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05-02-22, 14:32
The owner of Loutron also owns Abydos which is a massage / sex parlor on Avenida 33. Same level of women, but about half the price. Loutron has women that are taller, run way models, at higher prices. Abydos has more girls from the country, over all shorter, but more enthusiastic and affectionate.Abydos was my favorite casa back in the day. I'm sure they closed years ago.

05-02-22, 14:39
Abydos was my favorite casa back in the day. I'm sure they closed years ago.But when KneelGorge wrote "on Avenida 33" that's not enough to go by to find that place. Avenida 33 is a main thorofare, if it's the road I am thinking of. Need more info.

Nil Admirari
05-02-22, 18:07
Abydos was my favorite casa back in the day. I'm sure they closed years ago.

If you Google Sala de masajes Abydos or Abydos Spa they seem to have an active Facebook page and website. However, the address is given as Cra 43 D #10-46. Now on the "To be checked" list for my return visit come July. Meanwhile, I hope that a BM ventures a field visit shortly and reports back here on their findings.

Tomcat 88
05-02-22, 20:27
When I Googled, I found two different places with very similar names.

05-02-22, 21:00
If you Google Sala de masajes Abydos or Abydos Spa they seem to have an active Facebook page and website. However, the address is given as Cra 43 D #10-46. Now on the "To be checked" list for my return visit come July. Meanwhile, I hope that a BM ventures a field visit shortly and reports back here on their findings.Abybos (with a b) Spa that you mentioned is in Malina / Poblado (Cra 43 the #10-46). The one on Avenida 33 is or was called AbyDos (with a d). The address is / was Calle 33 # 64-198. Not sure if it is still in business. Their website for sure is died.

05-03-22, 02:52
For regular P4P, 300 mil COP is the standard rate for 3 hours, albeit also the transition point for overnight, but look at all the extras you are getting with this service. Love the costume choices. I hope this venture is a success. I may put my nail clippers in the safe and try it myself, jaja.Are you assuming sex is included? It is not listed so I guess it costs extra.

05-03-22, 03:09
Are you assuming sex is included? It is not listed so I guess it costs extra.I don't remember what I was thinking. Maybe you tip her for the sex? I don't know what their business model is but my guess would be they send the girl out for the posted price, and then whatever she can get on her own once she's on site she gets to keep. That's how I would run it but what do I know? There is def more than one way to peel an onion in this example.

What I really was thinking was that initially when I posted about this new company I was perceived as possibly being against the concept. I wanted to repost for the record, that I am for the concept.

05-03-22, 03:09
Definitely, looks like the girl was hinting thst she needed some money and hoping you'd swoop in and solve her problems. Sometimes it seems to me that they chicken out from asking for money when you don't take their hints and run to their rescue.

Anyway, I've only been with one webcam, and by accident (I've never tried to get one off a camsite), but it was up there in terms of sexual experiences for me. Afterwards she flipped out her phone and was showing me her work photos, which was an added bonus. So hope this one works out for you. If not the camgirl density in Medellin is probably the highest in the world and it sounds like you have already sampled a few.

Personally I've been wondering if anyone has got with any of the emerging Medellin pornstars? Seems like the top tier ones go to Europe quickly but there seems to be a rapidly expanding second tier that stay in Colombia. One, Mila Garcia has a Facebook account, but doesn't seem to use it much. So I haven't tried to contact her. Anyway, I've always heard you could get with pornstars in Brazil and have been wondering if there are similar possibilities emerging in Medellin given the expanding local industry? Would definitely be a bucket list item for me.

I have never met this chica face to face yet. She is a Web cam model.

I recently posted to JimBo about how being empathetic and acknowledging chicas' difficulties can go a long way toward keeping them happy, even when you don't give or send them money. This scenario is a little different because she is not on my List or an established novia, but the principles are the same.

The Whassap dialogue below is a great example.

The irony is when you read or listen to these chicas, sometimes they seem to be asking for money, when really they are not. Like females all over the world, sometimes all they want is a sympathetic ear. Not advice. Just someone who they perceive might actually give a shit.

Hindsight is always 20/20 and I made a couple of stupid, pointless comments below. My two comments at {7:40 PM, 4/29/2022} served no useful purpose but I left them in to show her reaction.

The fact that she described staying home and not working because she was sad about her bills was not lost on me. Obviously, that is counterproductive behavior. Unless she is your wife, don't "scold" these girls, which is the word they almost always use. Serves no purpose other than to create tension. They will not change because of your advice. Save your breath. All I did in a small way was validate her feelings, and let her vent.

Pay special attention to her comments at {7:44 PM, 4/29/2022}.

At {1:49 PM, 4/30/2022} purrfekt example of a cultural misunderstanding. I was telling her not to take things personally so she did not get her feelings hurt. She thought I meant I did not want to get close and personal with her.

{5:20 and 5:21 PM, 4/30/2022} was the turning point. Remember, without spending a peso despite the subject.

The second to last line, {5:22 PM, 4/30/2022} "I will make you happy", I am obviously using a euphemism for "I am not going to pay now, but I will pay later" after sex, and she knows that.

She is a sweet, sensitive girl. Ironically, on-line she is the nastiest, most dirty girl with whom I have ever tried to hook-up. That's what grabbed my attention. For looks, she is probably a 6.36377 at best, jajaja. With her, it's going to be all about performance, personality, and getting down-and-dirty. We all know more often that not, these plans don't pan out. But the fun in trying is fantastic. I will be sure to let you all know what happens.

I am into her for exactly zero pesos at this time. That's a lie because I just remembered I have tipped her on line, but no mucho. The hardest part will be if she decides to see me, how will I work her into my full schedule? Maybe invite her over to Scarlet's apartment for a 7-way, jajajajaja.

The take-home message is do not be the first to bring up the subject of money, especially sending money, with these chicas. Believe it or not, many times they are not looking for money, as show below. Took me a long time to learn that. There are plenty of chicas who will be aggressive about asking for money, but don't be the one who brings it up first. Ostee Out!

{4:19 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: Hi Love.

{4:19 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: I'm online.

{4:19 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: Do you want to come see me?

{5:13 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: I'm a little sad.

{6:59 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: And you don't answer me for me to talk to someone.

{7:40 PM, 4/29/2022} Asti: Sorry baby, I've been busy.

{7:40 PM, 4/29/2022} Asti: Be happy that I was able to visit you for a few minutes on-line and give you a little tip.

{7:43 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: Love.

{7:43 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: But I'm not saying that's why.

{7:44 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: You don't even ask me the reason for my sadness.

{7:46 PM, 4/29/2022} Asti: Then tell me, of course. I want to know.

{7:47 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: You scold me without asking me what's wrong.

{7:48 PM, 4/29/2022} Asti: Honey, I'm not scolding you. I don't have a bad thought about you.

{7:49 PM, 4/29/2022} Asti: Okay?

{7:50 PM, 4/29/2022} Asti: Tell me.

{7:51 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: Well, it's just that on Monday I have to pay the rent for my house and my work has gone a little badly, that's all, I'm a little worried.

{7:52 PM, 4/29/2022} Asti: Yes, my love. That's a lot of stress and pressure.

{7:55 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: Yes indeed.

{7:55 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: I was thinking of asking for money from a daily collector (loan shark).

{7:55 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: But I don't want to be in debt to someone like that.

{7:57 PM, 4/29/2022} Asti: You shouldn't, interest rates are too high, it can be dangerous.

{7:58 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: Yes indeed, yes.

{7:58 PM, 4/29/2022} Ally: But I don't know what to do.

{1:39 PM, 4/30/2022} Asti: Good afternoon love.

{1:40 PM, 4/30/2022} Asti: Are you doing any better?

{1:40 PM, 4/30/2022} Ally: I'm home I felt bad and left work.

{1:42 PM, 4/30/2022} Asti: If I was there in person, I would help you.

{1:42 PM, 4/30/2022} Asti: Of course.

{1:46 PM, 4/30/2022} Asti: Sorry you have to wait.

{1:46 PM, 4/30/2022} Ally: Why didn't you come see me today?

{1:48 PM, 4/30/2022} Asti: Don't take these things personally. I'm on a lunch break now. I have many things to do before returning to Medellin in less than two weeks.

{1:49 PM, 4/30/2022} Ally: And why are you telling me not to take things personally?

{1:50 PM, 4/30/2022} Asti: My Spanish is not that good, I meant you shouldn't let your feelings get hurt, I like you a lot, but the things I'm doing right now are important. Of course, I want to be personal with you and get to know you better.

{1:51 PM, 4/30/2022} Asti: Do you understand?

{1:52 PM, 4/30/2022} Asti: I will not intentionally hurt you. I will never hit you. We are off to a good start. I will tell you the truth as best I can.

{5:20 PM, 4/30/2022} Ally: Thank you for always being there for me.

{5:21 PM, 4/30/2022} Ally: You have earned my trust and love.

{5:21 PM, 4/30/2022} Ally: I'm really not lying to you.

{5:22 PM, 4/30/2022} Ally: I want to meet you.

{5:22 PM, 4/30/2022} Asti: We will, I will make you happy, you just have to wait a little longer until I get there.

{5:23 PM, 4/30/2022} Ally: I will wait love.

I attached a couple of screenshots from a video I have of her. I think her general enthusiasm shows through. I will run laps on any chica who lines up her three holes like in the first foto- mouth, pussy, ass, mouth, pussy, ass. Anyone got a stopwatch? Or we can take bets how many holes I can get my leche dripping out of her at the same time. Love it. She has the requisite finger tattoos that that I often associate with that certain dirty rawness. Her doggy pose removes any doubt of three-hole access and shows her nice fat ass. I hope she pans out. I could use a good dose of raunchy sex with a new chica and this foreplay is delicious. Only time will tell.

05-03-22, 03:53
I have never met this chica face to face yet. She is a Web cam model.

I recently posted to JimBo about how being empathetic and acknowledging chicas' difficulties can go a long way toward keeping them happy, even when you don't give or send them money. This scenario is a little different because she is not on my List or an established novia, but the principles are the same.

The Whassap dialogue below is a great example.

The irony is when you read or listen to these chicas, sometimes they seem to be asking for money, when really they are not. Like females all over the world, sometimes all they want is a sympathetic ear. Not advice. Just someone who they perceive might actually give a shit.This is almost the exact conversation I had with a Venezuelan cam girl in Colombia. We talked for 3 months. Even had conversations with her mother. Said she couldn't wait to meet me. Then the sob story, sent some cash and in the end never saw her. Of course you know better than me and won't give her any money till you see her in the "flesh" LOL. Been learning a lot from your posts and can't wait for my first visit to MDE next week.


05-03-22, 04:50
Definitely, looks like the girl was hinting thst she needed some money and hoping you'd swoop in and solve her problems.I will suggest you don't include the entire original post in your response, especially when the original poster (me) was long winded. If I don't bring it up, someone else will.

I would've agreed with you a year ago about chicas wanting money then "chickening out" at the end, but now I don't believe it's that overt.

First, these girls are often casting a very wide net when looking for money, so their success or failure with an individual gringo doesn't bother them as much as you might think.

Secondly, as I wrote, they genuinely want empathy and that counts for a lot. When I had less experience with chicas from MDE, sometimes I would bring up money first when I thought the chica was fishing, and then get scolded, hard. She would say something like, "I wasn't asking you for money, I was sharing my situation." I know, hard to believe at first but it's true for some of them.

Ally has been in daily contact with me. She hasn't mentioned money again other than she had a "good day" camming today so sounds like she made rent.

If you monger a lot, you have been with more Web cam models than you realize, jeje. Finding them on-line accounts for a very small but very enjoyable part of my mongering. I will never forget and in some ways, never top Caribe coming over most mornings for a few weeks from her night shift at the studio, throwing me in the shower, and using me as her sex slave, for "free". I paid a price in the end, but I would also do it over again, and I can tell you for sure, if she's available, I will fuck her again someday.

Finally, as I also have written, in the short term, most of these chicas would rather have the money than respect you, but they respect a guy who isn't a pushover for money. Know when to say no.

I will look stupid to some if Ally ghosts me when I arrive, but that won't bug me too much. I enjoy the journey and don't look at the end result as being success or failure. She is one chica of many. Desire is often the enemy.

I have three new chicas lined up for my return trip, two seem solid if we count Ally as one. The third I won't be surprised at all if she flakes but she's worth the effort to me.

I don't know anything about the porn scene in Medellin. There was supposedly a lot of underage porn in MDE, I dunno, 6-10 years ago that got appropriately shut down but there is still a hangover from that which Medellin has not completely recovered. My info on that is mostly here say.

Thanks for the feedback and Keep On Keepin' On!

A Full-Monty of non-random fotos, all of Caribe. Looking at these fotos reminds me how strong she was. Mind blown just thinking about her. My finger-tip, figure-eight bandage for a bleeding cut and partially torn off nail, I made from a panito I cut with scissors.

05-03-22, 05:35
HappyShiva. Your inbox is full. Will contact you by PM once you clear your inbox.

Any one traveling to Medellin between May 9th until 19 please contact me, we can get together and go for beer. Stayin at San Peters, Laureles or Dorado 70.

05-03-22, 08:22
Great report. Sometimes you just get what you pay for.

I will write a full report of this trips activities but wanted to report on one particular experience that just happened. It has been said many times before, there are many different ways to monger. Some like the bargain basement of el centro, some like searching FB, seeking, tinder or hitting the casas or strip clubs. I stick to mostly Seeking and my parameters are all natural, if a chica has fake tits, ass, lips or tattoos it's a huge turn off. I look for the girl next door wholesome type of beauty.

This trip I found a beautiful all-natural chica on seeking who checked all the boxes! Spoke English, perfect body (very active lifestyle) university student who also works at a bank and started 2 online businesses. I hit the jackpot again, another unicorn! We quickly exchange pleasantries on the site and switch over to WhatsApp. I invite her out for dinner and drinks and say if we like each other, we can head back to my hotel after. Then she drops a bomb shell and says "if you want me to go to your hotel it will be 1,500 MIL! Yes, you read that right 1,500,000 pesos! I said whoa that's too much nobody would ever pay that much! I countered at 500 MIL. She just replied "no". I countered again with the best I can do is 700 MIL. She responded back with "no". I said no one is going to pay that price if you change your mind reach out to me...

05-03-22, 13:17
Arriving Medellin on May 9th by American Airlines and their website says that If I am fully vaccinated, I do not need to produce Covid 19 PCR or Antigen test to board the flight, but to return to USA, I will need a 24 hours PCR or Antigen or Rapid test. So the question to the frequent fliers is that if the colombian immigracion require or if they check for printed PCR or Antigen test results in order for me to enter in their country. The Second question is if there is any Mask regulations on flights, streets of Colombia, Cabs or Metro.

05-03-22, 13:29
Arriving Medellin on May 9th by American Airlines and their website says that If I am fully vaccinated, I do not need to produce Covid 19 PCR or Antigen test to board the flight, but to return to USA, I will need a 24 hours PCR or Antigen or Rapid test. So the question to the frequent fliers is that if the colombian immigracion require or if they check for printed PCR or Antigen test results in order for me to enter in their country. The Second question is if there is any Mask regulations on flights, streets of Colombia, Cabs or Metro.If you are fully vaccinated you will not be asked to show a test result, because no test is required. You will be asked to show proof you are fully vaccinated.

When I arrived last week, no masks were required on my flights or in the US airports. However, when we landed in Bogota we were told masks were required to exit the plane.

On the streets a few people are wearing masks, most aren't. Inside malls, bars and restaurants, a few people are wearing masks, most aren't. I've only been in one taxi, mask was not required.

My recommendation is to carry a mask, in case some taxi or business tells you to wear it. Wear it if you want everywhere else.

One restaurant I've been to required everyone to wash their hands before sitting down.

05-03-22, 13:34
Are you assuming sex is included? It is not listed so I guess it costs extra.You are correct. The price listed is for 3 hours of cleaning in the desired costume. Anything extra can be negotiated with the girl.

Here's an explanation. If you have children and you hire someone to watch them while you're working, it costs one price. If you hire a clown to entertain the kids, it costs more.

05-03-22, 14:31
I would like to be wrong about this. I don't believe Abydos has been opened for nearly ten years. I was a big fan of the place, so much so that I sometimes think about it when I pass the location. Someone please prove me wrong! I miss Abydos.

Glad to know about Abydos. I had thought it had long gone out of business. I used to frequent that place 15-17 years ago when it was the feeder program to Loutron (which was at that time up the hill a few blocks from the Mansion and Castillo). One of the best chicas I've ever had was in Abydos. She was young. Played basketball in HS, so she was a bit taller with a great body. Back then there was no such thing as FB and Whatsapp, so never saw her again. I'll have to give it a try. Back then, it was just a higher level of casa (close to Miel and Canela, which was lower end, but a great place to go if you wanted anal). They did not "advertise" themselves as a spa (which is what I found when I Googled them). Glad to know they offer real services beyond what's on the website. I might give it a try. Thanks.

Fun Luvr
05-03-22, 16:55
Arriving Medellin on May 9th by American Airlines and their website says that If I am fully vaccinated, I do not need to produce Covid 19 PCR or Antigen test to board the flight, but to return to USA, I will need a 24 hours PCR or Antigen or Rapid test. So the question to the frequent fliers is that if the colombian immigracion require or if they check for printed PCR or Antigen test results in order for me to enter in their country. The Second question is if there is any Mask regulations on flights, streets of Colombia, Cabs or Metro.The immigration agents at MDE checked my vaccine card the last few times I entered. Since I am fully vaccinated (no boosters), I don't have to have any Covid test to enter Colombia. Mask requirements are instituted by the airlines in most cases. I think American Airlines does not require masks, thanks to a Federal judge in Florida. In Colombia, mask requirements are determined by vaccination percentage and possibly other factors. In Medellin, masks are not required outdoors. Some businesses require masks inside, some not. I use DiDi and Uber. They do not require masks. Some drivers may ask you to wear a mask.

I guess we will have to wait for a US Federal judge to declare the Biden administration's Covid test to fly into the US unconstitutional to get rid of that.

05-03-22, 19:14
Loutron is not "runway models" but a silicone convention, some to the point of cartoonish. Any perception of "taller" likely relates to higher heels.Exactly what I thought of the place the one time I went in December. Saw 6-8 girls and wasn't interested in any of them. I don't mind fake tits if done well but everything about them was over the top fake. Nothing remotely close to a runway model IMO.

05-03-22, 19:52
Great report. Sometimes you just get what you pay for.I was wondering if you are spending that 100.00 a month on that app? I have good success with FB, but I like the search feature to get one that speaks English on Seeking. I just think 100.00 a month is crazy for an app. But, if it works that well. Then you truly do get what you pay for.

05-03-22, 22:38
This is almost the exact conversation I had with a Venezuelan cam girl in Colombia. We talked for 3 months. Even had conversations with her mother. Said she couldn't wait to meet me. Then the sob story, sent some cash and in the end never saw her. Of course you know better than me and won't give her any money till you see her in the "flesh" LOL. Been learning a lot from your posts and can't wait for my first visit to MDE next week..Nice touch when she dragged her mom into it, if it really was her mom. One story I have heard over and over is that mom just got discharged from the hospital with a bleeding disorder, and if she doesn't get her medication, she is going to bleed to death.

I just cut loose a new Web cam chica yesterday who I thought I would be seeing this trip, or rather she cut me loose for non-payment. She was good, a real pro. Started the affair by saying she would never ask me for money. She asked for my address in the USA so she could send me "presents," never heard that one before.

I broke my own rule and as our time grew nearer to meet, offered 400 mil COP to her "jefe" or boss for the two days I was going to take her away. This is realistic because a lot of these girls will lose their "position" or place in the studio for any unexcused absences. The bosses are very strict and unsympathetic.

As soon as the words were out of my mouth she told me to send the 400. I said no, that I would be happy to hand it over to her boss in person when I came to pick her up. She replied "Chao" or goodbye and that was it. I thanked her for the time we had spent on-line and the "education" she gave me, deleted her account, and removed her as a Favorite on the Web site where she cams. I had been chatting with her for months.

The take-home there is no matter how good or astute I believe I am at reading these chicas, there is always a chica better at it than me. Remember, they are the pros and we are the amateurs. We are overmatched.

Jaja, thanks for your compliment, not sure how true it is. I ended up giving you a bunch of unsolicited advice. I guess I can't help myself, jaja.

Keep On Keepin' On & Osteee Ouuuuut!

05-03-22, 22:50
The immigration agents at MDE checked my vaccine card the last few times I entered. Since I am fully vaccinated (no boosters), I don't have to have any Covid test to enter Colombia. Mask requirements are instituted by the airlines in most cases. I think American Airlines does not require masks, thanks to a Federal judge in Florida. In Colombia, mask requirements are determined by vaccination percentage and possibly other factors. In Medellin, masks are not required outdoors. Some businesses require masks inside, some not. I use DiDi and Uber. They do not require masks. Some drivers may ask you to wear a mask.

I guess we will have to wait for a US Federal judge to declare the Biden administration's Covid test to fly into the US unconstitutional to get rid of that.Thanks a lot for your input.

05-04-22, 00:51
I was wondering if you are spending that 100.00 a month on that app? I have good success with FB, but I like the search feature to get one that speaks English on Seeking. I just think 100.00 a month is crazy for an app. But, if it works that well. Then you truly do get what you pay for.I totally agree. The cost per month has prevented me from using it for my upcoming trip to Medellin. I can see where it would be beneficial in other places. But in Medellin, where FB is so prevalent amongst chicas, the cost / benefit analysis just didn't make sense to me.

05-04-22, 01:08
Abybos (with a b) Spa that you mentioned is in Malina / Poblado (Cra 43 the #10-46). The one on Avenida 33 is or was called AbyDos (with a d). The address is / was Calle 33 # 64-198. Not sure if it is still in business. Their website for sure is died.Appears to be a spa piggybacking off the former Abydos? I will take a look this week. Why not?

05-04-22, 01:09
I totally agree. The cost per month has prevented me from using it for my upcoming trip to Medellin. I can see where it would be beneficial in other places. But in Medellin, where FB is so prevalent amongst chicas, the cost / benefit analysis just didn't make sense to me.Do you know if it is required to be active more than one month? It could be a good way to build your contacts.

05-04-22, 01:11
The immigration agents at MDE checked my vaccine card the last few times I entered. Since I am fully vaccinated (no boosters), I don't have to have any Covid test to enter Colombia. Mask requirements are instituted by the airlines in most cases. I think American Airlines does not require masks, thanks to a Federal judge in Florida. In Colombia, mask requirements are determined by vaccination percentage and possibly other factors. In Medellin, masks are not required outdoors. Some businesses require masks inside, some not. I use DiDi and Uber. They do not require masks. Some drivers may ask you to wear a mask.

I guess we will have to wait for a US Federal judge to declare the Biden administration's Covid test to fly into the US unconstitutional to get rid of that.I cannot find my vax card but I have the digital card issued by the state of California. Should that be enough?

Mr Enternational
05-04-22, 01:30
I cannot find my vax card but I have the digital card issued by the state of California. Should that be enough?They do not know what a digital card is, or at least I don't. They look at the card and see that you have 2 shots or 1 shot of that other one. Simple. Don't overthink it. You did not take a picture of it before you lost it? I have always just shown them the picture on my phone.

05-04-22, 01:36
Do you know if it is required to be active more than one month? It could be a good way to build your contacts.You can pay for just one month, but it is expensive compared to other dating type apps. I just don't see the need when there are so many chicas on FB. In other locations, FB isn't a thing for pros or semi-pros, so SA would make more sense in those places. But there are many reports of good success with SA in Medellin. I just don't feel the need to pay that cost. A few hours on FB will give you many, many options for free.

05-04-22, 02:00
I cannot find my vax card but I have the digital card issued by the state of California. Should that be enough?If you got vaxxed at Walmart, CVS, or similar, you should be able to access that info. You probably have email confirms.

05-04-22, 05:03
If you got vaxxed at Walmart, CVS, or similar, you should be able to access that info. You probably have email confirms.I got a couple of spare ones that I can fax across to you if you like?

05-04-22, 15:19
I would like to be wrong about this. I don't believe Abydos has been opened for nearly ten years. I was a big fan of the place, so much so that I sometimes think about it when I pass the location. Someone please prove me wrong! I miss Abydos.They had been declining but towards their end they had a super hot provider called Susan (I think, its so long ago) that I repeated with her a few times (possibly the only time I repeated in Colombia). The last time I went she was busy and I wanted no one else; the mamasan took COP10,000 for the viewing (from a regular!) I never returned, they closed very soon thereafter. How great it would be if they reopened and had a cast of the quality before the decline.

05-04-22, 15:24
This is almost the exact conversation I had with a Venezuelan cam girl in Colombia. We talked for 3 months. Even had conversations with her mother. Said she couldn't wait to meet me. Then the sob story, sent some cash and in the end never saw her. Of course you know better than me and won't give her any money till you see her in the "flesh" LOL. Been learning a lot from your posts and can't wait for my first visit to MDE next week.

Griz.Three months is a long time to be buttering you up. I think she deserved a little cash.

05-04-22, 16:36
The day I came back, Medellin dropped mask mandate. I am again seeing beautiful Colombian girls in Santa Fe Mall with their faces showing. Glad to be back.

05-04-22, 17:13
Was just there about 2 weeks ago. It was 350 COP for 1 girl, 380 COP with striptease. I think that was for an hour. Technically, I think the striptease version is for 70 minutes.

There were also options for shorter time or 2 girls, can't recall the prices for these.

The annoying part was that you had to remember the girls' names, they had no numbers. Had to get the lineup 2 x b / C we couldn't hear nor remember some of the names LOL.

Super convenient. Thanks.

I will hit Energy and will stop in Tantra, and New Life for sure. I do not mind paying a dollar to see the girls at Energy and New Life. Who cares, right? I believe the reason I paid $3k last time in Energy was that they gave me a bottle of water and I didn't take a girl. But still, who cares.

Does anyone know more or less the price of girls in Loutrons?

I'm going to whatsapp JJBee's maid service to see if they will send photos of the girls.

05-04-22, 19:33
You are correct. The price listed is for 3 hours of cleaning in the desired costume. Anything extra can be negotiated with the girl.

Here's an explanation. If you have children and you hire someone to watch them while you're working, it costs one price. If you hire a clown to entertain the kids, it costs more.I'm not sure how well this new service is going to work out for guys that want more than just cleaning services.

The idea of having to negotiate with the girl upon arrival for extra services versus beforehand could be problematic.

Could be a total wild card depending on the girl, and the customers Spanish speaking skills.

