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02-11-24, 21:47
The administrator doesn't have to lock the thread. You can achieve the same result by not reading it. I'm confused by this recent obsession with crime reports on the part of people who spend maybe 20 days in a year here if they ever come here at all. The last couple of months I've been contacted by people I haven't spoken with in years asking if I'm OK. It feels disproportinate to me.

At this point, the Admin should lock this thread and Cartagena until all the kidnapping, murders, and drugging stop.

Also, it would be helpful to mention other South American destinations to go instead that are much safer.

On a side note, when I visit Medelin later this year, how many girls will a budget of 5000 USD get me? Trying to know how much to budget per day, and if its possible to find at least one GFE complete run way model for a day compared to the regulars youd find on the street. The kind of girl you'd see in the Hollywood movies like Sofa Vergara or who thinks they're worth 1000+ USD if they tour the states.

Radical Guy
02-11-24, 22:28
The USA Government has issued travel advisories to reconsider travel to Colombia if anyone didn't know.

Sex addict mongers would rather read about possible exaggerated reports of perfect encounters.

They forget about the possibility of leaving Colombia in a box.

It will never happen to me, swivel my head, carry a fake wallet, bullet proof vest, read 10 pages of ISG, etc.

Death has been known to reduce the competitive odds LOL!As far as I'm concerned, this is good news because it reduces demand for chicas, and therefore average prices go down. I've seen these advisories about other places, such as Mindanao, Philippines, and have ignored them without any problems. The trick is to use common sense. Every city around the world has its risk factors. So please, stay away. That leaves better selection for the rest of us.


02-11-24, 22:57
Of course they are not random in that sense. But there are thousands, probably hundreds of thousands, of chicas on Instagram in Colombia. So chances of anyone knowing anything are very low as Instagram does not make it easy for one to check out anything about the person you may hook up with. But best of luck. The problem with Instagram is related to that very thing. It has become a prime way for those that want to rob / drug people they hook up with. So take care.Apology. Perhaps my age or something, but I should have said Tinder not Instagram when I said it was the prime hook up site used by those who might want to do you harm A number of the well publicized cases involved Tinder hook ups.

02-11-24, 23:11
"Like a moth to a flame. This time a guy from the Netherlands checked in to his hotel and never checked out. Brought 2 chicks to the room at midnight and they left at 5 am. The cleaning lady found him dead. So for those that keep thinking I am safe if there is security or cameras, once again that has proven to be wrong.


As does Forrest Gumps favorite quote "Stoopid is as Stoopid does".

Or one of my favorites, "you can't fix STOOPID".

If guys with dangerous 3rd world mongering experience want to visit MDE that's one thing.

But telling new mongers "youll probably be ok" is evil and very bad karma!!

Guys with little to no dangerous 3rd world mongering experience should not be visiting MDE, at least not at this time.

And I don't consider crossing the border and going to HK in Tijuana good enuff.

You want to monger maybe goto SEA or Europe.

Learn this hobby a bit before jumping straight into the equivalent of a 3rd world maximum security prison for convicted killers!!

Radical Guy
02-11-24, 23:40
Apology. Perhaps my age or something, but I should have said Tinder not Instagram when I said it was the prime hook up site used by those who might want to do you harm A number of the well publicized cases involved Tinder hook ups.I have been using Badoo. Is that the same?

02-12-24, 03:44
Kidnapping, drugging and murder were going on long before this board ever existed. Locking the thread won't stop anything, it will just limit the information available. Other destinations are mentioned, on the appropriate boards. If you want to find out about Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, Peru or anywhere else, go to that board. It makes no sense to have a Medellin thread which only talks about Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires.

On your side note, your budget will get you 1 girl, or 200. Are you setting aside $5 k just for girls, or does that include airfare, lodging, ground transportation, meals, etc? How long are you staying? What area of Medellin are you staying in? Where are you planning to find the girls? These are the things you need to figure out first.

In Colombia, just walking down the street or through the mall, you'll find many equal or superior to Sofia Vergara.Taking into account for the recent death threats posted here, I want to stay in the safest area possible with security that will also allow girls, hopefully with no upcharge for each one. Assuming I should focus on hotels. Any recommendations and best months to visit?

Trip would be 2 weeks total, and that budget includes all expenses of trip, room, women. Should I assume that I could approach any of the girls I see on the street or a club and talk to them (likely with app) to proposition a date?

I made a Facebook using a fake name and 2 of my real pics. Slightly blurred unless I should not do that. Tried adding random girls in Medellin, no adds yet. Is there a group or way to get female friends added online before arriving since I have no connection?

02-12-24, 04:35
Last I checked you can buy hundreds of thousands of followers for a few hundred bucks. Then there are the filters where women can make themselves look less fat, taller ETC, and I read somewhere an astonishing percentage of women on Instagram do just that.

Offering big money to a Colombian woman sight unseen is a big mistake. You will be conned.This is Essentials of Mongering. Don't make a big money/time commitment to someone you haven't seen in person. Photos can hide an awful lot. And even after you've met them, do a quick test-drive session before committing to spending more time with her.

02-12-24, 05:18
Congrats to Chiefs for winning the Superbowl! Booked another trip to Medellin lol.

Good game y'all!!

02-12-24, 06:06
Apology. Perhaps my age or something, but I should have said Tinder not Instagram when I said it was the prime hook up site used by those who might want to do you harm A number of the well publicized cases involved Tinder hook ups.I think you meant that for me. When I see someone on Tinder with Instagram tags then you know they aren't fake. I am talking to 2 people who are in that category and have already banged one.

On the TLC show Love and Translation I recognize one of the Colombian girls from Tinder.

I am pretty good at sorting out fakes and there are quite a few.

02-12-24, 06:11
Anyone have any thoughts on my post below? I got buried under all the posts about dangerous conditions (which seems to have taken over this thread).

I am trying to decide between Europa Suites and an AirBNB I found at Edificio Provenza Life near the Calle 6/ Calle 33 split. As stated before my motivation is not food or drinking or partying or nightlife. My sole focus is the same thing KeviKevi said, it's all about the women. I want to maximize my time and I plan on seeing 3-4 women per day. I'd like the opportunity to bring some back to my place (with the proper safety measures taken of course). The host of the AirBNB said they have 24 hour reception and guests are permitted. Just looking at the pictures I do like the AirBNB as it is more like an apartment and the Europa Suite doesn't seem like it has the same feel. I don't mind using Uber or Taxi but the appeal of being that close to Lleras Park is appealing for finding street girls and walking back. Does taking an uber or taxi vs walking back to Europa after finding a girl impact or limit my options. I'll also take any feedback about Europa or Edificio Provenza Life. As always, thanks in advance!

02-12-24, 14:20
"Like a moth to a flame. This time a guy from the Netherlands checked in to his hotel and never checked out. Brought 2 chicks to the room at midnight and they left at 5 am. The cleaning lady found him dead. So for those that keep thinking I am safe if there is security or cameras, once again that has proven to be wrong.


As does Forrest Gumps favorite quote "Stoopid is as Stoopid does".

Or one of my favorites, "you can't fix STOOPID".

If guys with dangerous 3rd world mongering experience want to visit MDE that's one thing.

But telling new mongers "youll probably be ok" is evil and very bad karma!!

Guys with little to no dangerous 3rd world mongering experience should not be visiting MDE, at least not at this time.

And I don't consider crossing the border and going to HK in Tijuana good enuff.

You want to monger maybe goto SEA or Europe.

Learn this hobby a bit before jumping straight into the equivalent of a 3rd world maximum security prison for convicted killers!!I would say this. If you don't speak Spanish and you have never visited Latin America, you should ease into it by visiting a safer country first such as Costa Rica, Panama or Mexico. It will get you used to hearing Spanish and interacting with Latinas with a lower degree of risk but of course there is always risk in visiting Latin America, more so than Southeast Asia or Europe. Mexico or Costa Rica are great countries to get started and you can start learning a few words of Spanish and dip your toe in countries where Spanish is spoken. That would be my suggestion for newbies to Latin America. Get some experience in Latin America before coming over to Colombia where there is higher level of risks.

02-12-24, 14:26
DESERVE might have been a rather strong choice of words but his point isn't far off. It is Darwinian natural selection in our modern world. People who come to Colombia to monger or do drugs without understanding the culture and without bothering to learn the language even to a minimal degree are at risk. Then to compound things, some visitors have to show off their wealth by wearing gold chains or flashy watches and / or expensive clothes and pull out their iphones in public. Then they invite a girl to their apartment that has no check-in safeguards and then want to drink with their girl guests. Is it any wonder that they get drugged and robbed and some die or get killed.

This is natural selection at work in the modern world.Yes "deserve" is the wrong word, period, even if referencing evolutionary theory. Newbies, or any other traveler who failed to access or apply common guidelines didn't deserve to die.

One can still get picked off in a street robbery or kidnapping while not flashing wealth, or set up by taxistas. Or just be in the wrong place at the wrong time in a dangerous poorly policed city like Medellin, having a meal in an open air restaurant, or taking a ride as armed men on motos are splitting lanes. A nervous shooter could squeeze the trigger even when cooperating. Or one could be grabbed by surprise, instinctively pull back and be taken as resisting. Foreigners are presumed rich, and if you can't pull off the local look you're still a target.

There's of course some good risk reductions for Medellin, and plenty of good YouTubers on that task. But Medellin is hot at the moment and not a good spot for partiers that want to entertain girls.

Costa Rica is a good spot, with three hotels set up as meeting places for girls and clients. Druggings are virtually non-existent. Constantly looking over your shoulder isn't necessary. Spanish is unnecessary as the young in the larger cities are taught English in school. There's of course the Google Translate backup. The spots are in close proximity, and there's the advantage of enjoying girls of multiple nationalities. Don't walk at night as street robberies happen once in a while, but they tend to be of the strong arm variety, a few men without weapons.

P.S. When we talk about gold chains in the context of Colombia we know we are primarily talking about some of our black fellow travelers. The expensive items need to stay home, but Black Americans do something extremely well. They often move in groups. Bravo guys. Many also look like NFL players. That also helps.

02-12-24, 16:00
This is how you get set up and murdered in a foreign country.

https://worldstar.com/videos/wshhNSzoTeB9dsW4QWHp/passport-bro-going-out-sad-colombian-woman-fights-and-humiliates-bro-for-not-paying-after-they-ran-a-train-on-herThis is why a lot of folks say Cartagena is ruined now, kinda like Sosua went down hill. If you stay out of Laureles and El Poblado, you can avoid much of the USA riffraff in Medellin.

02-12-24, 16:14
I made a Facebook using a fake name and 2 of my real pics. Slightly blurred unless I should not do that. Tried adding random girls in Medellin, no adds yet. Is there a group or way to get female friends added online before arriving since I have no connection?Look up my past posts in recent weeks and you should find a few posts.

02-12-24, 19:12
Anyone have any thoughts on my post below? I got buried under all the posts about dangerous conditions (which seems to have taken over this thread).I stayed at provenza life on my last trip. There was no AC in my unit and the showers didn't drain properly. Other than that it was realitively for most girls to find. No problems bringing in guest. I will say this, one girl did not have a cedula and they still let her come up to my room. She was definitely above 18 but still kinda sketchy. It's pretty expensive too, compared to the other Airbnbs.

02-12-24, 20:41
I think you meant that for me. When I see someone on Tinder with Instagram tags then you know they aren't fake. I am talking to 2 people who are in that category and have already banged one.

On the TLC show Love and Translation I recognize one of the Colombian girls from Tinder.

I am pretty good at sorting out fakes and there are quite a few.I guess sorting out fake accounts would be a good start to finding a safer "date" but I'm not sure how someone having an Instagram or a Facebook account guarantees anything. Lots of fake accounts on there too. But especially with Facebook if the account has absolutely no detail about friends, family, and no history then that is also a good sign that it is a false account of some kind. I have lots of FB friends on my FB travel account but there is a history with most of them, and even though I have never met many of them there is a time history, as well as their postings of stuff, as well as sometimes friends in common. Although even then it is possible that the person may not be trustworthy.

02-12-24, 20:54
The administrator doesn't have to lock the thread. You can achieve the same result by not reading it. I'm confused by this recent obsession with crime reports on the part of people who spend maybe 20 days in a year here if they ever come here at all. The last couple of months I've been contacted by people I haven't spoken with in years asking if I'm OK. It feels disproportinate to me.As usual, the reality is in the middle of the two sides. Which is why we should always stick to facts.

Fact: Traveling to Medellin is not implicitly safe. Traveling to ANY city as a tourist involves some risk, particularly if you don't speak the language or understand customs and socio-climate.

Fact: As a monger in Medellin, you ARE a target. While we can't accurately quantify it, your profile is a target. Being Asian, Black, Dutch, American doesn't matter so much, as we've learned. If you are out hunting, you are a potential target.

Fact: You can mitigate risks. Literally hundreds of pages on ISG on what to do and more importantly, what NOT to do. If you don't abide by all of this good advice, you increase the target on your back.

Fact: Just because it didn't happen to any given monger does not mean it won't happen to you. Along the same lines, any monger declaring Medellin is safe is lying.

Fact: The numbers are EXTREMELY favorable to you. Even in these reports that are being posted, we don't know where these mongers picked these girls up. So using these few reports as the basis for unfettered fear is stupid. Or dishonest. But anyone who's traveled internationally into MDE can tell you that there are dozens of mongers entering Medellin every hour. So when we have five reports, we SHOULD share them. And we should glean every piece of info out of them. But.

Fact: Ask yourself why these doomsday mongers who have sworn off Medellin and have no on the ground intel get so excited to scare others. They may have very valid points, but just realize that they have an agenda.

02-12-24, 23:20
When you guys are making trips to the casas like New Life, Energy and Loutron during the daytime and to clubs like La Isla and Fase Dos at night, what transportation do you normally use -- taxi, Uber or public transit?

02-12-24, 23:45
Anyone have any thoughts on my post below? I got buried under all the posts about dangerous conditions (which seems to have taken over this thread).I have stayed at Europa twice, both times in the 2 floor 10 bedroom Penthouse. I would highly recommend it, but also its the only place I have ever stayed at.

Armed security and concierge downstairs. Security checks all girls ID. Few were not let in due to not having a ID but would rather be safe than sorry.

Lleras Park is a 2-3 min walk, small liquor store outside as well.

Depending on the room you book some have a jacuzzi inside.

02-12-24, 23:57
When you guys are making trips to the casas like New Life, Energy and Loutron during the daytime and to clubs like La Isla and Fase Dos at night, what transportation do you normally use -- taxi, Uber or public transit?Taxis and apps like Uber.

02-13-24, 00:13
I guess sorting out fake accounts would be a good start to finding a safer "date" but I'm not sure how someone having an Instagram or a Facebook account guarantees anything. Lots of fake accounts on there too. But especially with Facebook if the account has absolutely no detail about friends, family, and no history then that is also a good sign that it is a false account of some kind. I have lots of FB friends on my FB travel account but there is a history with most of them, and even though I have never met many of them there is a time history, as well as their postings of stuff, as well as sometimes friends in common. Although even then it is possible that the person may not be trustworthy.It is a bit ironic to set up a fake Facebook account with a fake name and then complain about fake Facebook accounts.

02-13-24, 02:42
I guess sorting out fake accounts would be a good start to finding a safer "date" but I'm not sure how someone having an Instagram or a Facebook account guarantees anything. Lots of fake accounts on there too. But especially with Facebook if the account has absolutely no detail about friends, family, and no history then that is also a good sign that it is a false account of some kind. I have lots of FB friends on my FB travel account but there is a history with most of them, and even though I have never met many of them there is a time history, as well as their postings of stuff, as well as sometimes friends in common. Although even then it is possible that the person may not be trustworthy.I don't use Facebook at all. When you look at a Tinder profile and a Instagram is also available you can see the girl doing various activities in different places. People who want to scam you aren't going to show themselves out and about. That takes too much time and it creates a trail.

You don't have to do all of that find a sucker. To each his own. I have plenty of contacts with a few openings for people I may come across while at either Botero or Lleras.

I like to plan meets in advance so I get as much action as I can without having to be out on the street. I don't have problems with flaking or missed appointments. The only problems I encounter are my visits run longer than I need. I guess that's a good problem.

02-13-24, 04:17
When you guys are making trips to the casas like New Life, Energy and Loutron during the daytime and to clubs like La Isla and Fase Dos at night, what transportation do you normally use -- taxi, Uber or public transit?Public transit and Uber, sometimes taxi.

02-13-24, 05:24
I would say this. If you don't speak Spanish and you have never visited Latin America, you should ease into it by visiting a safer country first such as Costa Rica, Panama or Mexico. It will get you used to hearing Spanish and interacting with Latinas with a lower degree of risk but of course there is always risk in visiting Latin America, more so than Southeast Asia or Europe. Mexico or Costa Rica are great countries to get started and you can start learning a few words of Spanish and dip your toe in countries where Spanish is spoken. That would be my suggestion for newbies to Latin America. Get some experience in Latin America before coming over to Colombia where there is higher level of risks.Learning Spanish is so important. The speed, slang varies from countries / cities but at least you can read a menu, direction and communicate your needs.

If you're short on time, limited budget if you're in a large metro area go to Spanish neighborhoods / restaurants / bars where Latam citizens go. Advantage of your home turf & "safety" of US jurisdiction. To prepare for working girls go to a strip club. Most are ripoffs for special action, but some gems of Latinas can be fun tutors, sometimes for the price of those online conversational tutors. You learn the slang & the pro side of negotiations. The good ones will appreciate a regular customer especially if you're giving her a paid breather from dancing 8 hrs straight. Thru the rapport I've gotten club discounts for action, OTC, and referrals to her home country.

Still fluent Spanish won't matter you can't negotiate if 2 dudes decide to make you their target. Spanish or not, that won't protect you from being jumped just like how we should avoid rough neighborhoods in US if you're an outsider. I'd be willing to trade a portion of Spanish fluency for every trustworthy street smart bro you can have.

02-13-24, 06:53
Hotel M 

Carrera 43 # 2 sur - 50, Medellin. Colombia

Phone: +1 312 546 4301.

Email: info@hotelmedellinm.com.

Website: http://hotelmedellinm.com/.Thanks for sharing.

02-13-24, 12:41
Public transit and Uber, sometimes taxi.I'm assuming that public transit would be a no no at night time opting for safety of Uber and taxi. But for public transit during the daytime hours, is it convenient to Loutron, New Life and Energy?

Radical Guy
02-13-24, 12:48
I am a veteran of numerous trips to the Philippines and Kenya, and have decided to go to Medellin next month, which will be my first trip there. I don't speak Spanish at all, but have made several contacts there using Badoo and communicating via the Google Translator app. It's a bit cumbersome, but seems manageable. I have RTFF, but wondering if any of you folks going to Medellin have done so successfully without learning any Spanish. The Google Translator app has a voice translation function that will only work in person. I've never tried this in practice, but that seems to be the plan. Any pointers?


02-13-24, 13:01
When you guys are making trips to the casas like New Life, Energy and Loutron during the daytime and to clubs like La Isla and Fase Dos at night, what transportation do you normally use -- taxi, Uber or public transit?I dint visit those establishments but my preferred mode of transportation is the metro meteocsble and bus system.

02-13-24, 13:31
I almost exclusively use Uber for convenience, since it tells me how much. Sometimes I pay for a higher tier to get a car faster or insure I get one with AC (if a hot day).

When you guys are making trips to the casas like New Life, Energy and Loutron during the daytime and to clubs like La Isla and Fase Dos at night, what transportation do you normally use -- taxi, Uber or public transit?

02-13-24, 15:32
I'm assuming that public transit would be a no no at night time opting for safety of Uber and taxi. But for public transit during the daytime hours, is it convenient to Loutron, New Life and Energy?Public transit is safe even at night time. I've never had a problem with a bus driver or a metro station clerk ripping me off whether at 5 am 3 pm or 10 pm. I can't say the same about taxis. I fact taci is probably the most dangerous option of all.

02-13-24, 16:15
Do you have to know if they single bedrooms for rent?

I have stayed at Europa twice, both times in the 2 floor 10 bedroom Penthouse. I would highly recommend it, but also its the only place I have ever stayed at.

Armed security and concierge downstairs. Security checks all girls ID. Few were not let in due to not having a ID but would rather be safe than sorry.

Lleras Park is a 2-3 min walk, small liquor store outside as well.

Depending on the room you book some have a jacuzzi inside.

