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Que Rico
12-23-22, 07:02
This is the most real thing I've read here in a long time this is 100% my experience as well every word of it.

Every girl selling pussy can relate to any guy buying pussy, because they have the most important thing in common: The desire to trade money for sex.

Young, old, fat, skinny, Spanish speaking or barely able to say "hola", none of us have anything significant in common with most of these girls.

How many of your close friends or relatives were murdered before the age of 20? Were you forced to have sex between the age of 12-14? How many consecutive days have you gone eating only rice because the family had no money for anything else? How old were you when you first had a shower with hot water? Did you grow up in a house at least partially constructed from scrap materials? How many times have you and your friends been robbed at gunpoint? Did you have 2 or more children before the age of 18?

Just about every girl hooking in Medellin has experienced some of those things, many have been through all of them. Being sent to bed once without dinner doesn't really compare.

Making a connection takes more than playing "Criminal" and telling her how much you admire Pablo Escobar..

Que Rico
12-23-22, 07:13
Wound up deciding to go to Medellin after hearing so many people talking about it and having enjoyed it so I decided to do my research. I have been recently lurking in this forum for not that long trying to get information as well as lots of Youtube videos and wrote down places I should check out as it was recommended. I wound up getting my ticket for one week as a test run.


A little about me, I'm in my early 30's, Latino and I am semi fluent in Spanish but I do have an accent so you can tell I'm not a local.

A month before my flight I started swiping on Tinder and trying to get a decent list of girls I could possibly meet up there. Of course a lot of people mentioned to not use Tinder, but I made sure I vetted them, spoke to them on video and made at least a small little connection with them. No talk of money, no talk of gifts, just me telling them I wana take them out to dinner and have us explore. This is just my way of how I do things. Might work for others and it might not. Throughout all the girls I spoke to on there I had at least a good 5 girls I established a meet up with when I got there.

I started looking for locations to stay around, I asked in forums and someone mentioned to me that LOS Patios Hostel was a good location for first timers, so I said why the heck not it has a lot of people and will give me something to do since I don't know anyone in Colombia and if these girls flake they at least will have something for me to do at night time. I wounding booking a private room (Looking back at it I shouldn't have booked it because they don't allow other people to stay the night, more on this later).

Flight, since I live on the east coast someone told me that it would be way cheaper to take spirit to Frt Lauderdale and then layover to MDE cost me around 400 $ or so I believe. (Will never take Spirit again, more on this later).

Objectives before Flight-.

These were the locations I wanted to check out during my stay in Medellin (didn't get to check out all of them, maybe next time).

La chula las palmas, La isla, Loutron, fase dos, Envy roof top, mirador de las palmas, Palmahia, La Setenta strip, Hangar m45, Azotea 360 and a couple of more places around Manrique.

These are just ones that come to the top of my head.

1st day-.

Everything went smooth with my flights I wound up getting to LOS Patios Hostel around 7 pm or so on a Wednesday I was tired so I knew I wasn't going to meet any girl that night I just wanted to rest. Worse enough that Spirit forgot my luggage in Fort Lauderdale and since it was raining they told me they couldn't deliver it to my location so I had to go pick it up and come back to my hostel with it. I was sweaty from being up all day so I wanted to freshen up and at least have a drink.

Once I got back the hostel was having a bar hop event at 10 pm so I got ready and started drinking at the roof top and trying to meet new people, it was Ok, 98% of the people there were gringos and only myself and one other were Hispanics. They wound up taking us to some bars around Parque lleras which I don't even remember the name because they were ok, nothing that caught my eye because I wound up just leaving because it was not my style as I went there for locals and the only locals that were there was old 40+ year old ladies.

Wound up getting an Uber to La Isla and I must say the girls there were really good looking, beautiful curves and pretty faces all around. I really enjoyed myself there I wound up getting a room with one of the girls there and her body was amazing, I believe she charged me 400,000 pesos, she was a paisa and she did not disappoint I give her a good personal rating of 8. I will be going back there.

Day 2-.

Got some Pan de Bonos and waited for my tinder date to arrive to the metro station. She was coming from some barrio up north so she had to take a bus and then the train to get to where I was located. Great girl, her name was Maria. We went out to eat around the poblado area, this is when I tried to take her to my room but I was told by the front desk that guests are not allowed in the rooms and they cannot stay overnight. Wound up renting an Airbnb for one night for about 30 $ since she was staying the night. Maria had an amazing body and she knew it, she wasn't ashamed to show it off as she wanted me to take pictures of her while we were in the room of her in her underwear and then fully naked. She gave some amazing head too but sadly she didn't swallow but she let me record everything that we did. Once again she was not shy. Never asked for money just for the fare to get to me and to get back the next day.

Day 3 .

Had another tinder date with this other paisa her name is Estefania, wound up flaking on another one she was Venezuelan but I was going to make it up to her the next day. Wound up meeting Estefania she's studying to be a teacher so I met her up after school went north past el centro. Great girl, light skinned with really light brown eyes, great skinny body but really curvy with a nice ass for her body type, plus found out she was a real home body type of girl. Wound up going out to eat to the Hangar. Now the Hangar had great food but I just didn't like their seating situation. I get it they want to make you feel like you're in a plane but the tray thing they put on top of your chair slants so makes everything just slide down. Didn't really get used to it. I would go next time but with a reservation for a better seat.

Once we were done eating her mom calls her to make sure she is ok and that to make sure she didn't get "kidnapped" LOL, we get in a little conversation so this is where it got tricky and it could of went south real quick. We wound up deciding for me to go meet her mom but they live all the way up the morro (mountains.) Part of me was a little sketchy but the other side of me wanted to because I came here to see the non tourist side of Medellin and that would be perfect. Plus I am not too unfamiliar with the Barrios as I go visit my family in Peru from time to time and they live in poor Barrios as well. I made the decision to go with her up to her Barrios which once again it could have been bad for me if she had alternative motives. So the barrio was past the Metro Santo Domingo and after going all the way up I must say I have a great deal of respect for the people who climb all the way up and all the way down daily as it was just crazy. My legs were burning once reaching the top because not all taxis like to go up there as it is dangerous and its extremely steep and narrow. The view was incredible though, personally best view of Medellin ever as you could see all of the city from the highest point. It was beautiful. The houses were basically shacks and you can tell it was really poor Barrio. Met her mom and brothers and they welcomed me with open arms and it was really nice and we just spoke until later on that night her and her brother walked me back down and got me a taxi so I can head back to my hotel.

Day 4-.

Something must of happened because I was extremely attracted to Estefania. Planned of meeting her that same day but after she came out of school again. I had some time to kill so I went to el Centro to see what the talk is all about, unfortunately I really didn't see any SW as I was really early according to the lemonade man which I tipped a small amount to give me the details of el centro. Which for me I like to do as I believe not only will they look out for you but they will give you the local info as in what to look out for or where to go. Lots of people just taking pictures around the statues and people just sitting around and enjoying the sun / view of course some people laid out in the floor due to drugs but I mean to me it didn't seem anything crazy as people make it out to be just people hanging around. Then again I grew up in the hood so I guess anything is better and you kinda get the sense when a place is no good. Only thing I saw was that when I was getting an Empanada I saw an elderly man almost get his phone stolen by this young guy but then again he had it around his belt in a high traffic area but good thing the old man noticed and the kid just kept on walking. I was about to go to New life casa to check it out since I was close by but then Estefania told me she was coming out early so I went to see her.

Went up the Barrio again, don't fall asleep on these Barrio girls they have amazing bodies, but this time her mom cooked for me a home made bandeja paisa and I must say It was so dam good. I spent most of the time hanging around with her and her family in the "shack" later that night they wound up taking me to Manrique to enjoy the night life. Not sure exactly where we went but they knew the spot. Very fun, a lot of pretty local girls. Wound up getting 2 bottles of aguardiente because it was buy 1 get one free type of deal LOL but it was pretty cheap maybe 30 $? I noticed that if they see people walking around theres always those guys that I guess you can call it advertise for the lounges and you get a deal. We spent drinking and dancing that whole night until they had to go home. I wound up then going to Fase Dos with some dude I met in la Isla LOL.

Fase Dos was fun, only spent a good maybe 40 $ for everything in that place for half a bottle of aguardiente and ofcourse money to give to the strippers. There the dude I met introduced me to some chick that works there that he had the night with (I would personally give her a good 7. 5 as she was good looking and nice body) and told me she gives good Blow jobs without condom, that she just waits for you to whip it out and starts going crazy and that she swallows too. Got her number and started talking to her for the next time I was free. Wound up going home.

Day 5-.

Once again flaked on the other girls I was supposed to meet and spent it with Estefania, but this time I got to spend it alone with her, I decided to try to take her to my private room, the staff didn't give me shit this time as maybe because the way she was dressed they thought she was another tourist so they signed her in and gave her a wrist band to come and go as she pleases to my room. Wound up having sex with her there and wow she was good. Right away started giving me blowjob, took off all her clothes and she was shy about it so she had me turn off all the lights so it could be dark but her blowjob skills were good, then had her ride me and she was so tight it made me cum in about 2-3 minutes I was like wow that was unexpected. She just laughed and went on with watching movies and then went for a 2nd and 3rd round. You can tell she was very willing to please. Just spent the day with her in the hotel as after that I was completely drained. Plus she let me cum in her all those times.

Day 6 .

Met up with Estafania and since her family was nothing but nice to me and even cooked for me I decided to do a small shopping for her mom. So Estefania and her brother came with me to Exito and we got things her mom needed such as bags of rice and sugar and all the good stuff for her to cook. Didn't cost me much maybe about 200 $ or less but regardless that's what I would of spent out paying different girls and drinking and all this and that, but instead I'm getting pussy basically for "free" well not really but you catch my drift. Plus I feel like I did a good deed looking at their living circumstances. Later fucked Estefania again in my room a couple of times and went back up to the barrio to hang out up there and show me around. Once again lots of respect to the people who travel up and down those stairs. The food is also so good.

Day 7-.

My last day I left early due to my flight so I really didn't do much just ate some pan de bonos. The flight back was terrible. We landed early in Fort Lauderdale but missed my layover flight due to immigration and for some reason Spirit had us waiting for us to get our luggage and re check it back in which caused a lot of people to miss their layover flight. Couldn't get another flight back until the next day at 8 am which then I had to get a hotel and all that. It was crazy and such a waste of time. For this I rather spend that extra money and get a one way flight than having to deal with the inconvenience.


Would I have changed anything? Not really I really enjoyed my time there and it was a great surprise. I saw a lot of beautiful women around and spoke to some. Got some numbers for next time I come around. Medellin treated me very well. I will be going back on February again for 2 weeks this time. I will try to get back in touch with my other Tinder matches from before which I have started little by little to see them. I will also try to spend more time to check out more areas as I basically spent it with Estefania that time but she did show me around a lot of places. I will for sure have some time for the Fase Dos girl and been in contact with her so she's already waiting for me LOL. I will just try to explore more of the city and get more notches under my belt and O yea once again try my luck on the SW centro girls just to see what's out there. Oh and try out Angeles Spa as well since I hear good things about it.You are a brave man I used to do crazy things like that 10 years ago until I saw what I saw and heard what I heard you couldn't catch me up in those hills for anything I'm not Latino but they know you're not Colombian by looking at you you made a lot of mistakes and you survived and you had a good story to tell I congratulate you sounds like a Stefania is a real catch.

12-23-22, 16:24
First thing. Nounce, you were right. La Isla has been completely remodeled since my last visit. Looks like there might be more seating now.

The preliminary stuff:

Early this trip, due to communication issues, I split with my girlfriend. However, I discovered from her sister there was a good reason for the lack of communication and I'm back with her, at least until the end of the trip.

Finally got everyone together (girlfriend, her sister and a female friend) shortly before midnight in Parque Lleras. Ate at Mega Burger at the west end of the park, food was decent. Headed to the car and drove up to La Isla.

Getting inside was the biggest problem, because 2 of the girls didn't have their cedula, but a digital version on the phone was accepted. Cover charge of 50 k per person. Got us a table next to the stage and got a bottle of rum along with a big stack of 2 k bills. First-time experience for all 3 girls, but they all got into it and had fun. GF got into it the most. If she had been drinking and stayed longer, she might have gotten really wild.

The service was good and the music wasn't terribly loud. At a guess, around 80-100 girls, although at least 20 were sitting around playing with their phones. Probably less than 75 customers. The silicone industry was well represented and I'm guessing an average age older than 25. There were several who I considered exceptional and there was a decent variety, so most guys could probably find a girl they approve of.

Quite a few girls stopped by to rub on all of us and collect tips and the girls weren't too shy about tucking those 2 k notes. Overall it was a good night, but ended early due to the friend having an early morning commitment.

I didn't search for the cheapest bottle, but a quick glance showed options at 300 k. Probably other stuff cheaper.

12-23-22, 17:09
Excellent report. Stefania reminds me of the many girls I met in Colombia and the reason why I keep going back. I heard this so many times "Colombia, the only risk is wanting to stay". It is so true.

What I like about Colombian girls is that most of them give you the GFE. I used to live in Montreal, a top destination for mongering. Girls are absolutely gorgeous in Montreal but you won't get the GFE you get in Colombia.

Wound up deciding to go to Medellin after hearing so many people talking about it and having enjoyed it so I decided to do my research. I have been recently lurking in this forum for not that long trying to get information as well as lots of Youtube videos and wrote down places I should check out as it was recommended. I wound up getting my ticket for one week as a test run.


A little about me, I'm in my early 30's, Latino and I am semi fluent in Spanish but I do have an accent so you can tell I'm not a local..

12-23-22, 19:58
I've read some mentions of Angeles Spa. How does it work there? Can you walk in or do you have to make an appointment? Could someone share the address? Or pm.

12-23-22, 20:53
Well, perhaps you are over-generalizing it a bit. Yes, girls prefer if you can speak Spanish. And, yes, it probably helps, at least with some, that you have a general understanding of Latin culture. And, yes, some girls prefer guys their own age. But on the other hand.

1) Just because you are a Hispanic / Latino does not mean you are identical to a Colombian. Living in Florida, I know many Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Mexicans, Costa Ricans, etc. And they are NOT the same. The accent, the use of language, the customs, the food are not identical.

2) These girls are used to the Latino "look. " There is nothing about that that is exciting or exotic. I am 57, but I always get noticed because of my white (but tanned) skin and my blue eyes. That sets me apart from the Latino man.

3) I am not sure why, but I'm met many a girls who prefer older guys and some even say their moms recommend an older guy because they tend to be more stable and responsible. Now obviously the prepagos like older guys because of money. But I'm talking about regular girls (and those are the types I tend to see now more often than hookers) - they like that I am older. I regularly see an 18 year old and a 20 year old. Neither ask me for money or gifts. I pay their taxi and buy them some Rappi and we enjoy the time. They do not have to worry about all of the "negatives" associated with being with a younger guy. And the chemistry is great.

So let's no paint all girls the same. There are pros and cons to be Latino, pros and cons to being young, pros and cons of being white, older, etc. The arrogance of the younger Latino seems to ooze in the post. And I've actually not seen it. Foreigner Latinos in Colombia are lumped in with every other Latino, from what I've seen, unless you have money. You are nothing special to most of these girls. You are not unique in any way.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble jb but when you compare someone like you (60 I'm guessing white) vs someone like me (latino, 35), more than likely these 18-35 yr old (latina girls) are going to have better chemistry and more in common with some one like myself. That's pretty common sense. Same as if I was talking to a 50+ yr old white woman, you would more than likely have more chemistry and things in common with her. For someone that's older I would of thought you would be smarter than this jb. Do you honestly believe these girls aren't putting on a show for you? You should know they just see you as a gringo ATM just like everybody else. They are not going to be able to relate to you as much as someone like me that speaks fluent spanish, is closer to there age and comes from a similar culture. Sorry I have to be the one to tell you this but you can't be that naive.

P. S who doesn't like 70's,80's,90's that doesn't mean anything. The point I was trying to make is who they are MOST LIKELY to have a stronger bond with, which COULD lead to having better chemistry and a better experience more times than not.

The Cane
12-23-22, 21:38
So let's no paint all girls the same. There are pros and cons to be Latino, pros and cons to being young, pros and cons of being white, older, etc. The arrogance of the younger Latino seems to ooze in the post. And I've actually not seen it. Foreigner Latinos in Colombia are lumped in with every other Latino, from what I've seen, unless you have money. You are nothing special to most of these girls. You are not unique in any way.Not only that, but I can't tell you how many Latinas from Mexico to Argentina have told me how much they don't like Latino men for being unfaithful, drunks, poor providers, lazy, etc. Now obviously you don't have to be Latino to be any of those things. Plenty of men of all backgrounds can qualify (as I often remind these women). But the point is that there are those Latinas who would rather go with a foreign man who can "take them away". Not all Latinas feel this way clearly. But an awful lot of them do carry this sentiment, and it's common enough that I have heard it expressed repeatedly during my travels throughout the whole of Latin America directly from the mouth of many a Latina herself. So nobody should assume that just because they are Latino they are going to have a commanding advantage. Depending on who the Latina is and what she wants, and what she thinks she can get, a Latino man might not be the preferred choice.

12-23-22, 23:21
How I'm I claiming to have better sex out there if I haven't even landed there yet? LOL.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble jb but when you compare someone like you (60 I'm guessing white) vs someone like me (latino, 35), more than likely these 18-35 yr old (latina girls) are going to have better chemistry and more in common with some one like myself. That's pretty common sense. Same as if I was talking to a 50+ yr old white woman, you would more than likely have more chemistry and things in common with her. For someone that's older I would of thought you would be smarter than this jb. Do you honestly believe these girls aren't putting on a show for you? You should know they just see you as a gringo ATM just like everybody else. They are not going to be able to relate to you as much as someone like me that speaks fluent spanish, is closer to there age and comes from a similar culture. Sorry I have to be the one to tell you this but you can't be that naive.

P. S who doesn't like 70's,80's,90's that doesn't mean anything. The point I was trying to make is who they are MOST LIKELY to have a stronger bond with, which COULD lead to having better chemistry and a better experience more times than not.I know ColombianLover already set you straight but I couldn't help it to have a little more fun with you on this. You are totally delusional clearly w this post:

As someone who's been to EVERY Single Latin American country, incl some fams, lived, years of travel, I can tell you that you are 100% wrong, and here are some fun facts:

From Latin Girls in order of preference:

1. Money.

2. Money.

3. Money.

4. Money.

5. Money.

6-10. Somewhere in this range you fellas can measure dick sizes, skin color, culture, eye color, meanwhile you're nowhere near the priority. Let's call it the fight of losers. Go at it.

All these hefers care about is green. Hope this helps. And oh the guys who honor and understand the top 5 sections are having a ball, getting their dick suckd since they bring the green, they work harder, live longer, less stressed since not delusioned nor trying to compete for hookers LOL.

Hookers only care about who bring the most cash. If you aint tricking and in your 20's-early 40's and think you look so good and can get all the free pussy in the world, you're in the wrong board. Yes we all can still get laid w some average chicas free. But these debates on a mongering board are getting lame yall. I'll fuck any of your finest chicas if I bring more cash than you, don't matter if I'm 70 years old, blue, black, and you're 20 or whatever pretty boy fantasy you think the girls have. It's that simple.

Funny thing is, it has nothing to do with poverty or sub culture which is proven right here in the US. When girls are young and stupid, they may fall for the younger land dancing showing up, but as they mature, they go for the guy w good credit, who owns a house, has a biz, etc. You has 9 out of 10 girls in the us what a man most have, you'll always hear shit like he must have a job, a car, a not live with his mama. That's been around for ages. So as you can see, nowhere in that last was a blond hair blue eyes, or tall black and handsome fantasy. Girls want security the most, money. Period.

12-24-22, 00:16
Well, perhaps you are over-generalizing it a bit. Yes, girls prefer if you can speak Spanish. And, yes, it probably helps, at least with some, that you have a general understanding of Latin culture. And, yes, some girls prefer guys their own age. Like you said some girls. However I would go as far saying most girls. You're right it's not the case with all of them but for the most part from what I've seen most have Latino BF's around their age.

12-24-22, 04:24
How I'm I claiming to have better sex out there if I haven't even landed there yet? LOL.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble jb but when you compare someone like you (60 I'm guessing white) vs someone like me (latino, 35), more than likely these 18-35 yr old (latina girls) are going to have better chemistry and more in common with some one like myself. That's pretty common sense. Same as if I was talking to a 50+ yr old white woman, you would more than likely have more chemistry and things in common with her. For someone that's older I would of thought you would be smarter than this jb. Do you honestly believe these girls aren't putting on a show for you? You should know they just see you as a gringo ATM just like everybody else. They are not going to be able to relate to you as much as someone like me that speaks fluent spanish, is closer to there age and comes from a similar culture. Sorry I have to be the one to tell you this but you can't be that naive.

P. S who doesn't like 70's,80's,90's that doesn't mean anything. The point I was trying to make is who they are MOST LIKELY to have a stronger bond with, which COULD lead to having better chemistry and a better experience more times than not.This is a funny post, because on the one hand I think you're correctly reading that he probably overestimates his ability to make genuine connections with working girls based on his tastes and personality. But then you seem to conclude that unlike him, you're able to make the genuine connections because of your race and age. It's pretty much the same fallacy. Not to say that relationships can't be made with sex workers or that some clients and sex workers aren't going to have better connections than others. But the notion of "chemistry" in this sphere is very overrated IMO. The girls that give you the feeling of having good chemistry with you are likely to be giving the same impression to other men. The ones you don't have a connection with are probably not having that great of a connection with other men because they don't care as much about providing a great experience, they're not as good at reading cues of what individual men want, etc. In short, they're just better at their jobs. They can make an older American man think they're connecting over shared interests and tastes and they can make a younger Latino man think they're connecting because they look similar and come from more similar backgrounds. And they get more repeat business because of it. The positive flip side of that is the girl who just laid there probably wasn't cold because she hated your haircut or found you a bore; she likely doesn't enjoy her job very much and doesn't care about making sure she has happy customers. Although that does highlight the exception to the rule on both ends, that a particularly charismatic and attractive man who's seeing sex workers for whatever reason might genuinely be viewed differently on rare occasions and a man with bad hygiene she might be eager to get rid of as quickly as possible because there's no interest in repeating. But the vast, vast majority of the time it's going to be like seeing your dentist. Your dentist doesn't give you a better clean because she likes you personally and doesn't give you a worse clean because you rub her the wrong way. Just find a great dentist.

12-24-22, 09:59
[Deleted by Admin]

12-24-22, 14:50
Well, perhaps you are over-generalizing it a bit. Yes, girls prefer if you can speak Spanish. And, yes, it probably helps, at least with some, that you have a general understanding of Latin culture. And, yes, some girls prefer guys their own age. But on the other hand.

1) Just because you are a Hispanic / Latino does not mean you are identical to a Colombian. Living in Florida, I know many Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Mexicans, Costa Ricans, etc. And they are NOT the same. The accent, the use of language, the customs, the food are not identical.

2) These girls are used to the Latino "look. " There is nothing about that that is exciting or exotic. I am 57, but I always get noticed because of my white (but tanned) skin and my blue eyes. That sets me apart from the Latino man.

3) I am not sure why, but I'm met many a girls who prefer older guys and some even say their moms recommend an older guy because they tend to be more stable and responsible. Now obviously the prepagos like older guys because of money. But I'm talking about regular girls (and those are the types I tend to see now more often than hookers) - they like that I am older. I regularly see an 18 year old and a 20 year old. Neither ask me for money or gifts. I pay their taxi and buy them some Rappi and we enjoy the time. They do not have to worry about all of the "negatives" associated with being with a younger guy. And the chemistry is great.

So let's no paint all girls the same. There are pros and cons to be Latino, pros and cons to being young, pros and cons of being white, older, etc. The arrogance of the younger Latino seems to ooze in the post. And I've actually not seen it. Foreigner Latinos in Colombia are lumped in with every other Latino, from what I've seen, unless you have money. You are nothing special to most of these girls. You are not unique in any way.I always wonder why guys are challenged to understand that in this business its all about the money. I am a late 60's non-Hispanic/Latino and have always got excellent service from the young chicas in Colombia.

12-24-22, 15:05
I always wonder why guys are challenged to understand that in this business its all about the money. I am a late 60's non-Hispanic/Latino and have always got excellent service from the young chicas in Colombia.If a young attractive girl is interested in hooking up with a young handsome man for some fun, there is no shortage of such local guys in Medellin. There are a number of young local guys with game who can get these girls without having to pay anything. If she is reaching out to gringos who are here only for a short time, most likely it is because she needs money. If she is horny and wants sex, she already has plenty of options with guys who speak the language and know the culture. When it comes to money, older guys are the ones who understand the arrangement better and she doesn't have to deal with young gringos who think that they shouldn't have to pay because they are having a good time.

12-24-22, 15:17
I always wonder why guys are challenged to understand that in this business its all about the money. I am a late 60's non-Hispanic/Latino and have always got excellent service from the young chicas in Colombia.Took the girlfriend to 37 Park for dinner last night. On the second level next to the stairs was a big table of Colombian men and women eating and drinking. On the way back from the bathroom, 3rd level, 3 of them were making hard eye contact and smiling. Older women, maybe age 30 or so.

While I'm here, 37 Park is a lively place. They were giving a free shot of Ron Medellin 5 years to everyone entering. It was busy at 10 pm and still serving food. Service was excellent, although the food took awhile to arrive. It was excellent, to my tastes and the girlfriend liked it too. I've had a good brunch there in the past. 180 k for 2 entrees, 1 appetizer and 2 non-alcoholic drinks.

12-24-22, 16:07
It was still quite busy in casas and in centro around Christmas holidays. Parque Lleras was a bnit of let down, not as crowded as I expected it to be and overall quality of chicas was terrible. Centro always had 2/3 good ones but I never understand the point of taking them when you can have similar quality in casas nearby where facilities and even hygiene is likely to be much better.

The main casas I visited were new life, zandalay and sexy amigas. NL had most girls but has gone down steadily in quality and even quantity this year. One can always find gringos in this place, always busy and upscale but quality is not as it was. Zandalay was so so, not the best quality but one or two girls everyday were good enough for me. Sexy Amigas was the best, every single time.

Also visit dulce compania and armonia first time. Dulce is in bad shape still, only 2 girls on a week day afternoon one of which looked nice but session was not that good as her breasts hurt and she didn't offer besos. Armonia was a big surprise, 10+ girls, several lookers and sessions were pretty good.

Hardly any girl asked for extras although I tip everyone afterwards. Overall sessions were excellent and a good value for money.

A question for experienced ones. Is there a day time pick up place other than centro in Medellin?

12-24-22, 18:09

Perhaps another lesson from this story is. "Don't do that". "Helping" with "introductions", whatever that is, is a very high risk thing to do. Having a dispute over who paid what may only be a minor annoyance in comparison to finding yourself charged with pimping.

Whether or not you get compensation for it may seem like an important distinction, but law enforcement may not see your version of the story in the same way.

