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12-06-10, 06:12
Hi guys,

New law in Medellin for December passed by Mayor. Taxi cabs will add an additional $500cop to your fare during the month of December. Some kind of x-mas bonus for cabbies. So don`t panic when the the cab fare is different than the meter.

Frank Casio !This law is older than you Frank.

12-06-10, 10:54
First off. Thanks for the report as I was getting bored with all the chit chat on this forum.

As per your report. My friend I think every one has their own taste. My first visit to Medellin I stayed about 6 days in Mde and I was not much impressed with quality of girls in Mde. For similar reason as mentioned by you that I had visited all these centro casas and service at the Casas as always are quick and impersonal but during that first trip I had some great experiences as well so I went a second time.

From that point on I have had about 7 trips to Mde and IMHO each visit got better and better. Medellin is a place where you develop contacts over a period of time and once you have had good experiences they make your trips worth while. I think you had one such GFE during your trip but think about it if you can have 8 or 10 such GFE than such experiences will make you return to MDE again and again.

I am sure you did not stay at Medellin Mansion but if you would have stayed at the Mansion your experiences could have been much different. Seems to me like you went hunting at the cheap casas most of the time and even if you would have experience the best of the Casas like Loutrons you would still have same non GFE experiences.

IMHO Medellin has some of the sweetest girls.



Aussie Greg
12-06-10, 14:53
Yep, and the price also goes up every year 1st Jan mate !! so I will guess and say that the increase will stay into Jan, Feb, ect


This law is older than you Frank.

Latin Bound
12-06-10, 14:59
Hi guys,

New law in Medellin for December passed by Mayor. Taxi cabs will add an additional $500cop to your fare during the month of December. Some kind of x-mas bonus for cabbies. So don`t panic when the the cab fare is different than the meter.

Frank Casio !I just came back from MDE Saturday after a month's stay. If I recall correctly the news, and exactly what happened while taking my last rides, the 500 pesos would be a voluntary contribution.

Param Ahmad
12-06-10, 16:35
... You went to Sandiego(a strip club) and left because of the"one" drink minimum(cheap bastard). ... Went to La napa and they had to strong arm you to buy a drink(cheap bastard). ... I do dislike being told to buy something I don't want (that includes Obamacare), but the main issue at the aforementioned clubs in Medellin is deception rather than cost. In this case, I was still carrying the bottle of water I didn't want but had bought at La Napa when I was told to buy another I also didn't want after I sat down in San Diego Grill. I didn't mind the honestly stated entry fee at Fase II.

12-06-10, 17:23
I was wondering how spanish women compare to the women in Medelllin? not just the pros but also the non pros. Are the women in Spain better looking?

Mr Gogo
12-06-10, 17:39
I do dislike being told to buy something I don't want (that includes Obamacare), but the main issue at the aforementioned clubs in Medellin is deception rather than cost. In this case, I was still carrying the bottle of water I didn't want but had bought at La Napa when I was told to buy another I also didn't want after I sat down in San Diego Grill. I didn't mind the honestly stated entry fee at Fase II.Thats even worse, that you think you can club hop with the same bottle of water you had from other clubs(cheap bastard).

The reason they have "one drink mins" is because they offer entertainment. And some guys will try to take advantage of the situation and sit there all night for free if allowed. From a business owners standpoint and a mongerers stand point that's fucked up. You travel half way around the world and balk at buying a beer, when you've got more naked pussy running around the room and dancing than you have ever seen in one place. Just for your info were not talking about a 20usd beer. In Sandiego I buy a bottle of rum for 23 usd, it lasts me a couple hours while I enjoy the show plus if I choose I can share with the girls (what I don't drink there I take with me). Cheap beers in Sandiego run 4-8 USD each.

That deception talk is bullshit. You want to set the rules in someones establishment to fit what you want. But if you owned the club you would do the same thing. You did right to leave if you feel you were mislead, but then you bash the place because you didn't want to play.

Medellin is not for you and good luck in Spain. I can see the expression at the clubs from the workers when you arrive (Here comes this cheap bastard damn!)

P.S. Thanks for contributing your political frustration (Obamacare) to this sex board.

12-06-10, 18:30
I just returned from another trip to MDE. I stayed at CB1 and thanks to Greg, Sara, Mark, and staff that made it another great experience. Greg, I am working on my quiet voice.

I was stupid enough to get ripped off at Fase Dos. The woman came around for a tip and I didn't have any small bills, but she said she had cambio. I gave her $50K COP, and she gave me $10K COP back. I called her on it and a friend came over and they went into overdrive in Spanish while flashing bills. They then just turned around and walked away. It probably saved me money though since I told the other girls that she had their tips and to go get it from her. One question I have though. When they slap their elbow, does that mean how handsome I am? Anyway, my stupidity for handing her the money in the first place in basically what I believe to be a rip-off club for what is available in the rest of MDE.

The best club that we went to IMO was Luna Luneras. While not a great number of ladies, a very good group of lookers. The bad, drink prices. For a beer and a rum & coke it was $30K COP. We left after one drink and went to Mayorista where you can session for the cost of the two drinks at LL.

Mayorista may not be for everyone, but I really like it. Our waiter even asked how 5 Norte Americanos even found the place. It has a vibe similar to TJ, which is a city I also enjoy. Around of drinks for 5 in Mayorista was $14K COP. I would caution to check cedulas there though. One super little hottie would not show hers. My guess would be 15-16 Y.O. so we passed. At one time in one of the "clubs", after p*ssing in the trough (open to the club), I was looking around just kind of dancing by myself. The next thing I know there were six ladies around me in a circle all taking turns attaching their backside to me in the great Paisa tradition.

There were three ladies sitting at the next table with no drinks and no attention. They looked out of place, way to well dressed. My friend ended up with two of them. One was probably in her mid 20's very hot, with a young girl that she was apparently teaching the ropes. They both went with my friend for a couple of hours at less than one would pay for an hour at Fase Dos. Again, some "street smarts" probably would be a good idea though.

I'm looking forward to my return in July.

Health & happiness to all.................

12-06-10, 19:30
One question I have though. When they slap their elbow, does that mean how handsome I am? Tacaņo, Chichipato =cheapskate.

Give exact change wherever possible. Never give money to the girl at your table to pay the bill at La Mayorista - pay the bill your self as the girl could sneak in a fake bill in your change that she got stuck with herself. Not to mention wrong change etc...

Last night I was at a club and two sisters that I know were working and at my table we did a media (pat your forearm - not elbow) and some beers, bill was 39.000 I gave 46.000 and sis #1 took it to the cashier. As I was getting ready to leave sis #2 told me to wait for my 1.000 change, I said "Les deje 46.000". There was en ensuing brewha as 1 sister was cheating the other out of the propina.

12-06-10, 19:52
Mayorista may not be for everyone, but I really like it. ......... They both went with my friend for a couple of hours at less than one would pay for an hour at Fase Dos. Health & happiness to all.................

Glad to see it's not just me that can LIVE in Mayorista! I love love love the place.

12-06-10, 19:56
Maybe you can help me out once again.

I have been to the places in El Centro in the past but did not go in on my last visit as I started taking medication in which booze is a no no. I felt it would be uncomfortable for me to sit there with just a water. Are these places OK with me going in an just "milking" a water for an hour or so?


Thats even worse, that you think you can club hop with the same bottle of water you had from other clubs(cheap bastard).

The reason they have "one drink mins" is because they offer entertainment. And some guys will try to take advantage of the situation and sit there all night for free if allowed. From a business owners standpoint and a mongerers stand point that's fucked up. You travel half way around the world and balk at buying a beer, when you've got more naked pussy running around the room and dancing than you have ever seen in one place. Just for your info were not talking about a 20usd beer. In Sandiego I buy a bottle of rum for 23 usd, it lasts me a couple hours while I enjoy the show plus if I choose I can share with the girls (what I don't drink there I take with me). Cheap beers in Sandiego run 4-8 USD each.

That deception talk is bullshit. You want to set the rules in someones establishment to fit what you want. But if you owned the club you would do the same thing. You did right to leave if you feel you were mislead, but then you bash the place because you didn't want to play.

Medellin is not for you and good luck in Spain. I can see the expression at the clubs from the workers when you arrive (Here comes this cheap bastard damn!)

P.S. Thanks for contributing your political frustration (Obamacare) to this sex board.

12-06-10, 19:58
This law is older than you Frank.

So the INFORMATION that one pays 500 pesos more for a taxi ride is correct?

Oh... I see... just taking another UNNECESSARY [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) at Frank. I appreciate you pointing out the law is an old one, it merely shows some egotistical jealousy you have with Frank, however it doesn't change the fact that I STILL MUST PAY AN EXTRA 500 PESOS ON MY NEXT DECEMBER TAXI RIDE.

12-06-10, 20:13
but I did pass by. I did see that my favorate door person was not around to grope me. Did not know if he was on vacation or not working anymore.

Just one thing I learnt during my visits to Colombia. When it is close to their time for vacation the husstle gets stronger and the need for extra money to cover vacation time, out of work, nears.

Glad to see it's not just me that can LIVE in Mayorista! I love love love the place.

Mr Gogo
12-06-10, 21:17
Maybe you can help me out once again.

I have been to the places in El Centro in the past but did not go in on my last visit as I started taking medication in which booze is a no no. I felt it would be uncomfortable for me to sit there with just a water. Are these places OK with me going in an just "milking" a water for an hour or so?

ThanksThe thing is you should want a drink(water, soda, beer) to respect the establishment. If its one of those overpriced establishments, ask for a menu to buy time(thanks Mr. E). If you sip that drink for an hour or longer thats acceptable. But to sit there and not buy anything while all that ass shakes in your face is pure tacky. Or maybe buy a girl a drink if you don't drink alcohol. Where I live its 10-20usd cover and a coke costs five dollars. Now I've been known to sneak some rum into the club for my coke(I'm not a cheap bastard but I've been known to be a sneaky bastard).

12-06-10, 22:08
So the INFORMATION that one pays 500 pesos more for a taxi ride is correct?

Oh... I see... just taking another UNNECESSARY [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) at Frank. I appreciate you pointing out the law is an old one, it merely shows some egotistical jealousy you have with Frank.I like Frank alot - one of my favs here. I bust him and AG as much as possible. Both have me rolling with some of their posts. This is not a new law and I am just trying to keep the facts straight on this board where oftimes there is a great deal of misinformation.

..however it doesn't change the fact that I STILL MUST PAY AN EXTRA 500 PESOS ON MY NEXT DECEMBER TAXI RIDE.An extra 25 cents down the drain - and yet somehow life goes on.

12-06-10, 22:16
For me, there are two problems with most of the prostitution in Medellin:

(1) With only one exception (a black girl at Abydos), all the girls or women working in these places I saw were overweight, and I saw exactly one pretty face (which was that of the girl I chose at Fase II). There are pretty young, thin women in Medellin, but none I've seen were working as prostitutes.

On the other hand, if you like women with big bubble butts and don't care if a woman has a pretty face, Medellin is your place. The girls at these central Medellin casas or apartments are almost all caucasian and young, and some of them might be just fine if you like moderately chubby girl-next-door types. The reason for this is private enterprise. Ricker John Gault and a few other thrive on finding the diamonds in the rough - new to the field or at least new working in MDE. A great deal of these girls - the really good looking ones, thin model types that you are looking for - get a good deal of clients who "discover" them in the casas and get them to do TLN, which pays better and she's with a guy she already knows, trusts and had has hand selected for the TLN (the selection is a two way street). Couple that with some high paying Traquetos and foreigners and she can go private 3-4 nights a week at 525.000 a week take home at normal rates (min wage is @ 460K for the entire month) as opposed to under 300K-400K a week at the casa. I know a girl who makes over 4 millones a month and she has not worked at casa on over 2 years. If and when Johns and referrals dry up she goes back to the casa for abot 3 months and builds up more private clientelle - just like a stock broker cold calls.

This is why the really hot girls are only at the casas short time upon embarking on the career or short spats thereafter. Some good looking spinners go right to private thanks to other factors not mentioned here.

(2) At all but the strip clubs (such as Fase II, San Diego Grill, and La Napa Lady's Night Club), the only familiarity you have with the girls before you have to choose one to spend time and money on is the less than one minute she walks in and shakes your hand or displays her bikini-clad body, front and back, to you. You have no opportunity talk with her and see if (a) she seems to like you, (b) is affectionate, (c) can communicate with you verbally, (d) is reasonably intelligent and pleasant to deal with. I need more getting-to-know-you time than that to feel like doing anything affectionate or sexual.Which is why mongering here for less than a few weeks has its drawbacks. You might need to do 4-6 duds before you find that 1 keeper and no, there is no place to hang out and get to know them (OK one place in Fatima) except in the bedroom. Or as another poster suggested you can build up a list of keepers every trip. This is the main reason I recommend SXM for mongering as you can socialize and click. As opposed to Wam bam thank you mam in Medellin - the girls get presented, they twirl, you choose and half an hour later you are out the door, zipping up your fly on the way out.

Some guys who are making up for lost time and counting notches for the lowest price possible love this. They are more into quantity than quality. obviously they are not screwing 50 year old leppers, I'm just saying...

Since the level of attractiveness of the young woman at the inexpensive casas in central Medellin wasn't what I was hoping to find, I looked through reports on ISG to find the most expensive places, thinking maybe the girls would be model-thin and prettier where the prices are higher. At Loutron (Calle 12 Sur, No. 10-245) the madam quoted me 210,000 Colombian pesos ($110 US) for 1 hour, which is much more than you will pay for the same time at casas in central Medellin. However, without exception, all the women in the lineup at Loutron were so overweight I found them unappealing. I didn't see a truly pretty face, either. The situation was the same at Energy (Carrera 74, No. 49-101) where I was quoted 90,000 Colombian pesos; I can't remember how much time that was for.Said many times on here before - in the casas and strip joints higher price does not always mean higher quality in any department.

However the higher end places do generally have less fuglies - it's just that when there are a coupla sweethearts in the lower end places guys tend to only remember those and who can blame them? So they will say the girls are the same across the board in looks - but going to Fase II or San Diego and then to the Centro Strip clubs only Ray Charles would not notice a difference.

San Diego Grill, Calle 37, No. 45-15. This is a place to go after 8 p.m. after many of the private casas or apartments have closed. I was told entry was free ("libre") but after I went in and sat down a waiter told me there was a minimum drink purchase requirement, so I left without buying anything. Given enough time to look through the crowd, I might have found a girl I liked, but none I did see looked good to me.You can surely find great working girls in SD and all over the casas and strip clubs, even if you have high standards but it takes some persistence. As mentioned earlier some of the regulars here are great hunters.

12-07-10, 01:33
No disrespect to Param AND I don't claim to be an expert on MDE. When I was there in 2005, my experience was quite different. I found the women in MDE to be very attractive with a large proportion of WG being excellent. I would love to go back to MDE again... but alas. Perhaps more seasoned mongers can comment on this post - perhaps things have changed in MDE?

Greetings to all from Medellin!

The above quotation is from my last post (9/30/2010) in the St. Maarten (SXM, Dutch side) section. But now I can speak from experience, having spent several days in Medellin.

There is a lot positive to be said about Medellin. Despite being only 6 degrees north latitude, where I thought the temperature would be hot all year, right now in December, daytime is T-shirt or short-sleeve weather, and sometimes at night it has been cool enough I've needed a long-sleeved shirt (and sometimes an umbrella) to keep me comfortable. The 5,000 ft. above sea level elevation is probably one of the reasons for the comfortable temperature. Hotels, taxis and prostitutes are inexpensive in Medellin. The cheapest rental car I could find at the Medellin airport was $99 US per day. Taxis are so inexpensive and readily available I suggest avoiding the expense and parking hassle and difficulty navigating to your destination associated with having a rental car. I took a bus from the airport to central Medellin for about $7 US: The driver accepted US currency. So did taxi drivers, although you might save a little money by paying in Colombian pesos. The most expensive taxi ride I did was 15,000 Colombian pesos ($7.89 at the current exchange rate of $1 US = 1900 Colombian pesos). It is never difficult to find a taxi when I want one wherever in the City I am, and the taxi drivers so-far have all been friendly and have done a good job of getting me to the address I give them. I've seen no evidence of taxi scams such as payments to taxi drivers for delivering customers whereby me, the customer, is charged more at the club I'm going to because I arrived in a taxi, which was commonplace in Prague, Czech Republic when I was there a few years ago. Hotel rooms with a private bathroom I've stopped to look at ranged from about $6 US (yes, six dollars US! - tiny rooms with no exterior window in central Medellin) to $64 US per night at nicer hotels. With one exception, all Colombians I've met have been very nice people who went out of their way to be helpful, including hotel managers and front desk clerks and other hotel employees, taxi drivers, store clerks, a young woman who went out of her way to show me the way to walk to a post office, waitresses, and the people in the massage parlors and casas. Colombians are also very patient with my limited knowledge of Spanish. The one exception to how nice Colombians have been to me was late at night on a sidewalk in central Medellin: A young caucasian man grabbed me, shouting I don't know what, and in the ensuing scuffle I got knocked onto the sidewalk. But then as I got up my attacker and his amigos went away, either because he saw he had a fight on his hands or because a taxi driver stopped next to us to watch the fight. After this when I asked a hotel employee for directions to a place in the same area he warned me the area was "malo" (bad).

The setup at the "casas" or apartments in central Medellin are all about the same. The outside of the building is totally nondescript. Absolutely nothing outside gives any hint of what's going on inside or even that it is a business. I have no idea how customers find these brothels and massage parlors other than through ISG and word-of-mouth. The only way to identify the place is to have the exact address or ask a taxi driver. From the outside all these places look like a typical city residence.

You ring the door bell and are led to a room where you are invited to sit and wait. After a few minutes, girls come in one at a time to kiss you on the cheek or shake your hand and say her name. They may be wearing normal street clothes or more revealing attire. At Loutron, Abydos, and Energy (see addresses and GPS positions below), the girls, wearing a white shirt or coat that covers them from shoulders to hips, enter the room where you wait. Then they stand in front of you facing you, take off the white garment revealing the tiny tops and g-strings they are wearing beneath, and then turn around so you can see their almost nude backsides. While doing this she tells you her name so you will know who to ask for if you choose her after you've seen the all the girls. At all of these places I said "no, gracias" (no thanks) and left without choosing anyone and never heard any complaints or snide remarks nor was otherwise made to feel uncomfortable because I didn't like any of the girls in the lineup.

What's amazing about Medellin, and probably why so many men rave about the City as a sex tourism destination, is how cheap prostitution is: A typical price is 30,000 Colombian pesos ($15.79 in US currency) for 30 minutes. That is without question cheapest prostitution I've found anywhere. It is better than the Fylis/Filis Street area in Athens, Greece, where the price when I was there was about $15 worth of Greek drachmas (which means this was before the days of the Eurodollar). But in Athens (according to the madam or gentleman I spoke with at each of these places) that $15 worth of local currency bought you no more than 5 minutes with the prostitute - barely enough time for a mechanical "slam, bam, thank you, Mam!" (I wasn't tempted.)

For me, there are two problems with most of the prostitution in Medellin: (1) With only one exception (a black girl at Abydos), all the girls or women working in these places I saw were overweight, and I saw exactly one pretty face (which was that of the girl I chose at Fase II). There are pretty young, thin women in Medellin, but none I've seen were working as prostitutes. On the other hand, if you like women with big bubble butts and don't care if a woman has a pretty face, Medellin is your place. The girls at these central Medellin casas or apartments are almost all caucasian and young, and some of them might be just fine if you like moderately chubby girl-next-door types. (2) At all but the strip clubs (such as Fase II, San Diego Grill, and La Napa Lady's Night Club), the only familiarity you have with the girls before you have to choose one to spend time and money on is the less than one minute she walks in and shakes your hand or displays her bikini-clad body, front and back, to you. You have no opportunity talk with her and see if (a) she seems to like you, (b) is affectionate, (c) can communicate with you verbally, (d) is reasonably intelligent and pleasant to deal with. I need more getting-to-know-you time than that to feel like doing anything affectionate or sexual.

Since the level of attractiveness of the young woman at the inexpensive casas in central Medellin wasn't what I was hoping to find, I looked through reports on ISG to find the most expensive places, thinking maybe the girls would be model-thin and prettier where the prices are higher. At Loutron (Calle 12 Sur, No. 10-245) the madam quoted me 210,000 Colombian pesos ($110 US) for 1 hour, which is much more than you will pay for the same time at casas in central Medellin. However, without exception, all the women in the lineup at Loutron were so overweight I found them unappealing. I didn't see a truly pretty face, either. The situation was the same at Energy (Carrera 74, No. 49-101) where I was quoted 90,000 Colombian pesos; I can't remember how much time that was for.

After visiting all of the below listed clubs or casas, the only place I found anyone who appealed to me was Fase II. When I arrived at Fase II about 6:30 p.m., I asked and was permitted to look at the rooms at South Beach Hostel next door, which is apparently part of Fase II. South Beach Hostel is an interesting setup: smaller buildings built inside a larger building. The rooms are, in my opinion, very nice with comfortable beds, clean linens and towels, and a private bathroom including shower. However, the employee of South Beach Hostel who gave me permission to take a look at the rooms told me Fase II doesn't open until 7:30 p.m. I explored the Premium Plaza Shopping Mall on the opposite side of the street (Carrera 44) from Fase II and South Beach Hostel and then took a taxi to a few other places before returning to Fase II at 9 p.m. Even at that hour on a Saturday night it appeared I was the only customer, or maybe one of two depending on whether the other guy sitting in the main room doing nothing was a club employee. I saw three or four girls talking with a man with SECURITY (or the Spanish word for that) on the back of his jacket. One who I think from what she was wearing is a waitress, not a dancer, actually was an attractive weight for her height but didn't have a pretty face. One of the other girls, mid-20s, had a perfectly pretty face and, while not as thin as I find most attractive, didn't look as overweigt as most of the girls I'd seen. At Fase II, unlike at Bell Suite, New Life, Masages Aiffe, Abydos, Loutron, and Energy, and most others, it is possible to have a conversation for however long you want with the girl and decide on the basis of personality as well as how she looks whether she appeals to you. After talking and holding hands awhile, she asked me, "Que quieres hacer?" (What do you want to do?) I spent about $107 for 45 minutes with her in one of the rooms at South Beach Hostel, including the cost of the room. She was so affectionate and passionate and apparently orgasmic I found myself thinking afterwards that with prostitutes like that, who needs a girlfriend?

But still, the next time I travel somewhere for the purpose of finding intimate female company, it will probably be Spain where at clubs like S'candalo in Malaga, Estark 92/Star of the Seas in Fuengirola, Lady's Dallas in La Jonquera, or Estark 95 in Algeciras, girls with pretty faces and thin, shapely figures in sexy outfits are everywhere. If you're selective about a woman's looks, the cost is about the same. If you're of the "all cats are grey at night" philosophy, you can save yourself a lot of money in Medellin.

Abydos, Calle 33, No. 64-198, GPS position N 06 14.378, W 075 34.946.

Alejas, Calle 54 (Caracas), No. 42-13, is now CLOSED with "ARRIENDA" (for lease) signs in the windows.

Bell Suite, Carrera 45 (El Palo) No. 56-45, 1st floor

Energy, Carrera 74, No. 49-101, GPS position N 06 15.576, W 075 35.422

La Piramide Egipto/Lindas Chicas - (named Casa de Piedra in a previous report), Calle 58 (Oriental) No. 50A-54

Loutron, Calle 12 Sur, No. 10-245, GPS position N 06 11.086, W 075 33.273. I was quoted 210,000 Colombian pesos for 1 hour.

Masages Aiffe, Calle 57 (Argentina) No. 43-27, Tel. 254 51 39, cell 311 761 98 50. The business card says Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays.

Puntocon, Carrera 50A, No. 53-38: A previous report said closing time is 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday. I arrived at 7:45 p.m. on a Saturday and found the place shuttered (closed).

New Life, Calle 56 (Bolivia), No. 43-39, 2nd floor


Unlike the above, which have no signs outside, the below have bright neon lights like typical night clubs and restaurants:

Fase II, Carrera 44, No. 30-27 (behind Premium Plaza mall), GPS position N 06 13.818, W 075 34.245. I paid 10,000 Colombian pesos ($5.25 US) to enter. I was not hassled when I was asked if I wanted to order a drink and said no.

La Napa Lady's Night Club, Cra. 50 No. 52-10, Tel. 511 94 26. This is a strip club that is open until after midnight. There was no entry fee, but the waiter wouldn't go away until I ordered a drink, which I did in this case.

San Diego Grill, Calle 37, No. 45-15. This is a place to go after 8 p.m. after many of the private casas or apartments have closed. I was told entry was free ("libre") but after I went in and sat down a waiter told me there was a minimum drink purchase requirement, so I left without buying anything. Given enough time to look through the crowd, I might have found a girl I liked, but none I did see looked good to me.

12-07-10, 02:44
The cliche is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or to each his own etc. I appreciate how well written Param's report is. It's much easier to evaluate things like taxi fares because they are the same for everybody. Any guy's preference for thicker or thinner women is harder to compare. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer for that. You have to judge for yourself and it's obviously harder to do that without pictures.

I get an uneasy feeling. Personally. About the desire to want to "connect" with the girls before you can fuck them. It's nothing wrong with that in my opinion but I don't think it's realistic to think it will happen with any consistency if you don't invest anymore than a few days. I'm not saying you have to go to Medellin and get married (I wouldn't recommend it there or anywhere else but that's for another post) but I do think anyone who needs to develop a relationship with girls to be satisfied better be ready to block out more than a week or two to do it.

No disrespect to Param AND I don't claim to be an expert on MDE. When I was there in 2005, my experience was quite different. I found the women in MDE to be very attractive with a large proportion of WG being excellent. I would love to go back to MDE again... but alas. Perhaps more seasoned mongers can comment on this post - perhaps things have changed in MDE?

Param Ahmad
12-07-10, 03:42
Thats even worse, that you think you can club hop with the same bottle of water you had from other clubs(cheap bastard).My bottle of water from La Napa was still shrinkwrap sealed and mostly hidden in what I was carrying when I sat down in San Diego Grill. I wasn't trying to fool anybody as you imply.

...You travel half way around the world and balk at buying a beer...I balked at dishonesty. And I did not come to Medellin because of the women here.

That deception talk is bullshit.At the entrance I asked and was told entry was "libre" (free), and nothing was said about a minimum drink purchase requirement until I was inside and sat down.

You want to set the rules in someones establishment to fit what you want.The only "rule" here is people abiding by their word. That's not just my rule.

But if you owned the club you would do the same thing.If I owned the Club I would tell all my employees dealing honesty with customers is a requirement of working for me, both because it is right and because it is good for business.

You did right to leave if you feel you were mislead...I'm glad we agree here. That's what I did. Annoying business practices like saying one thing and doing another would stop if more customers said no and refused to patronize such businesses as I did. It is a relatively minor annoyance, but it is all too commonplace. I thought I was doing my fellow ISG members and readers a favor of letting them know which businesses operate this way.

Medellin is not for you and good luck in Spain.True, I won't be back to Medellin seeking female company.

I can see the expression at the clubs from the workers when you arrive (Here comes this cheap bastard damn!)Actually, part of the fun in Spain is having so many beautiful young women after me (or at least what's in my wallet) it's hard to choose!

Thanks for contributing your political frustration (Obamacare) to this sex board.Sorry if my three word parenthetical comment "(that includes Obamacare)" offended you!

12-07-10, 06:25
My bottle of water from La Napa was still shrinkwrap sealed and mostly hidden in what I was carrying when I sat down in San Diego Grill. I wasn't trying to fool anybody as you imply.

I balked at dishonesty. And I did not come to Medellin because of the women here.

At the entrance I asked and was told entry was "libre" (free), and nothing was said about a minimum drink purchase requirement until I was inside and sat down.

The only "rule" here is people abiding by their word. That's not just my rule.

If I owned the Club I would tell all my employees dealing honesty with customers is a requirement of working for me, both because it is right and because it is good for business.

I'm glad we agree here. That's what I did. Annoying business practices like saying one thing and doing another would stop if more customers said no and refused to patronize such businesses as I did. It is a relatively minor annoyance, but it is all too commonplace. I thought I was doing my fellow ISG members and readers a favor of letting them know which businesses operate this way.

True, I won't be back to Medellin seeking female company.

Actually, part of the fun in Spain is having so many beautiful young women after me (or at least what's in my wallet) it's hard to choose!

Sorry if my three word parenthetical comment "(that includes Obamacare)" offended you!

Hmmm....I might have to call bullshit here (or suspect bullshit), as the doorman most certainly did not say "libre", but would have said "gratis" to mean "free." Libre is not used in Spanish to refer to free in the monetary senes, but in the sense of "liberty" or "free pass" or used in duty free, at times, as something of a bastardization....So, I guess this makes me wonder about the veracity of your post...Just saying...

Gfe Finder
12-07-10, 07:13
For me, there are two problems with most of the prostitution in Medellin: ... (2) At all but the strip clubs (such as Fase II, San Diego Grill, and La Napa Lady's Night Club), the only familiarity you have with the girls before you have to choose one to spend time and money on is the less than one minute she walks in and shakes your hand or displays her bikini-clad body, front and back, to you. You have no opportunity talk with her and see if (a) she seems to like you, (b) is affectionate, (c) can communicate with you verbally, (d) is reasonably intelligent and pleasant to deal with. I need more getting-to-know-you time than that to feel like doing anything affectionate or sexual.

This need to assess chemistry with the girl is a huge issue for me as well, and a problem I encountered my first time there. I didn't request to speak with the girls but I was told after the fact that asking some questions is OK. (Can someone please confirm that this still holds true?)

In fact, I can't recall off the top of my head a prive-style brothel anywhere in the world that I've been to where my request to talk with a girl was declined. If that were the case, that's a real good indicator that the place is merely a "wham-bam" factory and not for me.

12-07-10, 10:10
My bottle of water from La Napa was still shrink wrap sealed and mostly hidden in what I was carrying when I sat down in San Diego Grill. I wasn't trying to fool anybody as you imply.Would it be safe to assume you don't drink alcohol? Maybe not even water if you made it to a second bar without opening the bottle.

I balked at dishonesty. And I did not come to Medellin because of the women here.Are YOU being totally honest in this statement? What DID you come to Medellin for? Certainly not the bottled water! It's not that great in my opinion. Oh wait a minute.come to think of it I can't really say that since I don't believe I've ever bought a bottle of water in Medellin. Beer, wine and the tap water (with ice) at the Casa Blanca 1 & 2 have never made me sick.

At the entrance I asked and was told entry was "libre" (free), and nothing was said about a minimum drink purchase requirement until I was inside and sat down.The doorman was telling you the truth. You asked if there was an entry fee and he said no. You got in without paying, right? Unlike Fase II that does charge an upright fee to step foot inside.

No one told you you had to sit and stay, I know many guys who will go in and walk a lap or two to take a look see and then decide to stay or not. However once they take a seat it's a given (at least in a strip joint) that one is expected to make a purchase. It's nothing new and probably not something even worth writing about.

The only "rule" here is people abiding by their word. That's not just my rule."Really"?

If I owned the Club I would tell all my employees dealing honesty with customers is a requirement of working for me, both because it is right and because it is good for business.My goodness, it's not like the guy said " Come in! There's Free Pussy inside! ".

Annoying business practices like saying one thing and doing another would stop if more customers said no and refused to patronize such businesses as I did.Not in the case of a Strip Joint. The multitude of men that come to see and pay for play with the girls could give two shits about such a minor "perceived" infraction.

I won't be back to Medellin seeking female company.You said before that you didn't come to Medellin for the women. So when were YOU being dishonest, then or now?

By the way, I'll bet you a bottle of water that you do return.

Actually, part of the fun in Spain is having so many beautiful young women after me (or at least what's in my wallet) it's hard to choose!I agree with you on this statement. I had a blast in Spain.

Stay Horny My Friend,


12-07-10, 12:02
Let's face it guys the casas are "wham bam" factories. There is nothing wrong with that. At least with the casas in Medellin, the girls come out in a line-up. With some clinicas in Sao Paulo, they only have a photo album or pictures on the wall.

I always ask to speak to the girl that I am interested in after the line-up. I have never been turned down. Once I was told to tell the manager what I wanted to ask the girl and it was relayed to her in the dressing room.

It's not a perfect system but for 30K ($16 at the moment) you can get to know a cutie for 30mins. If sparks fly you can ask for her number and arrange future 'dates' !

Mr Ahmad can have his own opinion. Personally I don't know Spain but the euro being what it is, I doubt the beauties he is talking about would accept $16USD.

For daytime action in Medellin, it is tough to beat the casas in centro. If you want to hang out, drink and possibly chit chat with the girls there is the strip clubs on Maracaibo which get started around 5pm. Perhaps Medellin could do with some fresh concepts.

12-07-10, 15:24
... For me, there are two problems with most of the prostitution in Medellin: (1) With only one exception (a black girl at Abydos), all the girls or women working in these places I saw were overweight ...