05-04-22, 19:38
They do not know what a digital card is, or at least I don't. They look at the card and see that you have 2 shots or 1 shot of that other one. Simple. Don't overthink it. You did not take a picture of it before you lost it? I have always just shown them the picture on my phone.They have digital vax cards in Colombia for Colombians, I've seen them used by Colombians, hence they know what they are.

05-04-22, 19:44
I cannot find my vax card but I have the digital card issued by the state of California. Should that be enough?Yes, they have digital vax cards in Colombia, so should not be a problem for them to accept a digital card.

In fact I have used my State of California digital vax card for entry into places in both Medellin and Bogota.

05-04-22, 19:59
This is insane, and I wonder how much higher the exchange rate is going to go. Seems as though since the Federal Reserve has been raising the interest rates the exchange rate get's better and better.

Time to hit the ATM's!

05-04-22, 22:31
Great report. Sometimes you just get what you pay for.Seriously? For 1,500,000 I can get ton of hot ladies to come stay over night and do everything who are not normally for rent. That is crazy money to pay. I do not speak Spanish and can get that to happen easily for stupid money like that. But so could just about any guy with a ton of girls who would normally not do that. That is 5-6 times the normal rate.

05-05-22, 00:45
Seriously? For 1,500,000 I can get ton of hot ladies to come stay over night and do everything who are not normally for rent. That is crazy money to pay. I do not speak Spanish and can get that to happen easily for stupid money like that. But so could just about any guy with a ton of girls who would normally not do that. That is 5-6 times the normal rate.He clearly overpaid, but dude had a good time and it was his first time in Medellin if I am not mistaken. I can't say I blame the guy at all or any other newbie who pulls a similar move. I overpaid my first trip or two as well. Hopefully, he pays less next time and learns he can get the experience for much less. Glad the dude had a great time though.

05-05-22, 01:41
This is insane, and I wonder how much higher the exchange rate is going to go. Seems as though since the Federal Reserve has been raising the interest rates the exchange rate get's better and better.

Time to hit the ATM's!You were looking at the XE.com rate which is the equivalent of the fluctuating rate. You won't get that rate today. The Visa Exchange rate is 4,011 and that is what you will get from 7 pm today 5/4/22 to 7 pm 5/5/22.

There is usually a 1 day delay. Tomorrow at 8 pm EST (7 pm Medellin time) you can check the rate at 'Visa Exchange rate' to see what you will actually get.

Put in any number for 'amount' (it won't matter). Put in 0 for Bank Fee. Select US for the 'Card Currency' and COP for the 'translation currency'. Hit enter and you will see what the ATM debit card rate will be.

Remember one important thing. When you take money out if the bank asks you if you want the 'default rate' or 'bank guaranteed rate' or anything like that. Just say no. The transaction will now complete using the Visa Exchange Rate and you will not be giving money to the bank for no reason what-so-ever.

05-05-22, 03:32
You were looking at the XE.com rate which is the equivalent of the fluctuating rate. You won't get that rate today. The Visa Exchange rate is 4,011 and that is what you will get from 7 pm today 5/4/22 to 7 pm 5/5/22.

There is usually a 1 day delay. Tomorrow at 8 pm EST (7 pm Medellin time) you can check the rate at 'Visa Exchange rate' to see what you will actually get.

Put in any number for 'amount' (it won't matter). Put in 0 for Bank Fee. Select US for the 'Card Currency' and COP for the 'translation currency'. Hit enter and you will see what the ATM debit card rate will be.

Remember one important thing. When you take money out if the bank asks you if you want the 'default rate' or 'bank guaranteed rate' or anything like that. Just say no. The transaction will now complete using the Visa Exchange Rate and you will not be giving money to the bank for no reason what-so-ever.Visa works about 1% in on their rates. Unless you are converting from Canadian dollars to whatever, then it is 2. 5%. Sometimes sucks to be Canadian.

05-05-22, 03:37
You were looking at the XE.com rate which is the equivalent of the fluctuating rate. You won't get that rate today. The Visa Exchange rate is 4,011 and that is what you will get from 7 pm today 5/4/22 to 7 pm 5/5/22.

There is usually a 1 day delay. Tomorrow at 8 pm EST (7 pm Medellin time) you can check the rate at 'Visa Exchange rate' to see what you will actually get.

Put in any number for 'amount' (it won't matter). Put in 0 for Bank Fee. Select US for the 'Card Currency' and COP for the 'translation currency'. Hit enter and you will see what the ATM debit card rate will be.

Remember one important thing. When you take money out if the bank asks you if you want the 'default rate' or 'bank guaranteed rate' or anything like that. Just say no. The transaction will now complete using the Visa Exchange Rate and you will not be giving money to the bank for no reason what-so-ever.I only withdraw from Colpatria ATM machines and have never seen anything asking about rates or any mention of card or translation currency. Which banks ask and provide that information as this would be helpful.

It will be interesting to see if the rate goes up in the next few days, a few weeks ago it was below 3700 COP so has gone up over 10% in a short period of time. Regardless of the exact rate today or tomorrow, at over 4000 COP I'm going to be hitting the ATM machine.

05-05-22, 03:57
He clearly overpaid, but dude had a good time..45.000. 000 in one month is a terrific salary. I only wish I was a couple of years younger. Hehe. Chica gets free food and drink too. She will soon be buying land in Guatape or losing it on an apartment that fall sdown after 2 years.

05-05-22, 04:37
Seriously? For 1,500,000 I can get ton of hot ladies to come stay over night and do everything who are not normally for rent. That is crazy money to pay. I do not speak Spanish and can get that to happen easily for stupid money like that. But so could just about any guy with a ton of girls who would normally not do that. That is 5-6 times the normal rate.I just paid Scarlet's rent for May, about $130 USD. My favorite 3 chicas with whom I've had repeated 4-ways are all living together under her roof for the first time. I can usually recognize opportunity when I see it.

I jumped at the chance to pay rent for May, to keep them from scattering. Scarlet said I can stay there for as long as I want. Sounded like a "no-brainer" to me, jeje.

I am aiming for a party, an orgy really, with 6-7 chicas in total, including Scarlet, and perhaps one or two invited mongers / friends.

Allow me to share fotos of the current guest list below, mouseover for their names. Obviomente, these chicas will all expect to be paid. Plus, I will buy food, drinks, and drugs for the party. I guarantee you, the price will be worth it and it won't be exorbitant.

Yes, I am repeating fotos, because I am stuck here in Pussy Prison and cannot take any new fotos for at least nine more days.

This could all turn out to be premature exposition if these "plans" don't come to fruition. Anyone who wants to laugh at me then, feel free if that improves your mental state. Those who follow me know I report the good and the bad. Medellin always has something unexpected in store. Without desire there is no disappointment.

Full disclosure, Soft Swirl sent me the one foto of her, I did not take it. The remaining fotos, as usual, I took myself. I count seven different chicas on the guest list, at this time.

05-05-22, 08:08
If you were vaccinated in the USA, the records are likely in the VAMS national database. I believe you have to get some info from the place that vaxxed you, to get access to your VAMS account. From then on, you can login and there is a QR code along with details on vax (dates, type of med, etc). Makes things really easy, just login then screenshot your records, and show that wherever needed. Worked for me going to Brazil and Thailand over the past few months, and in a few restaurants in the USA:


I cannot find my vax card but I have the digital card issued by the state of California. Should that be enough?

05-05-22, 12:43
This is insane, and I wonder how much higher the exchange rate is going to go. Seems as though since the Federal Reserve has been raising the interest rates the exchange rate get's better and better.

Time to hit the ATM's!With near certainty it will continue to go higher. Here are a few drivers:

1) US Fed raising interest rates higher than other countries, hence money flow to US.

2) Global instability causing people to purchase and hold USD / Euro (and drop other currencies).

3) Petro ahead in Colombian polls, so investors staying away. This is a wild card, but I think one of the biggest factors for Colombia. No one wants another Venezuela or Nicaragua.

Working against the USD appreciation trend is the price of oil, but this has been muted as of late. If it goes to $150 / barrel or something crazy we could see the COP appreciate (USD decline).

I expect 4500-4800 over the next 12 months.

Consider that while we'll get more for our USD, inflation is running 8% annual in Colombia so that eats into whatever gains we would have. What you could buy for 250 k last year is now 270 k. Need to balance that with $1 going up 12-14% in same time frame. We're coming out slightly ahead, but not by much.

05-05-22, 17:56
Consider that while we'll get more for our USD, inflation is running 8% annual in Colombia so that eats into whatever gains we would have. What you could buy for 250 k last year is now 270 k. Need to balance that with $1 going up 12-14% in same time frame. We're coming out slightly ahead, but not by much.Seems like all you ever hear about is the exchange rate but price and inflation have to be factored in before we know what the cost of living or standard of living is in Colombia, or anywhere for that matter.

For example, say you get 10,000 plunkets for one US dollar. If a modest breakfast (or whatever good or service you want to use for an example) costs 500,000 plunkets, or $50 USD, then you are not getting any bargain.

That's why when someone tells me about the exchange rate of a country where I am not familiar with the prices, my first response will usually be, "How much does a can of Coca-Cola cost"? As a reference point.

And that's before we even factor in inflation. As you said, if the increase in the exchange rate we are seeing in Colombia is part of an inflationary cycle we could simply be trying to keep up, while falling behind.

I arrive in seven days, and psychologically the exchange rate feels great and of course I am glad it's higher instead of lower. I will probably spend more than usual because at the same time I am getting killed in the stock market, and if I don't spend it today, it's gone tomorrow. Ostee Out.

05-05-22, 19:25
I just paid Scarlet's rent for May, about $130 USD. My favorite 3 chicas with whom I've had repeated 4-ways are all living together under her roof for the first time. I can usually recognize opportunity when I see it.

I jumped at the chance to pay rent for May, to keep them from scattering. Scarlet said I can stay there for as long as I want. Sounded like a "no-brainer" to me, jeje.

I am aiming for a party, an orgy really, with 6-7 chicas in total, including Scarlet, and perhaps one or two invited mongers / friends.

Allow me to share fotos of the current guest list below, mouseover for their names. Obviomente, these chicas will all expect to be paid. Plus, I will buy food, drinks, and drugs for the party. I guarantee you, the price will be worth it and it won't be exorbitant.

Yes, I am repeating fotos, because I am stuck here in Pussy Prison and cannot take any new fotos for at least nine more days..It seems like an awesome idea but living with girls can result into countless drama episodes. If you are going to live with 3 girls it might be the best thing ever or the worse thing ever. As a student I had 3 female housemates. First month was amazing then the drama started and it was just a nightmare. Regardless of the outcome I am sure you will have a good story to tell us.

05-05-22, 19:31
I just paid Scarlet's rent for May, about $130 USD. My favorite 3 chicas with whom I've had repeated 4-ways are all living together under her roof for the first time. I can usually recognize opportunity when I see it.

I jumped at the chance to pay rent for May, to keep them from scattering. Scarlet said I can stay there for as long as I want. Sounded like a "no-brainer" to me, jeje.

I am aiming for a party, an orgy really, with 6-7 chicas in total, including Scarlet, and perhaps one or two invited mongers / friends.

Allow me to share fotos of the current guest list below, mouseover for their names. Obviomente, these chicas will all expect to be paid. Plus, I will buy food, drinks, and drugs for the party. I guarantee you, the price will be worth it and it won't be exorbitant.

Yes, I am repeating fotos, because I am stuck here in Pussy Prison and cannot take any new fotos for at least nine more days..Also the girl in blue looks gorgeous!! Is she one of the girls you are going to be living with?

05-05-22, 19:46
I'm not sure how well this new service is going to work out for guys that want more than just cleaning services.

The idea of having to negotiate with the girl upon arrival for extra services versus beforehand could be problematic.

Could be a total wild card depending on the girl, and the customers Spanish speaking skills."Cuanto cuesta" and use hand gestures. I've been assured that the girls are all willing to clean the apartment and clean the pipes as well. They should be able to figure it out.

One point that I hope most guys already understand, if you're just looking for sex, there are plenty of cheaper and better options. Even this company has a 'just send someone to fuck me" option. This is fantasy stuff. If the idea of a sexy girl cleaning your place raises your flagpole, it's an option.

Myself, if I was getting the service, I'd make a game of it. When the girl arrives, I hand her a note with instructions. One of the instructions, when she finds money, things get sexier, leading up to sex at the end. Before she arrives, hide 50 k notes, but don't hide them to well. Each time she finds a bill, it gets hotter. Could even leave instructions with each bill.

If you're fulfilling a fantasy, spend the money and do it right.

05-05-22, 19:49
Visa works about 1% in on their rates. Unless you are converting from Canadian dollars to whatever, then it is 2. 5%. Sometimes sucks to be Canadian.Especially during the Stanley Cup. Just kidding.

At least you've got poutine.

05-05-22, 21:00
From last Tuesday night until Monday I was with girl #1, at her apartment, in Bahia Solano and in my hotel. In my opinion she's spectacular in every area except 1. Sexually she's completely passive. Not starfish passive, once she gets going she can move with the best of them. First time I've ever had someone twerk on my tongue. Passive as in she won't initiate anything. I've literally got to tell her what I want her to do next.

Monday night I was on my own and mostly just rested. Tuesday I did some shopping and then met up with a friend of girl #1, who conveniently brought along a friend. We got started late because; women (or because I've bragged about not having problems with women showing up late). The original plan was to go to El Tesoro and maybe catch a movie, but trying to drive with 2 girls trying to have 5 different conversations at the same time convinced me to head to Parque Lleras where I could get a drink and some food.

We ended up at Teatro Victoria in Provenza. Nice place, we all liked the food and drinks. It's expensive, but worth it to me. Unfortunately the main girl had an 8 am class, so we cut it short. We're all supposed to get together on Sunday, which should end up getting nasty.

No money exchanged hands, although the other girl did snag the change from the parking garage that I put in the cup holder. 12 k.

Yesterday Karma decided to kick me in the sack again. The plan was to meet with girl #2 for a 2 day trip to La Pintada and for her to arrive before noon. That allowed me to check out of the hotel, get loaded up, meet her and avoid most of the traffic for the 2. 5 hour drive to La Pintada.

Lesson learned: Even if the girl has a history of being on time, you need to explain it if you're doing something out of the ordinary. She had to get her nails done. Then she needed to get a vibrator, because she forgot her toys at home (she doesn't live in Medellin, and spent the night before at her mother's house). Then she had to go back to her mom's, get her things and get a taxi and of course there was a traffic jam.

So noon turned into 3 pm and the drive took 4 hours. The toy she brought is the type that can be discretely worn under the clothes, and has a wireless remote. During one of the construction delays, I opened up the toy, and let her know it was time to test it. She didn't go for the discretely under the clothes method, shorts and panties came off and I'm happy to say the toy exceeded expectations.

Most of the rest of the drive she was nearly naked and kept herself and me aroused.

We got checked into the hotel, ate some dinner and headed to the room. The next 2 hours were well worth the wait. She's multi-orgasmic, a squirter and a queefer. Ended up with a puddle on the floor, a wet spot on the bed and 2 satisfied people.

After waking up a few times during the night, we both woke up at 7:30 for some cuddling, which progressed into a BBBJ. She ended up climbing on me, I thought just to rub her clothes across my dick, the grown-up version of sliding down the banister. Next thing I know she shifts her hips and she's plunging on me bareback. She stopped herself in few moments and grabbed a condom (I try to avoid BBFS). CG, RCG, Doggy, ending with another wet spot on the bed.

Breakfast, a walk around the property, then a short nap preceded a trip to the pool. Along the way she informed me she needed to return to Medellin this afternoon. One of those things that got lost in the discussion. She booked the room for me for 2 nights, but only 1 night for her. At noon I took her in to catch the bus and now she's gone.

The reason she needed to get back to Medellin, she invested her money in buying a bunch of virgins and she has to get back and deliver them to her customers. Before you freak out, she bought a bunch of ceramic statues of the Virgin Mary, painted them and put together Mother's Day gifts, which she's been selling.

I hadn't planned on giving her anything, but since she was taking the bus I handed her 100 k.

Some notes on her:

She's put on about 10 lbs since the last time I saw her. 7 lbs went to her tits, which she demonstrated made them better for titty fucking. In the face she looks like a young Drew Barrymore, crossed with a Persian woman, even her facial expressions are the same. Too many of the cheap tattoos for my taste, but sexually she's a serious contender. She's also the only woman I've met in Colombia with a full (trimmed) Bush.

Now I'm left with the decision to go back to Medellin today and eat the 130 k for the room, to get with one of the girls waiting for me, or stay here where there are no options.

Time to find a room for tonight.

05-05-22, 21:06
1st time going there with a friend. Any suggestions on where to stay? Most of the places in Airbnb asking for list of names before like usual. Also where should we monger? Cartagena has old city / clock tower / space / dolce. Medellin has?

Thank you.

05-05-22, 23:38
Also the girl in blue looks gorgeous!! Is she one of the girls you are going to be living with?My style is more "full speed ahead". There is a big difference between "living" and "staying" with these chicas. You are right about the potential drama factor. But I have known Scarlet for three years. Sam for two years. Cheery is new but her name says it all. She will never give me any trouble (never say never).

I will probably have three or more different places to choose from on any given night. I will get up in the middle of the night next to a sleeping chica to go out and fuck another one, usually to return before dawn, sometimes not (we are mongers, right)?

I already have a cheap hotel room reserved as a place to store my stuff and to use as a back-up.

Nymphette has not wavered from saying she wants me to stay with her upon arrival and that is my first "planned" stopover. Ally said the same thing yesterday and told me she wanted to come to the airport to get me, and I politely deferred to a couple of nights later. I also reconnected with Hotel Puta Central where I spent my last hours with Mini-Vennie before I left Medellin a little over a month ago, so that's an option. If any one spot gets too drama-dicey, I will hopscotch to the next best offering.

With all that said, I cannot stress enough how often "plans" change in MDE. I would be better off if I removed the word "plan" from my vocabulary. But then my little head starts thinking for my big head and here I am trying to cherry-pick pussy.

A major factor in controlling drama and keeping the peace is my system, or The List that I have been using for almost three years now. For example, Scarlet is #2 on The List, neither one of her roommates are even on The List.

Three of the seven girls on the fiesta guest list are also on The List. All the girls, on or off, know about The List. Girls with lower rankings defer to girls higher on The List. Girls not on The List obviously defer to any girls who are. There is more than that to it, but too much go into now. I always explain The List to any new girl by the end of the first date, sometimes before.

You like Soft Swirl, she was the one in blue and she is tied for Number Three on The List with Sexy Lexy. Her weight goes up and down but she is beautiful and not P4 P. I will look for a few more fotos of Soft Swirl for you. I bet more than a couple of mongers here will recall her amazing ass to waist ratio that defines poundable. She has stellar oral skills and the word "no" is not in her vocabulary. She's a Vennie, like so many of the great ones are.

Boots on the ground one week from today. Ostee Out.

05-06-22, 02:49
I only withdraw from Colpatria ATM machines and have never seen anything asking about rates or any mention of card or translation currency. Which banks ask and provide that information as this would be helpful.

It will be interesting to see if the rate goes up in the next few days, a few weeks ago it was below 3700 COP so has gone up over 10% in a short period of time. Regardless of the exact rate today or tomorrow, at over 4000 COP I'm going to be hitting the ATM machine.Tonight at 7 pm the new Visa Exchange rate is at 4,056.

Here is the link to the "Visa Exchange Rate".


ALL the banks are giving you the rate on your debit card as established by Visa. You don't see this at the bank. But if you want to know what rate you are going to get from 7 pm one night to 7 pm the next night. Just go to the linked page. Plug in any number for transaction amount, plug in 0 for bank fees and plug in USA for card currency and COP for translation currency. What you see is what you'll get. It won't matter if it is Colpatria, BBVA, Davienda etc etc.

Above Average
05-06-22, 03:24
So I've been trying to FB route and I'm finally getting some good candidates on my friends list. However I seem to be hitting a wall with my conversations. I'm try to ask them what would be fun to do in Medellin but I think I'm using a poorly translated message:

"Estoy visitando Medellin la próxima semana. ¿Qué es divertido hacer en Medellin?

Does anybody have better suggestions?

05-06-22, 03:38
So I've been trying to FB route and I'm finally getting some good candidates on my friends list. However I seem to be hitting a wall with my conversations. I'm try to ask them what would be fun to do in Medellin but I think I'm using a poorly translated message:

"Estoy visitando Medellin la prxima semana. Qu es divertido hacer en Medellin?

Does anybody have better suggestions?Wanted to send you a message but it appears you're not a paid member. PM me.

Mr Enternational
05-06-22, 03:42
So I've been trying to FB route and I'm finally getting some good candidates on my friends list. However I seem to be hitting a wall with my conversations.

Does anybody have better suggestions?They are not there for conversations or to be tour guides. They are there to fuck for money. Contact them when you are ready for that and tell them what time to arrive and how much you are paying. They do not have time for small talk with 1000 different guys everyday.

05-06-22, 04:08
I'm not sure how well this new service is going to work out for guys that want more than just cleaning services.

The idea of having to negotiate with the girl upon arrival for extra services versus beforehand could be problematic.

Could be a total wild card depending on the girl, and the customers Spanish speaking skills.When there are two willing participants wanting to close a deal for sex, that is motivational. Point to dick, point to mouth (hers or mine, doesn't matter), fan the cash. Add more if necessary. Or don't. Mouth just example, may point to other hole (s) as needed.

05-06-22, 04:25

Can anyone confirm the current going rate of Hotel M chicas? I've RTFF for 50 pages but I can't recall that detail. I'll be there next week. I have 250 mil in my head but I don't recall why!

I'll be staying at M2. Any feedback on that would also be appreciated.


05-06-22, 04:28
So I've been trying to FB route and I'm finally getting some good candidates on my friends list. However I seem to be hitting a wall with my conversations. I'm try to ask them what would be fun to do in Medellin but I think I'm using a poorly translated message:

"Estoy visitando Medellin la prxima semana. Qu es divertido hacer en Medellin?

Does anybody have better suggestions?'Estoy en Medellin en la semana q viene y kiero divertirme. '.

"I'm in / will be in MDE next week and I want to have some fun."

Because while there are a lot of fun things to do in Medellin, you want to fuck. So that would be a good message to send.

Above Average
05-06-22, 04:32
Wanted to send you a message but it appears you're not a paid member. PM me.I thought I had to be a paid member to PM others? Anyways, I'm going to renew my subscription, hopefully won't take too long.

05-06-22, 04:40
1st time going there with a friend. Any suggestions on where to stay? Most of the places in Airbnb asking for list of names before like usual. Also where should we monger? Cartagena has old city / clock tower / space / dolce. Medellin has?

Thank you.Medellin has. A section of this forum right here that answers all of these questions.

05-06-22, 12:22
Tonight at 7 pm the new Visa Exchange rate is at 4,056.

Here is the link to the "Visa Exchange Rate".


ALL the banks are giving you the rate on your debit card as established by Visa. You don't see this at the bank. But if you want to know what rate you are going to get from 7 pm one night to 7 pm the next night. Just go to the linked page. Plug in any number for transaction amount, plug in 0 for bank fees and plug in USA for card currency and COP for translation currency. What you see is what you'll get. It won't matter if it is Colpatria, BBVA, Davienda etc etc.This is very helpful, thanks for posting the link, I just earmarked it and will use in the future.

05-06-22, 13:18
Medellin has. A section of this forum right here that answers all of these questions.How the hell did I miss that? Dohh! Just became member finally can send / receive PM's let's go!

05-06-22, 13:44
1st time going there with a friend. Any suggestions on where to stay? Most of the places in Airbnb asking for list of names before like usual. Also where should we monger? Cartagena has old city / clock tower / space / dolce. Medellin has?

Thank you.Accommodations / chica prices are all going to depend on how much you want to spend.

05-06-22, 15:36
My style is more "full speed ahead". There is a big difference between "living" and "staying" with these chicas. You are right about the potential drama factor. But I have known Scarlet for three years. Sam for two years. Cheery is new but her name says it all. She will never give me any trouble (never say never).

I will probably have three or more different places to choose from on any given night. I will get up in the middle of the night next to a sleeping chica to go out and fuck another one, usually to return before dawn, sometimes not (we are mongers, right)?

I already have a cheap hotel room reserved as a place to store my stuff and to use as a back-up.

Nymphette has not wavered from saying she wants me to stay with her upon arrival and that is my first "planned" stopover. Ally said the same thing yesterday and told me she wanted to come to the airport to get me, and I politely deferred to a couple of nights later. I also reconnected with Hotel Puta Central where I spent my last hours with Mini-Vennie before I left Medellin a little over a month ago, so that's an option. If any one spot gets too drama-dicey, I will hopscotch to the next best offering.

With all that said, I cannot stress enough how often "plans" change in MDE. I would be better off if I removed the word "plan" from my vocabulary. But then my little head starts thinking for my big head and here I am trying to cherry-pick pussy.

A major factor in controlling drama and keeping the peace is my system, or The List that I have been using for almost three years now. For example, Scarlet is #2 on The List, neither one of her roommates are even on The List..Like I said, regardless of the outcome, it will be an awesome story to tell.

It is very hard to keep track of your girls now. They are way too many now purrfekt Paisa, purrfekt piel, purrfest something and many many more. Now there is Cherry and I am sure in a few weeks they will be more new names. Have fun! Live life!

05-06-22, 18:26
Girl #2 made it from La Pintada to Medellin, by bus in 3 hours. It took me 10 hours to make the same trip. By the time I got to Dorada La 70 it was after 1 am. After checking in and finding the parking garage entrance, I headed out to La 70 to find some food. Salchipapas. Screw the diet, I was hungry.

I noticed a group of 4 women hanging out in front of the hotel, and by the way they looked at me, they were definitely looking to earn some pesos.

Remember the old Deja Vu strip club signs? "100's of beautiful women and 3 ugly ones. " This morning was my Deja Vu morning. The woman I had come over has a pretty average face, nothing special. I've known her for more than 4 years and she's always had a great body. However, she just had a baby a few months ago and the body hasn't recovered yet. The tits were amazing though. I joked that this time we both had leche.

Nothing special about the sex, never is with her. I just see her every 2 or 3 trips for nostalgia and to keep myself grounded. Now it's time to check out and head to my next place.

05-06-22, 19:55
So I've been trying to FB route and I'm finally getting some good candidates on my friends list. However I seem to be hitting a wall with my conversations. I'm try to ask them what would be fun to do in Medellin but I think I'm using a poorly translated message:

"Estoy visitando Medellin la prxima semana. Qu es divertido hacer en Medellin?