12-24-22, 19:59
Wound up deciding to go to Medellin after hearing so many people talking about it and having enjoyed it so I decided to do my research. I have been recently lurking in this forum for not that long trying to get information as well as lots of Youtube videos and wrote down places I should check out as it was recommended. I wound up getting my ticket for one week as a test run.


A little about me, I'm in my early 30's, Latino and I am semi fluent in Spanish but I do have an accent so you can tell I'm not a local.

A month before my flight I started swiping on Tinder and trying to get a decent list of girls I could possibly meet up there. Of course a lot of people mentioned to not use Tinder, but I made sure I vetted them, spoke to them on video and made at least a small little connection with them. No talk of money, no talk of gifts, just me telling them I wana take them out to dinner and have us explore. This is just my way of how I do things. Might work for others and it might not. Throughout all the girls I spoke to on there I had at least a good 5 girls I established a meet up with when I got there.Thanks! After being a long time lurker, you inspired me to finally join and contribute. I'm heading to medellin in a couple months. Great report!

12-24-22, 20:36
I know ColombianLover 9already set you straight but I couldn't help it to have a little more fun with you on this. You are totally delusional clearly w this post:

As someone who's been to EVERY Single Latin American country, incl some fams, lived, years of travel, I can tell you that you are 100% wrong, and here are some fun facts:

5. Money.From Latin Girls in order of preference:

1. Money.

2. Money.

3. Money.

4. Money..So fucking true this Medellin board is gone to the shots.

It's about from 1 to 10.

You're spending money to go to fuck working girls.

Stay at home don't bring your culture to another country.

I pay what I want to.

I work for my money.

And I do make lots of it.

I like to drink and party before I go with working girls.

That's my lifestyle I enjoy it here in Guyana.

When I go to Canada on Monday will get escorts.

When on medellin I party in ElCentro and in LA Setenta.

Just fucking enjoy life.

12-24-22, 22:15
This is a funny post, because on the one hand I think you're correctly reading that he probably overestimates his ability to make genuine connections with working girls based on his tastes and personality. But then you seem to conclude that unlike him, you're able to make the genuine connections because of your race and age. It's pretty much the same fallacy. Not to say that relationships can't be made with sex workers or that some clients and sex workers aren't going to have better connections than others. But the notion of "chemistry" in this sphere is very overrated IMO. The girls that give you the feeling of having good chemistry with you are likely to be giving the same impression to other men. The ones you don't have a connection with are probably not having that great of a connection with other men because they don't care as much about providing a great experience, they're not as good at reading cues of what individual men want, etc. In short, they're just better at their jobs. They can make an older American man think they're connecting over shared interests and tastes and they can make a younger Latino man think they're connecting because they look similar and come from more similar backgrounds. And they get more repeat business because of it. The positive flip side of that is the girl who just laid there probably wasn't cold because she hated your haircut or found you a bore; she likely doesn't enjoy her job very much and doesn't care about making sure she has happy customers. Although that does highlight the exception to the rule on both ends, that a particularly charismatic and attractive man who's seeing sex workers for whatever reason might genuinely be viewed differently on rare occasions and a man with bad hygiene she might be eager to get rid of as quickly as possible because there's no interest in repeating. But the vast, vast majority of the time it's going to be like seeing your dentist. Your dentist doesn't give you a better clean because she likes you personally and doesn't give you a worse clean because you rub her the wrong way. Just find a great dentist.That should be on a t-shirt, or a really big coffee mug.

12-24-22, 23:10
I know ColombianLover already set you straight but I couldn't help it to have a little more fun with you on this. You are totally delusional clearly w this post:.LOL you seem pressed. Let me guess you are a senior citizen as well. Don't take it so personal, I could care less what you do with your social security check. Calm down we don't all have to agree with everything, don't have a stroke LOL.

12-24-22, 23:27
With a lot of you LOL. I understand I may not have an advantage over some of you just because of my age and ethnicity. We all know that money is really what matters. I apologize if I hurt some of you. I didn't realize this board was so sensitive and get back so much hate. Like I said we don't have to agree to everything and we don't have to get mad because someone may or may not have a advantage to have better chemistry over us or if one guy doesn't have to pretend a girl likes him and the other guy does. In the end who really gives a fuck. Let's put that debate to rest.

12-24-22, 23:54
So true, women are programmed to think that older men have more money and stability and less drama, especially in Colombia.

As a middle aged men, I am not delusional to think that a 20-25 year old is with me because we have a good connection. She's there because she has a good time, gets treated well, gets money and get's to smell my world class perfume collection, not something she would get with a local Colombian who may connect with her on the music but is likely low income and cheating on her anyway.

unless you have money. You are nothing special to most of these girls. You are not unique in any way.

12-25-22, 01:07
So true, women are programmed to think that older men have more money and stability and less drama, especially in Colombia.

As a middle aged men, I am not delusional to think that a 20-25 year old is with me because we have a good connection. She's there because she has a good time, gets treated well, gets money and get's to smell my world class perfume collection, not something she would get with a local Colombian who may connect with her on the music but is likely low income and cheating on her anyway.She's going to cheat on you as in all likelihood she isn't attracted to you and isn't much concerned about your perfumes. That's just reality. You have a hooker. So many here want to think they have more while also trying to convince the forum that they have more. It's called fantasy reinforcement, a purpose forums like this have long served.

12-25-22, 01:16
I just spent a month in Colombia and spent a good bit of time in the more expensive strip clubs. Like anywhere strip clubs aren't the best value compared to others in town, but many of us want to get out at night. Yes the girls in La Isla and Fase Dos are from the same handful of lower strata barrios as the Facebook, casas girls, and girls in the Centro strip clubs. It's also true, and I'll concede, that there's a higher concentration of the hotter girls from these barrios than in other venues. You spend more but save time ferreting out the gems in the less espensive places. That said, get ready to wear the latex, as in my fairly extensive research the girls in the more expensive places are wholly inflexible when it comes to BBBJ, even for a nice tip. BBFS of course forget it. For those that want to wear a raincoat start to finish and aren't price conscious, these clubs may be good option for you.

12-25-22, 01:47
After 20+ years of Latin American travel and many trips over the last seven years to Colombia, it's become more and more clear to me that sticking out the hand with a pitiful look extends well beyond the streets of Medellin. It permeates the society, is expected, is socially acceptable, isn't so stigmatized like in the USA, which isn't to say that everyone does it, though if you spend enough time there you'll be tried time and again. You'll get it plenty from any women you come to know outside the game, like if you happen to get the Whatsapp of some of the more attractive hotel or bar employees, chat with or have lunch with them, etc. The hard luck stories are sure to come along with solicitations for birthday and Christmas gifts. These of course want money without having to put out.

Then of course there's the begging hookers, but when you give them money all you are doing is buying more time off for them. The typical independent barely works as it is, and generally speaking, the more money you give her, the more time it will take for her to come back as they'll need to spend that money first before they start reading their messages again. That's why 80% or more of the time the Facebook hookers show up at the appointments begging you to come down and pay the taxi. They will only work broke. The only ones to have truly figured this out is the casas, for they make so little per fuck, it of necessity assures they have to do plenty of work.

But the moral of the story is, don't give these girls any money, as it will not change her life one iota. It will just enable her to sit on her ass and party with her friends longer before they have to again take an appointment and get in a taxi on a wing and a prayer. The same applies to the non-prepago beggars. That said, it's your money to do with as you please, but at least now you know, aside from some rare exceptions, what it's being used for, which is for waste and to avoid work. Don't be one of those PT Barnum said was born every minute. Wink.

Feliz Navidad everyone. All in all I had a great trip, but is nice to be home. One month there has always been the sweet spot for me.

12-25-22, 03:16
I have never celebrated New Year's in Medellin but maybe next week I will do down there. What's happening in the city for the holiday? Any recommendations where to go, with or without a chica? Don't want to be spending the night in my Airbnb.

12-25-22, 05:44
LOL you seem pressed. Let me guess you are a senior citizen as well. Don't take it so personal, I could care less what you do with your social security check. Calm down we don't all have to agree with everything, don't have a stroke LOL.I guess some of us aren't too bright heh. Read my reports and other posts incl the one I replied to you. I'm nowhere near a senior citizen's age. But I have nothing but respect for the older fellas, in person and on here.

The thing about age is that anyone who compare themselves with age or come here to talk about is pure trash and I pitty them really. First, we will all get there. Secondly, What matters the most is what you do while you're young.

Another big irony is this: Most of the older folks on here that you're disrespecting or thinking you're better than, have had mostly a great life, had a marriage, children, real girlfriend. Now on here getting out of Matrix so to speak. But you on the other end is a laughable stock. Why in the world would you be on this forum or learning how to fuck prostitute at 20,30, heck even at a healthy 40?

I'll tell you the diff and why. If you married young in your 20's, 30's, and got divorced, then fine. You've tried the normal thing and didn't work out; especially now if you're a tad bit successful with some money, why not travel and spread your wings? Learn about new cultures and new women? Those I get.

But you my dude, you sound like you've never had a real GF, a wife, family, and desperate enough trying to give yourself a confidence boost comparing yourself with your older mates LOL. Clearly you got issues.

Dude, you'll get older soon. So worry about your own life, how much money you got, whether or not you're wasting your life or not. If you're really so macho as you claim, then get a real dime piece girlfriend, oh I guess you can't hence why you're paying for pussy and learning how to on here LOL.

You're making yourself look bad, cause the rest of us know why we're here and mainly by choice since been there done that. Again, to prove you're so macho get a real GF and don't be here. I always write for fun on here that even a blind squirrel can go in a brothel and pay for a hooker, so you aint none special cause a squirel will outbid you if he brings more cash than your macho ass.

What's your next bright and smart reply young macho?

12-25-22, 08:02
With a lot of you LOL. I understand I may not have an advantage over some of you just because of my age and ethnicity. We all know that money is really what matters. I apologize if I hurt some of you. I didn't realize this board was so sensitive and get back so much hate. Like I said we don't have to agree to everything and we don't have to get mad because someone may or may not have a advantage to have better chemistry over us or if one guy doesn't have to pretend a girl likes him and the other guy does. In the end who really gives a fuck. Let's put that debate to rest.So you woke up one day and say oh shit my life is so lame, I got no money, a small peepee, so the only thing I got going for me is that I'm still young. So I'm going to go on a forum where the majority of members might be older, I'm going to insult them to make myself feel better. Way to go man. You're winning big. Men with long dicks and deep pockets are mature enough and confident enough to get women, no need for them to try to get confidence boosts on anonymous boards by insulting others LOL. So trust me I know your broke and not packing shit in your pants. In fact you could be a woman.

Also your generation is so lame dude, older fellas or normal men back then used to have games, they know how to approach women, talk to them, court them, etc. No social media back then. Your generation now in your 20's and even 30's is sad af. Your gen is about taking selfies, making duck lips and posting on IG, hence why you got zero games with ladies. I can tell you make duck lips LOL. Your heart prob jumps out of your chest when in front of a real woman, again, that's why you're here seeking help. The joke's on you son.

Oh yes I know, that's exactly why you're on this forum. You claim to be young and look good talking shit yet your a sad sack. Cause if your look was working for you, your dumb ass wouldn't be in here giving yourself a pat in the back.

The older dudes are this hobby for fun, had wives and real relationships already, however this shit requires money and time, you prob got a 40 HR week job and likely can't afford to be overseas long so you come here to hate. You claimed hate but you're the one hating bro and it's making you look like garbage.

Lucky Nuts
12-25-22, 08:49
A question for experienced ones. Is there a day time pick up place other than centro in Medellin?Loutron is a well known day time casa very different from el centro.

Many of the Facebook chicas prefer to visit mid-afternoon.

Masaje parlors and apartments in Laureles. Use internet hook-up sites and / or do a little research to find these places.

12-25-22, 09:54
With a lot of you LOL. I understand I may not have an advantage over some of you just because of my age and ethnicity. We all know that money is really what matters. I apologize if I hurt some of you. I didn't realize this board was so sensitive and get back so much hate. Like I said we don't have to agree to everything and we don't have to get mad because someone may or may not have a advantage to have better chemistry over us or if one guy doesn't have to pretend a girl likes him and the other guy does. In the end who really gives a fuck. Let's put that debate to rest.You didn't hit any buttons. Most of the guys here give good advice. When someone comes along posting garbage, they will tell him he's wrong. If he continues believing in something that doesn't exist, they figure the guy is either an idiot or a troll.

12-25-22, 11:17
Dear guys and girls.

Are there any safe erotic massage parlors in Medellin? Laureles or El Poblado?

Also is the Inntu hotel girlfriendly? I read some mixes reviews.

12-25-22, 15:27
I let girls choose whatever music they like from my collection. Some connect with it and me and others don't. I detest reggaeton, merengue, salsa, and dembow. Basically the genres that emphasize volume and rhythm over harmony, lyrics, or any other musical element. I tend to get bored by so many acts that rely heavily on electronic rhythm tracks and autotune vocals because they are so generic and repetitive. I enjoy the G's (Becky, Karol) from time to time. The girls who must hear Maluma, Marc Anthony, and Bad Bunny 24/7 have to take a break from it if they want hang out at my apartment. It's not a big deal. After all, they are going to scroll instagram stories with backing tracks of that music while they are on the metro back to their barrio where they will hear it all night long from their neighbors.

Even if that is true, it still does not mean you have better sex than others. Just let the girl choose the music then she will think you have great connection.

12-25-22, 15:38
As many already know, Christmas in Colombia is celebrated on Christmas Eve. This is how I spent it.

The original plan was for me to drive to my girlfriend's sister's house to pick up everyone and deliver all the gifts to Grandma's house at 7 pm. However, Paisa timing rules applied and we showed up at 8:30. In attendance were sister, her boyfriend, mom, grandma, 2 aunts and an uncle. Sister and BF left immediately to deliver gifts to his family, leaving the rest of us to eat and talk until around midnight when they returned.

I hear all the time how terrible Colombian food is, except it isn't. Dinner was thick cut, bacon wrapped pork loin, nicely seasoned, accompanied by cole slaw and what appeared to be twice baked potatoes with parmesan. To snack on I brought a meat and cheese tray with some sliced peppers and grapes for color. It was well received. I also brought all the fixings for Margaritas, which left 3 people pretty tipsy. Other than the uncle, I'd previously met everyone else, so it was a comfortable setting.

While waiting for the sister and BF to return we talked, listened to Colombian Christmas music and drank some wine. Along with dinner I had some homemade natilla and bunuelos, Colombia's traditional holiday treat. I was questioned frequently, mostly by granny, a out Christmas in the US. Overall the conversation was good and I didn't feel the least bit excluded.

Once sister returned, and after Margaritas were served, it was gift giving time. I assume this is a Colombian thing. Each person handed out the gifts they bought to the recipient. However, before giving the gift, they would mimic the person for everyone to guess who the gift was for. Much laughter and applause for each performance. There were even gifts for me, but no performance.

We finally left at 2 am and I played taxi for a few stops before making it back to Provenza by 3. People were still partying in the streets, with music and fireworks, although Poblado was pretty quiet.

If you decide to bring gifts, or special treats to your Colombian girls, here's one which is cheap, exotic and will be very well received: bread and butter pickles. When my girlfriend was visiting me, we bought a jar when shopping. She practically inhaled them, so that was one of her gifts. I think she was more excited to receive a jar of pickles than any of the other gifts. She passed them around and everyone loved them.

Overall it was a good time.

12-25-22, 20:21
So you woke up one day and say oh shit my life is so lame, I got no money, a small peepee, so the only thing I got going for me is that I'm still young. So I'm going to go on a forum where the majority of members might be older, I'm going to insult them to make myself feel better. Way to go man. You're winning big. Men with long dicks and deep pockets are mature enough and confident enough to get women, no need for them to try to get confidence boosts on anonymous boards by insulting others LOL. So trust me I know your broke and not packing shit in your pants. In fact you could be a woman.

Also your generation is so lame dude, older fellas or normal men back then used to have games, they know how to approach women, talk to them, court them, etc. No social media back then. Your generation now in your 20's and even 30's is sad af. Your gen is about taking selfies, making duck lips and posting on IG, hence why you got zero games with ladies. I can tell you make duck lips LOL. Your heart prob jumps out of your chest when in front of a real woman, again, that's why you're here seeking help. The joke's on you son.

Oh yes I know, that's exactly why you're on this forum. You claim to be young and look good talking shit yet your a sad sack. Cause if your look was working for you, your dumb ass wouldn't be in here giving yourself a pat in the back.

The older dudes are this hobby for fun, had wives and real relationships already, however this shit requires money and time, you prob got a 40 HR week job and likely can't afford to be overseas long so you come here to hate. You claimed hate but you're the one hating bro and it's making you look like garbage.What he was trying to say is that there is generally much better chemistry / connection when the age gap is not as wide. Paid or not paid, the relationship looks more natural or normal. More things in common, coupled with some mutual attraction, lead to a better sex, and overall experience. Let's face it, older guys tend to be looking for something more transactional and care less about chemistry and other stuff. And that is fine. Younger guys, like myself, would like to have a GFE experience, something that would last longer and involves some connection. Maybe when I hit a 50 or 60 yr mark, I will gladly be visiting el centro and fucking them in a short term motels. But for now, I would like to use my advantages (age, single status, flexibility in work and travel, and some spare funds) to the max. You, older folks, need to realize that oftentimes you consider yourself know-it-all gurus and are defensive every time you hear a different point of view or prospective. Also, nowadays, age and wealth correlation is not as strong and obvious as it used to be, there are plenty of millionaires in their early 20's and 30's.

12-25-22, 20:59
What he was trying to say is that there is generally much better chemistry / connection when the age gap is not as wide. Paid or not paid, the relationship looks more natural or normal. More things in common, coupled with some mutual attraction, lead to a better sex, and overall experience. Let's face it, older guys tend to be looking for something more transactional and care less about chemistry and other stuff. And that is fine. Younger guys, like myself, would like to have a GFE experience, something that would last longer and involves some connection. Maybe when I hit a 50 or 60 yr mark, I will gladly be visiting el centro and fucking them in a short term motels. But for now, I would like to use my advantages (age, single status, flexibility in work and travel, and some spare funds) to the max. You, older folks, need to realize that oftentimes you consider yourself know-it-all gurus and are defensive every time you hear a different point of view or prospective. Also, nowadays, age and wealth correlation is not as strong and obvious as it used to be, there are plenty of millionaires in their early 20's and 30's.I guess this make you a bit smarter than than the last guy. You say I consider myself a know it all guru and get defensive. Dude, you're like the #1 Most argumentative jerk on here and you get told this daily LOL. I'm not defending myself as I'm not old, far from it. But when I see a dumb post once in a while I jump in.

You're like a man-child literally, and like a child when parents repeat something to the child and it's all they hear, they in turn repeat it to other people.

Are you seriously trying to explain dynamics and benefits of being young between a man and a woman? Talking about Mr Obvious. You don't think everyone knows these basics? Dude chill the fuck out, I'm prob younger than you and your man-lover you're defending. Most of my reports are about GFE, talking shit and bragging about my non-pros. I'm dating countless of fine babes in all Latin America, still dating fine babes back home and not just paying for sex. This is something I do for fun like most men w money a high drive.

My reply is about him disrespecting others and bragging about his age. It's one thing you don't brag about, it's nothing special or unique since we will ALL get old one day. In fact it's so pathetic. And I believe losers who do that here is simply because they have nothing else to brag about, like having money or other things.

Feel free to measure dick, who got the best GFE, who paid less at the *****house, all that and it's even fun on here. But you don't brag and disrespect others about age, it makes ZERO sense and I'm pretty sure I've lost some brain cells writing about it. WE ALL GET OLD. WTF?

This forum is composed of the following imo:

50% = Real losers, young men or losers that cannot get a real GF anywhere, coming here asking help on how to talk to hookers, so imagine women lmao.

10% = Women and fake profiles, heck many of you have dupp accounts and even replying to yourselves, who knows you might be the same guy you're defending LMAO.

15% = Trolls.

25% = Real users and real men posting shit to help others and how to navigate this hobby.

You're like one the rudest posters in here always crying. And truthfully I could careless about you or anyone here. Not here to make friends nor seeking help LOL. Some of yall need a life, maybe why not go back to school and choose a better career if you're still so young and have time. Like make a bit more money, and you'll enjoy your life and this hobby more. Also like another posted wrote the other day, go get married and start a family, don't be here wasting your life man if you're so young and so macho papi chulo LOL.

I travel every 2 months and normally stay out for few weeks. I just got back, and once in a while when a read a stupid post I reply for fun. But also to help new readers, as a way to show not every dude here is a an ahole. I don't need help from none here, I'm mainly a contributor, and you? A debator? Masturbator? Cause aint no way in hell some of yall have time for the ladies arguing so much on here.

See, I guess you're right, I am a genius. So I'm off this topic Miami boy man-boy and Imma let you talk to yourself and defending your other self here.

So carry on Mr m. Bator!!

12-25-22, 22:58
What he was trying to say is that there is generally much better chemistry / connection when the age gap is not as wide. Paid or not paid, the relationship looks more natural or normal. More things in common, coupled with some mutual attraction, lead to a better sex, and overall experience. Let's face it, older guys tend to be looking for something more transactional and care less about chemistry and other stuff. And that is fine. Younger guys, like myself, would like to have a GFE experience, something that would last longer and involves some connection. Maybe when I hit a 50 or 60 yr mark, I will gladly be visiting el centro and fucking them in a short term motels. But for now, I would like to use my advantages (age, single status, flexibility in work and travel, and some spare funds) to the max. You, older folks, need to realize that oftentimes you consider yourself know-it-all gurus and are defensive every time you hear a different point of view or prospective. Also, nowadays, age and wealth correlation is not as strong and obvious as it used to be, there are plenty of millionaires in their early 20's and 30's.Now explain to everyone how you know these things. Did you figure out a way to live for a few years as a 50-60 year old to be able to make the comparison? Can you share that technology with the rest of us?

Most of us old men were formerly younger. We remember how things were, how we connected, the chemistry, all of it. Honestly, we're the only ones qualified to make the comparison. If you haven't lived it, you're either just guessing, or making shit up.

It's really simple. There are a lot of things all of us "know-it-all gurus" know. For example, we know a shitload more about what we want, what we're looking for and our experiences are than you do.

We also fully understand the difference between paid and unpaid relationships. As others have stated, some of us weren't bothering with paid companionship when we were younger. There's a stark difference between the two, however it's unlikely you'll ever grasp it. After all, if you've never experienced it all you're doing is guessing.

Unpaid starts with an attraction. Money, status or security might be part of the attraction, but there's almost always something more, a mutual desire to be together. It might be for a few hours, or for years. In most cases both parties know exactly how the other feels, because it falls apart when it's no longer working.

Paid starts with money. There might be something more, but without the profit incentive, it doesn't happen. Whatever else might develop is only truly known by the one getting paid. The one paying knows how he feels and knows nothing more. Many forget where it all started, with money, and think there's some type of bond.

A bond might develop, certainly the john often thinks there's a bond. However, without the money that bond dissolves like a turd in a typhoon.

Very few of the old guys get defensive about a different point of view, or "prospective. " We also handle different perspectives quite well. What some of us get defensive about is when some still wet behind the ears adolescent comes along and tells us what we feel, what we like and what we experience. Especially when they don't even have a clue about other guys in their own age group.

Plenty of young mongers can be found in El Centro, on the streets or in the casas. Several have posted their experiences. Many old guys are getting girls you'll never be able to afford, and often at a better price. Are they having better sex? No. Because (here's that word again) that's subjective.

12-25-22, 23:03
Let's face it, older guys tend to be looking for something more transactional and care less about chemistry and other stuff. I have no idea what makes you think that, but it isn't true. Maybe you hate your father or something.

12-25-22, 23:10
Wanted to do a quick intro and ask for info.

Sorry if a bit long but bear with me. I'm old school going back to Redbook days, those of you who know it know it. I'm in expensive California and when I get a chance I go down to Tijuana which has some pretty ladies. Hong Kong club has some really good looking ladies but too much plastic and implants. I like to use club for entertainment but I rather use an independent lady that I could have dinner with and back to my room. Much more comfortable and clean. I've been to Thailand the last few years and really fun (got certified in Scuba) . I travel more for the experience and seeing new places, doing more things. Seeing women while on vacation is a result of already being there. My goal is try to see a new country every year. I'm super active and in shape even though a few years out from retirement. With good diet, working out and genétics I still look really good for may age. Can out perform many in functional workouts. No here to brag, just giving an idea of me being active.

Redbook used to really good when it was around. In Tijuana, telegram groups are the big thing. Getting reviews, agencies and women posting when available makes it really usable. Thailand is just a big open market with bars every where and "walking streets". I'm trying to get the hang of this here and I haven't used this site really until prepping for this trip. My Trip will be at the end of January in Medellin. With all the info I decided to book Energy. I like good wifi, Aircon and the security at the front all sounded good especially being my first trip there.

Since this is my first trip there I wanted to be in a place with many tourist and centrally located. I'm pretty street wise and don't over drink or take drugs. I try not to put myself in bad situations that I have control over. I think this is what makes it great about this board is the wealth of info. I appreciate all the helpful knowledge in here. Its hard to weed thru though so much info on these threads. On top of that with all the debating and arguing its a bit nauseous and time consuming. I wish there was threads that only had comments on the thread and all other debates / arguments in other threads.

My goal is to do activities during the day, see sites, workout, hike and take in some culture. The evening would be more for dinner and ladies. I like a fit women or slightly thin. Hard fake boobs look good but don't feel good at all. The big oversize trendy booties girls want again for me meh. I want a nice size booty but being a gym rat gives me a different view on bodies and in shape. GFE with a girl a must. Unfortunately I only speak just alittle Spanish as I do duolingo everyday to practice.

I'm hoping some of the vets and well known members could send some info my way. I have started using tinder, yes I've read don't use tinder but I'm trying build a network of women I can meet. I know more of you have facebook contacts butiį haven't had any success or help I'm posting here.

Seems like members like Humpty, JJ Elpapi and a few others really have helped many out. I will try to send few DM's out and see if I can get some help. Any help would be appreciated it or recommendations. One of the members Jim responded to my dm and sounds like I might meet him up while there.

Again thanks for any info and sorry for the long read.

12-26-22, 01:13
Bro all these posts about Medellin and you haven't even been there yet. I started going to Medellin about 10 yrs ago when I was 32, so I was younger than you are now. I always have a blast and I'm Asian so I look younger than I am. Age isn't a big factor, girls connect well with me because I can speak Spanish, make them laugh, and understand their culture. Anyways, I'm here now and Medellin sucks! Jajaja don't come down here, you'll be very disappointed 🙃. I kid of course.

Btw…it’s my 3rd year in a row spending Xmas and NYs here and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Most ppl would say chicas are limited during this time of year since they spend time with family. This is where I come in and go party with their families. Chino paisa hasta la chimba hpta! I’m hungover as fuck and I love it! Mixing guaro and ron was def a bad idea jajaja

With a lot of you LOL. I understand I may not have an advantage over some of you just because of my age and ethnicity. We all know that money is really what matters. I apologize if I hurt some of you. I didn't realize this board was so sensitive and get back so much hate. Like I said we don't have to agree to everything and we don't have to get mad because someone may or may not have a advantage to have better chemistry over us or if one guy doesn't have to pretend a girl likes him and the other guy does. In the end who really gives a fuck. Let's put that debate to rest.