John Gault
02-13-24, 16:32
When you guys are making trips to the casas like New Life, Energy and Loutron during the daytime and to clubs like La Isla and Fase Dos at night, what transportation do you normally use -- taxi, Uber or public transit?In the day time I walk. At night I take a taxi.

02-13-24, 16:58
I am a veteran of numerous trips to the Philippines and Kenya, and have decided to go to Medellin next month, which will be my first trip there. I don't speak Spanish at all, but have made several contacts there using Badoo and communicating via the Google Translator app. It's a bit cumbersome, but seems manageable. I have RTFF, but wondering if any of you folks going to Medellin have done so successfully without learning any Spanish. The Google Translator app has a voice translation function that will only work in person. I've never tried this in practice, but that seems to be the plan. Any pointers?.I'm guessing you'll get a variety of different opinions here. I feel like it all depends on what you are looking for. Sex is sex, right. So Google Translate will get you laid. You might pay a slightly higher premium because negotiations aren't as smooth. But minor issue. And google translate will allow you to get through basic travel issues. For me, language is important. I have a goal to get laid but for me, a lot of the fun is flirting and hanging out, partying a little with the girls. Translator would not work well. Granted, I'm not fluent in Spanish but I can carry on a conversation. (I'm sure my grammar is horrible. LOL But I do think the girls appreciate that more than the back and forth on the phone.) Language is probably the reason I didn't enjoy Rio as much as Medellin.

Basically, you'll get by and you can get laid with zero Spanish. I think the only thing you'd completely miss out on with zero Spanish would be bars.

02-13-24, 17:42
When you guys are making trips to the casas like New Life, Energy and Loutron during the daytime and to clubs like La Isla and Fase Dos at night, what transportation do you normally use -- taxi, Uber or public transit?I use DiDi and have never had a bad experience. I also have no qualms about grabbing a taxi if it is more convenient.

Radical Guy
02-13-24, 18:05
I'm guessing you'll get a variety of different opinions here. I feel like it all depends on what you are looking for. Sex is sex, right. So Google Translate will get you laid. You might pay a slightly higher premium because negotiations aren't as smooth. But minor issue. And google translate will allow you to get through basic travel issues. For me, language is important. I have a goal to get laid but for me, a lot of the fun is flirting and hanging out, partying a little with the girls. Translator would not work well. Granted, I'm not fluent in Spanish but I can carry on a conversation. (I'm sure my grammar is horrible. LOL But I do think the girls appreciate that more than the back and forth on the phone.) Language is probably the reason I didn't enjoy Rio as much as Medellin.

Basically, you'll get by and you can get laid with zero Spanish. I think the only thing you'd completely miss out on with zero Spanish would be bars.Well, for me, I have already found a few prospects on Badoo, so I won't be meeting any girls cold. I'the love to learn Spanish, but that takes time. It's hard until one can be immersed in the culture.


02-13-24, 18:10
It is good to see common sense returning to this web page. We were on a winding path toward crazytown.

I'm guessing you'll get a variety of different opinions here. I feel like it all depends on what you are looking for. Sex is sex, right. So Google Translate will get you laid. You might pay a slightly higher premium because negotiations aren't as smooth. But minor issue. And google translate will allow you to get through basic travel issues. For me, language is important. I have a goal to get laid but for me, a lot of the fun is flirting and hanging out, partying a little with the girls. Translator would not work well. Granted, I'm not fluent in Spanish but I can carry on a conversation. (I'm sure my grammar is horrible. LOL But I do think the girls appreciate that more than the back and forth on the phone.) Language is probably the reason I didn't enjoy Rio as much as Medellin.

Basically, you'll get by and you can get laid with zero Spanish. I think the only thing you'd completely miss out on with zero Spanish would be bars.

02-13-24, 18:12
Spanish helps, mostly as a convenience. It's not going to make or break anybody's two weeks of fun in Medellin.

Learning Spanish is so important. The speed, slang varies from countries / cities but at least you can read a menu, direction and communicate your needs.

If you're short on time, limited budget if you're in a large metro area go to Spanish neighborhoods / restaurants / bars where Latam citizens go. Advantage of your home turf & "safety" of US jurisdiction. To prepare for working girls go to a strip club. Most are ripoffs for special action, but some gems of Latinas can be fun tutors, sometimes for the price of those online conversational tutors. You learn the slang & the pro side of negotiations. The good ones will appreciate a regular customer especially if you're giving her a paid breather from dancing 8 hrs straight. Thru the rapport I've gotten club discounts for action, OTC, and referrals to her home country.

Still fluent Spanish won't matter you can't negotiate if 2 dudes decide to make you their target. Spanish or not, that won't protect you from being jumped just like how we should avoid rough neighborhoods in US if you're an outsider. I'd be willing to trade a portion of Spanish fluency for every trustworthy street smart bro you can have.

02-13-24, 18:27
As usual, the reality is in the middle of the two sides. Which is why we should always stick to facts.

Fact: Traveling to Medellin is not implicitly safe. Traveling to ANY city as a tourist involves some risk, particularly if you don't speak the language or understand customs and socio-climate.

Fact: As a monger in Medellin, you ARE a target. While we can't accurately quantify it, your profile is a target. Being Asian, Black, Dutch, American doesn't matter so much, as we've learned. If you are out hunting, you are a potential target.

Fact: You can mitigate risks. Literally hundreds of pages on ISG on what to do and more importantly, what NOT to do. If you don't abide by all of this good advice, you increase the target on your back.

Fact: Just because it didn't happen to any given monger does not mean it won't happen to you. Along the same lines, any monger declaring Medellin is safe is lying.Inflation worldwide has really made mongering more dangerous than 5 to 20 years ago. If people that didn't have much to begin had it hard before Covid, what do you think is happening to them now. I think people in Colombia Brazil Mexico are becoming more desperate. Think of how many more homeless we have compared to just 5 years ago. It's a different world now, so be safe. I would take Uber everywhere, no taxis or buses. If you take a bus you are advertising yourself to a lot of people that could take a liking to you and call a kidnapping friend. Quit trying to save a few bucks and take Uber always.

02-13-24, 20:47
I almost exclusively use Uber for convenience, since it tells me how much. Sometimes I pay for a higher tier to get a car faster or insure I get one with AC (if a hot day).Do you find Uber quite accessible down there over the night time hours? In general, is it hard to book Ubers compared to large urban cities in North America of they are frequent enough in Medellin?

02-13-24, 21:34
Do you find Uber quite accessible down there over the night time hours? In general, is it hard to book Ubers compared to large urban cities in North America of they are frequent enough in Medellin?If you're using Uber, you have to set aside some time for Uber to find a driver and for the driver to get there. Sometimes it would take more than 10 or 15 minutes before I got picked up. Sometimes a driver would cancel and then you would have to start over. I had a doctor's appointment and I was late due to Uber. Uber is reliable but you just need to give yourself additional time if you need to get somewhere by a certain time.

02-13-24, 22:48
I am a veteran of numerous trips to the Philippines and Kenya, and have decided to go to Medellin next month, which will be my first trip there. I don't speak Spanish at all, but have made several contacts there using Badoo and communicating via the Google Translator app. It's a bit cumbersome, but seems manageable. I have RTFF, but wondering if any of you folks going to Medellin have done so successfully without learning any Spanish. The Google Translator app has a voice translation function that will only work in person. I've never tried this in practice, but that seems to be the plan. Any pointers?

RG.Your best course is to speak Spanish at least at a conversational level. But, that isn't going to be possible for you this trip. Just remember something about Google Translate. Don't try to be clever or witty. Many English sayings just won't translate beyond a literal level and that will spark real confusion. Keep your sentences short and to the point. If you do that you should be fine.

Let me give you an example. A friend of mine was communicating with his date. His comment at the end of the communication was "I can't wait to see you". Well, he should have said "I am excited to meet you. ".

Google translated it into Spanish "No puedo esperar para conocerte. " Which implies that I can't wait for you if you aren't on time. The date was pissed. Being on-time isn't so much a requirement here. They managed to untangle things.

But just keep your conversation very direct with short sentences.

02-13-24, 23:39
The Interplaza Mall not to far from the Blux Apartments, does it have a liquor store there or someplace to by liquor and beers?

Mr Enternational
02-14-24, 00:24
I'the love to learn Spanish, but that takes time. It's hard until one can be immersed in the culture.Nah. That is just an excuse. If one was already immersed in the culture, they would be saying I should have learned this before I was immersed in the culture. However it comes, you are going to learn it the same way you learned English: one word at a time.

Mr Enternational
02-14-24, 00:26
The Interplaza Mall not to far from the Blux Apartments, does it have a liquor store there or someplace to by liquor and beers?Just let the chicks bring it. They are going to have to spike it anyway.

02-14-24, 01:58
Following on from recent chat regarding a potential change to management at Hotel M, and a potential restriction of ladies' access during the daytime, has anyone been able to get any further info as to whether this is happening or not?

I was planning to visit Medellin for the first time in May, and recent events I was going to stay at Hotel M for the duration of my trip, at least for my first trip. I'm an obvious gringo and I'm learning Spanish but still far from conversational. If the rumoured changes are actually true, I think that would be my cue to find another destination, at least this time until things hopefully die down (no pun intended).


02-14-24, 02:15
Following on from recent chat regarding a potential change to management at Hotel M, and a potential restriction of ladies' access during the daytime, has anyone been able to get any further info as to whether this is happening or not?

I was planning to visit Medellin for the first time in May, and recent events I was going to stay at Hotel M for the duration of my trip, at least for my first trip. I'm an obvious gringo and I'm learning Spanish but still far from conversational. If the rumoured changes are actually true, I think that would be my cue to find another destination, at least this time until things hopefully die down (no pun intended).

Thanks.The staff on email still claims that changes in ownership are still just rumours. However I'm thinking for my trip, if the only change is no girls there during the daytime, I might still be okay as I was planning to visit casas during the daytime and pull girls from the M pool at night. As long as there are girls there for the evening hours, those of us who plan to be out during the daytime might be okay even with this change.

02-14-24, 02:18
For what it's worth: the employees are not aware if it is being sold. They are telling me that they know something is going on. But, they also say there is always something rumored to be happening. It's fair to say they are worried but also not convinced it will be sold. I've talked to a few of the chicas and they are hearing a lot of rumors but nothing concrete.

For those planning a trip yet haven't made reservations, if it was me I would wait it out. Unless their policies have changed, you have to pay one night to hold the reservation. I wouldn't sink the $100, but that's just my opinion.Thanks. Do you have any further intel on this.

You do have to pay a night up front but you can get that refunded if you cancel (and I have done that successfully in the past. Although it takes a bit of effort). The bigger issue right now is that, as my first time to Medellin, I don't really want to stay in a condo / hotel right now, given what is going on. I'm probably too risk averse in that regard, but my gut is telling me Hotel M or another country right now, and I'm inclined to listen.

02-14-24, 02:20
The staff on email still claims that changes in ownership are still just rumours. However I'm thinking for my trip, if the only change is no girls there during the daytime, I might still be okay as I was planning to visit casas during the daytime and pull girls from the M pool at night. As long as there are girls there for the evening hours, those of us who plan to be out during the daytime might be okay even with this change.Thanks. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if just a daytime restriction (I had non-mongering daytime plans in mind anyways). The risk is some major overhaul, which is unlikely, but I don't want to commit to a full trip on the basis that it 'probably' won't change dramatically.

02-14-24, 02:47
Thanks. Do you have any further intel on this.

You do have to pay a night up front but you can get that refunded if you cancel (and I have done that successfully in the past. Although it takes a bit of effort). The bigger issue right now is that, as my first time to Medellin, I don't really want to stay in a condo / hotel right now, given what is going on. I'm probably too risk averse in that regard, but my gut is telling me Hotel M or another country right now, and I'm inclined to listen.I have no further info at this time though I will be in MDE in a few days. I'm not staying at Hotel M. But I promise you I'll close that bar down at least twice in the coming week. LOL. So I might have more information soon, though I suspect those that actually know have alot of reason to stay quiet.

In any event, I think as you and others have said, there is still some value with the nighttime selection. However, if the hotel is sold, I imagine the bar goes with it. It's the same building though, "technically" they operate separately. IF (big if) the bar remains as is, and the hotel remains very girl friendly, I'd say go for it. Especially if you are engaging in casas daytime.

One other concern I would have if it was sold: the people that work there have always been fantastic. They've lost a few critical pieces but they are very gringo friendly and willing to help with anything. It'd be curious to see if that's the same approach with new owners.

PM me, if you want, with the timing and duration of your trip. I can think of 2 other places that might be of interest. Nothing like the mansion but might fit your needs.

02-14-24, 03:01
Following on from recent chat regarding a potential change to management at Hotel M, and a potential restriction of ladies' access during the daytime, has anyone been able to get any further info as to whether this is happening or not?

I was planning to visit Medellin for the first time in May, and recent events I was going to stay at Hotel M for the duration of my trip, at least for my first trip. I'm an obvious gringo and I'm learning Spanish but still far from conversational. If the rumoured changes are actually true, I think that would be my cue to find another destination, at least this time until things hopefully die down (no pun intended).

Thanks.No girls are hanging out by the pool. A girl you're bringing yourself can still visit you. I have very limited Spanish myself and, I got by pretty well with google translate.

02-14-24, 04:27
Your best course is to speak Spanish at least at a conversational level. But, that isn't going to be possible for you this trip. Just remember something about Google Translate. Don't try to be clever or witty. Many English sayings just won't translate beyond a literal level and that will spark real confusion. Keep your sentences short and to the point. If you do that you should be fine.

Let me give you an example. A friend of mine was communicating with his date. His comment at the end of the communication was "I can't wait to see you". Well, he should have said "I am excited to meet you. ".

Google translated it into Spanish "No puedo esperar para conocerte. " Which implies that I can't wait for you if you aren't on time. The date was pissed. Being on-time isn't so much a requirement here. They managed to untangle things.

But just keep your conversation very direct with short sentences.It was translated correctly. Don't know how it could have said anything close to being on time. Something else was going on with that conversation. Perhaps what she saw was "No puedo esperar para encontrarte." That would mean what she thought she read or heard.

But does translation sometimes get it wrong. Yes. And mainly when the same word has 2 completely different meanings and the translate app picks the wrong one. One trick you can use is to reverse translate and then reverse again. If all of the results stay the same chances are it is accurate.

02-14-24, 05:37
Inflation worldwide has really made mongering more dangerous than 5 to 20 years ago. If you take a bus you are advertising yourself to a lot of people that could take a liking to you and call a kidnapping friend. Quit trying to save a few bucks and take Uber always.Inflation is making things more dangerous but another large problem is all the idiots now travelling that do no research and assume the country being visited is the same as their own. So the idiots are becoming a target. Overpaying tells the locals you have money and have no idea what the local situation is.

If you take a bus it kinda gives the impression that you have little money and that you are not really a first timer tourist.

02-14-24, 06:24
The staff on email still claims that changes in ownership are still just rumours. However I'm thinking for my trip, if the only change is no girls there during the daytime, I might still be okay as I was planning to visit casas during the daytime and pull girls from the M pool at night. As long as there are girls there for the evening hours, those of us who plan to be out during the daytime might be okay even with this change.At night the chicas are not at the pool, they are hanging in a bar next door. At no time of the day are available chicas at the pool.

02-14-24, 06:52
No girls are hanging out by the pool. A girl you're bringing yourself can still visit you. I have very limited Spanish myself and, I got by pretty well with google translate.Thanks. Have you experienced this recently? So there is already a restriction with girls hanging out by the pool?

02-14-24, 07:30
Perhaps someone can create a new thread that solely discusses Safety Practices and Advice for Medellin and Colombia and you all experienced can post your tips in on place? Scrolling through the 100's of pages here can take forever if you don't know where to go.

I'm reading that you should take Uber everywhere (How does that work if it's "illegal."

Regarding high end Hotels such as Hilton, any huge safety difference between staying there (which is around 120 per night), compared to cheaper ones around 50 per night, and any issues bringing girls over?

As for girls in public, as a non-Spanish speaker who will rely on Translate, is the goal to notice a girl you like, chat her up and take her back to your room ASAP? So spend maybe 5 to 10 minutes introducing and discussing personal interests, then mention "Sexo?" , and head back to your short term hotel or your main Hotel (Which is saved for later if you want to see her again?

Trying to figure out a strategy since you don't want to be seen holding a phone out and bringing attention to yourself.

Lastly, keep walking on the street or being in a public place to a minimal and only Uber exactly to where you need to go? Club, Red Light Districts, Etc?

Maybe some girls on properly vetted Tinder would Uber directly to your hotel to minimize scams.

By answering these essential questions, you are saving lives. Thank you for your service.

02-14-24, 07:35
. One trick you can use is to reverse translate and then reverse again. If all of the results stay the same chances are it is accurate.That is a very good tip! Thanks for sharing. I hadn't thought to do that.

02-14-24, 12:05
I am a veteran of numerous trips to the Philippines and Kenya, and have decided to go to Medellin next month, which will be my first trip there. I don't speak Spanish at all, but have made several contacts there using Badoo and communicating via the Google Translator app. It's a bit cumbersome, but seems manageable. I have RTFF, but wondering if any of you folks going to Medellin have done so successfully without learning any Spanish. The Google Translator app has a voice translation function that will only work in person. I've never tried this in practice, but that seems to be the plan. Any pointers?.I have some Spanish now and get by without the translator app in most instances. Still have a long way to go to be fluent. When I started I was 100% translator app. It works but after 1 or 2 blowups with chickas over translator language issues I started telling them early on that they should remember we have a language barrier and it will be extra work to understand each other. When something subsequently blew up I reminded them of the barrier which always seemed to calm things down.

02-14-24, 14:35
It was translated correctly. Don't know how it could have said anything close to being on time. Something else was going on with that conversation. Perhaps what she saw was "No puedo esperar para encontrarte." That would mean what she thought she read or heard.

But does translation sometimes get it wrong. Yes. And mainly when the same word has 2 completely different meanings and the translate app picks the wrong one. One trick you can use is to reverse translate and then reverse again. If all of the results stay the same chances are it is accurate.I don't think you understood the point. No puedo esperar means I can't wait.

The app doesn't know that you are using an English idiom. The way to express your excitement is to say "Estoy emocionado conocerte".

The app also interjected para which is wrong. Esperar is the verb "to wait for" The preposition is baked in. Also true for buscar (to search for) so adding para was bad Spanish.

Lastly there are at least three verbs that can be used to say "to meet" conocerse, encontrarse & reuinirse. There are subtle shades but use any of the three and you will be understood.

So in the example I gave, I know for a fact the girl considered his statement to be rude when in fact he meant it to be reassuring. This is the problem using idiomatic phrases with a translator.

02-14-24, 15:17
Here's some information on Colombian Cedulas (ID Cards) for people who may find this information useful.


02-14-24, 16:30
No girls are hanging out by the pool. A girl you're bringing yourself can still visit you. I have very limited Spanish myself and, I got by pretty well with google translate.So how is it any different than any other mediocre hotel with a pool?

02-14-24, 18:30
I don't think you understood the point. No puedo esperar means I can't wait.

The app doesn't know that you are using an English idiom. The way to express your excitement is to say "Estoy emocionado conocerte".

The app also interjected para which is wrong. Esperar is the verb "to wait for" The preposition is baked in. Also true for buscar (to search for) so adding para was bad Spanish.

Lastly there are at least three verbs that can be used to say "to meet" conocerse, encontrarse & reuinirse. There are subtle shades but use any of the three and you will be understood.

So in the example I gave, I know for a fact the girl considered his statement to be rude when in fact he meant it to be reassuring. This is the problem using idiomatic phrases with a translator.I agree. In Spanish if you say I can't wait (no puedo esperar) it actually means like I don't have the time to wait like I cannot wait on you. They will think it means you are in a hurry and do not ha e time to wait. What you mean to say is "estoy emocionado para conocerte" or I am excited to meet you. This conveys the meaning of "I can't wait to meet you" and they will understand it.

02-14-24, 18:41
If you're using Uber, you have to set aside some time for Uber to find a driver and for the driver to get there. Sometimes it would take more than 10 or 15 minutes before I got picked up. Sometimes a driver would cancel and then you would have to start over. I had a doctor's appointment and I was late due to Uber. Uber is reliable but you just need to give yourself additional time if you need to get somewhere by a certain time.This is most likely because you are using the lowest cost Uber tier, competing against Didi and other services. When its busy, I spend the extra dollar or two to get a Comfort or Green Uber. Then they come right away as they are getting more money. Never have to wait more than 5 minutes, if that. Again, I really like the pre-estimate, live-tracking, and such. So I mostly stick to Uber.

