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06-02-22, 02:00
I'm sure there are guys paying that and much more. And I'm with you on that. If the girl can get it, more power to her. Same as when some guy would drop $500 or more on my old roommate's webcam. I'd cheer for her every time. Then I'd get her to buy me lunch.

The one thing many of the guys complaining about someone driving up the price never consider:

Not all girls have the same value.

It boggles my mind that so many people can't understand that. They understand that everything else has a wide price range, but can't accept that some girls are going to cost more than other girls.

Whether they're worth it depends on the buyer.For real. A 5 or 6 streetwalker isn't going to cost the same as a 9 or 10 from Seeking. No matter what.

06-02-22, 02:05
The two girls I'm thinking of weren't straight up hookers ... As many have noted, there is a HUGE spectrum of P4 P.I agree there is a huge spectrum but they are all straight up hookers. There are hookers and non-hookers. To review, if a woman (I don't know anything about 'girls') accepts money, rent, or anything else of value in exchange for sex, she is a hooker. There is not this gray area. There just isn't. Fuck hookers, go out to dinner with hookers, support hookers' families, whatever you want to do. But don't forget they are hookers. Take money, housing, 'help with bills,' tuition money, whatever, in exchange for sex, that's a hooker. Plain and simple.

06-02-22, 02:16
Work the chicas down on their price if after you meet them you still want them. That's one argument for pleasuring the girl, although it may not hold much water. I guess working a girl down in price takes a time investment some guys don't have if they are here for a short trip.

One mongerer posted here, that the longer he was seeing a chica, the more he was paying her. Not as a girlfriend, strictly Pay 4 Play. I never could wrap my head around that one. Well, yeah I can. Pussy whipped. Crack that whip! (channeling Devo).I would never suggest changing what you try to a prepago after the price was agreed upon. That is the lowest of the low and can create problems for the mongering community. I meant if you or she circle back around for subsequent sessions, then you can try to negotiate her fee down, which is more likely to occur is she "likes" you.

06-02-22, 02:47
Fixed that for you.Didn't fix it for me.

Excluding all under 18 and all over 30, leaves somewhere around 1.8 billion. Excluding physical defects, obesity and other factors which would disqualify them from my consideration, now its down to maybe 1 billion. Next remove the ones who aren't attractive enough to appeal to me and maybe 500 million remain. Since I'm not planning on going to India, China, anywhere in Africa or most places in Europe, Asia and Australia, let's say about 60 million women.

Now exclude women from that group who are unwilling to have sex with me, either paid or free, and the ones who aren't located convenient to places I do visit and look for P4P opportunities, that leaves maybe 100 k.

And they're still not all going to be the same price.

06-02-22, 03:11
For real. A 5 or 6 streetwalker isn't going to cost the same as a 9 or 10 from Seeking. No matter what.That is an interesting observation. How about a 5 or 6 from Seeking, compared to a 9 or 10 from Seeking? Do you have a picture to show what a 10 looks like?

06-02-22, 03:15
That is an interesting observation. How about a 5 or 6 from Seeking, compared to a 9 or 10 from Seeking? Do you have a picture to show what a 10 looks like?If you don't know what a 10 looks like I can't help you.

06-02-22, 04:11
The conversation about rates seems to be a topic of debate in the Colombia forum just like in the Brazil forum. If everything goes well I'll be on the ground next month and ready to add fuel to the fire regarding rates LOL.

For a monger like me that's coming in hot and ready to unload as many times as I humanly can, do you think denying myself the chance of screwing a 18-19 year old girl because I won't pay $50-60 USD more is going to make sense? Hell no! Likewise, if by saving $40 USD I only get to fuck 5's or 6's or even 7's, is that acceptable to me? Of course not. I come for 8's and above, and like the old say goes sometimes you get what you pay for. Is that always the case? No, sometimes you still get duds, even for higher price. To me, a casual monger dropping in for a short time the formula to calculate value is impacted by the factor of time.

So, to those complaining so much to us willing to pay more, either pay up or don't, but try to understand your fellow mongers in desperate need of release, we live in pussy prison and need a escape too, show some solidarity and applaud our exploits just like we applaud your $40 savings each time you bang a young hottie way above your league while using google translate to ask for a discount LOL.

I can't wait to hit the ground and will report back as always!

06-02-22, 04:20
The conversation about rates seems to be a topic of debate in the Colombia forum just like in the Brazil forum. If everything goes well I'll be on the ground next month and ready to add fuel to the fire regarding rates LOL.

For a monger like me that's coming in hot and ready to unload as many times as I humanly can, do you think denying myself the chance of screwing a 18-19 year old girl because I won't pay $50-60 USD more is going to make sense? Hell no! Likewise, if by saving $40 USD I only get to fuck 5's or 6's or even 7's, is that acceptable to me? Of course not. I come for 8's and above, and like the old say goes sometimes you get what you pay for. Is that always the case? No, sometimes you still get duds, even for higher price. To me, a casual monger dropping in for a short time the formula to calculate value is impacted by the factor of time.

So, to those complaining so much to us willing to pay more, either pay up or don't, but try to understand your fellow mongers in desperate need of release, we live in pussy prison and need a escape too, show some solidarity and applaud our exploits just like we applaud your $40 savings each time you bang a young hottie way above your league while using google translate to ask for a discount LOL.

I can't wait to hit the ground and will report back as always!Looking forward to your report. Have a great time and bang some 9's and 10's for me.

06-02-22, 05:42
Tonight may have been Freckle's and my last night together. She is leaving for Peru Sunday. She doesn't like it here in Colombia. I thought she was embedded in a family unit that included Freckle, her hawt Ground Zero sister, and her sister's boyfriend at the dicey El Centro hotel I stayed when I first landed. But the novio got in a fight with some other chicos and now they are scattered like leaves in the wind. Freckle has family in Peru and off she goes Sunday, she says.

There may not be a lot of substance to the relationship between Freckle and I, but she is hands-down the most stress free chica with whom I have had the pleasure to hang out with. Good that's she's leaving. If she stayed, I could get stupid over her in terms of big head / little head as fast as Sexy Lexy or Catgirl, but Freckle doesn't ask for much. Don't go chasing waterfalls.

She spent 24 hours straight with me ending yesterday and wanted 200.000 COP. My cheap ass even tried to pay her only 100.000 but she gave me that "WTF, are you kidding me?" look that so many 18 year olds-have purrfeckted. I quickly added another cien-note. I can be such a cheap bastard at times, and then other times I waste money like nuclear war is impending.

Managerette is supposed to dye my hair in my hotel room tomorrow, for our trip to the party in Guatape this weekend. The dye job was supposed to be today, but I was in rough shape. Too much drugs the night before, or for the alcoholics in the room, a Top Ten hangover. Pumpkin and I have a scheduled session tomorrow and she is really counting on the money for her kid's 7th birthday Saturday. Sexy Lexy agreed to spend tomorrow night or as they chicas here put it, "wake up together" for that recent overnight no-show when her kid was sick and they went to the emergency department.

Then, there is Catgirl, my perennial Number One, she is back in Medellin. I have not seen her yet. The dynamic changes the most for Scarlet when Catgirl is around. They are Numero Uno and Dos. They have never met. Catgirl once saw Scarlet in the lobby of Hotel La Dorado on Avenida 70 when they were crossing paths. I think that is the only real pressure point on The List at this time. Between Numero Uno and Numero Dos. They both know Catgirl will always be Numero Uno.

The List worked well today when two chicas who had never met before, showed up at the same time to nurse my hangover. We had a nice visit that included my wingman and friend. Freckle is on The List, Managerette is not, so guess who had to go home?

Fotos: Freckle crotch shot and taking domicilio (food delivery) at the door. Pumpkin camel toe. She looks pregnant in that foto but she's not, it's the camera angle and she's bloated from just eating a pile of Colombian street food. Always love me a good camel toe.

Maximus V
06-02-22, 06:53
So many of you coming here are absolutely ruining the PPP game here.

I've been coming here since 2005 and have watched it crumble.

Ill be 60 this year. Speak very little Spanish, yes I use a translator and I'm average in looks.

The day I start paying 400 & 500 cop & up is when its time to stay home! 200 - 250 COP is the normal. Stop ruining the game here fools!

Idiots paying 1 mil per meet. Yes you are idiots and are frowned upon!Hunglow what you and your fellow 100-250 k cop cohort don't seem to grasp is that everything in life has levels.

There are different levels to this game and each monger is playing in his respective level. There really is no overlap in my experience zip, zero, nada! The girls that I pursue would never ever consider an offer of 200 k, they would immediately say no or some will not even say anything and just automatically block you. When you look at it from this lens, we aren't playing on the same field so its almost impossible that a person playing in the higher cost talent pool is disrupting the economics of the lower end.

Let's use a few analogies. Marriott has category 1 through 8 hotels, do you think staying at a category 1 Fairfield Inn should cost the same as staying at a category 8St. Regis or Ritz Carlton? Do you think there is a difference between driving a Hyundai vs driving a Porsche, do you think the Hyundai and Porsche should cost the same? Some guys don't mind spending less for an average 5 to 6 range young lady, others prefer to spend more for quality, those mongers want the 8 to 9 range and aren't afraid to spend to get it.

And no Sir you can not make the argument that the two groups of ladies described above are the same because they are not. Just like hotels, cars and everything else in this world there are different options for budget and premium.

Different levels for different budgets and in the end, not always but most of the time you do get what you pay for.

06-02-22, 08:03
So I'm watching an episode of Law & Order Criminal Intent and Goren goes to this NYC establishment where you pay to dance and / or drink with good looking women. I guess it existed in the past https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxi_dancer and it was big in the US at one time 1920's, 1930's until they got their panties in a bunch. It seems like since Colombia doesn't have the massage parlors of Thailand and lots of people needing money that clubs like that would be something that could exist here. Are there any out there already? I've never seen mention of them, although I have seen mention of swingers which is something I'm interested in mainly for the gangbang aspect that's kind of died out around Tampa from what it was in the glory days but that's another story.

So do any pay to dance with a hottie type of places exist here or anyplace else in the world?

06-02-22, 10:22
If you don't know what a 10 looks like I can't help you.I happen to not think a Seeking 10 is the same as a 10.

06-02-22, 10:34
...if she turns out to be a dud, you can pay, walk out, and grab another one....The chance of Faybook girl turns out to be a dud is much lower than a street girl. You also have not factored the commute time into it. There are other factors like a getting a hot girl that dresses and behaves like some super star who sucks you on a high floor with the city right in front and beneath you. It's an experience. LOL.

06-02-22, 12:24
The chance of Faybook girl turns out to be a dud is much lower than a street girl. You also have not factored the commute time into it. There are other factors like a getting a hot girl that dresses and behaves like some super star who sucks you on a high floor with the city right in front and beneath you. It's an experience. LOL.No doubt about it, Fayboo works wonders wonders for some guys, and others not. Colombia is unique, with so many different venues available, and something for everyone.

06-02-22, 14:00
I happen to not think a Seeking 10 is the same as a 10.A numerical ranking system breaks down, as usual. Guys try to hedge and say, "Well my 10 (there are no 10's BTW) are another guys 7 or 8". I've seen one guy rank a chica a 9 and the next guy a 3. Enjoy your exercise in futility. I am sure there is plenty of fun to be had at every number.

06-02-22, 14:22
I don't disagree with anything you have said, and a key difference between Fayboo girls and street girls is the immediate element of it.

For some guys like myself, I don't want to schedule and wait around for a girl to show up. How many hours might go by, and what happens if you go with a new one that turns out to be a dud, you can't finish, have blue balls, and want to blow a load, and then have to wait for another Fayboo girl to show up. Where as with a street girl, you can have immediate attention without waiting, and if she turns out to be a dud, you can pay, walk out, and grab another one.

I had an experience like this a few weeks ago. It was a new street girl, and I just couldn't finish with her, so I paid her as I promised, and grabbed another one within fifteen minutes.

I think this illustrates the biggest difference between these two mongering platforms irrespective of the mongers aptitude, and price / quality which is whole other topic discussed here many times before.The street scene is for guys who just want to release. Fayboo and Seeking are for guys who want a little chit chat and friendship with their pussy.

06-02-22, 15:08
The one thing many of the guys complaining about someone driving up the price never consider:

Not all girls have the same value.

It boggles my mind that so many people can't understand that. They understand that everything else has a wide price range, but can't accept that some girls are going to cost more than other girls.
.Agree 110%. Many guys on here seem to think the girls are a commodity, but they're not. Just like cars there are different classes and types. Some are late model domestics with great features (some plastic) and value, some are higher end sportscars with the additional looks and style, others are F-250 duallys (big bunda girls). There may be some overlap in price depending on mileage, where you buy, and how well you negotiate, but there is a wide range. If you want the new Ferrari you're going to pay more than the new Honda. If you want it in Dubai you're going to pay more than buying in the country it's made.

Similarly sometimes you just need a car to get from point A to be, sometimes you want a different thrill (I. E. 4 x4 off-roading), and other times you want to splurge on a nice ride when you're on vacation. Some of you all like to take the bus with others and tag team a girl or have an orgy.

Anyway, that's best analogy I can think of after 2 cups of coffee LOL.

06-02-22, 15:10
The chance of Faybook girl turns out to be a dud is much lower than a street girl. You also have not factored the commute time into it. There are other factors like a getting a hot girl that dresses and behaves like some super star who sucks you on a high floor with the city right in front and beneath you. It's an experience. LOL.These 2 posts illustrate something.

The street scene is for guys who just want to release. Fayboo and Seeking are for guys who want a little chit chat and friendship with their pussy.Although the 2nd one isn't necessarily always the case. I know street guys who are into chit chat and friendship with at least some of the street girls.

Each venue or method provides different experiences and different opportunities for your enjoyment. They are the reasons why most of us have a preferred route.

There's something to be said for knowing what you like and sticking to it. There's also merit in trying new things.

06-02-22, 15:44
You can chit chat and be friends with street girls. The catch is you have to acknowledge their humanity and treat them with respect. Part of the facebook scene that I noticed via my admittedly limited contact with it is the girls more often than not treat the punters as commodities and sometimes don't respect their clients enough to be honest about arrival times or something as simple as the cost of a taxi. But again, I am not a facebook expert.

The street scene is for guys who just want to release. Fayboo and Seeking are for guys who want a little chit chat and friendship with their pussy.

06-02-22, 15:50
If there are really guys paying a million per session then I have to congratulate the young ladies of Medellin. I sure as hell won't pay that but I can't hate on a girl who can make that kind of sale.For real, those ladies are hustling.

06-02-22, 16:20
...Anyway, that's best analogy I can think of after 2 cups of coffee LOL.Although it sounds reasonable, but in reality the issue is this, Lleras park girls want 300. Are they really that better than the girls in El Centro? It seem most are of the same quality to me.

06-02-22, 17:21
No, in general they are not 10 times better than Centro girls. In fact, they are in some cases the very same girls who get 30 K in Centro. I am fascinated by the psychology behind the rationale for paying a premium of that size. I am amused by how aggressively some guys deny what at least some of them know to be true. The one that strikes a nerve with me is "but it would cost so much more in Europe or the USA. " It's utterly nonsensical. Rationales like "I feel more comfortable in Poblado" or "it's a long commute" seem more reasonable to me. They are subjective but at least they are logical. Random related note, last night when I was passing by Parque Poblado I noticed a transvestite sat on one of the benches on the calle 10 side, apparently trying to get a date.

Although it sounds reasonable, but in reality the issue is this, Lleras park girls want 300. Are they really that better than the girls in El Centro? It seem most are of the same quality to me.

06-02-22, 17:54
For real, those ladies are hustling.Come on, if a girl is in top 3-5%, on any platform, she doesn't have to do shit. Take a few nice photos, upload them and wait. Top girls are always overwhelmed by offers and can be very selective. Eating healthy, exercising, taking care of hair, nails etc requires some time and effort, but all of these is not even close to hustling.

Someone asked for a 10/10 SA girl, just for reference purposes. Here is one that I consider a solid 9, she is on SA and you won't find her in El Centro or Parque Lleras, and certainly, won't fuck her for 200 mil. She probably won't even reply to you, if you don't mention some crazy numbers in your opening message.


06-02-22, 18:06
Any leads for escort agency?

Not impressed my second time around here.

2/3 my favorite prepagos aren't around.

Lleras is being remodeled and it looks like there's much less girls at night leaving me to have a prepagos already lined up or being out of luck or going to la Isla or Loutron.

Also what's the deal with San Peter apts? Lots almost all look like someone that'd be on this site.

06-02-22, 18:22
Come on, if a girl is in top 3-5%, on any platform, she doesn't have to do shit. Take a few nice photos, upload them and wait. Top girls are always overwhelmed by offers and can be very selective. Eating healthy, exercising, taking care of hair, nails etc requires some time and effort, but all of these is not even close to hustling.

Someone asked for a 10/10 SA girl, just for reference purposes. Here is one that I consider a solid 9, she is on SA and you won't find her in El Centro or Parque Lleras, and certainly, won't fuck her for 200 mil. She probably won't even reply to you, if you don't mention some crazy numbers in your opening message.


Beauty indeed lies in the eye of beholder. I am very picky but this girl is no more than 3.5 out 10 for me. I seriously doubt if I would be interested to have sex with her even if she pays me $1 K USD.

We are wired differently, very differently.

06-02-22, 18:28
The street scene is for guys who just want to release. Fayboo and Seeking are for guys who want a little chit chat and friendship with their pussy.Hmmm, not necessarily true.

Especially if you speak the language, you can meet and befriend some pretty cool girls on the street.

06-02-22, 18:36
Hunglow what you and your fellow 100-250 k cop cohort don't seem to grasp is that everything in life has levels.

And no Sir you can not make the argument that the two groups of ladies described above are the same because they are not. Just like hotels, cars and everything else in this world there are different options for budget and premium.

Different levels for different budgets and in the end, not always but most of the time you do get what you pay for.Except that there are real life experiences where a chica gets to know you as a friend and will tell you the range of prices she gets paid. I had one that I started paying 150 y taxi n 2019. She was a 19yr old bundle of absolute hotness. The best sex of my life. After that first time, I never negotiated with her, I gave her what I wanted and she never even looked. But I would always give her something. There are times I gave her 150,200 and 250. She would stay over when she wanted and the rate was the rate. She is an easy 8 and I am a hard scorer. And an absolutely all in performer in the sack. I got everything I wanted with her, and I could go as many times as I wanted.
She told me got paid as much as 2 million once. She had no reason to lie to me. She said different people paid different. One time she hit me up for money when I was away and I helped her(about the cost of a cita). I am not saying this is normal, but that made me realize there is a lot more than just price involved. One dude, a pilot took a special liking to her and paid (much to my chagrin) for a boob job and a nose job. 7 Million a piece.

All that said, every man can pay what they want and rationalize away. If enough people pay fast and easy, the market will obviously adjust higher but at this time in MDE FB is around 150-200 mil and SA maybe 300 mil. Due to platform variance. With some wiggle room around that for negotiating. The guy who wants. Pay 500 mil on FB and 1000 mil on SA is overpaying.

06-02-22, 18:56
I sometimes think we have this all wrong. We discuss endlessly the price for chica company, and I think we have the point of view wrong. We wonder if there is a price for 8's, 10's, by venue, by method of contact, etc.

But from the chica's point of view there is the same continuum. I totally believe there are chicas that charge 20 mil, 200 mil, and 2 million mil. Depending on the customer. Some of the 10's that may be 500 $ US at Gustos probably took 10 $ US for the same service somewhere else, perhaps in her barrio, perhaps for a taxi ride or whatever. The price is based on what is to be gotten in the place and customer at the time. It is all about information. They know the guy in Gustos who wandered in from his vacation hotel at the Charlee, and who thinks that $500 is quite reasonable for the gal he sees there, and it will sound good back home when he talks to his buddies. They know the expat guy who sees different chicas every couple of days. And their local pirate taxi guy who will drive them around for a blow job if they are low on cash.

So we should be rating the mongers. My scale 1 - 10 would be simple. Multiply by 100 US $. Issue a tag at the airport so the chicas can negotiate more efficiently. A 10 would get all the attention in the world, and may get the odd bargain at $900 US. The 1's would also be fine downtown, or 3 somes at a casa, and may get the odd offer late at night in Parque Lleras, etc.

06-02-22, 20:59
You can chit chat and be friends with street girls. The catch is you have to acknowledge their humanity and treat them with respect. Part of the facebook scene that I noticed via my admittedly limited contact with it is the girls more often than not treat the punters as commodities and sometimes don't respect their clients enough to be honest about arrival times or something as simple as the cost of a taxi. But again, I am not a facebook expert.Or the Centro girls who agree to something on the street, but won't do it in the room, the Centro girls who ask for 70-100 k when they can tell the guy is a newbie, or the Centro girls who waste half the time trying to get paid up front.

It doesn't matter where you go, you're going to find good and bad examples. Find me a monger who has never had a disappointing experience. Hopefully everyone learns and figures out how to get a better experience.

06-02-22, 21:16
Come on, if a girl is in top 3-5%, on any platform, she doesn't have to do shit. Take a few nice photos, upload them and wait. Top girls are always overwhelmed by offers and can be very selective. Eating healthy, exercising, taking care of hair, nails etc requires some time and effort, but all of these is not even close to hustling.

Someone asked for a 10/10 SA girl, just for reference purposes. Here is one that I consider a solid 9, she is on SA...This one? Last time you posted a Russian IG girl with millions of followers and she was also around 9. So this and the Russian girl are in the same category?

What makes this a 9? Compare to the 400 mil girls I posted earilier? Look or something else?

06-02-22, 21:17
No, in general they are not 10 times better than Centro girls. In fact, they are in some cases the very same girls who get 30 K in Centro. I am fascinated by the psychology behind the rationale for paying a premium of that size. I am amused by how aggressively some guys deny what at least some of them know to be true. The one that strikes a nerve with me is "but it would cost so much more in Europe or the USA. " It's utterly nonsensical. Rationales like "I feel more comfortable in Poblado" or "it's a long commute" seem more reasonable to me. They are subjective but at least they are logical. Random related note, last night when I was passing by Parque Poblado I noticed a transvestite sat on one of the benches on the calle 10 side, apparently trying to get a date.30 k + 10 k for the room, which may not have hot water, a shower, clean sheets, more than 1 towel, toilet paper or even a toilet seat for maybe 30 minutes. Mostly only available up to 9 pm, at least for the average monger.

300 k for 1 hour or more, in your room. Mostly available between 10 pm and 2 am.

Different location, different time frame, different experience, different price.

I'm not defending it, or even questioning it. Just pointing out that even if it's the same girl, it's not the same transaction.

