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08-28-22, 01:41
It still surprises me what some of the women I've met in Medellin and fuck for free were ok with. ....I guess it depends different situations, and in current context, are they in love with you? A girl sent me a message asking me not to see other women and I found that hot too.

08-28-22, 01:46
Yeah, you have to commit to one girl within five seconds of meeting her or it is not real. Jesus, Nounce, drink much last night?I guess that is only possible if the girl falls in love within 5 seconds of meeting MB and at least I am not talking about commitment.

Nounce, drink much last night?You are looking at the only glass of Malbec I had last night

08-28-22, 01:51
This is my 1st post, 30 years old black, been here for about 3 months, I inject my junk with Trimix. Anyway I got the casas and mile site down pack. But Osteoknot or anybody who can help I don't Spanish but I have desire pick up all types of chicks I'm attracted to just out and about. My main goal is el natural sexo Bb. I want to get some expertise advice on how to go about that not knowing Spanish, I'm skinny look younger, and $ isn't necessarily An issue. 3 year lurker on this site a bit introverted but anyways peace out.

08-28-22, 02:01
I know what you meant and I feel you were just using the word "desperate' as a figure of speech. But dude, you are so far ahead of the game compared to the average first timer. Mid 30's, good-looking, Caucasian, and fluent in Spanish? If you're blonde haired and blue eyed then fuck you and the horse you rode in on, jajajajaja.

Come on. Medellin is your oyster and you are the pearl. I get it, you have niche' tastes but even so.

Not saying you won't find yourself a nice wingman, but don't expect a lot of sympathy here, jajaja. Most of us remember what is was like for us when we first arrived, and we had to grind it out the best we could. Best of luck, you don't need much.

Oh, to answer your question more directly, pick any chica that attracts you and go up and start talking to her, anywhere, anytime. A nice pool is chicas who are at work, then they won't be as desperate for money. They won't be offended. Government workers, waitresses, policewomen, store clerks, bartenders, any gainful employment. You have a majority chance that she will engage, then go out with you for dinner, then fuck you that night. Tell them you are new in town and you would like someone to show you around, go to Park Avri, recommend a good restaurant, blah, blah, you can recite Mary had a Little Lamb and they will still want to go out with you.

Leave fear of failure at home. If a chica doesn't respond the way you like, forget about her, totally and immediately move on to the next one. Dating here is like shooting fish in a barrel. If she says she's married that is not an automatic "no" , she might still want to fuck but is just making you aware. Then it depends on your scruples. Personally, I avoid the potential complications of fucking married women, but that's your call.

If you are walking out in public and you literally see a single chica on the sidewalk you must have, introduce yourself and ask her, "Quieres ser mi novia por 2 horas if?" or does she wants to be your girlfriend for _ hours (fill in the number). If she say yes, act immediately if possible to reduce the chance you will get flaked if she wants to meet you somewhere else later. You're welcome.

My prototype chica is working student, single, one-kid delivered by Cesarean-section, with mom at home. That chica has an income but will still be highly motivated to raise the standard of living for her kid. She has some intelligence and goals in life. Her pussy hasn't been stretched out from childbirth, and she has built in child-care. But that's just me. Ostee Out.1st, post I'm a long time lurker, made a another post but it may have been in the wrong place. 30 yr old brown skinned African-American, skinny, I think I'm decent looking and I inject Ed drugs in my penis. I got the mile site and casas down to a tee that's not my issue. I've been here for 3 months also with 3 more to go. Not really a fayboo guy my goal is SEXO natural Bb. But the chicks aren't really down for obvious reasons. I want to pick up chicks I find just out and about but I don't speak Spanish. You the King on here I want your or anybody else expertise on how I could go about this I think look still look young my style is more "hip-hop" but I can clean up. What's your take? Peace.

Nil Admirari
08-28-22, 02:46
..........I am thinking of visiting late December until the new year! Just wanted to ask the experts if there are still plenty of girls working at that time?....

I'm told, that overall, things remain pretty dead from Christmas through El Da de Los Reyes Magos (Three Kings Day or Day of the Epiphany), which in 2023 falls on January 06, but, if I'm not mistaken, will be celebrated as a government holiday in Colombia, on Monday, January 09. But perhaps the El Centro hands would know if, with the influx of Venezuelan chicas to Plaza Botero in recent years (many, if not most, of them here without their families), whether the happy hunting grounds twixt the Veracruz church and Raudal remains reasonably populated with desirable WG game throughout the holiday season.

08-28-22, 03:57
...I have been to Medellin twice already and have decided not to go anywhere else LOL...I suggest you visit other places before making such a drastic decision. Already, if you have read this forum long enough, you would have realized that Brazil is a strong competitor to Medellin. I can think of many other locations but the point is that you need to experience other places before deciding to stick to one specific place.

08-28-22, 04:25
I am not a centro kind of guy. I primarily focus on FB and referrals from my FB girls. That said, I have been to MDE between Christmas and New Year's day. Many of the chicas, if they can afford it, will go out of town with their family to a finca. And even if they are in town, you can pretty much forget New Year's Eve and New Year's day (although I have had chicas see me on the afternoon of New Year's eve before they went to be with their families).

As a Medellin "regular" I manage to do OK because I have a long list of chicas and the chicas who are in town will slip away from the family to see me for a bit. But it is quieter. I will yield to the centro guys on this, but I would assume that because the centro girls don't earn a lot of money and many are vennies, there should be some activity, even during those days. Just not the same quantity.

Now, once January 1 is over, things are back to normal in my experience. There are bills to be paid and chicas need money. I never have an issue with chicas post-January 1.

Hello Everyone.

I have been to Medellin twice already and have decided not to go anywhere else LOL. I love the Botero scene and don't see any other reason to stop going!

I am thinking of visiting late December until the new year!

Just wanted to ask the experts if there are still plenty of girls working at that time?

I am sure Christmas Day will be empty as well as new year but just wondering if all the girls go back home for the holidays like they do in Zone Norte Tijuana?!

I hope to still catch plenty of girls around the major holidays.


08-28-22, 05:58
Jajajajaja Now that is a funny little quip.That's what she said.

Mojo Bandit
08-28-22, 15:07
I guess that is only possible if the girl falls in love within 5 seconds of meeting MB and at least I am not talking about commitment.

You are looking at the only glass of Malbec I had last nightNounce I just tried to send you a PM and it says you need to delete messages because your mailbox is at maximim allowable space.

08-28-22, 16:27
I suggest you visit other places before making such a drastic decision. Already, if you have read this forum long enough, you would have realized that Brazil is a strong competitor to Medellin. I can think of many other locations but the point is that you need to experience other places before deciding to stick to one specific place.Thanks for the advice Lefeu!

I have never really looked into Brazil. I will start reading up on Brazil and see what I find!

I wanted to try Thailand but I can't sleep on my flights regardless at the time of day they are so Colombia works for me since its a 7 hour flight from SoCal for me.


08-28-22, 17:17
You are looking at the only glass of Malbec I had last nightSo what where you eating for dinner, as whatever the meat was, it looked pretty good and a good pairing with a Malbec. It you had that dinner in Medellin, what was the name of the place and and how was the food. Food comes up at times here, and besides pussy I'm always on the look out for a place with good food either for delivery or in a restaurant.

08-28-22, 17:27
Fuck I have to get back to Medellin. Heading to Bogota but one of my friends who's coming to Colombia for the first time ask me to bring him here, so got to leave BOG to be wing man for few days in Mde. It's only fair since Medellin is newb friendly and IMO just the right place to get baptized in what we do. So quick question is that construction still going on in Llera?

08-28-22, 19:59
Fuck I have to get back to Medellin. Heading to Bogota but one of my friends who's coming to Colombia for the first time ask me to bring him here, so got to leave BOG to be wing man for few days in Mde. It's only fair since Medellin is newb friendly and IMO just the right place to get baptized in what we do. So quick question is that construction still going on in Llera?Yeah construction is still happening.

08-28-22, 20:13
Yeah construction is still happening.The construction in the little park part of Parque Lleras seems to have an inordinate amount of attention here. I don't get it. That part was nothing. All the action was on the streets around, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, etc. If they are gone it is something else. Covid perhaps, or perhaps the area has become more run down or dangerous due to Covid shut downs?

08-28-22, 20:39
The construction in the little park part of Parque Lleras seems to have an inordinate amount of attention here. I don't get it. That part was nothing. All the action was on the streets around, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, etc. If they are gone it is something else. Covid perhaps, or perhaps the area has become more run down or dangerous due to Covid shut downs?I have no idea, I don't go to Parque Lleras I just know they're still doing construction on the park area. I know some restaurants / bars closed due to COVID but I'm sure they're still some around from what friends have told me.

08-28-22, 21:00

Me and the fellas have been to Cartagena plenty of times. Want to try Medellin. We usually stay in bocagrande and go to clock tower to visit the nightclubs at night to pick up girls and have some drinks at dolce or space or one of the many clubs with decent music, drinks, and girls. Working girls of course but non working girls don't hurt either LOL. Air bnb in Medellin is pretty straight forward, but where are the clubs with the same set up of girls I described like in Cartagena? Should I get my air bnb in a certain area that is near those clubs? Point me int the right direction. Me and the fellas plan to go late September.

08-28-22, 21:27
I wanted to try Thailand but I can't sleep on my flights regardless at the time of day they are so Colombia works for me since its a 7 hour flight from SoCal for me.Spend a day or two in Taiwan. That cuts the flight about in half from SoCal. Also your situation is why the good lord created zolpidem. Get the time release if you can find it, 12.5 MG.

08-28-22, 22:58
QUOTE=Nounce;2736929]I guess it depends different situations, and in current context, are they in love with you? QUOTE.

I don't know about love but, I've had four this year say they wish I was their boyfriend. When I started this Medellin journey I worried that being married and in an open relationship would complicate things but I've found that its rarely a dealbreaker and it actually makes it easier to say I can't be exclusive.

A girl sent me a message asking me not to see other women and I found that hot too.I think strong interest from an attractive woman is generally hot.

08-29-22, 00:13
You are right that they are probably fucking around as well, which I have no issue with.

What I continue to be amazed by is how different the category of amigo and novio is in many of their minds and how romanticized the idea of a novio is. One of my amigas has been actively planning a threesome with one of her girlfriends for me for my next trip and I mentioned it would be great to have a girlfriend or wife who thought like that. Anyway, after I said this my amiga became serious and told me that she'd never do something like that for her novio because he would only be hers. The fact that she's a nonpro makes the comment all the more interesting to me. When I was in Medellin back in March I was also amazed at how the infamous Cristal from photoprepagos told me essentially the same thing. I told her that I was in an open relationship and she responded that she would not be ok with that in her life because she could never share a boyfriend or husband with other women. As I mentioned in an early post Cristal has an apartment in Laureles and is famous for her PSE skills.

It's quite the "norm" here, and not surprising what you've encountered with the Paisa's, meaning them not having a problem that your banging other women, because they are also banging other guys as well.

Being honest is most definitely the way to go with them, and what I have found in my experience here, which works for me personally, unless I encounter a very jealous type of woman is, "don't ask don't tell' it just keeps things very clean in a sense.

08-29-22, 01:48
Just wanted to share a catfishing account from Facebook.

https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078191415073 (Andre Lopez).

I did a google image search once the account holder started messaging me (I always do an image search in these cases). This is a fairly obvious case of catfishing as they lifted photos of the pornstar, Mia Malkova, for the profile. I hadn't bothered to investigate or paid much attention to the account before now. Oddly the holder has yet to ask me to buy content, for money or anything.

08-29-22, 02:22
Yeah construction is still happening.Thanks man, of course vets rarely go to Llera but for newcomers you know how it goes. Plus my buddies doesn't speak a single word of Spanish LOL so I'm thinking Gusto / Club Llera it is where you get the American vibe a bit and welcoming Spanglish speaking honeys. I'll likely drop him off and go hang w my usual wifeys LOL. Either that or the Mansion both are great spots for the new folks. Just wanted a quick temperature check on that environment, and as long as couple of those clubs are open looks like it will be alright.

08-29-22, 03:21
Just wanted to share a catfishing account from Facebook.

https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078191415073 (Andre Lopez).

I did a google image search once the account holder started messaging me (I always do an image search in these cases). This is a fairly obvious case of catfishing as they lifted photos of the pornstar, Mia Malkova, for the profile. I hadn't bothered to investigate or paid much attention to the account before now. Oddly the holder has yet to ask me to buy content, for money or anything.I say this is still a good account, because the idiot gringos who friended her or him (as most catfish accts are dudes or lonely whoopsies), have many of their friend lists open and you can find real one. I just navigated a couple dudes and hunted a couple of their real Faybu Medellin friend lists LOL. Hopefully I get to bang some of my new found friends in few days when I'm in Medellin LOL. I bang usually 3-4 chicas daily so always adding honeys. Let me send you some crypto for this link LMAO.

08-29-22, 03:23
Spend a day or two in Taiwan. That cuts the flight about in half from SoCal. Also your situation is why the good lord created zolpidem. Get the time release if you can find it, 12.5 MG.Hardly the 1/2 point. That is the route I flew on my most recent trip to Thailand. Almost 14 hrs on Eva air from LOS Angeles, then 3 hrs 45 minutes from Taipei to Bangkok on Thai air.

Mr Enternational
08-29-22, 04:54
Air bnb in Medellin is pretty straight forward, but where are the clubs with the same set up of girls I described like in Cartagena? Should I get my air bnb in a certain area that is near those clubs?Don't go to Medellin looking for Cartagena. They are 2 different animals.

Fur Jacket
08-29-22, 07:09
Thank you to everyone that posts on here. I have been reading the forum for the last couple of months now, and I have learned so much. I'm going to be in Medellin in the next few weeks and I can't wait! I have been chatting with a few girls on FB. These girls don't really have slutty pictures and only a few hundred followers. Question is how do you bring up the money part. Should you even mention it, or just give them a little for their family when the night is done. What's the safe amount to give? The only reason I ask is because I don't want to insult the girl. Some guidance would be appreciate.

08-29-22, 12:15

Me and the fellas have been to Cartagena plenty of times. Want to try Medellin. We usually stay in bocagrande and go to clock tower to visit the nightclubs at night to pick up girls and have some drinks at dolce or space or one of the many clubs with decent music, drinks, and girls. Working girls of course but non working girls don't hurt either LOL. Air bnb in Medellin is pretty straight forward, but where are the clubs with the same set up of girls I described like in Cartagena? Should I get my air bnb in a certain area that is near those clubs? Point me int the right direction. Me and the fellas plan to go late September.No clubs in Medellin, what a bummer. I guess you'll have to just stick to Cartagena.

08-29-22, 14:52

Me and the fellas have been to Cartagena plenty of times. Want to try Medellin. We usually stay in bocagrande and go to clock tower to visit the nightclubs at night to pick up girls and have some drinks at dolce or space or one of the many clubs with decent music, drinks, and girls. Working girls of course but non working girls don't hurt either LOL. Air bnb in Medellin is pretty straight forward, but where are the clubs with the same set up of girls I described like in Cartagena? Should I get my air bnb in a certain area that is near those clubs? Point me int the right direction. Me and the fellas plan to go late September.As noted in the post by mtndew below haha, not many mongers here are going to spoonfeed you easy to find info RE: club location. To somebody coming with a bunch of other gringos looking for a rowdy weekend.

Not a judgement on you, but most know a bunch of drunk westerners coming for a weekend of fun is going to bad reflection on the rest of solo mongers here who keep it low key.

In your post in the DR forum, you said you've been to MDE several times, so what exactly don't you know?

I imagine the centro clubs aren't your scene, so just stay in Poblado and go to Gustos and Fase 2 with the fellas.

Use the map on the forum.

Good luck.


08-29-22, 19:00
As noted in the post by mtndew below haha, not many mongers here are going to spoonfeed you easy to find info RE: club location. To somebody coming with a bunch of other gringos looking for a rowdy weekend.

Not a judgement on you, but most know a bunch of drunk westerners coming for a weekend of fun is going to bad reflection on the rest of solo mongers here who keep it low key.

In your post in the DR forum, you said you've been to MDE several times, so what exactly don't you know?

I imagine the centro clubs aren't your scene, so just stay in Poblado and go to Gustos and Fase 2 with the fellas.

Use the map on the forum.

Good luck.

JW.Johnny don't bust that dude's chop too hard man. Not his fault LOL. It's a Weekend warrior attidude started in the DR, then Cartagena, and once arrive at MDE they hate it since you have to do some work and everything isn't centralized. Although MDE's not my fav but most of us who know how to navigate the city would pick it anyday over CTG. I convinced a friend to visit Medellin few months back and he won't be going back likely since he's mostly used to the clocktower and clubs nearby each other in Cte. It was his fault too, I sent the dude the map from this board as he askd me about the casas, he was in Medellin for 10 days and not once he opened the map and only sticked to Llera and especially Gusto and complained everyday about the pricing and set up w girls asking for $300 USD LOL. I'm like seriously man, you couldn't open the map once, punch New Life's or Energy's address in Uber and go there and bang for $20. To experience these lineups? He never went to Face2, La Isla, nothing, wanted his hand held. Bruh people are just lazy and you can't help everyone.

08-29-22, 19:26
It's not complicated. Book something near Parque Lleras then follow the crowds toward the throbbing music of Gustos and its nearby competitors. The surrounding streets are the clock tower's rough equivalent. He can go to La Isla to break up the routine. As others have suggested, there is also the option of staying in Cartagena.

Don't go to Medellin looking for Cartagena. They are 2 different animals.

08-29-22, 20:54
Thank you to everyone that posts on here. I have been reading the forum for the last couple of months now, and I have learned so much. I'm going to be in Medellin in the next few weeks and I can't wait! I have been chatting with a few girls on FB. These girls don't really have slutty pictures and only a few hundred followers. Question is how do you bring up the money part. Should you even mention it, or just give them a little for their family when the night is done. What's the safe amount to give? The only reason I ask is because I don't want to insult the girl. Some guidance would be appreciate.I have the same issue. At first, I would just ask if they are escorts and the responses would be very vague and non-direct but in the chats they would mention their financial situation or that they are looking for a job. Now I don't worry about it. If they want a certain amount, they will eventually let you know. Otherwise, I am happy to give them 200 k at the end to help them with their expenses. In the end, all will be grateful for the money and it helps alleviate drama issues because if they take the money, they can't really complain if you don't see them again because they ended up better for the night. Now, if you don't see them again and you didn't give them any money, they may feel used and get very angry at you. 200 k to avoid these issues is a price worth paying.

But take my advice with a grain of salt because I have never stepped foot in Medellin. Ja ja ja. Not yet.

08-29-22, 23:24
Do you bargain online? If the girl says her program is 80 mil half hour should I bargain try to bargain for $60 mil for example?

08-30-22, 01:32
... The only reason I ask is because I don't want to insult the girl. Some guidance would be appreciate.You can just ask what she wants to let her tell you if you are not sure.

08-30-22, 01:42
So what where you eating for dinner, as whatever the meat was, it looked pretty good and a good pairing with a Malbec. It you had that dinner in Medellin, what was the name of the place and and how was the food. ...It's in Sao Paulo. It's an interesting setup so it is better that you google A Figueira Rubaiyat on map to check it out. Another member recommended it to me. I was waiting for baby lamb chop. The total is about 370 BRL. I am not sure the exchange rate but I just divide it by 5 to get USD total. Most steaks are about the same price in USD 45 range. Wagyu steak is about USD 90.

.... Food comes up at times here, and besides pussy I'm always on the look out for a place with good food either for delivery or in a restaurant.I recommend you to visit if you have not been there. The food are very good, and pussy too. That area is like El Poblado but without the tourists and prostitutes.

Thanks for the tip of Madurando. I stock it in my fridge.

08-30-22, 03:16
Thank you to everyone that posts on here. I have been reading the forum for the last couple of months now, and I have learned so much. I'm going to be in Medellin in the next few weeks and I can't wait! I have been chatting with a few girls on FB. These girls don't really have slutty pictures and only a few hundred followers. Question is how do you bring up the money part. Should you even mention it, or just give them a little for their family when the night is done. What's the safe amount to give? The only reason I ask is because I don't want to insult the girl. Some guidance would be appreciate.Price discussions always become controversial in forums so I don't like to give specific advice on the general forum. You are welcome to PM me. But in general most girls will bring it up before they leave home. They will at least ask if you will pay for taxi and the answer of course is yes. Don't expect her to take Metro.