Does anybody have better suggestions?I use google translator, saying I want to meet for some fun blah blah, after they reply if they show interest, I tell them what I am looking for & what I will pay. Had some great experiences during my time here, lots of the FB girls have friends, have had as many as 4 at a jacuzzi party with 1 other guy. FB girls 200 k gustos asking 800 k+, I know what route I am sticking with.

Husker Dude
05-06-22, 20:22

Can anyone confirm the current going rate of Hotel M chicas? I've RTFF for 50 pages but I can't recall that detail. I'll be there next week. I have 250 mil in my head but I don't recall why!

I'll be staying at M2. Any feedback on that would also be appreciated.

Thanks.Current rate is about 250 k includes taxi. LOL, I can't take that walk up the steep ass hill to M2.

05-06-22, 21:33
lots of the FB girls have friends, have had as many as 4 at a jacuzzi party with 1 other guy.Based on what I read here, fucking friends of friends is overlooked more than it should be, but I don't want to oversell it. Could be that it works well for me but not others.

One of the beauties is, you can start anywhere, Facebook, a casa, Ground Zero, girl from street, non-pro, strip club. All you need is one girl to start the ball rolling.

Once you find that "right" girl and she is willing include her friends, and they tell their friends, and they ask their friends, and so on, after only 5 doubling times you have 32 chicas (in a purrfekt world). Point being, even in a two week span you can have more chicas than you can handle. You will be turning off the ringer on your phone before you know it. And you can still monger however you wish in other venues while your contact list builds. You cherry pick the best girls and forget about the rest.

Reasons not to try friends of friends? You are here for a short visit and you know you are never coming back. You are a one-and-done monger who doesn't like to see the same chica twice. You don't have to build a full list. Finding one gem like this is still worth it. And don't just say "friends". Specify, sisters, cousins, mothers, grandmothers, legal-age daughters, you get the idea, jeje.

I suppose there are a few caveats. You have to know how to act in a way that makes girls want to be with you, usually but not always money takes care of that angle. Sometimes jealousy among the girls comes into play but in my experience they enjoy sharing.

Don't overlook friends of friends. So easy, you like a chica, you ask her is she has a friend who will do the same? If you have to, tell her she won't be replaced, tell her you're only asking in case she's not available. Whether or not those turn out to be lies, that's up to you. This is a No Judgement" zone. Ostee Out.

05-06-22, 21:33
When there are two willing participants wanting to close a deal for sex, that is motivational. Point to dick, point to mouth (hers or mine, doesn't matter), fan the cash. Add more if necessary. Or don't. Mouth just example, may point to other hole (s) as needed.You could easily close the deal with one of the cleaning ladies, yet most guys with experience in Medellin won't be utilizing this cleaning service because of the pricing, which includes both of us, as we know we could both easily find three women to provide full service, besides cleaning, for the fee they are charging, versus one maid which doesn't include sex.

So that leaves us with all the "others" who might partake in the services provided, and Jb2 pretty much articulated whom these services might be directed at, as I could see a guy throwing a bachelor party, or other get together, and having one or more maids come over, and perhaps provide services to guys at the party.

And a high roller might utilize the cleaning service as a "mobile brothel", ordering a half dozen maids, that's of course if the owner of the company would allow something like this.

It will be interesting to see how this service works out, but I doubt many, if at all on this board, will be utilizing their services.

Lucky Nuts
05-06-22, 22:07
So I've been trying to FB route and I'm finally getting some good candidates on my friends list. However I seem to be hitting a wall with my conversations. I'm try to ask them what would be fun to do in Medellin but I think I'm using a poorly translated message:

"Estoy visitando Medellin la prxima semana. Qu es divertido hacer en Medellin?

Does anybody have better suggestions?Why would you ask chicas that? What is fun to do in Medellin? Well you could go paragliding I suppose.

If you're trying to establish contacts for sex I'd just ask "te gustaria visitarme?" Personally I cut right to the chase and tell them what I want and what I pay but seems like you're trying to be more diplomatic than that.

05-06-22, 23:46
So I've been trying to FB route and I'm finally getting some good candidates on my friends list. However I seem to be hitting a wall with my conversations. I'm try to ask them what would be fun to do in Medellin but I think I'm using a poorly translated message:

"Estoy visitando Medellin la prxima semana. Qu es divertido hacer en Medellin?

Does anybody have better suggestions?When you talk about having fun, depending on the context, the reader might guess it is sexual. In English. But not necessarily in another language.

I speak quite a bit of Spanish, and in translating ideas like that I have learned to opt for the most explicit way of saying things, because the ways we use language to "imply" things usually does not translate. I really don't know how a Colombian would interpret your comment. Perhaps they think you want to go to an amusement park. I don't really know. But if you ask about having fun with their body they probably would get the picture.

05-06-22, 23:52
Well you could go paragliding I suppose.That shoot you from ground level straight up. Looks like you pull a few G's. Somewhere in MDE. Looked like fun. One of these days when I catch up with her I will get her to take me there. On her moto. That I bought her. Jajajajajajajaja I have a nice shiny new Dell laptop for her this trip. Probably I'll just leave it at the hotel reception desk for her to pick up, heaven forbid we actually see each other. I know. I'll tell her I bought a bigger dildo for her to peg me with. Then she'll come running, jajajaja, I love it.

Random gratuitous pussy parade fotos that I took and my fingers are in all of the shots, except for one, jaja.

05-07-22, 00:07
When you talk about having fun, depending on the context, the reader might guess it is sexual. In English. But not necessarily in another language.

I speak quite a bit of Spanish, and in translating ideas like that I have learned to opt for the most explicit way of saying things, because the ways we use language to "imply" things usually does not translate. I really don't know how a Colombian would interpret your comment. Perhaps they think you want to go to an amusement park. I don't really know. But if you ask about having fun with their body they probably would get the picture.I think I've done this about 10 times.

You say Hello,. You ask how they are. You tell them you're going to be in Medellin soon. Then you say either:

1. Quiero conocerte. I want to get to know you.

2. Quiero verte. I want to see you.

3. Nos vemos? - Are we going to see each other?

There are plenty of other options.

05-07-22, 00:13
When you talk about having fun, depending on the context, the reader might guess it is sexual. In English. But not necessarily in another language.

I speak quite a bit of Spanish, and in translating ideas like that I have learned to opt for the most explicit way of saying things, because the ways we use language to "imply" things usually does not translate. I really don't know how a Colombian would interpret your comment. Perhaps they think you want to go to an amusement park. I don't really know. But if you ask about having fun with their body they probably would get the picture.Agree with this. If you know the girl is P4P, you can straight up ask if you're able to schedule a cita (meeting) with them. From their response you can feel out if it's better for them to offer an amount or you. If the girl is what I'd call a 'soft pull girl'. Or in other words she does sleep with some guys for pay (gifts in her mind), but only if attracted and for the right price. Then I would just strongly hint at that you're looking for someone to spend your evenings with and ask when the two of you can meet. If she's game she'll likely ask where you're staying and then you can decide if you want to do dinner, drinks close by, or straight to the room. If the girl is a total non-pro, then the barrier is going to be high, and damn near impossible unless you speak Spanish and/or know some of her friends. For these girls / women you usually need to do more thoughtful and romantic things, sell them on the lifestyle, etc... I've dated 6 or 7 regular women in Colombia (models, a lawyer, a dentist, couple business / marketing managers) and you need to up your game with the experiences, but they are extremely feminine and do follow the man's lead.

Keep in mind that if a girl is taking the time to actually respond to you she's halfway interested. At least in your photos, travel, perceived lifestyle. Hopefully you don't have a bunch of fake pics in your profile b/ c that is one thing that throws up the girls BS meter.

My 2-3 cents

Above Average
05-07-22, 07:44
Thanks for all the advice guys. I've renewed my subscription so I can do PMs now.

However I find the flight to Medellin to be brutal and I'm always jetlagged for the first day or two of vacation and looking for something simple. What are the most upscale casas, aside from Loutron?

05-07-22, 10:08
Three months is a long time to be buttering you up. I think she deserved a little cash.Mongers will say they pay a chica for this service, or to get off, or that fantasy, or that kink, or that hole. The common denominator is you are paying for their time. Sometimes you have to pay extra for special requests, but even if you sit there and recite poetry while you give her a foot massage, you owe her for her time. And of course, taxi, as always, jajaja.

I have an acquaintance and he will try to make a point to the girl after the session about how much pleasure he gave her. I tell him he is being a weasel and that's ridiculous. First, she could be faking all those orgasms. Second, you are paying for her time, not for how good you think you can make her feel. Let's assume for a moment you did bring her some pleasure. So what? That's her equivalent of a good day at the office and nothing more. You don't get a discount for patting yourself on the back about how good you licked her pussy.

There might be a little adjustment depending on the amount of physical work she had to do, but I usually settle that up front by telling the chica something like, "I'm going to pay you 120, but I promise you're not going to have to work hard" if I'm in the mood where any passive wet hole will do.

Sometimes I will be specific about what I am going to do to their bodies to frame the price. For example, imagine the work a girl does who spends an hour flat on her stomach looking at her cell phone while I fuck her pussy from behind. Not so much.

Compare that to her back propped up against the headboard, spread eagle, holding her legs up in the air, while I run laps on her three holes with my cock. The second girl will have to work a lot harder, and probably deserves to be paid more, maybe just in tip, but they both deserve to be paid for the hour, their time, equally IMO.

In the end, you pay for their time spent in your company. Even for poor service, which is very rare, I think I have always paid the agreed upon price. No tip, and I don't see the girl again, but I don't try to right the wrong in real time by withholding payment. That's your call but I would advise against pissing these girls off. Better to just move on and keep everything as smooth as possible. Ostee Out.

05-07-22, 16:10
Tuesday night, as I reported I met up with a non-pro I know and her friend, who happens to be her cousin. The night got cut short, with plans to get together Sunday.

Last night I went to Provenza for dinner and sent a photo to non-pro and cousin. Non-pro was busy, but cousin wanted to come meet with me. All good. I have been hoping for a shot at cousin ever since non-pro sent me a video of them both several months ago. I sipped a couple of beers while I waited.

When she finally arrived she was with a friend, who was clearly a prepago and that simplified things. If she showed up alone, it could have been a friend thing, but showing up with a hooker in tow told me this was a P4 P date. During the evening she told me that non-pro had said I might be willing to help her get a new phone. I told her it's possible, reached around and squeezed her tit and smiled and repeated "es posible. " Game on.

We left about 12:30 and the pro was still tagging along. I told cousin it was just me and her. Pro had a decent body, a bit skinny for my taste, but looked worth a try. However, her face didn't do it for me. When I got an Uber, pro climbed in with us, so I explained again that she wasn't included.

I added a stop after my apartment to take the pro home, which was when the Uber driver got shitty. He passed the apartment by 2 blocks and refused to take the girl home. We got out and walked downhill in the rain, after I shared my thoughts on the subject with the driver. Once there I used InDriver to send the pro home.

Now some background. On Tuesday, I was driving and when we left the parking garage I put the change in the cupholder at the back of the console, 12-13 k. Not long after, I checked and the money was gone. It had to be cousin, so I knew she would steal from me if given the chance. I gave her the chance.

The sex was good. BBBJ and could have been BBFS, but I'm not doing that. Normally, I wouldn't let a new girl spend the night, but since I'm friends with her non-pro cousin, I knew the worst she would do is steal some money. Which she did.

I noticed she had been in my pocket (where I deliberately left the money) when I came back from cleaning up. Later on, while I was taking a dump, I heard her moving around and when I came out, it was obvious that she had been back in the pocket. No problem. What was in the pocket was less than I had planned to give her.

When I woke up this morning I checked to see how much she had taken, only 250 k and I had planned on being generous and giving her 600 k (only had 500 k, planned on an ATM visit when taking her home). Besides the fact that money was obviously missing, she had put the money back in the wrong pocket and grabbed the loose bills that weren't in the stack.

After making a big production of "noticing" the missing money she started coming up with places where I might have lost it. I explained. I explained the cupholder incident and told her that only 2 people could have the missing money and I didn't have it. She went through the motions of going through her purse, showing she didn't have my money. Repeated the process "look the money isn't in my purse. " So I grabbed her jacket and guess what I found in her pocket.

No anger, no yelling, none of that. After a few moments of eye contact she broke down and started crying. I took the money, added another 100 k and told her take it. She refused. Lots of tears, but she wouldn't take the money. After giving her a 30 minute lesson on human behavior and informing her that I knew when she arrived that she would try to take the money, I convinced her to take the money and took her home.

I know what some of you are thinking. By normal rates she earned 400 k for TLN. By my thinking, which involves some benefits with non-pro, I was going to give her 600 k. She got less than she earned, I paid less than I expected and everyone walks away satisfied.

Here's the lessons:

1. Don't carry more than you're prepared to lose.

2. Put your valuables out of the reach of temptation. My wallet with all the important stuff was where she couldn't get it.

3. Don't leave a girl unattended in your room.

4. Know your risks. I knew she wouldn't drug me or do anything crazy. Losing face with her family was her biggest fear. All I was risking was 500 k. If you're in a secured building, your risks are reduced. If you have ways to identify the girl, your risks are reduced.

5. Overnight stays are for people who you have experience with.

05-07-22, 18:24
Tuesday night, as I reported I met up with a non-pro I know and her friend, who happens to be her cousin. The night got cut short, with plans to get together Sunday. Years back in Barcelona, I had a fun night in my hotel room with a blonde Colombian chica. She left my hotel room right before check-out time. As I was packing to also check out, I found out that my lose euros were stolen from the front pocket of my bag, 7 or 8 euros in coins and a 10 euro bill, not a big deal for me. Then just as I was about to head down to reception to turn my key card in, I discovered that she had left her tiny bag hanging on the bathroom door, behind a towel that she used. She must forgot that she left her spare bag there and covered it with a towel herself, well LOL. She also left 35 euros in that bag. So I took the money and left the bag there.

So basically I lost about 17 or18 euros, but found 35. If she did not steal my money, I would have turned the bag to the hotel reception with her money in it. I am not sure if she had the courage to return for her bag after stealing my money. At the end, her money made up what she stole from me, and a little discount for her service.

05-07-22, 18:49
Hey Medellin mongers,

In the Bogota community we have created this map http://colombiasexmap.com/ with all the Bogota massage parlors, houses, night clubs and streetwalkers we know.

I added support for Medellin as well but have added only 2 places so far. If you can help with information about more places to be added, that would be great! Please include prices and the date where you visited for the last time.

05-07-22, 19:47
Game on.I think it was Einstein who said something to the effect (I am very loosely paraphrasing), "If I can't trust you with the little things, how can you expect me to trust you with the big things"?

I don't understand the angle or why the nameless non-pro brought a prepago with her? Was that because they were already friends? What was the angle there?

Good illustrative story with some common pitfalls. Better ending than most. As the saying goes, "I'd rather be lucky than good".

I find it amusing that a lot of times even guys with some experience like you and me (hope you don't mind the lumping) will knowingly set ourselves up for trouble. Guilty as charged. Not exposing yourself to more than you can afford to lose is a good strategy, sounded to me like you were taking it further and baiting her.

One time I had a maid clean me out after I showed her where I hid my money. The amount was a tiny blip on my radar, but the information and lesson learned was valuable. I thought she was different and becoming a true friend and I wanted to see if I could trust her.

Silver lining to that story, that mishap ended up galvanizing the relationship I was having with the hotel manager, who is anxiously awaiting my return this Thursday. You may recall I have Managerette tagged as "the most conservative girl in Colombia" and to say our relationship is unique would be an understatement, as well as one of the biggest sexual turn-onsI have going for the time being.

I was supposed to go directly to Nymphette's hotel upon arrival Thu, but her most recent message to me yesterday was that she was going to have to pawn her phone and now she doesn't respond. She wasn't asking me for money, although I am sure she would've taken it. I set limits and her expectations for that weeks ago when I told I would not send her one peso until I saw her again, obviously code for P4P.

Don't know how this will play out but I have options. In my experience, nothing ever goes as planned in MDE. I am not disappointed, mainly curious if I am going to hear from her again.

Photos are all of Catgirl, my Numero Uno Novia. We've beaten the odds and been together for over two years now. Whatever happens from this point on is icing on the cake and I don't think either one of us is looking for the exit sign any time soon.

05-07-22, 20:39
I know what some of you are thinking. By normal rates she earned 400 k for TLN. By my thinking, which involves some benefits with non-pro, I was going to give her 600 k. She got less than she earned, I paid less than I expected and everyone walks away satisfied.

Here's the lessons:

1. Don't carry more than you're prepared to lose.

2. Put your valuables out of the reach of temptation. My wallet with all the important stuff was where she couldn't get it.

3. Don't leave a girl unattended in your room.

4. Know your risks. I knew she wouldn't drug me or do anything crazy. Losing face with her family was her biggest fear. All I was risking was 500 k. If you're in a secured building, your risks are reduced. If you have ways to identify the girl, your risks are reduced.

5. Overnight stays are for people who you have experience with.This non-pro was lucky to have been with you, as other guys would not of been as magnanimous as you given her trying to steal from you and getting caught red handed. And your story begs the question whether there was a security box in the room, which I'm assuming there wasn't.

Unfortunately here in Colombia, versus other mongering venues in the world, you have to operate here as though every girl if given the chance, will try to rob you, and some are very very good at it as I have learned.

I remember once in Centro years ago I had put my pants on the night stand beside the bed which had my wallet in it, and when getting the blow job while laying down things seemed a bit odd as she made me stay flat on my back and didn't want me to sit up, and after the session, and paying her, I noticed I had like 50 K missing from my wallet.

At the time my Spanish was not good enough to engage her about this, so I did nothing, and just wrote it off.

Lesson learned from then on, when I'm in a Love motel, my pants are put in my backpack which I lock, and keep in sight at all times.

When I do overnighters, even with girls I've known awhile, I lock everything up because they might be in such dire situation, they might try to rob you even if you've know them for a long time.

You just can't ever let your guard down in Colombia, as the moment you do, something happens.

It sounds like you enjoyed the sex with this non-pro, so that's good, and you paid less than you planned on paying, so that's good as well, but as far as the drama, some guys might have let her walk with only cab fare.

Again, this girl was very lucky being with you.

05-07-22, 23:29
I got 4056 yesterday from a Davivienda ATM, no complaints. The gotcha exchange rate offer is disappointing but I don't let it trip me up.

This is insane, and I wonder how much higher the exchange rate is going to go. Seems as though since the Federal Reserve has been raising the interest rates the exchange rate get's better and better.

Time to hit the ATM's!

05-07-22, 23:58
2. Put your valuables out of the reach of temptation. My wallet with all the important stuff was where she couldn't get it.Sounds good, but why leave your $ out in the living room with her access to it while you are in the bathroom taking a dump? You did the same thing years ago in a strip club, left your pants out in the room when you went to the bathroom, rather than rolling them up and taking them with you.

Here's a song for you.


05-08-22, 00:10
And your story begs the question whether there was a security box in the room, which I'm assuming there wasn't.There was no need for a security box, most of which are hardly foolproof as hotel or apartment staff can get in them. It happened while he was taking a dump, so all he had to do was take his money with him to the bathroom, rolled up in his pants. That's what you do gentlemen, whether in a casa, a strip club, your own apartment or hotel, you name it. Take your money with you to the bathroom, especially if you are taking a dump! Wink.

Lucky Nuts
05-08-22, 00:49
Photos are all of Catgirl, my Numero Uno Novia. We've beaten the odds and been together for over two years now. Whatever happens from this point on is icing on the cake and I don't think either one of us is looking for the exit sign any time soon.Kudos to you and good decision to stick with her after her gain of many covid kilos. Personally I couldn't have done that as fat chicas make my dick limp. But she's looking good again so you done right.

You just can't ever let your guard down in Colombia, as the moment you do, something happens.

Mr. E said it best a few months ago "stealing is part of the job description". Although I've never had a stealing experience I've always viewed it the same way. Well I did once have a chica at New Life try to steal from my pockets while I was in the shower but I looked out and caught her. Now I always roll up my jeans and keep them in eye's view. And even with chicas I've been seeing for years I don't leave my money lay out for them to be tempted. Why do that when you know how much a few pesos means to them. Which reminds me I wonder how slapshot is doing? And I guess Sjobs in a goner we'll never hear from again.

05-08-22, 02:33
Kudos to you and good decision to stick with herCatgirl's weight yoyo's. I like fat chicas. Skinny ones, tall, short, dark, light, you get the idea. The only recent foto of her from the previous post was the one on the far right, taken the same day.

I will post another foto of her from today. I don't think I would dump her for gaining weight. I don't believe she would ever get ridiculously huge because she's too vain. She's being pragmatic at the moment because she knows the bigger her ass gets, the more followers she gets on TikTok.

Catgirl has a respectable 160 K followers in a few months, and that's after having to start over one time at zero about six weeks ago after TikTok closed her account. Probably for showing and shaking too much ass if I know Catgirl, jaja, I wasn't watching then. In fact, I only recently started following her because I realized it hurt her feelings if I didn't.

Typical male pig that I am, I told her why should I watch videos of you when you're my girlfriend and we fuck in real life? Girls don't see it like that. They want to know that you find them attractive especially in a setting like TikTok. I don't need any feedback on what anyone here thinks of Catgirl's beauty, but I will add that I have dated some great looking girls in my life, and for some strange reason, the better looking the chica, the more insecure she will be on the inside about her looks.

I am loving TikTok because it is putting money in her pocket. It's her job now. I don't bust her chops for getting chubby. She's young, she loves her salchipappas with ALL the sauces, four of five different bottles. If I think she need to slow her roll and shed some of the baby phat, I tell her to use one or two sauces instead of four or five, and that usually does the trick, jajaja.

05-08-22, 03:29
Kudos to you and good decision to stick with her after her gain of many covid kilos. Personally I couldn't have done that as fat chicas make my dick limp. But she's looking good again so you done right.

Mr. E said it best a few months ago "stealing is part of the job description". Although I've never had a stealing experience I've always viewed it the same way. Well I did once have a chica at New Life try to steal from my pockets while I was in the shower but I looked out and caught her. Now I always roll up my jeans and keep them in eye's view. And even with chicas I've been seeing for years I don't leave my money lay out for them to be tempted. Why do that when you know how much a few pesos means to them. Which reminds me I wonder how slapshot is doing? And I guess Sjobs in a goner we'll never hear from again.There are a few possibilities, he really wanted to slip into Colombia.

So maybe he went for the Darien Gap option and that took him out?

Or he made it to MDE and trouble found him and he's chilling in jail or the morgue / landfill?

05-08-22, 04:10
Vamos a culiar?

I think I've done this about 10 times.

You say Hello,. You ask how they are. You tell them you're going to be in Medellin soon. Then you say either:

1. Quiero conocerte. I want to get to know you.

2. Quiero verte. I want to see you.

3. Nos vemos? - Are we going to see each other?

There are plenty of other options.

05-08-22, 07:49
Kudos to you and good decision to stick with her after her gain of many covid kilos. Personally I couldn't have done that as fat chicas make my dick limp. But she's looking good again so you done right.

Mr. E said it best a few months ago "stealing is part of the job description". Although I've never had a stealing experience I've always viewed it the same way. Well I did once have a chica at New Life try to steal from my pockets while I was in the shower but I looked out and caught her. Now I always roll up my jeans and keep them in eye's view. There you go my brother, standard procedure, so standard that we think it's not worth mentioning but it always is. It's worth mentioning every week if our community means anything.

05-08-22, 08:25
I totally agree. The cost per month has prevented me from using it for my upcoming trip to Medellin. I can see where it would be beneficial in other places. But in Medellin, where FB is so prevalent amongst chicas, the cost / benefit analysis just didn't make sense to me.What is process to get fb girls. I tried various search and failed to go anywhere.

05-08-22, 13:13
Hey Medellin mongers,

In the Bogota community we have created this map http://colombiasexmap.com/ with all the Bogota massage parlors, houses, night clubs and streetwalkers we know.

I added support for Medellin as well but have added only 2 places so far. If you can help with information about more places to be added, that would be great! Please include prices and the date where you visited for the last time.Below is Traverl69's latest map (that I know of). He works hard on these, so please do give him some co-credit and share what you find with him. I find his maps very easy to use with google maps and you can turn on / off.


05-08-22, 14:07
Jaja, this time I will be the one changing the plans. New chica, another Web cam model from MDE, we haven't met in person yet but she was shaping up nicely and steadily until she mentioned that she did not make enough money camming yesterday to buy food for herself or her dogs. First thing that strikes me is the amazing number of chicas I know in MDE who can barely feed themselves but own purebred dogs.

Long story longer, of course I make small talk about her dogs. Two almost full-grown Pit Bulls, see screenshot I captured off the video she sent me. The dogs sleep in her bed with her. Of course, like every idiot Pit Bull owner in the world she tells me how loveable and gentle they are (please don't reply here to me about how loveable and gentle your Pit Bulls are).

So I says to her I says, "Have they ever watched you getting fucked before"? She replies, "No". I told her, "Are you crazy? They will think I am attacking you and they will bite me"!

She was one of my "options" of where to stay when I land in MDE on Thu and I was looking forward to it because she is the nasty one I posted about before with the rich ass who likes to gape all her holes. I guess if you are the suspicious type you could say she was trying to scare me off but I can tell that's not it, she's into me for the moment. And the more we Whassap, the more I like her and the better she looks, jaja.

I told my wingman and before I could finish the story he said, "I'll come visit you in the hospital'. He was shocked when I told him this time I was going to use the big head instead of my little head, jajajaja.

I think we will still get to fuck, but it won't be at her place and I won't be staying there. Osteeeeee Oouuuuut!

P.S. Newbies, don't do what I do! Going to a girl's apartment or house who you don't know well or have never met could be a trap for kidnapping, torture, ransom and worse! Yes, it's rare but that shit does happen. I had this horrible feeling suddenly that based on what I wrote here some one goes out there and gets himself into a horrible situation. Let it happen to me, but not you. I have written many times here, you will probably learn more from me about what NOT to do, than what to do. In the meantime, we will all Keep On Keepin' On.

05-08-22, 14:12
Vamos a culiar?Well maybe. Buy me a few drinks and let's see what happens.

Mr Enternational
05-08-22, 14:34
Lesson learned from then on, when I'm in a Love motel, my pants are put in my backpack which I lock, and keep in sight at all times.I roll mine up and use them as a pillow.

05-08-22, 14:51
Catgirl's weight yoyo's. I like fat chicas. Skinny ones, tall, short, dark, light, you get the idea. The only recent foto of her from the previous post was the one on the far right, taken the same day.