06-02-22, 21:31
Come on, if a girl is in top 3-5%, on any platform, she doesn't have to do shit. Take a few nice photos, upload them and wait. Top girls are always overwhelmed by offers and can be very selective. Eating healthy, exercising, taking care of hair, nails etc requires some time and effort, but all of these is not even close to hustling.

Someone asked for a 10/10 SA girl, just for reference purposes. Here is one that I consider a solid 9, she is on SA and you won't find her in El Centro or Parque Lleras, and certainly, won't fuck her for 200 mil. She probably won't even reply to you, if you don't mention some crazy numbers in your opening message.

https://instagram.com/dpm.18?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=I don't have instagram so I can't see the photos. Bottom line if you want to shell out 1 m+ pesos on a chick in Colombia be my guest but I won't ever do it.

06-02-22, 21:33
A numerical ranking system breaks down, as usual. Guys try to hedge and say, "Well my 10 (there are no 10's BTW) are another guys 7 or 8". I've seen one guy rank a chica a 9 and the next guy a 3. Enjoy your exercise in futility. I am sure there is plenty of fun to be had at every number.10 means the top so it is easy to rank. I think you might have missed the point. You think when you rank 10 among the entire population and the 10 only based on the Seeking population will be the same?

Talking about 10 online is not useful. Most people won't be able to date them. Online world is asymmetrical, and it is heavily biased toward the girls. It is difficult to date someone better than you or your equal online.

06-02-22, 22:18
This one? Last time you posted a Russian IG girl with millions of followers and she was also around 9. So this and the Russian girl are in the same category?

What makes this a 9? Compare to the 400 mil girls I posted earilier? Look or something else?Nounce, I can't even rate the girls you posted, because I can't rate any girl based on 1 (and probably edited) photo. I'm monitoring SA in MDE a lot, and this chick definitely stands out. I don't care if you rate her lower, but the reality is, no matter what me and you rate her, she is in top 3-5% on Seeking in Medellin. As to her rate, I don't know what she charges because as I said earlier, it is very difficult to catch her attention and even get to the point of discussing numbers. Other chicks in her category are hard to reach as well.

06-02-22, 22:55

Beauty indeed lies in the eye of beholder. I am very picky but this girl is no more than 3.5 out 10 for me. I seriously doubt if I would be interested to have sex with her even if she pays me $1 K USD.

We are wired differently, very differently.The fact that she is not your type doesn't mean that she is 3. 5. You are not being objective.

If you ask 1000 men to rate her on 1 to 10 scale, I can pretty much guarantee her average score will not be lower than 7.

Mr Enternational
06-02-22, 23:11
If you ask 1000 men to rate her on 1 to 10 scale, I can pretty much guarantee her average score will not be lower than 7.Wouldn't that depend on the 1000 men that you ask? Ask 1000 men with the same background as you and it would not be lower than 7. Ask 1000 men with the same background as Oterri and it would be lower than 7. Ask 1000 totally random men over 300 different backgrounds and who knows what you would get.

Over and over we assume that what I like is the best or what everybody likes. And even if the chick was the top 5% on Seeking, you would still have to ask yourself what background are the men that go on Seeking that they all like this particular chick. If it is a range of guys from varying backgrounds then maybe the chick is all that. But if it is a bunch of guys from the same demographic then all that says is this is what this particular type of guy likes.

06-02-22, 23:22
Any leads for escort agency?

Not impressed my second time around here.

2/3 my favorite prepagos aren't around.

Lleras is being remodeled and it looks like there's much less girls at night leaving me to have a prepagos already lined up or being out of luck or going to la Isla or Loutron.

Also what's the deal with San Peter apts? Lots almost all look like someone that'd be on this site.Yep.

+57 323XXXX006.

It's run by a girl who is a friend of mine. Prices start at 400 k for 2 hours and supposedly she guarantees the girl will be on time. I've seen pictures of all the girls (one of the perks of being friends with the boss) and there are several I'd take. However, I can't speak for specific performance (one of the downsides of being friends with the boss), but if they're half as good as the boss (another perk), they should be fun.

San Peter is chica friendly and mostly caters to mongers. Decent apartments for a reasonable price in a good location.

06-02-22, 23:39
If you picked 20 random working girl Colombianas and put them in a room and put 20 of us in a room we'd all disagree about which is an 8 or 9 but there may be one obvious super model looking one we'd all agree is the top girl. She would likely be the one who is a dud in bed, IMHO.

06-03-22, 00:19
Nounce, I can't even rate the girls you posted, because I can't rate any girl based on 1 (and probably edited) photo. I'm monitoring SA in MDE a lot, and this chick definitely stands out. I don't care if you rate her lower, but the reality is, no matter what me and you rate her, she is in top 3-5% on Seeking in Medellin. As to her rate, I don't know what she charges because as I said earlier, it is very difficult to catch her attention and even get to the point of discussing numbers. Other chicks in her category are hard to reach as well.You lost me there. The 2 photos Nounce posted appear to be unedited. That's coming from someone who at 1 time spent 60 hours or more per week editing girls photos, not that I'm complaining. The Instagram, Seeking girls pics are definitely edited and many appear to be professionally done, makeup, hair, lighting, composition.

You had no trouble rating the edited pics as a 9, but can't rate the unedited pics. Just choose 1 pic from your 9, compare to his 1 pic. His are available for 400 k, perhaps less and have at least a few favorable reviews on performance. Your girl has an unknown price and unknown performance. It's not even certain she's available at all, as some girls use the different platforms to direct people towards their webcam or OnlyFans.

I always enjoy the eye candy. I follow girls who aren't my type or aren't available, because I enjoy the way they look. Some to look at, others to have sex with. However, a comparison that's geared towards available girls in a particular price range should be limited to girls who have a known price range.

Another point which is a favorite of MrE, makeup changes everything. It's not difficult to turn a 6 face into a 9. Add nails, hair and lighting and what you see in the picture is often much better than what steps out of the shower. And of course, attitude and performance are, at least for me, very important.

I don't follow Seeking in Medellin. I did at one time, but didn't see enough value to justify the price. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I don't see the appeal of begging 100 times for a girl to notice you and then guessing how much to offer to keep her from slamming the door in your face.

06-03-22, 00:20
Nounce, I can't even rate the girls you posted...Maybe she is not real. I don't know how to rate girl. I am not really interested or care about price. I am more interested in knowing where to find beautiful girls and what they look like. You seem to imply that your rating is relative based on the platform. If that is case, you have answered my question.

The girls I posted are not my type. One is not soft looking enough, the other is too round for me but that does not mean I disagree with others.

06-03-22, 00:26
The fact that she is not your type doesn't mean that she is 3. 5. You are not being objective.

If you ask 1000 men to rate her on 1 to 10 scale, I can pretty much guarantee her average score will not be lower than 7.I also don't think she's that good looking. I would not pick her among a crowd, I think she's trying very hard to up her score with glamorous pictures, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

With that being said, I still think there is a girl for every price point and we all have a different definition of what we consider valuable. I don't think any less of the monger that pays $50 USD more than another for the same girl, different circumstances warrant different approaches. I still believe that you get what you pay for, unless the circumstances change and you are able to distribute your pay to the girls over a long period of time, then the girl might see you as an investment and be willing to lower her per visit cost in order to earn your business, in other words so you can keep her in your roster.

For the casual visitors, I believe I will continue using the cheap payers as a low benchmark and offer the girls more, simply because I like wasting my money LOL. Just kidding, I will only bid on what I consider 8's and above, and will report back if I decide to bid up all the way to 1 M or even 2 M COP in order to score a 10. Trust me, I will regret passing on the opportunity when I'm back in pussy prison staring at Walrus specimens walking down the street LOL.

06-03-22, 00:43
If you picked 20 random working girl Colombianas and put them in a room and put 20 of us in a room we'd all disagree about which is an 8 or 9 but there may be one obvious super model looking one we'd all agree is the top girl. She would likely be the one who is a dud in bed, IMHO.There have been two examples already posted here where one guy's 10 is another guy's 3+. Using random girls and random guys of different ages, you would never get that result. Guys who rely on rating systems project and subconsciously seek out other guys with similar tastes, and that is why using numbers works for that group.

Also predicting the supermodel to be the dud is unreliable. There is no relationship between looks and sexual performance. Correlation coefficient of zero, completely random.

06-03-22, 00:59
The street scene is for guys who just want to release. Fayboo and Seeking are for guys who want a little chit chat and friendship with their pussy.All due respect, but there are lots of guys, myself included, who have interactions with street girls that involve much more than just a release.

And what you didn't mention are the casa's, which truly fit the definition of a venue for guys that want a release as they are much more impersonal than what can transpire in the street scene.

I believe there are other members here familiar with the street scene who can corroborate what I am saying.

06-03-22, 01:09
30 k + 10 k for the room, which may not have hot water, a shower, clean sheets, more than 1 towel, toilet paper or even a toilet seat for maybe 30 minutes.You left one item out, a showerhead on the shower if it's not a toilet wipe room! LOL.

06-03-22, 01:38
Come on, if a girl is in top 3-5%, on any platform, she doesn't have to do shit. Take a few nice photos, upload them and wait. Top girls are always overwhelmed by offers and can be very selective. Eating healthy, exercising, taking care of hair, nails etc requires some time and effort, but all of these is not even close to hustling.

Someone asked for a 10/10 SA girl, just for reference purposes. Here is one that I consider a solid 9, she is on SA and you won't find her in El Centro or Parque Lleras, and certainly, won't fuck her for 200 mil. She probably won't even reply to you, if you don't mention some crazy numbers in your opening message.Bro,

She's a solid 5. Is this what we are doing here? Lmaoooooooo the streets of parque Lleras has better looking girls. I wouldn't even offer her 100 k. I know everyone has different taste but this is the reason 4&5 are demanding outrageous prices because you guys are treating them like 9&10's. For reference this is an 8.


06-03-22, 02:13
These ask for 400 based on my experience. It is for your reference, it does not mean I have sessioned with them. I am doing this in hope others will do the same, and not just talk about prices which is not that important without a face IMO.Did either of these girls allow bareback?

06-03-22, 05:06
Agree 110%. Many guys on here seem to think the girls are a commodity, but they're not. Just like cars there are different classes and types. Some are late model domestics with great features (some plastic) and value, some are higher end sportscars with the additional looks and style, others are F-250 duallys (big bunda girls). There may be some overlap in price depending on mileage, where you buy, and how well you negotiate, but there is a wide range. If you want the new Ferrari you're going to pay more than the new Honda. If you want it in Dubai you're going to pay more than buying in the country it's made.

Similarly sometimes you just need a car to get from point A to be, sometimes you want a different thrill (I. E. 4 x4 off-roading), and other times you want to splurge on a nice ride when you're on vacation. Some of you all like to take the bus with others and tag team a girl or have an orgy.

Anyway, that's best analogy I can think of after 2 cups of coffee LOL.I think this is a great analogy haha. I agree 100% too. I don't think me paying and extra 50 k or 100 k here or there will effect anyone's ability to have fun in Medellin. Even if I was paying 1 mil per meet (I'm not) it should not matter to anybody as I feel the girls will get what they can from who they think they can.

For example, my buddy and I see some of the same FB girls. One of the girls I see for 300 k a session, but that same girl will not see my buddy for less than 400 k plus 50 k for taxi. No matter how many times he pays this much she has never said I have to pay her the same, much to my buddy's annoyance haha.

This is specially so for girls in different venues. Someone paying a million to a girl on FB or SA for example will have no affect for someone going to to EL Centro or the casas because its two different level of people they cater to. I could never get a centro girl, its not a place I would ever be comfortable picking up a girl, and there is guys who would never use SA for example. And that's fine. There is enough girls in Medellin for every guy no matter what you are willing to pay. Nobody is ruining anything for paying what they are comfortable paying. Lets all relax a little.

Member #2001
06-03-22, 07:43
I just have to say that anyone that pays one 400 mil or even 200 mil is crazy. 30 or 40 is the going rate in botero depending.

For what its worth I had the best BJ of my life the other day. I am near 60 and have never been able to come by BJ alone. THis girl was a winner. Swallowed and everything NOt the best looker but what the hell.

Price 5 mil price for the hotel 5 mil.

If you guys are pay the gringo tax well your making it harder for the rest of us.

Another thing botero after dark risky? no way. of course it depends on the hour and how wasted you are, but i have never had a problem. risky, try avenue bolovar by yourself. ofcourse there are other areas, you can always go to pablado

06-03-22, 08:25
I just have to say that anyone that pays one 400 mil or even 200 mil is crazy. 30 or 40 is the going rate in botero depending.

For what its worth I had the best BJ of my life the other day. I am near 60 and have never been able to come by BJ alone. THis girl was a winner. Swallowed and everything NOt the best looker but what the hell.

Price 5 mil price for the hotel 5 mil.

If you guys are pay the gringo tax well your making it harder for the rest of us.

Another thing botero after dark risky? no way. of course it depends on the hour and how wasted you are, but i have never had a problem. risky, try avenue bolovar by yourself. ofcourse there are other areas, you can always go to pabladoNobody is paying 200 k or 400 k in Botero Plaza. At least I would hope not. Those are rates being paid for Facebook girls, Escorts, or other girls who come to you. They aren't having any effect on the guys pulling street girls in El Centro.

I used to walk around the area at night, until 10 or 10:30. Then one night I saw 2 young guys beating and robbing an old guy and watched all the other people disappear. After that I stopped walking around that late and usually left the area around 8:30.

Congrats on the BJ though.

06-03-22, 12:48
I just have to say that anyone that pays one 400 mil or even 200 mil is crazy. 30 or 40 is the going rate in botero depending.

For what its worth I had the best BJ of my life the other day. I am near 60 and have never been able to come by BJ alone. THis girl was a winner. Swallowed and everything NOt the best looker but what the hell.

Price 5 mil price for the hotel 5 mil.

If you guys are pay the gringo tax well your making it harder for the rest of us.

Another thing botero after dark risky? no way. of course it depends on the hour and how wasted you are, but i have never had a problem. risky, try avenue bolovar by yourself. ofcourse there are other areas, you can always go to pablado200,000 is NOT crazy unless the woman is ugly or untalented. Usually (not in every case but usually) you can pick ONLY two of these three things: quality of her carnal skills, high quality beauty, low price.

06-03-22, 13:30
If enough people pay fast and easy, the market will obviously adjust higherPartly true, except payment is irrelevant to price.

If by "enough people" you mean more mongers enter the market (increased demand) while the number of wet holes remains constant, then indeed price will go up overall, independent of what people pay. That is what is shown in the Supply & Demand graph I sketched.

However, there is no evidence of a shortage of supply of wet holes in Colombia. The mongering market here has proven to be very elastic over time (there's a pun in there somewhere), especially when you remember to correct for inflation.

If you are talking about a micro-market, such as competition for once specific chica, then her price can be sensitive to changes in small numbers of mongers seeking her attention (changes in demand).

What do you think will happen if suddenly one of the high priced girls stops getting offers (for any reason, it doesn't matter)? She will lower her price due to decreased demand. To make some money is better than making no money. Price is an independent variable. This sounds counter-intuitive to most, but it has been proven true in every free market in the world for over 100 years.

Mongers get emotional about this topic because they think someone else's payment is spoiling their fun. First of all, money and emotion do not mix well. Gambling, sex, impulse buying, keeping up with the Joneses, you name it.

I will always stand up for this principle because it is absolutely wrong to blame what others pay as having any effect on what you pay. If you want to keep the prices down, then discourage other mongers from coming here in the first place. I have suggested this many times. That keeps demand and pricing stable, assuming the supply of wet holes is elastic (there's that pun we were looking for), which a lot of us believe it to be.

If price goes up, one of two things happened. Demand (number of mongers) went up, while the supply of wet holes stayed the same, went down, or did not increase enough to meet the new demand. Or supply (number of wet holes went down) went down without a corresponding decrease in demand.

Once a monger has arrived into the market, it's too late to control price. That ship has sailed, so to speak. Supply and demand will always reach an equilibrium point in any free market. The number of mongerers is what counts in our market, not what they pay. Of course, supply, or the number of wet holes matters too, but I believe this is one of the most elastic markets out there, and supply seems to meet demand almost purrfektly, although that point is debatable.

Nobody is ruining anything for paying what they are comfortable paying. Lets all relax a little.

06-03-22, 14:28
....If you ask 1000 men to rate her on 1 to 10 scale, I can pretty much guarantee her average score will not be lower than 7.If you ask 1000 men to rate her on a scale from 1 to 10 you will get ratings ranging from 1 to 10.

06-03-22, 15:53

She's a solid 5. Is this what we are doing here? Lmaoooooooo the streets of parque Lleras has better looking girls. I wouldn't even offer her 100 k. I know everyone has different taste but this is the reason 4&5 are demanding outrageous prices because you guys are treating them like 9&10's. For reference this is an 8.

https://www.instagram.com/p/CZo_M6rLc8u/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=6 at best, Imo, lol.

Rating scale means nothing, but for the individual. Geez.

06-03-22, 15:57
All due respect, but there are lots of guys, myself included, who have interactions with street girls that involve much more than just a release.

And what you didn't mention are the casa's, which truly fit the definition of a venue for guys that want a release as they are much more impersonal than what can transpire in the street scene.

I believe there are other members here familiar with the street scene who can corroborate what I am saying.No doubt about it.

One of the reasons I dig the street scene is the ability to chat, and get to know a bit.

06-03-22, 15:59
that's kind of died out around Tampa from what it was in the glory days but that's another story.

So do any pay to dance with a hottie type of places exist here or anyplace else in the world?Curious, when do you consider the "glory days" of Tampa to be?

A lot of my girls, I don't know, about half, start out our sessions dancing nude. I realize that is not what you were talking about but I agree that watching a naked pretty girl doing a sexy dance is a good way to get the juices flowing.

06-03-22, 17:27
A lot of people talk like it's their free choice what they will or won't pay, which may be true, but a lot of guys operate under financial constraints or a "budget". This can indirectly shape their tastes for certain types of girls and directly effect the market in which they operate, SA, FB, casas, Ground Zero, etc.

Besides payment being irrelevant to setting the price in a free market, stating what anyone else pays is "right or wrong" could be that person projecting his own financial situation into the mix. For enough guys, whether they pay 30.000 or 100.000 or 250.000 or even a million may not be a key factor, although almost everyone appreciates a value.

I have a few girls in my line up who were either new or fresh to the game and I am sure they would be some guys 9 or 10, but they basically don't know it yet or they don't understand the market. One girl in particular, Purrfekt Paisa went from 70 mil sessions in my hotel room, to 2 million peso outings on a yacht with someone else over the period of several months. She would still come back to me, at her new mark-up price of 150 mil, jeje, although I recently lost track of her.

I guess that has sort of been my strategy, finding these diamonds in the rough, and then their friends, and friends of friends, while keeping their prices reasonable for my comfort level.

I found a few old fotos of Purrfekt Paisa. Physically, she was the total package. She is tall. She had a sweet enough personality, and a simple mind that was sufficiently pliable.

Mr Enternational
06-03-22, 18:02
What do you think will happen if suddenly one of the high priced girls stops getting offers (for any reason, it doesn't matter)? She will lower her price due to decreased demand. To make some money is better than making no money. Maybe that is what you think will happen, but in Latin America everyone knows that the price will be raised to make up for the lost demand. To make more off 1 person is better than making less off a few people.

06-03-22, 19:17
A lot of people talk like it's their free choice what they will or won't pay, which may be true, but a lot of guys operate under financial constraints or a "budget". This can indirectly shape their tastes for certain types of girls and directly effect the market in which they operate, SA, FB, casas, Ground Zero, etc.Imagine guy's that don't have any financial constraints or a budget, meaning they can afford to partake in their mongering venues as much as they want, in this situation, the real constraint becomes how many loads a guy is capable of blowing within hours.

I know guys, especially those who are older, who do not recharge as quickly who will at times go with a girl, and purposely hold back and save their load for another girl the same day or within hours.

Imagine your in a bar / club, or on the street, you've just finished with someone, and immediately afterwards in the same venue you see something that really get's your attention, but you know if you go with her, you won't finish as just not enough time has elapsed since the last one.

You talk about a frustrating situation, and truly a constraint, this is it, at least for me.

Mr Enternational
06-03-22, 19:59
6 at best, Imo, lol. Rating scale means nothing, but for the individual. Geez.Adjustable 6 at that. I am still waiting for someone to show these 8's, 9's, and whatever the hell else in a non-glamourshot picture with no makeup. I need to see how a chick looks when she is around the house scrubbing the toilet or outside flagging down a taxi, not when she is trying to attract attention and lure men on the internet.

06-03-22, 20:04

She's a solid 5. Is this what we are doing here? Lmaoooooooo the streets of parque Lleras has better looking girls. I wouldn't even offer her 100 k. I know everyone has different taste but this is the reason 4&5 are demanding outrageous prices because you guys are treating them like 9&10's. For reference this is an 8.

https://www.instagram.com/p/CZo_M6rLc8u/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=I'll play. Is your solid 8 available for P4P and if so at what price?

Because, unless she's available at a price someone is willing to pay, then for the purpose of the forum she's a 0.

06-03-22, 20:13
So I'm watching an episode of Law & Order Criminal Intent and Goren goes to this NYC establishment where you pay to dance and / or drink with good looking women. I guess it existed in the past https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxi_dancer and it was big in the US at one time 1920's, 1930's until they got their panties in a bunch. It seems like since Colombia doesn't have the massage parlors of Thailand and lots of people needing money that clubs like that would be something that could exist here. Are there any out there already? I've never seen mention of them, although I have seen mention of swingers which is something I'm interested in mainly for the gangbang aspect that's kind of died out around Tampa from what it was in the glory days but that's another story.

So do any pay to dance with a hottie type of places exist here or anyplace else in the world?There's a bunch of bars in El Centro where girls wait for guys to buy drinks for them. I'm sure you could convince some to dance with you. Or you can go to practically any nightclub and if you're a good dancer, you'll have all the dancing you want for free.

Colombia has casas. It's the Spirit Air of the Thai massage parlors. They take out all the frills and just get down to business.

I never knew anyplace had gangbang glory days. Glory hole glory days maybe.

06-03-22, 23:42
So I have been reading the forum. Thanks for all the great input. I am about to land in Medellin and will definitely write a thorough field report when I am done. I have a good number of contacts on FB, but I have also tried my hand at tinder and bumble. I am have 40+ matches of girls I find attractive on tinder and around 10 on bumble. Anyone has experience on how many of them are a scam? What can I do to minimize potential harm on first meet? How many of these matches are looking for compensation and how many are just regular tinder girls? I am in my mid 30's and probably a 6 out of 10 on the attractive scale and on the smaller side.

