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Sean EZ
04-30-23, 06:31
Anyone stayed in Sabaneta? Seeing new buildings popping up with nice units. Are they guest friendly? Area safe? Provenza full of tourists and Parque Lleras has become disgusting.

04-30-23, 12:23

This site claims there are no more covid restrictions or asking for proof of vaccination status or negative test. Information seems current.

While Embassy site seems is still stating that proof of negative test is needed. If boots on the ground haven't been being asked for vax card or neg test in immigration line in Colombia I guess that's what's occuring. And I'm glad that shiite is over.

Better safe than sorry to get tested probably. But that money would be better spent in country in my opinion. Lets stop making the testing companies and mini clinics rich.I submitted the negative test thru American airlines. I assume that is why immigration never bothered to ask for it.

04-30-23, 12:25
Anyone stayed in Sabaneta? Seeing new buildings popping up with nice units. Are they guest friendly? Area safe? Provenza full of tourists and Parque Lleras has become disgusting.Very safe from my experience.

04-30-23, 13:55
Anyone stayed in Sabaneta? Seeing new buildings popping up with nice units. Are they guest friendly? Area safe? Provenza full of tourists and Parque Lleras has become disgusting.Guest friendly what? They are mostly condos so people buy them to live in them I presume. Not aware of any hotels being built out there.

John Gault
04-30-23, 14:56
I submitted the negative test thru american airlines. I assume that is why immigration never bothered to ask for it.The only thing you need when you check in at the airport is proof of a return ticket.

Fun Luvr
04-30-23, 16:03

This site claims there are no more covid restrictions or asking for proof of vaccination status or negative test. Information seems current.I traveled to Colombia on March 30.2023 from the USA. The check-in agent at Copa asked me for proof of vaccination.

Also, that site states that filling out the Check-Mig form, coming and going, is required. Copa's site states that Colombian authorities REQUEST that you fill out the form when leaving the country, as opposed to stating the USA REQUIRES you to fill out the Attestation form.

04-30-23, 16:08
Coming for a bachelor party this weekend coming up. Need to know the must go to spots for the best looking woman!

04-30-23, 16:17
Not sure if this is the place to address this but my phone got stolen last night from a prostitute. I was wondering if you guys have ever experienced this and did you ever find your phone?Its never a good idea to give your phone to a working girl. They will not look after it nearly as well as you would.

04-30-23, 16:38

This site claims there are no more covid restrictions or asking for proof of vaccination status or negative test. Information seems current.

While Embassy site seems is still stating that proof of negative test is needed. If boots on the ground haven't been being asked for vax card or neg test in immigration line in Colombia I guess that's what's occuring. And I'm glad that shiite is over.

Better safe than sorry to get tested probably. But that money would be better spent in country in my opinion. Lets stop making the testing companies and mini clinics rich.If you have health insurance, chances are you can get tested free, at least free to you.

04-30-23, 17:51
Guilty as charged! The sacaleras are outside the wire as it were. They congregate under the metro overpass near the Parque Berrio steps and, as the Head Rat In Charge mentioned, they hang out in the thicket of vendor carts across from the Nutibara front entrance.

No, your not that crazy al least in my book.

As your aware, years ago the Sacaleros would line up alongside the Museum and there were some hotties. Albeit very thin, a stench to them, and zonked out from sniffing the VOC's in the glue.

Where have they all gone.

Good question.

I've seen a few congregating across the street in front of the Hotel Nutibarra, but there is no area which I used to call "Sacalero Row" alongside the Museum like many years ago.

The Sacaleros are all still around, you just have to look for the telltale sign being a little black plastic bag and a small bottle of glue.

They seem to have just blended in as you have noticed, and guys will find them if they spend enough time walking around the Centro / Botero area.

Some guys loving going with them, because they are so spaced out you can do anything you want with them.

Let us know when you hit "pay dirt", but I can't see many board members here getting near them with a ten foot pole..

04-30-23, 18:35
Not sure if this is the place to address this but my phone got stolen last night from a prostitute. I was wondering if you guys have ever experienced this and did you ever find your phone?It's pretty much gone unless you want to text / whatsapp your number and try to ransom it back. Make sure that you remotely disable and swipe it if you can. If there are any financial apps, including Paypal or Venmo on it they WILL get access. Lock that stuff down ASAP. Change all passwords, etc.

04-30-23, 19:19
Not sure if this is the place to address this but my phone got stolen last night from a prostitute. I was wondering if you guys have ever experienced this and did you ever find your phone?No. I met her at a restaurant, went to the restaurant bathroom, must have left phone on the booth table, when I came back it was gone and so was she. I got a replacement phone and found out she was using my Uber to get around town. I had to cancel my credit cards. Could have been worse.

04-30-23, 19:37

After come back to Medellin I can totally recommend this baby:

[Deleted by Admin]

Sofia, 24 years old.

Superhot and likes tussi. After this girls gone wild in Colombia.

400 mil peso for 1 full hour. She bring own vibrator even and like this sports.

At Temporis.

We can go together today pick up some girls at Comuna 13, or el Centro If you want. I don't know how to send DM here, maybe we can hang out somewhere?

I living in Laureles, in Indie Studio.

04-30-23, 20:30
Appreciate the long write ups, I wish more threads were like this. Good info. This will be my 2nd trip in a week to Medellin more info is good info. A few guys helped me out with some girls to friend and hook up with. Guys got to put in some work but getting a references goes a long way and reviews even better. Thanks again.

Met up with a new FB girl today (girl #10?) for 220 k. A condom was never discussed. She arrived on her own personal motorcycle (which I thought was cool) a little before 11 am. She asks me where to park it, I told her no se but was really thinking how the fuck do I know, I'm not from here only renting. So she pays some woman up the street from my Airbnb to watch her bike for 20 k, cool. She looks like her pics but a bit older. She's 28, the oldest chica I've seen so far. So I go through my routine, offer her some snack and shit. I ask her if she's scared riding her motorcycle in Colombian traffic, she says no way. I would be, I told her. I lead her to the room but she says she wants to shower first. She said she's a little sweaty from the ride. I asked her where is she sweaty? She gives me a strange look so I point to her pussy, she says si amor. I lean into her and whisper in her ear "quiero comerte el coo hasta que me ahogues con tu sudor why jugo de orgasm" because I'm a nasty motherfucker. Which is like I want to eat your pussy until you drown me with your juices is the English equivalent. She smiles and begins undressing.

Before she even takes her top off she stuffs my face in her crotch. Damn, this girl is Horney I thought. And I'm a nasty fucker so I went to town on her. Imagine a watermelon which you can never finish. Yea, that was me. There was one point I had to take a break to breath, rest my tongue, and get some of her juices from entering my nose. Five seconds later she asks for me to continue. I ate her out for a good 25 minutes before I asked "you don't do this often, no? She says no and that she broke up with an ex so she hasn't fucked in a while. So she pulls me up and flips me and begins to ride me. She has skills for sure..

04-30-23, 20:38
Decided to head off to El Centro and check it out around 4 pm. Used the WorldTraverler maps to find the locations and I've got to say it was a pretty huge disappointment. I didn't like any of the girls there and the place seems generally super grungy. I saw the barricades people mentioned in some earlier posts. Is the place just worst now after the barricades / fewer girls? I remember some people complaining but it's too far back to recall. Just doesn't seem like there's that many girls. For all the "centro rats" I would definitely recommend Santa Fe, Bogota. It's basically 10 x better for the same price. More girls and they're also more attractive. Don't think I'm going to be coming back to centro.

Used Whatsapp to try and get into contact with some different online girls and also messaged Ellas Erotic to schedule an appointment. I end up getting the Ellas Erotic meeting for the evening, arrive at the location, then the person tells me they gave me the wrong address and the girl is at another location. LOL. Spa Fantasias Energy is about a 10 minute walk away, so I end up walking over there. It's dark outside but I'm in Laureles so it's whatever. I get to the spa and the front desk has me sit down in a waiting area where some 10-12 girls come up to introduce themselves 1-by-1. There were a bunch of chubby girls, 2-3 cute girls, and 1 girl that was exactly my type. I pay 170 k at the front desk for an hour. It's all inclusive for one time. Place is decent with a shower you can take before / after. Girl was friendly and nice but whole experience nothing to write home about. Maybe repeat because the girl was hot but only if it's convenient.

Planned on going to La Isla again, this time earlier, but still end up arriving at 12. As I was entering I see probably the hottest girl I've seen in a while. She wasn't busy but I walked past to order a drink, because I usually like looking around first. I see another girl and start chatting her up and she mentions it's 450 k for 40 m to go upstairs. She was definitely hotter that most of the girls at the club and in Bogota, but I kind of didn't like her vibe so skipped out. Later on I almost considered going with her just for attractiveness, but I feel like you can get a sense for when it's just going to be a bad time. Again, it seems like all of the hottest girls were busy which is just super annoying. The girl that I saw in the beginning was at a table for the entire time, and I practically waited over an hour for her to be free but it never happened. One thing that happened is a table started throwing money into the air (bundles of 2 m), and then like 20+ girls all huddled around started catching it. The guys were throwing it in waves so the girls were all crouched down surrounding the table waiting for the next wave. Kind of a weird scene to see all these girls in their dresses crouched down for what were effectively quarters being thrown into the air. It would be less weird if they were all standing up doing it, but they were all in like a crouched, squat position waiting. Then 3-4 other tables copied the same thing 1-by-1 and the girls went there. I'm sure it must be fun for the table to have all the girls around for what's effectively $20-40. And fun for the girls. But I hope this isn't a common occurrence. Left La Isla again kind of disappointed, but I'll probably end up going again next week (god).

Got to Fase Dos around 1:50 am. Paid 30 k cover again. And left in 10 m again. Talked to a single girl there who was OK (kind of older) and she asked for 300 k for an hour and 200 k for a dance. 200 k for a dance wtf? I didn't bother negotiating I wasn't that interested majority of the other girls at the club were below average. Tried 2 times, and concluding that I will not be coming back to Fase Dos again. I'll check out Barra Ejacutiva another time and probably Parque Lleras next week to see what those are like. Before I came here someone on the forum mentioned Bogota is better for mongering, and so far they're right.

One thing that Medellin seems to have going way better than Bogota though is probably the online scene. Despite the fact that there's more people and girls in Bogota, there's practically 0 online reviews. Usually you can go for the natural-looking girls with face pictures and you're fine (they look like the pictures) but with some of the blurred-face, faker looking profiles it's a total gamble. Here the totally fake looking profiles have reviews. Example, the girl with the pictures below has reviews confirming it's not a bait and switch. So planning on also coordinating some more meetings with online girls.

04-30-23, 21:16
Does anyone know girls who can speak conversational English? Please DM me their numbers.

A buddy of mine is visiting Medellin this week for the first time. I am trying to help him out.


Que Rico
04-30-23, 21:26
Not sure if this is the place to address this but my phone got stolen last night from a prostitute. I was wondering if you guys have ever experienced this and did you ever find your phone?Yes, my friends got stolen. We tracked it down to El Centro the hot through his face recognition or passwords. They stole 4000 bitcoin and it continued for three days. The professionals had it and they were trying to hack it. If I was you I would get to work right now and change all of your passwords before it's too late.

04-30-23, 21:48
Not sure if this is the place to address this but my phone got stolen last night from a prostitute. I was wondering if you guys have ever experienced this and did you ever find your phone?Change ALL your passwords. They will prob take the sim out and order Rappi with it or anything that is connected to your phone number.

Where were you that a prepago swiped your phone? How? Drunk? Where did you meet her? Maybe someone in the forums knows who she is or you can alteast warn others.

04-30-23, 23:48
I traveled to Colombia on March 30.2023 from the USA. The check-in agent at Copa asked me for proof of vaccination.

Also, that site states that filling out the Check-Mig form, coming and going, is required. Copa's site states that Colombian authorities REQUEST that you fill out the form when leaving the country, as opposed to stating the USA REQUIRES you to fill out the Attestation form.Maybe it's only from or to the USA. I didn't have it either going into Colombia or coming out of Colombia and no one said anything.

04-30-23, 23:56
Maybe it's only from or to the USA. I didn't have it either going into Colombia or coming out of Colombia and no one said anything.I think it's a requirement for those using anything other than a Colombian based airline. When I flew AVIANCA they did all info at front counter. On JETBLUE it must be done BEFORE you can board. That includes before any connecting flight.

05-01-23, 00:13
I think it's a requirement for those using anything other than a Colombian based airline. When I flew AVIANCA they did all info at front counter. On JETBLUE it must be done BEFORE you can board. That includes before any connecting flight.Hi I'm leaving Guyana in the morning.

I fly with Copa.

When I just checked in online it states no vaccines.

But you have to use the CheckMig.

Flight is from Guyana to Panama.

Then on to Medellin.

I was there in March but flew in from Canada.

Copa was asking for proof of vaccination card.

Hope this helps.

I am staying at Hotel Dorado.

It's Chica friendly plus free breakfast.

Breakfast is of low quality.

But they always some fruits.


05-01-23, 00:35
Not sure if this is the place to address this but my phone got stolen last night from a prostitute. I was wondering if you guys have ever experienced this and did you ever find your phone?I had a cheap phone stolen in Sosua, DR long time ago. I lock all the valuables in the safe deposit box always after returning. But that night I just left it on the night table. The girl stayed all night and we had a great time. Multiple sex all night. She must have put it in her purse while I was taking a shower. We even went to breakfast together and meanwhile I was thinking my phone was in the safe deposit box. After saying goodbye to her could not find my phone. Then only I realized she took it. However it was a cheap loadable phone I used for mongering everywhere. No big loss. Now I have I phone with a world plan. Making sure it is with me all the time. There are times I kept it for charging on the night table. But that is only with my regular girls staying with me. Otherwise locked up.

Suggestion is not get drunk. Never ever trust anybody. There is zero chance of finding your stolen phone. If you are on a USA plan call the phone company immediately and they can block the phone for you.

05-01-23, 00:37

I'll be in Medellin in early May, I am looking for friendly wing men, monger etc. I am Medellin experienced, can speak Spanish, negotiate, and knowledgeable of the culture, area. Thanks gentlemen.Hi will be in Medellin from May 1st to May 7th.

I do not have membership.


05-01-23, 00:52

I'll be in Medellin in early May, I am looking for friendly wing men, monger etc. I am Medellin experienced, can speak Spanish, negotiate, and knowledgeable of the culture, area. Thanks gentlemen.Hi will be in medellin from May 1st to May 7th.

I do not have membership.


05-01-23, 06:17
Hi will be in medellin from May 1st to May 7th.

I do not have membership.

SureMan.Bachelor party weekend for myself and friends this weekend.

05-01-23, 12:46
Today is my last day. So going to make it count. Have dates lined up with fb girl #1, 2, and 3 or 4 (I forget).

FB girl # 3 I wrote about in last report leaves early after we showered and chatted a bit. I go back to sleep and wake up late and missed a zoom meeting I had back in the states. Luckily, they rescheduled for me. Fb girl # 1 wants to meet earlier than we agreed. The time we agreed on was 12 pm but she texted me at 8 ish saying she wants to meet early and spend the whole day together. Told her lets meet in the middle and do 10. (I need time to recover from Fb girl #3) 10 am on the dot she is knocking on my door. I'm still in my boxers getting dressed so I rush to throw on some clothes and let her in.

We chat about me leaving, and I joke about our first meeting when she told me she would introduce me to her friends and give me their numbers. She says no way I don't want you seeing anyone else but me. I just laughed. She said she is doing the same and being exclusive to me. I do believe this as her pussy is always tight and doesn't reek of sex or soap, or body spray. Has that natural pussy smell. But of course, with these paisa's I could be wrong. We speak about this being my last day and how she wishes we spent more time together. After 20 minutes of chatting, she takes my hand and says "lets go make love mi amor". I try to weasel out of it by inviting her to a restaurant for lunch first as I felt I have not recovered from fb girl # 3. (Which was a crazy big buss with her) She says no to lunch so in the room we go. I try to make more small talk delaying it but she takes off all her clothes as I'm talking. I say fuck it, lets do it.

She starts with a soft and sensual BJ, tried deepthroat once or twice but gagged. Ok np. She spends a good 10 minutes and got him hard. She asks for me to get on top of her. (Had to whip out google translate for that one) So missionary it is. I start pumping pretty hard after a few minutes but she grabs my hips and slows me down, I think to myself great I'm never going to cum now. We spend a good 20 minutes in missionary and I'm sweating all over her. She gives me a hug (yes during sex) and I say doggystyle por favor. She has a killer little ass. She lets me really pound her doggy style for 10 minutes before I'm tired again and she notices so she gets on top. She rides slow than fast than slow taking it all in than half and back to all in, Nice! 20 minutes go by (we've been fucking for almost an hour at this point) and now she's sweating all over me. She doesn't care and keeps going, she grinds it deep and fast as she lets out a loud sigh. I felt her shit get warm and wet, she just came, no wonder why she didn't stop that little shit, I thought. Now she stopped and just laying on top of me huffin and puffin. We laugh. I flip her over and think its my turn now. I bang her missionary for another 10 minutes before she O's again. I grab my phone from the nightstand and translate can I get 1 off before you O again, she just starts laughing hysterically. I try to et back into it, another 10 minutes goes by but due to girl number 3, I can't cum. I eventually give up and pull out and we just lay on the bed chatting naked. She says she wants to sleepover with me next time. She asks to bathe together I say ok.

We make our way to the kitchen to get a snack and she breaks her braces on some hard chocolate I gave her. Fuck! She calls someone, think her mom than schedules herself a dentist appt in the next hour. I tell her I will order her an indriver. We chat about me leaving and tells me she will miss me and will be waiting for me to come back. We chat about her 2 other sisters having babies but she's the only one that doesn't. We chat about what color she should get her braces and start googling different brace colors. I told her baby blue (sky blue in Spanish). She doesn't know if she likes the color. (But after I returned to the states she sent me a picture of her baby blue braces.) While looking at braces on my phone some random chica messages me and she sees this. I walked away for some dumb reason and she "accidently" clicked on the message and saw all the other chicas I have been messaging. She gets mad and says "look at all these chicas". I tell her that when I pinged my location to Medellin at the airport they don't stop writing me. She just continues to grill me about all these other chica's. I try to change the subject but she's not letting me out of it. My phone dings and her indriver is waiting out side (YES! We hug and kiss, she tells me again that she will be waiting for me when I come back. Told her I will be back soon and off she went. I almost forget to pay her and decide to give her 300 k.

Girl # 0, the one I met her parents been texting me all day. Wants to move our date up for when she gets out of work for 5 pm. Told her we agreed on 9 pm that 5-6 is too early. She talks me into it and at 6 pm she is knocking on my door. She's always punctual. So let her in and we begin talking. She tries her best to speak English to me, she's actually pretty good, the best English I've heard from a paisa. After she takes a shower than we head to the room. No reggaeton this time, instead she wants to talk. Clothes eventually comes off and she pushes me on the bed for a BBBJ. It was very good with deepthroat, and how she plays with it, but it doesn't come close to her last BJ at her casa. I eventually flip her for doggystyle. 10 minutes of that and she rides CG. She's into it with all the moaning I can tell. We switch to missionary where I pop after 5 minutes. I told her I saved all my leche for her, she smiled and said "liar". She caught me off-guard with that one and didn't know how to respond. She takes another shower while I finish packing as my flight is tomorrow morning. After Girl #0 (my girlfriend?) gets out of the shower we discuss how I'm going to get to the airport. She suggests her father or brother takes me for 100 k. I said sure (at least I know its with someone I trust and will get there safely). She leaves around 10 pm or so for the hour hike to her place. 5 am the next morning she is knocking on my door, I grab my luggage and off I went to the airport. What an amazing trip with unforgettable experiences.

05-01-23, 12:51
Appreciate the long write ups, I wish more threads were like this. Good info. This will be my 2nd trip in a week to Medellin more info is good info. A few guys helped me out with some girls to friend and hook up with. Guys got to put in some work but getting a references goes a long way and reviews even better. Thanks again.I felt there were not enough in depth reviews on the board hence my reviews.

Mr Enternational
05-01-23, 13:24
While looking at braces on my phone some random chica messages me and she sees this. I walked away for some dumb reason and she "accidently" clicked on the message and saw all the other chicas I have been messaging. She gets mad and says "look at all these chicas". she tells me again that she will be waiting for me when I come back. I almost forget to pay her and decide to give her 300 k.Did you think you were the only girl in Medellin that wants my money?

05-01-23, 18:11
...I'm still waiting for the dispute on FB for them to review that I'm not violating their rules....You need to add friend in a way that is considered normal by Facebook. Usually it is slowly. I don't have picture but I think with picture will work better.

Does anyone know girls who can speak conversational English? Please DM me their numbers....Search this thread for "Laura", she spoke English and has been mentioned a few times.

05-01-23, 18:33
Did you think you were the only girl in Medellin that wants my money?And I'm sure I'm not the only one she fucks for money either.

Lucky Nuts
05-02-23, 06:17
The same thing happened to me. No one asked me about COVID going to or coming back. I am from the USA. In Medellin, no one was wearing masks anymore. I just came back, took a COVID test and I am fine so far,.Thanks for the great reports MoonShot I truly enjoyed reading of your experiences. But this post gave me the best chuckle after all your posts on bareback sex jajaja.

05-02-23, 06:40
... I don't have picture but I think with picture will work better.
...A thousand times better, not only in Facebook but on any "dating" website. You don't have to be "handsum" for pictures to increase your chances I think. Looking like a potentially good client is all it takes. The problem people like me have with Facebook is that they don't want to be on Facebook in the first place (don't want to be identified by people long lost out of sight).

05-02-23, 10:54
I read about members discussing FB in Medellin is unique. Unique how? What habits should I avoid? What should I do or not do to prevent getting my FB account suspended. How careful should I be in the context and wording when messaging the girls?

05-02-23, 12:36
Thanks for the great reports MoonShot I truly enjoyed reading of your experiences. But this post gave me the best chuckle after all your posts on bareback sex jajaja.I agree on STD / HIV testing. After every trip, I always get tested after waiting a few weeks unless I have symptoms. I always go on my trips knowing that I am negative but coming back, you never know. It is a risk that all guys going bareback take. There are some guys who think somehow that all the girls are clean for some reason and they have a low probability of catching anything. I don't have that belief but I do test myself on a regular basis.

05-02-23, 12:43
I read about members discussing FB in Medellin is unique. Unique how? What habits should I avoid? What should I do or not do to prevent getting my FB account suspended. How careful should I be in the context and wording when messaging the girls?Medellin is unique in that there are so many girls that are available for pay for play that you can easily find. You don't have to worry about being careful on Messenger. FB is not a dating site and Messenger is allegedly encrypted and the messages are not monitored. FB will not throw you off just because you are mentioning sex for money like some dating sites. I haven't had any issue with getting my account suspended. I usually don't make more than 10 friend requests a day but usually it is just a few each day.

A few recent pictures on your FB profile which make you look like a nice guy and sort of fun goes a long way. Some small talk before you talk about getting together is recommended.

The strange thing with the semi-pros is almost every girl talks about getting together without mentioning money. Now you would think that they are not going to ask you for money but you would be wrong. I ran into that problem on my first trip so I started asking girls how much they would expect if we meet. Almost no one is offended by that question and most just say how much will you give me?

05-02-23, 14:07
I read about members discussing FB in Medellin is unique. Unique how? What habits should I avoid? What should I do or not do to prevent getting my FB account suspended. How careful should I be in the context and wording when messaging the girls?Unique in that they (working girls) use Facebook in Medellin. For contacting potential customers.

And when FB's algorithm identifies you as a fake account it will suspend you. Who knows exactlly what it keys in on, but as many others have mentioned, if it is a new account, and you are making friend requests with only a certain segment of people where it is very likely you really don't know anyone. Then FB's algo may think it is a fake account. Under FB rules you are not supposed to have more than one personal account.

05-02-23, 14:08
Bachelor party weekend for myself and friends this weekend.Great have fun with the party.


05-02-23, 14:13
Unique in that they (working girls) use Facebook in Medellin. For contacting potential customers.

And when FB's algorithm identifies you as a fake account it will suspend you. Who knows exactlly what it keys in on, but as many others have mentioned, if it is a new account, and you are making friend requests with only a certain segment of people where it is very likely you really don't know anyone. Then FB's algo may think it is a fake account. Under FB rules you are not supposed to have more than one personal account.Use a VPN and set your location to Colombia.

05-02-23, 15:57
Colombia has dropped its test requirement for unvaccinated travellers on April 5th. See here https://twitter.com/AerocivilCol/status/1643686790652469249.

See here that Irish Govt has upadted this on their website.


Probably, due to ignorance or political reasons US embassy and govt doesn't seem to be aware of this. We all know how divided US on this subject.

I am an unvaccinated UK citizen. I can travel to all other countries in the world except USA as USA is the only country in the world which prohibits entry of unvaccinated non citizens into the country.

99% of the countries have no restrictions whether you are vaccinated or not. A handful of countries like China & Tajikistan require a negative test if you are unvaccinated.

Veteran to Colombia 🇨127476; taught myself Spanish looking to visit Colombia now but hear they are checking vaccine status. My questions: have they check yr vaxx status? If you have no corona vaccines will Colombia decline entry? Any and info will help thanks. I will not be vaccinated or tested if that helps to understand. Thank you gentlemen happy mongering.

05-02-23, 17:18
Hello all,

Had an amazing trip in Medellin in March. Sorry for the delay report as I was away for a while. This was my 3rd trip and every time it gets better. Meet couple of repeats and some new girls. All the session was great.


I initially meet Elly in Cartagena long back and keep in touch. She now lives in Medellin and is always my must repeat girl. Amazing girl, great attitude and personality. Her biggest advantage is she speak good English and got better over time. She is a kind of girl whom you would like to have drinks, talk and have amazing sex. She is very good in bed. All positions and very flexible. I spent the whole night with her. Drinks, music, dance and all night sex. She always wear sexy lingerie and turns me on. Sex is very passionate and can be submissive with her. Love her energy and focus on having a good time. Awesome girl and will always be 10/10 in my book. Rating might vary to others but for me she is just too good. No drama and very trustworthy. I shared her contact to some folks here and all seems to like her service and personality.


This is a new find and got her contact from a reliable source. She is a very sexy tight body and young. I like her height and perfect for multiple position. Day she came we smoke a joint and after that it was some banging hot sex. Started with a nice deep BJ followed by 69. Her pussy taste good and no bad smell since she cleaned up before the deed started. Deep deep DFK. I think the entire session where Her face was facing me we were doing DFK. Pussy was very tight and her moaning turned me A lot. Initially planned for an hour but ended up multiple hours and she also invited her who was sexy also. We had awesome threesome. One of the best trio I had where both of them were 100% involved and session was hot and sexy. She is on my List of favorite now.


She is also FB girl and petite. Had an good time and actually allowed Anal. Initially was hesitant but then started liking it. She also like smoke wedding and got some with her. Great body and nice ass. I did mostly doggy with her as I enjoyed spanking her a lot. Enjoyed the time with her and good session.


She is a great find. Speak English like gringos as she was married to a American and visit USA also. Typical Colombian girl. Educated and awesome attitude. She lives far from Medellin and we end up staying the whole day and night. She took me to centro, showed me around and I felt safe with her going to all the busy places and exploring. She is a sex machine. Most of the time I cam on her mouth and she enjoyed it. We had sex everywhere in my Airbnb. Best was the morning sex. I woke up and she started blowing new was a great feeling. Went to couple of restaurants also in Poblado. Just amazing time I had with her. She allowed Anal and anything I wanted. She will always be my to go places and explore in Colombia.

I also meet some other girls -Keller, Tati. And all were amazing. Next time I will stay longer as there are lot of options to try. Thanks to everyone for the value able feedback in this forum and it helped a lot. Folks can msg me and will share information only if you write reviews.

Cheers all.

05-02-23, 20:36
This girl asked for $800 k and everything covered. My friend said she's worth $300 k at best without cover. I just laughed and moved on.

05-03-23, 01:38
Hello all,

Had an amazing trip in Medellin in March...Did you pay them anything?

05-03-23, 04:57
This girl asked for $800 k and everything covered. My friend said she's worth $300 k at best without cover. I just laughed and moved on.There's just no way that one should even agree to 300 k. Or 100 k.

05-03-23, 05:16
Day 3:

End up messaging a bunch of different online girls to try and find someone. It's Sunday so I figure usually things are a bit slower on the day. Settled on seeing Melissa Fitness: https://pasionprepagos.com/escorts/melisa3188819167.

She mentions it's 180 k / h so we're off to meet. In person, she looks different from the photos. But it's actually the opposite of normal, where she's actually fitter in person than her photos indicate (guess they're a bit old). Not facially that attractive, but her body is super fit. There's something a bit unsettling about her. And when she gets close, holy. Her breath. Is so bad. I was walking today 2 days after and I still recall it. We go through the service, kind of mediocre. But really great in doggy (repeat that she is really fit). No repeat solely because of the breath. Also her voice is kind of deep.

Day 4:

I ended up seeing the girl with the photos I indicated earlier. Manuela: https://masajistaspaisas.com/masajista/manuelapobladohot/.

Agreed on 170 k / h and I get to the place on the border of Laureles / Pablado? Really nice apartment, I get in and I'm thinking it's a different girl from the one in photos. Looks super short, and with the blurred photos I kind of imaged a more attractive face. Also kind of assumed the girl is in her 20's but she's clearly in mid-30's or older. Kind of weird because her body is still really good and seems young, but her face gives it away. Would generally recommend because the service is good and she does have a nice body. But no repeat for me solely because of the age (I think a lot of other guys do like her / will like her).

