70 and Unicentro branches allow a 2 million withdrawal in a single transaction but other locations have different limits.

Servibanca charges a fee but I can't recal what it is. Something like 12 mil with a 1 million max withdrawal.

Banco Pinchincha doesn't charge a fee with an 800 mil max withdrawal.

Things change so if anyone sees something different, please keep the world updated.

12-11-21, 01:52
My suggestion is to get those legs bared as often as possible and work on your tan. Then they won't look so pasty and ugly. Hehe.

I wear shorts all the time, usually loud ones. I also wear flip flops, and I don't give a fck if I stand out like a sore thumb. Which if you knew my height, I really can't avoid. I think the extra attention works in my favour. I have never experienced a disadvantage of not dressing or looking like a local in Colombia. Quite the opposite. For example, the police tend to give you a wide berth.

I understand, people need to do what they feel comfortable with. I just don't understand why people would want to dress like sheeple. But by all means, go buy urself a baggy jacket like the coke dealers wear, and a gorda that 90% of Colombian men wear. You will look. Really. Cool. Hehe.What is a 'gorda' ?

12-11-21, 01:57
Medellin is no longer a secret haha. Even if Medellin gets overrun by gringos, which has been discussed for years now in pre pandemic times, there's still lots of surrounding areas that will probably never be on any gringo's list. I'm sure you guys know what area I'm talking about. Yup, Bello! Just take that metro on the Niquia line, get off at Madera, Bello, or Niquia and you'll have a blast! Everything is calmer and cheaper and more authentic and more dangerous (wink, wink). And hot non pros can be had if you have some game, speak decent Spanish, can make them laugh, and not an old fart (no offense).Yeah and better to keep quiet about new paradises found, because they may become overrun as well.

Our buddy Surfer went on and on about "ground zero" and now it's "ground gringo".

Not his fault, he was reporting as we do, however, that's what happens.

The You Tube morons show up. LOL.

I've found a few new places, though in Brazil, I'm keeping mum.

12-11-21, 02:01
Medellin is no longer a secret haha. Even if Medellin gets overrun by gringos, which has been discussed for years now in pre pandemic times, there's still lots of surrounding areas that will probably never be on any gringo's list. I'm sure you guys know what area I'm talking about. Yup, Bello! Just take that metro on the Niquia line, get off at Madera, Bello, or Niquia and you'll have a blast! Everything is calmer and cheaper and more authentic and more dangerous (wink, wink). And hot non pros can be had if you have some game, speak decent Spanish, can make them laugh, and not an old fart (no offense).I have a "companion" that I see in Bello with frequency. Parts of Bello are not a good place to be alone. Other parts are quite nice. My companion must moved into an apartment and the surroundings look a heck of a lot like Laureles. Niquia is very nice. It's where the Puerta del Norte Centro Commercial and Parque Bello are located. Very upscale area. Not Poblado nice but definitely not slums either.

I have made dates with girls there and I am an old fart. But luckily I've been working on my Spanish and I am passable but certainly not really fluent. This is Antioquia and paisas smell money and sex isn't the be all and end all to them. Money, however, is. So just offering to take them to a nice restaurant or to help out with some bills will get you places you never thought existed. Start by getting their WhatsApp and gently guide the conversation in that direction.

Credit to RiceRocket for bring this area to people's attention. Bello=opportunity.

12-11-21, 02:35
Yeah, you're right. But it's holiday season, so sharing is caring. When I'm in Medellin, I go where the gringos don't, it's much better and funner that way. Shit, the last couple yrs all these YouTubers hyping up Medellin like it's paradise (which it is), and enticing these newbies that don't appreciate the culture or try to learn the language, but it's all good. They do them, I do me. We most likely won't cross paths.

Man, I do miss Brazil. So Paulo was my favorite, I hit up all the high end clubs and made Scandallo my second home for straight up a week. I def went over budget and loved it.

Yeah and better to keep quiet about new paradises found, because they may become overrun as well.

Our buddy Surfer went on and on about "ground zero" and now it's "ground gringo".

Not his fault, he was reporting as we do, however, that's what happens.

The You Tube morons show up. LOL.

I've found a few new places, though in Brazil, I'm keeping mum.

12-11-21, 03:32
Yeah, you're right. But it's holiday season, so sharing is caring. When I'm in Medellin, I go where the gringos don't,Yepp, and that used to be Centro in Medellin as well.

It happens brotha.

Nothing against my fellow gringos, it's just better when it's not overrun.

Captain Solo
12-11-21, 03:42

Thanks for your recommendation. It's not your fault. We all have different tastes. May be I went too early, may be la isla changed.

Tijuana has about 8 clubs. HK is the only one with lots of slim, tight girls. They charge high prices for everything but HK is still way more popular than all other clubs with heavy girls combined.

Of all 20 or so girls I saw in la Isla Thursday night, very few would be allowed to work in HK, and if they work, they would not be able to compete, make little money and just quit.

There were only 6 guys including me in la Isla at 9 pm Thursday, so they are not doing much business.

12-11-21, 05:01
Glad there's some members out there that know exactly what I'm talking about. BTW, I recently bought an apartment out by the area you just mentioned within walking distance to Puerta del Norte and Niquia station, best decision so far. Anyways, per Balboa's advice let's stop talking about Bello haha. It's our little secret LOL. Let's just keep the status quo: Bello is dangerous and ground zero for kidnappings and gang wars, so don't come out here for your own safety. Please stay in Poblado and Laureles (no offense).

I have a "companion" that I see in Bello with frequency. Parts of Bello are not a good place to be alone. Other parts are quite nice. My companion must moved into an apartment and the surroundings look a heck of a lot like Laureles. Niquia is very nice. It's where the Puerta del Norte Centro Commercial and Parque Bello are located. Very upscale area. Not Poblado nice but definitely not slums either.

I have made dates with girls there and I am an old fart. But luckily I've been working on my Spanish and I am passable but certainly not really fluent. This is Antioquia and paisas smell money and sex isn't the be all and end all to them. Money, however, is. So just offering to take them to a nice restaurant or to help out with some bills will get you places you never thought existed. Start by getting their WhatsApp and gently guide the conversation in that direction.

Credit to RiceRocket for bring this area to people's attention. Bello=opportunity.

12-11-21, 05:13
It's by Madera station on Niquia line, def not dangerous, but adventurous. I'm from California, so I enjoyed heading to San Diego from time to time and cross the border to Tijuana. I like the Tijuana scene, but honestly Medellin blows it out the water. And too many damn Asians out in Tijuana, I don't like seeing my own kind haha. I want to be one of a kind. Anyways, hope you finish your trip with a blast! Cheers!

Rice rocket.

Is that area and the southern end of metro line A dangerous at night?

Too late this time but may be next.

Captain Solo
12-11-21, 05:18

I thought you want to go to Tijuana with me and the bro?

I hope your Bello paradise is not full of huge women with bid boos and big butts.

Share with me where to find nice fresh pretty spinners on bello by pm. Will buy you a beer in HK when I come back.

12-11-21, 06:12
What is a 'gorda' ?Gorda = Fat.

12-11-21, 06:33
Here's Camilla's face.

I would have given her a lot more if she had no played hard ball all the time, also tried to get into my luggage. And fishy pussies are not for me.I honestly wouldn't have paid her what you paid her. She's pretty average looking from the photo you posted $30-40 tops.

12-11-21, 07:13
When in Rome do as the Romans. Don't wear shorts in Medellin except at the swimming pool. It is not only disrespectful, it pegs you as not just a foreigner, but a clueless one.Why is it disrespectful to wear shorts for guys? They don't wear shorts in Colombia?

12-11-21, 07:26
Glad there's some members out there that know exactly what I'm talking about. BTW, I recently bought an apartment out by the area you just mentioned within walking distance to Puerta del Norte and Niquia station, best decision so far.Is it fairly easy and uncomplicated to buy real estate in Colombia as a foreigner?

Mr Enternational
12-11-21, 07:29
Why is it disrespectful to wear shorts for guys? They don't wear shorts in Colombia?Sure they do. But in their quest to fit in, some foreigners hold it dear to their hearts that if they wear shorts or ballcaps then they are breaking some kind of cultural law and will be made fun of before being banished from the country.

No problem being seen picking up hookers anytime of day or night, but do not dare be caught in a pair of shorts.

In reality nobody gives a shit what you wear. Most people are too busy minding their own business.

12-11-21, 09:03
Those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world, and those who don't, jajaja.

In this example, those who dress like they are advertising they are a tourist, and those who prefer to blend in. Whatever works for you. When a gringo in shorts and flip-flops gets rolled, detractors like to point it out but that is a classic example of association not necessarily leading to causation.

My personal bias is that I feel like it's a little more respectful and safe to blend in and "understand" and "relate" to the culture (quotes are sarcasm) than to not give a fuck, but I don't waste brain cells worrying about how other people dress, spend their money, or get their freak on, within the limits of the law.

Ostee Out, be there in less than two weeks, can't wait. The spice of life in my corner of the room is random gratutious fotos, all from earlier this year, all snapped by me. That's mi Numero Uno novia Catgrl with the open mouth getting ready to catch a load and in the next foto washing our dog at the Dorado Hotel. We snuck the dog in using a D1 grocery bag, thanks again Villiany. I see 5 different Ground Zero putas in hotels there, the skinny chica with long hair is one of many girls delivered to me by Scarlet at that Ayenda hotel in Estadio where the maids robbed me of 2 million pesos, and I see Catgirl doing what she does every time I turn my back on her which is take selfies, that me in the background in the psychedelic T-shirt.

12-11-21, 11:35
JjBee62, club Maricaibo has been closed since the beginning of this year but right next door is Barra Executiva, probably the one your thinking about.

TTM.Damn. I knew one had closed, but I can never remember which is which.

12-11-21, 12:07
OK. So I am Canadian (which is not anyone's fault, even my own) - once the weather hits 20 deg see. We want our shorts on. I know this is not really done here. I went to Centro yesterday in my long pants. I was wishing I had shorts on especially after the Venni I found marched me all over the map getting a hotel room. More on that later- I only saw two other males wearing shorts (both gringos) - I mean there is no disguising who I am or what I'm up to. I'm Caucasian AF, built on a larger scale, 60 yo single male so it is not really a matter of fitting in. Ain't going to happen- but I don't want to be disrespectful and I don't want to be thought of as an ugly tourist. Though come to think of it that would be a fair description. I was here about 5 years ago and I didn't worry about it much and there were times my bare legs did make me a bit uncomfortable. Any thoughts comments?About 4 years ago I walked through the Veracruz area with 2 guys, 1 was a Canadian wearing shorts. It was nighttime, probably 8 pm or a bit after. One of the working girls headed straight towards the guy wearing shorts, trying to get her hands on him, probably trying to get into his pockets. His shorts got torn in the brief scuffle.

I wouldn't worry much about wearing what everyone else is wearing, but wearing shorts in some areas might make you a target.

12-11-21, 12:19
What is a 'gorda' ?I assume he meant "gorra", a ballcap. A gorda is a fat woman, very difficult to wear on your head and probably bad for your back.

Gorda and gordo are also sometimes used as a term of familiarity between close acquaintances. However, it seems like something which could cause offense.

Captain Solo
12-11-21, 13:16

It was on my to do list, but after seeing the poor selections in Lleras park and a few clubs, I got discouraged, did not want to go to Niquia.