02-14-24, 18:53
I'm reading that you should take Uber everywhere (How does that work if it's "illegal."Uber is illegal, but just a ticket, so it's everywhere. No uncommon for a driver to ask you to sit in front or have really dark rear windows to not attract enforcement. There's no penalty to the passenger, just the driver gets a ticket.

As for girls in public, as a non-Spanish speaker who will rely on Translate, is the goal to notice a girl you like, chat her up and take her back to your room ASAP? So spend maybe 5 to 10 minutes introducing and discussing personal interests, then mention "Sexo?" , and head back to your short term hotel or your main Hotel (Which is saved for later if you want to see her again?Girls use the word "cita" (appointment) a lot. No need to mention sex, it's implied. You can ask "Cuanto por una cita?" (how much for a date) or offer an amount "te puedo ofrecer 300 mil por una cita?" (can I offer your 300 mil for a date?) If you have preferences you want to discuss in advance, just state them (I want.). If you have no idea if a specific girl is a "prepaga" (pre-paid aka hooker/escort/etc.) then you can ask "sin ofenderte, eres muy linda, tu ofreces citas?" (without offending you, you are very pretty, do you offer dates?) or something to that variety. They love verbal compliments, so throw extra ones at the start and end of every sentence if you can (my dear love, could i interest you in a date? you are so pretty). Whatever comes out of translator will work well.

Trying to figure out a strategy since you don't want to be seen holding a phone out and bringing attention to yourself.Everyone has their phone out in Medellin like anywhere else. Just hold it tight and close, don't play with one on a street corner too close to the street, I. E. Look like everyone else when they use their phone. You can ask a girl to "ven aca" (come over here) to talk more intimately away from a street or crowd.

Lastly, keep walking on the street or being in a public place to a minimal and only Uber exactly to where you need to go? Club, Red Light Districts, Etc?I order my Uber from inside wherever I am, place a marker where I want to be picked up. I go out when car is arriving. I have it take me directly to where I am going. I don't usually linger outside.

02-14-24, 19:33
Girls use the word "cita" (appointment) a lot. No need to mention sex, it's implied.Cita, servicio, un rato, un ratico, quiero verte, etc.

These newbie questions are unreal.

Migracióand Colombia should make you pass a basic Spanish test before allowing entry to Colombia.

02-14-24, 20:18
Uber isn't illegal in Colombia, because technically, you are renting a car which comes with a driver. As you click through the acceptance screens when requesting a ride, you'll notice one that mentions this. Also, I recommend, as have others, using something besides the base level of Uber like UberComfort. Less chance of getting cancelled.

02-14-24, 20:33
Uber isn't illegal in Colombia, because technically, you are renting a car which comes with a driver. As you click through the acceptance screens when requesting a ride, you'll notice one that mentions this. Also, I recommend, as have others, using something besides the base level of Uber like UberComfort. Less chance of getting cancelled.It's better to use Indriver or Picap and Didi Moto.

02-14-24, 21:08
This is correct. Uber is no longer illegal in Colombia; it hasn't been illegal since the time of the pandemic. Drivers prefer you sit in the front seat to avoid conflicts with taxistas. Taxistas are very anti ride share, even though all the ride share apps now have a taxi option. Reasons uber and the other ride share apps are good options are: GPS routing so you don't have to communicate the destination or route to the driver, a fare you agree to in advance, various payment options including foreign credit cards, vetted drivers (less so for indriver than for uber and didi), safety options including real time location sharing and panic buttons, lost and found service for belongings you leave in the car, no risk of falling victim to the counterfeit bill scam. I resort to taxis only when no other option is available.

Uber isn't illegal in Colombia, because technically, you are renting a car which comes with a driver. As you click through the acceptance screens when requesting a ride, you'll notice one that mentions this. Also, I recommend, as have others, using something besides the base level of Uber like UberComfort. Less chance of getting cancelled.

02-14-24, 21:17
Does anyone here know how far the closest subway stations are to the following daytime casas -- New Life, Energy Spa and Loutron? I heard that Loutron might be further out so maybe Uber or taxi required to get there and back. By the way, how far is the hotel M (mansion) to any subway station?

02-14-24, 21:22
Just let the chicks bring it. They are going to have to spike it anyway.LOL. Nah not the ones I have coming over. These are repeats from some time.

But seriously, trying to see if a liquor store is within walking distance in that plaza. I see on Google Maps a Carulla supermarket is nearby so I guess I'll have to use an Uber.

Nil Admirari
02-14-24, 21:32
......The app doesn't know that you are using an English idiom. The way to express your excitement is to say "Estoy emocionado conocerte".

....Villainy's post, is, as usual, well written and helpful. (Full disclosure: he's a buddy of mine.) The example he cites in the quote above ("Estoy emocionado. ") represents one half of a notably coupled, "falso amigos / false friends" --defined as two words in Spanish and English that sound as if they should mean the same thing (i. e. are "cognates" of each other, or in spanish, "cognados") but actually have completely different meanings, sometimes amusingly so.

These "Falso Amigos" pose a notorious peril for the beginner Spanish speaker or the user of Google Translate. As in Villainy's example, the English word "excited", in most of its uses, is translated as "emocianado". But if you happened to be introduced to your girlfriend's parents for the first time, and instead should happen to exclaim "Estoy muy excitado de conocerlos", it could be understood to mean "I'm very sexually excited (aroused) to meet you. " Como dicimos en la calle, tenga cuidado. " Take care.

Nil Admirari
02-14-24, 22:35
So how is it any different than any other mediocre hotel with a pool?Gabacho. Why so off-the cuff, dismissive? I'm responding as someone who benefited from a 3 or 4 day stay at Hotel M on my first visit here five years ago, and has returned a few times for special events in the bar. (I quickly moved to a Laureles apartment and haven't looked back.).

Even with the pool closed to chicas, (and granted that the hotel's over all physical set up is just "decent" but nothing special), I'm confident in saying that Hotel M (aka: the Mansion) remains an excellent choice for the first-time, monger visit to Medellin for several reasons--all of them unique to the joint when compared to any other hotel / apartment option in the city.

1. An in-house bar, populated with a good number of independent chicas willing and ready to service you on the premises (at least on Wednesday / Thursday through Saturday evenings). Best to time a visit to arrive mid-week if you can. The pickings in the bar may be sparse earlier in the week. (A caveat: If you're super selective like me, no guarantee that you will find a chica in the bar that turns you on. But this can be true of any casa or strip club in town on any given day or night).

2. 100% of the guests are staying in the hotel for the same reason that you are: to bang nubile Paisas. You don't have to be cautious or tentative about sharing your sex tourist story with anyone you meet, and it's easy to find companionship both for hanging out in the hotel / bar and for venturing out on the town.

3. To my surprise, when I was there, a number of the guests were guys who had been coming to Medellin for years and just liked staying at the Mansion. From other posts, that seems to still be the case. These are guys who know the Medellin mongering ropes and can provide good advise on venues and pricing, or even accompany you on a first trip to a casa, strip club, or El Centro. (When I was there, the hotel had a pleasant, communal-style breakfast set-up that made it easy to meet these and other guests.).

One asterisk to the above: the closure of the pool to chicas may somewhat reduce the number of clientele from previous years choosing to return. Too soon to tell. Although my Mansion stay was years ago, from the gadzillion Hotel M related posts on this thread, I'm pretty sure my above observations remain valid. If not, someone with more recent experience please chime in.

02-14-24, 22:57
As in Villainy's example, the English word "excited", in most of its uses, is translated as "emocianado". But if you happened to be introduced to your girlfriend's parents for the first time, and instead should happen to exclaim "Estoy muy excitado de conocerlos", it could be understood to mean "I'm very sexually excited (aroused) to meet you. " Como dicimos en la calle, tenga cuidado. " Take care.Very good point and an embarrassing pitfall to avoid. We could also distinguish "A ella, me gusta" vs "A ella, me cae bien" but I doubt anyone here knows. Or cares.

02-14-24, 22:57
Do you have to know if they single bedrooms for rent?Yes they do. Well kind of single. Its a odd layout kind of.

We usually get the 10 bdrm penthouse. That is the top two levels of the 5 story building.

Top level is a hughe penthouse with two bedrooms and a 12 person jacuzzi, as well as a kitchen and like 2 living rooms.

4th floor is 4 double rooms. Each of the foor has its own key card, and once inside that there are two rooms, a shared little kitchen, and a jacuzzi. Sorry its confusing I know.

So you can rent one of the 4 double rooms, which will give you 2 rooms and a jacuzzi.

Mr Enternational
02-15-24, 01:00
("Estoy emocionado. ") represents one half of a notably coupled, "falso amigos / false friends" --defined as two words in Spanish and English that sound as if they should mean the same thing (i. e. are "cognates" of each other, or in spanish, "cognados") but actually have completely different meanings, sometimes amusingly so.

These "Falso Amigos" pose a notorious peril for the beginner Spanish speaker or the user of Google Translate. As in Villainy's example, the English word "excited", in most of its uses, is translated as "emocianado". But if you happened to be introduced to your girlfriend's parents for the first time, and instead should happen to exclaim "Estoy muy excitado de conocerlos", it could be understood to mean "I'm very sexually excited (aroused) to meet you. " Como dicimos en la calle, tenga cuidado. " Take care.All of that is true, but the adjective should follow the noun and agree in gender and number! Maybe that poses a notorious peril as well.

Captain Solo
02-15-24, 01:08

Fun Luvr
02-15-24, 01:22
Does anyone here know how far the closest subway stations are to the following daytime casas -- New Life, Energy Spa and Loutron? I heard that Loutron might be further out so maybe Uber or taxi required to get there and back. By the way, how far is the hotel M (mansion) to any subway station?The closest station to New Life is Prado, but you should go from Parque Barrio station. Prado area is a little shady. It's approximately 10 blocks from Berrio station to New Life. The blocks around the metro are not nice square blocks, lots of curves. Plot your path before getting to the station.

Energy Spa is closest to the Estadio station. You have to walk around the stadium. It's about 1000 meters. That area is safe any time during the day, and probably at night also.

I don't know any information about Loutron.

I think the Aguacatala station is the closest station to Hotel M. Just guessing, probably 1500 - 2000 meters.

02-15-24, 02:39
My spanish is intermediate level and I can understand 80-90% of what my chicas say so able to carry on conversations and get by with a little help from translator. I do have to ask them to speak slowly and clearly. Colombian accent is tough and I am used to Mexicans. But what I don't know is how to talk dirty to them. You can't learn that on youtube. I know quiero cojerte or follarte means I want to fuck you but not much more. One of my chicas recently said meteme which she had to explain means fuck me but translates to put it in me or something like that? How about some useful phrases for dirty talk por favor.

02-15-24, 03:58
My spanish is intermediate level and I can understand 80-90% of what my chicas say so able to carry on conversations and get by with a little help from translator. I do have to ask them to speak slowly and clearly. Colombian accent is tough and I am used to Mexicans. But what I don't know is how to talk dirty to them. You can't learn that on youtube. I know quiero cojerte or follarte means I want to fuck you but not much more. One of my chicas recently said meteme which she had to explain means fuck me but translates to put it in me or something like that? How about some useful phrases for dirty talk por favor.It seems like we had a forum for that. Maybe it's in Spanish phrases or something like that. The verb 'meter' translates as 'to put it in. ' 'Enterar' is another good sex verb, translates as 'bury. ' This is probably argie slang but one thing you could bury would be 'la berenjena,' or I've heard 'la zanahoria,' 'el chorizo,' etc. 'Lamar' is 'to lick' and is useful. By the way, the verb is coger and not cojer, and it changes to a jay in the preterite.

This is a puto site but it's the same principle:


Or this thread is good:


And no, dudes, you can't do this with google translate. You'll get shot or worse if you try that.

02-15-24, 04:13
All of that is true, but the adjective should follow the noun and agree in gender and number! Maybe that poses a notorious peril as well.Spanish is flexible about whether the adjective follows the noun, although always it must agree in gender and number. If I say 'qué tenga buen día' (I think it should be 'un buen día' since a modified noun needs an indirect article, but no one says it that way), the adjective is not following the noun, right? Most times it doesn't matter.

However, there are specific situations where it changes the meaning:

'Compré un nuevo coche' = I got a new car, not necessarily a brand new car, but a different car than I had the last time I chatted. But '¡Compré un coche nuevo!' = I bought a brand new car (and I'm excited). 'Él es un gran señor' = he is a great man, but 'El es un señor grande' = he is an old man. There are a few other examples of this.

But in general, a fun thing about Spanish is you can usually put the adjective and the noun in either order. Me gusta la sabrosa comida. Me gusta la comida sabrosa. Me gusta el fuerte sexo. Me gusta el sexo fuerte. Ella es una mala chica. Ella es una chica mala.

02-15-24, 04:21
I've mostly been a Tinder man in Colombia. I've had a lot of success with it and never had any problems meeting anyone. When I first started using it in Cartagena during the pandemic in 2021, I had tons of matches. 99+. I could not even get through all the matches before it went back past 99.

My first time in Medellin was last year and I basically had zero luck. Few matches and even fewer who were actually willing to talk. I'm a young, decent looking guy in decent shape. I don't know if it's a problem with the app or the fact that I've deleted and created my account back lots of times. But I've also used different phones with different numbers. But same photos. I don't know if somehow Tinder tracks your photos and begins to deprioritize you if you keep deleting and creating an account.

Or maybe its something else, I don't know. I know the pandemic brought out a lot of people but also the economy isn't much better than it was during the pandemic either because of inflation either.

Really all you need to get by if you want a good time with girls is the online advertisements or if you want to see what you're getting before you buy, Centro or Poblado. I just tend to prefer Tinder to find regular girls or semi-pros (not the pros that want to charge you $100 USD) because usually that ends up in better sex although it's an investment in time of course.

02-15-24, 04:37
One of my chicas recently said meteme which she had to explain means fuck me but translates to put it in me or something like that? Probably she said mátame, 'kill me', meaning "fuck me hard', they also often say "dame duro" or 'duro", there is a popular Anuel AA song "Duro".

02-15-24, 04:46
... The way to express your excitement is to say "Estoy emocionado conocerte".....I don't speak much Spanish so take this as a grain of salt. It is a different meaning if you translate that into English. I probably will use ver instead. I think para is valid too but I probably will use a. It is to reach a different state.

02-15-24, 05:04
I don't speak much Spanish so take this as a grain of salt. It is a different meaning if you translate that into English. I probably will use ver instead. I think para is valid too but I probably will use a. It is to reach a different state.Yes he's missing the connector word either para or de would suffice.

"Estoy emocionado de conocerte" or "estoy emocionado para conocerte".

And in Colombia they prefer to use usted more than tu so it would be "estoy emocionado de conocerlo" or "estoy emocionado de conocerle".

02-15-24, 05:06
Probably she said mtame, 'kill me', meaning "fuck me hard', they also often say "dame duro" or 'duro", there is a popular Anuel AA song "Duro".She most likely said "meteme" or "meteme lo" she was telling him to penetrate her (I. E. To stick it in).

02-15-24, 05:10
How about some useful phrases for dirty talk por favor.Quieres que te mame la cuca?

Quitate la ropa y acuéstate en la cama.

Abre las piernas.


Ponte en cuatro.

Chupame el guebo.

Dale Duro. (this is what I say when the girl is on top)

Sigue sigue dale dale dale voy a acabar sigue sigue. (this is what I say when the girl is on top riding and I have her make me cum)

Te amo.


Hope this helps LOL.


02-15-24, 05:44
Uber is illegal, but just a ticket, so it's everywhere. No uncommon for a driver to ask you to sit in front or have really dark rear windows to not attract enforcement. There's no penalty to the passenger, just the driver gets a ticket.

Girls use the word "cita" (appointment) a lot. No need to mention sex, it's implied. You can ask "Cuanto por una cita?" (how much for a date) or offer an amount "te puedo ofrecer 300 mil por una cita?" (can I offer your 300 mil for a date?) If you have preferences you want to discuss in advance, just state them (I want.). If you have no idea if a specific girl is a "prepaga" (pre-paid aka hooker/escort/etc.) then you can ask "sin ofenderte, eres muy linda, tu ofreces citas?" (without offending you, you are very pretty, do you offer dates?) or something to that variety. They love verbal compliments, so throw extra ones at the start and end of every sentence if you can (my dear love, could i interest you in a date? you are so pretty). Whatever comes out of translator will work well..
Uber is illegal, but just a ticket, so it's everywhere. No uncommon for a driver to ask you to sit in front or have really dark rear windows to not attract enforcement. There's no penalty to the passenger, just the driver gets a ticket.

Girls use the word "cita" (appointment) a lot. No need to mention sex, it's implied. You can ask "Cuanto por una cita?" (how much for a date) or offer an amount "te puedo ofrecer 300 mil por una cita?" (can I offer your 300 mil for a date?) If you have preferences you want to discuss in advance, just state them (I want.). If you have no idea if a specific girl is a "prepaga" (pre-paid aka hooker/escort/etc.) then you can ask "sin ofenderte, eres muy linda, tu ofreces citas?" (without offending you, you are very pretty, do you offer dates?) or something to that variety. They love verbal compliments, so throw extra ones at the start and end of every sentence if you can (my dear love, could i interest you in a date? you are so pretty). Whatever comes out of translator will work well..Appreciate the feedback. Been reading these comments and using duolingo for hours as if I'm studying for an exam I can't afford to fail.

At this point, I'm going to bring some Activated Charcoal with me. Although it's Not < a cure, and it's Not < preventative, I've read that in 50 Grams to 100 Grams within minutes of digestion, can somewhat reduce the affects of scopolamine, according to everyone's favorite doctor, ChatGPT. Getting it in those amounts, is tricky as you'd literally have to take 32 to 63 pills of the 1000 MG + bottles within minutes of knowing you've been scoped with water as you fight off a prepaga, which signs obviously include feeling dizzy and about to pass out for no reason. I'd have those amounts easily accessible, take them, then run out of the room immediately if possible.

Hopefully, I never have to test this theory but if you see on the news a monger filled with charcoal in his system, at least you'll all know.

What's your, or anyone else's take on Incall? I see "verified" girls on the escort sites offering it at their private apartments, while some here say never go and others say they do go.

On https://www.photoprepagos.com/ , I see prices showing of 1 hora $130. Is this USD? Also got confused on a restaurant saying they want $116.90 for a single entree of Chinese food.

02-15-24, 06:01
Quieres que te mame la cuca?

Quitate la ropa y acustate en la cama.

Abre las piernas.


Ponte en cuatro.

Chupame el guebo..I'm not going to bother to translate everything you said because the first translation came out to be:

Quieres que te mame la cuca? Do you want me to suck your cock?

No judgement of course. I saw earlier how it's important Translate to Spanish, then Translate the Translation back to English. Wonder how girls (or guys, again no judgement) react.

Anyways, what I'm doing is thinking of all possible vulgar and profane phrases and questions I can think of that makes me sick even having to type them out in a word document, Translating them, then saving them in a note app on my phone. Google Translate App also has a saved search phrase that should do this as well, but having a backup should help.

Since I'm posting again, is there a place comparable to Scandallo in Sao Paulo, which has been described as one of the 8 wonders of the world, where do the "gustos" or high GPS stunners hang out in MDE to be found?

02-15-24, 13:36
Yes he's missing the connector word either para or de would suffice.

"Estoy emocionado de conocerte" or "estoy emocionado para conocerte".

And in Colombia they prefer to use usted more than tu so it would be "estoy emocionado de conocerlo" or "estoy emocionado de conocerle".So it's not really the case that 'either would suffice. ' Each Spanish verb has an associated preposition. Some verbs change meaning depending on the preposition that follows.


'Estoy emocionado EN conocerte. '.

Para and de would certainly suffice to get the point across but the correct preposition here is 'en.'

02-15-24, 13:40
The closest station to New Life is Prado, but you should go from Parque Barrio station. Prado area is a little shady. It's approximately 10 blocks from Berrio station to New Life. The blocks around the metro are not nice square blocks, lots of curves. Plot your path before getting to the station.

Energy Spa is closest to the Estadio station. You have to walk around the stadium. It's about 1000 meters. That area is safe any time during the day, and probably at night also.

I don't know any information about Loutron.

I think the Aguacatala station is the closest station to Hotel M. Just guessing, probably 1500 - 2000 meters.Thanks so much. I'll try to plot all of these on a Google map and see how feasible it is to take the metro.