I will post another foto of her from today. I don't think I would dump her for gaining weight. I don't believe she would ever get ridiculously huge because she's too vain. She's being pragmatic at the moment because she knows the bigger her ass gets, the more followers she gets on TikTok.

Catgirl has a respectable 160 K followers in a few months, and that's after having to start over one time at zero about six weeks ago after TikTok closed her account. Probably for showing and shaking too much ass if I know Catgirl, jaja, I wasn't watching then. In fact, I only recently started following her because I realized it hurt her feelings if I didn't..My Girl#1 and Girl#2 both put on weight twice during the pandemic. At the beginning of the quarantines Girl#1 stopped working out and wasn't able to attend her practices. The team she's on was doing zoom practices, which can't be as strenuous. Once she could start running again and the team could practice again, the weight came off. Then she went through a patch where she was fighting daily with her mother and put on some chub. Once I scheduled my trip, she started working out with her sister, so now she's maybe a couple pounds heavier, but nothing I'm going to complain about. I think she's also aged out of the team, so she's no longer training and practicing for competition.

Girl#2 owned a drink cart, pushed it around one of the nicer parts of El Centro selling cocktails and fruit juices. The pandemic took away that exercise, and left her bored at home. Once she could get out again, back to fighting weight. Then she took a real job. According to her it was a toxic work environment, lots of stress, she gained several pounds, to the point I wondered if I was still going to be interested.

She made a few comments about getting fat. I told her if she doesn't want to be fat, exercise more, which she's been doing. She also quit her job and got out of that environment. Where she's at now is fine, although losing 5# would be better. With her it works either way, because she's already got the curves.

With women and self-esteem issues, I think there's a range. Towards the bottom of the beauty scale, the Pi's (I'm now using a scale from pi to Avogadro's number 6.022 x 10²³), you get fat, ugly girls who think they're beauty queens. Going up from there the self-esteem drops until it matches the looks. From there it drops further until you get beautiful girls doing extreme shit because they think they're fat or ugly. At the top of the scale, the Moles need an entourage telling them they're beautiful or they fall to pieces.

05-08-22, 16:01
I got 4056 yesterday from a Davivienda ATM, no complaints. The gotcha exchange rate offer is disappointing but I don't let it trip me up.I just checked what the VISA exchange rate is for today, their website says it's 4086 COP to 1 USD.

I pulled out 5,000,000 yesterday, and as long as the rate keeps climbing, I will be pulling out money for awhile.

The last time I saw rates above 4,000 COP was a while ago, and then it dropped almost 10% for awhile and I stopped pulling money out.

05-08-22, 16:02
I roll mine up and use them as a pillow.You must be staying in Love Motels with no pillows, sorry to hear that. LOL.

05-08-22, 17:39
That type of sneaky betrayal is what pisses me off. Like at surfer mentioned she was lucky that you are a stand up guy and still attempts to take advantage of you.

I will leave little nuggets of opportunity for chicas to screw me over or do the right thing so I can know what I'm dealing with; even in the states.

The lessons are spot on but a lot of guys get sauced out of there minds or can't push back when things are off.

One good CYA tactic is to take their ID and snap a picture of it next to her face or your ID. Although easier said then done.

Here's the lessons:

1. Don't carry more than you're prepared to lose.
2. Put your valuables out of the reach of temptation. My wallet with all the important stuff was where she couldn't get it.

3. Don't leave a girl unattended in your room.

4. Know your risks. I knew she wouldn't drug me or do anything crazy. Losing face with her family was her biggest fear. All I was risking was 500 k. If you're in a secured building, your risks are reduced. If you have ways to identify the girl, your risks are reduced.

5. Overnight stays are for people who you have experience with.

05-08-22, 17:55
It's almost time to go back to work and I'm feeling okay about it. This trip has been different, but overall I'm quite pleased with the way everything turned out. Here's a breakdown:


There's been quite a bit of rain in Medellin, enough to get me wet a few times. I carry a light, mostly water resistant hoodie, which is about right. On the plus side, the clouds and rain have kept the temperature perfect. I haven't used the air conditioning except for a few times during the day. Nights have been the perfect temperature for sleeping.


My first nights was spent in Girl#1's house. It's a nice place with the tiniest bathrooms I've ever seen and hot water. She has 2 dogs and 2 cats, so if pet hair is a problem you probably won't want to stay there. Plus, I'm not giving out her number.

The next 3 nights were in a beach cabin in El Valle on the pacific coast. Along with 1 night in Hotel Costa Choco in Bahia Solano. Reports in the other areas thread.

The next 3 nights were in Hotel Arame in Envigado. It's a short walk from Viva Mall and the Envigado metro station.

I went for a room with a jacuzzi, which ended up being a corner room. 2 walls floor to ceiling glass, with decent blackout shades. It was quiet and comfortable. There was only 1 girl who came to visit and they checked Cedula and called before sending her up. There was no extra charge. If you're low volume on the girls, this might be worth considering. Cost was about $60 per night.

The next night was in La Pintada at Hosteria Farallones. Nice place, air conditioning, clean, pool, meals included. Somewhere around $30 per night. Review soon in other areas.

I spent 1 night in a double balcony room at Hotel Dorado La 70. Noise wasn't too bad, big comfortable room (much bigger than needed) and very clean. Staff was great. The room was expensive at $110, but that's one of the most expensive rooms. Only 1 girl visited. Cedula check and call to the room. No problems, no extra charges. Great location.

My last 2 nights and tonight are at an Airbnb in Poblado, up the hill from the big Starbucks. This place is top notch. Quiet area, gated access, parking, pool, a big jacuzzi, marble floors, nice bathroom 70 inch TV with Netflix, 5 G WIFI, accent lighting. The one girl who came in with me, they scanned in her cedula. The kitchen is a bit basic, but it has the necessities, except a corkscrew and bottle opener. Cost is about $130 per night. If you're going to do loud parties, or cycle through 4 girls per day you might have problems. If bringing in 1 or 2 girls and having a fun time in jacuzzi and bed, it's great.


I've only done 1 taxi, a couple of Uber and InDriver rides. Mostly no complaints. I've also had a rental SUV, plus a few rides with Girl#1 and her sister. No metro this time. Driving in Medellin isn't something I recommend, because I've seen the way most people drive in the US. Full attention, the right attitude and patience in the inevitable traffic jams are required.

The girls.

Most of my time was spent with 2 non-pros. Both were great. There was 1 session with 1 Facebook girl and she was just okay. She's been a regular for a few years. Nice girl, good sessions, but this time she had some personal issues. The last girl might be on Facebook, but I don't think anyone wants to connect with her, she's a thief. No complaints about her performance though. Tonight and tomorrow might be off days. I'm not feeling any pressure, but we'll see.

Above Average
05-08-22, 18:07
So I'm travelling solo in Medellin again and I regret not spending more time practicing my Spanish (I blame it on too much work and the covid blues). It feels like even most of the tourists here are Spanish speaking during this rainy season.

Not sure what to do for fun yet, probably going to kick my jet lag before I hit up my Facebook contacts. However, as you guys advised, most of the girls on there are just doing business. The last time I was in Medellin the best experience I had was meeting a regular girl on Tinder and we went to an awesome night club in a more obscure part of town. We didn't even have sex afterwards but I danced my ass off, we made out a little bit, and finished the night with a greasy burger.

If I'm real desperate I might hit up Medellinvip.net. Have any of you tried it?

In other news the Loutron is the same as I remember. Plenty of top-notch girls but some of them have been ruined by excessive plastic surgery. I don't have any problems with plastic surgery until it goes too far, and I still cannot find balloon butts to be attractive. I don't know if it was the Kardashians or Nicki Minaj who made that look popular but I will hate them forever. I weep for the millions of booties that have been ruined and the thousands of patients who have died getting this risky procedure (let's not forget how Kanye's mother died).

My main gripe with the Loutron is just the hassle of getting a ride there and back, hence why I was asking about the most upscale Casas or massage parlors. Any advice?

05-08-22, 18:09
Years back in Barcelona, I had a fun night in my hotel room with a blonde Colombian chica. She left my hotel room right before check-out time. As I was packing to also check out, I found out that my lose euros were stolen from the front pocket of my bag, 7 or 8 euros in coins and a 10 euro bill, not a big deal for me. Then just as I was about to head down to reception to turn my key card in, I discovered that she had left her tiny bag hanging on the bathroom door, behind a towel that she used. She must forgot that she left her spare bag there and covered it with a towel herself, well LOL. She also left 35 euros in that bag. So I took the money and left the bag there.

So basically I lost about 17 or18 euros, but found 35. If she did not steal my money, I would have turned the bag to the hotel reception with her money in it. I am not sure if she had the courage to return for her bag after stealing my money. At the end, her money made up what she stole from me, and a little discount for her service.I expect every prostitute I make love to to want to steal from me. They are not in bed with me because they like me. Every human being seeks money, some do it differently from others. Like everyone else a prostitute is out to get as much money as she can. Like everyone else she'll try to augment her income every which way possible.

05-08-22, 18:34
she'll try to augment her income every which way possible.You really can't have a conversation about P4P girls stealing in Colombia and not mention papaya. To them it's not stealing, it's papaya. I'm not kidding when I write that you can catch a girl red-handed, ten minutes later put her on a lie detector machine and at least half of them will pass with flying colors.

If you made "it" available to steal, that means you don't need it as much as they do, and it is their destiny to take it. I am not excusing the behavior, but once you understand papaya, if you get stung, really it's your own fault for not taking common-sense precautions. Room safes are a very valuable asset and that is exactly what they are designed for, to protect your cash, passport, credit cards, etc. While you have guests in your room. Beware, these girls are line-of-sight experts and will be watching you enter the code to your room safe if when you think they can't see your hands or are not watching you. I much prefer a room with a safe.

The Cane
05-08-22, 19:01
I expect every prostitute I make love to to want to steal from me. They are not in bed with me because they like me. Every human being seeks money, some do it differently from others. Like everyone else a prostitute is out to get as much money as she can. Like everyone else she'll try to augment her income every which way possible.I've never had a tute steal any money from me ever. I never give them an opportunity to by always keeping my valuables locked up whenever I bring someone to my room. First thing that happens is that wallet, watch, jewelry and other valuables like cameras and phones go straight into the safe!

05-08-22, 20:13
That type of sneaky betrayal is what pisses me off. Like at surfer mentioned she was lucky that you are a stand up guy and still attempts to take advantage of you.

I will leave little nuggets of opportunity for chicas to screw me over or do the right thing so I can know what I'm dealing with; even in the states.

The lessons are spot on but a lot of guys get sauced out of there minds or can't push back when things are off.

One good CYA tactic is to take their ID and snap a picture of it next to her face or your ID. Although easier said then done.It didn't really make me angry, at least on my scale which runs from "well excuse me" to Hiroshima. My little head wanted to fuck her my big head said she's a thief. We got together and figured it out.

With a complete unknown girl, one who I have nothing on, I'd never take that risk. Once she was in the room, I thought about it 3 or 4 times, as I was putting my important stuff in a safe place. I could have made it nearly impossible, but decided it was better to give her the opportunity. If she didn't take the opportunity, maybe she gets a repeat.

She sent me several "forgive me" messages yesterday. Here's what the last one said:

"boss I really feel very ashamed for what happened, I hope you can forgive me with all your heart and thank you also for the great life lesson you gave me".

She uses translator a lot, which tells me I'm not the first gringo dick she's ridden.

Gianni Versace
05-08-22, 20:16
You can pay for just one month, but it is expensive compared to other dating type apps. I just don't see the need when there are so many chicas on FB. In other locations, FB isn't a thing for pros or semi-pros, so SA would make more sense in those places. But there are many reports of good success with SA in Medellin. I just don't feel the need to pay that cost. A few hours on FB will give you many, many options for free.How do I find these girls on FB? IS there a specific fb group to find them?

Gianni Versace
05-08-22, 21:06

I'd like to start and say I'm a contributing senior member on the usa sister site. With that being said I am planning a solo trip to Medellin in the end of the month. It has been about 10 years since I was last in Medellin. Last time I was there I stayed at the Mansion. I have never been to a Casa or strip club in Medellin. Any suggestions on the best area to stay in and other places I should definitely check out? I know I should check out Energy, Zanday, but I will only have 3 days in Medellin and want to make the most of it. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Has any of you guys heard of Eron W33 dMan on fb?

Thanks in Advance.


Gianni Versace
05-08-22, 21:33
Below is Traverl69's latest map (that I know of). He works hard on these, so please do give him some co-credit and share what you find with him. I find his maps very easy to use with google maps and you can turn on / off.

https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=en&ll=6.224431961843611%2C-75.55156482421874&z=13&mid=1UxdkQ9-vm36hqZmjE87YQcheNFdWBiKdDoes anyone know how to save this map offline to work with offline google maps? This is a pretty good map. Thanks Travrl69 for putting this together.

05-08-22, 21:55
"boss I really feel very ashamed for what happened, I hope you can forgive me with all your heart and thank you also for the great life lesson you gave me"."Given the chance, I will do it again" (steal).

05-08-22, 22:19
Jaja, this time I will be the one changing the plans. New chica, another Web cam model from MDE, we haven't met in person yet but she was shaping up nicely and steadily until she mentioned that she did not make enough money camming yesterday to buy food for herself or her dogs. First thing that strikes me is the amazing number of chicas I know in MDE who can barely feed themselves but own purebred dogs.

Long story longer, of course I make small talk about her dogs. Two almost full-grown Pit Bulls, see screenshot I captured off the video she sent me. The dogs sleep in her bed with her. Of course, like every idiot Pit Bull owner in the world she tells me how loveable and gentle they are (please don't reply here to me about how loveable and gentle your Pit Bulls are).

So I says to her I says, "Have they ever watched you getting fucked before"? She replies, "No". I told her, "Are you crazy? They will think I am attacking you and they will bite me"!.On the topic of camgirls, has anyone here managed to coordinate plans with one successfully? I recall a post from a veteran user mentioning that if you are engaging with a Colombian camgirl working for a studio, typically the one you are typing with is a manager sitting behind the camera and she is fake typing and the manager tells the camgirl how to react to messages (must have been JjBee62, so thank you for sharing info if it was you). If that is true, hats off to the studios because that is quite the coordination effort.

I've spent a bit of time on Chaturbate (webcam site) recently just to try and get a gauge at how these webcam studios operate and it's not easy hahah. I spoke to one; she said she was from the Coffee Triangle region and I told her I'd fly her down to Medellin to party a couple days. After talking a bit I told her to give me her Instagram so I could track her down when it's time. The Instagram was a work account w / professional photoshoots and whatnot but it also had a couple of her tiktok videos and I still couldn't get a feeling of whether I was talking to her or some operator even when messaging on Instagram for days. It's not like it was a celebrity account, it has maybe 200 followers, most of whom are probably guys who came from camgirl sites. My trip to Medellin will most likely be postponed so I've mostly dropped it for now.

Anyway, just jotting down some thoughts on paper. Apologize if this came off as absolutely useless and is taking up unnecessary space but I figured maybe someone will want to pick up on my investigations on Colombian webcam studios where I left off or maybe someone is able to provide superior info altogether on how they operate.

Osteoknot, I'll try digging through your post history to see what went down on your previous engagements with mentioned camgirl and wish you the best of luck on how the situation evolves with the current.

05-08-22, 22:24

I'd like to start and say I'm a contributing senior member on the usa sister site. With that being said I am planning a solo trip to Medellin in the end of the month. It has been about 10 years since I was last in Medellin. Last time I was there I stayed at the Mansion. I have never been to a Casa or strip club in Medellin. Any suggestions on the best area to stay in and other places I should definitely check out? I know I should check out Energy, Zanday, but I will only have 3 days in Medellin and want to make the most of it. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Has any of you guys heard of Eron W33 dMan on fb?.You need to give us more to work with. Any suggestions right now are just going to be everyone's personal preference which might be useless to you.

You mentioned staying at the Mansion. Without knowing more about your situation, that's possibly a good place, especially if you're only here for 3 days and want to maximize your time. If you've got the stamina (I don't), you could do 12-15 girls in 3 days and never need to go more than 3 blocks away.

If you have loaded up a bunch of Facebook girls, depending on your budget, there are several options, in different areas of the city.

If you're just wanting to do casas during the day and strip clubs at night, there are also several options to reduce the time wasted in transportation.

I don't know Eron, although we have over 200 mutual friends.

More specific information on what your plans are would help to get more refined information.

One last thing. If you're only coming for 3 days, pick one or 2 things and stick with those.

05-08-22, 23:45
There is a love motel row on Calle 51, between Blvr. Libertadores De América and Cra 67 B. There are several large love motels on that street, all conveniently located super close to the stadium. You can reserve from evening to next day, or a 4 hour block. My housemate and I did not want to bring girls back to our apartment, so we booked two rooms instead. Just FYI.

05-09-22, 01:09
Is Lleras park the best place for a first timer to stay in Poblado or is there too much commotion?

In regards to procuring prepago chicas, where should I visit first? I plan to stay in Poblado.

05-09-22, 02:35
Is Lleras park the best place for a first timer to stay in Poblado or is there too much commotion?

In regards to procuring prepago chicas, where should I visit first? I plan to stay in Poblado.In my opinion poblado is the best place to start. I like to stay in Hotel Haven walk over to parque lleras and pick out what you like.

05-09-22, 03:56
Is Lleras park the best place for a first timer to stay in Poblado or is there too much commotion?

In regards to procuring prepago chicas, where should I visit first? I plan to stay in Poblado.There are 100's of ways to monger while you're here in Medellin. I think Poblado is over-priced. But of course, I live here so that obviously changes the equation. If you are a casa kind of guy you might stay closer to El Centro. If you are a FB hunter, I would think Laureles is much better. Lots of girl live in the North and Laureles is closer with less traffic congestion. If you are new and not willing to learn a little Spanish. You would probably find a lot of like minded guys staying at the Mansion (which is in Poblado but not super close to Parque Lleras).

The point is there are lots of ways to pursue your pleasures and a lot of places to do it.

05-09-22, 04:10
On the topic of camgirls, has anyone here managed to coordinate plans with one successfully? Osteoknot, I'll try digging through your post history to see what went down on your previous engagements with mentioned camgirl and wish you the best of luck on how the situation evolves with the current.Call me Asti, that is the Spanish spelling of my name, Ostee.

I've had some great experiences including a few chicas I see to this day that started out purely as girls I saw on-line Web camming. With that said, looking back, it wasn't easy and my overall success rate is very low, if defined as fucking a girl I first saw on-line as a Web cam model. I happen to enjoy the process so not getting to fuck the girl in the end is not a "failure" to me.

The big plus for me in meeting up with a Web cam model is that you first get to watch her in detail, see her naked, and develop a rapor. If you want to inspect her pussy while she spreads it open with both hands, easily doable. You can find out if she laughs at your jokes.

The obvious drawback is you have to go though a lot of girls to find a winner, Without any false humility, I have gotten good at it with practice and knowing what to write, what do do. Good writing skills help. Short and to the point. Not like I write here, jajajaja.

I think the pitfalls could be as you described but I believe I weed out the managers, pimps, boyfriends, fakes and bosses fairly quickly. I once set up a chica for two years before I saw her but it wasn't like I was pushing for it the entire time. She lived in Cali and eventually it was like, yeah, we both want to see each other, and did.

Another important point is I don't make it look like them as though I am just trying to find a girl on-line to fuck. I try to show a genuine interest in them. I am sure there are girls on-line who are actively seeking P4 P and nothing more, but there are waaaaay more chicas who want to make their money on-line and not ever touch a greasy Gringo. If a chica says you are the first user she ever met in-person from the Internet, unless you can lick your eyebrows and your last name starts with M and rhymes with tusk, it's bullshit.

I have refused Web cam models who were too aggressive on wanting to meet in real-life. Make sure you can control the setting of your first meeting, either in public or someplace with security. Don't walk into a trap. I've never run into this issue but it only takes one time to ruin a life.

If I have a pearl, it's this. The goal for me is to get the model to switch over to WhatsApp as quickly as possible and then use Whassap (my slang) for most of the communicating. To my memory, I have never paid the "tip" for a model's Whassap. If she insists on being paid then she is not into you enough to hookup in real life so I use that as a weed-out. Ignore their Tip Menu that says they want hundreds or even thousand of tokens for their Whassap.

They give their Whassap number obviously in Private Messaging or I write my number. If they are going to call you, they will call right away, usually while I am still on line chatting with them in their room. If they don't call right away, strike them off your list.

Oh, this is huge and honestly did not dawn on me until today. There are different "levels" of Users based on tipping tokens. I won't say you can't get their attention without tipping, at least at first, but put yourself in their shoes. Who would you respond to? Some guy who looks like a jerk doing free Dirty Talk, or someone who can ask a question with a tip?

Not all chicas are working from studios, I don't know what percentage cam from home. [Deleted by Admin]. You learn a lot about camming when you live with a model or watch it being done. Web camming is so popular in Colombia, supposedly number one in the world per capita, that you should randomly find yourself talking to a Web cam model at some point in your mongering. When you do, pick her brain. Ask her what would an on-line user have to do to get her to meet him in real life?

In summary, get the model switched over to WhatsApp ASAP and you should be able to tell from pics, the way the write, the context, that it's real. I have found there are two kinds of Web cam models, those who will say or do anything to separate you from your money without any intention of ever seeing you in person, and those who genuinely want to meet for fun, money, sex, companionship, friendship and more. Good luck on telling the difference, it ain't easy. Don't feel bad if you get fooled, just cut the line and move on to the next one. Winners learn from the mistakes then proceed without fear of failure. Sorry for the long answer when you weren't looking for one, but I feel like a few others might have found this helpful. Osteeeeee Oouuuuuut!

05-09-22, 05:17
In my opinion poblado is the best place to start. I like to stay in Hotel Haven walk over to parque lleras and pick out what you like.But Parque Lleras is closed still, right?

05-09-22, 08:17

Reposting this map that someone made which is a goldmine for locations.

Some notable ones I found on it already were Lleras, Centro (Veracruz area), Energy, Fase II, Mansion, and more. Thanks for making this. I've never been to Medellin yet, but when I go now I will have an idea where things are.

05-09-22, 08:43
I arrived in Medellin yesterday evening around 8 pm. Got through customs faster than I ever have before so that was nice. My taxi guy was waiting for me so that worked out great. I had been talking to a couple of my FB chicas throughout the day figuring I could count on one of them to get back from family stuff and want to come over. I was wrong.

Sidenote- it was funny watching FB stories throughout the day because there were a lot of pictures with their moms of course. And I noted on more than one occasion that there were moms that I would consider scheduling a cita with.

I obviously wasn't going to let a night in Medellin go to waste so I headed over to Parque Lleras. Talked to a couple chicas. Met this 24 year old Vennie. 5 foot nothing, 100 lbs, just my type. She was sweet and friendly. She started at 300 k which obviously wasn't happening and after we talked we agreed on 200 k and I would pay for her taxi back. I bought us some overpriced beers, as I had not had time to shop yet, and we headed back.

It was brutal. She was literally begging for more money the entire time and she didn't even do what she had promised to do. We went back and forth for awhile and finally I just said whatever, finished fast and cut my losses. And I gave her 250 k because it was looking like she was going to get loud and cause a scene. And I definitely did not want that for my first night in the Airbnb.

Anyhow, all that just to say, Lleras let me down. I have had some great sessions during my limited experience so I guess I was due for one like that.

Plenty of new and repeat FB chicas scheduled over the next several days to make me feel better jaja.

05-09-22, 11:10

Anyone with experience in the GO building before? How is this in terms of central location and ease of mongering?

05-09-22, 14:45
I told her I'd fly her down to Medellin to party a couple days.A Web cam model who normally makes money without any PC (personal contact) with a greasy Gringo, would rather go the dentist and get her teeth drilled without novocaine than get on a plane for someone whom she has not met. Start with and stick with girls who are in the same city as you, who can take an Uber to see you, not a jet.

If you have a slugger's batting average at getting Web cam models to meet you, then you are doing great, meaning failures are more common than successes. Look at Web cam models as just one of many potential sources in the P4 P game. They are my least common source for chicas, but fun, entertaining and gratifying when it pays off. Maybe I suck at it and my success rate should be higher, but I don't think so.

Ally is a Web cam model I am Whassapping now who says she wants to meet. She offered to meet me at the airport Thursday and stay at her place but I told her no because of her Pit Bulls. Yesterday, I casually mentioned on-line in her Public room that she had cute feet. Ten seconds later she was doing this in the first foto, jeje love it. I felt like she deserved a tip for that and I gave her a small one after the fact. This girl is nasty and natural, a great and uncommon combination. I feel encouraged. Maybe 50/50 at best we will hook-up and that's probably as good as it gets.

I have only been visiting her room in short bursts, maybe 10 minutes at a time because I have been busy getting ready to return to Medellin. She is so sweet and cute and nasty at the same time. As soon as I hint that I am leaving her room, she runs around and starts doing as many little perversions as she can think of, switching up every 30 seconds or so, in an effort to hold my attention. See second foto when she plopped down on her stomach and stuffed that dildo up her ass without any provocation. She pays little or no attention to the other users in her room when I am there. You will know when the model is into you and your chances are worth the effort. If you don't get that feeling, don't go chasing waterfalls. Move onto the next chica. She has an endless stream of faceless admirers and you don't want to be in that group.

Ally is fun and so is the journey. I try to enjoy her and not just pursue her. All disappointment is preceded by desire. I hope she and I meet but if not, no regrets.

05-09-22, 16:20
A while back a few clowns claimed that there aren't very many thin attractive girls in Medellin. They claimed the girls here are all fat, big asses, big waists, big boobs etc. I have to question whether those guys have actually visited Medellin. This is a city with a metropolitan population of about 4 million. The girls here come in all sizes, shapes etc.

The obesity rate in Colombia is dramatically lower than the US and Western Europe. Why? The girls here (and older folks too for that matter) walk a lot. They don't take a cab if it is only a mile. Hills, steep inclines? Not a factor, they still walk it.

Just to illustrate my point. Here are just a few fotos of some of the girls I've met. Most are flacas a few are delgadas they all have very pretty faces. Since those are the qualities I find most attractive.

05-09-22, 16:24
But Parque Lleras is closed still, right?You will find the girls around there. At least that's how it was when I was there last month.

Gianni Versace
05-09-22, 17:39
Can you please give me some guidance on how to meet some of these facebook chicas?

I arrived in Medellin yesterday evening around 8 pm. Got through customs faster than I ever have before so that was nice. My taxi guy was waiting for me so that worked out great. I had been talking to a couple of my FB chicas throughout the day figuring I could count on one of them to get back from family stuff and want to come over. I was wrong.