I was thinking of meeting for drinks at a public place and getting a feel for the girls then and if they pass the "vibe check" I would invite them back to my hotel (would start at hotel first for safety). I will be in Medellin for one month.

06-04-22, 00:09
Maybe that is what you think will happen, but in Latin America everyone knows that the price will be raised to make up for the lost demand. To make more off 1 person is better than making less off a few people.She may try to raise her price, and she might be able to find a few individuals who pay her higher price in the short term. But over time, in the long run, her price will have to drop if demand does not increase or she will simply run out of business. If she is able to get mongers to pay her increased price in the long term, it is because demand for her went up, and not because other mongers have to "make-up" for her decreased demand. That is ludicrous.

The most common pitfall of not understanding the Law of Supply & Demand is thinking that payment determines price.

The second most common pitfall is thinking that certain markets are "unique", like the Latin America puta market, and the Law of Supply and Demand somehow does not apply. As long as it is a free market, Supply & Demand rules.

The third most common pitfall is people is projecting personal experience into the scenario when virtually no one individual monger, even someone with numbers way average, can witness the actual dynamics of the Law of Supply & Demand in action. That takes macro economics.

Exceptions could possibly be your micro market example, but even then, unless you are personally tracking every single encounter she has and what was paid to her over a significant period of time (months), then again, no dice. Even if you said you did that and came to your same conclusion, then I would have to assume your analysis was in error. Even the puta to whom the activity is occurring, can have extreme self-bias as to what is actually happening. And let's face it, a lot of these girls are clueless about such matters.

You may certainly have the last word if you wish, I will beg off this thread.

06-04-22, 00:55
Imagine guy's that don't have any financial constraints or a budget, meaning they can afford to partake in their mongering venues as much as they want, in this situation, the real constraint becomes how many loads a guy is capable of blowing within hours.

I know guys, especially those who are older, who do not recharge as quickly who will at times go with a girl, and purposely hold back and save their load for another girl the same day or within hours.

Imagine your in a bar / club, or on the street, you've just finished with someone, and immediately afterwards in the same venue you see something that really get's your attention, but you know if you go with her, you won't finish as just not enough time has elapsed since the last one.

You talk about a frustrating situation, and truly a constraint, this is it, at least for me.My wingman was slightly stunned today when I told him I didn't pop every single encounter. I said, "WTF, when I was averaging over 5 girls a day last trip did you think I was climaxing every time?" No fucking way. Maybe first and last. There are tons of ways to have fun without getting obsessed with orgasms. Probably one of my favorite things to do is edge all day then pull out on the last girl of the day and drench her face. Maybe tonight, with Catgirl, our first meeting this trip and she will be Number Three today. I am looking forward to it, with as little "desire" and "planning" as possible, jejeje.

Freckle left this morning for Peru. I have never spent so much time with one chica over four weeks. You may recall she was the chica to whom I made the bee-line when my plane landed here about a month ago. I cried like a baby for a few minutes but it's a good thing she left. We basically had nothing in common except total tolerance of each others' company and effortless sex. Not pussy whipped but another level I can't explain.

Then early Saturday morning I am off the the finca in Guatape for a birthday fiesta with Managerette. I was planning all kinds of new sexual escapades with her this weekend, our first overnight, but as usual the word "plan" comes back and bites me on the ass. Turns out it's going to bunk style accommodations, boys and girls in separate rooms! Jajaja, joke is on me but I don't mind. I will take some fotos but probably won't post until I get back. Chao, and Keep On Keepin' On!

Peaches is here.

06-04-22, 01:10
She may try to raise her price, and she might be able to find a few individuals who pay her higher price in the short term. But over time, in the long run, her price will have to drop if demand does not increase or she will simply run out of business. If she is able to get mongers to pay her increased price in the long term, it is because demand for her went up, and not because other mongers have to "make-up" for her decreased demand. That is ludicrous.

The most common pitfall of not understanding the Law of Supply & Demand is thinking that payment determines price.

The second most common pitfall is thinking that certain markets are "unique", like the Latin America puta market, and the Law of Supply and Demand somehow does not apply. As long as it is a free market, Supply & Demand rules.

The third most common pitfall is people is projecting personal experience into the scenario when virtually no one individual monger, even someone with numbers way average, can witness the actual dynamics of the Law of Supply & Demand in action. That takes macro economics..He actually has a point. I've heard similar sentiments from several expat business owners in Medellin. Buildings will sit vacant for years because the owner won't budge of the price he wants.

Even my friend with the escort agency. I've tried to explain that it's better to drop prices to be competitive, than to have only a few customers. Run specials, offer first timer discounts, do something to get the phone ringing. Nope.

Individually, if you're dealing directly with the girl, if you handle it correctly, you can get the price dropped. However, dealing with girls who use a manager, like many of the Instagram girls, they are willing to sit indefinitely waiting for that payday.

06-04-22, 01:18
So I have been reading the forum. Thanks for all the great input. I am about to land in Medellin and will definitely write a thorough field report when I am done. I have a good number of contacts on FB, but I have also tried my hand at tinder and bumble. I am have 40+ matches of girls I find attractive on tinder and around 10 on bumble. Anyone has experience on how many of them are a scam? What can I do to minimize potential harm on first meet? How many of these matches are looking for compensation and how many are just regular tinder girls? I am in my mid 30's and probably a 6 out of 10 on the attractive scale and on the smaller side.

I was thinking of meeting for drinks at a public place and getting a feel for the girls then and if they pass the "vibe check" I would invite them back to my hotel (would start at hotel first for safety). I will be in Medellin for one month.Tinder is the most common source for drug and rob groups. I can't give an estimate on individual risk, but it's something to be aware of. They put Scopolamine in your drink when you're not paying attention, then they clean you out. While having a drink first is a good idea, you should be aware.

Other scams are asking you to prepay through some online source, or requiring a deposit, or a purchase of their content.

Also, the most common lie on ISG is "I will definitely write a trip report."

06-04-22, 01:21
Imagine guy's that don't have any financial constraints or a budget, meaning they can afford to partake in their mongering venues as much as they want, in this situation, the real constraint becomes how many loads a guy is capable of blowing within hours.

I know guys, especially those who are older, who do not recharge as quickly who will at times go with a girl, and purposely hold back and save their load for another girl the same day or within hours.

Imagine your in a bar / club, or on the street, you've just finished with someone, and immediately afterwards in the same venue you see something that really get's your attention, but you know if you go with her, you won't finish as just not enough time has elapsed since the last one.

You talk about a frustrating situation, and truly a constraint, this is it, at least for me.This is the bigger issue for me too. I'm not 60 years old yet, but even taking vitamins see or V, after I pop twice or three times in one day it becomes difficult to get ready for the next girl within the next two hours or so. Sometimes during trips I book girls about 3 hours apart in order to capture the biggest amount of talent I can, and purposely schedule the hottest ones to the end so they can help me get there simply based off their looks. I've had cases where I banged for over an a hour and the girl takes it as a challenge to keep going until I pop, which is appreciated. Even without a condom, it can be a struggle.

So many girls to try and so little time, I think one day If I have unlimited time I will focus on one a day or even one a week to enjoy more.

06-04-22, 03:06

She's a solid 5. Is this what we are doing here? Lmaoooooooo the streets of parque Lleras has better looking girls. I wouldn't even offer her 100 k. I know everyone has different taste but this is the reason 4&5 are demanding outrageous prices because you guys are treating them like 9&10's. For reference this is an 8.

https://www.instagram.com/p/CZo_M6rLc8u/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Parque Lleras has better looking girls?? Haha. Lleras girls are ugly, covered in tattooes, fat or anorexic skinny. What are you talking about? The girl that I posted is at least 7 if she is not your type. It is totally fine to subtract 1 or 2 points if a girl is not up to your liking. When you rate a girl low numbers you can't even say why, point out her imperfections / defects etc. Another poster rated her 3. 5, obviously he doesn't know shit about 1. 10 scale, or has bad taste in women. Could not even explain why 3. 5. A real 3. 5 would be an obese ugly women in her 50's, whom you would not even touch.

06-04-22, 03:08
Parque Lleras has better looking girls?? Haha. Lleras girls are ugly, covered in tattooes, fat or anorexic skinny.Yes, I agree. Was there 2 weeks ago. Fat woman approached me. No thanks. And the men are drunks, sleeping on the sidewalks on cardboard. Not a great place to go and meet attractive Colombian women.

06-04-22, 03:29
Parque Lleras has better looking girls?? Haha. Lleras girls are ugly, covered in tattooes, fat or anorexic skinny. What are you talking about? The girl that I posted is at least 7 if she is not your type. It is totally fine to subtract 1 or 2 points if a girl is not up to your liking. When you rate a girl low numbers you can't even say why, point out her imperfections / defects etc. Another poster rated her 3. 5, obviously he doesn't know shit about 1. 10 scale, or has bad taste in women. Could not even explain why 3. 5. A real 3. 5 would be an obese ugly women in her 50's, whom you would not even touch.Why get defensive about a woman who you haven't even talked to? She could be universally acclaimed by every man on the planet as the perfect, ideal woman, but if she's not fucking for less than $1 million USD then it doesn't really matter.

If you want to define your scale, pick a woman you've fucked, list her price, quality of service and attitude, assign her a rating and include a picture. That way others have something to go on. All of this "she won't talk to me" crap is a waste of time.

06-04-22, 04:36
...The second most common pitfall is thinking that certain markets are "unique", like the Latin America puta market, and the Law of Supply and Demand somehow does not apply. As long as it is a free market, Supply & Demand rules..Indeed, Supply and Demand will always prevail in a truly free market. Thanks for the review!

06-04-22, 04:57
Parque Lleras has better looking girls?? Haha. Lleras girls are ugly, covered in tattooes, fat or anorexic skinny. What are you talking about? The girl that I posted is at least 7 if she is not your type. It is totally fine to subtract 1 or 2 points if a girl is not up to your liking. When you rate a girl low numbers you can't even say why, point out her imperfections / defects etc. Another poster rated her 3. 5, obviously he doesn't know shit about 1. 10 scale, or has bad taste in women. Could not even explain why 3. 5. A real 3. 5 would be an obese ugly women in her 50's, whom you would not even touch.Depends how tall she is, if she is 5 ft and 95 lbs, I give her a 6, average height- she is a solid 7. If she put 10 lbs on she could go higher. No man in his right mind is going to rate her a 3.5. A 3.5 is a fat disgusting skank, lower than 3 is handicap girls and they should just be off limits. I don't fux with bitches lower than 6 if I paying for it, and I usually keep it in the 7-8 range where price meets performance. To each their own though.

06-04-22, 05:03
I don't agree that the puta market in Colombia is a free market, per se. I say that because of irrational decision made by parties, lack of complete information on competitive pricing, etc.

The market would work much better if gringos and chicas in many cases were not so stupid.

Even if one wants to make the case the puta market in Colombia is free, it most certainly is not efficient. It's like those finance folks who insist the stock markets are efficient.

Indeed, Supply and Demand will always prevail in a truly free market. Thanks for the review!

06-04-22, 05:13
I don't agree that the puta market in Colombia is a free market, per se. I say that because of irrational decision made by parties, lack of complete information on competitive pricing, etc.

The market would work much better if gringos and chicas in many cases were not so stupid.

Even if one wants to make the case the puta market in Colombia is free, it most certainly is not efficient. It's like those finance folks who insist the stock markets are efficient.For at least taking a counterpoint that could be valid.

Finally, someone did.

06-04-22, 05:39
I don't agree that the puta market in Colombia is a free market, per se. I say that because of irrational decision made by parties, lack of complete information on competitive pricing, etc.

The market would work much better if gringos and chicas in many cases were not so stupid.

Even if one wants to make the case the puta market in Colombia is free, it most certainly is not efficient. It's like those finance folks who insist the stock markets are efficient.None of it makes a lot of sense without correct definitions of supply and demand. It's not merely numbers as some make it out to be, but numbers of those willing to pay within a certain price range for a product or service. There's loads of "demand" in the Centro strip clubs, hoards of it. But prices stay low because the locals will not and often cannot pay more. However throw a bunch of suckers in that market that are willing to pay five times the going rate then you'll eventually see prices jump. Though thankfully 90% or more of tourists are scared to go to Centro, and especially at night. Take markets where suckers feel comfortable, increase the numbers the same and voila, you will have price increases. Therefore it's just as you said, that assessing the "types" of consumers (stupid ones) is most relevant, and it's not just about sheer numbers.

The same can be said of the Medellin service providers / supply. Though often with the independents it's just lack of ambition. Some set an inflated price that gets them a minimal amount of work, one big sucker every week or two which carries them through to the next crisis at which time they start checking their messages again. If they wanted a lot of work they'd have to lower their price but that isn't on the table. So this is all more complicated than Osteoknot tries to make it. Human relations are always more complicated than simple math equations.

06-04-22, 07:25
Why get defensive about a woman who you haven't even talked to? She could be universally acclaimed by every man on the planet as the perfect, ideal woman, but if she's not fucking for less than $1 million USD then it doesn't really matter.

If you want to define your scale, pick a woman you've fucked, list her price, quality of service and attitude, assign her a rating and include a picture. That way others have something to go on. All of this "she won't talk to me" crap is a waste of time.It has nothing to do with the girl I posted. I could post a different girl and get the same comments. I am amazed how guys would assign low rating to a girl just because she is not their type without any explanation. It is like pointing at a red ferrari and saying the car is yellow, when in fact, it is fucking red, but the guy pointing at it is colorblind. And and it would be great if guys who assign low ratings post their own 9's and 10's.

06-04-22, 07:51
He actually has a point. I've heard similar sentiments from several expat business owners in Medellin. Buildings will sit vacant for years because the owner won't budge of the price he wants.

Even my friend with the escort agency. I've tried to explain that it's better to drop prices to be competitive, than to have only a few customers. Run specials, offer first timer discounts, do something to get the phone ringing. Nope.

Individually, if you're dealing directly with the girl, if you handle it correctly, you can get the price dropped. However, dealing with girls who use a manager, like many of the Instagram girls, they are willing to sit indefinitely waiting for that payday.That same old and unbelievably common pitfall of supporting the argument you are challenging.

The Law of Supply and Demand doesn't force anyone to to do anything. You can pay what you want and you can set your price at whatever you want. The Law of Supply & Demand sets the equilibrium price point and determines the response to prices above and below that point. I sketched the graph for this but the fucking auto-editor on this site ruined my labeling points, so fuck that.

In both your examples, the seller made the opposite response needed to restore their price to be in equilibrium with demand. That results in further reduction of demand, as you noted in your example of vacant buildings. I gave my own example of the exact same thing here the other day off topic when I wrote that Pumpkin will turn down three offers of 30 for one offer of 40. We were all describing behaviors and not results.

None of this amounts to a hill of beans in the real world, not because it's wrong, but because the invisible force of the Law of Supply & Demand will determine fair market value (FMV) no matter what we say or do.

My main point is, I don't like to see people chastised for doing something "wrong" when they pay above or below FMV and "ruining" it for others, when there is absolutely no relationship between payment and price. And I got you and Mr. E to be on the same side of an argument. My work here is done! Ostee Out!

06-04-22, 08:35
I don't know how you rate girls. I know what a 10 is. After thinking about it, I think I know what a 5 is. Anything below 5 is either below average in look, or I don't want to fuck. From this viewpoint, the girl posted by MB1 is above 5 to me which is not far from 7, LOL.

I think MB1 probably has good stuff he is keeping for himself. LOL. Because he always posted girls form elsewhere to try to distract us but he keeps coming back to Medellin.

06-04-22, 09:17

The most common pitfall of not understanding the Law of Supply & Demand is thinking that payment determines price...Do you deal with FB girls or girls from social media? What you say can apply to brothels in Japan or 141 in HK. But it is not obvious that it applies to FB girls. They don't operate like a business.

Think about it, a hot girl can make more money by working harder with a reasonable price to have more customers per day. She can buy an apartment within a year, the next apartment will take less time because the added income from the 1st apartment. She can retire comfortably within a few years.

If they are smart enough, they can even form a corporation and pool the money together to buy real estates.

06-04-22, 12:43
Do you deal with FB girls or girls from social media? What you say can apply to brothels in Japan or 141 in HK. But it is not obvious that it applies to FB girls. They don't operate like a business.

Think about it, a hot girl can make more money by working harder with a reasonable price to have more customers per day. She can buy an apartment within a year, the next apartment will take less time because the added income from the 1st apartment. She can retire comfortably within a few years.

If they are smart enough, they can even form a corporation and pool the money together to buy real estates.I don't know enough about FB or the other markets you mentioned to include or exclude them. The Law of Supply and Demand applies to open, free markets. As Colombia Lover mentioned, whether or not these puta markets are truly free is a debatable point.

I was looking at it as the total supply of putas to all the markets in Colombia and any given time, but there are micro-markets that could be exceptions. I don't know enough about them all to know which ones, if any, to exclude. You could argue that the Gringo market itself is a micro-market at Ground Zero, although I believe the numbers to be sufficient for the Law of Supply & Demand to apply.

I am off to Guatape! Chao.

06-04-22, 14:35
So I have been reading the forum. Thanks for all the great input. I am about to land in Medellin and will definitely write a thorough field report when I am done. I have a good number of contacts on FB, but I have also tried my hand at tinder and bumble. I am have 40+ matches of girls I find attractive on tinder and around 10 on bumble. Anyone has experience on how many of them are a scam? What can I do to minimize potential harm on first meet? How many of these matches are looking for compensation and how many are just regular tinder girls? I am in my mid 30's and probably a 6 out of 10 on the attractive scale and on the smaller side.

I was thinking of meeting for drinks at a public place and getting a feel for the girls then and if they pass the "vibe check" I would invite them back to my hotel (would start at hotel first for safety). I will be in Medellin for one month.If you want to know if she's regular chick or a working girl just straight up ask them, I never had 1 get offended.

06-04-22, 15:18
I don't agree that the puta market in Colombia is a free market, per se. I say that because of irrational decision made by parties, lack of complete information on competitive pricing, etc.

The market would work much better if gringos and chicas in many cases were not so stupid.

Even if one wants to make the case the puta market in Colombia is free, it most certainly is not efficient. It's like those finance folks who insist the stock markets are efficient.I don't know what is meant by a free market, but seems as though at least in the street scene in Medellin to be a complete free for all on pricing if that is what a free market means.

Such disparity at times with the street Putas quoting off the wall prices to gringos, and at other times quoting the locals "rack rate".

And when I get an inflated gringo price, and the Venezuelans seem to be much more adept at this, I sometimes laugh at them, and inform them that the Colombians don't ask for that much, and ask why they cost more, and usually get a dumb look from them or a smile, but I am always civil and polite with them, but won't go with them as it's a red flag for me, albeit lots of gringo newbies don't know any different, and with the prices being so low compared to the other venues they frequented, this promulgates more Putas to quote inflated prices. But I can't blame them though one bit for trying as it is a business for them.

06-04-22, 16:33
I don't know what is meant by a free market, but seems as though at least in the street scene in Medellin to be a complete free for all on pricing if that is what a free market means.
Free market means an economic system based on supply and demand where the Government plays no role in setting price or conditions.

06-04-22, 16:46
I don't doubt that it's happened. I don't think it is a frequent occurrence but I wouldn't bet against it ever having happened.

Nobody is paying 200 k or 400 k in Botero Plaza. At least I would hope not. Those are rates being paid for Facebook girls, Escorts, or other girls who come to you. They aren't having any effect on the guys pulling street girls in El Centro.

I used to walk around the area at night, until 10 or 10:30. Then one night I saw 2 young guys beating and robbing an old guy and watched all the other people disappear. After that I stopped walking around that late and usually left the area around 8:30.

Congrats on the BJ though.

Mr Enternational
06-04-22, 16:51
I am amazed how guys would assign low rating to a girl just because she is not their type without any explanation.So you did not give an explanation why she is a 9, but you are amazed how the guys that rated her lower did not give an explanation.

06-04-22, 20:33
The indisputable explanation is guys think the girl is whatever number they think she is. The numbers are meaningless, and so are the never ending discussions about them. P.S. I think I might have seen what some guys would call a 7, 8, or 9, or maybe a 5 in the Tesoro Mall a while back. So what?

So you did not give an explanation why she is a 9, but you are amazed how the guys that rated her lower did not give an explanation.

06-04-22, 22:01
There have been two examples already posted here where one guy's 10 is another guy's 3+. Using random girls and random guys of different ages, you would never get that result. Guys who rely on rating systems project and subconsciously seek out other guys with similar tastes, and that is why using numbers works for that group.

Also predicting the supermodel to be the dud is unreliable. There is no relationship between looks and sexual performance. Correlation coefficient of zero, completely random.To quote myself: "we'd all disagree".

In my personal experience, the woman who is told all the time she is amazing doesn't put in a major effort in bed because why would she when there are 30 drooling men behind the guy she is servicing while the woman who is not told that but still needs to eat and pay bills has no problems putting in extra effort to please the guy.

Obviously this isn't every case but it is more true than not. At least for me.

That is why I will take two enthusiastic 7's over one 10 who could easily be on a magazine cover or a reggaeton video. But who only accepts twice the price of the 7's.

06-04-22, 23:16
You could argue that the Gringo market itself is a micro-market at Ground Zero, although I believe the numbers to be sufficient for the Law of Supply & Demand to apply.
.There is a micro-market for Gringos in Centro which might sound odd to some, but it does exist, albeit it may be totally different than what your talking about.

There are girls in Centro, the more astute ones, whom I call "Gringo Hunters" who look specifically look for Gringos because they typically pay more.

As far as supply and demand, I'm not sure if this would apply in this situation.

06-04-22, 23:31
To quote myself: "we'd all disagree".

In my personal experience, the woman who is told all the time she is amazing doesn't put in a major effort in bed because why would she when there are 30 drooling men behind the guy she is servicing while the woman who is not told that but still needs to eat and pay bills has no problems putting in extra effort to please the guy.

Obviously this isn't every case but it is more true than not. At least for me.

That is why I will take two enthusiastic 7's over one 10 who could easily be on a magazine cover or a reggaeton video. But who only accepts twice the price of the 7's.I see we are on the rating system topic again LOL. Guy#1 10 is a busty instagram model, guy#2 10 is a slim cover girl swimsuit model, guy#3 10 has natural features and a lot of GFE, and guy#4 10 is a sexual sex fiend that steals his soul every time. Why can't we accept that when a guy says a girl is a 7 or 8 that he's recounting the girl looks from his unique perspective and is more like a estimated range. I personally just say below average, average, above average, High tier / Baddie / Freak (beyond this point depends on the combination of other qualities), Diamond / Dime, and then there's the. 01% fabled unicorn that has everything your mind, body, heart desires.