12-26-22, 02:29
You didn't hit any buttons. Most of the guys here give good advice. When someone comes along posting garbage, they will tell him he's wrong. If he continues believing in something that doesn't exist, they figure the guy is either an idiot or a troll.It may be garbage to you and similar people like you & that's fine. Just like you are the ones who insist one man's garbage is another man's treasure.

12-26-22, 02:37
What he was trying to say is that there is generally much better chemistry / connection when the age gap is not as wide. Paid or not paid, the relationship looks more natural or normal. More things in common, coupled with some mutual attraction, lead to a better sex, and overall experience. Let's face it, older guys tend to be looking for something more transactional and care less about chemistry and other stuff. And that is fine. Younger guys, like myself, would like to have a GFE experience, something that would last longer and involves some connection. Maybe when I hit a 50 or 60 yr mark, I will gladly be visiting el centro and fucking them in a short term motels. But for now, I would like to use my advantages (age, single status, flexibility in work and travel, and some spare funds) to the max. You, older folks, need to realize that oftentimes you consider yourself know-it-all gurus and are defensive every time you hear a different point of view or prospective. Also, nowadays, age and wealth correlation is not as strong and obvious as it used to be, there are plenty of millionaires in their early 20's and 30's.I guess they get offended easily and take it too personal if a younger guy says these a girls are (most likely) to be attracted to a young fit man vs an old fat man. They can't and won't accept simple facts, I mean I hope I don't become that naive when I get older. Seems they only think about their point of view and their way is the only way.

12-26-22, 02:51
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

12-26-22, 03:14
Bro all these posts about Medellin and you haven't even been there yet. I started going to Medellin about 10 yrs ago when I was 32, so I was younger than you are now. I always have a blast and I'm Asian so I look younger than I am. Age isn't a big factor, girls connect well with me because I can speak Spanish, make them laugh, and understand their culture. Anyways, I'm here now and Medellin sucks! Jajaja don't come down here, you'll be very disappointed 🙃. I kid of course.

Btwits my 3rd year in a row spending Xmas and NYs here and I wouldnt have it any other way. Most ppl would say chicas are limited during this time of year since they spend time with family. This is where I come in and go party with their families. Chino paisa hasta la chimba hpta! Im hungover as fuck and I love it! Mixing guaro and ron was def a bad idea jajajaYou seem cool. I thought about going this month but like you said I felt it would be better next month because most girls would want to be spending the weekends with their families. Glad you are enjoying Medallo. Curious to try the aguardiente.

12-26-22, 04:14
Now explain to everyone how you know these things. Did you figure out a way to live for a few years as a 50-60 year old to be able to make the comparison? Can you share that technology with the rest of us?

Most of us old men were formerly younger. We remember how things were, how we connected, the chemistry, all of it. Honestly, we're the only ones qualified to make the comparison. If you haven't lived it, you're either just guessing, or making shit up.

It's really simple. There are a lot of things all of us "know-it-all gurus" know. For example, we know a shitload more about what we want, what we're looking for and our experiences are than you do.

We also fully understand the difference between paid and unpaid relationships. As others have stated, some of us weren't bothering with paid companionship when we were younger. There's a stark difference between the two, however it's unlikely you'll ever grasp it. After all, if you've never experienced it all you're doing is guessing.

Unpaid starts with an attraction. Money, status or security might be part of the attraction, but there's almost always something more, a mutual desire to be together. It might be for a few hours, or for years. In most cases both parties know exactly how the other feels, because it falls apart when it's no longer working.

Paid starts with money. There might be something more, but without the profit incentive, it doesn't happen. Whatever else might develop is only truly known by the one getting paid. The one paying knows how he feels and knows nothing more. Many forget where it all started, with money, and think there's some type of bond.

A bond might develop, certainly the john often thinks there's a bond. However, without the money that bond dissolves like a turd in a typhoon.

Very few of the old guys get defensive about a different point of view, or "prospective. " We also handle different perspectives quite well. What some of us get defensive about is when some still wet behind the ears adolescent comes along and tells us what we feel, what we like and what we experience. Especially when they don't even have a clue about other guys in their own age group.

Plenty of young mongers can be found in El Centro, on the streets or in the casas. Several have posted their experiences. Many old guys are getting girls you'll never be able to afford, and often at a better price. Are they having better sex? No. Because (here's that word again) that's subjective.I don't need to get to that age to figure out that the age gap matters a lot, and is reversely correlated with genuine chemistry / connection. This is just common sense and doesn't need to be explained. The money you pay cover that gap. The older one gets, the less bargaining power one has. Older guys can get girls that I will never be able to afford? How do you know what I can or can't afford? And even if they do, more power to them. I pay going rates and don't need to severely overpay because I don't have sex with someone who might be my granddaughter.

12-26-22, 07:16
I pay going rates and don't need to severely overpay because I don't have sex with someone who might be my granddaughter.YIKES LMFAO. Oh man you went there LOL, Now you done pissed off more than half the people on here LOL.

I feel that though, I can't even fuck with anyone under 21 at my age. I prefer 25-30.

I'd feel like a weirdo if I was fucking even someone my daughters age or younger let alone granddaughter when I'm that old.

12-26-22, 08:55
I guess some of us aren't too bright heh. Read my reports and other posts incl the one I replied to you. I'm nowhere near a senior citizen's age. But I have nothing but respect for the older fellas, in person and on here.

The thing about age is that anyone who compare themselves with age or come here to talk about is pure trash and I pitty them really. First, we will all get there. Secondly, What matters the most is what you do while you're young.

Another big irony is this: Most of the older folks on here that you're disrespecting or thinking you're better than, have had mostly a great life, had a marriage, children, real girlfriend. Now on here getting out of Matrix so to speak. But you on the other end is a laughable stock. Why in the world would you be on this forum or learning how to fuck prostitute at 20,30, heck even at a healthy 40?

I'll tell you the diff and why. If you married young in your 20's, 30's, and got divorced, then fine. You've tried the normal thing and didn't work out; especially now if you're a tad bit successful with some money, why not travel and spread your wings? Learn about new cultures and new women? Those I get.

But you my dude, you sound like you've never had a real GF, a wife, family, and desperate enough trying to give yourself a confidence boost comparing yourself with your older mates LOL. Clearly you got issues.

Dude, you'll get older soon. So worry about your own life, how much money you got, whether or not you're wasting your life or not. If you're really so macho as you claim, then get a real dime piece girlfriend, oh I guess you can't hence why you're paying for pussy and learning how to on here LOL.

You're making yourself look bad, cause the rest of us know why we're here and mainly by choice since been there done that. Again, to prove you're so macho get a real GF and don't be here. I always write for fun on here that even a blind squirrel can go in a brothel and pay for a hooker, so you aint none special cause a squirel will outbid you if he brings more cash than your macho ass.

What's your next bright and smart reply young macho?Wtf are you talking about? If you actually read any of my posts you would know the only thing I've mainly asked this forum is where to find the best looking girls in Colombia, why because I obviously never been numb nuts.

Hmm let me think, why would I be asking where to find the hottest girls if I had no game? Dumbass LOL. I'm obviously asking because I have the fullest confidence to do so you retard.

Unlike you with your stupid ass remarks, I can tell by just all of the dumb shit you said you are talking about yourself LOL.

Heart out of chest? Young macho? Papi chulo? Men with long dicks? (Pretty suspect if you ask me, who talks like this?) what else, duck lips? Selfies? 40 HR week job? A blind squirrel?

What are you 14? Either that or lay off the pipe dude.

I needed that laugh. Dumbasses I swear LOL.

12-26-22, 13:01
I don't need to get to that age to figure out that the age gap matters a lot, and is reversely correlated with genuine chemistry / connection. This is just common sense and doesn't need to be explained. The money you pay cover that gap. The older one gets, the less bargaining power one has. Older guys can get girls that I will never be able to afford? How do you know what I can or can't afford? And even if they do, more power to them. I pay going rates and don't need to severely overpay because I don't have sex with someone who might be my granddaughter.Another poster wrote that everyone gets old. In your case, with your attitude, I think you might not.

12-26-22, 13:43
I don't need to get to that age to figure out that the age gap matters a lot, and is reversely correlated with genuine chemistry / connection. This is just common sense and doesn't need to be explained. The money you pay cover that gap. The older one gets, the less bargaining power one has. Older guys can get girls that I will never be able to afford? How do you know what I can or can't afford? And even if they do, more power to them. I pay going rates and don't need to severely overpay because I don't have sex with someone who might be my granddaughter.Ah yes! The famous scientific method of "I don't need to test this because I think it's right. " After all, "it's common sense and doesn't need to be explained. ".

I'll let you in on a little secret. If you can't explain something and start throwing out "common sense" as your response, you have no idea what you're talking about.

I'll let you in on some other secrets. They're going to involve the word that's your mental kryptonite, "subjective", the word which reduces your thinking to the level of an infant.

1. "Genuine chemistry / connection" can't be measured. It's subjective.

2. If you're paying for sex, you've already eliminated any concept of "connection. " After that you're dealing with an employee. They needed work, you needed something done which nobody would do for free.

3. Your "reversely (sic) correlated" age gap (the correct word is "inverse") only works if every man and every woman is exactly the same. They aren't. We're all different and we're back to subjective.

4. When you're talking about paying for sex, bargaining power depends upon available funds, willingness to spend and the girl's perspective (not prospective) and how she believes she will profit. In other words it's subjective. An 80 year old man looking for a wife to live in his mansion has a lot more bargaining power than a 30 year old who knows the words to 3 Colombian songs.

5. Yes. Some older guys are getting girls you can't afford. How do I know what you can afford? Your posts make it quite clear. Don't look at me. I can't afford them either. They aren't overpaying. They're simply getting the attention of the girls who won't respond to your messages.

6. If you're paying going rates, you're right back to ground zero. The girl is going where she sees the most profit. To know where that is you'll need to show off some mind reading skills, because that's another subjective thing.

The sad thing about this senseless discussion is that you're even here to make it senseless. When I was your age, probably working twice as many hours and barely keeping up with the bills, paying for sex was completely unnecessary. It was just a rare thing done for the thrill. Finding women for sex was easier than finding reliable employees. And that was back when casual sex was still taboo.

On the day you figure out how to get laid without flying to a 3rd world nation and paying for it, come back and tell us about chemistry and connection.

12-26-22, 15:46
As many already know, Christmas in Colombia is celebrated on Christmas Eve. This is how I spent it.

The original plan was for me to drive to my girlfriend's sister's house to pick up everyone and deliver all the gifts to Grandma's house at 7 pm. However, Paisa timing rules applied and we showed up at 8:30. In attendance were sister, her boyfriend, mom, grandma, 2 aunts and an uncle. Sister and BF left immediately to deliver gifts to his family, leaving the rest of us to eat and talk until around midnight when they returned.

I hear all the time how terrible Colombian food is, except it isn't. Dinner was thick cut, bacon wrapped pork loin, nicely seasoned, accompanied by cole slaw and what appeared to be twice baked potatoes with parmesan. To snack on I brought a meat and cheese tray with some sliced peppers and grapes for color. It was well received. I also brought all the fixings for Margaritas, which left 3 people pretty tipsy. Other than the uncle, I'd previously met everyone else, so it was a comfortable setting.You had a special Christmas that not everyone who goes there gets to have and it is for sure special. Clients don't get invited to homes to meet the families and even casual friends don't either so you really must have a novia. People in Medellin and I'm sure all of Colombia really enjoy Christmas for the whole month of December. I have been there in December a couple times and visited my friend's family and her friend's family just before Christmas and it was so genuine. Even in the poorer barrios, people put up lights and are so proud and happy with them. When they welcome you they do so with open arms. Nice to see someone enjoying and writing about a special holiday and not a play by play description of the sex they had. Christmas there with a family is more satisfying than most sex but let's not leave the sex out. Everything has a time and place.

New Years is pretty awesome too. Keep enjoying what you have!

12-26-22, 18:00
Ah yes! The famous scientific method of "I don't need to test this because I think it's right. " After all, "it's common sense and doesn't need to be explained. ".

I'll let you in on a little secret. If you can't explain something and start throwing out "common sense" as your response, you have no idea what you're talking about.

I'll let you in on some other secrets. They're going to involve the word that's your mental kryptonite, "subjective", the word which reduces your thinking to the level of an infant.

1. "Genuine chemistry / connection" can't be measured. It's subjective.

2. If you're paying for sex, you've already eliminated any concept of "connection. " After that you're dealing with an employee. They needed work, you needed something done which nobody would do for free.

3. Your "reversely (sic) correlated" age gap (the correct word is "inverse") only works if every man and every woman is exactly the same. They aren't. We're all different and we're back to subjective.

4. When you're talking about paying for sex, bargaining power depends upon available funds, willingness to spend and the girl's perspective (not prospective) and how she believes she will profit. In other words it's subjective. An 80 year old man looking for a wife to live in his mansion has a lot more bargaining power than a 30 year old who knows the words to 3 Colombian songs.

5. Yes. Some older guys are getting girls you can't afford. How do I know what you can afford? Your posts make it quite clear. Don't look at me. I can't afford them either. They aren't overpaying. They're simply getting the attention of the girls who won't respond to your messages.

6. If you're paying going rates, you're right back to ground zero. The girl is going where she sees the most profit. To know where that is you'll need to show off some mind reading skills, because that's another subjective thing.

The sad thing about this senseless discussion is that you're even here to make it senseless. When I was your age, probably working twice as many hours and barely keeping up with the bills, paying for sex was completely unnecessary. It was just a rare thing done for the thrill. Finding women for sex was easier than finding reliable employees. And that was back when casual sex was still taboo.

On the day you figure out how to get laid without flying to a 3rd world nation and paying for it, come back and tell us about chemistry and connection.1. Yes it is subjective, but don't tell me that there is a genuine one between a 20 yo and 80 yo grandpa who is literally one foot in the grave. I can compare myself now to myself 5, 10 or 20 years ago, and guess what? I'm not getting any younger and can clearly see the trend which is not going to change. Most of us did not pay when we were in our 20's, or even 30's, then the concept of ppm / p4 p comes into play as we age and after a certain age mark becomes permanent. There are exceptions but the correlation is obvious.

2. We all pay one way or another. The fact that I pay doesn't eliminate a connection, it just changes the motivation structure for a girl. She could be fucking a grandpa solely for his money, she could be fucking someone younger not only for money, but because she is having fun, great sex, etc etc. I have had relationships that started as pure ppm but then got converted into a normal dating. Because the connection was there.

3. Subjective this, subjective that, blah blah blah. Everything in your small world is subjective. What are you doing on this forum then? It makes no sense to share any info here at all, if everything we are discussing is subjective.

4. With this I agree, I should have added "all other things being equal".

5. Everyone can get an attention if your opening message is $10000 or whatever dumb number you type. And yeah, throwing out some crazy numbers doesn't make one overpay LOL. And didn't you say old folks get better rates than me? Jajaja.

6. I don't care what a girl thinks. I have my budget in mind, which correlates with going rates for each particular venue. If I see value for myself, I pay what I find reasonable, if not, I move on. I don't care what some old folks or weekend warriors pay.

12-26-22, 18:13
Christmas day, as expected, things were slow. Not much traffic and many places were either closed or were open for shorter hours. Many panaderias and droguerias were open, along with quite a few restaurants. Some of the malls were open including Santa Fe. Almost all of the restaurants were open, but many stores were closed. The crowds were reasonable.

Around 6:30 there were 3 working girls on Calle 10 by the west end of the park. When I drove by at 9:30 I didn't see any. Provenza was reasonably full by 9:30, although many places were dark.

This morning I checked out of my apartment early, intending to spend some time visiting old haunts. One such place was Mayorista. I parked at Jumbo Las Vegas and walked across. There have been changes since my last visit. The old VW dealership is now a sushi place called California Buffet. Several new bike paths have been added, including a bridge up to Ayura station and across the river and the Autopista.

The street of hotels running south from the main chica block look the same. However, the casino on the corner has updated the outside and changed name from Las Paraguas to La Piragua. The short time hotels have also raised from 16 k to 22 k for 2 hours. I was surprised to not see a single working girl on the main strip at 11 am. I've always seen them before, even earlier. I did spot 2 possible workers coming from the Metro.

At the moment I'm relaxing at Viva mall. Have to return the car this afternoon, then I'll check my bag and head to a nearby hotel to catch some sleep before my 2 am flight.

12-26-22, 18:24
It may be garbage to you and similar people like you & that's fine. Just like you are the ones who insist one man's garbage is another man's treasure.Exactly. He thinks he has some kind of authority here to determine which post are garbage and which are not. He thinks he speaks on behalf of majority here, but can't even imagine how many PMs I get from other members telling me what low life douche he is.

12-26-22, 18:35
Anyone use Geisha academy in medellin?

12-26-22, 18:37
I am pretty fcking sure I saw a list of guest friendly hotels and airbnbs on this forum but can't find it. It should be in "report of distinction" if there is such a list. Does anyone know if it has been discussed and if I can find it browsing through posts from a year back or so?

Wish you all a happy mongering 2023!

12-26-22, 18:38
Avoid Christmas and new years and easter as well. These are family times. Rice rocket seems to have made enough friends over the years to have people he considers family down there or close enough. Anyone new to the city without an established base of connections is just going to wish he had come at a different time. It won't be bad, but it's going to take more effort and money.

You seem cool. I thought about going this month but like you said I felt it would be better next month because most girls would want to be spending the weekends with their families. Glad you are enjoying Medallo. Curious to try the aguardiente.

12-26-22, 19:19
1. Yes it is subjective, but don't tell me that there is a genuine one between a 20 yo and 80 yo grandpa who is literally one foot in the grave. I can compare myself now to myself 5, 10 or 20 years ago, and guess what? I'm not getting any younger and can clearly see the trend which is not going to change. Most of us did not pay when we were in our 20's, or even 30's, then the concept of ppm / p4 p comes into play as we age and after a certain age mark becomes permanent. There are exceptions but the correlation is obvious.

2. We all pay one way or another. The fact that I pay doesn't eliminate a connection, it just changes the motivation structure for a girl. She could be fucking a grandpa solely for his money, she could be fucking someone younger not only for money, but because she is having fun, great sex, etc etc. I have had relationships that started as pure ppm but then got converted into a normal dating. Because the connection was there.

3. Subjective this, subjective that, blah blah blah. Everything in your small world is subjective. What are you doing on this forum then? It makes no sense to share any info here at all, if everything we are discussing is subjective.

4. With this I agree, I should have added "all other things being equal".

5. Everyone can get an attention if your opening message is $10000 or whatever dumb number you type. And yeah, throwing out some crazy numbers doesn't make one overpay LOL. And didn't you say old folks get better rates than me? Jajaja.

6. I don't care what a girl thinks. I have my budget in mind, which correlates with going rates for each particular venue. If I see value for myself, I pay what I find reasonable, if not, I move on. I don't care what some old folks or weekend warriors pay.1. It depends upon the 20 year old and the 80 year old. I remember moving a 70 year old woman out of Seattle. Her boyfriend was in the 25-30 range, had a good job, while she clearly had very little money. She was moving cross country to be closer to her grandchildren. He quit his job to go with her. And she definitely looked her age. Was there a real connection? A girl from my HS class married a guy in his 50's shortly after graduation and stayed with him until he died. Was there a real connection.

2. Stick to the subject. P4P, not dating. Who says she isn't having fun with grandpa? You? Are you taking girls to places they've never been before to do things they've never done? Are you introducing them to new cultures and new things. Over the last 10 days I've had the opportunity to listen to my girlfriend rave about the things she's done with me to her family.

3. Everything you're stating is subjective. You don't seem to grasp objective. Our relative heights, weights and ages are objective. How each of us feels about those things is subjective. Stating that a hotel bed is very firm is objective. How comfortable the bed is, subjective. Price ranges for girls from different sources are objective. The service any girl provides is subjective. The stuff you keep ranting about is all subjective.

4. All other things are never equal.

5. First, I said there are some older guys getting better girls and better rates. In some cases it's simple familiarity. In others it's because the guy is known to be able to open doors to a better future. Second, nobody said they are offering crazy money. Besides, that only works with the incredibly stupid. Ask any successful webcam model how often some clown comes along offering crazy money if they will first do what they want. Or ask a stripper.

6. If you don't care what a girl thinks you just declared that all of your babble about chemistry and connections is bullshit. You can't make any connection other than simple p4 p without getting into what the girl thinks or how she feels.

12-26-22, 19:22
Exactly. He thinks he has some kind of authority here to determine which post are garbage and which are not. He thinks he speaks on behalf of majority here, but can't even imagine how many PMs I get from other members telling me what low life douche he is.As always, you're wrong. I speak for myself, only and always. My posts often include that I am speaking only for myself, or that I can't speak for others.

Ah yes. How many PMs has Paulie sent you now? You do realize he's another old guy?

12-26-22, 19:31
YIKES LMFAO. Oh man you went there LOL, Now you done pissed off more than half the people on here LOL.

I feel that though, I can't even fuck with anyone under 21 at my age. I prefer 25-30.

I'd feel like a weirdo if I was fucking even someone my daughters age or younger let alone granddaughter when I'm that old.I doubt if he pissed anyone off. The girl I'm dating isn't my granddaughter, although if we stretched it just a bit, she could even be my great granddaughter. If that bothered me I wouldn't have introduced her to my family and friends, some who have children or grandchildren in her age group.

Personally I don't let others decide what I think or how I feel. If an 80 year old guy is bumping uglies with 20 year olds, I'll happily buy him a beer. If a 25 year old guy is doing the same with 25 year old girls, same deal. You are responsible for your own hangups. They don't apply to anyone else.

12-26-22, 20:44
Wtf are you talking about? If you actually read any of my posts you would know the only thing I've mainly asked this forum is where to find the best looking girls in Colombia, why because I obviously never been numb nuts.

Hmm let me think, why would I be asking where to find the hottest girls if I had no game? Dumbass LOL. I'm obviously asking because I have the fullest confidence to do so you retard.

Unlike you with your stupid ass remarks, I can tell by just all of the dumb shit you said you are talking about yourself LOL.

Heart out of chest? Young macho? Papi chulo? Men with long dicks? (Pretty suspect if you ask me, who talks like this?) what else, duck lips? Selfies? 40 HR week job? A blind squirrel?

What are you 14? Either that or lay off the pipe dude.

I needed that laugh. Dumbasses I swear LOL.Who's getting sensitive now? Now you see how it feels being insulted? So if you come here just respect your elders cause they can help you; sorry If I made you cry. I've always enjoyed playing the role of a counter-Bully. Both online and in person. Your tone is changing and it's more like it, we're close so let's get to the bottom of your true needs.

Since you finally admitted you're seeking help on where to find hot ladies, feel free to ask the experienced gents on how to talk to them also. No need to be rude and stop all that BS about you're younger, hispanic background and better suitor BS. Having lots of money is obvious, but also make sure your front teeth are straight, like no gaps and shit. Dental implants are cheap in Colombia and Latin America. Be sure to not smell bad, I know you've migrated to the states so by now I'm sure you know what a deodorant is, use it. No gay skinny jeans please, and I already told you about the selfies and duck lips. Trust me chicks don't dig that. Do these few things and we'll move on to the next steps.

Hint Hint, I'm sure you and your other username poster on here arent the only aholes. Maybe I am too LMAO. Hope the few tips help.

12-26-22, 21:32
You didn't hit any buttons. Most of the guys here give good advice. When someone comes along posting garbage, they will tell him he's wrong. If he continues believing in something that doesn't exist, they figure the guy is either an idiot or a troll.After reading an avalanche of responses to Anthony's "perspective" my mind harkened back to this response. He's got to be a troll, since no one can be as idiotic as he is being.

I'm sure many of you will remember Blakman from the summer of 2020. He thought he had found the secret nexus that no one else had. That allowed him to get Gusto-level girls at Centro prices for FB chica lengths of time. If I recall correctly, he was in his mid-50's and said that he didn't speak a word of Spanish. And his secret was having fruit and dry popcorn in his place for the girls to eat. At least he was on the ground making things happen.

12-26-22, 21:38
I'm not posting the name of the building. If you're interested send a PM.

Spent 10 nights in a conveniently located Airbnb in Provenza, only 2 blocks down to OCi: Mde and many of the popular restaurants in Medellin. Secure on-site parking and 24 hour security was available.

The building is family friendly and the introductory messages stated no drugs or prostitution. They also mentioned guests are allowed, not to exceed the room capacity at any time and a limit of 4 guests per stay without additional charges. Cedula is required. The only visitor was my girlfriend and there were no problems. From what I saw, with a bit of discretion bringing in girls is no problem. However, if you're going through 2 a day, you should go elsewhere.

The apartment was 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, full size kitchen, living room and separate office area. There is a balcony which stretches the length of the apartment. Both bedrooms and the living room have access to the balcony. Some units have air conditioning, mine didn't. There were fans in each bedroom and the temperature was always comfortable for me.

The kitchen was well equipped with stove top, oven, microwave, dishwasher and a large refrigerator. The laundry room had a nice washer that's supposed to dry as well. It washes well, but jeans are some other items will need to hang to finish drying. There were plenty of towels and clean sheets. I believe the price was about $140 per night, all fees included.

12-26-22, 21:44
I'll tell you the diff and why. If you married young in your 20's, 30's, and got divorced, then fine. You've tried the normal thing and didn't work out; especially now if you're a tad bit successful with some money, why not travel and spread your wings? Learn about new cultures and new women? Those I get.

But you my dude, you sound like you've never had a real GF, a wife, family, and desperate enough trying to give yourself a confidence boost comparing yourself with your older mates LOL. Clearly you got issues.

What's your next bright and smart reply young macho?Well if you would have just read a couple of comments below you would have seen my comment saying exactly what you said you would understand LOL smh.

You basically described my situation.

I got married young in my 20's and was lucky enough to get out of it when I entered my 30's. I dated in my early 30's and believe me when I tell you this generation of entitled females is nothing like the women you dated when you were in your 30's. Not to mention there was no social media and perhaps texting. Most good looking females nowadays are talking to at least 2 guys at the same time. You can't take any of them seriously. You might find a unicorn in today's day and age but believe me it's rare. No thanks. Been there done that. I rather focus on my finances, my happiness instead of trying to make someone else happy. The hobby works out great for me because I travel a lot as well. So it's convenient and also drama free. I think hobbying in my mid 30's is awesome because like I mentioned before I have the full confidence to go after the hottest women (in my opinion) and the best part about it is I don't have to PRETEND like they like me as well because I am still young, fit, fun and attractive.

P. s Had to repost because it got deleted the first time, I guess they didn't want you to see it and get hurt after realizing what a complete fool you made of yourself.

12-27-22, 00:10
After reading an avalanche of responses to Anthony's "perspective" my mind harkened back to this response. He's got to be a troll, since no one can be as idiotic as he is being.