... The girls at these central Medellin casas or apartments are almost all caucasian and young, and some of them might be just fine if you like moderately chubby girl-next-door types ...

I agree amigo, sometimes you have to do lots of hunting to find 'your keeper' and the quality definitely runs in cycles, from very disappointing to 'damn, it's my lucky day'.

Chicas come and go in these casas frequently.

Let's face it guys the casas are "wham bam" factories. There is nothing wrong with that. At least with the casas in Medellin, the girls come out in a line-up. With some clinicas in Sao Paulo, they only have a photo album or pictures on the wall.

I always ask to speak to the girl that I am interested in after the line-up. I have never been turned down. Once I was told to tell the manager what I wanted to ask the girl and it was relayed to her in the dressing room.

It's not a perfect system but for 30K ($16 at the moment) you can get to know a cutie for 30mins. If sparks fly you can ask for her number and arrange future 'dates' !

Mr Ahmad can have his own opinion. Personally I don't know Spain but the euro being what it is, I doubt the beauties he is talking about would accept $16USD ...

You're right on Al, hard to beat the price.

I also, always ask to speak with the chica for a bit before choosing her.
Just chit chat with her a bit, I try to get her to laugh and feel comfortable with me too, all while I'm feeling out her attitude.
Sometimes I'll throw a little propina (tip) to the guy or gal presenting the chicas if they allowed me some chit chat with them.
They'll remeber ya when you return too.
Amazing what 2000 pesos will get ya.

It used to be when you entered a casa, everyone, out of curiousity wanted to see and / or be with the gringo, but now we're so common-place, that it pays to set yourself apart too.
Speaking spanish, showing that you're nice and easy-going, etc.

Like you said, you can hit some of the central strip clubs for chatting up the chicas too.

The reason for this is private enterprise. Ricker John Gault and a few other thrive on finding the diamonds in the rough - new to the field or at least new working in MDE ...

Bingo LuckyEddie!
You hit the nail right on the head.
Param Ahmad is absolutely correct in his assesment of general quality of the 'el central chicas', however, at least for me, the search is fun and when you find the diamond in the rough, it makes it all worth while.

12-08-10, 14:02
I thought you said your dog doesn't bite?

I would tell all my employees dealing honesty with customers is a requirement of working for me.


At the entrance I asked and was told entry was "libre" (free) , and nothing was said about a minimum drink purchase requirement until I was inside and sat down. You walked all the way inside? And nothing was said about being able to stay for hours without spending money until you sat down and were greeted by the waiter? And then you got up and left? Not only did you waste 3 whole minutes possibly more, you trudged all the way from Centro in the rain hauling that water bottle just to end up being decieved and taken advantage of, not to mention how much money you spent on the airfare and the hostal and other expenses, punitive damages and so on.

I smell lawsuit!

All humor aside (there was humor?) , customers who do not pay for goods and services are not customers and what type of business owners doesn't want customers? Supply and demand in a free market dictates that the owner impose whatever policies in order to run the business sucessfully.

You are the owner, do you want all 20 of your tables (that seat 4) occupied by one guy drinking water?

Your mistake was asking the wrong question or being clueless as to how businesses run. Next time ask the doorman,"I only drink water, I bought my own, I don't spend much money, I am by myself and just want to come in and take up a table and stay for a few hours, talk to some women and MAYBE just MAYBE take one to the back room if she so happens to meet my standards and will come down in price to what I would pay in the Centro casas"

You have some sort of policy about delaing in honesty, cierto?

The problem was YOU were not honest and up front, you are not a good customer, you represent a negative impact on sales. You cost the owner money by going in.

You left so it was a win win situation for you and the owner.

I love happy endings.

12-08-10, 14:12
Param Ahmad is absolutely correct in his assesment of general quality of the 'el central chicasTrue! Ya got to weed though a lot in the centro casas and strip clubs. I don't know how some of these guys could even admit to being with alot of these women but to each his own, beauty is In the eye of the beholder. If one has high standards and is looking for non flabby well built providers that turn heads it could take a long time in centro clubs and casas! Happy hunting.

Viajando Musico
12-08-10, 20:09
Personally I want to applause Param Ahmad for an excellent report. Haven't being back to Colombia for a few years now, a report like this updates what is happening in the wonderland. Very discouraging though when putting time and efforts to write a report but got slammed by others just because they think differently.

I have been to Spain and Colombia several times each, but I wouldn't say girls are prettier in one country over the other. Each is unique in its own way but both are fun destinations for Gentlemen. Actually you will find a lot of Colombian girls in Spain as well, but you won't know until they speak. Moneywise Colombia definitely costs a lot less than Spain. If the stay is less than 1-2 weeks, and cost is not a concern, I would choose Spain over Colombia whether it was Madrid, Barcelona or Costa del Sol, for safety and all different activities you can do other than mongering. If receiving GFE or developing some kind of relationship with a young girl, working or not, over an extended stay is the focus, then one can definitely do better in Colombia than in Spain. Not too many young Spanish girls will go out with guys 10-20 years older.

Param Ahmad
12-08-10, 22:56
Part of the fun of being a writer is seeing other's reactions. My report on Medellin has elicited a lot of reactions! Another goal writers have, and one of mine, is changing what's wrong with the world. I appreciate the complements about my writing style and the content of my report from The Tall Man, John, and Viajando Musico. I've benefited from information in previous reports on ISG, particularly about Spain. Without the ISG I wouldn't have known about most of the places I checked out in Medellin. I wanted to add information that would be useful to you guys.

What DID you come to Medellin for?
You said before that you didn't come to Medellin for the women. So when were YOU being dishonest, then or now? By the way, I'll bet you a bottle of water that you do return.The second writer is referring to my saying "I won't be back to Medellin seeking female company." I didn't mean to imply I originally came to Medellin seeking female company. I came to Medellin for health care. If I return to Medellin, it will be for the same reason. Google "medical tourism" or "Americans leaving America for health care" to learn more about this.

The doorman was telling you the truth. You asked if there was an entry fee and he said no. You got in without paying, right?You could look at it that way. But most of the time, when I ask what it costs to enter or if it's free, I'm told if there is a one or two drink minimum.

The multitude of men that come to see and pay for play with the girls could give two shits about such a minor "perceived" infraction.That's true, which is why it continues. It's sometimes called bait and switch.

The problem was YOU were not honest and up front, you are not a good customer, you represent a negative impact on sales. You cost the owner money by going in.There's nothing dishonest about asking if it will cost me anything to take a look. Too many times I've paid a cover charge, as much as $30 (US currency) , only to see within one minute after entering I've wasted my money. As for being a good customer, I've paid, if memory serves me correctly, $60 or more (US) just to buy a pretty young woman a drink at Hot in Madrid, half of which went to the club, not the girl. But many of the girls at Hot were stunningly beautiful and well worth the price, even after I found out I'd picked one of the girls who was only a dancer and who never spent time alone in a private room with the club's customers. I recall spending close to $100 (US) in a single night buying drinks for a girl employed by a club in Athens, Greece, and thinking her company was worth the cost even though we never went beyond holding hands in the club's main room. I might have spent as much or more at San Diego Grill had I not been confronted with a demand I buy a drink I didn't want or need.

Hmmm....I might have to call bullshit here (or suspect bullshit), as the doorman most certainly did not say "libre", but would have said "gratis" to mean "free." Libre is not used in Spanish to refer to free in the monetary senes, but in the sense of "liberty" or "free pass" or used in duty free, at times, as something of a bastardization....So, I guess this makes me wonder about the veracity of your post...Just saying...The doorman was replying to my question, which is usually "Quanto para entrar?" (How much to enter?) or "Es libre a entrar?" (Is free to enter?). If the choice of words was incorrect, it was because of my limited knowledge of Spanish. I think he did repeat "libre" after he heard it from me (something like "Si, libre").

Gentlemen, it's annoying to be accused of being dishonest when I was accurate in every detail.

I agree amigo, sometimes you have to do lots of hunting to find 'your keeper' ... I assume you mean a prostitute you'll see more than once or twice."Keeper" usually refers to a girlfriend or wife rather than to a prostitute. In some places, it's easier to find a pretty girlfriend than a pretty prostitute! Medellin seemed to me to be such a place. I saw a lot of pretty girls in Medellin in public squares and on sidewalks, but I saw only one prostitute with a pretty face, and none except the black girl at Abydos had a really good figure.

... and the quality definitely runs in cycles, from very disappointing to 'damn, it's my lucky day'.This is true: I can remember when seeing the girls behind windows in the Brussels, Belgium red light district (RLD) was disappointing. A few years went by and I was amazed by how many great looking women I saw there. So the selection in Medellin may at times be better than when I was there.

One last bit of useful information for future visitors to Medellin: It took me a little more than one full hour and 75, 000 pesos ($40 US) to get from Medellin to the airport in a taxi.

12-09-10, 01:36
One last bit of useful information for future visitors to Medellin: It took me a little more than one full hour and 75, 000 pesos ($40 US) to get from Medellin to the airport in a taxi.There are two unfortunate possibilities:

1. You were ripped off.

2. You are misrepresenting the facts.

I'm not sure which is worse but in any case the taxi fare between Medellin and the MDE airport is fixed at 52, 000 pesos. However long the traffic may extend the travel time.

12-09-10, 02:25
why don't more people take the bus from the airport? it's friendly, it takes a little longer but the cost is only 6k. you can take a bus to close to where you want to go, and then a taxi say for another 6k, and save 40k. what's wrong with that?


12-09-10, 03:06
There are two unfortunate possibilities:

I'm not sure which is worse but in any case the taxi fare between Medellin and the MDE airport is fixed at 52, 000 pesos. However long the traffic may extend the travel time. As of last week, the fare was 55K per the posted medallion / sticker in the cabs-not sure if this differs by cab company to cab company though?

12-09-10, 03:49

I have been a lurker here for a few months but this is my first post.

Unfortunately my first post here is not a trip report or anything fun like that, I am posting here because I need a little help.

A little about me first, I am a private security contractor working overseas. Spent many years in the active USA Military but after September 11th I was recruited to use my skills in a much more lucrative way. I am still associated with a reserve component though.

A few months ago I met a great Colombian girl online, from Medellin in fact. We talk online a lot and we have become fantastic friends. I started to notice that she would avoid a lot of questions about her past work experiences and what she does for money currently as she said she was unemployed.

Over time she and I entered into a relationship and she calls me her boyfriend, which is fine as I truly care about her and consider her my Girlfriend. She has asked me to spend Christmas and New years with her in Medellin and I have agreed.

One of my co-workers one day told me that I should check this site to see if she was a working girl because things just didn't seem to add up. And sure enough there are some reports about her here and some pictures.

I spoke with her about this (not referencing this site or any one specifically) and her response was that she told me there were things that were going to have to talk about when I get there.

She has told me that she is no longer working, and has not for many months and she explained to me that she used to work for a few days in La Mayorista and she used to go to the Mansion a few times to make money when she needed it.

I do not really care what she has done in her past. Seriously I don't know what has touched her life and what difficulties she has had to deal with. I am only concerned about what she is doing now.

On her own accord She has deleted her RomanceLatina profile, she has removed many people from her Facebook page and she comes almost everyday to chat with me in MSN. I am ready to make a long term commitment to her as she is truly a sweet and amazing woman.

Her name is Carolina, or some say Karolina. She is very small and has an ever so slight cleft lip which I do not think detracts from her beauty at all.

But there are just some things that leave me uncomfortable, and truly I would rather spend time with my friends or Parents over Christmas if she has been dishonest with me about her working status.

I work way too hard and have far too much to loose if she is playing me, lying to me or not telling me the truth about what she is doing and has been doing for the past few months. I am a pretty serious guy, I do some pretty serious work and I just don't need anything like this in my life now or ever.

I would rather bow out silently than waste my time and effort coming to Medellin to see her.

I know no one here owes me anything, but I am just reaching out to figure a few things out before I buy a plane ticket to go to Medellin.

Thank you in advance for your help,


12-09-10, 03:50

I have been a lurker here for a few months but this is my first post.

Unfortunately my first post here is not a trip report or anything fun like that, I am posting here because I need a little help.

A little about me first, I am a private security contractor working overseas. Spent many years in the active USA Military but after September 11th I was recruited to use my skills in a much more lucrative way. I am still associated with a reserve component though.

A few months ago I met a great Colombian girl online, from Medellin in fact. We talk online a lot and we have become fantastic friends. I started to notice that she would avoid a lot of questions about her past work experiences and what she does for money currently as she said she was unemployed.

Over time she and I entered into a relationship and she calls me her boyfriend, which is fine as I truly care about her and consider her my Girlfriend. She has asked me to spend Christmas and New years with her in Medellin and I have agreed.

One of my co-workers one day told me that I should check this site to see if she was a working girl because things just didn't seem to add up. And sure enough there are some reports about her here and some pictures.

I spoke with her about this (not referencing this site or any one specifically) and her response was that she told me there were things that were going to have to talk about when I get there.

She has told me that she is no longer working, and has not for many months and she explained to me that she used to work for a few days in La Mayorista and she used to go to the Mansion a few times to make money when she needed it.

I do not really care what she has done in her past. Seriously I don't know what has touched her life and what difficulties she has had to deal with. I am only concerned about what she is doing now.

On her own accord She has deleted her RomanceLatina profile, she has removed many people from her Facebook page and she comes almost everyday to chat with me in MSN. I am ready to make a long term commitment to her as she is truly a sweet and amazing woman.

Her name is Carolina, or some say Karolina. She is very small and has an ever so slight cleft lip which I do not think detracts from her beauty at all.

But there are just some things that leave me uncomfortable, and truly I would rather spend time with my friends or Parents over Christmas if she has been dishonest with me about her working status.

I work way too hard and have far too much to loose if she is playing me, lying to me or not telling me the truth about what she is doing and has been doing for the past few months. I am a pretty serious guy, I do some pretty serious work and I just don't need anything like this in my life now or ever.

I would rather bow out silently than waste my time and effort coming to Medellin to see her.

I know no one here owes me anything, but I am just reaching out to figure a few things out before I buy a plane ticket to go to Medellin.

Thank you in advance for your help,


12-09-10, 05:11
At the risk of being "flamed" by many of the veterans (cynics / realists?) on this board I am going to give my take on Agwood69's questions.

When I arrived in Medellin my Spanish was minimal. It is now at the point where I can hold my own reasonably well, although it is still far from good. Also I should point out that I am well past my prime, and am far from being a Brad Pitt lookalike, although I am in good shape for my age.

My time living here has taught me that the more I learn about the culture in Colombia the more I realise I have still to learn. If anything learning the culture has been a greater challenge (although lots of fun) than the language. I have been lucky enough to make friends with a number of "regular" Colombians. Male and female. In addition to the relationship that I am currently in with a beautiful yound Paisa.

How do I define the word "relationship"? Well, I have the things that I want out of it. Companionship with a lovely, personable, very attractive girl which of course includes a very loving sexual component. She gets the financial help that she needs in order to improve her prospects for a better life, isn't in a financial position where she needs to prostitute herself with other gringos, and from time to time gets to go with me on vacations that are beyond anything she could have dreamed. Also I treat her with the utmost respect and pamper her with regalos, clothes etc.

Does she have another life beyond her life with me? Of course, and it's one that I will never be able to enter, even if I wanted to, which I don't. Having said that, I believe that there are certain essentials that as a gringo must be met for an arrangement like this to succeed over a period of time:

1) there must be a "connection" between both parties at some level beyond the basic "sex for money." For this language is only one. Although one extremely important. Component.

2) honesty. Again on both sides. Is critical. This is where I fully expect to be flamed, but all I will say is that she knows that the very first time I catch her lying to me, it's over. And so far I haven't caught her lying.

3) trust. This is a biggy for me, and it has taken me a very long time to reach the point where I feel that I can trust her.

4) have a budget and be sure to stay within it. They will push until they find your limit, so it's important to know what that limit is.

I do want to emphasise the importance of these things. Without them I don't see how any long term relationship could possibly have any chance of success. Even living here, the odds are incredibly long. From outside of the country? Well, I suppose it could happen, but it would take two highly unusual and committed people.

I don't know Carolina, but I was impressed with Cubanut's comments about her.

To finish, yes the girl I am with would be known to some of you (perhaps a lot of you) on this board if I were to identify her. As anyone who has got to know one of these girls reasonably well will verify, what we see of them when we come to Medellin on mongering vacations doesn't begin to scratch the surface of the real person. And as someone else on this board has said, there are all types out there, bad and good. You'd better be a good judge of character and even then who really knows? All I can say for myself is that I'm living a life that wouldn't be possible in the States. At some point one of us willl end it, and when that happens I want to be able to say that I have no regrets.

And by the way, if you want to know what Colombians really think about gringos who come down here to monger, get into a relationship with one. It isn't nice.

12-09-10, 13:30
At the risk of being "flamed" by many of the veterans (cynics / realists?) on this board I am going to give my take on Agwood69's questions.

When I arrived in Medellin my Spanish was minimal. It is now at the point where I can hold my own reasonably well, although it is still far from good. Also I should point out that I am well past my prime, and am far from being a Brad Pitt lookalike, although I am in good shape for my age.

My time living here has taught me that the more I learn about the culture in Colombia the more I realise I have still to learn. If anything learning the culture has been a greater challenge (although lots of fun) than the language. I have been lucky enough to make friends with a number of "regular" Colombians. Male and female. In addition to the relationship that I am currently in with a beautiful yound Paisa.

How do I define the word "relationship"? Well, I have the things that I want out of it. Companionship with a lovely, personable, very attractive girl which of course includes a very loving sexual component. She gets the financial help that she needs in order to improve her prospects for a better life, isn't in a financial position where she needs to prostitute herself with other gringos, and from time to time gets to go with me on vacations that are beyond anything she could have dreamed. Also I treat her with the utmost respect and pamper her with regalos, clothes etc.

Does she have another life beyond her life with me? Of course, and it's one that I will never be able to enter, even if I wanted to, which I don't. Having said that, I believe that there are certain essentials that as a gringo must be met for an arrangement like this to succeed over a period of time:

1) there must be a "connection" between both parties at some level beyond the basic "sex for money." For this language is only one. Although one extremely important. Component.

2) honesty. Again on both sides. Is critical. This is where I fully expect to be flamed, but all I will say is that she knows that the very first time I catch her lying to me, it's over. And so far I haven't caught her lying.

3) trust. This is a biggy for me, and it has taken me a very long time to reach the point where I feel that I can trust her.

4) have a budget and be sure to stay within it. They will push until they find your limit, so it's important to know what that limit is.

I do want to emphasise the importance of these things. Without them I don't see how any long term relationship could possibly have any chance of success. Even living here, the odds are incredibly long. From outside of the country? Well, I suppose it could happen, but it would take two highly unusual and committed people.

I don't know Carolina, but I was impressed with Cubanut's comments about her.

To finish, yes the girl I am with would be known to some of you (perhaps a lot of you) on this board if I were to identify her. As anyone who has got to know one of these girls reasonably well will verify, what we see of them when we come to Medellin on mongering vacations doesn't begin to scratch the surface of the real person. And as someone else on this board has said, there are all types out there, bad and good. You'd better be a good judge of character and even then who really knows? All I can say for myself is that I'm living a life that wouldn't be possible in the States. At some point one of us willl end it, and when that happens I want to be able to say that I have no regrets.

And by the way, if you want to know what Colombians really think about gringos who come down here to monger, get into a relationship with one. It isn't nice. Excellent post and advice.

You have something nice and you're real and honest about it.

How could ya argue with that?

12-09-10, 13:59
What's amazing about Medellin, and probably why so many men rave about the City as a sex tourism destination, is how cheap prostitution is: A typical price is 30, 000 Colombian pesos ($15. 79 in US currency) for 30 minutes. That is without question cheapest prostitution I've found anywhere.

For me, there are two problems with most of the prostitution in Medellin: (1) With only one exception (a black girl at Abydos) , all the girls or women working in these places I saw were overweight, and I saw exactly one pretty face (which was that of the girl I chose at Fase II). There are pretty young, thin women in Medellin, but none I've seen were working as prostitutes. On the other hand, if you like women with big bubble butts and don't care if a woman has a pretty face, Medellin is your place. The girls at these central Medellin casas or apartments are almost all caucasian and young. Caucasian and young, and have had a baby. Yep, that's Medellin all right. Popular as a sex destination because it's cheap. Repeat: because it is CHEAP. It's true you will find that some of South America's finiest bodies wind up in Spain, or Italy, Geneva, Germany but there they are priced out of reach of the guy who can afford Medellin. The best a poor guy can do is try to find a young girl in Medellin down on her luck and take advantage of her cheap pricing before she moves on to the higher leagues that he can't afforder.

12-09-10, 17:41
why don't more people take the bus from the airport? it's friendly, it takes a little longer but the cost is only 6k. you can take a bus to close to where you want to go, and then a taxi say for another 6k, and save 40k. what's wrong with that?

chesrep001the answer is very simple for me, safety.

i ride the bus systems in colombia all the time but never when leaving the airport. a monger's most vulnerable time is when he walks out of the airport, it is the only time in which you have (or should have) all of your money, electronics, passport and other valuables in your possession. on the bus you will have many sets of eyes on you and they all will know that you have all of your valuables with you. the odds are slim but if you get robbed you will lose everything, for a little more than twenty dollars i get into a taxi that i myself called, make note of the taxi number and make sure the driver sees me doing so and go straight to my hotel or apartment to put my money and passport in the safe and secure my other things.

just one mongers opinion.

12-09-10, 18:24
I agree with the prior posting. The other reason to take a taxi rather than the bus is because the bus drops you off somewhere in downtown MDE and not close to your final destination in El Poblado, Laureles, etc. Or where most of us would be staying. This means that you are standing on some random corner with all your luggage and valuables hoping you select the right taxi, hoping its not raining, and hoping no one hassles you while your waiting. Additionally, if I fly to MDE from the US, my flight arrives in the later evening, which compounds the safety issue.

12-09-10, 21:53
At the risk of being "flamed" by many of the veterans (cynics / realists?) on this board I am going to give my take on Agwood69's questions.

When I arrived in Medellin my Spanish was minimal. It is now at the point where I can hold my own reasonably well, although it is still far from good. Also I should point out that I am well past my prime, and am far from being a Brad Pitt lookalike, although I am in good shape for my age.

My time living here has taught me that the more I learn about the culture in Colombia the more I realise I have still to learn. If anything learning the culture has been a greater challenge (although lots of fun) than the language. I have been lucky enough to make friends with a number of "regular" Colombians. Male and female. In addition to the relationship that I am currently in with a beautiful yound Paisa.

How do I define the word "relationship"? Well, I have the things that I want out of it. Companionship with a lovely, personable, very attractive girl which of course includes a very loving sexual component. She gets the financial help that she needs in order to improve her prospects for a better life, isn't in a financial position where she needs to prostitute herself with other gringos, and from time to time gets to go with me on vacations that are beyond anything she could have dreamed. Also I treat her with the utmost respect and pamper her with regalos, clothes etc.

Does she have another life beyond her life with me? Of course, and it's one that I will never be able to enter, even if I wanted to, which I don't. Having said that, I believe that there are certain essentials that as a gringo must be met for an arrangement like this to succeed over a period of time:

1) there must be a "connection" between both parties at some level beyond the basic "sex for money." For this language is only one. Although one extremely important. Component.

2) honesty. Again on both sides. Is critical. This is where I fully expect to be flamed, but all I will say is that she knows that the very first time I catch her lying to me, it's over. And so far I haven't caught her lying.

3) trust. This is a biggy for me, and it has taken me a very long time to reach the point where I feel that I can trust her.

4) have a budget and be sure to stay within it. They will push until they find your limit, so it's important to know what that limit is.

I do want to emphasise the importance of these things. Without them I don't see how any long term relationship could possibly have any chance of success. Even living here, the odds are incredibly long. From outside of the country? Well, I suppose it could happen, but it would take two highly unusual and committed people.

I don't know Carolina, but I was impressed with Cubanut's comments about her.

To finish, yes the girl I am with would be known to some of you (perhaps a lot of you) on this board if I were to identify her. As anyone who has got to know one of these girls reasonably well will verify, what we see of them when we come to Medellin on mongering vacations doesn't begin to scratch the surface of the real person. And as someone else on this board has said, there are all types out there, bad and good. You'd better be a good judge of character and even then who really knows? All I can say for myself is that I'm living a life that wouldn't be possible in the States. At some point one of us willl end it, and when that happens I want to be able to say that I have no regrets.

And by the way, if you want to know what Colombians really think about gringos who come down here to monger, get into a relationship with one. It isn't nice. I have a similar but not identical situation and the way I look at it is if you are getting what you want out of the relationship and are comfortable with the "cost" and she is also then there is nothing wrong with it. Read and listen to others' advise but at the end of the day it is you that has to live by your decisions so listen to your heart and nobody else.

12-09-10, 23:20
The answer is very simple for me, safety.

I ride the bus systems in Colombia all the time but NEVER when leaving the airport. A monger's most vulnerable time is when he walks out of the airport, it is the only time in which you have (or should have) ALL of your money, electronics, passport and other valuables in your possession. On the bus you will have many sets of eyes on you and they all will know that you have ALL of your valuables with you. The odds are slim but if you get robbed you will lose everything, for a little more than twenty dollars I get into a taxi that I myself called, make note of the taxi number and make sure the driver sees me doing so and go straight to my hotel or apartment to put my money and passport in the safe and secure my other things.

Just one mongers opinion. Agreed 100% if anything is going to happen to you, can you imagine getting off the Buseta with your laptop, shoulderbag, ipods, digi cams. This is a ladrones JackPot! Spring for the 55mil. If you have 2 or more people it gets cheaper when you split it obviously. That's a long ride for the cabbie presuming he has to spring for the 7500 peso toll as well. Whats left of that 55mil? Not too much profit.

12-10-10, 05:38
I for one feel more comfy in a full bus rather than being alone in a taxi. I remember.

The days when I used to get off the plane at 11pm in Quito and dreaded taking the taxi all

By myself.

I was in a taxi from airport in Quito the night coup took place and I was.

Sweating bullets when the taxi took a turn off because of burning tires on the road. I am yet.

To have a bad experience with a taxi in South America but still would prefer to take a common.

Transport the first time I get off the plane if it is available.

At least in a bus you are with a whole lot of other common folk. I have taken the bus.

A few times from Medellin Airport (Taxi as well) and never had any issues.

Pana Nyc
12-10-10, 05:49
why don't more people take the bus from the airport? it's friendly, it takes a little longer but the cost is only 6k. you can take a bus to close to where you want to go, and then a taxi say for another 6k, and save 40k. what's wrong with that?

chesrep001in my opinion if you have to worry about saving 40k which is 20us on vacation than you should not be traveling stay home.

the answer is very simple for me, safety.

i ride the bus systems in colombia all the time but never when leaving the airport. a monger's most vulnerable time is when he walks out of the airport, it is the only time in which you have (or should have) all of your money, electronics, passport and other valuables in your possession. on the bus you will have many sets of eyes on you and they all will know that you have all of your valuables with you. the odds are slim but if you get robbed you will lose everything, for a little more than twenty dollars i get into a taxi that i myself called, make note of the taxi number and make sure the driver sees me doing so and go straight to my hotel or apartment to put my money and passport in the safe and secure my other things.

just one mongers opinion. i agree 100%

Member #4394
12-10-10, 05:49
Where can I buy New York Times or another English news paper in Medellin? Gracias!

The Tall Man
12-10-10, 17:40
Ahh, not that I need it, jejejejeje, but can you buy Viagra over the counter in Colombia? Speciffically in Medellin? Or is a prescription needed?

Thanks, The Tall Man

12-10-10, 18:10
Ahh, not that I need it, jejejejeje, but can you buy Viagra over the counter in Colombia? Speciffically in Medellin? Or is a prescription needed?

Thanks, The Tall ManYes, you can get it at any farmacia without a prescription. You can also get the generic for dirt cheap, the generic name is sildenafil. There are fakes around but if you buy it from a reliable farmacia you should be okay. If you do not know of a reliable one just go to one in one of the large chain supermarkets, you won't get fakes in there.

12-10-10, 18:31
Ahh, not that I need it, jejejejeje, but can you buy Viagra over the counter in Colombia? Speciffically in Medellin? Or is a prescription needed?

Thanks, The Tall ManYou can buy generic Viagra or the original at any drogueria or even the pharmacy in any supermarket. There is no Generic cialis or levitra yet as far as I know and no prescription needed.

12-10-10, 18:34
I was in CTG a few weeks ago and went to the Exito grocery store, which has a pharmacy at the front of the store. The pharmacist did not have Viagra in stock to sell, however, he did have a generic brand that was quite inexpensive and I purchased about a half dozen tablets without a prescription. I have not used them yet so can't comment on their performance enhancement qualities.

Ahh, not that I need it, jejejejeje, but can you buy Viagra over the counter in Colombia? Speciffically in Medellin? Or is a prescription needed?

Thanks, The Tall Man

12-10-10, 21:18


A little about me first, I am a private security contractor working overseas. Spent many years in the active USA Military but after September 11th I was recruited to use my skills in a much more lucrative way. I am still associated with a reserve component though.


Thank you in advance for your help,

AgwoodI was a security contractor for 3 years. I'm moving to Medellin next year. Whatever you do do NOT let anyone in Colombia know how much money you make, have made, or have saved. Fly NOE, low on the radar and stay as low profile as possible.

As for the girl you are seeing. Bro there are way too many fish swimming in the Colombian seas to catch a case of oneitis. You know that disease where one girl is "the one". No matter how hot she is, how great a lay, how great a personality she has, or how well you think you two hit it off. There's just too many options out there.

I personally love working girls. I don't plan on dating any non-pros while I'm living there. I much prefer to throw some pesos down, get what I want and then make like a tree and fuck off without all the games and time involved in chasing down non pro tail.

As for dating a working girl or supposedly former working girl. Why? It's easier to make a working girl out of an honest woman than an honest woman out of a working girl. Keep in mind that I appreciate the service that working girls provide, and in some ways I respect them more than non pro's. I. E ones that try and squeeze as much as they can out of their current "boyfriend". Give me an honest working girl any day of the week over that bs!

And the guys who say Colombians have such a bad perception of gringos who visit Colombia to monger really crack me up. Really though, there are certain mongers who DO give the rest of us a bad name. I. E dragging a strata 1 ho down to Parque Lleras etc etc. But in general if you handle your business in a discreet way nobody really gives a damn what you do. You are not that important in the Colombian scheme of things. Get over yourself LOL. Do you really think all those 30k COP casas are there catering to the sex tourist gringos? Fuck no because if they were they would be 200 COP casas! But hey if you want to act like a timid little furry forest creature who is afraid to slay some ass in the perfect place for ass slaying then hey by all means stay back home in pussy prison. That way you can be sure no Colombians think bad of you for just wanting to fuck their hot ass women.

And for the guy who said: "if you want to know what Colombians really think about gringos who come down here to monger, get into a relationship with one. It isn't nice.". What do you think a civilian Colombian girl is going to say about sex tourist gringos to her gringo bf? LMAO dude really this stuff should be mongering 101 but some of you guys seem to have forgotten to RTFMH (read the fucking mongering handbook).

12-11-10, 01:51
I think if you are so paranoid that you are afraid to take this comfy bus from the airport, then you should stay home! And it sounds like you guys travel like Imelda Marcos! And you think like her too. You take all these precautions so you won't experience anything even beginning to approach the real Colombia. Maybe that's the last thing you want to get to know. Well, you are welcome to hang with fellow ex-pats, and speak english all day, and be safe of course, as for me, I'm going to lose myself in the 2 or 3 million people in greater Medellín.

Mr Gogo
12-11-10, 04:56
I was a security contractor for 3 years. I'm moving to Medellin next year. Whatever you do do NOT let anyone in Colombia know how much money you make, have made, or have saved. Fly NOE, low on the radar and stay as low profile as possible.

As for the girl you are seeing. Bro there are way too many fish swimming in the Colombian seas to catch a case of oneitis. You know that disease where one girl is "the one". No matter how hot she is, how great a lay, how great a personality she has, or how well you think you two hit it off. There's just too many options out there.

I personally love working girls. I don't plan on dating any non-pros while I'm living there. I much prefer to throw some pesos down, get what I want and then make like a tree and fuck off without all the games and time involved in chasing down non pro tail.

As for dating a working girl or supposedly former working girl. Why? It's easier to make a working girl out of an honest woman than an honest woman out of a working girl. Keep in mind that I appreciate the service that working girls provide, and in some ways I respect them more than non pro's. I. E ones that try and squeeze as much as they can out of their current "boyfriend". Give me an honest working girl any day of the week over that bs!