06-05-22, 00:59
So you did not give an explanation why she is a 9, but you are amazed how the guys that rated her lower did not give an explanation.I think he did, not directly but it sounds more like a hunger marketing strategy by the girl. I only looked at new girls when I was on SA. The question is how does a girl become top 3% if she just signed up SA? Or how does she become accustomed to outrageous offer so soon? If she is already on SA for a long time, then the question is why a top girl on SA is still available?

06-05-22, 04:37
Colombia has casas. It's the Spirit Air of the Thai massage parlors. They take out all the frills and just get down to business.

I never knew anyplace had gangbang glory days. Glory hole glory days maybe.Thanks for the reply. I've had the whole shebang in Santa Fe for the price of a foot massage in Thailand so I get the gist of it, but sometimes I just want the reflexology.

Phoenixxx Blaque, Bisexual Britni, Olivia, MyHottieWife Tracy, FLDD, Naughty Alysha, Gabby, and many others. Those were the days. . and if bored with that we had Osaka for BBFSWCIP for a $40 tip, or YborStrip when it was standing room only. LOL.

06-05-22, 10:49
I see we are on the rating system topic again LOL. Guy#1 10 is a busty instagram model, guy#2 10 is a slim cover girl swimsuit model, guy#3 10 has natural features and a lot of GFE, and guy#4 10 is a sexual sex fiend that steals his soul every time. Why can't we accept that when a guy says a girl is a 7 or 8 that he's recounting the girl looks from his unique perspective and is more like a estimated range. I personally just say below average, average, above average, High tier / Baddie / Freak (beyond this point depends on the combination of other qualities), Diamond / Dime, and then there's the. 01% fabled unicorn that has everything your mind, body, heart desires.You even added my "we'd all disagree" quote!

06-05-22, 14:25
I see we are on the rating system topic again LOL. Guy#1 10 is a busty instagram model, guy#2 10 is a slim cover girl swimsuit model, guy#3 10 has natural features and a lot of GFE, and guy#4 10 is a sexual sex fiend that steals his soul every time. Why can't we accept that when a guy says a girl is a 7 or 8 that he's recounting the girl looks from his unique perspective and is more like a estimated range. I personally just say below average, average, above average, High tier / Baddie / Freak (beyond this point depends on the combination of other qualities), Diamond / Dime, and then there's the. 01% fabled unicorn that has everything your mind, body, heart desires.I agree that the 1-10 scale is far too subjective, which is why I prefer the 0-4 scale.

0 is a woman you wouldn't fxxx.

1 is a woman that you would fxxx.

2 is a woman you would DATY then fxxx.

3 is a woman you would BB and then DATY.

4 is a woman you would DATY after your buddy BB'ed her.

06-05-22, 19:32
The indisputable explanation is guys think the girl is whatever number they think she is. The numbers are meaningless, and so are the never ending discussions about them. P.S. I think I might have seen what some guys would call a 7, 8, or 9, or maybe a 5 in the Tesoro Mall a while back. So what?It is not really about rating. I am interested in seeing available hot girls. MB1 seems to have very high standard and experienced so I am still looking forward to see some examples of available hot Medellin girls from him. LOL. Rating 9 or 10 from him is just a way to say he thinks the girl is hot

06-05-22, 22:45
The indisputable explanation is guys think the girl is whatever number they think she is. The numbers are meaningless, No the numbers are not meaningless. Everyone knows that "sex sells". The average western guy likes Coke bottle shape, flat tummy, medium to big boobs. It is proven every day in our advertisements. Look at the girls in all the Super Bowl advertisements (especially the Dorito ads). Look at cheerleaders at all the sporting games. Scroll up and look at the advertisements on the left and right columns of this very website. You all think the marketing department just grabbed girls at random? Victoria Secrets had the right body girls minus the boobs so what did they do? Their models stuffed their bras, pushed them up, and squeezed them together to make their boobs look larger.

06-06-22, 00:06
So was totally going to make a post about my maiden voyage earlier this year but kinda forgot. Oops. Am a younger guy (late 20's) and am bilingual.

Had an overall great time. RTFF and had some solid advice from here. Thanks to all the veterans, you dirty dogs helped out a lot.

When I arrived at the airport I went to an ATM and grabbed 150 k and took the bus to San Diego. It's a large green one and was like 15 k for the trip into Medellin. Little snug but better than airline seats. Plus I didn't like the taxi guys at the airport. Once I got to San Diego flagged a taxi down and headed to where I'the be staying.

Note: all taxis have a meter you can see. Ride are relatively cheap. I often went from laureles to poblando 20 min drive for like 20 k. uber also works and I don't think I got charged any international fees for using it. Around $3-5 USD a trip with tip. Fucking great.

Per the advice of the forum I stayed at San Peter Apartments (SPA) and it was like $370 for a 9 night stay. Guest friendly and the front desk was great. I got them a small bottle of rum and they LOVED me for the whole time I was there. LOL, it's the little things. About the bar that's there. Owner is cool and there are Americans that hang out there. Only went in like 2/3 times though. Would rather go to a bigger place with some eye candy. Could be good for people that don't speak a lot of Spanish and I'm sure mongers hang out there between sessions. There is also a burger place there that is solid. They'll deliver to your room as well.

I amassed a FB list of around 100 girls before I landed and posted a story once I arrived in my room and was immediately hit up by the girls. Decided on one and she showed up around an hour later. So so in looks but I was fiending for anything at that point. I also used online websites and went to some casas during my stay. I'the agree that FB gives more of a GFE than like mileroticos or photosprepagos or casas. Used the map to get an idea of where to find things (it's searchable in the forum). I didn't get a chance to walk the streets. Either bc I was slightly scared or had excursions that left me beat and lazy.

As far as phone service. I had a shitty old iPhone 5 that I transferred my US sim to use that while I was out and about. Worked great. I have T-Mobile magenta and that works abroad fairly well for maps and messaging. Have used it in both Bolivia and Argentina before. Left my good phone in the room hidden away.

For exchanging USD I was asked for an ID luckily I kept a photocopy of my passport in my wallet. I know SPA has a printer and would do it for anyone staying there. I think it's worth it to get one before just in case.

I mainly withdrew from ATMs when I needed funds. Opened a Charles schwabb account and wasn't hit with any ATM fees. Would highly recommend this. Takes about a week or so to set up but worth it.

Went to poblando for the nightlife and it was definitely fun. Drank too much for being on my own but it worked out well. Made friends with some fellow non-monger americans and they looked out for my drunk ass.

Had a session with Ms Bustamante so I guess we're all bros now lmao.

06-06-22, 01:43
So was totally going to make a post about my maiden voyage earlier this year but kinda forgot. Oops. Am a younger guy (late 20's) and am bilingual.

Had an overall great time. RTFF and had some solid advice from here. Thanks to all the veterans, you dirty dogs helped out a lot.

When I arrived at the airport I went to an ATM and grabbed 150 k and took the bus to San Diego. It's a large green one and was like 15 k for the trip into Medellin. Little snug but better than airline seats. Plus I didn't like the taxi guys at the airport. Once I got to San Diego flagged a taxi down and headed to where I'the be staying.

Note: all taxis have a meter you can see. Ride are relatively cheap. I often went from laureles to poblando 20 min drive for like 20 k. uber also works and I don't think I got charged any international fees for using it. Around $3-5 USD a trip with tip. Fucking great.

Per the advice of the forum I stayed at San Peter Apartments (SPA) and it was like $370 for a 9 night stay. Guest friendly and the front desk was great. I got them a small bottle of rum and they LOVED me for the whole time I was there. LOL, it's the little things. About the bar that's there. Owner is cool and there are Americans that hang out there. Only went in like 2/3 times though. Would rather go to a bigger place with some eye candy. Could be good for people that don't speak a lot of Spanish and I'm sure mongers hang out there between sessions. There is also a burger place there that is solid. They'll deliver to your room as well..Cut my message off. Guess there's a limit?

Food in Medellin is kind of bland in my opinion. Doesn't have the same kick as say Mexico but it's all relatively cheap. Coffee is actually great.

Pricing I got, ymmv.

-FB pricing: 130-250.

-Casas: 80-160.

-Streets: not sure, sorry.

-Handy: Free.

I'm going back in July and will be around for longer this time. I have some sea legs and will try some new things this time. Maybe I'll have a daily log and post a super report. Who knows.

If anyone wants to shoot the shit in July send a PM. If you have a 7-10 that you're willing to share off FB also send a PM. If you want to know where I got the free handy, that's a secret.

I don't have a catchphrase.

06-06-22, 02:34
Hey all,

I am new to this forum and posts are incredibly helpful. I will be visiting Medellin from States next month and planning to use the agencies like La Celestina.

Obviously will use protection, but I wanted to understand the risk of STD / HIV in Meddalin with agency Escorts? Do you guys recommend PrEP medication or something else to be taken before going for this trip?

Would appreciate advice on the safety stuff. Thanks.

06-06-22, 03:15
Although it sounds reasonable, but in reality the issue is this, Lleras park girls want 300. Are they really that better than the girls in El Centro? It seem most are of the same quality to me.I don't pick up girls from either of those venues, but I would hope there is some correlation. I think the thing is that Gusto girls primarily rely on naivete of those new to Medellin to charge more, versus value. It throws things off.

06-06-22, 06:24
Cut my message off. Guess there's a limit?

Food in Medellin is kind of bland in my opinion. Doesn't have the same kick as say Mexico but it's all relatively cheap. Coffee is actually great.

Pricing I got, ymmv.

-FB pricing: 130-250.

-Casas: 80-160.

-Streets: not sure, sorry.

-Handy: Free.

I'm going back in July and will be around for longer this time. I have some sea legs and will try some new things this time. Maybe I'll have a daily log and post a super report. Who knows.

If anyone wants to shoot the shit in July send a PM. If you have a 7-10 that you're willing to share off FB also send a PM. If you want to know where I got the free handy, that's a secret.

I don't have a catchphrase.Nice report and glad you had a good time. FYI, spelling Poblado correctly in you upcoming July report will look better. 😉.

06-06-22, 07:39
So was totally going to make a post about my maiden voyage earlier this year but kinda forgot. Oops. Am a younger guy (late 20's) and am bilingual.

Had an overall great time. RTFF and had some solid advice from here. Thanks to all the veterans, you dirty dogs helped out a lot.

When I arrived at the airport I went to an ATM and grabbed 150 k and took the bus to San Diego. It's a large green one and was like 15 k for the trip into Medellin. Little snug but better than airline seats. Plus I didn't like the taxi guys at the airport. Once I got to San Diego flagged a taxi down and headed to where I'the be staying.

Note: all taxis have a meter you can see. Ride are relatively cheap. I often went from laureles to poblando 20 min drive for like 20 k. uber also works and I don't think I got charged any international fees for using it. Around $3-5 USD a trip with tip. Fucking great.

Per the advice of the forum I stayed at San Peter Apartments (SPA) and it was like $370 for a 9 night stay. Guest friendly and the front desk was great. I got them a small bottle of rum and they LOVED me for the whole time I was there. LOL, it's the little things. About the bar that's there. Owner is cool and there are Americans that hang out there. Only went in like 2/3 times though. Would rather go to a bigger place with some eye candy. Could be good for people that don't speak a lot of Spanish and I'm sure mongers hang out there between sessions. There is also a burger place there that is solid. They'll deliver to your room as well.

I amassed a FB list of around 100 girls before I landed and posted a story once I arrived in my room and was immediately hit up by the girls. Decided on one and she showed up around an hour later. So so in looks but I was fiending for anything at that point. I also used online websites and went to some casas during my stay. I'the agree that FB gives more of a GFE than like mileroticos or photosprepagos or casas. Used the map to get an idea of where to find things (it's searchable in the forum). I didn't get a chance to walk the streets. Either bc I was slightly scared or had excursions that left me beat and lazy.

As far as phone service. I had a shitty old iPhone 5 that I transferred my US sim to use that while I was out and about. Worked great. I have T-Mobile magenta and that works abroad fairly well for maps and messaging. Have used it in both Bolivia and Argentina before. Left my good phone in the room hidden away.

For exchanging USD I was asked for an ID luckily I kept a photocopy of my passport in my wallet. I know SPA has a printer and would do it for anyone staying there. I think it's worth it to get one before just in case.

I mainly withdrew from ATMs when I needed funds. Opened a Charles schwabb account and wasn't hit with any ATM fees. Would highly recommend this. Takes about a week or so to set up but worth it.

Went to poblando for the nightlife and it was definitely fun. Drank too much for being on my own but it worked out well. Made friends with some fellow non-monger Americans and they looked out for my drunk ass.

Had a session with Ms Bustamante so I guess we're all bros now lmao.Pleasure was mine reading your post, thanks for that.

06-06-22, 13:12
Do you guys have any experience of selecting a girl from Centro and bringing her over to your hotel in Poblado or Laurles immediately or the next day?

Do girls agree to this readily or do they just want to do the deed in cheap motels nearby so they can snag next monger?

I guess 150 K+Taxi should be a good number to offer to these girls for an hour or two of fun in your hotel.

Can the experienced mongers please advise?

06-06-22, 13:53
So was totally going to make a post about my maiden voyage earlier this year but kinda forgot. Oops. Am a younger guy (late 20's) and am bilingual.

Had an overall great time. RTFF and had some solid advice from here. Thanks to all the veterans, you dirty dogs helped out a lot.

When I arrived at the airport I went to an ATM and grabbed 150 k and took the bus to San Diego. It's a large green one and was like 15 k for the trip into Medellin. Little snug but better than airline seats. Plus I didn't like the taxi guys at the airport. Once I got to San Diego flagged a taxi down and headed to where I'the be staying.

Note: all taxis have a meter you can see. Ride are relatively cheap. I often went from laureles to poblando 20 min drive for like 20 k. uber also works and I don't think I got charged any international fees for using it. Around $3-5 USD a trip with tip. Fucking great.

Per the advice of the forum I stayed at San Peter Apartments (SPA) and it was like $370 for a 9 night stay. Guest friendly and the front desk was great. I got them a small bottle of rum and they LOVED me for the whole time I was there. LOL, it's the little things. About the bar that's there. Owner is cool and there are Americans that hang out there. Only went in like 2/3 times though. Would rather go to a bigger place with some eye candy. Could be good for people that don't speak a lot of Spanish and I'm sure mongers hang out there between sessions. There is also a burger place there that is solid. They'll deliver to your room as well.Staying at SPA in Sept.

Question for you (and others). When summoning FB chicas to SPA in Laureles, do most know it as San Peter and find it that way, or you always give them the address? Obviously, many a FB chicas have had relations at SPA, I'm figuring that place is as well known "in the community" as say Parque Lleras LOL.

I also plan on an introduction to Ms Bustamante.

06-06-22, 15:43
I agree that the 1-10 scale is far too subjective, which is why I prefer the 0-4 scale.

0 is a woman you wouldn't fxxx.

1 is a woman that you would fxxx.

2 is a woman you would DATY then fxxx.

3 is a woman you would BB and then DATY.

4 is a woman you would DATY after your buddy BB'ed her.This is a rating that makes sense!

06-06-22, 15:58
I spent the whole weekend with a Seeking girl and don't know how much I should give her. We went out Friday and I've been with her since; we wrapped up about an hour ago. This was our second date and it ended up being a long one. Hung out and pretty much got the GF experience. It wasn't non-stop sex or anything like that and it was nice having her around. Bought her a bunch of random stuff, but didn't take her shopping or anything. She was fun to be around and I haven't replied yet; could very well ghost her and not pay but I enjoyed her company and would like to see her again. She's 20, attractive and a great lay. Any advice on multi day dates with seeking girls and how much to give?

06-06-22, 16:12
Question for you (and others). ...Send them this.

06-06-22, 16:16
Do you guys have any experience of selecting a girl from Centro and bringing her over to your hotel in Poblado or Laurles immediately or the next day?

Do girls agree to this readily or do they just want to do the deed in cheap motels nearby so they can snag next monger?

I guess 150 K+Taxi should be a good number to offer to these girls for an hour or two of fun in your hotel.

Can the experienced mongers please advise?Not only you skip the complete Centro experience, you are creating unnecessary trouble and expenses for yourself. Look up Surfer's report where he mentioned Hotel Deseos.

06-06-22, 16:19
This is a rating that makes sense!But there are many mongers don't DATY.

Elvis 2008
06-06-22, 16:23
It has nothing to do with the girl I posted. I could post a different girl and get the same comments. I am amazed how guys would assign low rating to a girl just because she is not their type without any explanation. It is like pointing at a red ferrari and saying the car is yellow, when in fact, it is fucking red, but the guy pointing at it is colorblind. And and it would be great if guys who assign low ratings post their own 9's and 10's.There is a culture on the Medellin forum, and you are asking for consistency in the results. And here is what the rules are:

1. All women are WGs.

2. The only thing women want us for is money.

3. Anyone sending any money to a Colombian woman for any reason is a sucker.

4. They want to spend time with their novios not you.

5. The women in centro are as fine as anywhere else.

6. All Colombian women are scammers. A Colombian lawyer or doctor is just as likely to use scopolamine on you as a street girl.

7. Because the women really want to be with their novios, dress like a Colombian. You get better prices that way.

8. Anything over $15 or 60,000 COP and you massively overpaid.

9. All women are in equal demand.

10. All women in Medellin are equally beautiful and good in bed so paying more for one makes no sense.

One thing I can assure you of is that if you follow these rules you will be hugely disappointed and be fucking fat and ugly women which I guess is the point. The guys who cement this culture do not want anyone doing better than them.

Maybe it is because of the drug trade in the past, but Medellin certainly has more of a ho culture than other Colombian cities. That said, I met women there who knew about the ho culture and went out of their way to prove they were not part of it.

But anyone who wants a great time and to fuck truly beautiful and great performing women, you had best throw those 10 rules in the trash.

06-06-22, 16:29
First time monger. Spent the last 4 days in el centro. Staying at Nutibara hotel. Got a presidential suite with a balcony, I love it. Been hitting Up facebook girls and street sweeties. It's kind of funny, I had one FB girl come to my hotel and she was terrified. Made me walk her to the metro after the session LOL. El centro is definitely not for the weak. People are smoking what I assume is Crack everywhere. Out in the open, in plane site. I just did 3 days in Bogota Santa Fe so I figured if I could handle Santa Fe I could do El Centro. I got a 18 yo street sweetie I been bringing in my hotel every day. This girl is pure fucken gold. Cute as hell and she been helping me with everything. I send her out to buy me stuff and she brings the recipe and exact change back. After day 2, I asked if she had friends and she said no but has a sister that works. JACKPOT! Had a 3 way with her sister the next day LOL. Made her my novia andúmero uno. Yes Osteoknot, you need to put a patent on that phrase. About to go make a round at ground zero. Any mongers in el centro, hit meet up if you want. I will be in el centro for 2 more days.

06-06-22, 16:36
Send them this.I just dropped a pin on Google maps and sent them that via WhatsApp. Pic would probably work well too. Most of them knew where to go once I mentioned San Peter apts.

Oh yeah, have a burner Whatsapp # if you use it. No reason for anyone to have your real number!

06-06-22, 16:51
Do you guys have any experience of selecting a girl from Centro and bringing her over to your hotel in Poblado or Laurles immediately or the next day?

Do girls agree to this readily or do they just want to do the deed in cheap motels nearby so they can snag next monger?

I guess 150 K+Taxi should be a good number to offer to these girls for an hour or two of fun in your hotel.

Can the experienced mongers please advise?I anticipate much disappointment in your future.

The girls working the street in El Centro work the street in El Centro. Most won't leave the area, especially with someone they just met.

It's not just so they can snag another monger. There are many reasons. One reason that should matter to you is that they are often dressed like prostitutes who work on the street in El Centro. I'll leave it to you to figure out why. They will look completely out of place and may not be allowed to enter into many Poblado hotels and apartments. While many places accept that guys are bringing working girls into their establishments, they do have their limits.

06-06-22, 17:13
I anticipate much disappointment in your future.

The girls working the street in El Centro work the street in El Centro. Most won't leave the area, especially with someone they just met.

It's not just so they can snag another monger. There are many reasons. One reason that should matter to you is that they are often dressed like prostitutes who work on the street in El Centro. I'll leave it to you to figure out why. They will look completely out of place and may not be allowed to enter into many Poblado hotels and apartments. While many places accept that guys are bringing working girls into their establishments, they do have their limits.

Not only you skip the complete Centro experience, you are creating unnecessary trouble and expenses for yourself. Look up Surfer's report where he mentioned Hotel Deseos.On the contrary I often do exactly what he is mentioning but I have a trusted SW whom I have known for over a year, refer me other girls and I usually only pay 70 k - 100 k plus taxi and it's often BBFS. I recently had an airbnb in Boston and had 2 different chicas bringing me girls there.

06-06-22, 17:47
On the contrary I often do exactly what he is mentioning but I have a trusted SW whom I have known for over a year, refer me other girls and I usually only pay 70 k - 100 k plus taxi and it's often BBFS. I recently had an airbnb in Boston and had 2 different chicas bringing me girls there.Perhaps it is more helpful to explain to the guys that are new to centro and without Spanish how that is done? Did you see the text I marked in BOLD?

06-06-22, 17:51
Perhaps it is more helpful to explain to the guys that are new to centro and without Spanish how that is done? Did you see the text I marked in BOLD?Well for one, without any Spanish it isn't going to happen, for two being new here and without knowing girls from previous trips that you have built a bond with, it probably isn't going to happen, and 3 if he's in poblado or laureles or somewhere far it isn't going to happen, I suggest the shitty hotels around oriental or something else nearby such as the airbnb in Boston I mentioned.

As far as time goes they usually stay about an hour sometimes I can stretch it longer especially with repeat girls that I know.

06-06-22, 17:51
On the contrary I often do exactly what he is mentioning but I have a trusted SW whom I have known for over a year, refer me other girls and I usually only pay 70 k - 100 k plus taxi and it's often BBFS. I recently had an airbnb in Boston and had 2 different chicas bringing me girls there.1. A first time visitor to Medellin is unlikely to have a local street girl who he's known over a year, who will vouch for him.

2. Having girls who trust you bring other girls to Boston is quite different from convincing a girl you just met to come to Poblado.

06-06-22, 18:32
Do you guys have any experience of selecting a girl from Centro and bringing her over to your hotel in Poblado or Laurles immediately or the next day?

Do girls agree to this readily or do they just want to do the deed in cheap motels nearby so they can snag next monger?