Have try it next visit.

You must be very serious to buy an apartment there, for a GF? I met a few very cute, very sweet civies, just friends but sweet companies.

Captain Solo
12-11-21, 13:56

Girls at p Lleras, some really lumpy, gross-looking, heavily tatted, all quoted 200 M Cops or $50 for half and 300 M Cops for full hour. They fixed their prices.

Camilla was the nice, clean, best-looking in the area. I could not get away with less. I was disgusted with her dead fish odor in the first round, would never want to stick my dick into her stinky, infected pussy again, but asked for second any way just to see how she would react. If she did not play hard games and try to steal my luggage, I would have given her double that rathhhatj mom.

Captain Solo
12-11-21, 14:46
It's a legit massage spa on ground floor of hotel Habana Vieja next to Santa Fe mall.

First morning I saw a couple with 2 children come out of the place, looking happy, and 2 masseuses come in and out. I had no idea who worked there. Second morning about 10 I was waiting for Uber and saw pretty spinner sprawl on the ground, yank on the front glass door for a while. When she got tired she would sit up and text on her phone. A couple guys came and talked to her but no one helped. She asked me to "knock, knock" on the door but I had no idea who she was and what was going on, I did not want to help her break into that place.

Finally after close to an hour yanking, she got it open and was happy. I was still waiting for Uber, she came out smiling, gave a long sales pitch in her charming undulated Italian accent which I understood little, only good, very cheap 100 M cops. She looked very pretty, about mid 20's, sounded desperate. I asked her if sexo included, she said no sex. I rarely saw any clients go in that spa so promised to try her treatment in the afternoon.

Apparently she rents that place, 4 small rooms with tables, relaxing Asian music, burning incense ect, rent must be high in that area. She's the manager, receptionist, therapist. Her appointment book showed no one that day. She was glad to see me honor my promise, smiling sweetly and talked non stop, put coconut oil on me and massaged me from head to toes with hot rocks for more than an hour. I asked, she said she has one BF, had 17 years of schooling, which placed her at Master's level in the US, but found no better job. I gave her a 20 PC propina which she was grateful.

Next morning I was waiting for Uber about 10, she showed up for work, again sprawling on the ground yanking the front door a long time, stopped, talked to some one for advise, 2 guys came and went but did not help her. The hotel's old handy man came down looking, I told him to help her but he did nothing.

Now I knew she worked inside so I came over to examine the problem. She had unlocked the door but it was loosely jammed in the frame. I did not understand why she kept yanking at the bottom. The door was loose, she just did not have enough strength to push it in. Poor girl was exhausting herself yanking the door every day for a long time, desperate she would lose business if could not open it. I knocked and pushed on the glass door a couple times to determine strength, it did not open. I gave it a light kick, it swung right out. She let out a happy yell. I gave her instructions how to kick it open lightly on the wood frame with her shoe so the glass would not break.

The poor girl was sprawling on the ground yanking at that door for an hour every day. Don't understand why the guys did not help her.

12-11-21, 14:59
It's in a semi residential area with a blue front door. Went through 3 layers of locked steel doors and headed upstairs.

A few couches and booths surround a small lobby. Signs on the walls say 55 M Cops or $14 half hour, 90 M or $23 full hour, beers 5 M. The woman manager said, will bring up girls, remember their names or numbers.

I sat in a booth drinking a beer. A dozen girls climbed up the stairs, went in the booth, said Hi and their names. They were older, like mid 30's, all huge with big butts, big boobs, tattoos looking crude, a few blacks. They looked like the huge bulbous Botero's sculptures. The selection was the worst in Colombia to my taste. A couple guys went in next and they repeated the process of walking up the stairs to introduce themselves, lots of climbing. Guys looked happy taking big girls for banging.

I paid for the beer and walked down through 3 buzzed steel door, felt like I was in a prison. Walked out to the nice, clean streets towards Plaza Botero, tried to erase the images of huge, bulbous women from my memory.I'm sorry to hear this about New Life. I'm a casa man and the casas are my thing in Medellin. They have been declining for some time now. However, in my last visit in 2019 the average number of New Life girls presented at any one time was around 30 and there were always tall, slim chicas in the mix (my taste) inclusive of Vennies. The hottest Latina I ever banged was at New Life some 12 years or so ago. Loutrons is a little expensive but I don't think you should leave town without a visit.

Captain Solo
12-11-21, 15:22

Thanks for your recommendation. It's not your fault. Those were my factual observations and objective rating.

One girl was tall, but she looked old, skanky, tatted. Melissa was the skinniest one but she was still too heavy and pudgy. They looked about the same or worse than Tijuana's street girls, not only in sizes, shapes, prettiness, but also hardened, worn out.

12-11-21, 16:15
Men commonly wear shorts at gymnasiums, swimming facilities, resort areas, and around barrios on weekends. Typically, men who are 40 or older wear shorts less frequently and very rarely around barrios. Once the sun goes down it is very unusual to see men wearing shorts anywhere. There are a few exceptions. Board short length jeans worn with oversized t-shirts are a recent fashion trend among the young thugs who hang around Plaza Botero and other barrio spots. Most guys who visit here don't fit into the 40 or younger demographic or spend very much time in resort areas or athletic facilities so yes, men wear shorts here and you don't have to deny yourself the opportunity to wear jeans here. I don't agree it would be perceived as disrespectful because the expectation for tourists is not the same as it is for people who live here.

Why is it disrespectful to wear shorts for guys? They don't wear shorts in Colombia?

12-11-21, 16:20
Who will be the first brave pioneer to explore Itagui?

Glad there's some members out there that know exactly what I'm talking about. BTW, I recently bought an apartment out by the area you just mentioned within walking distance to Puerta del Norte and Niquia station, best decision so far. Anyways, per Balboa's advice let's stop talking about Bello haha. It's our little secret LOL. Let's just keep the status quo: Bello is dangerous and ground zero for kidnappings and gang wars, so don't come out here for your own safety. Please stay in Poblado and Laureles (no offense).

12-11-21, 16:37
What is a 'gorda' ?Fat. You don't speak Spanish? Wow. Also there is google.

12-11-21, 17:25
Yeah and better to keep quiet about new paradises found, because they may become overrun as well.

Our buddy Surfer went on and on about "ground zero" and now it's "ground gringo".

Not his fault, he was reporting as we do, however, that's what happens.

The You Tube morons show up. LOL.

I've found a few new places, though in Brazil, I'm keeping mum.When you put things in perspective as to what has happened as a result of the Pandemic, it's a bit maddening.

Prior to March 2020 Medellin had been experiencing quite a bit of growth over the years, and yes, there were more mongers coming every year, yet with the Pandemic, and basically Colombia being open much more so than the rest of the World, it's been like a five to ten time increase in mongers showing up here.

So basically what I'm saying, if it makes sense, is that mongering in Medellin without the Pandemic might of taken five years to get where it's at now.

Hopefully it's reached it's peak, yet when I am in Centro I am perplexed in that there is so much out and available, primarily Venezuelans who show up by the boatload. Such a different place than before.

And keeping mum about unspoiled mongering venues is almost like holding your breath.

It's almost like trying to keep good surf spots from being discovered and over-run with riders. I've seen lots surf spots spoiled by becoming so popular, and now avoid them because they are so crowded.

However, I think as soon as SEA truly opens back up, less mongers will show up here, and things will adjust hopefully to the good.

There must be one surfer on this board, meaning a guy with a board, who understands my analogy of the situation in Medellin.

12-11-21, 17:46
Gorda = Fat.My bad, hehe. Gorra. Spelling mistake. Although it is true that most Colombian men also prefer to "wear" a gorda ... on their arm. haha

12-11-21, 17:52
I'm sorry to hear this about New Life. I'm a casa man and the casas are my thing in Medellin. They have been declining for some time now. However, in my last visit in 2019 the average number of New Life girls presented at any one time was around 30 and there were always tall, slim chicas in the mix (my taste) inclusive of Vennies. .I go there regularly. My advice is don't panic. Normally they have a broad range of girls in different shapes, sizes and coloiurs. Maybe Turgid went on an off day? Could have been a Sunday or a public holiday? I dunno. Normally in my experience there is never a problem in finding one.

12-11-21, 17:55
Who will be the first brave pioneer to explore Itagui?I used to go to Club International quite often. Not since the lockdown though. There are also a couple of bars / clubs in the centre of Itagui that have a random assortment of company.

12-11-21, 17:59

Girls at p Lleras, some really lumpy, gross-looking, heavily tatted, all quoted 200 M Cops or $50 for half and 300 M Cops for full hour. They fixed their prices.

Camilla was the nice, clean, best-looking in the area. I could not get away with less. I was disgusted with her dead fish odor in the first round, would never want to stick my dick into her stinky, infected pussy again, but asked for second any way just to see how she would react. If she did not play hard games and try to steal my luggage, I would have given her double that rathhhatj mom.If this was the first time with her, are you saying you did the first round with her, it was very stinky, and did her again. I rarely encounter stinky pussy here, and on that very rare occasion, I wouldn't be able to go a second round, let alone would I ever repeat with a stinky pussy girl.

12-11-21, 19:12
Went new life today on Saturday around 11.30 am was not a great selection only 7-8 girls didn't like any of them. Drink one beer. (If you not drink anything or don't take any girl you need to pay 1 dollar or 3000 pesos (what's that they writing now in English on the table in presentation rooms) sounds funny for me 1 dollar. Seems to many Americans visiting here and maybe still pay in dollars. The women who spray my hands from covid 19 speak some English now. I am asking her in Spanish and she was answering me in English. (it makes me smile) will try Monday again this place maybe Saturday its not the best day or I was to early. 2.5 years ago from my last visits it was my favourite casa always find a girls I liked.

Alfie this casa have a slightly better selection on Saturday morning aquilla light 5 k I like the presentation here. 8 girls come one by one, spin around and tell their names. And in the end all girls come together telling their names again (in case you forget the name of the girl like often happens for me). I liked 2 girls here one white one black. White girl was a bit better looking than black but I decide to take black as in this trip I don't have many black girls before. Pay 50 k for 30 min room was clean and they have radio inside to play music (girl put some on) hot water, towel. The girl has good attitude and sex was fine can't complain.

Plaza Botero and Veracruz already have girls from 10 am morning make few laps see few not bad looking girls but decide check casas instead. Evening ls is greater selection here for street girls.

Captain Solo
12-11-21, 19:25

I did her first time, found bad dead fish odor, asked her to wash, but when she popped and released fluid, the odor came out again, the condom stank badly.

I was so disgusted I had no intention doing her again, but asked for second round just to see how she reacted. She reacted badly.

I ran into girls with dead fish pussies in Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Thailand but never in China, HK, Macau, Phil, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, even at much higher exposure.

12-11-21, 19:56
What is a 'gorda' ?They all literally mean fat as a couple other guys have mentioned. However, it can also be used as an affectionate term as in mi gordita etc. To mean my honey or sweetie or my girl, guy.

12-11-21, 19:57

Last covid shot must be within 14 days of arrival for non Colombian citizens.Actually it says the exact opposite.

12-11-21, 22:01

I did her first time, found bad dead fish odor, asked her to wash, but when she popped and released fluid, the odor came out again, the condom stank badly.

I was so disgusted I had no intention doing her again, but asked for second round just to see how she reacted. She reacted badly.