Another thing about these girls. They are used to walking around in their neighborhood in clothes that look like lingerie. I tend to stay in nice hotels and I don't like a girl walking through lobby looking like that. Sometimes I take them to dinner as I don't like eating alone. Many of these girls have not eaten at a nice restaurant in Pobaldo. I give specific instructions on dress code. I tell them pants and not much skin showing. I even ask her to send me photo when she is ready to call taxi. If I am not satisfied, I tell her to put a jacket on. That is me.

In general do what you think is best and what you can afford. Super majority of these girls are sweet and are not out there to scam you. I tend to be on the generous side but not on stupid side. It also depends on what you want. I have days when I am busy and I want a quick in and out session and days when I want to drink, dance party, jacuzzi have some friends over, order food, buy party supplies etc. Don't be cheap if you want to want to build a network. Don't nickel and dime about taxi money.

08-30-22, 03:54
Price discussions always become controversial in forums so I don't like to give specific advice on the general forum. You are welcome to PM me. But in general most girls will bring it up before they leave home. They will at least ask if you will pay for taxi and the answer of course is yes. Don't expect her to take Metro.

Another thing about these girls. They are used to walking around in their neighborhood in clothes that look like lingerie. I tend to stay in nice hotels and I don't like a girl walking through lobby looking like that. Sometimes I take them to dinner as I don't like eating alone. Many of these girls have not eaten at a nice restaurant in Pobaldo. I give specific instructions on dress code. I tell them pants and not much skin showing. I even ask her to send me photo when she is ready to call taxi. If I am not satisfied, I tell her to put a jacket on. That is me.

In general do what you think is best and what you can afford. Super majority of these girls are sweet and are not out there to scam you. I tend to be on the generous side but not on stupid side. It also depends on what you want. I have days when I am busy and I want a quick in and out session and days when I want to drink, dance party, jacuzzi have some friends over, order food, buy party supplies etc. Don't be cheap if you want to want to build a network. Don't nickel and dime about taxi money.I love this advice. Best thing I've seen on this thread for a very long time.

08-30-22, 06:01
Johnny don't bust that dude's chop too hard man. Not his fault LOL. It's a Weekend warrior attidude started in the DR, then Cartagena, and once arrive at MDE they hate it since you have to do some work and everything isn't centralized. Although MDE's not my fav but most of us who know how to navigate the city would pick it anyday over CTG. I convinced a friend to visit Medellin few months back and he won't be going back likely since he's mostly used to the clocktower and clubs nearby each other in Cte. It was his fault too, I sent the dude the map from this board as he askd me about the casas, he was in Medellin for 10 days and not once he opened the map and only sticked to Llera and especially Gusto and complained everyday about the pricing and set up w girls asking for $300 USD LOL. I'm like seriously man, you couldn't open the map once, punch New Life's or Energy's address in Uber and go there and bang for $20. To experience these lineups? He never went to Face2, La Isla, nothing, wanted his hand held. Bruh people are just lazy and you can't help everyone.And maybe some of these lazy idiots coming, finding that, a scam or a theft changes the narrative and undoes some of the nonsense that has become more prevalent last 1 yr or so. Medellin requires a bit of work, some social skills, some street smarts, and some language skills. It's not plug and play. Let only those prepared come, whats the big deal?

08-30-22, 13:32
Price discussions always become controversial in forums so I don't like to give specific advice on the general forum. You are welcome to PM me. But in general most girls will bring it up before they leave home. They will at least ask if you will pay for taxi and the answer of course is yes. Don't expect her to take Metro.

Another thing about these girls. They are used to walking around in their neighborhood in clothes that look like lingerie. I tend to stay in nice hotels and I don't like a girl walking through lobby looking like that. Sometimes I take them to dinner as I don't like eating alone. Many of these girls have not eaten at a nice restaurant in Pobaldo. I give specific instructions on dress code. I tell them pants and not much skin showing. I even ask her to send me photo when she is ready to call taxi. If I am not satisfied, I tell her to put a jacket on. That is me.

In general do what you think is best and what you can afford. Super majority of these girls are sweet and are not out there to scam you. I tend to be on the generous side but not on stupid side. It also depends on what you want. I have days when I am busy and I want a quick in and out session and days when I want to drink, dance party, jacuzzi have some friends over, order food, buy party supplies etc. Don't be cheap if you want to want to build a network. Don't nickel and dime about taxi money.Good solid advice, especially about how the women dress. I do the same with my girls when I'm taking them out to a nice place, no jeans with holes, and a top that doesn't have their boobs popping out. After the first time at a nice place, and they see how others are dressed, they know the drill and what my expectations are.

Yet you may still get the "look of shame" depending on how much younger the women are than you, at least I do at times, especially at a Hotel with families.

I remember once a family wouldn't get in the elevator with me and my date being 35 years younger than me. The mom look horrified when the elevator doors opened with her kids in tow.

And on a rare occasion, I will get the "look of approval" and the "look of shame" at the same time when an older couple sees me with a date. The woman will give me a dirty look, and the guy will give me an approving smile.

And not being a "cheap charlie", more good advice for those like you who can afford to roll in style.

Mr Enternational
08-30-22, 15:19
I say this is still a good account, because the idiot gringos who friended her or him (as most catfish accts are dudes or lonely whoopsies), have many of their friend lists open and you can find real one. I just navigated a couple dudes and hunted a couple of their real Faybu Medellin friend lists Way to see the big picture! It is folks like you that see the treasure in things that others may see as trash.

Mr Enternational
08-30-22, 15:26
Question is how do you bring up the money part. Should you even mention it, or just give them a little for their family when the night is done. What's the safe amount to give? The only reason I ask is because I don't want to insult the girl.Why do you assume the chicks are hookers? So you are willing to insult her by giving her money if she is not a hooker, but you don't want to insult her by not giving her money if she is a hooker? Personally I would rather insult the hooker. I can always take money out of my pocket if she says where is my payment.

A chick that is not a hooker could be my friend for life, so I definitely do not want to insult her by assuming or insinuating that she may be a hooker and I need to give money to her.

Mr Enternational
08-30-22, 15:54
They will at least ask if you will pay for taxi and the answer of course is yes. Don't expect her to take Metro.That is exactly how you know. Most chicks that I know who are not hookers will take public transportation to you (and most times even insist on it), but if a chick asks about you paying a taxi then she is coming to "pick up some money from you".

I got into a knock down drag out with my chick that works at the hospital because she took public transportation after getting off work at 9 pm then got lost and could not find the address. I told her to hop in a taxi but she just preferred to walk around scared. 1 hour later she got in the taxi. I told her from now on to take Indriver directly to me. And that is what she did the next time. The next morning I tried to give her money to get to work in Indriver and she refused saying she would take public transportation.

08-30-22, 16:47
I think you and the original poster are both right. I also happen to know that, like most everybody else here in Medellin, girls will opt for the metro when it's convenient and faster than a taxi. Generally during rush hour. They do this whether or not they have a deal to collect taxi money. We should ask ourselves why a girl would give up an extra 15 to 20 k and lose time she could use for another date. I like to use ride share apps so I can track the progress because for me the number one disincentive of facebook and indie providers is having to guess when they might arrive or even worse, wasting time exchanging insincere "I'm on my way" messages. I am clear and consistent when I'm paying what I consider a premium. I set a firm arrival time and I make it very clear that if we are not together by that time then we will not be together. Life is too short for rando nonsense.

That is exactly how you know. Most chicks that I know who are not hookers will take public transportation to you (and most times even insist on it), but if a chick asks about you paying a taxi then she is coming to "pick up some money from you".

I got into a knock down drag out with my chick that works at the hospital because she took public transportation after getting off work at 9 pm then got lost and could not find the address. I told her to hop in a taxi but she just preferred to walk around scared. 1 hour later she got in the taxi. I told her from now on to take Indriver directly to me. And that is what she did the next time. The next morning I tried to give her money to get to work in Indriver and she refused saying she would take public transportation.

08-30-22, 17:38
Took a walk around this morning in El centro. Got to respect the women who are already out there by 7 am and ready to work!

08-30-22, 18:23
It's in Sao Paulo. It's an interesting setup so it is better that you google A Figueira Rubaiyat on map to check it out. Another member recommended it to me. I was waiting for baby lamb chop. The total is about 370 BRL. I am not sure the exchange rate but I just divide it by 5 to get USD total. Most steaks are about the same price in USD 45 range. Wagyu steak is about USD 90.Your the "Man" Nounce, sounds like your rolling in style. Good for You!

08-30-22, 19:01
Took a walk around this morning in El centro. Got to respect the women who are already out there by 7 am and ready to work!Yes, and all Venezuelans.

I can remember over a decade ago when than weren't any women out working (Colombians) until after Lunch, and before there were Venezuelans working in Centro.

Things have changed immensely over the years, with it actually costing less now, than a decade ago for the women. Ten years ago the exchange rate was approximately 1,800 COP to the USD, and currently is around 4,400 COP to the USD.

So it's a "win win" situation for mongers today, meaning more girls than ever before, and costing less then they did a decade ago.

08-30-22, 23:47
If your coming from Sosua please leave the wife beaters and the arrogant behavior behind. It's not welcomed in Medellin, that is all.

08-31-22, 00:16
I really dislike stereotyping but I have to admit you did not exaggerate about the So-Sewer "profile. " They won't stand out very much in Lleras or Provenza.

If your coming from Sosua please leave the wife beaters and the arrogant behavior behind. It's not welcomed in Medellin, that is all.

08-31-22, 00:43
About a year ago I posted what I called Villainy's Rules .

I won't repost them again (do I hear a collective sigh of relief?

Rule 3 A.

Never send money to a girl you don't know. This should be an absolute. First and foremost you can't be sure you're sending it to a girl. That's right it may be a guy with some girl's / model's photos. You might even discover this by using the on-line program called "Tin-Eye". Nevertheless, even if it really is a girl. You don't know her, so why would you ever consider sending her money? If you are really desperate, send me the money and I'll send you some naked pictures (of a girl, of course) jajajaja and you can fantasize all you want. OK Mr. Admin. That was a joke.

Rule 3 B.

I just got this one jammed up by rosy red bunghole.

Never send money to a girl you do know.

Why is that? Because you may think you know her. But you don't. Trust me you really don't. So, there is a nice little Bello babe I've seen many times. She fucks my lights out every time I see her. Has a kid, but is very hot looking and is great in bed.

So, we've kind of drifted apart. Too many beautiful women, too little time. So here she comes with some messages on FB. I finally stop ignoring her and she tells me she was in the hospital and is home recovering and needs to buy some medicine. I told her it wasn't a good time for me (the truth is there never is a good time).

Well she sends me a few sexy pictures which had the desired effect and stirred up some lusty memories. She says I really need to buy some meds anything you could send would be a big help.

So what does the esteemed author of Villany's rules do? He stupids out and sends her 25 mil via bank transfer. Yes, I live here and have a Colombian bank account. So, I ask her for her account number and send her the 25 mil. But guess what guys? The transfer shows the name of the owner of the account and the money I sent went to a guy's account. So I point this out and she says, well it's the account I've always had. I suspect that was a true statement the problem was it was probably her boyfriend or someone else who had access to her phone and started sending out requests to all her "friends".

So you see what I mean. Don't be stupid like I just was. Follow Villainy's rules!

08-31-22, 03:05
I have been mongering longer than many of those here have been alive and have been fortunate enough to have lived in prime time for mongering in places at their prime time. Cuba, Costa Rica. But before that, there was Venezuela. Before the political cluster fuck that ruined the country. In the 90's, Venezuela was the prime spot for fishing and the most beautiful women in the world. Back then, they were $ a throw in 1990 dollars!!! The fact that they have been displaced as they have to Columbia just makes the pot sweeter and like shopping in the Dollar store! Venezuela / Columbia is a randomly mutually agreed upon geographic border. Basically they are the same with different cultures and histories. 40 years ago, the tables were turned. Not to overthink it, just saying. I love them all equally. 8-80, blind, crippled, crazy, fat, skinny, tall, short, blonde, brunette, .

Happy hunting, my friends.


Yes, and all Venezuelans.

I can remember over a decade ago when than weren't any women out working (Colombians) until after Lunch, and before there were Venezuelans working in Centro.

Things have changed immensely over the years, with it actually costing less now, than a decade ago for the women. Ten years ago the exchange rate was approximately 1,800 COP to the USD, and currently is around 4,400 COP to the USD.

So it's a "win win" situation for mongers today, meaning more girls than ever before, and costing less then they did a decade ago.

08-31-22, 09:31
Is Hotel Nutribar still open or temporarily closed It seems to be book up through the rest of the year, IDK.

08-31-22, 10:23
Is Hotel Nutribar still open or temporarily closed It seems to be book up through the rest of the year, IDK.It's still open was going to stay there before settling on hotel gallery because it has a jacuzzi? Anyone know if Hotel Gallery is guest friendly?

08-31-22, 12:39
Is Hotel Nutribar still open or temporarily closed It seems to be book up through the rest of the year, IDK.It's open, I'm here right now.

08-31-22, 13:00
About a year ago I posted what I called Villainy's Rules .

I won't repost them again (do I hear a collective sigh of relief?

Rule 3 A.

Never send money to a girl you don't know. This should be an absolute. First and foremost you can't be sure you're sending it to a girl. That's right it may be a guy with some girl's / model's photos. You might even discover this by using the on-line program called "Tin-Eye". Nevertheless, even if it really is a girl. You don't know her, so why would you ever consider sending her money? If you are really desperate, send me the money and I'll send you some naked pictures (of a girl, of course) jajajaja and you can fantasize all you want. OK Mr. Admin. That was a joke.

Rule 3 B.

I just got this one jammed up by rosy red bunghole.

Never send money to a girl you do know.This is great advice that should be followed for all countries. Pretty much, every girl you stay in contact with will have money issues and will ask you for money eventually. It is a heavy guilt trip that they will lay on you. No money for rent, mother in the hospital, need meds for the baby, no food to eat, sick and need meds, electricity cut off, will be homeless soon. It may be true but you are not her family or boyfriend or anyone she actually cares about.

I don't mind giving a girl money to help her out when I am in country and I always tell them that I don't send money but I can help you when I am there if you take care of me.

Now sending a little bit of money is not a big deal money wise but the problem becomes that she will continue to ask for money in the future because there will always be money issues with these girls. So sending money once will start a cycle of money requests in the future for even worse financial problems.

So for myself, I just hold true to a simple mantra, as the fellow board member would say, never send money to a girl. But by all means, help her out when you are there and she is taking care of you.

08-31-22, 17:53
I have been mongering longer than many of those here have been alive and have been fortunate enough to have lived in prime time for mongering in places at their prime time. Cuba, Costa Rica. But before that, there was Venezuela. Before the political cluster fuck that ruined the country. In the 90's, Venezuela was the prime spot for fishing and the most beautiful women in the world. Back then, they were $ a throw in 1990 dollars!!! The fact that they have been displaced as they have to Columbia
Snook.Colombia O. Good synopsis.

08-31-22, 18:04
This is great advice that should be followed for all countries. Pretty much, every girl you stay in contact with will have money issues and will ask you for money eventually. It is a heavy guilt trip that they will lay on you. No money for rent, mother in the hospital, need meds for the baby, no food to eat, sick and need meds, electricity cut off, will be homeless soon. It may be true but you are not her family or boyfriend or anyone she actually cares about.

I don't mind giving a girl money to help her out when I am in country and I always tell them that I don't send money but I can help you when I am there if you take care of me.

Now sending a little bit of money is not a big deal money wise but the problem becomes that she will continue to ask for money in the future because there will always be money issues with these girls. So sending money once will start a cycle of money requests in the future for even worse financial problems.

So for myself, I just hold true to a simple mantra, as the fellow board member would say, never send money to a girl. But by all means, help her out when you are there and she is taking care of you.All great advice in general.

I follow my own rules, however.

I know who is deserving and who's playing or trying to play me.

Girls are in different buckets of our particular friendships / relationships.

If I help out a particular girl who I have a great relationship with, and who I believe is deserving, I help out, and I really don't care what she uses the money for.

If she happens to get too "give me give me" later, I just say No if I want. It's not difficult.

I've been fortunate in my life, I don't mind helping out deserving people.

I'm not a moron though, Lol.

I can figure out who's who in this game we play.


08-31-22, 18:24
So for myself, I just hold true to a simple mantra, as the fellow board member would say, never send money to a girl. But by all means, help her out when you are there and she is taking care of you.Can I ask, what is the material difference? Surely, if you want to help someone, you just help them, no?

The only difference I see is if you help someone when your not there, you are doing smthg more altruistic. If you only help someone when your present, then it's a more selfish act. Or did I miss smthg?

08-31-22, 18:52
Can I ask, what is the material difference? Surely, if you want to help someone, you just help them, no?

The only difference I see is if you help someone when your not there, you are doing smthg more altruistic. If you only help someone when your present, then it's a more selfish act. Or did I miss smthg?What I meant is that a girl needs money, you are in Medellin, I say come on over and I'll help you out. She comes over and takes care of my needs and she gets money to pay for her expenses. It is not altruistic in any way. Am I helping them out? Yes because she gets the money but she has to work for it.

When I am in the USA, and a girl needs money and asks me for money, I don't get anything in return. Now some think they are being altruistic when they sent money but you are no Mother Teresa when you only give money to hot young girls who have sex with you or are going to have sex with you. Usually charitable donations do not have those guidelines involved.

I tell the girls that I will help them out when I am there and they have to wait. The girls don't want to lose a client on a future trip so they usually just accept that answer and still see you.

08-31-22, 20:30
Can I ask, what is the material difference? Surely, if you want to help someone, you just help them, no?

The only difference I see is if you help someone when your not there, you are doing smthg more altruistic. If you only help someone when your present, then it's a more selfish act. Or did I miss smthg?I think helping out for a time may be a good thing. But there is a huge problem with getting in and not being able to get out. The issue is that the lifestyle of the gal and her child or children will rapidly change. And I'm not talking anything extravagant necessarily. I know from experience how this works. Gal 1 moved into a better apartment, still basic, but better. And gave up prostitution. Got a civi job. Problem. Big big shortfall in money for basic needs, food, rent, etc. Etc. So I continue to help. Guess what. Lifetime commitment, or in some cases just too much to afford. Believe me there is no good way to exit. People get hurt very very badly. I could elaborate but I won't. You may be helping the greatest gal in the world, you may be in love, whatever. But the minute their life improves with your contributions those contributions become a necessity. If your pocketbook is deep enough and you have the intention of a permanent connection, ok perhaps. But only if you have a lot of extra cash and are prepared to make a real relationship out of it if it comes to that.

Mr Enternational
08-31-22, 20:35
The only difference I see is if you help someone when your not there, you are doing smthg more altruistic. If you only help someone when your present, then it's a more selfish act. Or did I miss smthg?Yes. But that is not to say that being selfish is a bad thing. I love McDonald's, but if they are going under am I going to send money to help keep the company afloat or am I only interested in helping McDonald's out when I am there in person getting burgers and fries for the money I am handing over? With that said, if I was starving to death would McDonald's rush over with a couple of free Big Macs? Probably not.

If he was there horny as a horndog with no money, would the chick (assuming she is a hooker) rush over to give him some free pussy? Probably not.

Mr Enternational
08-31-22, 20:40
If your pocketbook is deep enough and you have the intention of a permanent connection, ok perhaps. But only if you have a lot of extra cash and are prepared to make a real relationship out of it if it comes to that.By real relationship do you mean one where you routinely send money and get nothing except a smaller bank account and a warm and fuzzy feeling inside in return?

08-31-22, 21:01
Chica tried to insist she meant $200 usd not 200 k pesos LOL. Needless to say she left with the 200 k smh.

08-31-22, 21:26
Chica tried to insist she meant $200 usd not 200 k pesos LOL. Needless to say she left with the 200 k smh.Perhaps you can clarify where you met this Chica, because it doesn't sound like a Centro street hoe.

Mr Enternational
08-31-22, 21:51
Chica tried to insist she meant $200 usd not 200 k pesos LOL. Needless to say she left with the 200 k smh.Ask her how much the average Colombian makes in a month. Then when she answers say and you seriously think someone is going to give you 900,000 pesos for a couple of hours? Since 200 sounds like a low number for currency for them, they think it is nothing to us.

08-31-22, 22:29
Chica tried to insist she meant $200 usd not 200 k pesos LOL. Needless to say she left with the 200 k smh.I feel like I reached a milestone yesterday. Sort of proud of myself. I walked from a session yesterday that I was very much looking for because I had visited before. She was almost 20 minutes late in letting me into the apartment. Then said she couldn't do an hour because she had to leave in 40 minutes. So I asked about the reduced rate / medio and it was the same as the hour. So I just said no gracias and walked. If she had apologized for the poor communication around letting me in I would have handled it differently probably. I figured I probably wouldn't have a good time at that point anyways.