02-15-24, 14:50
The closest station to New Life is Prado, but you should go from Parque Barrio station. Prado area is a little shady. It's approximately 10 blocks from Berrio station to New Life. The blocks around the metro are not nice square blocks, lots of curves. Plot your path before getting to the station.

Energy Spa is closest to the Estadio station. You have to walk around the stadium. It's about 1000 meters. That area is safe any time during the day, and probably at night also.

I don't know any information about Loutron.

I think the Aguacatala station is the closest station to Hotel M. Just guessing, probably 1500 - 2000 meters.For Loutron it should be Aguacatala and taxi or uber from there.

02-15-24, 14:52
It seems like we had a forum for that. Maybe it's in Spanish phrases or something like that. The verb 'meter' translates as 'to put it in. ' 'Enterar' is another good sex verb, translates as 'bury. ' This is probably argie slang but one thing you could bury would be 'la berenjena,' or I've heard 'la zanahoria,' 'el chorizo,' etc. 'Lamar' is 'to lick' and is useful. By the way, the verb is coger and not cojer, and it changes to a jay in the preterite.

This is a puto site but it's the same principle:


Or this thread is good:


And no, dudes, you can't do this with google translate. You'll get shot or worse if you try that.Except coger means to fuck in Mexico. In Colombia it means the same as agarrar, usually people use it to say they are taking the bus "voy a coger el bus" or "coja un taxi" etc. In Colombia the word they use is culear (and no it doesn't mean anal or Butt sex it means sex without emotions). Quiero culear contigo is how you would tell someone you want to fuck them in Colombia.

02-15-24, 14:56
Quieres que te mame la cuca?

Quitate la ropa y acustate en la cama.

Abre las piernas.


Ponte en cuatro.

Chupame el guebo.

Dale Duro. (this is what I say when the girl is on top).Almost nothing. I just use universal hand gestures and the girls always understand. Curl your fingers in a circular pattern with one hand and go back and forth toward your mouth and everyone understands that. Take your hand palm up and then flip it when the girl is lying on her back and everyone understands that. Ja ja ja. You can definitely a lot of things in bed with hand gestures.

02-15-24, 15:16
Fellow mongers,

I've bought the Medellin map from worldtraveler but still can't find the Casa named "Dulce / Dulce Campañas" that's been mentioned on this board. Its the casa that everyone says has fatties. Can someone provide a specific location on where to find it? Are there other casas with plus sized women? I'm looking for women with big booties.

El Mechanico
02-15-24, 16:41
Just a few thoughts on my solo trip at the end of January.

- I decided to stay in Poblado this trip because of all the ME & PP girls who put POB as their location. Well, guess what, everyone of them that came to my apto came from Bello or Laureles.

All of the citas, 3 or 4, that I traveled to were in Laureles. I was off of CL 11 a so it was far enough away from CL 10 that it was not feasible to walk either way. Only a 3-4 min uber away but still.

Not as easy as walking out the front door and sitting down for a cup of coffee 5 min later.

- Passport Bros were in full force up and down CL 10 , Parque Lleras & Provenza.

- Ay Wey Bar had cold beer & good wings but that has to be the biggest Gringo Pricing Rip-off in the MDE. Never again.

- Chica pricing is on the upswing. Regulars that sessioned for 200 k less than 2 yrs ago when the exch rate was 4000+COP:1 USD for were wanting 350 k COP.

-The best exch rate I got was from the Davienda ATM and was 3836 COP:1 USD, of course with the declined conversion rate.

-Does anyone know why anyone on the face of the planet would knowingly accept the ATMs conversion rate and lose 5+% as opposed to declining the banks conv rate?

- As usual, see & I at the airport was a nightmare. Well over an hour in line. So aggravating. The only time I have ever not had to wait was when my flight from the USA was delayed and we got in at.

1 am If I plan my trip with a flight that gets in that late, it will be a wasted travel day, but I guess that is all part of the game.

- No Passport exit visa stamp this trip. The airport has gone to a Biomig passport and facial scanner so checkin was a bit quicker than it used to be.

If I think of anything else, I'll add it to this post!

El Mechanico.

Fun Luvr
02-15-24, 17:17
- Ay Wey Bar had cold beer & good wings but that has to be the biggest Gringo Pricing Rip-off in the MDE. Never again.It's been years since I've been to Ay Wey Bar, but the Medellin Sports Bar in Laureles will probably challenge it for the biggest Gringo Price Rip-off. The last time I was there, more than two years ago, his beer prices were higher than any of the bars around Parque Lleras.

-The best exch rate I got was from the Davienda ATM and was 3836 COP:1 USD, of course with the declined conversion rate.Remember that you need to factor in the 15,000 ATM fee that Davivienda charges.

02-15-24, 17:24
I'm not going to bother to translate everything you said because the first translation came out to be:

Quieres que te mame la cuca? Do you want me to suck your cock?

No judgement of course. I saw earlier how it's important Translate to Spanish, then Translate the Translation back to English. Wonder how girls (or guys, again no judgement) react.

Anyways, what I'm doing is thinking of all possible vulgar and profane phrases and questions I can think of that makes me sick even having to type them out in a word document, Translating them, then saving them in a note app on my phone. Google Translate App also has a saved search phrase that should do this as well, but having a backup should help.

Since I'm posting again, is there a place comparable to Scandallo in Sao Paulo, which has been described as one of the 8 wonders of the world, where do the "gustos" or high GPS stunners hang out in MDE to be found?You obviously are showing everyone your lack of Colombian Spanish. Anyone who has spent anytime here knows that cuca means pussy same as chocha panocha (México) or totona (Venezuela).

But go ahead and show us your ignorance, it's amusing.

P.S. Words for cock would be guebo (Venezuela) pene (proper español) verga (México) among other words but not cuca.

02-15-24, 17:33
I'm not going to bother to translate everything you said because the first translation came out to be:

Quieres que te mame la cuca? Do you want me to suck your cock?

No judgement of course. I saw earlier how it's important Translate to Spanish, then Translate the Translation back to English. Wonder how girls (or guys, again no judgement) react.

Anyways, what I'm doing is thinking of all possible vulgar and profane phrases and questions I can think of that makes me sick even having to type them out in a word document, Translating them, then saving them in a note app on my phone. Google Translate App also has a saved search phrase that should do this as well, but having a backup should help.

Since I'm posting again, is there a place comparable to Scandallo in Sao Paulo, which has been described as one of the 8 wonders of the world, where do the "gustos" or high GPS stunners hang out in MDE to be found?Maybe you should do more research before blindly trusting In Google Translate.

02-15-24, 18:33
- No Passport exit visa stamp this trip. The airport has gone to a Biomig passport and facial scanner so checkin was a bit quicker than it used to be.

El Mechanico.Are you saying you as a foreigner used Biomig at the airport in Rio Negro?

02-15-24, 18:36
Are you saying you as a foreigner used Biomig at the airport in Rio Negro?When I left MDE last December, exit Immigration was using the BioMig scanners to the right of the normal Immigration booths.

02-15-24, 18:41
When I left MDE last December, exit Immigration was using the BioMig scanners to the right of the normal Immigration booths.They should still give you an exit stamp on your passport tho. Not having an exit stamp could potentially cause problems when going to enter other countries. I remember reading a travel blog where a dude had said he was in Brazil and tried to enter Guyana but they wouldn't let him in without an exit stamp from Brazil. So what if you were flying from Medellin to Guyana and then when you get there the Guyanese immigration will be like oh I can't enter because you don't have an exit stamp from Colombia??

02-15-24, 19:31
I think that might be the one nearest Parque Bolivar with the orange bead curtain at the entrance. Share the street address and I or someone else here can confirm for you.

Fellow mongers,

I've bought the Medellin map from worldtraveler but still can't find the Casa named "Dulce / Dulce Campaas" that's been mentioned on this board. Its the casa that everyone says has fatties. Can someone provide a specific location on where to find it? Are there other casas with plus sized women? I'm looking for women with big booties.

02-15-24, 19:35
The immigration agents are using it to speed up the line on exit only. It's not available to foreigners for entry.

Are you saying you as a foreigner used Biomig at the airport in Rio Negro?

Robert B
02-15-24, 19:36
When I left MDE last December, exit Immigration was using the BioMig scanners to the right of the normal Immigration booths.Same here. When entering at Jose Maria you need to wait in the immigration line but leaving Colombia I've used the BioMig scanner twice now.

02-15-24, 21:10
Except coger means to fuck in Mexico. In Colombia it means the same as agarrar, usually people use it to say they are taking the bus "voy a coger el bus" or "coja un taxi" etc. In Colombia the word they use is culear (and no it doesn't mean anal or Butt sex it means sex without emotions). Quiero culear contigo is how you would tell someone you want to fuck them in Colombia.Coger means fuck in a lot of places, Argentina and Paraguay for example. In Spain and apparently (maybe) in Colombia, it means to grab or take hold of. In Cuba it means to play catch with a baseball. This kind of stuff is why I scoff at Google Translate. In Argentina this puta posted that she was looking for "ready horsemen. " I am pretty sure she put in "listos caballeros," and wanted "smart gentlemen. " Listo / a with estar means ready but listo / a with ser means clever, smart, intelligent, etc.

Another issue these translator dudes will run into is that the chicas can't spell cat if you spot them the see and the tee.

02-15-24, 21:14
-Does anyone know why anyone on the face of the planet would knowingly accept the ATMs conversion rate and lose 5+% as opposed to declining the banks conv rate?It has been proven over and over on this board that it's extremely hard to fix stupid.

02-15-24, 21:29
I'm not going to bother to translate everything you said because the first translation came out to be:

Quieres que te mame la cuca? Do you want me to suck your cock?And it does mean that, in several Spanish speaking countries. Just not in Colombia where it means pussy. Just like you don't want to wear a fanny pack in Australia. That's where your translator will fall short and maybe get you shot. Put the word "pinche" through your translator. Does it say dumbass like in México, or does it say cheapskate like in Perú, or does it say kitchen assistant like in Spain? 'Coger' is a good word that your translator will get you into a lot of trouble with.

02-15-24, 21:47
Just wondering for mongering at the casas like New Life and Loutron as well as at the clubs like Fase Dos and La Isla, how are Sundays? I figure there would be fewer girls at these establishments but would there be enough selection still to warrant staying in Medellin over a Sunday or should I just use that day as a travel one?

02-16-24, 00:55
I have really had a great massage from Lexi which in a independent. She has a nice in-call location close to UniCentro in Laureles. I did the 90 minute which did include full service and BBBJ on the flip.I think you first wrote about Lexi. Thank you. Because of your report, I had two fantastic sessions with her last August.

But since October, she stopped answering messages. Yesterday I had a massage with Stefany. I noticed the address is same as Lexi's. I asked about Lexi. She said girls had a lot of issue with Lexi because Lexi gave additional free of charge so clients expect other girls to provide the same service. Lexi doesn't works there any more.

By the way, Stefany's cuerpo to cuerpo masaje is very sensual with final feliz, but no additional. I recommend her (search conquistadores in Erotic masaje section of mileroticos), even though no where near Lexi's level.

02-16-24, 02:55
Appreciate the feedback. Been reading these comments and using duolingo for hours as if I'm studying for an exam I can't afford to fail.

At this point, I'm going to bring some Activated Charcoal with me. Although it's Not < a cure, and it's Not < preventative, I've read that in 50 Grams to 100 Grams within minutes of digestion, can somewhat reduce the affects of scopolamine, according to everyone's favorite doctor, ChatGPT. Getting it in those amounts, is tricky as you'd literally have to take 32 to 63 pills of the 1000 MG + bottles within minutes of knowing you've been scoped with water as you fight off a prepaga, which signs obviously include feeling dizzy and about to pass out for no reason. I'd have those amounts easily accessible, take them, then run out of the room immediately if possible.

Hopefully, I never have to test this theory but if you see on the news a monger filled with charcoal in his system, at least you'll all know..Chatgpt is assuming you took scopolamine pills. They used powder in South America, which means the drug will get into your system very fast and drinking activated charcoal after the fact is pretty useless. You will absorb some of the drug sublingually and through your stomach lining. Activated charcoal is not like narcan, it absorbs the chemical before your body process it. Technically you could eat activated charcoal paste / powder (not the toothpaste version) if you feel like you are about to get drugged. However, it's smarter to remove yourself from that situation.

02-16-24, 04:41
I think that might be the one nearest Parque Bolivar with the orange bead curtain at the entrance. Share the street address and I or someone else here can confirm for you.I don't know the street addy. I just know its mentioned on here as a casa with fat girls in Centro LOL.

02-16-24, 04:45
Very excited to go to Medellin next weekend. Been doing my research and brushing up on my Spanish and I can say simple short phrases. I'll be staying at Hotel Nutibara for my stay and according to this forum the hotel is guest friendly until 6 PM. Still conflicted if I'll bring a working girl to my room, but I'll make a proper judgement once I get use to the area. I know about Uber, got a private driver number from a friend on a Monger FB group, I'll be meeting up with some members from the FB group down there too. Got World Traverl's monger map. For the most part I think I'm about ready. Just got to play it smart, don't stick out, and enjoy myself.

Still have a few questions though.

Should I get a TSA lock for my main bag? Was wondering if it was necessary.

Should I get a burner here and a sim there or get everything once I'm down in Colombia?

Besides mongering, what other fun activities do you guys suggest?

I know about, Passion, Photo, Miltereroticos, Prepago sites, any other recommendations?

For a lot of these short stay hotels / motels; any reccomendation if I wanted to do an overnight with a girl? Possibly one that allows you to book online?

Elvis 2008
02-16-24, 05:28
They should still give you an exit stamp on your passport tho. Not having an exit stamp could potentially cause problems when going to enter other countries. I remember reading a travel blog where a dude had said he was in Brazil and tried to enter Guyana but they wouldn't let him in without an exit stamp from Brazil. So what if you were flying from Medellin to Guyana and then when you get there the Guyanese immigration will be like oh I can't enter because you don't have an exit stamp from Colombia??Nah, I cannot recall USA stamping passports for years, and Mexico is phasing them out. Colombia is getting there. I have only used biomig on exit in Bogota, they are way ahead of other places, but I did not get an exit stamp on my passport, but my exit was scanned into the database, and this was like six months ago, and I have had no problem going back to Colombia or where ever. Passport stamps are on their way out.

02-16-24, 06:07
Just wondering for mongering at the casas like New Life and Loutron as well as at the clubs like Fase Dos and La Isla, how are Sundays? I figure there would be fewer girls at these establishments but would there be enough selection still to warrant staying in Medellin over a Sunday or should I just use that day as a travel one?Unless you have a chica or 2 you can set a date up with, then get out of town. Every place will have a minimal selection of 3rd tier chicas, not worth it.

El Mechanico
02-16-24, 14:55
They should still give you an exit stamp on your passport tho. Not having an exit stamp could potentially cause problems when going to enter other countries. I remember reading a travel blog where a dude had said he was in Brazil and tried to enter Guyana but they wouldn't let him in without an exit stamp from Brazil. So what if you were flying from Medellin to Guyana and then when you get there the Guyanese immigration will be like oh I can't enter because you don't have an exit stamp from Colombia??I was thinking the exact same thing, but it was a non-issue when I return to Houston. I don't know what the response would have been if the guy asked me where my exit stamp was, but I didn't have one so apparently it was not an issue coming back into the US.

El Mechanico.

El Mechanico
02-16-24, 14:57
Are you saying you as a foreigner used Biomig at the airport in Rio Negro?Only two exit, not to enter. And I went through the foreigners line at both.

El Mechanico.

El Mechanico
02-16-24, 15:05
Remember that you need to factor in the 15,000 ATM fee that Davivienda charges.ATM fees are a non-factor, Schwab refunds them.

El Mechanico.

02-16-24, 15:24
I was thinking the exact same thing, but it was a non-issue when I return to Houston. I don't know what the response would have been if the guy asked me where my exit stamp was, but I didn't have one so apparently it was not an issue coming back into the US..If you're returning to the US it wouldn't matter if you had an exit stamp or not I used to always come back from Mexico back in the day without exit stamps and it didn't even matter. I'm talking about going from Colombia to another third party country that isn't your country of origin.

02-16-24, 15:30
ATM fees are a non-factor, Schwab refunds them.

El Mechanico.The OP may not have had schwab.

02-16-24, 17:10
Same here. When entering at Jose Maria you need to wait in the immigration line but leaving Colombia I've used the BioMig scanner twice now.Do you need to sign up or can just use it when leaving?

Fun Luvr
02-16-24, 17:24
ATM fees are a non-factor, Schwab refunds them.

El Mechanico.Then the exchange rate you received at the ATM was more than 3836. I don't think the Visa Foreign Exchange Rate, which Schwab uses, has been under 3900 anytime this year.

02-16-24, 17:37
Nah, I cannot recall USA stamping passports for years, and Mexico is phasing them out. Colombia is getting there. I have only used biomig on exit in Bogota, they are way ahead of other places, but I did not get an exit stamp on my passport, but my exit was scanned into the database, and this was like six months ago, and I have had no problem going back to Colombia or where ever. Passport stamps are on their way out.My guess is that case is crossing border by land entry. Several Asian countries have the electronic gates for more than 10 years.

02-16-24, 17:49
Davivienda began assessing the 15,000 peso per transaction fee last month. Its ATMs don't disclose the fee. You can back it out of the exchange rate applied to withdrawals by adding 15,000 pesos to the amount of pesos the ATM distributes. The 10 or so times I've made withdrawals so far this year the exchange rate I've gotten from Davivienda ATMs matched almost exactly with official rate you can look up on the Internet once you add 15,000 pesos to the amount you receive. My point is you should check whether Schwab is refunding you 15,000. That might not be the case because the Davivienda transaction fee is cleverly embedded in the exchange rate. Other banks' ATMs call out the fee.

ATM fees are a non-factor, Schwab refunds them.

El Mechanico.

02-16-24, 18:31
Fellow Mongers,

1) How safe is it to catch regular taxis at the Airport straight to the hotel?

2) are there any safe hotels in the El Poblado District that are girlfriend friendly? No extra charge for bringing multiple girls over?

I would like to be in walking distance from the district so if I see something I like I just take them to my hotel nearby without having to pay extra for each girl. I am reading a lot of good things abotu Hotel M but seems like it is a 2 miles form El Poblado redlight district?

I appreciate in advance any guidance you guys provide here.

Robert B
02-16-24, 19:20
Do you need to sign up or can just use it when leaving?I didn't have to sign up. The first time they pulled me out of the regular line and I went through without any problems. The second time I went straight to the BioMig machines. This was for leaving Colombia from Medellin.

02-16-24, 20:08
Except coger means to fuck in Mexico. In Colombia it means the same as agarrar, usually people use it to say they are taking the bus "voy a coger el bus" or "coja un taxi" etc. In Colombia the word they use is culear (and no it doesn't mean anal or Butt sex it means sex without emotions). Quiero culear contigo is how you would tell someone you want to fuck them in Colombia.OK so coger is not used in Colombia but culear is. Are there any other slang words for fuck used in Colombia? For blowjobs I always just say me chupas and they get right on it. Quitate la ropa and the clothes quickly come off. Tu arriba and she jumps on my pene and starts riding. Yo arriba, I get on top. Boca abajo and she lays face down for me. What are some other words to use for sex postions?

02-16-24, 20:16
Unless you have a chica or 2 you can set a date up with, then get out of town. Every place will have a minimal selection of 3rd tier chicas, not worth it.Thanks for your opinion. I just found out that Energy and Loutron are closed on Sundays leaving only New Life open but they might have diminished staff too. If Mansion moves ahead with no girls during daytime especially on Sundays, I might be left with not many options on Sundays so yes I'll use it as a travel day.

02-16-24, 23:03
OK so coger is not used in Colombia but culear is. Are there any other slang words for fuck used in Colombia? For blowjobs I always just say me chupas and they get right on it. Quitate la ropa and the clothes quickly come off. Tu arriba and she jumps on my pene and starts riding. Yo arriba, I get on top. Boca abajo and she lays face down for me. What are some other words to use for sex postions?Montate is better for tu arriba. You can use chupar or mamar both mean suck and both are understood in Colombia. "me lo chupas porfa?" or "me lo mames porfa?" I've heard paisas but not vennies used the word "bajar" to mean oral sex I'm assuming this is like saying "go down" in English. It was a chica that was trying to tell me she didn't like ducking dick. She was like "no me gusta bajar" and at first I thought she meant she doesn't like to bend over or something LOL but I understand it now.

Ponte en cuarto = doggystle (perrito like in Mexico is not widely understood).