I'm sure many of you will remember Blakman from the summer of 2020. He thought he had found the secret nexus that no one else had. That allowed him to get Gusto-level girls at Centro prices for FB chica lengths of time. If I recall correctly, he was in his mid-50's and said that he didn't speak a word of Spanish. And his secret was having fruit and dry popcorn in his place for the girls to eat. At least he was on the ground making things happen.I'm quite sure Anthony is the same as Miamiboy. #1 TROLL of this forum for 2022. He argues and gets aggressive w everyone, now created another acct and replying to himself seeking extra validation. So pathetic if you ask me.

He came in trying to clown old folks, mocking, making fun and mentioning social security checks, how young and macho he is, how girls prefer his ethnicity. Total ass. And now that I'm clowning him back w counter-bully punches he's suddenly getting serious. Bunch of ass-clowns.

I'm on the defensive side, I hate people who claim to be better than others, and I make fun of anyone who does. Why TF would you come here and make fun or mock someone or group of people based on their age just cause you're younger? That's just low, zero class. Bottom feeder type of people. Straight garbage.

12-27-22, 00:35
Exactly. He thinks he has some kind of authority here to determine which post are garbage and which are not. He thinks he speaks on behalf of majority here, but can't even imagine how many PMs I get from other members telling me what low life douche he is.I had to come back to this, and not only because you're claiming to know what I think. You'll see the link to "integrity" further down.

Not long ago you gave a reason for not posting pictures. That reason was because you didn't want a bunch of PMs from guys asking for contact info. Yet, you're apparently receiving PMs from an unimaginable number of users all claiming I'm a "low life douche. ".

Either you're emptying your inbox at least once per day, or you have an extremely limited imagination. Of course there's the possibility you're grossly exaggerating the number of PMs, but that would mean you have no integrity.

So which is it? Do you devote hours per day reading gossip about me (from people who have never met me)? Do you need to take your shoes off to count past 10? Or are you someone who can't be trusted to share accurate information?

I'm absolutely certain 1 person (who has met me) has sent multiple PMs telling you how awful of a person I am. The entire history between us was detailed not long ago in the Stupid Shit thread. I also consider it possible 1 other person who has met me may have sent a negative PM about me. That's his issue and I won't speak ill of him for his opinion.

That's a definite 1, and maybe 2. Where are all the rest coming from? I've met quite a few members in Medellin, but certainly not an unimaginable number, unless you have the imagination of a dandelion. And if they've never met me, well would you accept an opinion about the food at a steakhouse from a vegetarian who has never been there?

On this, I'm going to put my money on "zero integrity. " After all, you claimed, on the Bogota thread, my posts are all bickering bullshit and immediately got schooled by someone I don't even know. You claimed I'm a Centro rat, when I've never "earned my whiskers", or claimed to. Many times you've made declarations about different groups of mongers and been refuted. Add to that, to the best of my recollection, you've never provided any useful information.

Here's a thought. Instead of wasting time making up shit about what I think, or what others think about me, why not share useful information. What areas do you prefer to stay in? What restaurants do you find enjoyable? How do you go about finding those 9's and 10's? What transportation problems do you encounter? What's the best way to get around? What potential dangers have you seen? What's the weather like? What Spanish phrases are helpful? What does "se incluye servicio" mean?

There are thousands of things more useful to all the people here than your opinions about me. Unless you really believe I'm more important than anything else. In which case, while I do love dogs, I don't have time for one at this time. Besides, you would clearly shit on the floor.

12-27-22, 00:42
Wait a couple of months and it will change.

The weather during my stay has been almost perfect. It's rained a few times, but just short, mild storms. I've not had to alter plans to work around the weather and didn't even break out my jacket at night. Walking around I've broken a sweat, but with the low humidity It's not been uncomfortable.

That's the way it is in Medellin. Either It's raining every day (but still comfortable temperatures) or the weather is ideal.

12-27-22, 00:55
I have friends who have asked me several times for airbnb recommendations between Lleras and Provenza. They complain about night time / early morning noise at the hotels they use (Haven and another I can't remember right now). I haven't been able to help them because I don't use hotels (at least not the overnight variety. How is the night time noise at this place? Panka and oci have given in to ongoing customer complaints about excessive music volume but Relato not so much. This location seems like a winner but I don't want to pass it along without confirmation from someone who has spent the night in it. Thanks in advance.

I'm not posting the name of the building. If you're interested send a PM.

Spent 10 nights in a conveniently located Airbnb in Provenza, only 2 blocks down to OCi: Mde and many of the popular restaurants in Medellin. Secure on-site parking and 24 hour security was available.

The building is family friendly and the introductory messages stated no drugs or prostitution. They also mentioned guests are allowed, not to exceed the room capacity at any time and a limit of 4 guests per stay without additional charges. Cedula is required. The only visitor was my girlfriend and there were no problems. From what I saw, with a bit of discretion bringing in girls is no problem. However, if you're going through 2 a day, you should go elsewhere.

The apartment was 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, full size kitchen, living room and separate office area. There is a balcony which stretches the length of the apartment. Both bedrooms and the living room have access to the balcony. Some units have air conditioning, mine didn't. There were fans in each bedroom and the temperature was always comfortable for me.

The kitchen was well equipped with stove top, oven, microwave, dishwasher and a large refrigerator. The laundry room had a nice washer that's supposed to dry as well. It washes well, but jeans are some other items will need to hang to finish drying. There were plenty of towels and clean sheets. I believe the price was about $140 per night, all fees included.

12-27-22, 01:26
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was pointless, unproductive drama. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

12-27-22, 01:27
This requires some background information. Earlier this year I had 2 potential girlfriends. There aren't many similarities between them, both bring different things to the table.

In July I decided to devote myself to one of them, the one who I'm now breaking with. That meant I shut everyone else out. I stopped talking to all other girls, including the one I had on deck. I wouldn't even open their messages. I wasn't certain I wanted a girlfriend and decided to see if I was ready to commit. I maintained the silence until yesterday, when I decided the girlfriend no longer holds her former position.

I finally responded to #2's backlog of messages telling her I'm doing well. She's apparently happy to be back in contact.

At some point, at least 7 months ago, somehow the word "cueva" (cave) was mentioned. I made a joke about exploring her "cueva humeda" (wet cave) and she thought it was hilarious.

A few hours ago she asked if I remembered "la cueva humeda" and when I told her I did, sent a video from her shower. She followed up with pictures of her new house and invited me to stay there whenever I'm able to come.

The best thing about this girl, she almost never asks for money, just advice. Plus, sex with her is just crazy.

The moral of the story is, if you can make a woman laugh, you're going to make an impression.

12-27-22, 01:49
1. It depends upon the 20 year old and the 80 year old. I remember moving a 70 year old woman out of Seattle. Her boyfriend was in the 25-30 range, had a good job, while she clearly had very little money. She was moving cross country to be closer to her grandchildren. He quit his job to go with her. And she definitely looked her age. Was there a real connection? A girl from my HS class married a guy in his 50's shortly after graduation and stayed with him until he died. Was there a real connection.

2. Stick to the subject. P4P, not dating. Who says she isn't having fun with grandpa? You? Are you taking girls to places they've never been before to do things they've never done? Are you introducing them to new cultures and new things. Over the last 10 days I've had the opportunity to listen to my girlfriend rave about the things she's done with me to her family.

3. Everything you're stating is subjective. You don't seem to grasp objective. Our relative heights, weights and ages are objective. How each of us feels about those things is subjective. Stating that a hotel bed is very firm is objective. How comfortable the bed is, subjective. Price ranges for girls from different sources are objective. The service any girl provides is subjective. The stuff you keep ranting about is all subjective.

4. All other things are never equal.

5. First, I said there are some older guys getting better girls and better rates. In some cases it's simple familiarity. In others it's because the guy is known to be able to open doors to a better future. Second, nobody said they are offering crazy money. Besides, that only works with the incredibly stupid. Ask any successful webcam model how often some clown comes along offering crazy money if they will first do what they want. Or ask a stripper.

6. If you don't care what a girl thinks you just declared that all of your babble about chemistry and connections is bullshit. You can't make any connection other than simple p4 p without getting into what the girl thinks or how she feels.I will make it short.

1. Your example of a gerontophile is an exception. Definitely not the norm, but legal.

2. I do all of the above and enjoy it. And I'm sure any girl would enjoy these things more with a younger, active guy than a grandpa. Unless she is a gerontophile (see above).

3. WTF are you talking about. Didn't you just said I needed to read girl's mind or something to figure out where she would profit the most? I know what going rates are (objective) and stick to them.

4. In the context of that example, lets assume they are equal.

5. Anyone with money can open doors to a better future. This has nothing to do with age.

6. We were talking about rates specifically, don't change the freaking subject. I do not care what they think they are worth. If she says she wants $1000 per date, should I listen and pay her what she wants? If she is out of my budget or her rates are way above going rates, I will move on.

12-27-22, 03:24
I will make it short.

1. Your example of a gerontophile is an exception. Definitely not the norm, but legal.

2. I do all of the above and enjoy it. And I'm sure any girl would enjoy these things more with a younger, active guy than a grandpa. Unless she is a gerontophile (see above).

3. WTF are you talking about. Didn't you just said I needed to read girl's mind or something to figure out where she would profit the most? I know what going rates are (objective) and stick to them.

4. In the context of that example, lets assume they are equal.

5. Anyone with money can open doors to a better future. This has nothing to do with age.

6. We were talking about rates specifically, don't change the freaking subject. I do not care what they think they are worth. If she says she wants $1000 per date, should I listen and pay her what she wants? If she is out of my budget or her rates are way above going rates, I will move on.I really, really try.

I'll just address one thing.

Profit is multi-faceted and is another subjective thing.

A girl might have a date set up for 400 k with someone she has never seen before and decide to skip it because her friend just showed up with a couple of bottles and some good weed. She values getting trashed with friends over the good payday.

A guy might take a job that pays less, because it's more enjoyable, lower stress or fits better into his lifestyle.

Knowing how anyone analyzes the pros and cons of a situation (like fucking a gringo for cash) requires mind reading skills. Knowing who she will enjoy her time with more, what combination of age, appearance and personality she will favor, or how much fun she has with others, all require the ability to read another person's fucking mind.

Nothing illustrates how desperate US employers are for employees better than the simple fact that someone like you isn't stuck asking "you want fries with that?

12-27-22, 04:05
Loutron is a well known day time casa very different from el centro.

Many of the Facebook chicas prefer to visit mid-afternoon.

Masaje parlors and apartments in Laureles. Use internet hook-up sites and / or do a little research to find these places.Thanks for the intel. Looks like one should plan on getting a massage or set up an appointment in advance for day time action in Medellin.

Lucky Nuts
12-27-22, 05:50
I am pretty fcking sure I saw a list of guest friendly hotels and airbnbs on this forum but can't find it. It should be in "report of distinction" if there is such a list. Does anyone know if it has been discussed and if I can find it browsing through posts from a year back or so?

Wish you all a happy mongering 2023!http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?2654-Medellin-Hotels-and-Rental-Apartments

You could also search the main forum for the word hotel and find lots of details that way. It's all here but you need to look for it.

12-27-22, 12:51
They push buttons to get reactions. Once the reactions stop, or get repetitive, they go away. I treat it like the noise of my neighbors' parties every December. I ignore it until it's gone after a few weeks.

I'm quite sure Anthony is the same as Miamiboy. #1 TROLL of this forum for 2022. He argues and gets aggressive w everyone, now created another acct and replying to himself seeking extra validation. So pathetic if you ask me.

He came in trying to clown old folks, mocking, making fun and mentioning social security checks, how young and macho he is, how girls prefer his ethnicity. Total ass. And now that I'm clowning him back w counter-bully punches he's suddenly getting serious. Bunch of ass-clowns.

I'm on the defensive side, I hate people who claim to be better than others, and I make fun of anyone who does. Why TF would you come here and make fun or mock someone or group of people based on their age just cause you're younger? That's just low, zero class. Bottom feeder type of people. Straight garbage.

Mr Enternational
12-27-22, 17:48
I think hobbying in my mid 30's is awesome because like I mentioned before I have the full confidence to go after the hottest women (in my opinion) and the best part about it is I don't have to pretend like they like me as well because I am still young, fit, fun and attractive.I am afraid you have wasted your time coming to this website to find the hottest chicks. If you are all that you are saying that you are then I would assume they are out looking for you. Why even waste your energy? Just show up and lay back and wait for them to swarm you.

Mr Enternational
12-27-22, 19:16
Earlier this year I had 2 potential girlfriends.
In July I decided to devote myself to one of them, the one who I'm now breaking with. I finally responded to #2's backlog of messages telling her I'm doing well. She's apparently happy to be back in contact.

The moral of the story is, if you can make a woman laugh, you're going to make an impression.Sounds more like the moral of the story is that old adage about a man only being as committed as his options. Tired of number 1 and hop right over to maybe there is still a chance with #2. Let's bring her off the back burner.

12-27-22, 19:54
I'm quite sure Anthony is the same as Miamiboy. #1 TROLL of this forum for 2022. He argues and gets aggressive w everyone, now created another acct and replying to himself seeking extra validation. So pathetic if you ask me.

He came in trying to clown old folks, mocking, making fun and mentioning social security checks, how young and macho he is, how girls prefer his ethnicity. Total ass. And now that I'm clowning him back w counter-bully punches he's suddenly getting serious. Bunch of ass-clowns.

I'm on the defensive side, I hate people who claim to be better than others, and I make fun of anyone who does. Why TF would you come here and make fun or mock someone or group of people based on their age just cause you're younger? That's just low, zero class. Bottom feeder type of people. Straight garbage.I'm not the same as Anthony, and I'm not replying to myself using a different account. I did not know I was voted #1 troll of this forum, where do I pick my award?

12-27-22, 21:22
This requires some background information. Earlier this year I had 2 potential girlfriends. There aren't many similarities between them, both bring different things to the table.

In July I decided to devote myself to one of them, the one who I'm now breaking with. That meant I shut everyone else out. I stopped talking to all other girls, including the one I had on deck. I wouldn't even open their messages. I wasn't certain I wanted a girlfriend and decided to see if I was ready to commit. I maintained the silence until yesterday, when I decided the girlfriend no longer holds her former position.

I finally responded to #2's backlog of messages telling her I'm doing well. She's apparently happy to be back in contact.

At some point, at least 7 months ago, somehow the word "cueva" (cave) was mentioned. I made a joke about exploring her "cueva humeda" (wet cave) and she thought it was hilarious.

A few hours ago she asked if I remembered "la cueva humeda" and when I told her I did, sent a video from her shower. She followed up with pictures of her new house and invited me to stay there whenever I'm able to come.

The best thing about this girl, she almost never asks for money, just advice. Plus, sex with her is just crazy.

The moral of the story is, if you can make a woman laugh, you're going to make an impression.Good stuff man. Matters of the heart will always remain a mystery and it's where the real Magic is. Just finished watching the new Witcher spin off series on Nflix, and at first I didn't like the unlikely couple Eile and Fjall to fall in love but they did. As the story develops you kinna get it. Love needs no explanation, it defies all logic. Like you said, even something as simple as making her smile. This is how the most precious and pricessless commodity in this universe is Free. LOVE, TIME. These two needs to be cherished and I feel bad for the ones who don't.

As much as I enjoy being a hardcore monger and a pussy assassin LOL, my best time with any woman at home or abroad is the cheesy time with a non pro. When a little appreciation or love is reciprocated or shown. No amount of pesos can buy that shit.

12-27-22, 23:01
I am afraid you have wasted your time coming to this website to find the hottest chicks. If you are all that you are saying that you are then I would assume they are out looking for you. Why even waste your energy? Just show up and lay back and wait for them to swarm you.Not entirely wasted my time, I did come across a bit of useful information. Like don't bother going to el centro.

12-27-22, 23:07
The fact that you're now explaining personal stuff and no longer mocking tells all. LMAO.LOL That "personal" stuff in case you didn't notice was a copy and paste comment from a comment I made on page 5 or 6 before you even made your comments. LOL.

[Deleted by Admin]

12-28-22, 01:50
I thought this was a escort review site I can probably count on one hand how many reviews have been written in the last month.

Maybe there should be a different thread for all this other nonsense that gets discussed on this thread.

Just Saying.

12-28-22, 16:37
I thought this was a escort review site I can probably count on one hand how many reviews have been written in the last month.

Maybe there should be a different thread for all this other nonsense that gets discussed on this thread.

Just Saying.Sorry, but it really isn't an escort review site, although I understand your frustration. There is a Colombian escort review site which has been mentioned here many times. I can't remember the name (although I'm sure someone does) because I find escort reviews of limited use. There are many things more important when traveling in third world countries looking for escorts strippers, hookers, freelancers, massage parlors and any other method of satisfying sexual desires, than some guy giving a graphic description of how much semen he sprayed and where it landed.

Of course, you could always post one of your own reviews here and that would help bring the thread closer to what you expect. After looking at your posts I'm suddenly confused. Bear with me.

On 2/17/21 you posted you were in Medellin for the 2nd time. On 5/6/21 you posted you had stayed at Energy Living 3 times. On 6/10/21 you said you had been to Medellin 4 times and on 6/12/21 said you had stayed at Haven Hotel twice. Second post same day said the last stay at Haven was in March. The numbers are getting confusing. That's 5 stays in 4 trips (without any mention whatsoever of any women you had the pleasure of pleasuring).

It continues. On 10/7/21 you stated you've stayed at Hotel DuParc several times. That was followed with the revelation on 9/20/22 that you had been living in Santa Marta for a year.

A year in Santa Marta, plus an earlier 4 day stay in Santa Marta, plus perhaps a dozen trips to Medellin over an 8 month period. That's a lot of Colombian experience, which almost seems impossible. Yet not once did you mention a single escort, hooker, bar girl or whatever. Nothing.

Yes, there's a lot of senseless crap here. Instead of complaining there aren't more escort reviews, be proactive. Take all of that vast experience (even though it appears to be made up) and post about it. There should be dozens of girls you could have reviewed. In addition you could give an idea about how Hotel DuParc compares to Hotel Haven and Energy Living. You could tell us about Breakfast at Hotel DuParc or any of the many restaurants in the area. So many things you could have contributed, yet you're just complaining others aren't doing what you haven't done.

To make this post somewhat useful, Tabun is a nice place for Middle Eastern food in Provenza. It's located about a block down from OCI: Mde same street. Dinner for 4 with appetizer cost about $65 and there were plenty of leftovers.

12-28-22, 21:47
Sorry, but it really isn't an escort review site, although I understand your frustration. There is a Colombian escort review site which has been mentioned here many times. I can't remember the name (although I'm sure someone does) because I find escort reviews of limited use. There are many things more important when traveling in third world countries looking for escorts strippers, hookers, freelancers, massage parlors and any other method of satisfying sexual desires, than some guy giving a graphic description of how much semen he sprayed and where it landed.

Of course, you could always post one of your own reviews here and that would help bring the thread closer to what you expect. After looking at your posts I'm suddenly confused. Bear with me.

On 2/17/21 you posted you were in Medellin for the 2nd time. On 5/6/21 you posted you had stayed at Energy Living 3 times. On 6/10/21 you said you had been to Medellin 4 times and on 6/12/21 said you had stayed at Haven Hotel twice. Second post same day said the last stay at Haven was in March. The numbers are getting confusing. That's 5 stays in 4 trips (without any mention whatsoever of any women you had the pleasure of pleasuring).

It continues. On 10/7/21 you stated you've stayed at Hotel DuParc several times. That was followed with the revelation on 9/20/22 that you had been living in Santa Marta for a year.

A year in Santa Marta, plus an earlier 4 day stay in Santa Marta, plus perhaps a dozen trips to Medellin over an 8 month period. That's a lot of Colombian experience, which almost seems impossible. Yet not once did you mention a single escort, hooker, bar girl or whatever. Nothing.

Yes, there's a lot of senseless crap here. Instead of complaining there aren't more escort reviews, be proactive. Take all of that vast experience (even though it appears to be made up) and post about it. There should be dozens of girls you could have reviewed. In addition you could give an idea about how Hotel DuParc compares to Hotel Haven and Energy Living. You could tell us about Breakfast at Hotel DuParc or any of the many restaurants in the area. So many things you could have contributed, yet you're just complaining others aren't doing what you haven't done.

To make this post somewhat useful, Tabun is a nice place for Middle Eastern food in Provenza. It's located about a block down from OCI: Mde same street. Dinner for 4 with appetizer cost about $65 and there were plenty of leftovers.Not mad at this site just frustrated at this thread it says escort reviews.

Definitely not made up at all I visit medellin 3-4 times a year but I live in Santa Marta and have an apartment with a full time girlfriend there and have for the last 2 years.

12-29-22, 02:06
I thought this was a escort review site I can probably count on one hand how many reviews have been written in the last month.

Maybe there should be a different thread for all this other nonsense that gets discussed on this thread.

Just Saying.This is supposed to be a reports site but for past few years has become a useless and sometimes senseless chit chat site. People still do post some reports but these are often buried in dozens and dozens of useless banter and bickering and often overlooked.

12-29-22, 05:20
Wound up deciding to go to Medellin after hearing so many people talking about it and having enjoyed it so I decided to do my research. I have been recently lurking in this forum for not that long trying to get information as well as lots of Youtube videos and wrote down places I should check out as it was recommended. I wound up getting my ticket for one week as a test run.


A little about me, I'm in my early 30's, Latino and I am semi fluent in Spanish but I do have an accent so you can tell I'm not a local. Nice review. Seems like we have a bit in common with age and ethic background.

Although you did get the local experience you were looking for it served as a good reminder to me to not get caught up with 1 girl. I'm hoping I won't run into that problem so that way I can explore more options, not just fb girls but also the girls I meet at bars or clubs in provenza or lleras, la isla, fase dos and maybe casas. I'm also only doing a week for my first time so I want to have time to do some excursions as well and check out some nice places to eat and drink at. Mamba negra and relato are at the top of my list so far.

12-29-22, 05:45
You could tell us about Breakfast at Hotel DuParc or any of the many restaurants in the area. So many things you could have contributed, yet you're just complaining others aren't doing what you haven't done.

.I've stayed all 3 Energy Living, Du Parc and Haven. Du Parc has by far the best complementary breakfast / brunch, Lots of food options, fruits, meat, eggs different types artisan bread. Also had different types of Colombian soups available. Haven is pathetic great rooftop view though.

Ps fuck that fat balding older manager at Haven, unprofessional dbag

12-29-22, 14:27
Not mad at this site just frustrated at this thread it says escort reviews.

Definitely not made up at all I visit medellin 3-4 times a year but I live in Santa Marta and have an apartment with a full time girlfriend there and have for the last 2 years.The thread doesn't say escort reviews. It says Medellin Reports.

12-29-22, 17:23
One big issue that I have faced sometimes in centro casas in Medellin is that by the time I usher in a room with the chosen girl, it becomes too late to discuss what I need to have a good session (DFK, besos, pussy licking, slow sex or GFE etc.) Often the girls undress within first two minutes and reach for the dick which of course stands to attention promptly due to Viagra LOL. Its only at this stage I find that the girl is not willing to kiss or asks for a crazy price (50000 K).

Any tips on how to have better control in casas so that sessions don't become a 15 minutes in and out situation?

Mr Enternational
12-29-22, 17:59
Any tips on how to have better control in casas so that sessions don't become a 15 minutes in and out situation?After you decide which girl, you ask to speak with her before going to the room. You can sit down and talk with them or drink with them.

Nil Admirari
12-29-22, 18:06
One big issue that I have faced sometimes in centro casas in Medellin is that by the time I usher in a room with the chosen girl, it becomes too late to discuss what I need to have a good session (DFK, besos, pussy licking, slow sex or GFE etc.) Often the girls undress within first two minutes and reach for the dick which of course stands to attention promptly due to Viagra LOL. Its only at this stage I find that the girl is not willing to kiss or asks for a crazy price (50000 K)...Any tips on how to have better control in casas so that sessions don't become a 15 minutes in and out situation?

As I've noted here on a couple occasions previously, when visiting a casa, after I have selected my chica of choice, but before paying or heading to the room, I routinely ask the mamasan in charge if I can first speak to the girl alone for a few minutes. If the reception room is crowded I may move to a place in the public area with some privacy. When speaking with the chica, I'll confirm the length of the session and that DFK and BBBJ is available. Sometimes they will offer a price for these upgrades right away; if not, I'll promise a generous propina. I'll also let her know that I'm a long termer, and, if we have a good session, that I would like her if possible to visit me in my apartment. I also will try to flirt a bit and confirm the positive sexual vibe that prompted me to choose her from the line-up in the first place. In dozens of casa visits over the years, I've never been refused the opportunity to have this type of upfront chat. If the chica's responses aren't satisfactory, I'll take a walk (or perhaps ask to interview a second choice lady if one has caught my eye during the initial screening).

Also note that there are a few casas with posted menu prices for BBBJ and ( if I recall correctly in the case of Eros Spa in Laureles) even for anal as well.

As always, happy hunting.

12-29-22, 19:45
I've stayed all 3 Energy Living, Du Parc and Haven. Du Parc has by far the best complementary breakfast / brunch, Lots of food options, fruits, meat, eggs different types artisan bread. Also had different types of Colombian soups available. Haven is pathetic great rooftop view though.

Ps fuck that fat balding older manager at Haven, unprofessional dbagAnd there you have it. An old, former BM introduced me to the breakfast buffet at DuParc. Another BM told me at their guest policy 2 years ago. I have walked past it probably 100's of times (I always walked down to Parque Poblado to catch a taxi) and frequently saw mongers with fairly obvious working girls, of the better dressed variety, classy and slutty, instead of just slutty.

That's just how easy it is. Instead of complaining about the extraneous bullshit, which I'd be just as happy to see disappear, just pull out some of the vast knowledge almost everyone here has about Medellin and share it.

To keep it going, I've always enjoyed the breakfast at the'Andres. Nice outdoor seating area for people watching and the food is good. I'm not sure how many locations are around, but Al Alma Cafe is another favorite for breakfast, plus they've got some great smoothies.

Probably the best smoothie place is Salpijugo, on Avenida Poblada, shortly after you cross La Frontera into Envigado. Excellent food and fruit salads there as well.

Not far from there, is a little place called La Gracia al Parque. In the evening, if you're looking for upper estrato girls, it's a good spot. It's located on the back side of a theatre facing a popular dog park. You won't find working girls there, but several hundred successful webcam models live in the area high rises. For those of you with all that game, that little area is the big show. If you can get a date with a girl around there, you've accomplished something. It's not something I've done, but I do know and like the area.

If you want to set your sites a little lower, I believe it's on Tuesday morning, a food truck with produce, eggs and other fresh items parks nearby and many of the housekeepers and maids go there to buy food for their bosses. It parks about a block away across from Edificio Aspen.

So pick a subject, food, lodging, transportation, where to buy the best underwear, or even how to tell a 17 year old to hit you up when she's got her cedula.