During the evening I head off to Spa Fantasias Energy again but the door's closed. It's nice outside so decided to checkout another place called Oriental Spa on the 30 m walk back to the hotel and it's also closed. Realized after that it was actually a holiday during the day. Which also explains why there were so many people outside partying at like midnight on Sunday.

05-03-23, 06:06
Did you pay them anything?Yes I paid mostly in the range of 250-350 k pesos. For overnight it was around 600-800 k pesos. I still find it cheap compare other Colombian cities and CDMX.

05-03-23, 14:28
Day 4:

I ended up seeing the girl with the photos I indicated earlier. Manuela: https://masajistaspaisas.com/masajista/manuelapobladohot/.

Agreed on 170 k / h and I get to the place on the border of Laureles / Pablado? Really nice apartment, I get in and I'm thinking it's a different girl from the one in photos. Looks super short, and with the blurred photos I kind of imaged a more attractive face. Also kind of assumed the girl is in her 20's but she's clearly in mid-30's or older. Kind of weird because her body is still really good and seems young, but her face gives it away. Would generally recommend because the service is good and she does have a nice body. But no repeat for me solely because of the age (I think a lot of other guys do like her / will like her).

During the evening I head off to Spa Fantasias Energy again but the door's closed. It's nice outside so decided to checkout another place called Oriental Spa on the 30 m walk back to the hotel and it's also closed. Realized after that it was actually a holiday during the day. Which also explains why there were so many people outside partying at like midnight on Sunday.Yeah Manuela is a freak performance wise but def that mid 30's face is a bit weathererd even with the make up to cover it up. I boned her in the Del Rio building and she had a mirror near the bed that she loved to use. OUtstanding fuck but you are right I would rather bone someone in their 20's.

05-03-23, 15:08
Medellin is unique in that there are so many girls that are available for pay for play that you can easily find. You don't have to worry about being careful on Messenger. FB is not a dating site and Messenger is allegedly encrypted....

... The strange thing with the semi-pros is almost every girl talks about getting together without mentioning money. Now you would think that they are not going to ask you for money but you would be wrong. I ran into that problem on my first trip so I started asking girls how much they would expect if we meet. Almost no one is offended by that question and most just say how much will you give me?The lack of being offended has surprised me as well. In nearly every other city or country that I've visited and used coded language, including things like 'arrangement', 'mutual benefit', or 'how much is your time worth' the non-pros have been offended and then dropped or blocked me. In fact, most recently in Brazil a girl told me that she was not a 'hobby girl' and men like me disgusted her. This girl had fake tits and the most 'pro' looking photos including pics in lingerie as well. In Medellin they just say that they're not that way, but happy to meet up for drinks or that they would rather we just be friends. No one gets offended.

05-03-23, 19:48
I am considering visiting Ecuador for my next trip, instead of Colombia. How do women compare in these two countries? I know p4 p scene is better in Colombia, but do you consider Ecuadorian women attractive?

05-03-23, 21:28
I am considering visiting Ecuador for my next trip, instead of Colombia. How do women compare in these two countries? I know p4 p scene is better in Colombia, but do you consider Ecuadorian women attractive?Don't even bother!! If coming to south american ONLY monger in Colombia, Brazil or Venezula (if you don't mind being kidnapped) the rest of the time youll just be like "why did I come here".

05-04-23, 00:27
I am considering visiting Ecuador for my next trip, instead of Colombia. How do women compare in these two countries? I know p4 p scene is better in Colombia, but do you consider Ecuadorian women attractive?I will first admit I have NOT been to Ecuador. My comment is based on information received from people I trust who DID visit Ecuador.

The best, very BEST girls you find in Ecuador will be the ones visiting from Colombia. So why not go to the source??

05-04-23, 01:22
I am considering visiting Ecuador for my next trip, instead of Colombia. How do women compare in these two countries? I know p4 p scene is better in Colombia, but do you consider Ecuadorian women attractive?I had a great time there. Spent a week in Guayaquil. Super cheap (can't remember of it was USD 5 or 10 per session) , all very easy and laid on. Lots of Latinas, same as in any other Latin country. I can also confirm I met several Colombians working there. Even in Galapagos.

05-04-23, 03:36
I had a great time there. Spent a week in Guayaquil. Super cheap (can't remember of it was USD 5 or 10 per session) , all very easy and laid on. Lots of Latinas, same as in any other Latin country. I can also confirm I met several Colombians working there. Even in Galapagos.Working girls in the Galapagos?

05-04-23, 03:59
I am considering visiting Ecuador for my next trip, instead of Colombia. How do women compare in these two countries? I know p4 p scene is better in Colombia, but do you consider Ecuadorian women attractive?Even in Peru, which cannot boast the most attractive of women in SA, Ecuadorian women rate as comparatively unattractive.

Dos Lunas
05-04-23, 04:16
Today is my last day. So going to make it count. Have dates lined up with fb girl #1, 2, and 3 or 4 (I forget).

FB girl # 3 I wrote about in last report leaves early after we showered and chatted a bit. I go back to sleep and wake up late and missed a zoom meeting I had back in the states. Luckily, they rescheduled for me. Fb girl # 1 wants to meet earlier than we agreed. The time we agreed on was 12 pm but she texted me at 8 ish saying she wants to meet early and spend the whole day together. Told her lets meet in the middle and do 10. (I need time to recover from Fb girl #3) 10 am on the dot she is knocking on my door. I'm still in my boxers getting dressed so I rush to throw on some clothes and let her in.

We chat about me leaving, and I joke about our first meeting when she told me she would introduce me to her friends and give me their numbers. She says no way I don't want you seeing anyone else but me. I just laughed. She said she is doing the same and being exclusive to me. I do believe this as her pussy is always tight and doesn't reek of sex or soap, or body spray. Has that natural pussy smell. But of course, with these paisa's I could be wrong. We speak about this being my last day and how she wishes we spent more time together. After 20 minutes of chatting, she takes my hand and says "lets go make love mi amor". I try to weasel out of it by inviting her to a restaurant for lunch first as I felt I have not recovered from fb girl # 3. (Which was a crazy big buss with her) She says no to lunch so in the room we go. I try to make more small talk delaying it but she takes off all her clothes as I'm talking. I say fuck it, lets do it.

She starts with a soft and sensual BJ, tried deepthroat once or twice but gagged. Ok np. She spends a good 10 minutes and got him hard. She asks for me to get on top of her. (Had to whip out google translate for that one) So missionary it is. I start pumping pretty hard after a few minutes but she grabs my hips and slows me down, I think to myself great I'm never going to cum now. We spend a good 20 minutes in missionary and I'm sweating all over her. She gives me a hug (yes during sex) and I say doggystyle por favor. She has a killer little ass. She lets me really pound her doggy style for 10 minutes before I'm tired again and she notices so she gets on top. She rides slow than fast than slow taking it all in than half and back to all in, Nice! 20 minutes go by (we've been fucking for almost an hour at this point) and now she's sweating all over me. She doesn't care and keeps going, she grinds it deep and fast as she lets out a loud sigh. I felt her shit get warm and wet, she just came, no wonder why she didn't stop that little shit, I thought. Now she stopped and just laying on top of me huffin and puffin. We laugh. I flip her over and think its my turn now. I bang her missionary for another 10 minutes before she O's again. I grab my phone from the nightstand and translate can I get 1 off before you O again, she just starts laughing hysterically. I try to et back into it, another 10 minutes goes by but due to girl number 3, I can't cum. I eventually give up and pull out and we just lay on the bed chatting naked. She says she wants to sleepover with me next time. She asks to bathe together I say ok.

We make our way to the kitchen to get a snack and she breaks her braces on some hard chocolate I gave her. Fuck! She calls someone, think her mom than schedules herself a dentist appt in the next hour. I tell her I will order her an indriver. We chat about me leaving and tells me she will miss me and will be waiting for me to come back. We chat about her 2 other sisters having babies but she's the only one that doesn't. We chat about what color she should get her braces and start googling different brace colors. I told her baby blue (sky blue in Spanish). She doesn't know if she likes the color. (But after I returned to the states she sent me a picture of her baby blue braces.) While looking at braces on my phone some random chica messages me and she sees this. I walked away for some dumb reason and she "accidently" clicked on the message and saw all the other chicas I have been messaging. She gets mad and says "look at all these chicas". I tell her that when I pinged my location to Medellin at the airport they don't stop writing me. She just continues to grill me about all these other chica's. I try to change the subject but she's not letting me out of it. My phone dings and her indriver is waiting out side (YES! We hug and kiss, she tells me again that she will be waiting for me when I come back. Told her I will be back soon and off she went. I almost forget to pay her and decide to give her 300 k.

Girl # 0, the one I met her parents been texting me all day. Wants to move our date up for when she gets out of work for 5 pm. Told her we agreed on 9 pm that 5-6 is too early. She talks me into it and at 6 pm she is knocking on my door. She's always punctual. So let her in and we begin talking. She tries her best to speak English to me, she's actually pretty good, the best English I've heard from a paisa. After she takes a shower than we head to the room. No reggaeton this time, instead she wants to talk. Clothes eventually comes off and she pushes me on the bed for a BBBJ. It was very good with deepthroat, and how she plays with it, but it doesn't come close to her last BJ at her casa. I eventually flip her for doggystyle. 10 minutes of that and she rides CG. She's into it with all the moaning I can tell. We switch to missionary where I pop after 5 minutes. I told her I saved all my leche for her, she smiled and said "liar". She caught me off-guard with that one and didn't know how to respond. She takes another shower while I finish packing as my flight is tomorrow morning. After Girl #0 (my girlfriend?) gets out of the shower we discuss how I'm going to get to the airport. She suggests her father or brother takes me for 100 k. I said sure (at least I know its with someone I trust and will get there safely). She leaves around 10 pm or so for the hour hike to her place. 5 am the next morning she is knocking on my door, I grab my luggage and off I went to the airport. What an amazing trip with unforgettable experiences.Superb reporting! I'm headed back after a long hiatus and will try and emulate as it's the best form of flattery. Let me know here or dm of any tips or recommendations you could suggest appreciate it.

05-04-23, 10:46
I'm returning to Medellin this summer and will have a report once I return home. Its been awhile since I last visited and I'm seeing that they've made some changes to parque liras with it being blockaded from girls. This has made me try to revist my pipeline and they're some girls I'm trying to find. If anybody has info on if they're still working or contact info I would appreciate it. I'm also finally going to be to visiting Cartagena for the first time as I need a beach vacation and am very excited to see why so many have suggested it.

P. s Will Be Down To Meet If Anyone Is Interested. Will be In Medellin July 10-14 & Cartagena July 14-21.

05-04-23, 12:51
Working girls in the Galapagos?Sure. I went to a club / ranch outside of Puerto Ayora, where the girls work. Rooms on site.

Mr Enternational
05-04-23, 15:10
Sure. I went to a club / ranch outside of Puerto Ayora, where the girls work. Rooms on site.Damn business must be slow. I was just in Puerto Ayora 3 weeks ago and all I saw was couples and families. Plus that place is so small population wise. Of course I brought my girl from Manta.

05-04-23, 18:34
Anyone on the ground that can speak on Lleras Park right now? I recently saw a couple of videos that shows barricades around the park with no girls allowed inside. Is this so? If so, thoughts? I just messaged a couple of girls who said they saw gates but girls are still there. I also just messaged a couple of business owners in the area that I know and currently awaiting their reply.

05-04-23, 18:51
Any mongering options (casas, clubs) in Guatape?

05-04-23, 21:23
Any mongering options (casas, clubs) in Guatape?Na its strickly for sight seeing. YOu want to get laid there, bring a girl with you.

05-05-23, 04:16
There is always a lot of talk about Parque Lleras and I did walk around there on my trip. I don't know how it was before. I only know how it is now. There were some fences on my previous trips but as of last week, on my most recent trip, the fences around the park were gone. There were some girls around the park but most of the girls were hanging out on Calle 10. I saw a number of girls on Calle 10 and some were young and attractive. A number of them made eye contact with me and wanted to chat but I already had my calendar filled with FB girls. As many have already stated, the streetwalkers in Poblado will ask for a lot more than the streetwalkers in El Centro but there are some advantages. Most guys are staying in Poblado so you and the girl can just walk back to your place. It is easier than Facebook because you can see and chat with the girl in person before deciding, and you don't have to wait around for her to arrive because she is already there. You can work on your negotiation skills with these girls and should be willing to walk away if the price is not in your price range whatever it may be.

05-05-23, 05:36
Hey guys I was in Medellin last November, took an Uber to Lutron, and pulled up to a closed gate. It was like 2 pm middle of the week. Was it actually closed when I showed up or am I just an idiot? If the mansion is open will that wooden gate be open too?

05-05-23, 07:14
Anyone on the ground that can speak on Lleras Park right now? I recently saw a couple of videos that shows barricades around the park with no girls allowed inside. Is this so? If so, thoughts? I just messaged a couple of girls who said they saw gates but girls are still there. I also just messaged a couple of business owners in the area that I know and currently awaiting their reply.Oh dear! But what can you expect? Smartasses have been posting one vid after another in Youtube to the tune of "Medellin, a paradise for single men etc. ". No mongering venue except Pattaya can withstand such media treatment for long. Next time you guys are on Youtube do your homework: flag those videos! Flag them so that they at least vanish behind an age-verification wall.

05-05-23, 08:34
Anyone on the ground that can speak on Lleras Park right now? I recently saw a couple of videos that shows barricades around the park with no girls allowed inside. Is this so? If so, thoughts? I just messaged a couple of girls who said they saw gates but girls are still there. I also just messaged a couple of business owners in the area that I know and currently awaiting their reply.I just went today so I can speak to it. There are barricades all around with police, but there's still lots of girls there outside the barricades. On the north end across multiple blocks there's girls along the streets working, with the majority concentrated around the northwest entrance. I got quoted 300 k / h + 90 k for the room.

05-05-23, 12:14
Superb reporting! I'm headed back after a long hiatus and will try and emulate as it's the best form of flattery. Let me know here or dm of any tips or recommendations you could suggest appreciate it.Glad you enjoyed it my man!

05-05-23, 12:16
Anyone on the ground that can speak on Lleras Park right now? I recently saw a couple of videos that shows barricades around the park with no girls allowed inside. Is this so? If so, thoughts? I just messaged a couple of girls who said they saw gates but girls are still there. I also just messaged a couple of business owners in the area that I know and currently awaiting their reply.And girls were everywhere! In the clubs, outside of the clubs walking around (working girls).

05-05-23, 14:47
Oh dear! But what can you expect? Smartasses have been posting one vid after another in Youtube to the tune of "Medellin, a paradise for single men etc. ". No mongering venue except Pattaya can withstand such media treatment for long. Next time you guys are on Youtube do your homework: flag those videos! Flag them so that they at least vanish behind an age-verification wall.I feel like the clock is ticking. My main social media is Instagram and it's all over the reels. "Medellin paradise for single men" as an American I already can't stand seeing American tourists abroad. Everything will just get more expensive and "Americanized". I personally enjoy not being able to speak English while traveling there, and not seeing a McDonalds every 50 feet.

05-05-23, 16:10
I'm heading to Medellin with my friend the end of June. I want hit the ground running when it comes to mongering. LOL. Can someone tell me how to find someone to chat with Medellin on FB. Is it a group I join or something like that. Do you recommend any strip clubs or massage parlors? Or are there chicks all over. I just need to say "Hi". Then work the magic. Lastly where in the city should we stay in airbnb. I am fluent in Spanish. Thank you in advance. I will pay it forward when I post my trip report once I'm back in the States.

05-05-23, 19:43
I feel like the clock is ticking. My main social media is Instagram and it's all over the reels. "Medellin paradise for single men" as an American I already can't stand seeing American tourists abroad. Everything will just get more expensive and "Americanized". I personally enjoy not being able to speak English while traveling there, and not seeing a McDonalds every 50 feet.Poblado and Laureles will forever have gringos, and more of them as time goes on, no way around it. But hit up the various barrios and you'll be in mostly gringo free zones. Go to Manrique, Aranjuez, Castilla, or Buenos Aires to name a few. I'm speaking from personal experience as I have been to all the barrios mentioned partying it up late night to all night. I dare the gringos to check out Popular or Paris (not in France) or Pachelly. I'll brag a bit because I have and those barrios def not for the faint of heart. But yeah don't do what I do. Do go if you speak Spanish and with local friends. It goes without saying, don't venture out there alone. Unless you with me hehe.

05-05-23, 21:32
I'm heading to Medellin with my friend the end of June. I want hit the ground running when it comes to mongering. LOL. Can someone tell me how to find someone to chat with Medellin on FB. Is it a group I join or something like that. Do you recommend any strip clubs or massage parlors? Or are there chicks all over. I just need to say "Hi". Then work the magic. Lastly where in the city should we stay in airbnb. I am fluent in Spanish. Thank you in advance. I will pay it forward when I post my trip report once I'm back in the States.Check in "reports of distinction" section under Medellin, there is a guide to using Facebook there if you do a search. No one is going to spend an hour or two repeating something that has been covered many many times on this forum. Do a little searching, you will find all of that.

05-06-23, 10:20
Day 5:

End up going to Spa Fantasia Energy again during the afternoon. Look over the girls. Most are chubby and I'm not interested. See one girl who seems friendly and she's a bit taller and really skinny. Pay 170 k for the hour and in we go. Start off with a shower and then it's all downhill. Think the girl's name was Carolina? Anyways, she starts with the most uninspired head I've gotten in a long time. Was it even head? I don't even know. She gets on top and puts in like 2 inches and I'm trying to go deeper but she's like actively moving up. We switch to cuatro and I'm trying to not finish instantly 'because I'm actually kind of pissed. Anyways, we finish apparently the girl is pretty new. I ask at the desk and apparently it's 210 k / h if you want 2 times instead of 1, or 140 k for 30 minutes. Think this spa might also go on the list for no-visit like Fase Dos. The girl from my first visit was pretty hot so that made me consider repeats. But most of the girls are chubby.

At night I end up trying to find something online or get in contact with a spa. There's one place called Santa'a Spa open late at night which apparently has more attractive girls. 200 k / h. I also find a separate ad for this girl Nicole who works there. Link below. She has different names and seems like even different numbers with the photos. OK a bit weird, but she looks hot so I'm willing to roll the dice. I set up an appointment for late in the evening with Nicole. Then I also contact the spa, and they mention she doesn't work there anymore. Hmmm, ok? Both the address I got from her and the spa are the same. Too many red flags so I cancel. If anyone's seen this girl or been to Santa's Spa in Laurles definitely interested in hearing about it.


Day 6:

Message Ellas Eroticas and manage to finally get an appointment with Lorena (I've been trying for like 4 days). Same as other time 130 k / h. She's pretty hot (young, skinny, sillicone) and the head's decent. We talk a bit and she seems friendly enough. Only thing that stood out odd was she mentioned it's only 1 time for the hour (maybe I misunderstood?) so I still ended up leaving after maybe 30 m in the 1 h session. I'm considering repeating because so far this is the best experience. I was going to save the 2nd experience for the 8th day report, but spoilers. So on day 8 I go ahead and repeat. Person on whatsapp clarifies that it's actually 2 times for an hour. So for the 2nd visit we go twice. But. When I get in she mentions she had her lips done so no head. No kissing. And when she gets on top there's like basically 0 effort. While we're waiting in between shots she's basically on her phone the entire time. While last time we just talked. I know in other reviews people mentioned she's always on her phone, but I didn't experience that on my first visit. No repeat.

05-06-23, 14:35
There is so much debate about what guys want to read on this website. I am just going to post what I want in the style I want and if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. I am in my late 50's and not one of these young fit mongers.

This is a story about a girl I meet on my last trip last week.

I had chatted with this girl on Facebook since August but I never tried to meet her because I wasn't that impressed with her pictures. Her profile listed her age as 22 based on her birthdate. Months pass and we just have small talk. As my trip approached, she posted a video on FB showing her in a schoolgirl outfit dancing with her friend. She looked a lot better and it made me ask her how age she was. She said she was 18. Because I liked the way she looked on the video and she was only 18, I made her an offer to meet with me for 200 mil, 90 minutes, and bareback, and she said yes.

When I arrived, we chatted to set a day and time and she said she wanted to bring a female friend for company. She wasn't talking about a threesome but a friend to wait for her. I said no and she said ok. Well, when she arrived, she came with that friend and I did not like that. The friend as a woman in her late 20's or older. We ate dinner and she did not say very much and she was constantly on her phone. Then she ordered extra food to go for her friend who was now sitting in a coffee shop. I didn't like that at all and told her that she can go home and I'll give her money for the taxi back. She said no, please, I want to make you happy in your room. So, I decided, despite all these warning signs, to give her a chance. At this point, I am thinking that this will not go well.

At the hotel, she presents ID that passed the hotel check. I was a bit worried because she looked young.

We go to the room and she is surprisingly good. A bit shy and definitely inexperienced in the business but she did everything that I wanted, and made the effort. Solid blowjob, really good movement in bed. A bit too much on the cellphone for me. All in all, a good find.

After I saw her, she messaged me a lot to try to get me to see her with lots of sweet talk about how much she enjoyed being with me, the usual stuff.

So, later that week, I did see her again and she was even better. This time I told her she had to come alone and not be on her cell phone when we were in the room. She agreed to both and she kept her word.

She was more comfortable with me and it showed in the bedroom. Much better performance. I was impressed. She was turning out to be a winner in my eyes.

After that she pushed for a threesome with her 18 year old friend. I actually knew her friend and had been chatting with her for a while. Once again, I never made the effort to meet her friend but now both of them were pushing me for a threesome. They promised to do everything I wanted in a threesome bareback and so I decided to go for it. I had some doubts whether the friend had the ID needed to go to my room but she did.

The first girl is slim and petite. Her friend is thick and curvy. Both are attractive in my eyes.

Well, the threesome was disappointing in terms of porn style threesome. The girls did not interact very well. They said they felt weird doing things to each other because they were friends. I said you guys lied to me and they said we thought we could do it but we have never done a threesome before. Now, all in all, it was a decent threesome. Good solid double blowjob with both girls licking and sucking. Back and forth bareback sex with the two girls, one after the another. All the various positions that I wanted. I didn't get the porn threesome that I wanted but I was content with how it went down.

The second girl accepted the same deal as the first girl so the total was 400 mil plus 50 mil for transport for the two girls.

So, it started out rocky and I was going to send the girl away when I first meet her but it turned out fine.

05-06-23, 17:44
Day 5:

Think this spa might also go on the list for no-visit like Fase Dos. The girl from my first visit was pretty hot so that made me consider repeats. But most of the girls are chubby.

Spa Fantasia Energy was my fav spot in Medellin a few years back. Hot women, clean facility and always good service. Then it started going down hill when it reopened during the pandemic. I still go every once a while just to see if there are any hot women so I could test them out. If you are lucky, you will meet one form time to time. Always go with half hour, although it's only very slightly cheaper tha full hour.

I don't know what happened with them, maybe change of owner?

Monger Longer
05-06-23, 21:32
Leaving on a Friday. I booked a room in a hostel in El Poblado since I prefer to do incall. I'm looking at Loutron one day and New Life another and then either a repeat or somewhere else. I'm open to suggestions and I have a couple questions as this is my first trip to Medellin and Colombia in general.

Loutron has very little information about it except that it's worth it. Is there anything I need to know about getting there or leaving? Is there a "better" time to go? The cab will take me up to the entrance? I saw that long driveway. I assume someone will be waiting at the door to greet me? How long does it usually take a cab to pick you up when you leave? By that I mean, are the cabbies waiting nearby knowing what's up? I'm VERY excited about this experience and want it to go as smooth as possible. German FKKs are my pinnacle, but this seems like it could give them a run for their money in a similar but different way.

New Life. Seems pretty straightforward. I'm excited about this one too. It appears to be a bit of a seedier part of town. Is that just my uneducated bias or should I be extra extra careful around here? Just have the cab drop me off at the blue door, ring the buzzer, go through the second door, upstairs and that's it? Or do you recommend being dropped off somewhere more commercial and walking over? Get a Cabify or Uber before going back out on the street to leave? Can you tell I don't really use cabs all that often?

Sorry about all the rookie questions and slight paranoia. Colombia is a step up in adventure from Europe, USA, and Asia for me and I'd rather have more info than less. Thanks in advance and I'll be sure to share my experiences.

05-06-23, 22:14
Any mongering options (casas, clubs) in Guatape?Just got back from there a couple days ago, beautiful place to visit for anyone who's never been. But no I didn't see any clubs or casas, I took a girl friend there and we stayed a couple days, highly recommend the bubble glamping experience. Climb the rock, take pictures, for $50 you can get a private boat tour and see mansions including Pablo Escobars last house. You'll also visit the lost underwater town of guatape and can visit the replica. The town of guatape is beautiful too, lots of places to eat and shop.

Guatape is a place to take your girl to and relax and enjoy peace and nature. Definitely a better vibe than the fast pace vibe of medellin. Just make sure the place you are staying at can provide you transportation. The place I stayed at was excellent and provided us service back to medellin and had what they call toc toc's take us to guatape and back. Getting there we got lucky with a Uber taking us. Even driving us thru unpaved roads to get to the glamping Airbnb. Must of been a new guy.

Definitely would visit again but only if I take a girl with me again. The Airbnb is Awesome for pictures too especially if your girl is super hot.

05-06-23, 22:41
Will be in Medellin in Mid July. First time there if anyone is open to meeting up PM me. Will be staying in poblado area not far from Lleras park.

05-07-23, 00:12
I feel like the clock is ticking. My main social media is Instagram and it's all over the reels. "Medellin paradise for single men" as an American I already can't stand seeing American tourists abroad. Everything will just get more expensive and "Americanized". I personally enjoy not being able to speak English while traveling there, and not seeing a McDonalds every 50 feet.The usually gringo hot spots will stay popping but there's plenty of barrios / pueblos that most foreigners will never go to for 1 reason or another.

05-07-23, 01:49
The usually gringo hot spots will stay popping but there's plenty of barrios / pueblos that most foreigners will never go to for 1 reason or another.I can foressee a likely outcome when I compare it with what has happened in Thailand. You can't find a mor epopular sex paradise for tourists than Thailand. If you go to Phuket or Wlaking Street in Pattaya, you will find lots of sexy looking Thai gilrs for several 1. 000 THB per hour or 4-5. 000 THB or more per night. You can also stay away from the tourist traps and enjoy the local sex life for next to nothing. Up to you, as they say in LOS.

05-07-23, 02:24
I can foressee a likely outcome when I compare it with what has happened in Thailand. You can't find a mor epopular sex paradise for tourists than Thailand. If you go to Phuket or Wlaking Street in Pattaya, you will find lots of sexy looking Thai gilrs for several 1. 000 THB per hour or 4-5. 000 THB or more per night. You can also stay away from the tourist traps and enjoy the local sex life for next to nothing. Up to you, as they say in LOS.Then please stop going to MDE TK.

05-07-23, 02:34
Then please stop going to MDE TK.Why? What meaning did you get from my comments that made you say that?

05-07-23, 03:13
Leaving on a Friday. I booked a room in a hostel in El Poblado since I prefer to do incall. I'm looking at Loutron one day and New Life another and then either a repeat or somewhere else. I'm open to suggestions and I have a couple questions as this is my first trip to Medellin and Colombia in general.

Loutron has very little information about it except that it's worth it. Is there anything I need to know about getting there or leaving? Is there a "better" time to go? The cab will take me up to the entrance? I saw that long driveway. I assume someone will be waiting at the door to greet me? How long does it usually take a cab to pick you up when you leave? By that I mean, are the cabbies waiting nearby knowing what's up? I'm VERY excited about this experience and want it to go as smooth as possible. German FKKs are my pinnacle, but this seems like it could give them a run for their money in a similar but different way.

Sorry about all the rookie questions and slight paranoia. Colombia is a step up in adventure from Europe, USA, and Asia for me and I'd rather have more info than less. Thanks in advance and I'll be sure to share my experiences.Loutron IMO is not nearly as good as the better FKKs. While I love Latinas, it's hard to beat the FKKs. Dozens of women walking around completely naked (other than high heels). I've been to MDE dozens of times and never returned to Loutron after one initial visit.

I would also check out some cases other than New Life. I've found the quality and service better at some of the other casas.

05-07-23, 03:43
Leaving on a Friday. I booked a room in a hostel in El Poblado since I prefer to do incall. I'm looking at Loutron one day and New Life another and then either a repeat or somewhere else. I'm open to suggestions and I have a couple questions as this is my first trip to Medellin and Colombia in general.

Loutron has very little information about it except that it's worth it. Is there anything I need to know about getting there or leaving? Is there a "better" time to go? The cab will take me up to the entrance? I saw that long driveway. I assume someone will be waiting at the door to greet me? How long does it usually take a cab to pick you up when you leave? By that I mean, are the cabbies waiting nearby knowing what's up? I'm VERY excited about this experience and want it to go as smooth as possible. German FKKs are my pinnacle, but this seems like it could give them a run for their money in a similar but different way.

New Life. Seems pretty straightforward. I'm excited about this one too. It appears to be a bit of a seedier part of town. Is that just my uneducated bias or should I be extra extra careful around here? Just have the cab drop me off at the blue door, ring the buzzer, go through the second door, upstairs and that's it? Or do you recommend being dropped off somewhere more commercial and walking over? Get a Cabify or Uber before going back out on the street to leave? Can you tell I don't really use cabs all that often?

Sorry about all the rookie questions and slight paranoia. Colombia is a step up in adventure from Europe, USA, and Asia for me and I'd rather have more info than less. Thanks in advance and I'll be sure to share my experiences.There are the people that don't do any research or reading and hope that someone will just answer everything for the 50th time. But you are NOT one of those. Obviously you have done lots of reading and research on this site. Kudos.