Bocabajo = lay on your stomach (I use that a lot too).

Normal=missionary (or piledriver you might say levanta las piernas while in normal).

Sin Condon=BBFS.

Chupame / mameme sin condon= BBBJ.

02-16-24, 23:14
What's the specific address? I can't find it on worldtraveler69's map.

I visited Sexy Amigas,, New Life, and AIffe each once and was less impressed. New Life has a lot of girls and a couple ok looking ones but they were worse than Zandaly's talent in my opinion so I just paid the 3 k viewer fee and left. Dulce Compania looked like it had nice facilities and was full of Colombians. But the girls were all thick to downright fat so I left. Most of the girls were heavier at Dulce Compania too (there were only four the time we visited). Finally, Aiffe is downright scary. It looked like at least two of the girls were almost crying when they did the presentation and the manager looked like a bona fide pimp. Those are not things that enhance a casa experience, for me at least. The other casas also charge more than Zandaly (60 k to 80 k if my memory serves).

02-17-24, 03:47
OK so coger is not used in Colombia but culear is. Are there any other slang words for fuck used in Colombia? For blowjobs I always just say me chupas and they get right on it. Quitate la ropa and the clothes quickly come off. Tu arriba and she jumps on my pene and starts riding. Yo arriba, I get on top. Boca abajo and she lays face down for me. What are some other words to use for sex postions?Coger definitely means "to fuck" in Colombia as well.

02-17-24, 04:04
Unfortunately for me I am deadlocked into being in Medellin on Sunday and would still like to monger as much as possible. Does anyone have any recommendations on where to go or how to find some decent quality?

Thanks for your opinion. I just found out that Energy and Loutron are closed on Sundays leaving only New Life open but they might have diminished staff too. If Mansion moves ahead with no girls during daytime especially on Sundays, I might be left with not many options on Sundays so yes I'll use it as a travel day.

02-17-24, 06:47
Unfortunately for me I am deadlocked into being in Medellin on Sunday and would still like to monger as much as possible. Does anyone have any recommendations on where to go or how to find some decent quality?Well, twice I was leaving mde on a Sunday night so went to New Life in the afternoon, both times I ended up fucking a 5 because it was my last shot at getting laid before I left the country, I don't think any other casas are open Sundays. I think all the strip clubs are closed, if you can find one open it will be a sorry lot. Forget about the mansion, now, no girls in the day, & that is the worst night of the week in the bar, you will be lucky to find 5 or 6 mediocre chicas. I imagine some will be hanging around parque Lleras, & some of the escorts advertise availability 7 days a week so that is your best shot. Lining up a date or 2 beforehand is the best play. In Latin America, even for working girls, Sunday is a day of rest, church & family. Suerte!

02-17-24, 08:48
Coger definitely means "to fuck" in Colombia as well.If you listen to the word coger being used in public you will hear people say it when they take the bus "voy a coger el bus" I'm pretty sure they aren't saying "I'm going to fuck the bus" LOL. I think only foreigners use it to mean fuck such as some vennies in Bogota but I think they picked that up through music from other countries. Time and time again when I hear the word coger being used in public by the locals it is specifically and only used when talking about taking a bus or taking a taxi.

02-17-24, 09:24
Coger definitely means "to fuck" in Colombia as well.You most likely heard a vennie use the word coger to mean fuck. Paisas will use the word culear. I found this explanation on quora.

The Cane
02-17-24, 12:07
OK so coger is not used in Colombia but culear is. Are there any other slang words for fuck used in Colombia? For blowjobs I always just say me chupas and they get right on it. Quitate la ropa and the clothes quickly come off. Tu arriba and she jumps on my pene and starts riding. Yo arriba, I get on top. Boca abajo and she lays face down for me. What are some other words to use for sex postions?A "buen polvo" means a "good fuck" in Colombia. I remember when I was still learning Colombian slang and a hottie told me to tell other people she thought I was a buen polvo. Good thing I researched what it meant first LOL! Oh, and by the way, Colombians absolutely do not commonly use "coger" to mean "to fuck". Take it from someone with a few years of direct experience. That's most definitely Mexican slang.

02-17-24, 14:13
I took an Uber to Bar Madrid Friday night and it was a scary sight. I speak fluent Spanish and the Uber driver told me he didn't feel comfortable dropping me off there unless I was meeting buddies. So I asked him to turn around and he dropped me off at Provenza for dinner. I was tired from the flight so I went to sleep after that. It was 9 pm and the streetwalkers around Lleras park looked unappealing.

Last night I went to Lleras park around 8 pm because I was hungry. I went into this restaurant / bar and a girl started talking to me and insisted she was a server but she wasn't; she's one of those girls that get paid for every shot they get out of you. She's down to go out with me on Sunday but I know for a fact she won't fuck due to some trauma with her ex. There was better looking girls and I wonder if they're down to fuck instead. Shots were pricey 70 k COP a pop. I left around 10 pm because there was nobody else there I think it was a mistake to go in so early. 10 pm is the earliest to go in I think. I saw a lot of working girls on my way back and one of them caught my eye. Slim, fit, big boobs (turned out to be fake unfortunately). She charged 400 k COP and it was top 2 worst fuck of my life LOL. I tried kissing her since she was cute and she immediately turned it down and said no kissing. I started sucking on her boobs but she wanted to go straight to PIV. After 2 minutes of her riding me she asked to change position so I put her doggy style and she started groaning. I couldn't touch her hair either. I went to adjust the AC and I got soft from that so she said it was over. No BJ at all either, covered or uncovered. I told her we'd negotiated 400 k for 1 hour and she said it was for "1 polvo" I told her I hadn't cum so there was no way that was 1 polvo and she said the fact I hadn't cum was my problem. Lesson learned these girls are PROs you got to negotiate the fine print ahead of time LOL. In the end I went to bed and I woke up around 3 am so I could've gone up to try and pick up girls at the end of their working shift but I decided to just keep sleeping.

Today I'll be heading to the mansion.

02-17-24, 16:19
Unfortunately for me I am deadlocked into being in Medellin on Sunday and would still like to monger as much as possible. Does anyone have any recommendations on where to go or how to find some decent quality?You could go to El Centro and look for a street walker; you could get a chica at a strip club or establishment on Saturday to stay with you Saturday night into Sunday; you could try to find a chica in Parque Lleras. You options will be more limited because Sunday is family day but you can do some limited mongering, IMO.

Gone are the good ole days when you could still get decent talent in a casa on Sunday. I think one casa even had their 2 4 1 special on Sundays because it was so slow.

02-17-24, 16:26
Thanks. Have you experienced this recently? So there is already a restriction with girls hanging out by the pool?Yes, I was there at the begininng of Feb. There is nothing available to take away from the pool, at any time of day. A girl who is with you can accompany you to the pool.

So how is it any different than any other mediocre hotel with a pool?It was a good place for a first time visitor (me), although not necessarily economical. It could be economical in that there are no fee's to bring guests back. As mentioned by others there is a good bit of knowledge freely on offer from other guests. The attached bar was a nice feature as well.

02-17-24, 18:56
How much is cab fare from the airport to the city (especially to Hotel M mansion area)? Hotel M is quoting 135,000 or about $36 US for airport pickup.

02-17-24, 19:14
I took an Uber to Bar Madrid Friday night and it was a scary sight. I speak fluent Spanish and the Uber driver told me he didn't feel comfortable dropping me off there unless I was meeting buddies. So I asked him to turn around and he dropped me off at Provenza for dinner. I was tired from the flight so I went to sleep after that. It was 9 pm and the streetwalkers around Lleras park looked unappealing.

Last night I went to Lleras park around 8 pm because I was hungry. I went into this restaurant / bar and a girl started talking to me and insisted she was a server but she wasn't; she's one of those girls that get paid for every shot they get out of you. She's down to go out with me on Sunday but I know for a fact she won't fuck due to some trauma with her ex. There was better looking girls and I wonder if they're down to fuck instead. Shots were pricey 70 k COP a pop. I left around 10 pm because there was nobody else there I think it was a mistake to go in so early. 10 pm is the earliest to go in I think. I saw a lot of working girls on my way back and one of them caught my eye. Slim, fit, big boobs (turned out to be fake unfortunately). She charged 400 k COP and it was top 2 worst fuck of my life LOL. I tried kissing her since she was cute and she immediately turned it down and said no kissing. I started sucking on her boobs but she wanted to go straight to PIV. After 2 minutes of her riding me she asked to change position so I put her doggy style and she started groaning. I couldn't touch her hair either. I went to adjust the AC and I got soft from that so she said it was over..This ***** was from Lleras?? So it's some fat overweight lazy ***** with fake tits charging you 10 x what it should be and giving a shitty service and cutting the time short??

Yea fuck Poblado.

02-17-24, 19:41
You most likely heard a vennie use the word coger to mean fuck. Paisas will use the word culear. I found this explanation on quora.So technically coger means to take so quiero cogerte means I want to take you. I think they will get it but I will start using culear. Quora also lists joder as fuck in Mexico. I had forgot about that one. I also believe follar means fuck in Mexico?

02-17-24, 19:45
I took an Uber to Bar Madrid Friday night and it was a scary sight. I speak fluent Spanish and the Uber driver told me he didn't feel comfortable dropping me off there unless I was meeting buddies. So I asked him to turn around and he dropped me off at Provenza for dinner. I was tired from the flight so I went to sleep after that. It was 9 pm and the streetwalkers around Lleras park looked unappealing.

Last night I went to Lleras park around 8 pm because I was hungry. I went into this restaurant / bar and a girl started talking to me and insisted she was a server but she wasn't; she's one of those girls that get paid for every shot they get out of you. She's down to go out with me on Sunday but I know for a fact she won't fuck due to some trauma with her ex. There was better looking girls and I wonder if they're down to fuck instead. Shots were pricey 70 k COP a pop. I left around 10 pm because there was nobody else there I think it was a mistake to go in so early. 10 pm is the earliest to go in I think. I saw a lot of working girls on my way back and one of them caught my eye. Slim, fit, big boobs (turned out to be fake unfortunately). She charged 400 k COP and it was top 2 worst fuck of my life LOL. I tried kissing her since she was cute and she immediately turned it down and said no kissing. I started sucking on her boobs but she wanted to go straight to PIV. After 2 minutes of her riding me she asked to change position so I put her doggy style and she started groaning..I'm curious if anyone here has ever taken el dinero back? If she's really pissy like that, especially the "It's tu problemo", that's where it's about to go down. Refer to this video with the exception of getting blasted ofc.

This is how you get set up and murdered in a foreign country.


02-17-24, 19:48
So technically coger means to take so quiero cogerte means I want to take you. I think they will get it but I will start using culear. Quora also lists joder as fuck in Mexico. I had forgot about that one. I also believe follar means fuck in Mexico?Yes you are correct quiero cogerte means I want to take you. It is not used to mean "I want to fuck you" by Colombians in Colombia but may be used by Venezuelan immigrants. This is one of the ways you can tell the vennies apart from the colombianas is by how they talk.

The word culear is used by Colombians. "quiero culear contigo" or "quiero culear con vos" is how you should say it in Colombia. I think follar and joder are used in other countries.

A "buen polvo" means a "good fuck" in Colombia. I remember when I was still learning Colombian slang and a hottie told me to tell other people she thought I was a buen polvo. Good thing I researched what it meant first LOL! Oh, and by the way, Colombians absolutely do not commonly use "coger" to mean "to fuck". Take it from someone with a few years of direct experience. That's most definitely Mexican slang.Yes I agree. Coger used to mean fuck is Mexican slang. Also the word polvo I forgot about. Un buen polvo literally means a good fuck. I generally use the word polvo to refer to rounds. Un polvo= One round dos polvos = two rounds etc. And it specifically refers to how many orgasms you had.

02-17-24, 21:29
Anyone that walks around with 3-4000 usd in their pocket is a fucking idiot, plain and simple. In any country including the USA.100% and a special kind of stupid in Medellin.

02-17-24, 21:31
Yes you are correct quiero cogerte means I want to take you. It is not used to mean "I want to fuck you" by Colombians in Colombia but may be used by Venezuelan immigrants. This is one of the ways you can tell the vennies apart from the colombianas is by how they talk.

The word culear is used by Colombians. "quiero culear contigo" or "quiero culear con vos" is how you should say it in Colombia. I think follar and joder are used in other countries.

Yes I agree. Coger used to mean fuck is Mexican slang. Also the word polvo I forgot about. Un buen polvo literally means a good fuck. I generally use the word polvo to refer to rounds. Un polvo= One round dos polvos = two rounds etc. And it specifically refers to how many orgasms you had.I don't think they use vos in Latin America. I had a mexican girl I was seeing in Tijuana ask me what polvo was and I told her. It was in a song that we were watching the video for on TV.

02-17-24, 21:56
I don't think they use vos in Latin America. I had a mexican girl I was seeing in Tijuana ask me what polvo was and I told her. It was in a song that we were watching the video for on TV.I can assure you 1000% they do use vos in Colombia as well as other parts of Latin America. I had just posted a screenshot from my homegirl Mariana's Facebook where she had posted about Laura Opera, the 20 year old girl who was found dead in a suit case and the Canadian who killed her (the post was deleted by the admin) anyways in the screenshot Mariana clearly said "no sabía que era vos" (she told me that she had known her for 6 years and was her friend) and she is a paisa barrio girl from popular 2.

I also know countless other paisas who use the word vos. And in the song "nena maldicion" by Paulo Londra (an argentino regaron artist) the dude clearly uses the word vos to refer to a girl he is talking to in the lyrics of the song.

"yo ni la conozco pero jugaria con vos".


It would do you guys some good to actually listen to music in Spanish, watch movies in Spanish with English subtitles and to immerse yourselves in the language and culture during your visits here.

02-17-24, 22:07
This ***** was from Lleras?? So it's some fat overweight lazy ***** with fake tits charging you 10 x what it should be and giving a shitty service and cutting the time short??

Yea fuck Poblado.Not overweight, actually very fit and with a nice ass but yes with fake tits. It was an awful fuck; she was dead fish and every pump was like I had physically assaulted her. I was glad to be rid of her soon to be honest because there was no way I was going to cum.

I considered taking the money back but not worth the hassle. I had a great experience today with a girl not from Lleras, university student, Colombian American from Miami, huge natural tits that I could lick and suck while fucking her, deep kissing and she got wet (because she actually let me touch her, duh) and like 4 hours of conversation. She was heavier than my usual type but those tits are heaven on earth and she loved having them played with.

02-17-24, 22:07
I don't think they use vos in Latin America.In my experience they do use it but rarely. I only remember three girls using it, one Vennie from Maracaibo, one Colombiana form Medellin and another one from a pueblo couple hours north of Medellin. They use it more in Argentina and Uruguay, I hear.

02-17-24, 22:12
I don't think they use vos in Latin America. I had a mexican girl I was seeing in Tijuana ask me what polvo was and I told her. It was in a song that we were watching the video for on TV.El Salvador and Colombia use vos. In Medellin vos and tu are interchangeable (I've asked a few people and it matches my interactions so far).

02-17-24, 22:58
I think follar and joder are used in other countriesActually the word joder is used in Colombia but it doesn't refer to sex. "no joda" or "no jodas" is an expression that is commonly heard here in the streets. I believe it is a rude way of saying "don't bother me" or in other words "fuck off".

02-17-24, 23:29
I don't think they use vos in Latin America. I had a mexican girl I was seeing in Tijuana ask me what polvo was and I told her. It was in a song that we were watching the video for on TV.Have you been to Colombia? They use vos all the time. And they do in a few other countries in S. America as well.

02-17-24, 23:46
Thanks for the tips fellas. I'd hate to waste a whole day but that's the way my travel dates worked out. So I'll try to make the most of it. Thanks again.

By the way, I'll be there the end of March so if anyone is in town March 23-26th ish first round of cervezas are on me!

Well, twice I was leaving mde on a Sunday night so went to New Life in the afternoon, both times I ended up fucking a 5 because it was my last shot at getting laid before I left the country, I don't think any other casas are open Sundays. I think all the strip clubs are closed, if you can find one open it will be a sorry lot. Forget about the mansion, now, no girls in the day, & that is the worst night of the week in the bar, you will be lucky to find 5 or 6 mediocre chicas. I imagine some will be hanging around parque Lleras, & some of the escorts advertise availability 7 days a week so that is your best shot. Lining up a date or 2 beforehand is the best play. In Latin America, even for working girls, Sunday is a day of rest, church & family. Suerte!
You could go to El Centro and look for a street walker; you could get a chica at a strip club or establishment on Saturday to stay with you Saturday night into Sunday; you could try to find a chica in Parque Lleras. You options will be more limited because Sunday is family day but you can do some limited mongering, IMO..

02-18-24, 00:03
Have you been to Colombia? They use vos all the time. And they do in a few other countries in S. America as well.I said I think that because that is what I heard from several different Spanish lessons. Didn't take long to get attacked. Been 8 times. I'm done.

02-18-24, 00:35
Have you been to Colombia? They use vos all the time. And they do in a few other countries in S. America as well.Polvo is slang used in Colombia and venezuela to mean a powder or a shot. You want two shots. I also used polvo recently talking to a girl in havana and she had no idea what I was talking about.

Also in Cuba they don't commonly use culear, follar, or coger to say to fuck. Cubans use the verb chingar.

02-18-24, 00:43
Amigas Sexxy is open on Sunday, so is Aiffe but Aiffe will sometimes shut down if enough of their girls don't show. There are also a few places around the stadium that have Sunday hours. You also have Luna Lunera but I haven't been in there in more than a year.

Well, twice I was leaving mde on a Sunday night so went to New Life in the afternoon, both times I ended up fucking a 5 because it was my last shot at getting laid before I left the country, I don't think any other casas are open Sundays. I think all the strip clubs are closed, if you can find one open it will be a sorry lot. Forget about the mansion, now, no girls in the day, & that is the worst night of the week in the bar, you will be lucky to find 5 or 6 mediocre chicas. I imagine some will be hanging around parque Lleras, & some of the escorts advertise availability 7 days a week so that is your best shot. Lining up a date or 2 beforehand is the best play. In Latin America, even for working girls, Sunday is a day of rest, church & family. Suerte!

02-18-24, 01:07
If you listen to the word coger being used in public you will hear people say it when they take the bus "voy a coger el bus" I'm pretty sure they aren't saying "I'm going to fuck the bus" LOL. I think only foreigners use it to mean fuck such as some vennies in Bogota but I think they picked that up through music from other countries. Time and time again when I hear the word coger being used in public by the locals it is specifically and only used when talking about taking a bus or taking a taxi.Yes I know they commonly use it to mean "to take". All I mean to say is every time I say it, they know exactly what I mean, no matter where I'm at in Colombia.

02-18-24, 01:10
And honestly the best sex I've had in Colombia was with the first girl I met and lived with. She was born and raised in Cartagena and either said "cogeme" or "metemelo". Never heard culear from her or any of the other girls.

02-18-24, 06:10
Also in Cuba they don't commonly use culear, follar, or coger to say to fuck. Cubans use the verb chingar.Not sure about the Colombians but some Vennies use the chingar too. One was teaching me 'groserias' and mentioned 'vamos a chingar', another one listed it as well when I asked about other words for sex.

02-18-24, 11:22
Not overweight, actually very fit and with a nice ass but yes with fake tits. It was an awful fuck; she was dead fish and every pump was like I had physically assaulted her. I was glad to be rid of her soon to be honest because there was no way I was going to cum.

I considered taking the money back but not worth the hassle. I had a great experience today with a girl not from Lleras, university student, Colombian American from Miami, huge natural tits that I could lick and suck while fucking her, deep kissing and she got wet (because she actually let me touch her, duh) and like 4 hours of conversation. She was heavier than my usual type but those tits are heaven on earth and she loved having them played with.Some women shouldn't be in the job. If they don't like doing it they should do something else. Go work in a panadería or something.

02-18-24, 11:53
I said I think that because that is what I heard from several different Spanish lessons. Didn't take long to get attacked. Been 8 times. I'm done.Was just looking into all of that because vos is used lots in Costa Rica. Some online sources say it is used in only 3 countries, but others say it is used through much of south and certainly central america, but not much in Mexico I think. Anyway. I certainly see it lots in CR, and hear it once in a while but rarely as I am not in a setting such as at home, where it would be used.

02-18-24, 13:21
Not overweight, actually very fit and with a nice ass but yes with fake tits. It was an awful fuck; she was dead fish and every pump was like I had physically assaulted her. I was glad to be rid of her soon to be honest because there was no way I was going to cum.