12-29-22, 21:00
I love Christmas / New Yrs in Medellin (in the northern / outer suburbs to be exact) Let's keep this barrio party going hasta la chimba hpta!! Loud ass local music, endless guaro and ron, old school street / firewood cooking, drunk ass locals, police motos passing by and dont give a fuck, and hot barrio chicas everywhere. And most importantly, far away from gringo land. Give me more of thisssssss. Let's gooooooooooo!

12-29-22, 21:12
Ohh. Fuck, I hate this. I have observed the same issue. And it is not only in Medellin, it is a global problem. You chit chat, warm up, trying to get in the mood, but as soon as you take your pick and go in to the room, door closes and BOOM the girl undress all the sexy clothes and wants to finish with a 15 minute covered suckfuck. Gone is all the romace 😂.

Hope the advices we get here will help.

One big issue that I have faced sometimes in centro casas in Medellin is that by the time I usher in a room with the chosen girl, it becomes too late to discuss what I need to have a good session (DFK, besos, pussy licking, slow sex or GFE etc.) Often the girls undress within first two minutes and reach for the dick which of course stands to attention promptly due to Viagra LOL. Its only at this stage I find that the girl is not willing to kiss or asks for a crazy price (50000 K).

Any tips on how to have better control in casas so that sessions don't become a 15 minutes in and out situation?

12-29-22, 21:16
Thanks LN! Thats the one I was looking for. Apparently I don't know how to search anymore, hope I can find my own dick😂.


You could also search the main forum for the word hotel and find lots of details that way. It's all here but you need to look for it.

12-29-22, 22:45
One big issue that I have faced sometimes in centro casas in Medellin is that by the time I usher in a room with the chosen girl, it becomes too late to discuss what I need to have a good session (DFK, besos, pussy licking, slow sex or GFE etc.) Often the girls undress within first two minutes and reach for the dick which of course stands to attention promptly due to Viagra LOL. Its only at this stage I find that the girl is not willing to kiss or asks for a crazy price (50000 K).

Any tips on how to have better control in casas so that sessions don't become a 15 minutes in and out situation?My. 02 COP.

Some girls in the profession are not as hard core. They may not be experienced jaded robot types of providers.

They often have to at least have some attraction or normal ability to block out what is going to happen during this intimate activity.

Intimate activity has different levels of acceptance. Fcking is a given. BBBJ, DATY, Kissing, DFK, fetishes etc. Are not,

If your downright repulsive, smelly, overweight, very old, bald, pushy, too tall, short, hairy, bad attitude, etc. This may trigger the "not at any price" answer to a session request.

These women are not coke machines where you put in money and get the same can, the same flavor at the identical price. Hence the saying YMMV.

You might find a menu with upsell prices in the hore houses outside of Las Vegas.

To get better service and more options, imo it best to improve your odds by being presentable and acceptable.

But even that is not going to help when you find yourself with a "dead fish" scared newbie.

Good luck.

12-30-22, 04:44
This is not difficult. Before you go to the room, ask the girl and / or the manager to confirm she will do what you want her to do. If the first girl of your choice is not willing, ask if another who strikes your fancy will agree. If you don't find a willing girl you like then go to another casa.

My. 02 COP.

Some girls in the profession are not as hard core. They may not be experienced jaded robot types of providers.

They often have to at least have some attraction or normal ability to block out what is going to happen during this intimate activity.

Intimate activity has different levels of acceptance. Fcking is a given. BBBJ, DATY, Kissing, DFK, fetishes etc. Are not,

If your downright repulsive, smelly, overweight, very old, bald, pushy, too tall, short, hairy, bad attitude, etc. This may trigger the "not at any price" answer to a session request.

These women are not coke machines where you put in money and get the same can, the same flavor at the identical price. Hence the saying YMMV.

You might find a menu with upsell prices in the hore houses outside of Las Vegas.

To get better service and more options, imo it best to improve your odds by being presentable and acceptable.

But even that is not going to help when you find yourself with a "dead fish" scared newbie.

Good luck.

12-30-22, 04:56
I should have read your response and the others like it before I chimed in with the same message. This is leading practice. To do otherwise amounts to looking for problems.

After you decide which girl, you ask to speak with her before going to the room. You can sit down and talk with them or drink with them.

12-30-22, 06:17
I love Christmas / New Yrs in Medellin (in the northern / outer suburbs to be exact) Let's keep this barrio party going hasta la chimba hpta!! Loud ass local music, endless guaro and ron, old school street / firewood cooking, drunk ass locals, police motos passing by and dont give a fuck, and hot barrio chicas everywhere. And most importantly, far away from gringo land. Give me more of thisssssss. Let's gooooooooooo!I was down, or up in the hills of La Estrella on both the 23rd and 24th, as well as Sabaneta and Itagui. Everywhere was a party, except when I returned to Poblado. All was quiet there.

12-30-22, 06:22
My. 02 COP.

Some girls in the profession are not as hard core. They may not be experienced jaded robot types of providers.

They often have to at least have some attraction or normal ability to block out what is going to happen during this intimate activity.

Intimate activity has different levels of acceptance. Fcking is a given. BBBJ, DATY, Kissing, DFK, fetishes etc. Are not,

If your downright repulsive, smelly, overweight, very old, bald, pushy, too tall, short, hairy, bad attitude, etc. This may trigger the "not at any price" answer to a session request.

These women are not coke machines where you put in money and get the same can, the same flavor at the identical price. Hence the saying YMMV.

You might find a menu with upsell prices in the hore houses outside of Las Vegas.

To get better service and more options, imo it best to improve your odds by being presentable and acceptable.

But even that is not going to help when you find yourself with a "dead fish" scared newbie.

Good luck.My solution to that, when I was using the casas, was to focus more on the girl's attitude than on looks. Many of the girls just look bored, but there's usually one that looks ready to go.

12-30-22, 06:36
One big issue that I have faced sometimes in centro casas in Medellin is that by the time I usher in a room with the chosen gir...Just to add to what others have said. Another way is to just have the session, then talk to the girl about what you want in the next session to see if she agrees.

I think you need to consider that you should control the time, not the girl.

Ohh. Fuck, I hate this. I have observed the same issue. And it is not only in Medellin, it is a global problem. ....

That is not the case in Brazil. If kissing is important to you and you can't get it, Brazil will be a better choice but more expensive. I can't remember how many times the girls ask me do I like their kisses, including today. lol. There are web sites that dedicate to review and tell members who will do what.

I just told the manager that I would book certain girl if she does BBBJ by WhatsApp.

12-30-22, 12:00
If you’re downright repulsive, smelly, overweight, very old, bald, pushy, too tall, short, hairy, bad attitude, etc. This may trigger the "not at any price".

To get better service and more options, imo it best to improve your odds by being presentable and acceptable.

I agree, but Apparently not too many people on here agree. Age, looks, they say it doesn't matter.

12-30-22, 14:32
Good day everyone. I have been to Cartagena many many times, considering my first trip to Medellin. I've read back a few pages. Looked over lists etc.

Planning on staying at art hotel. They told me it's 30 $ a guest. And I will register my girl who lives in Medellin as my GF staying with me as my #2.

She lives in Medellin and is going to be driving me around, helping me find other girls to join us or to even just have fun in my own.

She works in Cartagena or other countries. Never in Medellin.

From what I gather it's a lot of casas and spas? Or their known discos for this like say dolce vita in Cartagena?

Are the girls walking around the park during the day too?

I'm there to have fun. Don't really care about museums, sites etc. Yes I like to sample a lot of girls, 2-3 a day usually 😈.

12-30-22, 19:26
I'm prepping for a trip to Medellin in a couple of weeks and noticed that there are no San Peter rooms on Airbnb anymore. I've always seen at least a few in the past so I'm wondering if they got pulled off the site. Has anyone else run into this issue? You can still find them on booking.com and other sites for my date range. Anyway, I was thinking of renting one of the loud, cheap San Peter rooms as an additional layer of security when meeting someone new while also renting another spot to keep all of my things and see chicas I already know. I've booked a San Peter room before via booking but it was more of a pain in the ass as I had to leave a cash deposit. Anyway, I'll probably opt for a love hotel or something else for that additional security. Feel free to PM if any of you have recommendations for a similar, cheap setup in Laureles that is girl friendly.

12-30-22, 19:28
Hey all,

Are there any groups here or on Whatsapp for fellow gringos in the city to get to know each other? Will be in MDE for the first time from 1/2 - 1/13 and working remotely.

I did Cartagena completely solo and wish I had put the effort into getting to know some fellow members.

12-30-22, 21:50
I'm prepping for a trip to Medellin in a couple of weeks and noticed that there are no San Peter rooms on Airbnb anymore. I've always seen at least a few in the past so I'm wondering if they got pulled off the site. Has anyone else run into this issue? You can still find them on booking.com and other sites for my date range. Anyway, I was thinking of renting one of the loud, cheap San Peter rooms as an additional layer of security when meeting someone new while also renting another spot to keep all of my things and see chicas I already know. I've booked a San Peter room before via booking but it was more of a pain in the ass as I had to leave a cash deposit. Anyway, I'll probably opt for a love hotel or something else for that additional security. Feel free to PM if any of you have recommendations for a similar, cheap setup in Laureles that is girl friendly.From what hearing no so cheap anymore, I think I payed 30 $ a night, not sure of new prices but at 30 $ it was worth it but not much more.

12-31-22, 00:02
I'm prepping for a trip to Medellin in a couple of weeks and noticed that there are no San Peter rooms on Airbnb anymore. I've always seen at least a few in the past so I'm wondering if they got pulled off the site. Has anyone else run into this issue? You can still find them on booking.com and other sites for my date range. Anyway, I was thinking of renting one of the loud, cheap San Peter rooms as an additional layer of security when meeting someone new while also renting another spot to keep all of my things and see chicas I already know. I've booked a San Peter room before via booking but it was more of a pain in the ass as I had to leave a cash deposit. Anyway, I'll probably opt for a love hotel or something else for that additional security. Feel free to PM if any of you have recommendations for a similar, cheap setup in Laureles that is girl friendly.You can check Agoda as well for San Peter. I've stayed at a few nice Airbnb's near San Peter.

12-31-22, 02:58
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12-31-22, 04:22
I agree, but Apparently not too many people on here agree. Age, looks, they say it doesn't matter.And that is true. Repulsive and smelly is another story.

12-31-22, 05:13
Hey all,

I will be in Bogota for about 2 weeks, is it worth it to make a stop in Medellin for a few days while I am in Bogota?

12-31-22, 19:13
Hey all,

I will be in Bogota for about 2 weeks, is it worth it to make a stop in Medellin for a few days while I am in Bogota?Hi, let me know what you think of Bogota please. Because I'll come for the first time in Colombia, in Medellin next March! I read Bogota is very dangerous, and it's better to stay in Medellin than Bogota. But I'm thinking to go Bogota too. Please let me know what you think of Bogota.

12-31-22, 19:33
Hey all,

I will be in Bogota for about 2 weeks, is it worth it to make a stop in Medellin for a few days while I am in Bogota?There's no absolute answer to your question. You might have the time of your life in Bogota and a trip to Medellin would cut into that. You might not enjoy Bogota at all and a trip to Medellin could salvage your trip.

I would probably do some research on Medellin, make preparations for a possible side trip and leave it open depending on how things go in Bogota. It's a short flight and flights are plentiful, so it's not something you need to decide until you're in Bogota.

12-31-22, 21:20
Heading to MDE for 10 days in Feb. This will be my first time.

Whats the technique that has worked for gathering some FB contacts prior. Are you adding the girls with skanky profile photos, or is it normal for in Colombia to have a half undressed photo and not necessarily be a semi pro? Any advice on an efficient & safe way to get some contacts for my visit.

If anyone had any contacts they would share I would be very grateful. Although sharing this information pro bono would be awesome, I understand gathering these contacts takes time and I'd be willing to provide some kind of compensation to ensure I have a good time and not be worried about getting drugged.

If anyone could help please send me a DM and we can figure something out.

Also I would be really interested in going to a Soccer game while I'm there but having trouble finding a schedule for games. Anyone have any info.



12-31-22, 22:27
Tonight going to be another epic barrio party hopping night. Hasta la chimba hpta gonorreaaa!! Im a little under the weather, but gonna man up!! I did venture out to Poblado & Envigado once or twice, but the barrios is where this chino paisa belongs 😑. I'll prob write up my experiences for the past 3 weeks here when I get back to the US Of A next week. Before I would miss leaving this magical land and can't wait to just book my next trip ASAP Rocky. But now, having my own apartment out here makes everything much smoother and easier for staying and leaving. Anyways, happy new year everybody! Cheers and bottoms up!! Ass up, face down!!!

I was down, or up in the hills of La Estrella on both the 23rd and 24th, as well as Sabaneta and Itagui. Everywhere was a party, except when I returned to Poblado. All was quiet there.

12-31-22, 23:54
My. 02 COP.

Some girls in the profession are not as hard core. They may not be experienced jaded robot types of providers.......Some years back I met this newbie provider in New Life. She was slim, white and could not have been more than 18. She must have just badly needed money that day, I did not see her before nor after. A good lay? Not. She was totally inexperienced and so tight I had problems getting in. The chemistry was not there and I ended up not coming. She told me she was from Poblado. She may sound good on paper but in reality not really good in a brothel setting.

01-01-23, 09:06
Had an amazing 2 nights and 3 days in Medellin. Thanks to HumptyHump for your valuable feedback. Since it was a last minute decision he kind a help and guide me through the entire trip including girls, where to stay and where to go to roam around. He also msg me while I was in Medellin to ensure I was ok. Thanks a lot brother.

During my trip I meet 4 FB girls and one girl from the Do Spa.


Humtyhump recommend me this girl from FB and I communicated her the day I was traveling. Mind it Immigration in MDE takes long time almost 40-60 min. After the immigration I took the taxi to my Airbnb. Stayed in Laurels and the location was amazing close to everything. I msg Keller after setting down and she said she can be there within 30 min. I quickly took a shower and went out to a pharmacy next door and bought the condoms and had some snacks on a coffee shop. Keller msg that she is downstairs and I went back and saw her waiting. She is so cute and pretty. We hugged and then went upstairs in the apartment. I bought some beer so we started drinking and then she started taking off her clothes. She has a nice curvy Colombian body with sexy ass. Her body was so soft and keep touching and kissing her. We went to bed and she started panting with her pussy. She allowed me to video her pussy fingering. We started DFK and I was squeezing her boobs. It was so nice and soft boobs and her nipples were pointy perfect for sucking. She gave a me decent BJ and no rush. As I was sucking her nipples she put the condom and I slowly insert into her vagina. I find her push very tight and as I was pounding her felt like I was crossing two layer inside her pussy. Great feeling and she was enjoying also. We change to multiple position and finally came in doggy. We relax for a bit and then eventually she left. She was no nice, no drama and very down to earth. She also hooked me up with her friends and told me she does trio with her friend. Next time I will do trio with her. Highly recommended girl. Everything about her was perfect.


Humtyhump reviewed her and she did not disappoint. I booked for 10 pm and she actually came on time. Very sweet girl. Smile and laugh a lot. She is more of a party girl and we started drinking and dancing to music. Her body is very tight and sexy. Her ass is perfect. Most of the Colombian Girls have sexy ass. As we were dancing we were kissing deeply and I was touching her and also playing with her boobs. Once in the bed she gave me an amazing BJ. It was so good that I told her I want to cum on her mouth and she agreed. We the. Switch position mish, doggy, cowgirl and eventually came in her mouth. She swallows every drop it. I didn't realized she also squirt a lot. The bed was wet and I liked it. We spend some more time chilling and drinking and eventually repeat above session. Very satisfying and highly recommended.


Next day morning I wanted to see someone as o enjoyed morning sex lot. Found Sophia from FB and she was available. Set up a time and she came to my apartment at 10 am. She is only 19 and have a sexy petite body. She is tall and nice curve and once naked she was to hot. She got some weed and we started smoking and doing short gun. I told her I love sex in weed and she agree also. We went to the room and as I was smoking she gave me nice blow job. We switch turn as she was smoking I sucked her pussy. It was great chemistry. We started kissing, sucking her nipples. She was very Sensitive to Her nipples. But I enjoyed it. Had sex with her mostly on cowgirl, doggy and standing position was very sexy and she was moaning a lot. I eventually came while on missionary. Great experience and felt no rush. One thing I have to stay this MDE girls they love what they do and enjoy a lot.


I know Elly from Cartegana and since she loved to MDE decide to meet her. We had a whole night of fucking, dancing, drinking, smoking and other things. She is a gem and has lot of energy to party whole night. We had sex 3 times and it was in between when we were dancing, when we went to bed and when we got up in the morning. She is one of the girl who speak English very well. I didn't need any translator at all. Highly recommended.

Medellin is a gem for me. I will visit again.Wow that was a detailed report, thanks for all the information I am planning to visit Medellin for the first time next month can you please share your contacts and airbnb location as I find your report and experience very fascinating, thanks in advance bro.

01-01-23, 10:40
Heading to MDE for 10 days in Feb. This will be my first time.

Whats the technique that has worked for gathering some FB contacts prior. Are you adding the girls with skanky profile photos, or is it normal for in Colombia to have a half undressed photo and not necessarily be a semi pro? Any advice on an efficient & safe way to get some contacts for my visit.
If anyone had any contacts they would share I would be very grateful. Although sharing this information pro bono would be awesome, I understand gathering these contacts takes time and I'd be willing to provide some kind of compensation to ensure I have a good time and not be worried about getting drugged.
If anyone could help please send me a DM and we can figure something out.
Also I would be really interested in going to a Soccer game while I'm there but having trouble finding a schedule for games. Anyone have any info..I will be in Medellin same period for 3 months, maybe I will extend.

For me Fb and Instagram didn't work at all (only a Venezuelan), but Tinder exploded with matches, just don't mess with the algorithm that tinder use and write something in the description that makes them understand what you are up to (giving money). You will find Pro, no pro e civilian. Just ask any and you will be surprise, some with skanky photos a few times told me they are not in the business so don't take it as secure indication. (I will write a post on tinder with more about what worked for me).

The lowest price I offered is 150 mill COP mas taxy and a few accepted, most of them 200/250 mill plus taxy. Someone will shoot 500 mill (it's a lot of money).

Secret of bargain you are telling them what you are willing to offer and in my case I started at 150 and if they want 200 I don't say much it's fine. If they want 300 and I'm really interested I will ask to stay more than 1 hour or include one extras. (basically they have to do a little more work and don't be lazy).

Regarding the drugging, I don't drink much anymore a couple of beers at most, just to get my basic Spanish flowing and that's it. (don't take anything even chewing gum).

I will use love motels only and I won't sleep with them in case I decide to rent a second Airbnb / hotel room just to fuck.

Anyway, plenty of casas and clubs that makes the day easier. Hooking up with Tinder requires to be more careful.

Search the Forum and you will find a lot. There is also a Map.

01-01-23, 13:16
...Whats the technique that has worked for gathering some FB contacts prior...According to this, you can find 10 K of them after you register.

There's another tool there's a website that's free it's called chicacheck. Co. The guy uploaded 10,000 Colombian Facebook profiles of girls you can run your girl through the search and get her Facebook profile or you can add a review on some of the girls or even upload photos

01-01-23, 15:39
Heading to MDE for 10 days in Feb. This will be my first time.

Whats the technique that has worked for gathering some FB contacts prior. Are you adding the girls with skanky profile photos, or is it normal for in Colombia to have a half undressed photo and not necessarily be a semi pro? Any advice on an efficient & safe way to get some contacts for my visit.

If anyone had any contacts they would share I would be very grateful. Although sharing this information pro bono would be awesome, I understand gathering these contacts takes time and I'd be willing to provide some kind of compensation to ensure I have a good time and not be worried about getting drugged.

If anyone could help please send me a DM and we can figure something out.

Also I would be really interested in going to a Soccer game while I'm there but having trouble finding a schedule for games. Anyone have any info.


YM.Season starts end of January so schedule should be already out or coming soon. Check the teams websites for a schedule.

01-01-23, 16:40
Heading to MDE for 10 days in Feb. This will be my first time.

Whats the technique that has worked for gathering some FB contacts prior. Are you adding the girls with skanky profile photos, or is it normal for in Colombia to have a half undressed photo and not necessarily be a semi pro? Any advice on an efficient & safe way to get some contacts for my visit.

If anyone had any contacts they would share I would be very grateful. Although sharing this information pro bono would be awesome, I understand gathering these contacts takes time and I'd be willing to provide some kind of compensation to ensure I have a good time and not be worried about getting drugged.

If anyone could help please send me a DM and we can figure something out.

Also I would be really interested in going to a Soccer game while I'm there but having trouble finding a schedule for games. Anyone have any info..One of my most enjoyable times in Medellin was going to a soccer game. One word of advice, unless your are very young, avoid the student section. It is fun but non stop singing and dancing and chanting. It's an experience but was almost too much unless you are a youth. I'm sure that you too will have a great time no matter where you sit but long lines to get in at student section because of a number of checkpoints and searches. You will need to ask someone how to buy tickets.

01-01-23, 22:03
One of my most enjoyable times in Medellin was going to a soccer game. One word of advice, unless your are very young, avoid the student section. It is fun but non stop singing and dancing and chanting. It's an experience but was almost too much unless you are a youth. I'm sure that you too will have a great time no matter where you sit but long lines to get in at student section because of a number of checkpoints and searches. You will need to ask someone how to buy tickets.Thanks that's good intel.

01-01-23, 22:05
According to this, you can find 10 K of them after you register.Thank you very much, that website is invaluable. Seems like the majority of girls are not so good, found a few decent ones based off reviews. Probably will save me a lot of troubles and wasted time.

01-01-23, 22:16
I will be in Medellin same period for 3 months, maybe I will extend.

For me Fb and Instagram didn't work at all (only a Venezuelan), but Tinder exploded with matches, just don't mess with the alo alghorythm that tinder use and write something in the description that makes them understand what you are up to (giving money). You will find Pro, no pro e civilian. Just ask any and you will be surprise, some with skanky photos a few times told me they are not in the bussness so don't take it as secure indication. (I will write a post on tinder with more about what worked for me).

The lowest price I offered is 150 mill COP mas taxy and a few accepted, most of them 200/250 mill plus taxy. Someone will shoot 500 mill (it's a lot of money).

Secret of bargain you are telling them what you are willing to offer and in my case I started at 150 and if they want 200 I don't say much it's fine. If they want 300 and I'm really interested I will ask to stay more than 1 hour or include one extras. (basically they have to do a litle more work and don't be lazy).

Regarding the drugging, I don't drink much anymore a couple of beers at most, just to get my basic spanish flowing and that's it. (don't take anything even chewing gum).

I will use love motels only and I won't sleep with them in case I decide to rent a second airbnb / hotel room just to fuck.

Anyway, plenty of casas and clubs that makes the day easier. Hooking up with Tinder requieres to be more careful.

Search the Forum and you will find A LOT. There is also a Map.Thanks some useful tips, I'm going to stay away from tinder just based of the stories I heard but I guess the same can happen of FB. I will def try a casa or two but my preference is to have my fun the evening where I can have a few drinks and have fun with the girl rather than just a quick bang, but of course don't want to worry about having my body found the net day ha ha.

Are there any motels you can recommend and where would I find this map?

Cheer and thanks for your advice.

01-02-23, 01:39
Can anyone confirm if there is a room charge at Isla? Also, what is the expected range for these girls? Planning on going there solo. Any tips for takeout?

01-02-23, 05:33
For years it was Vanessa, Kathy and Angel.

They all retired, there has been a changing of the guards. I wonder who is now the new must go to #1 in Medellin? Any condendors? It seems these days the girls are in and out of the game so long they don't have enough time to get the base we used to have.

01-02-23, 06:26
For years it was Vanessa, Kathy and Angel.

They all retired, there has been a changing of the guards. I wonder who is now the new must go to #1 in Medellin? Any condendors? It seems these days the girls are in and out of the game so long they don't have enough time to get the base we used to have.There's no "changing of the guard" except in the fantasies of mongers, and there's no "contenders. " There's just women content with poverty and getting by in the lower tier barrios. They will work only so much as it takes to support that lifestyle and nothing more. As an independent they can open their legs once a week and make as much as a shop clerk for that time, and that's all the money they want or need. And they are in "the game" for life or until they lose all of any desirability lookswise, or even beyond that if they have a great head game. Catch them when they are desperate for $ and you can have some good experiences. If not then move on to others until those get hungry again. It's liable to be a few weeks so don't focus much attention on them. It's all very simple once the gringo fantasies are dispelled.

There's of course exceptions to these rules but they are few and far between. Prepagos are of the laziest people on the planet, and it's no different in the US. The only place I've found any volume of hookers with work ethic was Nice, France, but that's probably because they have strict handlers.

01-02-23, 13:29
..Are there any motels you can recommend and where would I find this map?...Search for motel here and you will find some recent discussion, look for posts from these members JjBee62, Surfer500, Nil Admirari, Villainy, or just google it.

Follow this link to find map.

Calle 54 (Caracas) #49-97, piso 2, Centro Comercial Boulevard de Caracas, across from El Cid. 20 Chicas. Prices: 55 k 30 min, __k hour, 20 k room. Tel: 321 755 5120,301 471 59. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10 am to 7 pm, Sunday 11 am to 5 pm.

01-02-23, 14:11
Can anyone confirm if there is a room charge at Isla? Also, what is the expected range for these girls? Planning on going there solo. Any tips for takeout? Unless things have changed in last few months, this is based on my last visit. There are two different rates but the price is fixed like casa. You pay before at the bar, and can pay with credit card. If you are not sure, ask the waiters, or a few girls to confirm if they all say the same thing. You can always confirm when you pay at the bar.

I think unless you are short on time, just get the number or have a session in house then get the number. You need to negotiate the price when they come to your place and it varies widely but you will be starting from a high base price.

01-02-23, 16:09
There's no "changing of the guard" except in the fantasies of mongers, and there's no "contenders. " There's just women content with poverty and getting by in the lower tier barrios. They will work only so much as it takes to support that lifestyle and nothing more. As an independent they can open their legs once a week and make as much as a shop clerk for that time, and that's all the money they want or need. And they are in "the game" for life or until they lose all of any desirability lookswise, or even beyond that if they have a great head game. Catch them when they are desperate for $ and you can have some good experiences. If not then move on to others until those get hungry again. It's liable to be a few weeks so don't focus much attention on them. It's all very simple once the gringo fantasies are dispelled.

There's of course exceptions to these rules but they are few and far between. Prepagos are of the laziest people on the planet, and it's no different in the US. The only place I've found any volume of hookers with work ethic was Nice, France, but that's probably because they have strict handlers.There used it always be like super super prepagos in medellin, with OF and the ease of IG for them to be SB there aren't that many staying in the game as much anymore. It isn't some fantasy it is a reality of the new times we live in.

That said, who are the most popular prepagos in Medellin now?

01-02-23, 18:01
For years it was Vanessa, Kathy and Angel.