I ran into girls with dead fish pussies in Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Thailand but never in China, HK, Macau, Phil, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, even at much higher exposure.Sounds like a very disgusting situation you were in. Maybe you should of told her you wanted to go down on her, she may have reacted differently. LOL.

Your funny man, and seems like you've made the rounds and had your share of stinky pussies globally.

I can only remember one stinky Colombian pussy from over ten years ago.

And I'm sure you've had many "red tide" experiences as well. I've had a few in Colombia over the years.

With my luck, I will probably encounter a stinky pussy on Sunday in Centro.

12-11-21, 23:09
Fat. You don't speak Spanish? Wow. Also there is google.I doubt you noticed the context.

JustTK said "And a gorda that 90% of Colombian men wear." I was just twisting his tail a little. Yes I do speak Spanish.

Captain Solo
12-12-21, 01:45
Seems to know a lot about Medellin and move around fast.

He could be fun to hang out in mde with.

If Pokeris still has time and energy perhaps he can hop on Metro and give us some intelligence talents and guns in that area.

12-12-21, 02:18
I'll put Manrique on the top of my list. Beautiful views of the city, friendly people, some of the hottest barrio chicas, def no gringos, crazy party scene, and good street food to boot. But don't go out there solo, you'll def bring some unwanted attention for a gringo. If you guys think Laureles is getting dangerous for gringos, just imagine being out in the barrios on your own.

Who will be the first brave pioneer to explore Itagui?

12-12-21, 02:56
I really wish you had not mentioned red tide. The last time that happened to me was something like five years ago and it is still burnt in my memory. I had a nice Venezuelan I really liked over. When she agreed to stay the night I decided to make it special so I broke out some fancy high thread count cotton sheets I bought in Miami. You can probably guess the rest. We never got to sleep on those sheets suffice to say.

Sounds like a very disgusting situation you were in. Maybe you should of told her you wanted to go down on her, she may have reacted differently. LOL.

Your funny man, and seems like you've made the rounds and had your share of stinky pussies globally.

I can only remember one stinky Colombian pussy from over ten years ago.

And I'm sure you've had many "red tide" experiences as well. I've had a few in Colombia over the years.

With my luck, I will probably encounter a stinky pussy on Sunday in Centro.

12-12-21, 03:02
It's a pretty easy trip from Poblado.

I used to go to Club International quite often. Not since the lockdown though. There are also a couple of bars / clubs in the centre of Itagui that have a random assortment of company.

12-12-21, 03:07
I think you touched on something important. It's not a big deal to be wearing shorts but it does make it easier to be spotted from a distance.

About 4 years ago I walked through the Veracruz area with 2 guys, 1 was a Canadian wearing shorts. It was nighttime, probably 8 pm or a bit after. One of the working girls headed straight towards the guy wearing shorts, trying to get her hands on him, probably trying to get into his pockets. His shorts got torn in the brief scuffle.

I wouldn't worry much about wearing what everyone else is wearing, but wearing shorts in some areas might make you a target.

Captain Solo
12-12-21, 03:27
Was on my to do list, but after seeing the poor talents at bars and casas, I did not want to go.

If Pokaris still has time and energy perhaps he can hop on Metro and give us intelligence on the levels of talents and funs that can be had in that neighborhood.

Captain Solo
12-12-21, 04:06

The foul odors are caused by infection. Unless they fix the infection they will always smell bad regardless how often they wash. A HK girl would ooze very foul smelling fluid when she pops, like rotting dead bodies. I am guessing she has uterus cancer.

I find higher frequency of dead fish pussies in Latin America, like 5 x the probability compared to Asia.

Couple times the condoms looked pinkish post coitus. A girl in Hollywood conned me into paying upfront. When I penetrate and found out she was on her period, she coldly told me, " You know how hard it is to sell pussies on period?

12-12-21, 04:31
Hola amigos, I'm going to be in Medellin from Dec 26 to Jan 3. From Dec 26-30 my paisa novia is going stay with me for 4 days. Then I'm going to the Mansion for the next 4 days. My dilemma is I can't decide if I want to stay in Laureles or Poblado.

I stayed at San Peter the first time I went to Medellin in Dec 2019 pre covid and really liked it there. I walked around all over Laureles during the day and at night, and never was worried. But I'm reading that it's more dangerous there now so I'm having 2nd thoughts.

I just went to Medellin in May this year and stayed at Loma Verde in Poblado. It's a really nice apartments building and my girl stayed there with me also, but that was during the lockdown so we couldn't go anywhere. Now that there is no more lockdown I'm trying to decide if I want to stay in Poblado or Laureles. Of course the price difference is huge. Poblado is more than twice the cost, but the place is also much bigger and nicer. I feel safer in Poblado of course, but my girl thinks Laureles would be more fun. What would you do? Please help me LOL. TIA.

BTW, if anyone here staying at the mansion from Dec 30 to Jan 3 and want to grab a drink or hang out PM me. I'm flying solo and wouldn't mind having a drinking buddy.

Fun Luvr
12-12-21, 06:04
I stayed at San Peter the first time I went to Medellin in Dec 2019 pre covid and really liked it there. I walked around all over Laureles during the day and at night, and never was worried. But I'm reading that it's more dangerous there now so I'm having 2nd thoughts.

I just went to Medellin in May this year and stayed at Loma Verde in Poblado. It's a really nice apartments building and my girl stayed there with me also, but that was during the lockdown so we couldn't go anywhere. Now that there is no more lockdown I'm trying to decide if I want to stay in Poblado or Laureles. Of course the price difference is huge. Poblado is more than twice the cost, but the place is also much bigger and nicer. I feel safer in Poblado of course, but my girl thinks Laureles would be more fun. What would you do? Please help me LOL. TIA.I think you should listen to your girl. I spent all of November in Belen and was in various parts of Laureles many times, day and night. I didn't feel it was dangerous.

12-12-21, 06:17
It was fairly simple. Hire a good, reputable, and bilingual lawyer, open a Colombian investment account, and start looking at properties. If your property is over a certain amount (forgot how much), you can qualify for Colombian residency.

Is it fairly easy and uncomplicated to buy real estate in Colombia as a foreigner?

12-12-21, 07:25
My bad, hehe. Gorra. Spelling mistake. Although it is true that most Colombian men also prefer to "wear" a gorda ... on their arm. hahaThey must be quite strong. Hahaha.

12-12-21, 10:17
I am posting a lot of fotos recently because, (a) I enjoy it, and (b) I am in the middle of moving thousands of fotos from my devices so when I cross Immigracion into MDE in less than two weeks, there's no potential issues. I haven't heard of any phone or computer searches at the border recently but after my run in with the Bogota Porn Task Force near the end of my last visit, I am understandably still feeling a little paranoid. Anywho, should be ten more original fotos here for your entertainment.

Photos: I count seven different chicas. Five are in hotel rooms at Ground Zero. The first foto with faces obscured was at the Dorado Hotel on Avenida 70, and shows my most recent and current favorite three-way girls, Purrfekt Paisa and Scarlet.

The chica standing in the fifth foto showing her back in the black string bikini underwear besides being drop dead gorgeous, is in kinda semi-famous room off Ground Zero that I have seen mentioned here before. That hotel is closest to the front doors of the Church, on the left if your facing the Church, it's got the word "Botero" on the sign but they call it something else because of other hotels also using the name Botero, I forget. Anywho, that's second floor, end of hall, great view of the action at Ground Zero, good WiFi connection and good cross ventilation. What more could you ask for, jajajaja?

The cut-off jeans, the spread pussy (tight and wet, use zoom), and the girl trying to push my penis up into the back of my throat is the same chica. I admit her making an innie out of my cock is a little strange for a foto but if you can joke around, laugh at yourself, and have fun with these girls, the sex is usually a lot better. That's the point. She wasn't wearing any underwear with those cut-offs, reason given, "I don't like to wear to underwear. " No arguments there and I love that kind of ease of access. I fucked from behind for a few minutes while she still had on her cut-offs before she got totally naked. Hawtness.

The super flaca chica in pink outside at Ground Zero "on the glass" asks me for a numbered slot in my line-up every time I see her knowing she won't be in the Top Ten which automatically and accurately would classify her as a puta. She hasn't gotten there yet, competition is stiff.

There's another chica who is shown three times, that long tall glass-o-water Purrfekt Paisa. She is Top Ten all time for hawtness in my book, but she's not in my ranked line up because so far I have only accessed her thru Scarlet. But I could see a future spot for her in the 6-9 range as a "chica" or possibly even "amiga. " She knows she's hawt shite but she's gotten ten times more enjoyable and fun after we had a few three-way fuck sessions. I don't hold it against gorgeous girls for acting like their shite don't stink, at first. They go thru life differently than everyone else, other less attractive girls, and definitely different than you or I. It's kinda like being a movie star on a much smaller scale. She turned out to be pretty cool and I hope she's among the first dozen or fifteen girls I already know who I will fuck shortly after I get there.

Ostee Out, and don't forget to Keep On Keepin' On.

12-12-21, 16:01
I have been all over the world and I enjoy local culture but it always seems that I have the best times in expat bars- last time here I found a good one but it's gone- Busters but he might have been calling it something else also- anyone know what happened to Albert. I knew him in Quito also- I went to Patricks on Wednesday night. There were some guys there but it was way too loud to talk much- maybe I will go for football this afternoon- so are there any other good expat bars.

Oh ya the sex so far.

I have not been bothering the girls much this trip. One centro Vennie who was a cute little spinner and the service was awesome except no kissing which is a drag. The second one was off of photoprepagos. A plan be after I fucked up the booking (not entirely my fault) with a well reviewed lady- anyway the plan be (Antonela) was 30 lbs heavier and 50 k more expensive than advertised and I shoulda walked buy I'm weak. Couldn't really line up a second girl I wanted on either day (That's my MO two one day skip a day- I know. But I'm old) - I've been talking to a girl off SA. I thought I was being too forward. I pretty much said come to my apartment. I didn't hear from her so I figured I just went too fast. Nope - saw a message late last night. She was wondering if I would like her to bring a friend. LOL what's the old joke. I don't know if I'm wired for 220.

12-12-21, 18:22
As the saying goes, your mileage may vary.

I think you should listen to your girl. I spent all of November in Belen and was in various parts of Laureles many times, day and night. I didn't feel it was dangerous.

12-12-21, 18:27
It's a pretty easy trip from Poblado.Even easier from Envigado. Hehe.

12-12-21, 18:37
Hola amigos, I'm going to be in Medellin from Dec 26 to Jan 3. From Dec 26-30 my paisa novia is going stay with me for 4 days. Then I'm going to the Mansion for the next 4 days. My dilemma is I can't decide if I want to stay in Laureles or Poblado.

I stayed at San Peter the first time I went to Medellin in Dec 2019 pre covid and really liked it there. I walked around all over Laureles during the day and at night, and never was worried. But I'm reading that it's more dangerous there now so I'm having 2nd thoughts.

I just went to Medellin in May this year and stayed at Loma Verde in Poblado. It's a really nice apartments building and my girl stayed there with me also, but that was during the lockdown so we couldn't go anywhere. Now that there is no more lockdown I'm trying to decide if I want to stay in Poblado or Laureles. Of course the price difference is huge. Poblado is more than twice the cost, but the place is also much bigger and nicer. I feel safer in Poblado of course, but my girl thinks Laureles would be more fun. What would you do? Please help me LOL. TIA.