Sidenote- it was funny watching FB stories throughout the day because there were a lot of pictures with their moms of course. And I noted on more than one occasion that there were moms that I would consider scheduling a cita with.

I obviously wasn't going to let a night in Medellin go to waste so I headed over to Parque Lleras. Talked to a couple chicas. Met this 24 year old Vennie. 5 foot nothing, 100 lbs, just my type. She was sweet and friendly. She started at 300 k which obviously wasn't happening and after we talked we agreed on 200 k and I would pay for her taxi back. I bought us some overpriced beers, as I had not had time to shop yet, and we headed back.

It was brutal. She was literally begging for more money the entire time and she didn't even do what she had promised to do. We went back and forth for awhile and finally I just said whatever, finished fast and cut my losses. And I gave her 250 k because it was looking like she was going to get loud and cause a scene. And I definitely did not want that for my first night in the Airbnb.

Anyhow, all that just to say, Lleras let me down. I have had some great sessions during my limited experience so I guess I was due for one like that.

Plenty of new and repeat FB chicas scheduled over the next several days to make me feel better jaja.

05-09-22, 17:59
Anyhow, all that just to say, Lleras let me down. I have had some great sessions during my limited experience so I guess I was due for one like that.You and I both know it's going to get better for you, much better. I don't want to get all Yin&Yang on you, but the bad experiences make us appreciate the good ones that much more.

05-09-22, 19:00
Here are just a few fotos of some of the girls I've met. Most are flacas a few are delgadas they all have very pretty faces. Since those are the qualities I find most attractive.That last one looks like a bug crawling out from under a kitchen cabinet, jajaja. I kid because I love you, jajaja. Seriously, if it was on paper, you should burn that foto, jajajajaaja.

You were spot on with your overall point. The market in Medellin is large, and there is every kind of girl you can imagine available, with little or no extra effort. And it never hurts to ask one girl if she knows or has friends who look like what you want. Friends of friends. If I find myself at Ground Zero, I have had putas get on their phone to get a girl to come see me, after showing me pics of her on their phone. How can you beat service like that? Fortunately, that is rarely needed because I almost always find what I am looking for, or maybe I am more open to what I will fuck that some guys, jeje. I like all types. I remember last time I was in Medellin that was a span when guys were posting here that they couldn't find any preggos. Just to prove a point to myself I fucked a string of cute preggos, all from Ground Zero. I saw preggos every time I went there. I'll look for those preggo fotos.

05-09-22, 19:03

Anyone with experience in the GO building before? How is this in terms of central location and ease of mongering?I have no experience but you can google Go Living & Suites to find its location to figure it out relative to where you want to monger.

05-09-22, 19:08
Can you please give me some guidance on how to meet some of these facebook chicas?There is a breadcrumb Colombia (South America | Colombia | Medellin Reports) on top of these posts. Click on it and look for Reports of Distinction to find it.

Lucky Nuts
05-09-22, 19:17
But Parque Lleras is closed still, right?The chicas have always stood around on the streets cirling the park, especially on the north and west sides, and all the streets are still open to pedestrians at the least. So the chicas are still there. At least they were a few weeks ago. Calle 10 near the park is a good hunting ground as well. Walk laps around the blocks on the north side of the park.

05-09-22, 21:38
"Given the chance, I will do it again" (steal).As my mentor Gomer Pyle said "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

05-09-22, 21:46
The chicas have always stood around on the streets cirling the park, especially on the north and west sides, and all the streets are still open to pedestrians at the least. So the chicas are still there. At least they were a few weeks ago. Calle 10 near the park is a good hunting ground as well. Walk laps around the blocks on the north side of the park.The park is slated to be completed supposedly by September according to the Construction Manager I spoke with a few weeks back.

As far as the Chicas, they are located exactly as you described, with a higher concentration right below Gusto's.

05-09-22, 21:55
It was brutal. She was literally begging for more money the entire time and she didn't even do what she had promised to do. We went back and forth for awhile and finally I just said whatever, finished fast and cut my losses. And I gave her 250 k because it was looking like she was going to get loud and cause a scene. And I definitely did not want that for my first night in the Airbnb.

Anyhow, all that just to say, Lleras let me down. I have had some great sessions during my limited experience so I guess I was due for one like that.

Plenty of new and repeat FB chicas scheduled over the next several days to make me feel better jaja.Lleras is a total crap shoot, as most of the girls are looking at the clients as a a one time event, hence the shitty attitudes.

You handled things properly by cutting her lose and avoiding any drama, especially after travelling al day.

05-09-22, 22:12
On the topic of camgirls, has anyone here managed to coordinate plans with one successfully? I recall a post from a veteran user mentioning that if you are engaging with a Colombian camgirl working for a studio, typically the one you are typing with is a manager sitting behind the camera and she is fake typing and the manager tells the camgirl how to react to messages (must have been JjBee62, so thank you for sharing info if it was you). If that is true, hats off to the studios because that is quite the coordination effort.

I've spent a bit of time on Chaturbate (webcam site) recently just to try and get a gauge at how these webcam studios operate and it's not easy hahah. I spoke to one; she said she was from the Coffee Triangle region and I told her I'd fly her down to Medellin to party a couple days. After talking a bit I told her to give me her Instagram so I could track her down when it's time. The Instagram was a work account w / professional photoshoots and whatnot but it also had a couple of her tiktok videos and I still couldn't get a feeling of whether I was talking to her or some operator even when messaging on Instagram for days. It's not like it was a celebrity account, it has maybe 200 followers, most of whom are probably guys who came from camgirl sites. My trip to Medellin will most likely be postponed so I've mostly dropped it for now.It was probably me. Here's a rundown:

Most webcam models in Colombia work for a studio. Many of the studios are just run by some clown he thinks he knows how to make money off girls. They last 2 months and disappear. The better studios have hundreds and even thousands of models. The biggest has an exclusive contract with Camsoda for Colombia. Every Colombian model on Camsoda is either with AJ Studios or is licensed by another studio through AJ (AJ takes a 5% cut).

Until a model starts making good money, if working for a decent or better studio, she will have a Monitor whenever she broadcasts. The monitor uses a backoffice app so they can see everything on the model's monitor and do everything the model can do on the computer.

The monitor performs a lot of functions. He gives guidance to the model, he translates chat for the model and often takes care of doing the chatting and answering the private messages. Also depending on the girl, the monitor may handle Twitter, Instagram and OnlyFans accounts.

Besides taking the load off the model, they are protecting the studio's investment. If she's meeting guys on the side from the webcam the studio is losing money. When I was a Monitor, any requests to meet for money or offers of money outside the webcam got the guy booted from the room. Most are scammers.

In my experience, there are 2 main paths to get to a webcam model and the success rate is low.

1. Spend a lot of time and money in the model's webcam. Be polite, friendly and funny. For the most part you treat her like your sister. You joke around, tease and keep the chat lively. Occasionally you treat her like your sister from Kentucky and comment on her various body parts. Keep it classy. This might get you a lunch date eventually.

2. Find models who have just started. Give tips, give encouragement, flirt, joke and compliment her. If you can get her Whatsapp you have a chance.

Both methods will rarely work on models who are from middle class families. However, if you get off of the adult webcam sites and try the G rated livestream sites, those methods work quite well, especially if you catch a new girl. I managed to get Whatsapp for about 15 girls in less than a month. I've met 6, fucked one, would have nailed 2 more except for family emergencies. 2 others I could have met and gotten, but they were in different cities.

Good luck.

05-09-22, 22:17
That last one looks like a bug crawling out from under a kitchen cabinet, jajaja. I kid because I love you, jajaja. Seriously, if it was on paper, you should burn that foto, jajajajaaja.
Well, amigo, it must have been a lousy photo. Because I know you've dipped your wick in that little honey pot. Here are a few other pics to (hopefully) refresh your memory and / or reclaim my photography chops.

05-09-22, 22:20
But Parque Lleras is closed still, right?The park itself is closed yes. Most of the crowds are in Provenza now, and you will find girls working between the park and Provenza.

05-09-22, 22:38
The chicas have always stood around on the streets cirling the park, especially on the north and west sides, and all the streets are still open to pedestrians at the least. So the chicas are still there. At least they were a few weeks ago. Calle 10 near the park is a good hunting ground as well. Walk laps around the blocks on the north side of the park.The chicas are never in the park itself, or very rarely. Parque Lleras is an area as well as a park.

05-09-22, 23:54
Last night, my last in Medellin this trip, should have been great, but it ended up being interesting and just okay.

Two different non-pros were supposed to come by yesterday. The first one, who I've yet to meet, was in a panic on Saturday because her mom had been sent to the hospital and didn't get out until Sunday night, which meant she had to cancel. The other had an aunt die on Saturday night.

Usually I would laugh at the excuses, but neither had incentive either way. They weren't getting paid and they don't have any earning opportunities on Sunday.

Once that door closed I sent a few messages. 1 got back quickly, but then ghosted until after midnight, phone broken. 1 didn't get back until about an hour ago. 3 never responded. The 1 who got back to me in about 30 minutes has been reviewed before. She has a twin sister and they do trios together.

At first she wanted to know what I would pay for an hour. I explained that I don't do hours. It could last 3 or 4 hours. She came back with a ridiculous rate, 900 k for 4 hours and mentioned the possibility of bringing her twin. My counter offer for the trio was shot down and it was generous. Her final offer for the twins, 4 hours was 2 million. That's when the little head said "let's do it!

I pondered it for an hour, hoping another girl would answer, before agreeing. Everything was set up. From there I rushed to Parque Lleras, after stopping by Davivienda, to meet a friend for dinner. Which requires a background story.

Five years ago an expat named Jenson opened Jenson's bar close to Parque Lleras. He quickly shut it down to take a brief job contract elsewhere, then reopened. For a few weeks I was about the only customer. Eventually things picked up and after about 5 months it was doing well. As staff changed, I got to know them all. I was literally there 7 days a week, often working. I met Z when she started working there, 5 years ago this fall. When it was slow she would sit and talk to me. She kept talking about being my girlfriend, but I wasn't interested.

Z is a full lesbian, and she's definitely of the bull variety. She's got a nice face and a fun personality. But the body is a bit thick. She ended up finding herself a sugar mama and about the time I left Medellin she went to Chile and stayed for 4 years. I thought she was still there.

When she learned I was in town and it was my last night she wanted to see me. We met in Lleras about 8 pm and walked up to Provenza to eat. Meanwhile I had confirmed everything with the twins. I thought.

While eating, Z started showing me pictures of her amigas telling me they were available. That's when the twins told me I had to pay in advance. I might be dumb enough to pay 2 million 1 time to bang twins, but I'm not sending $500 to someone before we meet. I told her no thanks. Next it was half in advance and half upon arrival. Nope. The last offer was half on arrival at Parque Lleras and the rest in the apartment. Chao.

Which left me high and dry, until I told Z to call 1 of her friends. She found one who was working at Fase 2. We could go there, pay an exit fee and head to the apartment for a trio. When we got there, she knew everyone, the waiters, the security and of course the girls. I still had to pay the cover, but we skipped getting frisked by security.

After she hugged on the ugliest stripper I've ever seen, I wasn't feeling too good about this. However, she finally found the girl, who was cute enough and I thought we were ready to go. Nope. First she bought drinks, on my tab, for 3 girls, including the ugly one. Then there was tipping girls and a bunch of stuff that was keeping me from my apartment.

When I told her we had to go, it was late, it got her moving in the right direction. Then she says we're going to take the girl to one of the on-site rooms. Yeah. I've got a deluxe penthouse with a killer jacuzzi and I'm going to pay for a room at the club? Nope. I'm going to my apartment. More wasted time. Then she explained there weren't enough girls, so the girl couldn't leave. There aren't any fucking customers and almost none are paying for sex. Fine. Let's go. I had already paid the 110 k tab, when Z tried to buy more drinks for some girls. That's when the blood pressure went up. I'm not buying any more drinks. I'm not waiting. I'm leaving.

Looks like that jacuzzi is going to be just for me. I asked her for her address, because I was done wasting time and money. She told me no, me and her would go. Fuck it. I guess I'll fuck a lesbian and call it a night.

When we got to the gate of my apartment she told me we needed to go to Parque Lleras to find a girl. Not happening. I'm parking the car and going to my apartment, do what you want. She decided to come to the apartment.

That was a shitload to read to find out I ended up fucking a bull dyke lesbian. No kissing. No oral. I couldn't touch her. Blah, blah, blah. The body, except for the ass was uninspiring. The sex was just missionary with condom.

I got laid she got paid and it was pretty much a wasted night. They only saving point, she told me repeatedly she's never had sex with a man. That makes 2 of us.

Can't win them all.

05-10-22, 02:18

Anyone with experience in the GO building before? How is this in terms of central location and ease of mongering?The location is a little ways south so you will be taking a taxi everywhere. It looks more midway between Envigado and Parque Llera central. In regards to mongering, it usually depends how 'active' you are, but most places are fine if you're just with a girl every day or two. It's when you have a party, really slutty girls, or 2-3 a day that they start to wonder. Worst case, figure out who the front desk guy is for nights and tip him 20 k at the beginning of your trip. That will go a long ways.

05-10-22, 02:27
A Web cam model who normally makes money without any PC (personal contact) with a greasy Gringo, would rather go the dentist and get her teeth drilled without novocaine than get on a plane for someone whom she has not met. Start with and stick with girls who are in the same city as you, who can take an Uber to see you, not a jet.

If you have a slugger's batting average at getting Web cam models to meet you, then you are doing great, meaning failures are more common than successes. Look at Web cam models as just one of many potential sources in the P4 P game. They are my least common source for chicas, but fun, entertaining and gratifying when it pays off. Maybe I suck at it and my success rate should be higher, but I don't think so.

Ally is a Web cam model I am Whassapping now who says she wants to meet. She offered to meet me at the airport Thursday and stay at her place but I told her no because of her Pit Bulls. Yesterday, I casually mentioned on-line in her Public room that she had cute feet. Ten seconds later she was doing this in the first foto, jeje love it. I felt like she deserved a tip for that and I gave her a small one after the fact. This girl is nasty and natural, a great and uncommon combination. I feel encouraged. Maybe 50/50 at best we will hook-up and that's probably as good as it gets..Asti, thanks for taking the time to write out such an extensive reply. I always appreciate your insight and look forward to reading your posts. Interestingly enough, I hopped in another camgirls room today (I have too much free time) just to try and pick her brain a bit on how studios operate (whether it's typically girls typing or a moderator is translating and telling them what to say, how to react, etc). At one point I wrote something to the extent of "maybe every studio is different" to which she surprised me by saying out loud in English "no every person is different with how they do things. Every human is different. " Definitely caught me off guard but very valid point indeed. Best to keep that in mind in terms of all things Colombia (who is willing to meet up yadda, yadda, yadda) and just remember not to take things too seriously as you mentioned.

Being able to take your time and screen the girl behind a screen is definitely the best part of the cam show experience. I love being able to zoom in on the little blemishes that catch my eye & analyze how a girl reacts to pressure or when she's frustrated (how she reacts to spammers or trolls in the chat). Just general things that may go beyond your head when meeting in-person that can actually still tell you a lot about a person. I think the market of Colombian camgirls is actually saturated to the point that a large majority of their time is spent staring at an inactive chat bored to death due to lack of engagement 85% of the time, so if you tip a little and bring in the slightest stimulation to keep her brain from melting as a result of staring into an inactive chatbox an entire shift, generally she'll appreciate it and be open to engaging conversation. From there it is best to actually get to know the girl and see what she is like, and to be honest it can actually be a lot of fun.

If you really want to go the extra mile, you can also pay for a private session (that way it's only you two in the room) and then move things towards a "cam-to-cam" (c2c) so she can see you're slightly less greasy than she probably had in mind. Could help in building a bit of chemistry, but as you suggested probably no point in doing this if you've already moved things to WhatsApp away from her work social media accounts. I do agree that it's best to do this while you're already in Colombia or at least just prior to a trip or else you are most likely wasting time and effort. Sometimes being a bit spontaneous helps, if you drag things out too long people tend to lose interest. Ultimately, I don't think this should be used as a primary method for hunting either just because the market is already so huge. Seeking Arrangements and Facebook are probably the better way to go for a short trip but if you're immersing yourself to the point of learning the language and building a circle of referrals as you have on a longer stay, making friends via the camgirl sites could be a way to expand that, maybe.

Regarding the flying them out bit: I actually don't think it's a huge deal since a plane ticket from Medellin to Bogota is only $100 lost but it's best to discuss when you're already boots on the ground or at least only 10-14 days away from a trip. I can only assume a weekend trip partying with a gringo is a more fun way to make money than sitting in front of the computer at the studio but who knows. Best not to drag things out when organizing things though, it'll complicate things from a fun weekend party to her eventually wanting to take advantage of you or organize plans against just another gringo. When you're already there, whether she happens to live in the same city as you or you have flown her out, you can easily meet in public in a safe way and then progress to spending a couple days in a badass Airbnb with a hot tub from there.

I apologize if a lot of what I stated in this post just came off as me reiterating what you already said, but it's hard not to because you've hit the nail on the head. Just wanted to add my own minor thoughts & twists to things. Thanks again for taking the time to reply and I look forward to any updates with the camgirl you're in contact with.

05-10-22, 04:51

Anyone with experience in the GO building before? How is this in terms of central location and ease of mongering?I know the area well because it's not too far from where I lived. Santa Fe mall is about 10 minute walk away. 10 minutes walk in the other direction is Sao Paolo Plaza with several restaurants and a grocery store. Depending on traffic, 10-15 minutes to Parque Lleras by taxi.

As far as mongering it says in the listing that each visitor will add a 40 k charge to your bill and no more than 2 visitors at a time.

05-10-22, 05:25
Asti, thanks for taking the time to write out such an extensive reply. I always appreciate your insight and look forward to reading your posts. Interestingly enough, I hopped in another camgirls room today (I have too much free time) just to try and pick her brain a bit on how studios operate (whether it's typically girls typing or a moderator is translating and telling them what to say, how to react, etc). At one point I wrote something to the extent of "maybe every studio is different" to which she surprised me by saying out loud in English "no every person is different with how they do things. Every human is different. " Definitely caught me off guard but very valid point indeed. Best to keep that in mind in terms of all things Colombia (who is willing to meet up yadda, yadda, yadda) and just remember not to take things too seriously as you mentioned.

Being able to take your time and screen the girl behind a screen is definitely the best part of the cam show experience. I love being able to zoom in on the little blemishes that catch my eye & analyze how a girl reacts to pressure or when she's frustrated (how she reacts to spammers or trolls in the chat). Just general things that may go beyond your head when meeting in-person that can actually still tell you a lot about a person. I think the market of Colombian camgirls is actually saturated to the point that a large majority of their time is spent staring at an inactive chat bored to death due to lack of engagement 85% of the time, so if you tip a little and bring in the slightest stimulation to keep her brain from melting as a result of staring into an inactive chatbox an entire shift, generally she'll appreciate it and be open to engaging conversation. From there it is best to actually get to know the girl and see what she is like, and to be honest it can actually be a lot of fun.

If you really want to go the extra mile, you can also pay for a private session (that way it's only you two in the room) and then move things towards a "cam-to-cam" (c2c) so she can see you're slightly less greasy than she probably had in mind. Could help in building a bit of chemistry, but as you suggested probably no point in doing this if you've already moved things to WhatsApp away from her work social media accounts. I do agree that it's best to do this while you're already in Colombia or at least just prior to a trip or else you are most likely wasting time and effort. Sometimes being a bit spontaneous helps, if you drag things out too long people tend to lose interest. Ultimately, I don't think this should be used as a primary method for hunting either just because the market is already so huge. Seeking Arrangements and Facebook are probably the better way to go for a short trip but if you're immersing yourself to the point of learning the language and building a circle of referrals as you have on a longer stay, making friends via the camgirl sites could be a way to expand that, maybe..Much of what you wrote is dead on, and also absolutely wrong. I've been over this a few times before, so I'll try to keep it short.

I spent most of a year sharing an apartment with a webcam model, who I've now known for 6 years. I spent most of a year working directly for 3 webcam studios. I've met face to face with dozens of webcam girls and several times was in a room with up to 20 of them, including a few of the top webcam models in Colombia. I've had lunch meetings with anywhere from 2 to 6 webcam models. I've talked with studio owners, accountants, model managers, lawyers and international liaisons (one of which decided to become a webcam model). In short, I have some experience.

Most of the models who you are talking about (getting no tips, empty rooms, bored), aren't webcam models. Not yet. Most of them won't be around long, because it takes 6 weeks online 4-6 hours per day, to start making consistent money. It takes another month or more to cover basic living expenses. The girls who jump at the chance to meet are simply hookers that someone convinced to get on webcam. They don't have the patience to see it through. I tried with several prepagos.

So those girls, if you get to meet them, are no different than many of the hookers you can meet through other channels. Just find a girl, talk to her and ask if she's ever been on webcam. Many will say they have.

The webcam models who are making decent money, 4 k or more tokens each day, are more difficult. Meeting you is a risk. The dedicated webcam viewers will freak out if they know the girl met with someone else. I've seen this many times. It ruins the fantasy.

Paying for a webcam model to come see you is a mistake.

Using webcam as any source is a waste of time and money.

That's all for now.

05-10-22, 07:12
She surprised me by saying out loud in English "every person is different with how they do things. Every human is different.Very astute comment by your cam girl, would've caught me by surprise, too.

Reading people, that's what this is all about and it's easy to see you get it. You wrote some good points that made me stop and think, so thanks for that. You have writing skills, which come in handy on Web cam sites. You got this. I could learn a lot from you.

I was going to PM you a Whassap dialogue from the time I talked a Web cam model into leaving the studio and taking a taxi to my hotel, the first time I was ever in her room. Hilarious stuff. But you don't have PM. That transcript was my very first post here on ISG so it's been awhile, maybe I'll post it again. I am always up to flogging a dead horse into dog meat, jeje. Ostee out and keep on keepin' on. Tell you what. If I get to tag Ally or Nymphette this trip, I will repost that old Whassap dialogue to mark the occasion. Deal? Deal.

05-10-22, 08:34
You and I both know it's going to get better for you, much better. I don't want to get all Yin&Yang on you, but the bad experiences make us appreciate the good ones that much more.You were right of course, we both knew it would get better. It didn't start that way today, but the ending was wonderful.

Spent the first part of the day sleeping in and making supply runs. I was scheduled to have a repeat FB chica over in the afternoon. Then it became evening. Then it became tomorrow. Whatever, it happens. She will still be here tomorrow and she is a lot of fun.

So I threw up the hail mary and a new FB chica I have been talking to came through. She came a few times actually jaja.

She is 18, flaca and oh so cute. Amazing session. Sometimes with the younger ones they are inexperienced and it shows. Not the case tonight. She was a wildly enthusiastic performer. I will absolutely see her again before I leave.

So yes, much better indeed.

05-10-22, 13:21
"No, every person is different with how they do things. Every human is different.Astute comment by that model, would have caused me to stop and pause, too. You have some great insights. I could learn a lot from monger like you. Also, you have writing skills and that comes in handy with Web cam models.

I can tell you're a decent guy too because I believe you may not have considered one of the main angles a lot of these chicas have to, and that is safety. You and I would never hurt one of these girls so it's easy to forget that first and foremost when they agree to meet up with a guy, more or less sight unseen, they are taking a significant risk to their personal safety. Of course, that works both ways but for them I believe it is another barrier that we have to overcome for a successful meeting.

Another contingency they have to factor in is what if you ghost them after they land at the airport, and don't show up? The vast majority of these girls have no extra money and will essentially arrive broke. Is that a chance you would take if you were her?

I was going to PM you a copy and paste of my first ever post here on ISG, but I don't believe you have Messaging. It's a WhatsApp transcript between me and a Web cam model who I talked into leaving her Room and taking a taxi to my hotel, and it's hilarious. I am known to flog a dead horse into dog meat, so I could post it again, it's been well over a year, but it's long. Tell you what, if I seal the deal with the new chicas, either Nymphette and / or Ally, I will repost that transcript as a symbol of success. Deal? Deal. Ostee Out and Keep On Keepin' On.

05-10-22, 16:09
Last night, my last in Medellin this trip, should have been great, but it ended up being interesting and just okay.

I ended up fucking a bull dyke lesbian. No kissing. No oral. I couldn't touch her. Blah, blah, blah. The body, except for the ass was uninspiring. The sex was just missionary with condom.

I got laid she got paid and it was pretty much a wasted night. They only saving point, she told me repeatedly she's never had sex with a man. That makes 2 of us.

Can't win them all.That's quite a yarn, almost like a chapter out of a Clive Cussler read! LOL.

If anything, it was a night you will probably remember for quite some time.

I typically try to line things up with a regular to hang with me the night before I depart.

I try to be as Leche depleted as I can before boarding a plane to leave Colombia.

Above Average
05-10-22, 16:55
So I met up with a Facebook chica and onlyfans model yesterday who insisted that she usually doesn't do the prepago thing. At first I was skeptical but it was very believable due to how awkward she was.

One of the most unusual things was how insecure she is about her body. She is an incredibly gorgeous paisa around 20 years old but she still wants to get a nose job, boob job and butt job. I vehemently told her that her nose and butt are perfect, but she wasn't having it. She says that men in Colombia aren't interested in skinny and dark-skinned girls. It breaks my heart because here is a girl who has dozens or hundreds of subscribers on onlyfans who are constantly telling her how beautiful she is, yet she still feels the need to "upgrade" her body (which I think will be for the worse).

The sex wasn't great because of how awkward we both were, and it kind of reinforced my opinion that I should be looking for girls who are older than barely 20.

On the topic of Parque Lleras I never really had much luck there. I'm not into street walkers and the last time I went to Gusto, the girls I talked to were looking for $300 USD. Fuck that!

05-10-22, 17:49
The sex wasn't great because of how awkward we both were, and it kind of reinforced my opinion that I should be looking for girls who are older than barely 20.My second wingman is only into middle aged women, 30's, 40's, I think he delves into the lower 50's. He consistently extolls the virtues of these women's sexual techniques because they have experience. I believe him. He is a great wingman for me, because if they are 25, they are getting old, jeje.

You know you are in Medellin when my novia with out a trace of sarcasm and in all seriousness asked me on her twentieth birthday, "Am I getting too old for you?

I posted because I wanted to let you know, that there are young, 18-21 year olds out there who can blow your doors off with their sexual technique. I'm going to say the average age these chicas lose their virginity is 14. The culture is pretty much open to sexuality as being a natural, healthy part of life. Some, obviously not all, of these chicas are born naturals. I've had more than my fair share of first time P4P chicas, and they exhibited a range of experience and comfort level. On the one end I got schooled and shown stuff I sexually never experienced before, in a good way, and I've been around the block once or twice.