08-31-22, 23:01
I think helping out for a time may be a good thing. But there is a huge problem with getting in and not being able to get out. The issue is that the lifestyle of the gal and her child or children will rapidly change. And I'm not talking anything extravagant necessarily. I know from experience how this works. Gal 1 moved into a better apartment, still basic, but better. And gave up prostitution. Got a civi job. Problem. Big big shortfall in money for basic needs, food, rent, etc. Etc. So I continue to help. Guess what. Lifetime commitment, or in some cases just too much to afford. Believe me there is no good way to exit. People get hurt very very badly. I could elaborate but I won't. You may be helping the greatest gal in the world, you may be in love, whatever. But the minute their life improves with your contributions those contributions become a necessity. If your pocketbook is deep enough and you have the intention of a permanent connection, ok perhaps. But only if you have a lot of extra cash and are prepared to make a real relationship out of it if it comes to that.Some really good advice here. I'm a guy who made a relationship work for a couple years. The key is the relationship. There is no such thing as temporary help. As Zeos said, "help" provides an increase in standard of living. But they get accustomed to that and need your continued help. The example Zeos gives is very common.

With a relationship, it can work. But even that has challenges, depending on the living situation. But great advice, Zeos.

09-01-22, 00:01
Chica tried to insist she meant $200 usd not 200 k pesos LOL. Needless to say she left with the 200 k smh.Better yet, explicitly state that you're talking mil pesos in your communications.

Of course, she could still try to say you agreed on a USD amount. But being very explicit that the deal in is pesos will avoid this most of the time.

09-01-22, 02:12
I plan to stay at the Mansion for a couple of nights because I am a lazy fuck and I enjoy a pool but I am looking for a nice hotel that is guest friendly either near parque lleras or central. I know it is a big spread but still asking. First time in MDE. I have the World Traveler 69 map and intend to use and report on it but the guest at the hotel thing, I need advice.

09-01-22, 02:15
I plan to stay at the Mansion for a couple of nights because I am a lazy fuck and I enjoy a pool but I am looking for a nice hotel that is guest friendly either near parque lleras or central. I know it is a big spread but still asking. First time in MDE. I have the World Traveler 69 map and intend to use and report on it but the guest at the hotel thing, I need advice.I really liked Haven. It's was pretty nice had a rooftop pool and bar and guest friendly.

09-01-22, 02:37
I think helping out for a time may be a good thing. ....There was a young girl that just came out of period told me she didn't have money to buy food. I said take metro to me and I will buy food for her. She said she did not have Civica card. I said that was the only condition I could buy her food. She showed up because her mother gave her the taxi money. LOL. So I took her to have dinner and gave her some money to go home with, and she took taxi back.

That above is not even the observation I try to make. What happened after is she asked my wingman for money after she got money from me. I taught her a bad lesson. LOL.

My guess is the girls that take metro regularly are usually the girls with regular job. Many girls I know don't even have metro card so I guess it probably has nothing to do with P4 P.

09-01-22, 02:43
I read complaints about guest fees at Haven. I read this on tripadvisor so it might it's best to confirm with the hotel.

I really liked Haven. It's was pretty nice had a rooftop pool and bar and guest friendly.

09-01-22, 02:51
Sending money is a sucker's game.

About a year ago I posted what I called Villainy's Rules .

I won't repost them again (do I hear a collective sigh of relief?

Rule 3 A.

Never send money to a girl you don't know. This should be an absolute. First and foremost you can't be sure you're sending it to a girl. That's right it may be a guy with some girl's / model's photos. You might even discover this by using the on-line program called "Tin-Eye". Nevertheless, even if it really is a girl. You don't know her, so why would you ever consider sending her money? If you are really desperate, send me the money and I'll send you some naked pictures (of a girl, of course) jajajaja and you can fantasize all you want. OK Mr. Admin. That was a joke.

Rule 3 B.

09-01-22, 03:40
I plan to stay at the Mansion for a couple of nights because I am a lazy fuck and I enjoy a pool but I am looking for a nice hotel that is guest friendly either near parque lleras or central. I know it is a big spread but still asking. First time in MDE. I have the World Traveler 69 map and intend to use and report on it but the guest at the hotel thing, I need advice.Can you give me the website for this mansion place and what is this world traveler map you speak of?

09-01-22, 05:45
I plan to stay at the Mansion for a couple of nights because I am a lazy fuck and I enjoy a pool but I am looking for a nice hotel that is guest friendly either near parque lleras or central. I know it is a big spread but still asking. First time in MDE. I have the World Traveler 69 map and intend to use and report on it but the guest at the hotel thing, I need advice.I also love a pool, but heard many times the pool at Mansion is very very cold and hardly ever anyone swims in it, including the girls, just a heads up.

09-01-22, 08:00
All great advice in general.

I follow my own rules, however.

I know who is deserving and who's playing or trying to play me.

Girls are in different buckets of our particular friendships / relationships.

If I help out a particular girl who I have a great relationship with, and who I believe is deserving, I help out, and I really don't care what she uses the money for.

If she happens to get too "give me give me" later, I just say No if I want. It's not difficult..I can relate to this 100% and most of the other comments on this topic are also correct in their own way. In my early years I was a total mess, confused, wanted to help various people I'd meet in person, like feeling bad, guilty, etc; Until one day a fellow gringo sat me down and schooled me on this and how to tackle it.

This is by far the most complication we get in this lifestyle. We travel for fun, extend our stay, oops we decided or found the skills and balls to mingle with the locals, blend in, even starting to dress like a chico, then let's roleplay a relationship, and that's where the danger starts.

In nearly 15 years in this I've had my fair share of issues but usually mostly handled. In that amount of years I've sent less than $500 USD total to random novias, friends, and I still think that's too much. I think I'm the El Cheapo WU papi of the century. That's in about 15 yrs! Like many of the comments state, your girl will ask $50 for a minor emergency and you'll feel like an asshole if you don't send it, especially if it's a local you've been banging for free which were my cases. Local novias will happen in my extended stays of 30 days or longer. One thing however I never sent nor will ever send money to a prepago or women I've paid for sex. I would rather drink bleach before I do that. But come on amigos, I don't think it's a big deal if she was a real friend, and in fact you can help a friend that you're not banging. That's just my general philosophy although I barely practice it. Yes I'm super friendly, make friends easily, speak average Spanish. I'm financially secure, great job, I invest, but my personality and core values deeply hates the feeling of being a bank account to someone or befriended for such opportunities. Again I respect those who do.

I would say to take the same caution that we all seem to be hinting, that is key. Don't be a chomp and allow someone to use you or play you, and for me that's the line I carefully study to know who's really in need vs who's playing games. Then of course when no games or not are played, if I send a one time gift it means one time, period. Get a job, go start hooking if you haven't already, do what you have to do. Sometimes I would bore them with my high bills and taxes and scare the shit out of them till they pity me and stop asking LOL. Play reverse psychology and manipulate if you have to. And yes, I am an asshole too. These girls or any indv you befriend from anywhere who's much much poorer than you, well technically is not your real friend, you became a source. It's the same concept as to why most rich folks or celebrities don't mingle or marry regular average joes. It's silly and yes it still happens for real love blah blah horseshit.

I get phone numbers from all types of locals when I travel incl cops, merchants, business owners, novias, putas, gringos, you name it. With all those encounters I have yet to meet one, except for the gringos, where I would gain anything from their friendship or me not being a source or an opportunity. If you can't tell yet I'm all about a balanced scale. Life itself and everything in it should be so or at least I try to make it so. I don't even consider myself wise, what I maintain is basically learned over years w some experience, and some good pointers by few fellow travel buds.

Now, let's go fuck some more WG.

Wee Donk
09-01-22, 09:50
Yoooo! Hello fellow mongers. Inaugural post here on the international side, I've got a few posts on the USA end of things with "Earlystart83" profile. Wanted to give a shot out to the active accounts that share knowledge and experience here and really give a huge head start to those that want to do a bit a research. Respect!

Tiny background: late thirties, American, 50 nations, tons of states. Mongered in many of those spots despite the vast majority of the trips not being "mongering trips". . Done some quintessential legs of the worldwide monger scene: Thailand, Tijuana, Brazil, Vietnam, DR, Costa Rica, Holland, Germany etc etc. Experienced the high end FKK / thermas styles, revolving door Hot Tocs (blow job salons), to abandoned lot / back alley <$10 streetwalker blowjobs in sketchy areas. Really enjoy the streetwalker tango in USA despite all of the potential risks (cops, getting robbed, drug addicted chicks, hyper low quality broads at.

Times etc). The thrill of that can be pretty exhilarating and sometimes you can find some diamonds in the rough. But that is specifically about just getting a blowjob in the car here and there. Done some fun streetwalker car acquisitions in Italy, CR, DR. But generally it's been by foot when I find myself abroad, so I'm ready to hit the pavement in MED.

I'm so excited to try Colombia. Heard about the quality and quantity for over a decade but the trip just never came together. From what I've gathered it's a special place with a lot of different options and styles. Here's my proposed plan: I'm there for 5 days. I know I love a good street scene and from what I've deduced from some research is: like all.

Places there is a certain level of risk, much lower percentage of top level chicks (compared to other higher end options), but with experience and some Spanish skills there are some treasures to excavate. I've got a seemingly solid air Bnb within about 12 blocks of plaza Bortero (south west of it across Oriental, seemingly not crazy sketchy based on reviews and research). I figure I can just hop over to some of the centro areas I've jotted down and peep the scene and slowly start to gauge the situation. I have no desire to hit Llera. Might hit up a few casas. I'the like to have at least one La isla type experience to see what the top end looks like so I can compare to the same levels / styles elsewhere in Brazil, Germany, Hong Kong etc. But I'm way more excited about the full on freelance scene where there are a wider range of variables, you satisfy that addictive feeling of a chase / hunt, and there is plenty of room for negotiation.

Would be stoked to hear what some of y'all think of that plan. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and YMMV but I know what I like and from what I hear, the centro street scene rivals any as far as price: quality goes. I'm aware of most pitfalls and I keep my head on a swivel so I'm not one to fall victim to most bonehead situations. I've also been known to love to ask girls to take photos and / or film which doesn't seem as conducive while chasing tail in higher end / nice spots or even most casas. My goal isn't to get deals, and awesome rates, it's just to get find high quality Colombianas, and once they've proven their worth, keep 'them around for more hours, overnight, or even repeat. Thoughts / advice?

09-01-22, 13:44
Some really good advice here. I'm a guy who made a relationship work for a couple years. The key is the relationship. There is no such thing as temporary help. As Zeos said, "help" provides an increase in standard of living. But they get accustomed to that and need your continued help. The example Zeos gives is very common.

With a relationship, it can work. But even that has challenges, depending on the living situation. But great advice, Zeos.No such thing as "temporary help" ??


You send some help to a girl you think deserves a little something, and say that's it.

You don't have to put her on a weekly allowance, LOL.

09-01-22, 14:59
No such thing as "temporary help" ??


You send some help to a girl you think deserves a little something, and say that's it.

You don't have to put her on a weekly allowance, LOL.Of course it is possible. But if she clearly is in a very vulnerable position, and if you actually care about her it becomes more difficult. I've done exactly what you suggest a couple of times. Just said "this is it, doesn't matter if your kids are hungry. It's not my problem". But a couple of times I have helped a bit, not a regular amount, but over time it creates the situation I talked about, and it becomes a regular thing and very hard to get out of.

Mr Enternational
09-01-22, 15:16
No such thing as "temporary help" ?? Huh? You send some help to a girl you think deserves a little something, and say that's it. You don't have to put her on a weekly allowance, LOL.So you think she deserves something the first time but does not deserve something the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th time she asks? You think her kids should eat because they are hungry the first time but not the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th time? You think they should have medicine or lights the first time but not the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th time? Why care about it the first time but not care about it subsequent times? I tend to not care about it from the beginning.

If I do not tell them a flat out no, I say well I have the day off Saturday, but I will ask my boss if I can go in and work 8 hours so I will have money for you. That sounds ridiculous to most people. Then they realize that our money comes from actually working and it does not just magically appear for us to give away. Then they will say nevermind.

09-01-22, 15:50
Of course it is possible. But if she clearly is in a very vulnerable position, and if you actually care about her it becomes more difficult. I've done exactly what you suggest a couple of times. Just said "this is it, doesn't matter if your kids are hungry. It's not my problem". But a couple of times I have helped a bit, not a regular amount, but over time it creates the situation I talked about, and it becomes a regular thing and very hard to get out of.Posts like this amaze me. All it takes to "get out of it" is a bit of backbone. Or better yet, don't get in the situation to start with. The girls are prostitutes. If she needs $ she has something to sell.

This used to be the go to position in forums such as this, but nowadays the send money guys are at least the most vocal. Let's hope they are still the minority. Wow.

09-01-22, 16:06
Of course it is possible. But if she clearly is in a very vulnerable position, and if you actually care about her it becomes more difficult. I've done exactly what you suggest a couple of times. Just said "this is it, doesn't matter if your kids are hungry. It's not my problem". But a couple of times I have helped a bit, not a regular amount, but over time it creates the situation I talked about, and it becomes a regular thing and very hard to get out of.I'm a bit confused about this and how you can get in a position that is hard to get out of.

I personally have a few girls I help out from time to time, not a lot, and not enough to support a better lifestyle, such as a better apartment, etc.

However I temper it, and at times help them out when not asked depending on what is going on in their lives. And when I get a RFM, I don't always help them out, so they know it's not going to be regular thing. And when I turn them down when they make a RFM, they don't hold it against me.

I understand that if someone care's for someone how that might effect them in the situation being talked about, yet in reality, most of these women are just playing us all. And you can't blame them, so I try to balance how I deal with it, not giving much, yet something at times, and the dividends have been unreal.

I also think a lot of these women will respect a guy much more who don't cave every time they get an RFM.

Just my thoughts on all this after reading the numerous posts on this subject.

09-01-22, 17:44
The last two times I was there, this is what I was told:

1) Maybe 6 months ago or so. You can have as many girls as you like per day, but only one at a time. If you have two at a time, you pay 100 mil for the extra.

2) August, 2022 - you are permitted to have one girl per day. If you have more, it is an extra 120 mil for each one (but only one at a time). I did not see a lot of chicas for the few days I was there (I was in an apartment for a week before that), but I want to think I had two girls visit in one day. And never got charged.

I also understand that if you get one of the more expensive rooms, they may permit you to have more than one at a time, so probably best to call. As their policies seem to change a bit over time.

I read complaints about guest fees at Haven. I read this on tripadvisor so it might it's best to confirm with the hotel.

Mr Enternational
09-01-22, 18:18
I'm a bit confused about this and how you can get in a position that is hard to get out of.Because he feels as guilty to quit sending money as he would have if he had said no the first time. And maybe he thinks he will lose his pussy if he does not send money the first time or that he will lose his pussy if he stops sending money.

09-01-22, 19:03
It sounds complicated. I guess it is a good option if you have to be within walking distance of Parque Lleras. I always take everything I read on tripadvisor with a grain of salt.

The last two times I was there, this is what I was told:

1) Maybe 6 months ago or so. You can have as many girls as you like per day, but only one at a time. If you have two at a time, you pay 100 mil for the extra.

2) August, 2022 - you are permitted to have one girl per day. If you have more, it is an extra 120 mil for each one (but only one at a time). I did not see a lot of chicas for the few days I was there (I was in an apartment for a week before that), but I want to think I had two girls visit in one day. And never got charged.

I also understand that if you get one of the more expensive rooms, they may permit you to have more than one at a time, so probably best to call. As their policies seem to change a bit over time.

09-01-22, 19:06
Posts like this amaze me. All it takes to "get out of it" is a bit of backbone. Or better yet, don't get in the situation to start with. The girls are prostitutes. If she needs $ she has something to sell.

This used to be the go to position in forums such as this, but nowadays the send money guys are at least the most vocal. Let's hope they are still the minority. Wow.WTF do you care? I'll spend my money however I choose. BTW not all girls are prostitutes. I have had lovely experiences with scores of young women here and only some were prostitutes. Others were working or going to college and needed a little extra financial assistance. So they spent a few hours with me and our mutually beneficial friendship almost always ended on very good terms. On very rare occasions one will write me asking for money but most write me and ask if we can see each other again.

Jackrabbits who whine about how much other guys spend are usually broke and afraid that if prices get pushed up they might not be able to afford their $25 a day vacation.

09-01-22, 19:07
Yoooo! Hello fellow mongers. Inaugural post here on the international side, I've got a few posts on the USA end of things with "Earlystart83" profile. Wanted to give a shot out to the active accounts that share knowledge and experience here and really give a huge head start to those that want to do a bit a research. Respect!

Tiny background: late thirties, American, 50 nations, tons of states. Mongered in many of those spots despite the vast majority of the trips not being "mongering trips". . Done some quintessential legs of the worldwide monger scene: Thailand, Tijuana, Brazil, Vietnam, DR, Costa Rica, Holland, Germany etc etc. Experienced the high end FKK / thermas styles, revolving door Hot Tocs (blow job salons), to abandoned lot / back alley <$10 streetwalker blowjobs in sketchy areas. Really enjoy the streetwalker tango in USA despite all of the potential risks (cops, getting robbed, drug addicted chicks, hyper low quality broads at.

Times etc). The thrill of that can be pretty exhilarating and sometimes you can find some diamonds in the rough. But that is specifically about just getting a blowjob in the car here and there. Done some fun streetwalker car acquisitions in Italy, CR, DR. But generally it's been by foot when I find myself abroad, so I'm ready to hit the pavement in MED.

I'm so excited to try Colombia. Heard about the quality and quantity for over a decade but the trip just never came together. From what I've gathered it's a special place with a lot of different options and styles. Here's my proposed plan: I'm there for 5 days. I know I love a good street scene and from what I've deduced from some research is: like all.

Places there is a certain level of risk, much lower percentage of top level chicks (compared to other higher end options), but with experience and some Spanish skills there are some treasures to excavate. I've got a seemingly solid air Bnb within about 12 blocks of plaza Bortero (south west of it across Oriental, seemingly not crazy sketchy based on reviews and research). I figure I can just hop over to some of the centro areas I've jotted down and peep the scene and slowly start to gauge the situation. I have no desire to hit Llera. Might hit up a few casas. I'the like to have at least one La isla type experience to see what the top end looks like so I can compare to the same levels / styles elsewhere in Brazil, Germany, Hong Kong etc. But I'm way more excited about the full on freelance scene where there are a wider range of variables, you satisfy that addictive feeling of a chase / hunt, and there is plenty of room for negotiation.

Would be stoked to hear what some of y'all think of that plan. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and YMMV but I know what I like and from what I hear, the centro street scene rivals any as far as price: quality goes. I'm aware of most pitfalls and I keep my head on a swivel so I'm not one to fall victim to most bonehead situations. I've also been known to love to ask girls to take photos and / or film which doesn't seem as conducive while chasing tail in higher end / nice spots or even most casas. My goal isn't to get deals, and awesome rates, it's just to get find high quality Colombianas, and once they've proven their worth, keep 'them around for more hours, overnight, or even repeat. Thoughts / advice?I'll prob be the guy in centro starting tomorrow to beat you to that fresh cutie in the corner. I go hard in centro for day action and have evening date w fancier ladies from dating sites, non pros. After mde centro your next destination should be santa fe Bogota, even better. Yes you'll enjoy La Isla for some decent qualities. Honestly the best Medellin has to offer imo is from seeking (sugar daddy site), that's where I get my gems and that's likely where you'll meet local indie college cuties new too hookie willing to get filmd and take photos. Many of them thinks they're models hence the model shots from their profiles. That's a lot to do in 5 days, but if you're really a street dude once you hit el centro and some casas or clubs around centro you'll feel right at home and will likely forget those high maintenance hawkers. Since at times they ask for a lot, and def you won't have enough days for the non pro games since those sometimes wants to be wined and dined and no sex on first date LOL, No money exchanged either. Those dates are usually fine with me, that's how my spend my luxury time in between nuts on vaca, plus I don't have to eat alone, in the company of a beautiful 8+, non rushed, good convo, wine, and no money for sex or directly for sex when we got to that. If you see someone who looks like a real hunter in centro it's me LOL. Have fun.

