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02-24-23, 23:18
Nice job on the post, very sorry about the rip offs, live and learn. Never, ever pay up front. You'll be back and it will be even better.

OK made my first trip to Medellin at the end of January. Had help with a few members prior to arriving on trying to establish FB contacts. Set up a side account and started adding as much as I could. Thanks to Humpty and Jim for some contacts to get me started. I don't speak much Spanish at all but have taken up duolingo and try to spend 15 minutes everyday. I know I will slowly get better as time goes on. Looking at reviews and recommendations I wanted a good safe place to stay. Usually when traveling I need good wifi and Aircon. So I decided to stay at Energy for the security and location. When I travel I mainly traveling to experience the culture, activities, and tourist stuff (just want some company while abroad) I've learned to scuba in Thailand and that's been my last 3 trips. This trip I had a few motorcycle tours.

So arrived on Wednesday and took a taxi to Energy. Used the ATM when I got out of customs, seems everyone is hitting that ATM which is right there. Took out some money right away to make sure I had local currency. Seems 6 mil is the max the most I observed the atms will dish out. (About $125 usd) So made it to Energy living and doorman / security has the key to my Airbnb. I get in and settle in as it's late afternoon, I try to notify some of the women I'm arriving as I had no specific dates set up yet. I also checked up on the tours I set up.

I had An E bike city tour the next day Thursday, Motorcycle tour to Guatape on Friday and then dirt bike tour Monday. Well apparently the group Guatape tour I never paid for or finalized. So for that day they had a Motorcycle I could rent and I used google maps to get there myself. A bit of a drive but was a good trip (you get routed thru a dirt area you need to take for some reason, not sure why, maybe a short cut not sure).

So the E bike tour was great. When in a big city I always see if the e bike tours available. You get to see so much and cover quite a good amount of area without being exhausted. Gives you an idea of the layout of the city and the guide gives you a lot of recommendations.

Later that night I meet up with.

Dahiana Crespedes.

Really great body (enhanced) but in general not knowing Spanish I don't think one will have as good as a time just in my opinion. Yes I used translator but not quite the same. It was good service GFE. Very nice body.

The next girl I saw was Nanii Columbia.

She speaks a little English and I took her to dinner. After that wanted to go to a club and hear some music. WE traveled by Uber to not sure where it was but I couldn't find an ATM (many ATMs and places that have ATMs are closed up at night) I didn't have any pesos on me and cautious just using my card for everything. So we end up bailing back to the Airbnb. Had a good time with her also GFE.

So I've been around a long time in general and pretty smart but yeah I got taken for some money. All my fault, funny something I would never do at home but oh well it is what it is. The first one Manuela Bernal. On facebook.

She uses a driver to collect part of the full amount and says she arrives after to make sure (her safety). I think I gave the guy 1 mil. $25 usd I think. Even took a picture of his drivers license and plate number. Oh course she never shows up. Says she was robbed blah blah blah. My fault. I think a red flag with this one on FB she post videos and pics but you can't comment on her page or any of her post.

Estefa Morales.

Next one I meet on fb also and actually talked with her quite awhile. We set up a later day to meet (Sunday) as I had other stuff lined up and she gave me the whole story blah blah. So gave her money up front again way of much. And of course the day comes and she never shows up. She gets a mouth full of text of my thoughts. I actually meet her in person when I gave the money to her the day before. Again my fault. Southing I would usually never do. The money I lost between the 2 girls I'm not crying over and oh well money lost. Lesson learned. She has changed her number but still text me. I told her I fell sorry for her situation (saying he Mom died, who knows) I told her hey I forgive her, she stills text me still but I've told her if she mentions money I will just block her.

I got to see this one at her place. Cristal.

Cristal Forums Photoprepagos. (enhanced).

She was fun, mirrored wall and small shower to use. Clean good place She ordered my uber on my way out, she again was fun and very engaging. I think she had someone coming in right after me. (Side note some of the smaller rear doors on their cars have are squarish. I ended up opening a rear door took one to the middle of the forehead. (the Uber driver keep pointing at my forehead) he took me to a pharmacy because it was bleeding pretty good. I cleaned it up and bandaid over it. After that got dropped off in El Centro area just to walk around and maybe shop. After a few hours of shopping, there is still blood seeping thru the bandaid. At that point I knew I need stitches. So there was a hospital close to El Centro and went there (3 hour tour) LOL. Only $25 later and 3 stitches. Back to my hotel after that.

I see a girl named ISA, she doesn't have FB. And was referred to by a member Jimmy. She was fun but in the middle of things looks like her period came on with a small amount of blood on the bag. So let her know, she jumped up and went to the bathroom after we finished. She apologized and was on her way not too long after. She tried to ask to come by the next day and I reminded her about her period but was going to recommend her friend but she wasn't GFE. So pass.

Stefina was referred to me from again a member, She doesn't have facebook. Very petite cute girl. All natural and small chest. She was very cute and easy going. She smoked a bit on the balcony (I don't). Kinda shy but all and all fun and GFE. She was suppose to arrived by a certain time as I wanted to use the Jacuzzi on the top of the hotel but the time she arrived it was closed 10 pm.

Was suppose to meet a girl the morning I was leaving her name is Maria (another recommended lady), She showed up but only had a picture of her I. The on the phone Energy won't allow that, She apologized so I was scrambling last minute as I had to check out in 2 hours. I had been talking with Lexi a massage lady that was mentioned in the reviews and she was able to come over last minute. She does nuru type of massage very sensual massage. She looks younger in her pics but I she was still good looking, probably in her 30's. The sensual part was really good and had a good time right before I needed to be out the door.

So all in all a good time. Rappi keep having issues finding Energy and a few times orders got canceled. I used the restaurant at Airbnb and man the T-bone steak was awesome. Probably 1 lb, $70 but well worth it. I got a deep tissue massage at Medellin sports massage which was really good. I almost tapped out, they seem pretty busy with appointments but seem to do really good. I never got a chance to book them again but wanted to.

Also the dirt biking was a killer but a bit too much 8 hours of true dirt biking in the mountains. (Never dirt bike before, just street bike). If I had to do it again, maybe half amount of time and the up hill was. A learning curve. I fell a lot and yeah my knee is still recovering (not used to putting my foot down, different with street bikes). Didn't make it to any Casas and I'm not into street game. I like the comforts in my own place. Had a few members numbers that were also there the same time, just never got a chance to hang out with anyone. Next time will try to get out at night a bit more and experience the night life and the cases, clubs.

Sorry for the long post.

02-24-23, 23:27
He can register it over the Internet.

Your phone is going to be bricked up when you come back.

Nil Admirari
02-25-23, 00:07
Table Dance Grill Club. Never heard of it. Anyone know of it?........................

It's over by the airport, the one in Medellin, not the one in Rionegro. The one report I've seen on it wasn't promising at all.

Normally I'd be loathe to correct JjBee62 (from whose posts over the past several years, I've gleaned much good info and guidance in negotiating the Medellin Happy Hunting Ground). But in this case I've been to Table Dance Grill Club twice in the past few weeks and sessioned there one of those times. It's located on Avenida San Juan (aka: Calle 44) just a 10 minute walk from the Exito on La70. Address from Google Maps: CL. 44, #73-58, Laureles-Estadio. At night, you'll find that stretch of San Juan quite deserted and shady looking. I walked to and from the club, but some might feel more comfortable traveling by taxi /Uber even if they're staying nearby in Laureles.

If I'm not mistaken, pre-pandemic, there was a quite seedy, dump of a joint in the same location called the Apoteosis Club--which was on a par with some of the real hole-in-the wall El Centro Clubs. I vaguely recall stopping in there a couple of times and just finding 3 or 4 bored looking, chicas with big-time poundage issues.

However, fairly recently, someone has renovated the premises and up-graded the business model. In terms of both ambiance and pricing I'd rate this new incarnation somewhere between the well known second-tier clubs (Luna Lunera; San Diego Grill) and the better of the El Centro Clubs (Conejitos; Barra Ejecutiva). It's tinier than all of the above; cleaner and somewhat spiffier than the El Centro clubs but still quite spare in terms of decor and overall atmosphere. To my surprise, the chica selection (about 10 in all) was relatively good: no real beauties as you may find occasionally at La Isla, FaseII, and Luna Lunera--but several quite attractive, and, unlike almost every club and casa here, I saw only one seriously overweight girl. As in the El Centro clubs, the ladies are much less dolled up and younger looking than in the top tier clubs--and less plastic enhancement fore and aft.

No entry or cover charge. Rooms clean enough (I think with hot water), but quite bare-boned and no music.

02-25-23, 02:48
You can friend and message random girls too. I just wouldn't be asking them how much for sex off the bat. Treat it just like "sliding into dms" here in the US. Say Hi, maybe compliment them and if they respond and are friendly go from there.You're correct. I was mainly directing that towards the guys who won't take the time to use a bit of tact.

02-25-23, 02:58
Normally I'd be loathe to correct JjBee62 (from whose posts over the past several years, I've gleaned much good info and guidance in negotiating the Medellin Happy Hunting Ground). But in this case I've been to Table Dance Grill Club twice in the past few weeks and sessioned there one of those times. It's located on Avenida San Juan (aka: Calle 44) just a 10 minute walk from the Exito on La70. Address from Google Maps: CL. 44, #73-58, Laureles-Estadio. At night, you'll find that stretch of San Juan quite deserted and shady looking. I walked to and from the club, but some might feel more comfortable traveling by taxi /Uber even if they're staying nearby in Laureles.

If I'm not mistaken, pre-pandemic, there was a quite seedy, dump of a joint in the same location called the Apoteosis Club--which was on a par with some of the real hole-in-the wall El Centro Clubs. I vaguely recall stopping in there a couple of times and just finding 3 or 4 bored looking, chicas with big-time poundage issues.

However, fairly recently, someone has renovated the premises and up-graded the business model. In terms of both ambiance and pricing I'd rate this new incarnation somewhere between the well known second-tier clubs (Luna Lunera; San Diego Grill) and the better of the El Centro Clubs (Conejitos; Barra Ejecutiva). It's tinier than all of the above; cleaner and somewhat spiffier than the El Centro clubs but still quite spare in terms of decor and overall atmosphere. To my surprise, the chica selection (about 10 in all) was relatively good: no real beauties as you may find occasionally at La Isla, FaseII, and Luna Lunera--but several quite attractive, and, unlike almost every club and casa here, I saw only one seriously overweight girl. As in the El Centro clubs, the ladies are much less dolled up and younger looking than in the top tier clubs--and less plastic enhancement fore and aft.

No entry or cover charge. Rooms clean enough (I think with hot water), but quite bare-boned and no music.I appreciate the correction. I know where it's at now. There's another place that was mentioned a year or two ago, further south and it had a different kind of name. I had planned on checking it out but someone gave it a "waste of time" review before I got into town.

Now I can't find the other place. I just remember it was a bit west and north of the airport.

Fun Luvr
02-25-23, 06:36
The only issue I had in Laurles was all the ATM's I could find let you take out 600 K at a time and with fees it adds up.Davivienda Bank ATM's do not charge fees, and you can withdraw 2,000,000 each transaction. Multiple transactions per day allowed. There is one on LA 70 one and a half blocks from the Exito towards the stadium, opposite side of street from Exito.

Laura Bustamante. I would admit she had a cute light skinned face, but after getting undressed her body was fat and she had a strange smell down there. I was with her almost nine years ago and I thought she was too old then. It's hard to believe she could order 250,000 worth of food for one person at a normal restaurant in Copacabana. Sounds like she had a deal with the restaurant.

02-25-23, 12:42
OK made my first trip to Medellin at the end of January. Had help with a few members prior to arriving on trying to establish FB contacts. Set up a side account and started adding as much as I could. Thanks to Humpty and Jim for some contacts to get me started. I don't speak much Spanish at all but have taken up duolingo and try to spend 15 minutes everyday. I know I will slowly get better as time goes on. Looking at reviews and recommendations I wanted a good safe place to stay. Usually when traveling I need good wifi and Aircon. So I decided to stay at Energy for the security and location. When I travel I mainly traveling to experience the culture, activities, and tourist stuff (just want some company while abroad) I've learned to scuba in Thailand and that's been my last 3 trips. This trip I had a few motorcycle tours.

So arrived on Wednesday and took a taxi to Energy. Used the ATM when I got out of customs, seems everyone is hitting that ATM which is right there. Took out some money right away to make sure I had local currency. Seems 6 mil is the max the most I observed the atms will dish out. (About $125 usd) So made it to Energy living and doorman / security has the key to my Airbnb. I get in and settle in as it's late afternoon, I try to notify some of the women I'm arriving as I had no specific dates set up yet. I also checked up on the tours I set up..Are you a rookie at this. Why on earth would you give a hooker money for a future session. That's amateur hour. That's like giving money to Creflo Dollar. Think of this face anytime you are dealing with Pros: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creflo_Dollar.

02-25-23, 15:15
Where have all the SW's gone?

Decided to hit El Centro up on Friday afternoon at around 5 PM to see what talent was out and was disappointed as in the past before all the barricading at ground zero there typically would be a better selection out.

I didn't find the glass covered passageway on the side of the Church / Fountain area or backstreet much more crowded than before the barricading which I think may turn out to be around awhile given all the tourists.

There were still some SW's inside the barricaded area, but just not like before. And nobody working around the Fountain or in front of the Church. Typically on a Friday there would be SW's all over the place milling around but no more.

I did notice several old timers working, both Colombians and Venezuelans who have been around several years, but there just didn't seem to be many younger prettier SW's out and it seemed as though there were a lot less Venezuelans around. The park adjacent to the Museum used to be full of them, but no more.

I asked one of my Colombian amigas, a little spinner that I took upstairs at Zona Rosa, it's still 13 K short time and asked her opinion as to the current situation as she is there everyday and she told me a lot of the Venezuelans had left, and a lot of them have been deported. I don't know how much truth there is to this, but I'm still perplexed as to where all the SW's have gone, just seems like a lot less, and on a Friday late afternoon before the barricading it would of been packed.

I haven't spent much time there as of lately, but it's very different than before the barricading.

02-25-23, 15:29
I also was recommended ISA from a member and really did not enjoy the session. She came over to my AirBnB and seemed to be wired up on Tussie. Her pussy had a rank smell to it and she bailed on me saying her mother was in the hospital.

I see a girl named ISA, she doesn't have FB. And was referred to by a member Jimmy. She was fun but in the middle of things looks like her period came on with a small amount of blood on the bag. So let her know, she jumped up and went to the bathroom after we finished. She apologized and was on her way not too long after. She tried to ask to come by the next day and I reminded her about her period but was going to recommend her friend but she wasn't GFE. So pass.

02-25-23, 17:42
I also was recommended ISA from a member and really did not enjoy the session.I dunno why guys get strung along by personal references. Just because a girl gave good or bad service to X, doesn't mean that Y or Z are going to get the same experience. There are countless reasons why, both from the girl and from the guy. They are not slot machines that you insert your coins in to. To me personal reviews are a waste of time.

I went out in Poblado for the first time in a long time last night. Went to a restaurant. Was a group of 3 Eng speaking white guys with their 3 mid-age Colombian chicas. The girls were comparing their enhancements and completenting each other how beatutiful they looked. To me they looked grotesque and the whole atmosphere of the place seems plastic. Full of artificial people and wannabees. I remembered well why I haven't been there for so long. But hey, personal tastes and all that.

Tomcat 88
02-25-23, 17:45
Thanks for report and address of Table Top Grill Club, Nil Admirari. But what did sex and drinks cost?

I wrote review of 25-29 The Girls Club some time ago. Address is Cra. 70 # 25-29. Opens late, 11 pm Night I went, stays open till dawn, apparently. Inside is maze of small meeting rooms with chairs, sofas and coffee tables. I talked to skinny Venezuelan for an hour or so. Can't recall drink prices, but around 10-15 a beer. Sex was expensive, 300 mil an hour if memory serves.

Nil Admirari
02-25-23, 18:45
Thanks for report and address of Table Top Grill Club, Nil Admirari. But what did sex and drinks cost?
I didn't include prices because I wasn't sure that I remembered them correctly. To the best of my recollection:

--beer: 15 mil;.
--half hour or 45 minutes (not sure which) in a room with a chica: 180 mil.
--one hour session: 230 mil.

As mentioned in my prior report. No entry or cover charge. I gave my chica of choice a 50 mil tip for BBBJ and DFK.
Again, please don't trust my memory on the above pricing.

The lady herself had an outstandingly high energy and sensual twerking routine on the strip pole that had gotten my hormones flowing. But our session together in an upstairs room proved to be somewhat disjointed. The BBBJ and DFK were half-hearted. And she paid overly zealous attention to purifying my cock with handiwipes before deigning to bless it with her lips.

On the other hand, as anticipated, excellent twerking style moves in CG. And she got so into DATY that she kept forcibly pressing my head into her pussy and wouldn't let me stop until she came: something of a turn on but it took quite awhile, and by then. we didn't have enough time left for a proper fuck. Room quite small, with the bed taking up almost alt the space.

02-25-23, 19:28
The next girl I saw was Nanii Columbia.

She speaks a little English and I took her to dinner. After that wanted to go to a club and hear some music. WE traveled by Uber to not sure where it was but I couldn't find an ATM (many ATMs and places that have ATMs are closed up at night) I didn't have any pesos on me and cautious just using my card for everything. So we end up bailing back to the Airbnb. Had a good time with her also GFE.

So I've been around a long time in general and pretty smart but yeah I got taken for some money. All my fault, funny something I would never do at home but oh well it is what it is. The first one Manuela Bernal. On facebook.

She uses a driver to collect part of the full amount and says she arrives after to make sure (her safety). I think I gave the guy 1 mil. $25 usd I think. Even took a picture of his drivers license and plate number. Oh course she never shows up. Says she was robbed blah blah blah. My fault. I think a red flag with this one on FB she post videos and pics but you can't comment on her page or any of her post.

I'm wondering if this is the same Nanni I saw. Again its hard to say with how many thousands of girls willing to open their legs for some money but I feel like the circles of FB and contacts passed along is smaller than one might think.

I was also recommended ISA but didn't spring for her, just too many other options for a week stay.

I appreciate the recommendations even if it doesn't work out, and would never blame another member if that happened,.

Also to JustTj remarks no one gets hung up on recommendations. I would much prefer to try someone vetted than luck my chance at a total random. Of course you can't expect to have a similair experience as so many variables can effect the outcome but it does atleast provide a better chance of having a good or bad experience. The thing that irks me about this fourm and Medellin seems to be worse than others is there is soo much criticism. IMO the whole point of this fourm is to help one another out and not bash each other but I guess as long as there is internet there will be trolls.

02-25-23, 19:39
So I know a few people asked.

I was standing on the street early morning on a weekend near my plae in Laurleles waiting for an Uber to go to Centro.

Its quite a noisy street lots of auto repair places but I'm surprised I didn't hear the gunshot (s) (maybe had a silencer but even then I know they don't work like they make it out in the movies) but I see two motorcycles rip by infornt of me with a guy chasing them.

Probably 50 feet from where I was standing the guy (s) on motos blasted a guy sitting in a chair in the head. Pretty quickly a crowd had formed lots of chaos someone was giving the guy CPR but I doubt very much form the amount of blood I saw he would survive.

Took what seemed forever for the cops to show up, they loaded him into the back of a police truck and speed away I assume to the hospital. When I returned later that day everything was cleaned up and no police tape or anything. Like nothing happened.

Altough I was shaken up seeing such a thing and not knowing the details it must of been a targeted hit, and I would still go back in a heartbeat as the same shit happens here in North America except the gangbangers will hit up innocent civilians in the process.

I also forgot to mention two website I feel are useful.

https://catadorcolombia.com/ they have and english section and you can always use google translate. More oriented to reviewing SP's off websites but useful nonethless.

https://chicacheck.co/ more oriented towards FB chicks I feel like if this was utilized more wlould help weed out alot of the bad providers.

02-25-23, 19:41
Also the dirt biking was a killer but a bit too much 8 hours of true dirt biking in the mountains. (Never dirt bike before, just street bike). If I had to do it again, maybe half amount of time and the up hill was. A learning curve. I fell a lot and yeah my knee is still recovering (not used to putting my foot down, different with street bikes). Didn't make it to any Casas and I'm not into street game. I like the comforts in my own place. Had a few members numbers that were also there the same time, just never got a chance to hang out with anyone. Next time will try to get out at night a bit more and experience the night life and the cases, clubs.

Where and who did you get the dirt bikes from?

02-25-23, 20:01
If I'm not mistaken, pre-pandemic, there was a quite seedy, dump of a joint in the same location called the Apoteosis Club--which was on a par with some of the real hole-in-the wall El Centro Clubs. I vaguely recall stopping in there a couple of times and just finding 3 or 4 bored looking, chicas with big-time poundage issues.
I stayed in Laureles in 2019 and went to Apoteosis club! It was as you describe it above, but closer to where I was staying. Thanks for the memory.

02-25-23, 22:50
A letter from Botero himself to the museum was recently leaked. Botero asked that the letter be shared with the mayor. He asked that the barrier be removed and said the condition of his art donations was that they be accessible by the general public. The mayor responded with political language but basically blew the maestro off. It is what it is, we and the chicas will have to adapt.

Where have all the SW's gone?

Decided to hit El Centro up on Friday afternoon at around 5 PM to see what talent was out and was disappointed as in the past before all the barricading at ground zero there typically would be a better selection out.

I didn't find the glass covered passageway on the side of the Church / Fountain area or backstreet much more crowded than before the barricading which I think may turn out to be around awhile given all the tourists.

There were still some SW's inside the barricaded area, but just not like before. And nobody working around the Fountain or in front of the Church. Typically on a Friday there would be SW's all over the place milling around but no more.

I did notice several old timers working, both Colombians and Venezuelans who have been around several years, but there just didn't seem to be many younger prettier SW's out and it seemed as though there were a lot less Venezuelans around. The park adjacent to the Museum used to be full of them, but no more.

I asked one of my Colombian amigas, a little spinner that I took upstairs at Zona Rosa, it's still 13 K short time and asked her opinion as to the current situation as she is there everyday and she told me a lot of the Venezuelans had left, and a lot of them have been deported. I don't know how much truth there is to this, but I'm still perplexed as to where all the SW's have gone, just seems like a lot less, and on a Friday late afternoon before the barricading it would of been packed.

I haven't spent much time there as of lately, but it's very different than before the barricading.

Mojo Bandit
02-25-23, 23:29
Great report bro. Thank you and happy to help. At least someone post reviews. Lately most folks have been talking about robbing and other stuff which is good to share but not to scare people. I am glad you enjoyed Elly and Sofia. Elly is special and a very sweet girl. As you mention it's not the look always but more about the attitude and top notch service. I will be in medellin March 9 and already lined up the girls and few repeat.Once you hit "reply with quote" and that next window opens up and everything they said is there between the the two bracekted word quote. You can start anywhere inside the quot behond the last bracketed word quote and hightlight and cut the most of it out. Members appreciate when a quoted post does not take up the whole page.

02-26-23, 04:22
I also forgot to mention two website I feel are useful.

https://catadorcolombia.com/ they have and english section and you can always use google translate. More oriented to reviewing SP's off websites but useful nonethless.

https://chicacheck.co/ more oriented towards FB chicks I feel like if this was utilized more wlould help weed out alot of the bad providers.Thanks for all the reporting and special thanks for dropping these sites. I will be bookmarking them both.

02-26-23, 13:03
She ended up ordering a whole bunch of food and drinks as I went ot the bathroom which I had to pay came out to 250 mil. Must have been lunch for the horses as well. Thanks for the warning about this scammer.

02-26-23, 13:15
Thanks, Nebido is definitely what I would want to find. Is it available in most pharmacies in Medellin or would I have to look around for it?Actually you might want to do both. The Nebido does last longer but that is because it releases slower and you won'why see much benefit for a couple weeks. The testuviron will be working in a couple days.

02-26-23, 17:23
I went out in Poblado for the first time in a long time last night. Went to a restaurant. Was a group of 3 Eng speaking white guys with their 3 mid-age Colombian chicas. The girls were comparing their enhancements and completenting each other how beatutiful they looked. To me they looked grotesque and the whole atmosphere of the place seems plastic. Full of artificial people and wannabees. I remembered well why I haven't been there for so long. But hey, personal tastes and all that.Another way of looking at this, is that the three English speaking white guys are living in a fantasy, no different than those who hunt around El Centro. And it's good for everyone, as everybody rolls different.

I know when I'm here I'm living in a fantasy.

02-26-23, 17:25
A letter from Botero himself to the museum was recently leaked. Botero asked that the letter be shared with the mayor. He asked that the barrier be removed and said the condition of his art donations was that they be accessible by the general public. The mayor responded with political language but basically blew the maestro off. It is what it is, we and the chicas will have to adapt.But where have all the SW's gone, seems way less than before the barricade?

Nil Admirari
02-26-23, 19:09
But where have all the SW's gone, seems way less than before the barricade?Based on a brief tour late one recent Friday afternoon with another BM, and as I vaguely recall has already beee reported here by others: My impression is that much (if not most) of the action has simply shifted from Plaza Botero and the adjoining pedestrian areas themselves to the block of Carrera 53 between Calles 51 and 52 (behind the Vera Cruz Church). The density of SWs on that deliciously seedy block seemed much higher than on my prior visits, with many more chicas out on the sidewalks as opposed to just those that one has always found loitering inside the doorways and hole-in-the wall bars along that stretch of Cra. 53.

Just my impression from one foray. The hard-core El Centro denizens on this thread may have a more accurate update to share.