05-10-22, 18:37
So I met up with a Facebook chica and onlyfans model yesterday who insisted that she usually doesn't do the prepago thing. At first I was skeptical but it was very believable due to how awkward she was.

One of the most unusual things was how insecure she is about her body. She is an incredibly gorgeous paisa around 20 years old but she still wants to get a nose job, boob job and butt job. I vehemently told her that her nose and butt are perfect, but she wasn't having it. She says that men in Colombia aren't interested in skinny and dark-skinned girls. It breaks my heart because here is a girl who has dozens or hundreds of subscribers on onlyfans who are constantly telling her how beautiful she is, yet she still feels the need to "upgrade" her body (which I think will be for the worse).

The sex wasn't great because of how awkward we both were, and it kind of reinforced my opinion that I should be looking for girls who are older than barely 20.

On the topic of Parque Lleras I never really had much luck there. I'm not into street walkers and the last time I went to Gusto, the girls I talked to were looking for $300 USD. Fuck that!They probably give you gringo pricing at Gustos LOL I was there last month, ended up taking a pretty 24 year old girl. She asked for 700 kk all night but negotiated to 500 k. Maybe being Hispanic helps me LOL.

05-10-22, 18:44
I ended up fucking a bull dyke lesbian. No kissing. No oral.I respect when someone reports the good and the bad. Just as long as it's not all bad, jajaja. Bull dykes give the best blowjobs, right up there with crack working girls, trannies, and toothless grannies.

The reason I know that about bull dykes is that Catgirl attracts them. She is petite and she gets her fair share of manly women. A few times she has told them to give me a blowjob, which they will do to please her. They were all very strong and forceful, the proverbial chrome off a trailer hitch. Unlike you, I never fucked one, just been sucked, jejeje. Oh, I am sure I have fucked my share of lesbians. We all have. Supposedly the percentage of female muff divers in the P4 P game is quite high. Add on top of that, MDE is considered very lesbo friendly.

Mr Enternational
05-10-22, 19:02
One of the most unusual things was how insecure she is about her body. She is an incredibly gorgeous paisa around 20 years old but she still wants to get a nose job, boob job and butt job. I vehemently told her that her nose and butt are perfect, but she wasn't having it. She says that men in Colombia aren't interested in skinny and dark-skinned girls. It breaks my heart because here is a girl who has dozens or hundreds of subscribers on onlyfans who are constantly telling her how beautiful she is, yet she still feels the need to "upgrade" her body (which I think will be for the worse).Most women are like that. Instead of rolling with and being satisfied by who likes them, they think ALL people are suposed to like them or it does not mean shit. So, like your girl, they want to transform themselves into what they figure all people like. Which of course we know is not what all people like, especially when it is not natural.

05-10-22, 19:15
What other kind of pricing is there at Gustos?

They probably give you gringo pricing at Gustos LOL I was there last month, ended up taking a pretty 24 year old girl. She asked for 700 kk all night but negotiated to 500 k. Maybe being Hispanic helps me LOL.

05-10-22, 22:09
I will get this out of the way so I am not thinking about it after I arrive in MDE. Ally, the web cam model, already flaked on me. The first two days I suggested we get together she said she had to work 12 hours shifts. Okay. Then, when I said some time next week, she said she was going to be busy all week, traveling out of town to modeling school, and get this, her boss was "making" her go. WTF. Have to admit, I had not heard that one before, jeje. I can't really see her angle other than I have not been tipping her in her room and maybe I used up her good nature.

I'm glad she told me this far ahead compared to getting ghosted at the last minute. I promised you guys follow-up so here it is. That frees me up from the Internet because there are no more Web cam model prospects for this trip. Don't cry for me Argentina, I mean Colombia, I generally do better without plans. I thanked her for the fun we had on-line. I don't block chicas unless they are psycho or threatening. I delete their chats and stop responding.

Today, I changed my HVAC filter in my crawlspace, replaced a couple of LED bulbs, raked some mulch, did my USPS mail hold on-line, basically home-stretch stuff before boots on the ground Thu afternoon. Ostee Out.

05-10-22, 23:18
Spot on with the quote from one of your novias! I had more than one chica ask me the same. At least she gets it. How many prepagos (not saying your novia was one) are on top of their game at 25?

I am also amazed at the sex an 18-21 YO can give. The quality of the BBBJ, the way they beg for CIM. Some say that chicas fuck older gringos only for money. And it is clear that some (many? Do), but I'm 56 and I've had my share of non-pros who seem to enjoy banging me. Maybe because I treat them kindly or because I am exotic to them. And even many of the pros seems to enjoy the sex and don't mind looking at my old ass as long as I'm satisfying them. I guess good oral can go a long way.

One strange thing I've noticed with some of my non-pros lately. They aren't into receiving oral. Whether it is they are embarrassed to have some guys face that close to their snatch. Or they think it's gross. Not sure. Some of they seem to much prefer a vibrator. Maybe they've become addicted to vibrators and think nothing else can do it for them. Also noticed some of these non-pros really jumpy when you even touch there ass hole (not penetrate, just try to rub it). But luckily they are the minority. I just find it strange, especially girls who do not like to receive oral.

You know you are in Medellin when my novia with out a trace of sarcasm and in all seriousness asked me on her twentieth birthday, "Am I getting too old for you?

I posted because I wanted to let you know, that there are young, 18-21 year olds out there who can blow your doors off with their sexual technique. I'm going to say the average age these chicas lose their virginity is 14. The culture is pretty much open to sexuality as being a natural, healthy part of life. Some, obviously not all, of these chicas are born naturals. I've had more than my fair share of first time P4P chicas, and they exhibited a range of experience and comfort level. On the one end I got schooled and shown stuff I sexually never experienced before, in a good way, and I've been around the block once or twice.

05-10-22, 23:23
What I fail to understand is why any guy (other than perhaps guys from the middle east or China) would pay to watch some nude chick on a webcam. With all of the free porn out there?

When girls want to send me fotos and pics for money, I always decline. I tell them I want the real thing. They seem puzzled. I am puzzled that anyone would pay for those things. Can anyone explain it to me (beyond lack of access for some guys or culture)?

Much of what you wrote is dead on, and also absolutely wrong. I've been over this a few times before, so I'll try to keep it short.

I spent most of a year sharing an apartment with a webcam model, who I've now known for 6 years. I spent most of a year working directly for 3 webcam studios. I've met face to face with dozens of webcam girls and several times was in a room with up to 20 of them, including a few of the top webcam models in Colombia. I've had lunch meetings with anywhere from 2 to 6 webcam models. I've talked with studio owners, accountants, model managers, lawyers and international liaisons (one of which decided to become a webcam model). In short, I have some experience.

Most of the models who you are talking about (getting no tips, empty rooms, bored), aren't webcam models. Not yet. Most of them won't be around long, because it takes 6 weeks online 4-6 hours per day, to start making consistent money. It takes another month or more to cover basic living expenses. The girls who jump at the chance to meet are simply hookers that someone convinced to get on webcam. They don't have the patience to see it through. I tried with several prepagos.

So those girls, if you get to meet them, are no different than many of the hookers you can meet through other channels. Just find a girl, talk to her and ask if she's ever been on webcam. Many will say they have.

The webcam models who are making decent money, 4 k or more tokens each day, are more difficult. Meeting you is a risk. The dedicated webcam viewers will freak out if they know the girl met with someone else. I've seen this many times. It ruins the fantasy.

Paying for a webcam model to come see you is a mistake.

Using webcam as any source is a waste of time and money.

That's all for now.

05-11-22, 00:10
What I fail to understand is why any guy (other than perhaps guys from the middle east or China) would pay to watch some nude chick on a webcam. With all of the free porn out there?

When girls want to send me fotos and pics for money, I always decline. I tell them I want the real thing. They seem puzzled. I am puzzled that anyone would pay for those things. Can anyone explain it to me (beyond lack of access for some guys or culture)?Web camming in interactive; porn is not.

Above Average
05-11-22, 01:00
It's a good thing that I like slender and dark skinned girls because I think they are seriously undervalued in this city.

I decided to go the more conventional route today and I looked up a girl on pasionprepagos. I saw a nice looking dark skinned girl and contacted her on WhatsApp. Her price was 140 for an hour which, honestly, is a bit of a turnoff for me for how cheap it is. She was available and I was looking for something right away so I took the plunge. I haven't been to Laureles before and I was discouraged by how far away it was but the uber was cheap so whatever. The town was a bit seedier than I cared for and it was difficult to find the address (both uber and Google failed to register the exact location). When I buzzed into the building I was greeted by an older lady and I realized it must have been her who was answering my texts. She told me the girl was in another building so we went outside again and I felt like I was being stared at by the locals in the mini-mart. We entered to building 2 doors down and I went upstairs to wait in a room. The room was clean but everything else about the building and neighborhood made me feel uncomfortable, like I was the only vulnerable gringo in a 2 mile radius. I started getting anxious and was regretting my decision until the girl entered.

Facially she was nothing special but her body was all natural and smoking hot. Her face wasn't visible in the online photos but everything else matched or exceeded expectations. She was very friendly and I think she legitimately found me attractive. She was very energetic in bed and we went at it until my heart nearly exploded from exhaustion. I collapsed for a bit and she gave me an awesome proper massage, until I finally had the energy to finish what I started. After finishing in doggy I collapsed again, then we cuddled and she enticed me to finish a second time which is very rare for me. I showered then left her with 250 and was gladly on my way.

Definitely the best sex of my trip so far, and less than half the price of the Loutron girl and the onlyfans model! You definitely need to keep a close eye on your wallet in that establishment though.

If you want a hint her name starts with V and you can find her profile with the info in my post.

Above Average
05-11-22, 01:12
They probably give you gringo pricing at Gustos LOL I was there last month, ended up taking a pretty 24 year old girl. She asked for 700 kk all night but negotiated to 500 k. Maybe being Hispanic helps me LOL.Yeah I've never gotten such a strong "fuck off gringo" vibe in all my time in Colombia. I did notice that they were much friendlier with the Spanish speaking patrons at the bar.

Their loss though. They could have robbed me blind as I spent most of that night puking my guts out from food poisoning.

What I fail to understand is why any guy (other than perhaps guys from the middle east or China) would pay to watch some nude chick on a webcam. With all of the free porn out there?

When girls want to send me fotos and pics for money, I always decline. I tell them I want the real thing. They seem puzzled. I am puzzled that anyone would pay for those things. Can anyone explain it to me (beyond lack of access for some guys or culture)?It's not my thing either but there are at least 2 reasons why:

Exclusivity. Some guys like porn that's not widely available. This largely applies to xenophobic assholes (I'm looking at you Japan).

Connection. It's hotter to Jack off to something if you know the girl has personally given it to you. It's one baby step closer to actually having sex with that girl.

05-11-22, 02:56
What other kind of pricing is there at Gustos?You mean for drinks? The pricing for chicas is totally what they decide. The night club has nothing to do with any of that. It's just a club where people can come to, and working girls happen to like it because it is right in the Lleras area and they can often find foreigners there who will pay big money.

05-11-22, 03:38
What I fail to understand is why any guy (other than perhaps guys from the middle east or China) would pay to watch some nude chick on a webcam. With all of the free porn out there?

When girls want to send me fotos and pics for money, I always decline. I tell them I want the real thing. They seem puzzled. I am puzzled that anyone would pay for those things. Can anyone explain it to me (beyond lack of access for some guys or culture)?I can explain it, but you still won't understand.

As for why webcam instead of free porn, here's a question. Why would you go to a strip club when you can watch videos of strippers for free?

It's simple, the strip club is interactive. No matter how hard you try, you're not going to be squeezing any titties watching the video. Now try watching some free porn, say "Hello, beautiful. How are you?" The free porn says "uunnnhh, uunnhh. " It's difficult to really carry on a conversation.

I don't do webcam anymore, other than dropping in to chat with my old roommate a few times each year. When I pop in and say Hello, she's excited that I'm there. Several of her regulars who have been watching her for years, greet me. We all talk and joke and it's a fun 15-20 minutes. 20 minutes of porn is just boring.

It's easy to lump everyone who watches webcam into one group, call them sad or pathetic, and laugh at them. You can do the same with ISG. However, you get all kinds. There are guys on ISG who couldn't get laid with a fistful of $100 bills in a $5 *****house. Other guys could get laid in a convent on Easter, wearing a kippah.

Trying to understand why others do things you don't like is an exercise in futility. Look at it this way. For the amount of money many guys spend on webcam models, they could be coming to Medellin and competing with you for your girls. Instead they're paying for the webcam girls to come out and party, where you might just pick one up.

05-11-22, 13:44
I'm glad she told me this far ahead compared to getting ghosted at the last minute. I promised you guys follow-up so here it is. That frees me up from the Internet because there are no more Web cam model prospects for this trip. Don't cry for me Argentina, I mean Colombia, I generally do better without plans. I thanked her for the fun we had on-line. I don't block chicas unless they are psycho or threatening. I delete their chats and stop responding.
.Very much agree on appreciating the notice. Nothing frustrates me more than being ghosted the last minute or some excuse that is stretched out from 7 pm to 10 pm and ruins the night.

05-11-22, 13:59
You mean for drinks? The pricing for chicas is totally what they decide. The night club has nothing to do with any of that. It's just a club where people can come to, and working girls happen to like it because it is right in the Lleras area and they can often find foreigners there who will pay big money.I believe what Knowledge was referring to was that everybody knows that the girls in Gusto's ask for lots of money, meaning "gringo pricing", compared to the other venues in town, hence there is no other pricing schemes relative to the girls who work out of the establishment as he wasn't referring to the costs of drinks.

It's a perfect place for high rollers coming onto town for a few days staying at the Charlee Hotel within a 100 yards of Gustos.

I can envision the smarter working girls in Gustos inquiring as to where a guy is staying, and if they say the Charlee Hotel, they probably quote an even higher amount, as the Charlee Hotel is not a cheap place to stay at.

I suspect a lot of the guys who are "high rollers", are clueless as to how inexpensive girls can be in Colombia, but doesn't matter to them as its chump change to them.

Gustos is a perfect venue for some, depending on how they roll.

05-11-22, 15:52
Very much agree on appreciating the notice. Nothing frustrates me more than being ghosted the last minute or some excuse that is stretched out from 7 pm to 10 pm and ruins the night.Thank you pointing that out. I should have stressed that more. Any notice of cancelation before the last minute is appreciated with these chicas, who are known to stretch out flaking over an entire evening and still not show up. In fact, I cannot ever recall once a chica letting me me know this far in advance. I am going to message her and thank her.

Tomorrow, I am supposed to go directly to Nymphette's hotel. I have the address, name of hotel, and room number which is a good start. Of course, she could flake, too but I will stick my neck out and say it seems like she wants to hook up. Yesterday, she Whassapped me saying she had a horrible toothache. I told her I would bring her some penicillin and Aleve I had on hand, so I guess that's some extra motivation for her to see me.

I reminded Nymphette that a bad toothache may temporarily get her out of doing blowjobs, but that still leaves two holes I can use. She agreed and sent me a laughing gif. I have never had a chica in MDE be offended by my two-out-of-three holes rule. I haven't field tested that rule here in Pussy Prison / USA, but I am pretty sure it would not fly as well.

Nymphette is new, a chica I fucked twice in 2 days from Hotel Puta Central during the last week of my last visit, a little over a month ago. I met her because she was in the room across the hall from the girl I was there fucking. Nymphette is in a different hotel now. She got kicked out Hotel Puta for non-payment. Obviously, we hit it off well but I am taking a chance going "all in" and staying with a girl I barely know. I travel light and can make a quick escape if needed.

She sent me a TikTok of her and her half-sister shaking their asses, they look nothing alike. Nymphette is tall, built, pale. Her sister is miniature, tiny, darker. They are in the same hotel room.

Nymphette is the jealous type, and already apologizing for it. She said I can bang her sister as long as I don't communicate with her sister on-line behind her back. I told her the best solution to that is to keep the three of us together as much as possible, including in the only bed in the hotel room.

I told her I would pay the hotel bill while I was there, feed them both, and when I leave she would have some money in her pocket. Obviously, updates will be required, jajaja.

Ostee Out!

05-11-22, 16:53
Had the weirdest seeking experience last night. Met with the girl at a mall for drinks. She's young, cute and dressed to have fun. Conversation is going well. She has some wine which she downs rather quickly, and then goes to the bathroom.

She's in the bathroom a rather long time and asks me if I thought she bolted when she came back. I tell her it's no problem if she doesn't feel comfortable, we can just have drinks and talk. She says she's comfortable but in a few minutes looks seriously sick. Glassy eyes, running nose, unable to talk straight. She asks me to take her to my casa. I think she just needs some water and to lay down.

As soon as we get to my building the security detain her and call the cops (or make a show of it). Then they get her to unlock her phone and call her family. She's mostly zombie like but after 30 minutes recovers enough to start crying a bit and apologizing to me. I'm confused as hell why she's apologizing and tell her everyone has bad days.

Her family arrives en masse, Colombian style with her mother, sister and some other relative. They talk to the security, talk to her and eventually put her in the car to leave. Before that happens the sister turns and says "she took something" as if it's happened before. Most likely she drugged herself in the bathroom, maybe for attention?

If I had to do it again, I might try to call her family myself instead of waiting for security to do it. Now I need to decide if I see her again to finish the deal or if that's too risky. Stay safe out there.

05-11-22, 17:06
There is a very simple and effective way to prevent being ghosted last minute or otherwise. It is a two step process. Step 1 = Set a meeting time. Step 2 = At the established meeting time, proceed with the encounter or move on to another provider.

Very much agree on appreciating the notice. Nothing frustrates me more than being ghosted the last minute or some excuse that is stretched out from 7 pm to 10 pm and ruins the night.

05-11-22, 17:18
I agree mostly with what you wrote. The notion that the club "has nothing to do with" transactions and pricing is unrealistic in my opinion. At any rate, the pricing in that place is well above market rates. That is why I questioned what rate other than gringo rate would be available. You aren't really suggesting there are bargains to be had in Gustos are you?

You mean for drinks? The pricing for chicas is totally what they decide. The night club has nothing to do with any of that. It's just a club where people can come to, and working girls happen to like it because it is right in the Lleras area and they can often find foreigners there who will pay big money.

05-11-22, 18:26
There is a very simple and effective way to prevent being ghosted last minute or otherwise. It is a two step process. Step 1 = Set a meeting time. Step 2 = At the established meeting time, proceed with the encounter or move on to another provider.You still got ghosted, all you did was shift to another chica, where the risk of ghosting or getting flaked still exists. Thanks for playing.

05-11-22, 19:00
Had the weirdest seeking experience last night. Met with the girl at a mall for drinks. She's young, cute and dressed to have fun. Conversation is going well. She has some wine which she downs rather quickly, and then goes to the bathroom.

She's in the bathroom a rather long time and asks me if I thought she bolted when she came back. I tell her it's no problem if she doesn't feel comfortable, we can just have drinks and talk. She says she's comfortable but in a few minutes looks seriously sick. Glassy eyes, running nose, unable to talk straight. She asks me to take her to my casa. I think she just needs some water and to lay down.

As soon as we get to my building the security detain her and call the cops (or make a show of it). Then they get her to unlock her phone and call her family. She's mostly zombie like but after 30 minutes recovers enough to start crying a bit and apologizing to me. I'm confused as hell why she's apologizing and tell her everyone has bad days..That should be the world's easiest decision.

Option #1- You see her again and she takes too much of something and you've got a dead chica in your room.

Option #2- You see her again and she takes something and the police seeing you dragging around a zonked out girl and decide you drugged her. Then you spend a few days in a Colombian jail while they figure it out. Unless she dies and you're stuck there indefinitely.

Option #3- You see her again and this time she slips you some of the drug too. You get to choose between coma, death, permanent impairment or getting robbed, except you don't get to choose.

Option #4- You decide that hanging out with someone who is likely to overdose on you is not a good idea.

05-11-22, 19:03
Had the weirdest seeking experience last night. Met with the girl at a mall for drinks. She's young, cute and dressed to have fun. Conversation is going well. She has some wine which she downs rather quickly, and then goes to the bathroom.

She's in the bathroom a rather long time and asks me if I thought she bolted when she came back. I tell her it's no problem if she doesn't feel comfortable, we can just have drinks and talk. She says she's comfortable but in a few minutes looks seriously sick. Glassy eyes, running nose, unable to talk straight. She asks me to take her to my casa. I think she just needs some water and to lay down.

As soon as we get to my building the security detain her and call the cops (or make a show of it). Then they get her to unlock her phone and call her family. She's mostly zombie like but after 30 minutes recovers enough to start crying a bit and apologizing to me. I'm confused as hell why she's apologizing and tell her everyone has bad days..That's way too many red flags for me, I would lose that number fast.

05-11-22, 20:25
Had the weirdest seeking experience last night. Met with the girl at a mall for drinks. She's youn

As soon as we get to my building the security detain her and call the cops (or make a show of it).

If I had to do it again, I might try to call her family myself instead of waiting for security to do it. Now I need to decide if I see her again to finish the deal or if that's too risky. Stay safe out there.WTF, why would you even consider that with a nut case? You must like danger, have you considered the number of ways that could have gone bad for you?

05-11-22, 20:45
Last night, my last in Medellin this trip, should have been great, but it ended up being interesting and just okay.

At first she wanted to know what I would pay for an hour. I explained that I don't do hours. It could last 3 or 4 hours. She came back with a ridiculous rate, 900 k for 4 hours and mentioned the possibility of bringing her twin. My counter offer for the trio was shot down and it was generous. Her final offer for the twins, 4 hours was 2 million. That's when the little head said "let's do it!

I got laid she got paid and it was pretty much a wasted night. They only saving point, she told me repeatedly she's never had sex with a man. That makes 2 of us.

Can't win them all.Apart from the obvious, every man pays what he feels he wants to pay. What about those twins made 2 M worth considering JJbee? Because you've always been a voice of reason,even sharing a good line to initiate negotiations, so was it just a rush of blood to the little head, or is pussy inflation that wild?

FWIW 200mil or 200mil y taxi is still getting me dates as recently as April.

05-11-22, 21:36
I am astonished you would bring her to your apartment in this situation. I am also astonished you would consider seeing her again.

Had the weirdest seeking experience last night. Met with the girl at a mall for drinks. She's young, cute and dressed to have fun. Conversation is going well. She has some wine which she downs rather quickly, and then goes to the bathroom.

She's in the bathroom a rather long time and asks me if I thought she bolted when she came back. I tell her it's no problem if she doesn't feel comfortable, we can just have drinks and talk. She says she's comfortable but in a few minutes looks seriously sick. Glassy eyes, running nose, unable to talk straight. She asks me to take her to my casa. I think she just needs some water and to lay down.

As soon as we get to my building the security detain her and call the cops (or make a show of it). Then they get her to unlock her phone and call her family. She's mostly zombie like but after 30 minutes recovers enough to start crying a bit and apologizing to me. I'm confused as hell why she's apologizing and tell her everyone has bad days..

Mojo Bandit
05-11-22, 22:13
She's in the bathroom a rather long time and asks me if I thought she bolted when she came back.
Her family arrives en masse, Colombian style with her mother, sister and some other relative. They talk to the security, talk to her and eventually put her in the car to leave. Before that happens the sister turns and says "she took something" as if it's happened before. .I know it is not the most likely situation but runny nose is listed as a "less common" side effect of Scopolamine. I never heard of a Seeking chica pulling anything but what if she went to the bathroom to try to prepare to some how pass it to you but what ever means she was going to use backfired (and maybe it happened to her before) and she ended up somehow with hit in her system? Even I think its a Longshot but her her symptoms are enough to make me wonder.

Fun Luvr
05-11-22, 22:42
Apart from the obvious, every man pays what he feels he wants to pay. What about those twins made 2 M worth considering JJbee? Because you've always been a voice of reason,even sharing a good line to initiate negotiations, so was it just a rush of blood to the little head, or is pussy inflation that wild?

FWIW 200mil or 200mil y taxi is still getting me dates as recently as April.Appears he doesn't understand math. 900 mil for one chica, with a possibility of two, is a ridiculous rate; but 2 million for two chicas is acceptable.

As recent as last week, I was getting visit requests from chicas for 200 mil plus taxis.

05-11-22, 23:17
Apart from the obvious, every man pays what he feels he wants to pay. What about those twins made 2 M worth considering JJbee? Because you've always been a voice of reason,even sharing a good line to initiate negotiations, so was it just a rush of blood to the little head, or is pussy inflation that wild?

FWIW 200mil or 200mil y taxi is still getting me dates as recently as April.Same here. My last visit, I had no refusals offering 200 M for chicas from various venues (mostly Facebook, Mansion, and one Gustos girl I got # from) And I'm pickier than most as far as what I'll bone.

05-12-22, 00:35
I agree mostly with what you wrote. The notion that the club "has nothing to do with" transactions and pricing is unrealistic in my opinion. At any rate, the pricing in that place is well above market rates. That is why I questioned what rate other than gringo rate would be available. You aren't really suggesting there are bargains to be had in Gustos are you?I've been in there. It's a disco type club. Lots of young people go there, not sex workers necessarily. Couples, etc. Dancing, booze, music (loud).

And gals looking for pay for play go there. They know that the place has a reputation, they know that the Charlee is just down the block, etc. And they know others that have got the big bucks (hundreds of dollars US). So that becomes the asking price. Same girls as go for 1 quarter of the price in another place. Why wouldn't they?

So it's not a strip club, it's not a casa. Of course I don't know if the girls have a price structure agreed on, or if the place is involved in that. But I do know that some have gotten chicas for 200 mil, and other for 2 or 300 dollars. So I'm not sure what basis you think that the club is somehow involved. Yes, they know what is going on, and if it's good for their business they don't have to do anything except sell overpriced drinks etc.

05-12-22, 00:43
Had the weirdest seeking experience last night. Met with the girl at a mall for drinks. She's young, cute and dressed to have fun. Conversation is going well. She has some wine which she downs rather quickly, and then goes to the bathroom.

She's in the bathroom a rather long time and asks me if I thought she bolted when she came back. I tell her it's no problem if she doesn't feel comfortable, we can just have drinks and talk. She says she's comfortable but in a few minutes looks seriously sick. Glassy eyes, running nose, unable to talk straight. She asks me to take her to my casa. I think she just needs some water and to lay down.