And the guys who say Colombians have such a bad perception of gringos who visit Colombia to monger really crack me up. Really though, there are certain mongers who DO give the rest of us a bad name. I. E dragging a strata 1 ho down to Parque Lleras etc etc. But in general if you handle your business in a discreet way nobody really gives a damn what you do. You are not that important in the Colombian scheme of things. Get over yourself LOL. Do you really think all those 30k COP casas are there catering to the sex tourist gringos? Fuck no because if they were they would be 200 COP casas! But hey if you want to act like a timid little furry forest creature who is afraid to slay some ass in the perfect place for ass slaying then hey by all means stay back home in pussy prison. That way you can be sure no Colombians think bad of you for just wanting to fuck their hot ass women.

And for the guy who said: "if you want to know what Colombians really think about gringos who come down here to monger, get into a relationship with one. It isn't nice.". What do you think a civilian Colombian girl is going to say about sex tourist gringos to her gringo bf? LMAO dude really this stuff should be mongering 101 but some of you guys seem to have forgotten to RTFMH (read the fucking mongering handbook). Great post, you are going to hurt some guys feelings. But thats real talk 101.

12-11-10, 06:23
Napalm's post should be required reading for this forum.

12-11-10, 09:22
i think if you are so paranoid that you are afraid to take this comfy bus from the airport, then you should stay home! and it sounds like you guys travel like imelda marcos! and you think like her too. you take all these precautions so you won't experience anything even beginning to approach the real colombia. maybe that's the last thing you want to get to know. well, you are welcome to hang with fellow ex-pats, and speak english all day, and be safe of course, as for me, i'm going to lose myself in the 2 or 3 million people in greater medellín.i think it depends on the traveler and the situation. if this is a first time visit to mde or your spanish is weak, just take a taxi. it also depends on the time you arrive and how long you've been flying. some guys might just want to get to where they're staying asap after a long day stuck inside airplanes, making connecting flights, etc. especially if it's late in the evening.

but i think it's important to point out taxis can be marked by thieves just as much if not more than buses. it's not the bus you need to be worried about, it's the connection to the taxi in a part of town that is potentially shadier than the airport. a pale, tired gringo with no espaņol, burdened with luggage and looking for a taxi late at night is not the picture you want to paint.

if you want more of a backpacker experience, by all means take the bus. it's actually pretty safe. but if you're there strictly for mongering and you're carrying a pricey slr camera and other photo equipment, lots of cash, lots of sexy clothes & toys for the girls, than it's just common sense to cab it to where you're staying.

if you're spanish is good like me, you can sometimes find someone on your flight to share a taxi with if you want to cut the price down and lower your risk of getting robbed. i've even made some interesting friends or contacts doing this. i think even an english-only gringo can get a helpful colombian to share a taxi with him, but if you're staying at an obvious monger venue, you might not want to try that, lol! or make sure he gets off first, a tall order since in casual interactions like this, most colombians are actually quite helpful and will insist to let you off first even if it inconveniences them a bit.

12-11-10, 16:29
Napalm, excellent post. Bottom line is go about your business and don't give a shit what other people think. Be as discreet as possible and enjoy the putas and don't mary them.

And for the guy who said: "if you want to know what Colombians really think about gringos who come down here to monger, get into a relationship with one. It isn't nice.". What do you think a civilian Colombian girl is going to say about sex tourist gringos to her gringo bf? LMAO dude really this stuff should be mongering 101 but some of you guys seem to have forgotten to RTFMH (read the fucking mongering handbook). This guy is a monger or ex monger and his girl is a puta or ex puta. So he is not just a "Gringo BF" and she is not a just "a civilian Colmbian". Get that straight first. The conversation did not take place between a civilian Colombiana and a normal gringo boyfriend.

What she said to him as is true. To deny or think otherwise means you are on the other side, and that's fine for you. Actually what is better is to not give a shit and go about your business. But some here seem to be concerned with appearances and by what TrnTndr posted.

12-11-10, 16:34
I think it depends on the traveler and the situation. If this is a first time visit to MDE or your Spanish is weak, just take a taxi. It also depends on the time you arrive and how long you've been flying. Some guys might just want to get to where they're staying asap after a long day stuck inside airplanes, making connecting flights, etc. Especially if it's late in the evening.Exactly. It's a question of time and convenience. Not money or if the bus is comfy.

12-11-10, 18:03
Napalm, excellent post. Bottom line is go about your business and don't give a shit what other people think. Be as discreet as possible and enjoy the putas and don't mary them.

This guy is a monger or ex monger and his girl is a puta or ex puta. So he is not just a "Gringo BF" and she is not a just "a civilian Colmbian". Get that straight first. The conversation did not take place between a civilian Colombiana and a normal gringo boyfriend.

What she said to him as is true. To deny or think otherwise means you are on the other side, and that's fine for you. Actually what is better is to not give a shit and go about your business. But some here seem to be concerned with appearances and by what TrnTndr posted. My mistake, I went back and re-read TrnTndr's post (and Agwood69's) and indeed it appears TrnTndr is seeing a puta or former puta. I suppose if any Colombians would be honest about how they felt about sex tourist gringos it would be a puta. So what this tells us is that the girl he's seeing doesn't like sex tourists. I would caution against drawing too broad of a conclusion from that one case though. Hell you could probably round up a hundred putas that don't like gringo punters for whatever reason. But I guarantee you every single one of them will still open her legs to that same gringo for x amount of pesos and let him tear that ass up.

As for Agwood, assuming he's not a troll, he's gotten plenty of good advice from Ricker, Cubanut, LuckEddie and many others. I really need to start reading more before I waste time posting nonsense on the interwebs, as I went back and read Aussie Greg's comment:

I quote "I am ready to make a long term commitment to her as she is truly a sweet and amazing woman"

Without ever meeting her? Jesus christ.

Aussie Greg. And really, nothing else more need be said about the matter.

12-11-10, 18:12
Exactly. It's a question of time and convenience. Not money or if the bus is comfy.Agree 100% My flights always seem to arrive after 8pm. At that point I just want to take a taxi straight to wherever I'm staying, which is usually someplace in Poblado. The hassle of taking a bus at that time of night to Centro or wherever then having to catch a cab to your final destination all the while toting your luggage around just doesn't seem worth it to me. Also I feel less secure at night time. If my flight arrived during the day I would probably try taking the bus at least once.

For anyone that does take the bus it might be a good idea to have all your documents and valuables in a small carry on bag with you on the bus, rather than in your luggage under the bus.

12-11-10, 20:57
i think if you are so paranoid that you are afraid to take this comfy bus from the airport, then you should stay home! and it sounds like you guys travel like imelda marcos! and you think like her too. you take all these precautions so you won't experience anything even beginning to approach the real colombia. maybe that's the last thing you want to get to know. well, you are welcome to hang with fellow ex-pats, and speak english all day, and be safe of course, as for me, i'm going to lose myself in the 2 or 3 million people in greater medellín.chesrep001,

in all due respect you are way off base here.

it has nothing to with being afraid or paranoid, it is called being smart. i have ridden the bus systems all over colombia and have ridden in the beds of many a pickup truck loaded with haitian farm workers all carrying machetes traveling the remote areas of the dr, believe me being afraid has nothing to do with it.

many of our fellow mongers on this board have spent days, weeks and in my case months at a time in the barrios where there are no gringos or english spoken at all and these are the guys that are smart enough to know that walking out of the airport with all of your identification and money and hopping directly on a bus to save a lousy twenty fucking dollars is not smart, not in medellin, not anywhere period.

just my opinion here but these days "losing" yourself in greater medellin is getting hard to do, try some of the smaller cities in colombia if you want a true taste of the culture because in medellin it is getting harder to find with all the chain restaurants and bullshit there, it is still a wonderful city but if you really want to get a taste of the local culture and true way of life get away from medellin.

12-11-10, 21:08
Just thought I would add my 2 cents to the bus issue. I used the buses all last week. As I told Pana I do not feel this is for everyone. I myself have 20+ trips to mde on my side along with 16 years of mongering. Can you save money yes! However do I feel it's an option for a first timer No! Will I use the bus system again sure why not I found it to be very easy for someone with a good lay of the land. As for time I found it to be equal to a taxi give about 10 extra mins to the trip to and from the airport.


12-12-10, 12:22
OH MY GOODNESS, This has to be the most lamest post ever!

How can you be in a relationship with a person you have never met in person?

Pathetic! You are in the Military, and are this stupid?

P. S I have also banged Carolina and she gives great BBBJ's and enjoys getting facials. She is a nice girl and says yes to anything aslong as you are nice about it. With that said. You still want her as a girlfriend. Unbelievable, dude save your money on the plane ticket and go get a shrink!


I have been a lurker here for a few months but this is my first post.

Unfortunately my first post here is not a trip report or anything fun like that, I am posting here because I need a little help.

A little about me first, I am a private security contractor working overseas. Spent many years in the active USA Military but after September 11th I was recruited to use my skills in a much more lucrative way. I am still associated with a reserve component though.

A few months ago I met a great Colombian girl online, from Medellin in fact. We talk online a lot and we have become fantastic friends. I started to notice that she would avoid a lot of questions about her past work experiences and what she does for money currently as she said she was unemployed.

Over time she and I entered into a relationship and she calls me her boyfriend, which is fine as I truly care about her and consider her my Girlfriend. She has asked me to spend Christmas and New years with her in Medellin and I have agreed.

One of my co-workers one day told me that I should check this site to see if she was a working girl because things just didn't seem to add up. And sure enough there are some reports about her here and some pictures.

I spoke with her about this (not referencing this site or any one specifically) and her response was that she told me there were things that were going to have to talk about when I get there.

She has told me that she is no longer working, and has not for many months and she explained to me that she used to work for a few days in La Mayorista and she used to go to the Mansion a few times to make money when she needed it.

I do not really care what she has done in her past. Seriously I don't know what has touched her life and what difficulties she has had to deal with. I am only concerned about what she is doing now.

On her own accord She has deleted her RomanceLatina profile, she has removed many people from her Facebook page and she comes almost everyday to chat with me in MSN. I am ready to make a long term commitment to her as she is truly a sweet and amazing woman.

Her name is Carolina, or some say Karolina. She is very small and has an ever so slight cleft lip which I do not think detracts from her beauty at all.

But there are just some things that leave me uncomfortable, and truly I would rather spend time with my friends or Parents over Christmas if she has been dishonest with me about her working status.

I work way too hard and have far too much to loose if she is playing me, lying to me or not telling me the truth about what she is doing and has been doing for the past few months. I am a pretty serious guy, I do some pretty serious work and I just don't need anything like this in my life now or ever.

I would rather bow out silently than waste my time and effort coming to Medellin to see her.

I know no one here owes me anything, but I am just reaching out to figure a few things out before I buy a plane ticket to go to Medellin.

Thank you in advance for your help,


12-12-10, 17:33
My 2 cents on the bus / taxi scene from the Medellin Airport. Another option is what they call the collectivo taxi. Where the cab driver fills up with 3 or 4 people and takes them to San Diego Mall. The fare is only 17, 000 for 3 and 13, 000 for 4 people in the taxi. Its a little safer.

From the Mall you have to switch to a local taxi to your hotel.

I usually stay in El Centro (Hotel Nutibara etc.) so its close to where the commbus leaves me off.

12-12-10, 17:45
This was my fourth and final trip for the year to the city of the paisas. Stayed at Casa Blanca 2. It was a very enjoyable trip, but I didn't have quite the amazing time I had during my July / August stay mostly due to my own circumstances. That time was in the middle of a larger summer vacation and time off and I was in a bit more relaxed and energetic state, while this one was kind of squeezed in between work obligations over the Thanksgiving holiday where I wanted to take advantage of two work holidays, and I've been just a bit tired and stressed once again.

So I wasn't that active overall for fucking, just 6 sessions over 6 nights and 5 full days with 4 different girls. And no casas or nightclubs in this mix, all these girls, except one mansion girl Karen, I met through the dating sites romancelatina (RL) or latinamericancupid. Some of these girls are also mansion girls. In any case I enjoyed each session very much especially the two repeat girls. The factors in taking the approach I used. I don't drink much and like to get a good night's sleep, but also like to get to know the girls before I lay them and actual dates work well for that. I'm not big on casas for that reason but if I wanted or needed to leche 2 or 3 times or more each day like many guys do I would definitely add a casa run to the morning itinerary. But that is not the case for me. 1 to 2 pops daily is my rate these days.

A mild disappointment was no Laurita Par, my favorita sex bunny from RL, she seems to be out of the loop at least for the time being as others also have tried to connect with her recently with no success. Yet she still has kept active and enters her profile on RL from time to time, puzzling, oh well.

12-12-10, 17:46
I arrived Thursday (Thanksgiving) evening just before 10 PM, and Carolina who I had arranged a date with was waiting for me with a happy smile and big hug and kiss. She indeed had lost weight as she said and looked better than ever, she had a bit of junk in the trunk before but now hardly any. So I got settled in as she waited and pulled her in for some photos followed by a great session, DFK and BBBJ for starters followed by the main course. She was then on her way and me to sleep, I don't keep them overnight generally as I sleep better alone.

Friday was a day of some touristy things and a date with a RL girl Marcela, a 19 yo university student with no kids. She was a cutie and a bit shy, unlike many on that site her profile does not state "one night stand" or "discrete". Nonetheless in a couple of online chats before my trip I made clear to her I was not looking for a serious relationship, but just wanted to meet new people and have fun. She arrived that evening and I invited her in, immediately she gave a hug and kiss and we chatted a bit. She was sweet and quiet but soon we were DFKing. I looked in her eyes and she asked me,"mas"? I responded si and soon all the clothes were off and she started with a nice BBBJ, she seemed a bit unsure and some sexual inexperience seemed evident. Nonetheless when we got down to the full business it was clear she was really horny and wanted it as much as I did, to sum briefly, the sex was fantastic GFE and all I could ask for. I actually wanted to keep this one for a few hours more and a round 2 but she told me she had to head back home for a family dinner. No discussions of money had been made, she just asked for money for taxi, but I handed her 80, 000. I think she was happy with that amount as when I called her a few days later she was happy to repeat and I made the same donation that time as well.

12-12-10, 17:48
I spent much of Saturday with a latinamericancupid date. Bibiana is a cute single mom age 25, for the time being she works a lousy job in an textile factory with dyes that are making her sick. Not a beautiful face nor big tits but slender with a very nice round booty but great personality, super sweet and friendly. I really liked this girl and how she led me around with her hand on my arm. We had lunch together in centro, did a museum tour then just hung out at a park for chitchat for a couple of hours. When I did ask her at one point if she wanted to come back with me to my hotel but she said she couldn't, partly because she was a little under the weather, again its from some dye exposure at her job. I will say that this is the situation where when pulling a girl I'd much prefer to have an apartment instead of staying at CB1 or CB2.

Conversation with this girl was interesting, especially when at one point turned to relationships and dating and sex. This chica is not prepago but several of her friends are. She had attended a romancelatina party and was taken aback, she told me exactly why almost all gringos come to Medellin, everyone knows it there. It became clear to her I was no different, but she took no offense and we parted on good terms. I didn't see her again but when I called back a few days later to ask her how she was feeling she was very happy to hear from me. But given that she won't accept money for sex I'm not sure what could happen, but I am sure she would be happy to see me again next trip and I wouldn't be surprised if I get to bang her for nothing more than meal and taxi expenses, just because she likes me and feels lonely and horny for some non-colombiano intimate male company. She told me she hates the local men, like her sons father who knocked her up and ran away to marry some other woman, and is basically a non-father to his son. Time will tell what happens I guess.

That night for sex I met with another RL girl Veronica, sweet friendly girl and a good performance that included enthusiastic DFK and BBBJ. Usually I have some latino pop or reggaeton playing, Chino why Nacho is a favorite and I like them also, but this time I was fucking her to the sound of Billy Idol's 'Flesh For Fantasy' which seemed appropriate! Damage was 150, 000 for 90 minutes but my judgement in this city she was an 80, 000 girl at best so an overpay, oh well.

Sunday I had a lunch date with yet another RL girl, Carito, she was really hot with a pretty face, figure and nice rack, but when our date had ended she said she had to leave for some family reason. We discussed terms for a sex date for the next day, I asked 100, 000 she requested 150, 000 and because she was hot I agreed, but then Monday she blew me off! Oh well, if she's like that just as well, if she agreed it probably would have been a lousy session. Then when I get back to USA she sees me online and messages me. She wants to do a sexy video performance for me for $, I reply nicely, no thanks.

After that I went to the mansion to check the talent poolside, I didn't spend much time there with my other activities. Karen was cute and seemed likeable and friendly so I pulled her and we did the walk up the steep hill to CB2 and my room. I don't generally negotiate details, it was a good not great session, CBJ and nothing otherwise that really made up for it which sometimes is the case. For example my first time with Carolina which also was CBJ the first time, or Viviana from the last trip who despite the CBJ like Carolina also felt and performed totally like a real girlfriend. Karen was nice and sweet just not exceptional for me.

12-12-10, 17:48
Monday was the repeat with Marcela, she was terrific, even better and more comfortable with me than the first time. We did 2 rounds this time, and I also convinced her to pose for some nude pics for my private collection. After the sex I took her to Santa Fe Mall for ice cream and we parted ways. That night I had hoped to meet up with my Lima wingman Dave who was in town but he wasn't answering, I figured he had gotten busy. So I just called it an early night, I had had my fun for the day anyway.

Tuesday arrives, my final pick was another repeat and sure good thing, Carolina, made some fun videos and she did gave her usual top notch BJ me sitting on the computer chair. Followed by cowgirl after I slid the chair in front of the mirror for a really nice view of the action. The challenge there for me was holding on one hand on the bedpost and the other on the mirror cabinet for stability while we fucked since the chair had wheels. That was followed by dinner and conversation at Parque Lleras at the Italian restaurant the name I forget. The salad was nice but I prefer Basilica for either steak or ceviche.

Wednesday I was up at 5:30 AM for the 8:15 return flight connection in Miami and back home that evening.

12-12-10, 17:53
Next time I will probably mix in a bit of nightlife and Mayorista which I didn't do this time, but I will say that the approach I used generally helped keep overall expenses down by removing takeout fees and chica drink expenses from the overall bill, while at the same time enjoying normal dates, not just meeting and laying the pipe right away. But sometimes that is what happens too and can work out well.

Where to stay next time? Apartment, or CB1 or CB2, or somewhere else? I'm not sure since I am not one to hang out and party with my fellow mongers too much which CB1 especially is great for. But Boyd is a great host at CB2 and I enjoyed the omelet, arepa and fruit breakfast each morning. Room 9 behind the kitchen is very nice, just about all you could want with the jacuzzi and mirrors, it was an extra couple hundred dollars or so over what I could have payed for a smaller hotel room or nice spacious apartment in Poblado but it was worth it for me considering everything.

Mr Gogo
12-12-10, 18:39
With the sudden demise of Sosua I'm getting alot of PMs from Sosua mongerers wanting Medellin info. So I want to say here what I tell them in case their are others here lurking. Medellin is not like Sosua. Its a totally different vibe. Please go back into this forum and do your homework. Also please adjust your mongering stategy to low key, verses Sosuas fast forward. There is no beach, no Classicos, no SW everywhere approaching you, No DR bravado, and fellow mongerers are few.

Medellin is low key, cold and rainy sometimes at night, beautiful, and the sex is hidden (except Mayorista). The people have their agenda and its not about you. The girls are the prettiest and nicest I've ever encountered. And CBJ are the norm until the girl feels comfortable with you. So now you've been warned, so please don't say you're sad that Medellin wasnt like Sosua used to be.

Member #4253
12-12-10, 19:44

It gives me great pleasure to write my firt ever post to you. I am going to be in Medellin from 11th Jan to 19th Jan. I am a first time monger and am very excited. To be clear, I'm 29, and I've only ever had sex with five prostitues. Never the same one twice. This is my first, and probably last ever mongering trip, as I'm looking to settle down in the not to distant future. So I'm really fucking excited about this trip. Let's join forces. You can feed off the excitment I have due to my essentially virgin nature to the scene, and hopefully I can get a tip or two from you.

I'm probably going to do about five TLNs with top quality chicas from the top clubs. I may do four hour sessions (or possibly even less time) instead if I get bored of the chicas' persoanlity after I jizz several times. Ha.

Ta for all the info on this site by the way. I've done my research (though, I'm going to do a reshash soon) and I'm going to try to hit the nail on the head first time. I'm pretty sure I chose the right destination, MEDELLIN!

PM me if you want to join forces. I will def get a phone when I reach Colombia, which will prob be late December.

I'm from Australia by the way. I'm not that into getting pissed and I can't dance.

12-12-10, 21:13
Just my opinion here but these days "losing" yourself in greater Medellin is getting hard to do, try some of the smaller cities in Colombia if you want a true taste of the culture because in Medellin it is getting harder to find with all the chain restaurants and bullshit there, it is still a wonderful city but if you really want to get a taste of the local culture and true way of life get away from Medellin.Manizales911.

Truer words have not been spoken on this board of late. When people tell others that they should get to know and understand the culture of the Colombians I wonder which ones they are speaking of. In Medellin (Poblado and extending into Envigado in particular) the culture is more familiar to us than it is to the Colombians in that don't live in those areas.

I remember the early days of traveling to Varadero Cuba in the early 90's. Everyone and their brother would be quick to say that Varadero was NOT the true Cuba. And they were completely correct. I later would come to love all the small towns throughout the island. But in it's Hey day, there wasn't another place in the world that could compare to the awesomeness that was Varadero. It even trumped the outrageous experiences I had in Rio in 93 through 94.

Many of our fellow mongers on this board have spent days, weeks and in my case months at a time in the barrios where there are NO gringos or english spoken at all and these are the guys that are smart enough to know that walking out of the airport with all of your identification and money and hopping directly on a bus to save a lousy twenty fucking dollars is not smart, not in Medellin, not anywhere period.I find it hard to believe that such a topic of whether or not to take a bus from the airport can generate so many posts over and over again. It's been addressed many times before.

Just for the record in any country I am in, I never take the bus anywhere if I can avoid it. I have taken the train many times. Personally though I prefer taxis or catching a ride with a friend with a car.

Lastly, I live in a city with one of the best transit systems and I have not been on a bus or train in almost 25 years. I can take the train from the airport and then 1 bus and I am a block from home (and vice versa). But I never have. Why not? Simply personal choice.

It has nothing to with being afraid or paranoid, it is called being smart. I have ridden the bus systems all over Colombia and have ridden in the beds of many a pickup truck loaded with Haitian farm workers all carrying machetes traveling the remote areas of the DR, believe me being afraid has nothing to do with it.From what I just wrote above it's almost hard for me to believe that their were times (long ago) that I shared rides with crates of chickens and other livestock. Or even the time in I hitched a ride on the back of a water truck in the deepest part of Mexico hanging on for dear life to just the step ladder as the driver barreled up and down over steep hills.



12-13-10, 00:19
With the sudden demise of Sosua I'm getting alot of PMs from Sosua mongerers wanting Medellin info. So I want to say here what I tell them in case their are others here lurking. Medellin is not like Sosua. Its a totally different vibe. Please go back into this forum and do your homework. Also please adjust your mongering stategy to low key, verses Sosuas fast forward. There is no beach, no Classicos, no SW everywhere approaching you, No DR bravado, and fellow mongerers are few.

Medellin is low key, cold and rainy sometimes at night, beautiful, and the sex is hidden (except Mayorista). The people have their agenda and its not about you. The girls are the prettiest and nicest I've ever encountered. And CBJ are the norm until the girl feels comfortable with you. So now you've been warned, so please don't say you're sad that Medellin wasnt like Sosua used to be. This is 100% word for word true Mr G, Medellin and Colombia as a whole can be quite racist as well unfortunately. There is no I'm a gringo I'm entitled, I'm special look at me I have blue eyes (LOL). This anomaly went out with the bath water about 10 years ago. You want to attempt a non-pro? Your Spanish should be fluent at worse. There is no point and click mentality ala DR. I would say that gringos have built up quite an undesirable reputation these 5 years. Straight on hardcore putas will always see $$$ as the bottom line though.

12-13-10, 00:23
Just my opinion here but these days "losing" yourself in greater Medellin is getting hard to do, try some of the smaller cities in Colombia if you want a true taste of the culture because in Medellin it is getting harder to find with all the chain restaurants and bullshit there, it is still a wonderful city but if you really want to get a taste of the local culture and true way of life get away from Medellin.want to loose yourself in Medellin? Stay out of the south LOL, Sabaneta, Envigado, Poblado is nothing but a gringo infested sanctuary. Try a house or street party in Bello or Castilla for some real flavor! But you've been warned, have your wits about you and be respectful and humble.

12-13-10, 02:22
I agree, except the BJ part in my case. CBJ is not a dealbreaker for me, but BBBJ has been my norm about 80% of the time over the past year. I am sure the source matters, most of the girls I've done are either mansion girls or dating site girls. If I was pulling from Fase Dos it might be the opposite.

Medellin is low key, cold and rainy sometimes at night, beautiful, and the sex is hidden (except Mayorista). The people have their agenda and its not about you. The girls are the prettiest and nicest I've ever encountered. And CBJ are the norm until the girl feels comfortable with you. So now you've been warned, so please don't say you're sad that Medellin wasnt like Sosua used to be.

12-13-10, 03:28
With the sudden demise of Sosua I'm getting alot of PMs from Sosua mongerers wanting Medellin info. So I want to say here what I tell them in case their are others here lurking. Medellin is not like Sosua. Its a totally different vibe. Please go back into this forum and do your homework. Also please adjust your mongering stategy to low key, verses Sosuas fast forward. There is no beach, no Classicos, no SW everywhere approaching you, No DR bravado, and fellow mongerers are few.

Medellin is low key, cold and rainy sometimes at night, beautiful, and the sex is hidden (except Mayorista). The people have their agenda and its not about you. The girls are the prettiest and nicest I've ever encountered. And CBJ are the norm until the girl feels comfortable with you. So now you've been warned, so please don't say you're sad that Medellin wasnt like Sosua used to be. Great advise Gogo but your statement of CBJ being the norm surprises me. I have only had a handful of CBJ's in all my Colombia experiences and I don't negotiate it upfront because I haven't had the need to. I would like to hear from some other experienced Colombian mongers on this.

12-13-10, 19:47
Great advise Gogo but your statement of CBJ being the norm surprises me. I have only had a handful of CBJ's in all my Colombia experiences and I don't negotiate it upfront because I haven't had the need to. I would like to hear from some other experienced Colombian mongers on this.Perhaps you can elaborate first? So, you walk into NewLife or LindaChicas, choose your gal and get in the room, get naked and she just suks your dik, doesn't even pull out a condom? This does happen but is not really the norm. Nowadays there is a tip negotiation beforehand or some just will not do it ever, or not without knowing you better after a few sessions.

If you are talking about a TLN with a regular Romance Latina or Mansion girl and you are paying the right price that could be a different story.

And some girls want to save certain things just for their boyfriends, take it or leave it.

12-13-10, 21:09
Perhaps you can elaborate first? So, you walk into NewLife or LindaChicas, choose your gal and get in the room, get naked and she just suks your dik, doesn't even pull out a condom? This does happen but is not really the norm. Nowadays there is a tip negotiation beforehand or some just will not do it ever, or not without knowing you better after a few sessions.

If you are talking about a TLN with a regular Romance Latina or Mansion girl and you are paying the right price that could be a different story.

And some girls want to save certain things just for their boyfriends, take it or leave it. The ladies at NEW LIFE and LINDAS CHICAS have LEARNED from the gringos that they can negotiate more money via tips and a higher rate by insisting on Covered Blow Jobs and then getting the propina for the BBBJ. Thats how it is now.

12-14-10, 04:18
Hi Gents.

I am flying into Medellin on 20th December and was planning to take the bus to Manizales and the surrounding countryside and then fly from Armenia or Perreira to Bogota.

My question is: Is it possible to travel by road in those areas now (even just fom Medellin to Perreira for example) what with all the heavy rain and mudslides.

Appreciate any information on this matter and apologies for being off topic.


Gary Groundwork
12-14-10, 12:56

It gives me great pleasure to write my firt ever post to you. I am going to be in Medellin from 11th Jan to 19th Jan. I am a first time monger and am very excited.

I'm pretty sure I chose the right destination, MEDELLIN!

I'm from Australia by the way. I'm not that into getting pissed and I can't dance. From Australia. For 8 days. I would of chosen Thailand. Every night is Saturday night there

Member #3435
12-14-10, 18:53
Hi Gents.

I am flying into Medellin on 20th December and was planning to take the bus to Manizales and the surrounding countryside and then fly from Armenia or Perreira to Bogota.

My question is: Is it possible to travel by road in those areas now (even just fom Medellin to Perreira for example) what with all the heavy rain and mudslides.

Appreciate any information on this matter and apologies for being off topic.

BBIt's a good question. I see Caracol TV news almost everyday and for the past month the broadcasts have been mostly flood related reports. Large swaths of the country are flooded, including the Caribbean coast, central Andean highlands, and the Pacific coast. Pres Santos has declared a state of emergency and requested international aid. Let's see what others on the ground report but if I were you, I'd consider flying from MDE to Manizales.

And while we're on the topic, I saw a report a couple of weeks ago that said the primary road from Rio Negro Airport to Medellin is washed out.

Is this true? If yes, how long does it take now to get from Rio Negro to Medellin?

Thanks, Schwmm

12-14-10, 20:02
Is this true? If yes, how long does it take now to get from Rio Negro to Medellin?

Hi Schwmmr,

It's true. For instance the colectivos don't pass by San Diego cause this route into the city is blocked; now the route from the airport almost passes by Loutron / goes through Los Balsos. Overall travel time with taxi is (felt) not much longer than normal though, maybe 5-10mins más.

12-14-10, 20:45
for the past month the broadcasts have been mostly flood related reports. Large swaths of the country are flooded, including the Caribbean coast, central Andean highlands.

Sounds serious if the HIGHLANDS are flooded.

12-14-10, 20:58
Thanks for this. I think I got a conclusive answer today from a young couple I met today who did this bus ride a couple of weeks back. The 5 hour trip ended up taking them 19 hours! I think I will fly!

12-14-10, 21:03
I am considering hiring the famous angies lorena for a session. Can anyone provide me report on her looks and her perfomance in the sack?

12-14-10, 21:04
I was wondering which country has the higher concentration of hot women Spain or Colombia?

Member #4253
12-14-10, 22:13
You raise a good point fellow monger. Perhaps I should be more clear. I am already in south america on a large holiday. But my only mongering stint will be in Medellin on said dates.

From Australia. For 8 days. I would of chosen Thailand. Every night is Saturday night there

El Bacano
12-15-10, 03:58
You New guys please don't over pay these girls. I don't mind an overtip. But on initial negetiating. Please. We want to keep this Colombia Not Costa Colombia. Thanks. I don't mind big tips if and only if the Chica has good attitute and of course mainly a job well done.

12-15-10, 13:46
The ladies at NEW LIFE and LINDAS CHICAS have LEARNED from the gringos that they can negotiate more money via tips and a higher rate by insisting on Covered Blow Jobs and then getting the propina for the BBBJ. Thats how it is now.This may be the case sometimes but it seems to me that it's a poor strategy for them. If a chica wants repeat business with her customer, or with me anyways, she should be providing the full GFE treatment without special negotiation and upselling. Her doing her best to make me feel like I am her long lost boyfriend for as long as the session runs is what will make me possibly come back for her again, and maybe even again and again. That especially should be the case at Linda Chicas considering the high prices and chica drink expenses there.

12-15-10, 14:39
This may be the case sometimes but it seems to me that it's a poor strategy for them. If a chica wants repeat business with her customer, or with me anyways, she should be providing the full GFE treatment without special negotiation and upselling. Her doing her best to make me feel like I am her long lost boyfriend for as long as the session runs is what will make me possibly come back for her again, and maybe even again and again. That especially should be the case at Linda Chicas considering the high prices and chica drink expenses there.You would think they would have the foresight to operate that way but they don't, in fact the whole Colombian culture doesn't operate that way. It's "how much money can I make today and the hell with tomorrow".

Member #3435
12-15-10, 18:31
Hi Schwmmr,

It's true. For instance the colectivos don't pass by San Diego cause this route into the city is blocked; now the route from the airport almost passes by Loutron / goes through Los Balsos. Overall travel time with taxi is (felt) not much longer than normal though, maybe 5-10mins más. Hans:

OK thanks. Good info. At least the travel time isn't affected that much although I imagine the detour is not as good as the main road.

The report I saw said it will take almost a year to rebuild the part of the highway that was washed out. It's a very long stretch and the entire mountainside fell away.

All the best, Schwmm

Member #3435
12-15-10, 18:45
Sounds serious if the HIGHLANDS are flooded.Allright! Washouts, massive mudslides, and ALSO flooding in the highlands.

There are bridges washed out by flooded rivers, roads closed by mudslides all over the place, reservoirs are maxed out, and flooding in large sectors of Bogota. Just to mention a few.

Did you hear about what happened in Bello, Antioquia? It's part of the Medellin metro area. 60 or 70 dead, buried alive, last I heard.