But maybe you are a bit too worried. Specifically with New Life. As Dr Suess might say. You can walk, you can cab, you can Uber, or you can.

Anyway. Its totally fine during the day. No problem. If you are ok with the street numbering and even address numbering you get to Centro on Oriental. And walk up. 56 I think. Or go up 55 and over. For that matter do it different every time and see the sights. But you know about the address and the blue door as a quick reference, etc. So relax. It will be fine. I always walk and as I said, once in a while arrive by cab or Uber but I just get dropped off on Oriental and walk. Mostly I take the metro and walk over checking out every different street just to see them. Then when I am done I try a different restaurant every time just to keep it new. That part of Centro is totally fine during the daylight hours. And these casas are only open during that time anyway.

05-07-23, 04:18
I can foressee a likely outcome when I compare it with what has happened in Thailand. You can't find a mor epopular sex paradise for tourists than Thailand. If you go to Phuket or Wlaking Street in Pattaya, you will find lots of sexy looking Thai gilrs for several 1. 000 THB per hour or 4-5. 000 THB or more per night. You can also stay away from the tourist traps and enjoy the local sex life for next to nothing. Up to you, as they say in LOS.This is a howler. Setting the record straight:

For 1000 THB you get shanks. For 1000 THB per hour plus 400 THB for a room or barfine you get second choice girls, 60% of whom will reject you if you are elderely and/or non-Asian.

A stunner from a top gogo bar for the whole night will set you back between 6000 and 10000 THB, and 80% of said stunners will reject you if you are elderely and/or non-Asian.

There is no "local sex life" whatsoever outside the tourist areas. Nothing, not even a cheap low-end local brothel like you'd find in any sizeable town in South America.

Such is now the popular sex paradise that Thailand used to be.

05-07-23, 04:21
I will be in MDE next month so I am starting to do some homework, I was there last 2 years ago and between Llleras and Tinder I had my fill of daily sex hot young girls at least once a day. It was amazing. I was reading reports here that El Centro had recently been fenced in, I was wondering if there were boots on the ground that could give more detail as to how this has effected the SG scene because its seems they just started doing this to Lleras.

If the SGs disappeared or reduced I would be crushed. Its seems that folks over there have mix feelings about it as some think it will reduce crime and rif raf if entrances are controlled, however I am worried how it will effect the SG scene.

So how was Lleras in its first weekend gated?

05-07-23, 04:44
For 1000 THB you get shanks.

A stunner from a top gogo bar for the whole night will set you back between 6000 and 10000 THB, and 80% of said stunners will reject you if you are elderely and/or non-Asian.

There is no "local sex life" whatsoever outside the tourist areas. Nothing, not even a cheap low-end local brothel like you'd find in any sizeable town in South America.

I accept that I guessed the high end price, although I never said the price was THB 1.000. I have no idea bcos I never go there, but ur price is not much different to what I wrote, so no record to set straight. It doesn't change my point,. Main tourist areas are expensive in Thailand. That was my point. BUt there are local places. 3rd Street, Dark Side, Those are local places. They are cheap and great fun.

05-07-23, 07:12
Could only stay a few days due to work schedule. Speak very rudimentary Spanish.


45 minute drive from airport which is up in the mountains down to the city proper.

Fase II. Music too loud, reggaeton / hip hop. Very dark. 20 k cover, beer 20 k, lady drinks 30 k, 300 k for 45 minute room. Have to buy a bottle or spend enough on drinks to get prime seats per a mesero, but this may have been trying to take advantage of the lone gringo. In hindsight, should have asked some other staff to confirm. 2 k tip for dancers. Not very busy, maybe 25 chicas, it is a Monday after all. Didn't see many chicas going back to rooms with men though maybe it was my poor night vision and I didn't notice. Chica quality was pretty good and I found one I liked. Would go back.


New Life. Buzzed in. Sit in room. Girls present themselves to you one by one, you pick, go to room. This was basically the setup for all the Medellin brothels. Talent not super attractive. Girl I picked had smelly pussy which really turned me off so I finished ASAP. In hindsight, should have paid the 3 mil viewing fee and visited another El Centro casa.

El Centro. Lots of people during the day, quite a scene and spectacle worth checking out at least once. Vendors hawking wares everywhere. Heavy police presence with barriers and checkpoints at botero plaza. Difficult to find public trash can. Did not see many prostitutes in this area while I was there around 1400. Many homeless and zonked out people sleeping on sidewalk. Sad to see the zonked out mothers with their toddlers in their lap. Visited Museum of Antioquia, pretty nice worth a visit, lots of Botero.

Playmates / Conejitas 4 pm. Pretty dead inside, girls just sitting around. Saw only one dance in the 20 minutes I was there. Most girls overweight or obese or pregnant. Went with the one pretty one, 130 k, good attitude actually did some light DFK as requested.

La Isla. Definitely a higher end establishment, you can instantly tell via the decor, security, staff, cleanliness, etc. Nicest strip club I've been to though I haven't been in many. After strip dance, chica goes around asking for 2 mil tips and does a short lap dance. Lap dance can be extended with more tips. Many will try to get more, but you're free to no gracias the tip entirely or refuse to give more. I ended up doing the latter most of the time because 2 mil is like 50 cents. Pretty dead at 10 pm, Quickly picked up after 11 pm, I'd say peak is 2300-0100. Essentially completely dead by or even slightly before 3 am so get your business done by then. Definitely higher optics in general vs anywhere else I've been in Medellin, a few 9/10's. However lots of silicone, many butt and breast implants. But plenty who are not so you'll find someone to your taste. I'm guessing 70+ chicas at peak with a good F-M ratio. Live dj playing Reggaeton music with sparse hip hop or EDM tracks mixed in.

Guy at front told me I had to buy 1,000,000 cop bottle to sit on couches but I asked the bartender and he said I could sit anywhere as long as I bought a drink. Again, more attempts to take advantage of gringos which is unpleasant. Bartender was very helpful and spoke decent English.

Took one girl, one of the minority of au naturals. Slightly fishy pussy smell but I had drunk too much to care. 2nd WG in Medellin with this issue whilst I never encountered it even once when I did my 12 day Germany / Switzerland FKK tour. Maybe a difference in hygiene or diet? From reading forum, it sounds like I'm not the only one who's encountered this.


Spa Fantasias energy. Better quality line up than new Life for sure. Picked good looking girl who provided poor service, guess I got unlucky. Again, fishy smelling pussy.

Explores El Poblado and Park Lleras. Went to Mondongo's for some traditional Colombian food, tasty. Very touristy, highest concentration of Westerners and police I saw in the city. Felt very safe at night.

Loutron. Went later in the evening so it was very dark. Uber driver hadn't been there before so he missed the unlit driveway up to the house the first time. House wasn't impressive as I was lead to believe, took me less than 5 minutes to explore the interior. A handful of johns there, around 10 WGs with pretty good optics around La Isla quality generally. Pretty good service. In hindsight it would have been better to go during the day.

Last night here so it was between Fase II or La Isla, chose the latter. Had a great room. Met an American expat who invited me to join his group. He knew quite a few of the WGs there and we had a good time. Drank too much again.


Energy Spa, Modern Art Museum (renovations so most of exhibits were closed, otherwise not bad), had some great Venezuelan food, explored Laureles some more, flight home.

Random Thoughts.

Air quality is poor, noticed as soon as I started coming down mountains from airport. Most Uber drivers kept windows open during ride. Definitely developed some sinus congestion by end of trip.

Driving is a free for all. Motorcycles and scooters everywhere. Red lights are routinely run. You just butt in where you can so you can get to where you need to go. Traffic can be terrible, especially around El Centro. Lots of cheap Hyundai's and Chevys. People drive / ride incredibly close to other vehicles. It's all very brave / skillful and seems dangerous to me but they're obviously used to it.

Approached by beggars and the like, just say no gracias, ignore them, if needed sharpen your tone of voice.

Gringo tax and people trying to take advantage of gringos. Not just in mongering settings but street vendors, taxi drivers, etc. Of course not every person but it happened enough to leave a bad taste in my mouth. Most Colombians were very friendly.

Everybody has a pretty modern looking phone, saw plenty of people with them out. Felt less worried about getting jacked but still be careful.

Davivienda ATM in unicentro mall, 2 million withdrawal limit.

Pretty city, lots of trees and greenery spread out.

Used Avianca airline to get in and out of country. Was not asked for check mig when entering or leaving country. I'd done it anyway of course, with only issue being no email confirmation but you can print the web confirmation once finished.

Never asked to put on a mask or saw anyone wearing one.


Would I go back? Yes. Pretty city, lots of mongering options, very affordable, good food. Service was fairly hit or miss, though I wasn't there long so small sample size. Wish I spoke more Spanish. Would probably try the Facebook approach that seems unique to Medellin next time I go. Heading to Bogota soon so will be able to compare the cities with Medellin relatively fresh in my mind.

05-07-23, 13:37
I will be in MDE next month so I am starting to do some homework, I was there last 2 years ago and between Llleras and Tinder I had my fill of daily sex hot young girls at least once a day. It was amazing. I was reading reports here that El Centro had recently been fenced in, I was wondering if there were boots on the ground that could give more detail as to how this has effected the SG scene because its seems they just started doing this to Lleras.

If the SGs disappeared or reduced I would be crushed. Its seems that folks over there have mix feelings about it as some think it will reduce crime and rif raf if entrances are controlled, however I am worried how it will effect the SG scene.

So how was Lleras in its first weekend gated?I'm not there now so can't comment on current situation. But in talking to local business people, in Parque Lleras, I think most of them or many welcome some restrictions on vehicles through a couple of the streets, and even more on some of the unsavory things that were happening. The authorities are trying to protect children, have better control of some of the crime, and in general just improve the optics of the park for the general public. It has been a tremendous improvement around Plaza Botero and I think they hope for the same for Parque Lleras. And it has not hindered the sex business in centro at all, in the areas designated for it which are still outside the barriers around Plaza Botero. In fact it has made the zona de tolerencia much clearer. It is behind the museum, along Carrera 53 and De Greiff.

05-07-23, 13:37
1. What type of gifts do you bring them if you bring them gifts? I got some cheap fake anklets and bracelets. Is this good or should I leave them. At home.

2. how do you handle the 3 types of girls? Facebook seems to have 3 types of girls. The first is Semi-pros they have golden pussy syndrome and pictures in other mongers hotel rooms that want like 600 mil and up for a date. The second type is the highly coveted non pro these girls seem to be willing to do a lot for as little as 200 mil from this forum I deduce the price maxes out at about 500 mil. The 3rd type are the type that are obviously out of your league, but seem to want a real relationship with you. Like they get offended when your bring up paying them. This to me seems like a set up. I find it hard to imagine getting these girls in a love motel. So I feel like they want to gain my trust so they can get into home base and rob the joint.

Honestly I really just need help with type three. The forum has done a good job describing 1 and 2, but I'm open to added information.

I go to Medellin for the first time Friday and I'm hoping to share some great stores but I need a little bit more help.

05-07-23, 15:47

Would I go back? Yes. Pretty city, lots of mongering options, very affordable, good food. Service was fairly hit or miss, though I wasn't there long so small sample size. Wish I spoke more Spanish. Would probably try the Facebook approach that seems unique to Medellin next time I go. Heading to Bogota soon so will be able to compare the cities with Medellin relatively fresh in my mind.For me, this is what I would call a useful review. Contains lots of information which would apply to other visitors, plus opinion, which is fine. Not just subjective "this is how I get off, aren't I wonderful" reviews of chicas.

05-07-23, 17:51
Great report. In Medellin options are unlimited and always worth multiple visits. I normally do mix of FB girls and Spa and visited one 1 or 2 strip clubs but most of my finds are FB girls. Medellin girls are beautiful, pretty and sexy.

Could only stay a few days due to work schedule. Speak very rudimentary Spanish.


45 minute drive from airport which is up in the mountains down to the city proper.

05-07-23, 19:06
1. What type of gifts do you bring them if you bring them gifts? I got some cheap fake anklets and bracelets. Is this good or should I leave them. At home.

2. how do you handle the 3 types of girls? Facebook seems to have 3 types of girls. The first is Semi-pros they have golden pussy syndrome and pictures in other mongers hotel rooms that want like 600 mil and up for a date. The second type is the highly coveted non pro these girls seem to be willing to do a lot for as little as 200 mil from this forum I deduce the price maxes out at about 500 mil. The 3rd type are the type that are obviously out of your league, but seem to want a real relationship with you. Like they get offended when your bring up paying them. This to me seems like a set up. I find it hard to imagine getting these girls in a love motel. So I feel like they want to gain my trust so they can get into home base and rob the joint.

Honestly I really just need help with type three. The forum has done a good job describing 1 and 2, but I'm open to added information.

I go to Medellin for the first time Friday and I'm hoping to share some great stores but I need a little bit more help.#1. Don't buy them shit, unless you want them viewing you as a chump like every other gringo monger. You want to be that guy that stands out for the best sexual experiences.

Yes, fb girls #3 you speak of are often left out on this board because it's a mongering board, not a "find a GF" board. However, the non pro girls are the best sexual experiences Medellin has to offer (IMO) if you play your cards right. The sex is super passionate as they view you a potential BF.

As I write, this one of my favs I just met last month is asking me when I'm come back.

The non-pro girls are looking for awesome experiences like yourself so you give it to them. It all starts with game, polish that shit and get them wanting to see YOU, not the other way around.

You'll know you did it right when they start sending you xxx vids of them as soon as you touch down in there country. Read my reports, they speak a little of my gaming routines. I. e. "Kiss me if I get a Spanish word right" Works great in public at a restaurant if there non-pro or even semi-pro girls. Some of my dates legit walked out without ever asking me for money, I had to run to there taxi to give them a little something for there time. Another date I remember I spent all day with, restaurants, walking to unicentro, 2-3 different sex sessions, she even paid for lunch! All day only costed me 70 k cop.

Non-pros are the way to go if you ask me. My next trip I'm planning a prop routine at a few universities in Medellin to try and pull directly from there college. I'll report and let everyone know if that was a success or not.

05-07-23, 21:37
#1. Don't buy them shit, unless you want them viewing you as a chump like every other gringo monger. You want to be that guy that stands out for the best sexual experiences.

Yes, fb girls #3 you speak of are often left out on this board because it's a mongering board, not a "find a GF" board. However, the non pro girls are the best sexual experiences Medellin has to offer (IMO) if you play your cards right. The sex is super passionate as they view you a potential BF.

As I write, this one of my favs I just met last month is asking me when I'm come back.

The non-pro girls are looking for awesome experiences like yourself so you give it to them. It all starts with game, polish that shit and get them wanting to see YOU, not the other way around.

You'll know you did it right when they start sending you xxx vids of them as soon as you touch down in there country. Read my reports, they speak a little of my gaming routines. I. e. "Kiss me if I get a Spanish word right" Works great in public at a restaurant if there non-pro or even semi-pro girls. Some of my dates legit walked out without ever asking me for money, I had to run to there taxi to give them a little something for there time. Another date I remember I spent all day with, restaurants, walking to unicentro, 2-3 different sex sessions, she even paid for lunch! All day only costed me 70 k cop.

Non-pros are the way to go if you ask me. My next trip I'm planning a prop routine at a few universities in Medellin to try and pull directly from there college. I'll report and let everyone know if that was a success or not.I've read your whole exploit. As far as I can tell the formula is, offer them a drink play some music they like, and then let some bump and grinding turn into sex. I want to have a trip similar to yours.

It sounds like I should ignore the girls who want boyfriends. I wouldn't mind finding a colombian wife, but I'd feel more confident in her attraction if I pulled her in person. 2 specific questions for you if you have time.

1. Any online resources you can recommend to sharpen my game?

2. Can you make a post about your best 2 girls maybe even just your favorite. Then walk us through the more tedious, non sexual bits. Like how long before the trip did you contact them, how often did you talk to them while stateside, how some of those convos went. Talking about how you got them excited to see you, what offers were made, what dreams where sold. Also any details you may have left out about what refreshments you prepared for them. Lastly just connect it back to the girl and just refresh our memories of what girl she is. This would help me alot. I have a roster of fb girl I just don't know if I using it optimally.

05-07-23, 22:35
Taking a trip for a few days with a FB girls I have seen before several times. We hit it off and she is an enthusiastic lover and I help her with her needs. Taking her away and will pay for everything. Curious what others have provided as a "regalo" on something like this.

05-07-23, 22:35
#1. Don't buy them shit, unless you want them viewing you as a chump like every other gringo monger. You want to be that guy that stands out for the best sexual experiences.

Yes, fb girls #3 you speak of are often left out on this board because it's a mongering board, not a "find a GF" board. However, the non pro girls are the best sexual experiences Medellin has to offer (IMO) if you play your cards right. The sex is super passionate as they view you a potential BF.

As I write, this one of my favs I just met last month is asking me when I'm come back.

The non-pro girls are looking for awesome experiences like yourself so you give it to them. It all starts with game, polish that shit and get them wanting to see YOU, not the other way around.

You'll know you did it right when they start sending you xxx vids of them as soon as you touch down in there country. Read my reports, they speak a little of my gaming routines. I. e. "Kiss me if I get a Spanish word right" Works great in public at a restaurant if there non-pro or even semi-pro girls. Some of my dates legit walked out without ever asking me for money, I had to run to there taxi to give them a little something for there time. Another date I remember I spent all day with, restaurants, walking to unicentro, 2-3 different sex sessions, she even paid for lunch! All day only costed me 70 k cop.

Non-pros are the way to go if you ask me. My next trip I'm planning a prop routine at a few universities in Medellin to try and pull directly from there college. I'll report and let everyone know if that was a success or not.This is for the most part great advice, that being said whenever YOU PAY for sex and I have paid the dynamics shift. They see you as a sugar daddy provider type and it it shard to get out of that zone. Don't get me wrong you can get out but usually NO. Not a bad thing for a guy who is 40 plus and sick of traditional dating but if you are under 40 and are paying that shows a lack of game. If my son or nephew ever said they were paying I wouldn't be too happy.

I never call the girls I bang has having game. Sure maybe you can talk to a girl in going bareback or a girl may hangout with you for 3 hours instead of one. But at the end of the day when you PAY I don't consider that game. I laugh when people talk about how they have game when they are paying LOL.

05-07-23, 23:12
#1. Don't buy them shit, unless you want them viewing you as a chump like every other gringo monger. You want to be that guy that stands out for the best sexual experiences.

Yes, fb girls #3 you speak of are often left out on this board because it's a mongering board, not a "find a GF" board. However, the non pro girls are the best sexual experiences Medellin has to offer (IMO) if you play your cards right. The sex is super passionate as they view you a potential BF.

As I write, this one of my favs I just met last month is asking me when I'm come back.

The non-pro girls are looking for awesome experiences like yourself so you give it to them. It all starts with game, polish that shit and get them wanting to see YOU, not the other way around.

You'll know you did it right when they start sending you xxx vids of them as soon as you touch down in there country. Read my reports, they speak a little of my gaming routines. I. e. "Kiss me if I get a Spanish word right" Works great in public at a restaurant if there non-pro or even semi-pro girls. Some of my dates legit walked out without ever asking me for money, I had to run to there taxi to give them a little something for there time. Another date I remember I spent all day with, restaurants, walking to unicentro, 2-3 different sex sessions, she even paid for lunch! All day only costed me 70 k cop.

Non-pros are the way to go if you ask me. My next trip I'm planning a prop routine at a few universities in Medellin to try and pull directly from their college. I'll report and let everyone know if that was a success or not.Oh boy.

05-08-23, 00:26
1. What type of gifts do you bring them if you bring them gifts? I got some cheap fake anklets and bracelets. Is this good or should I leave them. At home.

2. how do you handle the 3 types of girls? Facebook seems to have 3 types of girls. The first is Semi-pros they have golden pussy syndrome and pictures in other mongers hotel rooms that want like 600 mil and up for a date. The second type is the highly coveted non pro these girls seem to be willing to do a lot for as little as 200 mil from this forum I deduce the price maxes out at about 500 mil. The 3rd type are the type that are obviously out of your league, but seem to want a real relationship with you. Like they get offended when your bring up paying them. This to me seems like a set up. I find it hard to imagine getting these girls in a love motel. So I feel like they want to gain my trust so they can get into home base and rob the joint.

Honestly I really just need help with type three. The forum has done a good job describing 1 and 2, but I'm open to added information.

I go to Medellin for the first time Friday and I'm hoping to share some great stores but I need a little bit more help.I'm right now in Medellin and I meet only facebook girls! I practise only BBFS and CIP and I pay usually 500 mil and the girl stay with me all night.

I've a regular girl too I love a lot! I met all her family and her sister who is very sexy too. She's very jealous because she knows she has lot of money with me and many gifts. Yesterday we went to a burger colombian restaurant with all her family, and she told me she wants I stay with her all week. Her mum asked me the same to take care of her daughter all the week because she says I'm a very good guy with good manners. And I answered them that I love her too, but I don't want serious relationship because I live in Europe, and I don't come very often in Colombia and I told them that when I'm on holidays I like to try few girls even if it's not serious. I just say that I don't fuck in Europe and I need to have beautiful girls too. Not lot of girls but few sexy ladies who will fuck with me.

During the dinner, my girl went to the restrooms, and the mum asked me if I like her sister too who is 18. Of course, I said YES but I told her that I don't want make problems between the 2 sisters. And she told me that if she would love I stay with her 2 daugthers all the week. I was shoked on the moment. Then the sister came to sit next to me because her sister was still in the toilets. And she took my hand to her breasts and asked me if I like! Of course I like it and she kissed me. Then her sister come back from the toilets, and wasn't so surprised her sister sat next to me. She asked me if I want to fuck her sister she's ok, she's not jealous! But she told me I must pay her sister 500 too.

And her mum was OK too! Their mum just told me to be good man with them. Of course I'm a good guy.

But I told them I can't bring 2 girls in my hotel. And they directly proposed me to go to Motel Ibiza to make party during 6 hours with her and her sister too.

So we took a taxi till the motel ibiza. I was shy but the 2 sisters were happy. They started to kiss me together and we took a shower all together. The 2 sisters started to kiss each other and kissed me. It's really great! Then I started to fuck the sister inside the shower and her sister told me to not come inside her pussy because the day before I came inside the pussy of her sister.

And she told me she doesn't want the 2 sister take the risk to be prenant!

Finally it was great evning, we stayed 6 hours in the love motel, we fuck and we eat again because we can't order food there. There was jaccuzy too. The 2 sisters wanted to drink a lot too and finally we fuck in the shower, on the bed, in the jaccuzy. They were very happy. And I can say I came in their pussy many times during these 6 hours.

05-08-23, 03:49
1. What type of gifts do you bring them if you bring them gifts? I got some cheap fake anklets and bracelets. Is this good or should I leave them. At home.

2. how do you handle the 3 types of girls? Facebook seems to have 3 types of girls. The first is Semi-pros they have golden pussy syndrome and pictures in other mongers hotel rooms that want like 600 mil and up for a date. The second type is the highly coveted non pro these girls seem to be willing to do a lot for as little as 200 mil from this forum I deduce the price maxes out at about 500 mil. The 3rd type are the type that are obviously out of your league, but seem to want a real relationship with you. Like they get offended when your bring up paying them. This to me seems like a set up. I find it hard to imagine getting these girls in a love motel. So I feel like they want to gain my trust so they can get into home base and rob the joint.

Honestly I really just need help with type three. The forum has done a good job describing 1 and 2, but I'm open to added information.

I go to Medellin for the first time Friday and I'm hoping to share some great stores but I need a little bit more help.I think your classification of FB girls is all messed up. First of all, non pros are not p4 p, they are normal girls / civilians, who would go on a normal date with you and would be insulted / offended if you offer money. To score non pros, you have to have game, preferably good looks and ability to show her a good time.

Semi-pros and pros are p4 p, the difference is that pros are much more business oriented, every encounter with a pro is strictly transactional. Thats what they do for living. Semi-pros are in the gray area, some of them have normal jobs but want to supplement income, or in college and just need some spare money, or might be looking for a different form of benefit. Travel, gifts, etc.

FB got all 3 types. And of course, their FB profiles don't say if they are hookers or not. You have to use your judgement and weed out the ones you are not interested in. This requires time, effort and some experience.

What they charge is a different story. It doesn't matter if a girl is a semi pro or a pro. What matters is how hot she is, how long she has been in the game, and if she is in high demand. Some average looking chicks would charge you 200-300 mil cop, but keep in mind, they are probably high volume. Higher end chicks could easily get 600-900 mil cop but they tend to see less dudes.

Some posters here think FB is some sort of Klondike, where you find the hottest chicks for cheap. This is not the case. FB is just one of the platform one can utilize to score chicks, and like any other online platform, it got all types of chicas in different price brackets. The problem is that FB was not designed for mongering or hook up purposes, and the process of finding chicas, befriending them, weeding them out, etc is tedious and requires a shit ton of time and effort. Any idiot can make a fake FB profile and start messaging girls for free. The ones that are in high demand, with thousands of friends / followers are not easy to get their attention, simply because they can't keep up with them amount of messages and friend requests.

05-08-23, 04:14
I've a regular girl too I love a lot! ...During the dinner, my girl went to the restrooms, and the mum asked me if I like her sister too who is 18. ... Then her sister ... wasn't so surprised her sister sat next to me....It sounds like they are all in it together and you are being setup in a good way. LOL.

05-08-23, 04:19
...Yes, fb girls #3 you speak of are often left out on this board because it's a mongering board, not a "find a GF" board.....I remember another member Recon has talked a lot about it just the past few months. It was easier for him because he is in an open relationship so he does not need to lie and he speaks Spanish. The most prolific poster here dates non pro and he speaks Spanish. Another prolific poster here talked about it too and he also speaks Spanish. Steve has explained about Game in detail and there is even a thread for that that pops up from time to time.

Some don't do it because the garbage that comes with it after having done it, like being found out lying.

05-08-23, 04:44
Another member Recon has talked a lot about it just the past few months. It was easier for him because he is in an open relationship so he does not need to lie and he speaks Spanish. The most prolific poster here dates non pro and he speaks Spanish. Another prolific poster here talked quite a bit about it too and he also speaks Spanish. Steve has explained about Game in detail and there is even a thread for that that pops up from time to time.

Many don't do it because the garbage that comes with it after having done it, like being found out lying.I'm sure what you saying is true. I've read the 30 pages prior to my earlier post in preparation and none of the stuff popped up so sorry for not researching. I'm still not used to the organization of this site maybe there's some way I could have searched this beforehand. I can search recon and spend a few hours finding that information. I feel like Steve is only part of his name? ID appreciate if you could confim if that's his full user tag. If not cool I'll just try recon. Idk who the other guy you were talking about is.

Lucky Nuts
05-08-23, 05:52
Taking a trip for a few days with a FB girls I have seen before several times. We hit it off and she is an enthusiastic lover and I help her with her needs. Taking her away and will pay for everything. Curious what others have provided as a "regalo" on something like this.I've never pulled the trigger on such a trip but sometimes I ask the chicas for a price just in case I'd want a companion on a side trip. I'd say 400 mil regalo per day if she's hot and less than half your age.

05-08-23, 07:05
Taking a trip for a few days with a FB girls I have seen before several times. We hit it off and she is an enthusiastic lover and I help her with her needs. Taking her away and will pay for everything. Curious what others have provided as a "regalo" on something like this.A high quality vibrator and some good lingerie.

05-08-23, 13:02
I've read your whole exploit. As far as I can tell the formula is, offer them a drink play some music they like, and then let some bump and grinding turn into sex. I want to have a trip similar to yours.

It sounds like I should ignore the girls who want boyfriends. I wouldn't mind finding a colombian wife, but I'd feel more confident in her attraction if I pulled her in person. 2 specific questions for you if you have time.

1. Any online resources you can recommend to sharpen my game?

2. Can you make a post about your best 2 girls maybe even just your favorite. Then walk us through the more tedious, non-sexual bits. Like how long before the trip did you contact them, how often did you talk to them while stateside, how some of those convos went. Talking about how you got them excited to see you, what offers were made, what dreams where sold. Also any details you may have left out about what refreshments you prepared for them. Lastly just connect it back to the girl and just refresh our memories of what girl she is. This would help me alot. I have a roster of fb girl I just don't know if I using it optimally.You have it all wrong. That's not a "routine" but more of a relaxation technique I use for both my date and myself. That's just me trying hard to get some alcohol in their system.

My game consist of push / pull routines, cocky / funny, (which takes practice using google translate by the way to come out fluid in Spanish) praising Colombian men knowing most Colombian woman frown on them, so that opens the door for my date to dig a hole talking shit about how they hate the macho-ness of Colombian men, than I turn that small hole into a fucking mountain, I run strawberry patches on them when I'm ready to turn the convo into sex so I can steer the convo into there favorite positions, what I like, prior to the date. So when the date happens, we both already know how shits going to go down. (That's why in my reports often times a condoms never discussed) because of this exact routine! No paying extra for BBFS since she's already excited to please me. After a couple of minutes, I'm touching them somewhere, anywhere just to initiate some light kino. Etc etc. I've been practicing game for a good 20 years now. It's impossible to learn it overnight. If you don't know what your doing you can hit the wrong triggers and dry up her pussy, fast. If she's a non-pro, your done for as you can't even pay. Unfortunately, you need decent game to run in a foreign country. The goal of game is free sex (or close to free) with real GFE, over and over again. With great game age is less of a deterrent. I noticed woman prefer a man in his 60's-70's that can lead a 20 year woman, can properly pass all there shit test, etc etc. As opposed with paying them IMO.