I considered taking the money back but not worth the hassle. I had a great experience today with a girl not from Lleras, university student, Colombian American from Miami, huge natural tits that I could lick and suck while fucking her, deep kissing and she got wet (because she actually let me touch her, duh) and like 4 hours of conversation. She was heavier than my usual type but those tits are heaven on earth and she loved having them played with.Sorry, I was applying my own subjective thinking. In my view any girl with big tits (bigger than a be-Cup) is overweight (top heavy) and has a disproportionate body.

I am personally into athletic and skinny women with perky be-cup breast, spinner type chicas that don't weigh more than 45-50 kilos.

The woman you are describing that gave you the horrible session I wouldn't give her the time of fucking day. When women like her try to get my attention in Centro I keep walking and don't even fucking acknowledge them. But hey to each his own. It's good that everyone has different tastes.

And as bad as the session was and the amount of money you paid (which was double the price Lleras chicas typically charge for condom sex) and the fact that you didn't even cum, you should have tried to take the money back.

02-18-24, 14:54
Some women shouldn't be in the job. If they don't like doing it they should do something else. Go work in a panaderia or something.What for, she gets better money for providing shitty service. She just got 400 k out of foreigner for how much time, 1 hour of doing nothing? She'd have to work probably around 2 weeks of full day shifts in panaderia to get the same and put some effort in.

02-18-24, 17:27
Coger definitely means "to fuck" in Colombia as well.Just like in English, many words can be used for different meanings, depending on context, intonation, facial expressions and hand gestures.

If a Colombian uses the verb coger, they are almost certainly not talking about fucking. If you're using the verb coger, without some kind of hint that you're talking about fucking, chances are they won't understand what you want.

02-18-24, 17:30
Unfortunately for me I am deadlocked into being in Medellin on Sunday and would still like to monger as much as possible. Does anyone have any recommendations on where to go or how to find some decent quality?Las Islas will have plenty of girls, late night. Grill Nueva and other El Centro clubs should be open as well. It's been awhile since I've done any casas, but most used to be open on Sunday, with reduced selection. Online girls are available all days.

02-18-24, 18:09
Last time I went (about a month ago), there seemed to be a large amount of very young looking girls inside the gated part of the park. I know they are ID'd to get in but quite a few of them made me think, there is no way she is over 18 - some of them look disturbingly young. I wanted to know what you guys have noticed in regards to this?

I've been to Colombia (and some other countries) a lot of times but last trip was my first deciding to step into Gustos. The women I met inside showed me their menu, which mostly seemed like me buying tables and bottles for them to sit with me. I left without spending a single cent (outside of the entry fee of course). I know Gustos has been discussed here but I didn't get the appeal at all. Don't get me wrong, there are beautiful women in there but if all you are doing is spending money to sit with them then its dumb.

Also, I have never been to Loutron. Does it offer a better experience than Spa Fantasias Energy? Might check it out just to see.

02-18-24, 18:11
First night in Medellin did the usually hit up la Isla, talent was on point as usually but price is about 250 mil pesos more than I paid last time around, found this beautiful Morena and did the deed money well spent.

Second night hit up gustos and honestly pickings were slim to my liking but I found this sweetheart and took her home body looked good had a great time.

Third night back to la isla and I struck gold beautiful thick petty chica all natural paid the cost and off we went skin was silky smooth and I had enjoy her very much much, will definitely be seeing her again.

Fourth day, I decide to try out loutron and oh boy I wish I had went sooner, the place is great, after seeing the presentation there were 3 that caught my attention so I went with this stunning light skinned 5'10" chica dress in red fishnet bodysuit and after a 10 minutes massage, she started with some very light kissing and touch into oral and then other various positions to follow absolutely the best the entire trip, will definitely be repeating in the future.

Fourth night I checked out GLOWvip but that wasn't my seen it reminds me of Playa Chiquita in Sosua, so went back to Gustos but once again the pickings were slim things seem off in gustos. Anyway started a convo with a chica figuring it wouldn't go no where since I can smell the cigarette on her breathe an that's a turn off for me but lord below she's back at my place, we shower up and get to the deed at hand I was surprised how tight she was I had to go get the lube out and enjoyed every minute of it, she wanted to to again but because of the earlier activities in the day time I just didn't have it in me.

Overall this was a great trip, not 1 bad apple which is good thing.

02-18-24, 18:28
How much is cab fare from the airport to the city (especially to Hotel M mansion area)? Hotel M is quoting 135,000 or about $36 US for airport pickup.It's on the pricy side but not out of line. Probably the best way is to use ACOA to reserve a white taxi https://acoataxiaeropuerto.com.co/. The standard rate from MDE to Medellin is 100k or 110k at today's fares if I'm not mistaken.

02-18-24, 19:57
First night in Medellin did the usually hit up la Isla, talent was on point as usually but price is about 250 mil pesos more than I paid last time around, found this beautiful Morena and did the deed money well spent.

Second night hit up gustos and honestly pickings were slim to my liking but I found this sweetheart and took her home body looked good had a great time.

Third night back to la isla and I struck gold beautiful thick petty chica all natural paid the cost and off we went skin was silky smooth and I had enjoy her very much much, will definitely be seeing her again.

Fourth day, I decide to try out loutron and oh boy I wish I had went sooner, the place is great, after seeing the presentation there were 3 that caught my attention so I went with this stunning light skinned 5'10" chica dress in red fishnet bodysuit and after a 10 minutes massage, she started with some very light kissing and touch into oral and then other various positions to follow absolutely the best the entire trip, will definitely be repeating in the future.

Fourth night I checked out GLOWvip but that wasn't my seen it reminds me of Playa Chiquita in Sosua, so went back to Gustos but once again the pickings were slim things seem off in gustos. Anyway started a convo with a chica figuring it wouldn't go no where since I can smell the cigarette on her breathe an that's a turn off for me but lord below she's back at my place, we shower up and get to the deed at hand I was surprised how tight she was I had to go get the lube out and enjoyed every minute of it, she wanted to to again but because of the earlier activities in the day time I just didn't have it in me.

Overall this was a great trip, not 1 bad apple which is good thing.Loutron is well recommended by some others but I heard it's quite pricey at about 400,000 now. Can you confirm? Also, did you prefer the overall atmosphere and room at Loutron over the same at La Isla, ie., maybe quieter at Loutron than at a strip club?

02-18-24, 20:24
It's on the pricy side but not out of line. Probably the best way is to use ACOA to reserve a white taxi https://acoataxiaeropuerto.com.co/. The standard rate from MDE to Medellin is 100k or 110k at today's fares if I'm not mistaken.Thanks. So as expected, hotel M is charging a slight premium but not overly higher.

02-18-24, 20:28
What for, she gets better money for providing shitty service. She just got 400 k out of foreigner for how much time, 1 hour of doing nothing? She'd have to work probably around 2 weeks of full day shifts in panaderia to get the same and put some effort in.Yea but I think you're missing the point that she doesn't enjoy doing her job and her crappy service shows it. She may like the fast money and being able to rip off foreigners, but maybe some day she gives crappy service to the wrong guy and she ends up being found in a suitcase LOL.

At a bare minimum they should at least act like they enjoy doing their job or else they should go work in the panadería.

02-18-24, 20:43
First night in Medellin did the usually hit up la Isla, talent was on point as usually but price is about 250 mil pesos more than I paid last time around, found this beautiful Morena and did the deed money well spent.

Second night hit up gustos and honestly pickings were slim to my liking but I found this sweetheart and took her home body looked good had a great time.

Third night back to la isla and I struck gold beautiful thick petty chica all natural paid the cost and off we went skin was silky smooth and I had enjoy her very much much, will definitely be seeing her again.

Fourth day, I decide to try out loutron and oh boy I wish I had went sooner, the place is great, after seeing the presentation there were 3 that caught my attention so I went with this stunning light skinned 5'10" chica dress in red fishnet bodysuit and after a 10 minutes massage, she started with some very light kissing and touch into oral and then other various positions to follow absolutely the best the entire trip, will definitely be repeating in the future..Can you confirm prices and process for Loutron and La Isla? I've not gone yet but this puts them on my TODO list.

02-18-24, 22:38
Just like in English, many words can be used for different meanings, depending on context, intonation, facial expressions and hand gestures.

If a Colombian uses the verb coger, they are almost certainly not talking about fucking. If you're using the verb coger, without some kind of hint that you're talking about fucking, chances are they won't understand what you want.Obviously, that's why I said every girl I've ever said "vamos a coger" to knew exactly what I was referring to. I'm either ignored or I get "see youánto me darás?

Girls in Colombia know that "coger" means fuck even if it's not their go-to word for fuck is all I'm saying. Some use follar too. I also have learned to use coger to refer to taxis as well.

02-19-24, 01:47
Thanks for the tips fellas. I'd hate to waste a whole day but that's the way my travel dates worked out. So I'll try to make the most of it. Thanks again.

By the way, I'll be there the end of March so if anyone is in town March 23-26th ish first round of cervezas are on me!I'll be there from the 20th till 29th.

02-19-24, 01:55
Just wondering for mongering at the casas like New Life and Loutron as well as at the clubs like Fase Dos and La Isla, how are Sundays? I figure there would be fewer girls at these establishments but would there be enough selection still to warrant staying in Medellin over a Sunday or should I just use that day as a travel one?Sundays are the slowest and loinlest day for mongers. The girls all go with their families to malls or abuela house or a finca. You really will feel super sad unless you got a girl line up that is a solid but even then they will flake a lot to be with their families or take care of their kids.

Only good thing to do on Sunday is walk poblado with the pedestrians so you feel connected to some peeps and maybe check out a hot mom with her kid haha. Overall don't plan anything on Sunday and use it to recharge yourself.

02-19-24, 01:56
What's everyone's experience been like with recording your sessions with the ladies? Hoping that's a common or negotiable thing as I like to have videos of my experiences for obvious personal reasons LOL.

Also, what's been everyone's experiences with pulling two ladies at the same time for a threesome? Is that common or uncommon and if you've been able to, what is the reaction like between the two ladies?

02-19-24, 04:52
Yea but I think you're missing the point that she doesn't enjoy doing her job and her crappy service shows it. She may like the fast money and being able to rip off foreigners, but maybe some day she gives crappy service to the wrong guy and she ends up being found in a suitcase LOL.

At a bare minimum they should at least act like they enjoy doing their job or else they should go work in the panadera.No, I am aware that she doesn't enjoy her job, what I'm saying is whether she enjoys or not is not an important consideration for her (nor for many people here). What she cares about is the money made at the end of the day, but I agree it would be best for everyone involved if they enjoyed their jobs or at least care enough to make it look as if they do.

But she must've of learned already that gingos will pay anyway regardless of how crappy the service is, so she thinks: what is the benefit of slaving 8 hours in a low paid job for week or two when I can make the same in an hour, and don't even have to make much effort if I don't want to. Most of the effort she needs to put in is the sale and getting the client to the room, not into the service itself. She doesn't have a boss that can fire her for a bad service so who's the unlucky tourist going to complain to anyway, he'll be gone soon, and the amount accepted says to her that he doesn't know the local prices at all, so probably doesn't even know anyone here or just doesn't care about the money spent, so there is a low probability of him getting in an argument over it.

The suitcases were crimes of passion involving long term emotional entanglements afaik, not a hooker giving bad service, so chances of that happening are probably low.

Lucky Nuts
02-19-24, 05:42
The Interplaza Mall not to far from the Blux Apartments, does it have a liquor store there or someplace to by liquor and beers?There's no liquor store at The Interplaza Mall. Go south a couple blocks to La Carulla Pinar del Rio for a full beer, wine and liquor selection.

Lucky Nuts
02-19-24, 06:04
Does anyone here know how far the closest subway stations are to the following daytime casas -- New Life, Energy Spa and Loutron? I heard that Loutron might be further out so maybe Uber or taxi required to get there and back. By the way, how far is the hotel M (mansion) to any subway station?Funny just last week a taxi driver asked me why my fellow gringos often ask to go to the Subway. Told me he takes them to the nearest sandwhich shop of course. Because there are no subway trains in Medellin. I explained these are probably guys that have traveled in Europe but not Latin America. In Medelllin it's best to ask the driver to take you to a particular metro station like "Estacion Poblado" or "Estacion Estadio" or "Estacion San Antonio". Or you could try "la estacion de metro mas cerca".

New Life would be closest to Estacion Parque Berrio in el centro. Energy Spa closest to Estacion Estadio. And Loutron you need to ride up the hill in a taxi or Uber probably closest from Estacion Poblado.

Lucky Nuts
02-19-24, 06:13
Just wondering for mongering at the casas like New Life and Loutron as well as at the clubs like Fase Dos and La Isla, how are Sundays? I figure there would be fewer girls at these establishments but would there be enough selection still to warrant staying in Medellin over a Sunday or should I just use that day as a travel one?Sundays suck for the most part. I used to have a regular Sunday only chica. Now I mostly use Sundays as a day of rest. Sometimes the scene at Lleras is very good on Sunday nights. Especially if there was a lot of rain Friday and / or Saturday. Conejitas and Bar Grille Nueva in el centro are open and have plenty of chicas although not the A teams.

02-19-24, 06:41
Just wondering for mongering at the casas like New Life and Loutron as well as at the clubs like Fase Dos and La Isla, how are Sundays? I figure there would be fewer girls at these establishments but would there be enough selection still to warrant staying in Medellin over a Sunday or should I just use that day as a travel one?I've always counted out Sundays, because most of the ones that never get chosen are ones that show up on Sundays to make up for all the days of the week they didn't get chose. And of course that's what your stuck with, "the Sunday line-ups".

02-19-24, 07:10
Sorry, I was applying my own subjective thinking. In my view any girl with big tits (bigger than a be-Cup) is overweight (top heavy) and has a disproportionate body.

I am personally into athletic and skinny women with perky be-cup breast, spinner type chicas that don't weigh more than 45-50 kilos.

The woman you are describing that gave you the horrible session I wouldn't give her the time of fucking day. When women like her try to get my attention in Centro I keep walking and don't even fucking acknowledge them. But hey to each his own. It's good that everyone has different tastes.

And as bad as the session was and the amount of money you paid (which was double the price Lleras chicas typically charge for condom sex) and the fact that you didn't even cum, you should have tried to take the money back.No. He shouldn't have tried to take the money back. First, he shouldn't have paid her up front to begin with. Second, he should have clarified what the rules were before even agreeing to the session. It's a common mistake.

Even if he hadn't paid her up front, his best option was to give her the money, get her out and chalk it up as a learning experience. Once the money is in her hands, there's almost zero chance trying to get it back will work out in your favor.

02-19-24, 07:27
What's everyone's experience been like with recording your sessions with the ladies? Hoping that's a common or negotiable thing as I like to have videos of my experiences for obvious personal reasons LOL.

Also, what's been everyone's experiences with pulling two ladies at the same time for a threesome? Is that common or uncommon and if you've been able to, what is the reaction like between the two ladies?Chances are you'll get a lot of resistance to recording your sessions, or you'll be required to pay extra, potentially a lot more.

Picking up 2 random girls for a threesome will almost always get you a trio. A trio in Colombia is a tag team session. One girl will fuck you while the other plays with her phone (or goes through your pockets, puts drugs in your drink, or let's in the guys she called who want to rob you). Then they'll switch. If you're lucky, 1 will make out with you, while the other is fucking you. It's usually a going to be a disappointment.

The best way to get a threesome is to find 1 girl who you have great sessions with. Find out if she's into girls. Find out if she's willing to do a threesome. Find out if she has someone who meets your requirements. Confirm with her in advance exactly what you expect. I feel it's best to take a threesome to a love motel.

Mr Enternational
02-19-24, 07:31
First night in Medellin did the usually hit up la Isla, talent was on point as usually but price is about 250 mil pesos What were the prices at Gustos and Loutron?

02-19-24, 13:12
Funny just last week a taxi driver asked me why my fellow gringos often ask to go to the Subway. Told me he takes them to the nearest sandwhich shop of course. Because there are no subway trains in Medellin. I explained these are probably guys that have traveled in Europe but not Latin America. In Medelllin it's best to ask the driver to take you to a particular metro station like "Estacion Poblado" or "Estacion Estadio" or "Estacion San Antonio". Or you could try "la estacion de metro mas cerca".

New Life would be closest to Estacion Parque Berrio in el centro. Energy Spa closest to Estacion Estadio. And Loutron you need to ride up the hill in a taxi or Uber probably closest from Estacion Poblado.Thanks for this info. Yes from the maps it looks fairly easy enough to take the Metro and walk a bit to New Life and Energy during the daytime hours. Will be doing the same for the touristy stuff too like visiting Parque Botero (same station as for New Life visit), Comuna 13 on same line as to Energy and doing the cable cars up to Parque Arvi. But for Loutron, La Isla and Fase Dos, those are better with Uber or cab especially if I visit them at night.

From Hotel M (mansion) there are two stations I can access even though there is a bit of a walk to them and they look equal in terms of distance = Poblado and Aguacatala.

02-19-24, 13:17
I've always counted out Sundays, because most of the ones that never get chosen are ones that show up on Sundays to make up for all the days of the week they didn't get chose. And of course that's what your stuck with, "the Sunday line-ups".Thanks for all the input guys on Sundays. Based on how slow everything is and the fact that I'll likely get all my touristy things done during the daytime on the weekdays, I'm going to book the Sunday during my trip as my travel day out to my next destination, Peru. Even though there is mongering available there too, the initial intel suggests that Lima and Cuzco are pale in comparison to Colombia but the location after that which is Panama, will have another potential mongering action scene although much smaller than Medellin.

02-19-24, 13:22
So at La Isla its 600 mil pesos. Before it was 2 prices based on the room you picked.

At loutron there is cash 440 mil / card 530 mil / usd 130, also addon ie 3 some or added time.

They both offer a different experience and personal I find the room at la isla better, but the room at Loutron are huge, both are very quiet so play your own music. Loutron as hot water if I remember correctly.

Loutron is well recommended by some others but I heard it's quite pricey at about 400,000 now. Can you confirm? Also, did you prefer the overall atmosphere and room at Loutron over the same at La Isla, ie., maybe quieter at Loutron than at a strip club?

02-19-24, 13:37
Personal just take uberya it won't cost you more than $2-$4 to get around and it safer. Especially going up to loutron and la isla. I've taken the Metro out there before when visiting Comuna13, but with all the stories over the last 2 months of foreigns. What's a extra $2-$4 to get around. Funny enough a friend of mine got pickpocket just having a 20 second conversation didn't even realize until back at the airbnb.

Thanks for this info. Yes from the maps it looks fairly easy enough to take the Metro and walk a bit to New Life and Energy during the daytime hours. Will be doing the same for the touristy stuff too like visiting Parque Botero (same station as for New Life visit), Comuna 13 on same line as to Energy and doing the cable cars up to Parque Arvi. But for Loutron, La Isla and Fase Dos, those are better with Uber or cab especially if I visit them at night.

From Hotel M (mansion) there are two stations I can access even though there is a bit of a walk to them and they look equal in terms of distance = Poblado and Aguacatala.

02-19-24, 13:50
Set aside some extra funds for Panama.

Thanks for all the input guys on Sundays. Based on how slow everything is and the fact that I'll likely get all my touristy things done during the daytime on the weekdays, I'm going to book the Sunday during my trip as my travel day out to my next destination, Peru. Even though there is mongering available there too, the initial intel suggests that Lima and Cuzco are pale in comparison to Colombia but the location after that which is Panama, will have another potential mongering action scene although much smaller than Medellin.

02-19-24, 14:52
Chances are you'll get a lot of resistance to recording your sessions, or you'll be required to pay extra, potentially a lot more.

Picking up 2 random girls for a threesome will almost always get you a trio. A trio in Colombia is a tag team session. One girl will fuck you while the other plays with her phone (or goes through your pockets, puts drugs in your drink, or let's in the guys she called who want to rob you). Then they'll switch. If you're lucky, 1 will make out with you, while the other is fucking you. It's usually a going to be a disappointment.

The best way to get a threesome is to find 1 girl who you have great sessions with. Find out if she's into girls. Find out if she's willing to do a threesome. Find out if she has someone who meets your requirements. Confirm with her in advance exactly what you expect. I feel it's best to take a threesome to a love motel.Most girls are not bi-sexual but some girls are more willing to play with other girls for your enjoyment. The more experienced the girl, the more likely that she will play with the other girl. On the other hand, if the girl is very young, 18-22, it is less likely that she would interact with the other girl. In my experience, the girls generally are wiling to give you the double blow-job which is very nice. Two mouths on one cock is always a good thing.