I guess 150 K+Taxi should be a good number to offer to these girls for an hour or two of fun in your hotel.

Can the experienced mongers please advise?There are no rules to this and yes I do it quite often. Just be very selective on who you trust to bring back to your hotel in Laureles or Poblado.

First, don't listen to guys saying those girls won't be allowed in your hotel LOL, that's funny bc the girls in parque llera dress just as skanky. Just most look a bit nicer if they go to the clubs. In centro there are all types, some who really look like crack heads but that's really a small %. Most dress normal, just not upscale. So yeah I've had great success w few that I had great chemistry with after a brief convo, and after they hinted / mentioned they don't like being in the street. So if anything they were happy that I rented them for few hours and bought them to AC, snack, drink, a hot shower, massage (I tease them and say you look like you need a massage. They appreciate small favors and when your a gentleman). I negotiated x amount of non-rushed nuts / relaciones, BBBJ, sometimes BBFS, 100-200 k and they were happy and many repeats w even better svc.

06-06-22, 18:41
I just dropped a pin on Google maps and sent them that via WhatsApp. ....!See what the chica is asking after I did that 😒?

06-06-22, 19:03
Staying at SPA in Sept.

Question for you (and others). When summoning FB chicas to SPA in Laureles, do most know it as San Peter and find it that way, or you always give them the address? Obviously, many a FB chicas have had relations at SPA, I'm figuring that place is as well known "in the community" as say Parque Lleras LOL.

I also plan on an introduction to Ms Bustamante.You will need to send them the address. San Peter is a relatively small condo, which has a service to rent out units on behalf of the owners. Some chicas may know where it is, but will still need the address for the Uber or whatever they use. Parque Lleras used to have many 10's of thousands of visitors on a busy weekend. And it is a well known area, not a specific place or building.

06-06-22, 19:11
Do you guys have any experience of selecting a girl from Centro and bringing her over to your hotel in Poblado or Laurles immediately or the next day?

Do girls agree to this readily or do they just want to do the deed in cheap motels nearby so they can snag next monger?

I guess 150 K+Taxi should be a good number to offer to these girls for an hour or two of fun in your hotel.

Can the experienced mongers please advise?You are going to have to at least session with them 1 time before most of them would agree to something like that with someone they just met.

06-06-22, 19:14
Well for one, without any Spanish it isn't going to happen, for two being new here and without knowing girls from previous trips that you have built a bond with, it probably isn't going to happen, and 3 if he's in Poblado or laureles or somewhere far it isn't going to happen, I suggest the shitty hotels around oriental or something else nearby such as the airbnb in Boston I mentioned.

As far as time goes they usually stay about an hour sometimes I can stretch it longer especially with repeat girls that I know.Not true about the not knowing Spanish and it isn't going to happen! Not sure why you would be so adamant about your statement, I watched and been with friends more then once that pulled it off and I myself could of pulled it off if I was ready to become a street rat, which on my next upcoming trip I will! Now I would agree that it's not for everyone and the person must be confident and not over think that your not getting married and just going to fuck a working girl, but telling newbie's and everyone else that it's not going to happen is spreading false information bud! Stat safe have fun!

06-06-22, 20:15
There is a culture on the Medellin forum, and you are asking for consistency in the results. And here is what the rules are:

1. All women are WGs.

2. The only thing women want us for is money.

3. Anyone sending any money to a Colombian woman for any reason is a sucker.

4. They want to spend time with their novios not you.

5. The women in centro are as fine as anywhere else.

6. All Colombian women are scammers. A Colombian lawyer or doctor is just as likely to use scopolamine on you as a street girl.

7. Because the women really want to be with their novios, dress like a Colombian. You get better prices that way.

8. Anything over $15 or 60,000 COP and you massively overpaid.

9. All women are in equal demand.

10. All women in Medellin are equally beautiful and good in bed so paying more for one makes no sense.

One thing I can assure you of is that if you follow these rules you will be hugely disappointed and be fucking fat and ugly women which I guess is the point. The guys who cement this culture do not want anyone doing better than them.

Maybe it is because of the drug trade in the past, but Medellin certainly has more of a ho culture than other Colombian cities. That said, I met women there who knew about the ho culture and went out of their way to prove they were not part of it.

But anyone who wants a great time and to fuck truly beautiful and great performing women, you had best throw those 10 rules in the trash.Totally agree. Most guys coming to MDE just don't know any better. Fucking El Centro average SW girl in a tiny motel room is an achievement they are proud of, but it is okay, whatever floats their boat. Another misconception is that hot girls are duds in bed, when in reality, there is zero correlation between price, looks and performance. Want a good sex? Build a rapport and provide BFE (boyfriend experience).

06-06-22, 20:31
Tomorrow is another day, maybe I will find a new one to add to the stable that actually has a phone.
Do they really not have phones or is it that they don't want to give out their phone numbers?

I tried to give my phone number to a girl in Santa Fe after a good session but she didn't want it (I know this is the Medellin forum, but I suppose the street girl scene in Medellin's Centro is similar to Santa Fe in Bogota). She said she's always in the same location and I should just find her there. When I tried to have a conversation with her, she told me we could talk, but it needed to be in the room because otherwise she would spend too much time dealing with time wasters who just want to chat, but don't want to pay.

06-06-22, 20:35
Totally agree. Most guys coming to MDE just don't know any better. Fucking El Centro average SW girl in a tiny motel room is an achievement they are proud of, but it is okay, whatever floats their boat. Another misconception is that hot girls are duds in bed, when in reality, there is zero correlation between price, looks and performance. Want a good sex? Build a rapport and provide BFE (boyfriend experience).Elvis had a list of straw men going and you took up the mantle. Wink. There's really no basis for pride in paying hookers, though hopefully one enjoys themselves. What I do is find casa and Centro strip club girls, enjoy them there, then ones I especially like I invite to a nice love motel in Laureles, usually with jaccuzi. And I'll say for the 1001st time, the Centro casa and strip club girls are from the same handful of lower tier neighborhoods as your "higher end" providers. It's all perception, maybe some nicer clothes for the latter but at the end of the day they are all the same. As to the bragging, I mostly see that from the guys paying more who think they have game, think they have a girlfriend, think it's smart to send Western Unions, think their girls are seeing fewer guys than most, whatever. It's your fantasy. Enjoy it.

06-06-22, 20:39
Totally agree. Most guys coming to MDE just don't know any better. Fucking El Centro average SW girl in a tiny motel room is an achievement they are proud of, but it is okay, whatever floats their boat. Another misconception is that hot girls are duds in bed, when in reality, there is zero correlation between price, looks and performance. Want a good sex? Build a rapport and provide BFE (boyfriend experience).Most people who come to MDE don't go to el centro to monger.

06-06-22, 20:42
Totally agree. Most guys coming to MDE just don't know any better. Fucking El Centro average SW girl in a tiny motel room is an achievement they are proud of, but it is okay, whatever floats their boat. Another misconception is that hot girls are duds in bed, when in reality, there is zero correlation between price, looks and performance. Want a good sex? Build a rapport and provide BFE (boyfriend experience).I think centro rats are innocent bystanders 😕.

Really you could just post a report with pictures (no contact info) to let people know what they are missing. Some would not agree but I guess there could be more who would agree with you.

06-06-22, 20:43
Do they really not have phones or is it that they don't want to give out their phone numbers?...Some don't have phone or share a phone.

06-06-22, 20:53
On the contrary I often do exactly what he is mentioning but I have a trusted SW whom I have known for over a year, refer me other girls and I usually only pay 70 k - 100 k plus taxi and it's often BBFS. I recently had an airbnb in Boston and had 2 different chicas bringing me girls there.Besides what has already been mentioned by Nounce and JB2, it sounds as though some guy's might be thinking that they can save some money by pulling girls out of Centro and taking them to their apartments or Hotels in Poblado or Laureles, versus lining up girls from Fayboo or other Internet sources to come to their places.

Taking Centro girls out of Centro is almost like taking a fish out of water, yet I have done it, and sometimes have taken some on overnight forays, but I have history with the ones I've done this with.

For a guy who is totally fluent in Spanish, and I don't mean functionally fluent, but totally fluent, I'm assuming like yourself, could take a Centro SW upon meeting them for the first time out of Centro for a short period of time, but most SW's would be very reluctant to go with someone they've never been with outside of their comfort zone.

There are SW's who are not dressed provocatively with Cedulas that could be taken out, yet you would have to offer a good sum of money, inform them exactly where your staying, that ID's are required to enter the property, for how long, and that you would travel with them by taxi together to your place.

Again, you need to make them feel comfortable wherever your taking them, or they won't go, and if your Spanish isn't really good, I wouldn't even attempt it.

06-06-22, 20:57
You can get girls to go back with you to Poblado or Laureles. Most will not do it without a bit of urging or until they know you better. As another poster pointed out, most of them don't want to leave the area because they don't want to lose out on other opportunities. You can get around that by offering 50 K plus return transport. When they ask if you live far away it's because they don't want to deal with uncompensated travel time. Tell them it's not far away and offer a return uber. San Peter is a very short walk from the metro. At prime time for ground zero, the metro will be their fastest and most convenient way to get back. Let us know how you make out.

Do you guys have any experience of selecting a girl from Centro and bringing her over to your hotel in Poblado or Laurles immediately or the next day?

Do girls agree to this readily or do they just want to do the deed in cheap motels nearby so they can snag next monger?

I guess 150 K+Taxi should be a good number to offer to these girls for an hour or two of fun in your hotel.

Can the experienced mongers please advise?

06-06-22, 20:59
Most people who come to MDE don't go to el centro to monger.But how do you draw that conclusion?

06-06-22, 21:03
100 should be more than enough.

Do you guys have any experience of selecting a girl from Centro and bringing her over to your hotel in Poblado or Laurles immediately or the next day?

Do girls agree to this readily or do they just want to do the deed in cheap motels nearby so they can snag next monger?

I guess 150 K+Taxi should be a good number to offer to these girls for an hour or two of fun in your hotel.

Can the experienced mongers please advise?

06-06-22, 21:09
JJbee made a good point. It's important to tell the girls to dress modestly. I'm not sure that it matters at San Peter but in an airbnb or if you live here you might hear about it later if have girls show up in their Centro uniforms.

On the contrary I often do exactly what he is mentioning but I have a trusted SW whom I have known for over a year, refer me other girls and I usually only pay 70 k - 100 k plus taxi and it's often BBFS. I recently had an airbnb in Boston and had 2 different chicas bringing me girls there.

06-06-22, 21:17
This is clearly true. The prevalence of foreigners in Centro vs the more popular Poblado / mileroticos / NewLife / facebook scene is extremely low. It's true there were more gringos in Centro in the months after the lockdown but Colombians vastly outnumber foreign visitors, even counting the tourists who are their for the museums or walking tours.

In the interest of avoiding a long an boring back and forth about this I will try to settle the matter as an admitted Centro rat. Assume that all Centro girls are fat, ugly, and not worth the 30 K they demand. Assume also that any facebook / seeking or other six figure cost girl is beautiful, sexy, and worth twice the money she charges. OK, let's move on.

Most people who come to MDE don't go to el centro to monger.

06-06-22, 21:24
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was pointless, unproductive drama. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

06-06-22, 21:40
Most people who come to MDE don't go to el centro to monger.Parque Lleras is no different, same girls at an inflated price and crowds of gringos walking around.

06-06-22, 21:44
Parque Lleras is no different, same girls at an inflated price and crowds of gringos walking around.Now you are getting the hang of it.

06-06-22, 23:38
This is correct.

Parque Lleras is no different, same girls at an inflated price and crowds of gringos walking around.

Mr Enternational
06-07-22, 00:32
Do you guys have any experience of selecting a girl from Centro and bringing her over to your hotel in Poblado or Laurles immediately or the next day?It is an entirely different dynamic. What you are talking about is akin to bringing out your best tablecloth, dishes, and crystal to enjoy a Big Mac Meal. Some foods are meant to be eaten on the fly. Downtown is for when you want to eat on the fly, not sit down to a gourmet 6 course meal. Know your audience.

06-07-22, 00:39
Totally agree. ...Elvis is trying to back you up but what I see is the unintended consequence. You have bias similar to others but the goal is similar, your bias is just in a different direction. Elvis is getting the unobtainable, and has gone exclusive.

I know a little about unobtainable. In the start of pandemic, I found someone who normally would not be on Seeking. The only reason she was on it was because her home country was locked up. She was stranded and was running out of money. I decided to help her but we never met in person

... Want a good sex? Build a rapport and provide BFE (boyfriend experience).What's is the difference between you and Balboa who likes to monger in El Centro.

No doubt about it.

One of the reasons I dig the street scene is the ability to chat, and get to know a bit.

06-07-22, 01:02
Not true about the not knowing Spanish and it isn't going to happen! Not sure why you would be so adamant about your statement, I watched and been with friends more then once that pulled it off and I myself could of pulled it off if I was ready to become a street rat, which on my next upcoming trip I will! Now I would agree that it's not for everyone and the person must be confident and not over think that your not getting married and just going to fuck a working girl, but telling newbie's and everyone else that it's not going to happen is spreading false information bud! Stat safe have fun!Maybe it's not 100% not going to happen but it would definitely be alot harder without having Spanish skills. I mean what are you going to use Google translate for everything you want to say? Communication is a big part of the puzzle and without being able to communicate he will have a much harder time trying to get his message across. But then again money makes the world go round so maybe it isn't 100% impossible, but I still say its improbable.

06-07-22, 01:47
But how do you draw that conclusion?Most expats / foreigners / tourists / mongers live or vacation in poblado or laureles. I don't have any hard data but it just seems to be more gringos on La 70 than versus el centro for example.

06-07-22, 02:20
Besides what has already been mentioned by Nounce and JB2, it sounds as though some guy's might be thinking that they can save some money by pulling girls out of Centro and taking them to their apartments or Hotels in Poblado or Laureles, versus lining up girls from Fayboo or other Internet sources to come to their places.

Taking Centro girls out of Centro is almost like taking a fish out of water, yet I have done it, and sometimes have taken some on overnight forays, but I have history with the ones I've done this with.

For a guy who is totally fluent in Spanish, and I don't mean functionally fluent, but totally fluent, I'm assuming like yourself, could take a Centro SW upon meeting them for the first time out of Centro for a short period of time, but most SW's would be very reluctant to go with someone they've never been with outside of their comfort zone.

There are SW's who are not dressed provocatively with Cedulas that could be taken out, yet you would have to offer a good sum of money, inform them exactly where your staying, that ID's are required to enter the property, for how long, and that you would travel with them by taxi together to your place.

Again, you need to make them feel comfortable wherever your taking them, or they won't go, and if your Spanish isn't really good, I wouldn't even attempt it.I agree 100% with everything you said. They often show up in the skimpiest outfits, I had one show up yesterday and her tits were practically hanging out of her tube top LOL. I also agree about the spanish skills. Spanish skills are a must here, and there are quite a few differences from the Spanish you may have picked up in Mexico. Racshack seems to believe Spanish doesn't matter but I can forsee a number of circumstances in which you're not going to have time to bust out google translate when you need to respond in a timely matter, but apparently for him and his buddies they don't need Spanish, nawuara!

Also I agree about cedulas, most hotels require the girl to have a cedula in order to enter your room with you and not all girls have a cedula so this is something he will need to confirm before he brings the chica back to his place. Also if it's a vennie there is an issue with fake cedulas, always look at the back of the cedula and there should be red numbers / letters printed on the back side and if there is not then that is a red flag.

Also many of the Centro girls do not have very good home training, do not be surprised if she spits on the floor while sucking your dick, smokes cigarettes in your room, uses your towel to wipe your cum from her pussy if there isn't any toallitas or papel higienico nearby, etc.

A cada quien su propio gusto. Have fun, stay safe, if you're barebacking like I've been doing, do yourself a favor and take azithromycin 1500 MG once a week during your trip.

It costs like 10 k COP at the droguera and I haven't caught any STDs so far on this trip.

And to the original poster asking about bringing Centro girls to your place in laureles or poblado let us know how it goes.

Siempre a la orden.


06-07-22, 02:21
Most expats / foreigners / tourists / mongers live or vacation in poblado or laureles. I don't have any hard data but it just seems to be more gringos on La 70 than versus el centro for example.Hmm. I have met quite a few and I wouldn't say that. Of 10 or so that I know they seemed scattered around the south end mostly. Envigado, Itagui, etc. As well as Poblado. I only knew one that lived in Laureles, but there are lots of foreigners there for sure.

06-07-22, 02:52
Do they really not have phones or is it that they don't want to give out their phone numbers?

I tried to give my phone number to a girl in Santa Fe after a good session but she didn't want it (I know this is the Medellin forum, but I suppose the street girl scene in Medellin's Centro is similar to Santa Fe in Bogota). She said she's always in the same location.She probably just didn't want to give out her number, many will, some won't, and some actually don't have phones.

I was in Santa Fe 2 weeks ago, it seems kinda dead compared to what it used to be back in 2018 when I first started going there. Also lots of police and military all around, one of my chicas told me some club or some place had gotten robbed recently and thus the increase in patrol. I honestly prefer Centro in medellin over Santa Fe nowadays, besides the warmer weather its cleaner, more inviting, and seems to have more street action going on particularly in the afternoons.

06-07-22, 02:55
In the interest of avoiding a long an boring back and forth about this I will try to settle the matter as an admitted Centro rat. Assume that all Centro girls are fat, ugly, and not worth the 30 K they demand. Assume also that any facebook / seeking or other six figure cost girl is beautiful, sexy, and worth twice the money she charges. OK, let's move on.For the few street rats who post here, other board members should really not consider us to be pathetic losers, as another board member has pointed out that we are just "innocent bystanders" in Centro. LOL.

06-07-22, 03:28
It is an entirely different dynamic. What you are talking about is akin to bringing out your best tablecloth, dishes, and crystal to enjoy a Big Mac Meal. Some foods are meant to be eaten on the fly. Downtown is for when you want to eat on the fly, not sit down to a gourmet 6 course meal. Know your audience.I remember the first time I took a SW out of Centro and spent the night with her in a Hotel in Poblado that had air conditioning, an exhaust fan in the bathroom, smoke detectors, dual pane windows, and a king size bed.

She had never seen any of these items before and was like on another planet while with me. She basically had gone from being a pauper to a princess, and I was rewarded immensely for her very temporary transformation.

A different dynamic for sure when your with someone who has never experienced things like this.

And just think of how many people who live in Medellin who have never seen the Ocean or flown on a plane.

I highly recommend that if a guy is comfortable with a SW, and can communicate with them clearly and effectively, to take them out of Centro as it definitely beats hanging out in Centro.

06-07-22, 04:02
I honestly prefer Centro in medellin over Santa Fe nowadays, besides the warmer weather its cleaner, more inviting, and seems to have more street action going on particularly in the afternoons.Of all the descriptions I have heard about Centro, medellin, this is a first. "It's cleaner and more inviting" you say? Compared to what? The sewer? Gawd man, Centro is a lot of things but clean and inviting ain't it.

And before you street rats go off on me, I am not knocking the place, I have been a couple of times. Yes, there is the occasional diamond to be found, yes you will in all likeliness be fine, yes its a place you best navigate with a little street smarts and some Spanish skills, and yes there are Hare Krishnas there too 😂, and yes it's mostly just locals going about their regular lives.

For those petrified to even set foot there, just sign up for a benign walking tour with a paisa guide and a posse of 10-15 gringos if you are that afraid.

06-07-22, 04:09
Of all the descriptions I have heard about Centro, medellin, this is a first. "It's cleaner and more inviting" you say? Compared to what? The sewer? Gawd man, Centro is a lot of things but clean and inviting ain't it.

And before you street rats go off on me, I am not knocking the place, I have been a couple of times. Yes, there is the occasional diamond to be found, yes you will in all likeliness be fine, yes its a place you best navigate with a little street smarts and some Spanish skills, and yes there are Hare Krishnas there too 😂, and yes it's mostly just locals going about their regular lives.

For those petrified to even set foot there, just sign up for a benign walking tour with a paisa guide and a posse of 10-15 gringos if you are that afraid.Cleaner and more inviting than Santa Fe in Bogotá, which I don't know if you have been lately but if you had, I think you would agree. Especially after the rain with the muddy streets with the potholes. And the corrupt cops with that police greyhound bus LOL.

06-07-22, 04:23
I spent the whole weekend with a Seeking girl and don't know how much I should give her. We went out Friday and I've been with her since; we wrapped up about an hour ago. This was our second date and it ended up being a long one. Hung out and pretty much got the GF experience. It wasn't non-stop sex or anything like that and it was nice having her around. Bought her a bunch of random stuff, but didn't take her shopping or anything. She was fun to be around and I haven't replied yet; could very well ghost her and not pay but I enjoyed her company and would like to see her again. She's 20, attractive and a great lay. Any advice on multi day dates with seeking girls and how much to give?It's such a wide spread on seeking, and all depends on your negotiations. If you truly liked the experience and looking to repeat, just give her something in the 500 mil to 700 mil range, and tell her it is to help with her gastos(expenses). You already said you brought her gifts and paid for expenses like meals etc. 300mil a day is what I use, with weekly discounts if going that long. I know a dude that paid 2million for 2weeks. I also know a dude that paid 2Milliones for a session. Not too long ago, a dude here posted that he got a steal of a deal for 1.5milliones for a session. Jajaja. That's SA and mongers for you.

06-07-22, 05:10
I'm arriving in Mde Friday & was wondering if the checking thing is still necessary & do I need proof a vaccination? Muchas gracias amigos.

06-07-22, 05:41

I haven't seen strip clubs much discussed here. How does the scene look like in Medellin and what prices can one expect?

I have some experience with strip clubs in Ukraine where one could just chill, sip a drink or smoke hookah while watching the girls dance without being bothered too much and even order some food. And by dance I don't mean the lazy undressing but the actual pole dance, a performance with some athleticism, skill and effort put into it.

Can I find something like that in Medellin?

06-07-22, 06:11
I am falling behind. Too busy having fun. My finger is inside an 18 year-old pussy so tight that if I am not at least 80% full-mast I end up pushing rope. The fuckin' pussies around here are incredible. Four different chicas. There's that Freckle again, jeje. She's in Peru by now. Haven't stopped thinking about her but that indescribable feeling we had going is fading fast. Don't go chasing waterfalls. There's always another beautiful one around the bend.

06-07-22, 06:25
Of all the descriptions I have heard about Centro, medellin, this is a first. "It's cleaner and more inviting" you say? Compared to what? Compared to Santa Fe in Bogota, like he said. I haven't been to Santa Fe in a few years but I agree. In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. Both places are pretty hinky but I find Bogota to be dirtier than Medellin. Ad utrumque paratus.