They all retired, there has been a changing of the guards. I wonder who is now the new must go to #1 in Medellin? Any condendors? It seems these days the girls are in and out of the game so long they don't have enough time to get the base we used to have.You are seriously underestimating how many people live in Medellin and near by pueblos. Also chicas that come from out town like Cartagena or Bogota.

01-02-23, 18:03
One of my most enjoyable times in Medellin was going to a soccer game. One word of advice, unless your are very young, avoid the student section. It is fun but non stop singing and dancing and chanting. It's an experience but was almost too much unless you are a youth. I'm sure that you too will have a great time no matter where you sit but long lines to get in at student section because of a number of checkpoints and searches. You will need to ask someone how to buy tickets.You can buy tickets at the stadium.

01-02-23, 19:59
Hey all,

I will be in Bogota for about 2 weeks, is it worth it to make a stop in Medellin for a few days while I am in Bogota?You should check it out if you bored of Bogota weather.

01-02-23, 22:50
For years it was Vanessa, Kathy and Angel.

They all retired, there has been a changing of the guards. I wonder who is now the new must go to #1 in Medellin? Any condendors? It seems these days the girls are in and out of the game so long they don't have enough time to get the base we used to have.LOL. Population 4 million and you and a buddy had 3 favorites for a number of years? You're asking who is now #1. Probably Maria.

So here's a challenge. Go to Med and decide you are only going to go with (pick a name). You could have a different gal with the same first name every day for your 2 week vacation.

01-02-23, 23:44
I will be in Medellin same period for 3 months, maybe I will extend.

Regarding the drugging, I don't drink much anymore a couple of beers at most, just to get my basic spanish flowing and that's it. (don't take anything even chewing gum).

I will use love motels only and I won't sleep with them in case I decide to rent a second airbnb / hotel room just to fuck.
This is a pretty solid setup. If you avoid going the place of FB / Tinder chica or arrange a threesome, usually you are safe in an apartment which checks their ID before letting them in.

01-03-23, 02:42
For years it was Vanessa, Kathy and Angel.

They all retired, there has been a changing of the guards. I wonder who is now the new must go to #1 in Medellin? Any condendors? It seems these days the girls are in and out of the game so long they don't have enough time to get the base we used to have.For sure no doubt it's now Maria, or Tatiana, or or sister mishel for sure!

Gringo Trooper
01-03-23, 03:43
Can anyone confirm if there is a room charge at Isla? Also, what is the expected range for these girls? Planning on going there solo. Any tips for takeout?No room charge. You just pay the cashier at the bar 400 k (I think) and the cashier gives the girl a rubber and you both go upstairs.

I was at la isla a couple times in December, and the quality of girls was not as good as it was compared to previous visits. This could be for any number of reason; I. E. It was around the holidays and maybe the hotter girls were not working; or maybe the hotter girls now make better money elsewhere (camgirls, onlyfans, etc.).

I remember $1. 2 mil pesos was the price to take a girl home, I didn't want her, I just was curious was the current pricing was.

I used to enjoy this club because it was easy to find some fresh meat. However, last month, the girls I saw there were too seasoned and used up in my personal opinion. Also, about half the girls working there had fake butts. Some gentlemen here may like that type, but I'm not into fake butts, especially when it's a botch job (such as when it doesn't even look remotely natural or realistic).

Overall, Medellin was fun as always. I picked up street walkers that peaked my interest during my trip (one 18 why / o and two 22 why / o's).

I always stay at hotels, but I think next time I'm going to try out Airbnb.

On multiples occasions girls tried to quote me in US dollar prices and I immediately told them to stop talking and if they want to give me a price it better be in pesos.

Some of these girls are dumb as rocks, and visitors need to stop paying according to US dollar prices.

I agreed to bring a girl back to my hotel for 300 k pesos. We get back to my hotel and I realize I only had 200 k pesos. So, I would pay the rest in US dollars.

Then she says that I have to pay her in only US dollars. So, I'm like whatever, fine, that's like $66 bucks.

She says no. 300 k pesos is $100 US dollars. At this point I'm just thinking to myself how dumb and clueless these pea brains are.

Anyway, I show her that she can exchange for $1 US dollar for 4. 5 k mil. And eventually it makes sense to her.

The calculation came out to $66.70. And I gave her 66 bucks. Then she says she wants $1 more. Who complains about 70 cents, dumb a $$ hookers do evidently.

Love this city and have been coming here frequently for 10 years, but I think this trip was my wake up call to venture out and visit new countries and cities to monger.

01-03-23, 13:18
Can anyone confirm if there is a room charge at Isla? Also, what is the expected range for these girls? Planning on going there solo. Any tips for takeout?From what iv'e read it's 400 k now for the girl but it includes the room, so not bad if that's true. I would also like to know if any one can confirm who's been there recently.

01-03-23, 13:42
Then she says that I have to pay her in only US dollars. So, I'm like whatever, fine, that's like $66 bucks.

She says no. 300 k pesos is $100 US dollars. At this point I'm just thinking to myself how dumb and clueless these pea brains are.

Anyway, I show her that she can exchange for $1 US dollar for 4. 5 k mil. And eventually it makes sense to her.

The calculation came out to $66.70. And I gave her 66 bucks. Then she says she wants $1 more. Who complains about 70 cents, dumb a $$ hookers do evidently.
Or she was just trying to play you and see if you would fall for it by giving up more, hence why she was talking dollars to begin with.

01-03-23, 14:03
For sure no doubt it's now Maria, or Tatiana, or or sister mishel for sure!Who is this Maria everyone is talking about? Any links or full name at least?

01-03-23, 14:04

01-03-23, 14:50
No room charge. You just pay the cashier at the bar 400 k (I think) and the cashier gives the girl a rubber and you both go upstairs.

I was at la isla a couple times in December, and the quality of girls was not as good as it was compared to previous visits. This could be for any number of reason; I. E. It was around the holidays and maybe the hotter girls were not working; or maybe the hotter girls now make better money elsewhere (camgirls, onlyfans, etc.).

I remember $1. 2 mil pesos was the price to take a girl home, I didn't want her, I just was curious was the current pricing was.

I used to enjoy this club because it was easy to find some fresh meat. However, last month, the girls I saw there were too seasoned and used up in my personal opinion. Also, about half the girls working there had fake butts. Some gentlemen here may like that type, but I'm not into fake butts, especially when it's a botch job (such as when it doesn't even look remotely natural or realistic).

Overall, Medellin was fun as always. I picked up street walkers that peaked my interest during my trip (one 18 why / o and two 22 why / o's)..Hi,

Very interesting! I'm going to Medellin for the first time next month. I want to stay in hotels too! I don't like flats in Airbnb and when I'm on holidays I prefer to stay in nice hotels! Can you tell me in which hotels you stay in Medellin? And I can read on this forum we have to pay reception of hotels to bring girls in our room? But if we book a room for 2 people on Booking, normally we shouldn't pay for a girl if we bring her in our room? What do you think? Can you tell me more about this?


01-03-23, 19:22
From what iv'e read it's 400 k now for the girl but it includes the room, so not bad if that's true. I would also like to know if any one can confirm who's been there recently.I was there on Wednesday. Most quoted 400 k one quoted 550 k idk why. I went I did see fake ass and tits but no real knockouts except when I first got there. She must have been scooped up, but I was there for 3 hours. Could have been the Christmas week and they were short staffed. I did take the second best one I saw out and pounded her out the next day for 250 k out the club at ibiza.

01-03-23, 20:22
I was there on Wednesday. Most quoted 400 k one quoted 550 k idk why. I went I did see fake ass and tits but no real knockouts except when I first got there. She must have been scooped up, but I was there for 3 hours. Could have been the Christmas week and they were short staffed. I did take the second best one I saw out and pounded her out the next day for 250 k out the club at ibiza.Are they pretty susceptible to agreeing on another day outside of the club?

01-04-23, 04:08
Who is this Maria everyone is talking about? Any links or full name at least?Its bemusing that mileage is often a concern yet so many want to know who is the most popular. Is that bcos they want to avoid the most popular?

01-04-23, 04:09
But if we book a room for 2 people on Booking, normally we shouldn't pay for a girl if we bring her in our room?

I used to have success by doing that. But then I was never in to bringing streams of girls back or having wild parties.

01-04-23, 04:28
Its bemusing that mileage is often a concern yet so many want to know who is the most popular. Is that bcos they want to avoid the most popular?It can be either or. Still the question remains a mystery. Who is this mysterious Maria? Maria who? Where are the links? Why does nobody know if she's number 1?

Mr Enternational
01-04-23, 04:53
The calculation came out to $66.70. And I gave her 66 bucks. Then she says she wants $1 more. Who complains about 70 cents, dumb a $$ hookers do evidently.She wanted to keep the extra $1 as a souvenir to put in her phone case.

Love this city and have been coming here frequently for 10 years, but I think this trip was my wake up call to venture out and visit new countries and cities to monger.I have always said all women and all men are the same. The difference is that you are tired of the BS of the chicks where you are from and do not want to deal with it anymore. One day you will be tired of the BS of the chicks of the other place you like to go, which seems to be the case right here. You have had it up to here with the BS of Colombians and need to go experience the BS of another nationality now.

01-04-23, 05:31
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u78EuCDTK9oProbably not. I don't take men to bed. You avoid a lot of problems that way and it cuts way down on the number of men who drug you. Then there's all the unwanted penises as well.

01-04-23, 11:47
Are cards safe to use at places like restaurants and stores in medellin? Not sure whether to use cash or card. The last thing I'the want is having to report my card for fraud or have unexpected international fees pop up. What has your experience been?

01-04-23, 13:42
Are cards safe to use at places like restaurants and stores in medellin? Not sure whether to use cash or card. The last thing I'the want is having to report my card for fraud or have unexpected international fees pop up. What has your experience been?I personally used a CC at the Isla and no strange transactions or anything I could see.

I normally use a CC that I never use in my day to day back at home so that I can keep track of everything I spend on trips and make sure there are no shady pop out of nowhere transactions that appear. I used my credit card is most places in Medellin if I could and haven't had any issues.

01-04-23, 15:22

Very interesting! I'm going to Medellin for the first time next month. I want to stay in hotels too! I don't like flats in Airbnb and when I'm on holidays I prefer to stay in nice hotels! Can you tell me in which hotels you stay in Medellin? And I can read on this forum we have to pay reception of hotels to bring girls in our room? But if we book a room for 2 people on Booking, normally we shouldn't pay for a girl if we bring her in our room? What do you think? Can you tell me more about this?

Thanks.Two possibilities. I have only been able to have a second guest at many places if she is registered with me before I arrive, or at least is with me at check in. That is the normal case in my experience. Or if the place is friendly to sex trade then they may allow you one non pre-registered visitor.

The people running hotels are not stupid and they know that if you book for two and the other person is not with you when you check in then probably she is going to be a hooker. So If they are against that, which many are, then they will only allow a second guest if she checks in with you and is obviously "with you" such as another family member or someone you are actually travelling with.

01-04-23, 16:05
Two possibilities. I have only been able to have a second guest at many places if she is registered with me before I arrive, or at least is with me at check in. That is the normal case in my experience. Or if the place is friendly to sex trade then they may allow you one non pre-registered visitor.

The people running hotels are not stupid and they know that if you book for two and the other person is not with you when you check in then probably she is going to be a hooker. So If they are against that, which many are, then they will only allow a second guest if she checks in with you and is obviously "with you" such as another family member or someone you are actually travelling with.Ok good to know! So please can you tell me hotels name which accept we bring a prostitute without paying extra if I book the room for 2 people?

Mr Enternational
01-04-23, 16:06
Are cards safe to use at places like restaurants and stores in medellin? Not sure whether to use cash or card. The last thing I'the want is having to report my card for fraud or have unexpected international fees pop up. What has your experience been?Depends on your card. I use my Amex Platinum for everything I possibly can except paying hookers, Indriver, or small shit I may buy downtown. Restaurants and the like I always use my card. Never a problem. But like you said you better be sure your card does not charge exchange rate fees first. The only 3 I have that.

Don't are Amex, Discover, and X1.

01-04-23, 17:31
Are cards safe to use at places like restaurants and stores in medellin? Not sure whether to use cash or card. The last thing I'the want is having to report my card for fraud or have unexpected international fees pop up. What has your experience been?There are some practices to follow.

At stores they will have a card reader at the counter, just like in US stores. Restaurants will bring you a handheld card reader. Don't hand your card to a waiter or lay it on the table. All transactions will be done in front of you.

Your bank may charge additional fees.

When you ask for your check you'll be asked 1 or 2 questions. "Con tarjeta o efectivo?" Or something similar. Are you paying with a card or with cash? The other question is "se incluye servicio?" Do you want to include the tip. Colombia has a standard 10% tip. You don't have to pay it. If you do pay it, you don't need to tip more. Your bill will have both totals with and without the tip.

01-04-23, 18:55
There are some practices to follow.

At stores they will have a card reader at the counter, just like in US stores. Restaurants will bring you a handheld card reader. Don't hand your card to a waiter or lay it on the table. All transactions will be done in front of you.

Your bank may charge additional fees.

When you ask for your check you'll be asked 1 or 2 questions. "Con tarjeta o efectivo?" Or something similar. Are you paying with a card or with cash? The other question is "se incluye servicio?" Do you want to include the tip. Colombia has a standard 10% tip. You don't have to pay it. If you do pay it, you don't need to tip more. Your bill will have both totals with and without the tip.A brief footnote to this, more common in stores, versus eating establishments is they will ask how many "quotas", meaning how many payments or how many months do you want to pay the amount over. This is the norm for Colombian credit cards, not sure how it works with a foreign credit cards when buying something, but if asked this question, just say "one" meaning your not going to finance the purchase over time.

01-04-23, 19:03
Ok good to know! So please can you tell me hotels name which accept we bring a prostitute without paying extra if I book the room for 2 people?I just got back from meddlin stayed in a nice Hotel / airbnb with hottub in Laureles. One apartments. Close to everything walkable. They charge 10 dollars or 50.000 cop to sign girl in and out. I would chose this route as number one there friendly and 2 it's an extra 10 bucks who cares.

01-04-23, 20:27
You have to check with your card issuer about international fees. There is no reason they should be unexpected if you ask a simple question: "do you assess foreign transaction fees when the card is used in Colombia?

Depends on your card. I use my Amex Platinum for everything I possibly can except paying hookers, Indriver, or small shit I may buy downtown. Restaurants and the like I always use my card. Never a problem. But like you said you better be sure your card does not charge exchange rate fees first. The only 3 I have that.

Don't are Amex, Discover, and X1.

01-04-23, 20:45
Some of these girls are dumb as rocks, and visitors need to stop paying according to US dollar prices.

I agreed to bring a girl back to my hotel for 300 k pesos. We get back to my hotel and I realize I only had 200 k pesos. So, I would pay the rest in US dollars.

Then she says that I have to pay her in only US dollars. So, I'm like whatever, fine, that's like $66 bucks.

She says no. 300 k pesos is $100 US dollars. At this point I'm just thinking to myself how dumb and clueless these pea brains are.

Anyway, I show her that she can exchange for $1 US dollar for 4. 5 k mil. And eventually it makes sense to her.

The calculation came out to $66.70. And I gave her 66 bucks. Then she says she wants $1 more. Who complains about 70 cents, dumb a $$ hookers do evidently.

Love this city and have been coming here frequently for 10 years, but I think this trip was my wake up call to venture out and visit new countries and cities to monger.Yes, it probably a good idea to monger in other countries and not look back at Medellin.

Steve 9696
01-04-23, 22:15
I have a week in Sćo Paulo on business. And a week in Mexico city on business. And the weekend intervening I can go ANYWHERE in south / central America. A few parameters:

I love the club scene when traveling. I have a girl at home so dinners and GFE are standard. So I like to get out and party on the road. So like Scandallo and Casarao etc will def be done. But I can do that during the workweek.

I've been to Medellin and found it only OK for what I was after. Did Facebook girls at my condo. Was def fun but missed the club scene and didn't like the plastics at La Isla.

Absolutely got to have BBBJ. $$ not a problem.

Want to balance of nice place to hang out, maybe beachfront, with club / girl options but not the only thing. Rio? Costa Rica? Panamį? The options are wide open. What would you guys do given the above parameters?

01-05-23, 02:05
Probably not. I don't take men to bed. You avoid a lot of problems that way and it cuts way down on the number of men who drug you. Then there's all the unwanted penises as well.Did you even watch the video? He has girls who do all that for him jb. Don't get got!

Mr Enternational
01-05-23, 02:34
A brief footnote to this, more common in stores, versus eating establishments is they will ask how many "quotas", meaning how many payments or how many months do you want to pay the amount over. This is the norm for Colombian credit cards, not sure how it works with a foreign credit cards when buying something, but if asked this question, just say "one" meaning your not going to finance the purchase over time.I always say 100.

01-05-23, 04:01
I just got back from meddlin stayed in a nice Hotel / airbnb with hottub in Laureles. One apartments. Close to everything walkable. They charge 10 dollars or 50.000 cop to sign girl in and out. I would chose this route as number one there friendly and 2 it's an extra 10 bucks who cares.I stayed in the same building for three weeks in November and never paid to bring guest. Did the policy change?

01-05-23, 10:44
I have a week in So Paulo on business. And a week in Mexico city on business. And the weekend intervening I can go ANYWHERE in south / central America. A few parameters:

I love the club scene when traveling. I have a girl at home so dinners and GFE are standard. So I like to get out and party on the road. So like Scandallo and Casarao etc will def be done. But I can do that during the workweek.

I've been to Medellin and found it only OK for what I was after. Did Facebook girls at my condo. Was def fun but missed the club scene and didn't like the plastics at La Isla.

Absolutely got to have BBBJ. $$ not a problem.

Want to balance of nice place to hang out, maybe beachfront, with club / girl options but not the only thing. Rio? Costa Rica? Panam? The options are wide open. What would you guys do given the above parameters? La Isla & Fase Dos are my Fav's in Medellin but there is no beach (You have to sort thru the 8's to find the 10's I know you already know this. I found twin blondes and 2 more knock outs at La Isla. There is something there for everyone (only 60% silicone) I am just s picky as you are. Sorry for the ?able pics I sent previously. I ran out of time (was there 2 weeks last trip) to reach out to the SA girls. I'm back in March or April. Longer. Enjoy! PM your # . try Panama it's full of Colombians I have already met.

01-05-23, 11:30
I just got back from meddlin stayed in a nice Hotel / airbnb with hottub in Laureles. One apartments. Close to everything walkable. They charge 10 dollars or 50.000 cop to sign girl in and out. I would chose this route as number one there friendly and 2 it's an extra 10 bucks who cares.Thanks but I'm not interested in that! I don't want apart hotel!

01-05-23, 15:12
It can be either or. Still the question remains a mystery. Who is this mysterious Maria? Maria who? Where are the links? Why does nobody know if she's number 1?It used to be Maria Camila but she may be catching up. 😉.

... I gave her 200 mil pesos. She showered up, go....

Mr Enternational
01-05-23, 16:54
It used to be Maria Camila but she may be catching up..I wonder if the experts would be so kind as to tell us what her rating is.

01-05-23, 16:56
I think it's the new school math they are teaching now. I have to go over some basic math calculations with new guys I train and them trying to figure basic math problems is scary. Believe me I'm no math wizard by any means but I ask them stuff like that rope had a rating or 8000 lbs and when we tie a knot in it, then is loses its strength by 30 percent what is the rope rated at now? They get their phones out trying to figure it out. I know many countries strive in education especially in Asia, some of there other countries not so much so. In the states we have some dummies also! LOL.

No room charge. You just pay the cashier at the bar 400 k (I think) and the cashier gives the girl a rubber and you both go upstairs.

I was at la isla a couple times in December, and the quality of girls was not as good as it was compared to previous visits. This could be for any number of reason; I. E. It was around the holidays and maybe the hotter girls were not working; or maybe the hotter girls now make better money elsewhere (camgirls, onlyfans, etc.).

I remember $1. 2 mil pesos was the price to take a girl home, I didn't want her, I just was curious was the current pricing was.

I used to enjoy this club because it was easy to find some fresh meat. However, last month, the girls I saw there were too seasoned and used up in my personal opinion. Also, about half the girls working there had fake butts. Some gentlemen here may like that type, but I'm not into fake butts, especially when it's a botch job (such as when it doesn't even look remotely natural or realistic).

Overall, Medellin was fun as always. I picked up street walkers that peaked my interest during my trip (one 18 why / o and two 22 why / o's)..

01-05-23, 17:18
Hey it's been a while since I have posted but ran into this girl here in Laureles Medellin that is fantastic.

So I was looking for a girl that would give a great erotic massage and then some playful fun afterwards. I found Lexi's ad on Milerotico and decided to set up a session with her. She is a independent and has a place that is a few blocks from UniCentro Mall. Her pictures are accurate. I chose to go with her 90 minute massage and it was $210,000 cop at this time (prices may change). She does offer a 1 hour session for around $150,000. I have seen her 3 times now on this trip and each time she has been prompt. She does a really sexy Nuru massage with a few of her extra tricks that she adds that will drive you crazy. Her menu is quite extensive and she does not up charge. The price is all inclusive. FS, BBBJ, A play.

Make sure you are clean down there and I mean everything.

I am not going to get into details out of respect to Lexi but I recommend her 1000 percent!

01-05-23, 18:50
Hey it's been a while since I have posted but ran into this girl here in Laureles Medellin that is fantastic.

So I was looking for a girl that would give a great erotic massage and then some playful fun afterwards. I found Lexi's ad on Milerotico and decided to set up a session with her. She is a independent and has a place that is a few blocks from UniCentro Mall. Her pictures are accurate. I chose to go with her 90 minute massage and it was $210,000 cop at this time (prices may change). She does offer a 1 hour session for around $150,000. I have seen her 3 times now on this trip and each time she has been prompt. She does a really sexy Nuru massage with a few of her extra tricks that she adds that will drive you crazy. Her menu is quite extensive and she does not up charge. The price is all inclusive. FS, BBBJ, A play.

Make sure you are clean down there and I mean everything.

I am not going to get into details out of respect to Lexi but I recommend her 1000 percent!Thanks Mongo, I will def look her up next month. By clean do you mean shaven or simply hygienically clean?

01-05-23, 18:52
Thanks Mongo, I will def look her up next month. By clean do you mean shaven or simply hygienically clean?Shaven, clean and tasty. She will blow your mind.

01-05-23, 19:09
Did you even watch the video? He has girls who do all that for him jb. Don't get got!Of course I didn't watch the video. YouTube is an entertainment platform. What that means is, except for some community guidelines, anyone can put anything on YouTube. As a source of information it's less than useless. Here's an example from the last time I watched a "must see" video on YouTube:

The guy, who claims to be a Medellin expert, was warning about getting drugged in Medellin. Nothing wrong with warning people, provided you're giving useful information. The "expert" claimed women were putting drugs on doorknobs to catch unsuspecting men. Video over.

I already know that gangs are using girls to drug and rob tourists. I've known it for 5 years. I know how they find victims and how they get the victims to ingest the drugs (and it has nothing to do with doorknobs). I know the behavior patterns to avoid along with the tricks and traps.

More importantly, after nearly 6 years of Medellin, I have a huge database of vetted p4 p girls along with many regular girls. I don't have any need to fish in shark infested waters.

Perhaps the most important factor in keeping safe, I've learned to pay attention to the people who have spent years in Medellin when they warn me about something.

01-05-23, 21:09
Hey it's been a while since I have posted but ran into this girl here in Laureles Medellin that is fantastic.

So I was looking for a girl that would give a great erotic massage and then some playful fun afterwards. I found Lexi's ad on Milerotico and decided to set up a session with her. She is a independent and has a place that is a few blocks from UniCentro Mall. Her pictures are accurate. I chose to go with her 90 minute massage and it was $210,000 cop at this time (prices may change). She does offer a 1 hour session for around $150,000. I have seen her 3 times now on this trip and each time she has been prompt. She does a really sexy Nuru massage with a few of her extra tricks that she adds that will drive you crazy. Her menu is quite extensive and she does not up charge. The price is all inclusive. FS, BBBJ, A play.

Make sure you are clean down there and I mean everything.

I am not going to get into details out of respect to Lexi but I recommend her 1000 percent!Great thanks for the info, do you have more recommendation I will be there in the end of this month and looking for recommendations.

01-05-23, 21:17
Winner winner chicken dinner! Thanks for the review. Not many can do an actual massage or even a good erotic massage. Nuru even better.

Hey it's been a while since I have posted but ran into this girl here in Laureles Medellin that is fantastic.

So I was looking for a girl that would give a great erotic massage and then some playful fun afterwards. I found Lexi's ad on Milerotico and decided to set up a session with her. She is a independent and has a place that is a few blocks from UniCentro Mall. Her pictures are accurate. I chose to go with her 90 minute massage and it was $210,000 cop at this time (prices may change). She does offer a 1 hour session for around $150,000. I have seen her 3 times now on this trip and each time she has been prompt. She does a really sexy Nuru massage with a few of her extra tricks that she adds that will drive you crazy. Her menu is quite extensive and she does not up charge. The price is all inclusive. FS, BBBJ, A play.

Make sure you are clean down there and I mean everything.

I am not going to get into details out of respect to Lexi but I recommend her 1000 percent!

01-05-23, 21:26
I think you should consider the distances and travel time if you only have a weekend to spare. You might be best off doing Brazil to avoid being on an airplane for too many hours.

I have a week in So Paulo on business. And a week in Mexico city on business. And the weekend intervening I can go ANYWHERE in south / central America. A few parameters:

I love the club scene when traveling. I have a girl at home so dinners and GFE are standard. So I like to get out and party on the road. So like Scandallo and Casarao etc will def be done. But I can do that during the workweek.

I've been to Medellin and found it only OK for what I was after. Did Facebook girls at my condo. Was def fun but missed the club scene and didn't like the plastics at La Isla.

Absolutely got to have BBBJ. $$ not a problem.

Want to balance of nice place to hang out, maybe beachfront, with club / girl options but not the only thing. Rio? Costa Rica? Panam? The options are wide open. What would you guys do given the above parameters?

01-05-23, 22:10
Thanks but I'm not interested in that! I don't want apart hotel!Yes! Fuck apart hotels! I been having a lot of luck with newer luxary buildings finally completed near el tesoro. I think I just prefer the quitness at night and the view.

Yes I know if you are in Laurles or centor you get closer to the action but for now this just seems to work better for me.

01-05-23, 22:58
I wonder if the experts would be so kind as to tell us what her rating is.Very Nice! That's a solid 7. 5

01-06-23, 00:05
Yes! Fuck apart hotels! I been having a lot of luck with newer luxary buildings finally completed near el tesoro. I think I just prefer the quitness at night and the view.

Yes I know if you are in Laurles or centor you get closer to the action but for now this just seems to work better for me.OK I travel around the US and stay in crappy hotels all year cause I save money. I am used to crappy places but I do not understand why a blanket statement on apart hotels? Why. It was my first time in Medellin.