As soon as we get to my building the security detain her and call the cops (or make a show of it). Then they get her to unlock her phone and call her family. She's mostly zombie like but after 30 minutes recovers enough to start crying a bit and apologizing to me. I'm confused as hell why she's apologizing and tell her everyone has bad days..There is absolutely no reason to ever see this girl again. She is clearly mentally unstable and took a dangerous amount of drugs which she could not handle. You are a good guy for taking her back to your casa. I understand you can't just let the girl pass out in the middle of the mall, but that is very risky business. What if she had overdosed and they put the blame on you? It is not impossible to imagine that scenario.

There are so many opportunities to meet girls in Medellin who would not put that risk on you. Look bro, you had the resources to have travelled to Medellin as well as had the money to afford SA. You are not limited to scoring decent women like you may be in the United States. Don't put yourself back in that situation when it is so easy to just pick up normal girls who aren't dealing with mental illness. I too have noticed in my travels that it is harder to spot the crazy ones due to the language barrier and by the time you figure it out, it's too late and your fucking them planning your exit as quick as possible.

I banged a chica in Mexico once, after fucking her we were lying bed and communicating in my broken Spanish and her broken English. As we are communicating she starts meowing like a cat and purring as she is talking to me. Like not in a sexy way at all, like in a very strange way which really started to signal to me that the girl has some screws loose. Weirded me out and a little while later I informed her it was time for me to sleep and her to be on her way. She was a Seeking chica as well.

05-12-22, 01:03
Appears he doesn't understand math. 900 mil for one chica, with a possibility of two, is a ridiculous rate; but 2 million for two chicas is acceptable.

As recent as last week, I was getting visit requests from chicas for 200 mil plus taxis.I don't think it was a math issue at all. One chica wanted 900 mil for 4 hours and maybe she would bring her twin sister. He deemed that as a ridiculous offer. We all agree, right?

BUT a trio for 4 hours with twins for 2 million was an incongruous proposition! Yes the economics sound silly BUT this is a bucket list item. At some point in our monger lives we all pay something ridiculous for whatever reason. One of the most common reasons is to fulfil a fantasy (or to check off a bucket list item). Note that it wasn't any "two chicas" it was twins.

I admit I have that fantasy on my bucket list too.

05-12-22, 01:14
I've been in there. It's a disco type club. Lots of young people go there, not sex workers necessarily. Couples, etc. Dancing, booze, music (loud).

And gals looking for pay for play go there. They know that the place has a reputation, they know that the Charlee is just down the block, etc. And they know others that have got the big bucks (hundreds of dollars US). So that becomes the asking price. Same girls as go for 1 quarter of the price in another place. Why wouldn't they?

So it's not a strip club, it's not a casa. Of course I don't know if the girls have a price structure agreed on, or if the place is involved in that. But I do know that some have gotten chicas for 200 mil, and other for 2 or 300 dollars. So I'm not sure what basis you think that the club is somehow involved. Yes, they know what is going on, and if it's good for their business they don't have to do anything except sell overpriced drinks etc.I've gone to Gusto over the last 2 years about 5 times. I've never gotten quoted a price over 300 k cop. The ones that quote me 300k have always agreed to 250k

05-12-22, 02:53
I've gone to Gusto over the last 2 years about 5 times. I've never gotten quoted a price over 300 k cop. The ones that quote me 300k have always agreed to 250kIt truly must be a mixed bag because I've been to Gusto's twice this year and was quoted 300 USD by multiple girls both times on a Thursday night. One went down to 200 USD and even had the nerve to say "It's not even that much, it should be nothing to you".

When I hear USD I'm immediate tuned out and didn't every try negotiating.

Mr Enternational
05-12-22, 03:06
I've gone to Gusto over the last 2 years about 5 times. I've never gotten quoted a price over 300 k cop. The ones that quote me 300k have always agreed to 250kI have been there once. And that night all the quotes were 300, but they were talking about US dollars.

05-12-22, 04:13
I don't think it was a math issue at all. One chica wanted 900 mil for 4 hours and maybe she would bring her twin sister. He deemed that as a ridiculous offer. We all agree, right?

BUT a trio for 4 hours with twins for 2 million was an incongruous proposition! Yes the economics sound silly BUT this is a bucket list item. At some point in our monger lives we all pay something ridiculous for whatever reason. One of the most common reasons is to fulfil a fantasy (or to check off a bucket list item). Note that it wasn't any "two chicas" it was twins.

I admit I have that fantasy on my bucket list too.You did about as good a job as anyone could at defending JJBee and his diving headfirst into a 2 million proposal, an uphill climb for sure, but that's what friends are for. LOL If the bucket list is so important then tell her to turn the 900 mil into a sure thing to bring the sister along. Given the already inflated price there's a good chance she would have jumped on it. And given that she was asking the crazy 900 mil to start with it, it should come as no surprise that she just gave him a quickie and beelined for the door. He never said that he got to do both of them.

05-12-22, 04:42
Apart from the obvious, every man pays what he feels he wants to pay. What about those twins made 2 M worth considering JJbee? Because you've always been a voice of reason,even sharing a good line to initiate negotiations, so was it just a rush of blood to the little head, or is pussy inflation that wild?

FWIW 200mil or 200mil y taxi is still getting me dates as recently as April.Normally, I don't find myself in a position where my options are limited, as I work enough in advance to give me time to address issues. This time I had set aside Sunday, Mother's Day, to meet separately with 2 non-pros. Both had issues come up. One of them let me know on Saturday, but I expected it to be resolved in time on Sunday. The other didn't know about the issue until Sunday afternoon. That left me getting a late start.

Most of this trip was already taken up by 2 non-pros, so my to-screw list hadn't been updated and the girls informed. I put together a short list and sent some messages. The only one I could get in touch with was the twin (reviewed by Lucky Nuts) a year or so ago. I had talked with her a few times recently, indicating I was interested.

When she mentioned her twin, I was interested. That's the reason I had been in touch, to perhaps scratch that off my list. The price for her alone was high, for the 2 was even worse. She appeared unwilling to budge, so I kept it as an option.

Having a real 3 some with twins isn't easy to find and it's not something I'm likely to do twice. $500 is way high for Medellin, but there are guys in Gusto paying close to that for 1 girl, 1 hour. I could still do it and be under budget. If nothing better came up, what the hell.

Nothing better came up, I gave her the green light and then she killed the deal. As soon as she said pay in advance, that ship had sailed.

05-12-22, 05:09
Appears he doesn't understand math. 900 mil for one chica, with a possibility of two, is a ridiculous rate; but 2 million for two chicas is acceptable.

As recent as last week, I was getting visit requests from chicas for 200 mil plus taxis.If you had only been born with the body of a woman, about 20 years later. With your unwavering devotion to me, we'd probably be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary now. I'm literally 95% of your reason to post on ISG.

Instead you got the brain of a goat and a pot belly full of spite.

As recently as last week I spent 24 hours with a woman, paid no taxis, got all the sex I could handle, received a homemade gift and some expensive chocolates for my birthday and only gave her 100 k. The week before I spent 4 days with a woman, she picked me up at the airport, I spent the first night in her house, she had her sister drive us to the airport, and other than paying expenses, which weren't much, I paid her nothing.

Now let's go with the math.

Let's say a girl asks 200 k, plus taxis. Then she offers to bring another girl, for another 200 k, plus taxis if they're not coming from the same place. That's 400 k plus taxis. No problem.

What if she instead offers to bring her sister, girl on girl, all the good stuff? Does that raise the price? What if it's her twin sister? Does that raise the price?

The answer isn't a math problem. Some guys have no interest in 3 somes. Some would be turned off by sisters, especially twins. Some simply lack the stamina. And some simply can't afford to spend the money.

It boils down to 3 simple questions:

1. Can you afford it?

2. Do you want it?

3. Are you willing to pay the price?

At the time I agreed, I said yes, yes and yes. When payment was demanded in advance I said yes, yes, no.

05-12-22, 05:50
I've gone to Gusto over the last 2 years about 5 times. I've never gotten quoted a price over 300 k cop. The ones that quote me 300k have always agreed to 250kYou must be mistaken for usd LOL. I use to go to gustos all the time when I first started going to Colombia.

The lowest I've been quoted was 400 cop for an all nighter and it was only because the girl saw me there a few times and wanted to go with me. And giving me BBFS I guess is her way of showing me.

But 250 cop -300 cop will never be quoted in Gustos unless it's closing time and they're desperate.

05-12-22, 09:50
I look sensible and prudent compared to you, jajaja. Stay safe!

Had the weirdest seeking experience last night. Met with the girl at a mall for drinks. She's young, cute and dressed to have fun. Conversation is going well. She has some wine which she downs rather quickly, and then goes to the bathroom.

She's in the bathroom a rather long time and asks me if I thought she bolted when she came back. I tell her it's no problem if she doesn't feel comfortable, we can just have drinks and talk. She says she's comfortable but in a few minutes looks seriously sick. Glassy eyes, running nose, unable to talk straight. She asks me to take her to my casa. I think she just needs some water and to lay down.

As soon as we get to my building the security detain her and call the cops (or make a show of it). Then they get her to unlock her phone and call her family. She's mostly zombie like but after 30 minutes recovers enough to start crying a bit and apologizing to me. I'm confused as hell why she's apologizing and tell her everyone has bad days..

05-12-22, 12:40
I've gone to Gusto over the last 2 years about 5 times. I've never gotten quoted a price over 300 k cop. The ones that quote me 300k have always agreed to 250kAgree with others. I last went 4-5 years ago because it was just so damned loud and I don't stay out so late anymore, but the lowest I was ever quoted was '300', with most then trying to saying that they meant USD when you get outside or to apartment. Of course the exchanges was around 2800 to 3000 back then. The best I ever did was $100 USD (equivalent of 300 k at the time) plus taxi for a nice blonde. You can often find the same girls just outside or at the Beer Store just before Gusto's opens or as it gets close to closing time.

Gianni Versace
05-12-22, 12:49
I'm looking to book an Airbnb while I'm in Medellin and have noticed some hosts who specifically indicate hat the property not to be used for sex tourism or prostitution. Have any of you ever rented a property with those stipulations and have any issues bringing a China back?

05-12-22, 13:37
I'm looking to book an Airbnb while I'm in Medellin and have noticed some hosts who specifically indicate hat the property not to be used for sex tourism or prostitution. Have any of you ever rented a property with those stipulations and have any issues bringing a China back?I'd they specifically state "No Sex Tourism" I only stay there if I have no intention of bringing any girls back. I did that once for a couple days and saw a gringo arguing with the desk clerk about it. It's not worth messing with.

If the listing states no prostitution, I feel the same. Look elsewhere. The last place I stayed, after I booked, sent a letter with additional info and the letter said "no prostitution." Looking at the listing I decided that prostitutes were almost certainly being brought in. I saw several obvious prepagos while I was there and had no trouble bringing girls back.

05-12-22, 15:00
Nymphette is new, a chica I fucked twice in 2 days from Hotel Puta Central during the last week of my last visit, a little over a month ago. I met her because she was in the room across the hall from the girl I was there fucking.Where is that Hotel Puta Central?

05-12-22, 15:11
I'm looking to book an Airbnb while I'm in Medellin and have noticed some hosts who specifically indicate hat the property not to be used for sex tourism or prostitution. Have any of you ever rented a property with those stipulations and have any issues bringing a Chica back?Better avoid it. They don't have anything to gain by having that rule on Airbnb.

05-12-22, 15:57
Better avoid it. They don't have anything to gain by having that rule on Airbnb.Best bet I've found for chica friendly Airbnb's (without directly asking the host) is to look for Airbnb's with Self Entry. That means the building has no doorman and a key code is provided for the front door and / or your apartment. The advantage is that obviously, you can bring up as many chicas as you want and as long as you don't annoy your neighbors, you'll be fine. The cons are that this will limit the number of Airbnb's you'll find and potentially less safe with no doorman. Agree with the other post. The "house rules" for each Airbnb are usually specific as to the guest policy.

05-12-22, 15:59
I have been there once. And that night all the quotes were 300, but they were talking about US dollars.I have no experience with Gusto's, but strongly suspect, and maybe another board member can confirm this, but seems like they might have a very strong grapevine among some of the girls working out of there, and hence communicate amongst one another about how they are doing with pricing.

And besides guys checking out the talent upon arriving, all of those same guys are being sized up by the girls in many ways, some times by their looks, how they are dressed, how old / or out of shape they might be, do they speak Spanish of which is huge, and of course how much they might be able to get from a guy. Yet, maybe for some guys, that the girls don't want to go with, they throw out a huge sum, hoping to hit the Jackpot.

I know all the girls are independents in Gustos, but am sure there is a bit more to it, with guys posting they were quoted 300 USD and others who said they were quoted 300 K COP.

The explanation perhaps goes back to the girls being independents, and how good they are at sizing the guys up, and their sales skills, besides just how sexy or beautiful they are.

It's interesting how diverse mongering negotiations can be when dealing with Fayboo girls, street walkers, and at Gustos, which can pretty much be a free for all versus the fixed pricing at other venues.

I suppose somebody could write a book on this.

05-12-22, 16:15
Just got back to medellin the day before yesterday and this trip is starting out excellent. I had a beautiful 19 year old vennie spinner come to my hotel yesterday. It turns out she's actually a Webcam model for some online Webcam or some shit but I actually met her thru her sister who I met on a previous trip. Excellent BBFS with CIP 1 hour 150 k COP. Absolutely great service and with a smile LOL. To borrow a phrase from Ostee, I've included some gratuitous photos. Enjoy.


Gianni Versace
05-12-22, 16:38
Just got back to medellin the day before yesterday and this trip is starting out excellent. I had a beautiful 19 year old vennie spinner come to my hotel yesterday. It turns out she's actually a Webcam model for some online Webcam or some shit but I actually met her thru her sister who I met on a previous trip. Excellent BBFS with CIP 1 hour 150 k COP. Absolutely great service and with a smile LOL. To borrow a phrase from Ostee, I've included some gratuitous photos. Enjoy.

-Gabacho.She is a dime piece. The bed sheets are kind of funny LOL.

05-12-22, 16:40
I'm looking to book an Airbnb while I'm in Medellin and have noticed some hosts who specifically indicate hat the property not to be used for sex tourism or prostitution. Have any of you ever rented a property with those stipulations and have any issues bringing a China back?That's Roman Catholicism for you.

05-12-22, 17:18
If the listing states no prostitution, I feel the same. Look elsewhere. The last place I stayed, after I booked, sent a letter with additional info and the letter said "no prostitution." Looking at the listing I decided that prostitutes were almost certainly being brought in. I saw several obvious prepagos while I was there and had no trouble bringing girls back.I think it's more the "norm" to bring girls back to your place if your extremely discrete, and at a place that nobody has reported about being non friendly. However, if your required to sign something specifically about this activity not being not allowed than move on.

All apartments have an extensive set of rules that the owners of the Units must comply with regardless of who is in the Unit, as the owner will be responsible for infractions which are in existence at some properties.

Such as violating noise rules more than once resulting in a spelled out fine the owner will be responsible for, of which of course would be collected from the renter.

Again, it boils down to being discrete, and greasing the skids with the Porteros.

Small tips, bringing food / drinks to the Porteros will make things a lot easier, especially if things get complicated and you have established a friendly rapport with the Porteros.

The worse thing though that can happen though is, if your in a building, and you have a very young tart in tow, and you get stuck with a family or older couple on an elevator, and the others totally despise what your doing and report back to the building administrator.

I personally am very discrete and fly under the radar as much as I can, but when a guy is bringing multiple girls in, it can be a challenge. However we've had some previous posters fluent in Spanish that had greased the skids with the Porteros and didn't have too many problems.

05-12-22, 17:45
I have no experience with Gusto's, but strongly suspect, and maybe another board member can confirm this, but seems like they might have a very strong grapevine among some of the girls working out of there, and hence communicate amongst one another about how they are doing with pricing.

And besides guys checking out the talent upon arriving, all of those same guys are being sized up by the girls in many ways, some times by their looks, how they are dressed, how old / or out of shape they might be, do they speak Spanish of which is huge, and of course how much they might be able to get from a guy. Yet, maybe for some guys, that the girls don't want to go with, they throw out a huge sum, hoping to hit the Jackpot.

I know all the girls are independents in Gustos, but am sure there is a bit more to it, with guys posting they were quoted 300 USD and others who said they were quoted 300 K COP.

The explanation perhaps goes back to the girls being independents, and how good they are at sizing the guys up, and their sales skills, besides just how sexy or beautiful they are.

It's interesting how diverse mongering negotiations can be when dealing with Fayboo girls, street walkers, and at Gustos, which can pretty much be a free for all versus the fixed pricing at other venues.

I suppose somebody could write a book on this.A couple of years ago one of the gusto girls named Geraldine (I think she still frequents Gusto, saw her there a few months ago) sent me a screenshot with her rates. See attached. 1 HR started at 100 usd or 300 k cop, even though back then the exchange rate was like 3300-3400. These rates were for outcall, if we were to meet on a different day. The night I met her at Gusto she asked for a little bit more, I don't remember the exact numbers, but I think it was in the 400-500 mil cop range to take her home. The exact same screenshot with rates was also sent to me by another gusto girl, whose name I forgot. That means 2 things. Gusto girls definitely have a union and communicate with each other. Secondly, the takeout rates are much higher, if you want to save money, just collect a whatsapp number and schedule a date for the next day.

05-12-22, 18:37
I've included some gratuitous photos. Enjoy.

-Gabacho.Where are you staying, the children's hospice?

05-12-22, 18:41
Where are you staying, the children's hospice?LOL cheap ass 28 k COP a day hotel in centro. Not my choice of bed sheets LOL it came with the room along with the cockroaches.

05-12-22, 22:38
Nice get. She takes what I pay and gives what I expect. She is my type. Not very often that I'm envious of something posted on here.

Just got back to medellin the day before yesterday and this trip is starting out excellent. I had a beautiful 19 year old vennie spinner come to my hotel yesterday. It turns out she's actually a Webcam model for some online Webcam or some shit but I actually met her thru her sister who I met on a previous trip. Excellent BBFS with CIP 1 hour 150 k COP. Absolutely great service and with a smile LOL. To borrow a phrase from Ostee, I've included some gratuitous photos. Enjoy.


05-12-22, 23:08
You did about as good a job as anyone could at defending JJBee and his diving headfirst into a 2 million proposal, an uphill climb for sure, but that's what friends are for. LOL If the bucket list is so important then tell her to turn the 900 mil into a sure thing to bring the sister along. Given the already inflated price there's a good chance she would have jumped on it. And given that she was asking the crazy 900 mil to start with it, it should come as no surprise that she just gave him a quickie and beelined for the door. He never said that he got to do both of them.Actually he (I'll be third person Jjbee today) specifically said he didn't do either of them, because they told him to pay in advance and he told them that was never going to happen.

That's when the twins told me I had to pay in advance. I might be dumb enough to pay 2 million 1 time to bang twins, but I'm not sending $500 to someone before we meet. I told her no thanks. Next it was half in advance and half upon arrival. Nope. The last offer was half on arrival at Parque Lleras and the rest in the apartment. Chao.Also, when she quoted him 900 k, she suggested her twin might be available. She was not saying she would come for 900 k and maybe bring along her twin for no additional charge. He (jjbee) even wrote in his report that his counter offer, which was also ridiculously high, was immediately dismissed:

"At first she wanted to know what I would pay for an hour. I explained that I don't do hours. It could last 3 or 4 hours. She came back with a ridiculous rate, 900 k for 4 hours and mentioned the possibility of bringing her twin. My counter offer for the trio was shot down and it was generous. Her final offer for the twins, 4 hours was 2 million. That's when the little head said 'let's do it!'"Perhaps you should go back and read the report again. Although I think he (jjbee) is often long-winded, it seems to be pretty clear:

Last night, my last in Medellin this trip, should have been great, but it ended up being interesting and just okay.It is great having friends. I was just talking to a few today. The girl running the Maid business wanted to know if I had any friends in Medellin, because she had several new girls working for her and she needs to know how well they perform as prepagos. She asked if I could find a few guys I trust to take a girl below market rate, session with her, take photos and then write an honest critique. I think it will probably be an ongoing affair, at least until all the girls have been properly critiqued and trained.

This friend stuff is great. I'm happy to have all of mine.

05-12-22, 23:08
Best bet I've found for chica friendly Airbnb's (without directly asking the host) is to look for Airbnb's with Self Entry. That means the building has no doorman and a key code is provided for the front door and / or your apartment. The advantage is that obviously, you can bring up as many chicas as you want and as long as you don't annoy your neighbors, you'll be fine. The cons are that this will limit the number of Airbnb's you'll find and potentially less safe with no doorman. Agree with the other post. The "house rules" for each Airbnb are usually specific as to the guest policy.It's not that hard to tell with Airbnb are guest friendly IMO. The reviews and reviewers give it away most of the time. Reviewers will mention guests, visitors, doormen, or even loud parties in the building. I know a monger review when I see one. LOL.

Gianni Versace
05-13-22, 00:23
Actually he (I'll be third person Jjbee today) specifically said he didn't do either of them, because they told him to pay in advance and he told them that was never going to happen.

Also, when she quoted him 900 k, she suggested her twin might be available. She was not saying she would come for 900 k and maybe bring along her twin for no additional charge. He (jjbee) even wrote in his report that his counter offer, which was also ridiculously high, was immediately dismissed:

Perhaps you should go back and read the report again. Although I think he (jjbee) is often long-winded, it seems to be pretty clear:

It is great having friends. I was just talking to a few today. The girl running the Maid business wanted to know if I had any friends in Medellin, because she had several new girls working for her and she needs to know how well they perform as prepagos. She asked if I could find a few guys I trust to take a girl below market rate, session with her, take photos and then write an honest critique. I think it will probably be an ongoing affair, at least until all the girls have been properly critiqued and trained.

This friend stuff is great. I'm happy to have all of mine.How much does the maid service cost? I maybe interested for this type of service for 1 day I am in medellin in a few weeks LOL. I have always seen these type of pornos on pornhub and jerked off to this fantasy before. Pretty amazing if it could be a reality.

05-13-22, 00:31
Supposedly they had their first customer today, for a prepago, not the maid service. I'm still waiting to hear how everything went, although I was told it went well.

She's added a few more girls and I was told the prepago rates were 400 k for 1 hour, nothing additional for taxis. I don't set the rates, I just report them. I did point out that the "1 hour" bit was too restrictive, so I believe it's now 90 minutes. I also told her to consider assigning a customer number to each customer (not a name) and to give repeat customers a discount for a certain number of visits and for referrals.

Again, I'm light on the details. The woman bounces questions off me while I'm working and I give her my opinions. Apparently, she's moving towards becoming a full blown prepago agency. She sent a picture today of a VIP girl who wants 1 million for 1 hour, 1.5 for 2. I told her make the minimum 2 hours at 1.2 million. If you're spending that much, you should at least get 2 hours. I'll put a picture with some minor face blurring.

Let me point out again, I don't have anything to do with the rates, all I can do is offer suggestions about the service.

05-13-22, 00:35
How much does the maid service cost? I maybe interested for this type of service for 1 day I am in medellin in a few weeks LOL. I have always seen these type of pornos on pornhub and jerked off to this fantasy before. Pretty amazing if it could be a reality.Here's the link to the original post. The rates and contact info are in the attachment.

I was just informed everything is ready. The attached photo has the WhatsApp and email contact information. She has a catalog of the available women she can send.

Gianni Versace
05-13-22, 01:01
There is a breadcrumb Colombia (South America | Colombia | Medellin Reports) on top of these posts. Click on it and look for Reports of Distinction to find it.Thanks for the info. That was really helpful. So far I have been able to get 60+ girls added on my facebook in the past few days. Its kind of crazy how much work this is taking LOL. But I think it will be rewarding when I arrive in 2 weeks. It is a pain to have to communicate via google translate. Do most of you guys know how to speak spanish? Is it just me also but does it seem like so many of these girls are all tattooed up? Where can I find a girl with no tattoos LOL.

05-13-22, 01:40
It's not that hard to tell with Airbnb are guest friendly IMO. The reviews and reviewers give it away most of the time. Reviewers will mention guests, visitors, doormen, or even loud parties in the building. I know a monger review when I see one. LOL.I always message the host to confirm visitors / guests are okay. Keeps things straight and simple.

05-13-22, 01:41
Thanks for the info. That was really helpful. So far I have been able to get 60+ girls added on my facebook in the past few days. Its kind of crazy how much work this is taking LOL. But I think it will be rewarding when I arrive in 2 weeks. It is a pain to have to communicate via google translate. Do most of you guys know how to speak spanish? Is it just me also but does it seem like so many of these girls are all tattooed up? Where can I find a girl with no tattoos LOL.Tattoos are pretty common. You're probably not going to find many girls without several. You'll get used to it.

Many of the guys here speak very little Spanish. Some of the guys are fluent and some are nearly fluent. The rest, myself included, fall somewhere in the middle. You can get by. Use the microphone button on Google translate to make it easier.

As I was telling an Santa Fe girl in Bogota on Monday:

"Yo se solo besarme, bañarme and chuparme, las palabras mas importantes."

I only know kiss me, bathe me and suck me, the most important words.

05-13-22, 01:53
A couple months ago I was "censored for the following reason; spam" and asks me to contact administrator if an error has occurred. First off, I have no idea what I would've posted to cause this as I was mainly adding to reviews as well as providing other helpful information. Secondly, there seems to be no way to contact an administrator which seems like a major flaw. The contact option at the bottom of the page isn't there and anything else I select leads back to that censored note. Any help and / or suggestions would be much appreciated.

05-13-22, 02:27
Now I need to decide if I see her again to finish the deal or if that's too risky. Stay safe out there.Your story makes me wonder if she was trying to drug you and accidentally drugged herself. Either way, I'd steer clear.

05-13-22, 02:30
Tattoos are pretty common. You're probably not going to find many girls without several. You'll get used to it.

Many of the guys here speak very little Spanish. Some of the guys are fluent and some are nearly fluent. The rest, myself included, fall somewhere in the middle. You can get by. Use the microphone button on Google translate to make it easier.

As I was telling an Santa Fe girl in Bogota on Monday:

"Yo se solo besarme, baarme and chuparme, las palabras mas importantes."

I only know kiss me, bathe me and suck me, the most important words.Jajaja I guess being able to speak Spanish goes a long way. I can't imagine having to use Google translate to hold a conversation. Pero bueno a cada quien su propio gusto.

Gianni Versace
05-13-22, 02:44
Jajaja I guess being able to speak Spanish goes a long way. I can't imagine having to use Google translate to hold a conversation. Pero bueno a cada quien su propio gusto.So far I would say almost all of the girls on fb can not speak any english and only spanish. Than I tell them that atleast we can use google translate and that we both speak the universal language of making love. That gets a chuckle from them LOL. Just a FYI it appears that facebook blocked me from sending anymore messages to girls today LOL. I guess getting 50+ girls to add me today and message like 100 of them got me blocked from sending anymore messages. Strange enough I can still add people as friends.