BTW, if anyone here staying at the mansion from Dec 30 to Jan 3 and want to grab a drink or hang out PM me. I'm flying solo and wouldn't mind having a drinking buddy.From past experience going to Colombia during the holiday isn't the best. Most chica spend time with family during the holiday week and don't go out to work as much. You might have better luck after Jan 1. They will be hungry for money then.

12-12-21, 18:43

The foul odors are caused by infection. Unless they fix the infection they will always smell bad regardless how often they wash. A HK girl would ooze very foul smelling fluid when she pops, like rotting dead bodies. I am guessing she has uterus cancer.

I find higher frequency of dead fish pussies in Latin America, like 5 x the probability compared to Asia.

Couple times the condoms looked pinkish post coitus. A girl in Hollywood conned me into paying upfront. When I penetrate and found out she was on her period, she coldly told me, " You know how hard it is to sell pussies on period?Just a side note on this topic, I've encountered a few Colombian women who have told me it's normal to bang while on their period. However I suspect it's their boyfriends demanding to be serviced.

For some women it doesn't phase them, and some are a lot hornier while on their period.

I've had my share of red tide experiences, and they have never ended "happily".

12-12-21, 18:53
I really wish you had not mentioned red tide. The last time that happened to me was something like five years ago and it is still burnt in my memory. I had a nice Venezuelan I really liked over. When she agreed to stay the night I decided to make it special so I broke out some fancy high thread count cotton sheets I bought in Miami. You can probably guess the rest. We never got to sleep on those sheets suffice to say.And the worst part of what you described is that there are no high thread cotton sheets sold in Medellin that I have found that you could buy to replace them.

Elvis 2008
12-12-21, 21:57
And the worst part of what you described is that there are no high thread cotton sheets sold in Medellin that I have found that you could buy to replace them.LOL. I was looking to furnish our apartment in CTG last week. Here is a nation with cows everyone and when I looked to buy a leather couch, none were to be had. I did find a synthetic white leather we all liked. I am not sure why Colombians like beds and couches that are as hard as rocks but those were the most popular.

I think my gal has microfiber or a polyester type mix for sheets. I think the high end hotels all have cotton. I will make sure to bring some cotton sheets down next time. I had no problem getting the same electronics there as here.

FWIW, I got remote PC, which was $4 for a year, and it is the same type program as gotoPC. I was trying to find a work around to get American TV and thought I could use my PC at home and use remote PC to watch my shows. Thing is it worked great for audio but the video did not come through.

I used to use sling TV and a VPN and that worked but it got shut down. Do you have any work arounds for that?

I like to tell people that you are not giving up any creature comforts any more moving to Colombia. It was so different compared to Argentina in 2005 the last time I seriously looked at locating abroad, but now I have four (the leather furniture, American TV, cotton sheets, and hot sauce).

It was funny my daughter and her gal had some chips and Colombian salsa and loved them. I called the Colombian salsa "ketchup" and found a Jumbo that sold Tabasco and jalapeno sauce separately. I found if I mixed the Colombian "ketchup" with Tabasco, I had a real salsa. I was happy about that.

Captain Solo
12-13-21, 02:46

Screwing women on period can be very messy, dirty, smelly and bloody. The bloody discharges can carry pathogens that will infect, besides just ruining sheets.

Unless they are nice, clean, healthy, happy, pleasant, I don't want to be near them to left alone sticking my dick into their rotten Pussies.

12-13-21, 04:49
I've seen a few around the neighborhood, but does anyone have a recommendation in terms of quality and price? I'm looking for a place to meet my new friends from Facebook. .

12-13-21, 15:48
In case I don't like the casa or street scene or lets say can't find girls during my trip, what online options should be my plan be. Facebook girls, prepagos?

Are there any recommended online agencies or websites? Can someone please point me to right direction to get started?

Thank you.

12-13-21, 18:32
Sure they do. But in their quest to fit in, some foreigners hold it dear to their hearts that if they wear shorts or ballcaps then they are breaking some kind of cultural law and will be made fun of before being banished from the country.

No problem being seen picking up hookers anytime of day or night, but do not dare be caught in a pair of shorts.

In reality nobody gives a shit what you wear. Most people are too busy minding their own business.Exactly. Pasty white guys can be picked out by a blind local so no need to try to fit in. Just be comfortable.

12-13-21, 18:35
JjBee62, club Maricaibo has been closed since the beginning of this year but right next door is Barra Executiva, probably the one your thinking about..There you used to be 3 right in a row, Americana, Maracaibo, and Executiva. So, now it's down to 1? That one's always been my favorite anyways.

12-13-21, 18:49
Did they change the testing requirements for returning to the US again?

For fully vaccinated US citizens, I thought it was a negative test 3 days before travel.

For non-vaccinated US citizens, it was a negative test 1 day before travel.

CDC site shows all persons flying to the US must get a negative viral Covid test at most 1 day before travel. No more 3 days?

12-13-21, 19:11
In case I don't like the casa or street scene or lets say can't find girls during my trip, what online options should be my plan be. Facebook girls, prepagos?

Are there any recommended online agencies or websites? Can someone please point me to right direction to get started?

Thank you.Girls are everywhere. Strike up a conversation. Say "Hola. " Go to Parque Lleras or other places mentioned on the Board. Trust me, you will be approached by women of all types. Also, as mentioned on the Board hundreds of times, Facebook is the way to go in Medellin if you're not so much into Centro or casas. Just scroll back a few postings to see how. I've been down 5 times this year and still principally see two chicas I met on my second trip from Facebook. It's not really that difficult. Milerotico is the online website principally used in Medellin, but I've always had plenty of luck with FB chicas so had no reason to ever try it.

Do your research, read the Board, and have fun.

12-13-21, 19:42
In case I don't like the casa or street scene or lets say can't find girls during my trip, what online options should be my plan be. Facebook girls, prepagos?

Are there any recommended online agencies or websites? Can someone please point me to right direction to get started?

Thank you.I'd do the strip clubs which all double as brothels, lets you see the girl in person 1st, have a drink with her and check attitude.

12-13-21, 23:52
Went out 2 pm for some casas. First stop was Natalia casa as it was just 250 metres away from hotel I am staying. Went inside order aquila light for 6 k and ask the prices for a guy he told me 30 min-50 k and 1 hour-80 k I ask how many girls they have he told me 5. Girls start to come one by one I liked just one she was not so bad looking, but I decided not ruin all casas checking fun and take first girl from first casa. Next I give one more try to new life and get disappointed again (this casa is not number one for me anymore but the last one) . This time around 15-18 girls was presented for me I lost the count because they come all so fast one by one. No of them I liked most of them fat just couple slimer ones but the most you can give them probably 6 from 10 mark. I pay 3 k viewing fee and walk away. This casa has the worst selection from all casas I visited today.

Dulce compania- 30 minutes-50 k have 7 girls inside one of them was cute but I decide to check a little bit more casas.

Pamelas sala de masajes- the first doors gates was closed but the second was open so I can see inside I was looking for a bell to ring but could find any I shout for a minute but nobody come to open the doors so I left.

Club de amigas sexy- they have price list on the wall. As I remember was 30 min-55 k and 1 hour-85 k. They state on the wall cover charge 3000 pesos. They show me 7 or 8 girls they was so so looking I didn't take any. As I was walking out nobody ask me to pay cover charge so I don't volunteer to do it also.

Locuras casa I went upstairs and ask the guy inside is this a casa with girls? He point me with a fingers downstairs just a bit further (probably he means safari -sala de masajes) I went out ring a bell but nobody opens.

Zandalay- I always liked this casa was my number 2 after new life before from my previous visits. I always find a girls I liked here before. Walk inside order aquilla light for 5 k and ask the prices it was 50 k-30 min and 1 hour-80 k. 6 or 7 girls was showed for me I liked 2 of them. But one was really cute solid 7 or even 7. 5 from 10 mark. Her name was Wendy black hair Colombiana 21 years old flakita no kids with great slim body firm nice breast and a bit of tattoos everywhere also braces was looking sexy on her teeth. She was smiling a lot. Room was clean and nice with fan, hot water, double bed. The girl was good at sex can't complain also with nice attitude. After she gives me few selfies and her whatsapp.

After I went to do some laps to check Botero plaza, church area and Veracruz and 4 days in a row already I see same girls here same faces nothing really new. Later went to check raudal area but as always at daytime girls its not best lookers here see few granny probably in their 55-65 its surprise me they still in the business. I was curiuos to ask how much they charge but later change my mind. Went in some restaurant close to parque bolivar have some food and watching police guy was argument with some crackhead about something while another few metres away was putting crack in his pipe for smoke (seems they don't give a fuck here) this small park have many zombies around. Walk back my hotel it was good for exercise 2 hour walking 9 kilometers done.

12-13-21, 23:58
You quoted the CDC website correctly.

Did they change the testing requirements for returning to the US again?

For fully vaccinated US citizens, I thought it was a negative test 3 days before travel.

For non-vaccinated US citizens, it was a negative test 1 day before travel.

CDC site shows all persons flying to the US must get a negative viral Covid test at most 1 day before travel. No more 3 days?

12-14-21, 00:06
You can find cotton sheets here. They are low quality and not widely available. It's worth it to stock up from offshore if you can. If you have cable or satellite service Canada or the US all the providers have streaming apps you can cast from a PC or phone. Cable packages with the North America channels here are not expensive.

LOL. I was looking to furnish our apartment in CTG last week. Here is a nation with cows everyone and when I looked to buy a leather couch, none were to be had. I did find a synthetic white leather we all liked. I am not sure why Colombians like beds and couches that are as hard as rocks but those were the most popular.

I think my gal has microfiber or a polyester type mix for sheets. I think the high end hotels all have cotton. I will make sure to bring some cotton sheets down next time. I had no problem getting the same electronics there as here.

FWIW, I got remote PC, which was $4 for a year, and it is the same type program as gotoPC. I was trying to find a work around to get American TV and thought I could use my PC at home and use remote PC to watch my shows. Thing is it worked great for audio but the video did not come through..

Captain Solo
12-14-21, 00:13
My wingman was working hard, trying tinder, said it did not work in mde.

I would think fb work work same way.

Captain Solo
12-14-21, 00:35
Error, within 1 day, not 24 hours.

12-14-21, 00:37
Sure they do. But in their quest to fit in, some foreigners hold it dear to their hearts that if they wear shorts or ballcaps then they are breaking some kind of cultural law and will be made fun of before being banished from the country.

No problem being seen picking up hookers anytime of day or night, but do not dare be caught in a pair of shorts.

In reality nobody gives a shit what you wear. Most people are too busy minding their own business.This of course is hyperbole, an attempt to mock those that have a different view than you. Ball caps are okay as the locals regularly wear them. For the white guys, even a light skinned person can fit in or come close to doing so, as there are plenty of light skinned Colombians. This especially applies if your hair color is dark. Anyone who hasn't noticed the many light skinned Colombians apparently hasn't spent much time in Medellin. Just look at how most of the locals are dressed and do accordingly. It's quite simple, jeans, t-shirt or basic polo shirt and sneakers. But the key is to not to stand out as a clueless tourist, socks and sandals, NFL Jersey, cargo shorts, or one of a number of clueless tourist uniforms which makes you more of a target. Those that tell you to wear whatever you want are giving you lousy advice guys, and on a matter that's hardly trivial.