Never ignore the woman who wants BF's. They can either be shit testing you or have a boyfriend but looking for another branch to swing too. Think about how easy it is for a woman to say "I have a BF" so that you will go away. Now think how hot it would be in a woman's eyes if you sway her away from her BF. I like "are you happy" with laser sight eye contact when a woman tells me she has a BF. That's the best sex you will have in your life if your able to pull. Why do you think so many women cheats in the us? They want another man to (as they call it show them attention which their BF wasn't giving them) which we all know is BS. They want that amazing sexual experience with a complete stranger with no condom and cip that there attracted to because of his game.

Online resources for beginner game. There's a lot of free materials out there but I started with mystery methods art of seduction, (Think it's a free download) I than moved on to one of his students by the name of Roosh and Tyler durden. (Roosh wrote game and daygame which I believe are also free downloads on torrent site) I than began to build my own game which was congruent to me and left there routines / techniques alone.

Sounds like you want to know exactly what I talked to my girls about before meeting them. Well not going to open up fb / whatsapp now but I will tell you I say the same shit (sometimes even copied and pasted) to all the girls. (My time is precious). Again, its stupid shit that doesn't always work. Sometimes I open with a simple "Hola" Or depending if they have party shit on there profile telling me she's the open-minded type I may hit them with a Would you rather routine "Would you rather do Tussi or Cocaine, why?" Than have them ask you a similar question. After the 3rd or 4th question I'm saying "WYR me see you first or another one of my fb friends I'm talking to when I arrive to Medellin" Or "WYR give me your whatsapp now or later" You get the point. It' different in Spanish and took me a while to get it through google translate correctly but Colombian woman eat that kind of shit up I notice. That's the "Who is this guy" thing I speak of. I'm giving them gina tickles before even meeting them running light fb game.

With that said, not all fb girls I spoke to were non-pros. I've seen semi-pros as well where I did speak of a price prior to meeting them but only because They brought it up. Most, I just paid them what I wanted for there time as I know they could use the money more than me.

Hope that answers your question, and enjoy Medellin!

05-08-23, 13:02
This is for the most part great advice, that being said whenever YOU PAY for sex and I have paid the dynamics shift. They see you as a sugar daddy provider type and it it shard to get out of that zone. Don't get me wrong you can get out but usually NO. Not a bad thing for a guy who is 40 plus and sick of traditional dating but if you are under 40 and are paying that shows a lack of game. If my son or nephew ever said they were paying I wouldn't be too happy.

I never call the girls I bang has having game. Sure maybe you can talk to a girl in going bareback or a girl may hangout with you for 3 hours instead of one. But at the end of the day when you PAY I don't consider that game. I laugh when people talk about how they have game when they are paying LOL.Yea, the whole point is to come off as a BF and NOT a monger for free sex, even though we are mongers (giggity).

05-08-23, 13:04
Some don't do it because the garbage that comes with it after having done it, like being found out lying.That's why it's best to be 100% honest with them. A few non-pro girls (I didn't report about them) I told I had a wife back home and kids. Two of them didn't want to be a side. One of them had a BF in Colombia so she was fine with it.

05-08-23, 13:11
I think your classification of FB girls is all messed up. First of all, non pros are not p4 p, they are normal girls / civilians, who would go on a normal date with you and would be insulted / offended if you offer money. To score non pros, you have to have game, preferably good looks and ability to show her a good time.

Some posters here think FB is some sort of Klondike, where you find the hottest chicks for cheap. This is not the case. FB is just one of the platform one can utilize to score chicks, and like any other online platform, it got all types of chicas in different price brackets. The problem is that FB was not designed for mongering or hook up purposes, and the process of finding chicas, befriending them, weeding them out, etc is tedious and requires a shit ton of time and effort. Any idiot can make a fake FB profile and start messaging girls for free. The ones that are in high demand, with thousands of friends / followers are not easy to get their attention, simply because they can't keep up with them amount of messages and friend requests.This dude pretty much hit it on the head.

05-08-23, 14:44
I just come to Medellin to have GFE sex with young attractive women for a reasonable price. There are no games being played and no pretense that it is anything else but sex for money at least on my part. But it is true on Facebook, that it is best to engage in some small talk before asking about money. There has been a lot of talk about game here but for most girls here, meeting and having sex with mongers, particularly mongers old enough to be their fathers or grandfathers (in my case), is about making money. It may be different for young fit handsome gringos but that is not my situation so I don't worry about it. This is for the old average looking gringos out there.

On a previous trip, I meet this 19 year old attractive girl on Facebook and she cancelled on me a few times but afterwards she apologized and said she really wanted to meet me. So on my last trip, I scheduled her again after she messaged me in the morning saying that she could see me today. This time she actually showed up and she was very good. Attractive, energetic and no rush attitude. 250 mil plus transport for a little over an hour, bareback. So on this trip, I scheduled her again and she showed up and put on another great performance. Like I said, no pretense that she likes me or is falling in love with me. Just coming over to make some money and make an old man happy.

On the previous trip two months ago, I had chatted with another girl with the same last name and I asked if they were related. She told me that they were cousins and she really wanted to see me. She knew that I had seen her cousin and it went well. But I did not have time on my last trip to see her. I told her I would see her on my next trip and I did. So, on my recent trip, I saw the cousin for the same 250 mil plus transport bareback deal and the cousin was just as attractive and the same age, 19. Once again the performance was very good. I debated in my mind which cousin was better but it was a draw.

Yes, the girls did propose a threesome together but I passed because threesomes tend not to work out the way I want.

Good sessions with the two cousins. I was happy and they were happy making money with me. Nothing more, nothing less. I am content with that. I don't need anything more.

05-08-23, 16:00
My bad for mis categorizing the types of girls. It has been a while since the definitions were clearly discussed here so behalf of everybody that didn't know thank you. I've read over 100 pages here over the 8 or 9 months I've been planning this. There seems to be two routes here the routes for the older guys and a route for the younger guys. I'm 28 6 ft tall but I'm out of shape. Imma going to try a little bit of everything I've heard here and report what works best for me.

Quick aside to the guy that said he would be disappointed if his nephews where paying for it. Chances are they are already paying for it the dating pool in the US is kinda fucked up for my generation. With that said I can admit my game is rusty cause I'm not attracted to the western archetype of women, but it definitely works. I want game tips specifically to understand if there is a culture aspect I could be missing. I just think I'd be a fool to pass up the opportunity to not get some guaranteed action, with girls I find 8 9 and 10's while searching for some GFE type action or even a girlfriend. No amount of game is going to guarantee you sex as much as you want off the back like paying can. Not to mention I make 6 figures bro, 50 to 100 bucks to fuck ain't shit. Aside over.

I'm grateful for the tips on game and the knowledge that just paying in being nice can get there while family to like you. It seems family threesomes aren't uncommon on this bored. That's definitely a goal of mine on this trip. Starting next week be looking out for my exploits. I look forward to reading your critiques and future tips on improvement. Special shout out to downlow you were extremely helpful and I'm going to look into those resources your provided.

05-08-23, 16:58
That's why it's best to be 100% honest with them. ....There was just a discussion about this in the Seeking Arrangement thread that is why I use it as an example.

05-08-23, 17:00
I just come to Medellin to have GFE sex with young attractive women for a reasonable price. .... Nothing more, nothing less. I am content with that. I don't need anything more.It's YMMV. The majority of the girls hold back on service and may deliver only enough. I guess that is what others don't want. The interesting thing is BBFS happens not to be the one they are holding back often.

05-08-23, 17:36
It's YMMV. The majority of the girls hold back on service and may deliver only enough. I guess that is what others don't want. The interesting thing is BBFS happens not to be the one they are holding back often.I'm in Medellin right now and I do only BBFS.

05-08-23, 17:55
I think the one thing about finding a girl that really isn't in the business or not her main gig its more natural. I agree a regular won't be jaded, as these women are longer in this industry many become jaded and treat men the way they do. Women are made to constantly just keep hitting it their instinct is usually to find that mate. This is a different generation though, most are all about the money and social media. LOL. That's for the write up.

I just come to Medellin to have GFE sex with young attractive women for a reasonable price. There are no games being played and no pretense that it is anything else but sex for money at least on my part. But it is true on Facebook, that it is best to engage in some small talk before asking about money. There has been a lot of talk about game here but for most girls here, meeting and having sex with mongers, particularly mongers old enough to be their fathers or grandfathers (in my case), is about making money. It may be different for young fit handsome gringos but that is not my situation so I don't worry about it. This is for the old average looking gringos out there.

On a previous trip, I meet this 19 year old attractive girl on Facebook and she cancelled on me a few times but afterwards she apologized and said she really wanted to meet me. So on my last trip, I scheduled her again after she messaged me in the morning saying that she could see me today. This time she actually showed up and she was very good. Attractive, energetic and no rush attitude. 250 mil plus transport for a little over an hour, bareback. So on this trip, I scheduled her again and she showed up and put on another great performance. Like I said, no pretense that she likes me or is falling in love with me. Just coming over to make some money and make an old man happy..

05-08-23, 17:56
I've read back on some old posts regarding Facebook method. I have a few questions.


Beyond Facebook being what the girls in Medellin use for this, why do you use Facebook over things like instagram, tinder?

I used tinder a few years back in Cartagena / Medellin and the whole thing was effortless / instant. Is tinder much more full of scams these days? Is Facebook just a safer source?


I've looked around facebook briefly, on a dating Medellin group. And it seems a lot of the hot girl profiles might only be a few months old and are likely just their fake accounts for P4P. Is this what is usually expected on FB? Or are you guys finding plenty of real accounts and then chatting them up and testing waters on if they're just for the money or a more genuine girl?

05-08-23, 18:26
Taking a trip for a few days with a FB girls I have seen before several times. We hit it off and she is an enthusiastic lover and I help her with her needs. Taking her away and will pay for everything. Curious what others have provided as a "regalo" on something like this.Are you planning to discuss a number up front or do it on the back end (less transactional)? The number she is happy with is going to depend on how much she wants this trip / likes you. Gauge it and adjust accordingly. To give you data, my friend took a 10/10 girl from a casa in Bogota with us to Cartagena for I think 3 nights. I believe 300 USD was the stated price with flights / expenses on top. She was definitely having fun with us (partying) before the agreement and knew we had a luxury place / vacation planned in cartagena. She wanted to come probably would have for free. She got the best treatment, yacht, dinners etc. It all went pear shaped when she saw the other girls we were bringing around were making more than her per hour. I guess she took their 4 hour hangout number and felt she was being underpaid. They had a disagreement, I think he had to give her 500 USD at the end including her flight back, which she never took as she wanted cash and not him to book it again, I saw her talking to guys in cartagena on her phone so guess she stayed to make some more $$. The problem here was she had other girls in her ear and she saw too much $$$ being spent on a luxury vacation and realized he was good for more. Best not to flash too much.


If this feels more like a sugar scenario and less transactional, I always advise this set up to any guy anywhere in the world with this. The key is to remain in control because these girls love to finesse you out of money / gifts. (not sure on how experienced you are).

Set a budget for her expenses for the entire trip (keep this to yourself, don't tell her). If she wants payment up front and asks for more than you'd expected, just spend on her less, go for a cheaper dinner, or don't do the fancy tour or buy the cheaper gift. If she doesn't bring up payment until end do it based on how pushy she was for gifts / dinners, if she was happy with a take out you can reward her a bit more as she didn't blow her budget. The good thing about this is it makes no difference to you, the end total cost is the same. It also works in that the ones who are a cheaper date are feeling relatively more rewarded than the ones who are expensive to hang out with.

05-08-23, 21:35
Are you planning to discuss a number up front or do it on the back end (less transactional)? The number she is happy with is going to depend on how much she wants this trip / likes you. Gauge it and adjust accordingly. To give you data, my friend took a 10/10 girl from a casa in Bogota with us to Cartagena for I think 3 nights. I believe 300 USD was the stated price with flights / expenses on top. She was definitely having fun with us (partying) before the agreement and knew we had a luxury place / vacation planned in cartagena. She wanted to come probably would have for free. She got the best treatment, yacht, dinners etc. It all went pear shaped when she saw the other girls we were bringing around were making more than her per hour. I guess she took their 4 hour hangout number and felt she was being underpaid. They had a disagreement, I think he had to give her 500 USD at the end including her flight back, which she never took as she wanted cash and not him to book it again, I saw her talking to guys in cartagena on her phone so guess she stayed to make some more $$. The problem here was she had other girls in her ear and she saw too much $$$ being spent on a luxury vacation and realized he was good for more. Best not to flash too much.


If this feels more like a sugar scenario and less transactional, I always advise this set up to any guy anywhere in the world with this. The key is to remain in control because these girls love to finesse you out of money / gifts. (not sure on how experienced you are).

Set a budget for her expenses for the entire trip (keep this to yourself, don't tell her). If she wants payment up front and asks for more than you'd expected, just spend on her less, go for a cheaper dinner, or don't do the fancy tour or buy the cheaper gift. If she doesn't bring up payment until end do it based on how pushy she was for gifts / dinners, if she was happy with a take out you can reward her a bit more as she didn't blow her budget. The good thing about this is it makes no difference to you, the end total cost is the same. It also works in that the ones who are a cheaper date are feeling relatively more rewarded than the ones who are expensive to hang out with.Taking a casa girl, or any WORKING girl for that matter, on a luxury trip is not a good idea. Especially bringing her to Cartagena from Bogota is like bringing your sand to the beach. What's the point? Did he expect GFE experience and loyalty for the duration of the trip? Clearly she would never go there for free, her goal was to milk the guy as much as possible, then stay there longer to milk others. Typical puta behavior. He needed to focus on semi pros instead, or even non pros, who would travel for free or for a reasonable gift.

05-08-23, 21:45
I'm in Medellin right now and I do only BBFS.We don't know what the quality of your FB girls is. But I would assume pretty much any average looking chica that normally charges 200-250 mil, would do BBFS for 500 mil (that's what you are paying based on your recent report). And yes, as Nounce said, it is also YMMV. Age, looks, hygiene, etc is important.

05-08-23, 23:05
I'm right now in Medellin and I meet only facebook girls! I practise only BBFS and CIP and I pay usually 500 mil and the girl stay with me all night.

I've a regular girl too I love a lot! I met all her family and her sister who is very sexy too. She's very jealous because she knows she has lot of money with me and many gifts. Yesterday we went to a burger colombian restaurant with all her family, and she told me she wants I stay with her all week. Her mum asked me the same to take care of her daughter all the week because she says I'm a very good guy with good manners. And I answered them that I love her too, but I don't want serious relationship because I live in Europe, and I don't come very often in Colombia and I told them that when I'm on holidays I like to try few girls even if it's not serious. I just say that I don't fuck in Europe and I need to have beautiful girls too. Not lot of girls but few sexy ladies who will fuck with me.

During the dinner, my girl went to the restrooms, and the mum asked me if I like her sister too who is 18. Of course, I said YES but I told her that I don't want make problems between the 2 sisters. And she told me that if she would love I stay with her 2 daugthers all the week. I was shoked on the moment. Then the sister came to sit next to me because her sister was still in the toilets. And she took my hand to her breasts and asked me if I like! Of course I like it and she kissed me. Then her sister come back from the toilets, and wasn't so surprised her sister sat next to me. She asked me if I want to fuck her sister she's ok, she's not jealous! But she told me I must pay her sister 500 too.

And her mum was OK too! Their mum just told me to be good man with them. Of course I'm a good guy.

But I told them I can't bring 2 girls in my hotel. And they directly proposed me to go to Motel Ibiza to make party during 6 hours with her and her sister too.

So we took a taxi till the motel ibiza. I was shy but the 2 sisters were happy. They started to kiss me together and we took a shower all together. The 2 sisters started to kiss each other and kissed me. It's really great! Then I started to fuck the sister inside the shower and her sister told me to not come inside her pussy because the day before I came inside the pussy of her sister.

And she told me she doesn't want the 2 sister take the risk to be prenant!

Finally it was great evning, we stayed 6 hours in the love motel, we fuck and we eat again because we can't order food there. There was jaccuzy too. The 2 sisters wanted to drink a lot too and finally we fuck in the shower, on the bed, in the jaccuzy. They were very happy. And I can say I came in their pussy many times during these 6 hours.Are the sisters look to meet anyone new.

05-09-23, 00:30
I'm right now in Medellin and I meet only facebook girls! I practise only BBFS and CIP and I pay usually 500 mil and the girl stay with me all night.
\.I hope you're cut man because it's not uncommon for these girls to try and get knocked up by a foreign guy. If that happens you're screwed because abortion is illegal in Colombia and per Catholic tradition all children are 'Gifts from God' and 'God's plan' (funny how so many become religious when pregnant, but not before). Just warning others out there as I've had 3-4 friends over the years who have had to pay a stiff price to get out of the situation and 1 guy is paying child support for a kid he never sees. That's why I prefer CIM LOL.

05-09-23, 00:58
So I told myself I wouldn't go back to El Centro another day. But it's the afternoon so clubs are closed and I don't want to go through the whole process of texting on whatsapp to setup an appointment or walk into some spa so I head over. Kind of just want to get my rocks off then go back to work. Strangely enough I see more girls or about the same here on Monday as on Saturday. I see a girl, ask her about the price she mentions 150 k for an hour. I definitely don't need that so I ask for 30 minutes and she says 70 k. It's pretty normal in Bogota for 50 k for 15 minutes so I'm like sure. She also seems to be one of the few younger girls with fake tits so I'm like OK sure I guess the price is slightly higher. I give her 70 k and we head inside the hotel and she gives 20 k for the room. Big mistake I made (which I never make but somehow forgot this time) is to ask if the price includes the room. Well we get inside and she says the 70 k is only for her, and it doesn't include the room. Well fuck. This is already a bad sign. But whatever I paid 20 k already I only have 50's so I give her that asking for change. She returns 20 k but doesn't look like she has another 10 k so I can just get later (in hindsight, she probably keeps more change in a separate pocket).

We get into the process, she starts giving head (really horrible head). I kind of just wanted that, so I'm like ugh ok whatever at least it'll be long. But I'm getting tired of the horrible head so I suggest cuatro. I turn her over and she has this huge looking wart on her ass. She says it's a birthmark LOL, I say ok no cuatro lets just do oral. Well she does maybe 1 minute of that, and then she says it's been 30 minutes. Wtf? It's been like 5-6 minutes in here. I'm tired of this shit so I'm like OK whatever, I'm leaving return me my 10 k. The girl now says it's a tip. I'm saying no it's not, return my money. She keeps saying it's a tip. So I'm like fine I'll go talk to the front desk. Then this girl pulls out a BIG ass knife in front of me. I didn't expect I'd have this reaction to having a knife pulled out on me, but I somehow start laughing in her face. It just happened, but in hindsight could probably aggravate someone even more to do something stupid. Maybe it's the fact that this dumbass is pulling out a knife on me over 10 k. Also maybe a part of me knows it's likely an empty threat (inside the casa? No fucking way). Anyways I leave, I head over to talk to the front desk anyways. Then this girl comes out of the room shouting some shit so I'm thinking fuck this it's 10 k I'm out. I see the girl on the street away from the casa maybe 5 minutes after so who knows if anything happened with her and the casa (probably not).

Anyways, I find another girl she agrees to 50 k for 30 minutes. I almost make the same mistake of not asking for the room price. But on the way I ask and she says it's another 40 k for the room and I'm like OK not interested. And she says OK fine 50 k total including the room. Inside the room nothing special, girl doesn't give head whatever we finish in cuatro. It finished pretty fast so I was in-and-out within 10 minutes vs. The full 30. Knew I could negotiate for the 40 k prices or whatever or a shorter time but I just wanted to go and leave fast.

I kind of expected getting a knife pulled on me to be something traumatizing but not really. I just can't imagine this kind of shit ever happening in Bogota casas it's so crazy.

05-09-23, 01:32
I hope you're cut man because it's not uncommon for these girls to try and get knocked up by a foreign guy. If that happens you're screwed because abortion is illegal in Colombia and per Catholic tradition all children are 'Gifts from God' and 'God's plan' (funny how so many become religious when pregnant, but not before). Just warning others out there as I've had 3-4 friends over the years who have had to pay a stiff price to get out of the situation and 1 guy is paying child support for a kid he never sees. That's why I prefer CIM LOL.10 years ago I got a vasectomy and it is one of my better decisions. I never have to worry about getting a girl pregnant. If you no longer want to have kids, you should definitely consider it. There is this fear about the operation you will experience but it will pass and you will be fine afterwards.

05-09-23, 03:00
I hope you're cut man because it's not uncommon for these girls to try and get knocked up by a foreign guy. If that happens you're screwed because abortion is illegal in Colombia and per Catholic tradition all children are 'Gifts from God' and 'God's plan' (funny how so many become religious when pregnant, but not before). Just warning others out there as I've had 3-4 friends over the years who have had to pay a stiff price to get out of the situation and 1 guy is paying child support for a kid he never sees. That's why I prefer CIM LOL.Yea if they catch you. Guys need to be "quicker on their feet".

05-09-23, 03:22
So I'm like fine I'll go talk to the front deskLOL. I can imagine the 'so what' shrug at the reception. Well maybe at least they'd ask the girl for their cut.

You seem to be confusing things, casas are bordellos where the girls are hired employees. SWs in centro are just freelancers, there is no one to complain to. Well police maybe but that comes with its own risks.

TBH doesn't look like you RTFF much about how things work in centro and are playing with fire a bit (don't get robbed or stabbed). The fact that you even accepted 70 mil in most girls mind equals "oh, I have a sucker / newb / tourist", and the rest followed accordingly. Still good write up though and useful for educational purposes.

For the afternoon nut you can just hit the strip clubs, they are stone's throw form there and 70-80 mil will get you a decent fuck with much better service and without the knife in your face. Casas are open til like 6 too.

05-09-23, 03:22
Taking a casa girl, or any WORKING girl for that matter, on a luxury trip is not a good idea. Especially bringing her to Cartagena from Bogota is like bringing your sand to the beach. What's the point? Did he expect GFE experience and loyalty for the duration of the trip? Clearly she would never go there for free, her goal was to milk the guy as much as possible, then stay there longer to milk others. Typical puta behavior. He needed to focus on semi pros instead, or even non pros, who would travel for free or for a reasonable gift.No not for free he'd agreed a price up front. I guess he just wanted more of her than any new girls at the time so brought her with us (she really was beautiful). It wasn't a terrible decision, she gave him GFE for the 3 days and she actually had a decent attitude she was a fun nice girl. I think by the end of the 3 days he was bored of her and she felt it, and as I said she'd seen other girls there making more than what she'd agreed to initially so was just pushy for a couple hundred more at the end and finessed him on the flight money to go milk other dudes. Not a massive deal, as you said what else do you expect from a puta, she wasn't going to try and earn his repeat business when he was clearly done with her.

05-09-23, 04:57
So I told myself I wouldn't go back to El Centro another day. ....You pay after in El Centro. You should not pay more to 40 mil for 30 minutes. 50 mil total including room is normal. I think that is the current going rate based on recent observation

05-09-23, 05:00
So I told myself I wouldn't go back to El Centro another day. But it's the afternoon so clubs are closed and I don't want to go through the whole process of texting on whatsapp to setup an appointment or walk into some spa so I head over. Kind of just want to get my rocks off then go back to work. Strangely enough I see more girls or about the same here on Monday as on Saturday. I see a girl, ask her about the price she mentions 150 k for an hour. I definitely don't need that so I ask for 30 minutes and she says 70 k. It's pretty normal in Bogota for 50 k for 15 minutes so I'm like sure. She also seems to be one of the few younger girls with fake tits so I'm like OK sure I guess the price is slightly higher. I give her 70 k and we head inside the hotel and she gives 20 k for the room. Big mistake I made (which I never make but somehow forgot this time) is to ask if the price includes the room. Well we get inside and she says the 70 k is only for her, and it doesn't include the room. Well fuck. This is already a bad sign. But whatever I paid 20 k already I only have 50's so I give her that asking for change. She returns 20 k but doesn't look like she has another 10 k so I can just get later (in hindsight, she probably keeps more change in a separate pocket).

We get into the process, she starts giving head (really horrible head). I kind of just wanted that, so I'm like ugh ok whatever at least it'll be long. But I'm getting tired of the horrible head so I suggest cuatro. I turn her over and she has this huge looking wart on her ass. She says it's a birthmark LOL, I say ok no cuatro lets just do oral. Well she does maybe 1 minute of that, and then she says it's been 30 minutes. Wtf? It's been like 5-6 minutes in here. I'm tired of this shit so I'm like OK whatever, I'm leaving return me my 10 k. The girl now says it's a tip. I'm saying no it's not, return my money. She keeps saying it's a tip. So I'm like fine I'll go talk to the front desk. Then this girl pulls out a BIG ass knife in front of me. I didn't expect I'd have this reaction to having a knife pulled out on me, but I somehow start laughing in her face. It just happened, but in hindsight could probably aggravate someone even more to do something stupid. Maybe it's the fact that this dumbass is pulling out a knife on me over 10 k. Also maybe a part of me knows it's likely an empty threat (inside the casa? No fucking way). Anyways I leave, I head over to talk to the front desk anyways. Then this girl comes out of the room shouting some shit so I'm thinking fuck this it's 10 k I'm out. I see the girl on the street away from the casa maybe 5 minutes after so who knows if anything happened with her and the casa (probably not).

Anyways, I find another girl she agrees to 50 k for 30 minutes. I almost make the same mistake of not asking for the room price. But on the way I ask and she says it's another 40 k for the room and I'm like OK not interested. And she says OK fine 50 k total including the room. Inside the room nothing special, girl doesn't give head whatever we finish in cuatro. It finished pretty fast so I was in-and-out within 10 minutes vs. The full 30. Knew I could negotiate for the 40 k prices or whatever or a shorter time but I just wanted to go and leave fast.

I kind of expected getting a knife pulled on me to be something traumatizing but not really. I just can't imagine this kind of shit ever happening in Bogota casas it's so crazy.You did not fuck her at a casa. A casa is a brothel. You picked up some street hoes and brought them over to a short term motel. I would never imagine a Seeking / Tinder / FB or casa / strip club pull out a knife in someone, this is bizarre. Only street hookers would do that. You guys know El Centro is dangerous, chicks are desperate, the service is mediocre, but you still go there to save a few bucks, or maybe you just like to live dangerously, well, more power to you. Thanks for the report though!

05-09-23, 08:13
So I told myself I wouldn't go back to El Centro another day. But it's the afternoon so clubs are closed and I don't want to go through the whole process of texting on whatsapp to setup an appointment or walk into some spa so I head over. Kind of just want to get my rocks off then go back to work. Strangely enough I see more girls or about the same here on Monday as on Saturday. I see a girl, ask her about the price she mentions 150 k for an hour. I definitely don't need that so I ask for 30 minutes and she says 70 k. It's pretty normal in Bogota for 50 k for 15 minutes so I'm like sure. She also seems to be one of the few younger girls with fake tits so I'm like OK sure I guess the price is slightly higher. I give her 70 k and we head inside the hotel and she gives 20 k for the room. Big mistake I made (which I never make but somehow forgot this time) is to ask if the price includes the room. Well we get inside and she says the 70 k is only for her, and it doesn't include the room. Well fuck. This is already a bad sign. But whatever I paid 20 k already I only have 50's so I give her that asking for change. She returns 20 k but doesn't look like she has another 10 k so I can just get later (in hindsight, she probably keeps more change in a separate pocket).

We get into the process, she starts giving head (really horrible head). I kind of just wanted that, so I'm like ugh ok whatever at least it'll be long. But I'm getting tired of the horrible head so I suggest cuatro. I turn her over and she has this huge looking wart on her ass. She says it's a birthmark LOL, I say ok no cuatro lets just do oral. Well she does maybe 1 minute of that, and then she says it's been 30 minutes. Wtf? It's been like 5-6 minutes in here. I'm tired of this shit so I'm like OK whatever, I'm leaving return me my 10 k. The girl now says it's a tip. I'm saying no it's not, return my money. She keeps saying it's a tip. So I'm like fine I'll go talk to the front desk. Then this girl pulls out a BIG ass knife in front of me. I didn't expect I'd have this reaction to having a knife pulled out on me, but I somehow start laughing in her face. It just happened, but in hindsight could probably aggravate someone even more to do something stupid. Maybe it's the fact that this dumbass is pulling out a knife on me over 10 k. Also maybe a part of me knows it's likely an empty threat (inside the casa? No fucking way). Anyways I leave, I head over to talk to the front desk anyways. Then this girl comes out of the room shouting some shit so I'm thinking fuck this it's 10 k I'm out. I see the girl on the street away from the casa maybe 5 minutes after so who knows if anything happened with her and the casa (probably not).

Anyways, I find another girl she agrees to 50 k for 30 minutes. I almost make the same mistake of not asking for the room price. But on the way I ask and she says it's another 40 k for the room and I'm like OK not interested. And she says OK fine 50 k total including the room. Inside the room nothing special, girl doesn't give head whatever we finish in cuatro. It finished pretty fast so I was in-and-out within 10 minutes vs. The full 30. Knew I could negotiate for the 40 k prices or whatever or a shorter time but I just wanted to go and leave fast.

I kind of expected getting a knife pulled on me to be something traumatizing but not really. I just can't imagine this kind of shit ever happening in Bogota casas it's so crazy.Several rookie mistakes here. You are the one with the money not them. Regardless of whatever she quotes to you, you need to respond with "siempre pago 40 mil why yo pago la pieza" that will put you into the proper going rate range. If she says no you say no too. There are many more that will say yes do fuck her, and plus you can tell from her vibe she's a ***** if she says no, so fuck her. Second rookie mistake, you pay after the deed. "siempre pago después. "you pay for the pieza with a 50 mil bill as long as the pie a is 10 mil or less you get back 40 mil to pay the girl. I recommend using Botero Real, the red hotel directly in front of the church (they charge 9 mil for 30 mins often longer before knock comes but officially it's 30 mins just ask for un ratico when paying and it's 9 mil).