But it is true that you are expecting full on lesbian action, you will be disappointed most of the time. But playing around with two girls and the double blowjob is still fun and the girls always enjoy being with their friends so they definitely enjoy it more.

John Gault
02-19-24, 15:44
Chances are you'll get a lot of resistance to recording your sessions, or you'll be required to pay extra, potentially a lot more.

Picking up 2 random girls for a threesome will almost always get you a trio. A trio in Colombia is a tag team session. One girl will fuck you while the other plays with her phone (or goes through your pockets, puts drugs in your drink, or let's in the guys she called who want to rob you). Then they'll switch. If you're lucky, 1 will make out with you, while the other is fucking you. It's usually a going to be a disappointment.

The best way to get a threesome is to find 1 girl who you have great sessions with. Find out if she's into girls. Find out if she's willing to do a threesome. Find out if she has someone who meets your requirements. Confirm with her in advance exactly what you expect. I feel it's best to take a threesome to a love motel.I'm very impressed with this post. You can take his advice to the bank.

02-19-24, 17:01
Ok, cool. Let's try to link up.

I'll be there from the 20th till 29th.

02-19-24, 17:01
Also, what's been everyone's experiences with pulling two ladies at the same time for a threesome? Is that common or uncommon and if you've been able to, what is the reaction like between the two ladies?I've had fantastic luck by choosing a regular who I know is bi or lesbian (sleeps with guys for money but prefers girls) and having her 'choose' a girl she's been wanting to play with. I've even gotten carried away and had her pick two. Let's just say those are the memories you never forget. Ha ha.

02-19-24, 17:03
Thanks for the info! I kind of figured it would be that type of situation. It would be tough with worrying about my pockets etc while I am trying to enjoy myself.

Chances are you'll get a lot of resistance to recording your sessions, or you'll be required to pay extra, potentially a lot more.

Picking up 2 random girls for a threesome will almost always get you a trio. A trio in Colombia is a tag team session. One girl will fuck you while the other plays with her phone (or goes through your pockets, puts drugs in your drink, or let's in the guys she called who want to rob you). Then they'll switch. If you're lucky, 1 will make out with you, while the other is fucking you. It's usually a going to be a disappointment.

The best way to get a threesome is to find 1 girl who you have great sessions with. Find out if she's into girls. Find out if she's willing to do a threesome. Find out if she has someone who meets your requirements. Confirm with her in advance exactly what you expect. I feel it's best to take a threesome to a love motel.

02-19-24, 17:05
No. He shouldn't have tried to take the money back. First, he shouldn't have paid her up front to begin with. Second, he should have clarified what the rules were before even agreeing to the session. It's a common mistake.

Even if he hadn't paid her up front, his best option was to give her the money, get her out and chalk it up as a learning experience. Once the money is in her hands, there's almost zero chance trying to get it back will work out in your favor.This is the conclusion I came to on the spot.

02-19-24, 18:03
At loutron there is cash 440 mil / card 530 mil / usd 130, also addon ie 3 some or added time.
Last year I visited Loutron on a Friday night. Probably 25 girls there who made an individual presentation. There was a notepad and pencil to write down the ones I preferred. Many were trashy with tattoos, thick, and plain fat. I picked a slim one. Paid the cash fee. Got into the room and she started the upsell. No kissing, no pussy licking, no BBBJ unless more money. Very sad. Waste of time to go there.

02-19-24, 21:11
So at La Isla its 600 mil pesos. Before it was 2 prices based on the room you picked.

At loutron there is cash 440 mil / card 530 mil / usd 130, also addon ie 3 some or added time.

They both offer a different experience and personal I find the room at la isla better, but the room at Loutron are huge, both are very quiet so play your own music. Loutron as hot water if I remember correctly.That's good to know thanks. I'm kind of surprised about both places being fairly quiet inside the rooms. Maybe not surprised about Loutron since it's not a strip club where they have blasting music. But to hear that rooms at La Isla are fairly quiet surprises me. I would assume that the rooms at Fase Dos being a strip club would also be quite noisy. I guess the rooms at La Isla are located far enough from the loudspeakers. I've been to some places where the rooms were too close or not sound proofed enough and felt like I was still on the main floor where the music was playing which I personally find distractive during a session.

02-19-24, 21:30
The fitness expo this past weekend was pretty good. Definitely, some of the best talent I've seen in that quantity in awhile. A lot of babes with nice bodies showing skin. Even babes with just their nipples covered and thongs. There was something for everyone. Girls playing volleyball in the sand, shaking their asses in Zumba classes, handing out samples of various health related products, etc. It cost me about $10 USA for the day pass to get in. There were many giveaway products and also food and drinks for sale, including alcoholic drinks.

Went solo so I wasn't being mad aggressive, but this one girl kept looking at me so I called her over. She is a 7. 5. Turns out she says she has seen me on social media. She pulled up my profile so we agreed to follow each other. Might be something I would hit down the road. Lives in Aranjuez, which isn't too crazy.

I did see one girl that I would give a solid 9 (I don't give out 10's) but I think a lot of dudes would say she is a dime. Beautiful face and smile and crazy T&A. The kicker was she was with a foreigner who looked to be European and also into fitness. If she does webcam modeling or only fans, she probably makes good money. Everything was on point, as they sat next to me so I was unintentionally privy to their convo and a bird's eye view.

As far as dudes, there were a lot of muscle heads there with nice looking babes. I've worked out at the major brand gyms around town and saw a lot of new faces which leads me to believe many of these folks are in the barrios and rarely go to the Gringo zones. All and all, it was a good event, as there is rarely anything going on around town that attracts that type of critical mass, especially during the day.

02-19-24, 22:19
The fitness expo this past weekend was pretty good. Definitely, some of the best talent I've seen in that quantity in awhile. A lot of babes with nice bodies showing skin. Even babes with just their nipples covered and thongs. There was something for everyone. Girls playing volleyball in the sand, shaking their asses in Zumba classes, handing out samples of various health related products, etc. It cost me about $10 USA for the day pass to get in. There were many giveaway products and also food and drinks for sale, including alcoholic drinks.

Went solo so I wasn't being mad aggressive, but this one girl kept looking at me so I called her over. She is a 7. 5. Turns out she says she has seen me on social media. She pulled up my profile so we agreed to follow each other. Might be something I would hit down the road. Lives in Aranjuez, which isn't too crazy.

I did see one girl that I would give a solid 9 (I don't give out 10's) but I think a lot of dudes would say she is a dime. Beautiful face and smile and crazy T&A. The kicker was she was with a foreigner who looked to be European and also into fitness. If she does webcam modeling or only fans, she probably makes good money. Everything was on point, as they sat next to me so I was unintentionally privy to their convo and a bird's eye view.

As far as dudes, there were a lot of muscle heads there with nice looking babes. I've worked out at the major brand gyms around town and saw a lot of new faces which leads me to believe many of these folks are in the barrios and rarely go to the Gringo zones. All and all, it was a good event, as there is rarely anything going on around town that attracts that type of critical mass, especially during the day.Damn! I always wanted to go to the fitness expo. I seen soo many IG influencer types and I KNOW some of them moonlight.

Is it over already or is it going on all week?

02-19-24, 23:04
Last time I went (about a month ago), there seemed to be a large amount of very young looking girls inside the gated part of the park. I know they are ID'd to get in but quite a few of them made me think, there is no way she is over 18 - some of them look disturbingly young. I wanted to know what you guys have noticed in regards to this?

I've been to Colombia (and some other countries) a lot of times but last trip was my first deciding to step into Gustos. The women I met inside showed me their menu, which mostly seemed like me buying tables and bottles for them to sit with me. I left without spending a single cent (outside of the entry fee of course). I know Gustos has been discussed here but I didn't get the appeal at all. Don't get me wrong, there are beautiful women in there but if all you are doing is spending money to sit with them then its dumb.

Also, I have never been to Loutron. Does it offer a better experience than Spa Fantasias Energy? Might check it out just to see.Over the last few nights, I too saw some girls looking very young. Saturday night, as I walked past the gates, two girls were in front of me. I thought those girls were under 18. The two police officers never gave them a second look. No ID check. Nothing. Be careful guys. It definitely put a damper on my mood. It was sad.

02-20-24, 01:03
So at La Isla its 600 mil pesos. Before it was 2 prices based on the room you picked.

At loutron there is cash 440 mil / card 530 mil / usd 130, also addon ie 3 some or added time.

They both offer a different experience and personal I find the room at la isla better, but the room at Loutron are huge, both are very quiet so play your own music. Loutron as hot water if I remember correctly.It's 600 now? I thought it was 550 for the room and girl and 50 for the cover? Or is it 600 for the room and girl and 50 for cover?

Also for la isla the cover is 50 but during events when there's a lot of people they up the prices to 70 or 80.

I'm in sdq but I'm deciding whether I should go to Mde or bog. Online talent seems to be down in terms of quality in both places.

02-20-24, 02:49
Price changed my guy, it's still 50 mil to get in, but now 600 mil for the girl / room.

Before depending on the room you pick it was 375 mil / 450 mil. That was under the order exchange rate last April 2023.

I used my CC back then it was only $82 this time around it was $151.

Look a few girls in Gustos was quoting me 400 mil for a HR. Only thing is it's a hit or miss unlike la isla where you guarantee to find something you like, but you might be #2 for the night.

It's 600 now? I thought it was 550 for the room and girl and 50 for the cover? Or is it 600 for the room and girl and 50 for cover?

Also for la isla the cover is 50 but during events when there's a lot of people they up the prices to 70 or 80.

I'm in sdq but I'm deciding whether I should go to Mde or bog. Online talent seems to be down in terms of quality in both places.

02-20-24, 03:10
Damn! I always wanted to go to the fitness expo. I seen soo many IG inflruencer types and I KNOW some of them moonlight.

Is it over already or is it going on all week?Just a weekend event that ended on Sunday.

02-20-24, 04:42
Coger definitely means "to fuck" in Colombia as well.And Argentina, and Paraguay.

02-20-24, 07:57
Thanks for this info. Yes from the maps it looks fairly easy enough to take the Metro and walk a bit to New Life and Energy during the daytime hours. Will be doing the same for the touristy stuff too like visiting Parque Botero (same station as for New Life visit), Comuna 13 on same line as to Energy and doing the cable cars up to Parque Arvi. But for Loutron, La Isla and Fase Dos, those are better with Uber or cab especially if I visit them at night.

From Hotel M (mansion) there are two stations I can access even though there is a bit of a walk to them and they look equal in terms of distance = Poblado and Aguacatala.If you visit Las Islas or Fase 2 in the daytime you'll just be standing outside of a closed and locked building. Generally not worth arriving before 11 pm at either.

Yes, Aguacatala and Poblado stations are about the same distance from Hotel M. However, both are a long way downhill and the walk back up can be daunting.

02-20-24, 08:01
That's good to know thanks. I'm kind of surprised about both places being fairly quiet inside the rooms. Maybe not surprised about Loutron since it's not a strip club where they have blasting music. But to hear that rooms at La Isla are fairly quiet surprises me. I would assume that the rooms at Fase Dos being a strip club would also be quite noisy. I guess the rooms at La Isla are located far enough from the loudspeakers. I've been to some places where the rooms were too close or not sound proofed enough and felt like I was still on the main floor where the music was playing which I personally find distractive during a session.Fase 2 rooms are also quiet because they are located in the building next door.

02-20-24, 08:07
Was this the Lexi that had her own ad?? I saw a Lexi a few times that was mentioned here some time ago. She did nuru. Had seen her 2 times after that. Last time I was in Medellin she didn't answer and I just chalked it up as her not working. Wondering if this is the same Lexi. I know she had her own place but I had her come to Energy for outcall each time.


02-20-24, 14:46
And Argentina, and Paraguay.Maybe in Argentina and Paraguay and obviously in Mexico but not in Colombia. In Colombia it means to take or grab.

02-20-24, 15:28
Last time I went (about a month ago), there seemed to be a large amount of very young looking girls inside the gated part of the park. I know they are ID'd to get in but quite a few of them made me think, there is no way she is over 18 - some of them look disturbingly young. I wanted to know what you guys have noticed in regards to this?

I've been to Colombia (and some other countries) a lot of times but last trip was my first deciding to step into Gustos. The women I met inside showed me their menu, which mostly seemed like me buying tables and bottles for them to sit with me. I left without spending a single cent (outside of the entry fee of course). I know Gustos has been discussed here but I didn't get the appeal at all. Don't get me wrong, there are beautiful women in there but if all you are doing is spending money to sit with them then its dumb.

Also, I have never been to Loutron. Does it offer a better experience than Spa Fantasias Energy? Might check it out just to see.Gustos is only a bar or club, the girls there are all independent. So it is not like a strip club or a casa or anything. So what you experienced is all that is offered there. The girls you interact with there may be working girls, probably most are, and they ask for US dollars or high end prices just because they can in that environment, but the house as far as I know is not involved in any way.

02-20-24, 15:53
Gustos is only a bar or club, the girls there are all independent. So it is not like a strip club or a casa or anything. So what you experienced is all that is offered there. The girls you interact with there may be working girls, probably most are, and they ask for US dollars or high end prices just because they can in that environment, but the house as far as I know is not involved in any way.Well the house is only involved in that they know most of the girls. If any of them cause their clients problems (steal something or worse), even at their apartment or wherever and the client complains, then the girl will have a serious problem. Other than that I don't think there's any way the house is involved. But yeah it's just like you described, Gustos is a place where you can chat up to hot women to see what they offer. And because the house tries to regulate it a bit, as described above, I think it's generally safer to pick up a girl there than a random girl in Lleras, which nowadays can definitely bring risks to the table ...

02-20-24, 16:03
Last year I visited Loutron on a Friday night. Probably 25 girls there who made an individual presentation. There was a notepad and pencil to write down the ones I preferred. Many were trashy with tattoos, thick, and plain fat. I picked a slim one. Paid the cash fee. Got into the room and she started the upsell. No kissing, no pussy licking, no BBBJ unless more money. Very sad. Waste of time to go there.I don't agree it's a waste to go there. Sure it can be like you said and I'll agree that the majority of the girls there is not so hot, but oftentimes there are at least a couple of hot ones. Problem is that especially on busy days like Friday's, the hot ones might be occupied. So yeah, chances are better at la Isla, but still, Loutron is quite nice IMHO. And I don't think there's a casa out there with hotter girls than at Loutron.

02-20-24, 16:45
Last year I visited Loutron on a Friday night. Probably 25 girls there who made an individual presentation. There was a notepad and pencil to write down the ones I preferred. Many were trashy with tattoos, thick, and plain fat. I picked a slim one. Paid the cash fee. Got into the room and she started the upsell. No kissing, no pussy licking, no BBBJ unless more money. Very sad. Waste of time to go there.Are the beds still mattresses on the floor. I don't like those; does not allow for certain positions. Energy is like that as well.

02-20-24, 17:44
Last year I visited Loutron on a Friday night. Probably 25 girls there who made an individual presentation. There was a notepad and pencil to write down the ones I preferred. Many were trashy with tattoos, thick, and plain fat. I picked a slim one. Paid the cash fee. Got into the room and she started the upsell. No kissing, no pussy licking, no BBBJ unless more money. Very sad. Waste of time to go there.YMMV on every girl.

02-20-24, 18:05
Gustos is only a bar or club, the girls there are all independent. So it is not like a strip club or a casa or anything. So what you experienced is all that is offered there. The girls you interact with there may be working girls, probably most are, and they ask for US dollars or high end prices just because they can in that environment, but the house as far as I know is not involved in any way.I'm Hispanic so I guess I kind of blend in. But I've never been quoted prices in dollars there. Last time I went chica quoted me 800 k for all night. I offered 500 k and she accepted. Great service. Maybe they only quote gringos in dollars LOL.

El Mechanico
02-20-24, 18:22
Davivienda began assessing the 15,000 peso per transaction fee last month. Its ATMs don't disclose the fee. You can back it out of the exchange rate applied to withdrawals by adding 15,000 pesos to the amount of pesos the ATM distributes. The 10 or so times I've made withdrawals so far this year the exchange rate I've gotten from Davivienda ATMs matched almost exactly with official rate you can look up on the Internet once you add 15,000 pesos to the amount you receive. My point is you should check whether Schwab is refunding you 15,000. That might not be the case because the Davivienda transaction fee is cleverly embedded in the exchange rate. Other banks' ATMs call out the fee.If this is true, I made money at the Davienda ATM. After adding in the 15,000 COP, the rate I received on the smaller withdrawals would have been over 4000:1 and the official rate hasn't been over 4000:1 since Dec of 2023. Schwab refunded every bit of the ATM transaction fees, like they always do. I also remember every ATM asking me if I am ok with their transaction fee and I always agree to it because I know that Schwab will refund it. So unless there is another transaction fee that they don't tell me about, like the 15,000 COP you are talking about, I am not charged for it and it does not affect my exchange rate.

El Mechanico.

02-20-24, 23:22
That's a good deal. I've never seen a Davivienda ATM asking for approval of a transaction fee. Maybe you are referring to the conversion rate (which you should decline), or maybe your are thinking of another bank. I rarely use any ATM other than Davivienda's. When I do use another bank's ATM, they ask me to accept or decline the transaction fee. Maybe the undisclosed fee that appeared in January was rescinded. That would be good. I haven't made a withdrawal in a couple of weeks so there is hope my information is out of date.

If this is true, I made money at the Davienda ATM. After adding in the 15,000 COP, the rate I received on the smaller withdrawals would have been over 4000:1 and the official rate hasn't been over 4000:1 since Dec of 2023. Schwab refunded every bit of the ATM transaction fees, like they always do. I also remember every ATM asking me if I am ok with their transaction fee and I always agree to it because I know that Schwab will refund it. So unless there is another transaction fee that they don't tell me about, like the 15,000 COP you are talking about, I am not charged for it and it does not affect my exchange rate.

El Mechanico.

02-21-24, 01:31
Was this the Lexi that had her own ad?? I saw a Lexi a few times that was mentioned here some time ago. She did nuru. Had seen her 2 times after that. Last time I was in Medellin she didn't answer and I just chalked it up as her not working. Wondering if this is the same Lexi. I know she had her own place but I had her come to Energy for outcall each time.

Be.I saw her twice in August of 2023. Her whatsapp profile says Robert. I haven't message since then but maybe she's out of the game?

02-21-24, 04:02
That's a good deal. I've never seen a Davivienda ATM asking for approval of a transaction fee. Maybe you are referring to the conversion rate (which you should decline), or maybe your are thinking of another bank. I rarely use any ATM other than Davivienda's. When I do use another bank's ATM, they ask me to accept or decline the transaction fee. Maybe the undisclosed fee that appeared in January was rescinded. That would be good. I haven't made a withdrawal in a couple of weeks so there is hope my information is out of date.I used the Davienda on 43rd in late January. They did not ask about approving a transaction fee nor did it show on my receipt. I know that they did charge a 15 m fee because Schwab refunded it to me.

Fun Luvr
02-21-24, 04:38
That's a good deal. I've never seen a Davivienda ATM asking for approval of a transaction fee. Maybe you are referring to the conversion rate (which you should decline), or maybe your are thinking of another bank. I rarely use any ATM other than Davivienda's. When I do use another bank's ATM, they ask me to accept or decline the transaction fee. Maybe the undisclosed fee that appeared in January was rescinded. That would be good. I haven't made a withdrawal in a couple of weeks so there is hope my information is out of date.Davivienda is still charging the 15 mil ATM fee. I think ElMechanio is confused. He said he received an exchange rate of 3836:1 at a Davivienda ATM. That was during the last week of January. The Visa exchange rate hasn't been below 3900 this year. Then he said every ATM asked him to accept the transaction fee. Those of us who have used the Davivienda ATM's know that is not the case. He had a lot of good points about his trip, but his use of ATM's wasn't one of those good points.

BTW, Davivienda was charging that fee in December. I don't know when it started, but they weren't charging it in October.

02-21-24, 13:37
Davivienda is still charging the 15 mil ATM fee. I think ElMechanio is confused. He said he received an exchange rate of 3836:1 at a Davivienda ATM. That was during the last week of January. The Visa exchange rate hasn't been below 3900 this year. Then he said every ATM asked him to accept the transaction fee. Those of us who have used the Davivienda ATM's know that is not the case. He had a lot of good points about his trip, but his use of ATM's wasn't one of those good points.