02-26-23, 20:01
I haven't been to my beloved Centro in nearly three weeks. All these recent developments have me super curious so I will definitely see the latest for myself in a few days. Meanwhile, my guess is core cohort of Botero bunnies moved over to Raudal. This is only a guess. First hand I know a couple of girls who used to work across from Premium Plaza now post up on the Veracruz wall across from Botero Hotel (the red and white one that is the most popular). One of them complained to me that there are a lot of girls packed into that small area. To me it looked like the overall numbers are down from the pre barricade era but I have to defer to a girl who is out there all day most every day.

But where have all the SW's gone, seems way less than before the barricade?

02-27-23, 00:16
Planning to be in Medellin in March, looking for a good reliable host to rent and to show me the P2 P scene and El Centro tours etc.

Appreciate any good shares, please DM me.

I have numbers of Facebook girls that I can receprocate.

02-27-23, 01:15
Been here for a few weeks! Met up with several ISG members in town, there's a lot more movement than in Bogota. Still haven't made my way to Centro or Casas, though that's not really my cup of tea.

Medellin has changed a lot in the last 2 years. Poblado is gringo central and attracting tourist girls, families, newlyweds, you name it. The city is currently one of the "new" popular world destinations, not just for Americans but everyone in the world. I was at a rooftop and there were 4 British girls and a group of South Africans that were spending the week here. I remember being in the gym and noticed nearly every person was foreign. Finding high quality rental (and GF friendly) in Poblado was initially a hassle, even if you're willing to pay. Expect a budget nearly equivalent of a Tier 2 USA city to find a nice place in Poblado now, IMO. There is so much demand that every good place gets rented immediately. The main rental agencies are all at 95-100% occupancy year round.

Focusing mainly on online options, I avoid hardcore P4P. I've met many girls, most of my meetings are great. Took some of them partying too, I recommend Icono. The options for company in the city are basically limitless. You'll quickly notice Medellin is not that big of a city and a lot of the girls know each other. Prices are about 3-4 x cheaper than Brazil for Top quality. I overpay, and it allows for peace of mind and minimal flaking. Despite old schoolers complaining the scene has worsened (rightfully so) due to increasing demand with the city's recent massive popularity, it remains a great option for girls and fun.

A few points to note:

- If you didn't notice, most of Poblado isn't that walkable. Super hilly.

- Whoever said you don't need AC in Medellin is probably a landlord trying to keep his utility bill low. I'm grateful for it! First there's the humidity, then there's the temperature. It was 85 F not long ago.

- Food is surprisingly better in Medellin than it is in Bogota. Tons of expats have opened specialty restaurants. But we're talking by Colombian standards, incomparable to Brazil or Mexico's food scene.

- Parque Lleras feels like a touristy street in Cancun, not impressed. Provenza on the other hand has much more charm, culture and is fun. Great place to meet and pickup regular girls too.

02-27-23, 02:18
If they have a facebook account and they look hot with some pictures that suggest they're not a virgin AND they're in Medellin AND they're not the wife of some rich guy or some other super obvious thing (a nun) that eliminates them from needing or wanting money at all, then, you can ask them to meet. It's not a magic special super secret group of facebook girls guys.I'd also add that many girls will set up duplicate / faux accounts that they use for hooking. One thing that I would caution is there seems to be an increasing number of fake profiles. You can usually tell those because they were created within the past 6 months, there are no pics of anyone, but the girl. And often times they are simply too hot (ie an Instagram model whose photos are being used). It's been said hundreds of times, but bares repeating. Never, never, never send a girl money before you meet.

Also, FB for hooking up with girls is much, much more prominent in Medellin than other parts of Colombia.

02-27-23, 06:35
Visiting Bogota first (this week) and then Medellin (following week). I'm a seasoned monger, long time lurker but first time posting here. I've mongered in Brazil, Mexico, Amsterdam, and Germany. Anyway, I'll be staying at the Mansion Hotel in Medellin, so hope to meet some fellow members there.

Question for the veteran mongers of Colombia: Is there a good place to find older ladies aka GILF's? I don't see much online on the prepagos sites, just a handful over 50 yo. Just a fetish of mine that I'the like to satisfy during my trip. Thanks in advance!

02-27-23, 14:17
Another way of looking at this, is that the three English speaking white guys are living in a fantasy, no different than those who hunt around El Centro. And it's good for everyone, as everybody rolls different.

I know when I'm here I'm living in a fantasy.Point accepted. But then I want to ask. Is a fantasy the opposite to reality? In which case, what is a fantasy and what is reality?

02-27-23, 15:14
That's why we go to escape the reality of our existence in the States.

Another way of looking at this, is that the three English speaking white guys are living in a fantasy, no different than those who hunt around El Centro. And it's good for everyone, as everybody rolls different.

I know when I'm here I'm living in a fantasy.

02-27-23, 17:24
Visiting Bogota first (this week) and then Medellin (following week). I'm a seasoned monger, long time lurker but first time posting here. I've mongered in Brazil, Mexico, Amsterdam, and Germany. Anyway, I'll be staying at the Mansion Hotel in Medellin, so hope to meet some fellow members there.

Question for the veteran mongers of Colombia: Is there a good place to find older ladies aka GILF's? I don't see much online on the prepagos sites, just a handful over 50 yo. Just a fetish of mine that I'the like to satisfy during my trip. Thanks in advance!In Bogota there is a stroll on calle 18 and CR 13 for that-.

02-27-23, 18:55
Question for the veteran mongers of Colombia: Is there a good place to find older ladies aka GILF's? I don't see much online on the prepagos sites, just a handful over 50 yo. Just a fetish of mine that I'the like to satisfy during my trip. Thanks in advance!That should be super easy. Most women above the age of 40 are only looking for a little fun and a little money. They do not want to leave their husband / BF or be wined and dined in public because they want it all to be secret. All you need to find are one or two. Seriously this is so easy.

Search www.photoprepagos.com by age. Take an older girl and ask her for her friends. Friends helping friends. Offer a finders fee. Older women know the score and are not expecting anything serious so will share you with their friends.

Go to casas and ask the older manager if she has friends or older ex-casa girls. Then ask them for their friends and offer finders fee.

Go to Parque Botero in front of the Botero Rail Station. Tons of old coffee girls. Buy a coffee and wander around and quietly pass your Whatsapp number to as many as you can. Many women are not publicly available but privately are available so do not expect one to go with you right then and there. You just need one. From there it will spiderweb out.

There are plenty of women who want side action, a little money, and maybe a cheap gift / momento. At those older ages most have given up and unwilling to advertise their availability. They also do not have the confidence they had in their younger years so they will be shocked that you approached them. They need time to let the shock wear off.

I wish I was into this age group. Within a few months you will never have to search again. They will be finding you. You truly are doing God's Work to fulfill a burning need. If you fail at something this damn easy you should seriously consider jumping off the nearest cliff you can find.

02-27-23, 23:20
I might actually try Tinder in this case and set the age range to your desired range. I don't think there are 40 and 50 your old women scoping guys as there aren't nearly as many foreigners paying them that much attention. I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to find what you are looking for for free or at a very nominal price. Of course, if you use Tinder, get their other social media, ask them about their job, where they live, family details, and of course meet in a safe place.

Visiting Bogota first (this week) and then Medellin (following week). I'm a seasoned monger, long time lurker but first time posting here. I've mongered in Brazil, Mexico, Amsterdam, and Germany. Anyway, I'll be staying at the Mansion Hotel in Medellin, so hope to meet some fellow members there.

Question for the veteran mongers of Colombia: Is there a good place to find older ladies aka GILF's? I don't see much online on the prepagos sites, just a handful over 50 yo. Just a fetish of mine that I'the like to satisfy during my trip. Thanks in advance!

Mr Enternational
02-28-23, 00:08
You'll quickly notice Medellin is not that big of a city and a lot of the girls know each other.Medellin is definitely a big city, but I do not think it takes much for a couple to a few hundred hookers to know each other. That is like saying a lot of the quantum physicists know each other. It is a small specialized community, just maybe does not seem that way when you are in the middle of it. But when you are in a fb group or board like this and see everybody has fucked all the same people, you realize ain't that many chicks at all.

Mr Enternational
02-28-23, 00:15
Point accepted. But then I want to ask. Is a fantasy the opposite to reality? In which case, what is a fantasy and what is reality?Not literally. They are living what they thought could never be possible until they experienced that it actually is possible.

02-28-23, 00:44
Been here for a few weeks! Met up with several ISG members in town, there's a lot more movement than in Bogota. Still haven't made my way to Centro or Casas, though that's not really my cup of tea.

Medellin has changed a lot in the last 2 years. Poblado is gringo central and attracting tourist girls, families, newlyweds, you name it. The city is currently one of the "new" popular world destinations, not just for Americans but everyone in the world. I was at a rooftop and there were 4 British girls and a group of South Africans that were spending the week here. I remember being in the gym and noticed nearly every person was foreign. Finding high quality rental (and GF friendly) in Poblado was initially a hassle, even if you're willing to pay. Expect a budget nearly equivalent of a Tier 2 USA city to find a nice place in Poblado now, IMO. There is so much demand that every good place gets rented immediately. The main rental agencies are all at 95-100% occupancy year round.

Focusing mainly on online options, I avoid hardcore P4P. I've met many girls, most of my meetings are great. Took some of them partying too, I recommend Icono. The options for company in the city are basically limitless. You'll quickly notice Medellin is not that big of a city and a lot of the girls know each other. Prices are about 3-4 x cheaper than Brazil for Top quality. I overpay, and it allows for peace of mind and minimal flaking. Despite old schoolers complaining the scene has worsened (rightfully so) due to increasing demand with the city's recent massive popularity, it remains a great option for girls and fun.

A few points to note:

- If you didn't notice, most of Poblado isn't that walkable. Super hilly.

- Whoever said you don't need AC in Medellin is probably a landlord trying to keep his utility bill low. I'm grateful for it! First there's the humidity, then there's the temperature. It was 85 F not long ago.

- Food is surprisingly better in Medellin than it is in Bogota. Tons of expats have opened specialty restaurants. But we're talking by Colombian standards, incomparable to Brazil or Mexico's food scene.

- Parque Lleras feels like a touristy street in Cancun, not impressed. Provenza on the other hand has much more charm, culture and is fun. Great place to meet and pickup regular girls too.I like to overpay too. Honestly in MDE we are talking about chump change. All women the world over do not like cheap men. I believe I get better service and responsiveness. And if it prices some cheap Charlies out of the market for the kind of women I am after all the better. I only use SA and FB so you street, club and casa rats don't have to worry.

02-28-23, 05:02
In Bogota there is a stroll on calle 18 and CR 13 for that-.Dully noted, thank you.

02-28-23, 05:07
That should be super easy. Most women above the age of 40 are only looking for a little fun and a little money. They do not want to leave their husband / BF or be wined and dined in public because they want it all to be secret. All you need to find are one or two. Seriously this is so easy.

Search www.photoprepagos.com by age. Take an older girl and ask her for her friends. Friends helping friends. Offer a finders fee. Older women know the score and are not expecting anything serious so will share you with their friends.

Go to casas and ask the older manager if she has friends or older ex-casa girls. Then ask them for their friends and offer finders fee.

Go to Parque Botero in front of the Botero Rail Station. Tons of old coffee girls. Buy a coffee and wander around and quietly pass your Whatsapp number to as many as you can. Many women are not publicly available but privately are available so do not expect one to go with you right then and there. You just need one. From there it will spiderweb out.

There are plenty of women who want side action, a little money, and maybe a cheap gift / momento. At those older ages most have given up and unwilling to advertise their availability. They also do not have the confidence they had in their younger years so they will be shocked that you approached them. They need time to let the shock wear off.

I wish I was into this age group. Within a few months you will never have to search again. They will be finding you. You truly are doing God's Work to fulfill a burning need. If you fail at something this damn easy you should seriously consider jumping off the nearest cliff you can find.Those are great suggestions. Yeah I typically indulge in the 20's to 30's but I get the itch for at least one mature lady each time I go on a mongering trip.

02-28-23, 05:09
I might actually try Tinder in this case and set the age range to your desired range. I don't think there are 40 and 50 your old women scoping guys as there aren't nearly as many foreigners paying them that much attention. I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to find what you are looking for for free or at a very nominal price. Of course, if you use Tinder, get their other social media, ask them about their job, where they live, family details, and of course meet in a safe place.Yeah tinder may be off my list of options because of how dangerous it is. Guess I'll try and find some in public to chat up discreetly.

Mr Enternational
02-28-23, 05:28
I might actually try Tinder in this case and set the age range to your desired range. I don't think there are 40 and 50 your old women scoping guys as there aren't nearly as many foreigners paying them that much attention. I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to find what you are looking for for free or at a very nominal price.If you think it is only 20 year old women that are on the take then you have a rude awakening coming. Who do you think the 20 year olds learned from? There is nothing new under the sun.

Mr Enternational
02-28-23, 05:34
I like to overpay too. Honestly in MDE we are talking about chump change. All women the world over do not like cheap men. I believe I get better service and responsiveness.Why would you believe this? Of the people that come on here saying this, none have ever said you know I used to pay less or the "normal rate" and the service was really shitty. But then I started overpaying and oh what a difference that made! No. You just always assume you are getting something better or special because you are paying more.

02-28-23, 05:42
In Bogota there is a stroll on calle 18 and CR 13 for that-.I've fucked a few ladies from there myself jajajaja. They're not all super old tho I've found some mid to late 20's there.

02-28-23, 14:01
I like to overpay too... All women the world over do not like cheap men. Paying the going rate and perhaps with a tip for excellent service isn't cheap and shows you as a guy who knows his way around. Even the mega rich like to pay the going rate for products and services. Overpaying shows you as a sucker and probably also a show off, and there's never any benefits to that.

02-28-23, 16:04
So I'm just going start writing away without proof reading or checking for grammar so apologize in advance. I meant to write this and post a while ago but been too busy, and I didn't want to cookie cut the entire report. I'm not going specify names or prices, this is more on a report of my experience to help and educate other mongers out that is on the fence about going and filter out some of the negativity people talks about on Medellin.

Intro: So first I want to mention, I obliviously enjoy Medellin to the fullest! I can honestly say I didn't have a single bad experience and my only regret I made was not staying longer. My trip was last month for 5 days, and if I knew what I know now, I would have easily stay for almost 2-weeks! So much great memories and to this days I'm still communicating with two girls every day since I left.

About me: This part is crucial and help me with my overall experience, I have travel parts of the world and cross the POND. Before COVID (FCK COVID! My company sent me all throughout Europe. I have monger in UK, Germany, France, Spain (this trip did benefit me a little with language and Spanish woman) and some more. Again, COVID ruin this and my company only sends me to domestic places now and relies on virtual services like Teams to conduct business overseas. Blah blah blah. Ok we getting off topic.

I was originally going make this Medellin trip about two years ago, but during my initial homework. I quickly realize this would have required a lot of research and planning, something I didn't want to do at the time (do you homework on Medellin! So I decide to make Tijuana (less amount of homework required for it to be successful) my first dedicated mongering trip (2022) and help me break into the, we will call it sex-vacation trip (sounds bad haha). For my first-time mongers, Tijuana will defiantly help you break the ice and get you out of your comfort zone. More on this later.

Planning: Like I mention I stay for 5 days, and I start the homework and research back in Summer 2022. I went into overdrive in October. I first build a secondary Facebook account. It was a very slow start, so I then built a seeking account in November. I stay off Tinder for obvious reason. I kid you not, as soon you create a seeking account, and set your location to Medellin. They all just start running and messaging you. I start building my list. I made one strict rule. I didn't communicate with any recent account, I have notice where girls will kill one account and create another one. FISHY! At the same time, I was trying to get my Facebook account going and then about December, I finally hit that gold mine. And still to this date, girls are still trying to add me as a friend on facebook (I will explain facebok in a bit). After my trip!

Facebook: The thing about Facebook and what help me. I look for those groups like La Isla and I'll find some girls in their and add away and then add their friends if it wasn't hidden. But what really help was my fellow mongers (sorry guys, haha). Find a monger, look at who likes that person comment or picture. Most likely its going be a attractive girl. Add her, look at her friends, also see who is liking her ish, repeat. It's a revolving door. And by time you hit about 20 friends, Facebook does the rest for you and then you'll be at 500. It's not rocket science, just takes time. But I end up not seeing none of the facebook girls I had line up, just not enough time or man power. And trust me, I was hoe when I arrive. My body count was over 10 times during this trip.

Experience: So from the extensive list I create off of Seeking. I end up meeting 3 (would have been 4, but one of them we could never get the stars to align). Second night in town I met my first seeking date and man she was fckingggggg incredible (not my first fck). She is my top 3 sexual experience I had with any girl. She was cute, in her younger 20's, sexy and fore sure shy when she arrive. She ask me if she could take a shower and was curious if I like to join her. This is when she turn into a horny ass school girl **** (she in school) We were rubbing each other body, bbj in the shower and I'm fingering her. She back that little Latina booty on me and I'm teasing her. We did a little dry humping and I was trying stick it in honestly, but that when she said fck me now but pay a little more. I'm like duh fudge! I was trying get her to budge or maybe free as horny she was. But nope. We went back in forth in the shower and I finally gave in. Force her around and stick it in her. Damn did it felt good and she damn sure wasn't faking her face or moan reaction. I gave her about 10 deep heavy strokes and I pull out, She turn around all turn on and everything, but she wasn't happy that I pull out and was trying to put it back in! Told her in my broken Spanish NO! We going take this to the bed. I'm like well you tease the fck out of me. Jeje. We finish it off I the bed did mish doggy and back to mish. She said to nutt inside her which I happily did. She went to clean up and ask If I could go again. I'm like damn this girl just horny as fck like she never had dck before. Went another round and was all over the place. Fast forwarding earlier this month, she text me asking when I'll be back cause she wants to see me again, I bet you do.

Met another seeking girl, we never did it. We started talking in December and just click right off the bat, and still to this day we communicate every day. But once I met her, I honestly didn't want to do anything with her, don't know why. She is just a real genuine young woman. We met 4 out of the 5 days I was in Medellin. She was a very good personal tour guide. She help me get around the city and show me around her neighborhood including the hills. We had lunch together and so forth. I ask her why she doing all of this, and she said she just enjoy my company and I wasn't aggressive like other guys. Haha ok.

Third girl I met was good. Not much to write about. Typical good experience and we still communicate everyday to this day.

I also bang two SW (same day, told you I was a hoe) in el centro, I met this american guy and he help me show the ropes which strength my research I already perform for this area. One girl in the Venezuela area and then the other one near the church. Not really to write about, your typica SW experience.

I then visit several casa / brothels. New energy, sexy amigas, tantra, energy and loutron. I met another American amigo at new energy, we both didn't like the talent so we venture to sexy amigas and got some action there. New energy and Tantra are similar set up. Highly attractive females. You'll shower with them, get a massage and then fck them for the low. The girl I met at new energy, she was so good and attractive that I got her number. I invite her to my Airbnb and we did another two rounds that night. She was nothing but a energize bunny, full of energy. CFS at energy but we did BBFS at my Airbnb. She was all I fck that day. So 3 times.

Then you have Loutron, the mansion up the hills, I'm personally not attractive to fakeness and that's all you see here. They have beautiful faces but I just hate fakeness. When I return, I most likely wouldn't visit this place again. It was pretty much a bucket list, and I can say "been there, done that". If you have the map, it will extremely help you finding these locations!

Anyway, I can write a book about my visit and I'm leaving out some stuff that not that important. I also did tourist stuff here, so it wasn't just a mongering trip. I also call and bang girls from Mileroticos and one of the agencies in the city. Escortsfantasia.

But I'll highly recommend visiting Medellin, don't focus on just the negative. Trust me, I ran into enough people just here for a vacation and tourist experience. Add some tourist activities to your time here in Medellin. But make sure you do you homework and research. Trust me! Don't just wing it, it will not work in your favor. If you're a first time I would recommend going to Tijuana first. Tijuana, requires extremely less homework and everything you want to do takes place literally on one block. Medellin is the opposite, everything is spready out. If you look at the map, you'll see what I'm talking about. But Medellin, the ladies are extremely more attractive and the dollar is less!

At the end of the day, I'm planning on going back and staying a little bit longer in the summer or before. I hope my report helps and I left out some detail, but what I type up. You get the point! Again sorry for the grammar or misspelling.

02-28-23, 17:23
Paying the going rate and perhaps with a tip for excellent service isn't cheap and shows you as a guy who knows his way around. Even the mega rich like to pay the going rate for products and services. Overpaying shows you as a sucker and probably also a show off, and there's never any benefits to that.We are talking about $20 more for top tier SA girls, 9's and 10's. 500 m instead of bargaining them down to 400. Sorry if that is a lot of money to you. I spend that much for a glass of wine where I live. If she has the option of coming to see me or someone like you on a particular night who do you think gets blown off?

02-28-23, 17:25
Why would you believe this? Of the people that come on here saying this, none have ever said you know I used to pay less or the "normal rate" and the service was really shitty. But then I started overpaying and oh what a difference that made! No. You just always assume you are getting something better or special because you are paying more.Dude I've seen your pics of the girls you fuck. They would have to pay me a lot to fuck them and I still would not do it.

02-28-23, 18:21
That should be super easy. Most women above the age of 40 are only looking for a little fun and a little money. They do not want to leave their husband / BF or be wined and dined in public because they want it all to be secret. All you need to find are one or two. Seriously this is so easy.

Search www.photoprepagos.com by age. Take an older girl and ask her for her friends. Friends helping friends. Offer a finders fee. Older women know the score and are not expecting anything serious so will share you with their friends.

Go to casas and ask the older manager if she has friends or older ex-casa girls. Then ask them for their friends and offer finders fee.

Go to Parque Botero in front of the Botero Rail Station. Tons of old coffee girls. Buy a coffee and wander around and quietly pass your Whatsapp number to as many as you can. Many women are not publicly available but privately are available so do not expect one to go with you right then and there. You just need one. From there it will spiderweb out.

There are plenty of women who want side action, a little money, and maybe a cheap gift / momento. At those older ages most have given up and unwilling to advertise their availability. They also do not have the confidence they had in their younger years so they will be shocked that you approached them. They need time to let the shock wear off.

I wish I was into this age group. Within a few months you will never have to search again. They will be finding you. You truly are doing God's Work to fulfill a burning need. If you fail at something this damn easy you should seriously consider jumping off the nearest cliff you can find.While I have run in to MILF (25+) and gilf (35+) in FB and other online sites, for some reason I have not had a chance to spend a lot of time with them. As tinder / sa / fb give a ton of options at 18 -22 range, I have confined myself to this young age group. These younger chicas are typically new milfs in the city with some common characteristics. Flake rate is extremely high in this group but is subject to type of contact. Fb vs seeking. Other features include running late and chicas that are juggling other sugar daddies. Many students in this age group are now successful in setting up a regular roster of gringos. Great bodies and BBFS is standard if you wine and dine these chicas. I am thinking of mixing it up with older types. Some paisas actually age really well in to late 30 ties.

02-28-23, 18:43
We are talking about $20 more for top tier SA girls, 9's and 10's. 500 m instead of bargaining them down to 400. Sorry if that is a lot of money to you. I spend that much for a glass of wine where I live. If she has the option of coming to see me or someone like you on a particular night who do you think gets blown off?Sure if you're only around town for a few days, and you're paying 100 usd per pop for a few girls. Its not that much. I don't go to disneyland everyday. When I go there, I'll spend the money. If you're living the life, an fucking pfp girls everyday. 20 dollars a day becomes 600 dollars a month, 7200 a year. Not nothing.

02-28-23, 18:44
Dude I've seen your pics of the girls you fuck. They would have to pay me a lot to fuck them and I still would not do it.All I can say is to each his own man. I'm really glad there are guys out there that will fuck girls I think are ugly. Ugly girls need love too. I wish them happiness.

02-28-23, 19:04
Sure if you're only around town for a few days, and you're paying 100 usd per pop for a few girls. Its not that much. I don't go to disneyland everyday. When I go there, I'll spend the money. If you're living the life, an fucking pfp girls everyday. 20 dollars a day becomes 600 dollars a month, 7200 a year. Not nothing.Most guys are just visiting for a short term, usually a week. It is like going to Disneyland for a week. And then they go back home and don't have another trip for months. In that situation, saving $50 for the week doesn't matter that much and you are often better off spending the money so you can see the girls you want.

For ex pats who live there most of the time, yes, it is true that the money matters more if you are on a budget. But if you are living there full time, it is unlikely that you would be having sex everyday. When it is easily available, there is no urgency to have sex all the time as opposed to being there for a short time.

Mr Enternational
02-28-23, 22:57
Dude I've seen your pics of the girls you fuck. They would have to pay me a lot to fuck them and I still would not do it.Damn man. You did not have to deflect that hard. If I am reading your response correctly, you have not even one data point to back up what you are talking about. You are just assuming things are better because you overpay. Because why wouldn't things people pay more for be better.

03-01-23, 03:17
I then visit several casa / brothels. New energy, sexy amigas, tantra, energy and loutron. I met another American amigo at new energy, we both didn't like the talent so we venture to sexy amigas and got some action there. New energy and Tantra are similar set up. Highly attractive females. You'll shower with them, get a massage and then fck them for the low. The girl I met at new energy, she was so good and attractive that I got her number. I invite her to my Airbnb and we did another two rounds that night. She was nothing but a energize bunny, full of energy. CFS at energy but we did BBFS at my Airbnb. She was all I fck that day. So 3 times.Thanks for the detailed post Nick. One question. You mentioned you met an amigo at New energy but both of you did NOT like the talent there and went to Sexy Amigas. But then you later said the girl you met at new energy was so good you got her number. So was New Energy good or bad? Which place did that chica come from? Do you mind sharing her name? Thanks in advance!

03-01-23, 03:58
Morning fellow mongers.

Are these place girl friendly?



Also, for those of you who care, I will have a Bogota report soon.