09-01-22, 19:13
By my own criteria I am a sucker because now that I think about it, over the years I've probably handed out 500,000 pesos to random panhandlers and girls in 500 to 1,000 peso increments. A tinto here, an empanada there and before you know it you are in the 7 figure territory. Around Centro it is part of the atmosphere. I don't think girls expect it on a regular basis as much as they want it and ask for it. I feel like this is a variation on the how much is too much to pay girls. I am a bit of an anarchist on the subject. I don't think any amount is a problem as long as it doesn't put the person paying it or giving it out in financial ruin. I also don't think what I do or don't give to panhandlers or girls who claim to be in dire need has impact on other guys.

I'm a bit confused about this and how you can get in a position that is hard to get out of.

I personally have a few girls I help out from time to time, not a lot, and not enough to support a better lifestyle, such as a better apartment, etc.

However I temper it, and at times help them out when not asked depending on what is going on in their lives. And when I get a RFM, I don't always help them out, so they know it's not going to be regular thing. And when I turn them down when they make a RFM, they don't hold it against me.

I understand that if someone care's for someone how that might effect them in the situation being talked about, yet in reality, most of these women are just playing us all. And you can't blame them, so I try to balance how I deal with it, not giving much, yet something at times, and the dividends have been unreal.

I also think a lot of these women will respect a guy much more who don't cave every time they get an RFM.

Just my thoughts on all this after reading the numerous posts on this subject.

09-01-22, 19:16
Perhaps you can clarify where you met this Chica, because it doesn't sound like a Centro street hoe.Tinder, I would never give an el centro chica 200 k for a 1 and done LOL.

09-01-22, 20:24
I also love a pool, but heard many times the pool at Mansion is very very cold and hardly ever anyone swims in it, including the girls, just a heads up.Yeah, the pool is covered by a black mesh screen so that office workers in the nearby high rise buildings don't look down and see too much "inappropriate" activity (that is how it was explained to me).

So no direct sunlight equals extra cool water.

09-01-22, 20:37
Yeah, the pool is covered by a black mesh screen so that office workers in the nearby high rise buildings don't look down and see too much "inappropriate" activity (that is how it was explained to me).

So no direct sunlight equals extra cool water.No offense to anyone here but the mansion is overrated.

09-01-22, 20:45
I really liked Haven. It's was pretty nice had a rooftop pool and bar and guest friendly.Ditto on Haven. Their rooms are awesome (some of them have in-room jacuzzi or on the balcony). Free buffet breakfast has a pretty good spread including eggs and deli. Security is always visible in the lobby. Down side is after 1 girl / day they charge 100 k COP for 2nd girl on. You may be able to get them through without registration at certain times of the day. Great beds, linens, towels, room service. Also. Make friends with the security and tip well for a better stay. Pool is only open I think until 6 pm or so (that's where your in-room jacuzzi comes in). They also have a sister property Viktory that was under renovations when I was there but similar types of rooms if willing to pay a premium to stay in that area.

09-01-22, 21:48
Yes. But that is not to say that being selfish is a bad thing. I love McDonald's, but if they are going under am I going to send money to help keep the company afloat or am I only interested in helping McDonald's out when I am there in person getting burgers and fries for the money I am handing over? With that said, if I was starving to death would McDonald's rush over with a couple of free Big Macs? Probably not.

If he was there horny as a horndog with no money, would the chick (assuming she is a hooker) rush over to give him some free pussy? Probably not.You've got to get off of McDonald's. Every damn thing you compare to McDonald's and it usually doesn't work. Let's change it to something more realistic.

Let's say that Sophia sells homemade tamales. Every day she makes a fresh batch and visits local office buildings and construction sites selling her tamales. She uses the money to support herself and her family.

Now you have something comparable. Both Sophia and the random prepago are selling their own product, as sole proprietors, instead of a multinational, publicly traded corporation. It's unlikely that the board of directors for McDonald's knows who you are, no matter how often you eat there. However, if you're a regular customer of Sophia's, she probably knows your name.

If Sophia doesn't show up for a few days, one or more of her customers might wonder why, might do some checking and might find out she's been sick and can't work. Those same concerned customers might take up a collection to help Sophia out until she recovers.

In this situation, do you toss a few dollars into the hat, or do you only offer to help if someone is promising you free tamales in the future?

Of course with the random girl on Whatsapp there's always a good chance that her crisis is all bullshit.

If a random monger is in Medellin and has no money, his priority should be either getting money, or getting back home where he can get some money. I speak from experience. I can tell you that when I was flat broke in Laureles I wasn't wasting my time messaging prepagos looking for free sex.

I disagree with the "never send money" view on a personal level, while recognizing it as good advice for the new mongers. Instead, I assess each situation, considering also my current cash flow, and make a decision. The one factor which is never part of the process is "what's in it for me?

09-01-22, 21:59
Ask her how much the average Colombian makes in a month. Then when she answers say and you seriously think someone is going to give you 900,000 pesos for a couple of hours? Since 200 sounds like a low number for currency for them, they think it is nothing to us.Why? Is it really worth your time to debate comparative economics with someone who at best has a high school education?

Should I be doing the same? When I take my truck in for repair and see that the hourly labor rate is $165, should I point out that the average American earns $11 per hour?

Instead, avoid the confusion from the very beginning. If she says "200", respond with "200 mil pesos, si?" If she insists on dollars, thank her for her time and walk away.

09-01-22, 22:07
I get phone numbers from all types of locals when I travel incl cops, merchants, business owners, novias, putas, gringos, you name it. With all those encounters I have yet to meet one, except for the gringos, where I would gain anything from their friendship or me not being a source or an opportunity. If you can't tell yet I'm all about a balanced scale. Life itself and everything in it should be so or at least I try to make it so. I don't even consider myself wise, what I maintain is basically learned over years w some experience, and some good pointers by few fellow travel buds. Differences in socioeconomic status do complicate things but I strongly disagree with some of this. I think there is a load to gain from making local friends including normal girls and those relationships are far from always about money. You can find truly good people out there that are not after your money and they may even refuse gifts when you offer to give things to them. Making local friends gives you access to information, whether it be who is a trustworthy or good dentist or doctor, what's a great place to eat or a fun area to see, and where is safe to go and not. You also get more interesting and authentic experiences when you travel if you have people that invite you into their homes, to go party with them, or want to take you places that they know and love you may never have even heard of. That is worth a lot to me.

I also think there is a lot to gain from friendships with people of different backgrounds and economic status than you more generally. In the US some of my best friends are Latino and quite a few are working class and undocumented. I easily make friends with them because I speak good Spanish and have visited much of Latin America, especially Central America where a lot of the local Latino population is from. When I do renovations on my house, I use a friend who is a contractor, and its great because 1) I trust him completely and know he does excellent work and 2) he charges me a fraction of what he'd charge you (and I know because I've helped him make estimates for his clients). I'm also friends with other contractors, a mechanic, a gardener, and a barber and they all take care of me. They either do things for free for me or at way below market rates. I help all of them how I can, mainly helping translate Spanish to English and vice versa, with computer-related things, documents, or advice and I've even helped one post bail before after a traffic issue (not with the money but his wife needed a citizen / resident to sign him out). They do not have close to my level of education or socioeconomic status but I still benefit greatly from their friendships.

09-01-22, 22:16
No offense to anyone here but the mansion is overrated.Overrated for what?

It is what it is. For some guys it's heaven on earth. For others it's a complete waste of money. Many newbie mongers can benefit greatly from a few nights at the Mansion. Even some experienced mongers find that it fits their style.

09-01-22, 22:19
Differences in socioeconomic status do complicate things but I strongly disagree with some of this. I think there is a load to gain from making local friends including normal girls and those relationships are far from always about money. You can find truly good people out there that are not after your money and they may even refuse gifts when you offer to give things to them. Making local friends gives you access to information, whether it be who is a trustworthy or good dentist or doctor, what's a great place to eat or a fun area to see, and where is safe to go and not. You also get more interesting and authentic experiences when you travel if you have people that invite you into their homes, to go party with them, or want to take you places that they know and love you may never have even heard of. That is worth a lot to me.

I also think there is a lot to gain from friendships with people of different backgrounds and economic status than you more generally. In the US some of my best friends are Latino and quite a few are working class and undocumented. I easily make friends with them because I speak good Spanish and have visited much of Latin America, especially Central America where a lot of the local Latino population is from. When I do renovations on my house, I use a friend who is a contractor, and its great because 1) I trust him completely and know he does excellent work and 2) he charges me a fraction of what he'd charge you (and I know because I've helped him make estimates for his clients). I'm also friends with other contractors, a mechanic, a gardener, and a barber and they all take care of me. They either do things for free for me or at way below market rates. I help all of them how I can, mainly helping translate Spanish to English and vice versa, with computer-related things, documents, or advice and I've even helped one post bail before after a traffic issue (not with the money but his wife needed a citizen / resident to sign him out). They do not have close to my level of education or socioeconomic status but I still benefit greatly from their friendships.It's not often that I read a post which makes me want to buy someone a beer. I like your style.

09-01-22, 22:26
So you think she deserves something the first time but does not deserve something the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th time she asks? You think her kids should eat because they are hungry the first time but not the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th time? You think they should have medicine or lights the first time but not the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th time? Why care about it the first time but not care about it subsequent times? I tend to not care about it from the beginning.

If I do not tell them a flat out no, I say well I have the day off Saturday, but I will ask my boss if I can go in and work 8 hours so I will have money for you. That sounds ridiculous to most people. Then they realize that our money comes from actually working and it does not just magically appear for us to give away. Then they will say nevermind.Say what? I just help a little, at times, when I want, if she's been the type that's done me right.

I don't over complicate it.

I don't put anyone on an allowance.

I either say yes or no, I don't evaluate her budget, her family, her situation, etc.

I know your mantra, and that's Ok, that's your thing.

I help out a deserving person, at times, at that moment, if I want.

I've said No, way more than yes.

Read Surfer's Post on this.

He said it right.

09-01-22, 22:29
I understand that if someone care's for someone how that might effect them in the situation being talked about, yet in reality, most of these women are just playing us all. And you can't blame them, so I try to balance how I deal with it, not giving much, yet something at times, and the dividends have been unreal.

Right on Surfer.

09-01-22, 22:59
Pros and cons? Girl friendly?

09-01-22, 23:15
I think your plan is solid. I'm going to enjoy reading about your journey into Centro rat status. My gut tells me that is where you will wind up but time will tell.

Yoooo! Hello fellow mongers. Inaugural post here on the international side, I've got a few posts on the USA end of things with "Earlystart83" profile. Wanted to give a shot out to the active accounts that share knowledge and experience here and really give a huge head start to those that want to do a bit a research. Respect!

Tiny background: late thirties, American, 50 nations, tons of states. Mongered in many of those spots despite the vast majority of the trips not being "mongering trips". . Done some quintessential legs of the worldwide monger scene: Thailand, Tijuana, Brazil, Vietnam, DR, Costa Rica, Holland, Germany etc etc. Experienced the high end FKK / thermas styles, revolving door Hot Tocs (blow job salons), to abandoned lot / back alley <$10 streetwalker blowjobs in sketchy areas. Really enjoy the streetwalker tango in USA despite all of the potential risks (cops, getting robbed, drug addicted chicks, hyper low quality broads at.

Times etc). The thrill of that can be pretty exhilarating and sometimes you can find some diamonds in the rough. But that is specifically about just getting a blowjob in the car here and there. Done some fun streetwalker car acquisitions in Italy, CR, DR. But generally it's been by foot when I find myself abroad, so I'm ready to hit the pavement in MED.

I'm so excited to try Colombia. Heard about the quality and quantity for over a decade but the trip just never came together. From what I've gathered it's a special place with a lot of different options and styles. Here's my proposed plan: I'm there for 5 days. I know I love a good street scene and from what I've deduced from some research is: like all.

Places there is a certain level of risk, much lower percentage of top level chicks (compared to other higher end options), but with experience and some Spanish skills there are some treasures to excavate. I've got a seemingly solid air Bnb within about 12 blocks of plaza Bortero (south west of it across Oriental, seemingly not crazy sketchy based on reviews and research). I figure I can just hop over to some of the centro areas I've jotted down and peep the scene and slowly start to gauge the situation. I have no desire to hit Llera. Might hit up a few casas. I'the like to have at least one La isla type experience to see what the top end looks like so I can compare to the same levels / styles elsewhere in Brazil, Germany, Hong Kong etc. But I'm way more excited about the full on freelance scene where there are a wider range of variables, you satisfy that addictive feeling of a chase / hunt, and there is plenty of room for negotiation.

Would be stoked to hear what some of y'all think of that plan. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and YMMV but I know what I like and from what I hear, the centro street scene rivals any as far as price: quality goes. I'm aware of most pitfalls and I keep my head on a swivel so I'm not one to fall victim to most bonehead situations. I've also been known to love to ask girls to take photos and / or film which doesn't seem as conducive while chasing tail in higher end / nice spots or even most casas. My goal isn't to get deals, and awesome rates, it's just to get find high quality Colombianas, and once they've proven their worth, keep 'them around for more hours, overnight, or even repeat. Thoughts / advice?

09-01-22, 23:35
Differences in socioeconomic status do complicate things but I strongly disagree with some of this. I think there is a load to gain from making local friends including normal girls and those relationships are far from always about money. You can find truly good people out there that are not after your money and they may even refuse gifts when you offer to give things to them. Making local friends gives you access to information, whether it be who is a trustworthy or good dentist or doctor, what's a great place to eat or a fun area to see, and where is safe to go and not. You also get more interesting and authentic experiences when you travel if you have people that invite you into their homes, to go party with them, or want to take you places that they know and love you may never have even heard of. That is worth a lot to me.

I also think there is a lot to gain from friendships with people of different backgrounds and economic status than you more generally. In the US some of my best friends are Latino and quite a few are working class and undocumented. I easily make friends with them because I speak good Spanish and have visited much of Latin America, especially Central America where a lot of the local Latino population is from. When I do renovations on my house, I use a friend who is a contractor, and its great because 1) I trust him completely and know he does excellent work and 2) he charges me a fraction of what he'd charge you (and I know because I've helped him make estimates for his clients). I'm also friends with other contractors, a mechanic, a gardener, and a barber and they all take care of me. They either do things for free for me or at way below market rates. I help all of them how I can, mainly helping translate Spanish to English and vice versa, with computer-related things, documents, or advice and I've even helped one post bail before after a traffic issue (not with the money but his wife needed a citizen / resident to sign him out). They do not have close to my level of education or socioeconomic status but I still benefit greatly from their friendships.You're going on a rant disagreeing and it's fine but we're talking about two diff things. Obviously we all make friends locally back home and I never mentioned anything or issues of such LOL. I'm speaking strictly about befriending mostly girls we bang overseas especially in 3rd world areas (Germany and major countries excl LOL), or the random local that want to be friend cause you're a gringo w some green. Come on man I never implied no one is ever helpful locally or genuinely helpful. My family's from a poor country so I'm sure I got more of those friends and fam than you. If not that'd be absurd.

I'm referring to first of all becoming friend w a puta, then a local you're banging and the random asking for money which is false and silly and plain dumb if you become that guy who keep sending. Then local dudes who want to keep in touch to ask you for an iphone or shoes when your coming to town. The normal people outside of that you meet at home or abroad isn't part of this convo.

This topic is important bc we don't just travel to blend it, we actually stand out like weeknd millionaires spending and banging spending thousands, the amount of money some of us spend in one trip some of those poor folks don't see in a year, we all knows. Once you get the little emotions and humanity feelings out of the way you'll realize in general those friendships arent real, far from.

You admitted it yourself, socialeconomic status do complicate things. You can't have it both ways bruh. Either be a humanitarian and go help save the world with your might, remove the front door from your home so all local homeless folks can come to sleep LOL, or. As a monger and degenerate like the rest of us you watch out for rats everywhere. Not that complicated.

09-01-22, 23:39
Yoooo! Hello fellow mongers. Inaugural post here on the international side. My goal isn't to get deals, and awesome rates, it's just to get find high quality Colombianas, and once they've proven their worth, keep 'them around for more hours, overnight, or even repeat. Thoughts / advice?My thoughts on this, well first off, it's obvious that you haven't RTFF going back a at least a few months.

Granted there is a huge backlog of posts to read, but you will not achieve what you want to do in five days, and you will only scratch the surface here with all the mongering venues, and unless you have some Spanish speaking skills it's going to be tough, and if you think a translator is going to handle any language issues, well good luck with that.

Your probably better pressed to stay at the Mansion, and hire a driver / guide to take you around.

This is my recommendation for a maiden voyage only lasting five days.

I'm not trying to be an asshole about this, but you asked, and this is my advice to you.

Some guys show up here, and think since they've mongered all over the world like you that it might be a cakewalk here.

Well it won't be until you've spent a fair amount of time here.

What you would like to achieve on your maiden voyage is akin to a wet dream.

Sorry to be so blunt about this, but you asked for thoughts and advice and hopefully you have thick skin.

Good Luck!

09-02-22, 00:17
Yes. But that is not to say that being selfish is a bad thing. I love McDonald's, but if they are going under am I going to send money to help keep the company afloat or am I only interested in helping McDonald's out when I am there in person getting burgers and fries for the money I am handing over? With that said, if I was starving to death would McDonald's rush over with a couple of free Big Macs? Probably not.

Thats a poor analogy though. You would help a person presumably bcos you care about that person. That person might need help whthere you there or not. Its like helping a friend out. Would you tell a friend from back home that you don't want to help them until you get home, so you can chat to him and share in his company while your helping him? That would seem a rather bizarre reaction, no? Whereas McDonalds. You don't care what they do when your not there. They may as well close down and wait for your return before reopening as far as you care. Put the burgers back in the freezer.

09-02-22, 00:22
I also love a pool, but heard many times the pool at Mansion is very very cold and hardly ever anyone swims in it, including the girls, just a heads up.Correct. There are hardly any heated pools in MDE. NIght temps average 17 C so you can imagine how cold the water gets. I need a thick wetsuit to swim in that. Best pool in MDE that I know of is the Dann Carlton. Big, warm, holiday ambience.

09-02-22, 00:30
Correct. There are hardly any heated pools in MDE. NIght temps average 17 C so you can imagine how cold the water gets. I need a thick wetsuit to swim in that. Best pool in MDE that I know of is the Dann Carlton. Big, warm, holiday ambience.I don't know what the status is of el Castillo these days (the other house up the hill), but it had a much nicer pool last time I decided to walk up there.

09-02-22, 00:43
Does anyone know of any other strip clubs in el centro besides the 2 next to each other across from botero plaza and the 1 if you walk out the back of nutibara and go right down the block?

09-02-22, 00:58
Does anyone know of any other strip clubs in el centro besides the 2 next to each other across from botero plaza and the 1 if you walk out the back of nutibara and go right down the block?The one on the same strip as Nuti you're talking about Conejitas and two others on same line, and other one you mentioned is Barra Ejcutiva. If you walk past Conejitas, after one block make a right, there should like 2 more clubs on left and the one I went into was Hilton Grill. The girls are usually cuter / younger and hotter in there. Couple mo back was 70 mil for a bang and beer 4 or 7 mil.

09-02-22, 01:04
One is anyone have problems with check mig, I am leaving tonight to Medellin, it keeps crashing when I enter the flight number.

Also is ok to take money out of the ATM at the airport or wait untill to get to your hotel.

I prepaid for taxi / shuttle to the hotel.

It's been a while since I last came to Colombia.


Mr Enternational
09-02-22, 01:45
Thats a poor analogy though. You would help a person presumably bcos you care about that person. That person might need help whthere you there or not. Its like helping a friend out.We are talking about mongers and presumably hookers though. Nobody is sending money to random people to be nice or they like their style. They are sending money to people they plan on fucking, have fucked, plan on fucking again. Maybe I am wrong and a bunch of guys are sending money to chicks they have never and do not plan on having sexual contact with. That is when I would call it helping a friend out.

09-02-22, 02:14
One is anyone have problems with check mig, I am leaving tonight to Medellin, it keeps crashing when I enter the flight number.

Also is ok to take money out of the ATM at the airport or wait untill to get to your hotel.

I prepaid for taxi / shuttle to the hotel.

It's been a while since I last came to Colombia.

Thanks.ATM at the airport is good to use and check-mig always gives me problems on my apple computer.

09-02-22, 02:23
Correct. There are hardly any heated pools in MDE. NIght temps average 17 C so you can imagine how cold the water gets. I need a thick wetsuit to swim in that. Best pool in MDE that I know of is the Dann Carlton. Big, warm, holiday ambience.Excellent pool, love it, but any update on their guest policy? I heard at one point it changed, ? They still girl friendly if book room for 2 and no ridiculous entry fee,. ?

09-02-22, 02:42
Word of advice. Do not use check-mig app. Use the website. All popular browsers should work just fine.

I use Duckduckgo but Safari or Chrome are OK too.