As far as the knife thing it would have been avoided if you had exact change. As for her shitty attitude try to chat them up a bit before you take her to the room you can usually get a vibe for how they will be in the room based on how they interact with you during the pregame chat. Bitches that don't pay me much attention or answer with an attitude get the "mejor otro DIA, Chao" and girls that smile and show attention and interest get the "vamos a la pieza. ".

Also if your Spanish isn't atleast good enough to handle that without using your fucking google translate app on your phone, then you have no business in El centro.


05-09-23, 16:01
A big Hello, to everyone. For the last 10-15 years a big thank you to all who have contributed to this forum I consider you my role models. I say that because my marriage of 23 years has just ended and throughout the years, I would secretly come to this site to read all the reports and live out my fantasies through you guys. I'm a free man now and I hope to contribute to this forum as time goes on. I love Latin pussy and I want to make Medellin, Colombia my first stop in the world of mongering. I want to start to getting my feet wet I just want to ask you a question I've been reading the last couple posts of you guys meeting girls through Facebook. I've never really been on Facebook. I don't know how it works. Quite honestly. I would love to learn how you guys meet these girls. What am I searching for? How do I search? I would love to get to know a couple girls so that way I have options when I get boots on the ground other than the typical strip clubs, websites, and street hookers. Please help this Rookie. I want to know the way of the force and I would love for you Jedi masters, to show me how.

05-09-23, 16:41
I have not posted in many years and after a long hiatus, I touched down in MDE last night. I went to La ISL and noticed a few guys "making it rain".

I thought this kind of behavior was frowned upon? Also, there was a group of guys doing the same and for a while ALL of the Chicas at La ISL surrounded them.

Some of the girls were really cute but I decided to leave and come back another day, as I will not compete with the making it rain dudes. I was being quoted 300 K-500 K for uma hora in the back rooms, politely said no thanks.

From there I went to Gustos, at first I was content to call it a night and go home alone until I saw this cute Chica and took her to a love motel, (my apt was Chica proof yet so didn't want to bring any hookers in there before I secured all valuables).

At the club, told her I was really tired and wouldn't last too long, I tought we agreed to 120 K pesos. After 30 minutes of sex I was indeed tired and decided to let her go. This Chica had the nerve to ask for $120 USD!

I was like what? Promptly told her that even la Isl chicas we asking for 300-500 K and she wanted 120 USD? She tried to say something but after looking at her as if she lost her damn mind, she asked taxi money-decided to give her another 20 K pesos to keep the peace.

150 K for subpar sex.

120 K for motel.

Took Uber back to my apt.

PS. I notice guys on here paying 150-170 for Chicas, is that the going rate?
I realize some Chicas will cost more but I want to make sure that I don’t mess up the market

Also last question, anyone familiar with NOW dental? Are they good?

05-09-23, 16:48
... I have not posted in many years and after a long hiatus, I touched down in MDE last night. I went to La ISL and noticed a few guys "making it rain".

I thought this kind of behavior was frowned upon? Also, there was a group of guys doing the same and for a while ALL of the Chicas at La ISL surrounded them.

At the club, told her I was really tired and wouldn't last too long, I tought we agreed to 120 K pesos. After 30 minutes of sex I was indeed tired and decided to let her go. This Chica had the nerve to ask for $120 USD!

150 K for subpar sex. .Yes, it seems that the weekend warrior crowd from Sosua and Cartagena has finally made it to Medellin in big numbers. The folks travel in large groups and do their best to imitate the music videos.

It's interesting that you thought you could pull a girl from Gusto's for 120 k ($25)! Did you read much of the forum prior. I haven't gone there in 5+ years as I can't stand the obnoxiously loud music, but I understand the going rate that the girls start with is 300 k to 400 k. Even 10 years ago they were generally starting at 200k. Consider yourself very lucky that you got off for 150k and the girl didn't make a scene. I've heard and seen girls call the cops for less. I think this is the reason that many of them have started to ask to see the money prior.

05-09-23, 16:48
I have not posted in many years and after a long hiatus, I touched down in MDE last night. I went to La ISL and noticed a few guys "making it rain".

I thought this kind of behavior was frowned upon? Also, there was a group of guys doing the same and for a while ALL of the Chicas at La ISL surrounded them.

Some of the girls were really cute but I decided to leave and come back another day, as I will not compete with the making it rain dudes. I was being quoted 300 K-500 K for uma hora in the back rooms, politely said no thanks.

From there I went to Gustos, at first I was content to call it a night and go home alone until I saw this cute Chica and took her to a love motel, (my apt was Chica proof yet so didn't want to bring any hookers in there before I secured all valuables).

At the club, told her I was really tired and wouldn't last too long, I tought we agreed to 120 K pesos. After 30 minutes of sex I was indeed tired and decided to let her go. This Chica had the nerve to ask for $120 USD!

I was like what? Promptly told her that even la Isl chicas we asking for 300-500 K and she wanted 120 USD? She tried to say something but after looking at her as if she lost her damn mind, she asked taxi money-decided to give her another 20 K pesos to keep the peace.

150 K for subpar sex.

120 K for motel.

Took Uber back to my apt.

PS. I notice guys on here paying 150-170 for Chicas, is that the going rate?
I realize some Chicas will cost more but I want to make sure that I dont mess up the market

Also last question, anyone familiar with NOW dental? Are they good?At 150-170 k for a girl from gustos, I'd say you got a steal. Consider yourself lucky the girl didn't make a scene out of you not paying her 120 USD. 20 k to keep the peace, damn, that's good.

05-09-23, 17:01
I give her 70 k and we head inside the hotel and she gives 20 k for the room.

OK whatever, I'm leaving return me my 10 k. The girl now says it's a tip. I'm saying no it's not, return my money. She keeps saying it's a tip.

So I'm like fine I'll go talk to the front desk.

I kind of expected getting a knife pulled on me to be something traumatizing but not really. I just can't imagine this kind of shit ever happening in Bogota casas it's so crazy.You did not do anything right. I have never heard of anyone ever paying a street girl before even entering the hotel.

Even if you both had a good time, your chance of getting the 10,000 COP returned was slim.

Why would the hotel staff get involved into your stupidity? They have no idea what happened and have no reason to care.

Not bothered by the knife being pulled on you. Good for you. Just wait until she tells her BF and his friends (who many times are waiting near by) and they pull a knife out.

You have read nothing on this site! Guys like you put the rest of us in danger. The girls then think they can do the same crap on the rest of us. I would say, "Thanks for visiting Medellin" but you may not ever leave here from the sounds of it.

Mr Enternational
05-09-23, 17:05
From there I went to Gustos, at first I was content to call it a night and go home alone until I saw this cute Chica and took her to a love motel,

At the club, told her I was really tired and wouldn't last too long, I tought we agreed to 120 K pesos. After 30 minutes of sex I was indeed tired and decided to let her go. This Chica had the nerve to ask for $120 USD!
Good to see you back brother. Come on man. That is the tourist rip off place. Everybody knows those chicks in Gustos talk in dollars. And it usually starts around $300 at that. You got off easy.

05-09-23, 17:08
Yes, it seems that the weekend warrior crowd from Sosua and Cartagena has finally made it to Medellin in big numbers. The folks travel in large groups and do their best to imitate the music videos.

It's interesting that you thought you could pull a girl from Gusto's for 120 k ($25)! Did you read much of the forum prior. I haven't gone there in 5+ years as I can't stand the obnoxiously loud music, but I understand the going rate that the girls start with is 300 k to 400 k. Even 10 years ago they were generally starting at 200k. Consider yourself very lucky that you got off for 150k and the girl didn't make a scene. I've heard and seen girls call the cops for less. I think this is the reason that many of them have started to ask to see the money prior.

At 150-170 k for a girl from gustos, I'd say you got a steal. Consider yourself lucky the girl didn't make a scene out of you not paying her 120 USD. 20 k to keep the peace, damn, that's good.Guys I am not here to rock the boat and this is why I am making sure I get advice from experienced mongers. Gusto, I am not good or better than anyone here, just a bit of luck and chatting up, dancing and buying a drink for the Chica instead of walking up and asking how much and lets go!

Besides Gusto was nearly emptied out and told her that I was really tired so wouldn't last that long, ah well.

What is the going rate from Gustos?

05-09-23, 17:16
Guys I am not here to rock the boat and this is why I am making sure I get advice from experienced mongers. Gusto, I am not good or better than anyone here, just a bit of luck and chatting up, dancing and buying a drink for the Chica instead of walking up and asking how much and lets go!

Besides Gusto was nearly emptied out and told her that I was really tired so wouldn't last that long, ah well.

What is the going rate from Gustos?Sorry my man below said 300-400 K pesos (work yourself down from there).


05-09-23, 18:16
We get into the process, she starts giving head (really horrible head). I kind of just wanted that, so I'm like ugh ok whatever at least it'll be long. But I'm getting tired of the horrible head so I suggest cuatro. I turn her over and she has this huge looking wart on her ass. She says it's a birthmark LOL, I say ok no cuatro lets just do oral. Well she does maybe 1 minute of that, and then she says it's been 30 minutes. Wtf? It's been like 5-6 minutes in here. I'm tired of this shit so I'm like OK whatever, I'm leaving return me my 10 k. The girl now says it's a tip. I'm saying no it's not, return my money. She keeps saying it's a tip. So I'm like fine I'll go talk to the front desk. Then this girl pulls out a BIG ass knife in front of me. I didn't expect I'd have this reaction to having a knife pulled out on me, but I somehow start laughing in her face. It just happened, but in hindsight could probably aggravate someone even more to do something stupid. Maybe it's the fact that this dumbass is pulling out a knife on me over 10 k. Also maybe a part of me knows it's likely an empty threat (inside the casa? No fucking way). Anyways I leave, I head over to talk to the front desk anyways. Then this girl comes out of the room shouting some shit so I'm thinking fuck this it's 10 k I'm out. I see the girl on the street away from the casa maybe 5 minutes after so who knows if anything happened with her and the casa (probably not).

Anyways, I find another girl she agrees to 50 k for 30 minutes. I almost make the same mistake of not asking for the room price. But on the way I ask and she says it's another 40 k for the room and I'm like OK not interested. And she says OK fine 50 k total including the room..When in Centro use the casas. These are legitimate and regulated places that want repeat business. You might get some shitty head once in a while but no one will pull a knife on you, steal your change, or tell you your time is up after five minutes. And the prices are only slightly higher than the street.

05-09-23, 18:35
Sorry my man below said 300-400 K pesos (work yourself down from there).

Thanks.I think he means USD.

05-09-23, 19:00
I have not posted in many years and after a long hiatus, I touched down in MDE last night.

At the club, told her I was really tired and wouldn't last too long, I tought we agreed to 120 K pesos. After 30 minutes of sex I was indeed tired and decided to let her go. This Chica had the nerve to ask for $120 USD!
It's an old game lot of them play to fool us. They will say 50 or 100 or 200 or whatever and we assume it's mil pesos because we are in Colombia and they know that but change to dollars in the room. Best is to always double check and clarify mil pesos or dollars. Many do the same in Costa Rica too. How does a chick give a bad blow job? They would have to make an effort to make it bad.

05-09-23, 19:31
I think you mean short time hotel when you casa. Isn't that so? At any rate, knives are ot at all uncommon in Centro. My read is the girl was just trying to intimidate you because she realized you had no knowledge of market prices. You recovered quickly and with HRIC (head rat in charge) Surfer's approval I nominate you to be a new Centro rat.

So I told myself I wouldn't go back to El Centro another day. But it's the afternoon so clubs are closed and I don't want to go through the whole process of texting on whatsapp to setup an appointment or walk into some spa so I head over. Kind of just want to get my rocks off then go back to work. Strangely enough I see more girls or about the same here on Monday as on Saturday. I see a girl, ask her about the price she mentions 150 k for an hour. I definitely don't need that so I ask for 30 minutes and she says 70 k. It's pretty normal in Bogota for 50 k for 15 minutes so I'm like sure. She also seems to be one of the few younger girls with fake tits so I'm like OK sure I guess the price is slightly higher. I give her 70 k and we head inside the hotel and she gives 20 k for the room. Big mistake I made (which I never make but somehow forgot this time) is to ask if the price includes the room. Well we get inside and she says the 70 k is only for her, and it doesn't include the room. Well fuck. This is already a bad sign. But whatever I paid 20 k already I only have 50's so I give her that asking for change. She returns 20 k but doesn't look like she has another 10 k so I can just get later (in hindsight, she probably keeps more change in a separate pocket).

We get into the process, she starts giving head (really horrible head). I kind of just wanted that, so I'm like ugh ok whatever at least it'll be long. But I'm getting tired of the horrible head so I suggest cuatro. I turn her over and she has this huge looking wart on her ass. She says it's a birthmark LOL, I say ok no cuatro lets just do oral. Well she does maybe 1 minute of that, and then she says it's been 30 minutes. Wtf? It's been like 5-6 minutes in here. I'm tired of this shit so I'm like OK whatever, I'm leaving return me my 10 k. The girl now says it's a tip. I'm saying no it's not, return my money. She keeps saying it's a tip. So I'm like fine I'll go talk to the front desk. Then this girl pulls out a BIG ass knife in front of me. I didn't expect I'd have this reaction to having a knife pulled out on me, but I somehow start laughing in her face. It just happened, but in hindsight could probably aggravate someone even more to do something stupid. Maybe it's the fact that this dumbass is pulling out a knife on me over 10 k. Also maybe a part of me knows it's likely an empty threat (inside the casa? No fucking way). Anyways I leave, I head over to talk to the front desk anyways. Then this girl comes out of the room shouting some shit so I'm thinking fuck this it's 10 k I'm out. I see the girl on the street away from the casa maybe 5 minutes after so who knows if anything happened with her and the casa (probably not).

Anyways, I find another girl she agrees to 50 k for 30 minutes. I almost make the same mistake of not asking for the room price. But on the way I ask and she says it's another 40 k for the room and I'm like OK not interested. And she says OK fine 50 k total including the room. Inside the room nothing special, girl doesn't give head whatever we finish in cuatro. It finished pretty fast so I was in-and-out within 10 minutes vs. The full 30. Knew I could negotiate for the 40 k prices or whatever or a shorter time but I just wanted to go and leave fast.

I kind of expected getting a knife pulled on me to be something traumatizing but not really. I just can't imagine this kind of shit ever happening in Bogota casas it's so crazy.

05-09-23, 20:16
Good to see you back brother. Come on man. That is the tourist rip off place. Everybody knows those chicks in Gustos talk in dollars. And it usually starts around $300 at that. You got off easy.I'm surprised she did not make a scene. Probably already had another client early in the evening and made her minimum. Gusto girls are the most expensive in Medellin, 300 k to 400 k won't cut it, heck, even Lleras street walkers charge around 300 k these days. Gusto customers are weekend warriors, newbies, or gringos who are not price sensitive, thinking "it is cheaper than in my hometown back in the USA " $250-$300 USD is the going rate.

05-09-23, 23:18
I'm surprised she did not make a scene. Probably already had another client early in the evening and made her minimum. Gusto girls are the most expensive in Medellin, 300 k to 400 k won't cut it, heck, even Lleras street walkers charge around 300 k these days. Gusto customers are weekend warriors, newbies, or gringos who are not price sensitive, thinking "it is cheaper than in my hometown back in the USA " $250-$300 USD is the going rate.I guess, by definition, I'm a weekend warrior. I visit Medellin often. I'd estimate up to 10 x per year. The longest I've stayed there is 10 days. I do like Gustos. Yes, by Colombian standards, it is way overpriced. Am I cost concious? Well, I'll say I'm not a bargain hunter. I'm picky. And when I see what I want, I'm not going to miss out over $20. That said, I have never and would never pay $300 USD. Gustos is very quirky with pricing. Obviously, the girls are free to ask whatever they want. I've gotten to know a few girls that go there regularly. I know at least two well enough to trust what they're telling me. The girls there do a great job of sticking to higher prices. There's no mafia. LOL But they do feel like they are the cream of the crop. (Debatable) Their line of thinking: I need to dress really well, I have to pay a cover. So I'll ask crazy prices. Reality: more than a few go home empty handed. When you add up the cover, taxi, etc. , it is a significant loss for them. That's why I'm amazed the prices are so stubbornly high. But the price drops as the night goes on. Up until midnight or 1 AM, you are paying premium prices. They will negotiate much more after 2 AM. But if you are picky like me, you have fewer options.

I'd say the average rate is about 600 K pesos for one hour. You absolutely have girls asking for 300 dollars. Ignore them. If you get that offer, they think you are a new fool. This may not be of interest to some, and many might critique me from a safety aspect. But I've been able to negotiate 600 K pesos for a TLN more than once. It's certainly not every time, but it is certainly not impossible.

Bottom line, you will pay top dollar there. It has its advantages and disadvantages. But I hit it up at least twice every visit. I'll be there in a couple weeks, as a matter of fact. What I would warn people about are the drink prices. Table service is insane. You can run up a tab very quickly. Unless you like the sharks surrounding your table, knowing what you are shelling out, I'd avoid it.

05-10-23, 00:04
I'm surprised she did not make a scene. Probably already had another client early in the evening and made her minimum. Gusto girls are the most expensive in Medellin, 300 k to 400 k won't cut it, heck, even Lleras street walkers charge around 300 k these days. Gusto customers are weekend warriors, newbies, or gringos who are not price sensitive, thinking "it is cheaper than in my hometown back in the USA " $250-$300 USD is the going rate.Thnks for the knowledge and I will act and proceed accordingly, not here to make a scene with the Chicas. I am also an avid cigar smoker and what the fuck happened to Cuban cigar prices in the 3 years since I have been here?? !

Mr E- it good to see you still active my good bro, always appreciate your sound advice.

05-10-23, 15:55
Anyways, I find another girl she agrees to 50 k for 30 minutes. I almost make the same mistake of not asking for the room price. But on the way I ask and she says it's another 40 k for the room40 k? Which hotel is it? I visited about 5 of them and the most they charged for a room was 15 mil and I complained that next door was cheaper LOL.

Maybe your chica had some agreement with them to better rip you off.

05-10-23, 16:02
We don't know what the quality of your FB girls is. But I would assume pretty much any average looking chica that normally charges 200-250 mil, would do BBFS for 500 mil (that's what you are paying based on your recent report). And yes, as Nounce said, it is also YMMV. Age, looks, hygiene, etc is important.These chicks don't have the Western concept in their mind of charging extra for add-ONS yet, it is about the mood and feeling. And here you guys go deciding it isn't just worth an add on price like 50 k. But you jump straight to double price. Please stop. Please learn local customs or stay in your home sandbox it sucks to see an awesome place ruined (witnessed multiple times in my life).

05-10-23, 16:02
A big Hello, to everyone. For the last 10-15 years a big thank you to all who have contributed to this forum I consider you my role models. I say that because my marriage of 23 years has just ended and throughout the years, I would secretly come to this site to read all the reports and live out my fantasies through you guys......I am afraid to say, son, that you reading ISG was a contributor to your marriage ending.

05-10-23, 16:25
I'm surprised she did not make a scene. ....The girl has a base at Gusto. Just imaging that she has worked there for 1 year, how many times is she going to call the cops? Last time I was there, the girls quoted in USD and they actually said dollar so I think some people are paying that and some girls don't hide the fact it is quoted in USD.

If she wanted to scam OP, she would have picked 150 or 200. It's odd to pick 120 in this case.

05-10-23, 16:34
The girl has a base at Gusto. Just imaging that she has worked there for 1 year, how many times is she going to call the cops? Last time I was there, the girls quoted in USD and they actually said dollar so I think some people are paying that and some girls don't hide the fact it is quoted in USD.

If she wanted to scam OP, she would have picked 150 or 200. It's odd to pick 120 in this case.Yeah, gusto girls quote in dollars. A couple of weeks ago, one of my friends was quoted 300 usd, he countered at 200 usd, she wouldn't budge. An hour or so later, he approached her again and they settled at 250 usd. The girl was 8/10. My other friend grabbed an average looking girl, she quoted 250 usd initially, but finally agreed to 200.

05-10-23, 18:54
Yeah, gusto girls quote in dollars. A couple of weeks ago, one of my friends was quoted 300 usd, he countered at 200 usd, she wouldn't budge. An hour or so later, he approached her again and they settled at 250 usd. The girl was 8/10. My other friend grabbed an average looking girl, she quoted 250 usd initially, but finally agreed to 200.I wasn't able to visit gustos on my last recent visit due to bringing my chick with me on this last trip. But from what I saw the last time I visited on my first trip, there was definitely some baddies at gustos, far better looking than what you see on the street or Facebook. Probably not as hot as my friend, but still pretty hot. If I didn't have my friend with me on this last trip, I would have definitely picked up girls from gustos and take them back to energy living. They start at higher prices for a reason folks make no mistake about it & other than lleras bar, I don't know of any other club full of hot girls (that are not strippers) that feels like a normal club BUT you can pick and choose any girl there to have drinks with & take back to your place. I think there are clubs like that in Costa Rica or Thailand, not sure about Brazil, definitely not in the states and Mexico only offers that at strip clubs not regular clubs. But in my opinion that experience alone is worth flying to Colombia. The option you have where you can meet hot independent girls who can show up at a "regular" club and legally sell pussy isn't found just anywhere.

05-10-23, 18:56
I guess, by definition, I'm a weekend warrior. I visit Medellin often. I'd estimate up to 10 x per year. The longest I've stayed there is 10 days. I do like Gustos. Yes, by Colombian standards, it is way overpriced. Am I cost concious? Well, I'll say I'm not a bargain hunter. I'm picky. And when I see what I want, I'm not going to miss out over $20. That said, I have never and would never pay $300 USD. Gustos is very quirky with pricing. Obviously, the girls are free to ask whatever they want. I've gotten to know a few girls that go there regularly.

I'd say the average rate is about 600 K pesos for one hour. You absolutely have girls asking for 300 dollars. Ignore them. If you get that offer, they think you are a new fool. This may not be of interest to some, and many might critique me from a safety aspect. But I've been able to negotiate 600 K pesos for a TLN more than once. It's certainly not every time, but it is certainly not impossible.

Bottom line, you will pay top dollar there. It has its advantages and disadvantages. But I hit it up at least twice every visit. I'll be there in a couple weeks, as a matter of fact. What I would warn people about are the drink prices. Table service is insane. You can run up a tab very quickly. Unless you like the sharks surrounding your table, knowing what you are shelling out, I'd avoid it.I tell them come over to my place the next day for 200-250 mil pesos and they usually are fine with that. Like you I'm very picky so this is for the top 10-20% of chicas in there.

You pay a premium if you have to have them that night. Although as you say, that premium goes down a lot the later it gets (they want / need a client to recoup their costs of being there).

05-10-23, 20:07
People still going to Gusto's in 2023, lmao.

05-10-23, 22:34
People still going to Gusto's in 2023, lmao.Yes the girls look clean and smell good there.

05-10-23, 23:36
Hello, So I'm planning a trip to Medellin in a few month and I would love to set some dates up with some girls. I want to try the facebook way I just made a new account and added some pics of myself but I'm wondering if anyone can give me some tips or advice on how to search / find girls on FB any help would be great.

Thank you.

05-11-23, 00:04
I tell them come over to my place the next day for 200-250 mil pesos and they usually are fine with that. Like you I'm very picky so this is for the top 10-20% of chicas in there.

You pay a premium if you have to have them that night. Although as you say, that premium goes down a lot the later it gets (they want / need a client to recoup their costs of being there).I'm glad your negotiations skills are that good, but in reality very very few, if any at all, would accept 200-250 mil. Don't you think the spread between spot and future rates is too wide? 200-250 mil vs 200-250 USD is about 5 x difference. I doubt any gusto girl, especially in the top 10-20%, would accept less than 100 USD /450-500 mil to meet on a different day. Let's be realistic here. If what you are saying was true, I would literally hang out there every single night, collect WhatsApp numbers and fuck them the next day for 1/5 of the going rate. And everybody else would do the same.

05-11-23, 02:43
I tell them come over to my place the next day for 200-250 mil pesos and they usually are fine with that.Dream on. Maybe a girl that is butt ugly would go for 250 mil pesos.

05-11-23, 12:32
Hello, So I'm planning a trip to Medellin in a few month and I would love to set some dates up with some girls. I want to try the facebook way I just made a new account and added some pics of myself but I'm wondering if anyone can give me some tips or advice on how to search / find girls on FB any help would be great.

Thank you.https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090192082524&mibextid=ZbWKwL

Most people would tell you to do some research or point to You to another thread. I on the other had haven't brought enough value to the board so I will do that now.

Add the girl in the link. Yes I know she probably not your type but it doesn't matter. Whay you want is two things. The first is access to her friends list. From there you can add more meddlin girls at the beginning of this multi week process of building your Facebook friends list I would suggest not caring as much about the looks and more about age and location. You want to be sure to add girls around your target age and make sure they are in medellin. The second goal here is to influence the algorithm that suggests friends to suggest more girl from medellin. You do this by following my previous advice and only invite girls from Medellíand of the target age range.

Eventually after a few weeks you have a few hundred girls on your friends list and more being suggested all the time. Congrats you've turn your fb into a safer tinder.

Eventually they start to request you and at some point you only add the girls you find attractive. One thing to consider is don't go to fast at the beginning. Fb isn't meant to be used this way and they will prevent you and possibly flag your account of you try to add too many girls too soon.

See a girl you look send her a message and chat her up. Give her a compliment or two. I'm not a pro at the messaging part but eventually I take a chance and see if this is p4 p interaction I'm building. I sometimes do this by asking are they looking for something serious or casual. Sometimes I work into the conversation that I'm looking for a mutually beneficial friendship. Most girls are willing to negotiate after that. For girls 7/10 and lower I stsrt at 150 mil pesos. I haven't had one go for thay price but it sets up the negotiations to end at around 250 mil pesos. For girls that are more attractive and have more friends and are lighter skin I usually start at 200 mil and expect to end closer to 300 mil up to 500 mil. The prices can definitely be higher than this but I'm consciously try not to inflate the prices. Almsot all the girls I have lined up are ok with 200 to 250 mil.

This is what I have learned take the messaging part with a grain of salt as my first time in medellin will be Monday. I have yet to see the results of my messaging. The first half of this, what you actually asked for advice on, is pretty solid. I have hundreds of girls I have yet to message the majority of them I find attractive and a good portion look like women I'd easily fall in love with back when I was simping in the matrix.

05-11-23, 13:53
Yes the girls look clean and smell good there.There's countless places like that in Medellin and it won't cost 200 USD.

05-11-23, 14:24
Hello, So I'm planning a trip to Medellin in a few month and I would love to set some dates up with some girls. I want to try the facebook way I just made a new account and added some pics of myself but I'm wondering if anyone can give me some tips or advice on how to search / find girls on FB any help would be great.

Thank you.Every few weeks, we get the same question on this board. This has been answered a number of times. You just need to go back and read the posts about Facebook.

05-11-23, 14:46
There's countless places like that in Medellin and it won't cost 200 USD.Guys like miamiboy1 and this guy appreciate the fact that they are getting cleaner, better, top notch women by paying $200 usd. The extra high price ensures that they are std free and smell like peaches and cream.

05-11-23, 16:34
Dream on. Maybe a girl that is butt ugly would go for 250 mil pesos.Not true Mr Humble.

05-11-23, 17:17
I think you mean short time hotel when you casa. Isn't that so? At any rate, knives are ot at all uncommon in Centro. My read is the girl was just trying to intimidate you because she realized you had no knowledge of market prices. You recovered quickly and with HRIC (head rat in charge) Surfer's approval I nominate you to be a new Centro rat.It's been a while since we've had a report from somebody that got a knife pulled on them in Centro.

In fact, this is the first reporting of an incident as far as I can remember (which isn't long) where a knife was pulled out in a Love Motel versus on the street.

I'm going to second your nomination based on the fact that this newly minted "street rat" as you mentioned didn't scurry off from Centro with his tail between his legs whimpering and crying, yet ventured right back out to get a nut.

So as a junior rat, with one whisker to begin with, he can gain more whiskers, and maybe even grow a full on beard after he's done a few dozen Sacaleros and some beached whales and can finally become a senior rat, with your approval. LOL.

05-11-23, 17:22
Every few weeks, we get the same question on this board. This has been answered a number of times. You just need to go back and read the posts about Facebook.What's really needed is a "Fayboo" section of it's own, along with other sections because the Medellin thread has grown so much over the years with so many new members posting and so many posts to go thru to get relevant information quickly.

05-11-23, 17:50

Most people would tell you to do some research or point to You to another thread. I on the other had haven't brought enough value to the board so I will do that now.

Add the girl in the link. Yes I know she probably not your type but it doesn't matter. Whay you want is two things. The first is access to her friends list. From there you can add more meddlin girls at the beginning of this multi week process of building your Facebook friends list I would suggest not caring as much about the looks and more about age and location. You want to be sure to add girls around your target age and make sure they are in medellin. The second goal here is to influence the algorithm that suggests friends to suggest more girl from medellin. You do this by following my previous advice and only invite girls from Medelland of the target age range.Thank you that's a great help already had some add me back thanks again man.

05-11-23, 18:30

Most people would tell you to do some research or point to You to another thread. I on the other had haven't brought enough value to the board so I will do that now.