Gianni Versace
05-13-22, 02:48

With the facebook game one girl's photos have all of a sign of a semi pro or a girl that is down for pay for play. But she told me from the beginning that she is not prepado, but she would be interested in getting together. What the hell is that suppose to mean? Is she looking for a captain save a ho gringo or something? All of this is new to me so thank you all for all of your help.

05-13-22, 02:53

With the facebook game one girl's photos have all of a sign of a semi pro or a girl that is down for pay for play. But she told me from the beginning that she is not prepado, but she would be interested in getting together. What the hell is that suppose to mean? Is she looking for a captain save a ho gringo or something? All of this is new to me so thank you all for all of your help.I think she is in fact a prepago but she wants you to believe that she is not and then she will attempt to charge you an exorbitant amount of money for her services by telling you that she doesn't usually do this. I had a chick in bogotá who tried to do this to me once. She said she didn't work but would see me for 600 k COP. Obviously I declined her offer.

Gianni Versace
05-13-22, 02:56
I think she is in fact a prepago but she wants you to believe that she is not and then she will attempt to charge you an exorbitant amount of money for her services by telling you that she doesn't usually do this. I had a chick in bogot who tried to do this to me once. She said she didn't work but would see me for 600 k COP. Obviously I declined her offer.Very interesting. When do you think I should mention what I am willing to pay. I think I read somewhere not to mention anything about the time as most girls would stay like 2 or 3 hours. But is the going rate 150 k COP? I had 1 girl already agree to 150 k COP and 1 girl said 300 k COP. I also see some girls reference 300 MIL is that the same as COP? It gets confusing.

05-13-22, 03:07
Very interesting. When do you think I should mention what I am willing to pay. I think I read somewhere not to mention anything about the time as most girls would stay like 2 or 3 hours. But is the going rate 150 k COP? I had 1 girl already agree to 150 k COP and 1 girl said 300 k COP. I also see some girls reference 300 MIL is that the same as COP? It gets confusing.I don't have a ton of experience with Facebook chicas I'm more of a centro street rat. But from the few experiences I've had and info I've seen, I believe the going rate is around $200 k for Facebook girls, some will be more, some will be less. This is the perfect example by the way of Spanish language ability being an asset. If you approach them in English not only are you going to have a harder time communicating, but the chica is going to think you're a gringo and charge you more. I think in this situation you should only use spanish when you message them (even if you have to run everything thru Google translate).

Gianni Versace
05-13-22, 03:19
Very interesting. When do you think I should mention what I am willing to pay. I think I read somewhere not to mention anything about the time as most girls would stay like 2 or 3 hours. But is the going rate 150 k COP? I had 1 girl already agree to 150 k COP and 1 girl said 300 k COP. I also see some girls reference 300 MIL is that the same as COP? It gets confusing.Nothing wrong with being a street rat. I am actually interested in picking up some street meat also. What is the best area to go near laurles and what times are the best time to go. What is also the going rate for street girls??

Fun Luvr
05-13-22, 03:32
Very interesting. When do you think I should mention what I am willing to pay. I think I read somewhere not to mention anything about the time as most girls would stay like 2 or 3 hours. But is the going rate 150 k COP? I had 1 girl already agree to 150 k COP and 1 girl said 300 k COP. I also see some girls reference 300 MIL is that the same as COP? It gets confusing.Tell her what you will pay after you have agreed on a time for her to visit you. Most will accept 200 mil and a taxi fare. Normally, taxi fare should be less than 30 mil unless you are staying in Envigado or Itagui and she is coming from Bello. If it's raining or between 4:30 and 6:30 pm, it's hard to know what the fare will be.

Mil is Spanish for thousand. 200 k is the same as 200 mil. Always make your offer in mil. That way, there should not be any confusion about COP or dollars. Be careful with Google translator when talking mil. Sometimes, it will translate mil to million. You definitely don't want to offer 200 million.

05-13-22, 04:23
Jajaja I guess being able to speak Spanish goes a long way. I can't imagine having to use Google translate to hold a conversation. Pero bueno a cada quien su propio gusto.I can usually get by without needing the translator. If I miss something, "como?" works pretty well. Occasionally, the conversation will go beyond my vocabulary and I'll need to whip it out.

05-13-22, 04:26

With the facebook game one girl's photos have all of a sign of a semi pro or a girl that is down for pay for play. But she told me from the beginning that she is not prepado, but she would be interested in getting together. What the hell is that suppose to mean? Is she looking for a captain save a ho gringo or something? All of this is new to me so thank you all for all of your help.A lot of the women don't consider themselves prepagos. Many of them will still happily meet for sex and expect some sort of compensation. Just clarify your intentions.

05-13-22, 04:34
Very interesting. When do you think I should mention what I am willing to pay. I think I read somewhere not to mention anything about the time as most girls would stay like 2 or 3 hours. But is the going rate 150 k COP? I had 1 girl already agree to 150 k COP and 1 girl said 300 k COP. I also see some girls reference 300 MIL is that the same as COP? It gets confusing.Mil is thousand. 300 mil is 300 k.

One thing to be aware of. Many women will just say 200 or 300 when they mean 200 k or 300 k. A few will say 200 or 300 when they mean $200 or $300. Always clarify it. If she says 200, respond with 200 mil pesos?

The going rate varies, but mostly 200 k now, plus extra for taxi.

05-13-22, 04:51
Very interesting. When do you think I should mention what I am willing to pay. I think I read somewhere not to mention anything about the time as most girls would stay like 2 or 3 hours. But is the going rate 150 k COP? I had 1 girl already agree to 150 k COP and 1 girl said 300 k COP. I also see some girls reference 300 MIL is that the same as COP? It gets confusing.Always offer first. Colombianas culturally always expect the guys to be forward and offer. It's subtle but real, if unhappy she will likely counter but many times will accept. I offer either 150 mil or 200 mil based on how I feel, whether I care if I meet the girl or not. Then if they bring up taxi, it's followed by ok amor, puedo pago 30 mil por taxi, or if they coming from far like Bello, I sometimes just say 50 mil to end it there. Not setting the taxi rate sets you up for a potential scam. One girl I saw in April. Tried to get me for 50 mil each way, and I stood my ground and it almost got ugly and I had to settle for 70 mil, a total ripoff but the 20 mil wasn't worth a scene for me. Lesson learnt.

In regards to duration, I kind of leave it up to the girl. I try to make it a chill and fun environment for us as the purpose is to have fun. So I make sure snacks, booze, music, TV etc all available. Some will be strictly business, and some will hang, and some you will literally have to boot out. Some will let you go once, and others up to 3 times if you want / can. I always say por un rato (for a while). I also hint in initial negotiations I usually repeat. Some take heed and others just hit and run. I obviously pick my repeats on such factors. My regulars know things and are willing to please and spend the time to keep me repeating.

The more difficult part with new ones is will they come or not, and if not will they mess up your evening, I usually am ok with one date a day, but book twice and if fist one is a bust I will go with a regular, and that has worked for me. Flake rate and availability may be worse on weekends.

05-13-22, 07:42
On my first and only reread of this was really rough, not sure it makes sense but I'm going to hit the Upload Report button. Smoothest crossing ever, okay it's not a crossing but I got here Rico Suave. To my amazement, the free limo ride came thru in spades. Booking.com gave me a free ride from the airport to my hotel and it was the best transfer I ever had. That was a first and I think you have to book a "package" to get the free taxi but I really don't' know what I am talking about but Jose the driver was awesome, and he took me a back way thru San Diego where we actually came out at Simon Bolivar Parque and I didn't think that was possible with out shapeshifting or some Star Trek transporters shit.

Ignore the errors. I'm in bed. An 18 yo chica is scratching my scalp and I have been awake for 37 hours. I am in a hotel that 99.95 percent of you wouldn't dare. I am in El Centro. I'm about 4 blocks from The Nutti by distance. I'm at the Zahara. The entrance is a garage ramp off the sidewalk that takes some real effort to get up. At the top, there is a sliding iron gate that a guy opens with a screwdriver. I started tipping him on my third trip thru.

Once inside, surprisingly clean, noisy, TV, the WiFi rocks and puts most hotels I've stayed in Medellin to shame, see fotos. I am with Nymphette and it's going smooth as silk, once I found the place. The reception desk at the Nuti told me it was too dangerous to walk where I was going. So naturally I threw on my backpack with my laptop and enough belongings to move in with her as promised, and my shoulder bag full of more pesos than the average Colombiana makes in a month, and blasted out the main entrance of The Nuti while they are still trying to call me back, jeje. I moved fast and purposeful but couldn't find the place. I started feeling a little like a target but not scared. After my first backtrack of about 50 M and a very interesting conversation with a young, very attractive and very drunk couple who spoke English and were drinking Aguardiente straight from the bottle in the open, Nymphette came running up to me on the sidewalk. Saved.

She offered me up her sister who also stays at the same hotel with her boyfriend but I told her I wasn't ready although we have been playing a lot of grab-ass. More later. I try to avoid desire by expectations exceeded so far. Nymphette owed two nights on her hotel, and I pad two nights ahead for a whopping total of 200 mil COP.

This it total GFE and GF comes with with a smoking hot sister. I am paying for her toenails later today, and hair the next. She is not charging me for sex. She asked me if I wanted to fuck her sisters while she got her toenails done and I politely thanked her for the offer and told here I wasn't ready, really thinking about fucking Pumpkin because I happen to running a room at The Nuti at the same time. I told Nymphette this and showed her a foto of Pumpkin. But the look in her eye said it all, she is giving me total GFE, and when I asked if she expected me to sit there and watch her toenails get painted, she said "Siiii" and mimicked the position of sitting with your chin cupped in your hands so you can stare at something. Surprised myself and told her I would not fuck another girl while she was getting her toenails painted. She has been scratching my head ever since. More to come.

Fotos. Nice shot of Miami Beach. My fat ass relaxing in the Admiral Club in MIA which was pretty cool because my lounge chair overlooked my gate. The three of us are already talking about doing Guatape, This is exactly why I am here.

05-13-22, 09:34
... But is the going rate 150 k COP? I had 1 girl already agree to 150 k COP and 1 girl said 300 k COP. I also see some girls reference 300 MIL is that the same as COP? It gets confusing.You can start with 150 mil and may get it but that probably is an unrealistic number for a better looking girl. Most girls appear to start with 250 mil but most will come down to 200 and some won't. Try to focus on getting the service you want, and be ready to pay 200 mil or 250 mil. It's a learning experience. You will figure it out after a few times.

05-13-22, 11:24
Very interesting. When do you think I should mention what I am willing to pay. I think I read somewhere not to mention anything about the time as most girls would stay like 2 or 3 hours. But is the going rate 150 k COP? I had 1 girl already agree to 150 k COP and 1 girl said 300 k COP. I also see some girls reference 300 MIL is that the same as COP? It gets confusing.1 mil = 1 K = 1 thousand. COP is the currency, Columbian pesos. Sometimes if they say 200 COP they mean 200 K or 200 mil COP (200 thousand). Unless you are buying a bottle of water, then it might be 200 pesos.

05-13-22, 11:56
Thanks a lot for your input.HappyShive. Clear your mailbox please.

05-13-22, 13:13
Very interesting. When do you think I should mention what I am willing to pay. I think I read somewhere not to mention anything about the time as most girls would stay like 2 or 3 hours. But is the going rate 150 k COP? I had 1 girl already agree to 150 k COP and 1 girl said 300 k COP. I also see some girls reference 300 MIL is that the same as COP? It gets confusing.In my experience it's 200 k to 280 k, sometimes with added taxi / uber. This can fluctuate depending on how attractive, and therefore busy, the girl is and if weekend or down time. And of course if they've been with you before. I usually offer first and propose 220 to 260 k plus tip for everything including taxi. And then depending on performance add in another 20 k or so. The really attractive ones may push for 300 k, but shouldn't go more than that.

Of note, the exchange rate is getting better for us, but worse for them. Eventually they'll figure this out and I expect start asking for 250-300 k. Just a matter of time. I remember paying 120 k in 2012 when it was 1700 COP / USD. That was like $70. Not too different from paying 280 k today when exchange is 4000 COP / USD.

Gianni Versace
05-13-22, 13:46
In my experience it's 200 k to 280 k, sometimes with added taxi / uber. This can fluctuate depending on how attractive, and therefore busy, the girl is and if weekend or down time. And of course if they've been with you before. I usually offer first and propose 220 to 260 k plus tip for everything including taxi. And then depending on performance add in another 20 k or so. The really attractive ones may push for 300 k, but shouldn't go more than that.

Of note, the exchange rate is getting better for us, but worse for them. Eventually they'll figure this out and I expect start asking for 250-300 k. Just a matter of time. I remember paying 120 k in 2012 when it was 1700 COP / USD. That was like $70. Not too different from paying 280 k today when exchange is 4000 COP / USD.LOL at least something is getting better for us. Inflation is a ***** & living in the USA use to be a dream. Now its become a nightmare.

Gianni Versace
05-13-22, 13:48
You can start with 150 mil and may get it but that probably is an unrealistic number for a better looking girl. Most girls appear to start with 250 mil but most will come down to 200 and some won't. Try to focus on getting the service you want, and be ready to pay 200 mil or 250 mil. It's a learning experience. You will figure it out after a few times.So how come the street walkers that seem to be attractive also in some of the posts I see take 30,000 COP? I mean that's like $5. WTF. Venturing out for some street action seems a bit exciting to me also.

05-13-22, 14:28
In my experience it's 200 k to 280 k, sometimes with added taxi / uber. This can fluctuate depending on how attractive, and therefore busy, the girl is and if weekend or down time. And of course if they've been with you before. I usually offer first and propose 220 to 260 k plus tip for everything including taxi. And then depending on performance add in another 20 k or so. The really attractive ones may push for 300 k, but shouldn't go more than that.

Of note, the exchange rate is getting better for us, but worse for them. Eventually they'll figure this out and I expect start asking for 250-300 k. Just a matter of time. I remember paying 120 k in 2012 when it was 1700 COP / USD. That was like $70. Not too different from paying 280 k today when exchange is 4000 COP / USD.This is the precise type of illogic that inflates prices. Centro prices are closer (not the same) to what locals pay, if they pay at all, neighborhood chicas bang friends for free or small favors etc. it's the local culture. Gringos drive up prices in the venues they frequent due to their stupidity. The economy of Colombia, is not a massive trade economy, they are self sufficient in a lot of things e.g Energy, Agro products, services etc. So their world and economy doesn't revolve around dollars like it does in Panama for example. So there maybe some adjustment if inflation goes up, but what people charge for services is more correlated to that than the exchange rate. The fixed price of a taxi from the airport to poblado / laurles etc I have found to be a better correlate of that than what a gringo in heat decides to pay a puta when his little head has taken over.

By that yardstick since 2018 to now it has moved 70 mil to 90 mil. Tunnel fee is included. In 2018 you got the longer and more scenic mountain route instead. In that time FB pricing went 120-150 mil to now 150-200 mil. I have no idea if the Hershey highway fee is included as I don't take that route.
I also don't do Centro much but I hear it remains around 40-50 mil. However places frequented by gringos have been on a tear. I hear La Isla is now over 300 mil and so is fase dos, loutron is at 380 I hear, energy 175mil and gringo central Gustos I hear has chicas now asking $300 US. Inform yourself. Seeking is very variable and all depends on the deal you cut for yourself. Many there want a sugar relationship but some are open to be paid for a cita but more likely to want 250 mil and above, someone here said recently he got a deal for 1500 mil and it was worth every peso. Hope that explains the versatility of Medellin a bit. One thing I have noticed, a seasoned puta is likely to have seen a lot of gringos and demand a higher rate, the newer ones are more likely to be fine with what you offer as long as it's fair, gringos living locally get the best deals as they offer steady and repeat business.
if you are a repeat visitor, or even if not, the way you treat a chica and how you set up the pad ambiance wise makes a difference in if they like you and want to repeat. I mean ultimately she's there to please you, but just treat them as you would like to be treated and it goes a long way in helping you build your roster. They do take such factors into account all other things being equal.

05-13-22, 15:10
So how come the street walkers that seem to be attractive also in some of the posts I see take 30,000 COP? I mean that's like $5. WTF. Venturing out for some street action seems a bit exciting to me also.I think you were talking about FB girls. If not, then let me clarify it is for FB girls. What I am trying to say is don't be unhappy if you can't get 150 mil. Get what you want and prepare to spend a little more if necessary so you can be happy.

When you try it, ask the street girl how much for 1 hour or 2 hour to see how much they quote you. The price you mention is for short time in a dingy room, and maybe with a large peek hole on the door. You probably won't be getting the same thing as a newbie.

Mr Enternational
05-13-22, 15:17
So how come the street walkers that seem to be attractive also in some of the posts I see take 30,000 COP?Because you are dealing with 2 different markets. The 30 K is the local we want some pussy market. The 150,200 K is the foreigners that want to hang out with the hooker instead of just fucking her market. You do not see locals trying to hook up with hookers through facebook. When they want to fuck, they go straight to the place to fuck. None of that seeing if we have chemistry and worrying about whether she is into it shit.

When I was in Cali hanging out with 2 other board members in March we went to a fuck spot. The manager was a bit confused because we would not pick a chick. I explained to him that foreigners want to ogle the chicks before picking one, but these girls come out and introduce themselves for a quick view and run back to hide behind the curtain. He thought that was the dumbest thing. He said you are supposed to look at them quickly and pick the one you want, have her come sit next to you so you can see her better in the light, then take her upstairs to fuck.

Foreigners tend to make fucking hookers a complicated process. And to participate in this more complicated process is going to run more than the 30 K lets fuck right here right now process.

05-13-22, 15:35
I wanted to respond since I remember asking a similar question for one of my first posts on the Medellin board. With some experience under my belt now, I'd be curious about this one if I were you. Firstly, many barrio girls dress pretty revealingly by US standards normally (prepago or not). Also, many Colombian women genuinely like guys that are somewhat older than them. I'm not saying she's not a prepago or won't try to scam you, but you can pretty easily figure out how much she wants with some subtle questions. Also, who cares if she's looking for Captain Save a Ho / Boyfriend or not as long as you don't fall into that trap? If you are honest with her and tell her you are casually dating, it's her fault for interpreting anything differently.

In these cases, I figure out what a price is by telling them I'll pay their "gastos" or expenses and then asking about that. Normal Colombian girls expect guys to pay for the date most of the time, so they won't be surprised by this. When finalizing the date, I tell her I'm going to the ATM and ask how much she'll need for her taxi, babysitter etc?. They may throw an inflated number at you, but you can compare that to market rates for a prepago. The most I've ever been asked for that way was 200 k and transportation was included. This was for a babysitter and taxi between Envigado and Laureles. I knew that she was paying half that for her actual taxi and babysitter expenses, but her quoted price was right in the lowish to normal Facebook range for a prepago. So I was happy to pay it / pretend to be none the wiser. I've also had girls that just wanted their taxi paid or were happy with what I gave them.


With the facebook game one girl's photos have all of a sign of a semi pro or a girl that is down for pay for play. But she told me from the beginning that she is not prepado, but she would be interested in getting together. What the hell is that suppose to mean? Is she looking for a captain save a ho gringo or something? All of this is new to me so thank you all for all of your help.

05-13-22, 15:52
My first post from last night still not up and may be somewhat incoherent. Nymphette is giving me true GFE without any drama and I am digging it. One good sign of GFE? Morning sex. First we fucked upon awakening for morning wood treatment, then 30 minutes later without any resistance an nice blowjob on her knees and pillow at the foot of the bed.

We all pay one way or another and I have happily agreed to buy her hair today, literally in a bag, and then a hairdresser will install. I am also paying the hotel room rate as long as I am staying here at 50 mil COP per night ($12 USD) so that is not going to break the bank. Ironically, the WiFi here Rocks the Casbah, it's good! And I am feeding her pudgy little ass. Nickel and dime stuff. I haven't unpacked yet. Running two rooms, I am sure there will be some chicas on the side at The Nuti if I stay here more than another day. Ostee Out. Damn, it feels good to be back!

05-13-22, 16:46
LOL cheap ass 28 k COP a day hotel in centro. Not my choice of bed sheets LOL it came with the room along with the cockroaches.Have with you some bedsheets and cockroach spray and you're good. Leave them in the room when you depart.

05-13-22, 18:02

With the facebook game one girl's photos have all of a sign of a semi pro or a girl that is down for pay for play. But she told me from the beginning that she is not prepado, but she would be interested in getting together. What the hell is that suppose to mean? Is she looking for a captain save a ho gringo or something? All of this is new to me so thank you all for all of your help.You are not going to find a girl on FB and marry her. Consider all FB chicas as prepagos no matter what they tell you. This this game you have to pay to play, as simple as that. Always.

(1) video chat before arranging a meeting so you know she is real.

Never (2) pay before session.

Also tell her to be on time and (3) bring her cedula.

If she can't do (1, 2 and 3), move on to the next. You are in the land of chicas, it is mongers' market.

05-13-22, 19:29
You can start with 150 mil and may get it but that probably is an unrealistic number for a better looking girl. Most girls appear to start with 250 mil but most will come down to 200 and some won't. Try to focus on getting the service you want, and be ready to pay 200 mil or 250 mil. It's a learning experience. You will figure it out after a few times.For 200 K, do you ask for 2 hours and 2 leches or just una hora con una leche?

05-13-22, 22:57
Consider all FB chicas as prepagos no matter what they tell you.Consider every single legal-aged female in Colombia to be on a continuum defined by, "I will have sex for money". YMMV.

And I want to go on record as the guy who started all this "big head, little head" banter here, not in the world of course. And I appreciate some of the added twists. I'm a writer so I guess you could say shit like that matters to me. I have done my fair share of stealing phrases too. Lately, I've become a Super-user of the phrase "Pussy Prison" used to describe the USA, and I definitely stole that from someone here. Good stuff. "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

Nymphette is getting her hair done as I type this. I haven't even unpacked yet, jeje. Made a bee-line for her hotel room when I arrived and that's where I am headed next. I could do a screenplay just on my first two days here. Love you guys. If you are going to eat ass, always use Listerine afterwards! Ostee Out.

05-14-22, 01:07
For 200 K, do you ask for 2 hours and 2 leches or just una hora con una leche?It varies so you will get different results from different girls. It also depends on you, and what you do during the meet. If you want 2 leches, better ask the girl when setting up appointment. I think you will figure it out after a few dates.

05-14-22, 01:37
Just got back to medellin the day before yesterday and this trip is starting out excellent. I had a beautiful 19 year old vennie spinner come to my hotel yesterday. It turns out she's actually a Webcam model for some online Webcam or some shit but I actually met her thru her sister who I met on a previous trip. Excellent BBFS with CIP 1 hour 150 k COP. Absolutely great service and with a smile LOL. To borrow a phrase from Ostee, I've included some gratuitous photos. Enjoy.

-Gabacho.Just stunning. I agree with another poster. It's not everyday I feel envious.

05-14-22, 02:49
A lot of these girls just can't admit to themselves that they are a prepago. Maybe they think since they only do it on occasion or only do it when they really need the money, they are not the same as a "real" prepago. Jejejeje. Most likely she wants to get together, she'll bang you, and then she'll expect you to nicely give her some money on the way out. Some will not look at it and some will. Some will say "muy poco" when it's not what they expected (even though they never told you what they expected). Life in Medellin. Got to love it.


With the facebook game one girl's photos have all of a sign of a semi pro or a girl that is down for pay for play. But she told me from the beginning that she is not prepado, but she would be interested in getting together. What the hell is that suppose to mean? Is she looking for a captain save a ho gringo or something? All of this is new to me so thank you all for all of your help.

05-14-22, 03:25
A lot of these girls just can't admit to themselves that they are a prepago. Life in Medellin. Got to love it.Is good. I do.

05-14-22, 13:30

How do you deal with fact that almost all putas and even semi pros seem to have zero interest in the art of foreplay? Almost all of them avoid hugs and fondling when you enter the room with them, instead they either take off their clothes and head to washroom or to the bed and ask. Where is the condom?

Fuck that, I lose all my excitement by then and feel like kicking them out. The joy of unwrapping the gift is completely stolen. Not to mention that sometimes the body does not seem to match expectations.

How do you guys control the situation and raise the temperature?

05-14-22, 14:43
For 200 K, do you ask for 2 hours and 2 leches or just una hora con una leche?For 200 k, you should be able to have as many leches as you want during the agreed period of time. For most people, 2-3 is where the fun is, then it becomes a burden.

05-14-22, 15:20
Say 55 k HH, how much the girl keep and how much the house keep?

05-14-22, 15:47
For 200 K, do you ask for 2 hours and 2 leches or just una hora con una leche?Everyone does it differently. My approach is to ask por un rato (for a while) and leave it open ended. I always make it known I repeat usually. That way I can judge attitude, do we vibe, is she a pleaser, does she set rules from the start, restrict leches, etc.

The ones that will just show up for the cita and pay, I probably don't think want the 2nd leche anyway. Its 200 mil. Move on and delete her profile. Over time you pick up a few gems and those take up most of your time. Once they are with you, it's just a super chill situation, and everyone is relaxed and you get what you want, as often as you want and you don't even have to discuss price. FYI I used to be the guy discussing every detail including the number of leches and where etc. And though some specifics are warranted on the first negotiation, keep it to what you must have. I have even negotiated 2 leches and decided no mas after the first as it was so lousy and felt like a chore. Did I repeat? Hell no.
Equally there was a time I didn't ask a thing, went 3 times and I don't think she would have minded if it was 3 more, she was on a mission to make sure I was happy and satisfied by the time she left almost 3hrs later. I gave her 200mil total and she was happy. Did I repeat? Hell yeah.
So I can conclude by saying it's hard to negotiate attitude and that is what matters most once you two are in the room alone.

05-14-22, 17:44
Because you are dealing with 2 different markets. The 30 K is the local we want some pussy market. The 150,200 K is the foreigners that want to hang out with the hooker instead of just fucking her market. Hehe. That is so spot on. The extra 170 k is to stroke the ego of the monger into thinking that that he has got smthg going on w her more than a quick fuck. Yes, he has. He has bought a quick fuck for 30 k and then wasted 170 k on talking about it w her.

05-14-22, 17:50
So I can conclude by saying it's hard to negotiate attitude and that is what matters most once you two are in the room alone.That is oh so true, and the reason I never bother. BTW: whenever I read your posts, I can't help but envisage Lex Luther.