P.S. Of course Mr E has very strong opinions about this subject, will always share when it comes up and will never change his mind, yet the audience deserves to hear all views.

Husker Dude
12-14-21, 01:06
Did they change the testing requirements for returning to the US again?

For fully vaccinated US citizens, I thought it was a negative test 3 days before travel.

For non-vaccinated US citizens, it was a negative test 1 day before travel.

CDC site shows all persons flying to the US must get a negative viral Covid test at most 1 day before travel. No more 3 days?I just returned yesterday. It is a negative covid test within 1 day of travel to return to US.

12-14-21, 01:26
This of course is hyperbole, an attempt to mock those that have a different view than you. Ball caps are okay as the locals regularly wear them. For the white guys, even a light skinned person can fit in or come close to doing so, as there are plenty of light skinned Colombians. This especially applies if your hair color is dark. Anyone who hasn't noticed the many light skinned Colombians apparently hasn't spent much time in Medellin. Just look at how most of the locals are dressed and do accordingly. It's quite simple, jeans, t-shirt or basic polo shirt and sneakers. But the key is to not to stand out as a clueless tourist, socks and sandals, NFL Jersey, cargo shorts, or one of a number of clueless tourist uniforms which makes you more of a target. Those that tell you to wear whatever you want are giving you lousy advice guys, and on a matter that's hardly trivial.

P.S. Of course Mr E has very strong opinions about this subject, will always share when it comes up and will never change his mind, yet the audience deserves to hear all views.Your one of a few poster's that has ever said, in a "roundabout" way, that a gringo could pass as a local in Colombia.

This topic comes up about once a month it seems.

And I'm totally in your camp with your observations and suggestions.

But for those of you with blond hair and blue eyes who want to try to pass as a local, you're going to need to get a wig, colored eye contacts, and maybe a tanner for your skin if your lily white. LOL.

12-14-21, 02:21
My wingman was working hard, trying tinder, said it did not work in mde.

I would think fb work work same way.I have never tried Tinder in Medellin or anywhere else, in my 25+ years of mongering, but FB works fine for me here in Medellin. Very happy with the results.

12-14-21, 02:34
Went out 2 pm for some casas. First stop was Natalia casa as it was just 250 metres away from hotel I am staying.
... Next I give one more try to new life and get disappointed again ...Great report! Thanks for taking the time and writing it. I visited New Life recently with my wingman, and I felt the same way about their lineup. They used to be good in the past and they may come back. It's a good idea to tour all of them to find out who has the goods this time around.

12-14-21, 02:37
I'd do the strip clubs which all double as brothels, lets you see the girl in person 1st, have a drink with her and check attitude.Don't forget about parque lleras. Used it for the first time on this trip and I met some cuties there. They were Vennies. The action is heavy from 10 pm to about 1 am.

12-14-21, 02:42
Girls are everywhere...
Also, as mentioned on the Board hundreds of times, Facebook is the way to go in Medellin...Indeed, one is expected to put in some effort, do some reading and some research. It is all there, don't be lazy.

12-14-21, 03:08
Unfortunately, this is an understatement.

Many of the SEA guys, and now the Tijuana guys, who have spent some time here, will most probably not be spending as much time in Tijuana or in SEA when it fully re-opens.

Case in point, I have a buddy here who before the Pandemic was an Angeles City and Bangkok guy. And he swore how the Philippines was the best place on the planet for women. Know he has changed his tune, and says he likes Colombia more, and would rather be in Colombia versus SEA. Easy to understand why, it's close, and inexpensive.

Can you blame anyone who show's up here, see's what can be had, and not like the place. The two big issues for everyone though, and not obstacles that can't be overcome, are danger and the language.Latinas fuck better than SEA girls that's for sure. I just got back from HK club in Tijuana and the women there are hot, but $100 usd for 30 minutes. Great for a weekend getaway.

12-14-21, 03:09
I have never tried Tinder in Medellin or anywhere else, in my 25+ years of mongering, but FB works fine for me here in Medellin. Very happy with the results.Lots of girls available on tinder, they do charge more as they're hunting for gringos.

12-14-21, 03:22
Do you guys just make a new fb profile and join certain groups or do you use the facebook dating section?

12-14-21, 03:35
To each his own. But imo the girls in Pi are just average unattractive vs Colombians. I think its more of a low hanging fruit mentality. No language barrier and cheap but unattractive girls surrounding you asking for your $ for a cheap lay.I've been going to Thailand, every year since 2003 and sometimes twice a year. I also visited other SEA mongering places during those trips, including HongKong / Macau, PI, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, and Tokyo. Before that, it was Rio for 5 years until the stupid consulate woman refused to give me a new visa for Brazil, in 2003.

You find the girls in PI average but I can assure you that an awful lot of people would disagree, including me. It is all a question of which flavor you like, just like with ice cream or food. You prefer Colombian women over PI women, then just say that. No need to dismiss PI women like that.

BTW, I first came to Colombia for mongering in 2013 and fell in love with this place. Since then I have done 30+ trips. I am currently in the middle of a 3-week trip and even brought a newbie with me.

12-14-21, 05:46
You can find cotton sheets here. They are low quality and not widely available. It's worth it to stock up from offshore if you can. If you have cable or satellite service Canada or the US all the providers have streaming apps you can cast from a PC or phone. Cable packages with the North America channels here are not expensive.I used YouTube TV. You need to use a VPN and you need to change your location in your browser. The advantage, if you're a sports fan, you can set your location in any city and see all the sports broadcasts on local channels in that city.

12-14-21, 06:20
You prefer Colombian women over PI women, then just say that. No need to dismiss PI women like that.
No its a fact. I'm saying both: I prefer Colombians over Filipinas and they are on average less attractive. Going to PI, doesn't matter where (it can be in Makati, or it can be in Angeles City or Subic) its like going on a scavenger hunt to find a girl over a 7. In contrast, I can go make a trip to Exito and find 2 smoking hot head turner 8+ rating scale Paisas in Medellin in a few short hours into the trip.

Lets not even get into the better body genetics. Nalgas and leg to hip ratios -that's where Pinays really aren't even in the same stratosphere.

12-14-21, 10:04
Was on my to do list, but after seeing the poor talents at bars and casas, I did not want to go.

If Pokaris still has time and energy perhaps he can hop on Metro and give us intelligence on the levels of talents and funs that can be had in that neighborhood.I personally bought a flat in el Barrio Obrero which I rent, the real problem for expats here is that you are really outside the crowd and the south. But it is the most local life with security you can find in all Medellin and suburbs. You have normal girls everywhere and not looking for gringos, just going to party a bit, I am one of the few expats living in there when I go to Medellin.

But during the day you do not have tons of things to do and it mainly activate viernes / sabado night after quincena (after they receive they wage). I would definitively recommend to visit it, moreover it is way more secure than Manrique, it is an estrato 4/5 even if houses look pretty bad for our developed country standards.

In Obrero and generally Bello, you practically do not have casas de citas and really few escorts but you have a lot of cam girls working there, for the anecdote one day a camer tried to rent my duplex in Obrero to let girls work there but I had to say no because my girlfriend was there and she listened it LOL, it would have been a pleasure to have 4 cameras in my rented house LOL.

I will be there between the 19th of January and 19th of February, but will stay at centro the first days. I will be available from January 19th to January 21th if someone is interested by going to stripclubs;.

The 19th night will go to barra ejecutiva.

The 20th during the days go with my standard escorts I know.

The 20th night will go to fase dos and la Isla ans scrap few numbers.

The 21st day will get in touch with those of last night.

And 21st night do not know yet LOL.

After that I will have to meet my local girlfriend and I will be locked the most nights LOL.

It is always best to share in stripclubs so if someone is interested we can meet during the day first and then see what we can do.


12-14-21, 11:09

When a big breasted babe loves you and asks you to ship a cocaine bag around.

12-14-21, 17:10
Do you guys just make a new fb profile and join certain groups or do you use the facebook dating section?Do a search for Facebook and there are threads on how to use it. I'm not going to do the search for you. Just telling you there is lots of information on many prior threads.

Elvis 2008
12-14-21, 17:57
I used YouTube TV. You need to use a VPN and you need to change your location in your browser. The advantage, if you're a sports fan, you can set your location in any city and see all the sports broadcasts on local channels in that city.What VPN do you use? I use ExpressVPN and that did not work.

12-14-21, 20:34
I've been going to Thailand, every year since 2003 and sometimes twice a year. I also visited other SEA mongering places during those trips, including HongKong / Macau, PI, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, and Tokyo. Before that, it was Rio for 5 years until the stupid consulate woman refused to give me a new visa for Brazil, in 2003.

You find the girls in PI average but I can assure you that an awful lot of people would disagree, including me. It is all a question of which flavor you like, just like with ice cream or food. You prefer Colombian women over PI women, then just say that. No need to dismiss PI women like that.

BTW, I first came to Colombia for mongering in 2013 and fell in love with this place. Since then I have done 30+ trips. I am currently in the middle of a 3-week trip and even brought a newbie with me.Well said, it comes down to preference. Some find Latinas more attractive than Asians, I do, which is why I don't monger in Asia.

12-14-21, 21:26
I pumped her for a long time, her pussy felt so good, asked her a few times it sex was good. She nodded and never rushed. Fluid was foaming on her pink pussy, and the fishy odor came out again. I kept pumping and she kept moaning for about half hour before I popped big.

She came back from the shower. I said I wanted a second pop. She refused, said one hour or two, the deal is only 1 pop. Time runs out and deal is over after the pop. Kept arguing with no agreement. She put on her clothes. I went to the shower to take of the dead fish condom. When I ducked out, she had moved about 5 feet and was hovering on top of my open luggage which had only clothes. She quickly retreated to her spot. I had hidden wallet and phone. Gave her 200 K. She was looking at me with pleading eyes but I would never give difficult, hardened hoes propinas. Save it for the nice, sweet girls. I did not want to see her again, so no tel, no pics. She's very pretty, with a fine body, but has risky attitudes.

I took her down to the street. She walked down the long, dark and deserted street by the hotel. I took 2 seconds to secure the front door and walked out to the street to see if she had gone OK, but she already vanished like a ghost..No propina for fishy pussy! That is an instant mood killer.

12-14-21, 21:55
Your one of a few poster's that has ever said, in a "roundabout" way, that a gringo could pass as a local in Colombia.

This topic comes up about once a month it seems.

And I'm totally in your camp with your observations and suggestions.

But for those of you with blond hair and blue eyes who want to try to pass as a local, you're going to need to get a wig, colored eye contacts, and maybe a tanner for your skin if your lily white. LOL.There are some very white Colombians. They pride themselves on it, actually. Most white gringos stand out, but not necessarily for the reasons you suggest.