Add the girl in the link. Yes I know she probably not your type but it doesn't matter. Whay you want is two things. The first is access to her friends list. From there you can add more meddlin girls at the beginning of this multi week process of building your Facebook friends list I would suggest not caring as much about the looks and more about age and location. You want to be sure to add girls around your target age and make sure they are in medellin. The second goal here is to influence the algorithm that suggests friends to suggest more girl from medellin. You do this by following my previous advice and only invite girls from Medelland of the target age range.

Eventually after a few weeks you have a few hundred girls on your friends list and more being suggested all the time. Congrats you've turn your fb into a safer tinder.Very good advice, in line with previous posts. I would add that what the girls say sometimes does not match the way they will act in the room. Colombian girls are very good at stroking your ego and saying how handsome you are and how excited they are to meet you and then when they actually meet you, sometimes there is much less excitement and you feel like you are just another customer. Jajaja. At least that has been my experience. You will also get girls that message you a lot and then when you actually in Medellin, they do not respond to you. Just part of the game.

05-11-23, 19:41
A big Hello, to everyone. For the last 10-15 years a big thank you to all who have contributed to this forum I consider you my role models. I say that because my marriage of 23 years has just ended and throughout the years, I would secretly come to this site to read all the reports and live out my fantasies through you guys. I'm a free man now and I hope to contribute to this forum as time goes on. I love Latin pussy and I want to make Medellin, Colombia my first stop in the world of mongering. I want to start to getting my feet wet I just want to ask you a question I've been reading the last couple posts of you guys meeting girls through Facebook. I've never really been on Facebook. I don't know how it works. Quite honestly. I would love to learn how you guys meet these girls. What am I searching for? How do I search? I would love to get to know a couple girls so that way I have options when I get boots on the ground other than the typical strip clubs, websites, and street hookers. Please help this Rookie. I want to know the way of the force and I would love for you Jedi masters, to show me how.Save yourself all the hassle and work, and for your first visit go stay at the "Mansion" (aka Casa Blanca or Hotel M) where the girls cost $200 k-300 k, they are ID verified, and there is no drama and you will be in the company of other mongers, English speaking staff, and get a free breakfast every morning. Whole separate thread in this Colombia section for that property. http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/.

05-11-23, 19:52
Guys like miamiboy1 and this guy appreciate the fact that they are getting cleaner, better, top notch women by paying $200 usd. The extra high price ensures that they are std free and smell like peaches and cream.I get such a kick out of guys that believe their way to play the game is the only way. Or that their experience is typical or the expectation for every experience. Bottom line is we all have our own methods, our own risk tolerance, our own budget, etc. We also have our own strengths and weaknesses. It's arrogant to think I speak for all.

That said, these posts do make me feel like Superman. Because, according to this forum, I'm capable of the impossible. Someone recently said 'I talk to them, I don't just walk up and quote a price. " I have no game. I'm not attractive, and I'm not young. But I will swear by my methods. Treat the girl like a human being. News flash. None of these girls enjoy their job. You may think your special. You may believe her when she says you are the only one that gets her off. But these girls don't love their jobs. They may enjoy the money, sure. But she's after the green, not the gringo. But if you can connect with her, and it really is as simple as treating her with genuine kindness, you may find the impossible is possible.

By no means am I dissing on anyone's methods. Some guys get off on the ease of picking these girls up. Some get off on finding the most economical chicas. Whatever floats your boat, enjoy it. But it's tiresome to hear what can't be done. I'm not even a good negotiator but I can promise you that I've never paid $200 for a Gustos girl.

05-11-23, 23:36
AV runs several flights out of MIA daily to 5 cities in Colombia. How are these flights? Are they Spirit like or Delta like?

05-12-23, 01:55
Treat the girl like a human being. News flash. these girls ... But if you can connect with her, and it really is as simple as treating her with genuine kindness, you may find the impossible is possible.
The truth is here. Often the difference between a great ime and shlt one. But not always.

05-12-23, 03:39
I get such a kick out of guys that believe their way to play the game is the only way. Or that their experience is typical or the expectation for every experience. Bottom line is we all have our own methods, our own risk tolerance, our own budget, etc. We also have our own strengths and weaknesses. It's arrogant to think I speak for all.

That said, these posts do make me feel like Superman. Because, according to this forum, I'm capable of the impossible. Someone recently said 'I talk to them, I don't just walk up and quote a price. " I have no game. I'm not attractive, and I'm not young. But I will swear by my methods. Treat the girl like a human being. News flash. None of these girls enjoy their job. You may think your special. You may believe her when she says you are the only one that gets her off. But these girls don't love their jobs. They may enjoy the money, sure. But she's after the green, not the gringo. But if you can connect with her, and it really is as simple as treating her with genuine kindness, you may find the impossible is possible.

By no means am I dissing on anyone's methods. Some guys get off on the ease of picking these girls up. Some get off on finding the most economical chicas. Whatever floats your boat, enjoy it. But it's tiresome to hear what can't be done. I'm not even a good negotiator but I can promise you that I've never paid $200 for a Gustos girl.Hey Superman, why don't you help out others and talk about your proprietary methods of scoring top 10-20% Gusto girls for less than $200 on the same night during "prime time"? Don't tell me you wait out until like 3-4 am to pick them up, this is obvious.

Btw, I never paid $200 for Gusto girl either, simply because that’s out of my comfortable budget. Always passed lol

05-12-23, 07:15
Flew in late last night and arrived at the Airbnb around 11. Had it in my mind to go out but I had been up for a long time and passed out very quickly.

Woke up this morning and got some essentials from the tienda down the road. Met up with another BM and headed to Centro around 11 am. Did a lap around Botero but there were very few good options at that time. We decided to check out some casa's so we walked to Zandalay first. Met and sessioned with a sweet 23 year old paisa named Carolina. She had such a good attitude and smile during presentation that I couldn't resist. She had great energy and and a delicious little all-natural flaca body. 55 k for 30 minutes. Would definitely repeat with her.

We walked to the next casa which I want to say was Dulce but I could be wrong. I know that is not helpful but the lineup was so underwhelming it made me forget.

Kept going to Aiffe where the hottest girl there was walking out for lunch as we were walking in. The lineup was not great but there was a strong finish and my fellow BM found the one and reported a good session. I believe it was 60 k for 30 minutes.

Back to Plaza Botero for one more lap and the selection was much stronger this time. Had we both not just sessioned and had FB citas lined up for the afternoon we probably would have each made a selection. One note from this trip. The girls now are looking much younger than I remember. I would venture to say that there are many that are not 18 regularly making themselves available. Case in point. We saw a beautiful young chica right outside the yellow restaurant behind the church. She said hola but after a very brief conference we decided it was not a good idea and kept walking. Walked down about 50 feet and turned around and were back at that spot a minute later and there were 2 policia standing there and she was nowhere to be seen. It would seem she left in a hurry. Careful out there guys.

Back to the apartment around 3:30. FB chica #1 was set to arrive at 5:30 and I'll be damned if she didn't arrive at 5:31 despite the heavy rains at the time. She was in her early 30's which is normally outside of my range but she looks much younger and she was recommended to me. She was delightful. We ordered some food, had some drinks, and had a great session. She left at 8:30.200 k mas taxi so 250 k total. (Note: I do not list the names of my FB dates on my reports. Personal preference).

So now I was full (and empty) and just going to call it a night. And then a FB chica who I had sessioned with on a previous trip started messaging me about how she missed me and really needed the money. And I told her I was going to bed and I would see her another time. Then she said she would do ANYTHING if I let her come over. 30 minutes later she was in my apartment and she went a solid 30 minutes with BBBJ before I was even close. (my recovery time is not what it used to be) A couple of positions later she accomplished her goal and was on her way. 230 k total.

There have been some FB posts recently on here so I will add to that conversation. I'm too lazy to copy and paste.

The FB game is as good as ever. It takes time to build, but if you build it, they will come. I think I'm at like 450 "friends" or something like that. I almost never send out a request these days and I only accept a small percentage of the requests that come my way. I'm much pickier now. In the beginning you send out a few a day to not alert FB as was mentioned by another poster. And you accept every request that you receive. But once you hit a certain point, the work does itself.

05-12-23, 11:39
I have heard more than a few say that there is no need to know any Spanish. My translator app does all that for me. Well just to illustrate how far out translations can get, here is a direct copy from a Spanish to English translation posted on FB.

My heart doesn't understand but my reason doesn't and it's hard to empathize with what you don't fit in with. Only the moon knows my sorrow, she so full and I so empty. Maybe because I got lost in parts with the disappointments, I can't find the pieces of me. I lost yesterday, I lost today and maybe also tomorrow, and nothing will ever be the same or similar no matter how much they want to sell it to us. So much fighting for freedom, for being me and now what, normality is no longer normal and what was half normal is now madness. Hundreds of people die every day and you only care what's happening on social networks. Sometimes I think that few people can feel that empathy that makes respect both the good and the not.

It's so much. Today I thought it was going to be a day like any other, but only God can fill me with the love of God, only he can hear those unanswered questions and comfort me, even if it only serves to vent me and come back tomorrow to start again.

Many, the vast majority only read what's wrong and continue to have habits, behaviors and destructive people, they want to return to their lives ignoring the effects of so much evil, I really don't know how I'll get back to it.

I hope that gives some here a better understanding of how confusing our translated conversations can be to those getting them from us. Remember if you have to use a translator. Keep the sentences short and simple. Don't use idomatic phrases (like: I can't wait to see you). Better yet take an hour or two a week and learn some basic Spanish. Your accent and grammar won't be impressive but you will recieve major respect points for trying.

05-12-23, 13:36
It's been a while since we've had a report from somebody that got a knife pulled on them in Centro.

In fact, this is the first reporting of an incident as far as I can remember (which isn't long) where a knife was pulled out in a Love Motel versus on the street.

I'm going to second your nomination based on the fact that this newly minted "street rat" as you mentioned didn't scurry off from Centro with his tail between his legs whimpering and crying, yet ventured right back out to get a nut.

So as a junior rat, with one whisker to begin with, he can gain more whiskers, and maybe even grow a full on beard after he's done a few dozen Sacaleros and some beached whales and can finally become a senior rat, with your approval. LOL.A knife pulled on you by a woman is a lot different from a knife pulled on you by a man.

05-12-23, 15:00
Spirit like, AV is basically now the Spirit of Colombia.

AV runs several flights out of MIA daily to 5 cities in Colombia. How are these flights? Are they Spirit like or Delta like?

05-12-23, 16:15
There's countless places like that in Medellin and it won't cost 200 USD.Yes but maybe gustos is a safer place and can dance also.

05-12-23, 19:00
Hey Superman, why don't you help out others and talk about your proprietary methods of scoring top 10-20% Gusto girls for less than $200 on the same night during "prime time"? Don't tell me you wait out until like 3-4 am to pick them up, this is obvious.

Btw, I never paid $200 for Gusto girl either, simply because thats out of my comfortable budget. Always passed lolLMAO If I could, I would. I don't have a method, nor do I have game. Tpp 10 or 20% is subjective, but yes I would say it's usually top 20% in my eyes. I don't have a special sauce to share other than what I've already said. On days I do Gustos, I don't arrive earlier than 10:30. And I don't know I've stayed later than 1:30. I do drink a bit. (Insert 10 at 2, 2 at 10 joke here) But I am extremely passive. I will almost always wait for the girl to approach me. Don't get me wrong, I don't settle. But simple eye contact and a smile will bring them over soon. I'm patient. And yes, I've lost out on "the one" more than once. That's the price I pay with my method. But I feel like them coming to me gives me at least a little leverage. I usually buy them 1 drink. 2 if I enjoy the banter. My spanish is sufficient to get by with basic conversation. I'm very chill. If there is a secret, that might be it. These girls are comfortable with me. I don't haggle with them. To me, it's counterproductive. I'm not going to ruin the mood over $20. If I don't like the price, I just say no thank you, that's more than I want to spend. I don't have a set price in mind. I go with the flow. I think everyone can understand that if I really enjoy the company of a girl, I'll spend more on her than one that needs to convince me. But I will say 600 k is my cap.

And for what it's worth, I've found they are more likely to negotiate time vs dollars. If I enjoy her company, I don't want an hour. I don't need an all nighter. But I'd rather let things develop vs walking in the door and dropping my pants.

As I said in my original post, I'm sure there are guys that don't want what I want. But I have no secret sauce. I'm sure luck plays apart as well. But I've never paid over 600 k and never ran into a 60 minute clock watcher.

05-12-23, 23:47
What's the deal with Colombian chicks and lollipops? For every girl in American with an iPhone, there is a chica sucking on a lollipop.

05-13-23, 02:21
What's the deal with Colombian chicks and lollipops? For every girl in American with an iPhone, there is a chica sucking on a lollipop.For me, its like cigarettes from the 60's or 70's. Its just a crutch to hang on to. Smthg to look cool.

05-13-23, 04:16

Okay, she is paisa, has any of you been with her? Dm me her number please.

05-13-23, 05:12

Okay, she is paisa, has any of you been with her? Dm me her number please.Not to be a jerk, but you're honestly trying to track down one skanky 7. 5 (maybe) on this forum and think someone will have been with this girl? I wish you luck!

If you don't find her there are thousands of better looking prepagos in Medellin so don't be worried.

05-13-23, 05:31
Yes the girls look clean and smell good there.I would argue about 90% of the girls there are fat / unattractive. The other 10% is pretty good.

05-13-23, 13:16
What's the deal with Colombian chicks and lollipops? For every girl in American with an iPhone, there is a chica sucking on a lollipop.Well if it's a hooker sucking on a lollipop and she's looking at you, she want's you to imagine her sucking on your dick.

The best question to ask a hooker sucking on a pop is whether she swallows.

Some women love guys coming in their mouth and than swallowing as strange as this may seem.

I've only had a few into this, and it's an experience not to be missed, especially if they suck out every last drop. LOL.

05-13-23, 13:17
Not to be a jerk, but you're honestly trying to track down one skanky 7. 5 (maybe) on this forum and think someone will have been with this girl? I wish you luck!

If you don't find her there are thousands of better looking prepagos in Medellin so don't be worried.I feel the same way. There is nothing special about that girl. She is attractive but similar to so many other girls in Medellin that you can easily meet. Also the way she acted, she seems very experienced and I think it is 50/50 that it would be a business like transaction.

05-13-23, 15:21
Not to be a jerk, but you're honestly trying to track down one skanky 7. 5 (maybe) on this forum and think someone will have been with this girl? I wish you luck!

If you don't find her there are thousands of better looking prepagos in Medellin so don't be worried.For real, Medellin isn't Sosua 1 can not simply fathom how many women there are available in the city.

05-13-23, 17:22
I have never been to Gustos, however, I have used similar "methods" as you have in Moet. While I have been told as high as 300 USD (she was easily one of the most attractive women I have ever laid eyes on but I obviously passed), I have gotten very attractive women out of Moet for 250-300 k COP. My question: In your opinion, are the women in Gustos more attractive than those in Moet. I know attractive is a somewhat relative term, which is why I asked "in your opinion. " While I have regulars and get my women from a variety of places, I do enjoy flirting, a drink, and dancing from time to time.

LMAO If I could, I would. I don't have a method, nor do I have game. Tpp 10 or 20% is subjective, but yes I would say it's usually top 20% in my eyes. I don't have a special sauce to share other than what I've already said. On days I do Gustos, I don't arrive earlier than 10:30. And I don't know I've stayed later than 1:30. I do drink a bit. (Insert 10 at 2, 2 at 10 joke here) But I am extremely passive. I will almost always wait for the girl to approach me. Don't get me wrong, I don't settle. But simple eye contact and a smile will bring them over soon. I'm patient. And yes, I've lost out on "the one" more than once. That's the price I pay with my method. But I feel like them coming to me gives me at least a little leverage. I usually buy them 1 drink. 2 if I enjoy the banter. My spanish is sufficient to get by with basic conversation. I'm very chill. If there is a secret, that might be it. These girls are comfortable with me. I don't haggle with them. To me, it's counterproductive. I'm not going to ruin the mood over $20. If I don't like the price, I just say no thank you, that's more than I want to spend. I don't have a set price in mind. I go with the flow. I think everyone can understand that if I really enjoy the company of a girl, I'll spend more on her than one that needs to convince me. But I will say 600 k is my cap..

05-13-23, 17:30
I met a Colombian girl online last year in September. I don't live in Colombia. We talked a lot and decided to meet up in Europe in December. We had a good time together and since then we've vacationed together 3 times and now I plan to visit her in Colombia. She comes from a poor background and worked for a year as an escort to make ends meet (she has a 5 year old daughter to take care of). She led a pretty crazy life the year before I met her (sex and drugs). However, when I met her she stopped and I've asked her several times if she misses it and she says it was very stressful and she doesn't miss it. I have been on the cautious side and looked for red flags all along because of all the scary stories you hear, but she seems genuine. However, lately she has suggested a few things that made my Spidey-Sense tingle. It could be that I am overreacting because she IS a freak (mildly perverted, openminded and wanting to explore and experiment). So that's why I am writing this post.

Here are some of the things she has said / done that I find weird:

1. She said she wanted to see me drunk to see how I behaved.

2. She said she wanted to take Tusi with me (which I point blank said no to).

3. On 2 of the vacations we went on abroad she suggested that we find an escort because she likes to have a woman eat her out while I fuck that woman. She wants to see me have sex with another woman and she wants to participate in the thing (trio).

4. She recently told me she was pregnant (we have had unprotected sex), but I know she has an implant in her arm that acts as a contraception. She then sends me a picture of the positive test, and as the natural skeptic that I am I do a reverse image search and see that the image was taken from a website and cropped. Why the hell would she do that? Lately she has said she might not be pregnant after all and she wasn't sure. Maybe she just wanted to see my reaction to see if I would leave her (she has insecurity issues for sure).

Long story short:

She wants to have a trio when I come to Colombia. She says I can find the woman we're going to have sex with or she can find one. She also says she has friends who might want to do it. I don't know how to go about this in the most safest and low-risk way if I choose to have a trio with her. Regardless of who finds the woman to participate in our trio, I am thinking that I'll tell her that the trio has to take place at a swinger club where we can book a room. There is no way in hell I am going to have some woman I don't know at all visit us in the airbnb I have rented.

I am hoping for some constructive feedback.

05-13-23, 18:13
MDE has changed since the 3 years I have visited, but I am here to only say this:

NO you don't have to pay 200-350 USD for pussy in Colombia.

At todays rate.

100 USD =455 K pesos.

200 USD = 911,000 pesos.

250 USA =1,139,226 MILLION pesos.

300 USD-=1. 367 MILION pesos.

350 USD= 1. 6 MiLLION Pesos.

Ask them to quote you in PESOS not dollars, can we at least agree on that? Hopefully some will realize how ridiculous these prices are when they hear 1.3-2 Million pesos coming out of a Chicas mouth.

Gusto's -any of you tried to get their numbers and negotiate away from the club? Tried holding a convo with the Chica, even if you must use a translator app, get her to laugh, treat her with some respect, be firm -but not an ass. The hardcore ones may still reject you but I bet you some 9's that will agree to see you during the day for much less.

If you can fuck a 9/10 at Loutrons, la ISL for 300-480 K pesos, why would you consider paying more at Gustos? Go find a 10 at a top establishment, get her number and go from there. I am sure quite a few Chicas who got paid 300-350 USD were either bad fucks and / or left after one pop.

We are the ones paying -be willing to go home alone if you must, take back control of this market or in few years the most basic looking Chica will be asking for 500 USD.

PS theres no need to disparage a fellow monger, laughing at him or calling him a sucker if he wants to go to gustos, rather lets help and offer advice to each other. The Chicas have banded together to raise the price of pussy but we dont have to accept it, especially members of this board who should KNOW better.

Teach the newer members who come here to seek advice, even when they are too lazy to RTFF lol, have some patience and lets stop bickering.

05-13-23, 18:56
If you are stepping into gustos for any reason, you are a sucker.And Mr Know It All, do you know why I go there at all and what I do pay?

05-13-23, 19:01
Guys like miamiboy1 and this guy appreciate the fact that they are getting cleaner, better, top notch women by paying $200 usd. The extra high price ensures that they are std free and smell like peaches and cream.Yes and its a safe place too so I can be relaxed and dance with the girls and then get them a few drinks and get their number for the next day meeting.

05-13-23, 19:08
I would argue about 90% of the girls there are fat / unattractive. The other 10% is pretty good.Yes I am only talking about the top 10-15 percent of the gusto girls on any given night. They are attractive, smell good and have good breath and dance well.

05-13-23, 20:22
MDE has changed since the 3 years I have visited, but I am here to only say this:

NO you don't have to pay 200-350 USD for pussy in Colombia.

At todays rate.

100 USD =455 K pesos.

200 USD = 911,000 pesos.

250 USA =1,139,226 MILLION pesos.

300 USD-=1. 367 MILION pesos.

350 USD= 1. 6 MiLLION Pesos.

Ask them to quote you in PESOS not dollars, can we at least agree on that? Hopefully some will realize how ridiculous these prices are when they hear 1.3-2 Million pesos coming out of a Chicas mouth.

Gusto's -any of you tried to get their numbers and negotiate away from the club? Tried holding a convo with the Chica, even if you must use a translator app, get her to laugh, treat her with some respect, be firm -but not an ass. The hardcore ones may still reject you but I bet you some 9's that will agree to see you during the day for much less.

If you can fuck a 9/10 at Loutrons, la ISL for 300-480 K pesos, why would you consider paying more at Gustos? Go find a 10 at a top establishment, get her number and go from there. I am sure quite a few Chicas who got paid 300-350 USD were either bad fucks and / or left after one pop.

We are the ones paying -be willing to go home alone if you must, take back control of this market or in few years the most basic looking Chica will be asking for 500 USD.

PS theres no need to disparage a fellow monger, laughing at him or calling him a sucker if he wants to go to gustos, rather lets help and offer advice to each other. The Chicas have banded together to raise the price of pussy but we dont have to accept it, especially members of this board who should KNOW better.

Teach the newer members who come here to seek advice, even when they are too lazy to RTFF lol, have some patience and lets stop bickering.PREACH!! This should be pinned or Sticked to the top. WE have the leverage not them. I'll tell you, if she starts off in dollars it usually a bad sign however what I like to do is always ask in Pesos FIRST!!

Don't give them anywhere to go be like "cuanto cuesta en colombiana pesos?

Let us band together as well! We should come up with a snazzy pricing chart. I can build one that we put how much you should be paying if anyone would like. Sort of like how we hav the map.

05-13-23, 21:48
PREACH!! This should be pinned or Sticked to the top. WE have the leverage not them. I'll tell you, if she starts off in dollars it usually a bad sign however what I like to do is always ask in Pesos FIRST!!

Don't give them anywhere to go be like "cuanto cuesta en colombiana pesos?

Let us band together as well! We should come up with a snazzy pricing chart. I can build one that we put how much you should be paying if anyone would like. Sort of like how we hav the map.Do you really think that if you ask to get quoted in pesos you are going to get like 50% off or something? These girls might be dumb but they do track the exchange rates (due to the fact that Gusto caters to foreigners) and will charge you accordingly. Also, how many of ISG members do frequent Gusto? Very very few. The majority of gustos clientele are weekend warriors who are not ISG members. They are not price sensitive and will gladly pay 200-300 usd simply because it is cheaper than back home, that's their logic. And gusto girls know that. This is why they barely negotiate, because there is always a gringo willing to pay premium. Most of us on ISG know gusto is a tourist trap and avoid it. Your suggestion to stick together is naive and won’t work. If nobody was willing to pay outrageous (by local standards) rates, these rates would go down because the girls would not have any business. Supply and demand.

05-13-23, 21:54
PREACH!! This should be pinned or Sticked to the top. WE have the leverage not them. I'll tell you, if she starts off in dollars it usually a bad sign however what I like to do is always ask in Pesos FIRST!!

Don't give them anywhere to go be like "cuanto cuesta en colombiana pesos?

Let us band together as well! We should come up with a snazzy pricing chart. I can build one that we put how much you should be paying if anyone would like. Sort of like how we hav the map.There is another angle of this, some believe if they overpay they will get better treatment but probably they will get much worse. Overpaying by vast margin makes you look like a weak stupid gringo and lowers respect for all other gringos. I believe if girl tries to charge you way over market place is a sign of disrespect and such offer should be declined or countered to fair market price. In Thailand when girl doesn't want to go with you she will give you ridiculous overinflated price. Its their polite way of saying no but westerns don't get this and take everything at face value. Imagine you sell 50 $ watches and some guy asks you how much. You decided to have fun and throw him 500 $ and dude takes it face value and pays you. Would you respect him because he overpaid or maybe he would be a forever joke among your friends. The fact you pay for sex doesn't change sexual dynamic and rules of economy. Just stick to fair market prices and if you want to reward girl give her a reasonable tip but afterwards.

05-13-23, 22:27
Do you really think that if you ask to get quoted in pesos you are going to get like 50% off or something? These girls might be dumb but they do track the exchange rates (due to the fact that Gusto caters to foreigners) and will charge you accordingly. Also, how many of ISG members do frequent Gusto? Very, very few..Agree. I find it hilarious that in some FB groups and ISG pages guys preach that you should never pay more than 150 k or 200 k because that's what they paid 10 years ago when they first came and the girls are too stupid to follow the exchange rate. Straight up naive idiots (guys, not girls). The same guys will tell you that 'a girl is a girl,' none are worth more than 200 k ($42) and all will eventually accept that if you stick to your guns. To this I ask, if 'a car is a car,' why do people regularly pay more for a BMW than a Hyundai? Both will get you to the destination. I myself prefer the BMW.

05-13-23, 23:06
Agree. I find it hilarious that in some FB groups and ISG pages guys preach that you should never pay more than 150 k or 200 k because that's what they paid 10 years ago when they first came and the girls are too stupid to follow the exchange rate. Straight up naive idiots (guys, not girls). The same guys will tell you that 'a girl is a girl,' none are worth more than 200 k ($42) and all will eventually accept that if you stick to your guns. To this I ask, if 'a car is a car,' why do people regularly pay more for a BMW than a Hyundai? Both will get you to the destination. I myself prefer the BMW.It all comes down to this. Do I think she is worth her asking rate? Do I see any value in the transaction? If I go to Gusto, and see a true stunner, 10/10, hanging out by the bar, and then she approaches me with a sexy smile, we talk, drink, make out passionately, she rubs on my dick, and then she convinces me to take her home until the morning and says I can do everything I want to her, then yes, most likely, I will pay her rate, whatever that rate is. This is a hypothetical scenario, that never happened. But in reality, I don't see any 10's, nor 9's. Maybe a few 8's on a good day, and a bunch of 7's. I do not see any value in paying 200-300 USD to fuck a 7. If I wanted to fuck a 7, I could easily to it elsewhere for much cheaper. Also, I don't care about paying premium for "convenience" because I am not a weekend warrior and I can afford to pass on any girl and go home with blue balls, because I have plenty of time to fuck on a different day, I'm not desperate to get laid. This is why I rarely visit Gusto, and when I do, I'm not alone but with my buddies who want to check it out or have a drink.

Mr Enternational
05-13-23, 23:07
To this I ask, if 'a car is a car,' why do people regularly pay more for a BMW than a Hyundai? Both will get you to the destination. I myself prefer the BMW.But pretty soon that German car is going to look good sitting in the driveway due to exorbitant maintenance and pitfall costs, while that Korean joint is still getting you to your destination. I remember my brother could not even open the trunk of his BMW without buying a $400 battery from the stealership. You can run down to Walmart in the middle of the night to get a $90 battery for the Hyundai and put it in yourself in the parking lot. I check Consumer Reports for reliability and other things before I buy a car; same as I check ISG before running around haphazardly to a new mongering place. My sister also bought a Mercedes a few years back and I just shook my head. Right now it is sitting in the driveway rusting away while she is getting to where she needs to go in a VW Beetle.

05-13-23, 23:25
I've been in Medellin a week and tried Bumble every day but so far I've only gotten one match, with a girl that lives 80 km away and who won't be visiting for another two weeks. I'm pretty sure most chicas just use it to advertise their instagram and never actually use the app. Too bad as there were some 9's and 10's on it.

Meanwhile I still regularly get friend requests on FB, over 700 at this point. Just yesterday an 18-year-old messaged me out of the blue, "Do you like chicas?" Why yes, yes I do. She quickly asked two followup questions: Would I pay for sex and would I like to meet her? It's unusual to have a chica be this forward. She wanted 300 mil + 20 for taxi which I thought was on the high end but her photos were decent and I didn't feel like haggling. I agreed and we met in the afternoon. I was pleased that she was good as her pictures, a thin young morena who still had a nice set of perky tits. She quickly shed her top, I sucked on them for a bit, then she sucked me off for a few minutes. I stripped off her clothes (no baby damage and only a single small tattoo, nice), threw her on the bed and spent 10 minutes eating her out. She must have not had that happen often as she was a little hesitant at first, but as I worked my tongue she mellowed out and began grinding into my face. Her legs squeezed my head as she had her first orgasm. Triumphant, I sat up and stuck my cock in her raw. She made no objection. I then spent the next hour pounding her in various positions: missionary, doggie, cowgirl, pronebone. She really liked the last one and I would periodically feel her pussy squeeze each time she had an orgasm. I really wanted to nut in her but alas my body wouldn't cooperate so I had her finish me off with a BJ and HJ. Definitely one of my more memorable encounters and after she left I spent the rest of the day feeling like an absolute boss. Will definitely try her again--after I've had a few days to recover!