03-01-23, 04:15
We are talking about $20 more for top tier SA girls, 9's and 10's. 500 m instead of bargaining them down to 400. Sorry if that is a lot of money to you. I spend that much for a glass of wine where I live. If she has the option of coming to see me or someone like you on a particular night who do you think gets blown off?Good point. Some people are cheap because they have to be. Some people are cheap because they want to be. But, as you say. When a girl ghosts that guy. What do you think happened?

She decided she didn't need the money? Fat chance. In reality she got a better offer.

You pay $100 for a good glass of wine? Sheesh I only spend that much on a bottle if it is amazing. I guess I'm not in your tax bracket.

Paying the going rate and perhaps with a tip for excellent service isn't cheap and shows you as a guy who knows his way around. Even the mega rich like to pay the going rate for products and services. Overpaying shows you as a sucker and probably also a show off, and there's never any benefits to that.Oddly enough, I've never heard a girl mention that a gringo was a sucker because he paid too much. Now, I have heard more than one girl say that they avoid the cheap guys and I've heard (and seen) that there is a "chica-net" where some FB girls share info on FB guys they've met.

I don't drastically overpay. I live here so it isn't necessary. But, I usually spell out what I want to do, a rough time frame and what I'll pay and I normally mention that there up to a 50 mil tip if I think I had a wonderful time and only I will decide about the tip. Remarkably, Paulie, I think I had only 1 no-show in the last 3 1/2 years.

03-01-23, 14:25
Thanks for the detailed post Nick. One question. Yeah thanks Nick. Can you please describe in a little more detail for shower session bcos I really like readers-letters style stories. I really get off on it and its what this board needs more of. Soft porn stories.

03-01-23, 15:29
My personal view is that the argument about overpaying has evolved on ISG to a point where it is now useless. Guys who overpay have no effect on the market. Girls know what their worth is in a particular environment and will continue to work for that amount. They will, however, be grateful to the occasional monger who pays them more. Whether they consider him a chump or not I think depends on the mindset of the chica, some may but others won't. If a monger earns US $500,000 annually and wants to splurge in Medellin I can't call him a chump. I pay what I can afford and always pay the going rate, if I get exceptional service I give a propina that I consider reasonable in the circumstances. In a German FKK I pay five times the amount for a girl there than I would pay for an even hotter girl in Medellin. I think the argument about overpaying is futile.

03-01-23, 17:32
My personal view is that the argument about overpaying has evolved on ISG to a point where it is now useless. Guys who overpay have no effect on the market. Girls know what their worth is in a particular environment and will continue to work for that amount. They will, however, be grateful to the occasional monger who pays them more. Whether they consider him a chump or not I think depends on the mindset of the chica, some may but others won't. If a monger earns US $500,000 annually and wants to splurge in Medellin I can't call him a chump. I pay what I can afford and always pay the going rate, if I get exceptional service I give a propina that I consider reasonable in the circumstances. In a German FKK I pay five times the amount for a girl there than I would pay for an even hotter girl in Medellin. I think the argument about overpaying is futile.If a guy is making $500 K a year, then why does he need to go to Colombia? Why doesn't he stay and and pay the high priced girls at home? He makes a bunch and so do they too so it's big $ for big $. I have a Tico friend in Costa Rica who works in the tourist industry and gets a lot of the cien and more girls for 20-30 $. They stop and see home for a good pounding, shower and go to Sportsman's or other venues for the big money and yes, they do consider those guys chumps.

03-01-23, 19:15
Morning fellow mongers.

Are these place girl friendly?



Also, for those of you who care, I will have a Bogota report soon.I don't have an answer but I chose an an Airbnb that has greater privacy. I am done with hotels!

03-01-23, 19:40
Sorry about this. I figure everything was run into each other and I was typing on my phone and just went full throttle. Didn't honestly proof-read what I put.

So I put New energy, this should have been New life.

In this order I visit Energy Fantasias on one day, Tantra on another day. I visit "New Life" and Sexy amigas both on the same day. And I then visit Loutron a day before my last day in Medellin.

Yeah thanks Nick. Can you please describe in a little more detail for shower session bcos I really like readers-letters style stories. I really get off on it and its what this board needs more of. Soft porn stories.JustTK, there's not much to write about the shower at the casas. They were all standard at the locations I visit. You pretty much hop in the shower with the chica, she wash you up, rubs your tool, grinds on you a little and your out. Nothing like what I experience with the college girl I met off of seeking, where it was more intimacy and banging her in the shower.

Thanks for the detailed post Nick. One question. You mentioned you met an amigo at New energy but both of you did NOT like the talent there and went to Sexy Amigas. But then you later said the girl you met at new energy was so good you got her number. So was New Energy good or bad? Which place did that chica come from? Do you mind sharing her name? Thanks in advance!The girl I met at energy and brought back to my place; she no longer works there. I can't remember her stage name but her real name starts with a M and ends with a A. Last digits of her number is 641.

Yes, I ran into another American. We both met at New life and didn't like the talent, that's when we both walk to sexy amigas.

03-01-23, 20:14
My personal view is that the argument about overpaying has evolved on ISG to a point where it is now useless. Guys who overpay have no effect on the market. Girls know what their worth is in a particular environment and will continue to work for that amount. They will, however, be grateful to the occasional monger who pays them more. Whether they consider him a chump or not I think depends on the mindset of the chica, some may but others won't. If a monger earns US $500,000 annually and wants to splurge in Medellin I can't call him a chump. I pay what I can afford and always pay the going rate, if I get exceptional service I give a propina that I consider reasonable in the circumstances. In a German FKK I pay five times the amount for a girl there than I would pay for an even hotter girl in Medellin. I think the argument about overpaying is futile.Do not over pay! If you throw stupid money around, girls will not respect you and will see you as an ATM and all of their focus will be on getting as much money out of you as possible rather than just enjoy your time. Pay the minimum you need to pay to get the service you want. If you want to deal with a nagging ***** who is going to nickel and dime you to death for a handjob, then go ahead. If you agree on a price and a service and she doesn't provide the service you agreed on or with the effort you expect, send her on her way and on to the next. Especially if you have the funds for another.

03-01-23, 20:59
My personal view is that the argument about overpaying has evolved on ISG to a point where it is now useless. Guys who overpay have no effect on the market. Girls know what their worth is in a particular environment and will continue to work for that amount. They will, however, be grateful to the occasional monger who pays them more. Whether they consider him a chump or not I think depends on the mindset of the chica, some may but others won't. If a monger earns US $500,000 annually and wants to splurge in Medellin I can't call him a chump. I pay what I can afford and always pay the going rate, if I get exceptional service I give a propina that I consider reasonable in the circumstances. In a German FKK I pay five times the amount for a girl there than I would pay for an even hotter girl in Medellin. I think the argument about overpaying is futile.On this website, there is definitely an obsession with what other guys pay and the need to criticize those who pay more than you. My take is that it is their hard earned money and they can spend it anyway they want. I don't know what others pay. I pay what I want to pay and that is all that matters. The point being made about the 500 k guy is that every monger does not have the same finances. Some have some than others. For some, spending $100 US on a girl is dirt cheap compared to back home and so for a short vacation, the guy doesn't care that he pays $100 US if it is for a girl that he really likes. Guys complain about other guys and what they pay in all the mongering countries, E. G, Thailand, Philippines, Costa Rica, Mexico, etc.

There is this belief that these guys are affecting the going rate. Yet at the same time, the guys complaining always brag that they can still get similar girls for less. The idea of a mass conspiracy among mongers to hold the line and pay only a certain amount is crazy.

It's just amusing to me.

Husker Dude
03-01-23, 21:49
Morning fellow mongers.

Are these place girl friendly?



Also, for those of you who care, I will have a Bogota report soon.Hotelmedellinm.com is the Mansion. Has chicas on site by pool during day, and at night a bar next door for chicas and guests. Definitely chica friendly as long as they have cedula and have not been banned for misbehavior.

Mr Enternational
03-02-23, 00:08
When a girl ghosts that guy. What do you think happened?

She decided she didn't need the money? Fat chance. In reality she got a better offer.So when a girl and guy are planning a normal date and the girl ghosts the guy or the guy ghosts the girl what happened? People get ghosted all the time. Why do you assume that people only ghost others because they are able to get more money elsewhere at the same time? Even if that was the case, they could reschedule the appointment in advance and get more with 2 people than they would with one person, since you say it is about getting more money. Is it not better to get 225,000 from 2 people than 125,000 from one person? There would be absolutely no reason to totally disappear. But with ghosting, people go dark and do not say anything at all.

I have a Tico friend in Costa Rica who works in the tourist industry and gets a lot of the cien and more girls for 20-30 $. They stop and see home for a good pounding, shower and go to Sportsman's or other venues for the big money and yes, they do consider those guys chumps.I have no problem what anyone pays nor do I care what someone is called or considered to be by a hooker. My only problem is mfs claiming they are getting something special because they are paying more without showing it. You pay $1 for a burger and I pay $2. I am not just going to sit here and say my burger is better because I paid more. I will point out that my $2 burger has things that you did not get with your $1 burger, like 2 patties, cheese, bacon. Guys that are saying they pay chicks more are not able to point to anything concrete as to what paying more is getting them. They are only going by what they "believe".

03-02-23, 00:33
I'm coming down for a week in the end of March, I don't give a fuck about what someone else pays for what.

Do you still think the best strip clubs are Fase Dos and La Isla?

Had a broad suck my dick at a table in Fase and I like dirty sluts like that.

I'm looking to find more locations where the working girls act like *****S. Any recommendations?

03-02-23, 00:35
The idea that outlier weekend warrior whales who pay way above the market rate could become the market rate is no more logical than the idea that the people who score big wins at the Las Vegas slots will cause the casinos to go broke. It makes no sense.

On this website, there is definitely an obsession with what other guys pay and the need to criticize those who pay more than you. My take is that it is their hard earned money and they can spend it anyway they want. I don't know what others pay. I pay what I want to pay and that is all that matters. The point being made about the 500 k guy is that every monger does not have the same finances. Some have some than others. For some, spending $100 US on a girl is dirt cheap compared to back home and so for a short vacation, the guy doesn't care that he pays $100 US if it is for a girl that he really likes. Guys complain about other guys and what they pay in all the mongering countries, E. G, Thailand, Philippines, Costa Rica, Mexico, etc.

There is this belief that these guys are affecting the going rate. Yet at the same time, the guys complaining always brag that they can still get similar girls for less. The idea of a mass conspiracy among mongers to hold the line and pay only a certain amount is crazy..

03-02-23, 00:45
Say you are in business for yourself providing a service like these girls are. You have one customer who pays your asking rate, a rate that makes you feel you are being adequately compensated for your services and you enjoy working for him. Then you have this other customer who complains about your price and works you hard to lower it so that you leave not happy with what you got paid but you need the extra business. Which customer are you going to give better service and priority to?

03-02-23, 00:46
So when a girl and guy are planning a normal date and the girl ghosts the guy or the guy ghosts the girl what happened? People get ghosted all the time. Why do you assume that people only ghost others because they are able to get more money elsewhere at the same time? Even if that was the case, they could reschedule the appointment in advance and get more with 2 people than they would with one person, since you say it is about getting more money. Is it not better to get 225,000 from 2 people than 125,000 from one person? There would be absolutely no reason to totally disappear. But with ghosting, people go dark and do not say anything at all.

I have no problem what anyone pays nor do I care what someone is called or considered to be by a hooker. My only problem is mfs claiming they are getting something special because they are paying more without showing it. You pay $1 for a burger and I pay $2. I am not just going to sit here and say my burger is better because I paid more. I will point out that my $2 burger has things that you did not get with your $1 burger, like 2 patties, cheese, bacon. Guys that are saying they pay chicks more are not able to point to anything concrete as to what paying more is getting them. They are only going by what they "believe".The point of paying more is getting something extra no?

I pay more to get more. Or I'll pay the same.

For example.

If I want CIM and anal. Most times this will come with an extra charge.

But if I'm getting a standard BBBJ and CFS and I paid more then I'm a fool.

03-02-23, 02:26
The point of paying more is getting something extra no?

I pay more to get more. Or I'll pay the same.

For example.

If I want CIM and anal. Most times this will come with an extra charge.

But if I'm getting a standard BBBJ and CFS and I paid more then I'm a fool.He specifically said overpay. Girls don't necessary know how to perform better. That is one problem. You intentionally overpay hopping for better service is the same as pay before IMO. What incentive they have to perform better if you already agree to overpay.

In Sao Paulo thread, I suggested others to counter 50% in Scandallo which is probably the most expensive club in Latin America. I maybe the first but I am not the only one who suggested this. I have not heard of a bad session because of the negotiation. As matter of fact, the condition for me to take a girl is she has to perform in the club for free to convince me to take her. There was someone who was not a member even got a price so low that I never thought about, and he got multiple shots, video, picture so pretty much everything. Before someone call these mongers cheap, one has to know a session easily started at US $200. I think no one here can call Scandallo mongers cheap because they negotiate. LOL.

As a comparison, look at La Lsia, more expensive now but less service than before. That is my personal experience anyway.

03-02-23, 02:32
On this website, there is definitely an obsession with what other guys pay and the need to criticize those who pay more than you. ..I think that is not true in this context. He just said he like to overpay then proceed to belittle others. Overpay does have an impact on girl's attitude. I can say it does not affect me because I use it to filter out girls. LOL.

Lucky Nuts
03-02-23, 05:14
Nick, Parks, Mussels & YngMong. I had quit reading here for a while as it became dull but damn it was interesting to come back and read your stories. Thanks for taking the time to share. Wish more of the new visiting guys would share their experiences both good and bad. These reports especially help guys that haven't yet pulled the trigger on a trip down.

03-02-23, 06:05
If I want CIM and anal. Most times this will come with an extra charge.Unless you just go with the flow, in which case quite a lot of the time it will just happen with no extra charge in Colombia. Other places too but especially Colombia. BBFS same thing. Unless you got to have it every time, stuff like CIM, BBFS, anal, etc. Will happen organically and then you will know they did it because they like it and not because it was part of their job. I personally think that's how you get mind blowing sex with prostitutes.

03-02-23, 13:04
He specifically said overpay. Girls don't necessary know how to perform better. That is one problem. You intentionally overpay hopping for better service is the same as pay before IMO. What incentive they have to perform better if you already agree to overpay.

In Sao Paulo thread, I suggested others to counter 50% in Scandallo which is probably the most expensive club in Latin America. I maybe the first but I am not the only one who suggested this. I have not heard of a bad session because of the negotiation. As matter of fact, the condition for me to take a girl is she has to perform in the club for free to convince me to take her. There was someone who was not a member even got a price so low that I never thought about, and he got multiple shots, video, picture so pretty much everything. Before someone call these mongers cheap, one has to know a session easily started at US $200. I think no one here can call Scandallo mongers cheap because they negotiate. LOL.

As a comparison, look at La Lsia, more expensive now but less service than before. That is my personal experience anyway.Oh no. I might pay a little more than the next guy but I'm very specific in the things I want. And it's negotiated ahead of time.

03-02-23, 13:06
Unless you just go with the flow, in which case quite a lot of the time it will just happen with no extra charge in Colombia. Other places too but especially Colombia. BBFS same thing. Unless you got to have it every time, stuff like CIM, BBFS, anal, etc. Will happen organically and then you will know they did it because they like it and not because it was part of their job. I personally think that's how you get mind blowing sex with prostitutes.Well BBFS is not something I look for. But if I'm paying I want something that I don't get for free. Especially if it's sport fucking. I understand some want the GFE and all but not necessary for me. ID rather just get straight to it.

03-02-23, 15:44
Unless you just go with the flow, in which case quite a lot of the time it will just happen with no extra charge in Colombia. Other places too but especially Colombia. BBFS same thing. Unless you got to have it every time, stuff like CIM, BBFS, anal, etc. Will happen organically and then you will know they did it because they like it and not because it was part of their job. I personally think that's how you get mind-blowing sex with prostitutes.100% agree. Unless you are deadset on a certain sex act every time there is no need to pay extras (outside casas and stripclubs). I just ask for what I want during sex and also like to talk about likes, dislikes, and fantasies after sex with most chicas that I meet. I have never had a Facebook or online girl try to upcharge me as part of this process. I usually get a yes, no I don't do that, or in the future with proper preparation (a couple chicas I know have asked we get special creams and plugs for anal because I'm well endowed). I don't take this approach because I'm cheap. I find discovering fetishes, shared likes, and all to be a big turn-on and I find making things as non-transactional as possible adds to my experience.

03-02-23, 16:36
...... yes, they do consider those guys chumps.Well, I suppose you have discussed that with the chicas and they said to you that the guys who overpay are foolish. I never speak of other men when I am with chicas.

John Gault
03-02-23, 18:46
Does anyone know anything about this place? A guy told me about this place but the only info he gave me is the phone number. PM me if the number would help.

03-02-23, 20:14
Well, I suppose you have discussed that with the chicas and they said to you that the guys who overpay are foolish. I never speak of other men when I am with chicas.No, I didn't discuss with them. My buddy mentioned it and I heard them talk. In USA when I was young which was a long time ago, my father's cousin had a strip joint / go go that was a house and his wife was the madam. I first heard of clients and rich guys being referred to like that there. But really, to each his own. We are all fools at one time or more. Just have fun. If you have the big bucks and get better girls and service then by all means do so. But the guys who don't have the deep pockets and look for less expensive girls aren't any different than the big money guys going to Colombia to get cheaper girls than at home. Both are looking for a bargain. It's just a different amount.

03-02-23, 22:19
Search this forum for "spa aventura" it's been covered here. It is the place run by Cata the ex-manager of Zandaly.

Does anyone know anything about this place? A guy told me about this place but the only info he gave me is the phone number. PM me if the number would help.

Mojo Bandit
03-03-23, 06:21
Actually you might want to do both. The Nebido does last longer but that is because it releases slower and you won'why see much benefit for a couple weeks. The testuviron will be working in a couple days.Have you or anyone reading this ever done both: Nebido and testuviron at the same time. I am almost afraid of getting too amped up. What is your experience?

03-03-23, 14:32
Interesting article.


03-03-23, 15:25
Well, I suppose you have discussed that with the chicas and they said to you that the guys who overpay are foolish. I never speak of other men when I am with chicas.I wrote a reply and all went through but it hasn't shown up so I'll try again. It was a nice reply so I don't understand why it didn't get posted.

I agree, I don't talk about other guys but will listen if a gal wants to vent about something or someone.

I heard that from my buddy and heard him and the gal laughing and talking but where I really became aware of that attitude was when I was a kid many years ago. My uncle had a go go / strip joint that was a house and his wife was the madam. They had working class customers and some suit and tie prof types. It was there that the attitude for guys paying big dollars for same thing came about and maybe it was anger because I once made a comment to my uncle that the rich guys were his best customers and he said no they hurt his business because they end up with the best girls as girlfriends or wives so he looses them. He said that they knew how to make money and spent all their time making money and didn't know how or have the time to date regular women. His opinion but in that business you know about people.

Whatever a guy can afford and is willing to pay is his business but a guy who doesn't have the big bucks, pensioner or not a 500 k a year guy, may look for the less expensive girls. But he is no more of a cheap Charlie than the 500 k a year guy going to Colombia or elsewhere looking for a less expensive gal than he would get at home. It's all relative. That's all I'm saying but they really feel that we are all fools paying for their puss and the more we pay the more they think that. I would think if you pay more, you would get better service so you would return to her. But I have seen in Costa Rica old guys paying big dollars for a 19 year old fox and they leave and are done within at most a half hour. Same in Medellin.

Have fun, pay what you like and stay safe. Right now I don't what what worse. The higher cost of the gals now or the extremely high airfares!

03-03-23, 15:29
Well, I suppose you have discussed that with the chicas and they said to you that the guys who overpay are foolish. I never speak of other men when I am with chicas.I've written two lengthy nice replies. One didn't get posted and the other timed out. So briefly I don't talk either but heard that from my buddy and his conversations with the gals.

All I'm saying is the guy who makes less and looks for less expensive gals is no more of a Cheap Charlie than the guy who makes 500 k a year but travels to find les expensive gals than what is available at home for much more. Both looking to save money. It's all relative.

Have fun, pay what you like and stay safe.

03-03-23, 15:57
Oh no. I might pay a little more than the next guy but I'm very specific in the things I want. And it's negotiated ahead of time.These Scandallo girls lowered the rate 50% without me proposing anything. This girl owns a car, its a 3 P and the initial price is 1000 each. One of the girls is in Medellin learning Spanish now. The last one lowered her price after I gave her a hint. I said the initial price is fair in the club. She just graduated from university. What really going on is that I paid even more for the girls that I wanted to get and that is why we go to Scandallo. My experience is there is no performance issue because of negotiation.

Look at it this way, if one likes to overpay, it means one is paying at least twice the amount I paid to get the same thing in these cases.

03-03-23, 16:25
I joined this forum to research WG for my upcoming trip back, my sixth trip in two years. So far all I'm seeing is people arguing about money and who's a chump and all that. Come on, let's get back to the subject of this forums, girls.

We don't give a fuck about your logistics or what you paid outside of, "I paid this girl from Lleras 100 k peso." we don't need a socio economic breakdown of theses WG homelife.

They are working girls, treat them as such.

Mr Enternational
03-03-23, 16:40
If you have the big bucks and get better girls and service then by all means do so. But the guys who don't have the deep pockets and look for less expensive girls aren't any different than the big money guys going to Colombia to get cheaper girls than at home. Both are looking for a bargain. It's just a different amount.But there are also the guys that have the big bucks, but are not trying to spend it like that. I will tell a chick in a minute that I am not cheap, I just won't spend it on her. Myself, my family, or my real girlfriend (who doesn't even ask for shit) is where I choose to spend my money.

03-04-23, 02:10
But there are also the guys that have the big bucks, but are not trying to spend it like that. I will tell a chick in a minute that I am not cheap, I just won't spend it on her. Myself, my family, or my real girlfriend (who doesn't even ask for shit) is where I choose to spend my money.This is correct. I have a mongering friend that is worth well into the nine figures (I know because we worked in the same field for 20+ years). We've hung out lots in Brasil and Colombia over the years. He's the polar opposite of the big spenders. Doesn't show off with jewelry or bottle service and pays chicas a modest / standard rate. We both shake our heads when we see the weekend millionaires throwing around money.

I've been in this hobby for about 25 years. I doubt there's any correlation between how wealthy a guy is and how much he pays the chicas. The only notable correlation is that the newer guys pay more. Because it hasn't dawned on them on how much they're paying in local currency. All they think about is how much it would cost them in the States or wherever they're from.

Obviously what is a standard rate will vary depending on venue. It will be a lot different in Scandallo than in Santa Fe.

03-04-23, 03:42
Thanks to all of you that have posted reports. I've been lurking the forum and making plans off of these reports for my upcoming trip to Medellin in April. I had a couple questions I was hoping to get answers to:

1. I'm staying in Poblado since it's my first time in Medellin and I want to experience the city as much as the women. However, I'm a veteran traveler and get pretty bored staying in tourist areas. Should I switch my place to Laureles? I'm fine with Ubering around to different casas.

2. Is Park Lleras open or does it look close to opening in April?

3. I'd like a place that actually gives a solid massage and is also FS. Any suggestions? I plan to visit Loutron just as a bucketlist thing, but I'm not expecting a great massage.

4. Like a lot of other posters, I'm having trouble ramping up action on FB. I made a new profile for discretion purposes, and it seems that's going to be hard to overcome ahead of my arrival next month. Any ISG members I can friend?

5. I want to visit Centro but given it seems to be a sketchy area I don't want to get caught wandering around directionless. What are some main areas I should hang in during the daytime?

03-04-23, 03:56
Great write up.

Nick, Parks, Mussels & YngMong. I had quit reading here for a while as it became dull but damn it was interesting to come back and read your stories. Thanks for taking the time to share. Wish more of the new visiting guys would share their experiences both good and bad. These reports especially help guys that haven't yet pulled the trigger on a trip down.

So I'm just going start writing away without proof reading or checking for grammar so apologize in advance. I meant to write this and post a while ago but been too busy, and I didn't want to cookie cut the entire report. I'm not going specify names or prices, this is more on a report of my experience to help and educate other mongers out that is on the fence about going and filter out some of the negativity people talks about on Medellin.

Intro: So first I want to mention, I obliviously enjoy Medellin to the fullest! I can honestly say I didn't have a single bad experience and my only regret I made was not staying longer. My trip was last month for 5 days, and if I knew what I know now, I would have easily stay for almost 2-weeks! So much great memories and to this days I'm still communicating with two girls every day since I left.

About me: This part is crucial and help me with my overall experience, I have travel parts of the world and cross the POND. Before COVID (FCK COVID! My company sent me all throughout Europe. I have monger in UK, Germany, France, Spain (this trip did benefit me a little with language and Spanish woman) and some more. Again, COVID ruin this and my company only sends me to domestic places now and relies on virtual services like Teams to conduct business overseas. Blah blah blah. Ok we getting off topic.

I was originally going make this Medellin trip about two years ago, but during my initial homework. I quickly realize this would have required a lot of research and planning, something I didn't want to do at the time (do you homework on Medellin! So I decide to make Tijuana (less amount of homework required for it to be successful) my first dedicated mongering trip (2022) and help me break into the, we will call it sex-vacation trip (sounds bad haha). For my first-time mongers, Tijuana will defiantly help you break the ice and get you out of your comfort zone. More on this later.

Planning: Like I mention I stay for 5 days, and I start the homework and research back in Summer 2022. I went into overdrive in October. I first build a secondary Facebook account. It was a very slow start, so I then built a seeking account in November. I stay off Tinder for obvious reason. I kid you not, as soon you create a seeking account, and set your location to Medellin. They all just start running and messaging you. I start building my list. I made one strict rule. I didn't communicate with any recent account, I have notice where girls will kill one account and create another one. FISHY! At the same time, I was trying to get my Facebook account going and then about December, I finally hit that gold mine. And still to this date, girls are still trying to add me as a friend on facebook (I will explain facebok in a bit). After my trip!