Bancolombia ATM at the airport is fine. Same as any other ATM in town. 600,000 each withdrawal.

Have fun.

One is anyone have problems with check mig, I am leaving tonight to Medellin, it keeps crashing when I enter the flight number.

Also is ok to take money out of the ATM at the airport or wait untill to get to your hotel.

I prepaid for taxi / shuttle to the hotel.

It's been a while since I last came to Colombia.


09-02-22, 02:45
BTW, when you input flight number, just use the number and don't input the airlines prefix.

True story about Check-mig process. A good friend of mine missed his flight because he could not find United states under country of origin. Please look for Estados Unidos even in the English version of the app. Sounds silly but for a first timer it can be frustrating.

One is anyone have problems with check mig, I am leaving tonight to Medellin, it keeps crashing when I enter the flight number.

Also is ok to take money out of the ATM at the airport or wait untill to get to your hotel.

I prepaid for taxi / shuttle to the hotel.

It's been a while since I last came to Colombia.


09-02-22, 02:52
Correct. There are hardly any heated pools in MDE. NIght temps average 17 C so you can imagine how cold the water gets. I need a thick wetsuit to swim in that. Best pool in MDE that I know of is the Dann Carlton. Big, warm, holiday ambience.Hotel Haven has heated pool. I believe Click Clack and Charlie pools are heated too.

09-02-22, 03:18
You have to be careful to select the right airport as well. It's easy to click Olaya by mistake and then the flight number won't return a result. Colombian web sites follow the Colombian pattern of unnecessary complexity.

BTW, when you input flight number, just use the number and don't input the airlines prefix.

True story about Check-mig process. A good friend of mine missed his flight because he could not find United states under country of origin. Please look for Estados Unidos even in the English version of the app. Sounds silly but for a first timer it can be frustrating.

09-02-22, 03:24
BTW, when you input flight number, just use the number and don't input the airlines prefix.

True story about Check-mig process. A good friend of mine missed his flight because he could not find United states under country of origin. Please look for Estados Unidos even in the English version of the app. Sounds silly but for a first timer it can be frustrating.I did my Check Mig today. It took me a moment to figure out what was going on when I couldn't find US in the list. I guess they translated the page, but not the drop down options. I read somewhere that the app sucks, so I just used my PC.

09-02-22, 03:27
Hopefully this may help those with Check-Mig issues:

Don't use any 3rd party sites. Go directly to the Colombian site, migracion (no space) Colombia. Gov. Co / Click on check-mig banner, then click on another check-mig banner.

Once on the main page, you can select English on top as an option. Then normally you would click on the left link "Realice su Check-Mig" but don't do that yet.

First Register by clicking on the middle link "Viajero Frecuente" and actually register. This will basically create an acct, you'll need your email and choose a password.

After that you can login, and then registration and will be super smooth, you can take a screenshot of the confirmation page (don't forget to click accept), and an email confirmation will be sent to you which is what you show at the Airport.

09-02-22, 03:53
Location is good. Pool on the roof is small, but not bad. For me, bed was way too hard. I'm a side sleeper and that bed f'd up my shoulders quite a bit in only 4 nights. I stayed at the Landmark hotel one night when I got stuck in MDE (cancelled flight). I really like that hotel. Comfortable bed, great pool, nice staff. But I am not sure if they are chica friendly. I did not try.

It sounds complicated. I guess it is a good option if you have to be within walking distance of Parque Lleras. I always take everything I read on tripadvisor with a grain of salt.

Wee Donk
09-02-22, 04:47
I'll prob be the guy in centro starting tomorrow to beat you to that fresh cutie in the corner. I go hard in centro for day action and have evening date w fancier ladies from dating sites, non pros. After mde centro your next destination should be santa fe Bogota, even better. Yes you'll enjoy La Isla for some decent qualities. Honestly the best Medellin has to offer imo is from seeking (sugar daddy site), that's where I get my gems and that's likely where you'll meet local indie college cuties new too hookie willing to get filmd and take photos. Many of them thinks they're models hence the model shots from their profiles. That's a lot to do in 5 days, but if you're really a street dude once you hit el centro and some casas or clubs around centro you'll feel right at home and will likely forget those high maintenance hawkers. Since at times they ask for a lot, and def you won't have enough days for the non pro games since those sometimes wants to be wined and dined and no sex on first date LOL, No money exchanged either. Those dates are usually fine with me, that's how my spend my luxury time in between nuts on vaca, plus I don't have to eat alone, in the company of a beautiful 8+, non rushed, good convo, wine, and no money for sex or directly for sex when we got to that. If you see someone who looks like a real hunter in centro it's me LOL. Have fun.Hahahaha. My guyyyy! I actually haven't heard anything of seekers, sounds pretty juicy. I really am getting the vibe that the non pros are pretty mean, some Spanish, natural charm, decent looks, and some personality can go a long way. A big part of me really gets into the type of chase involved in navigating the streets trying to find that gem (looks, good attitude, skilled) but that gray area puta chase, where the lines are blurred (semi pro, new to the hook game, actual civilian chicks etc): you're out at dinner, you're pouring on the charm, and trying to f'and earn the pussy. Fun stuff. We all know pussy hits different when you have to play your cards right and earn the prize. It can never fully compare to blatant transactional sex. It's just different. But, that second kind of chase is hard cause if your time on the ground is limited (like you said) and the fact I've got a lady here in the states. If I was single I'the be scared that Medellin suck me in whole, long term.

I'll be honest, this thread on particular is pretty entertaining to read because of how wide the range is amongst the contributors. I've literally laughed out loud at the dudes defending the street scene on one end and dudes bragging about spending too dollar to bag 9's / 10's and how you can't have an excellent session unless you have a relationship (or some non sensical stuff). I feel like a mix of a lot of these types of mongers.

Stoked to share the tales. I've got work out there, and the colleagues I'm with may be hip to game, at least on knowing what goes down in MDE but I'm just going to keep it all on the DL and slide out on the solo. I reckon some late morning centro strolls to start, a casa or two by day two, and a La isla later in the trip, as kind of a cherry on top. Happy hunting why'all.

Wee Donk
09-02-22, 05:01
My thoughts on this, well first off, it's obvious that you haven't RTFF going back a at least a few months.

Granted there is a huge backlog of posts to read, but you will not achieve what you want to do in five days, and you will only scratch the surface here with all the mongering venues, and unless you have some Spanish speaking skills it's going to be tough, and if you think a translator is going to handle any language issues, well good luck with that.

Your probably better pressed to stay at the Mansion, and hire a driver / guide to take you around.

This is my recommendation for a maiden voyage only lasting five days.

I'm not trying to be an asshole about this, but you asked, and this is my advice to you.

Some guys show up here, and think since they've mongered all over the world like you that it might be a cakewalk here.

Well it won't be until you've spent a fair amount of time here.

What you would like to achieve on your maiden voyage is akin to a wet dream.

Sorry to be so blunt about this, but you asked for thoughts and advice and hopefully you have thick skin.

Good Luck!Yep, I gotcha, no offense taken. I wouldn't have posted had I been cocky enough to think I could fly through this by just going back 50 pages (and intermittent reading over the last couple years). Every bit of turf is different, I think past debauchery gives me a leg up, but again, I'm tip toeing for those 5 days. Realistically I have little chance of being able to come often or for much more that 5-7 days considering my work and relationship status. But I have had many successful misadventures off the strength of experience and researching these forums. My Spanish is suuuper far from fluent but it's also smooth enough to not be labeled as basic. I've successfully navigated all types of transactional / simple relationship building convos. Small talk stuff with a sprinkle Joe of charm.

Unfortunately the mansion just isn't a realistic option. I'm there for work, so my daily schedule is sporadic and mongering is second priority. This stacks the odds up against me even further. But, I think what I'm gathering is: keep your expectations reasonable. Maybe my goal is just to find one gem that I can get some solid rocks off with and maybe some footage for memory's sake. I feel like aiming for anything more is unreasonable. After all, I'm all.

Of the experiences before it's hard to really be bat over. 500 as far as memorable, enjoyable, repeatable experiences wishing the span of a few days to a week in any American city or trip abroad. So if I secure 4 in 5 days with yield 1 gen I think that'll be a success. The experience helps with those initial vibe checks. Inexperience tends to lead many to believe that a girl who's initial attitude isn't great could still yield a great experience. I don't care how hot the chick is, if the attitude aint right, I walk away.

Thanks for the words, all this stuff is getting filed under the "don't forget what your Colombian monger fore fathers taught you" section of the brain.

09-02-22, 13:59
Hotel Haven has heated pool. I believe Click Clack and Charlie pools are heated too.The majority of the swimming pools in the larger Hotels in Medellin are heated. If they weren't, than what would be the point of having one.

The largest Hotel pool in Medellin is at the Intercontinental Hotel. It's a full on Olympic size pool and is very wide, meaning more than just a few lanes, and it's heated of course. So for guys looking for a pool to swim laps in, well this is the place, albeit the location isn't the greatest.

Another option is the Landmark Hotel in Manila, albeit the pool length is not Olympic in length, about 22 yards, but will suffice, and I have stayed there. They probably have the longest roof top pool in Medellin, however it's quite narrow, only about three lanes wide.

Additionally, all of the public swimming pools in Medellin are heated like at Estadio, Bellen, and other sport centers around the City.

Another option is the water park adjacent to the local airport. They have several pools, and a few of them are heated, albeit the main wave pool is not.

Also, showering before entering the pool and wearing a swim cap is required at most places.

09-02-22, 16:36
Thanks for the check log info, it works with your connecting flight, I was able to use ATM, currency exchange place are bunch of thieves,3,200 to $1.

Only bad part hotel won't check me until 3 pm.

09-02-22, 16:41
BTW, when you input flight number, just use the number and don't input the airlines prefix.

True story about Check-mig process..The app is very "buggy" . It has not been tested across multiple browsers so the functionality doesn't work on all. Its a disgrace, to be fair, that a government immigration service demands use of smthg so flawed.

09-02-22, 22:45
I'm not one to defend the government but to be fair I must say checkmig is one of the better functioning government web resources. Count your blessings you don't have to deal with the tax, immigration, or bank web sites. You never know what will happen after you make a keystroke.

The app is very "buggy" . It has not been tested across multiple browsers so the functionality doesn't work on all. Its a disgrace, to be fair, that a government immigration service demands use of smthg so flawed.

Fun Luvr
09-02-22, 23:19
Hopefully this may help those with Check-Mig issues:

Don't use any 3rd party sites. Go directly to the Colombian site, migracion (no space) Colombia. Gov. Co / Click on check-mig banner, then click on another check-mig banner.Use this link to make it a little easier: https://apps.migracioncolombia.gov.co/pre-registro/public/preregistro.jsf.

Also, be sure to use the flight number of the flight that arrives at MDE. If you have a connection flight, don't use the number of the first flight.

09-03-22, 08:16
I'm not one to defend the government but to be fair I must say checkmig is one of the better functioning government web resources. Count your blessings you don't have to deal with the tax, immigration, or bank web sites. You never know what will happen after you make a keystroke.That is soooo true. I wonder why Colombian (and Mexican also) tech resources are so terrible. It is 2022. Nothing fucking works. Check-mig is just a Database collecting site. A high schooler could write the code. Bancolombia to Viva air to utilities to car registration to credit card systems (to do business) all are terrible. Anyone know why? Lack of talent in tech?

Member #2001
09-03-22, 09:45
Anyone here interested in a road trip to venesula let me know. WIll be leaving the 7th ot 8th from barrenqua figure stay there for about a week. I heard its mellowed out a bit. Pm me.

09-03-22, 11:54
I look at mongering the same way I do with any business. You pay what you feel is right for the service you want. I do not send money to women nor give them any personal information for that matter. You would not expect a mechanic or waiter to ask for money to pay their rent. I treat the women with respect and am upfront on the amount and services but that is it. I believe the experience should be good for both people. I get fucked and she makes money. I usually tip if the service is good but not to build a relationship. I monger for a week at a time and banging the same woman over and over sounds too much like what I am escaping.

09-03-22, 13:08
That is soooo true. I wonder why Colombian (and Mexican also) tech resources are so terrible. It is 2022. Nothing fucking works. Check-mig is just a Database collecting site. A high schooler could write the code. Bancolombia to Viva air to utilities to car registration to credit card systems (to do business) all are terrible. Anyone know why? Lack of talent in tech?I'm not a computer or tech guy by any means, but I suspect part of the problem, which I've haven't heard mentioned yet, is that there are issues when someone uses the "English" version of the websites. A perfect example is why the United States is often listed as "Estados Unidos" instead of the United States, with my point being, that there are probably more glitches using the translated version of the websites versus the Spanish versions.

Also on a side note, I have a Bancolombia account, and in the past have had lots of problems associated with logging in, and getting locked out, and having to contact them to get back in. However over the last few years they seem to have gotten their act together, as their online banking seems on par with my accounts in the USA. I know that may sound suspect, but that has just been my most recent experience with them. They have an App for your phone, it's not in English, and I know enough Spanish to use it on my phone, and it works great. However I recall trying to do some online banking via my computer and recall trying to do something in the English version, and there were problems. Hence I suspect there is a "translation" issue associated with all these glitches.

09-03-22, 13:44
I look at mongering the same way I do with any business. You pay what you feel is right for the service you want. I do not send money to women nor give them any personal information for that matter. You would not expect a mechanic or waiter to ask for money to pay their rent. If your that type of monger, its unlikely that you will allow any type of personal relationship to develop w a chica. In those cicumstances, your no more likely to send money to a chica than you are to send money to a hospice in Sao Tome.

09-03-22, 16:34

Any one of have issues, using your card on the Rappi app, order keeps getting canceled because of verifying card crap.

09-03-22, 16:47
If your that type of monger, its unlikely that you will allow any type of personal relationship to develop w a chica. In those cicumstances, your no more likely to send money to a chica than you are to send money to a hospice in Sao Tome.Well said. Both you and the OP are correct. We all have different types of interactions with different people. Some are purely transactional and some are more personal. I was at German and Austrian FKK last week. Purely transactional. I had good sex but after I paid them and a kiss on the cheek in the locker room, she did not even turn back. One girl was quite pretty and I asked her for her phone number as I really enjoyed speaking to her about life in general. She said, " why? I have no problem giving you my number but the odds are that we will never see each other again. " She reminded me that it is purely transactional.

On the other hand I have girls who I give carrer advice to, which classes to take and which ones are a waste of time or help chose her new puppies name. If she needs money, I am sending it to her. Mongering by definition means we are banging more than one girl. When I do find a gem, it is fun to repeat and get to know her intimately. Most of us here had so much sex in our lives, it is not about a climax anymore. It is about having fun and I truly enjoy finding out what turns on my companion. I am not George Clooney or Brad Pitt. For me true connection happens only with repeats but also by treating them with respect and kindness. (like the OP said).

Mr Enternational
09-03-22, 17:57
Any one of have issues, using your card on the Rappi app, order keeps getting canceled because of verifying card crap.Yep. Had problems for over 1 year now. Have tried to use different cards and different accounts to no avail. So I have just been having the chick I am with order it and pay cash.

Mr Enternational
09-03-22, 18:11
One girl was quite pretty and I asked her for her phone number as I really enjoyed speaking to her about life in general. She said, " why? I have no problem giving you my number but the odds are that we will never see each other again. " She reminded me that it is purely transactional.And she is right. Guys keep trying to turn hookers into friends. Meanwhile this is not done with anybody providing any other types of services. Nobody is on a plumbing website talking about how they had chemistry with the guy that came to install a new toilet and they keep in touch and are going to meet for drinks next week.

It is just something about sticking your dick into pussy that translate into automatic care and friendship for some guys. Good customer service does not mean you are now friends with the service provider.

Name all the dogs you want, but how many are showing up if there is not money involved? When these chicks start coming over twice each week without you having to give them money, then you have a freiend. But until then, Purely Transactional!

09-03-22, 19:05
You should contact your credit card issuer.


Any one of have issues, using your card on the Rappi app, order keeps getting canceled because of verifying card crap.

09-03-22, 19:44
The country's public sector is behind in technology. I've had occasion to deal with private sector technology in Colombia and the difference is striking. Multinational companies that operate here are at international standards. I suspect the public sector problems are due to extreme technology debt, as in grossly insufficient financial investment. Ironically, over the past few years the Antioquia government has been heavily promoting the Valle de Aburra as "technology valley. " It's laughable. I know for sure the technology deficits in the financial services industry here are intentional. It's for the same reason there are so many hoops to jump through for basic financial transactions like opening a bank account or leasing an apartment. The government heavily restricts technical innovations so it can maintain the control it needs to prevent narcos taking over more of the country. Narcos have virtually unlimited financial resources but their ability to leverage them is hampered by how difficult it is to make electronic transactions. Think about the multiple questions you have to answer to pay for something with a credit card. The last time anyone asked me in North America, Europe or Asia whether my card transaction is credit or debit was during the 1990's if not longer ago. Here it's every transaction, along with whether you want to include a tip. Restaurant servers perform a ceremony in which they present the check and wait for you to study and approve it before they input the total, as if the charge can't be voided and re-entered if something is disovered later. You get used to it but it can be tiresome.

That is soooo true. I wonder why Colombian (and Mexican also) tech resources are so terrible. It is 2022. Nothing fucking works. Check-mig is just a Database collecting site. A high schooler could write the code. Bancolombia to Viva air to utilities to car registration to credit card systems (to do business) all are terrible. Anyone know why? Lack of talent in tech?

09-03-22, 20:08
Has anyone stayed there? Is it worth the price?

I know the building is girl friendly, as long as ID is provided, but are there any restrictions or extra fees?

How is the lobby bar / restaurant? Gym?

Always wanted to check it out, but I usually visit MDE for extended periods of time, so prefer more affordable options. Next time will go down there for only a few days and want to splurge on a nicer apartment.

09-03-22, 20:13
I agree the Bancolombia app is a big improvement over the website. The website is also now better than it used to be but I would not describe it as good. I discovered something about the Bancolombia app that I'm surprised hasn't come up for me before. I had to change my account PIN when I got a new phone. I didn't realize that app uses a mobile token. It makes sense in the context of the government's heavy emphasis on monitoring and controlling even the smallest financial transactions. We have to register our mobile phones so the app is restricted for use on one phone at a time per user.

I'm not a computer or tech guy by any means, but I suspect part of the problem, which I've haven't heard mentioned yet, is that there are issues when someone uses the "English" version of the websites. A perfect example is why the United States is often listed as "Estados Unidos" instead of the United States, with my point being, that there are probably more glitches using the translated version of the websites versus the Spanish versions.

Also on a side note, I have a Bancolombia account, and in the past have had lots of problems associated with logging in, and getting locked out, and having to contact them to get back in. However over the last few years they seem to have gotten their act together, as their online banking seems on par with my accounts in the USA. I know that may sound suspect, but that has just been my most recent experience with them. They have an App for your phone, it's not in English, and I know enough Spanish to use it on my phone, and it works great. However I recall trying to do some online banking via my computer and recall trying to do something in the English version, and there were problems. Hence I suspect there is a "translation" issue associated with all these glitches.

09-03-22, 22:31
I'm not one to defend the government but to be fair I must say checkmig is one of the better functioning government web resources. Count your blessings you don't have to deal with the tax, immigration, or bank web sites. You never know what will happen after you make a keystroke.If that's a better functioning website, I feel for the rest. It has worked for me 2 out of 8 times to come into Colombia. I just expect to show the screen that it says I have already entered my info and to argue with the check-in people at the airport.

Fun Luvr
09-03-22, 22:54
Yep. Had problems for over 1 year now. Have tried to use different cards and different accounts to no avail. So I have just been having the chick I am with order it and pay cash.Seems it may be a situation in which Colombia based companies don't accept international credit cards online. I have tried two clothing stores and Claro. The clothing stores state upfront that international credit cards are not accepted. Claro goes through the complete transaction, but I don't receive the data package nor is my credit card charged.

09-03-22, 23:38
Seems it may be a situation in which Colombia based companies don't accept international credit cards online. I have tried two clothing stores and Claro. The clothing stores state upfront that international credit cards are not accepted. Claro goes through the complete transaction, but I don't receive the data package nor is my credit card charged.I had the same issue online with Claro, big waste of time. I know now to just go to the store and I'm done in 5 minutes.

09-04-22, 02:01
For the guys who post FB pics of themselves arriving in Medellin, use the FB Stories feature. There are two main advantages.

The likes you get are private to you and not shown to other people. It also expires in 24 hours. Chicas know this and are more likely to send a reaction when they can avoid advertising themselves as putas to your other friends.