12-14-21, 23:16
So I was very keen to try SeekingArrangements here. I had a girl who was going to come Sunday but it was a cluster and she stopped texting. So I sent here a message that I was going out and we could maybe do Tuesday. She did text me back and said she fell asleep (this BTW is code for found something better to do) I went to Tantra and had a fairly nice session with a girl named Luciana (I think), short, a little thicker. Not much. Had great perky tits. She did agree to besos por una propina. Honestly I didn't have much hope about passionate kisses but Damn- the girl all but ate my face. The kissing was great- good thing because that was the only extra I was able to negotiate. She is very very tight. I did manage a bit of coitus when I got her up on the massage table but there was a shit show getting the condom on- anyway she finished me with a CBJ. Nice girl. If I had more time I think I might try to see her outside of Tantra. I digress. So I was planning to go to centro today when the SA girl texts me. OK - I will try again. So I stay in and it does finally work out about an hour late and I was on the verge of telling her to bugger off. On her way she asks if I have condoms (Fuck) well yes I do- I didn't like this but it did take any doubt away that she was not thinking there wouldn't be sex- Its always arranging things with a hooker who doesn't think she's a hooker. However I took the step of getting tested before I left and I actually had the test w me- she said we could talk about it when she got there. I explained my history since the test and she seemed happy. She said we could do it but could I give a little extra. Hell yes!- well sir- only once in my hobby career has a girl got two shots out of me inside of an hour before. She did it today. And I have not gotten any younger. After a quick round 1- I got a toy out and she left a huge wet spot. It was impressive. Anyway I had to see that cute little ass in cuatro and I did and it was awesome. SO - a major pain in the ass. Definitely more expensive but I'm not doing 10 girls a week and I apologize for fucking up the market but shit that was some seriously nice pussy. So - I'm going to roll the dice on SA again here. Maybe tomorrow. Or maybe if I have enough jam I will call her again.

12-15-21, 00:29
On my way to plaza Botero checked 3 different casas:

Zaza- when I walk in girl told me I need pay 5 k viewing fee I said ok and ask how much the girls for 30 min it was 50 k. 7 girls was presented they was all really ugly I pay 5 k and left (I am pretty sure this casa makes more money on viewing fee than from girls sex).

Armonia- 30 minutes -55 k they have so many girls here around 18-20 girls was presented but the quality something similar to new life. I liked just one girls a bit here.

Yakusa-this casa always have worst selection before this time wasn't different 6-7 girls inside (if you can call them girls all old, fat and ugly) I ask how much for 30 minutes was quoted 60 k it makes me laugh as probably it was gringo price.

Walk into plaza Botero around 4 pm was many girls around but didint see any I like, make my way to Veracruz area see one black cute girl, decide to make one more lap and comeback for her, but when I comeback she was gone.

Takes 40-45 minutes walking around again at plaza Botero, church area and Veracruz till I see another one cute black girl standing next to Veracruz bars short time hotel. She was 19 years old flakita Venezuelan name Kary. We agree 30 minutes for 30 k plus I pay 10 k for room. The room was somehow depressing old and small it takes me long time to cum but I manage somehow in 30 minutes. The girl was fine at sex. I ask her WhatsApp she told she not have a phone. Plaza Botero and all areas around have many girls around, but it takes time sometimes to find cute one.

12-15-21, 00:51
What VPN do you use? I use ExpressVPN and that did not work.I watched Peacock a few times, which is mostly USA TV and sports. Very affordable. It requires US IP address, and I managed to get round that w Nord VPN.

Just Incognito
12-15-21, 01:07
To the USA unless they are residents of Colombia!

New rules: https://co.usembassy.gov/health-alert%E2%80%AFnew-covid-19-entry-requirements-colombia/.

Vaccinated non-resident foreign travelers must present proof they have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 for at least 14 days prior to travel.

If less than 14 days have elapsed or if the vaccination scheme is not complete, the traveler must present a PCR test with a negative result taken within 72 hours of boarding.

*Unvaccinated non-resident foreign travelers will not be allowed to enter Colombia.

Did they change the testing requirements for returning to the US again?

For fully vaccinated US citizens, I thought it was a negative test 3 days before travel.

For non-vaccinated US citizens, it was a negative test 1 day before travel.

CDC site shows all persons flying to the US must get a negative viral Covid test at most 1 day before travel. No more 3 days?Great job Colombia! I fully support this and am glad the unvaxxed will be kept out. I hope all nations adopt this policy soon!

12-15-21, 02:02
Dude that's not even a 1/4 of the casas en el centro. I guess you had bad luck and went to the wrong ones.

On my way to plaza Botero checked 3 different casas:

Zaza- when I walk in girl told me I need pay 5 k viewing fee I said ok and ask how much the girls for 30 min it was 50 k. 7 girls was presented they was all really ugly I pay 5 k and left (I am pretty sure this casa makes more money on viewing fee than from girls sex).

Armonia- 30 minutes -55 k they have so many girls here around 18-20 girls was presented but the quality something similar to new life. I liked just one girls a bit here.

Yakusa-this casa always have worst selection before this time wasn't different 6-7 girls inside (if you can call them girls all old, fat and ugly) I ask how much for 30 minutes was quoted 60 k it makes me laugh as probably it was gringo price.

Walk into plaza Botero around 4 pm was many girls around but didint see any I like, make my way to Veracruz area see one black cute girl, decide to make one more lap and comeback for her, but when I comeback she was gone.

Takes 40-45 minutes walking around again at plaza Botero, church area and Veracruz till I see another one cute black girl standing next to Veracruz bars short time hotel. She was 19 years old flakita Venezuelan name Kary. We agree 30 minutes for 30 k plus I pay 10 k for room. The room was somehow depressing old and small it takes me long time to cum but I manage somehow in 30 minutes. The girl was fine at sex. I ask her WhatsApp she told she not have a phone. Plaza Botero and all areas around have many girls around, but it takes time sometimes to find cute one..

12-15-21, 02:29
Dude that's not even a 1/4 of the casas en el centro. I guess you had bad luck and went to the wrong ones..I know very well its not all casas. If you read carefully it says on my way to plaza Botero so I mean I checked the casas which was on my way where I mean to go.

12-15-21, 03:06
5 days was not enough.

Got to MDE and got booked up at my tele and immediately went out to get me some of that bandeja paisa at el rancherito las Palmas. It was decent. Way better than what I had at Mondongos a few days later. My fault though. I told myself I would never eat at Mondongos again after my last trips disappointed in the quality vs price paid. Pretty much stayed in Poblado since I was only here for a few days. Came solo so I was more focused on getting in some paisa guts. My top 2 Facebook chicas who I was looking forward to meeting were not interested. Probably had prior engagements because they failed to reply after initially stating they would be down to meet up. My 3rd one flaked on me twice which didn't surprise me as she had in the past. I was more interested in her sister (one of the ones mentioned above) and I always had backup plans because you can never count on these paisa's to be consistent and respectful of other people's time. But then again most don't respect a guy that pays for box if we truly want to be honest.

Ended up not doing anything the first night as I was exhausted. Ended up falling asleep and missed setting up the date with the first chica due to her not having data after 11 pm when I woke up. Strolled Lleras but didn't see anything and I guess things kind of die down a little after 1 am when I initially got there. Went to sleep again. Woke up the next day and went and visited Zen exclusive spa at Rio Sur if my memory serves me correctly. The massage was really good. Would definitely recommend it. Then lunch. Then link up with the girl from the previous night. Would say it was decent. Well mannered and pretty chill. Told me she was an enfermera and worked 12 HR shifts 6 days a week. That's a pretty ridiculous work schedule. She stayed with me until she had work that night. Pretty open menu except for the backdoor access. Anyone got a nice cute flaca that does anal? No chic I've met in MDE (at least one's I'm attracted to) is ever inclined in allowing me to partake. Think that's all I did that night then I headed to Lleras and just chilled. Didn't see anything that caught my eye. In Lleras a girl has to really catch my eye because I don't waste my time speaking to average-looking women with the nerve to be asking for 300 k an HR.

The next day for breakfast hit up this all-tatted-up dealer / aspiring DJ off of Facebook who I had very low expectations for. To me, she always looked like a party girl and figured she would be all business and very transactional. That's why I didn't see her my last time here. She ended up being a breath of fresh air. Real chill and cool to talk to. Knowing Spanish is definitely a necessity if you actually want to enjoy these experiences. Plus she was down for almost everything I wanted. That true GFE. Will definitely be adding her to the rotation.

Now I don't really recall the order of the rest but from the top of my head here it is. Ended up using this WhatsApp VIP group just to give it a shot. Their selection at the time was very disappointing but went with this flaca with a pretty face albeit with makeup and filters so I didn't really know what I would be getting. What showed up was actually really attractive. Didn't chill with me for 2 hrs like I'm used to with the Facebook girls but overall with a little bit of negotiating and a little charm I was able to get a few extras. She was not really GFE but I guess you can say close to it. Was a nice experience overall. Got her added to the rotation for next time.

The next one was this chic off of Facebook who wasn't all that pretty and ended up being a little taller in person. Only hit her up because she kept bugging me I guess from desperation and well she was down for almost anything. So I'm like whatever. I was extremely tired so nothing really happened though not that she didn't try. I'd give her an A for effort. Nowhere near GFE but then again I'm not interested in that with someone I'm not really attracted to. She gave head for quite a while though. Think she goes by Yuliza Vidal on Facebook if anyone is interested. Later, I went back to Lleras and just chilled.

I did waste half a night chilling with this Venny flaca I had met back on my previous trip. Was a complete waste and I'm pretty much done with her. Just gave her some cash to get out. The other bad experience I had was another Venny (#1). Met her in Parque Lleras and she is quite attractive. Had to check the cedula because she looked a little young but it all checked out. A complete waste of time and money. She is one of those that just hates what she does and shows it. Runs from the dick. Wouldn't even do doggy because I'm too big or whatever. Got a lot of complaints regarding size this trip. Everything covered and asking an obscene amount for any extras. Told her she needs to look for a stupid gringo novio (left out the stupid part) so she doesn't have to do this anymore. No drama from her though. She initially got 200 k and asked for a propina at the beginning which I promptly replied that it depends on her service. She definitely didn't bother asking at the end which was kind of a bummer because I had a few good replies I had at the ready. I'll add a pic so maybe I can save a few people the trouble and wasted time. She is the one with red hair and a striped dress (2 pics).

My next 2 chicas were decent experiences. 1 average-looking one off of Facebook (GFE) and one cute Venny (#2) I picked up in Lleras last night. Not GFE and no anal but everything else you wanted was OK with a bit if negotiating prior.

Repeated again with the DJ then went and got a massage at Zen again. This time was a 4 hand and was a great experience. Didn't really do the he for longer than a few minutes as I was already drained and after 5 or 6 chicas in the last 24 hrs, I was a little sore. Which reminds me. I did get my first 4 hand massage another day. Originally went to Zen but the door was closed and apparently, they were in a massage already. Ended up going to Dharma right next door. The massage was on point. One was a little pushy and all about sex and money once I flipped at the end. The offer flaca was a little timid which I like. She had a nice little ass once she took everything off except her panties because apparently it was that time of the month. Definitely want to go back and hit that. Wouldn't give me the digits though. Just the business card and told me I could request for her. A bummer.

As far as the hotel situation. I stayed at Hotel Diez the first night. It's a decent spot. The first guess is free and then they charge you 200 k for each guest after. Definitely wouldn't stay here long-term. Was told that I could finesse the system by just registering one girl then telling each subsequent chica to use that name (I guess as long as they don't check ID). Didn't get the chance to try that but it's a thought. The rest of my stay was at an Airbnb and I had no issues bringing in whoever I wanted as there was no security due to it being slow according to the guy. There are like 3 doors you need keys to so unless you're a complete moron you should be good and able to stay safe. Just check cédula's yourself obviously.