Facebook: The thing about Facebook and what help me. I look for those groups like La Isla and I'll find some girls in their and add away and then add their friends if it wasn't hidden. But what really help was my fellow mongers (sorry guys, haha). Find a monger, look at who likes that person comment or picture. Most likely its going be a attractive girl. Add her, look at her friends, also see who is liking her ish, repeat. It's a revolving door. And by time you hit about 20 friends, Facebook does the rest for you and then you'll be at 500. It's not rocket science, just takes time. But I end up not seeing none of the facebook girls I had line up, just not enough time or man power. And trust me, I was hoe when I arrive. My body count was over 10 times during this trip.

Experience: So from the extensive list I create off of Seeking. I end up meeting 3 (would have been 4, but one of them we could never get the stars to align). Second night in town I met my first seeking date and man she was fckingggggg incredible (not my first fck). She is my top 3 sexual experience I had with any girl. She was cute, in her younger 20's, sexy and fore sure shy when she arrive. She ask me if she could take a shower and was curious if I like to join her. This is when she turn into a horny ass school girl **** (she in school) We were rubbing each other body, bbj in the shower and I'm fingering her. She back that little Latina booty on me and I'm teasing her. We did a little dry humping and I was trying stick it in honestly, but that when she said fck me now but pay a little more. I'm like duh fudge! I was trying get her to budge or maybe free as horny she was. But nope. We went back in forth in the shower and I finally gave in. Force her around and stick it in her. Damn did it felt good and she damn sure wasn't faking her face or moan reaction. I gave her about 10 deep heavy strokes and I pull out, She turn around all turn on and everything, but she wasn't happy that I pull out and was trying to put it back in! Told her in my broken Spanish NO! We going take this to the bed. I'm like well you tease the fck out of me. Jeje. We finish it off I the bed did mish doggy and back to mish. She said to nutt inside her which I happily did. She went to clean up and ask If I could go again. I'm like damn this girl just horny as fck like she never had dck before. Went another round and was all over the place. Fast forwarding earlier this month, she text me asking when I'll be back cause she wants to see me again, I bet you do.

Met another seeking girl, we never did it. We started talking in December and just click right off the bat, and still to this day we communicate every day. But once I met her, I honestly didn't want to do anything with her, don't know why. She is just a real genuine young woman. We met 4 out of the 5 days I was in Medellin. She was a very good personal tour guide. She help me get around the city and show me around her neighborhood including the hills. We had lunch together and so forth. I ask her why she doing all of this, and she said she just enjoy my company and I wasn't aggressive like other guys. Haha ok.

Third girl I met was good. Not much to write about. Typical good experience and we still communicate everyday to this day.

I also bang two SW (same day, told you I was a hoe) in el centro, I met this american guy and he help me show the ropes which strength my research I already perform for this area. One girl in the Venezuela area and then the other one near the church. Not really to write about, your typica SW experience.

I then visit several casa / brothels. New energy, sexy amigas, tantra, energy and loutron. I met another American amigo at new energy, we both didn't like the talent so we venture to sexy amigas and got some action there. New energy and Tantra are similar set up. Highly attractive females. You'll shower with them, get a massage and then fck them for the low. The girl I met at new energy, she was so good and attractive that I got her number. I invite her to my Airbnb and we did another two rounds that night. She was nothing but a energize bunny, full of energy. CFS at energy but we did BBFS at my Airbnb. She was all I fck that day. So 3 times.

Then you have Loutron, the mansion up the hills, I'm personally not attractive to fakeness and that's all you see here. They have beautiful faces but I just hate fakeness. When I return, I most likely wouldn't visit this place again. It was pretty much a bucket list, and I can say "been there, done that". If you have the map, it will extremely help you finding these locations!

Anyway, I can write a book about my visit and I'm leaving out some stuff that not that important. I also did tourist stuff here, so it wasn't just a mongering trip. I also call and bang girls from Mileroticos and one of the agencies in the city. Escortsfantasia.

But I'll highly recommend visiting Medellin, don't focus on just the negative. Trust me, I ran into enough people just here for a vacation and tourist experience. Add some tourist activities to your time here in Medellin. But make sure you do you homework and research. Trust me! Don't just wing it, it will not work in your favor. If you're a first time I would recommend going to Tijuana first. Tijuana, requires extremely less homework and everything you want to do takes place literally on one block. Medellin is the opposite, everything is spready out. If you look at the map, you'll see what I'm talking about. But Medellin, the ladies are extremely more attractive and the dollar is less!

At the end of the day, I'm planning on going back and staying a little bit longer in the summer or before. I hope my report helps and I left out some detail, but what I type up. You get the point! Again sorry for the grammar or misspelling.

03-04-23, 04:03
I joined this forum to research WG for my upcoming trip back, my sixth trip in two years. So far all I'm seeing is people arguing about money and who's a chump and all that. Come on, let's get back to the subject of this forums, girls.....It's easy. The problem is not members posting. It is the members who don't post. We are waiting for someone with six trips under his belt to post his first report or say something useful 😏.

03-04-23, 06:37
This is correct. I have a mongering friend that is worth well into the nine figures (I know because we worked in the same field for 20+ years). We've hung out lots in Brasil and Colombia over the years. He's the polar opposite of the big spenders. Doesn't show off with jewelry or bottle service and pays chicas a modest / standard rate. We both shake our heads when we see the weekend millionaires throwing around money.

I've been in this hobby for about 25 years. I doubt there's any correlation between how wealthy a guy is and how much he pays the chicas. The only notable correlation is that the newer guys pay more. Because it hasn't dawned on them on how much they're paying in local currency. All they think about is how much it would cost them in the States or wherever they're from.

Obviously what is a standard rate will vary depending on venue. It will be a lot different in Scandallo than in Santa Fe.Did you quote that correctly. 9 figures would be 100 million dollars. If I had that much money I would try to spend as much as possible before I die. You can't take it with you. I wouldn't care what the girls charged.

03-04-23, 07:18

03-04-23, 13:28
......I agree, I don't talk about other guys but will listen if a gal wants to vent about something or someone.......Guys find it hard to pay a chica $50 but find it ok to pay $100 for a hotel room.

03-04-23, 14:53
Guys find it hard to pay a chica $50 but find it ok to pay $100 for a hotel room.If I knew I could get the same hotel room for $75, I'd pay $75. I don't see your point. If $100 dollars is the going rate. Sure I'll pay it. I'm also willing to pay $100 for a good meal, what does that have to do with paying women for sex.

03-04-23, 14:54
For those wanting a quick run down on these two articles:

https://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/otras-ciudades/cucuta-llamada-de-gerson-duran-antes-de-desmembrarlo-en-fiesta-sexual-746803This guy was allegedly into sex parties and drugs. He was in a town near the border with Venezuela. He was kidnapped and being ransomed for around $4 k USD. His family was headed to pay it when his dismembered body was found.

https://www.minuto30.com/robo-turista-estadounidense-medellin/1415462/This guy was with a group of friends outside of his hotel in Florida Nueva. He was shot while being robbed of his $600 USD watch by thieves on motorcycles. He's apparently recovering in a hospital now.

03-04-23, 16:05
This guy was with a group of friends outside of his hotel in Florida Nueva. He was shot while being robbed of his $600 USD watch by thieves on motorcycles. He's apparently recovering in a hospital now.Not a good thing to blame the victim. But there are two serious errors this guy made that may cost him his life (of course, we all hope he recovers).

These lessons are really important for visitors (or those that live here) to understand.

#1. Don't wear jewelry, rings, watches. No one here is going to be impressed with your trappings of success. They will only be looking at them as an opportunity. Don't pull out your iphone in public either. If you need to check messages, duck into a coffee shop or store and do it out of public view.

#2. If you do get confronted, give it up. Your wallet or watch or phone isn't worth your life.

03-04-23, 16:19
Guys find it hard to pay a chica $50 but find it ok to pay $100 for a hotel room.That may be true for some guys. I'm not one of them. I have never paid a $100 for a room in Colombia. BTW, my first trip there was 50 years ago this month during Carnival in Barranquilla and spent 45 days traveling around. I believe my rooms were no more than $7 a night then, maybe less. Not sure what chicas cost, didn't buy any but got some free for cost of lunch but I was much younger and better looking then and a gringo with long hair was unique. But there were ex career army guys who were living there then and it was very acceptable for them to have young and even underage girlfriends or wives. The families loved them because their daughters were well taken care of and so were they. I was surprised by the underaged girls and not for me but then it was acceptable and legal. Anyway, ain't nobodies business what others pay for pleasure. Don't care what they pay for hotels either but prices of my favorite place as well as others has gone up. Kind of like Costa Rica. That's why so many more in Colombia now and doing there what they did in CR, ruined it.

Fun Luvr
03-04-23, 16:59
Great write up.It's been posted many times, but maybe you missed it. You don't have to post the entire post you are commenting on. It's annoying to have to scroll through a copy of a report that has already been posted.

03-04-23, 17:12
Not a good thing to blame the victim. But there are two serious errors this guy made that may cost him his life (of course, we all hope he recovers).

These lessons are really important for visitors (or those that live here) to understand.

#1. Don't wear jewelry, rings, watches. No one here is going to be impressed with your trappings of success. They will only be looking at them as an opportunity. Don't pull out your iPhone in public either. If you need to check messages, duck into a coffee shop or store and do it out of public view.

#2. If you do get confronted, give it up. Your wallet or watch or phone isn't worth your life.Florida Nueva is just the other side of Calle40, a Laureles neighborhood that is very lively and close to the metro station. I am always walking these streets with my phone out and as are many foreigners all along the setenta, from the upb gate to the metro station.

It could just be the luck of the draw. I think it can happen anywhere not just in Laureles or Medellin.

03-04-23, 18:37
Not a good thing to blame the victim. It is if it is justified. A certain level of stupid gets what is coming to them. The guy is from California and wearing an expensive watch out in public in a country filled with poor people where that watch could feed a family for a month. I doubt they saw his watch driving by or watching him walk past. They or a friend saw him and his watch up close to identify its worth at a bar or restaurant and followed him. My guess based on that little info is that he thought he could walk on water and learned differently.

Would you feel sorry for a guy who has never been to the mountains and never been in snow who decides to go on a cross country walk in the middle of the night alone in winter wearing only a T-shirt and freezes to death?

Three years ago I was in Cucuta around noon at one end of Parque Mercedes. At the other end is a police station. People are everywhere. I was trying to get this girl who then called over her friend who was hard core girl in her young twenties. I handed her my phone for 30 seconds and then it hit me. Get that phone back! Too late. She yelled for her friends. I yelled police. She won. Top of my head was bleeding and nobody of supposedly good character moved a muscle. Idiots ran into the direction of the police and I had my phone back 10 minutes later. Was I a victim? No. I was a 30 second idiot. I am a foreigner, no Spanish, not a big guy, border town, poor illegals everywhere, $250 phone looks $500 but they assume is a $700+ phone. But I am in touch with reality. I really screwed up. I do not need to blame others for every little thing that happens to me. And sometimes shit just happens.

03-04-23, 20:13
First just a few questions.

Can anyone give a brief rundown on how to best buy viagra from a pharm?

Are there any that we know will not require a prescription or do you just have to try a few? Would writing what you want down help to avoid language issues? With so many chicas and more time than I have energy I really could be having a lot more action with viagra in hand.

I'm interested in something like "the mansion". A hotel where you can go and stay a night but women will come to the hotel and be in a common area for pickup. Can anyone provide the exact name or how to find The Mansion or places like it? Any tips or advice?

Anyone know about action about the city that is not in El Poblado or El Centro?

It appears that there maybe some action off the el centro and el poblado areas. Just independent women in groups of 3-4 that may decide that part of the city they will make a little money outside their apartment. I'd like to find out more about this.

So those are my questions. Now I'll contribute what I can and report on what I've learned.

In general I would say be cautious out there and keep your cool. There is a very tiny minority of people here that harass tourists to get money out of them. It also seems worse on weeknights when there are less people overall. I probably don't look like the best target until there are fewer targets.

So like you may have read, be clean but dress down. If anything try and appear as if you don't really have money. Only take the money out that you need to spend for what you are doing. Never ever even look at your money in public. Even if you only have 20 k pesos you will be more targeted if someone sees you messing with your wallet.

I would not be in el central off the main streets after 8 pm at night without extreme caution. The shopping district and the area with all of the day prostitutes goes completely away by 8 pm. The rest of the areas around there however still go strong to the north east. I'm still new so do your own recon, but I felt that was certainly an area things could go bad fast. I mitgated my risks by being hyper aware of anyone watching me, or following me. Inside the bars I felt very safe and people were locals just out enjoying themselves. Even on the street I never got asked for anything after getting away from the shopping area in el central. It is just a feel that you know from being in a lot of cities that you need to be careful there.

I'm personally off the El Poblado area as my Spanish has improved and I know the city better. I would recommend someone new to Medellin get a place in the laureles. It's a great part of the city and very fun. An uber to the outskirts of Poblado on the west side is not much. I save money by only taking ubers to the outskirts of the dense areas and walking that last 0. 5 km in. That can cut the cost almost in half as that last. 05 km is the slowest part of the drive. May as well walk.

Also it is good to make friends with the guys in the bars and clubs that have lots of girls around them. Unlike in the US where all the men are fighting over scraps, here the men with game have access to an abundance of attractive women who love sex. It makes them happy to introduce you to women and set you up to have a fun time.

So why we are here. You really don't have to pay women at all for sex here. Getting your teeth whitened is a remarkably good investment when dating in medellin. They love white teeth. Clean finger nails. I'm not a real hot guy. I'm 52 years old. I'm white from the US. Barely know Spanish. I've had dates with hot doctors, teachers, artists, musicians. They all love having sex and you typically see that after the 2nd or 3rd date and they are extremely eager. Colombian Cupid seems to be the best to meet these kind of women.

So why we REALLY are here. Seeking is the go to for me if I want attractive women that are looking for perhaps a more respectable way to make money through sex. One venezualian woman I met off there I have taken her to nice restaurants and I may take her on a trip to the beach. She is helping me with Spanish and find an apartment. Most women off seeking will likely cost you more at first but I've worked the site for about 3 years. There it is possible to find women that just like that you can spend money on food, a nice place, and a vacation. They cost you no more than any other girlfriend.

Which brings me to why we are REALLY REALLY REALLY here. The truth is the women in Medellin are so plentiful and so many also in the sex trade that you can pretty much live the life you want on your budget. I know the el central area best now. I literally can't date a woman off colombian cupid or seeking 'for free' without spending far more than I will just going to one of the many options in el central. It's a bit of a mind bender. Even just to uber a girl from seeking to my place and back to hers will perhaps cost $10. The going rate was between 30 k pesos and 50 k pesos it seemed for about a half hour. Never feels rushed. Room included if you just say that up front. Sometimes they will sell sodas and candies. But even at twice the street price a soda is like $2 so I always get them what they want to drink. I didn't even see a street prostitute for the first 2 1/2 weeks I was here because I had so many off colombian cupid and seeking that I wasn't 'paying' for. And I put 'paying' in quotes for reason. On any given day in el central there are hundreds of women looking for action. More than half I have no interest in. They are simply not attractive. In fact I would say 1 out 10 is extremely objectionable and I don't know how they ever make any money. That said 1 in 5 I typically find attractive.

In El Poblado the prices seem to be far more inconsistent. I've had offers as low as $60 k to as high as $300 k. I was so ignorant at first I thought Noventa was $90 US. Nope. She wanted 90 k pesos. Just about $20. I still passed. The $300 k girl was absolutely perfect in every way. She had two friends with her that also were very attractive. I would definitely see great opportunities here to just get all 3 girls standing in the doorway. You don't have to turn any down and the prices are just so cheap. I've not done it yet but once I get my Spanish a little better I think that might be something to try.

I'd finally add that they are all very clean. In fact the women I've met on the street have been more clean and concerned of hygine before and after than the women I have dated off colombian cupid.

I would end by saying most all women in Medellin are extremely approachable and interested in meeting you. In America the women have men starved out for sex and companionship and we are the desperate ones. Down here in Colombia it is the opposite. The men never chase the women here much it seems. They are known to do as they please and the women know that the men here have access to sex anytime they choose. So women are more like the men in America. When you give them attention they almost can't help but want to fuck you after a bit of time. Unless they are ultra attractive they are the ones that feel starved out.

A few other weird things.

Medellin has amazing fries here. And hamburgers. Crazy good.

The women who speak the best English are the party girls who mostly hang out at bars, listen to music, and watch a lot of TV. In other words the people who consume a lot of social media and entertainment content. The unprofessional people.

I've dated a doctor, a veterinarian, and several other professional women here. None of them can speak English well at all because they have careers and work and don't spend any time watching American movies and entertainment content. I just didn't expect that when I came here to be the case.

03-04-23, 20:39
Did you quote that correctly. 9 figures would be 100 million dollars. If I had that much money I would try to spend as much as possible before I die. You can't take it with you. I wouldn't care what the girls charged.Some people are just cheap. No matter how much money they have.

03-04-23, 20:50
Florida Nueva is just the other side of Calle40, a Laureles neighborhood that is very lively and close to the metro station. I am always walking these streets with my phone out and as are many foreigners all along the setenta, from the upb gate to the metro station.You're welcome to walk around with your phone out just like when you are back home. Afterall you'll see Colombians doing it all the time. But most likely your phone is a lot higher end than theirs is and that draws attention. I live here and it happens all the time. Not just to foreigners but to locals as well.

It could just be the luck of the draw. I think it can happen anywhere not just in Laureles or Medellin.It happens all over. There are a lot of poor people here and although most wouldn't go out of their way to rob someone. If you wave opportunity around like a flag, one day you make it into the newspapers.

03-04-23, 21:17
my first trip there was 50 years ago this month during Carnival in Barranquilla and spent 45 days traveling around.Can you describe Colombia in the 70's? How was the culture and women?

03-04-23, 22:48
Can you describe Colombia in the 70's? How was the culture and women?I'll try my best but keep it short. Much smaller, less developed and virtually no tourist industry. Lots of soldiers on the streets keeping the peace. I was there before Pablo. Landed in Barranquilla and first culture shock was an old guy on a donkey outside the airport.

03-04-23, 22:53
Can you describe Colombia in the 70's? How was the culture and women?Writing short so I don't get timed out. What struck me the most then was that there were only 2 classes, rich and poor. No middle class and mostly poor, few rich. The rich really looked down on the poor also. Very arrogant. Women were pretty but no silicone in this days so huge tits and asses weren't around. People were very nice and it was very safe. Walked all hours of night in Medellin and never a problem. It was much smaller and tallest building was 7 stories next to Park Bolivar.

PM me for more.

03-05-23, 01:23
It's easy. The problem is not members posting. It is the members who don't post. We are waiting for someone with six trips under his belt to post his first report or say something useful 😏.I have been Medellin six 6 times over the last couple of years (a little less than 2) and gearing up to do my 7th in a few days. In that short time, as many of you already know, a lot has changed. I have also been to other cities in Colombia, and mongered in Europe, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Australia, DR, and some other islands. The first two Colombia trips were with family, so I've only mongered in Colombia for a year now (4 trips). I have seen girls from FB, Seeking, Parque Lleras, El Centro, prepagos, casas, strip clubs, and, yes, the much debated Tinder. While Tinder gets a bad rap, and, in many ways, rightfully so, I have mostly great experiences, except for the 2 times the girls showed up looking very different than their photos. I sent them home. I was nice enough to provide cab fare. I know I know. I don't have to but honestly, what's 10-20 mil in COP? I would rather send them home politely, move on to the next, not have drama, and not ruin my mood.

Here is how I approach my Tinder girls, as well as the ones I find on any other social media site, because I go back, I message them a 2-3 weeks in advance just to get to know them. The pros will likely get bored quickly and stop responding or just ask me to message them when I arrive. They are here for the quick hit. That's fine. I enjoy less than pro chicas quite a bit on a personal and sexual level. It takes some effort but it yields great results. I message most of these girls about once every other week. They often like telling me about their day, their dreams, and the things they are dealing with. One chica talks to me about Colombian politics, she is very informed, and one of the best fucks I've ever had. Most of these text conversations are short catch ups. I usually stay in an AirBnB that allows for companions without fees (they are all over), a door person to check their IDs and who calls me before he lets them leave the entrance of the apartment, and a safe. I do not drink with them. I am also not a heavy drinker. I let the girls drink if they wish and will drink with them when I am out in public. The one time I broke that rule, I was about to enjoy a trio and I saw girl put a powdery substance in her own drink, which she told me was Tussi. I asked them to leave immediately. I was not spiked and it appeared they were not trying to spike me. Just to get high themselves. These girls were Lleras chicas. I also do not do overnights. I get the disadvantage of not being able to roll over and have morning sex but I like sleeping alone and if I wanted the morning sex, I will ask them to come back over. And they do. I keep all of my important things (real phone, money, passport, laptop, etc. In the safe the entire time. I am precocious by nature, as I also do not do sleepovers with women I date in the states until we have have been fucking for months. This has kept me out of harms way as much as possible, but nothing is without its risk.

Using this pre-text method, I now have about 2 dozen chicas that I can message for play when I am in Medellin. Many of them are in college (they often send me pics when I am not in the Jean), some are nail technicians and they give me pedicures and manicures (I tip extra for stuff like this), massage therapists, etc. I usually give 200-300 mil for long day visits and I have a hard rule of never wiring money. I make a Victoria Secret run and rummage through the 3 dollar bin, remove the price, and give them as gifts. All of these things not only keep me safe (r) but they also curry favor for better experiences. In other words, for 250 mil + 30 mil for a massage or a pedicure + 3 USD panties, I get gorgeous young 20 somethings who fuck my brains out the entire day. I know lots of people are complaining about rate hikes, but any economist will tell you that the market, and this is a sex market, is not usually moved by one simple factor (e. G. The weekend ballers). These girls have access to the internet and see those "elite" Colombian girls on planes going all over the world on a one YOU horny bastards dime (not mine. LOL), they discuss this stuff with each other, things are more expensive globally so they, like everyone else, are in need of more money, and other factors.

Casas are casas and serve a wonderful purpose but they can be mechanical, same with strip clubs (La Isla and Fase Dos), which are way more expensive but I sometimes want the club vibe. Prepagos are prepagos but I like the no haggle menu of it all, the window shopping, meaning, I can simply check off and ask someone to do the things I want and it's great for what it is. There is indeed something for everyone in Medellin. There are girls that have asked me for money in USD and (like others have said) I refuse to discuss it with them outside of COP. There are girls that have asked me for over 1,000-1,500 COP, and I completely refused. There are girls who don't ask for any money at all. I don't like these girls no more than I like the expensive ones because they want to be with me the entire trip. NO. LOL. I have other chicas to see. There are even cheaper ways to do Medellin but my method works very well for me because when I did it cheaper during one trip, I didn't have as much fun.

Most of my rules have been gathered from guys on this board + whatever way I tweak them to suit my particular needs and wants. In other words, gather your rules and tweak them as you see fit.

1. AirBnB with security / door person that checks IDs.

2. Have a safe and lock up your things.

3. Don't drink with them in your room or watch your drink like a hawk.

4. Get to know them a bit, if you can, before hand.

5. Be nice.

6. Learn a Spanish. Even a little goes a long way.

7. Finally, and I cannot stress this enough, get to know the city beyond the sex market. I also go to spas out there, high end restaurants when I meet up with friends out there, (both of which are way cheaper than here in the states), go dancing, meet people, and have a good time.

P.S. The amount of arguing yall do on this site is perplexing, considering the amount and variety of chicas that are available.

03-05-23, 02:16
Some people are just cheap. No matter how much money they have.I read a article recently about a janitor who died with millions in the bank. He never retired or spent his money before he died. He was smart enough to save all that money on a janitors salary but not smart enough to realize he can't take it with him.

03-05-23, 11:47
Some people are just cheap. No matter how much money they have.You don't seem to think or read what others have said. They are selectively being "cheap". One of the reasons that people come is because it is cheap. So you didn't visit because it's cheap?

03-05-23, 17:00
First just a few questions.

Can anyone give a brief rundown on how to best buy viagra from a pharm?

Are there any that we know will not require a prescription or do you just have to try a few? Would writing what you want down help to avoid language issues? With so many chicas and more time than I have energy I really could be having a lot more action with viagra in hand.

I'm interested in something like "the mansion". A hotel where you can go and stay a night but women will come to the hotel and be in a common area for pickup. Can anyone provide the exact name or how to find The Mansion or places like it? Any tips or advice?

Anyone know about action about the city that is not in El Poblado or El Centro?

It appears that there maybe some action off the el centro and el poblado areas. Just independent women in groups of 3-4 that may decide that part of the city they will make a little money outside their apartment. I'd like to find out more about this.1. Go to any pharmacy and ask for Sildenafilo. Tell them whether you want the 50 MG or 100 MG pills. Tell them how many you want. If I remember correctly you can get the 50 MG in a box of 4, and 100 MG in box of 2. They will also have the name brand Viagra for a much higher price. No prescription required.

2. The Mansion used to require a minimum 2 night stay. You should book in advance. You can find the website if you Google Hotel M Medellin.

3. There's an area near Grill San Diego with street walkers at night, or there used to be. I'm not familiar with the area, but others have reported on it. There used to be street girls in Mayorista, although I didn't see any in December when I walked through. There are informal casas throughout the city with a few girls working out of them. Search the online ads to find them.

03-05-23, 17:04
I read a article recently about a janitor who died with millions in the bank. He never retired or spent his money before he died. He was smart enough to save all that money on a janitors salary but not smart enough to realize he can't take it with him.Some people just have a different lifestyle. I have an uncle who's 80, he never married, did have a lot of women when he was younger but never mongered. He's now a millionaire, I doubt he can get it up as he never talks about women now when I ask him. He does drink a lot. He realizes that he can only spend a small fraction of his money before he dies. He has made a will leaving his houses to his daughters and said he's dividing his money among his nieces and nephews. I have no problem spending my money on airline tickets, hotels, booze, good food and girls, girls, girls.