You also see the chicas that view your story so you know they're active. It doesn't mean they're interested in seeing you but at least you know they're using FB actively. It can help you filter your hit list on the first few days.

09-04-22, 02:46
Seems it may be a situation in which Colombia based companies don't accept international credit cards online. I have tried two clothing stores and Claro. The clothing stores state upfront that international credit cards are not accepted. Claro goes through the complete transaction, but I don't receive the data package nor is my credit card charged.You know one of the motives for not accepting international cards? Its bcos of chargebacks. Foreigners can raise chargebacks for the slightest problem and their banks are willing to initiate a refund for the slightest inconvenience, even when the purchaser is clearly in the wrong. As a merchant processor, I am very used to that. But Colombian card holderrs do not get the same protection and are unable to make the same chargebacks bcos VISA and MC do not offer the cardholder the same protection in Colombia. So foreign cardholders pose a much greater risk to a Colombian merchant.

Am sure there are other reasons, but this is one.

09-04-22, 03:44
I don't think it's about chargebacks because those same companies that don't accept foreign charge cards online will accept them when they are presented in person. In my experience the larger retailers like Grupo Exito and Homecenter accept international charge cards online as well as in person. Telecommunications and utilities like Claro, Tigo, and EPM don't accept my foreign charge cards online but I have no problem using them in person. Tigo has kiosks in its locations that I use if I happen to be near one when my bill is due. Mostly I use a Colombian card to pay online. I avoid the EPM office like the plague.

You know one of the motives for not accepting international cards? Its bcos of chargebacks. Foreigners can raise chargebacks for the slightest problem and their banks are willing to initiate a refund for the slightest inconvenience, even when the purchaser is clearly in the wrong. As a merchant processor, I am very used to that. But Colombian card holderrs do not get the same protection and are unable to make the same chargebacks bcos VISA and MC do not offer the cardholder the same protection in Colombia. So foreign cardholders pose a much greater risk to a Colombian merchant.

Am sure there are other reasons, but this is one.

09-04-22, 03:54
I have no problem with a foreign credit card on Rappi. I don't think I've ever used my Colombian cards on it. On the other hand, I had to hustle to Premium Plaza to buy concert tickets in person after the tuboleta web site rejected my foreign card over and over again. In person there was no problem paying with my foreign card. It was a pain in the neck because I had to change my plans for the so I could get the tickets before they sold out.

Yep. Had problems for over 1 year now. Have tried to use different cards and different accounts to no avail. So I have just been having the chick I am with order it and pay cash.

09-04-22, 05:42

Any one of have issues, using your card on the Rappi app, order keeps getting canceled because of verifying card crap.Try pay via Apple Pay or Google Pay and you don't need to register it with Rappi. I am not sure about the availability of Google Pay.

09-04-22, 08:51
Hi guys,

So I was reading the last 25 pages in the last couple of hours and I'm trying to understand something, without much success. Maybe I should read more pages but I'm not so optimistic that I'll find my answers.

I'm reading a lot of reports about hooking up with FB girls, and I'm struggling to understand how do you guys know who to contact? And even if you do, are you using your real FB account or some fake account you've created just for this?

I really want to visit Medellin some day (and that could be as early as next month. Still trying to decide if I want Thailand or Colombia), and I'm really into meeting local girls in my hotel. Preferably for what they call in Thailand a LT session. I also have Tinder if that helps.

Any advice for a newbie like me?

Thanks 🙏.

09-04-22, 15:54
My advice is to write the word "facebook" in the search field at the top of this page. There is a great deal of specific information and instructions. If you use the search feature it will filter out content that does not reference facebook.

Hi guys,

So I was reading the last 25 pages in the last couple of hours and I'm trying to understand something, without much success. Maybe I should read more pages but I'm not so optimistic that I'll find my answers.

I'm reading a lot of reports about hooking up with FB girls, and I'm struggling to understand how do you guys know who to contact? And even if you do, are you using your real FB account or some fake account you've created just for this?

I really want to visit Medellin some day (and that could be as early as next month. Still trying to decide if I want Thailand or Colombia), and I'm really into meeting local girls in my hotel. Preferably for what they call in Thailand a LT session. I also have Tinder if that helps..

09-04-22, 16:07
Be advised that sort of content shows up on the facebook pages of other people in the "people you may know" category and in stories reels. Which other people? Anyone you may or may not know personally that facebook's algorithms target based on interactions with any kind of facebook or non facebook content anywhere on the Internet that you may have had in common. Facebook's tracking persists even when you are not logged in. So, for example, if you search for long term parking for your local airport that can be a bridge across which content from your "secret" facebook account finds its way to people from your home town.

For the guys who post FB pics of themselves arriving in Medellin, use the FB Stories feature. There are two main advantages.

The likes you get are private to you and not shown to other people. It also expires in 24 hours. Chicas know this and are more likely to send a reaction when they can avoid advertising themselves as putas to your other friends.

You also see the chicas that view your story so you know they're active. It doesn't mean they're interested in seeing you but at least you know they're using FB actively. It can help you filter your hit list on the first few days.

09-04-22, 16:10
Barranquilla? At any rate, a flight would be my choice.

Anyone here interested in a road trip to venesula let me know. WIll be leaving the 7th ot 8th from barrenqua figure stay there for about a week. I heard its mellowed out a bit. Pm me.

09-04-22, 16:58
Any advice for a newbie like me?...

You can start from Reports of Distinction

Click View Original Post to view post.

A Super Freaky Chica. WOW.

Give a man a fish, teach a man to fish.

Miss Kate. Muchisimas Gracias!


The Facebook rabbithole and my first day.

Facebook comments and second day.

... Thanks 🙏.Help the next guy that comes alone if you can.

09-04-22, 17:23
I don't think it's about chargebacks because those same companies that don't accept foreign charge cards online will accept them when they are presented in person. In my experience the larger retailers like Grupo Exito and Homecenter accept international charge cards online as well as in person. Telecommunications and utilities like Claro, Tigo, and EPM don't accept my foreign charge cards online but I have no problem using them in person. Tigo has kiosks in its locations that I use if I happen to be near one when my bill is due. Mostly I use a Colombian card to pay online. I avoid the EPM office like the plague.Perhaps when someone buys / pays for something in person there is less problems with chargebacks. There has to be a reason why people are having issues with foreign credit cards when buying online and perhaps there are merchants that just don't want to pay the fees associated with foreign credit cards. At Unidad Deportes in Belen where I swim, they have a sign up that says they will not accept Colombian EXITO charge cards to pay for services. So I wonder what's up with that, a Colombian credit card from a major retailer not accepted in Colombia? Go figure. Or perhaps the reason some credit cards are accepted and some are not is because of the fees they charge as I previously mentioned. American Express is not accepted at a lot of places because I believe they charge more than Visa or Master Card.

Regardless, and what nobody has brought up, is the use of debit cards versus credit cards. I have a USA debit card from Wells Fargo set up with Rappi and have never had an issue. And yes I get hit with like 50 cent fees when I use it, but it's an alternative that I believe will work for others.

And as far as paying for EPM bills, that can all be done online automatically if you have an account with a major Colombian bank like BanColombia. But some, which might be in your case, don't trust anybody transferring money from their bank accounts and having auto-pay set up. I personally have never had an issue either here or in the USA with autopay and don't want to mess with paying bills online.

Imagine having autopay for all your hookers!

09-04-22, 19:05

Any one of have issues, using your card on the Rappi app, order keeps getting canceled because of verifying card crap.I had that problem in Jan in CTG. It was weird because my first order worked and went through and then every time I tried after that had problems with the card verification and I just gave up. I am going to give it a test run in Tijuana before my next Columbia trip.

09-04-22, 19:08
For the guys who post FB pics of themselves arriving in Medellin, use the FB Stories feature. There are two main advantages.

The likes you get are private to you and not shown to other people. It also expires in 24 hours. Chicas know this and are more likely to send a reaction when they can avoid advertising themselves as putas to your other friends.

You also see the chicas that view your story so you know they're active. It doesn't mean they're interested in seeing you but at least you know they're using FB actively. It can help you filter your hit list on the first few days.Great advice.

Mr Enternational
09-04-22, 19:09
I'm reading a lot of reports about hooking up with FB girls, and I'm struggling to understand how do you guys know who to contact?..You contact the chicks that look like hookers.

09-04-22, 19:36
Well the good thing about Facebook chics, you will always have a back up.

But at one point they become relentless.

I added some a month before my trip. And after that the rest start sending request.

Most rates were 200 to 250 and I will Uber them home.

Of course you get a couple 600,000 pesos and I refuse and than block them.

Too tired to argue.

Rain sucks but I'm having good time in poblado.

Again thanks for all the info.

09-04-22, 20:16
Well the good thing about Facebook chics, you will always have a back up.

But at one point they become relentless.I only ever announced I'd arrived in Medellin once as a story on a Facebook because of how relentless some of the chicas are. I even had one randomly calling me on messenger that time. Its just too much for me at least. Even now when I just message the ones I pick to see there always seems to be one or two I have second thoughts about that bug and bug "cuando podemos vernos?"

09-04-22, 22:19
I only ever announced I'd arrived in Medellin once as a story on a Facebook because of how relentless some of the chicas are. I even had one randomly calling me on messenger that time. Its just too much for me at least. Even now when I just message the ones I pick to see there always seems to be one or two I have second thoughts about that bug and bug "cuando podemos vernos?"I filter the ones who I am not keen on seeing by either telling them that I am running low on funds for this trip so I can only pay 150,000 total (or lower) or I hit them with a proposal that I don't think they'll go for like access to the backdoor or a happy hour.

These ladies either go radio silent or agree to my terms.

Win, win.

09-05-22, 00:11
This is by far my favorite post of the week.

You contact the chicks that look like hookers.

09-05-22, 00:25
I didn't want to say this directly but here it is. I think we can all agree the difference with a distinction between online purchases and in person purchases is when you use a card in person you are photographed. I've written about the government's policy of monitoring and controlling financial transactions. That is much harder to do when the purchaser is behind the cloak of the Internet. Chargeback risk is lower if the buyer can't claim they did not make the purchase because there are images of them with the card in hand. EPM online is the way to go for sure. If you don't have a Colombian bank account you can pay cash at Gana but don't ever go to the EPM office.

Perhaps when someone buys / pays for something in person there is less problems with chargebacks. There has to be a reason why people are having issues with foreign credit cards when buying online and perhaps there are merchants that just don't want to pay the fees associated with foreign credit cards. At Unidad Deportes in Belen where I swim, they have a sign up that says they will not accept Colombian EXITO charge cards to pay for services. So I wonder what's up with that, a Colombian credit card from a major retailer not accepted in Colombia? Go figure. Or perhaps the reason some credit cards are accepted and some are not is because of the fees they charge as I previously mentioned. American Express is not accepted at a lot of places because I believe they charge more than Visa or Master Card.

Regardless, and what nobody has brought up, is the use of debit cards versus credit cards. I have a USA debit card from Wells Fargo set up with Rappi and have never had an issue. And yes I get hit with like 50 cent fees when I use it, but it's an alternative that I believe will work for others.

And as far as paying for EPM bills, that can all be done online automatically if you have an account with a major Colombian bank like BanColombia. But some, which might be in your case, don't trust anybody transferring money from their bank accounts and having auto-pay set up. I personally have never had an issue either here or in the USA with autopay and don't want to mess with paying bills online.

Imagine having autopay for all your hookers!

09-05-22, 00:38
ATMs. I've read on here some reports about the conversion option should be declined which really helped me save some pesos. I've added a couple photos that may help others. Most ATMs would only let me take out 600 m, but one ATM on the big street Carrera 43 A past the Parque de El Poblado park heading away from Calle 10 allowed 1,000 m pesos.

The first image is the ATM fee, say yes to this.

The second was the one warned of by the board, say decline conversion to this.

Mojo Bandit
09-05-22, 03:22
Hi guys,

So I was reading the last 25 pages in the last couple of hours and I'm trying to understand something, without much success. Maybe I should read more pages but I'm not so optimistic that I'll find my answers.

I'm reading a lot of reports about hooking up with FB girls, and I'm struggling to understand how do you guys know who to contact? And even if you do, are you using your real FB account or some fake account you've created just for this?

I really want to visit Medellin some day (and that could be as early as next month. Still trying to decide if I want Thailand or Colombia), and I'm really into meeting local girls in my hotel. Preferably for what they call in Thailand a LT session. I also have Tinder if that helps.

Any advice for a newbie like me?

Thanks 🙏.Rule #1 Pay for a membership on this site so you can get PMs. Nobody is going to radio broadcast the info you actually need.

Rule #2 Always listed to what Nounce has to tell you.

Rule #3 Listen to what Knowledge has to say. He is not called knowledge for no reason. Learn to use the "search thread" function in these threads (if you do not know what a thread is learn that first) - then do what Nounce said and use the "search thread" function to search the "Links to Reports of Distinction" thread using the search term Facebook. There are literally guides to how to get into the Facebook scene in Medellin. And know one is going to keep typing that shit over and over because its already here. Links to Reports of Distinction. And thank Nounce for putting those links in there.

Rule #4 Pay for a membership so you can get PMs.

Fun Luvr
09-05-22, 05:43
Most ATMs would only let me take out 600 m, but one ATM on the big street Carrera 43 A past the Parque de El Poblado park heading away from Calle 10 allowed 1,000 m pesos.In that same area (corner of 43A and Calle 9), there is a Davivienda bank. Most of their ATM's allow 2,000,000 withdrawal in one transaction, and there is no ATM fee. You can do more than one withdrawal.

09-05-22, 12:17
On a Sunday night, there were very few girls. Hardly anyone seemed like a beauty. I was expecting no less than 50 because it was not raining but I didn't see more than 15. I prefer to have a look at the lady in person, have brief conversation before taking the bait so I guess the only other similar venue is centro.

09-05-22, 13:35
...Chargeback risk is lower if the buyer can't claim they did not make the purchase because there are images of them with the card in hand.....The card company knows from the chip on the card that the card is real. They don't rely on photos which are not reliable.

09-05-22, 16:13
In that same area (corner of 43A and Calle 9), there is a Davivienda bank. Most of their ATM's allow 2,000,000 withdrawal in one transaction, and there is no ATM fee. You can do more than one withdrawal.Great info! Thanks a bunch.

09-05-22, 16:18
I just returned from my first Medellin trip.

I downloaded Uber and Didi and looking at both apps there, Didi won on price by a lot.

Didi was easy to use and I didn't have to wait for a driver very long.

I took one cab when I made a really bad choice and needed a ride quickly and it was the most expensive of the three.

Elvis 2008
09-05-22, 16:19

Any one of have issues, using your card on the Rappi app, order keeps getting canceled because of verifying card crap.Yeah, and it sounds shady. We got our food just fine. Driver said order was cancelled and they and restaurant were not paid. I check it out. Charge has been made on my credit card but on line Rappi says order has been cancelled. Driver insists they have not been paid.

My gal handles it. They call multiple times. She takes screen shots, shows where we have paid ETC. People are pissed but what are you going to do? Order was like $20, If it were me, I just would have said sorry, paid in cash, and gotten the charge removed from my card. My gal is like you paid, fuck all of them.

Is this a scam by Rappi to double bill? I do not know, but something sure sounds sleazy to me.

09-05-22, 17:40
Good advice.

The number one advice I give to people that want to go with Facebook route for chica hunting is to have two accounts and keep them both completely separate with different emails and date or birth and basic demographic data. If not for secrecy, do it for privacy. You will thank me later.

Be advised that sort of content shows up on the facebook pages of other people in the "people you may know" category and in stories reels. Which other people? Anyone you may or may not know personally that facebook's algorithms target based on interactions with any kind of facebook or non facebook content anywhere on the Internet that you may have had in common. Facebook's tracking persists even when you are not logged in. So, for example, if you search for long term parking for your local airport that can be a bridge across which content from your "secret" facebook account finds its way to people from your home town.

09-05-22, 18:06
Rule #2 Always listen to what Nounce has to tell you.

Rule #3 Listen to what Knowledge has to say. I just saw a post where I think Nounce is contradicting Knowledge on photos and credit cards.

So your advice is a bit perplexing in this situation, as I don't know who is correct, perhaps both are correct, or perhaps neither are correct. LOL.

09-05-22, 18:18
Yeah, and it sounds shady. We got our food just fine. Driver said order was cancelled and they and restaurant were not paid. I check it out. Charge has been made on my credit card but on line Rappi says order has been cancelled. Driver insists they have not been paid.

My gal handles it. They call multiple times. She takes screen shots, shows where we have paid ETC. People are pissed but what are you going to do? Order was like $20, If it were me, I just would have said sorry, paid in cash, and gotten the charge removed from my card. My gal is like you paid, fuck all of them.

Is this a scam by Rappi to double bill? I do not know, but something sure sounds sleazy to me.I haven't had any issues like this using Rappi over the years, however something they started some months back is telling you in USD how much your going to be billed, with no explanation as to the exchange rate utilized.

So who knows what rate they are using, so now they are a money broker as well, no different than Western Union, and others.

09-05-22, 18:20
On a Sunday night, there were very few girls. Hardly anyone seemed like a beauty. I was expecting no less than 50 because it was not raining but I didn't see more than 15. I prefer to have a look at the lady in person, have brief conversation before taking the bait so I guess the only other similar venue is centro.Sunday's typically are the slowest days there.

09-05-22, 18:23
Good advice.

The number one advice I give to people that want to go with Facebook route for chica hunting is to have two accounts and keep them both completely separate with different emails and date or birth and basic demographic data. If not for secrecy, do it for privacy. You will thank me later.If you're trying to keep them completely separate you'll need to access the monger account only from a device which you only use for mongering, a separate phone or tablet.

09-05-22, 19:27
I haven't had any issues like this using Rappi over the years, however something they started some months back is telling you in USD how much your going to be billed, with no explanation as to the exchange rate utilized.

So who knows what rate they are using, so now they are a money broker as well, no different than Western Union, and others.You are shown the amount in pesos first, then it shows the amount in dollars. Simple math to determine the exchange rate.

09-05-22, 20:12
You are shown the amount in pesos first, then it shows the amount in dollars. Simple math to determine the exchange rate.Ok I hadn't noticed that good to know. Next time I will determine the rate and won't be surprised if it's below the market rate.

09-05-22, 20:39

Arrived 23.30 and I only found one girl at La Isla worthy of a session, way too many skinny girls. 350 k for 40 min, everything covered. Entrance was 50 k.


Loutron on the other hand had a good lineup, about 15 girls at 18.00. Mostly pretty skinny girls but a few big booty chicas as well. 350 k for 1 h everything covered. 2 girls for 1 h is 650 k. Settled on a redhead called Nicole. Perfect natural big booty with proportionate hips / thighs. Started off with a shower, massage and then sex in multiple positions.

Arrived 00.00 at Fase II, entrance 20 k, stayed for 1 h and then left.

Lineup at La Isla and Fase II was really weak compared to 4 years ago when I first visited both places.

09-05-22, 21:08
This is correct. It is unpopular information but it is true.

If you're trying to keep them completely separate you'll need to access the monger account only from a device which you only use for mongering, a separate phone or tablet.

09-05-22, 21:10
This hasn't happened to me yet but I will be on the look out fo rit. I only have a credit card issued by a USA bank registered in Rappi. I will take a look and see if maybe there is a setting for currency preference.

I haven't had any issues like this using Rappi over the years, however something they started some months back is telling you in USD how much your going to be billed, with no explanation as to the exchange rate utilized.

So who knows what rate they are using, so now they are a money broker as well, no different than Western Union, and others.

09-05-22, 21:16
Apologies for being unclear. By "photos' or "images" I was referring to images of the cardholder making the purchase so there can't be a later claim that the purchase was made by an unauthorized party or not made at all. I think we are making the same point. The chip cannot of course be read when a card is used to make an online purchase.

The card company knows from the chip on the card that the card is real. They don't rely on photos which are not reliable.

09-05-22, 21:36
ATMs. I've read on here some reports about the conversion option should be declined which really helped me save some pesos. I've added a couple photos that may help others. Most ATMs would only let me take out 600 m, but one ATM on the big street Carrera 43 A past the Parque de El Poblado park heading away from Calle 10 allowed 1,000 m pesos.

The first image is the ATM fee, say yes to this.

The second was the one warned of by the board, say decline conversion to this.Standard procedure, always decline the conversion because you're getting ripped off.

A few banks ATM (Cajeros) are free.

Banco Caja Social (there's one in the middle of Parque Lleras), Davivienda, BBVA and Colpatria are fee free (at least the last time I used one, which was May).