BTW, Davivienda was charging that fee in December. I don't know when it started, but they weren't charging it in October.I think he meant every other ATM as in non Davivienda ATMs asking him to accept fees. The Davivienda ATMs as we all know do not disclose the fee of 15 mil it just charges it without asking and on the receipt shows comision $0. 00. However with a limit of 2 million COP per transaction and a fee of 15 mil that equates to a fee of only. 75% of the total amount so Davivienda is the best value when compared to all other ATMs in Colombia (Caja Social no longer works).

I think the fee started being charged around December 4th of last year.

I need to open a schwab account when I get back to the states.

02-21-24, 13:44
YMMV on every girl.You can say the same about the monger from the girl's point of view. What he said is more consistent with what have been reported in the past. Some mongers are happy with anything, some mongers will ask for more service. One can't tell because the lack of details. You have seen many, I think you know.

02-21-24, 14:48
I read this too late LOL! My curiosity got the better of me last night and I made a withdrawal that I didn't need to make just to verify what ElMecanico said. It's not a big deal. It only cost me 15,000 pesos LOL! So, to be extra clear, I declined the conversion rate offer as usual and withdrew money. The when I added 15,000 pesos to the amount of pesos the ATM dispensed, then divided it by the number of foreign currency deducted from my account, sure enough the exchange rate was within 5 pesos of yesterday's published exchange rate. The long and short of it is that it now costs 15,000 pesos than it used to to withdraw money from Davivienda ATMs. I took one for the team because I try to avoid confirmation bias.

Davivienda is still charging the 15 mil ATM fee. I think ElMechanio is confused. He said he received an exchange rate of 3836:1 at a Davivienda ATM. That was during the last week of January. The Visa exchange rate hasn't been below 3900 this year. Then he said every ATM asked him to accept the transaction fee. Those of us who have used the Davivienda ATM's know that is not the case. He had a lot of good points about his trip, but his use of ATM's wasn't one of those good points.

BTW, Davivienda was charging that fee in December. I don't know when it started, but they weren't charging it in October.

02-21-24, 14:57
I'm not sure a Schwab account is going to make the 15,000 peso undisclosed fee go away. I hope it does. As you stated, the fee is very competitive because of the 2 million per transaction allowance. Bancolombia by comparison only allows 600,000 per transaction and charges up to 25,000 per transaction depending on the card issuer. You would have to pay more than 75,000 pesos to get 2 million out of their machines. If you have a US address I don't think you have to wait until you are in the US to open the Schwab account. You may need to use a VPN to present a US IP address. I've been running across more and more geo restrictions with US and European banks the last few months.

I think he meant every other ATM as in non Davivienda ATMs asking him to accept fees. The Davivienda ATMs as we all know do not disclose the fee of 15 mil it just charges it without asking and on the receipt shows comision $0. 00. However with a limit of 2 million COP per transaction and a fee of 15 mil that equates to a fee of only. 75% of the total amount so Davivienda is the best value when compared to all other ATMs in Colombia (Caja Social no longer works).

I think the fee started being charged around December 4th of last year.

I need to open a schwab account when I get back to the states.

02-21-24, 17:35
I'm Hispanic so I guess I kind of blend in. But I've never been quoted prices in dollars there. Last time I went chica quoted me 800 k for all night. I offered 500 k and she accepted. Great service. Maybe they only quote gringos in dollars LOL.That's good to here that there is potential to get club girls to give you cheaper end of rates. Sometimes I'll get a 100-200 K cop difference from 2 equally hot girls in CTG or BOG.

Is it viable to just wait outside of Gustos, Black Diamond, parque lleras clubs? Pick off the ones leaving (done for the night or not getting business) or the ones arriving (not busy, maybe fresh). That way there's no getting mixed up with club drink ripoffs or crappy rooms?

I figure there's more leverage since they're not under house rules at that point.

02-21-24, 19:45
You can say the same about the monger from the girl's point of view. What he said is more consistent with what have been reported in the past. Some mongers are happy with anything, some mongers will ask for more service. One can't tell because the lack of details. You have seen many, I think you know.It's an Ugly word-- but to the issue here- I think a lot of guys choose the wrong girls for them or they are just repulsive maybe??

Anyhow-- Have a Great one-.

02-21-24, 20:31
I'll be going to Medellin in a few weeks, I'the like to get my Facebook friends started. Could someone send me a few chica links so I can get it going. Thanks.

El Mechanico
02-21-24, 20:49
Davivienda is still charging the 15 mil ATM fee. I think ElMechanio is confused. He said he received an exchange rate of 3836:1 at a Davivienda ATM. That was during the last week of January. The Visa exchange rate hasn't been below 3900 this year. Then he said every ATM asked him to accept the transaction fee. Those of us who have used the Davivienda ATM's know that is not the case. He had a lot of good points about his trip, but his use of ATM's wasn't one of those good points..Ok, so I went back over a WA thread I have with a friend and here are the 3 rates I reported to him from 3 different banks.

ServiBanco at the airport 3825:1, BanColombia 3836:1 in Poblado on CL 10 I believe and then 3876:1 from Davienda in the Tesero (I think that's what it is named) Mall. So what I do is wait a few
Minutes then check my Schwab acct and divide the number of pesos dispensed by the number of USD Schwab has deducted from my account. That's where I come up with the rates like I just posted.
Usually a week or so after I get back, Schwab will credit a lump sum for the transaction fees. So I can assume that the lump sum divided by the number of trips to the ATM converted back to pesos
then added to the total withdrawn would give me the higher conversion rate (I know it will not be 100% accurate due to different banks, different days and different withdrawal amounts but should be closer to the actual number). Whew! I got confused just typing that sentence. Jajaja.

I know not to accept their conversion rate so I always decline that. Next trip I will take a foto of the ATM asking me if I am ok with the transaction fee. It may not be Davienda but I know I

Have seen this numerous times.

El Mechanico

02-21-24, 22:01
Bancolombia by comparison only allows 600,000 per transaction and charges up to 25,000 per transaction depending on the card issuer. You would have to pay more than 75,000 pesos to get 2 million out of their machines.BBVA is even worse. For CapitalOne account holders it always used to be free up until March or April of 2023. The they started charging 18 mil fee with a limit of only 300 mil per transaction. Now it's over 20 mil fee still for only 300 mil so I completely stopped using BBVA and only use Davivienda then in December Davivienda started this 15 mil shit. I tried going back to Caja Social which used to be free and in fact I used to use them alot back in like 2018, their limit is 300 mil also like BBVA but without a fee. But as of December when I tried to use them they no longer work with my card it just keeps saying the transaction is temporarily not possible and I tried at more than one. So that leaves Davivienda as the only reasonable one left. I've heard something about some bank called Banco Pichincha that is supposed to still be free and with a 1 million limit but I can't find it in Medellin and I found one on Cra 10 in Bogota but it didn't have an ATM just a walk in branch.

02-22-24, 02:14
Just saw a girl I met online on mileroticos / photoprepagos back when I was in Medellin 3 months. I used to invite her over a lot for 350 k cop.

Just saw her in a KBS lleras video from 1 month ago.

Small world to be honest. Got to remember that this is a martlet and with every market there is supply and demand. There's always new girls entering the market and new girls leaving the market. Question is what is the quality and quantity of the girls leaving and what is the quantity and quality of girls entering.

I think everything is balanced as of right now maybe slightly negative but I don't think the future looks good for various reasons which I won't get into in this post. Maybe next time if someone is interested.

02-22-24, 03:36
What is KBS Lleras?

Just saw a girl I met online on mileroticos / photoprepagos back when I was in Medellin 3 months. I used to invite her over a lot for 350 k cop.

Just saw her in a KBS lleras video from 1 month ago.

Small world to be honest. Got to remember that this is a martlet and with every market there is supply and demand. There's always new girls entering the market and new girls leaving the market. Question is what is the quality and quantity of the girls leaving and what is the quantity and quality of girls entering.

I think everything is balanced as of right now maybe slightly negative but I don't think the future looks good for various reasons which I won't get into in this post. Maybe next time if someone is interested.

02-22-24, 03:40
Maybe the Caja Social problem was an ATM with no cash at the time you tried to withdraw. The next time I need some cash I'm going to check them out. I've heard before that they don't charge fees foor ATM transactions.

BBVA is even worse. For CapitalOne account holders it always used to be free up until March or April of 2023. The they started charging 18 mil fee with a limit of only 300 mil per transaction. Now it's over 20 mil fee still for only 300 mil so I completely stopped using BBVA and only use Davivienda then in December Davivienda started this 15 mil shit. I tried going back to Caja Social which used to be free and in fact I used to use them alot back in like 2018, their limit is 300 mil also like BBVA but without a fee. But as of December when I tried to use them they no longer work with my card it just keeps saying the transaction is temporarily not possible and I tried at more than one. So that leaves Davivienda as the only reasonable one left. I've heard something about some bank called Banco Pichincha that is supposed to still be free and with a 1 million limit but I can't find it in Medellin and I found one on Cra 10 in Bogota but it didn't have an ATM just a walk in branch.

Mr Enternational
02-22-24, 04:27
Just saw a girl I met online on mileroticos / photoprepagos back when I was in Medellin 3 months. I used to invite her over a lot for 350 k cop. Just saw her in a KBS lleras video from 1 month ago. Small world to be honest.No this is not a small world. There are just actually way less hookers (and probably way less customers) than you thought there to be.

Also it just once again proves what folks have been saying all along; the same girls work in different venues. It is just like how you can walk in to McDonald's and it costs you one price. You can order delivery from McDonald's and it costs you another price. You can order McDonald's delivery through Rappi and it costs you another price. Same cheeseburger; 3 different prices depending how you obtain it.

Fun Luvr
02-22-24, 04:48
I've heard something about some bank called Banco Pichincha that is supposed to still be free and with a 1 million limit but I can't find it in Medellin and I found one on Cra 10 in Bogota but it didn't have an ATM just a walk in branch.There are supposedly three branches in Medellin. In el Centro at Cra 49 #50 - 23, in Poblado at Cra 43 A #16 Sur - 63, and in Laureles at Circular 73 be #76 - 16. I have used the one in Laureles years ago, but a couple of years ago I tried it two or three times and it would not accept a Schwab card.

There is also Scotiobank Colpatria with branches in Medellin that allow a higher withdrawal amount, I think 900 mil. I don't know how much, but they do charge an ATM fee.

02-22-24, 04:55
I tried going back to Caja Social which used to be free and in fact I used to use them alot back in like 2018, their limit is 300 mil also like BBVA but without a fee. But as of December when I tried to use them they no longer work with my card it just keeps saying the transaction is temporarily not possible and I tried at more than one. .If you have a six digit pin sometimes depending on the bank it won't work and it can only read a 4 digit pin. I had an issue one time with an updated pin. I switched it back and BAM it worked.

02-22-24, 05:59
That's good to here that there is potential to get club girls to give you cheaper end of rates. Sometimes I'll get a 100-200 K cop difference from 2 equally hot girls in CTG or BOG.

Is it viable to just wait outside of Gustos, Black Diamond, parque lleras clubs? Pick off the ones leaving (done for the night or not getting business) or the ones arriving (not busy, maybe fresh). That way there's no getting mixed up with club drink ripoffs or crappy rooms?

I figure there's more leverage since they're not under house rules at that point.Don't think there are any house rules for them any more than for you. But you still might be right and get a lot better deal, because they are not in a room full of gringos that don't know any better.

02-22-24, 15:24
Maybe the Caja Social problem was an ATM with no cash at the time you tried to withdraw. The next time I need some cash I'm going to check them out. I've heard before that they don't charge fees foor ATM transactions.I tried 5 different caja social ATMs at 3 different branches and none of them worked. The one under the metro at parque berrio station, the one on Oriental up a cpl blocks from la playa, and the over by the hotel I used to live at back in 2020/21 (a cpl blocks past the San Jose tranvia station and hang a right). And every single time it says the same error message. It will take my card at first and let me hit retirar and corrientes and then show the amounts I can choose from 20 mil to 300 mil and it will let me go thru the whole process and put in my pin number and everything then when it's processing it takes a really long time like way longer than normal and then it gives an error message in Spanish "temporalmente no es posible completar su transaccion".

I have Capital One 360 though not Schwab, so maybe for you it will work. You should go try it and report back what happens.


02-22-24, 15:31
There are supposedly three branches in Medellin. In el Centro at Cra 49 #50 - 23.It was across from KFC and Subway. That one is gone. I used it a few times years ago. But my trip last year (2023) it was gone.

02-22-24, 17:01
There are supposedly three branches in Medellin. In el Centro at Cra 49 #50 - 23..The Centro branch has been closed for like a year, there is a shoe store there now or smth. Best to check bank website not google maps which is often outdated.

02-22-24, 17:15
What is KBS Lleras?It's a youtube channel that does hidden camera views in the outdoors of parque Lleras and other places. Kinda gives you a view of what it should look like at night in the park.

02-22-24, 18:46
So much discussion here about ATMs which leads me to ask the question -- besides the chicas and maybe street food stalls, are there a lot of things in town that you cannot buy with a credit card? Do taxis and Metro (if buying a card) accept credit cards?

On the subject of ATMs and terminals at the Metro stations. Do these have options to display in English or is it all totally in Spanish?

02-22-24, 18:51
So much discussion here about ATMs which leads me to ask the question -- besides the chicas and maybe street food stalls, are there a lot of things in town that you cannot buy with a credit card? Do taxis and Metro (if buying a card) accept credit cards?

On the subject of ATMs and terminals at the Metro stations. Do these have options to display in English or is it all totally in Spanish?Colombia is a cash based economy. With the exception of big stores like exito and maybe hotels that cater to gringos, everything is in cash. Want to take the metro or the bus? You need cash. Cheap lunch at a local restaurant, you need cash. Taxi (although I don't condone using them, cash). Basically everything is cash.

There is a digital system they use to transfer money called nequi but as a foreigner you cannot get nequi.

02-22-24, 19:05
The Centro branch has been closed for like a year, there is a shoe store there now or smth. Best to check bank website not google maps which is often outdated.I tried finding the one in Itagui and it too was a shoe store.

Flawless Zeal
02-22-24, 20:23
Colombia is a cash based economy. With the exception of big stores like exito and maybe hotels that cater to gringos, everything is in cash. Want to take the metro or the bus? You need cash. Cheap lunch at a local restaurant, you need cash. Taxi (although I don't condone using them, cash). Basically everything is cash.

There is a digital system they use to transfer money called nequi but as a foreigner you cannot get nequi.Is there any good solution for getting change though? It is so frustrating to get mostly all big bills from the ATM and then when I try to pay for something I either get an exasperated look from the employee and they have to go see someone else in order to get change, or worse, they say they don't have that much change (nothing crazy, just a 50 k or 100 k bill).

02-22-24, 21:03
You can get taxis via indriver, didi, or uber and pay with foreign credit cards. Local restaurants and buses are cash. The green colored "integrated" buses, the Metroplus, and the metro accept civica cards but you can only buy or recharge civica cards with cash or (Colombian) bank transfer. The related ATM advice I can give is to avoid ATMs like the plague within one or two days of the 1st or 15th of the month. The lines are slow and long during the so-called "quincena".

Colombia is a cash based economy. With the exception of big stores like exito and maybe hotels that cater to gringos, everything is in cash. Want to take the metro or the bus? You need cash. Cheap lunch at a local restaurant, you need cash. Taxi (although I don't condone using them, cash). Basically everything is cash.

There is a digital system they use to transfer money called nequi but as a foreigner you cannot get nequi.

02-22-24, 21:06
Ah ok, thanks, that's one more reason to stay the hell out of Parque Lleras. Imagine being surprised by questions about why you were in Parque Lleras doing whatever the youtuber says you were doing there.

It's a youtube channel that does hidden camera views in the outdoors of parque Lleras and other places. Kinda gives you a view of what it should look like at night in the park.

02-22-24, 21:09
I'm going to check it out. I don't use Schwab. I have three other no fee ATM cards.

I tried 5 different caja social ATMs at 3 different branches and none of them worked. The one under the metro at parque berrio station, the one on Oriental up a cpl blocks from la playa, and the over by the hotel I used to live at back in 2020/21 (a cpl blocks past the San Jose tranvia station and hang a right). And every single time it says the same error message. It will take my card at first and let me hit retirar and corrientes and then show the amounts I can choose from 20 mil to 300 mil and it will let me go thru the whole process and put in my pin number and everything then when it's processing it takes a really long time like way longer than normal and then it gives an error message in Spanish "temporalmente no es posible completar su transaccion".

I have Capital One 360 though not Schwab, so maybe for you it will work. You should go try it and report back what happens.


02-22-24, 21:18
Is there any good solution for getting change though? It is so frustrating to get mostly all big bills from the ATM and then when I try to pay for something I either get an exasperated look from the employee and they have to go see someone else in order to get change, or worse, they say they don't have that much change (nothing crazy, just a 50 k or 100 k bill).Go to exito / d1 and buy a soda with it, or something else that's cheap.

02-22-24, 21:39
Is there any good solution for getting change though? It is so frustrating to get mostly all big bills from the ATM and then when I try to pay for something I either get an exasperated look from the employee and they have to go see someone else in order to get change, or worse, they say they don't have that much change (nothing crazy, just a 50 k or 100 k bill).

Is there any good solution for getting change though? It is so frustrating to get mostly all big bills from the ATM and then when I try to pay for something I either get an exasperated look from the employee and they have to go see someone else in order to get change, or worse, they say they don't have that much change (nothing crazy, just a 50 k or 100 k bill).If the ATM gives you 100 k notes go inside the bank branch and tell them you just used their ATM and it gave you 100 mil notes and ask to change them to 50 k's or 20 k's. I only use 100 k's when paying my rent. Most places 50 ks are OK tho, Atleast in Medellin and Bogota.

You can also force the ATM to give you 20's by selecting "other amount" and entering an amount such as 580,000 for example.

And if it's an ATM not at a bank branch or if it's after hours or weekend just do what the other poster said and buy something cheap are D1 or exito.

02-23-24, 00:48
Is there any good solution for getting change though? It is so frustrating to get mostly all big bills from the ATM and then when I try to pay for something I either get an exasperated look from the employee and they have to go see someone else in order to get change, or worse, they say they don't have that much change (nothing crazy, just a 50 k or 100 k bill).You might just walk into a branch take a number and wait your turn and the bank will gladly turn your 100 K or 50 K bills into 20 Ks or 10 Ks.

02-23-24, 06:17
Ah ok, thanks, that's one more reason to stay the hell out of Parque Lleras. Imagine being surprised by questions about why you were in Parque Lleras doing whatever the youtuber says you were doing there.Yeah some of these Youtubers can be dicks about it. In Amsterdam you're explicitly not supposed to film, a few will do half ass face blurring where several frames are completely exposed, while getting a mongers face going / leaving a window. Not illegal, but very explicit. Same for Parque Lleras, plenty of normal tourists there so not as explicit but often will film cash or Translate exchanges. When called out about it there has to be enough support in comments, and even then they'll just repost when heat dies down.

I appreciate the value, but it is parasitic because they'll shit on the hobby and say it's purely tourism channel. But then not offer tourism advice, strategy with the girls, and sell uncut vids for higher price. It's a hustle.

02-23-24, 06:24
Go to exito / d1 and buy a soda with it, or something else that's cheap.Yeah for Uber, and restaurants in moderate / wealthy areas should take a card. As many others say, get a Schwab card. Covers ATM fees, I feel like Davienda atms for max pulls were like $10-$15, not a huge deal to wait until end of month for Schwab to refund you. I'll do 2 max pulls. 1 stack goes to girl stuff. Big bills for simplicity, I'll negotiate for more time or extras if I'm short by a denomination. The next stack as someone else said make convenience store runs. Plenty small items, mouthwash, hard seltzer, bottled water, single use body cleaning products. All things I need. Worst case hang onto left over for next trip, or deposit foreign cash at my bank if it's like $300+ I don't want sitting for months.

02-23-24, 07:19
It's a youtube channel that does hidden camera views in the outdoors of parque Lleras and other places. Kinda gives you a view of what it should look like at night in the park.Here's an example https://youtu.be/vo5V1k4R0nU?si=V5bpfc6aUIlGS2J3.

The problem I have with these videos, especially since I've never visited, is that I have no idea who is and who is not a working girl. Sure there's a lot of fat ass chicas and attractive ones being shown here but it's all useless if it's just random videos of women on the street. I guess you never know until you try, but without knowing who you can and can't pick up, what's the point?

Are you meaning to tell me that the majority of the women in this video are approachable for an appointment?