03-05-23, 17:09
I read a article recently about a janitor who died with millions in the bank. He never retired or spent his money before he died. He was smart enough to save all that money on a janitors salary but not smart enough to realize he can't take it with him.Some people just have a different lifestyle. I have an uncle who's 80, he never married, did have a lot of women when he was younger but never mongered. He's now a millionaire, I doubt he can get it up as he never talks about women now when I ask him. He does drink a lot. He realizes that he can only spend a small fraction of his money before he dies. He has made a will leaving his apartment building and houses to his daughter and said he's dividing his money among his nieces and nephews. I have no problem spending my money on airline tickets, hotels, booze, good food and girls, girls, girls.

03-05-23, 17:21
Some people just have a different lifestyle. I have an uncle who's 80, he never married, did have a lot of women when he was younger but never mongered. He's now a millionaire, I doubt he can get it up as he never talks about women now when I ask him. He does drink a lot. He realizes that he can only spend a small fraction of his money before he dies. He has made a will leaving his apartment building and houses to his daughter and said he's dividing his money among his nieces and nephews. I have no problem spending my money on airline tickets, hotels, booze, good food and girls, girls, girls.Your uncle isn't cleaning toilets when he has a couple million in the bank. This guy continued to work when he didn't need to. I guess he didn't like traveling but loved cleaning toilets.

03-05-23, 22:41
Did you quote that correctly. 9 figures would be 100 million dollars. If I had that much money I would try to spend as much as possible before I die. You can't take it with you. I wouldn't care what the girls charged.Yes. He lives extremely well. Just doesn't like to pay more than is necessary and attract unwanted attention in a poor country. Which is how most experienced, intelligent mongers operate. Most of us here are relatively wealthy, even if not as much as my friend. I''m guessing that most could easily pay every girl 1 M pesos for an hour. But that would be foolish.

Guys find it hard to pay a chica $50 but find it ok to pay $100 for a hotel room.What's wrong with that? If it's a hotel that can't be gotten for less than $100 or $500, that's what I'll pay. But I won't pay more for that room than is necessary.

03-06-23, 05:49
Not a good thing to blame the victim.I wasn't intending to victim blame, rather a statement of fact to provide context. And while a $600 watch isn't a cheap watch, I wouldn't consider it an extravagant one. Finally, the one time someone tried to "rob" me in Medellin, it was for my $20 watch on a generic black nylon strap. I was walking down Calle 10 in Poblado. A woman in tried to forcibly take it off my wrist as I walked by. I resisted but didn't escalate and she gave up. These things can happen to pretty much anyone, anywhere.

Medellin has amazing fries here. And hamburgers. Crazy good.Forget just fries. What you want are salchipapas. I've had it as street food and in a restaurant. It's always good.

03-06-23, 09:53
I have been Medellin six 6 times over the last couple of years (a little less than 2) and gearing up to do my 7th in a few days. In that short time, as many of you already know, a lot has changed. I have also been to other cities in Colombia, and mongered in Europe, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Australia, DR, and some other islands. The first two Colombia trips were with family, so I've only mongered in Colombia for a year now (4 trips). I have seen girls from FB, Seeking, Parque Lleras, El Centro, prepagos, casas, strip clubs, and, yes, the much debated Tinder. While Tinder gets a bad rap, and, in many ways, rightfully so, I have mostly great experiences, except for the 2 times the girls showed up looking very different than their photos. I sent them home. I was nice enough to provide cab fare. I know I know. I don't have to but honestly, what's 10-20 mil in COP? I would rather send them home politely, move on to the next, not have drama, and not ruin my mood.

Here is how I approach my Tinder girls, as well as the ones I find on any other social media site, because I go back, I message them a 2-3 weeks in advance just to get to know them. The pros will likely get bored quickly and stop responding or just ask me to message them when I arrive. They are here for the quick hit. That's fine. I enjoy less than pro chicas quite a bit on a personal and sexual level. It takes some effort but it yields great results. I message most of these girls about once every other week. They often like telling me about their day, their dreams, and the things they are dealing with. One chica talks to me about Colombian politics, she is very informed, and one of the best fucks I've ever had. Most of these text conversations are short catch ups. I usually stay in an AirBnB that allows for companions without fees (they are all over), a door person to check their IDs and who calls me before he lets them leave the entrance of the apartment, and a safe. I do not drink with them. I am also not a heavy drinker. I let the girls drink if they wish and will drink with them when I am out in public. The one time I broke that rule, I was about to enjoy a trio and I saw girl put a powdery substance in her own drink, which she told me was Tussi. I asked them to leave immediately. I was not spiked and it appeared they were not trying to spike me. Just to get high themselves. These girls were Lleras chicas. I also do not do overnights. I get the disadvantage of not being able to roll over and have morning sex but I like sleeping alone and if I wanted the morning sex, I will ask them to come back over. And they do. I keep all of my important things (real phone, money, passport, laptop, etc. In the safe the entire time. I am precocious by nature, as I also do not do sleepovers with women I date in the states until we have have been fucking for months. This has kept me out of harms way as much as possible, but nothing is without its risk.

Using this pre-text method, I now have about 2 dozen chicas that I can message for play when I am in Medellin. Many of them are in college (they often send me pics when I am not in the Jean), some are nail technicians and they give me pedicures and manicures (I tip extra for stuff like this), massage therapists, etc. I usually give 200-300 mil for long day visits and I have a hard rule of never wiring money. I make a Victoria Secret run and rummage through the 3 dollar bin, remove the price, and give them as gifts. All of these things not only keep me safe (r) but they also curry favor for better experiences. In other words, for 250 mil + 30 mil for a massage or a pedicure + 3 USD panties, I get gorgeous young 20 somethings who fuck my brains out the entire day. I know lots of people are complaining about rate hikes, but any economist will tell you that the market, and this is a sex market, is not usually moved by one simple factor (e. G. The weekend ballers). These girls have access to the internet and see those "elite" Colombian girls on planes going all over the world on a one YOU horny bastards dime (not mine. LOL), they discuss this stuff with each other, things are more expensive globally so they, like everyone else, are in need of more money, and other factors.

Casas are casas and serve a wonderful purpose but they can be mechanical, same with strip clubs (La Isla and Fase Dos), which are way more expensive but I sometimes want the club vibe. Prepagos are prepagos but I like the no haggle menu of it all, the window shopping, meaning, I can simply check off and ask someone to do the things I want and it's great for what it is. There is indeed something for everyone in Medellin. There are girls that have asked me for money in USD and (like others have said) I refuse to discuss it with them outside of COP. There are girls that have asked me for over 1,000-1,500 COP, and I completely refused. There are girls who don't ask for any money at all. I don't like these girls no more than I like the expensive ones because they want to be with me the entire trip. NO. LOL. I have other chicas to see. There are even cheaper ways to do Medellin but my method works very well for me because when I did it cheaper during one trip, I didn't have as much fun.

Most of my rules have been gathered from guys on this board + whatever way I tweak them to suit my particular needs and wants. In other words, gather your rules and tweak them as you see fit.

1. AirBnB with security / door person that checks IDs.

2. Have a safe and lock up your things.

3. Don't drink with them in your room or watch your drink like a hawk.

4. Get to know them a bit, if you can, before hand.

5. Be nice.

6. Learn a Spanish. Even a little goes a long way.

7. Finally, and I cannot stress this enough, get to know the city beyond the sex market. I also go to spas out there, high end restaurants when I meet up with friends out there, (both of which are way cheaper than here in the states), go dancing, meet people, and have a good time.

P.S. The amount of arguing yall do on this site is perplexing, considering the amount and variety of chicas that are available.Excellent "How to" review. Kudos.

If I may add one thing and respond on another.

I can't imagine you haven't thought of this, so maybe you forgot to mention it. You can always ask for a videocall before meeting them. Generally they will agree and won't object to a 360 review. If they won't do the videocall or don't give you a clear view during it, that is a red flag. It is easier to send them a cancellation text after the videocall than wait for the taxi / Uber to arrive and pay for it to go back the other way.

I also find "the amount of arguing yall do on this site is perplexing. " Sure share opinions, but I think most people are here to learn from each other.

03-06-23, 15:59
Here are some pictures of some of the girls I saw on my last trip to Medellin in February. Two of the girls were repeats from my previous trips. All the girls I saw were from Facebook. The trip went well and all the sessions were good to great. As to be expected with Facebook girls, I did get cancellations and no-shows. I did my research before the trip and chatted with a number of girls on Facebook so I just sent out messages to a number of girls and was always about to find a replacement girl for that day. If you have doubts about whether a particular girl will show up, schedule her for the afternoon so you will have enough time to find a replacement.

03-06-23, 16:07
The one time I broke that rule, I was about to enjoy a trio and I saw girl put a powdery substance in her own drink, which she told me was Tussi. I asked them to leave immediately. I was not spiked and it appeared they were not trying to spike me. Just to get high themselves. These girls were Lleras chicas.Based on this you'd have to kick out half the party girls in Medellin, if not more. And in fact it was a good sign, that they wanted to loosen themselves up and have fun with you. I hope you paid them a nice sum for their time after kicking them out for this reason. Good thorough report and thanks for sharing, but this action was ridiculous.

03-06-23, 17:35
I have been Medellin six 6 times over the last couple of years (a little less than 2) and gearing up to do my 7th in a few days. In that short time, as many of you already know, a lot has changed. I have also been to other cities in Colombia, and mongered in Europe, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Australia, DR, and some other islands. The first two Colombia trips were with family, so I've only mongered in Colombia for a year now (4 trips). I have seen girls from FB, Seeking, Parque Lleras, El Centro, prepagos, casas, strip clubs, and, yes, the much debated Tinder. While Tinder gets a bad rap, and, in many ways, rightfully so, I have mostly great experiences, except for the 2 times the girls showed up looking very different than their photos. I sent them home. I was nice enough to provide cab fare. I know I know. I don't have to but honestly, what's 10-20 mil in COP? I would rather send them home politely, move on to the next, not have drama, and not ruin my mood.

Here is how I approach my Tinder girls, as well as the ones I find on any other social media site, because I go back, I message them a 2-3 weeks in advance just to get to know them. The pros will likely get bored quickly and stop responding or just ask me to message them when I arrive. They are here for the quick hit. That's fine. I enjoy less than pro chicas quite a bit on a personal and sexual level. It takes some effort but it yields great results. I message most of these girls about once every other week. They often like telling me about their day, their dreams, and the things they are dealing with. One chica talks to me about Colombian politics, she is very informed, and one of the best fucks I've ever had...Thanks for sharing. The thing I love about Medellín is it's like burger king. You can have it your way. I have been mongering for about 8 years now and I can tell you that what I do now, what I like now, and how I roll are way different than when I first got into it. I don't want to argue about ho-economics. In the past I have overpaid. I have pulled local non working girls and fucked for free in several different countries. I have done GFE etc. Personally now days when it comes to mongering I am cheap and I don't really like, need, or want all the extras. I tend to prefer casas and strip clubs. I have seen and experienced so much over these past 8 years from going to different countries and talking with fellow mongers. I have also learned a lot from talking to other mongers, talking to locals, and talking to the girls. I have made some great friends throughout my trips. Some friends from forums like this. Most dudes don't roll like me. I can still go with the flow and hang out with the fellas and have a good time. Also anytime your gut or your spidey senses tell you something is wrong trust it.

03-06-23, 18:31
Based on this you'd have to kick out half the party girls in Medellin, if not more. And in fact it was a good sign, that they wanted to loosen themselves up and have fun with you. I hope you paid them a nice sum for their time after kicking them out for this reason. Good thorough report and thanks for sharing, but this action was ridiculous.Disagree. What if they OD'd or had other problems that required police and / or paramedics? Do you really want to try to explain that to a PO or worse, in front of a judge in a foreign country? No thanks. I prefer to play it safe as well.

03-06-23, 18:53
Excellent "How to" review. Kudos.

If I may add one thing and respond on another.

I can't imagine you haven't thought of this, so maybe you forgot to mention it. You can always ask for a videocall before meeting them. Generally they will agree and won't object to a 360 review. If they won't do the videocall or don't give you a clear view during it, that is a red flag. It is easier to send them a cancellation text after the videocall than wait for the taxi / Uber to arrive and pay for it to go back the other way.

I also find "the amount of arguing yall do on this site is perplexing. " Sure share opinions, but I think most people are here to learn from each other.I learned that the video call thing is a must and I forgot to post that rule. Thanks for the ad.

03-06-23, 19:07
Based on this you'd have to kick out half the party girls in Medellin, if not more. And in fact it was a good sign, that they wanted to loosen themselves up and have fun with you. I hope you paid them a nice sum for their time after kicking them out for this reason. Good thorough report and thanks for sharing, but this action was ridiculous.I gave them money for car to get home whenever they decided to leave the Park (I think Itagui), which was slightly more than what it costs but I didn't care. I agree with you that a lot of girls loosen up that way but I don't want it around me. Part of my process is weeding through these girls. As I said, there is something for everyone in Medellin, and the girls I tend to deal with either don't do Tussi or don't do it in my room. I enjoy marijuana in the states, so I have nothing against it, but when in Medellin, if one of my regulars wants some of the devil's lettuce (lolololol), they cannot do it in my room. I make the drug thing clear before they come, which is why it wasn't ridiculous to either of us when I asked the Park girls to leave. I am just uninterested in drama or headaches. Again, I might be more cautious than many others on this site but that is how I do it.

03-06-23, 20:06
Staying at energy living this time. For those who have stayed there, were you asked for a deposit upon your arrival by the host? I had a host ask me for a deposit on my last visit at another building and got it back at check out.

Also staying at bubblesky glamping in Guatape with one of my girls for a couple days, anyone been there, how was your experience?

03-06-23, 20:26
Really curious. What exactly is a 360 review? Sounds like a perfomance management system. Do they actually agree to turn around 360 degrees for you? If that's the case, man I've been missing out. Need to request this 360 review.

Excellent "How to" review. Kudos.

If I may add one thing and respond on another.

I can't imagine you haven't thought of this, so maybe you forgot to mention it. You can always ask for a videocall before meeting them. Generally they will agree and won't object to a 360 review. If they won't do the videocall or don't give you a clear view during it, that is a red flag. It is easier to send them a cancellation text after the videocall than wait for the taxi / Uber to arrive and pay for it to go back the other way.

I also find "the amount of arguing yall do on this site is perplexing. " Sure share opinions, but I think most people are here to learn from each other.

Mojo Bandit
03-07-23, 00:21
Staying at energy living this time. For those who have stayed there, were you asked for a deposit upon your arrival by the host? I had a host ask me for a deposit on my last visit at another building and got it back at check out.

Also staying at bubblesky glamping in Guatape with one of my girls for a couple days, anyone been there, how was your experience?Different owners have different apartments in Energy Living so not all have the same policies/rules. You want to mention which specific host you are dealing with so people can respond to their experience with that host.

03-07-23, 01:26
Different owners have different apartments in Energy Living so not all have the same policies/rules. You want to mention which specific host you are dealing with so people can respond to their experience with that host.I've stayed there so many times. I think it's well known this is a gringo prepago hangout. That's the reputation this building has.

I've stayed in about 12 diff units.

03-07-23, 02:10
Different owners have different apartments in Energy Living so not all have the same policies/rules. You want to mention which specific host you are dealing with so people can respond to their experience with that host.I don't want to name the host for obvious reasons, I will say it is a female which I thought was kind of odd considering most people have posted energy is the most guest friendly airbnb in medellin. She may have the most listings for that property so chances are most people stayed at her spots.

03-07-23, 02:12
I've stayed there so many times. I think it's well known this is a gringo prepago hangout. That's the reputation this building has.

I've stayed in about 12 diff units.Were you ever asked for a deposit upon check in?

Mojo Bandit
03-07-23, 02:32
Staying at energy living this time. For those who have stayed there, were you asked for a deposit upon your arrival by the host? I had a host ask me for a deposit on my last visit at another building and got it back at check out.

Also staying at bubblesky glamping in Guatape with one of my girls for a couple days, anyone been there, how was your experience?

I've stayed there so many times. I think it's well known this is a gringo prepago hangout. That's the reputation this building has.

I've stayed in about 12 diff units.Anthony wants to know if he will have to pay a deposit when he arrives. I paid my deposit ahead of time before I arrived. I have only dealt with the host "We Host Colombia" https://www.wehostcolombia.com/ but I know that Casacol has a gang of apartments in this building also but I do not know their policies on doposits. https://en.casacol.co/energy-living-medellin/.

Mojo Bandit
03-07-23, 02:36
I know this is a long shot but I am going to ask since there are a lot of regulars on this forum who have been around a while. A couple of years ago someone posted a video that was CCTV form a neighborhood camera that caught an assassination on camera.

A guy on the back of a motorcycle pulled up and shot at a couple in a car. The guy got out and ran, you can see the assassin taking shots at him after he ran our of camera view. But you also see the girl climb out of the car and sit down on the ground and bleed out and die on camera. I had the link to the footage saved but then acccidently deleted it. Any chance that anyone else save the link. You can PM me or post it?

03-07-23, 04:01
I know this is a long shot but I am going to ask since there are a lot of regulars on this forum who have been around a while. A couple of years ago someone posted a video that was CCTV form a neighborhood camera that caught an assassination on camera.

A guy on the back of a motorcycle pulled up and shot at a couple in a car. The guy got out and ran, you can see the assassin taking shots at him after he ran our of camera view. But you also see the girl climb out of the car and sit down on the ground and bleed out and die on camera. I had the link to the footage saved but then acccidently deleted it. Any chance that anyone else save the link. You can PM me or post it?I don't have the video, but the name of the girl was Pucca García. And was a frequent Mansion visitor. The link to the video was provided in this forum. I tried doing a search on Pucca, but no luck (maybe there is a limit on how far back that works). If you remember the timeframe (6 years ago? You might be able to grind through that time period and find it.

03-07-23, 04:11
Anthony wants to know if he will have to pay a deposit when he arrives. I paid my deposit ahead of time before I arrived. I have only dealt with the host "We Host Colombia" https://www.wehostcolombia.com/ but I know that Casacol has a gang of apartments in this building also but I do not know their policies on doposits. https://en.casacol.co/energy-living-medellin/.I only ask because some people have mentioned that if the listing does not mention any sort of deposit during booking, they should not be asking for a deposit at check in. Some say it's a scam they are trying to pull.

03-07-23, 05:57
Really curious. What exactly is a 360 review? Sounds like a perfomance management system. Do they actually agree to turn around 360 degrees for you? If that's the case, man I've been missing out. Need to request this 360 review.That's exactly what it is. I have found that those who willingly do these kinds of things (video calls, send pics, pre visit texting to tell me things about themselves, etc.) have been better visits for me.

03-07-23, 23:03
There is no special spot in FB. You have to put in the work. Go to the thread called Links to Reports of Distinction and use the Search Thread function to find three posts by a user named Nounce. One report is "getting started on Facebook" dated 5/24/21, another is called "Facebook" and date was 1/09/22 another report is called "Facebook for Newbies" dated 10/01/21.Yes thank you all for pointing me in the right direction, I've created a FB and started adding. I've also got a paid subscription now and would appreciate any PMs with known girls who have Facebook. Thank you all.

Iguana Six
03-07-23, 23:49
Can anyone recommend any casas in the Estadio area? Preferably night time, but daytime would be appreciated, too.

03-08-23, 00:07
Can anyone recommend any casas in the Estadio area? Preferably night time, but daytime would be appreciated, too.Energy Spa for daytime and next to it (white door) is another one but never been.

03-08-23, 02:50
Can anyone recommend any casas in the Estadio area? Preferably night time, but daytime would be appreciated, too.Fantasia Energia #1 hands down.

I think it closes at like 8 or 9 thought, it's better to go in the day though.

Mojo Bandit
03-08-23, 03:23
Yes thank you all for pointing me in the right direction, I've created a FB and started adding. I've also got a paid subscription now and would appreciate any PMs with known girls who have Facebook. Thank you all.I cannot begin to tell you how many hours I put in over time tracking down the gorgeous FB chicas in my list of freinds.

One trick I will tell you is that you are eventually going start running across chicas who have a lot of Gringos who are obviously mongers. So then you start sending them friend request and seeing how many interesting friends they have etc.

When I started I would go through so many profiles in a setting that FB would suspend my ability to click on profiles for 2 days at at time becuase they thought I was a bot. The trick I used was to be systematic, each time I come across a profile of a chica that looked like she had plenty of chica friends that were working girls then I saved that profile in a browser folder and be systematic about coming back later and searching them too /.

03-08-23, 05:47
I just got back a few days from my first trip to Medellin. I got a flight through Avianca Lax to MDE. It was RT Fare for $957.00. I had to get to LAX from Bay Area and I have TSA Pre-check.

It helped a lot to get through the lines in less than 5 minutes. At Avianca counter they demanded all of my vaccination cards. I then had to find a mask which is required to board.

I did not like Avianca they only offer water and coffee. They had one meal chicken and rice and in the morning some sort of crackers and or coffee and water. For whatever reason they are not permitted to sell anything from Lax to Bogota or vice versa.

I made an arrangement to stay in a Airbnb in Laureles. It was 7 days for $552. I was on the 5th floor with 2 bedrooms a king and 2 twins. It was a nice place but not have security. They had cameras and a electronic key chain that opened the gate. It was guest friendly and the host Pablo was pretty cool. I never actually met him.

A few weeks before I arrived I bought a subscription to Tinder and Colombian Cupid. I had already have an active Seeking account. I got a lot of hits on Tinder and Seeking. I didn't actually meet anyone on Colombian Cupid.

I met 4 women while I was there over 7 days. The first girl I met was Lilli (Tinder) she is 20 and has a 4 year old daughter. (she's wearing red) she was non GFE wanted 300 it was okay I ate her out a few times and we parted ways. The second girl I met Sofia (not pictured) she was non GFE and very petite. She had a nice little pussy I came twice with a rubber. Her pussy tasted so good. It was 300 for 90 minutes. She was from Seeking. The photos were not her. She was the hottest girl on Seeking but it wasn't her. The girl that showed up was hot so I fucked her.

I was texting so many women I lost track of where they came from. The next girl I met Laura I think came from Seeeking. She was a college student 21 and spoke good english. She wasn't a flacita like the others. She had red dyed hair and wanted 250 non GFE. It was my birthday that day and said it would be special. She comes over at 9 pm in a very short black skirt. She had sexy legs light complexion and big tits. They 36 DD at least and perfect. She had tats which I don't like but I didn't care.

We talked for awhile and she said she's been all over Colombia and to Panama. Then I got a phone call I had forgot I opted for service (ATT) while traveling. My twin sister called and we were talking and she heard Laura and said Hello, and asked her how she was doing. I think that broke the ice.

We got to the room and it was pure GFE we spent 3 hours in bed. Her pussy was so wet and tasted good. I had used my Viagra- generic that I got from Roman for $64. I am getting close to 60 but I came 3 times. I got in at least 45 minutes of my shoe getting polished. She took her time and felt good.

The next day I went to El Poblado and looked around. I was approached by a flacita who wanted 300 with BBBJ. I declined there were a lot of women out but they in groups of 2 or 4. It's deibately a nighttime venue.

On the following day I went to Botero Park. Lots of freelancers and I wasn't aware that the police were at both ends of the park. I'm not a daytime sex guy so I just looked and left.

The last girl I saw Sophia the blonds pictured with the sexy legs. I got her off Tinder. She looked like the pics except for the face. It was her but you could tell that she had some acne scars. Her face was pretty but she used filters for her face, She said wanted 500 but with condom. I said 400 but with BBBJ. She agreed and it was a good 2 hour session. She has a sexy body.

That was all the action I had time for. I just changed 500 US and it lasted the week.

03-08-23, 17:18
Thank you for sharing. Seems like a great time you had. I am planning on a trip for this summer. It will be my first time, your post really gave me some good hope. Hope we can connect.

I just got back a few days from my first trip to Medellin. I got a flight through Avianca Lax to MDE. It was RT Fare for $957.00. I had to get to LAX from Bay Area and I have TSA Pre-check.

It helped a lot to get through the lines in less than 5 minutes. At Avianca counter they demanded all of my vaccination cards. I then had to find a mask which is required to board.

I did not like Avianca they only offer water and coffee. They had one meal chicken and rice and in the morning some sort of crackers and or coffee and water. For whatever reason they are not permitted to sell anything from Lax to Bogota or vice versa.

I made an arrangement to stay in a Airbnb in Laureles. It was 7 days for $552. I was on the 5th floor with 2 bedrooms a king and 2 twins. It was a nice place but not have security. They had cameras and a electronic key chain that opened the gate. It was guest friendly and the host Pablo was pretty cool. I never actually met him.

A few weeks before I arrived I bought a subscription to Tinder and Colombian Cupid. I had already have an active Seeking account. I got a lot of hits on Tinder and Seeking. I didn't actually meet anyone on Colombian Cupid...

03-08-23, 22:23
I just got back a few days from my first trip to Medellin. I got a flight through Avianca Lax to MDE. It was RT Fare for $957.00. I had to get to LAX from Bay Area and I have TSA Pre-check.

It helped a lot to get through the lines in less than 5 minutes. At Avianca counter they demanded all of my vaccination cards. I then had to find a mask which is required to board.

I did not like Avianca they only offer water and coffee. They had one meal chicken and rice and in the morning some sort of crackers and or coffee and water. For whatever reason they are not permitted to sell anything from Lax to Bogota or vice versa.