EXCuuuusse ME!

12-15-10, 19:29
You would think they would have the foresight to operate that way but they don't, in fact the whole Colombian culture doesn't operate that way. It's "how much money can I make today and the hell with tomorrow".The sad part is though if the chica is hot enough, and enough gringos are vying for her services, she can do just fine financially by simply looking good and providing minimum quality service for maximum pesos, never needing repeats. And save the good stuff for her local boyfriend / husband. When this dynamic takes hold and spreads within a P4P culture, we know where that leads; see San Jose Costa Rica the prime example of a ruined P4P destination from this dynamic.

12-15-10, 22:46
Allright! Washouts, massive mudslides, and ALSO flooding in the highlands.

There are bridges washed out by flooded rivers, roads closed by mudslides all over the place, reservoirs are maxed out, and flooding in large sectors of Bogota. Just to mention a few.

Those roads what with the curves and hills are bad enough in optimum conditions. Was glad to have had the opportunity to do the are / t by car Medellin-pereira-manizales-armenia and back. An excellent trip, but a grind to drive it. And now highlands flooded and water flowing uphill.

Frank Casio
12-16-10, 02:42
hi guys,

my friend wilson, manager / owner, of hotel monterrey and el encuentro del tio restaurant on la mayorista strip is openning a therapeutic massage and full massage parlor right next to el encuentro del tio restaurant, but on the back street. he'll have a proffessional therapeutic massage proffessional along with a few full massage girls. they will also do facials, hands and feet, specially katering to you guys. if all goes well he will be oppenning more. the charge will be $60kcop for an hour wether you do a normal therapeutic massage or the "full sexy massage", privacy guaranteed. there will also be internet in waiting area.

frank casio!

El Bacano
12-16-10, 05:25
I never need to pay for sex in Colombia, ever. I have been there at least 10 times now and I always am able to get great women for $0. 00000000! Like I said before if you get laid in the USA by hot women you will get laid in Medellin by anyone you choose! I always have to fire off at people that don't realize some men were put here to reproduce and others to pay for sex. I know, I know. My time is coming as I age but I just got back in October and plan on going in January and will be getting laid everyday. When guys post this crap (blue eyes LOL) they are doing nothing but admitting they suck at womanizing!Some guys are so worried about how other people see them, a lot of us here have a few GFs, and get laid a lot, but we don't bragg how we can score women, or the size of our packages. We sometimes like straight up no drama healthy releASE, and we don't keep score. Just relax and enjoy the girls, it doesn't lower me to help out a poor low rent girl who may have sex with me for free. I will still pay her. Its good for your Kahrma. And you mine as well spread the wealth. These are just nice people. Then you may get a GF experience and the money really doesn't matter.

El Bacano
12-16-10, 06:14
This is 100% word for word true Mr G, Medellin and Colombia as a whole can be quite racist as well unfortunately. There is no I'm a gringo I'm entitled, I'm special look at me I have blue eyes (LOL). This anomaly went out with the bath water about 10 years ago. You want to attempt a non-pro? Your Spanish should be fluent at worse. There is no point and click mentality ala DR. I would say that gringos have built up quite an undesirable reputation these 5 years. Straight on hardcore putas will always see $$$ as the bottom line though.Look if You are really looking for a nonpro. You have to quit trying. And just be avilable yet loving. Remember you can buy sex but you can't buy love, don't be negative these grls. Wait all girls recognize this. Don't let your age or language barrier or other cynics keep you from girls or anything else.

12-16-10, 10:11
I never need to pay for sex in Colombia, ever. I have been there at least 10 times now and I always am able to get great women for $0. 00000000! Like I said before if you get laid in the USA by hot women you will get laid in Medellin by anyone you choose! I always have to fire off at people that don't realize some men were put here to reproduce and others to pay for sex. I know, I know. My time is coming as I age but I just got back in October and plan on going in January and will be getting laid everyday. When guys post this crap (blue eyes LOL) they are doing nothing but admitting they suck at womanizing!Runner Up,

So I guess you have NEVER:

Paid for a plane ticket to and from Medellin?

Paid for a place to stay in Medellin?

Paid for a girls taxi in Medellin?

Paid a girls entry into a night club in Medellin?

Paid for drinks for a girl in Medellin?

Paid for drinks for the girls friends in Medellin?

Paid for a gift for a girl in Medellin?

Paid to take a girl out to lunch / dinner in Medellin?

Paid to take a girl and her family / friends out to lunch / dinner in Medellin?

Paid for a subscription to ISG to get information about Medellin?

If you answered yes to ANY of the above, you have NOT been laid for FREE in Medellin.


If you get laid in the USA by hot women you likely will get laid in Medellin BUT it certainly will not be by ANYONE you choose. For example, ever try getting laid by a Mango's dancer? If you don't think they are hot, you need your eyes examined.

Stay Horny My Friends.


PS. See how one can disagree without flaming?

12-16-10, 13:50
I never need to pay for sex in Colombia, ever. I have been there at least 10 times now and I always am able to get great women for $0. 00000000!Are you 25 years old? .

Member #4394
12-16-10, 16:31
I hope bunch of jealous guys here will not ostracize you as they did before. Your experience is not unusual for some people with decent look and decent linguistic skills. Women find chemistry with you no matter where you go. Those who do not attarct women here do not attarct women no matter where they go, so they believe that you are bxxx sxxxing.

I never need to pay for sex in Colombia, ever. I have been there at least 10 times now and I always am able to get great women for $0. 00000000! Like I said before if you get laid in the USA by hot women you will get laid in Medellin by anyone you choose! I always have to fire off at people that don't realize some men were put here to reproduce and others to pay for sex. I know, I know. My time is coming as I age but I just got back in October and plan on going in January and will be getting laid everyday. When guys post this crap (blue eyes LOL) they are doing nothing but admitting they suck at womanizing!

Member #4394
12-16-10, 16:35
Dissapointed. I was thinking about going to Manizalez, too. If the sistuation got better, please inform about it here. Thank.

It's a good question. I see Caracol TV news almost everyday and for the past month the broadcasts have been mostly flood related reports. Large swaths of the country are flooded, including the Caribbean coast, central Andean highlands, and the Pacific coast. Pres Santos has declared a state of emergency and requested international aid. Let's see what others on the ground report but if I were you, I'd consider flying from MDE to Manizales.

And while we're on the topic, I saw a report a couple of weeks ago that said the primary road from Rio Negro Airport to Medellin is washed out.

Is this true? If yes, how long does it take now to get from Rio Negro to Medellin?

Thanks, Schwmm

12-16-10, 17:33
I never need to pay for sex in Colombia, ever. I have been there at least 10 times now and I always am able to get great women for $0. 00000000! Like I said before if you get laid in the USA by hot women you will get laid in Medellin by anyone you choose! ... Congratulations, you are AMAZING! I truly admire you.

I hope bunch of jealous guys here will not ostracize you as they did before. Your experience is not unusual for some people with decent look and decent linguistic skills ...

I'm not 'ostracising', just admiring the guy is all.
I've got blue eyes too and speak spanish very well, and I couldn't get free 'chocha' if my life depended on it.
Maybe it's my clothes I wear from the '70s, bell bottoms and platform shoes and my 'fro, or maybe it's because I smell cochino, who knows :)

Guys, I'm thinking possible 'ISG Man of the Year' honors for Runner Uup :)
He's got my vote anyway.

12-16-10, 18:09
I come here for info on travel. Hotels, flights, weather, new cities to explore, non pro venues and pro venues if I'm bored. Whenever I read a comment from a loser about blue eyes, money and being a gringo not being an advantage I respond. Blue eyes, white skin and money are all desired no matter where you are in this world. I have all 3 plus a lot of free time.Well, good for you.

12-16-10, 18:28
So Frank, When is this place suppose to open?

Member #3435
12-16-10, 20:11
Dissapointed. I was thinking about going to Manizalez, too. If the sistuation got better, please inform about it here. Thank.Nobody said don't go.

Just that it's highly inadvisable to go overland at this time.

Frank Casio
12-16-10, 20:19
Hi Rick,

As much as I hate to admit it Rick, we are getting some young guns in Parque Lleras that are getting some freebies. I know that for a fact, as some of my friends are the ones giving it up for nothing. Well, I`m 52, have had a great time here in Medellin Paradise and still am, so I don`t begrudge anybody anything. I`m still dating beautiful model Cindy since she was 17, she`s 21 now and working on her Accounting Engineering degree, in addition to a few other "hotties", but contrary to these young guns I always help my girls out, I don`t like freebies. I mean I do get some freebies, but I always like to help the girls out even if they don`t ask. They have a lot less than we do, so I only consider it fair, but then, that`s just me!

Frank Casio!

Congratulations, you are AMAZING! I truly admire you.

I'm not 'ostracising', just admiring the guy is all.

I've got blue eyes too and speak spanish very well, and I couldn't get free 'chocha' if my life depended on it.

Maybe it's my clothes I wear from the '70s, bell bottoms and platform shoes and my 'fro, or maybe it's because I smell cochino, who knows.

Guys, I'm thinking possible 'ISG Man of the Year' honors for Runner Uup.

He's got my vote anyway.

Frank Casio
12-16-10, 20:22
Hi guy,

Hopefully next week. It was supposed to be this week, but they are a little behind!

Frank Casio!

So Frank, When is this place suppose to open?

12-16-10, 22:31
Well, good for you.He seems like a humble, life of the party kinda guy! LOL

Frank Casio
12-17-10, 00:06
Hi guys,

Pay or prepay, that is the question. In Medellin Paradise it really doesn`t make much difference, prices are so low and women so abundant and beautiful, it really does not matter much. Actually is cheaper if you pre-pay. When I sit in La Mayorista by myself or with friends I`m down $4-5US for 5 beers or $9-10US for 10 beers, depending where you get them. That`s a lot of beers. It can take me a good night out to drink that much. And for an extra $12-15US I have a choice of dozens of "cuties" for a half hour. So for $20-25US I`ve had a hell of a night, wouldn`t you say?

On the other hand, when I go out with my girlfriends, between food, Parque Lleras, Ruta 13, Sabaneta or wherever the hell else they decide they want to go, I`m down at least $50-75US. So this is why I believe Medellin Paradise is the great "equalizer" for everybody, because in this Paradise of beautiful women and flowers we all get to phuck. Young, Old, good looking or ugly, black or white, blue eyes or brown eyes, we all get to phuck. And as explained before, freebies may end-up costing more in the long run.

I wish my Tampa, FL was like this. Last time I went all out in Tampa, I spent $500US. Even though I`m a hot looking (ha, ha) Spanish-French American, when the girls look at my white whiskers, mostly they turn away when they are young. In Medellin Paradise that`s not a big problem, nothing a couple of bucks in your pocket can`t fix. Hence, Colombia is the great "equalizer"!

Frank Casio!

12-17-10, 00:42
Yo, Frank. We all know pimping is hard. But thanks for reminding us. Better you than us.

12-17-10, 01:33
I come here for info on travel. Hotels, flights, weather, new cities to explore, non pro venues and pro venues if I'm bored. Whenever I read a comment from a loser about blue eyes, money and being a gringo not being an advantage I respond. Blue eyes, white skin and money are all desired no matter where you are in this world. I have all 3 plus a lot of free time.I'm very jealous of you. Now, does that make you feel better?

Mr Gogo
12-17-10, 09:46
Oh. I spend. We have all been through this before. Lets go back for a moment. I responded to a poster that said don't think you can come down here and bat your blue eyes and get pussy. I disagreed. I get free pussy all the time and of course in the end it was far from free and much more expensive then mayorista! I spend on expensive hotels, I eat 40 meals in Medellin and pay too much fr my drinks. But that is because I don't slum it in the USA and I sure as hell am not doing it in Colombia! Never been to mayorista, been to el centro 1 time. Also I always give a girl about $100 / day. Once in Bogota I had a great novia for 4 days and just before getting on the plane gave her $400 in US dollars. Just did about the same in Medellin+taxis, food and whatever else. I only banged her once too! I liked the BBBJ and just stuck with those the rest of the week.

Thanks for the entertainment. Thats more like it playa, now I got respect for you. That other "I'm Gods gift to women and I never pay" bravado shit was pure propoganda. No one is king here, we all get pussy in our own way. If you got it like you say, roll with it.

Aussie Greg
12-17-10, 15:42
I get free pussy all the time, I guess living here counts.

I wouldn't like to over 50, bald, fat and carnt control my farts though!

Aussie Greg.

Oh. I spend. We have all been through this before. Lets go back for a moment. I responded to a poster that said don't think you can come down here and bat your blue eyes and get pussy. I disagreed. I get free pussy all the time and of course in the end it was far from free auch more expensive then mayorista! I spend on expensive hotels, I eat 40 meals in Medellin and pay too much fr my drinks. But that is because I don't slum it in the USA and I sure as hell am not doing it in Colombia! Never been to mayorista, been to el centro 1 time. Also I always give a girl about $100 / day. Once in Bogota I had a great novia for 4 days and just before getting on the plane gave her $400 in US dollars. Just did about the same in Medellin+taxis, food and whatever else. I only banged her once too! I liked the BBBJ and just stuck with those the rest of the week.

Thanks for the entertainment.

12-17-10, 17:29
Hi Rick,

As much as I hate to admit it Rick, we are getting some young guns in Parque Lleras that are getting some freebies. I know that for a fact, as some of my friends are the ones giving it up for nothing.

But contrary to these young guns I always help my girls out, I don`t like freebies. I mean I do get some freebies, but I always like to help the girls out even if they don`t ask. They have a lot less than we do, so I only consider it fair, but then, that`s just me!

Frank Casio! I hear ya Franky, doesn't bother me at all, I dig it, good for them!

Not my thing though, I like meeting the more humble type chicas working in stores, malls, restaurants, selling sim cards on the street, making juice drinks, etc, etc, etc.
And like you, I dig some of the Mayorista, el Centro, other cool PFP chicas.

I just do not have the energy or appetite for high maintenance Parqe Ll chicas.

We all have our own skills, and likes and dislikes and we do what's best and most satisfying for us individually.

That's cool.

Calling other guys losers cause they are different and think differently, well, I don't care how much money one has and throws around, and how pretty one thinks he may be, that's still low class. Ya.

. I wish my Tampa, FL was like this. Last time I went all out in Tampa, I spent $500US. Even though I`m a hot looking (ha, ha) Spanish-French American, when the girls look at my white whiskers, mostly they turn away when they are young. In Medellin Paradise that`s not a big problem, nothing a couple of bucks in your pocket can`t fix. Hence, Colombia is the great "equalizer"!

Frank Casio! Btway, Frank, I found this great little strip club on the east coast of Florida.

I've befriended some nice chicas there, a couple Calenas, a few Brasileiras, and a few hot american morenitas.

For a dinner and a perfume or maybe a new pair of shoes, they'll take care of papi.

Don't have to break the bank in Florida either I've found, but you're right amigo, it still ain't Colombia, not even close.

Take care mi amigo, happy holidays!

12-17-10, 17:58
I hear ya Franky, doesn't bother me at all, I dig it, good for them!

Not my thing though, I like meeting the more humble type chicas working in stores, malls, restaurants, selling sim cards on the street, making juice drinks, etc, etc, etc.

And like you, I dig some of the Mayorista, el Centro, other cool PFP chicas.

I just do not have the energy or appetite for high maintenance Parqe Ll chicas.

We all have our own skills, and likes and dislikes and we do what's best and most satisfying for us individually.

That's cool.

Calling other guys losers cause they are different and think differently, well, I don't care how much money one has and throws around, and how pretty one thinks he may be, that's still low class. Ya.

Btway, Frank, I found this great little strip club on the east coast of Florida.

I've befriended some nice chicas there, a couple Calenas, a few Brasileiras, and a few hot american morenitas.

For a dinner and a perfume or maybe a new pair of shoes, they'll take care of papi.

Don't have to break the bank in Florida either I've found, but you're right amigo, it still ain't Colombia, not even close.

Take care mi amigo, happy holidays! Anybody can get laid for free in Colombia if a chica even remotely likes you. What do you think me and my Colombian friends do when I get there. You just have to chat them up, dance, make them feel good, BS them a little and most importantly look GQ. I think the point that some people on here are trying to get across is that it still costs money, sometimes even a lot of money. Shit I can't tell you how much money I've blown on taxi's, dinners, rumba, cover charges, bottles of booze. We all pay for it one way or another. Some of just prefer the hunt and the game, others prefer the casa or street girl, wham bam thank you maam, don't let the door hit you on the way out. That actually comes out much cheaper in the long run.

12-17-10, 19:26
Dear Sirs.

Could some kind gentleman please answer the following 4 questions for me:

1. Where is Mayorista?

2. Is it a massage / brothel place with many chicas to choose from?

3. How much does it cost all in?

4. What time does it open?

I have RTFF but it has gone so far of track that I can't get this basic information. I am a regular and useful contributor to this board and appreciate any feedback on the above.

I am curently updating information on Santa Marta and will add some thoughts on Cartegna.

Many thanks indeed.


Frank Casio
12-17-10, 19:38
Hi guys,

Went out last night to Parque LLeras. Had a couple beers and a pack of Marlboro lights at the liquor store in front of the naked statues. Then headed over to El Alamo for another 3 beers and their delicious "Salteado", sautead chicken with French Fries. They have El Alamo in Miami, Argentina and Medellin. Their food is great and the girls drink free from 6-12. I met some Canadians and spent some time with them. I go there a lot on Thursdays specially to eat.

I then headed for La Mayorista around 11:30PM. I had a beer, invited a "cutie" for a drink,"aguardiente", felt good vibes, and brought her to My Place. She was real sweet, fresh, had not been their too long and was very greatful that I called her over. She had an awesome little body with the kind of legs you know can't possibly be shaped any better and a matching ass to go with them. The kind of cowgirl legs which here they call "garrota" I think. I gave her some "aguardiente" and I had a beer and we had some smokes. I asked her if she didn't mind taking her clothes off so that we could hang out naked, she was very accommodating. Well, so much for the hanging out, the minute she took them little thongs off I was down on her. She was enjoying it without any reserves, I like that.

Soon I took her to one of the rooms and continued what I had started. She was very sweet and the minute I went into her it didn't take her but a few minutes to come. I then turned her over doggie style thinking she was done and unloaded, unfortunately for me she was not done yet. She seemed to be able to come again almost immediately and I had to continue with a saggy dick, but I did my best. I can't tell if she came again, but she was trying. I'm normally very careful and make sure they're exhausted before I come, but for some reason I didn't think she wanted more after she had already cum. Nevertheless, she was very happy and said we should make it an all nighter one day, I agreed. She said she loved my body, at 52 I blushed, but I do work out, ha, ha. Valentina turned out to be a great gal. All in all, a great night for $35US!

Hey Rick, get me some intel. On that Florida East Coast Striptease Bar. Ussually I only like to do the American girls when I'm down there, but I've found some hot smoking Hispanic girls even in Tampa, I'll consider it.

Frank Casio!

Mr Gogo
12-18-10, 06:04
Hi guys,

Went out last night to Parque LLeras. Had a couple beers and a pack of Marlboro lights at the liquor store in front of the naked statues. Then headed over to El Alamo for another 3 beers and their delicious "Salteado", sautead chicken with French Fries. They have El Alamo in Miami, Argentina and Medellin. Their food is great and the girls drink free from 6-12. I met some Canadians and spent some time with them. I go there a lot on Thursdays specially to eat.

I then headed for La Mayorista around 11:30PM. I had a beer, invited a "cutie" for a drink,"aguardiente", felt good vibes, and brought her to My Place. She was real sweet, fresh, had not been their too long and was very greatful that I called her over. She had an awesome little body with the kind of legs you know can't possibly be shaped any better and a matching ass to go with them. The kind of cowgirl legs which here they call "garrota" I think. I gave her some "aguardiente" and I had a beer and we had some smokes. I asked her if she didn't mind taking her clothes off so that we could hang out naked, she was very accommodating. Well, so much for the hanging out, the minute she took them little thongs off I was down on her. She was enjoying it without any reserves, I like that.

Soon I took her to one of the rooms and continued what I had started. She was very sweet and the minute I went into her it didn't take her but a few minutes to come. I then turned her over doggie style thinking she was done and unloaded, unfortunately for me she was not done yet. She seemed to be able to come again almost immediately and I had to continue with a saggy dick, but I did my best. I can't tell if she came again, but she was trying. I'm normally very careful and make sure they're exhausted before I come, but for some reason I didn't think she wanted more after she had already cum. Nevertheless, she was very happy and said we should make it an all nighter one day, I agreed. She said she loved my body, at 52 I blushed, but I do work out, ha, ha. Valentina turned out to be a great gal. All in all, a great night for $35US!

Hey Rick, get me some intel. On that Florida East Coast Striptease Bar. Ussually I only like to do the American girls when I'm down there, but I've found some hot smoking Hispanic girls even in Tampa, I'll consider it.

Frank Casio! Great report Frank. I always enjoy reading about your adventures.

12-18-10, 15:19
As you were in La Mayorista last night please could you take the time to quicly answer those questions I have about the place. It would be greatly appreciated. Are afternoons good there or is it just night time only.

C'mon guys, I have contributed a lot to this site over the years and scrolled back through 40 pages and found no real information, just banter.

Hoping someone can give me a very brief rundown.

12-18-10, 16:14
The interesting part of La Mayorista consists of about three blocks with restaurants and drinking spots and stairs leading to "hotels". It's in a mixed industrial-residential area at the border of Medellíand and Itaguí. It gets its name from an area nearby that either now or formerly used to sell at wholesale, like butcher shops or something like that. I'm not quite sure what they sell. There is a fair amount of action on the strip at night, catering mostly or almost entirely to locals at low prices. 10 to 40k I guess. Some people like it, looking for that jewel in the rough. But mostly its just rough. I like the restaurants, and you might too if you like to eat as the locals do. I don't like to spend my time down there looking for that undiscovered jewel though, the atmosphere as a whole is just that of a remarkably seedy bar. The Metro station is Ayura, maybe a 1-2 mile walk from the action. Frank has a place you can rent there, its a good deal, particularly if he's around to show you around.

12-18-10, 19:05
as you were in la mayorista last night please could you take the time to quicly answer those questions i have about the place. it would be greatly appreciated. are afternoons good there or is it just night time only.

c'mon guys, i have contributed a lot to this site over the years and scrolled back through 40 pages and found no real information, just banter.

hoping someone can give me a very brief rundown. read frank's and chesrep001s posts, read the medellin lists. stop whining and think that somoene owes you because posted stuff on isg over the years. i fixed my neighbor's car last week so can you send me money?

mayorista is better at night (do i need specifiy exact times?). it is street walkers with short time hotels right there. 30k-40k cop.

it's hookerz, no more no less, gl

12-18-10, 19:07
I get free pussy all the time, I guess living here counts.

I wouldn't like to over 50, bald, fat and carnt control my farts though!

Aussie Greg. ?

Am I missing something?

12-18-10, 20:30
thanks chesrep001, i appreciate the information and hope can help with info if you are ever travelling over to asia which is my territory.

lucky eddie, another meaningless post to add to your already long list of meaingless posts. in my opinion this forum is about sharing information which i have always done and which has helped countless others. it is the spirit of the site.

Frank Casio
12-18-10, 21:21
hi guys,

stairs leading to hotels can be found mostly in el centro not la mayorista strip. all the motels are on the first floor in la mayorista and you can see inside clearly. only one real hotel, not motel, has a stair leading up and it`s right next to the el encuentro del tio restaurant. la mayorista is a very, very large complex for wholesalers where truckers come from all over colombia to deliver their goods, hence the many hotels and working girls. right up front in the large complex near the strip or the main avenue you will find 6-7 large supermarkets and an equal amount of banks, mac machines, restaurants, bakeries, pharmacies and other small retailers. as far as butcher shops, i`ve yet to have seen any in my 3 years there. i`m not sure chesrep001 is all that familiar with the area.

there are a lot more than just a few diamonds in the rough. quite a few of the girls there, are regularly taken to the mansion and other penthouses by gringos, for what my guests get really ticked off. in the last year alone i have lost 5 girls to gringos taking them away and supporting them, don`t know if they have married them yet. ammong them, karolina, geraldine, jennifer and tatiana and her cousin. even though i also would like as few gringos to come there as possble, just enough to fill my place, i`m a sucker for accuracy. my guests want to keep the place to themselves also, as they tell me often, but again, i`m a succer for accuracy.

there is no street scene anywhere in medellin that compares to la mayorista. i go to el centro all the time and i don`t see myself anywhere near the street scene in el centro, only the striptease bars, there is no comparison. and there are no $10, 000cop girls in la mayorista, unless you are an expert at choosing the worst of the worst. where as in el centro there are plenty of $10, 000cop "uglies". chesrep001 statement of a few diamonds in the rough can be applied to the day scene as there are`nt many girls hanging out during the day. action starts after 9pm, sometimes earlier and from tuesday-saturday, really good wed-sat. many of my guys don`t like to report as they want to keep la mayorista as their and my hang out, and i tend to agree, but i`m obcessive compulsive about accuracy. i hope my guys don`t get mad at me, sorry!

frank casio!

the interesting part of la mayorista consists of about three blocks with restaurants and drinking spots and stairs leading to "hotels". it's in a mixed industrial-residential area at the border of medellíand and itaguí. it gets its name from an area nearby that either now or formerly used to sell at wholesale, like butcher shops or something like that. i'm not quite sure what they sell. there is a fair amount of action on the strip at night, catering mostly or almost entirely to locals at low prices. 10 to 40k i guess. some people like it, looking for that jewel in the rough. but mostly its just rough. i like the restaurants, and you might too if you like to eat as the locals do. i don't like to spend my time down there looking for that undiscovered jewel though, the atmosphere as a whole is just that of a remarkably seedy bar. the metro station is ayura, maybe a 1-2 mile walk from the action. frank has a place you can rent there, its a good deal, particularly if he's around to show you around.

12-19-10, 00:35
thanks chesrep001, i appreciate the information and hope can help with info if you are ever travelling over to asia which is my territory.

lucky eddie, another meaningless post to add to your already long list of meaingless posts. in my opinion this forum is about sharing information which i have always done and which has helped countless others. it is the spirit of the site. thanks for reading my posts. we all share info. it's the spirit of the site. some folks rtff and can find information without begging for it to be handed over on a silver platter. medellin lists spell it all out. world travel 69 works very hard compiling the info maps prices etc for the entire city. feel free to click the mouse. what you are looking for can be had without demanding or whining like a little girl. just sayin'.

12-19-10, 13:12
Hi, I know Medellin only. I ascertained it is a good spot for fucking. I'd like to know if the price for fucking at other smaller towns is cheaper than Medellin. Are smaller towns cheaper prices?"Mas o menos" what are the differences about price compared to Medellin?


Aussie Greg
12-19-10, 14:29
Yes, you are.

A. G.


Am I missing something?

12-19-10, 14:35
Yes, you are.

A. G. That's what I thought, whatta a relief.

12-19-10, 15:24
Thanks Frank, much appreciated.

12-19-10, 15:46
La Mayorista is a very, very large complex for wholesalers where truckers come from all over Colombia to deliver their goodsVery very interesting post. In my opinion I'd like to stay (to sleep) at La Mayorista. What are the names of the most interesting streets where it is possible to meet many girls: streetwalkers, bars, etc, etc. I don't like streepteese clubs but to meet girls semipro or. Pro.
Will it be easy to rent a cheap furnushed flat (US$40 per day) for 10-12 days?
In your opinion is it interesting to sleep at La Mayorista area or is it too much decentralized area?

12-19-10, 16:08
. Many of my guys don`t like to report as they want to keep La Mayorista as their and my hang out, and I tend to agree, but I`m obcessive compulsive about accuracy. I hope my guys don`t get mad at me, sorry!

Frank Casio! Yep, how do you think I felt when you opened Franks's hotel out there?

I wanted to keep the place as only my hangout too, then you guys showed up :)

Now I see Tony Barretta walking around with a bunch of bewildered gringos like they're on a Jr High field trip to Disney ... hahaha
Just joshin ya amigo.

With Medellin as one of the most popular monger detinations now, the place was bound to get saturated.
Just the way it is.

John Gault
12-19-10, 19:59
Very very interesting post. In my opinion I'd like to stay (to sleep) at La Mayorista. What are the names of the most interesting streets where it is possible to meet many girls: streetwalkers, bars, etc, etc. I don't like streepteese clubs but to meet girls semipro or. Pro.

Will it be easy to rent a cheap furnushed flat (US$40 per day) for 10-12 days?

In your opinion is it interesting to sleep at La Mayorista area or is it too much decentralized area?

ThanksFor me Mayorista is the place I stay when in MDE. Never a dull moument and the Metro is a short walk away from the Centro action. Plenty of good prospects at night for even the most jaded Monger. In the past when my handle was Vics Picks I was accused of promoting this area. At that time I was just trying to give back a little of what I learned by reading the board. So now the secret is out and all the high end guys come slumming to Mayorista.

A thing I do that not many other guys try is to go into the little discos and pretend I am in LDV in CTG. Yes it is not the same, but I have had a lot of fun prospecting like that. 10 K? I don't think so. The prices on the strip are 25 to 30 K. I have seen a new trend of a few of the English speaking girls now asking 50 K. So IMHO you guys who are used to paying 150 k in other areas don't forget the pricing structure in Mayorista is more for the budget Monger. Hold the line at 30 k and everyone will be happy.

One other thing if you think that having the Mansion as your adress will scare off non pros then what do you think if they see you staying at Monger ground zero in la Mayorista?

12-19-10, 22:30
I think Mayorista is a slum and very dumpy, kind of like a strip in Tijuana where you can find every type of debauchery known to man and boy do the freaks come out at night. I wouldn't suggest staying there and I don't see anything of interest to do in the daytime. For me I go there, do my thing or pickup my "to go" and haul ass out of there.

12-19-10, 22:56
John Gault,

Thanks for your precious news, but I see you are a different thoughts than MiamiHeatLuver.
Could you tell me if in La Mayorista it is dangerous to walk alone during the day and night?
I know La Mayorista is a very large area, in your opinion which streets are more interesting for meeting girls?


12-19-10, 23:58
Dear Sirs.

Could some kind gentleman please answer the following 4 questions for me:

1. Where is Mayorista?

2. Is it a massage / brothel place with many chicas to choose from?

3. How much does it cost all in?

4. What time does it open?

I have RTFF but it has gone so far of track that I can't get this basic information. I am a regular and useful contributor to this board and appreciate any feedback on the above.

I am curently updating information on Santa Marta and will add some thoughts on Cartegna.

Many thanks indeed.

BB1. Where is Mayorista?

It is in the nearby Medellin suburb of Itagui. If it's your 1st time going then make it real easy on yourself and just get a taxi and tell the driver you "La Mayorista donde esta las chicas". He'll smile and off you go.

2. Is it a massage / brothel place with many chicas to choose from?

La Mayorista properly is a open market area during the day. However when referring to La Mayorista in the monger sense it is 1 (one) long block strip utilizing only one side for a series of hotels restaurants, bars and even a casino on one end corner.

3. How much does it cost all in?

All the girls are working independently. They stand out in front of the venues or sit drink and dance inside the bars. The current rate is $25, 000 cop to $30, 000 cop for 1/2 hour. You can negotiate more time and money from there. (as a side note it was $12, 000 when I 1st started going there in 2005). Apart from this you will have to pay for the hotel room. The hotels on the strip are $11, 000 cop but you will be charged $12, 000 cop cause they will give you a condom for $1, 000 cop. If you bring your own tell or give back the condom and it is 11, 000 cop.

Now I want to point out that the $11, 000 cop actually gets you 25 minutes because you will get a knock on the door to advise "Tiempo" ("Times up"). You can avoid this if you negotiate more time with the girl by paying $18, 000 cop for an all night room. The all night rooms are on the upper floors as well and tend to be cleaner since they are not in and out quickie rooms like on the first floor. I say cleaner because after a session they swab the floor and bathroom but only straighten out the bed sheet and pillow case. They will change only if noticeably soiled. Whereas the all night rooms will be completely cleaned.

If you do use an all night room, you can bring additional girls up to the room but will have to pay an addition $6, 000 cop. You can ask for a fresh towel for the girl as well. An all night room is til 7am BTW.

Around the corner (where the casino is) there are 3 very large hotels The Plaza Mayorista, La Macedonia and I forget the last one. The rooms there are $22, 000 for 3 hours and $28, 000 to $32, 000 for all night depending on which hotel you are at. These are much nicer hotels and they have TV's and radio / cd players.

Before, just the big hotels had hot water but now even all the hotels on the strip have hot water in the showers.

BTW if you like watching porn then you should ask 1st at the strip hotels because some do not have porn and also ask for a room with a working tv set.