Venny # 1 w / red hair & in striped dress.

Venny # 2 w / white shirt sitting down.

Yuliza naked & pink one piece.

12-15-21, 03:17
So I'm thinking of going to Colombia to enjoy of the pleasures I've heard are one in the best in the world. But since it'd be my first time and I might go alone (buddies might want to lag it), I want to know where I can get a nice place that's local to all the clubs and chicas. I want to be able to go to clubs, but also be able to get some chicas and throw a reverse gangbang if possible, so the place has to be willing to let me do that. Also, how much can I expect to pay per chica if I tell her I want her to stay with me for the whole day / night? I want quality. Porn star material or cam Girl material. I'm thinking of being there in the new year. January. Feb. So I got some time to organize. How much can I expect to pay per night for the hotel and the chicas?

12-15-21, 03:27
*Unvaccinated non-resident foreign travelers will not be allowed to enter Colombia. Not quite true. Non-resident foreign travelers without an acceptable vax card will not be allowed to enter Colombia.

12-15-21, 04:02
Where do you guys recommend I stay to have chicas regularly go to my place to fuck. I see Hotel Dix, Moet, Greenview, and Element. The idea is to be able to have a safe, secure place for myself and my belongings of course, but also a place I can bring a chica (or three) to fuck for hours on end. Would any of these places be recommended or are there better places to consider? I picked these because it seems most of the action is at parque Lleras and am looking to setup a reverse gangbang while I'm there.

12-15-21, 04:15
You should re-confirm that information. It is not consistent with official sources (Colombia Ministry of Health). See what your airline says. If you are planning travel it's best to check in advance.

Not quite true. Non-resident foreign travelers without an acceptable vax card will not be allowed to enter Colombia.

12-15-21, 04:43
Hi Norbert how much did you give SA girl? I am a lot on SA and have pretty good success.

So I was very keen to try SeekingArrangements here. I had a girl who was going to come Sunday but it was a cluster and she stopped texting. So I sent here a message that I was going out and we could maybe do Tuesday. She did text me back and said she fell asleep (this BTW is code for found something better to do) I went to Tantra and had a fairly nice session with a girl named Luciana (I think), short, a little thicker. Not much. Had great perky tits. She did agree to besos por una propina. Honestly I didn't have much hope about passionate kisses but Damn- the girl all but ate my face. The kissing was great- good thing because that was the only extra I was able to negotiate. She is very very tight. I did manage a bit of coitus when I got her up on the massage table but there was a shit show getting the condom on- anyway she finished me with a CBJ. Nice girl. If I had more time I think I might try to see her outside of Tantra. I digress. So I was planning to go to centro today when the SA girl texts me. OK - I will try again. So I stay in and it does finally work out about an hour late and I was on the verge of telling her to bugger off. On her way she asks if I have condoms (Fuck) well yes I do- I didn't like this but it did take any doubt away that she was not thinking there wouldn't be sex- Its always arranging things with a hooker who doesn't think she's a hooker. However I took the step of getting tested before I left and I actually had the test w me- she said we could talk about it when she got there. I explained my history since the test and she seemed happy. She said we could do it but could I give a little extra. Hell yes!- well sir- only once in my hobby career has a girl got two shots out of me inside of an hour before. She did it today. A

12-15-21, 04:50
What VPN do you use? I use ExpressVPN and that did not work.I used private internet access VPN. You have to change your browser location as well, which requires GPS coordinates. Do a search for. "Changing your browser location in Google Chrome" and you can find out how. Nord VPN should work once you change your browser location.

12-15-21, 05:26
Photos: I count seven different chicas. Five are in hotel rooms at Ground Zero. The first foto with faces obscured was at the Dorado Hotel on Avenida 70, and shows my most recent and current favorite three-way girls, Purrfekt Paisa and Scarlet.What do you mean by ground zero?

12-15-21, 05:42
I see 5 different Ground Zero putas in hotels there, the skinny chica with long hair is one of many girls delivered to me by Scarlet What do you mean by "delivered to me by Scarlet?" Is that an escort service?

El Moreno 92
12-15-21, 07:01
I have a Chucky Schwab card and use it all the time in Medellin. As I recall in order to get their card I had to open two accounts with them, brokerage and checking, and keep a balance in the checking account only, I don't remember if there was a minimum balance. Then I incidentally mentioned to my Wells Fargo banker the deal I had with Chuck, and he gave me the exact same deal on my Well Fargo debit card. Well, maybe not exactly the same, there is some theoretical maximum number of transactions per week or month that I have never exceeded, and a minimum balance may be required.

Just like a razor blade can only get so sharp, and you can only shave so close no matter how many blades you stack together, a debit card in Medellin is "as good as it gets" if it sets the conversion rate at an index without a margin; the bank you are drawing on in the states does not charge you any "international" fees; and your bank refunds any service charges the bank in Colombia is trying to impose. At that point, all cards are equal, it doesn't matter what they are called but Chucky has the rep until too many low ballers go there to get a card and they decide to no longer offer that level of service, which is their right to do at any moment.

These are debit cards so there should not be any annual fee for using them. Don't forget, if you stick your Visa or Mastercard credit card in the slot for cash, you will most likely get hit with a very high cash advance percentage rate, easily in the mid 20's. Ha, to me that's loan sharking, but you know, the big banks get their way.

As it has been told many times here but bears repeating, no matter what debit card you are carrying, you should refuse the conversion rate when the prompt comes up on the screen when you are withdrawing cash at the ATM. That is simply an additional mark-up from the bank whose ATM you are using. I won't say the transaction always works when you refuse it, but 90% of the time it does. And if you are trying to draw out upper limit amounts, the same ATM can vary day to day quite a bit depending on the one you use, both on maximum amount per transaction, and maximum number of transactions per day or total amount per day.

Gratuitous fotos, six different chicas all at or from Ground Zero costing between 30-150 mil, NOT counting hotel fees or guest charges. Let's not forget, we're all here to feel good or it's not worth it.Bruh, pic #3 is a winner. Nothing better than a Latina spinner with a nice set. Being ridden while screwing them is heaven.

El Moreno 92
12-15-21, 07:02
Just a tip for fellow mongers overseas, never ask for your money back, especially if it's a meager cover charge. It might be ok to ask for some type of credit if you have some bad experience, but asking for your money back as a tourist with money who comes here to fuck women while these workers are living on poverty wages, makes you look like a cheapskate and someone worth robbing. Don't make yourself a target.Say it louder for those in the back.

Thank you!

Captain Solo
12-15-21, 12:12
Horny Stud,

I like to research and experiment with all kinds of physical, social, scientific phenomena. I went to Colombia the first time, not only for girls and sex, but also trying to understand more about the life of average people.

In this case with La Isla, I went in at 9 PM, the club had only a few clients, looked empty and dead, there was no show, no girls around, which was unusual in puta bars business. I took a peek in their dressing room, saw over a dozen old, fat, ugly, tatted women applying make up, looking like freaks. I figured I would not want to watch them anyway when they put on a show. I did not want to waste time there, not really care about and did not expect the $5 refund, but I was bored waiting for their show and decided to push the huge manager around to see how he would react.

The guy looked like a huge gangster in his black suit. I expected him to be rough and rude, but he acted very calm and restrained, embarrassed and apologetic, almost distressed, at the situation. He pushed a girl to go up the stage and strip. She was below average in looks and dance compared to strippers in Hong Kong club in Tijuana. I was not impressed, again went to the manager guys, told him I did not like the show and pushed him for a refund. He looked embarrassed. The club was not doing much business. A few guys who went in were not buying any drinks. The club probably has been bleeding money and was hard up on cash. He said money was gone and would never come back, making a gesture like the boss would slit his throat. He hesitated a while, then went in the dressing room, dragged out a young, smiling girl and pushed her at me. She was tall, clear skin, no tats, looked more proportional than the other freaky big, fat women in the dressing room, probably the club's hottest girl, but she was still too heavy for me, about 5'6 160 Lbs.

I was expecting a rough treatment by a bunch of goons at La Isla (which I would report in many places), but La Isla guys acted in reasonable, civilized, accommodating ways, better than their counterparts in many countries.

12-15-21, 15:50
I'm heading back to MDE in January. This will be my second visit. I qualify as a Tijuana vet but I'm desperate for something new. On my last trip, I visited casas, La Isla, Gusto and Lleras. I was underwhelmed with the casa girls. It was fairly mechanical. Could have just been bad luck. I enjoy gustos. Go ahead and tell me I'm wasting money. We're all entitled to opinions. But I enjoyed having a drink, getting to know them, etc. I like the party vibe. I can't say the one girl I pulled from there was stellar in the sack. But it was a fun night on balance. La Isla was just ehh. Lots of 7's, nothing spectacular. My best sessions were from Lleras.

My question: last time, I put very little effort into Facebook, which I know was probably foolish. My concern with Facebook is that I'm not a trophy hunter. I put a lot of value on passion. That requires some level of a connection, and I don't know that even intense work on FB will prove to be more fruitful. Should I even bother with FB? Has anyone had a high success rate in identifying that your personalities jive with FB girls? Or should I just stick with Gustos and Lleras?

Juan Carter
12-15-21, 18:27
I have a Chucky Schwab card and use it all the time in Medellin. As I recall in order to get their card I had to open two accounts with them, brokerage and checking, and keep a balance in the checking account only, I don't remember if there was a minimum balance. Then I incidentally mentioned to my Wells Fargo banker the deal I had with Chuck, and he gave me the exact same deal on my Well Fargo debit card. Well, maybe not exactly the same, there is some theoretical maximum number of transactions per week or month that I have never exceeded, and a minimum balance may be required.Probably "maybe not exactly the same". I don't see how it is possible for your Wells Fargo guy to intercept the billing program routines. I have both cards. Wells Fargo does not reimburse my foreign bank ATM fees, charges me its own "non-bank" ATM fee on top of that and a foreign transaction fee. Schwab for me.

12-15-21, 19:24
Various combinations of minimum balances, linked account services, credit history, and other individual circumstances are sometimes factors governing account terms.

Probably "maybe not exactly the same". I don't see how it is possible for your Wells Fargo guy to intercept the billing program routines. I have both cards. Wells Fargo does not reimburse my foreign bank ATM fees, charges me its own "non-bank" ATM fee on top of that and a foreign transaction fee. Schwab for me.

12-15-21, 19:29
I'm heading back to MDE in January. This will be my second visit. I qualify as a Tijuana vet but I'm desperate for something new. On my last trip, I visited casas, La Isla, Gusto and Lleras. I was underwhelmed with the casa girls. It was fairly mechanical. Could have just been bad luck. I enjoy gustos. Go ahead and tell me I'm wasting money. We're all entitled to opinions. But I enjoyed having a drink, getting to know them, etc. I like the party vibe. I can't say the one girl I pulled from there was stellar in the sack. But it was a fun night on balance. La Isla was just ehh. Lots of 7's, nothing spectacular. My best sessions were from Lleras.

My question: last time, I put very little effort into Facebook, which I know was probably foolish. My concern with Facebook is that I'm not a trophy hunter. I put a lot of value on passion. That requires some level of a connection, and I don't know that even intense work on FB will prove to be more fruitful. Should I even bother with FB? Has anyone had a high success rate in identifying that your personalities jive with FB girls? Or should I just stick with Gustos and Lleras?This has been addressed numerous times. There's no way anyone can guarantee you will have good luck with Facebook girls. A lot of FB girls (but by no means all) are the "girl next door" type and others are looking for business and are far more professional. You can tell from their posts. Once you build up a few friends, you'll be able to decide which is which and what suits your fancy.