I avoid Bancolombia ATMs as they've a 14,000 COP fee and you can only withdraw 400,000 at a time, Banco Caja Social is free and allows 700,000 per pull.

09-05-22, 22:21
Last time I was in Medellin I had the same issues as OP described with Rappi. It wouldn't accept any of my cards.

I haven't had any issues like this using Rappi over the years, however something they started some months back is telling you in USD how much your going to be billed, with no explanation as to the exchange rate utilized.

09-05-22, 22:30
I just saw a post where I think Nounce is contradicting Knowledge on photos and credit cards.

So your advice is a bit perplexing in this situation, as I don't know who is correct, perhaps both are correct, or perhaps neither are correct. LOL. I just filled in additional detail that does not really change what Knowledge said.

09-06-22, 00:19
Yeah, and it sounds shady. We got our food just fine. Driver said order was cancelled and they and restaurant were not paid. I check it out. Charge has been made on my credit card but on line Rappi says order has been cancelled. Driver insists they have not been paid.

My gal handles it. They call multiple times. She takes screen shots, shows where we have paid ETC. People are pissed but what are you going to do? Order was like $20, If it were me, I just would have said sorry, paid in cash, and gotten the charge removed from my card. My gal is like you paid, fuck all of them.

Is this a scam by Rappi to double bill? I do not know, but something sure sounds sleazy to me.I can't figure you out. You used to kvetch about how the taxis were always ripping you off, now its Rappi. I lived here through the pandemic and Rappi was pretty much the go-to way of getting food back then and I've never had an issue. Of course, when in Colombia do like the Colombians. I always paid in cash upon delivery. I know it is a novel concept but that is what most Colombians do (the ones that use Rappi that is). How is it that trouble always seems to find you, Elvis?

Needless to mention. There are alternatives. Ifood, Uber-Eats and probably a lot of others too.

09-06-22, 01:50
Is this a place or an area?

09-06-22, 02:14
Is this a place or an area?"A point on the earths surface directly above or below an exploding nuclear bomb" LOL.

09-06-22, 02:44
I was expecting at least 100 girls at centro on a Monday morning but there were very few. Things picked up a bit later on but still no where close to what I had seen in the past. Plaza botero was very quite but otherwise swarming with camera happy tourists.

Even New Life and Zandalay were dismal in terms of quality and quantity. I have seen much better quality in the past. Girls are now insisting on propina of 50 K for besos, novia experience etc. Damn inflation.

Other than botero plaza, where else can one find girls in centro?

Tomcat 88
09-06-22, 03:11
My new buddy and I are retired 70-plus Americans and have both lived in Medellin several years. We are mostly active during daylight hours, but last Wednesday we checked out two nightclubs on Avenida 33.

First was Gisell Barra Dance at CL 33 # 76-30. We arrived at 7 before they opened at 8 because of faulty Internet information. We were invited in anyway and served Coronas for 20 mil. We weren't charged a cover.

The L-shaped bar separates the room into customer space and chica space. Initially there were three girls, then others drifted in till maybe six were in costume by 9. Neither of us were impressed by the selection. We were assured more would arrive.

When we left at 9, we were still the only customers. We were quoted prices of 150 mil for 15 minutes alone with a girl and 400 mil an hour.

We taxied to Luna Lunera Club at CL 33 # 63 B-215. Cover was 15 mil and all drinks were apparently 25 mil. We had several beers and bought drinks for two hotties who joined us.

This club was bigger and much livelier. Another table of customers was partying and other customers were arriving. We watched several women strip on small stages and then circulate for tips. Music was good and loud at both bars.

My buddy was quoted prices of 150 mil for half-hour and 300 mil for hour. Neither of us chose to partake this night. We did try to get phone numbers.

We took taxis home at 11:30. Luna Lunera is open 24 hours and Gisell from 8 pm to 4 am.

09-06-22, 03:18
Yeah, and it sounds shady. We got our food just fine. Driver said order was cancelled and they and restaurant were not paid. I check it out. Charge has been made on my credit card but on line Rappi says order has been cancelled. Driver insists they have not been paid.

My gal handles it. They call multiple times. She takes screen shots, shows where we have paid ETC. People are pissed but what are you going to do? Order was like $20, If it were me, I just would have said sorry, paid in cash, and gotten the charge removed from my card. My gal is like you paid, fuck all of them.

Is this a scam by Rappi to double bill? I do not know, but something sure sounds sleazy to me.You got your food and your card was charged? At that point any issue is between the driver and Rappi. Period. Why did you or your girl need to get involved?

Rappi is probably not running a scam to double bill people. Their business is booming. Committing widespread fraud doesn't sound like a sustainable business model. Colombian companies not able to authorize credit card transactions for US cards is fairly common. I've encountered it several times with different companies.

09-06-22, 03:33
It's true that a high percentage of locals pay Rappi and most other bills in cash. Uber Eats has not operated in Colombia for a year or so.

I can't figure you out. You used to kvetch about how the taxis were always ripping you off, now its Rappi. I lived here through the pandemic and Rappi was pretty much the go-to way of getting food back then and I've never had an issue. Of course, when in Colombia do like the Colombians. I always paid in cash upon delivery. I know it is a novel concept but that is what most Colombians do (the ones that use Rappi that is). How is it that trouble always seems to find you, Elvis?

Needless to mention. There are alternatives. Ifood, Uber-Eats and probably a lot of others too.

09-06-22, 05:13
Is this a place or an area?It's an area, ground zero is referred to el Centro more specifically area surrounding Botero Plaza because a lot of things happen here.

09-06-22, 06:45
Is this a place or an area?It refers to the location shown in the image.

09-06-22, 08:15

Arrived 23.30 and I only found one girl at La Isla worthy of a session, way too many skinny girls. 350 k for 40 min, everything covered. Entrance was 50 k.


Loutron on the other hand had a good lineup, about 15 girls at 18.00. Mostly pretty skinny girls but a few big booty chicas as well. 350 k for 1 h everything covered. 2 girls for 1 h is 650 k. Settled on a redhead called Nicole. Perfect natural big booty with proportionate hips / thighs. Started off with a shower, massage and then sex in multiple positions.

Arrived 00.00 at Fase II, entrance 20 k, stayed for 1 h and then left.

Lineup at La isla and Fase II was really weak compared to 4 years ago when I first visited both places.I haven't been in forever but I keep hearing that the "premium" places are starting to slip in quality.

My guess is that truly cream of the crop are exclusively doing OnlyFans or similar "I show my tits and you send me money" type sites.

If you can get horny guys in the Middle East and Asia to send you 17,000,000 pesos per month for simply playing with yourself on a laptop camera then why the hell would you drag yourself out to dance on some stage or sit in some room in a Mansion waiting for random guys to show up and bang you?

09-06-22, 10:42
First, I want to thank you gentlemen for answering questions so quickly. Trip will be in November and would be happy to buy any of you a drink. Now, how do you ask for anal sex in spanish. I always managed to get the idea across but each time the girl used a different term and my spanish is mediocre at best.

Tomcat 88
09-06-22, 11:39
My new buddy and I are retired 70-plus Americans and have both lived in Medellin several years. We are mostly active during daylight hours, but last Wednesday we checked out two nightclubs on Avenida 33.

First was Gisell Barra Dance at CL 33 # 76-30. We arrived at 7 before they opened at 8 because of faulty Internet information. We were invited in anyway and served Coronas for 20 mil. We weren't charged a cover.

The L-shaped bar separates the room into customer space and chica space. Initially there were three girls, then others drifted in till maybe six were in costume by 9. Neither of us were impressed by the selection. We were assured more would arrive.

When we left at 9, we were still the only customers. We were quoted prices of 150 mil for 15 minutes alone with a girl and 400 mil an hour.

We taxied to Luna Lunera Club at CL 33 # 63 B-215. Cover was 15 mil and all drinks were apparently 25 mil. We had several beers and bought drinks for two hotties who joined us.

This club was bigger and much livelier. Another table of customers was partying, at least 15 women were present and other customers were arriving. We watched several women strip on small stages and then circulate for tips. Music was good and loud at both bars.

My buddy was quoted prices of 150 mil for half-hour and 300 mil for hour. Neither of us chose to partake this night. We did try to get phone numbers.

We took taxis home at 11:30. Luna Lunera is open 24 hours and Gisell from 8 pm to 4 am.

09-06-22, 14:55
I made my first trip to Medellin a couple weeks ago and this was the first time I had to use the CheckMig website. It's a disaster. I don't know if it was coded by a local middleschool club or something but I recommend people allocate a lot of time to actually get it to work. I read online to just keep trying and after hours of trying I was able to get it for my trip entering Colombia. On the way back I tried a dozen times and then gave up and took screenshots of the error message. I thought I would have to argue with the Immigration office but no one said anything and there was no issue. I don't know if this will happen with everyone but in the future I'll only try a couple times when leaving.

Mr Enternational
09-06-22, 15:35
Colombian companies not able to authorize credit card transactions for US cards is fairly common. I've encountered it several times with different companies.But in my experience it is on Colombia's end with Rappi because I have called the card companies after being denied and they said there was not even a transaction attempted. This place is just shitty with technology. Same as guys saying checking not working correctly and same as the Bancolombia ATM not spitting out the 600,000 that they charged me for.

Mr Enternational
09-06-22, 15:38
My guess is that truly cream of the crop are exclusively doing OnlyFans or similar "I show my tits and you send me money" type sites.Who has to show tits these days? Women are becoming millionaires for showing feet, farting in jars, sending used pantyhose, and even just eating in front of a camera.

Mr Enternational
09-06-22, 15:45
the CheckMig website. It's a disaster. I don't know if it was coded by a local middleschool club or something but I recommend people allocate a lot of time to actually get it to work. I read online to just keep trying and after hours of trying I was able to get it for my trip entering Colombia. On the way back I tried a dozen times and then gave up and took screenshots of the error message.Folks have frequently reported problems with the website. I use the app on my phone and have never had a problem.

09-06-22, 16:39
It turns out that one of our brothers is the Colombian senator Alex Florez. Unfortunately for him, he is now well known for his hobby. A provider came forward in the press to confirm the she and the senator met at the infamous Cartagena clocktower. She also confirmed she is 19 years old going on 20. This was helpful to the senator because there had been unconfirmed reports the provider might not have been of legal age. The story would have faded from the headlines by now if the senator had followed our guidelines, but he did not.

Very unwisely, and in highly drunken state, the senator proceeded to verbally abuse and threaten the staff of his upscale hotel when they denied the girl entry because she was not able to present a cedula. Apologies and a few banknotes might have facilitated a happy ending for the senator if he had slowed his roll at that point, but he did not. The hotel staff summoned the police because they judged the senator to be out of control. When the police arrived, the senator directed his anger and abusive language toward them (see the video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_0rRuPDbmw). When you see the video you may decide I understated how inebriated the senator was; his eyes are glowing in the reflected light of the camera. He now has to respond to the formal sanction of a prosecutor. A relatively young man, I'm not sure he will be able to apologize his way back into a viable career. His behavior is a textbook example of what we must not do.


09-06-22, 16:45
The Colombian expression is uncharacteristically direct: "anal" or "sexo anal. " I hope you enjoy your visit.

First, I want to thank you gentlemen for answering questions so quickly. Trip will be in November and would be happy to buy any of you a drink. Now, how do you ask for anal sex in spanish. I always managed to get the idea across but each time the girl used a different term and my spanish is mediocre at best.

Wee Donk
09-06-22, 16:58
Yo yo.

Been on a solid RTFF run. Initially I though 75 pages gave me enough knowledge to hit the ground running but I now see how much more I've come across after 250 pages. Like rating ladies, desired ways to monger are super subjective so I've taken things with a grain of salt, but I'm still most excited about the street scene, specifically ground zero. You guys are pretty hilarious, quite a few legends amongst y'all. Going to get a subscription at the very least to support the site, and best case scenario I link up with a fellow gent or two.

One thing I'm curious about that doesn't seem to be talked about often (at least to make my understanding definitive), in an el centro pick up, is it standard to pay before the deed (once you reach the room) or after the deed is done? Or does it just vary from monger to Chica? I know in the states, certain cities like Baltimore is pay after always, where as in other cities it's usually before. Brazil I remember was after in TLN situations (back in the discote, Costa Rica board stressed pay after (if I remember correctly).

Fun Luvr
09-06-22, 17:10
I made my first trip to Medellin a couple weeks ago and this was the first time I had to use the CheckMig website. It's a disaster.I have used the site 21 times (11 trips) since Colombia re-opened from Covid-19. I haven't had a problem any of those times. I use a computer instead of a smart phone, so that may be the reason. There are a couple of minor glitches. They use the Spanish name for the United States, and Orlando is not in the dropdown selection for the origination city. I select Florida, which is in the list, as the city and everything goes smoothly.

09-06-22, 17:21
I haven't been in forever but I keep hearing that the "premium" places are starting to slip in quality.

My guess is that truly cream of the crop are exclusively doing OnlyFans or similar "I show my tits and you send me money" type sites.

If you can get horny guys in the Middle East and Asia to send you 17,000,000 pesos per month for simply playing with yourself on a laptop camera then why the hell would you drag yourself out to dance on some stage or sit in some room in a Mansion waiting for random guys to show up and bang you?I thought I was in the twilight zone. The girls working at Hooters (parque Lleras) looked 1000 x hotter than the working girls.

You're right, must be the webcam / Onlyfans scene getting all the hot talent. Easy money, can't blame them, but man does it suck.

09-06-22, 18:25
I don't use it quite as often. I remember the site was out of order and unavailable via desktop browser or smartphone maybe a year or so ago. Generally I find the user interface counterintuitive but I always manage to get my trip registered in the end.

I have used the site 21 times (11 trips) since Colombia re-opened from Covid-19. I haven't had a problem any of those times. I use a computer instead of a smart phone, so that may be the reason. There are a couple of minor glitches. They use the Spanish name for the United States, and Orlando is not in the dropdown selection for the origination city. I select Florida, which is in the list, as the city and everything goes smoothly.

Tomcat 88
09-06-22, 19:17
Only eight months ago I bought chewable sildenafil for little more than regular type, 2000 mil vs 1200 mil. But now two 50 MG tablets of chewables cost 4300 mil compared to 1400 mil for two regulars. These prices are from best discount drugstore downtown, Drogas Calidad. Other stores and online often quote prices of 6200 mil or higher. What's going on? Is this true other places as well?

09-06-22, 20:14

I just went to the green pharmacy AR La 70 and they couldn't get me Truvada.

Does anyone knows where I can ask now?

I'm kinda desperate.

Thanks in advance!

09-07-22, 00:31
I just went to the green pharmacy AR La 70 and they couldn't get me Truvada.
Does anyone knows where I can ask now?
I'm kinda desperate.
Thanks in advance!After a broken condom, I tried to get some and was denied in all four places I tried. I think you may need to get it back at the states. Hope you had better luck than I did.

09-07-22, 02:08
One thing I'm curious about that doesn't seem to be talked about often (at least to make my understanding definitive), in an el centro pick up, is it standard to pay before the deed (once you reach the room) or after the deed is done? Or does it just vary from monger to Chica? I know in the states, certain cities like Baltimore is pay after always, where as in other cities it's usually before. Brazil I remember was after in TLN situations (back in the discote, Costa Rica board stressed pay after (if I remember correctly).For Centro there are no rules or norms, regardless, it's always best to pay afterwards.

But to insure this, and to avoid any mis-understandings, just tell the Chica that you always pay afterwards before entering the Love Motel.

If she balks, then walk.

Major red flag.

09-07-22, 03:25
Have you tried rappi?


I just went to the green pharmacy AR La 70 and they couldn't get me Truvada.

Does anyone knows where I can ask now?

I'm kinda desperate.

Thanks in advance!

09-07-22, 09:16
If you're trying to keep them completely separate you'll need to access the monger account only from a device which you only use for mongering, a separate phone or tablet.Yes of course. Good point.

09-07-22, 09:36
You got your food and your card was charged? At that point any issue is between the driver and Rappi. Period. Why did you or your girl need to get involved?

Rappi is probably not running a scam to double bill people. Their business is booming. Committing widespread fraud doesn't sound like a sustainable business model. Colombian companies not able to authorize credit card transactions for US cards is fairly common. I've encountered it several times with different companies.I also understandably reacted like you the first time it happened to me. It is, I belive a glitch in the system and not a scam but Rappi needs to fix it.

The card we have there is good so it gets accepted and the store prepares food and the driver picks it up. Then he get a message that card is declined and he needs to collect cash. If he does not show up with cash, he gets charged. This happened to me at least two times in the last trip. Both times I ended up paying cash to the driver. The orders are large and driver is clearly panicking. He showed me message on his phone that says efectivo to be collected.

Turns out, both times my card was later refunded. My CC app sends a notification that a charge is made so we assume that it was paid. For some stupid ass reason Colombian bank denies at and ir stays in pending status and never actually got paid. Ir took two days for the "pending " status to disappear on my CC app. So of this happens to you, instead of getting your BP up in the middle of the night, take a photo of the drivers app, pay him cash and call your CC next morning, after a few sessions. The OP's story was almost identical to mine. My girl was going nuts. I had to calm her down.

So when incompetence can explain it, why suspect conspiracy? (I am paraphrasing one of my favorite quotes).

09-07-22, 09:42
Finally a review about girls. Good Intel. Thank you.

BTW, it seems like "stripclubs" are dying a slow death all over the world. I used to and still enjoy the vibe of a club. Too bad.


Arrived 23.30 and I only found one girl at La Isla worthy of a session, way too many skinny girls. 350 k for 40 min, everything covered. Entrance was 50 k.


Loutron on the other hand had a good lineup, about 15 girls at 18.00. Mostly pretty skinny girls but a few big booty chicas as well. 350 k for 1 h everything covered. 2 girls for 1 h is 650 k. Settled on a redhead called Nicole. Perfect natural big booty with proportionate hips / thighs. Started off with a shower, massage and then sex in multiple positions.

Arrived 00.00 at Fase II, entrance 20 k, stayed for 1 h and then left.

Lineup at La isla and Fase II was really weak compared to 4 years ago when I first visited both places.

Fun Luvr
09-07-22, 17:23
Only eight months ago I bought chewable sildenafil for little more than regular type, 2000 mil vs 1200 mil. You should drop "mil" when you write the complete amount in numbers. If you offer a chica 150,000 mil, she will think she has hit the jackpot and will get paid 150,000,000. If you want to designate pesos, use COP after the number.

09-07-22, 17:50
I have been reading the reviews at catadora Colombia. They are pretty extensive, along with addresses and numbers. Anyone tried them?

09-07-22, 19:34
Only eight months ago I bought chewable sildenafil for little more than regular type, 2000 mil vs 1200 mil. But now two 50 MG tablets of chewables cost 4300 mil compared to 1400 mil for two regulars. These prices are from best discount drugstore downtown, Drogas Calidad. Other stores and online often quote prices of 6200 mil or higher. What's going on? Is this true other places as well?You seen any news the past year? Inflation lmao. It's 50 cents more who cares.

Even the casas are going up, natalia is now a whopping 60 for hh instead of 55, which was previously 50.

To the rappi posts, I had the same problem, just message support non stop and they will call you on your colombian sim and you can verify manually.

But yea casas lineups haven't been great, the girls seem too seasoned too. Not sure why.

Ground zero has been great, the repeat sessions are key once you found some girls you like. Have a nice rotation of 3-4 girls now that do DFK and BBBJ for 40 k +7 k pieza.

09-07-22, 20:32
It's a Spanish language review site for locals a lot like this site. I've cross referenced phone numbers and ads on milerotica and photoprepagos with reviews there. I found the reviews to be very useful when I was looking for PSE providers.

I have been reading the reviews at catadora Colombia. They are pretty extensive, along with addresses and numbers. Anyone tried them?

09-07-22, 21:15
Catador is #1 and Don Colombia is #2, they are similar to this website minus the high volume of off topic content here. Catador recently started an English language forum within the site. I haven't seen it but this thread is reminding I meant to take a look. The main site uses an organized format for reviews with rating categories for personal hygiene and physical attributes. As Recondite correctly pointed out, there is more content on it about apartments and online providers than there is about casas or street girls.

It's a Spanish language review site for locals a lot like this site. I've cross referenced phone numbers and ads on milerotica and photoprepagos with reviews there. I found the reviews to be very useful when I was looking for PSE providers.

09-08-22, 01:08
As mentioned previously, the casa service hasn't been spectacular as it usually is.

I've been to 5 casas this week, and every time there has been a few big black American dudes hanging out, drinking, and they're good guys don't get me wrong, I talked to a couple.

Along with a couple of backpacker hippie European guys.