All the rooms have phones that you can use to call for drinks but you can buy drinks if you want before going into the room. One of the "tricks" the girls will do is ask if you will buy them a fruit desert, if you say yes they will tack on $2, 000 cop to the hotel fee. However the girl will tell you she will get it later when she leave's. She wil not do this, instead the hotel will just give her back the $2, 000 cop. A similar thing happens at the bars on the strip, if you buy a shot of rum for example, it will cost you $2, 000 cop but if you buy one for a girl it will cost you $3, 000 cop and then the bar will later give the girl $1, 000 cop back.

4. What time does it open?

Mayorista in effect never closes but the bars and restaurants close down at about 2am although there are times they close at midnight if there is a police operation going on. The hotels are open 24 x 7. The only thing is the best girls are usually around from about 8 or 9pm to 3 or 4am.

John Gault,

Thanks for your precious news, but I see you are a different thoughts than MiamiHeatLuver.

Could you tell me if in La Mayorista it is dangerous to walk alone during the day and night?

I know La Mayorista is a very large area, in your opinion which streets are more interesting for meeting girls?

ThanksIf you are just referring to La Mayorista strip I would say it is not dangerous at all to walk back and forth. The area is heavily protected by police and there is often visible police presence. (note Prostitution is not illegal, neither is pandering. Pimping is illegal). The police just keep things in order. There are times when a drunken bit of raucous occurs but the police soon route out the troublemakers. Very rarely does any real violence break out.

As others have mentioned this is a trucking area so your main competition are working men that don't want any trouble as well. There are plenty of taxis waiting take you home as well once done. I make it a point to pick out the older drivers cause they know the city well and can get to any address without confusion.

The busiest time of the week for Mayorista is generally Thursday through Sunday. The busiest days are the days or weekends that coincide with payday which is the 1st and the 15th of the month. The girls know when payday is and come out in bigger numbers.

I have been to La Mayorista dozens and dozens of times over 5 1/2 years. I have never had any problems. I have found many a diamond in the rough. The key though was not just getting to Mayorista and taking a stroll and deciding there is nothing worth doing and leaving. I have spent countless hours eating drinking, pacing talking to the locals and hotel girls, cigarette / coffee / candy / empanada sellers etc. And of course hundreds of girls.

La Mayorista is not for everyone, but only you can decide if it is for you.

Stay Horny My Friends!


John Gault
12-20-10, 00:33
John Gault,

Thanks for your precious news, but I see you are a different thoughts than MiamiHeatLuver.

Could you tell me if in La Mayorista it is dangerous to walk alone during the day and night?

I know La Mayorista is a very large area, in your opinion which streets are more interesting for meeting girls?

ThanksI know this may sound like I'm crazy, but I feel safer in Mayorista than Poblado. I know of a lot of big time problems in the better areas of MDE. While in Mayorista there is always either a police or milatary presence on hand. Just because a area is run down does not make it a dangerous place. To quote the famous bank robber Willie Sutton when asked why he robbed banks he said (That is where the money is) As miamiheatlover says this place is not for everybody. He uses it to pluck a gem or two. Not a bad idea at all. Me I like it there as I think being a budget monger puts me where I belong, if the scene gets freaky at times so be it.

Black Page
12-20-10, 01:19
I see some new interest for Mayorista and Centro casas. I have also received some PM inquiring for information.

I suggest newcomers to scroll back the forum (1, 2, 3 years? I don't remember) and look for descriptive posts by Tungurahua, in which he reports in an awesome way his adventures in Medellin. He is the author of very good maps of El Centro, with location of casas (listed by WT69).

Me too, more modestly, I posted 3 or 4 reports about El Centro (Plaza Botero. 53th, CL. Bolivar) , I think 1-2 years ago.

In short: RTFF :D

La Mayorista is a must go in Medellin, safe and cheap. El Centro only for "harder" ones (bars better, the street is dingy and not recommended unless you like glue sniffers). Casas for daytime (impossible if you go to MDE for some work reason). Streets in San Diego, Cundinamarca and Perpetuo Socorro only by car (on foot at night is a suicide, I guess, but I did not experiment to be honest). I cruised San Diego, Cundinamarca and Perpetuo Socorro many times at night by taxi, after finding a driver who looked appropriate to me. :D

12-20-10, 06:20
I really appreciate it. I think its going to be my kind of place!

El Bacano
12-20-10, 06:39
I don't want to be cynical or over protective but seems to me a lot of you are making light of the dangers here. I hate to say it but one bad experience to a gringo could change all this I just hope is isn't someone reading here how safe it is.

Gentlemen please be careful its still Colombia no 911.

12-20-10, 13:11
I have been to La Mayorista dozens and dozens of times over 5 1/2 years. I have never had any problems. I have found many a diamond in the rough.


I think La Mayorista is the best place for me but I have a little doubt. In La Mayorista I think girls like better living and perhaps they like be brought to Parque LLeras or other better and richer places for living it up. May be is it better to sleep at Parque LLeras and to reach La Mayorista to pick up girls only?


John Gault
12-20-10, 14:42
1. Where is Mayorista?

It is in the nearby Medellin suburb of Itagui. If it's your 1st time going then make it real easy on yourself and just get a taxi and tell the driver you "La Mayorista donde esta las chicas". He'll smile and off you go.

2. Is it a massage / brothel place with many chicas to choose from?

La Mayorista properly is a open market area during the day. However when referring to La Mayorista in the monger sense it is 1 (one) long block strip utilizing only one side for a series of hotels restaurants, bars and even a casino on one end corner.

3. How much does it cost all in?

All the girls are working independently. They stand out in front of the venues or sit drink and dance inside the bars. The current rate is $25, 000 cop to $30, 000 cop for 1/2 hour. You can negotiate more time and money from there. (as a side note it was $12, 000 when I 1st started going there in 2005). Apart from this you will have to pay for the hotel room. The hotels on the strip are $11, 000 cop but you will be charged $12, 000 cop cause they will give you a condom for $1, 000 cop. If you bring your own tell or give back the condom and it is 11, 000 cop.

Now I want to point out that the $11, 000 cop actually gets you 25 minutes because you will get a knock on the door to advise "Tiempo" ("Times up"). You can avoid this if you negotiate more time with the girl by paying $18, 000 cop for an all night room. The all night rooms are on the upper floors as well and tend to be cleaner since they are not in and out quickie rooms like on the first floor. I say cleaner because after a session they swab the floor and bathroom but only straighten out the bed sheet and pillow case. They will change only if noticeably soiled. Whereas the all night rooms will be completely cleaned.

If you do use an all night room, you can bring additional girls up to the room but will have to pay an addition $6, 000 cop. You can ask for a fresh towel for the girl as well. An all night room is til 7am BTW.

Around the corner (where the casino is) there are 3 very large hotels The Plaza Mayorista, La Macedonia and I forget the last one. The rooms there are $22, 000 for 3 hours and $28, 000 to $32, 000 for all night depending on which hotel you are at. These are much nicer hotels and they have TV's and radio / cd players.

Before, just the big hotels had hot water but now even all the hotels on the strip have hot water in the showers.

BTW if you like watching porn then you should ask 1st at the strip hotels because some do not have porn and also ask for a room with a working tv set.

All the rooms have phones that you can use to call for drinks but you can buy drinks if you want before going into the room. One of the "tricks" the girls will do is ask if you will buy them a fruit desert, if you say yes they will tack on $2, 000 cop to the hotel fee. However the girl will tell you she will get it later when she leave's. She wil not do this, instead the hotel will just give her back the $2, 000 cop. A similar thing happens at the bars on the strip, if you buy a shot of rum for example, it will cost you $2, 000 cop but if you buy one for a girl it will cost you $3, 000 cop and then the bar will later give the girl $1, 000 cop back.

4. What time does it open?

Mayorista in effect never closes but the bars and restaurants close down at about 2am although there are times they close at midnight if there is a police operation going on. The hotels are open 24 x 7. The only thing is the best girls are usually around from about 8 or 9pm to 3 or 4am.

If you are just referring to La Mayorista strip I would say it is not dangerous at all to walk back and forth. The area is heavily protected by police and there is often visible police presence. (note Prostitution is not illegal, neither is pandering. Pimping is illegal). The police just keep things in order. There are times when a drunken bit of raucous occurs but the police soon route out the troublemakers. Very rarely does any real violence break out.

As others have mentioned this is a trucking area so your main competition are working men that don't want any trouble as well. There are plenty of taxis waiting take you home as well once done. I make it a point to pick out the older drivers cause they know the city well and can get to any address without confusion.

The busiest time of the week for Mayorista is generally Thursday through Sunday. The busiest days are the days or weekends that coincide with payday which is the 1st and the 15th of the month. The girls know when payday is and come out in bigger numbers.

I have been to La Mayorista dozens and dozens of times over 5 1/2 years. I have never had any problems. I have found many a diamond in the rough. The key though was not just getting to Mayorista and taking a stroll and deciding there is nothing worth doing and leaving. I have spent countless hours eating drinking, pacing talking to the locals and hotel girls, cigarette / coffee / candy / empanada sellers etc. And of course hundreds of girls.

La Mayorista is not for everyone, but only you can decide if it is for you.

Stay Horny My Friends!

CubanutI always stay in Mayorista so I never use the love hotels there. It is a big advantage to be able to take your prey to your own place. You have your own drinks, music, etc. Anyway for guys who are not staying there your report on the hotels is just amazing. Keep up the good work and I hope most of the gentlemen on this board appreciate it

12-20-10, 15:27
It is a big advantage to be able to take your prey to your own placeSure, you are right but if you need pro girls. If you need a non-pro, she likes more Parque LLeras or high class places.

I make a mistake?

12-20-10, 15:35
i was in mde over thanksgiving, and in mayorista pretty much nightly. i enjoy mayorista much more than i do a rip off place like face dos, san diego, or luna luneras. i can understand why others might like the more upper scale locals though. it has been likened to tijuana, which since i live in southern california i go about twice a month.

one thing i would like to stress though is about age. a sweet young thing came up to me, very pretty. she was making all the right moves. i asked to see her cedula, and she said "it is upstairs", and she would show it to me up there. i told her, no show it too me first. long story short, she never did produce one. my guess is that she was probably 15-16. if there is any doubt, ask to see the cedula first. there are many **** young things plying their trade in mayorista. it would only take one error for a life time of grief, no matter how pretty they are.

there are also many there that are into "nose candy". that is usually very easy to tell, and for me, they are avoided.

for me, sitting on the street at one of the tables is a real treat. there are the "diamonds in the rough" of legends that work there. i saw one that could have been geraldine younger sister, very pretty. there are also some that come there from different venues if they have not found work at their usual haunts. i had three come sit at our table, and my friend took two of them back to his room, since i had just sessioned. he was very pleased, not only were they into each other, but took good care of him also.

as of this time i don't see it being over tun by gringos. as our waiter said,"how did you five gringos ever find mayorista anyway"? i also think that as of now anyway, it has a bad "rap", so many of the cb boys will not go. they would rather go to fase dos, etc. i hope that it stays that way, but it probably will not. while i greatly enjoy what cb1 has to offer, and will continue to stay there, i also enjoy the diversity of what mayorista offers.

for me, anywhere that a round of five drinks is $14k cop, and you [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) in a trough, in the open, in the bar is okay. as my wingman says,"it must be safe, look at all the police with guns".

happy holidays to all.

12-20-10, 15:37
i was in mde over thanksgiving, and in mayorista pretty much nightly. i enjoy mayorista much more than i do a rip off place like face dos, san diego, or luna luneras. i can understand why others might like the more upper scale locals though. it has been likened to tijuana, which since i live in southern california i go about twice a month.

one thing i would like to stress though is about age. a sweet young thing came up to me, very pretty. she was making all the right moves. i asked to see her cedula, and she said "it is upstairs", and she would show it to me up there. i told her, no show it too me first. long story short, she never did produce one. my guess is that she was probably 15-16. if there is any doubt, ask to see the cedula first. there are many **** young things plying their trade in mayorista. it would only take one error for a life time of grief, no matter how pretty they are.

there are also many there that are into "nose candy". that is usually very easy to tell, and for me, they are avoided.

for me, sitting on the street at one of the tables is a real treat. there are the "diamonds in the rough" that work there. i saw one that could have been geraldine's younger sister, very pretty. there are also some that come there from different venues if they have not found work at their usual haunts. i had three come sit at our table, and my friend took two of them back to his room, since i had just sessioned. he was very pleased, not only were they into each other, but took good care of him also.

as of this time i don't see it being over tun by gringos. as our waiter said,"how did you five gringos ever find mayorista anyway"? i also think that as of now anyway, it has a bad "rap", so many of the cb boys will not go. they would rather go to fase dos, etc. i hope that it stays that way, but it probably will not. while i greatly enjoy what cb1 has to offer, and will continue to stay there, i also enjoy the diversity of what mayorista offers.

for me, anywhere that a round of five drinks is $14k cop, and you [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) in a trough, in the open, in the bar is okay. as my wingman says,"it must be safe, look at all the police with guns".

happy holidays to all.

Member #4394
12-20-10, 16:23
I like everything in Mayorista, except cigarrete vendors. They are consistently watching over the people, and when a girl is approaching you, or vice versa, they never miss a chance, come to you, and have you buy the girl a gum for 2k peso. I know that it is a part of system, but I do not like this seemingly "taking advantage" tactics. Last time when I was kissing a girl and we were talking romantic things (yes, call me damn) , a vendor came to us and irritated me "and the girl." Again, should I accept this merchant custom and respect it as a part of local culture? I have difficulty to respect some culture here, the way they drive, the way they drink, etc.


1. Where is Mayorista?

I have spent countless hours eating drinking, pacing talking to the locals and hotel girls, cigarette / coffee / candy / empanada sellers etc. And of course hundreds of girls.

La Mayorista is not for everyone, but only you can decide if it is for you.

Stay Horny My Friends!


John Gault
12-20-10, 17:14
I like everything in Mayorista, except cigarrete vendors. They are consistently watching over the people, and when a girl is approaching you, or vice versa, they never miss a chance, come to you, and have you buy the girl a gum for 2k peso. I know that it is a part of system, but I do not like this seemingly "taking advantage" tactics. Last time when I was kissing a girl and we were talking romantic things (yes, call me damn) , a vendor came to us and irritated me "and the girl." Again, should I accept this merchant custom and respect it as a part of local culture? I have difficulty to respect some culture here, the way they drive, the way they drink, etc.

As. Of the thing that bothers me the most is as you say those vendors. They are worse when you are sitting in the diso with a Chica. Then if you try to ignor them they shake the box of chiclets in your face. One old guy never gives up. He just stares at you.

About the way they drive. I have posted before the real danger in MDE is getting run over by a vehicle. I have had a few close calls, but never a problem with bandits, only reckless drivers.

The way they drink. I only have one comment about that. Never try to out drink a Mayorista Chica. You will end up under the table before she does.

Member #4394
12-20-10, 18:23
Often they represent stereotypical cowards. They get agressive with cars, drinks, and / or guns. But without them, they are too coward to do anything. In general, it seems to me that young people behave relatively better.

Of the thing that bothers me the most is as you say those vendors. They are worse when you are sitting in the diso with a Chica. Then if you try to ignor them they shake the box of chiclets in your face. One old guy never gives up. He just stares at you.

About the way they drive. I have posted before the real danger in MDE is getting run over by a vehicle. I have had a few close calls, but never a problem with bandits, only reckless drivers.

The way they drink. I only have one comment about that. Never try to out drink a Mayorista Chica. You will end up under the table before she does.

12-20-10, 19:25
Often they represent stereotypical cowards. They get agressive with cars, drinks, and / or guns. But without them, they are too coward to do anything. In general, it seems to me that young people behave relatively better.The establishments that check for weapons on entry are the ones that have a higher % of fistfights (Which is extremely low compared to Europe and US). The places where anyone can walk in are peaceful. Because no one knows who may be carrying.

12-20-10, 19:36
When I travel I don't just do P4P so I like to have a healthy stable of putas and non-pros to keep my game up to par. If you think try to bring a non prop or semi pro back to the mansion has a negative stigma attached to it. Try telling the chica that you are staying near Mayorista hahaaa. The girls will read you with their eyes closed and get ready to get a lot of BUZON DE MENSAJES when you try calling them.

The only problem I feel I have when mixing putas and non pros is trying to gauge my "aggressive meter" Knowing I can get away with much more and be more aggressive with the Putas while having to learn to be more conservative and caballero with the non pros. This is a craft to be learned and fine tuned over time because sometimes you forget who's who LOL.

Member #4394
12-20-10, 19:44
Similar to Cold War era peace under USA-Soviet nuclear balance!

The establishments that check for weapons on entry are the ones that have a higher % of fistfights (Which is extremely low compared to Europe and US). The places where anyone can walk in are peaceful. Because no one knows who may be carrying.

12-20-10, 19:54
Thanks for the information guys. I am one of the guys pestering some of the senior guys via PM for details. This kind of back and forth discussion really helps clarify the area.

I will report back my first MDE impressions when I return.

12-20-10, 21:56
When I travel I don't just do P4P so I like to have a healthy stable of putas and non-pros to keep my game up to par. If you think try to bring a non prop or semi pro back to the mansion has a negative stigma attached to it. Try telling the chica that you are staying near Mayorista hahaaa. The girls will read you with their eyes closed and get ready to get a lot of BUZON DE MENSAJES when you try calling them.

The only problem I feel I have when mixing putas and non pros is trying to gauge my "aggressive meter" Knowing I can get away with much more and be more aggressive with the Putas while having to learn to be more conservative and caballero with the non pros. This is a craft to be learned and fine tuned over time because sometimes you forget who's who LOL. The line between pro and non pro is many times very, very fine in Medellin. Often enough it is not clear cut or black and white except when dealing with the more hardened types. I have enjoyed good success with both by taking advice from the age old adage "treat a puta like a lady and a lady like a puta"!

But of course as in all things YMMV.

12-20-10, 23:48
esteemed rainman,

if you don't know, that is can't tell, if she's a puta or a lady, then how do you know whether to treat her like a puta or a lady? throw me a bone here!


the line between pro and non pro is many times very, very fine in medellin. often enough it is not clear cut or black and white except when dealing with the more hardened types. i have enjoyed good success with both by taking advice from the age old adage "treat a puta like a lady and a lady like a puta"!

but of course as in all things ymmv.

Cant Wait
12-21-10, 03:05
esteemed rainman,

if you don't know, that is can't tell, if she's a puta or a lady, then how do you know whether to treat her like a puta or a lady? throw me a bone here!


12-21-10, 06:39
I must say that Colombians seems to be like the people in Southern Italy.

We have incomes; we steeel from each other, we export drugs or contaminated neaclear garbage.

Progressive work here is only posibile through the US Plan Colombia 2000. Since then people have started to become more rational and less aggressive.

Colombianas are always nice, its a way to make you feel segure. And then they rob you.

They never pay for anything, is't a natural law that a gringos shall pay for everything. I brought this up to open conflict. In one case the colombinas retreated and apologieced. The second time they felt, and least they pretended, to be humilated that I did'nt want to pay there part of the bill. I didn't know the people and they were middel-high class personas with good incomes.

Stay away!

Choose your company, and this is the hard part, even if it's initially means that you loose some hot looking girls. Actually they have a very bad reputation already here.

1 level escorts laughs about that they send out gringos to the supermarkets to buy perfume. Etccc.

We are nerds, tontos!

We need to change this, ontherwise the hole point going to Medellin sonn will be lost.

We must built a front for expats with normal incomes!

Aussie Greg
12-21-10, 14:08
Its already lost mate.

A. G.

I must say that Colombians seems to be like the people in Southern Italy.

We have incomes; we steeel from each other, we export drugs or contaminated neaclear garbage.

Progressive work here is only posibile through the US Plan Colombia 2000. Since then people have started to become more rational and less aggressive.

Colombianas are always nice, its a way to make you feel segure. And then they rob you.

They never pay for anything, is't a natural law that a gringos shall pay for everything. I brought this up to open conflict. In one case the colombinas retreated and apologieced. The second time they felt, and least they pretended, to be humilated that I did'nt want to pay there part of the bill. I didn't know the people and they were middel-high class personas with good incomes.

Stay away!

Choose your company, and this is the hard part, even if it's initially means that you loose some hot looking girls. Actually they have a very bad reputation already here.

1 level escorts laughs about that they send out gringos to the supermarkets to buy perfume. Etccc.

We are nerds, tontos!

We need to change this, ontherwise the hole point going to Medellin sonn will be lost.

We must built a front for expats with normal incomes!

Cant Wait
12-21-10, 14:24
Its already lost mate.

A. G. If it's already lost, where do suggest we go to now?

Frank Casio
12-21-10, 20:01
Hey guys, the benefits outway the costs, if not I wouldn't be here. I don't have male colombian friends for the reasons stated. So I spend my money on the women, but it takes a while to learn to control them and not go broke. Can't be bad, but can't seem overly eager or golible. Once you learn is worth it.

Frank Casio!

I must say that Colombians seems to be like the people in Southern Italy.

We have incomes; we steeel from each other, we export drugs or contaminated neaclear garbage.

Progressive work here is only posibile through the US Plan Colombia 2000. Since then people have started to become more rational and less aggressive.

Colombianas are always nice, its a way to make you feel segure. And then they rob you.

They never pay for anything, is't a natural law that a gringos shall pay for everything. I brought this up to open conflict. In one case the colombinas retreated and apologieced. The second time they felt, and least they pretended, to be humilated that I did'nt want to pay there part of the bill. I didn't know the people and they were middel-high class personas with good incomes.

Stay away!

Choose your company, and this is the hard part, even if it's initially means that you loose some hot looking girls. Actually they have a very bad reputation already here.

1 level escorts laughs about that they send out gringos to the supermarkets to buy perfume. Etccc.

We are nerds, tontos!

We need to change this, ontherwise the hole point going to Medellin sonn will be lost.

We must built a front for expats with normal incomes!

12-22-10, 00:21
If it's already lost, where do suggest we go to now?Peru Equador nicaragua Tijuana Phillipines Thailand Dominican Republic Cuba Argentina Brazil Cambodia China

12-22-10, 00:38
Peru Equador nicaragua Tijuana Phillipines Thailand Dominican Republic Cuba Argentina Brazil Cambodia ChinaNot ecuador, there are a lot of colombianas their. Nicaragua is hot. I'm thinking PEru is my next trip, but from what I've read Lima is a big ass city.

12-22-10, 06:44
Tonight was my first night in Medellin and I just wanted to have a look around first.

I went to Mayorista about 10pm. It felt really safe and no hassles. It is a cse of finding the diamond in the rough but it was comfortable and pretty cool place to have a few beers and watch the street scene.

Then I went to this place in Centro as described below:

Calle 53 (Av. De Grieff) Carrera 53, around Bar El Faro, near Parque Barrio Metro Station, El Centro.

Artisttyp posts: 'Stand in front of the Conejitas Strip Club, facing the plaza, turn right down Calle 53 (Av. De Greiff) and walk down two blocks, there you will see a whole other street / avenue of bars / hookers standing outside. You Must Be Careful some have Fake I'd'S, Lots of Jailbait! '

That area in my opinion is DANGEROUS. I got a pretty cool cab driver and he took me to all the streets in that area and man seriously it was like entering another world. It is like Zombie dawn of the dead down there. Having said that I thought the girls there were better looking (mainly in the area described above, not the other areas) , but you would need balls of steel to go walking around there alone at midnight (I was with my taxi driver when walking around).

Just curious from the experienced guys. Am I just being paranoid or is that area actually as dangerous as it looks? Mayorista seemed fine. By the way there was no police or security presence in that Centro area either, but there was at Mayorista.

12-22-10, 07:34
Tonight was my first night in Medellin and I just wanted to have a look around first.

I went to Mayorista about 10pm. It felt really safe and no hassles. It is a cse of finding the diamond in the rough but it was comfortable and pretty cool place to have a few beers and watch the street scene.

Then I went to this place in Centro as described below:

Calle 53 (Av. De Grieff) Carrera 53, around Bar El Faro, near Parque Barrio Metro Station, El Centro.

Artisttyp posts: 'Stand in front of the Conejitas Strip Club, facing the plaza, turn right down Calle 53 (Av. De Greiff) and walk down two blocks, there you will see a whole other street / avenue of bars / hookers standing outside. You Must Be Careful some have Fake I'd'S, Lots of Jailbait! '

That area in my opinion is DANGEROUS. I got a pretty cool cab driver and he took me to all the streets in that area and man seriously it was like entering another world. It is like Zombie dawn of the dead down there. Having said that I thought the girls there were better looking (mainly in the area described above, not the other areas) , but you would need balls of steel to go walking around there alone at midnight (I was with my taxi driver when walking around).

Just curious from the experienced guys. Am I just being paranoid or is that area actually as dangerous as it looks? Mayorista seemed fine. By the way there was no police or security presence in that Centro area either, but there was at Mayorista. Bowerboy,

Regarding the street action on 53 in Centro or Degrief area:

Do not go at night. You put yourself at unnecessary risk. I have been there at night more than a few times and the appeal diminishes quickly. Going in late afternoon to dusk is alright though.

Mayorista on the other hand is different. Have to go at night for the full flavor. Although the girls / women there in the morning and afternoon can be quite scary (LOL).



12-22-10, 07:45
Then I went to this place in Centro as described below:

Calle 53 (Av. De Grieff) Carrera 53, around Bar El Faro, near Parque Barrio Metro Station, El Centro.

Artisttyp posts: 'Stand in front of the Conejitas Strip Club, facing the plaza, turn right down Calle 53 (Av. De Greiff) and walk down two blocks, there you will see a whole other street / avenue of bars / hookers standing outside. You Must Be Careful some have Fake I'd'S, Lots of Jailbait! '

That area in my opinion is DANGEROUS. I got a pretty cool cab driver and he took me to all the streets in that area and man seriously it was like entering another world. It is like Zombie dawn of the dead down there. Having said that I thought the girls there were better looking (mainly in the area described above, not the other areas) , but you would need balls of steel to go walking around there alone at midnight (I was with my taxi driver when walking around).

Just curious from the experienced guys. Am I just being paranoid or is that area actually as dangerous as it looks? Mayorista seemed fine. By the way there was no police or security presence in that Centro area either, but there was at Mayorista. [/QUOTE]I've only been to Medellin twice, and on the last trip in Sept. We went to this area around 7-8pm on a Wednesday. It definitely was very sketchy, and kind of sad, seeing 7 or 8 year old kids out of their minds sniffing glue listening to music over the speakers of one of the many many bars with tons of available women in. Definitely the most amount of available women in any concentrated area than any where else I have seen in Medellin, including La Mayorista.

I was with my friend and our driver and I still felt more on edge there than anywhere I have been in Medellin. Even our driver seemed a little edgy but that could have just been me. I did pull a Super hot 18 year old for 25k pesos plus another 10k for the room, but with her it seemed there was a lot of upselling and be. S. That you don't get in a casa. Nonetheless, I would go back but not by myself and even then still be more alert than usual.

12-22-10, 07:46
Tonight was my first night in Medellin and I just wanted to have a look around first.

I went to Mayorista about 10pm. It felt really safe and no hassles. It is a cse of finding the diamond in the rough but it was comfortable and pretty cool place to have a few beers and watch the street scene.

Then I went to this place in Centro as described below:

Calle 53 (Av. De Grieff) Carrera 53, around Bar El Faro, near Parque Barrio Metro Station, El Centro.

Artisttyp posts: 'Stand in front of the Conejitas Strip Club, facing the plaza, turn right down Calle 53 (Av. De Greiff) and walk down two blocks, there you will see a whole other street / avenue of bars / hookers standing outside. You Must Be Careful some have Fake I'd'S, Lots of Jailbait! '

That area in my opinion is DANGEROUS. I got a pretty cool cab driver and he took me to all the streets in that area and man seriously it was like entering another world. It is like Zombie dawn of the dead down there. Having said that I thought the girls there were better looking (mainly in the area described above, not the other areas) , but you would need balls of steel to go walking around there alone at midnight (I was with my taxi driver when walking around).

Just curious from the experienced guys. Am I just being paranoid or is that area actually as dangerous as it looks? Mayorista seemed fine. By the way there was no police or security presence in that Centro area either, but there was at Mayorista. I've only been to Medellin twice, and on the last trip in Sept. We went to this area around 7-8pm on a Wednesday. It definitely was very sketchy, and kind of sad, seeing 7 or 8 year old kids out of their minds sniffing glue listening to music over the speakers of one of the many many bars with tons of available women in. Definitely the most amount of available women in any concentrated area than any where else I have seen in Medellin, including La Mayorista.

I was with my friend and our driver and I still felt more on edge there than anywhere I have been in Medellin. Even our driver seemed a little edgy but that could have just been me. I did pull a Super hot 18 year old for 25k pesos plus another 10k for the room, but with her it seemed there was a lot of upselling and be. S. That you don't get in a casa. Nonetheless, I would go back but not by myself and even then still be more alert than usual.

12-22-10, 07:55
I have read a lot of reports from you nice folks here and am very interested in going to Columbia. However, I have always heard of so much violence that occurred there in the past, and was wondering if the scene is still as such? Are none Columbians, be it whites, blacks, Asians in any danger, such as kidnappings, etc?

I hope this question does not seem too naive on my part. I was interested in going to Costa Rica before, but started reading that the best girls there are often from Columbia, so more and more started hobbyists started to monger in Columbia.

Any input from any of you gentlemen is greatly appreciated as it will help me determine whether or not I should go to Columbia, Philippines, Hong Kong / Macau, etc.


12-22-10, 07:57
. Then I went to this place in Centro as described below:

Calle 53 (Av. De Grieff) Carrera 53, around Bar El Faro, near Parque Barrio Metro Station, El Centro.

That area in my opinion is DANGEROUS. I got a pretty cool cab driver and he took me to all the streets in that area and man seriously it was like entering another world. It is like Zombie dawn of the dead down there. Having said that I thought the girls there were better looking (mainly in the area described above, not the other areas) , but you would need balls of steel to go walking around there alone at midnight (I was with my taxi driver when walking around).

Just curious from the experienced guys. Am I just being paranoid or is that area actually as dangerous as it looks? Mayorista seemed fine. By the way there was no police or security presence in that Centro area either, but there was at Mayorista. Muy peligroso (pretty dangerous) at night, just like your instinct told you.

I've had policemen tell me I should leave the area as darkness was falling.

I remember also a time I hung around a little too long in a bad area out there, I got spotted as a gringo and was starting to get surrounded by some zombie types.

A street girl I had befriended earlier, grabbed me by the hand and led me quickly to a busier and better lit area nearby to escape and catch a cab.

Tenga cuidado.

Black Page
12-22-10, 14:09
That area in my opinion is DANGEROUS. I got a pretty cool cab driver and he took me to all the streets in that area and man seriously it was like entering another world. It is like Zombie dawn of the dead down there. Having said that I thought the girls there were better looking (mainly in the area described above, not the other areas) , but you would need balls of steel to go walking around there alone at midnight (I was with my taxi driver when walking around).

Just curious from the experienced guys. Am I just being paranoid or is that area actually as dangerous as it looks? Yes it is sketchy and I do not recommend any gringo-looking type to venture around there at night. Honestly speaking, if some Mansion-types should get bored of their sanitized environment and think to have a stroll there at night, it would be a suicide.

Me, I went there often at day and night, walking around alone for hours looking for my type of girl (patience is essential in this hobby, like for hunting) , not only after dark but also till 2am.

HOWEVER: I do not look gringo, I underdress, I do not wear a watch, I keep not much money with me, I look straight, I do not get lost (I know the streets) , I keep far from groups, I know a couple of cheap "hotels" where I am safe (6k por la piesa.)

Read this old report of mine:
Or better this "Night street scenes in El Centro":

Please note that when I wrote those reports it was one of my first times in Medellin. Since then, I went various times to the cheap hotels of the street under the metro. Daytime, the small kiosks under the metro are good for a beer or a fruit juice. Night time, it's better to not stop but move quickly.

12-22-10, 14:23
Black Page the scenes you describe are spot on! That is balsy walking there at midnight. I had nightmares about the plkace last night (seriously).

Actually from a cultural perspective it is interesting to see. The contrast with El Pablado area is almost too immense to imagine. I will try the casa's there today anyway. Daytime hours!

12-22-10, 16:02
that area in my opinion is dangerous. i got a pretty cool cab driver and he took me to all the streets in that area and man seriously it was like entering another world.... i was with my taxi driver when walking around... just curious from the experienced guys. am i just being paranoid or is that area actually as dangerous as it looks? by the way there was no police or security presence in that centro area either. ....even our driver seemed a little edgy but that could have just been me. ...... nonetheless, i would go back but not by myself and even then still be more alert than usual.spent a great deal of time in centro. i'm a pretty "aware" kind of guy. i'm also a big guy, middle linebacker big. not too many people mess with me. i took the public transit there, walked everywhere, alone. i found a cool bar, don't remember the name but "america" was in it. i loved the place, felt at home. was like one of those really seedy tampa strip clubs with table dances for $5. there were all kinds of girls in there, most of which in my assessment were ****. i visited all of the casas on the "list", and the ones where someone handed me cards.

all of this, i looked around, saw the glue sniffers, the beggars, and the riff raff, but no one bothered me. i loved the huge number of casas and paisas there. until.

a couple days later, i got my driver to take me back to the "americana" bar and when he pulled in front and saw the name, he peeled out and got out of there. he told me never to go back in there and how dangerous it is, how lucky i am to escape, being american and alone. he then drove the path i walked before and showed me everything i missed when i was being "aware". it was downright frighteneing.

the bottom line here is. don't do it alone. being aware is not enough, it is commonplace for them to put a "mickey" in your drink and haul you off i am told. when you are in 2's or more, it's tougher to pull that off, but as a single, you buy a drink, you pass out, you wake up bait for ransom or worse.

however, i will say, in all of my walking and mongering in centro, i never really felt unsafe and i thought i was aware. but after dark, no way in hell i'd go there.