Is FB worth it? For me it has been and about 80% of the chicas I've met in Medellin have come from FB. Generally, I've had great times with all of them, some actual conversations, and not quite as much of a "hardened" or "professional" relationship. GFE would be a good description.

How do you do it? Again. Addressed hundreds of times. Make an account. Post some pictures. Request some chica friends. Use their friends to request more friends. About a week before you get to Medellin post you're coming. You'll start getting requests and chats. Then. It's up to you to figure it out.

12-15-21, 19:33
Girls are everywhere. Strike up a conversation. Say "Hola. " Go to Parque Lleras or other places mentioned on the Board. Trust me, you will be approached by women of all types. Also, as mentioned on the Board hundreds of times, Facebook is the way to go in Medellin if you're not so much into Centro or casas. Just scroll back a few postings to see how. I've been down 5 times this year and still principally see two chicas I met on my second trip from Facebook. It's not really that difficult. Milerotico is the online website principally used in Medellin, but I've always had plenty of luck with FB chicas so had no reason to ever try it..Thank you Jay. My Spanish is quite basic so having a convo is a bit difficult. Sex is OK with a nice looking body but sex with an English speaking person becomes so much better. I will definitely look into FB and Mileserotica because I have a feeling that casa scene won't provide with those unforgettable sessions that one can have sometimes in the hotel rooms.

I'd do the strip clubs which all double as brothels, lets you see the girl in person 1st, have a drink with her and check attitude.This is a great suggestion actually, thank you very much. I have not paid any attention to strip clubs so far, looks like I need to find out what are some well known ones in Medellin.

Captain Solo
12-15-21, 21:26
Believe me the fish market at the end of the day smells better than this Lleras girl Camila.

She knew her offensive odor problem, so she was trying hard to get me to pay upfront, lest I get disgusted, get knocked out by her odor and kick her out mid session without paying.

I feel sad for her, but I don't want to be near girls with odors or health problems.

12-15-21, 21:38
You should re-confirm that information. It is not consistent with official sources (Colombia Ministry of Health). See what your airline says. If you are planning travel it's best to check in advance.I think what he's trying to say is if you have a fake vaccination card you can get in.

Which is the same thing as when the 3 gringos in Cartagena thought using a fake Covid test would get them out, or (was it Cali or Bogota?) when the guy who was supposed to quarantine decided he didn't need to. Or when guys think that they're okay with girls who have a fake cedula.

It's all the same thing. Each country has their rules. You can often figure out how to bypass those rules, but the penalty if you get caught greatly exceeds the price to abide by the rules. With the fake vaccination cards, it's only a matter of time before they start finding them and then the clever people will find themselves banned from Colombia.

12-15-21, 21:46
Where do you guys recommend I stay to have chicas regularly go to my place to fuck. I see Hotel Dix, Moet, Greenview, and Element. The idea is to be able to have a safe, secure place for myself and my belongings of course, but also a place I can bring a chica (or three) to fuck for hours on end. Would any of these places be recommended or are there better places to consider? I picked these because it seems most of the action is at parque Lleras and am looking to setup a reverse gangbang while I'm there.About 3% of the action is at Parque Lleras. You may want to reassess your location choice. You're also unlikely to find any hotel around Parque Lleras which will allow you to host a reverse gangbang. That's without considering the risk of having several unknown women with uncontrolled access to all of your stuff.

I've had up to 4 women in an apartment at the same time, but it wasn't for sex and they are all women I know and trust. I've had 2 women in an apartment for a threesome, but they were both women I knew and trusted.

For unknown women, or women who I'm not sure I can trust (more than 1 at a time) I take them to Motel Ibiza.

12-15-21, 21:49
What do you mean by ground zero?Ground zero, depending on who is talking is a spot in El Centro. In this case it's the area in Botero Plaza in front of the Veracruz church.

When Osteo says a girl was "delivered by Scarlet" he's referring to one of his regular girls who likes to bring over girls for threesomes.

12-15-21, 21:57
Probably "maybe not exactly the same". I don't see how it is possible for your Wells Fargo guy to intercept the billing program routines. I have both cards. Wells Fargo does not reimburse my foreign bank ATM fees, charges me its own "non-bank" ATM fee on top of that and a foreign transaction fee. Schwab for me.I have a Wells Fargo debit card and they don't charge me a foreign transaction fee when I make a cash withdrawal at an ATM machine, only a non-bank ATM fee, along with the foreign bank ATM fee.

Something doesn't sound right if your getting charged a foreign transaction fee on a debit card.

I also have a Bank of America debit card and it's the same as my WF card.

12-15-21, 22:11
Horny Stud,

I like to research and experiment with all kinds of physical, social, scientific phenomena. I went to Colombia the first time, not only for girls and sex, but also trying to understand more about the life of average people.

In this case with La Isla, I went in at 9 PM, the club had only a few clients, looked empty and dead, there was no show, no girls around, which was unusual in puta bars business. I took a peek in their dressing room, saw over a dozen old, fat, ugly, tatted women applying make up, looking like freaks. I figured I would not want to watch them anyway when they put on a show. I did not want to waste time there, not really care about and did not expect the $5 refund, but I was bored waiting for their show and decided to push the huge manager around to see how he would react.

The guy looked like a huge gangster in his black suit. I expected him to be rough and rude, but he acted very calm and restrained, embarrassed and apologetic, almost distressed, at the situation. He pushed a girl to go up the stage and strip. She was below average in looks and dance compared to strippers in Hong Kong club in Tijuana. I was not impressed, again went to the manager guys, told him I did not like the show and pushed him for a refund. He looked embarrassed. The club was not doing much business. A few guys who went in were not buying any drinks..One aspect that permeates Colombian culture is an aversion to being directly confrontational. If you're trying to do business it can be frustrating, because they won't tell you "no. " Instead they'll give an ambivalent response. It's the same issue that comes up when you're expecting a girl to show, but she ghosts you. There's a good chance she had other obligations, or couldn't make that time. That's why I let the girls know I'm flexible. What time is best for them, or would tomorrow be better? It seems to work for me.

In the situation you described, there was no benefit for the guy to respond any other way. He already had your money and there was absolutely nothing you could do to get it back. He could have easily had some guys take you outside, beat the crap out of you, take your money and drop your unconscious body somewhere in a remote area. Or he could be polite and attempt to make you happy, which is much easier.

As for the business there, La Isla isn't hurting. On a Friday or Saturday night after midnight, it's jam packed and people are literally throwing money. Like most places, timing is important.

Mr Enternational
12-15-21, 23:06
I went to Colombia the first time, not only for girls and sex, but also trying to understand more about the life of average people.LOL. They get up and go to work everyday like most other people in the world. You act like they are living in igloos, have to lay traps for food, and worship the flying spaghetti monster everyday.

Captain Solo
12-15-21, 23:23
Senor E.

Peoples are not all the same. I found the average Colombians on the streets far kinder, nicer, and more patient than the aggressive Americanos. They are very polite and helpful with their old-world manners. They would go out of the way to help me then come back to follow up to make sure I got what I needed.

This little girl Tatania runs the Ciel Spa on ground floor of hotel Ayenda Habana Vieja near Santa Fe Mall. She was desperate with the stuck front door, spent close to an hour yanking, exhausted trying to open it. 3 guys came and went, one looked like her BF on a motorbike, but none spent any time or looked at the problem to help her open it.

I don't understand why people were helpful to me and not to this little girl.

12-16-21, 00:22
I have a Wells Fargo debit card and they don't charge me a foreign transaction fee when I make a cash withdrawal at an ATM machine, only a non-bank ATM fee, along with the foreign bank ATM fee.

Something doesn't sound right if your getting charged a foreign transaction fee on a debit card.

I also have a Bank of America debit card and it's the same as my WF card.My biggest cost is always the foreign exchange difference, on my debit card. It's not a fee, its the exchange rate your bank gives you. In my case it is always 2. 5 to 3. 5% depending on which of my banks I use. It is in addition to any foreign transaction fees, ATM fees, or fees that the bank in Colombia may charge. I've been told that see Shwab does not do this. But I cannot get a CS account as I live outside of the US.

12-16-21, 01:33
You should re-confirm that information. It is not consistent with official sources (Colombia Ministry of Health). See what your airline says. If you are planning travel it's best to check in advance.Its the vax card that they want to see. If you have had a vax and don't have a card, they won't allow you entry. But if you have a vax card and no vax, they will. So the vax card wins every time.

It will be interesting to see if and what they question. I know some vax cards have QR codes that they could scan to authenticate, like those from Europe, but the majority of the world does not. An immigration official would not be able to authenticate a vax card that does not a have a QR code, despite what the fear mongers here might think.

12-16-21, 01:47
My biggest cost is always the foreign exchange difference, on my debit card. It's not a fee, its the exchange rate your bank gives you. In my case it is always 2. 5 to 3. 5% depending on which of my banks I use. It is in addition to any foreign transaction fees, ATM fees, or fees that the bank in Colombia may charge. I've been told that see Shwab does not do this. But I cannot get a CS account as I live outside of the US.Well all I can say is I would not carry whatever ATM cards your carrying. The only difference with Schwab I believe is that they only wave their fee to use their card. Never heard of a foreign transaction fee on a debit card.

12-16-21, 02:23
...As for the business there, La Isla isn't hurting. On a Friday or Saturday night after midnight, it's jam packed and people are literally throwing money. Like most places, timing is important.I was at La Isla the same week as Captain Solo, and I had a different experience. The place was pretty full the night I was there with 2 wingman. There were quite a few eye candy girls, and one wingman decided to stay there longer and took a dancer for the night.

I know Captain Solo from the Tijuana forum, and we had a few beers together at Parque Lleras last week. He is one picky monger, who speaks up his mind.

12-16-21, 02:29
I was at La Isla the same week as Captain Solo, and I had a different experience. The place was pretty full the night I was there with 2 wingman. There were quite a few eye candy girls, and one wingman decided to stay there longer and took a dancer for the night.

I know Captain Solo from the Tijuana forum, and we had a few beers together at Parque Lleras last week. He is one picky monger, who speaks up his mind.And there's nothing wrong with being picky, or speaking your mind. However, it can become an issue when you fail to recognize that the problem isn't with whatever you're criticizing, but instead is your own issue.

12-16-21, 02:31
Sounds like a fish story.Except that I was physically there with him, and I can assure you that his story is accurate.

I am not sure how you are coming up with these conclusions. You may disagree with his opinions about Colombian women, but you have no right to question his integrity, just out of whim. There were 2 other mongers there too, who can verify the accuracy of this story.

Elvis 2008
12-16-21, 02:34
I was at La Isla the same week as Captain Solo, and I had a different experience. The place was pretty full the night I was there with 2 wingman. There were quite a few eye candy girls, and one wingman decided to stay there longer and took a dancer for the night.

I know Captain Solo from the Tijuana forum, and we had a few beers together at Parque Lleras last week. He is one picky monger, who speaks up his mind.In your opinion, which place has the hotter women, La Isla or Hong Kong?

From my trips, Hong Kong had more hot women overall but La Isla had a higher percentage of them.