I made an arrangement to stay in a Airbnb in Laureles. It was 7 days for $552. I was on the 5th floor with 2 bedrooms a king and 2 twins. It was a nice place but not have security. They had cameras and a electronic key chain that opened the gate. It was guest friendly and the host Pablo was pretty cool. I never actually met him.

A few weeks before I arrived I bought a subscription to Tinder and Colombian Cupid. I had already have an active Seeking account. I got a lot of hits on Tinder and Seeking. I didn't actually meet anyone on Colombian Cupid..I could only post 2 of the pics as the rest are too large. I will resize and repost the rest.

03-08-23, 23:17
Do they still have the fish tank in the front? Out of 10 girls they always have 1-3 stunners. Worth a visit. Normally, I give the girl a tip upfront, and she gives me GFE and BBBJ.

03-09-23, 00:02
The barriers around Plaza Botero appear to have been removed today. Here is a picture of the fencing near the church being removed.

03-09-23, 01:45
More pictures of the barriers being taken down.

Fun Luvr
03-09-23, 03:38
I know this is a long shot but I am going to ask since there are a lot of regulars on this forum who have been around a while. A couple of years ago someone posted a video that was CCTV form a neighborhood camera that caught an assassination on camera.

A guy on the back of a motorcycle pulled up and shot at a couple in a car. The guy got out and ran, you can see the assassin taking shots at him after he ran our of camera view. But you also see the girl climb out of the car and sit down on the ground and bleed out and die on camera. I had the link to the footage saved but then acccidently deleted it. Any chance that anyone else save the link. You can PM me or post it?https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=688020572030668 It is post #37138. Incidentally, it was less than three years ago, June, 2020.

03-09-23, 04:35
This has been so elusive in North America everywhere I've been.

There has to be somewhere here that has one, any one know of a milking table in Medellin?

03-09-23, 07:00
The barriers around Plaza Botero appear to have been removed today. Here is a picture of the fencing near the church being removed.Did they put it up to keep the working girls out. ? You have to walk all the way to the other end through the other check point to find the working girls.

03-09-23, 09:56
I just got back a few days from my first trip to Medellin. I got a flight through Avianca Lax to MDE. It was RT Fare for $957.00.

At Avianca counter they demanded all of my vaccination cards..$957 round trip! Yikes! You should have found a cheap flight to Florida and from their book Avianca for a $250 round trip flight to MDE. I booked a $300 round trip a couple weeks ago.

You mean your Covid card?? They didn't ask you for your entire vaccination history right?

03-09-23, 14:39
Do they still have the fish tank in the front? Out of 10 girls they always have 1-3 stunners. Worth a visit. Normally, I give the girl a tip upfront, and she gives me GFE and BBBJ.Last time I was there in June I believe they still did have the aquarium. They are always priced higher than a regular casa but they usually have a few stunners. Plus it is very nice and clean establishment. The rooms and the vibe in that place is definitely top tier for a smash and dash joint. Most of the girls usually perform well too. Just don't expect much from the "massage".

03-09-23, 15:04
...I did not like Avianca they only offer water and coffee. They had one meal chicken and rice and in the morning some sort of crackers and or coffee and water. For whatever reason they are not permitted to sell anything from Lax to Bogota or vice versa.....I had a couple of flights with them that I have to buy everything, including water. The price menu is on the seat bucket.

I like Avianca for their availability for Colombia and Brazil. Avianca is always available every time I need to get last minute flight at the airport and they have many flights. Sometimes, they let the stopover passengers skip the immigration line at Bogota to make the transfer which is a bonus. Although I think they don't have to because they have many flights to Medellin everyday.

03-09-23, 16:04
Did they put it up to keep the working girls out. ? You have to walk all the way to the other end through the other check point to find the working girls.They put it up to keep working girls and homeless people out and let tourists in, but in reality it is a symbol of oppression against the lower class people who work informal jobs. I'm glad it was knocked down. The stupid ass mayor posted on Twitter that they are going to put it back up again, but I heard from various sources that if they put it back up again they will just knock it down again.

03-09-23, 19:37
More pictures of the barriers being taken down.They gave up LOL, it lasted one month. I didn't like them.

Street girls 1 Cops 0. I will enjoy again my double espresso from the bar overlooking the plaza.

Definitely more entertaining than keeping the action out.

BTW, from the news I heard that shop owners complained about the barriers as they were getting less customers, it might be for this reason.

03-09-23, 21:05
$957 round trip! Yikes! You should have found a cheap flight to Florida and from their book Avianca for a $250 round trip flight to MDE. I booked a $300 round trip a couple weeks ago.

You mean your Covid card?? They didn't ask you for your entire vaccination history right?It was a last minute flight. I had to fly to LAX to get a direct to Colombia. I have two vaccination cards. One is full and the latest has my most recent shot. They wanted both so I was lucky I still had it.

Mojo Bandit
03-09-23, 23:43
https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=688020572030668 It is post #37138. Incidentally, it was less than three years ago, June, 2020.This is it for sure. I knew it was since I had my 2019 visit. This video does not seem to have as good of quality as I remember. It seem to rember that after watching it there was no doubt that you could tell that poor girl bled out. But in this link the video stops and starts too much. Thanks a lot though this is exactly the video I remember.

03-10-23, 01:14
It was a last minute flight. I had to fly to LAX to get a direct to Colombia. I have two vaccination cards. One is full and the latest has my most recent shot. They wanted both so I was lucky I still had it.On my last visit I only showed them my Covid card from Walgreens showing the 2 shots I got.

03-10-23, 01:26
They put it up to keep working girls and homeless people out and let tourists in, Barricades do many things. They help keep homeless people out (good). Control the thieves coming and going. Police recognize the "repeat offenders" and scares the thieves since there are less avenues to get away (good). Thieves used to hide behind the sales carts to get away. I assume those sales carts were also not allowed in. Hard to track a runner once they pass behind a few carts. Many carts had loud music which I hated. (good if they were gone). The problem with the working girls is that they stand next to the statues that the tourists are trying to take pictures of. Otherwise, most tourists would not know they are there since most are not wearing a ton of makeup, fishnet stocks, and 6 inch high heels. There are plenty of locations to stand that does not require standing next to the statues (good for tourists but bad for us). If the girls stopped standing next to statues I bet they would be allowed inside more readily. Two years ago I liked them but have not seen the restrictions this time around since I have not visited for awhile. Last time the girls got in no problem.

03-10-23, 01:44
This is it for sure. I knew it was since I had my 2019 visit. This video does not seem to have as good of quality as I remember. It seem to rember that after watching it there was no doubt that you could tell that poor girl bled out. But in this link the video stops and starts too much. Thanks a lot though this is exactly the video I remember.What was it over? Why did he shoot her? I also can't find the one where teacher got stabbed in neck and bled out all over, he got involved with two drunks treating waitresses bad! Any one have that one?

03-10-23, 02:36
They gave up LOL, it lasted one month. I didn't like them.

Street 1 Cops 0. I will enjoy again my double espresso from the bar overlooking the plaza.
.Def is now! - they put the barriers up again today bcos some naughty fkrs spray painted the statues. Haha.

Fun Luvr
03-10-23, 02:37
This is it for sure. I knew it was since I had my 2019 visit. This video does not seem to have as good of quality as I remember. It seem to rember that after watching it there was no doubt that you could tell that poor girl bled out. But in this link the video stops and starts too much. Thanks a lot though this is exactly the video I remember.Facebook probably put the original on a server with low bandwidth, then backed it up over that slow link. I think the original had more footage at the end. If we really get lucky, the person who originally posted it still has a copy and will chime in. That's asking for something that probably won't happen.

03-10-23, 17:22
I have done cheap flights from Miami Florida and normally get a hotel close to the Airport for over night and then the flight to Medellin or Phoenix the next morning. Hotel was around $80 total for the night with a free ride to the airport in the morning. I would not recommend Uber from Miami because they have a difficult time finding you and then charge you for a no show. Just take a taxi and save the head aches. I sure wish they would offer a faster affordable way to get to Medellin from the West Coast.

It was a last minute flight. I had to fly to LAX to get a direct to Colombia. I have two vaccination cards. One is full and the latest has my most recent shot. They wanted both so I was lucky I still had it.

03-10-23, 18:41
I have done cheap flights from Miami Florida and normally get a hotel close to the Airport for over night and then the flight to Medellin or Phoenix the next morning. Hotel was around $80 total for the night with a free ride to the airport in the morning. I would not recommend Uber from Miami because they have a difficult time finding you and then charge you for a no show. Just take a taxi and save the head aches. I sure wish they would offer a faster affordable way to get to Medellin from the West Coast.You must have never flown from Tijuana? I got here from the west coast for $230 one way!

03-10-23, 18:53
The problem with the working girls is that they stand next to the statues that the tourists are trying to take pictures of. Otherwise, most tourists would not know they are there since most are not wearing a ton of makeup, fishnet stocks, and 6 inch high heels. There are plenty of locations to stand that does not require standing next to the statues (good for tourists but bad for us). If the girls stopped standing next to statues I bet they would be allowed inside more readily.I never saw this problem. The working girls don't like having their photos taken so they generally avoid the statues on the plaza proper. The only place you'd see them would be on the statue of the horse on Carrera 52 and the statue of the woman by Veracruz church. That's 21 of the 23 statues that don't really have this issue.

Tourists really weren't taking photos of those two statues as it feels most didn't cross Calle 52.

03-10-23, 19:53
I never saw this problem. The working girls don't like having their photos taken so they generally avoid the statues on the plaza proper. The only place you'd see them would be on the statue of the horse on Carrera 52 and the statue of the woman by Veracruz church. That's 21 of the 23 statues that don't really have this issue.

Tourists really weren't taking photos of those two statues as it feels most didn't cross Calle 52.Exactly just those 2 statues is where they used to be and in front of premier Plaza and on the other side by the entrance to the CC veracruz and hotel bulevar. That barrier, fence, whatever you want to call it is a symbol of oppression and it must be taken down.

The legality of it may even be called into question because in Colombia parks and plazas are supposed to be legally open to all citizens and visitors, regardless of whether or not they are homeless or working girls, or street vendors.

03-11-23, 00:34
You must have never flown from Tijuana? I got here from the west coast for $230 one way!How did you do that? What airline? I fly out of Tijuana often, but never saw one to MDE for less than $300. Please advise.

03-11-23, 00:35
I never saw this problem. The working girls don't like having their photos taken so they generally avoid the statues on the plaza proper. The only place you'd see them would be on the statue of the horse on Carrera 52 and the statue of the woman by Veracruz church. That's 21 of the 23 statues that don't really have this issue.

Tourists really weren't taking photos of those two statues as it feels most didn't cross Calle 52.Did you happen to notice that those two statues are the most tree shaded of all the statues? The other statues are more busy if the sun is not out and during late afternoon. I would estimate the girls spend lots of time around 8 of the statues. Half the statues they are never in front of because too much sun and further away from the main congregation of people.

03-11-23, 01:01
I've read some silly shit on here but this takes the cake! You actually met up with her and aive her money for next day sex? Who would do that Anywhere let alone Medellin! How bizaar. Dude you deserve to be ripped off! Sorry not sorry.

Next one I meet on fb also and actually talked with her quite awhile. We set up a later day to meet (Sunday) as I had other stuff lined up and she gave me the whole story blah blah. So gave her money up front again way of much. And of course the day comes and she never shows up. She gets a mouth full of text of my thoughts. I actually meet her in person when I gave the money to her the day before. Again my fault. Southing I would usually never do. The money I lost between the 2 girls I'm not crying over and oh well money lost. Lesson learned. She has changed her number but still text me. I told her I fell sorry for her situation (saying he Mom died, who knows) I told her hey I forgive her, she stills text me still but I've told her if she mentions money I will just block he.

OK made my first trip to Medellin at the end of January. Had help with a few members prior to arriving on trying to establish FB contacts. Set up a side account and started adding as much as I could. Thanks to Humpty and Jim for some contacts to get me started. I don't speak much Spanish at all but have taken up duolingo and try to spend 15 minutes everyday. I know I will slowly get better as time goes on. Looking at reviews and recommendations I wanted a good safe place to stay. Usually when traveling I need good wifi and Aircon. So I decided to stay at Energy for the security and location. When I travel I mainly traveling to experience the culture, activities, and tourist stuff (just want some company while abroad) I've learned to scuba in Thailand and that's been my last 3 trips. This trip I had a few motorcycle tours.

So arrived on Wednesday and took a taxi to Energy. Used the ATM when I got out of customs, seems everyone is hitting that ATM which is right there. Took out some money right away to make sure I had local currency. Seems 6 mil is the max the most I observed the atms will dish out. (About $125 usd) So made it to Energy living and doorman / security has the key to my Airbnb. I get in and settle in as it's late afternoon, I try to notify some of the women I'm arriving as I had no specific dates set up yet. I also checked up on the tours I set up..

03-11-23, 04:40
The girls are back in the plaza. The barrier is back up after the demonstration but entry enforcement is now very light. Far fewer people are being searched. Pedestrians, including the girls, enter and exit at will. The diversity and quantity of people in the plaza is noticeably greater than it was before the women's day demonstration. Most of the graffiti was removed but traces of it are still visible on the pavement and the sculptures. Overall, as of today the situation is about the same as it was when the last barrier was up.

Did they put it up to keep the working girls out. ? You have to walk all the way to the other end through the other check point to find the working girls.

03-11-23, 05:45
The legality of it may even be called into question because in Colombia parks and plazas are supposed to be legally open to all citizens and visitors, regardless of whether or not they are homeless or working girls, or street vendors.In most countries the police behaviour would be rightly called racist too. I never see them stop white folks, nor tourists.

03-11-23, 09:28
In most countries the police behaviour would be rightly called racist too. I never see them stop white folks, nor tourists.I have. I've been stopped and searched in Medellin, Cartagena, Bogota, and Rio, and I'm a white guy.

Mr Enternational
03-11-23, 10:58
I have. I've been stopped and searched in Medellin, Cartagena, Bogota, and Rio, and I'm a white guy.I have not been stopped or searched any place on the planet and I am a Black guy with a shit ton of guns in my own city.

03-11-23, 12:16
I have. I've been stopped and searched in Medellin, Cartagena, Bogota, and Rio, and I'm a white guy.Last time I was there, cops had my Uber pull over and I was asked to empty my pockets.

For those of you who are unaware, the police like to conduct shakedowns after hours, people leaving bars and clubs. So if you don't want to pay a bribe, better not have nothing illegal on you or hide it as best as you can.

03-11-23, 17:38
I have. I've been stopped and searched in Medellin, Cartagena, Bogota, and Rio, and I'm a white guy.Am talking about Pqe Berrio.

03-11-23, 20:54

Iguana Six
03-12-23, 05:14
Last time I was there in June I believe they still did have the aquarium. They are always priced higher than a regular casa but they usually have a few stunners. Plus it is very nice and clean establishment. The rooms and the vibe in that place is definitely top tier for a smash and dash joint. Most of the girls usually perform well too. Just don't expect much from the "massage".Anyone have the hours and address for this place?

Iguana Six
03-12-23, 05:43
In World War II, American cargo planes landed on a remote, pacific island. They found some native tribe on the island that have been out of contact with the rest of humanity for centuries. The American crews gave them some of their supplies, and then flew away. Decades later, other outsiders came. And found that the tribesmen had created an entire religion of their encounter either the airmen. They made costumes, mock ups of the planes and gifts, and returned to the landing site to reenact the encounter with the otherworldly beings, all in the hopes that their rituals would make the planes come back. Anthropologists call it a "cargo cult. ".

Like those villagers, I return to previously visited places, hoping for a repeat of wonderful experiences.

Returned to Phase Dos after a year. In 2009, my first experience was so overwhelming, I didn't even session. The cop 190 k fee seemed a little high. But in the years that followed, it seemed more reasonable, and the talent was excellent. The mid-2010's seemed to be the peak.

However, things changed. After the pandemic year, the price went to cop 300 k, which is fine, but what is galling is the 45 minute time limit, which means you start getting a knock on the door after about 30 minutes.

Last year, I had an absolutely forgettable experience. Returning this year, I found the cover charge upped to 30 k, the club completely remodeled, and the place very vacant. There might have been less than 30 customers, and about a dozen providers. Dances on the stage were infrequent. The talent was not impressive. The fee to go back to the cabins was 300 k (330 k if you use a credit card).

It was worse at Luna Lunera. 30 k to get in. Once inside, there was only one other customer! On a Saturday night! Only 8 providers. None of them were 'sponge worthy,' so I didn't even ask what the price was.

On the other hand, Zandalay is within walking distance of New Life, and is nice alternative. Prices are reasonable and, right now, it seems to specialize in slim spinners.

03-12-23, 06:23
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIRp12ASuZs&ab_channel=NoticiasCaracolNo prostitution allowed? So. Gustos? Lleras park bar? Do they think non working girls are going to show up there? LOL wtf so stupid.

03-12-23, 08:35
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIRp12ASuZs&ab_channel=NoticiasCaracolThis links the blockade in the Botero area and the coming blockade of Parque Lleras. And the link is prostitution specifically illegal prostitution, and foreigners. Leaves the impression that the problem is underage being trafficked to foreigners. The public has heard this on the news and now this is very very bad news for the 99 plus percent of us that have nothing to do with illegal activities.

I was planning on going to Med next week sometime but now wondering. Puts a target on our heads. Looks, assumptions that people are making, to say nothing of giving the green light to police to extort gringos.

03-12-23, 12:22
Colombian sex workers may use a fake ID as a minor to extort money or they will call the police. Minors will use a fake ID (cedula) and then have sexual relations, later using this as proof to manipulate and extort money from the client.


Has anyone experienced this or know someone who has?Why does it matter? You're never going to go there. We've established that.

03-12-23, 15:27
Colombian sex workers may use a fake ID as a minor to extort money or they will call the police. Minors will use a fake ID (cedula) and then have sexual relations, later using this as proof to manipulate and extort money from the client.Am curious, if your not from the USA, how could this method possibly work?

03-12-23, 17:47
I did not like Avianca they only offer water and coffee. They had one meal chicken and rice and in the morning some sort of crackers and or coffee and water. For whatever reason they are not permitted to sell anything from Lax to Bogota or vice versa.

.It's not that AVIANCA isn't permitted to sell anything besides coffee and water, but they are trying to just save money by not offering anything more.

I recently flew them from Medellin to LAX one way and when I purchased the ticket I was given an option to choose my seats, and when the choices came up for the Bogota to LAX leg, they said they had full flat laydown seats available on the Boeing Dreamliner at $ 400 each which I paid for. Upon boarding the flight I had a great flat laydown seat on a window side all by myself and upon settling into my seat I noticed a menu of offerings for food and drink. I asked one of the flight attendants about this, but was told I would be served a hot meal. Well they eventually came thru the aisle with the food cart and everyone on the plane got the same thing and it was disgusting and and not really edible. There were probably at least 30 business class seats on this plane and another thing I noticed is that there were no pillows or blankets provided which is the norm in business class. So does business class really exist on AVIANCA on this route, well the seats are it and nothing more. And if AVIANCA could but I don't think they could they would rip out all the business class seats.

So lesson learned I have purchased a mid week return flight with AVIANCA on the same aircraft, with the base fare being only $ 270 one way with the flat lay down seat costing an additional $ 400 and another $ 10 USD for the blanket I'm bringing and my neck pillow. It's actually quite a bargain compared to COPA that was wanting close to $ 2,000 for the same destination with all the bells and whistles.

03-12-23, 20:09
My opinion is you are getting way ahead of yourself. I don't see any of this making a difference for visitors unless they are the sort who make spectacles of themselves. In any case, in case of doubt, monitor the situation from home to reassess and make an informed decision.

This links the blockade in the Botero area and the coming blockade of Parque Lleras. And the link is prostitution specifically illegal prostitution, and foreigners. Leaves the impression that the problem is underage being trafficked to foreigners. The public has heard this on the news and now this is very very bad news for the 99 plus percent of us that have nothing to do with illegal activities.

I was planning on going to Med next week sometime but now wondering. Puts a target on our heads. Looks, assumptions that people are making, to say nothing of giving the green light to police to extort gringos.

03-12-23, 20:12
Asking for a friend:

Which centro Casa has the best lineup these days?

Can you walk in at Ellas.

And how is Santas Spa?

03-12-23, 20:59
This links the blockade in the Botero area and the coming blockade of Parque Lleras. And the link is prostitution specifically illegal prostitution, and foreigners. Leaves the impression that the problem is underage being trafficked to foreigners. The public has heard this on the news and now this is very very bad news for the 99 plus percent of us that have nothing to do with illegal activities.

I was planning on going to Med next week sometime but now wondering. Puts a target on our heads. Looks, assumptions that people are making, to say nothing of giving the green light to police to extort gringos.The video says the restrictions will start on the 30th of March.

03-12-23, 22:35
No prostitution allowed? So. Gustos? Lleras park bar? Do they think non working girls are going to show up there? LOL wtf so stupid.When I first started visiting Medellin over 20 years ago Parque Lleras was a place for the wealthy to hang out.

A family place really and on the weekends a party place for the rich kids.

Over the years it's become a party place for foreigners and working girls.

Even more so after the COVID period.

Though I enjoy hanging out there and watching the show on occasion, I've often wondered why the Medellin elite were allowing it to consume their Parque Lleras and surrounding area now.

Looks like they want to take it back.

In actuality, if the "blockade" persists, word will get out, and obviously a good number of weekend warriors will avoid Medellin.

Maybe head back to Cartagena and continue the demise of that once great place to hang out as well.


03-12-23, 23:41
Which centro Casa has the best lineup these days?
Casa X has the best line up, easy. No wait. Its casa Y.

03-12-23, 23:46
Is there Telegram group for mongers in Medellin? If there isn't one, someone should make one. On Telegram you don't have to reveal you phone number. Should we make one happen?

03-13-23, 00:13
When I first started visiting Medellin over 20 years ago Parque Lleras was a place for the wealthy to hang out.

A family place really and on the weekends a party place for the rich kids.

Over the years it's become a party place for foreigners and working girls.

Even more so after the COVID period.

Though I enjoy hanging out there and watching the show on occasion, I've often wondered why the Medellin elite were allowing it to consume their Parque Lleras and surrounding area now.

Looks like they want to take it back.

In actuality, if the "blockade" persists, word will get out, and obviously a good number of weekend warriors will avoid Medellin.

Maybe head back to Cartagena and continue the demise of that once great place to hang out as well.

Cheers. 🍻That sounds good and all but I hope they at least keep one club open full of working girls, that concept is pretty convenient, makes it easier so that you don't have to guess who's working and who isn't like you would at a regular club.

03-13-23, 00:42
In most countries the police behavior would be rightly called racist too. I never see them stop white folks, nor tourists.I've been stopped in Medellin 2 x and in Cali. The worst experience I ever had though was in the DR. I am white and look very gringo. After I feigned ignorance of Spanish, aside from enough to convey that I loved their city and police officers, the Colombian cops let me move on without bribes. In the DR I had to go to the police station and sit for 2 hours. Ended up paying 500 pesos (10 I believe).

03-13-23, 01:01
The Medellin forum is a strange one. I've used ISG in several cities and the Medellin forum is the only one that I can't find any reviews. It seems like a lot of you guys just enjoy talking and arguing with one another rather than sharing info LOL. Why??

I'm heading to Medellin for the first time. Looking to get in touch with independent escorts rather than going to one of the Casas or street walkers. Nothing compares to just calling a girl to your room. Is there any site that anyone recommends? Any contacts you can share?


03-13-23, 01:32
Last year, I had an absolutely forgettable experience [at Fase II]. Returning this year, I found the cover charge upped to 30 k, the club completely remodeled, and the place very vacant. There might have been less than 30 customers, and about a dozen providers. Dances on the stage were infrequent. The talent was not impressive. The fee to go back to the cabins was 300 k (330 k if you use a credit card).

It was worse at Luna Lunera. 30 k to get in. Once inside, there was only one other customer! On a Saturday night! Only 8 providers. None of them were 'sponge worthy,' so I didn't even ask what the price was.

On the other hand, Zandalay is within walking distance of New Life, and is nice alternative. Prices are reasonable and, right now, it seems to specialize in slim spinners.Went to Luna Lunera a week ago and they wanted 30 K entrance and a 3 beer minimum at 25 K each. I asked to just look inside and the bouncer wanted the 30 K first. I stopped to think about it and then saw two quite ordinary women walking in, so I passed.

Drivers have said that San Diego Show may be worth checking out for a step up from Barre Ejecutiva. Have not gone yet, so any thoughts would be appreciated.

03-13-23, 01:37
Rhetorical question. What would the "Medellin elite" do in a re-claimed Parque Lleras? Anyone who knew the place as recently as 5 years ago knows the upscale establishments are long gone. Personally it would not make a difference to me if the whole thing were sealed off inside a concrete barrier like a time capsule, I've been there maybe ten times in the past 15 years. Mayor Quintero is going to make a show of Lleras and Botero for the remaining 10 months of his administration in the hope of getting re-elected. The guy was recalled less than a year ago so it's likelhy to be an uphill battle. Some may remember he put a curfew in place for people under the age of 18. It was not effective. Maybe the barrier will make Lleras an exclusive nightlife venue people will be willing to wait on line to enter. Whether or not that happens it's safe to say the providers and punters will move the party somewhere else.

When I first started visiting Medellin over 20 years ago Parque Lleras was a place for the wealthy to hang out.

A family place really and on the weekends a party place for the rich kids.

Over the years it's become a party place for foreigners and working girls.

Even more so after the COVID period.

Though I enjoy hanging out there and watching the show on occasion, I've often wondered why the Medellin elite were allowing it to consume their Parque Lleras and surrounding area now.

Looks like they want to take it back.

In actuality, if the "blockade" persists, word will get out, and obviously a good number of weekend warriors will avoid Medellin.

Maybe head back to Cartagena and continue the demise of that once great place to hang out as well.