06-07-22, 06:51
Not true about the not knowing Spanish and it isn't going to happen! Not sure why you would be so adamant about your statement, I watched and been with friends more then once that pulled it off and I myself could of pulled it off if I was ready to become a street rat, which on my next upcoming trip I will! Now I would agree that it's not for everyone and the person must be confident and not over think that your not getting married and just going to fuck a working girl, but telling newbie's and everyone else that it's not going to happen is spreading false information bud! Stat safe have fun!If you click with a Ground Zero chica, you can get by with eye movements and hand gestures. Adapt! Now here come the jokes about what are the hand signals for this and that, jeje.

Maha Siddha
06-07-22, 07:06
How do you guys getting FB chicas in Medellin?

What l did so far.

1. Create fake FB account.

2. Randomly find people who lives in Medellin.

3. Friend those and just look for their friends who are female and especially whose photo look slutty.

4. So far the hit rate is zero. And l figure it might better off for me to pay SA membership as the SA response rate of CDMX is almost 100 percent. (As a baseline).

Thanks for the guidance.

Elvis 2008
06-07-22, 07:30
Elvis had a list of straw men going and you took up the mantle. Wink. There's really no basis for pride in paying hookers, though hopefully one enjoys themselves. What I do is find casa and Centro strip club girls, enjoy them there, then ones I especially like I invite to a nice love motel in Laureles, usually with jaccuzi. And I'll say for the 1001st time, the Centro casa and strip club girls are from the same handful of lower tier neighborhoods as your "higher end" providers. It's all perception, maybe some nicer clothes for the latter but at the end of the day they are all the same. As to the bragging, I mostly see that from the guys paying more who think they have game, think they have a girlfriend, think it's smart to send Western Unions, think their girls are seeing fewer guys than most, whatever. It's your fantasy. Enjoy it.LOL. I am not sure what the straw man is. I said guys like you would say all the women are the same and anything over $15 is overpaying, and you confirmed it.

And I'll say for the 1001st time, the Centro casa and strip club girls are from the same handful of lower tier neighborhoods as your "higher end" providers. It's all perception, maybe some nicer clothes for the latter but at the end of the day they are all the same. As to the bragging, I mostly see that from the guys paying more who think they have game, think they have a girlfriend, think it's smart to send Western Unions, think their girls are seeing fewer guys than most, whatever. It's your fantasy.Seeing as how you admit to seeing only girls from the slums, you have pretty much checked yourself out of knowing anything but those types. For the guys who want higher quality women from better neighborhoods, which I guess you think is impossible but I have done, your advice is worthless.

06-07-22, 09:19
How do you guys getting FB chicas in Medellin?

What l did so far.

1. Create fake FB account.

2. Randomly find people who lives in Medellin.

3. Friend those and just look for their friends who are female and especially whose photo look slutty.

4. So far the hit rate is zero. And l figure it might better off for me to pay SA membership as the SA response rate of CDMX is almost 100 percent. (As a baseline).

Thanks for the guidance.Reading is fundamental. This has been covered so many times here. Sorry but your steps are faltered.

06-07-22, 09:36
...how much to give?I would be careful about giving money or how you give her. I think your purpose is to reward her or thank her. You may offend her if she is not in it for money or she is not sure yet. You can try to ask her like que buscas en la app? so she can tell you.

Mr Enternational
06-07-22, 14:35
I would be careful about giving money or how you give her. I think your purpose is to reward her or thank her. You may offend her if she is not in it for money or she is not sure yet. You can try to ask her like que buscas en la app? so she can tell you.Exactly. I don't know if it is thinking too highly or too lowly of yourself to believe every woman that you meet is in need of your money.

06-07-22, 14:47
Hmm. I have met quite a few and I wouldn't say that. Of 10 or so that I know they seemed scattered around the south end mostly. Envigado, Itagui, etc. As well as Poblado. I only knew one that lived in Laureles, but there are lots of foreigners there for sure.I doubt the average monger is going to travel from Itagui all the way to el centro. I get what you are saying though, I hear sabaneta is nice and very affordable too.

06-07-22, 15:07
I would like to meet the average monger. He seems very popular and influential.

I doubt the average monger is going to travel from Itagui all the way to el centro. I get what you are saying though, I hear sabaneta is nice and very affordable too.

06-07-22, 15:21
Innocent bystander here. There is quite a bit of youtube content about Centro. I personally think there is too much of it and several girls have told me the agree with me. Some of them have had problems with family back home who learned about their profession on youtube. Back to the point, anyone who wants to assess the scene without actually dipping a toe can look at it from the safety and comfort of their home or hotel.

I've written about this before. It is only a matter of time before one of the youtubers is going to be made to regret what they publish as much as their unwilling subjects. There are drug dealers, pimps, and truly innocent passersby who have also mentioned to me they aren't happy about appearing in unauthorized videos narrated by shit talking gringos.

I think centro rats are innocent bystanders 😕.

Really you could just post a report with pictures (no contact info) to let people know what they are missing. Some would not agree but I guess there could be more who would agree with you.

06-07-22, 16:16
How do you guys getting FB chicas in Medellin?

What l did so far.

1. Create fake FB account.

2. Randomly find people who lives in Medellin.

3. Friend those and just look for their friends who are female and especially whose photo look slutty.

4. So far the hit rate is zero. And l figure it might better off for me to pay SA membership as the SA response rate of CDMX is almost 100 percent. (As a baseline).

Thanks for the guidance.LOL, not going to work that way and same happened to me when I first started. Like I was an idiot doing that for months seeking and adding random people in mde and nada. Till one day after I exchanged phone number w a gringo while I was in Medellin, and somehow he appeared on my FB feed and added him and my goodness, I saw all his pretty FB GF and added few. Then after I visited each girl' page to see other gringo friends (look for American names), then browsed their friends to steal and befriend some of their sluts. Most dudes incl myself are smart and make our friend list private, but many suckers don't LOL. Then once you have like 20-50 you'll go to hundreds quick since FB will suggest none but other hunnies. That's the only way my fellow hunter. Find a gringo or few known working chica profiles and expand through their network. In this very forum many have posted some chica profiles free, I'd start w those. I don't share chica but I always share direct and raw intel.

06-07-22, 16:39
I doubt the average monger is going to travel from Itagui all the way to el centro. I get what you are saying though, I hear sabaneta is nice and very affordable too.These are guys that live there. Most I know never go to Centro for chicas. They have their own contact lists, methods, girlfriends, etc.

I met most of them in Patricks Irish bar over various trips (in Parque Lleras in Poblado).

06-07-22, 16:55
I doubt the average monger is going to travel from Itagui all the way to el centro. I get what you are saying though, I hear sabaneta is nice and very affordable too.You get on the Metro at Ayura Station and it takes about 10 minutes to get to El Centro from Itagui. It's a few minutes longer from Sabaneta, but very quick and easy.

If I was moving back, I'd probably be looking in Itagui or maybe San Antonio del Prado. Easy to get around the city from there, quieter and cheaper.

06-07-22, 16:56

I haven't seen strip clubs much discussed here. How does the scene look like in Medellin and what prices can one expect?
It is discussed frequently here. I think you just do not know it is talkng about it.

I have some experience with strip clubs in Ukraine where one could just chill, sip a drink or smoke hookah while watching the girls dance without being bothered too much and even order some food. And by dance I don't mean the lazy undressing but the actual pole dance, a performance with some athleticism, skill and effort put into it.

Can I find something like that in Medellin?This is La Isla except you will be bothered by the strippers for tip. 2 mil each will solve the issue.

06-07-22, 17:00
If you click with a Ground Zero chica, you can get by with eye movements and hand gestures. Adapt! Now here come the jokes about what are the hand signals for this and that, jeje.The original context is for a guy that is new to El Centro the first time and he wants to invite a girl he just met to his apartment. Even if he pulls it off and the girls agree to everything, but we know it can change when in the room in San Peter. Is this a wise thing to do?

Fun Luvr
06-07-22, 17:04
I'm arriving in Mde Friday & was wondering if the checking thing is still necessary & do I need proof a vaccination? Muchas gracias amigos.Chech-mig is still required. Fully vaccinated or Covid antigen test within last 48 hours or Covid PCR test within last 72 hours is required. No booster shots are required.

Mr Enternational
06-07-22, 17:12
As to the bragging, I mostly see that from the guys paying more who think they have game, think they have a girlfriend, think it's smart to send Western Unions, think their girls are seeing fewer guys than most, whatever. It's your fantasy. Enjoy it.My girl is different.

Pattaya: Surprise surprise! German returns to find no girlfriend. Just used condoms, boxers and his Ducati missing!


06-07-22, 18:10
That is a fair question. I don't have much experience with gringo hotels and Airbnb's around Medellin but the question that also occurs to me is whether it's preferable to have to renegotiate on temporary home turf or in short time hotel behind the Veracruz church. It's a bit of measles or mumps type choice.

The original context is for a guy that is new to El Centro the first time and he wants to invite a girl he just met to his apartment. Even if he pulls it off and the girls agree to everything, but we know it can change when in the room in San Peter. Is this a wise thing to do?

06-07-22, 18:31
If you click with a Ground Zero chica, you can get by with eye movements and hand gestures. Adapt! Now here come the jokes about what are the hand signals for this and that, jeje.I'd like to see you use only eye contact and hand gestures to get a 30 k centro girl whom you've never met before to go back with you to poblado or laureles. Please do tell us Ostee which is the proper hand signal for that??

06-07-22, 18:56
The original context is for a guy that is new to El Centro the first time and he wants to invite a girl he just met to his apartment. Even if he pulls it off and the girls agree to everything, but we know it can change when in the room in San Peter. Is this a wise thing to do?This has been an interesting topic, probably the first time it's really been "debated and dissected" so much on this thread. I can remember when you would never see girls who worked Centro working Parque Lleras years ago, whom started working it about a year before the Pandemic began. So if a guy runs into a girl who works both venues, shouldn't be an issue, unless he has no Spanish speaking skills, hence not a wise thing to do.

06-07-22, 19:10
Innocent bystander here. There is quite a bit of youtube content about Centro. I personally think there is too much of it and several girls have told me the agree with me. Some of them have had problems with family back home who learned about their profession on youtube. Back to the point, anyone who wants to assess the scene without actually dipping a toe can look at it from the safety and comfort of their home or hotel.

I've written about this before. It is only a matter of time before one of the youtubers is going to be made to regret what they publish as much as their unwilling subjects. There are drug dealers, pimps, and truly innocent passersby who have also mentioned to me they aren't happy about appearing in unauthorized videos narrated by shit talking gringos.This is a very sensitive issue in Centro when guys have their phones out and are taking videos, although I think some have hidden cameras in shirt pockets.

I on a few occasions have had my phone with me in Centro, and one day while standing opposite the Veracruz Church along the glass covered walkway I took my phone out to take a photo of the Putas lined up along the low stone wall and one Puta who has worked there since the beginning of time started yelling at me.

Your right, one of these days someone is going to get slashed up for photographing and taking videos in Centro.

06-07-22, 20:07
How do you guys getting FB chicas in Medellin?

What l did so far.

1. Create fake FB account.

2. Randomly find people who lives in Medellin.

3. Friend those and just look for their friends who are female and especially whose photo look slutty.

4. So far the hit rate is zero. And l figure it might better off for me to pay SA membership as the SA response rate of CDMX is almost 100 percent. (As a baseline).

Thanks for the guidance.You start by reading the forum. This subject has been covered many times. To save you from having to read to much, go to the "Links to Reports of Distinction" message thread and start reading there. The answers you seek won't take long to find.

06-07-22, 20:42
This made me laugh out loud.

My girl is different.

Pattaya: Surprise surprise! German returns to find no girlfriend. Just used condoms, boxers and his Ducati missing!


Mr Enternational
06-07-22, 21:36
There is quite a bit of youtube content about Centro. I personally think there is too much of it and several girls have told me the agree with me. Some of them have had problems with family back home who learned about their profession on youtube.Wait a minute. The chances of a local combing through hundreds of hours of footage of downtown Medellin on what is probably foreign youtube channels and seeing their loved one has to be astronomical. Even if they were actively searching for it I would have to say there is a minute chance of seeing their particular family member. And you know several chicks whose families and found out this way? I hope you advised them to play the lottery.

06-07-22, 21:48
. Have fun, stay safe, if you're barebacking like I've been doing, do yourself a favor and take azithromycin 1500 MG once a week during your trip.

It costs like 10 k COP at the droguera and I haven't caught any STDs so far on this trip.I don't think that is how it works.

06-07-22, 22:09
I don't think that is how it works.This is new to me. I always purchase a pack of Azythromycin when I visit Colombia, but for typical STD treatment, like gonorrhea / chlamydia. Please share with us your info showing that this works for HIV.

Mr Enternational
06-07-22, 23:05
Not true about the not knowing Spanish and it isn't going to happen! Not sure why you would be so adamant about your statement, I watched and been with friends more then once that pulled it off and I myself could of pulled it off We all have different personalities and different abilities. If you are a person who thinks you could pull it off then I am sure you can. We each are aware of our own capabilities and comfort. That being said, I never finished my reports of when I was last in Medellin in March, so here goes a portion relevant to the discussion.

Like 8 pm I hopped on the train out of Laureles headed downtown. When I was transferring at San Antonio station there was a big ruckus. Some guy was trying to rob someone and there was a big mob about to get in his ass when the police caught him in the act. Surprisingly the guy went peacefully with the female officer. I hopped the next train one stop to Parque Berrio.

I have already reported about the Vennies at the station that offered me a threesome for 100 K. I have also reported about the chick I hit in Raudal for 60 K.

I left Raudal headed back to the church to look for the Vennie that said she would do me up for 30 K. Before I got there I was walking behind 2 Black guys that I heard speaking English. I approached them and just so happened that one was from my city and the other was from Houston. I joined them at a bar on the strip. Dammit I thought I wrote the name down but I do not see it. Think it started with a P. Anyway the guy from my city left and I stayed to hang out with the dread head from Houston.

This bar had a motley crew of characters. There was a newly 18 year old chick running the place. Her mom is usually the boss but she had the night off. There was a transvestite with hideous surgeries. There was a chick that kept crying that her girlfriend beat her up and burned her with cigarettes. And there were other street walkers that kept stopping by. It was my kind of place.

Dread said that it was his first time in Medellin and had been in town for 2 weeks and was staying in Laureles. He said that he stayed in Poblado for like 1 day then was like fuck that place. It was too uppity for him plus all the hills. Every night he comes to that bar until it shuts down. He seemed to know everyone and everyone's business that came through the place. All the guys dapped him up and all the girls hugged him.

Most of the chicks that walked by he said that he had already fucked. Many he had taken to his place and some even stayed at his place for free after he bought them alcohol or cigarettes or some bullshit like that they wanted but had no money for.

He told me that the mafia runs the place and knew the guy that came to collect money from that bar and the one across the street every night. He had a bottle of rum in his pants pocket and offered me some. I got a cup from the boss but she did not have any ice. He knew the bar to run to to get ice for me. He came back and we finished off his bottle.

He said that sometimes he sits upstairs at a place across the street that overlooks the street. I told him we should get another bottle. He said the only place that was open was a store around the corner at Raudal. We walked over there and grabbed another bottle for 26 K. He told me there was going to be a party at Bar Monaco so we walked to look at the Raudal chicks on our way over there.

He told me how good the street chicken was from this one particular lady so I decided to try some. It was fucking delicious. I came back later to get another order to go. The lady, her husband, and her brother run the place. They even took pictures of me frying the chicken. Bar Monaco was going good but we decided to go back to "our" bar.

I had told the chick running the bar that I would bring her some chocolate back since she was giving me free club sodas. Soon the guy collecting the money showed up. It was near closing time. It was like him and Dread were old buddies. They dapped each other up and had words. The guy stayed behind the bar a while talking to the chick, got the money, then headed to the bar across the street.

It was closing time so we headed back to Bar Monaco. The party was in full swing and they had a singer belting out Bruno Mars. I grabbed a chick to hang out with. After I was having a good time with her I decided to buy her a drink. When I started asking about fucking it was no dice. So I guess these chicks just hang out and dance and drink with you.

It was close to 4 am and I decided to call it a night. I told Dread that I would holler at him later. He stayed behind. Yeah. He stayed downtown at 4 am, where most of you guys are even afraid to go at high noon. And here is the kicker: This mf did not speak a lick of Spanish and kept pulling out his phone for Google Translate. He was like a hog in slop and living his best life. So yes, it all can be done by a new guy in town, without Spanish and without getting robbed.

06-07-22, 23:33
This is new to me. I always purchase a pack of Azythromycin when I visit Colombia, but for typical STD treatment, like gonorrhea / chlamydia. Please share with us your info showing that this works for HIV.I was referring to the more common stds such as gonorrhea / chlamydia / syphilis etc. Obviously an antibiotic isn't going to offer any protection against a virus. If you wanted to use prophylaxis drugs to prevent viruses such as HIV you would need to also take Emtricitabine / tenofovir (Truvada) which actually is used to prevent transmission of HIV, it's called prep. Also to prevent transmission of HSV1/2 there is a drug called Valtrex available. And for HPV there is a vaccine called gardasil 9. That pretty much covers all the major STDs out there, so Azythromycin once a week, Truvada and Valtrex daily and get the gardasil 9 vaccine before ur trip and ur pretty much covering all ur bases.

Nil Admirari
06-07-22, 23:43
In recent days, Colombia Lover and several other posters have pondered some of the profoundest of economic questions: Is the Medellin Chica Market "free"? Is it an "efficient" one? The following is based on my hazy (can it really be, 60 year old memory) of an undergraduate Ec 101 course supplemented by some rapid googling.

As Villainy has pointed out, a free market is simply one in which prices are determined without any external restrictions on the competition among buyers and sellers--be it restrictions from government in the form of quotas, price-controls, tariffs, taxes, etc ,or from private monopolists who control enough of the market to dictate pricing. In that sense, the monger/puta market would seem to qualify as one of the freest that one can imagine. And one with no "barriers to entry" other than a chica's willingness to spread her legs for total strangers, including those of us who are potbellied, wrinkled, foul of breath, or irredeemable jerks. Well, with one likely exception: I imagine that any entrepreneurial guy (or mamasan) who wants to open / operate a casa or a strip club here in Medellin may need the blessing of (I. E have to make payoffs) to politicos, the gendarmerie, and / or cartel thugs.

What about market efficiency? That refers to the extent to which all participants (buyers and sellers alike) share complete and up to date information relevant to pricing. "If markets are efficient, then all information is already incorporated into prices, and so there is no way to "beat" the market because there are no undervalued or overvalued assets (I. E. Pussy in our case) available. " Clearly we mongers and our putas operate in a fairly inefficient market-as evidenced by the gringos forking out $200 and up for Gusto girls, the rampant photoshopping of chica pictures on FB and mileeroticos, the reports on this thread of El Centro girls (readily available for 30 K by the Veracruz church) having been spotted hawking their wares for 200 k in Parque Llleras.

Perhaps we ISG board members can flatter ourselves that, in a sense, we're like successful inside traders, with access to privileged information from this thread. If that's the case, then let's take a moment to celebrate the market inefficiency.

06-08-22, 00:54
This mf did not speak a lick of Spanish and kept pulling out his phone for Google Translate. He was like a hog in slop and living his best life. So yes, it all can be done by a new guy in town, without Spanish and without getting robbed.That's quite a yarn Mr. E.

06-08-22, 01:04
Wait a minute. The chances of a local combing through hundreds of hours of footage of downtown Medellin on what is probably foreign youtube channels and seeing their loved one has to be astronomical. Even if they were actively searching for it I would have to say there is a minute chance of seeing their particular family member. And you know several chicks whose families and found out this way? I hope you advised them to play the lottery.It can happen. Considering the size of Colombian families and extended families, family friends, friends from school and all the rest and the chance is probably better than what you would expect.

However, whether it happens or not doesn't matter. What matters is if someone thinks it could happen. I remember being in Parque Bolivar with another BM and he took a picture of the church. Some homeless guy started yelling and making threats because he thought the guy had taken his picture.

If the wrong person in El Centro thinks someone is taking their picture it doesn't take much imagination to figure out how quickly things can turn ugly.

06-08-22, 02:28
If you use search terms like Medellin+centro you will seem some familiar faces and places. You likely know some of these girls send money back home for children and other relatives. It is how their families know they are in Medellin. Once again, to avoid unnecessary back and forth, and in the interest of helping guys who might be behind what you called "foreign channels," I'm only passing along what several of girls have told me. I will go along with the idea that it's an impossible coincidence so as not to bicker. Anyone who wants to continue producing homemade documentaries is now making an informed decision.

Wait a minute. The chances of a local combing through hundreds of hours of footage of downtown Medellin on what is probably foreign youtube channels and seeing their loved one has to be astronomical. Even if they were actively searching for it I would have to say there is a minute chance of seeing their particular family member. And you know several chicks whose families and found out this way? I hope you advised them to play the lottery.

Nil Admirari
06-08-22, 02:56
Addendum to my post.

Most importantly, in a perfectly efficient pussy market, there would be no diamonds-in-the-rough to discover, no hidden gems--that ultimate of monger prizes.

El Viajero
06-08-22, 03:35
Hey guys,

I don't post enough here but that will change. I've been living in Medellin on and off for around a year and a half and one of my favourit things is heading down to barra ejecutiva on the weekend, I've been to all the strip clubs and this one is the best IMO. Thing is I'm running out of buddies to go with, everyone seems to be heading out of Colombia for the year, have girlfriends or are not into dodgy centro strip clubs jaja. If any members are in Medellin for the next couple of months and fancy a cheap bottle of rum, even cheaper girls and a night out send me a dm. Happy to help any newbies out who fancy something a bit more risky than New Life or Fase dos, I'm in my late 30's and speak ok Spanish if that means anything.

Mr Enternational
06-08-22, 03:55
If you use search terms like Medellin+centro you will seem some familiar faces and places.Pardon my disbelief. I just find it hard to believe the average Colombian is sitting around entering search terms like Medellin+centro. Like they are just sitting around with nothing to do and are going to enter Medellin + centro in youtube and watch a bunch of hookers on the corner on their screen. Then all of a sudden, that looks like Mary; it IS Mary! And for several people to have repeated this same scenario of being found out.