Black Page
12-22-10, 17:33
spent a great deal of time in centro. i'm a pretty "aware" kind of guy. i'm also a big guy, middle linebacker big. not too many people mess with me. wrong approach. your size does not count. there are no fist fights. criminals use a big knife or a gun here.

i took the public transit there, walked everywhere, alone. i found a cool bar, don't remember the name but "america" was in it. i loved the place, felt at home. was like one of those really seedy tampa strip clubs with table dances for $5. there were all kinds of girls in there, most of which in my assessment were ****. i can't believe it. i never saw a single evident teen in a bar here. police is a serious thing in medellin (no irony intended). **** girls stay on the street, not in bars.

being american and alone. i tend to agree. a "gringo" is perceived not only rather negatively, on the average, but also as likely carrying substantial money in the pockets. the two circumstances make the the guy quite attractive.

the bottom line here is. don't do it alone. being aware is not enough, it is commonplace for them to put a "mickey" in your drink and haul you off i am told. as a matter of fact, in all bars of this type, the bottles have been always opened in front of me. and i keep bottles always firm in my hand, even if i go to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140). the first thing to do, however, is to not display you have more than 50k with you. even better, do show you have 40-50k and no more. better leave all credit cards in the hotel.

12-22-10, 21:12
I went to the "Medellin List" section of this forum and the information on there is truly awesome. Those guys should be given lifetime free membership and a members sponsored session at the Casa of their choice. Thanks for this guys, it is truly appreciated.

I visited the casa's Geishas and New Life today using the maps provided. Geishas only had two girls but both were doable. Then I walked from there to New Life. This place had about 10 to 12 girls (at 11am) and the quality was really very good. I picked a 20 year old called Duana. She was about 5 foot 10 inches and a fantastic body. Great service, nice place, very safe and comfortable. All inclusive price of 35, 000 pesos. That is less than $20!

After this I walked all through Centro including back to the same spot I was in last night. The risk during day time hours in these areas is manageable because there are a lot of other normal people going about their business and you stand out less and would be more hassle for someone to rob or attack you. However at night ALL og the normal / good people are gone and all you have left is the human detritis. This area in day and night and very very different indeed. Nightime is more or less a suicide mission, daytime is dodgy but manageable as there are a lot of people around. Nightime there are also a lot of people around but they are ALL bad and truly they either all have nthing to lose, are on drugs or are crazy.

I think in terms of pure value and simplicity and quality of the girls then the place to go is definitely the Casa's as described in the Medellin lists. The total cost is probably cheaper even then Mayorista when you consider all cost factors (transport, drinks etc) and the quality is much higher.

If I was here on a business trip and company was paying for flights, hotel, food and expnses then I may try the high end places but otherwise the Casa's are great. It has to be said though that I am not looking for long time, GFE, or building rapport. I just want to fuck pretty girls! Sorry to be so blunt.

Hope this helps any newcomers and thanks everyone for the awesome sharing of information. I will try some other casas tomorrow and let you know any relevant findings.

12-22-10, 23:42
I always stay in Mayorista so I never use the love hotels there. It is a big advantage to be able to take your prey to your own place. You have your own drinks, music, etc. Anyway for guys who are not staying there your report on the hotels is just amazing. Keep up the good work and I hope most of the gentlemen on this board appreciate itSound like a nice aerea for me. I would be intrested as you said John to stay in a nice hotel there. Walking distance to take the girls in the roomand not use this louse hourly hotels.

Can you recomend anything to stay there. Girlfriendly. Clean. What would be the price?

What do do in the Medellin during the day. I like sport or pool as well. Any good recommendations?

Thank you

12-23-10, 00:08
that was my point exactly, in most places i go, it does, but not in centro. not by a long shot.

i can't believe it. i never saw a single evident teen in a bar here. police is a serious thing in medellin (no irony intended). **** girls stay on the street, not in bars.there were, the first 2 girls that came up i immediately asked them, both said 16 but "no problema". i declined faster than i could say "no".

as a matter of fact, in all bars of this type, the bottles have been always opened in front of me. and i keep bottles always firm in my hand, even if i go to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140). the first thing to do, however, is to not display you have more than 50k with you. even better, do show you have 40-50k and no more. better leave all credit cards in the hotel.same kind of mentality as a casino, only have on you what you are willing to lose.

12-23-10, 00:52
Due to the still working status of my marriage, when I go to MDE, I live in El Centro. Before we got back I did not worry about anything and nothing happended to me.

Now, I have more concerns but I am still staying in the same area and my biggest concern is my wife finding me hitting one of the locals.

I am not saying it is dangerous but me, not being a middle linebacker, has felt OK all the time. I do not make the midnight walks I used to and even my wife gets nervous about going to ATMs but I guess I have been lucky (and I hope this pattern will continue).

Be save and be careful but remember this, even the locals are worried now so do not get yourself into anything you might not be able to get out of. Consider not drinking too much and keep alert of your area at all times.

[QUOTE=Bobsthrobbinknob; 1104872]Spent a great deal of time in CENTRO.

Member #4394
12-23-10, 01:18
For first timers, Frank Casio's "My Place" would be better. Upon second time, you will consider which you will like, Frank's aperment setting or a private room in a hotel.

Sound like a nice aerea for me. I would be intrested as you said John to stay in a nice hotel there. Walking distance to take the girls in the roomand not use this louse hourly hotels.

Can you recomend anything to stay there. Girlfriendly. Clean. What would be the price?

What do do in the Medellin during the day. I like sport or pool as well. Any good recommendations?

Thank you

12-23-10, 05:09
Hey Devil Dawg (chica luv) , just to add. 02 cents to the conversation. My understanding is that Colombia and Argentine Spanish (but, especially Colombian) are probably the closest to the original Spanish spoken in Spain (formal). Dominican Spanish, I've heard is very informal, and you may be looked down upon if speaking that particular dialect in other, more formal speaking Spanish countries. Not sure if that degree of difference is even important to you, but, I thought I'd mention it as I've seen that discussed by more than a few mongers on this and other boards. As a disclaimer, I only speak the pick up Spanish I've learned in Miami and during multiple trips to Latin America. So, to me, it doesn't matter, though I will be taking formal instruction soon (in the US). I hope to go back and surprise some of my favorite chicas with semi fluent Spanish. Rosetta Stone is also great to get you to a basic level!


I recently send SEVERAL PM's to members of this board asking for their help and shared experience. The response was GREAT. Thanks you all.

Along with all the great responses, several asked that I share the information I've gathered. I've taken out anything names or other information that I thought would specifly I'd those who replied. Well here it is.

Originally Posted by Chica Luv.

-Thanks for all your great post. If you have a moment, I could use some of your hard earn insight.

-I plan on moving to and attending college somewhere in latin america. My goal is to learn spanish in a formal school setting, and put it into daily practice among the natives.

-I'm not new to the game or life. 55 years old, a retired Marine (USMC, not merchant) , and already have a degree.

-All that being said; I love fucking hot horny latin women. I already speak what I call 'stripper spanish'. Enough spanish to get into trouble, but not enough to talk my way out.

-Any way, I want to live and study spanish somewhere in latin america. WHERE, is the question?

-I really don't like a lot of humidity, and I llike my women with dark eyes & dark hair, but not too negrito.

-Thought about Columbia. The danger factor doesn't really bother me. I've already been shot at too many times to care.

-Where would you recommend I go to find; horny, dark haired / eyed women, low humidity and a large city with a college?

-Also, if you ever find yourself in southern Arizona give me a call@xxx-xxx-xxxx and I'll introduce you to a few ladies in Nogales Sonora-Thanks, Chica Luv.


1) Hi Chica luv,

-Wow. Must be nice to go back to school with those hot Latina babes!

-Medellin would be a very nice spot to learn Spanish. Search the internet for those live-in home offers with immersive Spanish programs in Medellin.

-You don't need to go to college for language training. Any immersive program where you can practice Spanish a few hours would do

-You can go to school in the day time then practice what you learn with the chica at night. What a perfect combination. I envy you.

-I do know there are many immersive Spanish programs offered in Buenos Aires. You can live.

With a family as you go to school for very low costs. Bs As is a big city so there are many entertainment venues and art shows etc.

-Will definitely contact you when I am in Southern AZ. OTOH if you come to Tijuana make sure you let nme know. I am there just about every weekend and will buy you a few drinsk.

-Semper fi!

2) Chica Hello. Colombia is the spot. The women are beautiful with lady like attitudes. The Dr is hot hot hot. Colombia is more comfortable. Are you looking to live where you study or is the stay temporary?

3) To begin with, I have not been anywhere in Latin Amercia except for Mexico. So I can't comment too much on the rest of Latin America. If I was going to do what you are planning, I would take a long hard look at Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. A city of 6 million people with several great universities. As well as some of the most beautiful women in the world.

-Guadalajara is where the French landed. For this, the population are a mixture of Indian and French blood instead of Indian and Spanish blood like most of Mexico.

-You still find the "morenas" (dark skinned women) but not too negrito. There are also several with blue and green eyes. Pure beauty to me is dark skin, dark hair and blue eyes.

-I also agree about the hot horny latin women. They are hot and passionate. They are not like the gringas who are cold and don't know anything at all about passion. I blame the Victorian influence that permeated throught the United States for this. Mothers always telling daughters that sex is a bad thing just leads to a lack of passion.

-I would like to know Nogales someday. I have made several trips to Caborca where I have a lot of friends, but have never been to Nogales.

-I am a $$ year old gringo that lived in Mexicali for 6 years and still go there as often as I can. I learned to speak fluent Spanish in the streets of Mexicali. It did help that I was stationed in Naples, Italy for 2 years in the XXs when I was in the Navy. I learned to speak fluent Italian there through courses from the University of Maryland and in the streets of Naples. That made Spanish fairly easy to learn for me. I did take 3 years of Spanish in high school but did not learn a damn thing.

-When will you be in Mexicali? Maybe we can plan a trip to meet each other there.

4) Chica Luv If you know you're way around danger, come to Monterrey.

As close as a city can be compared to the US. Ok, I mentioned danger.

It has been hyped by the media, but still I like it here and I don't plan in moving away.

-College wise, we have the ITESM, leading institute of Mexico.

Check out what they offer: itesm. Edu (They have an English protal)

-Is this what you might be intrested in? Ask your questions, no problem on my side.

5) Hello. I guess you are writing to many and you will average out replies.

-First comment: don't think that Colombia (NOT Columbia!) is so dangerous. You don't need to be a SEAL to survive. It's actually a pleasant place. Of course, there are dangerous places, but the same happens in Washington or LA. It depends where you. If your mental attitude when you go there for the first time is like going to Afghanistan, then you are wrong.

-Said this, my suggestion for you is to spend some weeks to travel around and experience yourself before moving for an extended period. I love Colombia, but I am sure that others would tell you good things also about Peru or Equador.

-Among places I visited in Colombia, I would recommend MEdellin to work, provided that you avoid spending your time with American sex tourists, like the frequent contributors of the Medellin forum on ISG. The key would be to succeed to have good local friends there, without letting them to know that you like P4P.

6) Hello, Chica Luv .I would recommend Costa Rica. I don't think it's the best these days compared to it's more former reputation with respect to mongering. But, its still got to be better than the USA. It does have a large number of immersion Spanish Schools. I would recommend you consider IPED. A Gringo runs the school. It's located a ways outside of downtown San Jose, maybe a half hour up toward the foothills and the mountains, but not too far up in them, just a little ways. It's a good school, good people. There are a number of others of them too that are just as good in San Jose. The thing about Costa Rica is that it's safe. It would be less dangerous than Colombia can be. CR is close to the US. I think the airfare is probably as reasonable as you can expect for a Latin American country. The website for the IPED School is.

-I have no affiliation whatsoever with the school, but I have attended the school for about a week several years ago. I only attended the classroom instruction, but they also have a full immersion program. The school is not large, and it's in a relatively simple little building. But, the classes are small, maybe only about 6 or 7 pupils at a time. My problem is I attended the school prior to actually being ready with respect to my own skill level, and frankly, I was more focused on other activities at the time. So, I could have gotten a lot more out of it than I did at the time. At that time, my skill level was very basic. Now, at my present skill level, I think their program could probably bring me to fluency. They do give homework every night, so you will have to take some time out of your evening activities to complete the homework. If you visit the website, you'll see a photo of the staff. The Gringo that runs the school has white hair and he's standing in the back row, second in from the right. I don't recall his name. Paul or John comes to mind, but I don't remember for sure. With regard to the climate, I think it's pretty decent most of the year. With regard to the girls, they are mostly Latina, but not the negrita type you describe, which is what you would mostly find if you traveled to Cartegena, Colombia for example. So, if you mix a little academics with pleasure, you'll be in the right place, although there are a number of girls there from the DR (negritas) in San Jose. I actually spent a lot of time with a couple of girls, and one of them was from the DR. She was a good companion. Like you, she was not my choice with respect to ethnicity, but she was a good girl. On the other hand, I also spent a lot of time with a girl from Nicaragua. She was a stripper in one of the high end bars, and she was about as perfect as you can get. She was a great companion too, a little expensive, but well worth it. I remember paying her by buying her a color TV from one of the electronics box stores there, only a couple of hundred bucks, and I think she spent almost three days with me that time. She was thrilled with the color TV. The first trip I was there, I bought her a bunch of clothes. I actually hooked up with her a couple of times, and we were becoming pretty inseparable. But, I eventually lost track of her. Too bad. Funny, I wonder what percentage of girls actually remember us to the same extent we remember them. I also attended a school in Cartegena, and it was also quite advanced for my level in Spanish. And, again, at the time, I was too focused on other activities. But, the Cartegena School was good as well, part of the University system in Cartegena. I don't remember the particulars, about that school. If I find a file on it somewhere in my office, I'll forward the information to you if you're interested. The school was part of the University, and just north of the beach area about 20 minutes by taxi. Cartegena at the time was pretty safe as well, but not as safe as Costa Rica in my opinion. I don't know where it stands these days as I haven't been back there lately. With regard to their Spanish Language program, nobody speaks English in Cartegena, so you have to have some degree of proficiency to get along, as compared to Costa Rica, where if you stay at El Presidente Hotel in downtown San Jose, Costa Rica, the staff speaks English, as does the staff at IPED. So, my preference would be San Jose. You'll find that the language pronunciation in San Jose is purer than you will find in Colombia as well. And, perhaps that will aid in your actually learning the language more easily. In Cartegena they clip off a lot of the ends of the words, and it's a little harder to understand their Spanish pronunciation there. Hope that helps! And, thank you for the encouragement about my posting on ISG.

7) ex-military enlistee? Then Nicaragua / Guatemala / Costa Rica probably fits you best.

8) Chica: Didn't we meet in Buenos Aires, Argentina?

-That would be my choice. I live in the S. F. Bay Area and do not like Hot and Humid. But B. A. Has three months of that. December-February.

-But you could stay in Mendoza for those months, or in Mar de Plata at the beach.

-There are lots of us retired there. Jackson is around your age. I am older. He could help you if and when you get there. Safety is good. There are good schools and I could recomend my teacher.

-Medellin or Bogota would be my next choice. My only reason, why I would not stay in those two cities is that they are too small and would run out of things to see and do. I can't fuck all day or night long anymore or do I want to. B. A. Has so much more to see and do. I walk 5-6 hours a day there.

Anymore questions just ask.

9) The girls in Colombia are cuter than in Peru. Might be more GFE here. The climate in Medellin might be better than in Lima. However Lima climate is probably better than in Cali or Bogota. Cost of living in Medellin and Miraflores is probably about the same. Diferent language programs are available here, I don't know how they compare to those in Medellin. You'll have to Google. Miraflores is definitely safer, calmer than Medellin. In general no risk taking a taxi or going to an ATM. Its a toss up. You might want to hop down here and stay in an apt. For a week, then take a flight (direct on LAN) to Medellin and do the same.

-Let me know if you have any other questions.

10) Hi Chica, Pereira or Armenia, why? Weather, larger cities with the population you require without being like the Bogota / Medellin / Cartagena tourist traps. If I had to live somewhere else in Colombia other than MDE, I'd pick Armenia, regards.

11) Chica, Low humidity and nice weather make it a no-brainer decision for Medellin, Colombia. Don't let the reports of incessant rain this year deter you. This year is an anamoly. Almost all of Colombia is experiencing abnormal heavy rainfall. I think it's El Niņo / La Niņa related.

-The only slight downside according to your criteria is the proponderance of lighter skinned and blonder haired women in MDE but I wouldn't let that deter you either. Here's why: (1) While there are more of the lighter skinned variety in MDE there are still plenty of the dark haired, olive skinned classic latina type too. And, (2) IMO, a hot chick is a hot chick. While I too prefer the classic latina look I find it really doesn't matter much when face to face with a hot sexy chic willing to fuck you. Regardless of her skin tone, eye color, hair color.

-Bogotá might be a good choice except that the weather is much rainier and colder but the availability of language institutes and chicas would be even greater than MDE due to sheer size. Bogotá is a capital city of about 7 million people (maybe too big) while MDE has about 2. 1 million inhabitants.

-Other than those two the only other places I can think of you might consider are:

-Quito, Ecuador but the overall quality of the women is in no way as good as almost anywhere in Colombia or, Buenos Aires, Argentina although if you are there in the middle of summer (Nov to Feb or March) the weather is hot and very humid. Huge city. 10 million inhabitants. Great women. More or less on par with Colombia allthough with their own characteristics that I don't have time to go into.

-Anywhere on the Caribbean coast or Cali is out due to high temps and humidity.

-sorry I don't have any recommendations regarding language institutes allthough one way I can think of for you to get great advice and guidance, besides doing your own online research, is to go stay at the Casa Blanca (formerly Medellin Mansion) complex for a week or so and use them to direct you. You'll get a good feel for MDE and it's women that way too. A lot of guys say there isn't enough to do in MDE outside of chasing women but I say that's nonsense. Among other things, I occupy my time going to gyms, pools, jogging, and in general staying fit. If you're not into fitness, your school / study routine should keep you busy enough.

12) I will take you up on that offer if I get to AZ. For Colombia it would be a dream for the women but if you cannot stand the heat. Check out Peru, Chile, Quito, Ecuado or the lower part of the continent like southern Brazil. Thats what I would think.

13) Hi, contact Zing. He went to spanish school in Colombia a few months ago.

14) Don't know too much about other countries, but if you're considering Colombia, I think the main choice is either between Bogota and Medellin. Medellin has warmer weather; Bogota is cooler and has more precipitation, although Medellin has its rainy seasons. There's plenty of colleges and opportunities to learn Spanish in either city. Also both cities have small groups of expats you can make contact with. NEITHER city is cheap nowadays, especially the capitol. Bogota is more cosmopolitan, more stuff to do there if that's your thing. But with today's lousy exchange rate, Bogota in particular can be costly to live.

-You can also look into the secondary cities in the "Coffee Zone" like Pereira, Armenia, Manizales. They all have colleges but they're smaller cities, less to do, less selection of women, probably not as many spanish-learning options. But cost of living is lower there.

-Then there's Cali. Cali can get hot and humid during the day although the nights are wonderful. Still, I don't think the city is good for newbies or people with weak Spanish. Not too many expats in Cali. There's a tendency for the women there to be a bit thicker and darker, although there's all types. Heck, I dated a girl there that was as light-skinned and as skinny as you can possibly get! Cost of living is a bit lower in Cali, Cali is poorer and has more social problems than MDE and BOG. I actually like Cali, but you might want to wait and get your bearings before checking it out.

-Cartagena and the other big cities on the north coast (Baranquilla, Santa Marta) are hot and humid as hell. I didn't really like Cartagena, and from what you're saying, I don't think you will either. Still, Cartagena is the main touristic city of the country and is worth a brief visit. By the way, the beaches near Santa Marta are way nicer than in CTG. Baranquilla has hotties, but it's not an expat friendly city. Add the weather and crime issues, it's not a viable option for foreigners with no Spanish.

-If you have the savings and time, I'd recommend that you do a "south american" odyssey. You can stay at youth hostels in almost any Colombian city; and in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, etc. There are hostels as well.

-Try to explore before you settle. It'll give you a better idea what you're really looking for and how the the different cities (and countries) compare to each other. You'll probably feel that you won't fit in with the other backpackers; just tell the kids jokingly you're sick and tired of the states and you want to do what you missed out on in your youth before you get too old. There's a few middle-aged boho type backpackers out there so it's not like you'll be a completely unique thing.

-Look up "Frugal Traveler" in the nytimes. Com web site for ideas on traveling on the cheap in south america. Then there's the "couch surfing" and other similar services where you rent a room or bed in someone's apt. Again, this stuff is youth oriented but I think with the right attitude / approach, it shouldn't be a problem for you to get into these things and save yourself some money.

-As for safety, I don't think you'll have to worry about violent crime (unless you're staying in a bad part of town). But be careful with all kinds of scams, especially as your Spanish is going to be weak at first. In Bogota, watch out for scopalomine ("Burundanga") scams. Trust me, even a marine can get their drink or food spiked / poisoned. You really don't want to be a victim, it's a scary thing; you won't remember who did it to you or how it exactly happened but it can scar some people for life, and not just psychologically, some folks end up with neurological damage!

-You can also check out poorbuthappy. Com, it has a Colombia forum although it's closed now. But you can ready the archives, a lot of useful info from expats, not all of it is out of date. Also check out colombianblog. Com or put "Colombia" and "forum" or "blog" as search terms in Google for more info.

-Well, that's all I can think of for now. Hope some of this was helpful. Good luck.

15) Chica, I am sure you sent this message a few seniors. I would love to see a summary of the answers you get.

-BTW, your preference in women and places to live is identical to mine. Lear Spanish chilling out with light skinned flacas in a town with cool breezes.

-For me, outside of Mexico, it would be #1) Medellin, #2 Buenos Aires, #3) Bogota, #4) Lima #5) Quito.

-Panama is too humid and San Jose CR is a dump and so is Nicaragua. Guatemala, Honduras and Belize has no lookers, same as Bolivia. Chile is expensive with fewer P4P options. I have not been to Venezuela and no Spanish in Brazil.

16) Chica, I haven't been to mexico in years and only to Baja, so you will have to make up your own mind on mexico.

-dark hair, dark eyes. I also have a weakness for that combination. You find lots of girls with dark hair and dark eyes all over south america.

-the best city is buenos aires. Fantastic, beautfiul, fun, lots of woman that meet your criteria. The place is one continuous fiesta. Great for a visitor, can be very frustrating for a resident, more so than any other place in south america. Hot and humid in summer.

-Lima Peru. Foggy and damp like san francisco lots of the time.

-santiago chile. Boring. Expensive.

-Medellin. Can be a bit humid and rainy at times, but usually the weather is very nice lots of girls that meet your criteria, plus blondes, but not too many negritas.

-Cali, Cartagena, barranquilla. Hot humid.

-Bogota. Can be chilly, very high, no humidity, girls from all over Colombia, mostly dark hair / eyes. Lots of things to do.

-Panama city. Hot humid.

-san jose Costa rica. Possible. Haven't been there in 15 years.

-santo domingo, hot humid negritas.

-overall, either san jose or Medellin are your best bets, posssily Bogota. Other cities are too small to over english in a classroom environment.

17) think about six months ago you wrote to me with similar request. My response was "I have no idea". The response still stands.

-I don't know what makes you think that I am an authority on expat living in Latin America. It cannot be further from the truth. I visit may be two to three weeks at a time some SA countries. That's about it. That does not make me an expert.

-I think, there are much bigger issues going on here. You seem very restless and you really don't have any clear idea about what you want. Is learning Spanish a primary or secondary goal? Don't mix it up with chicas. That confuses the issue. About chicas- are you looking for totally regular girls or P4P? Do you want to settle in a beach town or mountain area? I would suggest that you compartmentalize your thoughts, assign priorities to your goals and concentrate on two to three countries at the most. Make sure, being an expat, you cannot ignore the political situation in that country also.

-I am a little older than you and work in a hospital in XXXX. When I teach a class and the students have similar problems regarding other issues, I gave them the same advice- break down the problem and address each component separately. I hope you don't mind my frank talk.

-I will strongly recommend that you post your question on every South and Central American board in ISG and see what kind of response you get. You may contact some of the posters in Expat section of the board.

-When I was in Medellin, Colombia this year, I met a guy in the Mansion who was taking Spanish class everyday in the university. This was his 50th trip to Medellin. Although, he is not living there, but you could tell he loves that place.

-I love Medellin too. There is only one season. Nice temperature all year, like San Diego. The girls look very pretty, although pure Negras are minority (you need to go to Sousa, DM for that). But there are enough available pretty girls with little darker skin, black hair, black eyes- that you will be very happy with. This will be my current recommendation.

-Lima, Peru, also has a nice university town and world famous Spanish schools. I had wonderful time in Lima and I went there many times. It is much easier to get regular girls there and they provide true GFE. But, because of their native Indian heritage, the girls may not be that pretty as compared to Colombian girls. But if learning Spanish is your primary goal, I would definitely recommend Lima. However, it can get a little chilly during August, Sept. Oct. Nonetheless, as opposed to Medellin, there are beaches in Lima.

-I am sorry; I could not be of much help, beyond this. Good luck with your search!

Thanks again to ALL. I will follow as the plan develops. Chica Luv

12-23-10, 07:32
I'm planning a trip in Jan. To Medellin. How has the rains effected the city. I here a lot reports around the area 'about floods and landslides.

Is the city and roads to the airport safe?


John Gault
12-23-10, 08:02
Sound like a nice aerea for me. I would be intrested as you said John to stay in a nice hotel there. Walking distance to take the girls in the roomand not use this louse hourly hotels.

Can you recomend anything to stay there. Girlfriendly. Clean. What would be the price?

What do do in the Medellin during the day. I like sport or pool as well. Any good recommendations?

Thank youAs far as where to stay, I think Matt Psyche has given you some good ideas.

What to do in MDE in the day time? Well there are plenty of places to shoot pool. For one day you could go to the zoo. I guess for me in the day time it is walking around Centro and hitting the Casa there.

What to do is a problem in MDE as for me the only thing to really do is to hunt for that diamond in the rough. (A noble task indeed.)

Black Page
12-23-10, 10:44
As far as where to stay, I think Matt Psyche has given you some good ideas.
What to do in MDE in the day time? Well there are plenty of places to shoot pool. For one day you could go to the zoo. I guess for me in the day time it is walking around Centro and hitting the Casa there.
What to do is a problem in MDE as for me the only thing to really do is to hunt for that diamond in the rough. (A noble task indeed.)
MDE is a great place for relaxing and have good time, besides working in a relaxed but efficient environment (if you have friends working in some company there you know what I mean). I hope nobody goes to MDE only to hit casas! Let me highlight a few items that I would not miss.

- Museo de Antioquia (many works by Master Botero) , the Center and the main churches in the area. Lunch on the 70.

Avoid the Pueblito Paisa.
- Stroll more in the Center, explore more squares and calles (Cisneros, Berrio, Botero, Carabobo,.)
- Parque Arvi (take the metrocable, it's a nice ride and 100% safe)
- Sabaneta (once upon a time a paisa community, now integrated in the city)
- rent a car or better find a friend to GO OUT the city and visit the wonderful green Antioquia (e. G. Santa Fe, but there are plenty of other sites that will surprise you) ; if you don't want to drive and are alone, visit a tourism office and ask for bus tours.

Aussie Greg
12-23-10, 17:06
If you have a spare couple of days then this is a great tour.

Medellin to Hacienda Napoles (Pablos Escobars large farm that has been turned into a tourist village type Disneyland) 4 hours drive from Medellin on the Medellin - Bogota highway, just past Doradal.
Spend about 3-4 hours there and then drive to Puerto Berrio on the Rio Magnalena, famous old river town, spend the night there and next day drive back to Medellin.
Leave Medellin at 6 in the morning, miss the traffic.

I've done it about 20 times over the eight years I've been here.

Aussie Greg.

MDE is a great place for relaxing and have good time, besides working in a relaxed but efficient environment (if you have friends working in some company there you know what I mean). I hope nobody goes to MDE only to hit casas! Let me highlight a few items that I would not miss.


- Museo de Antioquia (many works by Master Botero) , the Center and the main churches in the area. Lunch on the 70.


Avoid the Pueblito Paisa.

- Stroll more in the Center, explore more squares and calles (Cisneros, Berrio, Botero, Carabobo.)

- Parque Arvi (take the metrocable, it's a nice ride and 100% safe)

- Sabaneta (once upon a time a paisa community, now integrated in the city)

- rent a car or better find a friend to GO OUT the city and visit the wonderful green Antioquia (e. G. Santa Fe, but there are plenty of other sites that will surprise you) ; if you don't want to drive and are alone, visit a tourism office and ask for bus tours.

12-23-10, 18:19
spent a great deal of time in centro. i'm a pretty "aware" kind of guy. i took the public transit there, walked everywhere, alone. i found a cool bar, don't remember the name but "america" was in it. i loved the place, felt at home. was like one of those really seedy tampa strip clubs with table dances for $5. i visited all of the casas on the "list", and the ones where someone handed me cards.

all of this, i looked around, saw the glue sniffers, the beggars, and the riff raff, but no one bothered me. i loved the huge number of casas and paisas there. until.

a couple days later, i got my driver to take me back to the "americana" bar and when he pulled in front and saw the name, he peeled out and got out of there. he told me never to go back in there and how dangerous it is, how lucky i am to escape, being american and alone. he then drove the path i walked before and showed me everything i missed when i was being "aware". it was downright frighteneing.

the bottom line here is. don't do it alone. being aware is not enough, it is commonplace for them to put a "mickey" in your drink and haul you off i am told.

however, i will say, in all of my walking and mongering in centro, i never really felt unsafe and i thought i was aware. but after dark, no way in hell i'd go there. agree with everything especially the last line there. i am an advocate of "medellin is safe" and has its pockets of crime just like any other large city, come on down, the city needs your $$.

fri night dec 17th. 10:00pmish, there were shots fired out on the crowded street in front of hotel nutibara, near the metro station. which is on and near 53 de greif strip clubs (conejitas) and the 53 a block up (ejecutiva, maracaibo, las americas). stray bullets. hit the deck. no one was hit and the shooter was nutibara security. still.

my strong strong advice is in total agreement with everything posted here: do not go to centro at night, anywhere in centro. period. you speak with an accent to the waiter or bartender you are or could be marked. all it takes is one phone call or a point of a finger to a desperate drugged up street thug.

ditto parque periodista / centro casa neighborhood (at night) which could be more dangerous. because el pinal, el salvador and niquitao are right around the freaking corner. 3-5 mins on moto, in and out really fast.

as noted all over the place the centro casas by day are awesome (they advertise that they close at 7pm, but a lot of the girls start leaving a wee bit earlier).

la mayorista at night is very, very safe, lots of police and very inexpensive. other great night spots are the higher end clubs like luna lunera, san diego and fase ii. awesome, safe although a bit more expensive. (super budget mongers will always balk at table minimum of the 2nd two spots, want to bring their own water. fuk 'them. if you can't drink usd$10 table minimum by yourself or between you and a wingman or you and one of the dancers you should not leave the house cheapskate!). again la mayorista drinks are cheap, no minimum and so are the girls, right on par with the centro casas.

stay at franks or casablanca i or ii. you can't go wrong!

will you get mugged, killed, acosted, entering, in, or leaving a centro strip club at 10pm? no, chances are low. but those chances are triple if not more compared to the safer night time spots listed above. even moreso if you look like a foreigner or wear a watch, jewelry, etc.

i am half latino, fluent, grew up in brooklyn and have lived here in medellíand for almost 10 years, this my second time. nobody has any idea of my gringo-ness. but like everyone else at 6pm i rep001ter away from centro as fast as possible. all that is left are crazy drugged up street people.

we don't need any negative press because some un informed tourist wandered into the wrong area and got xyz. this is not the type of publicity anyone wants or needs.

12-23-10, 18:45
We don't need any negative press because some un informed tourist wandered into the wrong area and got xyz. This is not the type of publicity anyone wants or needs.Spot on. There are times here when it appears a group wants everyone scared to even go to Medellin. Most EVERYWHERE I went it was tranquilo. Muy tranquilo!