03-13-23, 03:51
I am the number 1 Medellin party animal. I am a regular in all the clubs in El Poblado. Just ask about Harry.

However seriously I have met on FB girl who was under 18. After I explained to her that she's too young, she removed the date of birth from her profile. There are other profiles where the age is 22 or something however the girl in the photos doesn't look that old to me. Has anyone had problems, with the police or with blackmail or both? I don't think that I'm a 100% expert in knowing if a girl is 16 or 20. Even with ID, she could be borrowing her big sister's.You say you are from the Yew Ess but you are not a native speaker of English. Stop lying and wasting everyone's time.

03-13-23, 03:54
The Medellin forum is a strange one. I've used ISG in several cities and the Medellin forum is the only one that I can't find any reviews. It seems like a lot of you guys just enjoy talking and arguing with one another rather than sharing info LOL. Why??

I'm heading to Medellin for the first time. Looking to get in touch with independent escorts rather than going to one of the Casas or street walkers. Nothing compares to just calling a girl to your room. Is there any site that anyone recommends? Any contacts you can share?

Gracias.I think you are wrong because you have not done your homework but you have come to the right place. Look up Reports of Disitinction.

03-13-23, 04:09
The Medellin forum is a strange one. I've used ISG in several cities and the Medellin forum is the only one that I can't find any reviews. It seems like a lot of you guys just enjoy talking and arguing with one another rather than sharing info LOL.Haha. So true. Take a look at the "Stupid Shit in Medellin" thread if you want to see the toxicity in all it's neckbearded glory. The same 5 guys yelling at each other about nothing endlessly over and over and over.

Mojo Bandit
03-13-23, 04:48
No prostitution allowed? So. Gustos? Lleras park bar? Do they think non working girls are going to show up there? LOL wtf so stupid.It is a fucked up situattion. I doubt it will effect Gustos one bit but if anyone reads this forum thoroughly then they know that those should be the last sources for pussy anyway. I have pulled chicas from Lleras but it was because I went there to party and just happened to see a cute flaca. I would not make that my primary source.

03-13-23, 07:44
The Medellin forum is a strange one. I've used ISG in several cities and the Medellin forum is the only one that I can't find any reviews. It seems like a lot of you guys just enjoy talking and arguing with one another rather than sharing info LOL. Why??

I'm heading to Medellin for the first time. Looking to get in touch with independent escorts rather than going to one of the Casas or street walkers. Nothing compares to just calling a girl to your room. Is there any site that anyone recommends? Any contacts you can share?

Gracias.It's kind of weird. There are guys who have used ISG in several cities and who ask where the reviews are, but they never have managed to ever post any reviews of their own. Very strange.

03-13-23, 08:15
It is a fucked up situattion. I doubt it will effect Gustos one bit but if anyone reads this forum thoroughly then they know that those should be the last sources for pussy anyway. I have pulled chicas from Lleras but it was because I went there to party and just happened to see a cute flaca. I would not make that my primary source.I got a hot one from lleras park bar but want to go back to gustos next time I go because I did see a lot more hotter girls at gustos. Yeah they charge more but who cares when money isn't an issue. As long as you're happy. I actually like the concept of going to a club and not having to guess who's down to go home with you and who isn't. At gustos and lleras if you got the bread or decent looking you are guaranteed pussy. It's like Hong Kong Tijuana without actual strippers. So hopefully it doesn't go away. At least there you don't have to hope the girl looks like her pictures, not to mention it's better than picking up a street hooker or at least feel like you're not.

03-13-23, 14:38
Where to get a good beef burger in Centro? (with meat that's not an overminced bland patty of suspicious contents which make you wonder what is it exactly that you're actually eating).

03-13-23, 14:42
I've been stopped in Medellin 2 x and in Cali. The worst experience I ever had though was in the DR.Not sure what that has to do w me saying the police behaviour in pqe berrio is racist.

03-13-23, 14:46
You say you are from the Yew Ess but you are not a native speaker of English. Stop lying and wasting everyone's time.Must be half the population of usa don't speak EN as first language, and of those that do, most don't speak it very well that's why they have moronic leaders.

Mr Enternational
03-13-23, 15:14
At gustos and lleras if you got the bread or decent looking you are guaranteed pussy. Yes. That is the general idea of going to a place you know is full of hookers.

03-13-23, 16:13
Where to get a good beef burger in Centro? (with meat that's not an overminced bland patty of suspicious contents which make you wonder what is it exactly that you're actually eating).I've never had a burger in Medellin like you describe. Where did you find that?

I've had a lot of burgers, many different places and most have been good, although unless you like them medium rare you need to tell the waiter "tres cuartos" when asked how you want it cooked. The fat content tends to be low. So overcooked patties are really dry.

There are a couple places near Aranjuez that are supposed to be good. I don't know of any in particular in El Centro, although Google Maps shows a few. In Poblado and Laureles there are some good places. Usually can't go wrong with Chef Burger or Barbacoa, Burger and Beer. Firehouse are decent as well. Classic Diner in Envigado is worth a visit. I don't know if it's still the case, but Jack and Roll in Envigado used to be the best burgers in Medellin.

03-13-23, 18:08
Where to get a good beef burger in Centro? (with meat that's not an overminced bland patty of suspicious contents which make you wonder what is it exactly that you're actually eating).El Corral.

03-13-23, 20:18
Where to get a good beef burger in Centro? (with meat that's not an overminced bland patty of suspicious contents which make you wonder what is it exactly that you're actually eating).El Corral is a chain restaurant that has been mentioned a several times. You should be able to find one iaround El Centro.

03-13-23, 21:01
Rhetorical question. What would the "Medellin elite" do in a re-claimed Parque Lleras? Anyone who knew the place as recently as 5 years ago knows the upscale establishments are long gone. Personally it would not make a difference to me if the whole thing were sealed off inside a concrete barrier like a time capsule, I've been there maybe ten times in the past 15 years. Mayor Quintero is going to make a show of Lleras and Botero for the remaining 10 months of his administration in the hope of getting re-elected. The guy was recalled less than a year ago so it's likelhy to be an uphill battle. Some may remember he put a curfew in place for people under the age of 18. It was not effective. Maybe the barrier will make Lleras an exclusive nightlife venue people will be willing to wait on line to enter. Whether or not that happens it's safe to say the providers and punters will move the party somewhere else.I think the days of Lleras being the gringo spot are numbered. It's attracted the worst of the locals that the upper class Colombians can't stand it. I see Laureles as being the next hot spot for gringos.

For example the buildings next to Energy Living are all upper class Colombians living there and now it's being bombarded with hoodrat girls from Bello Manríquez Popular on a daily basis. It gets worse and and worse and it's been like this for a while. I think the breaking point will be when the other buildings finish construction to compete with energy.

The druggings and robberies are a daily occurrence now in that area.

But hey what do I know? I'm a gringo too but in the past 6 years I can clearly tell a big difference.

03-13-23, 21:14
I've never had a burger in Medellin like you describe. Where did you find that?

I've had a lot of burgers, many different places and most have been good, although unless you like them medium rare you need to tell the waiter "tres cuartos" when asked how you want it cooked. The fat content tends to be low. So overcooked patties are really dry.

There are a couple places near Aranjuez that are supposed to be good. I don't know of any in particular in El Centro, although Google Maps shows a few. In Poblado and Laureles there are some good places. Usually can't go wrong with Chef Burger or Barbacoa, Burger and Beer. Firehouse are decent as well. Classic Diner in Envigado is worth a visit. I don't know if it's still the case, but Jack and Roll in Envigado used to be the best burgers in Medellin.Hamburgers are not really a Colombian staple but they are catching on with the locals. In the last couple of years in Laureles I've seen half a dozen new places open up, just in the areas I frequent.

Are any of them good? I'm a vegetarian so I can't opine. But I've heard from some of my cronies that Chef Burger is very good quality and at a moderate price.

03-13-23, 21:22
I got a hot one from lleras park bar...I actually like the concept of going to a club and not having to guess who's down to go home with you and who isn't. At gustos and lleras if you got the bread or decent looking you are guaranteed pussy....At least there you don't have to hope the girl looks like her pictures, not to mention it's better than picking up a street hooker or at least feel like you're not.I fucking LOVE Lleras Park bar. We all have varying opinions, but that's my favorite bar on planet Earth and I've been all over the world. The 2 girls I took back to the Mansion from there were Angels sent straight from Heaven for me.

03-13-23, 21:26
Went to Luna Lunera a week ago and they wanted 30 K entrance and a 3 beer minimum at 25 K each. .When I went it was 30 k, no beer requirements. I had 1. There were only 8 chicas in there and my friends and I were the only dudes. 3 of us. But I will say the girl I took upstairs was absolutely incredible, hot asf and did everything I would have wanted to without even having to ask. I believe it was 275 k or 250 k and I tipped an extra 50 k. Cost more than I wanted it to, but I didn't regret one bit. Little sexy chick Valentina, highly recommend her.

03-13-23, 21:29
The Medellin forum is a strange one. I've used ISG in several cities and the Medellin forum is the only one that I can't find any reviews. It seems like a lot of you guys just enjoy talking and arguing with one another rather than sharing info LOL. Why??

I'm heading to Medellin for the first time. Looking to get in touch with independent escorts rather than going to one of the Casas or street walkers. Nothing compares to just calling a girl to your room. Is there any site that anyone recommends? Any contacts you can share?

Gracias.First of all there are reviews on here, but this is such an active board that you will have to go thru pages and pages to read some of them. I wrote a very lengthy review on about 5 places and about 8 chicks back in mid-late Jan.

In regards to your question about independents, there's a few websites but TBH just roll on down to Lleras Park bar in the evening and you will have more than you can shake a stick at and they aint street walkers. It's like going to bar and picking up a hot chick, except it's a slam dunk.

03-13-23, 21:30
Hello all just an FYI, I have RTFF, and my questions are about the current situation and FB, SA thoughts / opinions.

Going to Medellin in May for 5 days and the question is, with all the recent developments, what area do you suggest for a first timer.

I was leaning toward Poblado and was wondering if I pick up a lady from the park lleras area, and have a hotel about 4 blocks away, is it still not safe to walk back to hotel with chica or is Uber the best way to proceed.

I have also created a FB account and have a few ladies who accepted my friend request and also been working SA with a age range of 21 to 45. I am 54. Already have 2 of the younger ones telling me they need help with school and rent. I had to laugh to keep from telling them to GTFOH. I been communicating with three 40+ yo woman and the tricky part is how to keep them from thinking they got a potential SD and not just a five day friend willing to compensate for their time.

03-13-23, 21:33
Hello all just an FYI, I have RTFF, and my questions are about the current situation and FB, SA thoughts / opinions.

Going to Medellin in May for 5 days and the question is, with all the recent developments, what area do you suggest for a first timer.

I was leaning toward Poblado and was wondering if I pick up a lady from the park lleras area, and have a hotel about 4 blocks away, is it still not safe to walk back to hotel with chica or is Uber the best way to proceed.

I have also created a FB account and have a few ladies who accepted my friend request and also been working SA with a age range of 21 to 45. I am 54. Already have 2 of the younger ones telling me they need help with school and rent, I had to laugh to keep from telling them to GTFOH. I been communicating with three 40+ yo woman and the tricky part is how to keep them from thinking they got a potential SD and not just a five day friend willing to compensate for their time. LOL. I know I am not the first, all responses appreciated.

03-13-23, 22:21
For example the buildings next to Energy Living are all upper class Colombians living there and now it's being bombarded with hoodrat girls from Bello Manrquez Popular on a daily basis. It gets worse and and worse and it's been like this for a while. I think the breaking point will be when the other buildings finish construction to compete with energy. I love it. I hope to see lots of hoodrats on my next stay there.

03-14-23, 00:24
LOL! No, El Corral is too upscale for Centro. The nearest one would be Premium Plaza. That is closer to Poblado than it is to Centro. There isn't even a McDonalds on Junin any more. I can tell you where to find arepas and chicken gizzard chuzos in Centro. LOL!

El Corral is a chain restaurant that has been mentioned a several times. You should be able to find one iaround El Centro.

03-14-23, 00:33
First off the good. Someone said there isn't enough reviews of Medellin. It is an amazing place and most of the advice you will find is spot on. Here are some things I'm going to add I don't see a lot mentioned but likely go along with the same general theme. These are all just my opinions and I could be completely 100% wrong. But probably not 100%.

Spanish. I can't say enough how much better your experience will be if you are comfortable with basic conversational Spanish. If you don't know Spanish very well, wait 6 months to come and spend an hour or two each day working up your Spanish skills. Do a lot of listening because despite me having some Spanish skills, it is hard to understand when people speak it and you must be able to understand them to respond. Learn enough so you can be expecting what questions they may have when you purchase something. There is almost nothing you can ask for to purchase that there is not a follow up question. A simple one you will get a lot is they will ask you if you want a bag. They charge for plastic bags here. And there seems to be an infinite number of ways they can ask you if you want a bag. The last thing they will do is point to the bag or hold it up.

Most people are pretty polite when you can't speak well ordering food or trying to get into your accommodations. But even the nice people become clearly frustrated and it makes their jobs more stressful. The ones that want to please will keep trying to ask questions in spanish about every little thing. Then a few will outright show their displeasure, roll their eyes or their fellow workers will be laughing at their friend trying to accommodate the 'idiot' gringo who came to Colombia knowing no Spanish. It's just bad for our future as gringos showing up here with no knowledge of their language. You can get by. Don't get me wrong. You will still have a good time. But you are leaving so much more up to chance.

Now specifically with street women and freelance bar girls and Spanish. The ones that know English enough where you can actually communicate to them in english are the worst performers and worst value for your money. They speak half broken terrible english because they want more money from you. They use your lack of Spanish to re-arrange the table anytime they choose and prey on your ignorance of their language to shake more money out of you. It tells them in 3 seconds you don't know what you are really doing. They will charge you more than the colombian men for less services. Not all women of course. But on the street especially the one yelling out to you in english and trying to call and chase you down are the ones to ignore. The ones that are aggressive. Just ignore them. They will always be less value in my opinion and will try to charge extra for everything.

In fact I had already had several experiences with women coaxing me and targeting me and then trying to have a fun time with them. In all of the instances it wasn't 'terrible'. But they were all at the bottom of the list. Then after I already knew better and SWORE I would not go with a woman targeting me. Along came one who had the perfect ass, perfect tits, amazing face. That ass just took away my judgement. 50 k she said. Fair enough. This 'hot woman' was easily the worst of my mongering exploits. The combination of not being able to speak Spanish well and her being a straight up hoe bag made it just not so good. The sex actually wasn't that bad and she gave great eye contact giving head. But Every little thing. She wanted to charge me to not use the condom. Then when I told her to use it, she wanted money for the condom. The root of the problem is most easily cured by leveling up Spanish skills so you lead everything and are in control. You can't be in control if you don't know the language.

Aggressiveness goes into a general rule I now have. Ignore the aggressive ones. Many of the women are shy and reserved. Those are the ones you want. Because they are shy they will do what you want without asking for more money, asking for a tip, and endless stupid little things that for me was not about even the money. It just annoys the F out of me. It isn't always about paying more money. It's about not having to deal with the inscent begging and nagging for a dollar here and a dollar there. And trust me if you gave them $100 US dollars the women that chase you down and are aggressive on the streets will not let you go until they ask you if they can get another $10. Paying more or extra up front. The worst idea ever.

My advice is look for eye contact and a smile. If they don't come to you and can let you walk past a few times without losing their mind and trying to drag you into the building they would be a good one to approach.

Cleanliness. Get your teeth whitened. Get your nails manicured. Trim or shave you underarm hair. This applies mostly to women that are not street prostitutes. But even in those instances, since I have gotten my teeth whitened (they were pretty bad) it has made an absolute difference with every woman I've met here. I've avoided the women that just would not care I expect.

On paying more vs less and all that. I've got strong opinions as I've had many stripper girlfriends and lived with women that have pay to play dates. Even though women are charging money does not change the fact they have lust, fall in love, and have a lot of sex where they don't charge anybody anything. Most of the strippers and prostitutes I've dated, I would take them to swingers clubs and they would have sex for free with dozens of couples. That let me have sex with their hot wives and girlfriends. No money exchange at all. How do these strippers and prostitutes I know and lived with treat guys that pay them? Well it never would have anything to do with the amount the guy was paying and any guy paying was always at a huge disadvantage to having the best times with them.

Because when they are fucking for money it is a job. It completely changes their enthusiasm and more money I believe quickly moves them ALL into thinking "how much money can I get out of this guy? Every stripper and prostitute I've been friends with and lived with and had lots of sex with I never got them because of money. I was the guy that was cool with them doing their thing and judging them. There were with me because I was more fun, more interesting, and more exciting. All women want to be with the fun exciting guy when it comes to great sex. The guy that gives them money is a paycheck.

I pay to play in Medellin but very little. Most women I meet now are off of Colombian Cupid and then sometimes seeking. I've got women here buying me dinner, letting me stay with them, and several are literally in love with me and would have me move in. Not because I'm great looking or have money at all. They just want sincere attention. They have all been extremely sexual. More down with oral for extended periods than the street prostitutes. And super easy to talk to. Because they are not on the clock and actually like you they also are for more tolerant of your Spanish skills and will help you learn. I still monger for the variety but I know I'm not going to get the best of them by paying anything. Certainly not by paying more or extra.

Finally I would make sure to get a few dozen phrases down that tell people to leave you alone that are trying to beg or sell you stuff. Particularly in Pablado I've had a few physical encounters over overzealous street men (all have been men that get aggressive) trying to get me to buy weed, cocaine, or some stupid candy of some kind. Saying "No gracias" the first time is fine. But there are small minority that literally get their money from gringos through harassment. So saying no just once isn't enough. Their game is to keep hounding you until you give them money or get agitated enough to scream at them.

So I'll say along with this incident that knowing basic self defence and grappling is not a bad thing in an environment like what you will most come across in Medellin from my experience. Most of the problems are with single individual men that are poor and and rather desperate. They are more annoying than anything but they will put their hands on you sometimes and for me that crosses a line. Now I would be first to say always de-escalate and you need to judge the situation. I've had over 20 years of marital arts training so I don't scare easy particularly in a rather crowded area. In one incident I had a rather smallish street guy about 25 had asked me to buy weed or cocaine. I said 'no gracias' and kept walking. He then came up behind me and grabbed my arm and tried to stop me from walking forward. With that I grabbed the top of his hand and quickly just flipped it over and put him on his knees with a wrist lock. Very simple. I leaned down and yelled "tu comprendo No Gracias. I don't want your fucking cocaine" or something like that. Not my best moment. But when I have someone actually physically grab me in the street after they have already been told to leave me alone I typically am not going to let that go.

There were police not even 20 yards away that looked over as I still had him in the wrist lock and he was on his knees. I let him up and he apologised and went on his way. Cops didn't even move. But my next move was to leave the area. I think anytime you get into even a verbal confrontation with a local despite how it resolves best to not hang around and wait for them to get courage or find friends. I've actually not been back to El Pabaldo since that night. Not because I'm afraid it is just that you are constantly harassed for buying things or giving people money to the point I just don't enjoy being there anymore. Again knowing Spanish and not just saying "no gracias", but having something more meaningful to say to him in Spanish would have avoided the situation entirely. I would not handle it the same way again and should have stayed with a non-physical reaction to him putting his hands on me. But I think having some basic self defence skills in a place like Medellin goes a long way as it is very expensive to get quality training in martial arts in Colombia. I've read you can't carry a knife in Colombia as it is designated as a lethal weapon. Plus knives you have to pull out anyway. I'm sure there are better ideas, but I personally buy a bottle of coke in a glass bottle. Typically costs less than a US $1. I can drink the coke and I have that glass bottle which in a pinch would certainly make for a rather shocking melee weapon should the need arise.

That brings me to my final point. There are many fair skinned Colombians. One of the women I'm dating her son is as light skinned as I am. Many colombians are. So we get targeted as gringos mostly by how we act, how we dress, how we speak and where we are at. If you can speak Spanish well then with one sentence you will quickly be seen as someone to be respected and that has been in Medellin a while vs a gringo that just took the uber from the airport.

With all that said, you will have a great time in Medellin even if you just know Hola, con gusto, and Cuanta questa? But if you are coming to Medellin I implore you for our reputations as fellow gringos to learn as much spanish as you can before you come.

03-14-23, 00:50
Not sure what that has to do w me saying the police behaviour in pqe berrio is racist.Apologies. I though you were implying that Colombian police were racist towards a certain group of individuals.

03-14-23, 00:58
Thanks gents, I will try el Corral, I see there's one near San Antonio station. I just saw earlier another chain-looking place called Presto near Coltejer, will try it too.

I've tried a place that's in the same building as hotel Nutibara (behind it), that had a burger in its name. I got something that I thought they bought of the lowest shelf in supermarket, of "burger in microwave in 2 minutes!" variety (and, as if that wasn't enough, cold fries).

Tried another place on Carabobo and wasn't sure what kind of meat I got and, for a brief moment, I wondered; is it actually meat? Did they mince some arepas and painted it brown?

I can't complain about non-minced meat in Centro though so far, I just can't find place with a good burger near Botero Plaza.

As for non-centro places, many thanks for the list JjBee62. I've already tried Chef Burger before and it's one of my favorites, but didn't try the others you mentioned (yet).

The other day I tasted one from Home Burgers, pretty good too. I also got one in Buenos Aires Mercolanta store (which has the small restaurant & heladeria attached to it and they use their own meats) good as well. Oh and tried one from Qbano, not very good, although it did taste of meat, but the patty was very dry and had a strange consistency.

03-14-23, 01:06
The Medellin forum is a strange one. I've used ISG in several cities and the Medellin forum is the only one that I can't find any reviews. It seems like a lot of you guys just enjoy talking and arguing with one another rather than sharing info LOL. Why??

I'm heading to Medellin for the first time. Looking to get in touch with independent escorts rather than going to one of the Casas or street walkers. Nothing compares to just calling a girl to your room. Is there any site that anyone recommends? Any contacts you can share?

Gracias.To be candid, this is a bit rich coming from a guy that says he has used ISG on visits to several cities, yet only posted 5 times with most of those being questions. Perhaps if you actually 'give,' you will receive?

The above noted, the fact of the matter is:

1) You're so overwhelmed by women in Medellin, a metro with 4+ million people that trying to line up something with 1 particular girl is ridiculous so people more often speak in generalizations. If you do want a hot 'in call' independent girl I'd just use the photo prepagos or other Colombia prepago sites (there are 3-5, a list is in one of the other threads). Facebook is a second option, apps a third (not recommended), strip clubs a fourth, and Parque Lleras / Gustos a fifth. I could go on and on.

2) Despite recommendations, I think we all know YMMV based upon the girls day, your attractiveness, your fluency in Spanish, how 'weird' the stuff is that you request, and a hundred other female specific items.

3) Turnover can be really high here. Girls typically on do it for 3-4 years during their early 20's and will be working one month and totally off the next w / different whatsapp and FB profile shutdown.

4) Some guys are just hesitant as they've been burned after giving recommendations. I personally don't mind for the prepago site girls and must popular girls, but for others. Like the semi-pros I wait until I've at least met the guy in person. I've had a few completely weird the girls out in the past and learned my lesson.

03-14-23, 02:34
To be candid, this is a bit rich coming from a guy that says he has used ISG on visits to several cities, yet only posted 5 times with most of those being questions. Perhaps if you actually 'give,' you will receive?

.40% of my posts are reviews. How about you? I provide contacts through DMs to several people as well.

Not sure why you're defensive. Go to a few other forums and you'll see the obvious difference between this forum and others.

03-14-23, 04:56
Thanks gents, I will try el Corral, I see there's one near San Antonio station. I just saw earlier another chain-looking place called Presto near Coltejer, will try it too.

I've tried a place that's in the same building as hotel Nutibara (behind it), that had a burger in its name. I got something that I thought they bought of the lowest shelf in supermarket, of "burger in microwave in 2 minutes!" variety (and, as if that wasn't enough, cold fries).

Tried another place on Carabobo and wasn't sure what kind of meat I got and, for a brief moment, I wondered; is it actually meat? Did they mince some arepas and painted it brown?

I can't complain about non-minced meat in Centro though so far, I just can't find place with a good burger near Botero Plaza.

As for non-centro places, many thanks for the list JjBee62. I've already tried Chef Burger before and it's one of my favorites, but didn't try the others you mentioned (yet).

The other day I tasted one from Home Burgers, pretty good too. I also got one in Buenos Aires Mercolanta store (which has the small restaurant & heladeria attached to it and they use their own meats) good as well. Oh and tried one from Qbano, not very good, although it did taste of meat, but the patty was very dry and had a strange consistency.Presto is good too but in my opinion Presto is more like a Burger King or Carl's Jr type burger and El Corral is more like a restaurant burger more along the lines of a Red Robbin burger. There's a place called Clap Burger near poblado that was good also (similar to In-and-Out) but they only have outdoor seating.

Mr Enternational
03-14-23, 04:57
I have also created a FB account and have a few ladies who accepted my friend request and also been working SA with a age range of 21 to 45. I am 54. Already have 2 of the younger ones telling me they need help with school and rent. I had to laugh to keep from telling them to GTFOH. I been communicating with three 40+ yo woman and the tricky part is how to keep them from thinking they got a potential SD and not just a five day friend willing to compensate for their time.What are you communicating with them for? They are hookers, not potential girlfriends that need attention from you all the time. You simply add them to your list and let it be. Then you contact them when you are there or maybe a day or 2 before, but acting like you are actually there.

If you plan on going to a fancy restaurant in May for your birthday you don't call up the maitre the everyday starting in March. He has other customers to serve and is not trying to deal with you like that, especially if he does not know your money is guaranteed.

The hookers are not just sitting around waiting for you. They have other customers to deal with. All you can do for them with that much distance and time in between is to send them money. So if you do not plan on doing that then just add them to your list and chill.