Elvis 2008
05-13-23, 23:43
Agree. I find it hilarious that in some FB groups and ISG pages guys preach that you should never pay more than 150 k or 200 k because that's what they paid 10 years ago when they first came and the girls are too stupid to follow the exchange rate. Straight up naive idiots (guys, not girls). The same guys will tell you that 'a girl is a girl,' none are worth more than 200 k ($42) and all will eventually accept that if you stick to your guns. To this I ask, if 'a car is a car,' why do people regularly pay more for a BMW than a Hyundai? Both will get you to the destination. I myself prefer the BMW.I agree, and it is not just the car / woman but the circumstances. Do you want to fuck someone on a cardboard bed with the smell of latex and chlorine in the air?

And then there is the pulling the knife, drugging you, and / or stealing from you. Yeah, that is worth saving a few bucks.

Okay, yeah, we have the money but they have the knives, drugs, and police on their side.

There was this guy on here who had a chick pull a knife on him over two fucking dollars. Then there is the guy who was pissed a cabbie tried to rip him off of $2. That same guy tried to bail on a hooker in Bogota and the hooker stole his phone.

Two of the guys pushing for low prices have admitted fucking fat women, pregnant women, and midgets. They think they are getting a bargain but I would not fuck women like that for free.

You are a guest in their country and you think you are going to use your money to overpower them and get them to take less? LOL. Like that is going to work.

I just singed up for a Chase credit card and you get 180,000 miles with it and it costs $95 a year. To me, that is where you save your money. https://thepointsguy.com/guide/chase-sapphire-preferred-review/.

Right now, though, you can also apply in-branch for a welcome offer of up to 90,000 total bonus points: 80,000 bonus points after spending $4,000 in the first three months of account opening, plus an additional 10,000 bonus points after spending $6,000 total on purchases made in the first 6 months.

That is up to 6 trips to Colombia for free.

And guys are worried about $2 or an extra $20 for a hooker? How dumb is that?

05-14-23, 00:38
LMAO If I could, I would. I don't have a method, nor do I have game. Tpp 10 or 20% is subjective, but yes I would say it's usually top 20% in my eyes. I don't have a special sauce to share other than what I've already said. On days I do Gustos, I don't arrive earlier than 10:30. And I don't know I've stayed later than 1:30. I do drink a bit. (Insert 10 at 2, 2 at 10 joke here) But I am extremely passive. I will almost always wait for the girl to approach me. Don't get me wrong, I don't settle. But simple eye contact and a smile will bring them over soon. I'm patient. And yes, I've lost out on "the one" more than once. That's the price I pay with my method. But I feel like them coming to me gives me at least a little leverage. I usually buy them 1 drink. 2 if I enjoy the banter. My spanish is sufficient to get by with basic conversation. I'm very chill. If there is a secret, that might be it. These girls are comfortable with me. I don't haggle with them. To me, it's counterproductive. I'm not going to ruin the mood over $20. If I don't like the price, I just say no thank you, that's more than I want to spend. I don't have a set price in mind. I go with the flow. I think everyone can understand that if I really enjoy the company of a girl, I'll spend more on her than one that needs to convince me. But I will say 600 k is my cap.

And for what it's worth, I've found they are more likely to negotiate time vs dollars. If I enjoy her company, I don't want an hour. I don't need an all nighter. But I'd rather let things develop vs walking in the door and dropping my pants.

As I said in my original post, I'm sure there are guys that don't want what I want. But I have no secret sauce. I'm sure luck plays apart as well. But I've never paid over 600 k and never ran into a 60 minute clock watcher.You don't have a secret sauce because there is none. Your ability to negotiate depends more on external factors rather than on your game or looks:

What time is it? Is the night still young and there are still good chances of finding a paying client or the venue is about to close soon?

Has she already sessioned with someone else? Or has someone else scheduled after?

Guys to girls ratio on that particular night? Maybe too many girls and very few gringos, or vice versa?

Her personal circumstances. How desperate is she? Maybe she has been sick for a couple of weeks and just got back to work to earn some money to pay her past due rent? Or maybe she was visiting a family out of town and just got back in town and needs money for whatever reason? Etc.

How hot is she? Is she in demand and being hit by almost every gringo walking in or just standing in the corner and nobody even paying attention to her?

Only after all of the above, your game (smile, drinks, small talk, etc) comes into play.

05-14-23, 00:44
If you are stepping into gustos for any reason, you are a sucker.Why are you so opposed to gustos? Did you have a bad experience there?

I think it's an awesome establishment, even if you're there just for the eye candy. Like I mentioned in another post, tell me me where else in the world will you find clubs like gustos or Moët / lleras bar that feel like "regular" clubs but are full of hookers? Not strip clubs. Try walking up to any girl at a club in vegas or even in Mexico and ask her how much? And see what happens. Lmao.

Gustos is a great concept and I hope it remains for a very long time.

05-14-23, 01:12
To this I ask, if 'a car is a car,' why do people regularly pay more for a BMW than a Hyundai? Both will get you to the destination. I myself prefer the BMW.BUt in Gustos, you just have Hyundais with a BMW sticker.

05-14-23, 03:30
But pretty soon that German car is going to look good sitting in the driveway due to exorbitant maintenance and pitfall costs, while that Korean joint is still getting you to your destination. I remember my brother could not even open the trunk of his BMW without buying a $400 battery from the stealership. You can run down to Walmart in the middle of the night to get a $90 battery for the Hyundai and put it in yourself in the parking lot. I check Consumer Reports for reliability and other things before I buy a car; same as I check ISG before running around haphazardly to a new mongering place. My sister also bought a Mercedes a few years back and I just shook my head. Right now it is sitting in the driveway rusting away while she is getting to where she needs to go in a VW Beetle.Mr. E,

I appreciate all of your contributions and think you get my point. Despite your brother's long-term issues I have had some great luck with BMWs. Granted I now have a Toyota (4 Runner ltd), but if I didn't need something for my kayaking, camping, and surfing gear I'the have a 5-Series.

But I digress For a short term lease or weekend (ie girl for an hour or night) I'm taking the BMW, Porsche, Ferrari or maybe a a classic Corvette (ie Blonde MILF with fake tits LOL) if I'm feeling adventurous. Not a fucking 15 year old rusted Hyundai or Kia with smelly interior and stains. Beyond this I acknowledge that spending more does not assure a good sessions, but I do my due diligence beforehand and speak decent Spanish so I usually have good rapport with the girl, and therefore a nice experience.

Mr Enternational
05-14-23, 03:32
Like I mentioned in another post, tell me me where else in the world will you find clubs like gustos or Mot / lleras bar that feel like "regular" clubs but are full of hookers?LOL. Dude are you serious right now? There are tons of hooker pickup bars and discos all over the world. In Pattaya there are AT LEAST 10 on Walking Street alone. I will name a few off the top of my head. 808, Candy Shop, Myst, Lucifer, iBar, Insomnia, Republic, Rave, Jannarat, Nasha, Flexx, Tunnel, Mixx. That is 13 on one street off the top of my head and there are more than that on that same street. This is in no way a Medellin Parque Lleras thing. 2 fucking small ass clubs? Really?!

05-14-23, 03:34
Why are you so opposed to gustos? Did you have a bad experience there?

I think it's an awesome establishment, even if you're there just for the eye candy. Like I mentioned in another post, tell me me where else in the world will you find clubs like gustos or Mot / lleras bar that feel like "regular" clubs but are full of hookers?
Gustos is a great concept and I hope it remains for a very long time.Let me correct you there a bit bro, HELP in Rio (now closed) was the largest of these type of clubs.

Here are few.

Spassos Bangkok (basement of Grand Hyatt) girls there are dressed like they are going to a formal (mostly 8-10's), they have a strict dress code, live music and very upscale.

Brixx Singapore (grand Hyatt basement again) '. Girls from all over the globe including Colombianas.

Hong Kong -forgot name.

You will find fine ass Colombianas at these clubs and 3-4 years ago, they were asking for 100-300 USD. (They were usually the only fine ass latinas in a mostly Asian club)

Blue Marlin San Jose Costa Rica -much like gustos but not as upscale as the ones listed above. Blue marlin was the club that inspired me to travel to Colombia, the finest girls in there were Colombians asking back then 100 USD, Problem?? There were some 5-6's at best also asking for Cien!

05-14-23, 03:52
Let me correct you there a bit bro, HELP in Rio (now closed) was the largest of these type of clubs.

Here are few.

Spassos Bangkok (basement of Grand Hyatt) girls there are dressed like they are going to a formal (mostly 8-10's), they have a strict dress code, live music and very upscale.

Brixx Singapore (grand Hyatt basement again) '. Girls from all over the globe including Colombianas.

Hong Kong -forgot name.

You will find fine ass Colombianas at these clubs and 3-4 years ago, they were asking for 100-300 USD. (They were usually the only fine ass latinas in a mostly Asian club)

Blue Marlin San Jose Costa Rica -much like gustos but not as upscale as the ones listed above. Blue marlin was the club that inspired me to travel to Colombia, the finest girls in there were all Colombians asking back then 100 USD, Problem?? There were some 5-6's at best also asking for Cien!Awesome bit of information, thanks I'm going to have to save this for my travels. I asked this question before but nobody posted anything. I've heard of similar places in Thailand and Costa Rica, sounds awesome.

But my point is, I don't get why gustos get such hate, at least guys like me have that option in gustos who want something more than just the typical escort / stripper experience. I enjoy being able to sit down and have a drink, listen to some music and have the option to physically pick out who I want to talk to, maybe have a drink with and possibly take home, instead of going online & taking my chances on hoping a girl looks like her pictures and will be good company.

05-14-23, 08:08
Mr. E,

I appreciate all of your contributions and think you get my point. Despite your brother's long-term issues I have had some great luck with BMWs. ...German cars need more work in general. If I am going to spend 70 K for a daily driver, I will buy a 70 K Japanese car. German cars have more issues on average. It costs more money and time to maintain. If you compare the number of replacement parts in the first few years, German cars will have higher number.

05-14-23, 08:17

I think it's an awesome establishment, even if you're there just for the eye candy. Like I mentioned in another post, tell me me where else in the world will you find clubs like gustos or Mot / lleras bar that feel like "regular" clubs but are full of hookers? ...It's a good American style bar in Medellin and that's about it. It's small. Clubs in Sao Paulo can easily have several bars in one club and each one can be bigger than Gusto. The girls on average are better. LOL. And most girl would go all out to get your business, nothing like Gusto.

05-14-23, 15:01
Why are you so opposed to gustos? Did you have a bad experience there?

I think it's an awesome establishment, even if you're there just for the eye candy. Like I mentioned in another post, tell me me where else in the world will you find clubs like gustos or Mot / lleras bar that feel like "regular" clubs but are full of hookers? Not strip clubs. Try walking up to any girl at a club in vegas or even in Mexico and ask her how much? And see what happens. Lmao.

Gustos is a great concept and I hope it remains for a very long time.I swear people like you and others come to Medellin to pay top dollar for no other reason but to stroke your own ego and impress other guys (kind of gay man). Once again I'll repeat, gustos is not the only place in the city. Its set up its not unique nor exclusive.

05-14-23, 15:45
I'm taking the BMW, Porsche, Ferrari or maybe a a classic Corvette (ie Blonde MILF with fake tits LOL) if I'm feeling adventurous. Not a fucking 15 year old rusted Hyundai or Kia with smelly interior and stains. Where your car analogy collapses is this. MDE only has 1 car factory and it manufactures both BMW and Hyundai on the same production line using the same materials and production standards. Once assembled, the workers either stick a Hyundai sticker or more flashy BMW sticker on it... Then add a couple of zeros on the price.

05-14-23, 15:47
Why are you so opposed to gustos? Did you have a bad experience there?

I think it's an awesome establishment, even if you're there just for the eye candy. Like I mentioned in another post, tell me me where else in the world will you find clubs like gustos or Mot / lleras bar that feel like "regular" clubs but are full of hookers? Not strip clubs. Try walking up to any girl at a club in vegas or even in Mexico and ask her how much? And see what happens. Lmao.

Gustos is a great concept and I hope it remains for a very long time.Yes I can see why it appeals to you. The term most of us use is "tourist trap". I think of the Parque Lleras area and Gustos as the Times Square of Medellin. (The Times Square of the 70's).

05-14-23, 16:03
Mr. E, for some the world is a small place.

LOL. Dude are you serious right now? There are tons of hooker pickup bars and discos all over the world. In Pattaya there are AT LEAST 10 on Walking Street alone. I will name a few off the top of my head. 808, Candy Shop, Myst, Lucifer, iBar, Insomnia, Republic, Rave, Jannarat, Nasha, Flexx, Tunnel, Mixx. That is 13 on one street off the top of my head and there are more than that on that same street. This is in no way a Medellin Parque Lleras thing. 2 fucking small ass clubs? Really?!

05-14-23, 16:55
I have to admit I've never been to Moet, so I cannot compare. As you said, very subjective. But I'll say this. In my opinion, Gustos is filled with 7's and 8's. There are rare 6's. But they also have a few 9's on most nights. And Gustos had the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. She is my "the one that got away". That story is for another time, I suppose. But you raised another good point, which was actually why I responded in this thread. A few posters think we are foolish for setting foot in there. And If my goal was to land the hottest chick I can with the least money spent and the simple transaction approach, I would agree. But like I mentioned in my first reply, we're not all after the same thing. I will stand by my belief that if you sit and talk to her, most importantly let her feel comfortable with you, your experience will be heightened. As Secksee said, sometimes you want to drink and flirt. On the other hand, I have never gone to Centro. Why? Because I don't find a 30 second negotiation and a business transaction fun. Do I think others are stupid for patronizing Centro? Hell no. That's what they like. One size doesn't fit all. And those that criticize methods other than their own are probably missing out.

I have never been to Gustos, however, I have used similar "methods" as you have in Moet. While I have been told as high as 300 USD (she was easily one of the most attractive women I have ever laid eyes on but I obviously passed), I have gotten very attractive women out of Moet for 250-300 k COP. My question: In your opinion, are the women in Gustos more attractive than those in Moet. I know attractive is a somewhat relative term, which is why I asked "in your opinion. " While I have regulars and get my women from a variety of places, I do enjoy flirting, a drink, and dancing from time to time.

05-14-23, 17:04
It's a good American style bar in Medellin and that's about it..I guess in a small club you can see the girls more closely.

05-14-23, 17:10
You don't have a secret sauce because there is none. Your ability to negotiate depends more on external factors rather than on your game or looks:

What time is it? Is the night still young and there are still good chances of finding a paying client or the venue is about to close soon?

Has she already sessioned with someone else? Or has someone else scheduled after?

Guys to girls ratio on that particular night? Maybe too many girls and very few gringos, or vice versa?

Her personal circumstances. How desperate is she? Maybe she has been sick for a couple of weeks and just got back to work to earn some money to pay her past due rent? Or maybe she was visiting a family out of town and just got back in town and needs money for whatever reason? Etc.

How hot is she? Is she in demand and being hit by almost every gringo walking in or just standing in the corner and nobody even paying attention to her?

Only after all of the above, your game (smile, drinks, small talk, etc) comes into play.I would agree with all of that. But again, I can only talk from my experiences. I'd estimate I've landed 15 Gustos girls in the last 12 months. And I'd say it is close to a 50/50 split on that night vs meeting up the next day. The most I've paid is 600 k. (I might have also paid another 50 k for a taxi but I'm not certain.) Those girls ranged from a 7 to a 9 on my scale. The least expensive cost me a dinner plus taxi.

You are right on all of that except one point. To me, the most important factor is her comfort level with you. That opens up more doors than anything.

And I'll add this, not specific to you Miami, but you made a good point. Why are Gustos girls talked about like they are a unicorn? They are just like the others. Yes, generally more attractive as a group. And yes they charge a premium because of where they are. But as you pointed out, they all have problems. They all have needs. I've met girls from many different locations. They're all the same. They're doing their job because they need to make ends meet. We can make it more complex than it is. And if you don't see value in Gustos, don't go. Again, just my experience but the time I've invested and the extra $50 USD I spent, is well worth it.

05-14-23, 17:19
I swear people like you and others come to Medellin to pay top dollar for no other reason but to stroke your own ego and impress other guys (kind of gay man). Once again I'll repeat, gustos is not the only place in the city. Its set up its not unique nor exclusive.For some guys who have never mongered in Asia, Europe, or other South American / Latin countries, there reference base is going to be very limited, hence they may think Gustos is the next best thing besides sliced bread.

And as was mentioned by another poster, the "weekend warriors" are the one's patronizing the place not knowing any better, nor really caring what their spending, and at the end of the day who cares.

It may seem odd to some, but lots of guys who come to Medellin can easily afford Gustos, however they are into the casa's, the SW's in Centro, and Fayboo Chicas, and won't go inside Gustos.

So for guys who don't patronize Gustos, some may chuckle about how guys are getting hosed there, but does it matter, as everybody rolls different.

Mr Enternational
05-14-23, 17:25
Where your car analogy collapses is this. MDE only has 1 car factory and it manufactures both BMW and Hyundai on the same production line using the same materials and production standards. Once assembled, the workers either stick a Hyundai sticker or more flashy BMW sticker on it... Then add a couple of zeros on the price.That is why I say nobody would be giving these chicks a bunch of money if they saw them where they are from and live. Who would walk into the ghetto or trailer park of their hometown and offer any chick $200? Take the chick where she is from and slap some clothes and makeup on her and parade her in front of a bunch of horny foreigners and all of a sudden she is Lady Godiva.

Same exact thing happens in Thailand. All those chicks come from rice or rubber farms same as the chick in the picture. The whole farm does not take in but $1200 per year. Throw her on a bus to Bangkok or Pattaya and put a skimpy dress and makeup on her and put her under some flashing colored lights and to all the foreigners she is now worth $100 or more for short time. Guys talking about she is worth this amount or she knows her worth. Like Eddie Murphy said, she was butt naked on a zebra 2 weeks ago. You told her she was worth that. She damn sure was not worth that where she came from.

05-14-23, 20:39
......But my point is, I don't get why gustos get such hate.......I find it quite weird. I have been to Medellin numerous times and have never been to Gustos but I have absolutely no issue with guys going there. Whatever rocks your boat, have fun. There are men who prefer that environment rather than a casa which I like. To each his own. In Colombia I like casas. In Germany I like FKKs. In Thailand I like MPs. Thankfully, we all have different tastes which spreads mongers around rather than all mongers crowding particular venues.

05-14-23, 21:07
LOL. Dude are you serious right now? There are tons of hooker pickup bars and discos all over the world. !What I have come to realize is that most dudes just ain't never been nowhere. You hear stuff like this from guys in Sosua all the time I'm like you guys just don't know.

05-14-23, 21:07
This is not a argumentative post. LOL. Just thoughts.

Is it not unfair to paint all Gustos patrons with the same stroke? In other words, I could see people going their for a variety of reasons: it's fairly safe and easy, it paints itself as high end and can therefore be a part of someone's "high end" experience, some patron are foolish suckers, some patrons go there as a kind of tourist attraction not too different from seeing Fisherman's Wharf in SF or Times Square in NY, some patrons like to club and drink and flirt, and I imagine there are more reasons. Seeing everyone who go to a place like a Gustos as fools and weekend warriors is not entirely different than the way the larger public tries it's best to paint all of us predators who take advantage of powerless women. While there are those who are predatorial, I have met enough of us in person to know that is not the case for most.

I have not been to Gustos but I have been to other clubs in that area (Moet when I wanted to drink and flirt and another 2 when I just wanted to see their vibe). I have taken a girl out of Moet twice because both times, we had great vibes. I have also been up and down Lleras Park, which has been hit or miss for me. I have gone to El Centro, which I did not like one bit. It was not about safety for me. I travel a lot and El Centro is no where near on my top 5 most dangerous areas I have been. I didn't like it for other reasons. I have been to casas (mostly good for me). I have met prepagos. I have met them on facebook, Seeking, and tinder. I know there are lot of tinder fears here but that has been my favorite tool. I have even been to overly expensive La Isla because I wanted to just look at a bunch of naked women. I have paid as low as 80,000 COP and as high 400,000 COP. I say all of that to say, I chose different things for different reasons and different experiences and I assume others do as well.

While there are groups of people offering a lot, weekend warriors, and fools, no one thing alters the market. I've talked with a bunch chicas, real conversation because my spanish is decent, and quite a few of them have mentioned that they have friends and family who travel doing this work and they make more. The Colombianas who work in casas in the US, those in Mexico, those in countries in Europe, Canada, Panama even. Now, we can argue over why a chica in the US might deserve more, they often do not. And there are other market forces besides that.

Lastly, why yall argue so much over getting pussy? I use this as a tool for information and I am befuddled with all of the arguments. I truly thank yall for opening the door through providing information and allowing me to find my way.


05-14-23, 21:11
That is why I say nobody would be giving these chicks a bunch of money if they saw them where they are from and live. Who would walk into the ghetto or trailer park of their hometown and offer any chick $200? Take the chick where she is from and slap some clothes and makeup on her and parade her in front of a bunch of horny foreigners and all of a sudden she is Lady Godiva.

Same exact thing happens in Thailand. All those chicks come from rice or rubber farms same as the chick in the picture. The whole farm does not take in but $1200 per year. Throw her on a bus to Bangkok or Pattaya and put a skimpy dress and makeup on her and put her under some flashing colored lights and to all the foreigners she is now worth $100 or more for short time. Guys talking about she is worth this amount or she knows her worth. Like Eddie Murphy said, she was butt naked on a zebra 2 weeks ago. You told her she was worth that. She damn sure was not worth that where she came from.What's the point you are trying to make? She is not worth that where she came from because there are no paying clients there, zero demand. By your logic, just because she came from a poor barrio or from a farm, she is worthless or close to worthless simply because nobody would pay her there and any monger should also pay her peanuts, because she is poor. You never heard of supply and demand? Girls get those rates because they can. Because, we, paying customers, are willing to pay those rates. Basic economics.

Apparently you can't get out of pussy is pussy mentality. You don't see any difference between a cheap ugly SW from El Centro and a classy high end dama de compania from El Poblado.

05-14-23, 21:38
What's the point you are trying to make? She is not worth that where she came from because there are no paying clients there, zero demand. ...Mr E is basically right. To me, it has to do with most of them derived their value from their customers. They don't have any skills or even future potential for any good paying jobs. They would rather sit on their ass all day waiting for higher paying customer while wasting their time at home. To me, the way to make more money is to work more and harder in their situation. This logic escape them but it is more common in Asia.

If the girl has a good paying job, has other options but she choose to sell sex for a living because she can make more, that is a different story altogether. I simply don't see this case for most girls we interact in Medellin, Seeking maybe. If a girl has skill, and choose to sell sex to support her education, that is also different. I met a few in Brazil but never in Medellin. The photo is an 18 yr old. She makes most of her own clothes, including the this full leather outfit. I did not even buy her drink, and I tested drive her enough before taking her. The drawback with girls like this is they are often busy for their goal. It's harder to arrange appointment. I never encounter similar problem in Medellin. LOL.

05-14-23, 21:50
A... I asked this question before but nobody posted anything. ....I answer many questions. Your questions often are rudimentary but you don't seen even make an effort to look at the context to find your answer given that you are not a new member.

05-14-23, 22:41
For some guys who have never mongered in Asia, Europe, or other South American / Latin countries, there reference base is going to be very limited, hence they may think Gustos is the next best thing besides sliced bread.

And as was mentioned by another poster, the "weekend warriors" are the one's patronizing the place not knowing any better, nor really caring what their spending, and at the end of the day who cares.

It may seem odd to some, but lots of guys who come to Medellin can easily afford Gustos, however they are into the casa's, the SW's in Centro, and Fayboo Chicas, and won't go inside Gustos.

So for guys who don't patronize Gustos, some may chuckle about how guys are getting hosed there, but does it matter, as everybody rolls different.Thank you, Surfer. This was my point. Who cares why some people go to Gustos? As I said earlier, I know Centro isn't for me based on reports. I actually do like specific casas and have had success with Fayboo. It's an odd phenomenon on this board. My first trip to Medellin years ago, I stayed at the mansion. People jumped all over that for one reason or another. Someone said it's about bragging. Well, why would I or anyone care about scoring brownie points with some board nickname I'll never meet? Variety is the spice of life. I don't spend 2 seconds worrying about where other mongers shop. I've always said, the value of this board is immense. But that value is because of the variety. We are better off knowing what places are like and what others' experiences are. Because then, we can all choose our own methods.

Mr Enternational
05-14-23, 23:34
By your logic, just because she came from a poor barrio or from a farm, she is worthless or close to worthless simply because nobody would pay her there and any monger should also pay her peanuts, because she is poor. You never heard of supply and demand? Girls get those rates because they can. Because, we, paying customers, are willing to pay those rates. Basic economics.There was no demand when she was sitting in the hood. To guys there, she was just a normal chick like all the others. The demand only came when foreigners entered the picture.

The same thing happened in South Africa. Those rocks sat in the ground for thousands of years and nobody paid attention to them. They were just like every other rock until De Beers came along and convinced people they should pay a lot of money for this "special" rock. Go try to sell one of those rocks back to the person you bought it from and they will laugh in your face. Go tell some of those barrio people that this chick is worth $200 to fuck and they will do the same.

You don't see any difference between a cheap ugly SW from El Centro and a classy high end dama de compania from El Poblado.Which one of those chicks at Gustos is actually FROM Poblado? That is the exact point JT was making. They are not classy and are only high end due to the exorbitant amount that foreigners have paid. Either here or facebook someone was mentioning coca. It is cheap among the locals in Colombia, same as those Gustos girls. I remember a girl at a club in Santa Fe telling me the small bag she was using cost 10,000 pesos. But enter the rich foreigner and they are going to charge at least 5 times more.

05-14-23, 23:40
We know it is an illusion, and we are clever to forget it, but we all know the story.

We want a pretty young girl because we are somehow genetically programmed for that.

We want to feel she desires us, and this is not only for our self estime, but again, genetically programmed.

We want to feel that with 10 minutes of our salary we can have a girl (el Centro girl), so we feel we are powerful and can have as many girls as we want.

We want to feel we can get the most beautiful of the school, because if we can get the most beautiful and desirable girl, it means we can have all of them.

I recognize I'm in all these "we", sometime more in a group, sometime in another.

Now, "desire" is what we want, "logic" is how to get it in the simplest way.

The problem in our hobby, is that if we only think about the rational logic, then we forget the fun and the desire.

I never expect that a monger is fully rational about his hobby, otherwise there is no more fun.

I love the read all the different opinions from this community, they teach me new ways to dream and have fun.

05-14-23, 23:45
But my point is, I don't get why gustos get such hate, at least guys like me have that option in gustos who want something more than just the typical escort / stripper experience. I enjoy being able to sit down and have a drink, listen to some music and have the option to physically pick out who I want to talk to, maybe have a drink with and possibly take home, instead of going online & taking my chances on hoping a girl looks like her pictures and will be good company.I'm with you. I like to talk to a chica, and maybe even hang out and party together, as part of the overall package. An alternative to Gustos for me has been to pick a SW from Calle 10 and invite her for a drink at Lleras Town. I get to practice my Spanish, the music's not too loud and we share a drink or two before I have to decide. If I like her, we can talk about a deal for the night in a low key environment after she already trusts me. If not, rinse and repeat.

05-15-23, 00:17
Apparently you can't get out of pussy is pussy mentality. You don't see any difference between a cheap ugly SW from El Centro and a classy high end dama de compania from El Poblado.And apparently you can't get simple analogies. No one made the strawman claim that you criticise.

05-15-23, 00:34
Last minute trip and trying Facebook for the first time this time, I've only got 2 weeks so my set up will be limited.

So far I have a few positive conversations going on over the last week. The girls have not jumped at the suggestion of "mutually beneficial date" or the various ways I've tried to softly suggest p4 p. But they have remained curious and are asking for specifics. Which I am taking as a good sign as my preference is to have the old tinder experience before it became full of scams. So mainly semi-pros vs the pros. For that I'd just use a escort listing site or visit an establishment. One girl even thought I was her friend playing a trick on her LOL. I'm not sure if she's acting or not but it was funny.

Is this similar to what most people experience when talking with the girls on FB? I was wondering if I've hit the correct network of girls others seem to mention here and it being unique to Medellin. The reason I ask is so far this just feels like it would be in any other city. Messaging girls trying to convince them of a "sugar date" or whatever. In my experience many young hot girls anywhere in the world are open for that.

I'll also share here that you can search by anything on facebook like their job and then filter on city. So it doesn't have to just be by common girls names or via friends lists. I've seen girls with prepagos in their bio and it is searchable. It's interesting if that's what you're looking for but to me that's just a pro and why not use one of the listing sites than fiddle with facebook. But searching for jobs like dancer (in spanish) or modelo or whatever you are attracted to might help find what you're looking for. Again early days for me, just sharing what I've discovered.

05-15-23, 00:40
In my previous post I mentioned I am doing some last minute facebooking for a last minute trip. I also have a fake instagram which was already following a bunch of Colombian girls in Medellin, mainly in the webcam / OF / IG Influencer type girls. I decided to mass message them since my FB is going to be limited.

The results are 35 messages in a week, 1 response. She politely declined a meeting of any kind. I didn't expect much from this but thought I'd run the experiment and share here. My theory is that these girls accounts are essentially a funnel to their online paid channels, and they're either not checking DMs / DMs are swamped with worldwide simps or very likely not even interested in p4 p since they make enough money online. I have another experiment I want to try which is trying to find these girls on escort sites via AI image searches, but it's going to be hard to know if they're a real ad or just stolen photos (I will share later the tools I plan to use as it can be good for doing background checks / scam checks, kind of like reverse image search).

While it would be awesome to get one of the hot girls I see on my social feed that I've fantasied over, my guess is that for these webcam / stripper looking types I'm sooner better off at Fase dos or lutron anyway and just accept that it's basically the same thing.