Even CENTRO as you mention is fairly and mostly safe during the day. Act like a responsible blend in person and likely no one will even notice you. My first trip I was scared to go anywhere, especially Mayorista, then a buddy I met down there took me. Now, I have a new home. It fit me perfectly. Poblado. Ouch. Too "fru fru" for me, I like the blue collar feel of Mayorista and the "dirty girl" feeling I get there. Then again, you look around and find some really sweet cute lady like girl that sweeps you off your feet.

In all, no one there really wants to start any trouble. Just do your thing and act responsibly.

12-23-10, 20:07
If I'm not mistaken, you used to run tours from time to time from your home base at CB1. I think you would get a lot more attention and participation if, when you felt like running a tour, you advertised it to the masses here on the board on a first come, first served basis, or any system you see fit, a few of us would enjoy participating in some of these adventures. Some of the pictures of some of those tours were quite interesting and impressive. Are you up to running these tours again? Just wondering.

If you have a spare couple of days then this is a great tour.

Medellin to Hacienda Napoles (Pablos Escobars large farm that has been turned into a tourist village type Disneyland) 4 hours drive from Medellin on the Medellin. Bogota highway, just past Doradal.

Spend about 3-4 hours there and then drive to Puerto Berrio on the Rio Magnalena, famous old river town, spend the night there and next day drive back to Medellin.

Leave Medellin at 6 in the morning, miss the traffic.

I've done it about 20 times over the eight years I've been here.

Aussie Greg.

12-23-10, 22:05
Just got back from el centro about an hour ago (well, precisely Prado, but basically the same place) , and I.

Go down there by metrolinea virtually every day to check out different casas. Sometimes I just go to the place.

On the flyer that gets shoved into my hand while I am walking along av Junin (the pedestrian street that ends at.

The church). I have never seen anything, and there are so many people during the day, that as long as one doesn't look like an idiot, it is almost impossible not to blend in. Nobody notices you, everybody is too busy trying to make a peso or two. Never been in el centro at night, and see no reason to go.

Tried out Shannon's kind of sucked. Then went over to Barcelona, which is in Prado on Calle 59, and was great. The lady at the front remembered me, which was a bit of a surprise because it has been about 5 months since I was there. But I don't think they get too many gringos in the place. Tried it out with Mary Ella, black girl, lots of fun, she.

Comes off a little business like, but relaxes after a few minutes.

To be honest, in the evenings, I rarely venture outside Poblado. Everything I would want in the evenings is there, and there is no reason to take risks just for the sake of taking risks. I know some guys love Mayorista, but I've never gone, and am happy enough with the action and prices in el centro during the day.

12-23-10, 22:34
For first timers, Frank Casio's "My Place" would be better. Upon second time, you will consider which you will like, Frank's aperment setting or a private room in a hotel.Thank you. The Place looks perfect.

I have one more stupid question. Because I love sport and mountainbiking. Its possible to rent a good bike somewhere and do daytrips in the mountains around or thats not recommended because of safety?

12-23-10, 23:04
Went round a few casa's today.

Most casa's have at least a couple of "8's" and some have the odd "9" here and there.

$18 for half an hour with a South American Beauty! $18! I am going to say it again, $18 for half an hour with a South American Beauty! And scores of these casa's all over the central area!

Was at Mayorista last night and had a great time too.

For quality and price this is a rare place indeed for the monger. Its far enough off the beaten track not to be spolied in my opinion.

Off to Bogota tomorrow : (

Medellin Absolutely Rocks. Over and out

Black Page
12-24-10, 00:08
El Centro en Medellin is walkable, yet with all the problems recalled in the latest posts.
El Bronx, near Plaza de Los Martires, in Bogota, is NOT. Access streets to the block are even closed by barriers.

Have a look with Google Street view (no, no Google cars there, but a few photos taken by some hero).
http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&expIds=17259.18168, 24472, 27147&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=parque+de+los+martires+Bogota&CP=29&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl.
1 block NW of the Centro de Reclutamiento y Control de Reservias of the Police (yes!).
See the pix in CL 9A.
Some background info:

I passed in front of it at night, by taxi (a driver is my friend now and he takes me for night rides sometimes) , and believe me it looks really bad. The center of Medellin looks a safe haven.

12-24-10, 04:21
To be honest, in the evenings, I rarely venture outside Poblado. Everything I would want in the evenings is there, and there is no reason to take risks just for the sake of taking risks. I know some guys love Mayorista, but I've never goneYou owe it to yourself to go to Mayorista. You'll be SURPRISED when you see it first hand. It's another venue, and a different experience, just like CENTRO, Poblado, all offer something different. You can't match that in any other mongering trip I know of.

12-24-10, 06:34
You owe it to yourself to go to Mayorista. You'll be SURPRISED when you see it first hand. It's another venue, and a different experience, just like CENTRO, Poblado, all offerre even better something different. You can't match that in any other mongering trip I know of.Hmmmm. Though I agree on the varied experiences available, there are, at least IMO, other mongering destinations that easily match or are even better.

Aussie Greg
12-24-10, 16:37
Voy, your right, should do that but just latley I've had a few problems with the Mazda 6.

Just latley been travelling down the Rio Napo in Ecuador / Peru and the Rio Amazon Peru / Brazil / Colombia.

Did the Rio Atrato in Choco, Quibdo to Turbo trip a month ago (9 hours) great trip and then travelled to Capurgana from Turbo (3. 5 hours in a fast boat) and into Panama Puerto Valdivia, then flew back to Medellin.

A. G.

If I'm not mistaken, you used to run tours from time to time from your home base at CB1. I think you would get a lot more attention and participation if, when you felt like running a tour, you advertised it to the masses here on the board on a first come, first served basis, or any system you see fit, a few of us would enjoy participating in some of these adventures. Some of the pictures of some of those tours were quite interesting and impressive. Are you up to running these tours again? Just wondering.

12-24-10, 16:43
Hmmmm. Though I agree on the varied experiences available, there are, at least IMO, other mongering destinations that easily match or are even better.I wholeheartedly concur and can think of two right off the top of my head and there are probaly more I just don't know about. Yet.

There are many posters here reluctant to "talk too much" as destinations can go from paradise to "don't even bother" in less than 5 years.

That being said La Mayorista may not be for everyone but I would venture to guess that if you are coming to Colombia you can handle La Mayorista esecially if you have a wingman in tow. And for the budget monger it's cheap and no minimums, you can even show up with your own bottle of water and stand around and check out the goods without spending a penny. Also cabs are right there parked and waiting. Just don't veer off the main path and you will be fine.

The only problem I have with the place is that the girls don't and won't mingle and talk and hang for 10 mins, perhaps trying to charm the pants and wallet out of you. Unless the girl knows you and knows there is a high probablility that you are back for a repeat performance.

You see, Colombians are cheap as well and getting a girl to hang out for free is the oldest trick in the monger book for cheapskates. A lot of the guys are just there to oggle, cop a feel and they have enough money in their pockets to buy maybe one beer and a shot of guaro. The girls know this.

At least in lots of other clubs such as Campo in the Caribbean the girls are there all day, all night and they have no problem sitting next you at the bar and working you for 20 mins (read: chit chat touchy feelie NOT aggressive).

Whereas the girls working in the home country have to make as much as fast as possible and get home to the kids without being spotted or IDed as a puta by a friend or neighbor or worse: uncle or cousin. This is a part of my never ending rant as to why mongering is better in places where the pros are not in their home town, but I digress.

12-24-10, 16:57
Hmmmm. Though I agree on the varied experiences available, there are, at least IMO, other mongering destinations that easily match or are even better.When you take into consideration the Paisas and the way they carry themselves, I like Colombia the best. I find them to be more upfront and honest about the whole deal and very little gamesmanship. I always feel more like I'm on a date (with a guarantee) and well treated. I can't say that for other countries I've been. The D. R. Being the WORST for hustle.

12-24-10, 18:27
When you take into consideration the Paisas and the way they carry themselves, I like Colombia the best. I find them to be more upfront and honest about the whole deal and very little gamesmanship. I always feel more like I'm on a date (with a guarantee) and well treated. I can't say that for other countries I've been. The D. R. Being the WORST for hustle.Hey, I agree amigo, I love Colombia and Medellin and the Paisas and all that fun stuff!

I've been there and all over Colombia many times over and for many years now.

What I'm saying is that, though I dig Colombia muchisimo, I've found other spots I just like better for various reasons.

I wholeheartedly concur and can think of two right off the top of my head and there are probaly more I just don't know about. Yet.

There are many posters here reluctant to "talk too much" as destinations can go from paradise to "don't even bother" in less than 5 years ...

You said it baby!!
That's why I've learned to keep mi boca callada, if ya know what I mean, (smiley face).
Hard to believe that even the Mayorista is a tourist stop now ... that's progress and the internet workin' ehhhh (another smiley face).

Happy Holidays!!

Frank Casio
12-24-10, 20:34
I guess I`m the lucky one. The girls work me too much at La Mayorista, so much that I had to leave for almost a year because I got tired of it. But when I came back there were a bunch of new ones and it wasn`t too bad. Sometimes I just want to stay there and not have girlfriends, but since I live here for months at a time I need the extra affections from normal girls.

Tuesday I found one of those hidden treasures which gringos tend to overlook because she`s not a spinner. I had never been with a girl there that I wish she`the never leave, she was so tight I could barely move. She told me that a guy said she cut him or scratch him once with her pussy, that`s how tight she is. All I can say is woooooow, but sorry guys, I`m keeping this one to myself. I don`t want a bunch of tourist comming here and stretching her out, ha, ha.

Frank Casio!

I wholeheartedly concur and can think of two right off the top of my head and there are probaly more I just don't know about. Yet.

There are many posters here reluctant to "talk too much" as destinations can go from paradise to "don't even bother" in less than 5 years.

That being said La Mayorista may not be for everyone but I would venture to guess that if you are coming to Colombia you can handle La Mayorista esecially if you have a wingman in tow. And for the budget monger it's cheap and no minimums, you can even show up with your own bottle of water and stand around and check out the goods without spending a penny. Also cabs are right there parked and waiting. Just don't veer off the main path and you will be fine.

The only problem I have with the place is that the girls don't and won't mingle and talk and hang for 10 mins, perhaps trying to charm the pants and wallet out of you. Unless the girl knows you and knows there is a high probablility that you are back for a repeat performance.

You see, Colombians are cheap as well and getting a girl to hang out for free is the oldest trick in the monger book for cheapskates. A lot of the guys are just there to oggle, cop a feel and they have enough money in their pockets to buy maybe one beer and a shot of guaro. The girls know this.

At least in lots of other clubs such as Campo in the Caribbean the girls are there all day, all night and they have no problem sitting next you at the bar and working you for 20 mins (read: chit chat touchy feelie NOT aggressive).

Whereas the girls working in the home country have to make as much as fast as possible and get home to the kids without being spotted or IDed as a puta by a friend or neighbor or worse: uncle or cousin. This is a part of my never ending rant as to why mongering is better in places where the pros are not in their home town, but I digress.

12-24-10, 23:33
I carry a small pocket knife with a blade that is about 1 ― inches. Should I leave it at home so if I was searched by the Police in Colombia would they say that it is a 'concealed weapon'? It's not for protection but convenience. It is the Swiss Army knife that Wal Mart sells for $10 so if I lost it no big deal.

12-25-10, 02:15
I carry a small pocket knife with a blade that is about 1 ― inches. Should I leave it at home so if I was searched by the Police in Colombia would they say that it is a 'concealed weapon'? It's not for protection but convenience. It is the Swiss Army knife that Wal Mart sells for $10 so if I lost it no big deal.1) Never take a knife to a gun fight (assuming you might think it sufficient protection) ;

2) It shouldn't be a problem, the blade must be longer to cause alarm but it must be in checked luggage;

3) If you encounter conflict, hand over your money and be nice and walk away to live another day;

In all my time there, not nearly as much as the vets here, however, I haven't run into one situation that gave me pause, just advice that made me paranoid, but real danger, I haven't seen it yet. Keep in mind though, Shark Bait, a well seasoned vet got jacked one time, but even he said in the post, he let his guard down.

12-25-10, 09:45

Christmas 2010 is upon us and I just wanted to wish all my friends and colleagues in mongering all the best wishes of the Holiday Season.

The year was good to me and I hope to all as well. I look forward to reporting on future new mongering exploits in Colombia as well as other locations both familiar to me and new ones as well.






John Gault
12-25-10, 15:49

Christmas 2010 is upon us and I just wanted to wish all my friends and colleagues in mongering all the best wishes of the Holiday Season.

The year was good to me and I hope to all as well. I look forward to reporting on future new mongering exploits in Colombia as well as other locations both familiar to me and new ones as well.






With those photos, you sure know how to make make spirits rise.

12-25-10, 16:17
Very cute blonde in your Merry Little Paisa photos. She reminds me of AnnaLynne McCord from '90210', thanks for sharing.

Mr Gogo
12-25-10, 17:44

Christmas 2010 is upon us and I just wanted to wish all my friends and colleagues in mongering all the best wishes of the Holiday Season.

The year was good to me and I hope to all as well. I look forward to reporting on future new mongering exploits in Colombia as well as other locations both familiar to me and new ones as well.






Classy pics, damn almost made me book an over priced ticket asap. Thanks for sharing and Happy holidays to all.

Member #4394
12-25-10, 17:48
Leave it at home. Because of machismo culture here, nives are considered to be weapons and symbolize belligerence.

I carry a small pocket knife with a blade that is about 1 ― inches. Should I leave it at home so if I was searched by the Police in Colombia would they say that it is a 'concealed weapon'? It's not for protection but convenience. It is the Swiss Army knife that Wal Mart sells for $10 so if I lost it no big deal.

12-25-10, 20:28
Reefski, I have almost the same picture in my collection. Must be a popular spot. Lovely little lady. Might say Hello, to her shortly.

12-25-10, 23:12
Was in MDE last month for four nights. Great place for any monger. The stunningly-beautiful women, progressive vibe of its nightlife, and cheap sex all add up to one of the best values in Latin America. Thankfully, I was with a buddy of mine who is fluent in Spanish. Otherwise, it would've been next to impossible to traverse the city.

"The Mansion" capitalizes on tourists who are monolingual, and extort the price of their women. At least, this is my suspicion based on accounts I've heard from fellow-travelers who've stayed there. Seems like their prices are almost 3x more than those in the casas.

12-26-10, 05:46
Was in MDE last month for four nights. Great place for any monger. The stunningly-beautiful women, progressive vibe of its nightlife, and cheap sex all add up to one of the best values in Latin America. Thankfully, I was with a buddy of mine who is fluent in Spanish. Otherwise, it would've been next to impossible to traverse the city.

"The Mansion" capitalizes on tourists who are monolingual, and extort the price of their women. At least, this is my suspicion based on accounts I've heard from fellow-travelers who've stayed there. Seems like their prices are almost 3x more than those in the casas. Chollingsworth,

Congratulations on having a great 4 nights in Medellin. Having a buddy show you the ropes is one of the best things a bud can do for his fellow monger brother.

This is one of the best reasons to stay at the Mansion and or Castillo (now called Casa Blanca 1 & 2). I can't tell you how many times I personally took newbies under my wing to show them the delights of Medellin and I have seen as well as heard of countless times my fellow mongers staying at the Casa Blanca 1 & 2 take newbies and show them the ropes as well. One of the Casa Blanca partners (Boyd) does an almost daily FREE casa run for newbies and experienced mongers alike.

You said it yourself that had it not been for your buddy who is fluent in Spanish that it would have been next to impossible to traverse the city. So imagine what your experience would have been if you had been on your own.

In fact you really missed out of one of the venues for mongering and that is the Casa Blanca 1& 2 itself. They do not capitalize on tourists who are monolingual, they CATER to them. They also host mongers who are fluent in Spanish (such as myself and many mongers on this board).

The Casa Blanca women are independent and in general ask $150, 000 cop for a short time session. Now I have seen these short times sessions turn into many hours. So it's not fair to compare to the casa prices since you are on the clock there. Disclaimer: I have said this MANY times in several posts and yet I will say again, I do not pay $150, 000 cop. I usually present a $100, 000 situation to the girls when they A) Just arrive or B) are thinking of leaving. I can't remember the last time a girl turned it down. Some guys don't feel like negotiating for fear of lesser provided service. To that I say "Bah, Humbug"! (in keeping with the spirit).

Now this is something I cannot do at the higher end Casas / Strip joints since the price is fixed. Loutron ($180, 000 cop 1hour) , Fase Dos ($150, 00 50 minutes) etc. In fact can't negotiate at any of the casas.

So until you have had a chance to visit the Casa Blanca 1 or 2, it is MY suspicion, that you really have not seen ALL that Medellin has to offer.









Zig Monger
12-26-10, 06:26
Feliz Navidad to all the Medellin mongers. Attached is a photo of one of my favorite little elves. (Mansion regulars will likely be able to guess who)

Ho ho ho. (no, not a slang term for 3 chicas)

ReefLittle Jimena, a favorita of mine, too!

12-26-10, 07:48
Was in MDE last month for four nights. Great place for any monger. The stunningly-beautiful women, progressive vibe of its nightlife, and cheap sex all add up to one of the best values in Latin America. Thankfully, I was with a buddy of mine who is fluent in Spanish. Otherwise, it would've been next to impossible to traverse the city.

"The Mansion" capitalizes on tourists who are monolingual, and extort the price of their women. At least, this is my suspicion based on accounts I've heard from fellow-travelers who've stayed there. Seems like their prices are almost 3x more than those in the casas. The mansion might seem a bit high in price but the attmosphere and price is comprable to any Poblado upper end Hotel. The pricing of the English students may appear to be high compared to the casas, but most people report a more GFE type of deal. And Greg Robert and Boyd do speak Engish, So sure it does appeal to the English only speaker. There are a number of guys that are perfectly happy to go to Medellin and never leave Poblado. There is usually enough going on at the mansion that you really wouldn't want to leave. Another Mansion observation is that the class of people that Stay there is at least upper middle class by US standards, Doctors Dentists Lawyers Airline pilots CPA's ect. For Sure you can stay in a hostel with backpackers and do casas and mayorista and have a perfectly fine time. So while not exactly the cheapest Place in Medellin the Experience can be Fantastic!

12-26-10, 16:19
Leave it at home. Because of machismo culture here, nives are considered to be weapons and symbolize belligerence.If you are a furry little timid forest creature at home, no reason to change when you visit Colombia. Knives are considered weapons (and tools) all over the world, not just Colombia.

As a side note, you can obtain a handgun and concealed weapon permit as a foreigner in Colombia if you have a visa other than tourist. For example a rentista or pensionado visa. It's expensive but the option is there. Not recommending it for most, but if you're comfortable being armed and you're willing to accept the consequences then hey knock yourself out. Small arms are obtained through the Colombian military.


John Gault
12-26-10, 16:34

Congratulations on having a great 4 nights in Medellin. Having a buddy show you the ropes is one of the best things a bud can do for his fellow monger brother.

This is one of the best reasons to stay at the Mansion and or Castillo (now called Casa Blanca 1 & 2). I can't tell you how many times I personally took newbies under my wing to show them the delights of Medellin and I have seen as well as heard of countless times my fellow mongers staying at the Casa Blanca 1 & 2 take newbies and show them the ropes as well. One of the Casa Blanca partners (Boyd) does an almost daily FREE casa run for newbies and experienced mongers alike.

You said it yourself that had it not been for your buddy who is fluent in Spanish that it would have been next to impossible to traverse the city. So imagine what your experience would have been if you had been on your own.

In fact you really missed out of one of the venues for mongering and that is the Casa Blanca 1& 2 itself. They do not capitalize on tourists who are monolingual, they CATER to them. They also host mongers who are fluent in Spanish (such as myself and many mongers on this board).

The Casa Blanca women are independent and in general ask $150, 000 cop for a short time session. Now I have seen these short times sessions turn into many hours. So it's not fair to compare to the casa prices since you are on the clock there. Disclaimer: I have said this MANY times in several posts and yet I will say again, I do not pay $150, 000 cop. I usually present a $100, 000 situation to the girls when they A) Just arrive or B) are thinking of leaving. I can't remember the last time a girl turned it down. Some guys don't feel like negotiating for fear of lesser provided service. To that I say "Bah, Humbug"! (in keeping with the spirit).

Now this is something I cannot do at the higher end Casas / Strip joints since the price is fixed. Loutron ($180, 000 cop 1hour) , Fase Dos ($150, 00 50 minutes) etc. In fact can't negotiate at any of the casas.

So until you have had a chance to visit the Casa Blanca 1 or 2, it is MY suspicion, that you really have not seen ALL that Medellin has to offer.









I would pay the 150 K for the last one on you list. Money well spent. Does she have a name you could release?

12-26-10, 17:06
I am glad someone is starting to show some photos. Seems like it was quite a dry spell. So Now I need to examine my list of possible students. Thanks to Cubanut and the others. Jimena is very sweet isn't she.

Mr Gogo
12-26-10, 17:43

Congratulations on having a great 4 nights in Medellin. Having a buddy show you the ropes is one of the best things a bud can do for his fellow monger brother.

This is one of the best reasons to stay at the Mansion and or Castillo (now called Casa Blanca 1 & 2). I can't tell you how many times I personally took newbies under my wing to show them the delights of Medellin and I have seen as well as heard of countless times my fellow mongers staying at the Casa Blanca 1 & 2 take newbies and show them the ropes as well. One of the Casa Blanca partners (Boyd) does an almost daily FREE casa run for newbies and experienced mongers alike.

You said it yourself that had it not been for your buddy who is fluent in Spanish that it would have been next to impossible to traverse the city. So imagine what your experience would have been if you had been on your own.

In fact you really missed out of one of the venues for mongering and that is the Casa Blanca 1& 2 itself. They do not capitalize on tourists who are monolingual, they CATER to them. They also host mongers who are fluent in Spanish (such as myself and many mongers on this board).

The Casa Blanca women are independent and in general ask $150, 000 cop for a short time session. Now I have seen these short times sessions turn into many hours. So it's not fair to compare to the casa prices since you are on the clock there. Disclaimer: I have said this MANY times in several posts and yet I will say again, I do not pay $150, 000 cop. I usually present a $100, 000 situation to the girls when they A) Just arrive or B) are thinking of leaving. I can't remember the last time a girl turned it down. Some guys don't feel like negotiating for fear of lesser provided service. To that I say "Bah, Humbug"! (in keeping with the spirit).

Now this is something I cannot do at the higher end Casas / Strip joints since the price is fixed. Loutron ($180, 000 cop 1hour) , Fase Dos ($150, 00 50 minutes) etc. In fact can't negotiate at any of the casas.

So until you have had a chance to visit the Casa Blanca 1 or 2, it is MY suspicion, that you really have not seen ALL that Medellin has to offer.








143404I have never had the pleasure of staying at CB1 or CB2. But I've had the pleasure to bang three girls that freelance there. And one thing I've noticed is that they are experts at "gringo negoitiating tactics". One girl put her hand on her hips and stomped one foot to emphasize her 300k firm offer. She came with a friend I was dating, for my friend. As I translated between her and my friend we laughed, she didn't even crack a smile. She said fuck it ill go to the mansion and get that. We called her bluff and the trick left, my boy looked heart broken. The others had their bottom line price that was usually not near my top offer, so I had to offer a "performance propina" to compromise.

The casas and strip clubs have structured pricing, so alot of girls don't expirience hardcore gringo negoitiating. Hell even the strip clubs girls I meet for afternoon delights just take what I give them, pricing is never mentioned. They don't even count the money when I give it to them. I actually thought I was over paying (140k from 2pm till they go to work at 9pm plus a pizza or some potato chips) but fuck it. The one benefit I hear about the mansion is the boys club climate. Also if you don't like to hunt the mansion is spoon fed. But I disagree CN, you really haven't seen all Medellin has to offer until you branch out and leave Casa Blanca 1, 2.

12-26-10, 22:44
Photos, those 5;

Have direct contact infor?


Congratulations on having a great 4 nights in Medellin. Having a buddy show you the ropes is one of the best things a bud can do for his fellow monger brother.

This is one of the best reasons to stay at the Mansion and or Castillo (now called Casa Blanca 1 & 2). I can't tell you how many times I personally took newbies under my wing to show them the delights of Medellin and I have seen as well as heard of countless times my fellow mongers staying at the Casa Blanca 1 & 2 take newbies and show them the ropes as well. One of the Casa Blanca partners (Boyd) does an almost daily FREE casa run for newbies and experienced mongers alike.

You said it yourself that had it not been for your buddy who is fluent in Spanish that it would have been next to impossible to traverse the city. So imagine what your experience would have been if you had been on your own.

In fact you really missed out of one of the venues for mongering and that is the Casa Blanca 1& 2 itself. They do not capitalize on tourists who are monolingual, they CATER to them. They also host mongers who are fluent in Spanish (such as myself and many mongers on this board).

The Casa Blanca women are independent and in general ask $150, 000 cop for a short time session. Now I have seen these short times sessions turn into many hours. So it's not fair to compare to the casa prices since you are on the clock there. Disclaimer: I have said this MANY times in several posts and yet I will say again, I do not pay $150, 000 cop. I usually present a $100, 000 situation to the girls when they A) Just arrive or B) are thinking of leaving. I can't remember the last time a girl turned it down. Some guys don't feel like negotiating for fear of lesser provided service. To that I say "Bah, Humbug"! (in keeping with the spirit).

Now this is something I cannot do at the higher end Casas / Strip joints since the price is fixed. Loutron ($180, 000 cop 1hour) , Fase Dos ($150, 00 50 minutes) etc. In fact can't negotiate at any of the casas.

So until you have had a chance to visit the Casa Blanca 1 or 2, it is MY suspicion, that you really have not seen ALL that Medellin has to offer.









12-26-10, 23:27

Congratulations on having a great 4 nights in Medellin. Having a buddy show you the ropes is one of the best things a bud can do for his fellow monger brother.

This is one of the best reasons to stay at the Mansion and or Castillo (now called Casa Blanca 1 & 2). I can't tell you how many times I personally took newbies under my wing to show them the delights of Medellin and I have seen as well as heard of countless times my fellow mongers staying at the Casa Blanca 1 & 2 take newbies and show them the ropes as well. One of the Casa Blanca partners (Boyd) does an almost daily FREE casa run for newbies and experienced mongers alike.

You said it yourself that had it not been for your buddy who is fluent in Spanish that it would have been next to impossible to traverse the city. So imagine what your experience would have been if you had been on your own.

In fact you really missed out of one of the venues for mongering and that is the Casa Blanca 1& 2 itself. They do not capitalize on tourists who are monolingual, they CATER to them. They also host mongers who are fluent in Spanish (such as myself and many mongers on this board).

The Casa Blanca women are independent and in general ask $150, 000 cop for a short time session. Now I have seen these short times sessions turn into many hours. So it's not fair to compare to the casa prices since you are on the clock there. Disclaimer: I have said this MANY times in several posts and yet I will say again, I do not pay $150, 000 cop. I usually present a $100, 000 situation to the girls when they A) Just arrive or B) are thinking of leaving. I can't remember the last time a girl turned it down. Some guys don't feel like negotiating for fear of lesser provided service. To that I say "Bah, Humbug"! (in keeping with the spirit).

Now this is something I cannot do at the higher end Casas / Strip joints since the price is fixed. Loutron ($180, 000 cop 1hour) , Fase Dos ($150, 00 50 minutes) etc. In fact can't negotiate at any of the casas.

So until you have had a chance to visit the Casa Blanca 1 or 2, it is MY suspicion, that you really have not seen ALL that Medellin has to offer.









I concur completely Senor Cuba Nut!

You have a good way with words and obviously take great fotos!

Happy Holidays mi amigo!

I would pay the 150 K for the last one on you list. Money well spent. Does she have a name you could release?Well I usually dig the morenas but Cuba's foto number. 403 looks sweet, and I'd love to meet her algun dia pronto.

PS. John Gault, I miss your old handle, had more of a ring to it. Hahaha

12-27-10, 06:10
I have never had the pleasure of staying at CB1 or CB2. But I've had the pleasure to bang three girls that freelance there. And one thing I've noticed is that they are experts at "gringo negotiating tactics". One girl put her hand on her hips and stomped one foot to emphasize her 300k firm offer. She came with a friend I was dating, for my friend. As I translated between her and my friend we laughed, she didn't even crack a smile. She said fuck it ill go to the mansion and get that. We called her bluff and the trick left, my boy looked heart broken. The others had their bottom line price that was usually not near my top offer, so I had to offer a "performance propina" to compromise.

The casas and strip clubs have structured pricing, so a lot of girls don't experience hardcore gringo negotiating. Hell even the strip clubs girls I meet for afternoon delights just take what I give them, pricing is never mentioned. They don't even count the money when I give it to them. I actually thought I was over paying (140k from 2pm till they go to work at 9pm plus a pizza or some potato chips) but fuck it. The one benefit I hear about the mansion is the boys club climate. Also if you don't like to hunt the mansion is spoon fed. But I disagree CN, you really haven't seen all Medellin has to offer until you branch out and leave Casa Blanca 1, 2. Mr Gogo,

I agree that one hasn't seen all Medellin has to offer if you never leave Casa Blanca 1 & 2. However, I never said anything to the effect. I stated that you really have not seen all that Medellin has to offer if you have never stayed at Casa Blanca 1 or 2.

Please keep in mind that the girls can NOT just show up at the CB 1 & 2. So the statement you quoted above about the "trick" saying she'd just go to the Casa Blanca to get what she wanted may not have been where she ended up that night.

Also what was the $300, 000 cop for? TLN? Sure, guys have paid that. I can assure you that neither me nor Ricker ever will (sorry to throw your name in Ricker but I know you wouldn't pay that either). And if I had my way, that type of hardened puta would no longer step foot inside the CB even on an invite. Girls like that infect the other newer students unfortunately. That's why I do like that the girls can't just show up.

BTW- Only you can decide if you are overpaying a chic if she is hanging out for any amount of time before going to work. In Medellin I don't pay strip club girls for their hang out time but in Cartagena I would offer $80, 000 cop from noon to 7pm and that included lunch, GFE sightseeing in the old city and a couple hours of lovemaking.

Also, why would the girl you are dating bring such a stubborn money girls to you for your friend in the first place? The girls all talk. There are plenty that need money at times and are willing to lower their financial expectations.

Lastly, per the two pics you posted, If these are the two girls that stuck around, there is no way those two should be demanding top dollar. I wonder if they have to give a premium to your girlfriend for the introduction.



PS. Even stubborn girls can be broken down. I wrote about Paola (pic below) in a previous thread. Wouldn't give me the time of day for hours while at a friends party but when it came to her leaving with no cash she swallowed her pride and caved in at $100, 000 cop. Once back at Casa Blanca 2 she was like a long lost girlfriend. And to top that off she called me the next day and invited me to lunch and paid for it and her own taxi.


12-27-10, 17:35
I have never had the pleasure of staying at CB1 or CB2.

But I disagree CN, you really haven't seen all Medellin has to offer until you branch out and leave Casa Blanca 1, 2. Ya mean there's more to Medellin than the Mansion (CB)?

Duuuuhhhh :)

I think you missed Cuba's point that the CB was just another good venue for meeting and hanging with chicas, not that it was the focal point of Medellin.

Mr Gogo
12-27-10, 17:36
Cuba and Ricker, whoa you're very fond of the mansion, I get it okay? Cuba those werent the girls I was talking about, if you schroll down a guy asked about the lack of pictures in the forum nowadays, so I posted some older pics. And those prices I quoted were not for short time. I like to hang out and take my time thats why I don't do casas.

Ricker, they way Cuba presented it with" you haven't seen ALL their is to see in Medellin until you do the mansion" makes the mansion seem like like a national treasure. I've heard its a nice place and the staff is great. But I feel the raw nerves I've touched with this intrusion. My New Years resolution is not to argue with anyone and to finish positively.

Therefore be safe and Happy New years.

12-27-10, 18:38
I have never had the pleasure of staying at CB1 or CB2. But I've had the pleasure to bang three girls that freelance there. And one thing I've noticed is that they are experts at "gringo negoitiating tactics". One girl put her hand on her hips and stomped one foot to emphasize her 300k firm offer. She came with a friend I was dating, for my friend. As I translated between her and my friend we laughed, she didn't even crack a smile. She said fuck it ill go to the mansion and get that. We called her bluff and the trick left, my boy looked heart broken. The others had their bottom line price that was usually not near my top offer, so I had to offer a "performance propina" to compromise.