01-06-23, 00:11
I stayed in the same building for three weeks in November and never paid to bring guest. Did the policy change?Did they have 24 HR people at the desk? If not I'm sure they couldn't regulate it. Other than that I don't know. When I booked it they said there was no reception but when I was coming late because of flight issues they said we now have 24 HR receptionist.

01-06-23, 01:30
Yes, it probably a good idea to monger in other countries and not look back at Medellin.More Chicas for us. I have never run into that situation.

01-06-23, 01:36
Great thanks for the info, do you have more recommendation I will be there in the end of this month and looking for recommendations.I do have quite a few tried and true Chicas. Message me for some numbers.

01-06-23, 02:40
Of course I didn't watch the video. YouTube is an entertainment platform. What that means is, except for some community guidelines, anyone can put anything on YouTube. As a source of information it's less than useless. Here's an example from the last time I watched a "must see" video on YouTube:

The guy, who claims to be a Medellin expert, was warning about getting drugged in Medellin. Nothing wrong with warning people, provided you're giving useful information. The "expert" claimed women were putting drugs on doorknobs to catch unsuspecting men. Video over.

I already know that gangs are using girls to drug and rob tourists. I've known it for 5 years. I know how they find victims and how they get the victims to ingest the drugs (and it has nothing to do with doorknobs). I know the behavior patterns to avoid along with the tricks and traps.

More importantly, after nearly 6 years of Medellin, I have a huge database of vetted p4 p girls along with many regular girls. I don't have any need to fish in shark infested waters.No trust me jb, you need to watch it. It is a Must Watch! You will learn something new.

01-06-23, 03:58
I stayed in the same building for three weeks in November and never paid to bring guest. Did the policy change?Same I stayed there 3 nights brought in 5 girls never paid a fee. That was last week.

01-06-23, 16:55
Has anyone else had issues reviewing girls on Catador Colombia? I posted a review yesterday and everyone started saying fake review, I was an autoresponder from China, I was the girl's boyfriend etc. Then I go to log in this morning and I was blocked from the site.

This site appeared to be legit but now I'm wondering if it's only for the girls that pay them money. Any better options that anyone knows of?

01-06-23, 16:58
It is a Colombian forum. Posts follow a prescribed format and emphasize objective information vs. Subjective musing of the sort that predominates here. What did you write to get blocked?

Has anyone else had issues reviewing girls on Catador Colombia? I posted a review yesterday and everyone started saying fake review, I was an autoresponder from China, I was the girl's boyfriend etc. Then I go to log in this morning and I was blocked from the site.

This site appeared to be legit but now I'm wondering if it's only for the girls that pay them money. Any better options that anyone knows of?

01-06-23, 17:10
I still find the game of 20 questions every time I use a credit card (at least 99% of all my purchases that aren't girls) very tedious. "Debit, credit, or savings. How many quotas. Do you want to include service. Do you want a copy of the receipt. (and in supermarkets) do you collect points. Do you have movil Exito. Would you like to donate to charity?" Fuck me, it never seems to end. LOL!

A brief footnote to this, more common in stores, versus eating establishments is they will ask how many "quotas", meaning how many payments or how many months do you want to pay the amount over. This is the norm for Colombian credit cards, not sure how it works with a foreign credit cards when buying something, but if asked this question, just say "one" meaning your not going to finance the purchase over time.

01-06-23, 18:18
I usually stay away from the larger apartment buildings with the Porteros. I have a nice one here in Laureles with very few neighbors. I still like to keep a low profile though as not to tarnish the Gringo image too much. There is just a steel locked gate separating me from my front door.

I stayed in the same building for three weeks in November and never paid to bring guest. Did the policy change?

01-06-23, 18:57
So. Medellin.

I had my first encounter yesterday with Mile, after being pretty damn active on Tinder, strong from my past experiences in Brazil (See my overall report in the Sao Paulo thread). Well, it's a different beast altogether here. Way, way more pros, and that's ok, but I just feel like it's a lot more transactional here.

Anyway, I have a few potentials going on, but my first encounter cooled me down a bit.

I agreed for a 2 hrs encounter with Mile yesterday. We met at hotel Mocca Suite in Laureles. I just felt like I was bleeding cash one minute after the other.

- 250 k for 2 hours negotiated with the girl, I asked about plenty of services, that got confirmed, but I forgot to ask some very basic, I-took-for-granted things. Namely french kiss (or any kiss at all, for that matter) and multiple shots. Aaand, it was a mistake.

- room with a shower was 57 k, but I got "upgraded" to a jaccuzi room for 67 k that I didn't ask for.

- I got charged 5 k eff'in COP for using the soap bottle. Facepalm.

- Mile asked for money beforehand. I said nope. She said nope. We agreed on half before and half after.

- The girl asked for an extra 100 k for a second shot. At that stage I was like no way.

It was mechanical and cold. At least, the girl was way curvier than on the photos but in a good way, she was pretty firm (and not siliconed). Her face was worse though. Same person, but photos are old and / or skin got smoothed. I'll still remember her BJ technique and being inside her while holding on to these hips was actually very nice.

But overall, it's a dud. I've had worse, but I just didn't like the distance she put and the permanent ask for cash for more things.

Verdict: will not meet again, and will ask for kissing and multiple shots beforehand as part of my negotiation from now on!

01-06-23, 18:59
OK I travel around the US and stay in crappy hotels all year cause I save money. I am used to crappy places but I do not understand why a blanket statement on apart hotels? Why. It was my first time in Medellin.Its because you don't have the same freedom as having an aparmtent and you have to deal with like housekeepers still. It is sort of a pump fake. You think you are getting this nice apartment but tis a hotel and feels restrcied, mostly with guest policy.

The spot I found now is AMAZING its an apartment, super nice, I had like 4 girls come over, security hasn't said a god damn thing to me and I have a beautfiul view of the city and everything works nice.

01-06-23, 19:57
I rate her 7. She just posted on FB calling those who wants to pay her less than 500 mil CHEAP.

I wonder if the experts would be so kind as to tell us what her rating is.

Just Incognito
01-06-23, 22:28
So, in 2 Facebook groups I saw chatter that claims 9 men at the Mansion were scoped and the whole place was robbed, including furniture and all the stuff from 9 gringos. And its a big stink show there now.

Does anyone have any real information? This seems hard to believe in one way, and inevitable in another (What a world that this is even remotely plausible) Anyway I am NOT making any claims to the veracity of this rumor--just noting that I saw 2 different discussions about it on Facebook. That is all I know.

If its total nonsense and BS--great. I'm just asking.

If there is any truth to this story--well, the desire for details is obvious.

Is scopolamine an issue in Brazil? Because Colombia at the moment-sems like its had better days-though, I have never had any issues in 18 trips to Medellin and 2 to the north coast over the last 9-10 years and I love it there.

01-06-23, 23:51
I still find the game of 20 questions every time I use a credit card (at least 99% of all my purchases that aren't girls) very tedious. "Debit, credit, or savings. How many quotas. Do you want to include service. Do you want a copy of the receipt. (and in supermarkets) do you collect points. Do you have movil Exito. Would you like to donate to charity?" Fuck me, it never seems to end. LOL!You left out "quieres bolsa?

01-07-23, 00:36
So, in 2 Facebook groups I saw chatter that claims 9 men at the Mansion were scoped and the whole place was robbed, including furniture and all the stuff from 9 gringos. And its a big stink show there now.

Does anyone have any real information? This seems hard to believe in one way, and inevitable in another (What a world that this is even remotely plausible) Anyway I am NOT making any claims to the veracity of this rumor--just noting that I saw 2 different discussions about it on Facebook. That is all I know.

If its total nonsense and BS--great. I'm just asking.

If there is any truth to this story--well, the desire for details is obvious.

Is scopolamine an issue in Brazil? Because Colombia at the moment-sems like its had better days-though, I have never had any issues in 18 trips to Medellin and 2 to the north coast over the last 9-10 years and I love it there.Shit I want to hear more about the Mansion getting robbed, that's wild.

01-07-23, 00:52
I rate her 7. She just posted on FB calling those who wants to pay her less than 500 mil CHEAP.Sounds like my kind of gal. What's her fb name? Link? I can't find her.

01-07-23, 03:05
Sounds like the type of Chica I like to stay away from although I open myself up to these thing when I stray away from my regulars. First big red flag for me is when they insist on being paid up front, this rarely goes well for me. I can't stand it when they nickel and dime you. I would quite with the expensive love hotels to help keep your costs down, this is where a Chica Friendly apartment comes in handy or the girl can host you at her place of business. I will take a solid 5 with 10 performance and attitude over a 9 with a 3 or 4 performance and attitude any day. Not everyone thinks this way but it's the way I like to roll. Don't give up, there are many fine women here that will give you incredible GFE experience, it just takes some time down here to get things figured out.

So. Medellin.

I had my first encounter yesterday with Mile, after being pretty damn active on Tinder, strong from my past experiences in Brazil (See my overall report in the Sao Paulo thread). Well, it's a different beast altogether here. Way, way more pros, and that's ok, but I just feel like it's a lot more transactional here.

Anyway, I have a few potentials going on, but my first encounter cooled me down a bit.

I agreed for a 2 hrs encounter with Mile yesterday. We met at hotel Mocca Suite in Laureles. I just felt like I was bleeding cash one minute after the other.

- 250 k for 2 hours negotiated with the girl, I asked about plenty of services, that got confirmed, but I forgot to ask some very basic, I-took-for-granted things. Namely french kiss (or any kiss at all, for that matter) and multiple shots. Aaand, it was a mistake.

- room with a shower was 57 k, but I got "upgraded" to a jaccuzi room for 67 k that I didn't ask for.

- I got charged 5 k eff'in COP for using the soap bottle. Facepalm.

- Mile asked for money beforehand. I said nope. She said nope. We agreed on half before and half after.

01-07-23, 03:19
I just wrote a review on a girl that I have been seeing and giving basic stuff about her erotic nuru massage and that I highly recommended it. I really didn't get much into the juicy details out of respect to her and said that if anyone wanted those they could message me. They have a English only section and a Spanish section so I posted her review in both languages. I guess they thought I was spamming fake reviews. Well it was like I kicked a freaking Hornets nest.

It is a Colombian forum. Posts follow a prescribed format and emphasize objective information vs. Subjective musing of the sort that predominates here. What did you write to get blocked?

01-07-23, 03:45
Its because you don't have the same freedom as having an aparmtent and you have to deal with like housekeepers still. It is sort of a pump fake. You think you are getting this nice apartment but tis a hotel and feels restrcied, mostly with guest policy.

The spot I found now is AMAZING its an apartment, super nice, I had like 4 girls come over, security hasn't said a god damn thing to me and I have a beautfiul view of the city and everything works nice.Your mailbox is full.

01-07-23, 04:02
El Tesoro is a nice area. And I like the mall. You can get a good deal on a nice apartment. But for those who don't know the area, two things to consider:

1) Not the most convenient place for chicas to travel. It will take them longer to get there and cost you more money, if that's an issue.

2) If you enjoy the pool, most pools in Tesoro tend to be rather cold because the location is higher.

Some will not have an issue with either, some will. Just an FYI.

Yes! Fuck apart hotels! I been having a lot of luck with newer luxary buildings finally completed near el tesoro. I think I just prefer the quitness at night and the view.

Yes I know if you are in Laurles or centor you get closer to the action but for now this just seems to work better for me.

01-07-23, 07:44
First big red flag for me is when they insist on being paid up front, this rarely goes well for met.It's beyond me why any guy would even consider doing this, but obviously some do or the girls wouldn't ask. It's the ultimate wuss move from the client, and gives her the green light to walk all over you.

01-07-23, 07:53
No trust me jb, you need to watch it. It is a Must Watch! You will learn something new.Are you kidding? The Maharishi of Medellin (JjBee) cannot possibly learn anything new. That's even though he has only spent a few weeks in the city in the last five years. But reading and typing a lot here in the forum counts for something, right? Wink.

01-07-23, 13:50
I agree 100% There is a reason why we have our rules. It's when we start thinking with our dicks is when we get into trouble.

It's beyond me why any guy would even consider doing this, but obviously some do or the girls wouldn't ask. It's the ultimate wuss move from the client, and gives her the green all over you.

01-07-23, 17:40
So. Medellin.

I had my first encounter yesterday with Mile, after being pretty damn active on Tinder, strong from my past experiences in Brazil (See my overall report in the Sao Paulo thread). Well, it's a different beast altogether here. Way, way more pros, and that's ok, but I just feel like it's a lot more transactional here.

Anyway, I have a few potentials going on, but my first encounter cooled me down a bit.

I agreed for a 2 hrs encounter with Mile yesterday. We met at hotel Mocca Suite in Laureles. I just felt like I was bleeding cash one minute after the other.

- 250 k for 2 hours negotiated with the girl, I asked about plenty of services, that got confirmed, but I forgot to ask some very basic, I-took-for-granted things. Namely french kiss (or any kiss at all, for that matter) and multiple shots. Aaand, it was a mistake.Are the boobies natural?

01-07-23, 18:40
Are the boobies natural?Yes, they are. But they are a bit smaller than they look on the photo. Her ass though, is delicious.

01-08-23, 22:35
I'm planning a few dates with a couple girls there but I wanted to ask.

Is provenza not recommended to visit solo? Like to just find a place to eat there? I see all this talk in the upcoming trips report that keep mentioning they don't feel comfortable going alone. Is it that intimidating? Is everyone there going in groups or couples what's the deal? I don't get why everyone seems shy to go there alone.

Lucky Nuts
01-08-23, 23:25
So, in 2 Facebook groups I saw chatter that claims 9 men at the Mansion were scoped and the whole place was robbed, including furniture and all the stuff from 9 gringos. And its a big stink show there now.

Does anyone have any real information? This seems hard to believe in one way, and inevitable in another (What a world that this is even remotely plausible) Anyway I am NOT making any claims to the veracity of this rumor--just noting that I saw 2 different discussions about it on Facebook. That is all I know.

If its total nonsense and BS--great. I'm just asking.

If there is any truth to this story--well, the desire for details is obvious.

Is scopolamine an issue in Brazil? Because Colombia at the moment-sems like its had better days-though, I have never had any issues in 18 trips to Medellin and 2 to the north coast over the last 9-10 years and I love it there.It's a fake story. EOM.

01-09-23, 01:11
Provenza is completely safe to go to dinner. I's probably the most upscale area in Medellin for that matter and been there many time by myself. This place really rocks on a Friday or Saturday night with lots of night clubs and restaurants. Expect crowds after 10:00 pm and like anywhere else here don't get crazy drunk and pick up the wrong kind of girl. It's a quick 6 minute walk from Parque Lleras. If you want to impress your date take her to Gato-Resto Bar, it's expensive but a really cool place with excellent food.

I'm planning a few dates with a couple girls there but I wanted to ask.

Is provenza not recommended to visit solo? Like to just find a place to eat there? I see all this talk in the upcoming trips report that keep mentioning they don't feel comfortable going alone. Is it that intimidating? Is everyone there going in groups or couples what's the deal? I don't get why everyone seems shy to go there alone.

01-09-23, 01:33
I was staying at the Mansion and on my second day there I heard about one of the guests getting Scoped. It was this big black guy by the name of Anthony (note the same one that's been posting on here recently). I did speak to him about this so it is verified. I couldn't catch the whole story from Anthony because the music was pretty loud at the time. What I can make out of it was they were out on the town partying like Rock Stars and got scoped by some Chicas. He was probably at their apartment partying hence the 6 guys. He lost cell phone, wallet and a watch. What I do know is that this did not happen at the Mansion. Lets put an end to this rumor and move on to talking about what we are here for the Chicas.

It's a fake story. EOM.

01-09-23, 01:40
So. Medellin.

I had my first encounter yesterday with Mile, after being pretty damn active on Tinder, strong from my past experiences in Brazil (See my overall report in the Sao Paulo thread). Well, it's a different beast altogether here. Way, way more pros, and that's ok, but I just feel like it's a lot more transactional here.

Anyway, I have a few potentials going on, but my first encounter cooled me down a bit.

I agreed for a 2 hrs encounter with Mile yesterday. We met at hotel Mocca Suite in Laureles. I just felt like I was bleeding cash one minute after the other.

- 250 k for 2 hours negotiated with the girl, I asked about plenty of services, that got confirmed, but I forgot to ask some very basic, I-took-for-granted things. Namely french kiss (or any kiss at all, for that matter) and multiple shots. Aaand, it was a mistake.

- room with a shower was 57 k, but I got "upgraded" to a jaccuzi room for 67 k that I didn't ask for.

- I got charged 5 k eff'in COP for using the soap bottle. Facepalm.

- Mile asked for money beforehand. I said nope. She said nope. We agreed on half before and half after.

- The girl asked for an extra 100 k for a second shot. At that stage I was like no way.

It was mechanical and cold. At least, the girl was way curvier than on the photos but in a good way, she was pretty firm (and not siliconed). Her face was worse though. Same person, but photos are old and / or skin got smoothed. I'll still remember her BJ technique and being inside her while holding on to these hips was actually very nice.

But overall, it's a dud. I've had worse, but I just didn't like the distance she put and the permanent ask for cash for more things.

Verdict: will not meet again, and will ask for kissing and multiple shots beforehand as part of my negotiation from now on!I need a concrete goal, just like I have had be As and then Colombia and then Medellin, to motivate me to study the lingo; now I mamange latinamerican Spanish well and I know a lot about medellin and Colombia.

What is the correspondent city to Medellin in Brazil?

With beautiful girls, good climate and club life, cultre, sports and very important; The combination of beautiful girls and permissive culture.

Cost of living is an important factor, but if a city or region has the combination, a very rare one, of beauty and permissive, allowance for both her and him to have fun without being stigamtizied, which city or region in Brazil is the best or which places.

Brazil has not so much beauty as have Colombia, only Venezuela can compete but are off.

Brazil is often way to expensive, but it can be affordable if it has some sort of Medellin Magic around.

01-09-23, 01:58
I was staying at the Mansion and on my second day there I heard about one of the guests getting Scoped. It was this big black guy by the name of Anthony (note the same one that's been posting on here recently). I did speak to him about this so it is verified. I couldn't catch the whole story from Anthony because the music was pretty loud at the time. What I can make out of it was they were out on the town partying like Rock Stars and got scoped by some Chicas. He was probably at their apartment partying hence the 6 guys. He lost cell phone, wallet and a watch. What I do know is that this did not happen at the Mansion. Lets put an end to this rumor and move on to talking about what we are here for the Chicas.However what we who have been around a bit longer can remember is when they were twice invaded with multiple guns. One incident had obvious police complicity. Both were over ten years ago. Many of the same risk factors exist, such as being a known hangout for wealthy gringos, abundant drugs, etc. I can see why younger clueless non Spanish speakers would stay there once but the loyalty eludes me. It's a run down dump room wise.

01-09-23, 02:57
Provenza is completely safe to go to dinner. I's probably the most upscale area in Medellin for that matter and been there many time by myself. This place really rocks on a Friday or Saturday night with lots of night clubs and restaurants. Expect crowds after 10:00 pm and like anywhere else here don't get crazy drunk and pick up the wrong kind of girl. It's a quick 6 minute walk from Parque Lleras. If you want to impress your date take her to Gato-Resto Bar, it's expensive but a really cool place with excellent food.Thanks for the recommendation. I will look it up. Have a few spots I've made reservations for already.

I'm sure it's safe, what I meant is I get the feeling some people feel shy to go alone in that area because they see everyone else with groups or couples. But I did plan on going by myself at least one day to check out the scene and maybe meet someone there.

01-09-23, 03:15
I've seen several videos of guys getting drugged after meeting women and having their accounts drained. How common is this? Or is it just fearmongering?

Lucky Nuts
01-09-23, 03:33
I've seen several videos of guys getting drugged after meeting women and having their accounts drained. How common is this? Or is it just fearmongering?It's not fearmongering. The videos are attempts to educate naive (unaware) guys that vacationing in Medellin is different than going to SE Asia or Europe. That shit really happens. It's impossible to say "how common" it is because the vast majority of cases we'll never hear about. Only a few brave guys speak up and tell their stories. It's more than "partially true" that gringos in apartments are getting drugged and robbed on a regular basis. The story about a mass drugging at the mansion is false.

01-09-23, 03:34
I've seen several videos of guys getting drugged after meeting women and having their accounts drained. How common is this? Or is it just fearmongering?I was scoped in February on a lunch date. Had one beer and woke up hours later in my hotel room. Everything gone, safe empty, passwords changed, security settings changed, all accounts compromised.

01-09-23, 03:56
Man, that is so wild to hear. How could it be possible that you made it from lunch to hotel room without "snapping out of it" or realizing what was happening?

I was scoped in February on a lunch date. Had one beer and woke up hours later in my hotel room. Everything gone, safe empty, passwords changed, security settings changed, all accounts compromised.

01-09-23, 04:25
It's not fearmongering. The videos are attempts to educate naive (unaware) guys that vacationing in Medellin is different than going to SE Asia or Europe. That shit really happens. It's impossible to say "how common" it is because the vast majority of cases we'll never hear about. Only a few brave guys speak up and tell their stories. It's more than "partially true" that gringos in apartments are getting drugged and robbed on a regular basis. The story about a mass drugging at the mansion is false.I wonder if this keeps happening, will it stop dudes from going out there. I definitely would not go by myself then.

01-09-23, 04:26
I was scoped in February on a lunch date. Had one beer and woke up hours later in my hotel room. Everything gone, safe empty, passwords changed, security settings changed, all accounts compromised.Sorry it happened to you. Makes me reconsider going there.

Lucky Nuts
01-09-23, 05:29
I wonder if this keeps happening, will it stop dudes from going out there. I definitely would not go by myself then.Medellin is pussy heaven so it will not stop guys from going. And it shouldn't stop you either. Even traveling alone. Be aware of the danger and be careful with your drinks. Stay in a hotel or apartment building that requires the chicas to register with their cedulas. You'll be fine and have a blast.

01-09-23, 14:30
Medellin is pussy heaven so it will not stop guys from going. And it shouldn't stop you either. Even traveling alone. Be aware of the danger and be careful with your drinks. Stay in a hotel or apartment building that requires the chicas to register with their cedulas. You'll be fine and have a blast.Medellin was even more dangerous than today when Pablo Escobar was in charge. Back then it was a much greater pussy heaven than today but no gringos were to be found.

01-09-23, 14:50
I'm always curious when I hear stories like this as to how it came about? I've been going to Med since 2005 w / no problems and hope to never have this happen.

Did it happen in an establishment? How did you get from where you were drugged to your Hotel? Didn't anyone in your Hotel notice anything suspicious?

From what I normally read your lucky to have only been out for hours. For many its days or more. Sorry for all the questions but most Men would like to know for awareness. Thanks.

I was scoped in February on a lunch date. Had one beer and woke up hours later in my hotel room. Everything gone, safe empty, passwords changed, security settings changed, all accounts compromised.

01-09-23, 15:10
Man, that is so wild to hear. How could it be possible that you made it from lunch to hotel room without "snapping out of it" or realizing what was happening?You don't "snap out" of being drugged with a sedative. If I recall his story correctly, he was cooking lunch in his apartment with a girl when she drugged him.

01-09-23, 16:01
I wonder if this keeps happening, will it stop dudes from going out there. I definitely would not go by myself then.If you've never been, I would wait for things to cool down. There are a lot of positives to Medellin, but I don't think they outweigh the current situation for a first timer. Yes of course you can go and have zero issues, but when even experienced travelers and Medellin veterans are having issues, how do you think you would fare as a newcomer? Risk: reward is off right now. Whatever money you might save, ask yourself how you'd feel if you lost all of your possessions and everything in your bank account? Could you use all that money to go to a less risky place and enjoy without having to worry or be so alert? The answer is probably yes. I personally would not want to vacation with that type of worry, regardless of all the BS you'll hear about how you need to do this, do that, etc. And you'll be fine.

01-09-23, 16:35
You are right about this Huacho. It wasn't so very long ago. It's remarkable how some apparent customers of the place are triggered into intense denialism by these true reports. I think it makes it easier for the criminals because even after being warned, guys can be taken by surprise.

However what we who have been around a bit longer can remember is when they were twice invaded with multiple guns. One incident had obvious police complicity. Both were over ten years ago. Many of the same risk factors exist, such as being a known hangout for wealthy gringos, abundant drugs, etc. I can see why younger clueless non Spanish speakers would stay there once but the loyalty eludes me. It's a run down dump room wise.

01-09-23, 16:37
Man, that is so wild to hear. How could it be possible that you made it from lunch to hotel room without "snapping out of it" or realizing what was happening?I have a friend that lives there, he was scoped in his own apartment after being with a chica for a couple or three days. He was under the influence of the drug, whatever it was, for 2 or 3 days, and was even out to his favorite bar with the gal, while she was robbing him. He could not remember anything of those days afterwards, but friends of his saw him with the girl, and one friend tried to follow him back to his place because he thought something was wrong. Anyway, the guy lost some stuff, not sure whether she got his passwords or anything from him or not.

Seems like at the right dosage people are still functional but get compliant and the short term memory is basically gone. That's being lucky. At the wrong dosage its potentially lethal.

01-09-23, 16:53
I was scoped in February on a lunch date. Had one beer and woke up hours later in my hotel room. Everything gone, safe empty, passwords changed, security settings changed, all accounts compromised.Was your beer a bottle or was it in a glass / cup? Also did your hotel not check the girls ID?

01-09-23, 16:56
Do restaurants / bars / clubs ask for ID? If so do they ask for drivers license or passport? I don't like the idea of walking around with a passport.

01-09-23, 17:01
Going to hit up a few places mentioned in the chat. One bit of info I haven't seen is what is customary when tipping at casas / spas?

Obviously the amount can be merit based but is there a standard guideline? I'll be staying awhile and even plan on relocating to Medellin so I'm ok with being generous to establish better service in the future.

Also if anyone is interested in casa or spa runs hit me up.

Eros, Energy, Oasis, New life are all spots I aim to check out. Maybe la Isla if there is a group going.

[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it was an attempt by the author to encourage members to CONTACT HIM on ANOTHER WEBSITE. In the future, please refrain from posting requests for forum members to contact you on another website. Thanks!

01-09-23, 17:15
A lot of us veterans love the Mansion too. Great place to meet a lot of women on arrival then relocate to an apartment somewhere else. I have met quite a few of my favorite regulars there and it's a lot safer than picking up tinder, facebook and streetwalkers. What I like about the Mansion is that you get to sit around and get to know the personality of the girl before you are commited to spending any money. I have seen some fine looking women come through there.

However what we who have been around a bit longer can remember is when they were twice invaded with multiple guns. One incident had obvious police complicity. Both were over ten years ago. Many of the same risk factors exist, such as being a known hangout for wealthy gringos, abundant drugs, etc. I can see why younger clueless non Spanish speakers would stay there once but the loyalty eludes me. It's a run down dump room wise.

01-09-23, 19:24
A lot of us veterans love the Mansion too. Great place to meet a lot of women on arrival then relocate to an apartment somewhere else. I have met quite a few of my favorite regulars there and it's a lot safer than picking up tinder, facebook and streetwalkers. What I like about the Mansion is that you get to sit around and get to know the personality of the girl before you are commited to spending any money. I have seen some fine looking women come through there.You can do that in any strip club though. Furthermore you can also see her naked and dancing before any commitment, which is the additional advantage.