But I mention this for two reasons:

1) the casa girls are used to gringos, there's no gringo charm or dollar signs, they just figure you'll be gone in a week, and they're sick of talking with a translator or broken Spanish (the girls words, "que pereza".

2) Colombian girls aren't used to the Big black c*ck hahaha! They get all tired out.

So yea I went to zandlay yesterday and went with Paola, the white thick vennie who has always been great, but this time she was a dead fish. I could barely stay hard, she was like a corpse.

I asked why she was so timida, and she said I was her 5th client that day.


The girls are human, I get it, and it's only 50 k ($12) down the drain. No big deal.

So I went back out and asked the sexy mamasan (the blonde one, I wish she worked too) who the girls were that didn't work yet today.

She brought out 3 girls, I got Sofia the lightskin girl that has a fitness model body, and had a great session.

So yea, ask for the girls that haven't worked yet. They'll be happy they're getting some money and get more turned on. This is a johnny walker original.

Side note, I saw an American dude around 70 years old, mustache and glasses, carrying a tinto, walking with another older guy, around ground zero yesterday on the clear walkway.

Was that anyone here? If so, I'll introduce myself next time. Hahah.

Happy mongering.


09-08-22, 03:46
Hello all,

Heading to Medellin on Sunday and I got a lot of good information from this group. A lot of great contributors and too many to list but thank you all and I definitely owe a couple people a drink.

I went the facbook route, hoping to meet some non-pros and semi-pros, and I have a couple girls lined up for next week.

Would also appreciate if anyone could share some confirmed FB leads as all mine are hypothetical.

Also I'll be in Medellin for a month so if anyone wants to connect, just send me a PM.

Mr Enternational
09-08-22, 04:53
So yea I went to zandlay yesterday
So I went back out and asked the sexy mamasan (the blonde one, I wish she worked too)Yeah I tried my damndest when me and TK were in there but she was not going for it.

09-08-22, 05:38
Standard procedure, always decline the conversion because you're getting ripped off.

A few banks ATM (Cajeros) are free.

Banco Caja Social (there's one in the middle of Parque Lleras), Davivienda, BBVA and Colpatria are fee free (at least the last time I used one, which was May).

I avoid Bancolombia ATMs as they've a 14,000 COP fee and you can only withdraw 400,000 at a time, Banco Caja Social is free and allows 700,000 per pull.Davivienda, Caja Social, and BBVA are fee free, I've never used colpatria before so I wouldn't know. However you're off a little bit on your info bro, Bancolombia charges a fee of 22 k COP per transaction and they let you pull more than 400 k, I can't remember how much I want to say 900 k maybe, but I hardly ever use them so I don't remember but it's definitely more than 400 k. Also, at Caja Social the limit is only 300 k COP per transaction and BBVA is also 300k per transaction. Davivienda has the highest limits of any Atms.

09-08-22, 12:56
As mentioned previously, the casa service hasn't been spectacular as it usually is.

I've been to 5 casas this week, and everytime there has been a few big black american dudes hanging out, drinking, and they're good guys don't get me wrong, I talked to a couple.

Along with a couple of backpacker hippie European guys.

But I mention this for two reasons:

1) the casa girls are used to gringos, there's no gringo charm or dollar signs, they just figure you'll be gone in a week, and they're sick of talking with a translator or broken Spanish (the girls words, "que pereza".

2) Colombian girls aren't used to the Big black see*ck hahaha! They get all tired out.

So yea I went to zandlay yesterday and went with paola, the white thick vennie who has always been great, but this time she was a dead fish. I could barely stay hard, she was like a corpse.

I asked why she was so timida, and she said I was her 5th client that day..You are so damn right and have described my experience as well. I too have noticed the same issues at Casas, looks and performance have been hit quite a bit lately. The rates are still pretty cheap, New Life is 60 for media hora now but it has become impossible to find decent looking girls. And the girls are tired. Too many clients I think. Translator is no fun. On two separate occasions, I had to go for 2 girls back to back because the performances were lack luster.

Zand and New Life have been quite poor in terms of quality.

I really liked your idea of picking up girls that have not had a session so far. A pretty good technique.

09-08-22, 15:24
Bancolombia charges a fee of 22 k COP per transaction and they let you pull more than 400 k, I can't remember how much I want to say 900 k maybe, but I hardly ever use them so I don't remember but it's definitely more than 400 k. AYep - 22 k fee and 600 k limit.

09-08-22, 16:58
she said I was her 5th client that day..What time did you visit?

09-08-22, 17:07
Davivienda, Caja Social, and BBVA are fee free As other reviewer have mentioned, BBVA now charges 15 mil per transaction for cash withdrawals. Upper limit is still 300 mil. Just heads up.

Mr Enternational
09-08-22, 17:59
Bancolombia charges a fee of 22 k COP per transaction and they let you pull more than 400 k, I can't remember how much I want to say 900 k maybe.600 K because that was exactly how much they tried to steal from me.

Fun Luvr
09-08-22, 18:25
I went to Davivienda on LA 70 this morning and withdrew money from the ATM. All money was 100 mil notes. I went inside the bank to exchange the 100's. They would only exchange 500 mil, and they gave me all 50 mil notes. It is difficult enough for merchants to accept 50 mil, almost impossible for taxis. I never imagined I would have problems spending money, but it's happening.

09-08-22, 20:06
Hello all,

Heading to Medellin on Sunday and I got a lot of good information from this group. A lot of great contributors and too many to list but thank you all and I definitely owe a couple people a drink.

I went the facbook route, hoping to meet some non-pros and semi-pros, and I have a couple girls lined up for next week.

Would also appreciate if anyone could share some confirmed FB leads as all mine are hypothetical.

Also I'll be in Medellin for a month so if anyone wants to connect, just send me a PM.I found many of my FB leads SWing near the Park Ileras and giving me the same prices. So for me, FB has not been non-pros or semi-pros. My source of FB leads began with someone else's FB friend list. YMMV.

09-08-22, 20:48
I went to Davivienda on LA 70 this morning and withdrew money from the ATM. All money was 100 mil notes. I went inside the bank to exchange the 100's. They would only exchange 500 mil, and they gave me all 50 mil notes. It is difficult enough for merchants to accept 50 mil, almost impossible for taxis. I never imagined I would have problems spending money, but it's happening.Go to your more successful cash businesses like billiard spots and bars, or go to New Life and buy a session. A little common sense goes a long ways.

09-09-22, 02:14
What time did you visit?Like 6:15, paola is probably the most popular girl there and is usually booked all day, I figured I was lucky to get her but alas.

Sessioned with a regular today, samantha from dulce compania. Classic sexy paisa look.

She's a pro, been there for a year at least, recommend.

And funlovr, go to the casinos in centro and they will give you change. That's my go to. Just act like you're ready to gamble and go to the money window.

I usually give them 300 k in 50 k notes and ask for 20 k notes back, or 10 k if possible.

No problem. Also on the ATM discussion, I have found colpatria / scotiabank to be the best. There is an ATM right next to parque berrio. 900 k at a time and good conversion rate.

Litmus Smut
09-09-22, 02:33

I will be in Medellin from Sept 27 to October 2 (5 Days). Short, but looking to tick a couple boxes. This announcement is to see if anyone is interested in either or both of these two things:

- Lunch.

** I've met other mongers in Medellin on previous trips and had lunch with them. There is a good steak place on Carrera 70 that I would recommend and would be open to meeting and eating at another recommendation.

** Would aim to have a handshake, trade stories, and tips on locations of girls as we all have our habits that we prefer.

- Provenza.

** I've gone solo through Provenza and never stopped for a sit and a beer there. The place looks too damn nice, too social to keep passing up, but I do not want to do that solo. Provenza does not emit the vibe to easily allow for a solo gringo to sit at a table by himself with a beer, so looking for a wingman to simply chill with.

That's it. If anyone is up for one or both, message me.

As for me, I'm exceptionally normal. No anxiety issues, no prescriptions, no drugs. Just a beer and occasional cigarette from the street vendors.

09-09-22, 02:40
There are definitely nonpros and semipros on Facebook. It's a social networking site that normal people use to socialize with friends and family. That's why I like Facebook and have never tried Seeking Arangements or Colombian Cupid. Your luck on Facebook will depend on how interested normal Colombian girls are on friending you or responding to your friend requests. That's going to be based on the quality of your profile, including your own photos, looks etc, as well as some time. Only prepagos, and maybe not even all of them, are going to friend you if you don't have your own photos on your profile. You also generate more interest with regular stories and posts. I like the stories feature as likes are private and the posts delete themselves after 24 hours. More normal girls will want to be your friend if you are relatively handsome, have interesting photos just like on dating apps and social media in the US or Europe. That being said, I think you don't need to be nearly as handsome, interesting etc, in Colombia as you would in the US or Europe to generate a good deal of interest. I've had some luck using Facebook for dating nonpros and semipros in Medellin as I've written about in some of my previous posts. I've also mentioned some of the signs I look for to identify a nonpro profile on Facebook.

I found many of my FB leads SWing near the Park Ileras and giving me the same prices. So for me, FB has not been non-pros or semi-pros. My source of FB leads began with someone else's FB friend list. YMMV.

09-09-22, 12:47
I wanted to get advice on the mileroticos chicks. I message them on whatsapp and they have apartments. I am worried of getting drugged if I go to their place. I was thinking to rent a hotel and tell them to come to me. Another option is having them come to my airbnb but I don't think that's a good idea in terms of safety. Or should I go to their apartment? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

09-09-22, 13:09
As other reviewer have mentioned, BBVA now charges 15 mil per transaction for cash withdrawals. Upper limit is still 300 mil. Just heads up.Not true, I just used BBVA recently it says esta transaccion tiene un costo de $.0.00 on the bottom of the screen. Do I need to go use them agn and take a picture for you? And by recently I mean like 3 days ago.

However I have a suspicion that this could vary depending on what bank you use and if they have an agreement with BBVA or not. I use Capital One, what's in your wallet? LOL.

09-09-22, 14:02
I'm in Medellin now, but flying of to Cartagena for 3 nights. I don't need to bring all my stuff with me. Is there any sort of short term temporary storage service? I was thinking about just grabbing something cheap off of airbnb.

09-09-22, 15:40
I'm in Medellin now, but flying of to Cartagena for 3 nights. I don't need to bring all my stuff with me. Is there any sort of short term temporary storage service? I was thinking about just grabbing something cheap off of airbnb.If you're staying in a hotel or will be afterwards I'd inquire there. I've had the Marriott and Sheraton hold pieces of luggage (nothing too expensive, just clothes and toiletries) for weeks at a time.

09-09-22, 15:44
I wanted to get advice on the mileroticos chicks. I message them on whatsapp and they have apartments. I am worried of getting drugged if I go to their place. I was thinking to rent a hotel and tell them to come to me. Another option is having them come to my airbnb but I don't think that's a good idea in terms of safety. Or should I go to their apartment? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.I went to see one in her Laureles apartment and one came to my hotel room. It was fine both times, but I recommend having a Whatsapp call with them. Both of them looked different than their pics on the site.

Fun Luvr
09-09-22, 16:31
I wanted to get advice on the mileroticos chicks. I message them on whatsapp and they have apartments. I am worried of getting drugged if I go to their place. I was thinking to rent a hotel and tell them to come to me. Another option is having them come to my airbnb but I don't think that's a good idea in terms of safety. Or should I go to their apartment? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.You are totally over thinking the situation. The chicas make a living by providing a service at their apartment. If they were robbing and/or drugging people there, the word would get out and they would no longer be making a living. Hundreds of people a week go to the apartments and I haven't heard of anyone being harmed. If you pick up a chica from the Park Lleras area, you will be rolling the dice on your safety because you won't know anything about that chica. You will have an address and an image of the chica in an apartment so you will have some recourse if something goes wrong.

09-09-22, 17:41
Public parking lots will store luggage for you at a very low daily cost. As another poster advised, you should not entrust valuables to unknown parties.

If you're staying in a hotel or will be afterwards I'd inquire there. I've had the Marriott and Sheraton hold pieces of luggage (nothing too expensive, just clothes and toiletries) for weeks at a time.

Elvis 2008
09-09-22, 19:23
I also understandably reacted like you the first time it happened to me. It is, I belive a glitch in the system and not a scam but Rappi needs to fix it.
Yeah, that is what I think now too. Drivers quit calling my gal and bugging her so it seems like they got paid. CC was still charged. Still, Rappi has issues.

A 1. 3 out of 5 rating. https://www.trustpilot.com/review/rappi.com.

Unhappy drivers burning their backpacks in front of corporate offices. https://contxto.com/en/colombia/deliverers-protest-in-front-of-rappis-headquarters/.

They have a good market cap but Rappi is not making any money https://colombiareports.com/colombias-delivery-app-rappi-is-not-as-profitable-as-it-seems/.

And here is my personal favorite. https://restofworld.org/2021/rappi-unicorn-faces-competition/.

As far back as 2018, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), Colombia's consumer protection watchdog, revealed that Rappi had received more than 631,449 complaints and refund claims over the course of seven months. This amounted to around 2% of all orders made during that period. As far back as 2018, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), Colombia's consumer protection watchdog, revealed that Rappi had received more than 631,449 complaints and refund claims over the course of seven months. This amounted to around 2% of all orders made during that period. SIC ultimately slapped the maximum fine possible on Rappi: around half a million dollars the equivalent of three days' 2019 revenue.

But Viliany the V has not had any problems with Rappi so that cannot be true. He and JJBee (and Pile on Pauline before they had a falling out) love to pile on people with their supposed superior "knowledge" of Colombia but really they are doing what they always do, humping the powers that be. Colombia is great. Fauci is great. Rappi is great. And then they think that the TPTB will give them special privileges when of course TPTB have no clue who the fuck they are. It is narcissistic delusion.

With taxis, my gal handles paying for it, and I have seen a dozen times cab drivers tried to fuck her over. They will ask for 20 k and she will say 10 k, give it to them, and tell me let's go. My impression is being ripped off by a cabbie is a way of life there.

That said, my favorite part of Colombia is the people and their families. They really support each other, and they work as hard or harder than other places. Thing is they would be much wealthier if they had better government and not so many shitty business practices.

In Cartagena this time, the roads were flooded, and they were horrible. When one of my gal's relatives asked how I liked Colombia, I said I love it and my favorite part was how cheap the pools were. You just get two orange pylons, a hose, and find yourself an average pot hole to fill with water, and you can dive in. They burst out laughing.

Truth is I had a long connection in Fort Lauderdale and rented a car and was driving around when it was raining. There were not these huge puddles on the streets where your car is 2 or 3 feet submerged like Colombia. My gal's daughter sees stuff like that and so do her friends, and they want to move out. So Colombia looks to be losing their best and brightest.

So yeah, crummy roads, shady cabbies, and horrible government is the norm not just when I go but for Colombians. Yeah, Rappi is this great success story business wise but look at what shitty service they provide. In countries with higher quality standards, they would never have gotten out of the gate.

And in this case, someone asked if anyone had issues with Rappi and I said what happened to me. I think when people complain they do so out of a hope things will get better, and I have zero expectation of that. So in my mind, I am not complaining. I am just telling people how it is.

09-09-22, 19:53
Hi guys, where is a nice cheap short term room I can walk to o take a didi to if I meet someone in parque lleras?

09-09-22, 20:23
I imagine like many members here I've read quite a few reviews of indie apartment girls from mileroticos. In no particular order, the three worst situations are 1. The so-called "cambiazo" when the girl in the advert photo is not the same (usually not as attractive) as the girl in the apartment, 2. Smelly pussy and / or ass (aseo), 3. Shitty service (la vaca muerta).

You are totally over thinking the situation. The chicas make a living by providing a service at their apartment. If they were robbing and/or drugging people there, the word would get out and they would no longer be making a living. Hundreds of people a week go to the apartments and I haven't heard of anyone being harmed. If you pick up a chica from the Park Lleras area, you will be rolling the dice on your safety because you won't know anything about that chica. You will have an address and an image of the chica in an apartment so you will have some recourse if something goes wrong.

09-09-22, 20:35
I thought I was in the twilight zone. The girls working at Hooters (parque Lleras) looked 1000 x hotter than the working girls.

You're right, must be the webcam / Onlyfans scene getting all the hot talent. Easy money, can't blame them, but man does it suck.Has anyone taken any of the Hooters girls home? Or seen them outside the spot after their shift?

09-09-22, 21:30
If you're staying in a hotel or will be afterwards I'd inquire there. I've had the Marriott and Sheraton hold pieces of luggage (nothing too expensive, just clothes and toiletries) for weeks at a time.I'm at a Hilton property, so it's worth a shot. Thanks!

09-09-22, 21:46
By the way what happened to the legendary slapshot. And Thanks rice rocket. I rarely entertain since having passport issues but the site was really dry til you brought some liquid quality into play. I hail you the New Medellin don, replacing slapshot LOL.

.I remember seeing his nice collection of photos from his chica rotation on this board. Unfortunately, I don't have a jacuzzi. But I'm going to give his playboy bunnies some competition. I might lose, but at least I'll give him a run for the money. I looked back at my photo album for the past year, in which about 4 months were spent in Medellin. These were IMO the hottest that I've met and all were in the 150-200 mil plus taxis. They're also the party type chicas, so it's tussi and mari and my dickie pumping up their pussy, making it juicy! It took hard work and time to compile this rotation. Sorry, I won't be able to share contacts because I lost them all hehe. Cheers from Slaprocket to Slapshot.

09-09-22, 22:12
As other reviewer have mentioned, BBVA now charges 15 mil per transaction for cash withdrawals. Upper limit is still 300 mil. Just heads up.But the rate is better in BBVA than bancolombia after all the charges.

In BBVAb - 300 mil = 70.3 USD.

In Bancolombia - 300 mil = 74 USD.

09-09-22, 22:27
Had so much fun like before, this is my second time in Medellin and I love it. Stayed at San Peters in Laureles, except for noise it's a perfect location. Love the restaurants on Avenida Jardin, the little park in 5 min walk, Al Alma breakfast place 74 B #39-143. Visited all the regular places like New life, Zandalay, Aiffe, Energy (worst of all) and reached out to couple of Photoprepagos girls. This time there is a change in the San Peters bar, there were some girls waiting there from Thursdays to Saturdays. One of the girls is a real model, I think her name is Stephanie or something, my friend took her.

San Peters is close to LA 70 and on weekends noise is crazy, just be aware of that. Except that this place is perfect, close to El Centro, Poblado and all other places.

Little bit of Spanish will go a long way here with the girls and elsewhere. Just brush up on little Spanish phrases and that's good enough. I used duolingo and it's great and I felt I had better experience this time because of my Spanish. By the way, traffic got lot worse from last time about 21/2 years ago. If you are visiting Medellin experience the Metro cables (Line k and l) and do a tour of Guatape, you will love both.

Loved New Life (100 k per HR) and Zandalay (85 k per HR).

Poblado girls are asking 300 k per HR and Independents on Photoprepagos are asking about 140 k - 180 k.

09-10-22, 00:30
Can anyone help with recommending a really reliable, good security detail? Or driver / tour guide? I RTFF like 400 pages almost, but found no information on hiring security for a short-term trip. Thank you!

09-10-22, 01:30
Can anyone help with recommending a really reliable, good security detail? Or driver / tour guide? I RTFF like 400 pages almost, but found no information on hiring security for a short-term trip. Thank you!I found a PDF created by one (or more) of the senior members here (Sorry I don't remember the author's name). It't dated 2021, but should still work. It has a section at the bottom for drivers, although I haven't used any.

09-10-22, 02:04
But the rate is better in BBVA than bancolombia after all the charges.

In BBVAb - 300 mil = 70.3 USD.

In Bancolombia - 300 mil = 74 USD.Unless you compared the 2 at exactly the same minute you don't really know. And what are you comparing. ATM conversion, at a teller, on line?

I know when I convert money the rate that is quoted is good for 10 minutes only. ATM conversions change at least daily, and depending on your home bank and what clearing house they use those rates may also change by the minute. In my case my home bank does the conversion so it doesn't matter what bank I deal with in the foreign country. I am not from the USA and my bank does not use the VISA or Mastercard systems for currency conversion.

09-10-22, 02:47
Check the gringo groups on facebook. There are several who market their services there.

Can anyone help with recommending a really reliable, good security detail? Or driver / tour guide? I RTFF like 400 pages almost, but found no information on hiring security for a short-term trip. Thank you!

09-10-22, 02:53
The infamous "cambiazo. ".

I went to see one in her Laureles apartment and one came to my hotel room. It was fine both times, but I recommend having a Whatsapp call with them. Both of them looked different than their pics on the site.