The casas and strip clubs have structured pricing, so alot of girls don't expirience hardcore gringo negoitiating. Hell even the strip clubs girls I meet for afternoon delights just take what I give them, pricing is never mentioned. They don't even count the money when I give it to them. I actually thought I was over paying (140k from 2pm till they go to work at 9pm plus a pizza or some potato chips) but fuck it. The one benefit I hear about the mansion is the boys club climate. Also if you don't like to hunt the mansion is spoon fed. But I disagree CN, you really haven't seen all Medellin has to offer until you branch out and leave Casa Blanca 1, 2. Amen Mr G. 300k? That place is going downhill and fast! Nice sticking to your guns and don't ever be afraid to walk away. The only bad thing is that she will use this gringo manipulation and let her friends have it that they MUST raise their rates and #2 "why the fuck did you not go to bat for me" Thank god I know where to go to still get the 80k-100k tln's bro! P. S. Nice Esperanza Gomez Clit on that one! Je je LOL pp.ss I'm glad to keep all the gringos consolidated to one area, let them manipulate the prices in one area and bid against themselves instead of on the streets. Quite laughable!

"And to top that off she called me the next day and invited me to lunch and paid for it and her own taxi." And Cubanut as charming and as hot as you must be, I'm surprised that the girls don't offer to pay for your taxi as well. LOL

Mr Gogo
12-27-10, 18:56
Amen Mr G. 300k? That place is going downhill and fast! Nice sticking to your guns and don't ever be afraid to walk away. The only bad thing is that she will use this gringo manipulation and let her friends have it that they MUST raise their rates and #2 "why the fuck did you not go to bat for me" Thank god I know where to go to still get the 80k-100k tln's bro! P. S. Nice Esperanza Gomez Clit on that one! Je je LOL pp. Ss I'm glad to keep all the gringos consolidated to one area, let them manipulate the prices in one area and bid against themselves instead of on the streets. Quite laughable!

"And to top that off she called me the next day and invited me to lunch and paid for it and her own taxi." And Cubanut as charming and as hot as you must be, I'm surprised that the girls don't offer to pay for your taxi as well. LOLI feel ya bro, long live the Mansion but my play ground is the streets. You don't never need me to go to bat for you, you kick ass just fine by yourself.

12-28-10, 02:41
I feel ya bro, long live the Mansion but my play ground is the streets. You don't never need me to go to bat for you, you kick ass just fine by yourself.2 things, When I said "that place is going downhill fast" I meant Medellin as a whole. Even though I have never had a PERSONAL vendetta against the Mansion it's just not needed for me for a number of reasons but for some gringos I can see how it is invaluable and #2 When I said the "why didn't you go to bat for me" I meant that would be the stuck up ruined 300k peso girl letting your girl have an ear full of cantaletas for not sticking up for her at that moment LOL. Peace bro!

Mr Gogo
12-28-10, 03:10
2 things, When I said "that place is going downhill fast" I meant Medellin as a whole. Even though I have never had a PERSONAL vendetta against the Mansion it's just not needed for me for a number of reasons but for some gringos I can see how it is invaluable and #2 When I said the "why didn't you go to bat for me" I meant that would be the stuck up ruined 300k peso girl letting your girl have an ear full of cantaletas for not sticking up for her at that moment LOL. Peace bro!You know my mind doesn't understand fully when I'm in sex prison. Plus its cold as shit here in Florida, and the price of Hennessy just went up. All my girls in Sosua got locked up, and my kids chipped in and got me the " old Spice gift cologne set" for Christmas (cheap bastards).

Come on 2011.

12-28-10, 06:39
. Ricker, they way Cuba presented it with" you haven't seen ALL their is to see in Medellin until you do the mansion" makes the mansion seem like like a national treasure. I've heard its a nice place and the staff is great. But I feel the raw nerves I've touched with this intrusion. My New Years resolution is not to argue with anyone and to finish positively.

Therefore be safe and Happy New years. I'm with ya amigo, you're right.

I was actually just kidding ya a bit in my last post, but I can see how it may have come off more harsh.

Happy Holidays to you too.

12-28-10, 06:49
Cuba and Ricker, whoa you're very fond of the mansion, I get it okay? ... Well, I do think they run a good service for guys, and I do stay at the Castillo (CB2) , and I am friends with the owners and Cubanut, however, I very rarely partake with Mansion chicas (or whatever they're called) apart from flirting a bit when I stop by the Mansion to say hey to the Aussie.

In fact, I believe I've only been with one, maybe 2 paid for and I did get one freebie a while back.

I'm actually more like you in that respect I believe.

I enjoy the city and the hunt and finding sweet, fresh chicas, unhardened and fun.

12-28-10, 12:08
Cubanut: your Merry little Paisa is perfect. Congratulations! I hope sweetharts like her will find you (or you them) next year also. Happy 2011 to you and to all other fellow mongers in here. Where is Paisa to be found?

12-28-10, 18:16
I am going to look at a apartment today in pablado. It is available on Jan. 11th. I will rent the apartment for at least a month. It has three bedrooms and is close to parque llaras. I am looking for someone to share the apartment. The rent will be $25 per day. Hopefully it will be a nice place. Post if you are interested. Thanks randy

12-29-10, 00:30
Looks like I am too late to book one of the nicer mansion rooms with a jacuzzi for late February. Does anyone know of a luxury apartment available in Medellin that has a large jacuzzi or whirlpool? Ideally 1 or 2 bedroom only, as I'll be traveling solo.

12-29-10, 08:22
You know my mind doesn't understand fully when I'm in sex prison. Plus its cold as shit here in Florida, and the price of Hennessy just went up. All my girls in Sosua got locked up, and my kids chipped in and got me the " old Spice gift cologne set" for Christmas (cheap bastards).

Come on 2011. Hope things get better for ya

12-29-10, 10:53
Well, I do think they run a good service for guys, and I do stay at the Castillo (CB2) , and I am friends with the owners and Cubanut, however, I very rarely partake with Mansion chicas (or whatever they're called) apart from flirting a bit when I stop by the Mansion to say hey to the Aussie.

In fact, I believe I've only been with one, maybe 2 paid for and I did get one freebie a while back.

I'm actually more like you in that respect I believe.

I enjoy the city and the hunt and finding sweet, fresh chicas, unhardened and fun. Ricker,

You know I enjoy the city as well. But for me I have grown less interested in the hunt for cherry girls.

Sometimes it's just as much fun to do your hunting in a pen (same as fishing in a barrel) LOL!

Stay Horny My Friend,



Mr Gogo
12-29-10, 17:08
Hope things get better for yaJust trying in my silly way to add some comic relief to end 2010, happy hunting in 2011.

Mr Gogo
12-30-10, 00:25

You know I enjoy the city as well. But for me I have grown less interested in the hunt for cherry girls.

Sometimes it's just as much fun to do your hunting in a pen (same as fishing in a barrel) LOL!

Stay Horny My Friend,


143644And all those cherry girls that want to take you to lunch and pay their own taxi fares will be left hanging? Great pic also.

12-30-10, 20:21
And all those cherry girls that want to take you to lunch and pay their own taxi fares will be left hanging? Great pic also.Yes, can you imagine the overcome with sadness these prepagos will be feeling? Woe is me! Je je LOL

12-31-10, 22:06
I'm sure you guys are tired of the standard where to go and where is the action in Columbia bit but I have scowered through the site and it seems to point me to Medelin. I plan on heading here in Jan and want some basic direction. I have been to Costa Rica / Tijunna / Bangkok / Manila for similar reasons and was always seemed to find a certain area and set places to go for everything. I look here and it does not seem as organized? Am I missing the bus here? I guess if someone could give me a direct answer instead of RTFF because I have and can't quite seem to piece it together.

So what hotel / hotels are the best to stay in and what price to expect.

What is the best venue for girls? MP or bars or SW? What is average price.

And is there a little section of the city that caters to working girls with multiple spots to go or is everything a taxi ride back and forth?

Any insight is appreciated.

See you soon! And if you are in town Jan 15 to 23 I will be there! Just not sure where at yet.

01-01-11, 18:08
I'm sure you guys are tired of the standard where to go and where is the action in Columbia bit but I have scowered through the site and it seems to point me to Medelin. I plan on heading here in Jan and want some basic direction. I have been to Costa Rica / Tijunna / Bangkok / Manila for similar reasons and was always seemed to find a certain area and set places to go for everything. I look here and it does not seem as organized? Am I missing the bus here? I guess if someone could give me a direct answer instead of RTFF because I have and can't quite seem to piece it together.

So what hotel / hotels are the best to stay in and what price to expect.

What is the best venue for girls? MP or bars or SW? What is average price.

And is there a little section of the city that caters to working girls with multiple spots to go or is everything a taxi ride back and forth?

Any insight is appreciated.

See you soon! And if you are in town Jan 15 to 23 I will be there! Just not sure where at yet. You will find all of your answers in the "Medellin Lists" section of the Colombia forum. I have never been to MDE but I've got a good idea of what's what and how come just by going over the lists. Anything else I don't quite grasps I just ask other members via PM.

01-01-11, 21:37
I'm sure you guys are tired of the standard where to go and where is the action in Columbia bit but I have scowered through the site and it seems to point me to Medelin. I plan on heading here in Jan and want some basic direction. I have been to Costa Rica / Tijunna / Bangkok / Manila for similar reasons and was always seemed to find a certain area and set places to go for everything. I look here and it does not seem as organized? Am I missing the bus here? I guess if someone could give me a direct answer instead of RTFF because I have and can't quite seem to piece it together.

So what hotel / hotels are the best to stay in and what price to expect.

What is the best venue for girls? MP or bars or SW? What is average price.

And is there a little section of the city that caters to working girls with multiple spots to go or is everything a taxi ride back and forth?

Any insight is appreciated.

See you soon! And if you are in town Jan 15 to 23 I will be there! Just not sure where at yet. Gents,

I for one am tired of "where to go and where is the action is" questions. At least when it comes to Medellin. This has to be one of the most saturated topics in the Colombia section. I think those who say they have loked through the site yet have questions are not being forthright because NOTHING that I or anyone else will add to this will be shedding ANY new light on the topic.

So just for myself, I am shortening up my advise to the bare minimum that will give the same results as a long and drawn out response.


You have chosen Medellin. Good selection for a first timer to Colombia. I will assume that you have a moderate amount in mind that you want to spend and want safety and convenience so that is what I will target. I will also assume you know little to no Spanish since you did not say.

Stay at the Casa Blanca 1 or 2 (formerly known as Medellin Mansion and the Castillo. These are 2 large houses that have been converted into bed and breakfast type hotels. Stay there and ALL your questions concerns needs wants and desires will be cared for. Arrange for an airport pickup when you call to book at info@medellinmansion.com Also see their website by the same name.

And as a previous poster wrote: See the Medellin LISTS section for places and pricing of everything else.

There, that was simple. And nothing could be simpler.

Welcome to the land of the Medellin Paisa.




01-02-11, 20:29
Thank you,

Both posts are extremely helpful and info like this is what I was looking for. Sometimes you get a few people that just enlightened themselves and can't wait to tell everyone about run down on what to do and where to go, I guess I was looking for that guy. I will book at this hotel, someone PMd me about one of their condos, I would love to do that but I think I may miss out on some action if I am solo in a room with no one to strike up for some info or pointers. We all are there some point in our life. Anyhow I will go to the Md lists and seek further info. By the way I do speak a little spanish and look latin do some degree so when I am in the places south of USA I usually get approached in spanish with assumption I am fluent. So I don't look like a big white target. I like to travel all over and have my exp in Costa Rica / Dom Republic / tijunna / Bangkok / manila. I will write some reports and hopefully shine some light for you guys. If not. I would love to run into the girl you have posted in your pic!


I for one am tired of "where to go and where is the action is" questions. At least when it comes to Medellin. This has to be one of the most saturated topics in the Colombia section. I think those who say they have loked through the site yet have questions are not being forthright because NOTHING that I or anyone else will add to this will be shedding ANY new light on the topic.

So just for myself, I am shortening up my advise to the bare minimum that will give the same results as a long and drawn out response.


You have chosen Medellin. Good selection for a first timer to Colombia. I will assume that you have a moderate amount in mind that you want to spend and want safety and convenience so that is what I will target. I will also assume you know little to no Spanish since you did not say.

Stay at the Casa Blanca 1 or 2 (formerly known as Medellin Mansion and the Castillo. These are 2 large houses that have been converted into bed and breakfast type hotels. Stay there and ALL your questions concerns needs wants and desires will be cared for. Arrange for an airport pickup when you call to book at info@medellinmansion.com Also see their website by the same name.

And as a previous poster wrote: See the Medellin LISTS section for places and pricing of everything else.

There, that was simple. And nothing could be simpler.

Welcome to the land of the Medellin Paisa.




Wayne Roberts
01-03-11, 15:40

I for one am tired of "where to go and where is the action is" questions. At least when it comes to Medellin. This has to be one of the most saturated topics in the Colombia section. I think those who say they have loked through the site yet have questions are not being forthright because NOTHING that I or anyone else will add to this will be shedding ANY new light on the topic.

So just for myself, I am shortening up my advise to the bare minimum that will give the same results as a long and drawn out response.


You have chosen Medellin. Good selection for a first timer to Colombia. I will assume that you have a moderate amount in mind that you want to spend and want safety and convenience so that is what I will target. I will also assume you know little to no Spanish since you did not say.

Stay at the Casa Blanca 1 or 2 (formerly known as Medellin Mansion and the Castillo. These are 2 large houses that have been converted into bed and breakfast type hotels. Stay there and ALL your questions concerns needs wants and desires will be cared for. Arrange for an airport pickup when you call to book at info@medellinmansion.com Also see their website by the same name.

And as a previous poster wrote: See the Medellin LISTS section for places and pricing of everything else.

There, that was simple. And nothing could be simpler.

Welcome to the land of the Medellin Paisa.




If anything, this excellent post shows how some country sections require a READ THIS FIRST type thread for all the newbies. I have not been to Colombia yet and won't have a chance this year either, although I do lurk out of interest. The contributions on this forum have been concise enough that there is no need to feel in the complete dark.

In saying that, there is a lot to read here, so a summarized thread may not be a bad idea. There are pages and pages of material to work through and it can be quite time consuming for people I guess

01-03-11, 16:10
If anything, this excellent post shows how some country sections require a READ THIS FIRST type thread for all the newbies. I have not been to Colombia yet and won't have a chance this year either, although I do lurk out of interest. The contributions on this forum have been concise enough that there is no need to feel in the complete dark.

In saying that, there is a lot to read here, so a summarized thread may not be a bad idea. There are pages and pages of material to work through and it can be quite time consuming for people I guessIn other words, go back 25 pages in any main thread, pour yourself a beer and read the last 25 pages, take out your yellow accounting paper and make some notes on Key things that are said. After you've read these pages you should have some perfect leads on where to go and what to do that interests you. If one point confuse's you a little that's fine it happens to me, and like someone else said I just PM a member for some clarity on what I missed. What is unacceptable, is "I don't get it" please re-state everything that is already here. That's total Hogwash, lazy american behavior. There is no Bubba's guide to Medellin that sums this place up but you will find sections on day time activities and casa's, night time clubs that are open, Prepaid girls, site's that show prepaid that look like regular dating sites. Regular bars, area's and safety it's all in the last 25 pages. Not singling anyone out it's common sense and when you can't do this it pisses off members that took out there time to help show the way.

Black Page
01-03-11, 16:30
In saying that, there is a lot to read here, so a summarized thread may not be a bad idea. There are pages and pages of material to work through and it can be quite time consuming for people I guessYour suggestion is so good, that it has been put in practice already. I wish everyone would read the following before asking questions:
- Reports of Distinction;
- <<city name>> Lists by WT69.
I personally add a link in the Reports of Distinction thread, whenever I add a report having some general information value.

Black Page
01-03-11, 16:50
Good advice CN. I'm surprised however your post hasn't set off the usual firestorm of Mansion bashing and "shooting fish in a barrel" debate.

Seriously, I respect and admire the business capabilities of Aussie Greg and others who have set up the Mansion, the VIP, the Casa Blanca, etc. in Medellin. Those places must be great (I never even approached the door, so it's my guess) for US guys who want to try Medellin, but have never dared to explore Colombia or even do not speak a single word of Spanish.

Said this (I don't want anybody think that I am negatively biased against that establishments) , I really don't like to see that 50% (to be optimistic) of posts in the Medellin thread is still, constantly dealing with (or openly advertising) those establishments.

Dear fellows, SPECIFIC THREADS have been set up for these topics. Am I asking to much, if I wish that the Medellin thread features only reports about what's out there BESIDES what's available at the Mansion, the Casa Blanca, etc. Etc. ? May I politely ask the "supporters" or "satisfied customers" of those establishments to refrain to make this thread so well "focused" on that?

The majority of readers and posters on this thread does not belong to the categories of people "catered" by those establishments. We like (and find useful) to read reports on what's going on in the streets, in bars, in clubs, casas, etc. In other words, inputs for the meritorious work of World Traveller 69 (the Lists).

I hope everyone will accept my appeal as a constructive input and not as starting point for a firestorm, as Reefski mentioned.

Have fun, all!

Hollow Man
01-03-11, 16:57
First trip and no spanish skills. But I pick things up quick. 1900 cop = $1 US.

Jan 1st arrived. Some motion sickness from the insane turns from the taxi goin down to the valley. Nice guy stopped a couple of times to let me catch a break. He also took me to a spot for a nice panorama shot and asked directions to my hostel since I forgot. Far was 75k and I know the flat rate from the airport is 50k with 56k being max but he was a good guy with the stops and the nice views so it was no problem.

* Tipping, people don't tip taxis in Colombia but they may tip waiters 2k cop ($1 US). The girls in the strip clubs or casas should not be tipped unless they provide some outstanding service life GFE and BBBJ and if you decide to do it then tip them 20k cop ($10 US) but please remember it has to be for some beyond the call of duty service because their regular job is being paid to do you.

My hostel is nice with a 6 person Jacuzzi on the balcony and my dorm is 25k cop includes breakfast. This apparently is a family hostel because the 2 other dorms are taken by Colombian families. Calle 10 and Carrera 35.

Hit the casas Jan 2nd starting with New Life. 7 girls only. I heard most are tired from New Years and also its Sunday so slim pickings. Did Fernanda (nothing special but the room has its own shower and mirrors) and paid the cashier 40k and Fern gave me a playful push away so I figured she wanted the change. But just 5k seemed pretty small but whatever. Hit the nearest 6 hostels and all were closed or 2-3 chicas that were not worth a second or even a first pop. A regular told me that it's because of the celeb and Sunday factor. Later in week should be back to normal and not to judge by today.

San Diego grill was just a sit around and drink your beer place. Saw 4 really nice chicas out of 18-20 but didn't pull the trigger here. 10k for beer. Was taken to Las Luneras and no chicks but the Doorguy is from Jersey! He told me the deal 100k for ST and the girls will be coming. 10 guys here before 3 girls show and 2 of them are hot. Looks 8 but sexy and attitudes jumps to 9. (you don't get a 9 unless you have a perfect body and nice face attitudes can jump it to 10). Mine was 19 with perfect ass and abs cute face, ok boobs and tallish. 100k and we go to a big room with tv, bath, living room and she does a strip dance on the bed before we get to it. CBJ but she put the rubber on before I was fully hard so it was too tight and I couldn't get off. It was a fun romp and if I didn't have that condom problem then it woulda been much better. My friend took a petite one (8. 5) who he said changed to a French maid outfit before she stripped for him and blew his mind. She saw he was taking time so she even flipped and stuck his dick in her ass for anal. She was GFE for him and really playful the whole time. We had more drinks after but no more girls showed so 40k for the drinks and we were out.

More to come later. I got to go get some grub. (P. S. The hooters here is nice)

01-03-11, 17:53
Seriously, I respect and admire the business capabilities of Aussie Greg and others who have set up the Mansion, the VIP, the Casa Blanca, etc. In Medellin. Those places must be great (I never even approached the door, so it's my guess) for US guys who want to try Medellin, but have never dared to explore Colombia or even do not speak a single word of Spanish.

Said this (I don't want anybody think that I am negatively biased against that establishments) , I really don't like to see that 50% (to be optimistic) of posts in the Medellin thread is still, constantly dealing with (or openly advertising) those establishments.

Dear fellows, SPECIFIC THREADS have been set up for these topics. Am I asking to much, if I wish that the Medellin thread features only reports about what's out there BESIDES what's available at the Mansion, the Casa Blanca, etc. Etc. ? May I politely ask the "supporters" or "satisfied customers" of those establishments to refrain to make this thread so well "focused" on that?

The majority of readers and posters on this thread does not belong to the categories of people "catered" by those establishments. We like (and find useful) to read reports on what's going on in the streets, in bars, in clubs, casas, etc. In other words, inputs for the meritorious work of World Traveller 69 (the Lists).

I hope everyone will accept my appeal as a constructive input and not as starting point for a firestorm, as Reefski mentioned.

Have fun, all! Here here, Fair enough, maybe we could send Jackson an email and ask him if he could move the MM, CB thread towards the TOP of the forum list instead of all the way towards the bottom? I bet you this would help quite a bit.

01-03-11, 17:57
Any one been to Dollhouse recently?

Just wondering how things work there.

01-03-11, 18:02
First trip and no spanish skills. But I pick things up quick. 1900 cop = $1 US.

Jan 1st arrived.

* Tipping, people don't tip taxis in Colombia but they may tip waiters 2k cop ($1 US). The girls in the strip clubs or casas should not be tipped unless they provide some outstanding service life GFE and BBBJ and if you decide to do it then tip them 20k cop ($10 US) but please remember it has to be for some beyond the call of duty service because their regular job is being paid to do you.

Glad you're having fun amigo.

Tipping, well there are no hard fast rules, funny making a tipping guide though on first time, no spanish.

Can we not tip the chicas 10k cop if we want or 5k, or it has to be 20k?? Or maybe tip a waiter 5k instead of 2k??
hahaha :)

Have fun! Happy New Year!!

Hollow Man
01-03-11, 23:55
Can we not tip the chicas 10k cop if we want or 5k, or it has to be 20k? Or maybe tip a waiter 5k instead of 2k?

Hahaha.I read somewhere the normal waiters get paid 15k per day and locals only tip 2k. So up to you.

Someone PM'ed me about no spanish and girls.

I discovered no spanish means no hooking up with girls in clubs and taking them to your room. Casa girls and strip girls just do their thing because they can't say anything to me. I make the attempt but it's rough. I think that this changes if you are a bigger spender. Giving 100k to girls makes everything ok.

Also it seems like I am the only Chinese tourist in Medellin! I get looks alot.

01-04-11, 00:27
First trip and no spanish skills.

My hostel is nice with a 6 person Jacuzzi on the balcony and my dorm is 25k cop includes breakfast. This apparently is a family hostel because the 2 other dorms are taken by Colombian families. Calle 10 and Carrera 35.

San Diego grill was just a sit around and drink your beer place. Saw 4 really nice chicas out of 18-20 but didn't pull the trigger here. 10k for beer. Was taken to Las Luneras and no chicks but the Doorguy is from Jersey! He told me the deal 100k for ST and the girls will be coming. 10 guys here before 3 girls show and 2 of them are hot. Looks 8 but sexy and attitudes jumps to 9. (you don't get a 9 unless you have a perfect body and nice face attitudes can jump it to 10). Mine was 19 with perfect ass and abs cute face, ok boobs and tallish. 100k and we go to a big room with tv, bath, living room and she does a strip dance on the bed before we get to it. CBJ but she put the rubber on before I was fully hard so it was too tight and I couldn't get off. It was a fun romp and if I didn't have that condom problem then it woulda been much better. My friend took a petite one (8. 5) who he said changed to a French maid outfit before she stripped for him and blew his mind. She saw he was taking time so she even flipped and stuck his dick in her ass for anal. She was GFE for him and really playful the whole time. We had more drinks after but no more girls showed so 40k for the drinks and we were out.

More to come later. I got to go get some grub. (P. S. The hooters here is nice) What was the name of the hostel? Did they have broadband internet? How did you get around, taxis? Cra 35 is pretty high up the hill from the main drag. Av. Poblado.

How much time did you & your friend get from your chicas at Luna Lunera for 100K? Did they charge a room fee? What time of the night did you get there?

Charm City Dave
01-04-11, 02:55
Thinking of hitting Medellin and want to keep it under the radar. In Thailand my AT&T wireless service gives the caller the same ringtone in the USA and the voicemail exprience is unchanged. They have no idea I'm not in the states. However in Brazil, the ringtone changes and the voicemail has portungese prompts. Anybody know if I can get calls in my AT&T cell in Medellin without the caller having any idea I'm in Columbia? Thanks!

01-04-11, 03:05
Simply put, had another great time in MDE. Arrived on Dec 19, left Jan 2, hit 7 casas over the.

Period, including AIFFE, Barcelona, Shannon's, Angles del Fuego, Tatianas, Pekin and Energia. All are.

In el Centro with the exception of Energia, and all, with the notable exception of Shannon's, are a great.

Time. Energia, in the estadio district, is a little more expensive, but the room is quite a bit nicer. I do.

The whole thing on my own, have worked on Spanish for the last five years, and cannot say.

How much extra the ability to at least speak some Spanish adds to the experience. Nowhere.

Downtown costs more than 50k for the hour, and honestly, if one is not willing to pay that for.

One of these girls, one should not bother to go to MDE in the first place. Weather could not have been.

Better, attitude at Christmas time tops. Another point I'd mention is the Metrolinea / Metrocable, a return.

Ticket is $1. 50 (US) , you can get all around the city for that, the route is spotless and totally safe.

Anyone going to MDE should make the effort to learn the metro, just in time saved alone getting to el.

Centro is worth its weight in gold.

01-04-11, 03:06
I read somewhere the normal waiters get paid 15k per day and locals only tip 2k. So up to you.

Someone PM'ed me about no spanish and girls.

I discovered no spanish means no hooking up with girls in clubs and taking them to your room. Casa girls and strip girls just do their thing because they can't say anything to me. I make the attempt but it's rough. I think that this changes if you are a bigger spender. Giving 100k to girls makes everything ok.

Also it seems like I am the only Chinese tourist in Medellin! I get looks alot. Thats the ticket amigo! Just amazes me how many guys travel to Colombia with no or very little spanish skills.

Of course you can still have fun without communication, however, as you've discovered, speaking the language would surely make it nicer. And cheaper.

Good luck.

Zig Monger
01-04-11, 03:31
Simply put, had another great time in MDE. Arrived on Dec 19, left Jan 2, hit 7 casas over the.

Period, including AIFFE, Barcelona, Shannon's, Angles del Fuego, Tatianas, Pekin and Energia. All are.

In el Centro with the exception of Energia, and all, with the notable exception of Shannon's, are a great.

Time. Energia, in the estadio district, is a little more expensive, but the room is quite a bit nicer. I do.

The whole thing on my own, have worked on Spanish for the last five years, and cannot say.

How much extra the ability to at least speak some Spanish adds to the experience. Nowhere.

Downtown costs more than 50k for the hour, and honestly, if one is not willing to pay that for.

One of these girls, one should not bother to go to MDE in the first place. Weather could not have been.

Better, attitude at Christmas time tops. Another point I'd mention is the Metrolinea / Metrocable, a return.

Ticket is $1. 50 (US) , you can get all around the city for that, the route is spotless and totally safe.

Anyone going to MDE should make the effort to learn the metro, just in time saved alone getting to el.

Centro is worth its weight in gold. There is only one fallacy to what you did! Going to the casas, where they just present, is in my opinion, just hit or miss on the GFE! What ya missed out on is meeting them like I like to do, and that is to rap with them, and know whether ya have GFE upfront, and what ya are going to get. In the casas. Good luck to total GFE!

Just sayin.

01-04-11, 03:36
Thinking of hitting Medellin and want to keep it under the radar. In Thailand my AT&T wireless service gives the caller the same ringtone in the USA and the voicemail exprience is unchanged. They have no idea I'm not in the states. However in Brazil, the ringtone changes and the voicemail has portungese prompts. Anybody know if I can get calls in my AT&T cell in Medellin without the caller having any idea I'm in Columbia? Thanks!I have att wireless and have had excellent service all over south america including Medellin. Just make sure you have all your international features on BEFORE you roam. Look at your online account and click all applicable boxes.

01-04-11, 14:41
Simply put, had another great time in MDE. Arrived on Dec 19, left Jan 2, hit 7 casas over the.

Period, including AIFFE, Barcelona, Shannon's, Angles del Fuego, Tatianas, Pekin and Energia. All are.

In el Centro with the exception of Energia, and all, with the notable exception of Shannon's, are a great.

Time. Energia, in the estadio district, is a little more expensive, but the room is quite a bit nicer. I do.

The whole thing on my own, have worked on Spanish for the last five years, and cannot say.

How much extra the ability to at least speak some Spanish adds to the experience. Nowhere.

Downtown costs more than 50k for the hour, and honestly, if one is not willing to pay that for.

One of these girls, one should not bother to go to MDE in the first place. Weather could not have been.

Better, attitude at Christmas time tops. Another point I'd mention is the Metrolinea / Metrocable, a return.

Ticket is $1. 50 (US) , you can get all around the city for that, the route is spotless and totally safe.

Anyone going to MDE should make the effort to learn the metro, just in time saved alone getting to el.

Centro is worth its weight in gold.I am very interested in others' opinions about one hour vs. 30 minutes in casas. My experience is the only difference between the two is 20k pesos because I never feel rushed at 30 minutes. I suspect the owners don't enforce time limits unless the place is packed and punters are waiting like the way it usually is at New Life.

I agree 100% with your comment about Shannon. Too bad we don't have consumer reports for the centro casas because they would shut Shannon down. Everything about it is substandard: girls, management, physical plant, and the wanker who chain smokes and stinks up the front room. AVOID

01-04-11, 15:01

Also it seems like I am the only Chinese tourist in Medellin! I get looks alot. Maybe you're the only Chinese guy visiting those places. I don't know the number of Chinese people in Medellin, but considering the number of (so-called) Chinese restaurants there, it must be reasonable. But I recognize you're feelings because (I'm pretty sure) I'm the only guy from Indonesian origin that lives in Medellin.

Hollow Man
01-04-11, 15:05
How much time did you & your friend get from your chicas at Luna Lunera for 100K? Did they charge a room fee? What time of the night did you get there?PM'ing you the hostel.

Taxis yeah, haven't explored the metro yet but that is soon.

Luna you supposedly get 30 min but my friend went 45 and it was fine. No one knocked or anything and room is included in the 100k. It's really more of a studio with bed and couches and mirrors. Got there at 11pm I think.

Black Page
01-04-11, 15:08
Maybe you're the only Chinese guy visiting those places. I don't know the number of Chinese people in Medellin, but considering the number of (so-called) Chinese restaurants there, it must be reasonable. But I recognize you're feelings because (I'm pretty sure) I'm the only guy from Indonesian origin that lives in Medellin.I suggest you to delete your post then, because the above statement makes you definitely identifiable by those who know you!

Hollow Man
01-05-11, 02:59
went back to new life and took johanna. soo nice. 35k for girl 3k for drink.

fase dos (ii) blows. got there at 9 and empty so left and came back at 10:30. 11:15. girls uppity. beers cost more if you sit at a closer table. some nice lookers but not many and atmosphere wasn't a happy one. the only happy girls i saw were the ones that came with their bf's. usually i tip with smiles and playful but these girls were all about putting the tip in their hand.

still a bit slow i guess. raining all week long so my trip timing was pretty bad.

today was special as some girls even went "mira, mira, es chino" and pointed me out while i was walking the markets toward botera park." little kids ran up to me in the museum and stood in front of me to get a better look. the stares are there and they try to hide it but when everyone is try to catch peeks it is apparent.

i wonder if it's raining in other parts of colombia but i want to try paragliding and do more recon before i go. hostel chick made it apparent she was up for fun and she wanted drinks but there are warning bells in my head about being a sucker or loco chica. we'll see what happens.

medellin is safe if you don't stand out. harder being asian because everyone stares. one guy i said 'ola' to as he passed. i thought was looking at me but it was apparent his fixed were fixed on my e-p1 camera around my neck as he passed. stay safe.

01-05-11, 03:28
I've always paid for an hour in the casa, first because I don't like to rush like hell (getting old!) , and even an hour goes fast as hell. I always like to engage the girls in conversation, first, because I like to talk to them to practise Spanish, and second, to try, if only a little, to get into their heads a bit as to how they view life, which is utterly different than anything most of us could ever want to experience. They generally have a fatalistic view, especially when it comes to Colombian perro-dogs, the girls hate them, but always seem to fall in love with them, a complete oxymoron, but describes that infinite female ability to see exactly what is not there. The cost is completely irrelevant, when one has to pay $20 for a 3 minute lapdance where I live, who cares about $20 vs $30 or whatever, when one gets what we get.

Zig, have to smile at your post. I have been in a long distance relationship with a paisa for 3 years now, and she gives me all the GFE I want, too much at times. Like being jealous as hell! Going to the casas is the escape, and at least half the time I get an email or phone, and have to work around that. Dumped her this time for a couple of days, but, the soft fool that I am, saw her and worked out a compromise. Reality is that I can't get rid of her, and it is very hard, knowing the life she leads, and the money I give her, which means nothing to me, is everything. GFE means exactly that, you get the good and the bad