06-08-22, 03:58
Hey guys,

I don't post enough here but that will change. I've been living in Medellin on and off for around a year and a half and one of my favorite things is heading down to barra ejecutiva on the weekend, I've been to all the strip clubs and this one is the best IMO. Thing is I'm running out of buddies to go with, everyone seems to be heading out of Colombia for the year, have girlfriends or are not into dodgy centro strip clubs jaja. If any members are in Medellin for the next couple of months and fancy a cheap bottle of rum, even cheaper girls and a night out send me a DM. Happy to help any newbies out who fancy something a bit more risky than New Life or Fase dos, I'm in my late 30's and speak ok Spanish if that means anything.Sent you PM. I'll be there with a buddy July 4-9 first time so we can use some guidance we are also in late 30's.


06-08-22, 04:25
The original context is for a guy that is new to El Centro the first time and he wants to invite a girl he just met to his apartment. Even if he pulls it off and the girls agree to everything, but we know it can change when in the room in San Peter. Is this a wise thing to do?Guilty of scanning posts, as charged.

My cellular got stolen today, I'll probably write it up later.

There has been a yelling match going on in the hallway of the Nutti for the last hour so, English speaking guy, Spanish speaking chica, a third-male party, something about a stolen laptop and a date with no sex. Kudos to the guy for keeping such a calm head. Sounds like it wasn't clear exactly what the expectation would be at the end of the date for performance or payment, but of course I am just getting the highlights.

Flame is due here in an hour at midnight. Her first visit this trip. Not on my List, but she never disappoints. She is the consummate professional and her every move is pleasurable. I consider her a friend. I feel tired but strong.

06-08-22, 05:30
Stopped at the New Life this evening. The line up wasn't much to look at, same old silicone amazonian type girls but not the same quality as before. The quality at New Life seems to be declining, at least from where it use to be I think. Anyhow, when I step inside the room with the girl I selected I turned the light on and she turns it off and I turned it back on. She says something about the light bothers her and she just wanted the light from the bathroom on, which offered little light (screw that I'm not forking in the dark I like to see where I 'm putting my dick) then she turned the music loud and I could tell she had a bit of an attitude. The vibe was kinda gone by then, so I thought about it and said the hell with it and left the room went down stairs told the guy that runs the place I changed my mind. He told me to pay the 3 k viewing fee. When I walked towards the payment window, one of the other girls from the line-up asked me if everything was ok and I said everything was fine. I didn't want get the girl in trouble. Let the one I left in the room tell them what ever she wants after all she has to work there and all the girls usually hate on one another at these places anyways. Good thing these casa's prices are cheap, but it was getting late and these places close generally around 7 pm so I had make up for very little time left. Its seems like I'm going to have to upgrade to FB girls, maybe that's where all the good casa girls have gone. I'm done with New Life for now, at least on this trip.

06-08-22, 07:56
Perhaps we ISG board members can flatter ourselves that, in a sense, we're like successful inside traders, with access to privileged information from this thread.And there's a pun inside, inside, jaja, hole of your choosing.

It's 2 AM, Flame's appointment was at midnight. I know from experience that is her "when I start getting ready" time. She was kind enough to message me that her period started to "come down" tonight when she was bathing (she is meticulously clean). I told her I would work, er, lick around it, jejeje.

06-08-22, 08:16
The Trouble with Trannies; I Told You So Asti; or something much, much more.

Unbelievably to me at least, I have been here more than a month and this was my first mongering foray into Ground Zero this trip.

I was feeling randy and raw the night before when I messaged one of my favorite Ground Zero perennials, a cute tranny I will call Mariz, to find me a chica who I could face-fuck the next day, hard and deep at Ground Zero. I specified position, ass and legs sitting flat on the floor with her back against the bed, neck at the edge of the mattress, and that her face would be flat against my abdomen without condom when I climaxed for deep swallow. I offered 80 mil. I told her it would be hard and deep. She said she would find me the right girl.

When I showed up the next day, the girl flaked on us, if there was a girl. As I was leaving Ground Zero, I saw another tranny who I have known for over a year. She was the same tranny who introduced me her childhood friend, Pumpkin, who I have written about many times here. Pumpkin holds a solid position in the bottom half of my Top Ten List. The point is I was two degrees of separation from a new girl with my tranny friend for what I did next.

This new girl standing next to the tranny. I had not seen before. Bigger than me but I found her attractive. I was horny because of missing out on the face fuck I had "planned". I asked her three times if she was trans and she said no. I tried to cop a feel under her skirt but there were two Policia less than ten yards away facing us. The three of us went to the Love Motel and did some tussi and then my tranny friend left. The drug haters will point to the tussi as an "I told you so" example, but I believe the tussi helped prevent the situation from developing into violence.

She was getting positioned to give the blowjob when I said, let me see your pussy, and she wouldn't. That's when I made my first big mistake and countered advice I have given many times here which is to pay your way out of a bad situation, and keep things peaceful. I told her I was not going to pay her and got up ready to leave. Bad move, especially with a tranny. She changed as fast as you can flip a switch.

With lightening fast jabs she reached into my bolsa or shoulder bag and came out with and a handful of money and I was not sure what else. Almost as fast I reached back into her bag and pulled my money back out. Then she did the same again to my bag, jab, jab, then she got up and ran down the stairs. I followed as quick as I could, managed to catch her in the street for a second, reached into her bag again and came out with a single cincuenta or 50 note. She took off, faster than me, and like an idiot I returned to the room.

Once there, I confirmed my cell phone was gone.

Wait, it's just starting to get good.

I returned to my hotel room at The Nutti. Ran into a fellow mongerer from ISG for the first time, EarthEatMoon. I invited him up to my room and we had a great visit. Very cool guy, we had a few things in common. Our conversation was focused and intense, a lot to do with what just happened to me and some interesting recent experiences of his first-time mongering here in El Centro. I generally will not make a point to meet up with random guys from the ISG, but the times I have done so, they were all stand-up guys with whom I got the feeling I could trust.

While MoonPie was here, who should walk in behind me but Pumpkin. Now remember, Pumpkin is two degrees separated from the perp, but did not know her. After a nice visit with MoonPie, Pumpkin told me, "Put on your clothes, let's go try to find your phone".

We sauntered over to Ground Zero and to my amazement, the first girl she stopped to talk to and who I had never seen before, already knew the entire story. She said the tranny perp in question had been arrested after I left for of all things, stealing from Johns. Go figure.

We walked over to the police substation (they are called "cai's" in Medellin) at the bottom NE corner of the San Antonio metro station. A nice a professional police guarding the front door confirmed her arrest and even knew of my cell phone. While they were processing her, they had to attend to a sudden bigger crime outside and they left her. She did the same thing I would've done. She went home.

No phone, no fotos. More to come.

06-08-22, 08:21
Stopped at the New Life this evening. The line up wasn't much to look at, same old silicone amazonian type girls but not the same quality as before. The quality at New Life seems to be declining, at least from where it use to be I think. Anyhow, when I step inside the room with the girl I selected I turned the light on and she turns it off and I turned it back on. She says something about the light bothers her and she just wanted the light from the bathroom on, which offered little light (screw that I'm not forking in the dark I like to see where I 'm putting my dick) then she turned the music loud and I could tell she had a bit of an attitude. The vibe was kinda gone by then, so I thought about it and said the hell with it and left the room went down stairs told the guy that runs the place I changed my mind. He told me to pay the 3 k viewing fee. When I walked towards the payment window, one of the other girls from the line-up asked me if everything was ok and I said everything was fine. I didn't want get the girl in trouble. Let the one I left in the room tell them what ever she wants after all she has to work there and all the girls usually hate on one another at these places anyways. Good thing these casa's prices are cheap, but it was getting late and these places close generally around 7 pm so I had make up for very little time left. Its seems like I'm going to have to upgrade to FB girls, maybe that's where all the good casa girls have gone. I'm done with New Life for now, at least on this trip.But to me at least, that sounds more like an off-night than a general state of affairs. Happy Hunting, and Keep On Keepin' On!

06-08-22, 09:40
Stopped at the New Life this evening. The line up wasn't much to look at, same old silicone amazonian type girls but not the same quality as before. The quality at New Life seems to be declining, at least from where it use to be I think. Anyhow, when I step inside the room with the girl I selected I turned the light on and she turns it off and I turned it back on. She says something about the light bothers her and she just wanted the light from the bathroom on, which offered little light (screw that I'm not forking in the dark I like to see where I 'm putting my dick) then she turned the music loud and I could tell she had a bit of an attitude. The vibe was kinda gone by then, so I thought about it and said the hell with it and left the room went down stairs told the guy that runs the place I changed my mind. He told me to pay the 3 k viewing fee. When I walked towards the payment window, one of the other girls from the line-up asked me if everything was ok and I said everything was fine. I didn't want get the girl in trouble. Let the one I left in the room tell them what ever she wants after all she has to work there and all the girls usually hate on one another at these places anyways. Good thing these casa's prices are cheap, but it was getting late and these places close generally around 7 pm so I had make up for very little time left. Its seems like I'm going to have to upgrade to FB girls, maybe that's where all the good casa girls have gone. I'm done with New Life for now, at least on this trip.New Life can change with the times. One thing that I have learned is that talent will change in these types of places. It may not be overnight but businesses will follow the money and the trend.

Mr Enternational
06-08-22, 11:37
When I walked towards the payment window, one of the other girls from the line-up asked me if everything was ok and I said everything was fine. I didn't want get the girl in trouble.Why not? That is probably why the place has gone downhill; nobody wants to give honest feedback, so the bad apples stay in or the silicone amazons stay in. They think everyone is fine with it because nobody wants to say anything.

06-08-22, 14:08
Stopped at the New Life this evening. The line up wasn't much to look at, same old silicone amazonian type girls but not the same quality as before. The quality at New Life seems to be declining, at least from where it use to be I think. Anyhow, when I step inside the room with the girl I selected I turned the light on and she turns it off and I turned it back on. She says something about the light bothers her and she just wanted the light from the bathroom on, which offered little light (screw that I'm not forking in the dark I like to see where I 'm putting my dick) then she turned the music loud and I could tell she had a bit of an attitude. The vibe was kinda gone by then, so I thought about it and said the hell with it and left the room went down stairs told the guy that runs the place I changed my mind. He told me to pay the 3 k viewing fee. When I walked towards the payment window, one of the other girls from the line-up asked me if everything was ok and I said everything was fine. I didn't want get the girl in trouble. Let the one I left in the room tell them what ever she wants after all she has to work there and all the girls usually hate on one another at these places anyways. Good thing these casa's prices are cheap, but it was getting late and these places close generally around 7 pm so I had make up for very little time left. Its seems like I'm going to have to upgrade to FB girls, maybe that's where all the good casa girls have gone. I'm done with New Life for now, at least on this trip.I agree with you, light is very important. One cannot depend on smell alone, one has to look out for things such as rashes and sores which are session aborters no matter how small or insignificant looking.

06-08-22, 14:58
I think you made the right choice. All the moves the girl made are a tell that she finds the work unbearable. Much more often than not, in my experience, they turn out to be red flags that an unfulfilling experience is about to happen.

Stopped at the New Life this evening. The line up wasn't much to look at, same old silicone amazonian type girls but not the same quality as before. The quality at New Life seems to be declining, at least from where it use to be I think. Anyhow, when I step inside the room with the girl I selected I turned the light on and she turns it off and I turned it back on. She says something about the light bothers her and she just wanted the light from the bathroom on, which offered little light (screw that I'm not forking in the dark I like to see where I 'm putting my dick) then she turned the music loud and I could tell she had a bit of an attitude. The vibe was kinda gone by then, so I thought about it and said the hell with it and left the room went down stairs told the guy that runs the place I changed my mind. He told me to pay the 3 k viewing fee. When I walked towards the payment window, one of the other girls from the line-up asked me if everything was ok and I said everything was fine. I didn't want get the girl in trouble. Let the one I left in the room tell them what ever she wants after all she has to work there and all the girls usually hate on one another at these places anyways. Good thing these casa's prices are cheap, but it was getting late and these places close generally around 7 pm so I had make up for very little time left. Its seems like I'm going to have to upgrade to FB girls, maybe that's where all the good casa girls have gone. I'm done with New Life for now, at least on this trip.

06-08-22, 15:00
Some of the people in Centro are neither Colombian nor gringos. Stick with your beliefs.

Pardon my disbelief. I just find it hard to believe the average Colombian is sitting around entering search terms like Medellin+centro. Like they are just sitting around with nothing to do and are going to enter Medellin + centro in youtube and watch a bunch of hookers on the corner on their screen. Then all of a sudden, that looks like Mary; it IS Mary! And for several people to have repeated this same scenario of being found out.

06-08-22, 15:02
You get it. Some won't until it's too late.

It can happen. Considering the size of Colombian families and extended families, family friends, friends from school and all the rest and the chance is probably better than what you would expect.

However, whether it happens or not doesn't matter. What matters is if someone thinks it could happen. I remember being in Parque Bolivar with another BM and he took a picture of the church. Some homeless guy started yelling and making threats because he thought the guy had taken his picture.

If the wrong person in El Centro thinks someone is taking their picture it doesn't take much imagination to figure out how quickly things can turn ugly.

06-08-22, 15:08
I guess I don't understand what reason people I know in Centro would make up stories like this, or why after they tell me and I look at youtube, sure enough there they are.

It can happen. Considering the size of Colombian families and extended families, family friends, friends from school and all the rest and the chance is probably better than what you would expect.

However, whether it happens or not doesn't matter. What matters is if someone thinks it could happen. I remember being in Parque Bolivar with another BM and he took a picture of the church. Some homeless guy started yelling and making threats because he thought the guy had taken his picture.

If the wrong person in El Centro thinks someone is taking their picture it doesn't take much imagination to figure out how quickly things can turn ugly.

06-08-22, 16:44
Happy Pride Month.

The Trouble with Trannies; I Told You So Asti; or something much, much more.

Unbelievably to me at least, I have been here more than a month and this was my first mongering foray into Ground Zero this trip.

I was feeling randy and raw the night before when I messaged one of my favorite Ground Zero perennials, a cute tranny I will call Mariz, to find me a chica who I could face-fuck the next day, hard and deep at Ground Zero. I specified position, ass and legs sitting flat on the floor with her back against the bed, neck at the edge of the mattress, and that her face would be flat against my abdomen without condom when I climaxed for deep swallow. I offered 80 mil. I told her it would be hard and deep. She said she would find me the right girl.

When I showed up the next day, the girl flaked on us, if there was a girl. As I was leaving Ground Zero, I saw another tranny who I have known for over a year. She was the same tranny who introduced me her childhood friend, Pumpkin, who I have written about many times here. Pumpkin holds a solid position in the bottom half of my Top Ten List. The point is I was two degrees of separation from a new girl with my tranny friend for what I did next.

This new girl standing next to the tranny. I had not seen before. Bigger than me but I found her attractive. I was horny because of missing out on the face fuck I had "planned". I asked her three times if she was trans and she said no. I tried to cop a feel under her skirt but there were two Policia less than ten yards away facing us. The three of us went to the Love Motel and did some tussi and then my tranny friend left. The drug haters will point to the tussi as an "I told you so" example, but I believe the tussi helped prevent the situation from developing into violence.

She was getting positioned to give the blowjob when I said, let me see your pussy, and she wouldn't. That's when I made my first big mistake and countered advice I have given many times here which is to pay your way out of a bad situation, and keep things peaceful. I told her I was not going to pay her and got up ready to leave. Bad move, especially with a tranny. She changed as fast as you can flip a switch.

With lightening fast jabs she reached into my bolsa or shoulder bag and came out with and a handful of money and I was not sure what else. Almost as fast I reached back into her bag and pulled my money back out. Then she did the same again to my bag, jab, jab, then she got up and ran down the stairs. I followed as quick as I could, managed to catch her in the street for a second, reached into her bag again and came out with a single cincuenta or 50 note. She took off, faster than me, and like an idiot I returned to the room.

Once there, I confirmed my cell phone was gone.

Wait, it's just starting to get good.

I returned to my hotel room at The Nutti. Ran into a fellow mongerer from ISG for the first time, EarthEatMoon. I invited him up to my room and we had a great visit. Very cool guy, we had a few things in common. Our conversation was focused and intense, a lot to do with what just happened to me and some interesting recent experiences of his first-time mongering here in El Centro. I generally will not make a point to meet up with random guys from the ISG, but the times I have done so, they were all stand-up guys with whom I got the feeling I could trust.

While MoonPie was here, who should walk in behind me but Pumpkin. Now remember, Pumpkin is two degrees separated from the perp, but did not know her. After a nice visit with MoonPie, Pumpkin told me, "Put on your clothes, let's go try to find your phone".

We sauntered over to Ground Zero and to my amazement, the first girl she stopped to talk to and who I had never seen before, already knew the entire story. She said the tranny perp in question had been arrested after I left for of all things, stealing from Johns. Go figure.

We walked over to the police substation (they are called "cai's" in Medellin) at the bottom NE corner of the San Antonio metro station. A nice a professional police guarding the front door confirmed her arrest and even knew of my cell phone. While they were processing her, they had to attend to a sudden bigger crime outside and they left her. She did the same thing I would've done. She went home.

No phone, no fotos. More to come.

06-08-22, 17:00
... I joined them at a bar on the strip. Dammit I thought I wrote the name down but I do not see it. Think it started with a P. . This bar? Is the fried chicken stand nearby?

06-08-22, 17:04
Stopped at the New Life this evening. The line up wasn't much to look at, same old silicone amazonian type girls but not the same quality as before. The quality at New Life seems to be declining, at least from where it use to be I think. Anyhow, when I step inside the room with the girl I selected I turned the light on and she turns it off and I turned it back on. She says something about the light bothers her and she just wanted the light from the bathroom on, which offered little light (screw that I'm not forking in the dark I like to see where I 'm putting my dick) then she turned the music loud and I could tell she had a bit of an attitude. The vibe was kinda gone by then, so I thought about it and said the hell with it and left the room went down stairs told the guy that runs the place I changed my mind. He told me to pay the 3 k viewing fee. When I walked towards the payment window, one of the other girls from the line-up asked me if everything was ok and I said everything was fine. I didn't want get the girl in trouble. Let the one I left in the room tell them what ever she wants after all she has to work there and all the girls usually hate on one another at these places anyways. Good thing these casa's prices are cheap, but it was getting late and these places close generally around 7 pm so I had make up for very little time left. Its seems like I'm going to have to upgrade to FB girls, maybe that's where all the good casa girls have gone. I'm done with New Life for now, at least on this trip.Thanks for the report. New Life seems pretty good mostly but I have seen it go from 10/10 to 3/10 in one day. Talent changes a lot.

The more important question is. Which other casas can compete with new life in terms of quality and quantity?

06-08-22, 17:20
The Trouble with Trannies; I Told You So Asti; or something much, much more....I have never seen one in person that is passable. Especially someone who is big. Did you ask for ID?

06-08-22, 17:23
Happy Pride Month.You gave me my first good laugh of the day. Good one, thanks. Is it really Pride Month?

06-08-22, 17:38
I guess I don't understand what reason people I know in Centro would make up stories like this, or why after they tell me and I look at youtube, sure enough there they are.Most of the SW's in Centro have smart phones, and data is cheap at about 1,000 COP a day.

And lots of SW's like watching videos, and do so on YouTube to pass the time.

And for a SW that typically stands in the same place, and works alongside the Church, or the backside, or other well travelled areas will see themselves in multiple YouTube videos as you mention.

06-08-22, 17:48
I have never seen one in person that is passable. Especially someone who is big. Did you ask for ID?The thought never occurred to me to ask for ID. I have often done so for age but not for gender. Wow. Check out that bias. Thanks for the improved self-awareness.

You are describing "Toupee Syndrome. " People make fun of guys who wear a "rug" on their head because they can look awful. But the good, professionally done and maintained rugs looks so good you can't tell they are fake. Chances are you have seen many trannies in person that passed but you simply did not know it because they were that good. Ground Zero is probably not the best venue for this, but there are chicks with dicks out there with shaved Adams apples, permanent hair removal, and hormone supplements, that would fool any and everyone."

Plus, my little head was taking over my big head because I went to Ground Zero with the "desire" and "plan" to have a new girl give me a nice, hard, deep face-fuck, which didn't happen. Words in quotes because those who follow me know that I see a pattern in my life when those words are involved, things don't often turn out for the better.

06-08-22, 17:52
Happy Pride Month.Yeh, its too bad the mods can't redirect all the tranny, druggie and mod squad posts into a separate section.

06-08-22, 18:01
Yeh, its too bad the mods can't redirect all the tranny, druggie and mod squad posts into a separate section.Or you are simply projecting?

06-08-22, 18:19
Do some tusi then have another look.

I have never seen one in person that is passable. Especially someone who is big. Did you ask for ID?

06-08-22, 18:24
There are some good lessons to be learned if you read between the lines. Personally I think the post is good fun.

Yeh, its too bad the mods can't redirect all the tranny, druggie and mod squad posts into a separate section.

Mr Enternational
06-08-22, 19:07
This bar? Is the fried chicken stand nearby?Yes, that is the bar. The chicken down farther right before Bar Monaco.

06-08-22, 20:55
This is really not worth a lot of our time, but I'll just make one observation that counters the idea that the market is free. And that is "price fixing / controls" and taxes. Anyone who has stayed at the Mansion know that, in effect, there is "price fixing" among the regulars. Same with girls who belong to FB groups that openly talk about clients and pricing. To me, I see price fixing behavior all of the time with FB girls. Probably the same with many Tinder girls, SA girls, centro girls, and Lleras girls and Gusto girls. Within sub-parts of the market. I just find it all very interesting, but not as interesting as fucking young putas with tight pussies and lips that exist to suck me.

As Villainy has pointed out, a free market is simply one in which prices are determined without any external restrictions on the competition among buyers and sellers--be it restrictions from government in the form of quotas, price-controls, tariffs, taxes, etc ,or from private monopolists who control enough of the market to dictate pricing. In that sense, the monger/puta market would seem to qualify as one of the freest that one can imagine. And one with no "barriers to entry" other than a chica's willingness to spread her legs for total strangers, including those of us who are potbellied, wrinkled, foul of breath, or irredeemable jerks. Well, with one likely exception: I imagine that any entrepreneurial guy (or mamasan) who wants to open / operate a casa or a strip club here in Medellin may need the blessing of (I. E have to make payoffs) to politicos, the gendarmerie, and / or cartel thugs.


06-08-22, 21:28
Which other casas can compete with new life in terms of quality and quantity?Probably none! That's why it's popular. I think it's best for quantity & quality & price but there are good days and bad days.

06-08-22, 21:44
The thought never occurred to me to ask for ID. I have often done so for age but not for gender.
After reading about your latest foray into Centro, I think your really pushing the envelope there, and one of these days, your luck is going to run out in Centro.

Just some friendly advice.