P.S. Funny that you would go on a sugar daddy / sugar baby website, but not want the chicks to think you are a potential sugar daddy. That is like going on grindr but not wanting people to think you are gay.

03-14-23, 05:14
So I submitted a long winded meandering rundown of some of my thoughts on upping your game in Medellin. What I'm hoping with this post is someone could help with perhaps starting to put together a Medellin spanish sex reference for requesting specific acts and sexual kinks. I judge nobody so whatever floats your boat I just want to know as much Spanish as I can with regards to sexual kinks and fantasies if for no other reason to practice and have conversations with women to ask them what they like or don't like.

My body count here is probably around 45 so I'm no 'expert'. But my take is most don't even know simple slang we take for granted. I've had many that 'blow job' is enough to put them into a confused blank stare. You are literally better served by just making a hand motion to your mouth like sucking dick. They get that.

So does there happen to be anyone on this forum that could throw out some spanish phrases to start it going on what we can use to communicate the sexual aspects of sex with the women of Medellin. I know there might be more general spanish resources and such but regions matter so much that I would expect Medellin has it's own spanish slang for sex.

03-14-23, 09:24
I fucking LOVE Lleras Park bar. We all have varying opinions, but that's my favorite bar on planet Earth and I've been all over the world. The 2 girls I took back to the Mansion from there were Angels sent straight from Heaven for me.It's like you said, a slam dunk because every girl there is a prepago. How amazing it would be to have places like that back home but instead here bars are mostly filled with entitled females who don't put out and if they do they are certainly not even close to being as hot as the girls you'll find at lleras park or gustos.

They must protect these establishments at all costs.

03-14-23, 11:49
What was it over? Why did he shoot her? I also can't find the one where teacher got stabbed in neck and bled out all over, he got involved with two drunks treating waitresses bad! Any one have that one?I recall posting it in 2020. But the site is gone / transferred.

It's awful and heartbreaking and should be considered as a reminder to be very careful and behave yourself, but the victim wasn't a gringo he was a local teacher (the video is very graphic, you can scroll to 1:10):

03-14-23, 12:18
I also can't find the one where teacher got stabbed in neck and bled out all over, he got involved with two drunks treating waitresses bad! Any one have that one?Found it on FB:


03-14-23, 13:05
LOL! No, El Corral is too upscale for Centro. .... LOL!He seems to have found one.

Thanks gents, I will try el Corral, I see there's one near San Antonio station. ....

.... That is closer to Poblado than it is to Centro. There isn't even a McDonalds on Junin any more. I can tell you where to find arepas and chicken gizzard chuzos in Centro. LOL!I think I mentioned in a post to you before that there is one in Unicentro which is walking distance for me from El Centro. I don't see anything upscale about it. It's just a small store like any other when it is located inside the mall. There are several places ithat offer better, similar type of food in El Centro at similar price point. I am not a burger person so it makes no difference to me and by default it is not upscale for me.

03-14-23, 13:53
...Spanish. I can't say enough how much better your experience will be if you are comfortable with basic conversational Spanish. If you don't know Spanish very well, wait 6 months to come and spend an hour or two each day working up your Spanish skills. ....Thanks for taking the time to write the report. I think one should come, don't wait, you probably will never be ready if you wait.

The discussion goes in cycle. Spanish knowledge is one of them. For credit card purchase, I think quotas/installments will be most confusing to new visitors because it is a concept that does not exist in US for most.

I rarely encounter rude behavior, none I can remember. On multiple occasions the waiter just brought out all the drink types they have on the table to explain to me. When I ordered picada, I just put my palm on my jaw or point to my ear and they know what I want. LOL.

One time I was standing some distance away from a street vendor that I know in El Centro. She saw me and made a WTF or what do you want gesture with her palms facing the sky. So I went and got my dinner.

03-14-23, 13:56
With that I grabbed the top of his hand and quickly just flipped it over and put him on his knees with a wrist lock.Man I'd avoid the physical confrontation like this, martial arts won't help you much against knife in the back or gun in your face and you were wise not to come back there otherwise the guy might want to settle the score of this "disrespect". Though MA might help in back against the wall situation but guy putting a hand on you on busy street doesn't qualify for that in my mind. Just throw it away and move on. It doesn't mean much it's illegal to carry a knife, a lot of street guys are carrying them. Pepper gas might be handy I guess.

Sometimes 'no gracias' is too much of acknowledgment. I often just ignore them totally as if they don't exist or make a quick decisive hand gesture signifying "no / go away" while not even looking or changing my pace.

Anyway, great report.

03-14-23, 14:11
Thanks for taking the time to write the report. I think one should come, don't wait, you probably will never be ready if you wait.I agree don't wait. My trips are probably my favorite thing in life. My first trip was solo because my friend backed out. I decided I was going no matter what. Linked up with a few guys off of a different forum and had a blast. If you don't have a friend to travel with then check out travel announcements. Most guys who post their dates there are friendly enough to at the very least meet for a drink and point you in the right direction. Or just hit up a few well known gringo spots and see if you can find someone like minded. Some of the guys I have met on various trips to different destinations have become very close friends of mine over the years. Feel free to pm me for any help or advice.

03-14-23, 14:32
Yes, exactly, I don't see anything upscale about it either. For Centro it is too upscale however. I don't think there are enough customers to support one in Centro. I haven't eaten a burger in decades so I can't evaluate their product. I think Premium Plaza is a little closer to San Antonio than Unicentro. He could grab a bus or uber for a quick run to get that burger.

He seems to have found one..

03-14-23, 14:38
Anthony, you wrote my favorite post of the week so far. LOL!

I love it. I hope to see lots of hoodrats on my next stay there.

03-14-23, 15:43
Hamburgers are not really a Colombian staple but they are catching on with the locals. In the last couple of years in Laureles I've seen half a dozen new places open up, just in the areas I frequent.

Are any of them good? I'm a vegetarian so I can't opine. But I've heard from some of my cronies that Chef Burger is very good quality and at a moderate price.My old roommate loves burgers, so we spent a lot of time checking out burger joints. Chef Burger is good, but I like the menu at Barbacoa, Burgers and Beer better. If I remember correctly they have a vegetarian burger on the menu.

There are a few good places in Laureles I've visited too.

03-14-23, 16:02
He seems to have found one..There are 2 versions of El Corral. Most of them are fairly typical fast food burger places. The other type is a sit down restaurant with a more upscale and expensive menu. I believe there's one in Oviedo Mall.

There is a place in Santa Fe Mall, I think called Garage Burger, that was pretty good too.

03-14-23, 20:48
What I'm hoping with this post is someone could help with perhaps starting to put together a Medellin spanish sex reference for requesting specific acts and sexual kinks. I judge nobody so whatever floats your boat I just want to know as much Spanish as I can with regards to sexual kinks and fantasies if for no other reason to practice and have conversations with women to ask them what they like or don't .The basics have been written about multiple times on here if you do a search with the search thread feature. Colombian slang is fun to learn with different sex terms like Leche, polvo, chimba, chimbo, etc.

03-14-23, 21:50
Anthony, you wrote my favorite post of the week so far. LOL!Well it's true haha I want to see plenty of hoodrats walking thru energy living when I arrive. I want to see hoodrats up on the rooftop pool too. The way people are describing energy living is kind of like a Vegas hotel casino atmosphere. I understand there is a nice restaurant on the first floor too.

I'm staying with one of my girls from Mexico so I'm sure she will feel more comfortable walking around in heels if she sees hood rats everywhere LOL.

03-15-23, 05:55
When you find a girl you want at these bars and you chat with them, do they typically come right out and tell you what they want for $ or is there more of a game to it? In the end is there a typical amount that should get the job done at Gustos or Leiras Park? Hoping to find some "angels" to bring back to the Mansion myself LOL!

I fucking LOVE Lleras Park bar. We all have varying opinions, but that's my favorite bar on planet Earth and I've been all over the world. The 2 girls I took back to the Mansion from there were Angels sent straight from Heaven for me.

03-15-23, 06:12
Man I'd avoid the physical confrontation like this, martial arts won't help you much against knife in the back or gun in your face and you were wise not to come back there otherwise the guy might want to settle the score of this "disrespect". Though MA might help in back against the wall situation but guy putting a hand on you on busy street doesn't qualify for that in my mind. Just throw it away and move on. It doesn't mean much it's illegal to carry a knife, a lot of street guys are carrying them. Pepper gas might be handy I guess.

Sometimes 'no gracias' is too much of acknowledgment. I often just ignore them totally as if they don't exist or make a quick decisive hand gesture signifying "no / go away" while not even looking or changing my pace.

Anyway, great report.Yes I agree 100% with what you are saying. I do believe in this case I had real good element of surprise and I was certainly taking that into account when I did what I did. I immediately regretted it and in my report said it was not my best moment. De-escalation is always the better path. Like you said, you want to know some basic self defense for when you need it. Not just to get someone to take their hands off you.

I had to deal tonight with some guy shaking a bottle of piss in my face asking for money. He had just been harassing the woman at the cafe. He wanted to use the bathroom and she wasn't letting him. It's not so much they are aggressive but insistent and incapable of taking a simple no for an answer. Nobody was intervening on her behalf and it was all I could do to stay out of that. But once he approached me I was in no mood to put up with him. After throwing a few phrases at him in Spanish and another in English he was gone. Nothing physical but I was really done with him at that point. The locals at the tables around me I could tell were completely satisfied that I got him out of there and how I handled it. I think a lot of people here just don't want the confrontation at all and would prefer to ignore them. But they have no respect for these guys either from what I can tell.

So it is these kinds of guys I'm talking about. They are very poor. You never see the extremely poor women behaving in such an harassing manner. Their thing is to just sit on the sidewalk with their kid (s) and quietly just ask for money. I often drop them a little just because it is all they know to do. But when it comes to those that will cross a street to approach you, get in your face, and are insistent, it is always 100% of the time men. They are always very dirty and seem to intentionally be that way as to solicit sympathy. I'm trying hard to be empathetic as they are poor and they are desperate. But they literally harass people as a way to get money out of them and for me that is a hard no.

One trick I'm using is if I'm sitting outside I'll never sit at the edge seats on the sidewalk. I'll sit a few rows in. If someone ignores everyone else to ask me for money I say "por que yo? Crees que soy especial? Alegjate de mi. " Which means "why me? You think I'm special? Get away from me. " If they are asking everyone and come to me I have no problem with that and I will be very polite. I'll even give them a few coins if I they have treated others and myself well.

I simply don't like being targeted. Full stop. If I'm singled out because I'm a gringo they are always going to get a hard no. I know there will be many on here that will object to my approach. I know I'm a gringo and I can expect to be targeted. But it doesn't mean that I will encourage them or reward them for doing so. I'm still adjusting to the fact that there is just so many people selling useless crap I don't want to literally everyone. It isn't just because we are gringos. It is part of the culture here for people to come through the bars and restaurants pushing wears to get by. So I'm trying to be more giving and will take coins out with me to give to some and change my attitude. So I'm working on softening up and being more tolerant and empathetic.

03-15-23, 06:27
Thanks for taking the time to write the report. I think one should come, don't wait, you probably will never be ready if you wait.

The discussion goes in cycle. Spanish knowledge is one of them. For credit card purchase, I think quotas/installments will be most confusing to new visitors because it is a concept that does not exist in US for most.

I rarely encounter rude behavior, none I can remember. On multiple occasions the waiter just brought out all the drink types they have on the table to explain to me. When I ordered picada, I just put my palm on my jaw or point to my ear and they know what I want. LOL.

One time I was standing some distance away from a street vendor that I know in El Centro. She saw me and made a WTF or what do you want gesture with her palms facing the sky. So I went and got my dinner.I would agree that I've never had any straight up rude behaviour myself either. It's body language and typically their friends or other co-workers you can see out of the corner of your eye acknowledging the situation and giggling or laughing. I still think I would encourage people to at least learn a little bit of Spanish before they come. It's a matter of respect for their culture and the people working trying to service you. The respect I feel now is much different than when I barely knew anything. Maybe don't wait. But if you are sitting on the plane watching Shrek for the third time instead of learning Spanish? That is just sad to me.

I'll add that I'm not here just for the sex which that is what this forum is obviously dedicated to. Sex is definitely on the menu but it is just one of the things. I plan to live here and ever day I wish I could hear and understand better than I do. And dealing with the street women. I just can't imagine you would have the same experience if you literally knew no spanish as if you were reasonably well versed. I've had too many instances where it just really destroys the mood. Perhaps because I'm used to talking women before, during and after sex. The inability to communicate well with them for me is why I don't do a lot of the $10-20 street action that is so plentiful.

03-15-23, 16:01
I would agree that I've never had any straight up rude behaviour myself either. It's body language and typically their friends or other co-workers you can see out of the corner of your eye acknowledging the situation and giggling or laughing. ...I forgot to mention that I went to a private Spanish language school the first time I visited Colombia but it wasn't in Medellin. One should be able to find a school here and get one on one lesson if the class schedule does not match.

I posted this before. I had problem ordering food from the street vendor because they have many options from that one small cart, basically salad, bean, lentil, soup of some kind, pork knuckle, fish steak, roasted meat, BBQ, chicken, juice, and I just nodded my head or si to everything. LOL. I paid a street girl to go with me for dinner and told her to remember the conversation to explain to me later. After we bought our food, she flipped thru every item on my plate with her fingers to tell me the name of each item.

To put things in context, I stayed around different areas to learn about Medellin and to find out where I want to stay in the future. As a result, I often stay in local areas that have no gringo, but not by choice. The mom and pop shops are almost always very welcoming. They always greet me with a smile or with some personal touch when it's older woman. Sometimes the whole place giggle at my presence simply because they have seen me many times and I don't know Spanish that well. I usually go at off peak time. BTW, I am just saying the reaction can go both ways. I think people are more humble in the average lower cost areas.

One visit I moved to Laureles after I stayed in El Centro for a month, the hot dog street vendor on La 70 took advantage of me on the first night I was there. I gave her a 20, but she was fumbling for changes and dealing with other customers. I found some smaller bills on me so I gave it to her to solve her problem not having enough changes to give me back. Not only she held on to all the money but she also proceeded to put all the money into her pocket even after I tried to tell her not to do that. The result was obvious. I told her I knew what she was doing, They just all smiled back at me. I don't think they would do this to a fluent Spanish speaker or a local.

I think it's not difficult to talk to SG if you want to. You can offer them food or drink at any time even with limited Spanish. You basically can interact with them like it is in a club but it's outdoor.

03-15-23, 16:12
In Medellin hamburgers took off as a food trend about five years ago. I would rate it the #2 biggest fad after Peruvian food. There were not nearly as many burger centric restaurants. They really took off in Laureles.

Hamburgers are not really a Colombian staple but they are catching on with the locals. In the last couple of years in Laureles I've seen half a dozen new places open up, just in the areas I frequent.

Are any of them good? I'm a vegetarian so I can't opine. But I've heard from some of my cronies that Chef Burger is very good quality and at a moderate price.

03-15-23, 16:50
Sorry to ask, but I can't find any direct link to the Mansion hotel website. Can you please provide?

03-15-23, 19:19
When you find a girl you want at these bars and you chat with them, do they typically come right out and tell you what they want for $ or is there more of a game to it? In the end is there a typical amount that should get the job done at Gustos or Leiras Park? Hoping to find some "angels" to bring back to the Mansion myself LOL!I can not speak to Gustos. I went there on my first visit, which was not a mongering trip and I had family with me. So I didn't even talk to any of the chics. From my understanding the prices are fairly high here. I didn't return on my second trip. There's a cover to go in and Lleras Park is much better IMO.

Lleras Park Bar during my first trip I was able to get about 30 minutes of alone time here away from family and I was in heaven. It was really the main reason I made the decision to figure out how to go back to Colombia solo. My second trip long story but I was kinda apprehensive about going in, but on my last night I said fuck it, I'm going in. Try to imagine what it's like for an NBA player at a nightclub here. The girls will be making an effort to get your attention, to talk to you, to get next to you. You will not have to make any effort at all. They will be the ones "trying". That said once they think you are interested they will be trying to get you to leave. This is when you will negotiate. The 3 sum I had with the 2 most beautiful chocolate bunnies I could imagine, we agreed to 250 k each. They will most likely start at 400-500, but it's like bargaining anywhere. Just say nah I'm good and the price goes lower. They do not want to lose a customer they spent time courting. There are wayyy more girls there than dudes. You can always tell them the price you are willing to pay but I'd guess if you said a ridiculously low # they would say no. But Idk, I think my 2 chicas said 400 each and I said the most I can do is 250 and they agreed.

03-15-23, 20:42
Sorry to ask, but I can't find any direct link to the Mansion hotel website. Can you please provide?http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/

03-16-23, 04:20
Yes I agree 100% with what you are saying. I do believe in this case I had real good element of surprise and I was certainly taking that into account when I did what I did. I immediately regretted it and in my report said it was not my best moment. De-escalation is always the better path. Like you said, you want to know some basic self defense for when you need it. Not just to get someone to take their hands off you.

I had to deal tonight with some guy shaking a bottle of piss in my face asking for money. He had just been harassing the woman at the cafe. He wanted to use the bathroom and she wasn't letting him. It's not so much they are aggressive but insistent and incapable of taking a simple no for an answer. Nobody was intervening on her behalf and it was all I could do to stay out of that. But once he approached me I was in no mood to put up with him. After throwing a few phrases at him in Spanish and another in English he was gone. Nothing physical but I was really done with him at that point. The locals at the tables around me I could tell were completely satisfied that I got him out of there and how I handled it. I think a lot of people here just don't want the confrontation at all and would prefer to ignore them. But they have no respect for these guys either from what I can tell..Sorry, I have to be a bit of a dick here, but real knowledge must be spread to keep the forum legit. So I find it almost unbelievable that you applied a standing kimura and your assailant allowed you to apply it without resistance. I am assuming you meant Kimura when you typed "wrist lock". Anyone in any type of "grappling" training refers to it as a kimura. Or did you mean the bend the hand backward move that you hit your little brother with in third grade? Either way, both these moves cannot be applied in the street standing up in an open environment or any type of altercation where the person you are fighting is going to give any level of resistance really. The "wrist lock" is some Steven Segal bullshit taught at Mcdojos by pretenders and it is virtually useless. For a kimura to be applied successfully, the person you are fighting must be on the ground, or against a wall. The person has to also be engaging you, or the person can simply pull away. This is why you will never see a standing wrist lock or kimura in an mma match. See the video at the end for a rough reference.

I am glad you acknowledged what a mistake it was to even get into a physical altercation in Colombia. Deciding to fight in Colombia is like a cop deciding to use his gun. You only decide to fight when it is absolutely necessary as in your immediate physical safety is greatly threatened and at that point, there is no Mr. Nice Guy wrist lock, you better be throwing heavy fast hooks and overhands to lay out your assailant as fast as possible. Your goal is to inflict as much damage as quickly as possible and then look for an even quicker escape. Do not ever end up in a grappling match with anyone in Medellin as many of them carry knives. You'll get poked quick and bleed out. You also better hope you don't end up in a Colombian prison as well even if you do win the fight. Mace is also not uncommon, especially females. Trust me on that one.

My main point is, do not post be. S. Stories about fighting on the forum, it will only lead people into a false sense of security and get people into trouble. Just because someone harasses and grabs your arm is not even close to give you or anyone the green light to escalate the situation. It will lead to the hospital, prison, or the grave in worst case scenarios. The risk to reward makes no sense in this situation. When the dudes starting pestering you, you can sternly tell them back off and pull your arm away, but as long as they aren't threatening your physical safety, you have nothing to gain by starting an actual fight in public. And if you do actually have to fight, wrist lock is for the movies, not real life.


03-16-23, 05:34
I went to Medellíand for the first time in late February early March. I've read almost every post on Medellíand here, and I was actually terrified of getting robbed, killed, or scoped. I was prepared for the worst but nothing bad happened at all. I stayed at the Mansion and I felt safe. I'm studying Spanish and just trying to learn to speak Spanish goes a long way. I had all kinds of problems with the Check MiG form. The bottom line is if you don't have that Check Mig form you aren't getting on the plane period. It's baffling to me how important that Check Mig form is. I'm going back to Colombia and I'm looking forward to the trip but I dread dealing with the that Check MiG form. I heard (don't know if it is true) that airlines get fined $15 k if someone lands in Colombia without that form.

I went to a Casa called New Life. I thought it was amazing. I had the best sex of my life for $40. I later learned that that's like the worst Casa out there. It is a real mystery to me where these hidden gem Casas in Medellíand are. I did take several girls to my room at the Mansion. They were all super hot and very sweet. There is no way in the world that I could have hooked up with girls like that in the USA. As fun as taking the girls to my room was it wasn't nearly as fun as the Casa I went to.

The area around the Mansion is super nice.

I walked around El Poblado but my spidey senses were kicking in. There are people braver than me that are willing to get stupid drunk there, but I don't think it's a good idea.

My unsolicited advice is to walk around with a sense of purpose. The bad guys don't actually want to fight. They want to rob you and go about their business. If you look organized and squared away chances are they will leave you alone. I can totally see how someone can get complacent in Medellin and that bad things could happen.

There is nothing further to report at this time.

03-16-23, 05:42
I went to Medellíand lay Feb March 2023. I had a great time with zero issues. I stayed at the Mansion, and brought lots of girls to my room. The girls there are super sweet and hot. There is no way I could hook up with girls that hot in the USA. I went to a Casa called New Life. I had an amazing time. I was later told that is the worst of the Casas. So there is no where to go but up. I was prepared for the worst in Medellin but nothing bad happened. I've studied Spanish for years and I'm not fluent by any means. I'm stuck in the present tense. But even trying to speak Spanish really goes a long way. The people in Medellin are very warm. I'm planning my next trip and I miss Medellíand.

03-16-23, 06:27


Any report on the chica with the tattoos in the blue dress?

03-16-23, 22:23
How did you do that? What airline? I fly out of Tijuana often, but never saw one to MDE for less than $300. Please advise.This is mainly going to be helpful to guys coming from the LOS Angeles and San Diego metro areas.

First you need to get your self to the Tijuana Airport (that is not included in the $230 usd price I quoted). You can actually get to the Tijuana Airport without ever stepping foot in Tijuana (except for being in the airport terminal obviously) by using the Cross-border Express CBX bridge from San Diego.

Your going to be using 2 different low cost airlines to get from Tijuana to Medellin. The first one is called Vivaaerobus and you want to book a domestic Mexican flight from Tijuana to Cancun. You can usually get this route for about $80 usd direct flight if purchased in advance. Next you will be using a different low cost airline called Wingo and book the route Cancun to Medellin which can usually be purchased in advance for about $150 usd. You may have a few hours in between flights just hang out in the cancun Airport terminal 2 and enjoy a burger from Johnny Rockets.

Also make sure to get an FMM from the Mexican government when you enter Tijuana and you need to surrender it to the wingo lady when you board the flight in Cancun, although they may be doing it differently now as the last time I did this route in reverse Mexico just stamped my passport and wrote 180 in the stamp and didn't give me an FMM but make sure. You ask about it anyways. Also make sure you buy an onward / return ticket to show the wingo lady as well. I usually buy a refundable ticket to Ecuador and then cancel it after I arrive and get my money back, this way I have an open ended return date. And also rember to fill out checkmig and carry your covid cards in your passport.

You just got from the US west coast to Medellin for $230 usd.

Hope this helps.


Mojo Bandit
03-17-23, 00:06


Any report on the chica with the tattoos in the blue dress?No there is none.

03-17-23, 01:41


Any report on the chica with the tattoos in the blue dress?I didn't taste but saw both of them working in el Centro on multiple occasions (damn, when do these girls sleep).

03-17-23, 02:19
This is mainly going to be helpful to guys coming from the LOS Angeles and San Diego metro areas.

First you need to get your self to the Tijuana Airport (that is not included in the $230 usd price I quoted). You can actually get to the Tijuana Airport without ever stepping foot in Tijuana (except for being in the airport terminal obviously) by using the Cross-border Express CBX bridge from San Diego.

Your going to be using 2 different low cost airlines to get from Tijuana to Medellin. The first one is called Vivaaerobus and you want to book a domestic Mexican flight from Tijuana to Cancun. You can usually get this route for about $80 usd direct flight if purchased in advance. Next you will be using a different low cost airline called Wingo and book the route Cancun to Medellin which can usually be purchased in advance for about $150 usd. You may have a few hours in between flights just hang out in the cancun Airport terminal 2 and enjoy a burger from Johnny Rockets.

Also make sure to get an FMM from the Mexican government when you enter Tijuana and you need to surrender it to the wingo lady when you board the flight in Cancun, although they may be doing it differently now as the last time I did this route in reverse Mexico just stamped my passport and wrote 180 in the stamp and didn't give me an FMM but make sure. You ask about it anyways. Also make sure you buy an onward / return ticket to show the wingo lady as well. I usually buy a refundable ticket to Ecuador and then cancel it after I arrive and get my money back, this way I have an open ended return date. And also rember to fill out checkmig and carry your covid cards in your passport.

You just got from the US west coast to Medellin for $230 usd.

Hope this helps.

-Gabacho.I flew from LAX to Medellin on a one way ticket on Avianca on Monday.

The base fare cost for an economy seat was $ 270 USD.

The flight departed at around 9 PM, there was a 1 3/4 hour layover in Bogota, and I was in Medellin by 9 AM on Tuesday morning.

Another option besides flying out of Tijuana if your in the LA area.

I posted earlier this week about my experience, and did pay an additional $ 400 for a business class seat.

Well worth the money if you can afford it, and made it to El Centro early afternoon on Tuesday.

And AVIANCA has a return flight from MDE to LAX that leaves around 9 AM and gets into LAX by 7 PM. There are no other airlines that offer a schedule like this as you don't have to get up early in the morning and you don't arrive late at night.