01-09-23, 20:28
If I remember correctly this member had other provider difficulties during the pandemic.

Was your beer a bottle or was it in a glass / cup? Also did your hotel not check the girls ID?

01-09-23, 20:49
I'm seeing that it's popular for guys to have girls cook for them or hang out for days on end. Even gringos with no Spanish. Not my thing at all. Although I can certainly understand it for veteran expats or long term travelers. We need some type of app that locks down logins for a set period of time.

On a separate note. I always forget about Mansion.

It seems like a great option. Is there a section with girls and a bar / club atmosphere?

You don't "snap out" of being drugged with a sedative. If I recall his story correctly, he was cooking lunch in his apartment with a girl when she drugged him.

01-09-23, 20:56
Sounds like my kind of gal. What's her fb name? Link? I can't find her.Her FB name is Maria Estefania.

01-09-23, 21:09
If you've never been, I would wait for things to cool down. There are a lot of positives to Medellin, but I don't think they outweigh the current situation for a first timer. Yes of course you can go and have zero issues, but when even experienced travelers and Medellin veterans are having issues, how do you think you would fare as a newcomer? Risk: reward is off right now. Whatever money you might save, ask yourself how you'd feel if you lost all of your possessions and everything in your bank account? Could you use all that money to go to a less risky place and enjoy without having to worry or be so alert? The answer is probably yes. I personally would not want to vacation with that type of worry, regardless of all the BS you'll hear about how you need to do this, do that, etc. And you'll be fine.Yeah, I think I'll wait for now. I do speak fluent Spanish which might help, but I'm weary of going so far only to have a bad experience. Thanks for the tip.

Husker Dude
01-09-23, 21:24
However what we who have been around a bit longer can remember is when they were twice invaded with multiple guns. One incident had obvious police complicity. Both were over ten years ago. Many of the same risk factors exist, such as being a known hangout for wealthy gringos, abundant drugs, etc. I can see why younger clueless non Spanish speakers would stay there once but the loyalty eludes me. It's a run down dump room wise.I've stayed there dozens of times over the years and continue to do so. I like speaking to other mongers between chicas and all the great restaurants in the area. Also, have you been there lately? They have 3 rooms completely remodeled in the main hotel. Those rooms have jacuzzi's and are not dumps. I do agree most rooms are old, but they are clean.

01-09-23, 21:35
Wound up deciding to go to Medellin after hearing so many people talking about it and having enjoyed it so I decided to do my research. I have been recently lurking in this forum for not that long trying to get information as well as lots of Youtube videos and wrote down places I should check out as it was recommended. I wound up getting my ticket for one week as a test run.


A little about me, I'm in my early 30's, Latino and I am semi fluent in Spanish but I do have an accent so you can tell I'm not a local.

A month before my flight I started swiping on Tinder and trying to get a decent list of girls I could possibly meet up there. Of course a lot of people mentioned to not use Tinder, but I made sure I vetted them, spoke to them on video and made at least a small little connection with them. No talk of money, no talk of gifts, just me telling them I wana take them out to dinner and have us explore. This is just my way of how I do things. Might work for others and it might not. Throughout all the girls I spoke to on there I had at least a good 5 girls I established a meet up with when I got there..Wasn't a full member before so I didn't get the chance to attach any pictures I believe but this is what Estefania looks like for anyone that was interested. From my personal preference I think I did quite well specially for someone that's not a pro at all (from what I know) LOL.

01-09-23, 21:51
Do restaurants / bars / clubs ask for ID? If so do they ask for drivers license or passport? I don't like the idea of walking around with a passport.I've never been asked for ID. It's recommended to carry a copy of your passport main page, plus the arrival stamp. Your hotel can provide that for you.

01-09-23, 22:46
Not much to say, another Tinder date, another average encounter. I'm now swiping much more lefts than rights. If the photos are okay, it just means the girl is not good. Lesson learned.

Following the no kissing and no second shot fiasco of my first encounter, this time around I make sure I ask all I want. Some negociation back and forth, we stop on 250 k for up to 2 hours for as many shots as I can handle.

Meeting organised at Golden Suites, I mention that I will not wait if she's late. Well, she's actually 30 minutes early. A rather good sign.

The girl is. Fine. Definitely not prime quality but descent attitude.

Once in the room ( 50 k for 3 hours, we'll end up using only one), Astri sets up the TV and music. She's no new to the setup.

We get undressed, no bad surprise. A bit of standing cuddles, dance, rub, but damn, she's already had a couple of beers. I won't kiss that.

I wanted to try these sort of curved chairs, I lie on it and she gives me a solid BBBJ. Good technique, she climbs on 69 after a while and she's clean an smells fine there. I don't get too deep though.

She then turns around and climbs on me. Well, those chairs are great for being ridden. It's very enjoyable. I pretty much struggle with that position on a bed, but on that chair the angles are perfect. We go on for a good while, then I blow my first load. She stays there for a bit, it's nice.

We then get on with the cleaning. So it's a thing that these hotels just don't include soap by default. It's a bit annoying, but, well, I just need to get my own next time.

We lie down on the bed then, a little bit of fun conversation with my broken Spanish, but still descent time.

After a while we try for round 2 (which is normally a pretty easy thing for me). No issues there, but I guess I'm not that attracted to her. She's willing and energetic, but I just never get there.

In the end I say that I've had enough, and we end the meeting with another cleaning, a bit of banter, payment, and off she goes. Just above 1 HR all in all.

I'll call this one "step 2" on the Medellin learning curve. Friendly girl and I got off, but I don't think it was worth my money or time. Better than encounter #1 though.

01-10-23, 00:31
It is with great resentment and sadness that I am about to post what I am going to post but I feel as though the information needs to be out there to help fellow mongers in medellin to avoid what happened to me.

So anyways I just recently got back to medellin after having been gone for 2 months working in the US. I had been messaging this lesbian marimacha chick that I met on a previous trip back in May while I was on my way here. It turns out she was also pregnant and I kinda have a fetish for pregnant women LOL.

Anyways so as soon as I arrived I grabbed the bus from the airport (which is now 14 mil by the way) and headed to terminal del norte. I had Yei (the pregnant lesbian chick) meet me there, and since I had my suitcase and backpack and all my belongings with me I told her I wanted to go to my apartment in santo domingo (I know big mistake, especially with a chick I've only seen one time prior). Anyways we make it back to my place, everything is in order just how I left it in November. She says she wanted a beer an įguila light, I tell her she shouldn't be drinking since she is 8 months pregnant but I guess one light beer wouldn't hurt. I then go to the local tienda in my barrio and buy 2 Aguila lights and come back. I open them both and take a swig of mine and then hop in the shower since I was all sweaty and hadn't showered since I left California. When I get out of the shower yei is in my room mopping up something on the floor and I'm like what happened and she's like oh I accidentally spilled the beers. And I'm like ok whatever. So then I go to grab my beer and low and behold the beer is more full than it had been after my first swig before I got in the shower. Upon further inspection I also noticed that it had alot more foam than it did before my shower and it had some kind of white powder on the neck of the bottle. So I questioned her about it but she denied putting anything in my beer, I however didn't believe her and I went and dumped it out. We then proceeded to have a BBFS session which actually was really good and exactly what I wanted just as good as the first time I saw her back in May. Then afterwards she started complaining that her barriga was hurting and that she didn't feel she could walk all the way down the hillsbof my barrio down to where taxis and cars pass by and that she wanted her girlfriend to come get her so we could both help her walk. I knew something fishy was going on but against my better judgment I gave her my address to give to her girlfriend to grab a taxi, but the address isn't exact because I don't know the interior number and all cars can't pass all the way up here just motos and pedestrians because the road gets too narrow. So when the girlfriend arrived I had to go down to get her. During this time when I left yei alone in my apartment she got into my backpack and took my laptop, my tablet, and a cheap Sony cybershot camera and put them into her backpack that she had brought with her. My dumbass being too trusting didn't think to double check my backpack until after the girlfriend and I helped her down the hill and into a taxi. And when I got back I checked and of course my shit was gone. Luckily everything was all cheap shit tho. The laptop was $100 on black Friday at best buy it was a Lenovo IdeaPad I1 with barebones specs, I just use it to hook up to the TV to watch movies and shows I have downloaded on hard drives. She also got my tablet which was some cheap shit from Walmart called Onn that was like $70 maybe, and she also got my Sony w800 cybershot camera also worth about $70 oh and my cell phone charger was missing as well. The stupid * actually left behind things that were more valuable than what she took, such as my 2 western digital 10 TB hard drives and an original JBL Bluetooth speaker among other things.

Anyways I have attached pictures of the lesbian chick and her girlfriend as well as her Facebook profile and pictures of the residual powder on the beer bottle (after I had dumped it out).

The marimacha goes by Yei Sanchez and the girlfriend (the fem lesbian) goes by Joanna Gomez or Reichell Gomez. They work in the Botero area and stay in a pagodiario in prado.

I guess I always learn the hard way, I know better than to bring chicas back to my place especially one's I don't really know that well, I was thinking with my dick instead of my head and after I noticed the powder on the beer I honestly don't know why I didn't throw the * out of my apartment right away. The good news is that I didn't drink the beer, I didn't pass out or even die, and while I'm out about $250 usd worth of electronics, I can always buy those things back again and it honestly wouldn't put much of a dent in my wallet at the moment.

Please be careful out there guys. This is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me in all the 5 years I've been coming to Colombia, but it seems to me that people are robbing and stealing more than they used to. A friend of mine recently had his IPhone stolen in Centro and even a vennie I know had her phone stolen as well. This for me is just a lesson to learn about not being so trusting of people which really I already knew but I guess I was just getting to confident or too comfortable, but it could have turned out much worse.

01-10-23, 00:44
Her FB name is Maria Estefania.Thank you.

01-10-23, 00:46
Is it true American snacks aren't available in medellin? Like m&ms, snickers etc?

01-10-23, 02:05
Wasn't a full member before so I didn't get the chance to attach any pictures I believe but this is what Estefania looks like for anyone that was interested. From my personal preference I think I did quite well specially for someone that's not a pro at all (from what I know) LOL.Congratulations!

I think that you did quite well with Estefania. Great smile, sweet look, and a nice figure. We're your other dates similar to this one?

01-10-23, 02:59
If I remember correctly this member had other provider difficulties during the pandemic.Hi Knowledge,

Not quite but sort of; two guys went hands-on with me in front of the ground-zero Tostao on the first DIA sin IVA during the pandemic. You were nearby. At that time I was staying with a girlfriend in Prado Centro and then moved to my first Medellin apartment, where I quickly got nailed for having too many guests and basically had to move because I was put on probation. I then moved to a great apartment in a building with porteros that love me and have been here ever since. I'll reply to another message now with details of the scope incident.

01-10-23, 03:04
You can do that in any strip club though. Furthermore you can also see her naked and dancing before any commitment, which is the additional advantage.There is a world of difference between getting to know someone at the mansion and getting to know someone at a strip club. At least in my opinion. I'm not saying one is better than the other for you. But if you want to get to know a girl at a strip club, you're spending money. At the mansion, the majority of the girls aren't as business oriented. Won't cost you a dime. And I'm not about being cheap. But girls working in a strip club are going to be more like sharks than girls at the mansion. But to each his own. That's the beauty. One man's treasure, etc.

01-10-23, 03:07

I think that you did quite well with Estefania. Great smile, sweet look, and a nice figure. We're your other dates similar to this one?The other date I had before Estefania was with the girl Maria, the one I had all night. Unfortunately I didn't get to go on other dates with my tinder catches since I spent most and basically all of my time with Estefania so I wound up ditching the rest I planned to meet but no regrets I still had a great time and experience.

Not sure if Maria was a pro or not, I mean she didn't give me the pro vibe but she did give me the experienced vibe if you get what I mean. She did not charge me at all only asked for bus and train money to go back and forth to meet me. She definitely knew what she wanted and how to move it though. As I mentioned in my previous post I did take some pictures of her which I have attached just blurred out her face in case she's a working girl. She definitely didn't give me the shy\innocent type as Estefania did LOL.

I will be heading out there again though this Friday but this time for 2 weeks and see what I get myself in to and trying to catch up with the girls I wound up ditching the last time. I will definitely put a report because I also want to check out el centro and see what there is and just go to other local spots that I have heard about. Oh and also try out my Fase Dos girl.

01-10-23, 03:40
Hi Knowledge,

Not quite but sort of; two guys went hands-on with me in front of the ground-zero Tostao on the first DIA sin IVA during the pandemic. You were nearby. At that time I was staying with a girlfriend in Prado Centro and then moved to my first Medellin apartment, where I quickly got nailed for having too many guests and basically had to move because I was put on probation. I then moved to a great apartment in a building with porteros that love me and have been here ever since. I'll reply to another message now with details of the scope incident.Yes please provide details so that we may possibly avoid getting drugged and robbed of everything.

01-10-23, 03:41
I'm seeing that it's popular for guys to have girls cook for them or hang out for days on end. Even gringos with no Spanish. Not my thing at all. Although I can certainly understand it for veteran expats or long term travelers. We need some type of app that locks down logins for a set period of time.

On a separate note. I always forget about Mansion.

It seems like a great option. Is there a section with girls and a bar / club atmosphere?I'll give you the quick lowdown on the mansion. Disclaimer: I do like the place and at least stop in there every visit. It has plenty of haters on this board. Which is fine but I cannot figure out why they are so adamant.

Basically, think day vs night. In the morning, it's generally guests only. The staff is fantastic. They'll do anything for you. The breakfast is cooked to order. Think homemade vs a big spread. About noon, girls will start trickling in. You'll have anywhere between 5 and 15 girls there during the day at the pool. The vibe is pretty low key. There's not alot of hustle. As has been said, you'll get to know them well. Obviously, all are available to take to your room. Price is 200 K. Obviously, you can negotiate what you want. I've never had a bad session there.

At 6 PM, the pool area essentially closes. Everyone goes to the bar / club. I have never been a fan of the club, at least as far as the facilites. It's just not that nice. It is clean. But calling it a club is a bit of a stretch. Very small bar, large dance floor that's not often used. And seating along the walls. When there aren't many people there, it has a very odd feel to it. But, I will say, I've had some really good nights there. Numbers of girls vary there, but I'd say usually you'll find around 20 girls there. It's definitely livelier later.

A couple thoughts about recent reports.

1. Padding the bar bill. I've not had that happen ever. The usual bartender is Michel. She is a good person and I'd be shocked if that happened. The other bartender I know is Mafe. I've never known or suspected that. She is a sweet girl. The only thing I would say. She likes to drink with you. She'll gladly by a round for a group. On your bill. LOL but certainly with your knowledge and approval. But nothing like padding a bill. Prices are pretty much in line with what you'd expect.

2. Disclaimer, I don't spend my visits worried about what could happen. That has left me in some sticky situations but nothing too bad. Certainly never been scoped or robbed. (Actually, I was pickpocketed by two SWs in Tijuana. I can't even begin to explain what an easy target I was. Drunk, walking the streets in Zona Norte at 3 AM. Stupid!) But with regards to the Mansion, their hotel is probably as secure as you'll find. They have a locked gate all day and all night long. Now, anything can happen. Anyone can let someone in so it's not Fort Knox. But the girls are vetted. The staff is very close friends with a few police officers. (On balance, that's probably a good thing. It's not uncommon to see 1 or 2 officers there, just hanging out.) But the girls are well-known and vetted so the danger there is low. As for the bar, there is a portero. He is a very good guy. And here again the door is locked. You are buzzed in and met at the door by the portero. He's not a dude I'd want to fight. LOL big dude, but has no doubt been in a few scraps. But a great guy.

I definitely agree this place has the most value for newbies. Or English-only guys. But as many have said, vets can enjoy it too. If you're looking for a wingman, great place.

Lastly, I agree with the negative comments on the accomodations. It is probably a 3-star place. Service is phenomenal. And it is very clean. But it is far from luxury. I overlook that for all the other benefits.

01-10-23, 03:45
Was your beer a bottle or was it in a glass / cup? Also did your hotel not check the girls ID?This happened in Bogota but I live in Medellin and only follow this forum so here it goes. At the beginning of the pandemic I had tickets to see Juanes in concert in Bogota. That concert was the very first thing to get canceled and then within a week we were in lockdown. Fast forward to January 2022 and the concert was rescheduled, to Saturday February 26 2022 at the Movistar arena. By this time I had a very small and close circle of girl friends but none were available to come to Bogota with me. So I started poking around Tinder and started some chats. I chatted with a woman for about a week and she came off as a professional (not pro puta) and was articulate and interesting to me. By this time I've been in Colombia for two years straight I also speak fluent Spanish.

In Bogota I was at the NH Hotel (can't remember the specific location name) and met this woman for lunch at 2 pm. We actually met at the Hyatt across the corner for my own safety, unbeknown to her. We walked to Parque 93 and found a place for lunch and were having good conversation, I was enjoying the day. During lunch she pulled out her phone to reply to a message and I commented, you have a brand new iphone, how do you have that? She said it was a gift from a family member in Florida. Turns out that probably wasn't the case haha.

So with lunch I had a Britania water and then we were having good conversation so I had a bottle of BBC beer. During that time, I did walk to the bathroom. I came back and was sipping on that beer and that's all I remember. I woke up in the middle of the night in my bed, with my clothes on. I lifted my head and saw the safe in the closet was open. I immediately knew what happened. But everything between sipping on that beer and waking up was and is completely black.

It took about six weeks to recover my accounts. One complicated factor is that I live here and don't have any other devices; if I had other logged-in devices it would have been easier to validate myself to microsoft and google. She got my laptop and phone from the safe, and my burner phone. When I finally got those accounts back I learned from all the emails and time stamps and location tracking that all passwords. Microsoft, google, and apple. Were changed before she left the room, as were the recovery settings.

As I was saying six weeks later when google finally sent me a recovery link, I clicked the link and went straight to account settings. I was resetting things but then was suddenly locked out. I wrote to google that I'm not an idiot but something went wrong, I was locked out before I reset my password. Some days later they sent me another link. By this time I had practiced resetting the password to do it as quicky as possible. This time I was successful. Then I saw, that when I tried the first time, my password was reset at exactly that minute from Bogota, Colombia. That's right: six weeks later, someone was sitting at a screen with my account open still fucking around with my business.

I was registered as the only guest at the NH Hotel, one person. On the video camera, she walked me right past reception. I looked like I'd been out drinking. She was in my room for about 2. 5 hours. I called the police the following day and two officers on one moto arrived in about five minutes and basically and promptly told me that what happened was my fault, and left without taking a report and refused to watch the surveillance video that reception had.

These people now had all of my devices and could reset any password (although they actually had all of them stored in google) with 2 FA. My phone service was with Google Fi and because the password was changed I couldn't lock the account, there isn't a phone number to call at google when you need something. They messaged some friends and family in broken English saying there was an emergency and asking for money. Nobody fell for that because the English was hideous but one family member called the USA embassy in Bogota. To my surprise, someone from the embassy actually got in touch with me about a week later when I finally got a new phone and SIM from Tigo. The embassy doesn't really do anything other than track these incidents, but this guy emphasized to me so many times, how common these drugging incidents are, he even said that several embassy staff have been drugged in Bogota.

Well that's the story. I have a girlfriend now (one of those girls from my small inner circle) and haven't been on a date since. If I ever wanted something different I would go to a well-reviewed in-call from the Colombian forums. Be safe, Lugnut.

01-10-23, 06:26
Is it true American snacks aren't available in medellin? Like m&ms, snickers etc?Some are, some aren't. I'm not sure about those specific ones. Pringles and Cheetos are available and popular. Colombians tend to enjoy Sweets and chocolate, so you can probably find acceptable substitutes.

01-10-23, 06:33
Is she from bogata? Because the only hot girl I see on fb with that name says she was born and lives in bogata.

01-10-23, 07:15
Turns out that probably wasn't the case haha.

So with lunch I had a Britania water and then we were having good conversation so I had a bottle of BBC beer. During that time, I did walk to the bathroom. I came back and was sipping on that beer and that's all I remember. I woke up in the middle of the night in my bed, with my clothes on. I lifted my head and saw the safe in the closet was open. I immediately knew what happened. But everything between sipping on that beer and waking up was and is completely black.

I was registered as the only guest at the NH Hotel, one person. On the video camera, she walked me right past reception. I looked like I'd been out drinking. She was in my room for about 2. 5 hours. I called the police the following day and two officers on one moto arrived in about five minutes and basically and promptly told me that what happened was my fault, and left without taking a report and refused to watch the surveillance video that reception had. Makes you wonder if we should look out for girls with the latest iphones doesn't it. Because i've seen several of them have them on fb. I hope I don't lose mine I just got the new one haha because I need my old one to use as a burner phone incase something like that happens but damn she took both your phones.

Damn so tinder and not watching your drink. That's like the 2 biggest mistakes. 3rd would be if she had a friend with her.

I'm definitely not trusting anyone with my drink. Hell I think at this point I'm making every chick jump in the jacuzzi first because some say they can put it on their breasts.

The reception really failed you. Maybe it is a good idea to tip the reception so they can have our backs.

Regardless that's a crazy ass drug how it can make you give up all your private information and just make you black out in perfect timing.

Only question I have for you is did she also give you her fb or ig?

I'm guessing this tinder chick didn't have any pictures with kids, friends or family. That's why they say it's best to avoid tinder and use fb. At least with fb you can do a bit more homework on them.

Que Rico
01-10-23, 07:44
Please go to Facebook and join the Medellin hall of shame that is where everybody posts their experiences with getting drugged there are thousands of members that would love to hear the story and learn from it I'm glad you're OK

It is with great resentment and sadness that I am about to post what I am going to post but I feel as though the information needs to be out there to help fellow mongers in medellin to avoid what happened to me.

So anyways I just recently got back to medellin after having been gone for 2 months working in the US. I had been messaging this lesbian marimacha chick that I met on a previous trip back in May while I was on my way here. It turns out she was also pregnant and I kinda have a fetish for pregnant women LOL.

Anyways so as soon as I arrived I grabbed the bus from the airport (which is now 14 mil by the way) and headed to terminal del norte. I had Yei (the pregnant lesbian chick) meet me there, and since I had my suitcase and backpack and all my belongings with me I told her I wanted to go to my apartment in santo domingo (I know big mistake, especially with a chick I've only seen one time prior). Anyways we make it back to my place, everything is in order just how I left it in November. She says she wanted a beer an guila light, I tell her she shouldn't be drinking since she is 8 months pregnant but I guess one light beer wouldn't hurt. I then go to the local tienda in my barrio and buy 2 Aguila lights and come back. I open them both and take a swig of mine and then hop in the shower since I was all sweaty and hadn't showered since I left California. When I get out of the shower yei is in my room mopping up something on the floor and I'm like what happened and she's like oh I accidentally spilled the beers. And I'm like ok whatever. So then I go to grab my beer and low and behold the beer is more full than it had been after my first swig before I got in the shower. Upon further inspection I also noticed that it had alot more foam than it did before my shower and it had some kind of white powder on the neck of the bottle. So I questioned her about it but she denied putting anything in my beer, I however didn't believe her and I went and dumped it out. We then proceeded to have a BBFS session which actually was really good and exactly what I wanted just as good as the first time I saw her back in May. Then afterwards she started complaining that her barriga was hurting and that she didn't feel she could walk all the way down the hillsbof my barrio down to where taxis and cars pass by and that she wanted her girlfriend to come get her so we could both help her walk. I knew something fishy was going on but against my better judgment I gave her my address to give to her girlfriend to grab a taxi, but the address isn't exact because I don't know the interior number and all cars can't pass all the way up here just motos and pedestrians because the road gets too narrow. So when the girlfriend arrived I had to go down to get her. During this time when I left yei alone in my apartment she got into my backpack and took my laptop, my tablet, and a cheap Sony cybershot camera and put them into her backpack that she had brought with her. My dumbass being too trusting didn't think to double check my backpack until after the girlfriend and I helped her down the hill and into a taxi. And when I got back I checked and of course my shit was gone. Luckily everything was all cheap shit tho. The laptop was $100 on black Friday at best buy it was a Lenovo IdeaPad I1 with barebones specs, I just use it to hook up to the TV to watch movies and shows I have downloaded on hard drives. She also got my tablet which was some cheap shit from Walmart called Onn that was like $70 maybe, and she also got my Sony w800 cybershot camera also worth about $70 oh and my cell phone charger was missing as well. The stupid * actually left behind things that were more valuable than what she took, such as my 2 western digital 10 TB hard drives and an original JBL Bluetooth speaker among other things.

Anyways I have attached pictures of the lesbian chick and her girlfriend as well as her Facebook profile and pictures of the residual powder on the beer bottle (after I had dumped it out).

The marimacha goes by Yei Sanchez and the girlfriend (the fem lesbian) goes by Joanna Gomez or Reichell Gomez. They work in the Botero area and stay in a pagodiario in prado.

I guess I always learn the hard way, I know better than to bring chicas back to my place especially one's I don't really know that well, I was thinking with my dick instead of my head and after I noticed the powder on the beer I honestly don't know why I didn't throw the * out of my apartment right away. The good news is that I didn't drink the beer, I didn't pass out or even die, and while I'm out about $250 usd worth of electronics, I can always buy those things back again and it honestly wouldn't put much of a dent in my wallet at the moment.

Please be careful out there guys. This is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me in all the 5 years I've been coming to Colombia, but it seems to me that people are robbing and stealing more than they used to. A friend of mine recently had his IPhone stolen in Centro and even a vennie I know had her phone stolen as well. This for me is just a lesson to learn about not being so trusting of people which really I already knew but I guess I was just getting to confident or too comfortable, but it could have turned out much worse..

01-10-23, 08:02
Is it true American snacks aren't available in medellin? Like m&ms, snickers etc?Best I've seen that's about true. Doritos nacho cheese are all over though, and the Colombian brands of potato chips are quite good. They also have good chocolate bars, ice cream, and cakes. As bad as Colombian food can be, sweets is their strength.

01-10-23, 08:08
This for me is just a lesson to learn about not being so trusting of people which really I already knew but I guess I was just getting to confident or too comfortable, but it could have turned out much worse.Thanks for sharing. I could say you should of known better being that you been there 5 years but like you said you just got too comfortable.

As soon as you said prego, that to me would of been a red flag, not caring about what she could do to her kid by drinking, 2nd red flag. And to top it all off her having one of those manly looking lesbo friends MAJOR RED FLAG. I stay away from chicks I come across on fb with lesbo friends like that.

What's crazy is you still got got even without being scoped at least like you said it could of been worse.

This reminds me, Never leave any valuables laying around before you invite a chick over you haven't known for some time. And never drink something you took your eye off, but good thing you caught it.

01-10-23, 09:41
I was scoped in February on a lunch date. Had one beer and woke up hours later in my hotel room. Everything gone, safe empty, passwords changed, security settings changed, all accounts compromised.How did she get into the safe? Just curious.