06-08-22, 22:57
This is new to me. I always purchase a pack of Azythromycin when I visit Colombia, but for typical STD treatment, like gonorrhea / chlamydia. Please share with us your info showing that this works for HIV."Azithromycin is a very, very valuable drug," said Kunin, an emeritus professor of medicine at Ohio State University and a former president of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. "The excessive use of azithromycin is going to lead to widespread azithromycin resistance.

"You remove azithromycin, and what do you have left?" he said. "I call this the road to medical hell. ".

06-08-22, 23:00
Antibiotic resistant infections are very scary.

"Azithromycin is a very, very valuable drug," said Kunin, an emeritus professor of medicine at Ohio State University and a former president of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. "The excessive use of azithromycin is going to lead to widespread azithromycin resistance.

"You remove azithromycin, and what do you have left?" he said. "I call this the road to medical hell. ".

06-08-22, 23:02
Have you visited many others?

Probably none! That's why it's popular. I think it's best for quantity & quality & price but there are good days and bad days.

06-08-22, 23:32
The more important question is. Which other casas can compete with new life in terms of quality and quantity?Certainly Fantasias Energy at a higher price point and not in Centro.

06-09-22, 00:08
Where's the best place to buy a cheap cell phone in Medellin? In el Centro, in the Operanda mall behind the Nutribari or in Poblado in one of the malls. Any info would help. Thanks in advanced.

06-09-22, 00:16
I know just enough Spanish to get into situations that I don't see coming. When I told Managerette I would take her to her friend's 25th birthday party at a finca (house in the country or farm) in Guatape, I thought it was going to be a more conservative affair, I don't know why, I think because the invitations were so nicely done. First thing I realized when we met at the private van early in the morning was that I more than double the age of everyone at the party, I counted 23 people, definitely none of them were close to thirty years old.

No problem, one thing I have noticed about Colombia is how warm and welcoming the people are. I have never felt less than welcome and accepted in any group of Colombians with whom I have had the pleasure of their company. If anything, they were overly nice to me I guess because I was older and from the United States, not sure why. Felt like I was asked a hundred times, "Esta bien?" or if I needed anything.

We were ten minutes down the road when they broke out the drugs, marijuana, tussi, and rum. That didn't stop until we loaded back into the van to return home. More than half the crowd did not sleep a wink the entire weekend and we started at 8 AM on Saturday and rolled back into Robledo villa Sofia at 8:30 PM on Sunday. Very top of the mountain. Steeper is cheaper.

There isn't enough sex in this story for an ISG post except for the girl, Managerette, who I have been pursuing for over a year. I have tagged her as the most conservative girl in Colombia. When we first met, she told me she would never sleep with me after she told me she would never go out with me. She was a manager at a hotel in Estadio where I stayed about a year ago, and she saw firsthand all my mongering activities.

I have been to her apartment a couple of times, met her family. She and her mom dyed my hair once. They all smoke pot.

I was aiming for this weekend party to be the day we finally did the dirty deed, but it wasn't to be. I was in a room with three other girls, one was Managerette and I had a separate twin bed. I gave one of the other girls in the room a foot massage, and that was it for my skin to skin contact for the weekend.

I had a blast. Lots of deafening music, non-stop tussi, pot and rum. About 2/3 of the crowd never slept a wink. I don't know why the bull dyke in the room always seems to hit on my date but she was very nice too and I danced with her a lot and massaged her shoulders in the van ride home.

Saturday we did Guatape including a boat tour. Sunday was cook-out jacuzzi day at the finca.

At one point when it was just Managerette and I trying to sleep in the room in separate beds, a guy came in and crawled into bed with her. Flashback to the mountaintop about a year earlier here when I was sleeping between Catgirl and her sobrina. Catgirl's brother came in and had sex with the sobrina in the pitch black room who was so close to me I could feel her breath.

Not quite as lustful this time. The dude got up and left after a few minutes, I asked Managerette if she wanted me to step out for a moment so she could have sex with him, and she said no, she didn't like him like that.

If you would've told me ahead of time what was in store, I probably would've refused the invitation. But Managerette knew practically every person at the party, and it was great to see her spend a weekend with her friends. For two people, 400.000 mil COP for room and board, drinks and drugs. Another 190.000 mil COP for the day in Guatape incuding the boat tour. One separate restaurant meal for three at 80.000 mil COP.

During the van ride home, the lesbo chica I liked made out with another chica shown in the foreground of the foto with the best-looking chicas at the party. They were fun to watch in the seats directly in front of us, while I did some tussy.

Stepping out of my comfort zone a little usually ends up in a very enriching cross cultural experience, like this one played out. Managerette and I have developed a true friendship and she loved it. Great weekend.

Fotos: Stairs to managerette's front door. If not for those stairs and that I had been to her apartment once before, I would not have been able to find the place. As sometimes happen when you get high enough in the mountain neighborhoods surrounding the valley, you lose the Internet and GPS. The numbers on the street often don't match the numbers of the address because you have to go searching inside the maze of buildings and apartments to find the specific address. Somewhat sphincter tightening.

The landscape was the view from the finca.

Managed to get a shot of the two best-looking girls at the party in one foto. I would say their combined average was a 7.777, jeje.

As always, stories about recreational drugs are purely fictional and are for entertainment purposes only. I am simply doing research for a fictional book I am writing about Medellin. I do not condone the use of illicit drugs and would never buy, sell, transport or use any illegal substances in any countries of the world.

06-09-22, 00:16
Where's the best place to buy a cheap cell phone in Medellin? In el Centro, in the Operanda mall behind the Nutribari or in Poblado in one of the malls. Any info would help. Thanks in advanced.El Opera behind Nutibara is much cheaper, they sell used refurbished phones. In Poblado you will be paying full price for a new phone. Depends what you're after.

06-09-22, 00:32
If anyone ever loses their cell phone or gets robbed, I've got two brand new iphones still in the box (13 Pro Max 256 GB / 13 Pro 128 GB). I know the process when that happens, and the cost of phones in Medellin. So, I might still have them if you find yourself in a tight spot and need more than a burner. Well, that or if you fall in love with a prepago and want to see just what she might be willing to do if you give her a new iphone as a gift.

06-09-22, 02:13
After reading about your latest foray into Centro, I think your really pushing the envelope there, and one of these days, your luck is going to run out in Centro.

Just some friendly advice.If I Die Tomorrow I Die a Happy Man, my epitaph will read, seriously. Don't mistake that for a Death Wish (channeling Charles Bronson), which is a totally different animal.

If I would have followed my own advice, paid her and left, nothing bad would have happened. The problem there is thinking clearly under times of stress.

I don't live life on the edge. I cross the line, fall off the cliff, grab a branch on the way down, scramble back up scratched and bruised, stake my claim, draw a line in the sand and dare anyone else to cross it, jajajajaja.

I've had more happiness than any person is due in the last few years, and I was a miserable wretch before that, so it's all good from here on out.

ISG has at the same time become one of the least and most important things in my life, Yin and Yang. Documenting my journey is helpful to my well-being.

I try not to give advice except when others appear to be putting themselves in or causing harm. I mostly will leave that to the subject matter experts such as yourself and that I have never claimed to be.

For myself, if people want to use me as the poster child for what not to do in Medellin, I take zero offense there. But there is more going on with me than that and some people here get it more than others.

Thanks for the friendly advice, much appreciated coming from a "respected" board member such as you, and I only mean that as a lighthearted joke because obviously you are that.

Last time I went into silent mode I tried to post and let everyone know I was okay but admin blocked it for some reason, so I am not trying to be mysterious. I think they probably though I was being too self-absorbed was the only reason I could come up with for it not being posted. Or I was high and I thought I posted but didn't jajaja. Reality is for people who can't handle their drugs.

As far as my cellular, she ripped off my ancient Samsung A-05 with everything backed up the Cloud. I am not glad it happened, but the learning process has been incredible and I will modify some behaviors as a result. I opened a couple of social media accounts including Facebook to make it easier to get in touch with family and friends when without a cellular. The way my girls circled around me and helped out was truly touching. I may be ignorant but I am definitely not stupid.

Ostee Out, and you know what comes next, Keep On Keepin' On!

06-09-22, 02:48
Yes, that is the bar. The chicken down farther right before Bar Monaco.Thanks, I have met Dread.

06-09-22, 03:26
If anyone ever loses their cell phone or gets robbed, I've got two brand new iphones still in the box (13 Pro Max 256 GB / 13 Pro 128 GB). I know the process when that happens, and the cost of phones in Medellin. So, I might still have them if you find yourself in a tight spot and need more than a burner. Well, that or if you fall in love with a prepago and want to see just what she might be willing to do if you give her a new iphone as a gift.I got used iPhone XS Max 256 gb for sale in case someone needs it.

06-09-22, 03:37
Red Days, Dias Rojos, on their period, en su periodo, menstruacion, jajaja, well it seems like my girls are all synched up, and perception is reality. Anyone else out there can confirm or deny today is day number one or two of your chica's red days in Medellin, jajajajajjaaaajaja or as usual is it just me?

What to do about it is of course is a whole nuther topic, jaja.

06-09-22, 03:49
Hey all,

New here. I read through some of the pages, but obviously not all of them.

Is everyone here mostly trying to hook up with prostitutes? That's what it reads like. I'm wondering why not try to hook up with non-prostitutes (I. E. , not pay)? Never paid for sex before, so not sure how I'd feel about trying that.

06-09-22, 03:57
[Just Ignore the reports you do not like. Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

06-09-22, 04:16
Plus, my little head was taking over my big head because I went to Ground Zero with the "desire" and "plan" to have a new girl give me a nice, hard, deep face-fuck, which didn't happen. Words in quotes because those who follow me know that I see a pattern in my life when those words are involved, things don't often turn out for the better.The bright side is at any price you didn't face fuck a tranny, so I guess that's the silver lining at any cost (depending on your taste or sentiment on that subject). Thanks for the sharing the story. It can serve as a cautionary tale. I'll take extra precautions now, like checking the gender on their cedula as mention earlier, especially at Vera cruz.

06-09-22, 04:29
El Opera behind Nutibara is much cheaper, they sell used refurbished phones. In Poblado you will be paying full price for a new phone. Depends what you're after.Thanks, that's what I figured. I think I'll just bring an unlocked phone for next time and pick a sim card here. I guess its time to join the tech revolution in the mongering scene. I don't want to be left behind and stuck in Vera Cruz checking for adams apples and screening gnero's on Cedula's Lol

06-09-22, 04:33
don't want to be left behind and stuck in Vera Cruz checking for adams apples and screening gnero's on Cedula's LolJajajaja 🤣.

06-09-22, 06:01
The bright side is at any price you didn't face fuck a tranny, so I guess that's the silver lining at any cost (depending on your taste or sentiment on that subject). Thanks for the sharing the story. It can serve as a cautionary tale. I'll take extra precautions now, like checking the gender on their cedula as mention earlier, especially at Vera cruz.Face fucking her and leaving with my cell would have been a better out, but I wasn't smart or fast enough to think of it. I created my own monster by insisting to see her chocha.

06-09-22, 15:00
I was talking to this chick and she was first on my hit list when I came down. She got her period on day 1 but she went to the store and bought some sort of pill that stopped her period so we could fuck. But it didn't matter much because I liked her ass so I took that most of the time.

Red Days, Dias Rojos, on their period, en su periodo, menstruacion, jajaja, well it seems like my girls are all synched up, and perception is reality. Anyone else out there can confirm or deny today is day number one or two of your chica's red days in Medellin, jajajajajjaaaajaja or as usual is it just me?

What to do about it is of course is a whole nuther topic, jaja.

06-09-22, 16:16
Hey all,

New here. I read through some of the pages, but obviously not all of them.

Is everyone here mostly trying to hook up with prostitutes? That's what it reads like. I'm wondering why not try to hook up with non-prostitutes (I. E. , not pay)? Never paid for sex before, so not sure how I'd feel about trying that.No, on this very same page. I counted 2. 5 members hook up with non-prostitutes. Or are members who turn non-prostitutes into prostitutes. It is even mentioned in a post on this very same page. Having said that, I don't know what is your definition of free, and what is your point?

06-09-22, 16:46
I was talking to this chick and she was first on my hit list when I came down. She got her period on day 1 but she went to the store and bought some sort of pill that stopped her period so we could fuck. But it didn't matter much because I liked her ass so I took that most of the time.Yes, progesterone 2.5 MG tabs usually, the dose can vary. I have also had the chicas ask me for money to get the progesterone shots or injections to stop their menstrual cycles. I don't like to do this for girls I see repeatedly because it screws up the timing of their cycle which should normally be every 28 days, give or take. After a couple of shots their cycles can become unpredictable.

Amazing what they will sell OTC (Over the Counter) in pharmacies here.

I encourage cross checking these facts because I am writing this extemporaneously, and we all know I am not good for much "hard" info, jajaja. I am not now or ever giving medical advice over the open Internet. These are just general examples.

Also, most people don't know that OTC NSAIDs, for example Aleve, sold as naproxeno here, will cut menstrual flow usually in half, especially when started on the#28 or the first day before the girl is expecting her cycle to start. In the real world, these chicas are way too flakey to take that kind of control over their own bodies, but I have done it for them before, marked it on my calendar.

Ostee Out.

P.S. My wingman had to cancel a date today because she was on the#2 of her cycle, so yeah, all the girls here seem to be on their red days at the moment, jajajajaa.

06-09-22, 16:47
Hey all,

New here. I read through some of the pages, but obviously not all of them.

Is everyone here mostly trying to hook up with prostitutes? That's what it reads like. I'm wondering why not try to hook up with non-prostitutes (I. E. , not pay)? Never paid for sex before, so not sure how I'd feel about trying that.Actually everyone is trying to find a good church where they can come together in worship, peace and fellowship. However, since church only takes up few hours per week, everyone finds different ways to spend their time. You're encouraged to spend your time in the way which best suits your goals.

You seem confused about a few core principles, which will limit your ability to accomplish your desires. Perhaps I can be of assistance.

Paying for sex is a requirement, one way or another. How you choose to pay is a matter of personal choice. What do you have to offer a girl in exchange for sex?

Most of us who visit or live in Medellin have money, at least enough that it's more cost effective to pay for sex with cash, instead of using something we have less of; time. If a guy is visiting Medellin for 5 days, and finding a non-prostitute, who might be interested in having sex with him takes 4 days, with dates and winning her over, not only will he spend more money, he'll have to wait until his next visit to have sex, assuming she doesn't find someone else first.

How long it takes to find a non-prostitute varies from person to person. I can do it in a few minutes, but there's still the time and money investment to seal the deal. It could take minutes or months, or never happen.

Of course, along with the time factor there are other drawbacks, mainly expectations. You're expected to pay. When you go out, you're expected to pay. If she cooks for you, you're expected to buy groceries. If her cat needs emergency surgery, you're expected to pay. In almost every situation you'll end up paying more and getting less than just paying a prostitute.

06-09-22, 16:47
Is everyone here mostly trying to hook up with prostitutes? That's what it reads like. I'm wondering why not try to hook up with non-prostitutes (I. E. , not pay)? Never paid for sex before, so not sure how I'd feel about trying that.Really? What exactly did you do a search on to find this website "good girls, girlfriends, dating, marriage"? Not sure how you would feel about paying for it? You should be posting in the Stupid Shit in Medellin thread.

06-09-22, 18:59
Hey all,

New here. I read through some of the pages, but obviously not all of them.

Is everyone here mostly trying to hook up with prostitutes? That's what it reads like. I'm wondering why not try to hook up with non-prostitutes (I. E. , not pay)? Never paid for sex before, so not sure how I'd feel about trying that.We all pay, directly or indirectly, physically or emotionally, over time or ephemerally, tangibly or unnoticed, mostly physically, with money or gifts.

The wonderful thing about Colombia is all the adult females, yes I said all, are on a Pay for Play continuum. I am using absolutes for emphasis and because it fits. If I like a regular, meaning not an obvious P 4 P chica, after sex I will offer her a "regalo desde mi Corazon" (my Spanish sucks) or "gift from the heart" and she will appreciate it.

Pay what you feel like giving, the ballpark is going to be around 100-300 mil COP. With a non-pro, don't act or sound like you are paying her for sex or she may become offended.

If you really want to score brownie points and you have the time, take her shopping and buy her something to wear. Decent quality clothing is incredibly cheap here. She will not have to feel like she is doing P 4 P and will beat a path to your bedroom after that.

If someone tries to tell you they don't pay, they are either trying to impress you or lack self-awareness. I had an unreal string of consecutive freebies my last visit here, 7 or 8, never happened before or since. In the end, I paid, big time.

Ostee Out.

06-09-22, 20:50
Hey all,

New here. I read through some of the pages, but obviously not all of them.

Is everyone here mostly trying to hook up with prostitutes? That's what it reads like. I'm wondering why not try to hook up with non-prostitutes (I. E. , not pay)? Never paid for sex before, so not sure how I'd feel about trying that.I'm thinking this is a troll, LOL. Just in case I'm wrong here are some words of wisdom I heard a long time ago:

Every man pays for sex. If you think you don't, that just means you are on the indirect payment plan.

06-09-22, 21:00
Also, most people don't know that OTC NSAIDs, for example Aleve, sold as naproxeno here, will cut menstrual flow usually in half, especially when started on the#28 or the first day before the girl is expecting her cycle to start. In the real world, these chicas are way too flakey to take that kind of control over their own bodies, but I have done it for them before, marked it on my calendar.
This is what I get for trying to be helpful and writing too quickly between errands. I unintentionally promulgated misinformation.

Good old-fashioned aspirin was the prototype NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) medicine that started it all. But aspirin increases bleeding by it's platelet inhibition effect. Potently. Most people do not realize how powerful aspirin is for thinning blood. Bleeding time test is still effected 14 days after the last dose of even one baby aspirin. That is why people who have had heart attacks ("clogged" coronary arteries) take an aspirin a day for the rest of their lives, when they survive.

In my example, Aleve and most of the other NSAID's work by a different mechanism that is too technical to go into here but does not involve platelet inhibition, and that is why they can slow menstrual flow.

In summary, most of the NSAIDs, with the exception of aspirin, can reduce menstrual bleeding.

I would not follow 90% of the medical info on the Internet, including mine. I never claimed to be a doctor as one of the bottom dwellers here once tried to bait me by saying. However, I played one on TV and we stayed in a Holiday Inn while we were shooting. Ajjajajjajajaajajajjajajjaaaaaa.

Ostee Out.

06-09-22, 21:29
Actually everyone is trying to find a good church where they can come together in worship, peace and fellowship. However, since church only takes up few hours per week, everyone finds different ways to spend their time. You're encouraged to spend your time in the way which best suits your goals.

You seem confused about a few core principles, which will limit your ability to accomplish your desires. Perhaps I can be of assistance.

Paying for sex is a requirement, one way or another. How you choose to pay is a matter of personal choice.
I think the butt of your well-meaning joke may be too obtuse too appreciate your SOH (sense of humor), but I dug it. My first thought when I read his post was, "Look, some guy pulled into the drive-up at McDonalds and tried to order a Porterhouse steak, medium-rare. " Jajajajjaja.

06-09-22, 23:55
Hey all,

New here. I read through some of the pages, but obviously not all of them.

Is everyone here mostly trying to hook up with prostitutes? That's what it reads like. I'm wondering why not try to hook up with non-prostitutes (I. E. , not pay)? Never paid for sex before, so not sure how I'd feel about trying that.If it floats, flies or fucks, rent it.

06-10-22, 00:27
We all pay, directly or indirectly, physically or emotionally, over time or ephemerally, tangibly or unnoticed, mostly physically, with money or gifts.

If someone tries to tell you they don't pay, they are either trying to impress you or lack self-awareness. I had an unreal string of consecutive freebies my last visit here, 7 or 8, never happened before or since. In the end, I paid, big time.

Ostee Out.Agree with everything, including the last point. Many girls will not ask for payment, but expect something. I've known more than a few guys that had a girl for the weekend and said 'she never asked about money, so I'm not paying her anything' and then jet off to the airport. I see the girls afterwards and they're obviously upset. The next time they're the ones asking for sex upfront because of the cheap ass!

06-10-22, 00:35
Agree with everything, including the last point. Many girls will not ask for payment, but expect something. I've known more than a few guys that had a girl for the weekend and said 'she never asked about money, so I'm not paying her anything' and then jet off to the airport. I see the girls afterwards and they're obviously upset. The next time they're the ones asking for sex upfront because of the cheap ass!Nice follow through. How's your backhand? Jeje.

06-10-22, 01:02
Really? What exactly did you do a search on to find this website "good girls, girlfriends, dating, marriage"? Not sure how you would feel about paying for it? You should be posting in the Stupid Shit in Medellin thread.I am surprised how naive some people are. Assuming one speaks decent Spanish and is close to the girl's age, there is still the question that the girl asks: what's in it for me? And given that most of us don't live here, what is the outlook for a long term relationship.

I believe this culture does not support one night stand in general, the encounters between boys and girls are therefore predicated on a long term relationship, with the final outcome being marriage. Therefore for some of us, the P4 P route is the safest and easiest.

06-10-22, 01:46
If it floats, flies or fucks, rent it.I like it. Will steal it. Or should I say, "rent it". Jeje.

06-10-22, 02:06
If it floats, flies or fucks, rent it.I need this on a shirt!

06-10-22, 03:20
It's such a wide spread on seeking, and all depends on your negotiations. If you truly liked the experience and looking to repeat, just give her something in the 500 mil to 700 mil range, and tell her it is to help with her gastos(expenses). You already said you brought her gifts and paid for expenses like meals etc. 300mil a day is what I use, with weekly discounts if going that long. I know a dude that paid 2million for 2weeks. I also know a dude that paid 2Milliones for a session. Not too long ago, a dude here posted that he got a steal of a deal for 1.5milliones for a session. Jajaja. That's SA and mongers for you.I agree w / 300 k day. I had a favorita from Seeking join me in Santa Marta for the weekend and paid her 600 k (agreed beforehand). She took the bus from Barranquilla out and I paid for our return (I was going to airport) and obviously everything at the resort and a nice dinner. For what it's worth, I normally pay her 250-300 k for a session.

06-10-22, 05:50
But aspirin increases bleeding by it's platelet inhibition effect. Potently. Most people do not realize how powerful aspirin is for thinning blood. Bleeding time test is still effected 14 days after the last dose of even one baby aspirin. That is why people who have had heart attacks ("clogged" coronary arteries) take an aspirin a day for the rest of their lives, when they survive.That's why I left my baby aspirin home and took the vitamins instead. The last thing I need is thin blood with a bad encounter in El Centro. One baby aspirin a day is really not recommended any more at a certain age unless of course you fit into such catergoties as past heart attacks or high-risk. I'll probably discontinue mine.