05-15-23, 01:08
And apparently you can't get simple analogies. No one made the strawman claim that you criticise.MB thinks strata 6 women with money and passports are in need of his money / companionship.

05-15-23, 01:12
Apparently you can't get out of pussy is pussy mentality. You don't see any difference between a cheap ugly SW from El Centro and a classy high end dama de compania from El Poblado.But your comparison is invalid. An attractive hooker in Centro though, and there are plenty, especially in the clubs and casas when dressed up and made up and transported to a club in El Poblado suddenly becomes "high end" and "classy," while virtually all these girls including the ones you chase are from Manrique, Aranjuez and the like. But guys like you always miss the point while you dig in and fight to the death here because you want to feel superior as well as good about the $ you are spending. That said do as you like. You don't have to justify it to anyone.

05-15-23, 02:17
That is why I say nobody would be giving these chicks a bunch of money if they saw them where they are from and live. Who would walk into the ghetto or trailer park of their hometown and offer any chick $200? Take the chick where she is from and slap some clothes and makeup on her and parade her in front of a bunch of horny foreigners and all of a sudden she is Lady Godiva.

Same exact thing happens in Thailand. All those chicks come from rice or rubber farms same as the chick in the picture. The whole farm does not take in but $1200 per year. Throw her on a bus to Bangkok or Pattaya and put a skimpy dress and makeup on her and put her under some flashing colored lights and to all the foreigners she is now worth $100 or more for short time. Guys talking about she is worth this amount or she knows her worth. Like Eddie Murphy said, she was butt naked on a zebra 2 weeks ago. You told her she was worth that. She damn sure was not worth that where she came from.I agree man. These "Johns" have no real business sense. It's almost ridicules. In short stop over paying for something that is abundant! It is not that hard to comprehend, we got the dollars they need let every man please start acting like it. Por favor.

05-15-23, 02:27
Where your car analogy collapses is this. MDE only has 1 car factory and it manufactures both BMW and Hyundai on the same production line using the same materials and production standards. Once assembled, the workers either stick a Hyundai sticker or more flashy BMW sticker on it... Then add a couple of zeros on the price.Not only you fail to understand the difference between girls, you also fail to realize the difference between BMW and Hyundai, or between any premium German car maker and mass market Korean car maker. Reliability issues aside, premium German cars give you much more comfort, better design, style, faster acceleration, and speed. You have to be blind to not notice the difference. Simply put, you are buying not only a car, but a luxury toy that gives you a shit ton of joy. Are German cars more expensive to buy and maintain? Sure they are. Just the way stunning girls are more expensive to maintain. But you get what you pay for. Both brands produce cars that will take you to your destination, virtually any woman that is up to your standards can make you climax. The difference is how you get there. And if you dont understand that, go ahead and use public transportation, and fuck you SW crack heads, more power to you.

PS. Why even discuss reliability issues? When you pay a girl for sex, you are essentially renting her body or buying her time. So to compare apples to apples, we should’t discuss renting vs purchasing. When you RENT a bmw, reliability issues are non of your concern, as well as maintenance and all other shit. You rent a premium car and you fucking enjoy it.

05-15-23, 02:52
So this is my second trip, my first was just to Medellin. This time I landed first in Cartagena to do some Scuba diving off the island. (I travel to do and see things). So made my plans for my scuba trip as I was only in Cartagena from Friday to Sunday. Would have like to do a bike tour but I arrived too late on Friday and left too early on Sunday to do that. Landed and took about little over an hour to get thru immigration as that was a long line going back and forth. Was able to get an UBER from the airport to my airbab (unlike Medellin you have to do a taxi). Uber came quick as everyone was trying to taxi me up asking for $20 telling me it was so far away. I think my uber fare was like $5 or $6 usd. There was quite a bit of traffic in the city getting to my place. My airbnb was modern but 3 flights of stairs. Its was pretty cheap but lacking in some areas. I bring my firestick with me as I use a programmer with a build and I get everything on it so I travel with it. Well for some reason on their tv the firestick would recognize for a minute and then be gone. So no tv for me, no big deal I was out most of the time. My place was guest friendly (separate entrance from the main house to 2 different apartments) Air con fan wasn't strong enough (I like to sleep cold) bathrooms were super tiny but 2 of them as it was a 2 bedroom. No can / bottle opener, no paper towers but hey at only $55 a night I can't complain too much. I also used an ESIM thru Airalo which is only data unless you get on wifi then you can make calls thru what'sapp and maybe FaceTime. It's easy to use no physical card you different packages to choose from. I usually don't make phone calls just need data for google maps, translate, WhatsApp, facebook and so forth.

So first night I walked to clock tower which isn't far from where I stayed. Went to one of the roof top bars overlooking clock tower area. Was able to catch some of the NBA playoffs and watched from above. Walked around a bit and you can always tell where the clubs are as in front of them really packed. The police keep riding up on their motorcycle to keep moving ladies if they were just standing around the clock tower area. Had a few drinks enjoyed the sites and headed back to sleep as I had an early scuba diving day.

Scuba diving was good and a small fast boat with about 8 to 10. The diving was good but didn't see a lot of sea life compared to Thailand when I dive. Had fun and made it back to and headed to my airbnb. Rested a bit, relaxed and then headed out to a nice dinner. I went back to roof top bar to catch the Laker game. Had a few drinks as it was packed there, the waiter remembered me from the night before and all the seats were taken. He asked a guy sitting by himself at a table is I could sit with him. He was cool with it. Another american, I offered to buy him a drink for his gesture but he said it was ok. Chatted with him for a bit an he was off. I then headed down to walk around. Walked around quite a few girls smiling as I walked. I sat at a little small bar that had a small couch out front. It gave me a chance to watch the women come by. A short cute girl in regular clothes was with her friends and sat down and started grinding on me. She seemed cool, bought her a drink and her friends left. We went inside the bar for awhile and off to my airbnb. Unforgetable experience. She got a crappy attitude saying charging for multiple positions and yada yada. Then asking for a tip. I give her a small amount a uber'd her away, just to get her gone.

Woke up the next day and off the the airport I went. Started posting on FB on my flight to Medellin. Had a few girls on my list from before but seemed some weren't going to pan out. Got to Medellin and taxi'd to my airbnb Energy living (I stayed last time and really nice place with security, pool, gyn, good views and upper scale residence.) Started trying to hit some girls up. Got to see a girl from before.

Estefania Carmona, she came over but this time it was like she was bored and just not that great. I would pass on her. She is petite fun last time, kinda shy but just laid there this time. Funny these girls hit you up the day after wanting a date again. (I'm like to myself nahh).

Monday I'm lazing around get some coffee early my own I make and hit the gym upstairs. Start talking to a few ladies, a few from before went pro, one who is a civie I was really trying to meet up with but it never happened. I had some dinner but the ones I talked with either never got back to me as they probably got scheduled and I took too long to decide. Oh well, watched the new guardians of Galaxy and had rappi deliver.

I ended up hitting up a Casa my first time. It was ellas erotic?? Something like that. All the girls there looked good. I had a good experience but forgot the girls name stacey, alex, I forgot but she was really good and spoke a bit of english one of the better experiences.

Next day I had been messaging Laura cristina and planning to meet as she was going to take me around like a tour guide to Comuna. Well I get a message at home my upstairs bedroom flooded, ugh so I spent the first half of the day dealing with that texting and on the phone. The girl started giving me the business when they text you, become a bit needy and pushy at times. I understand they need money but I tell ladies if you keep irritating me while I"m busy I will just block you and there will be no date for sure. So she chilled a bit. (told her I was having issues and wasn't sure If we could meet up) Finally settled on a time and guess what I almost left the hotel as it was like 2 hours later with no response. As I was telling her I left hotel she literally texted me she was at my airbnb. The bad part is she didn't have a physical ID. They won't left people in with copies of just the I. The. So we took an uber to Comuna 13, it was like almost 7 pm and I told her I had dinner plans at 9. I really only planned just to use her for the tour and catch up with another girl. Her english was ok my spanish even less. We had a good time walking around Comuna 13 as no crowds as it was late. I got her some food and she said she uses a place called the LOV suites. So decided to take her up on it. It was 300 mil for the whole time with the tour and being with her. We got to the suites nice clean place, you could smell the bleach. LOL pron was on the tv. She is a petite girl and as were going at it she said 100 more for anal. I was like ok. LOL Did the deed and I uber'd her back to her place. I wanted dinner so was going to uber to Tony Romas but didn't realize her trip needed to be finished before I could use uber and her place was like 25 minutes away. So finally got a taxi to Tony romas rotating restaurant. I was starving at that point. Had dinner then back to my place to crash. I think she was also a see again girl. I would recommend.

I had a massage already scheduled the next morning before I left at 10-1130 as check out is at 12. Her name is Lexi and she does an erotinuru massage. I saw her last time and she remembered me. Had a good time and sent me off with a smile.

Inboxed a few guys about Cartagena and they mentioned FB isn't the way to go its seeking or tinder which I didn't use. Clock tower has a good amount of women but just way out in the open. I didn't go to the park in Medellin as some have said the women might not be there not sure about that. I also got a really good massage at Sports massage Medellin if you are looking for different types deep tissue, sports, cupping and so forth (used them last time also) RAppi works well and uber. Maybe head back at the end of the year. Next stop Philippines for diving.

05-15-23, 03:07
Good day,

An excited first timer heading to Medellin this Tuesday at a local AirBnB in El Poblado. I've been searching for more details on casas around El Poblado, as I intend to make the pilgrimage to Gutsos to see what all the fuss is about, and take a long week to safely explore this option. With "casas" a common term, I get everything or nothing as I navigate the site. I'd thought to earn a whisker or two in El Centro, but I don't think I'm there out of the box just yet. Thanks and a tip of the hat to you all for providing the forum and info to make the trip a reality.

05-15-23, 04:19
Good day,

An excited first timer heading to Medellin this Tuesday at a local AirBnB in El Poblado. I've been searching for more details on casas around El Poblado, as I intend to make the pilgrimage to Gutsos to see what all the fuss is about, and take a long week to safely explore this option. With "casas" a common term, I get everything or nothing as I navigate the site. I'd thought to earn a whisker or two in El Centro, but I don't think I'm there out of the box just yet. Thanks and a tip of the hat to you all for providing the forum and info to make the trip a reality.El Centro is worth a visit during the day. Lleras Parque is more of a late night destination.

05-15-23, 06:13
But your comparison is invalid. An attractive hooker in Centro though, and there are plenty, especially in the clubs and casas when dressed up and made up and transported to a club in El Poblado suddenly becomes "high end" and "classy," while virtually all these girls including the ones you chase are from Manrique, Aranjuez and the like. But guys like you always miss the point while you dig in and fight to the death here because you want to feel superior as well as good about the $ you are spending. That said do as you like. You don't have to justify it to anyone.While I agree that El Poblado specifically might be a bit of a stretch, but over the years I have meet plenty of girls from other decent neighborhoods. Envigado, Laureles, Itaqui, Sabaneta. In Bogota, I have met girls from Chapinero and Usaquen. Most of the girls from nicer neighborhoods that I have met don't sell pussy for living, but don't mind p4 p or companionship or tavel. On average, they are more intelligent, well travelled, well mannered and fun. Some do speak English. And overall, are much better company than your average dumb chick from Manrique or Aranjuez, who prefers, as other poster pointed out, to sit on a couch all day messaging her FB contacts, trying to find a sucker who pays the most. You guys fail to understand that "high end" and "classy" doesn't only mean looks, fancy clothes and makeup, but also the ability to hold a interesting or meaningful conversation (and for this, she needs to have some brains), the correct use of manners, confidence, sexual charisma, the ability to travel and maintain healthy lifestyle. This is what you pay premium for.

You can get the girl out of the ghetto, but the ghetto can't get out of the girl.

05-15-23, 06:38
Heck, most of the barrio girls can't even dress properly for a date. They have absolutely no taste, no sense of style. Countless times I was embarrassed to be with them out in public, or embarrassed to bring them over to my place. Damn, If you know we are going out to dinner, put a fucking dress and heels on, doesn't have to be designer's dress or something, just a plain, basic cheap dress or a skirt. Instead, she shows up in a see through top, and thigh high over knee boots that literally screams "Hoe!" or some oversized baggy ripped jeans covered with crystals and shit, big ass sneakers and backpack. Seriously? Not to mention tattoos, which I don't mind here and there, but tatts on her face? Fists? Neck? That's so ghetto. Are you a fucking mafia or something? LOL. How about purple or green hair? 2 inch nails or 1 inch eyelashes? Or the makeup is so excessive that she looks like a female clown? Most do use drugs, smoke cigarettes and smell like ashtray, just disgusting. Even if a chick is naturally attractive, all of the above ruins my desire to fuck her.

Elvis 2008
05-15-23, 08:29
I agree man. These "Johns" have no real business sense. It's almost ridicules.If you do not like the price, then do not play the game.

IIn short stop over paying for something that is abundant! It is not that hard to comprehend, we got the dollars they need let every man please start acting like it. Por favor.If guys are paying $200 for women who are midgets, pregnant, average looking, or cannot apply makeup, then yeah, guys need to stop paying that.

On the other hand, I met a seeking woman for a drink. She was smoking hot and wanted $140 for two hours, and we went at it bare three times. In fact, she was so fucking good I called her back and did her again.

Maybe I could have gotten her down some but I got the impression that she was low volume and that was the minimum she would take, and I did not want to risk negotiating.

And you are saying I paid too much and shouldn't have fucked her? I tell you what. Guys spend their money how they see fit and if you do not like the prices, use your hand.

Are you seriously telling guys what to do when some hottie is in front of them? LOL. Yeah, I am sure that is gong to work. / sarc.

05-15-23, 09:00

Finally met Sofia last week from* photoprepagos after communicating on WA. It was a pain in the ass because she takes to long to answer you back on WA or never gives you all the info one would think you would need to make an expedient* transaction instead of all the nonsense of going back and fourth of* her not giving necessary info. When I first text her she sends the generic post (like most of the girls on prepagos do) what she charges and a brief synopsis of what and why you should use her services. But she leaves out her hours and address. I was first interested in her because when you view the map section for her ad her address comes close to Botero plaza. Right at the corner of calle 52 and Avenida Oriental only a few blocks from Hotel Nutibara. So I message her last night and ask her for the hours she worked and she finally says she finishes at 8 pm. Then I thought ok maybe I'll visit her tomorrow so then of course I have to ask her when she starts and she says 11 am. I ask what the address was and she messaged "I am located in front of the quarto brigade cielo stadium medellin. I thought what Kind of address is that and its definitely not where it is according to her ad. So I put the address she provided me in google maps and sure enough it came up with a building. So I figured she would give me the apt number when I showed up. So I finally make it to the building. I then text her that I was outside her building. She text back "I'm glad your here" but you need an appointment my love. So I asked when is the soonest I could see her she said in 40 minutes. I text her "ok that's fine,* see you in 40 minutes" so I then walked around the area and realized spa Energy was right around the corner on calle 74. I figured great I'll kill some time seeing the line up at Energy. The girls were a mix of 5, 6's and 7's add or subtract depending on your taste. 30 mins later I looked at my phone and noticed she texted me another address. I thought what the hell is going on here. What is she playing at. Anyways at least it was close by in Laureles I guess. It was further up Calle 50 near Carrera 80. I finally get to the address. I went to the door and knocked and it was slightly opened. I heard a girls voice and went inside and there was like maybe 7 girls inside. They were raising their voice in Spanish and I believe they were saying "what are you doing in here you can't be here" Then I mentioned Sofia's name and they said ok (I guess she was getting ready). So they led me up to a room that had a red light on (you could barely see anything). So I looked for a light switch to see if there was a regular light where I could actually see what she look like once she came in the room. While I was standing in the doorway one of the girls was standing a few feet away so I pointed to the light and told I her that's not going to cut it I need a real light. Then the girls were raising their voices (I mean how dare I make such a request to see what I'm fucking, let alone say anything at all) and then Sofia comes out I guess to see what the ruckus was about and she was standing at the foot of the stair case naked. She did have big tits like in the pictures in her ad and it was quite errotic seeing her in the staircase naked with her tits shaking as she was bickering away with the other girls about our disagreement with the lighting. Anyways She said forget it and So I said fuck it and walk down the stairs and out the door. I wasn't going to screw her in a barely lit, dark red room. I didn't get an up close look at her but what I seen from around 25 ft away she had nice tits and a mole on the side of her face. She was definitely fuckable from what I seen but she didn't look as good as her photos. She had an attitude like most of the girls that were in there. She charged 150 k for an hour and then 350 k for out call service. 200 k extra for her to meet you at your place. What is she going to do about the lighting situation when she shows up to your place, bring the red bulb with her. Anyhow I decided to walked down to carrera 74 near the stadium to Energy, but then I started to think that I was all ready there and if I asked for another presentation they might tell me get lost since I didn't chose anyone a moment ago. So I decided I would return to Energy the following day and just visit the place right next door to it. I ended up choosing the same girl I had last trip there for 150 k. Good session I was finished in 15 min. Just when I though the session was done she asks me if I wanted a back massage. I agreed since I had almost 40 mins left. She went out the room and returned with a massage gun and I thought wow never had this treatment at a casa before. Anyways the massage lasted 20 min with her hands, massage gun and all. What a way to end a really good session. I wish all casa girls or sessions ended this way. I thought let me friend her on FB, because Im tired of all this other BS nonsense from the girls. I generally never did repeat performances through casa girls, but for quite a while I changed my mind on it because a lot of this is way more miss than hit and I rather get what I want from the same girl then going through tedious odds of all these different girls to get the service and treatment I want.

05-15-23, 10:13
Heck, most of the barrio girls can't even dress properly for a date. They have absolutely no taste, no sense of style. Countless times I was embarrassed to be with them out in public, or embarrassed to bring them over to my place. Damn, If you know we are going out to dinner, put a fucking dress and heels on, doesn't have to be designer's dress or something, just a plain, basic cheap dress or a skirt. Instead, she shows up in a see through top, and thigh high over knee boots that literally screams "Hoe!" or some oversized baggy ripped jeans covered with crystals and shit, big ass sneakers and backpack. Seriously? Not to mention tattoos, which I don't mind here and there, but tatts on her face? Fists? Neck? That's so ghetto. Are you a fucking mafia or something? LOL. How about purple or green hair? 2 inch nails or 1 inch eyelashes? Or the makeup is so excessive that she looks like a female clown? Most do use drugs, smoke cigarettes and smell like ashtray, just disgusting. Even if a chick is naturally attractive, all of the above ruins my desire to fuck her.Oh no miamiboy, I didn't take you for the kind of guy to hang out with those type of chicks, that's a big no no for me, fortunately for me the girls I've taken out to dinner so far in medellin dressed really nice, and appropriate. No crazy tattoos either.

My girls all look cara, bitchy, classy, en cuatro fantastic lmao like the Feid song that's popular right now, bitches love that song.

05-15-23, 10:27
I'm with you. I like to talk to a chica, and maybe even hang out and party together, as part of the overall package. An alternative to Gustos for me has been to pick a SW from Calle 10 and invite her for a drink at Lleras Town. I get to practice my Spanish, the music's not too loud and we share a drink or two before I have to decide. If I like her, we can talk about a deal for the night in a low key environment after she already trusts me. If not, rinse and repeat.Where is lleras town? Is that the same place as lleras park bar? I haven't explored the sw's mainly because I'm not trying to get drugged. I've heard you should avoid them. But I've also heard they pretty much try to charge you the same as the club girls so I haven't bothered, maybe if one really caught my eye that might be a possibility but so far none haven't. I imagine that's more likely to happen in Cartagena, since I've seen some attractive sw's in videos of Cartagena.

05-15-23, 10:42
I swear people like you and others come to Medellin to pay top dollar for no other reason but to stroke your own ego and impress other guys (kind of gay man). Once again I'll repeat, gustos is not the only place in the city. Its set up its not unique nor exclusive.Why would I care what others think? Lmao.

If you really want to know what sounds gay. Is criticizing other men on the choices they make, dude who cares, let them be.

05-15-23, 10:51
LOL. Dude are you serious right now? There are tons of hooker pickup bars and discos all over the world. In Pattaya there are AT LEAST 10 on Walking Street alone. I will name a few off the top of my head. 808, Candy Shop, Myst, Lucifer, iBar, Insomnia, Republic, Rave, Jannarat, Nasha, Flexx, Tunnel, Mixx. That is 13 on one street off the top of my head and there are more than that on that same street. This is in no way a Medellin Parque Lleras thing. 2 fucking small ass clubs? Really?!Yes most of us know about pattaya, I was referring more to Latin women, other than maybe Costa Rica & Brazil I haven't heard of many clubs like gustos that are full of hookers. Definitely at least not as popular, otherwise I would have seen videos on YouTube by now. Any clubs full of hookers in North America, what about in DR? Europe? All I hear about is fkks.

05-15-23, 11:58
Last minute trip and trying Facebook for the first time this time, I've only got 2 weeks so my set up will be limited.

I spent a year wishing them happy birthday, saying they are pretty on their posts etc before meeting them and that felt like meeting a girlfriend as she knew who I was through my posts.

05-15-23, 12:21
El Centro is worth a visit during the day. Lleras Parque is more of a late night destination.Thanks for the note, plan on making the rounds to both.

05-15-23, 12:43
Good day,

An excited first timer heading to Medellin this Tuesday at a local AirBnB in El Poblado. I've been searching for more details on casas around El Poblado, as I intend to make the pilgrimage to Gutsos to see what all the fuss is about, and take a long week to safely explore this option. With "casas" a common term, I get everything or nothing as I navigate the site. I'd thought to earn a whisker or two in El Centro, but I don't think I'm there out of the box just yet. Thanks and a tip of the hat to you all for providing the forum and info to make the trip a reality.Poblado is a big place, the biggest of the 16 or so comunas of Medellin. I don't know of any casas in Poblado. The term is used for places similar to MPs in other countries, or brothel sorts of places. But the term "casa" will not bring up anything in a search as it just means "house". So there are many of these in centro, but also a number in other parts of the city such as Estadio / Laureles. There are lots of posts in this forum about the various casas, and maps, etc. Can be searched and found.

Casas, in my opinion, are a great starting point in Medellin. They are safe, and once you read up on the various ones you may want to visit the way they operate is pretty clear. And much safer than trying to pick up a girl on the street in the parque Lleras area, or in centro area.

Gustos is like a shark tank, plus when you get to your room with the girl you have the same safety issue as any street girl, at multiple times the price. But still an interesting experience as it shows you that end of the "market". There will be some beautiful chicas, well dressed, and in a little world where many of the clients have no idea of the real marketplace. My first exposure to Gustos was when a chica I had been with a couple of days earlier for 200 k was asking over $200 US at Gustos. (I met her at the mansion and typical rates there were 150 k, so she had a bit of a premium price there at 200 K). Anyway, she fit in at Gustos, but also fit in at the Mansion at 20% of the price. And she was happy with either. That is the marketplace.

05-15-23, 12:50
Great advice, and guys should not hesitate to ask girls they like for their phone numbers so they can hook up during off hours. Think of it as a more efficient, lest costly version of the facebook scene.

Poblado is a big place, the biggest of the 16 or so comunas of Medellin. I don't know of any casas in Poblado. The term is used for places similar to MPs in other countries, or brothel sorts of places. But the term "casa" will not bring up anything in a search as it just means "house". So there are many of these in centro, but also a number in other parts of the city such as Estadio / Laureles. There are lots of posts in this forum about the various casas, and maps, etc. Can be searched and found.

Casas, in my opinion, are a great starting point in Medellin. They are safe, and once you read up on the various ones you may want to visit the way they operate is pretty clear. And much safer than trying to pick up a girl on the street in the parque Lleras area, or in centro area..

05-15-23, 13:35
Heck, most of the barrio girls can't even dress properly for a date. They have absolutely no taste, no sense of style. Countless times I was embarrassed to be with them out in public, or embarrassed to bring them over to my place. Damn, If you know we are going out to dinner, put a fucking dress and heels on, doesn't have to be designer's dress or something, just a plain, basic cheap dress or a skirt. Instead, she shows up in a see through top, and thigh high over knee boots that literally screams "Hoe!" or some oversized baggy ripped jeans covered with crystals and shit, big ass sneakers and backpack. Seriously? Not to mention tattoos, which I don't mind here and there, but tatts on her face? Fists? Neck? That's so ghetto. Are you a fucking mafia or something? LOL. How about purple or green hair? 2 inch nails or 1 inch eyelashes? Or the makeup is so excessive that she looks like a female clown? Most do use drugs, smoke cigarettes and smell like ashtray, just disgusting. Even if a chick is naturally attractive, all of the above ruins my desire to fuck her.You have to keep in mind that taking a barrio girl out of the barrio can be like taking a fish out of water which I have experienced on several occasions.

If your into barrio girls, and are going to dine with them outside of the barrio, then you need to tell them how to dress as many will be clueless.

I've on occasions had to tell girls coming over to my place not to dress like a hoe, meaning come over dressed like a maid.

I don't go with girls that smoke, so perhaps screen your dates if you can't deal with a girl that smokes.

As far as tats, well there huge here, and I don't like them, but it goes with the territory.

And the dyed hair, that can be very problematic as they use cheap dyes, and as soon as you start banging them and their heads hit the sheets, pillows, and towels they can become stained, and can be a nightmare to be cleaned.

So if you can get beyond how ghettoish, tatted, weirdly dressed, and the dyed hair, some of these barrio girls can give you the ride of your life sexually.

If your looking for coifed beauty queens, well the barrio girls don't sound like a good match for you.

Mr Enternational
05-15-23, 13:53
Yes most of us know about pattaya, I was referring more to Latin women, other than maybe Costa Rica & Brazil I haven't heard of many clubs like gustos that are full of hookers. Definitely at least not as popular, otherwise I would have seen videos on YouTube by now. Any clubs full of hookers in North America, what about in DR? Europe? All I hear about is fkks.So you did not mean where else in the world are there hookers in a disco as you asked, but you meant where in other very specific places are there discos or bars with a particular subset of hookers. It seems you are like Kanye West and like to brainstorm out loud, writing it down for everyone to read, instead of organizing your thoughts beforehand in order to present them to the public how you really intend.

05-15-23, 14:59
. And she was happy with either. That is the marketplace.I usually meet them at Gustos a few times before appointment with them.

05-15-23, 15:13
Last minute trip and trying Facebook for the first time this time, I've only got 2 weeks so my set up will be limited.

So far I have a few positive conversations going on over the last week. The girls have not jumped at the suggestion of "mutually beneficial date" or the various ways I've tried to softly suggest p4 p. But they have remained curious and are asking for specifics. Which I am taking as a good sign as my preference is to have the old tinder experience before it became full of scams. So mainly semi-pros vs the pros. For that I'd just use a escort listing site or visit an establishment. One girl even thought I was her friend playing a trick on her LOL. I'm not sure if she's acting or not but it was funny.

Is this similar to what most people experience when talking with the girls on FB? I was wondering if I've hit the correct network of girls others seem to mention here and it being unique to Medellin. The reason I ask is so far this just feels like it would be in any other city. Messaging girls trying to convince them of a "sugar date" or whatever. In my experience many young hot girls anywhere in the world are open for that.

I'll also share here that you can search by anything on facebook like their job and then filter on city. So it doesn't have to just be by common girls names or via friends lists. I've seen girls with prepagos in their bio and it is searchable. It's interesting if that's what you're looking for but to me that's just a pro and why not use one of the listing sites than fiddle with facebook. But searching for jobs like dancer (in spanish) or modelo or whatever you are attracted to might help find what you're looking for. Again early days for me, just sharing what I've discovered.Honestly if you want to build a FB friend network this is something you should have started months before your trip. Two weeks is so little time that you're either going to have to get very lucky or you'll need a fellow monger to share his friend's list with you. But conversely any such monger has a strong incentive NOT to share their list because why would they risk you ruining their fun by overpaying their regulars or possibly infecting them with who knows what STDs?

Rather than asking for a sugar date and then trying to explain what that is just say you're visiting Medellin and that you'd like to meet or you think together you and they can have some fun together. Any pro or semi-pro will immediately agree and ask what date you arrive. She'll also probably start calling you "amor". If a girl plays dumb and asks why or what do you mean you're just talking to a regular girl and your chances of fucking her for money are considerably lower. If you talk a good game and are good-looking and charming (which let's be blunt--you're probably not if you're on this forum) you might be able to wine and dine her straight to your bed but for most of you it's not worth the effort. Move on to the next girl.

Your hunch about Instagram camgirls / influencers / onlyfans girls is spot on--most of these girls are deluged by horny messages from simps around the world and have probably just stopped looked at their DMs altogether. In all my years I've only successfully hooked up with one girl that I first saw on IG. Nowadays the only girls on IG who respond to my messages are girls that I've already fucked IRL.

With the time you have your best course of action is to either use photoprepagos (they don't use fake photos although they can be airbrushed) or to go to clubs and casas. Once you find a girl who rocks your boat ask for her whatsapp number and social media info. Many of them will recommend a friend or two. Then just build from there.

05-15-23, 15:20
LOL. Dude are you serious right now? There are tons of hooker pickup bars and discos all over the world. In Pattaya there are AT LEAST 10 on Walking Street alone. I will name a few off the top of my head. 808, Candy Shop, Myst, Lucifer, iBar, Insomnia, Republic, Rave, Jannarat, Nasha, Flexx, Tunnel, Mixx. That is 13 on one street off the top of my head and there are more than that on that same street. This is in no way a Medellin Parque Lleras thing. 2 fucking small ass clubs? Really?!I'll add that in Medellin there are scorea of other clubs where the girls look and smell just as good, and most are willing to dance and talk with you. The only real difference is that they won't expect $200-$300.